A personal Walk through Genesis

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Transcript of A personal Walk through Genesis

Mass Media SDA Church: Zone Meeting Presentation

A Personal Walk through Genesis

August 13


Genesis, the book of the beginning is a center of doctrine for three of the four major world religions. It has been a book of faith, a book of hope, and a book of beginnings for many souls. The study of this book has brought inspiration, hope and renewed strength in my Christian journey. I hope these study notes and thoughts will help inspire you to take your personal walk through not just Genesis but the whole bible. May God richly bless you as you join me in this journey through Genesis.

Genesis Chapter 1:1

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Table of Contents 1.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 2

1.2. “In the beginning God” .......................................................................................................... 2

1.2.1. The beginning................................................................................................................. 2

1.2.2. God ................................................................................................................................ 3

1.2.3. The God of Beginnings .................................................................................................... 3

1.3. “God Created” ........................................................................................................................ 4

1.3.1. The God of Creation ....................................................................................................... 5

1.4. “The Heavens” ....................................................................................................................... 6

1.4.1. The God of the Heavens ................................................................................................. 6

1.5. “The Earth” ............................................................................................................................ 6

1.5.1. “God of the earth”.......................................................................................................... 7

1.6. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 8

Footnote References ......................................................................................................................... 9

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1.0. A Personal Walk through Genesis: Genesis 1:1

By Nicholas Mtetesha

1.1. Introduction Genesis 1:1 is the bible’s first book and verse which reads “In the beginning God

created the heavens and the earth.”1 This is my personal walk through the book of

genesis which I hope will add value to you and others with whom you will share it. I

believe that Genesis which means “beginning” is critical and foundational to power,

faith and hope in the Christian journey.

1.2. “In the beginning God”

Inspiration commenting on these opening words of the book of Genesis says “"In the

beginning God." Genesis 1:1. Here alone can the mind in its eager questioning,

fleeing as the dove to the ark, find rest.”2 These words are fundamental and

foundational to Christian doctrine and faith, but further they are great answers to

many question, in these words is hope for troubled souls, answers for troubled minds

and power for struggling Christian. The opening words are potent with meaning and

power which if realised can help transform many lives.

1.2.1. The beginning

In the beginning when it began God was there. God is from everlasting to

everlasting. God is not time bound; he initiated time as we know it in the beginning.

And just as he was in the beginning of time he is present throughout time.

God therefore is present at the beginning of all our times and was present before the

beginning of our time. God is still present at the beginning of our endeavours seeking

to direct our paths and actions, seeking to help us make a good start. But we often

take him as a last resort among many of our “genius ingenuities” but like the song

goes “he was there all the time, waiting patiently in line” waiting for his turn to come

and begin.

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Often times, we want to start a beginning of our own: we have our “intellectual

brilliance, we have our talents and abilities, we have our counsellors and associates,

we have our wealth and power, we have human connections and networks, we have

plans, techniques, strategies and technologies all queued up ahead of a God who

has the power we need to overcome, thrive and succeed.

We actually do the opposite of putting the God of the beginnings last in a long

queue. We put last the omnipotent God of creation who alone can exceed our

wildest expectations. In that queue God still patiently waits for you to try him, to give

up and give in to his wonderful creative power.

1.2.2. God

The name of God as used in Genesis 1:1 is from the Hebrew Elohim the name of his

Supreme deity, signifying, "Strong," "Mighty." It is expressive of omnipotent power.3

He is powerful and all powerful. This implies God, all mighty was there before there

was a beginning. He therefore in his omnipotence initiated the beginning of the

beginning. He started it all therefore Jesus is” the first born of creation”4 was there in

the beginning with God.”5 Jesus is therefore the centre of creation, the beginning of

creation and creator.

1.2.3. The God of Beginnings

If God is the God of beginnings then where is He in our beginnings? What in our

lives have we began with God? Do we begin our day, our lives and our activities with

God? Often we leave God out and begin without him. We prefer our own plans

sprinkled with God on top than to have him in the driving seat as the one who starts

it all. We want God to rubber stamp our plans and are very hesitant at the thought of

God’s will and plans being done in our lives.

Many homes are broken, many dreams are shattered, many hopes and desire

frustrated because of a wrong start, for not beginning with God. Today that you cry

“why me Lord”, reflect. Did I begin with God? Was my job, my life career, my

marriage and my service for God begun by God? We often, in desperation wind up

leaving God out because we thought he took too long to give us a job, because we

thought He took too long to give us a godly life partner, because we thought He took

too long to promote us, because we thought He took too long to heal us. But our

ways often result into heartaches, pain and misery which we still heap on God.

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When we leave God out of the picture, we “Sow the wind” whose unfailing harvest is

a “reaping” of a “whirlwind.”6 Each day we make choices, each day we are granted

new beginnings and each day is a “sowing” whose harvest is unfailing whether it be

for good or bad.

God, who began the beginning, also began our beginning. As the earth began not by

accident but by the will and purpose of God so are our lives for his will and purposes.

His omnipotent power has sustained the universe from complete decay and

corruption, has kept it in beauty and splendour despite its fall to sin. Despite the

world being in rebellion and in the hands of the enemy he has loved it and its

inhabitant. Therefore God who began our lives, who ordained our existence, who

calls us to himself will lead us to an eternity of victory if we allow him to finish that

work. We despite our fall, despite our weaknesses can be “confident of this very

thing, that he who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus

Christ.”7 We have a purpose but that purpose in God but that purpose is only

feasible when we hide our lives in him.

Many who began well, so many who “were running well” have left God along the

way, leaving their only source of real security for the false hopes, dreams and

promises of this life and the question is “who” or “what” “hindered you?”8 “Many have

made shipwrecks of their faith.”9 Despite a good beginning, they are now “thinking

and planning only for themselves.”10 “Every power of their being is centred on "me

and mine," and they are becoming narrower and more circumscribed every year of

their lives.” Many once flourishing lives for Christ have lost their first love and the

counsel and warning is “Remember therefore whence thou art fallen and repent and

do the first works; or else I come to thee, and will move thy candlestick out of its

place, except thou repent.”11

1.3. “God Created”

"By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the

breath of His mouth." "For He spake, and it was;" "He commanded, and it stood

fast." Psalm 33:6, 9. He "laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be

removed forever." Psalm 104:5.12

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1.3.1. The God of Creation

God is therefore a God of creation, the omnipotent God of creation. All that now is a

result of his creative power. The amazing thing about “creating” is it doesn’t need

physical materials. This is like the famous phrase “out of thin air” or “out of nothing”

God can make something out of nothing, to rephrase God can make someone out of

a no one. The quote is true, “you do not have to be great to start, but you have to

start to be great.” And to be truly great you must start with God.

You may have nothing today, you may be a nobody to some and a laughing stock to

many people but God, specialises in tuning nothings, into something, transforming

nobodies in somebodies. God can turn your life around, with just his word. There is

power in the word of God written or spoken.

The God of creation is “the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever, he still can

recreate you. And “He who set the starry worlds on high and tinted with delicate skill

the flowers of the field, who filled the earth and the heavens with the wonders of His

power”13 still has the power, great omnipotent power to create and recreate your life

to splendour and glory in him, to give it meaning, purpose and an unexpected end.

For he says “I know the thoughts that I think toward you, said the LORD, thoughts of

peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”14 But these thoughts and plans

will only be possible if we give up our plans into His hands. God is saying I am able,

to turn your nothingness into something and someone. Never should we despair

loose hope or take the easy way out for we have a great omnipotent king of kings,

creator and sustainer, who is well “able to do exceedingly (immeasurably more),

abundantly above all we can ask or think (imagine), according to His power that is at

work within us.”15

You may be reaping the whirlwind of you actions without God, you may be faced with

obstacles too hard to bear. Your job, your marriage, your home, your career or

relationships with God and others may be on the edge of destruction but God says

give me your all and I can create for you a better job, a better home and marriage, a

better career and a better relationship with your maker.

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1.4. “The Heavens” The heavens are vastly complex, a universe of stars, planets, galaxies and black

holes. The complexity of this universe is so vast yet its order is so precise. The

system of rotations, revolutions, movements and speed without everyday universal

cosmic accidents is a miraculous evidence of God’s divine power and order.

1.4.1. The God of the Heavens

God is in charge and control of a much more complex universe. Therefore, however

complex out circumstance may be, however evident of collapse and destruction our

life situations may present, we must be sure that God can bring them back to order

and sanity. God is in control of a much more complex universe and he can never fail

to be in control of our simple mortal existence. Therefore, God is able if we let him to

bring order to our lives and sanity to our existence. God is in control!!!

The forces of nature may roar and form but God who weighs the oceans, ordered a

time, space and place for the sun moon and stars is in control. Flood, and disasters

may ravish nations, storms may arise and toast boats of life and sea but God is still

in control. Nature may be crumbling at weight of sin and destruction but this is still

our father’s world, his own created universe. “This is my father’s world” and “though

the wrongs (of life, decay of nature and ills of this world) be oft so strong God is the

ruler yet.”16 “The response therefore is “this is my father’s worlds, why should my

heart be sad. The Lord is King let the heavens ring, God reigns let the earth be glad.”

17He declares that a new heaven and a new earth not blighted or corrupted by sin he

will create.

Amid the complexities of your existence, amid the difficulties of your daily trials, and

amid the wrongs in your world today is a God who is in control, is a willing God who

will recreate your life, circumstances and situations anew if you lay it all at his feet, if

you leave it in his omnipotent creative powerful hands.

1.5. “The Earth” The Webster’s dictionary notes that the Earth is “nearly eight thousand miles in

diameter, and twenty five thousand miles in circumference.” This gives it just the

right gravitational pull to keep things in balance. The dictionary further notes that the

“distance from the sun is about ninety five millions of miles, giving the earth a unique

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position to receive just enough sunlignt and heat to support and sustain life.

Webster’s dictionary also notes that the earth’s annual revolution perfectly results

into a year of 365 days, 5 hours, and nearly 49 minutes year after year resulting into

stability of time, season and weather.

The earth is therefore diversely great. The earth’s balance is a great evidence of a

loving creator. He made this earth with an ecosystem of dependence between the

animate and inanimate creation and between Animals and plants with their

interdependence for air, water and food. The ozone layer is an amazing protective

feature, balance of minerals, air and animal species both on land and sea is evident

of the God who cares for all His creatures, He watches and cares for sparrows,

ravens and even the grass of the field. He watches more for humanity. For you, yes

he watches you.

1.5.1. “God of the earth” The earth with its diversity, beauty and splendour is God’s own creation18. It is

evident of His power and majesty and it is his in its fullness.19 We owe God

everything even ourselves. God as owner and creator knows better his world, its

dynamics and complexities and even though evil now reigns supreme, God is the

ruler yet and God as its creator can create it anew for its inhabitants. God in his

divine omnipotence took great care in the earth’s creation such that He:

Laid the earth’s foundation to ensure it stands the test of time20

He formed it to ensure that it is perfectly symmetrical21

He spread it abroad to ensure its broadens for habitation22

Suspended in space in his omnipotent power23

He supports it suspension in space24

He established it to last25

He gave it light set for it times and seasons26

He Prepared the earth and provides for its needs27

Make and Makes it fruitful28

Inspects it29

He Governs it supremely his will still prevails30

God is still God and Reigns in the earth31

God diversified its land scape, hills and mountains32

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Filled it with minerals and wealth33

God took and takes so much care of the earth for man’s sake. Meaning he cares

more for you than for the earth. The same creative omnipotent power he used to

create the earth can He still use today for you and whatever your situation may be,

He can still use to give you a new beginning. In the beginning God created the

heavens and the earth. Make this a new beginning with God; He wants to create our

broken lives, dreams, homes churches, work and families. He cares so much more

but are we willing to surrender it all to him.

1.6. Conclusion God is still in the business of creation, he is still omnipotent, and he is still the

omnipotent God of creation he says in 2Cor 5:17 “Wherefore if any man is in Christ,

He is a new creature: the old things are passed away; behold, they are become

new.” God wants to create in all of our lives a new creation. He calls us all to submit

to his Devine working. God is calling us to surrender our broken lives to him, to

surrender our broken marriages to him, to surrender our jobs and families, time and

resource to him. We must surrender it all to God who alone can speak life to them,

he who alone can make of them a new creation. God calls and invites you into a

newness of life, a new creation.

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Footnote References 1 Genesis 1:1, American Standard Version (1901) 2 EGW, {Ed 134.2} 3 Jamieson Fausset Brown Bible Commentary on Genesis 1 4 Colossians 1:15 who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; 5 John 1:2 The same was in the beginning with God. 6 Hosea 8:7 For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: he hath no standing grain; the blade shall yield no meal; if so be it yield, strangers shall swallow it up. 7 Phil 1:6, American Standard Version (1901)

8 Gal 5:7, American Standard Version (1901)

9 EG White, RH, June 10, 1880 par. 4

10 ibid

11 Revelation 2:4,5, American Standard Version (1901) 12 EGW, PP 44:1 13 EGW, PP44:3 14 Jeremiah 29:11 [AKJV] 15

Ephesians 3:20 [AKJV] 16

Hymn by Maltbie D Babcock(1858-1901), 1901 entitled ‘This is my Father’s World’ 17 Ibid {Hymn by Maltbie D Babcock, 1901 (1858-1901)entitled ‘This is my Father’s World’} 18 Genesis 1:1; Nehemiah 9:6; 19 Ps 89:11 The heavens are thine, the earth also is thine: The world and the fullness thereof, thou hast founded them. 20 Job 38:4; Psalms 102:25; 21 Psalms 90:2; 22 Isaiah 42:5; Isaiah 44:24; 23 Job 26:7; 24 Psalms 75:3; 25 Psalms78:69; Psalms 119:90; 26 Genesis 1:14-16; Jeremiah 33:25; 27 Psalms 65:9; Psalms 147:8; 28 Genesis 1:11; Genesis 27:28; 29 Zechariah 4:10; 2 Chronicles16:9 30 Job 34:13; Psalms 135:6; 31 Exodus 8:22; Psalms 97:1; 32 Habakkuk 3:6; 33

Psalms 104:24; Deuteronomy 8:9; Job 28:1-5; Job 28:15-19;