Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran 1 (Ujian)

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran 1 (Ujian)


Nama : Pretty Elisa Ayu Ningsih NPM : A1B008006



Satuan Pendidikan Mata Pelajaran Kelas/Semester Alokasi Waktu

: : : :

SMA Plus Negeri 7 Bengkulu Bahasa Inggris XII IPA/2 2 jam pelajaran

I. STANDAR KOMPETENSI Membaca makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei dalam konteks kehidupan sehari hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

II. KOMPETENSI DASAR Merespon makna dalam teks fungsional pendek (misalnya letter, banner, poster, pamphlet, dll) resmi dan tak resmi yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari hari dan mengakses ilmu pengetahuan. III. Indikator 1. Kognitif: a. Proses 1. Mengidentifikasi dengan tepat must dan have to dalam kalimat dan teks fungsional pendek. 2. Menganalisis dengan tepat must dan have to dalam kalimat dan teks fungsional pendek. b. Produk 1. Membuat dengan tepat kalimat Must dan Have to. 2. Merespon dengan tepat kalimat Must dan Have to. 2. Afektif 1. Karakter: Berpikir kreatif, kritis, dan logis; bekerja teliti, jujur, dan bertanggung jawab, serta berperilaku santun. 2. Keterampilan sosial: Menyampaikan pendapat, menjadi pendengar yang baik.

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran 1. Kognitif a. Proses 1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi dengan tepat must dan have to dalam kalimat dan teks fungsional pendek 2. Menganalisis dengan tepat must dan have to dalam kalimat dan teks fungsional pendek. b. Produk 1. Siswa dapat dengan tepat membuat kalimat Must dan Have to. 2. Siswa dapat merespon dengan tepat kalimat Must dan Have to. 2.Afektif: a. Siswa dapat terlibat secara aktif dalam pembelajaran dan menunjukkan karakter berpikir kreatif, kritis, logis, bekerja teliti, jujur, dan berperilaku santun. b. Siswa dapat menyampaikan pendapat dan menjadi pendengar yang baik selama proses belajar mengajar V. Materi Pembelajaran Tema : Symbols and Signs Skill : Reading (Integrated)


must the speaker is giving his own feeling or wishes, saying what he thinks necessary. We use must, to talk about present and future, not past. Must not / mustn't means it is forbidden


new restaurant is great! You must go there! I must stop smoking! You mustnt tell her what I said Must you leave now?


have to the speaker is giving facts. It is talks about the obligation that come from outside. Like laws, agreements, regulation, peoples order. We use have to in all forms. Don't have to means it is not necessary


have to stop smoking, the doctor asked me to stop smoking. You have to turn off your phone in a mosque. I dont have to wear a suit to work but I usually do Why did you have to attend the meeting?

MustExpressing personal feelings Use in Present and future form Forbidden

Have toExpressing Facts Use in all form No obligation or necessity


Pendekatan Model Metode Model Pembelajaran : Student Centre Learning (SCL)

Metode Pembelajaran : Explanation, Disscussion, Tanya Jawab

VII. Alat dan Media pembelajaran Laptop LCD Handout Textbook VII. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran Pertemuan 5 (2 x 45 menit)

No A

Aktivitas Pembelajaran Pendahuluan (10 menit) Pre-teaching

Waktu 1

Penilaian 2 3 4 5

1 2 3

Guru mengucapkan salam lalu mengabsen siswa. Guru menampilkan gambar mengenai must dan have to. Guru bertanya kepada siswa tentang gambar yang di tampilkan.

3 2 5

B 1 2 3 4 5

Kegiatan Inti (70 menit) Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa tentang Must. Guru memberikan contoh tentang Must dalam kalimat. Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa tentang Have to. Guru memberikan contoh tentang have to dalam kalimat. Guru meminta beberapa siswa untuk menyebutkan contoh lain dari Must dan Have to dalam kalimat. 10 5 10 5 3


Guru menjelaskan tentang perbedaan antara Must dan Have to



Guru meminta siswa untuk membaca teks yang telah diberikan secara lisan. Guru meminta siswa untuk menemukan kalimat yang



menggunakan Must dan Have to pada teks yang telah diberikan.



Guru meminta siswa mengerjakan soal yang ada di Handout Guru dan siswa bersama- sama membahas soal yang telah dikerjakan




C 1 2

Penutup (10 menit) Guru meminta siswa untuk menyimpulkan tentang materi yang telah diajarkan. Guru memberikan siswa Pekerjaan Rumah 7 3

H. Penilaian Teknik : Penilaian Produk: LKS Siswa (Terlampir) Jumlah Skor Benar x 12.5 Contoh : 8 x 12,5 = 100

Penilaian Afektif (Terlampir)

Bengkulu, 20 Januari 2012 Praktikan

Pretty Elisa Ayu Ningsih NPM. A1B008006 Mengetahui

Dosen Pembimbing

Guru Pamong

Wisma Yunita, S.Pd, M.Pd NIP. 19780207 200501 2 003

Eva Parnida, Spd NIP. 19750403 200604 2 002

LP-01 LEMBAR KERJA SISWA (LKS)A. Read the letter below and underline sentences that use Must and Have to!

Dear Vita, Do you still remember what you always say to me? You always tell me that I have to park my motorcycle in parking area or I will get traffic license. I used to think that it was not really an important matter. Now, I think you are a hundred percent right. Yesterday when I parked my motorcycle on the street, a traffic police stopped me. First, I was confused why he stopped me, but suddenly I realized that there was a sign there. I started to fell really scare. I must find a reason for this police I thought. He came close and asked me about my name, my ID card and my license. Well, license was another problem for me. I didnt have one. The police told me that I have to own a license. He also told me that I mustnt park there. I said to him I didnt see the sign. He made me promise that I will not do it again. I felt really guilty that day. I should listen to you. Now I know, I must park my motorcycle in a parking area. I also already told my parent about that accident. Now, I already have a license. Regret is something Ive dealt with a lot lately.

Love Zie Zie

B. Fill in the Blank Complete the following sentences with must, musnt, have or doesnt have to. 1. You really ______ go to church next Sunday. 2. Catholics ______ go to church on Sundays. 3. You ______ pass your exams or the university will not accept you. 4. We _____ get there on time. The boss is away today. 5. I ______ eat chocolate. Its bad for me.

6. I _____ send a report to Head Office every week. 7. You ______ come and see us some time. 8. Students ______ wear uniform for school

KUNCI JAWABAN LKSA. Read the letter below and underline sentences that use Must and Have to!

Dear Vita, Do you still remember what you always say to me? You always tell me that I have to park my motorcycle in parking area or I will get traffic license. I used to think that it was not really an important matter. Now, I think you are a hundred percent right. Yesterday when I parked my motorcycle on the street, a traffic police stopped me. First, I was confused why he stopped me, but suddenly I realized that there was a sign there. I started to fell really scare. I must find a reason for this police I thought. He came close and asked me about my name, my ID card and my license. Well, license was another problem for me. I didnt have one. The police told me that I have to own a license. He also told me that I mustnt park there. I said to him I didnt see the sign. He made me promise that I will not do it again. I felt really guilty that day. I should listen to you. Now I know, I must park my motorcycle in a parking area. I also already told my parent about that accident. Now, I already have a license. Regret is something Ive dealt with a lot lately.

Love Zie Zie

C. Fill in the Blank Complete the following sentences with must, musnt, have or doesnt have to. 1. You really must go to church next Sunday. 2. Catholics have to go to church on Sundays. 3. You have to pass your exams or the university will not accept you. 4. We dont have to get there on time. The boss is away today. 5. I mustnt eat chocolate. Its bad for me.

6. I have to send a report to Head Office every week. 7. You must come and see us some time. 8. Students have to wear uniform for school

LP-02 PENILAIAN AFEKTIFLembar ini disusun untuk mengetahui sikap siswa selama mengikuti pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. No Aspek sikap 1 Karakter 1 Logis Berpendapat yang didasari argument Membuat hubungan sebab akibat Aktivitas yang dilakukan memiliki tujuan yang jelas 2 Berpikir kreatif Melakukan tindakan yang bersifat analisis Mampu menentukan pilihan yang dianggap paling baik Mampu menciptakan alternatif yang lebih baik 3 Jujur Melakukan kegiatan (mengamati, proses) mencatat, dengan Skala sikap 2 3 4 5



Berargumen secara obyektif 4 5 6 7 Bekerja teliti Bertanggung jawab Peduli Berperilaku santun

Keterampilan Sosial 1 2 Menyampaikan pendapat, Menjadi pendengar yang baik,