Download - Why Smart Start? - Online Classroom - Hillsborough Schools


Why Smart Start? Florida's emergency order requires all schools to be open five days a week by August 31st. To meet these requirements, Hillsborough County Public Schools will begin eLearning for all students on August 24th and transition to brick and mortar on August 31st for students whose parents want them to come back.

Implementation Date Description August 24th All students will begin eLearning: Smart Start Week

August 31st Open all schools for all student populations whom the parent(s) would like face-to-face instruction.

"Smart Start Week" will provide a jumpstart for our learners and allow them to build a foundation for success while becoming accustomed to a new way of learning as well as new health and safety procedures. The model for Smart Start Week is provided below, followed by a description of each of the components:

Making Connec�ons Student & Family Outreach Smart Start week is our opportunity to reconnect with our students. While many of our students and families are excited to get back to school, some will be difficult to re-engage either because they don't have access to technology or no longer have the same contact informa�on. Here is some guidance on how to get a hold of those hard-to-reach students. Forms of Outreach • Use a Google Voice* number to reach out via phone and text • Call and text all phone numbers in EdConnect with a personalized message • If sent to voicemail, leave a detailed message with the op�on of responding via text • Email families using all emails listed in EdConnect with a personalized message • Connect through social media (not your personal accounts), but ones you create only for your class

Collabora�on • Collaborate with team members to see if the student has siblings who they have been able to contact • Divide and conquer when you are departmentalized and split your list of students for outreach

• Conduct a team approach and send joint texts to students when you are departmentalized • Work with Specials-Area teachers to see if they have addi�onal contact informa�on • Include ELL DRT if you need assistance with transla�on

Follow-Up • Once you get a hold of the parent, ask them for addi�onal contact numbers and individuals who you

can reach out to in the future • Email any updated contact numbers or emails to school's Data Processor for addi�on to EdConnect

*Google Voice Tips: • You can download the IOS, Android, or click this link to set up on the web. • Get a local area code. There are several 813 area code Google numbers s�ll available! • When calling someone, use the green buton on the app. If you use your contacts, your personal

phone number will show up. Introduc�ons Many students have not engaged socially with their peers for several months. Spend Smart Start week engaging in fun ac�vi�es to allow for social interac�on. Building rela�onships during the first week is cri�cal. Spend �me this week crea�ng classroom agreements. Allow students to take ownership of crea�ng classroom norms and expecta�ons. Student voice and prac�cing social and emo�onal learning skills are vital during elearning or brick and mortar. Click the following link for several engaging ac�vi�es to cul�vate authen�c rela�onships and community in the classroom: Culture Building Ac�vi�es. Acquiring Resources Although we have planned for schools to distribute resources to our eLearning students and families the week before Smart Start, we realize that there will be cases where students are unable to pick up materials. Use this week to iden�fy your eLearning students who have yet to pick up their textbooks, laptop, or other resources and arrange a �me for them to do so. Community Building Building a community online is cri�cal to a successful start to the school year. Although many of our students will be returning to brick and mortar, about half will remain on eLearning. Crea�ng a Community of Culture and Care (C4) in the classroom from day one, allows for teachers and students to build rela�onships, ask ques�ons, create classroom agreements and �me to build empathy in the classroom. Visit this link for more strategies on Crea�ng a Community and Culture of Care.

Se�ng Expecta�ons Daily Atendance K-12 homeroom teachers will record daily atendance and submit it in EdConnect by 11:00 a.m. Students must make contact with their teacher prior to 11:00 a.m. to count as present for daily atendance. ParentLink will go out district-wide at 1:00 p.m. for daily atendance. To facilitate the recording of atendance, especially on days without live interac�on with students, you can download the "HCPS Atendance for eLearning Survey" from Canvas Commons. The survey asks students to record their atendance by clicking on a picture that says, "Click Here to Record Your Atendance." Please set the survey to open at 12:00 a.m. and close at 11:00 a.m. The survey has zero points assigned and will not affect student grades. Two instruc�onal videos have been created, are housed in Canvas, and are linked here. One is a Teacher Video and the other is a Student Video. Tips for using "HCPS Attendance for eLearning Survey":

1. A�er impor�ng the quiz, give it a name appropriate for your course, e.g., Atendance August 24th. 2. Set the appropriate availability.

3. Duplicate the quiz from within the module as many �mes as you need to 4. Don't forget to update the quiz name and availability.

The image below shows how the survey will look in your gradebook. Students who have recorded their atendance will have a "0" out of "0". Those who did not record their atendance will have a dash "-"in the grade column. Please educate your students and parents about the atendance survey so they are comfortable seeing the atendance nota�on and understand it doesn't count for a grade.

Period Atendance: 6-12 teachers will con�nue to take period atendance, which can be done in mul�ple ways (Canvas poll, Zoom, assignment submission, discussion post, phone call, email, text). Please con�nue to submit atendance through EdConnect. Submi�ng Atendance through EdConnect: • Sign into EdConnect using Lawson # and Password. Please do not share your Lawson and Password

informa�on. • Put your cursor over the Atendance sec�on to begin the process • Click on the class roster • The Attendance roster will display • Verify that the expected class is displayed • Check the student's status (present or absent). • Students with no attendance ac�vity will default to present • Suspensions entered by the administrator is generated by a referral and can only be changed in the

EdConnect by an administrator • For each school day, Daily Atendance must be submited and confirmed, even if no students are

absent. Correc�on for atendance in EdConnect: • Teachers can make correc�ons to the current day's atendance before 11:00 a.m. • Teachers may review previous days' atendance but only the Atendance Clerk can make correc�ons. • Teachers may not change a suspension or tardy entered by the Atendance Clerk • If a student is tardy and has been marked absent, inform the Atendance Clerk of the correc�on if it is

a�er 11:00, and the teacher has submited the atendance in EdConnect. • If a student is marked absent by mistake, inform the Atendance Clerk of the correc�on. • Tardy students will sign-in using SafeNet, and a report (sign-in report) will be generated by the

Atendance Clerk to use to adjust.

Review and print previous atendance: • Select a date or date range from the Start Date and End date calendars and select print.

Please note the default is the current day • At the end of the nine weeks, the Attendance Clerk will print a report every nine weeks for

each teacher to use to add the attendance data on the Report Card. This will include the total absences for the nine weeks.

• On the Login page, check the 'Resume last session' box to return you to the web page that was last displayed during the prior session.

School & Class Procedures Smart Start is an excellent opportunity to set the stage for the year by reviewing your school and class procedures. Spend �me sharing your expecta�ons for your brick and mortar students for when they return to school. Share pictures of your classroom to get them excited about their new school year. For your eLearning students, review your expecta�ons for logging in daily and par�cipa�ng virtually. Create a fun quiz for your students to take at the end of the week to see how well they retained the informa�on. Daily Schedule Both brick and mortar and eLearning students will need an overview of their daily schedule for the weeks and months ahead. While the schedule for brick and mortar may not be significantly different from what they are used to, it's s�ll a good idea to prepare them and answer their ques�ons. The schedule for our eLearning students, on the other hand, will be en�rely new for them. Take �me to review your plans for when you will have live Zoom sessions with both whole and small groups. eLearning sample schedules for both students and teachers are available in our comprehensive eLearning guide and can also be found in Canvas under Commons. Online Protocols Most of our students had their first experience with eLearning last spring and had very litle �me to become accustomed to this way of learning and communica�ng. It is essen�al to establish and teach online protocols to your students, and Smart Start week is the perfect �me to do this. Consider the following when developing protocols: • How will students ask ques�ons in the live sessions? Raise their "virtual hand"? Raise their actual hand? • Will students be expected to turn their cameras on during live Zoom sessions? • What are your protocols for using the chatbox? Do you have guidelines for what students can post? • What are your expecta�ons for what students should wear during live Zoom sessions? • What are your expecta�ons for what students will be working on during non-live Zoom hours? • What are your expecta�ons for student par�cipa�on in the discussion threads? Do you have a number

of posts per week? Are there standards for how to engage in dialogue with their peers?

Example of Remote Learning Matrix (from Center on PBIS)

We are… Entering Class Teacher-led Whole Group Instruction

One-on-One Instruction

Small-Group Activities

Safe -Choose a distraction-free space -Use equipment as intended -Use kind words and faces

-Ask in chat if you need help -Use kind words and faces

-Use kind words and faces

-Use "stop-leave-talk" when you hear disrespect -Encourage others to participate -Use kind words and faces

Respectful -Video on at all times -Audio off -Use chat with classmates for the first 5 minutes

-Video on at all times -Audio off -Answer questions in the chatbox on cue -Answer polls promptly

-Video on at all times -Audio on -Listen attentively -Answer questions out loud on cue

-Video on at all times Audio on -One speaker at a time: wait or use chat to respond when others are talking -Respect others' cultures, opinions, and viewpoints

Responsible -Be on time and ready to learn -Start class charged or plugged in -Have materials ready

-Ask questions (voice or chat) when you have them -Be present – avoid multitasking

-Ask questions out loud when you have them -Try your best -Be present – avoid multitasking

-Encourage each other to stay on topic -Complete the work together -Use "Ask for Help" button if you have questions -Be present – avoid multitasking

Health & Wellness Safety Protocols Students and staff will return to campuses with increased health and safety measures to combat the effects of COVID-19 in our schools. Plan to spend �me during Smart Start to review the safety protocols detailed in our district's Reopening Plan with your students, and summarized below: Face Coverings Face coverings will be required based upon best available data and input from local health authori�es, the School Board, CDC guidelines, and stakeholder groups, including teachers and parents. Social distancing is not always possible in school se�ngs. Therefore, students and staff will be provided with reusable masks and expected to wear them while on campus, where social distancing is not possible and when exemp�ons do not apply. Social Distancing Students will prac�ce social distancing from the arrival on campus through departure. Students will load on school buses from back to front, increasing social distancing and limi�ng exposure to others. Grab-and-go breakfasts will be available, and where possible eaten in classrooms to deter students from congrega�ng in the lunchroom. Staggered release schedules may be u�lized to decrease crowding. Limited Access to Visitors and Volunteers It is essen�al to create a healthy and safe environment by limi�ng poten�al COVID-19 exposure whenever possible. Our district will be limi�ng access to visitors and volunteers to appointment only. A request must be made 24 hours in advance. Administrators will establish protocols for gree�ng visitors and the use of screenings and temperature checks. Addi�onal Hand Sanita�on Sta�ons Each classroom will be ou�ited with addi�onal sanita�on sta�ons with a variety of supplies to encourage proper cleaning prac�ces. Each sta�on will include gloves and disinfectant wipes for spot cleaning, along with hand sani�zer. Students and staff will work together to ensure everyone is contribu�ng to a healthy environment by wiping surfaces a�er classroom instruc�on is complete.

Classroom Modifica�ons Student desks will be spaced six feet apart when possible. Extraneous furniture will be removed from each classroom as much as possible for proper social distancing prac�ces. Administrators will view and approve classroom designs prior to the start of the school year. Controlled Movement Paterns To limit COVID-19 exposure and promote social distancing, students will move in cohorts where possible throughout the day, u�lizing controlled movement paterns based on signage throughout campus. Staggered dismissal paterns will be devised, with designated drop-off and pick-up areas for walkers and bike riders. Common Area Modifica�ons Students will be monitored in all common area loca�ons to encourage social distancing prac�ces. Elec�ve classes and special resource classes such as Physical Educa�on, Art, and Music will adhere to social distancing while limi�ng collabora�ve ac�vity and shared resources. Elec�ve coursework will not include contact sports. Meal Service Students will receive meals in a grab-and-go style. Students will be distanced in the lunch line and will not be using a pin pad to complete their lunch transac�ons. Lunch will include pre-packaged items that can be picked up quickly to reduce �me wai�ng in line. Mass Gatherings For the safety of staff and students on campus, pep rallies, assemblies, and other large gatherings will not be permited un�l further no�ce. Extracurricular Ac�vi�es and Athle�cs Extracurricular ac�vi�es should be done virtually where feasible. Our district will follow guidance from the Florida High School Athle�cs Associa�on to decide on fall sports. Currently, athletes are taking part in outdoor and indoor workouts in smaller, socially distanced groups while elimina�ng shared water botles and towels. Before and A�er School Programs Student-to-staff ra�os will be reduced to encourage social distancing. Staff and students will prac�ce frequent hand washing. Students will be assigned to small, separate groups with staggered outdoor ac�vity �me. Healthy Habits Now, more than ever, our students need to learn and u�lize healthy habits regularly. This includes ea�ng well and exercising. Take some �me during Smart Start to teach your students about important healthy habits, such as:

• Schedule regular �mes throughout the week to be physically ac�ve (aim for 60 min). • Find physical ac�vi�es that are enjoyable, such as:

• August ac�vity calendar for elementary (also in Spanish) • August Ac�vity Calendar for secondary (also in Spanish)

• Write down personal goals and track progress. • Keep fresh fruit and vegetables washed, cut-up, chilled, and readily available for snacking. • Remember to stay hydrated by keeping cold containers of water, juice, or a sports drink accessible

during and a�er physical ac�vity. • Have fun!

Social and Emo�onal Learning (SEL)

Social and Emo�onal Learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emo�ons, set and achieve posi�ve goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain posi�ve rela�onships, and make responsible decisions (Casel). Before we can expect our students to focus on academics, we have to ensure that we have created a posi�ve and caring classroom environment where students feel safe and secure. SEL provides a founda�on for safe and posi�ve learning and supports students' overall social, emo�onal, and academic development. Click Here for Several Lessons, Ac�vi�es, and Resources to Support Student and Adult SEL Mental Health Wellness For many of our students, these past five months have been the most challenging and confusing of their life�mes. Smart Start week provides us the necessary �me to address the issues that our students have been experiencing. The Department of Student Services offers prescrip�ve, ongoing support that is designed to meet the evolving needs of students. Student Services include School Counseling Services, School Health Services, School Psychological Services, School Social Work Services, and Mental Health. For more informa�on, visit Student Services Department. The following 24/7 crisis hotlines provide free, confiden�al emo�onal support:

• Crisis Center of Tampa Bay: Dial 211 or visit • Na�onal Suicide Preven�on Lifeline: Call 1-800-273-8255 or visit suicidepreven� • Veterans Crisis Line: Call 1-800-273-8255 and press 1 or visit

If there is an immediate threat of harm or danger to oneself or others, call 911.

Addi�onal Valuable Resources: • Helping Teens Cope with the Stress of Isola�on • NPR – Feeling Anxious? Quick Tool to center your soul • Ten Percent Happier – Coronavirus Sanity Guide • PBS-How to talk to your kids about Coronavirus • Coping with Stress (audio) • How to Manage Stress During Challenging Times (audio) • Mental Wellness (audio) • Taking Care of Your Emo�onal Health • Emergency Responders: Tips for taking care of yourself • Taking Care of Your Behavioral Health During an Infec�ous Disease Outbreak • Wellness Rou�nes For Uncertain Times • Coronavirus and Mental Health: Taking Care of Ourselves During Infec�ous Disease Outbreaks • Na�onal Federa�on of Families for Children's Mental Health • Protests, Racism, and Our Children: Helping Kids Cope (Anxiety and Depression Associa�on of America) • Talking to Children About Racial Bias • Racism and Violence: How to Help Kids Handle the News (Child Mind Ins�tute) • Español: Racism and Violence: How to Help Kids Handle the News (Child Mind Ins�tute) • Medita�on - weekday 5 min live medita�on at 3 p.m. • 15 Ways to Prac�ce Self-Care • 10 ways to take care of yourself during Coronavirus • Self-care while working during Covid-19 • Therapy Assistance Online (TAO Connect) Mindfulness Library • Strength-Based COVID-19 Resources • Suppor�ng Teenagers and Young Adults During the Coronavirus Crisis • Tips to Help Teens Cope During COVID-19 • Community Violence: Reac�ons and Ac�ons in Dangerous Times • Coping with Current Events

• Coping in Hard Times: Fact Sheet for Youth High School & College Age • Red Cross Virtual Family Assistance Center: For those who have lost loved ones to COVID-19

Curriculum Introduc�on of Instruc�onal Resources Throughout the summer, our teachers and staff have par�cipated in professional development covering all of our new instruc�onal resources. Smart Start is the �me to introduce your students to these instruc�onal materials by providing them with overviews of what's to come. Our scope and sequence of our courses have been adjusted to accommodate Smart Start Week. Students are not expected to begin their Canvas and/or Edgenuity assignments un�l the week of the 31st. However, students should be exposed to the curriculum and resources they will be using throughout the year. Orienta�on to Technology Pla�orms Whether your students will be coming back to brick and mortar or whether they will remain eLearning, it's important that you take �me to review the various technology pla�orms they may be exposed to at any given point in the school year. Be sure to familiarize your students with the following: Zoom Zoom will be the pla�orm that all students will use for Live Instruc�on. Before using Zoom with students, ensure that the following se�ngs are selected using the web interface. The se�ngs menu is located on the le� side of the screen under the heading "Personal." These are the recommended default se�ngs: • Set Wai�ng Room to ON for all par�cipants so that you can control which par�cipants you allow into

your session. • Either generate a new Mee�ng ID for each mee�ng or create a recurring mee�ng that requires a

different password for each session. • Video should be set to ON for the host and can be set to ON for the par�cipants. Parents may decide to

turn video cameras off during teleconferencing. • Audio should be set to Telephone and Computer Audio so that students may join using either. • Screen Sharing should be set to Host Only. • Set Private Chat to off. • Mute par�cipants on entry so that instruc�on is not interrupted by students joining the call late. • Keep mee�ng invites private. Require a password for your mee�ngs. Clever Clever is the district portal for accessing Canvas and resources not integrated into Canvas. Both Clever and Canvas use the same username and password format:

• Username = Student number (lunch number) • Password = Student’s usual Windows/District/Clever password

A�er logging onto Clever, students will see several sec�on headings.

o eLearning contains the link for Canvas o Favorites include apps your student favorited. o Instant Login Applications are na�ve Clever apps o Links are links to resources not directly integrated with Clever.


Canvas is the instruc�onal pla�orm for HCPS, whether face to face or completely online in eLearning. Students will access assignments, resources, and grades there. It also is the official communica�ons portal for teachers, students, and their families. Students will access Canvas through Clever.

When students log in to Canvas, they will arrive at the Canvas Homepage, where they will find courses, upcoming assignments, recent feedback, grades, and the Global Naviga�on Menu. Students will find useful tutorials for naviga�ng Canvas, submi�ng work, and communica�ng with teachers in the "Hillsborough Canvas Student Guide." Access the tutorials by clicking "Help" on the Global Naviga�on Menu.

Edgenuity EdgeCourseware Most core content courses in grades 6-12 will use the Edgenuity pla�orm within Canvas, requiring only one sign-on. The Edgenuity EdgeCourseware link can be found in the Course Naviga�on Menu of Canvas. Iden�fying Academic Needs While our students are spending their �me during Smart Start week acclima�ng themselves to our new way of work, teachers will have the opportunity to analyze and assess their academic needs. This will help the teacher get a jumpstart to the upcoming support and differen�ated instruc�on that will be required in the weeks ahead. This can be done in a number of ways:

• Conduct Interest and Learning Surveys to gauge student needs by crea�ng a Canvas New Quiz, or by embedding a Microso� Form

• Review Student Par�cipa�on in Discussion Boards • Implement Quickwrites • U�lize Carousel Wri�ng in Discussion Boards • Dicta�on of Common Sentences (K-2) • Review historic student data in EdConnect