142 Jadwal Uts IP

Post on 20-Dec-2015

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Transcript of 142 Jadwal Uts IP


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23 Senin 04-Mei-15 1 3 Industrial Electronics ab 4 4 Int. Program Bagus Made Arthaya,Dr. Ir.,M.Eng. 34 4/15

32 Senin 04-Mei-15 1 4 Physics II ab 2 2 Int. Program SISMANTO,Prof. Dr.,M.Si. 41 4/1053 Selasa 05-Mei-15 2 2 Calculus II a 2 2 Int. Program R M Sisdarmanto Adinandra,,S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. 19 4/1154 Selasa 05-Mei-15 2 2 Calculus II b 2 2 Int. Program Epha Diana Supandi S.Si.,M.Sc. 23 3/1265 Selasa 05-Mei-15 2 3 Production Planning and Control ab 4 3 Int. Program Raden Chairul Saleh,Prof. Dr. Ir.,M.Sc. 50 2/666 Selasa 05-Mei-15 2 3 Production Planning and Control c 4 3 Int. Program Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo,,S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. 11 2/11

88 Rabu 06-Mei-15 3 1 Information System Analysis and Design a 6 3 Int. Program PUNANG AMARIPUJA,,S.E., M.Si. 22 3/19

109 Rabu 06-Mei-15 3 3 Occupational Safety and Health a 6 3 Int. Program Amarria Dila Sari,,S.T., M.Eng. 13 4/11

126 Kamis 07-Mei-15 4 1 Special Topic a 4 2 Int. Program Raden Chairul Saleh,Prof. Dr. Ir.,M.Sc. 12 2/11

137 Kamis 07-Mei-15 4 2 Product Design and Techno-Preneurships a 6 3 Int. Program Catharina Badra Nawangpalupi,,S.T., MES., MTD., Ph.D. 22 2/11

147 Kamis 07-Mei-15 4 3 Cost Analysis and Estimation a 4 2 Int. Program Sri Indrawati,,S.T., M.Eng. 25 3/10

163 Jum'at 08-Mei-15 5 1 Stochastic Model a 4 3 Int. Program Agus Mansur,,S.T., M.Eng.Sc. 24 2/11

172 Jum'at 08-Mei-15 5 2 Engineering Material ab 2 2 Int. Program Rudi Suhradi Rachmat,Dr. Ir.,M.Eng. 37 3/13

179 Jum'at 08-Mei-15 5 3 Decision Analysis and Data Mining a 6 3 Int. Program Harwati,,S.T., M.T. 40 4/5

189 Jum'at 08-Mei-15 5 4 Islamic Civilization and Thoughts a 4 2 Int. Program Aang Kunaepi,S Ag.,M.Ag. 23 2/11

210 Sabtu 09-Mei-15 6 3 Organization Design and Business Management a 4 4 Int. Program Rudi Suhradi Rachmat,Dr. Ir.,M.Eng. 27 2/10.

215 Senin 11-Mei-15 7 1 Scientific Writing and Communication ab 2 2 Int. Program Cithra Orisinilandri,,SS.,MA. 44 1/5

226 Senin 11-Mei-15 7 2 Market Analysis a 4 2 Int. Program MAJANG PALUPI,,BBA., MBA. 26 4/8

236 Senin 11-Mei-15 7 3 System Modeling a 6 2 Int. Program Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo,,S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. 23 2/13

260 Selasa 12-Mei-15 8 1 Ibadah and Akhlaq ab 2 2 Int. Program Aang Kunaepi,S Ag.,M.Ag. 37 2/14

274 Selasa 12-Mei-15 8 3 Design of Integrated Industrial System I a 6 2 Int. Program Bambang Suratno,,S.T., M.T. 23 3/6

282 Selasa 12-Mei-15 8 4 Matrix and Vector ab 2 3 Int. Program SOEBANAR,Prof., Dr., 44 2/12

293 Rabu 13-Mei-15 9 1 Probability Theory a 2 2 Int. Program Rohmatul Fajriyah,Dr.techn.,S.Si., M.Si. 26 2/13

294 Rabu 13-Mei-15 9 1 Probability Theory b 2 2 Int. Program IMAM DJATI WIDODO,,Dr. Drs.,M.Eng.Sc. 14 2/11

304 Rabu 13-Mei-15 9 2 Intelligent System a 6 2 Int. Program Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo,,S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. 25 2/13

313 Rabu 13-Mei-15 9 3 Work System Design and Ergonomics a 4 3 Int. Program Hartomo,Ir.,M.Sc.,Ph.D. 25 2/11

328 Jum'at 15-Mei-15 10 1 Environmental Science a 2 2 Int. Program Rudy Syahputra,,S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. 12 3/6

329 Jum'at 15-Mei-15 10 1 Environmental Science b 2 2 Int. Program Muchlis,Dr.,S.P., M.Sc. 25 2/11

345 Jum'at 15-Mei-15 10 3 Automation a 6 3 Int. Program Muhammad Ridwan AP ST.,M Sc. 4 Pps2

Catatan: Yogyakarta, 16 Mei 2015

Mata Kuliah 4 Sks Maksimum 120 Menit Khusus Hari Jum'at D e k a n

Ujian Jam Ke-1 : 08.00 - 10.00 Ujian Jam Ke-1 : 08.00 - 10.00

Ujian Jam Ke-2 : 10.15 - 12.15 Ujian Jam Ke-2 : 10.15 - 11.45

Ujian Jam Ke-3 : 12.45 - 14.45 Ujian Jam Ke-3 : 13.00 - 15.00

Ujian Jam Ke-4 : 15.00 - 17.00 R.PPS 1 .2. = RUANG PROGRAM PASCA SARJANA Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc.