Amazing Blogging tips that will improve your blog instantly

Post on 18-Jan-2023

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Transcript of Amazing Blogging tips that will improve your blog instantly

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Amazing Blogging

tips that will improve your blog instantly.


Nwosu Mavtrevor

Desmond Author @


Article 1:

On-Page SEO vs. Off

Which is more important?

This is a free report about the best SEO practices that can improve your site’s

search engines. But before I will share this free report I want you to first understand what

SEO means; SEO simply means Search Engine Optimization and this term is the root of

internet and content ranking in search engines. SEO is what is re

search engine sees your content and rank your site accordingly.

Following the methods i will discuss here, you will be able to drive tons of traffic from

search engines to your blog for free. I have implemented these methods and i can

authoritatively tell you they are very effective.

On-Page SEO vs. Offmore important?

So many times many people have asked me this question, which of

SEO is more important? As much as I have tried to answer that

satisfactory answer to it, so I decided to research about the subject and you will be marveled at

EO vs. Off-Page SEO:

Which is more important?

This is a free report about the best SEO practices that can improve your site’s

search engines. But before I will share this free report I want you to first understand what

SEO means; SEO simply means Search Engine Optimization and this term is the root of

internet and content ranking in search engines. SEO is what is responsible for how

search engine sees your content and rank your site accordingly.

Following the methods i will discuss here, you will be able to drive tons of traffic from

search engines to your blog for free. I have implemented these methods and i can

horitatively tell you they are very effective.

Page SEO vs. Off-Page SEO: Which is more important?

So many times many people have asked me this question, which of On-Page SEO

SEO is more important? As much as I have tried to answer that question there don’t seem to be a

satisfactory answer to it, so I decided to research about the subject and you will be marveled at

The Tech Blog 2


This is a free report about the best SEO practices that can improve your site’s visibility in

search engines. But before I will share this free report I want you to first understand what

SEO means; SEO simply means Search Engine Optimization and this term is the root of

sponsible for how

Following the methods i will discuss here, you will be able to drive tons of traffic from

search engines to your blog for free. I have implemented these methods and i can

Page SEO: Which is

Page SEO and Off-Page

question there don’t seem to be a

satisfactory answer to it, so I decided to research about the subject and you will be marveled at

The Tech Blog 3


what I have learnt. I will definitely be sharing the knowledge with you here, so maybe you can

answer the question for me.

But before I proceed I want to say it here that both On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO are very

important in building a successful blog/site/brand. While Off-Page SEO gets you in the top in

search engine ranking, On-Page SEO will keep you there for long, you can’t succeed without

one, the two goes hand in hand. So this article will be more like teaching you why both On-Page

SEO and Off-Page SEO both are important than a comparison between the two.

On-Page SEO:

On-Page SEO involves all the necessary SEO tricks we apply on our blog posts or web pages to

get it to rank well on the search engines. On-Page SEO is very important and among the first

steps to ranking well in SERP. On-Page SEO includes the following;

Keyword research – including identifying the most effective keywords.

Title optimization

Meta keywords and description

Internal linking structure within your own site

Keyword density

Heading tags (H1, H2, H3 …etc)


Use of bold/strong/italic for the main visible keywords on the page

Alt tags for images – ‘alter

External linking structure to other websites

On-Page SEO will provide you with in

for, proper optimization of your posts, including image optimization, hig

in post title, meta description, heading tagging, keyword density check, and many more. On

SEO is done first before Off-Page SEO, On

started in the Search engine ranking race whil

it mean that On-Page SEO is more important than Off

Must Read: The Basic Onsite SEO Tips You Should Kn

Off-Page SEO:

Off-Page SEO involves all other activities done outside your site to help improve its search

engine rankings. Off-Page SEO is very important if your blog/site/brand is to succeed online. I

have noticed that many big websites and blogs do not obey the rules

rank higher than sites with even better on

Use of bold/strong/italic for the main visible keywords on the page

‘alternative’ text title added to the image files’

External linking structure to other websites

Page SEO will provide you with in-depth analysis of the keyword you are targeting to rank

for, proper optimization of your posts, including image optimization, highlighting your keywords

in post title, meta description, heading tagging, keyword density check, and many more. On

Page SEO, On-Page SEO gives you the first opportunity to get

started in the Search engine ranking race while Off-Page SEO follows to add turbo to it. So does

Page SEO is more important than Off-Page SEO?

The Basic Onsite SEO Tips You Should Know

Page SEO:

Page SEO involves all other activities done outside your site to help improve its search

Page SEO is very important if your blog/site/brand is to succeed online. I

have noticed that many big websites and blogs do not obey the rules of On-Page SEO yet they

rank higher than sites with even better on-Page SEO, then why is that? When I read some posts

The Tech Blog 4

Use of bold/strong/italic for the main visible keywords on the page

native’ text title added to the image files’

depth analysis of the keyword you are targeting to rank

hlighting your keywords

in post title, meta description, heading tagging, keyword density check, and many more. On-Page

Page SEO gives you the first opportunity to get

Page SEO follows to add turbo to it. So does

Page SEO involves all other activities done outside your site to help improve its search

Page SEO is very important if your blog/site/brand is to succeed online. I

Page SEO yet they

Page SEO, then why is that? When I read some posts

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from some renowned bloggers I try to monitor how they are applying SEO on their site and I

have noticed that some of them don’t really care about On-Page SEO, for example some of them

don’t bother about the heading tags or even their keywords appearing in the URL’s. Off-Page

SEO includes the following;

Web 2.0 account creations (HubPages, Squidoo ect)

Article marketing

Directory submissions

Blog commenting

Forum posting

Social media

Profile page backlinks


Press release submission

RSS Feed Aggregators

Remember like I said earlier, Off-Page SEO gets you in the top of the search engine rankings,

while On-Page SEO keeps you there. How does Off-Page SEO actually do this? Google

considers backlinks as a measure of your site’s relevance to a certain keyword and as such

believes that any site with more quality backlinks pointing to it is more relevant than others. So

before Google can begin to consider your site’s ranking based on bounce rate, time on site and

other search engine ranking metrics, Off-Page SEO will have to push you to the top spot first.

Only On-Page SEO cannot do it, except on a niche with low competition. Your site’s authority is

a function of the number of links pointing back to it. If you check top ranking sites for any

keyword on search engine results, you will notice that most top ranked sites have good number

of backlinks. So does it mean that Off-Page SEO is more important?

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Final Thoughts:

On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO are both important, if you have a well optimized post, fewer

backlinks can shoot you into the top spot compared to when you have a poorly optimized site

with same number of backlinks. You can’t use one without the other, each simply compliments

the other. Remember Off-Page SEO gets you in the top, and On-Page SEO will keep you there

and sustained. Learn both and use both to create a balance in your ranking technique and see

your site succeed easily.

Must Read: Search Engine Optimization Tips for Images

Do you agree with me on this post? Do you have a different idea? Do you think one is more important than the other? If you were forced to choose one which will it be? Let me hear your views on this post, please visit Netmediablog and use the comment form to share your thoughts with me. Remember to subscribe to my RSS feeds.

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Article 2:

The Basic Onsite SEO Tips You Should Know Search Engine Optimization – SEO is often confused with building zillions of backlinks. People

looking out for a good SERP ranking website tend to spend their time optimizing keywords and

building backlinks. While it’s true that building backlinks will work well, we can’t ignore the

fact that good onsite SEO is more important than off-site SEO. The backlinks you build will help

establish the website’s importance while onsite SEO will confirm that those backlinks are

relevant. In simple words, your onsite SEO supports your off-site optimization to boost your

website’s page rank. If you have just started the search engine optimization game, then you need

to know some basic onsite SEO tips to win the game.

Here are a few basic tips for onsite SEO: 1. Meta Description Keywords and Tags:

Meta Description is typically brief and specific information that search engines use to index your

website. Try to write an interesting description to entice the user into clicking your website’s

URL. Include keywords that are targeted in the meta tags. It’s better to avoid stuffing keywords

in the description. These keywords and tags are some vital factors that determine the page rank

of your website.

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2. Unique Content with Title Tags:

Have you ever heard of the phrase Content is King? Well, it’s beneficial to have good quality

content than using other techniques. It’s better to ensure that the content on your website is

unique. Try using Headings:

• One H1 heading per page emphasizing the most important keyword.

• H2-H5 heading optimizing the secondary terms.

Synchronize each heading with title tags. A title tag is an important onsite optimization factor

that ensures if the primary and secondary terms are targeted effectively. Ideally, a heading with

65 characters is advisable as it is Google’s cutoff. It’s better to include consistent branding in the

title tags. When it comes to the word count, try to have enough content with a 1% keyword

density that is informative and interesting. It’s also necessary that you keep the content on your

website fresh by updating it every now and then.

3. Keyword Usage and Density:

The key to keyword usage and density is to have high-quality and informative content with

appropriate keywords that are not stuffed. It’s better to have the primary keyword in the first

paragraph of your content in addition to title tags. Using different keyword variations as

secondary terms or LSIs (Latent Semantic Index) and aiming for 3-5 instances in the entire

content is ideal. SEO experts believe that even an 8% keyword density is solid to shoot for, if it

reads well and doesn’t seem to be spam. If you are a novice, it’s better to avoid going beyond

1.5% as we do have penalties for keyword stuffing.

4. Image Tags:

“A picture is worth a thousand words”. A good website has consistent SEO edited images in it.

Upload images to a website and name these images using keywords. You can use hyphens to

separate keywords as search engines read hyphens as spaces. Try using the alt attribute to

optimize relevant images for targeted keywords.

5. High Quality Outbound links and Internal Linking :

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Internal links can build strong webpages as it is just cross-linking related content available on

other webpages. When it comes to outbound links, these are external sites or resources that you

link to. Ensure the website’s credibility before you link. Remember, linking to a low quality site

can ruin the reputation of your website.

It’s not just this, there are certain other onsite factors like the comment system, the URL, the first

line and the first word on your website, etc., that can affect your website’s SERP rankings. These

simple tips when followed will surely boost your website’s page rank. However, with constant

changes in search engine rules, it’s pretty hard to win the search engine optimization game.

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Article 3:

Search Engine Optimization Tips for Images Properly optimized images for search engine could be a source of organic traffic for your

blog.Search engine optimization tips for images are methods to increase your site’s visibility on

the search engine via image searches. Just as we optimize our blog posts to rank for certain

keywords, so do images also rank for certain keywords in image searches. One major area of

optimization that many bloggers ignore is in optimizing their images.

Images have the ability to rank on the main search result pages; most search engines today like

Google, Bing and Yahoo since implementing “Universal Search” can now rank well optimized

images in its search results. This could be a massive source of traffic for your blog if well

exploited and today I want to show you some SEO tips to help you optimize your blog post

images properly.

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Search Engine Optimization Tips for Images: Search engine optimization tips for images involves all the basic on-site SEO tricks to make

images used in your blog posts appear in search results for certain keywords on searching such

keywords. So let’s see how to properly optimize images for search engines.

Must read: The Basic Onsite SEO Tips You Should Know

1. Use high quality images: High quality images have long been proven to attract clicks on

search results, its natural for people to click on high quality images than some badly cropped or

blurry images. So ensure to always use high quality images in your blog posts and maybe add

some Photoshop effects to it. Properly edit images used in your blog posts as this could become a

source of organic traffic to your blog.

2. Use Relevant File Names & images: Since people find images on search engine for certain

keywords, ensure to use relevant file names and images that reflects the keyword of the blog post

you are using it for so that people searching for such keywords can easily identify your image

and follow it back to your site. Also ensure to use relevant images for your chosen keywords.

You can’t be talking of computers while using the image of a horse in your blog post; this is not

proper because horse is in no way relevant to computers. Rename the image file to contain the

keywords you are ranking for and this way it will also be easy for search engines to find such

images when someone search for such keywords. If your blog post is talking about internet

surfing, use ‘internet-surfing’ as your file name rather than ‘surfing’ as you might have people

searching for wave surfing clicking on such image and on getting to your blog quickly close the

page and thus increasing your bounce rate, which in turn affects your search engine ranking and

of course your earnings.

3. Take advantage of the Alt Tags: Have you ever imagined how search engines identify

images? Search engine spiders make use of the Alt tags to find images. Search engine

optimization for images involves using Alt tags that reflects the keywords of the blog post; this

helps search engines understand what the image’s content is all about. Google and other search

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engines strongly advise the use of Alt tags for images. Keep your Alt tags short and succinct and

ensure it reflects what you want the viewers to see in the image.

4. Descriptive Text: Apart from using Alt tags for your images, proper SEO for your images

involves the proper descriptive text for your images. Always use descriptive text with relevant

words for what you want people to see in the image. Search engine spiders cannot read the texts

on an image so they make use of the descriptive texts to understand what an image is all about.

So adding descriptive text for your images can help search engine spiders determine what the

content of the image is.

5. Use Proper Anchor Text: Best search engine optimization tips involves the use of proper

anchor texts for your images, instead of linking to an image with the word ‘photo’ or ‘image’ use

the proper keyword reflecting the image. Anchor text can play a major role in how your image is

ranked for a keyword.

Must Read: SEO Tips for Bing

Conclusion: Following the above listed search engine optimization tips for images you can

boast traffic to your blog easily. I have a firsthand experience in this and I can authoritatively tell

you it works. Organic traffic from image searches can help your blog succeed, so if you haven’t

been properly optimizing your blog post images, start practicing it today and see the results for


The Tech Blog 13


Article 4:

SEO Tips for Bing As one of the three major search engines on the Web, Bing is a search service launched by

Microsoft in June 2009. With close to 10% of the market share, Bing is the third most used

search engine service on the web, behind Google and Yahoo. Most people still reckon that Bing

is leap years behind Google Search in terms of quality of service and reliability. But the Bing

service is fast incorporating new algorithms and innovations to improve its quality of service.

Almost a month after launching the Bing service, Microsoft struck a deal to power Yahoo!

Search, the second most used search engine service. Joining hands with Yahoo! Search, Bing

commenced its mission to end Google’s monopoly in the search engine space.

Microsoft first entered the search engine space in 1998 with its MSN Search service, which was

later revamped and launched as Windows Live Search. In 2009, Bing succeeded Windows Live

Search to become Microsoft’s flagship online search service. Post the launch of Bing in 2009,

Microsoft’s market share in the search engine space grew steadily to 12.8%. It was also reported

that Bing searches had a higher success rates when compared to Google, as more users clicked

through the provided links. As of the second quarter of 2011, it was reported that Bing had close

to 15% of the global market share.

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Search engine optimization tips for Bing: When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), most webmasters employ practices that

comply with Google policies and algorithms, as it is the prime search engine service. The same

applies for online businesses that are on the lookout for publicity and reach. The main priority of

search engines is to provide quality and dependable results that match the user’s search query.

Automated programs called crawlers index and rank content to provide them in their search

results. Search engines also incorporate complex algorithms that throw up data when a query is

entered. The structure of search algorithms and process of indexing varies from search engine to

search engine. Therefore, it is mandatory for businesses targeting global reach to employ SEO

strategies that comply with the policies and guidelines of popular search engines.

Though algorithms and indexing methods are different, the basics of SEO do not change. So, it is

obligatory to get these basic practices right to be sustainable in the long run. Once get through

the basic phase you move inch closer to attracting the important link and the promotion that so

many webmasters long for. Some of the basic SEO strategies include URL structure, keyword

research, search-engine friendly design, analytics installation and proper onsite keyword

targeting. Moreover it is also important to have an understanding of why SEO is done and what

are its consequences. It is vital take into consideration the following facts before laying out SEO


• Post content that is for people and not for search engine crawlers and robots.

• Understand the fundamentals of your business niche and act accordingly.

• Empathize on your target audience and market.

• Though social media integration is quintessential for SEO, it should be organic.

• Analyze, monitor and test your performance and growth.

• Do not ignore local markets in the process of going global.

So if you comply with these basic facts, you are already half way through the tunnel in terms of

an effective search engine optimization campaign. Now to tackle the differences between search

engines, you have to vary your SEO strategies. Optimizing your website for Bing is important

because you have the opportunity to drive loads of free traffic and become famous as a business

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by complying with Bing. I have elaborated a few SEO tips that will help your website get ranked

highly on Bing search results.

• Utilize Bing’s Webmaster Center tools to monitor and analyze the performance and

optimization efforts of your website.

• Implement micro formats in your SEO efforts, as it is being supported by all the major

search engines. Moreover micro formats provide additional benefits in the search

engine results page (SERP). For more information visit Schema.

• Bing uses an assortment of geo signals to determine the appropriateness of a page

for a country. So, it is mandatory that you update the meta geo tags with suitable

information during development.

• The probability of your content being indexed by Bing is heavily dependent on user

interaction. So please focus on the aspect of Click-Through Rates (CTR) in analytics.

CTRs and bounce rates are two of the main factors that Bing takes into consideration

when ranking or indexing a website.

Hope these tips will be greatly helpful in framing the SEO strategies for Bing.

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Article 5:

Four Ways to Increase Site Traffic with Freshness Traffic is the nightmare of every blogger as it is almost certain every blogger will be worried on

traffic drop to his site or blog. The world of internet content is a dynamic and ever-evolving

environment, and one of the keys to increasing site traffic is to keep your own site’s content fresh

and up-to-date. A lot of blogs have written on ways to increase site traffic but most overlooked

the simple things you can do to increase your site traffic with freshness.

Today i want to discuss the simple methods you can use to increase traffic to your site. Traffic

could be organic or referred or direct, but the best form of traffic is the organic traffic. This

method of traffic will forever send visitors to your site even after years of publishing your

content. So i will be focusing more on it in this blog post.

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Four ways to increase Site Traffic with Freshness:

The following four methods will help you to keep your content fresh, and improve your traffic


1. Make sure the content of your site is friendly to SEO (“search engine optimization”):

One of the main sources of traffic for any site will be the visitors who arrive at the site by

searching for relevant terms and topics. It’s important to make sure your site will show up when

people search for related topics, and for that, you need to make the site SEO-friendly. Using

high-value keywords and keyword-phrases in the written content, and working to build links to

your site from other websites, will help to boost the rank of your website as it appears in the

results of a search.

2. Do some keyword research to maximize the SEO of your site when you write

content: Use a product like the Google’s free Adwords Keyword Tool to get suggestions of

relevant phrases that are used most often by online searchers. You don’t want the use of

keywords to interrupt the natural flow of your writing or jam up your text with nonsensical

repetitions, but knowing what keywords are the most commonly used by searchers, you can

incorporate those into the natural flow of your text.

3. Include eye-catching images and graphics on your site: You can find all manner of images

through services like Flickr, and you can also invigorate your site with your own photos,

graphics, drawings, and images. A page full of nothing but text will not catch a reader’s

immediate interest–and in addition to being eye-catching, graphics and photos can often add a

great deal to the content itself. Take care to meet licensing requirements of you use images you

find elsewhere on the net.

4. Invite other bloggers to author guest blogs on your site: This freshens up your own site’s

content with fresh viewpoints and writing styles, and often results in a reciprocal invitation to

guest blog on other sites. Increasing your own visibility by guest-blogging elsewhere can bring

more readers to your site after they discover you as a guest on another site.

These four simple tactics can keep your content fresh, and keep the internet traffic flowing to

your site.

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Article 6:

Drive traffic to your blog with StumbleUpon One thing is to build a blog and another thing is to make it successful and you will need traffic

for that to happen. Though there may be several methods of driving traffic to ones blog but I

want to discuss on driving traffic to your blog through StumbleUpon today. StumbeUpon is a

social bookmarking site that allows you to share your blog contents with other StumbleUpon

community users.

So many people may disagree that stumbleUpon is not the best traffic source for a blogger due

to the low conversion of visitors and the fact that the visitors from StumbleUpon may not spend

much time on a site, I tend to disagree with such claims with the following reasons.

Unique and great content: The main secret to StumbleUpon success is great and unique

content. You don’t expect a visitor to spend a lot of time on a poorly written article; users will

quickly hit the dislike button and move on when they stumble on such posts. Bloggers use

StumbleUpon to discover blogs of similar interests and can develop an idea of an article from

your post. All your posts may not go viral, but one day a good and well written post may and will

raise awareness for your blog and everyone will now want to see your other posts thereby

discovering your blog and that will be a massive boast to your traffic and earnings.

Motivation and Encouragement: Another advantage of traffic from StumbleUpon is that it

encourages us to write and keep writing knowing that someone somewhere is reading it. Imagine

having a post go viral and 100k people have viewed it and liked it; imagine the encouragement

you will have for it. It will encourage and motivate you as a blogger. Encouragement and

motivation are two great tools ay blogger needs to be successful.

Backlinks: A shared post on StumbleUpon may not be recorgnised as a backlink, but it can

generate a lot of backlinks when many people stumbles on it and liked it. A well written article

or post shared on StumbleUpon may result into a lot of backlinks improving your ranking on


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How to get started with StumbleUpon:

1. Sign up with StumbleUpon Fill the registration properly with the correct details.

2. On successful registration, go to the Profile section and fill out your information

most importantly your website and your interests.

3. Download the StumbleUpon toolbar for whatever browser you use.

4. Use the finf friends to find your friends on Facebook and Twitter or email that are

already stumblers.

5. Remember to add me by searching for “Mavtrevor” without the quotes.

6. Promote your StumbleUpon account to get more followers just the same way you

did with Twitter.

7. Share your posts/content with or any other sharing network. You can even

tweet and share it on Facebook.

8. Once you have followers on StumbleUpon you can share your content directly

with them.

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How to drive traffic to your blog through StumbleUpon:

1. Use very attractive titles for your blog posts

2. Never StumbleUpon your own contents

3. Discover and become friends with other Stumblers with same

interest. replacing the keyword

with your desired keywords to discover bloggers of same interests.

4. Use paid discovery to increase traffic to your blog.

5. Stumble regularly

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I hope you found the above posts interesting enough, if you have any questions visit and use the contact form to ask any questions, while you are on it, you can

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