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THE WE . y , N' - '" EWS . . ,

O. F. SLEEPER, Editor and Proprietor. A E&I:s:tB' ou:e.:e.lDNT EVENTS_ PBIO!I, 'l1UdUi OJ:NTB.. :- -- - - ~~=====~~~~~~==~~==============~===========

.vOL. VIII.-No. 23. PALMYRA. N. J •• P'EBRUARY 6. 1892. $1;00 per Annum in AdYance.


LOCAL 'l'IIlE TABLE. --" ..... == .... . ..,. ....

010111: ... ",. TI •• T._t.L FurTreoloD, !Iie.ark aol1 S •• \iOrk. ' .to.

7." UJ, lo.:11S a. tu_. IU 'U6. (.w.l.6S. us. 1~ .. m •• 1rHII~al. : l.&Ia"dI.13 p. m ,"uoda7L

,::: ~~J~r:~~~D~J:~:Oit~~~lJ.:dS~~.~ ;--.&7":'V~il~it~ ;~~,~::'~,~~1tl~\~~i!':':;!~U~: ..a.a;,L v.n .. '" .• 1.!M,Il. ln all<.l 1'/ ~ p. B1 •• l'llln· ... , .

For Ik.i.,IICl". Ue\'~rl)' .n,' ~:..tlo •• ler Pluk. ~.* p . IU. Wieck · ..,. ••

For IIut<.lelll ... II, II.tI'. j.t:i fi.!iI.!. IU!.tl a. III .. 1:r.:.8, :!ol:!. :!.1o;' ,....,. ( ,$;I • .l::I,.\" l, tI.~l. j .!M. 1I.w,

f. UI ... ,,<.1 1:!olU nl,II· •• _Ir;~.,. It.r. .. In .. M.II.13 .uu I IUd p. UI .. ttun<.l I)" I

A~i!,)~!f.:SI:~~.~:'UJt4~1~:1~i, :~ ~:;!~ For XL Hull)' . ' . ..s, K.W. 1u,J,d .. IU .. ::.:.\,

(.51 •• od ':'JJ.I p. nl • • t't'k d.,.. I YoI' u~at!l ... nil fIlrther lor,"wallon appll

to ,ba A.,oolat lb •• ""tiuo . CRAS. to.:. PUO II, J . K. WOdU • .

O.u·1 .... u ... r. U.n" ....... Alt.

PH II,A . AN 0 RE .\ DINP It It AtlutJc Clly tli"laloo, io ..a·eel Oc,3. 1891.

Tral.o.lcs"e CaDltleu , Kall.'. POiD" lor AllAallaCh, •• Hatl'),I, IUV ..... 810.1110' 1 ...... :!! 10. 4 10, p..m.

A~lOcnuclal iuu 1110 • w •• .5 10 V. DI. Suo· .... J1 UI'l'd' II 10,110, &. tao AteOIOodadoD ti 1:l .. w .• 44U p. Ol. I

a.'Urolll,leue Allauti~ (:11" ..... k daY" 1 •• p"', 7 30 ~ 00. &. m .... 00. 5 W. V. w.

4\"C!Owo.l.tiou tlo:i .... DI . .. 15 V. w ~uu · "., • eoutooation i :\ ' a ta .... $.I V· S. u I .".... .. w. 6 OJ ., . w l 'arJur can 1111 U .. "" uaiDl 10 botb "u~ctiOIlI.

For AltO. week ll,.a. ti I:!, &. m. I It ... 27{ p. m. .

.·: r W Hilmi 0 ,"u. C;1 •• boro ud }lulliea HIli. week da",910.1I1 0. &'111 •• 4:1 ' .510 Po III. Sa.dt.J1 S 12 a. III .. 4 40, p. GI.

For Cleweowo.' 12.810." lU. II 1 .... III. I Il, 47'1. li 10, 6 C, 7 U. 11 42. p. III. tluoc1aJ •• S 12. a. m. I 67, 4 40 .. v. en.

For Whitiari. Wao~buter. ".ke.1>Od &Dd Nlw York. 2110 a. 111. 410 p. III .

For Vlaelaad. Bridseu.o~ Port Uorril &D I polaca.o CUlllberl. d &Da Maurice H.inr at. tt, 8 10 a. m., .. 10 p. III. A. A. McLEOD. C. O. llA SCOCK :PrM" 4: OeD'1 lla.uae.r Ou'll'&IL A&L

IV. U. TELEGRAPH OFFICES. W. U. Telelrapb 0", SUlre"l Ora,

tkOIt. NIII},." &.ad RallroUl St&uoo. RI ...... .... RELIGIOUS NOTICES.

CHRlsr CHURCH, RIVERTON. Boi, Commuoioo (uotpl lit S .. d.J la 'be

IDODlb), . 7.30 a. Ill. Monalol( PraJer, Lit&oy uti &,.oa (Urtpl

latHalliday. II A. w. ....... } Scbool. at. 3 p. ". Mu·. Meeda, (WaddaJa). 8 .. III. M.elbat'. Keel1al (FridAJI), a p. III. Bedor'. Bible '1 .. , (ror bo,b "S.M, T.~

cla,.). 8 p. 10.

tju'ula •• C)CODIC at .11 • • ... I~.

M, E. M1B310N. W£.)'T PAUIYIU. J"M P •• "1Obla, Su ... rlalcuJ~IL

ludaJ Sebool. 2.30 V. W. P.-cbial. . ~ .45 p. w.

•. C. CHURUB OF TBBSA CNllU BUR! Riurtoa, N. J .

"I urI! 3d 8ua-J.J or eacb lUoalb - lrlau-tl 7 a. III.

Id 4tb SUDtla, or ncb mouth-Ma.-a' 10.30 .. III. e •• da} lXbool. 3 p. m.

VllPtln ud Beuedlcdoo, .. . :SO p. m,

JI. E. CHURCH, P"I.LJ/YIU . aav. J . H. HUTCHllf liOfI . P.urroll.

iH"itei 011 Quoda}1 a' 10.30 a. III . aod Po III SuodlJ :'c:boo·. 2.30 p. III. Pra}tf lheU'ul GO Ta".J a' 7.45 p. III. Clw M.cJOI 08 WedoMda, enala, al 74.5. ~r" .... CDrdIaIl!.~. _~ .

CA'N1'RAL B"I.PTIST CHURr'H. Rlnrt.oo .ud PalmJra.

aav. C. S. PoW&UlCU., PAaTOll. '..-obla,. So., .. rolol .t lo.w.

I .. day neola,. 7.30. BuodlY Scbool, 3 p. III. Coolmooloo 6,., 10 eaeb .aoUa. Frida} e.eoiur. II )I. 11/;. PraJf'r ead Coofertaee thello,. &,.t_ Free. All aN WelOOIllt:.


aav. PA.UL A. B01JOBTALUCO, P.uTOL Pr-.chlq, 8uday menl.,. UUO. Mao·

"ay ..... 1." ~.4.5 Sa.da, &bool, 2.30 Po • Sod.1 ReJI~OI Vmlop. Wed'·.I, ..... 1 •• at 8 0 .. lock. S'rao~tI cordl.lI} .aleomed to all 8t:r'f'lees.

CHlWlr CJ/URCH, nLMYIU. Be •• Job. F . F.aloe, Ph. D •• lkelar.

)I .. olar PraJa'. Li&UJ ud &1180., Soo · P7. 10.30 L Ill.

'.adA} 8cItoo1. 3 p. -. & ... 1., Pra,er and Sermon. 7.30 p. Ill. WednMd&y:-Eveninl Pra)'er and Ad­w-, at 8. p. m. Friday:-Eveninl PrayerL

8tra1l~tI W.IGOIDa I' All 8enlrn.

YOUNG IIIlN'B C1UJ81'1"I.N "I.SS()' cur/OIl.

PaJlllyra ud RlnNo. N. J. Roo .. 11 ud 13 EIU& Bruad IlntL

RauOl0ua "Ken.OI. 5 ••• , ",.,_, ' ,U 10 10. M." -eetbac, 8abbaLb If&,WaOOD • • 15 to

LII. Blbla &raiolq d .... s. ... Lla lDorolar • to ...

NIGIiT CUtea. MOIIday ... BIeDo .... phy." W. B. tUrcor,

!-.-. TIl .. " "GerAU" J, C. BlraD~. lu1.nCL· ... W.......", .. M.....s.l d,..I .... C.P.

IJaIer.J ........ . n .... ,. ... 1W. ........ lp" J .. B. SaUla. 1--. Frida,. "Book bIpI., .... .t.ritMMlJo .. o. B. c.-.I_.

8atat11ar. 000,. ....... " B. Tb_ .... Jr. 1--. Baudol_ .. II...tat--... . 1I_1I .. ,bl"", ft ..... , ....... . IM.s.AuU.". .......... M ..... yeKi _ ....

TDIa ow M ..... ·U'· .b,. year __ ., tood ..,..... .bat­

........ nllp.WW .. y ...... a_· .... =-~r.J'::'~ .. to oil




N". 136 South Third St·eet, Phil&delphla.

As a result of the increasing demand for our Quarterly bzveslmml PI11"P"''', we have issued in place ther""f: "iN­VESTMENT NEWS." A twenly page MUNTHLY. containing in

to various articles Oil General investments, FIVE


I. SlIue I,,'"ml Rec-ellliv (1IIIett. • :!. Hia.!iIHlllluJ 1 .. 1.,.·t!Al Phil .. lelphia Sloc'" i-:c("han.ce P,i.-e-o. :l I'rh," ur Stot'urities a' Philadell,hia Alil-lilln. -I. IJi\' illeluJH Rl!(!f:nLly Declarett 5. A Hpt.'d.1 luyt'StmenL I.iat.

Tilt! lIut..cription IJril:e or"In\'l!IIlmenl New," hal been ft •• 1 alONE DoI.LA. Pn Yu tl. Sin,le CUl'ie8 TItN G&NTS.


This Space is Reserved for

The GOOD Things of Life, The evnl ,hly 1Iet.'eI!Ii ties "h·tm a hilr:iler loDe tlllLP

merely ~IOII e'hlllll'h. Clhvinciujr prunr at




t'onn~r', wllb Ihe lale Mawuel JonM,

M{)()R~=\VN, X. J .

('au be telepbnatol rrom Es.cbaore, Cor. Fourtb autl r..eettaey A ••• , Palmyr

Taleptluue Nn. j.


BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, Jfal" ,fiitl'et!t. B'"ert.o .. , aKd Moryan Hall, PaIMJINI,

Hu One IiDe or hand and midline rode Shoes, which wlll be IOld at CITY PRIem Alrm~..toroe ... will be plainlt,ho",n ",bleb are

U A ND made and winch are MACHINE made •• nd 1'",111 K'lar­antee l>erft'd. .\i.ractlon to every purchaaer,

Me .. '_ ami BoII_' Ten-N.q and Blt!JItU SAoc ••

The Burlington County




C.\ "IT I., • . . • • S'lOO.OOO.~.

AOlb .. rl...tJ h} I.w 10 llet .. E.ucuWr, lIliui.".tor, GUnJIID, TrllKH, AIII.IIM. ,":;:I.lao'!'. . Ckl"er. Apu,. 0&6. atlll urcut .. 7\-ue. enry d...eriVl1ou . k~I"e..depoli to('lrlDooel ,..,able by c:hf'Ck aull al uw, lbrd par ceot. 'ntertlll tbt:reuo •


"'WMI~ _ .bnT.M Hn1fOtt..a". na.. ftfT t'fNI1moo wont. IDIl1' .. I Wu&.ld-.. bu)' 10.rftIlda '" Wuttd rw .n"thlq aDder lIM .... AU lb&l UM __ LodaT eaa 40. • T'omon'ow u.. bo,...w t. ~ __ 'or tlM time .. CICIallD« w!lee 'n. bit,. spllltltUd III ,lac» '" ___

W ... _-Lb. WOf~ waDta ba,.lOCl&t. AD4 lb. often ~ all abe baa tor paJ"­Bonor, .-Ith. po.IOoa., r.a... A IlMf1I.I Utef0D:4 ad_tbl .. ume. 80,. Lo WI» lb. pat ha tor IDeA. So,. Lo raid. u.. pIo. aDd ..... 80,. Lo tn, ..... • be IMU lIcI;aa. • fur UM _Id .. ~ tad .. II.,.... ~

The .. w. .. aula.. ea:aplo, Hoc Jut ODe. belt...,. bo, ~ b..-t aDd bnJu wille. bt tr.. Tv work bla b&oU e.b&U aD4 &0 do.. So .... tAitbtll1. k1D4: 'ro coocla"aIi: .. 1.0 ani bUDd::' B..noflold ,!,llboa'aUol. . WaoWi-lb. W'Orlil .aot..1ICb .. bo,.

-aJ<qo .....


tor lOIUe tim. wmotlced by be caagbt IIlaht of the 1I'1"lt-.

brown paper coYer .. be doWll the room. ID that ... .......,a.d the_

- ",--: hill eccha.ou-. B. \on iD. • fner ot uciame:at

_ •• ,-:-_. __ woode:a box. on .Iottoradd..-d

~c:::'::'~ Be tore opeD '" ciel'oured ita CODteAta. wu brief aDd emlDeot.-


IIDl tt La the m-.4ow '*' I., It OD lb. IDOal:ltalQ .......

TM bIet lblzlp U1 IIlOI1&l baIla 4ft It... wbJda"'W1 1DI:r&a1 .....

'!'be.a.-1ICr. ~ !.be U,. u.. br-. 'I'b. up, .tthoDt _ MIll 1fttll!D­

Ut .. • Ilh It. DDinchd ~ Qod'. tot'u 1.0 wlA.

~ S'U Il'Ulla .ft.r 10 all U'Md. I'or rat 't rSelllla Q!lAnmt.nd r~

tweeter \0 me th. rid rOM h4. a.c.... 1M mak_ u..'wboM trOfJ4 .w-.

Ia&o JOur b_na1, --1ooctad me. 0 aoluoD s-bZ

AM .. lo enr, peat J'OII. w.. Wbo rue-oll"OQJ' ~ ... It&.

Aad op ,be r .. \l .. , s-PIe4 ..... 'l'balopau 101.0 worw. ukMwa.

II wUl be Ut ... dellclll '- _" ... ... la..- be&Tea tw _ ......

gy;;-~r~ &Teo m;; hlUl&' ~ 1M riatDI' tor life. They looked Mbon. Only 150 ,. .. nla .W~11toocl • IfODP of 1oIaDden, .. ~ ......... .-bi peril u Ibe la&ier ~ 10 -_n'"\bem· -... .

Now the ptUoo of tbe 1'~ ... Ihlo, Wbere _, poba' dropo _

tIM .. it doeI DOt m4. bQt it t. ~ klop4 UDder the walc'. aaak:IJIc thua • poriIooo _dbor. Cot u_ thlo bor ........ Wuri.... Tho toIaDd tldo hom .... _audhom .... _ . ........... 'Ibere II DO more \e:rrfbJe pI.ce ill • ChID that where two ... coIUd&.

Tho -......... I!oc:h .... .the wodt ".!::~~:: 1imIII ... w_ " ~,lOPn .. 1Iio.-

110419 -.

''lIT c:Iilldro ... I ........... roa ..... , ....... "lUcb JOU woald.a.1, .. to n­.-t. bi ,..... """ bi ..... to ,..... c:Iill. ...... _ ,.... from _, tID tIioa ,.. woaId __ beIIno .- oar

, : .. them: bat .. 1 Ion Illy claqhter """" tIaau "'1 HI. __ ........... d ...... tobo .... _ ~ to codde bar hWn.w to IDa --.I __ .to,..... ....... tID 'l'IIoadonI ......... _1Iio __ ..... obllcM to ...... ..- .... _pIoJ. ... --'l'Iioc!don ipO&. oIlghtbIaI, of IIio pn>4t _ ... WOQ)4 deriYefromlllla-. wt..:.. .ale meG,.. .......... -rtiaJ .... ... ; lnlt Azma'. fatber wu blAerible. _ the I .......... ~ .. ,...d to

eoaa6de:rId .. oW ma'a wbim.. ~~:'tI>....son.-- oo1d Amia, "I

~-.. .. .

'na. acme ODe of &Wr DUla... • •

1aII, ...... leIIow, .. - .... coptaIn Dmbic .... Ioac _ Tboodan 8e)'DlOOr Gladhn>ok ..... ,.......... WeaIIod. coward In IWbor. - he ~ at .... ~ _ ........ to

ot great promiIe. Be had jaaL com- P _ ,.. 10 belabor sbem and to ftIi&., whicb .. er.t" _t:inl,. ...,.. to bim. ,..aced hIo thInI, ,ear at OzIoni. aud Bo .... th ........... ...... _ :: ::!::""' thq .......... Tho opIeDdon ol'tho ortoa .... kad)r "''1 ... ezpectod blm to Iak •• h1ch oIdp .......... boanI the W_. "Thon'a h r b criod. .... .........- -.. .....- po. place among the cleverelt men or k1I Ue la1' ill th • .harbor. A, "' ...... ' ........ ' I ope,.. • ta:r.; and little by little he t....s aD _I' wheD be went in for his tripoL aU", mea.r : lei 1"--~ ... -- I ~ .~ ,,- e4-=bOODerw .. the't'...u,ud ADdcmealt.eruoLbe:rdJdbe awaken _0 ---~~'1--So. yoaug GladbTook _ ao book· Scadd...... properly proud '- rude obakI aud >- .... ... worm and owed b1Iluperiority in Imowl· Ihe Ja,. aloogaid,e the wharf' nlCOi'.u'C 1 ~.h .. Io .. "...... 111 warm .... Bat _beo they arriTec1 iD (_nett.. edge more to 'be bri11iaDcy of hta mtel· d --- -...-...- _1 b1I dierD haDtm t iD"'--leet LbaD to .tocUoaa .. ppl1c;aUou. At caz"IO aD puI8DI'eh. She.M to Som. ca~ hb .pirie.. aDd by ~~ III u: cWr':'::'" ~ &be..., of tweDt,.-one he found biI:rI..-lf with twentr lOW. upon i:Ler-ee'ltll&e«i Iahon of their -weuy m11lclee Uuty ad ~.. ._ __ ..... "'0 ....".a aud • lad,... maI4. Al ._~_ ~_ ' .Icod ,_ q_' ___ .. ~_ ..... .,. aud the doocriptloae, ........ ed J:da OWD muter, .... n.u aD ",come~. .1... I._ .'1... ~ ~~ U ill ~ U-. ••• "',_'- _1 11..'_ '-1 ~ --.I .... MUll ..... moment \.UW captain decided "Bu' ...... _ .. cri~ _ .~ _.I "" Io&U.u& Uu.J" 0 ..... ~OT.a: ...... clenttokeep.t.cbelotiD .... erylUDlJ'1. Lot. -- - ... ~...u ,.----. h bo' --'-' ..

ocI aagmeDt ....... crew by one maD IIlOJ"e. ___ --........ .. ~ w om accom.-- ...

Tl:all would baTe 1 DWl,.,.OUD.I ID8D D_ ho .-.... - mar. th -t. with .. '- ... -.-.. __ ....a ___ madtI. lDQYe to ~ cme. he ....... e,~ •• ---' .... -----." ... _.-..1 e .-vu ........ ~ iDto tsSceueA. but Gladbrook .... ''-'7 L. __ -8 _ ..... _01.. ....._ -, uu. --..-. --- -"- &u.labout ",hat he abould rece:l.ft aDd

k d bo all "'-- pricltOI -.nola - .. ., ..... : .... co--d. who DOW . ---~ ap ,--M .. roc • an .. ve --.- "Pleue teD me where the oaptain -- "Lookl~. _~ 1.. __ =.~ ezc1,fmed. "Anna'. fatber will be ~ ~If opoo being .......... to the lair ~_ ~ - ~ .~~ I -- 0 .. _.- __ .....

_ '-.'- __ .I 1_ ... '1.._ 1...._ QllCO-~ A --. -.. D ~ --.

.z-a ratal miltake bJ mOlt eMIl, and B ..-.a --- IIIU~ .... w.I" "UWY,. will bdct ·tIl ba--'-I'" • tumed aod facec1 the 1p8IIke:r, wbo JDaD.coold nm uhore on lhaL. maybe. ere Wl oar .. ...-

tuggeedv. of the t5criptural w~, .,..... tall, gaunt fellow of fhirty- ~ean .. ~_ • ___ 'I.._1..Jo 1...._'- .. ODe eveoiaa. -.Led lia bY; modee& of},et him who tbiDteth he ,taudeUa he- - IoUW I-.u. ~ ...... '1.. '1..1- eIbo .~ _u_ .... or \hereabout. with lOCh tUaldeDCtl 01 __ ..... , ____ ~ __ .',. I"OOIIl .",,_ &l1li ,... - - -

wan leat .be fall." On the Diaht 01 the mum. u required eome 00DI"II8 10 !A;., ma~ Look --;owl'" aid 008. b:iJ beC ia. hiI banda. be ua.-t him-lIDloerollJ bool race. In th.,.... 111-. blm lD look tho .. p ..... oq .... IT In the with ___ -. oeI/ h1 ~ .... ___ of .... ",. Gladbrook wu litdng iII • certaiD nan faoe, wheo the lana rra1Ilya1d: The cowwd looked. The... had tnre bome. ~ the erave q~ a.& the Vampire ..... tlIic ha1L lD tht "I'm the captain... _"-I __ .I bi..l!l .... 1...._ oI.lIIIIrftDtI. f~ aD int.ermiDab1e lilt Den ,tall to bim ... t hit grea&elt frieDd. '" hgmm.tecll He The man .tood .till in .u. .wkward ... .- up -- UloIa - w.I" W be- of fIlrDitare .. hich be CODIIdered IleC*-

Horace Honon. 00 the ltage the Sit- beloved, and he dh- attiWde an4er the captain'. Item pur ~.!~oa:..~~.c1 tM OQlI'ani. eu1 to adorn. hia boue, &ad .. COIlteut !:at:::1 ~re ~:trig=r th .... oircln<.tltoi( 1 ht wu ~ What .. it unabl. to 8Dd .peech before 10 wrr,. yoa. ~r .houted tOe other. with aD &bit eVeD cboap:t ot bo.. hiI U ijeDdherbacktbe IDODt!,. am:. ...... ce. HetlroppedhiidullP1 BowiiiahardtomeeLdeathbalt ... y. belOftd woald look at the wecl4irIc',

c1aDce. retumed to him1 Ulel~t 8JtII to the deck and doffed hit now 1'" ._i ... ort. maD" ... __ to _1'1...~ ,bell IlIddeDl7 two ltaoeD a& the door "By Ju .. : IIId yo_ AI ......... h... ~~~:too~;~.-~lIbora"'" ,-- oa ---pel --. d k _._ _, -- --. w_ - bitorru--' hIo _....;..w...... B •

hU . J \6G.....- - - &&a • &b Ipo e, _loe'r ...... p. ..---ti.... .Ih811 thouub bo ~-. ,'1 ..- ... - . beld wu aUg y.wtmmiDg. "b, O1'e. .. ... - .... hW- QI --- bi I 01 .. - •• "-hU ~b1od _.... • -..... -----' LbI door' ..Dd wu DOl • UUle

lioii .....- .1 .....- • ow v ce ..... --e ,. IonWI : bo l'fVr'IinlP' ... ~ ~.- .. '1..- bopo or"- co'... .....- • how thOle ,wQ poor girls ,.,.l ';rlr' iDIDlt him-bad "U you pI ... may t workm,.paM&Ce --J;~.bri: ~ it to ;;;: 1 .. _ IUpriIed. at t.hemtnDce of. lUll .. bo.

•• y .... npUed Uladbl'"... ''1.bey're the time lIbe .... Oller uu.r. ...... after ~ around the room. tD.nMd port ..... blrlpoob. 1D ta.. th., ought • ....,. lalclnatioo Tho .. plaIn .... moved )r IIIla opoocb 'i'b<nf .... DO ...... at them .... uld 1eap _locked .... door. Bot.,. TbeodoIw .. bo chrillteaed 'Scy1l& IUd Charrbdla,' i ",,:==:~H~. mast _ to • I ..... ladaI_ "'am_ bitDlba. _ ........ 11>0 d~ 0UUMtad .-Id ~ ............... lAid, for the,. are wbirlpoola iD wh1ch man,. a ~ DOt pocket that t. A __ aail .'1..1_ w ...... __ 'by the coward. "Sir, ... have 0D.1,. ten miDD_ to _& baa d -~- - - r--, ... - .... - "It 1.-. '!i111OU loIIow at the ~" goae to .w ¥"'-- t:aced maD woald makel 'l'be capLaiJI DUl fall 01 the..r he ukl4. '\. make a 'barpiD. au wh1cb d~ 1f1V

lIonon.,....nottoodnmktonmember atw1ied th. applicazlt'SappearaDDI in de- .,Wbat oDe lUll C&D. douo&b« C&R," tonuDe aDd myllle." aod DOt 10 dialiooorableu to trJ and ttJl. A hemel,. fello .. be ..... with aD .... the npl,.. "140 ~ w.derataDd ,.ou,"

tL off .. hilown joke . . Ccmaequ.nt. e.bealth,. brtJwD h"a.e to hiaum •• fore. The cowanl looked uhore. Sun.u,. "L1aceu.," "pUed hiam,.RerioaI·ia. ... -da,. all 8eJ'UlODJ' Uladbrook·. u.d iDto whick I01DI liDM of 1Oft'O ... d1i waten rolled.put. TbeMDd bar locutor. "1 am. &lave employed in the

were talking about hb lateawft- bad been Wf'OughL. ruvt:Dg e,. ... m.t .... naked:. The maD jumped from the miDeI. 1 have 1tOlea. • diaaDODd aDd.,

lad k one', ,laDoe with .... bi1tltartled.look. .... ... wal. and ran. feiczdng U1Deu. bal'. mccee4ed iD be-

Now U broo 1t'U perbapa the cml,. • bagard facti without whbk .... a re- -n. ~le OD the veeeel wak:bed Iaim iDe eeD1 bere. !io prince in the world maD of hiI lit who .... DOi more OT -A; __ _ ... 1- beg, ---'d-- __ •• ~ ~r _ • .tone 10 n..--oioDS .. chili bat

_~. -~ --- •• _ .. with ~ hope IUd ..-tIoa of r'-te. intlmatel,. acquainted with l.'ielie '- wa,. 01 wearing hit faded aDd fray. The hUDdreda of '.u",d ..... 1 m,. diamond is. treuan uaeleM to me, - Carry Pool ... th'.;";;;bo;U;",;-,;; ad....... Rod baacIo ....s loog wrlsr. ........ ood allen •• thriIIod:...... -- I am In - of ......,. . ....s carried direct to them. ~~::;~~~~~~;E~"* drtd tram thetwoabClrt ...... of 'Won! .... laid; onb' ibI .. iIpQb... wMboa&~laumo&eecapa1l.een U&mI of &be:~. bII WOftlOut bloaa The man I'UI Ihonward, witlI. aboW. i&. 90 7PG "ndent nd J ca.oDOl hopa

8eACeforth l.'ia1e and Cany wen: aenhip in a tnmra- whieh uWQa& do ,.00 kDow .boa, I& den aut! head. ben, fonranl aDd .,.. for 8I1y benefit frow it: and if roo will known far aDd wide 0111,. u Scylla and opened up tbe IIaalinir pUb .... ,. aIked &be captalD in • &we of ridicole. lit. The lea roee OD both m. of him. 1P,~_m .. e t!uougb to escape thtt .toIIe ill Cbarybdia. aDd they preteDded tc appre- wea1ib. "Not mach. dr. 1.,.. worked with '!'be h"''''' w.v. waUed ·h1Il'Wl4wa,. --date Lbe jelt. hut in their lDuermo.t Beboughtan.tat.eiDhiloWDCOtwty. &lbennea. aod I Itaow. Unl •• bout The ~1t'.Ioy J-an Lo' uanow • .A uBut."-atw.uweredTbeoJun:.

(et] I,U,the e1cler)cherilbed at.ood for h1I dirilloa. or ("."raphire and baDd.liJla. amaok.... turbulent I..l'"'b : moved in ..... _'t ··Loot .t it Ilnd accept my pfOlMitiulI; for apInat 'their lD- _teted parliament. "1 reckon we duD't need.,.ou. EY81 bim. Be l~"eoed aDd qu.i~~;d it will make you rich "uti me w.ppy. 'be--

The Americau tour of the Sialen Pool beeD em. achOOller tlefon a& alL" atepL It';:: not 'betwIeD eo O&QM it wU1 ..,wJ;t We t .. rt'turn to the • moa.g de- WU ODelucceuiouol1:l'iu.mphl. Beton- ''Often. u • JIMIeD&'8t. dr. 1 bow ."J.. ...... man and eo _ •• ", .. _ boIom.of my fUl lli ly.-...... bo had the,. bad been in the CCRUlUy t,hn,e I'm DOt .1eUD.Ul. but ru do~. ~ impelled oc:e.::-. ~ And tJ:I.e II l a ' ·1.! .;ituweoJ liD I;!DUrmOQl

ciTeD her thiI Dicbwne. and mcmthl Cissie bad marrie4. rkh Itock (want to get ~ to Ill,. people." . The ocean WOD. With. ana' diamood to TbM'lllT? whol.."Ontrmpl.ted .. be: Ugbtelt wiah.,.... law to her ad- broker. After two ,.-.n' domestic un- "You look Grolli' enough: bat .. h,. came doWD ON"" the maD. But it with intt!~ &liItonishmeuL mirmI the meetiD.r IOOD took place. happlneea hel .. t hb eatt,e taz:tune ill. you bane ,.our hNd. Uke chaQ One would DOt be .... ~811 ' lD a...u. with ·'Certainly.~ be ~t&hl. "il is • t.hiI Gladbrook ......s to 8Dd da,. ud c:oau:uJtted I11icIde beloM' woqld think ,.ou ... ere. cowanL" back to hil enllllD,. Be turned Di8ceut atoue. I ha.·~:.eeD wan,. of ttl: tbeet IiIt.en everywhere be wWt. It he D1&'ht. CarTy rema1Ded 1lDa'le. Tb~y "1 am," lAid the man. in • Low ",0101. faced the eea. aeleaped iDto it cJa-.. but nuu., 80 rwrrect nor eo larp. wu ou • r",,:e CODl'H thet were lure to nturDed to EDllud to flDd other &,00- "Wball and ,.00 admit. U2" tonmOBt. Afterward hiI Az!7 ruler wl,)ulJ I,l.' lJru.ul to adom bit be the go..ta of • triea.d of h1a. U bt de.M reip1Dg lD tAelr.teacl aDd. De,. "Yea. Why not1 .... e fooahl u_ the beach. The oceaD croWD with IL" 'W'et out to 1Upper' the,. .. eN al .. a,.. race of fanatica wonblpiDc .t new .,.m.t it, but I C'.&Ifl help it. 1 with it. aDd bad then thrown "Do nuL I~ tLu\:: by depriving yUUfoo iDrited. until be quite UDCCIIDICioaaly 1hriDes. Sc,.lla and Chluylldia wert! ap m,. udD.d to be brave eracrqh, bat ttl OW1l kind. ..u of a f .:w ponmb yoo. win be • drifted ink» tbe frtendUmreladona with lMver again the attract10n they had wbeD the dmI com. for it I'm atraI4," 'l'boee aD the iaWad. I&W tb.a& .. ben miWonaire nnd I will be happy."

O}o' F1CI::R1 : tbem. been. £Ten. their old tband The captain bd DeftlI' IDI& ACh DUoIl turDed to meet death. "And if they PUOIU8 we;''' U~"ed. WILLlA" .... PAOL, P,...ltle.aL Jt ... quiLe eridat to eTery ODe bat them W&DdDJ. The7 I&ld. 1"l'be elder chan.c:W' u thiI before, lAd be .... CD hia face. Be had d1Icovered be' Theodore. OA\'IP n. Olll.ou ... Vice P,...itlaoL GladbrOok that be ... uuderverybea'1 one it COU'8II and nlaw. wbile the WertecL A few other taa:Daert OIl DOt &bald &0 die.-True Flac'. "Punu. you! Wbo would 1'Iu'''ll1t.'Ct Wu_u ..... W. HlOEa, Trua. uti Secretary. ~ fnnn the baUeriel of Scylla •• tire J'O'lDlU'it dolelul .ad. UDiDLen!le:ling." wbarf I\opped to onrbear the 7oa1 And UleD you ow eKa~. ~

CRU. £WAfI 1I1t.&ltT. &litiwr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~j~~~ which DO man had withatood f~ loog. Life itlbort. bal fame aborter. That ~ 1:ioo., their .tteDtiou ant beiDc A Rld"'-~.~ Theodore ""U in doubt. hat u, .. the OlltECTO~: SbI .... theu lD the 6nttluah or ,.outh. the biltory of tla. celebrated I::M.I&en b7 the great heigbt of ib.elDUL There ban been epochI at; wlich rid. lila .. 1t"U going be took Ihe ,li.amoluJ William W. Plul, . .:... ..•• ::', heautltallD form and feature. Pool ... told me by Gladbrook bimielf. uAfraid of whatr alkeel tIM captain. d10 matiu&: hal beeB mont eapecia11,. and pve for it wbat moue,. b~ had , th~u N. NewlIo Sink., Y. 0.. cbarmiD.I in tIULDDeJ' and Reb. mUter noW'M.. P. from l.'raphire. in hilltud,.. "I don't bow. Of death. 1 Appoee. TOgUe, ~d IDch epochs would ' taking part of his portiun froln bi" ('10' AJtr.d H. Burr. 01 the artII or fucinatioo that they_po where we in reIllin1lceDt ohat ODe Tlda II bow it b: 1 cam8' rn.o home occur M eeiaoll8 or .tr.h player, he a1eo a.J. IIcol'J W. Dou,bteu, peued to be pan of her nature. Glad- eveDing. piet:ed t.oge&her with much with. co~: 1 go back &loa&. One .wakening. Soch an epoch •••••• JoboC.Hol,klu, brook .. menw &rat chaffed and thea which Carty told me long attenrard. da,.wbe!lw8wenoutiD.1:ltt1ee1oopa .. the lh'Il gUmmeriDa 01 De.. TheodoretrrovidedbimBtll'frith.guud Ja.l&b IJp..-lliOOU, him. Be laughed .t them ~d The, u.nk lower and lower lD pab1lo.. at.orm came up. aDd ia. • .uddeD lurcb at 1ectua11.1-ht in the eeoOaa4 halt piela and trneled by th. m Ollt mggetl lIord~.i Hut, I..L..1::r~ . 1,'6 _n ..... - -":1'0 ___ a'" po, L1Iu. k; ... l,Ee,riu, Yuuul .. llully. H;.J. -~ h1maelf • mf.eoc7uiat. At BrIt It tim&tIoD until Soylla 'fell a ricttm to tAe boat m.,. putDer.,.... kDoctecl over- 8eTent6 century. ThiI 1t'U .,--. _1D!X"e -...y ---.-. -1_" t'eohuul'Ii!. Farnum _tOry llflhool .-med.. 11 be would pro" iDvulDer- a1aoboUc paraJrm, naneci 10 ber lut ill- boe.rd by the boom. J.q, ball • miDule 41dbe1m. hiahop ~f Sberbome. the 1Ult. 1I0ward l'Lr1'J'. RlYeriOD. N. J, llbII I able to the tu.illad. to wb1ch the lady D.- by the faithful Carry, who Iel\ tbt t:be boat Wei .. veral fathomI.wa,.trom In the roll of ~LatiD poetL However. ODe da)' tbtly wt!t. ball.1 of I'!IUC W. M&ok.. MetUord, N. J. ooatinoaU,. .ubjected him.. Be traat.ed ItIge after. her RIter·. death and lOp- him. U. oouldD't Iwtm... left. considerable uumber 01 enigmuiD lbiering Arnba. ~I~~~~~~~~m. :e-:e~\;~':':j~ BEVERLY. N. J.. to hiI armor of iDdUrereDce aDd wu ponedbenelfford1ireetolllerUfeby "Wb,.di4n't1OU thf'OW' him .1iDer t..tiD heumetera.and they haftt.. ,;, YOD money with yuur' lil .. ,. Oell. Jubll H. Irick, Vi lleeoww., N. J. to "treat trQmd&ager. pTing elementary mtWc l~RI to the abd. byatauder. ~,. printed. William R, Llpplaeo&t, i'dlo •• blp. N. J. Auziliary tA, the &ate Nurmat Scboul to bI. · fall. Be fell .. children of-tbllowe:r middle clua. Sbe "BecaDle I W&I': afraid for · m,. OWJI ildhelm died in '709. Before hb time "We bn\'~ onl\" tntlh),th tnr the jnnr JlleklaC. PaullPaul Urw.) I'blladeJpbl .. p", 1DID do. utterly .nd h~~:i;~:~: I made • Uttle moue,. in thiI wa,.. and coward·.lifel . J didn't dare to let go there .... collectiou ot lAtbl ri4dl.f11 fJIf1 ... The'lldun· ~nl'\\"'rl'tl Ed. W. I't:rlciu I Uarl.ler • Perki.ll. .. fte capitol.don ql ,.ODDg with this and the luterelt on the tiller for. lDOment. IIJtood there thai: bon the name of Of "Then ,lu nut "flt'r IlDr rett'Lataoc..-e.

For lbl CUDMulenoe or lbe publlo "tI~ fir tM Nor-II " ., Gladbrook. which caaaedao mucb mODe,. left her bt an unmoWJl 1ta.Pic1 with r.r. afra1cl to leave thetiIler t.b1I 'W"Olk .the date II UDbowD; .,...,.oat, after IelU"Chin~ :"'In wt' \rill lea"" ,.011 .ilh &.b ll enlllpaGy eau be,ra

b 01 tr:ced .... . r .. .,. ~ .. ' alan d_ a.a.d'amuaemeDt to hiI trieoda. wu ~t henell comfortably tor aa tDltaDt. atrai4 of daib.. I felt --- ."·t Aldbelm 12II8Cl tt, aDd. .. e mar eaoagb tn ftlli~b yunr )":trn~1·-

Yr. Ho.ard Par'y .t i, RI1'e~,aD ._ behold. The 1 __ 01 .. ,_ .. _-'.... ...... &UloI'W ..... ""---'-hieD},. oeste. RA.tu u hm,. taa TI .,. .... - au. Ya_&&06 her da,... &be alw.,.. Uke.1D8ZI pual,..t Aa the bot.i roae infer ~ it W'M then. reoeot prodact. "That ",un', (11).- n'l'litd ... ~v,




331 \\' .... 1 U","",t st., Palmyra, N. J., .nd oa Arch SL, PbiladelpbiL

HOWtetI .ul1 LoLot ror Sal. aDd. so lAt.. UuUd· 101 Lut. uu Montbl,. I'a,)'m .. ..,., Leaal

IJvc:UmeoLld,.wa aod .eIIDO.· InSl""'. Loao. uqoll.lelI,


p" CI w":i1!'e.mal to other wOlDen aD hit Dew. wben abe retunled home her aDd fell 011 the wan. 1 wa.tdIe4 ID.1 The riddlee of S.f1Dpboaiuawere ODiform .-4 raWng biA IJ~h,1 hr di>-ctlarV,1 it .t nmary asses, '3.00, '3.50, m.Ide him give himself heart and c1a,... 'work. Uladbrook uever gave up fr:ieDd Itnl&1rle iii' the.... 1 __ him In Ihape, ~ MCh of three bu. ibe I.nt Arab. wbo fell.

Intermediate. 5,50, O.l;O 1, .... t.e tbb ODe. ct.:ie Pool 1t'U jam- 1:da.tall at the Vampire utQ the Slaten ilarow up h1I~; J 'I&W h1I face wtiJte amdei' 11De&.~ v.prfre · Other tble're"! ClUUe to thr aid of. tbeir Preparatory. . .7.50. She panded. be tame Lover OD PoolI'8tirMl tram tbe boarda, u4 then with terror; I heud hIJD err OIlt 'Save ~oa)C. tUkl .fter a tleroell:nlgle Sneior, 10.50, I ~hle oocuioo. In orct,r that be DIftJ' _Cered. mU. hall apin. mer aa4 tbeu he mod ban read what THE ANTlQUITY OF ART. kmed the gui.le aw1lnok 'rheodon prD-

~eD migbt 1M how com- BeDever knew that while the elder .... to mt' k:8l'IId taoe. for be Ihoa.ted our. aa4 notwithsblncUng the tierce ,.. T .. IIoot, ",.a.~ """t'~. I'§~~ bad been. He larilhed 1iaterba4 panud him with. "lentl~ 'Oowardr and IeDt me • loot ., hate N'I ........... lD .. bleak world. OD a ~ a.lADce whicb lite' DuulC'. tbe,. took ~

Cn ... u ... 1.1-1. upon. her utU abe bate d1i younger tiad fODclIy loved him. the walen coTere4 bIm up. 1 doo't ~!:_=c:o~ -:ru'~~ tat: leillldon or the di&tunnd. to wabt with cU.- aDd lar h1I aab Ud f'efDIed more thaD bow bow 1 mad.laDd. bat. 1 got iII ute faced Ria great grief at looDg It-made

Fall Tenn opens Sep. 21st, 18ga people :wondered bow mDCb ODe adTaDtageoai offer ca "the att.1b: boan ot ....... .. ben tbeple .A..bQII\&1 ~rlDOll tardllld ... ..u.. Azabl think thnt it wu lUI amnlet. aDd Winter U Nov. 30th, •• Ul.Idlx'oo=;;k;j· ... -;ti;,,,T would lid .. "-New York Preea. NL r4 sin qlJ' ut •• if 1 GIll,. CIOIIld. to Wr, ODe ot their women pn tht' stuae to her Spring" Feb. 8th. 1 !I!l02.1 ~"!. ' • u th. _ .... t 1 .... '1. coward, "'" ....... c:Iilld ... playthlnlJ· Summer .. A 18th the fOeIthc»e a..It:. StU •• _ • Oem.,. ibI time comeI to ahcnr in bana.'i the AI_. time the Arab etrld. t ...... owing

pro I aliter le8lDed to give out. She Smoke.taiDI C&D. M removed from. power. You don't kDaw the ahame of fODd. ollhe p.riftoDer. told bho &.bat .. be'll ~"'":,~,,:;::::,!,:,~~~": ... Ii..~;':_ depreeIed aDd 'dulL The few calciDedorpaiDted ceU1Da' by......tdn&' tt.,m. nt10u woald if,.Ou c:oal4188 ~ ... oanW were bt'l,&ed M wunld la,o -'-rt .... Mt.IdlfII lile JIQI .... Pal ... .,.., abe bad Uoppreiotf one by ODe. &be ipOi with •• ter in wb1cb • handful UIM look 011 m,. ooande'e face, ad if rr- 10 It'ILve lLem witb all Ilw.Illw~· hall .Ir., 'ia:!.-::'!-':r' -==,.. It wu u bopel~ for· them of eoda baa been ~nd. and from blIlut cry raua 10 J'OGl' euw da,. aDd tabD from hiw

\vt.D her aJfectlOUI u it wu paper. by rubbing with atale bread. In ·Dleht. ~wardIce it upon me Uk: • 80 Tbf!Otinrl' r .... -o\·\:rel witb 111:( Iwallh J ...... DJLD~". her to upec:t one tender s:J.aaoa fl'om either cue. all dDSt and 100M! article:e cane. It, Lbe bUgb.t of m1l1fe. Gr. .. diawuud aDd Dis lilot!rty.

1'. If. I . tbe maD abe .. onbiped. 8eymoarUIad- sbould flrIt be wiped oll with • eoIt 80ch mcienl Ibame aD4 grief .... Not knuwing whit·!J wlty tll;"'U Ill' ,·"D· _____ -'-_________ lIrook it DOt the oo1r maD wlao baa de- cIoCb. JDdcmeut mut be Deed in ~ DplD the man', face that all who heard. ~ed hinLc;ell in ;1. ca.,'". wbl,.Oft' hi' no ·

JOHN A.. ALTHOUSE, IIert.ed the IDbitaDce to parso~ the pzd &0 the hrMd. It JDtul be euiirely ...... "'g ibI c:.ptam, were moved to IIIaiDed two da)'~. wbea a cat'aW'".~ _.aud. _ by .... beau.,.of _/ram _leeIfaa 01' ........... bill ..... pI.,."' .... __ IO ....... carI- ~wbicb b.~ ........... bn.

PAl liTER 1110 ~D · I ... ·l·~baalnorod .... pm.,.ol ...... I hard eo_h to ........ or g~the oob7 U4 ~ udlld bi .... ......... abIo.o.-oat!a .. bis;oa"",. n . An uatve ...... perfect u __ • miDd ibat be .... emploJtd for lbeTOT-I"'!"":'"ot~--~ ~'II, £1waY.Awoni«1aOOIlDit*Joua .. toot while iD ac,.n.·. r-r-' .. ,.,.,..eut kIda7. aAd tdn...... 1M accunDM·dJ:i .... &lie iDDI

..... __ ,_.~ __ . Itth.opotoboaid happen to boil!' -- th W-"hoIoIId..u ho __ DoocIooJa.-..-. _ ..... - 1 ..... 10_ ...... -""'I - 0IIII0pica0a0 plaoe. IUd the paper.. Whoa • all .,. oM -

All mID who· ...... ..... liaDdoomo OlIO II .... ul6 bo best lD oz· - abe had -.,...,.,. aoaIa .hoanI. ... v.o - bo p4)II..od. -... error_" lorll.llb .. lal ........ .. ..;". ... ~ ThocaplaiDclullf!odth .... lln"!d' ...... A STOI,EN DLaJU. ND. ....0Dd0l .... joanIo, ... ""' .... _ teopeet. ..... -Good B ..... boptag. ~ ....... twoladl-. • maid aud ....... Amia'. father. apd botIl"\ hIo-...... with

Tho dar 01 rectoaInIJ """'. at laeL _ thlo pbraoe, Tho joo.- ...... 01 LoDdoa waa Tho Warrior had f(Q04 ....... at the Ia T""nill.,,,, llane, .- IIio · .. 1 .... r1Oh. i,. n1, r1chr


W H SOW tUowa""" th. depthaol doapoIr)r u.. 0' ... wm .... Il..... ... of .... __ But ... lIIchf. A_I, - ~ .... - TIda dbpI- Alma, .............. ' .. DO" that the diriutU. at wb~ebriDee Ai. boazod.izt.f IChoot gtrlawWdo aD)'. wW "* u4 at. da1u,b.t tbeN .... tD. pleuaui t'OCGl o.&k H I tuc Theodo=e aboulct .... ft wrt .... of

D. S. BWING. G •• orlS "7.~1. .... .UI bipod IOlo ................ to IIIbig 10 _ IUd .peok with • r<Ift" ... .,. pi .. WbItecapo pnl .... TIio1- tobo ... 1m ......... tIri,.. _ bat .... 1127 CbClllnuL 6t.. Phil.. ... treU devoteel m America, aDd een.tatin of the aterurr eu:. apec::Iall3 if tlpJD the walen of the a I'Dbjtd ~ lwpua tllLcej ___ her wiItP .. iap. CUDClodlac that

WOQ)4 ....... Ieagth' ...... lhroaghthe 1'''lorblddmlDdolO. A .... I_'of tarbalIoonlth._ ..... atalxnrt_.,.· .... ___ .... , ......... proof at LOOOEMEETINGS. So..-,rlDT. H.Bolllaob"', _ TbIo blow loII . llkullu",d ......... lng""laa1n1ed with th. bo,., .. tal. Tb ........... c1rlriDg ...... .,..- .... lalIiorof ......... 1 ...... '. .

JiorpeuaU. hllII}fL bois 00 J'OODC Ulatlbroolr:. Be,.... cUt- practiced iD the ecbooI ~tWDed. .. to to. rocky cout.. The pueeagerw, Pl'l~ • mall 01 ~bOU fifty. .B.oweTer. ~ tbnUCbt of izIuD-. T ..... ' E ... I •• , lot .. d .. I. th. _ ... , _. ijho .... lar .... ,. aad h.W ho!. "'!DO girl .. ho .. ""1-wltIi with _ of the comiq CIo. I opbe. "W1>T >10 ... - - '!'IIod fortaoo of I..r 10nr ~ .... 01 ....

CioDutiuoo,No.tOl,I.O.O.F. I I II~ h E iblboJ-mabaD~ •• 'tr 1ul......lth.m!lC'lvee.' d-'- ~ clD.nv TbIoSon.,tbI ~.JML .~ ibe, DataraI N ..... - beaa. ? t ' ..... . Jau..r unt the nutA!lfI n fI ....... ID#' er. vflll"/ _.,.... _ ..... _ .. ___ _-I._ ...... ~ _ . hM"liil"_' --Werl.NdayE".lo,.PallllyraCuU .. Jl.IC.. or bIi.aaodelt _-'--_ Ud u.Cletab:aplaoi.·.. IiboQtII4 .. , --- - - ...... -- ...... TW'11 ... I ID .....

a.1:. '1i::,~!,,:~:!::~~ ---.. _ -. .... ~~~~~~; tou.. Uoplaln,"",ddor "- ... 1waa14 1In..,.~1n . _ -~- .~~. n ..... } E ... la,. PtoM,.ke. Tribe, ft, L UpoD l " eulaYW. uc! fIft.._ .... ___ \be dooal of the Warrlor • ___ • aD4 u.. ___ .,.., ~ Wi· ~... _ ..... o B II bIa 10, ..... &- ~- the_ " -- ., _1IowqaI4 bo ... )r F~'- "-'-I ' ( , .• - I~§@~~~~~"~~~~~ to.... Iabarwaal4bolo .... boIII_ia ..... ---'- &- - _ .... alnat _, D_'" lot • - _"),e.... ~~ II~' ..... ___ ~ ~_ - • ___ -' .... ~.~ • _ ~,--~ ..

IN III F d • II ....... 1i!.i! . ...-..... ....-..'" ~- -- ."'....- .",UoII • .. o. • _.. •• • "!''!~:!:I. ,

,......{.~rbC~ i!::N~.3~ ldacnw ... =,,,&1» ~_wlddt~ Ii _.&oIlio7 __ - ... Io~~~_ .-olT .. U. IiHJr.JWII'II)I'. __ !!aft tIIa ... ~ - - boot# _wtuoi. .... tPri.. .~;;~~~,~~:;.:~..,.:; • ...... --

........ 1 £Tal.., .......... 10 "'!.~.~.I."a .. IUd Wall .......... PaIJD,rL - - ~"""" toI4 - __ -. .• - .-~. - .-:;= COUCU,N . . ... • ~.t'7*_, .... _IizIb_ ...... _1 __ .... , ---.~ .. poe-: ......... ,,-.... · ........ _ .. h . · ,

ftrI ..... ' ........... ~ ..-.~-~ ' .......... .- - -. --- ~ _ . . I. (:


.. .... -----=--, ~ ... - :- ---

. The Weekly N.'1IIT1ll1 term. ioalead of th. n~ _ • (oo.year) of JoIuJ S. Sch"dell (aa th. noti_ ahould ha .. Nod). and th .... rore reoeiood DO .... "'illioa althou&h I woo llIWIimouoll elected. LoaYiag tbe ,olm to d..,d. whether or ao: thie miatak. ahocld be onl'nlClOd.

to I ..... ma, .. WAIHINGTON l.aTTD. a eM. primer aL the door. " ..... .;,,' ....... Cal : - drl

••• ... TII , __ aT ADYaM"I ....

O. F. SToEEPER; bnoa ofoSb I'.oP'alaTOL

DL J. J. 1lLaEPD, .u.oda&.e IiI4ltor.

fia· .. '1"....1" ....... AeI.,...

I Bemaio Yon .. Heap.. GSOaoE W. !!P .... "


adm_au to .pectato~. 15c. j tickete, 5Oc. . Botlrdoy mo",iac Joba Man

aa ahibitiaa af bia ateyiaJt u a .pria... .bich _iabed

ool .. k.... H. intended pag ~. PbUadelpbia on th. UO tnla. bu, ia: .ted took th. aho .. tnln .bich ...

Jour miDutei IOODer, and tbea &oeI the •• itch . to wait for tbe down

tnla. Joha rouad ou' hi, ~iatake Mr. Seaa' Is ,.portad .ben tb. train otoppod at tbe ODd 14 ... Chari .. M. Biddl. bu been aear Stau.ick. aad beariag

ill (or .,101 weea put. Lb. down traiD i.a tAe distance be .tar· Dr. and 14 ... M"",y ga .. a lorge ted to co<er th. bock tNck of a

diaoer Iu, Friday aiehL mil. to th •• taIi"" at a pace U W J uellh' too... tonished th. bobold .... and in makiil,r I

Haw. AlfD ADVU,1'l8ER. _r...... eDDY' DeW the traiD in tbe time be did be PalJI:l7r-. Z'. 1. it quit., aD impronmt'at.

a....tDUa......();JrDer I'oUtll &114 MiM Madp Batche1lor it l'iailiD, IlD amoDat ~f ataliD, power .. to tbe repuatioa to &TUl", PalaU'la. ft, J. ber aiater lin. Edward B. Sbowell. Jl)c:.t meaof b. ap wooll.l eo.,. amdies of thf mDrdertd a::;;:.:"'-- - ... _ ... , Mr. J. C. ,,_ ... iII. ,.; •• am";. Joba S. Collina iloo. prooid ... , of the men iajuNd •• bich

• ....... o' the Saan.ick Carpet Co.. in place of ed in due time. tbe mauer iI FOOD FOR THOUGHT. cal at bit reaideaoe OD LippiDcott aye- Edward PerkioL Wort it beiD' c:a,r. The idea of electiDJ Stoaton

..I', THB ·


' .. ,.aJ'I~~~~ thit Saturda, eYeiDg. ried 00 coDtiouoculy at preteDt, and tbf bu beeD I1Yea a ~~ -::;'::~a Mr. W. p, F.II bu .. to",ed to hia th. b..".. being d ... lopod u rapid· by 'b •• !H~~ClUlltd;:t:::r~:I~:::~ ood a healthy body. bom. adjoiainl th. ftCIOI)' ..tier a Iy u pcbl.. p

G.oaol W. CBlu& ~ODth'a ltay io PbilL TusJay .... , ".JfOuDd bOl day," aD ~~;~;~~~~~:~I~:~~~I . :Mr. Cowpertb_ait baa a Dew oocuioa wbich it .0P...... to ban OaIendar February 6th-8uo na.. "'01 of ,b. lateo' ado .. ,.f a material ioBa ..... on th. · •• oath, .... , ror

7.06.111115.28. Moon _ l.63 M. porfum... Th'y"""err 6ne. for aix ... kI follo.iaR. Aa lhat in· n. buildiag fuod DOW UJoUatl .to tefe'ltiol a.aoim" wu able to lee hi.

CS.&.llULUC Roberta of the commit· 1370.21 hano, recei"ed aaubieriptioQ .bado. ia the morDiDI if be had been tee ap~;nted to in.eotipt. th. u. of 120 rrom Dr. Marey. . . abroad it iI,urpoaed WI.iII boo. doll

,-- F bold 14 .. . A ..... ·· Coo_ .atertained .eath.r oati tb. middl. of n.x' pendi" .... of th. Board of NO • the cl_ ror Nodial and Itudy 00 lI!9ath.. . or. and ca ... of th.11igb tax .. _da Friday ••• aio, th. 19th InaL . • ord that a meetia& will he beld ia Milo Emma Loa.i" bu a charm· ~'t_'!.~'''''ta lo>-G .... (e i:!a. I)e th. Moun' Holly ooon bCIUII on ine portra" of her moth.r.M ... CbU. lOOn oocupy ,. .,ompuiaory on all .ol ,b.m urdo, F.h 6th •• beo a .. port .iII be W· Le .. i" a' th. Exhibition no. Tb. oecoad locture iu th. W. C. T pl'nent the .... '" cit 'bc hill IUhmitted .. A f~J1 auendan .. of all lIb'u:t th. of Finl A ..... U. OlU'" .i11 he d.Ii .. Nd ~.,.t Ta... ,bil "oc. Bul th. t .. orobl.

Whether it · be cottaO Wools wander over ' the .lD'V".' look 'here and look ~ there, then let our peOple' Show yo.u more and bener than all else com­bined.

Glance by the New Dress Goods beauties crowding in so thickly at almost every counter. and catch glimpses of price marks on the Fall and Winter weights that will make )"ou al­most doubt your eyes. Like these;

5O-inch AlI·wool Suitioll, amall check"o'lerlaid with l..,.e Bo.II'II! PWd&. 1iOc (rom ,I.

38.inch Cahmere Plaids. \'ariety lIlyles, 75e (rom ,I.

6O·iDch Surall Twill Plaids, $1 (rom '1.50.

In Black Dress Goods, tOO: "7-inch Black ReaJriee, 75c rrum $1.,_

the :ut lot we'll have Il( 1 II i!l choice Iluf[

Dlack Roba-Thibet Choth .ith 1at.'8 embroid~ trimmin)( -al 118; originally 140.

Blick Robee-Thibet Cloth with embroidered trimrpinliC-~1() j ...11 f4.\.

. First 01 the special importa­tion of black SiCk·and-Wool Henrietta. Extra fine qualil:y

just the weight for Sp,M~:.t Summer wear. ~" .25.

.50, Width 38 inches. 10 d Nd day ••• aiag. 9th inaL. liy 14 ... Mary porti •• of lOch hill x·~y ... /I ..... .. On th. in.itation of Be •. G. H Lathrop •• bo iono,; '" .e11 and umph f.r the Some call them Llama, some A. importllll' qullti"" u th. th. HillI Mr. C. W. B ...... r ga •• an abla knowa b ... u .I ... b.",. Beroima alwa,.. .. Ceylon - those unshrinking

1 . . eDtertaioment at Weet Chster 00 more iDLe.reltiDg lpeaken are move .Iowly iD lhit that are such favorites reliability of th. 6,. p up ,n .,nlu Ta..cJayto th. 10fR0 .urplioed choir. thaa Ihil ,in..! .oman th. JIH&l mu. ot the bod T ' Sc I bY beea liked by ODt of OtIr aublcrib- "bicll h .. juat been ioata{led. of the relpoDlibilities of leJ'''aUYtI iD their c::very y. He ote 1 In. 'rbe board of ma.aagen baYtl1Dyited 10 well aaj,ted by bet monmeot it how to get evc::r), graCt!

A caralUl in ... tigation aho.. th. th. Ladi .. • Auxiliary to meet .ith tio. of ti.... and styli! nut of these

Plup to be ready for actiOD at all them at 8.80 p. ED. Dut Mooday to Duriog the bigb wiDd OD SuDd.y a The democrat. of the HOUle .iIl t:uuutie- do it as no onc tIs..: I~na~der pl&D1 to raiae mODfY to pay :M 11 ' k & HI cautu. au abe .ilnr quulioa out ..:rNltr plUl i,f ,lit' m .tllillit f h

tim., u wben Dot iD UIe the water it the lot. ' large chimaey 011 • ae at· Fridat algbt, hutil by uo rueaul ful. • .. C'I ' hy "1ft-tChe'" 1,.,111 has yt!t done it. S ' lInt! 0 t t:

B I .L 't bel .L ~ingtoo'a .tore ... bioWD o"er. dam- . t . I I k • drawa a at .. t ",,1"IitI lee ow we A bu been p-m"-' ou lu .. ' at. abe qtu.ti ... u ul i.u -tb_p viliaiDg wpwl ... r-•• lul 1~I' .. rl" · 1 ,"'111 neatl:st s rape...;am c lt~( 'swe ve r- ... lM:IU agiog ..... rt 01 tbe roof iD ill f.11. . '11' I ... I I I' I I' . grouDd bl adnice iD the lowiDi put the lot, March lit. we deaire to r- IIf a fl'ft C"Oilla~~n ~ .. i1 \R" mlll~ aut .11 ".1. 111"1 .. &!,all.e:-. had art: just lerc . lal ."

of the plu.. We are ,lad to ... ke it at leut S6OO. Thi •• iII t I .elllt ... I ... :a ouwltt-r' 01 )luorhl< WI, ~I.II~" trl"'I "'" 'h~ in pink. I~..!ht bIUl'~ navy a :HI · thil a.aDouooemeat.u it will be a lit. aeo.itate the payment of all IUb· MBRCHANTVILLE. botb rllr aDd IKail,lIllht:II).1 dutillg Ib~ 1"11" ~_I i .... 1 I .. ,tl l 1, c.lrtiiaal :lrt! al:.o i I tilt : lot. .

'lC,riotiioDl aDd mlDy additioDal Mi. Belen Crump •• hl) "u· het= cuiLIKe ban alMlcJy dt'da-ed tor ill rurml ... ,.... K· ·,le 101 Iht: .IU. . U . t · iiCaetieD to oar towDihip. .iIl YOIl not help u. in iOI friend. It Ilahimore, baa returbe.l Ihat Ibey .ou~d· Utlt be •. "u·l.d'l,)' au)" of'list.ftoa Ihu" •• III.1 ,I ,1I .. r~. II tht: 'lUJoi is right a lig-ht.

I I I matter? to her bllme aud ffporta a plruaat l""UCU. dtot·iliuli. It I' 1lt"lit-'Tt"Il thit 10' e all"'h''''1! ..... "1 .... ~"I· I .. II .. strung spool-coulln warp dues THE maDY (riend. O.f .Hr. tip. Ille questiua Will eveulu,lIy h~ ve to were ad·'III •• 1 'a\· .. rlll:: Ir"" ,1 .. lh·",. n't hllrt tht! walln :h or W 'ar

Ogden look with pleuare io the prot- T~e a.anw meeting nf the E. Hopkiu. lad wife. rd raed to IIC Juu~bl OUL uu lh, 8,",r ul Ibt" uf m.iI .. , alul li lt' "11" 1I" ,llIt.· ,I II.. I r I BI ' I . {h • h' tb te Friendly 80cielbb ... held ia their home af).er .pending lhout 'wo II ,bit &flief .hlluM be rurrecl. c mOiler. """ tlf,,1 rur JI ill : II" Ih,' ,,"_ \\'ortl (I t lC an , (:t a lit

· peel 0 nlng 1m lII"e er rm Joba'. P. E. urch. Camden, weeka "ilh their fri,nd A, A. ~I. plet.! obli.tratioD of partyliutl may he 10 ·loew.p'p r.- rllr ,,... IIhUt'U' III .,1 Blankt:t will wash h :.: tll'f OIl Lbe towDihip oommittee. Our Tue-dIlY· Mn. Thomu Bober.. bfff'er. . IUtlked fur .. hilt' the 6gbl i. 9 • . i:D,lnln'D1t'III. becaust: of the sli}.!ht netw rk citiaeDI are all fully aware o{ bit care re-eleeted Jlraideot, &I,.., G. W. HnwllN Canou, of Wubiogtuo. Tbe Farmer'. Alliauce iut:u iu COD· ~ ftluJuthiu .",11 a! .. , . • ,1" 1 It:, ! " I' . oT CcHlOll thn:aus hidd"11 in it. iD Dot allomg the townahip to ret in Roberta. Mila Seckel and Mi.. 0 C k 'Lb h' fI b Cll.." aided by "'preit'nlallYCli \If ~ Qr· poIl.lg huther "lJi,WI,tI;a11 '" • I I all' . • _ I . I I I

bu h _L Id I .L.L were elected memben of tbe Board ,., .ptDI a Wfe WI II at er, U'alll&t:d ·Iahur. b.v. I.:.....uu· • .. 6,,101 .1 muuie. fllr- irrl".II11" I'" q .. a ~ .. II Ii You must lUllt .tnt HlIlt an, ', t, .. 00 a 10 - ",at w. Couocil Ca ..... 00 Cb"lDUI ..... ~.. • k I I d . ajo:liullt Pillkertuu'. dt'Lec:tive l~ellCI f.,uriug Ilze r .. I .... 1 .. r lilt" h UI Jolt ••• , ' now lOW to 11In' or )'OU WWOI get their Ihare ofimproYemeaLl, Davit will gi,e a ma.i. It i. rumored t~a1 au eOort i. beiog IUIII ira H-rui.ruililan· .lIacbllll' •. b, I •• ,. I harJI), mist I list that a liure. w. woald ~ earneltly call Mr. 100,tOl" ."',oa,.OD MODday En. mlde to orgaDiae & 'ioging cia. ill .Lu:h tbey uy .. ill ht'" Il,uKbt to I 6il· . Aft"r .wbich lit - I"r~tl .11" "'1,1 , III ! cotton had been used. Ogdea.a' attentioa to tbe ract tbat of the WomaD'. our loofOOlb tb ,t the elurt b.. l'lt. Tbe fi.t ' ,kit m~h wu wuu hy l,Ve audl~u(.'e w., touter .11It! I .1111 h ' boLb Mr. Lippiacott and Mr. EnDI oLber local CbaritJtII. e,ery pn)lpeet u{ IUCCftI. We bave .tIt Piakellou'., tilt' Huu e cnwwiltte "1'. ~tall. '"., n.-..,liu ';1 .wl IUII .. i.,. Here's a Blanket wilh say 12

'.L are 8fty aeatl, aod C&D be ob- lOme good voic:ea and aD ucellent choir liD tbt' Judiciatv baviul aD-reed .. _-'-' -"_-,,_, ounces of Cotton to MS ounces a .. more propeely · .. p ..... uo, w. t'1II t could be fouad. L I ' . Be" . f Wid bl Pal a nil..... or a I".e au a. nne n purt uD pte:lto. MILK INFECTlON. 0 00. A generous. au e· OOWltry diatric:tl that myra Jlooda,l!1t'eoial' PromineDt The De .. oIBcen elected.t the IaIiYe WallOu'a re.olulioD til In"elti· Dr. Heury Form.d.u ~uflbt:le.'!, bed·sizp. Blanket, i5x85 inches and Kinnoo alike looD to Mr. fNm Palmyra. KiYenoo ou.l meetiD! of the Firemao'. gale tbe Piakertou'~, 00 the grouDd iog pat}!oh'gi.11 uf thil cc:mDtry, b .. -trade fiction 12-4. It would Ogdea for their proper repreaeatatioo Philadelphia. will tak, part. AIaociatioo, are President, D. l~.t it it a mlUer wbi~h thottld OGe made au.esamiuatioD uf the milk ud io thil'err important oBi... ' 1 ~!:'ri:.r~~Q~~ an. beiag mad. fur IOn; Vi ... p ... ident, Wm. under the jurOOicti.o of'tb •• (at .. m'" of tuben:ul",ia' callie ai tb ..... be a really cheap Blanket here

, I I J orpo or Cbriat Charcb laad i Secretsry, Frederjck 0111,. Tbe Alliaoce mfD .iII &ght of tbe ltate dairy comwiaio'ofr, at S5 the pair; in some stores Ts. Ta.n m .. Un, to be h.ld p_t • ..,tl)' room. and lb. T .... urer. Wm. Cox. 'he co",mill" report,!" tlie 800r a d.ci4ed .tODd in o~poai' about town no better Blankets

.iIl be arra[.geci for wbere tbe Tbe youal people of ~~'j~~;~~~;j IheBouH', aDd .deiolad. a :1;' '' te 00 . 'I" h ha b h" h' lIueh 8th at MOfJIo Ball will be a DOW ia located • . The choir will ,'ao Church are abog, to ,aohniOD. lb. WaltOD lof prey .. log "lew. 0 t e ve roug t '4'7 t IS season. Th . r tbal be it lOQyiDce:d W f th $ th nry impOrtant ODL e qUelUOD 0 robinl lOOma iD the buement cl .. iD "oeal mDJic, with reeolutioD, and hit remuki are eo. UItI of milk e sayar ese 1.20 e

Ii,bllae th. olneta by e1lC1ric Iilbt will form tb. proc.ional Fithian. 01 Camdeo. u dn ... d hy the otber !1\i4,P .. -.., •• : bylUhereu. pair-just what the ' market and the hoaJiog of th. To.nahip to comia. ae th. main aial. of th. Th. oourio of I ........ i11 urbi. ia ;. parlY _Ie of4fi& Alij. oro would charge you' by the case. pu' d.o ••• ton., ·&IId other im. charob. Th. o~ will aIao 'be until the 6 .. t ot Jon •• on .. a ... k. aact. and ... ball puab i,to th. eujl. Aa tb. doctor iti .. diB'er Same' sort of Blankets, but

creatJT. enlarpl With De'" ltopa, etc. Aay oae .. bo deail1lllO to dcreaD jOiD, For the corporatioD to arm _ad £quip . portllllt mol_ will bo decidad •• blch Contributiona to tbia mad are ....... t. Tb. object ia peeticularly to learn to a lIaadiag army to .. ttl. difficulti .. · to th •• 11 .. 1 of th. u .. of milk a.d single bed size (62X84 inches) aB'ect Ih. pock.~buok /IIId ",ura.. IYlCllicited from all m.mber. of tb • and .io, ordinary chureb mu.ic. .ith empl.y" is. •• thiak. of ca,tI. aB .. ted ytubereulooi., are $3.25 the pair. At $4 they e,ery t.upayer aDd citiaen. Lilb", churcb and co~,~tioo. It it 0, Tili. il an ucelleot opportuDity fur aoaf'Fby. The J>iD&ert.oo. ,-deteeti,,, t~e eU!liDlboal jUt' made ahow w\luld be bargains to scream for our .trMta are a ,_t n-;ty. peeled to cca& 1IiOO. About oat 6ftb our 10ual peopl ..... 11 u 'be old to ageuci .... i •• ed in th'e'ligb'-or ' th • . danger bu ""n gNatl, 0 ... • about elsewhere. . and electric arc H,btl it tbe ooly feu- it atr.dy labJcribed. . obtalD iutrucuoo. A coocert .. ill be actual pta :ticn, are bat .taudiog mil· '.um"tul.. ~p~rimeatl were DW.'e

Uadertaker Beltoo bu iDyeated iD gi,en at the eod of tbe COUIW. ilia, .ubj!Ct to Lbe beek aDd call ot I.· ibl. plan. u it .0~ld Nqai .. 200 oil a budaome ne. h_. haill ia Cia. Vioe-Conaul Crump afte!r a loog c:apillldialL W •• i.b to ..... noti .. 00 lOme G.ia .. ~ .bicb .ere io· New lots added daily to the lampo to li&hl th. to ..... b\ch .oold cinnati and conatructed on th. moat ilia .. of th. grip hu agaia rMUDled tu ,be 80011 and to th. countl)' tbat ocalated il th •• interior cbamber of Cape Overcoat special bargain ... 'u much aa th.oIlC1ricli,hlll. And mad.", priacipl... . bu.ia.... •• apect to po' th. m.mhe .. of Coo· Ih •• y. with '!'Impl ... f wilk; hut line. Leather Leggings, 3 to aa for illuin, hooda 10 ~y ror .toa. With th. diaap __ .. DranO. aDd EI.ood (JourlD.y of Cent... II ... , K- oa .... rd by oompelliolth.m to afte!r oI,h, ... Iio DO 'ube",l. bacilli 9 year ·sizes, are ~3.75 and

• _.2 !._LI d' ice real eltate bl1lYo;. it ~~"~:~,::Ibu L_. 6 ed b' b d' "ote on thit reeoll1t.ion. · d' --, roado. iI ,t .......... to 0" at pre- ...... oon a to /I OUIO U""I The B.u .. commillee oa &laonfa.,. .... Il00....... '4.50 for tan.$3.50 and $4 for ! Th U• f Ia'- d:r,' leD and baild... th .... k .ith th. arip. D F:...·' I d . la U I I MDt . • qUfJI DO 0 • r.otI aD #. b.L b II be • tum .illtbia week fa,orabiy .. port r. Onuau a IQ.m. e au eSlmlaa' b ck. nusua va ues.

Id' _._'-' be' y,or • at .... y ope.i H b ~.L _, ! CIOUDty aid ia bui 109 nJaUII, II lal britt IeUOD. . ave you Stu we ....... uew. the reeolutioo pro"idiPI( fur a.a iovt!l- tion of the meat of cattle a8'eoted with ooDlidered, LbinfoN would it Dot be Sam. of our 1 __ ' ... th-- I'rop~o(j'ITbe electric ligbt company will reo- ligation of tbe ".W.UO$''' .£:tem thiadieeue, bul bu neyer bteo able

bel be UIaA - .ume the aU night lUaaiag aut .eek. tea.m.n' bou .. I-L-r .h,-L L __ _ bolter to _ if 10m. p can oot pNdic\ that there will not be /IIIoth,r th f ..... ""I' fi ..... to 6nd any bouilli. H. tbinEt tb. Men's Overcoat prices stay

just where the warm weather put them--<lr lower.

Now it the time to wire yoar houlel. 0 '100- 0 lDIIIIy comp a'D" -m noeind before the Towwip it lad· opportuDity to 811 ice hoDlOl apia 00 more abort rou, bot lighl, and the o,p;!aed labor of the coua·~, oDI,_o jectioo to tbe ute of thit milk diad with a b .. 'Y dlht! tbia winter. It iI a comfon to kao. that th. moo' hrilllant, early and lato. and YODr co_poad .. , tha' iI that i, iI I .. nourilhiog 'ban lb. ri_I> there ia 'err Iilli •• pace loft to all. . It wu pNdicted oo,u, · ... kI ago .hoo th • .-Iution .i11 he u i, milk of b.lth, co.i. Th ... illiul.

---... -- ~~A~t~;a~.;~t~~.~O~f~;,~;;~r of thl th. all nigbt Ii&hliog." diocoatiaued uaqueotio.ably DDgh' or no dan-r of catchiao th. diaeao.

ttO Fur Beaver at $30. $S8 Blue Melton at $5. 130 Blue Keney at $22.5('1, r.l5 Black ('hevlot at '18. '18 Black Kersey at '$Hi. 7\1 1M EdilA>r .f 1M NEWL in th. that i' no the lut ot it. bu' .heo Tb. bill lor tb'A~~~~~'n;:! e' "

linn the 9,h, leut espec' ted it i. to be .tartecl up the latera.lior:ial (rom it. ' apia thi. time to cootiaue. e qu.... recommeoded bl the P .. LI<Y ..... F.h. ScI. 10.... ~:.;;;~~}~.;~~ Th 'That's the incline. Every

W. are tioo h ... riteD. why thi •• purt? 'The which ... {.,orably Ie:. lOch cood C('mpaDY hue been quietl, uteDdiol the commiitee 00' Banking.

WANAKAlCEIl'S. Ulster in the stock reduced. h' ......... "u. F.b. t. ,.... About 50 Homespun SuiL. for

01 lob, ~ ~:~;~:~ .. ~~ti~ their lioe to people out.ide of the bor· Curreocy of Ihe lut Rauti. but ~ld.tle:.&wm&D ouab who are more proa,...ive 'ud out acte·d the B4IUH. b~

AO ... IL' already bue l8"en bou_ that will betAn~~:~.~~~~;i:'~~ The vaIue of a Dress Gqods ,en go from ~20 and 22.50 to

~.tock of theb~test propor· 12. JOHN WANAMAKER. upbold th. dignity of :':t::~~;=: I rrcei.e the .currea' thi •• eek • .;tmia., the dud. able aDd OODICi.tioUI IDUlDU. I •

bons,.so rna i1e in movement _ as 'to present new features

Bnt unfortnnat.oly th., cannot all he oIlC11ad and the..r... it becom .. oar daty to oeIect th. ""e .ho _.oold bo of the _ .-nao to th. to ••• . Iol:r. Scbeicloll'a frienda ciaiia that b.

by .ma. of hanal bold th. oBi .. bor... iI _ 6tted to JIIrform th. doti. or the ..,. but .kIl. th. 'claim 11i~~'I:;:a:r~tj Ia in 00"" reopacta a jaR ooe Y"' it! c II doe th. town to han a mIIII .ho ia io th. town all the tim. and na~ one, who. lib Mr. SeheiUlI, .- 10 Philo· ~oIpbia In !b' morniaC aDd oomea up in ib, .nma,.

Mr. S~" ... fairly .11CIIad the ali .. Jut opriDj! but throo,h ... ~.-, .• -., Irioica1lt7 of lb. law bo .... ood hill commilaiOD. H. waf" io th. to.n &lid IIu DO __ to Int.rfa... with th. al th. oIioo, &lid u to bia ~~.rity.1 IOhril&y. etc., .. do not th:ok ill .. y tc':!"n. TIiia ... ~ta tha_timenlll of a c-t .... y pIOpl. ar tlt. obi, and '" woold uk the fin depoaitin& tbtir ball"," to the .. tter one ....rail'. Tho IioII il-U you han a_ not bo bttIar to ha .. it rara the jlllli.. wh.. It your _ .. ni_ or do you tbiDk you aIaoald await his .. a_i-. and

;:Ir"'~1 tha IIICIrning befora be phia or IaIa in th ...... in.1 rJIer bo ..-·home.

Yoan~y. -l-llXYlLl.

• • I

SAD ACCII>BNT. acciden' .bich. happened lut

Th,"odlay. aear BNddock'a milll. cauoed dea,u of Fran'.

b. reaided ia to E ... buro

lch" day b. .. IDtimaUon

IUa teaia . were "kiaJ

bome without a· drinr. Il __ r~u .... ,ha, th •• tandard of" th.

'g :;:; IWagou .... hrakea. a a.rcb beiol t mad. aloog th. , hil bady .u

toond '.0 mil .. back. H. bad eoi· bui,ldi"g Ideatly fall ... 011 th. load. and beiag

rao o .. r by th. Wagon,.u kill ... ia· .taatly. He lean. a widow nnd lbree 10uog childreo

efforta to 40at tbe 'lCbOODer SeIIU. at Oooan

been aboadoned aacl til" ~rrec'k.'" DOW turned their atteDtIoo

l ,cotnmU'nityunders;:~cth~t~~ M. Cowperthwaite, bener each season. APOTBEOARY.

·Brandenbu.rgs. . No B¢. Iron and Wine (a special

~~:ci~b~:~ltl('~ IS nk~ed, preparation), Soc per bottle. ~ are nown •

have character, indi~id- z·grain Quinine Pills, quality IUltlW~, ' lIDt 'as the seasons -goes warranted. 30C per 100.

would fell daily 9f Bran· Mellin's Food. large size, 56c.

d~~U~r~w~ere:~we toThk~p you Carter's Little Liver Pills, I 6c. It . ere are more colorings the tulip· fig- Motet Olive Oil. the bes~ of all ures. PiCtures of roses strung salad oils, 7 Sc. on lij:ilt hits of ribbon are 1Uso "I" C rth'te just tn. And Brandenburgs' are oW. owpe WILl,

Main. below 4th St., Riverton, N. J. piag t~ •• .eJ of riaiog and The Bedford Cord silk striped-

A ~Drfaoa of only '.0 iquareJ,an!o Saarlel f •• ~r bu broke lot and plaid Ginghams have J'ust ___________ _

I • I

IOa&aiDi a hlow fram a beaY1 A antic . • . bNaker eqnalto 6f1r-fonr tona. tb. chdd ... ,a 'b •. Cit! Hpme add~ airly colorings and pat- H. W. SPELLER BERG,

Bot"":~l. J!",nal)'1 n. StaIa GlCllociIt ot N •• J .... y Ii •• ark. Se .... 1 of th • . 'o~ terns. They touch your art ....... , .. nEWBON & 00 .•

doclarea thaI th •• lIIte ia ainklag a' do.n .ith the dilrua. Th. thought. The poet of cottons, Belia~l. dealer in th. rate of a' I... t.o reet In a aIi.iall ba .. taken upo to p"'''' '4SC. Those 2SC Ginghams- niah IIYSt d fTlnmo Etc oentol)'. th •.• pNod of !he d~ ... . -' - ' , YankeeS, ' Massachusetts.:....are flAIl ors an UlIlIIW

• • • . ' . They brook no I . " NOTHING SO 8UCCBBSPUI. · AB '·E • ..,.bady NOda th_ N~" Cotton rivals in any stuffs. To- F ... h O"te .. and Clam •• Loh, t ...

auc'c .. s. P:T:':- day new patterns come, bold, ""d CNbo la ..... a. Onl... ta.k.n Th •• in ... ill _illl· Bprio, i. A _. e radi I ced ~u ds ror poullry. Our .IROO ruo. '0'0

rapidl, approachiDg. Tbe "oiae ,In~(.n'",". ~Io . ca" pron'?'ln, .n RivertoD ao,1 Palmyra every Tbul'l-th. dove .iII lOOn he heard In the ;~~:,:~;!!~~~4 "~~_;, __ -",,, · ,Iikep~ Bunttng, broa ~pes da, of .. ch ... k. ·Ord ... by mail I,nd 00.. Natore will ",dack Be n .. ::::';,:::,: I composed 01 many little stnpes promptly a'toaded tn.

!:t = f1Iah for P~~~~l~~.!~~;~!!,:;: winking and blinking their col- No.9 Warreu 81. B •• erly. N. J. the pol .. o[ 0 ors in a witch-like weave.

to quicken. ~~~~~g I Others with sateen . stripes and JOHN SCHROEPFER, ing and bold 'plaids. Others with Bed· M N '. coming. ford Co~ stripes running MIL K _ A . , baae ro.. ~mr,·,~;,I!:!'.'.'!~:r"~ ... _ ..... Zeph - laids. . kne.. na& .... H""5

aveu you yr Pthe black and hOI ao ... mo.ed to

BlIriiailoo. N, ':'. . , ... ::::.."' .. :c.c-• .:.-...... FOjl1faiD~r;:~ I pnpeeatica for th, thaI /I '. 'lith rich ID02 .... , lV£.. "lI'RA •.

- ~ roUow. A_ of -...;~ M-"--"-e" _.. - _ ...... - UIDCIUl Aod will lupply bia pa'~,a •• ith th. and ........ o .. r 100 "yl .. Ioeb, and missed _ -nalilY of wilk like all at.err mocIorate prJaea. . CaD • and UOliliaO or ieacI. ... catalapt can see boro<o. . and pilc.liIt. DIII'1r1 .... 0 rou t.lce a day.


.YURI·El'OIl. CO.\ ·/il'AS,·J,.II. '"'f}ltM PUBLIC, .COJlJlISSJO,\·EIt OF

Deed., Mortgag,es. Wills and ~I Docum~ts carefully drawn and executed. I.oans negotiated upon most favor­

able terms. Rents collected, Houses for Sale ~nd to Rent. 6 per cent. Mortgages for s~le. Fire, Ltfe,

and Accident insurance, Rehable Com· panics and Lowest Rates,

... ("nrrt'5P')llIlc;lI~ ~,licil~J.


Coal, Lumber, Lime, Plaster and Cement

RI\' EItTOS, S . • 1 • Tr'rphoae No. e.

UN"flIll \,,~ 1I III ' -' 11101,," Itfoa.l , U rocen. ~m)'ra. w'll r~IY. prompt .l~DlIOli.

PRIMO Hot Air Hea.ter.

.... 0 0 .:

0: ;,)


~= >;S~ = c: 'w '': ~=-

::c ~ . .c: .. -


E :i. &5.=


... ~

Ii 0 E-< c:; !iii ~ .... It;

Fresh and bri 'Tht all Ihe year arounu. Our goods will alway! plca~C! ' those who ~,prccial e ,t:tJl1'/ 'III,I/il)' aNd lIIoJnnlt pia.

Dry Good·', Notions, Bric-a-Brac, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps,. &c;

TROTH ~ CO., . Broad Strpc·l. opposi te , I;llion, Palmyra.


Carpets! carpets!

Carpets! R .. g r.arpf'l:" jj,r h.·nllly 111111 tlurnhilill' drop ft lH~ ' allll Jqs_ H. SMITH.

Hi\'t' tl ll U, N .• J. Ca ll :11111 :"1 '" :-sllIl,l"" ')f>Ij 'rf' 1,la".llog }nDr ' tttl to N t· l~c ~lH't ('.


c ...



LUMBE~" ... ~ERCHANT" I Boxes, 'noom, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Eto .


New York Life Insurance Co. ,


A'RI., Surplua, -locome ill 1890, Iuaaraace wrillen iu Hmo, Iu.uraucc ill I t "I~'· . (Juverel by 17:1,469 ,,,ll i,·i ... ':!.

1116.000.000 16.000.100 ~ 32,158.006 •

169,676.006 589.338.000

Th~ eolllJltlllV 11' .. IJI'>f all 1111' m n:; 1 .I,-:iralll .. Iltr!" i1 "r , ... llc!e:J 10.1 ,iDlUr· InC(' hondZl with ur WtL! t"ul. 'lit· r,.lllru "IIIif' ''''' lIIlIIlIIi ,lald,lr tlQtb no • .'un ,iuriug • !It!1 ... ·It11 1 ,. ' ri ,~ 1 II I 5, 10. If. lit 20 y~ant . . I f ,nil .aut III ~.uw b~w II) obtain il' i!urh l lt ~ .. :ulIl M \'C all 1111' l'rt' lIInIlU~ 1'111,1. "hd!u::r YOu the or h"e IIr bl. ttl uhtlliu :1 :!, .... I Ii\' t' p.·r c·.'nl. in ... ,·.tlll~lIl, tSI!IIIIl' (rolu lasa.iuu aa,1 t"s!CuliulI wit II ill-urn..,-.' ,hr.,,,,n iii, .rilf', ~i9rllK .J.~ ur hirLlr.. PUlt Oalee .ct.ln>ltl1, &".; lit

,\ J. f;lJH.NEY, C; .. ;NI-:KA,I. AOENT.

I'. D, Ilux Jfj. (:"I"It"u. N. J.

. Book and Job Printing. w~ hav~. unus~~I . racilities ror d~i~g.~ .ki~ of i

printmg, rrom a VIsiting e.,.d to.a·tb.ihld. pbster, ., and woul~ i~vitc! .inquiries lOr estimates . .

~ .

, I




PALMYRA. c. C. Rianhard of Eo",,",... STATB HBWS. ' .

~ tim. to lrim grape .iD.. k.':;~::' ::~D' to V~~ cl':b ~..':~.u.I"! .Dd Grand ' Ccmbina ticn Fair The Wee!dy News ~ATURDAY. FEB: 6. 1892 ' GEORGE M. SIMPSClN

CE.YT·A·H'ORD COLtrJ{,\·. tbia " .. k. Mr. J D. Bt-lImaD h .. mooed ' 01 Long or ,lum notior, 1"ltT1nf Wid" tltil Ken".Il, of Sistb .t.reet. hu Mr. Beckeobt.cb'. hOUN OD Bi,blahd Castle, ·K. a .. E.t

Mad CJl Utt rolt of OUt Mil a ,('(mi. roeh in· ',.,,,,,,orod anoue. ::aUTO :a: E :a, , Mr. F. D. WiDg, ... in tll"D • fe" City tOr • coupl. of neb. I:~~~~~!~~~i~~~~~j~ial'~rn:

M"ion.auhinad"n,,.. I' f ... mh.r oerioU' ilID'" Tb ' 11 be • b • .CinnamiRsOn Lodge. l. O. O. F .• ---- MiN Ida Cox "u at a tea part, 00 ere WI liZ wee more WID'

LaGrippo.-Prno ... ufl'eoingfrom"La Rerkl., ... D •• I .. tS.turd.y .... i.g. try " •• th.r if the JIIODDd.hog .ira Joaeph i",fand 1.1\ and PensauMn Tribe;lmp'd O. R. M. -Grippe" are speedlv alld pe-rmanentl7 M~. rt JOD .. had h .. · h •• d doe. Dot fail. two wetn aao 00 • Fresh Pork, Sausage, Scrapple,

Liver PudcUng, ;'ared b, Hnmphre,.i' SIM!t.itic8 NOll. one Will be b.ld do HorD-Q Hall, Palmyra, oommeaclnr Koada,. e,eotnl. anJ Ie'·'n. Xnmber one aUaya the (ever. badl, m.. on Wedaeeda, of lut Mn. A. G. Swope'. little girl, who GI'UI1. Sa" (our • F.bJUarf. 22.18O'J. to Saturda,. "enin, Febroa ~ ~.lncIUll,. .. ~in and inflammation. "hile Xfl. Ie"en week. ... daarroull, .ick lut week it DOW iaR' bai .iaee ~ will. be COD .... fOf a ('Utee the cOlI)th. hoal1lene. alld eore Mr.lSb.ffl'r of Delaware aveoae, i. rapidly Impro.IDg. it it feared b. bat beeD .. "" ... 'UI. lh roat. a grt'al lufferer with a caocer JO bit Mr. Joho BerrmlD wu detaioed A luit fur 186.000 daQ1a~ .gaipI~

Oyaten.nll (n.osh ash.-I hue opened flce. home ""era! da,. thi. week with lb. Wt'ltera UnioD Telegraph oom-a branch etote (nt the .. Ie or rreth 'Ir. .D J M-. Ch... qDiDif "'n t"lroat. pAU" fot iuiuriea J'fOe.i~ed b1 bit eqa, '1 ~' 8tera .nll tj,h in Ihe 5payJ buihlin2. D II.. _L ~ I • undet HOIChkiN' alote. Orden taken lpeulaenral da,. lut week Mill Loltie Stowell i, back in her who picaed. up a lin wire fl~1 .00 ami Jelh'e r~t. '.if'(). \\'. Bin!. dale. Pa aceultomed. Claoe iu Robert', ,tI)rf, tbe arouDd, " .. ialthuted iD Camdeo

To let.J.·ellin. Xo. Ii) weat B---d S' ,' IDP-"ed ', ... Ith 00 Tburedll, b, M~mUlot. ·Tbora, . . ..,.. ... Mtl. C. B. AitkiulOD e-ot. IV'" •

A GOLD WATCH, . . ·.wiil . be prCSCllted to the lady School teacher, of Cinna·

!i fOOmlS. Elltluire ~t.ger·e pharull":),. tr '~I' ed L- W W II Drum. a colored maD, .bo it Atl'Dtic Cit, .. ith Mr •• Dd Mn. C. t II report t ... t m. •• .

baving the highest number of votes. providing !!tere than contestants. The names of contestants should be Frank Smith. secretary. Palmyra. who will fu",iah aU par.

SIIUt Knmt al ~imlJN)n· •. west. Broad AtkiDtnO. about to take a ~tioo with be barmlelll, iDlUf, aDd :.boftit:uJ ...... It';:\.et. Hh'erton, two ~.2S~m Mr. JOfepb A. Da"i. ward ShUiter Jr. the Broadwa't uoi}o~ :::k.;:01 00 aD odd :>,"",------__________________ _ houileS Oil )111ill IIlreet. S room Broad II reel i. verr much den groce-. . teoor drum .boUl hou.e nn TholUlUI a,·eone. &e"erat by. Dew coal or paiot. Tbe bOUle 00 Broad .. treet occupied weo' to"ood OD dne 1ir'IIM'ttie8IUhl buildinD' (or .. Ie by tb.J··.-- cIDb .. · ,-i.'Dr' - C:f.".h",d i ll Hi\·ertolllllhll'ahm·ra. ~. Mrs. : ' raok S' ewart, of '-"CO".y frethlOl ~;"or paiat at Ibe b.oda· .... took bit w.,at ooce to the tilil. Hiwrton. N. J. . aveoue, b •• relura,,1 from. four ~ft!llrl Joha aud W01. Cooper. OOUrI"', atood. 00 Lbe piall& liantonomoh,

visit lu Hruoklyn. N. Y. beat bit drum &ad I&Di .~.,,",i.;'.~';': I Mr. J.cob W.h, baa ",turoed Dr. W. A. Cortright h... Ii f •• tb. mu.ic .r hia 0'" "","po.iliOD: I·,

P I OOlaer lot and tbe ooe lin. Clevelaad, i' i. uid, out double turreted Iron Clad Monitor i. the strongest boat in ·Navy. Never before in the bistory or tbe Navy has any coast

delen.,. Vessel carried such immense Riftcs and every Am.eriean shouhl proud of the ' Miantohomoh.

.... i~~ .• "'.1 • myra. from Brldgebo!ro. aDd Fifth .Dd Mor-o aftoue

.. k' , M I.e ' CI k .- an4 greeted Sam, nJeu •• tl'/i 'D~ til" wor Iur ,ur r. .1 at. h •• iII t'-'" a baodlO:De •. • .- led hi .. immraao1,. • played 111r. Thoalu Ste Imall i! about to ia tbe Spriue. or two .more, m .tbeD .

take the bOUle now oocupi~1 by Mr. J. Spellerberg. of Benrl" hal aWl, trom the . boule; h!Jwit.g , to

C. narharl. Wellt Broad .treeL I'~,:::~ DeWIOD & Co .• aod will thegrouod at eacb .tep. I .. t .· ... m:· · ·· '.' Mn!. lAmbert WillOo it improve.14 to terte Lbe retideatl A cue of puble d."'.tit'~!\".

iog "'tT rapidly aDd will M)UO relurn aad RinHoD au Th 'lnda, brouabt to the notice of th. , . . ' -. __ . _ to ber hillue at Wdt Palmyra. week. bakeD 1IiclaJ, uD .Tb,mol'1,~'A ·bab'I·~' ,. ' ::T1...~" ~1.,;,.":;' h f

Mr. C. F. eo. ruo .. " iDto th~.rge Mi .. Laura Bi.b 'po i. especW t, of Q •• ry W'K.e... ' .•• ", ,tUilot wia sti'engt 0 anything f'o' ll,·",.-"" ~I" ..... n '\".,.10 ho ... un lV .. t nru.~ .t,..l. f. ,o,ly I •• d the )OUDK peopl .. mootiDg io tho io .qo.1Id room. ·oo .. " . .. ' only' as. great as its wea.kest

lIt"iltt'r. $17 ; l 'o!llwLia ,·\\:e .. allll~""'l" ':eol uccupied bl Mr. Rollhiu",oo M dal· E. churcb •• t 6.30 p. m., Stloda,. Ou ' l{ nigbt.. ~ "'"1011111. h"t Ilt col;! lu ter, JIG; Tb 6uII meetiog uf Ihe to Ihip meetiog I .. t Suoday w ... ellal·I~,.iKI,,,,I~ ,,,,,.t r~liefof . . T~IIIJlle. ~1 "rl ... "'U.Jo!'et', Ht'S1 K'4tate a, .. 1 committee for thil year will be held and a .-....I feeliDt preniltd. . 01 dif -~ild" ... '1 .n.",. Pallll ~' '''.l. ........ \01

at J .. hu WaH.ce·1 hlltel Fell. 17. Mr. Wm. Buchanaa wu t e leader. of j '- lSi' So lS. Ft'III1.I~ lit'll' " .. nntt'Ol "I O.-enll UI'''&'' I . • ',,_.1 out.AIS

W dt ·1)Allilyna . J.ur. Pdllor HUlchiolOu preacbed a(nrl Tbe New tlr e&O::l IIDj,fen .lIllCU

1.&1II11111l( It .. ltt'rt·" II rnll1l'f'tl ililereatiu):, &ermou in tbe MetluJllilt Baplitlchurcb oa SUDda, enuiag, Hi. hOI .... ' I' •• 1.. Miantonomoh Our Coffee Dp' t. .. .. , . I ,·hurc,I.1 lut Suu,lIay IIIHtuilig 00 "Mi.· aUlllfter. thoughtful termuo h, Rev. 1i11 nothiDg ~1~'11l1 lI"tWt· IS l~rt'lJy ~1\· t'11 10 I Ie M P I hi' wu I.rf. The 1iud"ert'n had bad ' 00 to etdd.h,lhl"n! .. r tlte 1"1,11II~' na Ullihlill~ r uwe 100 I ey,.og IeVira tlmN our

01_ QuIICy" CI., _


Lamps, Umbrellas and Ru~bers.

Having bought direct from the Trenton factories more Lamps than we could sell before Christmas, we are now offer· ing them at the following prices : I. Fancy decorated lamp and shade. with "La rrenton" impro­

ved burner. $s. 7 5· 2. Fancy decorated. lamp and shade. with Duplex Burner and

Patent Extinquisher. koso. 2. Fancy decorated lamp and shade with Duplex Burner' and

'Patent Extinguisher. '2.75. I. FanCy decorated lamp and shade, willi Duplex burner and

, Patent extinguisher. '2.50 75C, '1.00. '1.25. '1.50.'i.75. ~2.00. '2.25. or '2.75 Will

buy you a nice Umbrella. . We sell nothing but the BEST RUBBE~S as our custo-

mers can testify. Yours truly. IlUlt I.·.ltll .\SI!Ht"i,lt i,HI, Ihlll ' 't'rl.iu Mn J . l., .. wi. H ill. of Marple, Dtl. io tbe rrayer lervicet which rollowed. 6re ia their ruom fur ~ i. week. - At N N ,,1IIt'lhlm,,"t .. t .. lil t" l"IU.'otl lnt i,, " anll by C410UIY. r .... i. villlliug at Chu. Lip Their'l)propriIlLtlll..a~, which hlrm- oigbt t~ey had h·u,M~td. top\ .. be.'r"i


: . ~~ ayy . Business . la .... HII,·fl.1 Itt lilt' I" .. t 1II .· .. lin~. "'111. • . . ooiou.ly6tted io witb lhe Ipirit ofthe euruer ut lhe hack room' fur JOB M ROBERTB ~"'IIt! "1' ("r ."III"ill .. nlli"n 0111 !\I ,,". I ,,~· ~~::~ ~ f'. (;1110.111111".11 aV~lIue lI!;Sr 1IIt't!ling \'I'le dNenidl, ronlmt'Ddt'd Tbe falber .. ill h~ h.",1 nnl t'&ltD ·"Y· of "Its Strong Porn· ts. .. Palmy·ra and Riverton. N.·J. "


t'\ellill~, F .. I,," .... r~· I .. , I ... ·I:!. It 1 .. . ,,1 .. r b h ll,illg lur. twoda". -1t'1I1J·!r.M .. t.lltr~·. !q'. ~t li! T ~, 1l.I1'r.I '. guHII~ _ 1,,11_ yt epa'ior .

"." _"" . '. ,.,.," """,., .. ,', I, I ' . 'I' , . 1 Tile ru..eliuu or Lhe Y. M. C. A, ia A tad tln,woio" . • ccideDC h~·Ik. pJa~ .- .. , " '.t·H .. II" III" I' all '" III , .. r c lI:1t'r,,'" po '"

IU''''''II .. , Flnl, ,,",1 !\1 ""It· I ' I " " . . .~Iur •• o Hall lad SUD,.lav alt~ruooo nil thto Kiokora IKilld. Dfar Kiakll". . . t.,ry " n'r t,,,, t'1I' ''· u ",111111111111' 00 e ~ Buy'n d bl-J t b~: th ch' f k ' d 1U~ r:t . AI' , .I~ I .' .I .. hu I'~ ' ",ell II" Wti one nltbe 11f)(t. .. 1 ever ' eld iu &.hil .llliut., moruio,. A • . ~ar.., and . I g as we 0 we are ena cu 0 0 ~n e olcest 0 every 10

I ' E b . I be h th.t Willi. Wih .. s 'Wil 12 and 13 Tea.. at the lowest cost. which benefit we cheerfully share with you . .\. 1! ..... 1 ""tl.h,,~· ro.r l'I..tlt' "1,,·,,,.. M •• lIar,Y V.I.;.,.iVt.r i. _I. .lIt til 11.loe "tory C air ani nc . ' • r" IIII .. rh Ihl! l,r"I,,'rl\ . ( ~Ir .. 111". ' lui.. ' t."lulll be Illa~1 W.I 6111'.1 .011 all tbe InUl uf Heary ilcos. Ii.iug 10 tbe .. ~I r. U. O. Au",' "'~ I · I.I~ .ttiviu· K . L I . __ L K I .. ,· lOr !tn·.'tlo ·lI .. \1'1' y J ~ II . (.'I·"t. ~ tWO liug rumu .... IIccnpied and it ia Ulc .. eruuoc ... er row, at iukora. were R· i .... (·h lt "IoJLoc ·II~.\· f.rllllll.ilr(;nlt'ti· I' hll h' hi ' b h 00 ' I\'t' rtoll, po llAi,111l '"y ('UU tI nol Jel Int.I the a. tlU I elr .ay to i.C 00. WII ut t'r ,'-

Tltr tll1U : lll1iu~"1I Bllil<iin1! :u .. 1 I. ':111 t ''''11 , ~ .1. Rev. Mr. Hllughlalill~ delivertd .' 0 Harr, auem\l\ed ~ tftL Lb. ,hicko .. . .-\,.,. ..... ·illli .. 11 . r HI"",I"" "Iii l"I\'t' I .,. ~, . lI.tI) U.k. t 1t'laI ra lhlly, will I I ' I I' I uf tile ice altl bnrke in. ni, _.,. J."""" 11" •• ' ..... 1' •• "I"~"~, ' .. ", ,1,."". e ... .. llt::11t al'iX'., WIll"I Will l ~t~O'" .·""'·''''1 ~, ,.... I' r. Hiru I .. B.IIIIIIHr~ tlli .. ~·tlnl.,· til . b I . Tb N \\, '11,', ' tl t b' lil1.1 0. .11.,.. . !\I ,,", \" .... III 1,1,,1 1I1f"'l i ll~ .. " COle aUA Oltuo. 'I" ew I, teelLR' la t. ;.1 Ii,"" I'N "'111: \,1; ... 1, !lUIl. ;'1I :1 11111..11 rHial~. ~lr. II kt'r ",ill fi,lIuw in a II! III' lIiu~n were IU'to~nlaoll abuut to druwn. au.napterl .

.~HORNTON C. HIRES~ 116 W. BROaD ST •• pal.tRl. N. J.

MILLINERY GOODS at Spayd's New Build­: ing, Palmyra.

I beg leave to inform my patrons that my beautiful·stock of ribbons are purchasetl from the best and largest ribbon

1"'11" 1.,,,lilld,lt· 1'0;111 t .. I' t ... rr .. ", tor IIt"IO :- hllrl tiult'. t:tl ~1II1t: tlr I ht'ir t'blirmillK wU'tic in bitu .htl·be allo br"kr Lhn,ugb the ice. h"lrr"will~ r iM'" I"'rt' IUI.I Vrt~' ill~ utI'li 'fl'" F"ir (omluiuc will III et at the •• y tb.l will uu! autlU ~ fU:KuUeu. O,hH ·chllul chiMreu llltantling Dear ".lIli .. u . ·1 I ril wil'",I;-I1 ~I,,'nll ilu . ,,- r>-'!o,.It'I .• • · • r Mr. \\' .JlII'1\I W:lUl'r IIU The , ... mlitiuu III' the 'Uet!IA a' uoce baSlf'ued tu " 'Ilify the

F·.r 0<:,1·" ·i\.·., ·u \ .~ ... ,. 1:.0"''''111 , . ,'I' ,'I I .. L b • II th ' d

___________________ ._~ __ .Ihouae in Philadelphia, and after many years of experience in Millinery work I feel myself -Competent to select this stock lor the increasing needs of my lady lriends. The large amount of ribbons I have sold during the holidays is proof that my stock is GOOD.

I '. ~r . II ,," 101 .. . ",.,IE,I'I .. ,; ... I~III1 ' lliv .... , It · , 1\·rUU ··, 11,1 ... "".a, r\',·u· lI!t'alllU ur (he vt'llr i •• nYlbiug u urPler u C p',u. aD • III" "I I( ,',·111 l. . I \\'1 . , io tu "ave tbem. but Wall too .1, .... ,1. T .. 11I1 .. . ·.I .. ,. I,, ' I'Iir.· .. I II .. .. :lr.! po g.... l.tap"y tl .. l w

1'.Irry. Hhl'rlotll . I i e1 111 .. iu,~~ IIU.· .. l'!':! OIf II ... )""UK r rUI .. f ~ Verlllllellt ,I,at .. uulll 'alt', ::11" iL WAI Wllh ,MB ulty that :-.. 11 .. ".1 .. , ..• . 1\.,' 10.· .... ";11 "" IIIm:." ·1 I·t."* 111. 1" ,\Ih . ul.'!: Will . he 1t~loI ill l'.t' u. I; ... l .. aile .. , tot C., Ib", wU1l1tI w-ive UI Ilv.·.1 hi .llk'if . Ihllll Ilr .. "uiDK· The

.. , HII"rl , u " .' . "1""1'" \\ ... .. OI'.tII . \in.· I. e ,.r,· r .. ", II .. f Ihe ~1. E t "111,,·11 l!ot~ .!II ..... r .. ul't" Ilf . ' 1.111;'; IIf tour ue1gb. f Iht'r i" all EU)th.llluau, au,1 hll. beta 1. IIII:a ItIM!. 1-:""", ,.,. hlllOl .. I .... 1 Win· u x. F:ll iar ,\"t· lIill~ . burlllg t wut. Euuu)Cb LIZ" .re' p8id iu lbi. I."UUllt/), but a ft'w ytoa". B, ,h '" "h •. I.·!'. !ll · rlll~ r .. lI, I ~ :"'.. .. I ' L' .... in tile I ul,I"y"r tbt-Kaic:kerbock.r

~Ir .1111 ~fr,. . U"" •. ltit:atr,lu, lac I Yair I,. "" tar III ma .. luK Fur ,",'111. 1\' .; r·· .111 1 .. ,"!!t'"l'I"" C·"III. · , h' I 11."1: (Alm"I&IIY. Buth budi ••• te ,..

lu iu!!"" I,,·rllllt·, :1 1II1I1I1h '1i' "lilk rn ,lII Hltckiuuck, whu lIavt' lk"t'u It a .liog IUffit 01 I .. "IWO • P e&lure cuvere.J IOOU .,ter, .ud a burial ~. III:ui ,, " rowk" I.ite. 1·"IUI~tII. • f .. v.· .. 1IIy. v.·jlh ~I·. allil ) n . W. traVeNe. A Ilecldrtl .tanll . , .

a '1 bib lu be l.kt'o io tbeee malten mit · •.• • furailhfd b, Corooe; . Fur :0\.;11 ... tiue 1001.!itI x 1a..1 fill (I.rlit'111 alUl luU, ave: rf'lLr e ome. \Vorlh.

aVt"lIut' IIt'1ir ~I--Irill~ liJtr.It'1l r<1rt"t'1. IkIlIlh CI.ytuti Cuurow of t.hi. loog. _hie.l·hrall . . \l'l'lr to 1I1,,,":mll'llrry. h •• I~u .JlPlli UI~1 I. memher I r At lbe meetiug of Lbe A bie water

An" IUlt! '" ililtil1~ ~t~al)!~'e &I.,ts&j.:~ Ilr Stale Cowruiuce ou Roadl bv the Building UIOCiltiOO 00 ltfooda, rapacit, of ::.~:~~-~.;.j.~;;~~; It'a ' lp'l~ 1~11 till ChaRi'!' till' bntcht'r 115 ecutive t.'fIwmitlee uf the State Hoard ioa: ameod a loud n W Hr'l&d IItret't, lUI ht' is Iht' only Ilnt' . I I 800r Ihat lIan,lIl"'!i il. of Agracu ture. :be' M.~~iio.

t-'or lent.-S room hou .. :~I Berkla), The revivallel.icel bue beeo 000'

A,·e. Allll1)' 10 E •. \. ~I~za:ar 4th and tiDuN iu tbe MethDLIilt church wiLh r~~~1:~:~I~~t~~~~~~~§~:~,~~ Cinualllin!'nn. !lUcc..'eII. Extra aenicet will probab· Have \' ''11 lri~l St',·\)trt'. ~101U8eS I)' be held at the \Veat Palmyra Mi ..

' ·aoJ,'" . . . iuu duriog otxt week. Fraok th I . 'd' II d M &10001' e emp OJeJ, • llorri. UeshHl. ,llai n anJ Ilecorath'e ,'I,. Ed".rd F"DD~D b .. L ___ .Ice-ptell eo.., ne. 0 ce. an r. . h I

d " ~ G HI'" f h proporlloa of w om are gir .. • J. per han~~t. t-'VO MIt an . lIonu't' an' elecled IeCfetary or tbe eat Palmyra ISO • . • '1" I&geUl WU 00' 0 t • aew h ' Id peel Palmyra. Unh.·1"11 hy mail prllwptlY'I· I di, .... ,to,~. Very fa.orable commeou l ere .... WI .tam e tD pt out h!mlteJ Jv. 10 I; tr M. E. Mia ioo in pl"C'e of Mr. Frank wu allO beard for 'he wcretary. Air. of .be way of th. .attr. Tb. eo-

Clark, tlecliurd. Mi. GtrLie Megiuo, R. L Temple, cideo\ w,", aau-.ed ~ the water (ffa· Lt>gilllJ,'1I, .1 .. mlller l'll~. kDee 11II11f'· I I ,_,. .

Creamery Butter,. The quality of which is the ftnest and the p,ice of which i. mod· erate is something to be appcciated in these times when fine but­ter is scarce. This butter is not printed but we guarantee to give y.0u sixteen ounces to a pound and at the same time give you a :liutter that i. not excelled by the finest print butter sold in the

.. 'place 'at 11 much higher price. 37C PER Lil.

Smoked Salmon 'In ftne large pieces makes a most excellent dish for those who il! fish. It is packed !'SptCiaJly for the fine grocery trade :.114 ",.;u·pleasc those of.particular· taste. 2SC pound.

Bloaters Of goOd.' fair size. fin~ and fat and nicely sugar cured are in stock. For a breakfast dish you will enjoy them. 3 for 10 cents.

Extta Shore No.1 Mackerel iurant,' "1'I."He I.di .... · all;) chilJreu', tol wu a lk) e t!C'-OU OrgaOlit. in, and hunuDg e tank. '''p'. eh· .. krfit lu utllE'r. S:.lO l1nDlllllil1' A cup uf co~ee ma,l~ from tbe Java I • , CharlN 8cbarrio ....... Ulto, a Fat and juicy and with beautirul white meat, weighing &om .an averlllt'. HlIOtr. .1111 Mochl .• 1h.1 b, H. K. D .. J. ,', Y " CAN L 6- I/ Ib t <Lib --_L'n th · fth b

"""" • M. • • plumber 01 ." .... c:arried~':~~;~ I 174 • 0 I,. s. ....... WI meet e requIrements 0 ose w . 0 I.ota rllr·. j(i&t' .;0 :l 1;,0. ,· .. rllelll ;5 calculltt'li lu Illalee fUU leel tbal yo. Tb ., '11 be b Id bth L t etbi fi' tho I' W --'I th 8 S · I I I , ,, f U U • mootlDg .or m •• ",. • D.p • tall. o. wan som ng extra ne m IS me. e"", em at 1 x ISU. • I\~ \ . l'loath illiCIt I II A. n .. lire drioleiu" "coff~ lbat i. cuffee to

uet.r . ·NI Palul~' ra .tali"'n. Trrlll. tt'a e iD the AlIOCi.tioo roolDl, 11 aDll 13 aad cau.ed. an cents pound .onable. .\ lJIlh· In .. "'IIt'r 1111 til" 1'tf!lUi. It i. uf ucd.t.ot Itft'"ogtb and 8avor. Edt Broad Itreet. &o-morrow cl"thiiDg wat bur~ed. off. . w., .\ Ibert Wall.;v. 11110 tr A KreltlDloy peuple .re oot awa~ OOOD at 4.16. Rn. C. W. Nevio .ill uo hil beed BONELESS HERRING in boxes at I.S cents.

Al1wh.rJiIi rur salt'. !\I ra. It .... ;].,"'.1 wb .. L . L Bowmlu the candidate for be tbe 'pH.kfr. The cum bided cboinl ..... ,>M (rom Lbe blador .III,oa;pb,.re I Thowu a'~nll~. Hin·rluli. Juslice oflhe Peace is. He bat beeo ofChriat P. E. Church. Rinrtoo,.od room. The pb,liciaa. Cottolene is slipping into the good graces of the most particular cooks.

" e II.' e lite tin~t dletolnlll Irviog in Palm,ra lor oelrly leno Cbnlt P. E. Cbun::h, Palm,ra. Dum· ma,, the market. I.luye .Ite. rl't'e (rum d b .- I L' I E her' bo 30 I . '11 &lllI lI irt. Otlit'r 8itH of ''OIl ur yean aD U....:cO C erli.lag or 10K'. ut wa e VHICft WI rea- Seri,t\U It'&u bave OCCUM c1 .. Quality. So,,' il the tim!! to put W. Slager. tbe dlUgviJl. dfr a oumber of wlec:tioDi. Enry two teIUl'oin. oDe.t CIiDtoD iD l our winter 1',.1. Lene ~In!er wilh Mi. l"onrol.~ o( &ucher. N. J .. mn weloome. SeaLl free. olh~r .t Oak Ridge, io &he P._i.1 t.1nllJ. 0.\: U~all. Thlllll'" Bn"IA.. lth·t'r· wbile .,i!lilitiog ber Iilter, Mn. CapL Board of maDaaen meetiog MUD- .atenbed; wbich were CO,",, oct ... tuo. 9,;tr Gracey, tell, recei.iog aerioul iaiurlf!ll day neniag, E.e" member pltue Lbe Dew water

J Ofk'ph L Likinll, Ju.l i.·! wbich.i11 con6ae ber to, the bOUle he p ..... DC Tb.I_ ...... ditO, .. ored l'ownll.iuller III l>eet.1~. RNI Eatale .\~Ilt . 1I0n~ for 80rue time. Mi. Con,." it well Bible uaiuiag' cl ... net, Sund., 00 Frida, !Deb • 1arce anJ oth.r 1.-oIlt!'Clion&. &:.: knowa in PalmYIL morniag .t 9 o'clock. .a\er wu erapiDJE tbat Iqut>dutt

Onlt'l"II ~"t'i,·....t ror 1'0&1 car Mr. Charlet P. Baker -came home Y. M. C. A.Cox.nuD,l89!. ci.11 were imrurmed:


:SOlllething New. I;\tll Morton.\: llainetl, Patry P.O.. ou Tut!ilday eveoiog and will euler Job V R' J f 1>.dlre,n1er l ~ "ro I 'I ~'" E .. •• : 101. W. Wiaham, Jam.. u . 'co; . r~ 0 ~ ·,1' h~ve add-~ to ~ ,.- van·eti·~· of flour. a fancy brand called

,... ......... , fI' anI '" l.P' 0 unnn tbe dutit:l of bit Dew jfuitiOD io FoJ'f'Mter. C. F. 5Ieepo'. ParL o"~'-Io .1__ it cu """:".1 .... &"'" ~ mo.rlpJ..'eL .\150 inlursnt."e r- a, A r -" _. the !'New Centwy." which 1 retail at 43 and 8Se. per bag. We con-Ic. b)' 6rt"1. torn&liQell anJ ,·\·"10,, .. 1 Philldelphia al ooce. is large Religioua : Jame. FotTelte:r. M . W. da, out week. The m.cbii" placeJ in riral~'I&!lIJ '''lmltl.ni_ aurubt'r of Iquaintaal"ft will be pleu- Wlaham. S. Tbompeoo Sr. Wm. Ru,i· ,uuug iD.enl.or'l lateoot pat.eot tinue to sell Hopkin's Hungarian and Peacemaker Brands @ 43 and ~Ie, bJllrlpl."Im. real ~tale . nJ . etl to kDOW lbat be will be .10001' u. dUF.~t!'"ri.'f~:::; D. A. JrtacCuroIl •• iIl auain double tbe lpeed ot SSe. ·per bag; and Gilt Edge @ 40 and 78c. per bag • .

almyra. agaia. M. W, wWwn, Juua 8&raab. B. W. otber macbiae io uilteaCt. 1'he )Ira. B. T Glenn, leacher or piano. Tb W P I M E. S d B-L E. D Collo '11 be '. ___ J b D Gaul' ~~I~~~ • eot • my- ••• y ~.r. . m. ., ",_, r. .nw. D_.~_. o ...... n &aJ .oral IIIt1lli ... Thowas a"~Due ,. . D_ ' F ~_L_-e1 JR...... - .u--. __

Ri~;rtoll. .;chool it meetiag Wilb 1U0CIII. Tbert' ·~pliHODE: . "'"'I B..E.~ F! • . E.~"B.' .~DLor of lbt oeJebraled ~uJi.g Gatt .. ,. ~ CIJo ....... u.. ... oIoL II 1iI1ud_ IOMII_~'"

R. L. T~mple. ('ommi.ioner o( were .neota.'U echola,. ia aUeoduce D!';.' s. I. t"&U, oaepD, aDd "0, odter Dotablet. ~~.~~~~~":,,, --1.leeJ .. Dt:N.. and Dlort~ , .. rerull), IUl Suo,l.,. It it the iateotioo til [1If'ilatioa.: C. F. Sleeper, 8. Tbom~ •

10 ... -.. o ~aUIIa Ia Tuo"" '00. t ..... Otctoa II

Jra .. n. aeeure a .mill lib~ 1000. Mr. fOD Jr .. H. K. Read, A. Rodman, GeO. A ciYillClit I"'w ou\ of tne Ur. Chu. earl Petenoo will preac!1 there nut Holbrook. Buk clefalcatioa oa Friiday;1

Fourth anJ )tutpD Suoday afternooa .t 3.45 p m. <!t~o=wa.: s. Thompmn Jr. W. R. .cUoo 'for dam.,,.. J' I II G , . Bu , R. A. Gibetloo, A. Weetaey. eli Tb

laud.".po .. "Ionino. n. . . rre ~ 0 .. my· b"'!Y" T. BID ... I. . . 'InL • • -

tiIr... : r. PIaa".,... ~ .. JO.I .... SOL ... -.. '-1 .... ' ...... -. _Ik.,..-. "'v, . .." M J G Go t· f W t Pal U DID H Wri h I i;Ji:~~th' ·recto... • ... t

ial auJ &e.ltinK Ollt ra who bas ~o mtiace be,ore Cbri.·- McMillen, J . S. HofFman. E. D. ())I, by Fredertek S. PUke, uruaOl~l1tal ttee! : al 80 hol"8f'fl an,1 ma. W~I ODl oa Muaday for Lb. 6nt, of Freehold, ~;~E~~!r~: 10 hire aad mo\"ini,"l to and rrom aad II lOOn U lb. it wt'll eoougb to estate, .bieb

cit.)'. truel .he will lean for Flondal'~~I~~~~~~~~:~. ~ T-. WiJ&oD

:0 ..... 11,10 ... 1 ... =-. ~ .. MIIIk. .. WIWio_n .. _ .... _. _~

L. f60.a-..... lO __ Uo._-. . J. K Brakt'r, whert .he will remain a mou&.h or 'fI!.e cha.rKe it " .,~~i!-~'

.iDJO" .hade. mort'. lipoOl OD tbe _rt of &.be 18 w •• dlJ.-da_ . -.. a'" ....... It ot~"'_Ooaby_

Le.'ODeya,·enlle falling $0 eeeare a b60d troa A. Jianl Rtlhmlan, "alchmaker InJ b ~hl" :-;"be~~11 rtqUfll-Ll~' 10 "'othLhat Bill after IUIpt'cion .u

j.wel.r. 5th and CinnaminlOn leu nol un:.O • "otet 10 an, er W. C. T. U. ~ca;DI& hi. it &be hlmyra, X. J. stale thaa Nt"w Jerte1 for.nraJ Th. auhjec:t of chaop Df HIli. wbo robbed·.tbe

lr ),Oll . ·ant &D)'thina- iD the real )' an, and b.t betD a retidtbt uf Lbil 1116i!\ing La aecomodase Lbe _",,..Ilfn ' ~:;;··b~:: I late line c .. l1 0 0 I-~. Bladtbum. <.:om. &owD!'hip Detl~IJ I. lear. Be Lbiuka ohh. PftlbyteriaD Sewiag Buk. While the D. mi.ione'r or Deecla an,1 SOlary I"",'hlic. th~ "hn alarted the report lbat beeb JettJed h,ILbe Guild ~"'.lr!'JF Iwhicb ron.erl, .... "N:~:::'Ji :lSI Weat HroaJ Itreet, i'almyra. WU:l aun-l"t3ilTent .re at. Ia. their UIH of meetiog, ~ DOt rrquired b, Lbe

PianOla tuned &atl re.-,irel. allO Jea· U'KumeOf. U . • iII tberetore coalioue to I.,... but ft. b, 'be ler in pianOl anJ Of'Jt&.DL Will iaUi nartd aft Jamea_,. Buk, &be qall&iOD it ope-

"'1iao4!" ~ ... - COubylaa. a.. ... ,C!l.,.... 10, 15 &lid lie.

Don't forget to give me a call • .


~wyer, l1t!S S. Sth St .. Ph ila.Jelvhla . The fullowio, ita 'corrected Ii.; a, erDOOO to the liabilit, of the dirfdora. "' .. , ....... for lb. 189'~ n. proaWeat,.,. '- .iII SAMUEL H FRENCH '" ( 0 Faabionable dreamating ... :to l.'in· b • I h' h '11 be • the· d' th : .. ".---~, ••

uamiDPOn annue, Cnlling and liuinK YCIC e • Ie 'Itt 11• ea .t meetlogt unal e Liut. Puker •• -' 9, ' ..... L-Le • . J ., •• pociaIly. m'Dagon 01 tho to tb ..... ":,,,_O , the preoideaL ... ~ ......

th t t be f _.- " be ~~b, _~=OG. ~ ~. ~ " ... iT 400-.... -.:... ... A. ' -e., '1:10 - .... 1.. and CaUowhill Sta., See m,. liator hOaaelanJ lotI! ror .le. e grea eI num r 0 ......... : The nez' ~ .Ul m. .... _~ &.Iltl ___ __ .A,..,- ' 3: I u.r..u. R. L T.mpl .. "'u_ Reol £.1.,. Cb.rl .. I ·. Barcua, &.. •• 1 the M. E. Panon._ and "0 ..... "

d I ~I Ed I S L Li I ~- d- .ad abe ,,-oald_ ba .. an Dlorance. n myra. wan too .. er. aco :w1 .iII be &.he IUbject, .beo each bd-h.d Dot ber , o1 .... tiller

PI •• '"

and IV .. Fich'", her ia •• peded 10 learq ••• ne ,,,ith •• d Eli Wella, Jflt ..... 10 1Ieraid. The prill! Mi.l tu:chre part, mel tJu.t .0rJ ia iL AI i' WU. abe .. arm ·aa. (or a

at ,b ..... 1.0 .. ofM ... T V. McCordy .About 11\, :hil~.... ..... ro ... I.a'ea bat It .... f .. rriPt OD (''iD .. miD .. D ... D.O lut Sot.,day at tha _.g or the [" .. 1 u abe did D?t '" ber .Had • .a.r oiKht. Th. I,lii" 6,.· priae .1 . ..00 141t Moad.,. to liltea to -&Jte 1fI.tN'. by Mn Ml.oUunly au'llbegeotlemeo', li"e I~ .hich it ia boped ---_ .... ~:....:.'--by Mr. E. 1>. M ... ~ar. AI .... W. D . ..... planW that ill boor .. ueh Walkt'r .a. ,"*vutAe:Ul wilb tb" buoby. Fue re·reabmt.'ulll Wl;';~ 118:"...d.

All iuci,lt:ut uceur~1 00 the IlIetI!ll :~;~~~~~r~~~~;~~~ Ihi. w·t!::k wbich .1.",t'I ftMtUUUII. Ou· of lbt' publi: ICbool teaC"bftl •• ~me uhjf'tliuuable .ctioD' ot nFi ;::"-".

flf tbe ICb' lOl cbiltlreu towanlt Ler. aear the atatiuD. She .iou •• tbe, walbd aloag, to bim a bttkr ... , .Dd illlLall ia • mote tUn I, .pinl. P«hapa it ma, be truthrolly &aid that aume tobouI

ban D'l int.rat iD &Hir Ncb .eli ..... we ba .. --.' ~_ .. Il0l<'''';1:

I~:;~i:~~::,~ • beuor cJ.. ...... ~UI I t ill oat tchooIo.

pH I I.AD:&JJ:...PH A

Paln!ers' aDd Bul~' Supplies, Peerless Colors AIr .ortar,

Slate .anlels. Grates F1reb1c1ll,lIId Tiles,

EmboSSed. Leaded. Cathedral and CbrJsmatlc GIISS. Onwilelllal Plaster Work.

CrctWll ReadJ .Iud hints. CellltIlls, Plaster. Hair; EIc.


::b.4:RS. ::b.4:. P. SPA. YD. Broad St., opposite Station. Palmyra, N. J.

P. 8.-W'I'" d.uar o.t oa.r.t r.1t bab III 601.

JOHN' E. MORTON [Form.rly of.Pblladeiphio.]




VONDERBM ITH, 623 CiDnamtDlOD AyeDD" Palmyra, N. J.

Oabin_ 12.00 per DoseD.


STRICTLY FIRST· cLAss MIT.!. WORK. w • ..,. pnpand .. gem""'" ~,.1. all kIDdIotMrd. ......... W. II s,.o.IaI._- to """ MIIdIq, loOak, -. ........ ~ ..... -lola, __ ...m.... 1anl ... JtaMlltonU.~

w. u.o..-rJ' a talIllD. of "Ill&. plae ... Wl ..... doors, _ ...... bl.bMk".. W. lana. JOIl to GallI'" OQJ' II&cU., ... write _ .,. eI&I..... 8pec.ialWOl'k iIaI.IftnIl ~ .....

OTnca.&Jna P.lcroaT.


E. W. STAGER, 19 'W'. Broad Street, PalJnyr~ N. J ••


J4El)I~ AND OR Br.uO~, Fancy & Toilet Articles. Sponges. Brushes. Perfumery. &C • .... f 111 ... .......

PIo~_~= ........ ----.......... o.._ot ._pIaOt,_ ........ MIlot ....... .-nIT. .

Soda 'W'ater. Choice Flavo ....

pI. A NING ::b.4:ILL, ·

Sash Faotory and Lumber Yards, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, ' SHU'fliERS,

MOULDING, ETC4 ETC .. 1 .. ' .................. IIDeII:- ........ ou .. _ .... _ .... .....,. ... '· ............... '

iffit5i~:g~5iiiR 0.. EVU,Y D!!!!CRIPrIOIi • Iw................ 'J'_~:....::i ....... --...UOaIdM ......

LUMBER COMPANY -nOH AJm .", .. ·L ~ nAyp ..... J.

~'"'" ~~. middle, wbm it iii but a few milel l WI. ·'140 ~ kDo'; wbl. bat your rortune wid~, but .uffered fr,ghUullT th.:re.

fricbtem me: it dMtro)'l all 01U' plain&.: Ily tlay l'4.mts or lbt"ir u~ullJer "What doee tbat matter!'" Tbeodotf' UllOtt III.: lIurulu~ aliDlI. u ' nr tu I ST AI R ~ "TbaDb to 1D1 richea. ft rit~ ·' .llr\· J'"~ "t'ft ,'04, Wtd: til l


CIIA DOW ro to Paris aDd live iD o~ 01 ht'l .. Iht' lalltll. &lIoa-aia.l p&laceL M fhe .'r JUsnl .,1 due wi,ult .... tv 1>.-1:lw:ltt' A \ ' ''1111 ... ro-lIr W .. >I1 J.,....~.

"Ob.,l thould baTe preferred ow:d-.r wa" ~t'IV"~" l.ult' .. ht'. lin~l. "II" I 1I,")I .. l. I;..,IIII ..... , ~ . .... ~ bOQ.l&--()urt:r"eellLDd our clreamtd ball \. ... IU~ u l 'uh.r04\lu aU . ~u' l l 1: .. ", .h·ll\· , . .11:,. ;-: ' . alII ~Ir. .. ' . ot bappiDeu-w all the t-1

aoe1 &ad "'bu ;I.arrd ._itb In!r bI",1 1.1 1 ur, r1cMa in \b ... odd.r • • . • •• I aU11 "IU~ )t'all ul as.: 11I.t H.tlr Theodore went to PariI to .... the I ,,·ril, •• ble IralUI' III UUn: buu\h~ aU"a. Ib",1 Ihlll-. S.w.II.O .... 'UI,I Ibolll"I """ t-', .. ~er. buttbelatter wuablent Iii.: Ihrt't' "t~ka .11.: : .11 l"'dloOnl.r. aDd would not retUJ'D for eigbt or tea hll ht"r albleltc hu.baLUI frulll ~ d.aya. So beemplo~'ed the lime in look · 1ft ul"l • vI'II IUUrLll1 i. awl '1""'1) tDcrora.plendid 'IOIUe aDd hlula II." u. w,!J~. lklllie LI! ,,'oj,null C. F. COX, . aDd. omamtnt. to COlTeIJIODd. Be .t.ud. Sbt" gavt" br p tu .aal.:d . 00_ •• 1. I,..IIIW ,'ille lir~l • •• IJ'"illinlol: ordered a cr.niar. and a pair or mapiti. I' I , •.• ' u •.. giaul' .IIY uU !: " ". lUW. a rW tuu .. ua Wdls ~\: !'Ott"t!hllllll'lIllnrl;!. ::~~: o~~-=o!:Wl:~~ehW bbe.l.od'.'.I..'uuhl hut' !tILed ht'r wltb liD.: FRESH MEArrS. bad DOt troubled themael'f'et about

Wbtn be t'0tuec1 tbe drawiD,g roOJ.D At la.t t.he It''' luniVIJr. CI~ Jail MDie caUMd ale'Dl&tion and people tbe rauKI! _ hicb ,but ,,0 lhaL WUllt calked at the immellMl rol'tD..lle be bad I.f dli.:rll troJtu Ibl! ¥,ut.ieu 01

Onter" l.ke1, ,,,11.1 deli "en"" Wid" ut'r,. JI:-- uet'fil Muuo.l",..

ma4e iD the euL .. urJd •• ud W'ft: ltudt'rly uullit!tl Be .. .., well receind 8Vtv')"'tlrbent. bt'lilb "l tht: liacieuda, ur raticb _ Dental Institute, Kot.ben tried to att1'act him ror thair hUUlie, uf .. C .• UlU, ~.UI.,.tI . Mr.

4aa&btera. and the ' daugbten dl!Cid~ lirler hi. lolt tlUt: buullrt:'1 ""uulla that he .... 'f'err e1icible.. in .. .:iJlbt, aOlt tl.e !ltbel'll lhiu III

Pont Alma .... t'1lJ1D.iD& ~ we riIkI IV I bit t-ot beiDa' · rorgotten. Bowe'f'er. thottlr Jlrupurti,lII. htu I!a~ ltD III t' afte:r1ra.rd the t .. o lonn, OOW bDlt.Dd •• l' a IIlti maa lit kVt' t', aDd. wite •. were tiring in the aame IjuJe cbrt!1 f Ii .ucl ,,·'tn. hUL· witb drauK': tao.. or which Alma bad 10 ottea iU' hi, ' lace tu l~ll uf Woel!

liSl Girani "'·e .• Pbllad@lpbll. .

f.:II'a:antardflclal Teelh l...erted ft'O"'I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 sa to $15 per Set .. ....... ~ AUll.~tI'CTEIU·:U.

KIIU,.ueIIln&' a,u,! uep«lrlur. Teelllluaer\elJ. u\,@rr'Ol,ola.. .... 11I1H1 ext.n.c:Uon aad ·

"'IIUnr al$~laltJ'.

4naaed.. luU.rwK'" Hit beruic liltl~ ... 'till ji'iUM, ud lbe boy.

I ad bad ,ueb a bl~ter t:lJ-erituce • • • • • W'bn the ooart jeweler e.samiDed

TModon·adi·.,....d, be sd: "l' it til admirablel Howey ...

40 DOC wUb to ~ it. ror I

II pt'rbal.·no otber lIny' eY, r tUrYivrd, are ouw " .. I.arl rDt'u.-C. F. LUI,,",. i. Feltrwry St. N"teMUu. -.-

SU tITUUI-Nl'tO. nn. PAY!'lTt-:H., Huu~Lm.lo"p.m .


CARPENTER, 4eaJ. ill ralle stones. Tb.i.a is a spleDdid imitation, and it will oot be dilIlco..1t ror 70D to leU iL Any jeweller will gin you ten tranCl tor it."

A J~W.SH WED'DING. . Palwy", S. J. . . b 8 r h .IOUlllNG .4 SI'KClAl.T.V.

With those leu tra.oca Theodof'@ ..... able .0 regain Ha'ft'e OIl root. There br rortunately tound. a position with I .w..,. or 2.500 fnuleaa rev. &ad shortly afterward be and Anna were married. -Tnw..alatal trom the Spanisb of Marl. del Pilar tiinnea by E. J. FaguodDl tor

AdwiulIuu ~I t t: ' .. 't t., t e. ,,1111• ".0,'''' :t.ltl. a,.ttl, .. r.; """1"1" A.,.

gnlue i. hy t., .. rtI, 10 tbe ~ Il!nf'tll Jy rnor. The reafliuJL-dt:-k 1111 the Du"t i, en" .. """ h, ,he "chUI'pah,'" r rullr· rlt~e b>thllt"hihU. It colI"i.11I uf IilUr Can you see well? ,h:lidl:r .,.1Il1J tUI'I" ftiug I Cliver III rich I} fi)!UHd pill;. with wUllivt: ".lIu 1 Iri,,~ee. On tau Ii ,iii .. , t'lC'f'I'1 the t'aa~ It'rn, if au arch lit ,millx, t"\· .. rgre. III'.

Have you h .. .adacht:? Bamaoce. . 00 your eyes hllrt you?

. prv_d.r nelr 8LalH.

"BaTe yon e'f'et llotk-ed how people frc:a tba clUl'ueot p&l1a or the 1..'OW31r'J

recilt.err' wed a botel mao ye!\terday. "Kentucky and TUM people. tor in· AU:ict, ban a peculiarity all their own. Tbey register simply rrom S:.OlUck] Tuu ... it it wad@ 00 di4erence

Iud ,.. ~,111 . U .. lu:rl! .te ill bllck fr"c.~ I . ( '''S~la:T

.uiu-,nd ".nr bigh II!llk ha'". AI il lOUEEN & CO p. n'. t.b lUll aD retller of tbe ''tlll~r.· • gatiun elIIUt.! Ih·· p'1!m or .)0 • • ~, iDIl ill lIehrt'w, lu .. hu'h I'II1IH,II'" -~ MAHKET !nHEKl. Ulade by. I ... ill~lllillir ill Ihe Nur. the minisil r;o, ,·hier .. bolll i, the "t'IIt'uhle rllbt'r III'

IfHrt'nd rrom th .. pltAlh,rul ami 'PI 'I1II(!h tht' dour I .. the bridll.l pro,. ct. .. illll enIP,... ltf.turuiuK t.. pl"<.'eII witttiu thl: cbuppath. tbey are follilwol by tilt' hrill.g IIU'll. lIupport;uK hi" D1'lIht'r nu hi. arm. Thp "ride lui . In.1I aC"!OmpaDied by bt'r lUutbt!r. brl,lher alld In old nurte. ,,1m. like thll8euf'l er nee in t .: Wen ludiet', iii Ilihbllll io IOlidt"u, allt'ndaot'e tu tbe lUI. E;~ht Iiule "hildrt'II, ~'\lu,io, , tbe brlrlt, bearin~ hbkell IIf OU \ .:".,

come Jut. Pure white •• tio is tbe drell of tht'

Ildy. who il coveN.'d witb a dilpba.



I!I\· I::RTOS. S . J .

ll."'ciu .... lhllic Iud Hook. 01 F.nry Ot-.. rti l"ioll noua.1 tA Qn'.r .

GOOII Wurklllllllabi , •• GooJ )"Ieria.l~, "'ai, Chlt¥t"".

pan ot tbe litate they are from. jOlt eo theT go down OD the register &II Ken· \Uckiam or It 1000 a Uttlt', though. to ~'A. B. JOOH, Ky .• ' or ·X. \" . Smith. Tu.u.· but lOch m.cnptiODS tLf'.: Iit'eD e\'ery day. Some­simes Messnl. Smith and Jones. or Teua aDd Kt'ntDd.y. inac.ribe their couoty. There I.s IOml!thing arutocratic about t.b.iI; it coo\'e,... II. IOrt or idea that Mr. JDOeI. or Kf"Dtucky, is alegillator. or at MIt 10 wen lmoW'n in bb conoty that. Mae adclreu to him in bis COUDty would be sent directly to bis ancestral bome, aDd. that . Mr. Swith. of Teua.ownl au .. tire county, perbapa, and a letter llent 10 that county could DOt poasibly go 1.0 aDT ODe ebe." -K&D8U (''ity Timet..

~ .. u .. d. rro. Vol_ .... DOU!! veil. and carriet a bouquet rr "ou w:.nt 11111 Roob Boual) aenll w@ a Sowell. Face to race .ilh I be bride- ' t'OKt.1 Card. . .

Is: 11 frequently ob6eM"ed that lOUle of ....... tleatructi"e and rearful Bl'eu. del of uature areal tbe aame time !a,·i. h t:a .&beir gi.tta ror th@ bendt or man. A Tok:azIO ~lDI lh@ \'ery penonification 01 the po .. er or de\"Utatlon. and yet..c. cordiu.g to iu\'eatigatioDi it &eelDI prot.­Ulle that w" may owe our possetItduu of &.be gem that baa io e\'t~ry age dauled tbI imaginatiOD more tb.a.n any otber, tbI dia.moud. to the productive enercr 01 ToIc&DoeL-Youth·s Companion.

gro m, ,be .laudl compowdl,. 'II'hile ,be rilual iI .. ad. Tbe 6 ... cup of --....:..------­

n. Bo, &tcap.4..

Bmt1e-J bad a grHt DOtiOU to Illy boy ror Kelling w the bottom or aqrapby .lau lDday.

OOOIetr&lt!Ci wiDe, 10 be alip~'I!d by groom IDd bride, i, theD pretCDted. If the oblisraLioDi of matrimouy are DOt DO" uDderstood b, tbe happy pair, it il DOt tbe fault of nfficiating rabbi. wbOle loog but lterl iug addl'!'U io Eogli! b i, puoctuated b, apt Hebre. quotatioDL Wifely aDd bU.~Ddl, duueI are eet forth • itb great force aDd preciaioD. officiatiDg miDillter tben taltet a gllSa of wiue iD hit blDd aDd proDouOcel tbe It'ven pre~ribed beuediction .. Bridegroom aDd bride lute Lbe wiDe,





ra"""'" and Shoes . l'IIIkIo-Why ollila 'I you1 ~We.U. be put lOme or tb.

qaemon. to me that tbe teacher put klm. aDd M 1 oouldn't &D8'fet' one or 'IID 11M bim go and licked tbe ten.cher. -Good NeW&

and Ibua " mbol ze par.icipa.iuD in TOWN & BROTH ER, jO,1 aDd paiol of earth I, life.

----Wi,.. .. P'I .... n ......

Wirea as fWe &II a blUDaD bair-.OO:J btda ill diameter-and eYl!D finer. can be paced by instrumenll tenned "micro-1DI&era." • These tmtrumeou are beauti. foI pIeoeo of wwlallaDObip.-lUchaol. calN __

Tbe .Mlling-rio&-plaiD and uo· adnro'ed, al the emblem (If .imple COo teDtmeot, perftCtly rouDded, U ligoi . f,iog coocord in eDdleu uoioo-i. pllc.d on tbe bride'l 6uger' by the croom, with Ihe wonl •• "lkhlll.d tlll,u art conteCrated uoli, m! by thll ,,~ording In tbe law of MOM'I and I.ratl." lkadiug the ··Kalbuba l , •• •

or contract • . ll!! turwUlalt>i1 ' . , by the r.lhert, i, orniued, Ii" lhe

THE FAMOUS DEATH VALLEY ~ufficieDt rf'llUn that it h ... alrt'ady OF CALIFORNIA. beeo luu.cribed in private. Nn"

Tbe mort fatally famoua part of cumee au iuteruun: .,eifuJ:mtLnoe ou a ... """erioaD IlMert iI Doalb lb. part uflb. D.wl, w«ldeO hu ·b.n~ ley. in California. There i, OD The gublet from wbich ht! aotl hil Ilobe DO otber 'pOI more forbiddiDg.1 wif" have drunk il depDIiterl 00 tbe more detOlate. more deadly. It 8uor. aDd by biJ foot i. crulbe-t iowa C!ODeeotratioo of tbe borror. of thoUIIDd fragmeutl, and tbat witb a wbole bideou. area; aDd it bu a vim tbat 'pMka elnqueotl, of nit ter bialary. reeolve to put bit Joot 00 any and all

ODe uf the mOIL inlerettiog and evil, that may eolfor .. he family circle gnpbic Itorier I ever Ji.tteoed to uotil death Ibauen iL The fiRt It:. that related to UDder th:: Dew relatioD i. tben ghren, by ODe of the tbe bridegr-:oru offen his arm to hi, Deash VaUe, 'POUIe. and wilh a proud air of :e-J. W. Brier, lpon,ibtlity leMa! the "miok yoke-cJ~rlJma.o DO. fdlow from cbuppab tn entrance l .ud A PUtl of five tbence home to tbo weddinr fd.lL-,w&ed 00 welut Froa 1~ JeuJI in NeVJ York. in tAe 1849. from lb. F......, 0enJurv. to Croll the ddUt to the, tbeD --- -~---milH!'.l of CaJiforaia. There.ere EFPKCT OF THE GULF STREAM. hUDdred and fin C'&Dv"'&OpPf',l The question il often uketl:" Til wagoDl, d,."D b, Iturdy 'JUll, be- w' at tsteDt dt~ lbe Gull Stream • ide which trudged the abacgy modif" the c1imase of tb t' Unit ... 1 riSe iD band, while under the Stsleir To iLiluppnaeerl erratil: i1:uve awoiDgl rode tbe .0meD and cbiild"eu.1 "leoLl i, laid tbe hlame of every '.~ fa I Ibort lime tbere w .. d Durm.1 IetLfOu. Tbt:fe i, evert evi. npioioD .. La ,be proper :-out8 dfll(''e that tbe Gulf Stream. if ~ut'eru. tbat path_ .... 14 iu f'l'Wlt; erI a ~ute.l, by la. iD all it.! cluwg""'. day &1Ie "agoDl aud tbeir The enu"", drrough Ihe ~In iI with.

712 JunKET STREET, aad '"7 CHE.~TXt:T Sf. (Cor. J5111~




Tmatm811t by IN1LlliTiON 1529 Arch St., PhIl8da .• P8

For Coa.umpUon. AalhlDa. Bronchi· Ua. r ~~paIL raCarrh ••• 7 PeTer, Head.ache, Debltlt7, Rbp.umaUaw. Neural ... n. and all ("'''hmnle and H.-nuu. IMJIOI'derw.

Drs. STARKEY" PALEN. IA2U "."Cb S'-. Philadelphia. l'a.

1::0 ~a·.er· hC_. Hall PNnc,eon. Cal. 1'1t· .. at: lm:~I.IU .. o tlu· ! .. , ... r.

Eclectic Magazine • or . ;

Folligl LilllIlllI, IriIIU:W ~ -- . 1892.-48th YEAR .

MUstC \ I YATE:::.. '

'1'11' r.c is "mu:..ic at Y~tcs·.' · ! "specially 'in the O .. o:,cuat i. Room and ("ildren's Oepart- : ment~ The loostant hum 01'

busint:ss giv.cs a "snap" am.l a "go t!lthe whol~ e5tablishmt:nt.

The choice Clothing uf the I seasClO is upon our table.~we

to advanct: our reputation. moderatt:.prices of cOlirsP.

will also have their say. 1

I !

A. C. YATES & CO. ,

~r.13ti ~wcb;DI Stnru, .1'

PHILADI-:LpH'A. I BHt·lbde t.lothlbl' in Philadelphia.

- . ---- ";"::,


Location-Cor. Broad and darfield Avenue.


MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS Market and Eighth Streets. Camden. N. J.

Monuments. Tomb and Headstones. Granite and Marhle Coping. and Hou~e work neatly executed at Moderate Pric~. Estimates

furnished. Work cleaned and re-set


Oul7 'the very l~tll1.ll!:riall tleed antlln.elll pril:et I'hal')!al CfllUlilllt'lit wit II Jo'irlft atlu Imtt ltdinlk Won,,,nuahl},.

N'mu.f'ma bnild!n, ,,1.,18 maT be seen at my 00it.'e. tfll~itt"ll. ~n:w Pllln". l'OJ~ftrallnnl. ami ealhnltflll will he rnrniHltf'11 AI Hltnrt nolhOf'.


JOSEPH BISHOP, .uh Street :tml Gartielll Avellnt!. PIIIIIIY",. K J.

CinnalUi",w,," AVf'nne, bel" .. Bmall ~1t1'f"1 . I'nlm)·rn. N. J .

. BREAD Constantly on Hand. GJTTLIIDB ZEIGLEtt,



Giant Heaters. 1 . :-.I ·lectin!.! a Furnace for your Home it is

alway .. u ·si ... blt: [0 procure the very best that can be h " I. Tht:re art: very many good fur­nac s ill tht: market. tach h .ving its own I.oints of excellence. as to economy. durability ta..,c 01 lOanagmt:nt, &c.

Now if wc can add to these points the very csst:OIia i Sanitary features of bener Ventila­tion, and a larger Row of purt: fresh air with thp. additi0nal and very desirable point of hav­in~ a u, :act: that will not radiate heat in the .:o·I·ar. but always have a cool casing. and this WI: hout auditional cost it is certainly greatly t • Ihe .. dvantage ul the purchaser.· Allthese IJ lint~ art: combineu in our

Giant Heaters. ' ERDMAN'S COMBI~A nON RA iiJE

Is verr ne·.t .lIuJ attracth'c ill appearance, pJsitivd), nn Brick work. can b~ placed in allY pan 01 tht! I,oom. it is a sun: Maker, abundancc of H"t wdtcr. Low in price. Hun· ~ dreds ul th .. m in opcration. t:vt:ry Range warrantt:d.

It will pay you to set: this Range. :~o Mu..·ket S·._ <Ja.rnden.



'r ~, ,,,"It',.., l' ul. I,,·, .. , ( ·ili ... ·I ... fir ........ , Bil ... \ ' I:!' lr~ SI'ar.,. Jliullt! !o=l' i ti' I .. ·\ .. IM " .. dow I h:1II\·'~.)" .\\ ... ":"\ ' 1,, .... I. .... \: .. ~h .. ",..,., ""'t""."ra".

J.i:1I1\·,-, :'oi :lill' . :-il·.:k ..... Ilr "I ... '1'.10 ' '' •. ;-:11,\'" 1,, :-; .• ,01 ...... F •• ,Il". I'i ....... , IJr.I).~. U ·1t".!'O ·I·e", ... 11,_. 1:·,11 ... Hr.I' k .. ".,

l.all ·IIt"'!. E.,.


11·",k. F .. rk. ~11"\' t'I, " :'" .-\ \:". FII.·, 1I""'llet, 1I . I~ulII l! r. 111'11,1 ... ,,1. J'liller. Cbt .. 1 :11101 :-;"" 1111., •. !'OI .. \·,. "i l"' , ( '" .,1 II .. "". Bud ....... , J·,'''·'' .. r lIu,1 Sirul.

I i --~--------------------------~---------


p aOTOGRAPHERS. 206 Federal Street,

('lI.lIltlell, X. J.

Riverlon Slove and Healer Works.



Fi,f> Uri' ·"8. Urales, Walf'rl'II'ks, Stoye Pipe.f!utl.p II '''1'. \\: •..• ,'" .... r.,r teJlairinat Ito"e .


A U. HEULINGS & BRO., IU"t-: ){I'U~ AXIJ lIUVltJo;.'irUWN N. J.

Lumber, Coal and Lime, Sewer Pipe and Cement.

'WII(II."X-\l. .. : ANO]IU:r.\II ..

(lair",.,.. JU W. w. nUII,I t'rnw ', IfI"I(l!rr ~Iflf't'.

"nTefli It'n at ,tore will nct"i'te I,rullliit .

JSU. 1t.I·Alm.,. . Will. PARR'

POMONA : Nurseries. t-xrAHLldUt;O tIS'&.

A 1"IY@anll romple l!.oclt:

Fruit Tret:S. Shade Trees, 0, . namental Trees, Nut Bear

ing Trees. t-:l'Pfllrl!t'llt. nowetlncHbabbelJ'. Via ... Jar-lUI llummoth L'blNtnuta.J"PIUI WaI.D!,;1 11&,0..1,. o",nlt'll.lI.nt~ "'CflD FJo-.r..El .... ~~'"'t~~:r.:d~,.~",C"':e=~: ~.h.)~ firll,1e \·In ... f:urTanl •• lic. g •• l"1lbIOC I 'Iullel to plant Ibe Fruit aardea . or DIO 1111'''' Ihe Itura' Uonle.

Japan Malnrl1uth l..'heoolnlll. . JLI.t.:~~~I!';,gJf:kR~JV~

"W'M. PARRY_ Parry. N. J_


~ .

.. t .to reach s.o".. Fe out doubt. 8M. b. Suctuatimlll alt'

.ere dim Mexicao by day •• by mouthl. b, teUOOI. or Ity ~JtI), and the fftL yean, and tbey 110 Dot var,. matl'.tially iDto lite de.rt. The uuc from the other. III I.elDPtratuf'.: weat by way of SaDta cbanged, depeDding upon the relative

The Fort'~ M" ... ;"," tu'lhOdy the bel Ibu •• ht. Clf lb. ablat .rher. of Eclmpe. It I, aUD of lb. EJecli. ll.p.dae to Mlect aad ,.p,lat aU \he. vdcl •• ~lfb 11ft ornl .. 10 ,h. AdifticaD 'ead-,. 'nit pin 0( dI. Ed.etlr laeludes ~ /Wi,.. .. Rc.Mw. m.,n.,A"'" -. 11" __ 1'I>p<n, ... ,.

llanuflctllrPr III

Sash Factory alld Lumber Yards, ~oxes; ' Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Et BRACKETS AND SCROLL SA WING OaJuoruia in Deoember. heal of the tropical and r.lar ~OIlJ

aufleriup. The ~ and D,RDn tbe .treogth 0 the produo-eJed in oomlort for in« uade .ind.. The warm "aler 111" .-hed aboul mal be dri_ Iowanl lb •• bqno bl it. Tbea they the .avel cauledb,. rayorable wind, Tlairst; and for more but the. CUrTe;Dt rem~iD,, ' iD ill proper mODtha wa.adered 100t io plaef'. The war 11 water Rivel off a of borror. It ... almOlt certain amouDt of heat to tb, air to get. wacona t brougb a abon it, and if tbil air iI moved to the rowed .ith C&DODl; 10 thel laud we leel Lbe beaL Tbe p-.eace abaodoDeci thair .. bid., warm .Iter OD tbe cout d( Eo. whal 1b'1 oould U1P"D lb. ro ... "ould i. DO w41 mpelif, lb. eli· the I.sea. They Itroliled 00 mate if the preftlliug wiud, , ... re teriulliakea, 001,10 SDd &,bem iDltead of ,",lerl,. If the poioo,. or bal a .. i"'ll" OD .~ p....uH •• wi.~, .iD N,,,, ~IaDd ID ... da Now and III ... a _ 'priDg iD the mouDtaiDi pn them new life. ""iDter wel"fllOutbeut iDltead of.ortb· 0 .. bl oae Ib, OZID droppod. day bl \be clim"", "",Id lje eq •• 11o day tbe acaaly SIXlI" ran I"'~' HiDe or ~re lilandl, mild aDd balmy. ,ouDg .mea .ho eepa,.ted from tbe For the caUIe or abDormal teUO~ we ... ~ hoi.g olahnut!lDd .oeacumber· Th

·ed witb ra",ilioo, ...bed ' Dea&b Val. mar look In m."",,,,IOIJ· ~ CUI' 1" ahead of lb. otben, aDd ..... 1 .. 1. ~D' iI ;. iLl place .-IylO gi .. q8' .b. Their boae. were fooad maDY years be"t and moiltare to the air .hetaleyer

J,I1epUc PIli, Fol1Iac m.o., 11,.­.... 8&, m.. ~ ..... "''' __

lin' b tla,ae1a t 'III fa.

• tdIJ, Bleep' 1 I ! i .. ; Db­-... BnIa ... s,.; _W_


t::!ida&, 7'raeelI, Podrr u4 I/Mii lbrW'l 0".' .... we ba' .. a ....... \oeIt: oa ban"'. In oar . .. anroollll, n!'alJy for Irnmal'a!.e Ihlp"utl.;

WIt 1111'-1 II m: 'laW BRAODT, SOROLL WORKS. TURNINGS. ETO., n. . _ • +- llaDaraetuNd \0 order at Ibor1 DOUce by aaperior wo' IImea. AltIG deaJllnt lu Th. roll •• 0, anlb' .... or ..... or... R

'...elo:,'l:t.::;b_uUoI.'~ I'... BU I L 01 N G L U M B. E . . -AOTHORB.- .

RL Boa. W. F.OI&<bloa.. OF EVBRY DESCRIPTION. A.1tr.d.T.DO~.

Pl'Gr~ HasleTt . " LaaU,oa baDd uad ... CIOwer.weUlMIUOaeoJ ... ntJ .aIlJ a .. la ..... Proi-., "aaGalI, w ... ft • .,...\.De .... . IDaIkel...u.. •

W·J~No.:!::~ •. ,.F.L8. 'SC'UDDER LUMBER COMPANY Eo A. £onoo.. u. C. L.,

Eo ~I~ .. lI.n... no~ AIfD Plm.~ 8TIUIJITB. CAKDIUI. II .. I • I'rot. o...a,

H.ryTaJo ..

J. T.·~SE.v ..EfRNS & SONS, LOIII.DR 'DULBR8 ,..D ..... u ... C7I"Ua ... or

.. ... rnn Y FIRST· CLASS. MUJ, WORK. lalel Pl Goyenwr Bjaiad,n aDd ~iI ..... ad iI .. 'fl. "1P'" il. bUI hI ul~~:~~';,~~i~~~I'''! .un., .... who 1&'" o.~ Vall.y III tbe ermte IDOYeetente of i1e air lbitl,.·!" .. • .. a all kloda or H.d word blab. w. rt Dame. d I ered allll 05. IWqs, wood .... tel •• Th. nllelli .. ID 1a,0 COODI)', b •• aod "",illu~ "'1 be e;" ud ....c1 •• I... .

y '


• a -I lIDO ..... aod S.... a& _"pooled Ii .... aod --a.d 1~~~~~~~~~;:tSI' .". W I I "'"" ... , .. -'--';11;!:D II., 01 .IIKe III .. , ... Y'.., doria. •• u... _dt •• 1.. e BY Ie '00«. Iowidth h tapen from tbugiyeriaeto lbe etrODeoD' """01U ~ .. ';DI ~ ......... wri.~ ............. S.-laJworkd.llnrNbTlt ...

..w,o.i&I:,fI!'I&bor •• O¥ 10. ~'Akl(~. ic,elf ) .... ; f;:;~~~~~~~~!~r~~ _ .... ·r." •• &T. Ibe oort6eiii. 11111 0'" lwo J~ El/iIIIl ~ • . . foo& boIow .... 10 .. of Iloo ... U!pl·- . . • • ... IIWllIIE..lIt, 1IIlIItI11II, l1£li JEIISEY. maiD partl en.ed il al aboal F.m-, CIontwiy. \.. \


. ' Book and Job Prmtiii. . We have unusual laciliti .. for doi,.1II ..... ~'

printing, rrom 3 visiting card to a three· sheet poster, and would invite inQuiries lor estimates •

.1 {I


o. P. BLitI!IPER, Editor ud Proprietor. .A. ~ I HI R' O:a:RONJ:CLE


crrAaLtSBEO IMS. TELEPHONE NO. 713. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. bf Jtrr.n ~o". 1$, 11111.


N ... 136 South Thlr1l. Shet, Phil&delpJ?la. . I

As a result of the increasing demand 'for our QII<I.rl"/y !IIVtSltHCNI PalHpllkl, we have is..uetl in place thereo~:. "I~.

~p~~~~I'l::::'~:~~r:lv=,ESduITli;~il;E~-,:Nr NEWS." A twenty page MONTHI.Y,. cOI!lalnmg In :: to various articles. on General Investments, F,VE


. I Sollne l/l4an_ tl$'t!llll. lanN. . ~. ltilils .. nd lAw. Philadelphia ~h)t:k !-:',ch&nM't Pric.'t"!l. i "ri . .,. or g..,lritiee at Phila...Jelphia ."-m1i·ul. ... Dh'j,Iend. Ita"eutly Der.lared. S. A Ilwcial lu\'fll.m.snL Lilt. . .. .

Tin' Mlha-riptiuu prine nr"(n ... tnent N~n has J.w.e,!J tile.! ,al OZCE DoLl.Aa Pa. YUL Siqte l»"iflt Tu l.'L'fnL

This Space is Rese~yed for.

The GOOD ' Th'ings '01' · Life~ ., ' The eve.,. .Iay neceeilifll ~h-en a hi"her tone thaa

mere'y euUl..1 t!:nutl,h. UmYiDcin~ pruur a'


PBILA; AND READING & &1, _ _ ________ _________ _ ..... tloCi.,..lTw ... , ....... 00<" ,.,. JOHN C. BELTON,

TnJ .. *" CaadCD. Katea" Pula' "' 1' .&. ... deChy. _"1I;dlll"U~ S 10. III 10. •• II. S 10. t IU. po.. ,..".-rD"I:;'I~TA"1:7"E~

A_1Ioo ilu· .• , , I. p . •• s •• · "T"T ..1....... ~.J;V. .Qo...J;V. "t".~811.1 •• IU.L a; A~5I.. V I ·U:L • . ,t~..... I

a.c..u.1ac I ... ,. AII .. Ue Cil1, _",11; "Y'. u,,-.7"" »00. L". tWo 5W. p •••

}'orwerl1 'wnb lb. late ~lUliel Joo_,

W6uR&gOOWN, ~. J,

I Rhenitle. Bnlht"h Offtrft \ Rlurton •

• ...-odaliou lies. L ... t 15 Po III ~.!'· I' 11&, _GdalioIa 7 1 t •••• ":au ",... au ..-"·OO.l;u." ... .. 1· .. lute&nlAMd ...... ".11M 10 both dlrr"eliHl.

ro. ,,'&'&011, "ftk a...r.. "If. L .' j Caa lit "I.~oa'" rro., Cor. FOllrtb a..s ~., A .... PaieDY' 111,4 f1.Jl • • ' II

Fn \\'llJiuaII 0 nI. Uluibaro.1Ml tl(a I. ~btloe So.:-. Jo;1lbLfI1l ,eus • .-partetltoe ID PbIla.Jelpbla BlIl, ... k da, •• v 10, II IU, L _ ... , ,110 _...:.-___ ____ . __________________ _ ..... g .. !la,.III~L."It ... P... -

For CI.-\ooa, • IS, 8 '0. • 10, 1 t "L •• S 1I 417, 510. • .0, 7 ts. 114t, p • •• •• .;.\,,~ "', L •• "'. ......... __ 'I F. W .. ltJ ..... Wueh.-er. lAkurued -Na. YOfk •• 10 L. III. 4 to po ..

For Vi .. el .. d.. Bri~\OD. Por\ Worra. H .t I*ll~ •• t.:w.befla a ... 11 1I."r eI ah., k. tL II IU ... III •• " IU P. III • .&. • .&...'Wc.U:Ol). Co O. lIA~COCK. :rr.'t.t: tnq'l II....,.,. 0 •• '1 PuL AIJL

W. U. TELEGRAPH OFFIC~. w, U. Tal4lppb oac., :~. Drq

ISlora, t'al., ...... d Hail..... • Rinr--..


BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, JIG'" St~t. ltll1erlo,., GNd MUrflan Hull. Pal ... ..,....

Hu One line or haad and machine rude ShOf'fl,:.hich will be lIOid at l'ITY PRICES. All mt matoment will be ptainly .howa which are

HANU made and wlul".h.are l:1At:HiNE made. and I will JTW'. antee perff'ct ,.LiafacUon to every purehuer • .

Me .. '. ad Bo".- Tett,,'- Clftd B~~ SADu ..

"lIV PHILOSOPHY. , ... , DCM'dQO' p'tatad to_ .1Eb pcMad OQ pblbof'r. .. t UMn '-u-. _b .. .u..a... I WOC'k OQ' kl .... of IIII¥ 0 ... .Aa4ol u.. ..... ~Ia.e.w N Uk.t to ... nfw tD,... Pwri4la ~ J'O'I& da"lol:iflat, 1'D 1WeD "'-, aDd r1cbUaa&.

1 all_.,., cb&la .... Wbo ...... , Ute ........ .. _ ..... - .. -ftMao ......... .....u.. .. So ..uer fit "1& claUt ...ur. 1I_1dert tw ~ ..... ...-- &aIL. ADd cdIM:.a1lda ot ... 'IT trw.. .1_ all "1 ap a.qtl1lO ,... WA

1 bo"'. f.u._'- u...t ..... ............ __ t, .... .&.ad.-ll aDd .,..,.,. rrita4 ... \1 ... w..w a&op aaclIP'" ~ ... 1'tIOtiIt ....c:aari . .r ...... k,a.\l..,. s. u...s o' \lIoQP1 ....... ..,. 'WlUaaa,_...uctDa. ... .... M'd lit .... 1 wtUtMatDM ....

a ...... , -. .. tMr --"'" ........ --... IWon M _ ..... 1lI ,.... ~w.. ................................. ADd ....,.s ..... 1a II)e aIII4 aapIU. n.....-ud .. "" ... ...... • ,.,....,.trI...t ............ "'. Weal __ 011 w...-..ll7.

l' .. DAdI. ........... i'~ W"bta_ ............ ..... .......... __ 1'a c.u. It ... ,."~ .&.ad ......... 'iowt.1_ Ie _ ud waI&" ADd lit up IOOQ Ucl .... _ Wa. To ketcb...,...uo ........ 0CIIQ1d batD rwllQla ala ...... 1J!h.. . 'I'M.tau _ bIlI4 .... ~uM'Doi-... _ .. A bdbl taWI .-tUro Pro~ .&.ad balkl. __ UIe wwkl ~"1Mb A,.,.'Q' ,......:ta IMP LIMT \oab. No .... -rr-t UU be CIIA_ 80_ ... t.bu nWe be -.Id", a.utpp.4 ... ..u aDd -.rk IIa4 ...,. ~ buc bla Up oat 1Il)"'Mn,

MrlloclAl.r'e ..... ...,...w. ea.teau.:.. ud ,-..u.w.: 1 .... 40,..,...,., ......... - w... n...t toI ..... .ut ____ JaM u. ..... ...... .u. DOUeed p-a ~ Ia -.bell ..ttJr. lNeW-, ... Of' .... .&.ad It .. __ .lID doea u. '-l ftal rill __ kIcb u.a. all &a.. ~

-.a.- \\'WklDllllb RU","'la o.aha "or'" S....u..


& BROTHER.ltil~

71! .1nn ~.,.nEBT.'" I'jt~·;~~~~?~~~~~~i 161'1 ctillllT!lU~ IIf •. (Cor .....


- .


Ol'.~U· )'. ...

· NEWS~ -.

$1.00 per Annum in Advance.




........ u.. ............. &m.I1Ir7 _ ........ ., .... ovt •• ...: .. ...

....... a....-fte ......... .....

................... rt .. '1'_

, UpoD 1JJ7 ...ra, ill .... __ • _ ..... aDd oboj>od jaoa lib. _... 'nooy _ lIP a& Ibo _lib • a I =e-'aIlboL-

JIr.N"" ... _ ' IIdo, .. be .,. _ s.....- ... __ _ _Ibo banobod.-lhwy..n_ .

••• neT rl.'" ..... o.a. "Oat bent I oomIcIend .. ,...., faIz\7

...n -.. be aid; "_1 bod -. _ Ne" y .. t bel .... 1 ....... 1

1t. . :A. ..... _ap'" baItd aad 0014 _

Bow'a ""'7-

The WeekI ... News TO THB PUBLIC iPIIUUD: : M&1! .......... Mr • . ·.4.Fn ... r. . .W .... IN.N L:IR. .. " t if,.h ' j t-r.-\b-ilflb • • Among the Cqftll~ j;" J Th. Y';:f. M..,·. clIrioiIaa "- ~. l\oIIII.:Kr. H'-""; .ONI '_-W-JI"" "

F i': ' 6~1b'!..ailll.I"~rla;.iDi The Bran"enbu . 'eir

loll' cialioL 'P 10 lit. cIIboDI or 1\1 ... M Milo JIIIIIIi&ro.b .. d Mr. . . ~I<. .b., . 1892. ., Od' 'pI.., ... & of d,.., .. ",I... · .. .. 'i:-!!! . SOUTH' JBRSBY '~VERTISER myra,B1Ye""D .. d 'lieiAJq for IIId I..R. WanIIt,wba"""_I"'"led U Prooid- HOJTltoD qd ........ I~ ..... tooI b, · ... I .... sphere and gneJeitbtf L.::e

~ • iD HcunDg lb. 101. coraer 0' Bro&d by Milo BIIchu .. ; .-I 101 •• Mrs. tar]' BlaiDe Iii .. aurldoi'-o;-;-~ , ............. ~I.y.o aJone-sup~e. Molt .,...,ty O. F. SLEEPER, .Dd Garfield .... ~o, ... buo;oD lItey .r_ &nDb; d..ue. VI.IID ~, MI. IOrt .C:~ .... procil' prilpoo!u .. ii. lit; .. thol. wolf·pop·ID ... c6dIaDd DOl and quality for the money. 20C

Eo ... ".un> ............ d .. iro·lO.rect. bulldlDI .. b,ch .ball EoIber HaDI. of BaIIiIIIoro, PiIIDo by CommwoDOh of Ih. CooadtaD Go,\" for frmll bill bome ; . ba~1OCIC1 afte,word Tune was when competition OR. J. J. SLEEPER.""""" ""'101. roliecllO lb. credil .. d tDlMpriort or Milo a..;. Dam; PiIIDo 101 .. by Milo tram'DI, apectecl bero 10 • C ... da~ Ibmt .. lm.1 b~. lIr"i~ • berrieod... •

th. commODity. No mort oli!pbI. NIIIIie Campbell ...... Beboocs Th ..... illtDbmil a ou· IDd~ .. m.ol Cor 1Ir. ~D'Croo~.Cbill J>iIt P.ID. kllkd ... nl exJSted m good Cotton pnnts 7,,".......,1 ~ l'OGr '" .... " .... - localioD COD be fauDd fer Iho .......... DIU • .ad Mill lIeilie W.IDDI. Th. opoDiilg ofDfIIOIialioD with Ihit~' d ... lh,m i.·o the ro&d. at 20C But that was before

JO." ,".?a" • .,auk',,", ... m.ut-..... , ~ d.tioD oCIit. public. Th. £act oClbo l'IIad nllled _188. wblch ..... dilllri- .nIlD.ot. lIt.r pard the kDo .. ltda M •. Co,D1. Elmer· Bnal· .ocI Mn. the Saxon Arms were claimed •• ~ eap..,. aD ... aM ,"1IUl7 0 ... _ D.... • • • , aL_ ba ~ LU W " __ L II' , . la . · .L • 0_ B L L- .L_ eonaty. DeoeI'!iL~ Or tbili lD1btaUOD .or.... t .. U ID OWl: OIDaDI -&auuaup Wf_ " ,0,' D':t &II ea 00 we IDb 'V'IIIU1J8 aa ... ,l ... t ""'3 ban..... as the trade--mark for the Bran ,~~-:,~~I:~cl~.&::!tFJe.~ .. ra\lp'= cuhivaUOD aad entenainllUlllt of oaf 120. A Deed, (riOld '16. Orpu fUDd CaD tie .ob&aioed flOm .DloD~ iu u~- -tbe ""If;- &Dd ,. \be Ituer ·t.hiok. lbe denbu T th: ~I,o tbelr oamN 10 nal ' to an COIDIIIIIDI.,. youth hu already him eI&ablilbed. 110. Y. M. C. A.. 16. 8ewiDJri~tt' cia) lire.. A rumor ... currea' be .ciimal · ii ' reirrio.ibl. 10r tlfe receDt rgs. wo years ago IS tlona,oo\ .. aparaDLee. • • • • • .. W e. T U •• G'" 'eadl . b- bl b-~"- 1 . I f~ L->" CI th I ad mad ,. • ...... _ ,,"o.,m ..... ..., •• ..,.uo.. rhe IDIUlulioD 11 DDder lit. _.... • • _. tr.. . y IOmellm. ago I 01. DI au """ - 0'.... • _ .~... . 0 came. IS vent e al~~~'::SWIl1 God ~.l'!kYla TaJubl. ~eot of wellkDowD ciUuDi w~o are Society as. ai~~r to ~i~ ~aliaD PaUDcef'~", - Jo~ H~rJ O'Coaoor ofPaUetIOo, an earthquake in the Cotton atinrUalol medium. .Noa. bul. dean .... IDt.en!lLed iD every aood work ID our AI &ben will be ID dart made at ~ntiah MlO_r, that the. ad~loll~ no lOme Ume qo aUempted ·to mu .... goods market. But the .. m.otalaeerted. . . . d b d' to make llOD ... ready 10 or,: ollMtJati · .. ·d h" Id E Unl~"b,.maIlPromfu,-"u.Ddeclto. VlclOlt"au w a ~ ou.r out &IlDaallChooi meeliDi to have A • •• eo: fl. er . 11 IIZ·,f&t-O ItepIoD toftt citement is over ·13randen-Al.ldl'Mlla1~:~mu~ca~~,? toWOI &lLncUn to their 1aQDI mea a.~ lCbool buUdiDI erected darial looklOltocomm~a r-cproetty-whla ·Wauberry, b, thmwiOC 'bim 06 A b •

~ "" ~ D ...,>;!'I~~J. !-"d WOIII .... ~ lit. ~. tim. mak!"l Ibo IDOl ..... neaIIoa, lb. CoUowiDg ... Cooado. bUI prcmlDOllt ~p~bn .... ~rldge1'!l0!h0 Puo!''' bu ~ .... .... D ull(S control. . IbldI UE:!CCL-())mer . 'ourtb and Or.rtl.ld It ODe of tbe laot1alltel for au.ra~ ~n lDAy be of iDlerst &0 lQIDe or the' hln deaied that aa, lae!a hUll ...., ieDced to 8"_1eaJl 111 ltat. pNOQ and The Canton Cloths, more

ut'uue.l"a1m' .... N.J. Dew comll'l Iud bolding them. N.- lahabitaDY' eY"r beea giveo b, au,one iD auillar- a SDe of 11,000. .strength and better printing .............. ~ ...... _ """" .. _ IiolioDi bov. beOIl ODder ... y Cor _. ily ... d Ib.!. .. y bMid ... IIt.llltero Ie 00 Friday m.iniDI • Cully loatfed than ou will find in an other

c .... ¥...... tilll' fur th • . po""!" oC lItill ·oIte. Th. d ~.. ~J Iilll. """ihllily oC lit. Dego!I.~OD tif Beodi.,.qolli.u .~er ".Dt. ubont ff y 1L th yardy Th .1II0UDI r<qDlIed 11 Fil\eeD ~aoclred .... __ 01 .... ". .! OI!Y.!nOIY.UD.I- th. CouadlO!, .Cof" OD Bngulili. Ihoalo. Tb. bat.y s~u 5, at 12 7> C e . • e

.... .;-~I?U;/eRt~.H::.~~Hb~thr.l. DoU.n (11500) •• lIOrI of "~Ich ml1ll O ........ Bobooi. ~ ~ • mlllIOll~ COlli. bero 'Dlho~ -,r» tDo ... lOrm prnoaled .b. om. 0' lito f\unsy rottenn~ of many of m .. ,u .. rul.andm .. 'Dobl •• mpIoYIII.Dt be paid by March 101,.1892. W. .e U !S qroe 10 .bool~te froo!nld. Ltl."'l' IiC.· ... iDl .I0Il0. f,om oeeiDK ber. the cheaper prints shown this of illan." WaabiDji{toD. cauDaL atrord to aUow thll op~rtUD· ~a ~< It... th.1WO OOUDt~.. I thougb lhey-bard her IiruaJl of db- season make it a satire to call

ilylO puo, .Dd lItu. ""I cII" 10 Impor- HODth or SOp .... ber. 49.5 46. JI09 0 her promla..,1 geDtI.m.D .. yilt'" Sb. k.pI pouDdiDI DO lb .... k.D th 0 Goods-th Calendar. F ebluay 1311t.-SuD riIoo IaDI. work. W. lboroCo,:, uk far .. OciA>ber. &7.55 &1.116 .902 -. D~ good r;ouo~ f.r Dot Der>~.tiD~ ~ "lilt. ariDdia, ..... bio, DOile, em ress • ey are

G 58 Be 552 lb. AIooci.tiOD lb. m .. 1 liberal..... .. NOTOlllbor. M.OII 61.07&.879 ' • hmned roclproony treaty. 1111111 .. Ii> 'tho-en ... ...... ed ID ib. lif. baal. rather a sort !)f decorative mao


..: ". ~ . . '~ ~OWAU1)·PABBY, C. E.



De<.d", Mortgages. Wills- and LqpU Dnrllments carefully drawn and executed. Loans negotiated upon most favor­

able lerms. Rents collCCled, Houses for Sale and to Rent. 6 p<;r cent: Mortgages for ~e. Fire,. Life,

and Accident In.urance. Reliable Como, pani. 5 and Lowest Rates.

-..Cormlpnndenee SollcilN .


•. II,. IribulioD from ...,. ud .u ~ SI"d.a ~III=. IiO.6Ii 31.5 .740 lit ... !-"~y b.u\:'.ded .. ~~ b:'I. ' A :Y:i~"D_D I~dmork. form •• ly terial. We avoid them. Our IbODki .re due 10 SeoolOr r .... It ill Dol. Iorat tom. IIOI1OIdenDI t 61 papllL CO~DIri", .11 m.tD y 'f" lit. Quk ... MeoIiDa a..... ... d.t The . Bedford Cord, silk .

wealth iD Oar ioIde\. No mort praod- lIciaI. BUll. CoDed. w.Dlllh ....... a_ 'I80:~ old· ill bo II be lOra 'ped laid G' ham Coal, Lumber Lime pl~"ter and Cement killa, for his willingoeee Lo lean a com- Cal wa, of eJ:~ ~r iateNti in )(~ ~01 &ftl of ~iI COUDtrj wane ~ tb$t '4ow ' J::-- , a u o . stn.. p .ang. s. 4Sc, ".uu::s . poay of Criend. oud ... i.t DI. iD lit •• 1. Bom. o6in CG be .bOWD IhaD by HODth 01 SOplomblr.li9.85 &4.876 .91S15 coaouy - ·her markel II 11 Dol . "". are tn ncher vanety dally, and tempt '0 get tbe I-' 1'--d,D' oC • forwardiDI II DoDOIiOll befoN Mtrch " OciA>ber. ~ ~.9081 probabl~ IItoI .. y borpiD ~ tlo ·.·0iI .... uDI.IIh. d_"1) .C a.. the choice Scotch plaids ar"

""- - • . 011 ;- n ' " N •• _ber. ~ - JIIlI ed ·1It f ' " Ib Ut'!:""" oC.lmoll·pcr..1 BardealOwD. lit. . ' Citi .. D'. 'iok.~ wbioh did Dol b .. e 1I~ 10 D. T. 810. • _nr. • " DIooII1ber. 113.46 44.l& JJI1I m e '" ~~ ~V1DR • I Bootd · , Heiilllr"bu •• _, ..... . - gaW-theyaimost speak Gaelic.

N""" will .lao .-In .ad ookDo .. • 24 d.a will -* !ko ... lb. IiiOlof IL' Th ... wbo ra " . p. . oppelD.... .....,. .01 rep ...... latioD at lb. 101 eleclioo. led .ur aid. Tb ..... me are opOD 48 papilL D. C. lb .... euliOD · oC 00Itad .. ODd Mt,: ton SbIPP; YO~~1 ODd Moc:t:orl~ld as the strength o.f the .ud .110 for tb. Legiol.liv. M.Da.l ••• ~ !.eniDg froll\ 7.30 10 ~O o'clOck, • • BI.lae i. laid I~ be ODe oC Ibem .... 'to ncclll&le all Cl~"1II .bu d .. ,ro It. Surahs, I SC, ever questtoned? .. J ollter documODII .. biob b. gov. u •• wbere .. ' furlber-lDCormoIlOO .. ill be AN INTERBSTINQ ASTRO- .Pl"!!ed In grullag ~.d ... y,'1II!do . PATENTS Of course you've read some

Tbe electioD iD out. bWDlhip lItill cheerfUlly imported. NOIlICALEVENT. ."'!"''!~'leveraD,!I'''.ge~~f!i>'.'' 'G_1ocI IQ N ... 1 ... , iDYeDIo .. lbl. of James Whitcomb Riley's Tbf mOlt. btantUbl and iDterMtiDg bJ comlog 10to Lbe 0010D. -'The Viall week. ' Reported. by C. A... fo:nrnr 4: Co.

year will r<quire more tbOD UIUal at- A FRIENDS III&SION uIroDomieal .... I .C Ih. ,tor or.r of lb. Cooedi .. COmmiloioDe .... iIl 1!olldlOn.1 American ODd F ..... t"" Pat. poems--everybody has. They teatioD OD occouot 01 lb. Dew eleclioD It located OD eomer.f BPacb -. mDy y ..... lOCk ~ OD Bah.rdoy be. h!ery iD_Ii~g . "eDI . "~I!I.r r:::,:pa;;*:tU. 8. PoteDt Oftk ... Wub· do indeed "talk from the 1 .. W'. \Ve have anbmitted the queetioD, FairmoUDt aveoDe, Phlla., wbue cI .. morDiDI.I .. , at :; uclock. It "I' &he au,l 1O1 COlDes of It or .put. W ' &. j . heart." · Are you curious to as to wbether we could have a people'l ___ beld 'or 1'01'-.11'011 lD' lit. ooaiODcUOD of the plaoem Japiter aDd POIWluter· Geaeral Waoamaker I' . c.eb· I rr. C.· ... L.'D~!it1. C.oor.ret,e·ml%- h M R'I I k I ... _v II NY V • I . _: d hu iIIaed au order "'riD~ .mone, 0101 ml oe. QCllllmy. ArllDrtoo, see )w r. I t!y 00 5 tickel to lOme who ul ual1y are pooted Scri t .- for lewiDg for teIIIPlral108 eGal, DO A OODJUa .... oD u we DD er· • . . ,.... . • Ice eream (tft"r. F. W. L. Boldec:Ir, B k N r F b 1.._.

, etc. P it~ dHired t~ ltart A kiDder: ItaDd h ordioarily-a meetiol of thtt der tamhllfll to all POlL f6eM. ,,1l!re J'eraei City, BpinDin::-top. I. Cumber. 00 EWS lor e ~ary '':''~ io luch mitten, and uo oae hu rett garten acbool for the little lwo.plaDetl iD the ame d.,~ of lbe Ibe C'Omp4'DMtioD of ·the .. ~~l~ter t.tch. N"~lrlt. Flald-p~!e "'Vulalnr. a plate!r portrait ~f him rree 10 give'D opiDioD OD lit. ,ubject. Ib . bbo bood . F' d bu aodl...-bal lb ... 1u.1 o"""al by rueh .. 1200. y .... Th" WIll wllb· 1. M. DeW.II. R·uborr",;,. t ,,,,heck. R. and there IS also a ddlghtful The clluae of th, law. whbh providetl e aeJg r .' A yoaal fr~ VeDal of the hDe of l'ilioa from UI &0 io tbe ppxt year and. hair more Ihau E. Morellnd. Treulon. 81em .. iIllJin", and k ch f h H .' ..

c ftered her eer'flO8l fret 0 t;Uarp. . . • d bl ' h t.e f t · .,tJnlf mech: ... bun. A. Prall .. Ir_. lI .. h .. • 5 et 0 t c poet uy tbal ooly .uch partiee as bad • ludic- All _-' . ..1 i. A I:r:'al fand or. Jupner,10 th., th. I.wo bnlhaut 0Iit- IIU e t e aum r n m',ney lin tr lren ShHr" A Shf'(lIo ·k Je"f'V Cin' p r R'd th DOW D....... I IiaI bad' red 10 be rged 016.,... 0"1 • I ' . ° . . < • • ro,essor I pa . ieot repreeentatioD at the I •• t election, larp donation of kin erprten mate,... Jet APpel. me Tb.. · . . ~ " t . I ·MI.ra1 amp. A. C'o "1 .. 111111111. ~e.,,·.,k •

. I h' b tMs Ie t at Prieam iol.o ODe. Unfortunately for UI, the e anllo(lpllon bdll~ t;%Cltll1g qUIt,.. Ctlb-tiu. T. W. Syobon. W~non"h . Book N.:ws every mnnth(f>x-would prevent tbe diatri ·.ution of the ~kw Ie BW 'of 16&b aad cnlmination of thi. IptCtacle occurred 1111 ruucb inlerell. ... it Ille Jibt 'tRiub Machin\! Alr maltlnr 11.,1 hoult.... V.I·. cept Decembt:r) hac; an 31 hor ticketa to a Dew part, or Citizen'l ltore,. il~ oorner wbile the plaDeta were niH below tbe of OuDlre. .".1, j~at ~ pu .. ~rful,. Trabold, Ne ... ~k. ~r.t~I .. !._ .. . . . ' . ticket, lod .1.0, if oaly a CitizeD'1 Race Itreet, Ph eutuu h,=,riaoD. but we had the priri- lobhy til oW'1Ie It ·11 rD:tln.tailJl'tl here WA:UMAKE .. ·S. portrait. of thiS charalt, r-III licketa WII iM the field at tbe coming n T'tT1:'-i:, IT' ON. lege of or.e~iog three or it. ltagt. w 2Y tbe ~~oll:~ uf Ibe counuf; hUI ---- for frammg St:\,enty of them I

Lll'LI..1\t lbe best pot'Ilblr adnuta(f'. De.coo \\ hltf', .. ho la't ,. .. ar hh.tI· I 'UIL.". LPKIA. F~b 8. ISlet published before this nne of election, it would preveotlbe Demo- fte m~t indiff,reDL o~"er of the' d I~.t Ie!"tty . • flIl l, h~" I~I.~ "I' . The Dr" ·Goods question M r R;), . · erat, Republican or Prohibitioa par- Mn Bioren hu hf.eo iD Pbiladel· an canna' have failed to nouae the bavlug grvel ) tbe lri r.lll qUltlU,", ,. It"t 'ha . ... d . ' l· ties from reco~DitioD .t tbe followiag pbi. (bis week. With lier brother, apleadid ligbta of JUpiter aua Venal ben=; be gu' c.ught in au 1)1'lillll !lettl ~ t .tS ImR)m~t an~ lp1manent Ulu .. trations ' ,-e m currf'!nt electioo. It will be seea. if tbi. it the bll heeD qaite ill. in the· lOuth· ... terD .k, for MVe.ral aDd ... In OtIdly HiIiHIeII Ih.t it il' concerns l)rt:~ Go~.. \Vt: Books (eleven in tb~ Febnlary Jaw, that the idea of. Citizen'. ticket Dr. V. A. Marc, aDd wife. DC C&pt mootba put and 1.beir gradual apo but receu~ly ,h.t! b~ .~~ ~u_lJI~,1 tu hold proud eminence In Its so· "umhed arc' als') rC" ttl r f~a

May, are vilitiog their IOD, Dr. AlU4 proacb 10 MCb other. E,UJ' "eDing eomp~.nllae :crith lilll cre:dlll!,.. all~l r~ lution, for many reaso~. . . B !. N····-- I Ma y VenDI bu baeD letn bigber and higb •• ume hllbuIIO_ufd.!.I ~DgIU II"U'III". Afl th lure .. 01 .IU... 1·.\\5. will baye to be abandoned, nr we have

only luch a ticket at futare electionl. \Ve 'peotlOme time iD Treaton Doe da, Ibi . .... k. oud b, lb. coroCul .1· tentioo of Senltor Perkin., wbo per­.... ily iDlrodu~ u. 10 lit. legol oud Political autboritiee, wbo might know "hal cooltroctioD bad heen. put 0llun the law, we found thequettioa had nol. beeD raiaed. IS far .. wu known, but the opinioo wu eJ:prested th.t DO IJch

ticket could be put in the field. ex­cept by petition of the voten, and even tben it might interfere with· future election! "y regular partitw if the,

.. " ere 001. represeut.OO at this time.

:'.'A. J. Bori. ill goiDI 10 baYe •• r .!>o •• lb. bori .... 1 I~DIOI .Dd B:op .... utoli •• H.tcb ,hi" •• • \1 •• ':'1 ter e i"!'0st. caref~ll. But all this is i~cid"ntal.: bo .... rected OD M.iD .treel than JDPlter mont .. d mont dechotd. AI'" wtli ""H tb. H'ju" by .• . tw:" tlmd th~rough hand f: .tlntdelhgefintd '~- • h~ Book Nt:" s m""o', IS the railroad, to COlt aboot asooo. pareD~y &.b.ey ~ ... . beea llIIotiag Ib vute. . e .ay. t 18 uppnIUI~lIu,:,l lf.IOI1.'!,. q~try: We: ave al e to n 10 broader. much broader. Its

M ~I" - DpPJlIt.e dlJ'eCuoaa, Veaul &0 .. " .. people tu the tnett.Ute ftnllnll. hUll nr thiS or· any other market an d "f' th ' . r. Jam. em hI. IOIDf '" the ... ' aDd Jupiter towardl th, WelL the ~rk uacken. wbu wnuld hav~ r' stca y aim I to give you e

build. 12500 b 1I10lOU b ... ilut IItoI .. 0 oDI,'D mauoD .. Dood goD. 10 .1111011 .uy OSppo" ~I d.t •• 1 ear .1I;r ?pemng •. than ours . of news of the whol" Book world; I DIU ,V,DUe. by lit. (lmlter orbit.llpeed of V.aul lb. oloomargoriD. bill ... b •• il w .. any Important hne of the new Books but to give you such

Mr. Jam .. W. Dom baI rooled CIDO ODd lit. outerly mon .... , oC tbo beC~nt ~oa ..... 'u~ wbo w~ul~I , .ow. Dress Goods for the coming clues to their spirit and wort" oC WiIIi.m F. Dretr'l .ou ... 00 F.I· oortb. !t .. ,DR dllCO •• red III b.oeJiIl,Ju.t .. season tOD Itree! •• ba .. Broad ItreoI. H. will Th. 6nl dilltiDolly DoIi_ble .lago luri" .. I, opJ><llO. ill .. peal. . • • • that you can know whether or be elllploled iD Dreor'. DD~ry. oC lit. _t lpocI&c:IO .. II ...... It ... 'quite • rlilOppoiulmenl 10 The same sort. of anq!1lry not )'OU want a closer acqllain-

II ill reported 1It.1 lb. ....... ThUndal'''DiDg. Jull'l d .. k lit. Ih~ lo •• noC"l1IIlinD wheD ,Ito Hu",,! ~ows that the vanety of kmds tance with them .~ !t.v. ~D p~baood by "!' eater- _ra Iky .... portly o..",..~ .. ilb puoed. de6eieoo, bill 01 1200.000 10 'i~. new goods is unrivaled-not •• pmlDg Pbll"-,,~pbIOD ... b. WIll g) •• cloudo, hUI wu .baul .D bour·. Iteep lb. CeDlU. Buruu ., .. nrk lb •. approached. Also that the Thank of havan~ at ~om· IDe...oed f .. ,hty oud make mDY'Ol' lim. for lb. lItoDIODd. oC in_ted ... IOC lb. 6 ... 1 y .... wl\houl • !Pg 'v:lrieti . I fi d mand a book-WIse fnend provellleoll Cor 1It~ ...... modoliOll or lpeoIo\On 10 ODjo, tb. batuliiDI .ilbt. ro... For woeb lItero b.v. h,ej!D d " es -'th

n CO ors, guch~ an always ready to pluck out the

tbepolroDl.fllt.llDe. V ....... th ... 10 our oy .... baul wbillpen~fob,,,,,lObemed~ogoiD'I. eslgnS-- e~ngeQ~c OICe-- heart of an Book for ,!,o~,y IOld by lb. Ci~D~ 1"0 ~ .... I oC ~upi~ ... ~ .lilllo.1O tho S~r."!,DteDd"l oC lit. CeDlu .. he. an each sort. ~ practically be- h ~ rI Y I you-

Bulidlaloud Loou Alr>cialloD oCRIY' lit. ngbl of .. ImogtDOr)' lID. dra"ll lit. hil .,.lIIe DP. but ~I ·lbo .h,P yond'Competltlon. ear!, ea ess, exact

We are nOIlJ prepared to rumi.h Paroee', celebrated u,IUme, collie" . l..ehigh coal.

Telepbone No. e.

Ord.n linD 10 Child. a: Kea4J, OfOC*ra, 1 ... llnTra. will ,.»Iy. promptaU.DUoa •

PRIMO Hot Air Hea.ter.

ATWOOD Lloyd. bu lit. iMide ertoD lUI MODd.y IT .. iDg broopl .orIieally 10 lit. boriooD. TDiII UD' made •• re oC. mild Iud KeD.i'iIr l1II- " Th ... .. is a stro . tat t The absurd part of Book traclo. ror lb. DOJlliD.tioD Cor coD.labl. 5 10 7 per ceDI. plOmi.m. MODllily DOW proximily or Ib.lwo m .. 1 brill· IDIO.luob a p.Ii~C111 OppoDODII rir. W IS "ng 5 ~;~ NEWS is the price-5 cents 'a Fresh and bright .11 the year .round. Our goodo will alway.

f b d d·· d ' 11 be eI receipta are D.,ly MOOO ~ month. iaat plauetl in OW' .olar lyle u aUrae- alwa,1 expected to iodulge in apiall e, not our reay.ers, wou co~ 50 cents a year 1 th h . I ood l"1 _.J _.J __ ,. /tri,

o , e .... D IIUIOI.D WI eo- AD opportuDily .. Idom olrend 10 gel led lb •• ~1i0D oC peopl. 1b.1, UDd.r ooch ?I~!r. Th. Cael i •• "1It the re . (ools could it be impeached. han' that • M p ea.e os< w 0 .pprecl. 0 g '1M , 'J anu "'''""- T" -,.

ted. Tb. talk oC eloetiag. coDilabl •• I .... 1 ouch • rate. ordlDOr)' Clr<:llmltaD .... D •• er lItiDk .poDII~lhty .. lor wb.lev.r .bu ... _, It cannot be ces are rs. io Pallllyra 10 .. ". iD tb. 2ad di.. JD.ti"" Moi ... of W .. Uield .... or- of 100kiDI(.1 th.lton. exi.1 ur hov. OlIilleo;l iD Ih. Ce",al • Humphrey Ward's new book lrio~ i. DO ....... 01 lite people oC lit. dored 10 poy lit. _Ii 10 lb. ruI. 10 BDloD Friday .... iDIIIt.· .pocla. BUleou i. fully .b.ted hy COng__ p ' . . Sax will make a stir like that which .bcv. dillriot .re eotilled 10 aD 016 ... bo .. cao .... by bo lhoDld Dol be DOII1- 1IcI ..... for moro beooliful ... d peo-. meD •• Dd iC iDCOlllpoleDt !":"pl. b... . rQ,mlqent ~. the on followed the appearance of

h d' lit H milled Cnr COD_pi oC co.r\, 10 roC ... plt.tood .1 .iDdo .... OD doo ... lepo ~eD emplu,ed .Dd C .. o"llIm .bow., Stuffs are Ci 'iU C/oIAs. loR bert Els ., At . t er w ~ reei.e. In e place. ow iOI or Dellectial t.) fil' th. papen io Ud OD IU'eet OOlIlen guiDg, lOme 10 iD promoliog· employee, it wu Ilrgel, The name is not meant to sug- 0 mere. any ra e would It be If aD omcer were elected the Chambefl cue wben ordered to do prof'ouod admiratioD,lOme D a IOn of dODe OD Ibe demand of iodividoal est th d 51' f th no man or woman who m~ns iD tb. 20d dilltrict 10 do duly 10 Pal ... by lb. _rl. • .... DpoD ._.Ib.lth.y bad D •• er CODg .... III.U 01 bath parti ... ·aud. oC ~i1 ~thoozili .:met h := to keep up with the live I';'is· my .. or B1 •• ""D! H .... o.ld .... 1e 'rho Ri •• rIOD pool otIIeo, aDdu Ibe wi_d before. A~pareDlly coune .. lb. meD who comppiled th. .~ nel er e tral'e 0 ow- cussions of the day will skip all bill lime lravellial belw..., lb •• bl. mODogemODI oC Mr. ee .. poro .. u OIIly. fow iDch .. oC ,_ belo- Saponoteod .. 1 oCtb. ~u •. ~.""DI ad)t nor transport of howdah. "The Histo~ ofOavidGrieve.'· d'e; I d IItwoi~ hu.1I lit. coD ... ioo_ of • w..., lit. lwo pla.t ...... d I •• y bDDg lIt.m ' .. on .nt uol ID poIllliiu III It merely tells you that the •

I erOlll p...... 10 DO purpooo. cil, offioo aoopl froo deli..., Th. ogoioallb. dark .ky like groal, bl ... bl.r.kgu.rd hilll ror h .. iDg dOD,,'" stuff is tou h and • k1ed The New ork Tnbune says:

Dry Good·'" Notions, Bnc-a-Brac, Crockery, Gl8BSware, Lamps. &0.

TROTH & CO., Broad Street, opposite station, Palmyra.

01600 bo AmoriCOD .. d Co"'- 'mOO'3 iDgjowela. Th. OUrpuolDg brilliao"" It il lb. old .lIIry oC tb. jurYJllea .ho I'k th 'dg

. f cnn 11 deale Dol oal1 with th_ ntUsl°" Tmo .. tiOD oC tb. pool 016 ... alltor- orde lolIlor box ... '-- ":1-0 _-_:t_ or V..,., .... D .... _D 10 bolter ad. had 10m. of I~' pork. • e e epl emus 0 a croce- probl.... ..bleb are belDg -

... ref' all ~-.- T_L II, "'"tD- .......... The 'd 1 oed' 'h 'd I 'd d'lle Crepe-like lao olors ,lthID_r_,brooghoalth.dvll· -------------------------Ibfll 10 DlIOg to ow ~ f~ a bme datiog ltamp hM DOW been or- ftIltap. ,1 ea 0 log e an ao I. , P • In C , ued world, bat it brinp In qaeetloo the u .. 01 lite m.iI. 01 .... Dd clue derod. EI .... boa .. lltoroofter •• 1 ~ 0 clock DO .. o .. oed by lb. IbDe .. 1 p,v.rD' figures as though shghdy em- th __ DiIoIl, modem ,1,wI 01 tho

L___ .L' _. • b • DO IlaIDrday m.ruJ",.IIt. climax of meDl10 .Ill .... oraI t!IolOI bao ~n bossed B t th I . I DftaIDot 01 h.redity ODd Iom .. rameot m.tter ~n.e weir auvert1len ave A temperance con~OI will be this celeltiial drama ... reached. bDI, o81ciaU, ap roved b, the BODItI ""-.;: _ : u e. co ors are nP9D. ur, wblch are dolo,ao mach to Cree COpl" •• bould hov. prompl.ltoD, beld.1 'Y .. Uieia meeli~1 b .... OD U baI booo 1IicI. il bapJl"Dedl belo.. millet OD frrigo,ioD ... d • birCor nch cnmsons, d~.cate modes, mocllri tho old d_~o !",adool?DL 1\ lioD by lite legal .ulltorily a il II. lb. 21" IDIL •.• 1 two 0 clock II: m. 0Dr borisOll ODd ... coard Dol _ 1b.1 pnrpoK .. ill ..... ported 10 lit. honest blues standard blacks Irt 'lII.ha~caIl1' Do .. 1 0, tho penod and

I • All wbo oro IDIoroIIod oro ooniially. 0 a_._:w. . lit B Ib delaila real eI' • Irt "rilleD with .... rIrtla. ltrOallh and

mOlt .. e com. ..d valued eJ:chODge. i •• iled 10 be P-'1. M.mbtn oC.L D ~ Y .... ,ag oro .- • ... a toOD". oro .. I· - nov ties. $ •• 50 and '''. dooplyiDlaroollar thl'OC\ihoul .Dd. Why Ihould .uch .. order be lit W C T U d "Y" d La-' .. bttantlal ropolillOll .f tb. dllpl.y lied. •• $2. . Tory romorkobl. creoIIOD. d .• .•• '. '':1' ... '':'' lhoi_oboervedoDFriday.tb.ODly Tb • . ·Alh .... CoD~. • W ha .cO 'dG' ".

ma ... boo ... ry paper la lit. I .. d LogiOD "jIOClaiIYIDYlIed. difl"oreDot boID,lbotVoaDO bad mo.ed meD h ... eadonod Ibe .... IDlioD .C. . 11Iere IS a whole family of tr- e ve avt neve an ~d. free copi .. 10 all Ibeir- adver. Mrs. 'f!t0DIU Boberta .. d )('111. C ... loch .... _11, .• be ... Dd c.~ .by. ReP""."Dlotiv. Filhioo. bf ridescent changeable wool-and· one. neat cloth-bound volume II..,..! ~berta II&Iled Cor hom. OD lb. 10th _ of Ja~il.r. -Tho dilloDDO bel ..... I1hDOII, IDilrucliDg lb. W.,a ODd silk stuffs Melanges with little -good paper. clear type-at

"" . • • IDI! •• fromEcgloud .. d.ruzpcoledlO 1It_ .. ill 1_ • ...,d..y.DOW DD· M .... commiueolOroporl.biilpl..,. spots and figu' res in silver that 75 cents, by mail 86cents. T. EdiIoT.,,,,, N .... : om .. OD lb. l711t. Th., ba .. bad • 111 March 20th .b .. Japiler will be iDg.u Iljp'icahoral imp'.meoll OlD lit. • . ' • . '

After roodiDg .. P.lmyn· ... artiel. 10 deliablfullrip abroad yjJIliDg IreIaad ..... iDa llor D~ 10D!!"r. Ho .. iii lit .. free liIIl; h.~ C.r ...... 1 _ glisten like fish scales In the JOHN WANAKAXER. lit •. 1011 lato. I c:rtIle? ~D 8qa~ FnDco, Spo!". Italy. GtntIaoy ud boiiD 10 .bo .. bimMIC iD lb ... 1m! lItero ill 11111. probabilily oC ill ed.p: sun. stripes, checks, plaids and . Scbetdeli oud ~. CO.liOWlDg 11 lit. 1''' olb.r CO.DIrl... oky. a lI1DrI1iDI'Ior. uDllllim •• f bill ~OD by lb. Bouie. The Im.f lit.- a line of 'bizarre, rococo soft of II Oo:amA-,"l.m...i·te ' of wb.1 .... IOId: DID. teolb, of lit. AI. lpocol mootiD~ oCth. VIIIry or opp<Ailioo. OctOher l2, .. bOIl b ... ill 11 eDoDgb; lit. commiueo UD BIll •• stuffs that shimmer !Ii siI'" ·~r~l·W."·_, peop!. b.v. b.u.iD_ iD Philad.lpbia Cbrill charch.luI Friday. il_ d. _moraiDa'lIar apiD. ..bich DDder lb. D ... ral .. yielde" .as e. - .~... ' oud IC th~y !,,,b 10 OD~ '!lil . oi~or cided 10 poy lb. choir bayo • email AlIb .... b Ibo lwo pI .. oII oppoored po".r a (ImI1, .. d iD to.,. I'OIpocII .ver wavele~ of a qUtet lake m . ~ ............ Y. ... • J.'boe ID lb. '!.~Iag If P'*!bl. oaIory. Th. ml1li. DDmmillet, Mr. A. 10 be 10 cI_ 10 ooch Dlber IllIbo lilll' gr.'Ior. Ib.D tbol h.ld bi SpOok .. the. moonljght. Then too Beef: Iron and Wine (a ~~I ?r I~ .• d.ylO do II ,. .1It. d.ylim. A. Fruer. lire rocIOr .. d Mr. ll. M. or Iht ......,1 ... .. are iD Reed iD lb. lUI Boult, wil Dol lot'il there are wool checks, and ser- '. -r---ID edd,boD'1O lit. da~ .. b,ch Ib~y mllll ~ will ban c:borgo.r lb. bayo 10 roaIity .boat 410.000.000 mil •• porl; gol befo"; lit. Ho.... .,· ·th ilk 1\ i1' preparation), Soc per bottle. 1 .... 1 .. bCeD lit ...... \I beard. mWD, 1Ir. faluro .. d il ill bapod I. dillar- Japiter boiDalb.tdillo'.DOODI iD .poot . Th. leII . ..... brougbl iD th. Cou11l lib · .WltextilS Sax° hastnpes. 2·grain Quinine pmS, quality • .. 0 1"0 Wlyo. No .. DDder bill boooo will toke plooo. beyoad VeaDa. If b ...... a cI ... 10 bore 10 compollllt. U. 8. )(iDllo coiD ese e o~ ve a .y.te.m luill coDld be eaterod ia lb. Th fo II • . 'ta~ bu booo DO a V .... ill b ... oald rob Ibo mooa • oII .. r biiGk ouder lit. old. lit ... . family trait of style quite as de- warranted. 30C per 100. .'ODIO~ w.b'lOby . • day w~ I.Yed 10 .-I~o b;~y ':';d ': b • Hr 01 her croWD .. lb. "Qu,,", of Dilhl," .. biob il Ie elaimed baI De .. r booa, .. cided as the blue eyes and the 'Mellin's Food large size 56c

, tbe plOlDbfi. OD ImporllDlltem .. hon d Mrs. 40 AI OIl d a.; . for b. bal. diarueIer 0' 85,000 mil ... pooled. ba·-booaE .. oIa deOiI, ~ &au 'f the h Sa ., . !"~ time coold. Dol bit lporod. 10 do "qa.1 IODy :':J. er 7. ... whila V .... baI • diomalor oC oD11 I.D iIIOlI~'''''' .. k. Wh ...... ""'~ ,.: l'"-~ ,'.- ' ~~ . Th

X- Carter's Little Ljver Pills, 16c.

IIID lit. d'ylime. H. alwop tried 1"'!r p- • .......... T 700 mil.. . Iht deciaOll iIIw. will b.! taPa u.... lII.IUUOCtlOns""", e •• 10 ,cooa;>odo~~. pDbli<:-' w. h ... oCIbOlr d;r!1or FAt!Uo 4oIoIDOllo, • ADcthor DOtabio _omiDall .. DI Iu 1110 8a~c.i,,"" ' .' ~ $ { .25, $1,50 and $1.75. Molet Ol!ve Oil. the best of all two JU'l!co WlIbID S •• mIDDIawalk oC 10 ~. F = ~Yi~OIIda~ will bappoa .. Aagoot 3d Dal. II Ill. .aderftoorlJlt.o.l tlte. ...... IIat .. 1lieD too Diagonals in die salad oals, 75C. ~DDOD1ID1CD "CD~o, lItutforo Ibeir ·~.i~·01 cbw"lDrch RI_oI N will DOl D.nlM betD1iftr1 fealGnt.: OD Territom. will ~~( ... . . deHc;.te and tender 11 DO urgeal D"-"y for lOeb ...... J .. . 1M lui, _ wUlll 10_ Ibo ID ..... iD C .. or oC lito .dllliloioD of Arimiia S· • . •• M. Cowperthwaite p ..... 1 Iquiro 10 try oa ..... enge'. odliooo, IiDI il -1 be Ibo _.f ud of N~ .. Mexico .. BIaIoo, ODd '", . pnn~. colors· a~~ dignified . ' oDe ..... per .. eek. KoO"'DI bo.. 1_ LippiDcoll oC W.tIoId. died IhriIIIoa lit. wbol. world .. lit iDtoili. ra.or oC PliCD b.lloilit •• pplioodoDi dark tints. of qualttles SO fine Main, below 4th St .• lb. '90iro bad aI ... yo performed bill OD WedDMd.y moraiD,iut. SenraI plica of lb. JDOIl IlartliDi BtID .... f Oklahom. ud Utalt. ; olnd weave so .... Tfect as to dutYID put, I am .liIfiod 1b.1 h ..... ke qo h. - .\tacked wilb lb. 'l'ba1 .... 1 wUl be lb. OppooltiOD oC • •• .' ." d th ( r-" d • • mverton, N. J. .. ill perform il properly iD 1It.l'llt1l1'O. grippe, which &I .. aced .... lb. pIuet Ibro, .. bert il .. ill ItO 01 .. aTATE NEWS: : comman e ';lvmg a. mlratlOn H. blllh. people bock of him ODd Dearly 76. - lit. mOlD .... or hIo 1M 1_ 'hlt diItaDca from lb. Harry H ..d' Goo - ,. of the connotseUr m Wool lit ... ill DO do.blllt.1 b. will be eI ... ~· U. - ~ birbll "'I totl oortb. JC"'1ut "ra ... roblo .ppooi ... d JOltD i:il, 'throe ~ H1word Stuffs. $1. $1 .• 25. $1.5°. ted by .Ierae majority. JU8TlC&' "Ii-her"~:" ~';' &Del =~ tioD" cccaned 10 1877. ba~ • gnal Cily boyo ... on ~ CD ~ocI-: It i;s inti:restini I!> See the . • Fri':.da. 0 Tho I'IID$..iu Ire t1.a.y ed..- Irt __ leal ~ bu dal lUI for ·1i1l·lappiDg, n. 'wo bolder .efforts in the Saxon de-

T.tkEJilDro!tMNno: 011 o'clook from W.llIoid mllllrtl :::t:.:::: !;\. .. ::~ =~~b~~;o:;:: signs. 20 sorts with ~utiful Ia '11IWer 10 "Palmyn" I wllb 01 ... b.... Aac- ScI Il1ol will loll • a.&a1ta1.1 boci lb. mODOY dn .. er. Oc blm ... border;;, some like '!l~erted


Bellahl. dealu iD

Fi8II. _ aDd b, BII:.


Carpets! carpets!

Carpets! R.g CIIrpel~ "" beauly ... 1 .durahiiity dmp • 1""·.1 10 JOS. H. SMITH.

Rlvertoa. N. J. Call aodlfG umplt'l btfi,re plaeiol your on'E'n eleewhere.

CUT THIS LIST OUT AID SEIID IT TO DIE OF YOUR FRIEIDS • ann" .... I_ 0,_ Con_....... N~ Por6Ik.

R. L. TEMPLE. PALJlYlU.. 11'. 1. .

MODII7 to LoaD OD lIortppL DeeclI. K~ &ad &111l1l&I papen -.nh&IlT dra .... Houe.t« .... &Dd Ioru:aL

For Sale_ MorpD a"DOe a.r Spri .... Gardea 10 15 E. Broatl Street,10 rooms. lot 5Os2OO. ruoma,larp .iabMl. JOe SOzloo. l3:i:5o

t&OOO. I GarfIeld ... eooe near Sprinl Garden 10 32Sf Garihdtlavenae, JO roo~ .. 10tOO%]50. room&, lot 100.11&0. JS3I5O,; •

$!800. I Colombia ."lDoe, n .... Waltae. 8 roo_ 51::;.8eld avenae, 8 rooms, lot 50.1150. ~all c:onrea.lenc-. Lol. 6Oz1CJO. '!:BOO. 4th aDd Gu-Sald •• enae. 9 1'Oo1m<' lot --

4~1~? l,~U=n, ~O rooms. lot 100 I For.ale. choice bulldialloti 5OzlliO. :zl6O. $3SOO. Morpa neoue. near WaJlaee, $S5O

LeooOIlY a't'tl'lae, near 5th. 9 room •• lot MofJDUI .HDne, abore WAllace, 300 5I)zlliO. 12750, LiDden ueaae. neat Bro.d SlizUIC5 700

Morpn a .. eoull aDd lVaUace. 10 room., Horp.n ... enne .boft ~ '300 lot 00.1150. 13250. Columbia uenDe ud Chari.. 300

LiDdf!n anont!., near 8"...1, 9 rooms. Int f'.olombla a ... ae abowe Wulace 300 6Oz195. $2800. LecooeJ a"nn~. DIU' 4th • 300

_ Berkley &VWlue. G NOm., lilt OOJ:UiO. B. W. eumer -lIb aDd ItfOriaa .... DU. 425 1.7W. S. E." • '~' 2$

S26 Berkley avenae, 6 ronma.lot OOst50. ~orp.n .YeDoa. Dear 4th. 6 '1Q15Q. 3 on GarSeld ..... bet. 4th aDd 5th

328 Berkley .venne, 0 mDmR'.lol 6Or:l50. 2 nn Garfield a .. ao. beL aprt.. • 117110. GanIm and WaJ,- SIlO

.J1re z~ 2\1, ado J............ U .. .... !& .... IN!-

plllO ':l.' 1It~I'O. I coDdDcted~. • Th. ~Dd .-blr or IbIrt _ !,btIher Ilan .• iDlaaIJiled Dr DDt. It foaocl • .baok, oad , be ..... stalactites formed of mmaature ? .. 10 •• IiIfoodOD of Ib'Cblie WIll be 81'" ID ~ RI_ LyocOI .Ibo c-NI haliof _ ..... _om- r-I IboI boIDl empioy.d .,..,·. lb. cotton bOlls. $2. Ahd, and- Fmb 0,.- .. d CI.1III, Lobsten ID Ib~ pul, I lID ~ro= 10 0 lb. '"! Mood.y ~lDl Ftbntary 17th. on IboI lito ~ lata IDbabltaDlI. UDioD N ... ~ 1D..n P"fIOIO.OII lit. .' . . .. d Crabs iD _D. Ordon I.ken 1843. 18951. _. ID lit. fulu .... if tcItd. WlIb lit. IoUO .. ,og: p_. lln. ud IIrey bopO 10 lIad oal boycod for- GDItaDIia'K \rOCk be baiII4:.ai1 aoId . When all the foregomg t~ lOr pcaltry. Our __ niDI ialo Examine the Perrecled Poll"" or lbe

Beopeclfully.. EdwiD &n-. Kn. A. H. Gu.- titer _Ill 01 1M comiDa oppoaUiOD. tip OD Ibt roo-. , IIii " , i .. read. ' at:ld ' mema1ly digested RlnrlDD &ad Polmyro • ..,y .ThDn- -#

Job. 8. tlcItOldoil. Mrs. Horbort K_. lin. e.1IO;;;;J . • ?Id brotber. who bad MrYOd \WlI,.... perliaps you may thinK you .., 0' .... IItIik. Ord_ bY .1 MUTUAL BENEFllUFE INSURANCE CO. OF IEWIRIf --_ ••• ____ lin. Goo. W. B. Bob.Ia, Kia. BuIIara Kalp, .. apl wido .. lD Ibo JODIOIba'K BoforrD tchool _ know .amething .01 our Saxon ,NoapIIy IIIIOadotIIII. . "

~ ""_.,ruN .... : Mn. Ed .... de. G",!"-aad ~ litirtl&lPl.1 • Id _pledlllioid • ...u pooled iD"roqUri""-' told Ib6 Dress stuffs But do 't,' 110.11 w ..... IlL a...ty ItI.J C lUI "~.!.! JIIf'l,PP"'Io lLl .,..._ ..... ,_ - ............ I ban beOIl .. iDloroIIod Ipcota\Or Hr. CIwIoa W. Do.., Mr. W.h .. B. bY takIrta Puia • BIa. \OoIt .. jl1llico hIo i>coapalioa ... doaliDa 10 • you n . • • . .... ..--. .... ~-.. _.r ~ --- 00tIt - .....

o~ lit. CODIeJI bottrooa Ibo Ibroa .... Bobb, llr. I. W ..... Ooalat .... Jr. ' 11 Joownf!:i .. oIrioc& lipo .. bIch bi obialDed Crooia the rock, That's only the abc of them. - ap \0 0 ....... or ... '-"'....... "a'--' . d,d .... Cor ~1lIIico, ODd ban com. 10 !'fr. Cnwlord Coata, Ir. Hr. ~- ,it Ied.' - eye. roceitiDc ~miiiioo fro.. blo .1;De Challis. Daily nove1- - JOHN SCHROEPFER, . .UfNUn. DIVm_ . Ie 9 l' I'm-All ,.,.,. Go ~ flll ' II -~. COIIclouOll IItollchD 8. 8cboidell I&Dl ChaIt!ko""!'o Hr. J.u... If__ . OD._.1Iia hIo bona _ Y_ ties.ouId call for daily praises. b ... '...., ... , ... bon. ... ~ ftI_· ..... or _ .. 09 ....... ...w .. _11 .. ill mak.lIt. boototllcor. beYiDcbad koo WiItoD.BpcoiaI_ .. 1nia Ioay· n.. _. bIa wr..k" WoOd KalI,. who lard lib .... be. 01 \Ioe t50 delicate. lik the fi MIL K MAN pIaJ.~;:...'!},= 1'~:~:~1' '~,"~BL:l\'Q-"_' ezper\",!,," iD ~o .... wbich b ...... iDa Mark. _ wbtrl 01 baIf.paa& l.Mo ",,! .. ~. ~ ~ lWtna acbooI, .1II ... lclllita ud _ . • e De ,_ ,.1_ .... ra all ... _ ornuD. d.~ JIIII ncbt, ':I'd ill Cllpabl. or _ ....... ':.r.' ... a • ~ OD lire .... til G."--.. ~yr Gi!Igbams, . that you bu .... roai<mel 10 . IPI!CIAL ATrEtcfrlOB bl.;'1koI to"" :S-.. r.u., "' ... TII& OO~-I&' - _I.

a~. po_I ~li>r ROod n.llaaicole ai- b Mro. J, 0. uI.... ell IIrob aDd CIllIOII 'lboy ald. b/aIr bay bad pot lbooit .ahDost SAy they are .·'woven '. .' ICY ...... G ......... C'OO ........ VIl .. _..-.:=.· - n_

!,hicb hu """!t (alliDlbopuL 'l1ton 8. Dr.ria, OIl ll0Dda1~'" _ lire aJlOOl1lttl ttl J6...., J.'-... ap lO 'robItiaK iliO l1li. . : r' · " 'wiDd," Yea, but colors are 1002 PIRIIY ilL, PIlIY" ..... - ., .,b~.

~ddi:!dill~ ~g,~~~ :::':t"::'~";7:':'~ :::::'':=~'':u:!= "~~iar":t~'t=not "bl~~" n!y -a Ii~ .iiirt,will""'1 1r1o ,.&1\ ... ~Ih Ibo Address, (!RAS. M. SLOAN~'aAnt on Ibo _. H. bu booo IrioiI ud !rio A rtbort ~ _. If . . JIOtJ\I1 10 y .... 'J::.tlp, ,Or eilber Giopms or - ~aoI.&l ul ~ tailk lib . . ~7 Ii"!'" IoIIrrfaodoo, wby'l' .... 0&. • "_ . by Kn. :.t: ... - .o\ea,rtod .• nl DIAl ll&Dday ..... 11. Ii DOW • '10 Iroi • tilarus our counters ate........ IiutiIIf BlrliDaIDl,".all _Iii ' .. J ponm-.I! V-. ud ~ tl::..i yONl aoIo bY ~ ,...u. l .... . 00y .... . qc FplpltJct. .... ~ of ~ . DoIl~ .""'" Naa I .... ~. PAID III BUIWBOTOB cuoJllrr ALOIIE una 81, • •





. ~



The Wee~dy PALltIYRA. ud oal tIM. all dowa. 0II00r biJlo ... nod .... JIIOIIOI"io.tII,.

~A TURDA Y. FEB. IS. 1892. Air •• A. a..I'" OIpod< 1O..u 'Ibo lIIiooioD 8uda,«booI al _ Ll1VpIIOI for bome lI><Ia,. N .. , .. Ia,......t.c. 18 ocbo! ....

CEST.A.WORD COLUII.'·. Mr. Fruk Whi .. •• ta'Mr died.. , ....... aIicJ , fti ........ ~I ~ ...... -... .... 11, ia LoocIoo. /au Buda,. A doaatioD ol Ubruy

""'" ."M _ 0(_"", Mr. Goo. W. Cooper ill ka'iDa bill boob ....... "" uclli_ oat. fitt: /l~=t 4~';~~~~~~ ............. io _. boa. paialod, itt W .. N.1ft. illOIpooIId ..,. Ubrary bOob..w b

w..,ted •• (IOOd Farmor. Kioo N.llie Ou, ill ~ 10 be .-Ited &bill week. L __ """'" Tntcker 10 .... • Farm ill wi&lt &It. pip. itt a...Iea. W. j_ -.. ~lOck &ad Impl ....... oa K J~ Boaoor • I tIM PI" rn ...... ~I ."'.'''' or I if --, &billea".. itt all rIIpICII a __ wI Hi,blaod _"DUt!, Palmyra. z,,, .. ,.~tr. troabled wi rb.a1Dau... ODe. Lit.raJ dooaIioGIt. ... bIN ~

Grand . CO~lnattDn Fair • .. Palmyra Castle, K. Q. E ••

Cinnaminson L.odae. I. O. O. F •• and Pensauken Tribe. Imp'd O. R. M.

ww bo \told 0& ...... JIaU, PIIm- OOID--'-·V-'-- -_.-......,.JI, 1-. to~ ..... r;;;;~;;:--. \bon wiD be __ ... a Wuted 10 .... t 10 room 11-........ Kr. Rubert Marrio·. Iiul. Iirl.O/ ooind froea .... , ol tIM iDb .bi ... ..

cu ..... i ........ itlt ubi.. Ad_ IIwt W ... Brood """'~ ia q.itt eiok. ..r 1'aI., .. ucI ita .iciall, ...... , A GOT .In WATCH, :147 Nmy... :' 110 •• C. B. McLeu •• ho bu be.. i •• ".U·· ucI-:1,' la _.:.. .. a1.

,,"&Gted to ",Dt .. df'tacbfld. b<M*! io II Ii' I:-=:.~:': . v -. Pahorra. .ilbia tho. mlD'-lt. walt 01 or ... l~ iii ncomar· be oa ,bot, .Iao -1 aU Sapper Will ltati ....... b .... bOl aod cold .... r Thumu B" .. bo .. dOloatad • _ woK. be -"" £root I 10 10 p... I.. will be preoeoted to the lady School tac:ber • ..,d batb. odd.-. .itb ... 1 "'!..INd . • r&lteiruc.n •• 1 ooeIlOlIte Ooatbi.... R ... C. W. Neri. oddNOtd ..... ucI coke..w .... be eoIcI d ... lmiinK" toWDShip bavin, the highest number of vote. U ........ '. Flab. Phil&. IlIquirer. _13.:1. tioa • air.,.. Y. II. C. A.~ ...... Buda. i., tIM _itt, .t tIM ..J raI.. I ... than &we a>D_'" The names of R1::. or IIWIU", lor ..... U.~~."" ...... -.. M.epr· .... EaiJ ..... ooa .".. tIM .. ~ of wriltau Ad ...... iaoIodiaa GIIlpaII for eap' Kr. Frank Smith, secretary. Palmyra, who will furnish all

... beoo .. ith KDrIOI C..... ucI •• _1IeD ,....ul.... T!tt Ii.... per 215 _Ia. 0... ucI boial roar ltic:ub .... • ~orreotorror e.obeay"fIHOla,. .. DOW •• __ -'-~'b,._aL:_.,_ ramil •• ith JOG. You will lb ..

tbe 7 roow bOIllll OD PeDDlylY&lna an., _ auaulllQllllU J V __ ...... ba • of-"'" ...... Palmy .. It. 1.. Te .. ple. :'I:UI. IIr. J.",.. IIacb .... ucI Camill. bon 0/ lit. cboin from tIM E ...... paIl~jo .. 1I .. bloopporllUlll' ..-UIf u ----------------..:....-------

cb _L -'Bi --,~. r-- I' -iDa .. i&lt JOGr Irieodo, ......... .. TIle Palmrra BuildiOC ahd Loa.a A..>- 10 mo .. La tbll"jl, abou, Apnl Un:ufllN ftrt,Qa UIIII £&lID,,. a.... -WD&aDo& •. eiatioD will .uti .. D .... eerieI of it ilrrpuned. der tbe able l.denbip of lIr. A. A -, ou tb.., linll )load." iD Yarcb. "l1!~~i~:':.':..k.S;~~ I'_: __ ~ aL.. Fraeor. iOIll (or II&UCk caD DOW be left : UIUCU 1.11 .......... .,.. It. 1.. T.a,,,I •. :lo·p;:';;;;i,,;; moraiDa ... pro- The J.IIOno. C1.b illlIeodU, itJ. Y. X. C. J.. ~Nu<1N lrom I..... "". b, corttacalP. . """"11 ita _.bonb·p. At tIM lut T!tt ucI AlbIa Do-

WanLod oa. or t.o lOatl.m .. boar· Hr. Goo. Sbaaer. 01 Berkl., An., IIIft&iag of.&bo ~ of dirocIon &boIJIIIl1.~1 upeo&Ilo be. nil ....... ..Jen a1 .. 07 ~e,. ave.. Nm1ra.:!.1111. iI proud oj bill &nt bona •• bu,. ~bicb Q( UI appheull were faYOfto in lIM ftIIJ DIU' (gLan .... ,. ...... . ~= -=~"';! a:.~~-:..":.. "rr::N E."ll&l~rda,lut.o a Id ... Ie :!ii~I~ ap: ioa of:,:,: ~::. ~"t.t 01lten aDll8ah in the 8,.,d _rt.. t;tewa.rl. of u e.n- The clab' tau r:eMJtI rcIau- I. und.r Hotchk"" 11010. Ord... • ••• bo •• Broad. is •• h. ill .i&lt dip' a .. pool .. b1 .. '.lUcl!i'&It lit. oad. II,T::'! :"-:::P .ud ..,d ~oIi.·.rN. '300. W. Bini. .... Iholl... _M. a1-', 0--' b,o .L.

T I d II· ,. 1< t B--.1 '"' e- ~ WUQI J loll .lrUet~ro(~ede ...... ""ItD'.r."' ... "1Ii " tit, we 101 .-,0. "wet rvau lSL Mr. KeD.Dea. of Pblladelpb .... baa. . eoteMDlMOt for iI. Tb ..--"

9 NODi&. Enquire SUpt', pharmacy. U reottd aDd IDUnei iato • bouM 00 om~D,jr .• '!1' bis ~ I.' ,at S· '._ B-- -.I ~rit. and 1bf, are -eurinlP ...... ur Al'Oa ImP'UD', - nJMI .tl'ftL beluw Racr.. -.. roet. l.:sotf will be a "ipl cbaIIIo ia 10 tull, ... ip &It.-J.... W" ."I*&I To Let.. Ri",eMD. two lae 8 room Wm. McFelridJ:8 iI ' Dow CJD- of liOaiDI the bell of &0 b.r lOme KOOd Deft iD

hoUMII OD llaiu .uoeet. ODe 8 room Her auack. of lbe grippe I ,ffi~r.h~ Church. IDIkd of rrpon. hou.e on Thow .. anDue. Alto IeYenl ... qllite eer1I)UL D91e bere&ofore alf'd Edac:atioual cl .... are (h"t '" all eae vropertiee ADd boildi~ Iota Iot'.te Mr. aud M.L C. S. ALkiDlOD. of At- . before the hour of ... y ..... , .,OIDbtn ----!~ ... bl.p~·.I. L~a. in Rinrtoo&DII Palmyra. :s.J.CoddiDg. CUIIUU '-0' UIC1 P .... Ri ....... S. J . laatic \"~I,. '1IOa' :a·' Suud" .. i,b .iII be 1.-\DOrro. ucI Ib .... /I· made i. Ibit dopartDlPtlL

For BeDI.-t09l1orpn frit'otlt io ... Imyra. er ooly a few Ihort &apa. .)(emben The 1'01'. were apiA crowded at Healer,Sl7 ;ColDQlbia Mr. EIl.w",nb HaU •• ho b .. bad an specially reqallt.ed &0 make tbe m.o'l, 181& SaDdayaft. 9 ~ bot or cold .ater, '16 i Lhe griPP', ... able kJ be oa.t uf tbi. chaogt'. QflOo. The .. Id,.. hy Rn. C. W. Temple. Yur1N-. RN.I E,ute aud week. a prise Look Neyia,ol 1M 8aDda\v-ScbI~1 &rift!. &D1..'t". Palmyra, "'iJ~uda, . F b U Mr. Euo. D 10lut ha. • morulo" Df'U ork ~:",!i"'.1 oDIe" D.nt.eo urd".u able

1 1


This saying. u old one, for many a day. Has oft'timcs been truthfully said.

It applies to those people with nothing to say • Or who say ~gs much bolter unsaid.

NOW GOLD is a goOd thing to bave. No chance lor argument on that

is th .... l And the mo ... you get. ud the quicker you obtain it better. ch 1 Right again. you say-very weII-now. as we have ethi",:to say. and arel absolutely sure this somethini will benefit we are going to speak out loud.



Freah Pork, Sausage, Sorapple, Liver Pudding, . .

01_ Qaa1IIJ" QJ"'"


Lampsy Umbrellas aild Rubbers.

Havinlr bought direct lrom the Trenton factories more Lamps than we could sell before Christmas, we are now offer· ing them at the following prices : I. Fancy decorated lamp and shade. with "ba. Trenton" impro­

ved burner. '3.75. 2. Fancy decora~ lamp and shade, with Duplex Burner and

Patent Extinquisher. $4.50 . 2. Fancy decorated lamp and shade with Duplex Burner and

Patent Extinguisher. '2.75. I. Fancy decorated lamp and shade, with Duplex burner and

Patent extinguisher. J2.50 . 75C, '1.00. JI.25. '1·50.JI.75. J2.00, J2.25. Or J2.75 will

you a nice Umbrella. . We sell nothing but the BEST RUBBERS as our custo-can testify • Yours trulY.

F"'Dlale 11t~lp •• 0W at bu I' ·fhom .. Miokh .. --~ --~ e&nM»'. Th ... au·O --,---, ~ Wh ha bee Wt'ltt Plllul).... u~w It'uc:e a uL bll Plopertl UD arry &IKI auu I'1IDUCnKI ere ve you n .... u.. i.to_ed."..,... .... AI· &It.I>,mb'bwl cb·.in of CIoriet P. JOS M ROBERT

1","1'4 at Ruhert's al f'l'\Jlleed ter "pinteci ruund. b.d been I Cb .... h. Rinrtoa. aud \. hril& P. E b' COFFEE ft S <. I ",., . •• on A '" I" ••. , C'I L t batltll 1f.1I. whn 11.1 bno U..nng your r .. ur !la to. Jl, .. ' . c r _ . ...... II rnuuht the ft!feree decilled ia raYOt ullflt't the di,.cd"I' J - ••• . ,

" .. u~.ll'l ... nl SI .. "",Xl EI,iA"I.1 SOIlII.y d .. lalll< d ... huwe fur eUWIe wleu bl p

.. ,·hut .. 1. Term ..... ~ .. Intluine, t.ofllu.·ard '.CkUl·r., .. lItelUu, btlll::r. Minkin •• od tbe tWI) fello .. thPl1 ltr. aSdhlle.1 hI M:;" G'IAnv'wh,m: d h eh Well . all'I. Rh'ertuo. .b.".k han 'Iud parted. We,mau. " .... lIIi1&,..tto ... the ca~rul an everyw ere, 1 , we desire to say to you In Palmyra and Riverton. N. J. J I,ll L. :;uIlIY.u·. .b • ..Ju,.,...L.. -0-~lUuel Sto'y, tile he.' P&PPt IIluftf JOIIIph Bilhn~ .iI alterial t"inial" Ih ~, nain &lId lbat tb·, earnestness u • • • • • ..kt:1I U"" VI 1 lltlll"'I', I·I .. ~ I C b I I · . • t ~'\' I ' rlUIII" a .11ve-rlu, ",ur Illan. lil\',· . Tn, mantiIlD • • t n:.d aad Le ~U. hi : 0.", I • lU't e C lUI'. III

him.lri.1. ";"Iilll.ld rurni .. I .... 1. Win· JU)Ct:', lIuh·". r fob • .,. CIIII":--'" Du ... infn a couple of Itn,.. Lbe city church .. Tbe 'pint .ilb WE CAN DO YOU GOOD. MILI..INERY GOODS at Spayd's New Build-,I .. " .. 111.,1 ...... I'riut-' ,..·IIt'r.~ 50<'. It· Y. l ·. ~. PuWelMl'1 "I~u\d tbe J .b·,ch ,b., -'---' ,·.10 .•.• Of",· .. wilh hllik windntnt. t i. reporte; lhl! _1eRIU WI .... Ir ron', ,"" ;' ,. ... m hu .... .,. .. n ('inna ..... 'u .... , Hh St:O.te at 1'n-uLuO 1 .. 1 '11' H'" cumUMhdab ••

mlUlt"n aYrnl1". :t nlillnlN' •• Ut rr II, 'I I rmner ,to·,... WI he fl<'CUJ'letl hy a ' • • ll.Iliull. F"'.I"" I,it", Pallll~ r:.. 011 uutJlly UI~ .l, •• l l ' I,ra., . r H. R •• hr",.,' .• 1,r .I" .. r flf Mr. A. I'.ul Tb .. 1Mliidlog 'Ullfl a.

Not only a little. hut a great good. if you will buy your coffees of ua. ing, Palmyra. Weare giving special attention to 1 beg leave to inform my patrons that my beautiful 'stock F"r ~I". tilll. 1,,1. M S 100 "n G.rti,.lu M, . U.,i..-u .. .:) ........ ~ aul . IU '''0:.; U It.,hrmno. uf CIUllaaliu~u a\e.,ue, IW tiu •• ~k.-J~q E. Jlortolt,

nl'uul' liMit ~ •• riu~ t.illrolell ,.In'''l. "'''111, ; .u. I.e..llh at lbe huwe .. 1 llr.lieur,e "ttu .'h' aod boute rurui.biar ltol"l'. ; CIIl.b.l5; chan" dU enaiolDeOI .,,1 ... . ·It"."., .\1'1'1)' 1\1 IIn".ld 1'.n1. U. \\ If&: IU', .'u Ln::ulot" a'·cOue. Sf'velll Philadelphia rrieadt uf Mr. per .\1 ... S. C S. V .. yi., ~6,. TUI.I

.\IIJo' "III' "ifol.iJ , ~ :\II".':I~"··" ~ ..... t" m U II l'unol., .~ .... M. T.rlur Rut Gt'Ol'tl" H. ~lIekhoo .. yilitad him a' llf 11"lt: .-100.26

COJ!'J!'EE of n"bbons are purchased lrom the best and largest ribbon hoUle in Philadelphia, and after many years of experience in

we c:aa live you uything you may want. All we ask is your pal- ~ilIinery work I IeeI myself competent to select this stock ·Ior ro~ and we guarantee to satisfy you. the increasing needs of ~y lady friends. The large amou!lt of

"" .. III.It' , .. II VII 1I,.1n't: IIIe Lllldlt'r II :' -UII }In!. \'." r ul,II.,. hiol hilI''''' nn Dela.are annae 11.1, A ,",)'nte:1t b .. beea. prnmi.·tI lib W. B,l.J.'.,...I.:_.ln! ill Ihe n,, 'y uflt' llbcll.y Y'aUiul fncod. iD "u, S,tu,,) • ., ni.!it aud hefilr'eleaYiogae Ihl' 10. ll.ucn 1"'.auI' we .I~I~ h, Ilull hllll," ...... iI. 11.7.lf. ~

Foo, .t'hl -!i ,.. .. 1,. I,.u,. .. :\:,'0 Iwr" ,,," u"U. lOme .. ntillf'l with tbe ntbu goMI llI,kell at 1 .... 1 '600. I'bi4 will U~ .. \,.. A"I'I~. Iv t:. .\ . )1'·E •• r .. tl. all;' Frauk nilalll!l. a b .. y .. IIIJUllhlt.o-b thilill" whir.', ... .re proyitled ' by tbe ihlt- the pa,raeut of all euh.crip-t:IIIII:""jU .... II . • ....... I:!..."" .. , III' ailU, h·.tf:ollt. Se.,.ral n( tb~ I preeeol .. iul.. aD' I maDY addiliUl.a) nut'S.

11 .,ri. lie""'" , "I"' .'",II.'i.... .ln~l I"-t ~IlUIr' were taken ,ick 01'1:& mnroing aod if F,i"lIIk will )UU hut l elll u. iu Lbia .... I~r h.llltt'r. 1-· .... "11 .,,,1 HIOf1U.'t! an i";Ufl~ the 61!b were lbe cau.e·of it wa.leJ f .... hllp • . UnJr,..l.ty lII"iI urooml,II}' at· Hun. A. H.r- \Vbite. '-m'lr' It ~ uptded that I~t! cllruhiut'lll kllll ... llo.. IU Ii ,r .~ .a.-= u or Ihe PaJm'c.;M. E Cb-_L

• _... oJ II • mao rrum tbi. IHI'illatin district .bi l" --. ~ .. Inlr'. ,uU t .. r '''J'IN. ..... t'lil-' •• aod Baptiat alb. wiU rea-IIlfUlhl' _'''In.., I.die.· al1d ,· .. ild,...n', tempuraril, iOJaoe (tom aD .Uact der • Dumber 01 lIIectioaa '" &b. IDea', l"pI. elt· .• "nil to ordt!r. 5:!O CillU&lUiu· me .. :tI, jomped oul or iIIe chird ltor} IOn avenn... .IOICkf. wiodnw uf LiJ bouM autl ... rouad meet.iol to ~row afteroooD a& 4.16.

1..01& rur ""I ... .. iae 60 z 150. L"lrIlen 75 beUde aliule brook. aot tar Com ... s 150. ~il'ely Irnted aouth nr R. R., Wi ... aaxiUary m_oa, pear .. Nt Palm, ... atatIOD. Tertnl rea .bortly neaiog. E..,. IIMIIlber II lOoable. Appl .. t"owDUOD lbe prebli. r. d' L benreeeo' t..-:-of sea. Albert wan.ce. 1010 tf lOt a nD&, I' ... -~

Autobl.". rur aale. W .... B. F.61enD, ~De to Itt it. .bea he dieapl_'Od. lpectin, the ,rand Tbomu avenue. RiYerton. 96lf He ... Dol, 2j ,eArl MODday.

We b ... e tbe married. ment. the market. Larp mackeral. or a Lot O.Den should be earef'al The ruemberabip roll cuouDali '10 1.111.1 dirt. Ol.her Ii... t.._ ' Id' . be L I :~~::~~. Erruouag maD or thia clUl quaJit,.. Now it :::~~~~..:'~ Mlmoo, or a DO uul lor or IlJDI ~t 1Ip to Oua b Id L_ iD lour winter coal. J...n--'; -- <.,- .bIOll-. .iait &he .. truet the yiew o(&beir oeJibbon. The I OQ me a JDelDuu. Cblldo do Read. Tho .... B..... • doede go ........ "Iigbt air .ad proe- X. C. A. Co~ 1_ toD. peet" to nUT oDe aoa aD1 iaf'riDP- W. Wilham, Jamll

JOMpb L Likina,JutiCioftbe Peace. meatoatheJengbt~ehODldbeoenlUred. ComlDilaioner nf Deeda.' AUdiODeer, The Midenll ofth. Eutlid. ofCiooa· R.t Estate Apnt, 80.. reDted. Renta . b . 0 aod olbercollect.iou. 80s. _ PahDYJ'L mlDlOD anaue aft a cue ID poiat. I

eou,. lucb nbilruetioDi caD be ' re-I~-~~1~;f;!~ OrdeN receind for coal iD cat load 10'" Ho .... do Haln ... I'orr7 P. O. Ii. J. mo.ed b, I •• bUI ille b0t-1 .. cb pro-

$000, 1700 ..,d '1000 10 lou oa coodia ~, .iII aol be roq •• red. I"~::P~';~\! l~ii~~:~.;: mo_ Aleo I........ NII1.... Frederic Niebola. oC P... I&reeI, I I~ 6 .... IOntad .. ud cyCl.... bad bia rool craobed lui 8a&ard., p lD81"1kl .. companieL R. L +rem. Fair commiuee .ill mee& Dut, a1 the Palmy", pueeapr It. ~,mortpnl, raJ .. teaDd IDlUtaDce.1 "',ua'""1 lYenia, at lbe raideace in geWoC 08' the traio. He

myra. 2:5. tXbeidttl, at Bro&d aDd &0 Riyenide tb .. t morui:t;1O 1 B~biOo.t: 1Irs. B. T. GleaD. teacher of plaDo. at 8 p. m. d b'

orpn and vocal maaic, Tbomu .. enD. mODey ae 1m, aud r-Rivenou. SuDday mOruioa La the Bapliat .,. io ..,.,....1 MlOOUoI1 it ia re

R. 1.. T.mpl.. &It. baud of lellowobip - ported. H. 1101 \a &It. traia dui al


OOttolene has no doubt come to' stay if the good imp~ons which a of has made. are lasting. It at once rrovcs its superiority to first, because it improves the taste 0 cvetything cooked and IICCOnd, because it is =IIy a cheaper articl. than lard. important for you is the fact \bat it is a more healthy articl. lard. You may be lure of this whco you know that it is

I posed of Cotton Seed on ud Beef Suet. loe. per lb.

Canned Vegetables, our line is unsurpassed for variety. quality and price. There notllin2 finer than the the Paris Com ud the Silver Lak. Toma· toes. while our Lima Beans. String Beans and Early ] un. Peas win bear the most critical comparison.

Paris COrD, 14C., Silver Lake Tomatoes, IOC., Bakers COrD, Ioc., Tomatoes 8 and 9 cents, A good Com. 9<-. Early ] un. P.... 12C.. French P .... 12 ~C.. Komlet, 25C.. Lima Beans. 12<.. Asparagus. 3oc.. String Beans, 8c.. Baked Beans. ISe.

continues as a slapl. for a good !>reakWt and of all the b"'lDds I sold in the town. There is nothing to equal the W!\SHINGTON. 15C. a package.

Doed.o. Iloed.o lOa 010_ ,i .... member&. ISo..... Nm,," al 6.\8 p. m. hoi

draw.. . boptiem. did 001 1"1 aIf .atil ~~~ I :~~1~~~~~ UB p"l:lrrT A T 'TIES Or. Cbu. Voorbil, Bu .... a De.tIIt. C. B. Po ..... a bad for bia "art.od &ad 0 S £IV~ • • ·ourtlt ..,d Ho ........ a .. NOll'" .... Su.da, mora ..... "Som. .hoa b •. ~1~'pI<lIII "'01,,11' I . '

J ... nb H. Geot Ie p .. --' 10 do I t .L I·' d laad.ocar "",,,oaUt,. IP"'dr.a,-, .... IaI,. - rom .... .. ... inc an aettiDC oat fruit, abacIe C. U. 8PQ1'geoa."' • , Homestead Flour onta\IIODtal ...... , .... bo_ ud ur M ...... _... Finest Creamery Butler

. to blre .ad mo.lap 10 aad "... ittjanod ..... T.... J. T. S ... m' '" So.', Uoriva11ed Colioe ciT.' E. Brak". art paper b..,si_ talli11, a pi ... t -. .1 Burlia,..a .U pYliell, Most Excellcot Tea. .. iadow abaci. ud IDterior decorationa, OD &op or the lame. HUlld.,. but a biRaale ~e vi Locoo.y ...... below fUi....... W. aro roqa.ted 10 Ii" .I.d ucI &It ........ oIIbrIO of

J.. Paul Bob,.,... wlldtmak .. aDd &It. Ooauai ..... ilI - '" tirom .. ror_teI, JII .... 1ed &It. 10-jowel". 6t1t aDd Cial\&llll.... ....... Iaoe·. b ... ~ .. WedaeocIa,. tal dealrDctioa oC tIM bolldiDa. W. Nmyra,li. J. 1711t.1O I11III. all cIaime api,.., aN Rlad to ., lItia ",III .ot i.1Orfera ...,.,~----------------------

If 700 tu.aab.ip. I , with their lilia, orden. ::l:,;!':.~ Th.T .... iaClabbadapl_t Th.b_ofHo .. aearyc. aarr. :131 w.. bl •• 1 lit. mid"" .. at alr. 0. F. . w. C. T. U. ._ MUD.till .. _ baraed &It.

o. O .. 6.ld a ...... 011 Koada, 0 ;. 1 ... 1 W..,w ..... ,. Mn. H.rtraun lro •• d ,eelarda, alleraaoa all lor~" pl:: :.~ i.,. Aboul 'ftDty 6 .. PUOIII 1" •• • •• ry '.' .... 11., lalk 0\1 lb. I .. ooalAlD'" ...... Ioacl oC' fa,I1IlI,,"I Sa.y.r. 11128 N.8tIt 8L, p ..... ~ .ork oC th. di~_1 dopanmaale; otc. Th. IIro Ie 1OJ'P"!"d

H. K. READ. Store. • • •

Mco's Lace Shoes. '1.50 to ","So

n"bbons I have sold during the holidays. is proof that my stock is GOOD.

~RS.~. P. SPAYD. Broad St., opposite Station, Palmyra, N. J.

P.I.-W • .,. 01 .... oat 081'$1 felt ball '" 50L

JOHN E. MORTON [Formerll nf PblladoJpbla.J




91 ClanamiIUlOa Anoo .. Palmyra, N. J.

Cabine,ta. 82.00 per Dozen.

Book and Job Printing. w. bave unu.oual facUities for doing all kinds of

. printing, from a visiting card to a three-.sheet poster, and would invite inquiries t<?r estimates.

E. W. STAGER, 13 "W". Broad Street, Pabnyra, N. J .•

D..-.. Fubioaabl. d ....... la'. fSO .Au ... 1, mail CrotII lite qulle a a.mher of tIM Iadl.. .... ca.Ofd b, a 4oC_ .. l\&1li1 ....... au.. CoUla, aad ed bl oar mid.., ...... &bat roacb -!. t:J>.lIM!"bon af tIM Ualoa ia .... I·k ...... to a apocialtl' bore by an' traia. &It ....... u C.r oro •• ,Itd ta lbeir .Iab 10 do _. ... priiociip,J

d· JCOOCI 10 lit .... ba oaa be roacbed ,-_.,--;-,.-

It. ~ml.~I~ 'i:::= !:'r."" w:'or ::'~~UUPOI1aDI 10_ Ibroa,b lit. mediam of a Tea_oo K, .. ....., .. __ ~ nooiYed

Ladies' Button Shoes. 1 ........ T'1·" ... : '1.25 to k-oo I.LI.LIIIU \.~ Kisses' Button Shoes.

MEDICINE~ AND CHEMICALS, ud 1 ......... Nmpa. • U.i... Lei all ...... ben, if .ubl. --,. ti ---,

W. are r<qa .. ted 10 _ !hat all 10 be p.-t at lite m<ell .... al .. ,. ~. 'a~. -.'IOr. Jut .eek. r.>naae. b .... 1 claim _l1li th. .... &It. .Wblle Bibbta." All 11K. or milk, at!d ill fOWllIb'l ', will pi .. PI'eIeI!' t.beaa \0 Cbril' iaa WOIDell U'I iDrited &0 joiu inllkillUDed JDilk Cot .Go.' per

" . . '1.25 II> '3.00 Childn:n's Button Shoes • .

. 80c to , • .60 Infants' Buttoa Shoes. :zoe to 1Sc th ... mw", .. \ u. lit. I7I1t 1DalaDt, lb. Uaioa. Th. _ lIal.ut TIIu .. Froeb ho_.1&o. poi Ib. :

J.b. W.IIaot. botal. f .... u1 ..... t. d.,.iII be held '" lit .... cIeaot BixlMD pia, .. look l'N' ... laalit.,:IIA A -'aB 01 th. Impro ..... 1 lie>- Mn. J ... P. Cook.. Th. cb. IoaraatIMIIIl '" lit. Iiat

ci.I, •• bieb Jll"P- 10 baild lite .iII be ·P-." Th ...... iDa .. tborooPI, •••



.. eLl! .BP02' DI ........ unoe and Wallace ItrM&. Palmyra.

C. F. co~ BlOOd. bel •• VIDa -. odjoI.11II WoIJe" __ ,"IIOra,


.i.,10 th. &plllli Cb.Idt. _ bold • b,_o,.., 0 ........ by 1It_ .... lb. h, m. of IIIr. C. C. Reiabard. oa do(eal,od. n, . - 1toII, .... ..-..1

iOI· ... a ..... Wedlleod.! .,""" plOl.or* : ..... _ ...... l .

Blopbam BIok", IIDd W .. B. PirrJ. Tb. Y.ung~ Poopl .. • .\Iliaa ..

Palm,ra M. E. Cltuldt .ill - .. "ill,. I tit. lecutN .... lID Sollda, a' Il 6.80 P. m. M ... III. P. I!pa,d b ... cbarge. .\II are itt.iled" ai>d b&: wloolDL

Palm, •• I 'I'M 1a1P_ oC tIM byNDden ... __ 1m<! al &bill _ poIaL Pv two boun &It. IIda of .Ic&oty .bbed aod

whoa '""II, Mr. BIok. 1';"1"'-1 etaI. maIeci bia op-'

_ deoIand-." ilnt • • · .... .ilI be Ri- ID i....· . J.

0.- _ ... daIl-loJl-""" I;:::!,:: <1.07 ....... .....,. ' I'

l. II. lit OlfSOl. CARPENTER,

_,... •• 1. JOBBINa .A. ~2'r.

P.O' ............ ,tlll ............

. ..... ;1 ' 1I 1, ,'\I"" .t . J..'lh"" I

.. .. ' - .. !" . . " ; . • ,',


Something New. J ~ added to m)' IiIRe varietl.,. of ftour. a fancy hrand

the "New ~~Q'." wliich r mail at 43 and SSe. per~. We con· tin\le \II .~ HoPkin'. HWlgViu ... d Peacemakoer Brands @ 43 and .. ~ per '-Il. and Gilt Edge @ <40 and 18c. per bai.

Fancy & Toilet Articles, Sponlres, Brushes, Perfumery, &c. ~ Do_ ...... I_JJOrl<!rI s.,,-..

PIt~ ____ ,..-, ........... ..._wltIt ...

.... ...,..... ·Ov ... 01 il.uolD. "COlli" .... nrraat.ecl ,.. .... udortlta _qallly.

Soda "W"ater. Choice Flavora.



.... ....,..IItUu.. ... hU .. Io ...... tiJtIo,_ ......... bUode, .... W.larilo ,.. ......... oor -. or wrIla .... _ Spooia1_ dell .... ..,_.



Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Eta. BllACD:'rS .AND SCROLL SAWlRG.

amCE, 10· t4IUJGIlII'S AVE., CUDEI. I. { .'

r'. _ ..-__

ROAD BUILDING. _ and loadl from II"lliDr "'OOthD" 0/ thi nlOd, ... ~, "'11 ..... By J4Xa 0"... 00 '"Y propooilioo oC loweriar .pocially ada,*" ID Ihil jtlod of work

I "ould prefa";' my .. mark. ";tb gnd, oC th, nlOd and remo.iIl, obould be allowed ID do iL 10 . the l'tatement th .. t this is not a treatile th., .tooM, I wu IOJemnly MIQIfId experience :(ew men b .... or .Iet on city pavementl Dor • paper on o( &.be (oIly o( .uob a prooeediq aDd proper kn .. ck of .preading. boulevardl, or the beet w.y 10 buiJd Dndolng • century'l ·work. The Afur &.be bu Men pTit On good roadt for trotting, hut .. few idea IOlt., bowevet, pro9'ed the the ud "eol, u to wb .. t in the writer'l .. good road hu exiIted ever ,inee l1ien be rolled. and !.bould be tbe be!t way of buildi".' oew grade wu wade. ia agaia &.Iother paiDt COUDtry roads, or, . Wbat I would IUggeat, bowe9'er, in Yean .. go it wu hi~bway!Jt with tbe leut tbe general drainage ii, th .. t ~th io tb. lOouey conliltenl witb the best ~Der· grade. care Ibould be takeD to have 1.1 mult.!!. Tbe tbree influences tbat w .. ter thorouab1y at tpe low I E'I'''ic'D~., b: .. :~~:.~:; govern tbe conltruction of roadl are, and i( the grade. are long ~ finn, bow to get your money j eecood, .. t proper intermediate point&. how beAt to layout your road, .. nd, Wbere quickand.ia ,truck, or 10ft, tbird, tbe proper w .. y tn build iL boggy ground, lpecial pro.ilioD mUlL

Tbe money questian I do not pur· be made to avoid permanent and Un· pose to inject at thi.!! time. being .. mat- ceuing repaira. Quickeandl can



- ... ~ ... , .,--~


j Th .. :fe is "music at Yatcs'," in the Overcoat

,11<.oo,m and Children's Depart-

'~~~i'~~ ... The ,"Onstant hum of I gives a "snap" and a the whole establishment.

UDMAN'S . -' {, Giant ·HeQ,terS_.~·;

In sdc'cting a Furnace for your Home ~ is . always u,,-,irabie to procure the very best tIw .

can be .had. There are very many good fur-· naces 10 the market, each i ho.vi0i its own points 01 ""c.!lence. as to economy, durability ~ase of managment, &c. .

ter, as a rule. beyond the inquirer'l •• yt ~ permanenUy treated by IIT'O\' ince, aDd generally beyond er drajoege, but bop aod a .. ,amP'1 ('ZLpability of b .. ndJing. of l .. rge area cannot oluall, be 10

~:'f~~~:~ choice Clothing of the , is upon our tables--we

Noll' if WI! can add to these points the very t.,sentia l Sanitary features of better Ventila­lion, an? a larger flow· of pure fresh· air with th~ additional and very desirable point of hav-10)( a . u~lIace that will not radiate heat in·the c .lIar, but always have a cool casing,llOd this wltl,~uc additional cost it is certainly greatly t~ .the advantage of the purchaser_All theSe po lOts are combin~u in our

Tbe eecond point, th .. t ofJocation 01 handled. Tbe Ule of hruab and timi­f(IAtilS, il hardly.. m .. tter of conlider- J .. r material are bed to mate otuaJl, ali~n at thil lime, &II tbe object 0, this permanent road. -lII l'et iD~ .lId tbe tendency u: tbil paper Incidental to the crowainJ and I iI D ...... r1, ill for tbe improvement of exiltlog il the proper lurfaclng

. road .. , .. nd I would only allude to it iu earth for the reception o( the road Ilue "\"'iew of tbe cue, .. nd tb .. t ifI, .. m .. teriaL Under all circumJtaDOli lil t' c.xi!!tiul! roadl have .. Imost been .. nd at an time. Ihould the larfate of ulliformh· I.illout v.ith tbe 9'iewl or the ground be limila.r to the Sniabed local wishe! and desires, .. nd not with lurface of the roadw .. y, with the idea of tbe beat location of tbe Iboulders to hold the load LheOllelvel, their improvement tbape. No dumping the atone wjl) be a m .. uer o( -much granr h .. phuanily OIl the exiating un .... en coDtideration. im-olvin&' more care aDd IUi&ce and. dieD 1pre.diD, it to Jwob .. bly more expenditure ot the top uniform. Thil neYer thAn if due .. ppeci .. tion in their nenr h .. made a eood roadway, location had Ixen given to the it is an f'IIeDtW element (or IU~

tinn of grade ami the character loil ful reaultl in road making to dig out I c~~~~:t~~~Fi~~~~ 8lon~ their route. However, be thil .. to the df'pth nece.ary, to trim 08' with it may, tbe problem before UI is bow proper croWD, aod then put on your 11!,*·lollIt l)t>!It to improve tbem at they .. re, .. nd lh .. t retluces us to the One mean point problem for coDlldera· "t cou&i leration, the betterment m .. terial to be UIed lor the ~~"".:~~I_ ~.!d Iheir condition. . lur(ace. and wi~out taking

Before ,going ioto the queation oi m .. - into conlideratiou $be yanoUi m .. tef. lcrial fllr couslructiou, it would be well iall used and IUggetted for ro .. ch, there properly to consider two or tbree is only one fit to be DIed for good pe"" poiuLti inhereut to good work, and maoent multa, and th .. t il trap rock. plicable to all road There il plenty o( it in New Jeney. Thde are, viz.: The determination and the only problem ia to get it &0 tile :.:nule. drainage, and tbe finilhed Ib .. ~ place wbere it ;. wanted. qf the road; .. nd it may be ufely 1 .. ld I bad .. t irst thonght th .. t in di. lhllt no good and l uccessful road au_in It a qne.tion of this maiDiituil, (" "1 be accomplisbed witbout a proper tad importance tbat it olDFi,leration of these tbrei! import .. nt deemed wiler to carefully coilliil,r items. different m .. terials

THE AF> 10 grade. it may be Ulerted th .. t getted and e,en Of) mall should ever be built on • are to be found Philad 1 IDa Pr lovol ~rado; aDd iD m, "perieDce DO practice is .. ~';y;i.i:r.;t~~d, . e p eBS,

J.: r:lIle ! houltJ e,er be ley tban lix uniform acceptance .• ~~: .. :;~~:i~ Dan,., · Weeki,. ill che.! in oDe hundred feet, .. mucb by .. U aud EVery one ~ "lUre 8! you can poaibly get, up to road·building, it would apinlt my ~~= :,:::~.:;;. twelve incbes in one bundred feet, better judgement to luggeat any other Paper lor eM American whicb il probably tbe mOllt luitable materiiPJ tban th .. t o( trap rock. Home. J.!rade (or higb"aYI, acd givel a free This lummuy concIulion ooly.po Tbe p,.. bu the belt po.Jble Orp.lll .. _ It ll li JlfI' lper flow ot tbe _"'''_''-" pliea to the finisbed IUrf'ace. Wb .. t tiOD to IleaN De.,. (rom Lb. moat IlIIporiaot from antI off tbe road Id proper to be ulted (or (onod .. tion, or 801lI'OeI,.Dd with Dearl'!. 400 ODrrelp~~.dt>Otl f' \'er water stands in a ro,.dl"a.y wbether fouodatioa is to be oaed at all, 1. Ptouylyuia, N.. e., aad Dda..,..

the 8taU1 &ad aea,...""home alft 11 oo;u;J

kind (e~~cel~~(r~~;~~dl~;~E~:~~'~j: I is a m .. tter open to u the with e rnaUD. carefttla .. aod aUt1ltioa il h a.~ .. praclice is nried enn detatl aot eYt11 au.mpted b1 &01

material of well .. in othen. ~(y -Y'-,--_ .. ,~; Pre. bu &leo the it Mft and only of value for wh .. t it la all the Ir&"\"'el upon own practice il almOit DOIIO"DII ..... n ~.;i;';:~.":;-; ruts or hol e!!. ..n .bomin .. tioD use .. (oood .. tioO; (or the IDpport ~ !".!'!:~:"~~k,;p lnt\""elel'8, ~ut tbe rutA .. re worle. The broken ltoneL Oocuion&lly und.r hole is probably occuional, but tbe prellure oC cir:comJtancea I ban built rut l!lay! along witb you, and when· thin roadl, butnotof my OWn (ree wilLI ~~~!!..,~ •• ;!! ... r' \'e r 1\ rut is Ilarted eacb ensuing trav· Except on lteep grades. in ( .. ct o( I .. ter

f'ler make.! it bi! bu! ioell to roJo in it., I have been varyini thOO~d~~~i~~;:~~:~':'~~~'; 8~::~.;~~1<;~::i~ (>lIlar,ge and kt!ep it up,,, A friend not road.accordin8: to tbe:~ to be parted "itb. Bya proper grad, them 10 iDCb .. then, to your read, you elimioate one th .. n 1 foot ~ 100; 8 '"Ource of trouble, namely, ltanding grade. between land 4 in waler. Tbe extreme ateepneSl of road. 6 incb", (or gradee lleep!!' i!!. of course, dependent upon itA lOCI.· feet in 100. This praetice I tioll. A grade of four ltet in one huu- live uniform good ~~~j~1~tr~i~~~:toi~~~;~d;. dred il tbe limit of good, euy tra9'el- am ... tia6ed. bowner, that it ing, and anytbini steeper tb .. n len feeL ible in • country with granlly in olle bundred l!bould not b~ .. llowed, lay thin pavem"!Dta 'and han Rlill tb .. t grade Ibould only be per. lut well, but in nO other localitiea

milled in e..zceptional circumltancea. cept on lLeep ,mel do I think I ;~~~~~:~~~ii: The CUllom of b .. ving grades of thir- wifle to have no (oundation. Waa.trd. BulD. teen to 6fteen feet in one hundre4 in Tbe m .. t.erial for found .. tioDi may etc .. ID.,. be 10· mountain roads il a bad ODe., aud be of auy durable ,ton.e j enn w .. ter- Cat A. Word. flue to the b .... te the origioatoll bad WOrD aaodatone i.J oat obje:tion .. ble; TBBJ[S OJ! TIlE P.BB88. eet there, wherever it wu, and a but if round tbe" Ihould be broken B, maU, poItap 1,...10 the Ualted S .....

.I aad. Cuada. . extra mile! in tbe length of into parta, u IUch round atone are apt mount .. in roadl woald bave to work to the IOnace. In m" earl~1 (ucept Suada,), oae 1HZ', •

.I .... OJIe IQoat.b, m .. ny tboul&nda o( doU .. n in coDluuotion of ro&dt I wu "" Itren 10 CI.acJadia, II eae rear, • fi eeb, .. nd obvi .. ted m .. ny impre.ive uou, .. bout b .. ring trap rock found... ·' II Of .a.IDOJIUa rem .. rks by the tra9'eJm st.rugglin~ tioDJ, aud e9'en now mOltiy DM th .. t Bnday, ODe ,''', • • • • • :

d bl· d d . I rW'" I r- w..tJr P,.., 001:rev. . • • • • up an atum Ing owo; au It wou m .. le: Jor ""at ptllpOM, u t. U Dratt.. Cbeob aod. other Bem1t&aa._ he io order bere to suggest th .. t in the handy U &Dy other in the .• n in Rould be mad. pa,.ble to Lb. order 01 propoeed impro.emeDt iD tbe road. "hiab I am coDI\rUctiDg ..... bDI iD The Press Company. Limited. lbe state thi, one point be taken into ot the Slate remote from trap con!ider .. tion, and tbe very bad grades qu .. rriea I do not think it ecGn· PACla4elI'AIG, 'a-be eliminated even at a preaent e.xU& to baul the fouod .. tioD ltonl 'P ouLl .. y of money. But 10 all eatalJ.. Jisbmentl of grade m .. ke tbe It.and .. rd limits between oDe and four feet in oue bundmJ, and yo~ will alW"YI have nti! factory reeults.

Incident to the krade of the road is the ph .. pe of ill 60ilbed l urfaee, known Rt!uerally under the name of ita crown· ing or rounding. Good jud&ment aud experience are more J't'quired On this one point than in any other qufllo t ion ofro .. d building. If tbe roarl il too fl .. t the water will not run ofl properly .. nd rull are formed. II tbere il too mucb orowning tbe traftl all conceotntes in the center, and rutA are occuioned in ,tbat w .. y. If theae rul s are on a steep grade the w .. ter folio.. them, inltead of fUnDing to the sidea ot the road, and t.ean ODt t he material. Aoother point be, th .. t a constructed with incb more crown d .. igoed Cor it, .. il in the center. the center more

The "riter'. "1,eni.DC,. ~;~~:~~~~ I@:~t of 12 incbel Lo 10 inellee 8000

ahout the .d~,id.':"t"m: low .. uee of 2 inchel 1M" jl"ivcn to gradea in 100 to Ibed w .. ler Aud on an lteep vade. th .. nk~J'ou.m .. rml Ibould aoo.t4oo reetap&rltD 110ubly lU re.

On tb. maller oC proper draio ... 1 .. oDld lay elpecial oU- or coune 1 ,In nol. IUgge.t in tbe COtlltruction n"abODt th_ propOoed otale road. that · aD 1.~roDg!y el .. honte 'Yltem ' oC oDderdrain~ .hould be undertaken, bnt I dll i011l1. tha.t.. uDder certain circumat&nOllll.Dd certain conditionl, money lpent io Ilroperl, rem09'iDg .. ccumulating waten .. mODfl, .9'ed.

In oiuety Dloe CI.IlC!I out or a bug. drod it iI cbeaper "dig or ditch, tD drain a bole or pocktt Orlw&lllp. thar tD 611 the pI ... ap, yel ID "'y bow­ledge money. lime aDd 6DeI'I1 baft been wuted in SIliDI .i.lh Itooel aDd m .. k. &D

boold ... "'" and low pi ... ill _do be tak'D with &till UDOalil&otDry "";Ita, wb.., d.- .0 iC ODe tooth the amODDI of lime aod Thil pac~jD'r. eoeru had been .. boamed ill dr.iIliD,

th ........ pi .... permaaoat ....... ~~=s:f'i: mighl ha.. beoo islred. In ODe ;; ~ .... I _her, OD a road thai had beoo tranUed for "... .... r-o. aDd c1aring tha1 period _ U tD ODd hoalden had beoo dUlpOlt p&rC 01

a ,ear. (.milr. .hould tue Ihllliuiw:htUI or.1I DIII,.te. llilena~y 11<1".'" in to 11.lunll N.nt!r.

Eclectio Magazine o.

Follip· LiIiIlIVl, !lillli &Ai All. ~YBAR . .

I •

TJ5K~'".--tl' •• 1& oop'" ..s oeDtI : ODe Trial ~ubtcripUon. (or The BOLEtJ'ZlO ud

to advance our reputation. moderate prices.of course

also. have their say.

,A. C. YATES & CO. l'i'OW OSLY

,OIr, 13th and Chestnut s. . ~ EBILADELrBIA.

Beat-Made Clothtn, iD PhiladeJpbla.


Is very ne,~ and attractive in appearance positively no Brick work. can be placed i~ any part 01 the IlOom. it is a Sur~ Baker abundance of Hot water. Low in price, Hun: dreds of them in operation, every Range warranted.

It will -pay you to-see this ~e.

:-_-:-_ ___ ::-::-_::~~--:_:_::__::--_:_=::::_:__:_-----I--------....:3:.0~..:M::"'~.r'.::k~e~t:S' •• Camden. [OUR PROPOSED y, M. C. A, BUILDING, I

Location-Cor. Broad and Garfield Avenue.


MARBLE AND GRANIT~ ~VORKS Market and Eighth Streets, Camden, N. J.

Monuments. Tomb and Headstones. Granite and Marble Coping. and House work neatly executed at Moderate Prices. Kc;timatcs

furnished. Work cleaned and re-set


O(Frame Brick or Stone, DWELL~GS AND BUSINESS nousl-x-the very beat materials 08ed .. nd lowesL p:rice.s charszed coJUlislent with Firlft.

Clau and Batable 'I"onnarurldp.

NQ,roeroDi boUdin, plana may be Been at my office. If desired. NEW PlanA. .8pecl8caUonl. and eetim .. tee w1ll be (umiahe..i .. t ahort notice.


JOSEPH BISHOP. Ub S,...t and Garfield A.enne. Pllmy ... N. J .

NE"W EAKERY, Ci~namin80n Avpnue, below Bm.,.) ~treel. Palmyra, X. J.

Fresh BREAD Constantly on Hand. GJTTLIt!}B ZEIGLEtt,




Pil·k. Fork. Shn\'@I. II If" A "(I' F.le U ... ,,·, •• , II . I " I . • • ' . _IIIII":r O""I.wl ,. '''I an ..... neal ,l(, :-i(.jIYI· "' 11r. 1· .•• 1 11 .,.1 ... UII.k .c .p I ,lIlner, ...., ..

• ""', .. ", t'~ .1 .. 1 :il,ul.

GARNS &00.,

PHOTOGRAPHERS. 206 Federal Street,

Camden, N. J . . ~ .

Riverlon Siove and Healer Works.

WM. J. McILHENNY. Glh (U~, ThO'1I011 .dve, BIWrlon..If. J.


Fire Bricka. Orates, Wat.erbackl. Sto,e Pipe Cuti 00W'1I, &(' ... du'~, lor repairiaR I&oy~. ...



Lumber, Coal a.nd Lime, Sewer . Pipe and Cement.


Riverton Telephone, No. 1. )(oo,eet01rn Telephone,

P"alm1r&, at W. W. Rodderow'. rrootry noN.

orden le(lat.tore.1It rtoeiYe prolllpt • .

JSO.I\. PAltRY. "'M.PAaal

POMONA : Nurseries, "~A8LIIIRKD 1_

A larz-e and eomple .luck

Fruit Trees. Shade T~, 0,­nam~ntal Tr~., Nut Bear

ing Trees. ":ye"" .. n ..... ,o ... r1n.Mb obbet7. \ ·1.... • J.""n ""n,moth '"'hat ...... Ja •• _all:1"I Ha.ul), 11"'111,· .. 118"'7 ~'''''D " ...... &U •• lum',,·na'p".J • ..,D W~&IMI".J , .IL" .. laable!\ny~lIf11. Mawl"""t PIa, .. Orape V'n-. CUm.' .. k leu".... ... ,-. ~~''''~~b~°.r.::il,:::~l 0 .... go 0'"

C E COLES Japan Ma.rnmoLb Cb_toat. ILLUMTRATED D~IV& . CATAL' )QU& PIlk&. .j . .• . • , "VVM. PARRY. Parry. N_ J_

LUMBER MERCHANTI------,----Bo;x:es, . Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc.



-ANALYSI8-., _ ~ •• QIft.I. __ rei ef ~rI •• I"" M __ N. a-. 18111 •

. POTASII • • • • 1La ........ A.~ tt ,a Ie MIll, .. ,... . . "* ..... -1M ..

,.. . . : .......... .. ..•. ~c--'.I ftl ... ~T _ ......

K 11)110-1': SAVE aT ualu

. Book and Job Printing. w,. h:wc UriIlSU:ti r.ldlitie,! ror tilling 311 kind~ of

rrinlin: ~ . fnun a \' i ~itinr. Co1nl to a thre-e·shert pll'iter, :111 I \\'.lul" ;110 ih:: ;Iit,.,:ric"" tur c • .'stimall: ....

. } f

II '


Sash Fitcfory . alld LUlutlCl Y(ll~~ . , DOO!:""i, FiA",n, HLt:WlS, i MI1f~/1

~lOlJI.Ul:~H, 1-:'1'(1,. .:1'(:., 01 .. hh:h _ ." .... -. • .. r:roo ...... · " 'i...;"" . :~ I. ,., ·our • .u-._ .... "- ...... 1., .. .,. 1"'"",,IIa&e ~I ...... &

DR.-OKeT, !I~'tl)U. W ·)RKi :I11.IlmJfoa. Jtro -lola. 11 II,,,· , "",I 'V ............ , ... .. ,,_ .. , "'1"':-£ "'; .. ;tr.:.!.: \..IT.....\..... •• .•

·8 U I L DTN'".o }{f!W~ •• ·Ufo .... \"t·.k\" h'~'lhri'I"~!' l. .1/.' .\ \ "

. ·W. · , •.• ' .... !" " n.-It • .... " . ... 011'; . ... lwultl..1In •• .:;: ......... , . ~n ~~~ ..... ~~.{ ........ __ ~

1<:. ~ ~.,,~~.~t~~~ES :; ~'~~2~~ !;~E~i~~~:II~1W . ---- - --- • . ·.J .. ... ./t"~~,..:~ ':;It 1


. ;::'-


, ..

~! "

- ....... ~ .. - - ._- ." -~ --'-- ... _----

THE ---. .--

WE .y . NEWS. \ ':'


VOL. VII I.-No. 25. PALMYRA, N. J., FEBRUARY 20, 1892 $1,00 per Annum in- Advance.



U .. ~e:JU.L TIXE TABLE. I .~or Trenlun.l'i' ••• rk .",1 Sew Yo,k, d ....

~. t.!.r,I!L$'J,ICL5d. m.I~::3:·o.t.lll •• ':',\U'l. 1 .. \7 Po DI .• wt1!k..J.y.: l,bj .nd ILl. Po m •• Kllatl., ..

Pur tU'ef1lhlr, Uetancu.tse".rl'!. ~w.tArr .... ,11. •• '" HllrllD(lu ... «1.«.1. i.3'l .4U. tU.'. 1'.511 a . m.,lt:5. :'1::' ::,,'- •. " ".~.51. ~U $.$1,'11.2'. i.UI. 1.57. "JU . II.,~. p . III •• alOti It lu·al.lIl. w~k· 4&7" "'.r. ... '00 • I .W. til)!; all'" 1.'::'1 ",. In •• MUll '

"-'" For Iwlallc:u . He ,· .. r.)" alltl "::.J't!"';~ler I'" k . 5::,1' III . . ... Ie a ) ••

hI. ~~.r :t.~~~~~~~:~.~~.~.::,~:~:. tt~!I~~~' ·"I~: I p . III •• all-.l l:tlu fll(h · • • _k..J .. ,.. ~ I; •. m .. 1.1iI • • I~ ,I. " •.. ~un.I.).. I .'ur Hllhl.h,wll. J .. llleoolo " C. a" t l'Co.ulh t ~mbt.)· . ; ....... hI ••• 1I1~.w p. m. w,...k .. .. ,~ I

For )II. H"II), 1.~. -lUI, lo..'JIS •. m. ti • ." 4 •• I .Dd i.'" p. RI. w .... 1II: ",.,...

Jo'or Ilcke .. all-.l rurth.r 1I11uflu,t on ."'111)" , .. the .a,eula' the .'all.,a. I ('HAPI. t:. PI·O Il. . J. it. wonil.

tko', )I."q~r. U.o·' I ...... ·\11.

1'1111." Al'D I!~: 11>11\1; It. It. "lIlade Ci., .lhi,iIMI, ja .. D't1:t Gel3 13!l1.!

T,.iu. I ..... "am.I .... , .... htu'. ",,11I1 , ... Allinli. t'hr. a,...k.1 " •• til ......... 8 10.!j III. . . .. . 1. IV ... III. I" Ill. I

Ac:t."Oltl.odll'''u 11111 • r. .• 5 10 I' .. . S 10 ~ , •• .II.r ... ~ 8 IU. IIIU; •• au •. \~ w ... I.·1 IJ

III:! • • 111 •• -I...., v . • · Keturllill( I .... ~ .\II.wtic CII,-. w.,..k d'r.

• .I"' ..... 73UllOU ••• 1tI • 4W. ,) u·.I··m. I .I\ ~m"'l.lio,1 illb, a. m. 4 15", au l"tllI

d., a cutDo4&ll_ 7 :t • • ID .• 4:SU 1'. IU. t .• 1 1Wft14 00. ~ u,... 1'.,1", "'an "II dll",~ I 1,.1&", III bl.lh dl"e' Km ...


~::J:OREN &; CO.:. 8ANKERS;

N .. , 136 South ThIrd St'eet, Philadelphia,

As a result of the increasing demand for our "_sIJIII'III Pamphlet. we have issued in place thereof: "11'1-

NEWS," A twenty page MONTHLY. containing in to varillus articles on General Investments, FIVE

O~:I·ARTIIENT.< : ltt.-enllv b.lled.

P~::id~:,,\~~~:I:'!':":;i.Ht Ph[latlel~hia Slot' le Ezchanlftl Pril~. IJ Philadelphia Ancti"n.

--- - --~---------

This Space 15 Reserved ror

The GOOD Things of Life, TI". eVt'r1 .1"1 lIe\'eSllilieft Ifh'e n " hhrlter tone .Iutu

IIIt'NI~· lf'" .. 1 ell""jllt. C.lnviur...inlf Iln .. ir"t




,,·01"l0t.,,17 wllb the lal. kamuel Jonfll,

MOURt-:::'·T<)\\'N. :oi . J . .


0 .. I'ooILlb tuDd tb. IIIn .... -Tb. len..,. wbo bellen,1

8aolb~ a1WTebi 1.1\ tile arm. Tbe -. Loft ""1,,4 theat ... ftIII

P'or It J'OO l...- lb. meu_ ADd 1l1ll1 lhem ap aD ••• ~ IDa)' toet,..Qjtb ....

b the ... EM'" beaG" \GOt .

A.Ad It rud.b&Dc1e.· ... U'J~ Sa,. can ,b., bear 0.. euaJQt Too We ,bH JOa 4.".., •

Racb III:nnCA aJhllp r.pSEl.

--------------~11:~ THE WAIlSTONE. t

many be,...., tall aDd po"erful and deligbted in CCJDo truting the Enaliab pb,..hloe with t.bat c,I inferior I'aCIIl. by whicb be meant. IrIDOII.g otbenl. tbe ~ab" race. Bt. mauDe!' was abrupt and oyorbearing. fda laagb lond aa.d DllDlUlIc:al In tact. be ;rated borriblyon the ~ab. and it wu merely the tiDal .t1'aw. "ben in tbe e,Z· bilaration of. bump rapper-tnll. M the .-.jab remarked in dl.sguat. or cow IUJtI ,trotiii' drink -beemletl that genUeDUl.D in pla)'ful elmlf. a " niH'K"r." The ~ab IIW'OI"e lDei~iurudr In Hindocetaaee, and I til'" lbat be weant to be reYenged.

10 lb~ daya tbe entertaalnment of the NebJUka ~tone Cf'8II.ted • fnnne. gyerybndr w~ut 100 ... bel'. and e.,.ery· body came away con'rinced Uult abe ))Ilft­IIeIIIN tnalTelolU powera Bel' ptlCtIUar gift.-but·body remember. the de­taflI of tbe ~rfonwmt:e. IlQd bow the trick. were tlnally, one b,one. e&pOSed. III that ner adberents and believer!' \'\"ere driYen from one pcMttiun to ,mnlht::r. until at lIMt tbey btl to rau back ou one ain,gJe pel'fonnaDr... .. ont of aU th08e that the Uw.lA\One gayer and lI"",inlain tbat. on Ulat occuioo at leut. IOmethlnK no· ezphdnect and iuszpliCMble did fully happen. It II with the e.ents or that puticolar e"ning tbt I am concerned I tbink I can throw II010e ligbt on tbeUi


Look DOt ..... t.bIi ., ... tb&a. mat • .omnrfal u.. a..n",_ I..tIdI ratW ben bI.\O IIl7 beu1. u4 Jo7faI

Shah Lboo u.. alwa,. be.

I tlI"pd: .... UI1 ...... '1 TaJQDder.,. .... t.IlenotWm_CUDe.--. .......w to II. "Rut IbcRI ford .... Iller"' """'t'UIltJ" &be Kf'M'eI ........... . ,...,. __ lDa"~" her W&7 .. ....

8M ...... pllICbd. .1knN" from &be nwL -'tel IWI tIM "".,. woaJd .... t ... _ e.­li- .

.".. .us u.. -.... -rak. II ... ., ....... '7'w,;':::::1 "'A't'UlDtJ" die ................ . b' aa' ....... pIq\UDellaW&7 .... t.

Iebe14. lb • ."anetooe woald QIUft ADd &be d-s .a&Ilp.- ron..

a.d.lq.1ocac look an. ..... &!1M ..... Wbo -.ptq .... , .... ..,.

~~b.~~~~ woold do nothing lie back tba1I tbu ... 01 .,., ... a cbir and puI bel' hand to aad fro NeMri pitied bba., m:DCb G'lW'tM 1Idp. -- .. tIIey r....:W bel' bead. The ~ looked at bet be aid: tM upper deck --c.det capIIaia wltb a oUgb' ",UL The c1amcw II> THAT RECEIPT. "lion, - oook of tIoecO<ildDir 001" 1- ID tIIom: .~ It \0 aD old .... creaaed. 'UUnt a 8Ort. of peDf, aD IU)- ___ .... bo&ct}'OQr haL" ..... that ......... ,jobaiDc • .-up ...,. _I~ 110. aadl,a... ADd tIoe _ cook of tIoe CXICIIdD6 ooJ. 110ft, ..... tIoe fu~ a"*llDc 1M

"Bring bim dowul tsrina bim dowui Little Paul wu better. bat be .... _ ",I&ood ap aDd. bel41a1a bat. ...... bole .. be woal4 &be' '-they mod. poIuting to lIoe pallid W. ,.. wenou ... b to be oat 01 bed. -n.- N_ ... pIIed bIo ... 01 """ )IlL WIIIch of TOO _ wI11 be ..... terer, .. rigid u. cruued fowl There wu a clreu.I ill towa &bd day. nDtjeUr iota it. uyb.a: InCI' 80 OTW &be faUocb M4 cIoW1I

After auother d_lril>g .~ to th. .. be .... leeUug IonelT &lid blue. "WIIIo UUa &II ..... ty IiakT _ aDd apiD ..... tIoe - ~ baIlT Loodatone, lb. mao""" came lorwanl "Ballo, IIW. OOL Bow do 1"" lib bT the .-. Punjablau Idol, If TOO II" joiJIlDs ba ;. pone of'rorbac tIoe-ar aDd rruwte a lame.peecb. The Load. the loob 01 tboeer Utem to the emperor tor hII teMi. then 1IId:Il U. bact. ~ few Ie stoue wu ezban'ted with bel' it wu Paul'. Uncle Jack wbo spoke. II roar preciOIlJ bead..te... put GIl ~ UAitOrnD fOJ'''' alleled. ueJ1:ioQ.S. She mUll nIit; aDd b ADd lUre euonah, at the reut the tol· UAt the IOUDd of tM bacJe C8U two entlyabe wooltl brio.g blm down. .. .~. into the room be held knriN day. the emperor ... ., clellgh&- TSerable famOy nt.. '~ .an.c.d .. Waterer', rrteuda at'Olle and ..., .. d,ed 1 lip on • little piDi platter thJw luac:ioaI e4 wUb the cnuTaI1t tarta that be COD- oar Dew Ihlpm&tea, willa tmIlJ OIIhrard the pl • .,orm. "!'b.y _Iked 1oo1dug currau. jelly tana. _ tIoe order of tIoe baa IJbopotIcb aip of emu... -. bU DO ...-. ItOod 00 one another'. J::;'~ I could _t en. right DOW. UDClt aDd tbe Yellow BIlUoG 011 the b.d taa of it. fcalock to iatona u... .... made it clear that DO conlI beld oook of th. oook1Dc cou.ce. . tWr ~ UDilorm ... ~ .A or. A .tep Ioutd.r .... called "00 abeod - &ad nl at aDd... Tbezl Yubwbaa KIaD _ the abriII_ called out: hronabL PIat.-ed on a 10Il do h." chief COQDIelor to him, -JiDF "'Wbo an :roar ..o.t ell-. just enabll!d a wan to reacb "CaD" you tell • RJr7 Cool You do "No",. chief 00UDIIl0r, caD 10Il 7Wft. WaW' . r t. .... mat. up llUeb '1nualng 0IlfII,," 4ace 1 I ~- un._ ee vue woonted AlDtd inte1Ule "Perbapt. Wbat.b&llttbeaboutr aDOTllty oroarea.tertab:rmentr .. • ... ~.dOD'tyoa .... • .... otMrwtl citement. Tuming to the ~ I as. .. 'Bout-'bouC-'boa.-I.. __ .. L.J...... ADd. the chief COUD8elor ordered nptied."ODe iI &be". am. ud die clabued, "Lookr ~ , - ~ VI, wbo bad _ brougbt !nJm _tIoedzya~'

B ....... Ieep apia. and Lood. Ob, 'boat curraut -. Uuel. Jack.. prIaoa. ID plaT. '"l'IIo maID dIII __ .. Itone ItOod "tUBy uprigb&. ~::~ I "<..'n1'TUJt tartli Well. DOwl ~ 11M ADd the emperor ".. entraDced W .. aDd tbe ou.r cadeU .... daM .. to n1 W t S1 I d tIobak a IIW.. • . tIoe mDaic. ~. I' -~ ~'of -,~- ~ •

wa Ii erer. ow y an And thiI is the.tory Uacl!i'~:~~ I uq, ,~ -.. -v-6 LII em"DOCh-tbIy W be delf.:ended . leaTing the OWl on th, Did you know that the play au the reed aate that Jup eabiDI bock.s up for ..... - aM ladder gtBI"ping at empty ail' dll be I&t ~nded from au aucient ".. IUl"I be could perform aud:D deck..teepiDc. 41Dbc' ad ~ apin on biR ileaL The applaDJe bunt that nam~ a:poD it., 10 be made Nenri let I'GII:a. being proYided. Tber" M4_ out IlQd the t.o..dAtontt IIIlIlk '-ck in. biI reed flnte. ~ taw. wbo .... ~._ .... faint on the fluor The ~.b awoke and They did. The family CftII& ".. Now Nem;. ".. DO Gmpletora. aDd twtuw:tw. tIM ReT. J. N. o.J __ • the wauw,ger dropped lbe curtain. biding albatro. ram~t abo", a did bot wiIb the emperor to bow att.ward .acom~ u.m' ta ... the L..oadstnDe. Waterer and hilftiendJ and holdina' fut in one claw fIM7 " ... to play 00 the aa,ieIty·.lbip Baccbaa&eOD tMIr?f¥1· frow ODr new. which lOOD like a cipr lighter. 91' per- jaR before be P" it to bim. ... aroand the world. .

"Uj --'d bapa a UW. otIck 01 macarouI. tIoe rolled ap Iheot of -"-I~- ~-, HA fa orito -,- "' ... .e we yoar ann...... the ~ Now. tbe Ctm'abt jell- In t,b.,e ... __ I.U.U& .. U& .... ..-.. "..-.-. ,,-- .... to ... - lam tIn!d.- 10IC0TIed blmtoa c:ab ,-~ balotloeDa ..... tolalabL _EddIeto·avot .. pIoMan-.· and we dro\'e bOtne. wu.mad.e from al"eCelpt _b1chbabeeD The emperor ~ed out IliItatcheeb. aDd WDa thecouwaiD allowed .... ...,

fllr Ateo. "ftk a.,.., 'i I:!. •. IU I I ·.u tHo lpl"",""G~1 rtuW . :seh.D", "ilr Fuurtb aq I LttOBn., A PI J It. 4 2;. p. DI. . j • • • ' , ••• - ·u,,..

At ""'t. bowever. tbere were DlIlU, belleven anLl few Replica. The d6lln earefally pointed oot that Plato 00-wbere denied theeKiAteuue of odic and the bOrMr, wbo waagenerally 'n~ poeed to be linle better than an atbeut. declared \bat Spent:·er. tn ODe paaaa&gtt. im· pltedly UIe11etJ it: eYeD tbe warden. in bia .ruwu. told WI tbat it wu better. *lO')nUna to Uauon. to beUe,e two er­fOrI tbao refuae oDe tnltb-wblcb WM. to .y the leut or it., littiug OD the fence. Bot nnoe of thelle authorities _book the robast uepUcblu of the ea~ taln or the boIat clnb. tie bew a con· jorer. and the QODjarer bad · told bim bow iI wu done. an4 be wu IOtng to

The I...oIad810ne ga.e no performance banded dowu from the a.m B.,-,rvdL paned np bia Up' aDd bIn- ooce, bat all,'1CI!:Ie ODe woal4 .y, ·W ... ..... the next tlveniD&: abe",.. taD fatigued; Bow they flnt came into i ·'n of DOt a .mud came. a. blew a 8e00bd JOQ.,..1Ddeed my !"Iller. I WOIIIIId....., IDd Waterer wu a.nt from the boat Uae 1"eCelpt. and wby they Iboald adopt time. aDd. no .aaDd wu fOJtbcomJDI'; mach Uk. It if yOG woaJ4 1Mb __ aDd from the ligbt of men two day&. mch a tuDD.Y crat or ~ of arma 11 a third tim ...... tremeudoal ~d dub.'

F~ r Willi"mll Q . .... QI..-Lu, .. 1 ... 1 Uullic:a I Ttl .. ",h .. n. SOl. i. fJlhh.n 1ean uj)erleaee 10 t'hU.dt:lphl a Hili. week da,., W lu. II IU. I . W •• 4 :l .6 110 -- - - - ---_______________________________ ....... .:::.==~ ~. III. Sua.dl,.1! It a. til •• 4 4Uo V. '" Wben be reappeared be made no refer- cae and the lalDe dory. "8teeD hadred thiI time th. wiDd forced tbe recetpI ,. 'llab yOG a dDb, J'O't' 1IWalf rD t~orCI.lDeatoD,GI2.IIIV.~IU. III4 •. 111 AUGUST J lI. 421. 610. d -I.t. 74:1. 114:. V. Ill . - ZISAK,

BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, eace to b' Iri.A" _, r-n or m .... u....ru1ed baChinatloe IfGrtloe cummtjellTout 01 .... - .. -_ • .u.· ... aoboe .. --..

11 e ............ .......,n.rer, cruel emperor, YUbwt.D. K1aD. WI MU -- .I w.;&.

~ .. ada, •• II l~. I. til. 1 ~i. -I. -40, ... lIi . For WbidDI'. IhDOheater Leb,. •• 1 ud

!tiew York. /I 10 a. m. 4 10 p. aD . "'0", BrhJplUII. "'tXt lJ .. ".i. la

fia .. eo Cumberl. II aull J,I.uril.'lt (t in'

• rt.. 8IUa.m •• -I.ltJp • .m. • •• MeLEoD. c. U. 11.1 Sl'()('K

=,P,.·l .. Un" Maul ... r Uf'U'1 t' .... A.,. ---''------ --' -

• W. U. TE!;EGR"PH m'FICES. W. U, T.ICC"'fIb oac-, 8~·. 1.1 ....

Ilo~. PlhD,ra. ull It.lI"*d Slaliuo. H.I,,,, hili.

J..ODG~; MEErING". YO,.,.II u.n. Palm,ra.

TeeadlY E ... 8h ••• I. ud III I. Ih. aD utb. . Cla ... iDtoli. No. 101,1. O. O. F.

WecI.NClar Enalor. PJ,lmy"A Culle. 21. K. O. E.

Thrwcla, E ...... iD,; Pl'ulukeD Tribe. 7i. I. O. H. M.

Frid., E ..... oID ... (let ia tbe moalb). CO ..... D· Ult No. lei. F. a .... A. W.

TuMd., E ... uiD,. (:t.d &lid tlb III. lb .. 1II00Lb). Cion.mi nlOn lAd,.. No. 319. O.r or TOllll .

t ".,da, £ ..... 111.'. ~d aud 41b III. tbe 1II01ilb Nolipari .. 1 CoGDeil. Nn. t:. Lrgioa 01 Rtd Cro&


Hoi, ('oIDIII •• IOD (,.IC11'I" 1.,Su.da, la ,lb. · aoaLb). 7.:SO •. 10. at ... ha,er. LitaD, ud ~ .. l'atoa (U''',I'

let Budar' II a. DI. ...... , Sohoo , .t 3 p. ID

t-'. 111",,11.' (MUDd.,I). 8 ... III . oeh,,., .... "Ia, (Frida,.). • P. ID. elM'. Bible ·i".I(O" bolh ,,"M. Toe.·

da,I). 8 p. m. 8trure'. we'oome at ~I .~"Ieu.


I-I ud Sd SUDd., or eaeb IDODth-) ...... -11 ~ • 7 eo. ID.. Itt aMI 4th MaDdJ., of ncl" 1D0ulb ... J,I_.-.1 • 1u.lO a. m. •• oda, ~ 101. 3 1'. I'D.

V.pen~~ ~~a_,_. __ -I.~ !:: 1D-.

J/. E. CHURCH. PALMYRA . Kav. J. II. HI TCtllfC ·O!f. P,,!IT\I ••

~"IC111 00 ~ aad.,. at 10.111. W IUd i.3t· I'! 111. ,."ud., ~ehOt.O. ! .. 10 I', I.. . l"ny", ".dll, uu Tuetd., at i.e. I', w. I'I.~. M.-tl., all. Wtdo .... , .nulDI( .t i 4.10.

SII'SDP" .... cordi.II, i .... lleCl.

JI--:LJiiisION.~iiE:Jr PAiMYIlA, jam. P. ~elDbl •• SoperlDltDtlHl.

'uDela,8ebool. ' .SO p. m. f.-.cbi .. , . _ 3 4.5 ~. m.


BK •• C. 8. Po ... UOIt, P.AITOL I '.-.cbill,. Saoda, ..,,..111., ., 10.4.$ , •• , • .,.,o1q. ~DDda., Scboul. 3

• •• Com •• a~. tnt f.bbath I. neh Frida, n .. iq. • p. 111. P,..,er

d o-r..-ae Ketti.,. s...t. Fra. All .. I .......

E::::7:='===--------­LY~Br PBEBBYURUN c HUBCI!. t· m .... "toll.

....... '.&VL .l.. BOOO.,. .. LIRO, P.AITOL PJo.ehI.Co Paada1i ~I.,. ICUO. ~ .. u

[.d .... I.fIL~;~t~.ida, Helool. UO p 8ooIe1 ":'!1.::::: Moailap, Wod .. ooIoy .. 1& S" 0,'1oIL fknDp'" DOf'dl.U,

• ... kI all 8enWea.

YOUNQ ICEN'II CERJJlrrpf A8S~ .: currON. i Pal.".. aDd B.iftrtoIa. N. J.

..... Jl ... U ... SrD8llll1re1L kU810W .... m:JIQL

.' t ........ ,...,... IAl .to. K-. ........ 8abbaIb .,..,. •. 15 \0

I.tJ. . -j Iiiw. .... ' .... a.w.&Il ... 1., ... I.. .

TDID O~ v ........ II' • .bT __ at __ ....

.... 'it nUll- WIll., ~ a ... • loar. , = ::c:"r..rJ:.'t:l:i .. .. all r'-~ '

• ·

al_ aboa. tIoe college II"DUIIda It __ the day bel"", ... of .,_... Uoll OD tIoe IIoor at tIoe loot at tIoe __ "B. would tIoeu be - bT tIoe lop .ery palo and opeeL 1 lIlet .I - jJ8I'Ol"'. throne. .a ducked till be AIf'Md aa:l ...... '-II .. ~.n I .... wllIo the rajah, oa peror'. bIrtIodayo, &ad be called biacblel Tbezl the .mperor .... furIou1y.... 'IOJaIwvrd. of -- - ---to leeftlnI. Tbe rajah ...ned .........Jor 10 him, oay\ug: burled tIoe.-i aato at N_ '" __ .. c:rww oboaId be --

.t,,,/u Sltout. RIt'n-luff, aHd Mo,.",.n Hall. p:n'IIfIlN •• - at Waterer. ad laid to ''(...''htef connaelor. u.ten to me. T~ whla be cam. to the t.h.roet.. bad puoed: murrow Ia my binhdaT: _ 10 1\ tIoetit "Altloou&b tIoe blp ..,atIa II

1I 11~ ~.~ .. lin~ ,o r 11.1111 Itnd Dnrhine malle ShOf'S, which "III be 80ld .t ll1 'I: fRu.:~. All my CUllome ... will lie plainly_bown _Web are

HAND roade and whif'h ~ M.ACHINE m.d •• aDd ( will IJII.r. .nlf'e perff't:&' ... t .. ~, ner)'. pDPrhue •. ··

ezpuo;t: Ibe 1..nacW.ono. "~t wby ba.eD't 'fOar I nrpd.

" It •• aucb a rnde II celebrated by a graDd feetinl and ...... --pind Ueman a mark ban

hI,."',, ami Boy.' 2'..,.,&1. and Blcyd_ SAM".

~l.=-~~-B.w~. :..-. &0 aft'oIIlp for a feMt,

bat.tweat;y houri until the 1Il0ft0'W'." Ant.. .. uJd the rajah. with a ltt-tl,' ~~ .• "'"

"11 baal bel' np this Yery Digbt. aid Waterer " 1 woold ba .. done it w~r on Waterer and "That fa not mylookoDL Yw Ww

.. ked for a cbeck. I tkink that tDcldeDtl U1"&bp for the fdB. Now.

The Burlington County


"IF TH& H.IVEf\.I'O:rc .&ND PAL,.RA

berore. only I wu gated. .. tl'b.' ezCU18 wu good. and Weterer

departed.. fall or boutinp anel lelf COD·

WATE R ftdence. to gatber torether a large nnm· . CO. be!' of the ooiay men. aDd make a pleas-

JlOORESI'OWN. N. J. ant party to "gay" the oabappy ~. PRIVATE HOUiUX 1tODe. I ltatd tocmokea pipe with the

CA PIT.'\!.. • • • • • $2OO.000.UO. fl1draalln 1ud orklLebu. Uoln tap ~ab. " .. .. y.... ~ conne abe'. a fraud." lAId be;

Aalb·.rik'!l b,I •• lo.ct. .. Eueaklr, Ad. N'oollalam." .lIIbec~a It:. d I I .. - mal .10is"lh.r. t:uanll.a, Trul\ft. A.l.ofJe, 8 .. tM.o tor 00. brelraat uoder lUI, "aD be te., _t ani re&Ily hu Orlnr. Aj(t'lIl.. .tc K .all Ure-UIII n-... or .taD*- . rot bold of tbe riabt e.xp1anation.. .. . ,d'ant In >-nth ,ani .od klleb.o. 1---'1 01 1"1 .... ryddCriVlluu. f'Oei, .. r.kpoeitaofmooe, .• ...-. goan - t., aDDouoced. p',.bl. b, ebtek IlIMI al OWII Uu ... per etal. . ~_,,· botb 1a,' 'aad' tlieb.~, ~ a moment'. Illent anokiDg the

I.&emt thereon. I ~;;:;;i';r;J;~~:~ir:~;;:~ru::; ,:;,::.~: I rajah looked np with a hriokle in bt. eye. OFFICER'1: II "tk»aballl-ltntaeraareadmlUed. .. . W,LLU" 101. PAU .... PrnldeDL After ball. be and 1 Mtont 'tovether

D"VID D. UIUiCUM, Vice Prnitltal. ~~~~~~~5 tor the town baiL W. fOUDd the &;st WIl.LI ..... W. !:STOca. Tra. .. "lid ::seeNta".. two ro .... or mU, occupted by Walef'et" CUA»' £w .... ,. ... In. &llIdtor. bia friend-. They were.11 in ,.en,

nll!a"'U~: I:~~~~~~~~~ru~i inadreMaod bad obviowydined-not Willi .. fa I .. U J in ball The l1\Iab and 1 aeated ou,..

aID.. a • ..00...&0.. .D. ~'". • N. He.lla S&nk •• U. 0., tel •• jmt beblnd them. The room was

Alfrwi U. DarT, I'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E I rull and the feall were mOlt .ucceufn1: lieD". W. Doo,b~a. e.c.b w&I tollowed by general appl..uae. JlIhD C. lIofkl.l. brOten onlr by lOme glbeI from our JOII.b Lipfl aoott. I Can, ' V,OIl see well? hindi in tronL Th' latter -w 10 ),(o,dteal UUIII. .'-ehu. I::w .... "enill. WIIUDI Hall" N. J. H h proDODDced that the Lo.dstone·. mana--h .. e Fcalmnre. . OJ .. ave you ~dache? at IaIrt callDe forward and pointedly u o •• nI Plrr,. Kh.-too, H. J. 0 one or tbe ecotren to IDbtoil I-..e W.!:Slukn. Medrord. N. J. . 0 your eyes hurt you? blm8elf to eJ:'periDlent. n .... id D. Ori~IID. MariIDD. N. J. . Cci.'ULT Now wu Waterer'. chance. Be f'08e 01 •• " PIn,. Bu.rl,. N. J_ Gu. JllbD !:S. lriek. VI· eeaklwD. N. J, U tn the ~eaty ot bfa balk. walked onto WillilDl JL I.ippiarot,'. }' .. no •• hip. N. J . E EN & CO u. platform. and lAId. in a lood voice. Mh-kleC. l' Urua.ll'bilatl.l .. tll .. P.. . • .. be .. "led blDlAeIf on a chair: "U the £01. W. 1'.,l.I.- 'ltarbe". P~,kin.l. " lady CUI lII!)ve me. one root from tb.lI

.".r lI ... eo.un .. lfl\ee or tbe IMlblie chair 111 giv~ bel' twenty-dYe pooodL"

pleued tbe rajah mOlt o~ aiL .ADd thecbJet COUDIelor bonied.awa.r. " It fa a ready otillsatio'o ot the UDe.z· &.riDc bia Iillt:eu robe into Iltted.I an4

pect~ .. be remarked.. "whlch doel our 'rOwin, th.a& DeTel' did any 'dDef cc:nm­friend mocb credit."-st. Jam,,' U.. IIIIor before him ban IIDCh u. Dbpleuo utte. ant posidon, for the cruel emperor wu •• a., Ord .... 1 .. .t ......... Bub. ta the habit of ordering a birt.bday feut

tknnetiwee money onlen U much u wheDner he liked.. whether 11 ...... ftU, twenty yean old are IleDt into the pc:.t. 11 b18 birthday or not. azul tbe cbW oBIce departu>.at to be cubed. Queer .........Jor jon bad 10 b..cle to keep people stow tbem awaym deeb or other YuhwbaD Kian pleued or he bimleU bldlug p\a<:es. leariDg 110 ... to be.u. ...aId be ..... 10 I ... bIa bead aDd pic, ClIOTet'ed In tbe coune ot time by beir&. t:a1J. Of co.,.. U..y .... lunlid after 00. year Tbeu ~ubwbaa KIau called.. -!nJm lb. da .. of _ .. but dapUcatea oook 01 tho oooldug 0011 .. 10 him aDd are aI .. ,.. iMDed ud paid. upon IUd: cation. .Acton, and partit.'11iarly "JtIipoD-tbat ,...., the bead cook'. people. baYe a way of udll.d:nc u.e am.. beiDc Ibort for IIJ.a1' tte moneyonier qatem u a earl of baDktD.&' " 1rl1gDoD. tomorrow II-m;r birthday." aud ufo d.pootl.con ... ru. Whli. tra .. l. "Ob,_r-ing about the country. for eumpl •• a l:lIpoa .tnl\erecl. pIafe!' will bay a money ordet tor ,tOO " tao aad DO jokiD.r. either. Uo. OIl N,w York, mdtIII' bimJelt the payee. 1_ the cooking collep ~ a Dew

TbUi be pn'" away thelWD iD a place lWeetmeat ror that ffIIthraJ. feu&..1OUo where. 00 oDe e1ae caD P*lbly get it. Ilan • .nliOle your beM. Betron·l" Before the year fa out be may draW' the ADd the kead oook or the cookiDa col· money and bny another poItaI order Iep weat away IOIT'Owtne. for the em· wlU, It, aDd .. 00. u, .. to.plug tIoe cub paror bad bad _ty,uIue bIrtIodaJllIu eecure for an indefinite perioct the preTiOUl two reus. azul b7 &bit time DOt be robbed. A dl'C1ll clo'WD w&I &J'o bia in,geDaity wu about played out. ftIIted in a t.owu oot ... 1 with .,.000 Now. while bot.b the cbW oovnMlc.r worth ot wooey order reoelPIi in bia aDd the bMd cook of the coolt:iDc' ooDep cloth_ BK<l ob,y __ from bIm are -ug tIoeIr - to dIaocmr. the be coaJd e& ba.e cot dupiic:aleL- ooeaoewattract1on.theotheraDOftlt;y Wubtngton ::itar. til putry to .t befOl"8 the emperor. we ID_ (10 10 a IIW. rillago ba TanarT.

wi." tbi. 0"11.1 .. 11' UlI t...lrtla' ,. t't.I • Tb I -_ ... . Yr. H .... "I I'." .t bi .. H. I.~ hili • .--tooe .. ~ and began w... the ...... " TaR ... "aillty,. .. m~ Ial" bim ",boot in bel' omaJ rubion. lAoa WM rour yean old.. and U1e

B.few. a oman tIoetcbed but Ia a lad _UyjUt -.. out"" a-. joun>ey. A -err old ......... \0 bIddIug 1lilD1.......u.




331 \Veat U,..l&d SL, Palmyra., N. J .• and fl~ Arch SI .• PhlladtrlpbiL



Waterer. wbo wu Mlber enoogb to bave teminine lo'\"" for tlDe cloth ....... &!. 1_ DOUting but bia ~ynflM, wu appar- ready pretty well deYeloped. Beiq the eDdy too mao1 for ber. He w .. 1m· I bUd in ttl famil ... A t.b ---1 .. 1 wo'f'&ble an~1 crill of " No", thenl on y C e y. ~ e.~ pet of UDclei and aDnll wbo bad DO wben are JOn soIna: to begiDT" IlDd 10 cbUdnm of their own. wben abe teU ill oa.. became audibl.. No CA' ~ ruin· with ICIoI'let fevet theN ".. poMt ata pulled and the ~~e tumed and nlgbt and day the ioUcitoD.e .nth " P,l'tnre of d8llp&lr toward &er . watched by ber becbld.. ODe manager. wben the fe.. .... at th. wont

'I cau .... --- abe begoD. DO .... retired, .... all .. qcoletlyabout 1 jumped to my reel. c.T)1Dg: "Wait It sh. f'OC!IIl wi~ tearfuley. wattlD, tor

wiDnwl Looki . ud ezpecttuc the ad. B'tDally there

"N-.I. baa. tIooa with _ tIlT a\l­ftrT.-i Dneer

"y ... ~.e "It 11 welL Now, Won tIMxl Aazt..

oat I ba .. _1I1Ia,... - 'l'ba7 .. ....u_ ... but I am puO<. TbIo", __ . c:ezeb-dn:b (wbIdaba £ag. IIab .. notIoiDg more uor W. _ """ .... t jeIly~ Taka (IOOCI .... of It, tor ...... baa It _ _ bT--_bon of TCJUl' famlI1. -.I of aadt .-. ruitT aDd aq __ \0 I.

KIau .... obllpl to (10 IDle, a ahip oat on the .. and r:arrr the re-ceipt wlCh bIm 10 keep It away ..... thO other kin.p and emperon wlao ..... eo amIoaalo_IL

Oue a!toruoou ... tIoe fat old _litolug QQ tIoe cIeck 01 bIa lDUk aDd c:aroIuIIT boldiJlg tIoe rolled up _ of al_ ~ abon _ _It lor a pi_ 01 macarouI.

Tho big al_ knew __

.... "'T Dabitloua, aDd beIug b1lDl'7 be awuoped d ..... aDd oIDIa tIoe bori ... oolL

ADd DOW there an. a a.a. IItoIm.. &ad tIoe ""'e1 .......... lDUk .... ..w. aDd be drowned. But tIoe wtod blew tIoe _ rlcbt iDlaud.

It blew eo bard aDd eo -. _ UIe .-. bini waaballT drI .... ....u._ eutlrelT ..... Europa aDd AaIa, DOW ba dropped at Iaat OD the.-. of Ira1&Dd. _ be .... !ouDd bT _ blab .... u.mon dead _ all... Cla _ _ ;,;;,..&.n,. iD bIa claw _ tIoe ..

roll ItT' oaId ODO.

"AadIl'.DOt' that Imow. KtD'Z7.­"Don't 1OU, Mr. Seyward! Take ....

other look at IL BeIug a~. TOO mllht kuow wbat _ faDDy _ ara..

I!o tIoe prof .... Ioobd apID, aDd be-iDg....,_ be .... ab10 ID _ at _bat the queer letten ......

''Bare. M.arry, .. ha .... tOImd. 'WOD­

dorfuI noeIpt lor!,~-!C ~ .. 6Wug omI-'m1--yee.

Iurlbormoro,rm ~~~~~~\o ...... noeIpt .... written bT • • •

Hou ...... ",1 Luh lor8&J. aotilO !Ai, HaUd· 101 Low oa Moath17 PumeDt.a.lApl •

Ik~n:MIata dft, .. D .ad ac:too.· I.dllld, ..... o. o..xlated.

1000araDoe placed.

~lawareAvenue.l"Nr Weel Jerwy Hnlel. Camden. N. J

RIIhle!~ !15 8 ',. 5tb ~ltftt.

i'or .Yeu ... be apo .... mere was what wu. trigb aDd a pap tnmi the bed aDd ia ec:leatUically c:alled a eolution ot con· Leu'. voice. feeble but dear. broke the tluulty ......... W..-r aud bIa cbaIr. ....",Iul otIUa_ -Unci." It _<!. ~ ill aldtttng 6omn'e. bnt Il~ on ·'allCI .. come bere!" Uncle 1m""'" .... DC:Jtt:dng. ·bowuatleuttwotncb_rrom lybent o~ the lick ebDd. ."Uacle." the wtclI:erwork of the chair. IIJ,':::::'!lheweat OIl whOe the ....wepbIa friIDdI

_ oboaId",--_ tIDp _.I"'~-

. ~

H.od Rail •• N .... I ~ IUId BahuwI'S Fcr trom him to tIw ~ab. That e.: IidiIGed to baM "bat _ ..... t be the IMt I, ...... ,,""'r. UlY mao .... ID deep. placid. profDUDd ~- - .. bu-" blu .....

I\: c..Eu-.

_ _ __ alumber. I'-'-'blaolbo. "aDd~.-'ed w_-."WU1I TOO T- a."", ~ D tal Insti I A:IiFRED 8'UTm'tt ~.,.. .. -- eire. wilb white lace OG ttr 'ftaere .... a

'IZZ!!I!P en tute, ..... A, ~1IIa~arm~; ;b.~obo~_~~n~o;:OOQIC~ ~oum ... mom ... •• 00 ..... &lid tIoou Lma" IT"""-"'~ BINDE' R _oj at th. ·Loodatou .. m--- A-IT -_ ..... "I _ -" .. or_ A ........... 1..... , ,: .' , th~' -, ._--. ,--00 ._. ma. · ..... U an - ~ ,-, Sh.'Il .... £Ift.apt. aKlftcla1 THtth 1~ ... UL. '.I .- loU ~ ....

til _. a_ w,~ ... -". ··d-'.dld. a .... • ...... ldBom.

..... u _- SEVENTB. CIIIIIA.II'NSON 8TS.. 1:~~~~~~5~~ d her W_ - ~ ~ •• --..... ADM,NIBl'ERED. au rtaad. Rellu.od4llllq-aDd BepLIrlq. Tee\bJDMI1ed _"&MO., N. J.

0 .... " rootL PalDl .. uU'aeUoa .nd

YtllllllaSpeelaI\T. ~:i~.~,~ ~~~:]~~~t£~~~:: NO I:ITUDF".N'I'B. DB. PAYlIT£R" Hna,...... .. m. ID • P. at.


OF ALL t\,"Iba. .. CllLl: ~ "'~D ,Bar.

RUBBER .~""'Tlll ' ....

n~ • . lRJ[l!'r fftEET, .. 11.7 CIIElITJUT .81:: (\lar.I.~


~ ~Md ............. Dramadc' r.riUcl aN .us'" . ban •

__ , fGr lata A_ aDd welab .... 111", but tIoe _ of tIoe book .. _ 10 mueb bIgber, Tbere \0 _,

lug .. daJiIiota bIa aoul ... ... t of a welIro....tOcI.anU,or:-New Yor~ WodcL

.. paron. .... _ ·It __ _

...mug aDd IIrifa __ . fGr Ita

, '= I!o N_ - 'l!!o pncIoaa bac. ~ "Aloo, 11-.1. bon Ia tIoe nctlpt bT

wtdcb tbecerdt-&c;.b .......... , "t'" ADd tIoe olil __ p~ bIm a _

_nocllb a_ of _palnted __ CIIID.o -. ftIcb he I 'no .. " .... ICdIo. -.u, roUod aDd _ up ... W HI' Ioobd about lib a oIpr lIPlor, aDd _ b~ ~It_ofblo reid late. "T'i

~ be 11& oat GIl bit joerDeJ, n.a ID tIoe -err city wbon tIoe cldef ..,. and tIoe _ cook of tIoe

...u... ...... puaIiDg -pIeua 110. emperor. 8acb _", .... "', oIdII ba ~._ bIo D .. _... .. atoppad aDd ' played tIoe ~ _ed to ........ aDd I1lod ~ _ wllIo _aDd pIugp4'"

... 1_. aapaIu ba 110. T ... U, B ...... at York, &DCl be ....... me the lalDe cordial (teet­iDe t.b&i be alowa)'8 bad Ii""' &eo. yean before. when we were brother cadet..

fOA ctme bonmed CUllom OIl oo.rd &be Brittumia iI that cadet.e in their ant tenD IhaIl ·fag· fur r....-aclelll iD lbek Uaird aDd foarth teruL'I. aod that c:adea til &balreecond lenu IIball ·f-.g· ror the. izI the fourth or tin».l t .. rUL ThiI rule .. 1D.1aO ..... y .bAt~t wilb tbe Wal_ ~ &ad I baTe ~u W,'IO on _ftral ace. IIioa.I baaliDi' • r...-atiet ur the Dec-t, ..uority op the biJI to the cricbI ... 011 a broiUng day. with the ~ Sbl rolling do,", their royal broWL " .... lQOddi ... iplioe ... -NewYorkTtma

'I'M . ........ iAlu'L

Tbe ferocity of abarb ia IIOC ~ rily in proportiOD to their..... For u­amp1e, u.... \0 the"... buldDC obark. ., ca11ed at ita habit of Iy1.UC • =H ,_ at the IVface of tbe water. D _ aUa10a a IeoctIo of _I, IOnY IMt, bat I", teeth an a:maU c:om.-ra­-T. aDd It poobably ..... anacb ....... ~ din,.poa a:maU am. . .00 = $ =m for ill diet. Another D&IIUI fot _ opaciea Ia ''oa111iab. - _ of Ita

IPIM bKk b. wbicb abOW'l OGt of the wale' Wre a ..u wbeD It it t.aIdDg. !.

A1Iboucb al1l8lJlab on1loari11 aud_ lIT barpooDed. It ediblla .-. actImy udeormoaa ItreDl'tb wbmaUUct. dly· .... fmm*';awly to the boumu aad no qafriDg a grftt leogt b at rope to bold IL Tbeoe -iuoI obarb an c:augbt for lhelr IiYers ott tbe COMt of 1ceIaDd. _ tIoe oil_'" _ toadul_ ood U •• r oil. - Wae1oiDgtoa Star.

"_.11_ 1'_u.. ThoVometian yootloa,UIt. __

ta. Rome • .roe tODd of dop. aDd dteacHlr aDd more torbitldina .the doc 10 IDDCIl the more It ...... to bo admired, TbIo .... YfIr1 odd retail. Tbe> ,pDu.m­.... _ boola Ioog la tIoe aolo aDd evnd upward.. a mode wblcb Octo. DOt tmpron their permnaI appeuiqce Wbeu ftr/aq ...... I..Jeod.lMJ-· __ .. ID Call.ilk ~ ~ _ kid rl ... aDd col\aii _ rlaa . _ to .belr IIPL Tbeu.. a dap­percane aDd. poocUeeba .... .,britall' c\a&D _ QO lock of wool .. 10ft """. II. _n at the tip of Ita la11. eM geau. __ c:ouidllnl biluel' c:omplec.ct ! rnr F oed.

Up. aod do,", be «OS- bowiq -S -, to .... riIb' baDd aud .1>0 I.ft. .,... aDd &DOll doppiq t.u ~ the tIpa of tIoe lagon of a !adJ. aud._ ad &DOlI paasI.Dc to DllwiDd ..... cb&ID of bIa pood1. rrom bIa ........ lOp. B. fa ... apart .. up~ bU cbopood1o to _ ID _ OIIII ..... wtlbOat _ _ofobjeotloa all Uto _ " _ _-,£11 UIe y ___

& .......... .,.t, ... Clal ............... Iporoooe 01 tIoe law _ "'" _

tIoe Tiolacor oftloe law. aDd If I' be c:n.o; _fGr ___ ID __ _

tot_ aDd ~I _____ .... ~ aad CCJI'I"OIt'NwW1 te_ s-tI .... aN r' _ It .. UULe ajtort of oriIIIIaaIla ...-.. ....­~ol _cldldr. .. ~ • cblV u proper ....... to 1M &M&Il. _ at DO otMr lime 01 tit .... 1iUIe

~ --- ...

... . '. \' • ---" " .:... ,., ,.""

~. i

, .' J .' ;",. ., -.

- .

The Weekl.... New'" pi .. liona, b.,1 .m iDIereated iD bn· eiih.r u 10 lime or I.... w ..... , . . RIv VDrt'lON ~}.,~ofd~~ ....... ~ 10 IA< the goods must ~~. CDI\' ' . iI • lD,aaooct form ofaoftrDmeu&&DdjwMtM.\_· p~per tim., .blll '!' .LLLII.L. . JA~lIld~":Ornanl1aa,or pleteest.; i 1Ji' ':. '

,aacI mID p.liIl os. to""ro_o ..... aod 11,.000do.o' .... 'I' ...... I. '· llr.BobodW.,I ..""J' otb. pono. iii ....... ollOld ob!!d 4!!;.Qk CnI; .s..~I ... :a:r.... .n aG'IITil JKINC'I' ADYBItTIaaA,


Ia... aDd· to 1.1olJ!ft1 "'.m. M ... mall ~o .. for oarl, breakfu, aDd JIIjt be~ ' . . .. .. IIbIIl'JII'O!.IDlblUt1 Ia."" oaId ~!!d . :!"I ...... ~. qD01II\'!" ... 11., 10 8ebiod.1I ..,.:; ·1 II,,6IIa. Ut ... 1Ii; lalo ..,p.r.. ' :' . . : " .. .. _ . . 1xI ..,d .~ ~Isod •. """ool •. III.. ... 10 Ibllallol'aed .. or' lb. ,.blic." .- IDDalylllll·ki'l Joa for ·lb. I..... M ... Tb_ • . ~.~nd ~ liII~ih!1d Io,ju'_dllo~'~"" ~hleb Plallilt til ODd til. libll be did. bat WI moat.J tJM.M1r .1000., of JOIlr .. Iu.blo -IJ*e yoe f,:"m 'Ilor wI~tof. .,,"'"" .. .. w"",,* :'w '!.~. ~I:.~':,~ !:I ..... !:l4 2J.loeb eri.kllel Cropo .. 'I and

p .. , .. . iI .0 Ilory. beller by. for I .• t por,!,i' .mo!" ~ i. IbIo·orIi.alo. aDd cta~~~:~ . II '1" n. LI" ot L drild II> G;w;.;u "' .. _I t ·- - 23~ _ .... ",l.2l5..lc1 '1.7~. IOmebOd, elle _. 1 it, tor \bere. 11 .. dl.f. ~OpaD& for Joa~oe at th. oomlal ·.l~ · .QI. ,DUll If ... "'IN 5 ~ ~c .. • t1ril4 Mall"';" at &Ae.,,11/ O·~ra. 2S-lDcb .t;;icter.d I1pNllo (oor

'1\ •• "" ,1 ". YMr C. AdtJGtICI (erence of OPIDIOD CODe'"UDr tb" lioa. 1 rem"ID .ery trail . . erel for 1136. 8."'00. rerd hll ad.. It aball be the dat1 q(lhe Boud of , quhU-. JOB won etallll:lD4I promPt17 ueoot.e4 .tatemenL .. A Vo~er" _,." "&be On;: OUl' OF ... BtJlC1)B&D. nrtiaement! . '. Edae&doa to Jellpa&. oae 01' more 000-

::::.W&lIcl .. aaLl7" UJ' oGlo. 10 lb. proof of Ibe paddiDg iI ia the .tiag," • ~ £; B. Filler, Jr~ ~tertaiDed r:-:,~T,~~ =::~~~::.::~ In other season we have ":!,r~:~~~.!'I= 10 it it. ~t we mu"" Dot alwaJ1 eat To the E1i&o! of the Nsn: . , cbe 8fsique Club at ber ... ldeDce. co'" ort.bil Ad., lOCh esnsfablee &0 be known shown stocks of Dn;ss Cottons !dID lbm DatD._ 11:1 Ibll &0 all' commuDI .... the .. me kiDd DC )lOddiuc, t:Jere may The qU.UOD of IeW~ for ~ DU ~f 16lb &ad WalDUt st..ree&, 011 lut .. t.n:JIt omcar-, . evuali anywhere. The zenith ~u~.':~=~.'c:!~::::=-3o':: be beuer Cood ud more DO.UrilbiDg iD &oWDI 01 Biver&o6 and ~yra.1I Tottdal· Tbe nu .... or oar public echOlI aa:~:,.~Ul flDd \b. NEWaaTalabl. lome Dew diah. "Vow" eaaia .Y" beiDg dilcuMed b, maDl of the citi· PaDl Wol&cb.idt abow. dilpolitioa to (aiD .... lb. tebool generally came when the sea-'.''''''''' m .... m. NOD. b .......... ·b. (Mr. Sehiedell) boa beaD tried aDd ieDi u •• _1'1 i. lb ..... -r.lUre. Wm. 8. MooN i. .bop .d· law. i. bnl" ..... J of th. b"JlIo I" son was advanced beyond the ~eb-;t=~I~ed &0. gino .tiafacLioa, wh, try a Dew eI· It would be well to tab ia~ CIODIider- joioiag Morpa I. Bee bis ad .. r· to aool, iuteed o( loe8n~ aroaod date AI d tho

Ad:::" all .:amtDlcaUoD.l \0 perimeDL" If aew uperimeo&a bad lioD Lbe COIl. by makiDI lOme com- tiaemtDt iD aaoth., .. &e. the rail road 1&aliDa IIOd eoroer. The present • ~ y as NaWiI A.."'W A~':~~J. Dever been tried. we DeYer would have parieoua witb the COlt or the 1l" HoU1 Hile Heuie Lippiooou.. p .. a very pueDte ban re<"8ind aoti~ lb.t tbeir season we have been in assort-

RalJ)DCL-Oomer J'oarUr. aDd QatGe14 bad Iteam looomat.iOD, aor the l.el •• wer; from it we may set lOIDe iDfor- eojoyable oolDpauJ 00 Mooday e'feD' chiidreD will DOL be permitted to be and' bulk ahead f all nl!oo •• PalDn .... N . .J. grapb, electric lighta, or oouDtl .. mauou: iu -.... a& her bome oa the river .mployed to work unul tbey ba ... t- meat m a - .-;;;;;;s ..... ___ .. -. o,b .. greal i .. p .... 1DOD1a i. aoiODo;o. Leoclb of ...... aDd all b ... eb •• ~k. • • 'ODdod IObool ,... '"Iul.r dmo. ODd compenuon. The additions """X_. MUIl ... al ... J.k .. plb ...... m •• '·17.180ft;Io'.IOOI'oompl.te,1M82.70. M Edwan! Pri II b ' Iii .o'i ... Io.mplo,.n 'b.'aD'o...... tho Ock firstsh to-da

. "d oflice! JUlt u .Qhangeofdie~ it Someof1beil.emlof&hiaoon.reviL: r .. FA lei" e,. w °kllis ployiDI chHdrea cunlrary to J.w to lSst own y Tu~ ~P""" 10 be • mlluo .r

f• beo.Beiallo o.u~ pbJlical.bea1lb. '? paid Mr: .G. E. GukUl for .. p ....... edb M .. r 1b·1 ~ Ie'i; '~I it w .. : .ball be mad. '0 ,.Ir .. th. po •• It,ot make it in every respect the

.toDd,ol w"b 10m •• u 10 ,b. 001' 0 ebaD ... I. pohllcal u8l_ II oo.duc". Ift •• ad.n .u~ri'lODdiog or OODl\roC- "Pd ... 0 ·f lb' ed!' • f'lb Id' lb. _.. ost let d elegant col . . '11 ". beNd " 10 Mr Goo;-a ,- 001 W' • • ., .. 11 ODe 0 • liOn. 0 • u • • • m comp e an -

electric hght. II. WI U'CI r-mem to .ay communlY· '."" boa 1600; paid . • anag I.UYlew· Bivertoa Jouru.!. edited here a Dum. . • lb., ... 'lated. , .... '1,. lb., ,b ... W. Spayd ... b ......... ~ III' i.g uf ..... 1275. her r' ..... ~ Tbty .. iII..-id. i. . 8TATB NBWL lecnon 01 Conon Dress Goods

. d lb., lb. pI ... d.y IOd "Ibl, 10 •• ,10 caD The .... or OO.WDI 1400 r...lof 10 0 -.-' O .. ,k Gerry. MftD , .... old. '00.' . sh dat b ... '" 171 I ... pa ID our 'o~. aD be brou,bl.llO, IiIDO .. ilboo,l ... of i.. i troDebed 8 f ... d .. p.1700 Ii: N ... York Ci'J' . . lUred oa' CD lb. iet ofo po.d ~1 ... 1b eve.: .own at any e y Ib.y ... , 112 • y .. r for 0,1 .~d aI~" lime. 10 bim ... bne • ~aD fillly .f 1 i~ pipe. aDd boIao .. of tr.i .. pipe Mr. Howan! ~. doDrblor. Beu· PIai.SoId 00 Friday IOd f.l! ,b. retail house anywhere. ,i •••• 0' ,"iOR i.1o OODlld ... 1I0. compellDllo parf'orDl th. dull. of lb. ,",.obed '0 ....... 8 feel doltp. 0. lob. baa heeD '1a,te I. . waler. Goo.... .4m>Wlmllll. OI!I, The novelty variety and their ant COIl. and repair. It will be office .ad wbote ialueoOl for .aood &be liDe of eewer tbere are t'nlve BUlh A meetioa to ~u: .!toae roada !igbt,..,. old crept out GO the- ~U .' .• _ th.t lb •• a ••• 1 0011 of 1b ... 171 .. ""Id be u eo .. erfal u lb. _di<Jal:o IIIIlko: A ...... 00II o£ ....... por focK _ beld .1 lb. NIldeaoo.or. Waller Ire to \be ed ... Wbeo lb. d"? ... ~ beauty 01 these newcomer:'

. I' 000 d tb. to ... iI of·~ VO.Ier. Mr. ~ W: ~,d II 50 ce ... aDd S lOil... . C. ,!ond. WIII6e1d •. oa . :WOdoead., bo,come ~p Goo,&!, ~ped b,.. tax the resoun:es of our ad· lamp II over -, ,aD ., coDecleaboQl .Dd palDl·&akIDg ID ~I Now, Mr. Editor. lappall" take Iteamg. eucc:eeded ID dtaqtDI blm DuL The • • .ot ligbted. 12.400 "'lIg, •• ~. b. .ader~~ aDd .. ill mak.. If eolllid ... uo. 10m. of th.11r1Dl of Tb. r. ..... of Iouc LippiDOOII, of po,d iI leD r .. 1 d .. p. verttsers to adeq~ately descnbe • well-lilbted '0 .... aDd lb. 001' .. ,II aI .. ,od •• JOIIl .. IbaI .. ,II moo' oul 001' 10 lb. HL Holly .... er ,ba& we W.,S.ld wu larxeIy .lIIDded Iu, Grip baa jUlI .""red. WoodI ..... " them as we destre. At best be equally diltribulod. 10 i, fair or juali .. to all. AI ·PalmT .... -y .... oold.ot be ~ubj ... 10. ll!ere ..... Botord.,: .otwilbalaadi'l lb. ooId maD of r~ •• mUIom ,1 80 , .. ~ lIaDd· statements are but the · t I.OtI I.. ew to li&hl. GUnltHy! uMr. Spayd w~ elected &.irly t.o the difBculli. to overcome IMI'e that we w.ther. Samuel 8b:tI'P, DC Camden, ing. Ooe Ire burrted UQL the alber. our J;; .7 b' 'd 10 api. ,bol if oII!oe . III! .pn ••• bu, Ibroop 10m. ..ould.ot ba .... iL: lb. ooa\ oftrneb· ood Il&cbel Lippi.oo'l, of M.llica Job. J. Corloek ...... rlbod t ... d... bones to which your thought

.' n:~' •. ' • ... , o~ II 'de...t ~edDl"!'\Y of I;b~ Ia:. ~~ ""'Iet'!"" i., 'ood layi •• 'Ie pipe. MOIl of 1110 Bill. GlO._lor c·, •• ". mi.ilten. of blocbillk .... ~i" _kinK" ,be and presence must add the Ilnl lubJect II Dot care u Y CODII 'CIe.!v ~Ja oommlaloo. I~ ~ aplD, earth'. form&Uon there for. few feet made add~ at I.he meetiDg boue. a.w reed leadillJ rrom Saddle river 10 • • 10 I.hat we may intelligently v~ta apoa I.bll 'pna1:, pat the ~moe ID h .. b-:dI. de:ep ~ ~ bard to U:~ ..... ; oadel"'" .bere the ee"ioee were held. CbeetoUl &idee. ia Be~o toGDly. remammg elements. il. at the comiag towa mettlag, the CnolAlIl!lBO, !YIDllt 11. Itra&a.of qUlc~d call!"" Mr. Wm. R. LippioooU, of W.t,. lie killed eilbteeo &a.lpeclmtDI ("UD Glasgow, Manchester. Bel. 1* (or IUeb dlrk .. _ m.y aol. be teo n·. ~_ ... IN;"': lUI ~ OOOl~L CAvlol· .'t:0· PNVID.~ It Seld, GO Saturd., DiRbt, bad a Qum- three In In feet loug. fast d M Ih h

'Ded .. oth.r u adituHll mal' be ,. . . required CUm& ~d b~DI . thl" ee ber of fiDe Cowle killed by tlop. lAy Judge Seoltmea bf A,. an u ouse are ferf'e-~ po '. ~our artiol",. ~ to tl!.ol>- of b'o.ob ... m.k,,,,. d ..... I!,. oar., Tb. P .... b,'eri •• obureb P"'P"'" I •• ue Ci". "b" ..... pp"inlod 1 •• 1 sented in the following-locurred. JecLloD.ble llgo, Wlaleb 1 hope -'111 be oat the water, WrapflDR: the JOIDN of t.o ci'. a lupptr io the LYCfum nD "SuDllller tf\ &11 ao uaf'IpiMi I.t-rm· h

removed, u it detracb from tlae ap- pipe to kt"p u~L qUlcbaDd QDti) caa· H&reh 3n1. See .d.ertileratnL hu ~u a p lialed b, Gonro'lr Ah' promment among t em • are THE election la., u to townahil*t ~ce o(our bome toWD,' tude !De eated.1O that ID man1 plaell a force .Mr. Chu. W. D,.i. bu off","I,&I beL to 611 ~e 'ull W.m of '" ,",... the ramous Whytlaw GlOg ...

bu beeu 10 &meDded, U nol. ooly to to wnte .bMt auoaber thlDg wbleb of SO mea '':'Guld Dot make 100 feet a bia coDtribuuoo to ".e Ru.u..u Fam . • hams. Th d' I h h' h .Uowa cidr.eos Ucbl., bat &Dy penon Iboold ba ... Ueaboo, aDd that;ia.tbe d.y; the Cl"'*iOI DC & It ream "veral iae Fuo 1, to load the I&eaalIbit, Iud. Kaue Sc;bleleber. dauabler II' lJer. . . ey tsp ay t . e Ig·

d blow braacbet o. \be &.reel over the tim ... the irTeRuiarit10f the aurfaee. . b· h . be' I I I . Pb" Da"1 Sc:bh·leber •• wt'II·IIMi ••. hUlcher est Cotton art -of the world C&D oomiuate • ca.adid.ta &D ••• I dewalb. I ran iDk» lOme of tbeM tbe faU vamn, 100 fed and ~.w IC. 11 IDI[ nrta ~ IU . I._ ur N .... rk. re a"ltod Fraak Plt-n"n' . . . . ,,·eL ••• pr·,o,ed. bul. the otllci.t eonl· b eb tI d bout • ed b' • f 8···L With eupphet for the It.rlebn II .. tnt'l. Huull wbu •• 811 bt'r rrum Ilr I."ill~ As In Wools SO m Cottons • .. raa et recea Yla. roiD. moft, t e n"tIulnng 0 man, ...-u ~. , .' " opo aDd boo,b. mu,' be u..... W. good umb",!!y. Doubtl .... if !DO laok .. ,b. di8l .. I, "giOM., .ud Mr. A~",," Zilak baa bool.n .uack ~ c.,~,y 1~1 •• d I .. , .u ......... hy .1"" ~"Bedloord and Crape ideas vilitM Trenton lut week, before .-rit· .ill call attention 1.0 thil aeglecl. it tuperiutendiDk to ounleDd witb. etc. of tbe I"PIJe. lug _lIh bml I .... eteqatnjr,auII.luUry • t d bea

will be .t4 eoded to promptly. MaDr are the adn.n&aJtM we b~" Mile Lillie Wrigbl. iell.eodinK ~ few iu" bint, nI~eh .p:u", tbe ... h ...... 1 are very prommen an u· iag ODr editllrial. anl\ the uaoertainty t..msu. over MODD' Holly; 1 ... The diuaDee weeki at Brookliae. M... het rather ... bu bad .. I~I aUII ht!, tiful. we found among tbe law mak~". ltd I • to maay out~ for Mwen Deed not. he Mi. Estella Cia, t. t'tCt!ivi~K w:tuy i .. l~ b~r hu~llAull. ~lru,,1 ('..orol GiulilAlDIl in many 01 to write in a way tbat ba!'et aU to 70 tAd EdiJor o(1Ae NEWS: oCtucb length .. to ~uire 10 iaeh b&adlOmf. aud beautiful prewnta. ' C_I,laili N~.CIIIWh, a .. ali we III lbi. l'OmhiulitlllA nr .'nnlrutinlt "Irip-tbinkinG' .nd the I\et'ilion h .. heea A aumber o( commuDicaliooa •• ve pipe; 2 Tbe ia ....ady.Dd The ~od .... ntbly IIr lhtl It!UtUl rilal'·' .Ith a. wif. alUl rawil, II.ia.· D .... 37 I·! an.14Oe.

" b _. . . f _y '0 remove ucept • ahnrt .. I . b I U.I Nd" 'Jlllrwy .... Iu ,l wllh LI; .. ,hi,. al d Bfflr.lnl Coni <''''1''' (iiuahamll in Riven hy the Attnrney General t at .Ppe&nIll 10 .mlr paper ID lupparl. 0 .~ry . • \ne.1. pace 10 t e yow .. IIU mUD",a, dOllte, .ri, .... wond .. ,rnlly he.uti· ~.,oo 60 .110 .. a eiliunl tickel. to Mr. Scb.idell'l DomiDalioD for the dw&ance Ilea! tbe nver, nu qUlckeaool. e.euinl •• OO w .. t'l!ry I.rpl~ Hh:ud· en-:.. "r I' ..... tot·h 'unt" \V .. ~ lilt 111.1, rul .1111 entin'l .. new. ","'M', ~. office (IC *¥Iire.,.U oC wbich purport .. O! water t.o later~f're eIcepl. • Iman ed. The mueie aad rermbmeuta w .. "" (',tll, N t.:.. 'III Thu,..'.y Slripf'll ere..,..,n Zeph,r Glnahaml in be 'foted (0' ia townlhips. Qocler 4,000 ed voicio. the eeatimeot DC the people. dlltaoee at tAe nver; 3 the natural uoelleat. The beautirul CllltUW~ The M~,~r C..UllIY Boa"1 or F~ IWII &nne and IIIIlr 1'01",., 4S!..

I • • bit' ,to tb _d C 10 I, d pu .. Crepoa Zephyr Glntrhaml In popu ahon, wII on 4 e "mea I!I It iI.traD~ tha& they are UfJ1DI{ ".-..e 0 dreeLi. nver,. mOl ~a· aad tuterul decoratillUA W. It • bllldt!re yPl .... rd.y deeid .. d 10 but a I.wo &nDe and .UO"llorw,. SOr. future ""preeeatatioD of the 'rrgular bil aumiD.tioD, and we rrpreetatiag b"!~tD b, the rue or raU or laad re- IItriking T'lie ia uid to ·ha.e f6rmalld qlll.l1'Jufl06 uteP .1. Moore I (:rocodUe Zephyr Ginrbaml in .lr.

rti.. and lpeakiaa (or a la.rze D.umbrlf DC qUlnDg but Ce!, 8~b tanka &ad Iboukt ~ ooe of.1lie !-,t.'UCCfJllCul a~m· Sta.illo. a .. r L.,wb..rt'fi1l~ .. un Ih.. c:olnrinc_ ooly. eo.:. ,. • • wten are iguorea' of It. Il 11 etn.Daer be .I~t _ .vlog la lbe caey ~Drve, bllf~1 Klveu ID Bivertou. bel.idere and Delawl,. R uhoad, iu Zepbyr GiDihama nr coUon and lillt

THE cOmmonication in reference to .ull that be ahould uk to be eupporo ~ :gmeerlal ~ wel~ u;~:neoct. Louie Bowker'l family bu beea o .... er to .&ablieh a Carol peoi&ea&l&rr ~~ Cbe .. ron and DamaNe deeil(1Ul,. on,..banginjl; braoehN il timely aDd ted, baYiag plac»i UI iD • ridiculOUI 10« e OODIwuCUoa i . fI e ::~ very mueb dli.!\td. " Nearly .11 DC .bera.U priIoue,. will be worked. No .... l.y Zepb,r GiDIbama. Ui[bl. &ad thould be attenderl tn at oaee •• at pOOuoo. aome lime ~ .bea believ· ~mloopew ~o:'ie w~ri:rm fa;' tht\ • four cbildren . bave bad, or are Tbe cost uf the 1.00 .... 19000. darkeroaDCle with lOUd and open

k' b id "1 lbo, b. bad ..-'coed lb. 0111... •. • pa . I h ..... 1 aoarle\ f ... r •• ad Ib"ou'teal. .. art ""Iko d:O 150 ood 6Or. 00 ...,..0' of m. IDR , • • ~ Goo .... Spayd ..... eleetod It> 611 ,b. .,.",.It .,d 8u.b ... k. . • • lilll. prl. died lUI Tueodoy •• 4.... LOVE AND MARRIAGE.IN JAPAN 8onl....a ~r I.abama iD po'k • ... Ib more _bl •••• d .. r •• bot If uDIXpired ...... aDd i'wu dilCo~ ~klDlI .1bese 1DaII, od_'if:.l " ':" buried OD Wedoeadt,. 0 ... of th. Sir Edori. 4rDold. "ho 'by boon ID' :::::~!d.... OOO':.r~!oat bor· the lower limbe are cut 00" DOW before that Mr. Scheidell wu yet the Squ1re. eoDIIderabOll oyer MODa, oil, ~ othere alto be dipbi!teria.uct ... DOl 01 ialt au io~ &rip I.hrouab toe FanCJ' (.'1le.roa Zephyr Gioahama. lb. _p begi •• '0 fto ... i, will be 10 Ibougb thol oII! .. ~ DOl ~ hn:P~ d_, 'PJ>Oll'eb I ,ba& OOWr bu""~ .. ~ ... upeeled '0 Ii ... bu, .... impiOri'l U.il8d -. by ..a.s. • ....,.1 _, 45 d __ S7 l..t ODd -

MDuid tor a 10UI penod. CSURU Y u.. cot mu If I,. e PI UIC a& 1.&al report.. or lobe OOodiUODI wbieb 10""' &he tam· rid r m.eb beu .. for lb. 'ree. ",mo.a! to Cam t... Wba& JIl.... reporl or lb. Io .... bip eommi_ will . M 1.. G G..a J b rood 11,1. 1._ aDd ombodl_ hili_I. • If there's any p e 0 ances-

I I tee taa" we that the eame thiDa 'lb&1 abow the coat orihe ... 011 Maio St.. r. . • . '." ~1l . p&P!I' called "Love aud JlarriIr:e ill I. f"rV in Seals there would be THE imm .... ptberi.g of ",.,.., . f m .. no. i. d ... il u 111_ of a ... '" from lb. Paci6. OOUI. B. "'n ..... paD" iD III. Fobroart .DlDbor 01 Tho -,

. . "Tb~~ ..... to b' be .. ,,'- -'d. Ga' ~.,. :.-. -- ·-xi .... lb •• rood ... of lb. N ...... notb.r I.u., "'""?2r'U .... Tbe':!,tl~~ II~ ch->.me&cedoess amoDl! the aiis-eeatatin ci~"OI t~ proteat ~IDlt L._ •• ~.UUoIb~ , ~ .!..~~ .. ~ .- ._ - _ ....... __ .--="l._-:"...... I.I .... T-·· .. ... . - .... - ... .- ;te&eh. ~iD, doWD&be iidel'aid doJ .... , .bo .. our Ia .. lbo, _.. II preoeol ~_..... ,. • • _dO. _,ho boIInm 01_ -. An.,.. tocr.Us 01 the Prybilov Islands .... :. i •• I ..... ODd i.ftueolia! body to Pbiladelphia e ... ry daJ. B.O" To ,'" EJiI.,. 'If tIu NEWS: M~ Kiri.m Lippi....u.o.f Oolum· .. nIDI pholCll'lPh or W. D. 60 .. 0111 were they to know what little

. . m&Dl OCUI care to have a c-.,ned F tI;e d' .. the Ii • bul,IUth. upptr panorlbllcbun,y. IInee .. arron1llp(eceaDdblawort .. a. . h th k' or eva.1. people wbo Will lpend time .t midoigblt &Dd 'da: outaid:::.~ ..... 1!...ld alm.~t ... iaitiog ber. couliD Mile Abbie 8. oI8ctioa 11 revIewed ia the pnces we ave put on e s InS

d 10 d f .. , lb. N'r~ of Tb b -<- - -~ L" f H _..l . .DlDbor bI 6 6 Bo_ Tho PNII fthei relan' The ' 10 mOD'y, r-~ ....,.... 0 ......... 1 .... ~ _ Ibillk Ci.IlOIDi._ Ioonllbip ...... Id 'PP"OOIl, 0 0 ....... tr ... L dOD' or lob. DoPtI .. U.h.nI" Ii- 0 r ons. IlIr men III. pmblen. Tb. fact lb., th. pro- d.d.loIl. Ib~ S"d .... Ib .. of .bum .... , two ollorn It lb. oemi.g Mr. F ... I< M. Tb ...... of K ...... '. _ p..elieal _ : Cor poroDlI OIl have long been iit a shiver over poaod bill .. ill gi ... Ii ..... for &.0 ... Id 611 '!t. oII!co "'lb ......... aDd II .pri'l .leeliOD ...... 0DrlI\abI. for lb. to"" .. ill be ,b. lDaII.cor of Kr. "80,. aDd Bo,.· edtoOla,a 01_ br. Can' hel .• th la f

< .. led to III' L Ib __ 'b ..... lim ..... 11b ... pot" .tay or JUral ·dillriM aDd • JIIIIieo ortbe Cbu. Parry'. frui, farm ., . ·om~. ......... or lb. - AUwooc!. .Ma"" ,t. t P It, e WS 0 J ..... - - "~ •• -. bL M Goo ~..... -~ • - BaIIIood ID ... bootloriDa!,tohliearlr .... k peopl ... ilI ...... d • I..... .... .,' tI r.. ed.... .'u,,,~,, P ..... ror PalmJft. Tb. _iIlOlioD af\or th. inl of);(or.,b. lanD d.)'I. aDd Ielll or ibe ·PolI aDd bade are inexorable. · . . • 'eD .J!, ... 1i0D ,. ooD-'!oe. aDd "eelioo of th_ o1IIoen oIooaId be T~. Wnne. Ga. CI.~ boa _\be 8_ 01 lb. Farmer Bo,." Th. petro... Alaslca Seal Man If mOD., .. III JIIIb. bill poMd. A., aDd II ID • ....,. ... y worIb,oI_-,. mod. b, Ibe dillri... i. ..~iob &rot four BwtidoJl of 00ICll moilti. lOam iIldumy 1Iill11ll1llilnlod' An 4(. .. 225.00 t npreoeolalin mOIl oerIoial, be .. b. B., otlll. oIbtr _didalo, ~L.80 ... tho, .N 10 ...... aDd DOl bY' \be !"I'Ilor abooli., da, .. Tb .... ..ill ..... Storr b, -'!<h!bald ....baa; Th. lettes are fI75.00; same, with will ..... n\I1rD U • Ia .. if !DU ........ 110 tol~. H. II a 1M'" all 1110 .oten ot all III... diotrieto. be ohooli., ""!al for !,b. praidta.. ~ of ~Kl!='u.,: ~~ ~ Marten trimmio are f2OO " 0 be_fOr lllia bill. aDd i, il'lailo :~ot~i.~''T~I~·to Th ....... oullido 01 PalmJft.l .. o ""p.ODd.apoeioIthoot: OD Wubiar- aDdThOLeodI",4matoan0l1b'U':J.: from- g, . probobl. IbaI koo .. poopI ... ill for. ba°'"be:" . • II • ",-~. ]MIl aao .. eeIed • Jllltico .of .lIIe \ooa'. llirtbcl&,. · lei _ iD pIl~,. ... oIbor .. 235 00 • ... r d_ bim. ~ ~ =-:..:. ~ !'.,i: t. ~bdi:rie\-:r.d~::; Bn~ i ~ Ooo-r &i""-willi loodiDe ortId .. oIth. !"""Ib. Other Fur prices run like

• W~iebedl'bi'~· bioicl-~!,aoIiot~~.'" baoi •• aDd ofter .. 1OIioD Ibero will ~ '8a~ "',!:r:!m m'::~~ ~ this! 1'ld oIc:elric ligbl'luealio. iI.'IrJ"f • • ".<~, """'.. . ~.: be.o arc .. li", or d;w,io&'dion. Mr. ml.iahn 'bo bul, OOIDaia.i ... - Tbo W4K.uL\ItII&'s. IS-inch Capes.

· ........ 1 -- ' _ .... , 10 lb. I - aI _r .. __ .... Llo'" b .. mode a --' ..,.,..-d u .... _...... I' ot·< her ob _L 'm ..... _OD .. _ .... ..-_ b ...... todtobeoolDl.laDdidalo, ~t · \be "7, aDdlb ,:"",1 n:1IiOIlI ....... ..... 14511ea ... a.p..all36. peopl.ol lb. to .. 01 ofainrloDaDd aDdlll.J ... \be""''''''preoeolbi. :r .• b- ,:,a~ ~ Id ~ '!"berdaDgbler.d_OOID-.!a. Pau.aJl .............. _ . ~IIea_OajIoI .. tIIII PalmJn, IlIaD buildi'l Ito .. rood.o i. to III ... t ... for _i",iM .. biob if "'~~':"dll n: ""''!D. 'bl -:,com UCD;" botb cIo!L .... ban_mod Our "-_ r_::. .. _peojIIe ~_ tIII5 --_al!!-

<. • b.....· • ua ILia • or w_. or .... e ,or 1'tIIf'o> tIM lab"n 01 preae n. Un::i3 uuuu:t _... f40 IIartea c:apII at ..-. Ibo OOG.IrJ. Tb_ to ..... pa, ... _ .. .-_ • _ .. _red. U too or Palm, ... '0 meddlo ia llleir I.. .• I'll I(onb. _ 4a\rokon oollar. lbirtooath.o(lb. laX. raIoed ill \be \be ci.1iMM ,!"Pal .. ,.. ....,1. rilbl cal afI'oira. We llii.k \be pl. Kr •. J ... ph 1.. :x'bom ....... 1I1f'e "!" very attentive to blade Grena· "'15.' .

m •• .'.\be""bl~b ........ be Palm- deoire \be _me::. aDd prl~"tOr. u".b IOJOUrD m dines and would be in the 115WooIStaloombiDatlo._.t to .. oabip. aooordi'l to 10 ",Iiabl •••• bod I. Mr Bowmao 01 "--ot K 8cbeideIJ J . of FlOridL . d _.... uld th boast' 115. \borih u Dr. Hall. ·.aDd 1II0y d .. ·, ~ D_:" ~. - r. u - ~ ~._ B __ • no.... . e~co ey not a Mantlettes.

., un>: ..... aoaElm!rO ....... \be P_ ODd for IIoe .. lIido dioIricIa ........... ro....... v........ tchl stock f them . pro_toallOpaJth.addiU .... OOII Io.DOlDi .. "'aD)'oa .......... Id_ba J_ ... Jr. ore 10 be monied bJ rna • ess 0.. 1158to1tt1e .IlaDUoIIoIal125. urIicbli'K' TboIU ........ 'wlbol n ... _" ... N.... ri~L B.o..-ruJiD\ioo.'1.i",of. Fri-!·._'.allIoel'llideooo~ of This bas relation ~ the =:~~"3=-::S-IIIOJ .-in impro ...... 11 or beD0611 KiadlJ penDil ..... bo .... n\olt. 6cieou,. to.. :yearo ........ r .. fBci. \be !'"dot poreDlI, oa :r"andoy DIXt. great Dress Goods question of '"~ _1laD_ .. ,UXl.

. . b Ib 'bu ed \be ...... , .. tor jlll\ica of \be .......... 1 ... 10 I.y .. d. pOnoaaIilioo aDd 1\ II ._011 IIIOJ .. ,II -p, \be ibis business. The Itoclt con- IIIIi _IlaDU_ .. 175. ~pprox,mau'd'Io"I~lb' Of~.~ ~ .. ilbi.1oreI\, to"UOOI' f'e .. o polilioalbiao,'l0 bo\& .. ~ i. law ~~lnDJIoa pl.ce ..... B ... 1iDp tiouously and for ' lona' bas JomrW4NoUIAUR. . ,. laX'" aD 'I.... _M II tiOllL lbaD 1110 o\be .... adidalOo, aDd • IDU ' . .. param ... t to aDJlbi., ..... W 0 I. JOGr lui .... JOIlr oortapo'" at uoell ... 1 j_da_1 .. bu will 00& Kr. Ed ... H. ~ baa ooId \be claimed to be peerI~ because . tbiDk tho, Ibo pn.c:lical "'J to ... , lipi", bi....rr"A Voter" ..... roo il"lor all ;1'0 orwth"; lib m.a, ~ of 8IacJ 8. I'aa-. oa intelligence voluntanly ac;o;a. ," -OoWvwsA-l.:waite liP' our _ io b, oro "oeIric "mJ IrJ ..... upori_1 f Let ~ j~ of Borlill&looa 00.. bo .. beoo ....... 10 Kn. &rab LoatJo. it the first place. But • . tiIe ." ~ \11& I licbll, bul. publi. _Ii •• thould be ~ • doi~1 for.~ u baa.~ obo~ bJ erbarr. claim would be neither modest .AfOi'ii»lABY.

. al 10 'I ..... ""[>111_1 10 try - aD l.noIipU.oC OOODlDll .... wbiob la- Tbo .,_ ot our peblie oebooI ho did fiUl black ealled to ~d~ I meIIIodo aDd;le. of i.","'y ODd .......... _ ..... will 101, reported 0\ )foa.1 Hot),. ... JIIIi toI!lII1. ua • pIoo fOr a nor l!est we on Bee(, Iron and Wine (a special tenD_ .. biob II ..... aDd Ib ... .,.. --'" aD ..... 11_ ~.., FneIloldet.Ena,. iI bJ _ ......... :::.::! boilldiDJ; to .......... tod Grenadines. 11lereIore the ' tioo) oc bottle _, tho _ 10 10 ... -UDI aDd \be ciu- or 11110 to"""i ... ":101 titled 10 uoIIMr -Ion! .1. \be ~'Il ., \be out aD.'" dillrii:t ...... 1 goods both watral!t .and are ·P~ .. ' 5 per .• beet i, ap b, ....... 101. u.,II .. • ru-I to be pat .. -' 1Ioard. aDd DO .0fIJ"'"'1ioD 10 b!_ • oaeeIi'K. K ...... 16\!t. . ~ Witness to the claim. Study 2·gram · QWOIDe Pills, quahty

. •• 01101 pl_N ODd i>rub .......... fouad uJW- I. \be _Dlh,.!'! be BIIIi_ outlook ro,\be opriIIJ iI this _"';'1 ·list. · warranted. 30C per 100 . . . Do.yocu _ ........ 1 .. 1·. Voter- boriDe .......... Ieralnrr --. • Not' noI ....... io .--. . . .' •

ErOBT oom .. o ... , .. , ......... _ •• lIIiak il • oil .. o~ to 'oIeeI Ioril, Oocqmi_ Oad ... wbu boa '''pro ... ",. m --. r Plolio. . , . ·MeIlin·s food. large size 56c ed thlo ..... ....... OpeD lb ........ bu .... troioe;J ODd IllaMted '" .....i·for.,..., .. m baft DO oppoei ... tlt.eI .... IIo'! I~ ~~.~:.~~~~~ IShleb I. bu,g.oullaa, 411-8i1k.~ ·r • ...:... .. Littl' L' Pi1ls,' •

• eI . ..• OIl of \hem .,."""ad· \be Ia f . - .,~. .. I .... _. -- .,.... 7&: to lUG. ....... .... s e IVer I 16c.



Deeds', Mortgages, Wills and Legal Documents carefully drawn and executed. Loans negotiated upon most lavor­

able terms. Rents collected, Houses for Sale and to Rent. 6 'per cent. Mortgages for sale. Fire, Life,

and Accident Insurance. Reliable Com-panies and Lowest Rates.

THOMAS BROTHERS. O .... LIt .. 1)1


Coal, Lumber, Lime, Plaster and Cement: We are now pnopart"d 10 rarnish Pardee'. celebrated Lattl ..... «til....,

Lebilth mal.

RIVER'lUN'. N. J. Telepboae No." .

Orden ,.no 10 Cbllda.t. Re&d. Grocer.. Palm,.,.. .. 111 reNin promptatwaUOD.

:i? ":ii¥~O dot Air Heater.

o ,; :r:~

e~ - c oj ••


Fresh and bright all 'he yc,. around. Our goods wiD alwayo please those who appreciate .. ~{kJ{1 9Iu,lil)' a"d IIIotkralt pri€t. ~

Dry Good·" Notions, Bric-a-Brac, Crookery, Glassware, Lamps, &c.


TROTH & CO., Broad Street, opposite station, Palmyra.


CarpetsI' carpets!

Carpet.-! R'tg carpela iur beauty .ntl llurahility drop a p""·.1 to JOB. B. SIIITII.

Rinrtnn. N. J. (All and..., Mmplfl ber",", pl.dOC Joar IIrdene ellewbere.


Calvary ~esbyterian Churoh

Supper at the Lyceum, Riverton, On Thursday evening. March 3d. Supper eerved from

6 to 9 o'clock.


. Houses for Sale and to Rt>nt


In Palmyra and Rivertoh. Money to loan on mortgages. Ho ...... ror sal. from .800 10 $5000 on C35)' term •. Houses for rent from

OOiDl'K - ...... m 100 r lDJ" \ioIl 1o .• ........,.lOO. · .... .......-.. bu beea ~11o IS400h __ .WooI-l.lIn QD01Io . ~ lear. w ..... gledlo_1O mocb wLIr7·· .... ~1 "I:::; .. K~otlb.o1II~ ... beId"'._ oarDOliolaDd ... lUopooO'!lMTare lIeoalSl5OctofiJiO.'OlivtOil,thebest·ofall · I _ ODd .... _ abort IoIIori. - ... lwo II!!' . ... of aIIiIiI, ODd u .... -!" aDd '''' 00& :!Jf~II--' Tit .. --. IIoIDch 1iIIt.~ ...... I. itor qaatI. . salad iJs,' 7S

$6 te> '35 pc.- month.

EDWARD H. PA.NCOAST, • •• fIeId, ..... -. ud will .... lIoe .... oftett IIIU. r .. lscdoD .. rer-d, O8J . ' "'~'ii . L;"'::L~~ . lIeoallUli toft.liO. . . G C. aport"" pubilO '1a.,OIL II oboold ..... tion, _ .. bo will ~ u ..... _ wbu m. bil dalJ. o..r ~I C .. ::'" ~- buik·~.11 lOb IS-iJleb t_lIHIlk.10 btrqalJ. )[ Cowperth .~ be well be ... to oor read ... IbaI ODdDOl~i_t' 1 .... ...-- ._ K . ~ ... _ r .. ...;.. .. :" Ul ... l .... w"'N 1110 .. ~ lIeoai 11 .. totl, .......

" - . ..-..,... r. ""'--' 0 • _.,. &au • 1 1Ito Iiotbtr \okIq • -.ito aDa -r: Fi . ," ... ....-aJiliot ... DOI admilled tooor 0Dd~\be~_ "~. '"'" OoIleetor,' W ... F. K ...... of ·oar IIoe·Wlerab..t.ud. 1V.triotall r;ll!!:)' !pres.. .

ooIo.~ aDd all oueb ortIal. will ::....~IIIeIltoZ..:r~s:u:.:-; := !':'~ :''!il ~ tII,' ""', tredded wi ~.I. HI.. ~\be"'!,~"'!II( ... ~J!h ~ : _ IIatD, beJoy 4th St.. toke IIoeir _al OOQno '0 \be - \be;;iu... "W'bJ IrJ a·DI .. ~ ...... 0 allo ..... _ .. /Iti!W Ih po: "!tile - - . iDebII.t~n~. . d ~ . BtYVtim, ~. J. b .. bt. . ' _1-. S--08 0fIIIiId1Ull1J .... eilioDo, BoUllion ill 011 .. · ... _ " . ' _ lJS.~ji~~ot~I."" . ____________ _

• 10_. _po\8ll, oapobIo; -- to-IItoIlJloiaCip ... i tODd .. THBAJl8TltACTGP~TIiWICHOQL JS.IMIll'olbDol,aIHUt.aI'l.I5. It W SPEllER BERG Oxzotoarreadon .. bo Io .. pen!'" (IIio Sqaire, ... tJooa. ......... be \be...ra_" an -U.":"' .. ho LAW. _ . I lS-iJleball-lllt1'loldalfUL ·· · , _eo' ot. N ... York ~,p IOudllallu..aI ........... ~ bo ... u{IinIi_f ........... rbad ... _._~ .. _ IS-Ioeb oIHllt lIpNG_ _toD&WIIG" Am..

Ii.., requ_ .. to .. 11 ..... Iion to .. bo ... ill • pooilioa to IrJ _ 01& boUor JII rid ofllle. ...... ~.~ All ebIId __ 7 oi.i 11 ~ iD. bowIJdoob;s._- 0( -I\yl- , IIoIiabIt dooIW i. U. !I-~ bil! •• mber 1766, ~ bu all Ii_ .. bu will DOl _ \be .... _lo'rerlat_1be& I. D. C. . or ... _ -.. __ :::; __ , aDd ~ il •• lllleo ."' II. to . . btl .... II d_ ..... ~ .to th'ppl'jr. 10 li,btlJ." to be 1rilIiog 10 -.. .... ,.... Nt I. Fob.1C11o 18H. . t =,::'''':11 :.~ ... bldt at- In ~tion to··the. to • ... _Ii fila .. u.. LeI ....,. . 0Il~0 • ID=:: .a all Il1o bard wort ill lito day \Iou to • • • !lo obUd .... \be .. " II',... ' several -rts ' free 1W; ~ JlIb, !':!.::o:: -"II o~ bill. to ~""'"':L~"',,"",.aDd~:~--... To \be V_ ot a__ \aft. :::!:t:'~t!'nar:rttPl*!'J:o= G--.t:~ :u Smr:

0 that 'are F.... "-'- aDd era-. 1.0 ........

r-'- -., .................. - thlp' _~.'" I • ....-....-. ~L-· ~ ... _ ._L . • Alyocu_'.. deat'S . I._ K ~ ba' _ll'" In .. _\be 1m • .... xl", remarIcabIe . for their Gause- ODd -..- I. _ V<UOn __

A ... _" ......... , neb ..... ~ WI _jooIioo . ' ~'o:;u:::- . "t- --pIoJm.l, - iwlftII; .". eff'- - '",,-, . Ps""'" Str.poallrJ· o..r _ niDI i.,o I ban .... OIIIIIidoIabI, .. DIIIII u .. \be da .. ftI1 -... ;""1 WI....,L ~.Io ....... ,.rr .... --- .... J ...... "If!.."""""-- .. b .... W<~ . ~y as. 3-' Bmirtaa ODd PalaJl& ...,.' TInt ..

lito _I ad ........ Dr "JOIIioe" _ ill tl. CIIjIMiIJ ot r.;.- of lila ,_~IIto_ I .... 1!- .. ~1i!U :~;::, 1'1'="l1li"":: wnngs, . ItrODr u her· Joore. ... , of .L .-c..~Orden by .ail iD,:!r1ul woob ..... H.i_plioo r- wbu will be .. boonieD, \0 \be 1 .... Ill.- .pl to~."" m.d _ . , The plain aortsU'e flt2S!PC! ~p&I..J""1o. '!-'all_IboI""'!" ......... j-- oII~ODdoo&..n. ........... ;"~~iI~r~lr....:::· .Iot~~.:.::r:=.:,":!,: $Is-o;aod with embroid~ . lfil.. Wu;..BL;-~.1i'.J. _ .... be bnqItl JDII --. ~ _I!" \boa. Kr.8p&JI!lou" _roeIIotid08J oIItoroudidoio: ~ltI ••• 0( \ilia ~ ~_~t,:_ ~ '1.75, '23 inc:IaeJ!: ' <: .. ,_ --~.I for \be ...... IIriDIriIlIr ~ri1llotc'!ly. ~1-1Ict1a!'l""" 1 ..... JIOIll&ric&l, ... , on dIoo." -I II"'-~.J!o ~- . ibiiald 'Dot ~~ "; . -e-l\tI8rv .11,_~u,ro1 .. InII, hoi tMrii lDJOIl I!i-.. lb ........ ~ a -..ita. '(I.., r , .. u,.. . ~.~ ~-obaII,... ' _r",,_ ... r-.-..~ . :~rr.R, • .... excap\iODlloall ral ... If'" lear ... er ....... \J ud _ ..... d""':- 1..1.. Iki.nwr. ::~\a '!'U!'Ioo&.'-!'. ~ .... -UUU!"". . - M~ 1UlCO.lDallwuomotedfOrllleh,ODd; _ be •• _ .... ot tItol'lliJr.. , :-.:; ..... "::!I!'"" -~ . wwc Ca I" to ..... MIL tr. AN

_It ... ~ -. bad • j"'!lico ill III. doIp!tio Bar. a pd- 0{ lite U..;. • CbJ);I,. ia .. --bib ........ u o:to.. I ,J:~c: __ are others with .iiIk borders, ft. ~. , to .... tbeealprUiiOGI;I banltod to _\Jofl'toUlojhuIaLuJlor>an. 'WoooI~ ~ _ - _!.. __ ~ .,. . • ..; ' .. . iDcIiea. . ...,.c\1O •

. ..-iDiatltolaok ... plill.ipt. W ...... t.IIIac=_,-&\a.U ... ~~ 10 Un ftnoIa ~=- . AD.i:IUJ;Ifta_ ...... otr. ~ ~ II? ,,5,. ·~ ... _.,.,I,."':'" of" -- . bon DO cIoabl be, IboI llr. Job;' 8. pooisIaa It 1M ...... of bil~:: ....... ~-' 11_ who are - ~- ProllliaeoLm· ...... '~3 Jm' ...... - ...... . -Bob' doll Ii _;MtrI .... aleotod, 1oII .... ~.Io ....... n.o &--,M_t __ - . 're:-' -. .. ,*"",_Io -+It bIacb~ ~ . 4e~ClUoe of - .:1 ,:~r"~-'''' ~ be, II!' be!"" I. \be pall, ";Wi. an.Jnr - ::a." -- -'" ~~ """r ... JiU;I.~.!: ::U. POI':: an \. ,f :';:::'f1;lOIl11aD!1 lU.liat·peo may not Aoid ,:;r~ ~C.;::t' ~ ....... ...a- aDd 1boI1Ioe .... _&" ..... be W. """!i- ._ ..... _- ~ "";'<-of~ l1ims" __ ui;l~J!ioi!!o .- ....... _ .. = .. ..;.;. - . .. _Iried_ldbiaonlboa_ 'II S,oiru",ia .. _-.z·-:, --. -iIuIoa--.. .... JMi.- .... . "~. ~ : ,: .. ...... . -- ...... -...: . ... ,....... I ba ... DO polillool .. IIIU • ~"~_il"l~ :: ~ III~ ,~ ~. ,. .. wIIlI ._' ...... Ii~;., thO, .. paces. :. ·Your . ey'!:lI1IDCI : DoI'too7 _ .--. doT • .

... ; ..... -.. .' -


. ~, EM.u u .... Z .... rcaee ~...,.

Main Street. RivertOn.

CUT THIS UST OUT 110 SEiO IT 10 DIE OF 1101 FllEiDS. X-.P-.


." , ,


The "'-eekly News ootch ........ Id yilil i~.atid 10k • ., " ' . 30 of lb. c:un ... y WIth Ibom.

--===-==E::a:'-:"":-::II9=2.- H ... J. G GarNiI rei.""'" I'ATIlRDAY. F "'" 1 . hw\riplo Florida 011 Tu"y.

COLU,'JI'''' iDa rooe u far u J.acbou'fill~ CENT·A· WORD ... '-C .. L • ba _,

AoNr.;: :; ..... 0('" "'"'. _. ""'" ira· Rn. C. 8. Powel_. by .p<elal .......... """ira -. q ... 1 pnaebed the dodblorJ

• to ....... il 111.11_ lobo ...... .

bl a lllady of. d4IoIillallOII at oIJOoi.ndc. at

. Ti. &Dd opiu , the paa& ooIar


::S' U T ·O HER , liID ud wire or two I'DtJemen can

ban board. Bome comfort&. 407 J..e.. COD., a.eaat.

IIIorC tIoOtictt ialitl"Ud.-dtr tAil unJWI.I lOme. llmpro'f~. tm~j~~~:;:'?~ .1 lb. d"'icalioo at lb. a..& chureb of PJ-.ltill .. N. J .• day .. e.i.K of F.b. B. 1119i.

Fo" grulal 'IarieIy. bi,bat q ... l. ily and 1o0Uom pri.,.., Ib ... lbi.1' that 1D00t penple ~ iutarated iOt lb. buoi ..... 01 H. R. Read. II 10 bo ....... ended. •

'boZ' :.:.: ... . :.i'~iDc.::: ALDERNEY ~aa.l

..u.. Hodem pbJlkw a ftrJ iall ... ", relall ... aud electricily. i_ .. ach


Freeh Pork, Sausage, Scrapple, Liver Pudding, DiffiN»" 1Mfl ••

La.t. iD Hiftf'tOD, 00 Februa.ry SIb, ,old riD&. with three I*J'U aod lour em­inlda. bet.MIl Mt. Wol&cbmldtl barber abop aDd the Ri'fertoa Drua 1tO~. LIb­en! reward.. P. O. boz 63, him, .... N. J .

Public .:Ie of hou.thoJd aoodao ate.. at natdetaC8 on LeooOflY aYeQue, below.filh IIlJ'eet, 00 St.lon!a,. February 27th. BaJ. to commence .t one o'clock. L. Be,er-

Geo JbDel., Lbe ,"'Olond I;"pmeb" idiDg 00 tbe ri"er bank below Jultpb MorJl&D. it .try mueb over hit I.&eli. ot&priag. which

~,.y of IlJbl io by .... y ,.ud. aa aa fleclrieal ...... 1Iie pheao... MUll .1U'O'l.' aI __ l'any

eDOIl. ITa .. ADd WIIlt..1treIt. Palm,.,..

lein. - 2 !O tt The PalmJn BoUdina aD. Loan A~

datioo willlllUe • new .ri. o( IItock Db the fh'lt Monda, enniall: in March. EVfIJ1 dollar iU'ffllted bel~ 80me ODe to c.o build. bomL AppUcatloDi tor IkM:k CUll DOW be left with the IleCNtary,1l 1.. Temple. No premium, dedDCtecl ftoom

00 Tuf'lda,. Buro up your \rub. ' DoaIIbIO. il

iu the .lteetl or OD", ~I:b~. ~Ioa:~;:~: wbere nery ooe ~ au -, .. OIIh ••

Iioo willi \be OD. Ibalw..- illllf

:~~~I:~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ~Tbent io a oariom fact ...........

ripl ben. II II lbal\be polar _ .... - wbi" ba .. boea .. oftoa _ •

at lb ......... doriq .. Jar ocIi~ Brood. boIow VID. -. ~laIq bouliColly roprod.oed I WoIIo • . _1 .... ·.110 ...

O. P. cox. pb::~'!j~,~ .... oo18iDIIo be ... FRESH MEATS.

loana. 2 20 tf FOT 001.. • perr .... 1 -' haln:IOlb

.ora. Halr price. 80s If. 2 !O tI

yuu ban Du &rd or oatac.a or urder.

~, ph .. o ......... .,.... or lb, .aD • 0Q00 Orden &aka ad dell ...... ""7

...., anal ...... eleoui. da1 .. _ K_y. cally 10 aurora bo.reaIio &IIf\ the aurora .QlnJia or tbe earth.

"'Bumming the whole matter uP. it L H. THO.PSGI, Wanted,. good Farmer. Ezperieneed

Trucker to work • Farm 00 Sbaret Stock and ]mpJement.1 00 the place. Call ev.mop or Suna.", A. Lauac:h, BiCblaDd a'feDDe, Palmyra. 2,IS."9!.tt.

Wanted to reDt 10 room hOOle. modera cooTenieace, with ubi.. Add,... Do:.: Sf7 Palm1ra. U3.t(.

Lot or manure tor I&let lJoyd, 5th aDd

Th. ¥oUDlP .. pl .. Alliao .. ofP.I. myra M. E Churcb, will 111.£ fa LeeIU .. Room. Suoday ..... iDI, 6,30 u'clock. Mr. SimpkiDi .iIl ch..... All .. eI"" ....

Hr. C. H. Slackboo .. bao oal dO.D lb. poplar "- .boal bio property al Fifth aDd CiDU&IIliDaOD .nage.. ih.tll!""!"'''''"1 there ma, be room for the more deli .... able trftl, which an DOW well IIchao­

ia DOl., all i"ponibl.lballbe .010,.

a few ailbla ...... y bo lba ..a0Cll0a iu oar -atmc.pbere of recaDt IOJU chauga."

CARPENTER, -rn._.J. . JOBBING ~ BPllCI.LL'l.'r. '.0. __ ... "~~ .. I:~~i~~~~~~~~~~ I wbich formed lOch aoplOlldid .poetad.

----------~--~------------Race. cod. For TeDt or tor ale. on euy plflUeDt&. Somt 01 the oaJored ,*,pJe

tbe 7 room bOO8e OD Pennl,lv&IUa ave.. are trying to pre.eo. tbe ~~'''i~,ali'", w-. Palmyra R. L. Temple. of Mr. Sc:beidelJ, becauee

0reten .. d fnooh 8ah.-1 ha .. opooed d II ed b' d . ' blanch ltore ror the .le of r,.b II perfilrm I' Uty .. oy.ters and 6sh in the Spayd. buildiull, t~e peace while in ,of6ce • under Hotchki.' ItO,., Ordera laten .IDl"e.

lad delivered" t]~. W. Bird. II i. ftp .rt,d tbat Muter Emil . To let, dwelhDlr No. 16 WNt. Broad St. )I.I".r whu hu the acarI.... ref'l:r i. corps

9 rooma. Enquire S'''-r', pharmMCY tf •• , tahla . -." , . imr""vlu~. It i. bofunDa,te ,hat lb. • .

Sour Krout at SlmpM)D I, •• t Broad ollul_gittu" uf the dilf'lle Mn. Dllmaol. aod Mra., o. .. OIrai Ai!Omb.ii litreet.. l.2S,tf prt'VI:! .l. frif'uli 'rom ullin, lu .how Bull. Tbe ~Ullper wu pr"ba~l,

To Let. Ru·.,ton. two ODe 8 room th . I ..quII 10 ao, enr ,Ina hy Lbe lad._, i;~:~~~~~~; bOU8l!l un Main Ilreel.. Oue 8 room Plr ".,·m., •• ,y. flf tbe i.b aDd much credil ill due hOUlll"nn 1t~nmu lyel~lIe: AIM lleu,..1 M·.ltf F. NI~Je " •• lhe 10 Lbr:'fi,r ·&.heir --';";"':c eIOrta iD ane Jlropertles and blllldlnllnl.1i1r sale Ci.111 Jim. Grate! It W .... t -,.a-

b • -L':. '-·'--,'

In Riverloo and Palmyra; S. J. l'odllin)2- S · I I ~ G .oeb aD eDJoJa .. ..,eDUtl' I "' ... '" wo. RiurtoJl. N. J. "~I U ('1 Ill!. ~,. ra~~ naiomeol lor lbei, patreDL

For Renl. CololULi. AYe ... Ilt.l W.IlI1'e. bl. 6nt .... tmg .tnp. IIf till' ~. • I 9 rooDI" hot or ".'tllt! w.ter '16 ' R. . .. . '11. "" Tu~IIY with c&ryo IIr .,ra,el Temple. ifurlppe. Rtoal Ea~le .n:1 lostl- fur So T. Juhu",". SchUllkill R.inr. .IDee. PalUlY,., AI Ih .. l'1'ular fIIuDlhJ, bu"inf" SU1TO_-..Qaau.m

Fpmale help ".lIt",) .1 O"ena BtuL rnro till*, IIf .h(' YltlllllC Pt!JIlpl~ Alii. ti.t I .. ...-.aage. ;th. \Vest p.lmynt.. J~I .l(. .m ..... 1 .," Illr UIIIIUiIllOIl. , .. i~ orlbe c. S. Puwelauo.

For eaJe. Riv.ertnn . . 0\ l'UtJy 1- " KIIII IIItUll.Met. i,rt:M-UL III the nacae Fi..h buuw. N. J .• lO MaUD,I. tlbield'I!<ij;j~Qf~~i.;;;,rei; hOUle. Ho"atd Sf .. nnt F.pildl~18unc1.y . f PIN J

'Grand Combination Fair . " 0'

Palmyra Castle, K. G. E., Cinnaminson Lodge, 1. O. O. F.,

and Pensaukan Tribe, Imp'd O. R. M. wm be beld 11 Morau Ball. Palmyra. commea.ciaa Konday e .. oina,

F.hruary. 22;111G2, 10 IlalDrda1 .... I .. F.b....,. 'Q.IDclDllyo.

A Grand Entertainment Will he 1i •• D b1

Cinnaminson Lodge on Tuesday evening.

Palmyra castle on Wednesday evening .

Pensauken Tribe on Thursday evening.


DON'T FORGET THIS: Out PricetJ prevail at our Stores.

Oranage Marmalade, .. the" best, ISC Jar. Robertson's Jams. genuine Scotch. 20C Jar. Potted Ham and Tongue. Lbby·s. ISC Can. White Fish (try them). 9". 3 can Cor 250. I( you wish something "Extra" try a can or It Salmon

Cutlets," 22C.

Patronize home indumy and buy a package oC Ameri­can Gelatine. I2c package. Canned Ox Tail and Mock Turtle Soup.

And morc too at

JOS. ·M. ROBERTS, Staple and Fancy Groceries.

Palmyra and Riverton. N. J.

MILLINERY GOODS at Spayd's New Bull «hoo!. Terw. oay. Inquire. oHfulurd IIf II , . • 1I,.llPfO. 1llIllb.,t 0 .01'..... • . Parry. River1f1D. Itu ......... 111t~ Y .. UOIl J' _ _ ___

&muel SLoy, Ihe lie" .... ,M'r hllur~r ul P . )'uyta At. E. Church. W. C. T. U,· at Rhl!,"!on i. ~ ~UlltriOl· .n~1tIll.II . {jlv~ ll'.Ot!fI. F. Fill·, or the Phil.,ft.!. rbt= [,,1,.1 LeMiou ... well aUlud. tliEn a Irlal. .. (urDl~hed . Will ' 1,llia JIt'l .. irer, hi .. rHul .. 1I Mr. 'OJOI UII Mooda, an.eroo '0. The chil.

ing, Palmyra. . -

AN I beg leave to inform my patrons that my beautiful'stock '- of "lili?ns a~ pur~ased from the best and largest ribbon

dow It.atlt'S., I"rmll r .. llpr. 5()1.. M' II • b M Irllm aU &be cburcbft .re repre-For ,.01, t ... 7 NOm hon ... 011 Cinna • t-r. IIU~. OU orgau .• Vt-UUfI. re- , .-

mlQlOo aYenue, a minnIs' (I"\'w e'elllly 1~'t'IIPlil!'ll I., Dr: R ,I·.'·IUU. !In . .eutt"d 10 lbe .-.ioo. . Enviable reputation we have established by earnest endeavor to hMo~!" In Phd~drfe~:a, aneld after many years of experience in

trade. the largest and strongest in this section and we cOllgratuJat"1 !Dery wor = mys f competent to select this stock for I O'lrsc~V':S on the remarkable results we have achieved and are proud the increasing needs of my lady friends. The large amount of -.dOD. Frank While. Palmy,... F,"h h.- · 1.w.1I '}It'u'hlJj' ... vera' da,. The UDillo will meel out nunda,

. For Sale, fine lot, M a 150 011 G.,fl~lll with .bel fr!~ud", Mno. F. )f HiHi nod, allb, of M"n. Jolaa KG iN

anoue Dear SpriDJ.uarrleli Ilrt!t!.l. lO.ntl. UII C.hllanllrullu avellue. l'eoUe. Tbe lobject will the ~ that we have not been humiliated bi the necessity oC an ribbons I have sold during the holidays is proof that my stock

ii GOOD. .Ide. cheap. Apply '0 How'N Pany. Mr. J .. llIf01 K,mbltwur .u~fiDteDd . " All cbriatilll ladiel are

Aoy 00. "' ilhing M.I"I{1!:" I'.uaage or eDt ul M E. ~Ji.iOD i. I ailbful work- tbl! UnioD, tbe meet-eeapple call 00 Ch&JIC.'e ~lie blllclJer 116 el lor Ibe church IDd we bnpe lbp an d pro&table, All (eel 1(' W. Broad.r.reet, u he II fbi! ooly on~ L" D- b U· .L bo d that bandies k. 11.7.t(. ~or& Il10111 L'Oull.DUP. We bope the ret- el"~ mee 01 we 0 • To anyone. (o~ having oB"ercd (or sale ~oods of an inferior quality.

For room hoUle S20 Be:rkley II~tUI" uf PalOJ,ra. .iII f!leoU!aae fellow.hip clueer We have not made much noise about it but have been on a sort of still Ave. Apply to E. .~ . )lezpr 4th and him IbC) c(Uoe out III the QJf'd.iogl a~uod our bearu d.ire hunt for trade, laboring diliemtlyall the while to obtain goods that

APOLOGY CiOlWDioMO. held al Ih HI_iou. qUickened 1.0 ., ~n,.' .~1 would please our customers at reasonable prices, thereby gaining their

koma Hetton. plain aDd dfJC'!OraUn Aliea Mar, M. €auro, ill uur toWD, &II~ oLhen ':.~;.~~ Ib~ I and patronqe oftbe public. and to our ina:easmg efforts in Paper banlV. Fourth and Horace a\'e provinlf (rom her accident IeDIe of e,d LIlal. il th •

Palmyra. Orders Ly mall prompUy.:t- to lM! aruuud iu. I Ihort briDliog 00 our IlDd. I !~;;~~~~~f:~~~~~~~~~' e JDterest of the trade in geaeral our SUCCe53 is teuded 10. 10 17 W Co b L__ .. 0 .... rep-.Ied by ,~ •• Id k orol"'U to ave oem . -R.Dp, .... ou er capel, Dee CIa,.. M E. Cb reb Ra or N .... rt OD Tu.!ay ID th. ooarta D U ~ ioCaotl' aJ."QDe., ladls' and c:blldreo'i' u at ococu,oo T ~ ... buw :'lire· WOm.

capt. ete., knit to ordl!r. 520 CinJWDin· 6tb, but owio, La bl!r midaap WM th!;aLali ~ toward all race eon aweDne. lOlOtt. Ible &0 aUtad. d i'ceaed" aI Gtd •

Lola for ooIe. ,I .. 60 • 160. com ... 75 ;, d.1b I au, 0001. I Nor are we yet satisfied with the bq:ining ~f the preseat year. We • 160. Nicely loealed IOUth or R. R •• W m. a baal.D lb. day wbeo il .ball be .bo· have ... thered new strength and are pr:r:"ed to show. you a larger and oear wst Palmyra .... Uoo. Term. rea· . i.bed. D-

eooable. Appl" wowoerOD the preml- uf obatruclioo, Tbere will be I public mediD, I~~~ stronger and in every way better.line 0 good5. -. Albart Wallace. 1010 If ,be .... !al .. il i. Ib H E. Cburch aul Tbo"

Anloharpe for ooIe. H ... B. F.G1.oa. Cro .. Ibe .... iii .' ...... d ·11 L' 'f.';;;rt:BeO;;:e .. ~,r: - ' -- YOU Thoma aTenu. Rherton. 96t( aD extra e,euloK, mr. aOWDIeD W. lDI&oe III '" We han the' 60_ chflltDut coal io Need we 1&, Idd~.: .alla\. .~~m.. E'UJoDe • I .

lb. maz1teL La.rp lise, (ree from al.te will material), iocrtue i( lbe ~!~~ ID wi Km~ce cauae aad dirt . . Othery Ill ... or coal o( 8m- are k.p' io ............ cuodilioo? lav.t.ed 10 be prmeot. .... q ... hI1· Now I> lb. 11m. 10 ~.I ... ., .:-Op . d. io lour winter coal Lean ord.r With mi. m.amle age 11 aUeo IDg Qlilda A Read. nom .. Braa., Rinr· ('()oaervato.., of, 17th aod X. o. a. Loll. . 9,t;tI Spruce Illftta. Phila AtkDliuo I )!embul

Jooeph. L Liki.., J 0lIl •• or lb. Peace, H ... E. D. SIoD.ku or So.lead Cull. an '"'IuOlled 10 ';-;;;;;i;;;:'~ Commillioller of DeedI, Aoctloaeer, '--t b boa -, 'b L WedDt*!ay Real :Eltat. Arent. HOD8el ~ted. Renl .... ~ .u a t reooV'P~ lrom er 00 au: and othlrcollect.ioaa. Bos 208, Palmyra. aenoWllllo_ of abot t el,bt .eekl. iD reoei,ia, the rraud

U L. L. D d aod other ,iliton. The _iou Orde,. recei"ed (or coal In c:aJ" lOId Mr. o.mlO aUeod . 10 .... Horlon <k Balo ... Pony. P. O. N.J. weddio, ...... plioa of Hr. W. opea .1 7.80 P. ... •• $700 .. d '1000 10 I... on \PIDdor iD Camd .. WedDeeday Eddie aud Leroy WOrlell will

IDOrt&aIeL AI., ioauraoce aaalDlt iOI. tel Ilia tbe ,wton ... th. fai~.~bi~I::::}lid~~'t.~~ 1,* I), 6rs. IOrnadoea and cyclone. Wedoelda, e,eaiol, with au pll<Odi.8m<l .. compaulee. R.LTem· Mr. J ... S. Ba.ijbl 1.1l lioo of iao"1 drillial. pIe, mortpaa, real flltateaod iDlUranee. moraioe for New York city 00 a Palmyra. iD" trip ' Tw.mOlDberI reooiyed the Ibird or

llr .. B. T. GI •• a. leacher of plauo. H "-be. Cruoadu'. dopee, luI Weda .. y orpo and vocalmDlIc, ThoDlU a'fenue n .l.W rt Konu bu reoonred .'foiOI' Theuew .. bioetiaadaad,. RIYOrton. 10 .. ber I.", ill.... Th. ball ,nil be ~naaed aa.d d~ . R. L T.mpl.. CommiloloDer of Hr. Edpi Porter .brled oa Tu" ra~j for III. fair 00 SatUrday ,,",,'DI. =. Deecio and mo"""",, .... f·1I1 day for Baa F~ yia Cb,i~"".1 Briog your b.tchet aud ••• ilb you.

Dr. Ch .. Voorhio, Sa .... o Deal\ll, !,~.,. be baa bee.u ', ..... i a """" Four1.b and kof"Pll avenae. Paimyn. ItiOD. Y. )(. C. A.

Jooe.h B. Goat II . p .. oared 10 do If yoar Iftpe tia .. bay. DOt bee.u Meetlo, Cor ... OIIly 10-'110''''''' .. C· I ,of laudlcapo ....... olal. modlDl. flm>1ah. • ~ b • d "-ooD at 4 16 Bo .. IDC aad IetUDI ont frolt, ~ad. and lrimml'U, a,e It one at oaDe to ..... u • , ......... ta1 1reIO: aioo ho_ .. du .. a I!OOd crop. L.te pru.aIU i.. 1aIb. 00.... _ 10 hire.Dd 100,,1011 to Illd trom the jum &.be .ioe. We ba .. mar auod G. Appel Ud 8. Enal cit,. tiimmen ia the to.a. Oi .. tbem the I ::~~::i:= the ~dUD at the I&a&I

J. £. Braker, art ~per hanainp. job, it 108 doa't koow bow ,oolrlt or II . io Palenoa laIl wwk. wlDdo"lhad.and iDterior decoraUoDl, ha •• 'l timP Bible tniaio-I cLua rro. I Lei 10 LeconeyIYea.ue below fth".ltreet. • •

A. Paul &lirmau ... aIcl>maker .. d Kr. Wm. H. ~.I" baa go!", '010 ... nary Bobbolb. .

.ie •• 1ft'. 6th and Clonamluoo aYeDDe. the IrooeJ'1 bu.lae. at Wblle and Our report reoaiYecJ aaarbd atteD-1~~~i~~1~~:~~i;~~lr~1 Palmyra, N. J. Btekeu dzoeeta, OamtfeD. ud oomm.odadoa apia tbily-.r Uroa wantuytblo« lothe,.) __ Frank VIIl8cinrillOiol to (arm .... leooa'eotiOD.

lale lin. call 'jla F. B_bum. Com· .. ilb bia brother. oear , olello .. o. ", .. biDed or lb. K.lbo laildooer or Deeda &lid Notary Public; . B '_I 'ch b d--' 381 Will Broad 1Ireo' Palmyra. J. C. Dearb.n, of WNI Broad .pha ora .... a ..... a

- . or..I .. II .... allb ... ".; .. I_ Piau .. luoed , .. d .. pal>*!. aioo d .. · ia ""iog 10 "0" a.zl w .. k iDIo Ib- .blch .... b1lbl,.approcialed

lor In aIau .... d 0_ WillI... ~Iaoe .... Dlly purebued by bi ... oa Saw1er.1m N.11b 81, Phllad.lphla. I'&nJ .... FrotII 1200 10 lSOO IDOJ' a~ lb.

_IODabl. d-.klnr. 4i1O CIa· P,..idio, Elder. R ... G ..... lIeeiJ. ..MIlOI' Booda;y aftora ... It iIie --I o!': .. dd ............... 0 .. CoUl .... d 81110, .. u iu P.I",y,.. 00 ThDnotay. 1 .. 1' bNIICli·. PIt1ladOJPhl4.. .. .' 'S."'Uind:._ .... • opedaIl1. Elller MODday alabl the ladi .. • "

8ao 1111 liII 01 h .... and lola for ooIe. Th. P.IIOII falllily. of W .. I Broad au.Uiary will '';''. ""olhar at Iboir R. L Tampl .. ldorlppe, Ileal EoIate ,beel, "Oyed 10 Pbiladelpbi, gI'aDd .... IId&iu_ io lIorpl! ball. aDd IuatuOl, Palmyra. week.

• x

S .... IOI&O. lb. WOOl Broad cori OP·U.R COUUR BILL. PALMYRA. in>oer. baa bee.u oIocItlD~ ead • ~~0!>Jl1l0. 187. 1Dlrod0ced Fob. bia pia.. &It im~yed apF_u ... 1 T. Parker (h1 Zl.

Zi'ller bolt. p>d bread. H ... at .. a .pedally of co .. l11l_ OD ro 01

Go ID Tro&h .t; Co. Cor crockery or prOOuee. lamp..,ado. : Fair eo .. miU .. m.1 at

The Ire beU will ria uhiDI'" cnU'. OD CiDDalDiDlOD .. loa'. birtbday .112 o· Ock H. Broad 00 M ... d.y ..... iDI There

b wu. i."" &Ueadaaee aad all ...

find it largely to your advantage to visit us. We are in a position do you great good. There is no doubt whatever about it


.:rtAX:E NOTIOE. Hr. J. G, Garrell io •• lia, i. _gem.DII Cor 1J...t01 lII&IIIIIia,

b .... OD Arch .!reel, WOOl P.i .. yra. ,b. ..... oompl.led. n.... .. bo •. • } Mr. J_ph D; DlDaey baa boalb, b.n plO .. ioed doa.liolll. will pI_ _ '., _', . , ' .. ' .

theboaoeNo. il6 DeJa .... a ... ur. ba .. Ibom road,...boa called r--·7-_';=-_.O'-"~-' : •• j • ~ ~&e"""'t""'J havebeeDaddIDe couidera. AIIoIId III. fair aul ..... aI )dDI' E,uybody wbo 00 ... 10 !lie fair . '~.!f~ dr EOOCfjlnd hue mhtced pricco oa van.

po Hall. ban • ch .... 10 aid lb ... "..,.rI.. Ii .... .,],'! .. ~ . ~ ,:t 1 .... 1e ro; Iiblbla&- but a faii Urine profit, Mr. Goo. 8pa1'l !"'Ioeoll • Io.y parchuiov lb. S.. ..... ' '" aalt'dM -_IIi_ all tbat-l c:u to.p'- 1117 Cltllllmen.

1baI1b. oJan a\ JJroOd aad CiD ...... i.. bo iD areal .. rigy. ~CJuick sales aDd s=- JII'CI&a- Jiu III..,. beea my

... a ..... IriII bo _ted. Th. luI IDOIIIias of the 10.lIIItlp I ]~t:j~~~~~~~l ;ii ~i:~l:~~~~~;~r -. J have aD Iiaad file '- ...... !I!>tDt at &ults Kr. PI ... ley at Well FlfIb 111ft! ...... i_ for the Steal. rear ... Iiid proyioi_ ~ to"l'." tV 10_ prices.

ooIol. ban bee.u uoable 10 .. lb. dalalleil ~. ' :;wllicll'are reduced tdc,SC' JI'!I: doom. .JliDeIt ereamay io ropaiatiaa bIo ~ aa ai_in .1 W .11_'. blllel na Ied~ueed~o~y'~W~'m§~~~~~~~~ : ....: J bIDdle IIOIJ!ing ,1IIit aicIIy ~ COWI~ ... lin. SpaId baa a YW1 -' aud ....... oC 1M auDOaf n hoi the , . . ~ fiom 35' to .1 per iii. .... tab b_ ,31: per Ib. .

aIIrIoti.. Ion:, aud II ~DI boo- COllowla' ........ at , t ~~pqr.~. butter It 4Ic per Jb. t... 8ftfJ clay. _ola: AlDn"", OD , ,", WII' .... ""'. to "'- cUI. . ~:A. 0. AJIIIO\ &Dd Kr.8. 118.000: doIIag_1, •. _ .. - ~ "r-U) . 5''"':-J{.<E"II· ...... IC .. y.·»_~ A. - 01 1lI.- .W.1IIoI1d

~ the 1&&10 __ Iioo aI &1&1I0Il. c-.l 0' -. if -~,.T"lmZ!-IYLM J{ IT :Vr. BIthud acmr &Dd wIf .. oC =.: ~ 'm. ~ JiUii~ :M" ~ .... Ia Ion ~ lInd.y. aboul t8000 aIIor ~ It \Wr ... .J11"1*11. - Whoa Il1o _ . ~el .. _~d)._ I ' BJ __ ....

. ,A~! II ~_I.,rIIeo !ba&1t~L~~!1 ~ Tho P. ~hllj.lrod .... _ ..... 111 ... 10 .. --. "'Ioha .. ~_ . ;0 '

_~ '~ " f

., .

MRS. M. P. SPAYD. . Broad St., opposite Station, Palmyra, N. J.

P. 8.-19'. al'l c1C111i.a, oat 'OV'1 felt bail at SOc.

JOHN E. MORTON [Formerly o( PhiiadelphiL]




VONDERSMITH, 52S ~oamiDBOD Aveoa .. PalmIra, N. J.

Oablnets, 12.00 per Dosen.

E. W. STAGER, 18 'W'. Broad Street, Pahnyra. N. J ••


MEDI~ AND CHEMICALS, Fancy & Toi'et Articles, Sponges, Brushes, Perfumery, &c.

~ Do~ _ I_JIG' '"" s.,,-. ft~ Pa_IPlkos eantUlY -poeDdttd. aad ...... &M'WWoII tri~..,.

............. Oar_otll ........ I>_ .................... ..... . .... ., ..... q .... ty •

• oda 'W'ater, Ohoice F~vo ....


Paul Wolfschmidt, has had 8 yea ... experience as barber in Philadelphia. has taken the building fonnerly occupied by W. S. Moore. adjoining

Morgan Hall. where Gentlemen. Ladies and Children will receive careful attention

in all branches or


J. T. · SE V ERNS &; SONS,

Y FIRST· OI.ASS MITrIl WORK. .-;o:..!:.::r-:;:::.:;:~--"- ~,!a 011_., __ -. w .....

"1111'~ IIiak, _ ....... ~ __ ..... __; -...., .... _ ...

DW.IIE liE., luaul6TH, lEW JEllEY •


1[0 _ a tun. _. _ID til. pnI ....

~..=--:.~ "~-.. ~-:::.~~ ~ ehizIJ.z1c btJ&b' be., 1DOOk .-ftM IQ pool' ~..,. au..

boJ>I>IDI. poeriDg, ocoldIDg. cam. .p ca. him aDd ltopl*ta few stepa away from

the gan that wljNtnl pointed at blm. Th. oecoad chm!to ozpIodod.

er.& ... p1r&Uoaa, Uk ....... OpUft ID7 waJtiD& ~

n •• bU. m.riwlca to m.w.l u.da .. LbaUI_ ~ lmp&n.

THE RED RA YEN. Oa tbe .... bt of til. N&tInty a bloody

CIZ"iIDe wu committed at Caperno. x.... Cro Lanm. • worthy man .bout a.tty years old. wbo. two motltba before. had ntanled trom America with. goodly IIeop or 10111 ..... Itilled by aa aaltDo .... baDd. Profoand consternation. aggra­.- by taataatlc t .... roIped tbro1llrb· oa' &be ooontr)". Wbeu woa)d the -. be dlsc:ov.....u

'l'bo .... <iann... after lOOarIng ooantry for • wee1r:. grew weary or uel_ labor-no traCIe, DO dew.

Tbe ,r .... e wbere Kutro La.osa barltd. ... covered with • fall of

brioaI antipboo, "Froaen is thy poor lbatro; bnt the ruftlao who cut tb.T iIuoat in order &0 pc:aeII bimaelf at IiI;y doUan will polO til. winter joroualy Wore. bearth croWDed with bottlee!'"

Aa the gravedigger tunled his t.cle CD the c:roeI and went hia way au' of the 1Dcbure, • bonne. guttural lOund i.­..t from the ailent gloom of the twi· IIcbL

"Th. dOTil t. 1a1llrbIDgl' .. claimed "Sbe eenaot of the dead. c1oIln.g the pte. ··The gendarmes will .1088 tbeir _.

From the peaks of AJbenza to the ... al· My. of Soma the earth 1\"&1 white-the Itreeta were deserted. A. few dimly Iia:lUed windows dilelllMld lIOIZletbiDg of lite In the htUDall beings bnddled tc> pIhc ID fraety b.... The .. hi ..... or the mow aeewal. darle .. twiligbt poured

"1 haTe dnally blown IOU to atoms. oh. accuned birdi bowled Nardo. plaagIDg til • . liIIan .t tbo powder. , I t ! r

Ba.t the ra.YeD, from tb6 braacb ot • cree wb!re be bad taken refuge, amwet'ld with • croak. and. coming c1~ to &1M man who tmd twice tried to till bim. planted his cla\\"'l in hiI eyes and ~ biI face bet\\"een his bleeding wiup.

The mau let rllon bis l!.~D-(eU-rolled bowling t.o Ib~ !lDO\\".

The ~in nf Mutro Lanza bad .\0-tempted am !lIIl)t~bi1itr-be tried to kill th~ ("o:lJ'Cinufm~ of his crime.­Traulatf'tl flOUl tbe Italian by Banietie BilUnp fOT Row.nce.

Kilt_kIna lb. OQI'of1Do The dreaJuy )"ODUg mao j1UDpeci OIl

the r.r platfonn ot a Broadway car lut rtellinl. Be was on his '"'y to mat •• caJ.J1UKl his wind had wandered off to the bOlDtt of his Margaret. lD· GiDcth·ely he IIbo'·oo his band .d~ Into hit (Q:bl. palled out • coin and banded it toward. bnw bottollCMl .o:JrM that bis dreaming eyes bad made ottt Ib the darknCM. Be was &rOuted from hiA dreaming bI " grnff '·oiee sa)ing:

"I'm uot the couductor. l don't waut your money.-

"Pardoo Ole. - esclaimed. the embar­r.-i young dreamer. "I really did oat DOtioe that yon W1!T8 a tireman.. 1 jaat .w the uniforW. yuu lenow. and t001r: 100 for the conductor.-

·'That·s all rigbt. - aoswe~l the tire­mao.. "No offense. We firemeo have that happen to D.II every time we jump OIl. car. It we go iD.llide to take. IMt. lOIOe wowan iI sare to band '115 • f~ and .. Ie D.II to let her of! At lOwe street or other. aud if \\"8 Aland outside, lOme .blenbDindt.'<l UlaD b"Oell anti eticka at eoi.a io onr blinds. I dOD"t know bnt It would be. pretty good. ecbewe if we jut accepled the sltuatioo a.od tbe­mODey anti .. Id QOt~." -New Yorle TIm ..

09C ita hunmo'l15 brightn-.. N_ ... vi tbe XI ... I .. lppl Kin,..

Drs. STARKEY l PALEN. II52D Arch S .... Philadelphia. Pa.

1:10 SaUer SL. SaD Fl'anclaoo. Cal. Pleue meDtion tilt. Pf,plr.

A. man wrapped. from 01080 to lmeeI in . An 1U10Uy1Uu~ ,,'Tile-r luls ASalerteci • UUck doak climbed the steep ro:wl that tbat trow tbl! mouth of tbe Ohiu to the """"""""""""""""""""""""""'" led from the yrJley of Soma to ~=: l.aurctt of the l1~il\pi il Wad lruUWlI Be ... going to Opreoo. The ( alii Pc-he-tOU·.I, uo Algulltluw liignitic .. challl"tilllAY before him was long-nigbt lion of R.boJ~ ur b.bilKtiun of furie.&. to o,"e.rtak.e him on his..,.. Tbe lI&lUe writer ueertII lliMt L. ll. ~ \his UWl-youog. bealthy."ri.ioz'oua Gould is aUlburity for tbe statement -wu atra1d 01 the night. that an lIua.lYllia of the word ~OWl that

Onming from Pontida OD his way bome it does uot WeaD ··(.tber of water&." 10 hia oWtltDunntainoUJ country. be bad '°HiHisk- weans "IlN8I;" ··Mb·mk·1r:~ taken the Ihortest route. w!Pcb. bes1d.81 eo." "weeds:" "JIi&.sisk·lee." "medical being the sbortest. also enabled him to "ba," and .. Mia-lru·tuk.. " the broad alOid inhabited p1acee. Be climed the boUca lands' of the river. ThUl th • .icep bill with burried steps. like. t. tribeI iahabiting the boUom lands were laIed tranler ,,·bo it in bnate to reacb called .MiHbu·tan or meadQw people, ... destioatiml.. from whicb tbe auertlOD com. that the

00. on b8 went. The hill o'tercome. Uteral meaning of the W"Of'd is .. the river .. .toppet! nn instant. u if at aigbt of of ~a.dOW"l of gnu.." Bat it ia believed aD ob&tacle or at the IODDd ot • threat. .... tIM 1&Uer ~ II • fanc:lfu) What bAd be Aee.n~ What beLU'd1 idea. ia &.be U,bt of otbe:r aDd YV1 pcm.

Be IUHI M;'('11 tb~ wWte waU of the tin iaformatioo wbJch .... oma.e dOWD c-ewt'lct\·-hnJ hl'anl tbe huane croak *-.. I----------~-..... '-\Ie th \.' ~1\"l'1I ... Jemit f.c.ber (AJ1OMS). who first

II:. , II I..; WI tIl LI! :-... ... ·lIlhnl X:uuu IIel .... penocal aoqn-mb"M with the 1:11 ... 1.1. 11 10' ;1111" 11111 hun!t>r,.f the \"1lller," ~ 01 u..m. .. li1'­l!lllfr.Lhl ur Il.h.l dead. a.ctDwud th. welt,DeKU.~ri"er

And the wuu ill lbe cloak. »bkiug ad' ..a.s. 1Ie.lpi, • memorallM remark, it bis terror. took np his uur.n:.h with ..... tile &rw& time (A. D. IISG7) tbat the quick atep. that be wigbt lea ....... qwck· ww4 .... noted by .. y French writer. I.y .. poaible. paiaful situation. .,...)d appear that. it UroeeilUen aDd

Arrind before the cemetery. he ......... to wboa. m_ be .warded

Iunted bis face from it and drew t.clc:. ~~~@~~i~~~§~E~~ ~e' aeem-tti sli1fjJ:eDUY~iU'O,·etf miD-tlie n.bolltj uf tb~ lie-ad hu IItOpped. wiped ;..Iw:ty Iht" 1.IC~I)ih4tiuu whicb roUe4 duW"U hLt r:.w..-e. nOll cwsting • backwanJ ghwCfl over the ronJ I\lread.y tnvened. laW un Lhe wWte c»rpe·t of IIDOw-bop­pmg after bim. mooing directly toward him-a lDDaJ.l body. WbOM .. r_rtat Jadletan.' &0 r_

liDed on the dt.'t"p IIDOW. ':~~:!:i:~! I We 8elect. aLlmOllt at random. from .. • raveo with red plumage. dally paper on oor des1r:, the fonowing raYeDr cried Brizsi. with lDcideut.: &eet.b: "Mastro's'Wall black. Who ever Little Willie Barrett, nine 'yean or taW one ot these cuned birda ,,-jtb fstb· .... ,..... ~ed np 001 the street. or us the I,:olor of blood?' Dzoooklyu 1Mt Thunday moruing. hall

The rOO r"olt"eu hat! stoJ)pNJn \be mJd· trc.nand (amisbina from. bonger. HiI dle of the t'OOIl aod seewoo to be waiting ~ mother had driY"tID him from for \he man to take uP .bit ma.rcb apin. t. houe and OIXdpeUed him to stay OU\ ID anIer that b. might ....... blo ploy all alabL . ., n:mnioc after him. The lIome moro.iD,g. which ...

D Brim tiI .. w IIIld. blo cIoM, .... ed aoId, Hay LaWllO. _ loaM ... ~ ot mow froom &be puud, aM IItnet of the lalDe city --It ID a ball IUId takiq ala tIuow 10&1'014 babylD ber ...... DO&tly 11_ ..... til ~bl al til. bUd Tho child .... taken from her and

TM bird jampe4 uid. to.?Did \be tn. toandling MIlum. ~ c:tO&bd. three timee ba. -act. The night before. in a saloon at Mon. .. - tbea. bop~ aIoac ... '" _ day. 0.. " drink ~ desperado. ~t DOdI11oUl claws, ..n.o.t Thomtou Sam~, murdered. without - tbe b..... with tbe ~I tile allgbteo. pro .... tI .. John Lyacb, a ...... of ODe who bM noei'f1ld • ohal· maD with wbom be wu driDktDg in • ...... oaI00a.

"Wlly baTe J not my good IUIII with Th8118 itema were aJ.! in remot.oonJ.era -- tIooacb. til. moaa~, plDdIDg or til. __ ooUIDg 10 IDdIcaIe .. - And, b.m"ri.,. blo hood _ tiler ...... aayIhiDg aaanaL Th.y IIoop ID tbo tolda or hia doalt, be..... ON paralleled aIm",1 eTOry daylD th. ~ ... hia _y up til, b1Il lib a ,....-Vaico. ~obIId. ~--__

:no. ..... tollowed _ ......... blo wbop, IUId __ of IlaIterlDc _. _ ~ tbe big hood _ ...

..... tbe hood of \be -... tII&II, pioI<tod hia .... 1UId _ hia blood.

ID tbo ..... _ty or tbe Dlch\ ~ willi penpiraIIoIl. Nardo Brim at .... .... h'Od at Opreao.

WiIh .... vuIaI .. _ be ~tM _ of lUI old b.t. .. -. _ 1\

-. ban.,. lilrbled a laD ...... _"" ..,. IIIroqb Ibo HW. yard to ... __ til. oIhor IIod 001 .. _

'l'bo otiIorl A IID,y bird _ In 1M oz. _ mlad of til. mlgbty b...... IIod ....... tiI.poopuotkuora ..... -... tbo ..... bad ... __ The ----"> ....... aIook. .... hood. B ... 61lloallllhll .....

L::.., bird --- taorIDII"ardo

Be opeaed a _ .. _plied II ID a __ 1UId .... 1 Ialo tbe .... _ 10 Modowu.

Bat _y bad be laid ~ OD .. Iood, _y bod be -...-" __ MbCpIoood .. a ---. -aiokt ..... 1"

"1'100 cIorill" -aiokt cholrl choIrl" .b4 tbo pecItiac of • ~ hoaII: ... "-poet mada tbo _ tel·

low, wbo bad for the momeo',...me4 IdI ooura,ge with wiDe. burrow b1I ta.d. the coonterpane and. pO -"A:'::Wn1 Apiul Bimf'"

TIl l.' red rano WaJI tht!N. leattla.& Ub'UIII!l1 tbe winduw It!dge - pletta.c picking a.t (be fralll e< lind enr1 blow or tb.t fnri uU4. biting t.u.i: pien.."8d \bt very vit&la of NIlnIII auld ioJlif,.'\ed" qalYOring ·"oaad.

&D.a"1 ... •• Dltak Bl1L Dariag Iloo Ian 6 .. yoano EDglaDi"a

4riDt bill .... been ~ on tile ID. -. _tlutaadIDg lb. tact tilel .... befOTtl have her temperance or-­paIsatioas been 10 actbe or &ggr"IaiY8 • daring thai period. W ..... loId tile. -. her edacatod &ad ...u to

- -. booomIng iii· oz· oopIIoa aad modoratloa tbe raIit,:re1 -~ Ihia modenolloil m .... _1 .... lDopiloof her_5.000.000 ID .. aoo.OOO ioIoI a_en; her BoadJ ofllopo IUId olher ...... fur!t.g tIdIdna ID _ ......... prIncIpl. IUId ... _Wlc aad 000t10mi0 ~ ........ tile 4riDt. ole., tbo bill _ .. ....... £t.M.000.OOQ.1D 11187 .... 10 £1811.000.010 Ia \8110, &ad Ia u· ,aoIod to ob .... Iar;o _ for IIIiI. -QuIaIIaa ~ Work.

I'w ... ~te Drtab,.'; ...... Btw7 moderato drlJIkc oboaId __

_ID hIa room poole ltplbefollowlDg Ib. from Hannah Kore· ... Robert; aDd --;>VI'ldl1a BIcbard .. opIloph: ...... , _ I . AlII ... nJlMd. by .,.,"w.& banD II fa

tIIW" &.& ... ~b7 to" AlII..,. of poat DIet &0 n....the-..

W...,. .. 0 ... & ........ Wf!cor Ia tile oaIy drink .. hIch

tDo ... or .... p."nded tor wbateYer oature gives aa, we may

opon It. II tbe bat and aafeet for

A 81pUIcaat F~ . Liberia imporu ;0.000 ilIlooa of ba~

toxic-Anta fnr (',·err mlvlonary it ,.h·p"l,

That ... a loog nisht for tbe bUD*" ., 0preD01 Bow UWly tim. in order to 11a., .. , make an end to his .troc:ioaa tn!rll1aa did ba tilink to boaa4 !tom blo bed. I J'''' ,. _ _ tbe wlado .. , _ tliat . _ lor tbo aocIraad atrIUIgI. hlml

lIonW>c cam.. .u tile 11m ._ of IIPI poaetrated tbo room be Ieoped _ hia ... aasr7. t_

With. blow and • "YO of oatbI be ...-01 tbe wiDd ... .

Bat tbo -ra_ .... 00 toacw -.. allod cII"- hia lD .... tI... aad bad I:'" IaIr:IDa ..tap1D a patb "! tbo PI'

"AlII 00,.,. tbIDk 1 __ .­,... damIIId · _ . Walt. _ ~lwlllllll!o.l!!!' i22Jl;I ~ . -. .


• 'QllJo Abroea.' 1'1111 Ilta 'I'll ....


1ht:re is ''music at Yates," especially jn the Overcoat Room anti Children's Depart·

. -" ;;,--;.-;- ~~~i~~;.j~;~ The Constant hum of !: I ixlsinless gives· 1I. snap and a

ii~;;"!.~¥<;;~,~i·~~~~~:':~1i~.!i~i to the whole establishment


ROOFER. U" ;~" ". ~~, braacb. ot 11ate work.

81alll _qaanlooorlh. mDlltr)'. ;


~:R ~~~8~vND 1A 8LATE. •

BJ'"BBY BOO' WABBAN1'IW 623 H.llhall SL. Phil,

"", _ _ I ..... -'___ - '- ' ,

RO".ANC~ ia ..... lIalYIDqu!lIe oho.pkte IIforitlo b,. ,b. belt

W';l¥I La lb. worsJ-~ .... ,,.... U"., .D.!'de', 0....., .o.v ..... aNt H...,., ft.,.u B.N •.

. W.Uer BeN"'. QUae SdNf,,­ft". A ....... BIerce, _. fI-. RaDdmme1, priQ". Edited by lb. N ... York &e". ClQbo 8loriflllha& aUr IDd liTe pJe&lDre.

EVERY •• laribtr to ~ NCtl'fIIlr-.earcI 01 .... ,..

. ohip 1"I'I'Iop ..... "' .. Book Loop. -.ltk!b tI';' plfl-.1e pr*e OD aU ,.dSQ, awter. Cw..., elltoob art IIU,IIIQ" at rf'd.-d ,.. tn. .

R01U.NCE wlU bri., 1CHI I. • year iIboa:l t0080lDpIe&I,tariea

-""' .. ~ .torIea 01 ad ... "' .... . ........I.....:.&lni.r &ad _WlIOIDe __ ot""1 tied. lion ...... tbu.U &Jte o&Ur macuI-. beUer tlwt uy o&hv; rbeapv lbaa U1y GIber. Prioe. P.68 .:rar. . A 8PECUI£N ropy _ill be ... ,

I'or 10 O&N2'B,""- .liIa . a lal~ upluatfoa ud talaJoc .. 01 n..A_ .. Boot~ BORI&nC8 I!ubtlshing Co.;

...... P.., Ne_ York. . -.,."" _ UNro' ,_ ...,. ftIiW.,.,.... .. locsI

• .",..,.. tirf .. /Oru.ea.

The ChoiCe Clothing of • he is upon our tables-we

rely to advance our reputation. The moderate prices of cnume

will have their say.

A. c. YATES & co. NOW ONLY

PBILAD~BtA. But.lot • . IothiD. III Pbl1a4.lpbIa.

- - - -- ---. - . OUR PROPOSED Y. M. C. A. BUILDING.

Location-Cor. Broad and Garfield Avenue.


MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS Market and Eighth Streets, Camden, N. J.

Monuments. Tomb and Headstones. Granite and Marble Coping. and House work neatly executed at Moderate Prices. K,..timates

rurnished. Work cleaned and re·set


utFnmo Briclt or 810 ... DWELLINGS AND BUSINE!!.'! HOUR~

the ..-ery belt materiala tiled and ptieee ch&J'Jfld collJie:tenl with Flrttt a.... ..... Bella'" Wo"""IUA'P.

Nnmeroal baUdio, planl ma, be IeeO at my oftlce. If deeired. NEW Planl. 8pecUlcatl~ aDd atimatM will be tbmllhed at. ahort notice.


~08EPII BISHOP, ftil .S~ aad Ganleld A •• n.o, Palmyra. N.J:

NEW BAKERY, Chuwoiuon AY.nne, below Broad Slnoel. Palmyra, X. J.

Fresh BREAD Constantly on Hand GJTTLIIDB ZEIGLEtt,

~r" J.lfEII.E:_R::,. _______ _

"Book and Job Printing. . We bave' unusual l"aeilities ror doing all kinds or

printing, from a visiting card to a three· sheet poster-. and would inVite inquiries 10f estj!l\il~.

l: . "

• • •


.1 :: .I : ,lGRDMAiHS

~Gi~t .·Heaters. ~ n selo:cting a Furnace for your HOUle it is always desirable to procure the very best that q,n be .had. There are very many good lur. na~s ID the marke; each ha yin!: its own POlDts of excellence. as to ec!i.nomy, durability ease of managment, &c. .

No,! il we ~ add to these. points the very essenual SaDltary leatures of better Ventila. tion, an~. a larger flow 01 pure fresh air with ~he additIonal and very 'desirable point 01 hav • ong- a ·furnace that will not radiate heat ill the c~lIar, but a!~ays have~ cool casinll. and thi. WIthout add,tlonal COSI It i. certainly ):reatly to ·.Ihe advantag-e 01 the pure....".,r. All these pOints are combin~d in Our .,

Giant HeaterS. ERDMAN'S COMBI,'lA liON RA iiiE

l~ .very ne.l al.ld :&ltracli\'C: in appc2rance, p.lsltlvdy 110 Brock wvrk. mil be placed in any part 01 the 100m. it is a SUI e Uaker, abundance of H )t wdter. Low in pr.ce. Hun.' dreds uf thclD in uperation, evert Range warranted.

It will pay you to set: this Ran.:e. au MILrket !!!I' •• ( ; omd .. n.



RIVERTON. . !'.''''"''.''' 111"11., ... ,,,. '·',i ... ·I ... 1Ir:,,_ H., .. ,. . , : ~, ·"II , ... ,.,,, ..... '.1 I\hiv .... !" .• " ... "':"l ,;... I :L ~I";tl"" . • ~11.""4. II."".

1\. " . S ·, ~ k I' " •• " ......... ,.. I.,. U .... . I '"";! ' " ....... t •• "" . r::. .... r ,'1,;4. "'11 ." .. ' " :.: .1.1 ......... ., ... " . ., ....... IJ",~. B ,II ... "''""''''''' _. 1:,1; .. . U'.I' ."'. •

, ~,,·.· I ....... .,: '.. ' HA~DLI~"'.

, "" k, ".", •• SI., .. ,· .. ,. II P,.\ oc .. , F,I ... 1101."'1 ",1, II." n .. r II . , If ' .' a'I" ~II"IIIII'. s,,,",. "I, ... (;. .... 1 11 , .. 1" tllI ·k., t. "'·'1 .'111 .. " '#', ... ,

• '. • ... ' .w, .. , a" ........ . - - -_._-----


P aOTOGRAPHERS. 206 Federal Street,

("alllllen, X. J .

Riverton Stove and Heater Works.




A U. HEULINGS & BRO., IUVf:ltro~ .\~D )tOOIlEiI'OIV .~ ~. J.

Lumber, Coal and Lime, Sewer Pipe and Cement.

1V1I01.Jo:S.\I.E AND.lRET.\IJ_

)fonrest.llwn Telephon •• , Palm,",. at W. W. a.JJerow·. ~r, ,I.wlt.

ON'RltA a&I1ON _ill reeei .... prompl.


Japan Mammoth 1:llftlnUL


POMONA : Nurseries. i;MTABl.ltlHED I_

A I.rp &Ad C!IIIInpie .....

Fruit Trees, Sha<l,! Trees, Or· namcntal Trees, 'Nut Bear

ing Trees. t\ft'fJ,t+n .... 'cnrertar8babbM7. Vi ....... J.raa W,aunoU! ~ ........ WaiL." Ha.dy' .. , .. no.en,ta ...... ."'" J,,·n.I~ .. b,.. Wf~ ....... aDd _"f 7 ,·ll ... r vahgbltXo"'ll~ "..;,aal t"nIt, PI ., .. Oraptl Vln ... fllrftQI-.. &. Kn".UaI ...... . 'Ial • . 10 planl Ibe r,..I.<A.nIe1i. Uf ora.· hl~· • ...,. Karal 110m •.

U,r.t':KTHA' 11:1' 1II':....1tIt't"IVI! CAT.-\(. tOUt-: II'H~

W"M. PARRY. Pn.-ry. N. J. -- ----


JlUlllaeta,., of

Boxes, Doors, Sash, 1llizl~ ~djngs, Etc. BRAOKETS,AND SOROLL S4~NG~


P~AN,ING ' ¥::t.A·T • ,

Sash FaotoIY-. and :Lumbet 'Yards, DOORS, 848ft,' B~ SH\:\Tl'BR8,

. MOULDING, ETC .. · E'l'C .. -


_ .. -.. . -- -- .. ---'

WE . ; :~

A :B:R.DDF OHRONICLE = -O. F. SLEEPER, Editor ud Proprietor.



PENNSYL VANfA RAILROAD. I. Kr.'fiT Sov. It. . ItlIl .

LOCAL Tun: T &lILlI:.

UIUfll:lIl4L T •• c T .UIl.L Io'orTrelilOa . Sew ... k ami S~W Yo.k ••. taI.

7&$.1UJ.Iu..5Ga lit Ib:u.;.4.W.U4.U'l. lSI p. m., •• ""'k ..... ,.. ; 1.5& anoJ"" p. R1 ,l'4UIM1a7"

Pot RI .. ,,"lile, '1ItIIalh'U,»e"o!rly .. : III! .... ' .... .... rt ••• 1 HartlDclu .. ,"'''', ';'~'t: 7.~ ~'. 1 '1111

;--.A7-:S ·";I~i I~ 'i: ;:~l:::'~I!~\'i:tl't:'I~~~~~~~: .., .. "f7"III .• I S 'II"'I" ~p. Q1..~1I11 . .,.~

low 1.,.la .... ", lJc,\' .. rIY ." ... ":...I.e wlle, 1'.,11£ , ~1t p. II . ... ~ ... ) • .

F .. - OVfI't'"I ...... "' .... l .U -";'1 1U5d • • '11 .. l:t.~ ~1:':"'4I.\lI. 4.51, \.:: •• l!o : ... .!I.; S·, II,,,, . p . l'O_and 1:!.lunlcll', Wtllt . ·"."" w.n II . III .. 1M,. 13 au ... IU> l-I. III . ~UII. I .) •• .'or Hlehl''' tWIl. J'uu .... a. "C. a"d "4"ulh Albbo», 7.4.\a. 'II •• au I 11\1 II. lU ...... 111 <1 .. , ..

. ' 01" WI.. 11"11),, ; .15, !C..SIJ. III':'> • • III ., ::.Joi. , •• , aad 7 .... p. DI. _",III .... " •.

roW tielll .• ,. alld CUrtbl'r h , ruruhl"un appl, .... O' .... "t., lb •• laLluu. \~ttA"- ..:. l'l'U II, J . R. WUt UI.

Grn'l ,lila ' q "r. thm', ....... Arl..

~HII.A ANIl H~:\II1N<; It. H. A"tl"lic t'lI)' Ji,j.iuu: iu cll',,1. Oct S laIiIl .

Tnl ... ld t" l"allldt"lt, I\.i l u·. t\aild I .. , Atluli.l'il" .. lI't'td ''', .. sJ ...... 810,1110, .I., If 2 10. ~ In, p. 1M .

ESTA.BLI8HED 11&5. T£L£eUONJ: NO. 773.


BANKERS; N". 136 South ThIrd Bt_t, Phlladelphia.

As a result or the increasing demand ror our Quar/erly I~sllllmi PamphJel, we have issued in place thereof: "IN. V£ST~IEN I' NEWS." A twenty pag~ MONTH LV, containing in addition to various articles on Gen~ral Investments,' FIVE SPECIAL OEPARTMEIm; :

1. 80 101' 1Aan. Ra."8UtJ, tuued. .. HhchNl alld UI •• Philadelphia StOt'k Elchanjle Prirw. :l. Pril. ... or SfoMlrili. at Philadelphia Andi"n. ... Dividendi Reeenl1y Declared. 5. A _pedal luvsDlent Lbt.

Tile .ab.'rivtion ",nee or"{n"8IIlment Ne ..... h .. been hed al OWE DoLL .... Paa Y...... Sin&le lhpiee Tu ea.''TL .

This Space Is Reserved ror

The GOOD Things of Life, Til_ everJ day 1U!!\~titllllh·eu a hither lon~ IhMn

werely "lOll euuu,b . OlnviociflIlIU'Ollr.,




...... Ar 'O", •• I:,ali"n 11 111 , .... ~ IV.. • • S u .I " . ul~':II 10 ..... .J~ _.... .\ ...... ,1.·1


• 12 • . w •• ~ .fI1 V . , ' K.eMrDla, I ...... . \Il • .e:u: C.11\ .... t .Y., up~ 7 SO !IOU .... w. ~ 0.1 • • \ 0'. p ... .

1.·'I(IOID .. ·'.lloa 110.:;, • • tal. " l!i .... UI :iu. .la, • CUUI""I;lltou ....... w.," SU .... t..s: .,,..401.1, &0 , .. iii 1·.,J ... 'C"ano .... eJ ...... lI.lae la fIolb dlneliuu ••

Fur j,~,' .~k ' I.y., rI 12, .. W . I I~. 4 ~l • .,. w .

t' t Willi.WI O,· ... li l_buN Hdl. _.k da, .. 1II10. 11 10. L aI ••

...... 138.Ja,., It ...... 440. p .•. }' OI' ClewnlMtl. d 11, ! 10.lII 10, 11 14 L • .

Ill" 417:, 510. e.u. 7 U. 11 U. 1' ••. •• aGa,.a. II 12 ... lb. 1 57 ... 40, .... Ill.

FOI Wbiti ..... l .. Dc ..... Lake'hOd'" H •• YlM'k •• 10 .... 4 lO p ...

For \·illf.1aDCI. BrKlceloa, iJort. ».".iI ... poi ..... Call1br:,I. " aD" lhuriCit Ilh., It. iL, 8 10 &. ID .. .. 10 P. A, A. lhLEuD, Co : ..... , .. Un·

RELIGIOUS NOrlCES. , _. ,-- -----

-ciIiiisT (,HUR,·H. RIVERTON, Bel, C .. ID •• loa , .. J,C!t~ 1 ... 8 .. ".y ia lb.

F"onnut, wlUl lbe aa", Hawu,l Jo ... ,


ll,..ot·b om, .. { R!.erald • • , R'\·t'rwn.

en 1M &C1.~oaed"" Euba.p. Cor. F""'rtb .... lAeoG., A ..... P.JIII,,..


BOOT ANO SHOEMAKER, Mfri" -. -'"'-co .. , (I"" .teo",,, .. HtIll, Pal .. _

H., ana- liae or haod aDd machine made Sbt't8, which _ill be 101 ... at r:TY PRICES. A.1l", caatotnera will be! pl_iuly.lao.u whic1l are

HAND made aud wbld1 are lUCHISE made. aad I will KUa,.. ante. perk aati.aracd~n to every pureh.uer.

M .. •• (I"" &Ip' ro-u ""tI B1cv<U -..

... ... dll' . 7.30 •• _. _ ..... I .... ,..,er. LiLa., uJ ~ehlklu 1e:& .... )4

.. a .. d.r' II .... . -:!" ,~"""'Sc:boo •• t .sp •. . II." MMlI., ' " .... '.). " .. Ill.

. { . I .

M .. Mr'a IIIM1iPII}' rid.,.l, 8 Ilac&or" Qlble '-, , r", bol" -.1:-.,

cIa,a). .. , - . {I p. SI,....,,, • we OUIII,. .t .II.~~ _ _

•• C.CHUHc:.J1 OF THEs.. CRED !lA'.f.RI Ri .. rt..wa. S . J .

1-' &¥tI W :-:11001., u ( _~b wualh- ", ... -7L W.

"tid .. " 4'. S •• lIn 0 1 .. eL UHHllb-W.~1 1050 .. 111.

8.ada, ~ .. 101. \ ' ..... ,. • ..J Ucu,d tO! i. U.

nao JaN'. C1aJ1If'UI ~ curIOlT.

~"'~II.J. _II ... U __ _ --....... ..,..UI .... ........................ U ..

LIL --...-.- ........ II. ""OW. in. • u. __ "' __ _

.... u8'.:""II,. N;.J.

ftt""' ••• N. J . MarJlonI. N. J. .I",.hoa.,N.J.

.r.n1. 0 .... 1'. ~ J .. ~.I",*.. Vio ......... J.

YhlllalD R, Ullplotoe', t ·dln,bip. N. J. Y"" .. le !.; .... IIIIPa •• HNIt.1 P't .. lpll .... P. ..... .. \\ '''tt, •• · I\a, • .,. Pwti .. " ..

• ... ., ..... c .. , .. ' .. . Ia_ "",e ,","lie lM..i ..... • lu, I'M --''''''1 "". b~" ... ,tr' .. 1 t","",b )I,. It •••• ,,, .... t 1 at bitt K,y. t fMt \Of'

PallU) ra "liN,




UF ALL tI, ' '''4oa. CIl.U.," ~-r ..... a&1I'r.

IIUaaEIl COATS, ~. .

LADlE .. WATCIIPftOOl'8 ,,'--_ ......... .....,..., .......... ... . .

=a:-.r::t::"'t":i... .... TOWN &. BROTKER. "'.e U! • \U~ n'UEr ... , ... , ClltITSn sr. (1: ... .....

IIMILAH"~ I '. .! .. ~~~~ " ---_ .. _-" , .

.' .... .. . .'

Can you see well?

Have you headache?

Do your eyes hurt CoIQULr

.1. l "IlLIE.

STAIR BUILDER Delaware .l .... oe,...., ....... Je",

H ... I. eo-... N. J Jl.Nide~. 415 S ' . lib ':-Ueet.


Joys Ib,. atana, Bopbw. ........ "''''I


· f 1 .' . ' .

'" I.,. ' y


.-.. •

.. --'-----.-~----,

J . l' - " N· .

,~ ·BWS. • . a-r .. ~~ r 7;'

J •





$1.00 per Annum in Advance.

... Dotaa. IS 'm" oae "" aMtler. .......,. a 111M -. ....... Md to 11gb. fo< th.1ud thor ...... _ _boUU .... __ bo _Il10 lid -....s - ___ -T. ---...... - .... oqaoI ", - -.-x..-o 0;.. iii. LoaIa daal..o c ....

a .................. ......... ODe of tho IarKeR .badOIr. of ''''"''' ..

fill New Yon:. OO'eriDc au _'~,_-. __ ud operaIed by ..... ... _ t.ith, 10 ....... kabI. for

- _ -" worIdDc _ tIIlzohIo __ of _ ......

... ., IlOO -. be_ tIuoe _ a.. JOOlII old. _ IIuouab It ID eoclI of th. -- da1' of tho y.... AnUiDg - tho ....... tho rinr troo .. they -.4 ... by .... to the fatetuilDclco-

.A""~a.... '-rIooebowiog ...... Indo _y be_

.. be I>oIdiDc 110 ....... ooI4,tho ~ -_Uabt __ .. _jaw. "I __ -"Ia -.0..-_

'*""- tt... ..... _ w. ceat. box to airIe for wrapptDc.

maJr.e from two 10 three doUan • at Il The _, of CbJcaco 10

- tUOO. day fot' ....,. week day ", tho roar· That 10 .-.Iy ball _ oqj).

!loa doIlan • year upeaded ID that d'T .-for gum. .lloot of thio BOOB ..­There '1II'fI a Dumber ot maauf .... "bInn bo tho _ a1oo. I __ aboat ....

are. where an adept employee l.Uiens I'I,UCkY FEMALES WHO COI~P'IIE I - - &raaDtI the biDd lee of ooch.

FAVOIWILY WITH MEH. a.--by~.the_

000.000 a.rear. at leu&., WIpeDt in cbew. tng gum, countiog oal1ID&Dufact:l:lren" prioea. AI we .U CO the jobben at tbirty-6n cene. a boS' &ad the retailer ptI OIle dollar. boz.)"OQ caD figure up &be ~ereaee and .. just &boat .bat: &be public in'restli in cbeW'iDg (lDD. It mtdt be eomethiDg oear ~.OOO a ye&r' at the lowest ee~ Diride tilt. iDto AYe 'cent and ODe centlticb aDd ... III'fI ~ to concludl that • good 1D&D:1 ,..... are OD the moTe beade. (lIQn,.. "-New York Herald.

_lIy __ .... aboaIder. _ . bo

, ? no. wttbout a~. O:eeri='J)7 • - ...... brute. maddetledby oiCh. _ -U of bloqI. breab 00' bolo the oIaoah-""'" _..- dlsturbaoce _Ia opoedlly qaoUed by ito ..... .u.. paid&. S_" compoDioao, with Ddt _ .... _ thethroal,qaiclt. IT feel the oboch.... 1 __ IhiDhIg

tDlf.. The aboche. bimlelf 10 • oW. wart IeDo •• cool and. wary withal, rarely mat •• tIIfII_ moCioa. Be. a roIlgioaa ..... _ 01 rood martII AI b.iI Ucea. from Rabbi Jacob J~ chief of certain orthodox ..... pep&icu in meuopoUa., .voaebeL

The ut. Itream in tonea.&. foUon the _etlt 01 hIo blade. TbIo 10 ._ blla.· the tiIIWa, It iDa .... Cample,., - 01 blood. ID wbleb may bE ...- 01 __ othitnrioe mlahl &ad ectra.ace iDlO hamaa bodie&. Next follon "bedlqab." &be enmfnadna -- _ rictim. If. aldt op­pear "" the _ ""'" 01 tho Imlf .. that by _ 10 bekI to Imply =-~ mtreriDa. lDJurio.. cbemkal CIi:Iaap ADd OOD8eqaent nnfi~ of tbe CWCUI lor markeL U there be DODe, ........ Ii_ ODd h ...... tho etldro bodT. -. lIN _ately iDapected.-cer.. taI7.

• .... ~CIn~ Tban woaId he .. Or. billa paI4 bo

""!!4 It tho people woaId ""'y atop -Ben ia aD eu.mple how mooe,. c:ircu au. from. ODe mao W another. altbougb it; II DO& ofteD that )"OU caD keep tnck 01 • bull: bill 00 ttl tranll in thia way. A Pcd1aDd men:haot owed" W • shop­~.

Tbo obopIreopor called .. the ..... _ ... place 01 __ receind •

$I bill. A llttl. later be _ the bill to ..,. • debe of t2 wbicb. be owed 10 .... borw.

'l'be laborer at 0DCe went and paid a _ 01 $I! .. bleb be owed hIo ....,... TIle "...,.. go .. the $I bW '" • pointer.

1< chmcod that thio poInterowed'$I.50 &0 Ant named Ibopkeeper. Tbe poIDtorpa14 ibedelrt, ODd the aboplteopor _ ... nd that tho ldeatical $I !rill _ b. bod paid ... ID the tDO<IIlt!g bed. come to him. .

ThIo $I bill bod paI4 ,",50 wonb 01 dobto. _ the orlgiul bold .. bod bi, iaoDOr back. -lIooIOr (.II .. ) Commen:ial.

... __ .,A.,Cui-... ~ ._

lmDed odd. to mat. place bo I .. bed f.w bill pa .... aud wbeD. be .... buried &be _ .... apiD Ie< blto Ilof..".,.choD. oel, ODd the priooaen who bad helped w bary him.... ldDed 10 that 1M) ODe

might fiDd oat where the cooq1llllr'OC' of Rome ... buried..

Th. riTV thu. tamed ... the .sa-.. ... _ the place aear C-... Uaq.-

8L Loaia Bopa::::.:.:h.:.Iic.=-__ ..u ...... 1.0,-,-" .. 0..... In the oeI«hborbood of the BenaadM

&be _ II atzoeme1,. tra.D..Ipamlt. 10 that tbe 6abermeD C&D rNdil,. lee the boru oIlobolero ptotn>diDg !rom their bIdioc plac:. in th. rocks at CIODIiiderabltt depth& To eatioe the ............ !rom .-......m.. they tie _10< of ill _ boll 0ZId dangl. them ID float 01 tho caatioa.a lot.ter. Whea he grat. the t.ll die,. hao.l him up.-1Dt.e:rriew in W~aStu.

----A htiDdred ,... .... tho -...

toaCue W&I "POken by nearl,. 31.000,000. aDd the Spani,b by more thaa 215.000.000 . Bnm the Italian. bad lhree-totu'tba .. larp • constituency AI the Ea,glillh. ADd tho l'orttigu_ Ihn<HI&bto.


The face of this one is thick· '\ ,


welts like . -


- .- . F. SLlDlIlPlIlE,-

Iy COV~~f.r .. bopo thio podlloD es in ' .'Iines 0 ." •

DOl .-ft ....., ~ W.IJOI"OIW. A bJ .. ..:_ .. • . reol .... &d .. 1 Ihio kiDd of iOad boo """,,~ '11 'gta • a

vary Presbyterian Church Will liY'

Supper at the Lyceum, Riverton, hnoa ~ PMralftOL

OIL. J. J. aLEU'ER. ~ au\or. "", ~~ per r_ III ... _

JOB wO&ltelallklMl prom.DU7 uecaWd .. oMaN ud: .. Ma1l7" u.7 "'1111 I!te GOCI.q.

...... DIed 10., .... p foo: ~ tanish, a pinkish. Width

.ho bo~ bod ....... lk •• l<!J.uo. II 48

inches, 12·5°· ........ _ ~.ronJ .zpecled. &Iv VD'TO:t.T. Another is a broad Diagonal (800 arllcl. froca Led.., i. .L&UI 'J.' ·th silk th cis I' . .Il0II0 .. port of io popor.) ,'/1 rea g IDung

On Thursday evening. Ma~eh 3d. Supper served from 6 to 9 o·c1oek .

TICKETS. 35 CENTS. .lit' . _~t. I'-U 011 .... trc.a all q..,-.

lenoltb.8&&k- Oca. 1 ,-wUlpt_ .... tJtt,lr Dam" III ralf so all COIDID1Ia" ltuua, DOt. ......... bUeat.loD.. bat. ... ~'" uI ~ A.DoIl7 .... ~1UI1_t.IoU

Ia 'iale .. 1 .pOII brad. in and out al1 over it. 48

ed lad.bledn_ .t 8 .. por ..... inches, 2 shades, 12·5°· .r.ld bo Iftl .. b.udnd ... d 61b Stil1 another is a melange - -- .-doll .... - Thou if it ..... OU\ II) faa Cheviot, 4S , inches, 4

~~;::,. ... Ul bd Uae NCW'I. Talubie "'ftrUa1ac aMdIUIl. NODe bat. ea.a, .,..ctabi.Iid"ens-meDY luened.

urden b1 mall proIIIPlIl" ~1oeDde4 so. A,Jd,.. &11 C!OIIIIDQD~ \0 •

1"&WII AND ADVmTlBEB. PalID.7ra. :C. J .

RD1»UCL~er Foa.rth aDd eVItD"', PalID' ' .. N.J.

tbat .~ to bep it ij npain had .ould III 8_ y ........ ~ ill ari, s es. 12·5°· 1.01 0001, u.... .ould .. ~. .... TIUnk 01 a school of dol-•• 01 ........ of 1i.1«. b.. oad DO. -"10, _ .. phins' lul1 swil'(l through a sea dol ...... bleb odd 10 I.. Allead th ..... 1IMOIi .. at I d-L.. 1_ ............ D .. lrood •• ptDIO B.II. PaI .. yra, ... 1 'l'lI"y °h' rosef water'tyIan ¥ou' lIave II for thn ..... dam rood of t ••• t,'.I.. for .Ieetric IiPIl. .. IDt 0 one s e m another hD.dred ... d list ... doll ... ; 10., Oa OOOOD.I of lbo ooatia.ed I.dio. O. Wed ...... y .iJbl • traia novel stuff. Think 01 Seas of

WE b ... ".troI UiD .. otot<d !bol .0,hiDg of· th. boI ..... of the I'OOIdI ID pnoitioo ot Re •. P •• I A. HOu,bialia, (Bloo .. 6.ld D. L. •• d w. railroad.) 10llr tints an~ dolphins of four ••• '" Dol ... ""alibl. for th. _iow 'bM~:o::!~:tf ~~& ~ 10 be b •• iII probabl, toke • udp .oIiroo!I. .bll. ruaaiag o. • do.a r.od.. no I ",,1o,,", and you have the vari-

Mr. J ... ph Biobop ba br>k.., ialO • N ... rk .. r Goods 46 inches wide, oo ..... ai .. li_ !bot .... oIlo.ed to i .. pro.ed ore ID the DOD.&, """ad for Mr. A .•• Borio', ••• ,..;. wilb thir ... a _CO", .bi.b ... $3·50 .P ..... fro .. lime 10 Ii ... i. th_ 001· of th. to.lllbi", !bol wilt... d .... OIl II",. --I, aboft the rail- e_lag th. track sad... pi.aed umoa. [0 ,ilio,. fair beariq to all (oartb .f the aDnul UpeDIe Dllr road. betweeD \be &wopta, wbi.::b were low.

lid .. 0: DODne •• _ ODd ... oIll .... t •• ~ • portioo .boa th. BoDde . Th ...... try board of thio cIiotric& I;~=~:~~~:~~~~~~~ j.1I .. it po..! bodor tb ..... Th. thOl io aid. E .... oo ..... Di .. lIo. Is " ... jwt oad rii

bt !bot tbae .iII ... 01 tb. 8", '!o- 011 ~ 100210_ did .11 b .• oooid III .top the

.IaDde OQ ill 0.0 .. erill. .iII_ that po, "0'" tbu three «!oY. M....b ~. 10 ~ tIoe TOI... "ia. The dri ... of tho fo.rthi of th. tu oboald ha ... L. h.... Aa1'!"" ... ,..m....cI CUI tIoti from tb. iajari .. .-;.ed

I • UI ibM ..... 6" puIf.Dpn were remo.ed



Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and Legal Documents careiu11y drawn and executed. Loans 'negotiatt:d upon most.lavor­

able terms. Rents collected, Houses lor Sale and to Rent. -6 per cent. Mortgages lor sale. Fu-e, Lile.

and Accident Insurance. Reliable Com· . panies and Lowest Rates.

TnBE ore .....u lat' .... otiJIl "')01.1 direet beae61 o( th. tu 'S' t r b .. pital. IDON or 1- bodly b.rt. Should ... th. tu . by 1M

.. uai .. 1ioaI in thio...... _.try oad !bol b, Ihw Til ..... bo I !!' .. ~,III!.'! FI .. ,oaag _a j ... ped iulo. poa,1 iGlportaDt iii th. ODe OD ItODe .~t for .... oeedI of eecb lICtioo r at. Atbeaia GO Wedueida, an-renon .igoed "B" Th'~' I.. .aqaeolioaabl,.-I . to .-... Ib .... JOGal womea .it/>

I I liabuo,. iDI, curbiD,. pan. or BuildlDi who"" thll ice bad gi~ wa,. Two of THE Ii ... of e1ectiooo in better to of ..... ki.d.1IrooII im- boucbl by th. ~I...... me .. d in .0 .I .. ",t

00 king Stuffs make a very pretty show. Your onl y trou· ble will be to choose where all are so mellow to the touch and and so pleasing the eye.

54-inch Cheviots in small checks, stripes apd mix.­tures. 1[-5°; tans, ~d -" grays. . ..~ . " •

54-inch Cheviots (soft tvitlls) checks and stripes. 1[.50; tans and grays.

1I8-Co~pondeDee Solicited.

THOMAS BROTHERS, d ~_ . Ii bo . i heeD pro.ed .ad otber i .. pro.meall. AI Tb. '.P .... 10 be Ii'" al .......... Iilloa . • bile L 'IIi. Ori .. •

'0 ~X ~a.. Tla the, ...... I 011 be dODO 01 0 .... tho. ..... by tb. II'tI"- .r Col.... Mr...· .bo bod fraptico1ly droaed 00. eb.ap! to Apnl. by • .-.t oot of thiDB' .bo.ld be d ... !bot .'" .... t bJlOriou eb.~ DO Wed....,., ...... bo weal 10 Bootoa; .0. il of th.m .ad.r the iee. -. with .b. o ..... uu 'w lopl.I .... b .. led "'... 10 000_ ..... ed .a~ d .. ired b, th. majorily I.r. M ... b 34. bido fair 10 ... ..., or Criop •• bo II 01 Form. yDUDg ..... u",ly ... ed fro .. d<oth. tbat cblUJle witb eJeetion. io other aDd the tbl!l' mOl& Deeded iD our.own grat 11l~ The ~1tI are beiag btl bad ,!O mediag ID set UpoD Maubew Cook, of 8,lelD, apia .. ua'i .... d .uppooo 011 th. e1 .. tioa II ror o.r to ... to be h,bt.- ",Id rap.dly •. 10 .dd.tiOIIlO ~ ..... llgood by ...... !bo •• -jar- t.ra •• p .ilh'lb. 5n~'~od of the_· . Id be eb -' Tb' .... tb ..... ,11 be ... . ODl<rtoiII_t domocrotio ..... bora or \lie ",a •• hich b .... ~blja • JiII-a.1 ID

One of the always busy cor­ners of the stor~ is where the Hand~rchie(, are. They come Coal, Lumber. Lime. Plaster and Cement.

,a ,b •• tol< .ou ... ..,.. It aul .... t i .. portUll io i .. pro.. .bieb.iII _y "YODI 10 _ ~..!l:f. !bot • da, be .... ed tb. D.I..... Ri •• r SoIo"Io,. Mr. i. DO' tb...... Th~ e1ee1iDDl ~i11 ~ th ..... , "'k •• bil. b .... 1100' weariI, OIl tIoe •• eratiOD oflhe BI ... d r.... C ok b .. rau,bl Ihe finl Del ..... the lteOod Tue.daYlo March ID thll OTer .ueaty.6Te Boker .Ioria, tH~ bill. Rinr .bad r..r yM"" hut tbi. IeUOn CQUDtJ u formerly. penDDi ia boLh Pal· Hia wife aDd &bne chU· HMDI committee hu .evt-ral weeki ahead or hit ulOal

.. yra oerl""yill. Th.babYli~~~~~th. taritr bUIo .r. for Fiob ....... y Ibi. meaa •• a Women's pure Linen Hem· W. our ruodo ore hetter oad .... Iet f ... r 01 the 011 or.boutMan:b .oad .. d .baadeat .. t.b. stitched Handerchiefs, ~,

in quantities that make the lowest possible pri~ ccr- now JlN"IUltt'tlIO Cornish P.nJet"·l'Il~lebrat.ed I..aU.imer edliery

l~lli~11 ('1'\1.1.

RIVERTON'. N. J. 'hlepbo.e MOo ..

Orden liven 10 tllll .... .t Read, (Jrocrra., I'aIhlY". will ,.,.1 ... ,...aplatlmluc...

SU.TOB PUKUI'8 !bu kiDdIJ leat u, tenral pampblt"t eopiea of Lhe la .. , of N •• J .... y for 1891. Th_ d .. i.·

!bou by .. y 1O.lIIbip i. ti ...... d-f...... .hieb ob. ditd io to the ail... d od I' N.. .itbia 1_ly tail.. .fler lea doy. iII_ blood po;" .0 cboace of JOUiag .p Th. So",,"m. Court b ...... """... a ozen-go qua ,ty. Pbil... our .11$1 ore poo .. r oaiag. Th. t .. o boy. b.d .. the taria deIiol< io cor. H.deoo .. ,uuly ,,, PO' Ih. Clark Women's pure Linen Hem- ... ..--------------------------Ii.blld I_.,red ror tb ... 00, ... d th. youapr OD •• 0. .p 011 th. Ii ... DOl ..... ..mllOny 01 H.rri.... .n~ stitched HandkerchieC,. withiu a much -ter diltaace. We Mr. BoL.r _. __ 1__ by the ._.: 1':110 fo Ne •• rk for UpeDIW'I iUr.luT"' in . f k

~ ...; claim the ~ of thil &owl1lhip _d oul D·f ...... n .• L ~.1 ._ two 1D::b:~~roa'·t"'.-.Dlr. rt-acling Ihe ('Om pan,', p",~y lin,. neat revere 0 open wor .v. • .... •. ... ...... iog 'he .,rik. nf1890 inside hem. t 2 1-2C each.

Do JO ...... beth.r tb. to.Dlbip bett.r for pi .... '" dri.iar oad yet •• dar Ib_ .... Id .01 be .. ri .... y ohjfCled • W' - L' " out of tbe ,.r than it DOt oNI'Wbelmed &be .n"er IOtD iCtbeyw,.re sinD Wh,a .. IChool teaeh" hu ,.".chflll omen 5 pure men , un-;. bouded for 126.000 10 pul do.. tbio Io.D.bip or with. reeei.i.g • failb ... d • __ ..... !b0l the 001 .... MI y .... of.,;e. afler Ih .. y ... n· rub. laundert:d Hemstitch~d ,loot roade, or, are iDWrtllled in haT' milm of heff>. YoUl'I, B. oeTer wit in time .. auld be tUfD Dp in May, but the lenice. he or ,h .. may at hi" ur Handkerchief~ initiaIrd, iog the ,treetl lia:

bted? Tb8le qu.- prop:-itioD to let a dar i~ the Df:l.l d"manrl he rf'Li ed fill hili' pay. at t 2 J-2C each.


'00 •• '11 be .. I'u .1 10 •• .. oell"rol A aM CMItw -JIM Haw.: anDual Leot.Pa . IOr.i_ .1 -.oil oramer- &0 begia the uon· .hll'n be nr "hfl! ~ ht'! 6~ ,..ant M' H ueu _ ... _ • f.L. h I h" h ~n s pure Linen em March 8th, at 2 p. m .. MOreNO ball. Youflug&'eltioDlabout electric lirbt church will be of 'pec:ial ia- l'4IWI!UOO 0 Wle.teI coinage hill .iII Ie no aut nntlel rnn ,...1iN' im • I d H dk I"

"e- lut wfek, appean to fall 00 Itony The redOr hu ReT ,.ted by &.hem with all the "tli"nl' of IhA;r ft.n IIIMlnl'lu h~ tr p"': stlte le an t!rc 1It!1S. grouod. becaule maay oC our &o_a. W. W. Bro1*)ll eD&aI'J methodlat theircoD,mablr,.od l-n,,,.·idi,,. th .. t in .. ilil" Iof .. ".,r 50 000 12 1-2C each You'lI be

TB~BE .P ...... to be .... ,uDder·l.-pl. ,"out'" Iittl •• t nigbL Nearl, P.aa.) I ... i.. for the - ral. Ii" Ib.m pl.atj; - • the Ro:h, .. 1 B· .. ~I .~.II asked ,6c to .Sc each for ,tauding with lOme." &0 the COlt en" Doe who iltpokea to,., the1 A.h WedDetda1 neuinK. 80 npid: .... beeD the gr'r"~lh C) a4i1t nfOmln,i.inn,.,....,"u .. frorn ~rh no better in other stort!s electric light. It.ill be r-membered would like &0 lee the IDwo well liabl- B. &.11. of BammoatoD, pablic .atlmeat ia ra"nr or &he- ward, Ibe Munr In hav., th ... ppo!n. Ib.t •• otot<d. , ..... 11'. thai ed. bat f ••• P ..... 10 b .... ufllci .. t Frid.y .i,bt. M ... b 41b. R... tiD. or ... otoill hyth • .-pl. tliil tiaJ< po~ .... ~ the ...... 1 In he .. nnn· 200 ·dozen Women's Em-

iafur ... tino DO the •• bject to oct .ad HouCbtoa• of Bryo . M •• r. fa, uo,. .~Icted tbot Ib.joi.1 porti .. , u ..... ihl.. broider~d Japanese ':iilk .... 1711 ..... 10 oor towa oad th.t I feor .iIIlet tb. moU.r _ • Frid.y airbl. M.~ 11th. B... ~ro .. d .. , .(or .• ueb.... 0 ... '11" R ...... bo.k nf N ... rk •• f, Handkerchiefs. scalloped th.y c:oIII12 .y .. r for oil oad .tleD· po ...... ho i. out froqaeatl,.t N. & .. 1 ofTriai'y.b.n:b. Ne. York th. CoznllloUoa .ilI - ••• fiJhl .ilh • hu_reI ..... urin' edges. at 40C each. Have tioD, aot lakiDjl iato coDlidtradoD &old me I'f'OeDtly, that he hu ror F1idar. oi,ht March 18th. Ret'. and BOQII aa. l~ preteQl fiye feft fmm winn' tin to .iD'· "'1" be • k I . to I d &__ C H R' bord f Bu I' .... - .. nn1 hillo ••.• . en qu,c va ue at 50 their &ra COlt and ret-ir• It will be Na 10 peop eo au OIMIII . • I ,or lajllOD, N. J. ..L!I" came nft't'ictorinu, .nlt CIII,luMl tb .. _ th.1 tb .... Duol OCIII of Ib_ 171 tb •• id ..... ko. 00. for Frid.y .igbl, MU\-b 26th. Re . . .. - of Utah... ..... bird. and 65

C each.

witb QQr 10 •• b ... ueb H. E. Tho .. pooa. of W ... lbu~. N. _.of '-I ...... _1 Scali n-l d Emb 'd ed 1.10" io 0'" 12,000 .... d th. 10.0 io I ~ri .. , .... b.1 "ill beoo... or J. for Frid.y .illbt April l.i: .. d ternlory. trW ~ed A Bridplon ..... boDI... 0r-~ an ro, er D" IIabled. 12,400 will Ii" DO ""I, OOCOIioaally. .ad Rev. Ai,aer. of ML B0II1. .. JIIO:CIloolI' B~~~ 'I !.:r ... ~ .ed Fri~.,.. • d·Ii"' Ia. Japanese Silk Handker-•• ':I-llJbled to.a •• ad th. OOIt .iII .bo m.y b.p .... to be ber. N. J .• for th. "'Dia, of April 8,b. .. 11.11 ,...Ied to th. 6.01 .... OD ree .. reI Th. chiefs. at 2OC. 3oc, 1oc, be ... aolly diotriboled. Is il fair or hIPBOVlDlt:.'ft. A.b Wed • ..doy ..mae will bo r!ftl f.eIi.... .mnUDI ... quickly poid 10 .... bim Soc and 75c each. Not a

... 4 There are Towels and Tow-

'" ~t ..... ,ialeln ... I1' .... upoo Ala .. ooti., of the Boud of ........ .ppaI.1ed . - th "'-- .L __ '_ "~r. ~n,j

iug • oopy .... JOI them by eollia, 01

tbe home of the editor.

o • °t ~ - ..; ....... c" ~:t

• 0 ~e ·;·C 5 Po. :t .. ... oS <'0 -o on :t ... e 'OS C u ".l! ... :I <lC -.. ~:;: - . Ou :tJil

~~_---~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r!r~~Com~ .. aaiQQ7.soa .... MoiD- ~k~.~II~~ ..... ;.~.~ ... ~~~~Iin~ .. :J~.\~i1~. 8;~~~~'~ ~~~I trashy thing among them,

il .t th. DOIDiag IOwa -a.,. th.1 ~~;~~~~=: -. of ru..rtoa held.t . abu ........ th6 smoo and sops the · water I .. for •• eb dork_ ... y .ot bo "'1' t~. mid .... of -- 10 poI!POII. tIoe "'iatil"" 'of easily harsh kind for most piaed .. 0Ib .. espeadito ........ be ;'I' ........ CO I Tu •• y .... taki ... teIIl .. oo, for. few ~. 10 WAN·~··BR'S uses. You can get here what- ' Bargam' s m' Dry Goods! ia .. r..... " decided lO ....... t 10 ~~ 10 Ii .. t~ ti ... 10 ~,-ror ~~. ever proper kind you wish.

meeliar. ~ 15th. .L The 0001 .... 1< will _ .pr. On .."... .......... Fob. II, IIH. Heavy unbh;ached Turkish 1ilE ...... oommluee dtoi", .. 10 • .... ocbool buildl.K. 10 Th ...... , of thio _k ••• d win .p.... So much has been stated in 8' h .ad .. k .~propri.lio. boblltheo decide .b.D eu.r.oljoo I 22"4 IDC es, ~t [2 [-2C Unbleached Shcetinl:. 2 [-4 yards wide •

• tot. tbol the, .,11 meet I. Pa.1 them lO .. eeI. ,,1 .. _ ..... 1·'-' .. • ' .,'. J ' coumn of the glories Heavy pure Lmen . "Oat White Sheeting. 2 [-4yardsw',d-Wolficb .. idl'. barber .bop odjoiDI.g tbo lito of &c...Iary Footir -,.~ ·oiI" . ' . the rich, rare and beautiful ~eaI" Bath Towels, extra ~Ite S~ceting. 2 '-2 yards wld~: Mo ...... boll. Pal .. yra,thio Sot.rda, tbotboo v_led r ..... bio .-01 stock 01 very fine Dress Goods SIZe, 22x45 inches, at [Se. Plaid Namsooks.good quillily.

.Be per yard. 20C •

" "

from 7 to 8 p . .. _10 reeei ... L....... do,). b.OI DO. b. io io ..... ed.-·;·· ~rip that ' hio pbyoiciu you may perba. ps doubt F II bl ch D Coehec P' ts .... f Pb I 1865 •• boa th .... -;;;;; biOI mak •• _ ._. h th u ea evon Huck . 0 nn. . . . . . . of coadid",," to he ...... ror .. th. 0 • d'" .... /.': ....... d i. th. dioudct. No dlGbt New York ,............ w e erthe plainer and simpler Chamber Towels fun size New.'me Hamburgs from 5c per yard upwards . .. ucui eIeclioa.or primary .... Iia,. H""."":; :t. ~ .... bef::-r:· "Ur .ili ..... eb.riob .... y I' goods have equal care. Dis- heavy weight, as '[6<: each' Boys .extra hea,'y regular mad< "Slain"'s Bla,k" Hose. 25

c per pair .

" .

• bich io to I .. b.lo! 10 Morpo boll. 0 •• free .iII. mod. t.o .. mo."~ ... "d ..... 1I .. 1i ... or. thair .... 001 Borriooa i .. "trerih& frolli miss that notion. Call upon F . I rth • Gents reg~lar made half hose. mcdium weight. "Spri.g s.ta./u" t2 r/ e .... .L' Id b h I'L b th atr y wo . 2oe. per pair, · • T~ . ... 1 Sol.rd.y .... iar. Mar. 5th. ... .. 0 uildiar oad feel .... ... t • e ' cheaper stuffs and see M f ,""",II !bot thio old I ... d morIt .L__ .yw il io • ....... ha ore 0 the famous Old Choice line Brie·a·Brac at modtralt pmrs .

Tal: ""uleot for j.lIi .. 01 th. peace .bould be aorro.ed do... to tb. d .. .... de of th. poaitio .... d .bilil, the ... didote, .bo by ed.coIi ... perieoce and Dative commoD IIea.e

boot 6Ued for th. poailioa t ab~ld di"oree thezuelT" .from any porooaol Iik.. ...d dillik.. oad e11et the ODe .. bo will &in equil jDlt.ioe to Ill. • ... N.;._ ..

• 1ilE .est 10.. ..eeti"i wi1I bo

or the _ i .. poI'tUIl _ .. HId in 1.-1lly. A propoailioa 10 boad lO ..... ip for 126,000. 10 bolld ...... 1 ,_ roodI, will bo ..-led. Th.

Iioo ofllJblia, ... d Ihw od~:~~~ I of .. thoriaia,lh. towaobip , 10 I.y ..... kiad o( po ...... 1 in of eaeb .... petty _y be oeIed .poo. TIae P"'flOl't, bald .... iII dDObll. _ lb. od .... 1IJO of ... tia,,,,ob ... ... .-.11 ... iII .110. \hem 10 01-toad the lIMOIi.g. Th_ q.eIIIoao be .. tiled ..... bo ..... d JOG oboold that yoo .... p.-I 10 help _v_v, ".::-: \hem riebt.

I • 1

• L I • ucno __ II-~ II w t 25 and 37 tL cents will BI ch H ch T el Th I fi f ...... r , .. llIen 6aiobed their ed.... _.. .... . ... IO ... DII 7" ea u ow S, ese at<: on y a ew 0 our many bargains. lioa. "UII, OD 00000.1 of growth ood ... k. Neat mixes at 25c, 36 washed ready for use-- T ci.i1i .. tioa .... ke roo .. for • more . M.cb ial.ttil I. f.11 bere iD th. half cotton to be sure. 'bleached on the 11'l\SS· at ROTH & CO ..od.ra. I .. prooed buildl"i. adopIed n.~11 01 tb. 81 J, .• io coafo",o... price considered. none the ch 10 th. p ..... t .... . .bich.1I of th. AUiouae "'0 _10 ,,, 2 5C ea ; 13 ~ ozen. .,

Our .. p ..... t&Ii .. iD the to.lllblp .. iak.1II be. third •• Iioaajlicket ia lor that, and th~ big ExTtra elheavy I~ Hudt Broad Street, opposite station Palmyra. r"v.~'w.I"'D1 .. iUee io .. ported to bo .. aid tIoe 6eId.IDpported by oJl of Ib, ia· of brown and ow s,26"46 mches, 3 JC '

.:::~~~: Ith M llIIIrioI orpnioadoDi. and ch " .1 .iD _ oboll boi ••• Tellord p ... ideal H .. riooa b .. i ...... ih. ea . See the Towel and rood thioy ... lfb ..... "'do itolbio I I 37~c.36inches. you'd expect to pay 40C o.,alupeo.. rhil b .. tJie true rillf. QIU &Daaa proclamatioD .• &raiDg not meet in Dress

i ... ported oad ooId 10 _. pooebon III k .. p ~.'J fNlli . Bellriag .... "" .. I or 45C• fro .. JOOd •• thoril,. tbot the ..... 'iea, .. d P"'portUODI ore .ad.r.ylO We have both and al1 JOHN WANAMAKER. lCIiben to. th. Tolfoed rood •• bleb ~ ... ueb Io'll"r ..... fo",.'to lb. t\:Ie intermediate grades. Too ... ""IOlied I. oddilio. 10 the ..... 0' _en tboo lb. many between for them to

•• -> boo •• er bod th.", If lb • ... o •• I.ppropno .... 01 the JUt tood .. vi"",,1 .ith ..... 1 B '._, . meet • .. ootiD, 10 ...... th. bolldlac 'or _~ . n_. II a road will mUll &0 &beir ftaewcu ID time, .. it it beHend it oerlptiODI or lie held .ilI be, thOl rO ......... 1 .iII .1", &111 t-rt of &.be ODIt~( .tilt ia policiDI AlutlD .~len. - . do Dot IleUe" I • •

lUeh rep">I'L :ia:=.~~~~~:~! tb. ~~; I ~t~.;.~~~·;!~ ... d dol



Carpets! Carpets!

. Carpets ! Rag .. rpo~ ior beauly aad ,durabililY drop. poo:e1 10 JOB. H. BIIlTB

Ri •• rIOD. N. J • . C.II .ad ItO .. mpl .. bofore pt..u., JOUr • orden -' -

Houses for Sale and to Rent

In Palmyra and Riverton. Money to loan on mortgages. HoliJeS for sale from $800 to $5000 on easy terms. Houses for ..... t from

$6 to S35 per month.



.. •

. ~

. r

The Wee~dy News , SATURDAY. FEB. 27. 1892.

CENT.,j.I'·ORD COLUMN. Lt!n#. or ."., ftOIiot. inltf"kd udtr~.:.

1wo4 .. aM ratt 0( OM cml CI .cord, t'Ot':h ttl'

.me.. coaA in ~ct.

The 101.. Elisohodo ODd Ell. E ... I b.n gnu. to W .. b:u",," for. few daya.

Mba Ha.ry BaaiDler. DC b.. ..... .WliDg 101... A.bury put week.

Mr. JllhD Bird'. fn.queat ,ilit. to RinrtoD mutt be Do bQlio. of im-portaooe. .

8c:booDer lor aaJe.-Tbe J. A IU,prWe Il&n, ... tak.en to Mr. ia a lebooDer or 75 Samuel H. Enol 1 .. , Mooclay neA.

.- dnJ\ LOd 60 r"'~~~fFt~~~~~ I chalD' and a.aebor iug. LOd.1I\ beaold 10. Mr .• ud loin. C. H. 8tackh ...... ~ .... Apply &0 Capl. ebrated th, ir 28th weddiag laainl'-River, MiddlteeS Co., W bl • b' bd

For .Ie.-Lovely opriaht plapo. Good brlon .. oltoa, If al· .. Dew In ute but .thort tim~. Apply Tr,a ,bate at 'VuUicbmidt'" '''h.­box 257, Palmyra. Wililell below COIl. tu Wm. 8. Moore, adjuiaml

Mao Ind wire or two gfntlemen c&P Morpo Hall. ha,e board. Home comrorta. 407 Le· t.eated the milt wbich



Palniyra Building aDd .~ . ......

F Y u._ 7, 1'~ ' , OB TBE £All El!"~IftO ~ Q¥o

RECEIPl'S. Bal. in Tr.oo.!)'. Mar. 1891, DUel, . lntern.t, PrYmiums,

$0 81 5.IH 28

992 00 236 70 7303

Luana on bonda and mortgages, I..oam OD ltuck. . Withdraw"", . . Return or borrowed mone~', Engl.bert Knechl, . . lottrelt on borrowed. money, .


'Combinatioll" Fair. o • • . r .

n. PaJlrmlra· Castle, K. a:" ~,;

ClnnliminsQO Lodge, I. 0; ·0. F .• . and Pensauken Tribe, Imp~d O. R. M. WilIlMi htld at Mo ..... Hall, Palmy,., cotameneina Hoaday e,eo1oI', •

Feb...ary,.!2, 1892; to S2rirday .. ODIOI F.bruary ......

A Grand Entertainment Fiaes. . . Money borrowed, . Mortpgts rtturned. . .

io bank uDlC't'Ountrd . luI "'port,

1.500 00 6.600 00 Tuts on real eataLe. . . Will be liTeo by

Exp'11It't!. put on 890, 1891. Balance III t~u~', .. Cinnaminson Lodge on Tuesday evening,

--.--1 ' .' I 01

$1~,OI7 38 Palmyra castle on Wednesday evening.


.. ...: .. 'GEORGE M. SIMPS()N . . ..' . -

:e T c :s: E R , DEALER IN '1'

Fresh Pork; Sausag~, Scrapple, Liver Pudding,

O(&'t QUlity &1 City PriCCl.



0001, .veou~. furaiah0l1 See hi. ad. Loll., io Kh·utOD, on February 8Lb,

COld rio, with tbree pearll and rour em· Ualdl ~t.eeo lIr. WolrlCbmtdla barber abop ~d tbe Rivertoo Drulll&o~. I:lb. era! reward. P. O. bos 53, Palmyra, N. J.

$24 17 15.050 00 1,600 00

400 00 8974

Pensauken Tribe on Thursday evening. D ••• lOckbolden.. . $16,.6~ ·55 ---=-----------------_--- t--------------.:.....--------Borrowal mone)', . . 1,600 00

Public tale or bou.tebold ~, e&c.. at reaideoee 00 Leeooe1 neDUe, below 4th ILreet 00 Saturday, February 27th. Sale

. to co~menee It ooe o'clock. L Beyer' 1.luro,., •. lei.. 2 20 If )1r. C. H. Crow.lI, of O.r&.ld ....

Dues paid in advanct. 11 36

$li,163911 $17,16391

VALUE OF SERIES. The Palmyra BuUdioK .011 Loau ~ f & .

dation.illiaaue. new teritl or Itoek on noe iI tbe bappy owner 0 a De V.u.UK ,~._ .. v." ••

AN Enviable reputation we have established by earnest endeavor to build a trade, ~e largest and strongest in this section and we congratulate ourselves on the remarkable results we have achieved and are proud

tact that we h~ve not been humiliated by the necessity of an . . the dm. Monday eveoioR io March. bOM. s..::::.. Evert dollarinveeted helpilOwe ODe Mr. CbaL 8. AtkiDJOD aleod. tol----I===!--==::,,:...:==+==:..:::+-::-:-:=-=+-::-:-'::-,:-::;:-7 APOLOGY to bOlld It hom~ .• .o\pplic:atiool ror build oa bi. fiae lot ou Lecoa~1 a~..... $18 00 $78 00 $8,190 .00 .... . -:. . caD. DO" be left.wittl the .eeretary, '" . 12 61 60 61 ° 010 57 Temple. No premioms dedoeted (rom uue, .bove Filtb, ia the bpnu&,. ....- .. --. ... \ . I..... 2 :!) If ·M,. Wm. B.IIl.w ..... d dau~bter. 7 98 ~ g~ 1.077 51 anyone. for. !'a'!ing olf~ 'for -~~ 'io9<ls' of an inferior quality.

WLOted,. good F.rmer. Esperienoed 101 ... D .. id Steelmaa, .ili"" lb." "" ~ ~; 13 17 i:~~ :. w.e·have O!>l ma<le mUCh no~ ij>outJ~ bul ha,ve been 0/1 a sOrt of still Tracker 10 "ork • Form on Sbare. Ilti ... iu Bri.lOl. 1'" Ibil week. hunt for,trade;. labOri"l: diljgejj!1,Y all ~e while .to obtain good5 ' tliat Stock Ind Implemeotl 00 the place. 1~~~~~ __ ~ ____ !. __ ~!_~_.1-:~,,-;·5~8~ __ =!!"':i.~~1~~~~~~ I .. ~. b1' th b .. th· Call e,'eniop or Suoday, A. LaUKh, Tbe revort of the P.lmlra Duildial P ease 'Our ~ustom~.~ reasona e pnces. ere y. gaming elr HI,hland anODe. &lm7rL 2,13/92,tr. IDII Loan llIOciltioO it pubJiltoed iD confidence and patrOnage of the public,.and to our increasing effor4 in

Wanted to reot 10 room hoUle, modenl tbit iuue. If, iadicalel careful W.D- the interest ~r the trade in general o.ur success is . . coovenieo\.'e with atabl.. Addre. Bo:r IgtmeaL

547 Palmyra: Mi .. Ellie Leedom, MiM Katie HiIlll1i:::;~:.;;;;:r~;;.;:::;r;;;;;:~:J.;;~:;:~~~;:;-~~ For reot or ror .. Ie, un eMY Plfulent', .ud Mr. WID. P. HIli, af !tuin. Judge, etc. ia eo erSt '~t the 7 room houae 011 Penns)'l\'Ima ."e., n ·· I.wI_ ro ..•• Pa., we- "iliUn" lib " b . Pal R. L T Ie Q uc: .... vu ." e eap w eo 8y are out lD I 8 murolul W~;..;~~ (tdh ~I~!:I Chll. LilJlJiDcoti, tbi. week. MOD. thel are milLUen .or the 'UD, aDd. io a bl'U)ch ItOre ror tile .. 1~ or rmll Mr. and Mrr. Juaeph Morxan aDd tbe eveniD, for the elet."tric Ii,ht-. oy.lel1l.Dd 6sh in Ule tipayd bl1i1dinlt. Mi. Hauuab MUfKlD, bave returned nr."h,pl J08I~ under Uotehti.' ItDre. Ordetl Ilke'l huwe tium au exteDded trip, t.o Ne. _ _ _ •••• _ _ _ .nd delivered. 1)80. W. Dinl. Y(.rk, Niagara FaU., and Canala. Y. If. C. A.

To let,dwelliDg No. J5 ,,'est BrOld SI. 'd 101" .n._._ S rooUlS. Enquire St.&ger·. pharmlley. II The SigD wbich 10 mlDy real enLi eo I meebog to-morrotr ancn.WIII

. ' DUE

Nor are we yet satisfied with Ihe begining of the present year. ha.e gathered new strength and are prepared to show you a larger and stronger and in every way better line of goods.

Sour KrouL at SimpMlI's, wee' l1roatl ~miaaoy anuue objected to, a' • . Hi. ShQl't.ialka,lpithed .treet. J.2S,t( hu bee:li'"'pt'aeaJ ilulide of tbe buildial Come, _" free. . YOU

DON'T FORGFT THIS: That Out Price8 prevail at our Stores.

Ol2Dage Mannalade, .. the" best, 15c Jar. Robertson's Jams. genuine Scotch, 20C Jar. l'otted Ham and Tongue. Libby's, 'Sc Con. White Fish (try them), !)C, 3 can for 25c. If you wish something "Extra" try a can of" Salmon

Cutlets," 22c. Patronize ho~e industry and buy a package or Ameri­

can Gelatine, 12C pa<:ka~e. Conned Ox Tail and Mock Turtle Soup.

And more too at

JOS. M. ROBERTS, Staple and Fancy Groceries,

Palmyra and Riverton, N. J. To '" R,' v'~-n Iwo fine 8 liue. ~~::ilf;lIIl;::~!i':' Re •• J. B B.ulcblnlOD 1'" • m .. 1 Will fi d't I I .. d . . W • . . a..-;:.. IC-I..... • .. .... -II .. t taiL 1 .. 1 .n.",uoo. n large y to your a van . . tage to VISit us. e are ID. a position b~ on Main ILreeL 8 Mn. Geu. Taylur, aad 100, of Cin· ~....... alloC d ood Th d b ha b boueeoo Thorn .. a,'enue. olluiDftIU anuue, wenL to New York Subject. "Let yoar Ugb ... hh.e. to q you great g . ere JS no ou t w tever a out It. ____________________________ _ 8ne uroperties aml buildiujt 'r _ .1 I". • • f I 8pocia1 eel". CIb. Loon! f ... - 'l6TT T Tl\T[luy GOODS t S d' N Buil in Ri •• rtonond p.lmyra. ". ou burou'y, ,or • " .. , 0 .... ra !II ,0 .... 0...... .IILI.J..oLI.U.1L1Ll1 . a pay s ew w

&00. Ri,ertoo.N.J. . w~k,. ~d. Moudal e.eoiDg at 8 Q·clock. THORNTON C HIRES For Renl. Columbil .-\ve.,,"d W.lIaN!' Mr. A. R. Wanll~ ha.:. gino the Impol1aDt~buaiDM. · . mg' Palmyra

i room', hot or cold water, S16: It L coulract fur bil new bootee. wbicb i, to . EYe..,. ,oual mau ia.yfLed &u joio " " Temple, )Iurlppl. Rral E.tate and (OIU- be built at Firth Iud \(orcln ueoutl. pb,a; Maiuj J~~klf.:~:::~r~ the UI ociltioo. Duel witb all print.. 115 W IROAO ST PAl.lRA II J 1 beg leave to inform my p' atrons that my beautiful stoc .. • 0 .... p.lmyra, ", LuilJ" J"'.ph B;'hop. SA·EBearli

l .Yd' H •. wk'~ 1_ 1200 per y"r iD ad .. D... ..,' • •

F.male help "0,, ... 1 ., 0 ..... Ilrua.. • • .D of ribbons are purchased Irom . the best and largest ribbo!! W .. ,P ·'my". The. Y'I·n~·1 t ..... ~' .. h·

llianS" wd

ill d.·lpb·,·.; Mr. J Th .... n .. 1 "'.r,rtoC.wlo.rk iDIIbN.w App oa hI·' g L t ~ house in Philadelphia, and after many years of e.xperience ill }o'or _Ie. Rivertnn. A ,:oIY 12 mOil! IUt"t-t IU t Ie .:.. C lure uu uu a,. Jack frum Cam.jen ; o--nel I:JOWI ""-'CIA loa. w a r c n en I

I.ou .. Ho".ttI ~I., nt"xl EpiMlOpall:Sllnd.y ~v' uillg It 6.30. Mr. Heur, Bou .. 11 Mr. H. -M.~ui" aDd olewbenbil. lit 8787 (au iacteSlle uf" ' . . Millinery work I feel myse f compt:tent to select this stock for "'hOO!. Term .... y. 1,,'I"ire.orH ..... nl II t... 1 I d 1000 over lUI lear) 10 ...natioOl the increasing needs of my lady friends. The large amount \J Parry. Rh·erfnn. WI I It: ~a cr. ~vjrl, j A enn Helton b . b 'Id' Th I f h

IV P I I d f '~' I .... ow. I elr "W. u, "'1'. • Iota brl ••• pr"mi.'.lly forwo. "lib. n ... tion of 61b. W. f .. 1 .ure r,'bbons I have sold during the holidays is proo t at my stoe': "".".1 <I".,. Ilu! I,"'" 11&· ... r IUl.u~t:r Gc". T. I'ik~. uf cot Ii wyra, I~ .Arruoo j ram &on: I r' r b . " , ~ ' r bib B '1 d Huol COlt u tqqlrmeut 0 t e "arIOu. UIO- that iD tbe IiDe thlt w ' earry we cau lurailb IOUlethiu" .uitable GOOD .t Rive.rton is .. IUp"rinr ,,·orkman. GI\'t" beeo IJtfO:I iug wilb I car uuc e IIU I ~ .rDI y an . eiltiuol tn.. '418,900. Tbere are S8 e.

bim • tri .. 1. J:)Itimatt:tl (linliMh&t. Win· bad: uf hil na·k. aud aul able to ·,t- Tbe hell will be ruDI fur the daily tu the tute of every coolumu. The 1OQCi. that we offer ia thll. duw Ihldea, tlprill~ ... "IIt:f'a 5Qc. ikuJ lu hll' Ol."Cupatiou. (.;enten eer"ioes at Cbrill Cbore m.liol roolDl, 18 gylUnlliuml, S8 N' u iu all other IiDet, be it rememberetl, an all uf g, .. araateed

For real, tW'17 room hobkdon {'innl' M" 1. __ 1... h If b 1._1' ucaUonl1 olauN, (; library IOCitCle.. qualitl, wbile the prieta will compare favorabl, with tbOM miDMtD ueoue. S minnlea' wlillt (,.,UI Tb~ Whit Pahuyrli" LNIUU UAII un:.U Palmvra, a au our UClure 10 collegN aOll IChuul.: bate i.IiOeii:- foaod elllwben, for good. or equal qualit,. IItalion. Frank While. Palmyra. '~llilluel.H1 lIudt-r the .. .... of .erviCl'. auJ ~ill imTfl~Ii·ldlely e- (iuuI. wi b 8 &8 mtmbc,.. The rail. Indeed th~n it aothiaR tb.t we e.ajoy more than a ~uare Ut

I Yuuu" PC'I'lllt:ll Alli.uletui. w~k .ud tb~ lervice bt"KIOI. be 0 arrang roo>' baa 7"· d d f od d d Ib .... For Sale, 8ne lot, fiO:r 150 un a.IHell • b I S WI r-'toW au aD owo 0 go I,AD priC~lI,aD me ad.,wit .. enue nt"lr SI,riOIt (iarlleu Iln>t!t. IlUlllia II .. IIt;t"II vt:r, .uCCl"t:lful. meut bo"~nr, "it "P" to ua· 12 lImCIation. ban acorded til the ~me in compt:titioo. lide. cheap. Appl)" til Ho.·ard Parry. Mr. E. U. Cullum .al llk~D dly ~ill be e .atiDuecl. Tb~ follutriAI demand ur 'he "ort &mODI boli we bave:

Auy nne ,,·itlhi .. ~ Mt'pf')tt!" t"n.~~ or ou~ly ill. While ia PbiladeJpbia t. • lilt uf the LJatea ..:rvICfll: Aa end',wmeat (und .r 170,600 it iD IJI[jL(ltK:mLE~~~;il;;~~; 1,.t ISc. per lb. Tbe. 6ah Ire large. "'PJlI~ 1 .. 11 011 Cll.lU~ the \.Iull·her 116 Sllunl&\" but i. OOW cuuultflin Alh no.eIIi'uu of the ."';uua UIOciatiuliL~ W. Broad Itreel, lUi h~ i. the 0 111)" Ollr • b r b ',i".'I'.1 'rb···.- .,'. ubd.r . . th .. t bandl" IL ll h .. th., Iyluplt , U I. luan, .' .'" mu.eb .ItJaller t.hao the former, but for

For renL-B room hntlRi 3!!) Be:rkl~y M·. .', Bjt!r .ud !tn. cbueafaltripo( Ja.odoo tbeir aiu.. fat 15e. Ib. Ave. Apply to E. A. Meqar 4UI and 11K', ku ... "a to of ..... ·," l'SI'\ EHra. No 2, at lit. CiDnaminl!OD. llI.rried .t p. m. 'a1iillir to &hOle ia Soo_ Kaokeftl, ~ 16e. per caD.

Korril Hellon. plain .nd .h1'Orative enaing. aad add...... • p. ~ ' .... -loeaD., Ha~' too well koowa to Deed comment, 18c eao. u:r:r b .... r, Foorth and 1I"rac:e .ve H £Y8otol Prayer and \V d' . Ib .. _ .... 01... D_JIIood 80 Cu I 'all "_. Ib C • , L D_. I ',u .. > .rry Frld.YL-L1··-y, 10 •. m. • .. ,'" to _ _ ... • mnn I ell. "pee' 1 rwe, wor 1 0 .pp ..... Pa (llyn. OnJera by mail LlrlllUptly at- '. ~1 r e au I ...... . •

teDde4l to. 10 17 tr .hut I mltcb at cia, ptg."al - EveoiDI £rarer re.d1aa, their cootiuued fAtI_ elation, 2Oc. caa. . Legiop, aboolder capel, kut"e CllJI!", 220d It tbe W.t End but Holf Week. - n::r, Morulol in belpiDI tQ IUIwiu .bat BU ...... Of Brand, a .tried, QnL-d ... bfUad,aotlO "ell koowu

tafanta' .... oquea. ladi.' aud_ ':hild,.~'1 di'l'la,ed lUucb markmaolhip. ;!vlof:lrdi1 ':1': !nAO ~~ to be • nI'JC lbi~~I- .o~ u H~ and puhaPl uot quite 10 fiDe, but ea::celleat all the

C&pa. etc., koiL &0 order. 520 Cu,namlll' uer broke niae aad BeyerlitD two. m . Frida,. J(OrulD, Prayer, 9 L m. IDUDg mep .o II: y OlDttl . lUDe,l50. per CIa. 800 anone. 10100. W: DIYia, of Bi~ertoa. tiediiattoDit 12m. &0 S po m. Euler Day. wblt bu betu done fu~ them. Tbfa we ban a braud that iI Sm.-rate TalO', ror Ole mODel,

1AtI ror .le, lin 50 z. 150b loadia" or the ca"rvn -Holy Communlon 7:11) L DI..., )foroina aumben co.,lftft~ _0 the, at me. per caa. • 160. Nicely located lOOt .• ~ Prayer, 8enaoa. and Hoi, Communion. weekly to _pt lb·e '.yariOUI Smoked Salmou Steak ill aD ea.-tal ' IUUfy, ud thOle wbo -_ ...... Palmyra atatioo. Tenna rea· OQ tbe ludiaal. whicb .tart- 1 Cblld' F-' al 3 p. m r-- I' I a. m, · ..,.. -'. . ' leges·.bylb. ~Iioo. e .. 'PP""'iaIe. &nt-cl ... article of Ibiro kill1 would do ".11 to IOll4ble.. Apply &0 owoer OD the prelol. i:!d fOI Ru.i. oa Mumla, to re. Ine E,eolog Pray.r and SlrmoD, 7.30 p. m. feel tbat what bu' u.....o dODe ud . 1<7 it. 26c. per Ib. ... Albert Walllr.f'. 1010 tr the liinK fW'f'ple.. """Ii'"

b ~ I ~I 11. t' GI ' • iI bei"¥ dOD. will uoi be • tala eJiOrl, LOBSTBB 0 the hi,bal pad,. 200. per ... . AulO arpa or "R'" ... . 06:;n, Tbe ... ·elion lIoanJ of .Ieotio. diO. THBY 8AY- aDd Cor 1b ....... 1 ouil.y• --' .. alII a ... ,,--1 .. =.140. per ...... , Ameri .... iD oil. 7e ... > n.. _ ."

Tbomu a"eooe, lverloll, 'r',e' No.1. w,'11 -- .. t Mo-n ball, I L b a- JiiIIrA"a&I.M"~ • gw.. ...... W ba . Ih ~. - '0- Th.1 Ib,.. _Ie marA.I eN "ill accnt.. . . .. eaD • .... i. mnalard 9 .. per .... Am.rI... .piood 90 the ~arkY:L L.rve TuNd.y, Marcb ht from 10 .. m. to i. doll: . Monda, F~b. 29da it the 1M, :.n."" " aad dirt. Otl"r Ii... 9 p. m. for lb. pUf\M* of Tbal .Iectrie Ioghll "'" need .. 1 to we b ... p",.ioua to maklDg Ib, BLOATERS.-La,.., fat .moked berrln,,3 Cnr IDe. CM quality. Nllw is the vot~n Iud correctiug tbe boom the &U.D. pllmea.t 00 the lot ooraer BroAd lAd btning, g. top bo.l:. Hie. in lour winLer coal. Leave Portrai .. ufWa-tbinK'uu, ''''-'1 lb. -.ple are nry .10. iD Garfield •• Bllue.' ,' 11 mooiee lubeoibed ·Cod:ab, 80 lb. o.alda A ltead. Thow .. Broa.. oud AbL' II. b ... been added • U r-&oD. u. Tb tbe maUen of impronmeDII. qould be in tile bipda ut the lNMunr. H K READ

J_pb 1.. LiLln .. J"·,,·c. .'etf~,.onioll club rooml. ey D T 8 II Ib . • - Tbal .. plel ''''. needed.1 . • 10'" •• at at Um.. . Comm .. ioller of Deeda. lIe.rl, 50 wemben nuw. 'Ippan,tu,. lIC]iDD"'11Ii1l1oD anaue cra.wg. Tbe Dew •• • . Real F.tate AJi!nt. Hcmees A miltake WII iu quotiug aDd otbercolierti,lIl!l., Box price uf buuer iD Steelmau', ... ;;.. .. U Ibe .,.;01 .ilI be Dyer, Marcb urind aad i. :,~~:~~:S?:~:.

· Ottlf!rw receh'ell ror coal in rar 10&11 IIllvrrti.meut III.t week. He lbe Aew jUltice of the pek'!: We DOW han u lolA. Mottoo.\; Italnee., Plrry P.O .• N. J. lJrlt IKrmen' bult.r for S8c. iDlte&d partmeat u aoy

t8OO, fiOO and '1000 to 10111 on r. Q tbe Y . . M, C. A. :~u~.i:~~~o'~I:i:.':~~~'~; -

~'r."" AI... inlUranl~ ... inst (I '10-'. , - ill uaefullo .. ID =:..:l 81ft, turn.,loes .Dd C'yelollf'tl li'rederict Nicholl, wbo w .. iaGrwt-cl .. coml"ni-. R.I_ Ten!' IL tl.l~ .tatino, w .. reruoY..wJ, CO wbere our · YOUDg meo

~. mo~ real elt&te iD.urant!e. b"lflilal by atl"ice IIf Dr. Mare,. Iheir leilure boun. .

:!~. T. Uleun, If!ACber or pianu. Iben t'tery iadicatioa Lbat all hit :£~~U:.~~il~ed a S~~ 8eoator orpn and vocal mllllic, Thom .. In~n ll' wbich ... uot Cl'U!'bed ... ilI be RI'ertou. Mi. Wm. R. LippiD",," of. bridll" bel" ...

IL 1.. Temple. Cowwi.ioner Mr. Eooch EftD •• of W,~6~dl;1 (Maden. Deed&. I>eeda IUd mortJcaif'l care(ully wenL 1.0 WubiDpoa, GO Wed~1' eicitlmeot iac:i<\'lDt

· draWD. willi til' 'memben of the Philadelphia p",j,leuioal eampaip it I I

Dr. Cbaa. Voorhil, Surpln !>entiat, Proclure Escba.op. oa their fourth pared w the comial ooatfilL for w C. T U Foorth MOI]£aD .venue., Palmyra. luuu.1 e.l:curaioo. of tbe pe&re. .' • •

Jc.pb H. GetL" rrep .. red &0 do TI'"I the Olluutry cC)IIliOll"t!lIL Irt The meetiDli iaaYe been mure ~W laadacor tEfofdeniDI. ",dID" rurni,h· Cblrlta StarD, the Pl'fIIIIlt keeper of "'- h held t th h aIM of Lbe d ffer. 1111 a.a _tUDI' oat fruit, ahade aDd tbe Surrel Bone Hotel, UDeota to lookiul after tht:ir inti r~lI, ... · hil~ tb. .. eo a e 0 I onwnental tteel : alllO botIN .nd carta lUu.e iato Ellil Baker', hlJU.le, OQ welt who I*Y we bulk. of Uae LIZ. IA aat- eDt members. but it bu beta &boopt 10 bire aad movloK' to and hom the Bruarl lU.I, nut week. Smith. the idied witb the l,.,ial'- belt 10 han aU the ~liD~ at the ell . roo.... Tho _t metll.K baiac ....

y. ~"'pti'lor oflb. botel "ill Ilk. ob.,.. .Th.t .... ral lad, .. oC UD..... ill the mo.,b. will be • baaia. J. E. BrUer, b "L ta b'n~:;:.iid~:I~:o~~!;;:::1 WiAdo ... iliad. Irc » aD lie aad aU are urjed to aueud,

lAcoIl.y •• auoe Duo'1 be fouled by lb. y.... Tb, kno.· "b.t work tb. A. Paul Rohnna.o, watchmaker bnaul .. Ie of aboee at ... Aot

.ieweler, 6ab and Cionamia.:Nl IItOrel. It it oDly a trick. airl •• l'a!myra, N. J. for i ....... , U .h_ Tbat lOW • . meeliDg will be held

If,ou in the .b~r ... t' Cooke felll u:act" Tueldal. Man:b 8 h. aDd tha' liDe .b .. jUt '2. aDd dO dowa wa.u wba il iuttn'lteLI iu

Bt HI e tu at:eod the mi. Ri"ertoA will be there ,. H.(~ ... Uall. DU' opproprialiu .. tb.1 .iIll ~zr;::~~1 10 ODDI,der bow heal =.aa .ODd btlp i~.1 lo ourtoWM, w. pay. Th. 'l1o&t lit. auMmhw .. Buildia& ODd road qllOllloaa AaaaI otJoa. ~ _ of the iafea& til.lOII. CDDd_tUd ..... tioaa ill .... .'l1~!'I'. '!!!

Mr 0., F. Stackbnu... HOOIIDII".... bald .... .,. ptie aud .dive ... mber .. _iaK ia ~b aaoolh lIl.rli., &; Co., ... 1 biro IobC/OI bo .... aDd Dtlaware anuoe, an dw aauaal coladitioo of the I." .... ka pl_u", j •• ot 10 ALIODllij mark. "ill be ",ported ODd <.:i'y. Bal~.h'",.· W .. hing..... .... pri_ bed.1 lb. LOW. _.11'1.1 ",~cio,,!,

7'-1., \oak .. good hnad. !:!elm •• AI.bamL Taolday Harob 8Ih. ~~~H;;I;fi1~~~~~ -... attand aad ... Ib, ~o~~~,: Go to TroIh &; Co- fnr """'kery or Re •• J. F. !!<'P.rill • ." former f .... 1 beaob .... IiDg iO lamp gooda. lor or ,b. M. lial obitUry nod 01 • a.iDI.· ....... plekla .... ~eliei"u.. Hon~! That • oontral Pe.-In.ia AI BI .. '. t iOI i. .... -,

. He baa • arand "'I,Ii .. to • prota OD _0\ lIipa L. J-. of Newark. Del. • ., MilllO.. . ri.ia, ..... Ihaa • puoi., DOli .. of

lilt ... of Hn. M. W. Wiabam. Loo_ _-'_, .... death aDd burlaf oC • -iDOll' KIll 8uie BrowD it ,iaitioa bt'r ucaI GOD~. ID&D of Lb. ton i •• bicb. r-~j-ill b

....... lin. R. O. Mnnil OG Broad 8L Th. Imr", .. mtDl A-aiatioa ... • lb. Ceo ..... Baptilt Clourob will _ by -JUlio we DOD .y." ..

IIr. Gao. Biaopaoa - i. A~lauliloio. Wedaeod.y e_i.a.llarch 2d.1Il wilb. maio wb .. u"",bel wllb my tIoiI _k. OD huain-. ttoO ... idaace oC IIr. Wiabam. Foanto troubl. nadily ..... biro lite. Kia

00 ... r.u to JI& • link. OD,I H ....... _... A full auead. ..ry _kG. eaal ... pity.l!ut ..... Old Folka o.-.t, IIarob 101l0. __ oC lbo _ban ""I._oiled. Baal- "bo doIibantal'y riel! after weak ODd . lIr. EoIwia s-J~ ~ 'IfIf1 aiok _ of imJlOl1a_. iaC\odiaa arIop- r- after ,ear poioloDa bl..!f willt lola ~OD LoCoaoy ._... Iioa ora ooallitotioa. bad wlolaloty.1!Ilioda lola ... ,,*- ODd

1 __ biro, ill atniPteaed ciJo. W"Io;l.1!r*& natriea. ,.\1 liD. Tho .-maaity .... ::t:"~lil::I"'-_ uri iro ............

0lil, &iioIIoiio - ' - . priroHI to ...... 01 tho • M baa DO o\abu &or ~~i.~~~ · Mr.:I'_ 1!Wtw .. '. J!III'" .... On I"d r ~ ........ i.1'"

oIoiId iii ,,1IIto aWL • A~ Uicb dowDriPt I, .... IOOIIU .....

~ &.1,-'" 22ad at 1IoW...... ilia 1Il0l&-

~• -. Tloa --:'I •• lilt III _ 01

. • fol .. ~ 8rjuI .. l 8ft. 'i! ~r. t..'" ... .., • .\\" ". 6owilo~_.... _..,WW ...... ....


IL will be to )"Our iollred to call oa


Fine Grooeries, Frujts and ProVisions, Teas, Coffees,

Spices, Etc., also' Choice Butters and ' Fresh COunt

try 'Eggs always on hand.

iIot .thelow­~n~esare

I to sell u low lO_Si~.and·~ g~antee my fresh-.d ofbetrt; ·quality. .

H sown' EN" .. H. TltOIPSOI, . " CARPENTER,

&_10 T. H. Boll_Md,

Haipes, """'* I!I IIIIoDd \0

· ... ita III ... 01' _11 ,,_titl& .Ol ..... ..u.

Pala".. M. J.

"o.::~" ~.";I;.cuLr.r. · : . \ . ~

o. BrorioI. baiow ~ -. adJoI.u. --walla" __ .. 0I0rt.

FRESlI MEATS. ~ _ aa4M1_ .... ""'7 . t!aT_~.

lM[RS. JY.I:. F. SPAYD. Broad St., ol!posite Station, Palmyra, N. }.

P. B.-W. are doaia, out oat $1 kIt hata a' 5Oe.

JOHN E. MORTON [Formerly nr Phihtdelflhia.l


0111« aHd .H~I.lence,19 Wel4t Broafl Street,



VONDERSMITH, 523 Cino'lIIiDMID A\"t"nlle, Pahllynt, N. J.

Oabinets, '2.00 per Dozen.

E. W. STAGER, '1.8 'VV. Broad Street, Pabnyra, N. J ••


DRUGS, MEDICINE~ AND CHEMICALS, Fan~ & Toilet Articles, Sponges, Brushes, Perfumery, &c.

CMlco Do_ """ I ... porkd &t/GN. Pk~ ~pUODI ..,..rllllr oo.poa~, • nd orden &111-.. ...,... with CAN

aDd ciJIpa&oL bar I&ook or lledlcinn '- f'lOlIIplN, _&rrUte'l "'.'''' • • aDd 01 Lbe t.t q uflly.

Soda 'W'ater, Choice Flavo ....

Paul 'Wolfschmidt, Who has had 8 years experience as ""rber in Phil.delphia. has taken

. the building fonnerty occupied by W. S. Moore, adjoining Morgan Hall, whe... Genllemen, Ladi.. .nd

Children will receive careful attention in all branches of •




Oriroa ~ ~ ... ~i,


- ... -ROAD BOILllINQ, al a Ia,.. ~ il ..... 14 be proper EUROP!AH TUTOTALIIIL

;.B7 J ..... 0W"a:Jr. &0 dtdaol t.b_ COGDtiII ttolll &be • ~ . ......... r~::~~:1 I_I: abo.. ~ DodIlCllq Ibtre- .... 01:1{ DI I .... - .., -

r..,,;, \he upeacli\are of 16 Ala -' fiir 0aQ\ I' !( •

. \"bile the top ~tiDloCllCl'e.liDgl ~.aabiPl_ iD tOe. 0CMlDd. &IIWQD~ .... otbt rl he UqQCft" ...... ak dulDI&: ~Ia lb., .rau 11,1 .I~,"""" 11 van dilirable, .. beN ...-.. ;::1 101 10 12S8,388, WI ba .. I wi<III1 cI%c1IIaIo4 OIl Il1o OOD_ . 1t LL. "!" uf l.t .... "'I'", ,h#ll . 'l!J .... i. deol'rabl. I &bink II "';'b;"d ~peadlta ... ofls( toWDlhlpo ..... D'- ==- - Il1o Zaricb ~ - 10Wo. . Wi" I'.'»~.I.IMI/II' ".w, -

tn. to ... 000 fOr the relt of the 0-....... , IM~ u.- .. GU..III In "'f • .. Ill" I,... &n ni. with, for if it i • ..-ible to repair -' tr "w _. ',DT for NV,*,,- aad d~trued \n •• tie ~~.:r.t h ."" rood. bl "" .. riDg &bem wilb a coatiDl~'" -'! 11> .... ara aboul ~ Io"D' _ ~-- folio '" _ . cIa...L'

_I ahil'lll ouutde the awe ooaatia IHD- 1._- 1ft ~ 1\ ... ....,. 1. _IICI. ",mk iii j. oj three iDebea, and thtID IVIUua it . r-.. • .. qUIdaD. ,.. beeIl .. , , - tor CIILI you ,i,,11 th .. liot, ,"u ","1 rroperl' aad ""..nag i ... ilb loam I "ODed, th .. """)d,JlIn .. aa upead~ pobIIo ~.-~ __ 01 - b' I ' flee Don..oowb,Dewroadicu DOt UJre.orM60.~ 1D 0Itt ~ for the -=::a: v-. tf 1M _ :01 I I If""" ttl la the .'1 "If. • MUalC AT VATU' he foisbed off" in the aiDe wa1. It ftP!'"'r ~ IIWO,",IDC8 of thtlr roadI, Co: ~ ao. .. ~ 10uo __ ~,"D .orl h,Y". ~ tWe UI ~.a TIlere is "music at Yates I,

nonuira a certaio amHot ottranlto wblcb 10 \K Jftflll would amooot • .-iaaI~ 1Il 1M ClClllDaot.&- baYe chlldr."., .... ""we ¥rO&~1l1 ·~bd. ~Ily in the 0 ' ._., th or ,,,610 000 eoou bVt _oI.daiI ~.o ...... a • .th'II. ~'ou "'"t t·'~I!."rn reel· -r-- . _ . vercoat naa~e i' a lu~l npai~ ~e aad I:':C-d.miae.;'" &be ~ Del ..... I ";;;;;-~ Sa ba- tax In th," stI't t!1. alii Ii · D; ill &Iw Room amI ChIldren's Depart· ::;nr::c;e:: :od their :d~~: t.,:! 600 per !Dile.1.SOO .mil. of. ""._I~ 8t:'-oI'" abo". .,. I"lltor, druuk : tlu ill.tct"Ot .\n. d. ooL. Dient: The constant hum of 10 indoraemeot of the method. aad repair 3,000 aul. ,of panmeat ~ dM ~ \baa: an wroaaht TbOlle fll , •• u .b~ ... Yc Li.. 6usiness gives a snap and a

T" 'ol·tpro/i.dly,bowe-•• atlerlb. f.r . ... y. ears. 10 mak. log alupa"'" tau..orpDIoItM~bJU.oftr. ftM& •. r)UU lI·ttt'ltf""'r th hI' bl'sh u .~ , 6 aJ ( th I f ell )IIatI4 aDd tree _ ol ncb. b; •• ~ chiMrrll . Ir Ih ...... all ... ".. go to e woe esta I ment

top stone il", ltd and the coatiog of Cl ",lImate 0 e mi. 0 roa b~ .... .. occa- t"t .irn~1Ith,", rnu1d u .t The Choice of lnana .. · aJlO rolled. let the traftl come t.b~ Stale 1 5nd ~ey ru!1 .bcMlt &ft, .... --... b 01

I •.. •.. .. L lb 202 - 1 a ~ u.t .lhmk, ~ ru~u wb.,. ~ season is-upon our '~Ible:s--v,e I ril(ht 00. Tbis m"eI ruLl and (ur- m~ • ..,. "'~D_lp. au WI • to!D·..., ~ KiD to l ~ 1'11"1 wbi('b a npeated rollinl will reo , bl" there ,!dl b. I.bout ~O,OOO mile. aDd ~ u.. .ne rum .. 101 aI-~1 tfruuk. l'l.n:: iu our rely to advance our reputation. mun. uullet thill be kept up t.illthe of ~d to Improft ouUide tbe 6ft ::-mei 'iM.-1Ik:be. u4 10WII. \\'e ~lnfW' .,,:1 ~,a. }u\w:l1all The moderate pricc:sof course:: lu rtlce i, coQlOlidated. The rol. couoUea. . . ... cIeari1 GDden&oocl II tPe." Ur ILlI'h, .• '" ~ It r rl',:. ! n~ '11 ha h ' I"r nerd uot be kant iD oDe .ftnf all the The IUUII. u~.~.- .o( the .. at aloobol U\lch: perha.. ~-= "Uo.I 11111 WI ve. t elr say •

...,... -r- .. I !_.JI lb _ .J.t ____ aII4 .. f'he wumt'll IUld h " .. r II'" II linn!". let it go .bead ud roll .. uew 1a_ler, to aa,lU~, II ." ... t • -~ • 'r (a-&:ilOOO lib tbem, briociAI .. U"" bu~illt'U.· .,., i ,ill" ... ha t f.iec.."e; come and Imootb off' ao (lId ~n11 «) , per aao.m .. Draco- b:od'~ot tM duiD«; wb" ill it :ha' Mldcl'll It piece.aud 80 back.,.rda aDd for.ard., lIcall, ch!OWIl . a.a1· Rnada chat 'ftecloterelatioDol tl.1! ...... 1 II w ·W.ulI ",i'h' )ltill. however, prograaiog I"t"gUlarly baft bcea 10 ez .. teooe 60 or eftO 100 ,.. to tM.,au .ot~e" are he..r.. hrukau ao.l tllrwaru. 1f'U"11, han laad eoougb mooe, .peat

\,' I,en you ba,. arrind at. this un Lhem to put t.bem.aDd =s.~em .... ~ dUll IIU9io.:. aud I.f,) II • ., (ut tU~ S .1 _._.l. __ .l ~ to mate ttaelt Ibill':!u ea, ... d ~I. _lid .bele doe-

lteriod 01 your road'l ooDitruc,ioo the u~t"CI'" macaua~IMU JeI. L_ It'-'Deral idea is that that ill all, but 1 p~cucallytbe, are ID ,he .. 1OtI 000- '0. Glt'iIMf\' "Of) tn; "" ale H·u .. ,I,)' Wi.b '0 I&y bere n- em-1.. .... ically dIUOD. DOW U ,beD. P"'1'ar- " r Ih._ lime In Olfll~ wheu

'J...... W lb lb' c_ 1 l&u. .m ... .. b · '''I~ .. a·u.a iu lIut yet. A Dew road, like A Dew I fJI8. lew reID.,...... appre-wa'cb, waol. waLchiol and adjUJting bead m., proYl008. ~ l;Io~ mach -yra. But·Made l lotblDr in PbUadelpbtk. to get it inLo a Dew permaDeDt abape, m~De1 II 10 be .... 1. bow It " 'C! ~ LiI& of ~1Dfi ur lh If' wb I Si¥8id I

A. C. YATES & CO. NOW O!'fL\·

aud (or tbe tiftt year it wuLlto be rai.ed . aad bow, wben .aod wbere '''It .. it! "f La i. W.llaCt"·: 1.----- - - - --.--I. .. ked .Iler with 10m ...... Rail ara Ioro "! 1peD~ it SD",!","I. 0':i, or ~i J:: ~:;:=.;' ~.' OUR PROPOSED Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. a,lt to lie formed, bol. may appear, P YIOce 0 !-D .eDa-Mer• ' WI Cbal'. Walten. F. J. }'rbDL..r, Illullbe!e abould be at ooct! altended dUOledm~rdIle ~Itn 1I··bbu· IdlDa1. ~ par.. ud Parry. A. V. " . .".." Dr, ":' I ..... :wau. In. h is \'err f'Uy, COItI nry liltlr, uo I kite. I o.t. e&crlpboo A.alQll Zluk. J .. ~ .. h )l"rpu, .:Imer hUI wbeu tbi. i. dUDe IOU will hue,l may call the ~dt'aJ lyat.em Wal1aee, Cluuh .. 1', y. c..1-=mbDI A.. U .... ",'II"t Wtl ,II waot aD,1 what thit meet. build log onunt,!' ra.da '0 COUDtry d.. W .... J.I. SI_,.1. Wnl. T. S .... ·U.II. Wm. R il'~ Ilurp0ae8-a good I'ClI.d. tric.. .. LlP,*,OOII, j. ». W,,1I4re. J ,hn I'. &u.

After tbto atUlia, aod adjusting hu . HavlDI got your D.u~ey 10 haDdl L~ . ul 1.I"m"!'l C ( II,·... .. hit . igm II takeu place .lul nerytbi.J& iI.tillfac- wltb a prospect uf a t'Ontlo~uu.J ! upplr t.h~ litf'tlflt u[J.(}Oojo&b \V .I·al:"': lory. a ruall built IS ht'requtlined will ofsucb a o~rul c:orumoottY.Ju,1 I~L Itl.:it rrom tbree to fin yean (or u"li- the community . IlflCIlle thor.,u~b tbell nary Nuntry tranl. I hue kDOWD a local o&i~ or though t.uwo .. ~i.OI. I""~mt'nt alwaY' io good cooditioQ to II they w .. la, .bat road. ther .IU 1m·

nm teu yPlMl without repair~. au.1 in prove. . my owu CJLI8 pa.rtI of the old Pomillou Thpo let .onl.e compett'Dt ~1lIl. an .... 1tIOI'IC an able &owttbataad. tL turupike, with (airl, beavy country b~rt road.~u,lcfer uf Dece.lty - I Sboald ,.. DOt Ii" maDe U .. 1ilee41O IranI, hall un repairs 00 them for fin ~Iou.t -I eoglpeer, but prefen.bly ID ... trieDdl ot h11l:Dl.Aity WhoCCXDpla1D

yt>an. ami wrre J."OOd at an lime.. ~ngmeer-tleeld~ uo 'h~ poeraJ char· tM& t.beit e«orta for the ftIICDe of i.D4nD Now I cowe to aoother featu~ uf actf'r tlr tbe improvement, gr .. II,... teduoed oatuna an broaBtU

I ho! mad qUt'ttiOD. which to lOy miDd linea ~lId ,Iraio·",. Thi, toao lUigbt til oaucht by the CCICIIII\Ult slortAcadoa I ~!'m'd!! j>! wore important thaD aU the uthen. be

b ~ tiLale oftl~r .I~r ~ couo

l I, o&tr ::-u.. ac:::'~ ==iD~.':a:

alllilbat i. tbeir repair. ulor a cerl»:IO uiltrict of arge arel IfIl ADd_oa1cl 'W'llDO&;TOaChIat8IOm1

Wbell the road taxee in tbit state ,., a'teod to. either a coulltr or eYeD ·'1 IIr.,.. &bt..u thM '- to Aoft fot sht)w tbat the I"tpair of ordioary earth two c:ountie,. . r.tnn puratioaa. U I,' '- true DOt otll, rU8tls It'Ct:pted fact, and mouey Thtl:n lei a .loraI supenD'eD.leot tI( Uaa&thedriU:ertnDlmillto&btdaDdU, if \'otfll therefor aU over the ltate. road .. be apPOIolN (or t,e .,... OCGItitu*kc aDd a ~ • .,. .. heu I pavemeDI is laid dow. lb ... wbo . ball be of K'!'oci _podIopooocI 10 all kiDda 01 maIadI ... ...... to be I 10,1 01 recogailOd feeling Ipl 10 I.earn, wbo II .... aIoo Ibr.I tile lijarioaA .. oc:II 01 01, Ibat . 'ben it is built. that i. tbe ;:J (lOIlt'd 10 tb.e proper eMoliDc:reMefn:a,mcnd=to ..... of it. Far from it. msd., atlll competeDt . to t:kml

Shoea wear out, wagool wear out, detail. with fJCOQO~1.. This, Ii WM DOC uti! oar 0W1l dall dW ahuOBt e\'er,thiDg wean out by OOQ' t~e brokj Ilto1d. II all the :~ ~: .=::a: IlInt llN. and .0 do roads. Kl that any e emeot wou ioject ioto • .,.. .... ntly .. to er..a. a ~ "C:~'~~.~:.;~'~~~~~~~@t~~ nrgallizatioo (urmed tor the COD.lnlo- ')'Item ... !MI!ving trdkl m Acll Hqaon .. tioo or roI.ll. iu aoy oommuoit11hould By (ar the 11.:;r;:'tO~ .. ~r .• ::~~:(: arUcleIot 4ai1yreqaedaza,oq the eaiin I:e coDlinued (or their tepeir. 10 re' COlt of th .. ill IJIIOIIk. Not until DOW hal the probMa pairiog road •• 1 want to depart. from of h~~ aDd meo. I'rwi,,. ,eo'D,1 ... 01. kiDd to toocb the wboleDatb tbe usually accepted doctrine. aod _y muol.ueI. b~n th.e.8 to ......" ol..puSte drc:l_ I T~~~DoR1r., Iion't patch. Tbe old practice and certalO UnHiI eaeily to be w • oanal,. to tM rl '" theory of keepin~ men 00 &b. road. aDd Ib.e la~r availabl ... ill be paGIIIo wIlD look .. lIbfallb for. bealtbJ [W'rpetuallv tiokenng and mendiul iA Ulualinteiligence and able t.u do M4 mar:ted deYelopmeDl" aDd-to IDCIIi wron: in principle &ad upeuUve in work and better tbaD .uch Ai ,.. woald "y, before 70D U. the fa.

liractice. q.uired iu thicily p.,pulated commuoi. tare, .. talare which JOD. tDow wW _ ...... aad ...... _ lIpOII

Ir • rood i. buill properly il.boul I II... . Il1o _";11. tile jadpleal &ad Il1o ael-wear uniform1" ud when iLl thick, At ~e proper &ad ~heapH' ttnUen ot manliod ADd DOW. )'OGDI nCil il 10 reduced that it it oeoe.ar1 wblch II geoerally, -. there ill prof!'e:r.s. to 7011. aD ac-oJ to re-cover il witb broken .toDe. Je' it ~m. haa) ~be lLoue (ur tItM, if aYliJed ot, DOt 0D1, CUl prGft. be dooe iD leCtiODI .. large u vou l!OOS. and let .It be .prnd 1m (we may pedict) will pron 1lDfaQ. plealle, (rom a mile to ooe-ball a mile. hoe ~f th.~ Improvement.. IncJTlDItnuzle:Dtal iD tbe~.whJc:II • nd il .bould be laid •• pnad .Dd brooklDg .. D~ • .let " 10 - for bliDdIJIc JDD 10 Il1o -rolled io tbeumemanouudercribed at the ~e ti~ Of ooune, .... oIactua1lile.farde1od!Dc 70D at

for the buildiDg. O(ooune it may be, (ouadatiou lloDe ~ aYailable. it :::=-ob:.!orto~,:.tol: •• d ond. ubledly will be. D-.j 10 bav. 10 be beugbllD lb ... me way lido _ to P'*allo caaI aiIoa. 10lI touch up I t.ra, place. that uoder pe- tbe broken ltoDe. . ... ooila of faecinldoa; ' it II aaoorded culiar cooditioDi are defectiye., Thme Let the teams hued (rom tbe aD caooei'fl.ble r-oomJDft1daHrm aDd .hould be lllended 10, bUI u a goD.ral ." pl~ugb Dal tb~ road,bed aDd paIoe: aI'b -br Il1o oopdouo &ad Ibo 1'1I·.ctice. 11&1 agaio, don't patch. all lu.uable ltooe 10 the road bed IDaperieDced Ii fa ea&eemed at doubl)

Garfield Avenue.


c.L.I: .......... LE AND G.RANITl~ WORKS Mar!,et and Eighth Street., Camdtn, N. J,

MODuIDents, Tomb'and Headslones, Gr.lnile and Morble Coping. and ~ouse· work neatly executed at Moderate P.rices. Estimates

furnished. Work cleaned anJ re-set

JQSEPH BISHOP, Tbe remark. 1 made about ecf'eeU- u~ 10 tb~ Dew. A pOI of a:aaerat.aa wortbi it II deriIecl to tUt

iugt. iu CODltrucUOD, are Ilill more apo blred. cootlouou.J, '? -do fn:a JOD. the capKity tor • cl1Ic:rtmi-I'licable 10 .. pairo. If you c&D alFord .ledJllDg aDd .pnadlog -.. tlIld I rd' .. 01 \be_ .1, put them 00; the1 make .. oice all the permaoeot (o~ o~ry. .... tile IMftIl. -em 100 beUen t.b.a' wadi but are upemive, u .. eo&tillg The mUit COItJy Item w.1I be uo. 1OGI' J'OUtb will CODquerf

eif:Fi~~~~~~~~~I ' C?'~'~!!\~~'~~LI'!:~A~ II~~~ ~~~~R 01 loam COlli 130 10 160 a mil •• nd a doubtedl, lb. ~rok ... IoDe, aad Ibit n will be .. OIly tuk 10 ponuo44 .... ling Dr oc .... iDgo 1300 10 "00. ID mOlI..- wll! hoy. In be boullhl :'.:.~ ~~ cC.t'!':

Tb. roregoiDIT ",marD apply. u by lb. '."n or c.b:. J~. d.Ii •• rod.t _ a __ Iedp 01 Ito du .... ~ will be aeeo, 001, to what is k:DOWO U th~ ltaUOOI 00 th~ dttfereat IiDea -.n Is the~... ADd 'r.lfon! aDd macadam roadoaad irall rallr."'do, Iben b.uled 10 Ih. Ii.. _m .. be ..... __ Ibe HCtioDi o( the State will have th.e Improge.ment, and ~he bauliDg "'ctirelr moden.te ........ who Ih ... kiDd of rood. lod ara .. lIIiDg 10 will be lb. ,"m that w,lI vary lb. ___ "'_ &ad dally IabI pay for Ibem, 10 mucb lb. better. y •• coot of rood. iD dill'~renl. I_Iitiet. bIa C ... 01_ at meaIa for Il1o _ the qu.tioo willarile wbether it may Trar rock qU&mel are lIeiog atpr.enio,rorlmpt"OYiDchiabeUth,1I Dot be wiler io certaio localit.itl &0 opeDt4 aU throu&h the ceatral .. error; for alD.'bItaDce Chat._~ use the materia" Dature (urnishes to the SLate IlDtl stoDe breaken Ul7 pofrrou •• UpoD t.Iae 1lD8O boud aDd try aad gel oI.Dg .. ilb 10 lb.1 Ib .. railroad I ... to III ......... If Il1o cI-. them. To Ufle it is ratber a delicate a s~1I Item . = -:.::"ot~ be 'COQIid. lUauer. u wedded II I am to lhflle b~,,~t COlt Will W. beIeec1tall tbc:.ewho haTe abean cI .. of road. 1 may be pl"tjudi~ ~uddlug fOall. far far &be future r4 mlnJrf""; all wbe agaiust aDY other kind, ,et 1 a~ will. he'l,. f'Z~pl where :-aLer. wa&da with IIfIDIiblUty tbI ... ing to admit that the gratel that is uavlgatluo a~ available. .... 0IXI!ict tha& 1DI.Il II "..t.rac fuuod Dear Pompton or lIate io Bu ... the Hudtou river lhp eo lent ioto ... OOIUlltiool ot ed ....... to 0IXDe It 1!U ",,"D'y .... k. good roade, yet lbey ulark •• IDd ""lOpe ... wilb the - oI4e: for Il10.- 01' iI. .- e&Il

• n Dol u gcod. and for ' a .... 11 po ... 1OUres. IIdImiph oaly by -plo1iDc Il1o mu!m. ti.n or lb. year ... peciolly iD early. Wb.D lb. trap rock "IIt_dl=art. bod 8pL" Sp'riDg. andar from perf""" aad lb. "",y be foo"'! _ • to _ dl8iculty an- .bll 10 a qu.tioo.f !">a. by ~d ID lb. Of \ale Il1o _ be,. "'blilb.U .... HlIte policy all aectioDi abould be It1, thUI U'flog thtl • dJlpRt:b= ~)irIc all aw-UiDI lroated alike, aa~.::r. .peciol plea will I~' c .... ku. All peDoi _ of tlnRrh= __ 1Ito_,., be that th. m am roadI u de h?OI of Ihe &ate can ute a.a.a I • ...,. How 1"IOODCIJe thiI .. ribed u .tandard '1pe1 aad 0...,.' ~,cllabor ad~"geoUJ!l wllblllo_tlboldmDk .. _ .... bodl abould bo .. Ibem if lbel c&D IDg .1 .... u ...... dOD. - """"'" 1liDttll1 ,~-__ qll lb.... . lb. ~ CooD'l Pi~~il=~~;;.,::;~ 1 ..... __ '" Il1o pool .... Ibo_

W. D.W com. 10 lb. imporlanl by _olua." al lbe or Il1o - Il1o jUeoliOD or COIL Roado built in the , ID parebaolag &b. IWIDU I b ... dscribed, _t iD Eo- '! ooly 10 JlIII aDd u ""only 60 10 80 ... 11 a Iiaeal foot. lime, ""'1 .1 ,De : 0 ree ... ide, acoortiiDl I. lbeir thicIt. dowD dllnllg lb. I ... aad cIiItan .. lb. JD&IeriaI bu 10 1D01l!1-'cfloo .nd b7 'e hauled, inclodiag IoaDClatiou of baohog &.be . 'loae in WiDler.

' .U&rrJUoDeL Tbi> troald be 13,000 ...... ban hal. 10 do. Tbit .,iDI : 0 1 •• 000 per ·mil.. B'l minll laeal .. oold. m~'" Ihaa .k lb. >ztra I. aldollaa lIoD' f.r fouadlli.D aa laeal belp iD baadhDI.D '!'. ODd. · ------baaliDl, aDd u moeb u ~bl. laeal I aJ am IaYIDI perbapo mo", lbaa labor. aDd olIO redDc:io& OD maay .r DID .tn. apoa paiDII aDd melhoclo lb. laeal ruado 10 14 feet, aDd .... 12 .r ....,.my iD tbo wort, bul. with "'y feel, I lbiDk lb. _I lbrougbool &b. kDo .. ledp aad 'ZperleuOl iD road State migb. be plaeed al 12,600 per boildiDI. I bo,. _ 10 In&Dy mile: I!"'ri~ed ,do. aad .. lao ~I -'-•• f rood Im-- t' admlDiltratiOD lIeecured. -~--. •• r-·-ea 10

ID 11>. _t of lb. "'P&in, a proper ~y ealupnuDl .... muD"' .. ,...,.1101 of the .orfaoe c&D be pat GO ... ,. a ODIDpl ...... back DD lICOOllol io tho am. locaJi'i £rom 20 10 26 or ....... ID.aad canI ..... ID ... 11 per liaeal foot, for a 16 fool ... rk, that I .m particularly oulicili. road. Tbit, by redociDI: &b. widlb ... that &&y paorai aile pi I aad IUppoaog a" renewal nwJ fin • m a Jeara. w.uld amOOD' 10 aboul SlIiO ,..."DIII>. ruado or tb. Sta .. at per mil. DD lb. a_ . Ibooid bo,. tbe ad'aDtage of lb. OZ,

OD ~. boo-I .r 11,000 per '!Iii. for peri.... .f olber .. mmaDili... &ad CODltrcliOO. aad, 1160 per mil. per ayold tit. pitli.lI. lb •• lb.y bo .. 1i.1I,

0011 the ft~ ~tlTlal"ria'ls Il8eclan,1 JIlW~1 Jlril"t'i ,·I'Ilr. .. OfOfI t"llI"isl "1l1 witll Fi"1C1 . ClaM alUl Itellubie H'm·",'IUJlI,-I".

Nnmerons buildln, "Iaus may lit! "fen at lIlyotll,"ft. If.h"llir,·.I , Xln\·!'I:III!O. HI)fIci8~t1ufllll. IIl1d eslim:l(~ "'WIIt!: rlln.iot'" .. ) at I'liiirl"lluli,·.·.

C.U.L ON AUUlt&'l"l

JOSEPH lJISlIOP. 4th Stm!L alul Uarlit"I.1 A\·'·'IIIt". )·:,IIIIY,... N. J .

Cinuamiu.m AVt'lIuP. bt1loll' Br .. :ni ~Ir. -.. I. )':IIIIl\'rn . ~ . J .

Fi'esb BREAD GOllstalltiy Oil· Halld , .



BoOk ··.and Job Printing. We -"' . unu~ual faciliti.,. ror doing all kind.. or

·printin~, (rom a \tisitiiig· Card to a three·sheet .pn.;tef . . ' and would invite inQuiries :Ior estimate..;, '


PaJ":,yra Shoe Store~ • • '.



.' , ' -

, '

.' Giant Heaters. In sdeeting a Furnace for"yoUJ' Home it is

always desirable to procure the very best that can be had. There are very many good fUr­naces in the market. each h. vini its OWD

points 01 excellence. as 10 ecWlomy. durability ease of managment, &c. .

Now if we can add to these points the very essential Sanitary leatures of better Ventila­tion, and a larger flow of pure fresh air with ~he addilional and very desirable point of bav­ID)! a l)Jrnace that will not radiale heat in t/g c,'llar, but al .. ays haveacaul casinJ,!'.and un. without auditional cost il is certainl)' J:n:atly I .. Ihe advantage of the purchaser, Alllhese points are comhin.·d in our


I~ .ver)' nt:.t ;u.ld attractive:: in appearance, poslIl\'dy 1111 Brick wur~. can be: placed in an}" part 01 Ihe 100m. it is a sure Baker, abunuance 01 H"t water . Low in price. Hun' dn:ds 01 Ih"m in op<:ration. "very Range warranted.

It will pay you to set: this Ran.~e,

_ ~o ~~~~rl,et S· •• ( : umd.en. -- --- - --_.-


HARDWAREANDCUTLERY .! i. ' l ::;r V E l~·l.· ,: :<r,

, II :" .. " . I'. .11., '. 1" ...... \ 1 · I. i ~.'" I: . ........ I: I.. "I.',r_ !'Io. 1'.~ lIulp ' ",' . 1 ....... 1 .1...1 J\II"· . .. ~.\\ ...... \ •· .... 1 ... 1.. .. :-;h .. ,,,~ ... ·llr.o · "'a~.

J\"".-. ~.,I .. ~ i ' 1.."" 1: ·· .. 1· I' "L- ", • • \.·1 .. ~I"".t~ •· ... 11:·40 1', .1.- II, •• :: ... 11 ·11·.:" , ,, .\ ". II _ . I: .k ... Hr •• 1t .. 1s.

tn· ... ' .. • E

.. ,' 'I'LE~ . . 1',.1. . F.;,-L. :0: ; ••••• 1. II .: . . \'C .. , F . '.·. 11" "1"'1 • • I"u " 'r, 1S.,. ll1rrl . J ' '' ''''. C .....

.,,,., ~ .... d'I ·. :-;t .. , •• I', ... , ' .• ,; i l .. I .. , Un . 10:.-1". l' ..... I .. r "ud it oL •


PHOTOGRAPHERS . 206 F eder.d Street,

' ·","lit'll. X. J .

Riverlon Siove and Healer Works, '

WM. J. McILHENNY, Ill" ,,,,,1 rho"."" _,fre, IUrerlon: .A. J. "-


Fire Uriclt .. l;""~ Waterl.tach. S~)t'. Pipe 0tcI • b IW,,- "\" .. ok ,!" rur re.-irial 110ft.


'A U. HEULINGS & BRO .• .H[\~E I((,UX .\XU )lUO KE'TU\V~ X. J.

Lumber, Coa.! and Lime, Se'war Pipe . and Cement.

WIHII ... ~..; _\t. .. : A .. :r.\ I I ..

P,lr"yr.l. at W. W. ItU· J.I"r>IW ·~ Vroter1 st.I,..

n,.lel"ll I .. r. :il . ' nrl!! .. i ll r.-cei'<e "r' ''UI'I.

--~~~----------JSU. 1t.1·I"H~\,. war.PA .... '

POMONA : NUrSeries. I-:sT" III.I!UI t:h 1!ltS.

., h'll: le "'"'" "lll1ple .to_ . Frui .. Trtes. Shade Trees, (lr,

na","nlal T,,,, · •• Nut Bear ing Trees.

... ,.,.tp,-.. , .... ,.I.· ~r'"' ~hubbl.,.. VIII_ •• c. ,,,' "" )17'''0101'" ~·h~h.D' •• r"'&lah :~..::-11 •• .1, ur .. n •• ""U'r>'J' '" Itn "0.. . nu .. ' .... I,. ...... ' .. p. ... W .n .. berrl~.a ..... r • , :, ... \ .. ,,, .. hl.l'Io .. '· t'I' I.· ~. !'IAnall rnall'" ."" ,:"'~ ' ·1 11 .... I ·un· ... • ... ,to'. I::'"~I .. ,. '1,,1 I' '01 11'11'" II,~ "'tuil 0."'.11 eN _ •• h ... ,.· II.,. 11" ... , 11"",0'.

11 .I.l :<rICA·' 1-: .. "")IIo·ltln,VI: ~ ·"1·.\l. HJU~ rKK£,

,-\..~~ I~ARRY. lant-,·y. N .. J. .': ~ ------ -- - ------- ---,,'-----


" )lanur.cIU"'r ul

Boxes" DOOI'SI Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Etp. , . BRACKETS AND SOROLL SAWUfG,

OFFICE. lfD. 14 'KAIGHN'S AVE,. eAIDEN. If, J, ' -- - - - --~-----......:....-.".


Sash ' Factory and L~mbCl' Yard~t DOORS, SASH, BLINDS,


' "

BRAOKllT. SCROLL WORKS, .1·URNING8, BTO" ' Wanutacturrd 'n ~nlt:' A' Ibnrt noUt¥ "y 'Qrerlor .nt"lIm!!ft. AIIo ca.J .... I.

BUIL'DING LUMB,ER> OF EV ~IlY lJ~:.c"1 PrIll!!.

Welut"8 a III,.e •• oe.lI o;.'OlI .. l. nU7 loll hM-nd.llftdl!r orw.-........................... . 1 .... llldr.t.t-a. auoum for npau'I, let UI .,. where eo' iDto.

lb. pNblem .. oold laDd DL . , B, lb. "'port of lb. cIlII'eroat m ... i- Tb. "'&JlIlIlDd. or aDl pro~

cipaliti .. aDd Io .... hipo IObmilled' lo 81 ... '1Ilem will be ....... bat boyoad the 00_ 'or 11>. ,... 1888, .. tit. onliaary uperl_ GO lb.-coati, SDd 169 Iotmahlpo roportIIIjI aD o· DODt, &ad if lOeb i -"m ' ad ted

Men's Lace Shoes, $1.50' to $4.50 1 L'R I U''''llE[) CO MP Ladies' Ilullon Shoes, ~CU D ) 1"'. . • 1.11 lo r ANY.,

peodlture or I5S'1,OOO for -the ~ i .( -r" op ","cli.. aad ropAir or publio roado. 1 .. , I tak"." 10 perr .... aad AI tb .... a'" aboill 247 IotraIhIpolD MD. 10 k .. p it porfect. Yet, the State aad bulDg \he ealoal&&i.. a raU kaowledp or wbat it ....... GO th. nme ...... would gin aD oz.' 10 do II &ad a wmini- 10 pa1-

c:!iI;::! Ir:;?:, Ih!"':..:d:~ tbere. DO _ .. by Be .. HacIooa. F.u. 1IapD. P.-Ic aDd _Id DOl be IL. _ of aa,. UDioD, .. h. bo .. uid ara DO" ...... OD tha 110110 La tit. maIW of p~ • ..,- of ruado oIlheit OWD ,-*7 roado.

Sr.2S to $4.00 . Misses' Hutton Shoes.

$1.25 to $3 00 Children's Hutton Simes.'

Hoc 10 $r.60 Infants' .Bullon Shoes, 20c 10 7Sc

. . . .

JAMES P. COOKE. --. .. . .

"' .

:~, " :,~j+f' ~;;tr·::A~~