pipestress.files.wordpress.com · 2011-05-14Tentukan besar tegangan yang terjadi pada pipa tersebut...

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Diktat Caesar/Bab 01 Introduction.ppt

Chapter I Introduction




Caesar II ?


Basic Operation

Case studies

Chapter I Introduction


Pentium 200 or better CPU

Windows 95,98,Windows NT 4.00

32 Mbyte RAM


Sistem yang dibutuhkan dalam menginstal CAESAR II :

PC-Based pipe stress analysis software

Engineering tools Design & analisis sistem perpipaan

Pipa dimodelkan sebagai beam elements

Hasil analisis : gaya dalam, momen, reaksi

tumpuan, tegangan pada sistem perpipaan

Perbandingan dengan Code & Standards

80 Mbyte Hard Disk Space Free

VGA Graphics Board

Monitor 800x600

Chapter I Introduction



Untuk merancang sistem perpipaan yang baru

mechanical design

Penentuan jenis dan struktur tumpuan

Evaluasi, trouble shooting, re-design instalasi

pipa yang sudah ada

Failure analysis pada sistem perpipaan

Analisis getaran instalasi perpipaan

Chapter I Introduction



User friendly

Setelah instalasi jangan lupa cheking the instalation

Chapter I Introduction



Chapter I Introduction



Modelling :

Input geometri, beban, temperatur, beban, material, fluida, tumpuan.



Load cases


Out put :

Gaya dalam, momen, stress, displacement, recommended support, dll

Graphical display

Numerical display



Chapter I Introduction


Main Menu


Chapter I Introduction


New Job Name Dan Open Dialog Menu

File New

File Open

Chapter I Introduction



Chapter I Introduction


Contoh kasus :

Masukkan nilai 10-0 pada kotak DX

Masukkan nilai nominal 8 pada kotak Diameter. Secara otomatis akan diubah ke diameter aktual.

Masukkan huruf S (Standard schedule pipe wall) pada kotak Wt/Sch. Secara otomatis akan diubah ke tebal dinding pipa.

Masukan nilai 600 (Derajat Fahrenheit) pada kotak Temp-1

Masukkan nilai 150 (psig) pada kotak Pressure 1

Klik 2 kali checkbox Bend. Secara otomatis radius belokan akan dimasukkan dengan harga : 1.5.D .Ketik pada node : 20

Klik 2 kali checkbox Restraint. Pada node 10, dan pilih jenis kondisi batasnya : ANC (Anchor)

Chapter I Introduction


Bend Data

Restraint Data

Chapter I Introduction


Pilih material A106 dari kotak Material. Secara otomatis kotak modulus elastisitas, poisons rasio akan terisi.

Klik dua kali, check box Allowable stress, dan pilih kode B31.3

Masukkan nilai 0.85 SG (0.85 specific gravity) pada kotak Fluid Density, secara otomatis akan diubah ke massa jenis.

Untuk ke element berikutnya, tekan tombol Alt-c atau toolbar Continue, element baru dari : 20 30

Masukkan nilai 10-0 (10 feet) pad kotak DY

Klik dua kali checkbox Restraint. Pada kotak Node, masukkan node 30, kemudian pilih tipe : ANC


Previous element

Increment node

Chapter I Introduction



Tampilan grafik dapat dilihat dengan mengklik icon Plot , atau icon 3D Plot untuk melihat bentuk 3 dimensinya.


3D Plot

Chapter I Introduction


Center of Gravity Report


Start Run dapat dilakukan melalui :

File Start Run

Start Run dari Menu Quit Option

Tool Bar Start Run ( )

Jika masih terdapat error dapat kembali ke data input

Chapter I Introduction


Load Case Builder




Load case yang direkomendasikan oleh CAESAR II

Chapter I Introduction



Untuk melihatkeluarannya :

Klik Jenis Load Cases yang dianalisis, misal : pada nomor 1

Klik Stress pada Report Option

Klik View Reports

Chapter I Introduction



Chapter I Introduction


Dari tampilan ini dapat dilihat nilai maksimum antara lain :

a. Momen

b. Perpindahan

c. Gaya

Output Graphic Screen

Klik Icon Display Graphical Results

Klik Icon Untuk melihat animasi sistem pipa dibawah ini


Chapter I Introduction


Case Study 1

Sebuah pipa memiliki diameter nominal 5 in dan ketebalan 0.375 in. Pipa tersebut diberi beban F = 200 lb pada salah satu ujungnya, sedangkan ujung lainnya dijepit. Tentukan besar tegangan yang terjadi pada pipa tersebut !



Chapter I Introduction



Step 1 : Input Data

Chapter I Introduction


Step 2 : Start Running

Chapter I Introduction


Step 3 : Error Checker

Jika terdapat tanda error, maka analisis tidak dapat dilanjutkan

Chapter I Introduction


Step 4 : Statics Analysis

Tekan Run Toolbar untuk memulai analisis statik

Beban yang bekerja hanya gaya luar

Chapter I Introduction


Step 5 : Static Output Processor

Klik Load Cases Analyzed dan Report Options, kemudian klik Static Output Precessing

Chapter I Introduction


Output :

Setelah melakukan analisis statik, pada Static Output Precessing dapat dilihat bahwa besarnya tegangan aksial (Axial Stress) adalah 32.7 psi.

Chapter I Introduction


End of chapter I

Diktat Caesar/Bab 02 Main Menu.ppt

Chapter II Main Menu









Chapter II Main Menu

2.1 Menu Utama Caesar II

Dapat dimulai dengan mengklik dua kali icon CAESAR II

2.2 File Menu

File menu digunakan untuk :

Mengatur Default Data Directory, memulai Job baru, membuka file job tertentu, dan menghapus file job.

Chapter II Main Menu

2.2.1 File - Set Default Data Directory File - New

Digunakan untuk mengatur Default Data Directory, Directory ini sangat berguna jika terdapat banyak Project Job untuk kasus-kasus yang berbeda.

Masukkan nama New Job : Quick

Default Data Directory


Chapter II Main Menu File - Open File - Clean Up

Untuk membuka nama file Job


Dapat digunakan untuk :

menghapus Listing Files, Input Files, Output files

Chapter II Main Menu

2.3 Input Menu

Piping - sebagai input model perpipaan di Caesar II yang

Underground - sebagai input model perpipaan yang terbenam di dalam tanah

Structural Steel - input model struktur Caesar II

Chapter II Main Menu

2.4 Analisis


Statics - Analisis statis dari pipa / struktur

Dynamics - Analisis dinamik dari pipa/struktur

SIFs - menghitung faktor konsentrasi tegangan pada belokan

Sub menu pada analisis menu akan diterangkan lebih detail pada slide analisis statis, dinamis dan equipment

Chapter II Main Menu

WRC 107/297 - menghitung tegangan pada bejana akibat pipa yang melekat / berhubungan pada bejana

Flanges - menghitung tegangan dan kebocoran pada Flange

B31.G - memperkirakan sisa umur jalur sistem perpipaan

Expansion Joint Rating - mengevaluasi expansion joint menggunakan rumus EJMA

AISC - mengecek kode AISC pada elemen struktur baja

NEMA SM23 - mengevaluasi beban pada pipa di nozel turbin uap

API 610 - mengevaluasi beban pada pipa di pompa

API 617 - mengevaluasi beban pada pipa di kompresor

API 661 - mengevaluasi beban pada pipa di air-cooled heat exchangers

HEI Standard - - mengevaluasi beban pada pipa di feedwater heaters

API 560 - mengevaluasi beban pada pipa di fired heaters

Chapter II Main Menu

2.5 Output


Setelah dilakukan analisis, output penghitungan sistem perpipaan dan struktur dapat dipilih :

Static hasil analisis statis

Harmonic hasil pembebanan harmonic

Spectrum Modal hasilnya berupa perhitungan natural frequency / mode shape

Time History hasilnya simulasi beban dari time history

Animation animasi simulasi grafik dari hasil diatas

Chapter II Main Menu

2.6 Tools Menu

Chapter II Main Menu

Menu Tool terdiri dari submenu pendukung yang digunakan untuk :

a. Configure/setup digunakan untuk mengubah konfigurasi di CAESAR II

Chapter II Main Menu

b. Calculator

menampilkan calculator

c. Make Unit Files membuat file unit (satuan) yang baru (diinginkan ) dan mengganti file unit yang sebelumnya.

Chapter II Main Menu

d. Convert input to New Units mengubah file CAESAR II ke jenis satuan yang lain

Chapter II Main Menu

Chapter II Main Menu

e. Material database

Chapter II Main Menu

f. Accounting menampilkan laporan accounting

Chapter II Main Menu

g. Multi-Job Analysis mengatur aliran job yang akan di run tanpa intervensi operator

Chapter II Main Menu

h. External interfaces Caesar II memberi banyak interfaces ke dan dari third party software

Chapter II Main Menu

2.7 Diagnostic Menu

Diagnostic disiapkan untuk membantu menyelesaikan permasalahan pada proses instalasi software CAESAR II :

CRC Check memverifikasi bahwa program files tidak terganggu

Build Version menentukan Build Version dari CAESAR II

Error Review memperlihatkan Error pada CAESAR II

DLL Version Check menyediakan informasi versi dari files library yang digunakan oleh CAESAR II

Chapter II Main Menu

2.8 ESL Menu

Menu ESL (External Software Lock) memberikan akses ke submenu (utilities) yang berhubungan dengan ESL .

Show data menampilkan data yang disimpan di ESL

Phone Update untuk melakukan perubahan pada ESL melalui telephone

Generate Fax Codes untuk melakukan perubahan pada ESL melalui FAX atau email

Enter Fax Authorization Codes lihat pilihan diatas

Chapter II Main Menu

2.9 Help Menu

Help Dialog

Kotak dialog ini akan muncul, jika pada kotak diameter kemudian tekan F1, akan ditampilkan diameter nominal standar yang digunakan di CAESAR II

Chapter II Main Menu

End of Chapter II

Diktat Caesar/Bab 03 Piping Input.ppt

Chapter III Piping Input



Input Spreadsheet

Node & Elements Definition

Fluida dan material pipa



Chapter III Piping Input

3.1 Input Spread Sheets

Nomor Nodal

Panjang Element




Chapter III Piping Input

3.2.1 Node Number

Untuk titik nodal yang pertama diketik nomor nodal awal dari (from) dan ke (to).

Jumlah nodal maksimum yang dapat dimasukkan adalah 32000

Jika increment pada nodal selanjutnya konstan, titik nodal selanjutnya tidak perlu dimasukkan lagi cukup tekan icon Continue

Jika ingin kembali ke element sebelumnya tekan icon previous element

3.2 Data Fields

Chapter III Piping Input

3.2.2 Element Length

Cara penulisan panjang element seperti pada contoh dibawah ini :

Chapter III Piping Input


The delta X (DX) dimension defines the elements projected length along the global X direction.


The delta Y (DY) dimension defines the elements projected length along the global Y direction.


The delta Z (DZ) dimension defines the elements projected length along the global Z direction.

Panjang Element :

Chapter III Piping Input

Element Offsets

Element Offsets are used to correct an elements modeled dimensions back to its actual dimensions.

1. Activate by double-clicking the Offsets checkbox on the Pipe Element Spreadsheet. Deactivate by double-clicking a second time.

2. Specify the distances from the TO nodes position in 3-D space to the actual TO end of the element.

3. Specify the distances from the FROM nodes position in 3-D space to the actual FROM end of the element.

Note Any offset direction distances left blank default to zero.

Chapter III Piping Input

Thermal expansion is 0 for the offset portion of an offset element. No element flexibility

is generated for the offset portion of the element. A common usage for the offset element

is shown in the following figure:

Offset hanya bisa digunakan untuk elemen yang lurus

Chapter III Piping Input

3.2.3 Pipe Section Properties

Corrosion tolerance tidak diperhitungkan dalam strength & stiffness

Berat dari insulation thickness secara otomatis dimasukkan

Insulation faktor 1.75 diaplikasikan ke rigid element

Satuan : in

Satuan : in

Mill tolerance 12.5 %, adalah batas tebal dinding pipa boleh berkurang dari nilai nominalnya

Chapter III Piping Input Diameter

Outside diameter (D0), jika dimasukkan nominal diameter langsung akan diubah menjadi D0

Untuk mencegah koversi ke outside diameter turned off nominal pipe schedule pada UNITS

Contoh nominal diameter

ANSI Nominal Pipe OD's, in inches (file ap.bin)

1 1 2 2 3 3 4

5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 42

Chapter III Piping Input

JIS Nominal Pipe ODs, in millimeters (file jp.bin)

15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 90

100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400450

500 550 600 650

DIN Nominal Pipe ODs, in millimeters (file dp.bin)

15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100

125 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 600

700 800 900 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000


Chapter III Piping Input Wt/Sch

The wall thickness/schedule field :

schedule pipa

tebal nominal pipa

The available schedules

ANSI B36.10 Steel Nominal Wall Thickness

S Standard

XS - Extra Strong

XXS - Double Extra Strong

ANSI B36.10 Steel Pipe Numbers:

10 20 30 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

ANSI B36.19 Stainless Steel Schedules:

5S 10S 40S 80S

Chapter III Piping Input


1990 Steel Schedules:

10 20 30 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

1990 Stainless Steel Schedules:

5S 10S 40S



Note: Only the s (standard) schedule applies to wall thickness calculations for DIN

Chapter III Piping Input

+Mill Tol %

The positive Mill Tolerance is used by the IGE/TD/12 code for determining the effects of increased weight and thermal force due to a potentially thicker wall. The user may change this value on an element by element basis. This option is only activated when the IGE/TD/

12 code is active.

-Mill Tol %

The negative Mill Tolerance is read in from the configuration file for use in minimum wall thickness calculations. Also, for the IGE/TD/12 code, this value is used in conjunction with the corrosion allowance to calculate a reduced section modulus for use in stress cal-culations.

The user may change this value on an element by element basis. Mill Tolerance

Chapter III Piping Input


This directive is only activated when the IGE/TD/12 code is active. This is used to indicate when straight pipes are seam welded and affects the Stress Intensification Factor calculations for that pipe section due to Seam Welded fabrication. Corrosion

Enter the corrosion allowance to be used order to calculate a reduced section modulus. A setup file directive is available to consider all stress cases as corroded. Insul Thk (Insulation Thickness)

Enter the thickness of the insulation to be applied to the piping. Insulation applied to the outside of the pipe will be included in the dead weight of the system, and in the projected pipe area used for wind load computations. If a negative value is entered for the insulation thickness, the program will model refractory lined pipe. The thickness will be assumed to be the thickness of the refractory, inside the pipe.

Chapter III Piping Input

3.2.4 Temperatur dan Tekanan

Chapter III Piping Input Temperatures

There are nine temperature fields, to allow up to nine different operating cases. Temperature values are checked (by the error checker) to insure they are within the code allowed ranges. Users can exceed the code ranges by entering the expansion coefficient in the tem-perature field in units of length/length (use to obtain more information on this sub-ject). The expansion coefficient can be a useful method of modeling cold spring effects. Values entered in the temperature field whose absolute values are less than the Alpha Tol-erance are taken to be thermal expansion coefficients, where the Alpha Tolerance is a configuration file parameter and is taken to be 0.05 by default. For example; if the user wanted to enter the thermal expansion coefficient equivalent to 11.37in./100ft., the calcu-lation would be:

Chapter III Piping Input

Note: A cut short is no more than reducing a pipe elements length to zero (for example; if we wanted 8.5 cm of cold spring we could put in an 8.5 cm long element and then thermally shrink its length to zero), a thermal expansion coefficient of -1.0 will do exactly that. This allows cold spring to be manipulated as an individual thermal case rather than as a concentrated force. However, the alpha tolerance in the setup file must be set to some number slightly larger than 1.0, i.e.

Alpha Tolerance = 1.1

Access to operating conditions 4 through 9 is granted through the Extended Operating Conditions input screen, accessible via the Ellipses Dots button directly to the right of the

Chapter III Piping Input Pressures

There are nine pressure fields, to allow up to nine different pressures cases. can be used to obtain the current input units for the pressure fields (English default is lbs/in.2 ).

When multiple pressures are entered, the user should be particularly careful with the setup of the analysis load cases, and should inspect CAESAR IIs recommendations carefully before proceeding. Access to operating conditions 4 through 9 is granted through the Extended Operating Conditions input screen, accessible via the Ellipses Dots button directly to the right of the standard Temperature and Pressure input fields. This dialog box may be retained open or closed at the convenience of the user.

Chapter III Piping Input Bend

= 1.5 x diameter

Jumlah Potongan pada belokan

Fitting thickness

Untuk Lebih jelasnya pada Chapter VI

Contoh penomoran nodal pada belokan :

3.2.5 Special Element Information

Chapter III Piping Input


CAESAR II makes the long radius bend calculation whenever a bend is input. If the user wishes to use some other bend radius the new bend radius can be entered in this field.


For most codes, this refers to the number of attached flanges, and can be selected from the drop list. If there are no flanges on the bend then leave the Type f i el d blank. A bend should be considered flanged if there is any heavy/rigid body within 2 diameters of the bend that will significantly restrict the bends ability to ovalize. When using the BS 7159 or UKOOA Codes with Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) pipe, this entry refers to the material laminate type, and may be 1, 2, or 3. These laminate types are

All chopped strand mat (CSM) constructing with internal and external surface tissue reinforced layer.

Chopped strand mat (CSM) and woven roving (WR) construction with internal and external surface tissue reinforced layer.

Chapter III Piping Input

= 1 x berat fluida yang mengalir di pipa + 1.75 x berat insulasi Rigid dan Expansion Joints

Bellow Stiffness properties (=1 untuk flexible bellow , 1E+12 untuk rigid bellow)

Satuan untuk : tranlational stiffnes (lb/in), rotational stiffness (in.lb/deg)

Nilai default untuk torsional stiffness adalah 0.1E+06

If the weight of a rigid element is zero or blank, CAESAR II assumes the element is

an artificial construction element rather than an actual piping element, so no insula-tion

or fluid weight is computed for that element. (Artificial = Weighless)

Chapter III Piping Input

Chopped strand mat (CSM) and multi-filament roving construction with internal and external surface tissue reinforced layer. Laminate type affects the calculation of flexibility factors and stress intensification factors for the BS 7159 and UKOOA Codes only.


Angle to a point on the bend curvature. The user may place additional nodes at any point on the bend curvature providing the added nodes are not within 5 degrees of each other. (The 5 degree node-spacing limit may be changed via the configuration file if necessary.) Note that the element To node is always physically located at the far end of the bend. By default CAESAR II places a node at the midpoint of the bend (designated by the letter M in this field), as well as at the 0-degree position (start) of the bend if possible.

Chapter III Piping Input

Miter Points

Number of cuts in the bend if mitered.

The bend SIF scratch pad may be invoked from the pipe spreadsheet by choosing Kaux - Review SIFs at Bend Nodes. When the user enters a valid mitered bend node number, CAESAR II tells the user if the mitered bend input is closely or widely spaced. If the bend is determined to be widely spaced and the number of miter cuts is greater than 1, then it is recommended that the bend be broken down into n single cut widely spaced miters, where n is the total number of cuts in the bend. The number of cuts and the radius of the bend are all that is required to calculate the SIFs and flexibilities for the bend as defined in the B31 codes. The bend radius and the bend miter spacing are related by the following


Closely Spaced Miters

R = S / (2 tan . )

q = Bend Angle / (2 n) where n = number of miter cuts

Widely Spaced Miters

R = r 2 (1.0 + cot q) / 2.0

r 2 = (ri + ro) / 2.0 = Bend Angle / 2.0

Chapter III Piping Input SIF & Tees

Jenis Intersection pada CAESAR II

This auxiliary screen is used to enter stress intensification factors, or fitting types at up to two nodes per spreadsheet. If components are selected from the drop list, CAESAR II automatically calculates the SIF values as per the applicable code (unless overridden by the user). Certain fittings and certain codes require additional data as shown. Fields are enabled as appropriate for the selected fitting.

Chapter III Piping Input Restraints

Restraint Type Abbreviation

1 - Anchor ........................................................................................... A

2 - Translational Double Acting ............................................ X, Y, or Z

3 - Rotational Double Acting ......................................... RX, RY, or RZ

4 - Guide, Double Acting ................................................................ GUI

5 - Double Acting Limit Stop ......................................................... LIM

6 - Translational Double Acting Snubber ............ XSNB,YSNB, ZSNB

7 - Translational Directional ............................. +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z

8 - Rotational Directional .................................... +RX, -RX, +RY, etc.

9 - Directional Limit Stop .................................................. +LIM, -LIM

10 - Large Rotation Rod ..................................... XROD, YROD, ZROD

11 - Translational Double Acting Bilinear ............................ X2, Y2, Z2

12 - Rotational Double Acting Bilinear ......................... RX2, RY2, RZ2

13 - Translational Directional Bilinear ..................... -X2, +X2, -Y2, etc.

14 - Rotational Directional Bilinear ................ +RX2, -RX2, +RY2, etc.

15 - Bottom Out Spring ......................................... XSPR, YSPR, ZSPR

16 - Directional Snubber ......................... +XSNB, -XSNB, +YSNB, etc.

3.2.6 Boundary Conditions

Chapter III Piping Input Displacement

D = displacement (in.)

R = rotations (derajat)

Jika pada kolom diatas tidak diisikan (blank) berarti pada nodal tersebut bebas bergerak, jika diisi dengan nilai nol berarti pada nodal tersebut tidak boleh terjadi perpindahan

Chapter III Piping Input Hangers

1-PSS-Grinnel 10-Basic Engineers

2-Bergen Paterson 11-Inoflex(Italy)

3-Power Piping 12-E. Myatt & Co.(Canada)

4-NPS Industries 13-Sinopec(China)

5-Lisega 14-Bhel(India)

6-Fronek 15-Flexider(Italy)

7-Piping Technology 16-Carpenter & Paterson (UK)

8-Capitol 17-Comet(UK)

9-Piping Services 18-Hydra(Germany)

19-Sarathi (India)

Jenis Hanger pada CAESAR II :

Tampilan ini untuk menggambarkan instalasi hanger

Chapter III Piping Input Nozzles

This auxiliary screen is used to describe flexible nozzle connections. When entered in this way, CAESAR II automatically calculates the flexibilities and inserts them at this location.

CAESAR II calculates nozzle loads according to WRC 297, API 650 or BS 5500 criteria.

Chapter III Piping Input Forces/Moments

This auxiliary screen is used to enter imposed forces and/or moments at up to two nodes per spreadsheet. Up to nine force vectors may be entered (load components F1 through F9).

3.2.7 Loading Conditions

Chapter III Piping Input Uniform Loads

This auxiliary screen is used to enter up to three uniform load vectors (load components U1, U2 and U3). These uniform loads are applied to the entire current element, as well as all subsequent elements in the model, until explicitly changed or zeroed out with a later entry.

Chapter III Piping Input Wind/Wave

This auxiliary screen is used to specify whether this portion of the pipe is exposed to wind or wave loading. (Note that the pipe may not be exposed to both.) Selecting Wind exposes the pipe to wind loading; selecting Wave exposes the pipe to wave, current, and buoyancy loadings; selecting Off turns off both types of loading. This screen is also used to enter the Wind Shape Factor (when Wind is specified) and vari-ous wave coefficients (if left blank they will be program-computed) when Wave Loading is specified.

Entries on this auxiliary screen apply to all subsequent piping, until changed on a later spreadsheet.

Chapter III Piping Input

3.2.8 Piping Material

Material Elastic Properties

SC = cold allowable stress

SH = hot allowable stress

F1 = Force reduction faktor (0.3 1.0)

Elastic modulus dan poisonss ratio akan secara otomatis terisi jika materialnya telah dipilih

Chapter III Piping Input

ANSI B31.1 (1967)


RCC-M C (1988)

RCC-M D (1988)

CODETI (1995)

NORWEGIAN (1990, Rev 1)

FBDR (1995)

BS7159 (1989)

UKOOA (1994)

IGE/TD/12 (1990)

DNV (1996)

ANSI B31.1 (1998) November 30, 1999

ANSI B31.3 (1999) April 15, 1999

ANSI B31.4 (1998) April 30, 1999

ANSI B31.4 Chapter IX (1998) April 30, 1999

ANSI B31.5 (1992) August 31, 1994

ANSI B31.8 (1995) December 7, 1995

ANSI B31.8 Chapter VIII (1995) December 7, 1995

ASME SECT III CLASS 2 (1998) July 1, 1999

ASME SECT III CLASS 3 (1998) July 1, 1999

U.S. NAVY 505 (1984)

CANADIAN Z662 (9/95)

BS 806 (1993, ISSUE 1, SEPTEMBER 1993)



List Caesar II Piping Code

Chapter III Piping Input

Piping Materials

Material Name

Materials are entered either by name or number.

Nomor 1-17 correspond to the generic materials, without code allowable stresses.

Nomor 18 represents the cold spring element for cut short and material 19 represents the cold spring element for cut long.

Material 20 is used to define Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) pipe. Spreadsheet agak berbeda

Chapter III Piping Input

When a material has been selected from the database, the physical properties as well as the allowable stresses are obtained and placed on the spreadsheet. At any later time, if the temperature or piping code is changed, these allowable stress values are automatically updated.

Material Properties

Modulus of elasticity, Poissons ratio, and pipe density fields are automatically filled in when a material number is entered. If the user wishes to override any material property extracted from the database, he or she may do so simply by changing the value to be modified after the material number has been entered.

Chapter III Piping Input

3.2.9 Density

Pipe density akan secara otomatis terisi jika materialnya telah didefinisikan

Fluid density dapat dinyatakan dalam specific gravity (SG) misalnya : 0.85 SG

Nilai untuk Insulation Density dapat dilihat pada tabel disamping ini

Chapter III Piping Input


Pipe Density

The appropriate pipe density is filled in automatically when a proper material number is input. This value may be overridden by the user at any time. It will then be the users value that gets column-duplicated through the remainder of the input.

Insulation Density

The appropriate insulation density should be entered which corresponds to the type of insulation being used. can be used to obtain a list of suggested densities, in the proper units. If this cell is left blank and an insulation thickness has been specified, CAESAR II uses a value of .006655 lbs/in 2 .

Fluid Density

When the internal fluid the piping system transports would significantly effect the weight loads, the fluid density should be specified. When the specific gravity of the fluid is known, it can be entered here instead of the density, eg. .85SG. Specific gravities are con-verted to the appropriate densities immediately on input. Note that to enter specific grav-ity, follow the numeric value with the two letters SG (no spaces); this value will then be converted to density.

Chapter III Piping Input

3.3 Menu Commands

3.3.1 File Menu

The File menu is used to perform actions associated with opening, closing and running the job file.

Chapter III Piping Input

New Creates a new CAESAR II job. CAESAR II prompts for the name of the new model.

Open Opens an existing CAESAR II job. CAESAR II prompts for the name

Save Saves the current CAESAR II job under its current name.

Save As Saves the current CAESAR II job under a new name.

Archive Allows the user to assign a password to prevent inadvert-ent alteration of the model or to enter the password to unlock the file.

Start Run Runs the job i.e., sends the model through interactive error checking. This is the first step of analysis, followed by the building of the static or dynamic load cases (see Chapter 6).

Chapter III Piping Input

Batch Run Performs a Batch Run (error checks the model in a

non-interactive way and halts only for fatal errors uses the existing or

default static load cases, and performs the static analysis). The next

stop is the output processor.

Print Allows the user to print out an input listing. CAESAR II

prompts the user for the data items to include.

Print Preview Provides print preview of input listing.

Print Setup Sets up the printer for the input listing.

Recent File List Open a file from the list of most recently used jobs.

Chapter III Piping Input

3.3.2 Edit Menu

The edit menu provides commands for cutting and pasting, navigating through the spread-sheets, and performing a few small utilities. These commands are:

Chapter III Piping Input

Continue Moves the spreadsheet to the next element in the model, adding a new element if there is no next element.

Insert Inserts an element either before or after the current element.

Chapter III Piping Input

Delete Deletes the current element.

Find Allows the user to find an element containing one or more named nodes (if two nodes are entered, the element must contain both nodes).

Chapter III Piping Input

Global Prompts the user to enter global (absolute) coordinates for

the first node of any disconnected segments.

Close Loop Closes a loop by filling in the delta coordinates

between two nodes on the spreadsheet.

Increment Gives the user the opportunity to change the automatic node increment.

Distance Calculates the distance between the origin and a node, or between two nodes.

List Presents the input data in an alternative, list format. This pro-vides the benefit of showing all of the element data in a context set-ting. The list format also permits block operations such as Duplicate,

Delete, Copy, Renumber on the element data.

Chapter III Piping Input

List Input Format

Gunakan : [Pg Dn], [Pg Up], Ctrl +[Home], Ctrl +[End] untuk berpindah ke element berikutnya

Chapter III Piping Input

3.3.3 Model Menu

The Model menu contains modeling aids, as well as means for entering associated, system wide information.

Chapter III Piping Input

Break Allows the user to break the element into two unequal length elements or into many equal length elements. A single node may be placed as a break point anywhere along the element, or multiple nodes may be placed at equal intervals (the node step interval between the From and To nodes determines the number of nodes placed). Break

Chapter III Piping Input

Val ve Allows the user to model a valve or flange from one of the CAESAR II data-bases.

Choosing a combination of Rigid Type, End Type, and Class constructs a rigid

element with the length and weight extracted from the database. Valve

Chapter III Piping Input Expansion joint

Expansion Joints Activates the Expansion Joint Modeler. This modeler automati-cally builds a complete assembly of the selected expansion joint style, using the bel-lows stiffnesses and rigid element weights extracted from one of the vendors expansion joint catalogues.

Chapter III Piping Input Job title

Title Allows the user to enter a job title up to sixty lines long.

Chapter III Piping Input

Hanger Design Control Data Prompts the user for system

wide hanger design cri-teria. Hanger Design Control Data

Chapter III Piping Input

3.4 Kaux Menu

Review SIFs at Intersection Nodes Allows the user to run what if tests on the Stress Intensification Factors of intersections.

Review SIFs at Bend Nodes Allows the user to run what if tests on the Stress Intensification Factors of selected bends.

Special Execution Parameters Allows the user to set options affecting the analysis of the current job. Items covered include ambient temperature, pressure stiffening, dis-placements due to pressure (Bourdon effect), etc.

Chapter III Piping Input

Special Execution Parameters

Chapter III Piping Input

Include Piping Input Files Allows the user to include other piping models in the current model. The same file may be included more than once by highlighting it in the list, then changing the rotation angle (ROTY) or nodal increment (Inc) before clicking the ADD button.

Chapter III Piping Input

Include Structural Input Files Allows the incorporation of structural models into the piping model.

Chapter III Piping Input

3.5 Plot

This menu option provides two types of graphics the traditional CAESAR II graphics, as well as a "sneak preview" of CAESAR IIs new 3-D graphics library. When selected, these graphics will replace CAESAR IIs traditional graphics.

Chapter III Piping Input

The model may be panned left, right, up, or down by using the [Home], [End], [PgUp], or [PgDn] keys respectively.

Zooming can be accomplished by clicking the mouse and dragging a box around the desired zoom area, or by using the + and - keys.

The model can be rotated by pressing the arrow keys.

Chapter III Piping Input

Additional commands are available for displaying, highlighting, or labeling the plot. Some of these are :

Volume Toggles between volume and centerline representation

while in line drawing mode.

Render Renders the piping model.

Wire Frame Draws the piping model in wire frame.

Line Drawing Switches to line drawing mode from render or wire


Highlight Changes drawing color based on element attributes.

Range Displays elements based on node ranges.

X View along X-axis.

Y View along Y-axis.

Z View along Z-axis.

Chapter III Piping Input

Southeast View in Southeast isometric mode.

4 View in all four modes simultaneously.

Restraints Displays non-anchor, non-hanger restraints.

Anchors Display anchors.

Hangers Displays hangers.

Forces Labels imposed forces.

Displacements Labels imposed displacements.

Nozzles Display flexible nozzles.

Nodes Labels plot with node numbers.

Length Labels plot with element lengths.

Chapter III Piping Input

The View Spreadsheet command allows the user to maintain both the plot and the spreadsheet on the screen simultaneously.

The current plot may be output to the clipboard, a bitmap (.BMP) file, or a printer through use of the Edit-Copy, File-Save As Bitmap, or File-Print com-mands, respectively.

Chapter III Piping Input

3.6 Alternative 3-D Graphics

CAESAR II provides a new preliminary 3-D graphics library called HOOPS...., which will be expanded in the future. Not all of the old graphics capabilities have been modified to support this new library. For this reason, two plot buttons can be found on the piping input spreadsheet. The icon with the "magnifying glass" produces the familiar graphics CAESAR II has always provided. The icon immediately to the left, a "magnifying glass with an H", produces graphics utilizing the new library. The toolbar controls for this new graphics library are discussed below.

Chapter III Piping Input

Reset Plot: Displays the plot in its default configuration.

Undo, Redo: Operate the plot in typical "undo / redo" fashion.

Zoom Window & Zoom Extents

Chapter III Piping Input

Predefined Views

--viewing down the "z" axis, to the "xy" plane

--viewing down the "y" axis, to the "xz" plane

--viewing down the x" axis, to the "yz" plane --the isometric view

Plot Manipulation

--activate an interactive rotation feature when the left mouse button is held down --activate a zoom in / out action when the left mouse button is held and the mouse is moved left or right

--activate an action when the left mouse button is held and the mouse is moved

--a future "walk through" capability

Chapter III Piping Input

Nodes: Places the node numbers on the plot.

Fill: Present the plot in variety of modes.

--Gouraud Shading

--hidden line

--wire frame

--double line (volume)

--single line

Chapter III Piping Input

Element Selection

--Single element selection (clicking), the active spreadsheet is changed to the element selected.

--Group element selection (drag mouse for window around group).

Annotate, Plot Information, and Save as Tiff File

Plot Colors: produces a dialog which allows the user to specify the colors used for various plot entities (pipes, valves, background, etc).

Chapter III Piping Input

Plot Projection

--perspective projection

--orthographic projection

--stretched projection

Display Restraints

--plot all restraints except anchors

--plot anchors

--plot spring hangers

Select by Single Click

Clicking on elements when this option is selected causes the input spreadsheet for the chosen element to be displayed in the background. Additionally, a dialog box with basic element geometry information is updated within the plot window as shown in the following figure.

Chapter III Piping Input

Tampilan Grafik 3 D

Chapter III Piping Input

End of Chapter III

Diktat Caesar/Bab 04 P Error Checking....ppt

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis





Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

4.1. Error Checking

Static analysis cannot be performed until the error checking has been successfully completed.

Only after error checking is completed are the required analysis data files created.

CAESAR II does not allow an analysis to take place if the input has been changed and not successfully error checked.

Error Checking can only be done from the input spreadsheet, and is initiated by executing the Start Run or Batch Run commands from the toolbar, menu or the Quit options menu (the Quit options menu appears upon closing the spreadsheet).

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

4.2. Quit Options Menu

The Start Run command exits the input processor, starts the error checking procedure and returns the user to the Main Menu for further action.

The Batch Run command causes the program to check the input data, analyze the system, and present the results without any user interaction.

Batch processing focuses the users attention on the creation of input and the review of output by expediting the steps in between.

Once invoked, the error checker reviews the CAESAR II model and alerts the user to any possible errors, inconsistencies, etc. These items are presented to the user as Errors, Warnings, or Notes.

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

Errors are flagged when there is a problem with the model due to which analysis cannot continue. An example is if no length of element is defined for a piping element. This error must be corrected before continuing.

Example of

Fatal Error


Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

Warnings are flagged whenever there is a problem with a model which can be overcome using some assumptions. An example of this would be if an elements wall thickness is insufficient to meet the minimum wall thickness for the given pressure (hoop stress). Warnings need not be corrected in order to get a successful analysis, but all warnings should be reviewed carefully by the user as they are displayed.

Example of



Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

Note Dialog, this third category of alert is the informational note. These messages simply inform the user of some noteworthy fact related to the model. An example of a note may be a message informing the user of the number of hangers to be designed by the CAESAR II program. For notes, there is nothing for the user to correct.

Example of

Note Dialog

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis


4.3. Available Commands for Error Checking

OK Indicates that the message has been reviewed by the user, and the error checking should continue.

Cancel Cancels error checking and returns to the Main Menu.

File Print Prints the most recent message.

File - Print All Prints all messages.

Option Restart Restarts the error checking process.

Option - Fatal Only Causes the program to display only fatal

error messages, ignoring notes and warnings.

Option Off Turns off, or ignores subsequent occurrences of, the most recently displayed message.

Option - Return Returns to the piping input processor.

This is generally selected when a fatal error must be fixed.

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

Once error checking has been completed, the program then performs a few miscellaneous calculations such as those for nozzle flexibilities and the center of gravity report (these calculations may be printed out with the Miscellaneous Data reports in the Static Output Processor).

Once the model has been successfully error-checked, the user must generate the required files in order to continue the analysis. This is done by pressing OK with the Generate Files option selected on the closing dialog.

4.4. Error Checking Closing Dialog

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

4.5. Building Static Load Cases

The first step in the analysis of an error-checked piping model is the specification of the static load cases. This is done by selection of the Analysis-Static options from the CAESAR II Main Menu (model should be error free).

Upon entering the static load case editor, a screen appears which lists all of the available loads that are defined in the input, the available stress types, and the current load cases offered for analysis. If the job is entering static analysis for the first time, CAESAR II presents a list of recommended load cases. If the job has been run previously, the loads shown are those saved during the last session.

A typical load case editor screen is shown below:

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

The user can define up to ninety-nine load cases.

Load cases may be edited by clicking on a line in the Load List area.

Only the load components listed in the upper left-hand portion of the screen may be specified in the load cases. The entries must be identical to what is shown on the screen.

Available stress types are specified at the end of the load case entry in parentheses. Stress type determines the stress calculation method and the allowable stress to use (if any).

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

Edit-Insert This command inserts a blank load case preceding the currently selected line in the load list. If no line is selected, the load case is added at the end of the list. Load cases are selected by clicking on the number to the left of the load case.

Edit-Delete This command deletes the currently selected load case.

File Analysis This command accepts the load cases and runs the job.

Recommend This command allows the user to replace the cur-rent load cases with the CAESAR II recommended load cases.

Load Cycles This button alternatively hides or displays the Load Cycles field in the Load Case list. Entries in these fields are only valid / required for load cases defined with the fatigue stress types.

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

4.6. Providing Wind Data

Up to four different wind load cases may be specified for any one job.

The only wind load information that is specified in the piping input is the shape factor. It is this shape factor input that causes load cases WIN1, WIN2, WIN3, and WIN4 to be listed as an available load to be analyzed.

More wind data is required, however, before an analysis can be made. When wind loads are used in the model, CAESAR II makes available the screen to define the extra wind load data. Once defined, this input is stored and may be changed on subsequent entries into the static analysis processor.

To specify the wind data needed for the analysis select the tab entitled Wind Load for the appropriate wind load case. The screen shown below appears:

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

4.7. Specifying Hydrodynamic Parameters

Up to four different hydrodynamic load cases may be specified for any one job.

Several hydrodynamic coefficients are defined on the element spreadsheet. The inclusion of hydrodynamic coefficients causes the loads WAV1, WAV2, WAV3, and WAV4 to be available in the load case editor.

A CAESAR II hydrodynamic loading dialog is shown in the following figure.

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

4.8. Execution of Static Analysis

The static analysis performed by CAESAR II follows the regular finite element solution routine. Element stiffness are combined to form a global system stiffness matrix.

Each basic load case defines a set of loads for the ends of all the elements. These elemental load sets are combined into system load vectors.

Using the relationship of force equals stiffness times displacement (F=KX), the unknown system deflections and rotations can be calculated.

The known parameters, however, may change during the analysis as hanger sizing, non-linear supports, and friction all affect both the stiffness matrix and load vectors.

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

The root solution from this equation, the system-wide deflections and rotations, is used with the element stiffness to determine the global (X,Y,Z) forces and moments at the end of each element. These forces and moments are translated into a local coordinate system for the element from which the code-defined stresses are calculated.

Forces and moments on anchors, restraints, and fixed displacement points are summed to balance all global forces and moments entering the node.

Algebraic combinations of the basic load cases pick up this process where appropriate - at the displacement, force & moment, or stress level.

Once the setup for the solution is complete the calculation of the displacements and rotations is repeated for each of the basic load cases. During this step, the Incore Solution status screen appears.

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

Incore Solution Module

This screen serves as a monitor of the static analysis. The screen is broken down into several areas.

The area on the upper left reflects the size of the job by listing the number of equations to be solved and the bandwidth of the matrix which holds these equations. Multiplying the number of equations by the bandwidth gives a relative indication of the job size.

This area also lists the current load case being analyzed and the total number of basic load cases to be solved. The iteration count, as well as the current case number, shows how much work has already been completed

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

The right side of the solution screen provide information to the user regarding status of non linear restraints and hangers in the job. Nonlinear restraints status may be stepped through on an individual basis by using the [F2]/[F4] function keys.

In the lower left screen of the big box are two bar graphs which indicate where the program is in an individual solution. These bar graphs illustrate the speed of the solution.

By checking the data in this first box, an experienced user will have a good idea of how much longer to wait for the results.

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

Static Output Screen

Following the analysis of the system deflections and rotations, these results are post-processed in order to calculate the local forces, moments, and stresses for the basic load cases and all results for the algebraic combinations (e.g. DS1-DS2). Theses total system results are stored in a file with the suffix _P (e.g. TUTOR_P)*.

During this post processing, the Status screen lists the current element for which the forces and stresses are being calculated. Once the last elements stresses are computed, the output processor screen is presented. It is through this menu the graphic and tabular results of the analysis can be interactively reviewed by the user.

Notes :

The _A or input file or the _P or output file are all that is required to archive the static analysis.

The remaining scratch files may be eliminated from the system without any impact on the work completed.

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

4.9. Notes on CAESAR II Load Cases

Definition of a Load Case

In CAESAR II terms, a load case is a group of piping system loads that are analyzed together, i.e., that are assumed to be occurring at the same time. An example of a load case is an operating analysis composed of the thermal, deadweight, and pressure loads together. Another is an as-installed analysis of deadweight loads alone.

A load case may also be composed of the combinations of the results of other load cases; for example, the difference in displacements between the operating and installed cases. No matter what the contents of the load case, it always produces a set of reports in the output which list restraint loads, displacements and rotations, internal forces, moments, and stresses.

Because of piping code definitions of calculation methods and/or allowable stresses, the load cases are also tagged with a stress category. For example, the combination mentioned above might be tagged as an EXPansion stress case.

The piping system loads which compose the basic (non-combination) load sets relate to various input items found on the piping input screen. The table below lists the individual load set designations, their names and the input items which make them available for analysis.

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

Designation Name Input items which activate this load case

DesignationNameInput items which activate this load case

WDeadweightPipe Density, Insulation Density (with insulation thickness), Fluid Density, or Rigid Weight

WNCWeightPipe Density, Insulation Density (with insulation thickness), Rigid Weight

T1T2T3...T9Thermal Set 1Thermal Set 2Thermal Set 3...Thermal Set 9Temperature #1 Temperature #2Temperature #3...Temperature #9

P1P2P3...P9Pressure Set 1Pressure Set 2Pressure Set 3...Pressure Set 9Pressure #1 Pressure #2Pressure #3...Pressure #9

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

Designation Name Input items which activate this load case


DesignationNameInput items which activate this load case

D1D2D3...D9Displacement Set 1Displacement Set 2Displacement Set 3...Displacement Set 9Displacements (1st vector)Displacements (2nd vector).Displacements (3rd vector)....Displacements (9th vector)


F2F3...F9Force Set 1

Force Set 2Force Set 3...Force Set 9Forces/Moments (1st vector), cold spring (Material # 18 or 19), and spring initial loadsForces/Moments (2nd vector)Forces/Moments (3rd vector)...Forces/Moments (9th vector)

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

Designation Name Input items which activate this load case


Note :

Available piping system loads are displayed on the left hand side of the Static Load Case screen.

DesignationNameInput items which activate this load case

WIN1WIN2WIN3WIN4Wind Load 1Wind Load 2Wind Load 3Wind Load 4Wind Shape FactorWind Shape FactorWind Shape FactorWind Shape Factor

WAV1WAV2WAV3WAV4Wave Load 1Wave Load 2Wave Load 3Wave Load 4Wave Load OnWave Load OnWave Load OnWave Load On

U1U2U3Uniform LoadsUniform LoadsUniform LoadsUniform Loads (1st vector)Uniform Loads (2nd vector)Uniform Loads (3rd vector)

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

Basic load cases may consist of a single load such as WNC for an as-installed weight analysis, or they may include several loads added together such as W+T1+P1+D1+F1 for an operating analysis. The stress categories: SUStained, EXPansion, OCCasional, OPErating, and FATigue are specified at the end of the load case definition. The complete definition of the two examples are: WNC (SUS) and W+T1+P1+D1+F1 (OPE). Each basic load case is entered in this manner in a list for analysis.

Note : Available stress types are displayed in the lower left hand side of the Static Load Case screen.

Results of the basic load cases may be combined using algebraic combination cases. These algebraic combinations are always entered following the last of the basic load cases. Combinations of basic load cases are designated using the prefix DS, FR or ST to indicate whether the combination is done at the displacement, force, or stress level respectively followed by a number indicating the order of the basic load case in the load list. The two former combinations (DS and FR) are done algebraically (signs are considered), while the last (ST) is combined absolutely. Combination load cases should also have stress types assigned.

Note : Summing load cases at the DS level is important when signs must be considered, such as for a EXPansion case,. Summing load case results at the ST level is important when stresses must be combined absolutely, as for an OCCasional case.

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

LoadCase Designation Comments

1 W+T1+P1+D1+F1 (OPE)The operating Load Case

2 W+P1+F1 (SUS) The installed Load Case (for sustained stress


3U1(OCC)A uniform Load Case modeling a seismic load

DS1-DS2(EXP)The difference between the displacements of

Load Case #1 (operating) minus the displacements

of Load Case #2 (installed); the displacement range

of the piping; used to calculate expansion stress range

going from cold to hot.

ST2+ST3(OCC) The stresses from Load Case #2 (sustained) plus

the stresses from Load Case #3 (occasional);

used to compare the occasional stresses with their


A Valid example of algebraic combinations of load cases

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis

Case # 1W+D1+T1+P1+F1 (OPE) ....OPERATING



Recommended Load Cases

Most users will specify only one temperature and one pressure. Such input would simplify the recommended cases to:

Chapter IV Error Checking, Static Load Cases, and Analysis






Recommended Load Cases for Hanger Selection

A typical set of recommended load cases for a single operating load case spring hanger design appears as follows:

Diktat Caesar/Bab 05 Static Ouput Processor.ppt

Chapter V Static Output Processor


Static Output Processor

Chapter V Static Output Processor

5.1 Entry Into the Static Output Processor

With the completion of a static analysis the CAESAR II output screen automatically

appears, allowing interactive review of the analytical results. The static results may also be accessed anytime after the analysis has been completed through the CAESAR II Main Menu option - OUTPUT-STATIC.

Chapter V Static Output Processor

Processor Screen

Chapter V Static Output Processor

It is from this screen that the user orchestrates all output review activity. The user may

Interactively review 80 or 132 column terminal reports for any selected combination of load cases and/or report types.

Print or save to file copies of 80 or 132 column reports for any combination of load cases and/or report types.

Add Title lines to output reports.

Review results in a graphical manner.

The CAESAR II output processor was designed so that piping results could be quickly reviewed in tabular form, graphically, or using any combination of tabular or graphical approaches.

Chapter V Static Output Processor

File-Open Opens a different job for output review. The user is prompted for the file to be opened.

File-Save Saves the selected reports to a disk file. The user is initially rompted for the file name. Upon closing, or exit, a Table of Contents is added to the file.

File-Print Prints the selected reports. Upon closing, or exiting, a Table of Contents is printed. This is described later in the chapter.

View-Reports Displays the selected reports on the terminal. This permits the analysis data to be reviewed interactively in text format. After selecting the desired combination of one or more active load cases with any combination of report options and executing the View-Reports command, each report is presented one at a time for inspection..

Available Command

Chapter V Static Output Processor

Animation Allows the user to view graphic animation of the displacement solution.

Input Returns to the piping input processor.

Enter Titles Allows the user to enter report titles for this group of reports. CAESAR II allows the user to customize the report with a two line title or description. This title may be assigned once for all load case reports sent to the printer or a disk drive; or the title may be changed for each individual report before it is moved to the output device. When CAESAR II receives this command a dialog prompts for the titles.

Chapter V Static Output Processor

Plot This command allows the user to superimpose analytical results onto a plot of the system model. This is described in more detail later in the chapter.

132 Column Reports This checkbox selects the 132 column report over the 80 column report. 132 column reports often carry more information than the 80 column reports, but require compressed fonts or wide paper.

5.2 Report Options

For most load cases (except hanger design and fatigue) there are seven different report options that can be selected for review.

Chapter V Static Output Processor

1. Displacements

Translations and rotations for each degree of freedom are reported at each node in the model.

Chapter V Static Output Processor

2. Restraints

Forces and moments on each restraint in the model are reported. There is a separate report generated for each load case selected.

Chapter V Static Output Processor

3. Restraint Summary

Similar to the restraint report, this option provides force and moment data for all valid selected load cases together on one report.

Chapter V Static Output Processor

4. Global Element Forces

Forces and moments on the piping are reported for each node in the model.

Chapter V Static Output Processor

5. Local Element Forces

Forces and moments have been transferring into the CAESAR II local coordinate system.

Chapter V Static Output Processor

6. Stresses

SIFs and Code Stresses are reported for each node in the model.

The code stresses are compared to the Allowable stress at each node as a percentage.

Note that stresses are not computed at nodes on rigid elements.

Chapter V Static Output Processor

7. Sorted Stresses

Bending, Torsion, and Code Stress each are sorted from highest to lowest value with corresponding node numbers.

Chapter V Static Output Processor

5.3 Notes on Printing or Saving Reports to a File

The tabular results brought to the screen may be sent directly to a printer in either a 132 or 80 column format.

To print a hard copy of the reports, Execute the File-Print command.

Different combinations of load cases and report types may be chosen, each followed by the File-Print command, to create a single report.

Typically, the set of output reports that a user might wish to print out for documentation purposes might be:

Chapter V Static Output Processor

To send reports to a file (in ASCII format) rather than the printer, the user should execute the FILE-SAVE command. Upon initial selection, the user is presented with a file dialog to select the name of the file. To change the file name for a new report, the user should select FILE-SAVE AS.

All reports that are to be saved in the output file need not be declared at one time. Subsequent reports sent to the file during the session are appended to the file started in the session. (These output files are only closed and overwritten when a new output device, such as a printer, or another file, is defined.)

Chapter V Static Output Processor

5.4 Notes on Plotting Static Results

The CAESAR II output plotting is quite comprehensive. The new user is encouraged to liberally experiment with all output options, noting which in particular seems most appropriate for a given application.

Chapter V Static Output Processor

The output graphics are very similar to input graphics. In addition, calculated results may be displayed on the plot.

Displaced shapes may be shown for the final loaded condition or may be shown in progressive steps as the system is loaded.

Displacements along any global axis can be sorted and displayed. Values are printed one at a time from the largest to the smallest.

Symbolic or numeric forces, moments, and stresses may be superimposed on the displaced shape plot.

Restraints, and their line of action, can be shown graphically or numerically on the displayed plot.

Hard copies of the graphics may be sent to a printer from the plot menu directly.

Maximum SIFs, and section modulus can be displayed on the plotted geometry.

Force, moment, and stress data can be sorted and displayed from the largest to the smallest, and can be plotted symbolically as variable size arrowheads or explosion symbols.

Any number of different load cases can be reviewed without leaving the plot mode. The current load case to be processed is set via the Load Case drop down.

Chapter V Static Output Processor

SHOWing Results on the Plot

The variety of CAESAR II output plot functions are accessed from the Show menu. This menu is broken into submenus - these are Displacements, Restraints, Forces/Moments and Stress. These are described below:

Main Show Menu

Chapter V Static Output Processor

1. Displacement Sub Menu:

Deflected Shape Overlays the scaled deflected shape of the displayed geometry onto the current plot for the currently selected load case.

Grow Shows progressive displaced shapes of the geometry on the current plot, for the currently selected load case.

Scale Lets the user specify the deflected shape plot scale factor.

Maximum Displacement X Allows the user to put the actual magnitude for X displacements on the currently displayed geometry. It starts with highest for given direction, then puts 2nd, 3rd highest, etc., until the user escapes.

Maximum Displacement Y Allows the user to put the actual magnitude for Y displacements on the currently displayed geometry. It starts with highest for given direction, then puts 2nd, 3rd highest, etc., until the user escapes.

Maximum Displacement Z Allows the user to put the actual magnitude for Z displacements on the currently displayed geometry. It starts with highest for given direction, then puts 2nd, 3rd highest, etc., until the user escapes.

Chapter V Static Output Processor

2. Restraints Sub Menu:

Restraints Puts restraint symbols on the displayed plot. Restraints are plotted as arrow heads, with the direction of the arrow indicating the direction of the force exerted by the restraint on the piping system.

Hangers Puts restraint symbols on the plot indicating the action of the spring hangers.

Scale Allows the user to specify the scale at which the restraint symbols are plotted.

Forces-X Puts the magnitudes of the FX restraint loads on the plot.

Forces-Y Puts the magnitudes of the FY restraint loads on the plot.

Forces-Z Puts the magnitudes of the FZ restraint loads on the plot.

Moments-X Puts the magnitude of the MX restraint loads on the plot.

Moments-Y Puts the magnitude of the MY restraint loads on the plot.

Moments-Z Puts the magnitude of the MZ restraint loads on the plot.

Chapter V Static Output Processor

3. Forces/Moments Sub Menu :

Forces-X Displays all of the element forces acting in the X direction on the plot.

Forces-Y Displays all of the element forces acting in the Y direction on the plot.

Forces-Z Displays all of the element forces acting in the Z direction on the plot.

Moment-X Displays all of the element moments acting in the X direction on the plot.

Moment-Y Displays all of the element moments acting in the Y direction on the plot.

Moment-Z Displays all of the element moments acting in the Z direction on the plot.

Chapter V Static Output Processor

Maximum-FX Sorts all elemental forces acting in the X direction and prints them one at a time from the highest to the lowest. Forces are displayed one at a time until the user escapes.

Maximum-FY Sorts all elemental moments acting in the Y direction and prints them one at a time from the highest to the lowest. Forces are displayed one at a time until the user escapes.

Maximum-FZ Sorts all elemental forces acting in the Z direction and prints them one at a time from the highest to the lowest. Forces are displayed one at a time until the user escapes.

Maximum-MX Sorts all elemental moments acting in the X direction moments and prints them one at a time from the highest to the lowest. Moments are displayed one at a time until the user escapes.

Maximum-MY Sorts all elemental moments acting in the Y direction moments and prints them one at a time from the highest to the lowest. Moments are displayed one at a time until the user escapes.

Chapter V Static Output Processor

Maximum-MZ Sorts all elemental moments acting in the Z direction moments and prints them one at a time from the highest to the lowest. Moments are displayed one at a time until the user escapes.

Symbol-FX Puts arrowhead symbols on the plot with a size relative to the magni-tude of the X direction force acting on the element at that point. The user is given the opportunity to alter the scaled symbol size.

Symbol-FY Puts arrowhead symbols on the plot with a size relative to the magni-tude of the Y direction force acting on the element at that point. The user is given the opportunity to alter the scaled symbol size.

Symbol-FZ Puts arrowhead symbols on the plot with a size relative to the magni-tude of the Z direction force acting on the element at that point. The user is given the opportunity to alter the scaled symbol size.

Chapter V Static Output Processor

Symbol-MX Puts arrowhead symbols on the plot with a size relative to the magnitude of the X direction moments acting on the element at that point. The user is given the opportunity to alter the scaled symbol size.

Symbol-MY Puts arrowhead symbols on the plot with a size relative to the magnitude of the Y direction moments acting on the element at that point. The user is given the opportunity to alter the scaled symbol size.

Symbol-MZ Puts arrowhead symbols on the plot with a size relative to the magnitude of the Z direction moments acting on the element at that point. The user is given the opportunity to alter the scaled symbol size.

Chapter V Static Output Processor

4. Stress Sub Menu:

Overstress Displays overstressed points and their magnitude. Overstressed conditions are only detected for load cases where a code compliance check was done (i.e., where there are allowable stresses available).

Maximum Displays stresses one at a time from the largest to the smallest values, until the user escapes.

Bending Displays all bending stresses on the displayed geometry.

Torsional Displays all the torsional stresses on the displayed geometry.

Axial Displays all the axial stresses on the displayed geometry.

Code Displays all calculated code stress values on the displayed geometry.

Chapter V Static Output Processor

Symbol Bending Puts explosion symbols on the plot with a size proportional to stress at the point. The user is given the opportunity to alter the scaled symbol size.

Symbol Torsional Same as above, for torsional stress.

Symbol Axial Same as above, for axial stress.

Symbol Code Same as above, for code stress.

Color-Bending Plots the piping system in a range of colors, where the color corresponds to the value of the bending stress (colors and corresponding stress levels are set in the Configuration/Setup module).

Color-Torsional Plots the piping system in a range of colors, where the color corresponds to the value of the torsional stress (colors and corresponding stress levels are set in the Configuration/Setup module).

Chapter V Static Output Processor

Color-Axial Plots the piping system in a range of colors, where the color corresponds to the value of the axial stress (colors and corresponding stress levels are set in the Configuration/Setup module).

Color-Code Plots the piping system in a range of colors, where the color corresponds to the value of the bending stress (colors and corresponding stress levels are set in the Configuration/Setup module).

SIF Displays the maximum stress intensification factor for each element on the displayed plot.

Section Modulus Displays the section modulus of each element on the plot.

Chapter V Static Output Processor

5.5 Notes on Animation of Static Results

CAESAR II allows the user to view the piping system as it moves to the displaced position of the basic load cases. To animate the static results, execute the View-Animate command. The following screen appears:

Animated Graphic Screen

The animated plot menu has several plot selections.

Motion and Volume Motion are the commands to activate the animation. Motion uses centerline representation while Volume Motion produces volume graphics.

The desired load case may be selected from the drop down list. Animations may be sped up or slowed down or stopped using the toolbars.

Diktat Caesar/Bab 06 Bends.ppt

Chapter VI Bends



Chapter VI Bends

Bends are defined by the element entering the bend and the element leaving the bend.

The input for the element leaving the bend must follow the element entering the bend

Bend radius defaults to 1 1/2 times the pipe nominal diameter (long radius), but may bechanged to any other value

The From point on the element is located at the 0-degree point of the bend

If the total length of the element as specified in the DX, DY, and DZ fields is equal to:

R tan ( / 2)

6.1 Bend Definition

Chapter VI Bends

Example :

Chapter VI Bends

6.2 Single and Double Flanged Bends or Stiffened Bends



Chapter VI Bends

6.3 180 Degree Return (Fitting-To-Fitting 90o Bends)

Chapter VI Bends

6.4 Mitered Bends

1. Closely spaced

2. Widely spaced

* Number of Cuts (N)

* Equivalent radius (Req)

or miter spacing (S)

Req = S / [ 2 tan( ) ]


B = S [ 1 - ro / Req ]

Length of miter segment at crotch

Chapter VI Bends

6.5 Closely Spaced Mitered Bend

S < r [ 1 + tan () ]

B31.1 :

B > 6 tn


Chapter VI Bends

6.6 Widely Spaced Mitered Bend

S > r [ 1 + tan () ]

B31.1 :


R = r [ 1 + tan () ]/2

Chapter VI Bends

Widely Spaced Mitered Bend


Chapter VI Bends

6.7 Elbows - Different Wall Thickness

Diktat Caesar/Bab 07 Restraints.ppt

Chapter VII Restraints



Chapter VII Restraints

7.1 Anchors

Connecting node

(rigidly fix)

Stiff : 6 DOF

Chapter VII Restraints

7.2 Anchors with Displacement

Displacement for

the node

Dis : 6 DOF

Chapter VII Restraints

7.3 Flexible Anchors

Use six flexible restraints

Put :

4 restraints on first element

2 restraints on next element

Chapter VII Restraints

7.4 Flexible Anchors with Predefined Displacement

Use six flexible restraints

Put :

* 4 restraints on first element

* 2 restraints on next element

* Define connecting node


* Spec : displacement

Chapter VII Restraints

Flexible Anchors with Predefined Displacement


Chapter VII Restraints

7.5 Flexible Nozzle (WRC Bulletin 297)

Adhere to these requirements when modeling flexible nozzles:

Frame only one pipe element into the nozzle node.

Do not place restraints at the nozzle node.

Do not place anchors at the nozzle node.

Do not specify displacements for the nozzle node.

CAESAR II automatically performs the following functions:

calculates nozzle flexibilities for the nozzle/vessel data entered

by the user

calculates and inserts restraints to simulate the nozzle


calculates flexibilities for the axial translations,

circumferential, and longitudinalbending

Chapter VII Restraints

Example :

Chapter VII Restraints

7.5.1 Flexible Nozzle with Predefined Displacements

Define a unique vessel node on the Nozzle Spreadsheet

Applly the predefined displacement to the vessel node

Chapter VII Restraints

7.5.2 Flexible Nozzle with Complete Vessel Model

Define a unique vessel node on the Nozzle Spreadsheet

Model the actual vessel length using pipe element

Use an anchor to model the vessel anchorage point

Run a rigid element between the vessel node defined on the Nozzle Spreadsheet and the centerline of the vessel

Chapter VII Restraints

Example : Full WRC 297 and Vessel


Chapter VII Restraints

7.6 Double Acting Restraints



Chapter VII Restraints

7.7 Single-Directional Restraints

+Y : move freely pos Y

: restraints neg Y

CNode : Connecting Node

Chapter VII Restraints

7.8 Guide

Double-acting restraints with or without a specified gap.

Connecting Nodes (CNode) can be used with guides.

May be using the global coordinate or restraints type GUI

A guide pipe in horizontal : acting in the horizontal plane, orthogonal to the axis of pipe

A guide vertical pipe : X and Z direction supports

Direction cosines : compute by CAESAR II

Chapter VII Restraints

Example :

Chapter VII Restraints

7.9 Limit Stops

Single or double-acting restraint whose line of action is along the axis the pipe

The sign on the single-directional restraints : unlimited free movement

The gab is the distance of permitted free movement along the restraints line of action

Always positive, restraints type : LIM

Connecting Nodes (Cnode) may be used with any Limit Stop Model

Chapter VII Restraints

Example :

Chapter VII Restraints

7.10 Windows

Equal leg windows are modeled using two double-acting restraints with gaps orthogonal to the pipe axis.

Unequal leg windows are modeled using four single-acting restraints with gaps orthogonal to the pipe axis.

The gap is always positive. If there is no sign, then the restraint is double-acting and the gap exists on both sides of the line of action of the restraint. If there is a sign on the restraint then the gap exists on the restrained line of action of the restraint, i.e. a +Y restraint is restrained against movement in the -Y direction, and any gap associated with a +Y restraint is the free movement in the -Y direction before the restraint begins acting.

Chapter VII Restraints

Chapter VII Restraints

7.11 Rotational Directional Restraints with Gaps

Chapter VII Restraints

7.12 Single Directional Restraints with Predefined Displacement

Chapter VII Restraints

7.13 Single-



and Guide

Chapter VII Restraints

7.14 Restraint


Single directional restraints

Predefined displacement

Chapter VII Restraints

7.15 Skewed Double-Acting Restraint

Chapter VII Restraints

7.16 Skewed Single-Directional Restraint

May be non linear


Direction cosines

A long positive line of action

Connecting Nodes (Cnode) can be used

Chapter VII Restraints

7.17 Restraint Between Two Pipes

(Use of CNodes)

Chapter VII Restraints

7.18 Restraint Between Vessel and Pipe Models

CNode connecting pipe to rigid element (vessel shell)

Linear or nonlinear

Chapter VII Restraints

7.19 Restraints on a Bend at 45o

Rigid rod

Single direction restraints

Move freely +Y direction

Chapter VII Restraints


Restraints on a Bend at 30o and 60o

3 nodes angle

0o near point

To node

far point

Chapter VII Restraints

7.20 Vertical Dummy Leg on Bends

7.20.1 Near/Far Point Method

Easy input

Dummy leg acts along centerline of vertical run

Dummy leg does not act at the proper place on the bend curvature

7.20.2 On Curvature Method

Easy input

Dummy leg acts at the proper place on the bend curvature

Dummy leg does not act along the centerline of the vertical run

7.20.3 Offset Element Method

Difficult input

Dummy leg acts at the proper place on the bend curvature

Dummy leg acts along centerline of vertical run

Chapter VII Restraints

Chapter VII Restraints

7.21 Vertical Leg AttachmentAngle

Chapter VII Restraints

7.22 Horizontal Dummy Leg on Bends

Dummy leg is defined as a zero-eight

rigid supported on one

end by a spring can.

Chapter VII Restraints

7.23 Large Rotation Rods (Basic Model)




Gap Len

Mu Fi

Tolerance : 1o

swing : 5o

+Y or Y


Chapter VII Restraints

7.24 Large Rotation Rods (Chain Supports)

Large rotation swing : chain support (Y-Z plane)

two pipes : move freely relative to each other in the axial direction (Y-X) plane

Chapter VII Restraints

7.25 Large Rotation Rods

Stif, Len, Fi : must be filled

with or without CNode

Spring Hangers

Constant Effort


Very small

Chapter VII Restraints

7.26 Large Rotation Rods (Struts)

Rod pull up Large rotation effect.

Bilinear : 2 direction Type

Stif K1 (Initial Stiffness)

Gap K2 (Yield Stiffness)

Mu Fy ( Yield Load)

Chapter VII Restraints


Chapter VII Restraints

Plastic Hinges


Plastic deformation

Plastic hinge




Bi-linear restraints

Chapter VII Restraints

7.27 Sway Brace Assemblies

Example: Sway Brace Installed in the Cold Position

Spring rate: 150 lb/in.

Initial loading: 150 lb

Allowed movement: 3 in.

Eliminate vibration

Cold position

single compression spring

preventing additional movement

Chapter VII Restraints

Example: Sway Brace Installed in the Operating Condition

Spring rate: 150 lb/in.

Initial loading: 150 lb

Allowed movement: 3.0 in.

Calculated displacement: .5 in.

First :

Analyze without the sway brace displacement

CAESAR II 0.5 (D2, Vector 2)

Load on sway brace =

Pre-Load + Hot deflection*Spring Rate

Chapter VII Restraints


Diktat Caesar/Bab 08 Hanger.ppt

Chapter VIII Hangers




Chapter VIII Hangers


8.1 General Information

Input Piping Model Hanger Design Control Data

Zero load constant effort suppor

Stiff (Default) : 1.0E12

Chapter VIII Hangers


8.2 Simple Hanger Design

No additional input

Globally (in hanger control)

locally (on each hanger auxiliary data area)

Note that a number of the parameters

from the hanger control sheet also show up on the individual hanger auxiliary data fields.

Chapter VIII Hangers


8.3 Single Can Design

distance between

the pipe support and the concrete foundation, or baseplate.

Indicate that the pipe is supported from below by entering a negative number in the

Hanger/Can Available Space field on the hanger spreadsheet.

Chapter VIII Hangers


8.4 Constant Effort Support Design

Constant effort support

Very small allowable travel

0.01 in

Chapter VIII Hangers


8.5 Inputting Constant Effort Supports (No Design)

1. Enter the constant effort support load (per hanger) in the Predefined Hanger Data field.

2. Enter the number of constant support hangers at the location.

Step :

Chapter VIII Hangers


8.6 Entering Existing Springs (No Design)

1. Enter the Spring Rate and the Theoretical Cold Load (installation load, on a per hanger basis) in the Predefined Hanger Data fields.

2. Enter the number of Variable Support Hangers at the location.

Step :

Theoretical Cold Load = Hot Load + Travel * Spring Rate

Chapter VIII Hangers


8.7 Multiple Can Design

Positive number

Chapter VIII Hangers


8.8 Old Spring Redesign

the hanger table

the number of springs at the location

the old spring rate

Chapter VIII Hangers


8.9 Pipe and Hanger Supported From Vessel

Connecting nodes associated with hangers and cans function just like connecting nodes

with restraints.

Connecting node displacements are incorporated in the hanger design algorithm.

Chapter VIII Hangers


8.10 Hanger Design with Support Thermal Movement

The hanger at node 9 is supported from a structural steel extension off of a large vertical

vessel. The vessel at the point where the hanger is attached grows thermally in the plus Y

direction approximately 3.5 in.

Chapter VIII Hangers


8.11 Hanger Between Two Pipes

The directive Connect Geometry through CNodes must be turned off in the

Configuration Setup to avoid plot and geometry errors.

Node on the pipe passing overhead

Rigid element

Chapter VIII Hangers


8.12 Hanger Design with Anchors in the Vicinity

the anchor at 5 is freed in the Y-direction, the anchor at 105 is freed in all directions.

Chapter VIII Hangers


8.13 Hanger Design with User-Specified Operating Load

In this configuration, freeing the anchors at 5 and 60 didnt help the thermal case nozzle loads. It w