Download - Verona High School 151 Fairview Avenue Verona, NJ 07044


Verona High School 151 Fairview Avenue

Verona, NJ 07044

What’s the weirdest thing you have seen on the highway?

A lady riding her bike while walking her dog! — John Alati

What’s the worst plane food you have ever had?The stewardess called it chicken, but when I turned it over

with my fork, it looked like it was still alive! — Melissa Johnson

What are some things you do while stuck in traffic?Blast the music and dance. Honk the horn repeatedly, Chinese fire drills,

’ lay “ Name that Tune” , Talk to myself, Drive in the shoulder — Various seniors

What’s your best reason for needing a vacation?To get one of those mints on my pillow! — Bob Shafer

What's the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you on a trip? Getting in trouble in Toronto! — Janice Trimmer

Basking in the sun at the Generalife Gardens in Spain are I-aura Lubrano. Lynn Wyrovsky and Christ ina Spencer. Danielle lannuzzi. Sara Spektor. Amanda Tone. Regina DeRosa. Shauna Sacchi and Diane Salgado hop in a limo on their way to ZlOO’s Jingle Ball conceit. Brian Kelly . Jon Meyer. Nat Gambuzza. Collin Pisarra. Peter Burgess. Anthony Condorelli. Bryan Nigro. Brian Oliver. Dan Taylor. Brian Smith and Mark DiRoma take a break in "the lot*.

-rCv>- -i at the Jersey Short1 are Krin Moran, Lauren Fer- Holler. Nicole Baguer and Jessica Haffner. Caroline with a Beefeater at the Tower of London' * *•: •» * %

Friends are special people you can't live without... They'll back

you up all the time without a doubt... Friends can lift your spirits by what they

say... They're the ones you confide in twen­ty-four hours a day... A friend who is nice and

looks out for you is the one who is honest, trustworthy, and true... A friend is always there

Jthrough good times and bad, they can make you laugh even when you're sad... Concerts, vacations, and trips down the shore... Have created memories that will last forever more... As we move on with our lives and away from our friends, we will treasure the memories we've shared 'till the end.

Emily Gaffney, Heather Haler, and Kelly Garland share a hug in the lot. Carla Velardi and Melissa Johnson practice for the biggest smile competition. Daren Clancy, Kelly Jackson, Mike Straus, Laura Lubrano, and Mass Gallinoni overdose on Dew.

Nick laudato. Nat Gambuzza. Bob Shafer, and Dan Taylor wait for their team's turn in the one-pitch softball tournament. Andre Mutovic. John Humphries. Bob DeSantis. Nick Toombs. Paul Watkins, and Gary Collins try to see how many seniors it takes to break Paul's shock absorbers. Corrine Dapuzzo and Dina DeFilippo catch a quick rest between classes.

What in the world should I wear to­day?... If I don't look good or wear Donna

Karan, what will they say?... Should 1 wear the old shirt or the one that is new?... Which

looks better, the Gap jeans or the J-Crew?... Should 1 wear blue nail polish from the Nail Cart or

triple up on earrings from Native Art?... Shiny leather from Wet Seal will be good for clubbing tonight... Should 1

wear it loose or perhaps maybe tight?... Do you think these pants make me look fat?... Perhaps this would look good with that

three bar hat... I'll just put my wild hair up in a clip, and put on my sunglasses from Hot Topic... To the Jeep I walk and hop into the seat, only to pump my "system" to the Macarena beat... Peel out of the "Lot" with my Doc Martin's on the gas, waving to people that 1 should pass... All these fashions and fads that we see everyday... Contribute to the way we live and what we say. — Geovana Barnave

Geovana Barnave and Regina DeRosa strut their new hair styles. Amy Friendnian agrees that having fun never goes out of fashion. Chrissy Cocchiola and Melissa Koes show where clubbing is the "Hot Topic.'


Seniors pose with their Jeeps. Lhe latest fad in driving this year. Nat Gambuzza sports hisi | , * i r , ,

three bar hat. a fad that continued to be popular among \ US students.


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4ZMy own gum flew in my hair as I

was running in gym!”— Melissa Koes

We were watching a first aid cartoon video in health and blood squirted out of one of the

F characters. Bobby DeSantis got so freaked out, he W fainted!”

— John Alati” In my freshman physical science class, I was showing the students a video on laser disc. Andre Mutovic took the remote control when 1 turned around and kept changing the channels when I wasn't looking!”— Mr. Sauer

Mass Gallinoni is Sure that Lola Fayanju Aims for the future. Kelly Lynch listens to Mr. Yalcarcel’s fountain of wisdom. PhylllsAnn Russo and Chrissy Piontek take a break from Mr. Throne’s inspiring lecture.

Dave Dickman and Bryan Nigro cook up a storm. Janice Trimmer and Melissa Musser gel their creative juices flowing. Mitul Patel is riveted by Collin Pisarra’s fascinating babble.


liiurcn Femicola and Vlarissa Holler ask. “ What? I s do work?!?-' A cheerful Haendel Zamor stands by a sleepy Ceovana Bamave.

The class of '97 is out there in the work force. It

looks like our parents were right- money doesn't grow on

trees. With cash burning a hole in the pocket, seniors always seem to need

more spending money, which is why we're being forced to find jobs. The occupational

field is wide open, depending on what students enjoy. Some students get a great tan in the summer

while working at the Verona Pool as lifeguards or at the snack bar. During school, some work retail at Drug Fair, while others find employment at Center Drugs. Food goes well with work and that means a job at Lakeside Deli or Foodtown or Shoprite.

However students choose to earn their spending mon­ey, the bottom line is that money is a must. Whether spending it while hanging out at Starbucks, the mall, or just seeing a movie, ya gotta get the green!

Joe Panzariello makes a new friend at the Turtle Back Zoo. Cap'll Mike Straus takes the lead in a sailing race. Poppa Tony's wouldn't be the same without waitress and daughter Laura Lubrano.

Following in the family tradition, Dave Baker volunteers his free time in the Salvation Army Band. Racing the rapids on the Delaware River, Daren Clancy' shows his kayaking skills.

7:30 a.m. Wake up - watch cartoons

10:45 a.m. Run errands with Mommy

12:00 p.m. Play with G.I. Joe and Barbie

2:00 p.m. Nap while listening to lullabyes

4:00 p.m. Watch Pinwheel

6:30 p.m. Eat dinner

8:00 p.m. Beg to stay up

11:00 p.m. Catch some zzzz’s

1:00 a.m. Dreams of starting school



10:45 a.m. Run out to lunch

7:30 a.m. Wake up in 7:30’s

12:00 p.m. Play tricks on Ned

2:00 p.m. Try to nap while listening to teachers

4:00 p.m. Watch Oprah

6:30 p.m. Eat dirt (at practice)

8:00 p.m. Beg to stay out

11:00 p.m. Catch some Ray’s (pizza)

1:00 a.m.Nightmares of never finishing

Peter Burgess and Brian Smith enjoy sin­ging at the eighth grade formal. John Alati. Nick Lodato. Danielle Villarosa, Heather Hafer. and Erin Moran still enjoy hanging out in the woods, they just don't go all the way to Stokes’ State Forest. Brian Nigro, Mark DiRoma, and Anthony Condorelli may not look the same, but some think they still act the same! Erin Drury and Danielle lannuzzi have been friends from third grade softball to senior year.



'All my life- it ’s changing every­day, every possible way. All my dreams- i t ’s never quite as it seems." Friends (home & away)- thanx for the great memories: Prom '95 Lavallete, ’96 Hog-a- thon, M em D ay'96, Phantom, NYC trips; Love you all. "I walk in the air, between the rain, through myself and back again- where?...l don't know."- C.C. Mom, Dad, and Danine- Love ya. “ I’ve finally decided where my future lies: Be­yond the Yellow Brick Road."

"Sometimes I sit and think, then again I just s it." BN, BGx2, BS, TK, SS, BM, AQ, GC, SV, Teeny, Sid, Weaz HFC Mendham SNO, CG BRAWLS 187 in C.G. & W.O. $ 1000+ w / Weaz offroading in bins, Scanga u can't make a left on red. Wildwood Wanna get lost. Gang Plank, Cruisin w / da homies. EGGS, 110 to shore, Driveby’s F.V. thanks for every­thing, Driving expeditions w / Weaz. Bye Guys. Mom, Dad, Jenn IL(J



"Shoot for the moon even if you miss you will land among the stars." To my "circle of friends," you all have taken a piece of my heart and a place in my soul. Mom, Dad. and Keith- you are e v e r y th in g to m e , ILG . 'Sometimes you have to let go in order to hold on to something you care about."


"In the golden chain of friendship regard me as a link." DS, SS, NB, ED, JA, Chach, Veronaheads. TF. Kis, D. CAT, Ky, JJAG "Baycocawa" Justine 'Keep it dir­ty ,’ 'Jenny, blowing up your beeper.' "Wawlahee.’ CP, KB, NG, B-Ball '97, "Ropes' "Salivla" "Latino B." "No Doubt." clubbin V.E.P.L. ILG C, L, K, R, sissies, bros. cousins. Mom, MM, Julie, Jeanne, "Cause I'keepin' it Real' Raphael ILG "Shower", Tre, Sean, Jeff (Fuz) ILG, 'True That.”


When disappointment comes to you and doors close in your face- remember a window will open- with many new opportunities. Thank you Mr. Cesa for helping me with the NYSB What a sec­tion!!! Senior year was definitelythe best. Thanks to KB ED Dl AB DC MG. Dad, Mom, Tracy, Mike, Laura, ILG. The gift of music, is a gift of the Lord. Toobah!!!





"A friend is one who knows you as you are, understands who you've become, and still gently invites you to grow." SS, DS, GB, B.F.C. "True friends can grow up separately w /o growing apart." CHACH! KG, JT, KW, LW. MW, DD, RP, trip d-t's w / HH, MM, Summer '95 w / Gif. Prom '96. Discussing Politics 24 /7 Eee. Mom, Dad, Aimee, Sara, & Jor­dan, thanx, ILG. 'Remember me w / smiles and laughter, for that is how I'll always remember you."



'A farewell Is necessary before we meet again and meeting again after moments of a lifetime is certain for those who are friends.' Kristin (BF) -thanks for making it the best it could be! ILU! Erica, Kub posse, J.H.- TCBY trips. E.D.- running buddy, D.I.- Best talks. Cathy- always in my heart. Mary- to the greatest friend I could ever want ILCJ! Mom Dad Caroline Jane ILU. 'And by the grace of God go wide into the great unknown.'

'A ll that's sacred comes from youth'- Pearl Jam. Great mem­ories with great friends- Melissa, Jenna, Amy, Kim; Never forget- Camping. New Year's Eve, Crash, B.P. 4-26-96. PEARL JAM 9-28 96, Stalking, Pizza Hut, Prom '96, Foodtown stake-outs. Princesses, Junior lunch, "Now we're cruis­ing," code names, 'I'm still alive!’ - PJ. Mom, Dad, Cindy, Thomas, Sammy- Thank you for every­thing, I love you.






"Rem em ber when you were young, you shone like the sun.’ - Floyd. What!? Good times The Wall! Hill Rolling. Trips to the Realm. Lost in the woods. N.Y.C. Ross and Habib. Club 44! Clam Bar! DOOF DEEN I! 3-Man Mex­icali Rose. No Man's Land. Hob­bit. Half-Time Shows. Dr. Steve's. G.S.W., Phish. Allmans. Wilson! Thanx To All.

'Living is the only thing worth dying for.' Great times with B.G., B.S., T.K ., B.N., D.B., D.C., M.A., B.G., G.C., S.V., P.B., C.C., K.P., N.F. Gazebo, Lookout, Lot, M /D/W KD D/Shore It's all good! Senior Night out. RnR CORN! You could start a FIRE! 187 C.G. W.O. PSYCHO! Carla's on Fire! All night gigs, hotel parties, No Way V! THANX JUICE! Martha's Vineyard w / hippie + Goof. J.H. Sol. OH, BYE GUYS! Thanks Mom Dad Cara ILU!


'If you want the rainbow some­times you have to put up with the rain.' Great times with my B.F. Dina, JR, NG, MM, ML. Never forget WW '95. MMWknds ’94­'96. parties in the Ghetto, "J.D. n ig h t,' 'headlights head o n .' Thanx, Mom. Dad, Ron. Michael, ILU!!!

'If your ship doesn't come in swim out to it . ' Always remem­ber good times with BF Corrine, M.L., M.M., L.R. Never forget parties in Ghetto. Rich's house, head lights head on, W.W. '96, prom '96, S.S. ’96 w / Toni. Spe­cial thanks to my family Dad, Mom, Michael, Danny, Uncle De­an, Aunt Lucia ILU! Big Mama, grandma Marion always in my heart.



'She drank from a bottle called DRINK ME and up she grew so tall, she ate from a plate called TASTE ME and down she shrank so small. And so she changed, while other folks never tried nothin' at all.” Mom, Dad, Kris­ten- no words can express my love. Julie: "44' Great Memories, Kristin: Kub to the fullest. Katie: The good/bad all even out, Nicole: A true friend. Much love to those I respect and the few I choose to never forget.



Is it Friday yet? "We will get by.” Dead Fun times w / P.W., G.C., A M., Jer. Oof, Cramp and Gill. P.S. '96 horde Waterloo Crazy trips to Golf course Hilltop Look­out. Prom wked '96 St. Pattie's Day city trips '95 NYC Ros Habib. It's an Ideal Night, late Nights at pool. Who's making the Run. Monika I'll always love you. Mom, Dad, Steph Thanx IL(J


’ You're not what you think you are. But what you think, you are’ - B. Tracey Thank you; J.M., J.B., L.E., Fluffy, Chris, Swave, Pizza Hut, Skoot, Joe, Kupka, Woody. Table-Dancer. M.H., M.C., A.M.,K.J., M.G. & M.R. Plus the fami­ly. 'For the Grand Warrior I am, there's one nemisis I can't defeat nor flee. It follows wherever I go, and the farther I run the more it closes in'- anon.




'Take a look at who you are it's pretty scary’ - K.C. Great times w / friends. Amanda, Dana, Sara, ILG guys. Fairbanks, 5:30 in the morning- park benches. Is Kristin sick? Ocean View, Lollapalooza- m oshing, 'd u d e , ' num bers. Thanks Mom, Dad, Anthony, and John ILG. "Life is really about a spiritual unfolding that is per­sonal and enchanting.” James Red field.



’ What a long strange trip it's been’ G.D. CHACH, HORDE summer '96. Hangin' in the lot, park, bins, & Gramo's. Hiking Delaware Water Gap. Mini Gol­fing. Good times w / friends Ra­chel, Scott. Michelle, Em ily, Heather, Kelly, Muss, Katie. Prom Weekend '96. Driving aimlessly w / Meg. Always and Forever in m y heart, NEVIN- 1 1 /3 /9 5 . Mom, Dad, PJ Thanks for every­thing you've done for me ILG!



It's all over. Summers, winters, springs, falls. Gnfortunately my parents were right, these years go by too fast. B (Dunkin' Donuts), Ollie, Volk, Pritch we had fun. Panch- Montville girls. Silver Bul­let. Mom Dad ILG. AH I have to say about these years is 'W ho are you?’ - Caterpillar thing from Al­ice in Wonderland.

'The hardest to learn was the least complicated"- 1G. Unforget­table memories w / good friends- Toronto. Pianoman, J-Ball, 'cut- cut,' Spain '96. My two best friends- Amanda & Erin- thanks for always being there & creating the best memories of my life. Jay- great laughs & crazy times. KB, KC, TH, SS, RD- forever friends. Cathy- UR always in my heart. Thanks Mom, Dad, Nana, Josh, Jordan & Cassy for your patience and love. I love you.



"It is chance that makes brothers but hearts that make friends.’ To all my friends- thanks for the wonderful memories! Laura. Whitney, Mass (Fico), Mindy, Josh, Daren, Caroline, Jenna, Anne, Janine (Mish), WOPAOLT. Dew! "Hakuna Matata!"- Pumbaa. Jesse- Thank you for making me so happy. I'll always love you! Cathy, Grandma- I miss you. Thanks, Mom, Dad, Maureen, Pumpkin-1 love you!



'You never really leave a place you love. Part of it you take with you, leaving part of you behind." Unforgettable memories, unfor­gettable friends. DV: BFF. Carvel, Disney '95, ILU Frigment-Rosa! 96: Spain, Prom, NYC, MDW, RSC! Justin: Forever in my heart. CV, NB, & all the rest, thanx for the laughs, ILU! Mom, Dad, Matt, Lauren, Elmo, you mean so much to me, I love you!




'Life is full of many different les­sons to be learned, if you don't stop to look around for awhile you might miss them.’ 'Scoot.' "Bullet." Lots of fun times with: ED. DP. BO, BB, JH, NM, DD, RM, SS. B.'s house '96! Hump's house. Pep Ralley '96! "Yes, I got the van!" Thanx Mom, Dad, and everyone else. T H A T ’S ALL FOLKS!


"I'm in this prison you built for you, in this situation I don't know what to do." (Op. Ivy) Politics every day with kids from the Clair, R.l. N.P. J.B. and Robo the fiend. My Buds are kind that's why I luv 'em. "If Ignorance is bliss then wipe the smile from my face.” Zack de laRocka. Goodbye and keep it skanky.


"Turns out not where but who you're with that really matters.’ D.M.B. Great times w / Great friends- Chrissy, Jenna, Amy, K im , always remember B.P. 4 /2 6 /9 6 P.J. concert, A n ti- WOPAOLT. Playdays, stalking, 'N ow we're cruising", Crash, Prom ’96, Pizza-Hut, Princesses. Junior Lunch, Hotline Tour '96, Foodtown Stakeouts, Peeps, Thanks Mrs. P., Mom, Dad, Lind­say, Jill. Andrew, Nanny, Pop. Thanks for everything- ILCJ



'A ll we are is wasting hours until the sun comes up it ’s all ours.” Great times w / Diggs Buzza Wea­sel Smitty Nigs Hoggie Hess & Paul F. Mem Prom wknds '96- "H o g a th o n " M & M 's V in ne y Boombotz NYC Trips Snow Day- The Good DR. Cookout W&W split, lot Zebo, Res, Runs Genesis: 1:2 G.C’s Garage 'Bowling Buds” Buffalo S.S. Beth F., Dorrie, Jamie Remember Hockey Trips w / BR-Justine ILU Thanx Mom Dad Phil ILU!


"The team player knows that it doesn't matter who gets the cred­it as long as the job gets done.' Soccer, basketball, softball Great times w / T.R., N.S., M.M., -Prom, bowling, JEEP, Mem Day Wkd Thanks N.A Suzie- Seaside '95, O B 3 '9 6 , la te ta lk s , s is ters through good & bad BFF. Matt my missing 1/2. Missy AZ shore. 2nd family DiStefano's, Thanks Nan's, Ray. Bonzo, Bib B I Love You (Dip)




"Life is ours, we live it our way*. METALLIC A. Best times w / best friends- TW, AM, MW, ALF, KZ. Most memorable: Prom wkend ’96- 1 Time! TW= WIGGALS!= Penguin? CS- Where's Mr. Mlagi? KAZ-our food language SB= BEAN! Gr. Adv. w / MW, BG, BD, AM- Remember the skyride? MW- fruit in the oven? V-ball '96- M onk 11-teen! RICE- LUH- RHONI! Mom, Dad. Nicole- ILU! Later all- I'm CXITTA HERE!

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen nor touched but are felt in the heart." HK. To all my friends, thank you for all the memories. I will cherish them always and nev­er forget the times we had togeth­er. All my love to KZ, MM, JM, CS, AF, DL, AM, TW, MW, MG, WB, CS, LF, JM. "If you have one true friend you have more than your share." Never forget Kelly (Jackie). Mom, Dad, John, and Denise, I Love You Always.



"Life has a New meaning when you have the past to remember and the future to look forward to." Thanks Mom. Dad, Naun, I Love You! (A.J.T.)





'Does it ever strike you that life is like a list of answers, in which you have to glean or even make up the questions yourself?” Ives Assorted fun things I don't re­member. ’ Nick and Levy Show.” 7 1/2 S po tligh t Shows etc. Thanks for everyth ing Mom, Dad, Joe, Dan, Victoria. Thanks also to Ollie, B and Guttenburg, no wait. Willis.



’ The best thing you've ever done for me is to help me take my life less seriously, It's only life after all!'- I.G. B.F.F. Theresa Wiggles, Amy- Amas, Dannyl- ’ D ' 1 time- Blimpie, Mat Always and For­ever. Mat's House, Squad, CC: Hilton Head: SC, Prom wd '96, LBI, SH, A. City, V-ball- MW. SP, WB, KJ, CC, JM. Late night talk w / MM, TW. DL, AF, JD. ES. Special Thanks to Mom, Dad, Sandy, and Patty.



"And we'll just hang on, and we'll make it, make it through." Blues Traveler. Club 44, Lord Astor, Gary's part I & II, Camps part I & II. Traveler, PHISH I & II, G.S.W., Almans, Wiffleball, No Man's, Watering Hole, Hobbit Land, NYC New Years Eve w / Gil & Gary Pre Game BBQ's, 3-man, 'I see my Dad everywhere!’ New Years Eve at Bob's Mom, Dad, Josh Thanx- I Love You

'These are the days, the sweetest days we’ll know.’ So many mem­ories with the greatest friends a girl could ask for. Kim, Melissa, Chrissy, Amy (Laning Crew)- friends to the end- ILU always! Great times with KJ, WB, CT, JM and so many others. BP 4/26/96, Camping, New Year's ’96, Pil­grim. Mom Dad Rob Nanny Dix­ie's Duffy- ILU! 'We can't become what we want to be by staying who we are."



’ Life is partly what we make it, and partly what is made by the friends we choose’ S.P., N.B.,L.F., C.V.. J.H., & M.H.. Thanks for helping me change and loving me for who I am! E.S.- my buddy John- Thanks 4 everything Chris- ILU Mom, Dad, Daddy, Margaret, Andrea, & T.J. Thanks for lead­ing me in the right direction. I hope I've made you proud. ILU!


'If ignorance is bliss, than knock this smile off my face.” Beave's Austrian Empire Radios crackling to life. Green/Red Dragon/Griffon Inn. Dew. Push the Buttch! Table dancer. Pizza hut. Stuffed crust. Stuart. Sembia forever, fluffy, Dicker. Joe, Daren, Harder. Bet- zler always fight the machine.



"Kill this”..."who's going on the run” ...from early "experiences" at the park to the Golf course and Look-out... the sessions were all worth it! GC, BD. PW, NT, JM and Co. Thanx. Special thanks to Ross, Habib, and IDEAL. Prom Weekend? Allman Brothers, and Phish. Grateful Dead... Pink Floyd remains the best. Good Luck and thanx- Gary, Bob, Paul, and Jerry.


"i get by with a little help from my friends"- Beatles. Moving to Ve­rona. Crazy nicknames. Trips down the shore. CHACH HH, KG, EG, JT, MB, RP, DD, WOJ Han- gin' with the crew. -Twaty. Mom, Dad. Cris, and Jen ILG I will miss and remember you all. ’ Upon us all a little rain must fall"- Zepplin.



'I f they say you can't do it, you know its worth doing" Hi Guys Great times w / DB, BG, BS, TK RG, AC, PB, GC, Sid, SS, RM NT, SV, PW, "DORK" SNO Scanga down shore w / $10, Sea side Gangplank. Ho-Ho Kus, El bows Mendum Journey. Cruzin "Are those home grown" 187 on CG & WO, H.F.C D riveby 's Snake road. Thanks Mom Dad Tim Kim Sam ILG, Bye Guys

I'm scared! Good Luck to the Class of '97. Riss- thanks for be­ing there. NL- Best Budz, PF- Take care JH- Talks with Jess. Best of times w / da crew- NL MD BS JA NG PB DT DC and the gals: JH EM MH SP NB/ Look­out- Split/ Gazebo E.H. C.C. & R.S. C.C. Thanks for everything Mr. Meyer. Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Annie, Danny Anthony, Love You.



"C'mon one lap around, it'll be a funky adventure"- Kramer. Hang­ing out with Bib B, NM, ED, DP, and JK. Brad's Apartment. I can't stop laughing! Scott's Hot Tub Party. Lot, Lookout, and strip poker. VCP with KW, KB, ED, and KC. Mom. Dad. Emerill, Car- ly, and Robin ILG. 'I'm out there baby and I'm loving every minute of it!”

"When you feel you're back where you started and your trou­bles haven't departed. A deja-vu of yesterday won't make your problems go away." Gill's Gig "Getty” Brad's Apartment Split lookout Gazzebo triangle Bambi's dead! "Fox" Prom '95 Soccer Track Nice Tatoo ED BB BO JH BU SK SS SM DC Good luck class of '97 Thanx Family ILU Mom Dad and Kids. See Ya! Pritch.



"You’re trying my shoes on for a change. They look so good, but fit so strange.” ND My great friends NB.GB.MB.MW.CP.DS. Without you guys I'm nothing. Sum m er o f '96 V/CG crew. CHACH. 'Cause I'm keepin' it re­al!" And to everyone else who has influenced my life. Thanx! Mom, Dad, and Andrew ILU! Jay you're the best.


'T im e is the beauty of the road being long' Traveler. Endless Nights Lookout, Split, Course, L o t , G ra m o 's , G a ry 's , BD,PW ,BS,GC,NT,AM,DC,JM, Chach. Shows- BT, Phish, GSW, Allmans, Horde. Prom '96. shore, skiing, ideals. Caprice. Janice- I'll always remember the fun we had. ILU. "Dreams we dreamed at night, were never meant to come to life." Mom, Dad, Kim, Thanks ILU.




Those people who tell you not to take chances they are all missing on what life is all about. You only live once so take hold of the chance, don't end up like the oth­ers. Smae song and dance. I am Angel know me and never fore- get me. A very special thanks to my family ILU Mom Dad Rocky Pets Chrissy P.


"You’re never gonna survive un­less you get a little crazy!"- Seal. Never forget the good x's w / KG HH KW NB SS GB EG RP AS JT MB BS MM DC DMC? Maybe. CHACH! Pep '95 EXPO EM NB L.I. W.W. TLCA MN BS LF CV Whatever! JH SP, PB, ILU al­ways, never 4-get U! Daddy I miss U, ILU and I'll always be your little girl! Angelo, Mike, Ray, Paul, Nllda, Mom ILU!!!

"The only sure thing about luck is that it will change' Good times at VHS with my Boyz. DEVILS 95 Cup Champs CG/187 Gazebo Lo oko u t S p lit B linx A lw ays M V/96 SNO/96 Paul B's Back­yard/ B-B-Qing at Sanch's HFC with Sean 5.0 UAAC Good Times with Good Friends Thanks Mom Dad Jeff Lisa Deni for all your support through the years.


'A ll that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream," Poe. Good times w / JC, NS, Smit, Diggs. Fish. PB. NG, NT, BG. Prepresent J.V. Prom '96 B&BP, Biff for Tex. Girth "96" Draft Get out! Stang I Love you all! Mom, Dad. Joe. Jeanette, Mandy & Steps. Memories Past Present & Future pass with me always & forever. Thanks for everything.




"From the womb to the tomb, presume the unpred ictab le ." Great times with Hess, Diggs, Weasel, Da Fish, Buzza, Camper, Pisano, Hoggie, Nigs, and Meyer. NYC x2. Busted Mem. Wkd. '96, Smkn. Grooves, Muscle of the Tayloreone Crime Family, Treak Week '96, F.L.K 4 yrs., Football, Basketball. Baseball, "Who's Bri­an Bartona?" "Time for me to move on but I'll never forget where I'm from." Mom, Dad, Jess ILU.

"Well this is our story and we're stuck with it." Memories with Amy and Theresa- Girl's Night Out, hours on the phone. Friends forever, ILG. PromWeekend '96 with DL and Mr. Miagi. Spain '96 with LL. WOPAOLT forever!! Lion King! Go fish! Great friends GF, LF, KJ, KZ. especially TO- ILU all. Thanks to everyone. Mommy, Diddy. Matty, Rhubarb, G randm other, Grandpa. You mean the world to me. I love you.

m u JMsiwB,. - i ' • s .


"Don’t explain, your friends don't need and your enemies won't be­lieve it anyway." TOP, Do the Dew, Table Dancer, Dave 4, fur­niture 1, lake house, Flipping Mass on the tube. Pizza Hut, Stuf­fed crust, The Woody. Thanks for a great four years-DC, CM, DD, JP, MG, MR. JH, MH, KJ. JK, NM, VS. SY, JA, CV. WB, JC and everyone else. Good luck to all I leave behind... I'll be back. Thank you and I love you Mom, Dad. and Erica.


"Answers are getting harder, there’s no way to bargin; barter, if you've got angst; arder, you might faint from the fight but you'll find it: every challange has paradise behind it, if you accept what you lost and stand tall, you’ll get it back, you'll get it all.’ - BT. Friends- Thanks for the won­derful times. Cathy- ILU & miss you, Craig- ILU always; Mom, Dad, Adam, thanks for the sup­port. ILU.



'Friendships are hard to find, hard to leave, & impossible to forget," To m y unforgettable friends, JH <bf), EM (pic), SP, LF, [SB (bp), MH, MJ. DV (ib), & KC, there were just too many great x's. JH & SP- 'It's just the 3 of us again." Jess S.- friends till the end- "let's just eat them one day” Brian- Thanx for making these past 2 years wonderful- I love you! Mom. Dad, Frank & Larry- you guys are the best- ILU.

P.J. '96 Horde '96 Allman Broth­ers '96 Trips to Sanitarium Look­out Golf Course Gramo's 1-10 Glendale Motel Gary's House Jourdan's Basement ISYC car Jacking July, 4-Split Clam Bar 4:20 Getty Caprice Raves Prom Weekend Bell at 4:00 a.m. "It's better to burn out than to fade away"- IS. Young. B.D., C.G., M.M., J.C., J.B., B.G., A.S., A .M ., N .T . M om B a rb a ra Marguret Dave Jon Brande ILCJ

"In the end there's a new begin­n in g ." A lw a y s re m e m b e r WOPAOLT-AF, CS, KJ, KZ, & TW. Good friends DL, AM, MK, CC, JM, MW. MM, JA, DC. LL, WB, CS, JM, LW. V-Ball injuries, Prom '96-one time! Little man in boat! Baby Chubb, "Wiggles," To­ga Party, RICE LCJH RONI, Tahoe parking, "Squeeze, squeeze," yel­low room. Big Boy, KLOCKS, Christmas caroling. Mom, Dad, Family-ILU. Mat- ILU. A&F- Kis- syfur.





"Why walk when you can run?” So many memories, so many friends- BFF Melissa: Carvel, 22, FRIGMENT!- Disney '95 "Thank you for being a friend" (JRAQT, ILU. IB! (CV) Jess- HK'n up!-luv ya- To the rest of my pals- thanks for all the laughs. R.S.C.! '96: SPAIN? Prom, NYC, MDW. Dad, Mom, Kathleen, Robert, Devin, Mike, TJ- Thanks and I love you. 'Welcome to your life, there's no turning back..." Good luck to all.





To all the teachers who enhanced my mind and the friends and family who enlightened my soul. Thank you. HH, MM, KG, EG, FT. MB. LW. RP. MA. LB. TH. Unforgettable memories: CHACH '95-97, Giff's room, F.N., Lot, soccer, basketba ll, so ftba ll,M.Band. The friendships and memories made will remain al­ways regardless of where life may take me. Mom. Dad. James, Liz, Meghan, Matthew-Thank you for you love and support-1 LUV U.


'Sad how some friendships never ever seem to end.’ -Blues Trav­eler. LL, KL. SS, Ongie, Clambar, CHACH; New Year's '94-DL: V- Ball-(7-l 1-teen); Stick, Rock & Can- PW & BD; Prom ’96-Shore, S occe r. L o o k o u t, G ram o 's Part...?, Baaa..., Phish '95, Horde '96, Caprice, Iggy. Sky Ride-GA; "Dee"; Bobby-love you forever, 11/22/95; Mom. Dad, Christian, William, Isabelle-Thanks for all your love & support, I love you!



Sandy Peterson and Vlarissa Holler get “ down and dirty" while quading in New York. Modeling their new “ Ink Slingers” tee-shirts. Laura Lubrano and Monika Wnekowicz |M>se for the camera. Mets fans. Dan Taylor and Nick Ixjdato, spend the day at Shea Stadium. After a long day of hiking. Chrissy Cocchiola and Amy Friedman relax on a rock.

On his way out the door, Dave Baker is surprised by the camera. On the eight-hour bus ride to Busch Gardens, Dave Camp, Dave Bachan, and Brad Burguillos entertain the crowd. Marc Nigro attempts to regain his composure after setting sail for the Statue of Liberty.

Michelle Benimeli takes a turn at the mike to serenade her friends. On the Spirit of New Jersey, Collin Pisarra, Brian Smith, and Jon Meyer admire the motion of the ocean. The “ mini bus" awaits a held trip forRegina DeRosa, Erin Drury. Danielle lannuzzi, Katie Clancy, Janice Trimmer, Emily Gaffney, Katie Wojtal, Kristin Burgess, Jessica Haffner. Erica DePalo, and Kelly Lynch.

Nick Lodato shows Dan Taylor what’s growing in Val’s greenhouse. Two creative minds, Marc Nigro and Anthony Condorelli. take a break from Mrs. Young’s writing assignment. At the Y.O.ll. dance. John Alati. Danielle Villarosa and Emily Gaffney wait around for a better song. Melissa Mangano and Danielle Lardieri make last minute preparations on their speech.

Anne Mechael and Mike Harder cram for a test. Friends, Heather Haler, Amanda Tone and Rachel Pole, are all smiles for the camera. At the prom. Melissa Johnson and Collin Pisarra anxiously await the next slow song. Diane Salgado gives Pete Burgess a piggy back ride around the bases at the softball tournament.

Supermodel Johanna Alati works il for the crowd. They're creepy and they’re spooky, mysterious and kooky, the Addams Family (Collin Plsarra, Diane Salgado. Shauna Sacchi. Nicole Baguer, Erin Moran). Your favorite chocolate candies (Amanda Tone, Erin Drury, Danielle lannuzzi) come to life at VHS. These two dolls (Lauren Fernicola and Sandy Peterson) always have time for a hug.

After four years of participation in the Verona High School band, Nick Mathers holds Mr. Untie in the highest regard. Mrs. DeVita, pictured here with Joe Vece. works to provide assistance to tier students on a day to day basis. The God of Journalism (otherwise known as Mr. White) is worshipped by his humble staff.

IjoI.i Fayanju and Mrs. Fryer have developed a close-knit relationship through both academics and activities. Yearbook and Fairviewer Gra­phic Design editor Mike Straus was influenced by Mr. Nedrow's in­struction. Ms. Warshaw shares both advice and knowledge with her student. Kelly Jackson. Vice-President of the French Honor Society.

" i K summer

sunshine, w inter rain

c A nd then?

fa re w e ll w

shall meet again

Katie Wojtal ends another hard day's work... "Ivet's go for a piggyback ride," yells Eric Dimeck to Brad Burguillos... Brian Scanga, Dave Bachan and Bob Garthwaite claim to "Hear no evil, See no evil and Speak no evil"... Zick says "Nobody touch this, it's my favorite racquet*... At TIGS, Katie Clancy and Kristin B urgess prepare to attack... The Seniors get together and Pa-aartay.

VV h a I if ... Kelly

Garland didn't drive like she was Indy

50(1 material... Dave Dirk- man didn't have a ferocious

sneeze... Danielle hardier) wasn't "D”... Joe Panzariello met a cobra he

couldn't tame... Dob Shafer couldn't give you a price check on Chapstirk... Carla Velardi wasn't

blonde at heart... Dave Baker couldn't carry a tune...Marlssa Holler never told a tale... Sliauna Sarelii had complete

thoughts... Handel Zamor couldn't run like the dickens... Erin Moran wasn't Kelly Kapowski... Lola couldn't spell Harvard... Emily Gaffney

didn't love men... Christina Spencer got suspended... Melissa Musser wanted a what if... Amanda Tone was punctual... Christina Piontek never met Phyllisann

Kusso... Lauren Femlcola didn't drive the Hooptie and \a t Gambuzza did... Hess wasn’t in his fourth senior year... Rod Trafford, Matt DiStefano. and Dan Casella weren’t traitors... Ollie

wasn't so sexy... Collin Pisarra didn't like “Goulash”... Jessica llaffner didn't sweat... Diane Salgado wasn't a New tork City cab driver... Nick Toombs wasn't “Jer“... Kristin Burgess had acne...

Clam Bar didn't know the way to Newark... Katie Clancy still used swimmies... Melissa Johnson didn I have an obsession with Elmo... Mark DiKoma spoke as smooth as Barry White... Monika W's name was phonetic... Bob

Desantis still had the Caprice... Nicole llaguer was six feet ta ll and Sandy I ’eterson wasn't... Chach wasn't always together...John Mali wasn't Mr. GQ... Dave Camp haled Wendy's... Janice Trimmer wasn't the “Hoochie Mania "... Caroline Slrelcher

never smiled... Scott Kaplan's car worked... Gary Collins didn't have a garage... Regina DeRosa actually went to detention... Daren Clancy was nervous... Dooch liked being called Dooch... Zick was called Brian... “Look-out” never got raided . . .

...and still


Freshmen... just beginning... squash the frosh... new experiences__ J.V. Sports... EWTs... Soph­omores... moving up... ring dance... driver's ed... PSATs... A.P. entrance ..exams... Jun­iors... almost there... getting your licenses... prom... SATs... varsity sports...Freshmen... just be g inn ing... squash the frosh... new ex­p e rie n ce s ... J .V . S p o rts ... E W T s... So­phomores... moving up... ring dance... driver's ed... PSATs... A.P. entrance exams... Juniors... almost there... getting your licenses... prom... SATs... varsity sports...Freshmen... just begin­ning... squash the frosh... new experiences... J.V. Sports... EWTs... Sophomores... moving up... ring dance... driver's ed... PSATs... A.P. entrance exams... Juniors... almost there... get­ting your licenses... prom... SATs... varsity sports...Freshmen... just beginning... squash

lo p t^T n o re s j i» v in g up. /M n g Nv^ E ed... PSA® ... A.P. e # r® ce

. JuniBs... almost

the frosh... new experiences... J.V. Sports... EW Ts... Sophom ores... m oving up... ring dance... driver's ed... PSATs... A.P. entrance exams... Juniors... almost there... getting your l i c e n s e s . . . p r o m . . . S A T s . . . v a r s i t y sports...Freshmen... just beginning... squash the frosh... new experiences... J.V. Sports... EW Ts... Sophom ores... m oving up... ring dance... driver's ed... PSATs... A.P. entrance exams... Juniors... almost there... getting your l i c e n s e s . . . p r o m . . . S A T s . . . v a r s i t y sports...Freshmen... just beginning.

t o

Jam es Aldworth Jennifer A m adeo Marissa Antolino

Charles Arm stead A ndrew Baker

Justin Baker

Jam ie Banghart Jeffrey Bennett

Joseph B enyo A ndrew Beuttler

Seth Blender Jeffrey Borja

Cathleen Braun Katherine Bronnenkant

Justin Bruno W hitney Buckholz

Laura Bush Ryan Bush

Nicole Carollo Melissa Carsillo

Nicholas Catena Jennifer Cecire

Am anda Checchetto Robert Chiappone

Christopher Chua Kathleen Cirello David Conlan Laura Crudele Andrea DeLisi Marissa DeLuca

Nicole DeMaio Kevin DeM asi-Johnson Dana DePalo A n th o n y Devizio

Am anda Dolahan T im o th y Drappi T im o th y Egan Lauren Ercolano Jam ie Errico Sarah Federico

Paul Ferloni Brian Ferrel Justin F io ry Martin Francesco Dashiell F rye r Suzanne Gaccione

A d a m Gerenstein K erry Goodwin Paolo Grefal A n th o n y Guarducci

Th o m a s Hayes Kristine Hill Jennifer Hoffman Joshua Hunnex Ehren Hwang Rachel Jacobs

Anthanasios Kikos Theodore Klingert

Matthew Kloss Richard Kuzsm a Jonathan Lango Joanne Lenihan

Milena Leznicki L e v y Lorenzo Danielle Love

David Lubanski Melissa Matthews

Megan M cAleer

"If I Could Have Anything . .When the Junior class was asked, "What one thing would you

like a senior to leave you after graduation?” some of their

responses were:

“ A key to the locked bathroom.” - Oscar Velez

“ Mark Higro's football skills and strength.” - Anthony Migro

“ John Alati's leadership qualities.” - Lauren Ercolano

“ Amanda Tone's schedule.” - Laurie Bush

“ Erin Moran's clothes.” - Dana DePalo

“ Paul Watkins's 8-track stereo.” - Phil Zaks

“ Kristin Burgess's grades.” - Justin Fiory

“ Eric Dimeck's 'BGFF' hat.” - Sharon Sansevere

“ Hick Lodato's car.” - Janine Miscia

“ The treasure map to the Hillbilly's gold.” - Justin Mele

Lisa Ritacco Peter R om an ysh yn

Sharon Sansevere Victoria Saxon

Ja m e s Schm idt Joshua Schroeder

Sonja Schwartz Carolyn Scully

Nicholas Serpico Veronica Serra

Erin Sheridan Steven Shilling

Christopher Siegel Sara Spektor

Jessica Smith Matthew Spencer

Lauren Steberger Eryana Sunarso

Kristin S ym o n s Oscar Velez

G ary Venner Brian Volkert

Waleed Abdelrehim Bethany Abele Megan Abeles

Antonia Aquilante A d a m A rro y o

T im o th y Banta

Adrienne Barnave Jessica Barona

Paul Bastedo Richard Bell

Sara Benimeli Neil Berger

Jennifer Blum Matthew Bow m an

Ryan Brogan K evin Burgos

Christopher Buttler Shannon Cam acho

Craig Casella Kristen Cecire

Michael Chua A ndrew Cianciosi

Jason Cole Robert C om er

"D id You Know That . . . "Friday Night: Go to a party at you friend's house.That Evening: You meet someone that you really like, and you hit it o ff right away.Monday Morning: From every direction you hear "So, are you two going out?"

if this is a frequent occurrence in your life, you're not alone. Many complain about how quickly rumors can get spread around, especially when people that you don’t even know are aware of your social life. But to a point, things like this can't be avoided. There is so much gossip being spread around school that this entire page could be filled.

Some o f the most popular methods o f spreading gossip include writing on bathroom walls, inside and on top o f desks, and screaming across traffic ridden halls and into random classrooms. And yet the most popular way o f spreading gossip still lives on... the note.

Being a freshman one may be caught o ff guard, but after one year o f experience sophomores should have their gossip avoiding skills down pat. Many avoid certain situations in which gossip could be spread about them, while others just threaten those spreading the gossip with even more vicious rumors. One sophomore remarked "You have to become the Gossip Queen yourself! Then you are in charge o f everything being said."

Just openly deny anything that s said about you," commented another sophomore. And so it can be determined that in a school of this size, gossip and rumors are just another part of a normal day at VHS.

Graham Hartke Shawn Hartwig

Steven Hayes Maureen Jackson Leonard Johnson

Matthew Johnson

Erin Kelly April K irby

Justin Kissinger Anita Knipping

Joshua Knoblick Chris Landara

Kelly Larsson Joshua Liebert

E rik Long Michael Lutz

Peter Malanga Alexander Mangano

Daniel McCarthy

Shannon McCarthy

Erin McKinney-Prupis Michael McManus Sarah Michalowski Staci Molinaro Cristina Musser Marisa Nicolette

Elizabeth Noble Rodger O'Callaghan Carly Oliver Aleksander Ozolins A n th o n y Palmer Celeste Palmer

Scott Piro A m anda Potts

E m ily Potts Sara Ram on

Anita Reinhardt A n th o n y Rivera

Patrick Rondino Miranda Rossi

Victoria Savino Steven Schelhom

A n th o n y Schm aus A nton Schuberthan

Steven Scollante Am anda Shafer

Marisa Ruglio Christopher Russo

Kristin Shepard Kelly Sheridan

George Sona Dorianne Stroll

Kim berley Stum per K evin Swatt

Joseph Vincent Kelly Walsh Chris Yanatelli Lauren Yavorski Ming Zhi Zhang

Brian Tortorella Erica T o th K athryn Treffinger Ralph Trom b in o Jo h n Tuntevski Joanna VanMeeteren

Not Pictured:

Salvatore Fede

Peter Agnoli Patrick A ldw orth

Danielle A m a to Serena A m oroso

Mark Baker Meredith Baker

Suzanne Banta Christine Bell

Elliott Bennett Clare B enyo Jo h n Betzler

Jonathan Beuttler

A d a m Bickoff Marc Blaha La cy Byers

Paola Carpenito

Sean Carroll A n th o n y Carsillo

Zahira Casillas Mae Chua

Marlene Chua Alexandru Ciuca

Tra c y Clarkin Th o m a s Cocchiola

Sarah Cowhick Peter Crawford

David Crudele Damian D'Aleo

Micheal D'Alessio Alicia D'Am ato

Bernard D'Alvella Micheal DeFilippo

Frank DeMaio Kristen DePalo A n th o n y DeRosa A d a m Decker Micheal DiRocco Melissa DiRoma

Robert DiTrani Sara Donnelly Kristen D unleavy Elizabeth Drosdick Ja m e s Dulong Scott Englishman

William Errico Monika Fabriczi Nicole Fasano Sarah Ferrel

Douglas French Holly Friedm an Matthew Futerman Victoria Gessel

Justin Gilmartin Kirsten Glasgow Rebecca Glasgow Katie G roux Nicholas Guarducci Robert Harder

Katrine Hildebrandt Maia Hunnex Robert Indergrund Ja m ie Jacobson Nicholas Jo h a n sk y Lisa Kealy

Matthew Kennedy Laura Kelly

Angela Kessler Lindsay Koes

Jo h n Koutouzakis Michelle Lally

Kevin Lawless Marie Leznicki

Jo h n LoCrasto Alexis Maisenbacher

Sarah Manley Christopher Mason

Kevin M cCloskey Shaun M cLoughlin

Tara McGarrity Erin McGarrity

Alessandra MediagoV iktor Meilands


W h a t If... w e had the s a m e principal fo r m o re th a n o n e ye a r? ... M s. H e m s le y didn't lo o k like a student?... M r. B ru n n e r sh o p p e d at K -M art?... Mr. L u k s g a ve a o n e -p e rio d test?... M r. B re n n a n n e ve r tu r­ned red?... M rs. Perera tu rn ed s o m e o n e a w a y? ... M rs. S loa n didn't k n o w e v e r y ­o n e ’s nam e?... y o u c o u ld n ’t hear M rs. L a n n o f r o m d o w n th e h a ll? ... M r. S a b a d a y w a s n ’t sarcastic?... M rs. M cG ee couldn't g ive a d vic e a n ym o re ? ... the li­b ra ry c o m p u te rs a ctu a lly w o rk e d ? ... Ms. G o n z a le z -R o ig d id n ' t g o fo r a d a ily w alk?... M r. M a h er d id n ’t teach fro m m e m o ry ? ... w e had the sam e principal

m ore J n ’t loo|

hopped pne-peric

2d re

7ear?J tu d e n t

Mr.1 Mr. Brenn^ ?erergf tun­


B n ln n en g a ve a

I n e ve r tur- s o m e o n e

e ve ro n e ’s nam e?... y o u c o u ld n ’t hear Mrs. L a n n o f r o m d o w n th e h a ll? ... M r. S a b a d a y w a s n ’t sarcastic?... M rs. M cG ee c o u ld n ’t g ive a d vic e a n ym o re ? ... the li­b ra ry c o m p u te rs a ctu a lly w o rk e d ? ... M s. G o n z a le z -R o ig d id n ’t g o fo r a d a ily w alk?... Mr. M a h er didn't teach fro m m e m o ry ? ... w e had the sam e principal fo r m o re than o n e year?...


\* \

Dr Stanley Keyles Sharon McGeeSchool Psychologist Youth Assistance Counselor

Joanne Maurer Librarian

Dianne Ku/sma Secretary

Grelchen Perera Sch(H)l Nurse

Elizabeth Rupprecht Social Worker

Guidance counselor Patricia Maisenbacher assists Natalia Perrotta with her college applications.

(L.-R.) Mickey Tutalo. Carmela Barone. Maria DiMilia. Carmela Vece, Phyllis Compierchio, Evelyn Benfante

(Clockwise from bottom left.) Savario D'Angelo. Ignatius Jozwik. Walter Jorden. Cantillo DeMartinis. Cecil Bryson, and Anthony Carstllo

M ost Likely L ea st L ik e ly

M r. L u k s . .

T o ...ju m p on a desk and act o u t Caesar

T o . • •

M rs. Schaeffer . . . g ive their students a free period . . M rs. S o lo m o n

M r. V e itc h . . Mrs. M eares

M rs. E n g e l . . ......... accept assig n m e n ts l a t e ............... Mrs. C ra w fo rd

M rs. P ico . ................ ask fo r hall p a s s e s ................... . Mr. W h ite

M r. B ru n n e r . ..................... g o b y the b o o k ................... . M r. M aher

M r. M e ye r . . ............get locked in his o ff ic e ................. . . M r. Carsillo

M rs. M cG e e . . . . . d a n ce w h e n s u p e rvisin g a dance . Mr. Cesa

(Clockwise from top left) Although Carla Velardi is the only student in her class one day. Mrs. Solomon keeps her busy. Mr. Maher s freshman students listen as he calls on his vast knowledge of history. Mr. White says to Christen Tassin and Krin Moran, “ hi don't think you should use that picture of m e in the faculty section.” Mr. Veitch explains his policy for giving extra points to Amanda Checchetto.

g WorldLanguages

Maria Lanahan, Co-ordinator Eleanor Crawford

Harriette W arshaw Grace Williamson

Creative and Industrial Arts

Maurice Moran Th o m a s Nedrow

Coreen O nnem bo T e rry Sherm an


A le x Kaplanovich, Coordinator Patricia Hemsley

Christopher Kubik Patricia Shoenig

Richard Meyer, A D / L D TC

(Clockwise from top.) Mr. White, Just before he broke 17 bones snowmobil- ing down the Catsklll Mountains. Mile. Warshaw steps it up at Kssex Health and Country Club. Mrs. Maurer astride a camel in the Gobi Desert in Mongolia. Mr. Treitler figures if he feeds these exotic animals 3 pellets every two minutes at the rate of. .. Ms. Gonzalez-Roig. pictured with her neice, uses her noodle in more ways than one. Mr. Moran's unique approach to trimming tree branches.

Our teachers really do have lives outside of school!


Michael Asher Kamala C onw ay

Donna D ’Alessio Elaine DeVita

E va Nelson Joanne Paonessa

Phyllis Taistra N ancy Wright

Denise Zeringo

h o n o r societies... publications... m usic., le a de rsh ip ... art... F re n c h ... S p a n ish ., b u sin e ss ... b u d d ie s ... m a th ... p re ve n tion... counseling... acting... co m p e tin g ., culture... h o n o r societies... publications., m u s ic ... le a d e rs h ip ... a rt... F re n c h .. S p a n ish ... business... buddies... m ath., p re ve n tio n ... counseling... acting... c o m peting... culture... h o n o r societies... publi c a tio n s ... m u s ic ... le a d e rs h ip ... art.. F re n c h ... S pa n ish ... business... buddies., m a th ... p re ve n tio n ... c o u n se lin g ... act ing... c o m p e tin g culture... h o n o r cieties...

S pa n ish ... business... buddies... m ath., p re ve n tio n ... counseling... acting... c o m peting... culture... h o n o r societies... publi c a tio n s ... m u s ic ... le a d e rs h ip ... art... F re n c h ... S p a n ish ... business... buddies... m a th ... p re ve n tio n ... c o u n se lin g ... act­ing... c o m p e tin g ... culture... h o n o r so cieties... publications... m u sic... leader s h i p . . . a r t . . . F r e n c h . . . S p a n i s h . . . busin e ss...b u dd ie s . . . m a th . . .


deadlines deadlines deadlines deadlines deadlines deadlines

c a p tio M a p tio n s captions captions captions captions captions captions captions captions cap

Shadons and F a M tw r Staff (from lop) Petr Burgess. Collin Plsarra. Lola Fayanju. Torric Klarh. Melissa Koes. Mike Straus, Chrissy Cocehlola Geovana Barnave, Friea DePalo. Amy Friedman. Christina Spencer, Brian Oliver, Katie Clancy . Kristin Burgess. I aura iAibrano. Jenna Mlnutoli. lauren Femicola, Carla Velardi. Marissa Holler. Danielle lannu/./.i. Krin Drury. Christen Tassin. Melissa Johnson. Danielle \ illarosa. \ieole B.iguer. Erin Moran. John AJuti. Kelly Garland, Sandy Peterson, not pictured: Jon Meyer. Joe Panzariello.


Jon Meyer and D a n i e l l e Villarosa put th e f in a l touches on the soccer spread as sports sec­tion editors. Copy editors. C h r i s t i n a Spencer and Krica DePalo. proofread the captions.

lola Fayanfu, edltor-tn-chief of the Fairviewer. works with Michael Straus, who played a dual role as editor of graphic designs for the yearbook and layout editor for the newspaper. Christen Tassin chooses the teacher "mugshots" as faculty section editor Katie Clancy and Torrie Flach. layout editors, enjoyed this year's new computer program Ultra Vision. The senior section ed­itors. Melissa Johnson and Nicole Baguer. were re­sponsible for many new ideas throughout their section.

As photography editors. Carla Velardi and Kelly Garland sort through the never ending stacks of pictures. Laura lobrano. clubs section editor, gives a helping hand to Vlarissa Holler, business section editor. Kristin Burgess and John Alati, editors-in-chief of the yearbook take their job very seriously. I nderclassmen editors. Amy Friedman, Jenna Minutoli, Chrissy Cocchiola. Melissa Koes. choose pictures for a divider page.

National H onor Society National Honor Society National Honor Society National Honor Society

Math Honor Society M a g 0 o n £ k ) c i e t y Math Honor Society Math Honor Society

T ra ^ P H o n o rFrench H onor Society

Spanish H onor Socie sh Honor Society

Art Honor Society \r* npnor Society A rt Honor Society Art Honor Society Art Honor Society A rt

National Honor Society: (Iron) top) Advisor Mrs. Patricia Maisenbacher. Melissa Musser. Math Honor society: Omni u t» j Beny«. k i-NHinin l ward. n. Fryer, s /abm *.*. s sim aru. k . Suikvsc

Danielle Yillarosa. Adrian Sancho. Collin Hsarra Michael Strauss Christen Tassin Nicole Mindyk. t . Neale, k Jaruhs.j AMwonh. c. Scully. P Kusema.s. Weaver m M o te t, j tango. j Km ro.w .itu tiM i.Kaauer Caroline S Ireicher K e llv lae lcson I o i r , I jih r ite n F r ir a rie P a ln l..h n Al . i i '» - « ___M IraiM J. J Bruno. 1 Hayes, I*. Komanyshyn. A. ISA bdo. C. Chua. J M ail. M Johnson. N Baguer. A. S a n b o .UV T " • .TV ‘ ,Mr JdcK son ' ,jurd I'UOran'). hrica IK t am. Jimn Mall. Melissa DeFWo. I. Fayadu. K Burgess. C Tassta. I. Inbrano. k Jacksons MrwladnnwU I’ Zaks .1 Misrta I. stchnwi k Johnson. KnsUn Burgess. ■ S>Tntms. J. Hdkrr. I, ljtnrnw>. J lltinwx

French Honor Society: (front top) Kimberly Zipf. Fry ana Sunarso. Whitney Buckholz. Joshua Hunnex. Nick Toombs. Gary Collins. Jennifer Cecire, Torrle Flach, Erica DePalo, Sonia Schwartz. Nicole Baguer. Kelly Jackson. Rachel Jacobs. Caroline Streieher. Kristin Symons.

National \ r l II.... . Society: (Irom top) Malt Kloss, Chris Chua. Ryan Bush, Knlpcsh Parekh,Oscar Velez. Krin Moran. John Alati, Sbauna Sacchl, Suren Krcolano. Jim Aldworth, Lauren Steberger, Melissa Musser. Advisor Mrs. Terry' Sherman. Katie Gerhold. Milena Leznickl, (Juinn Walsh. Caroline Streieher. Anne Mechael. Sarah Federico, Jenna Minutoli. Torrie Flach. Kate Myers.

Spanish Honor Society: (from top) Advisor Vis. Maria lanahan. Janine Misda. Sarah Zabriskie. Catty Scully. Kllzahelh Want. Pete Rmuauyshyn. TiKid Neale. Jimalhan lango. Sieve Weaver. Christina VUndyl Kristin Burgess. Adrian Sanrhn. Kerry Goodwin. Melissa Johnson. Danielle VDIarosa. Palie Kusana, Jte AlaU. Lola Fayanju. Laura laibrano.

Lola Fayanju. president of the Math Honor Society, congratulates Janine Mlscia. winner of the Hillbilly Challenge. The Math Honor Society began its contest this year, focusing around a set up in the main lobby and prizes for the winners. Sarah Federico demonstrates her expertise as a member of the Art Honor Society. Nearly all art students learned to make jewelry and other objects with clay this year. Spanish Honor Society members learn a cultural dance on one of their educational trips. The Spanish Honor Society also holds a food and clothing drive as service for the community. New members, Mike Straus. Danielle Villarosa, Caroline Stretcher, Nicole Baguer. and Collin Pisarra are inducted into the National Honor Society as seniors. They will contribute to the community by conducting fundraisers.

c re a tivitxxre a tivitv creativity creativity creativity creativity creativity creativity creativity creativity creativity creativity

feasting. broadcastipg broady


expression expression expression expression expression expression expression expression expresstotTexpress

M o rn in g A n n o u n c e m e n ts : (from lop) A d viso r Ms. Fader, Frin Moran, Highlights: (from top) Vicki Saxon. Janine Miscia, Palie Kuzsma. Collin Pisarra. Nicole Baguer, Marissa Holler, Danielle Villarosa, Christen Tassin h it Bennett. Katie Wojtal. Krlssy Hill. Sue Gacclone, Marlssa Antolino. Quinn

Walsh, Laura Lubrano. Rachel Jacobs, Lauren Steberger.

V\ \ IIS: (from top) Jo n Meyer. Collin Pisarra, Chris M oxley. Joe Panzariello, Mitul Patel, Melissa Musser. Michelle Benemeli, Kelly Garland. Heather Hafer.

Avant-Garde: (from top) Craig Casella. Sarah Zabriskic Scott Plro, Beth Abele. Janine Miscia. Palie Kuzsma, lauren Steberger, Jon Lango. Tyler Flach, Iaolu Favanju, Katie Trefflnger, Chris Chua. Collin Pisarra, Christen Tassin. Jenna Minutoii. Theresa Wohlrabe. Amy Friedman, Christina Spencer. Kim Zipf, I aura Lubrano, Mae Chua, Anita Knipping, Maureen Jackson. Antonia Aquilante, Krin McKinney-Prupfs. Dan Dickman, Marlene Chua, Aphrodiie Giannakopoulos.

Palie Kuzsma works diligently on the layouts for both the Avant Garde and Highlights news­letter. Highlights newsletter outlines stu­dents' activities for the upcoming month, along with providing articles written by stu­dents about school events. The Avant Garde is a literary magazine in which students display both their writing and aristic talents. Mrs. Young advises Jon Lango. John Tuntevski and John Paparazzo on their submissions to the Avant Garde. Scott Plro informs VHS about the day's upcoming events during morning announcements. Joe Panzariello sets the mu­sical mood for VHS's day. The radio station operates every morning enhancing the halls with various tunes.

hiking camping hikii

peer leadership 'sP t W h I

ropes course ropes course roflgs course

stress problem s ffc 'M M W tW stres:

pamping I

pressures |

Urse r o p y course ropes course

ress problem s

\ch rn iu ir Club: (from top) Adorn Gerensteln. Matt Spencer, Collin Plsarra. Dave I)i«, Dave Ramos, Justin Bruno. Tim Egan. Owen MrKnroe, Quinn Walsh. Andrea DeUsi. Jamie Banghart, Kelly Walsh. Marisa Ruglio.

Peer Leadership, a d u b that m eets weekly during the school day, is a chance for students to talk in small groups about their concerns, get to know them selves and others better, and im prove their communication skills. The Adventure Club meets outside o f school to explore nature and have fun. Th e y par­ticipate in such activities as trips to the ropes course and weekend traveling to the Catskill Mountains.

Kelly Jackson and Laura Lubrano mi Kiel the cheerleading outfits they'll use for their stereotyping skit for the middle school. ANoRev is a group of alcohol and drug free high schoolers who plan and present programs dealing w ith transition and other issues to fourth and Fifth grade students. AIDS Education Peer Facilitators. Amanda Checchetto. Jaime Banghart. and Quinn Walsh show the proper way to use a condom by demonstrating on a banana. The facilitators, who were trained by the Red Cross, taught in the eighth grade health classes as well as the Wellness week AIDS workshop. Krissy Hill, another ANOREV member, teaches a group of fourth graders how to handle peer pressure. Mother (Danielle Villarosa) and father (John Alati) scold their son (James Aldworth) for his lifestyle choice. laolu Fayan|u questions why his sister lola must turn to another race to find love and companionship. The PREP Players went to local elementary schools to teach prejudice reduction, and performed their original vignettes for other high schools in New Jersey.



Child Development Child Developn Dtat'IppnionLChjJJ Development Child

DEC A: Gary Collins. John Humphries. Bob DeSantis. Dina Deslderio, Paul Watkins, CBE:(from top) Melissa Matthews. Melissa Mangano. Helen Koutouzakis, MonikaDina DeFilippo. Haendel Z a m fi Doug Peeler. Jessica Barona. Matthew Bowman. Wnekowiez, Danny Pritchard, Jen Amadeo. Chrissy Piontek, Phyllisann RussoShannon Camacho. Timothy Banta, Mike Gannon, Martin Francesco Danielle Iardieri, Theresa Wohlrabe.

DECA is a three year marketing education program where students work towards career goals, meet graduation credit requirements, and earn a salary. Marketing education allows Bayram Ha|rulla to I earn through actual job experiences, including the management of the school store in the rear hallway near Mr. Throne's room.Karl Weber. Seth Blender, Megan Abeles, and Krissy DiTrani take on the responsibility of teaching small children on Tuesday, Wednes­day, and Thursday in their Child Development class. Holidays such as Halloween and Christ­mas are spent celebrating with costumes and Santa Claus in the class.Veronica Serra and lisa Ritacco sell carna­tions for Valentine's Day, one of the many activities sponsored by CBK. This club is a work education program for students to participate in training at an approved job site, while gaining course credit and earning a sal­ary at the same time. Other activities include the annual Type-A-Thon and a banquet hon­oring CBE employers.

add subtract m ultiply

sine cosine tangent sine

calculus geom etry algebra

m ultiply divide add

tangent sine cosine


M ath ream: (from lop) Tom Hayes, Janinc Miscia. Lauren Ercolano, Justin Baker, Michael Passage. David Dickmanl Kev in Swatt, Justin Bruno, Palie Kuzsm a. L e vy I/trenzo, Caroline Streicher, Adrian Sancho, Melissa Joh n ­son, Kristin Burgess, Lola Fayanju. Nicole Baguer, Erin Drury, Christen Tassin, John Alati. Kelly Jackson.

Math team members Justin Bruno and Christina Mindyk are two of the thousands of high school students across the nation who participate in the American High School Math Exam. The math team competed in six New Je rse y Math League com petitions this past year. After school Paolo Grefal and Mike Pas­sage. as members o f the math club, prepare to tutor elementary school students from K.N. Brown.

M ath C lub: (from top) Palie Kuzsma. Justin Baker, Justin Bruno. Michael Passage, Janine Miscia, Katie Treffinger. Kelly Jackson, Laura Lubrano.


! i

Glenn Oove. Cruella DeVil a Dalmatian fur coat.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes play star-crossec lovers in Romeo and Juliet.

Will Smith a Harry Connl prepare for alien attack Independenc

Tom Cruise makesMission: Impossible a reality.

[Michael )ordar [teams up with his Looney Tunes friends

Lynn Redgrave and Geoffrey Rush make music together j(Shine. & m

iey Houston meets h< Denzel Washington,

eacher's Wife.

ssesi, Secrets fir Lies M arv in 's Room nt nd Fo rgo Rmias The Eng Breaking the Wi

Twister's Helen f Paxton take theEddie Murphy is

The Nutty Professor.

Madonna's performance in Evita earns the actress a Golden Globe. M m

M a tth e w M c C o n u a g h e y a nd Sandra Bullock c o n fro n t racism in th e film a d a p ta tio n o f Joh n Grisham 's c o u rtro o m thriller.

Tom Cruise w in s acclair in the popular romantii comedy Jerry Maguire.

T o p s ax xbeB o r. O ^ fiC C

1. Independence D a y2. Twister3. Mission: Impossible4. Je rry M aguire5. The Rock6. The N u tty l

Professor7. Ransom8. 101 D alm atians9. A Tim e to Kill10. Phenom enon W- J

lO l D a lm a tia n s

Oscars V/cturss The English Pa tien t FargoJerry M agu ire Secrets & Lies Shine

The Preached S' l/Jife

T h e E n g l is h P a t ie n t

Oscar's Actors Tom Cruise, Jerry M agu ire Ralph Fiennes,

The English Pa tien t Woody Harrelson,

The Peop le vs. Larry Flynt Geoffrey Rush, Shine Billy Bob Thornton,

Sling B lade

ABC wasn't Clueless when It added this hit to Friday nights.

-Fo sto ri C oiBmor)f %W a n y e ro u v W in W r*Mr RhodesNick rreno;licensed- Tead Pearl "SaveefBy the Bell

j The Stexe Harvey'Show

, . turned inter-city high schoolIffla A teacher in Dangerous Minds

Sabrina the Teenage Witch casts1 | spell on ABC's Friday night lineup.

Relativity's Kimberly Williams and David Conrad fall in love.

KffSie PVdrlrie

Rosie O'Donnell improves ta lk -TV s image.

An award-winning cast keeps ER on top for another season.

|enny McCarthy makes waves in the dating pool on MTV's Singled Out,

Friends leads NBC's Thursday night monopoly.

, John Lithgow brings|v#i 11 • u v iiy v ’ * m ya• ■ 3rd Rock fnpm the Sun fifr down to earth.

A/SC's 3ro> ‘Rod

David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson co-star in The X-Files

B rookeShields

T h e /(-F i/e S

turns Suddenly Susan into a sudden success.

S u c c e s s1. Macarena,

Los Del Rio2. H ow Do U W ant It,

Tupac Shakur3. Twisted,

Keith Sweat4. N o Diggity,

Blackstreet5. You're M ak in g M e

High, Toni Braxton

Liam Gallagher leads Oasis to the top of the rock charts The A rtis t

4. Tragic Kingdom, No Doubt

5. Daydream, x Mariah Carey

Bfackstreet's No Diggity features Dr. Dre. Alanis Morissette's

lagged Little P ill is 1996 No. 1-selling album.

O k e r - r o c *Oasis ( Bush (

LtleThings/Bush/index.htm) The Smashing Pumpkins ( -carmance/sp.html)

makes K big with hit records TV's Moesha.

The Smashing Pumpkins tour with Garbage.

The Smashing Pumpkins

L.A. Dodgers"Tornado"Hideo Nomoaveragesmultiplestrikeoutsper inning.

Olympian Michael k Johnson's 19.32 M seconds in the jH 200-meter race breaks ^ the world record and , j earns the U.S. a Cold

Medal in Atlanta. ^

Olympc Ocochs and t\aaaks /17 days fl10,750 athletes V197 countries 31 sportsCarl Lewis, long jump tAmy Van Dyken, swimming ^Tom Dolan, swimming fcKarach Kiraly and Kent Steffes,

volleyball .U.S. Women's Softball Team U.S. Women's Soccer Team U.S. Women's Basketball Team l U.S. Women's Gymnastics Team

M ic h a e l J o h n s o n

New York Yankees manager, Joe Torre, celebrates a World Series victory.

'U'Srien wins an Olympic Gold Medal in thedecathlon

NASCAR gains new popularity at the track and on the information super-highway.Bad boy Dennis Rodman

ranks first in the NBA In rebounds per game(15.9). ' W ' Kerri Strug leads the U.S.

gymnastics team to a Gold Medal in the team competition and becomes a media sweetheart.

The Green Bay Packers triumph over the New England Patriots 35-21 in Super Bowl XXXI with the help of quarterback BrettFavre, No. 4, and center FrankWinters, No. 52.

Sports Illustrated labels Evander Holyfield "Giant Killer" after he pounds boxer Mike Tyson.

After leading the amateur golf

tour for three years, Tiger

i Woods turns k professional at m age 20.

iovn$ o^mpans Amy Acuff, 20, high jump Amanda Beard, 14, swimming Brooke Bennet, 16, swimming Beth Botsford, 15, swimming Amanda Borden, 19,

gymnasticsDominque Moceanu, 14,

gymnasticsJustin Huish, 21, archery Kim Rhode, 17, double trap

shootingTiffany Roberts, 19, soccer

Vann/ [puenffe/

'96 Heisman Trophy recipient Danny Wuerffel leads the Florida Gators to its first national championship.

in L»ng ouiid 13 0 . ,

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The number dialed is busy or not answering. Please try ay am later

To find another local access number, select “New Local*” from the

“Screen name” pop-up menu, and click Sign On

For more ^form ation, press the Command Key+SHFT+? and refer to the Troubleshooting information in the AppleGuide

MadeleineRgCW unrest m St. Petersburg Fla.

becomes the first

Secretary of State.W e l f a r e Reform.

Madonna is a momma.

Astronaut Shannon Lucid spends more time in space than any other American

Michael Jackson,

Kins o f Pop-pa!tfh d M O in L u c id

Campaign financing

goes under scrutiny.

Despite his dedication, Bob Dole's 96-hour cam paign marathon fails to win the necessary votes.

Civil verdict declares O.J. Simpson liable for deaths of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman.


The etlJw irf


m> * * *quesW L

rhe O.J. jury awards Ron Goldman's family S33.5 million.

I W /

Prince WilliamJ 14, is Britain's latest hot shot.


O ly m p ic S o iu b ir fj

W ' Vi f 1 T?

r t vk * - k . r -

W T i f i‘ n r \ B ,1

4 - ic o n j \ i - r J

* ' n ,- i Hi 3

Atlanta'sCentennial Park t hbombing mars the Summer Olympics.

^ * P e <

vVeteran news anchor dies.

Successful sheep cloning fuels ethics

tori to*

a j

Pass/ngsMorey Amsterdam, 80-ish,

\ actor, The D ick Van Dyke Show

Ted Bessell, 57, actor, That G irl Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, 68,

Catholic Archbishop John Chancellor, 68,

news anchorMargaux Hemingway, 41,

model/actress Notorious B.I.G., 24, gansta rapper

Timothy Leary, 75, '60s activist Greg Morris, 61, actor,TV's Mission: Impossible

Jonathan Melvoin, 34,The Smashing Pumpkin Carl Sagan, 62, scientist and

astronomy popularizer ^^Tupac Shakur, 25, gansta

^ ^ r a p p e r / a c t o rT i n y T im , 70-ish,

'60s ic onD e n g X ia o p in g , 92,

^ C h in e s e L e a d e r

Gangsta rapper and movie star Tupac Shakur is

\ murdered.

Fashion fads feast on bright colors.

Slogan of the year"Show me the money!"

from Jerry MaguireT>ance craz.eThe Macarena

McDonald's introduces adult­like, "Arch Deluxe" which meets with luke­warm consumer interest.



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------rifir*"* t rtanda wan a Walara) But m# (act that

amar learfui of hia potential

la a ya v ta iHP **

T V shows get a voluntary rating system.

Calvin Klein says "Just Be."

r m

, MAKETHFS & c j i o N

* r i

Bill Gates turns the heat up on technology with the Microsoft Network.

■ Q '

C o ffe e C rc& _

Dennis Rodman gives new meaning ,* to hair color, acces- // sories and fash ion sense.


P lym o u th N e o n ads pick-up o n th e nation's coffee craze.

o S n l t e y l# b'

b e s h y. b e b o ld , jus

O p ra h W in fre y m akes a c o n n e c tio n b e tw e e n the b e st b o d y a n d a bestseller.


dw Miy ,

Jonathan Larson's Musical Rent plays on Broadway.

r**V> « • 1*1 Vm o n i m n o tl c>«ty


\ £ Vw u

Coca-Cola goes retro-


L j

r j

Say ySaxr ."boo"-boyf riend/girlfriend "butter"-smooth/nice "digits"-phone numbers "down low"

(also "D.L.")-quiet "flavor"-style k "4-1-1 ''-information k "hella"-very A "house"-to defeat B "mad " beautiful A "peeps" friends/people

Amy Van Dyken's got milk and promotes

W e bm a ste rs:P a lie Kuzsma. Michael Passage, A le x Ozolins, Adam Arroyo, Mike Straus, Chris M oxley.

A c a d e m ic B o w l: T y le r Klach. Palie Kuzsma. J e f f m Bennett, Lola Fayan- ju, Utolu Fayanju

D eb a te T e a m : Torrie Klach. Laolu Fayanju, Lola Fayanju, Nicole Baguer

Nicole Baguer and Torrie Flach review materials in preparation for a debate. The VHS Debate Team competes III the Uncoln-Douglas debates, a one day, multiple round tournament. Palie Kuzsma and Michael Passage go online in Mr. Sauer's room. The Webmasters are the group responsible for VUS's home page.

" Vnvthing Goes'Cast: (from took) N. Mathers] S. Piro, P. Kuzma. M. Wojtal. I). Love, S. Blender. Mile. YVarahaw. A. Knipping. Ml Jackson. J. Liebert. J. Knobllck, N. Baguer. M. Chua. J \latl, D. DePalo, J. Blum, A. Aquilante, M. Chua, S. Sansevere, J. Paparazzo. H. Pritchard. J. Mlscla, S. Spektor, K. Symons. M. Rossi. K. DiTriani. Advisor Mr. Moran.

"All in llie liming" Cast: (from back) Nicole Baguer, Palie Kuzsma, Brad Burguillos, Nick Mathers, Kristin Symons, Josh I Jebert, John Paparazzo, Josh Knoblirk, Emily Gaffney, Janine Miscia, llollie Pritchard.

Pictured here are various scenes from the fall comedy and the spring musical. "All in the Timing." featuring numerous actors, is a series of short one-act comedic skits. "Anything Goes," the musical, takes place on a cruise ship to England and Involves the cahoots and shenanigins of Reno Sweeney (Nicole Baguer). Billy Crocker (John AlatJ) , Moonface Martin (Josh Knoblick) and Bonnie (Sara Spektor). Hie play also features Billy's love interest. Hope Harcourt (Janine Miscia) and herdance (Nick Mathers).

francais francals ft ancais francais francais francais francais francais

Tassin, C. Gocrhiola. I’ Kuzstna. k 7jpf. J Haffner.French Ctub: (from top) S. 'Jedtagp. AE. Sunarso, R. Jacobs. J. Mdworth. L Ercolano. J| Bennett. E. Kelly. I). Dickman. K. Trefflnger. J. Heyman, S. Suartz, J. knoblick. A. Giaimnkopoulos. S. Spektor. J. Hunnex. A. Dolahan. K. Meyers. VI. 1-eznicki. T. Hayes. Advisor M W ile. Warshaw, N. Baguer, R. DePalo. k. Clancy. \ \ . Buckholtz. J. ( ccire, VI Gallinoni. K. Jacks'in C. Streicher. T. Flach. C. Tassin. S. Palatucci. J. Miscia. VI. Unimex. L Kelly. A. Stebergei K. Hildebrandt. A. Maisenbacher. J. Jacobson. V. Savfno. K. Walsh. S. Plro. K. Symons. K. Cirello.

Spanish Club: (from lop) Advisor Sra. lanahan. Joe Bemo, Kerri Goodwin. Sarah Zabriskie. Lauren Steberger. Stephen Weaver. Todd Neale, Palie Kuzsma. Pete Romanyshyn. Kim Stumper. Kristin Shepard, Beth \belc. Janine Miscia, Mae Chua. Carolyn Scully, lauren Ercolano. ke\1n Swatt. IJz Ward, laura Lubrano. Christina Spencer. John Alali. Danielle Villarosa. Melissa Johnson. Adrian Sancho. Kristin Burgess. Lola Fayanju. Marlene Chua. Anita Knipping. Antonia A q iw ite , Maureen Jackson. Mindy Rossi. Dana DePalo. John Paparazzo. Scott Piro, Levy lorenzo.

International Weekend Committee: (from top) Laolu Fayanju. Scott Piro, Andrea Del j,si, Quinn Walsh. Lauren Ercolano, Ltu ri Bush. Melissa Koes, Chrissy Cocchiola, Palie Kuzsma. John Alatl, Janine Miscia. 1-aura I-ubrano. Vicki Saxon. Lauren Steberger, Whitney Burkholtz, Caroline Streicher. l-ola Fayanju. Erin Drury. Nicole Baguer.

espanol espanol

weekend inter-

espanol espanol


francais fr

French Club members Caroline Stretcher, Clirissy Cocchiola, Palie Kuzsma. Jim Aldworth. and Amanda Dolahan enjoy the Broadway show Les Miserables in the Big Apple. The French Club organized the "Oh lit la" lollipop sale as a fundraiser for this year's trip. Nick Johansky and Amy Friedman bond with International Weekend students. Verona hosted more than 30 foreign students who participated in many events sponsored by a panel of chosen students. Members of the Spanish Club Todd Neale. Levy Lorenzo, Kevin Swatt. Lauren Ercolano. Dana DePalo. and Christina Mindyk chow down some appetizing Spanish cuisine at Don Pepe's. The club watched and participated in native Latin American dances in Bergen County, before dining at the restaurant.

M o ck T r ia l : (from top) Sandy M ediago, R obert M inutoli, A n th o n y D'Alessio, Adrian ISancho. Laolu Fayanju, Marlene Chua. Mae Chua. Chris Chua, Je ff Bennett. Caroline Streicher. Nick Johansky, A nthony DeRosa. Nicole Baguer. Joh n Alati. Am anda Tassin,

Model UN: (from top) Nick Mathers, Mike DeGrande, Jeff Bennett, Theretl Wohlrabe, Caroline Streicher, l/jla Fayanju, Amy Friedman.

^ o u th and G o v e rn m e n t: (from top) John Alati. Peter Burgess. Brian Smith. Collin Pisiirra. Adrian Sancho, A d viso r Mr. Maher. Nicole Baguer. Danielle Villarosa, Laura Lubrano, Kelly Jackson, Christen Tassin.

Youth in G overnm ent students conduct a town council meeting (not pictured here) in vvltich they discuss com m unity problem s and ways they can be im proved.

After a Ions flay o f three hour conferences the m em bers o f Model UN are ready to have some fun at the annual dance. This year VH S students traveled to Boston where they represented El Salvador and discussed various w orld issues. Mae Chua, the defendant, is directed by defense lawyer. Joh n Alati. while m em bers o f the jury look on. The defense team plans their strategy before the trial. Amanda Tassln, a second defense lawyer, questions Adrian Sancho on his w hereabouts on the night o f the m urder. During Mock Trial, students are able to display their court skills by participating in a fictitious trial. The students assemble a prosecution and defense team who compete against those o f other schools.

concert band concert b a n d flH c e rt band concert band concert band concert band concert band

jazz band jazz band j a z r b j

m arching band marching

jtya band ja zzita n d jazz k i nd jazz band jazz band jazz

r n i ^ m r i ^ K u M i i . i n liing band marching band

chorus chorus chorus c l^ R is c W ru s chorus c f^ m Jm o ru s c h o rT T s chorus chorus chorus chorus

Concert Band

Mindy Rossi, featured as a solo guard member, shows her grace on the field. Levy Lorenzo adds to the special percussion ensemble during the winter concert. Tom Hayes finds other uses for his drill book. The Drum Section is all smiles for winning "Best Percussion" after a great performance in Passaic Valley. Hanging out with friends helps everyone survive band camp. As alto section leader, Erin Drury plays a feature solo in the concert band. The colorguard stops for a pose after a victorious job at Giants' Stadium.

President: Nick Mathers

Vice President: Phil Zaks

Drum Major: Katie Wojtal

Funniest Quotes: “ A pox on you and your first bom!” ‘‘Put your hand on your head and say duh!” ‘‘Chicks and Baba-Yaga are fun to do!” ‘‘Go Guard!” ‘‘I quit!” (Choir)

Most Absent: Lola Fayanju

Has Most Answers: Phil Zaks

Most Picked On: Trevor Perkins, Caroline Streicher, Beuttleberg boys . . . etc.

Always Ready with a Reed: Josh Hunnex

Best Section: Trumpets, Altos (tie)

Giants' Stadium: Third Place

Greatest Accomplishment: Recovering from Toronto

Martssa Antollno keeps up the tempo while remaining In step having as a trio in the winter concert, Jim Aldwortta. Justin Baker, and band director Max Vlorden show their performing skills Members of the Jazz Choir sing the ir favorite number. "Mghtingale" in perfect harmony Drum Major Katie Wojtal salutes to judges before conducting the show .


Kristin Burgess

Danielle Iannuzzi

Daren Clancy

Kelly Jackson

Erin Drury

Nick Mathers

Katie Wojtal, Danielle Iannuzzi, and Amanda Tone hang out with one of their favorite tend directors, Mr. Untie, before they warm up for a football game. After four years of band together, the seniors all pose after the an­nual Thanksgiving Day show .L/)la Fayanju

Caroline Streicher Amanda Tone Katie Wojtal

The head band and guard officers anxiously await fnt awards at Giants' Stadium. In rugbies, the band plays in the stands to help inspire the football team on a cold day \i.| Mathers, percussion section leader, remains concentrating on the drum major during a performance. Soloing in the jaa band, Brian Ferrel performs during the International Week­end concert on his trombone.


baseball... hockey.... coaches... varsity let­ters... football... golf... soccer...referees... track... tennis... junior varsity... fields... time outs... volleyball... wrestling... cheering... practice... lifting... winning... basketball... los­ing... overtim e... half time... badminton... courts... baseball... hockey.... coaches... var­s it y le t t e r s .. . f o o t b a ll. . . g o lf . . . s o c ­cer... referees... track... tennis... junior var­s ity... fields... tim e o u ts... vo lle yb a ll... wrestling... cheering... practice... lifting... win­ning... basketball... losing... overtime... half time... badminton... hock­ey.... coaches... varsity letters... football...

...referees... track... tennis... jun- fields... time outs... volleyball...

cheering... practice... lifting... win­losing... overtime... half

time... badminton... courts... baseball... hock­ey.... coaches... varsity letters... football... golf... soccer... referees... track... tennis... junior varsity... fields... time outs... volley­ball... wrestling... cheering... practice... lift­ing... winning... basketball... losing... over­time... half time... badm inton... courts... baseball... hockey... coaches... varsity let-

John AlaU Captain

Peter Burgess

Collin Pisarra Captain

Fric Dimeck

Mass Gallinoni Captain

Mark DiRoma

Dan Pritchard Dave Camp

Above- Top Row: Justin Baker. Todd Neale. Patrick Rondino, Dave Conlan, Mark DiRoma. Dave Camp. John Alati, Collin Pisarra. Mass Gallinoni. Pete Romanyshyn. Jim Aldworth, Richard Unis. Coach Dave Conlan. Bottom Row: Joe Benyo, James Schmidt, Dan Pritchard. Levy l/)renzo, Justin Fiory, Pete Burgess, Justin Mele, Richard Bell, Sabino Sellitto.

Captains: John Alati Massimiliano Gallinoni Collin Pisarra

Highlights: Shut out against Whippany Park (3-0) to make the State Tournament

Team Quote: “ Come on, Mas’’- Mas Gallinoni“ Enough cockamamie excuses” - Coach Conlan

Biggest Heart: Pete Burgess

Best Excuses: Collin Pisarra

Always Injured: Eric Dimeck

Most Erratic: Mr. DiRoma, Mr. Alati

Clockwise from left: Dave Camp manuevers in for the score while baffling defenders. Mark DiRoma demonstrates his skills against kin- nelon, while leading his squad to another victo­ry. Joe Benyo puts pressure on the opposing goalie. Collin Pisarra sets his teammates up for a goal with a powerful corner kick.


Lini',! Lubrano MonikaWnekowicz

Above- Top Row: Coach Bob Uddle. Sara Spektor, Kern, Goodwin, Andrea DeLisi. Marissa Antolino, Amanda Potts, Tara McGarrity, Lacy Byers, Erin McGarrity. Middle Row: Luira Lubrano, Monika Wnekowicz, Kristin Burgess, Shauna Sacchi. Torrie Flach. Geovana Barnave. Bottom Row: Katie Wojtal, Kelly Lynch, Sandy Peterson.

Kelly Lynch Captain

Sandy Peterson Captain

Katie Wojtal Captain Kristin Burgess

Geovana BarnaveTorrie Flach

•• 'A t j

Captains: Kelly Lynch Sandy Peterson Katie Wojtal

Highlights: Winning six gamesKatie’s rendition of the ping-pong story

Best Game: MKA

Team Quote: “ It’s the highest one today” - old man at the Chatham game

Clockwise from left: Tara McGarrity manuevers around a Newark Academy defender. Kerry Goodwin and Andrea DeIJsi hustle back to defend their goal. Sandy Peterson prepares for one of her powerful kicks. Torrie Flach sets up her teammates for yet another goal.


Above- Top Row : Nick Serpico. Sieve Hayes. Joe Vece, Coach Dave D'Adozzio. Coach Ray Bowes. Coach Alex Kaplanovfch. Coach Bob Czuka. Coach Robert Maher. Ryan Garthwaite. Jon Meyer. Roger O ’Callaghan. Middle Row: Brian Smith. Gary Venner, Ryan Bush. Robert Chiappone, Tom Kikos, Kevin Demasi, Shawn Hartwtg. Neil Berger. Phil Zaks, Chris Yanetelli. Anthony Rivera. Bottom Row: Bayram Harjulla. Paul Bestido. Keith Passaro. Thomas Gilsenan. Marc Nigro. Anthony Nigro. Anthony Goss. Ralph Trombino. Mike Passero.

Jon Meyer Captain

Brian Smith Captain Marc Nigro Joe Vece

Captains:Jon Meyer Brian Smith

Highlights: Bowes vs. Csuka - fight to the death Kap’s slippery day punt

Best Game: Chatham (23-19) - Second halfcomeback

Team Quotes: “ Gas ’em up!”

Team Nicknames: Bobby “ Cut ’em” Chiappone Dr. Neil Berger Mo / Jerky

Biggest Heart: Tom Gilly

Clockwise from left: The Verona football team celebrates after a close “ come from behind” vic­tory over Chatham. Ryan Bush runs for another VHS touch­down. The Hillbillies show their excitement before a big game. Marc \igro escapes a tackle for a Verona first down. Coach Bow es and Coach kap give quar­terback Brian Smith good advice for the next play.





Above-Top Row: Amanda Checchetto, Marissa DeLuca, Nicole Grecco, Krissy DiTrani, Megan McAleer, Kelly Sheridan, Coach Gina Pratola. Dorri Stroll, Erin Sheridan. Kathy Cirello, Melissa Carsillo, Megan Abeles, Jennifer Blum. Bottom Row: Nicole Baguer. Erin Moran. Melissa Johnson. Marissa Holler.

Krin Moran Captain- Fall, Winter

Melissa Johnson Captain- Fall

Nicole Baguer Marissa Holler


T ennis

Above- Top Row: Coach Jorge Valcarcel, Mae Chua, Beth Abele, Elizabeth Ward. Rachel Jacobs. Sara Ramon. Middle Row: Kate Myers, Melina Lezniki, Usa Kealy. Lauren Ercolano. Bottom Row: Danielle Villarosa. Erica DePalo. Jessica Haffner.

Danielle Villarosa Captain

Jessica Haffner Captain Erica DePalo

Cross Cou

Above- Top Row: Andrew Bilker. Karl Weber. Kristin Shepard. Lauren Steberger. Coach John Brennan. Erin Drury. Kalpesh Parekh. Laolu Kayanju. Andrew Beuiltler. Middle Row: Katie Clancy, Hollie Pritchard, Beth Noble, Alicia I) Amato, Sarah Michalowski. Kelly Walsh. Adam Gerenstein, James Dulong, Sharon Palatucci. Bottom Row: Alexis Maisenbacher. liollv Friedman. Jacqueline Phillips. Caroline Streicher, Chrlssy Cocchiola, Amy Friedman. Kim Stumper, Maureen Jackson.

Katie Clancy Captain

Erin Drury Captain

Amy Friedman Captain

> # vCaptains: Katie Clancy Erin Dairy Amy Friedman Adam Gerenstein

Best Meet: MKA (we won)

Best Moment: When we shared the bus with the tennis team

Team Quote: “ Verona X-Country . . . DAL . . . Run, Karl Run!”

Highlights: Laolu and his encounter at Branch Brook Park with the knife

Clockwise from left: Coach Brennan gives one of his inspirational pep talks prior to a meet. Karl Weber passes a Whippany Park runner. The VMS team takes off at the starting line. Katie Clancy pulls ahead of all competitors. Erin Drury and K ris tin Shepard are still in good shape afte r the second mile.

ICE HOCXEr* * * •

Above- Top Row: Coach Patrick Brunner. Peter Romanyshyn, Nick Serpico, Justin Fiory, Chris Seigel, Jon Meyer. Roger O’Callahan, David Conlan, Brian Smith, Shawn Hartwig, Coach Rob Romanyshyn. Bottom Row: Steve Niewiadomski, Anthony Goss, Mike Passero. Phil Zaks. Joe Benyo. Managers: Lauren Ercolano, Melissa Johnson.

Jon Meyer Captain

Brian Smith Captain

explains: Jon Meyer Brian Smith Joe Benyo

Best dame: County tournament against Glen Ridge

Wi Team Song: “ The Foundation”

Biggest Accomplishment: Reaching second round o f States

Highlights: Chatham game, finally beating Cedar Grove, State tournament birth, the

4 “ No pressure, pressure” speech before the Science game

V* l i h m s

Clockwise from left: Peter Romanyshyn battles through Whippany Park defenders while going up for two. Justin Fiory defies the laws of grav­ity on his way up to the hoop. The Verona Hillbillies get psyched in a huddle before a big game. “ Air Serpico” dem­onstrates how to dunk during a Friday night basketball game. Joe Benyo catches the photographer attempting to steal secrets during Coach Brunner's timeout.

Danielle Villarosa Captain

JeSvSica Haffncr

Sandy Peterson Captain

Carla Velardi

Kelly Lynch Captain

Geovana Barnave

Above- Top Row: Coach Joel Throne, Marissa Antolino, Carla Velardi. Jessica Haffner, Geovana Barnave. Krica Toth, Coach Robert Graham. Bottom Row: Aman­da Shafer, Danielle Villarosa. Sandy Peterson. Kelly Lynch. Beth Noble.

G irls’Basketbal

Above-Top Row: Coach Lehman, Tim Drappi, Richard Unis, Viktor Meilands, Joe Vece, David Ramos, Nick Catena. Mike Lutz, Kevin DeMasi, Coach Murphy. Bottom Row: Dominique Perez, Justin Mele, Tom Cocchiola, Michael D’Alessio, Patrick Aldworth.

Joe Vece

Above- Top Row: Trevor Perkins, Ray Perez, Craig Casella, Jaime Hopp, Ted klingert. Bobby Lynch, Jesse Federbush, Coach Starikov, Joel DeJong. Tim Kgan, Mike Harriet. Sky Patterson, Nick Lodato, Refe McLoughlin. Bottom Row': Chris Bronca. Jay Danno, Cameron Allison, Ilia Starikov, Rich Spano, Brian Zickerman. Bobby DeSantis.

Nick Lodato Captain Robert DeSantis Brian Zickerman

Captain: Nick Lodato

Best Came: Toms River East

Biggest Heart : Bob DeSantis

Team Song: “ You Give Love A Bad Name”

Team (hiote: “ WIN!”

Most Improved: Trevor Perkins

Highlights: Nick’s checks, Egan’s figure skating

Clockwise from left: Bob DeSantis and Brian Zickerman attentively stand guard in front of the goal. Craig Casel- la manuevers towards the net for a score. Coach Starikov giv es an inspiring pep-talk to the team before a big game. Bob DeSantis positions him­self to steal the puck from a West Essex player. Trevor Perkins fights for the puck during a face-off.


Above- Top Row: Steve Niewiadomski. Brian Smith. Mark DiRoma, Rodger 0 Callaghan, Chris Siegel. Gary Venner, Peter Romanyshyn, Coach Joel Throne. Bottom Row: Shaun Ward. Bob Shafer, Joe Benyo,

Brian Smith Captain

Bob Shafer Mark DiRomaCaptain Captain

Captains: Brian Smith Bob Shafer Mark DiRoma

Team Song: “ We're Talking Baseball”

Staff Ace: Pete Romanyshyn

Best Game: Cedar Grove (9-8)

Team Acrobat: Brian Smith

Highlights: Neil's spill, Fiory's take-down, Siegel beat­ings, Bish's home run

Clockwise from left: Joe Benyo avoids a wild pitch during an intense game. Captain Mark DiRoma slides into home to show Cedar Grove who’s boss. First baseman Brian Smith and Second baseman Neil Berger “ get in their circles” . Ryan Bush sets his stance for the pitch. Third baseman Gary Venner launches a throw to first for a quick out,

A b o ve - To p Row: Coach David Conlan. Paola Carpenito, Ylandy Shafer, Sue Gaccione. Second Row: Marissa Antolino. Sarah Federico, Andrea D eljsi. Am anda Potts. Bottom Row: Kelly Lynch, Sandy Peterson, Danielle Villarosa, Katie Wojtal.

Danielle Villarosa Sandy Peterson Katie Wojtal Kelly IAvnchCaptain Captain Captain Captain

Captains: Kelly Lynch Sandy Peterson Danielle Villarosa Katie Wojtal

Team Song: “ Set It O ff”

Team Nicknames: Pancho Villa, Petey, Katie “ Guns” Wojtal, Tootsy-Bella

Coach's Imaginary Friends: Joe Fafandone and Betty Bachagaloop

Best Game: Mountain Lakes (away)

Team Snacks: Koala Yummies, Dirty Potato Chips, Veggie Chips

Highlights: W inning Snickers bars, the M oun­tain Lakes brawl, concrete field at FNB, FNB after school program (John), Shafer's annoy­ing team songs

Clockwise from Left: Captains Danielle Villarosa, Sandy Peterson, Katie Wojtal, and Kelly Lynch clown around before a game. Catcher Katie Wojtal lays down the bunt. Captain Sandy Peterson prepares to steal home. Shortstop Danielle Villarosa makes a close play at second. Coach Conlan gives his team some words of wisdom. Pitcher Sarah Federico winds up for yet another strike.


The 1997 Boys Track Team

Eric Dimeck Captain

Lola Fayanju Captain

Katie Clancy Captain Kristin Burgess


Captains: Katie Clancy Lola Fayanju Eric Dimeck Mick Serpico

Team Qoute: “ Mo Freshmen in the back of the bus!’’

Fastest: Andrew Baker, Beth Moble

Best Jumper: John Bamave, Carla Velardi

Best Thrower: Mick Serpico, Erin McGarity

Best Meet: Sum m it Relays

Highlights: A lm ost Beating Pingry, ice cream trips

The 1997 Girls Track Team

Clockwise from left: Captain Nick Serpico prepares to launch his javelin through the air and win first place. Richie Bell anil Jam es Dulong battle out the last stretch of the mile at Bernards. The Verona Track Team discusses strategy for their upcoming meet. Getting her steps down before her race, Carla Velardi leaps gracefully o ve r a hurdle. On a cold afternoon, the team warm s up before a big meet.


Captain: Bob Garthwaite

Team Quote: “ Do You Mind?...”

Team Song: “ What’s up Doc?” Fu- Schniken's

Best Match: Bloomfield High School

Best Drive: W ychu les firs t hole (Negative Yardage)

Highlights: Beating W est Side and M t. St. D o m in ic

Funniest Moment: M alanga's M udslide

Clockwise from left: Captain Bob Garthwaite “ goofs o f f between holes at a match at Monclair Golf Club. Bob Garthwaite. Jon Meyer, and Mike McManus prove that golf really is a team sport. Pete Malanga shows good form after a long drive. Jon Meyer shows his true talent on the golf course. Mike McManus follows through on an impressive drive. Anthony DeRosa sets up to tee off.


T ennis

Above- Top row: Coach Jack Kloss, Levy Lorenzo. Mass Gallinoni, Palie kuzsma, Collin Pisarra. Phil Zaks, Pete Burgess. Bottom Row: Shaun McLoughlin, Llginero Garcia, Pete Crawford. Adam Bickoff. Doug Peeler.

Collin Pisarra Mass GallinoniPete Burgess

Captain Mitul Patel

Clockwise from right: Phil Zaks warms-up with a serve. Achiev­ing some s e r io u s hang-time, Pete Bur­gess skies to make a re tu rn . Mr. Kloss leads the team in a cool-down exercise. Palie Kuzsma puts some spin on his fore­hand.

C a p ta in s : Dave Camp Peter Burgess

T e a m S o n g : “ Put me in choach, Pm ready to!”

H ig h l ig h t s : Yes

Above- Top Row: Coach kubik. Torrie Flach, Annie Mechael, Theresa Wohlrabe, Monika Wnekowicz, Danielle Lardieri, Jenna Minutoli. Frances Conway. Bottom Row': Elizabeth Ward, Cathleen Braun, Janine Miscia, Sharon Palatucci. Whitney Buckholz.

D aineile Lardieri C aptain

M onika W nekowicz Captain Th e re s a W o h lra b e

Anne Mechael T o rr ie F la c h K e lly Ja c k s o n


Captains: Danielle Lardieri Monika Wnekowicz

Team Quote: Mo pressure

Team Song: “ Fight For Your Right (To Party)” Beastie Boys

Best Game: Livingston

Best Setter: Theresa Wohlrabe

Best Spiker: Danielle Lardieri

Best Server: Monika Wnekowicz

Highlights: Having “ Kube” for a coach and actually winning.


Clockwise from left: Torrie Flach cannot even watch as her team­mate Sharon Palatucci makes a diving save. Monika Wnekowicz prepares to set the ball. Danielle Lardieri goes up for the game winning spike. The opposing team is blocked by the stellar perfor­mance of the Verona players. Coach Kubik gives an inspiring speech while preparing the team for victory.

THANK TOUto all members of the faculty and

staff at VMS, especially Mr. Luks and Mr. White for their four years of service as our class advisors-

you ve helped make us who we aretoday!

Best W ishesto all of the underclassmen- Good Luck with your future



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To a c h ie v e your dream s, re m e m b e r your A B C s

ABCD I — Achieve your dreams

Avoid negative sources, people, things and habits.Believe in yourself.Consider things from every angle Don't give up and don't give in.Enjoy life.Family and friends are hidden treasures. Seek them and enjoy their riches.Give more than you planned to give. - 150%Hang onto your dreams.Ignore those who try to discourage you.Just do it.Keep on trying. No matter how hard it seems, it will get easier. Love unconditionally.Make it happen.Never lie, cheat or steal. Always strike a fair deal.Open your eyes, and see things as they really are.Practice makes perfect - especially in soccer.Quitters never win, and winners never quit.Read, study and learn about everything important in your life. Stop procrastinating.Take control of your own destiny.Understand yourself in order to better understand others.Vision, have it, use it.Want it more than anything.Xccelerate your efforts.You are unique of all God's creations. Nothing can replace you. Zero in on your target and go for it...G O O D LUCK E R IC ; W IT H LO V E A N D PRIDE, M O M , D A D & TERRI

Dear Erin,'"Step by step, the journey of your life"

This step and all the rest that you will take bring great pride and joy to all of us.

Love, Daddy, Margaret & T.J.

Erin,A star was born to me on March 11, 1979, and here you are, 18 years later, a beautiful young woman that we could not be prouder of. As you approach adulthood, go off to college and experience your new independence, we know you are ready to meet every challenge with confidence, determination, grace and a wonderful sense of who Erin Moran is. Meet the coming years with the same enthusiasm and love of life as the prior 18 years and you will continue to succeed. You've come a long way Baby! Thanks for the memories... (Pita.he'sa nice gee! — A Little Rainbow Home)

All Our Love,

Mom Dad & Andrea

Carla,Cherish your visions and your

dreams, as they are the children of your soul; the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.

May your future be as bright as you make every day for us.

Love,Mom, Dad, Frank & Lar­

ry I


Always be yourself and stay the good person you are. Follow your dreamsand w ork hard at what you want. Always try to give 100% and you can acheive anything in life. Set your goals and go after them one by one. It can all be yours. I am the luckiest m other in this world for God has blessed me w ith one terrific son, whom I am very proud of. I love you very much! I hope you realize that you can com e to me for help w ith any problem and I w ill always be there to support you.


Best of LuckLove Always,

Mom, Joe & Mandy

First Jennifer, then Michael, and now my last child Marissa graduates from Verona FHigh


M cIMSScI - you have made me so proud and I know that you will be nothing but successful

when following your dreams. Jennifer, Michael, and you have filled my life with laughter,

happiness, and many cherished memories for which I am forever grateful and cannot find

another way to express my appreciation than tosay I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY

HEART!Congratulations Marissa! We All Love You.

Love,Mom, Chris, Jennifer, & Michael


Congratulations BG and the class of 1997

You have brought a wealth of joy and happiness to us.

L o v e ,M o m , D arrell , K e n d r a , A u b r e y & M a g g i e

Kelly Erin GarlandShe's like the wind W hirling through the stars Stirring up the leaves Dancing across the moon Lightly touching those fortunate to be in her pathMoving towards her dreams....

We all love you and are proud of who you are !

Congratulations,Mom, Dad, Meghan, Rob



Nicholas,"The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams."

Eleanor Roosevelt

Believe in yourself and your dreams!

With all our love, Mom, Dad, and Phillip

Dear Caroline, NICHOLAS,You've only just begun...

Good luck in college but...


you'll always be our baby!We love you,

Grandma, Aunt Mary,

Mom, Dad & Adam Uncle Louis, Anthony& Michele

"Still round the com er there may wait, a new m ad o r a secret Rate, and though we pass them by today, tomorrow we may come this way and take the hidden paths that run towards the moon or to the sun K r is tin How can I say it all? You mean more to me then you'll

know Nothing I can say will express that but here goes BFF. Cape Cod, Gma and ^ camp.cousin and advent, a m. runs. Ben,water skiing,Teddy crushes. Sab. Prom96, STruns 'CP. W ebber,the cruiser, night swimming . track cuts, first times.

* again we love to tan. bit o f oil usage?. TCBY tracks " We saw her yesterday", who’s ! # there? TIGiS-how far o f a walk from Blarestown?!?! sleepovery little miss mood) . "How

it today". Davexi. too much driving, little outings. "Cut Cut", doctors visits, long late jgjj.O wrestling, skiing "Stop the lift” . KUB, prank-o rama, cadburv eggs. -Too many

yeots to recap them all. 1 would have never made it through H.S. without you. I love you like a sister I'm going to miss you! J e s s ic a There's no way I can say it all.Since frush vnu've brightened my days long walks, obsessed much with the boys?!. snowy days at the jgoer i'll call him Jessica. “Seeya around tow n", sleepovers, track hell hills, nutteibutten, -moni, walks home, me being the middle lady. "Should 1 tonight", taking turns jntplaimng. thanks for being ultimate hair dinners at yours, burning A* met long talks.VCP wars, shopping trips, doctors visits. "Jess, just lie nobody knows". SAT prep. Slurpees, movies ’n diner, running buddy, trail spill. I l’P weekend, lunch mns.Rents wars.Esposito’s runs, locker notes-1 can t possibly remember everything. You've hem die best o f fm nds to me through it all 1 love ya! E rica how can I compare to the ode to the Suzuki I'll try my best tele, lunch buddy, driver of the year. "What car", 2 talkers * 4s fun, prank queen. KUB. picture fights. Erica-to one of my favorite comics, i ll forever cherish our friendship We've been through it all. ErinDAL We ll never be!!, fighting for tht frnsh spot, pasta dinners, running chats, fighting with coach, captain x2 (alm ost). Insight*)vir Erin you've been such a spiritual inspiritation to me I'll forever keep the nmiy D anielle best chats. Rypie. Sab. pranksters, lunch outings, shared work. Teddy udks. cookie fests. "Are they all gone?!" Thanks for always being there Kate to my kate squared team. VCP chats in the morning, "who was it last night?" Hiding in BR. (am p Viet*. Insight 95-9". You' re loo cool for me. you're the best!! Stay KIB Beth &Kel my running X-C buds and comic relief, ditching the runner, trying our best?!.constant (nocking.Beih-chaLs.suy sweet you're the best'Kel- swimming buds,you rock Dave — 4 year, of friendship If you can dream it you can do it S cott So many mems. I’U always rrmember you.Cathy I miss you. You'll always be remembered in my heart Mary to my very best friend The bond we share is forever. I couldn't have made it through without you Don t ever forget how much you mean to me ILL C aro lin e& Jan e miss ya next year Don t forget all o f the pranks we pulled! Love ya! Mom & Dad thanks for all o f the sacrifices you make for me. ILL1!- "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

was going away...Still with his eyes on the world, Christopher Robin put out a hand and fe lt for Pooh's paw. "Pooh," said Christopher Robin, " if I- if I'm not quite-" he stopped and tried again, "whatever happens, you will understand, won't you?" "Understand what?""Oh nothing." He laughed and jumped to his feet. "Come on.""Where?" said Pooh."Anywhere," said Christopher Robin.

• . • In ,t!l whi>'ve given rue something t<> smile1 ^ C T 1 " 1 ^ * I thunks b p e d lB f Katie: BR '<■ mam

memories Hertae (Teddy ). Sab days part one. you had McKenna!, camp- Ben, Parker, mud soc­

cer. "nighiswimming . waterskiing, banana stickers, our chair!. Cape vacation. Grandma s sleeping hag. a n Mike, (eternal crushes) I love Matty', hook-up (Kloss!), KI B president. ProCalc witli Abby and the hell, LMM is It PMS? how did we survive it?, foutre!. pranking hoggie. skiing!, ultra pep back, tanning, track hell. Bowes cursing you off, Prom from hell. TCBY runs (we keep that place in business), Sab's mistakes, " if the bus is rocking...." who pulled the camper?. TIGS kill me please. Woj ice tea. cut-nit" night. VCP pranking pool phones. Karl!, SPY 6 0 o r oil?. Teege. J d l-0 wrestling, how come all Dave's are jerks? - I've never wasted m ore gas with one person! • and the list will continue . My sister, you know me better than I know myself what will we do without each o ther next year? Love you always! Erica; "C'm nn guys, let's hear it'." PREP rapping, pranks, Mit Rotten, talk soup, Kl B. foutre!. freshman hottie. Nat's snow mobile, snoop-woowey-woo. Prom from hell limo??. Smith's serves happy meals?. TIGS TP-ing my cabin, standing ovation, kill bananas!, my screaching. "She's a mess sing a long. Brennan fights. JCrew shopping, sneaking into EHCC spinning with Mr Alatl. Owarf, Sexy Rexy. say hi to the Suzuki gang To my little Kiddo - thanks for always knowing how to make me laugh you're the best' Danielle, Erin. & Amanda: one word: boxers!, ok. that doesn 't cut it • Moby . Caller ID bites. Mystic, pranking poems. Florida pool p iau re. turkey stuffing. cheeze-iLs, Kim the cough drop. Ana Maria Qiiquita. heart balloons, so much!, b-hall. Malanga s sweaters B obs what?!, fresh lunch. "C IT -C IT '. funny crickets, bowling!!, grass head, phsyc diploma. Fo*>dtown bathrooms. SPAIN i Mcl & DV too) Globs' too many naked men. Sangria. Pooh on the potty. Tom. Room *425!. Paladium. Todd's life story and makeup Oorbie. Baby Buzz! thanks to you guys for never ending laughs and advice’ Nicole: Now I finally see what it's like as a senior can 't wait to be you next year! I'll be so much closer in S ept — so many m ore reclining chairs and "h u rt som eone's feelings today" songs to come! Love you! Hellola: \ t Harvard next year w / Angelos, he sure to dissert some more of Bob Bell' Woj and lin o : No matter what the president says, you guys will forever he KUB! DFB: It was fun when it was fun AI ad: Calc and pd." CT thrills esp MSI!! Jim and JB: 1 never would have survived band hell without you losers' VCP Gang (BO. JH. KW, KC): O n we last another summer without Camp Webster? Panch: Ik. those situps, I want a washboard in two weeks' Freddy. SS. I.B. EJfie.VS: Blowfish!! Keep the story going! Can I have a guard " on .V Bell Family: Words can 't express my gratitude for your love for me. thank you so much Cathy: My guardian angel, no one hut you can feel how much I miss you Mom. Dad. Jon Eric. Kara: You guy's have given me and supported me through so much, and no m atter what 1 say. I love you. These things - they go away, replaced by every day..." — REM

p . “You unlock this door with a key of imagination Beyond it is another dimension. A dimension of sight, a dimension of sound, a dimension of mind. You're moving through a land of both shadow & substance of both things andf t * ■ h ideas. That's the signpost up ahead, your next stop Topanga, Bonanza/Ezmerelda it's nice to know I've found some chicks with the same warped sense of humor Just think of how many pages of wierd innuendos I could• ' ' ^ ^ * fill if our paths collided earlier My first shout-out to the ever-wonderful Suzuki without which we may have never completed the many voyages to Hose Tejas. Montclair. New Hope, Patterson .Pickin up Will and Blue Fleece boy,

Galka and his ho’s..Trips to Starbucks - stalkin Doug a.k.a. Pj a.k.a. Mark Harris.. Lawson? or is it Lousin? or Lauphin?..Goran ..Mike at Houlahans (he really does want me)..T**T s!..Christmas lights you know where!. Glen Ridge hotties Mimi. I’m proud of you..Smashing Pumpkins concert with Keith, Green Peace. Korgan's pic ..Minus rendition of Put it in my mouth "(with a Polish accent) ..ABBA deformed ..who get s the front scat? SCREAM-sneakin in Wendy s ..Nightman- in Passaic-sleepin over Galka s .Kate and our tennis breakdowns: Rachel s contaminated soda. Mr V and the pretzels, stale rice Krfcpy’s, that damn hoochie music .. One Way DePalo"..Katie's gestures to the undercover cop..nasty Charlie Brown waitress ..the hot chocolate's on Goof Troop. Babbs at TGI Friday’s ..Wannabe smokers ..White Castle in the hood. New Hope with Benji the wonder dog "say shop Sx’s fast, what do you do at a red light Mimi? what up Joel. John. Matt. JP Excuse me but do vou know where Starbucks /BK/Drug Fair is? B-Boyz craze with Amanda s kerioke. singin w / Mr Meyer's band-' Three Old Guys and a Sexy Drummer” .Empire Records phase 'My name s not f*!? Warren! Damn the man GW AR! Sexy Rexy will Sinead O’Rebellion. shock me shock me shock me with that devient behavior”..Sugar High obsession.. Foodtown stationary - So if you guys ever wonder if it was nice to know ya, I'll tell you now that it was*- N icole-1 can still envision you singing

the National Anthem at the Olympics as I stand on the podium, those ever so entertaining french crossword puzzles that gave birth to Kiwi Soleil Danish Affiche Mooteenlean just one question, if I'm on one side of the mtn and you on the outer wtmld you still come and get me? 1 knew that you would..throwin pebbles at Alati's window .fun night in Limo. Prom ’ I still your little rat'.VT: well chum, we better get some fabulous tea and crumpets for our next outing wouldn't you say .BT: Yo sista we he chillin wit da boyz- you know keepin it real for da homies!..the great thing about us is that we both know our friendship is real, no falacies. no fake images like so many others .I really value your ability to make me laugh whether its in french with vour outbursts (NANA) or just anytime, anywhere-never lose that spontenaity and you’ll be alright- — And finally I'd like to just thank Oskie for giving me something to look at during 8th per. Dennis Miller for being so damn funny . the creators of Empire Records and Ethan Randal for staring in it. Mr. Treitler for giving me my first ever write-up for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Brian Ferrel for being in such a cool band, and last but certainly not least the wonderful y earbook staff without which I wouldn t be able to look hack at my high school years only to see the same 6 people occupy every page- Thanx much!- — "The wild things roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible teeth and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws but (Rikka) stepped into her private boat and just waved goodbye” - MS. “So it goes."

"It's me” , Conspiring with DeSantis 2, Twatty, Lush, Dre, Jer. Powder, OOF, Gill. "Let's got to Sleep.” , Clam Bar!, Binz-Ixionies. (“ Staring at the Bubbles.” - GOD). Lookout, Gazebo, Hobbit, Watering Hole, Blinx, Sparking Rocks, No Man's I and. Hill Top. Split. Made Possible by: Ideal's, Romany's, Value, A&M, The Deli. N.Y.C. - R.I.P. - Ross's. Thanx Habib (we'll be back!). O'Flannahan's, Club 44. “ I think it's kicked.", Starbursts, Happy Trails. “ What are you eating?" - “ Chicklets.” , Richard M.V., Cliff, SuperSoaker, The Little Red Devil, Wilson's Bat Holder (3ft.I/mg). Ah-Dee!!, Funkmeyer, Confusiating, Pixellation, Marinoia. The Wall! Blue Flies, X-Men, Sugar 3. "I know you!’' ‘I Smell Things!” "Where's Bobby?” "Kill This” - Gill. “ Your Mom's Fat!” - Andre. 5-0. The Man! “ Baaah!” - The Goat “ I'm just as sick as you. D.”

“Wake up the driver!” Half-Time Shows (Thanks for the grill, Chatham). "Did we miss the game?” "Aaagh!” - Shut up Gill. “ What ?” Hill Rolling - Golf Course. "Doof Deen I!” - OOF. Bedwetters Anonymous. Wacky Sports: Wiffleball, Chestnut Bowling, Can Racing, Ultimate Frisbee, Log Jousting, Barrel Rolling. Stranded at Sea. "Please Step out of the Vehicle.” "Do you have any I.D.?” Drinking the Water. Concerts - PH1SH - Waterloo '95, PH1SH - M.S.G. '96. E.N.I.T. '96, TRAVELER - State Theater '95, TRAVELER - New Year'Eve '97 M.S.G, H.O.R.D.E. '96, PEARL JAM '96, ALLMAN BROS. - G.S.A.C. '96 (Bob's Tattoo). G.S.W. "Have You Ever Tried it?” - Paul. Mad Parties: Welcome to the Jungle! Gill's 94 (Fluff and Cheese). Meyer's baby gigs, Gramo's parts 1,2.3. etc. (Cable Guy!). Michelle's Shore House - Prom Weekend '96. (Oh No! THE BAY!) Go-Karts. Gary's House Memorial Day Weekend '96 (The Golden Urinal, Piece of Gum. Monkey Brains, Chicken Heart). The Good Dr. Steve's '96 - '97. BUSTED! (He's How Old?). Relaxed Muscles, Prarie Fires, Ebonic Plague! Gary's Spring Training Weekend 97' (Jer's first time, Felix the Cat). "Who did we lose?" Everyone needs a little K.F.C. Renaissance City. Woo! Construction Paper Phil. Gravi-Tron - 1st time w / Tom G. Lost in the Woods. White Skeletons. "Hey, Jer, 5-0!” Dancing in the Sprinklers. Duck and Goose Wars. "Now Your Making Fun of Me?” - Dre. "They Know!” "Bob, its Okay, Unlock the Door.” - Tom C. Fortress of Solitude. Harder's Near - Death Experience. "What Happened to the Wall, Mike?” Happy Harder Days. Gary and Gill Love PARKING METERS. Budget Inn, Sunset Motel, Fairfield Executive. Favorite Cop: Boomer. Sorry if We Forgot Anything. Anyone , or anyplace. BUDS 4 LIFE! - Bob DeSantis, Paul Watkins, Gary Collins, Andre Mutovic, Adrian Sancho, Nick Toombs, Jon Meyer, John Humphries THE END!

Friendship Forever!We’re joined in a friendship That time cannot sever. With bonds we have built We'll remain friends forever.

We’re welded in spirit. Attached by our hearts. We’re fused by the feeling That friendship imparts.

We’re tied by emotions, Connected by dreams, Reinforced by our hopes, Unified by extremes.

Mo longer a function Of time or of space,Our love is a substance That life won’t replace.

Mo matter how distant, We’ll always endeavor To sense the full meaning Of friendship forever!!!

C H " ! SSVY: ' F T n d ,“ P 'S °n' m,nd ,w o b o d ‘" ' M d lsso - A m y K lm - D O "* 1' - Anne - our memories- Stalking; F T stakeouts; Nlchotas Bidd le Fiddle; croaked Pizza Hut- dancing In the cars n J A M COnCW 9 28 '9 6 ' “ dte ,0r " ■ » * » * -nd Gavin; m iniature golf; bowling (kegllng); Rusted R ^ - T h T ^ ^ y

^ ^ h L c n l n a h u ^ t ^ - ^ J ^ r t m y pK><SMx* » ° * n the ^ ore, the Pron, Experid tce 96 ; Prom weekend down the shore tothes. Snowball and Hi Ho.W hat 'happening hot stuff? . O h sexy girlfriend ; Autom obile?-, princesses; our tiaras; You're unbelievable crash!, car adventures; Pat's house; lot pass bys; Brad Pitt, need I say more? B iker B iker Biker If

K ,« - r ^ v you£ 2 - r i z mu^ y 900(1 mustc p“ rt jom- Bush- ^ wh* * * ~ • - " • » », z v L m aoPK IM ; Thank you Ed tte s lb irth dayparty . Duty Minds; fnjitcake years; Uss It and m ake It feel better; me Bnga hurts, walking In the b illia rd ; P E A R L J A M laser lir^it show. M V and B O B Cham pagne sleeprng overfor being a friend. yellow Bain. I wan. m y machine. pieces o f children perspiring; It's a beaveri; Junior year lunch table and parties, senior year out to lunch; our Christm as parties - caroling; An.i-Band C f a m L ' traveled down the road dlsgusBng pancakes; the man In the w indow dancing a t the Christm as party; french fries w ith too m uch Ketchup; the Diner; Bunny!; look It's the cops, don 't open the door the good' and back again. You, heart bad. and disgusting burps: guys In other cars Jus. love us; phone ca lls to South Carolina: yes love?; It's a package deal; Seniors; HoraBo Se ym ou r Vo lkrybaflbus rides and s ign s ' is true, you're a pa! and a con- getting our licenses, summer '96 riding w ith our crashes; the park, on the lake In the m iddle of the freezing night; Hypocrite Chrlssy and Trooper Jenna- speed bum ps ' fidant. A nd If you threw a party see-saw sarea blast: m y striped tights from Hot Topics; body g litte r the boardwalk; the night of the eclipse; paaad ldd le !H ottle Tour '96 Hey L a d le s ' if you want and invited everyone you knew , you to play w ith the big 0ris . you hove to play rough'; hitting the curb after being blinded by high beams; the lot striptease take It down now the lists piggy would see the biggest gift would be from nose lough; V-day carnation; Fam ous Am os; Crusty; m y evil laugh; no more Roy's; Adem; Buddy; Roy, Heavy B, Sk ippy and Walker; ’ That way!': me and the card attached would say: Thank m y puke shirt; 'W ha t the hell did you eat?'; permanent shotgun- Melissa; moe-lawner; peninsula: a lm ost killing Bob w ith the plcklebalt paddle you for being a friend '-Golden Girts, Je n n a - In gym; 'Is she sleeping back there again?': m y Ch ina and defin itions o f peep; 'Is there a Joh n here?'; toasted bagels w ith cream

PnnC! M“ - P°nl“ ' ,h d ra ' cheese, bambtes. graters; our route; 'oh . mlnta!'; the boob dance and the Jerir dance; 'D o you smell skunk? ', adventures on possesses a special a f t that thev have sharedLarang. bowling, ch icken fingers. m ovlesx2, no let srurtre rood; our luck of driv ing up next to people doing unmentionables In their cars; 'I smell fish '. They're real. T ry It m e ^ d now I T J Z Z Z Z T Zrace, toothp ick fruit. Friday weddings, blue spiked hair. are you afraid o f It?: going to the m ovies and getting chased by CG people; Bagel Basket cookies and bagels diverse group of T T T Z T T T j

M etos. s -B e la y a. Fridays; taking timed pictures a, lunch, getting Stammy. .n r you a n ym ph o? hJ T Z J Z Z Z hdkrtlonory fun In journalism. Hilton Head horrors k ick ing the door down; O pen up and say ah; „ denvlna that' B u i s t lll 'w e r m v i„ ™ L

roasting marshmallows Just right; I m ake the best hot dogs (even though I don't eat them); that will last forever K irn best friends I n Z k Z L n«rt

P'C“ j ' “ !“ t S Z T S l C“ “ 9 ' ,hl ! ‘C10n' 5 P,rxni- ShOWlnfl °0 ' "T ve r m ov ie . «2. T can't believe they don't have l e t t u c e ^ ,undies to each other and com paring - vetvett seeing Je n y Selnfleld from A m y 's going to appear , r L w Y e a r is '96. radio station”

hocJ;ln8 >* m ucous Hl n o 1* blue hair, s p a g h e t t i s . 'It's no. m e!'. 'G e t out of m y k itchen.', Indian ^ f n ^ o Z Z rny 90 Z Z Z . f ° 9: Princesses. Frost Valley. Friday weddings, fruit on toothpicks. Cam ping. -What'sgoing to football and hockey games: and all the other tru ly the matter, are you afraid o f It. tty It!', singing unde, the spotlight. f r e a k y Z * . Are

we slaves?, SK 's, broken C D player. B& B , Pilgrim- ch icken fingers, pancake fall, shore, late night English discussions. Prom '96 - Sizzler. Trooper Jenna!. 'Ju s t K idd ing!' Psychic

connection, and so m any more K e l ly - 'W e can overcom e these d ifficulties because were

JEN N A: For the past 18 years. I have

faced so m any obsta des, both big and small No

matter how trying or trivial, I have com e to realize that each

experience has taught m e something about m yself and about others And

through the good times and the bad. I have found friends to help m e pull through Each

spagettkfeet. W ho ’s T om Cruise?, Bubba Dills. W hat's the matter RU afra id o f It? T ry It! New Years 96. camping, shorehouse. sidewalk fall, blueberry hill, 'm ag ica lly appearing1 cows. Thanks Trooper Jenna! B F F Danielle- Shenfl! The laughter began w ith 'I drink m ilk now but I don't eat cheese an ym o re ' PICK, la vache qul pue. the greatest gift o f all. SK 's. du homage, vite! vite! toute la dasse. pique ies nezs! H ickey P ickey. 3bean curd. Pruney. Mama fish, taboo.!800*s. Stench war. winter stew. Nancy Carlson 's Wonderful World o f Reading. So whatta ya wanna do? soda dip. finger talks. U oyd Christmas. CR D LE ! food language.Lion King. If you have a problem, you'll solve It. check out the hook while the D .J revolves it! Stay Loose/ Keep Solid- you choose’ Chrlssy- Hypocrite Chrissy.Indian Princesses,


camping *1 hotdogs. table dancing, buba dills, malomars, seasaw told ya not to m ove it! W hat’ , the matter R tl afraid o f It? T ry It!, dandng to Tiffany, forgetting cook ie money. Hear that? I didn 't go that much! Amy- Indian Princesses, seashore island, crazy baby. Edd ie/M ikey, F rost Valley bears, almost lost. W O P A O L T If ya know what I mean. d ic k .d ic k alee! Veggie Burger Dare, bar nones. Oprinlan thing, bowling, raisen runs. Aug 13. 2003 'Y o u know ', watch out for blue M+M's, what If the world- no com m ent K e l ly W O PA O LT . STOP, kelp In m ud. 'I like lemons!'. OrviUe/Perdue. W hoops clang clang check out the view! A lee ' Hakuna Matata Pumba! M e lissa - Applegate. SK 's. Roys. Ken 's Town Tavern, mouth k ick , foot stuck In cheese, sitting on a log like kerm lt the frog. Ziffaronis deliveries, krispie treats, driv ing down the highway In i m akeshift model T A . C low ns never laughed before, beanstalks never grew, ponies never ran before tUI I met YOCJ! Christina- Mala' Aunt T illy/U n lce Ten use. Brutus+Cassius. W O PAO LT . You went the wrong way old king Louie, you really d id a parapiuie’ Clouds, what clouds? I don't see any douds! What do you take m e for, a FO O L?

unforgettable memories we all shared. Brian we've had a lot o f fun together and I hope we have a

lot more. Mom , Dad. C indy, Thomas.

and Sam m y, thank you for good enough, smart enough, and gosh dam nlt people like us. or so we like to th ink!' Pumba! everyth ing. I love you Jlngleball ' F J > " you. I'm a girl!' . censured! L is sa - Stalkers friend, hiding on the slide, the bloody

hose, runaway train, . and a friend, lunch. Brad Pitt on 4 /26/96 . New Year's '96, 'W ha t II God was one of us? ', hiding behind the Verona Diner, being chased In the park, the acorn Incident. 'Y ou 're so violent"

Thanks for being there!, C h r is s y - I've known you forever. Cam plng .-'W hat's the matter are you afraid o f It, tty i t " Shore. Indian Princesses. Brad P itt on 4 /26/96, fam ily picn ics. . fashion show, Hypocrite Chrissy! SOC/IA.

Journalism , ultimate lunch table, Stalkers friend! Don't shoot m e again please. A m y - D C twice. I wonder who stole our stuff? Penelope, O ur own beds, contact solubon. Indian Princesses, Frost Valley. . French fry flick ing, SO C/IA 'See, he

does find us entertain ing'. Joum.ideadllnes?) . 'T h is Is a stick up!' You're a true friend D a n ie lle ■ I want my tape back!, thawing in Palmer . PR 's (Tom m y's mine), sleep over pictures, the 'D '-M ob tle and m y sophisticated cat

w a lb i^ p te sc ira^ m ^ M P fn^ W re aortas frfandL A a w e -A r t l& s s frustrations*SirmirWwO Anna •-. - a ,— Z v . !!1*!11 T * . . " . * f : ' . POSSi'1? ’ ' H V ’ T u m s ! ls m y head " " d to know about life ’ I can 't do th is anym ore" C h r is t in a - theme parties. L ion King. Spanish video, SO C/IA and Journalism.

I le a rn e d f ro m m y g ir l- D C In 6th grade, thanks for the memories. C a ro lin e - art c lass was fun this year cam ping 'W hat's

Caro l' Ja n in e - good luck In the past, present, and future' C a th y B raun- R e d / ^ tas v ' t x Z ” ra Z T T T T ' I Z I T ^ C h r “ ,e n - ' 50 happy *'e ' « b w o " ’ * 3°odnotr e l hiresc. U N O Oprah • puppet show nickatn ite bad mitten S u e U N O ' r>™»h ChrtMy Jrrn‘ - K lm - Am y, C h r is friends Never forget gym classes, lunch, going to see shosvs. ushering was fun. serious

puppets. B K k k fs m eds. giant a r t Z r e / C P K Invasvx, A rd ie - Aunt T ^ ^ W ^ T e ^ e HoT ’t ^ T r S ' • ^ T T o o " ! ^ " ' T Z Z Z ^ ^ *'W°y5 your , r lw d Dud*cows. moo. m ilk cheese Melanie ghosts Brace oartir p u ts sunsh lnedav 'D a n le l l , " * ■ “ P- d ™ ' “ » door*, the • t d o n t have any cheese", personal day. and M A N Y more laughs Never change'Love - Thanks fo, the after s c h o j Z s ' J o h n M O ^ Z T ^ s ’T ' T ° ‘9^ ^ 6 R U ST ED 1 )007 W hHn* y P^ures. Sizzle, Star Wars. 'It's pawn shop no. pomcookts, conversations. N M a lfa - T h a n k T f Z u g Z , » L m . . s M 1 “ J " * * Cl,Y' T ~ 1 „ - ' " * • T " - P=, s "Aop!'. Jingrebail '96 - T I G you. I'm a giri!'. you can 't drive, late nigh, ta ik,rancher, BK . Don't wanna waste If Lau ra - never ever stop colormq' Ja ck ie - V StirikC^,• and dancln9- S na k r Road ’*** Lad les'. Les M is is the best. DC how cou ld you forget about m e? . swapping (If youdelic ious chocolate! pets, screaming m ^ ri“ w ^ Z ^ “ V^ Wan' l ° ptev “ ,,h you' - «» P“>y ™ bgh'. know wha, I me*n).Ch,na patterns don't teUi. 'C an you give me a r id e "E r k . M ik e and J a c k ie = T H E U N O P E O P L E P lu c k ^ p lucky ' Stop r T ’t L " ’ T ' oul m u* :' you don'f ‘ Men to good m usic '. 'N O ! '. 100* Attitude. You have become one o f m y truest friends Goodlooking at m y cards. Christm as UNO. Pile O n ’ Draw Four' Quadrant T u rn u p the m usk m aybe we II sound better. Gavin and Eddie, code names, shall we do Luck next year' Thanx for the laughs. Ja n in e - Cheeto! bus rides- M ,

growing^ Anne- bobing m y head? No cheese please’ Christen- Cabbage Patch K ids. West SideStory; ushering was fun. thanks for being a friend W h itney- sizzle,, psychology. Ptom 96. Merc, friends.'Great memories w ith great the matte,, are you afraid of It

friends; Chrlssy. Jenna. K lm . Am y. Chrls- tlna. Danielle, Theresa, and Anne Never forget

Hottie Tour 96; 'It’s a cop. don't open the door*, the Ultimate Sum mer night. PEA R L JA M & R U STED R O O T

concert, lost in the c ity. O h no I lost m y gum . Pat’s house. Brad Pitt. Yes Love. Stalkers, singing and dancing. Snake Road. 'H ey Ladles*,

obsessive?, 'If you want to play w ith the Big girls, you've got to play rough',Now we're cruising. 'If you don’t listen to our music, you don't listen to good m usic1.

Turn up the musk: m aybe we ll sound better. Gavin and Eddie, code names, shall we do

four, homemade Uno box ’ Ginger I'm glad you're m v cousin Z T T T T f " ' " 9 the town' m 0* to» n w - Packa9* D w l. curbage, Pancakes yuck. Social and Mr. Conceited. HBW. Nelnera. Mlnnl-M innl. stop mak

have fun In A2 ' Thanks Mom. Dad. Grandma - Grandpa G n f f o Z “ ** " " n‘5' Buddy ' Ad*m ' 801,1 ’° h * xy lnfl ,hoSe Welrd "O '5” at 9flmes! Tha" k s lor ^ '" 9 a friend Grandma ♦ A l. Karen Vou are the roolesr s.s,er i^ H Id ' Z \ & M f '' V - ° " y “ ™ « o n - Y<*)* train, children Mas.- never paying attention In English and History Iwish for. you ore my sunshine ILU" 'F rom the dav we a cS T s‘^ p 'ng 0 ''w > n n a 5 hous* ' W ho drank »•**.<** dance, Crusty, fruitcake years, ’ What cou ldn 't g ive you the ticket for »2. 'M y lim its aren't on.” ,arrive on^foe Z ran J S t Z Z Z f ^ y *> *" " you see a cop ' cutting open A m y ', w /« r sorry I aimos, go, you B o u t* grew *There Is more lo see than can ever seen more *’ C P“ M ln9 “ * V *ord T,,k' » d0* " "»*• T * ' mY hm iperature' Cathy B. and Fran V-Ball was fun Mrs. Sher

to do than can ever be done There is far lo T ^ W° " ^ P°n 'M * * OU" " 9S' ^ G ood ' ^ ond D“ » , ’ Un9 BurP 5' S ls" r5?' Shotgun!. FrenchFries man- you have been a teacher, a mentor, andm uch .o take In here m o r e T f ln d ^ , ' can J T v °P ' Z Z T T T <' lnnl:r?' ' ^ M y ^ " 'S Sw * P,ckleS' B ob ' Bobbte Eagle Song. Fla. oh the mos, of all. a friend Thank you for ever ,ever be found I f , the C irc le of L lte ^ n d B u d Z f T ^ “ * ^ ^ Kd5pl' m” B ' ^ SrlnMd 9 ivlng Jenna a bloody n o * . thing .hat you've done lor me To myIt m ove , us a« Through d e m a n d - r ^ n i ^ . ^ , ^ 1, - B | V ?. stakeouts. Pizza Hur and Pilgrim , m lnalure golfing. 'H ock It u p ' Peninsula. K id u se r, family I love you t cou ldn 't hav.hope, through I a l t h 3 nil c WpS' “ ked ,o us. Uon K ing Parties. Turns. M e iko DeCIcco. lovers, done It w lihout you.!

on the petit The Golden Glris. Therera. B O B Ju « Kidding!, tae paddie In gym . T h e y 're « r . T there a John here?unwinding. I tT m e Cinrie Zf '■ l . T T ' r T . 1 ^ * ,hrowlrk ? 'JP ' H iH o o n d Snowball, phonecalls to South Carolina, M rs Meares rapport group.

Life ' An tM VO PALT ^ krib Z T r L Z ’ T T ' r Z ' T T Z T ° ° “ “ W'" d° “ ' ' Bunny '' B °m b l' ' ye pa,che5 n K lm '5 room ' kl°k 'ng K lm ya know where.If Arib W O PALT . A nb-B^sd dan. tot drive b y , . Dan go buy us Ice cream? the Qulja Board In the dose.. Breaking up w ith Dan on m y Iron, poreh. Are you lactose IntoHeranP Chuck

I Z Z W3n' ' ° ^ ° mPmb" ' Z P ' 1 coukln 't to ve d0" 11 w l,hou' you' underwear show and tell, m ovie theatre gang, T .G .L F rid ays, it's m y Birthday ask me how oldr i. f8Ce' T * - ° ° yOU *** CUrt<” 10 yOUr h° ‘r>’ 5109 • c k ‘n<> wraP P ^ at m e and Mrs. VHvetta. Biker. Biker', Albino. Jim . 'D* mobile go qel a Gallante qo qef an

you n Z ^ o T m y T S Z «“ ' ^ AndWW' POp y° ° ^ » llb — yo° M o - a"d Dad you don', realize how m uch

a lw ays rem em ber you from O .L L . But our times in

the last two years w ll never leave me. O ur ta lks in the locker

TH ERESA: Amy- you ve always been a sweetheart, you’ve always been short, m y friendship w ith you is one o f a sort Christina- so giggly, so cut*, and so cheery, your sophistication and heart cou id never make a person weary D- m y good friend, m y defin ite shore buddy, being w ith you m akes me get nutty Anne- m y Egyptian friend, we have had our problems, but we're too good of friends not to solve them Kim- you are so Innocent and sweet,

thanx for all the tim es you ve kept me on m y feet Kelly - you *•*•!, you know you are one of kind, thanx for all the good times Chrissy- tfse S 's are out to get you, but don't worry I'll be there to protect you. Melissa K.- you ’re a snob, you know I m Just kidding, you're actually a beautiful princess Just hidden. Jenna- you’re definitely a friend of m ine, thanx for being there all of the time Monika- m y blondie. you know

you're a sweety, that serve o f yours made everyone quee/y Laura- Lubs. Duda. you are always so quiet, I know when you go hom e you break out In a riot Daren and Chris- the lunch times were great good luck in all you do. never let our friendship break Caroline- m y short little friend, Model U.N. and getting lost was great In Boston Janine and Whitney- two of m y volleyball buddies. LCJH you're

D A N I E L L E : a nut and W hitney you're plain funny Melissa M.- bock In O .L L . . thanx for being there when I almost 'f e l l ' Joe- you’re a good buddy. It was great that I met you. Just remember I don't fear you ANNE: Jacks­Time flies when Wat- rnY {rur •mre- m y hig Snuffy poo. you know that I'll a lways love you! Thanx so m uch for being there for me. You guys ore m y life and a part o f me. I'm definitely going to m iss a lot of The yea rs haveyou’re hav ing fun, y o u G o o d luck in everything you guys do and always remember the great times we've had • Friends are forever. Love always. Theresa A K A W IGGLES Just to add some memories none bv so fast I willTrue friends W iggles. A m y - 'W h y is your shirt wet on top?*. 'W hy are you calling him an appliance?*. J.D . Night, makeovers. 'A m y . would you happen to know what time it to?*. T don't know. i/|m Anne, Melissa. Theresa, m aybe you should ask the KLOCKS!* . "C om e on. put cm up, com e on, put em up ", W O PAO LT: Green heart. Surprise parties, New York: dressing rooms,i n/i Soen ce r (fo r h ire ) mean babysitter. MOO!. Red Jeep: Franklin. Prom ’96. S A T course: List of men. Cross Country Managing. Undeveloped F ilm . Sm all Frie. Little F ile . C lass movie

Monk fiaren Chris Ed f,,ms: Daisy- June and C o <***‘"9 ** »n Boston. Joey Muscles from Brook lyn Christina- Squeeze' Squeeze! . sm ack the book. It's a bug. Yellow room.J C rM i times w ith all of >m Bobby the Jerk, k ic k the tree. J .D Night. New York, shoes escapades, your m any short stories. D an ie lle - m y best friend’s a penguin. I time!, shore

2 ? T f ' orom '96- M v w e ?!<5 and " S " " * *' the T m not retafded- >'m *»* *>*'' <G+T). Volleyball pain. Prom '96. C A N D Y M AN . M a ts parties, M ike room will! always be sick W e have theWlggl«» 9** p^j™ Y likes It. W hat s Bugsy's real name?*. The Alphabet. E lfy A n n e Eify, you fight like a fly. relapse into Egyptian first grade. Prom 96 no dlrtv m ln d i Rem ind Jesse 'Getbest friends a penguin. tuxedo, shore weekends were realty great. Wiggles, m ovie nights at your house. Pizza, me. you. Mat. Mat's parties. Good Luck In . J . 0 , .GALS! Down the shore '96 N ICE H U M M ER school! To the rest o f m y friends. I m ight not have a lot of memories w ith you but 1'U never forget you M y heart will a lways hold tho** ° f U breokers- P ro™ weekend 96Your little putt putt car will never be forgotten you and m y m ind will never forget. Mat- m y one true love. You've made m y life com plete You m ake life worth living. * nd <*on't ror9et we *** together, butt buddyBowling - hop. sk ip and a Jump. M a t's parties were a Thanx for all o f the things you 've ever done for m e The times were great, the pertles were great too. I can t wait to Sp en ce r- W e've only known eachother for the lastblast: Gabe s dancing and 'shm ok ln ' a shtoge.' A lso, I'U see the times to come. A great beginning, a bum py m iddle and a great forever' I Love You Remember 7652- two years, but in that time you 've been a true friendalways remember that you're not retarded. Just slow (the 531707-1795. Never forget that I am here for you and you can tell m e ANYTHING! Don't hold back, be a lways listening to m y problems. Thank you for being a trueupe (or O. and T.% P .S. Try to forget that you -felt It:' also, td l ‘f ^ ,,or ' " fn l,y You' “" * , K lM y,u r T o M om m y Daddy, WlUle, Bobby. ^ and -W Bys Iwnem bc, Me* Year s 96, W e « t throughMat not to get Jealous o f Poppa Sm urf A nne - (Sever forget down JennY a ' r" ' Thamt ,or putting up w ith m e for 18 years M om m y & Daddy Thank Youthe shore '96 T gotta go pee!’ O B SESS IO N S was fun — Mat and ,or ralsln 8 " * ,he best You cou ld and giving m e everything I deserve I Luv You! FriendsOabe scaring people. X m as '96 - Ed 's m lnlmag. madness! What a child. are forevta. In m y heart they will last. W e have gone through a lot. we have had aRemember to keep the curls do ing in ' A m o s FAM O U S ! I love your cookies LBI weekend '96 — remember the little rain c loud? A lw ays rememberto eat your 'Chinese food,* and I'll try to remember that you're not short. Just vertically challenged P S. Say hi to your M dm aclan fam ily S p e n c e r - T H E STATE!!!Marino and B lack Never forget: The blue freak o f nature (ILJ); $240 worth of pudding (oh yeah); the animal song; the Andersons; 'w here 's the mousy?*; the dancing hormones;Doug's dad Don; *1 W A N T RICK*; 'm e too. sarge?' A lw ays remember to keep on trekin'. P S.Say hi to Mr. Miagl and the little naked man on the boat M e lis s a & Je n n a - Melissa • try to keep your food down while driv ing In the car Jenna - never forget our Power Ranger discussions O ne m ore thing T O M M Y 'S M INE ' C h r is s y - Shorty! Never forget Mr B idd le Fiddle, how Horatio Seym ore croaked. 'YES* . XY Z (Mr. Brunner), and how I am 'do in ' the Idalians.' M y stalking experience was fun.Driving in Jenna 's sophisticated car was funny. Fo r the future If your husband ever asks you how your day went after work say 'Poopy!* P S. T ry not to fall out of chairs (French class) K im - Where do I begin? 6 th grade •Leave m y son alone!* and *1 drink m ilk now. but I don't eat cheese anymore.* A b o remember all our names- you = Cap’n Kid. Green Gyser. Pruney. Zungia. Ed. Cheese, etc. . M e * S ir W inston Walrus. Red Bomber. Stoney. Food. Shenzi. etc... Never forget our food language and our tape and all of the grotesque things discussed. Lunch was funny • King Louie and h is parapiuie. and 'w hoops clang, clang . . .* I'll a lways remember log. stew, and how Pruney and her family were a lways changing as years went by. French class was a laugh - 'vtt. vlt. toute les classe, p ique les nezs!* Also, always keep your S K 's (or M C 's ) handy, keep talking w ith your fingers, and I'm sure you'll find Lloyd Christmas som eday (I G O T W ORMS!). P.S. L ion K ing rules 4-ever oh yeah, keep solid ' M o nkTROLLEY! Never forget V-Ball m em ories - M onk 11-teen and Lu cky 7. New coach - YES!!! Your peach

blast TH never forget everyon s name. I will nevr forget the Joy and the pain I will hold you In m y heart, your beautiful sm iles will stay, Just

remember how hard It Is for me to part. Thank You!!! anyone take that away from you. A lw ays remember k ick ing down the door to

first period dreading each moment. A lw ays remember* Can you please not wear so m uch cologne, you're g iv ing me a headache.'

C r is p y - W e were able to get to know each other In H ilton Head '96 You were there to help m e w ith the little terrors. Your a sweet person, don't let

rescue Mark. In time we have become friends and now we can becom e partners in setting for V-Ball Am os- W e are one in the same, always hopeful and happy. I was able

to get to know you during out long talks In Envl. Sci. O u r ta lks of falling In and out of love. A lw ays remember you are a special person and friends are what last, not love. When we are ail

together you're the short one, but you have the biggest heart, a heart of gold Je n n a - O ur talks In A rt were always Interesting. Thank you for helping m e take a different perspective when it com es to

m y artwork. A lw ays remember .'Jenna, It would look better If . .* You are a great listener, when you give advise you have one point of view. I need to hear the one person who stays out of the situation and sees

the general over view. Thanks for putting up w ith me. K im - Your a strange girl Not a bad thing but a good strange. You're a sweet girl w ith a different out look on life and I thank you for always bringing a sm ile to m y face

everyday A lw ays remember your 17th B irthday party at lunch w ith a L ion K ing theme Duda- You're a wonderful, caring person always w illing to help. I will always remember s loping in at Poppa Tony 's during the sum m er w ith M ike I

thank you for your hospitality and I wtill get you back for all the free lunches. A lw ays smile for you are a beautiful person W igg les- We have been through *•£>% and back We have finally gotten It right, a working friendship

We have known each other since kinder garden I'm glad we are friends. A lw ays remember 'Y o u fight like a fly . . Over the years guys have com e and gone Usually we had our tiffs about them but now we are older

A M Y : The m emo- and more mature and we finally realize guys aren't worth a life long friendship. 'D*- The time has beenperfume will surely be remembered. The shore was the greatest you. on the beach in front o f the rtes and the ^ tlr™ » we short but fun O u r shore days will definitely be m y greatest mem ory A lw ays remember, 'the B lim pielifeguard = unacceptable. Rem em ber the p iece o f shm ush? Never forget the skyride at Great ave together are really g u y ', 'm ln lm ag frenzy'. Christm as '96. and Obseessions Gab* dancing w ith you. You're a greatAdventure. Also, try to but som e bathing suits that fit. P .S. If you ever have a M onk 's part III - waY to° 0130Y to trY to list or count. friend who I can talk to. A lw ays remember I'm your know ledge W ith your know ledge com esCALL M E ’ D a ren & C h r is - M y lunch buddies. Never forget Chris 's shirt Ladles Gents. l m 001 90*09 to P™ sure that you humor. Shore 96 T h a t 's a Joke.* com pla in ing about Jenny the Jeep and Star Trek YourBEAN! Daren's 'unc log m y heart* version was quality. A lw ays remember Manson and know what theY are 1 am )ust 9°lng to write a brother is m y freak and If It wasn'for you Iwouldn’t be with Ed to th is day Thanks. Mat-Daren's ’ B E A T m y love r' obsession P.S. Don’t forget about 'P o le '. Ed - BE A N ! M y l,ttte message to each of you and then leave the Thank you for a lways being there when I needed you. O ur friendship cam e of a badbrother, m y hockey com pan ion Never forget our Manson obsession T H E m em ories In m y head and in m y heart T^ y d o n t need to ^ an<J , thank ^ therr A lw ays remember elfy. C hock 'sBEAUTIFUL P E O P L E ! ' Our Inside Jokes were funny 'SURVIVE!!!* O ur hockey ** wrm^ down- for we al1 know what has happened and every shoulder is what Iexperiences were fun M y obsession w ith Fichaud grows day by day Thanx m om ent that we spend together is yet another In the m aking You will ~ . snecial Yon take vour orobiems out onfar f tT p te s A lw ays remember our m lnlmag songs and ’ m ake m y •» to m y heart The re sa You hava baan such a great frtand and oadfeJT ft r a ^ s luv vamlnlmag day / A lso keep In m ind that -Ed d ie ', got It gckn'on - 6 ft long have always been there for me You are one o( the few people than can always "re and I do the same to y o u W e re the I« a lways luv yaand strong!- A lw ays keep In touch and our friendship will never end ™ k e ,hirk P when they are going wrong. Never forget all o f the great times “ a y e a t frtend E d Our re lationship had a strange start It ranMike- My baby! Weil, you know what they say . . third time’s a that we have had together and always look forward to the ones that are yet to com e. Sm ile, sm oothly for the first 2 months. But then we hit a few bum pscharm W e've gone through tough times but we've worked nod, and agree C h r is t in a - You are the voice of reason In so m any confusing times. You held me up W e re back on track now and I hope this tim e we'll get it rightthem out. S ince 7th grade I’ve know n you were the one. when I am down and and have shared so m any Idiotic m om ents w ith me. I am so Incredibly lucky to have A lw a y s rem em ber T hanksg ln lng '96 . C h r is tm a s '96.and now i know we ll last forever You'll a lways be m y a Wend 3 5 special as you. I w ish you all the luck In the world, although you really do not need it for you will be m inimag, Jenny the Jeep, and our nights at the squadJim m y-Jim m y, and even though y o u r re impossible I 9°*"9 m any places and doing m any things. M e lis sa - From when you first cam e to Verona until now I am glad that we building and southend fire house I will a lways loveLOVE YOU more!!- T o all m y friends good have remained friends. Fo r a while we moved apart but I really think that things are beginning to change. W e've had a lot o f you Note: 17-31707-1-33. Everyone- I've onlyluck In the future and remember to always keep <“ > >°9« h e r from when we were young to now when we are practically all grown up. Never lose touch and never forget been here for 2 years but you made me feel likein touch See ya’! Chrissy- M y twin. A lw ays stay short and never catch up to me. I need to be taller than someone A s w ith several o f our othe friends we j j^ianxs A lw ays remember M at’s

have spent our time apart but now we are finally mature enough (yeah right) to realize who our real friends are J e n n a - You were and always V-Ball Prom 96 Shorewill be the m am a dog. the 'woman*, always a bit more grown up then all o f the rest. But you still know how to have a good time. Just keep thinking *** 5' . r° . '

that the best Is yet to come. K im - A lw ays happy and giggling about something Never let anyone ruin your wonderful spirit. W e have been friends since ou are ( * 1kindergarten and I hope we stay friends forever D an ie lle - Although our friendship has only grown In the past couple o f years I know now what I m issed out on >W5 happer>c<1 m c ' K r i , t c n

before. W e've had so m any cool times and I am sure that we cou ld have m any more Anne -1 guess we have Theresa to thank for our friendship W ithout her we Baby Tone Volleyball seasonprobably never would have realized what coo l people each o f us cou ld be. I've always adm ired the way you strive to get what you want. I hope that you end up satisfied. has been a blast. Thanks for

K e l ly - W e started In sixth grade together and have had so m any wonderful times. The mem ories we've made will last a lifetime. F rom there to here we have been friends listening to m y problemsthrough so many things. Good luck In the future. I know you wID go far Lau ra - You seem very quiet at first be we've gotten to know the real La iaa Lee Lubrano. Definatly not as I'll a lw ays rem em ber

meek and shy as you let o f to be. Don't ever let anyone td l you you 're not a special person. C a ro lin e -You definatly made the best X-country Mgr Not only in that but in so m any other dy ing your hairthings have we made some great memories. Adam -1 still can 't bd ieve that I was mean to you on that trip. I'm really glad that our association w ith eachother has developed Into a friendship.

W ork has been c o d . I guess that’s what we have to thank for our m em ories now. 53045-7735-1 tim -1 hope that I will always remain as close to your heart as you are to m ine Our friendship, even though It has on ly been a short time, has been one In a m illion. You have helped m e through m any hard times and were a lways a shoulder to lean on. You have a wonderful way of turning a frown into a

sm ile and a cry to a laugh I only hope that some day I can return the favor W ork b u d d ie s & B rian - O ld friends are great but new ones are wonderful too. I'm so glad to have met all o f you. I know that the good times we’ve had and the mem ories we've made will never be forgotten M y fam ily - Mom . Dad. Joel. & Holly, although we m ay no! always get along you all really have done wonders for me. I am proud to say that you

are m y fam ily and that I would not be the person that I am today without you. AH m y love.

We all may change, our lives rearrange, but

friendship never ends, so through the hard times,

look back on these times, for we'll always be the best

of friends.

KELLY:Always something there to remind me! CHACH '95-all other CHACHs many lsts. many strange happenings. Highwy driving(Message in a bottle) “Going walking" Espositos 73 Fairview. “Its not paraw FNsoph year. 101 and 1 reasons why this is an .....Dr. Steves house. Night B4 finals, where are we? Gazebo! Butt N... swimswlm. lookout gazebo lot park binz FN etc. sleeping over Roebucks. AOKKate Careless Whispers.RP£»HH-bieachers?bras? Prom wkd. #Michelles. mem. wkd. # Garys. RKK in the flesh. Hootchie parties. Chrissys sweet 16. 3hits-tell it to the nuns. JFred, RPs hubby. KWs schanky socks. McFarland! Driving to the shore w / Muss & Hafe. No-tell Motel Trial run day '96 UNIS "I'm calling all your mothers!" Shelong & Wulf FAITH LADIES NIGHT GOOD DAY SUNSHINE(TJ Max) Summer Breeze. Ahbltz. Swimming In the Rez, TIGS. Trimmer-did I miss a stop sign? Hey fat boy! Crushes: Mr. Hottie Man. Puck. Crazy 8. Possession. *3566 etc. Pouring • Lookout- Ponchos. In Your Eyes. Roebuck: Paper thin feet, "you can 't help a feeling"(5 words) Build a bridge-take my advice. I took yours Thanx 4 dealing w / my moods ALL of the time (red scrunchie) I loved the flowers! 852 TMI. CORK! I feel like I'm in a movie- Michelle my savior(thanx 4 the reality check) Joys house-Joy.Grams ILU "LIKE" Lynns house summ.95 Oh Madon list. RP frosted cheerios. Muss 2Xs-whos counting? HH don't eat Mexican food. Lawn ornaments. Punch it! Did we ever nam e the penguin? Michelles house-our home away from home. Thank you Mrs. Benimeli 4 all of your catering and housing. We owe you big! Closet smoker. Gold power Rangers. LHG 5-0-too loud. Steppin'-I got your back. Tangy, buttery, bland.mellow. CLICH! Itouch chris once. Itouch Chris twice. Did you ever notice that this room was a light lavender? Funky is as Funky does! The pink living room. Senior out to lunch-DS HH EG SS. Dell-Heather your man.NEWBS! My-So Called Life. Pumps and a Bumps. Sabs potty girls(KG HH RP) FL bathroom jun. year Giffs bed-mood swings. Easy Wojtal-The Word. I WILL get my tatoo 9 a diamonds. Its my ribs I swear. Late nights chats w/HH. CRUST Balls Di. Lady in Red (TD) BALLS. Language or the Kiss. INDIGO GIRLS! Heather wheres my mix? KW-reunion. LaDlDa. The whereabouts of my black sweater? Lending out my closet to everyone! Seniorcutday* 1 NYC. NYE 95 Lynns NYE 96 Adrians. 106.7 103.9 Grease-dancin In michelles basement, pole dancin. get down on it. Kellys stories. Janices stories. Trims-Forever Yappin. Taylor Shift Stick. Di-NYC library? No Hootie in my car! My hooptie!-get out of the toaster. Mac&Cheese • Giffs. Up Close & Personal.Poo! Muss' gig-she walks out Im so sure!Wallflowers. My babys got sause. Fare thee well my bright star CB. Bur-ee-ur-ee. BAAA. Hafes crushes:Prelude. Judd. Hairy Chester. Rachel-you stupid... you cant come to Easter dinner. Dont Stand So Close To Me. Car Hoppin. Giffs breakdowns. 4th july-Herbie! Soph, year brought us together. Villarosa:444, sacrifice polar bears, my house. He looks good-no i mean the car! Going 80 on the hghwy. Whoops! 100% pure love. Stewarts. Dont worry just be. Pinto.For Real. Giff 12yrs. we did it monk.Rug braclets. Dina drlvln the blazer who needs shoes?Drug Fair man. Sacchi-BETO Shelly Clockwork Orange. Carrot top. Quentin Tarentino. Roy Rogers-Holster. Muss Dig it? Garys garbage pail kids. Deli girls. Tootsiepops & Marlboros(MM) Football games dancing in the stands. Ah Sacchi. Pauly-Ah Di! Sorry I slapped you! Cottoge-STAY Garys garage.Slammin! Hoggie GQ. Furly. Hess-Galland. Dont give me no bologna. Lino- Party in the ghetto. Heather-Dream House Khaki, black & white. Reality Bltes!SSAC(very funny we know what it means) Paul-my baby version of your pimp daddy car. Giff days • Cranbury. How are you doing i'm doing just fine. J /K livln guys, i’m cutting myself off gotta stop babbling as usual. Guys you are all the best- We bring out the best (and worst)in each other but we're a good mix. I'll miss you all- Trust Me. ILU!!!! Don't 4get the best.

EMILY. "You never gonna survive unless you get a little crazy" Some say the best friends you have are the ones you have in high school.-Angelica and Rayanne- Rayon? Our sarch for ricki- T.J.?Days of our lives, nights * F.N. Oh Falamino!!! CARELESS WHISPERS. Tommy? It might happen Joey 's house. Is that a wig? Kelly It is about that time... "It's not paraw ..." was the counter comfortable? get to the point. Cranberry, captain crunch. Why can't I BE MORE LIKE YOU- John Kelly- what color is your hair? Trial run day-you rebel. Roebuck- psycho? What'behind Krausers? Latino Home Girls. Hootchie Parties. Break it down with the hooded wulf. Janice, who are you working with today? TRAILS-three hits! Whats up man. dude shut up! CRUST! All I gotta say is AOK Kate! Will you stop fidgiting? You fiend. Keep talking. I just want to keep peace! Indigo Giris-Least Complicated. Steppin? I got your back. Katies birthday-what went wrong? Deli-Milton-WHAT?Put Jack in the box. Late night walks, topless bike riding. Thanksgiving eve me in the fries. Where's Fred? Dr. Steves-come again. PREM- PERM? Foreign Language BR. English w/T White Danny's Shift Stick. THE HAT! Are you 21? No Tell Motel. UNIS-SMOK1N’ can you smoke in here? Duh- Long December. Can you do my nails? SLAMMIN' Balls,Die,Balls. Your laugh kills me. CORK Leave me alone. Club Getty! One fish, two fish, yellow fish, blue fish. I have moved on to bigger and better things. 1:45 my back porch, holy- thats huge! All my love to the boys down the shore. Calls house-Andrews at the lane Alex w / the soda top. Read my shirt guys, read my shirt. E-BEAST! Ocean sunrises, going to 7-11 • 5:30 w / strangeguys-are you nuts? My name is Bridget. Gabby! Brick and Carol-yuk! Thanxfor the great times-Chach in the house. FAITH Dooch and Elvis! Thanks for the dance Trevor! Holstens-Nino, wheres your cherry? Ray-cookies for me. I called YOU remember? "I will remember you. will you remember me. don't let your life pass you by. weep not for the memories."

HEATHER "Stayin' Alive. Stayin' Alive" Never forget all of our X's together: Prom Wkd '96, Mem wkd.* Garys, CHACH '95. Giffs afterschool-'Do you mind if we pay in all change?" bike riding-Shirtless? Going to California? Potty girls. Foreign Language BR. Do-Do Brown. Chaches • Michelles. My So-Called Life. CRUST! BBQs * Giffs-"l'm calling all of your mothers!" Me licking the TV when RKK cam e on. Steppin’. "I got your back!” . Dr. Steves, LHG-'we're not doing anything wrong!" PUMPS & A BUMPS. Grease and love songs. (106.7) Indigo Girls. Thanks A. Joy & Grams-We luv you guys! KELLY: Highway driving, "Message in a bottle" TPW- 'Don't Stand So Close to Me"*"A year has passed since I wrote my note" I will give it to him someday, pink living room, 5 yrs. and I'll be back! "It's not paraw...." RKK in the flesh! "End of the Night' -Thanx for the black & white pictures. It's about that time! "GOOD DAY SUNSHINE!" "Mom, we're going walking", Clyde face. "What are you guys doing?-just hanging out?”- How Stupid! Freshman crush-Prelude; Puck and Judd . our *s CLICH?- buttery, tangy. bland, mellow. McFarland, you peed on the car! JANICE: My partner in crime, hootchie partners. "Sexual Healing" The wolf and the shelong are the size of an empire state building, plus a mack truck plus 3 empire state buildings!" Your hootchie parties-under the blankets! Doughnuts * the pool w / Seniors! The 1st ride home- 'Watch out 4the telephone pole!"Andres sleepover- BUSTED! Whats behind Krausers? Our 1st trip to your house. "I'm being sucked under the car!". The house is slanted!" HULK HOGAN, DARE dance-No Mrs. Salgado. its not your cooking. Never 4get the boyz-we love you guys! 3-man. handsup hands down. SMOKE TO THE MURDER! Trial run day'95."Tell me" "Foolish Heart" "Regulate" . Calling Kelly * 3AM ‘Emily's front lawn-JOEY! The giant * FN-"Do you think we c a n .....?" EMILY: Angelica &Rayanne. the search for Ricki, Days of our lives *FN-DORKS! "Careless Whispers" "Summer Breeze" Em. do you want a pole? your crash into the fries, your gross cousin licking my ear. waiting for you until 1:45 AM. We will one day find the perfect guy! DIANE: I will get the rat! TEMPLETON! I want some bacon! "Why didn't you tell me Rich was so hot?" Your mac&cheese. the radio-'Long December" "Do you really think it was from him?”Putting the note on the car-Kelly take it off!! It’s all coming back to me now-"lt's on Z-100 all the time" I will one day go to the city.let's go to a bar! "UNIS-SMOKIN" KATIE: AOK! You are never gonna live that down. I didn't break the bottle-thanx for cleaning it up! Your gross socks, your uncles house-foil and cans. 1st time w / Jack and never stopped! Big Daddy Wojtal, blaming me for everything. I FORGIVE U Though. I can still beat you up! RACHEL: Our soccer seasons w / my crushes, the Uddle package. ANDRES-our mothers walking in-crying because of our pool grounding, times * the Blinks, our 1 st sleepover in kindergarten to Chach's now-what a long way we've come! LYNN: Our summer of '95. those FN nights and crazy days. Thanks Anthony, we owe you big! Dancing in your backyard, my red hair, meeting * the bridge, the Jay Incident- we were so dumb! MUSS: Being bad together, our trip down the shore, driving down the shore listening to the top 500 countdown of the 70s & 80s. Lynns basement, mooching • Lookout, the telephone call-1 hope I helped. MICHELLE: SAT review-"! can't go in there!" Thanx for the awesome Chach's, down the shore w / Muss. "The pteridactal pulls it all in." DINA: The big black blazer. Crulsin around and being bad. I can't even express how much you guys have meant in my life. I will never forget you. I love you all. Thanx for making me who I am.

MELISSA a.k.a. Muss. How could l be called a "Slacker" CHACH. Highjacking the penguin and our addiction to lawn ornaments. Driving around aimlessly. Avoiding the bacon. Using the non-facilities. Why did I wear overalls? Corrupting the youth of Verona for two bucks. Nature walks on the tracks. Prom weekend? Trips down the shore. Frogs everywhere! Guys. I think we're on the moon. After-school festivities. Baking w / Bridget & Jack. Spatulas from Chemistry. The Trinity of Trouble. MICHELLE: Ring pops, the pterodactyl brings in the day. Hanging out w / the crew. The Bagel-it routine. Being half mast. I think it's time for a walk, you were always so much fun. HEATHER: Hey you lose points for that one. Bell-bottoms and funky sunglasses. The Disco Queen. My Drug Fair days. I could always trust In you. KELLY: I still have no idea why you are called that. Starbucks and lights. "It's not paraw...." Phone Junkie. Do you see what I see? KATIE: Woj, my first Veronian friend. Tie-dyes and mint ice-tea. What was I gonna say "NO"? Being on call. I always felt so much safer with Rescue Squad Kate around. EMILY: Reds and Diet coke. Indecent exposure in the foreign language wing. Giffs kitchen. Much needed tear jerkers. RACHEL: Losing at hands up. hands down was never so much fun. Future black mail In your photo album. Fred, the potato, was always by your side at Chach's. JANICE: Your duets with Hafer were always great. Did you guys ever notice this room was purple, almost lavender? Taking a dip in the reservior. DINA: Out to lunch at B.K. Lock and roll. D&D. DIANE: Breakfast at your house, after one long trip was great, though I couldn't eat. Chasing graduates. Your skills were always appreciated by Hafe &I. LYNN: Your basement holds fond memories of an unforgettable night. I will always be glad that I moved to Verona because I got a chance to know an unforgettable group of friends. Words of wisdom from Muss: Never mix popcorn.

JANICE "My So-Called Life” Thanks you guys for always being there for me. Never forget the memories....Golf Course, sleigh riding, Hootchie parties. Andre's- BUSTED! Prom wkd. '96, Swim- Swim. Chach '95. Memorial wkd. * Garys '96, Giffs house. "Its not paraw....!” Summer of '95. evening bike rides. F.N. Brown. No-tell Motel, Trial Run Day '96; Monika's. Dianes, Lynns, Carolines Sweet 16's, Swlmmin'in the Res. Lynn's New Years Eve '95. Dr. Steves, lot. park. bins. Lookout, etc.. Finals of '96 at Gazebo, Mike Harder's, 4th of July '96-Herbie! "We like the cars, the cars that go boom" "Ladies Night” "Fat Boy", Ponchos • Lookout. Foreign Language BR, "Doo Doo Brown", JACK. Bathroom Horrors-Garys. Lynns during the summer, Thanksgiving Eve '96-Giffs, the french fries! Michelles house- sunrise-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! LHG-girls we have complaints. "Are you steppin'? Collars up, you got my back?” , "Pumps and a Bumps", "Check it, but don't wreck it...." Neidz some? Big B! CRUST! "Mystery"-Indigo Girls, walking home form F.N., Senior cut day *1-NYC.. Hootchie partners, doughnuts at the pool w/ SENIORS!. "Sexual Healing". "Faith". Summer Breeze. 3-man, Hands up. Hands down. "Smokin'to the MURDER” "Just Once, Foolish Heart. Regulate"-Andre> bed. "The best the Eagles". Emllys front lawn-Joey! Dreams-going bowling with the boys. Driven Monteros & Lebarons. first trip to my house. Hulk Hogan "I see him". Indiglow Joe,"You hit the sheep". Weeboles The car's eatting me!" Under the blankets, cryin at Lookout. D.A.R.E. Dance- Is it my cooking? Rachel- wanna walk home on the tracks?, "Bended Knee". You can't get ketchup on that...39 cents extra, all day mall trips Express shopping. Circus '95, Florida ’96-do you want to fight?. Golf this is really hard!. Valley girl talking, Rachel & Muss- S.A.T. review? No!. Muss’s Party. Wanna sneak out Kate? Toronto-toga party! "What was I supposed to say. NO!".the night at lookout-that never happened! A O.K. Kate. Kate & Kelly-thanks for saving me!Kellys stories & my stories. McFarland. Callin at 3 a.m.! Derwent Driven. Did I miss the stop sign? My blinker was on for 2 minutes, I swear! "Guys, this is so HIGH tech". Erins stealin from her house, what...-the movies, late night talks, bike rides, lunches, telling you my problems, sleepovers, . the pig roast on Woodland. "Who'd think I'd find my best friend at a pig roast?" I'll never forget you and will always be there for your. Lino-hanging, almost falling out of the car & the Green Stuff. Per. 4 lunch '95-"Food Fight", Fat Janice, League of their own theme song. Adrian-T.G.I.Fridays. The Manor. Planet Hollywood, sking, N.Y.C.-Kinda like it!. Central Park-Carousel, path trains and all our other great times. Your house or mine, late night talks, playing nintendo, McDonalds. Its been a great year and I'll always love you. And more Gund animals-Please! I'll never forget all the great times I have had with my friends. And I'll always cherish the memories. Thanks for being there. Friends Forever! Good Luck and I'll miss the Class of '97!!

.•% $

i YNN I would first like to start off by telling you all what an important role you have played in my life. Through the good times and the bad. you have remained dear to my heart. Never lose faith and never . t. Summer '95. Indiglow Joe. Muskrat, fun times at trips to WP.,golf on the bridge, long nights w / Haf and making ' important decisions ', Janice and her dances-Doo-Doo brown. Rachels candle and •Jrvones wax!! Emily. "Yo. Yo. Yo it's...."The men In the white coats. DAYS Heather- your nice as a red head K.G., western beef. BQ's in the back. Sweet 16...oh how sweet... "Heather you killed Gary "Kelly's^mries' . Garland on my dads car- Snapple-it, Rachel "m ystery” thanks for helping me understand ..."Mom. Lynn was crying...I swear!!" "I got your back" Kelly's damn TIGS candle. Eric on roids, 5th period in the forelqn language bathroom..."W e want a sky light!" “Emily, put your shirt on!" Pre-Hocky games. Michelle- mouthpiece.S T.D. BCJNKS. Lot . Lookout. etc. ..CHACH '95 '96 '97 ...Party foul *101."W here's the toilet _ oaoer? turn on the light!"... Break it down Heather and Janice, singing the blues at Giffs. whose line is it anyway, want some ham Emily!! Welcome Muss, glad to corupt you. "Janish. do you want ta go ta da shcoo? . S aIN. Caroline and monika's sweet 16. "W hat's going on up there?"...Fun nights with Jack. Prom weekend '96 ..."Nice hair Michelle. " 3- MAN ..Janices sleeping habits. Katie get your socks outa here!! Muss and Heather .." this your neighbors..." Diane's giggle. Rachel- want some pudding?... "Celebrate we will because life is short but sweet for certain. We're climbing two by two to be sure these days continue. These th in g s we cannot change "(DMB).I want to thank you all for changing my life and showing m e how much I need all of you. Thanks for being there for me in a rough part of my life...Gram appreciated it too! I'll never forget any of you .. I love you!!!"Let this flag bum to dust’ (DMB).

DIANE ‘Though it's just a memory, memories last forever"- RushHeather So many memories where do i begin?...CHACH '95 '96 '97... Many more 2 follow, nights • F.N.. Split, Lookout. Gazebo. Dr. Steves!!!.... Dovou smell a rat?" You will get Templton.. "It's all coming back to me.."It's on Z100 all the time. Do you think he kept the towel? Do you miss ...RICKY UNIS.....Never 4 get that night. SMOKIN' is hangin’ out!. THEPORCH... But that's Heathers purse In the dinning room?? Andre's, you all got busted!! You licked the T.V. R.K.K.- Disco- Remember Kermit?..."Heather i think i'm going to.... "I touch Rich once, I touch Rich twice. I won't let go at any price..." 3- MAN . Hands Up-Hands Down. You gotta have faith "Let's pair off". What does that mean Templeton?? CARELESS WHISPERS. It has to be the sax "Was it my mother's eggs. ...Hooded wolf and She-long... Long December. "Was it really him?"Grease, John Travolta. Kelly thanks for being mom for 4 years... what is your last name? McFarland? It's about that time don't you think? you almost killed us...CRAZY 8. How can you 4 get preaching the gazebo... "Get you grandmother some water. " We went to kelly's house for lunch ONCE.....Roebucks. Who got busted?? "Always something there to remind me .. yourf Let's qo to the library... NYC. Yankee parade... hooptie... Let's go 60 down a hill slam on the brakes and then, find out that the brakes could of went at any time!!! Indigo girls... Just dye it!! Please let it Rain!.... unire what s behind Krauzers?? "was she blind" HOOCHIE MAMMA... Monika's sweet 16... Super bowl Sunday 1997...three hits...pumps in a bump., ride that PONY...WATCH OUT!!!...Dina you dropped yor beeper on

. .... - . . ~ *«' «««.«-*- » »«~r- muiM i*-r v/™.n u r u i e t u_.. rr_:i.. — c-.-u .— fish... 1 think you need new pebbles in yourdryer..try not to cut all your clothes.. Pron '97 ur back porch "Up close and personal"...CG...

Mv basement with the diet coke and.....Katie- A okay...DT... Busted..Sneakin' out!..Scanga .Adrians mothers jeep., and then the bridge Take it easy Kate.. Skankie socks... "What are you guys smokin' out there? Peteloses an eye TGIFridays... Calm down!... Your house 2-15-97 Lynn nights # F.N., your basement, thanx for the english paper soph. year... Mixing* my house Muss.. Chasing those graduates once a^in..JD ....Straighting vour hair was a blast it didn't even look like you!! Michelle- BFC, how can we forget the shore '94. Spring break '95 and chach's * your house. Clara the cow and many more lawn omaments.fwhich i never took) What s L Diane?" Alex, Greg, twins. * the bay with chunk, the beach with Casey...Brick and his Slammin' brother...miniature golf.. Beaches. Shag, your wall, Dave matthews concert * GSAC....Where was bridget in my *»!...Lover lay down ...BM That's where it all started....Emma. Peaches.. Thanks Linda for oh so many bagels and... it's my second home....Wanna go for a walk Rachel?...DT...Potatoe head Fred.. Your husband • thechach's. When are we gonna dye your hair?.. Dark room fiascos... My man GV...Scanga Talks Never 4 get 7th period.....Nicole... Fur, Pierre. CG Jarett . Funnel "you broke my heart Expo Mirage -Rizzo... I can t believeihit the cab!' Yankee parade...Detective Alberti...Cralsins.... Shmushy hugs too many things to say but never forgotten... Shauna I know times got tough but through the hardest of times things got better . Never forget parties in your roomfyou know what i meam) Your garage, my garage, my basement with BS... Driving around in that sweat box... We fall under the catogory of stalkers So many things to say. i have to stop somewhere.

MICHELLE: We'll shine with the ones we love."-RR. So much has happened. You will always be my most memorable friends. Shauna. Diane, and Geo, I'll never forget the BFC. Maybe the dingo ate your baby. CG auvs. sprinq break '95. CHACH will never be forgotten. BNSS. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. My not-so-sweet 16 Party. Many other endless nights in my basement. Lawn animals entemans ccx>kies. Chach pius^ Muss our lonq conversations" with Jack in my bedroom. The "walks" we took too many nights. Popcorn!! Corruption of Verona's youth for a buck. Kelly, you're right, it's not paraw.. . Hafer and Janice, the wolf andI the she- lona will never be forgotten. Rachel and Dina we will always be the married ones. Soccer game "celebrations." Frogs everywhere! April '96 trip down the shore w / Muss and Heather. Giff or Bridget never forget that summer with the crew at Pepe's. Teepee. Andrew's and my house. I wonder if the beast is still looking at his shirt? Prom weekend '96. it's spill proof. Everything is Fred. Gramo's part II thur? Summer 96. My house, the bins the lot lookout, park, gazebo. Climbing trees and spinning. G-Love winter. Dazed and Confused. The night at Dave's basement. People are strange. Poor Howie. Out to lunch with Racel. Katie, and Lynn. Always skipping Hockey games. What ever happened to the foreign language bathroom? My 17th birthday at Lookout. NEVER again. Many, many nights in Jordan's basement. Super Bowl Sunday 97 we can forgive and forget and many other memories I forgot. I love you guys with all my heart. I can't wait to see what our future's hold. Never forget. T h e pterodactyl brings it all in.'

RACHEL To the greatest friends a girl could ask for-WOW. there's so much to say I don't know where to start. How can you fit four years of your life into one little page? With out you guys. I would have never made it throuqh. You have been there thruogh the good times and the bad and I will never forget you and I love you for that. "If you ever need a friend, or someone to talk to remember there will never be a day that I w^ t .be there for you." Where would we be in this world if we didn't have friends.' Her positive spirit always cheers me, her warm smile always guides me.... Heather- To the one who has been there since kindergarten. We have been through a lot together. A lot of firsts and a lot of lasts. Andre's sleepover. "Heather's dying. Heather's dying," Our first trip to Janice's house, "look there's a giant Grounded # the pool, weebles. Excuse me, is is your neighbors. " eating cookie dough, watching sad movies, "Why aren't you crying?' Soccer days- crushes. 'Liddle' package incident, wrestling practices . Faith. Janice- Through the good times and the bad you were there for me to talk to all night long if I needed to. 4-some. "you want ketchup on that, are you crazy, that costs 39 cents extra!' Bended Knee. Mall trips all day long. Purchasing at Express. Hey. what happened behind Krauzers? 'Thanks for organizing my closet. Janice.' Florida '96. mini golf game that got a little silly. 'You mean that I can't hit the ball over the water?' Bikini shopping. Track walks home. First times and some scares.Bedroom in the bathrooom. Goood time a Holme. Our first time to your house.'W hy are you talking like a valley girl?' Dina- never a dull moment. Mini-golf. whack...I don^t want to> play anymore.Breakfast all the time. Garage sales, sitting on your deck...waiting. Wildwood '96 'T hat guy may be stupid but he is cute!' 'W hat does segregation m ean?' Sunrise party on the sun deck Oh. I can t beUeve: i t :s*HORDE '96 Wanna play another game ?. ..Everyone- fun # the golf course- ride em ’ cowboy CHACH '95 I'll walk you I have to go to Krauzers anyway Adnan Sancho look alike playing the guitar Who broke the bo RKK on t v Complete and total chaos. LHG-'What's the problem officer' 'You steppin" *1 got your back ' Michelle's house CHACH'S w /Jack . Sunrise. Katie's nasty feet. Janice's sleeping habits. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Lawn animals. Heather & Janice perform. 'Who. the toilet is cold' 'Fix the light' 'W here's the toilet paper' Party foul. It's not paraw... Ladies Night, parties at Lynn's house thanx to your neighbor FNBrown. 'Kelly peed on the car!' Eric on roids, car rides w/indiglo. bike riding, foreign language bathroom. 'Emily, put on your shirt' 'Um uh. we're going to the o fficeJJ jn k h n bndge. Kelly-you dinner, frosted cheerios, Roy Rogers, you're wonderful stories, mutual crushes. Emily-BBQ s at your house. Billy Joel. 'W hat you lookin’ at Betty Crocker'. CG guys. • Indigo girls, CRUST sun poisoning down theshore. Katie- 'Hey Katie, sneak out with us. BCISTED!!' A Okay. Kate thanx for the bracelet. Your sweet 16 surprise party. 'W hat are you guy's doing out there? DARE dancers ha. ha. Tnal run day w/ Janice and Heather.'Check it. but don't wreck it.' Katie broke the popcorn bowl. Senior cut day. BNSS. the pictures prove it. Prom wknd. '96 Michelle's house.T t won't spill' The bins. tot. park e t c - Jhusband Fred. Potty girls. (RP KG HH) Janice-'this room is a light shade of lavender' tigs girls. Topless on the bleachers(HH KG RP) Fun times with DT NG NL MD. My so called life. Melissa- Although we ve gone our seperate ways, we still have our fond memories. Turtleman an Doug.'Love may hurt, but it's always worth it' Never forget doing puzzles, playing nertz, etc.. I'm sure there are many more memories that I have forgotten to write, but will never forget In my heart. I love you all so much that words could not express. I'll miss you all next year. KIT 1LCJ

DINA Through all the bad times and the bad, no matter what happened we always seem to find our way back to each other. That is what friendship is all about. There are tough times and not so tough times, and during d that knowing that someone is there for you |ust puts a smile on your face. Thanks for everything you have done for me. ILU guys. Now for all the good times locked in my m e m ^ G H A C H ia w n night. "Look at this m ess” brownies, chips, e tc .R achel. .There is so much in the short time we have spent together that I don't even know where to begin! Saturday Night I guess III just start from the beginning. Hook­up’ Prom weekend at Michelles shore house'96. PROM itself. Oh what fun! Matt. Phil-Wildwood summer '96. "He's dumb but he'stlll kind of cute! Sneaking Into the Grand- Boardwalk, wax hands, dots ice cream, late night swTmm^g in a very clorinated pool. Sitting on the beach watching the sunrise. CVS at 3:30. "What is wrong with us?" Peach Lemonade. Mini golf Par? Driving golf balls, actually watching. Sunday breakfast with you know who Bowling, dealing with all the crap Why me?" "With my bare hands..." Lunch time in the BR Junior year. The one day you're absent you miss It all Hangin in the boys ro o m ^ o n g talks with JACK. CHACH "Call me bright and eariy (7:30)" "I’m on my way!" Bins. lot. checkers, chess, gin. old maid. - these are my grandfathers cards. "I’m not taking sides How many diners have we been to? Can t forget hat lovely hike up & down Mt. Tammany. Delaware Water Gap- one good time, one bad time. I'm sure I left many things out but there is just too much to remember, but t ^ mernones will always be a part of my W t Thanks for being there during my very tough times! I really needed it! Meg & Dori- "Shock me, shock me with that devlent behavior.' ".. .not on Rex Manning Day! JAMAC1A?? One more button undone OK enough of that. Assigned seats-Meg:Permanent shot-gun! The trainie is slipping! "I'm sure." Driving aimlessly. "W hat gas?" Hockey! Park, lot, bins, lot. etc .Sublime. Get out and Dance What are you ttolng C ^ w o r d puzzles and homework1 "I broke a nail" Sleepovers at Dori’s. DORI-ANN! B.K Obsession. 11 times in 4 days. Dori- winter break, need I say more? How cute am I? -Bell! Summertime- those were the days Steve Mill® Band. Sorry to cut it short but theres no choice. Michelle.,. Preschool-Oh my god, I can't believe we’ve made It this far. So much to say so little time to say it. Up all night or trying to be anyway^Jordan s basement. Gramo s CHACH JACK HORDE summeHOB Ticker tape parade TRAFFlC-'glve me a cookie" New year's ’97 will never be forgotten-along with all the other wonderful memories given to me by NC-always In my heart. CHACHcorn....."It's not paraw..." "I feel like I'm in a movie!" L.O., Lot. Park. Gazebo. Heather&Janice driving to the lot. Whenever life may lead you whatever you may take you will always be in my heart and on my mind.Thanks for everything. ILCJ!

KATIE "I'd rather laugh with the sinners then cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun.'-B .J. To all who have helped me begin my journey of life ■ Thankyou.CHACH '95 and beyond: It started with a p a rty and continues as a legacy. Many great times together living life to it’s fullest. HEATHER: Thank you for always being straight-out and Real!-Meetings at the bridege-bike riding-nights a t F^-R K K . try to keep your tongue away from the T.V. screen-admit it you did break the bottle-Summer breeze- Faith- Get down on it- Snapple, We just like i t !- Thank you for teaching me about the 7 0 s Disco, and friendsh^. KELLY Hey EASY.., Yes Kell the word'- how about that draught?-No-Tell Hotel- You want some coffee?-! am glad that you feel more comfortable switching lanes-Deli- Queen of the soda case!- TIGS anyone? Diesel. Pinto and the wild woman Chabora' No matter where you go always look out for parked tow trucks! Emily: "Am I making you nervous?"- Wild times at Giffs house "I'm calling all your mothers. - Esposito s- Can you dellever one chicken sandwich, and five packs of Marlboro Lights? Do you mind if we pay in change?'- The night out on the back porch-Please get the wolves away from me- Don’t worry about the future, no m atter where you go you can always make money dancing to Aquarius! Muss: Popcorn? Yes the bathroom is cold!!- Zoe. the possessed dog! Do you want to debate- You Liberal! Janice: Hoochie Mama in the house.- Did you have fun behind Krauzner s-Three Hits (tell it to the nunsj-Trial Run Day '96 Sleepover We like the cars, the cars that go Boom!-LHG- 5-0 on Llndenl-Tag in spanish-Check it but don't wrecked it-Never fear. I got your back. Rachel You want to go for a walk"- Everything's A-OK (Sorry Rachel)- Hey do you and Janice want ot sneak out-BGSTED-4:30 in the morning!- Out to lunch, "what do you mean you won’t sit next to m e Diane: Diane s Mac and Cheese at 3-30am- Good Times cruising. Michelle: "Are we going to the library?"-1 think we need chairs In here-Put JACK back In his box- he was my first- Did you know that this room is a light fuschia^Out to Lunch. Esposito's or the Deli, tough choices.OTHER GREAT TIMES: Gary's Memorial Day weekend-SwImming in the Res.-the search for the perfect skank-the Doctoris-the night at Lookout that never happened-ObseMion with the load bearing animal! BRYDA: Tours of the Hood!- C P orto ’s-the search for the ultimate combo D&D and Baskin Robbins-little men in my pants- Wanna be Grandmother? Tlwnx much Much Thame Lino. Stay away from fire you might burn your shoes!!- Soccer Bus- The mix tape(Hems was not smiling)-A's red card- taking the bus through the flood-Toronto-try to keep your clothes on! HEMSLEY: Thank you for being my teacher, and coach, but most importantly my friend!-Your the best role model that any one could ask for-Thank You!! MOM and DAD: Thank you for your support and love. I would not be the perfect child that I am without you both JAMES, LIZ. MEGHAN. AND MATTHEW: Thank you for being there to put me back in my place. 1 LOVE YCXJ ALL!! — LATER. WOJ.

good?,O live O il. "Feel the S u n !", "Hurry u p .lm going to pee In the sink!\Sm ockh!.F ree W ater.m y butt pants.Tum It down a notch, "Mom. stop hitting m e!" Insight w eekends.chlck m agnet.Funky Tow n.SW AP-Scag llone brothers.ha2lngs Garden S ta t t k S tr ip .H O O K— UPlsIam ln N ico le But Plncher.Toughest gld in Verona. Balls!,La-Lal.Pope 95.lrritab!e one!-Rusted Root at W PC .A rm y shorts,Shot-gun Queen,Scankllone. "Hey who turned out the lights W ho 's In here’ ' "FO OD FIGHT1" fly,™ frultes. "Ha.Ha.Ha.SHUT UP !",.B lind Persons Crossing, F ish Nets and Tassels.Bed Rule-FROOBI. T hooked-up w ith Cada, Alright- bye l'BN LaurenPIgs flew 10/9/94,Let's go pop a squat!, "W ow .you looking swell , , , Well, golly jee. ttenx!"YBPALE-th is isso tanning. 1 /2 tim e chase.Dadalans, Flasher in M Hs parking lot,Lookout chase-grounded!.SAT prep course countdown, "D o n 't touch m e!"2 /21/97 ,"W hat Is th is k id doIng?"'Can we walk POSS IBLY?"Tm so sure I'm going to walk out to lunch Treltler'dass (rash year-office button-ROTH, Ned s class soph year-squirrels everywhere-MD'Date the hoes 'Ca lv ln and Hobbs silk s rreensShauna ’ M y Sharona "None o f that red stuff,This back seat Isn't big enough for the 4 o f us!!"Th ls Is not a sports utility vehlcie»""Hlttlng the cab In N Y C - Yankee Fever.An officer s wife lacerated her db cage weadng her seat belt like th a t . , SO R R Y ’F O O D FIGHT!! M a n ssaD o o r Bell Bum ps.M lschle f Night in the attic w /CB-"Here, let m e try and throw one . oopsT 'Ch lcken Fingers at 3 00am Thanks for m aking m e feel so special! Funky Town. 1/2 days before track practice S a n d y It s just the 3 of us again!" Prom 96. G O VOLVO .Butterfly earrings.My Mall Buddy T m a Lion! "Guys. guess who called PB. Hands up Hands down and JA s . W hat's a happen#, hot s tu ff? The W oodbury Com m ons Bathrooms here.have a cheesburger.W endys.l.2.3.ready M oon E m 'M e lis s a W e re so cod '" D itch inggetting lost In Caldwell College.Yellow Bdck Road. I think I broke the car! " F R EN CH K ISS "What am I doing w/a lose box? "Double Dates.Pervert. - 8<PF) I wrapped.Why are guys so stupid?""I will Survive" D a n ie lle IBella.Dr. Giggles- M y dogs love Italian Food""H ey , you guys are cute! "HFC & Q FD , Hanging w / Bay-Fu.BN and the H ip p le .'M e and you.your m om m a and your IB too B lack Scanga, Good Times. The usual.ptease'"-Pllgrtm."You're m y BO N E? "Babalon.Are you 2 twins? . No. Cousins, but close.lrritable One.B ryan N lgro from Totowa. 'She 's such dork!" " Where are you GOING?""BN. Passed out.Be all that you can be one!.Hey, remember when we used to be friends w/Scanga?. "S top saying everything that I say!! B r ia n D M B concert^ years o f nothing but non-stop fu n . . .well m ost o f the tim e anyway. A lw ays remember the good tlmes.” Dinner! That's D iner you Idiot' Shore Trips 8 /9 /95 Belvedere,Brian, I want you to know what a big part o f m y life you have been. I w ill a lways L O V E matter what.

N IC O L E T h e best times w /m y best friends.M idnight Dlps(Essex).Expo(Yankee Mania-Times Sq.,B lind Persons Crosslng,Should I wear eyeshadow,I don't want to get plcpocketed.none of that red stuff.hltting the cab,this backseat Isn’t big enough for the 4o f usthe front seat/back seat deiayl.Shore '96."95fstrip poker-M!ke<22).conquistador.u forgot to put the lights on-yearbook mem ..R ichie Rich.Dan the Man.DIrty Feet.hooker is Is how we do it.Candy Raln).RSC(dlps. painting) Notell MoteKF E l J 's stolen fun Who's in the bathroom?). Christmas '96-the fab fouHR&S.buhr-e-uhr-mail. Em p ire Diner .Ml casa no su casa.W hat is th is Cuba.New Year's Eve.C rybaby Johnny ),CG (slamm ln boys.l'm In the m ood for a m llk-shake.shake what ya m ama gave ya.late night drivebys 5500 Beu Dr. Steve'sfthe flght|.Parade(Yankee m obs,slamm ln cops, pizza place plc.,bum John,Cra lsins).lnslght,Pope " sweet l 6 .Zebo,Lookout(rald), Hlghlawn. Fired Up.R u ready for som e m o,Loungin.S lam m in.ballz,easy cheese, hook-upj'm so sure,scoot.scoot,scoot.. S haunaW h a t is a friend.a single soul dwelling In 2 bodles.Talktng to u Is like talking to myself.Chun- Can I aks u a question.sassage&rauchie,Ray & -Ev il Eye* Cunlffl W hat's the 411 .u sweat him-all up In h is oven.Can I have some fries w/that shake.Shenaynay.he's confuslng.battllng). everything com es in 3's.Carpe D lem .Dom lnlcole.Patarik.4th per. lunchlfat Jan ice - bowling, dancing.Joe never there.Just stand up and yell food fight).Colll Walll (C lerks. Mountain Tavem .the Eagle Rock Diner is cold Clop Lran-Ant'.don 't h it hlm-l think he 's dead). How do u use these damn new gadgets-woh, the VlllageCLenny&Dave.seelng the werewolf at the pathl.Chlara&MaureenfNewark chases-Belleville pollce.amaretto sours.No Doubt-spIderwebs.Andrews slstersiflev! DlneriChris&TIm .cookies&m llk). BangertPounder.DId u drive here-no m y friend's In the car.Don't u still have mono.Td like u to meet m y Japanese foreign exchange student.Arianna&GreglW hat Spartan's In m y teepee-lt's m's me|.u stand on the outside so they take u lst,NM (4 In 1 (.Ralph Maehlo.Men are dysfunctional In bed therefore women eat.Hogd'll keep u warm-ptels). Duy-girt.gargllng noises,Tm the human cone.GIrls on F llm .no balance & plastic girl. Keithfl'm fine thank u.where was l-oh yes),u're so smooshy You are m y sister- ILC1. E r in T h e other luscious lush.Moody.Cute Guy(J's houseattack night, dungeon door-just so u know,pool table).Expo(2x.Lugl.Bronx Boys).DMB(the best- m inderaser.2 In l).p lnt/liter,kissles.NYE-car sleeplng,Cheering (Sherle.Chec-cetto.drivIn around. Jackson 5.hold upi.all the shows.You've taught me so much- remember there's nothing stronger In the world than gentleness. Joh nW e 're 2 o f a k ind the happiest pair now .All the shows.Hog,DMB.Rusted RooUdldn't see u) Psycho Boy-Phantom Redredwme-Bom Chigy Bom .obsessions w/people.walklng home In the raln.Rochelall the escapadesj-my brother through It m ake m e laugh when noone else can.Seary 0,1 love goo always forever.slow children at play. IProm (Shore).MIdnWii nghts,sbe’s a girl & she b re a th es .9U (Ken & Andy. Beverly. Ayala l, bit-key).the Vlllage.Crossroads.heart m unnur.Dork Boy Extraordinaire, stop laughing a t u’re Jokes.Leany(bowling-fu),the office,let me dle-now.Fam lly parties.Llsa Turtle. Halne,lonq.lonq talks A m an d aM y best buddy since the beglnnlng.George.the Ruffs,Seabrtght(raln)Prom-shore(keys In the car.).V irg lnia(Jude.Tommy Cuom o.Fatty raquetball man.golfing).LImellght(Pat,l.d?,Regina.Molly Nutley house- 5a m ) personal k-mart cashier boqrie m am ickle baby .We had love, is she Mrs. X-I'm naked aren't l.ffs dean up tlme.Uttle Eva .B en .Tommy.Whltney.faUing out jeep on tums.lLCl-ma cherie C a r la Lalla.but I don't want to go to Lallnpaloora.5 finger bargains-those pants are hot toughest drl in V B W .S r ^ f f m o m s J o n ' t hit me.ha ha ha shut up. Skankllone.the lights went out.Tassles & Flshnets.flylng frultlfood fightj.Legs & Ups. Bunyon.Rusted Root.Power M lx.Shotgun Queen.Rulned It.Butt Pincher.huge hugs.bed rule-froob It.We've shared so much laughtenblg sls^Erica R ikka.lf I was on one srde of the mountain & u were on the other would u still com e get me-that's right.tennls partner.Nutley driv in.Brooklyn/Verona talk.Rieces 6 Pleces.K lw l Solell.Danlsh Afflche.Prom fhorrorj.fiench-petlt prince nana Rock %>ring.Tlrios P iaa .shopp ing buddy.true friend(6 yrs) D iane Friends since 1st gr.Expo(2x.she looks like.. Dlane!),Mlrage(furballz.Rosario.Rlzzo.l know Tori & Slm on.Lenny<an I touch them). that badj.Ralph's shoes Pierre Shut up Janet (E m p k e k H c w Charkitte s web),u re Impression o f Sean.slammln halr.smooshy hugs.Geo "Cause I'm keepln It real-lt's da bomb,Joe,Teowava,Baycocwa(fllps),Wotahl.Hold fast schmoke. Auntie Bertha's blowln up m y bout a ham sandwich,lather

S " d y Wha <'5 a happenln hot stuff .beautiful cote.Uon.Shote '96<the 2 extras-we'll take the floor).splnnlng at Zebo.pajama day trio.our constant com m ents on people M e llaaaM elish .u find aUy u be good.RSQ red IlghtMhe pig joke. E lm o.BCILLETS .Senior SectlonfW hltle.plop on a rock l.bu lle tsFu iry .m en talks, cheering.crylng to In everything La u re n T roo-o ll.Do u wont to buy a n ickel tote.Mr Peterson s here?,he's sober .the lead pig the hooptie speed skating Goto you me 6

" ar,5“ m y l« * ;Y '(hro» ln9 P°P«hs). Yankee game(the flght.Eddle Leyton).the sleepovers(oulja.5 am diner run.a-hole w /D o n n y p part e give grandma a klss.halk.weens.Good Day .all u're stories D an ie lleP h i Kappa TauTmhe Llndberg baby.Irritable LD o rk^ rt, Psychoboy.poem com ps.oh m y lowd.tollef overflow-who was In our bedroom, plcklemon. splceglrls.slnglng to John J e s s k a schnuck.pajama day trio .Tom m y Reilly O th e r G re a t Mems.MhKpookie.klssles.bon appetn lt"s

P*e,lu*™U!i ' ^ l - p i R o f i w d e ^ island boylFurleyfspeed skating.Ray"s sand dancej.CS (Spar. Sunjie the crary chem lst).L 6 F(Debate boys).ED(l want pum pkins smashed). M lsch (How's mama-mama s fat.the hottie).Josh(chochkas.Mlke).Lodats (latino booty).Goss (glgs,4th per hugs.Andy & Maryl.Slegel(tlckllsh?).Frank.Colleen.Janelle How lucky am I to have friends that m ake saying goodbye so hard Mom .Ded. Kelth-wlthout you. I'd be nothing

S A N D Y M a n y great rimes w ith m any great frtends!!Uuren:""W orplsh"' BIV?Lookout Rald-"W hat?!W e're being arrested?"You 're not com m ing to PIE?Shore house 92-93-Chris Sm ith -W hafs going on In there?We're doing what?! "I was cuttln a rug!"Flowbte.New Year s 9 3 9 4 Russell Bowman s-oooo,Matty D! you and Chris Siegal often write notes?Vllla's.never forget the cutle ll know that you need a piece of rye bread. Never forget the cutie .By the way .keep that on the DL.So.need help w ith those contachPBuzzas ^ r iy n « n h e y ,y o u ve te d the d ice forever!What!We're not allowed at the Farfield E x c .? lfs better that we d idn 't go!Raggedy Ann and cute were we? 7-11 slurpee runs after the oh so exciting math sat-Thanx for the countdownsIDon't eve, let Sandy draw.Orange J a t t o y j l c k it.By the way. tte nx for driving to K lnnelon.Pum pkln Plcklng-sussex tech.Hookin up w ith Goods.M A. graphics soph year.Bum ps.-lts been alot of fun.and I'm going to m iss eve ryth lng .Lefs never lose touch,w ell always have them e m o r te C a r ia M a ll buddy. ProrrVge.lf s Just the 3 of us agaln!The b ro o m at Woodbury com m ons-thanx alo tM W endy'sEHCC let’ s take a dlp!5 Bnger discounts,thanx for the earrings-l'm very disappointed In you! Basketball 94-97....Is crusty 'Boyfriend chats Who's Dom?Hey. let s sk ip out on our bill! Sound good?!-You ve been a great friend and III m iss ya lots.Let's keep in touch!!! M a rissaSho re're anal retentive-hey let's dean! "Don't drink that, you're on medication! "norida-we want to go to Disney World,I don't

to“ 0*d '1 kno* we b« b u t no K ing Kong rlde?!You have your own ?Party at Marissa s!There"s a what In your kitchen? Ja n .20 .1996. good day for all Pee-wee Herman.hey that s m e llm gonna do.Ue m y shoe!Sally Jesse- tw k e 'A T V sqins.don tride them on th e a re e ts jh ey re not after us.they re after the peeping tom .Yankee Bus T rips.Ouija-maybe they have 3-way ca llinglUm on-butter bars, good food takes tlmel-W e've been great friends for a long time, let's never forget' E r in Ju s t remember who cleanedu p a h e ryo u a tC te ch 'E H C C .d|p?Sup n se b d a y parties.fake ones , w hat's the difference?! have an idea.le fs run A L L the way home from the gazebo!!Street painting.oh wait, we never did lt!Mo-Ran! "D r.!k ya.... ! "Sweet 16. the water heater.the waiter a good night

t ° Ve 1 '2 '3 '4 '5- 5 o f u s ! - W e ’ve been good friends fo, a long time and we'll never stop.alway s're going to be In m y wedding! N ko l«Sho re '96 . no.we don ', m ind keeping ont t e f k ^ Lo o ko u t raid busted EHCC.d lp?Thanx for the boxers Clubblng.oops.never went! Scoot scoot scoot scoot- scoot-scoot-scootlPIE.hove fun?We have to drive by who s house?Dom?!The belglum waffle m m m Annie, you re so cute Tommy RlelyRay.he s pfcklng m e up after school.please com e w ith me!-You re a great friend and a very talented person. Just remember the little people who will always be here! Je ss icaProm '96-w ho wanted to go anyw ay?lt's just the 3 of us againIBasketball 94-97 is crusty Bum ps. David Allen lRoth-ray’ s plzra.belleve me. I d idn 't do tha, to the w lndows!Bubs.Ch!ppa.Hook up'Ha Ha. W ho had a sleepover? Please.can we have the phone back?!Guess who called...aga!n!What was I th inking? "D o I smeIPwalt guys.1 have sw «t " “ ^ r5 . m „ v V' ^ part< ' h o v e S u ' 1 can * S®"'1 hooked “ P r 0 ran9e glhs-when did we go to Klnnek>n?Pumpkln R cklng-Sussex Tech.Com puter g e e k . -W e ve become such great friends.l ll never forget you'Keep In touch

, V m aYou " iy dad to do what? ..Is crusty!Connle!Prom fresh year.JD.-lt s been a lot o f fun. Good luck where ever life takes you! M o re m e s a Dr.Steve s. ewww It s to cold to go to the GatebolShore 94-95&95-96-Holler"s anal'Hands up.3- m ama •,"*e . Alatl s.Villa s.Bauman s,Holler sch ic ken finger s at 3 a.m .no tte n x guys, sleeping bag on m y head.EHCC.M aster Wong W ok-Erin and Jessica 's Cook ing Show .End o f the World in the silver escort.That m ysterious night at the Farfield Exc. Sandy's sleepover.guacomole anyone?- Jess, first timeVGIrts. It s far from oveHILU! C h r is ! l-5 -93best day ever'Thanx for all the good tlm esBthe m any m ore to eom ellLUm ore than IlfelThanx for always being there. I love you sweetie!

L A U R E N S o m uch to little space to write lt-Erin-9 years of great times together but high school was definitly the bestP rom 95 home v ideo.'som eone 's a little jea lous'.survlv lng freshmen year together. Foran d rive-by.P .F.&M .S.,M O-RAN trips to Lavelerte dirty l« t.Dave lR lstano s weird down the shore friends& their M ighty m ighty Bosstones.Jerky B o y sE Chris 's oldles.super m onkey.the parking meter,hooptie over heating on the way season- you running Into the car door during Chinese fire drill going

yOUKSTtI ! Ur l ' e ? 5 e ' W p5 to PPM 'B I V hooptle» l& *2,sen lo r year sleepovers at your house,skiing. "Did you do that on purpose or did you just do that to see m e fall? ".DV's party-watching Misery, "H e 's Sober!" "teuren the toilet seat hit me ^ “ 1 kH ' * 1 m y H" ,he B ‘,dl' you Moron" M y horsM W " r 6 you forgiving me.thanks again.the girl w ith the greatest adv ice In the U be m y sister Inlaw one day& best friends forever SA N D Y N e ve r forget tun times

in lab w /tewb le.orangeg,rling .down the shore w /C.S.- Wha, s going on In lhere?"".rollerblading w/Holler In w/ Ned In graphics Soph. year.Laughlng at you w /you sleeping bag on your head at Hollers.end o f the worid In D e lla s silver Escort Mr life T 5 ' “ ^ “ ke m y conU>c,s ° u , dr,ul" S US to 7-11 aher S A T prep, fun times on the footte ll felld. Guess who called again. PB .buying me lunch all d ie tlme.Raggedy A n n e t A nd y .ro an at Burra s " Why d o n ,we Mi

1 ^ , 1 r t f ' I S - t ^ ! r , ' C a l “v 9" Ve ,h lS '° U u re n “ * * to you?'0 h 1 don ' ' know " ' "Ry* & ' a d -1 « sneer C A R L A Y B P A L E .fa ll in g In and ou, of love w /G .M .. times at Dadaln s.trips to the park w /.B .P. & F .L . 'P tg s Flew ' r te -e at tf -T ^ TO C l' S ^ >b L USter’l!II?t 0 ? M B w / P ' t t r l" Gn>phlcs.trip to thePlIgnmw/D.N..^^ flashing irou-thaCm ovIe at Holler s. "I'm not watching!^".hlgh jumping w /Brenan . your " f ive finger barglns" .B I V .""Could we walk ptease’ What Is this kid

R m h T l S t ^ r w ^ ' " r ; I S a< bl" S' L 'CenSC and ^eSlS,a‘ IOr, Pteese! " JEB S IC A a lw a y s ripping eve^one to shreads together "There isn't m uch to swIngT' glrllng.beam ing I,.bathroom brere- ......t t ^ . ^ F lo w bk .Dooche s o b s ^ ^ m i« . l o o k - o ^ chare. Lauren. I ripped m y jeans!" M y parents think I'm at your house .Bubs.Vece.Dreiore. "Do I sm ell?", T have sweat m arks .popln a squat on the beach In Lavalette.maklng fun o f "T he Beau - 4 '!! ,T,ys,H,•l m here "INSIGHRyeah right.'l.runnlng from Sandy 's fe rre ts .'Look klds.BIg BenJ>arlimen,' .Rye Bread.Jess. everytlm e your nails are long think of me M A R lS S A a n a l retentive. Yankee bus trtps-VInnle MlrrlBI .^ Ga,° & C ’ Sm l,h l“ " "W * h* 1 w ith Don N .attempting to go to clubs soph many m ovies at Holler s-Ju lla Chlld&PeeWee.sleepovers.those stupid door bell ch im es."You have a urinal In youkltchesv .O uja .m y Mom s famous butter cream Iclng.great times w/Dave&Fronk.especially In Lav S tinky couch cusion.super monkey.getting pulled over on the way hom e from Lav .getting lost on the way home from Gam e Worid P loying Laror-Tron trip to L ^ r S'P^ F ll9 .P^ ' P ^ y 9 J ' r * aw<n r t-,00tba" help wlffi m y pageant N IC O L E Speed Ska,ing.Trooo<>.|!. Do you wan, a n ickel tote? ".laughing a, E rin a, D.V.'s."He"s Sober". "Mr. Peterson is here?" .bigger dork giti.hands up

5 , ' W Qat° a Why yout • * * ®“ rod" Dancing around Carta s cor at d ie b in s "Nlcote get In the cart M E G H A N D IAN I IMegger/SpeedokBsherboy .Tyson. Bubba Gum p, "this Is the b lg r^ I snow storm we everu w , r ^ . T '° ha're,ycah.yeah.blg eyes,big eyes .m y brother-dre drool boy.Popschunk. This bread testes good w/bu-um-um'" "W oa.llghdnlng .guys a, Sub-way In F L .Froobln. gertlng diings' on sale trips to Bailey s 6

a ™ ^ , c ^ ny ' lm” ln n “ kto 'U J -yo“ ™ th ( b« ! ™ A N K 8 / 2 1 /95-You were a huge part of m y hfe for so k n g M y Brs, love.l can never forget youCa ll the great dmes-12/29/95 Never^ a T''" H B M S L E Y 'Form a9 9 >°kyou"re not just a great teacher, but also a greatfriendlTP on the Neon-I'll m iss you .Fun T im es w /the W h o le G a n g W hy do we hang out In the cold?T", "Hookln up! orange-glris

b° y & lk:k ' W / ° ra a, ^ l 0 “ 9 >te cHnners.drivln thru CG .S AT prep w /T rietler. 7 -11 mns.chosed from look out.Prom 9 5 ch a chos.P rom weekend 96 In U v .d ips to the clty.laughs w/the guys In Nads dass.lava le tte "I forgot to turn th e lq h tfon ° f ^ R T ' ° £ inai Ct~ h T y ” Ph year‘h0° kS '*'/JI"Schddl dances-hooks w /T G .M A in graphics soph yea,.parties a, Yaney s.mysterious Hotel party S r year.great times a, Gateebo.Noah s partles-the

^ e f T y“ r^ W at B®um®ns-M D rte'“ Y“ hi a. Kara's,gening arrested a. lookout,party a, Nat s.scary Dr. Steves-"John.he touched me!"".Ala,Khoogle,pony m outh.hip checkerl.Goof doop.DV'sparty- The celling Is leaking. .Never forget C(JTlE<Rye Bread).&many other great mem ories to com e & ones that I probably forgot to write. Thanks for m aking four years so m uch fun. ILU guys!

r"To »«y good-bye to yesterday .You must dream about tomorrow.Use the waters of the future to drown away your sorrow.For the pest will never live again, only the mem ories wld can never buy beck your yeaterdays.No matter how hard you jg renB r^ t buds since 3rd grade.Never forget our sieepovers.sticker trading & gossip sessions from m iddle school to graduation.Prom 95 & '96 ,ChaCha 's ,Um o ride.I forgot m y shoes.Lavalette condo.argument over the loft.SENIOR yr,we're finally on top,I H — would have gotten through freshmen yr. w /o you.MO-RAN!.God I hated those girts.Martlno's 4th of Ju ly glg.Lookout.Zebo.Hlghlawn.the Lot.Buzza' house. "Hands up!".Don'woiTy. you'll get better w /practlce .V illa 's."Laur, the toilet seat hit me In the _Hooptle #1&#2.'84 m any m ore memories,some too long write £» some that are Inappropriate to wrtte.ILU alway s,£> remember we once prom ised ourselves that our k ids would be just as good friends as we are.always keep In touch. N ico le You always

ne & kept m y spirits up .you can always m ake me sm ile w /you cute dim ples & goofy sayings like ,"dork girl,I'm so sure,Whatever.Easy as cheese.Oh m y lord, "My most fondest mem ories of high school were spent w/you. Starting w / Annie,Then came fHS. W eekends went from C inem a 23 to look out,Split & Zebo.Chach* 1 .Sum m er'95 .G lris w knd In Lav..M ike, was that his name.Nicole,why is your face all red?,Taking the Beretta for a spln .&you thought I cou ldn 't act. Cheerleading 4yrs,CGdrtve bys

#nlght.Chorus.Plays. Musicals,youth Group.Insight '9 6G '9 7 ,'T m the M am a". .M idnight swim •EH CC ,Sm ock ."M om .stop hitting m eT '.Luclous lushes.Peach Snapple,Goss' Dr.Steves,My basement,Fight between C G & VH S that never Motel.late night P ilgrim cravlng& l m not talkln fries, ILU like a sister S a n d y Remember no matter what you'll be m y bridesm aldfThat's what we said in 7th gr.& lt's still true to this times on the football Reid.many

talegates.Drivin around.m y big sleepover.Zebo running home nights,stumbling all the at m y house.Valentine's Day dinner.thanks for all the help.lnt'l w knd.G lrl's nlte out.Bowling. M ovies.Jour.2,Shore&Prom .just fun times in are a Shauna I'm so glad we becam e better friends this year.My lunch pal.tomato alfredo'l think you need a hugM love hugging you you're so smooshie,.visiting tom m y too many times.your garage.CG drivebys. p ilgrim cravings bagd&frles w/honey

|W>U1U__ss .party essex fells.teachlng m e how to drive, stick, 'o ops I'm sorry '.fab 4 you m e NB& DS.a lw ays remember'when things are bad and getting worse just keep a cook ie In your purse 'D ianeh itting taxis,driving like a maniac.slamm in cops.many nights■gpgin out. getty, essex fells party, p ilgrim .'I'm In the m ood for a m ilk , shake.'Jaretts basement.P^ere! stoppin in exxon for m ore than gas.falrfkrld exc, Jaretts stolen fun.'you 're so slam m in!' J e s s ic a Never forget Prom '95,Hmo.&m e forgetting m y shoes, Sweet 16. j pyllhan’s sieepovers-my house & yours,football seasons. D J bowllng.plckle ball partner-we almost won the p ick les!."Do I smell?".sweat marks, c ity shoppping trips,lunch aP lanet Hollywood.Prom w knd 96.3am shower-you needed it!,annoying Roth.Chris's el#es.the loft.gossip sessions to m any to count. ILU J o h n W e came here together In 3rd gr.G this y r we leave together! So many great mem o rlesG things I owe to you You're always there w /com fortlng words&good advice. Never forget all the piays& -iass.working together on numerous school activities llke.student council.Y.O.U.(co-founders),NAHS. yearbook,youth Group,Insight retreat.long talks #D&D or Starbucks.late night Algebra study sessions.glgs all over town, 1st per. G ym .potty m outh.M D pip Gators.Sploof. M om m y & Daddy.Don't ever let these memories fade, are forever a friend. C a r la partner In crime.Llfegaurd buddies, Scagllone bros..Swap.twllo, sm ock. Insight '96 & '9 7 'T m so sure I'm going hom e • ! Ipm .shopin til we drop.ollve ol midnight dips »EHCC.m ascot.afternoon are a great fnend1 M e J is sa F rom JV to Varsity we've cheered our little hearts out! Great memories on&off the fetid:early morning practice.getting off track.breakfasts, tailgates,dance routines&band d«0 S.Capts together.awesome pep rallies.Cheering Isn't where we spent all our time together-long Dell Days,late nights^Zebo.Eagle Rock. apolstery.Mr. Ramp,friends forever.keep in touch!Mari*aaCheering buddies, sleepovers^your house,watching

vfy eosf>maklng them.Shore'95-stealln the Beretta, O fficer I'm really s ick '".P rom '96- QueenG princess W knd in Lav.Jerky Boys .B J in the car next to us.parking meter.super m onkey.past dinner, keeping everything clean,4am fire works.fruit drink s& muscle Ljjgrcrc don't m lx C lty C row d : EXPO-gettlng ready w EH CC "Shou ld I wear eyeshadow? I don ’t want to get pic-pocketed.! This back seat isn'big enough for all of us!"B lind persons crossing-Ellens Star dust.Yanks won the world series.slammin cops.hitting C r . FrkiCheefinq.driving around. T -Be ll.TCBY.M andee to the rescue,shopping sprees. Marshalls incident, Jamacia: That includes Dorrie&Kelly too. R icks Cafe. Waverunners- You #w*! up m y bike! p ick le jar. lemons, snaps .purple puke. V J.M acarena Tontest.EXPO.garbage trucks.rides In m y hooptle.non working windows, plus m any more unforgetable times.Even though it can be hard to td l.l love you and wish you w e ll'Ch rfaFrom '93 to '96 you were the love of m y life & something tells me you always will

be.You've made m y life more special then you know ,Cape May,long sum m er days.Chir>e9e on Sun. nites.Prom '95& ’96-K ing & of the best wknds o f m y llfe.sklppln out 8 th per .countless hours o f '‘just us".l owe a lot to Mr. CarsiUo D itto.52 I love you!

jESSICACarlaWe have great m em ories.BF .M DM DM B.Do I Sm eiPYour Brian m y Brian(Ha Ha), Prom 95 96. O h It was fun. Running tennis courts and also that night, ripped jeans. Shoop and What a Man. Myrtle-CG, 50. burning picture o f RP w / KC . Basketball- Crusty. I'D 9^ you Ice. Bench warmer, p ick ing nose, secret hooking up, put tin on the dramatics, cheating. EH C C dip. Squeeze me Squeeze M e W e had the best o f times K a t le M y running buddy, early morning runs, walks past Herbie. Prom 95 96. your shore experience, cheating-your good adviceflying), sleepovers. snow days-pilgrim, bundling up, TCBYfchoco late sprinkles), VCP, Rosanio-see you around town, lips. Blockbuster-natural, Daves, hit rew. again, hook up. slimeballs. Treitler stop talking, study groups, Sieve, Your really are one o f the best S a n d y Your the best! Your m y Sandra Dee. Orange girls-Dadoze-I love ya. and basketball, P rom s together awesome dates. Petey97 ,'lts just the 3 o f us again', Little sw lmm lng?-EHCC. P B ? . Hook up, Bum ps. Where are they swinging to?. Villas, So many m em ories I can not write them all down Lau ren You ewe really cool. Love to m ake fun, orange girls Dadoze-I love you. Lookout-run-jeans. Your m y cutie, Flowbee memories. Where are you? I am right here. Laughing lots. B ig Ben.?ar1lment. the Beastfyour know who)......face in effect, your lovin the Rye bread. N ice Bumps. Where are they sw inging to? E rtnProm 95 96. Down the shore. Was anyone else In the house?. You were a great m om m y! Shopping. New York C ity. D an le lleTenn iscapt. Scangllone. Shnook. Sahara, rissa. Wanna fight?. Basketball-Do you want Ice? I will get you Ice!, gel street, fire hydrant-1' aw ayRacheltove ya. BF. Walks. Guy problems, telephone, coo l diner, formula, coo l outings, lying, gossiping, friends from beginlng. not enough space to recap all the mems. Love ya like a sister Dave- you have been a big part erf m y senior year The "gam e" is on, I really do hate you! (just kidding )E-mall buddy; your new best friend, unforgettable memories J e n n ife r Your the best friend I cou ld ever btve. | miss you so m uch when your away. I am so glad we get along so well. I do not know what I would do w /o you. I love you so much. Unforgettable mem ories with unforgettable friends. I love you guys!

SHAUNA 'Eventhough the m em ories m ay fade in m y m ind, the m om ents I have spent w ith m y friends , I will cherish forever In m y heart.' Can I aks u a questlon?.4th per. lunch-Tassles&Flshnets.fat Jank:e<Bowllng&Dancing),Reunion.The Fight jme.Reglna, Am anda)-'U are so annoying!'. Jo e never showing up for lunch.flying fruit (throwing fruit at the frosh). Ju st stand up and yell FO O O FIGHT '.L im o guy is dead, cookies & m ilk.when the East Is In the house.EX PO -none o f that red stuff,there's a time delay Between the front & back seat.Christmas break,Ralphie.'Men are dysfunctional In bed therefore women eat!',Duy!,Hekja vs. Helga.Chunkaiita M ilkshakes Salty N ico le 'Y ou see how p icky 1 am about m y shoes and they on ly go on m y feet',Talking to u Is Hke taking to myself.'L ie s Aga in ' what's the nam e?,W hat's the 41 l?,Shenaynay(Shanla Twain),Carpe D iem ,'F ix m e up w/M ike-he 's dating a married woman!’ ,Helio th is is Shauna Sacch i . l give u egg roll.parallel parking-'I am the human cone’ ,This ts a non-Hootte car.Power M ix,4 in the bathroom(4 in l).M ary & Andy.Chlara(Newark chases.Believilie Police,amaretto sours. Maureen,No Doubt.Spiderwebs.Andrews Sisters).Banger,Pounder.D id u drive here-no m y friend's In the car,m y mono-don't u still have m ono?.Fantastic Voyage-1 remember (where's that songl.Trips to Florida-What happened?.Sassage & Rauchle.Ray & 'E v il E y e ' Cunlff.SbarTO's(plzza place pkrJ.'S legal com e w ith u s '.they all left without us. Johnny(the hog).Crybaby .tohnny.Red Red w ine(Bom-Chigy-Bom- CWgyl.gargllng nolses.RSC.Joe-fWolahl.hold fast.schm oke.bevoosh,Auntie Bertha.Baycocwa (flips),WOHS.Friends since 8 th.long talks about M N all the time.E rin-1 think you need a hug!,'W hen things are bad & getting worse.keep a cook ie in your purse*,CG drlvebys.Fab Four(FD ,Essex Fe lls Party),Addam s Fam ily .Girls on F llm .l know I'm sm ooshvlCofll Walll-fsummerl.Offlce all the tlme.Mldnlght Fights.omelettes, heart m urm ur.'don't hit hlm.l th ink he's dead '. Crossroads.Clerks. Mountain Tavem .91.1(Ken & Andy).'God.the Eagle Rock D iner Is cold".Leany,Anthony!.Fu-how do u spell that F-U.F-O-O.whatever! CHACH!.BFC.ROSE!,UNISS!.Ahh-uhh.B lg rasp. Snapple.Barry Harry som eth ing ,BNSS.TO M M Y!.Back of Anna .BETO .Ke lly -u just doesn't m ove her out of the front seat.Katie-u are not getting In m y cart.Kelly-'one hit wonder*. Wallflowers. Take one for every person In the car. Pull Up u ran over a dead partner.Counting Crows-Mr Jones. Than x to Robby & the use of his equipm ent .Janice- Fo xy Brow n.M ic had Jackson Smooth Crim ina l.Do It for the p ick els!, gym partners W hy does Police a lways com e on, Eve ry tim e we see Pollce-why Is that. Where are we going-Cowdwe1!. 'Heather u want to.Um ...O K !.'D ow n under'.Gay guys in the lo t.'O n ly Love*, the D rugFalr guy-who- Sorry.Diane-u're impression o f Sean.hitting the cab(taxi driver), slammin cops.sleeping at John 's house.I'll keep u warm-come sleep In m y bed .Charlotte’s web.Fired Up.R U ready for some m o '.Jazz it up.'I fed like Ralph 's shoes', the button pops & hits me In the read,Richard's here-W HERE A R E U?.W endy's.Pizza 46.Steeling Jarrett's fun ,Pierre.first Tom m y together-Oct. 23,'95. Friends are people you can't live w ithout.m y friends are m y life! Thanks for always being there! Love you all!

IHARISSAProm the 1st day frosh year yr. til grad day. VHS was full of surprises. Great times w / Carla. Lauren. Nicole. Jess. Sandy. Erin . & Shauna Russell's parties- playin' pool, p ing pong, and Russ calling me Mdtnda!? Lavalette Condo in '94. '95. '96. G uys In *4 bring us a Conqu istadore!"dirty feet!" The super m onkey & stinky couch cu sh lon 'N ko le don 't remember eating tuna. bananasG P B on a cracker but won't forget speakln' espanol w / M arid la and "Com e give Grandma a k iss!" L a u re n still don 't know the fyrics to "Dreams can com e true...” ! D r.Mario and butt ere ream Icing are 2 of m y favorites at Fern's! J e s s ie aconfuslng m e at Seaside Skyride! You 're a wilder bowler-score 35?! & Jess scream in' "LE F T " for Rockaway Mall! P lay in ' Cards w / D.Nigro- 5 a.m. diner run Carla beggln' to watch that m ovie' C a r la thanks for always havin' a piece o f gum! Biology Project " Mr. W ong W ok where Is your accent?' It com es and g o e s ! S a n d y never forget F L A trip. M y magic sunglasses- R ldln' A T V 's - hit snowbank cops nabbed ai' Narucki's New Yr. bash 96-R AIDED! Sand & Rlss hitch a ride w/Seth- still had a Happy New Yr! Sandy 's Superbowl Party turned NL, JA , NG, BS.& M D W W F tag team' G re a te s t M e m o r ie s DlRom a "I wet m yse lf'"P e e W ee's P layhouse . Home A lone Part I & I. Yo Quiero Josefa. 6 F lags In '95. En d of the World In C D 's silver bullet!, 'C o m e t ! ', Sally Jessy Raphael Show, secret handshake w / DeSantis. Tortino asking Dave "D o you always stick your ton^ je out like th a t? '. Holler N igro Duo keepin' w / tradition Dei pi no Jr., and Beans II. Sendln' Sandy to Lavalette Dell "P ic k up for Yorker?!" Monday Night Bow ling at Eagle Rock, Howie do in '? Dori & 1 go to BK for pink lemonade in a snow storm? I love ya Ferrugia and m iss jiv in ' to Stevie Wonder and sd lin ' the mailman freshen up um and hot cocoa In mtd-winter! A ll the Yankee Trips and C o llln .-STAN KY IS A Y AN KEE !E r inpo stgam e fun at S C O R ES w / the S is & Bro' D ave- hangin w / the kxrfa!. Great times w / you at Letterman. Rosie O ' Show. Ranger d am e , Horseback rid ln ’ and.

Fkrtla was great! DUDE, "what If your Mom made BRO W NIES for breakfast, lunch. & dinner eve ryday?" "BR O W N IES!" It's been great but times up so S E E YA ! M O m , Chris. Jenn, M ike, & Dave I Love You guys w / ail m y heart. But. before I go. D A V E FO R TH E LAST TIME. IT 'S GRAVY!!!

From trying on shoes to graduation, we've shared so many memories & so many laughs, we'll be friends forever, always remember SophsrSMJDV. Stupid-head, Carvel. Skyline. 21& 22,1 still love you. Cotton is the fabric of our lives, p.7-Mr.V&Peter. death to the bear-Surprise-Troll. pokfikillso. I COULD’VE TOLD YOU THAT. Wait Until Dark, plastic surgery(MF), Cookie-puss, URAQT, Chach '95. "While You Were Sleeping "paperboy, imaginary roller skating wknd. DISNEY WORLD 95: Frigment, Free the Ferryboat, How bad is that?, Spectro Magic Parade. Book it. Dan-watch out for security guards throwing flashlights, lemon-thingys, "I couldn't get it out". Tower O' Terror, "Thank you for being a friend Been there-done that, everybody else has a problem, Mel turned on the heat Tm freezing", tipping buses, clicking box in room. "Now approaching our final destination. Rocket Tower Plaza Station" Junlors Sept.30-pile on-teacher's convention-Ace Ventura II, similar haircuts, love square&pentagon. hat trick, plastic footballs, surprise party-80mph, blackout, green Gap shirts-llcenses, sushi, no windshield wipers, cool socks. Devils games, prom-NYC-shore. "Friends Forever"music box. RSC, coincidental pairings-A+group, Yippee Skippy-Dr.Robotnik. "I Will Survive . SPAIN: Hello Tom-Wakey Wakey, potato chips run-last night, legs (picture didn't come out), El Corte Ingles, Val&Lana, Dan sleeping on floor in every city. "Let's just try opening this door one more time "Rm.425. Mel w /D an's bag&jacket ticket. Todd-Ryan-Felix. Palladium&Joy Club! "What happens in Spain, stays on the plane!' Seniors:Role reversal. CS runs. Scream, roller skating (finally). Mel's cheering individual for Dan, Highlawn. Ups. only one different person!. Drug Fair parking lot (dance). Pilgrim, Versailles, FLOOD, Carvel (again). PattyB. Mr. Maher!, early dismissal, lock-in, Matthew McConaghey. Placas. Scanglione s music. New Year's at diner&DeLuca's. cheese dream. The Cheese Shop. Superbowl. "The Good Dr's", Feb. vacation, finally a trip to Nyack!

A EL IS S A Remember m e with sm iles & laughter, for that is how I'll a lways remember you." JUSTIN: "Not only do I love you. but you're m y best friend". Schnookle-pie. Up CloseGPersonal, Triple M 'er. "W anna play Guess W ho?". PROM , doing your hair all nlght(bathroom), bus rides. Jenny loves you. bum py ear. Pete's-Sept.30-where It all started, your legs. N ico le 's Sweet 16, chicken at Bella Gente. Eagles dlnner-Dec. 1. DMB. Clue, M DW knd, saying "goodnight" every night on phone. "Because You Loved Me . your family. Charlie Brown's. Lauren's Sweet 16-good at everything. FUZZY. Just, w e've been through so m uch together and I know there Is so m uch more to come. You 've touched m y heart In an amazing way & you 'll a lways be so special to me. I'll always be here for you & I'll love you forever. "If you love something, let It go. If It com es beck to you, It's yours forever..." KICOLE: "Y ou find ally, you be good", cheering was great. & the A+ group, don't get arrested again. I need some BU LLET S . "O h my Lord"(your version). 6 th p e r lunch. Senior Sect.Editors-torturing Whltie, dorkgirl. & a lways rem em ber Never try & teach a pig how 2 sing b /c It wastes your time & It annoys the p ig " ILU! CARLA: Vdards. fusebox-you broke the car. French K iss date x2. I Will Survive". Yellow B rick Road, getting lost in Caldwell Co llege-'W e 're so coo l". *8 -you wrapped. D id we just hit them-Oops, ILU! LAUREN: "We re so m uch alike som etim es." Remember: managing basketball-JV, chem lstry(Ahh). working at deli-being late Superbowl Sun., D M B concert. YOU, citrus girl, the way u laugh Thanx for being such a great friend and for g iving such great advice. Keep Sm ilin '. ILU! KERRY: out 4 pizza-u don't need alcohol 2 be drunk!, dates x2-m ovies&out 2 eat. citrus girl, YOU. chemistry, sleepover, tye dye on your driveway, you're a great gal-never change-ILU! PETER: Never met before partners In b io w/Mr.V. & we've become such good friends since then! Remember: your answers. "While You Were Sleeping ", Holstein's, dimples. tench(x2). our musk:, long talks on phone, all your advice. D M B concert(?>-l'm glad we've become so doseJLU ! STEPHEN: turtle. Wind phone conversation, "good", Applegates&Holsteins. stupidhead. W e've shared some great times-you're a great guy-ILU! KRISTIN: b-ball managing. SPAIN: Globs. "L e t 's try opening this door 1 more tim e!", sleeping 2 Inches away. ORBIE-ILU! STEVE T.: Go Screw, Hello. Elmo(shut up about your dog), m issing mall. calcu lus-HELP I'm glad we've gotten 2 know each other so well this year-ILU! ERIN: cheering captalns-all our speeches-starting Joshua, CG drivebys. Grease-Cartos. Eagle Rock Dinertwhat a night!), you're a great gal-lLU! JOHN: Spain, never going out 2 lunch, YOU, no m ore Spanish, dorkglri-you're a great friend-ILU! STEVE N shopping In your closet, teacher's convention wknd-Ace Ventura II. matching sweaters, good advice. You're a great guy & a great friend-ILU! HEATHER!Merry Hanukkah & Florida trips) & R.ACH£L(turtleman & nert2)-slnce our first kindergarten sleepover. we've shared endless laughs-l'll treasure them 4ever-ILU guys always' M O M , DAD. MATT. LAUREN. ELMO: Thank you ter always being there for m e and for m aking me who I am today You are all so special to me. I love you! "You said the world was m ag ic ."

D A N IE L L E : Carla- M y IB! *1 cousin Bongo-early dism issal, drive from Dr Steve 's-"You guys are cu te !", out to lunch-diner "the usual' (bagdw/honey must, coff&coke). Hi Kap!, PER FECT !. 2 m in., late nights at park, fighting geese that smoke. B lack Scanga. Irritable one!. Be all that you can be one!. Chain sm oker one!, mall. Babaton, rides down Woodland. 1NSEPERABLE. Stance thing. A re you two twins?. B.Nigro #Totowa, Good Times. Go ldilocks & the 3 bears, passed out-2/21/97. Remember when we used to be friends w ith Scanga? I love you so m uch-m y fellow m ascot and bone? Sfet.<e-1 love you Shnoob! Sept 30*95?. lock-in, trip to get m y car (Jan 13)-Bronco. pushing the car. and the car ride home! TCBY . tests, e-mail. Scream. M y Baby! Feb. vacation ! will m iss you so m uch but you will a lways be In m y heart ILU! "If every word I said would m ake you smile, then I would talk forever " Je ss ica - Hookln up! Cam p Val, Shnookle. Scang, 1-Roc. Sahara. H F C & Q F D ? our dateX2 (Brookdale), Larissa, slime, tow-fat tw inkles. 15mph on Grove, white rice. Myrtle-/. Bayfu. sleepover. "I B get tce” -ILU! Sandy- B-ball w /Crusty, softball, the Rat. B E A ST !, e-mall. jHto-wrestling, the toilet overflowed? (8:30 am call), w inter semi at Drug Fair, jello wrestling. Feb vacation funnel deanerMLU! Nicole- Phi Kappa Tau!-poetry at WP. plckle-man. Sp ice Girts. Oh M y Lowd! Dork Girl! Irritable one! sim ilar taste In guys, always singing. M r Maher!. RSC-First night!. Ea sy cheesey. Steve T• T o one of the greatest guys In the worid-1 m iss you so much! cottage cheese thighs. DEEF.FNG!, towed at Park Billiards, buttered toast. Boris, pervert waiter, late nights at Forest. Highlawn. and waterfall (racoon). M A D CG and m uch more! I hate you!-K(DOINGS! ILU! Daue-I m iss you so much-friends forever-always remember the good tim es & the love we shared. Todd Spaln-PaUadlum. elevators, stairwells, playing cards?, strawberries, water bottles? Ortiey Beach-Louis?. yard work .&Alex?-ILU! Bay Fu- Je ss s sleepover. CG . card games a t Dr. Steve's, your laugh. Feb vacation (my bouncer), um woops!. A O L pics, spinning tires, "You bring your friend ViUa& I'M bring m y friend Scanga!" Peter - Sept 30 95. Rausch 's-Ace Venturall. T H E L A S T UNICORN. Em m ett Otter, bto w / Val. our first dance, dinner? ILU. Kelly- Nutcracker Sweet-stamp stamp!, shore w/ Justin-hot spaghetti!, para sailing. Myrtle B e a ch ” Don 't you dare!", the crane. Zo iks and away!, sacrifice polar bears, lem in yellow sun. So many great times-ILU! Emily- So m any years-Down Tow n Phllly & other hom e movies, va-va-vacation. Unforgettable.. . sk iing down your back yard, com m ercia ls on swing-sets. W hy can I not see you In m y eyes?-Oh I get It!. 'T m allve!"-ILU! John A.- RSC. Maher?. SPAIN-Whatever happens In Spain stays on the plane?? Jo y C lub & after...PREP performances-good luck and ILU. Marc- RSC. AO L. O h Villa, funnel?. "Sm ok ing a butt ladles?” Kristin& Katie- Physics w/ Sab per 6 -When the bus Is rockin ', don't com e knock in '! P A R T Y BUS! Drat Sab? ILU guys! To my entire family- I love all of you very much. Thank you for directing me down the right path: I cou ldn 't have done It without you. You are all very special to me- ILU!

Dee, We’ve been best friends for 5 years and I know we will be for many more years. Someday 1 will be your sister-in-law! We’ve shared so many memories, good and bad. 1 couldn't have made it through the years without you! “ Your Forever Friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times, and the confused times. If you turn and walk away, Your Forever Friend Follows. Your Forever Friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. You have a Forever Friend For life, and forever has no end.” Thanks for being my best friend. P.S. Mom and Dad DeFilippo and Grandma and Granpa McKeown, thanks so much for making me feel like a part of the family- love ya!Never Forget: Tree bangin’, Hitman George and Don-the- Wacko, New Year’s Eve ‘96, Saturday night baking, the sleepover, headlights head on Part I and II, “ Plenty of ice and plenty of iced tea,” “ Dee, why is your garbage smoking?!”

Corrine, W e've shared so m any memories, where to begin? W e’ve had so m any good times and have been through a lot both good and bad. Y ou ’ve alw ays stuck by m y side through thick and thin and without you I m ay not have gotten through m any things. I’ll alw ays stand by you no matter what. A lw ays keep ya head up. “ Let m e tell ya a little som ethin’ som ethin’ ” not only are you m y best friend but you are the sister I never had. “ Future sister-in-law” .

Thanks for alw ays being there for m e “ always all the tim e” . I Love You. B FF P.S. Mom & Dad Dapuzzo (my 2nd family) thanks for everything.

"TIL ondy nose. witRoutt tfloJiKS is IjAiewdsfcp.

Favorite Tummy Boy quotes: "Shut up Richard!" "Luke, 1 am your Father ...Sony, did I interrupt

Happy Time?" "Wha d you doooo?" "Son of a...that's gonna leave a mark!" "Tommy likey, Tommy want wingey." "Holy Scbneickces!” "And I lake my pet,

and I poke It. and I massage It. and 1 spank it. cause you're a naughty little pel. yes you are! God. you're sick!" "Richard, that's wonderful! Hold me!" Who's

you're favorite Utlie Rascal. Alfalfa, or Spanky!" Favorite Spaceballs quotes: "May the Swartz be with

you!" "Who is that guy.,.'' “We have to go at...Ludicrous speed!" "Dink, Dink!"

/KeMyAMira -“Duda'-For the past few years, we have shared a very special friendship. You are my best friend and someone I feel I ran lalk to about anything Thank you so much or always being there w hen I needed you! I hope we re together next year, to continue all the good limes Best movies-"Tommy Boy" and "Spaceballs." Dandy Candy! Jingle Ball '96. Fun in Physics with Sab and Jon. Hey- how long is a meterstiek? Thi gs are flying out of your head! Remember lunch last year-a bagel and a Dew and recitations of "Spaceballs''-"Who is that guy?" Mike and the Winnie the Pooh gang (We re Pooh and Tlgger!) The list of great memories is countless-loo long to 111 in this pace, hut I'll always remember out great times together Jackie and labs- Best Friends Forever!! Whltney-from hand to Volleyball. to talking till 4:30 AM at sleepovers. we've hadlots of great memories. Way too much info- "I bro e state laws!" “....HELLO!" We had fun in Toronto (Do Not Disturb?) Oh- In the park, alsoThank for being there for me and for all the great memories! Josh- I'm feeling a little vaclempl... Hands up. Who likes me?M ss- My Fico- Wo have loo much fun in HIslorylThanks for letting me borrow your jacket and sweater I love you a friend! Mike- Nice shoes.Nke Woody! Hey- Try not to get any more speeding tickets.,.(79!) By he way, do you have one? Caroline- Conversations in french...Jc pense quo non! Thanks for hooking me up with Big Bro!!! YVOPAOI.T -Wagowhh! Save The Organic Pineapples' Whoops! Clank, clank, check out the view !! You guys are so weird! I love you! To the V-ball team- Fun on the bus- Our sign. Happy guy on the highway, old man taking off his wedding ring We had a great time-thanks guyslJesse-These past two years have been the best of my life. We have so many wonderful memories-too many to write in this small space. Remember Toronto-Do Not Disturb!" Our favorite times-|usl sitting outside in the summertime, talking late at night Prom '96 You've made me so happy I will always love ou! "Whenever I want you. all I have to do is dream..." To all my other friends-Daren. Jenna. Mindy , Maia. Nick. Kelly. Chrlssy, Kristin, Dave, Chris, Steph, Jon-Thanks for your support and love. I love you all very much! Cathy and Grandma. I miss you and I love you- You are my inspiration! Mom, Dad, Maureen. Pumpkin, Grandma and Grandpa. Thank you all for supporting me. I love you!

S&UMO* “Wherever your are It is your own friends who make your world. Kelly- Jackie" This is the “short short version” of our memories. Remember everything relates to it!! God we re sick! Does your father know about this? (DeLucca) That's just wrong! Never forget lunch 95/96 and History. Most of all never forget Physics with Sab and Jon. They are such freaks. And for your information I am PAYING ATTENTION!! NOT!!! I know I'm a freak but I can't help It. It's genetics. Are you high on Dew and Pixy Sticks again? I still can't figure out my list of five guys. I guess whoever's a hottie. Just a few important dates to remember Prom '96, Jingle Ball '96, the world series, and the super bowl. As you can sec. I've tried to describe the fun we've had and the memories we’ve shared, but the truth is that words cannot describe the happiness our friendship has brought me. These past few years have meant the most to me and I will always cherish them. I wish I could write more but I'll just end with I love you and best friends forever.Whitney, how long is a meter stick? You'll be Tine If you just keep on breaking those state laws. Good Luck and I'll miss you next year. Love Ya! Mass You're driving me crazy! AHH!! I think you and Kelly are having too much fun on my couch! Thai's just wrong! Mike Thanx for all those rides home in the Woody You’re a great friend. Good luck next year. Christina-'Mr. Potato Head-Sr Papa" Never forget Spain '96. get Jorge on the Boor!! We've had so many great times together, especially in Spanish I'll always cherish our friendship. ILL. To all my goodfriends- Josh, Daren. Jenna, Chrissy, Melissa, .Amy. Theresa. Anne.Danielle, Monlka.-ILl. Mom. Dad. and family-ILl

Good Luck Class of ‘97!- Dr. and Mrs. DeGrande

Congratulations to you all! From the Egan Family.

Congratulations to the Class of ‘97 from the Abeles Family, Gary, Charna, Mia, Megan, and Jesse

Joe and Lynn Piccoli

Congratulations to Adrian and the Class of 1997! - Mrs.Sancho

Congratulations to the Class of ‘97- The Scully Family

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cocchiola

Edward and Lynn Lenihan

Congratulations to Nick and the Class of ‘97 from the Mathers Family

Sandy, Miss you next year. Good Luck!, Kerry

Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Class of 1997- The Ferloni Family

Congratulations to Danielle and the Class of ‘97; may all your dreams come true! Love, Mom, Dad, Josh, & Jordan

Carla, May all your dreams come true. Love, Mom, Dad, Frank, & Larry

Best of Luck to the class of ‘97! - John, Mary Jeanne, and Amanda Dolahan

Best Wishes - The Checchetto’s

Have a great summer! From the Bennetts: Sheree, Fred, Jeff, Elliot, and Rachel

Congratulations, Kelbelyeahyeahmidgedipray!

Congratulations Class of ‘97 - The Schenker Family

Best Wishes to the class of 1997- Klingert Family

Congratulations Andre and the Class of ‘97! The Mutovic Family.

Melissa, Congratulations to you and the class of 1997- Love Mom and Dad

Sandy (Pete) - Best to you Kiddo - Best Wishes - Mom, Dad, and Jamie

Vanessa Pin Rondino

Best of luck to the Class of ‘97! The Ozolins Family

Good luck to the class of 1997 - The Tortorella Family

Best of Luck to the Class of 1997 - The Condorelli’s

The Swatt Family

To Kelly and the class of 1997 - Wishing you a bright and happy future- Love Mom, Dad, & Maureen

Good Luck! Sandro and Maria Mediago.

Patrick Pin Rodino

Gail and Tom Shepard

Congratulations to the Class of ‘97 - The Kloss Family

Paul and Kathleen Russo

“ Congratulations to our Corrine, Dina, and the Class of 1997” Love, The Dapuzzo's

Leonard Nigro

Congratulations and Best Wishes for a happy future to the class of ‘97... We’re so proud of you, Scott! Love Mom, Dad, and Wendi

Alice Dickman

Dr. & Mrs. Richard Cirello

Richard Lodato

Best of luck to the Class of ‘97 - Nancy and Ted Clancy

Congrats to Erin Moran and the Class of ‘97 - Love Donna, Ken, & Andrea Lauckner

Maureen Dimeck

Good Luck, Mike, and the Class of ‘97 - Love Mom, Dad & Erica

Best Wishes to the Class of 1997 from the Serpico Family.

Diane Lubrano

The Bell Family

Robert Garthwaite

Congratulations Class of ‘97! - Landara Contracting

Richard and Barbara Camp

“ Congratulations to the Class of 1997!” - The Johansky Family

Congratulations Class of ‘97 - Tom and Joanna Collins

Congratulations Anthony and the Class of 1997 - Love, Gncle Dave, Aunt Jo, David, & Kris

Congratulations Amy! - Love Mom, Dad, Joel, and Holly

Good Luck Class of ‘97 - Pat and Sue Ward

Congratulations Little Monk, You Did it! Love Mom and Dad and Clan

Bernard D’Avella

Heather- All our love and best wishes - Love Mom, John, Robbie, and Courtney

Good Luck Class of 1997! Make us proud! The Gambuzza Family

Good Luck To The Class of 1997- The Harder Family

Good Luck #20! The best is yet to come! - Dad, Dan, and Anthony

Panzariello Family - Congratulations Class of ‘97!

Judy and Rick DiModica

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Benyo

Best Wishes to the Class of ‘97- The Romanyshyn Family

Wayne and Carole Fernicola

Congratulations Kelly! We are so happy for you. Love- The Kuzsma‘s

Go forth proudly - the world is now yours. Success and happiness will follow! - The Rossi Family

Dr. & Mrs. Clifford B. Gillman

Mr. & Mrs. Vece

Congratulations to DEEP (Brian S.) and the class of ‘97!

Congratulations Marissa- The future holds nothing but success and happiness for you! Love Mom, Chris, Jenn, Mike, and Dave

A jo u rn e y o f a thousand

miles must begin with

