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THE NEW ERA st ItOLOOV aKa. 'th' fish Oil Ih ....... Id.nt.hul ttlp .. om I' ht. tolco .. I lip irllhl th I Stnnill- thty . in' t bill" '. ,,111, .. 1





Tnll\spot'tation l1'orutn Draws , Mllny Quelnions on }>resent

Transit System The butt C!qulllnient lind tlel'vlce of-'

lel'~u by Public Servlce took It on the chin in an open meetln. called by the Palmyra Trllnlportatlon Committee. which wal held In the ValmYI'a Hiah Sl!hool auditorium 'ruesday IIlaht.

The meetJnil Wiltl ptlened by Mayol' Waller D. Lamon who lila ted that he had be'elt Invited to jollt with townll aloni the riverfront In lIecurlni, better tral'liportatlon t clI:llilleB, Illlll 1I1nte he Will heartily in accol'd with a movement of tlUlI klnll he appointed a eommlttee from PC\lmyrll to (ooperate with nellh­borhl' lowna In the , projett. Me turncd the meetln. over to Dreltel PaHcl1Ion, chalrmlln of the Plllm,vra committee.

MI'. Pauerllon explllined to hie oudhmce that little could be fore­told about Palmyra;1I lIentlmentli \:oncernlna their , tranllportation IIroblel\\ ulttll all of the quelltlon­nnll'cli had been returned, ,but he had called 11 meetllli to provide a forum Oil the lIubJect where com-menlll, crltlclam ,al\d lIuliettlonl could be mllde.

Accident liappen8 While ChU· dreft are Absent During

Easter Holidays

On Monday. Mhlil Stanlan. !luper· vlsinl ptlnc\palilt the ~Ivetton pub. IIc 8chool reported that tIl' 110 volt outllde electrical 1I1!rvice bad pulled aWllY {!'om It II fasleners 011 lhe litie or the bulldlna and fllllen to the around, tliu. temporurll.)r tlhlruptln. lhe lIahtin. circuit, Steps wete taken Immediately to remove the wlreB from the ,pllly,round.

The electrician who 1& repillcina the (allen tletvlce pipe htlll been In­structed to IItren,then the heavy­volttlle ",rvil:. pip. which parallela IIhowed IIlana 01 weakenlh., due probably to the .lttril wellht of the heavy coatlnl of anow and lI:e dur­Ina the winter.

CAID PAR'tY-APR1L 11 The monthly card party 'ponllo!"

ed by t.he American Le,lon Auxlll. ary, will be held In the Le.lon Hom. on ntlkt I!vettlnl, April 1I1h. Prltlell and ' refre.h· men\~, Tlcketll, 35 cents.


'town M"eti~g Transportation , Commlttee Oet. Bicking

of Many Citilenll

He tolled upon A. B. Oarwodd, aeneral chairman of the elttlre river· {ront IrroUp. for comment upon the subjecl. Ollrwood atated how PilI-mYfll hod In mllny waya ' by Itll tiro- Riverton, In eharllcterlltlc: lallhlol\, grelllllve Illvk Improvementt prepar. lot lolldly behilld the effortl 'of the ed itself lor Il brllht future. He dted 'toWn Meednl tranllportatlon com· the aeWer dillposni plant. the new mittel! 'lind to date 530 compleled permAnent rollda, the new hl.h queatlonnalrea h\ive beell returned !chool bulldlna, Ilnd Ilated thllt with to the comtnlhee. all or thelle proireli.lve ImprOve. The queatlonntlireil were dlattlbut. lIIentll Palmyra could not hope to ed Ilnd eolll!eted I)y five CW A work· I'ealhle the mo.t from Ita Inveltml!l1t era, Ilnd were c1rtulated by the com· Ir It allowed It I tranlportlltlon fdell. mlttee Iill a pdrf of It II ploh to obtain hlell to Ill,. a uOla lIection of public opinion

OIll'Wooti IIpoke oJ the llropolled relaUve to Rlverton'lI h'imallortatlon hll&h IIpeed line over the D~law/lre ptoblem. RIVer brldae and Itll dllOdvantales. It beln, too early ta ,Ive II tabu­'fhe IIlte would of courae terminate illlloll at the rltlilltered lIu"e.tlona, In Cllmden, with II lIropbled orl,ln till apprOlilmatlon of the tlercenta,e lit Broad /lnd Locuat stteltt. In Vhll~ wali .Iven out by the chllirman and adelphia. Ultder the prueltt pilln it roul&hly IIhowed about nine 'to one of travel. one would bllv!! to lei by hI favor of rilllrOiid service. bUB to the Camden termlnill of Ihe 'rhe main coinpldlnt wall not hl,h Ipeed line, \lhanl&e from bUll -to enouah lrllhls and fnre not compar. hllh "peed tarll over the brld,e and IIbh! with bu. rlltn, entllt a lIubway down ltl,hth IItreet Some of the replle!! ,In the apace In Philadelphia. If the perllon Want- p,rovlded for remark! c/lrtled the ed to 10 Welt or Eaat on l\htket followln,"u"elitiOltal 10.trlp tlcketlj "treet he would have to chan,e tot. t2.!lCh filmlly and lunia commu­from the hlah Ipelld line, pay a three tatl()n ,tlcketll: 6.month. family tick· tent tranBter char,e and climb Iltl' etal move the Itatlon to 'fhumll. other IIIlht or litalrs to rtllch the aveltl1e I ttlllny reque"t. fot shoppers elevation of lhe pretent Market tralttl IItrlvllt, In Philadelphia 10.00 .treet lIubwlIY, or continue ' on the a.m. altd teturl1lnl .. p.m.: Ule of hl,h speed \Il1e , IIltd willd up It Dlellel or Ilia-electric trlllnfJ to ob· Brollti alld Locust .treetl five taln more frequent letvlctl a shuttle aquarel /lWIlY from the celtter of the ttr

l all1 It dDelh"lr 'dodr Brolld Itreet Ita·

tlty. on I all tea !tlon of a theatre Garwood .tllted that he b.lleved' train.

!Itt a.reement h .. been rellched b)' Many btanlrl Indltated that lIeo­Public Service' and ,".R.T. that all pIe would Jlk. to atop ulln. thelt' bUI lind In New Jereey orl,lnatll1, priVate tal'l If adequate Ii!tvlce Will within a radiUM of 40 thll.,. of Cam- offered. diln would dllchllr,e their palilln- The committee WIlM more than I&er. at the Cllttlden tertnlnal ot the ,ratified with the r.lipbnl' atld 111-hllh .peed IIl1e. terellt .hown. Tho.e Who did not

Froth 'there Girwood .. Id, the ,et blanki or who have blankl that ..... t tor every pa .. en •• t" rule have not be,n collected, may obtain would probllbly be .trapped, and the bt them at 'fhe New Et. ",pact for every pill •• n,er" IiOllcy o"'ce, be IIdopted.


POppy p08TKR CON'tEST A Popp)' Vo.ter Conte.t lor ,ram­

l1Iar and hl.h Ichool IItud.nta III be· In. .pon.ored by the American LiI,lon AUlIlllary. Det.lled Infor· mlltlon will be pubUah.d nelit week.

NOTIClt It. meetJn, 0' the offlce"I, bolrct

of dlr'd~r. .nd ".rloul Cdmmlt· te •• of tile Riverton Towtt Meet­In, will b. held In th, Rlve .. ton J'ublle Icboot bulldln~ Mottdly nl,ht, April Oth, .t I 0 dock.

Dr. Harry L. RO,I ... , pre.l. dillt, ura.a everyone haldln, th'I' v.rlbull otrl~.. to b. pr ••• ~t,

'the Riverton Poteh Club received flnt hotton In the Infortnal dower .how which WII ttlnducted .1 • fe •• ture of the Fltlt DI.trlGt G.rden Forum held In the Moor .. town Cottlniunlt)l Hou .. , TUHd.y.

Jud,u were Mr •. Murray C. boy­fr, Mrll, Jdteph Blck 1'yler, of Riv­erton, alld Mr •• JOleph D, Pedlow, of Hllddonfleld.

If th. .dmlllln .. atlon run I out of ltnallllh leU,rl In -makin, up dll. pirtttl~ta lor th' New De.I, It thl,ht try the Greek For ""t.nce, MI ..... lppl River IltIprovl. ment could be known •• Delta, D,I. t., Delt., .ad Mr. ,.tte, could lab. el hll patron.,e or,lnl .. tlon I'll I'll PII

SUNRISE SERVICE Pilfr)/ Boy, S COUls VIIlI'oJ Rlvel' lind ' II ,BOARD PRESIDENT Creek: MAn l}ouml In

Philadelphia Impresllive Itallter Servl~e is

Lar8t!lIl Kvt!t Held in South Jersey ,

'rhe Patry Troop of boy SCOUlS

W\18 Mlled Into;Ielloll Tuellday when , It Wall reporte" lhat John Wesley

Fifteell to I wenty lht')U8alld )leo- Smith. ~8. of Ealll Rlverlon. had J)le, comlna ftom p .. actlcally every been mhillini (rom .his home Iinee county Ih South JerRey, Illllletnbled G."!; MOllday morninl' ' at Lakeview Memorial Park, out- The report of the. mlsslllg man • ltlli or Ilvertoll, to pill'tlcipate In wall ,made to the Rlv~rlon police the observllllce of tbe :2tI2nd Mora". who In turn notified Chief of Police Ian KIl'llter Sunrise SerVice at 5.l!! Georll) Oorworlh, of. CInn.amlnson o'\:!ock, Eallter Sunday mornlna. 'f?wIl8hlp. Dol-worth lot 1\1 touch "ulo",obllell elltlmatetl to numbe.. WIth lhe Dureau of MI8IIIna Perllonsl 5,000 filled thle hllhwaYI. patklna of Phlllldelllhia. who alao joined In areaa. and the roadway. throllahout the search. the! ph:turl!lque pllrk. brln,l"a thl! 'ful!lday nlaht nt 9.30 Dorworth hUIll 411!1embla,e whOle alllrltual received a call from the Detective Ilppreclatlnn o{ the alanlfican!!e of Burellu In Philadelphia. atatlnl that the day beckoned them to come Smith had been relleued froth the and. In a beautiful non-liectarla~ Schuyldll River Inlo which he had ser ... lce. proclaim \0 the world, "He jumped from the Market street la Rlaen." , brldae. He Willi taken to the Gradu.

The vellted choir of 400; the bellu. ate. Hospital, at 19th and Lombard tllul IItone allar. hundreds of Ea.tet streeta. for obaervatlon. IIll1ell. themajelty of the Sinalnl ' 'fhe Scouls palrolled alon, the Tower' the lar,e illuminated (rOaB' Del.llwo.~e river and Pompella Creek the be~utl(ul I'olllni landllcape, ali thlnklna he ItIll ht have Jumped In mirrored In a slivery lake. tlnd tol. lhere. ored with the firBt rOlle-tinted raya of fhe rillni IUn, prnented a picture thM !lUtred the hearta of everyohe present.

This ancient Kotiter Dawn SerVice, orl,lnated 202 yeaI'II alo ,al Hornhut. dermany, Wlla IIponilored by the Moravilln Churchea of Palmyra ,and Rlveralde. The Iltu .. ,lelil pottlbn of the pro,r4m, aa well all ,the addrn!l, prayer and benediction. were liven by !tev. Albert J. Harke, ani! Rev. Robert K. StanBReld of Palmyra Ilnd Riverside. '

Thl! maalllVe mixed choir wal led and dlrec:tetl by Mra. Frattceaa S. bettder, of RIVe~lilde, and accothpan. led on the platte) by Mr •. Rachel M. Lord. 01 Palmyra. The tilnillnl .roupa makln. up the choir were compo lied, of the followln, oraanl. ratlona:

Artlllll1a' OIee Club, Woodbury. N. J.I Collln,lIwood Sen lot Hl,h 6\1hool Glee Club: (]Iouceeter City -Hlah ' School Olee Club: Cattlden Hlah School Olee Club; Haddonfield Memorial Hl,h School Olee Club, t>elllnco Methodlat Church Choir; Delartco Methodist Meli'll ChorulI:

(continued on pa.e 7)


Nev. Franchs B. Downa, 01 WI.· illthlckon, Filii Vacancy in

Rlvertqn Parlllh

'the Rtv. Franc:ill B. Down., for. merly ,of St. StevenB Parish, of WI.· lahlckon, la the new rector at Ohrlat Church. Riverton.


Broadaide Wave Plunges Three , Into Cold Water of Dtta·

ware on Mot\day 'fwo youlhful nllvladtorll and a

IItran'aer rec.elved a dUllklnl In the chilI waten of the Delaware four o'dollk MOl1day afterllodn when the canoe In ,whlc:h they were pllddllnl waa IItruck broadliide by a wave Ilnd upset.

The bOYII. "Dick" Barday and Harold Baker. volunteerl!d to take the IItran,er from the Riverton Yacht Club whnrf oUt to the dredae which Was anchored nearby. Some little dlltance out the. canoe upset and the trio tnanaied to secUre a grip on the overturned crait and keep aROIlI. 'fheir (a1l8 for help were IInllwered by Newt Huhn, Wal. ter HIIII8ell aHd John Knilht who Inultched. MallrJte Belkllap'8 tow. bOllt. nltd. Ullin, the floorboards for patldletl. 8et, oUt to lhe rescue,

I. A. Matahilll who hurtled to the scene lIaw the poor proireBR being tnade by the rescue pllrty with floor­board paddlell. an(l follnd a pair or oata which he lave to Geotie At­klnllon !lnd Oeor,e Kennedy. who. hi nnother canoe look them oUI to the rellcUe boat.

With ,the Improved propulsion lhe boy!! In the rowboat soon reached the helpleBII trio and trafi\Iported them to the Yacht Club pier,

With brief expre.llonB of Irati. lude for their rescUl!rs Baker lind Barclay hit the trail for home on the run. looklna for a wlirm allOl lI11d dry dothea. What hllPllened to the ,ttanler III hot known. but he too muat have been thoroulhly cold and wilterlolled.

Walter K. WOOlntah Vice Pres­ident: Fr~d P. Hemphill Re­

turned As District Clerk

The Riverton Board of EdUcation effecled organizaliol1 last Monday IIll.I\t by electing Mrs, Marion R. Elwell prelliqelll and Waltet K • Woolman vice president. '

FI'ed V. Hemphill WllS re·elected dilltric't clerk at the aame salary aa Illst year, $540.00. The bond of the cle~k, which has been In for!!e ainee 1920. was approved by tile new board and placed In the hand. of the preiildent.

Dr. Harry L. Roaera waa reap­pointed medical examiner {or the achool at a lIalary of $300.00 per year: Monia Steedle janitor, ' at $t3&0.00; the Villitlnl Nurses ail school' nura~a at $270.00, atld all tru· ani officeI'll at $110.00; both IIUml to be paid to the trelllu!'er of the Visit­Ina Nune Committee.

Mr •• Elwell allked ililtoh Smith, the rellrln, prellident (or Informa­tion rel&lIrdltll the application of the board for fedet;;ll aid in tbe e~ettlon of the ' proposed Improvement, to t'he IIchool buUdlnil. ' .

.M r. Smith rel>lietl !hilt Itorouah Attorney , Frank A. Mathew. had promlaed to ,send him copies of the correspondence between the attoi'. ney and the Admlnlatr.tion In the matter, but bad failed to do 110. Therefore. Mr. Smith aaid, he blId not been In pOlllellilon of data cov­erin, tile Information Illte!ady Bub. mlUed and Willi ' not In a po,ltlon to furnlah additional facti whlth had been requeated. A ahort ' time a,b, he lIald. he had been advlled by Mr. McCtlnnell. of the PWA that the required IIddll'ional dllta must be submitted wilhln three days or the appllc:allon would I10t be conllidered. 'fheteupon, Mr. Sthlth IItated. Mr. Hettlphill. Collector Davia lind him­self had procured the information desired and forwarded It to Mr. Mc­Connell.

Mr. Smith further stated that he bad been In conference wit.h Con­,res!lman 0, Lane Powers who as· flured hll1l that the application had reached WII8hinglon and would be (onaldeted hi the order of its re­ceillt.

Mrs. ltlwell c.xpressed the opl,nion that something should be done to follow the malter up, and Mr. BOI!- , aer alreed to 10 to Washington lind thtoulh Congressman Powers con­tad the, deparlmellt and allcerllll" what pragtell8 18 being made. \I POll­Bible.

On the suglutio" of Mr, Wool. man. bne of the IIeW members of the board. the clerk Was inlltru~tl!d to addrells (I letter from the board to

(continued on pa,e 7)


Route 25 to Be hecon.tructed and Widened from Cinnamln.on

Rev. Dowltti Wati !l thember of the clallll of 1928 at the Ul1lveUlty of Veltltaylvllnld and of the daIS or 1930 of the Philadelphia 8chool' of Divinity, where he received the de· ,tee of 'fh. D. While at the Uttl. venl!'y he wal a member of the Della SI,.nll Rho. an honorlu'y de­batln, fraternity.

NARROW ESCAPE OF to Brldl~boro

He Wall ordained to the mlhl.try from the Chapel of the Medilltot., at &ll1t and Spruce IItreete, Phlladel­lIhla, the Rev. Oral1vllle Taylor, vicar.

Prior to Rev, Downa' "altorate at St. Stevenl he WII for a time curate at Calvary Church. Oerman. towl1:

Rf\I. DOWh. Ie • direct dncendent of Henry Vratt, of Phll.delphla, Who wa. a veltrythan of old Chrl.t Churc:h, Phllndelphill. durin, the rec­tor.hlp of UI.hop White.

The rfetor), and pariah haule h .... e recently been renovlltfd lind Im­"roved, Indudln •• new I10dr In the auditorium of tht! parf.h hou.&.

The church orrall I, b.lna repair. eel by M. P. Moller Co., of Ha,e,.­town, Md., who otl.lnllUy bUilt It III 1018 from .peelfleatlon. lar.ely dr.wn by Oeor •• L. RIdley, whOle lOll, G. Llnco'n Rldl.y II now th. chureh or,.nliit.

PALMYRA WOMAN, On Tuellday the State Hilhway CommlBaloll announced three new

Mr •. I!!dna Evanl, 211, of Mapl. avenue, Palmyra, I. In II trilleal con· ditlon, after alle.ell III1Ialation of II. lumlrtatln. la •.

,M,.. Evan,. well known In Pal­l1Iyra, Wa. found Iylll, on the floor In the kltClhen of her home whell her hu.blllld, Robert. returned home fro.'" work early TUelday, The .al lito¥!! Jet. bad bun turned ott alld wlndowa had beerl ,topped up, Dr. H. W. 8auer, of V.lmyrll. laid.

Dr. Bauer wa' lummdned and for more than thrf&! hour. attempted to revive the WOinlln betore .n /imbu· lancf Wile IUh'ltnoned to take her to the turbru,. Mettlorlal HOlpltal. In Rlveulde. It w.. ..Id thllt Mu. Kvan. had beell III.

A New York be"lIr w •• dlnov. er.d keep'tt. two bl. lutomobllel. No wondlr he bed to b.,.

Soulh Jerlley projecli amonl five whlrh will be undertaken with ap. prollimately .3110.000 left ftom the federal rotld allotnlent thi' year,

The comttllulon planl to Ipelld $175,000 lor reconstruction of an added 'our-mile link on Route 25 be· tween Clltnamln.on alld Bridgeboro, In aUrllnlton county.

Brld,e !lpproaches on Route 42 (Hlack Horlle (lIke) In Camdt'n. Hllfltlon township and Audubon. will be paved al a l-USt of 1611.000. lhcel1t tiline have clllletd hellvy 1111. to lett Ie at t hOlt polltt •.

The third South ]erety project will be IIIIvln, of tht ndlrollcl Ul\lter. J)all on Route 40 at Merchantville at a co .. of " ,000,

A ,'ontruet wu aWarded to Ed· ward H . Rill •• of Weltville. for con­Itrurtln" /I nt!w link 01 ROllte 48 be· tween Bliore Roa,1 and New rand, PI ... alttvllle, EIII.' bid wa. '114.761.

" ':.

PAGE TWO THE RIVERTON NEW ERA, 'l'HURSDA Y. A:P=R~~L;:5;' ~19;;3;4 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~MC~H'CI~MC~MC'

Jack Siddall, whD ie livlna at the ORANGES I Phi Beta PI, a medical ftatemlty of h Lot of Busses Rapped in

Palmyra Meeting I RIVERTO~ JeffersDn HDspltl11, IIpent tlte Easter Frea holidaYIi with his parente, Mr. and . f .

L ____ ----- Mrs. J. J .Siddqll, of Lippl"cott 3ve- Tangerines Apples Grape rwt (cDntlnued from paie t)

J. Elmer Hnltl1, Mnyor of River. ton. was cnlll!!d upon td address t.he tlle"tinll and stnted Hlat in his optn­Ion if /hc varilluB conlntittees \~III

I nue. F 't Mr. alld MI·s. M. A. Funk, of Fu - Prices Reasonable _ Very Excellent rul

ton street. who hnve been IIJlendlna Mr, and Mrs. ThomM McChesner.

. their survey and Qutltne plepare . d /lidals what they want, the raltroll 0 . will try to rel1de~' a bdtef senu;..,. He ~alled attention . to th~ nl3ny cars that go to the ~lty, taktnll seV· el'ut Ulell to worK and shndng the eltl'cnsc with the driver. Thts pm,· ticr may Heelll economkal, but I~e poi Itt cd out lhat even though e~, h trip is 1I0t costly with 1111 sharln~ Ihe ex"ense. it is takina rcvenu.e an

the winter in Ii'lodd3. have returned 01' Moorestown. "debrated their to Riverton. fifth weddinll anniversary laBt Sun-

---- d3Y. Twenty·two guests were prea-Miss Evelyn Diehl. of Emaus and ent from Riverton, Palmyra a~ldl

M· Eva C\<:vengel' of Roxborough. Moore~town. Mrs. McChesney WI ISR t the home i M B rna were we"kentl guests a h be remembered as M ss ay u •

0" Mr. llllli Mrs. Oeorge Dorwort . of Riverton. 1~~j,!~;~~!~!N

Councilman Gorh"m P; SArgent is tlriving n \lew Pack(\rd sedan. ,

---- , . ~~~~~!;f?~~ GOOGOGOOGDGOOO~OGOGGO'

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Nesbitt, of t~ . BURLINGTON COUNTY Thomas avenue, and Mr. and ~r8 . .;.~ BERS John Kelley of MerchantvIlle, § MASTER PLUM

Ider!> Irom the rellular conslltuted ~rnnsportation agetldes. alld I hcre.b~ fordng a lowe1'ed serVIce, and Wit I that a lowered ""I\le ror ollr rc" cst at:. If these private cn~ rlt~er~

The candidates 01 the Girls Fricn<Hy Sodety will hold a food "31e at the Parish House neKt Wed. ~e"d;y (If\C!I'I\oon Irom 3,~O to ~,OO Watch lor Allrll 25th. movIe .comlOg.

Mr. nnll MI", Eugene T.

motored to Asbury Park, Sunday. 'I' ASSOCIATION Miss Betty Sin1 and friends fro~ ~ AFFILLIA TED WITH THE

Moorestown motored to Atla~l1c . NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ,City Sunday. . §

SchUeake .. 01 Nazareth, Pa .. sP~~t the weekend at the home 01 . and Mrs. Karl W. Latch.

MI'. lind Mrs. Louis Clella~d el1- i tertained Irlenlla (rom Washmaton, . D. C., over the weekend. .. ki g in accordance The following Plumbers are wor n

They are reliable and dependable. Give with the N .R.A.

uld Nunt the cost of theIr Plol~· :.~y deprecialion i~ with \.hel~ tl'all.portation costs. \I would nOI b as cheap a8 it seems.

Dreltet P3uersOll tlCKt read oiT. a lew 01 the queslions he lo~nd w.m­ten Iln 60me 01 the qucallonnalrcS lhnt were. received early. O~e bus rider wanted to know why II w~s necenary to tranaler at Delair III

aome cases. Another want ell to know when we could expe.:t new

Mr. and M 1's. },~lllel1' Cheeseman, of Budlngto". spent the weekend nt the home of Mr. anel Mrs. P. B. Cnldwell, of Tbonlns avenue.

Miss Verna Kelly, of Mt, Ephri. Si am. vi~ited Iter cousin Miss Naomi EvatIR, Monday. . ~ them your support.

Miss Evelyn Diehl. Miss Eva Clevetlger, Miss Alma DorwDrth and George Dorworth. Jr., Rpent Sunday 31 Se;,lslde.

bus equipment. Another lIlated th~t Mr. and Mrs. C. Brook ~alliti buses .on this line did not make. It Jr.. spent several days I~ In~

The Rev. J. Glover Johnson, of Oeoriin. was the we~kend guest of Dr. and Mrs. Henry Fox. Mr. J?hn. son matriculated at Mercer Unaver­sity at Macon, G4\orllla, where he studied Bioloay under Dr. Fox, who taught there from 1918 to 1924. Mr. Johnson is now a graduat" student of the Divinity School of Yale Unl. versity.


. I!"ble til read newspapers, wilde Springs and Roanoke. VIrge . :~5 ~ther lines It Is possible. An. molorlni down In their new air- DW other asks why thl!! driver has to , Chrysler. turn all the lIlhta off In tlte bUB . from Camden to Delair. Anoth-er Mr; and .Mrs. J. L. GrImm 3nd wanted to know why r,idera could family. of Oranlle, spent the EUler nOl have a round trip ticket for 40 holidays with friend. in Riverton.

The many friends of "SDnny': Coe Il:ir:II:V=O=:~$=$~"'~"~-~'~~"~"~,~,,~,,~,,~,,~.~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~== will be' Ilad to Jearn that he IS r"· G .

cents and the one that brought the , ___ _ biaae'at lauah and· applause ,!tom the Mrs. Edward CDffey. of Brooklyn,

cuperating from pneumonia and tliat ';'V· .es· eV..!!. ...... hl·ng you his brother ill a:ettlna IIlons nicely .. g& ¥" arter an operation fDr mastol~ltlll at h

audience was the queatlon Why do spent Thursday and Friday at the we have to have a 'monkey nat' In horne .Df her pllrents, M,. tmd Mra.

Cooper Hospital. Saturday nlllht. bake the ric , Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard BUBh· f busses?" 'd Harvey E. Stewart.

Ii F Anders an enilneer fe81 -Ing ' In . Palmyr~ brouih~ n tot?f Mrs. Oscar A. Kahler, of Thomas lIympathetic "\.aughll from the men In avenue, entertained friends from the audience when he pllthetlcally Oertnantown last Sunday.

ley of Rochester, N. Y., were week· rural £la'vor 0 end visitors at the home of her par. na ~:~~' Mr. lind Mrs. J. M. Coddang- choicest wheat .

told of belni unfortUnate enough to take the seat next to the monkey leat lind Just liS he would get set­tIed' down for the ride he wiluid look up to aee a wqman waiting to aet past him to sit In the tnonkey seat. This ' he said waa too tnuch for him he would put on the aentle. ma~ly ad and fold up his five (eet eiiht and one half inches of frame and proceed to take the ~onkey sca t. wit h his knees caress'"i his chin. and let the lady have the com­fortable seat.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Galvin and son and Miss Rose Laverty; of Lo~g Island. New York, f?rmer!y of Riverton. were visitini fnends In Riverton Monday.

Mrs WIlliam tlcymoure, of Bern· hllrdll~ilte, N. J., died on March 31st. She will be remember!!d to .her many friends as Miss Mabel Trtek-. er,

J. J. Siddall 's spendlna: 8e~"ral days In Washinitoh all a bUslttess trip.

Mr. and Mra. J. M. Coddiniton and family, tnotored to Bernards· ville Tuesday to attend ~he funeral

' . of Mr8. Coddington's SUiter, Mrs.

Getting back to the serious, Mr. Anders nld that il the railroad would operate a shuttle line Ilver the Delair bridge to Broad street station tying in with our pte sent Camden IIchedule, efTecting only one change at Delair, he believed that th~n and only then would Public Serv,,:e be. gill to .. iI up and pay 3ttention to our I ranRportal Ion needs. Touch lneir pocketbooks' 3nd YDu'1\ get service, was hill opinion. .

M~J~"s~~a~~er«~ ~W~I;Il~~~m~s;~~m;o;~~e~'~~=~==~~~ii~~~~~~==:==~~~~;~iiiiii~ dent of Riverton, now living at Merchantllille, is visit ina: friends in Harrlsburll. Pa. ---

Mr. and Mrs. D. Franklin Day, of Philadelphia. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Caskey, Saturday.

Mrs. Rufus Hill. formerly of Pal­myra hi again making her home at 417 Linden avenue, Riverton.

Another citizen usked If nnyone It, the audience knew of 11 cotnmUl;l­lty tbat hod been built up by bua ~el· vicc. and hi. question :-venl un­al1 ~werecl . d'

Sergeant and Mrs. Ifvlng OeGrau and children and GeDrge DeGrau, of Philadelphia. were weekend guest!! at the hOllle 01 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hullings.

Anothcl' 'gentleman in the nU 1-

cllee wnnted to know why a .1I~eltt!r 01 SOniC kind could not be bUIlt at the Camden jJla~a. The gentlemitn III queHtion .tated that he hod been saalted to the hide on rnol'e th~n onc occasioll waiting for rI bus In stormy weather.

A Illrge number 01 lriends of George WonfDr. of Cleveland ave· nue. Palmyra, attenlled the ' sel~lon of the State Senate Monday evenmg, at which time a bill Was paRsed af­fecting photographers, and In the Passage of which Mr. Wonfor haa been taking an Dctive interest.

Mr Griffith nnd Mr. Worth, rep­rege';tnting Public Service, were ptesent llt the meeting and ,,:,ere kept bUllY defending the bus Itnea which they tnannge. Mr. Worth claimed that the bUIes uloni this line were not dirty, but where cllrty buses were found,whlch they ate occuionally In thl& or any other tranlll'Ol'tation line, then It should be reported Immediately lo the mnn· IIgement. He .tatedthat he did not kttow of nny all reetnent between Public Service nndP.R.T, lind he did not know if will continue to croas the Delaware Rivet Brldae after the hlah apeed tine' I, built. He ~ald the pre tent buset on tbl. line were three yeare old and would Boon need replacement. and he veri·

Matter Jack Grimm has been Aeri· oU91y ill at the home of hi' grand. parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry John. son. of Elm avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. JDhn Blandford and son, John. of Wilkell-Bnrre, were weekend iuestl at the home o( hllr &flutdparenb. Mr. and Mrs. John Nickel_.

The MODrestown Chapter . of the O.E.S, II Apon.orina: a urd patty In the Comtnunlly HOUle at Moore.· town Salurday evenln.. Everyone iH most cordially Invited.

Mr •• Etlrtabeth Hemlnw~y, oT Rlv· nlDn, was a weekend vilitor of her daulhttr, at Willow Grove, Pa. " lied the .tatement that a new com·

P.tlnl bu. line could ndt be run where one I. already ntabll.h.d IIC­

cordlnr to the HRA Code. J. W . Bu.t •• d, dlltrlct palllCnrer

The in.taltadDn of the new of­ftcer. of the White Shrine of Jeru­laleln 'Wlll take place at Beverly Malonic Hall. evenln,.

MAKE COlliNS Headquarters for Your Spring Planting Needs

EDS A wide variety of flower seeds and

SE vegetable seeds of every descrip-tion. Only 1934 seeds Bold from a

nationally known seed house. NEW ONION SETS, and Michell's Fairmount Park Grass Seeds.

Meal, Lime and Bovung. Insure the success o( your

garden w~th Collins' Fertilizers.

TOOLS .Garden tools, ' such as rakes, hoes, trowels, lawn mowers, watering cans, spades, wheel­

barrows, 18se, nozzles, pruning shears, etc., in fact any­thing you need.

J. S~ Collins & SOn,Inc. Riverton

Phone4or5 lent of the Pennlylvanl. Railroad Company, told the audIence that the rallroad atand. ready to cODperate with ttle riverfront committe.. on the IlIbJect o' bett,r tran.portatlon.

MI.. Betty 8101ll, of Merchant. lillie, formerly of Riverton. mototed 11;::.4~"Mii"i'i4jii"'". tD Wa.b1"1ton. D, C" Monday. "




County to Be Divided, With Three·day Campaign in

Each District

Wilh directors. team captains and workct'~ nil showing a decided en. thuslasm. the annual financial cam­Jlllign of the Burliniton County Y. M. C. A. will get under way on Fri. day of t hi. week. The organization is 'seeking enough {unds to 'meet Its coming year's budget of $8100.

At the slime time collections nrc to be made lor the cancellation of the assDciation's $3000 indebtedness. with the understanding that pledlles mnde toward this latter fund will

Vincentown and Marlton workers Friday nlaht.

Other parts of . the county will foltow In rapid order. Three days wiU be allotted to each district for collection of funds, and the last two days that Intervene will be for re­ceiving repDrts and otberwise cheek­inlt up on the accomplishments.

Other sections of tne county where the drive will take place duro ing the coming weeks arc as fol. lows: Columbus, Jobstown. April Z; Pemberton, Wrightstown, New Lis. bon, Brown's Milia, April 11; Bor. dentown, Crosswicks, Chesterfield, Florence, April 17; Riverside. De· lanco. Bridgeboro, April 18; Mount Holly, Lumberton, Ran C 0 C a 8.

Hainesport, April 18; Edgewater Park, Beverly, WillingborD, April i4: Moorestown, Masonville. Maple Shade: Cinnaminson, April Z5.

not be called in unless the entire PORCH CLUB NOTES amount is to be collected. •

A decidedly different campaign Tuesday afternoon at the Riverton will be run thi .. year, under the ' di· Porch Club, Richard R. Wood gave reetion of Samuel A, Ackley, of an interesting talk on "World Cur­Vineland. who has been engaged by rent Events." Mr. Wood spoke of the cDunty group to carryon the an unrest. fear of war. which aee'ma work. Under the new arrangement, to be pervading the whole world. the drive, which will last only five Russia, once considered a war men-' weeks. will not 'be put on in full ance, is no lonier so considered, blast all over the county at one 8tat~d Mr. Wood, this due to the time, but will be "stagiered" among 'press of ber own internal problems. the various sectionll. The Ireatest fear at present is of

The openina: aun will be fired at Germany, thoua:h the speaker felt a luncheon.meeting of the Medford;. this to be areatly exaa:aerated. . He





Ca .. didate



Primary Election TUESDAY

MAY IS, 1934

He has rendered eminent service to the people of Burlington County in hoth local and state affairs. Thl, .. dverti_tmcnt ordered lind .mi.l.flJr L}" i\1l'JII &U Alhtln~,

The Agnes Shop A modern dress sho'ppe feat~ring Women's and

Misses' Dresses and Ling~rje

Dresses ~ $3.95 and ,up

All sizes, including half sizes

A complete line of dark blue jacket suits

The ~es Shop . 9 East Broad Street

Phone Riverton 221

Open Monday, Friday -and Saturday Evenlnl'


Other Eveoinr. open Wltll 6 p.m. ,

tnentioned that the industries that are makina: war material, arc pros· pering a:reatly. and though they may not want war they arc doini 3 Itreat deal to create unrest.

Speaking of some of the present forms of a:overnment. Mr. Wood stated that an authoritarian philoso­phy is all right with an able man as leader, but may . be 'very disastrous with the Jlossibly weaker successor.

Next time we ao to war it should rp'h. . ~e to make Am~rica safe for Amer- 1 j IS 'IJ Icans. § ' . t'~«+''''''<+.''''''''~:'1 Appreciated

II Look for THIS I XI We . know from long experience that the privacy

Label afforded by our family room is a gTeatJy appreciated phase "! of the Snover Funeral Home. Inc.

(""~4,.,co~d€J "Endorsed" Iy! This establishm'ent is complete in every respect, and , t our service is replete with thoughtful provisions for the

fl. 1Jj. 1Ktatittg· II ,omlort on' 'onVOOi~: o~::;: <on upon "'. IIrl1uil uuil !Duln &Irfthl

BlufrtoU. N. lI. "(9ur &prtlal AS.B&IrtUl,nt'· There will be no charie for the burial of any resident of

Riverton, Palmyra Or Cinnaminson, whose relatives are worthy lind withDut means with which to pay the funeral

expcnsl!!s. At Keatings A Real Candy Buy

Y21b. 25c lib. SOc 2 lb. $1

Snover Funeral Home IN~ORPORATED


PALMYRA, NEW JERSEY Telephone. Riverton 830

LADIES, ATTENTION.! A, Permanent Wave dose 'to head without danger of burning the Stalp

I n order to better serve our patrons we have installeda

1934 Bonat Naivette Croquignole . and

Spiral Permanent Wave Machine .. This machine is the best and latest

on the market. The outstanding feat-; ure is the fact that a wave can be made close to the head without the slightest possibility of burni11;g the scalp_ A lovely soft, lustrous wave 'is produced. rivaling that of a ' natural one,

Special prices for April only $2.95 Wave

4.50 Wave $1.95

3.50 . 6.00 Wave 4.50 6.00 Spiral and Croquig-

nole Combination 4.50 8.00 Croquignole 6.00

Certainly just an "ordillary" per­manent won't do. Our skilled operatDrs ilve you individual at· tention with the famDus Bonat Method and 8uperior Bonat Lo· tiona, to exprellJ the full beaut,. of your hair for every occasiDn Your hair delerves tbe patural la.tinlt bea'!ly of a BDnat Wave. This Wave is positively

giving an extra shampoo and setting $4.50 and $6.00 Waves.

We are

'an Oil Wave.

with the

TONY'S BEAUTY SALON Beauty Culture in all its Branches

107 West Broad Street, [2 doors from Fortnum's Show Room]

• Palmyra • •

All work guaranteed Phone Riverton 413 for appointments


THE NEW ERA Published Every Thul"llday at 607 Main Street

RIVERTON, N. J. Entered at the Riverton, N. J. Poat Office all Second-Cia .. Matter

WALTER L. BOWEN. Editor KARL W. LATCH. Advertillin, Manaa~r

NOTICE AI.I readers or local notices ' ~f entertainment 8,uppera, fairll, dances,

etc., gIven for the purpose of ralsIRg money, wili fSt! char,ed for at the rate of ten centB a lille. The New Era Office is equippoci to do a~ kinds of Fine Printillg at reasonoble prices. ---_._._----- --,---- -_...:...-_---

L~GAL ADVERTISEMENTS The New I£rl;' !s a L~gal Ne,!spap'er., Commi~sioner'8, Sheriff's and

other Sales. Adl!lIIl1strtlto~ s an~ Executor 11 Advertl~ements are solicited. The Ne~.~~~.!.L';I~p.r~~_!?':.!.~.l{~~~Jn th!=_'i£!!~~ion. _

SlIbscription $1.50 a Year in Advance , ~~~~~~ .~ate6 on Application ,_ .. ----


_. _____ , ____ -------.......! . ..!.:.M)nes~dcnt ____ _

Philodelphia AdYcrtisinll. Representatives NEVILLE & HITCltINGS. Inc.

12 So_ Twelfth St_. Philadelphia. Pa.


William Reeves. of New Lisbon, has announced hiB cand.docy for one of the vacancies on the board of .freeholders.

Reeves was r.ecently re·elected for the fifth consecutive year os Difl~c­tor of Railroads in New Jersey. a nOllfsalaried position.

He also served aa derk of Bur· lington County for 10 years from 1919-29 and was a memb~r oE the county election board and a State Committeeman sil< years.


. Trenton Firm Lowest Bidder on Project Aided by Federal

PWA Funds


Former Walt Whitman Manager Succeeds E. R. Bo.urgoius:

PIlin New Features

Arthur W. Keell, the new manager of the Broadway Theatre, Palmyra, plans to bring to the people of this community something new and novel each week.

Mr. Kee~ replaces E. R. Bour­goius, the former manager, who has been transferred to the Victoria Theatre, Cnmden.

Each Snturday at the afternoon performance pupils oE the Wljrl'ing .. ton School of Danclnll will present song and dance programs, the dur­ation of which will be from fifteen to thirty-five min lites.

Mr. Kees formerly managed the Walt Whitman Theatre in Camden And the Apollo, Gloucester. He Mates that these programs staged by the Warl'iniiton pupils proved most succesMFul in Gloucester and attract­ed large numbers of persons each Saturday "Hernoon.

"An ountt of 4i,crtliOH iJ btl", Ib.1t II /'0"" of Alla.·ltt/g.... .


~" I 9_h Rehot" Clener.1 Lee 11Ir­",.. renders to U. S. Clrant,


.,." ~l~~ to- Eli Whitney InvCI)Q the :J~I~O"'f import.nt Cotton OIn,


~$~ II - Nnpoleon i.fOrted to quit ' l: French throne. 1813.

_ ~.A. 12--Cl.n. Porahing putlues ~ Villa into Mexico. 1916.

""-;ti;~ I3-No4h Webster', firat die. 'i'~:!'t lionory published. UZa.

.rllEV£, Ir 14- H.iI. lon .. kill men an" OR NO'7? bor ... In Pari •. 1360,

h~ 6 15-Abr.ho", Lincoln die. of I~ ...... In'. bullet, 1805.



The Kolyu (:onSII'uction Com­pallY. uf Trenton. wa~ the successful bidder fo.' the construction of a new bridge over the Rancocns Creek be. tween Riverside and Delanco, and waM Ilwanled the contract by the Burlington County Board of Free­holders Inllt Vriday on their figures

$254.890.00 for 'alternate "C", sub­ject to the approvnl oE the Deport­ment of J:ederal Enlergency Admin­iSII'ation and Public Works.

The new manOller also extends a cordial InvitAtion to all kiddies in II I tile community, who are talented in OBITUARIES. any way to appear at these Satur· day afternoon performances. Any parents who feel that their child, or u. _______ ~ ____ ..1


Rev. Charles T_ Bates, Pastor Calval'y PreHbyterian Church will

hold its morning service of worship SlInday a~ 11 o'clock. There will be no evening servicc. Christian En­deavor Society will meet at 7 p.m. All del,artments of the Church School' will meet at 9.4S a.m.

The Church School Workers' Conference will be held on Monday evening at 8 ·o'c1ock. April 9th.

The annu:!l . meeting of the Con­gregation of Calvary PreKbyterian Church wjl\. be held on Thur~day. April 5. 1934 at 8 p.m. in the church school, at which time 01\ organiza­tions connected with the church are requested to present their financial reports for tl)e east year. This meetin, will be followed at 8.30 p.m. on the same day and in the same place. by the annual corporation me'eting of C:\lvary' Presbyterian Church for the election of three tr.ustees. to "erve for threc years; three members of auditing commit. tee to serve for one year. and the transaction of any other business whkh may properly come before the meeting. By order of the Session. Harry P. Landis, clerk: and by order of the Board of Trustees. S. L. W . Fiehl, secretary. A conllrell"tionnl dinner will precede these meettngs at 6.30 p.m. There will be no chnrge. except what each member may wish to contribute. Every member of the congregation it! urged to be there.

The annual cake and apron sale of the Ladies' Aid Society will be held on I>rielay. April 13th from Z.30 to 7 p.rn. Cakes, :lI'rona. plant •. deli­catrs§en food~ will be on SAle. In connection with the sllle there will be it eli ft pltlY of patch work quilts. Some unique and heaut iful pieces will . be found In thiH collection. There will he a fi ~h pond for the chiMren. Tickets. Including icc crenm and cake. 15 cents.

CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Ceorie Lockett, B.D .. Paltor

The church enjoyed one of the most luccessful Eallers in its his. tory. Evrry aervlce drew a very lar,e attendance, from the ,unril e, at 6.30. to the evenini worship at 1.4S. which concluded the day in a m05t fittin, way when nine received the Ordinance of Baptism.

The bid was approximately $6000 higher than the lowest bid received

dore LafTerts. These I'cpresented' a several weeks ago. All the lirst bids dass of twelve, three of which were received were rejected as too high. b~lJ\i~ed at the Palm Sunday eve- An increase in the price of steel was ning service. They were Sadie givell 116 the reason for the Jump .. in Halliburton. Lillifm Furman and , the bids. The bid i\cceJited was the Sidney Furman. lowest submitted. . ,

On the fir3t Sunday "Eter Easter,' A communication was received Pastor Lockett has taken "The from Philip B. Leaming, executive Easter Glow" as his subject in the officer for Federal Emer,encY Ad­,norning. and "A Day with Jesus" ministration and Public Works at for the evening service. Washin,ton, 8tatin, that a ,rant o(

The young people arc reminded $50,000 had been approved for the of the .B.Y.P.U. at 6.45 every Sun- construction of this brid,e. day evening. County Solicitor Harold B. Wells

'Fhe junior Philathea c1au was reported' that he hod appeared be­obliged to postpone the production fore the State Board of Taxation in of a humorous fitCetch which waa the matter of the appeal ot the Riv­to have been given t"ift Friday eve- erHide Trust Company from a ruling ning. Further 'announcement of the of the County Board of Taxation date will be made later. denying the Trust Company's peti-

tion for relief from tax, on bank FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH stock. The' solicitor reported that

Rev. Harold L. Crea,er the rlllin, of the county board was

At the mornin, worship service n"xl Sunday the sermon theme will be "The Jealoull God." In the eve­nin,g' the series of studies in the Sermon on the Mount will be con­tinued. the topic beine "The Gold-"n Rule." ,

Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. Wednesday evening at , 8.00.

sustained and the appeal of the Trust Company di.mi.led.

Freeholder Palmer L. Adams at­tempted to have the board appoint a new Steward of the Almshouse and submitted the name of Ivans Wright. an unmarried farmer. but failed to secure action. He then nominated Arthur Praier, a disabled married veteran and demanded a

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH "show-down right now" an the ap­'(lointmenl.

"Unrealil)," will be the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of .Chri8t. Scientist. on Sunday, Al'nl8.

Tile Go Ide n Text is: "The thoughts of the righteous are ri,ht: but the counsels of the wicked are deceit" (Proverbs 12:5).

Among the citationll whii:h com­Ilrise the Lesson·Sermon is die following from the Bible: "And. be. hold. there CAme a leper and wor· . hipped him. sayin" Lord. if thou wilt . thou canst make me clean: And jesus put forth hill hand. and touched him. laying, "I will: be thou clean. And immediately his lepro­"y was cleansed" (Matthew · 8:2.3),

The other members of the board, however, felt that it was not the' time to make the selection. since the humber of applicationll was large and there had not been sufficient time to make a rareful investigation of the qualificationfi of the various aspirants.

Mr. Adams was unable to brin, the matter 10 a vote. ,

The term of Henry Worrell. prCl­ent .8Ieward. CIIpired March 2S and he will remain in charge until his SUCCe8ftor is appointed.

Solicitor Wells reported that Katherine Lee Haaaeibrock, of New­'ark. had .ecured a jud,men! In the amount of 1750 a,ainst the county as :I relult of injuries austained when her car .truck a tree alonl the county road near Chesterfield.

children have special talent for either Binging or dancing will be welcome to give thot child an oppor­tunity to perform at the Saturday matinee prollrom.

The feature picture at the PahJ1yra Theatre on Saturday will lie Greta Garbo in her new Metro-Goldwyn­Mayer starring picture, "Q'ueen Christiana." Her role in this pic­ture is similar in many respects to her own ,lamorous peraonallty. Queen Christiana has been described as the seventeenth century woman who lived a twentieth. century life. A real treat is in store for those who see this picture.

EISLEY .ENSKA T Miss Helen E. Enskat, dallghter

oE Mr. and Mrs. Herman Enskat. of Cinnaminson. became the bride oE jack T . Eisley. son of Mr. and Mrs. john F. Eisley, of Palmyra, in a quiet ceremony, which vias solemn­ized at . the Palmyra Moravian Church, Friday morning, March 3D, the Rev .. A. J. HarKe officiatine·

The· couple Was attended ·by Miss Muriel Burgmann and F. Glenn Eisley. brother of the bridegroom.

The bride wore a gown of mid­night blue chiffon crepe. relieved with touches of white. and a straw hat in the slIlIor mode. which was the same shade as the gown. She ,carried Briereliff rORes and pink snapdragona.

The maid of honor was ~ttired in a coat model of dark blUe satin. She wore a blue picture hat and carried talisman roaes and bronze snap· dragons.

Followln, a brief wedding trip Mr. and Mra. Eiftley will ,reHide at 409 Morian. avenue, Palmyra,

RIVERTON P. T, A. Mrs. John L. Metziar will dincuss

"Aesthetic Appreciation" at the Riv­erton Btudy group meeting of the Riverton P. T. A. Monday. April 9 in the kindergarten room 'at Z.30 ..

A II who have enjoyell the." ,roup discllssions u n d e r Mrs. Charlee Cunningham'R directi()n. will no doubt make a special effort to turn out for this laRt meeting of the leason.


The LeSion-Sermon al80 includea the followin. passage from the Chriatian Science textbook. "Science nnd Health with Key to the Scrip­tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "It il the transgrulion of a belief of mor· tal mind. not of a law of matter nor of divine Mind. which caUICl the belief of sickness. The remedy i. Truth. not matter-the truth that dileale is unreal" (p. 229).

As no provision had been made for the payment of this amount. the treasurer and director of finance were authorized to iSlue an emer­gency note for the required sum.

The re,ular monthly meeting of ANNUAL AUXILIARY DINNER the Sacred Hellrt J'arerlt·Teilcher

A very impressive Eal ,er palleant wa5 presented by the junior depart-ment. under the direction of Mi'l BIRTHS

The annual dinner. ,iven In honor ~ .. o~iation will be held in the au­of the National President of the of the Ichool on 'rhuradoy Amettcan Le,ion Auxiliary, will be April 12. at 2 o'clock. ' held in the Hotel Hildebrecht, Tren- The nomination of office.. will ton. next Tuesday. April 10th. at i take place at thl. meeting. NO it is p.m. Mrs. William Beilter, of hope~ ~hat every memher of the Drexel Hill. Pa.. il the Natlona1 a"OClatlon will be prencnt. Pre.ident this year and It will be a The executive body will meet plea lure to welcome and honor one prompt!y at 2.30 prior to the reeu­who il "almol' a neiahbor" as well lar bUIsne .. meeting.

Elizabeth Toy. at the Sunday School Mr. and Mn. Stewart Kline, of aervice. Merchantville are reccivina con,rat.

The choir rendered . pecial Ealter ulationl on the birth of a dauahter, anlhems lit both services which re- Patricia Ann, Tuelday at the Rob­flect~d the careflll trainin, and lead- bin. Maternity Home, Riverton, ~rlhlp of Claude Barto. The 1010- bins Maternity Home, Riverton. IItl of the day were Mrs. E . RideC'-, Mrl. Kline will be rC'membered as way. alto; Mn. Elaie HUihu, Mill ' Mi .. Mary Davi., of Arch Street. Anna McConnch and Mr.. Violet • Seither. 10pranOI; J. Russell Jermon Mr. and Mrs. Orland Stilu, of lind £rn.est Wo?~cock. baritones. Parry avenue, are rel:eivin, con,rat-

The nine rece.\llnil the Ordinance ulationl on the birth of a Ion Thurl­ot Baptilm at the eYenin, lervice day momin, at the Burlin,ton Gen· were: Mary Wi"inl, Ruth Prank, eral HOlpital. Grace Horner, Graa Beyer, Vir- --------

. ,Inill Carr. Elizabeth Halnel, Bar. What tbla COWltry now wantl la bara Symon, Geor,. Mack, TMo- an ol4l-falhloaed aprial·

as our leader. The local unit is l undin, the president and lecretary I OYSTER SUPPfm as representatives, and leveral mem- An 0y"er suppe '1\ I bers have allO planned to attend. by the au.mary of t'h w~ . Ie ury.ed . ICe Iverton Plre

. ompany, for the benefit of the Riv-Jaut think how many more bu. , erton Volunteer Fire Company, Sat­

reaau a"d eommil.ioaa we coul4I j urday nI,ht, April 21 from S t a have III Wubin,toa II the En,lI.h ticket 5Oc:, chlld~en ZSc:. Be lur~ t~ alphabet contalae4 about a doUll .. v. the data and ,ive the fir I mora letters. a ,ood rel\lOllH. e CD era

LUCY LIPPINCOTT M,EARS Liley Lippincolt, wife of C. Sin­

gleton Mears, died Monday morn­ing. April 3. in the Pennsylvania hospital, Philadelphia., .

Interment was strictly private at Friends' burying erounds, West­field, this , (Thursday) afternoon.

The deceased is survived by her husband and t\ six-year-old son, Lawrence Lippincott.

HENRY C. FURMAN Henry C. Furman. son of Mr. and

Mrs. Richard Furman, of Leconey avenue, Palmyra. died Wednesday of last week.

Funeral servicc& were held last Saturday afternoon at two o'dock Erom the Snover Funeral Home. Interment WQS private ' with Rev. George Lockett, of Central Baptiat Church. officiating.

Henry. who was 21 yeare old, wall a IIraduate of Palmyra Hi,h School.

He is survived by his parents, two brothers, Richard, a twin, and Sid­ney. and three silters, Miss Lillian Miss M. Elizabeth and Mrs. H. T: Gowden. all oE Palmyra.


Mrs. ' Rhoda Fitzmaurice, wife of Fred H. ~·itzmallrice, of 'Coral. Gables, Florida. formerly of Pal· myra. died suddenly on Thursday, March 29.

Mn. Pitzmaurice. who was thirty­five years old, was a resident of Pal. myra for more than eiaht yean. be­fore moving to Bjlltimore, Md., leas than two yenrs allO. She resided in Baltimore until laat summer, w"en she moved to Coral Gables.

Funeral services were held Sat­tmlay in Miami, Florida, and inter­ment WilS made in the Fernwood Mausoleum, Philadelphia, Wednes· day afternoon.

Mrs. I'itzmllurice was a member of Covenant Lodge. O.E.S., of ,Pal­myra. Be.ides , her husband she ill flur~ived bt a daughter, Marion, and a S'Bter, Mill Gertrude WiI.on of Phillldelphia. . •


Charles M. Cooper, Jr .• died Wed. nesday mornini at hi, 'home on Arch Itreet, Palmyra.

I'uneral servicu will be held Sat· orday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock at the SnOVer Funeral Home with the Rev. Geor,e Lockett officiatin,. Interment will be made in Morian cemetery.

Mr. Coopel' il .urvived by three b:otherl. Hornce and jOl eph, of I almyra, an(1 Alfred. of CRmden. and one lilter, Mrs. Jane Osborne. of Camden.

NEEDLEWORK GUILD The Needlework Guild will hold

their re,ular meetin, at the Por<:h Club. Monday, April II.

ThOl e who wilh. luncheon should ,et in .touch with Mrs. Harold Fink. It II ur,elltJy requuted that

everyone who pollibly can, attend thl. meetln, a. there will be a ehorta,e of ,armenta unl... more worllers coml GaL

I .1



HAT IN RING PUBLIC SERVICE nomic condition.: a cut in wa,es was made and a aecond reduction followed in April 1933, the two ag­,reglltine fifteen per cent of the payroll and affectinll all workers except the three rankini offi.;ers who took a reduction of twenty-live per cent each.

a aubltantially increased payroll.

County Direc:tor of Ro~ds Seeks Return to Board on

His Rec:ord

ln announcinl my candidacy for member of the Board of Chosen Freeholders, subject to the wi,hel ~I the RepUblican votera of Bur­Itngto~ county, I reat my claim for renom.nation , primarily upon my record of service. J( the votera ami taxpayers feel that , I have per­formed my dUly in office to their ~ntisfaction and have conserved the best interests of the county throu,h-0llt my lonll period on the Board oE Freeholders, 1 shall be glad to serve t hem for another term, utilizini to Ihe utmost my experience and knowledge of pUblic affairs, In ad­vancement of the welfare of all the people.

Since I became Director of Coun­ty Roads the system of improved highways hae grown enormously in nllleage and they rank with the fin· cst higways in New Jersey; This has been , accomplished at a mlni­mu~ of co~t to the taxpayers of Burlmgton county. Because of the efficient , methods employed by the County Road Department, State funds have been allotted to this coullty for road purposea to an ex­tent enjoyed by no other county, an~ the .burden of construction and maintenance has been lifted In like proportion from the backs oE the taxpayers. I have studied our road problems and accepted my (ul1 share of responllibility in solvini and me,etin, them. At no time have I permitted political or other outside considerations to influence my cO,urse or affect my determina-tion at all times to see: that the


who is candidate for fe-election · to the Board of Freeholders, on his record. As director of the road de­partment, Mr. Stout has developed a comprehensive system of line roads throughout the county, at a very low cost to the taxpayers.

It would be no trouble to get the average youngster interested in worklni in a garden if there were aome bushel that would bear boee­balls, tennla rocquets and bathing 8uilS.


county obtained the largest ' value possible for every dollar spent~ The .

. consequence haa bee~ t~at Burling- . It is great to discover some thin, ton county, while enJoYlni as good better. Often we are positive we are ~oad8 as are to be found In the right and then a friend tells us to s!ate, gets them .at the lowest. POI.- try aomethlni: we do. and we find Sible c~st per mde, . The budding it is better than what we have been and maintenance of Improved high. I usin,. That has been the experi­ways has been my conltant study ence of many Riverton-Palmyra for m~ny years, and Bu~Jington families this Winter who at the aug­boun7 ~'I~oa.~s are my espeCIal hob- geation of a friend ordered a Telt . y. IV~ roads, lind In ~ do- Ton of Evans' High-Carbon Premi­'"g, I hope I may be permitted to um Anthracite, and they did find say thot I have been able to save out that the Hi,h-Carbon in Evans' tlte people of Burlington county did burn longer and gave more heat many thousande of d«;>Uara and at than the .ofter coals. Make a new the same time to !Jusld for them discovery, treat youreelf to a aur­better and more laetlng hiahwaya prise in April by ordering a teet ton than t~ey have. ever had before. and YOII will diecover that you will

My mtereat .tn our c.ounty roadl, want to use Evans' High-Carbon however, has. an n«;> WIle detracted Coal becauae it will save you prob­from my activity an other depart- ably the cost of one ton of coal ments of the county lervice as a next winter. Phone Riverton 302 member of the Board of Freehold- for your teBt ton of Evans' Hlgh­ers, No 8ubject affectin .. public in- Carbon Money-Saving Coal terest has failed to enlilt my faith. .

,ful attention and earnest effort on JUST ONE PLACE the aide of ellident ,overnment. I Yes, Joseph T. Evana ill t.he one reco .. nize that It is ImpotlSlble to yard In Riverton-Palmyra who has please all 'people all the time, but the aen~dne Koppers Coke. Be sure my unlwerving purpose hal been to get It at Evans; aleo your Oak and shall be to the termination of Wood, ~emember that Evane my c;ommillion all a public servant Fresh-Mixed feeds are depended on to !rive , all parties at interCllt m; by. Poultrymen to produce Itron, courteous and careful consideration ChlCkl, pullets and hen. that lay and then to act at to me teeml beat plenty of bi" prolit-brin .. ing e,gs. in the intereet of the county at BETTER LAWNS large.

In connection with thil announce- ' AND GARDENS ment I wilh to atrel. the fact that Throu,hout the Riverton-Palmyra whatever has been or may be' said area there is evidence that folkl are to the contrary notwithstandina I ,oin, to have more attractive lawnl am "paired" with no other c~di- and better aardens by dependin, on date. Just al I reco,nlze the ri,ht the complete • • tock at joseph T. ' of every section of the county to Evan.s. Reliabl~ Fertilizers; Lawn expect equal .ervice of itl public Furniture. . Villt Evanl this week Olticiall, 10 I concede the ri,hl of or phone RIVerton 302 for your lawn every loyal Republican to run in the and ,arden needl. party primary. I welcome company MAKE ')fOUR HOUSE in thil friendly contelt and pled,e GOOD LOOKING my, chec:rful acceptance of the vot· Riverton and P I H ~II d~!":.t!~ :5~h e:~~~ .. ed at the Owne~s can improye ~:;y::pear:=: Ad' . of thesr home at very moderate COlt

n one thill' more, I am a Re,- if they conlult Jo h T E . ulir Republican and believe that ask about Screenl 7rellis' Ar~::' ~n y ~n ~rianl%lltlon alona: proper Money-Savina Ro~f Repa\;s, Artil~ ~net II ~t ~sii~e tdo I\ch,eve the tic Inlulatini Board for turninl old

es rCllU tl or e a van~ment 01 attica Into bed or play room. about party welfare. . I alk orcanlzatlon use of insulatine board for G~ra,es lupport and the support of every Barns Chicken Houles Jf K' ~e.publlcan vOler, «;>f ~hatever allil- anln' and Royal Paint wl~wma~ lallon. but would hlle .t underltoed your houle the belt lookin on our that If nominated and elected I shall Itreet. Decide now to d~penl on be, as 1 have always endeavored fo Joseph T . Evans to make and kee be, the .ervant of all the people the Inlide and outlide of your hom~ firlt, and C~:lL~~t~ n~~'oUT lookln, at ita .beat very economical-

. . Iy. Phone Rtverton 3OZ. today for your Sprin, needt.

In India a ahoe frequently worn by the lower clallHl conlilt. of a Rat board, with a knob which 111111 between the fir.t and "cond toea.

Joseph T. Evans "~ ntl I. . ~ . . ---


Effective April I, EmployCi Receive Raile Equal to Five Per Cent

of 193Z Wage

Effective April I, all c;mployea of the operltin, companies of Public Service torporation of New Jerley will. receive an increale in waees eqUIvalent to five per cent of what their pay Willi prior to July 1. ' 1932. On the latter date, because of eco-

With the subsequent advent of the N.R.A.. certain adjustments we~e made in workin, hours among vanous ,roups of employes to con­form to code requirements. This providea more jobs and resulted in

In keepine with the spirit of tbe .times and with the efforts to Itim­ulate the return of better economic conditions by adding to the pur­chasin, power of the people. Presi­dent McCarter submitted to the di­rectora o( the operatini companies the matter of restorin, a portion of the wage reductions which the de­ had made necessary In the precedlnll two years, and his recom­mendation was approved.

... ",":~"OGIiGIiO"~~~~~~1',.~ ,oooooooooOOOOOOGGOOGOOOOGaQoaCOOO~~~O~D~G~O~O~O~O~tt~~~. $ ~

I J'""y w:~~ o.~~~~, ~" of 0.. Ii, Fea~hered friends have either arrived or are winging thetr way northward, and in a very short time will be "house hunting." ~

In the floral Display House at

DREER'S may be found every conceivable Bird Home and Feed­ing Station to tempt the songsters to be tenants of your Garden this summer. Come see them.



§ it $ $

Open weekdays from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. and on :; Sunday (but not for business) ftom 1 unti~ 5 p,m. $



With a ~.E MOllilor Top refrigemJu/' you get the slalltla,.iJ 1 year war,.all'Y .. PLUS 4 years fiddiliollid

pro/eeti01l Oil the ualed.hJ·$IeeI1lluhml;Sm foro1J~)' 15

• ~ The mec~anistn rcp~c:scnl~ approximately 70'; of your mvcstm!!nl IR any clectrlc refrtger310r. P"erless pl'rfmmancc of the G-E sealed·in-sreel Monitor Top hns made it possi­ble for General Electric to protect your in\'cstment ,Years (or only'\. a year!

~ow, ro this mardllc'5 med13nism has been added bril­liant new beauty and distinguished cabiner styling. New 1934 models are the nnes! and most attractive rcfrigerators General Electric ever built.

I" General Ele(/ri. Refrigerators YOII lI.'i/l, of course, fi1ld al/ the modern l'O'JIJe1/;enu ftalllres:

AII·.leel cabinets, porcelain bUlh inside and out. 51"jnln. steel quick. freezing chamber. ConlroJ (0' (ast or .Iow ftee~ing • Automallc .defroltins • Foot pedal door ol''' .. er • Interior 1I.~dn •• Shdlng Ihrlve •• Container (or keeping ""Belable. erup and {&uh • More ice, fsuer freezing. alld 10'" current con.umptlon for adequate re,frigendon a. all times.


See the New GENERAL ELECTRIC flat-top model

• ArtUf/Cral of

111/ pnplI/"r



c. R. SWEENEY . , Inc. 309 Ealt Broad Street, Palmyra Ph . ~~ Riverton 913



RADIO AUTOMOBILES COAL DEALERS GROCERY PAINTING ~'1i~~~~~~~" ~)OOOOoaoaaaaaOaOOGO~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~oc~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~


17 West Broad Street Palmyra

Hiah Grade Auto ~epair Work Grocerl ... .. Veletabl.. PAINTING Atwater Kent Radio BUILDING MATERIAL5-HARDWARB D.lleat .... " C .... nter DECORATING

",...oath - D. So.o - Hlipmobll. Catl LUMB~R . ft EE~CO.B lII.a •• and Provl.lon. G .. -GI . BROAD and MAIN STREETS ~..,..., -- - rammg azmg Broad and Maln RI.erton 517 HOWARD ST., RIVER:rON 6 7 L" A

Phil co Tube T •• dDa ElCpcrt Repllr Work

Phone 460 Riverton Pho.e. S and II 2 'ppmcott ve. Phone 724-Free Delivery RIVERTON


S SALES ~. Mooresto!~R:o~~rE Co.. Inc

Palmyra Concrete Co. JEDDO·HIGHLAND


Broad and Fulton Streets Phone 85 Riverton

Pal·River Chevrolet, Inc ..

NEW AND USED CARS . I' Broad Street Rlv.rtco Phon. 145 .


Moorestown Leea. 'Repre.ent.t1"1 W.L.WRIGHT


Riverton m·w aOOOCD"O~CDcc§acooo~~


Concrete Blocks and Cement Work PALMYRA, N. J.

Phones Riverton 378 and S64


LEHIGH COAL E. P. Griffenberg, Mgr.

Phone. Rigerton 384



Bulldlnc Ib •• tI.11 -Peed •• d Fertlll","


Today Phone

Joseph T. Evans Cenuine Riverton 302

~r~'!!1 COAL ~I LUMBER ,.. •• _- WORK

Riverton Market House

Groceries - Meats - Produce . Extra Fine Quality







Pltent Medlcln.. - Gilt. - Caad, Orce1inK Card. - Ice C .... 111

Ciga .. and 8totlonery


REAL ESTATE ~~~~~~~~~~~#~~~~~~~~~~~

"Safety Fint" - inr.unnce ProtecdoD . - No RCRl'cta

ADA E. PRICE R.allhta .. tntlunnce No.ary Public .,

41.6 LIPPI NCOn AVENUE. RI.ertoe Phone. Riverton 106 BROAD a MAIN aT~n:ETS. RIVERTON

Phoo. 1540

~~~ E. B. RUDDEROW HARRY E. SHEA "~;~;;;;;;~~ 522 Main Street Riverton, N. J.

MOVING - HAULING REAL ESTATE "'''~~~~~~~ Notary Public In.utallce


Telephone. Riverton 10'33 George Friday, Jr. ___ ·P_ho_n...;e._R_iv_c_rto-,s:'_64_6 __

HAULING Mo.lng. Weekly Ath and Tralh Colloolloo

Manure. Top · SoU. San4 and Orave)


Plumbing, Heating

and Roofing .


332 Leconey Avenue Phono 26·w

Have Your Furnace Cleaned Now Palmyra New Vacuum Proce.. •

609 Thomas Avenue • ~.4~"i Phone 937 Riverton

ICE DEALERS ------------

Richard M. Woodward

REAL ESTATE' Insurance Notary Publie

'203 S'EVENTH ST., RIVERTON Phone ~iverton 1054

.~ REAL ESTATE N otar}l Public



Dependa&?le Auto Senr.i~e FROM

--------'-------,., ~OGGOO U U DGC 0 GaCi '000 JOHN M. KERRIGAN

{/. INSor;;.IJ~ffC~

--.. TOS. F. YEARLY ~ .... ~~..1 .. ' ..... h"~'-·,·. STACK'S ICE

DRY GOODS ~~:..... Riverton Phone 69-M


Phone 431 PALMYRA


I~ Home-made Ice Cream

" CONFECTIONS . tho kind yo;. wlU be

proud to ....

CHEW'S BAKERY . 512 Main St., Riverton

I'hOD' "4 - W. D.av ..


Dry Goods - Notion • .:.:. Stationery Mc:CaU's Patterns - Gifts

414 MAIN STRE. R~VERTON Phone 71r"


FLOORS ' ~~~h~~~,,~,~,

FLOORS Hardwood Rubber Parquelry

~~ R.6nllhing a Specialty

BAN ' Let me &I~e you In cI,imate on Linoleum


~.ICG~O)O!!li)'''~OOCO=(j7IOCin~:~:~:''=~inOO BC;;~~~ ~::=~;~~~~~i:'i~;~:~:-. .• , Bank and Trust CO. FLORIST

~ . Tha PrI.nIIl; Banlr .f)~~~~~~~~~'1i(;(#~~~f/., . Main at Harrieon Strcet

. ". RIVERTON Edwin H. Tucker ~OOOOOOQMO~1'~ Florist

. BEAUTY PARLOR Easter Plants and Flowers OOGC I)~~ 0 Q C ~ C O~ 623 Linden Avenue RI9Crton



PLANT . PLUMBING and H~AT:~~G ~~~ .. ,~~~~~~, SHOE REPAIR PALMYRA. N. J. 18 E. Charles Street, . Palmyra

"Save With Ic:e" Phone. RIYerton S65 , (>~~~~~~~~~~

Riverton Electric Shoe Repair

Phone 396-W

ICE with Service H. D. Hullings & . Son


Frank Huon .. PI'Op.



But Rl.utoa Collins' Buildintr Riverton. N~ J. Phone 60 Phon •• 2.

DeUver)' iii Rlv.rt..... Ea.t R1v_a Imd . Palmyra

ooe 0 G I: OOOO~O ooe § G.OCIOG~~




N. Kuenscl, Prop • . RIVERTON, NEW JERSEY

Phone Riverton 972




117 E. Broad Street, Palmyra, N, J.



HEATING Phone 113S-We caU 'for and deli ..

ROOFING ~~~"/. .. ~~'''~ WORK m:ARANTr:!:D . SHOE STORE .

. $?,~~~~~~~';

302 W. Broad iL QUALITY Phone 46~W ,. Hirshblond'e



IIlIc .. t. Permanent and Jrln, .. Wavlnl

'octal. and Manlc.m •• Broad and Main St •. Riverton 725· W

OOOOCGOGGooooooaoaooooo,~ ~~?~~

MAGAZINES can be subscribed :or ali cheaply from your local agenta 88 through the out-of-town solici­tors. CaD' 751 or 84 when you bave renewalt or new order. you wish to place. Elizabeth Bowen.


- > Tailor




CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Special Attention to Jobbin,

16 W. Charles St., Palmyra PHONE 744




Women and Children

New Gsrment. Made and

RemodeUn, Done Coat. Remodeled and ReUnecl

lien'. OYercoats and Baame .. Coa .. , and Ve.ta RcUned

Snover Funeral Home. Inc. MEMORIALS ' .. ~#~~~~,.-G ~OOODC~~~~~~.,,~ ~ Clean Ina: - Pr .. alnl - D)' ....

313 Ea.t Broad Street Palmyra. N. J.

"rant A. .""_. III. D. John Sw.,... ". D.

.Pbone, Riverton 830


621 n.omu AYCftUe, RIYCI'ton Phone 735

No Char,e for UN of Funeral Home


It .,urdy por .... typcwrilCt

with • Utoutan4 ."lItdc" .... THE NEW ERA

Printing •.. Ditul Noll Cantpol __ _

Mil .... -.1 • ...-,y. QIIco .... " .. \0<1,_ ....

Cuetom·built Cemetery MemorlaJa ID Granite. Marble and BrODA

PRINTING ~~~V~~~~~.y;~.;

~) Pre. Dol."" __ co , . RIVERTON Pbo ... 14

WILL HOPE Waahington and Federal Su.



Burlington, N, ]. Phone, BarHnctoo 13

W. H. SLOCUM & SON SUGGESTIONS. CUTS. LAY. NUl. 10 MO¥Iet, P ... ,.. OUTS, ETC., AT A PRICE IN Morlale _ 0r0mM

Worb 07 B. MaIn Street Mooreatcnm, N. J.


O~;;~~;; .. ;O;!"';t ;~;ne;;~;~~ice;;; PHONE 712 G C N 0 OOOOOGOOOC<l~'''''J ooouuuuoouauauoGoOO STATIONERY

MILLINERY 0000000000000000000000000 ~OOGOOOoooDDoao.a~;~~

SPRING MIWNERY $2 AND UP $1 All the New Shape. and Shade. BUYS

VERNA L. GUEST • 200 SHEETS AND 517 Garfield Avenue Palmyra 100 ENVELOPES


Open MQII .• Wed .• Fri.. Bat. Eve'. BNVSLOPBS


Riverton Taxi Service-Car. to Hlr. for AD

. OccuioD.

Phone 1512



Vulcanizing and Rcpairina MRS. A. B. POWELL

W. Broad St. Palmyra ?bn". 3141

_ 71l

.oenlft •• ".. THE NEW ERA 11.00 RYTEX STATIONERY ' • .00


THE NEW ERA ' Albertaon'. Tire Shop 411 LINDEN AVE aIVDTOK ...... n




Mrs. Elwell New Board President

(Continued from Page 1)

Congressman Powers. askin, him to Use every effort to secure the grant.

Mr. Latch. the other neW memo ber. thought it would be a good idea

tor of Lakeview Memorial Park. was overheard to say Ilt the conclusion of the service. "the public response was a splendid tribute to Christian· ity. and 'our part in the whole plan was a distinct privilege for which we are truly grateful:



Charles T. Bates. B. D. Riverton

Church School. 9.4S a.m. Morning Worship. 11.00 a.m. Christian Endeavor. 1.00 p.m.

Barn.,y Oldfield never drove an automobile until a few hours before his first race. yet he beat the world's champion by half a mile.


Recent excavations upon old ruins in Germany have revealed imple. ments and molds showing that coun­terfeit money was made by ancient

! ROmans. .

I '"':-:.-:t( .. :..: .. : .. :":~ .. »><_: ...... x .. >: .. )OO


T. L. S MIT H 10 have a similar letter go to the Congressman from the Town Meet· ing which is also vitally interested In securing the grant for school im­provement. This suggestion was in· carllol'llled in Mr. Woolman's mo· flOI1.

Midweek Service. Wednesday. 8.00 p.m. ~.

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ. $cientist

Thomas Ave. and Seventh St . Riverton. N. J.

Sunday School 9.30 a. rr_ Sunday Services. 11 a. m. Wednesday 8 p. m.



The Rexall Store Mr. Woolman suggested that in

vic\. of .thc statements published in the local )lapers that the Palmyra Horu'd of Education had appealed 10 the Slate school authorities for ad. vice as to how to finance the Pal­myrn schools lor next ye;u·. it mig!)t be well to <_ommunicate with the Palmyra board in order to learn if " would be able to take Riverton's high school Iml)ils next year. The del'k was instructed to write §uch a leller. and the Riverton board will "ttend the next meeting of the Pal. myra boar(i the last Thursday eve· ning in April .

Readinc Room in Church Building , ~~~~~~_:'~_~'~_~'_~' _~~_:'~_~'.~"" i open Tuesday and Friday 2.30 to 4.30 1':-p. m. All arc welcome.

Send $1 lor .ho "e" 5 EPWORTH M. E . CHURCH Rev. Ira S. Pimm. Mini'ster

10.00 a. m.- ChurcL School and ,


The Wesleyan Class. SUN .. MON .. TUI·:S .. WF; U.-11.00 a. m.-Morning Worship.

6.45 p. m.-Epworth League. 7.45 p. m.-Church ServIce. Wednesday 8.00 p. m.-The Help.

Atlantic Monthly Aptil 8-9-lo-l l Tw,', Swell Com pany un a Honeymoora - Hut T hrcd - Th.:u Mak ~1') a Swrll

P h .lUre! Miss Stanian. supervising )lrinci.

pal, reported that the State Normal School at Glassboro had asked to send three sl-udent teachers to the Riverton school for eight weeks' practice work. and that sh·., had ac-

ful Hour. .

Make the mo.t of your read­ing hOllrs. Enjoy the wit. the wisdom. the companion ship. Ihe charm that have made the Atlant ic. for seventy·five yean;. Ameri ca's most quoted anrJ most cherished m;tgnzine.

~ Wednesday 4.00 p. m.- Junior Ep· • worth L.,ague. . :

~ MARTIN B. HORAN cepted the olTer. subject to the ap· o( Burlington. candidate (or nomin. pro val of the board. Miss Staman ation for Freeholder on the Demo· explained that it was a compliment era tic ticket. to have student teachers placed here --------------for their finishing work. The board PALMVD A SHOP approved Miss Staman's .acceptance. II\Il . In her monthly report to the board. Miss Staman stated that ADDS WAVE. UNIT Monday. April 16. had been set as Parent's Night by the PTA and reo commended that the board dinner by the graduating class should be held on May 10 at 6 p,m .• the date for play day .,xerdses should be May 24.

Tony's Beauty Salon Installs Naivette Croquignole

Wave Machine

at Memorial Park. and that the com. Tony's Beauty Salon has installed mencem~nt .be held on June 13th. in a new 1934 ~onat Naivette Croquig. , the audltonum.. ~he speaker b!,mg nole spjrnl permanent wave Ina. Dr. LeRoy A. Kmg of the Umver. 'chine wllich is the only machine sit·y of Pennsylvania. . that 'can wave dose to the scalp

Miss. Staman ~Iso sugegsted. that without burning. . the off,ce typewriter be traded ID for According to Tony these waves a new one. . last from two to three months

The report. was accepted and the longer than th., ordinary wave. and reco!"mendaltons approved. . are positively an oil wave.

MISS S~aman. repor.ted the rece'pt The new machine gives' a wave as I of an upne:ht plano from Mrs. Ezra lovely and sOft as that of any natur­Carhi\rt ~nd books for the Hannah I al wave and always looks neat and Chew Ltbrary from Mrs. Ogden well arranged. . . Mattis. The clerk was instructed. to . Short hair as well as long hair send a letter of thanks to each of Clan be successfully waved on the the donors. . . new Bonat.

The follOWIng bills were ordered . One. of the nice things about paid: waves done on t/le new Bonat is Caroline M. Staman. expo $2.50 that no finger wave lotion is needed John H. Matlack & Son. after the wave is completed. Just

supplies 4.02 pilsh it uP. and it is as nice as when DeWitt St.,edle. labor 7.80 first done. . New Era. notice 8.16 This modern machine is also Public Service Elec. & Gas 37.60 equipped to bleach or dye hair in a "Childhood Educatio.n." sub. 2.50 most satisfactory manner. Clan Mfg. Co., ~upphes. 2.30 Tony. the proprietor. operates the Curtin & Brockle. compo ms. 8.63 machine thereby assuring th~ pa· Duplicating Service Co. 6.30 trons of expert personal attention. Fred P. Hemphill. expo 3.25

;~oc~:ands See 25.00 .t4' . ' ' lsCHEfELDt~'S Sunrise Service

(continued from page 1)

Riverside Lutheran Church Choir: "CATALOG •••••• Riverton Presbyterian Church .1~.18 MARKIET ST. Choir; Palmyra Moravi?n Church .. Choir; Riverside MoraVIan Choral PHILAD.LPHI .. Group; St. Paul'. Lutheran Church RADIO GARDEN TALKS Choir of Camden. Tuesday Evenings at 10.30

Antiphonal music prior to the ser·

vice and selections during the set., =r:=S:T;:A:T:I:O=N=W=~F;I==r vice by the brass ensemble of .60 pieces was led and directed by Elmer A. Andrews. of Easton. Penn. -...eLI~~ sylvania. . a-.., ..., ~

Police from Moorestown. R,ver· ton. Palmyra. Riverside and Maple Shade and New Jersey Slate Troop­ers from the Columbus barracks under the dir.eclion of Police Chief Geore:e Dorworth. of Cinnaminson. directed the heavy Row of traffic. Their efficient handling of the end. less line of carlt won many com· ments of appreciation by incoming motorillts who were quickly and I safely directed to parking space ==~::~;;;;;;~~~~= within easy access to the center of the ."rvices. NOTli:'c~::'r~El<~':;'~ENT

The whole event. undoubtedly the EII ..... r Rach .. A. Hain ... d"uud. bi"est simillar service of ils kihd Hoti« i. hereby ~iv.n Ihal the First and ever to be held in South Jersey, was !~il·'beA!~~r,~~ ~fnJ :1.:::I~~b:h'e ~::r~u~::~ appreciated with a depth of meaning .nd r.~on.d for Klliemcn. and 0110"'0".

by those attend,·n" that would 'rati. 10 .he O<phaa.· Court of .be Cou"'y of Bur· a • UDCton. at a .... ion to be held Thursday.

fy the hearts of the men and women Aptil 26. 1914. "' .eo o'clock in th. for.·

JOHN G. SEC~~2ulor. whose untiring etrorts helped to aoolL make the lervice one long to be reo membered. Proctor : S. Howanl Troth.

D ... d. March ... I'" . '·U-.... ·I'·". Ro), A. Ramey. Manllia, Dircc·

CHRIST CHURCH Rive·rton. N. J.

Rey. Francis B. I)owns. ,Reetar, Sunday. April 8

SENJl $1 (Tllt! IH ionillH ,h i ..... tI .


Irene Herve {1:P John MQ(~ Brown

VAU LE Holy Communion. 7.30 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon

a.m. 11 1

..!.~ • ...;. ...... __ ._-----_ ... __ ... _--_._.--_ .....

Hae 8ft a .. re........ of !be Frisidaire ',4; "--tic do-1ro1liq-700 doa'! ....... co ,... . ;....w,. to ttUD if 00 apia a&u delroadall. AutOmatic icc ua,. rd_ - die ice era,. pete Uocn cbe frffur AI • fiDger couch. Uausua11,. luge food

EVE I , Y E " R

IIJtIClC, with ""'" pnm. aloa for lall bottles. Ufo­ame Parcelain inluior. GleamiDjC D,ulUl< nl",


$9950 PI., P"i •• , DELIVERED


pa"meOl fo, &­food. Ibac muM be !tefll (roun!

rior fini$h. A quiel. efficient morot'lhatyou can scarcely bear running. 'X'by! ••• this frisid. aire e_ell "'" a special com· our Sprioll Showing and ,0u'll quickly realize ",hy so maay WOntal

already :u:e boasuol!. "Our. i. a frigid .. re '34.' ·

, H E 8 f S , o F , H £ , E I.

'9-:1" xJ cU9tL'54 T·~ . ""'" " "lEA" M01'BI








As 15,000 Hailed Easter Dawn at Lakeview .Memorial Park

Voted by Classmates Most AIl­around Dickinsoninn tlntl is

Awarded Gold W atch

Robert L. Bartley. oj Riverton, brillian t all·arouml at hlete caplain of Ihe 1934 Dickittson College Ioot · ball team. has been chosen by his classmates as Ihe I'c(ipient of the annual 1902 class award.

Banley joi"s Lloyd (Comey) Hughes. J oseph Lipinski. and 1.a­Verne Casner. olher willner" 01 the award (hat has come 10 be regarded as the oUlslandlng prize for out · standing athleli\! and Olht;r extra­curriculnr activilY at Dicki,,,oll.

The award. u gold watch, is made .nnnually to the member of lhe Ju­nior class who by the vote .of his classmates is adjudged the most <111-around Dickinsonian. Bartley will receive the :lward formally at the commencement exercises in June.

Bartley entered Dirkinson in 1931 after graduating from Palmyra bigh . school and taking preparatory courses at Bdlefonte Academy. In his fre shman year he captained the freshman football team and played shortstop on the baseball leam. As

I', . ,.

r I

, ~· t .,.

a sopbomore Bartley won a place on the varsity football team as quarterback and rounded out the year as regular shortstop on the baseball team.

His junior year was a repetition of the preceding one. He distin­"uished himself on the gridiron as a great open field runner. especially when returning ·punts. a forward passer and the regular punter. At the conclusion of the season he was elected captain for t,be 1934 season.

A vested choir of 400 voices heralded the dawn of Easter Day at Lakeview Memorial Park as 15,000 men, women and cbildren w~rahipped in a non-sectarian service conducted by the Moravinn Churches of Riverside and Palmyra. The choir and a portion of the assembla"e is sbown in the photograph, which also reveals the beautiful chimes tower. topped by the illuminated cross which reRected the splendor of the sunrise in changing colors as the 400 voices swelled with the tidings "Christ is Risen."

,I u!'iJiiv21;' OIRECTION w:JOQIA ~Ui. CO • .IUI«

Pbone Riverton 540


BUCK JONES Tn His Latest Act-Ion Fe-. lure

"The Fighting Code" . Dil Surroundinll Bill or Comediea

Including .

Buster Keaton in . "GOLD GHOSTS"

Mickey McGuire Comedy­"Mickey's Touchdown"

Terry tune Cartoon-. "Holland Days"

Krazy Kat Kartoon­"Sandman Tale6~'



II Queen Chrisliana" Mickey Mouse Cartoon-

Fox News Event ON OUR STAGE-Matinee Only Phil WARRUlGTON'S Young,t ... In a Sn.p~y S~~~~el!! and Dandl1Jl •

MONDAY and TUESDAY­Avril 9-10

A Rare O Uh tonciinl! Pilm Achic\'cmtnt

"Eskimo" flit picture' whidl ~n l .UC'd 0 11,000 mile aip t tl the At ctic wt fi lt=S. SIv.fu 'i n.ever befofe seen by human eyu pro· vide thrills .in ,hi .. , tPic.



Laurhl--Songs--Romance-Spet lade


.. fashions of 1934" With

William Powell Bette Davis

Veree Teasdale Frank McHugh

200 Glorious Girls 60 Gorgeous Models

-Added-Charlie Chaae Comedy-

"Four Part."

Novelty Comedy Subject­"Goolie Movie."


CWA Labor Utilized for Clean­ing Grounds, Remodeling and Other Improvements

a ll the camp buildings. In addition individuals will pay a $1.00 registra­to providing a recreation hall it tion fcc. If tbey register before bouses the .camp museum. four' May 30th then weekly board will ~e

$(i.00 payable upon arrival at camp. handicraft shops. a large sta"e for Those registering later will pay the camp prodUctions. two tool $7.00. rooms, camp office. trading post· and Camp Mahalala is scheduled to. considerable storage space. open July 8th. for a four weeks' per-

At present CW A workers are iod, and It is expected that the regi­eliminating mosquito·breedin" pools stration by troops will add a gfeat and convert!n, the dump area into deal of interest liS opportunity for

Vigorous conduct of CWA activi- a place of beauty The entrance . competition and camp activities will ties at Camp Mahalala. the .Boy road is bein, 8trai' and it is be very much stimulated under this Scout Camp near Wrightstown has ,hoped t~at the work WIll mclude re- arrangement. resulted in acres upon acres grubbed forestallon al1d c;leaning of the ' _______ _

swimming section of the pond. free of poison ivy. wood~ deared, Announcement has been made of INDEPENDENT old trees ~emoved and cut for fire- an ittnovation in camping arran"e- Walter T. Stewart. of Mount Hol-wood; wire fences built and the mente this year. As far as possible, . Iy. candidate for nomination for the camp bulldings creosoted. registration will be made by troops fl' f F h ld . d

Tbe old farm house has been put at a ree of $10.00 per troop. . If dO IceRo brl~e 0 er. as an ,n epen­in first class condition through re- 'such troop registration is made on ent, epu lean denaes that he has ne~al . of tbe roof t~18es and re- or before May 30th the fe" will be solicited or bas been. offered support shingling. The barn has been reo $8.00. Under tbi5 arrangement the of any political faction and reaf­modeled into a splendid recreation boys will pay $6.00 per week upon firms his previous declaration of ab-haIL. arrival at camp. solute independence in his conteat

The barn 1$ tbe m05t valuable of Those boys .,..ho come. to camp as for the office.


The Buriinll'ton County Patrol­men's Beneficial Association wllJ hold itK tbird annual ball Friday at the Moose Hall on Scott street, Riverside . .

Geor&e Dorworth, thief of Cinna­minson police. is president of the pol i I' e or"anization. Patrolman John Pitman, of the Riverside foree, heads the arrangement committee. Other committee members include: Louis Harris. patrolman, of River­side; Daniel Eetilow, .patrolman. of the Burlln"ton department. The proceeds from the ball will be u.ed for the benefit of the polite welfare fund.

AGRO-GASTRONOMY Belfast customs authorities deCide

that oysters are live stock . . And are oyster cocktails to be classed a. poultry7-1.0uisville Times.



WEAV ER·SCANLON I Study Our CO\ll1try'& History I for the e .. rl y dllvtlol.ment , III our

Mr. lind Mrs, William Atncrb(\~h. We "cell more I)f the old.rll~h'l boys ntHI airls on,j youtli men and of "":ltilunllton uvenuc, J~"lmyr:l, I lOlled "hlslary c1{\~1I" in Oll.r lIdl l}ol~ women of a sense 01 re~pon~lbili t y

~~1 COLUMN ImV I! Rnnounced tho mnrl'lllll'e of I II A tiili"~111 "Illdy of I hH thcir thoullhl nlld <tmllnel than their niocc, MiN" Bl!lI), D. S~"nlol\. ~tI< "0, cites. . .. • . I lho vicious. IIn . America'1 ~nd PStlU-

'" 1" ;v:

g:-~ ~ ~ to J ohn Lloyd Weaver, of Heb''OlI. tile 11IMtor)' of Amtn~n. it. Inslllu" d" . phil()~nph y \vllieh 15 servC!<! liP in Mnryltmd . t lon~ 11m I the Hye~ 01 lIs veneratet! , I",IIIY ~o llcic doss rooms untlCJ Ihe

WHAT l"l R1!~ COMPANY DOES "'hc "e .. ",mon y wa~ performed le"llcrll ,,'111 do mor'( fo r Ihe devel - ' llIbel or "lib6r:1li"t'/ .. "-11111ufi tty ilkld Having I'cnd Illtely a nlll/llJcr of Satllnlny mOI'lIil1i a t lell o'dock ill o\lI11C!l\t ot sOllll<l Amt!l'ic«lIhlm :lnd i LAbol·.

thc r':pworth M. ~. Ch\ll·~ h .• '"hny­ra. by the R ev. Ira S. l'il11ltl . P05tol·. BY ONE WHO GREW UP IN RivCI' IOI\ F iret COlllllany. 1 be,uII'" I

· nrtides in your P"I'''I' regardt,l1 ll th"

The rolll'lc's o1lly .1\lcndnnt . WCI C

MI" anti Ml's. W lllttr H, Wr:.JY. of THE BUSINESS inleresled nnrl nskccl olle Of the olfl-.-i.tIN II I th .. ~ol\lJ'1nny for sOlne ill'

·'~---·'·--""'----·}· I fOl'\IIlUl«)II l'cgnrdl"ll Ihe dlltiCN th lll T IPS ON GROWING Ihe lift' men !lcl'form. ulI,1 th ink thOl

GcrnlllntowlI. P.,. The b!'ille \VIIS tllth'cd in II ueall '

liful mudd of (H IUUIIl(\ri ll" hlue. with Ihe rullowinll tlrltll is illtor"'Hlil1l1 A, " G~'II"\(\ I utility ,, 1 ~ 111 the J tq). CI10\ll;h 10 rc~civc Sl'iWc ill your

;11\0'>,· H;1I1 'CITY (lleri>ul'l s 'th~lIlhcl1-I . I d ' 1'1)110 1'.

tI .:hnl ming jndtel of self IIltll<:I'I!!I . \ . Site wure U "1II1dl while h!ll I\nd her I slhll1crs \II"td1~d her gowlI. Th~ brillnl hOl1lllwt waH l'utnposct! of yellow tc:u r",,,.~ :\11(1 hhlc delphin­

8" ,- 1\l"\\I· Il"~He(. hH' ,Hln :lIl1ltl Nllmb",. (If firNI dllrillil yen\' 1933, 1: 1':'I" I ~ , " ' )" 111: L ~l.", hOIl ~~ to 140. t; t \ \lI U! Jl 1 ~ llU't!'\\ clled. II l!'~lveK I Avel'n.;!! llUIUhc.' l 'I!' n"~n rC81)OI\(t ... ~ndt" JJ~tl~ t Hdvcn;c .:~ndl"u.'n ti . in g to ~n ll. 25. ium. ~(,, 1 1,1 1l'~: l i s l'ool ~ l I ce)! tutl.) the ~ I pUlId alld c11'~wing nuurlshmenl 1) , ' ln 1he \ 1~ l'lht". fighting fi Ut:l' C:KS ·

luDy (whell us('d us :1 hcdt;c) the [,.' ("d lll e 1'\lul s of 1l1,lpJe ::l und ut he1' .,"·eel \I ces which ~~lIftlly lie dosc :0 , 10,' ~lIrla~c or the grOllnd. Fine IIU l11:u;:'\inl! il1 property COI· l1cr~. it.~

t 1\tI I'IIS Imll\pcl'ing the ".hol·lellt­t ill\:" ,·hillkell :11111 dOl>s. 'the 1'0· )h'ge. " hNlutiful vernal gl'cen In ~priIlG. wilh the litly white Hower. peepi ng through along with the l<,.U·ICI berdts or the PUg! senson 11I;lkil1g " most cheery effect. It'.

The lfI:t ll'lln uf hO\1'''' \Yore a Tittle u i calls: 10"ely c..(J~k lOf hi be l o~e wit h while

5 rron, mirlnight 10 ti 1\, 111 . ki.] ItlovCS IIIHI "Iiflpel' ~ .11111 " pic · II fl'1) 111 (, n. m. 10 12 11 00n tUI'e ·hnl . which WOH 111,0 while. She

l ~ fI'ol1l 12 noon 10 Ct p.m. rllrr;ed pink I ' (} . ~S ,It\(~ !tl\le tlelphin -12 fl'l" lI 6 1'. \11. t o midl1illht. iUIII .

TIll' eltlt'~c" LIllie bClwe"n Ihe re- The wcdelln\\, HUII 'cll Was playe<l ceillt of., "all until the fIre tl\)ltrutus by Mrs. R.~chcl LOI·d. JeCt Ihe lire huu~e hau lIever excecd. Following Ihe ccrcl1lOny a wed­ell fOil\, 1111111110:;. nlld ItHunlly II I·C. Iii nil' hreakfnst waN NUrveil I (I tw~nt y qui\'<!~ le~" Ihllll two ''' ' nulCN. gllC"I" Itt Ihe hUl11e o f MI'~. 1\ IlIer-

Sit\ce recc:lving thiN dat.a , tlml tnlk- bnch. QueMtN were prCKent frol1\ to IIlCmbCrK of the firc company I'll Pulmyr:t, Phl1!1llclphiu , CaU1(lcll. ~~kllowlcdgc that 1 never relllly up. Gcrmantowh. Trcl1ton and 9051'011. 1)I'cclo t'cd 'the ' ""rvice thAt QUI' vol- Mn"".

Today's Watchword Team wol'lt is today's watchword in husiness. O rgRni;(ations arc !{J'OliP S of people, keepil1g step and c::l l'rying t he same tunc. This B~11 1( takes much pleasure in coopcl'atmg with its CliStOIl1C I'S and rendering gOOll ~cr\l icc. YOUI" Checking Ac­COUllt i!i invitef1.

Me!l1ber Fellcr111 Deposit Insurance Corporation

(INN!MINSON E!NK IlN() TRUST (OMPANY " II dghl to ~ct out berry-benring

, hrub. (01' the bird •• but it's nice. to . :It I he end of a Inng dreary win­ter 10 .ce the scnrle t fruit of the Bal'hvCl'Y still with U6. Birds will Cill t he Barberry berties - when I hey must. And tben how beauti­fu l t be brightly bued foli~ ge in the

untecl' tiremen Ktnnd I'"atly to per- . I~ollowing n tour of the ' southern form Cor myself or IIny other HIAt es Mr. and Mrs. Weaver will re_, of our comn\llnity thlit has Ihe mis· turn to Palmyra and make Ihdr

£ortlllle 10 re'luire them. anti when I bome on Highland avenu~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:i ~ol\slder tbnt they (lrc subject to our cuil lit Bny timc, regardless of 1)LEA )10R MORE LETTERS

I I· i b f ~'l~~..y...»~:.~ weat leI' con< It on K. mny e rom a If'the government keepK on Hu ying

~tUtutnn ! -0-

Of course. seed of t ite Cardina l Climber may be ~tarted il1(\00r5, but I he plnnte'r will be jUgt a~ SUtcess· ful by wilitittg until soy about t.he middle of Mny tlnd then plantinll ~ccd directly into tbe open ground. Sown Outdo orB, however, tlte seed seemH to Inke un unconscionable l ime in germinating :lnd getting "n move on" afterwards, bUl wben the cool nightH are pas l one clln a lmo.t sec It c1imb-and tben it doe~ not seem to know when to stop.

nice WitI'm bed ont inLo II cold it .:vith initial. nnother' thing that the stormy night, Heantily clad ill their country will need will be 1\11 "\lMiIi. haste 10 serve. willil1l1 to assume ory IJiphobet.-M,lI1chestet Unioll. dunilcrouH per80nal riskN doing hoz-' ===============:===:===:=="'5':= ardous dutiea tltut mnny of u, would Hhrink (rom and maybe Ilrc physic­tilly unnble 10 penform, receiving for tbls commendable Mervice no rclm­bursemellt. but aSMuming many obli. galions lIuch as lhe privilege of pay. ing their dues. the planning nnd glv. ing of Hodn! function s In ortier to realize fund. 10 finnnce their build­ing and salvoge corpa, some times perMonaJly Ilurchn.fnll' new clothing to replace "arment. r"ined doing fire duty. and possibly doctoring themselves up (or a cold or tninor Injury thaI W:l 8 not Keriou" .. noulI'h to report. Home of them losing time ;1(0 their 'work that in "orne ca~eB mean" " direct financial los~.

Supply It with !1 1I00d s tout string on which to twine-nol poultry wire. netting or n trelli s. Before plnn!inll . Il)e Heed may be cracked 01' RCI'apecl and ~ollked in warm

, . w.cuel' to ",ceelerate IIcrmin,,(jon. Next season. ' se lf-Ho wn ~eedllngH will be popping up nea r the 81'01 where the first 1)lonlll were located. N o other small flowering vIne pro· duces such a ' vivlil Hpot of color ~ga in !l t the: green background of fo­liage, :md the Hummlni Blrll hall been Hcell to paR" by a ll other flow­ers for this,

Now nfter thinkin" t.he above over I am going to try, nnd rell1i2e that when a fireman lI.kH me for assist­ance for the company that he is no~ asking for himself but is 3skinlt me to assist them gO that tbey enn be in n po. ilion to give quick llnd effi . cient help to Kome unfo rtuna te citi­~cn at 3 very eri tical timl'.

IntercHtcd Citizen.

Under the heavy ~hade of trees What WI! c~n't under&t~n;1 ill thlll is " rlifficulL place to kee~ a good enginec:r" can make an automobile s tan rl of lawn gran. The Japanese look dillerent every year. but no. Spurg<: (P:\l:hy"~ ndril terminali ft) Is body baH found 0 new dear"n to it ~atlMCilct"ry cllrpet fur such a 10· take the place 01 the old chocolate cat ioll . Set the 1>\;,"i K very dooe EaKtllr <:gll'S, with ielll" trimming M. together (<1 M dlJ~e :Iti 10llr inches =,,;.,============= has been ~u&,,,ut ed) so ' tbat 11 den8e mat may be m~ , l e "uickly and the roots Bhaded by the lOpS . Thc growth will <Illiddy ~l,read and the cool even " of the ricb green foliage iH vcry ltttt '~c tive dutlng the hOI mifl-MUmmer <liIYM when Usually t he ~"ot is bnkecl dry and h:ird.

Before .plantinr: '.06 t hat AS many liurf,,,:e rooting tree ruot ~ ~ ij 1'0Mft i­ble arc removed al1·1 " liberal amount of well clec~ye'l "tllb le mll-nur~ or commcrc/,;J ((' rJilinr i~ in- / '

:::::I.:;I::i:FERS I r· CHANGE OF· HEART

- . LIGHt" 7Jt~ (i60dn S II> l en Satu rday . Night I uI t? /J ..• _ .J.

Fr)unrl Monday Mmnong ~ on Back I'orrt. . , . I " S':lrry bUl I Ih'HJ':)ill

Sui," ;Ind dothing val.ued Ilt $110 th()~1J :lp.:df)~.wO'm t lN.H lllf" were .. t" len (rtJm Hj~ ,,"I1>r . hDp I'JI \ Juliu. W lJidill. 506 Main ",treet, RiV'1 Ho ,rrtfj'! r.o co]'x l ... ;'1d erton,. laIC Satu(tlay night. lind h i; I Ih", chn (tco& (jf() Il l!! then f(lund In :I burla p bag on the hand Vl' t .: In ,: cl .... " p

_ back . lur" of hi , home Mr,"c1 ~ y \ ShrJ10Vl.

m~~~n~oicJiJI Ielt hi ., ~ h() p about I A lBIte r,,',TO Ht,Iht · to'll'! 10.30 S ~l urday night 'In<l returning I ha-ID tr':l 'I O' j hIli h(;lv,·~;t C/ around 1.00 a. m. djH«(Jver~d the momonl ,.f "rnbnfl~':"rro' nt. front door oren :Hld the d01hing j' -Hove your Wumlnallon minlnl. He reporterl hi" lOA. to ebtlek.d by ~No Cott. the police who L,,"dut teil an inlle .... ti,ation. . ~ __

Ali of the <cll>fhin, faken was PVBLICC"0SEa.V1C€ found in til, hal f,fonday mornln, ~ witb the exception of a blue COat belonlin, to one of hi. CUllomer •• .


leay" ;,rtd. It (~ln'.Ulu. Sit. JO: l'" m.

-II!! CINCINNATI Le •• " 1:1I.h &. Ch fl:lt.nul !)U. ,:;11 p . m. -.00 PIT'l'S8URCH

Cumberland Connell.vlll.

Le •• o 2ti .h & Clle,lnut Suo HI'" p , nJ .

Deltlll.lrnln A. t! .... ul 1)lumcl' lm.IYlllu" ~r ~U (JU. IUUClh IH' UU' ·nOt). n ut' U44

Baltimore UOhio R.R.



A few halmy Jay~ • _ • tl ,·n · 11 frigiJ hlil!lt d am!,s an ahrupt fini ~ ()I) J,katt;l nl wllarhcr.

Be p i epart+d for the whltll!! l,f l'iptirtg'~ ClllJ dllY .. alld nil!htll. nc­pknillh your co .. 1 fiUp· ply with .McAIIi!ttcr't\ g(wd, hard an t hrllcilc_ \Vh;lt you don't lIHe will. keep mllil next YCtlr.

Full .2000 pUUrlJ,,­Money refunded if not satisfied.

R.MCALLIST£R PIli"", YUl'd A~'tII" JI rmL

Camden 522 M~rc:hant .. ill(' 20

Colling&wood 2800 t "h-~ ,1..,1/.

"''',f,,4'''1''''. ~, I"r'W" ,',h PAr" •• "'",J',,,

Dependable Used ' Cars WITH

Low' Down ~~yments and Reduced Finance Charges

1028 Cbevrolet Sedan ...... .." ... "'_"' ....• -_ 1930 Chevrolet Sedan. Excc-lIellt COlldition 1931) Cbevro let Coupe .1929 J>ontiac Coach 1932 Ford V-8, De I.uxe Conch 1929 I' ord Sport Coupe 1930 Ford Roadster, Vine condition 1930 Studebaker Sedan I liZ!) Chevl'olet Sedutl 1929 Essex Sporl Coupe

. 1930 Pontiac Cabriolet 1928 Chevrolet Cabriolet ' 1933 Chevrolet Sedan

;J2{a/ .-

=\'1' ~ (.tf t~ f' l \' t~- t h' t... f "' ~ "I-f t r ~" It ,ly ur u",HHll- l ,..-t j'\. t'f\. C\)fU J,! ."";,, ft

, ) I I ' I ' . ... ·\[jY/·' C f .. IJ: ," I " U'I r,. ~)"I'" f II ' i.n .1 . t ~ Il '"

t U ul.ll~. - up ,,-1,;\ 11 Iii tl,~

.... $ 30 Down . 83 " 9i 59 " .

128 42 SO 95 5h 33 70 30


"''' "1.", : D< I.~ lld\1II ~ . .... It. u .. l, in\·;~ l l, l .. ,

11 1.1\¥tf.'l ()f '"4.11)t U · ;1

1 •. 1 . tl r c t I, r , II. ,\ ~ ~, .. ' " IIA :! r .".,·,·





11 \ ur .1,,,1,;' .' , " , .J .'l( rtf " ' • • 'I' '1.1 1. # 11" Y1.J ,

V. VIVAUDOU, Inc ... 51\0 Fi fth Ayerl"" .


"OLD TIMERS" I CINNAMINSON J>1t\Yllrounll Baseball Mannrerll . SCHOOL AND. P,T.A. an' ngain re"ilnd.,,1 that they

STAt't' RALLY I mU5t tile their intlentioil to enter .m I Mrs. John Cecil, Jlresid~n( of Ihe "I"(lm Ilt Memorial Park 1£ they

I M .... 0I~610wl1 Home .111<1 School As- wish \0 be ~ol1 . itler"d for enlry B "S 1" so,"mlion. let! Ihl' sludy gTOUp I~st ill the kagul'. NOlice must be

y \ , w('ek. The subj~<t wus "tr school gi"(,11 to .. Dkk" Stcedle in the I Aft e,. ,~bOUI t~ v. lr~ 1.1\, -011' Irc'''' "'(11k i~ "Iways tllIl\le (,lIjornble. Hi ... ·l'ton post alTIce by Saturday.

":OttlllNid un. I~i \' c; I •• I .,lId P~ltn", ' \\ lI.:n "ml whet·\! w!ll dlild.ell 1.,,11-11 A!·ril 7th. Later entdc. will not ra's nt,ost t, an\Oll~ · ' t 'llt l . tl· IlI~ " , 3t ht<:l~g t h e, ,1~C \' (!SSt~~t . i01" ~!l.lln~, hnl'd, atlll i In: f(~nsidet~tI . I



Ra~ IOe Per Line (Llnl'l A,~ra.~ G Word,)

MlnlnlulI\ Chal'1e Joe fbt Ii_dl All

Phone 712 .


J\.'II"'t tit Gra\.~ G. Btnnett, dtct •• flI.

F,:!':'Ir:\,j:'U~tfte~r M~:~~"\!''!~,h'!~, F~~.~:' \\·itt bt ~\ltu,~,i ~nd . ,,,tell by ,lie S"r.f~ •• t ..

:~dU::')O:~~~:t~~; ~~t~J,,~tt\~~t i:;d C~'~~':·"~l Uurlin t(tun. II I R ~t",",n tu ' be. he'" T'un­II"),, A""l' lJ. 193", at ten v'dudt In thl fV l t" HIQl1.

I'lRST CAMIlF.N NATIONAl. BANK ANII Tln'ST COM.PANY orlllll".c,1 " 1J~ .. I(~II).III le,lI l' <lu,l ! (hs,It; tecilbl, t,t~k"? I hc '!.SCllS-,

thumpl'd the V('u~l l' '' A, C .. fr,.-nt I ~I.\,) n ~ . :\ ~ 1 \\~g "tHI anllnal.t,.'d . with ( 'I)tlt1tll~' lht' If ll , l Ntutunal S.att Dante l)enl\~)' I"a"i ~ II) Ihp Ilinc ot' 32-30. I \ .Iq"wll UPll110l1S, ,TENNIS SOON AT RIi:FINlSH YOUk OWN t<LOORS I ,.t (., T""I~"

The iJ:lll1e. whi .1I \\',18 pl"ye,1 fN ; . An "ilg hun I In tile ~"olHl~ OPI'o- -Save: morte)' with our professional I I'..."lOt: n",.·I. II! A."' ... . Ihe b~netil "t the PccIII "" h ,11\1" '~I\<' the ,dlUl11 wa" el\)oyc<l by Ille 'sanding machine. Can at our store U·J~~I,,~~'~~I'.Hl. 1~34. State: Cdppled "'hlohe". A •• ,;n:l li,1I' I !'.'·' t ttl."~C ~~'o1\lcs uf S~ho"l Numbe,' COUNTRY CLUB and We will be glad to demonstrale. =:;::;:;==;;:===::;:;=~;;:~ and .. ("\lcd $300. turtlctlltlto "I"o'UhCI' I wu., 1 hUlst.lllY morning. s?lne t,lr Schwerin,ts Hardware Store. 305 E. ~. __ l_ - ----- - •• - - ~ festl"" evening whelt the \,' i.ill.,r" Ihe I TA ",clllbc,'~ ~ 1'01l50l'lnll the _ . __ , Broad 5treet. Palmyra . . brought wit.h them .h~ "R"lhllln nlT;llr. "Did," GI'<lll Hc .. ds Comm,'tte' e LOST Th II Id II Rasc~ls." " I",'nl li\' ~ - '"c"e orchcs- It these .lIttle one~ are (IS Carnest " - ree nIon 18 0 pO ~e , . k I k I I I at Riverton Club: Busy PUIIPY. blatlk no.". blAck sl'ol on 1m, to fll,..,i~h Itlllsk lor Ihe tiinner see er~ a IeI' no'" e, ge a~ I ICY S . lail. Call ~iverton 7n, provided by the I<,scrs. proved . to he for colored eggs. Iheir cason Planned' .~-:-___ _

The linclIl' fOi' Ihl' "Pal-Rh'er Old future IS ,! :. Th~ Riverton Country Club ten- BOAT FOR SAW 30 Foot with Tlnlers" was Monic Sirhons captAin A week 5 holt day IS glvlllg the ni. seasOIl will open May first with Mahogany Sedan Cnbin. send-speed. "ml forward! "H" l" S:tker. forwnrd; ten~'hcrs a rest Ihey really needed. a well.planned schellule of tourna. "port model. adaptable for aquaplan. Clarence Hubbs. cehtcr: "Ken" Di. 1 he ~chool Itower bed •. Rhnlbbery nlents. ing. fishing. Apply Box "S" New mond. lIunnl: nnd "Dave" Middle- and tawn ih front ofille school. hovl' Sev ... tl Wesl Jersey Tennis League Era OITice. ton, gunrd. bten atlen.led to by some of Ihe inler-dub tournomenls, COUt 0 f CONTRACT BRIDO-Iniistl'uction.

The 10<'al live nftel' three weeks boy~ who etljoy gardcning. Marly which 3"e played at Riverton. and Certified Culbertson teacher. Mrs. tutelage under "Ken" Dimotld look whcelbnrrows oC goo(l earth have th",,,, chAmpionship tournaments George A. Loretlz. phone Riverton advlllllage of their fOI'mer skill to been used in filling irregularilies atld mnke up the greater part oC the 1010. rto~e out the Pennsylvanians in the winter .tamage. schedule. The club also plana tbur· ~~M~~~~~~~~~~~~ last . Recond whetl Monle Simons •• , PublicilY. namenls among Its own players, ~">'i: CAged a long shot which won Ihe ------ making everyone come out and light 1i ~,..,,_~~ ~ game. CWA WORK STARTED Cor a position on the leam. LI~U"p - "'/ 13

AT COUNTY ALMSHOUSE On May twelfth. the club Is hoy. '1 DIi:LICIOUS-AND HOWl ' ing its first lennl$ get-together "'UI\/t\OTOI\ • .

Ground was broken on Monday 'v Flit,. golden brown oysters with for the ncw residence Cor Ih- St-w- toumnmetll followed by a dance at Bring back that bId-time pep,

II h' ~ ~ the club house. . at . trimmins is ott the menu at ard of the Almshouse at New Lis- poWer and vitaUty to your car', Ihe Riverton fire hous.c. Saturday bon. The courts, kept in shape by an We will turte your mcllor-night. Al)ril 21st. Four '·it. for Th b ' Id ' I atttndant, will be rendy (or constant Chock Wiring " e u. mg • to be largely Ii. use throughout Ihe summer. _ . " Call adults and two bits for ohildren. and nanced by Fedeml runds the cost "Dick" Graff. chairman of the ten. .. COor,".dko."r··p'ol"I. we'll bet YO\l never bit into any· to Ihe county being abou't $250'0, If lhing that tasted one bit better. the work is completed under the nis cb',mmlttee. iii looking forward .. t:.~:=,:I"N.

Do yoUr bit ahd buy ticltcts from pl'esent arrangements. t~ a .g turn out for this bUBY ten· ., colI"' .... lon any fireman -Ihey're worthy of l~. "~wever. Ihere is a change irt nlS season. .. ~::~I~I::IOf your 9UPPOl't. pohcy Otl the part of the Admlnis- . All testing done with latest

New Setgeant-at·Arms I ration, the county may be obliged TWO ACCIDElITS type King Motor and Ignition 10 finish the job, . 11 J I Tester whleh removes all

guess work.

IN CINNAMlNSO.N 'Try Our 8"'" Named for District Court

Buslne8s man's advice to his son:

Complete Lubrication

John F. Mcl-rugh. o( Burlington. be a good boy and gave your money hils been appoillted sergeant-at·arm, and when you grow up you can give for the couhty dlst~ict court. He it to the government to be turned succeeds Frank J- Holvlck, 01 Riv •. over to the (ellow who wasn't a JOSEP' H W. fRIDAY erton, anli was named by judge good Ilitie boy and who didn't save Frank A. Hendrickson. hlil money,

Two Cars Collide on River Road and New York BUB and

Truck on Pike

M H h AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS c ug was sworn in on Mon- ---~---_ . Saturd"y evening, March 31 at

dill' by judge Hendrickson. CO GAME LEAGUE 10 o'clock a car driven by C~rol 502 ~~~ :t~CESS~~~!! • Lipiec, of 1100 Wallhlngtort avenue, Riverton Riverton 5Z-W


McAllister's Home Made Ice Cream '

in convenient brick form

Special Introdudory Price




39c Qf. Regular Price 4Sc qt.

MeA LUSTER'S Fo, Delivery Call 1530

Hollingshead Rumored Beverly, on a ' learner's permit 641t01ltOll~>O<I)ONMoO+",",+O+o,"

U. S. Senate ' Candidate DINNER APRIL 12 ~~as~~~r~::h';:'~:r~ns~, a~t t;!r:~ . ~::::::=:::::::::':":'-:-:'-~'~'~-;:::-:-::;_:':t~.~t~ ••• . At the state convention of Ihe Landing road, East Riverton. Both : P.rohibition part'y held In Camden. cars Were badly damaged. i Tuesday It wag reported that EI- Prominent Speakers Will Ad; H MatheLw LRlpJec Wall taken to Dr. A' n·nOUnCeDl.· ent ." Wood HollIngshead. of Moorestown. dress ' Banquet at Moores- arry. Oilers Where he Wall

h t C treated Cor cuts of the head and I was t e par!>:," selection for eandi- own ommnuity House . left eye. . dille for United States Senator.

Mr. Hollingshead this (Wednes. The committee arranging ror the The ' R1verton pollee who were dqy) mottling declared the report annllal banquet of the Burlington present at the accirlent notified Of-very premature. He did not attend County Game Protective League to ficer George Dorworth who Investi· .. the convention and had nothing to be ~e1d at the Moorest?wn Com- gated the case. Both drivers were lOY concerning the rumor. I mUt1tty House on April lZ, has summoned to appear belofe Recor-

Becurcd Grover Ladner as one 01 the de~ Bowers Wednesday night of IUlI'OJ<T 01' CONDITION I speaker.. thiS week, and at Ihe hearing had

0' Ih. Mr. Ladner IS one of the mosl the case po~.tponed until next Tues-CINNAMIN90~0~~~~v AND TRUST .ptomlm:nt lawyers in Philadelphia I day. .

OJ' IOVI~ RTON and has been active in the conserva_ At 4.15 last Saturday afternoon on In Ih. Counly 0' lIurliri.ton .•• lh. do.. lion of fiMh an" gam- for "tlUmb-r Burllngtol1 pike .near Leath'· Nur-of bwa;tiu,: on March J tQiJ4. U ... 17 \0. Q •

RJt:90U iiCJ;;S or y.ears. He is past president of sery a uaker City bus clriven by Lo.n. and di lcounto ...... . 468.3GS.ll the haak Walton l;eague and presl- Henry Holloway, of 89 Chestnut 3~'1~1 ·;t~t:':°3~~~:~ni.". "···· 146.S50.00 detlt of the ' Federation of AUied street. Westmont. collided with a

0."1::,"10' ",.nod ' " 1S.009.81 Hunting Clubs of Pennsylvania. Mr. Mack truck loaded with cinders, Ofh~~C llfl~?~ ~:~~~I and . .. 291.371;.13 Ladner'. Bubject will be "Organized' drl.vetl by Norman L. Buler, of 231 Overd,aH. .. .. .... .. ~D.Jl SportRmen and What They Can Ac. Er!e street. Camden. and owned by lI'''klnr hOIl •• : 'ruf~lllir" " . compUsh." Clark Bros., of Camden. Rcal·~~l.?:I~~~cr(i· other .". 124.475," Th f II

Ihln b.nking loCi".. "" • 'O.~ZO .• 6 Artothel' speaker will be Dr WiII- Wer e. j 0 ~w~g t;::s . passengers c"hwl,~, Vo~'~!r 'r.:"::I~n~... ... iam I-r. Moore, '3 member ~( lhe 147 e W ure4S: h re. ary Stllier. o( Oul, ldo check. Ind 01'", 153,91 •. '0 Pennsylvania Game Commission C' est t atreet, New York

c .. h .. em. .. . 486.45 Assistant District Attorne John Ity. was taken to the Zurbtugr Olh·f&f"A~ . .... .. . ..... ';:m ·;~ A. Boyle will deal with law :"d law ~oSPlt:l b

hy· He:rhbert Stewart, of

'-lABlJ.ITles . enrorcement. ever y. were s e was treated for Domand ".p, .. i1 . .... ,'p' (J . s. contualonli of the chest and left

Oovernm.nt depo.It •• public James A. Walker. former Secre. knee, Charleli Bun'tin", 2" EI .. hth fund" arid " of 1 r 8t f P • 7 •

Tlm:tS:~.;;~:,k:l~i'jji Jioi;;;i .. • 40MI8.26 pary

10 tate 0 enrljlvania. a avenue. Haddon Helrhtl; Plrvart ... In •• •• public 'unds r~m nen . ~ttorney, an !Jne of Tonslan, Charles Tonlian, .... 5 One Ind dopo.ft. ~r 6tho, banks 47UU.44 P~Iladelphla s greatest philosophers. Hundred Seventy.fourth street New

Publl, lund. 01 S,a .... eou"U... WI!! allo be one' 01 the speakers. York: John Downln .... 10' Tr~mo'nt .. drool di ll trich, o( o~htr r.- B dd M • " ~ l ubcfl.Won, 0' munlel . u arler, ()f Ed,ewater avenue, New York City and Prank

Unh~~IJ~::t •• o;;~;, m~n. · ·· 4U0D.5. Park, one of the outetandin, of Bur· 8cotts, of 43:1 81<:lile .treet Phil and ""ot.I .. vln~. ~.pO.111 10,050.61 Iin,ton county's lame protect/on delphia, wlire taken to Cooper ho::

Dopall't 01 ., hanh. ,"lif,t" enthu!llaBla, has secured from Camp- pltal 111 the ".Imyra ambulan .nd C:1I1,Je,'. checks 01ll- b JJ Ch L j r CO I"ndln •. ,.J c .. h I,h.,. e uren, r., of Seattle. a !let of where It Wat Istet reported the~

., ctedlt ....... 29.J74. ~1 beautiful plcturea that will prtsent Were not luKerh., lerlou. Injury. g:~~/~r:h~lfll:."d .. dIIGOun.. 7 •• ~~:~~ huntin, and fiahln" scenes from a- Friday a'ternoon Parry and Pal. Common "ock, 1.000 ahlr.l, 10111 lhe Pacific couto myra fire companlea *n .. ",ered a call

par 1100.60 po, Ihar. 100.000.00 8 t Clift d R h h • But.olol. Copl'al "lick ... 100.000.00 ena or or . Powell wllJ be to t e ome of Dr. Ktourt, Marean J':SI~40.i t' roA,'::"." ........ :... I~g:m;g; t03l!JJIalter. Senator Powell has al. Heigh ... to extinru/lh a rr ... fI,e

TOTA '1.11l.61l4,!1~ wa~one every thin, within hll . ,"=."::, 0' H ... jlt'RY, C"ownl~ 0' Bu"lft~- power to !lee that the right kind o( Anonymous aa ' BIn, 'In. r ••• I. Pt •• ,t1o.t It, 1.. WJIIllm •.• nd Tr ... ur.r legillation was enacted (or both the dente.-Anon.

H_ ... , B. Corto .. , 0' th. a&W ... a .. ott hUnter. and fi.he:rmen o. thl. It ate. ----------~-_ _ ""tdtutJon, 60 tOJ.mnJy •••• t tb.t f"e- .hove' HOT' . ~.I~t.":" •• n.~ 'b',III'.u,'. '0 dr. b.l. 01 my tllOW. There will be teveral prominent CE OF BETTt.EIII!!NT II a.... u Adminls.'.ln,.f. Au·ount

g _ L. WILLIAMS. men 81 ,uestl of honor, Indudln, Ih'tf. 0' O,a" .. a,. lI.ow. d ...... d

"aWARD B. coP'H·"o~f!~. members o( the PI.h and Oame II,Hu,II'A" I, horeby c'·on .htl· .h. FI," 'a nd y ~K C i I n. tlQunr 01 ,~h. tubutJ"" A4ml"J ... T omm IS on, Judge Prank A Hen· lratof ... 1\1 b. tudlt.d and "a •• ti bV th.

Su~rlbtA ."d ,WO,,'I 'If) be'::,,'u;,:;. *",. dric1rfOnt Prolecutor Howard Eaat- IU"OI.f •• ltd re~~t~d for HIt~nt Ind. :itA do' .. , ~,/!r'k 19". d d .Uowlftre to the Oraphan." Court... Co-.-~ • v .. • , woo ,al1 a number of cOUnty of- , 8 I v'. a rW/I P. v iliA 111.'11. Ii I 'Yh .. d u, A,neto... t. a .... 10. 10 ,.. It.ld

H. P II lela: w: Major Oen-ral Hu,h L rhl UIS ay. p,U 26. t934. 01 .... o'clocL ',. Ill' CommlHlo" upl, .. 1':~" 4Ih:-'9U. · ~ . , • 'o,o.oon. • Corr.u-A .... ' : Scott, Who hal attended every PIRIT CAIIDEN NATIONAL BANK

CHARLeS ITIIE~T If'Ll,1 League Banquet Ihu. far hal bun AND TRUST COIIPANY. ~~~.v!.r t. ~~9.~':c~9. . aaked to honor the 'portsmen with P,oc.!>" , 80 I. 0" Aftbltr. Admlnl,I,t'",.

DI,.<.ora. hi. presence aaain tbi. "ear. Da .. " : ... rt~ 17. Itu. I '.12-+19.'4.

I Hereby Announce My Candidacy

for the Office of

Chosen Freeholder' N -­at the

Republican Primaries May 15,1934

I Ask Your Support and Auibance

O,cI ... cf lacl pAId I,,, ~I' Willi,m II . k.o.t.

" -)0. i I





Fire Compan~ Note: Dilapidated STEEDLE LEADS Selection. by Twenty-five Mixed BUildings; Bank Avenue RAID ON STILL Voicea Will Be BroadClI.t

to be Con.idered Sunday Afternoon

Group of Women Find Mal\y Thing. That Should Be


Incomplete Returns from 2100 Qu •• tlonnaht. Revelll a

Oec:ldtid Prererence PLAN 1'0 AID Illicit Dlltillery on the Farm of

Walter jeaaup at Rantocli Raided MondlY

Twenty.five milled voice., blended A dtle.atipn of Ilfteen women. Returnl from :17110 queltlonrt-Ir •• Into aweet, IOtred mualll, wilt be i a LOCAL SPORTS bronde"ll over. Station WCAM Ihll repruent nl Ihe hud. 01 varioul Were compiled at I m~~llnl of the Sunday afternoon at 3.00 o'clock women', ()rlartinUontl throu.hollt Joint tranlportatlon committul rep­trom Lakeview Memorial Park, aa Burllnltort ~ounty, were taken thtu rnentln. the riverltortt townl froln one or a leries of tleventeen brold. the \lollnt)' almlhoule It New LII· Plilmyra to BurUnlton. held in Ihe

Chilen Que.tlona Appearance of Second-hand Furniture

Shop in Riverton

State Alcohol In.peetor Georae D. Steedle. of Riverton, and In.pec. tor M. O. Copperell. reprelerttln. State Alcohol Beverale Com mil' lioner Frederick 0, Burnett, or Newark, to,ether with County De. tectlvea Clifford O. Cain, and O. CUnton Zeller conducted a raid Ort the f.rm of Walter jeaaup In Ran. coco and urtcovered a larae stili. on Monday afternoon.

casts. The voltu ' will be lhoae 01 bon, lale Tue.d.y aJternoort, RI id • the chOir o( the Lo,an Memorial Incentive for the vlalt Wall fur. Ve.rl II town hlld Tlle.d.)' hllht.

Clvit tonditlonl delcrlbed aa "dll. IIraceful," danieroul and decidedly undesirable," occliPied most o( the discussion of the meedn, of the Riverton Town Meetln, olTicer" dl· rector~ and commlttoemort, held · Irt

. Ihe achool bulldina Monday nl"hl.

Preabyterlan Church of Alldubon, nl.hed by Freeholder Palmer Adatnl An overwhelmln. majority of and will be led by M .... Mary Te.,e. Director of Public Bulldin •• , Who commut.,. Indicated a prertrentt or,anlst. delQrlbed the condition. It the alma· .for trllin aetvlc:e over any other

As well aI Ihe broadcalt over Ihe houle al belnl hllthly undeslrablt. "'eans 01 tranlpol·tatlon by a ,atlo air. the vokes of the cnolr 'will be The women planned to vllit the of 21 to I,

Sltudlion8 tiuth II lire company note personally endor.ed by lire­meln, the condition of Blink avenue,

'rhe tllid nellea a a.sop liallon It III and other appliances, About 50,000 lallon. 01 m8lh In len vat. and about SOO Inllon" of. molnlsu alco­hol,

re·broadtalt from Ihe 81nllrtl Tow- almlhouse without prevlou. oppolnt. The dhtlnnllon of Broad Itrtet er to thrill Ihe hundredl of lIatenera nlent In order thllt the It •• e might alllllon via Ihe Delair brldae, aM •• who drive to Ihe parlt. and, ftom not be ael (Dr Ihelr comlrtl. Their ralnMt the Camden route or Market the com(ortable interior 01 their al'rlVIII at ".00 p. m, found that the Street wharf. ahowed II preferenc:e OWn un. IIl1en to the enllre pro. supper hour had been pOltponed lin. 01 ~ to 2. aram, . The wnrm. growln. beauty til ",30 Instend 01 ",()(). Ihe ulual The pre(erentl! of peollie (rotn of the pnrk property, cOllpled With ·hour, The nltnu. Ihe women' atated, ellery town Illvolved I'egardlnl Ihelr the enlertAlnln, music from Ihe WOI compo,llcd of a ,up of tell or II dulres for arrlvlll artd deparlure ot Sinlinl Tower, Ie IIltrlll:tinl tnort! ala .. of blue milk, mU.h and two traills was the moal surllrilln. fea­and more cars each Sundity. thllt In- ,liec!!tI III dried brend. tn Ihl! kltch. ture o( the tabulation 01 filures, The elude an hour or In beautiful en the lAdies obaerlled the help frlln • . people were Altnoll unllrtimDu, In .urroundlnis a8 an entertalnlnr 81'Ot tlulIlly It yin II to open cana of bnked thl. part!cultlt, their preference for In ·the uftuAI Sunclay afternoon drive. beans, whleh they stron,ly IUlpcd· ol'th'ol In . Philadelphlll bein, 8,00,

· t he run-down COl)dltlon of aeveral l)rOpertics and the necII 01 public supporl of our athletic ootlvltiea were Ihe mnln topics o{ dlsculRlon.

1t Is believed thllt Ihree employeea mode their I:I<Olle when. an eleclrlt In the barn und conrtected with the houle BOUnded warning of the npproach of olIlciala.

These subjects were' considered hllhly Imporiant and deler.vinr of

. the consideration of each 'lind every one of Rlverlon'~ citlzena, and it waR therefore decided to 'hold an open nleetinr In the Riverton School auditorium on Tuesday, April 2"t h, al 8.00 p: m,

Chllfll'es of vlolotin, the mtnte al. cohol ott htlve been filed oaalnlt Jessup who waa not hOJile at Ihe time the' rold Wlt~ made.

The Rev. A, B. Collins, pOltor 01 ed I}I being nn addition 10 the 1I\1~I\U H.30 Gttd 8.4S· a,m, lind delJ.rture the Logan Memorinl Prt!sbyteri lln Itlt theh' bahellt, from Philadelphia beilla 5.00, S.30 Church will deliver II short oddrew. inqulrY' revenled t.htlt tlie tneol be. lind .6.()O p.m.

the situation of the lire company School Board Committees all a part ·o( the program which 15 lore ~ouslelt:d of n boWl o~ soup RIVer8ide presented ottl), a part of broodcasl from lIie administration on'y. Its tabulations, elrtee tht)' expetlenc..

110te· drew marty I.nquirles and ex· presRions o( opinion Irom those presenl. The fact that the River. ton Volunleer Fire Company, or· gartl~ed for the protection 01 nvea ami property In Riverton 8I1d Ihen In t he bargain have 10 have somt! of ib membera' .personally endorle paper to finance thll project, i. a condition Ihat was described by one citizen al belna "dllgraeeful!'

Mr •. Marlon R. Elwell. president of the Riverton 'Boord of Educotlon, h81 announced the appolrtttnent of the followlnr commltteea: .

bulldlnl at the pork. 'flIt dl!bPCl'Otdy illck IUlt1 ll lel htid cd a delay III the dlltrlbutlon of the The choir will render thne Relet. for their nlellU Gn 'funday, a Uu(er que~tionl1nlre8, lind Delanco tellort.

tlonM Qnd parts of two hymnll. uf cnnnetl apllle buller, two pieces ed rtothlna. they havinl dlltrlbuted "lnelllmmatuI" and "Rudln"t Morn" of unbuttered tOMt lind n cUp of ttll. theirs on MondAY nl,ht.

Educatlortal Committee, Everett O. Wolcott, cholrmart, Mrs. Charlel H. Yoil and William H. B'Ottler,

Property Committee, Karl· W. Latch, chalr",al1. Walte~ .. K. Wool. man and John Shelbley.

\).y the whole choir. Ancl u number The smAil Jlvlnlfroom IhM quar. Upon ~ompletlnl the lilurea avall .­by the nlole qUtlrlettll will be Ihlll teretl 110 men wae ~quipped with able, tht COtnmlttC!! deelded thllt the feature numbers on the prorrnnl, nothing but wooden nrm chairs with nnl move would be fot a commit­Followilll the radio broadcRlI there low bllck,. Theil- fodlltles for rt- lee. ,0nlll.Un, 'of the chalrtnan from will be an hour of Irtl;trumcrttnl creation con.illed of severo I deckl each town, the pre,idenl and the mUalc from Ihe "Sln,lng Tower.'" 01 IIl'eRS), ~lIrdtl ilnd leveral ~he<lk"r Iceretary 01 the whole committe'

Flit n well rounded SundbY tift e\,· bonnls, . and Ihe chairmen of both the pUbllc -Another. citiaen Itated thot he per·

~ona\ly knew thai Ihe Imoke malks were In no fit condlt·lon for the tnen

· to use In fiahting fires: ortd that the'

SUllply Committee. WIlI13m I-r. Bottger, chairman, Fred P; Hetnp. hili bntl Hilton M. Smith. .

noon drive. you Are In"ited to enjoy -One BIC!epltlll Ward tlntl one hoa. Ity nnt.! mef(handiBing commfttreo to this one-hour muskal !>rugtttm In Jlial w~rd they Cound located in the IneOl whh Peunsylvtlnln RAlltoad the beautiful lurroundlnal or Llike. c.eUar of I hI! building. One of the offldnb at an early dnt ... next week view Memorial PI/·rk. mell', dornlJlories wns formerly u.ed 10 ptesel\t tht' rctiult~ of queltlon.

men should not be expected or al. the membera of the meelina. · lowed to continue ualna them irt Some expreMsed the belief thnt

their prellent condition. nothlrtg could be done about the sit. STATE AID FOR REUEF GARDE"S

Secus. Plalltfl. Fertilizer to Be Purchllsed Through State

HeadquorterB .

Still another menlber stAtet! that uatiotl, but lh~re lCemed to be one Council should take some Immediate ovenu!: or cscnpo t,hrou"h lhe me· steps to relieve the firemen who ulUm of Ihe county flre warden. It have endorsed the note, which I. reo w!le .u,gested thot the warden be ported 10 approximate 13,000.00. He broulI'hl into Riverton to 11Inke an &tated that no reasonable or sell. ir(alledion of the properti,," with reBpectln& citizen would permit hi. the objective of condemning Iho~e firetnen to offer their own peraqnol thai Were cOriBldercII u mennce to prolierty as ae"urlty for a project public sofety. that iR operatecl for the benefit of ' The frlghttul conditIon o( the Relief aRrdenJi financed by lhe all. - roadway alonl Bonk avenue reo Itedcrol 3tld Stale Emergency Rtillef

One man etated that he had been celved its share of attention. ancl II Admlnistrlltion thlll yenr will l,e ex-9 re.ldenf of Riverton for thirty wal decided that the recommenda- dUBively Indlvidunl property. 'rhere years ond up until the IItne of the tionl . made by Town Meetinl and will be no ~omtnUnlty IlIrden. nft meeting Monday night he neve.. the made by . Council he ooch: but Indlvldllale of (\ flroup knew that Bome finortclal lupport Investillated and It l1ew resolution mny cultlv/lle Individual .cetlon. ' of was alven to the lire company be prteBented ret'!ue.tlng concerted a .In,lo lorle plOl, The produce of throuih Inactive metnbershlps at a lind Immediate action to relieve thai section will belon, aolely to charle of '1.00 per ye .... Thl •• tate· that aituatlon. the IndividUAl to whom It hod been menr brou,ht forth II mild crltldlm Memberlhlp, the only ,uararttn ~ •• Igned. . 0/ the Fire Company for not prop. for the accomplllhmenl of the aev· The aardenln" project I. 10 be co· erly Informlnl lhe public 01 these eral wotthwhile civic proJectl, was ordlnaled wHh the. lelsure.time pro. memberlhlps, al1d (or fallin, to c:on- next to be considered. MalthillB grlim of the Stille ItRA al a Worle. duct welJ.or, lind thorou,h Sonthelmer, chairman of the memo Department project. And It will be drivel. berlhlp committee. WBi given Jlower re,ulated ByttetnJltlcally from Btate

The qUeition 01 the dlspolitlon of to select Id. own committee and In· Headquarter •• where a Slate alrden the 1600.00 paid annually by Clnna· au,urate a drive for new menlbetl 8up,rvlao, will b~ In leneral char,e. minion Townahip for al.lltance to the Town Meeting. Memberlhlp' Elich eounty will Alia have ita own from the Riverton Fire Company cardl will be printed and taken by lupervllor under Jutl.dldlon ()I the clme liP for elileultion and another the committee In their houte-to- Btate lupervllor. Municipal ome •• cltllen volunteered Inform.tiort thlt hou .. cinv.... The by·law. call will dele,ate lin elnllloyee for locnl COUllcll had ",rabbe4 0/1" the mon- for a 2&c memb.rlhlp fee for each Inlpecllon work. e, Ithce the amount had been raited member for the period of a yelr. The FederAl ,overnment h H I from 1300 to teoo for the !>urpoa. Pllnl will be dllcuiled for the .,r,ed to .Uoeate tnoney for .ub· of buy In, hOIll!. The '300 lormerly lponlor.hlp of lportl In Rlv.rlon II,tenec "arden I for the unem­paid by C/nllamlllljOn Town.hlp.t the comln, open mulln" Ilrtce ploytd, either thowe rece/vln, ,ell,f had been plld dlntt to the Plre It .. emed to be the concenlul ot or thOle ell,lble to h..,e It. The Company It .. Jr, and .Ince the in- opinion ' It the muttll, MondlY ,rartt II tubjed to the pro"I.loll that crellll! the lire.compeny had 10lt the nl,hl that It wa. a Plrt 01 the Town th. Blate ERA • ..,.11 adminiller Ihe UN of thl t300 It counted upon for M.etln,', Job to lend a heJpln, pl.n accordln, to W .. hlneton'. re" revoue. hand to th. 'porte pro,ectl of Rlv- ulatfon.. P,ellmlnary 10 d.v,lop.

Th. forty-foot •• tettllon !add.... etton. tnenl of the plan an advl.ory com. carried on the true". reported The ollc"I. dl,.clorl .nd com· mlttee hal b,en nanled by the ftate to be 110 blda" wlrped from hlne· mltteemen .11 •• p, .... d the hope Acrlcultural ColI"e wIth Dean In. on the brae"". of lhe truck. that man" 0' the cltlnn. would re. Juab O. Llpmdn nJ ch"lrtnln. thet they are conllder.d unl.'. by .pond to the call and attend the All .. ,d.. plant. .nd I,rllll7«rl lIOme, ahoutd the em.r.ene" arlH open meltln. and t ..... ,art In will be purch ... d throuKh It.te where1"'y ml,ht be needed .t their th. batkln, of th_ worthy pro. he.dqulrter.. "tllle audltorl have lid! lo,th. lor the .dv.tuement of Rlv- b.en directed 10 pili. no bill 'or

'ardlll, burned bulldln,l. rllll. .rlon and her cltlzenl. aUch material. A' II r.'lff co.t clown vaeant hou-.. hom.. u .. d bau,ht locilly. OIl'te' r,lIe' will lor .tor.,e honn, Rlverton'l He- WIf,: "Oadll1" If th,. boat'll'" not be redue,d bee. UN • clilnt la on4·hlnd furniture .hop .nd the lot to .nJr, Which would you ... ,,_the rlll.ln, hi. owrt, •. act,ofnla, the IIr. houR and eoulldl children or me'" dwnber w.,. tbe IIftt on the Il.t Hu.baad " .... "-P,op," a.. Only,,.r rent of th. World'. to recllv. the '"ft, eritldam 01 Club M.... population II" .. below the 'q1llltor.

lOt' ;t luuntlry room. and to the cell. Mire~ rrcellied to dntt!. and Attempt Inl were ~liIl attach'cd the power IQ secure In~reliBed trllln tichedule ~ ht1fts lind ht!ge /.uUey.: the wnUe wllh (\ fnre TOle whh-h wouid com­were 0/ IInplostercel btlck. Ihe lloor pnre fllYbrnbly with bUM farea for of Mtone and the only .door 10 the single or round Irlp •. room rc~Ctnbl~d A ~hruhkcn barn . R ~ ilro ll" offidAI~ linve ex"re.8ed .Ioor. I h~m ~elve ~ (to reatly and wlllltti to

Toilet faciUtiel ror the lIIen con - roopcratc lco ~ny r~B~oltnblr degrre. "i.Iet! of ollc bathtub. one tollrl. " IInti th~ activity or the r1vt'rfr cmt cOn'llriOn hllnd lowe' fot all of the town. h,,~ alrcndv iltlral'led tht! nl· lult1nlc., (lnd 110 vi~iblc 8igllA lIf ttllli ,," ti f ot'''eI·"i W. W. Attl'rhurv. 00;1 [1 , Pre.idcl1l of th., Pe/lII,'ylllnnla Rail .

1'h" loilct rllom wn~ lo~utell ill r()~tI Company. Who hns cotre~l'ott,l. the room uled for the slornllo of .,,1 wll" t'he ohalr.lllan ot the dOlhcH. ;tilt! wall nOI ,,,pur/lted by ,·omtrtillec. :tny parritlon w~11. , The 'IUUlloll aron as to whelhH

In tlie 81eeplltll <tUilrler ~ ttothinri ' or not th~ "orhlnlttre Ihould ,It In but rC'w" of CClts ~o\lltf be "rCII ., with Ihe but company relMlv~ to ,·hnir. ror the 1"lIIalea Wert' mi lli ng . IrnnMpottntlon. and tlie (ontnllll .. r no 1,Iare (or their ftw 1't'rlonul d- decided Ihol the I1t~ndute of the "r,,­feet'" ,,,Id 110 hoole. for fh<'ir doth . rIC' JnleretlteiJ enough to /\11 OUt Iht Inlt Mttr IIndre •• lni Cor bed. l)\lu!ionnalre Ihow~d it 21 to I. rrtf.

l ' he (IInlnarom. kllchett .• ntl kltch. "rcnr t lot tnilroi,,1 t tavel. II:' the bt .. en ulCJ1ll1& were foUnd to be .·jean ~nil le WilS ,lrol'l'"d lor tilt .. rt.-flll lind Well kept. nt leut.

" 'he wanl(!n', qUAner. Ihey founll An I"vllntion ttl ~It with t'ltlitl' " little be",r. Soulh ]rr.ey cOmmunhlu In Ih'

The ilck. aCtordln, to the IndirA, matttr "f the bl,h .jltled lirit (I \ 'fl'

Afe ofl'ered no IIrtenllotl wh:thoeller Ihc fle/dworr klver bridllt W3~ :\1'0 durina Ihe nllht. reJttted. ,Irtre tit. prohlem 01 the

A dele,allol1 of W(lmrn plan t(l riVtr/rOlll lowna Item,d to br all Httend Ihe nlutin, of fh" bOllrd of IntfeaRcd 8er,,!t·t over th.. Dl'lllil 11reeholdeu lomorrow (PrldlY) brl(I,~ wlthrrtlt any r"llIllon to the mornln. lInd teU of the condition. hl'h IJjted lint, III tb~y toul1d th.,m, and alk 'or a 'the mlln walllt, the baffle ',,1' more .. Rldenl manllltemtnr ttl the t;,ttl!t t '.an"\lortation tarllltlt!l wrrr II1IHtutlon. more th3ft "Ieated wltlt Ihe .1'1~ndJd

They bellev. th", with tht! ... ~,ooo "OOI'ClrIIllon ,I¥tn thrm by Ihe 1''''' alreldy "pproprllll"d. nllllly of the I pi, In u,h community. Atld Ih' ft · untiellrAble Jeatu, .. can b" .jlmlnllt- turn. In earh caJe hll. llwlilttlt,d ~n ed, utlder careful Mild eRldtnt man- Inuelud rnalve till tht "art or tidl .,enlent. nlember to nrend ,,"rty ,fY"rt 't<-

Atnon, Ih..,.e In the drle,.tlon at. Ifcur. lor the r!vttrf,onl lown8 Iha' lendln, th' "r"holdi" nlutln. lo. which It tet OUI to 3«(\ln"lI.h_ mOl row will be Mr., JOleph 1'. R~an •. repr ... ntln, the Porth Club. CtTtZ~N" POROM Rellr.,ellt/na th" Mootntown WOo I

men'. Cillb will b~ Mr ... Alell. C. Th. Cltllllnl FonJln htld fta bi­Woo.\' Jr .• rr •• hf~nt, Mr •. It.ther monthly nleetltl, III Ih. home of J. 8trllw"rld;f Srophy and Mn. fl!11. 1 H . Finney. Mor.AIl Avenll.. 1'111. win A. MUlleli. I myra. oft Tu"d~y fVfttln,. April 10.

Tht' dub w~I .. "m .. d Iht.,. ttrw I,ROION AUXtJ tARV ' memb"" who ht.trd .1 talk on "Aft!"

, lam.nt Maker." tlrlJvned by WilliAm Th. Au,Un,ton County R.ecullv. / X. 't ... III • •

Committre 01 the 1,1',loft Au.lllary I 1'tI .. me.tln. to h .. hrld 'tuu. will hold it. relul/l, mfttlnc .t dltY 'vtl1lr1,. ANII :Z~, wIll he' I .. d "V Mount Holly. W.dn,.day ,,,,nln,, OUlltv. Vtob.tlnl wh('l will 1I,Ila on April I.. D.If,at" are ....., to ,"N.tlunaUratlt.n of Union •. " ma", a lperl.1 effort Ip lItt .. nd. Au'! Cor 'r 'y .


SCOUT Pll'r 1 vr I I CHARTItR LUNCHEON Such COl\.IIIttt\c~. tha,t" hnlri fturJUl I RIVED1TON AT PORCH CLtlb III ~Ieelltd fro'" J'" Ind the Unlt.d .a Stat" may 11M" to deport him.

IN PHILAD' ELPHIA The PONh tlub will hold hll an- Samuel II\,ull I, abroad Il\d thla 1. ___________ .... ~u., Chal'tet Lllndleon, Tutada)l. ~untr)' I, t"ltt, to Import hlm.-

Britlah soldlm 11\ ttle Wo,ld We .. Ill'\! potatoft thllt h.d btel\ prepaftd 'or aoltllet. o( tbe 1ott' Wn. The, hlld b~n \:ut very thin. dehl'dral'ed ot' dried, lind when pillcled in "'ater .welled to 'hell' ortrln,,' 1I1~

Brilliant Altair Staged by Bo)'s of PhUadell)hia Council in

Convention Hull


LII~t TlillrRday Judie Prank A. H_HdrlckaOr1 announced the tempoI'. ary ap/lolntrne,H or Mn. Ittlna Jlet. ry, df Hllrtford, 11M I,roballon officer lot BurUH/iton county. Mrl, P~rtY

. ...... _ .• wUI t,ke over the official duties h.1d br. Jlldle He",lrlrk80rt bel are hla 41 ,lIvatlon to the bertch.


A blue coat round on the play. ,rountl of the' Rlvetlon nhool by thll J~nltot, MdI'riR Bteedle, wa. ItItned (IVer to the polite artd Iden· tilled as th' only ,1I(rnent tlljs81n, Irorn th. ba,rol retorned to the tull . or Ihall of Ju'lol Woldlll by the bUrll"r who lultered' II chanle or hearl la.t week.

ALL PIOURItD OUT' Oen.ul jollnlOn conclud.. th.t w.... mUll ,A lip I 1I0uri mUlt

torn. down! f.rln.t. mo.t h.lle more money, And th. w.y to do It I. for the .mploy.r who ha. no mon.y to p.y the Inc:r ... td w •••• , which In"'.... h. I. to ,.t Irom the '.rm., who I. brofl • .-(

(' 1't.,.. In the KUla'"

Mln Allnett" PI'"tt. of Howllrd llttl!~t. WtlS Illite" to tht Durllnllon CUU'nt), H08p1141. Momln)l of this ",eelt hI Ihe Pnlm)lr{\ Ilmbulance. Min Pr"u WI\8 lutterln, (rom I\n (lI(etled n"I,\!ndhil.

April I'th al I o'doc". Miami Hetall!. The .ptl\~r will be tht Revt~\\d

Olto L. S. Mohn. of A,bury Park. UtU ... tt •• o •• O.O.o •• Oto~~'t ............ ~ Titlhll tor tht lult~htol\ are ~k

and membel'll mu" .mah rellt:rv,­tlonl wltb Mrs. ltaymund M, "'"lltt. pbtme ltlverton 829. belu\'\! \\uon of

Mr. atld Mrs, Jobn MIII~lIlet" of Uurlillil ... m Pike. Ilre rtcelvltll ~on' trlllll\at\otl$ oil Iht blrlh or a ""Ulh. Itl'. W .. ,hle8dR)I. AIII'II t I.

MfR. LesHe Rei!" .. s. Sr., \\'a~ eletl · e.! as WOI'lh)' Mlltron o( the Ri"tt. ~l\I~ Chnptl''' of the O. It S. llt Ihtlt ~n11l1l\1 tlectlol\ IMt weclt.

MOIlt!IlY. A\lrll tilth.


Sylvester Well tolten til 01\ HlIrry

toInrlon Syl"ellter. of bUl'linlthlU Pilte. ~IIIerlon, WAI knocked ott hll lll>:yde "'rld,,y evenlnll lit eleven 0'. dock by Frands Otl~. of 504 Welt ~ i12th strleet. New VOI'It City, oml ~ sutlere,1 .:Utll of the b;\~1t ond htOtl'l

Miss EleAnor ~ehl lind Miss Sally L. Rorerl (or trelltmelll. Wenuel. 01' Roltllorough. 1>0., were ' ================== iuul. or MI~~ · AUl'e l.Avel'ty. 811n· ,lay. EVANS

Mrs. Alnu\ M. ltv.<tlt~. Wut'thy 01,. (joseph '1'. ~IIalls. Riverton N. J.) trld tleputy of the O. E. S. of New ' . Je'MY, wlI~ (\ Ilul!el "t Ihe IIl1l\uol For Sp' rinL'l ball<tllel of tbe Riverside Chapter of . a \hu O. ~. S. Wedtluday evenln,. Supplies MI· ~. Chlll'lcs DeClrou. of River.

~Ille. hAS been .p~tt\il"g ~everl\l days wll II h~t tlnllilht .. r. M rl!. Robert Hullitl i8.

MI'. tlnd Mrs. W. L. Ca_key "penl the wceket,,1 ,,,Ith frle",11I In "hlln· ,Ielphln.

Weekly News for Palmyra-Riverton


Little chltkl, pullet. alld layln, henl thrive and ptoduce better when fed exclullvely on Evan,' frtih mile. ed hl.h quallt$l feedi. Phone Riv­erton aoll tor PlVan.' Money.rnallh,. feed ...

Jo!Scph T. Evans



THE AGNES SHOP No.9 East Brolld St.



Phone, klnt·ton ~~I

Open Mondny. FtldllY and SlItllrdllY eV;!I\lnl~' Othel' el/enln'lI until 11.00 o'clock.



~ ' . 'the followln, Plumber. .... worlclft, In .ccordance

with the N.H.A. They are rell.ble and dependable. Give

them' your IUpport.


[j . . ~ A chicken lupper will be held at

the A,bury Chureh,, April 19th, Adult8 SOt;, children 2k

BU~I~m ~awe R~t!rton ~atlon~ i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6.30. ~~~M

:l)on't (or,et the 0Yller wupper ,Iven by the Rlntton Volunteer Plre Colltpally Saturday nl,hl, April 21 Irom 5 to II o'dotk, Adult, SOt, chlldrjjn 25(, De lure to lave the dale lind ehow your apprec".tlon ot the wervlte renedered by the town firelnen.

8COUTS HJtAR OP 8HAKEI The boy Il!ouh 0' tro01 8, M. P!.

Church, "Ilimyra, ellJoye an Inler· eMtln, and fnllrucilve talk ,Iven by br. Hatry P. Landll, 1r.. 01 Plil. mYrA. The topic WAI "Plnl Aid III Ihe Homll" and he finl.hed hli tlllk with /I de.crlpllotl ot Ihe varlnu. hlndll o' pollonOUI IlIldtee find Ihel, habit I. Tlte bOYI were kanly III · ter .. ted and IIRked many qu"t1on. al Ihe conclo.loll 01 th& t.lli.

Buy .Your New . Ford V-S NOW!




Rapid R.port • A lel.ntl.t h .. IItimated th.t tho Call Riverton 1180 , 115 W, Broad Street

lOund 01 • bli ,lin .t the rlt. 01 lM1,1' ,.It p.r .. c:on4, or F ot Demon.tration Palmyra, New Je-"'y on.-hlU a. lot Ii .&-tUmbr.-~ An,.lo TfI1l", 66 .................. 00 .................................................................. 1

, ; ,




TELEPHONE TALK PAL.RIVER SALESMAN IIew tompal\)I to rettl\>e tht dl,Uno. TItE WINS CHEVY AWARD tlo\\. Illd when h& opelled the Itt~r


' ~'S from W. E. Hollet. ,tnnat nIh ~ manllet 01 Ihe thevrolet Motot

Early Metho\la of Communltatlon CO FUlllt A. Smllh. Oenlal . Salelml\n CamPI' II" ... broad ,mile Ul\ " ahln-ComPl'm with Pt'taelu-tla)l ' LUMN tor New Mlllor ConI pall)' In In~ C\)UI\\1mllnce relleillttl II bfl,tit

'"'-I hilS t- 100 Clf Club Rilles Qovernln& Annual Event • ., ep I) e 11 .. 11\ Ito d tooth, and two more lold teeth Sponsored by American At our Manh meetilll we hl\d Ihe On~ tht "Brain 'truattrt'\ Fl'<lnlt A. Smith. \ltat \lalnm.n forpoPpfd Illto "'~W when a ~iluble

LegiGI'I Ault. No. lSII \Irl\/Ue~ of henlnl O. S. Anderton. Ovttlook~d PIII-~Iver Chevrolet. ' ·nl:.. of lil bonllll I:hecll dropped (tom the en-, IIPtd"I t't1lt'tI1mllltlllft of the New Bl'Oall IlI·tet, ·Rilltttull. l"e.:elvtd the "elopt. .

't h~. Alnull:an l.e,lon AulllUaf1 Jerie~ Ben Tetethone Co. of New- Editor The New Era: 1l01\Itt\\\lllIliollS ot the man.,er. Durinr 193) Sft\Jth sold eMulh 1< ' ''~II I"" .. J 1 Joh~ W 010 I '''h U' I I II new alld uled c .. rs \0 tIlrn the 200 _ ...... I Illonsor n'l a ... oPP)I ... olter 1\1'... • ., 1Ipt11 Oil nlenlatlolllll While Con,rtBa II tr"ln- to de- " . .,w ey. - en On": a no -<:~l1\tul "a done fot the flrlt time Telt.phonu. J • Acation tAme (rom Delrolt thllt he poillta lulce .... r)' to win the award. la~t yenr. I>ollerll aYie to be con- Mr. Andtrlon look UII bad! to the vl"e WilY' And IIIeRnll to falle by Willi II menlber of the \113~ "O!\e hUll-Irlb\lted by pllplla at the Palm~f. method. of cOII\lnulIl\:l\llon 01 prim- tallt. tht enormous lunll that II~ drell car dub." Re\lable III lin 0111 do'" man'lI .111\\ Rlvertoll Orammar Schooll. Itlllt mal'l •• IId IItep by Itep brou,ht 'now beln, "pent, Ihe)l ml,ht can- Smith II the IIrlt IIl\lnlMII Itl lhe rUUlnty.-Anon. )J~lIl1yra Hllh Scbool tlnd the pl\r. III up 10 the pftllel\t Intthod of tel- "Ider II method described In tile _________ ======t! __ =~=o;=====~=_=--\l~hll1l gellool. 'the rultl 10 lavern ephol\h: commllnl(lltion. B)I dl" ""blell of Aeao . Ihi~ conlest art II folloWll1 Irtlml .nd plcturt. he .howled Ull P .

I. Subjecu Veleran-made POPP)l. how messa,es Wert tranllmltted. A certllin lion. who nllned the 1'he word. "Amencan Le,lon One -of . thl! mOlt Il\tertatin, "b.olute t)lrant of the f()tell" on " Alnerlclln l.e,lon AUllllliIr)' .nil point. Will the descrlptlo\\ of the time l\rblttarlly . proPOled to enct WorM Will' Veteranl'; may be In- Hllilh Towe~ at ~uby. ltllllllnd, (a fro'" his Ilavllb subleet~ II lulIldent ~lIttloratttl In the pOllten, but no toWn In II d e fallloUI by "Tom part ot their dllll)l prey for hi' own poattr uIIII, the word .1Butld)l" Will Brown', S~hool Days." 'thll tower m .. lntenllnte. that he II1llhl not him­b~ tonehlered. III 1110 feet hllh l\nd I, ulled III lelt- aelf loll fot hli IIllbllllltence; and thllt

2. Sille t The palterl mllit menure phonic commullicatlon to all pllrt. tller)l bellll should (ontrlblll'\!. Ie· 14 In~hea b), ao Inchll. of Iht world. cordinl to hili melln •• In the form of

3. There will be ,pproprillte .. rlaea We thell wet't IIhOWII II lIIovlll, II tall: but bow to IIdJu't tbll Impost IIwanietl. one: lor the btlt pOlter picture of callie eplidn, anti under. waa thl! dlttll.1ulty. It'lIrn 1\ Itudent In the Irl\dt" up to around worlt. "'SO a IUe Itlved by The tiler Will the flnt who ,"III! and Indudlnlt ,he nlnln and the melln1l of the uee 01 the telephone. hll opinion on thl' ItMtly point. other for the beat pOlter from a OUf ten-millute IIpeaker waa H. J layln, that the prollereat illd jUlt· student In hllh Ichool. MUlrauer. who Ipnke' on frolen est WilY would be t() la)' l\ tllx on

4. ConI ell I" to be conducted by footll "ntl IIRrluull IJecullllr food\! vlte, and thllt each bel\lt IIhould the Unit under the .l1llerlll"lon of ellten In different varia of the worltl. "ttle the qUlllltlt)l for hi, nellhbor. the leaehen of Ihe Ichool.. . 001' April meetina will be belt! 1111 by thllt lIIeatl' It would prevent

&. COllteel will clole on Mlly lOth. on tile 23rd. An Intueilln, pro. IIny aelRlh puttallty, "No, No." Ii. Tht wll\nln, polter In ellth ,ram Ie belnl prepared IIl1d we IlIld Ihe elephant. "thllt will never

of the IWO ct .. IIU In tIIch Ullit I. hope 10 hllve a lorlle number of men be JUlt, all It will al"e flower to 111-10 be sent to Deplrtment Head. presellt. will !llId opprellllo". The but m8n-quarter. til II dnte to be dellilnllted J. B. Mtttel.E. nero In my Jud,ment. would be 10 by the Dellarlillent Chaltmlll (to be Corrtlilpotldlni Secretllry. IllY a tax on vlrtlll!s, lint! lelIYI! II to announced' later) lind they will be eller)l olte til alve In II clltnlo,ue 01 jUdged lit the Department COllven· ERAL hll own, lind then there II very little tlon III the Le,lon and AIIIIIII"')1 nntl FED FOOD dOllbt bllt It would prove the mellnl the winnln, "oater In teeh eloll III 01 rillalnK a mo~I altlille Andrich ell- .

Wiaclom in Making Investments

The wisdom with which you make ·your investments will determine

. how soon you will become tnde­r>endent. Always decide for safety for your funds. Open a Savinga Account now with this bank. .

Memb.r I!'ttleral Depollt Inalltante . Corpor.dOD


to be aenl to ,Nntlot1ll1 Hetldqutlrlet'll SUPPUES IN N. J. Olhequer.. . by ' September lOth. tlnd will be Ru. jUd,td 11\ Ihe N.tlol\QI Conllentlon ========================================~ In MII\InI, Natlonlll Orlanl.Rtidlt will IIwRrd II pthte of 12&.00 to the winner or ellch Clll'~,

7. Senle of lud.lnl Poppy POlt.·

In March Nearly Half·MUllon Pour4!d Into State Plull

R4!gtllar Rellef I!rll II nB followll (II) A\lpelll ..... . '... ... 40 point" A .rellll!f qUllntlty of lcivernmenl

(forue . Wllh which pOlter driliel IiIllt productl Willi delivered to needy home the meaBtile of the "vei- fllmllles In New leney dllrln, erall lItade" Poppy.) March thIn In an)l other period

(b) ArtllUc ability ... ail \lolntl Iince the dl8trl1)utlol\ of turplul (c) Attention value ........... 20 polnll ·(ood.tuRa to hamel elilible for (d) Nelltneal ' ..... ".... 10 poltltl emer.entY relief bellll'l lllll Nbvem­(e) Orl,llItlllty .., .. ,'." 10 polnta bert

t 11 II the hope of the Unit thAt Illcludltl' elll and Irulta, .more (.,. • Htudente will become Interellled alld tllbn i,2oo tolls of edIble. WO" liven

I begin work prolltptly. The detllll. ·to dlentl. or foodlltU!'(iI ,n"llIul'lI,1 haye b'een ,Iven al lin elltly dote to by wel_ht, II \otR' of 2,a90, 430 Ibll. enable tHem to know now to pi In wall dl.trlbuted durlt11 the monlh Ih~lt pORter. arid It Is ' alMo lIoped orn'on, 90,4&& famlliell lI.led all the thlll pAtentll will rend the rulea CRre- I!meriency relle! rollR At the end of fuily, Internt themaelvtl nrid tltelr Febrllory, Rtcortllnll to n compllR­children pnd by famllhlrbln, ·thelli- llotl al Stille ~HA ·headquarter •. eelvea with the detoll8 OR outlined, 'j'hI9 distribution wos enllrely RUp­will he db Ie 1.0 n1ok .. the roles clear plemenlory lei (he reaulur ~Ialc reo


to lhe children ~here necU8Ary. lIer. Tho.e who were ~ultlclent1~ Inter. The_e foodRlulh ulone, vollled ut

fOAled ttl attend the ellhlbltlon "f the lallll,3SII.20, tl!prclll!nt pnrt of the ,,"BIen ' IR~I yenr will IlrobAbly re, BUWlieB which huve been turned CAli thnt ihe orllllnllllty_ lalent rind qvet to tlte Rtote ernerlency relief oblllty 9hown by the children were orllunl1.l1t'lon by the flldcfOI "overn. lItore than 8urprlwlnlll Olle 10 sUllie ntenl. With other IUltl'lIe, added, mlalinderRtnlldln, In II few CUBel. the total volue chnrlJl!d, nt wlltll!!· ~dme \lolterM 8ubthltted were not Rlile pdc!!8, went to '47~,7~1I,20. eU.I"le bOI It 18' thoUlht to oller- ' The Mllrch dititf'lbutloll ·Included ~ome thnl cOlldltlon thl" yeRr by 1111. !l44,16() pound. of "ljUr: 20&,800 nounolnl 80 'or oheod the rules In 'pounds of bellnl; 223.884 pound, of detail. . unnetl rOllat bur: 726.3OG "ound. of

Mrl, Oeorae B. Wellllnd I. III Imoked pork) 1Ia&,3VO poundB of but· char,e of thl. COllIe.! and I. work- tel'; 70.000 pound. of eheue, lind In, hnrd to Innke thlll II malt .uc- iliUM paUli de of lord. AI80 80,820 ee'Bfol and Interllltln, evenl. do~enl of e"l; 2,813 bn •• ", or· yedr Will the firet tllne luch a cnn- an,et Drltl ,rnpe/rult, IIrtd 28,1I0() tdt Will conduGted Itl thl~ vlalnlty pain or blllnhelil wer:e Ilvetl out. otld the relilit. w\![e mOlt entour· IIllnl·

. The namel of the Jud,ea, tillie lind vlace tit ellhlblttotl lind jud,lnl wIll be announced Iftlr th, collt •• 1 dolea. .


'I'h. Rlvlrton Scout TrOOl1 collect­ed 171 .rtlelet 01 (\othln. lind I hrel

TOO BADI plecII of furnltur. Itlt th. Welltar. An IIlmo.t 100 .lrldent fire cOin. all Pre.ldent ROO.,II.1t '. Ipeclal reo

JIlinI' In the Une bf dilly Ipar.d for qUill for "out. to c10thlnl the tdwnlpeojlll the old dllapld.tld and furnltur. for local tell.t work. barn located on the reat or th, prop. Th. Rlvlrton Llundry very klndl" efty lit Sev.nth and ,...In .tt •• t., loan.d tit. UI. 01 t Ir truck fat the Riverton, wh.n th.y 'letln,ullhed a pur pOI' nf wll.etltl, thll dothln,. ,1'''1' lire th.t h.d complelely .ur- Icoute TOI1\ COl, Ted HUnll, L1Ciyd (IJundld Ih. 014 .$Ie10r., .. rly Mon- Unland, Bob Cal, and Bltry Co. d.y .'tef'llOOn, Cltlnn., ' eouncll, worked Itard on thl. collettlon dur­and ptoperly own.,. hlv, blln ,11- In, • h .. vy r.ln atorm and de"rv' ettill •• very /lo •• IM. m .. n. 10 havi "Irtlcular .commend.lIon fot their Ihe build In, condemned, Ind razed, work. Ind the fir. tompany whlth In th. , Icout. Bob Andlrlort and Jo. cClII.c1.ntlou •• ktcutlotl 01 It. duty Or.nt h.lp.d learch ror John Imflh olliriooked •• .,I.tldld o.,.,tlrtunlw of Ent Rlvlftoll on Tuead.y, April to .olve the probl.m lor Ollc' .nd ltd, who dl.I.,II.flrld from hll 110m' ror .11. In ... t Rlv.tton IIvlr.1 claya before.

, Thele 'COUtl were c.lled ott Ihe Job Ac:tordln, to Brltl.1t Columbia by Ihe police alan, with tome I(out.

Jumberm.lI, the rICOI'd 'or the I.t,. Irom Parry, H. J. lit tr ••• ver (ul dolt/n fI.t. with -------the Lynn VIII.y Dou,l .. Ar, which Onlarlo product. mort .oh1 than w .. 4" , •• 1 hl,h, j. fll' In dllm.- Iny oth.r provltle. or .tal. In t.r, .nd 17 ,.It fit NOftll Amlflc •.

VI.I. aur .p"II, IIl10wla, IUId I • .,a wbi' h •• hlppened la .IHUlt "f,I,lrldon I ... wh, .flttoa,', t.Jld"l .bollt .... ' .... , .... ,. 'tot,

..... ,1111 ., b.. alt",,,," deItottia .... "0" doa', ., ... to ltIIIem a.., lei hIllI die Clllt'l1It GO whlll dItrolllll' I, ClD" ...... ' ...... ...,.". ...

~99U 1'1., ;.,/d,


.,., til ....... the If'" ."" out I. • 110"., ,,,um. It. bl., ,11.nlln" IlIlerl", I. uf 1.11 .. dllli I>,,"el.ln .ud h. oll,.td. iIIl.h I. Ip.,lIlIa, OuJua, II bit ,atll IIMIID *" ..u IIotdIIt

... n • ,peel.1 comlllt.mllil rot frolln I!lUd •• ha. IIIU.' lie lit", (rdllD, .

On hlp of .Ulhl', .hh I'rl,ld. .Ite • j4 .(tuall, Ulf' I ••• ~ur· "nl ,h.n un. ""lInlfY bulbi Com. III, tud.y, .lId .lttl wh, tbou •• tld, .,1 enthu.lullt awliln .re proud • ., •• ,. "Outt II. I,,lr. ')4,"

c:.t ' ~a:u.'34 .. .. , "., '" ... , II ... ~ • • '"'''' " ""'" .,',.,







Pubilihed ...., Ttnmd~ at eo. ".1\, It..­

.. REPUBUCAN, WOMEN a IN CONFERENCE The Belt Provldu Alaln.t Service

Interruption b)/ hn:rullna Numbet of Teat.

RIVltRTON, N. J. Bl\tt~ at the Rlver"",- N. J. Pott Offlte a. Ikcod.cta .. Na"er

WALTER 1.. BOWEN, ltdltor • KARL W. LATCH, Aclv.rtlall\, M.nqet

NOT1C~B All Haden or i00i:.1 nllti~.. ol .ntertalnll\eft!, IlIf"'n, flirt. cW\CI"

t~., riven for the purpose of rtllint mOiler, will be Ch~ for at the ta~ ~f tell elent. • line. The Ne. Sn Offlet I. equipped to do all Iilnd. of Pine Printlna at ftal"lIIble prilln.

Progrllm (n Mooreatown Com-munlty HOUle Ineludes A ~tlel've IIrm), 01 telephone lCable

1 S _..... 'teatel'l-hy men when damarlnl Prom nent pe_ODn atorm, bave lliid linea of communi,

An Illl-day ~nfetenee will be held clI.Uon low-l. nl)w belnt trained by In the Mooreltown Community the telephone compllny to act III reo HOUle, April 19, by the Women', i.nforeementl to the telullir telt Republlc:an .Club of BUflllllton (oree In timet 01 etller.ende •• Coullty. While trouble on the ave'ale

Internt evinced In protllotln. Re. (able II tepalred fillte' toda)' . than LEOAl. ADVBRT1SEMENtS publll:llnilim b~ women from all lee. ever before, the experIences of lilt

The New Ert I ... Le,ll NeW8paper. Comm4 .. lo"tr't, 8herlfrl ud lIonll ot the (bUnt)' promliU to, 8ummer'I abnotmlllly ftequent and O\hlf Sale!! Ad",ii\l,trator'e and £Ilecutor', Ad'tertl.,mentl .... eollclted. make thli a bllnner day In BurUnl' .evere Itorma led the telephone The New llir" will .ppt:Hlate belnl remembertd In ,hi. connection. • • ton Coullty', RepUblican hlltory. (ompany to pliln a potential ttlt

8ub.trlptllDlt IUO a Year In ACivuce ~nthu.llitle tnponlu hllVl! rewai'd, [orce more thlln double the atrtnlth AIl'tertll"" Ratn on Application ed the effort. o[ the commhtee who 0' the relulllt lltew to IUI"d ••• 11I1t

__ ~_ ......... ~~....;..~-..::.......:...---..:..;.---------- hetve worlttd to mlike the ptoll'llm the po .. lbillty o[ delay In relllorlni NATIONAL AI>VSRTIIINO REPRSBENTATIVB. attractive 118 well all vlllu.bll, alld .enlce .holild eqllllity damllltlni

NSW JER8KY NEW8PAPBR8, tllll. levetlll hundred women are exPtl:ted atorml Itrlkl!! thl •• ummer. B, 1'. Min .. , Pl'8ldent to attend. The telephone eompany hAIl etart·

The (On'erence will (onvene at' ed tralnlnl lUmen and fourteen Phlladelphl. AIi"rtlllnl R.pre .. ntath,,, ten o'clotk, at which time iI half aupetvl.ora, selected from It. relll'

NSVILLE • Hl'l'CHINOS, Inc. hour bUslnells aenlon will be held. lar outllde pllnt foroel, In the art 12 So, Twelfth St., Phlllldelphlll, Pa. F'ollowlnl thl. Senator CIUl'ord .R, of !llb!e teatln.. Theie mlln. who

~:~~~;~=::====::======;:;;:;;;,;~ Vowell anti A.stmblymllll Dr. Mat- rtaulllriy . are ' apllctr •• Instollera. ~ CUI W. New\:ontb wIll ilpeak on linemen, etc., are belnl Ilvel'l both

"Lellltllative Problema," theoretical tralnlnll In the ~o:hool. of


At elev!!n o'clbck County Chair. the company. lind IIllIo lI.:tulIl teatln8 mlln Chllrle. R. Sttlut will Illtroduce III the t\eld. Sx.SeMtor Arfhur Pierson, of Un- In deddll11 011 the number of ex" Ion County, lin autl\or.hy on Stllte h'n teaters needed, the telephohe I"lnalldnll, who will nddreK8 lhe con. Ilompany und the 11108\ severe elec­feren.:e 011 tlte Bubject of al:hOol fI- 'trlcal atorm Illat yenr III a criterion.

. 'ntllldlli problema. At the end of filutlnll from lhe resulta of lhnt

~~ tt-4ho_ 01 will WHIt .~~J IOwn ."TlflllI.OIIlo, I ...

~ __ P'I"I RUNlln UOOllt .,..

til" on Wtttttll 1'JoIIt, 1910.

~ 11~McOutrtl'.ta",hli"" \.JI::1 oll.mou' .. te.d' ...... IU6.

[~CA BRIEFS I What DbeB the "Y" DoP =!'ii5==-_____________ ..JI _____ ..... Mr. PlerS01l'1! 1l<I<tren an o}lcI1 dis, !torln 1I0w mllny tcstera would be

-------------~------------- ~u~~lon will conlume the remlllhhlil needed ullder the WorM\ ,108Rlbl!! When peOllle ore aaked to IIlve CALVARY P1Ut8BYTBR1AN Schn",1 !tobll1. Wltl~ III' adllllll~ltin time ul\tl.1 12.15 when hillcheoll will Ilondltlonl to clear atl cable trouble thel .. finondal RUllp01't to the YMCA

CHUke... 1)I'ice or 10 ~elltll It hi hoped thitt be served tit Newlin's, Restnurant. wllhln the shOrte.t 'poatllblc time. In BUl'llngtolt courtty. many of tltem Rev, CharI'. T •• ate •• Paatot Ihcsl! klddlell will receive everyone's allroas tht! iltteet from the CommUil- moy wondet jUKt what 80rt of work

hearly tlUpoptt. Ity Hou.e. BRIDEOUM OUT they are lIe1plng. ·'the YMCA cov-SUlIllay, April 151 Illornilll wor- "'he nlt-. tnoon ·e··I"n of 'he ~~II- II kl d I I I I I h b • "It h" hi ' t . 1 ~ • D. U • ~u FOR S'TATi'l' OFFICt-:< etB 1\ II 8 0 net v t es w t oYII

ship at .1 a. m·i ... ure oC 00 a CH1HS1\tAN SCIBNClIl CHURCH .h!tente wllt convene nt 1.48. All at· '" "'alld POUII" men. takltlll them 9.4~ iI. m,; ChriStlAII Endellvor lit 1 I I f ~ .. 'I b I "Are Sin. Dh,entle, .ntl Death tractive entertaillment cdll8 st nl ti Ihroullh n wIlle varIety of Intetesta p. nl . 'fhere wI. II no tV1ll1I na keal P" will be. the 8ubjeat III the 1I01llS by Mrll;- berthd D. Atlee, of Clilldidllte for Stille 'Ctlmmitteewtl· and at the Bilmc time provldlrtl wOM~~~~ek lIervlce on WednelidllY l.eaaon..8ermtln In nit (!hurcheil 01 Phl\lId~lphla, and relltllnlti by Mrs, . 1I111n Pon Vllcated by Mrs. them with .Ihe proper lort of rell. evenlllil at 8 o'dotk, Collth,ulng lhe C

I,II.rIKt. Sd~ntist, 011 SUmitiy. Ap~1\ ptt~!::nt~~~ker, or Plllmyra. will be l!:1I.lIbeth Terry IIlou~ lind leHowlihlp ttlllllln; under

iludy of "The Lite of JilIU';." M 0 A W to. Mt~, Pearl M. brldeluni. 01 lenders who are ably qualified to 0.1\ Friday, April 13, lhe Ladles' 'fhe Ooldell Text 181 "1 will ri!o At

ld2.30. ttlt"' Weor• e , 'N tYI el'l,' Hainesport. president ot the Wo. halldle lIuch thlttill. lIn additIon tl) ,

Aid Soclet)' will hold It II nnnulIl alo~e health Ullio tllee. nd 1 wtll prell ent Or e omen II a ona men's Republican Club of Burlln8- the (oullty liecretllr ea, there are cnke And apron sale, As pllrt of Iteal thel! of. thy wounds, sAlth the ~WePhUblle(all CWlub, WilD I adtdreH•• IU' .oh· n ton County, who hal dOne Invaluable Illao Il)eal volunteers Il"lnl their

. lhe 80le tltere will be a dlaplny 01 l.ord" (Jeremiah 30117), ' at all omen · 0 0 e p , e work (or the atl"lIl1cement of the tlme and endeavor to ftirwardltl,

Patllh work quilts, CAkes, 01'1'0.118, Amonl the dtatlons which com- ReAVUblletl~ IPllkrtYM'" A th H 1\ Republlca~ party 111 Dudlhllton lhllsll mthbevlremmee"ett·lnl·., the me-bar. of I III b Prlle tht Lenon·Sermon III the fol. t oJ 0 t Oe rll. r ur 0, • ... .. pll\lI\8 IIlId de 1I:lIle .. en w e on CdC C I GOullt)l an been e81lllcially active In

1111-. 1'h,' te wUl be a Rsh polld for lowlll, from Ihe blblel "Alld the 11m en oultty omm tteewomllll, I h b f YMCA ,roupa lire alvell a telll' op.

tlte~ ".h· Ild"ell. pra"et of tll.llh tlhall III1Ve the IIlck, of HllddonReld will tell us "Why a or,lIn .Inlt t i! wllmen ntem era 0 portunlty tor dlacUilion perlodll ~ • ' C Cit lIthe party, hal cOilnllted to rull for

'rhe 811nuill meetltl, 0' Monmeluth lind the Lord tihall ral.e him up; oUllty omm t ell!wOmllll • m· woman memb~r ot the Republl~an with adult lellderl, for leatllln, by P b I I 8 ~lety for Mllilons IJnd If he hll"e commltt.d slnl. they portant," Bel . h hi actually dolnl 01 vilrlouB thllt,l, altd wful b~t~erd IlnoThUfadllY, 11.\11'11'19, .hall be fOl'llvert him" eJamei 111111), AU Repub\lclln women life Invited p~r~atl!~~ ttee nl t e allprblill III are enabled' to obtain Ii real unite In the Prubyterlan Church or Free· Tht! Le •• tlt1-Sl!rmon 1i110 Includ .. . to thl. Ilolllllretice but tl!leryatione Mr.. Brldeaum'. decilion tb run, of fellowship alld lervlce lit all hold, N. j. Theft! will be Itlllion. the followln, palaa,e from the for luncheon mult b. made In .. d. tollowil tbe deellnatlon of Mr,. gil •• lIipeotl. 1'rlptl of val'loua lortl, .uob In the morllin. at 10 ti't1otk and In thrlatilln Stlence lelltbook, "id. vanclll by notlfylnl Mr.. Pearl M. abeth O. 1'err~, 01 Itdlewater Park, as the one to the Century of' Pto-h ft 0011' "t 1'0 o'clock MI.. ence and Health with Key to the Brlde.utll. 01 H.IIIe.port, or Mr., the preient St-te C .... mltte .. woman, ,teai lit Chlca.o Illat .Ummer, and tea ern ..... , S· "rlpture," br, Mary Bllk-r "ddYI Nellie M, lunall, or Burlln"'ton. "\ u..." b b II d' I Mary Moor. a lid ' Mill BUlin. ~ ~ '" • ttl become • cI"dldate fot IInoUter to aae a all .ootbll I Ilmea, .re Bchack. of the Aillion Jllmn Bchotll "tet unae flahne .. , .ClOdn.... i term, provldl!d lor In the pro.rllm, Alao of SllItl F., New Me.leo, will mllrc:)" JUBilee, health, holllle .. , lov, MOORESTOWN HIGH In \lo"nectlon with athletlce, the

' speak, bOil luncheoll. .....the Idn.dom tlf heaveil-rell" SCHOOL PRINCIPAL A boys have theIr own bll.ball lind The Golden Hour Circle will hold within till, tllld lilli, disease, and PALMYRA P.T,. ba.ketblill tea.u" •• alld ''''Imllllni

Itt re.utar monthly meedn, 011 death will dlmlnlah until they final. APPROVES YWCA The Rev. Ita S. Plmm, PllltO! of meetl, Trophies for then vadolll W.dn •• day, Aprlt 18th, at :1.30 lJ, m. Iy dlllllpear" (V· 248). the Itpworth M. It, Church. will be eVe lila ate Ptl!lented by llltereeted

The burtlllillill COUtuy YWCA t, the ,ue.t apellker at fhe relulor men of the coun'ty, amon; them be-FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH I I how In the mldlit ot It, annual memo me.Unl of thl! Palmyra Parent- 101 County Clerk Lawrence O. MJn-Rev. Harold L., p .. tor OBITUARIES ' bllrllhlp .nd Anance Clampal,n which Teacher AIIMtlolation til be hetd In IIlh, who 'ha •• Iven baieball trophlei,

It hoplI to brln, tti II luece,,'ulilon. the bllh 'cho,,1 Auditorium Tuelday al1d Oeor,e J. RIII,le. who award, The urmon thillmel oi the wottlhlp clullotl by the and of MarCIl!. . ev.\'IInl. " CUPI for Iwlmmln,.

llerv!cel neltt BUlldll~ will be III fol. That . the a .. otliltion I, deliervlnl Thl! key. Mr. Plmm'l topic will Iowa: III the mornln., "'rhe Chlrla. WARWICK JAMI£B PRICE: of wideillread support I, tlte opill' be uRellllon In the Development of Trallllni In P'elll)wlhip thm', Hetltd,e": In the even n., Warwlc!k James ' prIce, lIewiJjlLper lOll of mallY v.rlonl familiar with It. Character In the Child"" Fellow~llIp hi emlJhllllud In the "rhe Reality of the 11n*een," editor,. writer and ledur,r, died of work with ye)wt. Iletlple In the ctftitt- tralnln, II vert at Cam V Odtanlckon,

The Women'ft Mlnlonary Bodety heart dlleale Friday nliht lit la.t ty. Dt. Mtlry E:. Robert •• prln(llpal NggbLE:WORK GUILD whloh will ahottly open lor It. t934 Will hold their monthly meetln. neltt week at hlK home, 1112 B. 41st street, of thl! Moorelltown Hllh Bchool, elt. sellaan, and thl. lame idea letl .d. 1'huntlay aHernoon Ilt the home of PhiladelphIa, He was fl3. pre .... thl. olJll1lon II (OIlOWIlI The 1'hrllt Circle of the Needle. dltlollal emphalil. at the many father Mra, Wynktlop, They will hllve /I Born In Cleveland and edUcaled "The ichelol. af lIurlln,toll COlin- worle Oulld of America wIll hold It. and eon banquet. held throu,hout covered dllh luncheon lit 12.30. fol. III Yale. Mr. Price came to Phllil' ty ilre very muc., aided In their reaulll' maetlnl, 'l'ut,day, April 11, the coullty, BQY' and younl m.1t lowed by the mllalonllry leaalllt lind delphia more thnn 30 )leaI'I 1110, He wbrk of provldhllt produc:t1ve 1411 •• at 10.30 o'cloek, ot the home of Mrs. from BUrllll,tc;iI count., 110 to vat. the bUllllle" meellll" WII8 8petlal correlpondent bnd at- ure tim. activit Ie. for the Ilrll of Wllllatll T. J. Purnell. lous .Itllte I!dnterenllll. amon, th.irt

Midweek lervlce lor praye~ anti Iiston! mllna,lnl editor ot the I>hll. the county by th. vllrled alld (tln- belnl 38 who thl. y4lat attended the Bible 81udy, W.dnesdlly at 1I.()o. IIdelphla Pr4!lfi from 1901 to i905, ttrulltlv, pro,ram carrl.d on by the COO KINO ICHOOL State Older Boy.' Conferebte at

lind In 19211 he Was an 1I'"odate edl- Oounty Youn, Womeil'. Chrlatlan Itv.rybc;dy I, Invited to attend the Vatenon, lind 12 whtl went to the CltN1'RAL BAPTI8T CHURCH tor Ilf the PHiladelphIa Inquirer. A .. oclitloll. W., In MoorlltowlI Paltnyra Newt Cookln. Schaol to Youn, Men'. .. at .'rrentott, R.v, Oeorl' Lockett. B.D .• PII.tor He wrote leveral books, Iticludlll, ttl.h Ichllbll at. deellly,tate'ul fot be h,ld In the P. 0, 8. 0' A. Hlilt, Allo Illclud.d ht the Jjfo,t.m are

One of the hltlturetl 01 the Bible Iwo of vene, UNearut '1'hln,'," IIl1d the con.tallt Ind halplul .. rvle. ot 1'.lmyl". nfllt, Thur •• the neurin. of .peakefl lueh a. Dr. 8.:hool of "Celttral baptist" I. Ih. "The Rlllht SIde." He Wlli a mel11. the YWCA, Both the .chool. and day IIl1d Prlday afternoon8 at two Samuel W. OtlffUn and bllc Orey. lact that they hMYe department. tor bllr of the Yale Ilnd Contempbtar)' the a .. oelatlon. recoin I.. o'"lo(k, Adml .. loll Prill!. Loti of ellrth. the YWCA Orch .. tri and illI ale., And thit mean I from the clubl and the Amerltliln Academy 01 the 'liet that a new Indu.trlal order I>rl.... br~ .. Quartette, the IIl1nu." marbl. Cradle koll to tile lenlor Depart' Political Ind lod.1 'cl.nee, Ih. with It. .lIel.1 IlIIplleation. 01 In~ ,hooUnl toutnament, ind other ment. 1'hl. InUlre makea It avail. Phll.delphla Oeo,rlllphlc.1 Bodety, cr .... dl.l.tlr. tim. lor all. mu.t r.· WOMgN', OUILD thlnl' toa IIUirtuoU. to mention, IIble tor tholt with thlldren to at- the bl the Ville Art., the .ult III • &!Ir.fully planntd and or. Mr •• 1t'oyd W. Ipahr 'IInd Mr •• tllat o!f.t a whol •• om. trllnln. fot t.lld lll. achelb'. for with .uch pro- Zoolo,lcal loclety of Phllad.tphla, I.nlltd pro,tilm of 1.llur. tlml Ie· 'amUel JohlllOn will be the hotil.... youth, a trllnln. that comea dutlnl vl.lon. t.he entlr. lamlly I. w.1I t.k. Ih. Unlv~r'IIY Club IIlId the .t.... IIvlllll. 1 know of no or,.nI.itlon eI It tfle r.,ular m.elln, of the thll dev.lopm.llt period of tI boy en eire a'. Bo don't let the family cratten. who .. Ilto,ram of aCltlvltl •• I. 10 Wom.n'. Guild of the ~f1worth M .• nd In a ,rllit m.lI.ure determln .. k •• p you tway. Brln. th.m III. Mr. Price will b. ,.melllb.r.d by lorw.r~looldrlr a. the ChttlUIIl or. g. Church to be held Thur.dlly, the u .. fuln ... 01 hi. later life.

1'hen to", there I. a 1l1'9VI.lolI many Rlv.rtonlan. who heard hI. lanltfltlon' or the country," A,rll 19, In the Guild room ot Ih. It I. thl. Iltlllt the .,.ople of Bur. made fur the ent.rtalnln, of the Int.'lIlIn, ',ctur" at th. Porch cllureh. IIn,ton I!ounty are 1I.It.d te:; .upport. yaun,er \1hlldren durin" the mor· C!lub about I.vlint.en yllar. a,o. .'RIKItR. OUI1'£D IIln, tervlce III order that the par. RONALD 1'. MAOOWAN Ov.r too .trlk. plck.ter. Inv.dld PO'1'I'ONltD .AtNBOW BAZAAR elli. mtiy att.nd. Pllhlly .. a on Tu.iday to plckat • n.w D h' Th, Itpworth LealU' of thl Ep-

Avail yuur .. I' of tltue prlvll.gll koltald Ma.owan •• 11l monthl old Indu.try which r.c.nlly open.d u. te) t. let that the coultt)' wClrlh M. £. Church will holel a Itld )IOU will lind . lIunday a more .011 of Mr •• nd Mri. bnld MIIIIW. th.r., Th. Palmyra potle. how.yal', LII,Ion Aualtl.ry m .. lln, on rainbow buur In th. Il/ftInlllWII of .... "ul day, . an, 01 1411 M.ple 1' Merchant. linn the peopl. .mllloy.d Wft' the .1l1li dlt. I' th. ra,ul.r meetln. the thurch Prlday '''tIIln., 'atUl'd.y

"I.ved ttl IttYl" will be the .ub· vIII., dl.d MondlY. April 9, mOllt11 Pallllyra ruldanl" ord.rad 0' tlnlt No. li111. "almyra, the m •• I· .fternoon and •• IUtdly avittllll, J.ct 01 th. mornl", .. tvlce thl. tun. Burla. w •• mild •• t L.k.vl.w .... tha pldi.t.II out 01 town, ' ItI, 01 the locil unit ha. be.n !lO.t. Ajlrll ta and .4, f.aturln. a ,rocery dlY .t 11 o'dock. II mClrl,1 Park, BUtlln,ton pike, Wed· ~f untll hW~~ay .v.nltl., tabl., II lI.h pond, a, add

Pa.tor Lock.U will .plak on Can n.lday alterrtoon, CAIC& IALII: .. " ,31, at t e ..... on HClIne, .t fallty tabl.. Hot do. od fe. W. B.eI" Ood," In the .venln, 1'& ..... lIWltt. w.r. form., tI.l- ......... _* H ... 41 0 clock. c,.a ... will be ..... ad fO~ I llOIIl'nat at 1.4' lon, •• rvlc. frolll 7041 until d.nt. of Palm,ra. 1'hI Girl lcoull VI ':.~p ~-.!' .1, I y _ .. _ I ... • ' .oell 'illII~l, will hold • - - .Il oua • . men t ..... , COIlIIidtr t~ ~! laturdl' I"enln., April 21,t. 1'hI '''tIC. ot W .... hilt bNn pr.- ',ont of tile A a,.r. :!tor; 0:,...... :f:..:riJltl'~t':' polnt _btl" theft ...... ttotdtl .. of ot ...... • t. later.

tIM Jlmlor Choir will hold th .... ill- 11ft." I em of the Ilbl. In IIOtItIl IIde of t1Mf r at t, tll

.:11. .. thotilht tlltta. 1ItIa ......... w ..... to ... ,.,. Ilul entertil.lUllt In tts. lullday .,,,"'''0. Aprll a, .. ... tlltta willa 0111' _II,

, . !

. I

.. - ....





Laralll Oroup of OKke Seekers Ad. drelll Monthly Meetln, 'of

Club at Bordentown

The Burllnlton County J)~mocrat. Ie Woman'lI ClUb lIeld Ita re,ular mollthly meellna In the Colonial A.

BY ONS WHO GREW UP IN pilttmenta. Bordl!ntowlI, Tuesday THE BUBINB8B evenlnl, the Bordentown District

Sroup entertllll'lln,. Over two hun­dred attended lind aeventeen new members were admitted. Mrs. Amy

, Funny thinll, when Mr. and Mr~: Gauntt, prelldent, preSided. ~\Oae Luver stroll throullh II frlelld , Amonll the candldatell prtaellt 'osc: garden or by the rose trial \\Iho nddreaaed the meeting were' hcds at the lIursery or Park they ' Edward P • . OIUaliher of Burlington: thrill and enthu.e on seeing tbe for county derkl Nlllhllrd Quirk I!cautlful bud and hilmenlll! aalver- Btld MBrtltt Horall. Burlington and ~,~aped (sometlmea but five'pelaled) Edward Bell, Marlton, candldat .. 1 ?om of the lilnlle IItl~ered Hy. for freeholder: Daniel Llchtenthal, :nd.-1'ea rOltl. Ho:" . they . are Riverside, popular )fOUnll attortley I ,.hal me~ by the HOWt,rs dainty love- .lId candldllte for ASlIembly; Rich. 11IIe88- QU~,te the nil:elt In the ,ar- ud P. Huah .. , chairman of the den, really I . ' Count~ Commlttlle; Georlle M. Hili.

And then, with nunery cata· man. Jr., of Moorestown, prelent loguca plle,d hlah on the desk all de atatt commltteemlln and candid lite ~ome evenlna. they jot down the for re-election; William Vandearltt, dozen or so names of varieties tlte), Butllngton, candidate for state com­need to fill the blankll In the rOle mlttee: and Mra. Mervll E. HIIIII. plot, or the new bed pllrallelln. the Rlvertlln, present state committee. walk, lind tlte ielectlon Invariably womon and cDltdldate for re-elec. .Is made 01" vllrletles w,~lch Bre de· tlon. scribed a8 full double, - and then At the c10ae of the meetlnll mem­there Is no money left 11\ the budaet bers and lIuests were entertained for nny Slnlllea. Especially 18 thl8 with muslcill selections by Min the callc: .If the ielectlon 18 :nade by Lillie Radigan, of Bordelltown. B man (he uaulllly IIko em red, James Hern, plnnilt, Allthony too). .. Coullhlln, violinist, Mrs. Hocky, 01

Allain he favon 101111 slender, tap' Mt. Holly, IIlId Mrs. Clancy; 01 1I0r­erlnll-to.a.polnt, bllda, but each varl. dent own, Refrellhments were lierv. ety call1lot hllve every merit. and he . ed by the comtllittee In oharle. may find some of, the many-petaled ' , DoublllB somewhat anub·nolled. 'fhlll =. =========.====:::. ==, beauty of bud auet tne' Slngle81"'~OOOOOOO~OOOO"OOoO>oOol' usually hll.Ve and the lIor,eoua svelte Look for THIS . buda 0' irish FlreRlime Ind the rOse Ilrocesaloli. The opell Rowers when Lab 1 cut alld lillln, wlde·mouthed bowls . . e ' are far more c\lartnlnll an!;! artlatlc . • Ihan the heavy.headed DoubleR and hl~t fairly loila, too.

The dark crimson red atllmena cellterlll, the mothe"~of.pearJ vetalll of Dillnty DeMII enhance the loveli. hess of this hllVIlUy named vnriety. Ethel Jam!!8 haR Immense flat deep pink flowera and everybody tllrllla over the "(rllilrant aprIcot su~u8ed rose plllk 1II0bel, alld Irltlh Elellatlce

("(f;~ni' .. t:,.lrJ "Endorsedtl 1y m. m. iCttdt~!l

'rt1l111 111111 fftU.'" •• ru •• ittUfttdll, N. I.

.. Ulur ',rtllli Allllt1tllttrn'" la. - well ".Imllly IlIIlIant." the '~-------""'---"'""::!! bronze vlnit buds rlvnUnll those 0' the FlreRame-unfoldllll to otanlle, .plaahed ctlmlon, -A writeI' Itl a currertt magazine ' says "atl colore go tOlether under the blUe sky." Perhalls II rather broad statement, but thOle who In­alst In colot IIchem!!! In the gardeh perhall8 go to the otlter extrethe. A year of two a.o thert! Was a IIreal crol!e for blue lardens. white gat. dena and ev.n .ray. Such layout II IlAluraily will present a very monot­onous appearance. And the conten­tion 0' 0 Ilromlilent grower I. that In the liard en no IIIIWet8 of the same cla88 can daah exceptinl pOlalbljl In the cllse of the purplish Azalea Amoena and the acarlet Hlnodeglrl when planted without white or a re­lIevlnll color Intllltvenina.


. Beldom aeen In thll cotlntfy but held In hlllh eateem In the iardenb lind homes 111 Europe are the Achl­menel, lIuml11et flowerlnl plllnta doHely IIl1led to the 010*111111, IrOwtl from .mall Clorml or rhizome •• They are very .l11all and three or mote Ihould bl! planted Iii II pot, Thlly flower durin, the lummllr and clln-dnue In lIowel' for II period al from

At Keatings A Real Candy Buy

Y21b. 25c . 1 ·lb. SOc

2 lb. $1 ~

8 to to weeki, Shallow pot I, or what are kllown -.l

II. bulb pall •• tlte be.t .ulted, ., the need not be plant*d deeply. U.II panl 5 or 6 Inch!!e In dlameler and rill with broken potl or tlndera to • depth of one Incb; thll for dralna,e, They do not do well Iii too deep conlalner.. Any ,ood ,arden .011 will arieWer that I. not too h.tI"~, • 1,,11 con.l.tln. of equal part. of Iliaf mold and loam with the addition of 10m, \lery lin.

. • and and Itovuh,,' Do nol lilt . the bulbi thote than lin. I"ch below the .urla~f 011 a bed of lSII'd. Water until .rowth Ippeat. after w\tlth they ma, be watered mora IIb,rlllly, but do not water ov,r the folll.e at any tim. and Ihllde Irom full .un.hllte, Ol"e pl.nty of wat.r durin, the IIow.rln. period. .(ter whh:h .lIow th .... to ,0 to rllt and .tor. the tube,. In a dr" fro.t.proof plac.,

On. thIn. l11a.. bt dId for the nte4Jlt. The loocI Lord mad. 'eirt that w.y,

LIGHT~ tt/~

"Pardon. but Is this No. 2661"

"NO, I. s No. 269:' A Uttle hQht" em' YOUI

house number will sove many embarrassing mo­menta lor your Quests, your nelQhborB and yourself. .... your IUuadaatIoD

CIheoked by ....... at.

The nellt reaulllr meetlnK will be held In the court houle. Mt. Holly. Tuesday ev.enlna, May 8th, at eiaht o·clock.

A corps of New Jersey State Motor Vehicle Inspectors swarmed Into Riverton TuesdilY afternoon and struck cold fear into the hearts

The aood die young, it is .. lid. but aometlmes the old dye fairly 10011

A DISCORDANT NOTE At the season of the: year that Is

marked with chirp of the rob ill. lIentlt warm brenea, new buddin, afowth. commonly referred to all aprlna. "the beautiful IIprina," It

of many residents who found them- ~ selves In Ihe check-up line and fran. tlcally digging into every po.;ket in search ot IIcenfie and owners cards and ' wondel'ina if the headliahtl wlluld act up and fail to liaht when the sWitch was turned on.

seems that a discordant 110te must f~. ~COOOOOOOOMOH~OOO~~'~~"'~ nlways creep In and mar the beauty of the lIeaaon,

otUtftON VICTORIA AMUt. co..o. :g Phone Riverton 540 I !

TODAV-l"rldIY. Ap'rll IS Th is is \ Mary Brian and

B~uce Cabot Appreciated "ShadowsofSingSlng" I

Added Clark & McCullough CQhtedy :g

"Hey Nannle Nallnle" :i: Musical Comedy-"Radlo Doullh" ,;

J(razy Kat Kartoon g "Whacks Museum" i

Betn Boop Cartoon .

SATURD:V~:pr~a'4- Ha"

The Prince of Roin."c~ I I' The Oueen of Son8 In the Yea,', ","ulicaf Sensation

:Ramon Navarro

"The' Cat & the fiddle"

We know from · long experienoe that the privacy afforded by our family room is a greatly appreciated phase of the Snover Funeral Home, Inc.

This establishment is complete in every respec"t; and our service is replete with thoughtful provisions for the comfort and convenience of those who call' upon us.

No Charge There'will be no charge for the burial of any resident of Riverton, Palmyra or Cinnaminson, whose relatives aTe worthy and without means with Which to pay the funerlll

expenaes Jeanett~n MacDonald ~I

. Fl'ankW~Organ I Snover Funeral Home Jane and Goodman Ace in -,;. INCORPORATE'"


Fable Cartoon I ' FRANK • . SNOVER and JOHN N. SWARTZ ".Galloplll' )tannle"

Latesl Fox News Eventll PALMYRA, NEW JERSEY ADDEO-Matinee Only Telephone, Riverton 830

Phil Wa~~h~t':n'!ta.,:unllster8 ~~.#;.;;O:<)o~~:;.<tl~.~~.~.;;;;~:;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~===~:-Ho=;4-';t;'i~~ .. ~~ _ Sonll8 _ ~~nce - Fu~ _ !.o.OOOO-OOClO ·"·OOOoOOOoOO~OoO.O*OtoOOM'JOOOOO

MONDAY and TUESDAY-April 1& and 17

Clark Gable -Claudette Colbert


"IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT" :?'f:·~.I:~y~hr,~,:!~~;," p·l!~t~~'

pIcture. Added-Metrotone Jltewl Event. NOTE, Owing to the length 01 thb

,production. tultlre fit.". at 3.11. 1.11 . anrl 9.2Q p .. m.

WEDNIl:9DAY-Aprll 18

Zasu Pitts - El Brendel . In

"The Meanest Gal In Town'· . with


SKEETS OALLAGHER Then fivt Pun .. ,ln."r. In _ hnrt drama

th.' Induce. howl. of 'auMllter. Added

All Star Comedy-"Walking Ballk Home"

Muwlcal Comedy-"Vaudeyllle On Parad."

Terry Tune Cartoon-"Rip Valt Winkle"

Scenic Noyelty-"Oem of the Sell"

"MRI. '. D. EfIKLIt." ROlE

Dependable Used Cars, WITH

Low 'Down Payments and Reduced Finance Charges

1928 Chevrolet Sedall ._ ............... _ .......... ' ._ .•.... __ ._. __ $ 30 Down 1930 Chevrolet Sedan. Excellent Condition 83 '. 1932 Chevralet Coupe . _ 120 19Z9 Pontiac Coach 59 1932 Ford V·S. De Luxe Coach . .. .. 128 1929 Ford. Sport Cbupe . ... ....•. . . .. _. . .. 42 1930 Chevrolet Special Sedan. Excellent Condition . 83 1930 Studebaker Sedan .' .. . ... ".. ..... ·95 1929 Chevrolet Sedan 55 , .. 1929 Essex Sport Coupe .... _'. _. ' .. __ .. __ 33 1930 Pontiac Cabriolet . 70 1928 Chevrolet Cabriolet 30 1933 Chevrolet Sedan ..... .." . 175


t i X f i i ~ i !

i t Pal-River Chevrolet, .Ince i

10 Broad Street Phone 1561 Riverton. N. J. J ~~~OCOGOOOOOOOO""~.,..y..,. _.,

~..r'~~~~.A>'~"'-;, ~~


Ha. jU.t had it. 'Spr/nl de","n. and la Be-loW with Iofr an" color. The vivid green 01 the tlo.ely .hured 8011"'ootl Globea and J'ytllmld. are flanked by the pink. pur~le, whitt and nd A~al(,iI' and Hydran,C'ItI. bordere:d by ~ ,reM ".rtelY or OUtdOOT "tanll in Rower luch BI £n,1I111 Dal.i .... H"I·.II .

ir ... Prlmro.e.,'·noll. Leopard', B.1nt •• Viola" dwarf Phlox and otherl.-bloomll1l · " Ilttle' early here due 10 an indoor .tan and thu. livin, )'ou an l'rl'OI'

tunlty to malee not,. for your own ,ard,n.

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ., " " " " ,t :' " " " " " ~ \

Open weekday. from 8 •. m. until 6 I' .m . "lid on § Sunday (but not for bu.lne .. ) from I until S p.m. ~

00.' •••••••••••• 000000000


ooooooooo~oooooooo,~,ooooo~~~~~~~~ooooo OO~O~O~O~O~O~G~O~' O~O~O~O~O~O~O~OOO'~O~ ~~~~~ ~.~~~~


WOOLSTON'S GARAGE J. S. Collins & Son, Inc.·

'hlueeoal' Hleh. Grade Auto Repair Work Atwater Kent Radio

Plnno".h - D. Soto - Nupmobl1. COrl BROAD and MAIN STREETS

Phone 460 . Riverton


Moorestown Motor ' Co.. Inc Riverton Branch

Broad and Fulton Streets Phone 85 Riverton

Pal-River Chevrolel, Inc .. iii :1

. NEW AND USED CARS ,. Brood s..... · Rlvtrton

PhOllt I4S



Palmyra Concrete Co. JEDDO.HIGHLAND


Concrete Blocks and Cement Work PALMYRA. N. J.

Phones Riverton 378 .nd 56,,4_


LEHIGH COAL E . . P. Griffenberg, Mer.

Phone, Riverton 384



SALES and .... RVI~E Bulldlnl Mat.rI ... - • - F"'" ond ' PALMYRA PHC~!~ 1100 ..... 1 Phon. ':..::.:;.::.:..::..::..::.:.=-~_~ _ ___ _ W. L .. WRIGHT Riverton 290-W Today Phone

oooOOGOGO~ooGO~'oou~~~ .Joseph T. Ev .... AUTO REPAIRING O.nWno Riverton .302

~ooouooooo,~ G"Pfl.. COAL YOU CAN GET '· ~OKi LUMBER

D d bl A S• _ .. -- MILLWORK

epen a e uto erVice I+-. ---....-------­<O~~~~~~ ..... ~",.~", PROM


Phone 431 PALMYRA



W. F. BECKER Orourl ... 1'nalll, V.ptabl ••

Delleatenen Countet Meat • . tu:'d Proviaion.

517 HOWI\RD ST.. RIVERTON Phone 724-Pree D~livtry

Riverton Market House Groccriea - Meats - Produce

Extra Fine Quality D a MAIN STREBTS. RIVBRTON .

Phon. 127

~~.x..~~:. '



Pa •• no Medlcln.. - Gilt. - C.nd, Gre.llbl C.rd. - Ic. Cre.m

Clatr. lind S .. tlon.~y BROAD a MAIN STREETS. RIVERTON

. Pbon.1540


17 West Broad Street Palmyra

Phllco AKenry Tub. T •• tllII Expert RelJlir Work


ADA E. PRICE Insural1re Rc.l Bata'.

No.ory Public 416 LIPPINOOTT AVENUE. Rlverto.

Phone, IUVlnO,1l .06

E. B. RUDDEROW ~~~ uARRY E. SHEA ~U'UOUOUUCl~~ ..". PLUMBING 522 Main Street Riverton, N. J.

MOVING :- HAULING ~GOQOUO~~~$t.i~, REAL ESTATF. Notary Public Insurance

Phone. Riverton 646 TRUCKING Geo. rge Friday, Jr. Telephone. Riverton 1033

HAULING Movlull. W .... ly Aob and Tra'h ColI.cdon

M.nur.. Top .Soll. SOlld .nd Gronl

C. A. MATLACK 332 .Lec:oney Avenue .Palmyra

Phon. al·w



Plumbing, Heating and Roofing


Richard M. Woodward REAL ESTATE

Insurance N.otary Public

203 SEVENTH ST .• RIVERTON Phone' Riverton 1054

Have Your. Pumace Cleaned Now --.----. _ ... _... ---

. New Vacuum Proceas. .[1 tl sur an ce 609 .Thomas Avenue . I REAL ESTATE

Phone 937 Riverton Notary Public .

_ ~OS. F. YEARLY . JOHN M. KERRIGAN · .2:'~:.:<, .. ' i.~e~~o~ . .. -.!'!,,!ne_~9.M STACK'S ICE

PLANT PLUMBING and HEAT::::i' f;'4~""~";~#J.,,.~;f;f;~;'~';f~ .... ·;,~.,,t ... "-.. ~. SHOE REPAIR

~~~~~~~~ PALMYRA, N. J. 18 E. Charles Street. Palmyra

"Save With Ice" Phone. RIYerton 565 . Phone 396-W ------------_ ....

ICE with Service

Riverton Electric Shoe Repair .


A. R •• lOnabl. Ptl.t.


MORRIS BROS. H. D. Hullings & Son'

PLUMBINO - NEATI·NO - ROOPINO Unh.d St.t .. Oil Bum.n

ltut Ri.lII'tOo Collin.' Buildlnl HROAD a MAIN STREKTS. lUV£R'I'~. ' ~.


. Cinnaminson . , Bank and Trullt Co . . . Tht Prltndly Bonll

, . . Main at Harrison Strc:t . RIVERTON

~ . ~ooooooooooooo~~~


91'3 M.rrlck Ave.. CoIIIDI.wood. N. J. Phone, Colllnelwood Z5U .

~1f)$~~",~t,~.;.~",,,,##.., ... -


Edwin H. Tucker Florist

Easter Plants and Flower. ~OOOOO~~ 623 Linden Avenue Riverton ETHEL'S DELIVERIES Phone 82'1

Beauty :parlor )~~,~~


%01 Pear Avmu. Phont a21

Dellv." In RIverton, ' It •• t Riverton ad Polmyra .



Phone Riverton 972

'-.... e.1. and "InK'" W .. IaK Paelol. OIId M.nlclUlne

OO~~~~~~~~~,oo~oo'I~~oc~aooo~ MEMORIALS Broad and Main St •.

Riverton 725-W



Spedal Attention to Jobbln,

Snover Funeral Home, Inc. 313 E •• t Broad Street

Palmyra, N. J. Fruk A. ."".... F. D.

John I .. art.. II. D. PhQne, Riverton 130


I12t Thoma. AYClDlIe, .RIverton


CUltom.built Cemetery lIemoriale In Granite. lIarbl. UId Brona

WILL HOPE Wathington and Fede.ral Stl.

0< Burlington. N. J. Pbon., BurJlncton IS


Riverton, N. J. Phone 60






117 E. Broad Street, Palmyra, N. J. Phone 113S-We call for and dellwer

G~t""~~~1',~1,~~.,# ..



Phone 46-W " Hirshblond's QUALITY

302 W. Broad it. Shoe Shop


MAGAZINES can be .ubecribed ;or al cheaply from your local "enta .. throu,h the out-of·town .0Uei. tora. Can 751 or S4 when ,ou· have renewals 'or new order. you ",I.h to place. Elizabeth Bowen.





., . Tailor . " :~ Clean I., - PrtulnK - D' .... . .' I1t .. Dau • ."....... . . RIVERTON 'PIIo .. ,U


HAND and STBAM PUSlmG Pree DeU.el')' - Phone 1'1'

Nut to 110"'''' 1' ......

16 W. Charlea St .. Palmyra PHONE 744 Phon. '1S5

____________ .JNo Cbar,e for U .. or Puera1 Home

Morb ..... Otultt Worb

.., B. MaiD Itreet Mooreatown. N. J.

OUTS, ETC., AT A PRICE IN .004 ............ __ ..... KEEPING WITH PRESENT 0 DO ID OD DO 00 OD GO DO oa II DO ..





Women and Chilcken N_ Garment. lIacIe

and R.DlCldtIla, Dolle

Coat. IlamocIeIed and Relined II ... •• Overcoat. and Billin .. Coats

and. v .... RellJJecI

MRS. A. B. POWELL W. 8f01141 It., PaJat". ..... ..,


A "iI,dy ponoble .ypowrIw with • tl10aIaAd "MdoII

"0_..-1.1 AI


Phone 1511 Get Our Price

DDaooooaooaoaoaDDDDDD,aoo MILLINERY




oaoaooOOOOOODlooa00006COO O~

SPRING MILLINERY $2 AND VP $1 BUYS All the New Shape. and lhadee

Phone 1512

VERNA L. GUEST - 200 SHEETS AND ... O ......... OUDDOaoUM 517 Garfield Avenue Palm"a 100 ENVELOPES VULCANIZING

Printm• ~ SILK STOCKINGS 711e PAIR YOUR NA·"B AND ADDUII O .. ·I1I1 ............. 0t-Y, • • • ~ Telephone Riverton 517 ON BOTH PAPER AND OVAJlAJlTaD

DlH«MOII~~ Open Mon., WecI.. FrI" Sat. Eve'. KNVBLOPBI V .. I_ .. :..: .. - __ ~ 'D_''': __ ::: :::;',:..--:' - IIANY ITYLBI TO CHOOI. - ............... -a--....

...... 113 THE NEW ERA '1.00 RYftX ITATIONBRY tl.oo THE N"EOWII BRA Alberuon'. Tire Shoo _

~ ___ p __ ~ ______ m_v_~ __ o._._N~. J_. ___ . ~ ~... ~ ...... ==== ......... m==14U LIKDBN A~ ~. - ~.

I t



Three Million Reduction in Valuations-Higher Ratt;s

in 16 Townships


Total valuation of real and per­.-, sonal prOperly in Burlineton county

for 1934 is $63,307.188. which I, about $3.000.000 less than laat year. The 1933 total is ~,279,947, Com. pilation of valuations and tax ratea

. ~ for the various municipalitiea in the .,. county was completed thia week by

the County Tax Board. The amount to be ral,ed for coun.

ty purposes this year Is $780,982.76. In 1933 it was $808,594.Q7:

The county rate this year ia '1.21, only one cent hieher than last year, despite the $3,000,000 reduction In total valuationa.


Joint Bola This popular actor 'i, appearin,

on the Walt Whitman screen today in "Bottoms Up" with Spencer Tr.­cy and Pat Patterson. The table below gives the ratea

..l of municipalities for this · and laat , year. The county rate, al stated. I I

is $1.21; the state school tax ia 29c, . P'ALMYRA . and soldiers' bonus ,OlSc, a total of $1.5 I~. To this is added the local school and municipality taxes, niak· Rev. Geof((e Lockett .and Captain ing the totals ,i,(cn below. Tyler were in Trenton on Monday

In Mount Holly township there In the intereat of the opposition to was a reduction of about $350,000 in the new race track bill which, after valuation of real and personal prop· it is approved by the Judiciary Com. efly. which Is the cause of a twelve· mittee, will again be placed on ,the cent raise in ·the tax r.ate. which is ballot in the Fall. now $4.46. The school tax there this year is $1.68Y.; last year It was $1.58. The tax for township pur· Is $1.26; in 1933 it was $1.15.

A number of municipalitics have a higher rate than last year, notably Chester township. whiCh jumps from $7.20 to $8.44. Riverside increases from $0.16 to' $6.72. Twenty-one municipalities have higher, rates than last year: ~5 have II decrease: 3 have the same lieure.

Bordentown township. as usual, Has the lowest rate. $1.68: laet year it was $1.80. F~anchise taxes te­ceived there are almost sufficient to pay local expenses.

The Ireatest decrease is shown by Delran. from $4.92 to $4.10; and Mt. Laurel from 84.30 to . $3.84.

'Tax Rates 1934 1933

Two plays. "Sister Masons" and "School Days," will be presented by the Junior Woman's Club in Society Hall; Palmyra, Monday eve!ling. April 16.· Admission lifteen cents . Curtain at 8.1S o·c1ock.

And their loquasiousnes8 bespeak their vacant minds.



Rate 10e Per Line (Lina Avo .. ,., 6 Wotda)

NID1mum Char,1 30c lor ~ A4

I Church Notices I ~LVARY PRB8BYTBRI~N

CharI. T, Batn, B. Q. Rinnon

.Church Sc:hool, 11.45 a.m. Morniac Worlhlp. 11.00 LID. Chriatlan BDdeavor. 7.00 p.m.

Midweek Service. WednelC!q. 1.00 p.m.

CHRISTIAN SCIENCB Pirat Church of Chrllt, Sdeadat

Thom .. Ave.,BAd Senath at. Rlftrtcm. H. J.

SuDd., School ,.so a. III. SuadQ Scrvic:etl, Il a. III. WeclneldaJ • p. m. Rea4lq Room ill ChlUCb BulIcllaa

open Tueeda, aad lPrId., UO to 4.10 P. III. All Ire ,..leoma.

BPWORTH M. E. CHURCH RD. Ira S. Pbnm. lIinleter

. 10.00 a. m.- CburcL School uel W.lleyan Cl ....

U.OO a. m.-lIomlae WorahIp. 6.45 p. m.-Epworth Leape. 7.45 p. m.-Church Servic •. Weclne.dQ 8.00 p. m.-The Help.

ful Hour. Wedneeday 4.00 p. m.- Junior Ep­

worth Leape.


Rev. Francis B . . Downs, Reetor Sunday. April . IS

Holy Communion. 7.30 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon 11

a.m. .



The Rexall Store

Basa River ............................. $4.24 ..... ....... 52 =:=:=:::::::::::==::::=:+ Beverly City ........................ .. 5.38 .... " .... .. 5.32 FOUND .... Baleball Ilove Tuesday i Bordentown City .... ...... ... 4.50 ........... 4.50 evenin, on Broad atreet. Owner

Phone 712


Bordentown Township ... 1.68 ......... .1.80 h b 1 i h • ''' .. gurlinlton City ... ..... ........ 4.46 ........... 4.52 may ave aame y 'app y ng at t e • New Era office.

urlin,ton Town.hip..... 4.34 ..... ...... 4.32 ::-::~='7":=--=::-::-:-:------Cheater ... ... .. ................ ................ S.44 ........... 7.2O CONTRACT BRIDGE In.truction. Chesterfield .......... ,." .............. 2.94 ............ 3.14 Certified Culbert.on teac:her. · Mrl. Cinnaminson ..... .. ...... : .. "" ...... 3.66 ........ ... 3.1iC1 Geor,e A. Loreqz, .phone Riverton Delanco ........... ................. " ...... S.04 ........... 4.92 1010. • Delran ............................. ..... : ........ 4.10 ..... ...... 4.112 Ea.tampton ...... " .. " .. " .. ......... 3.116 .... : ..... 3.82 Ed,ewater Park .. ........... ... 3.25 ............ 3.25 Evesliam .. .................................. 4.44 ............ 36 Pieldsboro Boroulh ,,_ 3.44 ........... 4.18 Florence ...... "........................... 3.86 ..... " ... 4.02 Hainesport ............................ 5.06 ... " ..... 5.14 Lumberton ........... ................ 4.00 ...... .. ,.3.94 Mansfield ........... .. ............ ~ ..... 3.62 ........... 2.86 Medford ................. ...................... 3.20 .......... .3.45 ........................... 4.30 ..... _.:4.18 Mount Holly ." ......... " ........... 4.46 ......... ... 4.34 Mount Laurel ........... _ .... 3.84 ........... 4.30 New Hanover ....................... 5.50: ..... _ .. 5.52 North Hanover .. ..... ......... 4.28 ..... ~ .. 3.5O Palmyra ... " .... , ............ ;"._ .... ....... 4.00 ............ 3.96 Pemberton Boroueh .. .... 4.511... ....... 4.52 Pemberton Township . 3.52 ......... 3.82 River.ide ....................... .... 6.72 ........... 6.15 Riverton Boroulh ....... 3.72. ...... _.3.60 Shamong ..................... '........ 5.22 ........... 4.96 Southampton ............. ....... 4.64 ... _ .... 4.60 Sprlnlfield ............................ 4.0Z ......... 3.112 Tabernacle ." ............. " ........ 3.72 ......... 3.52 W8Ihinlton ' ........... " ......... 50311 ....... 5.50 Wettampton .... " .................... 5.12 ........ ".5.00 WilIlneboro ................. " . 4.56 .......... 4.36 Woodland ....................... ". 5.10 ......... 5.50 Wrilhtltown Boroulh . 5.56 ..... .. ... 5.02


A testimonial dinner in honor of Charlel R. Stout, chairman of the Burlinlton County Republican Com­mittee and Director of Road. In the County, Ie bein, planned by hi. friend. to be held at LOI Cabin Lodle, Medford Lake., on Wedne.· day, April 25th, at 6.30 p .~.

CANDIDATES FOR COUNCIL E. K. Merrill and Gorham P.

Sarlent will be candidate. for nom· ination a. m.mb.ra of the Riverton Borou,h Counlc:l In the May prl. marin to tiuc:ceed th.m •• lv., and John 8trohlein wID be a candidate

(.W to fill the un.splred term of J. Elmer Habn who r.ilDed to be· come Mayor.

10 far, no 'other candidat.. have IIIIIOIIDUd them .. I., ...

WANTED: Maid for general hou.e· work, plain cookinr, no laundry. .mall adult family, Iman wa,es. Apply "F" New Era offi~.

SALE-U.ed General Electric Re· frl,erator like n~w, porcelain i!llide and out, 6 cu. ft. capacity, excellent buy. Riverton 973. Price new 8285.

FOR RENT"":SeBlhore coUaee, 2nd and 3rd Aoon; 6 room. and bath, 24 G .atreel, Sea.ide Park. Apply "c" New Era office ..


S,tat. of Rachel A. Halnn, decelt.d. Notlt. II 'Ivln .h •• th. Plrat ond

Pinal Account of thl lub.erib.r, E.t~utot. will be .udlled and ••• ted by th. Surro,ttt Ind r'l!ortcd for leullment and .1I0wlnte to tl\. Orphlna' Court 0' thl County of Bur­Un,ton. at I .... Ion to bl held Thutld.", April ao. ItS4 •• t ten o'clock In th. 10 ... noon.

JOHN O. SECKEL. £JCcculor.

Proctor : 8. Howard T'~lh. D.ted. March '4. IVU. . ·22 ......... ·14.

NOTICE 011 IIETTLEMENT Admlnl.trator·, Auoun.

N~I~~·I:' ... ~:~dw·r.t:rlt':l'· th~·'F:::td·.nd IIln.1 Account 07 ttt .ub.erlbtr, Admlnl.· tra.or. will be ludlted and I.ated by lurro,I" and r~rted for .. ntemcn. 'I ...... n •• to Ih. Orph ••• • Court of .h~ Co .. n· ty 0' BurHpl,oll. or • • ... Ion '0 b. h.ld fhurtd.y, April %0, IV.4 •• 1 tm o'clock In lh. forlnoon.


Admlnl,tratar', Proctor. : 80yl. lad Archlr. D • .,d I Merch 17, 1.14. '.2%-4,,,.34.

~ICHELtS :l1'-0.s

., ... ,. MA •• IIT a1'. PMILADa.PHIA

RADIO GARDEN TALKS Tuesday Evenlft,a at 10.30



Atlantic Monthly Make the mOlt of your read· In, hour.. Enjoy the' wit, the wi.dom. the companion.hip, the charm ·that have made the

. Atlantic, for Beventy.five .yearl, America'. most quoted and mOlt cheriBhed malBzine.

S&ND 'I (mentlonlnlr .hl • .• d)


• ,Arlln,'on Strut. BOI,on

oooooo~~ POR



-AND ON THE STAGE- ' Thurl., Frl" Sat .• Sun.

Rose·s Royal Midgets " The World·1i:r.1!:!~le~J'l& rttt . llon ot

"' ........... SELECTED ACTS-

Fifty year. a,o everybody . fell lOrry for children: now we feel lOr. ry for pareal ••

Freah. Lot of ORANGES Tanserinea Apples Grapefruit

Prices Reasonable - Very Excellent Frui~




• Why "amble with a 1I1ctiaJ, lllvettment? Why not be au ... that the electric refri*enotor yOll purch_ today comblnn ••• t)'o

th~n" you WMlt in quality. COG·

venlenco and economy? Reeulu from a natlon·wid. lurvcy 01 .I~e rertlterator OWIICftI. te· . emtly m'a'de by 1ft indepent:.nt raean:h Orllftlution. prove th.t WCltin&houte ownert .... bett.r .. ,,'.11&<1 and more loye1 than OWIIct1I 01 any oth.r make. They 1;0 out of their way t o recom· mend it to their 'riend.. You, too. will be prouder of your

• reftie.rator - ftljoy it more­II it'. a Weatinchoutel

... ova ..... or UTa" MOD .... _on ... COMP ... THD. nAT1JRMa Blcctr1c·LI&hted Interion ''Handy·Latch'' Door . Opener "IEeonomltlc:" nelrott!nl

AII-8tecl, Super·Sealed DuaI·automatic Conb'el Csbinet. "Select·a·Cube"Icc T,.,.

Hmnetic:ally·Sealed tleaml ... Porcelain . Mechani.m InteriCl' ___________________ .... I".omill


on display at

The ' Palmyra News Cooking School

In the P. O. S. bf A. Hall April 18, 19,20

H. C. SCHWERING 305 East Broad Street Palmyra

Phone. 368-w



An Invitation • • •• •

The Palmyra· New$ Cordially Invites

Every Ilomemaker in ' Palmyra, Riverton, ,Cinnaminson and vicinity

to attend its

Cooking School At theP. ·· 0.5. of A. HaD Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

, ,

April 18, 19 and 20, at 2 P. M.


economist, will present interesting talks and.

give illuminating demonstrations on the art

of Cookery. Her lectures on the modem

preparation of nourishing and appetizing

foods have met with singular success, and

there is no doubt that the homemakers of

this vicinity will find her ideas and sugges­

tions both practical and helpful.

There is absolutely no charge or obliga­

tion connected with this invitation.

Don't forget the dates-Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday, April 18-19-20. Time

2 p.m.-and Miss Schneider always starts

on timel

Place-Po O. S. of A. Hall.



The School is FREE to Everyone'

Many Free Prizes Each Day __ IIIIIIII11 ...... 11l1li11


RIVERTON. SCHOOL ~ " NO~ ' ' i,:,~' ,

the year's work In Enillsh, and a wall exhibit of a separate plec:e of work from each child.

~clenc:e and arithmetic: papers. and sClenc:e booklets will represent Mr. Sloan'. subjecta. ,

The children's individual clvlc:'s booklets, two friezes and a c:artoon

School Exhibit at Glassboro will, attract attention to Mias Em-.ory s subjec:ts. There will also be a

At the meetinc of the South Jer. world map with the produc:ts of 8ey Elementary Principals held 'n each c:ountry on a table below it. GlBssboro, April 11th. Riverton Everybody who wishes to c:ome is Sdlool exhibited work from every welcome, as both teachers and chll. gl'3ue, ' dren wish to have the parents and

From their study of their c:om- any interested friends attend. llIunity thf: Kinderlarten sent the Last Thuraday, Mrs. Williams. 1 1II0d.1 of the Riverton Fire House teacher of the fifth and sixth grades. which they have made. The first received a personal radio messale, Grade exhibited the poster that iI. via the Mackay Radio and Tele­IUstrales their atudy of Indian life. graph Company, from Admiral Byrd Copies of the Second Grade news- at hIs South Polar headqunrt~r8 at paper whic:h is p",bUshed every three Little America, Antarctica. express­", .. ks was sent to live out newa of inl his delilht at her enrollment 01 !heir classroom work. The Third her entire dass In the Little Amer­and Fourth Grades had an exhibit ica Aviation and Exploration Club on soap carvlnls, booklets, and pos- and promisinl that some interestinl ters whic:h graphically illustrate scientific: data now being accumu-

S" their study of Colonial Life l1a welt lated by the Expedition will be sent .1, a "movie" of Eskimo life and a to her pupils. through the club. in puppet show. The Fifth Grade life- the near future , "paperdoll," PellY Lou, who -------wears the costumes used in their SAVE TIME dramatizations represented this class among Burlington County schools, The study of Europe and back­gl'Ounds in the Sixth Grade were shown in an Interestin, manner by their exhibit which consists of a Roman house, Greek moving pic:. tures and stained glass windows of

, I he mediaeval period.

To save time and search, have a larle safety pin stuc:k on, the out· side of your piece bag with B small scrap of every piec:e c:ontalned there­in fastened to the pin.

~ \1\)\\ ,0'" I ,,,\,, ~ C. L1 \ ~ G



Aviatrix on a lon,-dlstanc:e ftilht reports a very bumpy journey. Na­turally a lady aviator c:ouldn't resiat ,oin, throulh all the air pockets.­

Last week's c:ard party, held at the home of Mrs. Joseph T . Evans, wall a pleasing suc:c:ess, both as a aoclal afternoon and in the sum netted for the music Clommlttee's treasury.

Hobby nllht was omitted on ac­c:ount of vac:atlon.

The teachers all enjoyed the rest durinl Eaater holidays. and are workin, with their usual vim. A spellinl lesson In Irade one was re­ceiving much c:oncentratlon as the visitor called Tuesday morninS. and papers, were submitted to prove that they. "could write and spell."

A number of interestin'g books and articles of hand-work were a· wailinll transportation to the prin­c:ipals' c:onfetence at Glassboro. Wednesday of this week. These were gathered from various schools and showed very well in the exhibit from the counties represented at the normal school. where the meeting took plac:e. Mrs. YOUnl, of school four, took six of her pupils to Wash­inlton, D. C., Easter Monday. to take part in the egg rolling. on the "Y~ile House lawn. after , whic:h they VISIted the Capitol.

Their acc:ount of the trip. made In Mrs. Younl's c:ar. and returning in the evening, was worth listeninl to.

Arkanaas Gazette.

Saturday the pupils of the War­rinlton Sc:hool of dantinll will pre­Bent another sonl and danc:e ' pro­Iram at the afternoon performance ~n the Broadway Theatre, Palmyra. =,;~=~~~~::=====~

The pupils of this school are tal· ented younlstcrs. who give splendid performances under the able direc:. tion of Mr. Warrinllon.

The" new romantic musical co­starrinll' team, Ramon Novarro and Jeanette Mac:Donald. make their bow in the Metro-Goldwyn Mayer hit, "The Cat and th'e Fiddle." wili also be shown "t the ,Palmyra Ihe· atre on Saturday.

Attractive as a bale of cotton to a mot h.-Anon.

FINER FLAVOR in all you Ii.


Seventh and Eighth Grades sent original cartoons. special iIlustra. tions of historical episodes, and. of course. copies of the "Riverton School Observer." published by Grade 8 will be a part of their con­tribution to the exhibit. ,

~ ~ .... Jn ON A .t--::J PER SON-


The eighth grade in this sc:hool is compilinl individual ' anthologies. The poem,s chosen shoYi taste. and are frequently illustrated with ap­propriate pictures. All are typed. and very nicely.

The frieze In Mrs. 'l'efry's room, this year: pic:tures national indlls­tries. and is a creditable piec:e of

, work.

These produc:ts of our sc:hool activities will ' be returned . to the classrooms in time to h"ve a place amonl the work dlaplayed at the Parent-Teacher Anoc:lation "Par­ents Nllht'~ to be lield at the school Monday evening. Aprll16th. '


Parents' Ni,ht

School children, teachers and par­ents are all lookin, forward to next Monday nilht whic:h ill Parentll' Nilht, when there will be a display of the chlldren~s work. Some of the' work that i. to be .hown then will allo be displayed at Glaliboro Nor-

' -nial School. Each of the daISes will contribute lomethlnl to the exhibit at the Ichool. MI.. Gardiner'. room plBni to a Jack Rabbit acene, and leveral edition. of their cia .. newspaper. There wl\l, al.o, be a picture of the "Landini of Columbu.... In almost every roCim Individual work will be shown on 'each child'. deak. Po.ters 'of lea­lona and chartl of apellinl, readlnl, mUlic: and health will repreaent MI .. Clark's clall work.

The children of Mill Rothbart'. ' room have c:ompleted a Colonial unit for whlc:h they have made .lIhou­eltea, dlarie., B puppet .how, and other projects. They have Iikewlle been doinl much- work In c:onnec­tion with the E.kimos,

The pupill of Mrl. Muriatroyd'i room have been doinC pieces of work pertainin, to their social Itudies. They have made a map showin, the occupation. of dlft'er­e!'t state.. Interior decoratinl hal been of intere.t too.

Sandtable sc:enea. children'. pap era, and drawinl.. will be ex­hibited In Mill Pauldinl', room.

In connection with the study of Admiral Byrd', expedition. Mrs. William.' pupils are display In I an Admiral Byrd pOlter. A painlin" of the "Indu.trial Revolution in Eng­land" will allo be Ihown.

A hOUle, which the c:hildren in '7 Mi lll JUltice's Irade are makln,. and

health pOlter., which they have painted will be on display.

In MI.s Parker'. room they have made palntin,. and a community center of Riverton which they have been workinl on throlilhout the year.

Mil l Evaul', room hal built a "lore nnd painted an Indian frieze.

J -' T hese will both be dl.played. . The entire Ilxth Irade exhibit i.

correlated with .oclal lubjec:tl. na­ture, and book report.. They have mad. mural palntlnl' of Fran~e, Holland. Switzerland. Great Britain, Germany. and Italy. Wall banlingl

IIof th. Fall of Troy and a GrHk the­atre have been made, al.o.

In the upper ,radea, MIll Lippin­cott'., fj:n,lI.h exhibit wiU Include: the Kbool paper. lhe Mventh and c\,hth ,rad. ma,ula .. , bookleta of

3 days $1755, FROM PHILADELPHIA Next Tour April 19 Thl, Ipeclallow rale Inc Iud •• round 'rlp railroad far., hOlel room and meal., p.raanally­.up.rvi •• d .Ight ••• lng trip. 10Wa.hlnglon', hl.'arle build­Ing.,Mt.Vernan and "rllnglon.

_-----. 1' •• {HI ,1",",,_ Of Mil


I.JtI~r, wrll, ...

""" .. " .... Co ITOTJ.D. D/~. ,. .. ". A"., ... d.lht - Phil:.. r;x·\t~'It~ BTu .. Phil ... pLODe a.II.Dho ..... '00




A few balmy daY8 " •• then a frigid blast clamp8 an abrupt finis on pleasant weather.

Be prepared for the whims of spring'8 cold days and ni~hts_ Re­plenish your coal 8Up­ply with McAllister's good, hard anthracite, What you don't use will keep until next year,

,Full 2000 pounds­Money refunded if not8ati.fied.

R.WALLISTER 'JI1to1ll, Ytrnl.A't'tIl'tIt YOI(;

Camden 522 Merchantwilte 20

Collingswood 2800 Ollie, '1.rd.:

,..II.d.lphlo. Atlonllc CII,. P"'"_trl/"

It Takes Only 'a Couple of Hours

to Iron the Week's Washing

• Use the Thor Electric Ironer. It is heated and run by electricity.

It presses articles beautifully, ironing the week's washing in an

hour or two. This ironer is easy to use, You can be se~ted COIll­

fortably: while you work. It is , fastened to a table of its o\\'n \\"hich

i~ easy to move and easy to store. Do all rour ironing on it and

you will be delighted with the ~Ile finish it puts all material ; .

[rot/,ing atlacl"ne"t (wo.rks 01' the wringer shalt ) from $20 upward. /rot,e,'s wit" tables "'om S59.50 cash.

Use a Good Electric Washer to Wash Clothes Clean

' I*he Thor Eler tric \\. asher h:ls eichl t'en l'llf­

renl s of water with which to t:lke the dirt alit of articlt';;, Six of t he;;e currel1t ;; keep the

a,nicll' :j frolll bUIl l'hill l! and the other twdve

pl ay direl'l I)' on tht' c1'?tht's, l oo"t' ni n :~ anJ re­l1lo\' in \! th t~ ,lin. Thi, \\'a,he1' is compler in ~i7.e bill h:l5 room to do a !wu,1 ~i7.l>J \\- . I~ hi ng .

Th,' lI'J'i ul;(' r ha$ H)ft ruhh'r mlll:r; I l1tO

\\h id l but ton;; ilnd !:t:l!c·ll t·r.; ~illk_



"PICK .. UPS" _ ~ From the Park BY END OF' APRIL


Green and White Club Tourna­ment Officially Opens

1934 Sohedule

This Saturday afternoon the golf schedule at the Riverton Country Club officially opens with a Green and White Club Tourna. ment. All of the players start with a handicap of Z greater than their end·ol·the season rating. The course is 'n excellent ' condition for this season of the year, and many are expected to enter the tournament. ..

Following the tournament the los. ing team will treat its successful op. ponent to a dinner which will be served at the clubhouse . n the eve. ninlt.


As a special event, a Z7-hole put. ting contest will be staged on Sat. urday, at tJ:te Riverton links.

Monday, July 9th, the Profession. al Golfers Association's 36-hole qualifyinlt match will be played over the Riverton course.


The Riverton Country Club will hold an invitation golf tournament on Sunday May ZO, of 36 holes of medal play for players of lZ or less handicap. .

Four prizes will be awarded, first and second low gr05s and first and second low net. '

It is the aim of the club to make the tourney an annual affair. as the course is in shape much earlier than most gol£ courses in South Jersey.


With sports of eve~y description responding quickly to the warm spring atmosphere, activity has sprouted at the Riverton Yacht Club. For the past two week· ends the new 14.foot, one design, prain type sail­boat built by E. K. Mer­rill has been undergo­inlt trial trips.

A number of the skippers in the Yacht Club membership have

taken this small craft for a sail. and all have reported enthusiastically of it. splendid performance under all lailing conditions.

Mr. Merrill, former commodore of the Yacht Club, built the craft him. lelf durinlt the winter months, hop. ing thil sprinlt to arouse enoulth in. tereat amonlt Riverton aailors to produce a am all fleet of the boatl and to hold 'eventa in that d ....

The raw materiall for the entire boat, including the aail. co'st but 180. The craft carriel a sall .pread of 120 .quare feet. '-R. S. Harrl., a buildinc coptractor in ¥ who.., hobby I. boat •• . has built a '7-foot lue rig with a .all area of 42 feet. The tiny craft. equipped with a wee tiller and centerboard. carrie. no jib and the gaff i. free footed. The craft car­rie. a crew of one man and itl be. havior ;n the waters about Moores. town have created considerabte< in­tereet.

Ham. clalm. he wiD brio&, it to Riverton soon and try it out iD tile river.

!..JlIQ By 771. MfURJt



Even the "Athletics" in Cinna· minson are on the "in"




And that will make good "news copy" in any paper




The Tak·Aboost aggregation -0-

HAVE JOINEJ) THE FOl.D -And they may need a few nips of the ene~gizing ftuid




The Bankers, Pal-Rivers, Ath· letics or Laundrymen



The Lamplighters have chanlted their name


Maybe they hope to sneak up on the Pal· Rivers

, -0-

A~D RUN IKE THROU(',H THE WHl:\CER ' '-And "starch" him for further

orders. -0-

Old Courts Will B~ Opened for Play in Advance

of New On~s

The tennis committee at Memorial Park, Riverton. hope to have at leaat three' courts open by the end of April. Work is progressinc rapidly, under the direction of Robert H. Clelland.

C.W.A. labor built two new courts on the west side of the old courts,

and they will be com·

PA pleted for play a5

, quick as possible. , The three old courts

~ have been rolled. , lev. eled and are in excel.

.-: lent condition for play this year. Calcium chlo­

ride will be applied to the courts, however, before 'play begins.

The new committee has re·ar· ranced somewhat ' the entrance , SYS· tem to the courts, occasioned by the addition of new courts. Higher fencing will be provided on the side next to ' the abandoned house, 'since many balls are lost in tIJe hi~h grass.

The system of marking the courts this year will probably be with tapes as has been the practice in years past.

The committee plan to atart a rankin It tournament shortly after the courts are opened. at which time playing rules will be posted on the bulletin board.



Friday; Possible Line-up -0-Pitcqer of "Shut Out" Fame


1'1-1 ER I':'S ,\:\OTH I::'R IWMOR TH"T THI~ I.'Af. · RIVERS

-0-Have Gone "Irish"

-0-A:'I1Il AItE I',Xf'ECTIl\C: NEW r;n 1': 1·::\ ()V'I'Fl'I'S

-0-Maybe it's "Pat" Steed Ie', influ. ence

-0-SI:-:CF. HE IS HI~PORTED 'f0 H'AVr·: SIG:-:!.·:)) UP' WITH IKE


Carpenter and Speer Score Heavily as Local. Beat

Favorite. , By "B~T"

Riverton'. local court team over­came the atrong Lone Star Senior quintet in a .ma.hing triumph at Roberti' Hall. Wednesday. 42-31.

At the half time the Lone Star. were leadlnc 18-8, but the local p .... era tightened up in the final half and embarked on a .corlng Ipree to capture tbe tilt from the fire.

Doing .corinc honon for River­ton were Carpenter witb 17 point. and Speer with1.

Enlkat, Pinn and WalDer helped the vi.ltfn&, cause by eamerin, 8 counter. apiece.

In the preliminary frac .. tbe Lone Star relerves nosed Ollt, the low reaerve. by two palDt •• after a aDd unublD, tu •• le lor three per_ iod ..

For First Game

By "BAT"

With basketball out of the picture, Palmyra is pinning her hopes on the baseball team when they start against Camden Catholic at the A.A. grounds.

The hurling position hal five can· didates In Dengler, Landgraf, Mar· ten, Morton and Smith.

The track season opens April 28th, with the Penn Relays al the scene of festivities. However. Palmyra's team may be lIIaterially weakened by the loss of numeroul .enlor. who will be In Washington a~ that time.

Candidates for the mile relay team are: Taylor. Carpenter, Hubbs, Cooper. Tropea. Giblon. Faunce and Panon.


High·Speed - Hard Baseball tbe kind that "Cookie" promoted last year with evident .uc:ceu will make It. debut at Memorial Park thia Saturday afternoon in the form 'of practlcr.. Mea wbo wl.b to cOlllpete for placel on the team will pleale report at' tbe Parll; a.t one (1) p.m.

By Lightning

A coupla weeks ago we told you Riverton had finished its basketball season. So just to make it look bad for us. they booked two post·season games.

Not content with just booking 'em, they went and won the first onel

That's what we like to aeel A local team upse!tinC the "ole apple. cart" by beatinc the favorites.

Well. on to Palmyra Highl We see that baseball and track are

gettinc into full stride , at the "ole institoot.'

They're going to have one of the fullest and snappiest track schedules everl

So Rudy Dusek is going to "get" Szabo tonitel Migawsh, what "brotherly love" can do' to a guyl

And. oh yesI' We did forlte! to tell you Riverton won the twin· town championship. (Some call it the twin·city. but to us it is as a· bove.)

Fine pme, they had, toot Tie at the end when the whistle blew, and 19-18 'favor of Riverton about two minute. after that.

Y' see it was like this. Landgraf was fouled as the- whistle blew and with the ' score tie made the shot good. (He must smoke Camel Strike_you know-easy on the nerves.)


Topple Palmyra Foemen to Gain Twin City Title When

Landgraff Sinks Foul

By "Bat"

The officers, directors and man· ~gers of the Memorial Park Play. ground Baseball Leacue met in the firehouse Monday night and formal­ly accepted eleven teams for entry in the leaeue. The old system of a National and American league wall abandoned and only one league will function this year.

Play will start on April 30th and wind up the season on Labor Day. at which time the championship game will be played.

A rule was passed at the meeting that any team missing two games In the first half df the season may be dropped from the lealtue at the dis; cretion of the executive committee. Failure to put in an appearance at a scheduled game by any team was considered detrimental 'to the spirit of the league and was discouraging to spectators.

The teams entered in the league are as follows: Pal~River ' Chevys. "Ike" Hylton, manager: ' Athletics. J. C. Shivers, manager; Riverton Laundry, Leon Eagens" manager;""" Bankers. uStan" Cartey, manager; YMCA, "Dick" Woodward. manag­er; K of C, Joseph Yearly, manace"; Artisans, "Jim" Rapp. managel; Wesleyans, "Bill" Oliver, manager; Tak·Aboost, Albert E : Fry, manalt­er; Dreer, "Bill" Watkins, Jr •• man­ager; Fire Company. "Ike" Perkins, manager.

The officers were anxious to hero I' from' the·chief, Edson Carhart but he failed to attend the meeting.

Schedules will be printed and dis •. tributed at ~n early date,

After beating the Lone Stars ' Wednes~ay, the .Riverton A. A. suc·I·PLAN FOR I·OCAL ceeded m downmg the Wesleyans, II champs of Palmyra, in a thrillinc TENNIS MATCHES battle which· was won alter the final., whiatle at Roberts' Hall.

The first half ended 8-1, with Pal. myra on top, but Riverton put on tbeir famoua finish spurt, and as the final whistle sounded the acore waa in an 18-18 deadlock.

However, "BiC Slim" Landgraf of the locals had been awarded a foul shot luat before the whistle, and he converted to give a one7point edge.

Individual scoring honors go to En,"at and Speer. both of the locall. who garnered 1 and 6 counters reo apectively.

Thi. fracas ended Riverton's bas. "et ball leason and .ave tbem tbe title to the "Pal-River" champion. • hip.

The Riverton Country Club ten· nil aroup and the Memorial Park tennis group may engage in a local tennis duel early in the seaaon.

"Dick Gralr. c,hairman of tennis at th~ Country Club, hal conferred with the com­mittee and both see m willln« and anxlou. for

a cc.ntest between the two teama. The Country Club hal the jump

on the Memorial Park tennil playen In that their court. will be open for their memberahlp as early as next Saturday •

RIVERTON The Country Club il offerine a PId. PoP. T.P. limited number of tennis member·

Gootee, f . 0 2 2 .hips at a reduced fee for the lea· Enlkat. I ,_. __ ,_ 2 3 7 lOll of May throUCh October. and Landgraf. c _.-, ___ .. _~O 2 2 thereby hope to draw some new and I Speer, g _.:.. ... ___ __ 3 0 6 eood tennia material. . I

Beddow. « ., ---__ .• _1 0 2 Thole wbo ranked high iD the Country Club la.t year were: Wit-

·Totala 6 PALMYRA

7 19 Iiup Rauth, Charles Rauth, Jame.

Pid. P.P/ToP. Reeve •• f ---_....:&2 0, 4 Cahill, f _. ._ . __ ._ 0 1 1 Poulke. c _ ,0 1 1 Baker, gIl 3

Rendall. Lee Warner. Georce Hata­tOJ: and Robert Bidelle. However, a rauldn&, tournament i. planned for " the early part of lIay, and with DOW material In the field .everal up­leta may develop.

Sloan. e 1 a ..,-~ Three court. wi1l be fD .hape for play at the ec-try Club . thIa Sat-

6 14 urday aftcmoon. Totalt 4


.. •




" Holle :r-1lrina.:" cteer· nul in lho hoomen bu,,",." Il lu",nuhun­twC!ntv kandhtRl$ fer fn:~hold('r. and on1ie IwO pl.t~tI I' bo filltd!



pirector of Public Safety Held WILLIAMS TO QUIT Letters Received in Jan. COUNCIL NEXT WEEK

After Brown's Death


Other Links Wilson-Roberts Case With Slaying of Print­

ing Finn Executive

With the interest revived in the Bradway Brown murder case by the alleged confession of three men in· dicted for the crime, Director of Public Safety Edward R. WiIllamu released to The New Era two letters received by him shortly after the death of Brown.

In each letter people who have figured ,prominently in the case when the publicity was at its height \\(ere mentioned by name. For ob. vious reasons, t.hese names are omit· ted in the verba tum publication of the letters which follows. '

Mr. Williams has shown the let· tel's to but very few persons since re'ceiving t"em late in January of 1933. _The letters were sent at the time when ~ounty Detective Parker refused to commit himself whether or not the cas~ was murder or sui. cide. .

The following letter, received by the director, .bore no date or place of origin, but the envelope in which it was sent bore the postmark of West New York, New Jersey. Jan. 28, 1:30 p.m, 1933.

The First Letter

.... Tip .... Brad. Browns death is not an

cause of suicide, he ift murderd. The murder is a lady. The name of the lady, is ...•..• The motive is yealoulj1' '

• start to cuestion her Imediatly but carfuly without forcing the girl.

don't public this before case ~s claered lip.

copie to this letter is left in my hands. G.S.M.

The above ,letter is printed in ink

Will Leave Riverton to Reside in Philadelphia; to Enter

Politics There

Edward R. Williams, for many years a resident of Riverton and long identified in the sport and polito ical life of the town. announced to. day that he would Ihortly take up residence In Philadelphia,

Mr. Williams stated that he plans to offer his resignation as council. man next week.

"Eddie," as he is known to ,most everybody, has been a baseball booster for Riverton "ever since Hector was a pup," and up till last year. he kept In the game-even if it was "soft ball."

The Director of Public Safety an. nounces that he plans to take part in , Philadelphia politics, at the reo quest of many of his Philadelphia friends,


Letter Fro~ Powers, States P.,W.A. Money 'Exhausted;

Now Up to Congress

The first definite word of the status of Riverton's application for funds from the PW A to improve its scbool facilities came when a leHer was re~eived by Dr. Harry L. Rogers, president of the Town Meeting, written by Conltresaman D. Lane Powers. '

Upon ' the illvitation of·,the River. ton Board of education, the Town Meeting wrote the' Congressman reo questing some definite word con· cern the status of the application.

The letter from the Town Meet'. ing, and the reply from Congress. man Powers are reprinted below.

April 5, 1934 on a peach colored linen finish cor· Han. D. Lane Powers. respondence paper. The printing or House of Representatives, hand letterine is neat and slants Washington, 0 , C. slightly to the right. It is obviously Dear Congressman: the work of some person who ~as The Riverton Town Meeting, a.

' made a I'oor attempt ,to appear .g. civic grcIIP whose whole interest is norant or ~lIit~rate, or if. n~t that,l the promotion of needed civic im. then to disgUIse the prmtmc or provements, and at this time partic. handwriti,,~ .. The fact that some of ularly interestetl in securing improv. the more dlfflcult words are , 8p~1I~d cd school facilities. is very anxious correctly and the apQstrophe IS In to jearn of the progress being made the pr(;per place in the word "don'!," with the application of the Riverton would seem to sugCest that the Wrlt- Board of Education relative to funds er know~ mote about writinc than under the PWA for an addition to the note would indicate, and il ol Qur present school building.

(continued on page 12) While the Town Meeting realizes

DEMOCR."TIC CANDIDATE I' FOR BOROUGH COUNCIL Rumor haa it that a Democrat will

fiJe petition for nomination for mem­ber of the Riverton Borough Coun­cil before the time expires at mld­ni,ht tonlcht. but those "on the in" refule to divulge his name-or her' ..


The Riverton p, T, A: will have their annual IUJ)Cheon IDd bridee at tbe Riverton Porch Club, Wednes­day. April 25th. at ODe o'cloclc.

Tickets may be procured frolll members of the board, or at the Riyerton school fram IIi .. Caroline II. Staman. supervialne principal. LUDcbeon 4Oc:. br' :tee 25e. .

Make up a t~ble for brid&,e· and, piau to collie early for IUDcMon • DalDty pots of .priDe flower. will be placed on each table by tbe P,T. A. for prize .. ------

SUMIIER'ROUND-UP Dr. Harry L, Ro,er. and Dr, Ro-

1aad DuM wiD be OIl hand In the Riverton Public School KiDder,.,. tea, Ma, 15th, at I p.m. to namfAe aD childr .. eUcibIe for leboo' nest faD.

that the latest application for funds is an "about face" from the original request you were successful in hav. ir,c accepted, it is a fact that an im­prol(ed school bulldinC is our "",y. ing need" at the moment.

The town' il .trongly in baek of this 'Project and inalmuch as the State rating of our present building I. very low (511.4% perfect) we feel that a creat inju.tice i. being done to our children and .trongly urge you to help III In every way PO'" .ible.

Word from you concerning the .tatu. of tbe application at thil time would be ereatly appreciated by our TGwp Me'etin, member.hip.

Very truly yours. ,Harry L. Ro,ers, M.D.,


House of Representatives Committee on Appropriation.

. Seyenty.third Conere •• Washineton. D. C.

April 9, 1934 lIy dear Dr. Ro,en:

I have your letter of the 5th, which arrivedtoda,. The applicatiOD for a lehool loan for tbe Borour)l of Rlvertoa I. now heine examiDeci at the c:entral olflce of the Public Worn here. and every drort I. be­lne made by me to liav. It br01lfht (~_ PlWe S)


'" Borough Fathers Wijl Endeavor to Have Dilapidated Biuld­

ings Removed or Fixed

Indications were shown at the .boroueh council meeting beld in the council ' cbamber, Riverton, last Thursday niltht. of an attempt on the part of council to clean up sOllie of the dilapidated bouses in River· ton that are a menace to public safe. ty and public health.

MaY9r Hahn reported that he bad been given to underatand that the owners of the half·burned McCombs building on Maln slreet were about to do something with the much·dis. cussed property. Just what 1m. provements were planned was not revealed, but the mayor did indicate that there would be no need to wor· ry much longer about that particular buildinC.

He further stated. that be had been attempting to contact George Sreedle in an effort to obtain from him a decision relative to the remov· al of 'furniture from tbe old Sulli· van property on Main street. but to date be had been unable to reach him.

Further efforts will be made to secure the destruction of the old barn on ,the corner of Seventh and Cinnaminso'1 streets which 'was ,spared when fire recently burned off all of the dried grass surrounding the barn.

The question , of the old property on the corner of Broad and Cedar streets occupying a corner of the Memorial Park tract was again dis· cussed and Councilman Stroblein assured council that word was sent to the Dreer estate requesting that the doors and windows be boarded or the building renovated for ,occu. pancy.

No answer had been received from the Dreer estate at the time of the meeting.

Safety Measures

' Under the department of public safety the dancers of the intersec· tion Qf Fourth and Main street were discusl1ed. ,The recent accident at the comer which involved the car~ of };I'erbert M. Morris and R. A. Marshall brought to light the nee,1

'(continued on page 10)


Supplants Boys' Week, and Girls Have Important Places in '


Plans are rapidly being completed for the observance of National Youth Week which lakes the pl"ce of Boys' Week. As you readily see the girls are given due recognition and a real place in the proltram, which marks a very forward step. The program will start on Saturday, April 28th, and ~Iole on the follow. ing S,aturday, May 5th. Most of the features of laat year will be incor· porated with a number of additionl. Next wee .. •• paper. will carry the entire program in 'detail.

The follow in It follla are baclrinlt the program: Mrs. Max Olburn of the YWCA; Mrs. C. H. Yost. Ladiea' Auxiliary YMCA: Mayor J. Elmer Hahn, YMCA; Mi •• Emory, YWCA; \fi .. Kay Green. Ichool nurse; C. F. Dengler, .chool; Mi •• Caroline Stamen, .chool; Mi.. Elo. i.e Bryan. Ichool; E. N. Coo~r, Rotary Boy.' Work and YMCA; John Stroblein, K. of C.; Rev. Hal'. old Creager, pre.ident of the Minis· tllrial Group;A. B. BranlOn, 'Boy Scouts; Mn. Walter Hansen. Girl Scout.; G, B. Weieand, Boy Scouts; Joseph T. Eyan., eeneral; Mil. Elo. i.., Boyer, Girl Scout.: Mi •• Julia Lane. Girl Scout.: Mi .. Grace Sip­ple. YWCA: C. E. WindboyeJ. Bo, Scout.; W. E. llount. YMCA. The abon named croup reprnent the ,eueral colDlllitiee and chairmen for

(CoatInae4 OIl PlWe 2)


Clarence Hubbs Heads "IndepeDd· STEWARD'S HEAD ent Republicans." Sponsors I

New Council Candidates ' Delegation Insists on Removal

A new Republican organization of Worrell, But Freehold. known as the Independent Republi· ers Defer Action can CI,ub of Riverton has sprunlt into beinlt this week.

Piloting the new organization is Clarence N, Hubbs the newly.elect. cd president. Hubbs, a former councilman, has been identified in Riverton politics for the past ten years.

Hilton M. Smith, candidate for Freeholder, and member of the Riv. erton Board of Education, has been selected vice president of the club. Walter 'Armstrong, former chief of the Riverton fire department, holds the office of secretary.

The club at this time has not an· nounced the ticket it intends to sup· port but it is rumored that Frank Ben and Joseph ,M. Roberts, Jr .• have been asked to be the club's candidates for council at the com· jng election, and it is understood that they have agreed to enter the race.


The appointme'nt of a new stew­ard of the almshouse was the storm centre at the meetinlt of the Bur­fington County Board ' of Freehold. ers last Friday morninlt, and after an acrimonious discussion Illstin" more thlln an hour Palmer Adams, one of the new members of the board, made a dramatic demand that the appointment be made "at once." He offered a motion to that effect, which was Itreeted with si. lence by the other members, and failed to come to a vote for the want of a second. amid murmurs of disapproval from the delegation of wortjen, who had appeared before the board to demand the removal of the present steward.

Frank Cook. the other new mem­ber, and a Democrat, publicly stated that with 63 applicants for the posi­tion, among whom were many cap. able persons. he required more time to consiuer the matter, which he thought was ' very important. and that he would not vote on the sub­ject at that time.

Women Act

A group of eilthteen w~men. rep· resenting clubs from , various parts of the county, appeared before the board to protest against conditions

Adults -Must Learn to Keep up at ~he alrnshouse which they de-With Changing Conditions· scribed as "sickeningly insanitary

Declares Speaker and overcrowded." Monday was Parents' Night at the 'This Itroup had met at the home

Riverton School, and as Mrs. How; of Mrs. Franklin Chambers at New ard Coe, president, &0 aptly remark. Lisbon Tuesday afternoon. where ed "All felt well repaid for braving they were addressed by Freeholder the weather aiter a trip through the Palmer Adams, after which he took clasuoom.... them to the almshouse for a tour

of in.pection. ' E. Newbold Cooper introduced the guest speaker, Forrest A. Irwin. Spokesmen for the visiting women of the ,New Jersey Stale Teachers' were Mrs. Chambers. president of college who spoke on "Cooperation the Women's Auxiliar~ of the Epis. of Home and School in 'the I;:duca. copal Church m the D.ocese of ~ew tion of the Child." , Jersey: Mr~. Esther S~ra~bn.dge

"Responsibility for educating the I Brophy. cha.~man of th~ mstltutlon· child should not be placed entirely al co·operat.on com:nlttee of the on the school, for he is l y I Moorestown Women s. Club: Mr-s. being educated in home. ,'ommunllY Ale~ander Wood, 01 R,verton. pre~. and school. and it is up to all Iv get .00<n : 01 the Moor<stown Women < together and work out a COIl"stent Club, and Mr~, Joseph T . Evans. of program of education. and one that I{.vcnon. representing the R,verton 'will not conAic!. The oJd. f..s hione,1 ' Poro:h Club. theory that 'Only youth cc, uld lean:' I "Sa-keningly In. anitary" is obsolete. Today it is 'fllperall', e I !'>frs, Ch ~mbers. in addressing the that we. as. .adults. go on )t'arn Jng t ft.. l'uJ.rd, s:lid that twrnty groups o f meel new living condition.,." Mr. women. representing i 0 u r teC!l Irwin conduded with a compliment } tOwns. had "isited the almshouse on for the e~itorial "Sponsman.hip" in I Tuesday of thi s week Olnd ~aw the the last Issue of Ihe school pa;' er. . "sickeningly insOlnitary and over.

Classrooms 'were opened early for !'crowded condi:ions" :here, She visiting. T~e domestic ~cience class I said , t was a ~h"me to have allowed was gay , wllh good thangs to eat , .uch ,·ondition. :0 exist. The board, mad!: by the ~irls, as well as several , she said. had secured ' Iecislation attractive earments sewn by them.! which changed the office from clec . School girls in atte!'dance in ~3ch tive to appointive. and .he had ex­classroom ' Wore eIther complete peeted action as loon as the term dresses or blouses self·made. Metal of the incumbent. Henry I. Worren, and wood article. made in the shop expired on March 25. As nothin~ were displayed on Ihe ' stage: and a5 had been done. she thought action Ulual was a lource of ereal Intere.t. had been dela)'ed by "political particularly to Father&. ,pressure." "If such il the ca.e." S~akinc of the classroom exhib· declared Mrs. Chambers "the women

!ts. Mi~. ~arolin~ Stamen. supervi~. Itand ready to create ~ublic senti. .ng prinCipal, poln~e~ out that t~lS ment in favor of prompl action." was not an art exhIbit, but an active. Mrs. Chambers also laid there part of the children's lIudiel, "These II should be a night nune {or the ho •. !,roductl .how HOW t~,ey are learn. pital .ection. anti a relief nurse to IDg as well as WHAT. be on duty when the day nurse is

The ",usical procram a,rranged. by off. The 'peaker demanded the ap Mr •• Everett Wolcott w~s parhcu. pointment of a new luperintendent larly fine.. T~e Women I Chorus. "at once.~ .elect~ (or sbili,)'. kind. accomp.ulied by Mrs. Jamel Clark' neal and free from politicl. sane "Allah:~ Holiday" and "Big Mrl. Brophy made a plea for bet. Brown Bear, . ter meals. better condition.. lind

Later, tht' Fellowlhlp Choral. di · employment for the inmate.. She reCl.ed by Alfred .VanOaten. accom- thoulht tht're must be 3 lot of pamed by Lee MIt!on, aanl St'~er~1 light work Ihey could do about the number, one of featured '''.C,. place. indudinc Ihe ui';n& of chida:. deatal 1010. by A. Ernest WarNck t'nl, Which would provide e't. ftlr and Ru.sell Jermon. An encore the inmat." "Who Sal II Y,:ith Onate?" concluded . ' . . thia IIway. mucb appreclate~ enter . Reminded of Oh ... er Twrst lalnment. Mrs. Wood laid that when .""

Refreshin, . punch IDd cookies visited the almshouu and Ia"" .... hat baked by the domestic .eirnce da.. they had for lupper she could think were .erved .t tbe close of the mt'et. of nothin, bUI Oliver Twill when in,. hI .n:t'd for "more," Th .. ,ur~r,

Mra. Buh·. slstb &nde WOD the she said. which was usu:lIly .C'rv .. d attendance plant in a blue pottery al I o'clock. h.d bern ro"ponC'd container. (cOfItinlMd OIl pqe II)



prepared by a paid chef and ·helper. FOR COUNTY CLERK BEITZ DELICATESSEN Congressman Powers "One man i8 employed in the din- ANNIVERSARY PRICES

ing room nl full time. It is .ug. gested Ihat inmates be given work hel'e (lnd t htll Ihi~ m,m be given other assiGnmenls to :1 ·beller ad · vantage: for Ihe use: of hi. time.

Files His Petition

Inspector from State Depart­ment Finds Institution Clean

and Food Good Burlington County Board of Freeholders. Mount Holly, N. J.

"It iM also suggestcd Ihat Inmates could do more work thl'oughout Ihe institution, and Ihat pos.ibly GO of Ihe 86 able·bodle.1 men now living al the inslitulion could be given Mome form of employment that would assist in the management of

"On Mal'ch G, 1934. Mr. F. A. the home. Fitch, of our Division of Inspection, "It is recommended that" careful visited the Burlinglon Counly Alms· sodal investigation of all inmntes house at New Lisbon. Mr. Henry be conducted (possibly with the Worrell, the Superintendent. and help of the County Welfare Board) Freeholder Adams. a~companied Mr. to the end thot the popUlation of Fitch on his tour of the inslitution. the Almshouse be reduced.

"At the time of the visit there "Dr. Remer vlsils the institution were l20 men and 24 women being twice a week and i. on CAli at all cared fb~ here. times. '

"As usual. the institution was bad- "The authorities have recently I) overcrowded. makini supervision employed a. trained nurse and an or· a distinct problem. With this over- derly with a iood background for crowded condition It would be dUJi- the hospital. With the help of these cult. if not impossible. to move the two people the hospital will show population to safety from the build- a decided improvement . . ings in case of fire. Accompanied .. At the time of the visif there with this fact these buildings lack was one patient Buffering from tu­proper fire equipment and escapes. berculosis In the hospital. This thus settini up a dangerous condi- patient should be placed in Fairview tion. Sanatorium.

"It has been necessary to utilize ad'~~~~~~h~~le;IU~~i~;. h;~~~i~;a~~~ basement space for sick patient •. wiring. C.W.A. workers might erect This i. a bad feature. bUl'something more bath rooms and cabinel space over which the superintendent has badly needed now .throughout the little control. There are at pre~ent institution. It would be II great ad . a number of patients placed in the vantage to the home to .have the Iiasement of the hospil~l aecrlon. work done at this time. Several . of the~e are bc~ndden. and "In general the inmate~ receive ~s the only exit fro~ lills ~a8emenl many considenttions and are happy IS up a ,:,arro~ slalrwny. 1\ le:lves in their presenl surroundings. Mr. these pallents '" .a hazanlous posi I Worr II en' th . t d h . . h f t' 1'h !! JOYS eJr r.esrec an as


of Medford. announces that he will'

Ten yeara lIio in their present 10· cation. 115 E. Broad street. Palmyra. the Beltz DeJiuntessen .tore had its beginning. and from Thursday till SAturdny of t his week .1 he Klare is (eaturing many anniversary spedala.

Ever alert to grnsp t he modern met hods of food merchnndising the Beil ~ store hus replaced old equip. ment with new lind 5nnltary &torag~ and hundling fixtures.

Over a hundred specials nre of· fered this week by the Beitz store as anniversary specials, and circu­lare hllve been put in every home lilting these special bargains. It you did not get yours. pbone 512 and one will be sent to you.

More than 2.000 names were on the petitions filed by Congressman D. Lane Powers, Saturday for Re­publican renominntion 10 his pres· ent olliec.

The Congres~mRn. Representa­tive of the 4th Congressional Dis­trict of New Jersey. which includes Burlington and Mercer Counties. Is a candidate for his second tcrm.

The committee on vacancies WIIS

named 1\8: Dr. Charles H. Mitchell and Charles R. Stout. Republican County Committee Chairmen of Mercer and Burllnllton Count Ie. re­spectively. and Mrs. Edna T. Pow­era.

be candidate for nomination for ==================;============ County Clerk on the Republican Ticket at the primary election. May 15.


All RepUblican candidates for county offices have be~n invited to addres8 the members of the Younl RepUblicans of Burlington County at a speclnl meeting to be held Fri· day evening in the Court House. Mount Holly.-at eight o·clock.

Two members of the orgjlnization will attend the State Convention of the Young RepUblicans to be held in Asbury Park Friday. Saturday and Sunday. April ZOo ZI. 22. Other members wishing to attend the con­vention may secure lickets from Mrs. Florence Marter. convention chairman.



cel .• CHOIIR of the First Methodist episcopal Church of Westmont, J. Taylor Reid. Choir Master; Rev. J. F. Pemberton, Pastor

BROADCAST An Inspiring Musical Program over

WCAM, SUNDAY at 3 o'clork Program .ponaof.d b" Mvrr01 & 5"0, Funno' Hom •• 0' Co mel." &HoddQ" H,Jg"U

LAKEVIEW MEMORIAL PARI< ON THE BURliNGTON I -'II Mil. Narth of till) 'lrwnrton .M norft"oytn Rapd

t~on .In t . e cve~1 a ."re.. e .p3 ' few di~ciplinal'y problems .. The at-

~"~~~~i~ la:::~a~~~:, Arse~~~ff:,~ n~a(~~: :~~;s;ei~e.c ~=!~}~ g t h roughou t t he ~1II1II1II1I1II111I11II11I11I1~1II1II11II1I1II11II111II1II1II111II1II111II11II111I1I1I1II1I1II11I1II1I11i1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ ~~:~;. bel\o~ndes;:;t~~~e~~h~at~:~:~~ . YourH very tl'llly. and as no other space' is nv~ihble (SIgned) WILLIAM J. ELLIS. Mr. Worrell was forced to ~se' ~h~ - Conllnis~ioner." present quarters. This section' is damp and as it was .never intended for patients. it is ex<eedingly im · practical, and. of course. sbould be discontinued as ·promptly as pos­sible.

Plans Under Way For Youth Week

(Continued from page J)

. "At present there is little space for the various activilies. Full commit­t!quipment and utensil. in the hos- tees will ·be published next week pit~1 and they have been placed in with the entire program. vanous corners. This is an un · . This program will be open to any healthy condition. A better equipped 'boy or girl regardleRS of color or ~nd separate drug room sllould be creed. and it. entire object is to provided. It is also recommended focus tbe eyes of the community. on that such drugs as morphine. etc .. assets tbat have not disappeared in be placed in a drug room in tbe hos· thin air. but after all are the future ' pita I section under lock and key, and of our communities. Your coopera· · the distribution of these supervised tion and support is eagerly .olicited. by tbe docl.or ilnd nurso only. There will be a great need (or adults

"The institulion was found 10 be to help supervise activities. clean throughout with the exception NOTE: The Y needs volunteer~ of several old cellar spaces that have to help carry the necessary detailR never been utilized. These could be in tbe office during next week and cleaned ana used to slore equipment Youth Week. 1£ you are interested and supplies. They might also be in donating your time for an after­used for placing excess clothing and noon or more call Secretary W. E. personal belongings of inmates that Mount. at Riverton 1154-W or arc now distributed tbrougboul the 904-W.

Take a Tip From the EARLY BIRDJ'~

bedrooms. -- CO A L "The third Aoor attic contains ap· EVANS CANDIDATE FOR . . proximately thirty beds in a dormi. . TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE' . tory. Thi. section has a low ceiling and eireS8 to the fire escape would be difficult. Inmates should not be placed Iiere. This lectlon. like the nSf of the institution. is carefully cleaned daily and prelents a favor­able appearance in spite of the crowded clrcumstancCB.


"An old laundry that was convert­. ed into a ward (or the use of male inmates was also overcrowded. and

Charlel Ellans. · member o( the Cinnaminson Townsbip Committee. upon the urgent reque.t of his friends. bas agreed t.() be a canditlate for re·election. Mr. Evan. hal serv· ed on the committee for six year. with marked ability. and his decision (0 continue in office II a dillinet iain to the community ..

because of the fact that the bricks o!I~+c~;.a."+CI+","~;.a."+C1+t in this section have never been cov­ered. it is damp and dilmal. 'Some Look for THIS

Label o( Ihe old laundry machinery still remains here and should be remov. I cd. Laundry is now done in the ~ mental hospital and inmatel are ~-------------, given clean clothes weekly. The beddini was (ound to be in excellent order. and sufficient blanket. pro­vided.

"The institution I. sadly wanting in batbini (acilities. There are no • hower.. and the tubs are old and inadequate.

"There i. an odor prevalent in the bat h rooms because of their con­.tant use and the impollibility of keePini them clean. The plumbin&' is old and in need o( repairs in IIOme places'.

"Preeholder Adam. stated that he hoped with the aid of CW A people that the plumbin, and electric wir­inl' throughout the in.titution could be put In fir.t e1a .. OC'der.

"The kitchen W81 found to be in ellUllent condition and the food lCI'Ved won of nutritiOUll character. The meal. are Ul'ht but ample and of IIIIlficient variet,. The food I,

~,{()co/at'ed "Endorsed" ~

11. fj. I(tuttttg .r. anb "111 h,,.. atafrton. N. J.

At Keating. t A Real Candy Buy

Y21b. 25c lib. SOc 2 lb. $1

You might duplicate the price elsewhere,

but-you can't duplicate the Quality.




H. B. WIl..UAMS Coal,. Coke, Building Materials, Feed, Fertilizer

Palmyra Phone 1100

. :' \






Senior and Junior, Choirs Will Broadcast from Lakeview

Next Sunday Twenty- five mixed voices

genial' cboir. nnd twelve voices of the junior choir of. tho: I' irst Methodist Eplscopol Church. o( Wostmont, will broadcolt special seleclions from Lakeview Memorial Park tbis SUllday afternoon over I'o<lio station WCAM.

Tho program, beglnntni at three o'C\o(k will be opened with the choir ~inglng "Take Time to Be Holy,' followed by n 'hart prayer by the Rev. JameK F. Pemberton, ptlstor. The junior choir will offer n selec­lion wbich will be followed by CI

I'eoding of a portion of the scripture. The 8cnior choir wlll next linl the much loved "Rock of Agea." which will be (allowed by a short nddre&a by the pl\stor. The program will close with tbe alnglng of "r Heard Ihe Voice of Jesus Say," by the whole choir.

The junior choir Is made up of boy" and iirls ranglna in aie fronl nine to thirteen years.

The broadcaat will be made from the administration buildlni on the park property. Dnd will be token by electrical pick-up and rebroadcast over the beautiful ftinglng tower for benefit of Sunday visitors · tit tbe park.

Plan to be nmonl the eVer in­crenHing number who visit the park weekly to enjoy the bell!!ty of the landscape ond the fine programs.


H. D. Huilinga nnd Son. Riverton plurnblilg c.ontractOrs. an'nounce their agency fo~ the S-K Oil Burn­er.

Never before in the history of oil burnerH has .the price been "0 low.

The new burner now being dis· played,. with B 275 gallon stornge tank, sells for $225, .including com· plele installation.

ThiH new burner haa a Web.ter electric ignition unit. a MinneopoliH automatic thermoRtatic control. It one·.ixth horHepower General Elec­tric molar. n Web.ter pump unlt and a capacity for heating 1500 feet of water or 925 feet o( steam.

The unit IN mounted on 8pongc rubber pad •. and the motor itHelf ;~ ftupportec1 wit h rubber coupling •• the fan Unit being .lIeneed by me:Jns of leather wawberJl. .. Thi. reVOlutionary price .offer hn~ al~eady caused much locnl interest, and it i. expected that many inHtnl. lationH wilf be mnde throughout tbill territory clurlni the Hummer months.

The burner ill on dl"plny in the show rooma of H. D. Hulllngs and Son. nnd a complete demonHtration "howini the inner mechanitm will be made to anyol1e Interested.

"SPRING FROLIC" "Tramp. tramp, tramp. the boy.

are marchini" with tile p"lmyro Bugle and Drum Corps IItruttinl' their .tull and blaHting away wilh tbe good neWH about the "Spring Prollc" to be held in Ihe ball room of the Riverside Pire HOUle art Fri­day evening. April 27tb; Ellwood Weidman and hi. Royal Command. ers will furni.h the mUllc.

PrankUn Klemm. Karry Einllen. William Spellerber,. Harry Btack. Walter Hunt and Jack Metz,ar the committee In charge alk you to keep thi. date open. A ,oad time i. in .tore for you. Treket. can be pur­cbased from any Legion member. Come oUt folk •• and make this affair a .ueee ••.


The tennil committee of Memor­ial Park. Riverton. takes thl. oppor­tunity of publicly acknowledgin, a ,fft of 125 from Benjamin B. "'ech-lin,. o( Riverton. -

The .pirit of the ,UI. 81 well as the amount, are both appreciated by the commlttu, and it felt that .ueh ,plendid .upport to a branch of Riverton', many ,port, il delCtvin, of pUblic thanb ancl ",elenowled,­menl.

Katl W. Latch, ChaIrman Porlet B. Caldw,ll E. NetWbold Cooper




D. LANE POWERS Conlressmon from tbe Fourth

Congressional District who is lend. il1g his effortH to secure n PWA ap· proprlatlon for Riverton'. improved Hchool project. The application is held up for the preHent oWRltina ~ new appropriation by Congre58.

School Project Held For Funds

thJ'(Jugh for expedited nnd favorable consideration.

J um informed tbm 1I1y interest In this appliC/iliOJl hlC • . been noted on the. tile. tend Ihnl' the moment acUon in takcn J Hhall be advised. How. ever. finnl ~pproval will 1.>" held lip pcndihg possaKe by ConireRs for ~ new "pproprintion tor Public Works. The allproprintiou mode: laHt year is exhausted nnd no final approval ift being giyen any application until more funds ure forthcoming.

It WitH kind or you . to write ' me 'Ind let me know of your interest. I cnn OsHure you I 8holl do tvery. t.hing possible on this It/llllication. as I did on t he: first one. for the Dor­ough and it~ reMident". As HOon RS

I obtaih any delinite information I sban inform you and tbe Riverton Town Meeti .. l\. It is iI plcilHurCl to give you Ilny possible service al ilny time.

With (riendly rcgnra~. I aIM. Very "incerely yours.

D. LAne Powers. Dr. Harry L. Rogerll, President . Rivertpn Town Meeting. Riverton , New Jer Mey.


Week of April 23·27 Known Afl Leiion Week at Palmyra

Broadway Theatre

Po~t ROier. ill conductlna U' mov­Ina picture benefit ilt tbe broadway theatre •. P<llmyra. April 23 to 27. Ticleets are good at any performance on the above dates at the regulAr price of admillion. A iood .elec­tion of pictures ha~ be"n booked. and the PORt will appreciate your buyini next week's movie tlc:kets (rom an.y Lealonnalr .. on or before April 22. Call Riverton 5311-) or Sl-M (or tickets. evening, April 12, aboul twenty members of Frederick M. ROler. POIt 156, American Lellan. were the ,ueall of Public Service Southern Dlvllion Post 2a1, Cam­den. at their re,ular POlt meeting.

Amoni tbe apeakers (or the ell~. nina were Mayor BtcrW~rt. of Cam. den; Franlc Mathewi. Nation .. ' Ex. tenlion Committeeman for Depart­ment of New Jet.ey: Corporal Te .... from New Jerley 81alf Poli,;e and W. Rex M"CrosllOn. Palt command. er Deparlment of New Jetiey.

After the meetln, the hOlt po It tlagcd a ",urpris., nit,," wbleh con­,I.ted of v3riou. atfs from fhrir min.lrel and vaudeville sbow which will be puf on for the public May "th.

Thole who made the ,,1.iI from the local po.t reported that they wete royally entertained by their hosl.. The Ladln' Auxiliary served refre.hment •.

... la, ,I"ement repeated oftftl -,h will find _ btUI'Ve,..

Thrce Pnr.ry Lnd~ Pass Examinalion ~ OF FLORENCE I at RIverton Heudquarters IS: .

Monday Niaht

Three seou'ls (rom Troop 21 ot Republican § Parry. passed from Ihe second claSH XI rntlnll to become first claIB sc;out~ CandlOdate in (In examinotiotl held before the Bonnl of Review of ·the local dlti· i trid. al " Illcetini on April III in for ~ the troop room (It the hetldqunrlers § of the Riverton scouts. F h Id

The boys who passed the examln- ree 0 er ntlon were: Vetal Mitchell. Bud R. Schoenel' tlnd Brono Kondlot.

At n meet ina beld by the: River. ton Scout Troop Inst Frldny night. Will Bowen. Riverton decomtor, gnve a very interesting talk on wood finishina.

The scouts showed keen Interest In 80me of Ihe RQtllJ)les of different type5 of wood Ihat Mr. Bowen waR demollstrating. He then showed the boys what I he wood looked like ofter it waH polished.

VISITING NURSE The work of the Visiting Nurse

iN lIoini along nkcly. Tbere were 441 callM paid la9t

month. which included children in the schools examined. ninetllen chil. dren Kenl to the dentist and tI few (o""iI operat'iontJ.

Our J1U~stH IIrt Iloing thiH month to WU8hington. D. C .• to l\ttend a <onventlon which tbey feel will be of g'ent help "0 lhem in thci .. work ill ou, ~on,"lIl11ity.


Primary Election TUESDAY

MAY 15, 1934


He ~a8 rendered e~inent service to the people of Burltngton County In both local and state affairs. 'rhi!" IUhcrtiu'Ulcut \1tth' I'I! ,1 ;HU.l IUlt., 'I" ll~' Allf' llllI ,\d lwL"

!<+>t"...xo(OO:~;"~o+: OOOCO·





'blue coal' AT'


Fdl Your Coal Bin' Now for Next Winter's Use ind Save Money

SEEDS FERTILIZERS A Irnl! Slock of Plower and Shrep and Cow Manurr. Bone Vt'.~tltbl¢ Seed •. Hi,h quallty Meal. Lime. Bovung and Vig • in small or bulk lot.. New oro. Collins' f> ertdlzers lire Onion Selll. MichelJ'lI "air. ht.t and cheape.t. 'in the:' final mount Park Ora .. Seed. analy.i •.

TOOLS Garden and Lllwn Toolt of every de'Hlrtion. priced righl and quality mercbandi.e. Rake •• Hon. Lawn Mowen. Onrden Hose. et c. Ask lor it nut ~t Collin •.






/ Phone 4:r 5


THE NEW ERA ,-,-I Meetit\g for ita citiaen. to support, ne~erthele .. It la an ImportAnt feature that ClIU. for Immediate action.

Published BverJ Thursday at 107 M.ln Street .... I LI"t's all get behind the movement and support tbe committee RIVERTON. N. J. .._- tl) tIle limit. Rathel' than Bit bade and laaily n(cept the dictAtes

Entel'ed .~ lite Riverton, !' ..... J. Pu~t .. Ottice III Sltcoad.Claaa Matt1!r I ~( bridge commissioners. pub~lc utilities {lnd others \Y~o. would - WAl.TER L. BOWICN. Editor like to tllll II who~e commulllty how, wben and where It ~hnlJ KARL W. LATCH, Advertiling Man • .,e .. · tmvel to and from Its dnil~t work. let u~ sct behind ,the coml\nuee

. ____ .... ,. ' _,.. .-.~-----~- thut Is stt'iving to cffcct the kind of trAvel WE want, and thllt NOTICE which WE think wm bcnefit our community most.

All readera or local noti.:a! of entertainlnent, luppers, f.irl, dallce.. 1f ntt" ate in doubt about the lIubJ·e.:t of dlctatol'llhip thcn I~t elc .• Ilvcn ror the pUl'pose or rats in 1 montl, wlll be thar~d for a~ the r rate of tcn celUs II II"". The New Era Office la equipped to do all them digest a statemcnt made by Judge KateB of the Delaware kindl of PI!\(! Prlntlnl It I'ellsonable IIrlcc8, . River Bridge Commission 1111 recently III 11I8t week bcfore an nudl-

LEOAL ADVERTlSKMBNTS cnce an Haddon Heights. The New BrA i, a Leial Newlpaper, COlnmtllioner'., Sberlff'a aIId "It will cost fifteen mUllon dollara to hook up the raU-

other Alalc!t Administrator', and 1t..ecutor·1 Advtrtllement, are 10Ueited. roads with thc high 8peed line acrosa thc Delaware River The Alw .aora will apprceiate belnl relncmbered In thll connection.

Bridge. that thc conaent of the railroadl would have to be Sublcrlpalon 11.50 • Year In· Advallce I h f It

Advertl,ln, Rate. on Application obtained and that such a p an Is years in t e uture. Therefore. by thc ordinary procea. of deduetlon, it would

NATIONAL ADVBRTISING RBPRBSENTATIVBS seem that a transfer in Camden Is inevitable. NEW JERSEY NEWSPAPE~S, Inc. With prospect. very bright for a direct rail lervlce with no

B. T. Mine., Pr.lldent =:.:.------~- transfcra, nO'crowdlng, maximum nfety. and extremely comfort-

Philadelphia Advertlllni Repreaentatlvel able and economical mean. of travel, It would .eem that the effofte NBVILLE a: HITCHINGS, Inc.

12 So. Twelfth St .• PhllQdelphhl, PI. of YOUR transportation committee delerve your unquaUfied,

The AlmsnollSe Situation According to a letter received by the Burlington County Board

of ,Freeholders, from the Department of Institutions nnd Agencies lit Trenton. under date of March 26, this year. and concerning an inspection of the Almshollse made on March 6, there are mllny conditiol,s in that institution which need correctioll.

The suggested chtl"gea have to do with the relief of over .. crOWding. improvement of sanitary facilities. etc., which enn only be effected by enlarging and improving the bulldillg. which trlat­ters are the respongibmly of the Board o( Freeholders.

It was the desire of thnt body to do something to remedy these conditions this year, but when ,t WIIS proposed to Include a Bl1m of money in the 1934 bUdget for building improvements, the committee from the Taxpnyen; Ag~ociiltion. which Slit with the board, objected 011 the ground that it Willi not the time lor such expcrlditures, and the matter was dropped.

, The erection of the neW home for the steward. which is now under way. wiU temporarily relieve the situation' to :i degree by releasing the living quarters of the steward for use by the inmates of the institution. but still greater iml)rovemcnt8 will have to btl made when fun cis become avallab,le . .

The letter from the Department speaks highly of those thing~ for whic? the steward is ' r'eilJl!Jnsible and over which he hOB con­trol. including cJeanllness. food, and hili relations with the irlmate!!. This letter Is published in full in this iBsue for those who care to acquaint them sci ves first .. hand with just what It lIIlyS,

, In view of the approval of the steward by the Oepartment, it is a little difficult to understand jUilt why there was such an insilltent demand (or his removal at the la8t meeting o( the Board.

l'raifl Service

whole-hearted 8upport.


CALVARV PRESBYTERIAN pre!l~h on Romnllll S:(\·4, lind hl the CHURCH cvehilli Ilt 1.45 he hna aoloetcd

Rev. Charles T. Bnles, Poelor "Orowth" us hiA subject. Service of wor~hlp ot Calvary The Junior choir I. mukillg ell·

Church will be heltl al eleven o'clock IClIslvc prellnrlltioll ror their IIlIIluIII nellt Sundny mornilli' The Church ontcrtulnmenL to bl' given 011 this School will meel nt 9,45 a.m, nlltHhe Snturduy evening. Many new ("II' ChrlRllnn gndcttvor So~ielY al 1 lure. wlll be prCtiClltCtt, Adl1li~BlolI I'.m. There will be no evening war. 10 CUllt~. ship A mUNlenl review at. intereMI to

At the midweek service, on Wed- the oll.l 0" well 11K Ihe young will be nuday cvcnlni, at elgllt 'o'clock, the IIlvcn In the·SUllt.lny school otl Fri. JlUlIor, iH giving 1\' Berlell of 8ludle8' cltly alltt S~tur~~y, May 4th, ulld Slh, 011 "The Life of Je8118," A cordlnl by Mn, MIlos dUB. Ih"l\olion ill extended to thoRe who . have nt>. church home 10 unite with CHR1S'flAN SCIBNCE CHURCH this church In wOrNhlp nntl rellow,- "Ooctrlilc or Alonemellt" will be • hip, the Mubj~ct of the LUson .. Sermon In

rllRST LUTUJl':'IUN CHURCH Rev. Hnrold L. Crearer, Plllter N elCt SundllY evenln" we will have

an ,illu8trnlvd Kerlllun, wllh an In­tere.tini Ret of lantern Rlides. The ,ubject of the ~l:rle8 of plctureR 1M "The Orent Taach!!r."

The sermon theme nt the tIlorn· In& worship tlervice wlil' be "The Trhlmph uf !'ailh/L1lne""."

Midweek "ervitt rol' prayer alld Blhle sludy on WedtleHday at 8

nil Chluches of ChYlli1, Scientist, on Suntla y, April 22:

The Oolden Tellt Ii: "We al80 joy Itt Ood lhrouah our Lord Jesus Chrl&t, by wholn WI! have ,now re­reteived the Iltonement" (RomAn. 5:1\),

The work of the trartllportatJon committee from the Riverton o'clotk.

Amon" lhe dtnt/otti which COin· prise Ihe LeBBon·Sermon Is Ihe 101. Itrwing frolll Ihe ~Ible: "BleB •• d be lhe Ood and Polher uf our Lord JellU8 ChrlBt, who hath bluRed UI with all a.,lrltunl, ble8.lna. III heuv. enly "lace" in Chrli!: For Ihrough him we both hnve ncclHIS by one Spirit unto ' the Father" (Itpheslan& 1:3: 2:111),

Town Meeting reAel;ts a well organized 'and well executed piece CIt~TRAL BAPTIST CHURCH of promotional effort, Rev. Geor,e Lockett, B.J)" Pnlltor

Having finished the first round of a fight for better trlln.por- Secrl!tary JameR M, Weart. In sub .. tation When it distributed. coJiected and tabulated quetltionnahel: ms IWlng Ithe allendtandce fidl,urllel on . " unl ay BIt, repor e a ec ne as the commIttee is about to go into the seeond round of the battle. compared whh a year aao. 11 jUlt

With arl .overwhelming sentiment in favor of train ttanspor- ~o happened thlat It wal Enter Sun­tation. the committee will next meet with railroad official. in an day wh~h the attendance II, as a

. . ' , rule. at It .. hel,ht. A au,lIe.Hon III cndeavor t.o secure an Improved IIchedule o[ trains to meet the to makl! every Sunday an E08ter greaten heed of the mOlt pc-opte. Sunday, aa far 11ft attendant, II con·

Now that the questionnaires 3re completed and the resultll cerned. The school convenell dt 10 . '., o'clock promptly.

tabulated. the work HI lIot fil1lllhed. It hall JlIllt beglln. At 11.15 a.m. Pastor Lockett will

'fhe LUion-Sermol\ al80 Include. the followln, pOlslille from the Christlun Scll!nce textbook, "Sd. ance and Henlth With Key to the Scriplures" by Mary Baker Etldy: '''rhe reol. man being linked by Sci. ettce to hll Maker, mortal. tIlled only lurn Irom sih and 10Kc alihl 0/ mortal sel/hood to find ChrWtt. the real man and hiM rclallon to Ood. and to recognl1.e ·the divine "onlblp" (p. 316).

Within ,the transportation committee of the whole riverfront ;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;,;;;;~--;.;~;;;;;;-;;Z~;;;;~;--section there hag been appointed a publicity and a mercbandiling I I hOWARJ) H. HOJIPMAN I.lhair'man. Both of these men are Rivertonianl and upon their OBITUARIES Hownrd ft. HolTman, 16 yellr. old. ahoulders will fall the responlibility of "selling" the uae of tralnll- . ,died al the home of hil dBulhter,

1 ___________ ..... Mrll. Edward Bdnlltll. 01 121 Mel-

iE the committee is lIuccessful 'in obtalnirlg an · improved Ichedule. ro.e Ivenue. Weltmant, Saturday, Within a few daYB it will be learned whether ' or not the rail: WILLIAM CHESTER BUCHER Aprll 14.

road wlJl reward the efforts ()( tbe riverfront committeea by an In- Wlillam Chetter Buehet. of Stew. Punerllll .el'vlcu were he'd Wed-d h d I If d h h d art avenlle. Rlver.lde, Rlvenide ne.d.y alternoon at 2.30 froln ·the

ere~"e lie e u e, ~n w en t ey 0, the publicity and merchan- Park, died auddettly at hi. home, Bnover Funerel Home. dislng commlt~e!l WIll commence to function. Monday, April 16. Mr, Holfmen Wit ah old re.ldent

Riverton in typical fallh/on responded IpJendldly to the requeat , Funeraf "r\lleet were held Thur .. of Palmyra, o( the committee to fill out and return itll queationnalrea, more day afternoon al 2 o'clock froln hi. ALEXAND-E-R-M-cC-ULtOUGH

than 600 rtpliell having bet!n received. ~~~, re::~:~:i~e RR~.~::::.~elc:!~~~: Aluandtir Mc:.CulloUlh dIed at When a aimilar drive la made for patronage of the railroalf officlatln,. Couper Ho • .,lt.f. Wedn .. dfl)', April

service the publicity and merchandlling committeell are hopeful of Illtennent Watf made It Newport. Iii, alter a .hort IIIne ... J(" J ZI II J Puner.1 HtvlUI will b. held llat-

rcc:eiving the lame kiQd of cooperation. entue y, Jerome . ,a, r .• urday .fternoon III 2 o'~Jock from Th b Iii h . 1 hi d h runers' dlreetor. ~ ere can e no at • mottve >e n t e effortl of thtle men 1'he dec.ned I. lurl/lved by hi. the Snover Funeral Uome. R.v.

who ate- fighting (ot better .erl/ice, .Ince some of those Most>active widow, - Mr., Henrietta, (lne son. Oeorl" Lockett, Central B,pUlt f b h Cllf Church. offlclallnl'.

In the work are men who rarely go to Philadelphia. It ia purely WIJ lam Che.ter, )two rot ert, • Interment wilf be Inade at Petn. a matter of civic pride and town Improvement. If Riverton I. to ~;!':'t.NK:nl~:~ ::: ;,=.~:~:. wood Cel'nelery, Philadelphia, P,.nk advante then .!le mUlt keep cr, her toel and light for the benefit. Mr •. Mary Buc:her, or Newport K.,., . A. Snover, funeral director. that can be hen thfough the, ~nedlum of conuntrated effort. 1,",11,..

C' , I d I h blJ~ . d b I M" Bucher wa • mlmbel' of the IARAH M, ITACK

~;·/~.G ' "" ~ I .... M_ .. ' .. . ~

~s....rt "I' fiflTi ~ 4 ...... /I/t\I~ .i//; /!.~ ~ $"\lt /N/, I

APRIl. J;:) ,": IIS-tfl .. , ol'" .. tlon tor .po

&L.. ,,'ndttltl.' l'erlDrn.ed, 1"7.

~~ ~poln atArtt hlr 10IIna A~-' wlton U. S .. 11I98.

~ ...... •• niv.t from ~.~ FNntt10 htlpV.a.,1U7, .. _lit .. , locIp 0' Odd hi. • ~ 10Wi opont It WIsht",. vr:- ton. 1119. .

If-V. S. Orallt. ,''" II. Pttt\dIIIt,1Iom 1m:

It-SIIMY .... 0IIIr • .GOt ,..10_111 V.L.IIIO.


CharI .. T. Bite., B. D. RI.,erton

Church School, 9,4& I,m, MornlJltl Wonhlp, 11.00 a.m. Christian Blldeavor, 7.00 p.m.

Midweek Service, Wednelda;, 8.80 t),1n,

CHRIST.AN SCIENCE FlrMt Chureh of Chrlet, Belentllt

Thoml' Ave. ud Seventh 8t. , Riverton, N. J,

SUhday School 9.30 a. ni. Sunda~ Service., 11 • . m, W~dn .. dIY 8 p. m. Readln, Room In Church Bulldlar

OPIII TUleday and FrldlY 2.30 to 4.80 II, In. All 'are welcome.

BPWORTH M, E. CHURCH Rev. Ir. B, Plmm. IIlnltlter

10.00 .. \1L- Cburcl. School od Weslel'an CI ....

11,00 •. m,-Mornln, Worlblp, 8.4S p. m.-Epwortb Learu •• 7.45 p, m.-Church ServIce. Wedneaday 11,00 p. ,m,-The Help.

ful Hour. Wednelday 4,00 p, m.- JUIIlor Ep­

worth Lea", ••

CHRIST CHU'RCH Rlveriolt. N. J, .

Rev. Vmlld. B. Downs; Rcetor Sunday. April 22

Holy CommUIIloII, 1.s0 .. m. Mornln, Prayer lind Sermon 11


duy mornilli at 8 o'clock with Hl,h Mil., at Sn~red Heart Church, 9 0'. dock, Rev. Jo.e"h ·A." Ri.ney olfltl. utlni·

Jntermllrlt was made lit Holy CrOK" cemetery. Philadelphia. Fr"nk A. Snover. funeral director,

'J'be deceAsed I, aUrvlved by four .bnl, WIlliam, J'1le.,h, Harry and Pr'lInGI •.

Ladies of Riverton Have you vt.lted the

Jack frost Yarn Shop Broad and Garfield


? DI) dt&p In for your

Wool, Boucle or L4Jen Thread

lind receive help and a/Mee on your knlti/n. problems

Alice H. KeiI IVle · n 0 enu, t e, WOrtlt pu .., enemy, can 0 more to r ng Rlv .... lde Mason. add the Rlver.leI.

about a .tow but eVeT-mc· degeneration of the town with Loy.1 Ordn of MOON. Itl aftermath of property detweciatlon, tax appreciation and a low- MUOIIlc rUllna' NMUS wlI" held .red and le • .,ned population. than any other one thin,. w:r~nI.;tot ..... -tn.'-' of

Tran.porlatlon i. but I pan of the work c:ut out by the Town EcI':~'d ZltIIIIr,wof RI" ..... .

"'re. ,.,.h M. .tull, widow of the late WIIII.m .tack, .r., of Pal-I!~~~~~~~~~~~~ my'., died Thu,Ida", Allril 12, .t fot... the oylter IlCiPl*' the holM 01 her son, Harry 'fadr, ,Ivft by the Rlv .... on fittnMft, thl. ' If.ilt alk! !Arion a • ." ... , PalmJ'lL •• t .... ctay .I,Mi prIce tOe, dIIldr ...

P..raJ ""'ut w.... beJel Moo- 2k,

I "


t ,

, l '



S\!niol' Member of PoUee Force AJltlointed by Council

'fhufeday Night

Olrtc".. WIIII<IlIl Oootee, "enlor member ur lh~ RI"erlCm Ilolice foNt! \\',, ~ ill'lIt1lt1tcd Actina ClIptoln til ""Ike by ClIlIlldl In nn elle~"U"e ~~"MIOII foltuwblll 118 felulnr nleeth'lI IMI Thul'",IBY III,ht. 11 1$ believed th~ IIction \VIIS telltpornr." pelldhllJ the nplll'uvul or OlrtlctOl' of Public SMety Kdwnn.l It. WlIIillm8, who WIiM Ilbseni frottl tIle 'meetllli .

Actina Clltltnin Oootet, who I. 50 yt.III·B old. IlIw sorved BII II patrol. 1111111 Oil Ihe Riverton force fOf the I'"st 1111 Yl'An. He WI\8 IIppointtld to the force In 11128 to succeed Of· ti~l'r Clulsol1.

Ooolet htld plbyed II nllljor pnn III nv~rol llllportant IItreals durllli his short tllrttl of lIervite. The I)nrt· lIer of Ihe notorlou" "pnnts" rob­ber wns nrrested by Officer Gootee; h" brokj, "II Q Illnl of bicycle thleval who were maklnl II bUllnus or ~tenllng bicycle. nntl fe."elllna Iheltl: IIrrested ~4 bO)'1 for wretk. inll II Idlollne bllrle 0" tht River· ton Yncht Club, til o( whom wefe fined; he recovered 1\ one korllt din· mond rlnc that hQ<;I been mllslnl! Revortll mont hs.

Actina Coptaln Gootee WM borl1 III Slnyrnll, Dehlware, In 11184. And 1ft R direct descendont of the IIrat Oov. eL'nor of Delaware. Tholnile ColIllIl, who wnl elected \\fter the Revolu· tlonAry War,

At the lire of se'yenteen OOotee jollied lind served hit apprent!telhlll In the United Statu NIIYjI, from lhe yenrs 01 1901 to tDOji,

Ooote. moved to itut ~IYertol\ In lDII, lind worked for a yeor at breer', nUreerYI he next Will eln. ployed In the Taubel hOlier),. mill, Rlvcnlde, fot II lIorlod of three lind ona halt yearl. HII ~ext buelnen venture wal the operlltlon til a jit­ney In Riverton WhIch he cotttlnued for ten yenrs, Ltiter he owned nnd operated a eervlce etatlon In Mill • ville for one year, lind followed that


"'Itll, t!1'I"hla Q bUll hIt Ihe: Worth bUR 1.IIIe fur 11 yea I'. He left the bus nne JlIb tu ':O"\e Wllh I he ~l,,­trtll" IlOlke ill 1918.


Wl.LLIAM OOOTEJi: Appointed by CouMIl lalt Thurs'

dll),. Riverton'" Benlor olTh:er will hell&! t he police forcl! Iuueedlna the llite Wolter G, MlIIer.

K. OF C. "The Soclnl Climbers" II threl!.

act comedy will be preeenied by ~he St. JQ8eIJh'8 Drnlnlltic Club an Fri. da)" APril 27th lit the SlIcred Hoart School Hblt, Fourth IIl1d Linden ave­nUe, Andrew J. Pfaff. director of the show, ailnouncel Ihnt thl8 pet· lotmllnce I" a Ilullllty IIroduction. ttnd II ,Iven for the benellt of the • chaol fund.

JtlVERTON HOMIll ROB Bit)) ~Iverton police are lnvaltlilalln,

Ihe thelt of 'I froln the hOlne or Winfield Oreen, of 503 ]<'t>urth Itrett, Montlay.

Thelv .. entered the Green hOUI" by Jlmlnylnl open the front door ttnd they Itlft vldunble Jewelry un­touched ahe, takln, the I. In cblh. Mr.. Oreen, who dllcovl!red the thert, notilled lIolIGe.


t,n tlll BrAuch Pillt, 111111 Cllr 311lt Bus on lIurllhlltou Pllte;

No ArI'c~h

r: .. ldnYI Ihl! 131h IlI'ovtd ttl b/! nn utllutky dny Itll' ttl'lIuk Pl\rlt~r. of ~Slh . ond Pillt! Rlreets. 11hilndell,hlll. When he lo~t (Ont 1'01 of hl~ }Iltree Al'row "lid tr"~htd InlO II trct on bl'lIl\~b Pllte lIenl' O"lIuler'l! lili)te. '\'he ~lIr, ",hldl \"A ~ cOltlplelely de. lItolishtll. WAS lokeu to tht Bellevue 1191'oltt,

Munday 'e~'Hlln8, April UI, 11 QIIBkl!t CII).' b\l$ drl"en by If tAnk Oreen. of 131l Art" sttelet, Phlhldel· Ilhin, (falhtd Into t ht rtll\' ot II ellr owned nntl driven by Anthony SOIlI. !thlllls, ur Delolr.

SlIllIlIlOIlla WU8 Plltketl oil Route 2!1 lit WlI8hhliliOIl street. lIebr tht' Velln81luken brldllll. w!tlrhlg 10 milke n lelt-hl1nd turn. As Oretn cntl'le up

Walt ,.011 THII , 'ALIt ""'DAY • IATUIU)AY AI'It IL 19-11. I ... '

•••• e .. tlVItIlO"&&IU, T It II! II i. I H It U .a. p ttll E N N I A L I. olt.

Auatlon S •• e al CoUln. ,Nururl ••• ta •.

MOOUl'fO\Y1t, NI. , .... , '''rII., .11 A,M.; AfIII1 .,... 01t .. 1 elclpllbnol oppcfluntll •• to ,buy quonllU.,8 ent:! Ilia. YOU dioott*, 6' hew.r ytlrr.u@" well grown .".olmlnl - AT YOUII .)lIel.

0 .. It.flIM'',,n /,.., .. ",.,11 ~", ",,/U! ,0' Co".,.r,,, (;.t./CI'

Samuel T. Freeman .&: Co. Audl .. Ii,e,;

110"'0 Ch •• taul, 'HlLAJ)ltfMtA N01'1Io-1'tI. Colllna NtI,ul'l,. arf JtlOT

~lftl". 'to'" bll.I..... eatolully II· t(!t.tJ pi_hun.. tnr '''til' LAnd.eft'" •• ".tlm_nl u teild p,utnt n",b.

htf1¢ ," ttltl aUctiun.

Oller th~ brill,. he did nOI Btt tht lll\rked CAf.

MI" ~lId Mra. Alltholl), Slrellt~, of DeIAI .. , Ami A. J. "rOilY, or nQtth I' lftll 1111'''''''' Cnnulttl. ,,,,sM·tllle\'s In th~ 5tllllolonl8 ca' .. "'tte I"lten to Or. Vtlrhts ftlr lI·tl\\lnel\l of \:Utk and l)rub"!!h

AU'l'HORllti:D AGEN1'

After 1111\IIInl/ <I" jll"t~ tltrntloll Ilr 'he IIt"hlt"t. OUleer Oorwl)l·th. of CII1t1ollllu~otl 'rowIIshlp. !nllde n~ nn'esl~ .

B. E. BLANKgNBUSH ,The Rellbll Store

'1.00 R'YTt!:X S1'ATIONICRY ,too'

e ~l M.B\.i~ 'I1l1t:ultl Puwder wi\~ not

a bw~,' tlll,·~ i1l1t01t~tlChll.lJ.y l .. !IIt.flcitll

10 tile .~in, it would not be, III at i~. II.t '

I.'SCII ~elJins AnJ l1,o.t l;olJlllar T olcllm

in tlac world,

MA\tj~ T .Ieutll I'fot"cI .... iJlOu/ clossins

tlu! 1'i1'.~. It i. inJial'l!lI'Able lot llIell,

WOlliell "tid ~11ild,en - lI$t till "I)fr. tlt I,<MI all'" Jllily. ' Ab.o,b~ l.'et~lIj'lti()I' -J"o.l",j.('* .


M ~"ill }' act Po'u,J" 18 ,A. p#rftt' tilt,,· ,,,/im,,,, fut Ide,. ,1",,,,. .In,1 ,AouIJ,,4



M' A·V I 5 $1 00



AN "S.;K" $ 00 OIL BURNER ... FOR ONLY •

Installed Complete

THE S-K OIL BURNER, a gun~type burner, is a new development 111 manufacture by a hO~lse

with 12 years experience in the making of oilburning equipment, The new burner has a Web· titer electric Ignition unit, a Minneapoliil-ltonneyweU automatic thermostatic control ullit. a 1 6 h,p, General~Electric 110 volt motor, a Webfllter pump unit and cornell completely installed whh a 275

gallon tltorage tank,

Stop shovelinSJ coal-Buy an "S-K" - it's healthier. cleaner, easier. and now. it's cheaper Ask us about it

H. D. HUlliNGS & SON " ExciUlive Agency

CoBin. Building Phone SO Riverton

________________ .II ....... UllllllllUllIIIIlIIIIllllJIlIIllIllllllIIlllllIIlIl


' .-



.. ,'

.',' ,,' ,




BUSINESS BOvS e'lull'llltili. l<l.etlt~r wllh tht PrO-'11 IIns~h'e lit'velol'ml!nt or micro-

"hon·es. ,ndlltling Ihl! lillellt "Ribbon

VISIT NEW YORK. ",'Iodly" lIIikf.'. alld m.\lIy othet· In-1",'('&11"" ~','di .. ht~.

,'11'5 mkroplll1l1l! , s e\\I<'yhtll

COl\{el'eflce Delel:\lltcs See N rw York Museum of Sch.'nce

amt Radio City .

8allll ... I(\)'. April 14. II 1f1'01l~I of th'e • bO\'g altelltl~ll lh~ ·Uu~il\l.'~s Do,)'s C,;niel'l!lIce 311,1 "lur of New )'ark Cily. IlIl.Je,· the AllSpke!! of the "VOlllI& Mell's Chl'i$tian Assodnlloll ol Ne'" Jersey. The !lrollrRtn for th dAY was as follows:

10.00-12.00, Nrw York MUseum of Science nnd llldustry. .

l~.30. Conference FellO\yshilJ i.ulI~hl!On, Yale Club,

3.30. Obseryatlon tour, National Brondcll8t!nl Company Studio, Ra­dio City.

The dele.aUon left the YMCA headquarters al 6.0() o'c\bck Satur. day mornlnl. John L. Metillar fur. nlshed transportation from Palmyra to Hlllhtstown. w her e Wilton Mount, Pahllyrll yMCA secretary, lolned the company alllt took one o( the boys the feRt of the Way Into New Yotk City.

Front HllhtstowtI the parly nloved 011 to IJ:llzltbeth where they stopped fot It rew mlnUles to let enollllh under Ihelr belts to lasl Utl -

1.11 they al'r'ved at New York City. 'rhe nellt slo}' WAS lhl' Newark

Ail'port . I· .. puled to be Ihe busles\ In lhe world .

The Newa"k Airporl was Ihe last Intel" 'uplion In the jOllrney until nr-1'1\·,,1 at Journal Squal·e. Jersell Cit y. w here the Cal'B were pllrked. ·A bus took the boys Into New York City

·where they llIet Olher boys rrom throu,hout the state al the museum nnt! teceilled theIr ctedentlals tor the day. At 1:2.00 o'clock noon III the lobby of the Mlhtellm bulidlnll the weather Was charled by the ell' lIerts on hUll' glll8ft walt maplI. The.e maps ate ordinary IlIrge maps

1I'·"\\"'nll \lUIlIII"l'ity as it hM tIIOlIl)' l\,tvaUI:lge8 UVt,· the o.ltI single or <k.ublt'· blltlon <'arbon mlkl' or Ih~ con,lells",' type. Some of tiles!! \\\1 -

",,"\.11/t'5 . Are. high dh-ectionnl ).kk­III'. 110 hl .~ . nol ,'1'1 1' ... ,,\ In adJust­Il\C,1\ or 1mbJe,,\ to h1l11l1,1I1), "111\ 1f.'ltIl'ernt'UI·\? etc. .

The ev""'"g was opell for the 1I"·lIlIll. hI ,Iu ns they "'ishttl IInder t ht' lIuidnllce o( the leadel·s.

'rhll"e atte"dlhg th~ c(lnferlmee frolll . this vlch\ity wue: John L. M .. tr.IIAI·. leadtr. Wlltol\ g. Mount. W. Mllynnl'tl ~owtn, Je~.e Cod­dilliton. Robert Fry, Fta\\k Hnley, Richard Johnson.


Mrs. Mendl E. HMS, Democratic Stllte Commltleewomall of Durllnl' ton County, was the prillcipal speak.' er III a meetinr rillen by the newly-orllanlzed PolI~h. American Woman's Democrntlc Club of. Trenton. The meetlnr Waa held ill SI. Hedwlr's Hall, 'T'''' •• '~n, .. 1

evrninll. and more than two hlln­dred lItt\'mted\ Amonl the grou/, were mnny Mercer County Demo­"mtlc leaders.

SAVE ·11.50' 1'ON ON EVANS

COAL JOS. T. IWANS. lil".lon. H. J.

cOvered ' with Irattsparent frosted COAL P' RIC·.ES · ,Ian, so al to .allow drawlnlt with chalk to ahow the preasute, temper-ature and dlrectiol1 of wInds. ' REDUCED . I"rom the Museum the ' boy a went .

to th. Vale Club tor the confernce altd lutttheon. at 12.30. 8lnllln'r be. fore, durin, and oller the dlnl1er

. Was led by Warren H. Wardle, lI!!r. ,en County HI-Y Bet;relary, The Invocation Was offered by Urban Williams, State iecrelary of the N. J. V. M. C. A., after whIch Robert H. Cory, aecretary ot the Vale Sthol­at.hlp (und, elttended a hearty welcome. Mr. Cory Wall host to the conference at the Yale Club.

Judie H. W. Lindeman, of . the tt ... t Otan,e DistrIct tourt, and thaltmalt Bt.te BO)lI' Work Com. mlttee, admlnl.tered the oath of of· Ace to Arhold Napoleoh, Trellton, prelldent: Arthur W. Dunham. Or­an,e. vlce·ptesldenl and hobert Jones, I?lorellte, secretary, affer which the ,ayel' was pre8tnled by Robert L. Mary, Rldlefleld ParlC, who ·was president of the 1933 con. fetence. . At IhlH poillt J. Walter Dietz,

«!hllirman 01 the Gollferel\Ge. told of ~ !lome of the many and varied ac.

tivities In which Hatry .Furman, of Palmyra, a "elerate to ·the confer • ence, who died Marth 28. The conference .tood In a m;nUle'g Rilelil prayer Iii hll memory.

ltver,. family can now lubltalttlill .avlhl' by or,fetlna hellt Wln~r'l coal NOW, E\lan~' Iwo Special plana-Tke Cash Plan and the Bud,el Payment Plan, savin, from 11.50 to 1 .. 00 !ler ton On most Iltl!!l. In addition to Molt­ey·Sd"lnl on prlte thel'e I. IItlll larler IBvln,lI made on tlte lonler service Evans' HI,h.Carbon Pte. mlum Anthracite tool rlvel. A survey mad!! lhl. WInter .how. thllt. II ton o( I!:vanll' Hllh·Carbon COllI laste.d 10 dlly. lonler than a ton of the Rofter, free-burnlnl coall, WhIch meana thOBII who order Evonl' Coal sove Ihe eOBt of about one ton duro Inll .the Winter.

This Money,SlIvlnl II worth while atld should be Inveltlrated Ihlll week. Phone Riverton 3021 Bilk In­formatIon about Evans' triple Mon­ey-Savln, . Pillns. Also tiuilltel Plan.



~"T"LO. '" •• " 81 ... 18 MARKO' IT.

PIt.LADILPHIA RAOtO GARDEN TALKS Tuesday Evenings Q't 10.30


Lil-~ .tIItlIC:nCIM w.1OIIA AM"" CIO.' Mlltlhee Dally at 2.00 p.m. Ii:llenlnrs 7.00-9.00 ~dock

Phone. Rlllllrton 540 ' •

Today~"'rlday. April 20 Will Jame8 Belolled Story of

"Smoky" With

Victor Jory and . Irene Bentley

!\dded lint Roorh- AIt·9, •• Colneoly


RAY Sah",,,I, Qtld Bltl RoU.'lson In

"THE BIG ·BENEFIT" POI' Eye Ih. 1I,li.r Carloon


SA'i'URDAY, April ~1

KA Y ·'F~ANCIS In het Moil Olo.loul 'I'.I\lm~h

"Mabclalay" with



ChI/II, Ch... In hi. t'I •• t Com.d\l "I'LL TAKE VAHILLA"

Phil IIpUllny lind HI. I!~n'" Willie WhoPlJ" Clttoon "RObiN hOOf), Iii."

La""1 , .. & . Mool'lo", Ht ••

MON., TUES:, April 23, 24

It h .. !hil "Slill V,!." PI .. Gr


"David Harum" You'lIlaurh il you never laurhed before at Will Ho,erll mlxinr love with hotlle!. He Is at his best In till' CiIIlUlc.

Added Dbnoy·. IIlIIy 8y""honl' "PUJl/NY L11TLII) IIUHHIES"

Evolution of Money Tht evol\ltion of lIloney did not follow a precise course 111 every part of the world, Thousal1ds of cOIll tl1odities have served at \' ariOllll times III various places 811 a stllndal'd of value and medIUm of ex­change. Avttil youl'self of thill. Blink's good service by Shirting a Checkmg' Ac­ount.

Member Federal Depollit .Insurance Corporation




THE AGNES SHOP 9 East Broad St,



Phone, Riverton' 221

Open Monda~. Prlday and ' Saturday nllnln,.. . Otker 'ellenln'l until 0.00 o'clock,



The foUowlni Plumbel1l are wotklill In accordilhct with the N.R.A. reliable .tid dependable. Qive them your IUpport.


Oreelln'8 (roln Ihe Staie Wom­en's E"ecutive board of V. M. C. A. Auxlliariee, wete extended to the Collfetdllce by . Mr •. H urry C. WII_.

'. A fine "aWh, a thrUly larden, trelJl~, arbors .. new Bcreenl, fr.el" polnl lire some of the thlnll to make the hpme beautiful. At JOI. T. milons you. will flnd fertlltl!et8, IImll, Heed9, toolR. LUOlber.Roo!ln., Btilld­

JOHN KERRIGAN WARREN SMITH ... troton. N,wI Ing 8upl>lIe8, Hardware. HI,h-qUol- IIporl Bu~leol

i~.=dR~~w~~~ s~E~~~~i~~i~~~~~~~~~;~;;;~~;~~;;;~~~~~~~~~5;a~5~ cox. 'The nellt item scheduled WaR a

briel mesilage by E. Emllnuel burk­mall. nf Camden. prealdent of the Illal ~Onferehce. In the abMente of Mr. Burkman. J(jhn I,. Ledlie read hi s ~peech to the IroUp.

Jay B, Naslf, Ph. D .. "roleasor of Physical Education, New York Un. Iversity. Wal token lfI and c"ould not ,.ddtes! the .roup, but In hi. Btead he ."nl Mr. Cranford, hla !lulstant, who tuade an excellent addrul on "Recre<fUon Ihat Re·Creolea." Mr. Cranford told hQ.iN to overcome the evil of too t"lIch leisure lime, cal/fte ll. by fh~ NRA.

, The cOIi/erellce nl!xl vl81ted Radio City . where they were ~howli the worle/'s lartrl!!st alr.condltlonln& wy.' teln ; the main control room or "nerve center" 1)/ the natlon'A two major networke, a model 0' WjZ'. powt'r'hd trall.mllllng fttatlol1 at lfound Brook, N. J.. fhe ROle Bowl ftlolbaJl ,lIIme In California. a .ee­Iional vl.w !)f ,Iudlo acoultic end .ound-prootlll, conifrucllon, the lel­etyp. room illd an unca.ual c:olfee­tloh of I.dfo, televilian Iltd tube

nrflt this Sprlol lor Money.Savlni :!:: == :;=:: -"v""nonUUOUOUU~ Information and prompt. courteous 10 ~ M service, Phone Riverton 302.

RELlABJ,.E PAINT ThaI means "sitlt that laRbl 4 or 5

yeoars. lonk. good, do,,'t peel olY, you poy Just II few more cent. per galJon but it Is more rellllble tltlfn chenp paint that don't cover AI well, Hoon loses It. lustre, maybe peell off and requIteR another paint coat in a couple of yearl. )n K~anlze and Royal Palntg yod will find re. liability, lOll, wear, rood appear. anClI, lower /:oNI. A.k Evan. for new color Ciard~, Uiverfon 302.

PR0J11'rABLk CHJCKENS Chickens need lood Ire.h feed to

Ihrlve lind produee plenty of tlla, Riverton At:1I1 Palmyra Poultrymelt hllve leaTned ">" yeara of txperlenc:e th, .. it pay. to depend on JOleph T. Evans' fre.h feed.. PhCJl1e ttYa". lor your Paullr,., Suppfle •• Rlnrtolt 302.

Joseph T. Ev.lns

['.~ ~

Buy Your New Ford V-8 NOW!




LE~TER S. FORTNUM Call Riverton 1180 For Del1lonstration • 115 W, Broad Street

Palmyra/ New Jersey

. "

' . ~. ,

.... ' ,




Brilliant Affair in Convehtioh Hall Will Show Hllltory

of Scouting

As the thouRands of ~pedator~ IIlew the t'Rpldly mOiling charactets In The March of Stouthlg at COII­vention Hall, 34th and Spruce stl'eets, Phlladelphln. Thurlday, Fri. dby Illld Saturday evenlnlls. April 19; 20 lind 21, they wIll witness a dram. atlc elCem'pll6cation of the boy SIIOut motto, '''lIt Prepared."

III two "hort houri will be crowd. ed a 'tlrrlni panorama 01 Ihe hi •• totleal eplsodel Iymbollalnr the spirit and mati lie' of the worldwldll SCOUI movemenl. ...rom each period are taken the Ideal. which have bee.n cr,..taIllHd In the teachlnr. of phi. IOsophore and leaders and translated into ttalllllli 01 ScoUtl1 trom the time they enter thlllr Troop al II Tenderfoot 'untll they hllVe attained the rank of an li:a,le Scout and take their place In the atraln of a bu.y world as a cltllen ot part •.

The btllliant paleant now beln, rehearsed by more than 2500 ScoUtll haa attracted widespread ' attention. Mell prominent In prpfll8slonlll and busilll!88 Ille are IIlvlllr their tIme and tllients drlllin. the boys who wltl parllclpale. Graduale Scollts and older boys Who wnt not be seen 011 the Malle or 'In any of the epl­lIodl!8, lire in the background dlrect­illg ev'ery move and lI~sl8Hng the rcady Ilnd willing ncton to do t.helr bits with Ihe pretislon IIntl skill of veterAns.

Clo!e to ten thoulRnd Scouts have voluhteered In the effort to put the iJpectaCle ' over In a blr way. li:nch nlllht there will be-II .roup o.f lotld and vlsltlnlt Troops In unltorm 118 lIatt of the Qudlente on thll ItO!)t of the auditorium, al1d they wlll be the III!!verelit critIcs of the actors. . At the lIallle time they will learn how the IlIdlvldual actl IlIlId to the ell­matlc whole. and theIr elder.. can readily ,rAlp the Iymbollam of the hit,n,lble aomethin, whIch mokel the' Scout luoh a fine thllp to know and have In the family,



In la8t week's iu ue 01 Q certain county paper. an editorial appeared. "RI!IiH Orranl!3tlon should be hO\\­

Political." As Deputy COllnly DI­rector of Emerllellcy Relief bf Bur­IInlton County I airel' With tlila capllon amI can tilly Without fl!at 01 eontradlctlcm thllt thla Is tht: WAy the Emerllency Relief has been handled In Burllnlton County. Drastic Inlltructlona from Mr. Colt have been that Polltlc8 8hall not enter Into Emerliency Relief and thlll thouaht has been conlleyed to all our local dl'rectorll, lind had IIny one of thelle dlredora attempted to use politic., they would have 1m. mediately been dlamlssed from theIr po·BIUon. ,

Thill artltlll made menU on ot thll nllmes o( Mr. Oeorle Hlllmnn and Mr. ~rank Ablllll!)m; If the editor who penned this editorial. had con­sulted with these lent Ie men belore plaelnl the arllcle In his paper, 1 feel sure they could have Informed . him the manner In which relld hall been handled In 8urlln&lon County. They coliid have IIsllured him' from their experlellce with Ihe Bmerlert. cy Reller Admlnlstrlltitln Ihat Poll. tics has never played any part in out Orliinliatloll.

'rhere are mAny people In Bur· IIngton County Who delerve Ii great deal of credit for the omou"t of time they halle riven to Ihls work of Emetlen!!y Relief, and 1 feel thIs editorial In question. WIl8 an Inju8. tlte to them. We have thlrt·y-four directors. both men and women, Who have liven many houra to this work ' since October 1931. up to the pre'ellt time lind ' who have never relll!llIed one cent or remuneratIon, TheBe people are not In any Wily obllrated to any Political PoWera al they do Itot hold any appointed po­Iltlon.

When the C.W.A. work waa IItart. ed the flrat 1,000 men Who wete plilced on thll work, wete (rom the

If the)' are really In need. I mllht allo add. with pride, that

no politicians hilve liver tried to Uae theIr il1nuence In our 01'1I8nllllllon.

CHAkLES J. KRUO. )1' •• Delluty 'County \)Irector.

.CINNAMINSON P. T. A, The ~e"ereltd Norman V. Sor­

,ent. of Princeton, will be the speak. er at the' nelll mec:tinl of the Clitna· mln80n PTA. ThutsdllY ellenlnll. the twenty -si llth, at eillht o'dock.

The subjecl, "Pacin& Reality." hal been lhe theme for the past year hI


WtlhUnr Invitation., Annouac:e­m~nt.. At Home Cllrdl enrra'led, vlrkotypl'd. or printed at

New low prices go IlItO effect 011 prices. Come In lind lee our ne.,­Sunday, AI)ril 22"d. whe" "Geor&e eat aample. of thl, work. The New White's Scandal~" has Its preml r Era. south Jel'sey showil'lll. '

Matinee daily at 2.15 p.m •. chll- When we're right we credit our dren 10,'; "dults 2Sc . Evenings ~on- judllmenl; when wc're wron, we

tlttUollS ("011:1 7 p.llt. , children lSc; =cll~r~s:e~o~u~r~'~u~ck~.~~~~~~~= adults 3Sc. Saturdays and Holidays, o-.~~~~~~~~~OO • . continuous from 2 p.m. SundaYIi FOR

continuous Irom 4 p.nt , 011 Satur- ARISTOCRAT days ond holldaY6. matinee ptices prtlloll till S.30 p.m. ' H<loIR CUT SEE

T. L. SMITH both study dllss 'and telular meet· Monarch butterAles have betn Pavilion Illyetold •. N, J.

In&8, ao, come and brl"l yoUr 1:.~e~e=nl:00;~mil~e:6:a:t~;lIe~a~. ~~==~:! :O=O~O~O~O~O~O~O~b:O~O~O~O~O:o~o~o~· ~o~o~~~~~ friends . . Come prepartd to Ipend a few

mlnutu In 80dal Intercourse aher. wards. Il. the addtell wlll live plenty of food tor eonveraatlon. '~WJ lJ'A-mlPiQC

A Kanln editor wrote: "We wlllh to apolo,llt (or the manner In which we dislraced the bellutlful weddlnl last week. Throurh an error of the typesl&tter We were madl!' to say "tbe tOIl!. were plink." What · we wanted to lily WIlS Ihat ., "the nOles Were pink."-Exchanre.


"What did you say, Dad?"

But Dad didn't repeat.

Thu .• Frl .. Sat .. Apr. 19. 20. 21 SelutC!d by th~ Crime Club II the Belt

MY,'try Stor), or the )'tlt

"Murder in Trinidad" NIGEL BRUCE


VAUDEVILLE Starting SUNDAY 'at 4 p.m.

First S. Jersey Sho.wlni

auoy' YAU. •• JIiMoy DUM .... ALIce ,'AV' AcIfI,n" AMlI Clift IDWA'OS

"New Deal" Policy! A"NewDeal" at this

Theatre Effective Sunday, April22 Note . the "New Deal" Prlcel

totATIHBE DAILY 2.15 P ... . Children, ullder U yr .. ............ 10c Adults ... " ..... .. .. _ .. _._ .. _ .. ZSc


. A few balmy days. , • then a frigid blast clamps an a~rupt finis on pleasant weather.

Be prepared for the whims of spring's cold days and ' ni~ht8.. Re­plenish your coal sup­ply with McAllister's good. hard .anthracit~. What you ,don't use will keep until next year.

Full 2000 pounds ~ Money refunded if not satillfied.


Palmyra and Riverton

. Relief rolll; Ike other 2,700 men were placed by the National Re.em. ployment Service, of which the Emerreney Relief had on control. Therefore, I cant\ot eee how the . Emlll'rency Relief cln be keld reo Illoneible In ally way for the mlin-ner In Which Ihele appolntmenta were made.

He knows, now, .thdl a little mote 'UQhl' atound htl work bench mlqht have lCIVod him a moment of .~ttaBBment.

-!lezy. your W\iaAblatlOD ch.ckecl by 1II-no coat.


ltVltNINOIi Contlnuou. 7 p.m, Children, under 12 yr';. _ _ ... .ISc Adults , ......... _.. ........ ........... .....-_ 35c

SATURDAYS AHD HOLIDAYS Continuoul hom a P,tn l

BUNnI, YB ContlrillOu, Itom • p.m.

On Saturday.. Sunda),. lind Holiday., Matinee Pl'lcel Prevail

IWALLISTER PIuNu,YmrI.AItItmtt y,,",

Camden 522 MerchanhilJe 20

Collingswood 2800 0;"., r,,;t.:

The YMCA junlot Stllmp Grollp held itl aecond meellnr lael Mon­day nlliht lit 7.30 o'Glock In the Y . buUdln" Broad and Oarfleld, at . which time offlters were elected. Orllnvll1e Date wu cholen preal­dent; Vrederlck Woodward, vice .,realdent; Norman neLan.y, secre­tary, lilld Emil Behu., auctlqnellr. The olhen pr.,.ent were navld Pitt­In,er, Edlar Schopp, Robert Cooper and Frank Stewarl, and the leader, William Schopp.

A Ihort cotttesl till United Btlltel Itllmpa and pOlta,e rates wal held. Thl. WSI WOI1 by Prank SteW.rt; the prize WRI II block of four k.d

. Cros. Itampl. Second prize, a pllr of Arbor Day ,tamp. went to Gran­ville Dare. At the nellt melltlnll, Mottday nllht, April Zard, there wl11 be a Ilam*, auction.

An opportllnlty will be affbl'ded all Interested boy. to fin out s blank <In Itamp' that wilt alford the nec­e.sary Information to become a member of the club. VlsilOl'. are alway. welcome lit the Junior or Senior Club. .


The Women'. Symphony Orchea­tra, of Philadelphia, j.W.F. Leman. conductor, announce. a lerlo of

When people apply to tke Emer. rency Relief for old, there h •• l1ev. er been a cI.e where they have belln allked what their Polillci have been, all our only thourht When theae people apply, Is to aul.t them

Announcement Vou have only a short time to ret

<lne of thele

Marveloul New Frederic PEHMANENT WAVES


luaranteed til last 8 mOl1lh. at

$5.00 and. $8.00 •• ,hi. Ihop moVe. 10 C.mornlo "". JMly 4tft. '0 miNt your ippolntm,ntl .. rly .tlollih 10 b. 'i.~r.d 01 011' lI.vlt.. (A.~ about· ollt IIpl,al Way •• 1 '2.~J.) DON't "OROltT, HO APPOINTMENTa

AFTER JULY 4'h. 1014

TWEEDIE'S BUIJTY SHOP us hllncocill Aye .. Rlverttde. N. 1.

Phon II. Rlverllde 538

Send $1 lor ~~n"~.· 1 · The

.-{tJantic Monthly

A - I~1l 1'111· '5.30 p.m. I'Mod./pM • . A/I.nlle CIty ,., ..... tf<1I.

. . ,Oh! Thnt'. Grand, • it's .t:m~~~~~ only a 30-minute drive. 0 • Theo and Mary are delighted too."

,.....",.....,.,--,.-...,.,...-,--..... ~,. 0:

,. free contmunltsr concertI, Thuradlly, April 26. -May 3, May 10. alld Tues· dlly. May IS, III the BelhYny 8chool H,II, 22lid and Balnbrldl'e .trellt.,

.. Phllad.lphla. Prominent iolol.l.

Make thl! most of )lour react· In. hour.. II,l1joy Ihll Wit, Ihe wl.dam. the oompanloll.hlp. the charm thai haYIl made the Atlantic for levent),-livl! ' YIIII'I. Amerloa" mosl quoted and mOlt eherl.hed ma.llzlnC'.

, .iII ... Ial. H.len Cornfeld, child violin art· Ir.N Ii 'I (;oenlloftl., Ihl. .d,

I.t, will play wllh the orch .. tra on THE

A~~.~eller.1 public I. InvIted to A1'LANTIC MONTHLY ...... conllert. and no tleket 01 ad. • o\.llliloft IIU.t, Bo.t_ • ______ ....:....: _________________________________ _ mlHton I. r.qulred. ... __________ -..


• .... 0101011 ... •••••••••••••••• !~.


"_MC*IOCI"_MC*IOO_~I OtaU 00 a a a uuooooa ooouo uo 00000 00 OOUOODOODO 0000 00 00 0 0 DO 0 0 00 buou O§u~ 000000000000 DO 0 GOOGOl GOO 0


. WOOLSTON'S GARAGE J. S. CoUins & Son, .Inc. W. F. BECKER HARRY C. RICE 0000000000000000000000000

JOHN H. ETRIS 17' West Broad Street

Palmyra Hl,h Grade Auto Repair Work . 6hlue Mal' Atwater Kent Radio BVILDING IIATEIIIALI-HARDWA ..

O.oteri ... Pnlw, Vol*tablH o.u .. _ COIIater


Grainin,-Glazinl 627 Lippincott Ave.

~ _ D. 8010 - Hu ....... bII. e ... BROAD and MAIN STREBTS 8_' :.V:::R-PBRD-COD.....,... 517

.. .. '- uei ..... witIo ... · HOWARD ST., RIVERTON Phone 724-Pree DeU'ftr)'

Pbllto A •• "e), Tube ,..... Eo ..... II"*" Work

CALL RIVEIt'l'ON .lI Pbone.4eO Rlftrton Phon ••• and! RIVERTON •••• '.000100 OOODODOOODOOIClOOOOOOOOOOO


~ SALES r.iiIf'. ' Palmyra Concrete Co. ~ SERVICE \!!7 JEDDO.HIGHLAND Riverton Market House

lloo.-eatown Motor Co., ID~ OTTO I[OppaR' COD Groceries - lleata - Produce ·"'111' PII'I," - la .... a .. Ptottctlea

L. L. KEATING Rl\'erton Branch Concreto Blode. IJId Cement Work Blrtra Pille Qaellt7 . Broad and Pulton Street. PALMYRA, N. J. .IIOAD • tilN 1T .. 1tT8, IIIVEIt'l'OIl

-N .. ......

ADA E.-PRICE ..... e IS RlvertOll Phon .. RivertQD 578 and 5M . PIIaa. 121 Pat .. , ·IIWkIa. - 0Ifta - c:.q lanra"e. a .. 1 a-

~ eu.s • ..,.. Ice er- NotU7 "" .. Ue

LEON A. SEVER, Inc. Pal.R iverChevro~ Inc. PALIIYRA. N. J.

LEHIGH COAL s. P. Orllrenberi, IIp'l

Pbone. Rinrton 114

o II DO II 0 0 II DO 00 00 00 0 00 In to C .... &ad ltetlh.... 41. LIPPINC01'f AVSNVa, 111_ HAULING •• OAD • IIAiN lTauT •• IIlValt'r01l PIaoa .. Ill.- -"--I~ ------~~~~~~----

OOOOIODIDOOO.O'oo ••••••• o ~;;;;~~~~~;;;;;;o aA~Y E. SHEA . 00 ............... 0 .. 00000 PLUMBING 520 Main Street . Riverton, N. J. _ HAUL'ING .............. O .. III ... UO REAL BlTATB


H B WILLIAMS TRUCKING r. __ F • NOlaryPllblic I~ THOS. pOLLY & SONS • • LEHIOH VALLBY Telepholle, Riverton 1033 ~5"" nday, Jr. Phone, Rlnnon Me

CHEVROLET E ' 1[0 ..... ~:~~u COD Plwnbing. Heating Richard M. WoodwBrd BALBI u4 aDVICE -=-:.. -=:::.;- HAULING and Roofing REAL EBTATE

Jloo .... town . PHONE 00 lImN. W-"r Alb .... Trull ~ 1a1lU'&llc:e Ro~ Paabllc ............. dft R"e,toD a:.w PALMYRA .' 11 llaa_ .,.. loll. ....... On... BLBCTItOL OIL BURNB1lB 201 BBVENTH· aT., RIVBRTOK w .... WRlOHT To4a:v Phon. C. A. MATLACK Y Phone RivertoD 10M -t ...... T. •• _ ISlI.ecoDq A_ PaIajra , oar Pamace CIoue4 Now ....... ..,... ~~:...;;.;.=::.:::.;:;:;.:--

VICTOR ADDINO' IlACHINBB anuiD' Rlv:rton S02 ' ....... ...... • a!-ThV-- A

PrGCell ' . /·1 n sur once

. COAL - 0IJlQ venue ARB A VITAL NBCBIIITY TO -=w. LUIIBER ....................... aa PboIle .37 Rlvertoa REAL ESTATE ANY BUIINBSS. ,100 AT THE ~ MILLWORK ICE DEALDS Notary Public I;;;;;;;~~~~~~;;;;;;I ................. II II. ... . ... lOS. F: YEARLY HBW BRA .OPPICS. AIIC PORI' DBIIOHlTRATlON. DRY o.,n..''&J;uoo \ PLAMT PLUIIBINO .... RBAT:~~G 00 DO DO DO DO IIU DO 0 00 00 II DO

SMITH'S STORE 1\. PALIIDA, N. J. II B. Chari .. Street. Palm,... SHOE REPAIR , , ....... WI. 'ce" ___ .... ..a-..._ ... II 0 DO 0 DO DO DO II 00 II DO DC U I

.... 0 DO DO 0 DO 0 00 000 II DO a II D .. Good. _ NotIA •• _ -'1&1 • ., I r_ ..... -"'-- - R' ., _ .. , . . Phone 3-W · lverton Electric Shoe BAKERY IIcCall'a Patterna - QIfta-- Repair

eOllOO .. OlOooOOOoo.o.oaoo 414 MAIN aTUBT. RlVBRTON H. D HulIin- JL Son • ICE with S.rvIce • a- 'IX .. , .. II B ....... P{op.


PANCY BAICINO Pholle 711 MORRIS BROS. ...UIIBlIl0 - HIlATl.O - 1I00nil0 HIOH aUDa "'AlB WOH . ' Ice Cram v ......... OU ___ . At a.._.,. ..... COMPacTIONS 0 II iii II 0 0 0 0 0 II 0 ODD 0 0 000000000 S·1t 011 Burn... BROAD It .. AIN IT .. &TI, ItlV • ..,.. •. 1IIe.= ~.= .. . FL06RS 101 Pear A_ EIIIt ....... Cow..l' BuIIdlq


' CHEW" BAKDY OUUOOOODOOOOUOIiIUIDUU ...... 121 1UnrtoD, N. J. PboMto N. BEITZ 512 MaiD St., RI:I:,I1 . PLOORS DeIlY ...... -.moo. EU' ~ ... --------'-------

~::~~~I'baa~;.~I~I4~-;;W~.;;;;; H .... "oo4 _ Rubber . PaIaI". C D HUBBS' SHOE SERVICE eeooo.lOunOUOODOOGOO~ RellA''''''''_ .. Specialty OIOooUUUOooOlOOlOoaooo •• 1 B . ... ... 17 . Broa4 Street, -.,- •• . J.

BANKS Let III •• lv. 1'011 .. HIlma'. Oil Llaoletuo LAUNDRY PLUMBING ~-, ... . ,. ALBERT C. HORST Phone UIS-We un fOr. and .--IOUOODODDOIOOOII.OOOOOH 'II ... rrlck Avo.. Call1qawood, N. J. 0000010 ... 0 ....... 01000000 HEATING

Cinnaminson Phon •• CoWDp"ood aall _ ROOFING' 1100001100000000000000000

' .. B~:o~n.!=.Co, "ODDooO;r~;:~~o~~ V . ALL WORK GpUhARANTBBD ,IDIOD~~~~~ro?:!~O'OI'D Member FDIC one 46·W tl HirahbIoncr.

. Main at Harrt.on Street RIVERTON . RIVDTON 'Edwin H. Tucket 202 Broad Street sl:eAL~

.... UOlUooUU.UooOUDO Florist. . LAUNDRY RIVERTON MT.HOLLY."J. BEAUTY PARLOR Cut Flowers and Plants N. K_l, Prop. v .... Q., --- POOTWUB O. BIDTT •• Q"~

••• 00 • RIVBRTON, NEW .JUlin'

iii 011 II 0 U 0 DO. DO II DO , 623 1.lnden Avenue RiftrtlOll Phon. Rl ... rtem t72 IlAOAZlJOll CIIl be IUblcrtboc1 (or • II DO .. 0 0 .. DO 00 ........ i • ETHEL'S DBLIVERIBS Plione 12'1 W u .apl, tr.. ,oar local ..... TAILOR

fI':1 !:u:!!.!~!?: ,;~~~~0:;;~~:;~;:1 ~;;;;;;;;;if!~.~_;;;' _;;;;;;I~t: E~= '~~~~ot;~;~~;:~~. ~ P .. ::::'I:r~ 0 DO DO OD DO DO DO II .Ii 0 II ..... !) ..... IUiabetb Bowen. , . T-:l-'

~ /__ JlfOIII1 and II .... I:' Funeral H '1'__ MEMORIALS 1 "_;;;_;;;;;;0;;;;;;;;; auu~ .wenon nJ.w orne, PM;. ODOIDO ................. 0I 1• CItuIq -........, - ....

III But JI .... Streat c..........a. c...w, II......... PRINTING ... ....., ....... P .... ,..., N. J. Onalte, ....... ... .... .. ... * ..... * ..... * .... ____ IIl_VE_It'f_O_II ___ ft_-_.:...;. ..

BUILDER ..... A. .......... Do uaw ............... ~.~ •••••••• OI ... IM.loCi~ .... IO •• ooct .......... >1 Phone, • .::,:u. •. D. WILL HOPE ' ..... A BRA PRINTING II J. L. YOUNG CURTIS E. STAVELY w ............ J'eIIen) .... IIOU THAN ~ IIIXTUU CLBAIfIItO ...... 1Il10 CONTRACTOR and BUILDD JEROME J. ZISAK, JR. Bur ... tton. N. J. O. PAPBIt AND INK. IT II A HAJrI) .... ITII\AII PU .....

-::::-:=fto-:=: .. ~-=,...~ ... ~ .. ~~_ IDVICB EIIBRACING COPY .... .,......., - I'IaoDI ,,. ..... Attllltion to JobblDi nNBRAL DUtBC'I'Cm W. H. SLOCUM a SON IUGOBITIONI, CUTI, LAY. 11- to ..............

11 W.~ Char_ St., Palmyra .... i ..... _.. A-, _1.....0.- OVTI - ""T APR." . _ .. _ y_ __ ...... ... .... ' ... "., ft "'& IN . PHONB ,.... JIIaoae ,.. t'I .. ~ -... XBBPDIG WITH PIlUBIIT· II .................... ..

CIau •• for U • .,......... - -- conmON.. TAXI ... ar .......... J. .. ...................... .

DRESSMAKING •••••••••••••••••••••• 000


Ri ..... ·

DRESSMAKING PORTA8IJt ... ............. ......... STATIONERY . A-................. MILLINERY for =.-..- ................................................ ..

Women and ehi1dren - .... ,.., SPRING IIWlERY f2 AND UP $1 J1UYI t::.. THE NBW BRA A11 the N_ lhapa IJId I ...... .. - oar:.- ..... =:;:==:;=~~~~~ VERNA L. GUEST 200 SHEETS AND ........................ . ........ Done - &l7 Garfteld Ayenue Pa1mJra 100 ENVBLOPES VULCANIZING

.. ~s !:..~~ ~ .... ~ ........ r _ Prlatiq ••• , .ILK ITOCKtNGI 1ge PAIR YOUR .. AIIII AND ADD'" ......... 11 .. 1 .. 11 ....... II _, ...... ____ '-- _ ... ~..... TlI1epboae RiftrtODI17 0 .. JIOTII PAPBIt AIfD -~

.... Voata....... ==..::.:.;,:. 0IItt Opaa lion., We4, FrL, lat. a ..... IIAJfY ~= CHoon Vaba ••• and .........

M~'B~~=fL =..:: 'tHE lmW ERA .YTaX ITATJODRY tI.oo noll AIbeI ... •• Tire ilia! .. .., alV81011.",. THII .... PI. THE NEW BRA .... LIIID8f.A:'-' __ _

Tal ~ to Hir. f. All Oc..... .

Phone 1512




FAIR-Thpse who ~all upon U8 may do so with the a8S~rance

that their treatment will be entirely fair-that all will be

treated alike.

We mark every item with plain figure8: a system that·

permits one to qui~kly choose lomething within his mean •.

NoChar,e TRi"," will be DO chaw. for the burial of any re.ldent 01 . verton. Palmyra or ·Cbmamin.on. who.e relatlvea are

worthy and without meanl willt which to pay the funeral eKpena ..

Snover Funeral Home INCORPORATBD


CAKE SALE TO AID people of Riverton may wl,h to con • AMBULANCE ASS'N trlbut~ will be appredated by the

committee. WANT-ADS LOST AN~ IIOUND-RBNTS-BALU .The Iirat cllke sale sponsored by wlshln, to reserve 8 spe.

HBLP WANTSD RIverton for benefit of the Palmyra dill pIece of bakinl mil)' do so by CLAaSIFIED ADVERTlaUIINTI Ambullln~e Association will be held (ommUniclltinc with IIny member of

Rate IOe Per Line Saturday. May S. the coinmittee. <LIMo A ...... 6 w .... ) Th~ commi~tee from Riverton As this is the lint time II 0:1111 for

N_ tl>a". lOt r .. R:atl\ M who IS spon.orana the nftllir is made help has come from the Ambulance Phone 712 ':f 10f Mrs. Gertrude Lynch, Mrs. ASlocilition. the committee asks for

.... _________ .... eCen Kapu8 and Mrs. Ro)' Hirst. a cenerous response to 110 worthy a

1 CONTRACT BRIDGE Instruction. Certified Culbertson teacher. Mr.. Geor,e A. Lorena. phone Riverton 1010. .

FOR RENT-Sea.hore cottlle, ancl and srd lloon. II room. and bath, 24 G .treet. Se •• lde Park. Apply "c" New Era office.

FOR SALE-Mult dl,pole at ,reat .. crifice matched let. alx ,enlline Imported ru,l, oriental dCllen, In perfect condition. Would Mil entire eet for SIOO. SI ... are approximate. Iy !lx12 ft., 7a10, 7aS, 2-3aS and a 10 ft. hall runner. Can be leen at ItOI' • a,e. Write Box E.B. New Era.

HORSE RADISH Seta for .ale. 30,000 aets In excellent condition, allo Wallhlncton aspara,us roots and rhubarb roots. .warren Shinn. Wood~ury. Phone 1090. , RENT-Modem ho"ae, 734 Mor,an ave .• Palmyra, 8 rooms. bath. car. aae. Apply 4111 Lippincott avenue. Riverton.

:~a=ke=s~.p=l=e.=a:n:d:Q=n~Yt:h~in~c~t:h:at:t~h~e~c~au~I~e.::==~==~~======: Dependable Used Cars


.Low Down Payments and' Reclucecl Finance Chargee

le28 Choyroiet Sedan .... _ .__ I so Do_ "SO Chevrolet Sedan, Excellent- c-;iUiitio' n •• .. leU Chevrolet Co ........ _ ..... . _... -1m Ponti C ~pe .... --..... -.-~-.-.. -.-.... - ..... ---..... -.-... 1:10 .. 1"'2 Ford ~ .8. o~~ iuxe .. ·· .. ·o .. _······ .............. _" ...... ".... .. .... se 19211 Ford Sort Co C ach - ......... ,--_ ..... _ ......... , ....... ta8 : l!l30' Chevrofet s§ec~feSCd.n; ·Elic;iit·nt Condltion"-'- g .. m~ tthu:verboalke~rSededanan ..... .... _ .... _ .......... _ ... _ ............. _ ....... :: !lS .. ISt29 B •• ex S" ort Co ·1 .. ", .. .. ' ... .... "." " . .... . ,~ .•• . "., ... ~ ..... , .... ,......... 55 It

1930 P I -t b' upe ....... -.. -.-.. ---.---- 53 .. 1928 C~:!:'et 'c~b~l~\e ...... : ............. _ .... _._ ... _ ............. - .. :............... . 70 .. 1!133 Chevrolet Sedan t ............ "" .......... - ........ "_ .. _................ so :: .... __ ......... _ ... ...... _ ...... .................. .. ,......... 175


Telephone. Riverton 830 . . ' SALE or RENT-9 room house. 3

I acres ,round. Apply Harry W.

.,)0. M-C1+O,,",""Mocl+OoOO,",O+I~.oo,,",""MCI+O.oo,,",""I+C*oOO* Frank •. Burllnjfton pk .. Cinnaminson. Pal-River Chevrolet, Inc.

10 Broad Street Phone 1561 Riverton, N. J.

LADIES, ATTENTI-ON !~.--.-....,-.-' .. - ... ~ Westinghouse I ·A Permon! Wave clost 10 btacI wI!hou!duger of burning the Scalp ~ ,8

';' [ . In order to better serve our patrons we have installeda S OFFERS -

~ FIVE ~ f,' i' ~ , $. YEARS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

. i ~ $ Protection ~.

This machine is 'the best and latest ~ $ .. , on t~e market. The out1J1an4ing feat- ON ALL § ure IS the fact that a wave can be made ~ ~ .. close to the head without the slightest ~ possib!lity 0/ burning the scalp. A j~ lovely soft. lustrous wave is produced, W estinghouse :~ . rivaling that of a natural one. ~ Dual-automatic Refrigerators ~! $ ~

Special prices fo. r April only ~ Before you 'buy any Electric Refrigerator. get ~:.' $

~~ complete details on the Westinghouse plan from 2.95 Wave $1.95! your nearest dealer. Promise. nothing. sign noth· ~ 4.50 Wave 3.50 ~ lW'

ng, pay nothing until you see how nmch more ~ 6 00 W 4 50 ~ estingJiouse offers in every way. ~:

. ave . $ :' 6.00 Spiral and Croquig- i ::

nole Combination 4.50 ; SEE'THIS REMARKABLE . MODEL :: 8.00 Croquignole 6.00 ~ §

• S on display at "' This Wave is positively an Oil Wave. ~ The Palmyra News ~

Weare giving an extra shampoo and setting with the § ~ • $4.50 and $6.00 Waves. . $ Cooking School ~ I In the P. O. S. of A. HaU ~

§ April 18, 19, 20 ~ ~auty Culture in all its Branches L..--_____________ --l S

'1 07 West Broad Street, . . • Palmyra H. C. SCHWERING ~ [2 doors from Fortnum's Show Room] 305 East Broad Street Palmyra ~

All work auaranteed Phone Ri!erton 413 for appointments ... MOI~ .......... p.ho ... ne .. , .. 36.8M·w ................. ~~

., . .

193'l Bonat Naivette Croquignole . and ' .

Spiral P~rmanent Wave . Machine


. ,


FOR FREEHOLDER proved with the addition of ~o new coutta. llIaklnl II total of ve in all. Thele are eltpe(t~ to bd finished by the end of April an ready for play.

Parklna Questioned

wl~~~\~I!~""fJ .'r.~~a ~\.~':t,:!~,!.~~ 1'UBSDAY. MAY U. " ..

I" 'h~ T .... "lhll> 01 Cln".mlnlOiI .. btIW.... the Mu'. o~ 1 ... .!"pO·~O." A. .

olld oil'" .. C oe. 'of ') (8 •• 10'" il,,,dud I",. CT10 N

wl~N~, I~::' II .. O~a~dltllt.;n:~B" tht

oRANGFS Fresh Lot of Tangerines A~ples Grapefruit

Excellent Fruit The bottlt.nedl tra~k halard

enuled by perlona .pllrl"nl cars on both s ldolt of Broad atreet In front

pl.ttl 01 ... 1 .... '10" 0" Price8 ~easonable - Very

f the Pal. River Chevrolet aarale o for dlacuaalon before coun· came up I te ell It Willi de~lded to comlllun cn

TU~SDAY. NOvs .. lllt R 6. tta4 I. a" o'etock A. ... btlwten .h, .llol~~a .. o ... V 10. Ihe pu'pOIO

ond .Iahl 0 c ~. \ •• 01 .lecll.ll,hh· 10ul\onrt.a.~t.t •• SI •• t. . ANDREWS' MARKET


wl;h the mnnnaement of the aarllae to IIlcertaln \I better arratlleme"~1 could be mnde to reduce the tra c hunrd at thAt point.

Oovertlur • the Hoult of R,prel en'.tlv • • """l~~u.~h Con ..... lo".t DI'I.~cl) Mc.nhef of the Oenlrat A. •• ,mb17

~onlfQ)C':;::"b'" 01 Ih. 1I00rd 01 ChOI.n On. F;;:~~,:,.t:f 'rown.hlp Com",ltt.. throt

: 0 00°:1 "9"'119:;' i WTW ..... .. .

Authorllntlon was liven to the Riverton publie school for the Ule of Memori,,1 Park on May 24th nt wh'eh time the achool plllnll to hold It I annual "playday" exerdles.


TOWII.lIlp CIeiiI.

NOTIClC OF 8BT'rLS¥ItNT Adml"I • ."IO'·. Accou~1 d No mora IIAn amount of $41.12. a sidewalk

'IItld curb asseament on II property Ilt 712 and 712 \;. Main atreet. was re· mltted upon recommendl1tlon of the boroulh treluurer. C. Kenneth Dav. I Thll action wal nteell.ry In :~er to alve the owners clear title to their properties and remittance from another source Is expected.

. BIIIOI'I ofh:::C~w"itO:';I.,:r· th:c~r::. ·.nd Not c.' r :t; b •• rlber Admlnl.·

Finial A;mU~t o.uJII:It"'~nd .I.ted br I": ttl or. cl ported fot atttlemin aft Surraiatt .nh '0 hano' Cout! of tba Coun· .!lowonct to I I rp I n to bt h.ld I)' el BurIAlnatloln,. o .. :s .. o~~ 0 •• " o'clock In

costly baking faUura.

J. PARK McCONNELL Well. known in Riverton. Nine years In Burllnllton Council - hu always Itood fat economy. He uys, "We have tried ev~rythln, elle fo~ lower tllxe.--why not new men?

Council To A,?t For "Tidy Town"

lhurlday. pr iv, ,

1111 t'~Sll00~A"DBN NATllrAL BANK P AND 'tRUST CO" ~~~Iolrllor.

ProclOtl : Boyl •• ..0 Afth ••. DIt.a , ·Mlrch 17. IOU. 1·22-4·10· ...

Police Report . ' Norlot 0' 8I1tTLS"SN1' hid B ... ut0'l A«ollnt 4.

of ~~:.:c::~:chtlt~r~of~p~1 e 1 ft':: I~. ~~\~~~ r: ~:~,;:~~"i . .wf.~~:~~l~:1:::~ dudell a breakinll and enterlnll calc !\~C1be A~~~tl~d .nd .,.tt<! ~v IhJ :lFo::::: in whlth nothlna was taken; an ~. an1h rtl)~::K~:>'i:o".:'::I~r~:. c!':"n'{ 01 Bur. reat of a luspldoUI character b 0y Ir •• I:n, .1 a .... 1011 10 .bT ~Ifrl I~~'~~~t: wns IlIter relea8ed: "runawny o . April 06. 19 .. , .1 IOn 0 C oc IlPprehended I1nd returned to hdl. hoon. JOHN O. BBCKSL,

In police hea • a ... uto,.

Perfect results .. Every time'

(Continued from Paae 1)

of lome measure of traffic rellull1tion at the corner. It la reported that relldentl nbout the interlectlon lIav~

home: the lun cnse d e ar~ana. I'roclo" 8. How.' " Trolh.

_~~~~~r·llt!~.I~t<!~.~M~U~~:h=I:.~.~IO:S~~~~~. ~~~=~=;~~~~:~~~~;~;;;;;;;i;;iiiii== ed but nothln& taken: a cbmp a n 3.32-4.19.34. for a.h dumplnl In the IIlIey behind Main . atreet: the Marshall.Morrls nuto acddent at Fourth lind Main streetl. and the robbery of '110.00 worth of clothing from the tailor shop of Julius Woldill on Main s~:. lind Inttr found In II bag on' t e

Itnc:ul=d many "nenr IIcddents' :nd are of the opinion aomethlnlt Ihould be done.

The police department wos In· Itructed to look into the possibility of' aecurlna wornlnll lillna of the rIO· flector button type to warn hasty motbrl". of the daniel' at that point. ' . .

It wu alia brouaht to the (llten· tlon of council by Officer John Rob· InIon who was pre lent durin a the meetl~I' that II Ilmllar ,lin 'houl~ be placed on -.rbad "reet. east a Main to warn motorlstl travellnll In the direction of Palmyra . Thll. cotner too h .. seen many "near ac· eldentl" accordln, to the officer. th.t mlaht be avold~d .If prbper warnlllil Ilanll were dllplayed.

Under the pOlice c;ommlttu. au· thorlzatlon wall ,Iven for the reo moval of telephone 120 fr~m tile home of the director of Pllbhc lIafl·e. ty to the pollee headqullrters, t8 ori.IMI location. Telephone 57. now In the police headquarters. III not '1

free phone south of Trenton lind le;ltlmate phone bills were plllna u.rr while the phone In the director s home received little or no offlcll1l Ulle by the police offken.

Barnhart Commended

roperty left by the robber. p The l~lIowin, bills were ordered paid: n ~li1 Oru. nil. "on..... ..0 00 or~~a~nt!\hD.\'I IJ • • ~ct. __ Ier" hlre:._ . ., • ~hc New ltro. t\Vo · Inn rtlonl '033 52.80 Uo,oulh Au~h .. ......................... .. ... .

U,t~~hCOlr;:r.·r~yion .. 1M •• ,uppllli .. 1. 10 I'lr. and Waltr- a 00

~,rnnlO~· · ~W:~:~to~!·Pf~p:rt.;·· 'I.·i· 12' 7. end air ."' ....................... "C .......... , ..... 16'11

Cllnlon U. woolilun. r.p." "ii" ... , 2'90

t S Collin • • So", Inc ... upp ...... ,/'oa on.. R. 811111h. co... ............ 5 .. I)

d.1I Rubber Company. h'" ........ .% A:crlca" L. Prance. repair parla to :1.80 pumpe, ............... ............................... ,

0." •• ;..... 7S.00 /ohn Dludlec ..................................... .. 1-1 thli'·~-;,lIn . a: Bon I. ne .. luppll ... : .. 10. ~g

. S' Collin. '" So';. 1M .. co. 1 ........ '80 :S.Collin. a: Bon. lnc .. p'u,h db' 'Irml 1~'72 linton B. Woohtton •• u ." 0 1 .. ,. '0'00

Robert H . eteU" ut u JIrY. ApriL... . W. H. Alb"t.on. 011 • • "1 g.. ........ 0.17

Ho6llh- II III I t . D. nuthlt'foW, Ii nit . tat " I'~'~" 14.1' recoftl " .. ,. ' ..... - ............. .

fHvtl rton "..-ee J~'br.,y An odlltloh- .I t 44 John Won' mlke,. book' .............. , .... .. . LI~~~n~9t1t. El~c . Ii 0 • • , cUrrtnt •.. 201 .54

public S. r. Itlee. Ik 0 .................. 245.55 PoWI1'u.;" O. Ooolee. · .~ I .ry. Ap,II ... , .131.°00

~ohn J. RoblnllOn .•• Iory. AlIrll ........ UO. 0 oh:n W. C.rlolt" •• Iory. Aprlb ..... .I%!.OO • 10 ContftnAe r Co .• plrkln ll th,n~ d.50

BU.,. J. Coddl"ft ton. reyolver anll: :18.33

wMl::::'o.oooiii:·iit •• ,." j:v.Ti·bbOtt 1.00 Paul Barnhart. chairman of the PAI.RI •• ' Che .• rol. t. Inc. . ~P.\I\" ~.::

Rlv-rton committee of the Town Public S. r. KI". a: O .. ~ "·Nc N ' 1;'0 ~ f N. J. Ui ll T.'ephon. <;0.. 0. 41.... . .,

Meetlnll for the . Improvement 0 WIt' .... tranlportatlon fllcllltiea alonll the ~"J. UIII T.lephon~ CD .. No. 2114 10.5.

F,.nlt A. lI:llhIW •• Jr .• relltnlnr f •• SO 00 riverfront. Ilddrelled a letter to lIiU ". . .......... _..... . council outllnln; the work of the c. K.nii·i·jj,-"O'·.,[~. "·~ui;oill.~ .<hoo~200.00 committee thul far In the dlltrlbu. fund . ....................................... : ........ .. tl~n of qliutionnalretl and the com· NOTlca Oli' rUeOI.TRY AND "I ,ItLltCTION .

pllatlon of the relu tl. ttl In <on'o,mlty with Ih. proviliona of 10

Thl. lurvey of the need. of v· •• 1 .n!ltln.d'A~~~ .~~~M!".:e.~~.!C, (;:: erton citizen. In the matter of tran.· ~~r! .;lltlO,)' ,f .PP'o." April II. 1110. portl tlon he outlined BI an Import. Ind ,h. .m.n4m •• ,. ,h.",ol .n4 .uppl .. ant talk. produclnl valuable Infor, m ... t-;ir~~I~i h~by ,I .. n Ihl' Ih. 01 .. mati on upon which the committee "I~ ... ,d 01 ••.• Imy .nd lI"ctlon ... Ih. could make requeltl for better TOWHlmll or CINNA .. INION tran.portallon. Thll .urvey requlr. hI Ih. Couoly of Bu,lIo,IO., will mill •• ed .ome expen•• In the prlntln. of h"".. to hou.. con.... 0' yot.,. on

- d TUltIDAY. MAY I. 1914 qUCltlonnalre. and tally .heet. In and 101111 ma.1 on Ih. d.l.. • .. 01 .t ,h. Mr .Barnhar~ a.ked If council would pl . ... h .... lnfl.~ d .. II.I.~I.:h:oR.~:I~.'lf.~ _Id' In the paym.nt of the prlntln, 01 .ddlnl 10 '.u rI' • nl

I 5 Tua.DAY ... AY .. , IU. bllt. which approximate 1. bttw.... the hauro ql ...... o'.locll AI. ...

Mr. Strohleln made a motion thlt =nd .ICI o'cloclr p , .... 11Ca ... 'II _".

council write Mr. Blrnhart com· ord ~U:~DAY, OC1'OBIUI I', 1914 mendlna the work of the commltta., bttw.t- ,h. hou,. pJ on. o'clock P. ... and .uthorlaln, the PAym.nt of the •• iI n ... o'clocll ... f+ . println, bill, which wa. unlnlmou.· ".'1' DIIT.ICT ly PIiNd. Alf Ih,t _JlCirlloa 01 ~~~~ftlOll T_.Ih"

Park Improved _.t of PotII~Nc'iitl'h~~IMO M:'·.io~~ I.hool .tdWla,

Councilman Strohl.ln. chaltmln 'I\~OMD Dllor.,eT of the borou,h property tOmmlttea, All II"t poIdotI of CbstWllln_ '1_ ...... reported that work on Improvement. • •• , of Pom.r.;.';1Jp:lll1bTIlL at tha p.rk und.r CWA labor w.r. .... .• lVtrlOll

rllaln, .lowl, due to the limit· "" N01'ICII I. 111,111" .1... ilia. I

talfll ",h.t ha. hI.,."llad III alectrlc rafdt.r •• donI V bll our 5prla, IIl!owla. of Ih. refrl ••" .... r bull, ••• th. 19!" PrI.ldalr:I, You'lI .... Prl,ldalNi that ba"a tIII,.",,,,lc .. Iro.dn.~ ."tllmatlc lea cttI, ral.a"llba~~ j)f

laamln, Lifetime Pore.lala 1 ... ld ... - OIIt. =tlllldllr~. "'hh double-c.pldt, H,drlto::1 uau.ually 11f,_ food lItKe, aad ,I/IN !T'm ~ ull bottl.l, Ptl,ldaka. wJehU woad

B• If! a~

~ .uch .. a Blldla, tllIlJ' ..... -,


•••• .ad olh., IlIIall .rdclal, aod the n_ frlllld.lre Sa",a.balf th .. •• 10 con •• Ill.1I11

Alld If ou'ra the kiad Clf parlO" tblt IPPadra. . r 'II · IIMwbataha. elat •• r.a .. Iua ... ,ou raa .... " I Por I .. 80m. 10 ... IIII' at tha PrJ,lilalra;> ., • addldoo to Iba '1,10" It "'!n,I, th. pr!,ld.lri "" 0rcr •• a• on aa .mWa.l, .mlU IUIIOUllt 0 elect, c currant.

Coma i a ' ... d la. wb, 10 maa, proud w?ma~ ate bOllda,. "Oun I •• fd,idal,. ,of.

~o~umb.r of labore" aVIII.ble at r.1&Aa<t &LaCTION fOr •• k.... tile ... I . allow ........... 11011.' thl. time, _A h btan "lmbtr of ,It. Udltt4 .......... 1.

The b .. abaU dl.m".... a. I Gov.;tIO' th H of ..... _lIt.ti ... re"am~, witb • canter ,ta.. Pblot M""i"l!,,::L C: ... :P!..~I Dlaf,ltl) Hetlon 'to conform with the 'illmbtr ~f ,!If OOM,J'l_bl, l.a,1I8 aet.up, Gra .. bal tan plant. ~:,:l(2) :btrt of .he ha,d .f C"-tl

'J. S. COlliNS & SON, Inc. 141';:: lia:;:':: ~~:~tililUal. 0 .. '11:=:' ,. ....... , c:.-III ..... \

II u.:detlWa, with an alevan·team r.r'or 0"0''''1.' ::,118 about to Itlrt their KhaduJ. !=~Ciof t:: f'!:f=--£~l.t on April 10th, . 1_ die tr".. _ : ..

TItIIII. at the park wHl be 1m. - -

Frigidaire Sale,. and Service I





Riverton Troop, Directed by Miss Julia Lane, to Entertain

Saturday. April 21 ,-0 The Riverton Scout Troop will

· pt'esent a one act play "Fads .and Fandes" by Eleanor Crane. Satur.

· day. April 21st. at 8.15 p.m. at the Rivenon Porch Club. Friend. and relativea of the Scouts are cordially invited to attend

The scout troop. of Mooreatown ahd Palmyra will also be our auestl.

There will be no admlaaibt\ charae. Cakes. candle~. and eookl.,. will be on lale and anyone carini to leave a donation may do 10.

The calt II •• followl: ProlOlue-Loulae Moorehou.e. Jennie Presby and Maecie Fulton,

salcalirll, Chrlltlne Ridley, Abbie Shoemaker •

Mia. Moore. cu.tomer. Helen Watson . .

Mi.. Thorn. deal,ner. Phylll. Howard.

Fiorella. calh alrl. Jane Welford. MilS Mary Milton. col\ele Irad.

uate. Jane Blair. . Lobelia Love. movlna picture liar.

Marlnn Evanl. Dorothy Davia and Judy Horton.

school alrls. Allee Wataon and Mary, Elwell.

Mrs. Roseinond Drew. dashing young widow. At\he Knleht.

Mrs. Middleton. mother. Mary Elwell . .

Doris Middleton. spoiled child. Priscilla Woodward.

Millicent RIlY. Dora· thy Reiller.

Eevelyn Richards. socIety girl, Dorothy Specr. '.

Luulsa Lawrence. down,er. Mary Ro,ers,

Bridgc\ O·.8ryan, Irish woman. Olivia Steiner.

Vera. attractive Russian &irl. Eileen Mattis.

Director. Julia K. Lane. Assistants. Miss Eloise Boyer and

other member. of Scout ·1'roop. Time. the present. Locality. faahlonable millinery ea·


'jWomen Demand


the ume at the alm.houae this year, but that the committee from the Taxpayers' AI.oelation. which .. t with the board When the budaet was beln, made uP. objected on the lround tbat it WBi an inopportune time to incur thll additional ex­pense. and therefore the necessary mbney was not appropriated.

Food Approv~d

ment of Kdna Perry al prol!.tlon officer effective April 5. to serve un. til her .ucceaaor Is appointed.

County Prolecutor Howard East. wbod notified the board of the ap. pointment of Clifford D. Cain and O. Clil\ton Zeller as county detec­tives with the approval of Jud,e Hendricklon.

Under a resolution by Freeholder Sto~t, the Public Service was Irant. ed permission to erect 14 poles on the New Eaypt road at the inter. section of the Chesterfield road.

County Cars Retired

Mr. Stout further said that a ·com. plaint had been made about the food a year or 80 a,o. and that at that time he had referred the mat. ter to Dr. Daniel F. Remer. county physician, Who had made an Inspec. On motion of Director Hellier tlon and reported that the menu· and unanlmoully palled, county ap.,roved by him was belnl served. cars used by the finance. public af. and that It was 1111 rlaht. fain and public bulldlnal depart-

Aa a matter of fairness to Stew· mente will be parked In the county ard Worrell. it II Itated that ht! aaraae and remain there until they clalma' tb hive I menu from the are lold or exch.n,ed for other Itlte .nd that he il Uvlnl up to It. county property. The he.d. of provllions. In a letter to the board theae deplrtmellt. will be required of freeholder. under date of March to furnish and maintain their own 26, CommlllUoner EIIII of the De· carl without COlt to the county •. partment of Inltltutlons .nd Aaen. The dlrectotl of roadl and brldlea ciea. followina an In.pectlon by F. will eontlnue to ule county cars .. A. Fitch. ' of the division of inlpec. their dUtiel .requlre them to cover a tion. who stated that areat deal of territory.

. "The kitchen was found to be Demands $3000 Salary Booat IJ\ excellent condition and the food served was of nutritioul Judae Fro. 1\:, Hendrickson sent character. The meals are IIlht a communication to the board Ilat. but ample and of suffident VlrI' In& that under the law hla salary ety •••• Dr. Remer vi.its the In. should be sa.OOO a year instead of

. stitutlon twice a week and Is on the $5.000 paid retired Judae Charles call at all times •• , . J n aeneral A. Ri,a. . Ihe inmates receive many consid . -jud&,e Hendrickson dalmed that erations and are happy in their Judie RI,&, had been underpaid. present surroundlnas. Mr. War· The communication was referred rell enjoys their respect and has to the county solicitor.

Itruction for the bridae and that been slaned.

Delanco·Riverside lows. wllh Freeholder Adams vat. the contract had inl in the neaallve: Finance. SID,.

38l.35; Roads. $21.555.151 . Bridies. $2,500.50: Public Buildinis, $23.917 •• 08 and Public Affairs. $18.15153.26. totallin, $71.017.80. .

Freeholder Adams presented 11

resolution. which was unanimously passed. appropria1ina $2500 for mao terl~ls to be used in the .construc· tion of a residence for the IIteward of the almshouse at New Lisbon. This work is beini done by the CWA: which is al80 furnishinll a port of the material. The resolu. tion included authority to issue tem. porary notes to finance the project until . bonds are ilsued at a later date.

Labor Unions Aaks Cdnsideration . J a h n Well s. of Burllnaton.

Thomas E. Elbertaon. of Mount Holly: Ous Petrol. of Roeblina. Walter Atkinlon. of Mount HoHy. and Oeor,e Slmpaon. of Burlinlton. appeared before the board on behalf of the Bricklayers and Mason. Un. ion No. 47 •• nd requested that memo bers of the union be ,Iven can lid. eration in county work. They claimed that out of the 200 brick. layers In the county 90' are now In the union. and that in • very short time the membership will be 100'lt .

Wells laid that the union rate is $1.12Ya per hour. and that while the county is now payin, about one half this amount. he believed that the areater efficiency of the union men. would effect an actual saving to the taxpayers. 1 n reply to Ii question. Mr. Wells admitted that the current wage for brioklayers is $1.00 per hour as set by the N .R.A .• but that he was on his way to Newark to endeavor to have the county rate of $1. 12Y. approved.


R. E. EVANS East Riverton

. -. - -.- -Weekend Special.

Aaain 1"'e are offerlne

McAllister's HomeMade Ice Cream 39c per quart

In brick only

Also reaular bulk ice cream at


SSe quart •

Try our new CHOCOLATE FUDGE Cream and our delidous

Fresh Strawberry.

McALLISTER'S For Delivery ' Call 1530

few disciplinary problems. The Freeholder McCormick. director atmosphere existin, throughout. of bridles. reported that the PW A the wards is cheerful." (The let. had approved the details of can.


.. __ '_1_ .. ___ . Department bills were paid as fol. - .y

'During the altercation over the appointment of a new IIteward. which. Mr. Adams declared to be vacant. since the Incumbent's term expired on March 25, 'Wllliam H. He.aler, director of the board· of freeholders, p'olnted out that 8ince Mr. Adoms had been director of. the department havlna the almshouse in charae from tbe first of the year. he should have made some attempt to have the conditions corrected, and aaked him why he had not broUllht to the attention of the board the matters of which com. plaint is now bein, made.

== . . E ~ . e == a ~ . = == == E E '

I ! ~ = == == E! _ - = - -E = E == == ~ 5

.... Steward's Head No CO'operation ~ r eag~ e == . • lWoted 111 . ator = IE W'II yOU agree to r· .f tbe "efrtger . e

'(contlnued from pa;e 1~ Mr. Adams replied that he hod submitted such reports bUI that he

un~1I 4.30. It was to have conalated had not received co.operatlon 'from of mush. dry bread a?d tea or milk. his fellow members of the board or After the aroup arrIved. she said • . from the steward, and further that beans were prepared. For dinner he had been fou&'ht by the board in

· soup had been served. Breakfalt trylna to aet CWA money for im. · had consisted · of cereal and colree. provin&" conditions at the alm.houae.

Meals at Seven Cents but did nol specify instances of such foihlt~.

Mrs. Wood said she was can· Mr. Stout cited .everal cases nee ted with the Clnnamlnlon Sum· where Mr, Adami had neelected for mer Home where the meals Were weeks matters that had been called prepared by a trained dietician at to hil attention fOr correction •• ueh an averaet cost of seve.n cent. per aa faulty wlrlnl in .the barn on the meal, for a family of thirty. She alm.houle farm, and the breakdown believed the almshoule could do III of the mllkla&, apparatul. On the well under efficient manaaelllent. wldnl Mr. Adam. ""plalned tbat She did not ask for more money tb he was waltin, for CWA labor to be apent. but that It be admlnl.tered do the work. but made no e"plana. more efflqlently. tlon about the mllklna appar.tus.

Roller Towel Offend. He did lay. however, that he had employed the .Iectrlclan u.uaJly employed by lhe board. to fhc the wlrlnc lome time, but admitted that It i. In a dlnaerou. condition now. and that "It will be fixed."

Bid. for Shlneles

== tt,..J to failure OJ == == . ts uue J' ,II iii = replacement cos years at "1 a year. ;;; i§ tnechall;s1II for 5 == ~ E


General Electric gives you


e e


Mn. Evanl was Imprelled by the fact th.t there w.. but one .roller towel for 841 men. She had vl.ltet;l the Department of In.tltutlonl and A,encl.. .t Trenton to aee whaf could be done about It, and Wit In· formed that Iince the State did not contribute to the .upport of the In. .tltutlon It had no Jurl.dlctlon In the' matter. She al.o alked If the departmeflt h.d aent a menu to the

. IIlm.houae. She WI. told by an I" . '1.lltant .In the olllee that no menu

JIll' had been nnt, but that It would be

Bid. for .upplylnl albe.tOI Ihln. 1111 for Ihe hO'pltal for Inune II New LI.bon were received al fol. low.: R. S. Severn.. Delanco. 12522,110; A, p, Thompaon. Collin, •• wood, 1258U6; Antrim Comp.ny. Camden, 12588.41; S. B. Lippincott a: Son, Mount Holly, 124011.66. Th. blda were referred to the dll'ector of the department of pubUe bulldln,l for reJlOrt.

TIN shlnti4rd I J'"'' wa,.,.anty , . • plus "Jurs additional prol«lio" olllh, Mo"ilo,. Top ""ud.i"·,,,,1 muhtm;,m .. fo,. 0"" "


done at once.

Jail Bad. Too Mra. Evanl .ald .he was allo told

that whea Ihe hid ftal.hed with the almlhouae .he .hould co after tl¥ j*lI. which il t~a worlt In the .. ate. Qnd keap. no record •.

Freeholder Stout told the vl.ltor. that .he wal not utlalied with tho condition. at the .Im.bou... which had been aerioul for 80me tlma. Tha .teward, he Hid, wu elected by the people. aad hi. dullu pre· Vrlbed by law. hence tba fr •• hold· ,r. could only ,0 .0 f.r, He HId

'tbat three year. ,,0 til. board had c:on.tnac:tad an additional wlq It the hoapltal for the Inllna, lllia. 101118 of tbe Inmata. for a portion of tile labor, ancI bid plaaned to do

The clerk of Pemberlon Town. .hlp .ditrlliad a lett.r to the board ukln, for In .pproprladon of ISO from thill count,. for the burial of an Inmate of the .Imlhouae who died recenlly. The communication wa. referred to tha director of thill de· plrtment and thl IOlIcllor,

Appointment. COllnty Clerk L.wrence O. Min.

lin notified the board that P. trlck McHuch had been appointed u .er··lrma by Jud,e Prank A. H.ndricklOn, the apPOintment be. comln, affective April 2. Mr. Min· ala aIIO ,Ive notice 01 tbe appoint.

• The mechlaical performance of the tefrlgetaror you buy determinea itt nlue to yOll ••• the .. ti.faction it ""ill give you year after yeat. Lee UI .ho", you ""hy the (amous Gener.1 Electric Monitor Top mechani. m an offer the unequalled protection of 5 yeara (or only '1 a year. 1934 modeb arc

'-. the flnell, molt .tuacrive tclrijtcrarofl G · E ever built. Come in and I ce them -:-aote the new reliaementl, new fcanatet.

AlI·&ed cabinet. with potcelain both inside aad OUI. Stl inle .. lCeei fieezing cham~. Sliding .helves. Automacic inlerior lighring. Foot pedal door opener. Autolllacic defroster. Control (Of Iut or Ilow freezjng. N ote ice. Iell current and full refrigerating o radt)' (or evcn unUlWlI demands.

AI,. I" liu . eu ' G· B jI.".,." .,()I/#/ .

AriIIMrrII tI/ ""1114,. jnWtJ "'frittN-.n.

c. R. SWEENEY, Inc. 309 E,II Broad 8treet. P.lmyra Phone. Riverl"n 9'3



Williams Releases uTip" Leiters

(Continued from page 1) person of more than average intel· lieence. .

The second letter was dated Jan. uary 27th, 33, but t~e envelope in which it came could not be located.

The Second Letter Jan 27th, 33

Director of Public Safety. Edward Williams.

Dear Sir: ..... You have hit the nail on the head

exactly. B~own was murdered to keep him

quiet. ' The Wilson girl and Roberts both

were murdered by the one who had thla job done because he knew lome· thine.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to .noop Into . ' . . . • • • • • 's private affaira- Thinker and Dreamer

known in Philadelphia police circles to be a dope addict, and such peoPJ" the detective stated, are apt to be victims of hallucinations and can· fess to, or admit knowledae of crimes of which they have no real knowledee.


In conformity, whh the pro\,lllon, of In ac:t entitled, UAn act to amend an act en· titled 'An Act to reaulate £1ec::"ona (Re· vl.ion 01 1910.)'" approvod April 18. 1980, and the ' amendment' thereof an4 lupple.

"'\;:;.;t~}!tii hereby liven that the Oil' trlct Bond of Reilitry Ind ElecUoli in the

BOROUOH OP RIVBRTON in the County of Burtinpon, will make a house to houle clnv ... of voters on

TUESDAY, MAY I. I~S. and will meet on the datu and at the placet hereinftcr dulin'ted for thl: P"'l0lt 01 .ddin\:"0B~'l.t;~~I~"lih~5.R:::~tr)' ilt. between the houri or Mvcn o'clock A, II. Ind el~t ~'c1ock P. II., (B.,tua Stan ..

dar~ ~U~~DAY, OCTOBER 10, 1"4 between the hOUri of oal o'dock P. II. and nino o·cloc .. P. ft



DREER'S Golden Callas

And the gorgeous variegated leaves of Fa~cy Cala-

diums now add their beauty to the great collection

of plants in

Display J-!ouse of Flowering and Ornamental Plants.

All our visitors stop to admire the colorful displ,ay

of Azaleas,. Hydrangeas and Hardy Plants in full

flower in the Outside Border at the entrance.

Open weekdays from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. and on Sunday (but not for business) from 1 until 5 p.m. The second letter was written in

Ink on white folded correspondence paper. The freehand writine clearly indicates that it is the work of lin educated per.80n.

All thaI portion .il ..... EIIII ... d W •• t 01 Ih. P.""I,I .. nla roll..,ad and bouaded b, Ih. lollowlal atrH": Boroulh II... I..,m 11.1" .,rHI to Pom..... C .... k, to B.alt aVln,,'. to ~In" .tNet, to Third. Itreet, to Cb .. ch la.... to Pourlh It ... ot. c01ltl .. aIn& t1arv.,h Churcb lane to Broad. 'U'lIt, th.Dce I ;OCIOC*MOCIOC*OOOC*MOCItOC*OOOClOCMOOOC*MOCItOC*MOCIOC~OOOCOC",OCIOCOC.OOtOC*OOOClOC~ B... 01 tho P.nnayl .... I. r.Uroad ol! bot!> I' lid .. of Main 'tree' ••• dudla. the CoUlri.

While Mr. Williams states that the letters may be the work of crankl. the text of each seems to dlspell any thouaht of robbery for a motive.

Durina the Interview Mr. Williams stated that he had been diacussing the case with several of Philadel. phia's leadlne detectives who knew intimately the lives and habits of the trio now indicted fdr the crime.

The Philadelphia detectives stated that no smart investigator would be. lIeve that aangsters such as those who are now charaed with the crime would be interested in the robbery of Bradwa1 Brown. They said that Brown's companions were not such that lmowledRe of hill personal pos· sessions would filter back into gang· ater elrcles, and create enough in· terest to be the inspiration for " robbery. '

They believe that Brown was mur. dered, and that the aslassins came to his home on the night of January 16th, 1933. for the express purpose of Idlllng him, and not to take 'Jew. elry, clothing or other valuables.

One of the trip now indicted Is

10th Anniversary

For 10 years we have I been serving the people of ~ this ,vicinity with Quality ~ Foods at Lower Prices. I';

If you did not get a cir­cular this week listing our X many specials. call River­ton 512 and one will be sent to you.

E~ BEITZ Delicateuen

bulldiDII, 10 th, poInt 01 .,artlnl .t th. Bor-oull> lfa., containlal Ih .... ln th. lollowln, •• , .... , Blnk avenlAe, Second It'"t, Tblrd, POllrth Itt •• t. Itrnt. Brol. .treel. Stvtnth "rtet. Biabth .t_, Ninth .. rect., Jrtlholl It'"t, Howard atreet, elnu· mlnson Itr .. t. lI.ain Itreet. Plnn atrMt. Church "ne aad C.dlr ItruL


SBCON'Diii"STRICT • All Iba. portion Elst of tb. P.naa,lvanla railroad bouDd." by, Iho 10UDWlna 1I, .. tl, Broad Itreet to B m avenue. to Borov.b !~nCHa~~.!~I~t~~etllt:n .:!r~t~~·~!Y .:== lnc point at Broad Itrcet. contahaln, ,b.,.ln the following Itlccta: Braid .tr"t, Huri­IOn Itr •• t, Seventh street Midway. Ktlrhth a'reet, Park avenue,. HI,taway, .8hrcwltiury Road. Elm .venue, .... lnd.n avettue, Thom ..

~r;8~E L3'/lnH~IID~~~r,U~~~3er1 ;0;' ColUna' Blook, "aln Str.ol

THIRD DISTRICT All that portion Iltuato . welt of tb. Pennlylvlnla Ral1rold tracks lad bound.d by the followln" Itreet. : Broad Itreet from P.nn atreet to Elm avenUI:, Elm avenue to Blnk avenul, Bank avenue to PenD atreat, Ind an thlt ar.a louth of Penn eon­tab"nl therein the 'ollowla.l named .vlau .. Ind •• rect.. LiPllncott. Thorn... Llndln. Proht, S,col~:~H P:~'1~DlNG

202 Broad SIr... , AND NOTICE 10 furth.r ,Ivon thaI a

PRIMARY ELECTION lor maldnl tho followin. nomlnltlo".: . M.mber 01 .h. United Stat.. St""t.

~~:t'!~r of tbe ,HOUI, of Reprll.ntatlvea (Pourth Con ...... lon.1 Dlatrlel)

"Member of the Oentral Allembly

i:,'!.ntr2)C~~m:be,. of the BOlrd of Chaen Freeho1der.

Two Councllm.n (lull I.rm) One Coundlmal'l (for unexpired term)

M~~ge:o~fel.~;'nlt~tc Committc~ (mile)

::=t:~. ofo:b~h~tl~~u~~;,~~~~~~=·I(~q. mite and one fern lie fro~ each \Jnlt of

Wir:Pb:s~:I':t!~nu1d ~~:~~. ~lf'~~~~tr~~!:!e~! TUESDAY In ~h~ Y )5. 1934

Borough of R'verton between the hOUri of Beven o'clock ~ II.

and eieht o·c1ock p , M. (ElSlern Standnd Time)

AND that a CENERAL ELECTION will b. held in lIid Borol/th at Ihe pJaces of reeiltradon on

TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 6, 1~34 be-tween the hour. of levtn o'clock A. M. and eight o'clock P.. M" for the pttrpolO of eleclinll the foHowlnCl Member of the Unhed Statcs Senate

~~~b~~r of the HousCI of Reprete-ntadve! «Pourth Conare.lionll Dhn rict)

Member of the Gen.ral A.llmbl)'

~~u:trz)C-W::ml}en of the Board of ChOlcn , Pr •• hold... ' Two Councilmen (full term) Ont Councllmln (lor une~plrcd 1enn)

DANIEL II. CLIFTON. Boroulh Cierk.


By virtue oJ In omr 0' the Court 01 Chantery of New Jeney, made 011 tbe day

liS E. Broad Palmyra i of the date hereof. in I cause wherein Cinnaminlon BuUdlnK and Lo." A •• oelatlon 01 Riverton, New Jeuey. II campl.hlln", allCl

=::=:::=:~:=::~ reo:d.:;::·~~~ !::";:qur:cd °t~e .O:p:,e .~ed

Get Your Car Ready for Spring Fluah radiator Replace hOM connectiona Chan,e te;> lummer grade all Cheek motor Lubricate chatail

These and otber Qperationl are --'ully chected and .. "iced. The COlt II nominal and the .. vill, la ,realer In the lon, nan.



Riftl'tOa Ri"ertoD u.w

anlwer tl1c bill of on or before the 12th day of J)ln., 195 •• or th. IIld bill WiU be t.ken I. ConfC' • • ed a.alnl' ~OU.

Th • • old bill i. m.d 10 for.,Io ... mort· ,_0,. liven br, Samuel W.,h.rall .n4 Notlle h. wife, to ~omplalll.nt. dated

!:~U~~~o::./~:O·lhi: ~~rc:uo'l' :1:0 1~i!.O:·O:I Burll.,'on Counl~ in Boolr No. 241 01 lIort.8111, C •• c ...... pon II"d •• ael prem4

I ... _ltulte D the Towashlp 0' Dek • ." B.r .. Unaton C4vntl', New J."Q.

And )'OW. Amanu Paullu, .r. til'" • ~rf:ur:;t --:~:u: .. r:b r:e .:;::. o~:~ r:o-u.': •• 4 oP.,.t'oo to ,"at of CCMII'= •• "I co.-.rla, Ih. mcwt:.'1. Pf:#HCOTT,

Iollcltor 01 Complalaa.t, . Ii N. 4th IL, C ... 4H. N. J. f.:~.~ tr~~4~ I. 1'''.

Finest Coal Your "

Money Can Buy

Ai April Reductions If Yo,u Order Now-

· Be smart-underwrite yourself against next winter's higher prices at April savings today • . . but, best of all, order McAllister's Coal ••• the qpality of which never varies except to improve!

Pure, hard Anthracite from nature's richest reservoirs. Clean when de .. livered, guaranteed full weight, warranted to satisfy on a money back basis.

Even if vou want only a ton or two as "a nest egg", we will be glad to help vou save money with prompt April deHver,.

Coal-Coke-Fue. Oil

h".nth .... LlncI ... Ita., C..d ... -~-.... ....12 ........... A_ Keya ...... 274.

........ f'wIIA ........... .. ..... --.,_. .... -' ..... .... ....... - - ........ GIY -MIlIIftIIU

...... c ... a D •• a., III S ..... I., .. , " ....... ,

l ,.

, "

.. , .' .. , ,

,', \.


, ,




Eight Day. Set Aside For the CAKE SALE TO AID Firemen's Note" Town Sports, Instruction and Enter- AMBULANCE ASS'N River Bank :;it\Jation Up

tainment of Youth for Discussion


Bal1 Game, Free ,Movies, Mutt Parade, Music and Othe.r

Events on Program

The boys and i:irtl of our com· munity have a ,reat week ahead of them if they foUow the program of Youl-h Week as lilted on page 4 in this illue. The variou. oraan· bations of the towna have been ar­ranging varlon. ' events with the thou,ht in mind that the Youth of the community are its greateat aa·

,lIet. This proaram this year,lncludes both ,irIs and, bOYI and is ' Spoil. BOred by an all incluaive committee locally, .. a part of the National

. program.

Free Movie on Tuiaday

Tueaday aftemoon at 4.00 o'clock the boya and ,irll under 12 years of age will be pelta of the Palmyra Broadway Theatre through the splendid cooperation of Arthur Kees, local manager for the Victoria Amusement Company.

Special attention II called to the procram for youth and adults on Tuesday night at the Hieh School auditorium. There will be no ad.

, milsion' char,e. Local talent of the hiahest type have donated their ler· ,viceL Guelta artlsta will be the Bordentown Girls Glee Club, and Joseph Conway. of Moorestown, who will ,play the xylophone.

Mutt 'Parade Wednelday

After Pido aets hia bath for the Mutt parade you will want to watch him cop the honors Wednelday af­tern09n. The judges' Itand will be at the band stand ill the grove at Palmyra. Take time to read the de· tails on paae 4. , .

Busea to Basel/all Game /

To avoid much trouble and incon. "enlence this year the fellows and girls will make the trip to Shibe Park in. double deckera rathe~ than private cars. You are urged to en· courage your boya and elrls to reg­ister early at the party will be limit· ed in number, and when the quota is reached no more can be cored for on the trip. '

The proaram is made pOllible through th& cooperation of many

' individuals, oreanizations, businels concernl, and companies, and the lupport of the community sbould be univerlal.


Riverton Republican Club. Inc .• for Merrill. Sargent. Strohlein

for Counell

The firat cab sale sponsored by· , The problems of the Fire Com. Riverton for benefit of the Palmyra pany note for $3.000, the old river., Ambulance Asaoelation will be held bank question alld support of ath· Saturday, May 5, at 524 Main street, letics at Memorial Park came up for Riverton. discussion at the Riverton Town

The committee from Riverton Meeting. Tuesday night of this weelr who il sponloring the affair ia made in the Riverton Ichool auditorium. up of Mrs. Gertrude Lynch. Mrs. Walter Wright, spealdng for the Helen Kapua and Mrs. Roy Hirst. Fire Company. stated that the note

Calres. pies and anythine that the in questfon had previously been people of Riverton may wish to con. fol' $5.000 in 1929. Since that time tribute will be appreciated by the the company had been able to reo committee. . duce it by $2,000. 1n order to fur.

Anyons wilhlne to rllserve a spe. ther reduce this note. the firemen cial piece of baldng may do so by had planned to put on a concentrat· communicating with any member of ed drive for contributing member. the committee. or phonlne 396-W. shipi at a COlt of $1.00 per year, but

AI this Is the first time a call for felt that times had not. warranted help has come from the Ambulance It. and that the Company had been A •• oeiation. the committee asks for able to "squeeze by" in some man· a eenerous relponse to 'so worthy a nero However Mn Wright eaid. the cau.e. time has now come when they mUlt

h.ave extra help, and a member~hip

SPECIAL RIVER drive haa been planned for Wednes­T,ON day. May 9. The Towrl Meeting

, , I' , went on record aa whole.heartedly

BO,AD,R MEETRIG .supporting th~s ~ovement.· ftI\I1 11·111 Council Should Help

Acting Supervising Prini,. :1 Re.appointed. Dr. White '

School Dentist

Miss Caroline M. Staman WBI reo appointed actin, supervlalne prin­dpal of the Riverton public Ichool for the year 1934-35 liy the board of education In a Ipedal meeting held in the school Wednesday nieht. The eatabliahmenet of a permanent ap· pointment waa deferred due to un. settled conditions. in both economic and , 1eaislatlve matters ' concerning schools. but Mill 5taman was made acquainted with the ,board'l appre· ciation of her sincere efforts and alliured her of their wholehearted support.

Mrl. Helen .E;. Eisele was reap· pointed to serve a& school clerk for another year under the same condi. tions a8 previously established.

Walter K. Woolmon made a sue· geltion that the Cinnaminson Bank and Trust· Company take over the J:lote. si,ned by tlie Fire Company. rather. than individuals, and that next year the Borough Council make arrangementa to definitely reduce the note by a stated snm each year.

Reprding the membership drive, Harry E. Moyer luggested that aU the members preaept at the meetitJg

(continue~ 'on pace 10)

'Twenty "foiCe -a.o~ at Lakeview Park

Musical Program an4 Address Supplied by Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Camden

Dr. George J. White, D.D.S., of "The Challenge of Rejection" is to 12 Broad street. Riverton. was ap· be the subject of an address by the pointed school ~entist fpr the perio~ , Rev. Christian M. Hansen which from th,e opening of school until will be broadcast from Lakeview February 1. 1935, at a .contract rate Memorial Park this Sunday as a not to exceed $15.00 total. . part of the half.hour program spon.

A ~heck up or. replies to inquiries sored by the Holy Trinity Lutheran relative to, the P.W:A. grant for an Church of Camden. addition to the present school build· The church choir of twenty voices ing revealed that funds were no will sing "Praile Ye the bord" and lonjfer available under the P.W.A., "Seek Ye the Lord." with the tenor and unlel8 a new ' 'al?propri~tlon ~8 obliCato sung by Herbert Oehlers. made by Conarels. Riverton s apph· The men's quartet will sing "My cation will not be ar!lnted. . JCllul I Love Thee." The men com-

Walter K. Woolman adVised that posing the q,.artet are Herbert Oeh. individullietterl by board memberll lers. Burton Wagner, Howard to Congrelsman D. Lane Powers Broome and Howard Radcliffe. miaht serve to ~eep alive his inter· Sunday's broadcast marks the est in the matter. • ninth in a .eries of aeventeen radio

Karl W. Latch, reporting for the prelentations made over Station property committee. atated that the WCAM which are transmitted from leaks in tile roof of the main build. the radio control room in the admin. ing had been repaired. the electrical iatration buildine on the park prop. power and iIIumlnstine service pip.,. erty.

Frank J. Holvlck. chairman of the on the aide of the buildinc by the Thousandl of people viait the executive committee of the Riverton plaYlI'ound ordered to be atrength. park every Sunday afternoon to en. Republican Club, Inc., .. nnounced ened by the uao of expanlion balta joy the 115 acrea of beautiful land. that qn Tueaday ni,bt the executive In the brick wall. which wa. deemed acape and to Jiaten to the hour and committee endoned R. K. Merrill, necessary al a ulety meaaur:e; and one.half musical prOll'am. Pro. Gorham P. Sar,ont and· John L. adviled of the removal and Itora,: ,rama of the day'. mualcal lelectiona StrobleiD for reelection to Boroqb Qf aix Rorm window. \lied. durin, are liven free to tbe vlaltora at the CClUDCiI at the comill, primary elec· the winter month. Oil the' northern park.

• don. StrohleiD It I'\IDnIV for the 0POlur. of the main building. The board of directorl of Lake. twoo,.... aoplretI t_ 01 Prank lui appropriation wal ma&:te for view lI.morial Park are conllantly J. Holvicir. Uld "erriJlaud Sarleat th, purchue of paillt ed auppU" to lmprovilll the park property. and are ruDJlID&' for the full three year repaint the metal atonn door. on each week _ tome new chaD,e term. the front _traDce to the main build· that adds to the Impreulv. beauty

The oecative committee in en- illl. CWA labor to be DIed. of tbe rollin, blllalde. The warm


Nearly Five Hundred Guests 'Gather at Loe Cabin Lodge to Honor

County Leader

A testimonial dinner was given Wednesday tiight in honor of Charles R. Stout. chairman of Bur. lington County Committee and member of the Burlington County Board of Freeholders.

About 450 pests were present. among whom were Congressman and Mrs. D. Lane Powers, Senator Clifford R. Powell, ex·Governor Ed. ward P. Stokes. State Treasurer WiUiam S. Albright. Senator Ed. win Stout, Judge Charles A. Rigg. County Detective Ellis H. Parker, John, McHugh, director of the Board of Freeholders of Cumberland Coun. ty: State Committeewoman ,Mrs. Elizabeth Terry: Vice Chairman of County Committee Mrl. Pearl Bridegum; Sheriff George N. Wimer and· Surrogate George B. Bittine.

Honorable Howard Eastwood. Prosecutor of Burlington County, acted as toastmaster . .


Supt. of Hospital for Insane Takes Additional Duties,

'With $1500 Assistant The Board of Freeholders, in ~pe­

cial session on Saturday morning, unanimously elected Frank McIl· vaine. luperint-.ndent of the county asylum. to act also as stew"rd of the almshoule. to succeed Henry I. Worrell, whose term expired on March 25th.

The reason for aelecting Mr. Mc. !!!!Une i. explained in a preamble ·and resolution. presented by Wil. liam H. Heisler. Jr .. director of the Board of Freeholders:

Whereas, it il the purpose of the Board of Freeholders to construct a cfwelling for the Iteward of the alms.,ouse in order to make available for the inmates the 'quarters occu· pied by the steward and his famil}·. and '

Whereas. during construction of the residence there will be no quar­ters available in the almshouse (or a steward and his family, and

Wherc;as. it is deemed to the best interests of the county ~nd the in· mate" of the almshouse t hat a stew. ard be appointed to serve until com·


Three Men Abandon Car and Escape Amid Fusillade of

Shots Fired into the Air

A little of the "John Dillinger" ~tmOlphere broke 'the almost grave. like silence that prevailed in River­ton around 10.00 o'clock Tuesday night, when several revolver shots, shoutin, and a scurrying of ,uai. tives over the back fence, aroused the police and citizenry in the neieh. borhood of Broad and Cinnaminlon streets. '

The shooting affray had all of the earmarks of a desperate finish ,anester duel. except that the one doing the sbootine blazed away into the stratosphere-iUJd the otber side either did not have any gunl or were too polite to use them,

I~ all started. when George Mc. Cord, of ' Palmyra., driving behind a Buick sedan coming up from Cam. den. noticed that the Buick was fol. lowin, a more or less zig.zag course. He continued to folrow the car past the Riverton station, and at Broad and Cinnaminson streets ,shouted at the occupants of the car.

The car stopped and three men jumped out and ran down Cinnamin­son street, whereupon one Geo"e fired hill revolver into the 'upper at. mosphere. Riverton's police force in its entirety dashed to the scene of the ahootine ' to find out "How come?".

In the meantime. '~BlUy" Beclrer. areell grocer par excellence had just driven into his ,arage on Howard atreet. As he wal coming out he .. w three men jump over his back fence and' heard one remark, "hurry up youle mugs or we'll ait pinched." With thla remark the trio ran through Becker's hydrangea bed and down the middle of his pansy plot in the direction of Howard street.

"Billy," ' sensing that something was awry, s,tarted in pursuit, but when the trio reached Howard street they apparently 'saw someone and tuJ;tted back lickety-split. running (ull (orce into Becker. The result was a tangled mess in the middle of "Billy's" pansy bed.

By· this time Becked was beiin. (continued on page 10)


pletion of said dwelling and that the Two men "cradong" a ufe In the steward shall be experienced in in - middle o( a sunny Sunday afternoon stitutional work and shall dwell in on Riv"rton's main highway, with no proximity to the almshouse ; and interference by the police. and the

Whereas, it is the judgement of owner standing by making no pro. this .board thai Frank McIlvaine. test, sounds a bit queer. but it hap. superintendent of the county hospi. pened last Sunday afternoon at tal for itte insane. meets all the reo Holland's antique shop at Broad and quirements for the proper manage· Cinnaminson streets, when Frank ment of the almshouse and farm Sandler. locksmith, of 1171 Haddon during said period of tim", therefore avenue. Camden. and his assistant be it. opened an old safe the dealer had

Reaolved, that the said Frank Mc· bought. ' Jlvaine be appointed steward of the The safe was made by EViln. and almlhouae and fann until March 25. Watlon. Philadelphia. and was est!. 1935, and that he be under the direc- mated to be about 150 yean old. It tion. luperintendance and govern. locked with a key. and it took the ment of this board and accountable two men three hours to open the thereto as an officer or aervant safe. thereof. and that he be clothed with· The content. proved to be aome all the rlChl .. dudea and relponaibil. boob of fine ateel engravinp and 3

itie. of said office during hia admin· facaimile copy of the 6nt lasue of iltradon thereof; and be it further the Public Ledger. dated Marcb 25 •

Reaolved. that the aaid Prank Mc. 1~. IIvaine ahall receive for hia aemcel during Ihe oSaid term the nominal REC 0 aum of II to be paid a. the lalaries EPTI N FOR NEW of the county olllcen are paid. and RECTOR AT CHRIST that the acceptance of thil olllee by him lhall not operste u a relln. qullhment of hla prelCDt POlt aa auperintendent of the county bo.pi­tal for the inune. or of an, of the ri,bta and dutl .. tbereof, or com. pen .. tlon fixed therefor.


dorsllll tbeH can4lclatea stated tbat nr. aapply committee' reported Iprin, weather. too. ia doing Ita part the put perI_ of ' 111 three the receipt of new recorda for the in rniwin, the leaf Uld color in the dearly demoutratecl their devotion play day activities at lI_oriaJ Pan, thoul8llda of treet, Ihrub., and to the beat Inter .... of Riftfton ed II,*, ElweU. prealdent of tbe board, puta, artllUca1Iy puted about the are, therefor. well fitted to carry Oil appointed William H. Bottler to lfOundl.

, .. , the work of the boroqb'l balllI .... handle tile ampU8cation tylt_ at A cordial welcome ia extended to The' co_ltte. ltated that an· the Park apia thla year. all who vltit the park, and tber. will

A. orillnally drawn. tbe resolu­tion fixed Mr. IIcn"alne'1 salary at 1.00, but he requested that no eatra compenAtion be paid. The board, und.r advice of SoUeltor Wells, fixed tbe pay at I.. HI. uIary at the uylum l~ 12.000 lesl ten per cent.

The Wardenl ed VHtrym.n of Cbrilt Church, Riverton. have illued invitationa for a reception to be beld in the pariah hou .. Tuesda, eveninc. May 1. at ' .30, to meet tbe new rec­tor, the R4!V. Fnncla B. 'DoWDL

The committre in chargc h .. en. deavored to reacb every member of , the pariah. but If by realOn of the Ult of nsmes bein, incomplete, ey· one haa ""en overlooked. the com· mlttn 'akH thi. means of extald· in, invit.tion and welcome to any wbo did not receive In invitation.

nouac.nlDt wOllld be IUde at a ApproYal wu If'Ulted for the re· be DO tolidtation of any Idnd. later date who oft the cowIty ed coaditi~ of the piano In the n· Add a ROP at Lakeview lIemorial ltate ticket wOllld receive the np. ditorium at a cOlt DOt to oceed flO. Park to your next Sunday motorin, port of the club. • itinerary. Plan to arrive at three

The .,.... of auperftuoua atablet o'clqck In tbe aftemooa, u tbli I. o Peoplel Deal wltb one anott.r It worlel-wlele. - Satvday Even1n, the time the mualcal procram COIQ. lo patience.-'A1I41I'I-BalIII. RnI_. menc:es.

lit. IIcllvaine allred tbe board for (continued on Pile 10)



FOR EVERY OFFICE 'Eighty Members and Friends Meet at Porch Club for Luncheon

Official ' List of Political Aspir­ants Filed at County

Clerk's Office

Followed by Brid,e

Ilgain. with the kind cooperation of the Porch Club. the Riverton Pare~t-Teacher 1I.ssociatlon held

Senator Josepb G. Wolber will their annual luncheon and bridge head the Republican ticket as his name was drawn for first place for on Wednesday of this week. Ilbout Governor. Harold G. Hoffman, ve. eighty members and their friends sat hicle commissioner, will be in sec- down to luncheon at one o'clock, ond place: former Judge Robert followed by an afternoon of cardy.

Mrs. Walter L. Bowen, State vice Carey, third place: and Senator Em. erson L. Richards, last. . president of the New Jersey Con· . Theron McCampbell. assembly- gress of Parents and Teachers. and man and independent candidate for Mrs. Murray C. Boyer. preaijlent of the Democratic Kubernatorial nomi. the Porch Club, were guests as wen

as Mrs. Luther S. Davia. of Shiloh. nation, received firat place over Mrs. Davis will be well remembered Judge William L. Dill, the Hape by the older residents of Riverton, choice. for Mr. Davis was principal of Riv.

Repablicans for Freeholder erton School thirty years a&,o. William H. Reevea, of New Lis. ~n earlie~ luncheon was .erv~d. to

bon drew first plac:e for freeholder. MISS Carolane Staman, superVl8lD, Cb~le. R. Stout. of Florence, and· principal: and the teachinc staff of James McCormick. of BurlinKto,., the publac school to enable them to freeholder incumbents, drew third return to claases on time. . and eleventh places, respectively. The c1ubbouse wall cay With

YOUTH WEEK SPEAKER ooooooau.OIooaouoOlOOOOOOOOOOOO'ot.oooaoooooooooo

who will be tbe speaker at the Youth Week servr~e at Calvary Presbyterian Church. Itiverton. Sun. day. Ilpril 29, 4 p. m.




Use The New Era Want-Ad Column as a mediwn for exchange, sale, buy or rent-Just Phone 712, Qnly ten cents per line .per insertion.


cc,_ CHOIR The respective places drawn in the blossoms arranged by Mrs. M.

Republican freeholder race other .her committee. On each PUBLIC SERVICE tban tbe first. third and eleventh of the !ndivldua~ tables were pansy REELECTS OFFICERS places drawn by Reeves. Stout and plants In pot~ery holders. . Thomas N. McCarter was elec;ted McCormick. are second. Illbert Col- to be used as bndge I?nzes.. president 6f Public Service Corpora. lIer. of Bordentown: fourth. Hilton The luncheon. committee. conSISted tion of New Jersey for the thiity­Smith. Riverton; fifth. Park McCon- of Mrs. Howard Coe. preSident •. and second consecutive time at the an.

of the Holy Trinity lutheran Church . of Camden, Mrs. M. Mesko, Organist; Rev. Christian M. Han •• n. POltor

BROADCAST An In.plring Mu.ical Program over WCAM,· SUNDAY at 3 o'clot'k

' ......... , •••• , • ., I»'Mu"",& SolI. f, .. o",1 HoItI., o'Comd.n I Hoddon Hllght.

LAKEVIEW nell Burlington; slxtb. Walter T. members of her board ably asSisted I . f h C I' Ste':"art, ·Mt. Holly; seventh. How. by the Room Mothers. who served. nbua dmefetdl!,C to .. t he ld ~rpoNrat onks

. D I . hth Alb t The executive board wishes to ' oar 0 Irec ors e In ewar, ard Russ, e anco: elg ...... er Il '1 17 IlII th ff" I f th B Ed P k' : ninth take this opportunity to thank all pn. 0 "r 0 ICla S 0 e

MEM'ORIAL ames. &,ewater ar. • . . ' company were reelected

GeorKe . Russ .. Delanco •. nephew of .ts members and fnends for their ~~~~~~~~~~'====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?~~~= the other candidate of the sam~ generous response. name; tenth. Charles Meyers. Maple I -:.-------Shade; twelfth, Christopher Peditto. "COLOR IN GARDEN" Palmyra; thirteenth. Earl. R .. Blyler. AT PORCH CLUB Ed&,ewater Park. (brother of Walter T. Blyler. of Riverton): fourteenth. Clifford Massey, Lumberton.. and .J. Fletcher Street. Noted Landscape fifteenth Illbert Jones. Mt. Holly. Ilrchitect, Will 'Have Message

Democ:rats for Freeholder The names of the four Democratic

freeholder candidates will appear as follows: Edward E .. Bell, of Marl­ton: Benjamin F. Faunce. Riverside; Martin B. Horan. Burlington. and Richard Quirk. Burlington.

State Ilssembly

(or Ilmateur Gardners

On Tuesday. May first, J. Fletcher Street will speak to members and guests of the Riverton Porch Club on "Color in the Garden,"

Mr. Street's reputation as a land· scape architect is well.known, and his ideas on planting for beautiful color effects should prove most' in·

Dr. Joseph W. Boley. Burling.ton • . terestinK to all am~teur gardners. won first place in the Republican The annual meeting of the Porch Ilssembly race over Dr. Marcus W. Club. with reports from the spring 1-lewcomb. incumbent. and in the convention at Atlantic City. will be county clerk contest. Mingin. incum- held on May 15th at 11 o'clock. . bent" is second to J. Lloyd Wright. Ilt one o'clock there will be a

. covered dish luncheon and the in· U. S. Senator

John Blauvelt. independent Repub­lican candidate for U. S. Senator. drew first place over Senator Hamil-ton F. Kean. .


In the Republican Congressional nomination fight Benjamin Cieresko, of Trenton. drew first place over the incumbent, D. Lane Powers. also of Trenton. For the Democratic nomi­nation, David McNeal. of Trenton. drew first place with Walter L. Whittsley, second.

State and County Committee

In the Republican state committee race. J- Horace Eaton drew first place. and George de Benneville

. Keim. EdKewater Park. i~cumbent. second: for female ' member of the state Committee. first place went to M ... Illma Evans. of Riverton. and second to Mrs, Pearl Bridegum. Mrs. Elizabeth G. Terry. the incum­bent. ia not seekinK re-election.

G.eorge M. Hillman. Jr.. of Moorestown. incumbent Democratic atate committeeman. will have first place in seekinK renomination. with William Vandegrift. of BurlinKton. in secol\d place. For female memo ber of the committee. Mrs. Eleanor Earlin,. of Roeblin,. drew first place over Mrs. Mervil E. Haas. in. cumbent and postmaster of River· ton.

Daniel Lichtenthal. of Riverside, i. unopposed for the Democratic Ils­sembly nomination.

Robert J. Bi,ley. of Maple Shade, drew first place over Edward P. Gal­laaber, of Burlington, in the county clerk; Democ;ratlc contest.


Hilton M. Smitb, Geor,e W. Ru .. , Jr., and Clifford E . Malley have withdrawn .. candidate. for free. bolder on the Republican ticket. and their Damn will not appelr OD ·the blJlot.

Local Caadidatcs

Couad1m'D, full term: Edwarcl K. JlenilI, .r... A. Bell. Joteph II.

stallation of new officers for the coming year.


Boy Scout Troop No. 5 of tlie Methodist Chruch and Troop No.9 of the Lutheran Church will give "Going to Heaven on a Mule" Thursday evenin&,. May 24. in tbe Palmyra HI&'h Sclioo!. Th~ proceeds of the show. which.

is of the minstrel type. will be used for the camping trips of the boys this summer.

If the Fascisti are the black shirts. the Nazis are the brown shirts. what do you call the Gandhi organization? '

Roberts and Gorham P. Sarsent, all Republicans; Spencer L. Haines. Democrat. .

Councilman. unexpired term (two years): John Strohlein. Republican.

County Committee

Firat District: Frank J. Holvick, Mary E. Steedle, Republican; Wil. Iiam McDermott, Alice G. Laverty, Democratic.

Second District: James J. Good. win. George D. Steedle. Illma Evans, Republican; Jo.eph A. Q,vitt,· Fran­eis J. Goodwin, Ilona g. Goodwin. Democratic.

Third Dlltrict: Hilton M. Smith, Emma Elliott. Republican: Michael O'Neill, Marian A. Holman. Demo. cratic.

CinnaminlOn Township

Por Township Committee, for 3 year.: Charln Evanl, Republican.

County Committee Fint Diatrict! David B. Colee,

Jelle M. Dorworth. Republican: Horace A. Richman, Anne E. Barr, Democratic.

Second Di.trict: W.!:!Ite Pfau, WIlliam II. Joluuon, II Itow, Repabllcaa; Jobo J. 8othalD, Marie Br~ ~raUC.




i Do,.oo think that .11 electricrefrigeruoresre nouy IIDd eJ:penll .. e 10

~ operate? •• Do you think that the ice ttl,.. of .11 electric nlri, ....

aIOfS stick I4d ha .. e 10 be pried or hammered loole? •• Do ~ lhJok that defr.ldo • • 11 elec:cric nfri.eratora u s oui .. nee?

Then .. bit our Sprio. Show. IDa of the Jdptaiie '341 Ie ..

lI~tlC ice ttl,. releue ••• ebe tray. slide our at arouq. of your fioBer! I, has 1III1_III;c defrost,.. in .... turo. iIu/j On after de­frosrin. is cOmplell!d! The extra quiet rnoc01' is 10 cticieol that it operarea 00 lID amazincty am.u _ of curreDlI

ADd me ~dailc ';l4 lloe ~ • that haft! the SIIdin. Udlhy B .. llet whida fa WOAdCrfall,COAyeaiea&lor ....

10. oanAJl arddes ••• ldjaltlble . Ihel,es ••• mucb Sft8W' Hyclta­tor capacity ••• aenerous ice­frenln, capacity ••• the coo­""nient. _, friaidaUe Sen.. abell. 1UJd •• • LI/.ihN PotceJafo iDlide IUJd 011((

Ow- lpedal Sprioa Sbooriq of the 'ripcIaiN ';l4 u _ fA propeu.:' mIoduIdiao ~r.Jeam mo._od ...... Oun U. • f aicIairo '5-C."

J. S. COlliNS & SON, Inc. Frigidaire Sales and Service




.. ..

.. "





· Canadian Travel Bureau Repre­sentative Tells Local Club

About 25-lb. Trout


THREE MONTHS U'lder instruction just issued

from National Reemployment Head. quarters it will be necessary for all who want their names retained in the active files of the employment

One porcupine tim destroy a whole forest during its lifetime; several trees may be girlded in one night.

COAL DEALERS MAY BE PENAUZED Canada's wealth in minerals and agencies, to re·relieter every three

in wild life. was the subject of Fred montbs. Failure to do this will in. dicate that the applicant has secured '1'h N J C F. Fol"'er's tallr and movin'" pictures e ew ersey oal Code pro·

D • employ~ent or i. otherwise not 'd th II d I at the weekly meeting of Palmyra- d . VI es at.. ea ers must sell coal tereste In having his or her name at the Same prices, or be subject to

Riverton Rotarians. Mr. Folger is continued in the £lie as a seeker of heavy fine ond severe penalties. director of the Travel Bureau of the work. Coal prices are now the lowest- ' Province of Ontario, Canada, and is Ils three months or more have and before you order coal anywhere a member of the Niacara Falls Ro. elapsed since the oriKinal registra- be sure to .investigate Joseph '1'. tary Club. Eacb year he travel. ex. tion of a larce percentage of those Evan,,' Money.Saving Plans. The tensively in tbe United States to now in tbese files. many of whom value in choosin&' Evans' Hich.Car­bring Ilutomobile, Service and Tour. registered for CWIl emploYlllent. bon Premium Ilnthracite ill securing isIs Club information about tbe fa· This means that practically all will the extra and longer burning service dlities offered by bis native prov- be registered within the next few which thousands · of Burlincton ince, for summer recreation., His wee~. By doing this, all who have County families have discovered introductory remarks dealt with tbe already secured employment and are after testing Evans' Coal. Hundreds size of OntariO, (stretchlnK from the at work will be eliminated from the of families who changed to Evans' Great Lakes to the Ilrtic Ocean) files and only active seekers for Coal durin, the ;!lero weather last and the growin, number of good work remain. Winter say .they get about 10 days roads it contains. Ilt present there This will aimplify the work of the longer service 'from a ton of Evans' is an improved road to withilL 128 offices, since it haa been found, par- High.Carbon Coal tban from the miles of the Ilrtic Circle. ticularly since the up.swing In pr!- free.burnin&, coal they hlld been us.

The first film shown by Mr. Foiser vate employment, that many •. elect· ing. They e:Kped to save the use pictured the Hollinger gold mine ed to fill personnel requisition, were and cost of at least a ton next and the processes necessary to free already at work but had not notific:d Winter by fillin&' their bins this the &,old from the ore. The club the Employment Office of tbis fact. Spring with Evans' High-Carbon members were aatonished to see the Burlington County Employment is Premium Ilnthradte. It will pay up-to-date equipment which works located at 13 Brainard. street, Mount yoU well to investicate Evans' 365 days in the year In the land of Holly. Money-Saving Plans for filling your arctic cold. The Holllneer mine bin. You will be surprised how you sends $175,000 in gold bar. eac:h day BELL CO~ REPORT can save money with Evans' Coal to the royal mint in Quebec. SHOWS Plans and also get the superior

The second film illustrated Illgon. NET GAIN Money.Savin&, results with Evan.' quin Park, a · vast natural plaYKround High-Carbon Premium Ilnthracite. for bear. moose, deer, fish and other For First Time in More Than Tw'~ Don't delay, Phone' Riverton 302 10' creatures of interest to the dPOrts· Years, Installations Outnum· day for latest Money.Saving Coal man. . The scenes depicting a group ber Cancellations plans. of campers clustered around an open. . fire, over which were fryin&, slabs The ~rat quarterly gain In tele- HOME IMPR~VEMENT of fresh cau&'ht 'brook trout, were phones 10 New Jersey for two and a Il leak, a bare spot. spongy woodl 80 real, that some Rotarianll almost half years was reported today by the peeling paint, neglected. now, will

· forgot they bad jUlt dined. Not the New Jersey. Bell Telephone Com· cost you a lot more later. least appreciated were the views of pany. Dunns ~anuary, February Il,!~ Evans' Estimator how to reo pine.clad mountain slopes, and lakes and March of !h.1I year 30,347 tele. palr economically, about streens and that stretc;hed away in to tbe douds phones were Installed and ~7,149 fcreen material. How you can use that hid fhe horizon. were taken out for a net l181n of Evans' Roofing, Shin,les. Wall

· Close upon thia picture followed 3,198 telephone~ in service. DurinC Boards, Lumber, Brick, Cement. one that might have· been called, the corresponding quarter ~f lalt I'Hiarclw,ue to save money now. Visit "Fisherman'. Delight." Imagine year 26,639 ~elephone. were I,?stall. Evans', and tell your friends about landine 10, IS, and 20 pound lake ed and 40,649 removed. causing 'i Evans'. A.k operator for Riverton trout as fl\st as you can pull them in t net lo.s in telephones of 14,010. 302 for quick delivery of your home Evidently It's beln, done in Ontario, Total telephone revenuea for the improvement needs or Evans' Esti. where several ,Rotarians promised to q,!ar~er were $10.277.457 c;ompared mator. . look up Mr. Poicer this summer. Wltb $10,188,677 for the first qUarter they being unable to withstand the of i93~; net telephone ~arninl. were lure of such 'shin&, opportunities. 11.704,011 compared WIth $1.590.097

for the . fint quarter last year. Bnd


Young Peoples Fellowship of River. ton Will .Present Play

May 4

. "The Odd Job Man." cute title, isn't it?

Ilnd' the play is jUlt as cute. It is being presented by the Young J'eople's Fellowship of Christ Church. Riverton. May 4.

nct profits per share of common stock outst;lnding amounted to $1.03 for the quarter. or at the annual rate of .... 12. Corresponding ' quarterly earnings in 1933 were $.95 per share.

Il new apparatus Is being used to test beer. the liquor passing through an "invisible ray." Ils long as it is normal. nothing happens; if it should be cloudy, a siren sounds.


Yes indeed they do thrive on Evans' Superior fresh·mixed Poultry Feeds, little chicks. pullets and hens do prefer Evans fresh feed. They grow strong and produce plenty of big profitable eggs. Phone Joseph T. Evans. Riverton 302 for your Poultry Feeds and Supplies.

Joseph T. Evans

E1 '"'' r; ,,,I , 'lit' i'< 'j ; 'IK I>.

,,, .,1 10 r •• "

000 tIIOOOOOOOOO00400000H oa 00+000000 00 00 00000 G 00+000






Primary Eledion TUESDAY

MAY 15, 1934


He has rendered eminent service to the people of Burlington County in both local and state affairs. This adverti&ement ordehd And paid I~r by Alfonzo Adams.


.. Dependa:a>le Used Cars WITH

Low Down Payments and ReduCed Finance Charga

1928 Chevrolet Sedan 1 30 Dow. 1929 Ford Sport Coupe _ _______ ._ __ __ 42 1930 Chevrolet Special Sedan, Excellent Condition _ 83 .. 1930 Studebaker Sedan _ .. __ .. ____ .. ____ ..... ________ 95 1930 Pontiac Cabriolet __ .. _ . __ .. _ _ _ 70 1928 Chevrolet Cabriolet . 30 1933 Chevrolet Sedan __ ___ .. __ _ _ ____ _ 175 1932 Chevrolet Sedan. Excellent Condition : ... _ ... __ ... _ ... ... 133

~~ ~~~~x SS:J!n C"~~~.~ _:: : :~~._~ .:~::_::.~~::::~::: ~-.~::=:=::~:~==: :g .. 19aO Nash Sedan .. _ ... _ .. _ __ ..... . :._ ..... ..... ______ ._ ..... __ ._.. 86 1931 Chevrolet Sedan ._ ... _ ........... _ ...... _. _ ,,,,,,_,_,, __ . 92 1930 Chevrolet Coach. Excellent Condition _ ._ -' ....... _ 70


z Pal-River Chevrolet, Inc. II I 10 Broad Street . Phone 1561 Riverton, N. J. ~",~~", .... A:~"': .... Aoo:HX .. "':_"._xH:_"._: .... ,.o(H:--c-:--:--c-~..Qo<)·h·

Mrs. Shreve is coaching us and we are hoping to do her credit.

The cast is composed excluaively of members of the Fellowship and is all lOCal talent; people you know.




Republica"s and Democrats Robert Gorcion, the harrassed and

irate father. is played by George Phipps. Cella Gordon. his lovely daughter, Lenore Showell; Dolly Gordon, the apoiled ten·year·old. Edith Knight; Bobby Gordon, a boy who coneiders himself a man, Bill Shoemaker; the faithful housekeep. er. Helen Spencer who "makes" her employer. Elizabeth Ridley; Kifty Miller, B rather unsuccessful &,old diCKer, Louise Ayres; Gerald Pa&,e, a poet of the firat water and Celia', fiance ill Hawthorne Criddle; Nora the much· annoyed lrllh cook. Eliza. beth Hunn; the heavy lover and "Odd Job Man," Charlet Earp.

To know the Itory you "mu.t come ove .... to Cbrist Churcb Parish HOUle. Friday, lIay fourth at eight o'clock.

Think you" like it' E. P. 8.-Publidty.




Full,. Automatic ASK ABOUT IT



~" , ON ONE

blue .coal' PHONE RIVERTON 5 and order enough of this SUPERIOR fuel to answer next winter's coal needs. Buy at the NEW LOW . SPRING PRICES and SAVE MONEY .... DO IT NOW

. , • I

Full of Vitamin. H. D. HuDing •

and Son Collins Building

J. S. COI,I ,INS~ & 'SON, j 'ELIInI" ' f- •

LIVI. tAutAG. Phone 60 Riverton




Phone- 4 or 5

~) I 1 I I i I I I I I r~



~l TelT)~e -Fannie', Weddlne D~y: . = Came-ra ad,·enturea. WMotor Mama. a speed thriller

. Not~: Boys aod girls of Palmyra. Ri"enon and Cinn~io&On will be ad· Pnblis.bed Every Tborsday at 6!l7 K.ain Street ; milled if YOIl have not.reacbed ),ollr 12th bIrthday ~ ... -...


RIVERTON. N. J. ---- , , u r: yMI , Ch~rmao j Comminee on SupernSloD-=fS. ,,:ace ~. Rrm,red at R:~rtC>!l., N. j. PCH't Oif;ee U S¢ccll",l-CWs IUtter , 1m H-L. u rs. C, F. Voorhis --==-:.:.....:..::....:..:....::.:...:...----..:...-......:=--------------___ : Mn.. Willizm Bur,es'S Mr~. E ~ .... n In

(Mrs. Sbe=-man Warren Mn .. Jo~"po Marean . Mrs. Nathan Lane WIU.TER L . BOWEN. E.ditor KARL W , _A Tea. Advertisin • ..l'U.nq(r


' NiNo. Robin.., Colt M~ Leo~ C. Guest Mrs. Elia.s P. Toi' : Mn .. Oro,' .,. Fo>: Mrs.. C. '\ . Bar.o

All readen 0: IN;;"] :-lctl,e! oi =~en:ammeD., oppen.. ia.trr., danceI, E"'ening 0 '£ Entertairunent and Music I ~~ '"'= ' ·:>r purpcse c-I rUsme money. onlJ be charC'ed for at the , . hild d dult t'a'k O'i ten cetlts a bne . The New Era Off,ce 15 equipped to do all &.00 p. ttl., HiG'h School Au,borium. ire .... rogr~ lor C ren an a 5 / Cind, oi FiD. Prinno.c a.t ~U$Onable pri.ce5. j Nin. M u O,born, prC'Sldiol: I --------------------------___ i Operung N=ben ' ~j-;erton P.T.A. Cbo~~ !

'LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Mr~. j=>es Clark. &c.:o:npanm p' ,,:1 Mrs. Alben all"'"

The Ne .. Era 1$ a Lepl Ne""'J>IIPU. Commissioner', Sbemf's cd '! Reciutions I .mer SaUs. Admi::ustT£tDl"s .ed BaaltIOr·. Adftrt:isementa aft 5G>licited. 'j 'Solo. Ernest Warwick The N .... Era 'llt""Jl a.ppreciate heine remembered m this c:ocm~ 'I Ne....-n Spi:iT:lAll Gtrl~ of tbe Bordentown Manual Traininc School I

I • . - Glee Club SubscriPt¥>1l $l-SO a Year m Aitftl:Iee ! Selen:lons ' . PeUo .... ship Choral Club I A.d~ Ra:es Oil AJ:tpIication I D: er..o:. T . C. V;ar,Os:e:D ; aUlOmpi.ll1St, Lte M,ttOIl

NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPD....,.v .. ,..,..A'I'''"''.. I Gues:t A .. ·tis ... , Xylopboce Select>ous . . Jo~"h Conway. Moorestown ............... .. • • - Mrs. Robel1 SUn. at ,.ompall1st

NEW ,lltRSEY NEWSPAPItRS, lDc.. ' ! S...-is, Sou&s (m t:os=e) Mrs. Nathan Lanc B. T. Kines, Pt-esi4em l Victor Ritscbard

i . b'-w Dr. Dean Le Favor Philadelphia Advc:rtisirt& Repr~ Piano ... :n_, NEVILLE II HITCHINGS. lDc.. SPONSORING COllMITTEE

U So. Twel!-th St.. Philadelphia. 'PL Ii Mrs. 1'40 Ofob=. Chairmul

Nathan L8D~ Mrs. Roben Sim ~~~~'#-:..,A-'~~~·#~~ .......... A;I"' ...... ~~A1IilQ~ i Mr~. Res.. M:-C:-oss= Ernesr Warnick

i ------------------~---------------

~Pame4 Eilfel Tow .. II opmecI ill Paris, 11m.

National Youth" Week April 28 to May 4

PROGR ... .\.~I , SATURDAY. MAY 28

Treasure: Hunt

1 I I

1 ', 4,.on ". "l.


HO'bb~' and Pet Day Church Notices

2.!1 p , ::'.


'SD p. :n,

MONDAY .. . 4.PRIL SO - Palmyra - }O"erton Vocational Guidance ConferenCe

Palmyra High School

J, 1


Day in Athletics 2.BII ,p. m. BOYf and girl'" to be guestf, 0: Snlbt- Park

CHRIS,. CHURCH Riverton. 1';. J.

Rev. Francis B. Downs. Rector SlIIlday, April 29

Holy Communion 1.30 a.m. Sunday Scbool 10.00 a .m. MorDine Prayer and Sermon 11


Thr Youtli ' . W ef:1i "<lImrri::te~ O!! vCJi:a.tionel &'U1dBnce bas planned the t:>U" ... in&' pr('UIItt i or 114 onds} ""enm&, April 30th, 'to be beld Ut llbe ?alm)>:-8 H.C'b S::b!>al. l>e"mtlUll I!~ ~.Oll p.m. Paho]'l1l-Riven:oIl Rotar. JlI1u. ane O"..her~ mtC1'CI'tc:l 10 't,oyJ. anc 1:'1!'H.. lin co-oper~ m the riot'! to .ezlT~ cuuhmct ro rlJa .. t ""bo will poon c:neaee 121 the bulliDcs, of mU:mc-J! li"N- . .

"I'bi$ mp will be open ro any gIrt O! boy 12 Y"U::~ ur i!J:e or over .and mill in Ilcbool.Tue mp will be made In "double d=w~ onder super- ' vision. lWeryonc will be required t D register ar ~he Y MOT!' Wednesday at &.00 p.m, Tbr COSt will be t;U! 10 cenll' and U'lUIIlportution bm~ ~ cenu.. All tber~ I~ n iJml~ III tbe nurobC'l' wh" mu.Y C"'J the fir5t ones r-e~d will bave the pl'lvilege o f malnng the ttlJ..


• Vespers 5.00 p.m.


"'--- Pro L._ a _.1_' Sbulman'5 Department Store. suc-1. ..."""",~e to b,,~·, an~ cirl5 of 8th trade I1Ild ~ schol>l , gram to uc: announce In next W= E paper cesson to Romm'a, have announced lli'eL. asi:m& for informltttOJl .... to me type oi work Ut whicit they I-============================l are Ur-..IIf'eSted, anti te1hnc them ""him DiS ... here they may meet , . the additioD of • complete line of (ltl!DetIDt' Dr) the ~ oj April SOth. who wID be Clad to talk ri i' and EllwlD McVllllC1l IItJn o! Mr. g~tlHiate men'. fgrDiablqs. to ewer tbci:r mdI"jihuu lTocCcmal p:-oh1ems wi1:b them. 1 ,-and ,Mt'b. JQbr, .E. Me V~. IICDlDf their complete ' line of ,.,carin.- ap-

1. Tlilk m the auambly rDtI!D by C. P. May£el~:>II 'the subject of RIVER'TON l att P~ine' 1m fIK, VII11lity ~ pard for the entin: family. dm08ltl& 2. vCJcatiO!! anc !:be- val~ oj , .... "catiom.. &.flO J'. m. teum Philip Sbalman. the new propri-

.. ------------' ttor of the .tore. has been in the !! PrCileDCC III deaienated roomJl ai. JDeI1 and WomeD 1IriIIirIc and I ... _ .......... __ ........ b".:~-. cor m2DY ah~ 'to :aD!: 'to the b· .... s _ ..... :.n. -'-- .• .. ~ ... _ ..... ..<_ D ___ 'f\ ~ .... __ .... ___ • '. ':"'hc Pul-lU"", Cbt.'-,- • ___ . ____ ~., __" AprilllOfh -; -" ...... -- may come 111 &1 __ 011 _._........, ... -....-......................... " •• ~ ........... n )'Un aod win be . .-Iad to haft the

4..00 p. m.

Pa.. vi£I.oed her father . Edwm Evam"i ~~'ve IlU< n_ CII!'J, from TI:nJ'. mco of the community come in and l- ltmery c. P . Mayfield 011 Sunday. tn,WII, W~cle.y, by 'lDQLor tI"lICk look ove.r the new merc:handi~ C, O. Dt:nc'ler Carl Thomu !. lIra. Shulman i. the former Mia. l!- B.. J-.up It. N, COOJllCl[. Chr. Mr. aDd JIIn.. W . l... CtIIkry -..m:e 114m, HIL~ E. St_art ed Mia Martha Romm.

OCCtTPATIONS amDZl,l the ..wtcrr5 at WIlllhiDctcm. \ Bt:~cc BUlWBM Wert tiaiton in In an advertisement in this Issue In. TM-.._'- D. C~ S-day to -joy the dIen? I WlUItUllCtml, D . C. lnt .-edt. _y iteaa of the new men'. line _. -, K S"_ntbip bl 11. ~ a. ~ work 0111" .... ' I M...,. Lut:be1 S. De.;". of Briqe- are listed. U. GOVe! lUhef1i 26. Social ~ IICVl!n.l ----___ _

Serv.ce rr. TcadImc KrL Alma I!lw1IJIS WJWthy chIItncs I:=- . upc:m. . d&Y5 Nitiq O. E. S. INSTALLS' OFFICERS l3. E~ EcanODUCS 2L T11Ides ,deputy of !:be-~ of PIe ltaJ;i:mz tU-'CU- m RtPe:rtao and Palmyra. Pas, Grand Matron, Sister .Emma ~~, ~t'S ~~ Star oJ Kror .:JerJleY ..... w . instal- ' The Li<ihes' t..m::ihu? of the Rh •• A Fithian ..... the inSlailine ollicer If> j~ ~_ lizIc ofIU:er Jl't the Mo~ J <:r!:O%: FlTt c.~Jl%IY eIIteR&iDed the of Covenant C"-rler O.R.S. 108. l; L._ A;;;;::bile ales' OXS ChapIler. MDllda:Y t'VeDmC- l.I.dic:s ~ of Parry Fire Com. Palmyra. ' at their installarion on '"8 lIIedicine and ~ paII;\ 1".' CO'l'Cre4 cmb SUpper Mon. Tut'$dll), "vertine, OltkeN in5taUed l " ~ __ 1"--..,. ~ 1Ilr. aDd JIIn.. William R.. Smil:lJ A_V""........ _"' aa follo-'. Won h." matrOn. ",::. ~.. - . ........... . If'tt"-' "" -- ~. .... -". "'~ "'~r. r-'" anI! family. of Jfontclair. wiD (K. • Rather \t. Buehrer,; .orth~ paf1'On. 21. Mar orpmrmoa CIWY tbe Fapert}' ai 111% Xam stn!eT i ~ d M Hilton Stnlth; auodate matron, Ev. :u. Nursinc (Boy aniS Girl ~ me ifirs1 oi !by. I· an . n;. p , Blclnm5tod •. of el~'1\ H, Weart: ('()ndu~fl"eSS. lin. n teal Estr.e S- aeam-, Philadclpbi&.. ed Herbert Payunc Rllen Sntith: a~.tll COtIductres~.


etC.) MT. aDd IIrL ~ G A~ ~~ Mi." Alma Dororonh..;.' Cinna. Mn. JuUa AMIII : chaplain. Mrs.. 04 Palrr:yra -wi'!l ~ the ;ro .... ,-1'f ~~- ~t &&turday and Sunda\! F .... n .. Rue: tnal"&UlI, Ilia Vircinla " ., ~ Howard ctree'I.. after )by 15.· m • - Ymit.. SHI: "A.dih." Mn. Emil, Wella;

.. f CARD P RTY ··Ru1h." Mi .. Mo .... Carpilftter: "Es· 1Ilr. ad I&L DmiS Jleed. of Ilaiz A. ttwr," Mi .. "at tie ~teI': -Mar.

stTCeI.. ~ ~ til' ~OJ) c- A card ~ for tM Mn~C of the." Mn. latah Ifacl' .. E1«tn." fer ..... ~ tbe -- 1:D nanaa. .~ Bean CIIarcb will be I'i<rftl ...... An .... Fri .... y; ,.,~. Mn

1.". lfias Mart E. Sttcdle abel lin. Reba Welter: ttfttiftel. ...... Con

!.-is • .U· _ oIKr_ ... £dwa.d O ..... a- che .cbool .tanew Coddl~. orpaiIt, lin. Iff'll,. LiIIo6J' C. RcMiu. a --- ...s-i_ OIl PrW.." ...., 4.. at * Olall,. """'t iact-....... IIf'11,. CII die __ claw at GecqIe SdIooI o'dodt. PrUa -.t nI~eata. H.ny w ..... II' .. A.1 ... Dorwoft"



.... I ,.




Rev. Roberc Mark, of Allentown. Will Be Sl1ea"er aC Palmyra

Moravian Church

tift altuate in the To.,..hip of Delran, B\lr-

Unr:: ;::~t~m~::. J~r::~~e. are made a defendanl bEcause you are one of the owaera of • mot1~.&"c which 1a aubaequcnt 'n licn and operation to that of complainant'. cov-crins the P~IIl:'.I'NCOTT.

Solicitor of Complainant, U N •• th St.. C.mden. N. J. Good Work

Burlington County's Sleuth WiD Be "Toasted" at Log Cabin Rev. Robert W, Mark. D.D .• of

Lodge, May 1 Allcntown Presbyterian Cburch. will be the speaker at tbe spring rally of

Dated: April II. leu. 4·le to 5·10.., •• Builds Confidence

A testimonial dinner ia heinl the Burlington County Christian En. planned in honor of Ellis H. Parker, deavor Union at the Palmyra Mor. who has served as chicf of Burline- avian Church. Friday evening, May ton county detectivcs for 41 years. eleventh,

Work is the greatest remedy for most ills, Good work builds confi­dence. You work for your money, and,you are wise to let your money work for you. Open an account now with this Bank.

The dinner will be helQ at Log The opening song .service at. 7.45 Cabin Lodge, Medford ,Lakes, at 6.30 will be led by Rev. H. Gordon Har. p.m., Tuesday, May 1. The princ:i- old. of the Mount Holly Presbyter­pal speaker will be Harold G. Hoff- ian Church . man. Commissioner of Motor Ve· The Marlton Christian Endeavor hicles. Burlington county Pro~ecut. will have charge of the worship or, Howard Eastwood will be the service.

Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

toastmaster. The county attendance shield will There will be a varied procram of be awarded at this meeting.

entertainment. and a popular dance Everyone who is interested in the orchestra will furnish music for tbe ' work of the young people in the dandne that will follow the dinner. church is cordially invited to attend

(INNAMINSON &NK ~.,,..~ ANI> T RUSI(OMPANY Among the prominent persons this rally at the Palmyra Moravian

who will attend are: State Senator Chu~ch, Five Points. Palmyra. Clifford R. Powell; Former United States l:\enator David Baird. Jr.; Circuit Court Judee Wilfred B. Jayne; Circuit Court Judge V. Claude Palmer; Hon. William D. Lippincott; Hon Harold B. Wells; Hon. Frank A. Hcndrickson: Hon. Charles A. Rigg: Hon. Robert Pca· cock; Hon. Jonathan H. Kelsey; Hon. George M. Hillman.

In addition to those guests will be many high rankine police officials and detectives from Philadelphia and nearly cver-y county in New Jersey.

Tbe committee on arrangements consists of the foUowine: Hon. Frank A. Hendrickson, chairman; George B. Bitting, treasurer; Hon. Charles A. Rigg; Frank Holvick; Cccil A. Bowers. and Frank H, Ryan.

The reception committee memo bers are: Hon. Clifford R. Powell; Hon. Robert Peacock; Herman Bading; Mrs. Alma M. Evans; Mrs. Anna E. Bading; and Mrs. Hannah M. Lippincott.

Publicity ' committee consists of:' Frank L. Fitzpatrick, chairman; George M. Sleeper; Charles LaTour; A. Folwell; and Russell M. Stod. dard.


la conformity with t'he .,10.,.10111 of • .,

aCI <nUtl.d. "An .ct to am.nd.n .ct .n· FULL.yII!'AR 'AT AUCTION .J .~~ titled 'An Act to reculate Election. (Rc· . .... . LARGE STOCK OF vilion 01 le,o.)·" approved April I" 1930. WORLD-WIDE ' -and the amlCndmCflt. thereof a.,d luppJe·

m-';~ir~~tt b_by ,Iven that the Di.. INSURANCE EV ERG R E ENS SHAD. TREa ] lriOl Bo.rd 01 Relli.lIY and Election In tho n.oWnlNII SHRU.S ,

BOROUGH OF RIVERTON ' IIr • .ao.aoo.- •••• r.... (-INJlNNLIALSOYS TO SHUD.lly •• pLAUNTSRCHASERvINS" ~n the County of Burliaeton. will nt.k. • ~... ::::.. p~~t;et:OII:Ic;.~: houte to houle canv... of 'Yoterl Oft .... ..... •• eton.e •• d

TUESDAY. MAY I. 19M for ............ r ... r ...... ] .nd will m •• 1 on Ih. d ..... nd at tho •• t .. t 81on"e. At the COLLINS NURSERIES Inc pl.c.. h.rcil1lt.. dClignetcd lor the PUrpol. [ , . ' of .ddtn. to and revisinc the Regiltry Lllh 1·

TUESDAY, IIAY IS. 1934 Pleasant Vallev Ave .. MOORESTOWN, N •• between the hour. of leven o'clock A. II. . nd ] .nd eI"bc o'clock P. II .. , (EOIlero Sten· [ Friday and Saturday. April 27 a 28, 1934 dard TlDIol. ' AM" d

:rUESDAY. OCTOBER IG. au comnumcing at 10 • .' cae ay between the hOUR ' of one o'clock P. ... .nd nine o'dock P. ~T avn ...... _A.bonll ••• C~pr.... SHRUI. -Barb • ..,.. P ... ,..hl •• Wei· ]

n. Ja"lpe~ Pinel, Ipnace. Ycwa. C..,.Dto- ceUa, At cJ J., Lltae. H7dr.DI~" Deut-PIRST DISTRICT [ .1 •• 8.1 ....

All that portion .ltuale Ealt .Iul West of mert .. clc. AJeo PerC" 0 .1., Rock Plan' •• ROed, the Pe=lvaala railroad and bounded by TII ••• -M.ple •• lm. 0 .... Birch. A •• 1ea, L Ii rl, Iv". japanHe Naple.

:~:::I~~.~r~:-n~ :~J~! CNh .. olY· WyI1lOWE' "::::.:. Nu,..rl ... ~::::~:I~::·I::~ b .. ln .... L.... )

Church Jane. to Pourth Itreet, contmwnc , ( , plaatfn •• lor'hdr LeodKape D,panment-orcarafuU1 lliretcd throulh Church lane to Broad Itreet, thea" ".rtetln-c;xcHd Drctlenl and., hence thl. auction. a .. t 01 the Penl1lyl .. nia raUroad 0" both aid .. of 1I.1n ".eet, 01l.lu4la ll the COIIJDI ON EXHIBI'l'ION AT COLLINS NURSERIES DAILY OOI14ln,. to Ihe poinl 01 lIartlnll .. the Dor· . .. ... "'" SUNDAY 'TIL SALE ] ouah liae. l'oataiDma: therein tbc 'aUowlnc .n..a,&.I ttrects, S.nk ."cnue, Second It Net, Thftd [ . tU"t, Pourth ItHet. PUtlt .tnet, Brold ~ Cc:ucaIQr ..... ~ at...... Seventh 'Ireet,. Kllhth _. Ninth

::e.;" P:~'::I."ir~ H:::C~ ~-=!. ~= SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO. Auctioneers Church lane and Cedar .treat. d 1 h : 1

The ticket committee members are Clifford D. Cain and G. Clinton Zeller.

R[va:'IoH~ .. !':.rftre~~usa l!~08'1~,Ches::.!:===., ' ,. PhU~~eJI SECOND DISTRICT I;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All cbat pertion But ollhe PCtllU)rlraaia , ~"OO"OaOOIOOOOU~oOaUOOO"HDCO~

:~:dll,=~d:: ~r.. th:y:~~~11 Ba:, YMCA STAMP ~LUB

of Pahnyra ,and RivertOn

'The third weekly meetin, of the Palmyra YMCA Junior Stamp Group was held at the Y buildin.-. Broad and Garfield avenue, Palmyra, Monday evenin" April 23. at 7.30, Granville Dare prelidin,. The con­telt this week. a,ain on U. S. atamps and posta,e rates. was won by Ed­gar Schopp. who, for firet prize chose a set of.Spanllh .tam.,.. The second prize went to Granville Dare: it wa. a lelection of Union of South Africa etamps donated to the club by IIr. Jolmaon. secretary of the Senior club. Any other older col­leeton who have .tamps to donate to the club. eitllq as prizes or other­wise. aliould pve them either to Mr. Mount, or the leader of the club. William Schopp.

Several surprise Iota were amon, the atamps .uctioned off by Auction. eer Emil Bobus. We up«t another agction nest meetinc. so brine alon, a few pennies.

ThOR preRnt, in .ddition to the addition to tbe president and auc­tioneer were Norman DeLane}'} Frederick WooclWllrd. Edlat

!!:,eir':::"~~ ~J:r:~~ .:=: ins point .t Broad .ueet, conteiaiDll tlaemn the lollowlnll .Ir .... : Broad ,treat. HUrl­... air .. " Be.entb ilnet", IIldway. Ellthth Itreet, Put .veaue Hipway. 8f11rew1tiuf}' Roaa,. Kim avenue" Lindm &vnue. Thom .. • venue. L!pjllDl:Ott ••• aue and CharrY lane. STORE OF H. D. HULLINGS I: SON

Co\IIJia' Block, lIain S_I

THIRD DISTRICT , All that portlO11 _.t. .... 01 the Pma..ylvanta RaUro.d 'tNckl anll bounded by tbe followlaL Itree": Broad .b'eCt Irom Ycon .treet to BIJD •• ea"e. Itlm e"m". to Bank •• enuc, Baalc ."eave to Peon .tr .... and au lbat an. IOUtb of p__ .tr .. t con .. telnlnl tborelJl the followin.f,!!!:!" a_un and .treen. Lipplacolt, LWcn. 'roDt, Iccood aDd JrOlll1b.

LYNCH BUILDING 202 Broad I .....

AMD NOTICE I. lurt/a., .1_ that • PRIMARY ELECTION 10. _kiDll c ... 101_. DOtainatien.: lIember 01 the United Slaleo San .. e Govemcw ".mber 01 the HOUH 01 Jteprneulall ...

(lloUrth ConVCIIloa.1 Dlatrict) lIembar of the G_raJ A ...... bl,. Count, Clerk • Two (2) II ......... of tho Boa.4 01 Ch_

JPreehoJde,. Two Couadlmca (full term) Oa. Co .. ncilmaa (lor .... lrPIre4 tcnn)

.. :;::.!o~I·':;"'/t!.te C.......;IU .. ( lIember 01 the 81al. ComtalUH (I .... ale) lIem..... of "'" CouaIJ' c-IltH (on.

mala .. d 0.. I_Ie from ucIs omit of rcPnMatatio. or "cis alactlen dlalrict.l

will be b.W at .. 14 placH 01 .. 1II11r&.1o. OD TUKSDAYIn ~y IS, 1114

Bocou.h 01 Rivertoa bet..... tho 110 .... 01 _eo o'clock A.. ... .ad ..... t o'clock P. II. (Euler1I IIu4enl Timel

AND that • GENERAL ELECTION wW be bald Ia aaMl Dorou... at the , .. c.. 01 Hlliatratloa on

TUESDAY. NOVE,BER •• It .. ba .. _ .... hoon of ....... o'.Ioc" A.. ... aacl ~. o'clock P. .... lor ... prpme

;.:..~ :f~faJ'::!:II~lal41 Sanata Oovemor IS_bar of the H_ 01 Rep_taliy ..

... m<[.':':Jhl~Z.-::r~~kl) COllnl, Clerk

Schopp, Robert Cooper. and a new Tw0J'~::..:t;:. ...... of lb. Board of C"_n member. Hal Denman. A few mem- Two Couacl_ (f.n te .... ) ben of the Men's Club, ,.,hicb wu On. CouacilDlu (lor unu,lrO<l tena) meetln, up.atall'll. al.., were at. . DAIIIEL ... ~~ cracted.

All collector. of ltamP" especially juniors, are welcome at tbe nest meetin" to be held on Tuesday' eVII!­nine. lIay I. at 7.30.

Proapective T_f: HHow i. thi. Bat heated,..

Tenant: "By tippin, the janiCOl'."


TOB~~~. P~u-:::r anIcr • tha Court 01 Cbucol7 01 N_ }cney. _a Oft lbe 4., o' the date beteo'. u. • AU" whercln Cia __ BuiWleC .I0Il Loa A_lioa of Jljyert ... If_ to _laIaaDt. all4 ,...., ~ ~.u ....... _ of 1M ... f_tl. "'" .... rO<Nlrcd 10 appnr aII4 a_ .... "II of _laIoot .. 01' bd .... &be 12 .. ..., of J_ I'M. or tIa. uW "II wW ba ....... 1 <0._ ...... c ,_

Adel • tablapoonful of pardin _-r:-,;: ~ J:.."!t ~ • .::::u-../ = . Hoole W ... .u. ... wile, IG _ ...... 1. da.O<I to the .... ter _ben wuhinc - JUt1&17 I.. I.", Ia ... _ 01 11.-'00 am. TW. rcmoftll staiDa aDd belp. ... _ .. Ia lila 01 ... a.. GI t -e ... - " __ 1_- ........ Co.t,. Ia ...... 110. Ifl of 0 ... _ ....... --. .......... _1 ... _ ..... __

J. ' PARK McCONNELL J. Parker McConnell. one of the candidates for

Freeholder, who is well known in Riverton. has served the City of Burlington as councilman for nine years. He feels fully qualified to look out. for the interests of the taxpayers of the county.

He pledges himself if elected to give his time and experience to give the taxpayers an honest and busi­ness-like administration .

He has always been for economy, but economy with common sense.

He realizes that the county tax rate should be, considerably lower. If el~cted he promises to do all in his power to bring the tax rate to such a figure that' it wil[ c;:ause no hardship to ,anyone.

()nl~rc(1 ami paill fo r h)' J, Park !lfcConnd. Burlin!;ton. 100,00aooooo.I.0000.010000 ,aO~G~~~CDOCOOOaocoCOOOOODOOaOOOoOOOaOODaOOOO~'


I In ~?~~,,~~= P'~n- I I :::';, N.:;.,Irl ... n' '''00",., ." MW mriod at th, I I DREER'S


Nurseries on Fulton Street Also a complete line of Grass Seed for Lawn.

Shady Places and the Sealhore.

Open weekday. from 8 a.m. until ti p.m. and on Sunday (but not for business) from I until 5 p.m.

\ \ $ +" ..... .. ' ~ § \

. '




O~OOOOOOO'OOIOOOOOOOOOOOO oaoacoooooooooooooooooooo 10OOOloooooooooooooocac~ H'Aiy'toller ~ .. ' WOOLSTON'S GARAGE J. S. Collins & Son, Inc. W. F. BECKER High Grade Auto R~r Work 6hlueeoalt

Oroeori ... PnoItt, V ...... bl .. 'ADITIN. , Atwater Kent dio BUILDING IIATlEIUALI-HARDWAH DeUcalaHII Coua ... DECORATING '<

~ - D. SolO - H_bIIe Con LUIIBER-PKE~OKE

11 .. 11 ud PrcmoIo ... Gralnlng-Glazing ..(i BROAD and MAIN STREETS Broaa lila llaiD Rl .. wtolJ 517 HOWARD ST .. RIVERTON 627 Lippincott Ave. (j Phone 460 Riverton Phones" .nd 5 Phone 7Z4-Pree DeliYer)' RIVERTON I

iB SALES ~ • Palmyra Concrete Co. ,0000000000000001000000000 Riverton Market House SERVICE JEDDO.HIOHLAJlD PATENT MEDICINES

Moorestown Motor Co., Inc OTTO KOppaltS COD Groceriet - Meat. - Produce . OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOO Riverton Branch Concrete Blocks .and Cement Work Elrtra Fine Quallt]'


Phone 85 Riverton Phouet Riverton 378 and 564 Phoa. a27 Patent lloeIIe..... - GIIII - c .. ",

LEON A. SEVER, Inc. ....o-tJnc Car4. - Ie. C ..... ,






COAL Plumbing, Heating KOPfSRS PROCEIS COKE BALES and SBRVICE B1Il,I4IDc IIotaIaIe - HAU:~ING and Roofing lI'_udll'~

Moorestown PALMYRA PHOt.'E 1100

lIo'fiDc. Weeki,. Au ud Ttub ColloctloD -..Ja.,.-dft ....... ... au.... Top Sou. 8.... ..... Ota ... ELECTROL OIL BURNERS W.L. WRIGHT Riverton 290-W Today :Phone C. A. MATLACK

Have Your F\tmacc CI~ec1 Now .Joseph T. By ... 332 Leeoney Avenue PalalJna New Vae'aum Procca. VICTOR ADDING MACHINES GCAuine ' Riverton 302 Phone l_

ag' COAL 0000000000000000000000000 609 Thomas Avenue ·




SMITH'S STORE • PAL~YRA, N. J. 18 E. Charles Street, PaIm)'l'll "Save With Icc" Phone" RlvertoD Y5 1I000000000aOl0000lDlaOOO DI')' Goods - )fotiona-

BAKERY McCaD's PaHema - Gift8 .. . Phone 396-W 000000000000 0 I DO 00000 0 0 0.0 414 MAIN STREET. RIVERTON H. D. Hullings & Son

ICE with Service { P~CYUKmG Phone 783 PLUIIBlNG - HEATING - ROO.IJlG

, Home-made lee Cram MORRIS BROS. UDlIId SIIIII OU ........ CONPECTIONS OOOODDOODOOOOOODOOOOOOOOO S·K 011 Burne .. tile IlIAd ,... wID' .. FLOORS %01 PIIr A._ Butm- Co11ina' Bulldin. ......... -

CHEW'S BAKERY GOOOGOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOGO~ PIIoae a. RlYertGu, N. J. Phoae 60 512 Main St., Ri:e:.n

o.a.." ... 81y_ Beat 81 __ -PLOORS Palm". PboII. 1M - Wa _

Bud.GOd c. D~, HUBBS - Rublier - ... ,.~ .0000 ioo 0 0000 00 000 000000'0 RcfialahlAc • 8pcdaJIJ' OODIOOOOOO.O.OOOOOOOOIO~O

BANKS Let qa. ' &i .. e )'011 _ estimate OD L1ao11um LAUNDRY PLUMBING

ALBERT C. HORST I""=="· 913 lIerrlck A.... Cal\lqowoocl, N. J. 000010000000.10010~000001 HEATING Pho.... ColUqawood 2653 e ROOFING



• Phone 46·W Maio at HamlOD Street

Edwin H. RIVERTON . . RIVERTON Tucker LA\JNl>RY 202 Broad Street

••• 000.000010000000000000 Florist RIVERTON

BEAUTY PARLOR N. Kaenael, ' Prop. VIIIt Ow ___

Cut Flowers and Plant. RIVKR10N, NEW JB)lIBY 10000000000000000DoaDDOOO 623 Linden Avenue RivertDn MAGAZINES can be nbKribeci lor ETHEL'S DELIVERIES Phone 127 Phone RIvertoa on

.. cheaply from yoar ~ aaenta

~ S Beauty Parlor 200001101000DODIOODOOOIOD .. throaah tha ont-of-towa IOI1d-

FUNERAL DIRECTOR tara. CaD 751 or 14 when JOD han

~~ ... renewaJa or anr orcIen yon wiab to OIIOOOIIOOOOOOOIDIOO.OIOD ,0000.00.DOOIOOOOIIOOOOOO place. EliAbeth Bowen.

.adalo ... -==:.... 1'- Broad and Main Sta. Snover Funeral Home. Inc. MEMORIALS

RiYertoD ·ns.w " •• 000.00001011100000000 OOIOOOOOOIOCODooooooooooo 113 But BN114 Itreet PRINTING •• 00100000100001000000000 PUnym. N. J. CIIttOID-MiIt CtaMtery ~ iB

1000.0 •• 0010.01000.000000 BUILDER ., .... A. ........ D. Granite, IIarttIe and Breaa

•• 0.0101.000'000000000000 J ............. D. WILL HOPE NEW ERA PRINTING II

Pllane. IUvertoo ao Wublnaton and 1I'cdenl Sta. CURTIS E. STAVELY IIORE THAN A MIXTURE




16 W. Chariea St.. Palmyra 621 Thomas A.... Rivertoa OUTS. ETC.. AT A PRICB IN PHONE'''' Phone 'ISS ..... KEEPING WITH PRESENT

No C ..... for U .. of IJImeral II-. t'I .. IbIn Itreet JIGo....,....,. K. J. CONDmONB. ••• 0010000.01000000000000 .



1001010100000100100000001 OOOllo,ooooaDOOOOODDOIIOO

DRESSMAKING PORTABLE 00100 ••• 011.01100.0 ••• 0.0 STATIONERY A 1IaJdF_."...m. MILLINERY

for _._--

0.0 ••• 0.000 •••••• 1000000. 00000 •• 0 ••••••••• 11000000 - SPRING IIWNEIY $2 AND UP $1 BUY.


Women and Children ... .u.- ••

t::.. THE NEW BRA All the New Shape. and Shades New GanDeIlta IIade VERNA L; GUEST 200 SHEETS AND and

RnMHIdiD. 0-

11 Printing ••. 517 Garfield A"enue Palmyra . 100 ENVELOPES

Celeb ReD1Dlleleli aIMI "ad SILK STOCKINGS 79c: PAIR YOUR NAME AND ADD'" Ilea'. O ... tCOlb and BuIa_ COId8 _ .... ca.pipo,-- Telephone Riverton 517 ON BOTH PAPER AND

and V .... Re1Iaed - - ......,.. CIIIoo

Opea lion., Wed., Pri., Sat. EYe'. BHVItLOPa MRS. A. B. POWELL -""""-- IIAHY IITYLa TO CHOon - fl. THE NEW ERA IUD RYTaX ITATIOIfDY lUll nOli w .• ,... It., PUoyra -..- IUVIIIITOII ••. , . THE NEW ERA ...... , TIm ... ..,.



JOHN H. ETRIS 17 West Broad Street

Palmyra Phlleo Aleney Tu ... T .....

, Eapon Repair W ..... CALL RIVBRTON .,a


REAL ESTATE . ItSafety Pint .. - I.Rranee Pro'.ctia.

- N. R ..... II

ADA E. PRICE . Inauratlce 1t .. 1 BIIbI ..

Nat...,. PlbUe 410 LIPPINCOTT AVaNUE, JU_ "'00 .. 111_101

E. B. RUDDEROW 520 Main Street Riverton, N. J.

REAL ESTATE Notary Public 'Inl1ll'8llCe

Phoue, Riverton·G46 .

Richard M. W~ward REAL ESTATE

InllUJ'ance Notary PIIbUe

203 SEVENTH ST .. RIVERTON Phone Riverton 1054

[nsurance . REAL ESTATE

Notary Public -- ~ JOS. F. YEARLY '!i-_-_ Riverton Phone 69-11



Riverton Electric Shoe Repair

11" ... 10._ ........ HIOH GItADa ItBPAIa WOH




SHOE SERVICE 117 E. Broad Street .. Palm"" N. J. Phoue 1l3S-We call for and deUwr



, HInbbJoncI' • QUALITY

Shoe Shop MT. HOLLY, N. j.



TAILOR 0 •••••••• 00 •••••••• 0.00 •• PEEL POINDEXTER

TailOr c ....... _ ........ _."... ... ~ ...... IlIV.aTON ......... j. L. YOUNG


Pree DeIiwqo - .,... "5 . . -.............. .10 •• 1 •••••••••• 1 ••••••••

TAXI • •••••• 11.0 ••••••••••••••


Xal ~ to Hire for All Occlll_

Phone 1512

•••••••••••••••• ioooooo •• VULCANIZING

001 ••••••••••••••••• 0.0 ••

GVAIWn'II8D VlIJranirinlr and Rep.idac

Albea biOft'. Tire = 4" LDID_ A~ at 011 . ....

~ .,

·t. f.

~ .

r, I . Iii'

t~ f~ ~

,~ .





Rev. Charles T. Bates. Pastor Morninl worship will be held at

Calvary Presbyterian Church. Riv. erton. next Sunday morninl at elev. en o'clock; Church School at 9.45 a.m.; Christian Endeavor Society at 7 p.m.

them will be sung by a special airls' chorus. The junior choir will aug· ment the musical program by a new· Iy prepared number. "The Youth" will be the subject of discourse by the pastor.

Mrs. Miles' class. assisted by some of the older members of. the Bible School, will present "A Musical Re. view" in the Sunday School room', Friday and Saturday evenlnl', May 4th and 5th. This promises to be a treat to the lovers of the old fash. loned mu.ic which will be presented in a very unique way, beinl rerninl.· cent of the by·gone day •.

CHRISTIAN SCIBNCE CHURCH "Probation After Death" will be

the subject of the Lenon.Sermon in FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH all Churches of Christ, Scientist. on Rev. Harold L. Crealer. Pastor Sunday, April 29.

The . Ladies' Aid Society wlll hold its motlthly meeting on Wednesday, May 1. at 2.30 p.m., and the ' Woo men's Missionary Society on the same day at 3 o'clock. All ladles of the conlrelation are url~ to attend both meetings. Midweek service on Wednesday evening at eight o'clock, at which time the, pastor will con­tinue studies in ~he Life of Jesus.

In the line with the nation-wide The Golden Text is: "I am the celebration of Youth Week, we will resurrection, and the life: he that

believeth in Ole. though he were have a special service for the younl dead. yet shall he live: and whoso. people next Sunday morning. The ever liveth and believeth in me shall prolram ·has been 'planned in co· never die" (John 11:25,26). .

Those who call upon us may do so with the assurance

that their treatment will' be entirely fair-that all will be

treated alike.

We mark every item with plain figures: a system that

permits one to quickly choose Bomething within his means.

No Charge There will be no charle for tbe burial of any resident of Riverton. Palmyra or Clnnaminaon. whOle rel.tives are worthy and without means with which to pay the funeral


Snover Funeral Home operation with representatives from Among the citations which com. our Sunday School, and part of the prise the Lesson·Sermon is the fol· I INCORPORATED service will be in charge of them. lowing from the Bible: "Study to




Rate lOc Per Line (Llnta A\'(fa., 6 Wat\lll)

. Mintmum ChUle ,~ for FAt..h I\d

Phone 712

, . ~ CONTRACT BRIDGE Instruction. :~ Certified Culbertson teacher. Mrl.

GeorKe A. Lorenz. phone Riverton 1010.

FOR SALE - Ludwii Piano, up· rilht and Victrola with record •• Both in lood condition. and no rea-

. sonable offer will be refused. Apply "HBD" New Era Office. 4·26-tf

HORSE RADISH ROOTS for .. Ie, 50,000 roots. Fine stock. Price quoted. Also Withington Alpara. gus Roots, $5 for 1,000. Rhubarb rools, SUO for 100. Warren Shinn, Woodbury. N. J . . Root SpeclaUlt. Phone 1090.

FOR SALE-Cheap: A refrlierator, 100 pounds capacity, practically new. COlt $85. Apply "A" New Era Offke.

WANTED-Position as housekeep. er, Mary Hamelman, 218 Fulton st .. Riverlon. Phone 1067. The sermon theme will be "One Un. shew thyself approved. unto God. a I FRANK A. SNOVER and JOHN N. SWARTZ

wavering Aim." workman that needeth not. to be PA,LMYRA, NEW JERSEY The message in the evening wor· ashamed, rightly dividing the word 1 SALE or RENT-9 room house. 3

ship service will be "Appreciating of truth" (II Timothy 2:15). Telephone. Riverton 830 acres ,round. Apply Harry W. the Bible." The Lesson-Sermon also includes oK~~oO<~~+o+o+o.c.c,,"· . Frank. Burl,inKton pk., Cinnaminson.

Midweek service for prayer and .the following pas~age from the Bible study on Wednesday at 8 p.m. Christian Science textbook. "Sci.

CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. George Lockett, B.D .• Pastor

"Youth Week" will be observed at the CentliOll Baptist Church this Sunday.

In the morning at 11 o'c1ock 'Pas • tor Lockett bas selected for his sub. ject. "Our Father." The choir will render several appropriate selections under the direction of Claude Barto.

An entire youth program has been arranged for the evening service !It

ence and Health with Key to the Scriptures!' by Mary Baker Eddy: "The divine demand. 'Be ye there. fore perfect." is' scientific, and the human footsteps leading to perfec. tion are indispensable. Individuals

LADIES~ATTENTION! A Permanent. Wave close to head without danger . of burning the Stalp

In order ' to bC!tter serve our . patrons we have installeda • 7.45. 'Selections will be offered by

the High School Band 'and an an-

are consistent wbo. watcHing and praying. can 'run, and not be weary; ... walk, and not faint: who Kain good rapidly and hold their position, or attain slowly and yield not to discouragement. God requires per· fection, but not until the battle be· tween Spirit and Resh is fought and the victory won" (p. 253).

1934 Bonat Naivette Croquignole and People's Column"

A STATEMENT Riverton. N. J.

April 20th. 1934. Mr. Walter Armstrong, Secretary. Riverton Independent Republican

Club, . Riverton. N. J. Dear Sir:

I am very sorry that I wal not consulted, prior to your new club putting me in aa its vice president. but I feel you will understand that beinl a candidate on the· Republican County ticket at this time it is im­pos.lble for me to accept yoill' kind oller of the vice pre.idency.

With kindest personal regard. for all the boy., I am,

Re.pectfulLy. Hilton M. Smith. -Democratic Representation

in Council Bditor The NeW' Era:

It i. hoped that the quettion of tninorlty party repr~ntatlon will eventual1y be advancecl by the an­nouncement of Spencer Lincoln Hainea .. a Democratic aspirant for

. member of the Riverton Boroulh CounciL Mr. Hllnet mea.urea up 100 per cetlt at a worthy co·worker in Olll' Ioca1 lovernmental allaira. It has been recopizecl md admitted by m,oy of our Republican friend. that the minority party ahould be accord· ed recoluitiotl with at lea.t one member in Borough Council. and that National political queatlont should not overshadow the problem. that confcont III in local affairs and thus ob.truct the accompU.hment of a worthy purpoae and aim. of a goodly 'number of voterl.

... The (olloW'in. information may be

of intereat to citizens of Riverton. Very truly.

H. E. Moyer .

Mr. Hainea was born In Burlin.· ton County, the IOn of Joel R. and Martha Dudley Hainet and ,rand· IlOO of the late Nathaniel M. Dudley.

AU of hi. life ... apent in tbit vicinit]' of 1l0000eatDwn aDd Cor the put f_ years be hal Ii"eclln RiVll'­toG. At the aae of :no Mr. HaInes


entered the bankinl business and for about 040 years, prior to his retir!!. ment. was connected with, the Cam· den National Bank oIl: . Security Truat Company, now merged in the Cam· den Safe Deposit oil: Trust Company. Spiral Permanent Wave Machine

Mr. Haines Is an old and well· ======================================= known resident of Burlinlton' Coun-ty and is related to the Moorestown Roberts' families and the Moores· town and Riverton Lippincotts. He is a member of the Society of Friends, Moorestown Meetinl.

Mr. Haines leels that the Ireat leadership of Presidential Roosevelt has aroused the thiitkinl public to the realization that each Individual hal a share of responlibllity in the conduct of government. wbether it be nation, Itate. county or Dlunic;ipal.

Mr. Halne. ha. become a candi­date becau.e of the in.i.tence of many friends in .Riverton. who be· lieve tllat because of hi. wide eaper­ience In economic •• be would worth. i1y represent tbe minority in Coun­cll. -ANNOUNCEMENT

Riverton. N. J .• April 25. 1934. To my Republican Friend.:

I entered the freeholder conleat at a Republican with an Indepen. Certainly Jut an "ordinary" per.

manent won't do. Oar aIdlIeci dent tendency. aDd withdraw there- operators ~ve yon individual at. fore of my own volition. I desire tendon wdh the famous Bonat to publicly thank all thOle who.... Method aDd IlUperior 'Bonat La . .i.ted me In any way. I had IIoped tiona. to eKpreu the full beaut, to asllilt in findin. a aolution to tbe of yOIll' hair for eY,ry ocallon unre.t amon, the rank and file of Your hair deaervea the natll(lI the Republican Party in our county. la.tine beaut}' of • Bonat Wave.

This machine is the best ' and latest on the market. The outstanding feat­ure is the fact that a wave can be 'made close to the head w,ithou't the slightest possibility of burning the scalp, A lovely soft, lustrous wave is produce~, rivaling that of a natural one.

Special prices 'for April only $2.95 Wave

4.50 Wave $1.95

3.50 6.00 Wave . . 4.50 6.00 Spiral and Crcx\uig.

nole .Combination 4.50 8.00 Croquignole 6.00

This Wave is positively an Oil Wave, Tbey are demanding new leader­

.hip, the Republican party mu.t have lOme' portion of it to win at .eneral election. The many candi. datea from ;all part. of the county

, . We are giving an extra shampoo and setting with the $4.50 and $6.00 Wave,s.

give evidence of thi.. Apparently ====================================== our leadera atill insist in loine the way of the pa.t. • For one 1 feel aorry for the Republican party if this rule coatinues.

Olll' independent vote split ten dillerent way. for the prlmary-fav • orite Il00. able 10 make a lood .ho_in. - creatlnl n_ .ttifes -nothin. accomplished fOl' party uni· ty. Re-c:alling last year'. election. thi. WAI the time for reCOftltruction of the party.

IlDeerd,. HILTOJf M. SIlITH.

TONY'S BEAUTY SALON ' Beauty Culture in all its Branches

1 07 West Broad Street, • • • Palmyra [2 doors from Fortnum's Show Roonl]

All work guaranteed Phone Riverton 413 for appointments



"O'1'IC. it.!'r~''I'Il.Y AND III t~,~m.\I» w,"11 Ib, ~",~"'on. 0' ••

,t\ 'ft\ II,d. "An '.1 10 ''''id ,h •• 1 tn· Utltd It "CI \0 rel"I,I, I~tlon. (.It •• .1,loll of 1110.)' ' ... ilroy'~ ",n 'I, 'Uo, :,~,:lIlt, '~t.nd,"'n.. 111,_1 .nd i.""\lI .. ~O'tl~ '1'. It.reb; al .. n Ih.1 Ill, 01"

nltl Jloar.! 01 R'llmr ,nd EIe.llon nIh' 'tOWNSHIP OF cntNAloIlNION Match Between Tennis Stors

Will Replace Usual Horse Show

The tlnnunl CinMmhlBon Home lete prellentl tI new find very Inte ... eatlnll fealure In 118 prollrllm for Sat­urday. May 19th, al the Moore~town Feld Club.

Exhibition tentlie mnt~hts arc Icheduled for the "llernoon, to take the place of dIe hone ah()w" which ha. betn held for sevtral years.

Manuel Alonlo, Internationally known Itar, hu {llready Rccepted the invitation to tllke part, lind a telect­ed partner of equal rtlnk wilt be An· n()unced later. Anne B. Towneend of Philadelphia, and Mtlrlon Zinder. ateln jellup of Wllmlnilion. will make t!;lelr firat appellrance on lub­urban court I. Ornnd at and. will be erected In orde~ tllat spectator. may be accommodated.

The Clnnomlnlon fete hili held a unique pillce In the annala of Bur­IInlton county. Committees are bUlY worklnl. and thOle who attend remember with plell.ure the lupper, and home.made delicacies that have made thll occallon famous.

Mrl. l..Ioyd Heullnll' II chairman of the fete, ond Mrs. · S. ' Emlen Stokel will have charae 01 the tennis tournament In cooperation with Z. j, Norrll. chairman of the Field Club ten nil committee.


Arranlementl were recently com­pleted between the Baltimore Ind Ohio Rillroad and the Orace Line whereby the way la made ealY for the trlvellna public: to lee their own counJry and at the ,Ime 'time vilit

' 0111 Illter republici It comparative. Iy Imall COlt.

The traveler I, clrrled one way by rall-one way by water from hll lIartln, point to' New York, thence Itelmer throu,h the Plnoma Canal, vii the Spanlah Amerlc:al, to CIIl. fornla ,(San Francllco or Lo. An. aelOl) and return by rail to ItatUn. point. Thl. permltl of vilitl on the water trip to Havlna, Colombia (South America) the Panama Can II, £1 Salvador and Guatemala (Cen. tral, America) and Mellico. .

All the pro,pectl"e trllveler I, reo qulred 10 do I, to .ee hi' local rail­road allcnt and to IndIcate what Itenlc: port of the United Statet! he wl.he. 10 vllilt and whal part he wl,hel to 'Ieave and enter on the tea voyale. The rall·water circle ticket doc" the reAt.


Five complaints have been reo celved thi. week by the Riverton pollc:e department aboul bOYI break­Inl window. lind otherwi.e deatroy. Ina public and private property.

Parenti are cautioned to check up on the adlvltlu of their boy., Iince lOme of the complainant II Indicated that they millht brlnl charaet alalnlt the boya If the pracllce per· .Iata.

WILLIAM 0001'£E, A!:tln, Caplaln Riverton

PolI!:e Oeparlment.

FORFEIT BONDS Two motorl"l who were arruted

Tueaday by Ollleer JQhn RoblnllOn, of the Riverton POlice, forfelted the ".00 . bond .. t lor their appelrane. on ' Wedneaday. TM motorlltl, Daniel WllklnlOn, of 10 Park ave· nue, Woodbury, and Robert M. Town, of SI3 lkec:hwood Lane, Nar· berth, were ar,.lted on .. parlt. chat,.. for vlolatln. borou,h or­dinance. and thelt failure to I""., fodeltl their bondl.


(limpId In Itrlli. The arand finale of the annual

Ilnance camplliin of the BllrllnltOI'l County YMCA will take place on Monday nlllht of nellt week, and will brlnll to II dOle five week. 01 ~ntentl~ve endeavot on the part of community chairmen. tellm cl\ptliins ond work.,,.. This year's drive. run on entirely new principle under the lIeneml dlrectl()n of SAmuel A. Ackley, <If VinelAnd, hili 10 lar met with the IIrClAtelt succell everywhere It hns touched,

The Jilllli ~amplliin. were Willed this week. On Tunday nllht the dlatrlct coyerln, Edlewater Park, 8everly lind Wllllniboro opened Ita drive with a dinner meetlnll for the worker. tot the home 01 FrAnk Thncher, whlle on Wedneldllly nlllht. In the MooreltoWn Community HOUle, there wal lin openlnl meol for the canv .... ere In th.t territory thtlt Include. Moorestown, Ma.on· ville, ~aple Shade and ClilOamlnlon.

The worker. In thele two dl.trlct. will wind up their affair, with 1\ bl. point le .. lon to be held In the home of Dr. S. Emlen Stokel. Moorea· town, on ,Mondoy nlllht, when they will meet with the community chair. men and team captain. from other section I. At thll meetln, final .. e. portl ' will be liven for all commun·. Itlel. JudIe Harold B. Wenl, or Bordentown, will be the luest lpeak. er on that occ .. lon, Ind It promlle8 to be juit a real ,ood time for all concerned.

-g..,. Rotarlanl at Camp

In connection with the celebration of the fiftieth annlveriary 01 camp. Inll with boYI, beln. oblerved thll year, 1\ number 01 .ervlce club. are plannlna to hold affalrl of varloul klndl at Oamp Ockanlckon. The Ar.t ot the.e wilt take place on May 3rd, when ' the Mooreltown Rotary Club will have an autin, Ind lupper there. -Camperl' Reunion , Camp Ockanlckon Day will be ob·

aerved on SaturdlY, May 12, with I aultab)e prolram al the camp, On thll occallon there will be a reUnion of all boy. and ,Irl' who are former camperl, meetln,' with their parent. and with proapeoli...-e cllmpers for a day In th. open. MUlic will be fUr'nlahed durlnl the day by th. Penn,auk.n Township Band, Irom Camden county. '

The boy's c:amp seolon will open thlt year o~ june 23 and end ori Auault I.

Two d3Ys later, (In Auaust 3, the Ilrls will atart thelr camp period, which will continue IIntll AUlLust 31. 1'h~ alrll' camp thl. year will be under the direction ()( the newly-or. Ionized camp commlnee, a woman'lI ,roup offillated with the Oclrllnlckon Tru8lecl. The perlonnel commitree of this cllmp body III now telectln" the director for the comlnl "alion .. - ' BOYI anti ,heir purertt. ar. uleed to relerve Saturday, MIlY t~th. 81

another bl" lala day at Camp Otk. anlclron. A .peclal prollram I. beln, IImlnted (or thllt doly and boys and glrll thl. year will enjoy thelt day there al a very Imall .. mple of what lOCI on there In' the iummer camp· Inll period. Camp I, Ideal at thll time for Oller nllht c.mplnl trip. ifnd plcrtlc: .roup. and .teak fry ••

New Cheater-Bridgeport Ferry Speeds Service

St.adlly Inere ... ln, traffic over the Cheater-Brld"pOrt ferry, to .. I­lhor. retctrt' Ind lMw York, ha. '''Ullltited the addltl6n of another boat to Iccommodate mototllt •• Th. new HD.1I"are'" reuntly launclted, II the third boat to ply bltwem Che.t.r and Brld .. eport-maldn. 't pottlbl. fO have • boat on ... Iter ,hore and OM crONIn, It the lame tJIM. Tbl. eIf.ct. I conaWer.b ..

A _.f ... Clltlt. fouad tIN),OWII .. vi.,. 'n wlftl", tl... tor ....... 01 1141.- la the perillt too INlpful. At the 'Ifty. The new "D.Jaw ... e" hal Jut it becalM to em.,.",..,n, that I .. tat Clpac'tYL wblch I •• mot. be Wt. than either t'" ".rI4.aportH or tile

Hot lon, 11'...".,41. ". met t'" .. C ..... er"-hu Iflltet thlPl on the Clltl" who ba4 _ueded blm. Unc. The "D ... wat ......... pment "

"Wen .. ' ". liked, "how do YOllIlt 01 the new_ and flnel., and It, ... on with the 1adI.'" ,,,"IOUI lane. mW tIN bandItrr, 01

"Olt, 'I." .. ell bIdMd," Itld tile moto,. I mOlt con .. nlmt method ot ..... , "1'bet. fa "'.y In IlUn'lbeta, 01 t'ln,i'Ori. )'011 !mow." -------

"Ahl" "'Ia tile illltlnt ,.pl,. "J oaJ, fouad I. In lEaocI .... H-IIont,nJ GaNtt..


In Ih. t;o",,1.lI 01 1)1 .. 1I",loh. will m,IoI • ',oun to 'h",-,. ~ .. nv.'.l vote,. on

'l'UESI)AY. MA I. 1134 an,1 will In~" bh Ih' ll.. .lId at Ihl "Ioc~. " ... lnll,1 " .. IMr.'ltd lo! Ih. pU'jlOU 01 oddlna 10 olld 1'4.11 hi Ihl R'allnV LI.II

. TUKSI>AY. MAY II, 1914 btlw .. ft Ih. lIou .. ~I i.~'" o'dod, A II. and .liM o'clodl p , N.. (E .. ".n lh,n. da.d 11111,).

TUBBDAY. OCTOBER Ie, 1914 belw •• n thl It"u,. of 4)nt ot~'oclt P. M. ,M "Ih' o',Ioelo P. r+

PtlilT DIITRICT All III" , porllon 01 Cln"lmlhooon 'l'ow.lhlp _I 01 Pom'l~ C .. llo, i III til If BUlL INO

N .. , ub Ie School lAUd"'.

SECOND DISTRICT Alt Ihat po.,lon 01 Clnntmln.on 'l'owll.hl" .111 01 1'0",,,,lon C ... " II


AItD NO'UCS I.".. 11~.n '''at a l'~t"A.'1 ~LB(lTI01f 10. ",.ltl"l Ih. ~~~~~~I 0~°l1:,"~1:~:~ 81"" B •• ott

... '" • oJ Ih. HOIl'. 01 •• proi."IIU ... ooy.~or

II oU'I" Con., ... IOnol DI,ltlct) 11.",10 •• 0' Ih' 0 ..... 1 AI,'l1Ibt; COU"I~ CI". . Two .. (l) M.",b .. i of I", Bolrd 0' Ch ... n

..... IIold". 0"1 .. ,,,,bit 01 Townlhl, Coml1llll11 IIo.t. l':J' far ,tll:tl I '

"1mb .. of Ih. '1ft." (;0111,,\111" (m"~) 1I..",b,' til Ihe 81 .... C.ml1ll" •• 11011101,) "'l1Ib .. , 0' lhi COl\n11l: COIIIII\II,.. (on,

mo'o and alit ftlllo't 'rom tach IInlt 01 10Drilt"l.tlon Or ... h ,1,.1I0n dl,ltlel.)

will bt h'ld , .. rid pla~ .. 01 r'\"I"II~Ji 011 TUIil AYln~:Y I'. 014 'Townahlp or Cltnnllllinion

bllw .. n Iho hOIl.' 01 ..... n /I'dodl' A. II, • nd ,11111 o'e'~cll .. •. (lila" .. " 11~,!d.rd Tlmo)

AN~ Ih~1 • OBNBRAL ICLKCTION will h.t4 In .. Il. Tow".hlp 01 Ihl pl.... • "l\lIrolloll 0)1

TUKfln'lt. Y. NOrltliall. e; 1014 bl"'''" Ih' hO.~' 0 u~on o'cloCII A. II. lnd II.hl o'.toe P. ., lor Ih. pM"." 01 Il,oflft, th. fa lowlll'I,


"SOrry, MCldom,-but thaI's a atom Cloupon"l

A lIttla more Hohl" In her hallwdY would have IClved thll ladY a momant 01 em· barrdll,ment.

°Let WI your W\UDIo llatlOD-110 COlt.


HClro III II .")'IIUlllteter" with A ttlcol'd. liArold G. Hoffmall. New IClr"ClY's )'ollnlo"t cllndtdate for Goverhor. .l .. rlod to wrlto for newtlpajlera lit twolve: at twenty. one 1111 wae II ~opltlln conlln'lId. III. lin 'ufantr)' Mnlilany frolll tile bluo nhd Oral' Olvilion In baUle tn 1I'rIlMl!. At twenty-toile he wall til tho New Jorlley Lo,I,. lature: III twolltY"lllght ho·wu a lItayor; lilt thIrty ho was In COI\. ,rCl". o.lId nt thlrty-follr tho no.. ttoD'e YOUD81.'"t motor vehiCle .d. mlnlltro.tor. III nino prlmar, a"d senornl (Jloctlon battles he hal nClve~ 'boon doteAtod, a"d II .. always topped hla part,. ticket.

"amINI, ol. lh. nlltd 8111 .. l.ftOl. OO.lrhor

rn~,cii~c~c~rill M,mb .. '0' Ihl !loUIt 01 R,pr"lnlotl~I' (Pou!tll Con,relllOftl1 DI,I,let) r ",mber (lj Ihl O.n ... 1 Alilmbilf J u;iIJJlfitil!]. !~~~P'}~~F;,·;o~.::~p ~:~:::;~:::: IIIUatOM ~ .WUL .co.~ 0101011: .C, .ItAN., TownlhlpCII,1L ...

Matinee Dally at 2.00 p.m. Evenln,. 1.00-0.00 o'clocle

PhOne, Riverton 540 '

TODAY-Friday, April 21 . BERT ROBER1'


"Hips o. Hips o' Hooray" With



Comedy- Bob Hope In "OOING SPANISH"

Minute My.tery Novelty­"FAST FINGERS

Terry TUne Cartoon- ' "TH U LA8T 8TltA W"

8ATUROAY-Aprll 211 Double Attraction All Laa Show CIIllrlleo RUlltlel - Mary :Doland Georle Burna - Gracie AllIIn

AIII.ort Sklpworth-W. C, Fields 1ft

"Six of a Kind" AI.o

Stan Laur.1 and Oliver HAtdy In

'OLIVER the EIGHTH' Ext,a Laft. - ,Mickey MaUll

•• "The Mall Pilot"

Itox Movllton, Newl Ev'ntl

MONDAY .rtd TUEIDAY­April J4) .nd May 1

H. Ro.. to Fam. on I L.dd.r 01 Dandn, 1..411.1

GEORGE RAFT .. "Bolero"


IALLyaAND Ad4ecI lub1ftta

Tom Pltdcol. Comedy­"NQaTH 011 %lEao"

.... .,. H ... E ......



"3 On a Honeymoon" cu, Kdwarct. llualc:aJ eom.t,

C .... k ancS McCIIlIOll'" Comedy luDic MOtI.lty


Republican Candidate for Member of '

Board ' of' freeholders

Primary E,lection

May 15,1934

Two Yilt. alto J ran ~or oll'l(e as Ed,ewaler Park TOWIt.hlp Commlttee",an on practically the ialltll prlnclpln whleli now actuate me to .eele the ol'rlce of Freeholder-namely the adj"lt. ment of public tal.rlea and other '''penac. to conform with the ohan,tel ec:ot\()mlc .!tuatlon 01 tha avetl,eo taxpayer. 1'hl peopl. elected me. My pre'electl()n promllea 01 economy were lulllllled 100 per unto

For the pait Ilxlt.n mortthi 1 hav, Itudl.d the plctur. both from the viewpoint of a Town.hlp C6mmltt •• mart Ind al • locil Director of MUnlclpl1 R.U.f. What J h ......... n at IIrll hind ha. convlnC:ad m. beyond the 'hldow of . 'doubt that ta ... upon ,.al eltat~ II1I1.t be reduced In order to conform with tlte a.,.r.,1 ta •• pay., I ability to pay. To att.mpt to continue on our pre .. nt ClOII, .. will whol ... I. c:onfllCatlon 01 private propert, and ,.dUC'llon of mlny form'tly Independent and .. 'f r".,.clln, prop. ert, owner. to the .tatu. 01 "'I .. at. and p,uJjf'a.

I owned ..,. operated. lar,. I.nn 'a WOllnrboro TowaaJdp for tea year. and J filii, undarttancS the probteml 01 IlIoN .ho hat'. to w,lIt tIMIr UvI", "0lIl tilt toll.

A •• director 01 a bIIlklla. IdCI loan attOdaUolt I haw. come la doM c:OfttlCt .'tlt .he Anudal eft.lrlN of hom. 0WIlIf. III aft ttaJlat 01 nf.. Bac:ttel ... tnatlon 01 real Htlt, I. reapoat&b .. 'or many HOP" IoaJn, tit ... 0 t .... , 1soaMit.

.. If .1ect4ct Freeholder J will dO m, .. dIOtt to INial QoIat _ llIbataatJaJ redtadlon 01 the c:ouat y taa rate. I '..,or the ,edue­~ 01 the pr ..... c:ornpen .. tIoD 01 IIrMhoJdtr. by • ."Old_tel,

per un!, maldll. tha anmaaI ......, ".000. ., .et.t I will not ""Pt c:om ......... on , .. nuarol tWa lUIIOIIIit.

&ARL •.• LYLE.

Ordered and paid 'or by Itarl R. Blyler.


. '



lI~lnary estimates or enrollment, however, IndiCAte the probability of a setond ten-day period, jul~ ao·~O.

'the prolrom will tonow the len­eral IInel set up by the NalloMI Su SCOlit depllrtml!nt Ilnd Indude ilt:tly-

National Director of Volunteer Ides both oRollt nnd I18hore. There ~I\I be OIllIJle opportunity for the

Training Will Addre .. Scout yuuna tlln 1'0 le1\rn ReClml\nwhlp, Conference May 11·12 bOllt hlllldllni. 8AIIIIII. rowlnll. sl,.

Qunnllr Dera, who Is known to lIo\llla, kllot tylnll. 8pll\:ln ll ond ele­every Stlout And S~outer In Durllna- menlAry 1U\Vlaallon lind Impl'ove tOil COUl'lty, hIlS bnn oBsllned to the their Sea Scout rnt!nIl8. Cnmp Reunl()" lind Tr()op Commit- The eplendld lrolnlnll offered at letlllen'" COnference to be held at the liasl! 11811ul'es ror both boyll And Camp Mohllloto on MIlY 11 and la. leaden Increosed Intereet lind proAt

Mr. Berll il Director of Volunteer from their Seo Scout activities duro 1'ralnlnl lot the NCltlonal CQundl Ina thl! winter followlnl. Shlce and Is rellortled as one of the mOlt July 1 hillS been set III the dead line lib Ie spellkera on the National StAff ·dnte for oppllClltion. for the nflt of the lioy Scoute of America. camplna period, bOYI ellilble for

Camp Reunion II alway I one of thll camp Ihould loae no tIme In the hl,h epotl of the Scoutlna llear l,arnlna the detail. re,.rdlnll their in the Burllnlton County Council. enrollment. Attendance u.ually Includes fully -------half 01 all the Scout. In the (ountv ELECTION BOARDS ' And Mr. Berl'. popularity will prob­ably add 8ubltantlatly to the number In attendance thla year.

Plans for the clmp reunion tire being rapidly whipped Into IIhape by· ~ ~ommlttee headed by J. Warner E. Love, or MoorCitowrt. Other memben or tbe committee ore Scoutmasters W. C. Colee, Jr., Troop 4, Moorelltown: Itelinald 0111, Troop 5, Beverly ond A. B. Brnnlon, Troop &, Palmyra. A Anal meelinlt of the committee II to be held In MoorestoWn on April 2tith.

The Troop C()mmltteemen'R Con· ference lIon outlrowlh of the IIUC­cessful conference of Ihls nnture held Inst Jnnuory. Ail Ittl name 1m. pilee. It 18 heltl to live cOlllmlttee· men or the vorlolls ttoOP" oppor. tunlty to lentn more of their Jobs lind the m08t u~erul and re_ultful WOY8 Of executing their reMpon8lbll. Itlel. A 01180ullion IIroup will there­fore be one or the principal featurea of the co hire II,

Membere of bOil rd. or rell.try and election In Riverton, Palmyra and Clnnamlnlon Are u followl:

Riverton '. li'lrat DI.ttict-Frlinc:lio S. Roed I,

Jo.eph P. Laverty, DeWitte Steedle, Korl Lotch.

Secol'ld Dltltrlc:t-Harry Rice, Oeorle Wlllon, ROil Evans, M. Sonthelmer.

Third Dlstrld-Alvln A. Holman, Joseph Flynn, Howord SUlott. O. Lloyd Mlljor .

p"lmyrA Flret Dilltrlct- Oeorlle Zink.

Mltlnll C. Renwhllw. Jehllie Sllndot. Hnrry J. Samr.

Second DlltrlC!t ..... WII-1100'lls. John boonan, John F. Werr· bnGk, Jr .• Harry C. KIIIII·

Third Dlstrlct-t:rank Glordort(), Walt~r H. Cllmmlntt", Alfred Kop· enhoelcr, Stephen M. KilpatrIck.

F 0 u r t h D II t rI c t - Earle W.


The Burllnlton County Branth or the New Jeney Stote Society lor the l'reventl()n or Crllelty to Anlmala litnnds to lOse Ittl Chtlrter and PQo III (lIIh unle" It can reor,nnlle and malntnlll the work of the Society in the county. .

To that end Ii mtetlna has been called for Thursday evenlnl. April 26th, belllnnlni at II o'clock In the Court Hou8e, Mount Holly.

Mr •• Vlrllnla Prelton, ~tate pre.· Ide nt, wilt .pellk; 11110 Mn. ,William Beally, prelldent Humane Sotlety 01 Camden, who will Ipeak upon the lubJect "The 'part Humllne Educa. tlon Playa In In Or,lInl.aUon," Budd Marter will Ilv\! an Ulu.trated talk on "The ConleryaUon of Wild Life."

A,lde from the vita' need Involved of .. vln, the or,anlaatlon for the count)', we believe thot the meeting will be an Intereltlnl one •

Will )'ou not make an effort to be prelent and extend the Invitation amonl your friend., We are count· In, on youl

Dr, John T. ZurbrulII, C. Oauntt Holme., Reba A. Trol\etJ.

Is II whot mlaht be called n dbUih nut1-DaUa. Newi.

Remember Mother


Mr. Wallace h Rllht Secretary WlllhlGe lays: "It · I,

Important lor' Conare.. to rullie thot hllh torlff cause. ' unemploy­ment JUlt tI.8 lurely III low tarl/f­It I~ just a question o( where the unenlplu~mllnt wilt be,"

EKottly rlallt. In the case of hlih tllrltl the unemploYlllent 1& opt to be In Ellrope. With low tllrlff It will be In the United States. Take y()ur choice.






The followin, Plumber. are workln, In accordance

with the N.R.A. They are reUable and dependable. Gl.vt

them your tUpport.


The ideal AII·P·urpose Flour •• No need EVER

. 8eo Scouts throullhoul New J.r. 8ey have been alven II real thrill by the IInnouncemeni that the Nov)' Depnrlment will nllaln mnke avilli. able the destroyer "Tucker" {pr ule 01 0 Cllmp Headquorter8 during the Jlerlod8 at the Seo Scout mobilialn­tion ot Sandy Hook thlll leOlon,

Sthmlerer. Rosnlle A. Beraer, ltd. wdrd Klnl, Claire R, L!pp'lncolt.

Clnnomlnllpn Township Flnt Dlltrlot - Allnes Rlehmlltl,

lum~" L. Barr. Elwood Ellold, Les­lie W. ReevC!l.



to buy 'expensive .. special" flours!

The '{'licker, wJth quor,er8 for QVer It hundred 8ed SCOUtl Ilnd of·

Second Dltlltlct - Albert Schiller, St .• Catherine Brennan, Rebo Pfllu. Arthur H. Stow.


• fleera, will be docked at Camp .. Luwe. jusl Inside the H ()ok and ellS­

lIy nttes_lble for nil BOlie opera­tiona. Woter. electricity and every facility tor a complete o:am"lnlt pto·




I I' J


gralll will be tlvofinble. Seo Scollts R. E. EVANS will be quartered lind ellt aboard East Riverton ' ship In ,cctlonl of IIlxteen under the I ::=:!!:============

. dIrect chnr,e of their own Iklppetl ~~~.oo~ooo~oo.ttO+O VOlt ond matCl~.



The orranaement w n sma d e throullh the Intereiot of the Mon· mouth Boy Scout Council ond the 'commondln, oll'lc:er at "ort Han­cock. The Cllmp will be ' held for I'llilllOrl Avenu. Rlliorlild •• N. J. the "erlod 1ul), 9· 19. Pre. ••••••••••••• OOO •••• OOO.


Succellortl to Romm'a We are now ready to aerve the dl.crlmlnatlnl ,enUeman

with a complete' line of up·to·date furnllbln". lind .hoeR, Mr. Bhulman. who hu been Ii Hab.rda.her f<lr a number 01

years, wlll be 'lad to have you come In and look over the new merchllndl.e. '

Below may be found a few Item, of our varied .tock.

TROUSltRfl GLOVES, COLLARS, ETC. Oood Ouallty 1'roUJIer. - New Dr ... and korle Olo\lel

tltylel and ,hlldel Arrow and Von Heusen Callari Van Heu.en and other leadlnft Loun,lnll Robel brandl 0' 'Men'. Shirtll, Fu Rain Coat. ifnd Umbrellaa

Dre .. Shlrtl lnctuded. SHOEI

SOCKS We ItIve jUlt received an,,,, Interwovln Bockt,neW pattetn' IIhlpment 01 Men'. and Bo),,'

. 3Sc to '1.00 "air Iho .. Includln,!

I 'UNDERWEAR Ip()r! O"'ordl In tin. IWO tone Union .Ultl, Shlttl, Short. All whit. and white buck.kln

7. Well.known Brandl . Z A.ency lor well.known Plor. Z MEN'B TIEI-CAPI Ihelm Sho ..

Complet. New Lln.:=2Se- .'0'1 Shoe. of '\I'ry dncrlptlon and New luper.Quality CapI Comry Hou .. IlIpper.

FELT HATI Men'. Ind BOYI' Kedl New.1I ItylerLeldln, Iprlnl ' W. apedallte In filtln« chll·

Ihadea dren'. .hoe, IWEAT£RI, IPORT WEA. All Wool .w .... t_lncludln.

N.w Zipper ModeJI Kaynee Blou... and Ihlrt. for

Bo". Mm'l and B."..' Iw •• t 'hltt.

and Athletic lockl

W1 clrry Educator-Endicott Johnlort and oth.r '.mou.


We allO carr), I complet. line of furnl.hln •• and .hoi. for the

mtl" 'amll,

13.16 W. Broad Street, Palmyra

BROAD and MAIN . ~~ ~ Riverton PhOn!! 1540 8 ~~.I?~;f~h#,~~~

• You Depend

on the


Gas Refrigerator

\ "\1 (an deren,1 Nl the F ·.·~!!,,·,·I~ t" ,i',l' 'Hi!­

fM \l,ty rd,i!;cl.ll ;'ln --:1 :(' :lll'~:,I:l;'~ .1 ",.Ir s below lift)' JCl:n'c~ in !h~ ~. ,,;1cc :! [:If':!' "l\~nt .

a Irtl'zin!! tr1l1p,· I.\tlI£I' in I!· .• • I.:,' ::,1:;' . 1\ '1:.:11 you "III -pcr" "I' )0111 "'11. \" '" ,';ill ,lel'ell,1 "tV it \'" 'I " ~ l" ;<1'1,,'0:\( ,>11. TI,crc arl' no InlWili~ I'AII ~ to 111Akc Ih,i'e or 1<' '-.lllff l Ib,.,'; w , \' . I .• .• n '! " i':"'~ ' II it to give tll'i ~l~rll)l)' ~tr\'i~c I" , ~""f' with li;\\,' 01 n,' ., •. " 'iI'': '~':;\I:.1r :"'''' !'' Ynu COl li d"l'l"1( II>11 illtl {ulf1i.1t tlot' jl'IVI~\' 31 .1 \. 1\\ C l, ~L \ :i,\\ ~.t- ,1 til'" .Ill.! t:", rciti'lrrant t'iv .\11 th,' Wt11'k iu th,'''''' 'lir"~i\~"jc J Eltt.·'iP',,, Cl1~ , IH·'~.''',1 -f"\" t~~t~ ,p,ai .. mum <,,( ~a. 111'1".1 .. .1 i~ "'t·,l. . * 'r tlt'~e Itfri~t'Lltu '.(, h,l\'t\ In.l n, 1.:t.)fl\('f101t'l1(',,'t-., tll~I!{'r H· ~",.hl· ~I'l t Ill' :t '}- " il

t(,III )lU.n UIC I ri'U!.II'" with \\III,1t h' 't,,·,',1 Ill' ill'I';il1~ ,.! I':{' ".1:'\,'. :.""\.1",

rdrij.:" I~ licm ",hil,· .11'111"0111( ".1,·. 4.'11: ""!\'I'I'~""~ .hrh·",. ,)1\,' .( \"'~n .. ;-'; '.' thlll r lll i I'~ II ihllC 1;111 \"'1110: .1 f1.ll !"I' (In ~·hi.-ll I., I 't..~~ {l",J ~, It j. !·.I'· ".1 .If takffl 0111 of Ih~ tdlli'!('lillt>t, I he 1':1,,\'111)\\11 i~ int"l.pCllIiH to o!,cIAlr. m' ,~(l.l·" ~· priceu ,111.1 H·tI. ('11 ('~.r I'J} 111('111 I~rnu.


Memorial Park Playground

aA' Baseball Dope t!!f.- By "B"''' St:hopp

"PICK-UPS" _ ~ From the Park I.J'IfQ By ne Ma.rcot


The PIIlYaround, Baseball healue -0-openll it. seallon on Monday, April I 30, This Intereltln, and excltln, Monday, April 30th, the curta n riliea .. aport whh:h (or the past two sea· -0-Ion I has attracted thousands to Memorial Park, Riverton. three and UPON ANOTHER fiLOODY four evenlngll a week, will make. its CONTEs'r A'l'. MEMORIAL official 1934 bow to the ,rahdltand PAltK on Monday, at 6.30 p.m. -0-'

In the openers, the YMCA team, . The YMCA and the Riverton which Includes most of last year''! . Laundry Lutheran team with 'addltions and -0-corrections, will attempt to Ipon,e GO THROUGH THE WRINGER off the Riverton Laundry, otherwlae --0- . known 811 the Lampll,htera. that While on the other lot very fierce team from East Riverton. -0-On the other diamond, the Pal.Rlver THE CHEVYS OPEN WITH Chevys,last season's champlonl, will THE K. of C. try to run over the K. of C. -0- .

It has been decided that the win· And while we're on the aubject ner of the Rrlt half and the winner of Chevy. of the aetond half will playoff in a -0-"world'i series" after the re,ular THEY TELL US THERE'LL BE aeason Is over. If the way the bOYI -0-have been practicinl lately I. any. A parade, mUllc, and much thin. to 10 by, there will be a real ballyhoo . . pennant rilce In each half. -0-

The other games for the firet week LEO TO THE FIELD BY THE are: Wednelday. May 2. W~sleyans POLICE CAR ve. Firemen: Athletics VII. Artllana; -0-Thursday, May ~, Talc·Aboolt vs. (They mi,lit throw In the ambu· Dreers, Bankerl vs. ChevYI. lance for lood measure)

This liealon we hope to be able -0-to keep batting avera,el, and In ' THE' CHEVYS WILL BE DECK· order .to do this, It II necel81lry to ED OUT IN NEW OUTFI'fS have another scorekeeper or twO to -0-keep track of the hits Ilnd error.. . We think ' the colc;r la Green Anyone who would like to do thll, -0-pleale let In touch with elther 'Mr. BUT 1'HAT IS JUST A SUBTER· Con~ay or me; It 'Will be appred. FUGE ' ated~ -0-

We think that is the 'word to call It

FOR FREEHOLDER Lively Session. 01 Town Meeting (Continued from P.le 1) •

Tuesday ni,ht speak to their friends about the Fire Company and their problems, and the way in which the

. townspeople may help out. Then when the drive starta people will be ready to pay 'their $1.00

Paul Barnhart, chairman of the Riverton Transportation Committee, reported that very favorable action had been taken by the Pennsylvania Railroad in reference to ,ettlnl ad· ditlonal train~ to run throu,h Riv. erton at more convenient tlmel, but at present wal unable to make public any information al to what the rail· road planl to do.

EARL R. BLYLER of Edlewater Park, brother of Walter T. Blyler, of Riverton. Mr. Blyler la runnlnl on an ellonomy platform, and advocate. the reduc· tion of freeholdera' salarlel to $3,000 a year. Mr. Blyler'. candidacy is en· dO~led by the Burllnaton County Pamona Gran,e, and is a member of the Rancocas Gran,e.

Exprelles Appreciation • Mr. Barnhart exprelled hil thanks

to tho.e who 110 ably allilted in Ilonnection with the Tranlportatlon Committee, and to the CW A work· el'l who dlltributed and collected the queltlonnaires and laatly to the peo· pIe of Riverton for their cooperation and the prompt manner In which they filled out and returned the ques· tlonnalrel.

A. B. Garwood, chairman of the Tranlportatlon Committee repre· lentln, toWnl from Palmyra to Bur. lin,ton, llpoke In detail all to how

M"l.sterious ""rio the new Ipeed line would not bene· ., .I. i fit the people of Riverton anymore

Startle Riverton than it would the people of Camden. The outcome of the talk waa the ap·

(continued from paae 1) polntment of a I!ommltt~e, headed nlnl to wall lore, and al the quartet by Harry E. Moyer and compoled of Wal unwindlnl arml and lell "Dilly" Mr. Garwood and Mr. Barnhart, to aputtered, "what th' bllnkety.blank 'make an exhaultlve study of the sit. are you blariketY·blink luya up to uatlon and then in lIome way, (to be anyhow?'" decided by the committee) to thor.

Whereupon the trio 'Ieft "Billy'" oUlhly acquaint the people of Rlv. slttlnl In the middle of hla panlY erton with the eltuatlon. bed and .tarted off, 'Ifull Iteam a· head" down Howard .treet. · The River Bank, Alain

"Billy" next went for police allhlt. With tranaportation temporarily Umplre.ln·Chlef Edlon Carhart

hal a carpI of lilt atblter. Uned up to render .wllt lind· honelt decilion. on any and all playa except forward p.... 'guardl back. and qu.rterback .neak which are lIIe,al In thll aame

-0- ance but by that time the for.ce wa. d1spo.ed of, Prealdent Roaerl laid BECAUS~ IKE HYLTON'S OUT; c1rculatina around in the nellhbor. the next thlila on the docket was the

B,Ryhow. ------BAKER'S TEAM WINS


8e'lon's Champlon.hlp Goel to Baker'a lIoya In po.t

Tournament Game

The IJirina bowllnl tournament at the Country ClUb ended April 10th with Harold .Baker's team wlnnlna out by one aame trom Ed Lippln. cott's team. J. D. Clark won the prlz~ for hlah averaae by avera,lna 191.8 durin, the tournament. Wayne Ayr~1 bowled the best three lames, making 666 'plns while Powell Thatcher turned in the beat sin lie game of 257.

The standln, of the teams at the close of the' tournament wall.:

Won Lo.t · Per. i Baker 28 14 666 2 Ed Lippincott 27 15 642 3 Bob Ayres 26 16 619 4 J . D. Clark 23 19 . 547 & B. Coale 21 21 500 cI A, Gilfillan · 15 27 357 7 S. Bonlall 14 28 333 8 Dick Lippincott 14 28 333

FIT AIN'T GREEN hood of Dreer' •• actin I on a . falle old rlv.erbank queltlon. · Thl. an· -0- report and the fualtlvel were maJr· nouncement brouaht a laulh from

At lealt they weren't la.t year- Inl trackl In the direction of Pal· the meetlnl. So we read In the papen. myra. Dr. ROlen atated that he was

. -0- "Billy delcribed the trio ae heavy very much surpriled that nothlna THEN TOO THE YMCA IS· let white men, who lounded IIlce a had been done with the roadway BLOSSOMING FORTH IN NEW paclcof hone. comlnl over hia back alonl the bank, and .ald that he had JERSEYS OF AN UNKNOWN fence. "BUly" rllht away 'thoulht thouaht a lum had been Ilppropriat· HUE of the "Dllllnier lanl" which aent ed Iii the boroulh budlet for the

-0- a cold Ihlver down hia aplne accom· year of 1934. So far, Dr. Roaers With the familiar Inllanla on panled by a liberal. aprlnkllnl of said •. he haa only aeen Itone dUlt put eath manly bOlom "duck bumps." In . the holea In the road, which

-0- The IUlpected robbera elc.ped. would wash out aa loon a8 the first THAT GOES FOR DICK WOOD· the car wal recollered and returned . rain came alon,. WARD TOO. to the Donahue Motor Service, of Relolutlon Millaid

-c)- Camden, from· which place It had We think he wall the Inspiration been taken. Mayor Elmer Hahn rOle at thil for the neW shlrta ---___ "-'.:.. point and aald that he had not ~een


-0-Then we have with us 'thll year a fleet o( umpirea


-0-Led by that fearless veteran of balebaU fame




M Tl • 'A T Mayor at the time the propolition C-'4 Valne .LVeW of the Town Meetlna had been'

A I h r.:r d made, but that he was aaainit any . ms ouse ..c:lea such expenditure until the people of

. (Continued from P'le 1) Riverton really knew what they wanted. He allo stated that no word from the Town Meetlna had reached the ears of council as to their relolution. T&la ruolutlon embodied the follow in, improve­ments: liemi.permanent finish to the roadway, enforcement of the speed lawlI In order that the residents would not be ' annoyed, and the pro· hlbltlon of trucks ullna thl, road.

appointment of a supervllor for the almlhouse and farm and aU'lested Jamea Nowell, of New Lisbon. The board a,reed to the suaaestion and fixed the lalary at '1,500, Ie .. the five per eent reduction Imp oiled by Itatute .durlna the depression period.

Mr. Nowell (I considered. to be a very competent man for tlie pOll. tion. way. .

chair. Itated th.t abe did not Imow who owned the roadway.

Mayor Hahn lIullelted that a small committee reprelentinl the river bank resldentl, other relldenta of the town and the boroulh attor. ney meet to lee what could be done about the IIltuation and then report to the Town Meetlnl. which would in turn report to Council.

Robert W. Kniiht IUllelted that the road be patched uP by the bor. oUlh and that Ilanl be pOlted pro. hibitina truckl from ulinl it.

Committee Appointed The final outcome of the dIICUI·

sion was the appointment of Il com· mittee by the chair. memberl of which will b' notified lateI', to lee if lomethlnl cannot be ironed out to the satilfactlon of everyone.

B. G. Cook, Iponlor of the hatd ball baleball team at Memorial Park, reported that he would be very Ilad for help from the Town Meetlnl. He Itated that the team had uni. forml and equipment but that they did need lupport at ~he lamet.

Dr. ROlerl IUlleated that • con· cert be liven by the Fellow.hlp Choral to help r.ise money for the depleted treasury of the ball club.

The meetinl went on record al heartily backinl athletic .ctivitie •• t the park.

With thll final action the meetlnl adjourned to meet at the caU of the chair.


The Woman'l Auxiliary of the Burllnaton County Medical Society extend. an ·Invitatlon to members of Parent Teacher Aa,oclatlonl, Board. of Education and SOllial Service Workers intereated In pub. IIc health problem •• to. he· prelent at a reciprocity tea to be held at the Mooreatown Community HOUle, Wedneatiay, MIY 2nd •. at 2 o'dock.

The topic "'Communlcable DII· · eale." will be dllculled by a memo ber of the New Jeney St.te Public Health Department. -. Phone Mrl. Harry L. ROler., Rlve.rton 132. If you plan to attend the meetina. -------60 CENTS will buy one year ot "Better Homea and Gardena" if if lublcriptlon la received before May 12th. 2 yeare for fl.00. Elizabeth .. Bowen, Rlyerton. Pbone 84 or 751.

Send $1 ror ~:n~:t s

The Atlantic Monthly

Make the mOlt of your read. ' ina houra. Enjoy the wit. the wisdom, the companlonlhlp, the charm that have made th~ Atlantlc~ for aeventy-five year" America'a mOlt qUoted and mOlt cherlahed mlaulne.

SEND ,. (m.ntlonlnl Ihl. ad)


I ~rllnlton Btt ... , Bolton At the cldh of the tournament the

wlMers of the fall and the Ipdn, tournament bowled for the lealon championship. Thl. brouaht to­.ether Baker's team and Ed Lip. plncoU's team who won the tall tournliment. Baker', team won two out of three lamea and walked away

Those who open themlelves to IIldeline Ilomment are

Born and bred a farmer. he .tud· led dairy manaaemen~at Cornell and was employed by the KeYltone Dairy Co. a. .creameryman. At Camp Dlx he was lelected to man· a,e the war larden.. He .erved In that capacity for over two. yeara cuI· tlvatlna hundredl of actea and ral •• In. the ve.etable. for the camp.

At this point, Prelldent ROlera alked Benjamin S. Mechllna, a resl • .a-------------~ dent 01 the river bank, to lay a few wordl ~oncernlnl the subject.

with the ballon. .


-0-Georae Friday, Fred Ulmer, Eddie Moorhoule


RIVERTON TAX RATE -0-May the pardlan anlel have

The Riverton tall rat. thl. year I, . mercy on t.helr lOull' t3,72 .. alllnit tuo lilt THEY'LL NEWtT I I

It I. made up II follow.: 1934

Stat. Road .•.• """." •• _ .• ".. ..,. Itat. School ."""-- "._,,.t .29 10IcH.r.' lIonul ""'"_''''' .015 County Ta. " __ ._._,,. 1.21 D1ltrlct Court .".""._"".,,. .._ Dlltrlct Ichool ,,_~_ 1.205 Boroqh T.. "'_""" __ .,, 1,00


-0-1933 Dodlin, pop bottl .. , lrieb con-

t .~ f.ttl and what.not " .•• --0-.015 WHICH ALL RAISES A OUES.

1.30 TION .005 -0-1.22 .77

In tIM mfnd. 01 .11 REAL .portlmen


EXPOSED TO P.,t M.tron ElIlBbeth HemIn,.

way and Put Patron JOHph H. T .... of tilt O,E.'. entertained their offlc.n .nd chalrlacll.e at dlnn.r .nd brld •• at NewHn'1 r .. taurant on lat· urday evenln.. About forty, Wert present.

-0-Unfair mtlcllm. alurnn, r.· markl and oth.r ~utward 11,.,1


-0-It mu.t be temlmbereel ----- -0-

wrOOBTHBR-on. 01 the ftn .. t THAT THE U)'(PIRTt8 ARE NOT Wordl In th. En,U.h I ... ,ua..... PAID

Aft.r bI. dl.char,' Capt. Rupp wrote hlml "At no time dUrit;t1 your Jonl .ervlce have you failed to ri .. to all occ.alona and In .0 doing • • plrit 01 wllllalne •• and real attend your ev.ry elort."

While at Camp 01. hi. help con. allted of pbYllcaUy unfit and cH.· abl.d toldle.... Thla •• perience ahould enable him to UII the labot .Iway. • ... labl. amon,lt tbe In· mat.. 0' tb. lnatltutioa.

Claim. Prlvat~ Owner.hlp Mr. Mechllna .ald that hil views

had been aired many tlmea, but that he w.. wllllni to once more live hla feellnla in the matter. .

He laid that he wal oppoaed to the road belnl repaired, a. It would then be uaed aa a Ipeedway by out • alden and that the property belonl. ed to the realdenta.

ISr. ROlerl a.lced Mr, Mechlinl who owned tb. roadw.y alonl the riv.... Mr. Mecblln. an.wereel .h.t aU the rnldentl owned down to the IcJw w.ter mark. MI.. Martha Blddl.. whan _ lIl1ettioned by tbe




H. rnld .. in New Llabon .nd thlll II clo .. to the .Jm.bouH. Hili ==-=:=:=:::========~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;= wif. I. the form.r Mil. Orle' D1dr· Ori...: .... t Radl'O eraon. 01 Mount HoUy. aN ...

ONE. CENT WANOER·ITANTON Mt, and Mr •• Prank B. 'tanton, 01

Oarflald ••• u., · Palm,.... hay. .... nounced tilt marn.,. 01 thtlr dau,bter. MI'a Dorothy Oertruda Itanton, to WIIUam W. W"'IIt, MIl 01 Mr. md Mtll Charl.1 W. W.ft,.r. of Oolf Road. RI.erton,

The ,oun. coupl. w.r. married .t Media. P •. , on April It/ and If. now rnldln. In Oeralantown, P.,


TWO for the price of ONE plu. ONE CENTI SAL Ep

Blankenbuah Drus Store 606 Main Street

4 Bia Da,. Ma, 2, 3, 4, 5 .....

, •