Amputation Saves Deer - Capital Area District Library

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Transcript of Amputation Saves Deer - Capital Area District Library

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THIS I>Ol~ wanted to help Rudolph pull Santa's ~leigh this wee!\, but a dog attacl\ resulted in· amputation of the doe's left hind leg. Dr. C. J. Hubbal'd, Mason veterinar­iun, used hls skill to save tilt:! animal, with his wife assisting.

Amputation Saves Deer Amputation saved llw life of a

yrJUill( rio() dcPr at Muson Sunday. TllC ricer, with her left hind leg nearly ch()wcc.l uff by clogs, W<\s in surgery for more tlwn an hour·. She is now convalescing nt Ro5e Lal<~· · expcl'iment stat:on ncar Ensl Lansing. Sl1e intends to dc­wte the rest uf h()l' life to scien­ll fie research on nutrition ami growth.

- Mr. and, Mrs. Lester Upton of Leslie Jrrsl saw the doe being puiiPd down by a pack of dogs on the Allun .Jewett farm south of Mason. Upton slopped his pickup true!<, climbed a fence and beat off tile l>lood-thirsty dogs, He Lhcn placed the bleeding doe iii the truc·k and tool< hel' to Dr, C, J. lluhlnll'CJ's animal hospital 011 Lansing street.

Tlie cloet or, nirlcrl by h1s wife, went into action. The docto1· in· jcetcd n tranquilizer and then an nncsl11el ic. The rleer snoozed througl1 most of the operation. After the I<'~ was amputated and the arteries were lied off, the deer \VH!; tnl<cn to Rofie Lake by K!'nnelh i\llcn in the back seat of his car. She stood the trip well, actuall)' ~ccmcd to enjoy il, Allen said

\ 'I'wo·thlrds a~> l1igh as New Yorl~'s l~mplre St11te building will towct• Channel lO's tmnsmiltlng fac:Ilitles at. Onondaga.

The tower, now up 120. feet, , will be taken up to 960. Fr~deral communications commission per­mits a maximum height of 1,000. Onondaga's will be just 'Ill feel below the m<~xlmum, but the ele· --------------------.-._;-----.1 vatiun of the gmund will mot'C !han make Ltp for the 10 f~::et. Off-Site School Expense

Represents Big Outlay ' '

Member~ of liJC Mason school hoar'!l, city eomrcllmcn, City l~n· glncc1' Waltc1· 1~. Zlmme1·, and City 'J'rcaHul·er Doris Austin reached only one conclusion al lhe joint mcellnr.: Monday night.

That's lite decision that extend· lng city SCI'Vices lo the school site olf South Bamcs street will be cxpr!nsive but necessary.

· A~ to hpw mu~ll the street ex· lcr1s1ons, water lines, stu•face dminage system, sewers and sJdewalks Will !J(Jtually cos!, wllo will pay, and how finandng will be handled arc ttndetermined.

G ue~'ics 1111 lirrl uft·siw de· Yclopnient costs J'ltllg-ed all I he way n·om .~10,000 to .'jififl,. 000,

'J'htl new lr·rmsmlsslmt l()W· · Ill' <li~UilieN IL sit~~ GO feet noove 'tho N ur· ro un 1ll n g gmund , le\•el lUHI 120 feof, hiJ:"lll'r fham f,IJc Jovelr1t l•:n.'it

l'it'<l ~5,000 fur· uff-sile develop- Lansing, ment llttl. s!'hool i>OUI'rl memhers WMSB ancl WILX·TV have st•l haven't committed themselves as a F'ebruury target. elate fo1· gel· lo what that off-site expression t111g on the ali'. WMSB (Michigan aetually means. Stale Broadcasting! and WIJ.JC.

In all PI'Ohabllily some of the TV (connected wlllt L11nsing lmpr·ovemcnts will l1avr~ to be WILS radlol have a pa1·tncrship lJald fat• by a special assc~.~ment deal, unique In TV. bond Issue, acconhng Ll> Mayor Michigan Slate will present cd-Plntl Richards, ucalional anct cultUI'al program~

There is Hbu I hr. puHsibillty from 9 a. m. to 2 p. 111. and from that ~ome of the $390,000 general G to 7:30 p.,m. Mondays througl1 obligation hond issue released' hy Fridays; Jrom 9 to 2 Saturdays the $89,000 federal !(J:ilnt. might and from noon to 4 p. m. Sun­find its way into the fund ftH' rluys. Tile rest of the time will be financing wate1· ami scwct· cxtcn- shared hy WILX-'l'V for commcr· s10ns to the schodl site. ciul operations.

Usc of l,l'enerul obli,f4'tltirm bond Cllsh l'or uuy iliJI(I ol' <L pa·oject is up tQ the slate nru· nici1>al finance commission.

Scntim~nt cxpressecl ny coun­cilmen when the federal nid news bi'Oke was for using the money to rcti1·e some of the general ob· ligation hands and cut clown on the Interest, in~tcad of using tile cash for new worl<.

Offices and studios of WMSB will be a! Michigan State UJtiver­sity, WII~X-TV offices wlll he in Ja~k~on. · TIJei'O will also be a studio at Onondaga allllnttglt

lie lmows tlw Jllll(l(l

Farmer Does Chores at 92

Included in the WD!'l' to be done is a onc·block extension of Steele street from South street to the sehoul pr•operty, extension of Holt street from Soutl1 street to the sclwol property, sidewalks along both extensions, a 6·1nch and pref­erably an 8·inch water main, slo1·m and sanitary sewers.

The biggest Pl'oblems ancl llw ones which will cost the most arc the wa tcr and storm -"<JWCI' sys-tems, .

Water prc~HUI'e in !he souLheast area is erilical. In order to pro· vide the pressure the school arch· itects recommend, tlJC main wlll have to run all the way to Jeffer· sun stJ·ect, according to City En· ginecr Zimmer.

Councilmen will wrestle wilh the eily servic,es extcnsions to the sc:hool property 111 at tile .lanuar·y 5 colUJctl meeting. M~YOJ' Richards pointed out tlwt time is running sl10rt. Tile school board plans to start construction in the spring and city services will be needed or at least the city will have to have its plans. completed,

The sturm sewer extension Is even more expensive, tile engln-

Wo1·l• ou lhtl lilallon 1\'as delayed by llllgu.Uon bnu1ch· Ctl by IIIISIUlCC'.~Sflll II(JJIIiCillltS t'o1· lllfl ~t:u.Hon. Enough llllb"ll· tlon lins now been IUSJIOSed of l.o IICI'lllH erection ol tltc l.OWCJ',

'I'Jr61'C are slill' some suit~ pend· lng lmt !hey are not now regarclerl Its likely to cause furt11er· delays 01' sm•lous tt•ouble, WMSB execU· tlves sale!.

'I'he tr·w1smilting slullo!l and the stanct-by studio will probably not •·a use 'uny populnllrm in/lux:· at Onondaga. Opera! ions will be handler! from the East Lansing campLIS and Jael<son, 'l'wo men will be able to do the required work at Onondaga, according to present plans.

Rural Assessors Retain Schedule Farm per·sonal properly Is be­

ing- aosessecl on the same basis thrs yca1· as last.

Ingham supci'VIsors ogreed to !!on I inue the policy of assessing cattle 2 years and ove1· at $60 per head with y~a1•lings (up to 2 yea1·s olcil at $.30. Calves helow fl' yeaJ' old arc not being assessed.

i:iiler!p <ll'e being m;sess~rl a I $:i [JCI' Ileac! 11nd bi'Ood,sows are go. lng ·onto tile a~~essmcnt rolls at $25 a head.

'l'herc are so few farm poult1·y flocl<s left lha t no general polley was reuclted on valuation schcd· ulcs.

At Hosn La l<c she q ui<'kl,v lcarnecl to 11UI>ble about on her 3 legs.

through the lengthy operation. The bloody stump of a leg \Vas removed at~d the animal showed t•clief of pain when she regained consciousness. At Rose Lake cxpcrirrient station conscl'vation ufficet·s will study the adaptability bf the. animal. (Archy's Photos.)

1 cer pointed out, In order to serve the area a new storm sewer will have to be !milt from the Hall boulevard sewer which dt~mps Into Rayner ct•eck, across or· a1·ound the school athletic field and then· south on Holt strwt io the school site.·

Before annexation of school dis· tr·icts Mason's clistrict boundal'icB and city boundanes Included about the same area. Now the school di!-ilrict extenils west al· must to the Eaton, cotlll!Y line, no1·th to take in mos) of Alaicdon town~hip, cast to llHwlcy and Kelly roads and souU1 to the LcH.-

1911, iln<l a son, Hugh, now wit.h his father on til<' Jarm. M1~. 1~1·anl< Morehousr: died ui I !J5J.

New il'l!cloi'H anrt other majc1r farm luol.~ etre. be111g assessed at. 50'/t, uf their purchase pl'ice til(! first year, .with deoreciation of 10',!,, allowed each :y(mr afte1· the firHI. Most farm tools have a life uf less than 10 year~, supervlso!'S sa1d.

- - .. This Jsn't · just a TJe(!efl!lfty brought. on by the' developing 'of the school site, t huugh. Council:; for· the IHst. 6 years l1ave h<Jd plan!> for that project on tile and waiting fot• '!ction.

At Alonday night.'" meeti11g t.htwe wus no, us to lleOOSNity of tho -sor\10011 re­IJII~Nted by the school board.

Taylor Estate· Sells 80 Acres The Herbert 'l'aylor est a lc is

being liquid;Jtecl. The 80-aere farm on Okemos 1-oarl which was among tile assets left tp ·Mason

, General hospital has been sold to Mr. and M1·s. Tom Russell c>f Hogsback mad and tlleil· daugh· ter, Mrs. Wancla Merriam.

The money from tile sale of the Taylor farm will be used in pay. ing building costs and new hos­pital equipment.

Mrs. 8dna DPmurest, :30, o~nrl l1er 3 clulclrcn suffe1·cd inluries Tuesday noon when the cHr and an Olrlsmobile faeto1·y l'ubbisil ti'U!'k eullldccl. 'l'lle ilc!'idrnt w~•s Ht Cavanaugh ;;ncJ i\tm:IJus ro~rls.

State polil'c investigated Hw !Tash. They rrpurt<'rl ilwt Mrs. Demorest, clnving rast on CI!VIJ· naugll roarl, apjwrcnll,v l'an 11

stop srgn. 'l'he Dcmo1·est CHI' was struck broadside by the lntd< being driven on Au rei ius ron d.

'l'he in,itlred were taken to Sp;JI'I'ow hospital. Mrs. Demorest hils a ltip injury ilnrl r·r1ts <Jncl bruises. Camlyn Dmnrucsl, 8, ;rnrl Roger Demorest, 7; have IH·ul<cn lll'ms and painful !'UIS ;nul bruises. Duuglas Demorest, 2, stlffcrerl no hmkcn hones illlt Wils cut and lwttised. 'I'hc Demorest car· W<IS cJamagcrl beyuncJ repair.

The Demorest~ live on Holt road in Alaledon townsl1ip.

The bmtlwr Hollis di~d in lfl!:i'l at I he age of ntl. Another hrotlrer, Edgat·, ell eel a! I !l. A sister, Mrs. Lucy: Grow;- llvo~ in I•'itc:hbLu·g. ·

M1·. Mnrch11Use i111s 2 g1·arHI· l'hild1·en, ,Joanna lladborsl\1 of .Tac:ksnn ;mrl Jfa rold Morehouse of Slol'i\bridgc There is H gTe;rt­gmnckltilll, too, J(cvln Murclwusc.

Checking Timber May Prove Wise OwrH:I~ of woodlots WIILtlrl 1lo

well to !'ltr.d; 011 tImber v;ducs he· fore mal<itlg an.v riPal fur cutting, Wilrncd l•;lton Twml1, dislrit:l for­ester.

'I'he r·tu·1·k shmrld lw m.Jr!e on value and on the I'P)Hllatron of ll1e prospective btiY<'I' before eul­ting- hegins, '!'work said,

'!'work, wlw mo~int<Jins ortl<'es in tile 1 ourt hou~c :If Mason, is uv;rilablc wl!crP :-;Plcr·trvc f'UIIing i~ hc1ng eonl!'lllJllolerl, not for dcal·-cuttrng-.

Wlwtltcr 11 is scle!'l ivc or dcd r eutting-, Tworl< sarcl, so1neune wl!o I< now~ I iml)('l' v:liuPs may save lmnclrcds u( dolla1 s to tun­bcr owners.

Mason Youth '

Loses Fingers Edw;n cJ l•'ostcr, 1 'i, Mason, lo~t

2 lingers lo a tral'lol' gear ot' puiiJ>,V Mo11day. He's lcft-handecl and the fingers he lost at·e the fir~! 2 on his .left hand.

The hoy was operating <J trac­tur, lwuling mamu·e from the bam to if lield. lie was in lhe f~eld wlwn lte had Ius al'drlent. He still doexn't.quite l1now what hap­pence!. Tile talwoff geHI' has a guurd and tlwre was no reason for· ilim lo have his llano near lhn bell [JUlie:,', but somehow his finge1·s were grabbed by one or the other·. '

Tile boy pulled away from !he trar·Jrll' <111d went to the nearby lm Tlwrhum home, nearer U1a11 his own, ThuriJLtl'll stu t'lccl wit It I lie n~igllh<lr' boy I u Mason Gen· cnil lw~pit;JI but Ire was overtak­en hy xt,tlc polic·C' out on jlatrol a net I lie po lic-e• I ooi< the boy and sped to the hospital.

Last wcPk in the Mason ~elwol shup IIJC Fosler boy e111 his right thumb Wltll a power SfJW and had to have stiteltes taken.

OPJmATION OVER, the fleet animal quickly adapted herself to :J legs. was tul'Jlcd loose in the Rose Lake experiment station for observation.

Mason, Dansv-ille, Okemos Offer Extension Coul·s~s

Outside Judge Will Decide Annexation ·Dispute

Three out·county towns will be Credit and informal ~·ourscs In center~ of adult education this education, sociology, clc. hing con­ under l\J~ehig<lll State unl· struction, cngill!'l'J'ing, spcce!1, vcrs1ty's extension program. psydwlogy and liberal .uts Will

Mason, Dansville and Okemos bQ included. 1

JJ;we been chosen as extension <>hts!'ies will open lh!J IVCJlk ccn t crs. Other classes will be of- of ,Januar:v li.

fPr!'d Ht L;msing, Jackson aJHI At Dansville will he offerer) a Eaton 1\apids, and at Adrian, Bat- eQursc in procedure~ fnr· indivirl· 11e C1·eek, Edmore, Fowlc1·villc, ual analysis. Milson will ha vc a Owosso, Quincy, St. Johns and C'()Urse on special pmhlcms in Vermontville. In all, 33 courses sJJecch. Offered at Ol{(~mos Is ·a \Viii be offered in the 15 commu- course in special mcthocls and ma­nities. terials of teachmg elementary

Wise Old Owl Loses Reputation

school science.

Teaching of :<oc:ial studies in elementary grades Is the course scheduled for Eaton P..apicl:;.

Additional information about thr! courses may be obtained from Elmer S. Anttoncn, regional dt· rector at the continuing edt!Ca· tiun center, East Lansing, or from I~H:a! school officials.

. Officers Return Check Suspects

Judge Timothy C. Quinn o'r the Lapeer-Tuscola jmlicral circuit, is taking a hand in deciding on the disputed Lansing township an· ncxatiun to Lanslng.

The visiting judge heard oral arguments and was handed a

Capt. Vcrsilc llalJC'w I< and Sgt. balch of briefs Friday. Another Car· I Acker t et rtmer1 from Ken· batch is in the WOJ'ks, and then tul'i\,Y Saturdily with 2 mert there may he answers. TJ1erc now wanter! here for forgery uml ut· seems no probability that annexa· tcring ancl puhlishing. lion of the 5 LansilJg" township

Ileld in Ingham .iall under bond are_as to the city of Lansing will of $1,000 each arc William Gip· lake place on the appointed day, ~un, 2:3, ancl 11. ·,J. Marshall, 21. December 30. The Ingham offil'crs picked up Afl.(•r .rudl:'c Qul•m reaches the pair Hl Salyersville. They had • 811d llJUIOUIIIlllS a. decio;ion been arre:;ted un Gun t:I'Cck by a thm··~· is the pos.o;ibility of an Kentuc-ky ~hcriff. Gip!'on and upJtt'id to tJro supreme court. Marshall waived extradition. -Eugene Cole, l!J,' Clinton, was Judge Quinn, who- agreoo to

released from custody Monday. preside In the Ingham· test of an­The Ingbam prosecutor a.'il\cd nexation procedure, opened· the that the charge against 'Cole be court hearing Frlday with the droppcrl. Cole was the owner of a .statement that there should be car wllic·h Gipson and Marshall enough arg-uments either to lead used hut was no_t involved in pass- to total confusion or to the right ing $600 of worthies.~ checks on answer. Stockbridge and Munith mer- The 2 answers suggested Jo'rl· chants, oqkers said. Cole's ar- day were entirely different on the rest by state police in Clinton same set of facts.

Planck, a l;rwycr IIJI!JCaring furl Walsh pointed out that the pal.· the Lan~1ng board of education. tern ut annexation procedure es-

T, 11 A '-' 1 · t t tablisherJ Atlg'Ust IS w;;s follow<'rl -.usse · ,car· • 1! 11 assls an in tlw November election. lie de-

attorney gen.cral, and Leo A. elarecl lhflt the community eon­Farhat, assistant. . pro;~ccutor, sJdCI'Cd annexation cCfcctccl in were un the other s1clc. 'I hey de- . . f l d tl f 1 11 f tl e Lamnng township areas. 11 w<rs cnc c 1e orccr ae 011 0 . 1 Nuvemix\r 26 llcfurc he WHs i 11·

board of county. eanvassers and formed ill at 1 he scc:relilry Q( the voluntary.aetJon °~ tile SC!'re- slate had determined lhill ;rnncxa­tary ?f state 111 declilr!ng the. an· lion was nut cffec:tr-rl November· _ncxa!lon propnsa I f<.lllcd. 1 hey 4 he sairl. Lat cr there came rc· argued that annexat10n was re· f, • · S .

1 1 .1 .. · , h· c•· 1 jeclcd in all ;, areas because lt utalw_n, ·car < ec:umg t at ..,~t­falled t .. i II at part of well had been nulif!e? of the al· : o ca

1 ry . n . 1 . torncy general's uplnJun and the

Stoner. sehoul dJstr1cL 111 Della ·ccretilry of .state's ruling back in township, Eaton county. August after the August election

Tim of t.he drsl'u Lo is o\'l'r whcllll'r the nnnexation Ilrnlmsu.l Jlre~t·nl~l to the voters •Is seltlU'AIJIC,

Walsh and his colleagues main· lain Lhat It is Reparable, and thai because it failed to car·ry in Del-ta should not prevenl the Lan­sing township areas from a~ncx­ing. The county board of canvas­sers, guided by the advice of the secretary of state, .Tames Hare, who relied upon I he advice of Paul Adams, attorney general, determined annexation failed.

Admission was m;,de by Walsh that petitions including the Delta area were circulated and filed to get arounrl the deadlock existing br.twecn Windemere incorpora­tion petitions and Lansing town­ship annexation petitions. By in· eluding the Delta area the lng· ham board of super-visors wa.~ by-passed and the election was in the secretary of state's hands,

1'hc larger area of J.ansin~:" township Hhould not he SWJU!g by the HfllftlJer lail o£ ))~!._, W~lsh declared.

for a mixup on li~cnse plates led Thomas C. Walsh argued that to the arrest of Gipson and Mar- ann<!Xatlon of the Lansing town­shall. The pair who fled to t11eir ship area to the city CJf Lansing native Salyersville! had been Jiv- should be consurnated because lng at Manchester. the majority of the people so de-

Gipson and Marshall . waived clded at the November 4 election. examination when taken before On 'his o;;ide were arrayed Joseph Justice of the Peace Roy W. F. Lavey, Lansing city attorney; Adams Monday. They are now George R. Sidwell, a lawyer who awaiting arraignment in cirCl!it advised the annexation petition court. circulators; ana Joseph w. 1'.

Although there was a parallel ca~e in Ingham and Eaton coun· ties in which Eaton rejected and Ingham approved annexation, and annexation was consumated, tlte opinion of the attorney general and its acceptance by' the board of canvassers has blocked annexa· tion of the'S areas included in the November 4 proposal

Defending the se<.Tetary of state in the court proceedings, Searl explained that one inclusive petition covered the 5 areas in Lansing and Delta townships. Be­cause Hare was in doubt as to the prccedure, Searl said, he asked for interpretation of the law from the attorney general.

lt is lhC' duty of tile ntloiJH',Y g~n~r.!l I o advise t lw secret a l'.Y uf stale and county prusPcuturs, Searl pointed ont. There was no gratutious advice o1fercd as clarmcd hy Walsh, Scali declared.

The attorney general dHI not Hrlvisc wlwt IJ1c anncxatrun law ottglll to br, brrt what it aclt~:llly is under present statutes, Searl pointed out. The attorney gen­eral's opinion si<HHis cvc•y lest of logic and re;1.~un, Searl in­sistcrl.

oplni<!ll !hal annexatiou rnust efJJT.Y in both Delta ancl Tngham to hPcome effeclive. Searl rlenied I he t'lmrgc made by Walsh that. the stljll'emc court rel used to consider the mcr1ts of the ap­pe;rl f1·om the huar·d uf canvas­sers determination.

What. <rppr.ars in <J newspaper docs not change the law, Searl pointed out. He referred to clip· ping-s from tl1e Lansing State JourniiJ whid1 were included with the lllic[ filed by Walsh.

'Ev1.h~y. drice Iii' u wline there are stories abot1t some· mnn· he·

One: h unci red .families hi and near. Mason are assured ·. of . ·a. chicken dinner, trimmings and pre$.ent~; ~or ,Chrlstrnu.s. 'l'hcy

· lng caught wi\1~ his pants down. Sheriff's of!lcers nbt only found

n man In: such a condition, but they hamlctiffe'd rihil brought him to jail at Ma~on, where he re· mnlris on !i. lJcmch warrant for rich-payment of alimony.

'fltlrtderi tlnies before Donald A Burnett .at: Lansing has· heen lp jail to.i: non·payment of all· many. A .warrant ·for his 14th nr· 1lest ·on the dHu·ge was isHued lfeveral days ugo bt1t officers were unablo to find tlit! mdn at home, 200 ·East Hathaway, Lnn· ~ng. On. Tuesday night.. sheriff's Elllot't .. Moore tl'icil. again. Bur· rilltt'li .wife reporte(l Jjer 'husband tis .ruifat home, officers said, but ti1e~i... thought. she· might be inls· (aken: Sure enough; he was found und~r t!ie' bed m1c1· clad only in underv.•ear. ; It seemed m~e a reasonable re·

quest when Burnett nslted to go t;o . anoU1er room to get dressed before leaving ,1'or jail. The re· 'quest was granted. Burnett, how· ever, who said he c.licln't want to lie. In jaJI own· Cl1rlstmas, .fled tln'o'ugh a' haek door. Officers, Lansing pollee, searched the nelghbbrhoo<l. '!'hey flimlly ~oun~ ·their man lying· on the porch of n house on Betty court: •rJtey handcuffed him, stopped to llh' him ·get his p11nts and· then brought him t(J jail.· ' BUI'llCtt, who llUH 3 Cllllth•cn by

!}is present wife, ls supposecl to pay $30 n ~veek toward support Of his chilclmn by n ror·mril' wife. ' . '

: ~aslett Legion­Books Nick's Band

. Nick and his Cornhuskers mu· sic lovars wlll gathe!' at the Dells .liallroom New Year's 'Eve to help usher in 1959. : The dance Is SPOIISOI'ecl by Has· lett· American Legion post No. 269. Doors wilr open at 8 p. m. imd. lnst until the musicians· and tM dancers give up. . N!clt and Mrs. Nick both fur.

niShed dance music for years at tlie old Mason Legion Memorial .btillcling.

Holt . Minister : Gives Message

Rev. Vernon T. Smith of Holt Presbyterian ch mch delivered. a Christmas message to Mason I<i· wanlans Tuesday night. He <le· clared that too many people con· fi!W t11eir'Chrlstnias worship. to the ))abe In the manger and not to tlle coming to this· ·worlc.l of Jesut~, who changed all history.

.Vf.hcn· people oqserve the birth· clay of Lincoln tl1ey do not stop with his birt11 In a log cabin, tllc Holt pastor said; they obsel've the life of a man who saved tJJC union. It is the same with the othei· great men, he said. They ;tre honored for what they have done In life, not for having her.n hom.

Jack Gorman of Lm1sing, a mu­sic student at Michigan State university, accompanied by Miss Jean Ann McBride of Mas·on, a music student at. the University of Michlg::m, sang Christmas songs.

Subscribers Before ~·ou change ud!lrt'Hs- write!

: At least. 2 Wl~ks. beforc you J'lO"Ve, send us a letter, card OJ' p 0 'l t 0 f f i (' 0 clt!lllge·Of·addl'CSS f!)rl.n,. t~lling- ns b.oth your OLD and your. Nl~W ulldl'esses.

Ingham County News

North White Oak : Mrs. Forest Fellriws

. Ezra Wilcox returned home Monday from Mason General hos­pital, where he underwent sur· ger.y last Tuesday. · ·.Mrs. Joyce Waid, who is in training at Sparrow hospital, Lansing; is spentling the holidays \vith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Waid, and Ruth. · Mr. ancl Mrs. Charles Lowe

were Mon&y evening caller~ of M1·. and Mrs. Forest Fellow;;. · · Mrs. Ezm Wilcox had Sunday

dinner wit!\ her daughtel", Mr~. E<lna Titus, ru1d fa.mlly. : :Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kemler

nnd· .fam!ly had Christmas dinner ~undny "illth their parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Marshall. · :Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gauss

visited their mother at Ann Ar· bor Sunday. .

.Arthur Fear of Webberville is !pending a few days with his daughter, Mrs. Harold Monroe, and family. Mr. Fear feU recent· ly and injured his back.

. Bernard Mermdorf of Wil­lilimSton spent Sunday and Mon· claY with Kenneth Sly.

. were reclpwnts of Mason Clear· lng Hoilse !Jasltets Tuesday after­noon. Much of the' blisl<et con­tents was given by individuals, clubs, churches and retail· aiul commercial firms. Some of it was bought out of cash do11alions.

ln most of the baslwts were a chlclten, ·sugar, coffee, canned

· goocls, cocoa, fl'Uit. an~! toys fOJ' youngsters. .

Chl'istm'as' spil'il tnkris peculiar turns. A rc(~ipien1. of one of 'the baslwts rttRIII'd into the Mci.IH>rl· lsi ~hl\l'Ch where basltets were JJeing paC'Iwl 'J'Lwsday morning. He had· a loy to give to a needy youngstrr.

Membet·s or' the. Jun·lor Chilli Study t•lub ·helped sort and· pack tlw hoxes. Mason Explon~t· Scot1t~ uml Mu:c;on F11lttre FarmerH of Amer:ielt made the tleliverlr.s, WI!· limn T1Hll'b\ll'll is preRident or the Clearing How;r. asRocin1ion.

School bus .lrnnsportatlon is big business lr1 l\J khigan and in Jngham cotlnly. , A toiul' of ~00.000 Michigan

sehool chllclt'C!Il l'lcle ;;chool ht1ses, Of tllls total lO,fill:l rldn J ngham buses.

'rhl\ lngllr.:a ttassengt'l' loud is hutullt•d hy 11:17 hmws. 'J'hoSH IHISPN tt'IW!lled I~ total ur !Jao,ooo m.ihl~ last. yenr.

Cotmty SciJool Superlntcnclent

Postmaster r;.Cslle Palmer ancl his. Ma~on mail handlers weath· erccl tmotlJet• Christmas mailing· rush witlHilit any casualllcS'.

· Alton Stroud Jlolnted out: llJat Palmer repo1·tecl Wednesday

that- !lie Ch!'!stmhs rush reached, lls'peal< F~t·iday .and Sutul'(lay and startcll its .l~~.eling off process. . Pop. ular Pro' gram· . Ingham Cflllllf y ,qclwol districts

spent $3S4,:1fi7 Jast yea1· operating transportation linr.·s. In {HJriRt~l~S. c•ai•d. · hllslness' ·,

,~hll'lltid 'off';·U lit.t.leo,thJs, yeni·, a<'C!f)l'(lbig. to thil.l\1U.~orr JIOSt· mnstet·. Hu uttribuu•!l tho sJniolr to· tlu' lnut'l'.asil•l poHt.· agn ra~ 'auid f.he J'i\(!t!lislon unil lnhor .IJJft'lcultii~ ol' Uw

·pl'c' ks Mas'on Man· refel'CJH'C! to eost per pupil ahe · · program ammtnl ell to $.1fi.2!i, 'l'lw .

Former Teacher · Dies in Pontiac

Miss F'lorenre Day, 76, a Pon­tiac teachel' for ~0 years, died 2 weelt!l a'go. She once resided in Mason anrl attended Mason scltool>;, JTe1· parents were M1·. ami MI'S. Geo1-gr! }', Day.

Burial was in comcterr. Mn;;-on, crm llr.r I !i .

Maplt! Gt•nw• M"Julny, ))f>.

Death Claims Marvin Ludwig Marvin L. Ludwig, :m, Route 2,

Leslie, died suddenly ut his home Monday morning. Born in Ohio, Mt·. Ludwig wns it fa1mer and

·constt•uction worlwr.

.Taclc P. Beeson, 'son or- Mr. ancl Mrs. Arthut·. W. Bees.on ·of East Lansing, graduated from· recruit training Decembm· 13 at· the Naval '!'raining Centet·, Great Lnlms, Il'tinoi~. '!'he gr1.1dt1ation exereises, marking the end of !J weeks · ot: boot camp, included a ftlll (lress parade and review be­fore military officials nnil civilian dignltn1·ies.

• /on Twork is ill the naval hos­pital at Kokost1ka, Japan, where he recently tintlerwent; an opera­tion for appendi'citis. He is .the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. TWorlt. His address· is EM·3, !i16-17-S7, USS Cnstor, Al<S·l, '7c• J~le~t Post· office, Smi Ft'aJlcisco, Calif.

Pvt. Dyann 1\~. Waters arrived lnst. Tuesday from Fort McClel·

Harold Cameron is scheduled lo appear. on· Tt Could Be You, :t

national 'J'V p1·ogram originating from Hollywood. He Is sch~dulcci to·appea't· on Channel 8 and Chan­nel G Dccembr~1· 29 OJ' :10. He l1as plane ·passage ·lmol~<•d .for Lo,, Angeles Sunclay, December 28, wit It all cxpcnseR paid.

Cameron was chosen to n]1pear on .the prograrn us a surprise 1o his sll'>ter in California. •rJw lirotJ1er nnd ~·Isler have not met foi' B years. AL a meeting or n club in IVhlch the sister has mem­bership she expressed the wish to see her brother. Club members made an·angement with the pro· gram sponsor to lmve the meet­Ing .arrnngetl \n 'I'V.

Thief Ransacks Service Station

state average ·was $:10. · .Anotllrr pltrtm of' lite l111s pic·

tul'e in wliidl Jngllam r:ounty is strong, accnr(llng to. Strou(J,. is the !.mining of bus driver~. At. the present time flO drivers are en· rolled in class€.~ stressing eeono­my ancl safety.

All 1 n;(lmm ~ellool systems ttsc bu~cs tn 1rnn:;pil!'t pupils except the ci!y of L:LJlsing anrl I he prl· mnry .~ehnnl rl isll'l(;ts.

Thief Steal~ Traps


I'arr.el post. re~elpts .were nlso clown slightly Jt•om the recorrl es-~abllsheil last year. ·

Christmas mail went in and out of the Mason post office ~moot11· ly, though, he added. One reason for the llmooth'ness was the co· operation of mail,palrons in· sort· ing rind bundling outgoing mair.

SheJ•iff's offi rers are searching. Acldillon of 2 Sunday mall true!( for the pe1·son who tool\ ahout 25 runs alEo speecled up the :wtion, tmps from. Hiehnrd · cr.rl's trap· Palmer said . line east. of Mason. The traps 'I'hc' Mason postmastel' ex· were f;tolen I:1te Monday or early presse1lthanks to the people who Tuesday, I he hoy told officers, He mailed their · Christmas cards had about. ~o trnps out, all of earlier than us\tal :in(l help~d

with the sorting. ·

~ustice Court

Kentucky ~cdr Ar·rested Slll'viving are the wiie,; suns, Rohert ,J. of Jackson, ami Clifford L. and Handell w., both of Leslie; n daughter, Mrs. Rob­ert Yocu!ll of Ypsilanti; motlJI'J', Mrs. Cora Ludwig of I(eiJion, Ohio; brol!H!I'S, Pnul of MI. Carr, Ohio, Milburn of Clyde, Ol1lo, ami Gcralct of Kenton, Ohio; sisters, Mrs. Waltel' Beach nml Mrs. Dar­rell Rush, both. of !{enton, Ohio, and Mrs. Arthur Beaeh of Rltlge­way, Ohio; uml 11 grandchildren.

lnn, Ala .. lo spend the Chrlstq1as Breal<·in at the "Stolpe's Gulf lwl!days. with. her parenfs, Mr. station at · !iOll Grand River, and Mrs. Donald. Waters, West Webberville, Tuesday morning Columbia road. Sl1e will' return to netted . little Ior the thief. He While a lot. of people in Mich· · Gipson arid Marshall were l~ol't. McClellan Decembm: 28. or they got only 4 flashlights and igan h~adell ~outh or at least charged with issuing a bum j:

Hobert A. Lawson, SA, arrived what C()U]d be talten out of a cig· would ltke to J1ead south, a pair h k t E' · r p t 1 1 £ St 1 . j Saturday from Key West Fla:, to aret vending machine. · of Kentucky rnen headed north c ec .o •ar te. a r ct 0 occ- :: spend a 2-weck leave with· his Entr·y was gained somewhere Saturclay and ended up In Justice bridge ln the amotmt of $45.60. ! . mother, Mrs. Margaret. Lawson, between 1:00. and 6:30 Tuesday of the Peace Roy W. Adams' Richard Battleshaw and Donald .i and. g1·andparent~, Mr. an~· Mrs. morning, Captain Versile Babcoclc court Monday. Battles haw, Leslie brothers,· i · .T. H. Chamherlnm of .Leshc. He of lite slwrlf.f's staJ.f and ChieJ captain Versile Babcock pleaded gullt;y _to a ch'ltnk charge : · is attenlling_simar school ait Key James Nelson of 1he Webberville brought William Gipson ancl A. when they appeared before .Tudge !: yvcs.tnnd will' P,e has,ed thc;re until police force learned. '!'he thie[ J. Marshall (1). Mason from Sal· Adams Monday. '!'hey .had their ! :

Rev .• John Bullock officiated at tlw funeral rites Wednesday at Luecl1t funeral home. Burial was in Woorllawn r:emetery.

Apt•ti.. . . . broim a window. An tt!Jsuccess· yersville, I<cnLllci<y, SaturdaY on ,choice. of eac~,payi~g $12 llne or, • ·~en·y. SilBby: arrlvetl home !ul was made to open the a warrant charging them with spendlng 6 days In Jail. Both men i

Wednesday with his discharge Rafe. A filing cahinet. and a cle.~k I forgery nml uttering and publish· settled. from the army alter serving .for were. ransacked. ing. Judge Adams houncl Leon 1. tl~e past yeat· a11d a half. in Gcr- . Bolli mr.n ll'aivetl examination Lee Carpenter, Battle Creek, over

/Stockbridge ll)UIIy, He is ~he lion of Mr. and lt•s· m·· ,.,d aga.·n when they were al'raignecl be· to circuit court Saturday. Bond Mrs. Rolph Silsby. · .1.· • • fore Juc.lge AL)ums Monday. The was set at $200. Carpente1· Is

G · · f T.. · · . Up fmm the zero marie of last lly HrlNI Jlef•man r~up. 'o •' our· week, the-weather has moderated.

C PI · · But. the met'eury stayecl clown M1·. and Mrs .. lnme:c: Ft'CW of orunna ·. ant long .enough to drop the average

Mason entednined ut. dinner mean t€111Perattu·e of the weclt 1o Cl1ristmas Day Mr. :1m! · Mrs. .Tunior croj) show hlite ribbon 21. That's an even 21. degrees Winston Dancer and Jamily of winners wlll m0et at the Mason colder than for the same period Mason nml Mr. nnil Mrs. Gurn high school.'Tllesday, December a year ngo. · Dancc1· and Mr. und Mrs. Wllllrnn '30 f · 1 Ml 1 · . , Ol' ;t 1l'lP to t 1e c ugan Preclpltauon wns not eJwugh I Dance!' and Melissa. \1"1 ·r. 1 T'l c t c · · I l'loJC.c 1 e .o. a: .orunna. ' to count-ju~t a few ftnkes of

Sumnct· Hall is a patient nt · '!'he group will tal'e a guided snow. lt's a whil!! Christmas if Foote hospital, where lw unrlcr·· tmu• of the plant: to sec how tile people look close. ' went smge1·y Monday. is manufactured. After dinner at Temperature readings recorded

Mrs. Vi Satterla went 10 ·How- the Dow Chemical cafeteria, they nt: the Mason disposal plant were: ell Sunday ami from there on to will see highlights of Dow Low lligh· N Y 1 St t t l ~ 1 1 11 ~ !Jo!J' research in agt·iculture iit the December J 8 .................. 22 ~0

ew 01'' • a e 0 s knc " · greenhouses and chemical fann. December l fl ................... ;~ 38

days with a cousitl. They will sec how ehemicals and December 20 , ................. fl 20 Mr. ami Mrs. W. G. Reeves ac· other items. fot' ·rarm use are December 21 .................. 2 21

companied the McLaughlins of made. December 22 .................. 18 40 Dexter to Chicago last wPek,. The bus will leave at 8 o'cloclt December 23 .................. 22 · :Jri where they met Mary .Jo, wl1n is in the morning and )hey expect :------------. homt- fot· the holidays. to l1c hack in Mason hy 5 o'clock.

Dr. T. Vander Boll, Jr. Oplcmefrisl

Mr. anti Mrs. Floyd Ward .Tr. FF'A and 4·H members should cntcrlainccl their family ut an an· call the extension otrice to malte nual Christmas dinnet· last Sun· rl'set·vations fat: the trip, said day. Guests were the John Wm·ds Wilmot McDowell, county agent. of White Oak, the Justin l3radys '!'he first 72 to sign u'p will be Hours: Mon.·SAt. 9·5:30, Thur. till of Mason, Gertrude Pagett a1111 allowed to tnke the tl'ip: Others noon - Evenings by appointment Jack Johnson of Ora,1d Rapids who were not blue ribbon winners 207 Park Street :mel the Floyd Wards Sr. may go if the bus is not filled.

'J'hey should also call the office Mason

Mrs. LaVerne Barnard enter­tained t.he telephone operators of Munith Monday cvctiing al a Christmas party.


It is our sincere wish that the spiritual beauty and

festive joy of the Christmas • season light up your days

with'brlght hope and happiness.

juclgc set. bonrL at $1,000 for each charged with violating the finan­of them all(\ h()\JJl(] them over to ciall'esponslbllity act. The charge. circuit !'nurf. grew out of· a traffic arrest by

, Frorn the

Mason Dqiry

from ys: !

May your heart

be filled. with joy

. :_the Ingham County News

ori this, the birthday of wliose mes:sag,ell

was Peace on Earth: To you and

yours, a happy Noel!



V~lume .99, No. 52 Perkins, Ha-rdware . . .

360 S. Jefferson

"Central Michigan's largest and Fines/ Ballroom':

* Fun From 8:00 Tin ?

* Refr'e·shments Available ( Y·ou Must'Be 21 to En ler)

Dan'cing to Modern ilnd Old-Time Musir;


No Reset·v'a:t 1iom Necessary·

$1 ,50 Per P'erson

Days ~ay come and days muy

go, but Christmas Day

has a special magic

and wondor all its

own, May it b o for you

tho vary merriest of ltolidaysl

Ju1l a remindor. We'll be clo1ed to· day and tomorrow, .

!';ood cheer as ChriHimas

dawns ... your !teart full to over­

flowing with all of the hi¢h liapP.ine11

. aml bountiful bles~inyil of the Day •. May

the joys of this Chrililmas be rc~emhered very ltnppily through m•my a long year to come.

· In a candlelight ceJ·cmony Sun· day urternoon at Stocklil·ldge Methodist church, Miss Marilyn Joyce Kistler became the bride o! Alan Bm'I'Y Clemens. The bride ls the dauglitcr· of Mr. und Mrs: Errett E. Kistler. Mr. and Mrs: Ray Clemens nrc ptlrents of the bridegroom. All are o! Stock· bridge. · Rev, David Hills, pasto1· of the

chun:l1, 'ofl'id~tetl ut I he cloubJe. l'ing ceremony. Mrs. Clarence Millhouse, accompanied by Miss Nellie Stephens, sailg "I 'l'alw 'I'hee, Dear" and "The Lord's Pra,vcr." , ; Fo1· he1· wedding, t11e bride

dwse u gown of wl1ite silk peau de soie, styled with a portrait neckline ucc~ntcd with 1 Imported i1nmlilllll lucc illl!l pearls. '!'he

1 flt ted bodice featured IJL'acelel· length sleeves. 1-lr.r boulTant sl\irt 1J1pcred into a clmpe?l train, A cap of sill\ peau de wie nml seed JWHrls secured ht•t· li'ngertip vel! of imported sill\ illusion. She car· ried a cnscatlc bouquet of while roRes, stephanolis a11d reel Sweet· heat•( roses. ·In identical gowns were the

matt·on of honor, Mrs. Fred I<ist· Jcr of Grnnd Hapids, sister-in·law of tlw bride, and Miss Je~n Bur· gess of Gregory. Lou Ann Bob· zlen, coLtsin of tile ·bridegroom, flower girl, wore'n rerl snlin frock ami carried a basket of red rose petals. .Jeffrey Stevens, nephew cif the bride, catTicd the rings.

Hobe1·t Sehlendt<t' wa~ Jwsl. . mnn. Wnlln<:ll SI.Hveus und · Chu·l< l'lwlp~ ushe1·cd guests

·. to !heir JHlii'S,

Out of town w~clciing guests were from Portsmouth, VlrginiH, anrl Leslie, Dansville, Lansing, Shepherd, Detroit, Gt·and Rapids, Kalamazoo and J acl\~on.

A wedding ut·ch decorated with 1navy b.lue 'accessories and a' cor·

Christmas green, white mums sage of red und white roses. Upon and red poinsettias, and a white I'C!UI'I1ing Jt·om their honeymoon Christ mas t rce were in l<eeping the newlyweds will make their witl1 the holiday theme of the re· home at 1303 L., University Vii· ceptioJl i1,1 the church parlors !age, MSU, E~st Lansing. '!'he afle1· the ceremon)'. bride is a graduate of StoQI\In'iclge

For going away the bride chose high school. Ht•r husband grari· n \vhitr wool jersey dress with a uated from Dansville high school blue S<1lin cummerbund. Slw com- and is attending Michigan State plemenled her ensemble wil11 university.

l3RAPY·CAUDILL VOWS SAIP . · Lonnie Gcrshlon Brady o.f Mn.' son and Edith Annabce Cnui:UII of Lansing were unltcd In marriage Sunday afternoon nt the home of the bride's mo,thCl', Mrs, Vinic Caudlll, In Lansing. Justice of the . Peace Roy W. Adams united the couple, Tcn·ence Brady of Mason and Mt•s, Caudill attended the couple,

~~ Jfi' ~I

IGA Employes ··Gather· at Hall

A progt•mn of reeitallonH 'and cia nee numbers provided enter· tninmcnl. lor Densmore's IGA Chrlstmns pm·ty Monday nt Vc· vny town llall.

The Don Densmores sr.rvcil a smorgasbord with c:oJTee nnd punch, A,ftcrward tlw gTuup dunr.ed. and had an exchange of glfls.

Seventy ,employes rind their families attended the gc[.[ogeth·

Mt·. and Mrs. L. W. Coc and Greta oC Lansing spent Clu·is'l· mns morni11g with Mr. and M1·s, Louis Lee ilnd duughte1·s. In the afternoon Mr. Lee's mother, Mrs. Fran!< Lee, was a guest.

'l'llf1 ENGAGEMENT of Mls~ Bru·b11rn Lee S lroud 'to Rleluml lll'itdlcy is unnounee<l by J1er ]lUI'• enls, Mr. and Mr~. i\llon Strottd. Mt·, Bl'a(IJoy is the :;<Jil of M1·~. Cha1·Jes Bradiey of l'll1tlle Creek. and tile ,late Mr. ll~atllcy,

The ht·idc·clcct is u gl"acluato of MaHon· hlgl1 school wit IJ 'tile chtsH of 1056 and is a jttnlot· at West· ern MiclJigan unive1·sily, Her JJ. ance is a graduate student in lhc school of education ut Western Michigan.

No dale has been set for t,l1e wedding.

Fa1nily Yuletide Events Chl'istmas is the time for family gatherings in observance

of the birthday of Jesus. Many Mason people are entertain­ing at home while others m·e traveling to be witl1 relatives away, .

. JYI•'. a11d Mrs. William Bergin Jr. and daughte1·, Kelly, of

County Employes Mark Yule Season with Parties

Bll'lnmgham are spending the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs, William A. Bergin. On Christmas Day they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frapk Guerriero and family for din­ner. Mrs. Carrie Chadwick of Ypsilanti was also a guest. ... Ilk andlVIrs. A. J. Betcher entertained their son-in-law and daughtet·, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rector, and sons of Williams­

BONNIE PERFITT HAS PARTY ton for dinner Christmas Day. Other guests at the Betcher Bonnie Ann Pcrfltt . was host. home in the eveHing were M1·. and Mrs. E. J. Betcher and son,

ess at a Chri;;tmas party at the Ml'. and Mrs, Richard Betcher and family and Mr. and Mt·s. home of het· parents, Mr. and Kenneth Betchet· and family. · Mrs. William Perlltt, Tue~day evening. Sttsie Torme:,', Cynthia M1·. and Ml's. Roland Coon spent Christmas Day with Rlghtet· unci Linda King were Ml'. and 1VI1·s. Hal'vey J. Kam .... Mt·. and Mrs. James· M.

County employees have been presenlecl Robert L. Dl'ltlw, .iudge guests. The girls played game.~ Hughes, Miss Beth Hughes atid Miss Mollie Hughes traveled observing the yule season with of probate, with a gift. There and exchanged gifts. Mrs. Perfitt to Youngstown, Ohio, to spend Christmas with M1•. and Mrs.· office parlies during t11e past were 35 rn attendance, set·ved Christmas cookies and hot James M. Hughes .... Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cal'! Jewett wee!<. Laut·ence D. Parl\e1·, county chocolate as refre~hments. were Ml', and Mrs·. Walter Felke, BarbaJ'a and Bobby of Bear

County Clerk C. Hoss I-Jilt'iarcl's treasurer, and his employees had lake, Kalkaska, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson of Detroit and j Clll)Jioyes had their Christmas tlte't,l' Cill't'si·mas dl.l1tlet· ~t IJ1n of D B A "' L • Miss Nancy Johnson of New York City .... 1\it·. and Mrs. party at. tlw Balll'tll~l House in llcc 'l'Ltescl' v 110011 'l'lle tL1l'l'ev ee rays re

· • "" · ' " · · . George Smith and son of Battle Ct·eel', Mt·s. Ag11es MI'llet· of Lansing last Wednesday evening. dinner was se1·vecl by the G & G ' Twenly·one employes from tlw catering service. Gifts were ex· H t f p t . Holt and Mr. and Mrs. Fl'ank Alward of Lansing spent the 1\·]ason and Lansing offices at· clwngeri by the employees, .who OS s a a r y holiday ~vith Mt·. and Mrs. Ralph 1-Iurlb~tt. tended the Swiss steak dinner. also presented M1·. Parlier w1th a • Holiday gqests of Mt•, and Mrs. Richard C. Jewett were

.. Mr. ami. Mt:S. ' Franlc . SCJuniclt CLUB STAGES PARTY Jr. and family o.f Lansing visited · , Orville Wooclnrd nnd V. A.

Weaver attended the Christmas party for H. W. Madison company Jlelclmen' nt lhc Hotel Roosevelt Frlrlay .. u!ternoon. ·Awards \Verc , given for years of service. 'rhe. men dined in the Dome room.

Mr. and Mrs. .AIIord Powelson Sunday evening. .

lllr. uml !Ht·s, Itlchm·d l'ost luul tts Uteit• ()ht•ist:nlll~; ·din." tu~1· J:"Um;b; IUcll\U'd I•o,;t Ja·. ol' Chh•nl:"o und 1\h·. unci Mt·s. Jlm·bl!t•t: Fox ,fl.; uud fnn11ly or

Mr, llncl Mrs. B. F. AI'Cnd Si·, llt~Uic Gri!CI,, , spent ChrislmnR' Day with Mr. Oti Chrislmus J~vc Mr. nncl Mrs.

1 nnd.Mrs. Otis Montuvcn nn<i fam· .James Aseltine and sons or How· lly. On Sunday the M<lnlavens ell and Mt·. and Mrs. Wllllum Har· ·Visited· Mrs. Murl Suth~l·Jancl of ron of Lansing were guests of Pontine. .l\11', ami Mrs .. At•lillll''Mnson.

For many on your List here's the Answer. , •

'J'Iae Fiuest Box

nf t:!mcolntes

iu tim lVo••ltl

Mt·. and Mt•s, William Miner ami sons of Lan.!ilnr: visited Mt•,. nnd Mrs. Oi·ai Lewis and Inmlly, Sunday,

;.~..:.'~il.~~;~.~~.: . .o:.·.t,~~.~.~=.::.~·.~·. ~;~~..!ol~-!;'~-w~~.~-;;,.~·~ ... \~~-:.~:.'.~: .. ;;: .. ~~~-:.~~~~..:r~-!~~-~:~..u .. -·!:"".~:~K;J~-· 1 --! ~r ....... --·-.. -·····-··-.. ·- :H ~ To one and all ••• MERRY CHRISTMA'S ~ ~~ and HAPPY NEW YEAR! ~~; ~~ 8 HATTIE 0 ED G NANCY 8 JUNE !: l{J. 8 LEE 8 BOB O JERRY • JUDY l. it; G BUD ~ HAROLD 8 SHIRLEY G DICK !; lf: 8 MARGARET e CAROLYN i~

Save Christmas in Color New

Polaro·id Film




Jllucl< IIIHI \l'hii!l hy

Tile group excilangeil girts and. gift ft·nm tile group. Guests ut Mus?n f'.lcvator e~ploycs had Mr. and Ml's. Jack Lindsay of Detroit and Mrs. Agnes Thud-preHented Mr. Hilliard will! a u1e party were Hal'l'y I-Jowcll, a Clmstmas ptu·ty Satut·day eve· by Victor Thurlby Mr and Mrs Gary Lamphet·c Mt· and gift. Fred Lielzl\c and Mrs. George I ning at the ilomc of Mr. and Mrs. I M: R J t ,M, • , I II ' " , ' ' • 'I , b' . DRUGS · On Tilursliay evening Sheriff WI 1 s. Dec L. Bt·uy, Tile hosts served a ts. on ewet ., l. anc 1ts. Duane Thmlby anc De b!C and Mrs. Willarrll'. Barnes enter·

1 ~ e ·-'· . . , ... · ham suppc1: to u1c 15 guests. · and Mrs. Joan Spenny and Drew .... Mr. and Mr.~. Clayton tainerl tile siH'rit'l"s department Nmetccn H~<l~l comm1s'!on em· Hulett Kathy and Jim entertained Mrs. James Vi. Hulett WARE'S t;liilf and !.heir S)Jouscs at a buiTel ployccs ha~l I hell" Clmstma~ party Those present. were Mt·. and Ml', m~cl lVIt·s. Gaylonl Hulett Hazel ·md George and Mt·s' .

Free Delivery and Gift Wr'apping

Phone OR 7·0411 Tuesclay noon at. the o/fwe on Mrs. Joe Burn~, Mr. <~ml Mrs. • . • ' • ' ' . · ·

dinner. There were :H couples in Cedar street. After dinner there Oliver Sclmtm, Mr. and Mrs. AI· Noun<,t Jewett and Rodney. . · . . at.tendanve. Tlwt·e wn,c; '

1 gift ex· was a gift exi:b'angc. ford Powclsoil, l~rcd Wicltham: Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Borner, Robin and Billy tl'aveled to

change and membet'.'l of the de· · 0 II' CA'M ERAS partmenl. pres en tc c1 Sheriff I Mrs. William Algatc, Mr. anrl sseo, \v~sconsin, over the week end for a pl'e-Chl'istmas cele- ·

~I'll~ and ~~~~hei'IIT Frod Newma·ns Host M~.~llnHummcl,M~MdMn. brntiona(~ehmne~M~Bom~~~ren~M~andM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= Open Christmas Day

8 a. m.-1 p .. m, and 5 p. m.·9 p. m.

Frye wilh gifts. · Alton WestQn, Mr. and Mrs. John William D. Henry. Mrs. Bot·net•'s sister, Mrs. Edward TllU- r C II. p Prlneing and Doh Dlalmcy. men, of Albuquerque, New Mexico, was also a guest. .... Mr.

illrs. illia Hell llumplu·py's U Jgan arty The group spent the evening and Mrs. Glen Drown of Stoclo;bridge ;<;pent Cht·islmas Day n·~blt"' ot' dt·<·<is sl:dl' w<•nl. playing games. Tile Brays showed with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Drown and daughters.· lu Dilw.s in Lansing· Fritlay ll-lr, <111rl Mrs. Alilcrt. Newman slides talwn at other pa1·ties and m·•·uin~· I'm· Uwit· (:iu·istmas entcrt;tincd Culligan Soft Water also some taken by their !laugh· diniWI', Af'lel' I he diluw•· ttw Sci·vicc employeti ami their fam· tcr, Nancy, who spent the past lnnham County News, Mason, Mich. December 25, 1958 A-3 A'I'HIIfl

1'<\llll'tH'd to tlw Ilum· ilies at a Christmas potluel> din· summer in Gr!rmnny with the " Jlhl't\,V lwuu~ f'o1' a girt. ex· tWI' Friday evening, Michigan cilornle group. chUllA't~.

l'rotlatc ol'ficp employee~ from the M:1~on and Lansing nJ'J'iees \VI~n! l~nlel'lained Sntttl'dny .eve· ning "t. the home of Mrs. Ger· trurte Tcllicl" in Lansing. '!'he ree· reation room of the Tellier home was at tractivelv decorated in l\ceping with tl1'e lwliilay theme. After the dinner, the grm1p pla:,•ed g-ames, sang ChriHtmns enrols :ltHI exchan.gcrl gifts. They

l\1r. <inc! Jvlrs. Nelson Brown were in Howell Monday afternoon to at tend funcml services for Willinm H. Caverly, 31. l-Ie died Friday of a brain tumor. He was the son of 1\11', and Mrs·. Roy Caverly .. The fathct· is publisher of !he Livingston Crntnty Press al Hnwt•ll. The son was asso· elated with his father in the busi· ness.

Mr. and Mrs . .James Neff spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Neff ami famil~· of Jacl\~on. Other guests were Mrs. Guy Ne1T of Tln·ec Rivers and Mr. anrl :\·Irs. Rarmoml NeiT and Cherie anrl Mr. a'nd Mrs. Strmley Bryde. The occasion honored !he birthday anniversary of 1\lrs. Brydc.

:lit•, and .'!Irs. E. D. H:u'l" and :111·. and Mrs. 1 .. n. Hal' I' l'isit.ed :IIr. and ~I•·s. (;Jm·envc .illoore at I•'lint. :->und:1y.

1\Ir. and Mrs. Norman Carri· gan anrl family of DeWitt were Christmas dinner guests o.( Mr. and :\·Irs. Arthur Carrigan.

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Rickly entertained Mr. and Mrs.· John Yuhasz and Tomm;· at . dinner Christmas Eve. Christmas morn· ing the Ricklys boarded a plane at Willow Run for San Diego, where they will visit their son iind daughtcr-in·law, Mr. and Mrs.' James Rickly, and children for 2 weeks.

New Location 416 S. Barnes

Dr. 'Kate t Lamb OPTOMETRIST'

· Hou,..: 1-4:30 p. m. CICOpt Thursda,

Guests were Mr. anrl Mrs. Clar· cn<·c Slwrwoud, Mr. and Mrs. !Jar. 1',\' Sl1Cnvuod and fmnily, Mr. anrl Mrs .. lad\ Bmil and family, Mr. and M 1·s. Herb Newman <llld fam· ily, Mrs. Eva Brown, Miss Mary Fiedler and David Moore.

The group spent the evening playi'ng cards·. Mrs. Harry Siler· woorl won l1igh prize and low wenl to J\lrs. Herbert. Newman.

There was also a gift exchange.

Waitresses Are Guests of Morses Mr. ami Mrs. Lisle Morse

served a IJ:JI>ed ham dinner to their restaurant. employes Mon· day evening.

Alt.emling !he Chrislmus party al tile }loi'Se home were Mrs. William Camp, Mrs. William Bis· sell, Mrs. Robert Lee, Mrs·. Her·

lilt·. ancl 1\frs . .Jacl\ VanRipplc bert Durham an!l Mt·s. Herbert ami Michael and Mr. and Mrs., Chambers. Richard Weymouth, Debbie and , . • Craig of Lansing visited Mr. and . The group exc;:han~cd g1ft,s and/ Mrs. Rbbert 1. Acheson Sunday. spent ~t:e. remalndct of the eve-

Tommy Lc<~alo of Lansing Is n111g VISitlllg, spending a few days with his l\lr., and Mrs. Morse received a/

Legion Building - Mas'on SUNDAY AFTERNOONS


Evory Sunday' - 2:30-6 Live Broadcast over WILS

Singlc-75c Couple-$!

SA'TURDAY NIGHTS Round and Square Dance

DUSTY WALKER .and His Cotton Pickers

Harold Sovo, Caller E~cry Saturday - 9:30.1:30


New Year•s Eve Dance grandparents, :Ylr. and Mrs. Grov· table cloth from the group. ,

er AIH'I"S Sr. ~=~~=~~===~~==~~~~=~=~=== ~.~~~~.~~~~~~w:.-.~~ •• :llr. and ~h·s. 1\laxwd I nus· Eat

9:30 to 3 Noise Makers and Hats Furnished

st•t.t. will lc:l\'e ~lasnn Friduy for a =~·wed' \'lll'al.inn in Fin•·· Christmas and New Year's ida. 'l'lwy will mulw their Dinner with Us he:ui<JUart.ers at Fort l\ly<~rs and 1\li!Ulli. Adults - $1.90 plus lox .

Mr. and Mr:: .• Tames II. Vander Spo<ial <hildren's pri<es

Vcn spent the week end in Pori· <~ge wi1l1 Mr. and Mrs. Willium Schuring and children.

Country Kitchen Hallway be1,.een Holt and Mason

near US.t27 l\'Jr. anrl Mrs. Robert Ballard entertained Mr .. and Mrs. :Francis Fiedler, Alan and Terry Sunday Phone Mason OR 7·2701 e\'cning.

Our sincere than~s to you, our· good frfends and patrons. We hope your New Year enters on a note of triumph and goes on to be a sweet melody of h'appiness anc:l success, As for us, we resolve to do our best to con'tinue to deserve the privilege and ple•asure of serving you in 1959 and in many more ..New Ye&rli to come. To one and all, .our warmest appreciation and heart.iest good wisnes!

th'e kent shop LADIES' APPAREL·

Your Pharmacist iV' orAl For Beller·

Community He~fth

"Gotta go some· to beat · the o·ld man!"

Gotta go some to beat old

man winter too. Keep up

your family's r~sishnce. to

colds and illness witn vi~

tamins. We stock a wi(je

variety of viflamins to meet e:aeh ·need.

"All is calm, .all it bright.'' So bcautifttll~ '

expnu~d in the h~mns and carols of blessed

memor~, the Christmas message strikes a

responsh•e chord in ever~ h~art todaH· (l)a~ ~ou and !:JOUr

fatnilB partake in fullest measure of the deep ;~nd

enduring joH that makes Christ.mas th~ happiest time of the !lear.

A V cry .!\ferry ·Christmas to you from tlte family of yo\tr

Ingham County Prosecuting. Attorney .: . : ' . .

Jack and Pat Warren • . • -1

· .. · NEARLY NElW 2·bcdrooni· home: 39' ACRES;- modern . 3.boa1•oon-~ ~~ p Pl E .s . . . . . . -with· gnrngc I!\ rD'ansvlllc,. for ' !lome, 2 basement bnrn·s, 50:ap• .

/ . , snle by owner. Lni·gc bathroom, pic· trees, 15 acres or· wheat' ln. NORTHERN SPY combination· storm and soreen Sell or trade for equity in other

Ingham Counly News; ~aSOii, 'Midi: Decein~er 25; 1958; k-4 '. : ':. ~ •'' "'~ ~ ':.· ·,: . '" ' . . . . ~E:,\~IJ·yc;:··: "W:: ,' 1' ·a· "•, n~. :t·.·.. I, ·J, ~ ::::==:===::::====:.r-~· · · ltfU · ,a:; , 'E Jl/~,· · HU ctAssiFI~o ADVERTISING ·F DEXBTE~,d·~·IORNsTON • . . , · ·• · · .: r· · -, :' .···' · · I ·

' ':.:

DELICIOUS 1\r'Jndows and door, large lot, near j>roperty. Terms. C. L. Johnsoit , . CORTLAND school .. Phone Dansville MAdison agency, phone Mason OR 6·~786. arm u1 mg erv1ce , ,. , ,

RATEs AND. INFoRMATION · SPECIAL'l'Y ·· · "~·7o'. ·u~. ,.,l. ,G.· et : ,R·e· s· u·· Its.' \ MciNTOSH 3·2914, 49w1 50W3Jl

· JONATHAN SUBURBAN homes nem• Mason: SO-ACRE frirm on E. 'Holt roa(l Phone l\(asou OR 7·9011 , ~.-. 4 I PAID IN ADVANC~> ADs ~~:~ ~~~;f~:.~~ Phon· e "01··,, 7.~9.0. 11·.,: Fh·f'L Jnt~crtlo'n 2o ptw' word, liOn . _ . minimum, sccon<l nn<l "uccc,•lvo In· Pole Barns ,- ' Charge l.t~ · Popcorn 2-bedroom modern, .4-bedroom 1 : between College nnd Phillips

ultra-modem with acres: trnilet' t•oads, 2 ·miles east of Holt, 7-nnd lot with well and septic tan}( miles to capitol, 5 mlles to East• at Pnrlt· laltc, very good denl. EX· Lansing. Zoned commercinl ,for change your home, 'frnde 2-be<l· the future. Modern home,, very .. room for 3-bedroom; trade 4-bed· go()d barn, good Investment.

·t~ertlonrt, ll.a Jlet• wot•d, minimum 3Uc, Lean-To's CHARGED ADS I

. Chnr~:c~ nds con•l<lere<l snmc "' Tool Sheds, · cn•h tr t>nld within 7 •In~• nrt.or first Conct·ete Bnt•nyards lnoe<•tlon. A •••·vlco ciii&I'RC Is nd~od · ~

. ·~r,ti~fAtgWR.fU~· CLAY FARM EQuiPMENT Speclnl rutoR llflllly on Rlls con.. 1 ~ . ·

Lrnclc•l to run fo•· 13 woe I•• or lon~cr Herringbone Milk Stnlls Sp<H·ilil I'IIICH nlso nJ>PIY fill clnHSUied Silo Unloaders ' dlHpllly "'"· Cull MnHO!I on 7-0011 ror cumnlulo lnformnllon. Mechanical Feeders 1

COI'Y DEADLINE C f t St Jl 1 "t 11 1 11 , 111 , We~ncsdnys. om ,or a S am ,, nne 1 ons

!.---:-----------· All Types Barn Equipment

Livestock --------------,,~--------


Artificial Breeding

"Gold Medal" proven sires

"Have Bulis - Will Travel"

3-yenr payment plai1 on · nil merchnmlis-e.

' 1730 E. Holt Road

Rout<> 1, Williamston

Cull Collect Phone Willinmston 15

32wtf --------$G FlrHt .. Se1·vico Ji'oo, No chr.rgc on t)IH'(Jlld Ol' thil'd 1\CI'Vll!eH, j( JleCilod,l ·

Farm Equipment

CHARLES BROWN Mnoon OR 7·o1fl2l


' Artificial Breeding


"Ewt·y Sire Proved Grcnt"

J?mzcn ~:c•tmm pt•nvides a greater t:ltniec of hultR rndt 1lay,

• ~~;, JlC'I' servil'e--nothing to join ~1' Mornin)J m· evening serviee


Wayne Taylor


Spcclnl on Oliver .Tuhilco Wngons - $325

Lundell Choppers

Fox Field Choppers nml Blowers

Fertilizer Spreaders

J<lel17.ade Pr·oducts

Linculn Welders,& Stlpplles

Chore-Boy Mill\er Parts

Stoclt Water Tnnl<s Dan~vlltc MA 3·2,175 Fire Extinguishr!rS for trnctors

22wtf ---------·---HEGIS'I'EHlO:IJ Hampshire sheep 1 USED EQUIPMENT

wil!1 br:;t blooillincs nncl pro-' . , 1luetinn teste1l tltrougll MSU CX· WC Al! ~t·nrtor

'trnsinn dcparimcnt p t•o g r n m. Used Elevators Hnms for ~ale, 1\1, C. Hycle & Pl s Sons, :1 mites north of Mason. ow , Phonr. OR 7·0710. 4tlw6p, Disc Hnrrows

HI':ClS'I'E:lU:D J3t·own Swiss BUll:! Oliver OC 3 Crnwler Tractor 1 yf'ar old, large enough for I with Jllarler

Sl'l'Vk<'. F:dgar F:eldlart·, 620 Niek· r.Jsnn road, rowlm·vitle, phone Wrllhrrvilll! rw:12. · ~1w3p I Francis Platt

1 !OLS'I'I~IN HEIF81t - Due to Jn>slwn .ramtnt'Y 1. 3129 Every Finest In Farm Machinery

road, Mason. 52wt· · M·M ~nd Oliver 1.-2 mile north of Mason on US-127

l'IC:S ... G!i purebred Yorkshircs, Phone OR·7-5971 $1:J.$1!i. Phone Lansing IV r---------------

2-~257, 52wl pi

BOARS ·- 2 purebred L:1ndrace lwars. Clare t3aJ(er, •1005 Iosco,

road, Dansville, plwnn Webber-~ villr. 1·.T·1 t. 52wlp ___., __ _ ·BOAR H0G - Landracc, abmtt.

:JOO !h. Hamid' Spink, 46Hi I Nichols road, phone Mason OR 7·:3183. 52w1p

YORJ\SHI11E GILTS to fanow in .January, $110 cneh. Lcs Morse,

12!12 E. llolt road, 2 miles east of Okemos road, phone Mason OR 7-0•189. 52w1

BOARS aml bred gilts. Wal1er l{t·anz. <llflS, Tomlinson mad,

phone Mason On G-1787. 52w1p

Farm Toots FORD TRACTORS, Ford imple·

ments, ~ales nnrl service. Cobb & Schreer, Stocl;briclge, phone Stockbridge UL 1-~525, 49w4*


·zero Bulle Mille Tanka





McGuire Dairy

Equipment Sales

. . •' ' :, " . •: .. -,.

See: These· SEWING MACiiiNES ..... Convert t

. . .

Miscellaneous • . Lowrey

Electronic Organ

.Apples $1 a .bttshcl m1d up

Blossom Orchard ALFRED WARDOWSKI & SONS room for 3-bedroom. Call Boles Id~nl horse fnrm. Cnll Boles,

112 m!les north' of Leslle on US-127 I Farm Realty, Mason OR 7·2361. Parm Realty, Mason OR r-2361. · Phone U:slia JU 9~8251 . · 50w3p o0w3p

EAnNG POTATOES, wllitcs and !\1ASON, 2·bedroom. '$450 da\V;l, l2.ACRES for subdividing, nanr

your tre!ldle Into an ele(ltrtc portable,, $29.50.' All. makes·1 re-· paired and serviced. Also used machines ami portables. All \Vorl< ,and machines guaranteed, Wood·:' ard Sewing Machine Service; call Holt OX 9·2245, 4665 I<rentu1 Ave., Holt

Chrishnas Specials

Today, {

$995 up refis· also squash, I<elsey Mor· Has furnace, good floors, full , cnmpus MSU: G8-acre fartn

gan; 1~~ miles west of Eaton Rap· prie'c' $2,450, Also nearly ~ew 3· 11ear MSU, terms; 13.3 ac1'e!1 on, ' Ills on M-50, nhone Eaton Rnn!ds bedroom, owner. will trade equity Every road, 12 acres. on lvcs

, 49w4•• . , l~cnturlng the famous GLIDE for ,. •· f 4 b d 1 · 11 E z 1 27 D 'II 1 , , s 5575. 49w'1'' or · e room 1ome or se , ~ · 1'011(, acres on llllSVt e ron1 , · 1958 · BUICJ( - peclitl · 2-door, Hawaiitm music and nil 3 organ · , terms, c. L, Johnson Agency, 'call 22.5 acres on US-127 BR. nuylng-

BENDIX,DELUXE. IRONER nnd hardtop, demonstrator; New ton~s of flute, string and reed. \¥1-IITE ROCK ROOSTERS fot• Mason OR· G-5786. , 50w3J> or ,selling land, call Boles Fnrm Hotpoint dryer, ltlte new, trade car warranty, $2,695, 0

fot· calves or sell. Phone Stoclt· ' · , , . , . 5 kb 'd roasting, 7·8 lbs, 30c. Roy M. Realty, Mason R 7·2361. bridge UL 1-4788 .. , '51w2p


1958, BUICK 2·door ,hardtop spe· tOC rl ge Hunt, 1396 W. Dcxtm· 'J'rnll, phone MASON - Very neat•, 1-acre, 50w3p --=------=--=-·--=-· . ...:..· -'-_..::.. . cia!.. 'fhis· one-owner·· beauty M ( Mason OR 7·6162., 52w1 · modern home, 2 bedrooms· USED ELEQTRIC RANGES _ ,comes complete. wlllt, Dyna· ·, USi~. ()ffipany down, one large room ,ttp, large 40·ACRE 1nrm neat• Mason. En·,

$49.50 and up, 90·day guamn: Ilow, power bmlws, l'adlo, heal· , E:Jzabetl! am! Center Streets J completed Jiving room, beautiftll joy country ' llving, modern tee. Consumers Power Co., phone . cr and a 90·day warranty. ' Stockbrlug' e . App es fireplace, School bus by door. !tome, all hent, new ltllcll<!ll. Mason OR 7·96411 50w3'" . , · Terms. C. L. Jphnson Agency, Prlcecl to sell at $13,500. Ownet'

1958. BUICK 4-door S"eclal with . Phone UL l-4B7l Mcintosl\ phone Mason DR 6·57S6. will trnclc for home and act·ong-e, USED ELEC'l'RIC DRYERS - " Free Home, Demonstration 50' 3 tl t f L · c 11 B 1 radio,. heater, '. Dynaflow, pow: . w J> nor tens· o · nnsmg. a 1 o e~

er bral1es and steering, A one· Spinet Pianos $495 up Red Delicious ' Parm Realty, Mason OR 7·2361. Good conclition, $69.50. Con· sumers Power Co,, phone OR 7-9641. . . . 50\y3"'

Also Gibson instruments MASON 2 r 11 b 1 1 1 ~o 3 owner cat· that's priced to sell. • , · am Y r c' tnO( ern a w P, · · ' 32wtf Golden Delicious home, The largest apartment _, ___________ ...:..

USED GAS RANGES - Good working order: C o n s u ,mer s ,

Power Co,, phone Mason OR 7·9641. · 50w3*

USED AUTOMATIC WASHERS -Severn! to plck from. · Cot1· ·

~umers PO\vcr Co., phone Mason OR 7·9641. 50w3"'

... ' ' BICYCLES- Christmas layaway 1955 BUICI\..:...Super 2-cloot• hard·

top Dynaflow, rriclio, . heater, power breaJ<s·. and· steering. l3eautl!ul one-owner car.

plan. Parts & Se1'Vlce. We buy used bicycles. Also many new and \ISed motorcycles. Shep's Motom,

-one. buff,. blue and whlte with 2460 N. Cedar St., Holt. 49w4''

matching custom leather ,in· SAFES - Botigllt, sold, opcnccl, terlm•. Has radio,. heater, white · repaired. Vault doors, money sidewall, tires and many other chests, steel desks', filing cab· ~xtras. This be~utlful eat· is go-. inets, tear gas and combination mg at only $99::>. · · service, Murphy Safe Co,, 5961 S.


Home· Laundry


· · Cedar,· Lansing. Agents wanted; 1955 . BUICK - Century. 2-cloor Phone ox 4-3241. 49w4*

harcltop, radio, heater, power _

l. 1!158 Maytag Washer q (model N2L)

2 .• Johnson Heavy Duty Double Dmin •rubs

3, Giant. Box of 'flcle (3·monlh ·supply)

4, Plastic Clothes Busltet (lightweight, unbrenl<· able)


I .brealts and steering, two to WILLIAMSTON. MEMORIALS-choose from. Mon1.1ments and marl<ers In the

. , finest granites. Try us for ecotl· ' 1956 RAMBLER 1·door hardtop, amy, quality and service. Ro_y

$139,95 radio, heater, I-I¥ dramatic. Buffington, 1428 ' West Grand Economy l\ing of the highway. River, Wllliamston, phone Wll·

19·95 ,1956 PONTIAC Star Chief Cata- llamston 464· 49w4"'

4,00 lina 2-cloor hardtop: A , sharp --------------one-owner low m1leage car PHOTO. ENLARGER-21;, x 3\(, that's priced to sell. Federal, $20, W, J. Mciiquham,

2·98 1956 PONTIAC 4-door sedan, ra· 529 West Maple, Mason, phone ella, heater, beauti!ul 2-tonc Mason OR 6'5715' 49wtfp

$lGG.88 flnlsh, one:owner car. Just wait· ing. for a good home.

BOY'S ICE SKATES, size 9, Mrs. R. V, Dangler, phone Mason

Lm;s guaranteed trade·in allowance for your pres· ent wnshet• 30,00 OR 7-7042. 52w1

1955 BUICK Century 2·lloor hal."tl· -'"-'-----------'--

hns 3 bedrooms, Buy this· home R I E W d B Northern SJ)iCs and let It pay for itself. Easy ea State ante 1

terms, Possession' very soon. C. Special o i L. Johnson Agency, phone Mason W'ANTED-I.:istings, !louses, lots

OR 6·5786. · 50w3p · or !arms. Contfict George Wm. Jonathan\! . . Parlter, Holt OX 9·2116, cvnni11gs

MASO~, 3-bedroo~, new, A·: I or Saturdays, ·.representing Dun,-$1 and liP locatton, shade tiees, lot 100 x Jtam and Broclte Realty. 491v4'·'

H5, full· basement, hardwooLl ------­floors, kitchen, tile bath, REAL ESTATE wanted hy q11ali· garbage disposal, wnlls nrc plus· fled buyers. SO acres zone1! com· tcred and covcd with offset. Full tnercial, 4o acres for cemetery, 20 price $13,900, $1,000 down 011 acres· between Mason and Lnn· FHA terms or will trade. C. L. sing, 40 to so acres zoned indus· Johnson Agency, phone Mnso11 trill.! for light Industry. Call Boles

Dockter's Orchard

11,{! mires south o[ Dansville Phone Dansville MA 3-2014


OR 6-5786. 50w3Jl Parm Realty, Mnson OR 7·2361. '.19wqp Clothing

-...---------- ___ ._. ONE ACRE, 2-bearoom n1odern DR!ESSES, suits, coats, trouser~·. on Dexter Trntl, basement,, WANTED-I wnnt to list n fnrm

skirts, swealt'rs, etc. 10c off large garage, paved drive, hard· enst of Holt and Mnson, must with this ad at Bidlc Cleaners, 311 wood floors. A real nice home l>e lllider $2:1,000. Also 2-hedroom N. Cedar, Mason OR 6·5902. with Jots of flowers and shrubs. home with low down payment, Don't delay, try us today, This heirship p.roperty to be solll rtml 3 or more ,beclroom home in



soon, Malw me an offer. C. L. the Holt or Mason area, Cull J ohrison Agency, phone Mason Archie Lewis, office IV 2-085~, OR .6-57S6. 50w3p residence OX tJ.49St, N. A.

Pede~•a Co., Lansing. 51W2J> 16; girl's !Jiack patent leather shoes, size 7; girl's white high 4-BEDROOM modern home in boots, size 7; car scat for child, Holt. Excellent location, base-like new. Phone OR 6·4731. mont,' garage, a· good home, Situations Wanted· ________ .. __ _

YOU PAY ONLY $136,88

50wtf pl'iced right with easy terms, Or -------------- will trade equity for smallet·

home, C. L. Johnson Agency, phone Mason OR 6·5786. 5lw2t>

top. A real sharpie, prlcecl·to SKATES - Girl'S' white figure Bul',ldl'ngs - Suppll'es sell. I-Ins· tJower brakes. skates, size 4, Phone Mason OR

7·16fll. 52w1 =-=-=-=-=--=-=:-::-:=:----:---:-

WANTED - C!trpcnter worlt and repair work. Henry Fril'S, Sr.,

132 Rayner street, Mason, phone Mason OR 7-1151, LeRs thnn price of washer alone

Free Delivery and Instnllatlpn Note: If yotl do not ltnV'e a wash· er to trade ln, or if you do· nrt need the tubs, cart' or detergent, see us !or a very special deal on thls Maytag washer during sale.

1955 FORD V·8 2·door, radio, ------------- STORM WINDOWS, replaced, hentct·, Fcml·o·matle, ()ne owner 410 BOLT ACTION 6-slwt to· sell made and repaired. Thorbum

IN MASON - 3-bedroom house, 2 baths, hardwood floors, ga­

rage. Right down town: Woul1l mal\e good living quarters nncl office space, Hay Squires, sales·


Silsby Implement Co~


1955 FORD V-8, fordor, radio, heater, standard shi:l:t', another one-ownet' car from Bill Rich· ards.

195-i RAMBLER 100, 2-iloor. Only 214 State, Mason $495:

, Phone OR' 7-0141 , .

~EWING MACHINES, used Sing· 1954. STUDEBAKER Champi?n, cr portables from $14.95. Re· shnrp.,. Fot!r. door sedan ":tth

pairs and parts for all inaltes. of overcluve. ~tres, . motor: pam!, sewing machines, estimates . in upholstery m excellent cond1· advance. Mid-State Sales & Serv· tiOn. ice, 1214 Turner, phone IV 9·5776.

. . . 5lw2"

MAYTAG LAUNlJRY equipment sales and service. Silsby Im·

plement Co,, State· street, Mason, phone OR 7·0141.



To nil our cttstomers, and friends -''A Mcrt·y Christmas and Prosperous New Year."

See HatTy Burgess ·or Derwood Fletcher at

Bill Richards


Corner US·l27 and Legion Rond Open Evenings Till 9

Phone OR 7·3541 52w1

---·-----------thfs 1veek if possible, $15, Cnll Lumber and Coal, 208 N. Mason,

Mason OR 7-898'1. 52w1 phone Mason OR 7·3381. 49w4"' HELP WANTED, to do house·

work, aid with ehilclrcn, live in.

SEE AND TRY f,he world's most modern organ, the new Gul·

brans·en. This is t.he world's EASIEST TO PLAY organ, with these exclusive features: * All transistor tone generating sys· tem, '" World famous Leslie tremelo system, !1' Omega percus­sion, " Built·lt't reverberation, '' Chimes, ALL SELF-CONTAINED in tt1c organ console. NO EX· TRAS TO BUY! See the incom· parable Gulbransen organ now, at the HOUSE OF ORGANS. Studios in Battle Creek, Jacl<son, Ionia ancl Frandor. In Lansing phone IV 2·1433. HOUSE OF OR· GANS. local ·repres'entative, l~red H. Northrup, Mason OR 7·0593,


FIREWOOD-$3.75 to $7.50 per cord, , delivered. Orders filled

promptly. Kenneth L, Antes, call Mason on 7-8522. 49w4"'

FILE DRAW-4 draws high, let· ter size, We have 2 nt $35 and

one for $50. Jewett Insurance Agency, 551 W. Maple St., Mason.


IMPROVE TI-IE looks of your man, 148 E. Ash, phone Maso11 Phone Lansing ED 2-8090. 51w3

basement walls. Use Gibralter OR 7·6481, Mildred Barnes, WANTED -- Carpenter work-Brush Coat paint in a variety of realtor. 52wl cabinets, cupboards, doors and colors. For free estimates call -----------·--- drawers. Also furniture repait·· Lewis Hause, Holt OX 4-3041, . MASON - 2 large bedrooms, lng. H. E. Hallenbeck, 250 N, ,lef·

49w4• one small, gas heat, moclern ferson, Mason, OR 6-,1054. 49w4p ,;__.....,.._ .-. ----·.-..,_-, .. -,.,--,--. -- l\itchcn, new 2-car garage, very INSULATE your home now and nice Jot, close to schools, full 1

save real money. s1>ecial truclc· price, $6,950 with terms. C. L. Misc. Wanted 21 load purehase of Cclotex Handi· .Tohnson Agency, Phone Mason pak home insulation. Reg, $1.40, OR 6-5786. 50w3p WANTED - All ldncls livestoclc, now !l7c bag, Covers .25 square farm machinery, feed, grain, feet. Cash and cnrry. Mickelson· NEW BRICK HOME -· .rust t har and straw. Also tr11cklng. Bal<et• Lumber Co., 352 · W. Co· completed at 528 Hall houlc- Roy Donnlcl, 1287 Lamb road, OR lumbia, Mason, OR 7-3751. 52wl vard. Three bedrooms, large Jiv. li-5663, d9w4*

ing room, all-hirch ldtchen with .

Poultry-Rabbits built-in stove nnd oven and dis· posal. This home has beautiful ceramic bath, gas heat and full

DIRKSE LEGHORNS. Started basement. Also attached garage pullets, Darby strain, 4 weeks with adjoining patio and concrete

to ready to lay. Also baby pullets, driveway to street. See or call unequallec!"records. Also Westlint Lawrence Simpson, 627 Hall No. 702 and Darby strain cross, 3 boulevard, Mason,· ·phone Mason

OR 6·4281. 49w4'' top moneymnkers. Liberal guar- -------------­antees and low prices, We ship or deliver anywiiere. Free Cage Lay­er booklet and literatt1re. DirJ,s.~ Leghorn Farm, Box 16DE, Zee­land', Michigan. 36w42p

PULLETS-White Leghorns, lay·

WANTED-Old sheet ll)USir.. Will pay by height of stack, 25c per

inch, Mrs. Don Densmore, call Mason OR 6-,lflll mornings or contact at Densmore's IGA Food· liner. 491v4'•

CHAIRS WANTED - 80 chairs,

mite) nnd supplies. Stephen Donnell, dealer. Blasting stumps, rocks, ditche~, etc. clone hy the !tour. Phone Holt OX 4-7441. Call from !:i p, m. to 7 p, rn.; on Sat· urdays from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. 222 S. Cedor OR 6·5922 1958 CHEVROLET sport sedan.

. .lOwtf \:'·8. 1




• TRANSMISSIONS- AutoJll.a· Good Things to Eat ing well, $1.75 each, Chester

Smith, phone Eaton , Rapids

LOT on Phillips rand, 165 ft. · frontage by 330 ft. deep, One

and one~quarter acres. 4 mii'es to US-16 aml campus. The price has been reduced by owner. Only $2,450, terms. Other vacant acres and building sites ncar Mason and Lansing. Buying ot· selling real estate, call Boles Farn1 Really, Mason OR 7·2361.

borrowed from Jewett funeral home, have not been returned. Chairs are lent on the honor system. Christmas time is a good time to return them. Look nrouncl !he house. They have the name JEWETT printed on 1hem, Ju'st leave them off at the fun~ral home-no questions asked. 50w3

For Rent - Houses 24 49w4'' ---------------------G-CAN Tnlernationnl dt•op-in milk

cooler, in rc:1J good condition. Blaine LoVette, 29·1~ W. Kinne­ville road, Le~lie, phone Leslie JU 9·27·Hl. 52w1p

------------·-----SMITH CONCRETE Stave Silos,

You can save S'io hy onlering your '59 silo before January 1. Ca11 Glenn Oesterle, 1285 E<len road, Mason OR 7·8552. 49w4"

CHAIN SAW - 20-in. Strunk. Onc-mnn. wi,tl~ original chain. Hay-Feed-Gral·n

Jn good condJl.!on, $50, Clare Launstein, 33,1 S. Every road,, · phone Mason OR 7-1682. 52wl ALFALFA HAY for sale. Also

Chore Boy mill\er. witll steel claw. Lewis Wilson, 2 miles north of Masnn on Okemos ro(\d, first place west on Harpcr. Phone Ma· son OR 7-S794. 52wl

FAHM EQUIPMENT - Minnea· polis-Moline corn picker. Ex·

cctlent condition. Farm Master upright milker pump and lines for approximately 20 stanchions. Clare Boughton, ~1:as·an OR HAY-1,000 bales alfalfa ancl 7-3G29. 5lw2p bromo hay. 1670 Curtis road,

Dansville, phone MA 3-3761. ·

Used Machinery

U~rcl Washing Machine.

U~C'I! Farmall Super C tractor with cultivntor, $675. ITnmelile Chain Saw, $65.

!lfoCd Oil !';pace Heaters.

New IJomelite Zip Chain Saw, $16!l.:>O.

Silsby Implement

· 52wl

MIXED HAY-500 bales of first cutting mixed hay. Glenn Oes·

terle, 12S5 Eden road, Mason, call on 7-8552. 49w4*

BALED HAY, first and second cutting, good quality. Alfalfa

mixed with bromo or clover; also June clover: R. B, Frost, 1705 Zimmer road, Wil1!amston.


Household· Goods 21-1 State Street USED PIANOS - We have a

Phone Mason OR 7-0141 good selection of used pianos, 52\v1 all makes, all prices. Sec us now

------------. - for the best in values. HOUSE BULl~ T;ANK. -<00 gal~o~ dtrect OF ORGANS, 1100 :M-36. Phone

expans10n. Phone Wllltan;ston Mason OR 7.0593. 46w8 49 or Box·193, Route 2, Wllhams· ton. 48w5~

1950 INTERNATIONAL M. trac­tor with remote control, and

step-up, transmission, Internation­

UPRIGHT PIANO - Exception· a! tone. In good condition. Will

sell or trade for livestock. Phone Webberville 76-J-11. · 52w2

1958 CHEVROLET Impala, V.S.

1958 CHEVROLET .Biscayne 4· door. Power steering.

1957 CHEVROLET 210, ·1-door. 6~cylindcr. ,

19S7 CHEVROLET 210, 4-door. V-S.

1957 FORD :Fairlane 500 conver­tible. Loaded.

1956 CHEVROLET 210, 4-door. 6-cyli nder.

1955 FORD Customline Fordor. V-8.

1955. FORD, Fair lane Tudor. V-8.

1955 CHEVROLET 210, 4-door: V-8.

1955 CHEVROLET 210, 2'door. 6-cylinder.

1955 CHEVROLET station on. Overdrive.


1953 CHEVROLET 4-door. Stand· ard shift. ·

1953 CHEVROLET sport coupe.

1952 DODGE 4-doar. Extra clean.


1957 CHEVROLET, l()ng box, %· ton ..

1955 FORD ~h-ton. V-8 engine.

AI. Rice Chevrolet Open Friday Nights

al-Harvester 2-row cultivator, In· HI·FI. Brand new Emerson. Still temational 3-bottom 14-incli plow, ··in the crate. 3 big speakers. John Deere ba]ei, string-tie, like Plays all records. First '$100 takes new. ·can Grass ·Lake "5143, or it.: Ideal for \ate San~. ,Basil come to Hi07 Hayball road, Jack· Fruin, Mason OR 7-6883. · son, · · 51w2 ·, ·. · · ·

. . . ' ) ',;.;.:,i. " ''"" '' ..

Phone OR 7-3061 . , 52w1 Mason • N. <;crl?r, Itolt


tic, standard· and overdrive • MOTOHS - Many late models • BATTERIES • NEW MUFFLERS • NEW TAILPIPES

Bud's Auto Parts 2 miles south of Holt' on US-127

Phone OX 9-2154 lwtf

1956 BUICK Special 2-door, one­owner, like new, 13,000 actual

miles, radio, heatet·, · excell.ent tires. Phone Holt OX 4·9310,

· 52w1 •.. ,,

POTATOES - Pontiac, Russets, Chippewa and Sebaygo, $1.25 a

bushel. Ed Casper, 513 Baldwin . road, pltone Mason OR 7-6574,


ROASTERS - Live or dressed. Donald Jenks, corner of Eden

and Inga11s roads, phone Leslie JU 9-2200. 50w3p

APPLES, $1 and up, Mcintosh, Spies, Cortland, Grimes Golden

and Delicious. Also Honey. Han· sen's Orchard, 6 miles west of Mason on Columbia and 2 miles south on Onondaga. Phone Aura· !ius MA 8-3050. 49w4*

4-512S. 51w2p

200 NEW HAMPSHIRE: Red pul· lets; over 4 months old, $1 each

if taken at once. Pho11c Lansing TU 2-3990. 52w3

Dogs and Pets DACHSHUND puppies, 7 weeks

old, for sale. AKC registered, wonned am! had sho1s, $35. Will sell mot her dog for :)10 and· half of next Jitter. Hichard Bisel, 303 Crossman •road, Williamston.


PUPPIES to give away. Phone Mason OR 7-5894. 52w2

BOARDING - Private outdoor runs for each dog. Green Acres


COMMERCIAL and industrial acres: 4 acres zoned Industrial,

20 acre~ zoned industrial,' SO·acre farm, mode1•n home, horse harn, zoned commercial; so.acre farm, ready to plat, water and sewer available. Several small acreages near Mason and Lansing. Call Clarence M. Boles, Boles· Farm Realty, Mason OR 7-2361.


MR. INVESTOR or RENTER: Here is a deal north of Dans·

ville, % aero with 2-bedroom home ·ali on one ftoor, has new well, school bus by door. Price $2,500' with low down payment. Phone Leslie JU 9·8235, Kirby Real Estate. ' 51w2*

Kennels. Phone OR 7-9791. Sun· ------------­day hours 5:00-7:00 p. ln.

49w4* 581 FEET of wooded frontage, 3

miles from Mason. If you want some real building sites this is it. Priced low. TerJ'TIS or will trade:

FOR RENT-Six-room furnislied house. Basement, large yard.

Located at 3•11 N. Okemos Street. Available Decembct· 20. Inquire of Fred Schroeder, OR 6·5602,


POR RENT, farm home near Dansville. Inquire at: 235 W.

Maple, Mason, Gaylia Correttc, phone Mason OR 7-6891. 51wlp

MODERN 7-room house for rent, corner of Tuttle and Tomlinson

roads.' Walter E. Kranz, phone Mason OR 6·17S7. 52wlp

For Rent - Apts. 26 -----------·----F'OR RENT-Furnished 2-room

studio apartment, close to dow·ntown, utilities furnished, $10 per week. Ca!J Ma~on OR 6·1192.

51w2 GERMAN SHEPHERD, female,

AKC registered, black and tan, 2 years old, Phone :Mason OR 7-6351. 51w2

COCKERS, pa.rti-co1ors, AKC reg· istercd, excellent conformation,

championship bloodline, show and pet. stock, ready. by Christmas. Phone Leslie JU 9-2981. 51w2

C. L. Johnson .agency, phone Ma· son OR 6-5786. 50w3p

F'OR RENT - 3-room furnished modern, downstairs apartm!!nt,

private entrance and bath, . ga· IS rage, utilities furnished. No chi!· dren or pets. Jay Skelton, 432 W.

Real Estate·- farms ONE OF THE BE'ITER FARMS

-for sale south of,Williamston, 130 acres, 120 acres tillable, level land, high productive soil. Has

PUPS- English P o in t e r s, 14 good fences, 3-bedroom home, 40 weeks old, $20. Phone. Eaton x 80 barn, 24 x 60 shed, 16 x 35

Ash, phone Mason. OR 6-4321; 51w2*

FOR RENT-4-room apartment unfurnished, $12.50 per week-.

Call after 6 p. m. Eaton Rapids 4853. 51W2t>

· Rapids 6178. . 51w2P. silo, poultry house, tool shed. . Price less than $30,000 .. Phone APARTMENT- 4 rooms, partly: Real Estate - Hames 16 Leslie JU, 9·8235, Kirby Real furnished, ground floor, newly

Estate. 51w2• decorated, located at 509 West CD" HOUSE - Excencnt' location, lumbia. One or 2 children' con· . can be used for 2 apartments. FARMS, sell or _trade, near Ma· sidered. Parking space, rear an(! Right price. Phone Mason, OR ·son and Lansmg, 20, 40, SO, front entrance. Call in person at 7·2693. , 49W4• 160, 200 acres. Exchange your 410 Ann· street to see apartment;

home for a !arm. Trade your - 49\1'4*. 2·BEDROOM modern home in farm for a, home. Exchange your ------------­

Mason on E. Cherry street farnr Ior a larger farm. Com· FOR RENT-Furnished upstairs . Priced to sell at'$5,500 with $500 potent, fair appraisals. Good apartment suitable for 2, nD · down. Extra lot., Close to Steele deals arc to be made in 1959. pets, gas heat; located at 3081h W.

' -,. . . . ·. Street school and ]>layground. Buying or· selling real estate, call Columbia:· Call . or see Minnie Ca11 Boles Farm Real.ty, Mason Boles Farm ~ealty, Mason OR Thorburn, 410 W. Maple.- phone!. OR 7-2361. . . , · 49w~p 7-2361. ~3p I Mason ?R' 7-6511; 50w3_

. "My Want Ad iets answers from all over!"

Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co.

or Ingham County

Mason - OR G 4231

Business Services

SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned and drain fields tepalred, also elec

tJtc sewe1 cleaning L W Coe, ~108 rnrncr Phone Lansmg IV 2 7647

Welding BJaztng Falmc atlng l' ll m MadHnet y Repa!J

I~'lrgt' or Small - We Do 'I hem All'

Ho111 ~ 8 r; Mondny Saturclny lly tppomtment an) I nne

B&Il r;or; F.dc n Road, Mnson

Plwne OH 6 S912

:Ptemodelmg of all kmds

Chmce of wood, fimsh and counter tops

- Plast1c wall hle and all kmds of floor tile

Rohe1 t Tiny hoe· Mason farmer recetved a bt okcn ankle 1 hurs clay wlwn his trucl1 !ell from the ilot~t ul F' A B tide! son elevator llu) hoe is n patient at Mason Genewl hospl tal Mr and Mt s J(enncl h ShetTer

ancl claughtets attended a famtlj dinner party on Clmstmns Day at the home or hJS parents Mr and Mt s Willi 1m Sheffct 111 Tus

Farmer Peck's Wife Sends Her Greetings

Merry Ch11stmas ftom our house to your house Our house surely plays a htg pn1 t of 1 t be lng smack in the mtclclle of the happtest and noisiest holiday at mospherc we ve ever had around here

St11u1ge how ne thmk 1ttnt e\ lli')'OIW t hinl!s JUS( US WI'

do We don't hove tn go O\CJ

Si'RS Ill t IIIII t O!l!!oi \\ ho tlon't obse1 v~ Cit r1stnms.

Not celebrate Clmstmas'~ 'fhe chlldten thmk that that IS the 1 cason fm a calendar-so the~ can tell on what d ty Clntslmas falls It tsn t JUSt fm I he ptes ents they get I l1onesth know llwt the hohday spmt we all en JOY IS VCIY much a pm l of tl1e JOY of Cl1l!stmas

Ce1tmg greetmgs from foll<s we nc\ cr hear !10m any other ltme ts one of the best paris to me-though I dtd cut down on send1ng cards to those W<J sec ev<JrV week 111 church ot neigh ba1s we see at the Clmslmns program or around

Weighs only lffJOtlnds

• D11ect drive. • LUBRI MAC

automatic otlmr. • PINTAIL chain

To my many friends

Merry Christmas and

Happy New Year

Wayne G. Feighner Aucf oneer

New Mac D30 easy to carry, easy to use Ideal for farmers, outdoors­men, tree surgeons, pulp­cutters Cuts fast, lasts long

IlotelRoosevelt Is Scene OJ~ Dart En:'ployes Party

Tl;c Emerulcl room nt Hole! Huo"ewll In Lnnsing was tl1e scene of the annual Dar! Na· tionnl ilanl< and Dart Jnsurance comnany Chri.1tmas party. Forty· cig!,JI ;tlteiJIIPd the dinncJ• at llw hotel anci dance lalet· at the Hol· lin Dart homo,

Ilrcsent were Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Dart, Mr. <J!Jd .Mrs. Hollin Dart, Mr. and M1·~. LeonaJ•rJ Cat'·

, ter, 1\1!', and 1\11~. Delma!' 1\ramcr, Mr. and J\li's .. John I Iciss, Mr. and M1·s. llil'imJ d \V<Judland, Mr. and J\11·s .. J. W. Brownfield, Mt·, and Mrs. 1\I'JHJCtiJ Blo!'l\, 1\lr·. and Mrs. 'J'om ll<•nlilllS, M1·. and Mrs .. Jan

CLUB PLANS YlJLf~ l'AitTY Vnntown '1·11 t:t'ollp plans io

!Jave a Christmas Jlill'ty Monduy, Dct•emhcr :w, Hl 2 p. m. at the MayJHII d Wcbsi<•i' lirJJne. A com· rnittee ik ,dso mailing plai!S for a sno1~ Jlill ly, Agnc~s WclmteJ, JII'CH· ident, )II csidcd at I lie meeting,

~ ~ I I

Jo'l'irl.ty PVeni11g Mr. and MrH.

Durt, Mr. and M1·s. Jncl< Jacobs, Mr. and Mt·s. Hugh Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clipper, M1•. and Mrs. Albert Humphrey,

Mr. and Mrs. Tempi(] Christian, M1·. and Mrs. Jesse Rich, Mr. ami Mr·s, !I. M. Silsby, Mrs. Jeanette Dnrt, M1·s. Nanette l{ilbourn, Mrs. Albarta Betcher, Lloyrl Morris, Miss Sue Ann Jean, Jaclt liar!, MIHs Margi Wilhelm, H.andy U,tgerman, Mls.lfclcn V;mSingr.l,. r"" Snic·u~w. Miss BRrbara Buck· Ingham, Ronald Ricd, Miss Con· 111" 1-Attnncr and Tom Blmpard.

Scout Troop 82 Has Yul·e Party G i l'i Seouls in Troop !:!2 lwd a

Cln·lst!nas party at 1111' Method· I;; I dan c·h Tuesday, Jnslcad of exc·ilanging gifts, lllC !:il'ls look articles for the Mason clearing I lOUse.

NOJ1h Am·clhL<; Ladles Mission· ary Sodcly has postponed its regular meeting till 'fhursday evening, Junum·y · 8, 8 p. m., at the home of Mrs. Robmt Welch on Aurelius ma<l.

Webb Sdtool club will nul meet unli l 'l'hUI'Sd<Jy afternoon, Jamt· aJ-y 8, The meeting placl! will be fiiiJHJLtncP.<I laler. . J••·lscllla Circle of Mason· tl!llst churd1 will meet Monriay, December 29, with Mrs. Waynn lnJ.:hrun County News employes Bullen. Mrs. 13, L. Adams and and tlll'll' ~pou~es !HJ(J clinnct· <~t Mrs. Robel'l Walker arc co·host· The Ernhers In llc)ll Mondrtv eve. osses. Mrs. If. S. Pulver is· pro· nlng In observant:!! of the Christ· gmm ciHurman, mas hailrlay.

\\'l]('aUJeld GleHrwrs will have" 1.1gilted Jed ancl green t·andlc~ d:uwc Satut·d;lY, Detember 27, ai and pine bougl1s centet·ed the llw Gleaner hall from !J:30 till lnbles, which were placed in a J :30. U·shapc,

Jfllhlll HuJioi~ Pa~t Noble A special guest at the party

Mauriw l't•r·sing r•ntertan]('d Mt•. and 1111.'1. HobeJ't Jlennclt of Lan· sil1g fur dumer. On Saturday Hob· crt 1\IPnk ,md family elf Spnrta vls1ted at tlw Persing home. TllC

'Persing:; went to Slttrgls Sunday to visit Mr. ami Mrs E. B, Per· sing

Mr. and Mrs .. John .Jenson and claug!Jtc•J·~ nnd C. H. Allen of Fiml visitPri Mrs. V. L, Palmer and Jwr mol IJer, Mrs. .Jennie lioLLse, of Whitefish Po111t, a guest nl the Pnlmer IJome, Sun·

Mrs. Wilmot MeDowell is lhc troop lcacle!', with Mrs. John ll11mlin ns co·leadm·. Mr. Me· Dowell was a special guest at the meet mg.

Afte1· luneil llw gi!"ls played games nnd danced. Those attend· lng wet·e Knlhy McDowell, Ten·y linmlin, Jean King, Mary Hm·ri· son, Georgia Blame, Karen Gcr· lull'Clstcin, Beverly Barr, Janet \'anKuren, Jackw CommLIIHll and Pam Zangcr.1

Grand club will have a Chrlslma~; wr~s Vernon J. Bro~vn. He gave a party at the home of Ml'S. Mrw· ,IJJ'Jef talk about Ius eaJ•Iy years cus Hanna, 5.3-i E. Mnin Court, nn at the Ingham County News. Tuesday, Decem her 30. There will Others present were Mr. and be a potluck dinner at 7 p. m Mrs. Nelson Brow~ and Margaret, with n 50·cr.nt gift exchange aft· Mr. and Mrs: Rlchnr(l Brown, crwards. Members are also to Kathy, ValcrJc and Vernon, Mr. tal<c girts for their secret pals. and Mrs, Jim Brown, M1·. ami

Mrs. W. J. Mcilquham, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bingham, 1\lr. and Mrs. Wiiferd Risner, Mrs. Norma Jew. ctt, Mr. unci Mrs. Kenneth Shcf· fer, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harvatil,

College Crossroads Club To Vote on New By-Laws


Mrs. Zola Bashford Dart of East Lansing was hostess to members of lwr family on CluJ st. mas Day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Sabin Corbin of Port Htlron, William 13oiloel! of Lowell, Mrs. C. L. Ba,hfonl, lVJr and Mrs. Hollin Dart and fmuly nncl Mr. and M1s . .Jan Da1t and family. TIJc Corllins nrc p,trents of Mrs. Hollin Dart and Mr. Boliock is Mrs. Jan Dart's i<Jlher.

SLJIHI.Jy visitors o[ Mr. and Mrs. ZP! Ancireus we1e 1\lr. and 1\lrs. John Andreus ancl family, Daniel Andreas and !\!Iss Knte Andreas, uli of Eaton Hapicls.

1]1 ,;; * Sunday School Giv·es Program

Joyce Hail of Wcstem Michi· .(lan univc1sity, Kalamazoo; Jonn Hall of University of Michigan, J\nn Arbor; and Nola11 IInll of Members of the Mason Church 1\!i!'higan State university, East of the Nazarene Sunday ~chool Lansing, a1·e spending the holiday pt·escntcci the1\· annual Christmas vaeatJop with tlwir parents, Mr. pt·ogram Sunclny evening, unrim· and Mrs Chellis P. Hall. the direction of Mrs Ray Coch·

Mr and Mrs. Milburn Grieb and ranc. Teachers of the Sunday Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller I school classes assisted with the and JV!J', and Mrs. Kenneth Grieb program. attended a family gatlwJing at M1·s. Earl Snyder prOV](led the township hall in Holt. Other piano accompaniment for junior guests were 1\lr. and Mrs. Rob· choir members as they sang erl Fuller of Dimondale, Mr. and Christmas songs. She also ac· Mrs Geot•ge Morse of Grand companied M1ss Alice Snyder, Rapids and Mr. and Mrs John 1.-!Jss Marlene Howe and Loretta Robison and family, Mr. and Mrs. Craddocl< as they sang, Martha James Andrews and family, Mrs. Snyder played the glockenspiel. Robert Brownfield, M1-. and Mrs. A Christmas pageant, The Bells Allen Toms, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rlllg Out, depicting the Nativity Engler and family, M1·. and Mrs. scene highlighted the evening's Harry Howe and daugli!CJ', Mr. program. Almon Fulton 11arrated and Mrs. Leo Miller and sons, Mr. the Christmas story. Mrs. Don ancl Mrs. Oliver Engler und fam· Ruby sang 0 Holy Night.

' Mr. nnd Mrs. Pat Ecling, Miss Virginia Gorman, I(eith Gris­wold, Miss Barbara Ann Bucldng· ham, Ronald Ried, M1·. and Mrs. LeRoy Lee anti Mr. and Mrs. WiJ. llam Reeser.

The group presented Brown with a gift.

T ownli'ne Farm Bureau M·sets

Member~ of College Crossro!tds extension' group will vote on rc. vised by.Jaws at the January meeting, it was cleeicicd ill a J'e· cent meeting at the home of Mrs . Russell Klms.

Six m~mhors were present for the bLJsincss meeting amr lunch· eon. A committee consisting of Mrs. Kleis, Mrs. Ira Ritter, Mrs. Mark Adams and Mrs. Carl Dia. mond presented the revised by· laws to the gmup.

Mrs. Paul Axline guve a report from tl1e safety committee mEet· ing silr. attended in Lansing re· cently.

The group spent the afternoon worldng on Christmas projects

Seventeen members ~f Town· and decorations. line Farm Bureau met at the Ln.mJJiighters extension group home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Trav· had its Christmas party at the er last Wednesday evefling. . home of Mrs. Willys Adams with

Mrs. Lynnford Adams ns co·host-The group voted to participate css. Tl1erc was a short businEJss

esses served fruit jello topped with wluppcd cream, Christmas cookies, ten and coffee from a )ace·COVered table With holiday centerpiece.

J~xtension !P'fiiiJl No. 1 mel at ' the home of Mrs. Arlo Wasson last Thursday. After u shorl business meeting, a pollucl\ luncheon wns served. Secret pals were revealed as Christmas gifts were exchanged. N11mes were drawn for new secret pals for the coming year.

Mrs, Charles Gauss entertained members of White Oul' extension club last Wednesday evening at her jwme, Thirteen members were present fo1' the club's Christmas party.

Some Christmas itlcas· were shown, and Mrs. Gauss demon· strated how to deco1·atc a cake. Secret pals were revealed, and Lhe group drew names for nexl yeat·.

The hostess served refresh·

Miss .Janet Flecller of Adrian arrived Wednesday to spend the holiday wcel1 end with her moth· cr, Mrs, Eva Brown, and family. CI11'1:>1Jilali Day Mrs. Brown and daughters were d!J!I1Cr guests of M1·. ancl M1s. Kcmnclll FicdleJ ami J:n111ly of Lmsing. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. ,John l\1< Conlwll of 01 iHville and Mr. and Mrs. \Vilil.t!TI McConnell of

ily, M1·s. Alvira Hambly and Ar· At the close of the pmgr~m, din Toms, ail of Lansing. DuWaync Howe presented gJ~ts

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Palme•· and to the Sunday school superm· fmniiv and Mrs. v. L. Palmer tenrlent and ills wife, Mr. and went 'to Nashville to spend Christ· Mrs. Mm·shall Pollok, and to mas Day with Mr. a!td Mrs. Rev. and Mrs. Roy Mumau.

in th., CROP drive for this year. meeting, after which gifts, re· As a Ch1•istmns project the coun· vealing secret pals, were ex· ty women's committee is going to changed. Names for secret pals l;uy wheel clm1r cushions for the fol' l939 were drawn. The host. Ingham county hospit,tl. It was-----:---~---:::---:- --------------voted to gl\·c some money to· Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Han1ia


On Clmstmas !Cvl' 1)<11' and Mt·s. Ea1·l Oils cnll'ii:Jinecl M1·. and M1s Austin Otis and family of Stoc·kll!Hig<' dnd Ml'. and Mt's. L. C. Ot1~ and Mrs. Mrtg~-:ie Otis.

J)J 1', IIIII I 1\1 l'l>i. Ln II' 1'1'111'1~ J•;''''l'Y and ~Jr. 1111d 1\lrs. nll'll J•;,,·r~· 1<'1'1 r1•11 a l!'iJl t.u T.<llli· sia11a 'l'!w~dltY Ullll'llin;.r. Tluw Jllnll In visit rnlali\'l'ii,

111rK. c;u1· NPJI Df'l'ilJPc Hiv1•rs b VIsit i11g • ilPI' SOil ,llld lf:tUJ.(iltCr· in·I.JW, Mr :md Mr:;. Raymond Nl'ff, <t11d C'IH'l'il' fol' a weelc

George Vogt Jr. and Douglass. Twenly·eJght members of the

LRWI'encc! Every family liad I hei1· Christmas get.togetilcr Sunday at tlw Every home. Tho~c al tending WI'J'e Mr. nnd Mrs. Willard Every ,mel family, Mr. and 1!J·s, Gerald Pulver and family, Mr. <JJHI Mrs. Giiil Every ami family, Mr. and M1·s. H.nherl Every fiiHl family, M1 s. Mabie Every and Mrs. Molly EVeJetl.

GueHts of Mr. and Mrs. Alford PmwiHon fot• Clu·istmas dinner were Mrs. 13. C. Polgim;e of Aile· ~an, Mr. dnd Mt·s .. foHeph Fon· lana Jr and family of ,f;~ekson, M1·. and M1·s. I1.iciHIJ'[i Towns and famil~· o( Lansing and M1·. Pow· cl><on's sister, Mrs. Erwin Pcllin·

C~uple Has Plans To Wed in Spring An early spring wedcling I~

plnnncd by Miss Kathryn .Julia 1\uc llitrsl\i .uHJ Arthur J. IIotJg. SOil.

Announcement of the couple's [!Jlgagcmcnl Js revealed by lilc hndc·cleet's uncle nne! aunt, M1-. ami Mrs. Berl Elford or Dnnsville, Miss Kuclwrsld is tho d<Higiltcl' of 1 iw laic Cilcster 1\uchar~ld and Vivo~IPJH' Convinl<uclwrski.

Mr. IlodJ.(son'~ )Jarcnts arc Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hodgson uf ve. vay township.

l'!Jil,illldS riiJllll'l' >:III'S(S at lllc !JonH· ol Mr. and ~1 rs. Wiii!Hlll 1 1l'PI, "tll P 1\l1:..; Eu,!.!PilP Cava· llllllgiJ IIIHI ~11' :Jtld Mr.~. J\Ltslin c '.rvo~JJar!gh ;1nd t.11nlly of lluniH•r !Jill, Mr dJHi M1s. Kennoth L,L· iJI·r·tmiiX il!HI family of llastinJ.(s nrut Mr~. fi:IITY Pec•l' and Clnr·

gill of New Hudson. Christmas COUPLE SPI~AKS VOWS Eve guc•sts at the Powelson lwmc were Mr. and Mrs. Willimn Bcr· g1n .fl·. and Kelly of Birmingham,

enec .Jo~r·olls and sons. ami Mr aml Mrs. Heuhcn I\ au ff. 111!' Hnrl lllr~ .. r. D. Dean illc Va·l m:m, Bc.llwny and Zane, Tee!

cationing in l•'loJida for a few Lyrln, Miss Barbara Powelson and weeks. Miss Alice Gilchrist.

School Vacation Events

Miss Barl>ar,L Heed, d.n1ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean !teed of W:~llinc L,LI,c, became lhc brhlc! of Ronalci Plultkc, son o( Mr. nJHI Mrs. Bernard Pl.tkkc, Sunduy, De· cem bc1· 21, at the Congregational church, Baldwm,

II I) 1!1

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dean and sons entertained at a birthday dinner Sunday honoring .Mrs. Dean's father, Harold Franl,lin.

Ann·~ parents, Mr. and Ml'S. Allen Thirteen members ur the family F1·edel'ick, and her sister, Elaine, ·

Sdwol ended with a grand ~er\•ed a buffet lunch. were present: fln,tlc, Friclav afl<!rnoon, dS the Guests at the home of Mr. anti band and choruses combined to :Monday afternoon, Tri·Hl mcm- Mrs. Vern Dayton for Christmas p 1 e~cnt the annual Christmas as bers gathered at Sharon Pritzel's were M1·. and M1s. Velmour Day. st'mhly. Bill Thorbllln, president home for their Christmas party. ton and son of Leslie, Mr. and of the :VIason cle:1ring bouse, ac After filling stockings for the Mrs. Doyle Robinson and 1 family cc!pted the while g1fts, pl<~ced un· detention home, wrapping gifts of Keego Harbot·, and Mrs. Avilda dcr the 11cc ily the students. Lyle for the convalescent ilomcs and Hicl\s and Paul Robinson of Lan. Thorburn p1el<ed up the box of making tray favors fol' the hos· smg. mnncd goods that Latin club jlJtal, refreshments oLcal<e and On Christmas Eve Mr. and Mrs

wards the tushions. and Judy visited the Hannas' son· Ingham County News, Mason December 25, 1958 A-6 A discussion tool< place "From in-law and daughteJ', Mr. and

Where Docs Michigan Get Its Mrs. John DcMecster·, and family Revenue?" The group felt that in Kalamazoo on Chl'istmas D<1y. ~------------. Ieos govemmcnt spending and MJ'. and Mrs. ,John IIaml1n anrl more effwicney in the govern· family entertained' Mrs. Vc1·a Roy, ment would help to put Miehlgi4l\ Dat-rell and Ma1·!farct of Lanfling; back on :t sound llnanclal footing. nlid Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Culver, Also that if new taxes must come Joe arul Ted of Parl1 Lal1c on a state ineomc tax wottlcl be most Christmas Ew. [air. Additional sales tax, but dis· Guests of M1·. and Mrs. IIei·bcr·t continue 1t on ali fuo1l, was an- Fox St·. for the holidays arc Mr. ot11er possibllit.Y suggested. and Mr::;. ITerhcJt Fox J1·. and

rtcft·eshmcnts o( <·ool<ics, jcllo family of Battle Ct·cek, Mr. and and coffee' wew served hy Mt·s., 1\11 s, Jl.ohert Fox and family of Dkk Traver, Mrs. Grant r>utman Ionia and Miss Elizabeth Fox of and .Mrs. !'(en Van Patten. l•'owlervllle.

The nextmeetln::: will hr• Janu- !\Jr. and l\11-s. ltulwrl i\. ill',\' 1!3 at the home of !Ill·. and l•'lt·t~·lim• ILIId fltmlly or l•'urt. Mrs. llub OPSIPrle. Wnyn11, Ind., nrr. I'JlNlding-

• " tl111 Clu·lstm1~s holidays with Mr. :111cl Mr~. Ito:;~ Tlwr!Jum l\11·, !LIId llh-s. JWIJcJ1, 'J'.

lcfl Mason Tuesd;;y fo1· 11 2-dHy l>'hll.clJt•t·. I rip 1 hrnugh no1·t hcrn Mic·higan. On CIHist rnaH D11y Mr. m1d On Christm<Ls D,ty tlwy joined MJ·s. Cltcster Jo'letl'iJCI' ;nul Miss the William Tlwrhurns at tile Marjorie Fletd1e1· t•ntertainc:d Angus LaPonsie humc in Ituti· Mr. and M1·s. Itusscll Howl! and yard. sons and Ted Wcll'h

Mr. ,Lnd M1·s. Merwin Everitt Mr. and Mrs. John Genco and and children entertained Mr. and Tony spent Christmas Day with Mts. J. Edward Soper at dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cascarilla

Mrs. Nolan Owen of Lansing and family of Lansing. entertained Mrs. KenncLh Math· Mrs. C. R Bcehe. 'is spendinl:' ews of Leslie, Mrs. Norma Jew. the Christmas holidays with her ell and Rodney and Mrs. Edward son·in·law and daughlcJ·, Mr. anrl K. Fitzgerald of Lansing for din· Mrs. Vance McWhorter, and Chris ncr Tuesday evening. at Lansing. On Christmas Day

Mr. and Mrs. James Frew en: they were guests at a family tcrtaincd at Christmas dinner Mr. gathering at the home o£ Mr. ami and Mrs. Gum Dancer and Mr. Mrs. Elmer Corbin, also of Lan·

Mason Manor

Restaurant and

Motel ' WILL BE

Closed New Year·s


Thank You for Your Cooperai>ion


and Mrs. William Dancer and Me· s~,i~n:g~. -----------~::::::::::::::::::::::= Iissa of Stocl\bridgc and Mr. and -Mrs. Winston Dancer and family ·~ of M.ason. 1lli

mcmiJCI s ilonalerl. Forrest Rine· cookies were served. \\'alter Fe ike of Bear Ial,c, Os· hm t, [lllllC'!Jlal, also spoke at the JoLinda SmJth cntertamed a born Dean of Lansing, and Mr. r------------~ assembly Afterwarrls, student few of her fnends Monday night. and Mrs. Mac Dean, William Ran· council members cl is tribute ci The group carolled foJ· awhile, dail and Mr. and Mrs. Ray. Bullen candr bars. and then retumed to JoLinda's were guests of Mt·s. Carl Jewett.

Donald Phillips came from !~ Rochestet·, Minn., to spend the j" Christmas holidays with Mr. and ~~: Mrs. Don Phillips. ::


To sunny Florida went some home, where refrcsilmcnts were The group were entertained on lucky students last \\eek. Shirley served. They played games and Christmas Day at the Bullen and Larry Burgess left with their visited. Present were Sandra Bib· home. parents, Mr. and Afrs. Lawrence bins, Sharon Clark, Helen Van- The Clay Hulett family spent Burgess. Friday afternoon, as did Kuren, Marilyn )3urgess and Cilristmas Eve with Mrs. Hulett's J\laurecn Sir<JJt and her parents, Mary Wasson. pat·ents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Clark, Mr. ami M~s. Maurice Strait, ami Kathy Brown was hostess at a of Okemos. fnmily. party, Tuesday night, at her Mr. and Mrs. Willmm A. Bergin

Also in tile sunny south this horne. The girls/played cards and will leave Monday for Phocmx, week arc Mr. and 1\frs. Donnld visited. Kathy served refresh· Arizona, where they will spend Ellgmgton and children. Mary ments during the evening of fun. the remainder of the winter Jewett left with her Jlarcnts, Mr. GlrJs there were Marilyn Burgess, months. and Mrs. Herschel Jewett, last Jane Evcntt, Helen Scofield, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis enter., Wednesday. Jul1c Dart departed Mary Wasson, Sylvia Linden, taincd at a Christmas coffee hour Friday. Mary and Dave Arnold, Paula Mudgett, Betty Peek, Carol Sunday. Guests were Mr. and and the1r parents, Rev. and Mrs. Rowland, Linda Hamlin, Lmda Mrs. Dan Garver and Mr. and Paul Arnold, left for Texas Mon· Lamphere, Mary Ann Frederick, Mrs. Dennis Stolz of Haslett, Mr. day morning to spend Christmas Judy Mathias, Anne Brady, Mar· and Mrs. Clare Smith of Holt and there. garct Brown and Kathy's sister, Mr. and Mrs. WilJJam Parsons.

For those of us not so fortu· Valerie. Christmas dinner guests at the nate, there were p:trlies and home of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Day dances galore! To get the holi- l\larilyn Burgess wcllt to and sons were Mrs. Ida Chase

h Wlllhunston high school's for· days off to a good start, t ere and Jeffrey of Ann Arbor, and was that basketball 1vin Friday nul snow-ball dance Sattuday Mrs. Ethel Adams and John Dem-

. 11 E 66 57' Re ni~rht .as the ~'11cst of Ken mg t, over verett, to . · \\'a.ite. ary. In the afternoon the L. J. serves won too, 58 to 38. Sopho· Days visited his father, L. J. Day mores sponsored music for the Next Monday night signals the Sr., at Charlotte. dance afterwards, wLth' Don beginning of the Christmas bas· Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dean, Joey Haviland spinning records. ketball tournament. Mason tips and Jay spent Christmas Eve

Saturday night Mary Ann off at 6 against Haslett The win· with Mrs. Dean's parents, Mr. and Frederick entertained at the Ve- ner then plays the victor of the Mrs. Harold Franklin in Lansing.

town hall. Present at the RestJrrection·Grand Ledge game! On Christmas Day the Deans '"C:hnistllllas dance were several of Gooo luck, team, we're all behind were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob-

sophomore . friends:.... M~ry you! .. ~ · ble Dilday of. DeWitt. · '~.... ':·~· . ,..~

Family Cafe

C"Vow as in the days of

old, may the story of Hi1 birth bring you great

comfort &llt:l end~<rin~t joy.

Chrigfmus Joy

It was God who made Christmas possible through tho gift of His Son May we in turn give to God the gccatcst gift of oil-Tho gift of solf.

We wish one and oil • Merry Christmas and •

·Happy New Year.

~J1c }flirst ~\Hptist QI:l1urdr South Je-Herson at Elm


timtl In . wish you all a

wry nwrry Christmas

and nmlw oUJ' lirst New

\' l'IU' rt~'iolu iion.

Jim's Ashland Service

Leslie. Michigan • •

Kirby Real Estate Agency \.

211 South ~lain Street

Leslie, 1\[i~higan

• •

••• ottcrnting out of J~aton Uapids, Jack:

son antll\la.-;on. We have had a very suc­

cessful year and we wish everyone a

1\lerry Christmas and a llappy New Year.

Kirby Real Est~te

There's a toucl1 of Clll'ir;tmas and something aJ;>out Ma· · son chut·ches in this week's crossword puzzle faslnoned l>y Mayor Paul D. Richards: .You'll find it fun and infot•mative to· work it'- or try to.

1, !l Sr•;1son's gl'ceting 13 Send out l'l Erlihlr. tube!' Hi Mnsc:uiinc name Hi Tilt 17 Slclll JX DcfllC'I! 2() l!Olll' (II iJtl!'I~V.) 21 Rev; P11UI Arnolll pastors

I his cillii'Ch 21 Go If mollnds 2:i Iligh explosive 2G Distri<~l attul'!lcy 1 ahlll'ev.) 28 'l'l'c!c! stub 30 Ci li;.;en of Home 33 Sid{ 35 Pertaining lu excited feelings 38 Clu\ir 10 Lcttel' 41 Pap'a 42 Lulicwa'l'lll 1,1 Litcm1ry composition 45 Tutfll 16 Anrisl lahiJI'cv.) 48 This urgent situation

fahhrr.v,) 19 Christmas time 50 Loving 51 Ai1ls

' 55 Rev. Jtoy JV!umau pastol's this r!hurch

56 Name ~ivcn lo Christ. by an angel of the Lord

I> OWN Rev. 1~. Lenton St1tcliffe pastors tliis cllurch

2 AI'Hhian prince 3 Tcm· 1 Hight i ab!Jrev.) 5 Br1Js G !leigh!, 1 iihlln!v. I 7 Spicy 8 Personal pronoLIII ,(! Part. liut. not all

llJ Pertaining to maiTial(e

It Jo'or lnslnnc:c 12, ::!7 Rev .. Tnmcs Lee pastors

tills chul'cll 1.1 Assume l7 SIHli'Jl mount11in spur I~J Euplionlc fo1·m of ml 21 l•'oollllw organ 22 Hev. Clarence Rodc.l pustors·

this church 2.3 Feminine name 27 On the sheltered side 29 Act listless :JO Duty rostqrs 31 Singly :!2 Feminine name :11 Lick up 36 An edition 39 Headdress of aneienl

Persian ldngs H That .fi;Qm which paper

is made' ( pl.l ,l::l Closure ·15 Member cJf the chief

Moro tribe •17 Regret •19 Affirmative 50 One Gl Mamn

· 52 Wizard of .......... .. 5::! 'symbol of lin 51 Personal pronoun

Solution of htst puzzle

Veterans Seek M·ore Blo.od Oonors . --·-··("

Ingham munty vntet:iu;, m·gaa;. rltJIIDI' clr!v~ ln aid mcn in vclr.t· i~<lliom; havr• joiner! in a hlowll <Ills adm.mJstrnllon hos!>itals. , Monday, DecemlH~a· 2il, is the

T h T k C rlate set foa· hluod inln).!il<Hn. lng· eac ers · a e to ars t1a 111 . vr!lr.r<ln:; <Hid ot" who

Mm'nrl s•·hwol lcHr'iH•rs wasll'd want. tu donate hlood for usc in no time loading int•J lhPir r·ars lhe lw~pilals arc asl<crl lo report 1111d takil1g 11ff 1111 trips over tlw 111 the Red Cruss rr.~ioni-11 hloorl Jinlirlavs. i\i111Jllg tilllSC hmulilli: r•enler. lRIJil Jo;:Jst. r:rand River, for fni· pi:Jr'I'H WI'J'I! Mr. nnrl Mr~. hrtween noon and G i11 the eve· Do11Hid J•:d,:in>:lon and [Hmily HIHI ning. Mr. nncl Mr~. Maul'irc Strait Hnrl Posts whidl C:HII sc:clll'l! :Jn ilu· JHmiiV. l~llih fflllliiir.s Jtcarlerl fill' 110I'S <'an mai<C HITIIngCIIICIIl~ fOI' J•'lorirlli. Mr·. 1111d. Mrs. lloilr.rt Cone JHlinled lliuia· eal' lowHrd New J('I'!-'C'Y <lncl a visit with M1·~. Onw's l':nnlly. Going the otiiCJ' way were 2 rnrmm· teachers, Mr. ;u11l 1\lr.~. llr•m·y MclhiWI', whn tll'e now tr.ad1inu <II Detolll' in tlw Upper Pen insuln. '!'hey slOJlpeil off in Ma!;on Monday.

ct bloodmobile slop, AITangerncnts eiln also he! marlc lo kr•c•p the hlo111l Cl'illPr onen lillY night Uwl :~ll donors cfln rcpnrl..

'I'IH! l;fst: Monday or I!Vf!I'Y lliOIIl It IHlS !Jer.n dcsi~nalcrl hloocl donors d;1y for veterans.

n.v J•;umm 1~. ,wurJ•to: JUh:higRn l'a·ess Assoclat;lnn

- . / . ReptihliciLJJs have come alive In

Michigan a!lea· u decade of de·

'l'hls, Is the field lvhcre Dcm~­crats, behind .Stacbler;·swept, the field away from Republicans after close clecllons In 1950 ·and 1952.

feat and despair. For the llt'St time in yem·s, Re· There arc new traces of liberal· pul~llcans ref~scd. to criticize

Ism in the party and a sense of theu· defeatod candlclatc for gov- For t.11e. first llmc, the party what psycil()logists and sodal ea·nor, Paul D. Ba~well, ami he dcmanrlccl that. ils legislators be woa·lwrs call "togetherness" that res~onded 'by hlnllng ,he w.ould held nccountablc to the party or· has· been absent In recent years. agam lead the party Ill 19GO. g an i z at io n. Legislators arc

.Momentum l~ developing quick· ly behind a S!ilety progl'am !or public' schools in Michigan to PI'CVeait disasters· suclt as hiL Out• Lady ·of the Angels school In Chicago, .

Officials are nlrcady campaign· lng for hlghcr building standards.

lncluded in the .plan will be rcgulnt· Inspections, and falfure to comply with orders will even­tually close the sc!l()oJs.

They hopefully figure 1960 to ·Bagwell Is a campaigner, u1e clec:ted f.I'Om districts where their he the breaking point In the a·e· likes of whom Republicans have twmes and records arc hett.m· gime or Gov. Williams, the year not s·ecn l.n years. Fm .. t.hc first. l>.nown, than t.hel.a· pal·ty aff.llHl· p · H G t H t when they will have theh· first time Gov. Williams did not lead .t1011. 1 hey have .tt. limes tUJned ump OUSeS e . ea open shot at the exccLttlve oCfice his ;late after carrying ·them into down pt·oposals solidly baclccd by Mason's pump houses will have In 12 years. office originally. , party leaders. modern healing. Pllblic Worlts

Hi gill now.. Republlcnns hold Republicans have dropped the Republicans in the senate, Superintendent· Wayne Curtis is p,owcr ~nl~ 1~1. the state :;e!lAlc: panic approach .~o 11olltics. ·rhcy realizing their role as the last conve1·ting the lwatlng unit at 22 to 12. flus glv?s a pertlous also reduced the~ancient attack on . . . l11c Jefferson street well !rom the anrl unc<!l'taln dom111ance In the Williams which calls him a "tool bastion of the party 111 Michigan, old lccrosenc stove to lin clectricul legislature! since tlwy lost their of UAW,, President Walter P. arc loolclng for ways to become' unit. The new well north of town majority In U1c house which is Reuther.'; the voice of the party. will :arso have electric heat. , now split 55 to '55.

f'olitli~UJ <lXJlOI'l,~ SCI! a Pill\'11~ of lifrl in tlte lllll'l.y.'

Chairman Lawrcn~c Lindemer drew the applause Qf Democratic Chairman Nell Staebler at one poi11t in the 1958 campaign !or· reviving the organi~ation of the 11arty.

Erosion· Photos Gain High· Place Donell Rae Brool<s, 13, t1au;:l1·

tm·· of Rev. and Mrs. Charles· Brool<s, Mason, has been declared winner of,se<:ond place In the 1958 plwto contest sponso'rccl by the Slate Grange anrl tile Slate A~<so­ciation of Soli Conservation Dis· ll'icts.

Donell won the top pri~c at tlw county fair and second at tile state fair with her series of. pic· Lures on soil erosion and its p1·e· vention. She used a Brownie Star for he1· pictures .•

. Waste Campaign Will Be Waged Linl<eci with controversial l;lX

proposals certain lu .set lire to the in HJ:i!l will be a camp<dgn a~ainsl. waste in state govemmcnt.

Thc spr!eial committee on wa~l.c wl1ich studied the problem ciltl'ing the summer ami fall will maJtc. its· reprJpt in tlw·llrsl. weelts of t.he s~ssioa(, \Vhlch starts .Jnn· uary 1·1.

Memhers lmve snicl it will In· l'lllflc report:-; on lhc mis11sc of ~tate.ownerl automobiles,' print, lng mntr1wts nnrl otllct' m·r.a.~ where they ~ny it. Is possible to get more e<·onomy.

"Sure, we enn r·onli111w Lhls pills' em of rJIIl' grJVernmcnl, hu l. we won't he 'doins.: our duty t.o tile taxt•n.ver," said Senator L. Haa·· vcy Lodge ( It-Da·ayton Plains), committee cilail·man.


1 J9 ~~. 58 'N~ t!cliltJuGi lliUI>c/4/m.o 1/,_t:J

a.u:.. #-spar- (J...t.N/4


CROP Is an Established Program CIWP lws hecumc an cslab· secretm·y, M. H. Avery is· in Ingham county for CROP this

Jislwrl pmgTam in Ingham coun· ·acting ns treasure!' wl~h A!bert year. The majority of this money ty. i\llhotl~h a finance campuign Uumphrcy of Da~·t National has come from the greater Lan· is run onte n year in the late fall bnnk, Mason, as assastant treas· sing area up to the present lime unci is going on at the present lll'er. . this year. Outlying cities and time conlril>ulions come to the Hussell Kleis of East Lansmg areas have, not yet reported in Cllo'r office throughout the year .has organized an Ingham county their funds to UIC county or stale

, for the sltipJJing of food and other campaign for this year. Worlcing office. ' items. fut· the needy people there. with him are William, ag· Workers an asl~ed to turn

Cmnmorlities shiJlp<!d to the nr:cdy cJtluw than food hll\'c bl!l!fl hcifca·s fo1• · IO:urope and bulls t{• GJ•cr:cll. Othm· t.hing·s hns been shipJ!Cd lo specific tmints ~nch as baby chicks, :;oat~ foa· mill;, aml seeds.


General' Farming' Is Goal Dave Dunsmore,

county l•'uture '~'"''"''"' wee!{, is a sen· lo1· at Mason hlgh school and a good one. He is also a good

wheal., 30 dah·y caLllc and hogs,

· Dunsmoro has talwn evory ng and farm shop coua·~rc avallablc at Mason in an effoa·t t.o J>lck up good fat·mlng techniques.

!at·mel' witlt lots Dave 1s 11 lc;arlm· in the Mason of experience in I~l~A chaptea· and has been slnco all phases of the chupter was founded. He farm opemtion. sca·vetl as sentinel and Js now

He ls tJ1c son trcasurc1·. Besides his farming of Mr. and M\'S. .. .. ... and school work, Dave has found Co .Y Durtsmorc. :· time to play fool ball. He did a The fnmlly .fal'111 0. HIIIISIIICII'C f:OOd job a[ lint too is locutcd 21/:, mites south of Ma·1 , . · ' ' ' son. l Ius last. yr.m· he was co·cap·

. . t<lin of the squml and rccclvcd Dave, 1Liong Wllh his falhel' ulJ.Capital Circuit honors f r llir

and brother, operates llw Duns· . . 0 s more f<ll'ln.on a partn~rship hasis, lane play. 'Dhc farming opcraticm includes After graduation Dave plans 165 acres o! corn, 65 acres of to go into full time Im·ming. ·

The cotmty chairman for Ing· ham county CROP for 1958 earn· paign and programs is Jt C. Lott of Holt. Mrs. Ca1·l Topliff is

ricultural instructor at w·alhams. their money in to their chairmnn ton, and Wilmot McDowell, coun- or to M. H. Avery at the court ty extension service, Mason. Mrs. house, Mason, as soon' after George Hedeen of Lansing has Christmas as possible so that a headed up the CROP dinner total may be made for the coun­which has raised a good sum each ty before the first or' January in fall. This year the total from the order to have it count on this· dinner was nearly $1,500. The year's total. Money can also be Lansing Council of Churches has sent· direct to the ·Dart National also been playing an important bank in Mason or to the CROP part in the program. office in Lansing, credited to Ing-

To date, $4,240 has been raised ham county total. I : d. this season of jo!J and cheer, we wdcontc -the oppo~~

At Christmas . May this Christ~~~ Season

lift your spirits, WCif'ln your htart·- ·

and brin1 you,untold for and happln•••·

.... ---/

to wish ~ou, our friends and patrOn$, a Wl1J

mt:t'r!J 'Yul~:tide. (l),a!J !I ou ever ~:njo~ an abundance of life's best gifts ••• peace,

health and happin~s; and tht .ble$sinss of love and friendship. W~ espccialla want to expru• . '

our srateful appreciatiOQ for tJOUr loaalt:J and sood wilL Wt: ha\ft

· greatlu cnjoved the pleasure and .privilege of $tNing :sou durins the past !lear, and

we hope thac_we ma:J continue to do iO for_manu a uear to come..

Wyeth Laboratories ·.Inc.


1\ll·s. 1\llldt'etl N or{lt Mr. and Mt•s, Aubrey Tooluir

I 1 C, 0· 1·1tr·ove' rsles ,1 received word that his cousin, ,C'cn , over .' 10 Dan Toolm1• o! Edmore, died

r~~:~s of. ~Hchigan s new ex. Sunday morning; His wife died a Pl-~. ways ca!l ,only serve to de· 11 ttle more, than: a wee It before. A. lay t:hr. construe~! on program, a c. ·L. Toolter and· several other rcla· cordmg 1o Highway Commission· ·tlves attendecl the service ·Tues.

'ose. Chemlcnlly, amylose in Cl'" John C. Maclde, . · · day, · · :lmllar to cellulose Which !:; us'Ccl The U, S. bureau of puhllc The Blnltley, Smith and Bell

Moisture supplies and· weather •.n making cellophane, rayaa ami, roads,, howeveJ', requires ' that famllles met for Christmas din· conditions· hm•en!t been as goO<: qther pi'Ddnct.~. I public hearings he eomlnctecl ·an ner at the Arlen :Bell home. so far this year as last yem• for , . . '". . ,_ .. . .. · . . !l~c rQtttes lwfore. fcdernl malch· M,r. and Mrs, l-lugh Angell werq winter wheat, In spite of !Ills the So far Jesenrchels l.. vc Pl :J., ~ R"nlll Jo!m· 4·G·ll · . mg funds are avarlnble to pny up dinner guests at the home· of Ml', ontloolt is for another big WI!Cn' dueed a fibre that hao JlO"Cib!l!- . ' I~~· 1 ~l'f r' tl '!il n (J I' l(J-lll: )' to !30% O[ H!C to! a] cost. and Mrs .• Tames Hnrt Sunday, cr,op in 1959, USDA last week ties commerdally ami th"Y'V<' ay c own my 1 e or. lO ICel' 0 m · "· 'fl h 1 Ill 111 M d M 1~ 1 1

H t G fo. l'cc,"~t a 9~7·millloJt·bttsiJ"i 1v1'r1 cone ·UJ wltl1. o 1otlgll \V"t~"•l'c: If you. were ln. a· very difficult situation imarrine know- 1 . lese car· ngs, w 1 ~ poss ) Y r. an rs. a P 1 ar ' cne· "~ u c

1 ~ ~· ~ c- I' ' . . ' ' ' . 1'::, f . a hancllcnp lo effic!cney or th!! vleve aml Marylyn, Mr. nnd Mrs. ter whriat crop, and this, added tc slst~nt ~~ln; slrmlar to cellQ~hunc. mg ,tl!~t yo·~. wet c;. completely unable .to help you .,e] . , . If 111 highway's program, do permit Robert Whitehead, Bobby and a spring crop of average Hizc A tumspa1ent wrappln!J ~how.~ tlH\L .,Jttmtwa. you happm1cd to hear about somebody who the pcoplc to express their views Theresa and· M1·. and Mrs. Don would boost total wheat outpttt lc promls? too .. F~od \~rapp~~l •. lr! J,h:


r;houlc~. be w!llmg an~: able·to help you anrl 1~et answern to questions I Rice, ·susan, Patty, ,Joe nnd Ruth ·1'.22 billion hushels. A crop o' new WlllJlf!el can b, coolca \vlth -])y torsn.!:mg nJI h1s· rlchcs an~ comfort .. · which concern them. Ann were dlnne1· guests Sunday thl.'l size would add 200 mill!on ?~~ remavmg I he coatln~ bzcau~e -uy unde1•taldng' a long· journey to be at yom· side. Tho

1ncst damng!nrr contra· nt. the home oE M1·. and Mrs.

bUEhels to the already surplus of ·:t st .t~pletel,Y dlgcstJble ur.c11-by offering the days of all his life to be with you. varsles irom a tlm~ standpoint Leste1~ Rice ln Holt, . 1


' bllllon bushels. asWcl t t 1. . 1 1 · '-by' causing himself toils. ru1d sufferings. have tai-.(m pl:1ca In the Detroit Mrs. M. J, Rens Sr. 1:; RICk this 1. wu new ec moJog en Ill· . " • . .· ll d ·h f , 1.,., 'f' , ·h • M 1 1

• , , , 1

~ week. Farmci·s have seetlcd m.oro formnlion, ngl'leulturc• cnn prod·, -by. brlngmg hJmseli fma y to eat • 01 :your nu '"'• as 1 men, 1\ e\_c. nc.t e. a.ro11r y 1a~ , ., . , _ tllllll •15 million acres to win· uce !he food needC?·l· for 1975 P'lP· • you were the only one on earth worth caruw fnr- would

1 wlthdrawn his pror:uca to have a Mr. a •. d M1 ~· Donald Hud~n

ult{tion, nccol'dlng' to USD/1 'yc~l n"t then realize that this person felt an ui1'u::;uru interest 1' mn, •. ior a1·tcry uncle,r ~ont:•::tct. by wedreMg~csctsl ~f hlsliparlents,s r .. tel' Whel~f; this fall, 1111 in· , , t 1 1 t' 1, · ... II b . l . •

1 . lOol un 1s. a1ence. uc son, un

Cl'eiiSc of over 2% nilove tlte scu.mtlst~. ro a crop pre.: uc9 :~~11 1 .. 1 you, and would you yourse not cgm to ta {Can m,c:>rcs: 1!.11 · 1,1 dnv for dinner. needs w11! no~ b::! nbovc .• J ,o him? . · . . -~fl Mrs. Dorothy Barrett and Mr. 1058

:werngc. Ie~cl~. A;-~ordmg to prc~ent, This has already happened! That is r.rhat Jes11:; Christ South lei'OY 'mel Mrs, Donald Hudson went to Some of thls increase reflects t!Jmlong, Its lllwly that ngmul· ha.s done fot• you and for me. He did not spare Himself ta ~he !•ome of Mr. and Mrs. Donald

the ~act that the acreage reserve tlu I'll] ,c1,1.'1 r~·oducc i'~at.l m~ch. t.ll~ ., come to our snlvation. He deals with· a person no if that j\Jrs. Iller ton men no~"'"tt of Enst Lansing Chri~t·

progmm ended this yeat·. The in· ,t, tnerJiv><hlsol;~w.o pperJ?lst•," erne lonr·oe,ogTwlale Ilcrr.i:m \70l'C the_ .only, one in·.aJl· t,hc world ·to care for. Christ mas Day. -I · '"ge nn l 'he 011t ' - - Vo.nt'c-wn Sunday school pre. M .. crease n acJe" ' l ' · problem as economists now see loves us; Is He not worth Iovin~? 1',' and Ma·s. Jq·ed Lo,.,'lln look for nclcllng to the huge sur- it. i~· not. 11 slowclown In tech· 1 . PRA~nion_ Dcntd a ,Ciwistm:tn p~·ogmm Sat.' . of Rochester, Iud.,. n•·r.lvetl

·plus will have COIJS!dcrablo influ- • ' . . . . _..,,, . . urclay evening at th~ hall with a a11111

... y·to ~~~~·td 1111111

FI'Iday no logy hut in learninrr how b3ttor 0 a~·J , .. ~ nnn 'ncv~J' m~s· III'~ ·,,.,l"t TI!Oll u' 1 o!CS\L~ Chriat h:::;t I t 1 '1 Ell D ' '"It!... I tl .. ~ 'I '1'1 . e'nce upon consideration of a new 1 , 11 t 1 , b 1 "I 1 01.. v•, ,v "' , . v . ';'" .': •. -. • . , nrge n tcnc a nee. " >G. · e11 n: w

1 rea ve;; llli'e. ICY

national wheat program. There 0

use, 10

, cc 1no.og Cu m ,. cl::nD for un· tin<l· who.t ,Tb:m IU't still Wllhng to u~. We cp~n Ct!.l' rnnn was chairman of the com· · Wl!re guest~ Sunlluy uta fnm·

llre severn! plans being discussed It ow 11

e 110

" havc. ll;c::1,:'ts t:> Thc[l to I'ec.civo ·.ThY. love !IJHI !Ju EUV0:1 nml tr:msrc~·metl mit!ee, ily tlitium· :tt u10

homo of llfr!l. hy lntercs.led groups and . ~·on· The 1 D5S winner of the Imllnna by i~. nn oa;• Bocloom~r·s·. Mlll:J we pray •. Amen. Vnnb·:'1 F~rm Cq!·enu group LOg-uu's son, J,cstm· Jiice of Sldwecl by· government. ~fflcmls. fj.acr·o com growln~t contest was ·THOUGHT FOR. THE DAY h::td its annual turkey clim~er ancl· Uoll'. Up to now there's n~ umfwtl pi (In· a 27·yoar-olcl hog raiser whose of· Chrbt has' done more for 'me than I can· understand. gift exchange nt the WSCS hall Mr, ,and Mrs. ·Clarence Leonard wh!ch has tile _backmg of a. mn: ncial yield wns 22G bushels an ,, . Arne Widegarcl (Sweden) Thursday evening. were ~uests of MI·. ami. Mrs. jor1ly of the mtercste£1 groups acre. · 1 W ld 'd · B'ble rmiding Jeremiah S'·'·l Hi · Mr. nn:l Mr.<::. Merton Rice ancl sell II1ll of Eaton Rap1lls Clmst· and USDA, · or ·WI e

1 - "' - · Kenneth entcrtninr:d Suntlny Mr. mall' Day. 'l'he Leonards entel'·

Congress will have a lot to say G~·eat Ln!,es v~sscls mnyecl 5~.8' .<mel Mrr.. L. P. Willimns· and Don· tained their lhlldren and their about the whole situnlion. It's rntllron tons ol mJJ; 01'0 1 ~1 l!l..>S,' :lid, Mr. rmcl Mrs. Donvln Wil· families Ch:·::.: .. Uls Eve. conceivable il could take the bit: ~mallr•sl tonnar:e smce 19.1~ and .. 'Sundaj•. !inm!l .~nclfamily o£-Vun1own, Mr. Several families from lite In Its mouth and drive throttgh I •Ill'/, he low last year. · Mt·s, Jfazcl Stephen.s . · · Forty.flvc o~ the ~em bern of f\:1cl M;:n. Edgar l\!arshnll and nclg·hborhooll nttendcd !he Holt its own plan, regardless of what Beef cows comprise 52'3. of all ·Ell h ,the late Ira Ktn'"( fr:11tlv mc>t for fa;nlly oj. (;i·egory and Haro!d r.chool choir concert last Wednes· the s·ecrctary of ngricttltme and r.ows on farms compared with M1·., a.nd Mrs, .wayne ' swart a prc·holldny dinner at the Par· msch. · . day evening. the administration now propose. :l!J'/r. in Hl~7 and an nvcragc of entcr.~amed tl!Ctr. children alind .l~ern Corner:> chlll'ch hnll Sunday.

1 ._::_ __ _::: _______ _

olw-thircl in vcars prior lo World families at fl. Clmstmno Eve l n· M~n. Mina KlclmJchr.liclt was n Mr. lt:1d 1\·i:l's. IIo\?~.:·d Strobe ning ami callccl on Mr. and Mrs. Amonrr v:u·ions Jllans to cut " t 11 1 1 ~Dent 1lw wee!; cml' \'lith her Eel M 1 ll' l f ·

1 .. , war II. ncr a 1e r 1omc. ·gucot. rriothcr nf F.owlcr. · gar ars 1a alll am1 y. down wlwnt Slll'Jllusr.s now Sovicj far'ln pl'ocluclion set a Mr·. and Mrs. Robert Glover and : Mr. and Mrs. llowat·d Williams· !wing considei'Ctl is a world new reeord !his year, tolal fnrm chilllrcn of Stockbridge culled on i r.:r~. nn(] l\'irn. Pnul Dowen nnd visited· Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wil-. food reserve idea llnlwcl with acreage was 11ot much Jm·gci' his grandmother, Mrs, Amy Is· · Reeves District fmnily c.,tct·tainecJ· llir. brothers lia•'1s Sunday evening.

than last year · bttt Jnvorable ham, Sunday aftern.oon. 1:ul familie:: from Williamston Mr. nnd Mrs, Merton Rice's .,.,.eater OjiJIOrtunities for Jll'CJ· 1 E·' G St1"1rl"Y · gl'" "n1'e e Ba1·bara Z'~rltmyer· of "' weathct· is hP.lieverl to hnve Ml·. and Ml'S, Max Cosgrny By •una eer · "· · "nu c, .... motioll (If J)~a .. e· " fond ]\r.r·. •"",1cl M!I".~. Ha::ry Dep:'v .Jr. P to tl1 Vlrg1'1 'n l1'e 1 Mon '· " o •• ~. boosted fnrm Olll])lll. to :1 new \l•et·• g. u~oto of tllCi" fatl10!",, Or· · • "• 01' omOU , llo, ( C •

" -- - ' · Fran!• No·.c•cs d!C(] Ft'idny nlr.-,ht 'I'" v'o'tt'l g !JCI' p"rcnts 1'n • Rtamp plan: und. u tlomi' h ig!1. . . ville Cosgmy, for a pre· holiday ' - ' - 1•'1 1, " uaj•. pm·lty fllan. I All of Mielngan's mn]m' crop, clhmer SUIHl.::y. at the Stoc!{bridgc hospital. J

1cu. Gcm·gin: , .

grnin nnrl fl'ltit IHti'Vc,qts this year . · . neral services were Rl1 Mom ay Thr. regnl:w WSCS ·dinner at Prices of protein supplements show an increase over Jnst yenr, .Jos ~ Dy,el· was a dmn::. gue~t ·afternoon at: tl~e Cnsl~py funeral the Vnntown hall will be Thurs·

used ln livestock feeds ha1•e in· I I)~ ~1cr"' b1uut~r. r;~u ~:·.~::~~.::· home. Burial was in th(! Stork· ~!:o.y, Jamta~·y 8, with a potlucl' 1\Irs.-Elmer Otis creased 24 '7<• in the pnst year. ~ e,)~1e.-dfly. Roh. h 1t <•lt.-. ~""/ briC:gc cemetery. dinner, fl't~e will offering and This Jws ndllr.d to the price W t A I' for .,enttlc, \;yns}l1pglon, to spend ·Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller were businons· meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Otis, squcc;.:o on producers of hogs; Clll·l es ure IUS :~mil~ tim:! With hw ~on and fam. Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. ~"1d Mrs. Paul Bowen cnlled Larry and Douglas. attended the tic and poultry. Corn and otlter Jnrs. r.umnn JU!nk ' Ily. •

1 1 t

1 Wnyne Geer and fmnily. on lh~lr bmthec·ln-law nt Spar· funeral of the baby gil'l pf Mr.

feed grains have been in heavy Inll n~nclo .. p 1 npcnt ~s wee' Square Di!al· F;F.'Ill Buroau will ro·.v hospilnl in Lnnsin't ·Fri<lay. and· Mrs. Yoyl Tryne of Kalama· sttp]Jiy and prices. have stayell. nt M1·. and Mrs. HC11l'Y' D~tckl~g·, in l\h_mith vl~ltlng relatives. . hav~ its December mc::!ting at tl!0 M1; and Mrs.· Pnul Bowen en~ .zoo Saturday. Mrs. Tryne ancl tJw same levels whicJt prevailed a ham nne! Roy Hemy left Sntur::ay C~ltrrs of, Mr;;. F 1nrence T'lllt·

1 Plalllfl!!ld church Thttr::day eve· tP.rtamcd the ned Cedar Farm. Mrs. Otls are sistet·s.

yem• ago. Expansion in pl'Odl\C· mol'lling for T~tcson, Al:i?.Onn. to ! ion Jro.~t we~k Wl)re ·Homer Was·, 'nin~. · I Bureau grol\l> Thnrsrlay evening. Larry· Otis entertained his 4·H tlon of hogs and cnttlc ltas .~pend the holidays With Mrs. s.1:1 rtml daughter, Arleta· Rlckse, I M1ss Judy .Tackno:1 spent the

1 Mr. nnd Mrs, Hartley Hanes of club Monday night at his home.

boosted demand for 511pplements Bticl<ingham's brother, Edwarcl Mr. nn:l M'·;;, ·Arlo Wasson· nnd· week end' with 1\'liso Judy Hart· Holt cnl!e1;· on Mr. and Mrs. L. Mlss Donna Hoeft is the leader. with resultant prier:' mlvances. fo'Torinn, and family. . chllclrcm of Mason, Mr; anrl Mrn;, fcrd. P. Williams one nig-ht last week. There was an exchange of gift's

Fin:tl CI'OJI l'l!J!OI't for li!l'iS is~ne<l lnst n:e.ek showetl n t<>fal output of oil crops top.

I Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence : Douglnc Kenyon, Mrs. Phyllis Co·, Miss Val Rae Sililwwski of Mr. and Mrs·. Claud Campbell and Mrs. Otis se1-vecl homemade Schnepp cntcrt.nined the Schnepp I hoon ancl. childl'eli of Duffield nnd, Dexter s·pent: Sunday wilh Mr. ::nd Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Min· icc cream and· cake.· family for Christmas dinner l\Ion·, M1·. lUJd )rll·s. Rdph ,Chipman of and Mrs. Wayne Geet· and family. niD left Thursday for California · The school cltilllren received clay night. · Grcqory:. · · 1

• •• ------· ·and Arizona.·· ' their pictures Monday, · Mrs. Paul Notestine and chi!· Mr. m>rl Mrs. Jack Donohue en: PUSHBUTTON J>O'l'A'l'OES I Mr. and Ml's. Ernie Titus enter. Thf' Robert Brattain famlly,

clren spent tile week, end with her tel·talned her parents, Mr. and . "Prepared" potato products arc tainedlhell' children ancUaniilies who have all be€11 sick, are lm·

Mr. imcl Mrs, Asll Towsley, Tom,. Rodney and Ruby . Jean spent Christmas Day at lhe home of Mrs. Hazel Strobel. ·

1'h~ North families had their family , get·together Cllrlstmns Eve.

Mt•, and Mrs, George Coniu·ton enter·tnlned nt n !nmlly jlinner on Clll'ist mas Day,

Tuesday evening of lnst week Leon North attendee! the meeting of tlm nominating committee of Chief Olwmos Council.

Mrs. Mildred. Nortll attendcrl the Christmas dinner nnel pro· gr·nm of the North Ccmr.fcry ns· soclatlon at Miller Road Com· mttnlty hnll last 'J'uesday evening.

1\fl', and '1\lrs, -Leon North· attendctl n Jncctlug ol' Rocl1s uml Mlncml Society In llillst I.~mshag- high. fiChoot

. bt~t 'fhUJ'RIII\.y CV!lllillA', 'l'htll'll WIL'I ~~ girt excl1 UJI~f(! or J'Oclc


Frlclny evcJJ!ng the Sunday school classes of . Asl! Towsley nnrl Leone No1·1h hhd their Christ· · mas pnrty nt Grovenhurg church.

'J'hc Chrislmns program was at the church Sunday evening. ·Aft· er the pro~-:rnm there was a white gift offering .fo1· Chllclrcn's Vii· !ago, Dem·bum, ami 11 llaslmt of gins for· Melltodist community house, Gmnd. f!api<ls.

:;tjs S.mta said to the reindeer, "It's a real privilege to serve so many wonderful )leople." We are proi1d and thankful for the privilege of serving you, and we wish you a very: happy holiday.

F·RANCIS PLATT Jling ull Jtr~vimL~ records by 117., Rrtums lo farmers fOl'

the terrific production of )[),;g were nb()nt 8.•i% aboye lt!sl; ycitr.

parents while her husband mad«: M1·s. Floyd Munsell, . at cllruter being. used more and more in and her motl1er, Mrs. Elza Wll· proved.

atriptoPMo~e~ Su~a~ . ~~~r~~Od~:~cl in 4th" oo~ ~n&~ · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Robbins Sunday .school Fmnk Noyce, :82, oicd' at Rowe the last hot potatoes you ale in a Mr. ftnd Mrs. Darwin Williams

hml its Chl'is·tmns program Frl· l'onvalesccnt home in Stock· restaurant, hotel or cafeteria nncl family attended the Christ· day cl•t•ning ami !he church fcl· b~·id;Jc Snlurday afternoon after came to the chci in an already mas program at 1he Baptlst

USDA in its llnal report for th< year s~id·volume of all crops th'r year wa3 llH% of the 19·17·•1!.' avrt·:-q:;e compared with the pr~v ions r.~cord of lOG'ic In l!):JS a11c' matched ir'i 1936 and 1957.

vn:n·~ of all crops· procluced I-19:iS i~ cstimatctl by USDA n1 over $18,8 billion, up about $1.5 from a ycrn· ngo. This :.rear's pro cluction o,vns accomplished 011 thr smallest acreage planted In ,10 ycm·s. Per acre yield of all crops combined thi~ year topped' last year·s rcconl by nearlj' 13'/<•.

Grnncl champion Fleer at !lie Internationnl Livestock Expos! .

. tion this year dressed out at 67.35'/r-. This· Angus steer, named Holy Cow, brought its owner $25 lb 10 lla~·s before. Tttc reserve r.hnmpion, n llerefont, brougl1t $2.65 lb a111l will he :;laughtcrcd at n Inter tlatf'.

National ngrirullurnl advisory commission Jitcetinr.: in Washing· ton recently I"ccommemlcd J!:l'::tllll· nl abandonment of the pnl'ily eon· cept for suppol'ting farm prices. i

The commis~ion fnvol'ed the sub· , stitution of a sys1em of prif'e ' supports basf'il on average mar. I ltct pi· ices· rm· the <l preceding !


A new vo.ri~ty of <'Ol'n ill ('!' intt•rest: instead nf' hcing used !'or li\'l'stodt fct\d it wou!tl ht~ gm~\'11 fill' in!ln~· trial usl's.

Tile Itow variety, called Amy­lomaize, cliffers from ortlinmy corn in one very important re· spect-1he amo'unt of starch de­rived from it contains a lot of complex carhohydrniC:cailerl amy-


lowship dinner wns Suncluy in the a lo:1g siclmess. Ftiperal services prepared form. ' church in Gregory Sunclay fr•ienl!s!Jip room. were conducted Monclaj' aft~r·

Mr. ami Mrs. Glenn Willirtms noon nl o:Je o'clock at the Caskey spent Cilristma~ in Lnnsinf{ w:th 0 funeral home.. Ingham· County ~~ews, Mason, Mich. rtaugiltcrs .Joanne- and Janie::. Dale Holmes and children, Mrs. Carrie Slaybaugh of Flint: .'1Iid;;fy nnd' Renee of .Lansing nnd the Paul Notestincs we1·~ also r:nlicd on Mrs. Faye· Roberts and t hero. . fa:nily Suturday.

The Rollnnrl 1'opli1Ts had their Mr. and Mrs. Dan· Dixon· were-family at home Christmas Eve. guests nl n pre·holiday dilmer at

Glenn Fnwler'n family· was !he home .of his brother-in·law home Christmas Uny, ami sister, Mr. and 1\o!rs. G. S.

ffiuring this mer~iest season of tl:e·year,·we send

our greetings and cood wishes to all o'ur cherished friends

end neighborR. May )'our Holidays be bright with all the. joys. of Yuleticl,e.

lt!ay they find you in ·good hedlth and

.:cave you lighter in heart, happier in spirits

-lool:ing forward with confidence to the

year al1ead and all hCilds for you and yours.

Stovercal@ekofen · · : · ·. C(}nlfl~ny 130 We5t A~ Street . ·

Pu9o)PNt~:~~ May your Christmas shine b1·ightly with good cheer and good fellowship

... abounding in all the liappy sights and sounds of this festive season. :I'hat's our sincere wish to you and yours, .as we sing out "Merry Christmas!'.'

National Farm Loan Association

Eft happens e·very year at about this

time. Somehow, hearts are

lighter; friendships are warmer; a new spirit of

good cheer is abroad in the land. You see it

. in ev·ery face, hear it in every voice,

sense it everywhere in· a hundred

different ways. We would like

to. pack all of this Holiday

spirit into our Christmas greetings to you!

a·ill.Richards· Buick /·

. Bill and All the . Gang Wi~Jh You:_a_

V~fY·· Merry Christmas.

Ml'n. l.OPJllrii Diril Mrs. Lll!lnli ·Strnyct·,.Locpl_<e of

Coleman 'road, Okemos, died last week at a local houpitnl. She Is survived b~; · her husbitnd, Fre?cl. Services we1·e Wednesday at' the

Uetu·d nt the Spnrhan SupeJ·el.te NorbcJ't ·Hildebrand oL Park Gorsllnc·H.unclman funcml home Uy AI J{noll Lal<e road, formerly of Ottawa wllh Rev/H.obei'l Shor·t offlciat-

, · Hills, has completed a new Clu·lst· lng. Burial was in Glenclnle Mr. and Mrs. ·Robert J. Co'pland mas book of · all natlona!ltles cemetery.

of Ottawa Hills are spending the available to the pub!lc. 1 holiday season at their cottage .In · T.he w c i c 0 me Wagon, an~ tile northern Par•· oftl1e s. t"te, James F. McClure, Meridian

• ~ 1 d 1 nolmces new members of Indiim Ml.s"· Lor1·alnc Rlr1ehart of Spar- township supeJ'V sor, con uctec ~ · 1 1 t 1 Hills as Dr. and Mrs, J~rome Ko-t''ln 1'ei'J'"ce sper1t I he past week a meelmg ast wee' a t 1e .

~ ffl Jl h zak, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Thlm-end at HoJJv visiting the Ranfm·cl, township o ce for a t osc, con- , f'"mJ'I". ' cerned wilh the p'ersonal.properly mig, Mr. and Mrs. Webb Adams,

" J Mr. and Mrs. Rob'ert Roe and Mr. Alfred Lmvrcnce of Indian lax in the township, and Mrs. Leon Hegge. Hills rctumecl home afteJ' attend- Mr. and l\lrs. V. Vai·ney of Vur-

1 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jussila !ng a higlnvay construct on pro- ncy's Trnllet· Sales. are spending spent Chrir-lmas 'in Otlawa lJIJJs

JJy Nlnn Kehlhlim

The young people of the CoiJl· munlty Methodist _churc(l Slmday school spons·orcd a family Christ· mas .worship ser~ice at· t,he church Sunday evening. The serv­Ice was cone! tlc1ecl fn place of the UStiHI Cl1ristmas ' progJ·am of olher years.

The church was decomted with· Christmas greens,' reel ribbons gram in California. Ml', Lawrence the holidays In Loulsinna, They

· f 11 f 1 before moving to Newberry. Mr. Is cllrcctor o nance or t w plan ·to retum home flfter the 11 I t .Tussila has been wm·t~:lng in the Michigan state 1 g nvay de par · first of t11e year.

ment. Uppc,r Pehinsuln for 3 \Veel<s. He Program Given At Yule Party

Noah w~;·GOO--);cil-rs old 'vhen !he ark wns completed.

Indian Hills Home Owners as- A daughtm·, CuJ'OI Camille, Is home for the holltlays. , sociatlon had its fourth annual was bam to ~I•·· and lllrs. No· Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Parlt· ' clinneJ' dance at the W<~lnut Hills ble n. Swan of 2353 Ifulcf.l, htn·st unci sons, Lee and Donald,

eountry club J'eccn(ly. 1 Rand on Decembrll' li ut. St. of Oltemos, arc spending the l10li· llh·. uml !llJ•s, DJlvjrJ liiol'l'ls J,JlWI'CIW4l hosplhtl, J,ansin~:". clays In Florida visiting the Anna

uml f'umily ol' Forrest' Jlllls Maria Islands In the Gulf of Mex-urc spendiJJA' uw holhluy sen- Joseph· Tomlinson of Indian ico, son in Virginia. 'l'hey will 1·e- Hills, formerly of Ottawa Hills,, Wayne ''Tiger" Brlclmer of turn hume ufler Uw fh·st nl' r_eturned home for the holidays Comstock was a recent house UHl ycJu•. after spe1iding 2 months in Arl- guest of Mr. a!111 Mrs. John Brici>-Sam F. crydCJ•man of Ottawa :t.ona. JICI' in Otlawa Hills. Mrs. Briel\·

Hills was in charge ·c1f the Old Ol;:emos residents attending the Jler is'an autllOJ'ily on the Goren NewRbo)'S sale in tiJc Mason and MSU-Nebmska · baskcllmll game me1hod of bridge playing, who

Ingham county llbmrlans and their assistants, hacl their annual Christmas party· at the Aurelius 1 own hall last Thursday, At 10 o'clork the chairman conducted n short business session. The pro-

k I t S t IJ•cla'' !JJCILJ Jed Dr LesteJ' lms classes at the Lansi11g YWCA. -------'---'----Cass IHJilrlings last wee . as a t ', c • . . Mr. and Mrs. Allan c. Knoll of Wolcott, Dr. Bayanl Benfield and Mr. and Mrs, Arnold of

lnrlian Hills spent CI1J'istmas in Arnold Levin, nil gracluates of Ottawa Hills are opening t11cir Pontiac. Nebraska t111ivcrs!ty, Lin co) n, home lo eggnog parlies for neigh-

Myron Brown of Okemos, who NcllrRslm. bors and out-of-town gtJcsts ccle-1 I · · 1 bratlng the holidays. me a .~erJotJs operation, 1as re- Mt·. a11cl Mrs. John Sm'.•lhe of

·' Mr. and Mrs .. Tncl> S1anden of sumed his worl\ nt Michigan N. Meridian road· spent the JlflSI S · · II 1 M" 1 1 Forest Hills' plan to move to • tate tlnJvenqty w 11 t1e te 1- wee!\ end anrl Christmas in l~linl

,, · · Omaha, Nebraslm, the flJ:st of the gnn state highway lcslmg and re- where their pal·ents reside. 1 search laboratory. · year. Mr. Stenden is :1ssocialer

The Oso-Squjrt plan1 of WJJ. A dnn~·IJtPJ', 1\au·en Sue, with the Massey-I~erguson corpo-1. ration and both were feted at a lili11Ston, formerly IIJe Hunter WIIS bOJ'Jl ])ecembPI' 8 nl, B I I, 1 1 11 going-away party by !he local or-o I tng company, ms Jeen soc SpatJ'J'OW hOSJ>itnl in J,~t_nsi&l"" 1 1 t I I) · p · c 1 c 1 " ganizat ion's pcrsonnc . 0 10

OSS!n ( C!JlSI 0 a o. II> ~(!', 111111 "JJ•,o, 011"11 "llt<'C Ill' 'I (' f for. a reported $G5,000. " " ' " Tile Gulf OJ corpol''< 1on o

.John ".Tack" J-Ilek~ of the Hicl\s Olwmos, :Miclligan annotmces the 're-open· studio on US-JG toc1k pictures of ing of its Ottawa Hills Gulf sta· the gt•mluatincr seniors at East • MJ'. and Mrs. Jacl< Stillman of tlon in F~bruary. The 11cw man·

" N. Ol<emos road atlcnded tlw 'II 1 1 1 te Lansing high school. ager WI Je announccc a r. Howard Jol111son Christmas rmrt.Y Mr aJlcl M1·s S"Jn Ct'yllei·maJJ J\ visitor al the Spa1·1an Super- · · "

cite la~l week was Kenny Davis, last WedJ_1cs<lay evening. and M1·. and Mrs. Myron Brown who hac! hi.~ musidam play at Mr. and Mrs. David Young had altended the Micilignn slate 11ig-h-1he Heel StocJ1ing · 1·lt\il dance al a formal open house at theiJ• new way department annual Christ­the Lansing Ci'vic ,Ccnte1· last home on US-16 last week end. mas party at the llDtl1 field UJ'· week along wit 11 the ·llny McKin- .Tames H. Hare, secretary of tillery armory last wee]( end. · Icy orc!1estJ'a. slate, has issued a dealer license

'Richard W. Boos, of Okemos to Winslow's Mobilehouse Sales was elected president of the As- on US-16 in conjunction with lhci1' cension Evangelic:~! Lutheran trailer ramp. church oJ East Lansing last weel\, ·Mrs. Ethel Parker of Akron, succeeding Waller I''· Palengc, Ohio, will he a house guest of l\11·. who was elected trcas urer. ami Mrs. l-In rold Parker of Otta-

1\IIss ShuT nates, l'ol'llwrly of' Ol•emos, was on tim t•om­mlltce for the all-school llarty at Dimondale high sehoollu~t. Friday ll\'CIIillg', i\Iiss nu tc;.;, who is 11 A"l'lllhmttl of Olu•mos hig,·h seluliJI, anll Danilll Fui­!:"CI' are to brl mal'l'ied cnr·ly in ,Janmu·y.

The Hussel! Millers !'eft enrly Sundny morning . for Florldai where they will spend the lioli· days with Mrs. Miller's .parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Bloomer ol Co!'UI Gables. The Millers will re-t urn J a lltllll'j' 12. ,

Nancy and James Lightfoot, students nl J(alama:wo college, nrc home lor lim holiday season.

1\11'. and MJ·s. F. G. Cheney, ac­companied by Mr. and Mrs: I''er:i-1 s. H.nthbut•n, left last week for Flor­Ida to spend Christmas wltl1 Mr. Cileney's· parents nl tilcir winte1· home in Bradenton.

'1'hc Commnuit.~· 1\Iethotlis(: church Will hllVIl O]ICn !JOIISil in the new edm•ntionnl 1mit Sunday ufh,moon, DcccmbcJ' 28, 1'1'0111 ·l 1.() 7 p. m. Col'fl•c 'and t•ooldes will he served. AI 7 Jl. m. II Jli'O!{l'lllll 1111d ~erviC'c will he g·ivcn,

Mrs. Eva Brown and son, M11r· vin, spent t11e week end at ti;~ir cottage on Horseheacl lake.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Talley oi Lanigan,' Missouri, spent Christ· mas with their s·on-ln-law and daughter, Dr. and· Mrs. Edd Rey· nolds, and family.

'--llnnd l'reseul.~ COJUllli'I

The Williamston high school concert band prcsenleil n special Christmas program Inst Thtii'S· day evening in the l1igh scilool gym. The progmm, tJmlcr the :li­rection of Alvin N. Benner, In· eluded selections b)• the sixth gmdc hand, the cnclet band and the concert hand.

Williamston high sc:l100l pupils had their annual Snow Ball dance Salurclny evening in the high school gym.

Hicharci Cole, Warren May anrl WaitCJ' Estes of Central Michigan college, Mt. Pleasnnt, are home for the holidays.

Frank A. CotJchoi' of Ollmvn wn Hills for 2 weel\s befot·e going Hills ll'as elected president of the to Flint to visit her great-great­Lansing Home BuilrleJ·s associa." granddaug-hter, Lorraine.

lion at nn annual nwcling or the A visitor at the Spartan Super- Mrs. Ray Ingersoll of Okemos li1gham County News, Mason, Mich. December 25,1958 hoard ol' director~. AllleJ·t \VI1ite e!le last week was Lorruine is confined to lhc hospital for ob- ~------~---~-------------.... was elected national director and Gauss, who is employed by the servation. Mr. Ingersol Is owner Couchois ns nltcm;1te director Michigan state highway depart- of the Universal InstJlation Co. of oJ the nalional association. Mr. mcnt. She was previously an en- Okemos. and Mt·s. Couchois nre planning lertainer and has appeared on the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Couchois to attend liJc national meeting AJ'tllUJ' Godfrey show in New of Ottawa liilis ,Plan to spend 3 in Miami, Florida, ear·ly next York months in Florida aiter the

yenr. MJ·. and Mrs. Russell Cole, who Christmas holida)'S. . -i\IJ·. and illrs. 1lmmlrl G. J'ccently purchased the Polo Bar,, Robert GJ·oom, Mcl'llhnn town-

Fox nf •17fJ7 Nalmm;t Dl'i\'l', arc redecorating and will an-' I ~hip assessor, has be_cn conduct-. 'ullin n Hills, will hn w open f f . mg a ser1es of mec lmgs at the house in their new home on nounce t_Jt ~Jre, cod and cnterlam- Meridian township hnll concem-

Ronald WebRtcr, son of M1·. and Mrs. Harold Webster of Ottawa Hill~. has complclcd basic train· ing at Laci\Jand air force base, Texas, and is attending IBM scl10o! at. Shepard field, Texas. Ronald gr;uiuatcd from Okemos hir,ll school l11st June. His broth­el'S, Hicllarcl and Douglas, are in Burlingcn, GcJ·many, their par­ents sa~·.

Lawrence L. Farrell of Okemos resigned as executive secretary to

' G01·. G. l\lcnnr.n Williams to be· come executive secrctm·v of the slate cmpiD;,·r.s rctirem.cnt sys­tem. lie rcplaecrl Francis Blacl{­ford, who resigned to become state insurance eommJSSJoner. Blnel\fonl prevlutt~ly was liquor ront ml commissioner and chair­man, -before .Jo~cph L. Wisnieski.

ment po!JcJes 1o1 the near future. - 1 d 1 I" t' xes "S . mg rca an prope · ,, a ... Mrs. Lon·u1ne Dewey and controlled by the Michigan state

daughter, Susan, o~ the P~ motel alization board. on US-16 spent Cl11'1stmas 111 Mus- The Tice house in OJ\cmos has kegon. been the scene of numerous

Mrs. Martin E. Knoll ('.f Grand Christmas parties including the Hapids are spending the holi<la>·s Lansing City Engineers club in Okemos at I he home of Mr. party last Fridny evening. and Mrs. Allan C. Knoll of Indian Mr. and ll1rs. Honaltl Eroclberg Hills. of Imlian Hills had their annual

office Cl1rislma'; party last Fri­day evening.

Hobert Bo~·kin, Scoutmaster of the Okemos Boy Seoul I roop, re­ports that a nr.w bus will he pm­chascd soon (m· hi~ g-roup,

·:ttion, incoJ'(Jnmtion, 01, other nusscll Phillips of Indian Hills W<ls elccled president of the Lan-

'l'Jw :lleridl:tJt I n w n s hi Jl

hmu·d has !LJ!proved a resolu­Hon dmf1cd by ,Janws 1\lc· Clure ouUiuin~- n ]Jlan by which the ]lmblems ol' annex-

JIOssihle lilt(lfJUt.lh•es may he ir1g Board of Realtors succeecling examined, J'(lVicwerl nnd most: Emil Gallas. lhor·oughly studied for· hest. Mr. and Mrs. William Cameron intm·ests uf lhtl fulu&·e of the will attend the Holiday r-1 ub party

We welc~m'~ the holiday season

with the sincere hope that it proves to be the

hap}liest one ever for you and your family.

From ~11 of us a'!-

Jewett's F!ower Shop Bobbie Dick Dori·is Judy Murryne

310 S. Jefferson Mason James l\1. 1\reider, son of M1·.

nne! l\lrs. 1\•lirhacl C. Kreider of Okemos, ha~ !wen nmned 1 o 1 he dcan'R Jist at Albion college.


Mr. and Mr~. Clinton Peterson of Ottawa Hills have moved to their new home:

before leaving for Cliicngo, Illl·1 nols, for the holiday season. "---------------_,_...., __ ....,...,_..,

Glad greetings and best wishes for a season filled with all the joys of Christmas.

THE SPIR!T OF ~ In the true spirit of the . glorious Hpliday Season we extend our sincere wishes for the good healtll and happiness of all our devoted friends and neighbors.

Jewett Funeral Home 605 S, Jeffersoll

Uncle Harry (Saginaw)-'-Who but Aunt Madge would have ferreted out the secret that his private passion is • , • butterflies?

Sonia (Grand Rapids)- Happily engrossed in the record album her boyfriend (of the moment) sent her.

Sonia's Beau (of the moment, from Kal-, amazoo)-He actu,ally wears that tie Sonia ·

sent him. Love is a very powerful thing. ·

Aunt. Madge (Detroit)-An admirer sent Madge· perfume. It's called "Great Er.pec­tations';-she hasn't ber.n the same since.

,~..t:;:~ . To one and all, our best

i•.;:v.,;.:,·"- wishes for a happy holidar.-!:\1!!!! t~

Dart Insurance Agency Mason, Michigan

Here's hoping that you glide through the holidays without a care, enjoying all life's greates-t blessings in abundance.

I .

Culligan- _Soft Water Service Season~s Best From -.HERB

Peter (Grand Rapids)~Granny knows small boys, .so Peter now packs the pearliest-handled six-shooter§ this side of the Rockies.

Grannr (Ann Arbor)-Granny's latest interest_ is golt The driver from Madge .should tJelp improve her handicap.

... and th~y. all thank each- other -by) telephone

Distance. By Long .. Distance you can· say "Thank ' I ' • •

you for ihe gift" warmly, personally, spon.taneously. • I- ' •

Those you call_ will, g~t a·big kick outof it. So will ' . . --. ', . . ' ·' - --you. Phone and see;


Christmas is a timll to bll with thosll neai:'llst arid dearllst: .: .. ,.It is an occasion whlln rlllativlls travel from far' and· near to ...... join family circles . , . and that's \vhat Mason people did over

, .. J! .. the holidays. •'1''•

" Mr. and Mrs. Grover Alters St·. entet1:ained members of ;,,,their family at a Christmas gathet·ing Sunday. Those present · ·: · were Russell Almrs and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lecato, Karen,

Phil, Tommy and Mat·l~ of Lansing,· Mr. and Mrs. James Stone, Jerry and Beverly of Midland, and'l\fr. and Mrs. Leo Stone, Judy and Susie, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Akers, Russell and Lynda, Mr. and Mrs. Gmver Akers Ji>., Julie and Stevie and Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Fruin, ' . . . ·. · · , ·

Holiday guests· at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Am· merman were Ml'. and Mrs. Bryce Rose ofGrand Ledge and Mt·. and Mrs. Raymond Baker and family. : .. Mr .. and Mrs. Wallace Bailey and daughters had Mr. and Mrs.- Stanley Als­ton ofDett·oit and Mt·. and Mrs. G. L. Ba1Jey, Cleo and Maw:· ice and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lott as their guests.

On Chl'istmas Eve Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ballard and sons and Mt·. and Mt·s. Lonnie Ballard and son attended a family get-togethet• at the home of Mt'. and Mrs. Elmer Otis of Les· lie, Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Get·ald Mat1:in and sons or Onondaga, Mr. and Mrs. Bet·nal'd Otis and sons of Leslie und Miss Diane McFarren of Okemos .... Holiday guests at the home of Mr. and ,Mrs. F, A. Balderson were Mr. and Mrs, F1·edel'ick Balderson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Balderson and family of DeWitt, M1·: and Mrs. Robert Wagner al1d family, or Grand Ledge and Mr~. and Mrs. Donald B1·own nnd·family, Miss Edna Balderson and Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn McKinch and family of Lansing.

Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cavender at a pre-Christmas gathering Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Galbreath and family and Mt·s. Mattie Ladd of Dansville and Mrs. Ray Cavendet· .... M1·. and Mrs. LaVern Balmer and family and M1·. and M1·s. Leona1·d Brooks and family spent the day with their parents, M1·. and Mrs. John Balmer . .In the evening the LaVem Balmers we't·e guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Deco Wilcox, of Stockbridge .... Mt·. ·and :Mrs. Joe Roberts came 1'1·om Dett•oit to spend the holiday wilh Mr. and Mrs, Nellis Bateman and Tom,

Mrs. L. B. McArthur is spending ft;om Wednesday to Sat­Ul'clay with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wignall and family at Clarks· ton .... M1·. and Mrs. Robett J. Barmm and daughter left Wednesday to spend the holidays in Kalamazoo as guests of M1·. and Mrs. B. A. 1'aylm·, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Barram and Mr. and M1·s. William Inkster .... Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bat1:· lett. entcl'tainecl at a Christmas dinner Tuesday evening, Guests were Mt•. and J\IIJ•s. Loa! McKenzie and family of La· Pol'te, Ind., Mr. and Mrs. Bemard Hemstt·eet and farnily of Leslie and Miss Vema Favorite.

Mr. and Mrs. !lussell Bartlett spent CIHislmas Day with Mrs. Ella King, Mis~ Pat Bnrtlctt and Miss Jean Bartlett..

Ilolida)' ~uests at tile hnme of Mr. and Mrs. F'rnnl1 F'etters· were Mr. ;~nd Mr.~. Bcr~·l Geren and family of Kalamazoo, M1·. and Mrs. 'Franklin ·Fellers, Mr. and Mrs. Zelesl Andreas nml family, Mr. and Mrs .. Jnl1n F'c•tters and Alix nnd Mr. <11111 l'>'lrs. Lmvrenee Bm·ton ami daughters.

Ill', ami ;u,·s. A. v. Smith' sJwnt. tht• day in l'unllae with ::U 1', and ,Hrs .• lnd• Williams.

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Sheren entertained at a family gathering Cl1ristmas Eve. Guests were Mi·s. Hettn Fr·itz and Mrs. DaiS\' Hill of Lansing and Mr. and Mt:s. Leon·

Mr. and Mrs. William Thorburn nncl Robbie and Mrs. Thorburn's sistet,, Miss Eclilh LaPonsic, spent the rlny with their parents, M1·. nne! Mrs. Angus LaPonsie of Rud'· yard.

Mr. and Mrs. Freel Schroeder Jr. and chiid1·en had as guests Mr. and Mrs. Freel Scllroecler Sr., Celia and· Casey of Lansing and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Soutlnvick and Terry and Ron and Gary While.

Mr. anrl Mrs, C. N. Smith en· tertained ~1r. and Mrs. James !~vans and family, Mr. and Mrs. James· Louis and family and Mr. and Mrs. Clat·c D. Smith and family, ali of Holt, and the Misses Echia and Florence Daman of Lansing at dinner.

ani Carter ancl chi!clren> On ,------------, Christmns Day the Carters enler· tHinecl the sqme'guests at dinner.

Christmas' Day guests' of Mr. nncl Mrs. Sidney Silafcr wct·e Mr .

. nne! Mrs. lllorea Camp am! Mr. IIIHI 1\trs. Cmrcncc Wheeler.-

Mr. and Mrs. Oral Lewis nncl Jamiiy spent Christmas Da)' witil Jvtr. nnd l'vlrs. Carl Lewis ami fam­Ily of Lake Odessa. Otilcr guests were :\It·. and 1\·!rs. Arthur Lance and family <incl Mrs. Mary Lewis oJ 1\Jason anri Mr. and Mr-s. Dan· Lewis and family of Kalamazoo.

lift', and Mrs. Boyd Lor1gyea1' nne! David of GJ'illlll Rnpids ancl ll1r. <tnd l\1rs. William Schuring and cilildmn of Portage hml dili· Ill' I' wit lJ Mr. ami Mrs. James I-I. Vnndcr Vcn.

Archv :· says:

Chri•+m•• ;, almost here. 1' wont to to~c thil time to wi1h ~II my friends and patron• th<> merrie•t Chri1tmos ever and • very happy New Yeor.

Archy•s Photos Phone Malon OR 6·5884

I 08 E. Ash Mason


·OuNJest wishes, our t erateful thanks to all

our 100~ friends, . )vl!ose loyal patronaat · WI ¥alue SO hichly. Mat

~ou have 1 holiday season that's

happy, heart¥ end htllthyl

The :~ Miiis;,storii

Members· of the Etta Malic Sunday school class of the Mason Church of the Nazarene/ were en­tertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ballar-d. Saturday evening. Mrs. Setl1 Heins and Mrs. Ted Heins' assisted Mrs. Ballard.

Twenty-one members of the class were present for the turlwy rUnner, which wns set·ved buffet· style. Guests were seated at in· dlviclual tables, attractively dec· orated In the Christmas motif.

After dinner the group ex· changed gifts. During the re· maihder of the evening they sang C.hristmas carols . am! read The Christmas Story.

FAMILY HAS GET:TOGE'l'HER Mr. ahd Mrs. Hom~r Brown and

fa1nily o! J3ath, Mr.' and Mrs: Paul Brown and J'nnilly of Mt. Clemens .' Ch . ' . 'h s h . I and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin iBrown . U rc . C QQ and lam!Iy of Grand -Rapids spent Sunday, with th'eir mother, Mrs. MasoJ1 Presbyterian · churcj1 .the audlm1ce when they sang , Olive B10wn, Th~ occasion was a school had Its Christmas program Silent Night In German. pr-e-Christmas dmner and. birth· at the church Sunday evening. Mt·s. Carolirte·. Ragan, had ~ay observance honoring Homer The Christmas Story was pre- charge of ·the program .. She was

r-own. * • • sentcd In scripture and song witl1 assisted b~· Mrs. D. R. Leth· Mrs. N. S. Davis, Mrs. C. Harolcl bridge, . ,

Ch U. rch Pre' sents I<nudstrup llncl John Carron rend· Vv JlltC gifts tal<en. to', the serv· lng from SCI'ipture. Mrs. Alqc Gil· Ices were given to the· Mason pin gave a remling, There Wns clearing · house .. As they were

Gl'ft tO Organ'I,St No,Room for- Them in the Inn. leaving,' children who attended . A play, Stars on c'rool<cd the service were given .boxes of Street, depicted the importance candy.

At worship services S of. friendship and happiness t!e-

Fountains. Give Dinner Party

moqtlng Dr, D. R. Lctltbridge, In rived from sharing at Christmas behalf of the Presbytcri<ln choir time. 'I'ai<ing 'part in the play ami chUJ'Ch, presented Mrs. N, S. were Mrs. I·Ioward Schlichter, Davis with a wrist watch, It was .Mcr~·Itt Barnhill, Linda Shcffcl', It memento of her many years of Charles Bates, Sam Collon, M1·s. service as organist. She resigned Raymond Sni1ler, Dnvid unci Lin·

· It Jew wecl\s ago. cia, Mrs. Merlin Gt·ccn and Dlln· Lamphere F'aml'ly aid, Mrs. Darwin ·BatT und Dcbb",

Mrs, Florence Davis atld Dorr Cady we1:e guests of llonot• at a· dinner party, Friday evenln~ g-iven by Mr. and Mrs, William Wmmtain,

Mrs. Perry . Lane of Lansing '

I has succeeded Mrs, Davis as 01 .. Mrs. Dobri Zcccvic, Pclcr, Bm·· Has Yu e Dinner ganist.. bara and Ynnco, Mrs. Jucl\ Sam-

_, crvillc anrl Mrs. Helen Goodwin. Mr. and. Mrs .. Lynn Bullen en·. ltev. Paul L. Arnold bapti(.ed Mrs. zcccvle, 11 nalivc of Gel'·

tertalnecl mem!JCI'S of the· Lam- Scott Chandler, son of Mt•, and many', and he1· children cap lure(! 11here family on Christmas Day. Mrs. 1-IarJ'Y Chandler, and Donald -----Chi I d r e n, grandchildren and Dale Orvis II, son of Mr. and Mr. and IVli'S, A. F. Zid<grnf great-grandchildren of Mrs. Fan- Mrs. Donald Dale Orvis of Lan· were gucRts Ciu·iRtmas Day of 11ie Lam.phere nnrl l.heit· .families sing..l~e also baptized Miss Mary M1·. and Mrs. Wayne Bullen ami celebrated the holiday together. Louise Fish and Miss Alice Marie family. There were 42 present for dinner Gilchrist, anrl welcomed llwm to Mrs. Olive Brown is spending and 20 more relatives joined the membership. Others welcomed to Ch1·istmas with hr.r son-in-law

Of her guests were Mr. nnd M1·s. William C::lark of Dimondale and Mr. and Mrs. Franeis Fic(llct• nml sons, Alan and Tel'l'y.

For dessert the hostess serve(! n 3-fierecl decorated cake, baked especially in honor of the occa· sian.

family group in the evening. membership Sunday morning and daughter, Mr. nntl MrR. Pnul MRS. ALLEN ·rs 92 ·Among llH! gllf~sts were Mrs. \Vel'e Nelson S. Rumbles, Miss Brown, ancl family at MI. Clem- F1·iends and rclallvmi of Jlfr~.

Lamphere's daughtm·, Mrs. John Judy Schlacl<, M1·s. Helen Good· ens·. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Me· Grace R. Allen helped l1Cr ccle· 'l'lll'ner, of Erie and Mrs. Bullen's wirt, Miss Jo A'nn Menoch, Mrs. Dowell ancl family of Lansing brate her 92nd biJ•thday annivcr· uncle and aunt, M1·. and Mrs. Esther Speckccn, Mrs. Jean Pow· spent Sunday with Mrs. Brown. ~at'Y Frlrlay, December 19. Mrs. ,fohn Powell of Aurelius. Other elson and Mrs. Helc1i Van Singe!. Mrs. McDowell is Mrs. Brown's .Allen received· many nice canis guests were from Leslie, Lan. granddaughter. nnd gifts. ~ing, Willis, Dansville and Ma· son. Joe Lamphere, who is serv­Ing with the air corps in Ger· many, wn.~ .unable lo ntteml.

The Bullens entertnined · their guests in the recreation room which was alll'llctivcly decorated in the Christmas motif. The group exchanged gl(ts. ·

* * J!l

MRS. CORNER EN't'ERTAjNS Mrs. Ji;tmes Coi'Jlel· enter'tainecl

Maccabees at it card party last Thursday evening. There were 13 in attendance; Prizes. for cards went to MrS' .. William Smith, Miss Ruth Gregg, Mrs. Maynard Dielz and .Mrs. Eat·.! Cavender: Afler the card pia~·. the group had a sack lunch and coHce.

Mr. ami Mrs. Paul Younger and family of Lansing were guests at dinner Wednesday evening of Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter E. Zimmer. They nil atlencled midnight services ;{t SL Paul's EpiscojJa! church in Lansing. Christmas Day the Zimmers had dinner al the lwme of Mr. and Mrs. ChestC!r Smith and Nancy. Saturday .the Zim· mer·s will entertnin at a family gel-together 'with Arnold Zimmer of Detroit, the Chester Smiths <mel Mr. and Mrs~ Willard Wixson as guests.

Forrest Matteson s Entertain Family Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Matteson

cntl!rlainccl Hl at a birthday din· i1er Sunday in honor of tilCh' dattghtet·, Mrs. Lozcll JOJ·dan.

'J' present b'eslclcs the Jar· claJlS !tncl Mattesons were Mr. am! Mrs. Norman Rose of Jackson at1d Mr. and M1·s. Melvin Jordan nne! family of Lapeer.

'The occasion also honored 111 Lozell Jordans' '15th wedding an· niversary. Tlie group exchanged Cht'islmas gifts.

Darlene Mattr.snn I' c t urn e d home wl!h the Melvin Jordans to spend. Ch1·istmas V<ication with them.

GROUP MEETS Lois Ann Barram entei·tained

16 young people of Oi<emos Bap. List church at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Banam, Friday evening. The group· played games 'and sang Christmas carols during the eve· ning. At the COJlclus!on of the evening's entertainment, the young . people had rcft·eshments of sandwiches, brownies· and hot chocolate. ·

you is that' your holiday. will be just blooming with happiness. And to

you, too, our sincere thanks for your

loyal patronage and friendly good V:.iii.

Ingham County News, Mason, Mich. December 25, 1958 B-4 George•s Food Market

424 S. Jefferson · OR 7-7151

Best From

• (A~


Oh, holy, peaceful


let every heart

rejoice in the


inspiration and

blessings of the seasgn,

bheer · 'ffhis is news

right front jolly Sanh himself ... he's bringing you " holiday season packed with fun and good fellowship.

· Chesley· Drugs .330 S. Jeffersbn · · . OR 7-bl31

Modern Cleaners 126 W. Ash OR 7-1511

a all our friends we sen~ ~1e wannest 'greetings. of the season and our sincere wishes that

)'ou will h~ve a Chrisbnas tl1at you will long remember for its hearty cheer and outstanding joy. ·

KE-AN'S· Sc .and 51.00 . .. · ·Store · .. -·


Beginnin9 Friday Noon

s h 0 e s





Reg. s8.98

$ 88

Reg. $10.98

$ 88

E!.acta Circle Has M·eeting t•:t•••·lu ei1·de lnl!ll1iJC'I'S of the

Methodist ciHireh met nt the home of Mrs. William Dnrl last 'l'lll!sdny. Mr.~ l~rl!d Silsby, Mrs. !!ugh ~ilshy anrl M1·s. Lawrence 1\lll'gcss 11ssisled Mrs. Dart. There Wl'l'l' 17 mcmhcrs ami 2 ,guests pri!SI!Ill.

Mrs. Burgr•ss llad charge of the program. An ensemble from Ma· son l1igll selwul, undl!l' the dircc· lion of '\Vancn l~mrkl<, enter l<liJwd with Christmas seleeliom;

CUJJS GO SLEDDING Mr. anrl 1\11'~. Francis Ficlilc!

<'111c•rtui1Wrl li Cub Scouts nf rl!!i' •1 at ;1 Clll'istm;is pm·ty last Thurs· day <~flr.rnoon. 'l'IH! gmup spen tlw aJtm·no"n slr.rlrling nt Kiwani,· hill. At'tcrwarrl tlwy lwei" weiner rw1sl anrl exc•lwngJld gifl~. I'Vlrs J<'icllicr pn•sented encl1 boy with r gift.

Sidle Boys Have . Birthday Dinner Loren. Larry nnd Lcstr.r Uirlli!

cclcbrMed t11cir bil·tllcla~· annivr.l'· <nrlcs at a dinner Sunday given by their pal'ents, Mr. and Mrs. r:mn·cl Bleile,

'J'he occasion also honored the '1irtllrtny anniversary of tile boys'

1 cnusin, Mary Ann Birtle, of LriJl· :ing. Ol11er guests were her I)<W .•nts, l\llr. and Mrs, Oren Bidlc of '"ansing and Mr. ami Ion Wendel .1f Ol<cmos.

Loren nncl Mnry Ann celcbrnteil l1eir 10111 birthday anniversaries,

Larry ancl Lester are 9.

Ingham County News, Mason, Mich. December 25, 1958


.YCcre's to you, our good

friends and patrons .. , our sincere ·

appreciation for the privilege of serving

you and best wi~hcs for a happy holiday season.

iVIorse·s Restaurant


116 E. Ash


Like jolly old Santa

himself, we're full of good

wishes for one and all

for a holiday season that

will long be remembered

for its r;ood cheer and happiness.

COME ~EE • • • yoU'll SAVE

At A&P\

Rc~olve 1that in 1959 . all pcoplo wW achieve peaceful rcl'alionships through bc't­tcr under$1'anding of Christi'an love,

SALAYOUBEE Sun Life Assurance Co, of C~~nede . · 113 W. Michigon, Lon•ing

Phano lVonhao 9-9031



Boon· to Last-Minute Shoppers


$2.99 Warwick Candy 5 LB. BOX


BELTSVILLES HENS Crestwood Candy 4 LB. $1.99 BOX

4·9 LIS, I 0·16 LIS.




PT. $1.09 $4.39 LB. 89(




SIZE 113





LEG-0-LAMB LB. 69c·



Holiday Carton Cigarettes REG~2.29


A&.P PUMPKIN 2 2~A~~·l9c

REG. 2 FOR 49c

A&P Sweet Potatoes 2 OCEAN SPRAY-REG. 2 FOR 47c

Cranberry Sauce 2 REG. 6 FOR 79c-IN CARRYING CARTON

Whitehouse Milk 6

ta.oz. CANS

16·0Z. CANS

1 ~.oz. CANS




Eight O'Clock Coffee ~~~· 59c DAILY CROSS CUT

Sweet Pickles 22·0Z. JAR ·.29c


Sunnybrook Eggs Doz. SOc

8 LB. •'69c , BAG

(ran berries 2 l·LB. 43c PKG.

LB. 49( ~t'luiltiiialt!aKdlu~t ~ DUCKS

'' .

FRUIT CAKES 3 ~t:~T 52.69 • .I -

' M' ' p· JANE PARKER · 1nce It REG ~s,

.Brown-N-Serve Rolls . J~;:~!~~ Stuffi11g Bread· JANE PARKER

EA. 49c 2 FOR 45c




Strawberries·· Green Pe"'s



2 I O·OZ. PKGS. 39c

Z 16-oz. 53c . PKGS.

2 . Jo.oz. 29c PKGS. · .

'12 GAL.

Philadelphia Cream. Cheese

All Priecs

Warwic.~ Thin Mints J2.0Z. 39c PKG.

Worth more Christmas Stocking · 9·0Z. 39c PKG.

Rock Candy OLO FASHION n.oz. 29c WOTriMORE CUT PKG.

Filled Candy WORTHMO'E 10'/:·0Z. 29c' ROYAL LUSTERETTES PKG.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~

~ . · A VERY . ~

~ Merry Christmas ~ ~ ~ ~ · TO YOU AND YOURS ~ w m i FROM ALL OF US . !

·I . AT·A&P! I La~--~~-~~····~~~~~-~

,,ny IIr•len YfJIIIIg Kh·k Galley, Orville Emerson, ''A Christmas progmm was pre· Joyce Blanchard, Diana Hinltle,

senled MondO)' evening at the Jucly' Robert·s, Donna Solid, Le· Free Mel horllst clnlrch with Mrs. land Penlne, Bonn ill Antes, Peg. J~cwls Freer·, Sunday school su- gy West and Ma~ia Ci~~~;~~~ll~1;~ perlntemleni·, liS the an~OllllCCJ', mnry,j i~~~f..lllCI]l~~S~S also· pnrtlci· The program opened With con·. nne , u 1 gregalionnl singing, followed by paled, pmyer hy I he pastor and s·c1·ip· \ Rev. and Mrs. G~cmn VIbbert tum reading hy Larry Coole were p!'esentecl a gift fmm the tnl<ing ))art in the pro· Stmclay school and the teachers .gmm were: Beverly I-Till'l man, presented gifts to the members of Paul Vihllerl, ,Jack F'rem·, Barbara thoir classes. anil· GlC'nna VIbbert, Dawn and

' Hoharl Solie!, Davirl Wl1ite, Mary !3oth Antes, Cm·lton Antes, Miss Huth Gray, Gnorgcnnn Roberts, Lloyd Nlswrlllger, Patty Hinkle, Martha Freer, Mary .fane Eri)er· son, .

John Wolf, l~mncos Slwrman, Httth Ann White, Lynne l•'roer, Martha Freer, Janet Hartman, Minn Mae Scl'ipter, Marilyi1 and .Jc>'an Kiilllr,Y, 1\r.nncth Stewar1, -=------- --. -··----- -- ·- -~ ~ -- -- --- --- l•'rerl Guti~s spc'll1 Sunrlny with

Mt·. unrl Mrs. I Inward Gauss nne! fi11nily nf Stol'l<ilriclgo,

illrs. ,J, 11. Jlalton who has ·:·; h:!ml ~t'l'iUIISI)' !lif•({ in lii!I~IJII .. Gr•:H':-al hrtSitil:tl, is 'imtJJ'OI'· '; f ll~~·.

; Mrs. Anrli·rw. 11·1illlmuse . o_r fltol~i<lll'id!(C \l':u: n Sallil'cl:ty VIS!· fill' of 1\'lr. iiiHl il:lro. P:tul llt~d?:· J()n,

·• Mr. H'lrl Mrs. <inylorrl Ilulc1t ~JHI fnmiiy of M<t;~<lll Wl'rc Sun· clay visilrJI'~; nf ltl'l' nJotlw1·, Mrs. C1;!rlir W:•nl.. .: Mi~;~;· t•:liznllr>ih Polluk of Lan· sin:~ is :~jH'ncling Cln·ist J11i!S vaen· tlnn wilil llri' pm•c•nts, :\lr. 111111 1111'.''. J\rlllltl' P"llok, ';Mr. anrl ;vJrs. Lc•o Gi~'nn :tilt! nnrl fdr.~. ll:~mld (;)~·nn nnd

Church School Gives ·Program The a11nual Christmas ·nrt1o-rnm

was given at the church St111day evening. Mrs. Robert Thompson was in chnrge of tile program, a musical pre. sent a lion of the star)' or the birth of Jesu.1.

Music was furnished· by the choirs of the ldm!Crgnrtcn, pri· mmy ancl junior departments of till! Sundny school.

Thel'e were also several angels, shcphords and wise rnen with Samh Diehl acting ns Mary, Ancly Comelt. as .Joseph, Jimmie Rich· arclson, t110 inn lteepcr. nne! nni· mal pnrt~ portmyed by Mark F'ell'on, Mark VanDamme, Louise Wood~; and .Jonn J-Iarlmcss.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hiscll wcrp Chr'i.~t1nas rlinnei· gucsls Sunday of Mt·, :tiHI Mr~. Hnsscll Hisd1 of Williamston.

Miss Vel'i1ir.C Shcl'lnan of Kala· mawo if' spending tile' hulirlays wilh hcl' parent.s, !vir. and Mrs. Alfred Slwrman ..

J':11nilv ,;;· Wiltinmston were en· Mrs, Orville E:'r,·,crsntl 1~·1·t:li·11('(1 Suacl:t;>' at :1 Cilrislmas daughters, Monte] nncl Mtll')' Jnne, dinlll'r ::1 llw hnnw of Mr. and :mel Mi's, Irene Brnm(ln Jeft Man· Mrs. no.IH•rt l'rir:e~. r tiny to spend 11 CllLtple of weel<s ~ ]\'Irs.. P:tlt,1· M!·idgewatcr uf 1 in l·'lrll'idu. Mrs. Braman OXJlects Lansing and :V11·s. t•'lor:1 .Jcnsr'n to sla,Y in fi'lol'ida for lite rqmain· e),f C:! •·r·nl'iltr• ll'l'l'f' :':nut:ry vis· ch:r oft IIC winter. itnrs of till' latiPr's si~lr•r, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Vineen1 Gillett Myron <'•JI'Witt, :1t .~Jason General nnrl fnlnl!y and Mr. and Mrs. Vic· li)i.~pi:al. tor Gi!let't anti family of Novi, , Mr. nnd :11r.s. Cilllcr1 <ilovet· ancl Mr. anrl Mrs. H.iclwrcl Kel1res and Mr. and?:!!'.''· n"'' GlflVl'l' alwnclecl fmniJy and Donald Kehres of Lan· J'urw·::J !.r.-rvir·c~;·fur !•'rank Noyes sing, ·l\1r, anrl Mrs. Lanic Linin· 111 C'<t!:k"l' !'unr•t a! IHHllC! in Stock· ger and clauglltei' of Mason. and J,j:·irtr•;!' j\Jrrnrl:r~· nftcrno11n. i\-lrs, J.ouis Yuhas~ and Shamn , Mr. and :VIr:-:. Don Loonarrl and uf .. Holt were enterlained 11t n son~ wrn• Jo't•icl:ry e~Vl'ning din· Christmas dinner Saturrla)' eve· iwr gur";t.-: nf ~11', :mel .~Irs. Orin ning at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Vo:-:s .li'. · H.oylytl Miller. '.' Mr. <IIIIi Mrs. George Mitchell ntll•noled fillWI'itl sel'\'ices for Robert 13artlel't of Foll'lervillc .Jolin Hlllw~·ls :1t Pl;:infiold Mctll· and M1·s. Roy Slar1· and cllilrlmn iJdic:1 l'i!tiir·l! Thtlrsrln~' aJtr.moon. nnrt Mrs. Russell Wllipplc of Ma·

Mr.' nnrl l\lrs. i\i'lhu:· Drnkr of son IVCi'C Sunday visitors of M1·s. Grand Lr~dgc anrl Mrs. Bert Olivc l~ostcr and Mr. and Mn:, \V:rop!•r o!' .\ol:tsrm wc>rc S:r1urrlny. Hoy Glover. visitors of Mr. nnrl Mrs. Loren T111·s. Mina Otis spent 1hc w~el< Stir!. end wilh l\Ir. nml Mrs. Me1·lc Otis , Mrs. Gran1 Dunsmore of C:lint· of Lanoing. Mr. Otis was a Mon· Qll sp::nl Sa 1 Ul'fl;ry \\'i1li lwr moth· Llur eti'nncr gues1 of his motl1er, er, Mrs. Erne West. . Mrs, Otis, .. Mr. nntl Mrs. Vance ]\!earl and Mrs. Lawrence Curtis is on a family c:rlct lairH•cl Sunday at an week's vacation from the Dnrl c:rrll' C'hristmns dinner. Gt:wsls ~cllool. Their Christmas p1·ogmm wcr;~ Tvlr. ancl Mn;. llowni'cll\1ead, was Wcclnesrlay eve!ling and Mr. :t!HI Mrs. J•:lnll'l' Cmnrlall nncl ~cl10ol closed Frirla~· for one I:rrnilv 111' J:o:;r•on1mon, Mrs. Leo week. Mr•:11t'. l\·lr·. nnrl 2'1'11'>. Leslie Mead anrl farn;ty, :\lr. aucl ,\1:·s. Orv1~l Ifl'n<':;!l•i! ;inc! >J:llll'\' :llld Mr. ami l\Jr~. ni<'il:mt DJ'IJO).(S rt[ \Vcbhcl'· vi liP :mrl 1\'1!'. · :mel Mrs. Cloice l\lrnrl :rnrl f:tmill' of Williamslon. ll1r. anrl 7111''· 1 inward Mead nnrt Alan and .Jan1~1 CranrlatJ re· iT!airH•rl lllltil :\fonclny morning wiH•n 1IH'\' ll'f1 for· 1\ansas to Jl'll'l'l nnrl · spr•1HI Chris1 ma., wi1 h the Mr•atls' Sill\, Dat'' J\le'1Ht, who is in tile air forl'e rtllcl s1n1ioncd in '1'1•xas.

l\1i'. nnd Mrs. Louis Stir! ancl family of Mason, Mr. and M1·s. C. A. DieJ1l and Mr. and Mrs. Dorn Diehl and daugilters were enter· tainerJ ·nt a pre-Christmas dinner \Vednesrlny evening a1 the home of Mr. nncl Mrs. David Diel1l. The Dorn Diehls left Friday fot' Flor· icla.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hess nne! r!auglltcr were Wednesday eve· ning dinner guests of Mr. and M1·s. Don vl'ilcox anti family.

hope! that the joy of the

first Christmas

may abide with you forever.

rony Simone

f.Pfe extend o~r warmest greetings with the hope

that this Holiday Season brings ·you and yours

a full measure of good health atld happiness.

May all the joys of Christmas remain with you

·throughout the coming ~ew Year. ·

Cousins Radio·· & .r elevision

S!lcclnl . .Sm·v!ee ·)>Jonm!ll . Awspeciar watch night service

Is being plannecl.for. Wednesday evening,. December 31,' at 1he Methodist church at ll o'clo~l<. Mr. and Mrs. John Pim·son and On Thursday, Jar)unry 1,, 19.J9,

1.Mr. n'nd M1·s. Albin l'ierson nne!

Rev, and Mrs. Harold Mondo! wlll Gerald of St. Johns ·and Mr .. and have open hot1sc at the parson· Mrs Charles Patterson of Lan. ar::e frQm 2 to p and 7. to 9 P· m. sing' were Sunday dinner guests Members and .friends of the of Mr. nnd Mrs, Lewis Woods, church may attend. . .

· Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ;Mason "' .. YF. s·.·n,.s and fnmlly ancl Wllli!lm Muench lJYJ ~ we)'(~ Sunday clinne1· guests of

Sh I Mr. and Mr~. Paul Mason of Web· 1For ut- ns berville. Mr. and Mrs. Mawn and

Twenty rnembe1·s of the F.MY went caroling Sunday evening after t11e ch U!'ch service. After visiting several , homes in the community Iiley went to the home of Rev, ancl Mrs. Glenn Vib· bert ancl had a chili supper.

Monday evening members of 11le. MYF went caroling in the communily, Later they gntherecl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D11vid Diehl where refreshments were served, ·

Mr. Muench .and FL·ank Clever were entertained Monclay evening at thr. home 'of Mr. and Mi'S. Elmo Waldi'Oil of Lansing.

Mr. 'ami Mrs. Lloyd Murdock nnd Tommy had Christmas din· ner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Birchfield of Lansing. Mt•, and.Mrs. Joe Nor· ton and daughter of'· Lansing were also guests of the BiL·ch· llelcls, . 1 Miss Kay Moore of Houghton

Lake, Mr. and Mrs. James Wright Chn]lel Service Conducted ancl family of Lansing, Mr. and

A Christmas chapel service walt Mrs. J~ugenc Gauss nn1l family of cnncluctccl Thursday morning in 1 Blissfield ant! Mrs. Jvn Cllcltncr the high school asSI!mhJy: After were Christmas cUnner guests stLtdent body singing the girls Sunday nt the hom~ of Mr. and qtinrtet composed of Monte! Mrs, ·Lawton Gauss. Emerson, Mnry SI1Ca1hel':l, .sally ·Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Vander· Thompson and Nancy W1llnnson bush aml family of Bl'i11on, Mr . sang '.'Christm~r and "They and Mrs. Jesse Staats ancl· family Rung the Bells. Rev, Harold of Jacl'>son,. Mr. ancl Ml'S. Leonard Mondo! gave a short Christmas Brooks a ml family uml Mr. and messagS ~o the students, .~choo~ Mrs. Rubert Brooks rulCl sons of clo~ec! l•nclay for the Chtislmns Mason and Mr. and Mi'S, Mil<~ ~ncnl~on and Will resume Janunry Cosgray and family of Stock· ,J, l!l.>!J. bridge were· Sunday guests of nonst.c!J' Cluh SingF> enrols tllCii' p;~rents, Mr. an<l Mrs. Ar·

'l'wenty.flvc members of the tlllll' Broolts, Booster club went 'Caroling Satur· Mrs. Irma Belt man of Lansing day evening, Io1· the. shut-ins of spe11t Thmsday wilh het: mother, the community ;mel Cliri,gtmas Mrs. Rosa Anderson, boxes were also presented to each Mrs. Martha Gorsline and Miss home. A (t cr carolirig the· group A lin Speers of Lansing . were met at the home of Mr. and Mrs·. Sumlay guests of Miss Rosa· Aethcn Wilt wl1ere refreshments monel Backus. Mt•. and Mrs. An· were served nml Christmas boxes .~rew Burgess of Nol'thvlllc and pael<ed for the church progmm. Mrs. F'rank Btirgess of Stocl<·

Mrs. Lefle Smitl1 returnerl to her home in Ann Arbor after spending 5 months with her niece,. Mrs. Ruth Williams. Mt'. ami Mrs. George Mcrinctol'f and son of Eden were Sunday evening guests of Mrs. Williams.

lUiss Co 11 n i e WushlHII'Il \\'liS tal<c'l to the home ol' ht!l' g· r a n d m n t her·, lllt·s. Rosa W:rshhuJ•n Sunday from the. lUasnn Gt'I!Cl'lll h o s pi t a I wlwr·e she lllllh~l'\\'t'll t. mi nrn·

bridge were Fi'iday. guests of Miss Baclnts.

Mr. ancl Mrs. Fred Seng~r and family of Cas~opolis spent 1hc week ~nd as guests of Mr. ancl Mrs. Melvin Bnttige.

M1·. nncl Mrs. Mike Ktlch and family of Webberville and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Haindcl aiH.I fnmily of Mason were Sunday visitors of Mr. ancl Mrs. A. C. Berger.

Ut·. rtnd !\'r :·s. ll:n':l Diehl ·" •1·1 t'"""".'l •· · 1"''1 Fl'id11y tn ::IJ ·, ·1 ;··.,··~;; \:; ·,·., • ~.·,," \l'i 111' lw~· , , ,,_ •~ u. • '· o I._,.., ,,.,

Jl~li'<':Jt·, Mr. nnd l'lrt·s. ,J, U. U - .1, ::: Fort. L:uulerd:tle, .:..: .. ~ .. :.d.~ .

7,1r. and Mrs. Warren Muellm· attenclecl open house Sunday at 1 he lwme of Mr. and Mt'£. Ed· ward Smithcamp of Detroit.

M1·s. Isabel Baker spent Sun· day with Mr. -and ·Mn: .. Jcdson,

Give. a Range

There's still time to give this

wonderful eombin'a'tion gift

of a new range from Ran­

;:Jall's, Only a little down

and easy payments will

make you the most popular

s:anta this se·ason.


lj2 miles south af Jolly road on M-99

Eaton Rapids road, lansing · Phone TU 2-2163

*+lurr~ * t1Jtdcu(* ){any, many good

wishes to you anrl your family lor a'

holiday season just singing

with happiness


Opul n1ul Bill S<!il<~lmn'l·oJ• l'hono Amelin~ lilA 8·3H02

· Aur~llus Center Baptist chtlrch had u special Christmas p:·ogram Slmda:\• evening. Selected ·Instru­mentals flnd ·songs harmonized the Nativity seen~ which• was· Jl. lustrnlcel by a film nal'l'ated by

Mrs. Willard Droschn, After 1he woi·sl1ip sm:vice, : rcfresllJ1wnts were served in 111'e dining room. Gifts· wero dlstrihutNI.,

The church ·ancl n1clnlm·s Df th.e aid filled Christmas banlwts and cleliverccl them to tlli:IJ• elder momb~rR, shut-ins m1cl cles·ervlng fatnilies 1o extend lhcil· wishes

- for a merry Christmas. The jun· Aurelltls Center school cllllclren ior BYF' or' Aurelius Ccnt<w went

had their Christmas pnrty frl· caroling Sunday evei1ing /lJ1(]

day. Children in Mrs, Dorothy 1

b Droscha's room hml their party help~d clcllvcr some of 1 1e as· during the afternoon and Hownrel lwts. Oesterle's pupils celebrated the iloliclny in the evening.

Mr. nncl Mrs. George Gmen were Sunclay evening guests of lheir son and claughter·in·law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Green, In Lan· sing,

Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. flncl' Mrs, .Toe Howe were M1·. unci Mrs. L)rle i1ogle of Dnck lalte,

Miss Saral1 Jennings spent FrJ. clav afternoon visiting her sister, Mt·s. Mabel Davis, in Eden.

Saturday evening supper guests of Mi'. and Mrs. Melvin Swanson at' a Chrlslmns· party were Mr. and l\Irs. Kenneth Hill and sons, 'Ricl'Y and Ray, of: E<.tton Rrwicls and Sharon. Scclclmaier.

Billy Bugbee, son of Mr. an<l Mrs. Lewis Bugbee, atten!lecl a Christmas party at the Hole! Olcls In Lansing, Fi·iclay afternoon.

Week end guesls of Mr. ami Mrs·, Clifton Si1•ifl l'(ei'e their son. in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Cnnfielcl, and son,.Stcvle, of Detroit. · Mr. nnrl Mrs. Emil Scutt. were Sunday gucRts of Mt·. ami Mrs. Donnie! Hemingway of Bancroft, Sunday evening thc·Sculls called on Mr·. nnrl Mrs, C!nrencc Griggs of Okemos.

l\Ir, nml Mrs. Ronald Aleo are cnlcrlainlng M1·s. Aloo's mother, Mrs. Jessie Tflylor, of East Lan· sing 1his week, ·

Mr. ancl Mrs·, Arvid Besonen nncl !amlly wet•e gucsls of Mr.s. Bcsoncn's brother-in-Jaw :mel sis-1er, Mr. ami Mrs. Alton Kilts, of Lansing for a. family Christmas party SunciQ.y afternoon. ·

,Julie ll:lvis rettll'llt'd lrnme Ralnrduy ni;:·ht fl'lllll i\lexi('(l City.

Mr. and Mrs, Paul Rarcleen a1· Mondny aftrrnoon , f!illlc1·s of tended the Olc!smobil~ exeeuiive, Mrs .. Clwrloy Sedclmaicr anrl Bill Christmas pm·ty at. the Civic Cen·r wns Mrs. Vesta Sturgis Cullen of ter Sunday evening. Lansing.

Ingham Cou11tv News, Mason, Mich. December 25, 1958 B-6

To all our fri~Jids we extend

our best wishes for a • +

one filled with

goo~ cheer and ~· ~ many pleasant surprise~. . •• ,,,

• •

t • ' ,.r~~ t~ 1{

-:r. ••

As we approach the peace

and quiClt of the Holy Night may His

love f.ill your heart wilh joy and happiness.

Western Auto BCB TEAR, Prop.

We're setting our sights on a Christmas season that finds our friends in the very ~est · oj good healtlz and spiriis.

OR 7-2121

Al•s Service Station. . . , .

--tf)~~ ~~~Jjl:~~Jf~~~~f! ~~liD~~ WIS~~S

' Here's wishing you a holiday season aglow with all the gootl things

Season's Bast from


Hedlund's Hardware Localod in the Beautiful Granger Shopping Ccnlcr


/1),. HUSS I·:NGELif AIWT, illluwgN

SlfOI'I'I NG'S A HOBBY with sumr; people. They like nathin~ better than a long srorc-i>y-slor~ hunl for· a bnrgnin. For lht: rest of us shoppi11g is one uf those thin~s th;lt just has w be clone. So we put

it on· until the last momcnl-cspcci;dly at Christm ns­ilwr; find ourselves rushed for time. 'J.'hc Yellow Pagt•s directory can m~kc your lasl-minutc slwpping much casil'r. It lis1s the names and phone nunrbet·s of lor'al dt':tit'rs. Dn your searching in lhc Yellow l'agcs-;llld . save yourself v<JiuaiJic iirnc.

TALKING OF .C.HRISTMAS SHOPPING, why not give your family a gift that's useful year-round, smartly styled-comes in a choice of nine decorator colors? Sounds expensive but it isn't-costs only about a dollar a month after a small installation charge. It's an extension phone-the gift that speaks for itself. One in the bedroom, kitchen or laundry room will save time and steps year after year. And each time it does, your family will bless you for your thoughtfulness. Just pick up your phone and order a phone.


WHEN SPF.AKJNG to cadi other, Long Distance operators URI·

ally Ui'C a code' (it ~peerls yrmr sen·icc·l. "D·A" means the party rlocsn't ai!S\\'cr; "JJ-YH means the numhcr is husy and so on. A1t operator was stumped recently when another operator informed her that the n11mber hcfng called was "0.::\f-C •. " "What docs that mean?" shc.askcd, mystified. "Out milking cows," came the reply.

. . +++++++++++t++++++++++++++

THIS LITTLE. STORY h:ls a paint. The telephone system for all its size is actu~lly a netiVork of smallloc.1! affi~es. Each is adapted t~ the needs of the neighborhood aild run by the folks who live nearby. Despite automaiic equipment ~f great complexity, it is still people who make telephone service good., : ...


Let's·· ·Get Out ·of Our ---Pup Tents, and Matuwe


Ti1~eoh~ Count;y Atlve•·tiser, Caro "J~verybot\y was trying to eli·.

rect mo."

helping In mnlte themselves bel· ter students and their school n better institulion by bl'inf<lng. n measure of rcsponsibillly lo lite st LH!ent. body,

That is why a 2J.year-old Uni· verslty of Michigan student moved out of his r'omfm·tahlc dormitory room into n pup tent Olll: 011 it SnOW·COVCl'CC) )awn iii Ann· Arhm·. I'N!lling nut of his Will' surplus tent, the pi til' til young crusader snlrl he obJectecl to 1110 university's "moth(!J'ing al· tilude" :111d llwt. he wr•nled Ill he ".<;r.i f·s us tnin in g."

\; I iidmlt·c tile yrlltilt's irlealf; of wanting to In!. an inrlividunl and he S('H·sustaining, hut at. tho same time I fPc• I smTy for 'him in hi.~ apprnaC'11 lo I IJC prohlr.m, His aet ion was r•hiltl' and im· mature and will' hring him no· thing httl. enid fr•ct nntl a good case nf pneumonia,

In the same way i\merlcnn cili· zens. torlny, instead o.f Billing ·In their pup Ients of. indifference and immaturity, can do s·ome· thln'g to cllminnlc the ex11c~sive govemmr.nt controls nnd reg]. menlalion which t.hey nre grttm· illing ahottt, We can rio this hy t•et uJ•ning I o nn ,ctclive i ntere.~t in our government·, lal·;ing lime to go to .the polls nn<l supporting elvic an<l poiltical orgnnlzat)ons of our clmosing. By being p:nl nf our gnvm·nmenl we help to clim· inate tho over-dominance anrl "pa1CI'nni1Rm" wltidt we sny 1\le <lrm't. 'liiw,

Jle nlJjr•cl.-< to pnict·nnli.~m of liw univcr:;ity. lTe ohjrcts to the "!Pr·tut·Pr.~ whn II'V 1n weed out mrliml <'Iemen Is." 'r!n ohjcets to wlrnini.~tmtnt·~ whn "try to J'e· strif'i fl'l'<' spre<·h." 1 rn ohjc<:ls to "stJ•Ingr•nt l1o11Hing reguint ions." !11 fa('l lw St'i'lllS In ohjert. to mo~t ''''crything.

Tile first lllilllght lllfil r·nme In my mind wn~;, "Yilll poor hny, wait until you :111d lllr· army meet up, Tiley will even llt• ldnd enough In iurnisll ,von wit il n jlllp lent." nut, or f'IIIII'SC, IIHtl really ·has Jittif' ill'lll'ing (Ill lit!' iml's Ill'·

lion. 'l'llet·•• is somrl hinr{ lo he lannwd fro111 l1is qlisoriP of tr•nl· dwelling.

'l'he lt•ouh!r• willl tilt\ stu· dt•nt.'s t hiuking· is th1\ snmn tilir~~-:· tktt. is r·:tusiu){ a g·ood tlt•nlol' IIIII' fiOfitir•uJ, !'NJIIIlllli<~ IIIHI ~IJ!'illl i'fl'llfiiSion "IJH'~H

· dnys. lit• is hlamiug til•~ 1'1'· snit iosf.t>::d ol' tilt\ r·tiiiSI' of HI!' Jll'llhlt•IIJ.

ITr. is· just likf' mnsl of the Amcrieans. tod:1y, always rrndy to sr'!'enm frJ!' frel'dom, liberty, eqLtalily and lhr ri:;ltl!' or the in· tlividual. Uut ll!£•rr is 1!101'0 In it ll1nn ju.c;t t•njoyin:; these llless­ings. C'ouplcil witl1 llwm must llc a sense nl l'P.'iiHlllsillility. When litis SPnsc• nl' rcspmJ:;ibility is missing, liH' powrrs lila! he, in· varinbly, begin In t•stnhlish 1'rgu. lnlinns to nrtil"ir-!ally lninr{ nbout llli•; rr•spo1diJie IJeltnvior. 1\·lany tinws till:; t•nd.': up In rlic·tatorial n•:;inwntntion nnd ext·~ssive COil· irnl.

We Ill'() :~II a grt:'nl rJraJ lilw this poor liltld boy in his pup lr•nl. Both hr. nnrl we hnvc 11 grliJrl deal of g}'()Wing · up to do. ·

Letters fo Editor

CINCH FOR THE JOB~It's nll but official tha l Joe Cronin. 52, above, will be named pres­ident to the Am~ricnn Lcng·ua,.. Buccccding Will Hnrrlclge. J3uc!(y HmTiB ls oxpoclcd to step into Cwnin's ~hoes ns gcn~ crul nmnngcl' o/ the Red Sox when Cronin steps up.

Joyous. Christ~as Time It. is· Christmas time. The glil·

l<~ring lights sltinn out from tlw windows of millions of Anwrit•an honws. Millions or voir·c.': will be hem•rf singing .Joy to tlw WDI'lrl, ancl of r'IILirse, Silont Night, to eelclwaiP tlw hirtl1 or Christ.

Now, let. us move llfl jusl a Wf'el(, and millions will he sing. in:;, JTow Dt·y f Am, or wr; wnn'l gPt home ttntil morning. Wilal a contrast in jnst a WPck's lime. Anti the stale joins in singing It'.~ Foitl' O'(']oek in 1111~ Mornin);.

Mnyhe next Cin·istrnns the speed we nrc; trnvcling, we r•oJild have a new <·ami to sing, "f Am Sillin:; on 'l'op or I he Moon," ~IIHI we will he a hlr: In Jon!< up, awn:.' up, nnd tlwrr, hchold, will ile :1 bcauliful Chrlslmn.~ trre with ail ils gaiety.

But I know I his nnd millions of other.~ know it too: To SPI' the slat· of Jlelhlcitcm we will nlw:1ys havr~ In looi( til tile E11st. FoJ• lltal is whet·e we found t hr. JWnr·e.

a lillie sign of er:onomy. Maybe' llwy would have Sllllg '',Joy In My Pttrfie."

At this Chrif:lmas seasnn.Jct ma closr. will! these dew wo~·ds from my ltc:JrL I wanl lo SElj' a reul Merry, Merry Clnlslmas lD every r·earler of tills Tnglmm County Nows nnrl its entire staff,

Gorl he with you I ill we meet again.

HAJmY DOESBURG, St ocl<hriclgD

fSetter ·world Question: Wlml" is the renl rca.

son I' or Christ nms'! i\nswer: We honor the hirlh nf

Chri,ot, lite Son of the Fnlitet· in Ilc•aven who dierl for Olll' sin~ so thai we mny have the greatest gi fl Gorl ean give us, which is evr.rl:1st ing life.

,Jesus clicd not rmly for otn• sins, illll' sufferer! till' agony on tile wny to tlw cross, fie was spit 11pon, lli'atcn nncl stoner! i1y his [111(1 1)1 ifl!--'.

A I CIJ'rislmns we ~ay good will to nil the~ peoples ami peace on t•nrlll. We should pracliee this in om daily JivC!s anrJ II woultl'lnake a ilclter worlri IIJ Jive in.

.JOHN DOESBlJRG, G015 Bingham St.

nt the' 1\Tr, and Mrs. Wayne Bttllon ;1t:.: · 'home of. Mr. unci Mrs. Clarence tenrletl the wecltling of I<athy Lol::"~ 'Irish were their son nnd llaugh· ralne Bullen to Robo:·t Ralph · tcr-in-law, Mr., ·amJ, Mr·s. Merton Showermnn nt the Methodist. Irish, nnrl furrilly of' Lansing rind church 'ln Portluncl Saturday ev:e- . Don Hen! and son, 'l'crry, of Mil· .ntng. Wnyne Bullen wns soloist,;·:. son. · , Sunday Mr. anti Mrs·. Julian · '

Mr. nncl Mrs, Me.Jvln Pnrl<er Lyon Jr, and sons were guests ·Of ancl famlly of Wlll1s spent the Mr. Lyon's uncle nnd aunt, Mr •• ·. lUrs .. Robel'f. Welch 11 lt ls the meeting of I he year, week emf nl the ho1nc nf Mr. and Mt•s, Curl ShaJllJCii, and faii


. . 'officers will be. elected nnd other· I: I 1 J 1 I' 11 f Due to the holida>•s, the Lr)(lles lyenrly bLtslness tranimcted. · - nw' ns· nil! son, .usse , o lly in Lansing. Twenty attended

MlsS"ionary Society of the North I · Cement Clly, , lito pre-Christmas dinner. 'I'hr, Aurelius church and· the Wehll i Mr~ .. ·Kenneth Rogers Ullcl chi!· . Mr .• and Mrs, . Claude Chttrch children exchanged gifts. School club IH.lVe postponed thelr ldren of Holt visited hot· parents,. an~ f~mll~ ~f ~n~slng were Sun· .. MJ•, nnrl Mrs. Hoy Paul nne!·. regttlar rrleelmg elutes for one ,Mr. nnd Mrs. Rolph Fm·tney, Sun· dn,\ rllnnet r,ur.. Is-at. the home of family of LnnHing were Sunday ,weell. clay evenin·g. I Mr. _nn.rl Mrs. Kennet(l l~ifcrt. nnd rlinne'r gltests <Jtli;e home of Mrs,

Members of Webb School club .Jerry Priehs had Sunduy 'rlln· fwmly. Paul's hl'ollw1· and s.·is·ier-llt·lnw, Mr and Mrs Allen Reed and ner at the home n[ M1·. nnd Mrs. will meet Thut·sd~y aflm•noon, . • ' · • , ' .rolrn Iluniel l'l'll<len, Ron M·r. nml Mrs. Don· Bmeleus, nmt .Tanuary S: The meeling plitce will ·f~m1Iy of Leslle we1e Sunday ·Charles- Rich nnrl famil~' as a 01, Re\', urul Mrs, ,John 1,1•11

• family, .. ·. be announcer! Inter, Ladies Mls· mghi suppe•; guests ~t the 1!ome gtwst of tltcil• rlnugl1ter, .Pnvctte: rh•n, huii his ·tm1s1Js rnmo\'cd Miss Vcvn Bullen o[ J~nsl Lnn-sionary Society will meet Thttrs· .of ~r. Reeds brothm and Sisler- Don 111'oeieus, snn nf i\IJ•. JHonduy l'or·enunn in I~nn~ing-. sing, foJ·merlv ol' Norl\t Aurc-day evening, .Tammry 8, at 3 Jn.I,Jw, Mr. an.d Mrs. Wnllace nnd llfl'li, nun Urodeus, l!.all . Ht! r·'IlEII homl! llfnnlluy !ius, ntlencleri'the Cltl'islmas prli.: o'clocl( at the home of Mrs. Hob· Hect!, nncl famtly. his tnnslls I'eJnnvrJI! at :IInson al'ti!I'IHllln, gram at 'the North AurelluH crt Welch on Aurelius road, As Mr. nnrJ· M1:s. Herhcrt Hartig G e 11 ~! 1' 11 I ho.4pilal I<'l'l!lny ' 'Sunrlny evening visitors at. the clnu•ciJ Sunrlny evening • us . n

anti dl!ughlers nttencleii n pre· ~lOJ'lli'IIA', He l'i!tlll'IH'Il honm !tome of Mr. nn;i Mt·s. Lewls guest. of Mt·s. Mnrlan Hnhh. . , , Mrs. Lyle Kinyon look trenls Christmas Jnmily dinner at ·tile Sat11l'lhll'• Ralitllun were Mrs. Ellzalleth -----·---

lo the children at Webb .school home of M1·. Hartig's brotl1cr and Mr. ami Mrs. Wnllaen Reed anrll Pnrket•'s pnrenls, Ml'. mHl Mrs. Jefferson wtts in ·his IJO's when Thursday in honor nf her son, sislet··ln-lnw, Mr. and Mrs. Ar· family entcr•lainerl Mr. H.ecd's Lewis Hathintn. Monlicelio was eomplelerl. Charles, who celebrntetl his sixtlr. thut· Hal·lig, and· family in Holt parents, J\llt;. ancl Mrs. Leo Hr.cri, / · birthday anniversary. Each child Sunduy. A turlwy dlnner was and son, Howard, of Porlland at -------------:.------~-----.,..,.. received <1 Santa Claus sucker and servecl to liO members· of the fnm- dinner Sun<!ny, /Ingham County News, Mason, Mich. December 25, 1958 a .popcorn ball. ily. Tiley exchanged gifts.

Mr. nnd Mrs. ·Lewis llnlllhun 1\lr. and· Mrs. William Keehn enlerl'ninecl members nf thei1· were Sallll'day . night· rlinner family <tl. a Jll'C·Chrlslmns dlnner guests of t·heir son-in.Jaw and Sunday. Twenty-one ehilrlren and rlaughier, Mr. unrl Mrs. Lyle grnnrkilihlrm; were present. Kinyon, flllll family. Dinner wns Gerald IIawldns of Mnson nml served ip iwnor of Nnncy nnc,l Mr. Rntltilun's llrot.Iwr, Orrin Charles Kinyor, children of Mr. Rathbun, and children, Karen nml ami Mrs. Lyle Kinyon, in honor ,JLtcl'y, fmm Dnnsville were nbo of their birthday anniversaries. present. Mr. aJ.lrl Mrs. Haymond Cnmbs

Sal"urtlny r.vcning visitors nl nnd family entertained Mrs. the home o(Mr: nml Mrs. C!mrles Combs' hrother-in-lnw and sistm·, Rich ami fnmily were Mr. nnd Mr. aml Mrs. Cliff Halelwt•, and Mrs. Ralph Priel1s nnrJ son, .Terry. family of Flint. nt dinner Sunday.

"All the year around"


• Norris It Booth

!015 N. Pine- Lansing


e.~ll For Appointmeni·-IV 9-!893 Capit·al Business. Service

Christmas Stor~ May the Christ Child

born in Bethlehem so mony years

ago bring his message of.

Peace and Good Will into

everY. heart on this most

joyful Day.

D~~rt Manufacturing Co~ lv1ason · · Michigan

College st urlenls- w;mt. In IH• free nnd inrliviriu:tlistit'. hut often lack tllr. m:ll\lrily nml responsi· lhility !hat go with running lhings illl.'mselws. Anrl when this or­curs, lllf' univrrsil>' must mnl(f' rules In ltring niJout. order aiHI cslniJJish l'C'Sponsibilily in tlte f;ludent. horly. Panty mills, fra· ternily drinldng IJrmvl~. acts· of vanrlali;;m during Joolbnll season and I he many otlwr foolish nets collc•gt' sturlr>nls llllve done in ll1e pnst. ruin till.' presligf' nnd lhe pur].JOse of thr instilution.

II wn.~ g1·cnt news ·just at Christmas timC' lo lwm· someone on Capital Hill sny, ".lust nnollwr 1 ~l,e 011 a gallon of gas, WOllld ill'ing into I he trmtgll nnolher !100 million doll:J!'S." Dill so111eone in Washington just rf'ccntly s:1y, "We will hnlil the line. We will cttt liw huil:;el, anrl llwt inflation is a vicious probll'm."

Sit. down 1\lr. Poiilieian, l11ink of I he mnny dollnn: yon have t:Jk· en already [mm t.he iii t le guy week in anrl wrck out. Chri.l1· mns· comes every yenr, hut this year It has bern prelty slim for a Jot of foil;,;, When a poor man has to contribute more thnn $2fiU a yent· to use our highways pl11s the cost of bureaucrats, 1 think it is lime to throw oul tile life lilli' nnd stop harking al!out tin• litlit' r;uy bring IIH~ c·ottsc nf n:1r infla· lion.

DeariJ,Jrn •.u~.a3Wa==-=~·mm~·ma~==ammu•GMNRr_.~¥~-• .. ._.a~

TltP ;.:anw t ltin)i i.~ truP in nur world uf t'<'llnomies, 'pc1Jilic.s :md sol'inl living. On niH' lmnd we do JJot want griV<'l'llment. t'o:ttrois :md l'r.gimr•nl at illll whilr! nn t ltr other ltanrl W<' tlPJnnn<l llllli'C! fril· er:ll· aid, artifif'i:tl priel' senlcs· nn!l a riuZI'Il niiH'l' "lwnf'fils." \\'e pay no :~llcnli"n to \'uting, rlisrcgarrl civil· nfl:li1·; nnd Jpt· tlw .r!oVP''n· mf'nl illl\'1' its \\':tV Wil )llllll CVPI' r·"nlrihulin;( 11t1r ide:J.~, time nnrl rff11rt~:.

In Jmlh illustmlionf: thc~ Pu::~:· uf lhP fll'Oiii<•m is I:H'k or rr:,pansillility.

'J'lw ynnng mnn in tile pup tent can "''C'IIIl!Jllish li11lt• hy sitting in 1110 !;nrJ\v ::wl gt'ltm1lJ!ng :thnnt the nnivrr!;lty's "domination." Ire ~houirl, r:llilf'r, follow the CX· nmp!e of lll:Jil.\' of hi,; l'c•Jiow-stll· dr!nls who :tn• lirin.~il11! <1bou1 more• !'('SJlllllsillility :tlllutlg stu· dl'nt gl'tJUps thnH1;:h :wt l\'cly Jlill'·

lir·hmtin.t~ in Slli'll al'tivitir·s as studc•nl lii'W:'JH!pc~·s, studrnl counf·ll!~~ profc·s~ional illlfl soc•ial nrgnnization!; 1'111' l'ttrlhcring study and ~-:tttdPnt :-.(•Jf~nov(ll'll­nl~H1. 'J'Ilt>J::P ;~rntJps ill'l' net ivPly 1

Whc~ we sit down to ihat turkey dinncrr along with <~II tho ather P.leas· ant ihaughls will be a. word •of thanks to oil our ·clients.

G:1soline lrnnsports our !'nod. Tt movrs most o I rHtr t ranspnrta 1 ion ·rneiiilies. Will tlw c·onsumPr pny 1!1e firlrllcr'~ Qf I:Olll'Sl', he Will. Anrl you l'clluws ali know it huL don't· serm 1o f'lll'C too ll!IIC'h ahnul inriation even !hough poli· lieally ,iusl ill'fnrr• election it was lite nnlion's C'I'y. One or lilt:' grC<JI· est Aml'rican Christmas gifts to lhe people wnulrJ ltnvc hc<~ll .iLtst

Ingham Teachers Grow· irr·Number·· ~ . '

'!'here are 1 ,SLG public scitool lenchers in Inglwm county. ,I Th:!l'~i :1n incrcns•J- of fjQt,~ in 'G l


Six y~ars· ngo 1 hc .... c \Vcrc 1,221 !Jlilliic: ~C'IlllDI l£•aclwn; in lite·, ('()U!tly.

A lit ill' lnOI'I' thnn hnlf lite , teai'!Jct·s arc in liw Lansing sys. i' tc·m. There are !J:ili mi the Lnn· I :;ing f:tetllly will! 151 on the East Lansing staff. Mason l'illlks lhirtl will! 8G.

:Mnnr Soulil Amel'icnn streams rise within 50 miles· of the Pn· cillc, yet flow 4,500 miles Ia the i\ t !antic.

All.good wishes to you for a holiday

full of fun and festivity.

C and H Barbershop

J0!1f2 W. Ash Best From Bob and Don I

OR 7-1201 j

thank all

om good

friends for

tl1cir loyal

patronage and

wish them much joy

throughout tl1e holidays.

Best From. Lou.ise

.._ '

Hamburger Helen

D. I S'h Gertrude e uxe oppeGaylia . OR Mill

-'"' • ' I ,.t, :1.. • • I • ·-~· • .' • '• ..

-: ... : . ' .. ··· ·1·. +· .. - ..• ' ··1 . "

'i' I:~ o -l• 1 • ' ·l~. +.

• t" ; '""Nu-.... ''I' •

=Qt's the .season of rejoicing, of petzce 011 earth,

good ll'i/1 to men. May Christmas bring you 'complete happiness.

Be;t From Us At ·

Bidle Cleaners 311 N. Cedar

'vt{ erriest holiday

wishes to you, friends and I '

neighbors, and

a .full measure of.

the best things in life

Best A'll of u~


OR 6-5902

AI Rice Chevrolet

B~LL PARSONS c:n~d ~l~~ t&&e Gan~~ a~· the StaHon

And all the joys of Cl1ristmas

live in our hearts

on this day. May the true

spirit of Christmas

bless you and yours.

MASON-FOODLAND . s~ason's Best From

• I


h.1d charge of the prog-ram de· plcting CI1r!stmas customs and UJCll• s!gniC!cance in muny lands,

Aftci' the ten, ul which Mrs. Jnmes C!'ulg poured, using tiH! new ten sCI'Vit'C, the women JOined rn to help pncl< 36 Ciu·lst· mas boxes which were lute!' <le· Jlvercd.

In Ro, Ru ue~t 1o tho bnr. 1

In llo: Eugono G, WI<IIICOI', to tho hu:·,

Tho l'ooJ>Io of tho Stnto of MlchiJ<nn vs, f,Joyd Gluuloo Mcl\lrn, 'J'rlnl hcfo!e ,ou1·t without Jury, conc.luKion of proo{H, vo•·•llct not gulltr. rc•J•on<lcnt :olcnK<<I.

In He: JunloK II. E<IKUI', Adml••lon to lhn l111r.

'fho !'OOJ>Io or tho Stntc of MlchiJ<IIIl vH. ]i'oJLou GroK" & llruce Pcnrcc. Com­mcneoment. or JUry trlul, pnrtlnl Jury drawn. 0Hlor denylnJ.C motion or Fmnli!K We:y thnt J>loHocutor hu diH<JIIIIIIficd for triHI,

In Ro: John 'J'. lluKHcll, Order for hPlHhJI.C,

Berean Class Stag~s Party

The I c were 11bout 150 present f(Jr the Chrlxtmas program at the Childs Bible church St1111llly eve· 'nlng,

Miehlg11n 'l1 nctoa nnd Mnchllll'l'f Co. Yfl, I4Ca 1Jej111, 1lhu Denu Con~1ctc WJdl Prudlll'lll. Jwlumcnt.. UMitlnt~L gu•nllthoc !IPfendnut, arnount, $1iH,4!1,

'l1he Jlf!OidO or the Stutc or Mh•llllo:'flll VK, Adnm Ii()z)osl~y. 01 del' rur e!I:JICI t.

'l'hu Pt Ulli(l ur tho Hlnlr or MiohiJr~lll V14, (\anol~l Jumf·~ SniiMhur·y. At'IIIJH"II-1111111t. 1 lJHdUIK ()r lnfot rnntlun W/llvud, (AIIiutt), !Hood 111\lte. lth•u of Jtol u-uliLy t•nltrt•d by c(ltlrl, rr.mun1lcd Cor ~rlnl.

'l'ho l)t•<rid<J uf lht• Htulu or Mr(lhhrm1 vH. l~rnnk Xlater, Wlthdl~twnl 11f ~ullty lilt•u, Jll( II or IIIII J.:llllt.v l'llt~rcd. Otdcr ~rnulur~ rnutlnll In l<llll/1/JII, wit net~ !'I fueK.

In IW: Jnme11 S, Wheutou, 01·dcr of Clll'istmas CXeJ'CiS<'S and CX· '!hu f•ccrjt](J or lhu HtHit• nr Mrthl/-l/111

VH l-4nlliK OhlnluJt Vfll•dhL uf IOIIf\, ~-tullly IIH dUIIH"t•tl, hund continuer! for

The BC't'r.o~n ci.JHs lwd nual Clll'il'ilmas supper evr.n111g wilh 28 present.

The menu commillcP, M1s.

Ml' 111111 MrH. Jfa!'old J ial'l' WI'I'C Suud.:y nfiPI'JHJnn r'di!Prs 11t the lwm<'s' of Mr . .:ml Mrs, Wallet· MoPdwl ami J\1/', and Mrs. Aaron

Lloyd IIIII'!, Mrs. Fred Ford nml M:•s, Rnlph Fo1 rl, planned I he ham supper. GuP~Is were sr•atccl nl a U·sh<~pcd laL>Ic, Mi'H, Will t\rchr.nlmnm, Mrs. Slwnn<~n Hart m.1n anrl Mrs. Tm Slanlle\d h.:d l'ilill')i(' or !/er•omtlons, 'J'J1e g'l oup s.t/lf.! Clll'lslmns p,Jrols, ll'd l1y I•'J<><I Ford and HC'· r·umpanwd l>y Mrs. l~ord Mille/',

l!anncwnlrl. J\11', 111111 ~I Is, Wall PI' 1"111 lly

JU'r' pJur•nls ul' 11 dllugl!lt'l', tlPJ'tJ•nrh• Auu, 1!111 u J•'l'hlay r'VI'Uillf.\, IJPr·r•mhr•J' HI. 'l'lwrc Will IH• a Cuh S(lllll Jl•H k

pla/lnlllg /lWC'IIIl),{ oil ISC JV1LUlllh sdwol S,Jitll'fl.:y evening, .T;tnl/,tlY 3, at 7:.10, t\11 t•ommiiiC'cmcn .111cl ullwt• Jl!'l son II<' I ;:rc to attend,

M1 and M1 s, Ch.:rlcs Oshorne ul l~lorld.: IV!' I <l c,JIIel s Moncl,ty nl the home oJ M1. and Mts E< 'vV,d:.:.

Mr. and M1s. t•;twln n:h.t and J;uwll• 11'!'1 l' S11nrl::y rliii!H'I gLwsls of h~r p.:J'ents, M1 aml Mrs. Ch:u lt!s S.:lly

'J'Iw Robc11 Dr11cr fam1ly o[ Gi qss LakP VISIIPd Ml' olllcl Mrs. Lynn Cla1y Sulllla,\'.

Tile pJcsirlcnt, Gerald Dl:o.:on, g-,Jvc a few remarl<s aftet' which they op<•ne<J gifts of ((J,I'S for the fi!'WJy.fol'm<•<i Jllll'SCI'Y in the ehtll 1'11 parlrns,

Jl,l!old Hnrr·, chal1man of t11c 11\'tiS COnlmiiiCP O( tho S(H tr. soil eo nRc tva lion service, at tenr:ler:l a meeting In Jackson Monday !or· tlw pui'po~e of choosing a~arcl WllliH'I'S for 19)8,

'l'hr• •llllllllii'Y IIIP<•ting of t lit! lll1111ith WS<S will hoon New. Y<'lll''~ J>21y wht•n Ute nwm· h1'1''' of l\IJ'o, \\'uyne' 1\lu~ huch's divl~ion will SPI'\'1' din·

J.r•wis CuJ•Ii•, is 11 filii i:•JJI JH'I',

al Foot•• lu:sr,ilul, .Ju!'I!SHI/, 1 Mr. nncl Mrs, OIIQ Hanncwald 1111 ,:nrl M: s Ll•o Pc•· and Pam and family of Adrian were Pall

of ,Jad<son \\c•·c SL!ndnv ,tfiCI'· crs at lhe home of Mt·. and Mrs noon r·.:l!l'i s of' ancl MI'S. Rob A'uon Ilanncwald recently before erl Tillis .:111! Sha10n lea\'ing on ol vacation ll'lp to

ScVCJHI fmm Munith olll~ndcd Flonda. I he Clll'lslnMs nHISIC collCet·t pre· Ma ior Olive J\1neckel of Wash oenlcd llv l!w music r!Ppfll trnents 1nglon, D. C., and Capt VIOla r.r Sl orldll'i<lge schools last Tlllii'S· Moeckel of Fot·t McClelland, Ala· day evening. bdma, arr. spending their vo~ca·

Cub Seouts of Dens 1 .1nrl :lllad lions o!l tlw l10me of lheu· pal'· n Ch1 i~lmas p.ltl~' last 'l'hutsdfly cnts, Mr. and M1·s. Walter nflcmoon Scvcml mothers at Moeclwl. icn<lerl Tlw hovs lli!cl ,1 g1fl ex· Lvnwoo<l Miller nf Fl. Pcnrlle change .:nd played games. ton, Cflllfornm, HI JIVed home

Tony .rm 1 PI! hns been speml111g Sund,l,l' lo spend I he Chrislma~ a ftll Iough with his pa1enls, Mr. llolidnvs With h:s parents, Mr and and Mrs. C'urlls .fo~nell. Mrs. Ford Millr·r. ---·------------- Munith MYF' mel al the cllllrch

LI•A;,\1, NO'I'I<'I·:~ Mnnday cven1ng lo go caroling, a flcr which I he r.:roup <lecoralccl I he Cln:slmas L1 cc in lilc clllll'Cll IHHisc lo ilctVP 111 1 <'flrl:ncss for llw Cht istmas j}rogro~m Tuesrlay eve ning.

Wat<'l'loo Nc••rllework l luh will have its ann tid! Christmas suppc: Monrlil,l' P\'t'Jllllg, De, em her 29, .11 7 o'doc k. Mr anrl M1 s, Thel'llll JI.n r of Det1 o:I ancl Toledo wi!J slww I hell' colored slides I alwn during tlw past Stlrnrner In the Holy Land, Egypt, Greece, Tu1··

Marriage Licenses


AUCTIO AI. •10() N. W:-.~hin.~:tun i\w,, ('01'11('1' or ShiawaSSI'Il St., ciiy of Lansin;.;.

Saturday, DeC. 27, 1958 11 o'cloclc, siJ;ll'll

Pre-Inventory Clearance Sale of

All ·New Furniture to the highest bidder

fled room Suites, !Uattresscs and Stuings, Bunk Beds, LiviJ1g Jtoom

Suites, Chairs, Occasional Chairs, Roclwrs, Lounge Rockers and Cliairs,

All Sizes of Tables, L11rge and Small Lamps, Breakfast Sets and Carpets, all sizes and colors.

This is all new llltJrchandisc and will be sold to reduce our stock before in\icntor~··


FREE REFRESHMENTS - Bring the Family TJ~Rl\18:-For IJiose who quallfy, the most unusual rerm-s 111 auction history Mil lie had with no down payment and up w 36 months to pay, or CN!h.

Northern Furniture Dist., ·Prop. WAYNE G. FEIGIINER, Auctioneer

Uason Phone OX 9-2702

Lyle Kinyon, Cashier


Jo. I

roHl rmtllon, The PHDI!Ie or llw Hlutc of Mlchlsum

v~. J~'lo,vd YlluDcuk. Orllc1' d!Rchiii'Killl(' IJJ'ohntlollt!r, Jnme~ Andcrl'inn \'1', lfurold Witt Hf\11

Uln Witt, Coru•lu~inn nr dellhcr·utrom, vj•rdlct ror piumtlff. dllmiii(~M, Ulilll/, fud~Wll'l!t for lthlln!HT pgalnst both do­fendunt~. •lltnlttJC••H $7'i0f!,

flnylor·d Mnrr•lll \ H, Jurn••M flullltt.dlcr· Jllld Nnlth l:mth••ld (h dcr ur rll~miHHitl.

f:ludtl!one's lll14lt•lhuturH, ltlll, Yl!, Cluurlc H M••Quj•f'rt 1111d Ut•uco It, 'l'ultcn. lhdu1· fen nclJnulllrnnnt.

~ltnrln••v l(ul nnd /\1111~lt{' 1\lr·L vu. T•'rHrwltl l•'lllf', Ordr•r· 11f diH•·uvr•r•y,

Jn~r ph u. r:r·.trnmutif•u VH. Glllfolll (), Or j•eru K11t udnc !inn of Jndgmcrtt.

Thf' PP0¥1le nf the Hllrlr• or Mlc liii{IUl VK Prnnk Slat••r· Order• 1\fiiiUlutln~ rullfl• nr.l CWII!Irlm M11ekuy) Order lu ••ndcw~l· ~t•lclltrcuutl "r tllP.Hhf'l'"

CI!HIIIIItlln N'Htlnnnl Bllnk & 1'1ll14t Cu. \ K It c nui,nnK rmd VIr g-Jnln I. DeLong. Orth•r nr rlfHmiKMiil,

J'he f)p()plo or llw Strdo or Mh lilJ.:nn \II J•'cllon C~i"OiiH Hnd Brauc Puurt•t•, J'riJrl cunllnorHufl, proof~ in Jrll!l. Ordrn l·:rJilll· 1/IJ.:' mullnn to cx<.:ltulc wltnctl~'f'H from 1 0 lJ 1'1 I flO In,

'1111' l'lup],. of thr Stnlu of Ml1 ltlg-un Vfi, Jt'rnnk Slnh~t·, J\r'lltl~nrnont, lrrrornut· tron ll'lld, ulendrd ~.rullty, rrcu011ted, lfl• m11nrlr.d to 11\~ntl hfurilll{ orr dctPt'flllmr· Lion n( dcurco ur J:lllll

ln H1; Uonrdd A. Moon AclmiHKion 1n the• hHr,

\'ic•1ot• llif·lHI'hhlil h, Jr. \'H Mrrr vin Clii"Hion Ortl< r·"" fur· IHIJuur·nnwnt.

Vlr~>:"lnln Huh I vH. J'r ;.tnklln !'ell, Or d<rr Kcltln~ tlmo nnd us:nmincr• fnr blood tcHI

ln Ru: ICml f:trHtnv Snkroslm unr! Mrtr,lorlc Grncc U.Hucuc. Urdc.w cotJcctrn~ lCCOI'd,

'I he J'Pople nf tlw Stntc of Mlchh:nn \'li, Ttob••rl Ander tfll1, Order to remnnd. Th~ People of tho Stnte nf MichlJ.:rlll

vH li"1•llon Or m;~ & Ut ucc PcHJ ce, Con· lttltllttlon of JUlY tlinl.

'1 he People of I he Slut<• or MlchiJt"nn \'~ Duane Jo,l lllldcrbuualt, Ai.lmltision to hnr·.

'l,he People of the Stute of MlchiJ.:"Illl v~ Fcll6n (,r OKX nnd BJ•uco Pcnrc~. Con· tinuutlon of JUI y taJHI,

1\rttle Dnrt. ct ul \'H, Rohcr-t r.. Drnkc, OJ•clcr diH lli~Hlng- wtll of mHnllnrnuH,

The Pcnrrle of the Slut~ of MJchlr.:'nn VH, Glenn N Olnon Ccltrhcntc or .rllow· nncc of \\lit

HOIItOIICIJ, • 1 l'hc ]'('Oitlo ur llru ~IH!tr ur Mldlhwn

v ti Arul! t•w P. 'J'ru coltn. 1\ dJuuanrncu t, tulent~cd.

May this Christmas Season

lift your spirits, warm your heart

and bring you untold joy and he~ppiness.

Bernard E. Wilson Agent

S~A11E FA'R'M MUTUAL AU1TO INSURANCE GnyloJ II Morrall v~. Jumcfi Oullnuhcr & Nuah CunfiviU '!'1lul JUd~c'H em tlflcll•

tion of umounL Involved in eonttoV~J~y. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mason

Business Service Directory




Representing G. A. Spears Really

Williamston, Mleh.

Phone Colleet 235·J or 235·R

Refrigeration Domestk and Commercial

Rehigeratiun Serviec

Lawrence Schnepp Phone E.1 ton Rapids

3771 or 4-2911

Well Drilling

Well Drilling

Livestock Trucking



~emi·TI udt SeJvice now Avail blc. Sec us f(Jl' your 1 cg1str.rcd Iampslmc breeding stocl<. Tlw 1est 111 meat type liogs,

Bim Franklin Lil:ensed Dealer, Ma~on

Phone OR 7·8941


Dixu11 131 f!l he1 s I.ives luct\ Auclions

TuesrJ,Jy - Dexl!;!t' WedncsrJ~y- JackHon

Vcl'llun A~qLtilh, Sluekbr:dge Phone Stocllllridge UL 1·2•19;)


Livestock Trucking Charlotte- Mondny

Battle Creek- Wcdnesd,Jy St. Johns- Friday


Hardware DuPont Paint

Evinrurle Moton; C:lo~ss

Glazing Tools


Fuel Oi~ and Gasolines


Anll·l LIBl

!•'or PI'Dilipl I \r•liver,y 'I u J•'arm and Horne

Perkin~ Hai,dware \1!L~OI/ ),;II, UH li<l:Jt'tl E. D. BARR & SONS ------:-----~ SJNCLAIH HEI<'JNING CO.

persona I /. _u_ii_s .... -cc_cl_.,~ ___ o_R __ 6rci_~r:-~~

Your !'lullll'~ .uc ~dfl' In oil/'\ Ita nils, We g!'l tli<•rn S(l<ll'lding II

lean, hcaulifully Jll'essctl wll h JllllOSl l'dl c. Nu !ugil·jll'i~C WUI'· r:cs c!tllct·1

Modern Dry Cleaners l'l1unc On 7·l:ill

-------- --. -Mo•hiH urtd C•arLM Anlifllli'K ltllll t:rflll

Slnlllll~ nrrcl l'hil.1tchc SupplJ1.2~


Farm Equipment

A A Howlett & Co. *\John J)ecru Tr.tcturs * I ttl Ill J:fllltpmcnt

.S ~lcs & Ser vlt:c 1... A:;.h St.-M.uwn

t•ftonc OH 'j .. JU:Sl

::1· lUtd 4·iuch !01· farm nnd lwmt•, Charles Cooley Hobby and Gift Shop "VISIT GRANDMA'S DOLLS"

Flowers li· to JO·illl'h foa· air cunditioni11g autd il'l'igutimt.

BLEC1'RJC WA'rER Sl'S'l'El\IS 'l'o fit YOU I' flOOds Sold and Installed

Roy C. Hart J 328 S. ,JeffcJ•son l'ltone OR 7·2231

S. W. Hart (nt south city limits)

1:i3t S. ,Jefferson l'ltone OR 7·01:11


concrete septic tanks for

Francis Sloan Williamston, Route 2

Phone 67l·W

NEW in this area


Jerry Shunk Septic Service



Dixon BroUtcrs Livesto<:l< Auctions

Tuesday -Dexter

Lester .Johnson, Mason Phone Mason OR 6·1580

' 31wtf


Bud's Auto Parts "Central Micln[{an's Largc_st

Dealer in Late Model Salvage" Phone OX 9-2151

Sou 111 of Holt · 2 Miles of Mason


$ Nn and Used - Guaranteed

Wo 101! lor lon! All typn llf il•ttery repeir

DOLL MUSEUM 109 Main St.

Home Service

Kean' s 5-1 Oc-$1 Store Kirsh Rods Installed

Venetian Blinds Paper, Plastic and Cloth

Window Shades Phone OR 7·5191


Friendly Neighborhood Grocery"

Open Evenings and Sunuays Texaco Gas -Oil

201 N. Cedar Ph. OR 74151

George's Market

We deliver on orders of $5.00 or more


Wcubings l~unerals · Parties

Delivery Service

Clements Flower Shop 1982 Walnut Ph. OX 4·1791


Prescriptions "Prcscri]Jtwns Arc Our


Hitchens Drug Store

: , Monduy Ni~rht Mason vs, Haslett, 6:00

Year aft~~r ye;tr Ute J.~anslng are11, Jlrodllct'S f.tJI' h~1tms n.nd invariably a. goocl shttre of them

· i•nd 1111 in the holiday tourney. · . ' '1'11 is year is .no exception. Holt., Grand ledge, Resur-

d'ecl ion and Jackson St.. . .Tohn all have perfect records. Ma.11o11 <md Okemos have jus.t one blemish o1i their record'! and Hi:!Rictl. has a 2-2 count:.' St. Mat•y is t.hci.~mly team in the toul'llamcnl. wilh a losin~ t:ecord and those\who know St. Mary and its basl\ctball record can'!. discount the Big Blues, losing record or not. . ' . ·


.This is the 12th annual I.OUl';le~r.,' Chat•lie Sweeney, Eustem 'high school coach, is the Pl' :He runs a good show.· ' ' '

If Everett's play was ,not going well and the Vil<ings were blowing a big lead or falling way behind, Sweeney's bald head would be crimson .. The shade 'of red would ili· dicate to what degr~e Everett's play .and the coach were. suffering. · ·. ·· "

-\ ~ r , .. , Win,. Joscl or draw, l\lason could .easily claim.

one distinction in tim lwllday tourney. i'be BuU­dogs could (lilt the shortest guard combination Oil the lloor. ·

As one Everett followeJ' moaned· Fl'ipa"y night when Jerry Willis and Bob Forche were racehorsing the Viking pffendcrs off their feet, "This is ridiculous."; ·

He marveled· at the way the 2 midgets ran thl'Ough, ' around, over the'top of and between the legs of the Everett 6-footct·s. ·

· Willis earned his niche with Mason ·at ·the ·holiday tourney last year. He went into· the firit game as a sub­stitute and on the third night \vas piclted for the all-tourney team by the sportswriters.

0 2 0 1 0 0

26 14 18

2 4 2 4 3 1 ] 5 4 5

0 2 l 0 0 0

, 'fhe (Jhil!fblllJS liiWI! IIIIJ,V 11: IIOII·ICILI:'IIIJ Joss to MllS!IIl Oil

the debit side of the rc!'Ol'd. '!'hey J'e'it in Set\Oild j)IUtJI! ill

t.lm smndings wit.h' :~Hoell· bl'itlgo t.lul only IA~um hluclling· the view of tho lot•·

Haslett recovered in .the tllird ·period, though, with 18 points while holding Stockbridge to 10 \o go Into the Ja~t quarter nil even at·33·33.

On the contrary, state .officials appear to be cooperating to the fullest exterit to untangle·a web which could enmesh Lansing and Lansing township property owners and public officials in years of costly.,Jitigation. State ·o~flcials, includ­ing supreme court.justices, have'shoved other matters aside in order tD hasten a decision on annexation. 1

P~t·haps .t.hat decisiorJ docs not please Lansing officials but there is certainly no basis for the chaJ•ge that it has been delayed.

. Instead of ignoring the t•ights of Lansing city and town­ship voters who favored annexation, as daily. newspapers have charged, the courts, the secretary of state and the at­torney general have shown evel'Y indication of tt·ying to pl'O· teet and safeguard those· rights, and the rights of the minority as well. ·

Annexation laws .should not be further weighted in favor of groups interested in quick and wholesale decisions. 'fhey should be strengthened to make. sure' tlmt no areas will b(;:! shanghaied into mass annexation, and that when an­nexation does gain approval that full voting rights go along with it.

I know only 2 uri'ttlll·lan~. a~d both of them have hea}th.y livers, so· perhaps Emerson's theory Is true. It is his the<llo/

. that people with healthy livers have a tendeney to become Unl· tarians.

Up until last F1·iday I krtew fm· sure only ol1C! Unitarian. He -was and ls Dr. William E. Clark of Mason. I had heard of others; among them a. former Mason Presbyterian preacl\er, but maybe he became a Unlvers· allst. I· get. contused over de-11omina tions and sects and there must be some connection be· tween. Universalists and Ujli· tarlans anyhow. In Lans[ng they have combined, or at least they meet together.

The other Unitarian I n<JW lmow for sure ls Tom, Lansing attorney. He invited rne out to dinner last Friday after adjournment of the hearing aver Lansing annexation. Tom fOI' the plaintiffs and Russell A. Searl, once- of Mason, for· tl1e state and the county bOard Gf canvassers, had argued lonr and eloquently before Judge Thn· othy c. Quinn, Imported from the Lapeer-Tuscola. circuit.

To get back to ch.urch' affaixs, · because I believed Tom was a Roman Catholic and th~ day was Friday, I decided to defer to.hls religious scruples If any. I ordered fr[ed perch. rmaglne: my surprise when ·my host or­dered liver and bacon.

how to raise hlueberrles com· merclally. He demonstrated on his·own time and with his own money. He has o11e of the big. gest plantations-more than 40 acres. He has reached the re· tired list at MSU and now he can devote full time to his blue· berries. By next. yea1• he ffi.1y have 80 acres in production. Hootman is on the horticulture staff, or was. He's Judge Robert Dral<e's father·ln·law and keeps the family supplied with blue­ber'!'ies.

People who hlll'l' ought (o relied that bau·klng even in dogs Is an neq1rh·ed hnhit. JJogs in thelt· wild stat~

never bark. 'l'hey hr,wl, wl~ble and gl'Owl, h11t; do i11it. bArk.

. . Still on the church slant; Ma·

son Presbyterialls sang· from their .new hymnbooks for the, first trme· Sunday. Like barlting, singing 'is alsl} an acquired habit, a habit which Presby· terlans , found dilflcult to ac­qu.lreo from their old songbool<s.

Wllllant A. Bergrn of Mason probably felt Jl]{e ~ending flow· ers to the funeral of William J. Bergin, 49, of .banslng and Jack­son. The men were not related. William J. Bergin served 15 terms in the county jail at Ma­son and had bee11 released from tht> JackSOJl county .Jail only the day before he toolc on a load of canned heat antl fell into the fire at the Jacj{sor1 city dump. Ewry time William J. Bergin was, arrested on a dt·unk charge

"You must have a special dJs. some people wo~ld get confused pensatlon," I remarked, "or else- and assume that William A. Ber- ···il, iii!.~,~~~~~~,~~~ :!a you don't ltnow It's Friday.•: gin wu the man. William, A.

Bergin was on the enforcing end It was ltlen that Tom ClOilo of the law, head of the state con.

fe.'INCII" to bein( a Unlt:arlaa servaUon enforcement divisioit,' Wi well a.111 a Democrat and so far as is known has: There are man:{ definitions an never· •~rved a day In jail.

Unltarlan!sm and even more an · P,resldent John Hannah at' Un!versahsm; .Most autborltJe&., Mlcblgan State may have a ~latm that Umversallsts believe Channel 10 · TV studio on his· rn the ultimate salvatfon of all campus and Onondaga may: men. Universalists are. con- have a bull<llng, j)ut the main vi need there is no hell-whlc;ll o1Tiee for the transaction of· should be a consoling belief for business will be in Jacl<son. · .!lome. lawyers. Unitarians n!- What was the main dining room'· .serve .the right of private judg· of the Hotel Hayes is heing re;. ment !n matters of theology. Ac- modeled into Channel 10 offices cording to the,dlctiatllll1;'. Uni· and studios. Senor Wenches and tarlanlsm dlft'ers Widely among his dummy have reserved a followers. Some Unitarians ac- suite at the hotel. · cept .. the ." dlvinlty of .. Christ. · Others deny the doctrine or' the Trinity. 'believing- God exists only In one person. ·

A Child was bo;n, nnd there came to emh

glad tidinss of 8''eat joH • , • of 'Peace on 'Eal'th, Good

Will to Q)en. As the Stat• of 13ethlehem shone on

that 'J{ol~ '11tsht, ma~ the t\'Ue spirit of Christmas shine 11pon

gou and HO\Ir$ at thie storioll~ season.

Dart National Bank 3~9 S. Jefferfon OR 7-3661

A g I' I b u s i nos s hus In· creased tho city man's stalm In fanning. It maims him In· m·euslngly dependont on ugrl· culttu·e, not ,lust for food uml filler us in the past, hnt nlso j'o•· ,job.

Agriculture today Is a $40·bll· lion am1ual customer for in· dustry, labor and finance and a most reliable customer. About 3/5 of the $40 billion total, or

U~· Jll\f UIWWN ' I

Four Mason couples may'have started a tt·end which will roll fastet· than the hula­hoop business. It's Christmas cards via a

. newspaper. In last weelc's, Ingham County NeiVs, 8 pioneers in public greetings, Mr.1 ana Mrs. Russell Bement, Mr. and Mrs. James Glotta, Mr. and Mrs. AI Rice and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Robinson, inserted a big "card." The idea is new and ah·eady thet•e are those who intend to dmp the usual' form of greetings in favor of a newspaper . card next year. ...... . .

It's . 22 miles fmm Mason 'to Jackson,

both JaClcson and Lansing are equally close to Mason in time. The difference, of course, is the contJ;olled access- road between Ma-

- about $24 billion, goes for procluc. lion expenses. These expenses break clown into: $7.8 billion for purchases of feed, livestock, seed, fertilizer and lime; $3.7 billion for petroleum products, building re· pairs and operating costs of trac· tors, and other machinery and equipment; $2.8 billion for rent, interest, taxes; $3.9 billion for de· pz·cciation and other capital costs; $3 billion for wages; and $2.3 bil lion are other operating expenses.

. son and Jaclcson. At the legal speed of 65 . ~~. ,. miles an hour, Jackson is only 19 minutes . Quotable Quotes' from Familiar Quota-and 10 seconds away. Although Lansing is' · ttons: , T!cker tape ,ain't spaghetti - Mayor 10 miles closer traffic is bogged down by LaGuardta of New'Yot·l~, 1946; In~Iude ll'~e

. ' . . out- SanlUal Goldwyn, 1945; Chrtstmas 1s the congestion of cross trafflc, restdences, . Christmas and business is business -. gas stations and saloons along the route. . Franklin Adams; A mother is ,not a person

•• *'' ~, to lean upon, but a person to make leaning unnecessary ·- Do~uthy Canfield Fisher; Th~· price of justice ,js etel'l1al publicity -Erioch A. Bennett, 1923. ' '

' It' Is Jll'edictml that these exjlendltures will hztve to in· l~l'l!lJl-le by nt least ont-'-IJJLII' in . . . Uze next 16 to 20 Ylllll'S tout;. Sf t s k 'that will be marlwted'in January, tuin the OlltJIIIt tlmt. Will be a e ee 5 .February,'. Ma~ch or later... _, llt'Cdt•d to meet the demluuls , Expansion, of the feeder cattle of the much lnrgel' JIOJJUllltion Steer Count' list in Michigan was tO' .a. great tlXJiected by 1975. extent the result of acttvJty of Some idea of jobs involved· can · · the Na~ional Cattlemen's associa·

In o•·der to gather mo1'e ceo· tlon in attempilng to get more he Ji<~inml hy considering that nomic information about Michl· 1 econom'ic information as an aid faz;mer~ al'count for 61/:J million

1 f d

tons of finished steel annually gan:s ra[Jidly grow ng cattle ee · to more ot·det·ly marketing. · ' er mdustry, the federal state

Im· l:act,m·~: lt·~cks, combines ~.nd crop reporting service is expand· othet machznci y. T}1e ammal Jaw 'ilg 'Is mailing list of CJUestion· ruiJhez· taf{c or agriculture comes 1 • , 1 lo 320 million pounds, fifteen bil· nanes. lion gallons of crude petroleum, :For the period of 1951 to 1955 !iO million tons of chemical rna· Michigan stood Hth in the nation

· terials, and 24 billion kilowatt among beef cattle feeding states, lioLII's of electrical power are Ii1 the late 1940's there were bought annually by farmers. about 40,000 feeder cattle in

There are many adjustments Michigan. At present there a~e ahead in the agricultural pro- about 115,000. Incoming ship· gmm. Farm adjustment problems ments of feeders has tripled in involve the entire agricultural in· Michigan in the past decade, ac· clustry. Predictions are based on cording to figures of the Michl· a population estimate o.f 230 mil· gan department of agriculture. lion people by 1975. An attempt has been made to

This points to a bigger load for get the name of every commercial farm prodtzct processing, stor- cattle feeder in the state for the age, !JaJJclling a1.1d maz·keli~g in· questionnaire soon to be mailed dustrzes and w!ll mean btgger, out, according to C. J. Borum, but als? changzn~ marlmts for state agricultural statistician. produclzon supply 111dust;r!es, and 'l'l e quest! nnaire will inquire continued resource adJustment 1 0

within agriculture ilteluding as to the number of all cattle ~---,-,--"-'...-'---- and calves on, farms as of Jan·

Farm Income Tax Fixes 3 Dates

uary 1, 1959, the numbet' of cat· tle and calves on grain feed now for rnarkct, and the_ weight groups of the cattre and ca,lves on grain feed.

There are 3 important income Also asl,ed is the

Corn Prices 'Won•t·vary,

Com pl'it'CS' probably won't ehange mJ.!ch during \he next few years despite the ne1v . corn pro· gram that is going into effect.

John Ferris, extension farm economist at Michigan State uni· versity, said he believes corn prices will be tied closely to the support rate. The support price on the 1959 com crop will be al'ound ~1.15 a bushel.

Price supports will be available for all corn of eligible quality in approved· storage. Maricet prices at harvest time could drop to around $1.00. But if prices· were

tax dates for farmers to remem- cattle and calves on

ber. 'r~::~::::~;:~:=;;~:;;:=::;;:~~:;:=:;:;::=l January 15, 1959 (or 15 days l'i after the close of the fiscal year) -On or before this date the "es· timate" must be filed if the "final" return cannot be iiled by February 15.

February 15, 1959 (or on or be· fore the 15th clay of the second month following the close of the fiscal yearl-On or before this date the "final" return must be tl!C<l if the "estimate" was not tiled on or before Januar)• 15.

' April 15, 1959 (or the 15th day of the fourth month following the end of the fiscal year)-The "!inal" return is due on or be· !ore this date if the "estimate" was filed January 15.

~ *

HAtelalnr All Sumnoer


and the Babe lying in a' ma~ger.~~ . He was boin: ~ringing t? e:arth ·a joyous promise of

reace and Good Will to .all· mankl~d~· And ~ow, as the bells . " ' " ' '

ring ol:lt the glad tidings;· age-old yet ever ttew,, another Christmas

.dawns. Hope is strengthened, co~rage fortified, '

faith renewed .. He~ut.s· and spirits

·.are 'qright ~ith · the .. shining wonder. of . the Day.


A. A. Howlett & Co. Mason

McGuire Dairy Equipment Sales, Inc. ' Mason

Bement Feed & Supply Service Mason

John Thomsen Builder of Custom !lnd Permabilt Homos


Ball-Dunn Funeral Home Member of the Ordar of tho Golden ~ule

The Farmers Bank Mason·

Dart Manufacturing Co. Mason



J\la.~uu l'a·•~~i,~·lca·lnu, L'aul L. i\rnuld, miniHic•t·. Sun•lny, 10 n. 111 .. worship service, with lhe scr· 111011 by Elder William D. Dex· tea·; church school, 11:15 a. m.; ScnloJ' High Fellowship, 6 p. m.; Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., cltolr rehear· sal.

J\h1~nn UIIJiti~'t, Clarence Rodd, pastor. Morning worship, 10 a. m., message by the pastor; 11:15 a. m., Sunday school under the supcrlntcntlcnt, Richard Wood· land; G :15 p. m., Baptist Youth Fellowship; 7:30 p. m., evening service, special music by the sen· iul' choir; Tuesday, 7:31) p. m., Wotnen's Society will meet at the church; Wednesday, 8:30 p. rn., New Year's program at the church, closing with devotions.

J\lllson 1\lethodilSt, Rev. E. Len· ton Sutcliffe, pastor. Worship service, 10 a. m.; church school, 11:15; MYF, 6 p.m ..

ltoorgani7.ell Church of Jesus "Uhrl~t of I.attcr Day Salnls, 410 S. Putman . street, Williamston. Elder Robert Smith, pastor. ChUJ·clt school, 10 a. m.; worship, 11 ; Zi on,'s League, G p .. rn.; choir practice, 7: evening service, 7:15; ' prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:15 Jl. m.

Cas.ey Funeral Home & Furniture . . ' . Stockbridge ·'

Mason Dairy Mason

Bill Richards Buick· RAMBLER 1nd OPEL


Spartan Asphalt' Paving Co. · Holt

Mason Foodland Maton

nnusvilhl l•'l'llll l\11•t.llodlsl, ltcv. Glenn Vi'bhcrt, pastor, .10, Sunday school, Genevieve I•'recr, superin· tcmlent; 11, preaching service; 6:45, !~MY; 7:30, evening ~ervic:e; prayer meeting, Wednesday eve­ning, 7:30, at the church.

Okcm'os .najJtiNt,· !Iowartl John· son, pastor. .Sunday school, JO n. m.; church service, 11; evening service, 7:30.

Okemos Oommunity, Rev. Dav· !d S. Evans, pastor. Worship, 10 a. rn., (Baby nursery provided); church school, 11:11); Youth l•'el· · lowship, 7 p. m. ·