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603D.P. Abrol, Pollination Biology: Biodiversity Conservation and Agricultural Production, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-1942-2_18, © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012

Abstract Problem of diseases is a serious concern both in domesticated and wild soiltary bees. When disease strikes a hive of bees, it can devastate the colony and spread to the entire beekeeping operation. All bees are susceptible to diseases, and when they are domesticated, their population densities increase to suit human needs, making them more susceptible. Decline in their population has threatened the food security on global scale through deficit of pollinators. Most attempts at disease con-trol have centered on drug treatments leading to resistance in disease causing patho-gens and problem of residues in hive products. This chapter discusses how disease control strategies could be improved by breeding bees for disease resistance and better hygienic behaviour allowing researchers to identify that time and place in the management system for which the pathogen is most vulnerable, followed by target-ing treatments to that stage.

18.1 Introduction

The total area of cultivated land worldwide has increased 466% since 1700 (Mayer and Turner 1992). With the green revolution in 1960s, intensification of agriculture resulted in large yield increases (Griggs 1993), yield increases have continued with more recent developments in high yielding crops, GM crops, mechanization and chemical application. About one billion people – one-fifth of the world’s human population – are now undernourished because of chronic instabilities in food produc-tion and distribution. Recent surveys document that more than 30 genera of animals – consisting of hundreds of species of floral visitors – are required to pollinate the 100 or so crops that feed the world (Prescott-Allen and Prescott-Allen 1990; Buchmann and Nabhan 1996). Only 15% of these crops are serviced by domestic honey bees, while at least 80% are pollinated by wild bees and other wildlife. Honey bees, economically the most important pollinators of crops worldwide, are in decline. For instance, the number of commercial bee colonies in united states has plummeted from 5.9 million colonies in the late 1940s, to 4.3 million in 1985, and to 2.7 million

Chapter 18The Problem of Diseases in Bees

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in 1995 (USDA-ARS 1991). The loss of one quarter of all managed honey bee colonies since 1990 signals one of the most severe declines in any agricultural input. This demise has been brought on by the spread of diseases and parasitic mites. This unfor-tunate trend continues, despite the economic value of honeybees to agriculture (Southwick and Southwick 1992). Similar trend exists in other parts of the world.

The recent dramatic losses of honey bee colonies around the world have focused public attention on the health status of the honey bee Apis mellifera L. (Currie et al. 2010; Neumann and Carreck 2010) but the study of bee health dates as far back as fourth century B.C. when Aristotle (384–322 B.C.) described a bee disease which “is indicated in a lassitude on the part of the bees and in malodorousness of the hive” (Historia animalium IX.40.626b). Written records of treatments of bee diseases through chemical means are almost as ancient; Virgil (70–19 B.C.) recommends a number of treatments for honey bees “weakened with wretched disease” ranging from burning fragrant resin to pounded oak-apples with dry rose petals or dried grapes with thyme (Georgics IV verses 251–280). Today, there are over 30 identi-fied pests and pathogens of honey bees worldwide (Morse and Flottum 1997; Ellis and Munn 2005) and thousands of studies of assessing the efficacy of various che-motherapeutic treatments.

Originating in Africa (Whitfield et al. 2006), honey bees were exported by man all over the world and with few exceptions their pests and pathogens have accompanied them (Ellis and Munn 2005; vanEngelsdorp and Meixner 2010). Honey bees have become increasingly important for crop pollination (Klein et al. 2007) and approxi-mately 80% of all insect pollination is attributed to honey bees (Pimentel et al. 1997). The crops requiring managed pollinators such as honey bees have increased while stocks of honey bees have declined during recent years (Aizen et al. 2008).

Several different agents of disease, some newly discovered, have been causing increasing concern in recent years in many parts of the world. Some new parasites like Varroa destructor Anderson and Truemann hitherto unknown has been discov-ered which has threatened the very existence of beekeeping industry and crop pol-lination across the globe. The recent discovery of Varroa destructor and ability of their genotypes to reproduce both on the drone and worker broods of A. mellifera has led to their spread out of Asia, and resulted in heavy losses of A. mellifera colo-nies throughout the world. These mites have killed tens of thousands of honey bee colonies in different parts of the world in recent years. Of the two genotypes, the Korea genotype is the most widespread and common. It is found on A. mellifera in the UK, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Canada, North and South America and New Zealand. The Japan/Thailand genotype has only been reported on A. mel-lifera from Japan, Thailand and the America.

Over and above its direct economic value to humans, pollination by bees provides essential maintenance of the structure and function of a wide range of natural com-munities which are at risk of collapse. A new strain of Nosema disease Nosema ceranae (microsporidian protozoan) that causes, a disease of the eastern honey bee, Apis cerana has been identified associated with “spring dwindling,” disappearing disease, autumn collapse, “bee depopulation syndrome” or “Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)” in A. mellifera. Apparently this pathogen has jumped host from Apis cerana to Apis mellifera in the last 10 years and is spreading rapidly. Nosema

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ceranae has a pathology that is different from Nosema apis. The causative agent for Nosema is Nosema apis, which rarely causes major losses in infected colonies. However, high mortality rate demonstrates that N. ceranae is highly pathogenic to Apis mellifera. Bees die within 8 days after exposure to N. ceranae which is faster than bees exposed to N. apis. Some new viruses and bacteria have been discovered.

18.2 Problem of Diseases in Honeybees

Research in agriculture mostly focuses on development of new technologies rather than on environmental impacts. Pollinators primarily bees are essential to agricul-ture, providing significant yield benefit in over 66% crop species. Currently dra-matic losses of managed honeybees with suspected worldwide losses of wild pollinators are focusing research on an impending still poorly documented pollina-tion crisis. Pollination is a necessary ecosystem service that is being threatened by conversion of natural land to agriculture and pesticide use (Allen-Wardell et al. 1998). Pollination is essential for production of many crops, but the interaction between wild pollinators and modern agricultural practices has not been well studied. Many biologists feel that we may be facing pollination crisis in which both wild and managed pollinators are disappearing at alarming rates due to habitat fragmenta-tion, disease, intensive monoculture and pesticide use resulting in serious threat to biodiversity and agricultural stability.

Bees of the Apis genus are distributed throughout the world in highly diverse climates (Fig. 18.1). The Apis mellifera species, whose distribution range extends to sub-Saharan Africa, northern Europe and Central Asia, is found in a wide variety of environments, including the oases of the African desert, the Alps, the fringes of the tundra and the mists of the United Kingdom. Its ecotypes have adapted remarkably well to their biotopes. The other honey bee species of the Apis genus are distributed around Asia, particularly tropical south-east Asia (Ruttner 1988). A change in cli-matic conditions is bound to have an impact on the survival of these ecotypes or of honey bee species that are closely associated with their environment. Migration and changes in their life cycle and behaviour could help them to survive in new biotopes. As the honey bee’s genetic variability will be crucial to its adaptation, we would do well to ensure that we preserve this genetic variability. Honey bees will also need to adapt to a whole array of predators, parasites and pathogens surrounding them. Not only will the relationships between hosts and parasites change, honey bees will have to cope with new stresses arising from trade-facilitated transfers of pathogens among honey bee species. In such a context, climate change could create new opportunities for establishing honey bees in undreamt-of regions or habitats.

The honey bee: an economically valuable species the long-term survival of farm-ing worldwide relies in part on insect pollinators. In monetary terms, they contribute an estimated US$ 117 billion per year (Costanza et al. 1997); around 35% of agricultural crops depend directly on pollinators (Klein et al. 2007) and 84% of culti-vated plant species are involved with the activity of these insects (Williams 1996). The European honey bee, Apis mellifera, is the most economically valuable pollinator

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of agricultural crops worldwide (Johnson 2007). Honey bees are also crucial for maintaining biodiversity because they pollinate numerous plant species that require an obligatory pollinator for fertilisation (Allen-Wardell et al. 1998; Michener 2000).

Ten honey bee species of the Apis genus have so far been identified (Arias and Sheppard 2006). The distribution of these species is highly uneven. Apis mellifera, which originates from Africa, has followed two waves of colonisation in Eurasia (Whitfield et al. 2006) and has been exported to other continents. The nine other species have remained in the areas where they originated, in Asia, which is the most likely birthplace of the Apis genus.

18.2.1 Bee Diseases and Parasites

Numerous predators, parasites (mites) and pathogens (protozoa, bacteria and viruses) prey upon the honey bee which include: Mites

The honey bee tracheal mite, Acarapis woodi, is a parasite of Apis mellifera and Apis cerana. It lodges itself in the trachea of worker bees, where it breeds, and even-tually suffocates them (Sammataro et al. 2000). Although it was a pest in the

Fig. 18.1 Distribution of species of the Apis genus (amended in accordance with Franck et al. 2000)

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twentieth century, the tracheal mite is now no longer a major problem for world apiculture. Tropilaelaps spp. is a parasitic mite of Apis dorsata honey bees in tropi-cal Asia. The introduction of Apis mellifera into the distribution range of Apis dor-sata has provided the Tropilaelaps mite with a new host. A recent study based on molecular markers has identified at least four Tropilaelaps species in Asia, although T. clareae is the only one that is parasitic to Apis mellifera (Anderson and Morgan 2007). In this region of the world, Apis mellifera is also prey to another parasitic mite, Varroa destructor, with the two species engaged in fierce competition for parasitism. Tropilaelaps are brood parasites, feeding on the haemolymph of the bee brood and breeding there. A proliferation of these parasites can kill honey bee colo-nies and encourage the emergence of other pathogens.

The mite is so reliant on brood that it dies after more than 7 days without it. The Varroa mite, Varroa destructor, is a pest that destroys colonies of Apis mellifera worldwide, with the exception of Australia where it is not yet present. Scientists tend to attribute honey bee mortality largely to the Varroa mite. Originally a para-site of the Asian honey bee, Apis cerana, it was transferred to the European honey bee, Apis mellifera, in the mid-twentieth century by exchanges of genetic material among many countries (Oldroyd 1999). Left untreated, colonies infested with the Varroa parasite die after 2–3 years. It is impossible to eradicate this parasitic infection.

Varroa mites help to diminish the honey bee’s immune response and encourage the development of viral infections (Gregory et al. 2005). They are also active vec-tors in the transmission of viruses and bacteria (Yang and Cox-Foster 2005; 2007). The problems with Varroa parasite control are typical of those encountered in curb-ing any insect pest population. Varroa are becoming resistant to the acaricides used by beekeepers to control them (Milani 1999). The recent discovery in several parts of the world (notably the United States of America [USA] (Harbo and Harris 2005)) and Europe (Le Conte et al. 2007) of honey bee colonies able to tolerate heavy infes-tations of Varroa destructor opens the door to lasting solutions for controlling the parasite. The biological basis of this tolerance has begun to be unravelled using inno-vative genomic methods that suggest that honey bee tolerance of Varroa is deter-mined more by behaviour than by immunological factors (Navajas et al. 2010). Protozoa

Nosema apis is a microsporidian that attacks the midgut wall of adult honey bees. The disease can develop with no visible symptoms or manifest itself as a weakening of the colony, possibly ending in death. Colony infestation is latent. The disease tends to emerge mainly in early spring following long, wet winters: during winter, honey bees are prevented from going outside and drop their excrement inside the hive, forming a source of contagion for other bees. After this, the disease spreads rapidly. Even though Nosema apis exhibits signs common with other diseases, the disease can be identified by certain signs observable when inspecting the colony and in the laboratory (Jean-Prost and Le Conte 2005).

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Nosema cerana is another microsporidian species that resembles Nosema apis (Fries et al. 1996). It is a parasite of Apis cerana and has been transferred to Apis mellifera by exchanges of genetic material. It was recently identified in Europe (Fries et al. 1996; Higes et al. 2006). Since then, it has been found the world over. Nosema cerana does not cause the same signs in honey bees as Nosema apis. Only molecular techniques can differentiate between the two microsporidians (Higes et al. 2006). This parasite is considered to be responsible for sharply dwindling honey bee populations in Spain (Higes et al. 2006). Bacteria

The bacteria pathogenic to honey bees attack the brood. American foulbrood, a disease that has been known since ancient times, is caused by Bacillus larvae. This serious, highly contagious disease occurs across the globe (Jean-Prost and Le Conte 2005). European foulbrood is caused by Melissicoccus pluton, in association with other bac-teria. It tends to gain a foothold in weakened colonies in spring and at first is benign. A supply of pollen from outside the nest is usually all colonies need to overcome the disease, although heavy losses have been reported in the past (Jean-Prost and Le Conte 2005). At present, only antibiotics are effective in treating these protozoa and foul-broods, but they are no longer authorized because of the hazard of residues in honey. Viruses

Eighteen different viruses have been identified in honey bees of the Apis genus. Some of these viruses are highly anecdotal, while others are latent and can be extremely prolific among the bees in our hives without causing any noticeable signs (Tentcheva et al. 2004). For reasons as yet unknown, these viruses can become highly pathogenic to honey bees, causing trembling and paralysis that are observable at the colony entrance. This is the case with chronic paralysis virus (CPV) and acute paral-ysis virus (APV). It is not yet known how these viruses act to kill bees. No treatment exists to control such viruses, which can weaken or kill the colony. These pathologies can be stemmed by a supply of quality pollen from foraging bees. Varroa weakens the bee’s immune system and encourages viral growth (Chen et al. 2006).

18.3 Diseases and Parasites: Changes in Disease Profiles and Incidence

Some known pathogens are distributed worldwide. They include: Varroa destructor in the case of Apis mellifera and Apis cerana; bacteria that cause American and European foulbrood; Nosema apis and N. cerana; and numerous viruses affecting

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Apis mellifera. These pathogens tend to have different haplotypes of varying virulence. Climate change can encourage the transfer of these haplotypes to honey bee popula-tions. Other pathogens or haplotypes have more limited distribution ranges, such as Tropilaelaps, which to date has been found only in Asia (Sammataro et al. 2000). Climate change will lead to movements of honey bees of different species and races, bringing them into contact with pathogens with which they have never co-evolved, as has occurred with Varroa destructor and Apis mellifera. In the space of a few decades last century, two extremely homogeneous haplotypes of this honey bee parasite were sufficient to invade virtually the entire Apis mellifera distribution range (Solignac et al. 2005). History therefore shows that such encounters can be catastrophic and that honey bees will need human assistance to survive. Honey bee movements may be spontaneous and linked to changes in geographical distribution, or the result of exchanges of bees among beekeepers. There could be changes in the geographical distribution of diseases whose expression depends on climatic factors. This has happened with chalkbrood disease, which is caused by the fungus Ascosphera apis, which develops mainly in a humid environment.

18.4 How Will the Pathogen/Bee Interaction Evolve?

Recent results from a metagenomic study by American researchers on honey bee populations suffering from colony collapse disorder are highly instructive in this respect (Cox-Foster et al. 2007). They have shown that honey bee colonies are infested by numerous pathogens, including imported ones. There is therefore a high likelihood that as yet unidentified pathogens exist on certain honey bee species or races. Pathogen species infesting different honey bee races or species can be brought into contact with new hosts. The recent discovery of Nosema cerana (Higes et al. 2006) and the Israeli acute paralysis virus (Cox-Foster et al. 2007) among Apis mellifera is a potent exam-ple of the role humans can play in movements of honey bee populations. Climate change could modify the interactions among these different pathogens. Tropilaelaps is an interesting case in point. The Tropilaelaps mite does not yet infest Apis mellifera because this honey bee’s development cycle includes a period without brood, on which the mite is utterly reliant for its survival (Sammataro et al. 2000). However, if climate change induces warmer winters, Apis mellifera would have to adapt towards a continual brood cycle, which would render it a potential host for Tropilaelaps.

18.5 Consequences for Bee Health and Socioeconomic Impact

Honey bees will require human protection, if only because of their importance for agricultural production and markets. It seems clear that bees will come into contact with new pathogens. The high mortality rate and colony collapses that we are currently seeing demonstrate the fragility of honey bee populations worldwide. As has been the

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case with the Varroa threat to Apis mellifera, our honey bees will need to be aided with medicines and appropriate control methods to prevent them from becoming extinct.

18.6 Climate Change Can Facilitate the Emergence of New Invasive Species

Numerous examples have revealed the fragility of the host–parasite balance and shown that even slight climate changes impact on the establishment of invasive spe-cies that are currently at the fringes of the honey bees’ distribution range. The situ-ation of honey bees can also evolve when predators colonise new areas. A stark example is that of the bee-eater, a magnificent bird that feeds on Hymenoptera and bees. The bee-eater originated in the Mediterranean region but has extended its distribution range, causing only minimal harm to beekeepers so far. In France it is now found north of the Loire. A second example is an apiary pest, the small hive beetle (Aethina tumida), which originated in South Africa and develops on the weakest honey bee colonies. The parasite was imported into the USA, probably on citrus fruit on which the beetle can also develop. It has compounded the problems of American beekeepers, especially in hot and humid regions. The cold climate has halted the beetle’s northward progression. Climate change will promote the exten-sion of its distribution range. Measures have been taken to prevent this insect pest from being imported into Europe, where it is considered a potential hazard.

18.7 Recent Cases of Mortality

The consensus among researchers is that a combination of factors is responsible for this honey bee mortality. Pesticides kill many colonies every year. New pathogens have been added to the already long list of honey bee diseases. However, researchers agree that the bees’ environment and stress, both of which are influenced by climate change, have been decisive factors in this heavy mortality (Oldroyd 2007; Pettis et al. 2007). There appear to be strong interactions between diseases, pesticides, environment and climate. Climate change has an action on each of these factors. To understand the effect of climate change on the Evolution of honey bee populations, each of these factors will need to be taken into account.

18.8 Pollinators and Biodiversity

Our recent analyses of global inventories of biodiversity indicate that more than 100,000 different animal species – and perhaps as many as 200,000 – play roles in pollinating the 250,000 kinds of wild flowering plants on this planet. In addition to

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countless bees, wasps, moths, butterflies, flies, beetles, and other invertebrates, perhaps 1500 species of vertebrates serve as pollinators. Hummingbirds are the best known vertebrate pollinators in the Americas, but perching birds, flying foxes, fruit bats, possums, lemurs, rodents, and even a gecko function as effective pollinators elsewhere in the world. The ultimate reproductive consequences of pollinator scar-city on wild plants is not appreciated and remains understudied (Burd 1994; Nabhan and Fleming 1993). The few existing studies indicate that many species of wild plants may be suffering decreased reproductive success as a result of low visitation rates by pollinators. In Iowa, where only 200 acres of unplowed prairie remain intact, low seed yields in prairie wildflowers has been linked to lack of adequate visitation rates by pollinators (Hendrix 1994). Rare cacti in U.S. national parks and adjacent to heavily sprayed cotton fields showed high levels of floral abortion due to paucity of pollinating moths (Suzan et al. 1994). In urban Tokyo, a primrose almost completely failed to set seed due to local disturbance of its bumblebee pollinator (Washitani et al. 1994). In a 17-year study in French Guiana, a shift in native polli-nator populations to a fauna dominated by Africanized bees caused a 40% drop in seed set of tropical legumes (Roubik 1995).

18.9 Threats to Wild Pollinators

Alternative pollinators often play important economic roles. The ground-nesting alkali bee, for example, a more effective pollinator of alfalfa than is the honey bee (O’Toole 1993). A diversity of wild pollinators are important in tropical agricultural crops (Roubik 1995). Complete inventories of the effective pollinators of cultivated crops and other valuable plants are urgently needed. Globally, over 180 species of birds and mammals in 100 genera of vertebrate pollinators are already listed as endangered, and untold invertebrates are at risk as well (Buchmann and Nabhan 1996). Because some wild pollinators need undisturbed habitat for nesting, roosting and foraging, they are very susceptible to habitat degradation and fragmentation (Buchmann and Nabhan 1996). In Costa Rica wild bee diversity in degraded forest land dropped from 70 to 37 species in 14 years (Buchmann and Nabhan 1996). While the exact mechanism responsible for population declines is uncertain, one strong pos-sibility is that habitat fragments do not provide the diversity of resources needed by pollinators. For example, they may require plants that flower sequentially, providing food sources throughout the season, or may require alternative nectar and pollen sources. Lepidopteran pollinators require host plants for their larvae, and bees require nesting resources. Elimination of these resources can lead to declines in pollinator populations (Buchmann and Nabhan 1996). Aculeate Hymenoptera is now probably the most rapidly declining group of insects in Europe and other countries across the globe (Day 1991; O’Toole 1993), and there is a growing focus on habitat manage-ment in order to conserve wild bees and wasps in several countries of the world. Thus, a national mapping scheme of wild bee populations has been initiated which include Germany (Schwenninger 1999; Westrich 1996), The Netherlands (Peeters

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et al. 1999), Sweden (Svensson et al. 1990), and Britain (Kloet and Hincks 1978). In the German area Baden-Württemberg, 57% of the listed 429 bee species are endangered or close to extinction (Westrich 1989), and in Britain, 11.1% of the bee species are considered either vulnerable, endangered or extinct (O’Toole 1994).

Another threat to wild pollinators is exposure to pesticides and other toxins than can poison them or impair their reproduction. For example, aerial spraying for coniferous forest pests in Canada in the mid-1970s reduced populations of native bees to the extent that blueberry yields were reduced for a period of 4 years (Kevan and Plowright 1995). Field studies in the deserts of the southwest U.S. have found that pollinators remaining in small fragments of natural habitat are particularly sus-ceptible to pesticide spraying on adjacent croplands (Suzan et al. 1994). Herbicides can eliminate nectar sources for pollinators, larval host plants for moths and but-terflies, and deplete nesting materials for bees (Buchmann and Nabhan 1996). Certain pollinators, such as bats, hummingbirds, moths and butterflies migrate sea-sonally over long and short distances between mountain ranges, regions, or coun-tries. Their migratory routes are often well-defined nectar corridors where the sequence of flowering over a season offers the pollinators sufficient energy to sus-tain their journey. Many of these nectar corridors are no longer fully intact; how-ever, land conversion has eliminated some floral resources over 20–60 mile segments, in some cases longer than what energy-depleted pollinators can fly in 1 day (Nabhan and Fleming 1993).

18.9.1 Diseases and Enemies of Wild Pollinators Bumblebees

Bumble bees carry a lot of parasites and diseases. Ecto-parasitic mites like Parasitus fucorum, Kuzinia laevis, Scutacarus acarorum, Glycyphagus domesticus and Hypoaspis are often found in colonies in Nature. In a commercial rearing unit these mites disappear. The endo-parasitic mite Locustacarus buchneri can ruin a com-mercial rearing unit. In Nature parasitic flies like Senotainia tricuspus and Brachycoma devia can impede colony founding by preventing the queen from ovi-positioning. The nematode Sphaerularia bombi infects hibernating queens. The nematode prevents the development of the corpora allata of the queen which conse-quently inhibits ovary development. Infected queens hibernate but do not found a colony. Unicellular parasites like Nosema bombi, Apicystis bombi and Crithidia bombi all have a variable though negative impact on colony development.

Probably more bumblebees are killed by parasites than by predators. This may be because the bumblebee females are armed with a sting, but it is also due to the pro-tection given by their warning colouration. Some crab spiders ambush bumblebees at flowers, and a few species of bird can remove the sting before eating the bumble-bee, e.g. bee-eaters, spotted flycatchers and shrikes. Other predators are small mam-mals, badgers, foxes, and minks, and in the U.S. skunks and bears all break open

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and destroy nests to eat the larvae, bees and food stores, but there are no vertebrate predators that specialise in bumblebees. In the U.S. there are wasps called bee-wolves in the genus Philanthus, these wasps specialise in hunting bumblebees. The bumblebee is caught while feeding and is paralysed with a sting, it is taken back to the nest and enclosed with a wasp egg in a cell, there are usually about five bumble-bees in each cell. Cuckoo bumblebees, Psithyrus spp. Cuckoo females enter the bumblebee nest and lay their eggs, the bumblebee workers then rear these eggs as if they were their own sisters. Wax moth, Aphomia sociella. The adult moth enters the bumblebee nest and lays her eggs, at first the caterpillars feed on nest debris, but as the grow they switch to feeding on the wax food cells, food stores and even larvae. Normally this destroys the nest. The moth leaves the nest to overwinter as a pupa in a sheltered spot. Invasion of the nest by the north American wax moth Vitula edmandsii does not always lead to the destruction of the nest as it does not feed on the larvae. Brachycoma devia is a fly that look a little like the common house fly. The female enters the bumblebee nest and lays larvae (this fly does not lay eggs) among the bumblebee larvae. The fly larvae attach themselves to a bumblebee larvae and wait. Once the bumblebee larva has spun its cocoon the fly larvae start feeding on it and suck it dry. When they are fully grown they leave the bumblebee cocoon and pupates in the bumblebee nest. Conopid flies. The female fly waits on flowers till a bumblebee comes to feed, then she jumps on the bee and quickly pierces the bees body and lays her egg inside it. The egg hatches inside the bee and feeds off its abdominal contents till it more or less fills the entire abdomen. The bumblebee dies and the fly larva pupates inside the husk of the dead bumblebee body emerging as an adult fly next summer. Sphaerularia bombi a nematode (tiny worm). This parasite is only found in queens and affect her behaviour. The bumble-bee queen is infected by an adult female worm while the queen hibernates. In the spring when the queen emerges from hibernation the worm begins to grow, then it turns its whole reproductive system inside out. The uterus grows and grows till it is between 1 and 2 cm long, while the rest of the worm is only a thin thing of a few millimetres. In a normal queen a hormone would be released and her ovaries would start to develop stimulating her to start building a nest, but somehow this does not happen in an infected queen. Meanwhile the worm releases up to 100,000 eggs into the blood of the queen, these eggs hatch and develop, moving into the gut and repro-ductive system. During this time the queen feeds only for herself, she makes no attempt to find a nest site, and her ovaries do not develop. Often she returns to her hibernation site, here the worm larvae are discharged with faeces into the soil. The mature worms mate, and wait for another queen to use the site to hibernate. Various species will invade bumblebee nests if they find them and eat stores, eggs and grubs, this often destroys the colony. Certain hoverfiles, e.g. Volucella bombylans. The adult female fly enters the bumblebee nest and lays her eggs. The fly eggs hatch and the larvae feed on nest debris, doing no apparent harm. The fly overwinters as a pupa in the empty bumblebee nest. This hoverfly is also a bumblebee mimic, it even buzzes if handled. Certain mites, e.g. Parasitus fucorum. These mites are often seen attached to the thorax of bumblebees. They scavenge on nest debris, then attach themselves to young queens and hibernate with them. These mites often have even

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smaller mites living on them! Certain beetles, e.g. Antherophagus spp. These feed on nest debris and use adult bumblebees for dispersal.

Life Cycle

Parasite of bumblebees which typically overwinter in underground burrows. Parasitized bumblebee queens make numerous unsuccessful attempts to dig burrows in June. Each time they alight and attempt to dig, hundreds of third stage larvae are discharged or exit through the anal opening of the bumblebee. These larvae molt during July and into August developing through the fourth larval stage to adults. During this same period infected bees die from the infestation. The adult nematodes mate and the impregnated females become the infective stage. In autumn and fall when healthy queens are seeking hibernation sites, they are attacked by the infective female nematodes. Infective females penetrate the queens during hibernation. Normally only one female is found per bumblebee queen although as high as 74 have been recorded. When the queen emerges in the spring the nematode is a mature female and may already be producing eggs. By June the parasite is matured and third stage larvae are evident in the insect’s hemocoel, midgut, and hindgut. A fascinating feature of this nematode is the ability to completely evert the reproductive system which then proceeds to enlarge indepen-dently of the original female body. The prolapsed uterus may be from 6 to 30 times the length of the original female and 300 times the volume. Two molts within the egg have been observed. Males and workers which do not hibernate, are never parasitized. Leaf Cutter Bees

The leafcutter bee is attacked by numerous insects, and considerable attention must be given to maintenance of a pest-free population if an increase in bee populations is to be realized (Waters 1971; Parker and Potter 1974). Table 18.1 lists the common insects associated with leafcutter bee nests in some parts of the United States. Probably the most important type of parasite–predator control is the maintenance of clean bee stocks by excluding pest populations through changing nesting media yearly or by utilizing emergence traps. Most pest species can be controlled during incubation or emergence through the use of sprays or traps. Currently, chalk brood, a disease asso-ciated with bee larvae, is increasing. In some Western States, the incidence of this disease has increased to as high as 80% of the overwintered bee larvae. However, little is known of the causal organism and its taxonomic status. We still do not know whether the organism is the cause or merely a symptom of these bee losses. Until these questions are adequately researched, control measures cannot be devised. However, it been shown that growers who use clean nesting media have less chalk brood than those who reuse infested nesting media. Kapil and Jain (1980) reported 10 parasites parasitizing five species of Megachild bees and a small carpenter bee Pithitis smaragdula (Table 18.2). They included Bombilid one spp. Chalcid two species chry-sidids two species, cuckoo bees one species and tachinids two species. The Chalcid wasp Monodontomerus obscurus Westwood, Hymenoptera: Torymidae; an Eurytomid

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Table 18.1 Characteristics of nest associates of the alfalfa leafcutter bee

Native +; introduced 0

Predators +; parasites 0; scavengers −

Important +; minor 0

Control measures

MothsPlodia interpunctella 0 +0 0 Light trapsVitula edmandsae + +0 0 Light traps

WaspsSapyga pumila + 0 + Emergence

trapsMonodontomerus obscurus 0 0 + Emergence


montivaga+ 0 + Emergence

Pteromalus megachilids 0 0 + EmergenceTetrastichus megachilids + 0 +0 Emergence

sprays, trapsMelittobia chalybii + 0 0 DestroyDibrachys masculipennis 0 0 0 DestroyLeucospis affinis + 0 0 Nesting mediaVespula spp. + ± 0 TrapsFormica spp. + ± 0 Barrier

BeesCoelioxys funeraria + 0 0 Early

emergence?Coelioxys gilensis + 0 0 (?)Coelioxis + 0 0 (?)Stelis sp. + 0 0 (?)

Dipera fliesAnthrax irroratus + 0 0 Emergence

BeetlesNemognatha lutea + + 0 Eliminate host

plantsTrichodes ornatus + + + TrapsPtinus californicus + − 0 Sprays, loose

cellTrogoderma glabra + +− 0 Cold treatment,

trapsTrogoderma variabile + − 0 BaitsTribolium castaneum + − 0 SantitationT. audox, T. brevicornis + − 0 SantitationOryzaephilus surinamensis 0 − 0 SantitationCryptolestes ferrugineus 0 − 0 SantitationTenebroides maurtanicus 0 − 0 Sanitation

EarwigsForficula auricularia 0 ± 0 Barriers

616 18 The Problem of Diseases in Bees

have been found parasitizing all the five species of megachild bees, whereas others have been species specific. Three species of cuckoo bees – Coelioxys minutes (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) associated with Megachile nana, C. fuscipennis with Megachile flavipes and Megachile femorata and C. decipiens with M. cephalotes. There is only one bombilid species – Argyramoeba distigma (Diptera: Bombilidae) associated with all the megachilid bees. Chrysidids include two species – a large sized Chrysis fuscipennis (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) attacking mainly the individuals in mud cells of M. flavipes, M. femorata and M. lanata. The other species C. tricantha parasitizes the cells of M. nana and P. smaragdula. The two species of tachinids – Caiusa indica and C. testacea (Diptera: Calliphoridae) are parasites of M. nana. Alkali Bees

Numerous diseases, pests, and other enemies inflict damage on alkali bees. They include ambush bugs, bee flies, chalcids, clerid beetles, conopid flies, cuckoo bees, meloid beetles, robber flies, tiger beetles, velvet ants, and wasps. Crab spiders are also a problem, but mites, although present, are of little consequence. Vertebrate enemies include birds that feed on the adults and mice and skunks, which usually feed on the larvae. Bacterial and fungal diseases may suddenly strike and seriously diminish the population of a bee bed. Trampling of the nesting sites by livestock, traffic by vehicles, unwise use of pesticides, and flooding during the active bee sea-son can also reduce populations or destroy the site. Alfalfa Leafcutter Bees

The tiny parasitic wasp (Sapyga pumila Cresson) first mentioned by Torchio (1963) as a potential threat was verified by Torchio (1970) as causing a high percentage (6.9–65.3%) of the cells to be parasitized. Torchio (1972) recommended trapping for satisfactory control of this wasp. Some degree of control has been devised for the other insect enemies. Birds can be screened away from the nests with chicken wire, and rodent control measures can protect the bees and their nesting materials from mice. Insecticides sprayed over alfalfa field can be a serious problem. Alfalfa leaf material used in the nest can be toxic if treated with persistent insecticides even before the blooms appear or the bees emerge. Confining the bees for protection from pesticides is a poor solution but moving the bee boards at night to a cool dark place for a day or two may be feasible.

18.10 Chalkbrood Control in Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee

Chalkbrood (Ascosphaera spp.) is a fungal disease of not only honey bee larvae but other important commercial pollinators such as the alfalfa leafcutting bee Megachile rotundata F. and the blue orchard bee Osmia lignaria propinqua Cresson (Gilliam

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and Vandenberg 1997). Found worldwide, chalkbrood disease is rarely lethal to honey bee colonies but can reduce colony foraging capacity up to 49% (Heath 1982b, c) impacting both pollination efficacy and honey production. Although a wide range of chemicals have been evaluated for the control of chalkbrood, none has been successfully adopted for use (Aronstein and Murray 2010). Widespread acceptance of a chemical for the treatment of chalkbrood requires that it must be effective, easy to use, and economical (Hale and Menapace 1980). Moreover, it must not compromise the safety and quality of the honey produced for human con-sumption. Contamination of honey by the residues of drugs used in the treatment of honey bee diseases is an important public safety issue and can affect the import and export of hive products between countries (McKee 2003; Martel et al. 2006). Interest in the study and use of natural compounds as an alternative to antibiotics to control honey bee diseases has increased in recent years especially as concerns over antibi-otic resistance grow (Davis and Ward 2003).

Chalkbrood disease of leafcutting bees was first identified in American bee pop-ulations in the early 1970s. It spread rapidly through wild and domestic leafcutting bee populations throughout the northwest United States, and within several years caused population losses as high as 60% in some states. Chalkbrood is now found at economically damaging levels in all major American alfalfa seed-growing areas where leafcutting bees are used for pollination. From 1982 to 1984, chalkbrood disease was identified at low levels in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Since then it has become well established in southern Alberta, causing losses of up to 28%. For unknown reasons it has not reached similar proportions in Saskatchewan or Manitoba. Chalkbrood, a fungal disease of bees, is caused by species of the genus Ascosphaera. Different species of Ascosphaera affect honey bees, leafcutting bees, and other solitary bees. The species which affects the alfalfa leafcutting bee is Ascosphaera aggregata.

18.10.1 Life Cycle

Chalkbrood causes the death of leafcutting bee larvae. The dormant stage of chalk-brood is a spore which survives for many years under Canadian conditions. When an adult female leafcutting bee emerges from her cell, if she chews through a cocoon containing a chalkbrood cadaver she becomes dusted with spores, which stick to her body hairs. These spores then become mixed into the pollen balls which she pre-pares prior to laying her eggs. The young leafcutting larva eats the pollen ball and ingests chalkbrood spores. Once in the larval gut, the spores germinate and the fun-gus grows, moving through the gut wall into the body cavity. Eventually the larval tissues are broken down and the larva dies. Death generally occurs in the final larval instar before pupation, so dead larvae are usually fullsized. Once the larva is dead the fungus may begin to form spores in spore cysts between larval skin layers (Fig. 18.2). When mature, these spore cysts are easily shattered allowing spore dis-persal. The fungus may not form spores, and these nonsporulating cadavers are not infective. Also, the fungus may only partially sporulate.

618 18 The Problem of Diseases in Bees

18.10.2 Symptoms

Figure 18.2 illustrates a sporulating cadaver. Spore cysts under the skin give the larva a black, grey or dark tan appearance (Figure la), often with a honeycomb-like surface. The dry larval skin takes on a metallic sheen. Spore cysts are shiny black and oblong, and are packed closely together under the larval skin. In cross-section, body tissues are dry and are surrounded by a ring of oblong spore cysts between the skin layers. Figure 18.2 illustrates a nonsporulating cadaver. The cadaver is a tan colour, and the dry skin imparts a metallic sheen to its surface. The cross-section shows dry larval tissues surrounded by a ring of slightly darker tissue.

18.10.3 Prevention and Control of Chalkbrood Disease Purchase of Bees and Equipment

The most common way of spreading chalkbrood is in cocoons and used nesting equipment. Ensure that chalkbrood is absent before buying leafcutting bee cocoons. Do not buy bees from regions known to have chalkbrood. Before buying used leafcutting bee nests or other equipment, determine that chalkbrood has not been found in the beekeeping operation. Clean and sterilize all used equipment and nests before using them, and preferably before moving them to your farm. Keep newly purchased bees and equipment separate from the existing operation. Sample their offspring separately to determine disease status before incorporating them into the main operation. Chalkbrood spores are known to occur in used wood nest-ing material it is therefore advisible not to use used nesting equipment including bee boards.

Table 18.2 Megachild bees bee species and their parasites (Kapil and Jain 1980)

Megachild bees

ParasiteBee species

Megachile haryanensis Rahman (ex. Megachile nana Bingh)

Cuckoo bees – Coelioxys minutus (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), Argyramoeba distigma (Diptera: Bombilidae), C. tricantha, Caiusa indica, C. testacea (Diptera: Calliphoridae)

Chalicodoma rubripes (Morawitz) (ex. Megachile flavipes Spinola)

C. fuscipennis, Argyramoeba distigma (Diptera: Bombilidae)

Megachile femorata Smith C. fuscipennis, Argyramoeba distigma (Diptera: Bombilidae)

Chalicodoma lanata F. (ex. M. lanata Lepel)

Caiusa indica and C. testacea (Diptera: Calliphoridae)

Chalicodoma cephalotes Smith (ex. Megachile cephalotes Smith)

C. decipien, Argyramoeba distigma (Diptera: Bombilidae)

Pithitis smaragdula F. C. tricantha (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae)

61918.10 Chalkbrood Control in Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee Loose Cell Management

Use of loose cell management is the best option where the cocoons are removed from nests each year, stored and incubated as individual cocoons, rather than in tunnels. This principle is essential for control of diseases, molds and parasites, since it allows sterilization of nesting material and treatment of cocoons. Remove cocoons from nest-ing material each year. Do not purchase solid block-type nesting material unless you can remove the cocoons from it. Cocoon groups can be broken into individual cocoons to prevent adults from chewing through other cocoons when emerging. Use a “cell-breaking” apparatus, BUT take care that the apparatus is adjusted properly and is not crushing cocoons. Tumble the cocoons to remove debris, and burn the debris. Sterilize the nesting material prior to use. Surface sterilize the cocoons prior to incubation. Treatment of Nesting Material

Bleach Treatment of Nesting Material

Treat nesting material in the spring. Dip nests in a 3–5% solution of bleach for 3–5 min. Bleach, or sodium hypochlorite, is available in a 5% solution from grocery stores (e.g. Javex) or in a 12% solution from agricultural chemical suppliers. Use

Fig. 18.2 Classical sporulating chalkbrood cadaver (Ascosphaera aggregata) (1A) side view (1B) cross section. Classical nonsporulating chalkbrood cadaver (Ascosphaera aggregata) (2A) side view (2B) cross section

620 18 The Problem of Diseases in Bees

the following formula to determine the quantity of 12% bleach required to make up the amount and the percentage desired.

Volume Percent of dilute solution

dilute solution desiredVolume of 12% liquid bleach required

12e.g. 200gallon tank 5%

83.3 gallons 12% of liquid bleach required12

Calcium hypochlorite may also be used. It is available as a powder containing 65% chlorine. It tends to leave a calcium sludge in the tank unless well mixed, and may leave a chalky residue on nest surfaces. Use the following formula to determine how much calcium hypochlorite to use: Volume (ga) 10 Percent of dilute

solution dilute solution desiredWeight (lb) of 65% dry bleach required

65e.g. 200 gallon tank 10 5%

154 lb of 65% dry bleach required65

Add a surfactant at the rate of 0.1% to both of these solutions to ensure wetting of all surfaces. Bleach solutions lose strength with time, with exposure to air, and when mixed with organic material such as leaf pieces. Test the solution every few hours using a bleach test kit. Test in the morning if the solution is used for more than 1 day. Add bleach as required. Stack dipped nests in staggered fashion, holes down, or take them directly to the field shelters to dry. Allow several days for polystyrene and styro-foam nests to dry and 2 weeks for wood nests to dry before bees are released. Bleach is extremely corrosive and harmful to skin, eyes and lungs. READ THE LABEL! Make sure that you are wearing eye protection, protective clothing and a respirator with a chlorine filter while using bleach. Do not tuck pant legs into boots. Remove bleach-soaked clothing. If bleach contacts eyes, rinse for 15 min with water and seek medical attention. If bleach is swallowed, do not induce vomiting; drink as much water as possible to dilute the bleach, and seek medical attention. Dispose of used bleach solution by spreading it over an area where soil sterilization will not be a concern, and where there is no possibility of contamination of water bodies or septic systems. Heat Treatment of Wood Nesting Material

Exposure to temperatures of 93°C (200°F) for 12 h will kill chalkbrood spores. A kiln or oven must be designed to heat equipment evenly, to avoid hot and cold spots. Use circulating fans, and stack nests to facilitate air circulation during heat-ing. Set up the kiln in a separate shed to minimize the potential for fire damage to other buildings and equipment. The length of time nests are treated will depend on the time required to reach a temperature of 93°C.

62118.10 Chalkbrood Control in Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee Paraformaldehyde Fumigation of Nesting Material

Paraformaldehyde is a white crystalline substance which gives off formaldehyde gas when heated. Paraformaldehyde fumigation of nest material is very effective for control of chalkbrood and other molds. Extreme caution must be taken when handling and using paraformaldehyde. Adequate ventilation following its use is essential. Under no circumstances should paraformaldehyde be exposed to an open flame. READ THE LABEL! To fumigate with paraformaldehyde, place the nesting material in cross-stacked piles in the fumigation chamber. Problems can occur with persistent formaldehyde vapour after fumigating, so treat nesting material in a room or building set aside for this purpose only. The building or the room to be used for fumigation must have an air exhaust system with air intake capability rated to the capacity of the exhaust system. In addition, you must be able to seal and lock the room or building. Condition the nesting material in the chamber for 48 h at 20–25°C with a relative humidity of 60–70%. Use circulation fans to ensure even humidity and temperature throughout the chamber. Fumigate with paraformalde-hyde at a rate of 20 g of product per cubic metre of fumigation chamber (1.1 lb of product per 1000 cubic feet). Place the product in one or more electric frying pans attached to electric timers. Paraformaldehyde prills should be loaded to a depth no higher than the sides of each frying pan. Use gloves, eye protection, and a dust mask or respirator. Set the timer to heat the paraformaldehyde for 4 h at the maxi-mum heat setting, then seal and lock the chamber. Do not re-enter the chamber once fumigation has begun.

After a 24 h period, begin continuous ventilation of the chamber by exhausting air. Ensure an adequate incoming flow of fresh air. Ventilate for 48–72 h. If you can still smell an odour of formaldehyde, or your eyes sting, ventilate for an additional 24–48 h. Enter the chamber only after completion of adequate ventilation. Use a full-face NIOSH approved respirator with formaldehyde or acid gas cartridge. Also, wear coveralls and gloves. Place nesting material directly into the field for aeration prior to bee release. Surface Sterilization of Bee Cocoons

Both bleach treatment and paraformaldehyde fumigation can be used to surface sterilize bee cocoons, killing chalkbrood and other mold spores. Adult bees will emerge from incubation trays carrying fewer spores. Bleach Treatment of Cocoons

Treat the cocoons just prior to incubation. Use the same dip tank as you use for nests. Use liquid bleach rather than dry bleach to make up the solution, otherwise the cocoons will become coated with a chalky residue. Construct mesh cages of similar dimensions to your nests. Fill them with cocoons and dip the cocoons for

622 18 The Problem of Diseases in Bees

3 min in a 3% bleach solution. Air dry cocoons thoroughly, away from heat and direct sunlight! Then place them in incubation trays and begin incubation. Paraformaldehyde Fumigation of Cocoons

Because problems may occur with persistence of paraformaldehyde vapour, treat-ment of cocoons should be undertaken in a facility set aside for paraformaldehyde fumigation and not used for other purposes. If you plan to fumigate your leafcutting bee cocoons, you first must ensure that your incubator is equipped with a hooded exhaust fan in the 1600–2200 maximum cubic feet per minute (cfm) range. Air intake capability must be adequate for the exhaust capacity. A two-speed or variable speed exhaust fan will allow you to adjust your air exhaust rate. You will need air circulation fans within the incubator. You may also need to upgrade your heating capacity to maintain the incubation temperature of 30°C with continuous air exhaust during incubation. Without this equipment you should not proceed with fumigation of your cocoons. Fumigate cocoons just prior to incubation. Place the cocoons in incubation trays in the fumigation chamber. Condition the cocoons for 48 h at 20–25°C with a relative humidity of 60–70%. Fumigate with paraformaldehyde at a rate of 1.1 lb/1000 ft3 of fumigation chamber (20 g/m3). Place the product in one or more electric frying pans attached to electric timers. Handle paraformaldehyde prills with caution and do not load prills to a depth higher than the sides of the frying pan. Wear gloves, eye protection and a dust mask or respirator.

Set the frying pan to its maximum heat setting, set the timer to provide power for 4 h, then seal and lock the chamber. After 24 h, actively ventilate for 48–72 h. Following ventilation, transfer incubation trays to the incubator. Use a full-face NIOSH-approved respirator with formaldehyde or acid gas cartridge, and wear coveralls and gloves.

Begin incubation at 30°C. Traces of formaldehyde gas will be released from cells and trays, requiring continuous ventilation. Leave the exhaust fans running at a high enough rate that you cannot detect formaldehyde in the incubator. On day 7 place dichlorvos strips in the incubator to control parasites. Turn the air exhaust system off for the parasite control period. On day 13 remove the dichlorvos strips, and turn the exhaust system on to remove both the dichlorvos and the formaldehyde gas which has accumulated. After ventilating for 24–48 h, turn the exhaust fan down and run it as required, to remove any traces of formaldehyde gas. Field Practices

1. Do not share equipment, incubator or bees. Sharing is a good way to import disease problems. If you must, first ensure that chalkbrood is not present in any of the operations involved.

2. Do not dump old cocoons in the field. If chalkbrood cadavers are present in the old cocoons the adult leafcutter bees will come into contact with them, and will be exposed to chalkbrood spores. Collect and burn the old cocoons.

62318.12 Problems in the Management of Bee Diseases

3. Keep field shelters clean and free of debris. Spray the shelter interiors with a 3–5% bleach solution applied with a back pack sprayer, to help control chalk-brood and mold spores. Wear protective clothing and a respirator. Allow time for the shelters to dry before releasing bees.

4. Disinfect cell removers, tumblers and cell breakers each year. Use a 3–5% bleach solution and a back pack sprayer. Rinse the equipment with water, dry thoroughly, and spray with a light oil to help prevent corrosion. Alternately, fumigate the bee handling equipment with paraformaldehyde, following the directions given above for fumigation of cocoons and nesting equipment.

5. Keep nests from each field as separate lots during stripping and sampling. If chalkbrood shows up it may be limited to one or more lots, allowing you to sell the affected lots and keep the clean lots.

18.11 The Alkali Bee

Alkali bees are attacked by a number of insects and animals. Among the more com-mon are the bombyliid (Heterostylum robustum), a sarcophagid fly (Euphytomina nomivora), and conopid flies (Zondion obliquefasciatum). Generally, high popula-tions of these flies indicate the bed is not adequately populated with bees, since well-populated sites provide good defense by limiting oviposition by the flies. Some fly control has been obtained by traps or sprays. A recent nest predator found in some areas is the black blister beetle (Meloe nigra). This beetle is easily controlled, since the flightless females must crawl from the site to deposit their eggs. Various methods are used to discourage vertebrate predators such as birds and skunks. Federal laws now protect most animals, so growers must seek information at the local level before using control measures. Heavy rain also can contribute to the destruction of bee cells by creating a favorable environment for soil pathogens to develop and destroy the pollen. No effective control measures have been developed to protect bees from infrequent drenching by summer rains.

18.12 Problems in the Management of Bee Diseases

Chemotherapy is adversely effecting beekeeping industry through development of resistance and the problem of residues in honey and pollen (Bogdanov et al. 1998). The development of resistance in honey bee pests and diseases means that conven-tional drug treatments are becoming less effective (Lodesani and Cecilia 2005). The chemical residues in bee products are a serious problem for beekeepers. Bees are often bred for behavioral traits which are not in harmony with their natural survival strategies. As a consequence, they function less efficiently under nutritional stress conditions and their immune system can be compromised by toxic elements in the environments. In many cases when the beekeepers see their livelihoods threatened by

624 18 The Problem of Diseases in Bees

disease in the bee colonies they used drugs as a first option – if they can afford them and they are locally available. In the short term this option is often the most conve-nient economically and usually does not require in-depth knowledge of the biology of the pest. The main diseases that affect honey bees worldwide and for which chemical treatments are used are the bacterial infections American (AFB) and European (EFB) foulbrood, and the parasitic mite, Varroa destructor. However, due to the develop-ment of resistant strains of AFB and Varroa and the problem of residues (antibiotics in honey and acaricides in wax), the limits of chemotherapy have become evident.

Generally, a treatment with a given chemical removes nearly all the non-resistant individuals at first, but leaves the resistant individuals alive. If the number of survi-vors containing the genes for resistance is high enough, then resistance in the popu-lation will develop more quickly when the chemical treatments is used. The only effect that we can have on this process is to speed it up or to slow it down. If every new generation of the pest is exposed to the pesticide, then resistance will develop at a faster rate. For this reason, timing and dosage of any pesticides application is important in the development of resistance and abuse, under use or misuse of che-motherapeutic substances must be avoided.

18.12.1 Resistance to Acaricides

Although effective acaricides to control Varroa destructor are available, the mite has a damaging effect on beekeeping with most Apis mellifera subspecies. Mite infesta-tion constitutes a continuous risk, which may lead to weakness or loss of colonies as soon as failure of the employed treatment occurs. Resistance to acaricides is a seri-ous problem in chemotherapy for V. destructor and can cause disastrous colony losses if control of the mite relies on ineffective treatments (Lodesani et al. 1995).

18.12.2 Fluvalinate Resistance

The phenomenon of fluvalinate resistant mites was first reported in Italy (Lodesani et al. 1995) where, in the first half of the 1990s, it caused the loss of a considerable number of colonies (Astuti et al. 1995). Cases of fluvalinate resistant mites have been observed in France (Faucon et al. 1995) in Switzerland (Fluri 1995). In Finland (Korpela 1999), in the UK (Thompson et al. 2002), and in other Western European countries. Similar reports of the phenomenon have come from Argentina, the USA (Baxter et al. 1998) and Israel (Mozes-Koch et al. 2000).

Concerning the situation in European countries, the temporal spread of mite resistance suggests that it has arisen only once or twice and that the major cause for the rapid spread of resistant mites is the movement of bee colonies by beekeepers (Martin 2004). Two different mechanisms of resistant been suggested for fluvali-nate: one concerns the increase in the levels of detoxification enzymes, such as mono-oxygenases (Mozes-Koch et al. 2000) in mite populations in Europe and

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Israel (monoxygenases are the enzymes that make fluvalinate almost harmless to the bee); the other concerns a reduced target-site (sodium channel) sensitivity to pyre-throids in the nervous system (knockdown resistance: a mechanism reported for many insect pests) as was found in the Florida and Michigan mite populations (Wang et al. 2002). These studies suggest that pyrethroid resistance has arisen twice.

In the “Italian” fluvalinate-resistant mite strain, cross-resistance between fluvali-nate and two closely related pyrethroids-flumethrin and acrinathrin – was found (Milani 1995). The presence of cross-resistance is not unexpected due to the simi-larity in the molecules of the active ingredient. Thus, these pyrethroids cannot be used as alternatives to fluvalinate where Apistan (tau-fluvalinate) fails in controlling Varroa (Elzen et al. 1999). Mites resistant to fluvalinate do not show an increased tolerance to coumaphos, but it is not known whether resistance to coumaphos increases tolerance to fluvalinate. Similarly, the mite V. destructor has developed resistance against other acaricides such as coumaphos and amitraz.

18.12.3 Coumaphos

Some V. destructor populations are resistant to coumaphos, a widely used organophos-phate acaricide. The first reports concerning a modest but significant increase in the mites tolerance to coumaphos in some areas of northern Italy date back to 1997(Dalla et al. 1997). In 1991, populations of V. destructor with a LC

50 increased by about

20-times were detected in northern Italy. Later, bee losses due to failure in the control of the mite with coumaphos were observed in other regions (Spreafico et al. 2001). More recently, coumaphos resistant populations were also reported in Switzerland (Martin 2004) and in the USA (Pettis 2004) only a few years after the commercializa-tion of a gradual-release coumaphos-based anti-varroa treatment product.

18.12.4 Amitraz Resistance

In Croatia lack of efficacy of treatments with amitraz (Dujin et al. 1991) was reported and it seems that the most likely explanation is the presence of resistant mites. More recently, inefficacy in the field of an amitraz-based product has been observed in France and in the some states in the USA. In laboratory assays, mites from the USA (Martin 2004) showed an increased tolerance to amitraz (Elzen et al. 1999).

18.12.5 Resistance Management

The only way to halt the development of resistance to a certain product is by inter-rupting its use in the control strategy, and possibly that of all related compounds, for a certain period of time.

626 18 The Problem of Diseases in Bees

18.12.6 AFB

In the control of AFB, alternative to chemically synthesized antibiotics do exist and are viable. In countries in which the use of antibiotics is the only strategy against infective brood diseases by the honey bee colony, there is an urgent need to identify new control approaches. In a long-term strategy, sanitary practices and common sense are the best tools beekeepers can use to prevent the spread of AFB. Recognizing disease symptoms in honey bee colonies is an essential part of good beekeeping management. Early detection allows for prompt remedial action and helps in prevent-ing serious diseases outbreaks and economic losses. Regular inspection of the brood combs, being thoroughly familiar with visual detection of brood diseases, reducing the exchange of hive equipment between hives and apiaries, replacing 20% of all brood frames each year, burning all the colonies with evident disease symptoms (or shaking bees onto foundations if the disease is limited to a few brood cells) are the most recommended practices to drastically reduce AFB incidence in apiaries.

18.12.7 Alternative Treatments Strategies

Many botanical compounds have been evaluated as control agents against AFB. One in vitro assay demonstrated the antimicrobial activity of linoleic acid (Carpana et al. 2005; Evans 2004; Faucon et al. 1995; Feldlaufer et al. 1993) and citrus seed extract and, to a lesser degree, that of the essential oils from Cinnamomun zeylanicum, Alaysia triphylla (lemon verbena), Cymbopogon citrates (lemongrass) and Eugenia caryo-phyllata (Eugenia). In field tests, combining treatment of infected hives with linoleic acid with brood elimination led to a significant reduction disease reoccurrence.

18.13 Management of Diseases

18.13.1 Breeding Queens for Disease Resistance

The internal environment of a honeybee colony (characterised by constant warm temperatures, high humidity and extensive contact between individuals) is highly conducive to the spread of parasites and pathogens (Milne 1983). Honeybees are attacked by various brood and adult bee diseases which are caused by viruses, bac-teria and fungi. They include bacterial diseases such as American foul brood caused by Bacillus larvae and European foul brood by Paenobacillus plutonius. Chalkbrood disease is caused by Ascosphaera apis and stonebrood by Aspergillus flavus. Thai sac brood and sac brood are viral diseases. Nosema, Amoeba, bee paralysis, septice-mia are the adult bee diseases. Besides, ectoparasitic mites such as Varroa jacobsoni, Tropilaelaps clareae and endoparasitic mite such as Acarapis woodi are the serious

62718.13 Management of Diseases

enemies of honeybees. Chalkbrood, a highly infectious disease that affects honeybee brood, is caused by ingestion of the heterothallic fungus Ascosphaera apis. The disease is characterized by the presence of mummified larvae (Gilliam et al. 1978; Mehr et al. 1976). While the disease is most apparent in summer, A. apis spores can survive throughout the year in honey, in stored pollen and in the gut of adult bees. These spores are highly resilient and may remain infectious for 15–38 years (Gilliam 1990). Frequent food and water sharing among nestmates contributes to the infec-tious Nature of the disease. However, chalkbrood is also stress related and certain predisposing physiological and environmental conditions are required for the devel-opment of infection (Gilliam 1978; Heath 1982a). Further, it is clear that some stocks are far less affected by A. apis than others (Gilliam 1986).

A more sustainable approach could be to focus efforts on breeding bees resistant to the disease, so as to reduce or eliminate the need for antibiotics (Abrol 1993). Direct resistance toward P.I. larvae by honey bee larvae was observed and selected for by Rothenbubhler and colleagues decades ago. While mechanisms of this resis-tance remain unclear, there is recent evidence that such resistance is both heritable and variable in bee populations. On a more practical level, the most important mechanism of resistant to AFB is hygienic behaviour in adult bees towards infected larvae. The methodology to test this characteristic (using liquid nitrogen or a freezer) is well described and easy to apply in the field. It would benefit the beekeeping industry to have hygienic lines of bees commercially available: the frequency of this trait would increase in the general bee population, increasing the chances that a queen could encounter drones that carry the trait and, finally, reduce the incidence of the disease, avoiding the antibiotic treatments.

Resistance to chalkbrood does occur in some colonies, and resistant bees can be selectively bred (Gilliam et al. 1983). Good nest cleaning – or “hygienic” behaviour, in which bees uncap and remove dead and diseased brood – inhibits the survival of the fungus A. apis (Gilliam et al. 1983; Spivak and Gilliam 1998a, b), and is correlated with resistance to chalkbrood (Gilliam et al. 1988; Milne 1983; Palacio et al. 2000).

Although other mechanisms have been demonstrated, hygienic behaviour remains the primary mechanism of resistance to chalkbrood and other brood diseases, such as American foulbrood (Gilliam et al. 1988; Spivak and Gilliam 1993, 1998a; Woodrow and Holst 1942). Shah (2000) reported that magnitude of hygienic behaviour was significantly correlated with the amount of TSBV killed larvae indicating that hygienic behaviour confers some resistance to TSBV in A. cerana. Interestingly, dif-ferent colonies in the same apiary exhibited different levels of susceptibilities to infection thereby suggesting that resistance to TSBV not only depends upon hygienic behaviour but is a complex phenomenon involving other mechanisms as well.

Hygienic behavior is a mechanism of resistance to at least 2 diseases of honey-bees: American foulbrood, caused by the bacterium Paenibacillus larvae (Woodrow and Holst 1942; Rothenbuhler 1964a, b); and chalkbrood caused by the fungus Ascosphaera apis (Massen ex Claussen) Olive and Spiltoir (Gilliam et al. 1983, 1988; Spivak and Downey 1998; Spivak and Reuter 1998). Hygienic behavior also is one mechanism of defense against the parasitic mite Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans (Spivak and Downey 1998). Hygienic behavior may also be a defense against

628 18 The Problem of Diseases in Bees

HBTM as well as other diseases. The original host of the varroa mite, Apis cerana, is known to remove mite infested pupae from the hive, and in doing so interrupts the mite’s life cycle. Apis cerana is the original host of Varroa jacobsoni; Behavioural and physiological adaptations of Apis cerana keep infestations low (Peng et al. 1987). They effectively remove mites from bodies by self-grooming and perform grooming dance to attract other bees to remove mites. They bite, puncture and drop the mites outside the hive. Furthermore, they are equally effective in removing mites from the brood cells. Apis mellifera on the other hand has a limited capacity to detect and recognise mites. Grooming behaviour is also infrequent. This hygienic behavior is also seen in other species of honeybees. In European honeybees (Apis mellifera), A. mellifera carnica and A. m. ligustica are two examples of colonies that have shown a high level of hygienic behavior. Colonies of A. m. ligustica Spinola specifically bred for hygienic behavior removed significantly more infested pupae than non-hygienic colonies (Milne 1985; Spivak 1996; Spivak and Downey 1998).

Breeding honeybees for resistance to Varroa (Varroa destructor) has been a goal since Varroa began to move into the worldwide population of honeybees. At times this goal seems unreachable. However, we now know that resistance to Varroa does exist in honeybees. And it seems to exist in more than one form. The aim is to produce honeybees that are genetically resistant to Varroa, and we may define mite resistance in honeybees as a slower growth or a decline of the mite population in a colony.

18.14 Conclusions

Honeybees have evolved elaborate and diverse defence mechanisms to protect their brood, adults and food against a broad range of pests ranging from viruses to verte-brates. One such mechanism is the hygienic behaviour. Dead or parasitized brood are removed from their cells by hygienic workers who detect, uncap and remove them providing protection against brood diseases and tolerance to ectoparasitic mites Varroa jacobsoni. The resistance trait could readily be increased through a breeding programme using a field assay (freeze killed brood). The selected queens could be reared from each of these colonies by grafting worker larvae, which could be tested and re tested for their hygienic behaviour.


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