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X ti e Billboard JANUARY 29. 191^^'


EDISON MODEL B, rrerytiiliig D»w but bead, whlcb ia eotlreU rebuilt, $100, cuat new $',125. MOTIO* GRAPH, $85. ooMt new $185. POWER'S 6-A. with ambjT, ^eryttiliui new but hiwU, wbiob U rebuilt, tSSO, or $185 without motor. Power's Na 5 Head, on Dew 6-A outfit, $150. All machlnea guiraiiteed flrst- eUaB ooiidltloii and cauiplete in ereiT <letall, read}’ to run picture. latiwa to fit any sUe picture deslre<l. NEW RHEOSTATS with all mactiUica. rt. Wayne nd B. A U. Inductors. $30 extra with machine In place of KheoataUi. SIMPLEX Madilne, used In sam¬ ple room display thirty days, $225. Bargains In many other machines. Send fur complete list tlpera and Folding (Tialrs. all kinds, new and sUglilly used. (>p- I araUiig Booths that pass Inspertlon. PICTURE CUR- 1 TAINS. $5. ROLL TICKETS, THo per Uiousand. Film Cement snd Madilne OH, 15c a bottle. All makee and slats of Carbons. Oiders filled same day reoetred.


You Save IK^oney Id both the purchaae price and In freight by buying our


We carry a large stock, DDd oan ship ImmetUately. BerenU lots of Hecond- Band Chairs for sale SI tvedaUy low prices. Also seating for out-of- door use. Addreaa _ Dept B.

FURNITURE COMPANY Grand Rapids, Mich. Mr ’

New York Uffloe, 15* Fifth Are. ^



CTORiAi Lithograph Paper 1 WANTED QUICK y For Immodiate Shipmrnt Cicnoral HusincAR Woman with Hpccialty

*ARCE COM ED Ye DRAMA, Tdcharaclcn.: Cpnt.ral Husine^ l|A|^vnp| F tnut tloiiblos ( luniict, t/A»riiCt or Dniiui

lUm in orrhpKtra. Join on wire. HARRY HUGO, and Pricaa on Special Papar Includ- Baker, Mont. If italary reiihonable will 'alda. Dates, Banners, Cards, Etc. ptand half of transportation.

Wantid, for J. M. Buiby't Colorod Minsfrolt r.tssl MuMclaiw In all lines, those doubling stags nr twdiestra preft-rrrtl. WA.VT gtasl Uarlluiia who can double secisid rlallii. If powtlble, or |i»d erw- nellst doubling same. 1‘rrfurmerB, Comedians and •Ntwelty Acta. Tbtise In cIism ftleiidalilp with JtjhD Barleycorn not wantnl. Show n(ima February 14th. Addrrsa A. L. ASmntao.N', Uanager. Box ISIS, llouslou, Texas.

WANTED -For the U II. Hanft Oreus and Vaud^ rlUe Shinr, Hhrtch Tram; must be g<»l; NordtS Arts, Hliiglnx aiid Talking (Town, Blackface ('toe- dian that can ilaace: ClarlnK. Trombuiir and Trig l>runuurr lUswm, urr your stamps. Sliow cgwna

__ _ _ ___ _ __ _ ... March IS Ftw sale chrap. $0-fU Bound Tup, Sb- _ _ __ ___ _ _ _ __ fL mlildle piece, side wall for same; will run •

RLi./VlNIKS arasou. AddrcM BU maU L. U. ILLN-tT SHOW, Kenbridge. Virginia.

Board contains 600 Gold Platetl Collar musicians wanted- For Oollmar ItroCmyF B.ittons retailing at lOc each. Asbortments AimTica'. orrai^ xiuca Kxpert«iced nmja mu-

1 * • , , aldans on all liiHtjumisiU. low pluh; Trap liruia- already made up, saving the trouble Ot search- m.r. playing belU; On as Bass laummrr. ah mual ing all over the country for suitable Boanis •*', »t*«>ixrd mu^ wate rwy loi^

- , , r , . . , , salary aenwding to times and conditions. Ilouarra. and merchandise with^w'hich to make Up your kicker* ami t<siii.*ts, .arr stamps; you won't uat.

A Gompiete Line of PicTORiAt Lithograph Paper Carried In Stock Ready For Immediate Shipment


Wrlta For liiustratod Cataioguo and Pricaa on Speciai Paper Inciud- ing Biock and Typo Work, Horaids, Dates, Banners, Cards, Etc.

Nmr-late Oate$ k Lits it 6 Sets ir aire, $1 per Ml U Klits it Ceiipen ml Strip Ticket!




assortment. We offer

- .jj it to jTju at prices

awav below what you

f]^ would liave to pay

I for this class of mer-

iH. chandise.


j| ‘ !k 4 Gold Filled Waldeaiar Kalvoa.

U/INTCn blackface and irish song If All I lU and dance comedian SsIatt aU you are mYinh. clnM*d wltb*

_ out notice. Write or wire MEY'frULH SHOW, re6. t

ASSORTMENT CONSISTS OF: «nd s. Has,*.. .V. 1>. K1.ow nrrer cloae,.

4 Gold Filled Waldeaiar Kalvoa. WANTED—$'<>r «ie-nlght stand. Man for light 1<«4. 6 Gild Flllad Waldeaiar Clialai (aaldared llaka). etprof-dy bit; W.jman ftc I.NOENTK, a ^ ^ .a. ^ a- KtraUht charadteT bit; mant do Np«Y*laltlea. I'AT 1 Geld Flllad Dlamead Fa^ HHUHDA.V, i;cn Milt* Oty. Moi.tAna. 3 DIaaiMd Kalvao. 2 DIaaioad CoaiMnatioii Kalvsaaad Cigar Cuttara.

I Dtamofld Coat Chala.

I Diamond Bolt.

2 Diamoad Matek Boxat.

I Dtamoad Ciiarotta Caao.

I DIxmand 4-Placo Sot. Cull Buttono, Boarf Pla aad TIo Holdor.

I I2-S1» WaldroD. Thin Modol, Opod Faoo



Bell 5 Packs for a dime, or use as l*remium with Doll Raffle*.


Three Colon and Gold.

[!!«! SPEARMINT GUM Price to you. 40o per Box of 40 i u/piTc

Paeke. F. O. B. ClndnnaU. Make "nllt m depcwlt with order. TODAY FOR y ACE OF hearts GUM CO., JJ --

■ Butler Mf,. Bld|.. CINCINNATI. ANU

77-—77-—----7——--—7—-— OUR CATALOG. 1 Waldro* Huntin,

NEW DROPS, $10.00 —j. VE yv IWT FaJitod to Order. Any size from 15x20 feet. In either ^^^g ■ B B l^kxB ■ ■ B DiAiDond Dye. 041 or Water Colors. $2.00 depoait * * Amirf !■ ^ X*r A X • with each order. Sehell't Scenlo Studio, Columbut, 0. WHOLESALE JEW

Dl ITQI4 TYDrtPQ Ah And Colon. 1T7-1TO WEST MADISON STREET. Tl.tJyri DIxWrO spwlal Ulecuant and Tuc rrM ■ SIT A I SI _ 4J c A 1^ r

Addrews CHAH R. BACimiL. Bandmaatee. TOS Walnut Are.. N. F-, dantdi. Ohio.

I I2-S1» Waldron. This Model, Watok.

I Waldrea Huatia, Cast Watek, IS-Sin. Tkla Mtdal.


WAIIT Sister Team 11 H n I y or Trio For one-nlghler; must Jotn at once. I-fTW RHANItB’

KINO BEK «X> , O, C. Ouy. ktgr. Sidney. Ohla Tcnna This Ffnnth. Rental In City.

CONSOLIDATED VELVET. 145 Wait 46tk Street. New York City.

AT LIBERTY—TRAP DRUMMER TTiL. SCHOUJl A. F. of M. Full line of Trap, and Bells. Klglit reader. Troop or locate. Care Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio.

CUT TOUR OWN HIIR! aample and make big money. Ererybody a p.-jepect. SOMMEKFTFXll. 449 'Traders Bldg.. Chicago. Ill.

BANDJMASTER T\i ln«trur« VMan Band; one with trade preferred. Whl*ky hre<bi, *are siamt's: cauM at thla ad. J. Kl> ILLIIJ-IY, Vlrlan, LouLilana.

Want Middleman And UNDERSTANDER that can catch

somersiiults for big acrobatic act. State

all first k'tter. .^ddrt'ss G., care Bill¬

board, Cincinnati, Ohio.

MELVILLE'S COMEDIANS No. 1 WANT juung. g.vid li«*liig A-1 H.ary Wuman Ibal can do tTiaractm; Man for lltarlea and OenertJ Bualiiivw: prefertni'e glriu pngile doing spertalUea or duubiing band; Tuba doubling etrlng baaa, for band and iwjhesira. CAN I'UWE Actors doubling band. State age, hngtit, wilglit and salary. Send phot(*. Yiar's nigagron'tit to right p,<g>le. Must be gui.l dre^eirs on end uff Absoluirly sotM-r and re¬ liable, Address BKKT JIFXVIIXE, Box 6TT. UtUa

. B«k, Ark .Vo 2 <A>rtui In April. .\nd legitimate concessions to complete the highest class amusement organisation —

in America. Can place freaks and curiosities for big pit show; also people in all b^expwie^I^ ^*ai«

lines of the carnival business. Address ouier mufiii i»'<«>ir wnie.’ state an m nr*t icttrr. also maaa-raj m i,.*. ^ .. mi- m aew 11 aa ex • a m lowtwL (TlAKI.iat 1*K B<»L1>, Urn. l>rl.. Clarka- C. SMiTH, Smith Greater Shows, Box 457, COLUMBIA, S. C. tmrg. wmt virgiida.


—Smith Greater Shows SEASON OF 1916 OPENS APRIL 3rd



Only reliable managers write.

THEO. WAGNER, 143 Turner St., Lansing, Mich.

AT LIBERTY—L. MITTENDORF with food Grind Show. pUy baritone if desired. £i- ADfMUir^DP A H ^ |LJ| A pcrletioed trouper. Kmbalmetl and Mummiiied Body IVl w n 11 r\ rl w nrl

if^i^^bu WANT—Ferris Wheel, Shows and Concessions of all kinds. Can use anything

compaid, jump far; pay own. Addreaa u MiTTKN- that goes to Complete a first-cluss, clean Camival Company. Address DORK, care E. A. Sclimldt, Staunton, IlUnola. °

F. M. SUTTON, Ardmore, Okla.



High’Class Comedy Sin^ng and DtncitiC Sketch Team. l>o single* and double*. Lnin of material for wetfk. Up tn acta. Blackg Irish, Bcoentric. Jew and Rube Characters. l*lay parts. Gent, an A-1 Band L^ler (Oomet): have mindc; sober and reliable, and a lady and gentleman at all times. Can join any time. Set of flaahy Band Uniforms <R£I>| for sale (^eap for Mst. Address 1127 Huperior Kt., Tbledo. Ohio.

WANTED^A Prafsssiaaal DlrMtsr TV> put «i Mliiun-l Hhow Mrst 1*111 and * one*ac< Mimical ('omi'dy (mlieiU Hetotnl Part. Must supply civtumi* iK^fiiTT State flat tenna. SIhkb laM rebruarr. ALKIl>:i> J BA.srr, care nmUay L4>dga 11 P. O. E 75, Findlay, Oliio.

VIOLINISTS FOR HOSPITAL ORCHESTRA piMltiofia racanl In l,aundry. Mattreea Factory and W'ardA. Salary* pi-r miMith, with board, ruom and launtln W <1 MAHTl.S, Allegheny CcuntF lIiMpltal ftw Inaane, Woudrille. Prtui^lraiila._


Experience'! in orche»tra and oth<T Unea Lane U-

D£ KREKO BROS.’ SHOWS-1916 WANTED—Promoter and General Agent, sober and reliable. Now ready to sign ^ itl^S

Ifgitimate Concessions for season of 32 weeks in “kiiots” that we know to be GOOD. » yrar mu. k. b. K.Mmi. 2»io «imMn at*.

AT LIBERTY—Band and Orchestra Leader Season oiiens about April ut. we have contracted to furnish all the shows I AND CONCESSIONS at the LINCOLN-WASHINGTON BIRTHDAY CELEBRAI IONS AT LAREDO, pQo SALE TEXAS. VVe leave San Antonio February 10th. Show opens February 11 lh and con-,, M>.nv. i„ a-i ao..aiti<». tinues till rebruary 23rd. Shows and Concessions wishing to book LAREDO write xt unchiiHd, Kmiucky. $50 00 raiOi t»k«a u us quick. Address MAIL to DE KREKO BROS.' SHOWS, nwi^,’ ' '

208 Belvin Street, Sen Antonio, Toxae. '' ■ -. CURIOSITIES

WANTED, FOR THE GIRL AND THE RANGER Fnr balxnoe of winter and summer »e**nn. 'Troioboiie, Baritone and TVap Ifrummrr, all u> double xtage. Other Mueldana with doublia write. WANT a afk^r ajid reliable Ibwe Cuivaaman to handle 70-fL Kieind Top. BABOAING 7 Trained l^«><lle*. $100: I*<>* and 1*00} with SO-fL middle, one wlio tuxlentatula B. A W. Ilghla. WA.VT TO Kf^AKK ('omblnalloii lUggaga ami Klirmr Krunt ($ bamiiTB), $10; Treil. 2i'X2H firi, $10; Bleep.-r. with all equlpmenta; muM atand M. C. B. Inaptviilnn. Addrrm by mall, F. P. MeCANN, eara GIri MmiktT, l*or<iiplne and Hnike lUnnera, $7 eaeh; and Rangar Co., Heldrata. Nab., Jan. 31; permanent addreaa, care Opera Heute Reporter, Eatharvllla, lawa. Mounted ('*i>vl>ara. $10; IkiotMia and Klyliig FUh.

$10 II IMt'KINHON, TTny, Alabama

\l/ANTCn three IEAWNI of UNBOUNDED H. D. ZARROW’S AMERICAN "" ff An I LU »UCCE« HAS BEEN CREDITED TO g-I D I MIICirAI <-OMCnvr*n WANTED Yot'NtI I-4I)Y, to rim Camly W«<'*4 »>«•;

VnIHL MUsICAL COMEDY CO. hlgti-rlaea famlral r.mniany Ktale eaperleiioe and




GORDEN KELLER Addreea Browning, Missouri.

WANTED—MeiUcine Perple, Novelty Man; muat ctiange for we»-k. Uarful p,opIe write. Great Var- neii and Great laiet. write. BrUKB A GOBUO.N, Box 93. Cheeterrllle, irouglas Cnunty, Illinois,


KET FOR THE MONEY ‘ n Hill LU SUCCESS HAS BEEN CREDITED TO QIRL MUSICAL COMEDY CO. Atti^rrire Dla^aid ilaplt-mlnt and Iriam^d Spear- mueh la the Miow In demand that I WA.VT l*«iple In all Mnea, alno (Tkwui fllrln. fiw a No. 2 Show. Tell

*’’**. ***^»*,‘^’ ■** letter. l>o not mlareDreaent; It will aave ua both time and nuaiey. I*e«g>le ruraed with pndenaUaial * 2.00<> paekagw for $15.1)0. jeak>u», liooae or OgarKle habit, Inrumbered with mother-in-law. baby or dog. will not be oraialdereil. Ad-

??*■ J? <lreea week Jan. 24. Grand Thuaue, Grafton, W. Va.; week 31. Opera lliniae. Keyai-r, W. Va. Kliow bo<4te<I eeiler on a premium prraxjeltlon. A‘»o»e prirv* are F._...

•Irla. frw a No. 2 Show. Tell I terma. Addn-ea t'AV'OY WlIKKU eople ruraed with pndrnaUaial | ellM-rg Bldg., Nr-w York <5ty.

HlUboard. llrid-

eeiler on a premium prrgxjalOon. A'.oTe prirv* are K. AtMioliiTelv rHiable O. B our far-too, Uilrago. TKRMS: One-third of I•*‘**^“*'‘» t-UW*"*- amr.ur.t payable In adrame to liiMire ooet of trana- portallon, balajice C. O, D.

FRISCO MINT CHICLE CO., tlS W. Ontario St., Ckieaaa, III.

WANTED, FOR LADY MINSTRELS •* * Art, f*- ChieM*. HI* pgbl« of Uirowlng two acU, double in baxKl preferred. Lady MiMlciana. Write C. f, CVCRL6T* Tllfla, Ohla.



World’s Champions Will Be Sells-Floto Drawing Card

Cody Will Endeavor to Present Himself in Military Spectacle

In Conjunction With Buffalo Bill, Who Is Still Claimed

Will Not Use Any Title to Which Claim Is Laid

Willard To Spar With Partner —Gotch Meets All Comers

Differences Will Be Adjusted Says Lewis E. Cooke

Executive Secretary of the Motion Pic ture Board of Trade of America.

Noted film producer, and one of th* “angles" in Triangle When the Sells-Floto Shows Inaii-

grurate the season of lit 16 early in April the two world's tffPatest ex¬ ponents of athletics, Jess Willard and Frank (Jotch. will l>e two drawing cards that hid fair to draw many thou¬ sands to the white-tops of the organi¬ sation wherever they appear. Wil¬ lard, unless the title should be wrested from him in the interim, will be billed as the world’s champion boxer, and Ootch as the world's great¬ est exponent of the wrestling game.

Twelve hundred dollars a day Is the sum that Colonel Tammen, owner of the Sells-Floto Shows, has contracted to pay thi-ee two mighty giants of the roped and matted arena. I’nder the terms of the contracts, which have Just been signed, Willard furnishes a sparring partner and agrees to play any part In the big show that he may be requested to, and will box from three to six rounds, as the case may be. In the concert.

Ootch is to give a physical culture exhibition In the main show, and an exhibition of wrestling in the concert, agreeing to meet all comers, and to forfeit flOO to any one who can stay with him fifteen minutes, irrespective of who he may ho.

It has been decided that Tom Jones will do the announcing for the big athletic feaiur«*, with Jack Curley go¬ ing on the advance, to arouse special In l>ehalf of these two cham¬ pions, and incidentally for the big cir¬ cus combination.

The signing of Willard and (totch for his big tented attraction this sea¬ son Is a c«)»ip d'etat of which Colonel Tammen has every reason to feel proiid. noth of these athletic cham¬ pions, e.xpeclHlIy Willard, have been

Hughes Measure Very Likely To Be Killed in Committee

Triangle Producer Touches Upon Various Phases

Towner Introduces Bill To Amend Sect. 245 of Penal Code

Of the Relation of the Stage Star to Screen

This Is Legislation Advocated by the Film Interests

A Believer in Value of Legit imate Artists in Photoplays

It Isn’t the lure of the lucre. Of that I am almost sure. It isn’t a han¬

kering for new and nation-wide pub¬

licity. Of that I am certain. It Isn't curiosity. It isn’t vanity. It Isn’t persuasion.

But it IS an awakening that ha« provoked and Is still provoking this abandonment by stars of the stage for a position of equal rank in the realm of the photodrama—an awakening to the unparalleled possibilities of the motion picture camera, and a realiza¬ tion that in this Instrument Is repre¬ sented a held greater than ever before for worthy artistic achievement.

The subject of the stage star’s re¬ lation to the screen is one that haa been treated frequently and at great length on numerous prior occasions, but not one in five. I df\re say, of the writers Involved has touched upon

(ContluuM on page 63.)

New York. Jan. 2-1.—The bitter tight

waged for nearly a week by the Mo¬

tion Picture Hoard of Trade, and its

allied Interests, supplemented by those j having the best Interests and future of the motion picture Industry at heart, against the proposed Ilughes- Sn>lth bill creating .a Federal board of censor.'<hli>. ai>peara. in the light of present events, to be as nearly a vic¬ tory as could possibly result without an actual vote on the question of whether the proposed measure will be reported out of ct)mn»lttee or allowed to die a natural death. Developments since last Monday have been rapid, and the present status of the fight Is a complete reversal of what It was when The Billboard recorded the sit¬ uation up to and including the first «lay of this week. The hearings on the proposed measure, which were

I (('ontlniml on p«go 63.)

the 1916 season, and It was only after he had agreed upon the princely sum of $1,200 per day that Tammen was able to get them to attlx their signa¬ tures. This tlgure, in addlton to the additional enoiuioiis sum which will be necessary To maintain the high standard of the Sells-Floto Shows, will re<|ulre exceptional, but the reputation of (’ol«*nel Tammen and his shows Is now so well known

(CnntIniOMt on pngr 63.)

This Issue of The Billboard is 39,500 Copies

1 1 1 r .-1

l3- 1 1 1 dO

JANUARY 29, 1916.

NEW PLAYS Willa, Marie Chanilters, Morgan (To¬ man, Hallett Thompson, Joseph Gil low, Elmer Uedmoml and others. COMPLETE BILL FOR


Hopkins Has a New One KUSTWIIII.K SfS.\N—.\ coiiu-Oy, in «ot»,

liy -Murluii tU- Ki>n-ht; fouiuli-d iiimhi ■ novel !>}' U. Murlln. I'ri-wnte.l lijr Con-y- WilliuiiiH'|{itl"r ut the (iaii-ty Tlicater, New York, January is.

New York, Jan. 24.—.Arthur Hop¬ kins i.s assemhlinK the cast fur a new play, A Happy Endinp, of which little is known, outside of the fact that it Is said to he an adaptation of a foreign I)lay. He will start rehearsals itnme- diately.

Stars of the Legitimate, Vaudeville and Pictures Volunteer Services for Big Benefit To Be

Given January 28 at the Forty-fourth Street Theater, New York

Till-: CAST; Hnrni by I)r*-ary .Jidin Cope Jacob im-ury .KoU-rt Stowe Olll Cn anuel Dreary .Dwt-n Meech .VIrt-l lluchter .John Daly .Muriiliy David Jonlan .Kdward ICoblna IColw-rt Marali .lIUKh Clillvera .\l>Naloin Dunti .Harry Cowley Juliet .Miller iKratwhile Suaan).Mra. Flake I'arnabett.) Dreary .Madeline Delinar Ituinah Schwenkfeldera .Wylda MIlllaoD Mr*. WIntbrop .Aulte Clarendon Helen Meredith .Julia Cblti|H<ndale Joaeph Yo<li-r .Samuel Aldenfelder .Abraham Waekern.iKel .Henry H. Kiurb-r Km. Wn.-kernasel.Maude IxnKuecker Jennie Lleti .Marie Saat-e

New York, Jan. 19.—After an ab¬ sence of several ye.trs from the New York stiiKe Mrs. Klske returned last night to Broadway at the Gaiety Theater, appearing in a delightful comedy, entitled Erstwhile Susan. The critics on the dailies treated very fa¬ vorably of the new play. The Times commenting ns follows: “Mrs. Fiske returns In a delightful role. She Il¬ lumines an odd little comedy." The Herald concludes Its review thusly: “It is years and years since Mrs. Fiske has had a comedy role which gave her such an opportunity. Her Susan la a sudden and irresistible creature, better than Mrs. Bumpstead-Lelgh." From The World: “Virtuosity again shown in sparkling comedy role; play

Leaving World of Pleasure

Glub will appear as manikins. The ladies taking part are Louise Dresser, Margerie Rambeau, Dorothy Donnel- l.v, Maisie Gay, Antoinette Walker. Virginia Fox Brooks, Olive Tell and many others, including choruses from Katinka and Princes.s Pat.

Mary Pickford and Jack Barrymore will also be seen in a special number.

Then there will be a Chinese drama offered by the Lambs’ Club, called The

iCuntinu)-)] in page

New York, Jan. 22.—.\ World of I’leasure closes its engagement at the Winter Garden tonight, and Kitty Gor¬ don, Jack Wilson and Franklyn Batle retire from the cast. Claire Rochester will replace Miss Gordon, who, after appearing in two motion picture pro¬ ductions for the World Film Corpora¬ tion, will be seen in a one-act play to be written by Edgar Allan Woolf and Jack Wilson.

At Madison Square Garden Minneapolis Lyric

Minneapolis, Jan. 20.—There are likely to be some moves of interest upon the theatrical checkerboard in

Minneapolis shortly. A. G.

Bainbrldge, o f

the S h u b e r t, with Elliott & Sherman, hold¬

ers of Western rights for The

Birth of a Na- t i o n, recently

purchased a lease to the Lyr¬ ic, which five

New York, Jan. 22.—For the bene¬ fit of those whom it may concern The Billboard has compiled, through the courtesy of Har¬ ry A. Cochrane, manager of the Madison Square Garden, a list of the attractions at the big play¬ house and re¬ sort from now until summer. A variety of fea¬ tures will occu¬ py the Garden, as the following will attest:

Drug and Chemical Show, January 14 to 24, inclusive; Athlet¬ ic Club meets January 26, Harry Pollack has a wrestling match January 2 7, there may be a boxing bout January 28; Harry A. Coch¬ rane takes pos¬ session of the Garden Jan¬ uary 29 for the


has years to

\ ! f ,'^1 / Saxe t I / Bros. For the f I present the Tri- f * angle plays have

been shelved The

^ Nation has been there from the


•1 The

is ex- ^PWv that -- Bainbrldge will

buy out Elliott tying the leidlng role In Jiwt a Woman, at ^ Sherman or the Forty-eighth Street Theater, New York. L. ,

Vice versa. This would be log-

Ball, February ; ical, a.s his on the Shuhert ex- L-bruary 19; Do'g pires next fall. In case FTlliott & Sher- •) 26 inclusive: , man keep the theater it may become a 28 to March 2; popular-priced house. It is known, h 3 (Harry Pol- loo, that Elliott & Sherman have in- Gamos, March vestigated concerning vaudeville,

irch 7; (Jerman inclusive; Fa-sig

Sothern To Retire Just a Woman

New York, Jan. 22.—E. H. Sothern, at the end of the present season, will retire from the stage, and with Mrs. Sothern. professionally known as Ju¬ lia Marlowe, will depart for England to take up a permanent home in War¬ wickshire. Mr. Sothern on several previous occasions e.xpressed a desire to leave the stage, but each time he had been forced to change his plans. Mrs. Sothern, it will be remembered, gave up the stage some time ago ow¬ ing to ill-health, and although she has completely recovered she adheres to her decision not to resume her career as an actress.

Mr. Sothern closes his en¬ gagement in Da¬ vid Garrick at the Booth The¬ ater tonight, and on Monday will leave Boston for an engagement in a repertoire of old plays, later going to I'hiladelphia. .After that lie may come back to the New A'ork stage and ap- { jiear in a revi¬ val of If I AVere King.

“It i.s a little Tiremature to say that I am giiing to give up a c t i n g,” said Mr. Sothern, ‘•because I shall not <|uit till the (•nd of the sea¬ son. I do in¬ tend to retire th>-n, and Mr.-. .S.»thern and I will go to Pvng- land to remain permanently.”

T .A WOM.AN —.A ilraiiia In lliw ■rt* and an i-i'lli true, liy KuK*-n** AA’alt**r. Prvwntisl by Till- SlnilM Tl'* at the Forty elgUth Street Theater, New York, January 17.

.JoHetililne A'letor

.Walter H*iup<len , .Ceorge Stuart t'hristl* .Virginia .Allen .H. K. HertsTt . Margan-t MeAA'aile ..DaTlcl Howell l.lndley .Frank Monroe .Jolin .Arthur .Jaiuea Kagle .Ho**' AA’Inter .Walter WII«on .Holx'rt Forrest .Allx-rt Haekett

18.—Indications are

I The Woman . Tlie Man .. The Ihiy . I he Hin>d r.lrl . . MIml . Sanfonl . Kiiierson . .. .Aram . Ved .

I Tlie I.aily . I The .Indge . I t’.erk .

Ned (later) .

New York, Jan. that Eugene Walter’s latest play. Just a AVoman, is due for a long run In New A’ork. Splendid notices were given the melodrama h y the press. The Herald’s critic stating that Walter’s n e w emotional play makes a dee p i m p r e s 8 1 o n. From The Eve¬ ning Sun; “Wal¬ ter’s new play ha.s the tild Wal¬ ter ‘punch’ and fhrill anti clev¬ erness t> f con¬ struction. Just a AA’oman ranks

, high among this season’s plays.” I-'' r o m The World; “Thru I.s and thrill." trim the new Walter (I I .a y. Just a Woman is Just melodrama, hut It has vivid,

(rout'd on pngo ir>)

E. H. Sothern Eleanor Painter

William Hodge’s New Play

Wilmington, D<-I., Jan. 20.—Fnder the managerial direction of Leo Shu- liert William Hodge tonight produced his new play. Fixing Sister, written under the pen name of Lawrence Whitman. Mr. Hodge’s roI<> was that of a liusiness man from Kansa.s ('ity. 'I'he supporting company includes the .Mi.sses Teresa Maxwell Conover, Mir¬ iam Collins and I<la A'ernon, Jolin Flood and Hamilton Deane. Wallace as Leading Man

Charles Hawtry Broke New A'ork, Jan. 23.—Ram-ey AVal-

lace, who has just return* d from Lon- <lon, where he jdayed the prineipal part in Kick In, has been engaged l>y

I'. .\. AVeii as leading man for The Co- R<-si>ond<nt, the n< w (day ))>• Alice

Leal Bollock and Rita AV<-;man, which will be given its out-of-town i)remi«r<* at .Stamford, Conn., January 29. Mary Lawton and George W. Howard have

also l>f-en added to tiw <, which in- elud(s Emily Ann Wellman. .Suzanne

.\’ew A'ork, Jan. 22.—Arcor<ling to a <le-I»atch from lioridori Charley Haw- trey has li.’ihilitios amounting to 1100,- •100. while his total as'-et« are 150.

Passaic House Destroyed

I’assalc, N. .T., Jan. 22.—The Basoiic ()p*'ra House wa.s destroyed by liro <-arly Wednesday morning.

Who Will R'tire From the State at End of

Curreot Seaaon.

JANUARY 29. 1916. T li e 13 f 1113 o a r d 5

Spanish Opera

W ill lie Given I’ronilere Tlil.i \Ve<*k nt


\»-w York, Jan. 22.—The firat por- fi.rmance on any atatre of Enrique CranaJoaa’ Spaniah opera, Goyescaa, will be Riven Friday evening at the .Metropolitan Opera House. The sing¬ ers will consist of Anna Fitziii, who has not as yet been heard at the opera house; Flora Perinl, Olovanni Marti- nelli and Giuseppe de Luca. As Goy- e>cas is a short work, the rest of the evening will be devoted to Pagliacci, sung by Miss Cajatti and Messrs. Ca¬ ruso, .^niato, Tegani and Pada. Other .ip< r.ts of the week include Tristan and Isolde on Monday evening, with the reappearance of Mme. Gadski; Der Kosenkavalier, Wednesday: Prois Go- diinolT. Thursday: LaTravlata, Satur¬ day matinee, and Lohengrin, Saturday evening.

Town Topics at Winter Garden

.Vew York, Jan. 24.—The rejuve¬ nated Town T«>pics, which the Shu- herts took over when the Wayburn • 'entury Opera House spectacle went to smash, will be brought back to Proadway for an indefinite run, be¬ ginning tonight, at their Winter Gar- •leii. It had been planned to put in the new Winter Garden show. Robin¬ son Crusoe, Jr., with A1 Jolson, be¬ ginning tonight, but of the elaborateness of this new production a tlecislon to postpone it was reached by the Shuherts a few days ago. It will lie interesting to compare Town Topics under the Shubert regime com- I'ared to what it was when Ned Way- f'urn was at the helm.

Singers Selected for Elijah

Poston. Jan. 20.—.\n announce¬ ment has been made by S. Kronberg lus to the singers in the mammoth pro- duction of Mendels.sohn's Elijah, whlih he will produce nt the Praves’ Pasehall Field on Sunday afternoon, ■May 2S. Frieda Hempel, Madame Sebumann-Heink, ('larence Whltehill and Johannes Sembach will be the chief solo singers. An orchestra of lOr, will be led by Walter I>amrosch.

Spanish Singer Arrives

.New York, Jan. 22.—Mme. Marla P.irric-ntos, .Spanish coloratura so¬ prano, arrived in New York Wednes¬ day on the French liner Espagne from P'lrdcuiux. nccontpanied by her ntother, Mm»v K. Parrientos. and her five-year- •dd son, George Parrientos Keen. She "ill sing at the Metropolitan in operas "hiih have leading roles for a col¬ oratura soprano, suc-h as The Pearl I'i.'ibi rs. Parber of Seville and Lucia, in the latter of which she will make her .Xmerican debut. .Mme. Parrien¬ tos acbic‘ved a rcqiutation in grand o|M-ra in the principal European cities ind .Xrgc'ntlna.

Willing To Renew Guarantee

ChiiMgii, Jan. 21.—The linanclal baekc'rs of the Chicago tlrand (>peru '’otiipatiy announce their willingness to renew their giiaranteci for l!>l(’i-*17 d'-sidte the faet that they know now that they will be i jillc'd u|>on for their pli'dges of $lin,uno fur this season. 1 be,\ say the llnancial loss is olTset by

the artistic gain

ROBERT GRAU Intimate and Important Revelations Appertain¬

ing to the Larger and Finer Phases of the Business

(7Xi« BIUImmM ikxs Dot obl«ct to n^iit fresn thb cotumn. prortdlni ptvper credit is gtreii.)


Pehlnd the retirement of Lewis J. Selznick from the World Film Company one may otmerve the fine Italian hand of William A. Prady. Such an an¬ nouncement has been expected ever since Prady announced his intention to reduce his stage productivity and vastly extend his screen offerings.

In the motion picture field one may never know from expansion whether it retlect.s prosperity or merely extensive operations in Wall street. Also it would be an interesting question Just now to know whether Ladenberg & Thalman, of the big street, are expanding their film interest.-! because of dividends to date or to protect large holdings through influencing Investments by reorganization and increased stock Issues.

The late John Stetson once was a-sked to advance 125,000 in a theatrical enterprise in which he already had invested a similar amount. Stetson had but one eye, l>ut from that one eye he could see more than any showman of his day could with two. Said Stetson to his optimistic associate: "In the show business I always place ‘stop loss’ orders. I am never enthused over what is taken in at the box-ottice. It is only what is left over that impresses me.” "Put,” .«ays the as.sociate, "think of the business we will do next season.” Stetson looked at his associate with that eagle eye of his and remarked, "Pu.-‘iness is good enough right now, still I lost my $25,000. You can have the show, but my ‘stop loss’ order has been reached and that ends my interest."

Oh. ye of fllmdom—fancy the motion picture business procedure being conducted on such lines! Perhaps Mr. Prady is really to be revealed as the long-awaited Moses of modern fllmdom—we shall see.

Put that there is need of some dominating figure to guide the befogged perspective of the warring factions in this aspect changing industry no one can doubt. The writer believes that the day must soon come when some such figure will bring about a system of operation, di.stribution and exhibition in what should be the most lucrative line of endeavor since public entertainment was inaugurated.

XX’ho will be the man to lead as Otto H. Kahn did for grand opera, as Edward F. Alliee did for vaudeville and as Abraham L. Erlanger did for the legitimate theater in times far less propitious than the present? There is Just one man who has Indicated very recently that he might qualify as such a leader. The writer will not name him now save to state that he alone has favored the open door with sincerity. Vaudeville began to be revolutionized when the man who "buys the goods" was master. It looks now as if the producer of motion pictures is planning to control through sheer might of organization. Such a plan will fail unless participated in by every important faction and led by a genius whose identity is nowhere indicated save as an individual part of a whole structure, whereas the new Moses must be a man who can lead all of the big estal»lished interests; lead them, too, as Albee led and developed .Xmerican vaudeville with never a break in the ranks, nor a new vaudeville theater erected that could sustain itself a year in the same realm in competition without becoming an arm of the booking institution started seventeen years ago and which stands today as far as its basic i>rKanization goes precisely as it did tlien. Not oniv has there been a success¬ ful opposition to the U. P. O. Not once has any one of the original showmen, who came together seventeen years ago at Albee’s suggestion, encountered lasting opposition.

if the m<*tion picture structure is not too bulky and massive to lend Itself to some such sane control, a control, by the way, which, unlike motion pictures, seems immune from government litigation, it may be well right now for some of the e.stal>Iished factors in the new field to study well how the genius and persistency of one man created conditions which, if existent in fllmdom, woulil prove revolutionizing.

I.est the writer should appear to be indicating the availability of any one on thus earth as such a leader, he wishes to suggest that such a man. when he is discovered, will probably attain the goal meteorically. It will not be Albee himself; the latter will probably retire from business activity before filmdom’s new Mos«-s is revealed: besides the man needed should start poorly prox’ided witli money and fight now as Albee fought to attain his goal.

One thing is certain, this miicli-needed guardian of the destiny of the stTceii's side will never be found among the gentlemen who came tardily from tltc stage to produce for the screen; no, even tliose few among them who Itave prospered.

Men like Laemnile, Hodkinsi>n. Freuler and Altken could have qualified liefore their personal interests bet’ame so unwieldy a.-» to render their per- speitive sulijeet to prejudice. Each would have made a splendid leader In another day and with different conditions. Even such men as XX’illiam R. Hearst ami Frank V. Mun.-^ey, both l>oomlng up as large futJire factors, can not qualify because of the lateness of th*‘ir arrival. The capital of newspaper magnates will figure in all these new deals, but the nmn whom all motion puturedom is seeking may not be even a shown»an of any grade or type; he mu-t not persoimllx seek individual con<|uests. XX'e have a score of such men .IS could ha\e qiialitied as rei eiitly as six years ago, but each now has “got his,” heme no incentive to attain renown. Itesldes public spirit would be a requiiite witliout wliich no real leader could qualify in the second decade of the tvveiitietii century. The man who leads must make his millions after he begins to lead, and he must the maze of followers on his trail that he

Holbrook Blinn

.\rranging for New York ‘Theater To Bear His Name

New York. Jan. 22.—The fact that Holbrook Blinn will be In charge of a playhouse here next fall, to be called the Holbrook Blinn Theater, became known this week. Whether he will have an entirely -new house or whether some house already built will be used has not become known. Blinn will act at the head of a repertory company which will hold the boards.

Conway Tearle, who is appearing with the Grace George Company at the Playhouse, has announced that as soon as his contract with Miss .George ex¬ pires he will organize a stock com¬ pany of his own.

Sembrich Leaves New York

New York, Jan. 22.—Mme. Sem¬ brich. the Polish prlma donna, who has been 111 in New York for the past twelve weeks, left this week for Miami, Fla.

Dramatic League Incorporated

New York, Jan. 21.—^The New York Centre of the Dramatic League of America obtained a certificate of in¬ corporation from Justice Newburger in the Supreme Court yesterday. Its purpose is “to stimulate public inter¬ est in the drama, to encourage and support such plays as may be deemed worthy and to disseminate informa¬ tion concerning the drama and its literature.” Its powers include every¬ thing connected with the production of plays.

Among the incorporators are Mrs. Henry A. Alexander, Mrs. John W. •Xlexander, Mr. Ogden Reid, Mrs. Ben All Haggin. Mrs. George W. Bacon, Mr. J. Henry Harper, Mrs. Frank B. Keech, Mr. Samuel M. Tucker, Mr. Roland Hoyt. Mrs. Percy Darbyshire, Mrs. 1. Sherwood Coffin and Mr. Wil¬ liam Chaiincey Langdon.

DRAMATIC NOTES Klsle Ferituson. fn Hall Caine’s Uteat play,

Maryaret S<'hlll« r. op*-n» at the New Amsterdam

Theater, New York. Monday evening. January 31.

IMlth XX’ynne Matthlson has been engaged by

Sir Herbert Tr-'e to play the part of gueeu

Ki'therlne In his production of Henry X'lII,

which will be seen during the 8hakesi*eare Ter

centenary Festival in New Y'ork in March. Sir

Herbert will bo seen In the role of Cunllnal

XX'olsey. The entire production and effects will

lie securetl from His Mak-sty s Theater. Umdoa.

Immediately after the production of Henry X’lII

It Is Sir Herb-rfs Intention to revive Klchanl

X’ll. The Merry Wives of Windsor and The

Merchant of X'enlce. The o|H>nlng of Mtionlight Mary, with Rowe

Stahl, at the Fulton Theater, New Y'ork. has

iH-t-n iHist|Hined fro n January 25 to January 27.

The Dolly Sisters have been engaged by A.

11. XVissIs to apiwir In Ijiwrence Rising’s three-

act comedy. The Stolen Honeymoon. Rehearsals

win lie started In February. Arrangements have bis-n made la-tween the

Messrs. Shulw-rt and Rh-hard Walton Tiilly. the

playwright, to open the New Y'ork l.yrie Tb«-a-

ter's r.Ud ’lT s,.asoti on l-alair Day. v.lth a new

play, written by Tiilly. The I.yrle was ehosen

on aei-ount of the faellltles offered by the stage

for an eliborate production.

In a letter to IVrey Iturton. general manager

for Sir J. ForN-s RoN-rtson. and pi-rvoiial r»-|ire-

si-ntHtive for Sir llerlM-rt Tree. Sir John Hare

eiupliatieally denies that he Is to apia-ar in

Caste or any other play In America evia-pt

through the luediuiii of the elnema.

-X n-|a-rt was rtled in the I’lilted States Dis¬

trict Cimrt in New- X’ork. on January 17. ap

praising the v.ihie of the proja-rty of the Ni-»1

(C.iiitiuued on igige t-'i) (Continued on |Mge ITi)

5 * 1

repudiated by Mountford. The attor¬ neys are then alleged to have coun¬ tered by asking for a proposition. It is said that Mountford promptly re¬ plied: "Our only proposition la that you give us a receipt in full.” The attorneys then said, so it goes the round, “Well, we will sue then.”

Gets U. B. 0. Route

New York, Jan. 21.—Anna Chand¬ ler, the vivacious comedienne, who made such a tremendous hit on her recent trip abroad, has accepted a long season’s routing over the big time, opening at the Alhambra. New York City, the week of January 23. Miss Chandler has a bunch of new material and exclusive songs w’onder- fully suited to her personality, and It is a foregone conclusion that her new

Stopping at Honolulu

Chicago, Jan. 21.—.\ct8 that are now engaged, playing Fuller’s Australian Circuit, when returning, will disem¬ bark at Honolulu for a three weeks' stay on the Hawaiian Islands before renirning to the States. While In Honolulu they will receive contracts from Harry Miller, representative for the W. V. M. A., for a route to open in San Francisco immediately on their arrival.

Sail for Australia

Chicago, Jan. 21.—The following acts have sailed for an Australian tour on the S. S. Niagara: Cumby and Brown. I.,nvlne and Cross. Harris Green and LesLlgeris. They departed from American shores January 19 and were booked l)y I’aful Goudron, of the W. V. M. A., through Hoy Murphy, Chl- cago’.s representative for the Australi¬ an Circuit.

Mile. Verbist Quits Palace

New York, Jan. 20.—Mile. Felyne Verl)lst, a toe dancer of exceptional aldlity, recently imjiorted to this country by H. H. .Marinelll, the Eu¬ ropean and American vaudeville agent, and who made her .\merlcan vaude¬ ville debut at the Palace Theater this week, withdrew from the bill at the Tm'sday matinee, because of some dis¬ satisfaction. .''be was replaced by Marian Vftdle and Comi>any in a nov¬ elty toe dancing spectacle.

O’Brien & Malevinsky

Will Probably Sue White Ituts for

S«*r\iceH Hendered

New York, Jan. 24.—O’Brien &

-Malevinsky last week rendered a bill

for legal services rendered the White

Rats for nearly $15,000, representing

fees that have been owing to them for some time, and it was promptly

act will be the same pronounced suc- c(-88 that her previous efforts proved to be.

Carter Plays in Vaudeville

Chicago, Jan. 22.—Lincoln J. Car¬

ter has arranged to produce all his

plays shortly in vaudeville. The Ameri¬

can Production Company will Join hands to further the Carter ambitions.

Adjudged Bankrupt

New York, Jan. 21.—Oscar Ham- HH'rstoln adjudg<-d a bankrupt to¬ day Ity an ortler signed by Federal .ludge .Mayer. The order, which di¬ rected him to aiipcar for examination l)ef<»re a referee, follows his failure to api)e:ir iin<l answc'r an lnv<duntary pe¬ tition in bankruptcy filed against him January 4 by creditors.

An Hpi>eal to the illstrlct attorney for the county’s aid In recovering an interest he claims in the Lexington Avenue Opera House was made Jan¬ uary 19 by the former grand opera lmi)resarlo. Hammersteln claims he made n frlen<lly transfer of the prop¬ erty and now can not recover It.

Khigewood Coninilssloncra Say It la ilarmfiil to Morals of Yonth

New York, Jan. 22.—Once again has the narrow-minded attitude of certain so-called church people made Itself manifest in the amusement field, this time In Ridgewood, N. J., where the V'illage Commissioners, acting upon a recommendation of the Federation of Men’s Clubs of the Ridgewood church- e.s, refused a permit to the manager of a local theater to show vaudeville In connection with his motion picture program. The commissioners, backed by the church interests, contend that vaudeville acts are harmful to the morals of the young. So far as Is known this is the first attempt ever made in this couniry to bar vaude¬ ville in any town, that type of enter¬ tainment long having been conceded to be the most clean and entertaining of any entertainment offered. IS MOUNTFORD ORGANIZING


Vaudeville Barred in Jersey

Will the White Rats never wake up? Is it possible that all the good, smart men, members of the White Rats, do not read that two pages of junk that Mountford writes every week?

Do you read it? Why, I am asked by many, “is Mountford Or¬ ganizing or Disorganizing the White Rats?” Let’s go over the two pages of stuff and see how very bad it really is.

First or Main Article—A Word of Warning, a personal affair about what Harry would like to do to some one who has got his goat, should not have been allowed with the White Rat or organization matter.

Second—He states he has taken In the six-day bicycle riders. Well, flf they joined they were taken in all right. Grasping Harry does not care whose money he spends.

Third—He states, on the side in small square, that the organiza¬ tion has one thousand cards that are paid up and they don’t know where to send them. Can it be possible that there were so many that paid their money and then got ashamed of themselves for joining and ran away and don’t want their cards? Think it over.

Fourth—Another square has. Vacancies for Sixty Deputy Organ¬ izers, and that’s in every week. Can it be possible, with all the lay¬ offs, that no one wants those jobs? There must be pay, as Mountford, Conley and Connors are getting salaries, and if more members don’t come in, why, the organizer and all the deputies will get the gate.

Fifth—A Chat About the Club. Some fool excuses why members should pay an extra five to go into their own building, and then telling the members that none of the organization’s money will be used for club purposes, and then they are going to pay seven thousand five hundred of the organization’s money per year for the olflces and meet¬ ing room in the club building. What else is that but using organiza¬ tion’s money for that club? Do you think they are getting their money’s worth? They will be paying five times too much. The mu¬ sicians only pay one thousand per year for a big room and all priv¬ ileges, and the poor actor done again has to move out and let the di¬ rectors and their pet organizer stay in and have a good time and loll around in the big chairs, and all that at the poor actor’s expense, and the poor boob never opens his mouth. Musicians are paying $1,000 per year. The White Rata are paying for a few rooms $7,600 per year for the officers of the order. As usual the Rats are stung again.

Sixth—On the side Harry states about the different cities and says that they are all open meetings. Open meetings are where everything is lovely and everybody says nice things. They are all together at the open meetings, but when they get the closed meetings that’s the time the murder will commence, so this is what Harry says Is Local Autonomy. Not for mine, down with him. He won’t do. We’d sooner have Dr. Davis, the man with Mountford’s goat.

No Change at Frisco Empress

Mary Garden at the Palace?

New York, Jan. 22.—It is possible that before the end of the season Mary Garden will appear at the Palace Theater. It appears that the amount of salary seems to be the only ob¬ stacle to a contract.

Chicago, Jan. 22.—A story is goingi the rounds that the Empress Theater, San Francisco, has changed its book¬ ings, and according to the Affiliated Booking offices this is nothing more nor less than one sweet dream. Ferd Lincoln, president of the Affiliated Booking Company, recently left Chi¬ cago to inspect the various houses on the Sullivan & Considine Circuit. Dur¬ ing the trip Mr. Lincoln was joined by John Considine. While on the Coast Mr. Lincoln sent a telegram to N. J. Kissick, secretary and treasurer of the Affiliated in Chicago, reading as fol¬ lows:

"Grauman has not bought Portland and has no theater in that city. Sul¬ livan & Considine hold the booking contract with him for San FTanc?8co, BO that paper .story is all bunk.”

The officials at the Chicago head¬ quarters of the Affiliated claim that the chain of houses extending to the Coast is better fortified than ever. From all of which it would appear, as stated above, that some one has been dreaming. At present Lincoln and fJonsidine are looking over new loca¬ tions.


JANUARY 29, 1916. T ti e Billboard 7

Vaudeville Reviews By Special Wire Colonial, New York

(!l*Tiewe4 Monday Matlne*, January 24.)

N>w York, Jan. 24.—Mvv«>ral n«w acta, to-

frtbpr wttli a nunilM'r of t<Htabll«hed turna, ron-

•tltutr thla wwk's Colonial procraai, whlcli la one of the okmI aatiafyliig preaontrd at tlila

Ketib bonae In many ueeka. The ruatomary

Monday afternoon aeltont waa In order, and erery act, with pimallily one or two exceptiona,

rr(tatere<l enipbatlrally. Of the new turna Dun-

t>ar'a Old TIroe I>arkiea acored a terrific bit, ami, altbou.'b on aeoond, eaally carrlial off the

early bonom. Merceilea and Belle Blanche aliared In the headline poaltlon.

No 1 —Ilerbert'a Canlnea, a noT.-lty looppig

the loop and leaping offer, atarted off the abow. The il.iga performoil rxoe,>tlonally good, and de-

aerred the applauae they recedred. Eight min- ntea, full atage.

No. 2—Dunhar'a Old Time Darktea. four col¬

ored men. offered one of the mo«t pleading alng- Ing dlrertlaaementa Colonial amllencea bare en

joyed In many moona. Their harmony waa

without a flaw, and the manner In which they

put orer the old faalilorwHt 8onlbem meloillen and

plantation nnnibe-a aent them away to a ron-ilng

•nlab. They merited a better poaltlon. Thirteen minntea. In one; three bowa.

No. 8—Noel Trarera and Irene D-uiglaa. In a one act comedy playlet. Meadow Br»>k lane,

by Bdrar Allan W<a*lf. bare an offering new to

Broadway, but one which waa Immenaely llke<l. It la bright and breeiy, and. aVtbongh the plot

la abao^lly |mpn4>able. Mr. Trarera and Mlaa

IVtuglaa. by their clever work, carried It away

to aucceaa. The playlet la ex-'ellently atage-l. and the anpport aatlafacbwy. the work of RIdney Ta.rlor, aa the g-wery boy. being eepecla’Iy

r'od. The atory haa to do with a bluff carrle<l

out by the linoleum aaleaman, who aarea a girl her hiwne by ontwlttlng a aktnflint. Six¬ teen minntea. full atage; fire bowa.

No. 4—Harry Tlghe. aa.Iated by Sylrla Ja-

*TO. are cfewk full of ability and peraonaUty, and. In ^Ite of the fact that Mr. Tlghe wia

auffering f>om a aerere odd. he had no difflcnity In keeping hla amllence right with him. Mlaa

Janui la a wi>e mite of a g'rl. contraatlng

atrang-ly with Tlghe’a great bulk, but ahe knowa how to aing ami dance, and proved a

valuable foil f.w the clever comedian. Blx- teen minntea. In one; two bowa.

No. 5—tv. n^wellk Fnaemble, a novelty danc¬ ing turn, comprieing three women and live men. made aome of the well known dancing tu'na now offered In vaudeville look like bark num- bera. tVhlrlwInd and Rnaalan dancing are fea¬ tured. with aome nnuaually clever ntmbera. both

*>lo and enaemble. Ten minntea. full atage; two bowa.


No A-Morton and Mo>re are bark on Broad¬ way with an offering a->mewhat different f-ora

what they have lieen acruatomi'd b> preaent.

They atm nae the not atnff, with which they

reglateival ao long, and ring In a Coople of women aa foila. providing additional langha aivl humor. Morton'a traveaty on the drama

waa exceedingly well done. Twenty-one minntea. full atage. bowa ami an encore.

No. 7—Mercedea. accompanle<l by Mile. Btan- tone, la aa myatifying aa ever. The teb-pathy

offerlnr. In which Mile, .stantone rendera U|>on

the plam> any aelectlon which the amllence may aak her to play, ami wlilch In tranamltte<1 to

her by Mercmlea fnvm the audience, acorml aa big an ever, ami waa fully aa pleaaing. Twenty- one mlnutea, full atage, three N>wa.

Nu- 8—Belle Blanche la wlthont a donbt one of the heat Imperaonatora m>w before the pub¬ lic. Rhe Imitated Irene FVankltn, Nora Ba.vea.

Btnma Trentinl, Jack Norvowth. Ed.lle lonanl. Eleanor |valntrr and Eva Tangnay In moat pleaaing faahlon, ami reglatered a real hit. Kleven minntea. in tme. eight bowa.

•- Ameta, Tarlalan mirror dam-er. haa a pretty and artlatlr dancing tnm, which kept tnowt of the crowd aeat.d nntll the flniah. With

a harkgroiind of mlrrora and with beautiful lighting effecta Ameta pieaenta a pretty pic¬ ture. Ten mlnutea, full atare; three bi»wa.

No 1(1-Bathe Newa Weekly. Twelve min utee.—EnniE.


New T.wk. Jan 22.—The R E. Keith Com¬ pany will atart work on the new vaudeville thea¬

ter planned at 2<n to 2ik» W. Ninety fifth atreet.

through to 302 to 200 W. NInety-aIxth atreet. In

the early a|irii,g. The theater will neat 8.0(X) Peraona.

A Famoat Footlite Silkoline In Tchta, t'ninn Suita, Ihwltig Suita. IHvIng

IOidia and laotanla. which look better, waab I better and la«t Iniifrr than purr atik. We alao

•nanufii-turr mtr gamictita In nWliai, wnrwital. ^iii and pure allk, and carry a complete line i4 silk lliMlrrv Write fnv our new cal-

11 which rDiIxallni a nwnplcte line of iJ Wl*,. Makr-iip> and iwher Sii|iplleo fi* IVr- Lf betnera WALTER 0. BRETZFIELO CO..

Brwadwav. Degt I. New Yark. Tala- ghaaa. Gratia, 204*.


^R\LACB Here Genius not Pirtfi^our I^nk insures

(Uciipwofl Monday Matinee, January 21)

New York, Jan. 24.—It wa.s absolutely necessary for the management to

rearrange the program after the printed slips were handed to the audience,

as some of the arts worked In one and others full stage; the rearrangement

made a better show. McIntyre and Heath, the veteran burnt cork artists,

delivered their minstrel clas-slc. The Georgia Minstrels, and everyone in the

large audience shrieked with laughter at the wonderful comedians. Many who

have witnessed the minstrel act time and time again were oompelled to enjoy

the exceptional delivery, only made possible by a union of close to forty years,

such as McIntyre and Heath have enjoyed. Henri de Vrie.s, Morrisey and

Hackett, Mack and Walker and Joe Cook did extremely well.

No. 1—Current News Pictorial; eleven minutes.

No. 2—Merian’s Canine Actors displayed keen intelligence in presenting

The Territorials Quartered. The dogs are set through their paces and respond

in an almost human manner. Several points of comedy were overlooked and

should be Inserted by the trainer, as it would add greatly to the amusing turn.

Fourteen minutes, three special .scenes; two bows.

No. 3—Florence Hardeman offered classical selections on the violin, but

the young lady will be compelled to acquire better stage presence If she desires

to remain in vaudeville. Her solos were appreciated, but the lack of stage

deportment hindered her somewhat in securing desired results. William

Ueddlck assisted at the piano. Fifteen minutes, in one; one bow.

J No. I—Win >lorrl>«ey and Dolly Hackett made their debut at the J

Palace In one of the niftiest little eoniefly tum.s ttuit has been on view at X

J this In some time. MorrLsey Ls an entertainer who places the 4

$ neiNs^sary punch In liLs work and just at the opportune moment. Miss X

^ ifackiTt Is as cute and cunning a.s they make them, with an abundance J

i of |>ers<*nality and pretty fa«’e and tigure. The clever |»alr surely cap- ^

m turcfl their ll-teners and bowed off amidst hearty ajiplause, which they

♦ fully dessTvcHl. FJghteen minutes. In one; five bows. X

%€■<:€<'«!< €(CC:€:CC€<<i€^:<:€!CC€C€:CC<i<.«l€<!C€!CBC€)CBCilCCCCC<^

No. 5—Henri de Vries, assisted by W. Yerance and J. Morton, de Vries j

presented his protean character offering, A Case of Arson, in which he

portrays seven distinct characters in a manner that was truly m>-stifylng. as

each one was a masterpiece in Itself. Twenty-nine minutes, in three; four



No. 6—Joe Cook started slowly on account of a great part of the audience

returning to their seats, but after a few brief moments secured a laugh a

second with his always-amusing conception of a One-Man Vaudeville Show.

Cook is a humorist of rare caliber and in the very near future will undoubtedly

reach one of the high rungs in the vaudeville ladder of success. Seventeen

minutes, in one. special drop; four hows.

No. 7.—Wilbur Mack and Nella Walker and Company, including Albert

Hockey and Charles Hepter. Mack and Walker’s new act. A Pair of Tickets,

is about the best thing they ever offered. The team could always deliver

material, but in their present turn they have many amusing situations which

are handled aa only clever stars can handle them. Every line is a laugh

and there are many lines. Twenty-five minutes, in three, special set; four bows.

d) dS d) ^ Fo]

No. 8—James Mclnt3n’e and Tom Heath were revelation. Congratulations are in order, for these dis¬ pensers of joy surely were a riot from start to finish. Just a tip to the young fellow with comedy ideas who anticipates going into vaudeville. He should pay many visits to the Palace this week and study the methods of McIntyre and Heath, as their secret of success is con¬ solidation. As burnt cork comedians we can not recall any who can hold a candle to the veterans of minstrelsy. Otto Johnstone lends capable assistance to the stars. Forty-one minutes, open in one, go to full; five curtaina



9) 'iM


No. 9.—The New Producer was up against a tough proposition In closing

the show, as the act demands attention. The singing of the principals and

choni.H was heartily enjoyed by only half a house. Fourteen people are em¬

ployed and each one is capable of the assignment alloted him or her. Under

the handicap they did very well. Twenty-five minutes, open bare stage, go to two; two curtains.

Length of show, three hours, thirty minutes. Rusiness good.—JACK.

Majestic, Chicago (ReTiew»d Mondsy MmtinM, Jxnaaxj 84.)

Cbli^ago, Jan. 24.—The bill epeninf at the Mb-

Jeatlc thia afternoon la fully np to the blfk

standard of excellence aet by that honae. Tbs

audience reai>onded very slowly and did not fully abosr appreciation nntll the fifth act waa oo.

The bouse waa well filled.

No. 1—Plclurea.

No. 2—The ninaical namb«>ra of Alice Don,

Mary Campbell and Jane Shaw la on a little

early, bet the girls nererthetesa made an ex¬

cellent Impreaeion. Their singing and piano playing. Including both popular and opereUc

numbers, won applause. Seventeen minntea, la

two; one curtain.

No. 8—Wlllbuma and Ed Lynn do aome alnff-

Inr, but their real ability la shown In Boft-rt>oe dancing. They acqnltted themaelTc# in greet

shape, getting special hands for several well- exeented specials. Twelve mlnutea. In one; two bows.

No. 4—Erwin and Jane Connelly, seen here

last March In A Strong Cup of Tea, have la

Sweetbearta a pleasing little sketch in which to

display their talents. This ie a two-scene met,

the period between curtains representing a lapoe of fwty years. Twenty minutes. In fonr, special

set; two cnrtalns.

No. 5—Robert Emmet Keane, called The American Englishman, saved the day by atlrrlng

np the first applause of the afternoon with hla cbaracterlzatlona. Keane ranks with the

best In dialect stories, and Is thoroughly versa¬

tile. nis rendition of Kipling's famous poeia recletered a solid bit that called for an encore. Eighteen mlnntes. In one; fonr bows.

No. B—Odlva and her teals dived and frol¬

icked and won mneh credit by their akIU and

grace In the water. A well-staged act and well handled. Twenty-five mlnotse, fnll atago, tank and special set; three bowa.

No. 7—Ray Samnels was the hit of the after¬

noon. Her magnetic personality and confidence

go far toward helping her put over songs. Prac¬

tically every number was a hit. but the mbs

song went over best of all. Fourteen minntsa.

In one; fifteen or twenty bows. No. S—Homer Mason and Marguerite Keelet,

with an unnamed assistant, have In Married o«e of the cleverest little sketches In vaudeville. It

Is bright and snappy, with action and hnmag a-plenty. Both the principals handle their parts

to perfection, and. as a resnlt. the number goes over with a bang. Twenty-seven mlnntes, foil

stage; fonr cnrtalns. No. 9—(Teorge McKay and Ottle Ardlee

proved another bright spot, and their offerlnge

of clever comedy singing and dancing made a

decided hit. They are versatile and their reper¬ toire Includes the best there Is In the laugh-pre-

dneine line. Seventeen mlnntes, open one, go

to full, close In one; five hows. No. KV—The Million Dollar Fashion Bbow

f<-atnrcs gowns said to be worth the afore-inee-

tlone<l million. The feature of the act la the dancing of Emllle I,ea. and this probably ap¬ pealed to both masculine and feminine memhere of the andlence more than the parade of beantl- fnl gowms. It Is a gorgeous number from ae

exhibition standpoint. Forty-one minutes, fell

stage; special scenery.—WALTER.

Chicago Palace (Bevievred Monday Matines, January M.)

Chicago, Jan. 24.—Although the Palace offer¬

ing this week Is np to the standard, for some

reason or other the audience did not seem to be In a receptive mood, and the show dragged along. The seats were nearly all taken.

No. 1—The Two Tom Boys, with a wild

dasbed out before the opening curtain with B come«ly bnmpstl-bnmpatl apecialty. Opee-

monthed, the amllence aat and watched the two

ladles take and give hard knocks, which didn’t seem to fare them, aa they threw each othar

around In rongh and tumble acrobatic style.

Ten mlnntes. In fnll; one bow. No. 2—Mabelle I,ewls and Paul McCarthy tang

and talked In an unassuming manner, and had

no difficulty In Jnst naturally warming np with

the audience as tbongh they were entertaining at a house party. Their song and patter wera

well received. Twenty mlnntee. In two and

one; three bowa. No. 8—John and Winnie Hennings do a little

of everything; they b*>th sing. John did a soft-

shoe step dance that was worthy of the heavy applause that f<>llowe<l. Hla long, slender legs made his every action laughable, and. In every¬

thing about him. including a dozen lond-colored

quick-changeable neckties he found that which

(Continued on page 10.)


8 X ti e Billboard JANUARY 29, 1916.




D1 -4

UXXOISJ ‘pOCIEXY eque^xkiams-




StHii-tf KikIh

l.yuiis & Yuih-o

Aurora, Ill.

FOX (wva) La^t Half:

OwiKlit l'i'i>iil«‘’8 Ilevue

Austin, Tex.

MA.Ii;sTlC (inter)

First Hall : yiieenie iMineilin

WelH-r, l><iliill iV Kr:l/,:T Whieli One .Shall 1

■Marry? Chief C:ili|Milii’aii

MeiroiHilituii DaiK'inz

I tiirla Hall Sc Weit

I'iinfax Oc I’aiilo



New York City

ALilAMHKA (ubo) ItniKToft ^ Hrowskl

Million Itia kwell & AVckhIs lloIiiieH Sc Huc'haiian

Ben \Vel< h


Norton A: Ijee Henrietta lie.serris Jt


(Iraoe Van StU'ldiforil I’asKion I’lay Warh. Sij. Fritz Sc l/iiey I'.riieii

Haul (ionlon

BKOCl'OlfS .'ivTII ST. (pr)

First Half:

Three Winsome

Ila nnonists KverylKHiy

Atarshall 4c Trihle .

1‘UocToic.s r.'.vrii ft. • oiiiette

(pr) liiu.v First Half: Snnnier. ill.-

Miller A Callahan Boys .Vilonia A licz

Itialer A Dean Frank North A Co.

Collins Sc Clark •'''■‘“<1 V. Ilowe - i .. Dealy Sc Kraemer Hernanl^ A 1‘hil'ii's

Sullivan. Keozh & ' *. ''." “

Birthilay Kurjirlse

KOYAI. (nlto)

Clara Morton liowaril, Kible Sc

llerh,»rt Georce Howell A C").

Collier A DeWald Alie Attell Irene A Marie

Moran A Wiser < antwell Sc Walker

ItiM’kwell Sc Woods

O’Donnell A Claire


AMKItICAN (wva) First Half:

KIrey Sisters

Davis A Walker Is.rraine Dudley <t

Kilkenny Four Kverest's Monkeys

Last Half:

Willine A Jordon I’anl Kleist Bitley A I>*mer The Co-Kda

(one to fill)

LI.NCOI.N (wva) First Half:

The Drinee of Tonight Last Half:

Mettle Rherwin Sunset Six

King A Harvey The New la'Sder (one to fill)

MAJESTIC (orph) Nora Bayes

Eddie Is'onard A Co.

Vanderbilt A Moore Don Fonz Gue A Haw Elsie Williams A Co.

Quigley A Fitzgerald The Rharroeks Olga

Four Ixtndons

PALACE (orph) The Bride Shop

Phyllis Neilsen Terry Reine Davies

Williams A Wolfus Girl in the Moon Milt Collins

Kirk A Fogarty Pierlert A Rehofield

Albany, N. Y.

PROCTOR’S (pr) First Half:

Three Moran Sisters The Color Sea Barnes A Robinson

Will .Armstrong A Co. Leap A'ear Girls

Maheie Fo-d A Co. Wolf A Brady

Anaconda. Mont.

MARGARET (sAoAs) (Feb. 2)

Marry Sterling Carl A Rhell

Co-n A Rohr. Simpson Mnsieal Knehns Geo. r<>e A Girls

Ray Conlln

Ann Arbor, Mich.

majestic (wva) First Half:

Corrigan A Vivian Between Trains

Kenney A Mollis

Boliker’s Arabs (one to fill)

Last Half: Florence Rayfleld

Mennan A Shirley Roach A McCurdy Mel<Kl.v f'lends

(one to fill)

Atlanta, Oa.

FORSYTH (nlw) Gautier’s Toy Shop

Scott A Keane

Kajiyama Alliert A Irving

Britt Wood

CALLS NEXT WEEK See Who’s on the Bill With You








Co, -tniia t liaiidler

.Man ItriNiks A Co.

Battle Creek. Mich.

ItUdC (n\a)

! First Half: Maiiloii. loan .V llai.lon

I Itarlo A ( lark l•ipllMlllcns

I Broadway R.-viie hone to fiill I Last Half:

Francesco A JacKie

ICn>ss A Doris I Boris Friilkin • r iiiii.- h'onr V< I Fink’s Mules

Bay City, Mioh.

ItlJol’ int.ii

First Half: r Round Town

{ Last Half: I Bennington .Sisters I Rothali A Sliell!

iGreat Ilowanl

Br.tan A Mard.v G.sirge |•ritnros,.


Birmingham, ,\Ia.

LYRIC iiils.l

I First Half: K.Tville Family

!j. C. Nugent .t Co. I Tile Tnrpina

Ktitli (’nrtis j E. AVeli h’s |Rae E. Bail

Last Half: Bronte A Ablw. II

KlizalH-th Baker A Co. K. AVeleli’s MinvtreN

Bloomington. Ill.

' M.VJESTK' iwvai

! First Half: Frank SlafToisl A Co. Lillian tVatson Norwood A Mall

I (two to till)

t Last Half: j Merle’s Coekat.sis

I Fisher A Ris-kaway Remiek’s Song lte\ni. Barnes a Brown

jTlie LeCrohs

I Boston

; KEITH’S (n.s.)

Six .ttnerienn Dan'eis The Gladiators

Jc^.srles tll.'ott

Marie Tempest A EI'i“ I M.sin A .Morris

iGrnlsT’s .\tiinials IJnlie Itlaiie ,v ( <>.

Mr, A .Mrs. J Barry

|Morriss«.y A Ma.-'i.-'t


BiSlIWICK iils.t

Clias. Grapenin .k ( . , lleatlier Co,

Morton A

Naziinova ■!.ot, h A I.acsies ■’.rforil’s S<.|isatlon

'Lirry Gerard A Co.

Weli'h, Mealy A

Montrose Harris A Manion

OltPHElM (Ills.)

righe Sc Mavon

Will. Morris A Co. •tmeta Merian’s Dogs

B. .Morelle’s Soxti tti' Wliite A Clayton

McIntyre A Mioilh

Harrison itro.'khaiik 4 Co

PRDSI’ECT (nls.l

( lalre Vincent A Co. Five Statues

Marry Bns.ks A Co. Clias. .Mieani I'r.iiiiH.

Misses Lightiier v

Me.<.ir.der Roxy I.aRooca


SMF..CS nils.*

Myrl A Iteliiiar J. .trilatli .V <’•.

KlUipp A tOriialla Mer.edes

Kingston A I’.hn. r I iM' Beliiioiits

Beatri.o Il.rl.iid

Butte, Mont.

i:.MI*ltESS (sAc.Va)

Last Half: il:irr.v Sterling

Carl A (’..•a A Boht Siiiip'o.,

.Muvi. iil Kiielii.v

G.'o. Is-e .V Girl'

l:a> Conlin

Calgary. Can.

GK.tNIi ...rphi

First Half: Dorottiy J a Dion

.Miraiio Bros. Jaiii.'S M. Cnll.’ii

McConnaek A Walla.•"

Sam Barton Sliarp A 'I'nrck Passion I’la.t \V:isli S.|

P.VNT.MIES !ii..

Boaisliiig Girl-

Ke.-.i A M.ssl Norton A Earl

.M A Co (’.Hike .V- Rotli. rt

Champaign. Ill.

ORl’ilF.I M I ova I

First Half: Eiler’s Circus Greene A Parker Soutliem Por. li l’ar:.» ItriHiks A Bowen

.\ustralian Wisvl. le-I. V I -

Last Half: .Smith A Famn-r Flirting \Vid<.« Milling’s Seals

Th.w. Potter Diiiiiie Two Georges

Charleston. S. C.

VK’TORI.V I Ills. 1

First Half: Harry Lester Mason

Big City Four Waltlioiir .V Co. Dorothy Ih'Sclu Ile A (’<

Natalie Navarre Dan Burke A Girls

Last Half: P.rtiwn A Sis-ncer Howard A Fiel.l* ( ole A Woods

Dan Burke A Girls Carlton A Cllfrord

Chattanooga. Tenn.

M.tJF.STIC ints.t

First Half: .Six Wat.rlilios

(’a|iital City Four Farrell A Farrell

Meh n Veola

Last Half: Six Waterlllies

I Bert

Gisirge Daiiiend


EMPRESS isA. A.h Bella A Hamilton Tom P.rantfor.l

West A Boyd Mile. Irene’s Circus

Sam .1. Cnrlls A Girls

S. harf A lUmser

KEITH’S mis.I Orange Paekers

Violet Dale

Frank Melntyr.. A Co. Meelian’s Dogs

Heras A Preston

Cranlierrles Stewart A D..niihne



First Half: Kr.'sko A Fox Gorman Bros. Wllle Itnw.

Jean King (Biarl.lli- Lew Pistel

I.IBEirrV ('.t.Aat

Last Half: Kr. sko S I ox

Gorman Bros. Wille Bros. Jean King Quartette Lew Pistel

KEITH’S (nls«)

Avon Conied.v Four

(tlympla Desval WelMT A Fields Bert I..evy

Dainty English Trio

A (’o

Colorado Springs. Col.

BCRNS lorphi

(Jan. :<I-Feli 1) (Same liill at I in ..I'l

Neb. F.‘b. .’1 h Vletor Morley a (’o.

I hr.s' l.eigbtons

Page. Ha. k A Ma. k

< onra.l a Conrad I I iirivr A Mailison TI o Can-inos


Columbus. 0.

KEITH'S I iiIh. i

H B. n A Full. - ..laojs .Mexaiidria .t

( o SlHTtinti A I’tiry '!• l::o- A t’

S. ng Uexiie

Dallas, Tex.


First Half:

II.iKdla (..-B.i.v A (’aliill (..-iiiv Li.ndon Piim .— .Miiiv',', I

%1 i VS4.V

Last Halt;

Pat Levola toiiiii A lii'aii

Si iiator I ram IS

Law IX'lii e A llnriralls

M.V.IESriC liiiiori

Nov.Ity Clintoiiv

EM'lyn (’iinningliam

• arson A Willar.l Marx Bros.

■iivoii City Four

Tli.‘ Gail.lsi-limidtv

Davenport. la

COI.CMBM iwxii

First Half: Harry llaywar.l A I’o,

Empire t ..iu.mI.v F».iir Caine A 0.lom B. dl.s Italia Troirv. Valentine A !'.• II

Last Half;

angnie IfaymomI .<isi,.rv

Diinlsir A Tnrm r Lilli. Miss I . ky A Yost

Dayton. 0.

KEITHS lilts.I

Valle. ila’s Ia.<.|iar.|v

Namba Bros.

Honeylsiy Min-tr.'ls

Decatur, III.


First Half; Wilton .Sisters C. >lonlal .Minstr.'l M il.l

Gr»'at la-ster A Eva Sc Rii'—II

Last Half; .Iiinl.>r Follies


(iRI’HIMM G.rpbt I'oy .X I ainliy

I’atiina Mine. Dotial.l .\yer

Fri-eman A Imidiam I..s> A Mae jH<'

Jean Cliallon Ball.'t Divertissements

Dei Moines. la.

ORPHEI M (wva>

First Half: Ho|>kiiis A -txt. II.■ Kenn.-.iy A P.'irl

Kinzo rnivato

SIg. Franz Troiiiv Tbe Silltanns

Last Half: Daxis-Castle Trio Gra.'e DeWintrev

Van A Ilyinaii Carter Fay. Two (’id.ys .y Pav


MILKS (sA.-Aal

Ray Tliomtisoii’s l|.>r«. - it.tidg.'r A L.*si..r

Hoilseli A I.n\.-I|o

Is.rrain.. A Pii.’Iian:!n Novelty I’oiir (olin Higgins

TEMI’LE (Ills.)

Qiiiroga |l<H.l..y A: Rngel

Tliris* FIismIh

l*rinin>se Four

Tbe Grazers

Kathlimn CllfTord Valerie Bereoe.. ». Po

Dickinson, N, D.


is.x.-Aa I • Jan. ;:i.

Mr A Mrs. 1 r. .1 .MI. •.

Ii"wal'"li A Swaylsll.' Jiil.s l-.wy I'limily

laglit I’.la.'k I'ols Ailaiii' I’.ewrly A \V.-■ Gr.-g.'ir.' A Elmina i ■


P.\NT.\C,|:s tmi

Dimaui Piraies

lining I.aVars P.n karil Four < ■'|s

oiii. lt .V Kmm.'tl

Elgin, Ill.

i.B.XNli iwiai

First Half: I. imh's .Manikins

• ' SistiTS Horn A F.*rriv

"II.-.T .v William- y A .Vriliiir

Erie. Pa.

COI.uNI.M, nils.i Ttin-i' Lyres

i::irl A Cnrlls Gi-o M B.H>-ii..r

J. W. Ki-aiie .X Co

M-irtineitl A syli.-ii-r II. rmin.' Slioiio A <’<'

Evansville, Ind.

GRAND iwval First Half:

Wil-on A .Xnl.r.y Ell A Ja. k .S'litili

AVben We Grow F|. Ihin.tliy lleniiHn Old Sol.11..r Fi.l.ll.'f-

Last Half: 'I i.-kids l*l..a-<‘

Fairmount. W. Va.

COI.ONIAL i-A.A:il Stuart Orpbeiis Come.l.t Fo'ir

.M Harrington I two to fill)

Fargo, N. D.

GRAND l-A.'Aai

First Half: .Mills A Isskw.—I

.\ll. n Trio Burl A l.ytton

Last Half: Lil.l.y A Barton Slrassell’s .\nima|s

Will I.ylt.II A Co

Flint. Mich.

MAJK-iTIC iw .it

First Half: B.'niiingtoii Slsp rs

Rotliali A Sbi'ili tio-at Ilowanl

Bryan A Hiir.iy G.s.rge Piiiiinem

Mill -ir. I-

Last Half' 'Boiiml Town

Ft. Worth. Tez.

I MAJESTIC lint.ri

il|.s.|M*r A C.e.k

jl.eightoii A Ki iiii.-Iy Dniit.av’s Salon Sing. "» Harry I:. Ig-sler liiiliolT. Conn ,v- (’ori'"m

.\l A F'aniiie Sto.lman

Pikin Mysteries

Oaloshnrg, Ill.

G.XYETY (wva I

First Half: Sunny Sl.le of

Last Half: Wllflad Mae (iirtls

■Ihiii.-s Grady A Co

Ihnl'Ire I’.nir

Grand Forks, N. D

GBANTi (sA Aal

First Half: Mills S: IxN-ku*ss|

•Mb n Trio P.iirt f, l.vtton

Last Half: I.ltiby A Barton Straws..IPs .Animals

Will. Lvltidl A C.i.

Grand Rapidi, Mich.

EMPBE.SS (iiisit

M.-Kay A -Anlliie Gaston Palmer

Grace Flslier A Co.

Ellin ( oafes A Co. l“eM|.oa1s

Elvlng Martins

Milton A Delsing

Great Falls, Mont. GRAND O H (S.V. .An)

(Feb. .■,-«> Mr. A Mrs. I n-,} AH. n Howatsoii A Swaybelle

< int. I)

.tiil..s Is'vy Faii.ily

I .lit Bla.'k l>.ils V.lainv. B.oerl.i ,v \\

Greg.iire a Elmiim

Green Bay, Wis.

ORPHF.r.M (W 11

Last Half: J. e Kennedv

Mal.'l llar|~-r I nis A Wilk.r

>< li.Mil Days

Hamilton. Can.

TEMI’I.E .111- I Kit Cj-'s.iii

E.-iers A Poll

' I as. in itiug ■ ti il liaiis \ t ...

|M. rmlitli .v Sii.s.z.t

Helena. Mont.


' iJan .'il I ,.|> 11

llirry Sterling i' arl A lilo il

" a A It.'ht. Sim|,- Mn-iial Kiielmw

Gi.i. Ise .V tiirl-

I Bay Conlin

' Honaton, Tex

j majestic

.Or,.ingi<in Tri I B, swi,. Br,,wnitig

H-rry B..ri'sf.,ril ,v c A\ ilii.. W.-wtou


San Tm . i Trio

Indianapolis KEITHS oils,I

E.M. Ib . rs

('lii|> A Marlile (’y.ling Bninelle-

Tallman Monns- A Mark Stan Stanley Trio

Klass A B.‘mi.'

Jackson. Mien.

BIJor lx. \ai

First Half: Flonnii-e Itayti.l'l

Herman A Sliirl.-y B.m'di A M"Cnr,|x M.-bvly Fiemls (one to fill I

Last Half: Corrigan A VDlai*

B<-twis-n Trains Kenney A H.dlis Bolikir's .Arale.

(one to fiill

Jacksonville, Fla.

IH’VAL (Ills.) First Half;

Pisano A Bingliam Mairs-nn. Navarre a


Last Half: K.’nneth Cas.’y Mnsieal Brass

Golting Girls

Harry Wel.b The Patricks

Janesville, Wia.

APoI.I.d (sA. Aal Vi* (till Song l.i’Xii. Itnl.iii's Dugs (two to nil)

Joliet. Ill.

ORPHEI M .wxii)

Last Half; Ijimb’s Manikins

Horn A Kerris

Harry H.dman A (’<• Sis»m’er A Wlllliims

Roy A .Arlliiir

Kalamazoo. ?lich.


First Half; Frances,o A Ja,'kl,' Gross A Doris

Boris Erlilklii ’Iroiii.e

Fonr V.diinteers Fink's Mules

Last Half; Hanlon, D.'aii ,x IInil

Barto A ( lark liiplodiii'iis

Broailway Revii.’ (one to fill)

Kansas City

ORPHECM (orpli)

Lillian Bn«s<*ll Ig*w Hawkins

Gen. Ell Eavine

Claiidliis A H.-arlet

Reese A Basse Ig*on Sisters

.Artliiir Baraf

Knoxville, Tenn.

GRAN’II (Ills.)

First Half: Bert Fitzglblmn

Jack Onri

Vun Uanipton A S.'lirliKT

Dolly A Mark

Tom Kiima Lait Half;

Martini A .Maxmlillnii

Farn‘ll A Farrell

Capital City Fonr

Lansing, Mich.


First Half: .Mien A .Mil’ll J.'lin NeiX

II pisHlroine F.-iir Thr«.e Is.rettss

pi’li|ile's It.'xn.’

Last Half; WiHilfidk's Sl.s'k 1 I.

Lewistown, Mont.

JCDFIH I-.X Alt iF.’b. • 11

Mr. A Mrs 1 r .l Ml ’. Howiltsoii A Swi:«l>’lli’

Jiil.’s Is’.y I'aoilr

F.ight Bla.’k ■•.'i- .X'l.ams Be.erly .V W ,

Gregoiri’ A F.lm iiii C.

Little Rock. Ark.

MA.IFSril .iiiterl

First Half: Ttie Pal.lroiis

l.ils.nalti V.’rna M.-s.’ri’aii ,x ' •>. Bnrkbart A K. l-o

Camille Trio

Last Halt;

Pipifax .X Paul.. Chief (’an|N>l|. an

Wliii’h One Sliall t

Marry ; Ball A W.’sl Qm’i'iiie Imn.-iiii

Los Angi let

111 i’l’. ...X .Vat Tom I’ow.’II - .Miii-ir- I- Singing Fit.’

Mari.ilia Mania. - Netiii’ Carpoll I n.ii;-’ V.iii l>alle .si-i...«

ORPHEI M lori.b)

M.vtre A lliiag.’r

Rnl.y H.’I’bT

Comfort A King Victor Morley .x Co Haniioiiy Trio

Ryan A lam Harrv F.rii > i’..

Gauthier A IV. i


F.iiir Casters Gol.len West Manl-

Kniix Wilsoe a < •• •larvls A Hart|s.iii

Harry EaToy



Charlotte Parry .X •'.*

i Keteliein A Cli.'al. in ( lown Si’sl M.’Cb.ud A Cari>

Mme. Ili’niiaiin .x Co.

Corbett. Shep).ar>l A Dom.vnn

Billy n. Van a •'<•. laindon. Can.

MAJESTIC iiils.i

I. A B Smilli

Madison. Wis.


Last Half: laimiilns

KiniM A .Mtoii Itoian A Eeiiliarr KInkenny Four Cb.s’rFurl’s Msm lniriin


ORPHErM lori.l.l Saint ami Sinmr Waller ( . Kell. y Ta.’k Sam Co. Tisiks Paka A Co Nellie V. NT. b.ds

Donovan A I-e.

IV’Vole A I.IxIngsion


MAJESTIC (..n-bl

Fashion Show Dinkelsplel's Clirlstmas

Al llennan Mazle King A Co Ray Samnels

Miller A VIn.’eiil

Br-n Beyer A C«


ORPIIKIM lorph) Geo. Danierel A Co.

Harry (iris’ii A Co. Diamonil A Bri’niian Garillner Trio

Ell Morton Bolger Broe.

Flying Wuenilz

CNKirK (V.X .xat The Valdos

Handers A Mllllw

f -ifS.


‘The Fear Bards.’

'astiiig Lain.ea

irant Gar.liier

\im Hamilton ,V


tlRPHEI'M (on>IO Ralph Smalley

Ja. ksxin A Wahl Emmett A loiige

lluiiier Miles A Co.

Nashtrilla, Tenn.

I’UI.NCESS (iibol First Half:

Bronte A Aldwell

Hiitevn Navassar Girls

M.irltut A Muxuilllian

Last Half: Kervllle Family

J. C. Nugent A Co. Tbe Tarplna

Sixteen .Navassar Girls

Mew Orleans

OltPlIEl'M lorph) Teb’ptione Tangle UiM.iiey A Bent

Will. Pruette A t o. |{<H’bei’s Monks

I’ayne A Xlemeyer Glen Ellison Welinem A Burke

Norfolk. Va.

.ACADEMY (uls.l

First Half: (till Homestead Eight

Si’ven Romas

DeWitt Young A Slsl.’r

Ja.'k heundy .x <’»■ S<'liilling A And.’rson Celeste

Last Half;

K. *lt A DeMont Five Mnsieal Hoilgew

Belle Rutland

McGowan A Gonlon

North Yakima, Wash.

E.MPIKE (sAcAat Aerial Mells

Hyman Meyer

Lilly Is’nora A ('o. Ramms-N'elson Co

Blanche tolvin Four IjiDella Coini in. - Gray A Graham

Oakland, Cal.

OHITIEI’M (orphy

INesbit A Clifford

Ttuwano Broa. Mrw. Gene Hughes A Co

I Cantor A Ism Major Mack Rhoades

'Miss Lettzel

PANTAGES i;ut iManrli-e Samuels A •',.

jPrln.*elon A Yale 'Toozoonin Aral« Hazel Kirke Trio

Barnold’s IViga

I Oklahoma City, Ok.

LYRIC (Inter)

First Half: Pat Levola

Dunn A Dean Snrolko A Geisha Girl*.

.Senator Fran.’la Mmi.h)

Rone A Ellis

I Last Half: Hermany’s Cats

Finn A Finn I Kelso A I.elgbton lOerlrude Van Dyra

,Corr. Amore A Carr

! Omaha

ORPHEI’M (orph) iCarollna White

jllinea A Wilbur I Stone A Hayes

Rehiavonl Troupe Olga Cook Laura Nelson Hall A

. f’" j Ottawa, Can.

' DOMINION (uN>) ; Dooley A Sales


I Peoria, Ill.


I First Half: Merle’a Cockatoos

Barnes A Barron Remlek’s Song Beviie Tbe I.eGroha

(one to fill)

Last Half: Minnie Kaufman WatsoD A Flynn

:Frank Stafford A Co Morris A Allen


! Philadsiphia

KEITH’S (uho)

.Alfred Bergen

'Ixiughlln A (Saxton ! Bradley A Norris

[Morton A Glass Rantley A Norton

RobMs Gordons

TIGHTS In all Materials hut ed lliwt Gra.Ir and Make fn* all PKoFKSmIoN ttgt Posing A.-t. Divers. Skat¬ ers, linsis Pi’rformrrs. elr Pa.ldlng, Ft<w. Soaks an I Mook.’V Suita, knastle Siiil I' Siiiusateis and nrmnasIlF Pumps Mid Callers Seii.i for Cat* al'wue il anil FHFF StMPI.FS

JOHN BPICER. Su. rrssnf to Split*

lima M WosdkliM Blrsat.

Brssbiva. N. V.




Kitty FrancU & Cot | PALACE (U>ew) Jack Marley T.aVan & Rt-iu' CunDlnKliam Jk CIcmenta Pearl Bros, it Burna

LINCOLN SQ. (loew) Emma Stejet.a K.iberto SylTcater Scbaefer


MII.RH (loew) FuU Week:

Damiry Krotbera Elate White Vlo 3l Lynn Flo Irwin Jk Co. Alexamler & Scott Scott, Weaver &

Coatra Sincere


ORPlICCM (loewt Foil Week:

Maboney Bros. A Oatsy Dorothy Burton A Co. Asbley A Moreau Weaton A I.eoa Charley Caae I'ive Martella

Fall River, Maaa

BIJOU (loew) Bernanl A Shaw Slocer'a Mliigeta (one to nil)

Hartford. Conn.

PALACB (ubo) Mnalcal CleKIC laugo Chief h Tezaa

Tommy Moore A White Bertram. May A Co. Bernivttchl BiT>thtra In the Orchard

Hoboken, N. J.

LYRIC (loew) Three Harvey (lirlo EUnore A Carlton A Thooaand Deatba Four Harmonists WIU Morris

Xt. Vernon, M. T,


The CTirlaties Mr. A Mrs. Thornton

Four tiiveiilV Kiii'rs Marriott TroiijK-

ttllPHErM (orph) First Half:

I (Fresno split) Mae Fra ni ls

I Mayo A Tally I Lea Yanlys ■The Imttona Eva Taylor A Co. I.achelor I (inner

I I'.urley A Burley

Saginaw, Mich.

FUANKI.I.N (wvnl First Half:

WiMdfolk’s Slo-k * o. Last Halt:

I .\llen A Allen John Neff

' IlipixHlronie Four Three lairettaa I’epple's Retue

St. Joseph, Mo.

CitY.xTAL (liner) First Half:

Kreiuka Bros. Elate Fay Trio Uh, Yon Daddy

Last Hslf: Eddie A Edyth Adair Kolb A Harlalid Msaon A .Murray

^ Dudley Trio

St. Louis

! CdU MUIA (.u-ph) Sam Bernard

iMnie. Liihowaka Mr. A Mrs. C<Hin<dly Ray Diadej Trio I.ewls A MeCsrthy

'(iarelnetti Bros. 'Dedne A WllllaiUK iT»o Tonil«*ys

I St. Paul

I EMiMtOS (aAcAs) Edith Mote

lYtaina A Youiiit I WalUneford dutdone IIjiToy Bn- lone to till)

OI(ITn;i M lorphi Julie Ulna A Co. Fmls-rto A Saeehetti

■Msiikoff A (Jlrlle Bert Wheeler A Co. Whiting A Burt

, Hallen A Fuller j Dupree A Dupri-e

Salt Lake City

' Dltl'HF.I M lorph) Mary Stiaw A Co-

' "(tnsrt Barnes ' I jiMont's I'owho.vs : Ileynidds A l•ollel:an , ( lie Crlsiw ' l-Torrle Millersldp I FlaviUa

I San Antonio, Tea.

' MAJESTIC (Inter) I lr\>wn A M.d oriiiack

•ii\ r.'n.dies A a Bair I our Mel.alloua Ctiapa

Mine FlligHdam

Mr. Unglry Mllinrd Siniiiia A Co.


DAVIS (uho) I

Mis.eR CaiiiplieU i S.ili'H'ne A Iielllah

Mine Calve |

M.olden A Ford i Ma*thews A Sliayne Cto.

Portland. Or#. I I MBUF.SS laAcAa)

,lai oil's iHiga

I .irndl. Keating A Fay Flereliee Mialena .A Co.

Iliree .Mverat'aa

Wally Brooks Kalriiian A \r.-lier (i.i.rge B. .Vlexander

dUBHEI'M (orph)

ll.'ward A Clark

(ervlll A IBllette

F.iiiiiielt DeVoy A Co.

«i|ga-Mlshka 'Trio

lainiliertt ■ lie Kltamiiras D.wrFaye Trio

BANTAOES (m) Mevli-O

Hugo B. Koch A Co. singing Barson The Bn-mena (• Neal A Walraslsy


KEITH'S (ubo) t.llliette Sisters \ew Producer Earlier Olrla Cre.ay A Dayoe Maurti-e Burkhart Er.inies Nonlstron A

NATIONAL (loew) Four Parlettea | Gilbert Ixizee Kelly A PolliK'k Silver Threads Hoban Trio Keed Brothers

ORPHEUM (loew) Thomas A Henderson Jack Birchley Forrester A Lloyd Bessie Keniplc A Co. Andrew Kelly Geo. DavU F'amily

SEVENTH AVK. (loew) Ed Eatus Weber A Day Prelle's Circus Long A Cotton Frank Weatpbali John 1*. Wade A Co. Courtney Slaters GInran A Newell


McVICKER'S (loew) FuU Week:

Rawson A Clare Btsisle I.eCount Edward Abeles A Co. Harry Breen Kluttng's An'mals

Albany. M. T.


H Winsome Harmonists Snmsone A Douglas Elizabeth Otto Janies Kennedy A Co. Marshall A Trlble Tango Ijind Juggling McRaniis



FnU Week: -Vrthnr Ward Morris A Wilson Ellwood A Snow Rita Gould Bernardl lockeft A Waldron GilIU Family


GLOBE (loew)

Marconi Brothers I Hohlen A Herron I H. B. Toomer A Co.

Cadets de Gasi-oyne Julia Edwards lone to (111)

OBPHEI M (kx-w)

Kay, Bush A Koldnson Wm. (VCIare A Girls J<x> Welch Yellow Peril Castino A Neleoii Selbiiil A C.rovinI (two to (111)

ST. JAMES (kx-w)

Kananv Bn'thers Connolly Sisters A

Berger Etts Bryan A Co. Eddie Foyer Black A White Revue '


BAY RIDGE (l.«w) The Cromwells < Telegraph Trio Jimmie Fletcher The Bandit Mclntooh A Maids (one to (III)

BIJOU (loew)

1 Two Kerns Charlotte Ravenscroft Cecil. Eldred A Carr I ce "Tong F.xi Ba'd With Interest i Smith A Kaufman Four Reading.

DeK.VI.B (loew)

I ncler I The Ska tells II '1..SR A FVey

E l B'onilell A Co. White Sisters Manettl A Sidolli


'York A Ower Wui. F. Meve-s Ben A Hazel Mann Kelley Bros. A Co. Crsiieton A Ix>e M lddletun-Sf>eilmever

A Cov VI DowBtig Xylo Maiila 1

They’re Sure To Like the Movement and the Words Will Suit Just Fine.


“Far Away in Dear Old Tennessee”

“Waiting for Your Eyes of Blue”

“The Sweetest Rose in June”

Two Step, “Down the Zone


• irth A Dcxiley 1 |■• %o Troupe 1

(iuiney, HL I ((RBIIKCM (wva) , First Half:: 1

l x- IVKoe Troupe Erai k Galiby A Oo. Nrwbuff A Bhclpe Gordon Eldrid A Oo. « l.src A Flo Gould

Lait Half: Div A IHxtr Simpson A Dean Ear Thomiwnn A Oo. X.lair A Griffith

TrsoliCs Military Doga

Richmond, Va.

BUDC (nbo) First Half:

'.■it A IVMont Ei\c Musical Ilodgee Belle Rutland M -Gowan X Gordoa

Uat Half; <d.I llnmesread Eight s. ien Romaa Ix WDt Voiing A Slater I. V Kennedy A Po. Gfk-Sle '••hlllliig A AndereoB

Roanoke, Va.

i:ii.tVDKR (ubo) Pint Half:

Mile Va.Mc A Olrla 'I'l.l.-al Nisaee ll ree Stewart D'liry <; Uudntr 'I' A Alllaaii

Last Half: be Danlcla M.i-lcal 'I'l.l. al Nossea


TEMflE (nbo) I'ert Melrose ' ah A Se),ene(| G. \.(nder Itroe.

l e.1 . l>-.M|eHck "■ A M Cutty ^ (.•netc. (i.lavma

Springfield, III. |

M.VJE.'STIC (wia) First Half:

(giwton I Kiiiba A Alton J.-iiiiex Grady A Co. Blvlcy A le-mer Mrs. Eva Fay

Last Half: Eller's ( Ircus Wilton Slaters Walter Milton A Co. Bnxikx A Bowen Viiaimllan

I VV<xxlcbop|x-i>>

South Bend. Ind.

, DRITIEI M (wval First Half:

Van Cello Willing A Jonkm Cheyenne Mln»tre|. Ehe C«e Eds Wm. Slsto

! Last Half: iThi. Way. Ladles

Tacoma. Wash.

DA STAGES (III) , Vrthnr IjiV iiie A ( o. . liayiiKmd A Bain 'teiaml.x* A Drayto'i

I Valerie SI'fers

.ll.'iiilon A Cliftiiii

j Terre Haute, Ind.

HID1*DDRdME. (wva) First Half:

ri.kelx Please Last Half:

Wilson A .Vubrey Ed A Jack Smith When We Grow Cp mnaifliy Herman Hid Sol.ller I'iddlers

Toledo, 0.

KEITH'S lu'x.) Vilen Dliiehart .V Co. Mullen A C’sigan Uiiriihaiii A Irwin "i ere.fa Novelty

Circus Vatson Slaters *'an ( Icve A IVte vliirgan Dancers

Topeka. Kaa.

NOVELTY (liit-rV First Half:

:iirinanl Trio s MIS

iSylpbite Slaters Jaiiiea Kennedy A Co. Martin Van Bc-rpen Juggling McBanna

TuIsa, Ok.

EMPRESS (Inter) First Half:

Itcriiiany'a Pets Ellin A Finn Kelso A Leighton Gertrude Van Dy,-k Corr. Amore A .'arr

Last Half; Itaiidalla (a'Roy A Tozler Three Chums J.x" Whitehead I'hree Emers»,up

Vancouver, B. C.


> Harry Hayward A Co. Trovato Valentine A Bell

I. Wichita, Kan.

' PRINCESS (Inter) First Half:

' ItandalU ‘I.eKoy A Tozler

I'hree Chnma J<x- Whitehead Thn^e Enieraoiia

! Last Half: (iuzniani Trio

’ Roiilde Sima Largay A Suee SanttM A Hayea la-w Dix'katader Dan Sherman

Wilmington. Del.

GARRICK (Ubo) Valentine Vox Gallagher A Martin Gonlon A Rica VVillia A Naah

Winnipeg, Can.

ORPHECM (orph) Worth A Brice

I Vrihiir Sullivan I Relaner A Gorea 'bddamith A Hop|>e Erankle Munihy Herlx-rt-Geminlne Trio stevena a Falke

PANT.YGES .ml Dream of the Orient Vfler tlie Wedding ValxT A Waters lx-Michel Bros, riie Creightons

Winston-Salem. N. C.

P.VIt.VMOCNT (uUi) Last Half:

Henry G. Rudidf

Youngstown. 0.


Howard A Fiekla | Brown A S|x-n.-er

Goltllig tllrla Harry Webb Tbe Patricks

Last Half: Pisano \ Biiigtiain Mureeiia. Navarre A


Schenectady, N. Y.

PII(H'T(*R S (prl

First Half: Four Com(sl.v


Ered Hclder A *'•••

E..|Uille Bnxi, GypaJ CoUlllec* V cr >M 1 Marjorie lairbaiik* Vi

t o.

ERcalx-tb otto

l ullcii |ir<~



CadlciIX P.arlx-r A Ja.-ksoii

Bud Snyder ll.srry Mason .• ('"■ Jobll.on A ( (Oile'l

Geruril .k V\ e»l

oRPIIEt -M (orph)

G.Ttrude Hoffman Marry I.aiigdon A C<'

M.sTe, O Brlell A M- Coriiiack

Grace Ix-Mar Paul la-van .V IXdd.s

PVNT.ViM'.s nil

Carmen's Mlii.lrds Andv la'Wl. ,v Co. Riitli A Kilty M.iiry

Grace Cameron

ll. lt'a Seals

Shreveport. La.

MAJE-SriC (Itilerl

First Half: RIcliard Wally Millie Stev.n. A Mrl«

r.xiler A laivelt

Last Half: Meiiclla l.cRi.y A Cahill

laxita lamdoll Princess Mliixtrd


Sioux City. la.

ORPIIEt M (wial

First Hilf-

Caniiilial Maids (Jrai-e McCormack Imp4-rial Troupe Sieim-r Trio Erank Bush

Victoria, B. C.

P.VNT.VGES On) ((Idee Girls Gallagher A Carlin Pucker A Winiiif-a.l Keegan A ElNwo-tli B. rt Wiggln A Co.


KEITH'S (iibol Raymond A Cayerly llertxTt'a m>gs Con-oran A Dingle Elsie Janis I.oh.e A Sterling Maryland Singers Mniiting A Frnncia

Waterloo, la. M.VJKSTIC (wval

First H.vlf: Prank A Clara IgiTotir Onnlwr A Turner Mr. A Mrs. Hugh

II ghcat Bidder

Rockford. M \V 1’»t vpi First Half:

I Eampina ’•••Ian y- Eenharr ' »'<.d Daya Prll.ce I ,,| \f„„ Kim

' re gipim. Belmont A


Ifarrv A Eva I*Tii-K Emmett International Girl

■‘erothy Regel A Co. M»-nry I.ewls Viitwerp Girls T.x> C.xik Imperial Jin Jltsn


Fa.v, Two C.deys Last Half;

The Vaiii'erkrxirs

Caine A Oilom

Last Half: '•••Is sutpra

L.AST HALF BILLv«; Januarv .27-2IL

'•••e tn till)

Sacramento. Cal. EMPIm-vh •-I Mur I), '••i>. A M.ilonp ’•ar.l , VVl'I.rd

' • " II an Mai,la linont A Marl

itan Liril Savannah, Qa.

Bl.toC (nlml First Ha'f .

vcnncOi Csx,‘y

tiislial Braaa

•on Sl...rnioii Last Half:

'.-.•nik-( Bn.., Ear Trio

'■’.Ilk A Vl.-t nil .ii'jh


SIIE.V'S (iilx>) '• olg Cani:dM>||

. . .1.1 Belles rongii SIxx's

,v Ctrie’ IVx.ley

lohn B Itvnier A C.v. it.'.sie Wynn

Troy, N. Y.

PROCTOR'S (pr) ' First Half: Sams«*ne y. Douglas Tango Maids

Kew York City

AMERICAN (loew) Paris Tr o Master Move Ree.1 A Basal Will H. F.»v Elo-ence Tlniponl To Save One Girl Stanley .A Gold Maori Sisters (one to till)

BoriEV.vRD (loew) Zita Lyons [Port A FK'Tacey Jolin T, Doyla A Cow

V .III ,v Il.vnian

Last Half:

'■nltanoa I rsnr Trouix-

It.••■kins .V Vvlelle K .•needy A Burt Rc.lforii A Winchester



Dslrv M.yllc Bird Yale. A Whe«-1er Vngelo .Vmdnta A Proa. Wright A Davla

■T.ines A .Tohnson


I l*EI AN'CEY ST (UX'W) ShelveV B'ivs

I'nrns A K.iran Sal-ls.o A Wright VI I ■•rniack A Irving

, Mar'o Hart IKx'lor'a Orders Oscar layrraine I (two to mil

I GREEI.EY SQ. (loew) jNathano Brothers iThree Ronianoa lO'Neal A Gallagher

ST. LOUIS, MO. REGENT HOTEL. 100 N. 14th Street

HOME OF THE PROFESSION Kiv* MiNiTTfBs Walk To all Thkatf-rsi

ELMER E. CAM PBELL. Prog, aod Mgr.

la (ha aalv face drr lhai aia%. isi Tlir fariwlte ^ ixxailrr id ItdlM n< n pin m id tn»

(kffid for free .amnlcs ef aH 1 via rwaitis. Mrvvn )gt|. |l


10 T ti e Billboard JANUARY 29, 191®.

Chicago Palace 4ContlDOe<l from pace 7.)

helped him get a langh. Thej finished with

slide tromlK>ns and oornet, getting four bows.

Fifteen minutes, In two and one.

No. 4—The Inimitable Lnbowska, Impression¬

istic dancer, charmed her audience with style

and poise, conildned with dancing talent of a high order. She opens with the garotte, gro¬

tesques a futuristic Interpretation of those

black and white caricatures so often seen In

Togue, followed by the Ecyptlan Dance of

llourning, and finishing with the peacock Dance,

an original conception of feminine vanity. Two onprogrammed dancers assisted Lubow*ska In

filling In during change of costume, making the

nomls-r a highly pleasing one. Fifteen minutes,

In full; two bows.

No. 5—Marguerite Farrell entertained with

character songs, lacking nothing which could

have made her efforts more appreciated. Her appropriate costume for each number was well

deslgnwl to fit the song, and her sweet voice did

the rest In making the Anna Field ballad and

the hoop-skirt melody two good applause num

bers. Fifteen minutes. In one; three bows.

No. «—Weber and Fields second week In

Chicago, offered Mike and Meyer, their world-

famed characters, a relic of the olden days.

They recelve<l a warm welcome, and got the

nsnal amotint of hearty laughs out of old and

new material. Elgteen minutes. In full; four


No. 7—Percy Bronson and Winnie Baldwin

held them fast In a classy bit of songology that

was truly a winner. The handsome couple make

a striking appearance, deliver their songs In

great shape and are well rewarded with ap-

planse. Eighteen minutes. In one; two bows,

an encore.

No. 8—Ben Beyer and Company closed the

ahow In a clever cycling novelty. If there Is

anything that can possibly be performed on a

Ucycle they sufweeded In doing It, working fast and doing fantastic, humorous stunts on every

atyle of cycle. Fifteen minutes. In full.—ZIN.

Columbia, St. Louis (Keriewed Monday Matinee, Jannary 24.)

8t. Louis, Jan. 24.—Nora Bayes and Nellie

V. Nichols proved great drawing cards on this

beautlfnl afternoon, filling the Columbia. The bill Is a long one, fnll of good variety, and the

audience left well pleased. Close on the ht'els of Miss Bayes, the headliner and fait of the program, came Nellie V. Nichols; and Toots

Paka and Brooks and Bowen shared third hon¬ ors.

No. 1—Orphenm Travel Weekly. Fifteen min¬ utes.

No. 2—Bessie Devole and Guy Livingston, ex¬

ceptionally clever dancers, got off to a g<K>d start with their dancing numbers, most of which

were new to 8t. Lonls, and well deserved the given them. Their wardrobe la ele¬

gant. Fifteen minutes, fnll stage; two calls.

No. 8—Shelton Brooks and Clarence Bowen, two black spots of joy, are clever comedians.

Their original expressions and clever dancing

and piano playing kept the audience In an np-

e<ly ami gmsl trick riding. The length of the

bill, however. Interfered somewhat with the credit deserved. Twelve minutes, full stage; one call.

I.ength of bill, two hours and forty-seven minutes.—Wfl.L,

Keith’s, Cincinnati (Beviewed Sunday Matinee, Jannary 23)

Manager Koyal hae done a very discreet

thing In changing the pictures to opening posi¬

tion, Inetead of using them to close the show, ae

formerly. With the reel act first the ahow does not wait for the audience, and the latter

la generally well seated when the opening vaude¬

ville act go*>s on. The bill on view this week Is much better than It looks on paper, but no

genuine hits showed up this afternoon. The

show was just plain, ordinary and wholesome

entertainment, headlined by the Ons Btiwards Song Revue. A rapacity audience was out to¬


No. 1—The Paths Weekly warmed the house

almost to enthusiasm by displaying some patrl-


McVicker’s, Chicago (Rerlewed Monday Matinee, Jannary 24.)

Chicago. Jan. 24.—The bill at McVlcker's

this week Is nicely balanced, and each act stands out prominently. E<lward Ab.les held the

limelight as the big feature. Harry Breen car¬

ried the honors of the show; business, capacity.

No. 1—-Gene Muller Trio held the opening po¬

sition with a hoop-rolling specialty, in which they executed a series of neat tricks with the

Urge circles that sent them away In a rattling

style. Eight minutes, full stage; one bow.

No. 2—Bessie I.ecount offered a single that

earned approval from the start. Tlie panto¬ mimic Imitation of both sexes dressing In the morning was real, carrying much comedy. Her

recitation at the finish was appreciated. Ten

minutes. In one; one bow.

No. 3—Hendrle and Russell, In a series of dances In which a female Impersonator pre¬

dominates. Tkiey use special scenery, repre¬

senting a dwelUng In ArabU. showing the Dance of Death of the Sheik. Eleven minutes; oi>en

In two, then to one, close in full; two curtains.

No. 4—Three Rlanos Introduced a Uvely ses-

slon of acrobatic stnnu In their jungle home. The chlmpaniee Imitation was out of the or¬ dinary. and their capew won many laughs. Llveness, Rina good gymnastic tricks. resulUd

In solid aRplanse for them. Twelve minutes,

full stage, special set; two bows.

No. 6—Dow and Dow entertained their au¬

ditors with patter that went over to the utmost

satisfaction. Their parodies are gems, and went

over big. Sixteen minutes, in one; four bows^<

No. 6—Klntlng’s Animals performed a rontltle |

of tricks In a well-trained manner that won applause. Dogs, cats, pigeons and a rabbit are

all assembled. The closing balloon stunt, show¬

ing a basket of cats surrounded by pigeons, got a good band. Ten minutes, full stage; one


No. 7—Harry Breen la undoubtedly one of the beet nut comedians that has struck our shores In many a day, and can be classed the nuttiest of

the nuts. For twenty minutes he had them

roaring, never losing ’em for an Instant; an

avalanche of laughs. In one; four bows.

No. 8—Edward Abeles and Company presented

a dramatic sketch. Self Defense. He Is accused

of murdering his sister, her husband and baby.

Being dumb he describes, by gesture, the kill¬ ing ef his brother-in-law, who killed bis sister

and her baby, to the district attorney, and Is

discharged for self defense. As the dumb Italian boy Mr. Abeles carries the character

perfectly, and Is capably assisted by the rest of his company. Thirteen mlnates, fnll stage;

four curtains.—BMERT.


Baltimore, Jan. 20.—Oscar Gardner, a vaude¬

ville actor, who Is appearing at the Maryland Theater this week with the team. Moore, Gard¬

ner and Rose, eloped from Indianapolis a few

days ago with Miss Dorothy KeUy.

This headline has been appearing for some weeks In the official organ of the Whits Rata, and I take It for granted that the author of the "Insult” to the Amerioaa Tands- Tlile Performer is Mr. Mountford, who claims the articles as creatures of his own brain.

I have been waiting to see if some American artist would cal) Harry Monntftrd for this Insult to the Intelligence of performers. I take it that there Is so little Interest among the great army of vaudeville artists that what the White Rats are doing is of no moment to them.

For Mr. Mountfoid's Information, there are abont 43,000 persona engaged In tbs different branches of public entertaining in this country. Mr. Mountford claims on paper that 3.000 of the former “parasites" have returned to the folds of Hatland. Be states that there must be at least 4o,O00 "parasites” in the show business in this country. By what right does Harry Mountford print that tbe artist of this country Is a parasite because be will not be the willing tool of the real parasites of tbe show business? Does he mean that nonmembership in the White Rats means that the ontsids artist is making a living at tbe exi>ense of the Whits Ratal

The parasites in tbe show business are some of tbe officials of tbe White Rats Actors’ Union—the men wlai have b«*n living off the White Rats for the past four years; the men who have drained all tbe substance out of tbe White Rats; tbe men who have wii>ed out the funds of the Wtiite Rats; tbe men who have been drawing salaries for no work (>erformed: the men who, today, are using the Whits Rats as a lemon, good for squeezing purposes—these are tho parasites—not tbe artists of this country that you are begging to join the White Rats.

A word to you, Mr. Mountford: 1 don't think you are justified In being quite so brusque in your remarks. You have been well treated by the actors of this country since your arrival from England. During your former term of office you were paid op to $l!tr> a week. The writer figures that you were entitled to all you could get. but It Is ingratitude on your part, now, to insult thotte who paid your former salary. Remember, the Board of Directors paid you nothing. They only sin-nt the moneys of the member¬ ship. Tmlay your salary of $00 per week, while small compared to tbe former remunera¬ tion, is still being paid to you out of the earniags of the artists of this country. Tbe promise you have from the wrecking crew to increase your salary to 31.V) per week Is contingent upon saving the chib. You are appealing to the men and women of the stage, whom you designate as parasites, to assist you in getting your $130 per week. Your oflicial associates will not. Individaally, pay you a salary; no, but if you ran succeed in getting sufficient members to join the White Rats they will onselfishly pay you what they have promised.

Now, friend Mountford, do not lose your head completely. You have not been in this country king enough to get away wlHi all you anticipate. You would not be back in the White Rats were it not that the aumteur crew put the order on tbe mcks. and the last bo|ie wae to get you again. A lielief In your former campaigfi brought In members and money to the order. A boie for future relief has brought in but a small proportion of the former membership. Too many unDilfilled pri'mises are matters of record, ahd the men and women you designate as parasites are waiting to be shown some¬ thing. Up to date the campaign has beeu for members and money. Y’ou will have all that you can consistently attend to In trying to regain the confidence of the artist. Yon will not succeed by attempting to bulldoze and insult them. If you were In England, aa an employee of the V, A. F., She English artists would not allow you to designate them as parasites. While you are not a citixen of these United Btates, still R is your present home, and you are making your living here from tbe earnings of the American artista If you are as Ixmest and as consistent as you claim to be, then fulfill the promises of the past four years—drive out tiio parasites in the order of W'hlte Rats. You promised to clean op and put the order into honest hands, but you have to date failed to make good. In place, yon have again made your closest confidants the most dangerous elements In the White Rats. You are trying to save the parasites. We will not let you get away with It. You claim you have got some of them, and we should be satlafled, and to give yon time to get tbe others. You have bad too much time; tbe parasites In tbe order are Itill In the saddle. We shall not let up until we shall have forced you to come out in the oi>en to tbe membership and expose the men who are the order's most serious enemies. Yon have the proofs and reoords, so why hesitate 1 Do not designate those outside the order as parasites. Give tbe big White Bat a good psychical hath. Remove the parasites from the big White Bat. I’ut your own bouse In order before trying house cleaning on the outside. HARRY lieVEAUS.

acters. When lights were tume<l up. on a lied- room scene, tbe preceding action was found to

be a dream. Heventeen minutes; two Imws.

No. 3—.Mary Melville, formerly of Melville and Higgins, brought out a great deal of sun¬

shine and mirth, and was a genuine favorite from the start. Miss Melville Is as good single

as with a partner, and can put the material over the footlights to the tune of a laugh a

second, and applause all tbnmgh. A well-done song numlier to««k her off to three bows. Worked In one; fourteen minutes.

No. 3—Adelaide llernnann, widow of Herr¬ mann, the Great, presented an elaborately staged and costumed offering of magic, sleight-

of-hand and Illusions, In which she was asalsted

by Miss Julia and a c-omimny of two. 3lme.

Ilerrmaun exhlhite<l the skill and showmanship of her buHlwnd liefore her. and was roundly

applauded l*e<-ause of her remarkable mysteries. Eighteen minntes. In four; spei-lal; two curtains.

Ns. 7—Milt Colllna. The Speaker of the House, discussed all imiortant subjects and some that

were not so Important, and bad the house In

an npmar all the time he was on. His appeals

to patriotism never failed to get a band, and the humorous and ludicrous (mkcs at various topics and people <>nmere<l the laughs as fast

as he could pass the material out. Sixteen

mlontes. In one; three bows, afVr which rolllns "accepted the nomination.”

No. 8—Gos Edwards and his Bong Revue proved to be last sesson's offering, with a few

new turns Injected. Betty Washington, the girl rioltnlst. Is by far the best part of the act,

and her specialty was given the hearty applanse it deserved. Little Georgle has ceased to be tbs

boy phenomenon, and his work today was

greeted Indifferently. Ills Chaplin Impersona¬

tion went best. As a tabloid, on ths whole, the

act Is good, but tbe people walking out annoyed

those who wanted to see tbe offering through. Forty-three minutes, in full stage and one; two

special sets and two special drops.—LEE.

roar, the work going over strong. Twenty

minntes. In one; three calls.

No. 4—Bertee Beaumont and Jack Arnold, In the well-written, cross-fire sketch. The Doc- torine, bandied their parts excellently, pleasing

the auditors. Eight mlnates. In four; two calls.

No. 5—Walter C. Kelly, the Virginia Jmige,

bad tbe audience right with him for eighteen minutes with bis side-splitting monologue. Most

of his stones are new. In one; one call.

No. 6—Nora Bayes hit the ball’s eye with her

excellent singing, and departed with tbe audi¬ ence clamoring for more. 8be accept'd three en¬

cores, and later took a fourth. Hit of the

bill. Thirty minutes, fnll stage; five calls.

No. 7—T'Kds Paka and four Hawaiian singers offered excellent mnsic and snags. Miss Paka's

Hula Hula dance, at tbe close of the act, was

a big bit. Tbe company more than pleas'-d. 'Thirty minutes, full stage; three calls.

No. 8—Nellie ▼. Nichols sang a number of

new songs, and on another bill wfiuld have un¬

doubtedly been the hit. Her work wss cleverly

done and pleased Immensely, Twenty minutes. In one; four calls.

No. 9—Harry Fisher and Oonpany closed the

program with a cycling novelty act, full of com-

otlc acenes. finishing with the latest thing In dress. Eleven minntes.

No. 2—Hay O. Huling presented hla wonder¬

fully trained seal, which went through a routine of exceptional merit. This native of the sea Is

undoubtedly the most highly educated of Its

kind, and was accorded applause enough for four curtains at the close of ths set. Mr. Haling

puts the act over In a very acceptable manner. Fifteen minntea, in three.

No. 3—Jack Corcoran and Tom Dingle opened with a song as an excuse for soma clever dan

cing to follow, and then Injected some '-omedy

at the right place to make them favorites. The

eccentric steps gained much spplanse, and the

patter got many laughs. A stronger finish would DO diHibt raise ths act to tbe hit class. Thirteen minutes. In one; two bows.

No. 4—Charlotte Parry's act. called Info the f.tght. wss barely short of a sensation.

Miss Parry proved herself a protean artist of

the highest type. Her character roles, of which

there were five, were remarkably done, and the

uniqueness of the staring added novelty. The

action of tbe sketch, evoepting the last minute,

takes place on a toully dark stage, with the

spot on Miss Parry as she dOM tbs varioua rbar-

Empress, Cincinnati (Bsvlewsd Monday Matinss, Jannazy 24)

Once the bill at tbe Emprsss thU week get* under way there la not a dull moment to be fotAid, and on tbe whole Is slightly abovs ths

average as gcnnlne, refreshing entertainment. Mercedes Crane, George Lovett and Mile. Zenda

headlined, and held the spot down easily. Rs-

malnlng set* were greetnl beartlly. Ths boose

was almost rapacity, doe mainly to tbe head¬

lined act. There oeemed to be an Impressloo ■Diong some of tbe amlience that M> r. edea. who

played Kelth'a a few weeks ago, was the art

at the Empress, due possibly to the fart that

advertising matter carried the name "Mercedes”

in large type, followed by lbs last nams in ranch smaller type.

No. 1—John llhrglns. an athlete, offerwd asms

chair jumping that was, to say the least, skil¬

fully done. The more dexterous feats were

roundly applauded, and the act closed to a good band. Ten minutes, la three.

No. 2—Will H. Ftehls started the ripples

with a parody number, and soon broadened fhs smiles Into langbs with some well-aimed roono-

Isgqkmateriil. The only thing not quite clear

Is w^^ther Fields was d<ilng a Hebrew or a

Dutch character. This mattered little, as his

stuff hit the spot and earned him both laniabter and applapte. Eleven minutes In ons.

No. S ^id Thomas and Company, tncinding

May Ilamtltso and John Robb, presented a langb-prodnclng sketch, called Mr. Hippy's Nightmare, In which Mr, Thomsa and Miss Han^

Uton did excellent work, capably supported by Mr. Robb SDd the hall rack. Ths comedy lines

and hnstness wrere gosd for numberless Iiagb%

and tbe strong finish sent tbs act off to many

curtains. Beventeen minutes. In thres.

No. 4 -Mercedes Crane, Georgs I»vstt and

Mile. 7enda offered mystifying mind coucentra- tlon. with Miss Crans at tbe piano. Mile. Xendg

answering questions and Mr. lyivett In the aodl- ence. The act waa put over In real showman¬

ship style hy the trio, who made not one mistake this afternoon. Twenty-sli minutes, from tms to two; many curtains and hearty applanse.

No. 5—The Orpheus Comedy Four, a quar¬

tette of men. lived up to their hllflng In ths

respect that they ire decidedly different. Few

acts can approach them In grotesquenesa of mske-np and uniqueness of roatnming. The

harmony nnmhers were good, but ths solos,

which the audience expected, were not forth¬ coming. A rousing finish. In female attire, sent

the set off to hearty applause. Twelve ralnutes. In ons.

No. 3 -The Three Wllle Brothers offered an

eqnlllbrlstlc act of the highest type, and got

as much as any act on the hill. The act la

well costumed In lavender and white, and put

over In Mg time atyle. Nine talnntes of re¬ markably good work. In three.

Plcfnrea before and after.—LEE.


JANUARY 29, 1916. 11


Feb. 7th


New York (World)—"Gifts far too rare.” iloston (Traveler)—"Mr. Camplx*!! scored a triumph.” IMula.(Bulletin)—"Finished his program amid a storm of applause.” Brooklyn (Fagle)—"His singing proved a pure delight.” Ilaltimore (Sun)—"Appearance of Craig Campbell of itself suf¬

ficient to make a |)erformance notable.” Washington (Post)—"One of the best Cona'rt Singers brought

to this Theatre.” Direction, Payson Graham


Milwaukee (Free Press)—“Mr. Campbell a mighty welcome ad¬ dition to Vaudeville.”

Detroit (Journal)—“His singing was a sheer delight.” ester (Times)—"Only on rare occasions that one has the

opfX)rtunity of listening to singing of so high a standard.”

. 251 W. 81st St., New York.

Orpheum, San Francisco (BeTi«w*d Banday HatiOM, Jaanary *»

8aa Franrlaro. Jan. St.—Th* holdoTrra and tba OfW acta w*Tf itiTpn an rnthualaatlr rro^p- j tli<n llita aftrrno«»n. Kvelyn cvnipletrly [

brr efforta of la.t wwk. and rinebed tbo pi-ltton attalniMl. The applauao duticK brr art waa rwntlnuona. Chic Bale waa tbe lauatiln* bit of the ahow. The hone* waa capacity.

No. 1—Tnacano Brothera, battle-ax Jngflera, did wondera with the edged Implementa of war. A Tory aklllfolly done olTriing. Nine mlantea. Id four; apeclal drop; taro bowa.

No. 2—Zelgler Btatera and Johnny Singer offered eight mlnatea of whirlwind, claaalc and apedalty dancea. all of which arere well put oxer. From one to foil; taro bowa.

No. 8—The Harmony trio. Including Billy Ooiet, Dave Harrla and Charlea Morey, In a melange of mirth and melody, prored a great Bocceaa. The nkelele wind-up waa eery popular. Fifteen mlnntea, from one to taro and back; three bowa.

No. 4—Bra Taylor and Company repeated laat week'a aocceaa.


No. 5—Mayo and Tally. Ke»iewed laat week. No. 6—E.elyn Neabit, aaeUted by Jack

Clifford, reglaterrd a bit eeen more aolld than laat week.

No. 7—Chic Sale'a country school entertain¬ ment went orer Juat as quickly and as strongly aa It alwaya does, and kept the bouse In an uproar. Twenty four minutes. In one; special drop; four boars and an encore.

No. 8—Dunbar'* Binging Bell Ringers (Lloyd Garret, Harold Cooks, Marlon Foorille, Hex Reynold* and Leon Felger) offered bell and Tocal selection*, and held tbe bouae until the laat. Garret, tbe boy soprano, was a big hit. Fifteen minute*. In four; *pe<'lal draperies; four bows.

Eleren minutes of picture* closed the bill, the total running time of which was two hours and thlrty-llTe minutes.—BOZ.

Pantages, San Francisco (Berlewed Bnnday Might, January tl)

Ban Francisco, Jan. 23.—Maurice Bamuels and (Vmpany, In a sketch, made good easily as the headllnera of a bill a little aboTs the av¬ erage. The bouse waa caiiaclty.

No. 1—Blxth episode of Pathe'a production. The Red Circle. Twenty-four mlnnles.

No. 2—Bamold'a Dog and Monkey Actor* kept the audience In gon<l humor for ten minutes. In an act called A Hot Time In Dog Isind. Worked In full stage; special *<-enery.

No. S—Bruce and Calvert, man and woman, were an added attraction, and put over aome good dance*. The patter waa allgbtly anti¬ quated. Right mlnntea. In one.

No. 4-liaxel KIrke Trio put over song* and Instrumental numhera with rim. and got one bow and Rowers at the end of seventeen min¬ ute*. In two. B|>e<'lal draperies.

No. 5—Maurice Bamuela. anpported by Id* Chester. Tony Rlixo, L. C. O'Brien and F. J. B’llkin*. waa a riot In A Day at Kill* Island. Rlxxo'a violin numhera went over aolldly. Thirty- six mlnntea, from four to one and full; five call* and three encore*. Bi>e<-lal setting.

No. B—Helen Reed. pHma donna, featuring a film accompaniment of When It's Orange Illnaaom Time In Ixiveland was unable to evoke mnch enthnslaara ou account of a weak voice. Blx minutes. In on*.

No. 7—Princeton and Tale put over fifteen mlnntea of tbe liveliest kind of slangy patter In a aketch called On* Hundred Mile* From New


Producer with dependable acrlpta


- AND -

Prefer North. East or Middle West.

lUnglnt and Dandng Boubrrtte.

GUSSIE VERNON As* 2*. Middle West t*: Wdsht ill; Height $ ft. 8.

Irish and Eccentrle Cocnedy. ' Will Doubl* Chorus. ZMprrlmoF, Wardrobe. Ability. Jan. 24 to 29. Majeotlo Theater, OanvUle. Va. Write or wire quick. Mall Mien after that to TOO Cam Ave., Detrott. Michigan.


THOUSANDS OF LETTERS from vaudevlUe peiformeTS within the laat fifteen yean telling me wbai a wonderful help MADISON'S

York. A dclded hit. Worked In one; apeclal take any acUon-that It waa op to the Board drop.

No. 8—The Ten Tootoonlns, Arab tumblers, gave tbe show a whirlwind finish with six mtn- ntes of marvrIoQs gyrations. Worked In fonr, B|>f>rlal drop; two bows.—BOZ.


Alma Grace, tbe subject of this week's fron- tleplece. Is a young San Fraorlso girl who Is rapidly coming to the fore In her chosen profes¬ sion.

Mis* Grace, who la but seventeen year* of age,

of Director* In New York. the letters came from every branch at the profo Another member then took the fioor and ** dramatic, dreua, burlesque. moUoa

,1... picture, medldne show and mliiMrelay. To Judge by wanted to know what became of the money y,, gf maoiSON'S BUDGET aeUa collected In Chicago. He was told that It went better than the one before. 1 ahuuld Imaglue that I to New York, and would do so nnUl 1917. The

... .J... . vertlaemeiit la thvrffore more to call th* attention at iD6iiiD^r tb^o to know whot hopp^o^ thooa who'v® nearer yet uakI my famous year-book of after that. H- was told that It waa up to the comedy. I Invite them to tend for my latest liaue. Board of Govemora. MADISON'8 BUDGET N*. It, the price of which la

of Govertwr*. $1 PER COPY. Conienu Include 12 original mono- By this time local autonomy, so far as Chi- logues. 8 great acts for two males and 7 for mal*

cago was concerned, did not appear to be much •“<! .f'™****" • bright Irish comedy. 14 wonderful J - w parwUe*. 4 crackertack minstrel first-parts, a acreens-

ot a gift, and mntteiiogs commenced to be tabloid comedy, entitled "Have Merty. Judge." cow .u hundred* of new gaga. <a<lewatk Wt* and^

“***■ Another member wanted to know who all be- ^ln» Mis* Grace, who la but eeventecn year* of age, , j i j j money back if dlMatlsfled. Back Issues

. . .w . • ... /.I Chicago, and also wanted all gone except No. 15. CUmbtuatloo prlc* of No. has been on the afage a Uttl. ov^ a year, ami member, of » ana th. ^ No. 14 1. $I 5o. her w.wk a. a dugle aod l^n a .ketch, playing the ^ BUDGET PUBLISHING CO. Pantage. Time. ha. called forth de^rved prais*. ,052 thW Avmtua. N.w Yack

She I. th. daughter of Ike Tuchler. manager Director.." — of tbe Hof Bran. In San Francis^, and known ^ ^ pronounced.

Pantage* Time, ha* called forth deserved praise. She Is the daughter of Ike Tuchler, manager

of tbe Hof Bran. In San Francisco, and known


to every mem^r of the theatrical profeaMon commenced reachl who baa ever pUyed the Weat Coast, j

—exodns about to take place one of the old

SUIT OVER CONTRACT '“'’..“J “"“kT _ to adjourn received Immediate and favorable

Chicago, Jan. 18.—An interesting salt will be •ctlon. decided in our court* pertaining to a theatrical - contract. The Webster Agency entered Into BERT COLE A VISITOR a contract with Bamnel Haerwltx for one of bis - nnmerous girl acts to be played at the Alhambra Bert Cole, manager of Billie Burke's Tango Theater, which lately homed «iown. The coo- ghow* Company, playing the Keith Circuit, and .


Bert Cole, manager of Billie Bnrke's Tango | ghow* Company, playing the Keith Circuit, and ,

tract provide* that the act consist of aeveral who. during the tented season, la announcer for girls, and to play gatnrday and gnnday for the Ilagenbeck-Wallace Shows, waa a caller at the anm of $60. On the gatnrday evening be- the home office of The Billboard laat Sunday, fore tbe last performance an official from tbe Mr. Cole and the members of the company city fire deportment advised the company that spent gunday In CMncinnatl. breaking a Jump they could not play with the scenery In their act to Buffalo, where they opened Monday at ghea's, for the reason that It 1* contrary to the fire vrlth Shea's Toronto house to follow, then to law and contrary to the city ordinance. The ihe Palace, New York. act was willing to play without the aceuery, a* - the contract did not provide for any scenery. NEW KEITH HOUSE IN DAYTON bnt the management canceled the act. refusing _____ to pay for the work. Pult was Instltnted In behalf of Mr. Baerwltx by his attorney, Leon A. I>«yton. O.. Jan. 22.-A deal was made here

YES! NEW evMT line, and It's ''cnuck" full of laughs It Is lust aa easy to have your audience laugh a« It Lv to have them wivh your act over. Get the material that will bring you bookings and higher ulary. The following comedy materia! la In my latest RCLLirTIN. The price of com¬ plete Bl'IXETlN la only tl. It conialii* the fol¬ lowing material: One •creaming Monotugue, lev blackface; one eracker-Jsck Monologue, for He¬ brew; one rapid-fire Moitologue. for vtralaM: one slde-splliung Art, for two males; an* screaming Act. fbr male and female; timldi 1 InO sure-fire Jokes, which cen be u.He'^nfoe MINSTREL FIRST PARTS, two males %no male and female.

This material la new. bright and 01 Inal, and I GUARANTEE It to make good Sn any bllL Send orders to the author.

WM. McNALLY. ^ 1734 Grave St.. BROOKLYN. . V.

Dayton. O., Jan. 22.—A deal waa made here

Beretnlak. and It seem* that the attorney* >»•* ‘>5’ B. F. Alhee. representing the n presenting the defendant* are raising a big " whereby they take over fight to establish a law whether a contract can Theater. This Is one of the largest be canceled throogh the Interference of the city •"<* equipped theaters In this city. Keith or police official*. It will be an Inferrsllng case vandevRle will open In this theater February 7. at the end of the trial, which will be fought »>a* yet been made for the National Inch by Inch by both sides.


Chicago. Jan. 22.-The Chicago local of the <'<*n’«™tora ary Ben L. Heldlngsfeld. J. Albert Wldte Rata heM a meeting Ust evening at the A. B. Chisholm. Sigmund Rhein- Orsnd Pacific Hotel. ^

After the usual bnslnes* and hurrahs of the ■' ■ evening were over Robert Nome made a talk CINCINNATI CABARET QUESTION In which he told how glad he was to be back _ again In the fold, and said that he had been fighting for year* to get hack. That he had la divided among managers of had no aastatance whatever and had made the <'>»«'''» shows are given In fight all by hlm«-lf. He further aaM that he ‘'•"••nnatl over the question of eliminating this

' -- $50.00

^‘SANDOW” No. 3 THEATRICAL FIBRE WARDROBE TRUNKS % Ms* (19 Inebm dMW). rtal 237.S«; mil Mae 124 IncNaa dMpl. rrgular prlc* SiS.M. Weelal 840 0*. Write fUr aat- alogue of our ''Saudew" Pr^ famlooa] Trunks


Dallas, Team. atrom and E. J. Babbitt.


Sentiment is divided among managers of Ceed in past productions place* In which caheret show* are given In m r\*/ vnokf lj 1 d Dv-t r\ d/n an p rinclnnatl over the question of eliminating this *’*^*’' YUKI\ HIPPODROME

form of entertainment, as was urged laat -*L.*^*^'*"*^... „ . aven at show rooms. Fourth Flixw, Mercantile Bldg..

Theater, which formerly had Keith vaudeville.

The Peerless Amusement Company, Cincin¬ nati. yesterday was incorporated at Columbus. It Is to control tbe Keith house here. The In-

had never fought the Rata and had never ‘ cim-^inmcni, a* waa urgeo laar room*. Fourth Fl.xic lolneil any of the several other orders that had hy PresMrnt Bonner, of the National 44 Fa« 23,1 St., New York Oty been started here, and went on to say that there America, speaking be- raVLOR TaitE Km 1 Kmmti m fa^* gk# m9wkn» Vgkfn^ Istqtior lVal#m* AANooUtlon. CHARLES A. TAYLOR, TAKE Ni nan a lot of talk anont >ofno flcntlnfr *» « • _ * ^ mi ^ you two mhatervd Mi ♦K- D.«. Ko* It '*'• Banner a argument seemed to be directed mom to a third addiea*. and n, the Rata and about Nome'* clique, hot when It u.rrc,eo waa run down he never could find any proof cabaret* In cafes, or saloon.

rather than against those In hotels and restan- . _ l ' ; ’ ^ .—;;-7- — of such a thing. by F^ruary 1, 1914, 1 will proccxl to dt-axise of your Abner All addressed the meeting, and. dnr- ■nd S»">" «o Indcbterlnfa* and

I... nrr..,nf.ii .. «<v.. - **** ^ csrln* foT ume aloe* the wason closed. Do- Ing the course of hi* talk, presented an offer neai ai ■ -rex me bcdiiii -w cember 12. 191.5. JEAN DK KREKO, 208 Belvln 8C. of the f"ee nse of a pare or two psgos of a DtlN MLI 1 LJ tSb nkoUILT gan AnUnlo. Texas, local theatrical paper, and said be had been ■" ■- ■ anthorised by the editor to make the offer. No I.exlngton. Ky.. Jan. 20.—The walls around A £ I A MAGAZINE OUT

attentloo was paid to the offer and no action tbe Ben AH Theater, which waa awept by flee Q I W Tbe Cream of Magle. Ik* taken, so be finally put the qnestlon directly recently. wUI be rased, and plana are now being the Maglclso. £tto Mn- at the chair to know what they Intended to made to restore th* pUyhouae to Its origtiial ganiji

CHARLES A. TAYLOR. TAKE N0TICE!~An«r hav¬ ing written you two reglatervd leiiera and a copy at Mate to a third addms. and not having heard a word from you. I make this public aiinouncvmmt, that If 1 do not receive definite liistnicUons from you by FYbruary 1. 1914. I will procewl to tll-axise at your Stock and Show Stuff to cover your Indebteitoees and ooet of raring for ume since the veason cloa^. ermber 12. 191.5. JEAN DE KREKO, 208 Belvln BL. San AnUnlo. Texas.

Tile Cream of Magle. Fi» th* Maglclso. By tbe Mn-

d« about It. He was toM that they could not I beauty. mocthF trial. tSe THE RAOLK MAOIOLAN. Be Tth

JANUARY 29, 1916.


THE BILLBOARD’S SONG HINTS Chicago, Jai). L'l.—Vau'lcvlllc

tbrougliout the country have taken a d'cl.lrd brace in the |>a«t too nioiitha, ainl the general Impreavlon from every angle of the game p.*lnt favorably to an Incream* of hitelncKH. Out of.

town bouaea that have been ilevote^l entirely to

acreen priHluctlona are Initiating vaudeville, l<laylng two and tbre<' acta, and the larger thea

tera in the aurroundlng territory have alao ar

ranged to tnereaae their aupidy of talent. The Chicago aituatlon baa been aomewhat of a piiz- ile. The outlying tlxatera, |aTlia|m with a f<'»

exceptioiM, have not PhhI the mark, while the

down town booaea are bealeged with theater* goera. Ixtng llnea are evident before the ba>p llK-atera. tliua iiidbattng that vaudeville haa

come into Ita own. Mort II. Singer, general manager of the W. V. M. a., lnforme<l Tlie

Billboanl representative that the Maje«tlc aial Palace are having the beat biialneaa ao far thU aeaaon, playing to capacity and turning huge

crowds away.

Clash Over Right To Cancel

New York. Jan. 22.—The .t! O. Field Greater

Minatrela were romiadled to lose their datea in

Trenton. N. J., hilled for January 14 and 1.1— and thendty hanga a tale. In February of last

year, according to Mr. Fiebl, a contract was

cloaed with Montgomery Moaea. manager of the

Trenton Theater Cor|>oration. whereby the Field

Minatrela were to apr>ear In Trenton on January

14 and 1.1, inid. It la claimed the Field ahow canceled a date in another city to give Mr. Moaea the two nighta, aa he had aaked. and the

advertlalng matter had been dated and shipped

to Trenton. Ijiter a letter was received from

Mr. Moaea, adviaing that he had changed the policy of Ida houae, re<inestlng Mr. Field to

cancel the datea for Trenton. This Mr. Field

refused to do, but carried out his contract to the letter, even bringing the company into

Trenton yesterday, only to find the theater

locked. As a result Mr. Field has instituted suit In

the r. S. Court for all damages sustained by himself and company, and haa furthermore filed

a complaint against the hlllpoatlng plant of

Trenton, in addition to which a complaint will

be filed with John H. Txvgerman, secretary of

the Advertising Association, against the blllpost-

ing plant. Mr. Field claims that in all hia thirty years

of experience in the managerial end of the

bnsiness he has never before encountered a

proposition of this sort. He alma to push the

case to the limit.

Reliable Guide to the Best Songs in the Cata logs of the Leading Music Publishers

Doubles CLOSE TO MY HEART (Harry Ven Tilrer, 125 W. Forty-third 8t.. New York City).—A

little gem; especially good double for bov and girl. LOVE IS A QUEER, QUEER CREATURE (Red Star Music Co.. FayetteviUe, Ark.).—A

tremendous succeaa. bright and snappy. A LITTLE LOVE. A LITTLE KISS “Would Go a Long. Long Way" (Craig A Oo., 145 North

Clark St., Chicago. Ill.).—An over-night bit; going like wild-fire. WISH I KNEW JUST WHAT YOU THINK OF ME (Regent Music Co., Lake Charles, La.).

—One of the Regent Specials that is gaining favor every day.

Ballads WHAT A WONDERFUL MOTHER YOU’D BE (Shapiro. Bernstein A Co., 224 W. Forty-seventh

St., Mew York City).—A1 Pianuodosi and Joe Goodwin's sensation ballad. A positive semaatioB in any high-class act.

LONG, LONG LETTER 'BOUT HOME. SWEET HOME (D. D. S. Music Co., 5123 Third Ave., Mew York City).—Sentimental and original. Big seller and applause getter.

AFTER TONIGHT, (KIOD-BY (Harry Von Tiller, 125 W. Forty-third St., New York City). —High-class in every respect.

CAN YOU FAY FOR A BROKEN HEART (Charles K. Harris, 701 Seventh Ave., Mew York City).—Bound to be a success.

WHEN I LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND (Waterson, Berlin A Snyder, Broadway and Fcrty- eighth St., New York, N. Y.).—Irving Berlin claims it his masterpiece. “Muf ced.'*

IS THERE STILL ROOM FOR ME MELATH THE OLD APPLE TREE (Maurice Abrahams. Broadway and Forty-seventh St., New York, N. Y.).—Scored a decided hit for McKay and Ardine at the Palace, New York, recently.

I FOUND YOU AMONG THE ROSES (A. J. SUsny Music Co.. 408 W. Forty-fourth St., Now York, N. Y,).—A beautiful ballad; the kind that reaches the heart.

THE SWEETEST ROSE IN JUNE (Allanson Pub. Co., 50 Auditorium Bldg., Chicago, lU.).— One of those dainty sweetheart songs.

YOU DON T WORRY ME NOW (Chas. making good.

I'M ON MY WAY TO JACKSONVILLE (McGinty M.uic Pub. Co., Austell Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.). —An excellent quartet number, if you want a sure-fire hit,

DANCE OF THE DEW DROPS (William T. Mann, 1794 E. Nineteenth St., Cleveland, 0.).— A beautiful waltz ballad: good dance number.

AGRA MACHREE (Mrs. Elizabeth Tully, 630 Peterson St., Fort Collins, Col.).—An Irish ballad that is rapidly becoming popular.

Novelty Songs THAT SPOOKY RAO (Panella Music Co., Pittsburg. Pa.).—If you’ve “got the habif m

singing rags, try this Spooky. THERE'S A WEE BIT OF BLARNEY IN KILLARNEY (Jos. W. Stem A Co., 1556 Broadway,

New York. N. Y.).—^A real Irish novelty. TANGO AROUND WITH ME ONCE MORE (Magbee Muaic Co., Columbus, 0.).—The Uvest

ragtime song on the boards. OH, THAT BEAUTIFUL BAND (Werblow-Fisher Co., Strand Theater Bldg., New York City).

—Rapidly becoming one of the country's biggest hits. CLOSE TO MY HEART (Harry Von Tilzer, 125 W. Forty-third St., New York City).—A

novelty song with a meter and refrain altogether unusual. TAKE ME TO THAT MIDNIGHT CAKE WALK BALL (Maurice Abrahams, Broadway and

Forty-seventh St., New York, N. Y.).—Is now being employed by more than 200 wise performers; a sensational hit.

MOLLIE, DEAR, IT'S YOU I’M AFTER (Jerome H. Remick, 219 W. Forty-sixth St., New York. N. Y.).—A different Irish song that cost $7,000. Use It and see why.

SCADDLE-DE-MOOCH (Jos. W. Stern A Co., 1556 Broadway, New York. N. Y.).—The rag* giest of a rag.

THAT LITTLE FORD OF MINE (Allanson Pub. Co., 50 Auditorium Bldg., Chicago, lU.).— They’re sure to like the movement—excellent lyrics.

DOWN AT THE FARMERS’ BALL (M. Witmark A Sons, novelty that is making a great hit.

BE A GOOD LITTLE CHICKEN AND LAY IN MY LAP (James F. Doyle, 552 E. Eagle St., Buffalo. N. Y.).—A fox-trot novelty that Is a winner.

MOLLY BROWN (T. H. Olander. Norfolk, Va.).—The Suwanee River Wedding March. IN THE SMOKE OF MY CALABASH (Dick B. Braun Co., Omaha. Neb.).—Try this—you wiU

like it—it’s a live one. THE MINNIE HA HA HA (Warner G. Williams A Co., Indianapolis, Ind.).—The niftiest

Indian number you ever heard.

Comic Songs TWENTY-THREE WAS MEANT FOR ME (Ernest A. Rork, Paducah. Ky.)

of the right kind. THE ROCKY ROAD TO DUBLIN (Waterson, Berlin A Snyder, Broadway and Forty-eighth

St., New York (Tity).—Young and Grant's latest comic. Going along in great style. One of the hits of the year.

OUTSIDE OF THAT, WHY, HE’S ALL RIGHT (Harry Von Tilxer, 125 W, Forty-third St., New York City).—Clever, catchy; goed double.

THINGS ARE GETTING BETTER EVERY DAY (Jerome H. Remick A Oo., 219 W. Forty- sixth St., New York, N. Y,).—Wonderful comedy song; making a great hit.

HELLO, BOYS, I’M BACK AGAIN (Harry Von Tilzer, 125 W. Forty-third St., New York, N, Y.).—If you want a real comic hit. here it is.

I FALL FOR EVERY BOY I MEET (Shapiro-Bemstein, 224 W, Forty-seventh St., New York, N. Y.).—Eva Tanguay’s favorite aong; wonderful Idea.

OH, MISTER, WON T ’STOU TICKLE ME (Mellinger Music Oo., Odeon Theater Bldg., St.


New York, Jan. 22. — H. I>. lU rg. called die

Zlegfeld of vaudeville becauve of hie sue. eMi

in producing girl acta, is branching out lii anticipation of acoomplUhing bigger things In the way of producing. He has taken greatly enlarged cJHcrs on the eighth floor of the I'ili

gersld Building, and associated with him nilt be Harry Carroll and Itay Goetz, two of the b. >t

known music and lyric writers In the countr.v. One room will be used as a music room. devnt<-.t

to the composers exclusively, ami for rehearsals.

Mr. Berg’s private ofil.-e will also be locate-t there. The Maids of the Movies, lyrics and

music by Joe G<sslwln and boi>k by N, T. Gran- lund, has been bookml by Mr. Berg over the

\V. V. M. A. Time, where his other two suc¬ cesses. Five Beauties ami a Spot and The C<d lege Girls, are playing to success.

C. Simpson, Wellaburg, W. Va.).—A ballad that is

riilcngo. Jan. 22.—Mimaper Fred C. El^erts,

of the Majestic Theater, was on the anxious

seat for a coujile of hours last night dnring

the performance at his house. There was a bad fire on the fourteenth door of the Majestic Thea¬ ter Buildini, which start<‘d some time after

the show had opened. Owing to the prompt and

efficient manner in which Mr. Eberts handte<l the situation not over a half dozen of the 2,000

patrons of the theater knew there was any

trouble until they left at the conclusion of the bill. The fire was in a tailoring shop on the fourteenth floor, and caused a damage estimateil

at $7,000.


Frank Connett. of the Connett Sheet Mu«lc Company, of Newjwrt. Ky.. has returned fn>m

Nashville. Tenn., and reports the number. Across the Waving Waters My Sweetheart Calls to Me, as g<dng big In that section. Mr. Gregg, writer of the Sling, is wearing a million-dollar smile,

aa many recognized performers are using the number successfully, I ooka like a 1016 hit for this one.

Billy Mason, the singer, and Billy HeUa, the

piano player, who were in Nashville, lenn., Jan¬ uary 10 to 22, representing the Emmett J. Wel.-h kluslc Company, of rhlladelpbla. a|ip<'ared at thc

Hlppodmme for two days dnring their stay lit

Nashville. They Intrwluced When I Get Back to Old Virginia, Just a IJttle Sunshine, You lie- mind Me So Much of My Mother, and othiw numbers.

narrisoD Brockbank, who appeared as Na¬

poleon In the vaudeville sketch called The Drum¬ mer of the 76tb, last seaaon, haa annimnced that

he will shortly produce a Musical Festival of

Hits. In which the most socceasful of Victor Herbert’s numbers will be featare<l. Contracts

have been signed with several singers, and the orchestra will be augmented.

The O. M. Tldd Music Company, Ijincaster, O., has released two new ones. I Ixive You.

Sweetheart (Can You Is>ve Me?), and The Ijind of Wldch I Dream. The former Is a waits,

by G. 51. Tldd. and the latter la by Anton Dailey, i-omposer of the aong Dreaming. Tin-

new nnmh--rs are easy to sing, and Indh are In

range for th-s average voice.

Shooting the Shoots, the musical comedy made famous by kturray and Mack In the early days,

haa been condensed Into a tabloid, and Is being reh)*araed by the I Inton Bros.* arenry, who hope

to have it ready to o|>en within two weeks.

Itoda Bernanl. a sister of Barney llcrnanl. of rotaali and I'erlniufter and Abe and Maw mss, will ahortly appear as a single In the varieties In a n»w line up of character song* .\lf T Wilton Is rrpiesenling her bookings.

Acts going through Pittsburg will be shown every courtesy by the Curt E Young Music Publishing Co., 23(1 Fourth avenue. Joseph Hiller la professional manager of Young (Inn. and Is one of the hustlers.

It la rumored that Harry E. I.loyd, of Kansas City, Mo., Is writing some new songs, for which Harry Von Tilzer will supply the music.

Cabarets have tieen ghen the boot In Bridge, port. Conn., and the future of this city will he

minus the familiar entertainment

H. IjiShe. of the Dixie Cometly Four, states

that the act will ofien on some good time In Fi-brusry.


Chicago. Jan. 21.—Ben J. Fuller’s Australian

Circuit will In the future receive Its bookings from the Western Vamlevllle Managers’ Associa¬ tion. The agreement that linked the Eastern and Western hemlsiiheres situation was signed

at a meeting In New York. Although nego¬ tiations have been pending for a while It be¬ came nece-ssary for Mort. II. Singer, general manager of the W. V. M. A., and Hen J. Fuller

to make a gpecial trip to New York to arrange all details. The forming of the new treaty will permit the W. V. M. A. to supply all talent for

the Fuller Circuit.

New York, N.


Reports from the Coast Indicate that ^ the eqnestrlan act of the Duttons Is one of beauty and merit, and that they are receiving much applause In all the Orphenm houses.


Chicago, Jan. 22.—Antonio Pirri, who numbers

hU acquaintances among the actors and agents

iiy the hundreds, has developed a big business 'among the fraternity in theatrltral sandries. He has also worked up a nice trade paper sub¬

scription list with the agencies, and is delivering

a big bnnch of Bllllxiardii each week to a regnlar list of customers. Pirri Is original, and In onler to make the actors keep his name before them is passing around cards containing list of

dep-its, etc., figuring that the valuable Informa¬

tion on the card will induce the actor to keep It

in his pocket.

Louis, Mo.).—Great for vaudeville or burlesoue. I’M GONNA GET MY MULE AND I’M GOING SOUTH (Bigelow Pub. Co.. Memphis, Tonn.),

Raitus got bis mule and you will get a hit if yon get this one. GLORY, PAL, I HARDLY KNEW YUH (Knickerbreker Music Co., T-ouis Blk., Canton, 0.).

Grab it, brothers and sisters. A comfed lyric with a Salvation Army melody. MYSELF AND ME (O. M. Tidd, Lancaster, 0.).—A wonderful com' IKEY’S LAUGHING FIT (L. C. Chatham, Cincinnati, 0.)_Hebre

^groan nn-r.ber.

March Ballads WHEN I GET HOME (Werblow-Fisher, Strand Thrater Building

liven np any act. Music and lyrirs up to the minute. DADDY, I WANT TO OO ((Diaries K. Harris, 701 Seventh Ave.

stirring march ballad, the best Harris ever hsd. SOON I’LL BE LEAVING FOR MY HOME TOWN (Curt E. Young. Apollo Bldg.

Pa.).—Plenty of business—good vaudeville or burlesque number, THE FORGOTTEN MELODY (Charles N. Daniels, 233 Post St., San Franrlsco.

and up to date. Everything a ballad should be. UNCLE SAM, YOU RE A GRAND OLD MAN (Southwestern Music Co,, Albuqnerqn

A song that will reach the heart of every true American; good quartet number,



Chicago, Jan. 21.—Joe Pllzrlm, manager of the Academy, will have the distinction of play¬ ing one of the oldest acts In vsndevllle. Banks

Winter and Sam Norcross have teamed, and will endeavor to show the present generation of

vandevllle what made them famoua In years gone by. White Wings and a nnmlier of anelent

hits will he IntTodneed by the old timers. Binks

Winter is 76 years old and Sam Norcroaa 68.

The combined ages reach the total mark of 144



JANUARY 29, 1916. Xtie eillboard 13




li«»lil llrnnrtt, who m’rntly pnxlar^i th*

Ills Vrry Coml. IMdlr, ban brrn en- faRxil to pixMlutr tbo now Uarbnry C'omatock prixiorttnn, Safoiy rimt.

Keith • Itoyal In the Bronx U gl«inf the

boat Tinilortllo »oon arooDil horo In many a day, and tho Bronx folka aro mono than (otting thoir monoy’a worth.

Huth St. BonU, tho danoor, baa boon ongasod to oi>on at tho Palai-o for ooo wook, atartiug January SI.

Martin Brown, nndor tho managomont of tho Shuhorta, will haro tho principal rolo In A

Mix-l’p. In which Stolla Maybow will atar.

I.Inton Broa., who aro rontrolling a prodnclng

oxrhango with mnalcal roinody tabloid In tho

Strand Tboator Building, haro plonty to ofTor

to tho Tandotlllo and plcluro thoator managora Tho boya know tbia bnalnona from A to K. and

that thoy will bo aoccoaofnl la donbtod by no ooo.

Honry Du Frioa, tbo well known Dutch actor, will appear In randoTlIlo on tbIa aldo ahortly.

Trod Block ban ao<-nrod tho loaao for tho TaudoTlIlo bouao In tlloTornTlIlo, N. T. Fml

Intonda playing aoTon acta and a foaturo pic turo.

Tho Bor. Prank W. norman. footnorly of tho Memorial (hurch of l*nrtland, will opon In

taudorlllo ahortly for B. P, Kollh. at tho I’roapoct. Brooklyn.

Jim Cook and Ja>'k I>>roni. who haco rounllo<t will appear In raudorlllo ahortly oiMlor tho dl- roetbm of M. 8. Bontham.

Kolth'a Itoyal In the Bronx la glrlng 8. A II

trading alaiiipa to all tho female purchaaora of

Has since September been starring in England in “The Passing Show/' from the Palace Theatre, London, playing

The Showman and

“The Old Stagedoorman" and adding considerably to an already

well established reputation.

Thanks to Mr. Alexander Pantages for postponing my dates with him. Home

in the Spring.

American Representative! MR. SAM BAERWlTZy 720 Consumers Bldg., Chicago.

English Representatives MR. GEORGE FOSTER, 29a Charing Cross Road, London.





TWO BIG SONG HITS “I LOVE YOU, SWEETHEART (CAN YOU LOVE ME?)" .Tu- Wttci. A pcrfKX iraig fma <Ukn tn dnlab.

“THE LAND OF WHICH I DREAM” n R r A M * ' ^ beautiful Iridi balUd. by Anton l>ailey, nimptaer of •■l>rcamiiig."

111. big waig bit that «wcpt tha naintry by alnna. Send ataiufM and program for prof. B4-cuIar triaiio cnplr*. liy.

G. M. TIDD, Music Publisher. Lancaster, Ohio

-10 COPIES SHEET MUSIC HITS, 65c- !• of our boat acwig hlu: "Uw# Will Dream." •'IVIl Me. Dear Old Moon." TAJlIgalor Parade Bag," "I Winder If Tou I>iTaB (g Me." "Ulra Me an American Girl.” big hit. and 5 othera. MoVET RK- rfNDEIt ORCHEWTRATHtNA. ISc. All regular piano mptea. NO I’KOPESBIONALa I’EKPOBM- EILS MI ST 8K-ND MONEY t>B STAMPS OR IMIN T WRITE

MA6BEE MUSIC PUB. CO.. 34$ Klag A«a.. Caiuaibua, Okla.

|aip irSjnWU UnW *** ‘I'Urer the beet Theatrical Gooda. ODatumea, Tlghta. Trtmaalnca. Me. Oir WA IVnilww flUvl i.taly rretaed caiaUwim aent free to any addreaa. Kererences—Our cuatumati.


I.argeal Stink In the Ouintry for Amateur and School Plara. WE CARRT A FTtX LINK i»P imriVS MAKE-l’I’ IN STtK K._ _


MUSIC PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS IVinm all kind, Miude—Plano Hand. Orebedra. Mandolin, etc. WttRK DONTt BT ALI. PRiH’ESSES. WK AHRtVGK AND IfBUISH Pt’K AMATEtRA. SbrVD FOR (HR l’IUl'E» AND SAMI’LKS. The targrat twolualre Muelc PHnter. aeK of New York Eatabllehed 1374.

Mats at the mjtineee, and the Harlem Opera Iliiiiee Is doing the same.

Juliet and Harry Delf will appear together

In the new Cohan & Harris rerue. which will o|>en at the .Astor shortly.

Edward Sheldon's play. The Song of Songs,

which enjoyed a long run Broadway run during last season and a p« rtion of this, is being con- densoil for raudeville. In which Tom Wise will portray the leading role.

Will M. Cressy, of the pioneer team of Cressy

and Dayne. in bis new sketch. One Night Only, explodes an antomobile tire at every perform¬ ance, at a coat of gO. a laugh which be assertc

the small time pirates will not likely steal.

McIntyre and Heath have revived their com¬ edy classic. The Georgia Minstrels, and are

showing it at the Palace, In New York, this wt-ek.

.Among the stars about to return to the xaude- vllle stage is Grace Van Studiford, who will be

featured at Keith's Colonial Theater next month.

Howard E.stabrook is preparing a new act for Keith vaudeville theaters.

Sam Sidman shortly will be seen In vaiidevllle in a new sketch, called The American Citlsen.

The Punch is the title of a new one-act play¬ let in which Kitty Gordon will shortly make her

reappearance in the Keith houses. It wUI be from the pens of Edgar Allen Wolff and Jack

Wilson. Miss Gordon left the Winter Garden show 8atarday night, and will appear In tvro

motion pietnrea before retnmlng to the two-a- day.

Marie Tempest Is making her Brooklyn debut

this week, appearing at Keith's Orpheum.

Resident Manager C. C. Egan, of Keiths Royal Theater In the Bronx, has been getting out some novelty advertising lately whieh is winning much attention, and. eonsetineutly. at¬

tracting considerable business to the playhouse.



popular compauj baa ofTcrr«l tbia aeaton, and

In roapoDM Uia bouaa waa WfU Oiled tliruosbout the week.

Mias Era Ooodale, formerly of the Wataoo

A Kutbe borleague rhurus. baa rnti'red tbs caba¬ ret Oeld. and la Dow one of tbe feature<i alucera lu MulllfaD'a cabaret, Waterbary, Coon.

baaie to chance weekly and give a perfurEiBDce I

that muat In every way compare wltb a road I Bbi>w. Hut Edward, altboncb little, Is mighty, I

and la getting away with tbe taak. llobert Cofian, a member of BUI Hester's par- ^

lab, was In town wltb Tbe Tip Top OIrla. ,

"Wbere, oh where, la l4irry BorleT Abe MIers |

might not know It, but be Is acting at the Peo¬ ple's, Cincinnati, again this week. “What are

you clam diggers going to baveT" I wonder If they charged Leo Stevens war tax

on bis dialect when be went Into Canada? ^ lx>als Oberwortb has grown rouud stioaldered

carrying tbe Victoria receipts to tbe bank.

Sam Robintton, Pittsburg's Beau Brummel, re¬

ports a continuance of good business at bis I

Academy Theater. Now If Sam's stage man- i

a^er would only re|K>rt on who won that ward- - robe trunk—but, why expect everything. i

Here they are, tbe greatest chorus In bur- < league, assisting the greatest cast; Marie Chsp- I lin. Myrtle Clark, Babe Stnmg, Esther Brandun, i Marie Stanley. Clara Mauley, Pauline Prli'e, i Pearl Price. Connie Powell, Dot Banta, Bessie i tiiinnclle. Mae Shaw, Bessie Marshall, Bessie i

Parker. Mabel Parker. Stella Iea*ter. Bessie

Hirst. Pay Pontius. IKdly .Macura, Ituby Payne, i Vivian IVlinar. Sylvia Smith. Nells lA)tette, Violet Grant. Twenty-four; count 'em. <

Almost had Hal Lane signed to tiv up the > Mandalay Show last wi-ek. .\ll arrangements hud lM>en made to send the reindeers for the snow king, and everything was dosed, only tbe i

manager of tbe show said "No." ■Maurice Walnstock's show was the first of ]

the No. 2 wheel to play at the L.vcetini. Ctdum-

bus, and reports are that Maurice bad a very

good week. Wash Martin and

his Twin Six arrived

In New York, where Wash will start pre¬

liminary work for the Indepemlent Cir¬

cuit's attraction for next season.

tfUssie White was

presented with ■ Mexican blotHlboutsI

by one of her ad- ndrers. This brings

the total to seven,

(ine more dog and

we can put on Pncle Tom's Cabin.

Some dialects in

this town (overheard at Welwter's): "Say.

who Is-longs to this

beer?" Bobby Vail and

Marie Mann have

established them¬ selves as favorites

with the Indlanap- I

oils patrons, and.

together with Pen-y

Judah, have Is-en re- j tained by Manager i

Shafer. Buslnesa reports

from friends and i foes In this region I demonstrate that burlen>)ue still has i

the call, as all re | |>ort a sulwtantlal In iHisiness since tbe holblays.

Milh a little Intelll

genre and less back-

biting bnrieague will live forever.

I..ew Gtddcn and Bert Saunders were both

contemidating buying bungalows on tbe Ken¬ tucky sl.le of the river, but at the recent elec¬ tion the township went dry, so the two clever comedians will seek domiciles elsewhere.

Dave \ ine and Luella Temple were tbe fea¬

tures with the Charlie Koblnson Khow,

•'Neutral'' Erl P.elser Is bating a capacity season at hla Albert Hotel. I.s>ng live opposi¬ tion says ‘'Ed." PIl say he "do."

Getting to the three-quarters—soon l>e count¬

ing the weeks, and then the same old talk of what a great season next la going to lie.

It's going to lie a hot snmraer, lait ]nat as long as Abe keeps the beer nice and cold, and

Wash Martin's twin-six bolds out, "who cares?"

BURLESQUE NEWS formaucea at tbe Columbia Theater here In New York Singer took his show across tbe East River and at tbe Casino In Brooklyn last week swept all existing business records by tbe boards. Including the big holiday business en¬ joyed by that popular bouse of burlesque.



Allowed To Become Honorary Members of Actors’ Fund Billy Watson and His Company

of Heavy'Weights at the

Columbia, New York


New York, Jan. 10.—At a spevial meeting In

the Actors’ Puud beadguartera here yesterday afternoon the directors of the Actors' Kund of

America paved the way to tbe annexation of thoUHanda of ugw membera and tlmusanda of dollare. It was voted to allow non profemlonals

Intereateil In the stage to bev-oine honorary members of the Fond by tbe payment of tbe annual dues of t'g. Members thus elected will not be accorded tbe voting privilege, the di¬ rectors reserving this right for the actors and

those directly connected with the theater who are In closer touch wltb tbe needa of tbe Fund than the laymen could poesibly be. The boo- orary membera. however, will be permitted to attend the m<>eting* of tbe ao<-lety and vole* their opinions on subjects under dlov-uoaloo.

The new rule applies chledy to theatrical societies throagliout the country, and It Is from

these ranks that tbe new members srs ex-

IH-ctcd to be gotten.

Joe Buckley, an old-time burlesque performer.

Is in dire need in Chicago, according to advices

received from AI Harrison, of tbe Me, Him and I Company. Dr. Tborek bad adviaed Joe that a

trip to San Antonio, Tex., la tbe only thing to save hla life, and in accordance his friends are raffling a diamond ring to obtain the needed

sum fur expenaes. Those interested In helping Buckley can address Al Harrisuu, care of Me,

Him and I Company, Marlon Hotel, Canal and

Madlaon streets, Chicago.

New York, Jan. 24.—The Columbia Theater, tbe borne of hlgb-claas burlesque In New York,

la going to be Investigated this week, and lightly so. It should be—by those discerning

lovers of real burlesque, who read and see In this week’s attraction entertainment for which

they have long Is-en waiting. It will Uy no

gneana be an investigation having aa Ita purtvose

criminal prose<-ntlon. Far from It. On the con¬

trary, It will be an Investigation of men and women who will want to know just how much

■of an Improvement Billy Watson and His Beef

Tmat this season are over last—and It might be

stated that last season Watson was credited with having one of the best showa on the Colum¬

bia Circuit.

Thirty handsome, charming, heavywe^ht

ladies la the way the billing reads, and If the chorus comes up to previous editions of tbe Watson Show It will be well worth a visit.

Rrousemeyer's Alley and The Bashful ^ enos

Are tbe titles of the two acts to be presented,

with Watson heavily featured, supported by a cast which promises to be t rally meritorious.

The Watson Show opens Its Columbia engage-

gnent tonight, and early Indications are for ca-

djaclty bualnesa throughout tbe week.



The Hcuck "Armstrong” Company completes

Its 100th performance at the People’s Theater, Cincinnati, Saturday night. Manager William

Hexter Is going to celebrate the event by pro¬

claiming a Bouvenlr matinee Friday. During

this time fourteen burlettas have been presented

and no bit or scene repeated,

same as at the open¬

ing of the season,

including Lew Gold¬

en. Bert Saunders.

George Leon. Al Warren. G n a s 1 e

White, Edith Gra¬

ham and Ethel Hall —not forgetting Bls-



Staunton. Va.. Jan. 'JO.—Major William H.

Barkman, B4, one of tbe best knosn house maa- ageri In tbe Sooth, died at hit borne here ys*-

terday after six weeks’ illnesa of Bright's dla- ease. He Is survived by a widow and one aoo.

When a young man Major Barkman was a clr- ens musician. lAtcr be worked In vsiiuos capacities for theaters in large rltles. be having

been counected wltb tbe Holliday Street Theater In Baltimore when that bouse was at tbe moet

successful period of Its history. Returning to

Staunton be leased tbe Beverley Theater, In partnerslilp with .klbert Sbulta. When Mr.

Shultx. In partnership with F. L. Olivier and J. I,. Wltx, built tbe handsome new theater hero

Major Barkman went with them aa bouse mao- ager. He contlDue.1 In this posltluo until a

year ago, when be retired frvMn active theatrical business.


marck, Toovlles. King and

Fin. the canine con¬


While the inter¬

change of ahows

has been discon¬

tinued for a while

tbe independent Cir¬

cuit is still intact and making prepara¬ tions for tbe coming

season. At this time

tbe houses using their own companies are presenting stov'k,

and all report very favorable business. This, together with

the elimination of

traveling expense,

makes the old profit

and loss statement

show up in a much

healthier eondition.

At the present it doesn't seem that any interchanging

will be done for at least two more weeks, when a gen¬ eral advance on the

wheel will supply

each house with new faces.

FVank Calder was quite 111 while pitying Cin¬ cinnati. and Tom McCredle took the High Life

Girls to Y’onngstown. The doctors were having

a serious case of It, but when Frank received the statement of tbe flrst day's business In Y’oungstown he showed marked Improvemeut,

and when McCredle’s next communication came

Frank fired tbe doctors, and, proclaiming him¬

self well, left for Cleveland. It's wonderful what that old tonic, good business, will do.

Msnrice Jacobs, after an illnesa of iM^veral

weeks, rejoined bis show In Cincinnati. There waa no pinochle—Mrs. Jacobs was along.

Some people hate the truth, but not Billy Hex-

ter. Reason: Tbe Naked Truth pnt over a record week at the Pe<iple'a.

Both Cincinnati booses are playing to good

business. P. 8.—Lucky Maurice Walnatock,

through a change In the rooting of the A. B. C., does not play Cincinnati.

Ben BaulUnd. agent for the Tip Top Glrla, waa a caller at our private offlee (table nearest tbe window at Berne’s), and brought along the

old-timer, Harry Greenwty, who la ahead of a war dim (name cannot be mentioned as we will

not five any Sim pabllclty). The brew was nice

and cold so tbe boys bad a very pleasant even-


New York, Jan. 19.—The Rosey Posey Girls

<Jo., with no stars featured, and not even the title of tbe producing company Included on tbe

nearer to providing a genuine program, comes burlesque show than a majority of the Colum-

•Wt Circuit attracUons eo far reviewed thla sea¬

son. While It la true that the Rosey Posey Girls

are lacking In some respects. In the matter of plot, beatty of chorus and a few other revjul-

aitea for this type of entertainment, the show

as a whole la chock full of novelties, and so

/ar this week has been registering very nicely

at the Colombia Theater.

One of tbe novelties Is that tbe chorus girls wear more clothes than is customary; in fact,

gowna are the raiment oftener than the pro¬

verbial tights. Another feature Is the wild abandon with which tbe cboriaters romp and

gamble about during the early part of the sec- -ond act, when handsprings, cartwheels, falls,

bnmps and other mirtb-produoiug stunta are In¬

dulged In. The burlesque on I.ew Kelly, of ♦he Behman Show, and others of note In vaude-

vlUe and burles(jue. Is nnusually good, while the posing spectacles at tbe finish of the first part

come in for merited applause. Taken as a whole The Rosey Posey Girls constitute a bur¬ lesque show quite satisfactory and with an en¬ tire absence of smnt or snggestlveness that Is

most marked.

Chicago, Jan. '£1.—The Strollers' Club cels lirated live seiond annl.riwary of tbe founding

of the organlxatioD last ulgbt with an enjoy- alde l>aiv|uet. held at the la Salle Hotel. Tha

festivities started St II o'cUs'k and continued for a few hours into the day on which tba anniversary fell. Mareiis Ilelman was chair¬

man of tbe general committee having charge of (lie alTulr. and Uols-rt Slieniisn was toastmas¬

ter. I'. J. Herman, president of tbe club, was (•ne of the sis-akers, and Ivsik occasion to em-

|i|iasixe tbe lm|iortan<'e of the Strollers to tba amiisMient world. Toastmaster Sherman referred to the l■onllng revel, which Is to be an annual event, as the one that would start the ball roU-

j Ing for these enjoyable o>'easlona. Among th" sp>akera were Judge Chaa. Gond-

now. Judge Sabbath. Aaron Junes, Will J. Davis, Sr., and Mort Singer.

Entertalnnient was fumlsbed by the Primmos Four llankolT and Girlie. Taylor Holmes and

Burleaqua Owner and Produerr


Washington, D. C., Jan. 22.—Princess Texlco, ♦be Oriental dancer, appearing this week at the

Bljon Theater here, was arrested Sunday evening on tbe charge of Immoral dancing. The manage¬

ment of the theater In connection with Hap Jonea’ Burleaqne Stock Company deny the

charge, and bond waa given. The caae will be vigorously conteated.

Tbe company la now In Ita third week of continued favor and la drawing well. The

company la beaded by Hap Jonea and Pbll

Oollina, featuring Edith Aator. A chomg of V twenty glrla. and added attractlona every week,

I are doing much to make the abow a atrong

' favorite.


New York. Jan. 30.—Mrs. Margaret O'Connor

Hickman. T2 yearn of age, widow of the noted

museum proprietor, died Tuesday from pneu¬ monia at her reablenre In Bnadilyn. Her lata linsband, Is>ula Hickman, waa a widely known

dime museum proprietor of Manhattan and Coney Island, and he was also Interested In tlie variety theaters on the Ibiwery. He was

a i>art owner of the old Is>n<1on Theater. Mrs.

Hickman shared In the management of all of her liusl-and'a amnsement placea.


The Gayety Theater, Philadelphia, has the

largest hilling staff In the city, working two

wagons and an auto. The billing not only cov¬ ers the city but the aubnrhs. Earl Stratton la

the agent, and has the clrcoa ginger contractfsl from Colonel George Goodbardt.

Max Spiegel's Merry Rounders Company did tbe largest gmea bnslneas In ClevelamI, O., that

the bnrieeqne season has witnessed thus far. The

Merry Rounders hold the house rec<*rd of the

Star, Cleveland, and tbla without any holiday or extra perfrtrmancea.

Billy Watson still contlnoea to cop news¬ paper space. Albany papers recently paid him

and hla company many trltmtea.

mie Naked Truth, put ou by Max Armatmug's

company, playing stock at People's, ClndDnatl,

I last week, waa ona of tbe Mggeat aueceauai this

New York. Jan. 21.—Mollle Wllllama, who la heading Bob Mancheater’a Crackerjacka, tbla week made her initial appearance In burlewine

In Hartford and literally took tbe town by storm. A big theater party waa tendered the clever Mollle by the Hartford Lodge of Shrinera. greaentlng her with a huge baaket of beautiful •owera. Next week Mollle and her supporting

company will be at tbe Jacques Theater, Water- hnry. Conn.


New York, Jan. 22.—Jack Singer, proprietor «f tba Bebman Show, just can't be happy this oeaumn imleoa be la breaking records. After

copping tha bnalncaa record for regular per-

JANUARY 29. 191§. 16

The Billboard wants to get a line upon conditions obtaining in the Antipodes—how the war has affected VAUDEVILLE INTERESTS in general and those of Hugh McIntosh and Rickards, Ltd., in particular.

Please write fully or v.ire your present address at our expense.



roDrvrns ■■ Tiianitle. the Paramoiint, William VAUDEVILLE NOTES 1^ r. Vw M World Klim, ■oon to b« abnorlxHl bj the

E<ialtable, are firmly entrenched with their _ ■ — - - -• — ■ program pollclea, while Carl laemmle and John Billy Keraanda' Original Minntrel Boya and of Boatoa'a hlatoric playhouaea, faring the Ooia-

JUST A WOMAN B. Kreuler, controlling two mighty organUatlona. Olrla, with Mra. Billy Keraanda, widow of the mono on Tremont Street, and honalng Daddy

iContlnnnl from page 4) are alao firm in the belief that tha program la Billy Keraanda, and a company of eight Long la-gs. In which Ittrth Chatterton la atar-

lalflly nio>lng a<enea.” From The Tribune: the thing, and unleaa erery one of theae confilctlng alngrra and dancera, opened week before Uat at ring, waa awept by fire yeaterday afternoon, tha

••Juat a Wiiman la a play with a punch. Eu- Intereata can be combined Into one concrete body **** Grand Theater, Birmingham, Ala. The act la entire portion of the houae back of the footUghta e, ne Walter’a drama hoe the beat court room and each giro way to the eitent of taking Ita onder the management of Harry E. Crandall, b,.ing dt'stroyed, with coneldarable damage In

iM-ene eln.-c On Trial. But for two acta the chance In an atwolutely open market there can !•>* Nlgro Greater Bbowa the the main audltorlnm. due to fire and water. The


Boeton. Jan. 24.—The Tremont Theater, ot

play la In a rut." Said The Tlmea; "An In be no new era with the true ring to It. paat aeaaon. The offering opena with a mlnatael loaa to the theater property la eatlmated at

LmIt theatrical ple.e. with a amaahing hit- What la going >o ha|>(«n firat of all will be P*--*- Tom Jackaon and Blnch Melan- ,ia5.0.»0. with between $40,000 and $60,000 loaa •riulnlLeeye rllmax etolved from the eiclte- the adrent of an Atant Courier for the new era principal enda. and conclndea with a jn w-enery, wardrobe and propertle# of tha

imnt of a trial for divorce. Juat a Woman. In the aha(>o of aome Intrepid Indiridual who ««'-»el‘y mdalcBl act, called Down in Zulu Land. Daddy Ix>ng-Lega abow. The origin of tha fira

both In the work of the playwright and the will ahow how tha thing can be done, and then The whole act mna for one hour and la a myatery.

work of thi" pUjfr«. U of tbr utago but wtU follow a stamt'^lf to f^t omler cover. It ^j The Tremont Theater la owned by Menera. It haa a hnn.ln-d and one marka that are pro- la at thU atage that the new Moaea will reveal Manager 1^* Grand, extended ^ Erlanger, with John B. 8<boeffel as

phrllc of a prolonge<l and proept rona popular bimaelf. * * enga^men n "**.»*^ t" •^*l<lcnt manager. With the exception of tba aucceaa." The Evening World termtnatea Ita In the meantime let ua all be thankful for the • ran a n en a o sen * • • long run there last spring and summer of Tba

. .. ...._ ..I. 1. .. ..f .r. hn'l «'» tT for time In New York shortly. _ __... review aa follows: "Juat a Woman Is Juat the passing of the “gold brick" era. Beveuty-fi's

acrt of play that a neglected, aelf-aacrlficlng per cent of the pnbllc patronage of the photo-

wife may enj«.y." play twHiae la attracte.! according to the stand- iDf fof Ibe W. V. M. A. and Cnlted for tho Ing of the theaters. The exhibitor knows what P“»t “In* weeks In a mnatcal comedy sketch, to present, but hU la a hard game. When be csllwl. Oh. Ton Daddy. The act has been very

'' ‘ Birth of a Nation the houae always baa coo- Fox Kellly-a Globe Trotters have been appear- flne<i legitimate attractions.

•j-^£ gll^QgpELLA MAN 1® present, but hta la a hard game. When be celled. Oh. Yon Daddy. The act has been verj .. seeks h> aecnre a sncceaaful picture he muat sncceaaful. and has played five return dates

Tlir CINDEUKI.I.A MAN—A comedy In four change bis entire aervlce to do so. Yet so big With th.» company arc Fox Reilly, Ernest Un acta, by Elward Carpenter. I*n. u,. Industry now that It Is even doubtful If 'wood Don Nlcbola. Walter Diggs, Fred W du.e,j the prvgram concema get a. much this way a. Kennedy. Harold Pate. Ben E. Young. Gracv

ea er. • « _ ’ they would If there waa open competition In a Reilly. Alice Brown, Ruth Vincent. Celle Ora

DRAMATIC N0TE3 (Continned from page 6)

acta, by E lward ( t'arpenter. du< e<i by Oliver Mortevco at the 11 Theater, New York City, January IP.


la the indostry now that It la even doubtful If Mebola. Walter Diggs, Fred W. Productions Company at about M.OOfi. IB me iDousiry now rnai u is even uonuvini ii „ ,. ^_ n_The company went Into bankruptcy Uat Novem- the pnigram coucerua get aa much this way as Kennedy, Harold Pate, Ben E. Young. Grace her.

they would If there waa open competition In a Reilly. Alice Brown. Ruth Vincent. Celle Ora- Fear Market, the new play by Amelia gigantic central booking aystem. Certainly In- ham. Irene Marshall, Thelma Goodwin and Rives (Princess Tronbetikoy) will he played centlve would be provided to make better pic- Bobble Pats. The act la under the direction for tbe first time in New York at tta Bwth . aam Th.ll lUealer on the evening of January 2d. Thla tnrea, and the Insane Idea that the motion pic- production la the first of the new managerial tnre U other than an entertainment for the The Aerial Eckboffs played the Piincesa Tbea- alliance of Harrison Grey Flske and Georgn masses will pass. ter. Gibson City. Ill., to good bnainess during Mooser. The cast, chosen with great care, will

Morris T. Caner .Berton Cbnrchlll centlve would be provided to make better pic- Boobie pata. me act is nnoer me direction Dr. Jow-ph Thayer.'niecdora Hal»co< k tnrea, and the Insane Idea that the motion pic- Thall.

I’lisigcti ..Peitival wnU ^ other than an entertainment for the The Aerial Eckboffs played the Princes# Tbea-

. (Carles l.ane *“••»*• ’em pa**- ler, Gibson City, Ill., to good bnainess during ...

Marjv-rlr Cani-r..'.'.’.‘.'Phoebe Foster We have Just ae.-n how abanrd la the Idea the week of January 10. presenting their '••“F L^ie "DeWlt'r Cel«-»fe .Haael mmey tMit people will pay two dolUra a seat week trapeae and Roman ring act. The Eckboffs, who I Kennetfc Hunter. Edwin Nlcander, Walter Mcolls. Anthony (julntard..

.*^*li*If*ii after week to see 82 dtffeient weekly programs, were with the luMont Circus last season, are Eleanor Gordon. France Bendsten. Charles Loth-

.Mllll _ __. aa-. -a-.._ _sai -a_a.. . _.. ^..,....^4.... .4#.*.^. *W.^4. K^swa^ 4oa Iltn flU'hftrfl Jllltn VillsaSnA MapIa Jsrrv ITImnli .Flank Balsm The tw<edollar picture will always be a sort spending the winter at their boms In Peters- Ian. Rkhard QoHter Juan Vll^no.

Ihe Great Khe Ilear.Loolle La Verne of Metropolitan Opera House of plctnredom. and borg. Ill. The Princes# Theater. In Gibson City, • Howard Barbonr Chester*^ Hai^aS

New York Jan. 20.—Another ancceas has been *"• aoccesafnlly a year tha better 1« operated by the Woolley Brothers (Frank, Tracy L'Engle.

prisln.-ed by’ Oliver Moros.-o In The Cinderella '* ***• In^o’tcF Itself. George A. and Arthnr). Tneeday. Jnnnary 2B, marked the two bna- Tneaday, Jnnnary 28, marked the two bna- Man a comedy which bad Ita New York pre- Moseo will operate on the Idea that The Eagle Magician, a magaxlne devoted to dredth pi-rformance of Hip Hip Hooray at tba

.1 til. iludMi Theater kid The World ^ aosUIn the Industry, at magicians and acta of the kind, is being pub- Hippodrome, New York, mlere at Ihe Hudson Theater. Bald The World • s e HcA<le has been added to the cast of critic; "The Clmlerella Man abounds In senlt- ■ ■ Katinka. now playing at the Forty-fourth Btraat

Theater, New York.

The following people comprise the cast of Any Bonse. now In rehearsal In New York: Edwin Arden. Edith Lockett. Katharine Ehnmett, Louise Galloway, AniBe BuFkley, Frank GIU- niora, Milton Sills, Lionel Adams. Jas. Seeley, Jay Wilson, George Henry Trader. Lonls La Bey. Pan! Decker, Jack DavU and Unntiar Anlen.

Grace George and her company are nearlnf the end of their llfth month at The Playbonaa, New Y'ork.

Hobson's Choice celebrated Us one hnodrsdth performance at the Comedy Theater, New York, last Friday night.

Sir J. Forties-Robertson celebrated the ality- third anniversary of bis birth on January lA at Dnluth. Mina. No apecUl event oocomd to mark the accaslon.

critic; "Tbe Clmlerella Man abonoda In seotl

Bent. Tbe fanciful comedy baa gentle ebana In

Ita story and acting.” From Tba Herald:

"Fragrant and ftrsh. like the clover In June, Is

The ClmlerelU Man. a falry-llke little comedy

of youth and love." Tbe critic on Tbe Eaenlng

World sniamed It np In this manner; "In short,

Tbe (nodersiu Man la a dellgbtfnl play delight

fully acteil. If you love youth and romance—

and who doesn't?—dolFt miss It." From Tbe Snu; "The ('tnderella Man proves to be a play

of quiet charm." From The Evening Journal:

"The Cinderella Man Is a come<ly of pore love.”

Fr^m The Tribune; "The Clniieretla Man. a

fairy tale of tmlay, la for tbe yonng at heart."

rn>m Tlie Evening Hnn; "The Cinderella Man

la tilled with a spirit of youth. Whoever sees tbit little ga-m will have a real holiday.”


New Tf>rk. Jan. U*.—Tbe bHl for tbe Dlag- hlleff Rnssian Ballet's perforroaut'e at the Cen¬

tury Theater last night Included one number J that had m f yet been given here. I/es Sylphldea. A a sertej of dlver»ls«enients In Ihe strict classical T

ballet style arrangevl to Bocturmw. waltxea, pre- T

Indea and maxtirkaa of Chopin In orcbeatral ver- ^ ainns. The priuctpal solo dances were <V'ne by Miles Mailetowa. I»pokova and Tchemb'beva

and M Bolm. Tbe audience seemed pleasevl

with It last night. High Class Magical Apparatus

ROBERT GRAU (Continued from page 5.)

will car^ tkm along with him to tt* ^1- COMPLETE BILL FOR ACTORS’ Tbe Kitamura Acrobatic Family baa finished cvmla, also that be will aarry oaly those who FllIMn RFN^PIT •” *“*«fement In Pbiladerphla, and has been

•tart with him. booked to open on the Orpbeum Clrcoit. In 8eat- W bero to find ouch a man la the problem. (CVmtlnued from page 4) tie. Wash., with twenty-five weeks to follow, it

i^ong the ^’•■rai powerful fact^ now In- Golden, with Levrta •» “W- Thla la tbe third season for the KlU-

t^n^ed 1“ the li^natry ^arly a U opera to « Vlm-ent Herrano and Madge Kennedy. Family over tho Orpbeum Time.

*, " * ® '^*** “* \ marking the latter's first appearance In a tragic William H. Armstrong and Company, Includ-

DtD**tj-aTe pw* c^nt of Oie att^Ddmoc* liaheU at MlnneapoUa by ColUaa Pents, who, O O not pay more. There will always be one big by the way. Is thoroughly capable of handling v

pivslnctlon, but never will the two-doUar picture anything of thla character. The number for sJbUrt*No Large ^-pace niiMraud*?!? be theatrical In character. January Is composed of sixteen pages of good feaidon^ Catalog, ioa

- material, nicely edBed. ^ ROTERBERG, Tbe Kitamura Acrobatic Family baa finished | ISI Weal Oatarle Straet,

an engagement In Pbiladerphla, and has been booked to open on the Orpbeum Clrcnit. In Seat¬ tle, Waah., with twenty-five weeks to follow, it 4 CLASSY SONGS, 50c

gn.«la. but one may observe at every tu* a

tendency to conciliate, thongb so many of tbe


CHA.VKE marking tbe latter's first appearance In a tragic William H. Armstrong and CYimpany, Includ- * “ c^’axgR--

role. I Ing Maudle Smith and Geraldine Field, after a JAS. F. DOYLE. $52 C. Eacle St. Buffala, Wear Yert. ne«. I •“ addition to these dramatic and mnalcal | tour of tbe Pacific Coast, Jumped from San

‘ “umN-r, Mlw. Molly Pearson, of Holwon'. Choice, rranci^y, to Hartford. COnn., to open on the RED-HOT JEW PARODIES gram basla and are so rrlnctent to grant to the

exhibitor lii<1ei<endenre that It would be shew folly to exirect any of theae to change their

umnei-a jai*# xaoiiy t earson, oi uooson a vmuace. w .•••vwiu, vvuu., iw on viiv nktv-iiwi eb vs i nnwwib* "t»n (Tine 1-1." Ill appear. Time. They are presenting a comedy pUy- --ivrram Otrl." "Somebody Knows." 10c eech. I fae

selection, will be rendered fro. KaOnka. L?t

mods of film dlalributlofi until the advent of ZlegfHd a Folllee, and Stop, Look, listen, and * tha new Mtswa. and fer this very reason the several vandevllle numNn will be cootribated Tbe Moore A Watteraon Vandevtile Company

man who will aolvs the Intricate problems la by White nn>l Abrahams, tbe Two Bryants and *• •I“<11“* bnainess good In Iowa, patting on a

not Jlkely to be Luind even among tbe most sac- I otbere six-act ebow each night, and playing return

re#«ful of present-day pnainesra.

BIG TIME ACTS Written t- order for particular people. Theae wbe

After tbe performance there will be nn Actors' I •!••*• 1“ every bouse. The company Includes I want acta jo play tho beet cirrulta. write for prim Tbe one man who no to now bat voluntarily Fnn.l Dam^nte uiwtalrs at tbe Caatlea In the people, aa follows: James G. Moore, Wan- day—NOW. N. J. BITKWHEET. Bunttnytoo. Maas.

anted iDdeiwndence to tha exhlblhw 1. an arm Air. ^ Watteraon. "Bo^ DeMareat and Jack Baker. ynP UnilMTra HQ IlkinCMTSMnCD ’ a wmnn nf m.nnCar-t>11 -■_ >n,i _ Charlcs I^iFord. Writing from Mansfield. O., TUP MOUNTER OR UNDERsTANDER

granted la<le|<endence to the exhibitor la an arm Air of a group of mannfartorers all ploaeera aiht

all seemingly pre|>ared to ally tbemaelvea In

turh a movement, bat aneb Important proilnctng






The rtnclnnatl branch of the Theatrical Stage Ona Pan Time. Others In the company are Bert

Employee,* and Benevolent Aasm-latloo gave a Fox. Marion Maxwell. Lncile Dye, Crystal \A/IGS Ciiaricifi* WlFl FfOli SOfi Ub mask carnival at Central Turner Hall Thunslay Fleming and a chom. of five. We’mak! uiythln. In

night. January 2G. Perfonnera from nearly Fred Delmar, while appearing In an act with *“'1 Beards for ladles and men. Dur prim art every theater In the elty t.s k part In the affair, three Ilona at the Busby Theater McAIestev **

The cen.mlttee on ar'.ngcment. consisted of ok.. last week, was aeverely bitten by one of the '

I.ouls Hahii.^ chairman^ llllam I arker, treat- animals. Delmar bad placevi hit head In the Waiitid, Good Lookirg Clmrui Giris iirer, and Kdwin J. M.-i.nlre, iwcretary. , „„with. when the animal closed down on State Uv-«t salrv, s«ma. tW mkaH

J ti^p%A r\eAn him. Althoafh Delmar'* face wa* badlj lacer- Phota B B., cere BUIboard. U<i5 Hmedwaj, N. T. dead proceeded with the performance, and had ^ ^

^ Watteraon, **306** DeMareat and Jack Baker. Charlea leaFord. writing from Manafleld. O., TOP MOUNTER OR UNDERSTANDER states that tbe Cnlted Mnalcal Comedy Com- Would like to Join acrobatic act for hred tad band

pany la encountering a very good season on the Twxigo*** BALTTiK oars


Colnmhas. O., Jan. 22. —I,ee II. Bods. 52. traveling rep?v«sentst|ve for the Y'alentlne elr- MeFall s Dogs and Monkeys are now playing

etilf of theaters, todsy was suddenly stricken Western IVnnsylvsjiia and are headetl Bast with acute dilation of tbe heart, following a Bverywhers the act has appeared managera ppo-

balh ami ruNlown In a Turkish bathhouse. He elalm It the best attraction they have ever bad

died Instantly. Bode bad been oufferlng from Kor smmen and children.

Ihe grip. William Benee and wife are rebearslng with node's father, I,eo M. Boda. te proetdent of a nmaleal cunedy tabloid. A Chlneee Houeynvonn

Ihe Valentine Company, and hla brother. Robert new in rohoeraal, tnd wblck will shortly have F. Hods, U manager of tbe Hartman Hieater. Its premiere.

the wound dre«»d .fter fh- .how MIDGET ENTERTAIMER the wound dressed after the abow. WANTS peslU.s. with a vaudeville cmupeiiy. Ea-

MeFall's Doga and Monkeya are now playing Perleiicr.1 JOE HARDY, 85» W. ISriMoa 81., Ci»l-

RICTON WRITES: ”•^{^,1'^^.:^ Elmwnnit riaea, O., last week, areUng original tdeea. This Xltth. -veeti, I>«-liland. i» P A —rail assln.


Maoagsmant Bxtuy B. Bants IMaka

mint anM»n;r the













Welcome Given Company on

Return to Shubert—Capa* city Business for Seven

Keys To Baldpate

jHirtuiiity to (lispla; ({(.(kI work. Mr. MrWat-

tors :i|>|H>arotl iu tlio role of Ja<'k Si-ott atut ao- (jiiittoU liiuis--lf with honors. Mao Mohiii, as

• iortriKlo Moyor, was idoul. Loslio Wohh pjayod

tlio part of Jorrolil It. S«-ott iu a iu(>st «-on viiioiiii; iiiaiinor. Kdllh Itray, Kloiior rin-holu. Kditli Itowora, Viotor Klotohor and Thomas Kni^or woro all exia-lloiit iu thoir rosi>ooti\o

parts. Tho (Irand Stock ('omiwiiy will oU«so

Mr. lairoy oxis-ots to o|H'n his IKic and I’ouy

M'ou ulsmt May 1*. at P'ustoria. uudor Ida owu iiianaKoiiioiit, uhilo his ro|H>rt«dro show will ('|H-u uudor oaiitas on tho sauio dati uudor tho

uiaiiacoinout of Carl Clark. Mr. I.uroy has

Ison in tho husinosa twenty two yoara, aud kiniws tho Kamo thoroUKhly. Ilo has a lar|[o |H ny farm at Costoria, whoro ho livoa.


Open Tampa Theater for Season

Tampa. Cla., Jan. ‘J)i.—Sam and Kilna Park,

JANUARY 29, 1916.


KaNh'a Braai Thaaira, Naw Yarli City.


I'ligagomont iu Youngstown uovt Saturday siipisirtod hy oiio of tho In-st stwk i-ompanloa

night, and will o(>ou at the tirand 0|H‘ra llouso. Torn- liaute, Iiid., Kobrunry 7. Tho S|s‘Ud-

sot'U lu Tampa for aomo tiuio. opoiiod tho Tampa Tboator for tho soasou laat Saturday

MlnnoaiKdis, Jau. Ui>. - Tho 15aiiii)rldgo 1‘layors

aro liack again in tho Shubort Theater. Tliey

wore laid olT for a mouth while The Birth of a Nation was showu; then i>ut in the two weeks

befon- Cliristmas at the .Metroimlitan, followed

l>y wfok Htanda at Sioux ( Ity aud Mason City, la. The company was n>yally greeted upon Its return and gave Sovou Keys to Baldpate to

oupai'ity husinesB, despite cold weather. This

week The High Cost of Isivlng la being pro-



Waukegan. Wis., Jan. St*.—Cheater A. How-

rd and Ui-orgia Ix-e Hall, niombora of the ShubiTt Theater 8to<k Company, of Milwaukee, were nnirrlod in this city lust w«-ek. They slip|M‘d nuletly otit of Milwaukee and surprised the luemlK-ra of the company by returning with

a marriage oertlfloete.


Montreal, Que., Jau. 1“-’.—Ills Majesty's Stock

AJompany haa only one mon- week to fill In this city, as business is said to be so bad that It is useless to continue the engagement. The

ompany will close next Saturday night. The¬ atrical people. In a |H>altion to know, declare that the iHisinesa la almost at a atandatill In

Canada. Tartloulariy la this true of stock com¬



Aberdeen, S. I)., Jan. —The Sherman- Kelly Stock Company, which, for several sea

tana past, has been playing the H. L. Walker circuit of theaters, will shortly fill an engage¬ ment In tills dty. Theatcrgwrs of Aberdeen

have bten looking forward to the appearance

of the Sherman-Kdiy players, as the company

baa been expecting to play .\l<ordoon each aoa- ton. Harry B. Shonnuii, well known here, is manager of tbe company, nnd also a|>i>ears in

tbe pr<Hluctiona.


Minneapolis, Jau. It*.—Tbe late Frederick

Beak, who died at I'liishiug. L, 1., last week,

is v\ell remembered here, having headed several Bto<'k oompanlea wtth his wife, Jessaline Uogers.

As early as 1S>>5 he formed a partnership with

W. K. Sterling, whow wife was Marie Wellesley.

The Jealousy of the two women as to who should have the center of the stage broke the partner¬

ship, and the Sterlings induced local capitnlista

to build tbe People's Tlieater, now the Bijou 0|>era House, for them, .Afterwards Bock had

a stock eompany In the l.yeum Theater, now

the Lyric.


In Youngstown Is Verj' Popular

Youngstown. O., Jau. tSJ.—The Grand 8to<-k Comii.iny, owned by W. O. MeWattera-Webb aud Company, under the management of Sam C. Miller, prewilted, at the Grand Theater, this Week, Jack Lait's comedy. Help Wanted. Tbe

tirand Sto.-k Company is one of the highest, and the memlsrs have the necessary

• lent and cleverness to stage the royalty pro- uctlons In proper and hftlng style. Help

Wanted was one of the liest this company has

jet produced, and each memlicr had ample op

thrift Is in rehearsals for next Wwk. the closing uftenioon to a large audience. As in the past, wt-ek here. the Parks have a large comiiany, and surprlst'd - tt’"lr admirers by their versatility. Tlie Show

MELVILLE NOTES Girl, a musical pnsliictiou, was presented by - Manager Park laat week.

Melville's Comeillana No. S Company, tinder ______________ the management of Cliff (Pete) Swan, closed Its ~ , j.. _-

season of 40 weeks at Albany. Tex., January StOCK 3011 KCpeFtOFy iSOtCS 1. It was the original Intention of tbe manage- ■ ■ _

meiit to close December 1, but as business and Tlie Grand Sus k Company, Youngstown, t)., weather conditions were ao favorable the abow started the new year with The Y'ellow Ticket to staytsl out one month longer,

Mr. Swan visited Melville’s Comedians No. splendid alteiuiance, and gave a very gissi pre¬ sentation of this meltslrania. Mae Melvin was


MatraaalU Tkaatrr,_Naw York City.


Parwaaaat Agaiwts. 226 W. SMk tt., N. Y. C.


KaRh’a Braax Tkaatra,_Naw Yark City.


Kaitk’a Madask Playara._UnlaaHIII, N. J.

SLAUSON d. TYSON’S I'RKMIKH ItlKliis HtrcMicvAt Tab. on UaiAaL 2ttt) Wrrk, Ttmple, Canklttia Nt*w JctwV.

W. O. MeWATTERS Coiup.iny for a few- days at Little Ho>‘k, Ark., | |H-rfeelly at liome In the part of Marya. .Mr. en route home. Mel- MeWatlers. as the

vllle has his w'orking .American new spa- crew on the job. and ELSIE EDNA js-r correais>ndeul.

by 8|>riug will have _found anotlier i-oii-

bis entire tent out- genial part that fit new througliout. • addtsl to Ids eiivl

The roster of the a X aide po|>uUrlty. Mr. No. 2 Comiiany was ^ ^ Welih. as Hie P.arrin.

as follows; Bert ^'’*s an ideal ehar Melville, owner; Cliff

Swan, manager, ac¬

tor and band leader;

Fred Mitchell, treas¬ urer; Mra. Albert Bush and Mra. Ma-

raaca, tickets; Wind¬

sor Mnnell, orchestra director. The acting cast was: AIL-ert

Bush, leads; George Brockbabn, heavies

and piano; Jack King, comedian;

Bruce E. Millern, obaractera; Cliff

Swan and FVeii Mitchell, general

business; Margie

Garrett, leads; Net¬ tle Davenport, char¬

acters; Grace Brock- habn, souhrette, and

Bath King, general

business. Tbe or¬

chestra, under the

direction of Windsor Mnnell, was at fol¬

lows: Windsor Mu- nell. violin; Jay

Davis, clarinet: Fre<l Mitchell, cornet; __ ^ _

George Brockhabu. Bowers as Mrs.

piano; Albert Bush, fine of the youngest and most versatile leading Peyton. Miss Har- trombone; Ed Mo- ladles, now vrith the ITill Mal,er S'oe-k Com- as Jaek’a

rasca, bass; Abe Pkny. mother, Tom

Freeman, drums. Knieger as his

Manager Swan ia now at hli home in Bristol, I ehum, I-r-ster Howard as the gymnasium in- Tenn., arranging for the playt and engaging the I strin tor. and Beimet Finn also found favor people for next spring. The show la stored at j with the aiidi4-neea for their clever work.

Cisco, Tex., and the company will oi>en in that . Last we.-k the Graml 8to<'k Company prea«-nfe<l

Craag Tkaatar, LtADING MAN

Ysuagstswa. 0.

gave an excellent


throughout. Follow-


Grand Tkaater, Ysuktatswa. 0.

five |H-ople, lucludliig a band and orchestra, aud will pre.w-nt new pruduclluua, aouie of which are late royalty suc-esaes. The top wlH N- «» feet, with there 24kf(K>t middles, aud will have a

. . . . •'cstllig capacity of over 7ia*. Kebearsala will acter. and In-gln .U.„, May I. at or mar Wataeka. III. the pidished villain _ in a manner that Brjant Stock Comiwny played a very won him enthiiHl enRVf ment week b. fore last at tbe

astir commendation •'“••“"''io™ Tlwater. Van Wert. O. Tbl. com

All the mem»»n. of eugagementa Feb the company w. rv *' ■'«' ■ fl.sitlng theater,

happily pla,-ed and Virginia.

Cirpenter has aifDed up by Joha

throughrmt. Follow- letdlng ivdes In th« New Bed- inr the Yellow (Masa.) Sl.wk Company. MIta Carpenter

Ticket, week of Jan- •'** January

nary 10. The Lot¬ tery Man was |.re- * ***" reason of tbe Nutt Comedy PUyeiw loiiiMt iu which W ‘““"F'lrat sl at Hihiiiib, Iji.. January I*, aud

■ the show was given the largest opening night's Isislncss In Ha history. All Hie atandlng room

was taken Iwfore tbe overture. The show has M-veral new |N-ople: Hunter and Gibson replace

1). McAVatters and

Misa Melvin won

new comevly honors. urwi iRv-vi.iv. iiuuter Buu viiussm Fspiace

Misa Melvin a gowns j, o’Brlen and William were a matter of I. . - - considerable c(im-

went with a whirl f'om Hie very start.

Ldith Gray created a riot as Lirzie, the

iiii|Mwsilde old maid.

vicinity the latter part of March. Jack IjiH'a Help Wanted, with Mr. Webb as

- JerroM U. S<-ott. Miss Melvin as the pretty

HARRY LAROY COMPANY I young stenographer, Mr. MeWatters as Jack.

- nnd Tom Krueger as 8t« wart the attorney. Miss

Proving Popular in State of Ohio tiray ami Miss Bowers were alsvi plai-ed In parts - that add<-<l to Hielr isipulnrity.

Logan, O , Jau. 21.—The Harry Larviy Stock ,, ’ . ^ ’ The (idchestcr-tiracea Ilepertolre (omiiany, (omp.iny, under the m.-inagement of Harry , , , , , .

, . J , . which plajeil wily a short season

Hamilton li.ire alwi joined. Craxy Harry IHcb la back again and is crkixler than ever. Ills II flee aits ronllnue to be thrillers. Ilie liand

ladles, anil the play enlarged by another trouihone and a vsenv with a whirl making it fourteen piei-es atrviiig. The

show' will Is* in Louisiana until early spring,

when It will move north to Its old lerrllorv. " . ... After the night |•erfo^nan^■e on January 10 Mr liiiiK*silde old maid Vu,, dressing rv-.m.

who draws the wliere the inemlM-rs of the i-ompnny presented lucky iiuiniter; Miss |,||„ with a green and gold psraib* l>anner of

Bowers as Mrs. handsome design. Tbe Golden I'agir on the top Id most versatile leading I’eyton. Mine Har „f tp, «taff was christened with a IsdHe of ■hll Maior Suck turn <siurt a" Jacks champagne, and will, hein-eforth. Is' the einbleni

mother. Tom of gcssl luck.

Knieger as h I s | Jennings Show Cuiii|>aDy, under the man

ngemeni of T. 11. Jennings, Is touring Texas very au-’cessfully, making we«'k atands. The

Jennings show Is a two ear outfit, with twenty

five iieojde, and haa Ism n out In this territory Jack laiit H Help Wanted, with Mr. W etdi as eight years without climlng, according to

Jerrold U. S<-ott, Mias Melvin as the pretty («, Peank Smith, of Hie comi>any. A ten piece

young stenographer, Mr. MeWatters as Jack, band and a seven plei-e webestra Is rarrieil.

nnd Tom Krueger as St* wart the attorney. Miss With the isnnpany are Mr. and Mrs. Jennings,

Laroy, presented last week at the .New Theater » . _ , ' . .. I of ten weeks the past summer, owing to the here The Moousbiners, a story of the T* nm-swe ' . ... . i .i ■ i ■ excessive rains, will ois-n again this (sniilng monntains. A gissl-slzed audleni-e was on hand .*

ray nnd Miss Bowers were als<i plai-ed In parts Jack Carr. Frank Msco. F'rank HmIHi. Knsi Imt add'll to Hielr |HipuIarity. Mols-rly, Verl F'oley, Margaret Jennings. Blanche

The t'ob-lieati'r-Graces Ile|s*rtoire t'limiiany, M'da-rly, ( athcrine t arr, lirai'e J, I.eavell, (.

niler canvaa, which pIb)>m1 only a short season J' B^'crist and F.. Ising.

f ten weeks the past summer, owing to the Harry E. Lloyd, of Kansas City, juni|MH| to xcessive rains, will ois-n again this (smilng lu-s M<dr<'H, la., a few days ago to j<dn ttid SI

to witnesa the pnaluction notwithstanding

storm tsunpetlHon. Marie Hayi-a played the lole of Daisy in a most splendid manner, anil Carl Clark won tbe .applaute of the sudiem-e thixiiighi'iit the performance. The test of the memta-ra put their parts over in a very com

mendahle way, the sp«-cialtieg between acta Ite- Ing a most cn]o.v8bIe feature. Tbe L.xriiy Ikig, I’ony and Monkey Miniature Clrcna went big.

Slimmer for a tour of Nortliem Indiana and Higgins'

E.iatem Illinola. The i-ompany will carry thirty- (CoiiHiiiied on page DO.)


-AM Und*r ttv* P«r«en*l Managamunt of-

HIM DDmifM 1920 Bryant, AEOLIAN HALL. 1*1111111 DtIfLHin DKUllli, AMERICAN PLAY CO.. INC.

JANUARY 29, 1916. Xtie Billboard

IVf A G 1 C TRICKt. BOOKS AND BUBBLIES (^■aililrlr, ut> to-Uie-Diiiutr PeaUir* Aru 111 Mliiil Krailliif aiid Hptrllual- IMIr ••irk tirM Ui Uit liusliinM. Hnid f<v Ibr ii<^ 'niuiiib Tir fiir «tt|r •tirk Hrrni llluatraUuris, rampIrTr illmrili*.*, 5i>e. I,arg<- l‘r<K>««iui>al ('■taligrur, IkO pagra, 10c.


Ijroo HIGH GRADE nLOO make-up

Uniform in Color and Quality Guaranteed

^Qr%mm faUt aa# PMr^arl

Y BRAl'>n AIrtiBpn.


|%| ■!«A I'ATAIaMJ vt Itirfnwliaial ami Ama UI HWV *'**'' Kbroitira. Miaioliiga. Mm- I I II I ^ atiTl i<4ira. KivAtailiaia. Make up ■ He. i«it rREK DICK 4 FITZOERALD. IS Aaa Btrerl. Naw Vark.


NYPNOTISN! Be I HYPNOTIST ind MAKE FUN ind MONEY! U takM but a f<-w hour, to Irarn. The rtuiljr iMtb ranjr and (a«<-liiatmg If )ou know how to HtpnotUe you ran perform ••■iiie of the inont marrrlou* teats IniaKmabie. You can suriirl.eyourftlriKlsand make yourself popu-.'w lar. You can place others under this strai.K-e sT mystic spell and rt>in|s 1 them to think, su t an 1 ' feel yurt as you wUh Youcan makemoneyiftT- Inf nitertainnMsits or tcacliliig aa -Ift C^i» olhsrt. H>piiu«lsin h.lpa so- ' ^ dally, fliiamially. flr<w rmir BAS •S'mHjty V D afr. will pimtT and a mans ■ to health and hajipiiifw* lutrw-{\K‘ Yk'* ■ tlfate Nirw Write h>r I'm 11 II V t5 d •*'tlfj. 9 lusiratnl Treatise and full |>af ^ tlculara. M. 0. BETTS. Sia. 623. Jacksaa, Mlchlfan.

Magicians! Escape Irlists! "33 Ropa lias AN!) CHAIN RELEASES.” 63 lllut- tratlaas. 20.000 words, bousd book.


irailot.s. »1 -o Ibioit —SLEIGHTS." latest Trioks ky Praftsaianal Mafi- cltos. 30 ohetoa. lOe.

Imerican Magic Corporation. L~.* (Daly Maake Pukllshsr Wkalssakr, ' , 'S- locorparalsd IlS.OOO),

'■ Ltnt Beach Bldf.. NEW YORK.

“MAGICIANS” \ We are THK IlLtlKyt'AK

WT</ LT^ W TKR-S f.c HsmlrulTr. Is^s M Inais. Mall Haas. .Hi rail-

. m Jai-kida. klilk I'ans. and, ^ Iti fart, eeerythliif In the

ntrape Une Iwnre. new lllustraieil (Wlalodue. which also <nrulns a omplrta Une of Noseltles. TMckr. I’uialrB and Illitsliuia Just tdT the prewi BKm THE OAKS MAGICAL CO.. Deot 280. Oihkaah. Wla.

MUSICAL GLASSES Muatral FSertrlr Bella, Ootna, FlpweT nua. Punnels, Xylofihooea. dss. Oat- al<wue on receipt of suiiMta L BRAl'NIORR. 1012 Napttr Aranue. Alrhmnnd RIU. N T

MM M ■ • We paint for the largmt ■■■■I Ml| produrerm. l*ToftosSfmal ar %l h m h I# W tlals uuaUty fuaran'ead

OulIylH I "yA

YOOR FRIEND “LORIS" •111 make It pleasant for yosi In DttrolL LfH’lR VAN DALL famoua for Baby Lohstrya, UldtUan Avonur. thmo dooro fma ('adlllar Theatre flrlll for mn and w<«en ‘Twlxt Dolly and I'adlllae Mate doors Drip In. folka

■MM m MMJM l.Ar«r IJsl id \<-w l*rafmaloral IXI and .Amateur llaja. Vauderllle I LAI ■ ^1 .SkHdies. M t a g e M' • • •• MiiisirrI Material, JoAsw. Must-

I tal PIseea. Radtatlaaa, Olalafaet, Make-op Goods, sic. Catalapus frss. T. S. DENISON A CO.. Daft. It. Chlsafo. Illlaala.

■■■ m MMJM l.Ar«r IJsl id \i-w l*rafroaloral III II and .Amateur llaja. Vaudecllle I Lll I ^1 .SkHdies. M t a g e • • •• Minstrel Material, JoAsw. Must-

I tal PIseea. Radtatlaaa, Olalafaet, Make-op Goods, sic. Calalcpuc free. T. S. DENISON A CO., Dspl. H. Chlcapo. Illloala.

TATTOOERS fnr V prior tl«t InitmrtlnnM for titionini

Mnt with orit«^ Hml iuimH it lowfwt prtc««

EDWIN t. BROWN, mOrstM AvMwt. DitrWt, MlehlfMii

WANTED IDEAS Write Icr LM cf lavcalloac Waalsd. 11.000.000 In Odrso oRwod Icr lawolloas. Our tour books soul frto. Stud sksleh lor tros opisloa as la patsataMllty.

Victor J. Etui k Co.. Sib 4 6. Wasbioftoo, D. C.

Ilruultid At iM-une hare li.D<led on cur uliores

for a aliu-t iteiiial, after a pleaHunt eiidUKenient fer the W. V. M. A. They will soon ramble uwuy for another Journey. rei-eUlng bookliiB-t from tliat naiiie otllce.

The AkI Trio la entertainiliK In the .Midtile

Went with a degree to signify gtssi reisirts and excellent pr -sa liollces.

Harry Van Kossen. who was re<ently 8e<ure<l

liy file msnsgeiiient of Keith's Tluater, Cimln nail, to replace Kddle 1..4H>iianl iHoause of III- iic-is. Is kept liusy in and out of our city playing

for the .\<wuM'iatiuD.

I.»-w SI.*au’H new lahloid. A Millionaire for a It.iy. Ih now in pn'puration, anil will l>e seen

<n Hie \V. V. .M. A. Time. The cast will con- rl-t ef elglifccn p-' iple, with s{MM'lal wenery and w irilrolK-.

Till- Mi.rx Hros. will coiiiph-te a very su<-cess fill s'-awm over the Orphi-um f'ircult at New I irh-ans.

IloMat-r>n and .''w;tylM-ll played the Kmpress

Theater. Chii-ago. four days. o|M-nliig Ih-cemWr The ac t showi-<l nexv material, wardrobe

and scenery, and was liooked Immeillately for He S, A V. rin-ult until May -7. opening at Hie riiii|ue rheatcr, MinDea|)olis, January 9.

Harry J. Karle. the eccentric singing and

dancing mim-dian. Is s|iending a vacation in

Itanville. 111., his home town. He exiuo-ts to < jM-n in vaudeville soon. lUdng a single.

Illxh-y and I.erner. recently at MeVicker's.

lave l>e,-n rtmteil o»er the .\ss<»-latlon Time.

.\r- tn-r and t'arr are tiiiWhing the S. Time, will lusiu I'ls-n for the .\ss<s-lation.

Hitch Ilroth«-rs have a new man. w-lth the

same ciuiiedian r>-t.vln*-d. and are just as hig

II hit as ex -r on .\ss<M'iatlon Time.

Ih-nny and Wissls op-n on the tiridieiim Thiie

K<-hruary 13.

.A Musical Matinee Is Nsikml till May 1.

Three lb* I.yens np<-ne<l on the Canailian Time

i-f the .\ss.a-tati<-n on January IT.

The fashion Shop op»-ns at Orand Forks. N.

1>.. January Jt. and will make a tour of the

new- Canadian Time of the .\sso<-iatlon.

Orsce ami Krnle Forre«t are hooke<l nntil

May «.

M< IbHigal and Shannon, who are <1oing the act formerly offeml hy Callahan and St. C.eorge.

opened on the Walker Time January 17.

Itsymond and Bain ojien for the \ss<s-lation

Vprll .T following their tour of the Pantages


I’aden and Bead open January 31 for the .XsNs-latlon. and are Nuikeil until .April 10.

The National City Four starts a tour of the Interstate small time at St. J.>s,'ph. Me..

Fehniary 7.

Billy and F.<lna SI. .Allon. the famous tlght- wlre kids, have signed up with the Sparks Bros.’

tTn-iis for the coming season and will he a fea¬ ture iiiider the hIg fi>p. This nifty pair of wire t-X|>erts haxe Just closed a successful Western tour, returning with a bunch of tine press iiotii es.



$4.50 Harry M^hth was en);a}ee<l as piano accompanist |

fT*r ratjipaut'lla, tbe Italian t**nor. diirinj; the R*-d or blue on white, $ Union label printing, latter-s .late at one of the local houses for the satWaiUon. Send

Kvaiie ainl sister returned to Chicago after playing Midddle West engagements for the as- s>M-iatioii. They jierforined at the .Af-ademy the

llrst half of last week and their muelty fo-d Juggling was xoli-ed as an act out of the ordi


I>-w Mathews and I’hyllis Kltis are traveling

through the State of Texas and getting j n-iH>rts.

Jii<-k Willani. who was stage manager for Valeska Suratt during her vaudeville dates, has Is-eii un<ler the watchful eye of Dr. Thorek and is DOW ahle to leave the hospital. Mr. Willard is <siiivales<-ing at the Bradford Hotel, Chi¬

cago, where his many friends may communicate

with him.

Yuma, the man of myster.v. who was recently seen at the Hreat Northern Hipp-'dronie, was held as a German spy by the English authorities not long ago ami released when he promised to sail for America. As a contortionist Yiima ranks as one of the Itest. having the distinction of being packed in a Isix that would cramp the ax-erage mhlget and ship|H*d as human frx-ight fix ni Tojieka. Kan., to Kansas City, for the feature attraction at the Gh'he Theater.

IL.lihy wat.soii and Kitty Fl.vnn have doubled up for vaudeville. Their Chicago i>|>eiiing hit the bull', placing them In the ranks of staiiilanl acts. Both are well knoxxn to the

vauileartists and will do well.

Hardex-n. ’•'I'he Handcuff King." who was the feature at the Amerii-an last week, left for New Y'xxrk to spend a week’s vacation with rel

of the only art that has played a full week’s

stand at the American this season.

Clayton White Is again appearing In George

V. n.xbart't sketch, called Cherle. supported by .May I’belps. I’auline Taylor and FVank Herlwrt.

Billy West, who bills himself. Is He Charlie Chaplin, has recelvetl numerous offers for book¬

ings and Is undecided what to do. West has secured the services of Miss Gibs.m. aud she

ought to fit the part splendldl.v for the panto¬

mimic act.

Koe Reaves, who severexl his cxxnnections with the Gay New Yorkers. Jake Goldenberg’s Co¬ lumbia Wheel show, is back with Willard Jarvis’ Six Serenailers. hobllng ibxwn the baritone end of tbe act. Reaves said be is glad to be back

borne again.

Tooks Taka, and her Hawalians. were at the

Majestic last week and came out with fl.ving oxdixrs. The native tlance by Tooks I’aka. to the strains of Hawaiian music, gave the act real



WANTED wlih f«c ikunr, n*'m play, rr«4ly to Mart I; imaimr wHItiic to plAT Mmil iMrt iMTHiltl tif iNMiNtlrtTsI Write iW wlrr* HAUni 1»H\\K. SM Ho M HI . W . tV^Ur lUpI.U. Il

WANTED-GIRLS. GIRLS. GIRLS With ffiMHl r<4ce« iii«l aiv lilixW ln»

MILH liAim>»KI», oiiv lUUhoirtl. New Yorti

HURD LETTERHEADS Itj. no* iraw, Tnr u« III Rl» txF SB \lll’HBl KG.

H>WA. Hhow |■rl..l^r


PALS CLUB-FRISCO "Penklwws 77B 0'Farr,ll.

yiAIAAxCT ^^Ill^Sllfl tVr twur and sHI iw exet sngx- !*,v-

<U1<I hand .AmHxrslus P«id Sc Trick lllusirstixl Catahw li.cliid.xt FHFF

MAGIC CO.. Sla. 2. 241 W. 3«h St.. N*x» v,rtt Cll».

Carrie IH-Mar, the rxxmexllennc. In vaudeville,

XX as -»bl1gcx1 to tio a single rex-cntly In Reading.

I’a., when she was appearing at the Hippo¬ drome. Her male (xarlner was struck on the head hy a large gU«s dxxme. which fell from the

flics Just b-fixre Miss l>eMar’s act went on. The show was haltrxl for a minute until a doctor was s’lmiitoneil. after which Ml»v OcMar put on a single and was rery well received.

1.00 2’lon’nce, an old lime song and dance co-

uuullan, who has been appearing with the Gray I’amlly through North and South Bakota this season, was stricken suddenly with pneumonia

while en route fixxni Hedfleld to Clark, S. B., a few days agx'. The Gray Family cancelled cn gsgcmrnta and toxxk him to Barton’s I’rlvate Hrwpital In Watertown. S. B.. where his cham-es

for n-covery are very smalt.

The Sl-xrkey Serenaders opened at the Bis-

niaix'k Cafe. »Inctnnatl. week N'fore last for a eshnret engagement. The Starkeys are flve men.

who ulng and play eMvIlenlly. Other performers »upplyln-g ealxsn-t entertainment at the Bismarck are MsN-l riidervxtssl. soprano: I’liinkctt and lsv>. ch.iracter singers; Merx-ntes, a novelty dam-er. Matinees are given at the Bismaix-k three afternoons w-eekly.

New Tear't Kve celebrations In San Fran i-lsro gave engagements to many Idle p<>r-

formeta who were laying over the holidays In

the Golden Gate city. The most notable of the

celebrations was the one at the St. Charb’s

Hotel. In which one hundred and forty per¬

formers took part. plarxMl through the booking

office of Mrs. Ella W’eston.

Two new acquisitions to vaudeville who will shortly nake their appearance In the tw-o-a-day are Gabrl"! IHxnlal, former leading w-oman for William Favcrshim. In The Hawk, who will

apixe.xr In a one-iet playlet, tltlexl The Way To Win. and RoN’rt Parsifal, an Italian baritone,

who will enter the varieties thixmgh the agency

of Fvelyn Blanchajxl.

Txmi Powell’s Peerlesx Minstrel Company, xxn

the Sullivan A Consldlne Circuit. Is doing won- dx-rfitlly well. The members are well, and even Billy Bowman Is looking younger. The com¬

pany appx'ared last week In San Franelseo.

after which It sfartexl East, making four Jumps hetxx-«'en t.te Coast and Kansas City.

ijiMonte A Isxrd’s Merry makers are appear¬

ing over th' GreenwixtHl Time. In the South. Meniliers of the company are Jack Isxrd. Frank

IjiMonle. Sol Carter, Grace Vernon. Guasie Ver¬ non. Gwina Borsey, Billy Botiglas. Edna Smith, Buhy Wilbanks and Nellie Howell. Tbe act Is l<o<ike<l solid, and la making good.

’The Bare Curtla Vaudeville Cometly Company laid off during the holidays In Grand Island. Ni-h., and resximetl bookings after the new year.

for jM-lce list. Route Book. 10c.



SHOWS For white or negro shows. Sizes: Half, one, three, six, fifteen and sixteen sheeta.

Prices reasonable.



'aWodiDf to iDTcot Aoy rnoMT, bowovar miioII. who hor 'toted noney uoproAtoblf. or who cbd mw9 $5.00 or Mora booth, but who hoao't leoroed tbo art ol 'ioTaatiof f6r pni^ t defOiiottroteB the fl eoroiof Mwer of mooey, the kwows

•dfe fiaoociera ood hookera bide from the mawta. It re^Mite 4be e*>onnoua proRta hookera make ood ahowa how to Bake 4k ;OBie proflta. It explaina lt#w Mupeodoua fortooea are Ba4 bod tvwp made bow 11.000 frowa to S2?,0(MY.rTo iotrodoee b, oacaxioe, write me TU aeodlt aiz mootha abeolotelf Flltf

* l BUia Pab' R 171. MW JackSNaifl CHIUM •

SEND FOR CATALOG ahowtoa fiftw original detifoa, anitablo for profesatooal people. taudeTilhaoa. circiie men. caroivala. etc. I etterheada printed ia one or more eolore. »t ape left for ph<4oe Thia eetal<>f will ware niaof di'lUra aud you get better letter- heada than you ever had Owing to the great evat of producing this ratalof

we are compelled tL> make a charge of lOc for aame. Send lOo and ece our oru'<nal deaigoa. All other printing at low priceo

ErRctt Fut«t C*., TkcRtricRl Priaters S27 S. DwirWa St. Eitabliihed 1890 Chicaga, nSaatg

LMkaad WearLINtDiamoids I Are Wlag w.r, by I6e wtwIthlMS

MB • ajr Rc-FI* ex.rvvk.r. HUtoll s<'id and lire diamond teat. 8o hard

^g^BH^^^Rrthey scratch a tile and rut Klaaa. Rrifll- gaarma!... tweaiy-iv. year.. Will .end

you thne wond.-rri.l items iivan> kt.xle. 14 R. mIiS gsM, regalar diaw.B4 •.aatiag.—hy exprean—charm a prepaid, M y.« raa .ee aa4 «.ar tbriB fmm Ka. th»w. • rlleler big Illa.lra<r4 mtal.C a.4 FRIF. TRIAL OFFER.

Whit* ValkyCamCa. 818 Bldg.,liidiaiiapalU,l^

a MONOLOGS, brand new. for Rolw, HI* I V. o* IKtloti, 5i>c each. 'laiklnf .Skits. Il|a I ^ Just M. A F . or 2 M., SOe ■■W ■ W y each. CDMEBY SKETCH. M. A F..

new, 75c. 15 4irrat I’aroxUes, all food, 5Sc. ExcliLslTe Material arrlttm iheai>.

E. L. GAMBLE. Playwflfkt, East Llvarttal. Obi*.

B 6ood Printed r Professional 1 Letterheads 0

Q at Low Prices



section H-7. F*b. 12-22

:::: Conviction is the Spice of ::::

ALL ARGUMENT Test our instruments for yours«‘lf.

Free passes upon request while they last.

The Martin Band instrument Company


Da yaa ataatlaa Tha Blllbaard whaa yaa aataMr aar adtT

18 X ti e Billboard JANUARY 29, 1916.


Tht> liilllxHird I*iiblisliing Company,


Ix)iig DUttanoe Telephone, Canal 5085. iiuhinta. is so ii\ii> ii

I’rivate Exchange, connecting all departmenta. •''hort of booming. Cable Address (llegistered), “Bllljboy.*' hlCilgo, St. Loui _ Omaha, Minneapolis,

■ waukee, Detroit, Ch IJIl.XNCir OFFICKS: Pittsburg, Cincinnati,

NEW YORK. tanooga, Baltimore, >

Third Floor, Heidelberg Building, Broadway, ham anti New Orl Forty-second Street and Seventh Atenue. and prove that they

Telephone, M70 Bryant. i)t“St trade they hav

CHICAGO. years and that comr

CrtUy Building, Monroe and Dearborn Streets. r,ipidl> expanding. Telephone, Central MSO. Many of the lead!

g-j- LOUIS these cities have

Nulsen Building, Sixth and Olive Streets. -

Long Distance Telephone, Olive 17a.{.

SAN FRANCISCO. 1 605 Humboldt Bank Building. <• HIT

SPECIAL KEPBESENTATTVES: 111 MCl Philadelphia, 914 Pine Street. Los Angeles. ''

321 Gross*' Building. Kansas City, 1117 Com- '*

oierco Building, Tel. M. 36:i7. Baltimore,

857 W, North Ave. Cleveland, la'il K. 73d. <> Pittsburg, 310 Kellerman Building. London, '> Erg., 8 Rupert Court, Piccadilly Circus. AV. ' ’ '' Oliver Paris. Francs'. 121 Rue Montmartre, Tel. 222-61. Beyond swallow <

And because so many newspapers that the money i.s desired merely to llt'nce we Invite re.«poiises, which and periodical publications are pub- stave off bankrujitcy until those re- shonUl be prompt. If you believe that liahed in New York and rellect its sponsible for the dejilorable mess that shi>\vmen can best solve the problem nu)od a gr*'at many peoiile in other Bat affairs are in can tlnd ,a way out for thenist'lve.s and l)y themselves and sections of the country arc constrained or a soft place to fall upon. are willing to attend a convention for to doubt the evidence of their own onlv want to save vaude-, write us at once, ad- papers. neighbors—yea. even their the live or ten dollars in which The Billboard I’ublishing Co., own eyes. thev would be mulct, but something * hicago. 111.

But de.spite these overly cautious i„tinitelv more precious—their faith - an.l conservative folks, business, even ,hcm.selves. w f ^ 1 (ai both seaboards, is above normal, I and from mountains to mountains vaudeville 1X0^0615 X^OlUmil l.usiness is so lively that it barely falls I'vtors of the country—a dut> we will

short of booming. ‘‘^irk. c.^tpr^-irMla^b.d *’"’*" '* t'hicago, St. Louis, Kansas Citv, lleprisals are jtroposed. Jim'I taddix-rg, mrc Ccn. Del. corp>*» Chriati,

Omaha. Minneapolis. St. Paul. Mil- The boycott is to be invoked Artists m:; waukee, Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, are to be ordered to withhold tneir niat; ami ike Kiiti. Pittsburg. Cincinnati. Nashville. Chat- advertising from us. These threats "Z “* tanooga, Baltimore, Norfolk, Birmlng- do not cause us even the mildest con- r„ut,. e, ra oge™ wh, a« jxr

rUHLiCATioN OFFICE- Conservative folks, business, even Biitl'oard Buiidh.g. 25 27 Oi-era Place. <•" •'^caboards. is above normal,

CMminiiail, Ohio,.U. 8. A. and from mountains to mountains liusiness is so lively that it barely falls] short of booming. i

Chicago. St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Mil-

Readers’ Column The addrexH of R.'.t Schartle la wantt'd by C.

Rfpluule. MoIH'II, llld JiM'l «addlxTg, care Gen. Del . Corp*** ('hrlatl.

ham and New Orleans all testify cern. "‘I**')* ‘'.e premnt whereaUaita of and prove that they are enjoying the Any paper that convictions. Parker,

l)*‘st trade thev have known in six any paper that has the best Interest of Mra. tviorudo Grant, siiarta, Ky., would like

years and that‘commerce in all lines large classes of its readers at heart, is rapidly expanding. any paper that stands for the right, t„ p, ,, springa. Ark.; G<-unce or

Many of the leading business men in short any paper that amounts to a Pop Reice. •”» he«r,i of aix yean, ago with

of these cities have been interviewed damn, must be prepared to sacrltice "irt',,' jJr'flTrme?! farl


ISSUED WEEKLY and entered aa aei-ond- I claas mall matter at poHts>ffice, Cincinnati. O.

ADVERTISING RATES—Twenty live cents per line, agate meaaurement. Whole page, fI75; half page, $87.50; quarter pnge, $13.75. .No advertisement measuring less than four lines •co<»pted.

tAnt advertlHlng form to pr*‘KH 12 M. Monda/.

SUBSCRIPTION, $4.00 a year; hIx monthh, $2.00; three months, $1.00; payable In advan<-e. No extra charge to Cana.Iian or foix'lgn sub- wrlbcra.

THE BILLBOARD Is for sale on all trains and newsstands throughout United States and Canada which are supplied by the American News Co. and Its branches. It is also on sale at Brentano's, 37 Avenue de FOpera. Pails,

France, and at Daw’s Agency, 17 Gre<-n Street, Leicester Square, London. AV. C. AA’hen not or. sale please notify this office.

Remittances should be made by post-office or express money order, or registered letter,

addressed or made payable to The BilllHtard Publishing Company.

The editor cannot undertake to return tin

solicited manuscripts. Oorresi>ondcnts should keep copy.


The height of the ambitions of

those AA'ho control The Billboard Is

to make it a useful paper.

ProgresslA-e they AX’ouId also have

It. and enterprising and independent

and fair and courageous in defend¬

ing and furthering the interests of

the people of the show world, but

over and aboA’e all else they desire

it to tie—Just useful.

It Ls glorious to shape and lead,

hut there are loLs of glory-seekers.

Ours let it be, to help and serve.


Showfolk! May they always be

right, hut right or AATong, SIioaa'- folk!

Editorial Comment BUSINESS

When Oliver Scott passed to his Eternal Reward the Impenetrable Beyond swallowed up a great man In his particular line. The big show world never did appreciate and value this wonderful man at his true, full worth. As a general agent when and Avhere was another such? The only ansAver is an echo to the walling cry and earthly (luery.

In piloting shows Oliver Scott exerci.sed Judgment, foresight and generalship exclusively his own, and touched with A’ictory at every stand and point of season’s way. He had the punch, the stunts and execution that others had not. He guided several different clrouses to success and renown. He rcA'ealed top-notch ability in theatrical and minstrel enterprises. At one time he was partner with the matchless A1 G. Field in burnt cork show. Wherever placed in amusement’s realm Oliver Scott was great, a mighty power and premier.

For years he routed the John Robinson Ten Big Shows, and I don’t believe that under him this powerful show ever saw a losing year. When at its lead he lived at the old. historic Galt Hotel in Cincinnati. A single room was his office and his home, and yet in this humble place were schemed and consummated the mightiest plays and turns of circusdom. There, in that small room, Oliver Scott conceived and wrought ideas, plans and routes that today are borrowed from and copied here and there. He was such a common man. and it was his modest, unassuming manner that i»re\-ented plaudits of the rabble. IT ALWAYS DOES. The smear and surface-coating of aristocracy’s making wins cheers and compliments and title very, very often for

those not deserving. I worked under Oliver Scott as agent to the press. What a pleas¬

ure! How sweet my duties! And rich the schooling! I don’t believe Oliver Scott cA’er harmed a breathing thing—

human, bug, beetle or animal. All, everybody and everything, loved him. He was an honest man. a valued friend, splendid father, good husband, an upright worthy Mason. He was all that God required of

him. When all alone one day. in the years agone, he penned order for

marble monument that would mark his grave. Then and there he summed his common life and victories by instructing inscription to be “date of birth and death and name,” and topping all the common, simple word, expressing more than pen or voice could hope to write or say, "AHEAD.” When raptured with the world, as gen. ral agent, he was “AHEAD,” and now, in death, he’s still ".\HEAD.” Bless his name and memory! No one can sum the love l>orne this simple, com¬ mon. wonderful man. Love for him radiates from his place of birth around the globe, encompassing every clime and people an<l living thing.


and almost without dissent agree that large lines of advertising where its] America is now entering upon the c-onvlctions are at stake. most prosperou.s year in its history. If there is money to be lost we

Almost without excejitlon, too. they would rather lose it than see actors

Hani|>t. aurklnic bon..> rtdrr. Itw Nsal and Sid Elll»—AA’rlte jmur frirnd.

Harold. .Addr<-«» ll.'Dr)r Adania, 514 W, Grrx'O slroot. IxniiNvIlli*, Kjr.

.Anyono knowng thr wheroabnuta of Hurd, the niagirlan, or Mr». Himl, at any time during the l>aRt two yean, kindly oHiiniuiiU-ate with ()>s>. F. S4xlherTy. AA’etiiiupkn. .Ala.

AA'ouM like t» bx'ate Henry iCarollnai Synder who wa« with me on the Con T. Ki-arMsIy Sbowx In 1910.—A’laude H. Keith, care Cryalal 'Theater, Texarkana, Tex.

The addrem of Fred Johnson, last beard f'.sa at Haxlin'a Theater. St. l,onl<. Mo., In 11*06. la wanted by hla brother, J. AA’. King, I’arterrllle. Mlaaonrl.

Billy Mark—AA'rite jssir broth-*- (Frank), In rare of The BllUsNinl. Clnrlnoatl. Newa for yon.

Mande Osterman—It will be to yonr advantage to write AA’m. G. Osterman. 223 Pearl alre«'t, Bal tlDH're, Md.

Pearle llelma--AA’rlte to .Art, 5 tleorge atreet. • Salt, Ont., Can.

Bom and Peleraon -Send yonr route to Curtloa. KaMda. Ohio.

■Anyone ktstwlng the whereahoota of Ed Haa kett kindly advise R. E. Greenwell, Shawnee. Oklahoma.

Bert Zabn. 1812 Byron atreet, Oib ag". would like to hear from Giia Nager and the Rolrlguea Tronpe.

OBITUARY B.AKI'St llV.R —Edward Bartarher. 52.

yeara ago an end man with the fimoua Haverly Mlnafrels. dte.1 In t'lnelnnatl January 19. Of late he had N'en playing varloua Inatrnments In plrture ahows,

BOCK—Fri-derlrk B<«rk. a Shakeepearlan artor who at one time ap|<eare<l with B«otb and Bar¬ rett, died at hla home In Flnahlng. L I., Jan nary 13. He was rebearaing with the Jainea K. Ilarkett-A'lola .Allen Company In Maetieth when Iw wae stricken 111. He la aurvlved by a widow, Jessellne Itodgera.

K.ATON .Mib.-1 Eaton, who tn private Pfe waa Mra. l.eo Kaiiierman, dle<l at the Garfleld INirk llnspital, Chicago. January 10. She waa form¬ erly Well known In «t«M-k. ami was at one time the wife of AA'llIlam Farnum, who appeared In her at.H-k company ai'roe yeara ago. For the past two .veara she ha.1 ts-en tn pictures.

FISHER - Mra. Fre.1 II. Flaber, widow .rf Fred H. Flaher, who was e<iueatrlan dire.-tor of the Wallai-e Show for a number of years, died at the lK>me of her sister In law, Mra. Dan Dule, In Cincinnati, AA'e<lneailay morning, January 19.

FLORENCE—I eo Florence dle<l of pneumonia at Barton'a II<aipltal, AA’f.terlown, S. 1)., January

H.AACK—Heine Haack, known throughout the theatrical w.>rld as the genial stage manager of Meniphia, Tenn.. dle-l at fh.* b.mie of h a slater In that elty January 14. He waa stricken with pnral.vala diirln; the matinee perforotance at the Orpheum Theater tlir day before hla death. Ilaack entered the proleaalon with the old lloi>klna Oi>era Company. In yeara of aervlce he waa the .dileat Memphis theater emi>loyee.

HICKMAN Mrs. Margaret Hl< kman, 72 years of age, wife of the late loula Hickman, widely km.wn dime iniisentn priqirletor, died at her home In Bnaiklyn January IK .if pneumonia.

IIFGIIES—Mra. Sarah llugliea, imither of Ut tie Patsy, the dancer, .Ue<l at her home tn Pittsburg, January 11, of pneumonia.

JOHNSON—.Arthur A'. Johnson, the well known nKillon picture leading man, died In Phlladelphln,

admit that they are preparing for rap- separated from theirs in tlm«’s Ilk.* January 17. lie had appeared with Ndh the



New A'ork City is still in the dol- whining complainingly.

Lily ev,.r-;.nl,rsi„B th.-.o, -- ”

CIKCUS AND <’\RNIV.\L JOHNSON Frank Johnson, old time ahowmnn WIIITK It ATS *"'* r^’meillan. .lleil at his Istnie tn Council Blnffa, AAlllir.. li iin response to a circular letter deal- la., January 13. of tulierniloals.

“AVhy can not The Billboard let us ing with a ver.v grave, not to say mo-'- benjamin Jolly, amiltor for the River

alone?” some leading memlier.s of the mentous. matter, recently addressed to In7h,V"HT,"7;nnnV’V4".^■.V• hei7{ di'aei'J: . R. A. I . clifnie are reported to be some three hundred and forty man- und grip,

whining pomplaininRly. a^ers and proprielora of rlrcuHea and MKRIUM^wminm R. M^rrii!, fw yf»iir« old.

iiiir,. In response to a eireular letter deal- “Why ran not The Billboard let tis ini? with a ver.v jcrave. not to f»ay mo-

drums regardless of the fact that her The an-wer is short and to the point, carnivals, it has been proposed by hu7r'dVrJa\mar7^ l7''‘at^'hW railroad terminals are congested, “the The Billboard believes that the about a d(>7.**n that Inasmuch ns the AVav’nc. in.i., »t Injuries received In a fall

street** is prindingr out new million- propaeranda now being’ carried on is matter is of ho nerions a nature and diij^ « o. lie lenvpn ■ widow, foor

aires (anyone who cleans up ten or a studied and deliberate campaign of likely to have such wide, far-reachlnK TioliVh^hr twW.'rt wliyne BUI

twelve thousand dollar.s in war stocks deception, misrepresentation and men- and disastrous effect on outdoor In- iHifUinK <’omp«njr, which he foniMl«il. is reported to have made a million), dacity. terests, unless very promr>tly con- MII I.KR • Bnar Z. M'lp'r futhir of Bo«f*l^

her hotels are crowded with Western We believe that the leadr.-s fully re- sblered' and wisely handb d by outdoor .'"JJ.**;’ * 'th"c**pn.?cs.ll,7n.''i‘nd buyers and her unemployment problem alize and know in their hearts that showmen themselves, that The Bill- la survive.! by th.- wi.iowr. f.uir Jaughtera au.l a

the least serious she has known in a the clubhouse can not he saved nor board jiropose a convention to l.e held *'• **"' i’r'>t.»»l'‘".

u lhat both are in Chicago February 7, and that if a .7hV.\i“ Because the import houses are still I lost beyond redemption. sufficient nurnlier signify their willing- I is in Oniha. Neb. Me- la«t engag.'nierit was

largely without imports the metropolis We believe that recruits are wanted ness to attend, to call the meeting in "‘h* h"* F*’’" M'lalcai Company,

will not believe jirosiierity is here, .solely for the money they yield and an early issue. rr.Hitlnueii .m page ii*)

JANUARY 29, 1916. Xtie Blllt^oard 19

Whot hn« lirii!ii«* nf tlie «iiriN, •'n>ii<l<*r<>iiii (••i-liyilrrm.” wlilrli ii< I ui»iiy j»-arH uk<> »*th

til tin- RiiiTv.* lit ■ |ir«*ii» ■ Kent? A TiM'abularjr na* nxiot a fi » }rara aK<> >f >1 <ii'l »"t •'l•utatn tliixM* witiI*. a<'i-<ilii('alil''<l I'.v M''<Tal iinTr .f Ihr >ulu« imi'I It Ik kuiil iiiaiiaatTK. wlirii liIrti'K prr'it oirD, wtHilil aKk tht* ll•Mtlllt><•u of “rloioiaiit" anil *'lil|iiKi|iotaiuii!i.'' Tlio aii*»or dfliloil • l.otlior or Dot tilt* iiiau uot tho job. hloyil Klin:, oati you fuliKhlfU ii» on tUla dark aiilt- jr. t’

Jatk I.. Winn ot-orti-il lil» I'ornlan laiuli otrr foat Into ('tnriiiiiatl UkI wc'k ami liuiu it id til.. ..Ill.. lilt* lirnnil TIh-.iIit ubllo lir xteiiix-il into riio It.lIlKiard olTli ok ti. K|>ill a fow wordK. TIio *ory iiovt liny, aflor ho had oneaitod a I'liioliiiiatl doioi-tho to watoh o»or tho uoaly- aiK|iilro.l, tho «oatlior lurtml warm oiHiiiifh to ninko tho thoriioniiotor illazy. ami Jjok wa» wiKhinit ho had a>kod f-r a I'alui Itoaoli amt Irntoail • f a toji coat. Winn took bla ..torcoat and a hiinoh of oaniK mit to Walnut llllla to do a llttlo hilllna. ami o\ooiii«kI a fow inaxlxo Kto|>a I n tho loy I'Btonioiit on niuto. l|o finally (row tlroil of waltaliii; a la i'-o rink, and aat down oil tho atrooi with a thud that Kb.<ik tho wholo i-ity. Tho otor.'oat wbk md Injuro.!. tin 1 rial adtortlalin: la woll a<-attorod uxor tho rlty, alm-o Winn'a ai tivlt.oa.

I'harloa l|o|iklnK and tonirito Vivian, of tho rnm-h and Judy Thoator. In Vowr Y..rk. laat wook wont to t'nliiuihua. <).. with tho a|>oolal Troaoiro Kland t'oiii|.any. \od llolluoa. proaa atfoi.t of tho I'uni h ami Judy i« tho wb- lr fori'o w'tiilo tht*y aro uono. Tho uthor nlaht a man a| liniaoho.! tho t'. oator and aakoil f.n tho dIroK'tor. tho inanairor and tho proKK axont. ••Y.iu'ro talkina to him.’’ Kald 11. InioK. Vor- aatillty w .11 alwaya out. and uonlua Ik a hard thlnir to koop down.

William It. .'till hail iKK-aalon to drop into Cln- olnnati la't w.K.k. and ho t.K.k ailvantaxo of It. Sill Ik horaldinx tho iKunlng of Watoh Your Stop, wbli'h followa On Trial at tho <>rand. T. o laai tiino ho tlaltod tho <irand bo waa alw-ad of low riohiK in It llappoDtM lu .Nurd land.

Alwa.tK put your tr<oiMoa off until tomorrow, ao yarn hato ou.xixh to ih. tiolay without worry Inx.

J. W Nodrow. manaeor ..f tho N<’. if advan.'C oar of tho llaxonlH-ok Walla.-o tlroi ». waa takofi Into tho Klka' l.xlxo w<K.k Iwfuro laat, in ru«h- fo-ton. 11.

Tip K» waa h•.rahlln( tho lamilne of FY\>h- man’a r.o<anao Sho Ia>»o«t Him S<i. a fow yoara ■Imv. at tin* aaiiio timo K.lwin l>o4'oura<.y waa IHxIdllnx a<|ian>'o Information for Iloyt'a .\ Hole In tho liroiiml. Thoy roaohoal llait .Sprluaa. .\rk.. on tho aanio train, ami ati>| at tho aamo ha'tol. aKM-upylng raaaniK IHH anal ihid It ro.|Ulrod Jiiat twonty fa ur ha.iira. loaa tho tlmo xlvon to oatlne and ala.opinx ami Mlllanla to get thn.uxh, amt laath woro aa-hoaluloat fa r tho aamo aaitxolni: train for l.lttlo Itoa-k. <irl|Hi wero parkaal. hiia waa waltlnx ami it waa timo to aottlo tho hill. Koa-no approaa-hotl tho doak and aaid: '‘Mr. Tl|a Koono. axont .Mr. (''raihniaD'a Itax aua.. .Sho l.aataal Him S a i'oiiipany. na.m i M.” ■'F*our fifty. .Mr. Kooro." aalal tho of tho oxrhoKjuor. .\ftor a vain attoinpt to make tho a'lork umlorataml that bo waa axoot for a idiaiw, ami that faBiir-Ufty waa t.aa niiiab uioDoy, |aald tho hill l>o4'aMir«oy o\|aoa-toil to bo hamloal a llko Jadl. but w hon ho a|>pn>aa-haKl tho 'la.«k tho a-lork aakoil; "What la your lino. Mr. IhS'oiiraoyV To whh'h tho lattor anaweroil. "Ilanlwaro." .Ami hla hill waa only I'J .'a*. Tip dhln't faint, but tl.o alabaator huo that |»'aaoaaasl hla brow waa aa alxulfloant aa tho doathllke U« k on Waltor \loaaa.n«or‘a faoo whon tho ox- proaa axoiit In Santa llartaara t<dd him what It Would mat tai propay ttw frolaht on a oaao of rhoap wino that Waltor had Niiiaht to ••buH" a friond In Now York Ttio hotel Ini'ldont la aald to !>•• tho raiiHo of Tip Koono’a flrat drink.

I'aliiior KoIIokk. a mombor of tho .A A M. T. .A , and who la out ahead tho t'al .stowart Com- ■ any In tho Middle Woat. admita that bo finda •oinothlnn to road In thla iK.lunin onoo in a while Ho waa ahead of B C. Whlltioy’a Mu ahal Slaiw for alx and aovoral other .Now York ahowa

Harry Swoatinan la loarnlna b ta of thinea down In Toxaa. and •ktiio of thorn are worth kiiowlnx. too. Harry'a wit la lM.iK>inlna ao aharp that hla phlb aophy la (.olna foidoil by all up- t.idato oititora. \Vo. thon-foro. print a fow of hla a. llliKiuloa Tho Idea for tho fidlowlnx hoadinx la-lonxa to .Swoatman ib'ii't blaiiio ua.

tIKIKiAfS tiK TIB»I lillT

By Harry Swoatman

AA hon a one nixht atand uianaxor hamla the ailvama. axont a Imm h of ovtraa alb-n.-o on tho part of the ax'-nt la the arxuinoiit.

•Soiiio one nixht atand manaxora would make bail iiiodliinia. Thoy don’t xl»o j.ii a xhoat of a aliowr.

s .1110 advam-o men aro a.i dotnid of Imllvld- unllt) that thoy laii not aiKpiiro a nb'k naino.

iMd o»or iiotb-o how alad the manaxor of a on.- nixht atand la to aia- y"u If the ahow you n proKont haa a lonx title, and the luaD- axor hiia an oba trlo alxii?

If y. ur hllallioaa la hud don’t aw oar Tho now AJiiooiiKlairoiixh r.rldxo tiK'k III k'-.’l it.'i tho firat day It ojioratisl. and tho ovpona.. la $J.iKal |>or dioiii.

S..U10 aolf mado advam-o men ai t aa If they tlo.iixhl thoy iiHod up all the xo-al m.itorial.

AiImiiii'o inon wlai onii't at.iiid hard kiiorka aro iho k'lid who Im'i-ouio kma-kora.

So iiiiiny advaniK. nioii are havliix o(a.rallona pi-rfi tiood that I liuvo an Idea of olio of tho l|Uoatloua S-llut I’Oll.r Will Bak will ho. "ArO you all liisoV'

A paaa for two la uilxhtlor than tho xiin when hnvinx nil arxiimont with Iho baxxaxo iiiaator In 'fovaa. ^

Tho X- <"l advam-o man la the follow- who ran •*•11 a III llloiialro a plrliiro that diwaii't hwik llko aiiythliix for any old iwloo.

iii.o troi'hlo ahiiiit ndvam-o nn-n I* tho-e •iro iiKi iiiaiiy who fool uk If thoy aro tho whole ahow.

Some advam-o im-n Joke with the lumh i-orntor wallroaa alauit thinxa they would not think of tuli-ratinx at thoir own taMon.

AA’hon air ahlpa la.i-omo |a.pular ai-m*- one nixht atand ahow-a will olitaln thoir Ili'iK - fly by .Nixht."

I llllla r Is .Ill until ro. oiilly IiiikIuokk man

I'Xoi Ilf Iho Ai-iiloiny of MiikIi- In Ilaltimon-. ha-i lain up|aitn!od pn-aa n-proa,.n 11111V o of Harry

I*ml-' Iran.I li| Hiuiai- in I'itiKl iirx. .AI Is an haa al—iidy ai.artoil xrlndlnx out the atuff 111 I lit Ih- l'a»|a alia k plnyora.

H At K. i loa. uinnaxor of tho oia-ra hlin-o at lliiiiiladdt. Saak., baa aiapitrod isintrol of tho

li;i|H.atinx plant in that illy. K'-i loa la a liii~|l-.r an-1 all laiinpanioa ban- dom- well In I liiiiifa.ldt. a live town.

Alar* uiii. of lllo. the .Swoilo Is-tia-tivo. f Ii.o. waa aoi-ii with hla allow at Kolnlao-k.

la.. Iho i.ia-r .lay. •■|»jd" aaya that ho alwaya w -'1 lill-aa ho Mlllat la- llal tllilxillX by

Iho pn>o|n-roua haika of the whole bum-b.

AVo a... that Juik Vialdo.- la ahoiid If hla old ii.-o IX ill. ’Iho lloiidor-aiii StiK-k I'oiiipany lb"

• i|i-.Ik to a|i.-nd the Kumim-r at Chi-alor I’ark. • 111. Iniiati.

Ho la a wlao ix-nt who know a hin opiairtuulty w l.oii ho aeoa It.

•A xo'il i| lliia.klyn ad'orllKlnx axont la .Ala- t’l. lla **i>. with hla two aaaiatanta. la kopt

bu«y d'llnx naif to|ia. .Ala- la rouno.-ti-il with till- l*r.-a|o-. I

AVi h“ir that Jia- l>rum. tho na-ontly marrli-d ■I* -111. 1 i-aii. la out i hi-ad of tin mw ibairvo

.ArlUa ahow Ia*t’a have a lino. Hrum. •■.And -.10- man In hla timo playa many parta."

la u ^ iiton.-o wlili-h ni! n.v ha»o i-roilitoil to iho |K.n of AA llllaiii Shiko«iioaro But what a mla

*ako. AA o kn-iw It to la- a fai-t that Townw-nd AA’al'h wnif- tho aNi.o llm-a when Mdilo|Uixinx over tho turna of tho tide in the life of advam-o

and |iroaa men. AA’alah did md linxor lonx with the .Sylill i-o-.iiwny. aa that ahow wont Into .Now A’o-lc for :i nrotmotial ata.v lb- allowoil tho

Shuborta to plai-e him ahead of E. II. Kothorn.

wlios»- c-ouipuny he will hemid the bulam-e of Iho neaaoii. .Mr. Sotlo-rn in upiM..irinK ill baiil (•arrl-k. Wala'i haa abandoned botany for thla ai-umin.

t'hurloa .\IvClintoi-k. repreoi iitinx the orixinul It J ayn To AdvertlK*- loiiipuiiy, la now i|Uur- teiod ill Ihwtuii. I.lkewlne. Trank Brtiuer In lu till- Hub with bnib-r Tire. Aa both thine atlra--- lii na aro the work of Uol C«Kil»-r Alexrue, the two o.\.tM-rt rraftMiivn In the art of ewiiit.x the piiblh- I'Uriuolty are i-olhilioralinx on their ad- Vortiainx i-uuipaix.i. It la a tine thiiix to aee axonta like .Ab t'lintix-k ami Ibiiner workihx to. Kether huinl in xh've for the inutuul Im-uoUI of Hie altraetioiia Ihiy represent.

AA’. H. B-dwarda. jHipularly known aa "Bort ’ I’a-ilw.irda. ahead of .AI t>. 1 leld’a .Alinatrels. Xiorien In the faet that he la a native of the II.K.-jer .state. Bert in u warm. laT-Miiial frieii 1 of lieorxe Aile, the huniorlat, who la aim. a HimikI.. -. and pniud of It. .At the end of every neaaon i’.ixlw inla vinita .Ade'a fanu ami utilouila oil him hla laleat re|a-rliilre of giani •ulxxer ” all tlea. harM-ated from all aei-tloiin of the eoun try.

’Boldly'' Kraiikel. who had charge of the piib- 11-ily for The I'ainted Is-mrl, the Sante Ke e\- hilill at the San liiegu Fair, arrived in L’hb'ugo week liofor* IhkI. He waa ueeom|iaiiiisl by E. I. Baldwin, who waa aaamdated with him at San lilegii. ami who haa departed for ('leveluiid. t> . a nhort vblt. He will return to th-- AA’Iiiily 1 ity ami Join Air. Erankel. The pair are i-onKldering a pro|ntaltlon on the t'K'a.Kt.

Frank S. Hoed waa ava-n In tlrand Junetloii. l ol.. Janiiar.v r.*. tilting off the end of a aiogie and iiiiitterlng wunethlnx ataiut tiiorge Alchama Florid.1. K.a-d opinoa that there are no ahowa ahead of hiii.. no ahowa iH-hind him and none with him. He la. the efiire, rightfully luneaume. XI lux It all alone. Jiiat to relieve the niomitoiiv of talklnx to hliiiHi-lf and to get the long rail¬ road Journeya off hla mind Heed tai-keil a Beg o' My Ib-.-irt banner ten thoiiKund and eighty two foot alaive K-j level tile other day over In H'e Clippie Creek dlatriet. He elaima to bold the n iurd for i-arrylnx the longeat hniiinier. but he diK-K not UK.. It for kiHM'l-Ing. riorem-e Alartin n-Kum<K| the part of Beg in the ahow whi<-h Hie.l la advani'liiK. o|a-ninK after the Henver

I I'Xagemenr. J. Frank tiihtaina la bualneaa man- axer ahead of the eumpuny.

.stuffy Havla. aeeordlng to rellalde aoiireea. a|a-nt a few daya in S.vraeuae. N. Y.. rei-i-iitly. I'reompanle.l by Alra. Huvla. That niixht be ao. na Stuffy la i|Uite earv-leaa almut doing aueh tldnga. AA’hit ewlted the moat Intereat. how¬ ever. waa the fart that he waa sporting a new alyle of heatgear. unknown to thla eountry. ai.d whii-b la aahl to have enhamed hla normal ai-ia-aramv* of an .Ameiiran eagle. The valet iiinat tie on the Job. If above tidinga are tin.. Yea. Stuffy la ahead of Kick In. The tlwl laineh AVagiiu In Syraruae waa the ai-ene of a bani|uet while Air. Bavia waa In town, and the

ei-centrle advame man was luait to a numla-r of Cornell alumni.

j .AI Ciiili-:-a ilaiixhter la radiating aunahine I in the Butler home In a uinrveloua uianiier for

one of her tender yeara. Y'eara la wrong, aa I l-i ily luiii- VV..K inly loo mi-iith.K old on January I Id. Her doting dud la atill rejoicing. IJiniiiiy AA’hitteiidule waa out in Ixia Aiigelea

with hla better hiiif to aiw-nd the lioltduya. and waa Ineldentally celebrating Ilia birthday. al-

. tlu.iigli the ag.-. h" elulius. niakea no difference. JIuiiiiy waa promoting a fid.iaio prupoi-iliuo. •which, if siirceaKful. will take him out of the giiiiie for the tim't being.

Harry A’. AA’lnalovv certainly hoiwa that George j .Alulaiiiia F’loriila will friiiiie up Hint slica' aliin-

iiix parlor. AA'inalow aaya to inform Alaleim to Inatall a Foil with which to abine the shoes. It will eliminate other help and ex-

Cliarlca Hunt, manager for Nat C. Ooialwln the paat two waaotia, baa departeil for lava .Angeles. Hunt aaya he la quitting the ahow laialniKia and la going to make hla home In the AVeat.

Tliere has been another "red shirt" actor dis¬ covered In the .Agenta and Manaxera’ Theatrical .Aasoi'lation. and who la runninx Harry Stephen¬ son a clone rai-e for fi at hoiiora. The latent la William B. Spaeth, manager of AA’Itblii the iind who la Muiie actor. BUI haa a regular show- fraineil uii ami Is getting some real money through Beniiaylvanla.


Harry C. Bradahaw, of the Grand tliwra ibiuae. Tulaa. Ilk., baa the folkiw-ing to say;

It m-ciiiK aa though Selwyh A Ckuiiiiuiij are try¬ ing to start aometlilng with Twin Beila. 1 hope It does iHit turn out to be the fad. for If it does The Newlyweila will have a hard lime these cold nights. Sleeping alone la not what It la cnickeil np to be. I note that Harry

j Sweatman. Henry Bennypncker ami Gi-org“ ' IIoopiT. aa well aa Ted .Miller ami Tall John

Canipliell. are all going Into the oil bnatness thla Slimmer, down In Oklahoma. No doubt if they w-oulil cut out pinoi-hle for a while they cvuilil get the oil all O. K. By the way. when Harry Sweatman was In the city he was very happy to kpow Tulaa was on the hocin. aa he has some real estate nestle*! aw-ay In the State. He thought It would be a go<>*l thing to bu.T some oil stock, ao. after walking him through the city, there waa nothing left to do hot peildle him the oil leases. Harry wanted to know vvliut kln*l of oil be had boeght. ao I gave him a aample bottle, labeled .A-ln-l, ami he was aatls- fle<l. He also wanteil to know when the well wonld start ixtylng a dlvblend. Inno* ent Harry."

AOSmiAN VARIETY jThe only weekly paper devoted to Vaudeville at the Antipodes. The accredited organ of the Variety profession. Also briefly dealing with

jollier branches of the Amusement World. .Acts playing Australia jmay have their letters addressed to "Variety” office, which ensures 'a prompt dispatch over the various circuits, as we have a representa¬ tive in every city and town that carries a theatre, .Advertising rates on application to The Billlxiard. .All communications to

MARTIN C. BRENNAN. 250 Pitt St., Sydney. Australia. POSTAGE, PIVE CENTS.

nillPK PELIVERIES for All Tlieatrical MercliaAilise UUIui\ Miwfictirtri of COSTUNfS lid WI6S.


CHICAGO COSTUME WORKS. Phone Central 6292, 143 N. Dearbom St.

JAMES ADAMS’ FLOATING THEATRE WANTS—People in nil lines of the dramatic business. Preference to those doing s|)i cialties. Producer with Rcri|it«. Musicians for band and orchestra. Reheai-sals comnienee F< bruary 21, Klizab«’th City, N. C. .\ddres8 all mail S'24 Helen Avenue, Detroit, Mich. \ B.—No dogs or children. .\I1 pt'ople engag«’d answer this ad-

WANTED-FOR ALVERO, THE GREAT MAGICIAN Long engagements wiih biggest magic (-how in the world. People with or

without experience who are willing to work for reasonable salary. Including stage carjventer, property man, musical director, twin boys and twin girls, single girlsand ^’oung men. State height, weight, age. full phrticulars. State lowest salaiy aa it IS sure. .Address .ALVKHO, care The Billboanl, Cincinnati, O.



room & BATH FOR 2 nva oUnutaa fraca all tba ’niMtraa. Ovvrloivklnf Ceotral Park.


Light, airy, with all mmlrni Hotvl laaprovraMvita.


OBITUARY (Cootlnnsd frwm page IS)

ST.YNTZ—Th« mother of Henry C. Btanti. or¬ iginal obi larty character of the clrcna eorld, dle*l at her home In Toledo. O., Jannary 8. Burial waa made In Womllawn Cemetery, that City.


BROWN McGR.YW—Joe E. Brown, of Pevoat and Brown, was marrle*! to .Mlea Kathryn Me- Oraw. a non-profeaalonal of O-vklaml, Cal., Id New York City, December 24. The marriage haa Jnat been annoonced.

DE HCE-NORTEN—Billy De Hoe waa married In San .Yntonlo, Tex.. Jannary 11. to Mlaa Minnie Norten, a non-profeaalonal of that city.

FINN FORM.\Noumea Finn, who waa with the I.eTltt-Meyerhoff and the Superior felted Showa the paat eeaaon, waa married Jannary 13, In Clevelan*!, O.. to Millie Forman, who waa with the Rutherford Shows laat aeaaon.

FITCH-I RI ONDE—H. H. Fitch, of Lexington, Ky., ami Mabel I.elonde. known to the carnival profcaaion aa That Girl Sultana, late of the Franrla Ferarl Shows, were married at Claxton. Ot., Jannary 8. A wedding aopper waa avrved after the ceremony at the Hotel 8waln. The couple are with the H. Klaw Main Showa.

PEMBERTON BfTI.ER—Henry Pemberton and Kathleen Pnfler, membera of the Oanrooot Mo¬ tion Picture Company. In JackaonvUle, Fla., were married January 15 In that elty.

WYATT PERRY—J. 8. Wyatt, a non-profea alonal of Springfield, Mo., waa married In that city January 10 to Mlaa IJlIlan Bevtiice Perry, a alater of FVm Perry, now with The Broadway Girla Company. Mra. Wyatt was on the atage for ten years.


Born, December 30. to Mr. and Mra. C. O. Oalnea, at Rivobearer. N. Y’., an ebiht pound daughter. Mr. Gaines was manager of the Olvera Hortae at Clarkayllle. Tex., aereral aea- aona, and baa been connecred with yarious coed attractions for the paat fifteen years.




R. E. Blahop’a All Feature Ylovlng Picture and Y'andevine Show, after being cloeed thn>ugh the bolblaya, opened In White City. III., January 12, with the following people: R. E. Bl-hop, proprietor: Tom Wooda. manager; The Bradleya, sketch artlata; Sena Bishop, treasurer; Master Albert, Juvenile evvmedian, and Tbomae H. Ben¬ ton. banjo comedian.

The H. H. Fraree production of .4 Pair of Sixes playeil the Orpheum Theater. Abetvleen, S. D., January 9. to over IttVlO. anil Potaah A Perl- mutter, following, got IT.’Vk, wtii’e the thermome¬ ter waa registering 3H degrees below the lero mark. With «uitable weather comlltlons the sb*.vvv woul*l donbtleia have <l*>r.e ov- r the thou- aaml mark. The On'heum la one of the II. L. Walker Circuit of tbiatera.

The Civwboy Sue*!e Civmpany, under the man¬ agement of Ralph Deane, wh'ch went on the loail In .\nguaf. opening at Mankato, Minn.,

j cUvaed a season of twenty one weeks at lemmon, S. D., recently. Extremely cobl weather waa given aa the canae of closing, although bnalncas

I waa cxi-«y>ti<>nall.v roiKl a 1 aeaaon. The company I will continue when the weather changes. Ralph I Deane. Fr*al Cconk. Carl Hinckley. Earl Maxwell. 1 K-ba Robi-aon. Inea Mace ami Alice Southern I were with the esanpnny.

Ttie wivrat fire ever exjverlenceil In Tlconderogn, N. Y., dll! damage In excess of 8.V).0f)0 January

J 9. when the fnlon Opera House and other bnlld- I Inga were completely deatroyel. The iDsnraDca 1 *ka-a not *-over one-half of the loaa.

20 T ti e B i 11 t> o a r d JANUARY 29, 1916.



Name and Addrett. Abbrevlationt.


Bonton Theatrical ami I.yceum Bureau, 6;t Court Kt.; Mrs. Ed Kelly, mgr.

Boston United Booking <)tlic»‘8, Inc. (ubo) Keith's Kijou. .Vr<-aile Blilg.

Ilutchin's B<s>king (ittice. .TJ Treiiiont st. I.SWW Marcus, B(M>king Agency........ (loew)

Orpheuni Theater Bldg.; Fred Maido, mgr.

Paragon Btsiking Otlces .(pbo) 230 Tremont st.; W. H. Wolffe. mcr.

Qulngley’a Theater Agency, 184 Boylston atreet.


McMahon & Dee Circuit, 383 Washington street.

Bun, Gus, Booking Exchange. (sun) 726 Brisbane Bldg.; J. W. Todd, mgr.


ABiliated Booking Co. (S. & C. Circuit) Kector Bldg.; fourth floor; J. J. Nash, manager.

Armstrong's Amusement Exchange, 204 Schiller Bldg,

Barnes, F. M., Inc. (bfc) North American Bldg.

Butterfield Circuit, .Majestic Theater Bldg.; W. 8. Butterfield, mgr.

Buchanan Booking Agency, 164 W. Wash¬ ington st.; W. K. Buchanan, mgr.

Colored Consolidated Vaude. Exchange, 3101 8. State st.; Martin Klein, mgr.

Doutrick's Theatrical Exchange, 106 N. Igi Salle st.; Igivlgne & I.dngner, props.

Pinn-Heiman Circuit, Majestic Theater Bldg.; Sam Kahl, mgr.

Fitzpatrick & McElroy Co., 118 North I.« Salle st.

Interstate .Amusement Co., Majestic Theater Bldg.

Jones. Llnlck it Schaefer Circuit.(loew) 110 8. State st.

Loe^s, Marcus. Western Booking Agency, 36 S. State st.

New York & Weetern Booking Assn.... (nyba) 64 W. Randolph; Helen I^hman, book¬ ing mgr.

Pantages Circuit of Theaters.(pant) 36 S. State st.; J. C. Mathews, mgr.

Redpath Lyceum Bureau. 67 E. Jackson Bird.

The Booking Agencies Name and Addreu. Abbrevlationt.

Robinson Amusement Corporation. (rac) 818 Consumers' Bidg.; Ethel Robinson, manager.

Sheldon's Theatrical Booking -Agency, 121 North Clark st.

Standard Boi>king Aseooiation (VaudeYllle. Burlesipie Jc Musical Comedy), -Airaito- riiim Bldg.; .-Idward Suit n. mgr.

Sulliran & Considine (Circuit). (sAc) Rector Building.

Thielen Circuit.(wvma) Majestic Theater Bldg.; Frank Thielen, general manager.

United Booking Assn, 164 West Wash¬ ington st.. Suite 401; J. E. Irving, manager.

United B<s>king Offices (Orpbeum Circuit) (ubo) Majestic Theater Bldg.; C. S. Hum¬ phrey, mgr.

Webster. Geo.. Circuit, Delaware Bldg.; Geo. Webster, mgr.

Western Vaudeville Managers' Assn_(wvma) Majestic Theater Bldg.

Wingfield's Central States Circuit, 139 N. Clark st.; James Wingfield, mgr.


Interstate Amusement Co.. Automatic Telephone Bhig.; -Axby -A. Chouteau. Jr., gen. mgr.


Jacobs, Charles, Theatrical Offices, 931 Sixteenth st.


Midland Lyceum Bureau. (mi) Fleming Bldg.


Co-Operative Theatrical Booking Assn., Merchants' Bank Bldg.; E. M. Eagles- ton. mgr.


Consolidated Booking Offices, 1129 Grand avenue.


611H East Name and Addme.

Sanders’ Theatrical Circuit, Eighth st.

MILWAUKEE. WIS. Alhambra Theatrical Exchange, 411 Al¬

hambra Bldg.; E. D. Siegel, mgr.

HINNEAPOUS. MINN. Consolidated Booking Offices, 536 Boston


Brennan Booking Agency, 723 Malson Blanc Bldg.

NEW YORK CITY -Aarons' -Asis.H'iateil Theaters, Beatrice

Bernstein, mgr., 214 W. 42d st. Amalgamated Vaudeville Agency (Moss,

Prudential A Pllmmer Circuits). (ava) Columbia Theater Bldg.

American Burlesque Assn. (A. B. Circuit) (abc) 1.347 Br\>adway: Chas. E. Barton, mgr.

Brady, Thomas, Inc., 1547 Broadway. Byrne A Kirby Circuit. 1493 Broadway. Casey A -Allen Booking -Agency, Forty-

sixth ami Broadway. Clevelaml-Fidelity Booking Service. (efbs)

1402 Broadway. Eastern Theater Managers' Association

(vaudeville and dramatic), C. O. Ten¬ nis. mgr.. 1476 Broadway.

Empire Vaudeville Agency. 112 N, 9th st. Feitx'r A Shea. 1493 Broadway. Interstate Amusement Co., Palace Thea¬

ter Bldg.; Cecilia Bloom, mgr. KnickertxKker Theatrical Enterprises...

Gaiety Theater Bldg. Loew, The Marcus. Booking Agency...

Putnam Bldg. Ohio Circuit Co. (occ)

1400 Broadway. Reis Circuit Co.. 1400 Broadway. Southern Theater Circuit. (stc)

1472 Broadway; Chas. A. Burt. prop. Thornton, A.. Vaudeville Agency. (gt)

Galetv Theater Bldg. United Booking Offices (B. F. Keith's

Circuit) . (nbo) Palace Theater Bldg.



Name and Address. Abbrevlatlsas.

!l.f isl.'

ALL8T0N. MASS. Barr, Robert, 65 Empire at.


Greenwood, G. A B., Empire Life Bldg.

Kuehl. Charles, Empire Life Bldg. Massel Theater Agency, Healey Bldg.


Baltimore Theatrical Exchange, 123 East Balti¬ more st.

McCaslln, John T., 1'23 Baltimore st.


Butterfield, W. S., Bljon Theater Bldg,


Terance. The, I.y<-eum Bureau. Berlin Heights, Ohio.

BIRMINGHAM. ALA. Chamberlin, Lin, Hotel Cozy.

BOSTON, MASS. Barrel!, A. C.. ail Colonial Bldg. Franklin Park Theater Co., 616 Blue HIU ave.;

Frank D. Stanton, mgr. Fraser, Wesley C., 162 Tremont st. <;raliam. John. 184 Boylston st. and Park Sq. Griffin, A. L., Bowdoln Square Theater. Hathaway. Fred W., 178 Tremont st. Kee. Walter, 178 Tremont st. Kollins. Stuart. 184 Boylston st. I-ong, Blanche A.. 100 Bovlston st. Marcus Musical Attractions, Inc., 665 Washing¬

ton st. Mardo. Fred (I.oew), n Hamilton Place. Mead. Frank, 228 Tremont st. Music A Lecture Guild, ^31 Colonial Bldg. Prince’s General Amusements, 103 Court st. Robeham Theatrical Co., Inc., 224 Tremont st. Rooney, Thomas V.. 1S4 Boylston and Park Sq.


Robinson. George (U. B. ().), New Brighton Theater.


Ale.vandPr Amusement Co., 392 E. Third st. klyn Vaudeville A Amusement Co., 73 Oort

t.; 1. R. McDonald, mgr. tin, James, Empire Theater Bldg. tri»-h. Daniel, foci Halsev st.

garty. Frank. 13 Hatbush ave. IcDonald. 1. R.. 73 Court st.

Morton. Harry W.. 311 Van Ruren st. Mutual Theatrical Evchange, 1415 Broadway;

Will F. Bartow, mgr. ' Reeves. A1 (Burlesque Producer), 145 State st.


Fowler, Bruce (McMahon A Dee), 385 Washing¬ ton st.

Goetz. Chas. (Musicians), 168 Adams st.

CHESTER. PA. Washburn. I-e<>n W.: Washburn Theater.

CHICAGO. ILL. Associated Booking Offices. TJO South State st.;

Will Cunningham, gen. mgr. Baerwitz. Sam, 720 Consumers’ Bldg. Beehler-Jacobs Agency, Inc., Majestic Theater

Bldg. Bennett’s Dramatic and Musical Exchange, 36

W. Randolph st.; Bennett A Byers, prorvs. Benson. E<lgar A., Amusement Exchange, 64 W.

Randolph. Bohemian Theatrical .4gencv, 3803 W. 26th st. Briggs Musical Bureau. 64 E. Van Buren st. Brr..adwav .\mus*-ment Company. 133 W. Wash¬

ington st. Brown. Henry, .kmusement Exchange, 35 South

T>»*»rhorT> «t. Burchlll. Thos. J. (Allardt A Ruben A Flnkle-

stein Circuits). Majestic Theater Bldg.

The Artists’ Agents Any Reputable Booking or Artists’ Agent may have his name and address inserted

in this list free of charge—for the asking. We make no claim—nor ever will—that it is complete, because all agents viewed

with suspicion and distrust by actors, actresses, artists and performers will be expunged as fast as these are brought to our attention if investigation warrants it.

Byers. Fred A.. 36 W. Randolph. Currell'h Theatrical Agem-y. Consumers’ B'ldg. Carter. I-incoln J., 4014 Sheridan Road. Coleman, Hamilton (Producer), 1205 Majestic

Theater Bldg. Conners, Georgia, 20 E. Jackson Blvd., Room 703. Cortelyou, Bert. Majestic Theater Bldg. C. A R. Amusement Co.. Inc., 0204 S. Chicago

ave.; I,. E. Rehtield. mgr. Dainty, I-aura, Amusement Bureau, 7 S. Dear¬

born at. Danforth, H. C., 219 S. Dearborn st. IVslge, Mrs. Ethel M.. 145 N. Clark st. Downie, Walter (W. V. M. A.), Majestic Thea¬

ter Bldg. Ihiyle, Claude, 164-166 W. Waslilngton st. Dudley. Edgar. 14"4 Majestic Theater Bldg. Du Vrle*, Sam (Vandeville and Circus), Boom

209. 35 S. Dearborn st. Eichenlaub, E. J., 64 W. Randolph st. Fitehenberg A Sellg, 614 State st. Fox, Jack J., 412-421 Fort Dearborn Bldg. Friedlamler, Wm. B.. Majestic Theater Bidg. Frieillander. Robert, 118 N. La Salle st. Fuller’s .Australian Vandeville Circuit, 20 East

Jackson Blvd. Gladden. The, Booking Offices, suite 703, U. S.

•Annuity A Life Bldg.; F. A. Gladden, mgr. Goldls-rg. Lew M.. 70<) Matestic Theater Bldg. Halperin. Max. Majtwtic Theater Bldg. Hand .Amusement C'o., 1112 Rector Bldg.; J. A.

Sternad. mgr. Hadfleld, R. H., 5 N. I-a Salle st. Ilirsch. Arnold, care Plaza Hotel. Hoffman. R. C. (W. V. M. A.), .Majestic Thea¬

ter Bldg.

Hidmes, Coney, 22 W. Monroe at. Humphrey. D. N. (U. B. O. A W. V. M A ).

•-”2 W. Monns- st.. R. 9D.3. Jacobs, Wm., 22 W. Monroe st. James. .Marie, Agency, 1400 Majestic Theater

Bldg. Kune. Bernlianlt J.. 431 S. Wabash. Kibble. AVm. (Prislucer). I.’il2 Tribune Bldg. Kramer. Sam, 79 W. Monroe st. Kraus. '20 E. Jaek«on Blvd.. Suite 1.300. Vr.rsh, Charles M.. 1016 Consumers' Bldg. McKowen. J. B. (U. B. O. and W. V. M A )

Majestic TTieater Bldg. Merislith. E. E.. .33 S. Dearborn st. Merwln, Ray (S. A C.), 412 Rector Bldg. Meyers' Vaudeville Clrenlt. 3'22 S. State st. M'ho-c. .Menlo, Inc.. 22 W Monroe st. Pan-American Booking Offices. Khj N. Dcarliorn

street. Peiqde, Dwight. Majestic Theater Bldg. Iteb-h. Felix. 220 8. State st. Schallmann, Sidney M.. Crilly Bldg. Schallmann Bros., Crilly Bldg. Schickler A Greenwald (Producers), .35 S. Dear¬

born st. Scaver. Vernon C., World Theater Bblg., 64 W.

Rand<dph st. Shayne. Fxlward (W. V. M A.), Majestic Thea

ter Bldg Silver’*. Morris, Theater Booking Offlcea, 26 W

Madlsein st.

Simon. The. Agency (U. B. 0. and W. V. ■M. A.), Majestic Theater Bldg.

Skiff, Orrin E. (Musician), 7 Delaware Place. Spiugtdd, Harry W. (U. B. O. and W. V.

M. A.), R<s.m 906. Majestic Theater Bldg. Snow C«>ncert A Choir Bureau. 64 E. Van Buren. Sullivan. The Joe. Vaudeville .Agen<-y (U. B. O.

and W. V. M. A ). Majestic Theater Bldg. Tlshman. Irving. 906 Malestlc Theater Bldg. Tisbman, Sam (Thielen Clrenlt), Majestic Tbea

ter Bldg. Tnek, Samuel U. 220 S. State st. Unit^ Fairs Booking Association (Parks and

Fairs), Schiller Bldg.: E. E. Carrutliers, secy. Walters. Cbarles L. (Burlesque). 815 W. Mad

Ison st. W<‘stern Dramatic Agency, North American

Bldg.; Peter Ridge, mgr. I Weyerson, Ed, Amusement Co., 25 N. Dear¬

born at. Warren. George C.. Olvmpic Theater. Yates, Irving 22 W. Monroe st. Zimmerman, Wm., 106 N. I-a Salle st.


Gomes Vaudeville Exchange, 112 Odd Fellowa' Temple.


Clark A Martelle, 612 Belmont Bldg. Farrell. J. IL. A Co,. 746 Euclid ave. Shea-Brandt Agency. 318 Eric Bldg. Sixth City B'siklng OITlee 13t7 T’ayne Ave. Stanlfortb. The Ralph. Vaudeville Booking Ex¬

change, 207 Csdumbta Bldg.


Heher Bms. (CIretis), 312 E. 17th ave.

COLUMBIA. PA. Kerlln Amusement Co.. Bucher Bldg.


Henderson’s Centrs) Tbeatrlcsl Agency, First Nations! Bank Bldg.

Reliable Theatrical Agency, 413 Scott at., Tay¬ lor A West, mgrs.


Dixie Lyceum Bureau. M. C. Turner, mgr.

DELAWARE, 0. Mlnn< Il Bnis., Islaware. «).


Capital City Amusement Co., 313 Mnll>erry st.; J. F. Rrnton, mgr.

Page Amusement Co., 412 I>ociist st.


Ib-ttsdt Vsiideville Kxehange, :i4i7 Broadway Market Bldg.

Intern.vtional Vaudeville Exchange, 52 I,afayette Building.

Shutt, Hugh. Folly Theater Bldg.

DULUTH. MINN. Pheliis. Frank (W. V. M. A.), New Grand

Theater. FAIRMONT. W. VA.

West Virginia Ibs'kitig Agency, 306 MadUoa at.


Consolidated lKs>klng Ufflera, Herskowltx Building.

Frankel Brother*’ Vaudeville Circuit, 320 Baltimore BUlg.

OSW'EOO. N. Y. Gilmore Amusement Booking Office, Os¬

wego. N. Y. OMAHA. NEB.

Gate City Theatrical Exchange. 325 Ne¬ ville Bldg.

PHILADELPHIA. PA. CburchllUa Philadelphia B<s>klng Offlcea,

015 CouinioDwealtb Trust HIdg. Consolidated Bts>klng Offices, 403 404

Parkway Bblg.: R. H. Cross, mgr. Heller Cln'tlit. 1116 Chestnut st. MIgone, Frank. Vaudeville Circuit, 509

Parkway Bldg

PITTSBURG. PA. Boyer Vaudeville Circuit, '2M Fourth ave.

SAN FRANCHSCO, CAL. Levey, Bert, Clreiiit.(levey)

Alcazar Theater Bblg. Western State* Vaudeville Association., (wsva)

Hnmboldt Bank Bnlldlng; Ella Herbert Weston, mgr.

Western Vandeville Msnsgers’ .\sso<'ta- tlon, 754 Phelen Bldg.; H, M. Miller, mgr.

SEATTLE. WASH. Kellie-Burns Theatrical BiH>klng Aaan... (sAc)

209 8. A C. Bldg

SIOUX CITY, lA. Mld-W(«t Booking Exchange, Webster

Bldg.; A. E. Tripp, mgr.

SPRINGFIELD. 0. Snn, The Gna. Booking Exchange. Inc... (esa)

New S'in Theater.

TORONTO. ONT. (CANADA) Griffin. Peter F. (S)

Griffin Theater Bblg. Small Circuit. Grand Opera House.

WAUSAU. WIS. Cone Circuit. Wsiissu. Wls.

WATERLOO. lA. Boyce G. E.. Vaudeville Circuit (Veude.

I A Dramatic), Majestic Theater.


Forest Park Fair Grounds Amnsement C«. (Park* and Fatra), Paul Helnti. mgr.


Mann, Cato F., Gladbrook, la.

GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. La Vardo Exchange, A|ullu Theater Bldg.


Smithson, Frank. Great Neck, I-. L, N. V.


Turner, Oscar lee, 116 S. Mill at.


Robbins, Frank A. (Circus). Jersey City, N. J. Smith, Walter C.. Jersey City, N. J.


Apollo Musical Co.. 830 Reserve Bldg. Mackinson, Al, 11'2.3 Grand ave. Parker. K. T., 11'29H Grand ave. Skagg*. P. CS.. 11211 Grand are. Sparks Amusement Co Indiana Bldg,

LINCOLN. NEB. Galley. M., 203 Nebraska State Bank Bidg.


Dickey, Terry A Jones. B4>x 165.

LOS ANOELES. CAL. Burns, Bob (levey). Republic Theater Bldg. Dailie's Theatrical .Xgein y, Comoly Theater Illdg In<lei>endeiit Theatrical Exchange, Inc., Pantagi*

Theater Bldg. Ism Angeles Pacific I.vceum aisl Amusement

Circuit, r47 S. Broadway; C. Hassells Dady, owner.

Parks' Bisiklii'g Evehaiige, fkKi San Fernando Building.


Dfiwnie, Andrew (Cirrus), M<‘<llna, N. Y,


Vogel, John W. (I’rislucer), Vogel'a Beach, R. F. D. 2.


Unitetl Theatrical Exchange. 69 Wiaeonsln at.

MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. Co-Oi>erttlTe Exchange, Ibsun I, Lyric Theater

Building. G<sslwln. Mrs. Hal. 608 W. Bldg. Tonn, Arthur G.. I.yric Theater Bldg.


Williams. B J., Bank of M<>l)lle BMg.


Aloz, J. 11.. Oridieiim I'heater Bldg. West, Maurice, Fainllv Tlo-nler Bldg.


Bleaslnger, E. G., 219 South Franklin at.


Fraternal Kniertaliiineiit Bureau, 7H2 Bergen at.; Wm. Klrarh, mgr.

New York Vainb'vllle I'.xi'hnnge, 188 Market at, Saiindera. II. Chalk. 843 Bronil at. Van, Charles A., 61 Parlflc at. WItzIg, Jewell, 371 I.llllelon ave.


Acme Theat<T Co., 1402 Broadway, A'lania, 18*-, 1493 Broadway, Allen, George II. I Allen's Attractlona), 1431

Ilroiilway. Allen, J. Harry, Aator TlieatFr Bblg. Allison, F. I)., 'Tlniea Bblg. Allison, James M., Hotel NfrAlpIn. Alonzo. P (Poll). IM* Broadway. Alpiiente, J. H., 347 Fifth av*. Andrews. Lyle D.. 1482 Broidwray.

JANUARY *.9, 1916.

Arlington, K>lwar<l, lilO W, Fifty necond at. Ariuairung. Jua. 1.^, Columbia Tbiater Bldg. .\alilun<l. Wllri'fd I Miiab'iuiiH), |t4 W. U7tb at. .\t««*ll, W. K., W-lu Broadway. Kakrr. .\rtlii r T.. \V 4::d at. Baktrr, Boii, I'utuam Bldg. Bri'ka-r, Herman. 314 I’utuam Bldg. Ben All, Bobker (tlrleulal Troupea), 3J0 Weat

Thirty fourth at. Bene<liot .kmuwmeut Co., 144)1’ Broadway. Beuetllct, Flill 1’.. 1403 Broatlway. Keiitham, M. S. (U. B. U.), 303 i’alaee Theater

Bhlg. Bennett, Whitman. 130 W. Forty Orat at. I'erg. 11 it.. 1 l''3 Itrondwny. Berlliighuff. Henry, Columbia Theater Bldg. Bernaya, Edward I.., 33 W. Forty-aeeoud at. Blauvelt, Victoria, l.%47 Broadway. Bmlenhelmer, Sydney M., i’alace Theater Bldg. Bolim, Frank, Ageney, 140.'< Broadway. Booking, The, 4c I’ruiuotlDg Corporation, A<-ollan

Hall. Boruhaupt, Charlea, 1403 Broadway. I'.oMMHii. 11 nry J.. Columbia llieuter Bblg. Boatm-k, Claude k Cordon, 305 I’utuam Bldg. I'ramwell. .Vriliiir. Candler Theater Bldg. Brant, F. A., 1403 Broadway. Breed. Charlea, I’alare Theater Bldg. Brown, Chamlterlain (Vaudeville and Dramatic),

30 W. Forty aecxmd at.

Brown, Ceorge K., 1403 Aeolian Hall. I III k Jolin. mgr. I’na tor » .Vitli Street Theater. Burgeaa. Earl, 1470 Broadway. Burke. Billy (Own Attract Iona I, 1403 Broadway. Burnalde. K. II. (Vaiplerlllr and Circua), New

York lli|>iaa]rome. Byrne A Kirby, 1403 Broadway. I'ahn. Jullua. 14M3 Bniadway. Carlin. Harry, I’alacre Theater Bldg. Canwnter, E. J., 711 Tlniea Bhlg. Oaaey, Bill (Vluigley, New England), Gaiety

Theater Bldg. Caeey. Pat, 1403 Broadway. CtHKMi. George, 1403 Broadway. (Tarke. Edwin G. iMuelctanai, 1 W. 34tti at. Claremont Entertainment Burean. 419 E. 179th

at.; Wm. E. Keating, mgr.

Coburn. Charlea D.. 1403 Broadway. Conoly, Joeeph, 110 W. 40tb at. Cooley. Ilollla, E.. 1.39 W. 47th it. Cooper. Irving M., 1416 Broadway. Contu A Tennia. 1476 Broadway. Daly, Wm. Jowh, Columbia Theater Bldg. Darling. Alfred T. (U. B. O.), Palace Theater

Bnildlng. Decker. I^ederlck il., 1.56 FTfth are. Delanwater, A. G., 1400 Broadway. Delany, Wm., Palace Theater BMg. Delmar, Jule, 309 W. 4Sth at. Dempaey, P. (f. B. 0.1, Palace Theater Bldg. Dem|>aey, Jack (P. B. O.). Palace Theater Bldg. Nmton. Harry M. iVaudecIlle and Dramatlci,

347 Fifth are. Ih-wey. Itufnx il. Metrotedltan Opc-ra Ilouee. Dlnkloa. T. W. iBurleaqae). 1400 Broadway. Dlion. .Martin J.. Gaiety Theater Bldg. Domer. A. C., 1403 Broadway. Doratol. Paul. Palace Theater Bldg. Eckl. Joaa-ph A.. Gaiety Theater Bldg. Ede'.man, lem. Colombia Theater Bldg. Ellla. Sydney, 1403 Broadway. Epetin, M. S., 1403 Broadway. Evans, Frank, Palace Theater Bldg. Falh>w, Sam. 1403 Broadway. Felnberg. Abe. Sbubert Theater Bldg, lelcky. Chas. (C. B. (l.l Palace Theater Bldg. Fergneon’e. E. U. Enterprise. Inc., 330 Weat

43d at.

Flaher. Clifford C.. 1493 Broadway. Fltigerald, Harry J., Palace Theater Bldg. Flynn Vaodevllle .kgency, 1364 Clay at. Friinkllb. Joseph B., Galetv Theater Bldg. I'raiee, H. II.. 14<»1 Times Bhlg. Gal.-e. Cnwby. 14.51 Broadway. Gardner Vaudeville Agency, 3.54 Manhattan. tJenti. Will T.. New York 'Theater Bldg. •Jeraten. Frank. lexingtno Theater Bldg. iMilder. lew. Palace Theater Bldg. iKisa. William, .500 Fifth ave. Gottlieb. George A. (I*. B. O.), Palace Theater

BulUling. Greenwoal. H. C.. 303 Franklin at. Griaman, Sam H.. Coinmhia Theater Bldg. Gnrvlck. Phil., Straoil Theater Bldg. Hallet, laiuU (Dramatic ami Moelcal), 145 W.

4.5th at. Ilenneaay. .Wm.. Palace Theater Bldg. Henry, Jack d'. B. (>.), Hoorn 330 Strand Thea¬

ter Bldg.

Hlll'a Glia. Enterprlaea, 701 Sa'ienth ave.; M. T. Middleton, gen. mgr.

Ilorwita. Arthur J. (Fox A lx>ew), 1493 Broad-

l.ahky, JesM* I... 130 VV'. Forty-8rat at. l.avliie, l.ouU<, 1493 Broadway. I.eim, Hon. 143 W. 43d at. I.evy, Jai'k, 1.547 Broadway. l.evy, Mark, I’utuam Bldg. le-wia 4c Gordon Prialucing Co. 110.5 Palace

Theater Bldg. I.lclitman, Al, Times Bldg. l.lnton ItroN., Suite 330, .Strand Theater Bldg. Jaiicter, Jack, Gaiety I'heater Bldg. U'KmluD, Hlly, I4u;i Broadway, lasiuiis, Frank, Vltagraph Theater Bldg. laMiiula, George, Vtiagrapb Theater Bldg. I.ublii, J. 11. il.uew), 1493 Broadway. .McCuue. C. E., 401 Tlmea Bldg. -Mack, Pete, Palaee Theater Bldg. Maddoi-k, C. B.. Putnam Blilg. Mann, Jimeidi, Columbia Theater Bldg. .Marinelll, H. B., 1466 Broadway. Maxwell, Joe. 360 W. l'35th at. Mereer, Charles, 1.338 Broadway. .Melville. l'>ank line.), 330 W. 43d at. Meyerhoff, Henry line.), 140 W. 43d at. -Michaels, Joe, 1493 Broadway. Miller. Fran . ()., Manhattan Opera Ilouae. Miner, il. Clay, 14IM> Hroodway. .Morri*. Jtpsepb, Columbia Theater Bldg. Morris A Fell. Palace Theater Bldg. Moulaud. E. I Musicians). 71 E. 59tta at. Miickenfuss. I.*-e I’.. II114 Palaee Theater Bldg. Mullauey, Bose. 14N3 Broadway. Myer. Al. Gaiety Theater Bldg. Nadel. E. K.. 149.3 Broadway. Newtierger, .\dolpb. 6!*5 l>>xiDgtoa ave. New Y'ork Entertainmeut Bureau, 156 Fifth are. North. Meyer B., Columbia Theater Bldg. Norton. Mck iHarria Eut.). Palace Theater


O'Brien. Frank. Palace Theater Bldg. O'Brien, tieorge. Palace Theater Bldg. Owens. Ksy C., 141*3 Broadway. Padden. Harry. Columbia Theater Bldg. Peeblea. John C., Palace Theater Bldg. Pouebot, Charlea A., Palace Theater Bldg. I’liilipp. Adolph Co.. 14*>'j |.roadway. Ptermont. Ben. 1440 Broadway. PblgeoD. Edward E.. 107 W. 4.5th at. PIncus, Harry, 1493 Bp>adway. PlncuB, Iginla (Pantagesi Gaiety Theater Bldg. Pltrot. IHchanl. 47 W. 38tb at. Pond. J. B., Lyceum BMg. Pp-ntisa. Isabel, 1493 Broadway.

Strouse A Pranklyn (A. B. C.), 616 Gayety I'heater Bldg.

Sutherland, 1... .Vgcncy. Palace Theater Bldg.; I'liomaa J. Fitzpatrick, mgr.

Thalheimer, A., 1495 Broadway. Thornton Vaudeyille Ageney, LldT Bp>adway. Towne, Fcnlmore Cmriier, 1441 Broadway. Towne, Edward Owlngs, 1441 Broadway, Treffurt. II., Putnam Bldg. Tulley, Wm., 1403 Broadway. Wade Entertainment Bureau, 7'30 Sixth ave. Wabrman, .\I. Booking Agenc.v, 1517 Broadway. Wanl, Freil, Palace I'heater Bldg. Wclier. Harry. Palace Theater BMg. Weber, Herman, Palace Theater BMg. Weber, Ike, Columbia Theater Bldg. Weber, L. lamrenoe, Enteriirises 1 Vaudeyille

ami Burlea<(ue), Columbia 'Iheater Bldg.; Jos. L. Weber, gen. mgr.

Weingart, Irylng, 1493 Broadway. Weat, Holand iDramattc and Vaudeyille), 360

Wiwt 43d it. Wetzel, George J., 1400 Broadway. Wbltelock, l.*aiter B. (U. B. O.), 1564 Broad¬

way. Williams, Ernest, 1493 Bpiadway. Wilton. Alf. T., Palace Theater BMg. Wlnnlett. George. 1400 Bp>adway. Winter. Wales, I40 West 43d st. Wolff, Paul. 1403 Broadway. Wood. Joe. M.. A Geo. M. King (P. B. O..

I/oew. Fox, W. V. M. -A.). 1416 Broadway. Ziegfeld. W. K.. New Y’ork Theater BMg.


Norrta City Amuaement Bureau, P. 0. Box 533.


Gate City Theatrical Exchange, 335 Neyille Bl.


Gilmore, Charlea P, (Dramatic and Vaudeyille), Oswego, N. Y.


Antrem's Entertainment Bureau, 1(X)1 Chestnut street.

Barnes' Entertainment Bureau. 4833 Cedar aye. Callahan, E<l F., 40.3.404 Parkway BMg. Carlisle's Amusement Bureau, 1133 Lincoln BMg. Casino Theater, W. M. I.i-slie, mgr. Cotter A Biwsle. 316 Weightmann BMg. Deeriug, Wm. 1., 10 S. Fiourth st.


Hlmmelein, John .V.. Sandusky, O.


Blake A -Amber (Cabaret and Dramatic), Eller’s Bldg., 975 Market at.

Clnxton, J. J. (I’antagcs), Pantagea Theater BMg.

Cohen, I. N., Room 631, West Bank BMg. Cohen, Hube. 631 West Bank BMg. Dailey, W. K.. Pautiiges Theater BMg. Farnitm, Walter C. (Vaudeville and Dramatic),

130 Callahan BMg. Reese, W. P. (.S. A C.), Empress Theater.


Fisher, E<lw. J. (Inc.), 631 I.umber Exchange. FYsher, Mike, 631 Lumber Exchange.


Slonx City Theatrical Exchange, Suite 219-331 Massachuaetta Bldg.; J. W. Slercellea, mgr.


Goldstein BpMhera’ Amusement Co.. Broadway Theater BMg.

TOLEDO. 0. Tbompai>n Theatrical Exchange, Roiun 130, Ar¬

cade BMg. TOPEKA, KAN.

Beyerle, C. E. WASHINGTON, D. C.

C. S., The. Theatrical Agency, Ninth and B tta., Northwest; Edward Oliver, gen. mgr.

WASHINGTON C. H., 0. Inde^ndent Press Asan., 154 Thomas at.; Chas.

C. Davis, mgr. Irving Booking Agency, Judy Block.

WORCESTER. MASS. International .Amusement Co., B. M. Ix>rell, mgr. Packanl k Barr Lyceum Bureau. Mechanics’

Exchange Bldg. WILKES-BARRE. PA.

Wilkes Barre Vamleville Contracting Agency, '303 Savoy Theater BMg.


Orpheus .Amusement Bureau, McY’ey Bldg.

WINNIPEG. CAN. Morris Theatrical Exchange. 419 Mclntyra Block.



Walker, H. L., Orpheum Theater Bldg.

BOSTON. MASS. Colonial .Amusement Co., 403 Colonial TbeStar


I.ydiatt. R. J. (Western Canada Theaters), Grand Theater.

CHICAGO. ILL. Gaskill k McY’ltty. 1413 Masonic Temple. Johnstone. O. H., 140 N. Dearborn at. Jones k Crane, 648 North Dearborn at. Plton, Angttstns, Jr. (K. A E.), Illinois Theatsf. SbeMon. Harry, 119 N. Clark at. Smith. C. Jay. 314 W’. Superior at. Standard Booking Aasociatlun, Auditorium Bldg.;

Edward Suren, mgr. Woolfolk, Boyle (Producer), 22 W. Monroe at.

KANSAS CITY. MO. Brlgbam'a, E. S., Enterprises, Ollllaa Theater.

MADISON, 'WIB. Chappell, Harry. Fuller Opera House.

MOBERLY, MO. Grand Amusement Co., Grand Theater Bldg.

NEW YORK CITY Adams, J. K.. 100 W. 3»th at. Anhalt, l.awrence J., Park Theater. Bartik. O.. 370 I.exlngton ave. Belaaco, David. Belaaco Theater; W’. G. smytAS,

booking manager. Betts A Fowler, 1402 Broadway. Burt. Chas. A.. 1473 Bniadwr.v. Campbell, Berkeley Theater Bldg., 19 W. 44tk

street. .. Coban A Harria. 1482 Broadway; Jack M. Wel<*,

general manager. Conoly, Joseph. 107 W. 4.5th at. Frawley, T. David, 130 Vf. 44th at. Frohman Amusement Cor)»oratlon, 18 E. 41at at. Hopkins. Frank Ix>ngac're Theater Bldg. Klraly A Alward (K. A E.). Empire Theater


(Fox A Izw'w), way.

Hoyt. 1. M.. A Son. Columbia The Hughes. Gene. Pala<-e Theater BM| Hunt, Carl W. (Pnsincerl, Fourty

Theater. Hoiit. Phil. 149.3 Broadway. Hyde. Victor (Vamleville and Burlee<iue). Co-

liinibia Theater Bl<lg. Illnieiiwe, George, Princesa Theater BMg. International Play Bureau. H»* W. .38th at. Jacket, John C.. 1.5K3 Broadway, Jai-ol>a, Henry (Columbia .AmusaMiient Company).

Colninbla Th«-aler BMg. Jaodw. Jenie (Pat Casey), 1493 Brosdway. Jsodrl'a Musics) .Vgcncy. 103 W. 4'3d at. Jones. Timi. 1493 BnHidway. Jones |( .Mfi-isl. strand Tlieater Bldg Kaufman. L. Strsnd Theater BMg. King. Fram-es Bm-kefeller (U. B. O.), 1564

BiMsidway. Suite 706.

KlatilN-r. .Adidph. 14.51 Broadway. Klein, Philip. 14.51 Broadway. Kline, Jack, 14.3.3 Broadway. KolvimrvI, John, Jr. M’. B. O ), l.'iAl Broadway. Koin ke. Eugene I 3.3 W. FV>rly second at. Kngcl, IsH*. 'J'.’O W. Fi>rly aecomV at. l.anilM-rt, Clay. 1403 Broadway, lengfcld, Lisin, Bnmdway Pbeater Bhlg.

Priest. Robert W.. Shubi'rt Theater BMg. guaid. William IL (C. B. ().), Broadway and

3.H|h st.

Kachmanu. .8.. 14.83 Broadway. Randall. William W. iHramatIc and .Musical),

1370 Broadway.

Hapf. Harry, 1105 Palace Theater BMg. Itaymond. Ji>e, Columbia Theater Bldg, liedelslieloi-- . I... i'oIunibi:i I'lieater Bldg. Belkin. Edwin .A,, I Second are. Reno, C. R.. 1403 Broadway. Kidibins, John \., Gaiety Theater BMg. Kobertson Entertainment Burean, 13 Park Row. Itoeder. Benjamin F., BelasiM Theater. Rogers. Max. Strand Theater RMg. R.s.t. A. W., 313 I* BM.-, Bom- A Curtis, Palace Theater BMg. |{l■•enthaI, J. J.. Bronx H|iera House. ICusse 1. Joseph, 1600 Broadway. Sanilder, Martin, .\stor Theater BMg. Samuels, H. S,, 1483 Broadway. Saielers. Paly Slraml Theater BMg. Sasse. C. U. .300 W. 49th st. Savoy Proilnclng Co. line.). 1483 Broadway. Schwab. Lawrence. Paiai'e Theater BMg. Scibtlla, .Anton F.. 1403 Bmadway. Sties. Jis-, ,8trnnd I'lieater Bldg.

Shea. Harry .A., Putnam Bldg. Shea. P. K., 314 West 43d st. Sibley. Waiter K.. 140 West 4'3d st. Slninwins, M. 1). (A. V. .A.), Columbia Theater


Smith. George \A’. (Parks). 1493 Bniadway. SoIm'I. Nat (C. B <).). 1.5(7 Broadway. Sommers. Harrv G., Kulckerlioi-ker Theater


SiMiloier Li*oiiold. IPS* Bmndway. Spiegel. Edwanl. Strand Theater BMg Spiegel, Max. Strand Theater BMg. Slandiinl I’nMlii dug Co., 1483 Broadway; Mor¬

ris Bos 1, mgr.

Steiner. .A B Bri.sdway. Stern A Co., lAIVJ Brsiadwav. Stewart. C. O.. 107 W 4.5th st. Stoker A Blerbaner, ll«A5 Palace Theater BMg. Stockhouse. C. P., Eighty flrat Street Theater.

18'Ugherty. Thomas M. (Nixon-Nirdliuger). For¬ rest Theater BMg.

Grain. Amelia, M9 Spring Ganlen st. Gnlllth, Wm. T., Risim 4<a* Parkway BMg. He'.ler. M. Rudy. .501 Keith's B'.dg. Jeffrb-s, .Norman, (HI Real Estate Trust Bldg. Kraus, Cliarlin. '337 North Thirteenth at. Liebig. F.. M9 S|>ring Ganlen st. Mastbaii'ii. Jay. Palm-e I'lieater. Mors,'. Frank I Mnsicisns). 31*'3 W. Master st. Scott. George. 643 Real Estate BMg. Stick's A'andevllle .Agenf.r, 3.38 >; Eighth st. Spring Ganlen Entertainment Bureau. .819 Spring

Garden st. We efarth. W. Dayton. Grand Hiiera Ilouae

Buildtiig. Weil. L. Parkwav Bldg. We’ch. John T.. 7iV? North Eighth st.

PITTSBURG. PA. I'a'is, Harry. Entcriirisi's. Davis Theater Bldg. Jones, .A. W.. Lyceum Theater BMg. Kirk. Tlios. F.. .Ir.. Nixon Theater. Liberty Vandevllle Contracting Co., .504 Fulton

Building. Pearson. .A K. A Co., 3.36 Fourth ave. Polak Bisiklng .Assn.. Lyceum Theater Bldg. West View Par)! Co.. '3313 Farmers' Bank Bldg.;

J. II. Maxwell, mgr.


Selwyn Theatrical .Agency, Italei^rh, N. C.

ROCHESTER. N. Y. RfH’hester Theatrical Exchange (Inc.), 63 State

street. RiHit. A. W.. 33 State st.

ROME. N. Y. Klein Bros. A Heiigler Rome. N. Y.

ST. LOUIS. MO. Dane. Oscar. 14 S. Sixth st. Tliom|>siin. .A. .A., Navarre BMg. AVeber, R. J., Agency, .500 Chestnut at.


Twin City Lyceum Bureau, Gramt O. II. BMg.


.Andrews, Max. Andrewa Theater.

Principals and Choms


CHICAGO. ILL. I Collier’s Theatrical .Agency, 115 S. Di'arborn at. Ointlnental Vaudeville Exchauge, 118 North lA

Salle st. I Hewett, The. Bureau. 410 S. Michigau ave. Wlldnian .» Seldon. 119 N. Clark_ st. _

• uhaBwtodboak oAllAkMt Vsa4*slll*’SMatPrM.| '

««F0ER>ria0ELLE «ia 93 lACKSON MICH.


JANUARY 29, 191ft.


Plans Completed for Ball To Be Held February 16 at Lex¬

ington Hotel, Chicago

fhi.a.:... Jan. Jl.-In M'ite ,.f th.. .li^ai:r.-.-abl^ .ir..,,* hav.. las-n mbl. wARI>R<HlK —the llglilwl And muiit WMiTrtiietjt i ^ .. .. ..f t..a.tik !»»*«• T-urK u«.le. LHMr.lMU.muKe oo ymir old Trui.k. '“■''V, «“* •' of in.' o --- AW \HK-K of tlio MlMiwin.'iiK of Ain.-r;.a an.l • ..... ' ' '■ t. oir frien.lH at tlio informal Inn.'li U.-lil last BARNUM A BAILEY SHOW I* A TmniAm niclit in tlie .-lulir'sim at the SuratoKa Hotel. Ae* sm9 AttjrlvA A 1 UUIk ff III ILo Mirth and K.'.>d fellowship r.*ii:n.*.i throiiithoiii By FAX LXTDLOW

It E. Randslaa St 9ia w- Utk •* ***^ evenius- The house oonimittee furnished - ■* * * **'* an excellent entertainment. coiiHistinir of piano tpp coldest day of the winter in Bri.liteport

CHICAGO. NEW YORK. playiii);, aiuKiiiK an.l s|M*oial acts. Frank I’erl- makes loiurin,; for the r.s'.I .'1.1 summer time Note—New addreaa. New York, 44th. near Broadway, son was resismsible for the musical program the hea.Iline Ind.M.r sport. Knmor of an early

and acitnitt.Ml himself with credit. .Steve Juliax 0|M*nlrir put a little jo.v Into life, pulled a few sl.ditht of hand and card tricks M.-Stay, the clown, and s«'vcral musicians are that ma.le the oldtlmers take notice. Charles wintering In New York. I’lill Ke.>ler Is siien.l- Kilpatri. k, of One-IHdlar Insurance fame, save Irp tlie sis w- season with his mother at .Slber

in.'antmr that .msi s.':its will Is- taken. S|n'II man imalli ts tl.e blitK.'st o|H'iiin); for a cir. us in history.


Against Hugo Bros.' Circus Dismissed

C.'.lar la.. Jan. 2i> Jml^e Martin J tVad.'. Jii.Ice f T ;b.' rnlt.'.t States C.utrt in th.- S-'iitloTii .llstri.'t 'f l.'wa. Last Kri.lar .Its missed the bankrupt.'.T iiro.'.M-dlni:s bts'iiaht airalnst tl'e llmro B-.0I1.—s' fir. ns s4sin after it'e .1is:i[.|M'araiic.' of Vi.- l!n;:o s,'veral weeks bet''.' Tlie .lismissal f.' the fllim: of attidavits by credit.»rs sb"Wiiia that all bills aitainst tl.e ciri'iis have iss-n pai.l.

C. A. Taylor Trunk Works U E. Raadalsk 8t..

CHICAGO. 210 W.' 44tll St,




Tbe coldest day of the winter in Bri.liteport makes loturin,; f.<- tbe r.s'.I ..I.l summer time

Show Wardrobes, Costumes, I'nlforms, Trappings, Minstrel Requisites, Banners, Etc.

\V<» hart* re«ir1t>4sr«i thriUAtmte d ftliim fuiM Ilf the a»ip»TVcHjr <rf finr aiul the Aartiig In buy¬ ing frinu u« Tt.t^ p«^^a ar* ju«t AA Nk'iHlral lA ynu are- we had t4i fttiiwi xhi'm «e hail to gtTf th« m tH^t»T gt"**!* at a rr tv than thi^ c«wlil obtain ebie> Mhife aii4| we did It Idet ua friwv our clalntA to Yor alaiK ^ttate what gtawu are nnsl^l and frr‘11 auhmit catak^. hAjogiltw and full parUrulaf^

DE MOULIN BROS. & CO. ISM Swita 4th strwdt.


6 Sleepers 4 60-FT. FLATS Combination Cars

Spicial Cars of All Kinds




330 Wythe Ave.. BROOKLYN, N. Y. 25 Minuted from Kmailwai' and tlat Stnet,

Just at WllUamcburg Bridge. Other Tent Lofte at Atlanta, Ga., and Oalla*.



an linitiiti.m of a tiitht between himself and tbe San.l .'hampion of .Vustralia. His only rival ..f the evening was Jlr. Ben- n.'tt. aimth.'r single twigger. wl:o PETE SU st.'igeil a .laiK'e ami did some high kicking.

liuring the .sinr'o* ..f the .'Veti itig Jmlge fhurles .J.'.Mln.iw, wh.. atten.le.i as a guest of l»r. Mm\ ■rii.'iek, made a stirring a.l.lress als.nt the Tlieatri.-al Hospital.

Walter Driver, "f tlie 1'. S. Tent Jc .\wning Co., als.. sji.'ke lery highly of this w.ntliy pr.>Je.'t. an.l during the .sinrse . f his remarks sui.l that in t.i the iiers.inal ..f him- s<'lf and .Mr. Newman the C. S. Tent A .\wnlng C>i. woiil.l e'lulp the new hos|iitnl with all its awnings, hammoeks, settees, etc., free of charge.

Breaident John VYarren, Tom Allen. C. K. Nat Iteiss, Charles .Vndress. Colonel tiwens and many others made brief speeches. .Vbout one hnudre.l members and guests were pres»‘iit.

At the regular me«'ting of the league hel.l We.luesday aftermsin It was annonnce.l that all jilaiis for the ball to lie held February 16 at the I.exingtun Hotel liad been completed and tl.'kets were distributed to the memlwrs.

The following applicants for membership re.-elve.! fav'.ribl.' consideration from the Ib'ard of Governors: 'William F'. K.slgers. Kalpb Fimerson, Bert W. F^arles. H. A. De Vaux. Jos. LaiJoe an.l I. eroy Z. Howell.

Doctor Max Thorek. head sur¬ geon of the Ameri.ran Theatrii-al Hospital, and a memlier of the league, was present at the ine.-t- Ing and sp-ike of the work lieiug done by the American The- atrl'-al Hospital for actors and showmen. Ife adso told of the Geaerai Miaate

__ . I completed plans for a new bos Brothtrx’ 8hi WE^HAVE FOR LEASE, UARS, 50 feet long, for I pi(^1, ground of which was broken shipping Bomerv. autcmoblles. advuw baggage, prir-| .Showmen-s

uburb of Bridgep.irt. Noisy Parker, nellkis-wn bill|S'ster, Is winter iiig at Merl.len. Conn. .\1 Goul- l.-n, f"riiierly an unilerstandcr in an acrobatic act with the B A It. Show. Is still a tralllc i.lH.-.-r at Falrrteld and Main street*, one ..f Uri.lg.'i'ort's busiest cor m-rs. <ine . f tile r.*giilar eieiit* w h.-n the sls'w plays Bridgeisirt i« f r M-siia-y's hi—d ..f bulls b' salute the .'tll.-er when the parole «-ss,.s that corner. Mr. and Mrs. Jik." Neiviiian lime taken a h.itids.'niely furnished home for the winter. Happy Jack .'»nel- Fn's antom.'blle is in coiiinilsslon i on file laddest of dav*. George : .'4'nitli is isiw emob ve.! at .me of | I e p.ipnlar theaters in W. r'ester. i 111' had the pleisn-o* the past week of m*“»'tlng Wlllla-ii Hilllar, ' Insi.te manager an.l le.-fiirer in , the sl.le show, who is playing the I’.dl Time with his magic a.'t. I

.L letter from W.llle Howe, otlierwise and popiilarly known as Baby Ihill. says he is working in a cigar store in Kansas City an.l wants to know w h.-re Harry Ik.wiling is. .Llso re.'eiie.l a let ter fis'in Ja.'k Wright, f.iriiierly of the Cosni.ipolitan Sli.'ws. the Gentry Shows, an.l I'-t m with Hng.i Brothers. He is win teriiig in Sonrlake. Te\.

Jiiiitny Shay staye.1 at "Bawa

Geaaral Miaater Sua Brothers' Shews.

t"n" as long as lie .s.iil.l stan.l the b.-s4. It. ami now is in Bri.lgeport. em- THE pb' at a graphapls'iie .' nipanr inc. plant. Jimmy Nunn, salesman of ioe I'la'iim ism.'s and p lH*orn bri.'ks, IS working J iumr. Mo'k.'.v (Irmes has an imi.rtant |Ms<itton with a wellkm.wn con I

tra.'tlng an.l .'.itistru.'Ii.m .'.im- “ pany as lss.s rigger, .\rthnr Main SHOW w'.ssl is also euipl '.leil at a

West Find plant. .\iid then there Is .strjwlierry Ke.p w .) was stlplsise.l to |>e in Seattle. Iillt fimiCL who I* not. At this partl.-nla- UvUDli m.iiiieiit. t.i am., he I* 1 nsy helping J.din F'hiller with s'.nie 109-11

36 Tuts’ Rtpuiatioa Back of Emy Tait


Carnival Tents S«o«i for CiOaIog and S«coinLH—A tlia



SPECIAL Fifty 10x12 CamtAiig TmU. I.ISM) feet .g a. I and 1B> ft Side Wall All Ilf the abo«e mw.! or.e week prap- tl.wlly new. F.* aala cheap If auld quirk (Juailtp




Aad Evarytkiat la Caavat. Saag far 0ktafi»

DOUBHERH BROS.' TENT 4 AWNIN6C0. t rrrlT - “oo.. -0..^..^ vs.*- two week* ago. The Showmen a helping J..lin rhiller w tti s .n.e

I-eagne has agreed to furnish a ward in tlie re., new horses at the ring barn. In a .s.iiple ..f TUP ARMS Pal arp unnep raB rn hospital to be known as the Showmen's h>iiirs lie will tie at the Kemington plant filing

-._« iiishiil, a^ ^ _ I.a‘ague of America Ward, and the* mem. bayonets.

109-111 Sastk Mala SIrtat. ST. LOUIS. HO

614, 332 S. Michigan Ave.,


far OSIeert or Prtvateo. Tenta. Guat, Plitalt, Swerdo, Sabroo. Saddlea. etc., from Governmont AiMdton. (New ar Second-Haad.) If yo« want kBytkiag la that lino. WE CAN SUPPLY IT.

Illuotrated B. B. ABRAHAMS & CO.. Catalofi Freo. 5M Market St., Phlla., Ft.

bonpital to be known as the Showmeii's h>iiirM lie will tie at the Kemington plant filing eMFYLAI A SI n F-OSIF* r GCIOSI I I.eague of America Ward, and the varl-.ii* mem bayonets, anVtftf FAIIU LeVIS1WIM

I here immediately started making Amations to, ciiftou Sparks was . re-ent visitor at Bridge ■ 1 T f ■ 1 the I'ause. J. B. Warren, president of the „,„j ih,. winter onarfers. Francis F’nller, H I league, bad already subscribed IJod toward „„ ,(,e .bsir In 11*11. is assisting in the ■ M J 1 M iT^^ furnishing a room in the Iwispltal. but he with management ..f tbe "sl" Theater in Allunfa. drew thla amount from tbe room and bad it ou. Thaler.* has s.* iire.1 sixteen week- a.Idi ST. LOUIS TENT AND AWNING CO., transferred to the Showmen a league ward, i (tonal time the elejihant act I.e lias Is-en tin Marta Tklri Stront ST LOUIS. MO Following thla action cash donations were re-I _.,.ki.,.. »ki- ..l..•.., i. .n i-. _...i • a • . »i. auw •, w. ceived as follows: Herman O. Smith, $5. Ralph

management «if the "Hi" Theater In .\llunta. Oui Thaler.* has s.s'iire.1 sixteen weeks tional time for the elejihsnt act I.e lias Is-en working this winter .As the time Is sll In aiel aronnd New York the bulls sre In for a 11111.-


ANTEFii*. Tell us what need and rwlTe LOW- tEKT rstlmate n< cost and lllastraied catalogue. ^^ EHKEBOLL^^ART^COo^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^mal^^

I Texas Snakes

aronnd New York the bulls sre In for a 11111.- ^ • a aw b aw a a —__ Wedneiulay and Saturday night exercise RnMOrPninM TfinP

We started something when we nn-nllone.l Ijll ImIj T ^ ^ IIJ Im I III ^ Crbana. There are so many tn iiis-rs fr. in tlier.- W W ■ 9 W » W SF ■ IP • 9 ■ 9F ■ W

that a ^*'w were oieri.s.k.'d. ainoiig wte iii are TenU, Isrgp Of musll. Material, workmsD- two well kno>A D |N*h \n i • alwajn in tli<* wak** <»f on«« Eif th** hit on**'*, lunl Snip &nu pnC6ft n|(nt. Grant Wo<»l**y \n proLnliljr tii** kiHivvn im-t am| 4|jfi||| p|TY TCMT ti AUfUlllC Pft eltj man on all th** fair tcrontMU tM‘tw*‘**n U^LAnUMA III I I ICRI Qv AffRiRO vUftt

i“.m;::. •s^e.'kVn'rof \Xbr‘N 312 wni Rnt strNt. okiikoai city oku. enteil black face comi'.llan. formerly of lb.' OPPOSITE ERISCO DEPOT. rieiiis ana t..>uurii snows, nas j.iineii me i-.iiiy

lln, one of the best-known circus men of the CIIITord Company as a f.-atnre. FOR SALE OR TRADE Sli Zetniv or Sacred f'stlM

cnintry, after a ylslt of several days here with Haven't seen or h.-ar.l anything of "I'asha ' n,J,ll'''n;-'’*m.sIu'l *!.‘l"A twr/'Mllill aiKl'‘‘.a.i!'bsnaJr his friend. wlf't**''- In the news, fellowa. Sunday gu.iaiit.s'd m I* the t’m met Ti*UU»0 ZihiUXA-'

Emerson, $5; VA". Rodgers. $.’'1^: (Charles Andress, Wednesiiay and Saturday night exercise. J. Howard, Ei'i; and pledges were given by . . ^ ..

Harry Melville. *00; John Berger. *'J5; Lew something when we m.-ntlone. Nichols J.'iO ’ ^ ‘ ' Urbana. There are so manv tpi'iii»-rs fr.-iii tlier.

Mr. Newman, of the C. 8. Tent it Awning CO iiijotii; wt»*Mii )Ar*‘ hiniK**lf and Mr. Driver down for a liberal well known *^in***t‘Hl4»ii.ilr»*M. |s.h \ll!lfr i

donation, but did not ipecifj the amount.


Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 20.—Col. W. E. Frank-

alwtys in the wake of one of the hig om-s. iin.l Grant Wo.iley Is |>r.ilialdy the le-stkis<wn m-v elty man on all the fair Is-tw.'eii lumlina and Dallas. He ma.I.- the return ball famous. 8|*aklng of I'rl.aiia Nl.-k filyiiti. tal enteil black face com.-.llaii. foriin-rly ..f lb.- FleMs and Coburn shows, has Joined the Billy

for Tampa. The Colonel Is "dead In lo'e ' I • i,,__ a,_ with Florida, and Intends to buy a home In the 1 * '

lOAL HiK'lKTT. T.dnl... Dtiio

rs-ir,...^ v> a . . is State. He declarei that never again will he Kf Aiwiid the winter In .the .North. . The advantage I Pit Siiows. All poisonous siiak.s fixed safe to handle,

i Price r.'Asoeiable. l*ronipt shipment of all orders. W. O’DELL LEARN A CO..

, ^ to 110 V. FTores » , San Antor.lo. Texas,

of getting back to his lnialne«s Interests In Chi¬ cago. In the course of some hours against days If he went to the Pacific Coast to winter. Is one

_of the many things the Colonel likes alsiut MANTEO FOR THE TENTING SEASON FOR 1 FTorlda.

LOWERY BROS.’ SHOW, arid V*u*lertllp ArtA of til kinds, Tiai> Teem,

iktii aind wife, tnd f^inwly Mu>lral At-i. k<km1 najio Plt\er: lUl raa-^t do ihPH; <*r more Mike all

:* tire'-day Ataj.dA. Mum be rtkaI dn-wser* on and f»ff. I low. *61 re saJarr. Slato ail in first Addre?** it IKO 11 I>kWHRY’, Shenaridf>ah, I'^finvlranla


ITiiladf-liiliL'i. Jan. 21. In or.I.-r to allow him one w'-ek H lime in I'hlln.lelphia to li.-.slu'<- the show, F'rank I’. .S|M-llinHii. iiiamig.-r of S|s'll- iiian's In.loor Clr.iis, this w.-.-k u[i|M-aring In Newark. N. J.. has set his Quaker City dates back one w.s'k; tluTefors-. the •iigrigemeiit at t'onvention Hall lure will lot L.-gin until Jan

“OSITION WANTED —Gwsl Animal K<sl>eT. dogs I nary TI. for whl. h night Sis-llmaii has m.'i'b'


F:DW. van VATCK. Cincinnati. O.

IT h.vvs, quli-Ji: stag.. a-isWajit. understands car- «ii.-rt;,g: best r.fmn.'es "ANTilAL KEF:!*™.” wrt- lI'.lltMBrd, 4J(l and Broadway. New York (^ty.

ai ningen.ents whereby tbe .-iitire house will te- o-.'III.led by the Lii I.ii Temple. .Mystb <)nler Sbrin.-ni. of I'lill I'Jidi.hta and their friends.

CIRCUS, SIDE-SHOW and CARMUAl M, M* 1 JL both new and used

Get your orders for I9IG pLoced early and avoid the nish. Write for latest cataloiEues. .Send in your re<|uireinents now.


P2S-231 N. D*splaln*« St. - • CHICAGO. ILL. P2S-231 N. Dasplalna* St.

JANUARY 29, 1916.

The Real Dope, Leavened With a Little Gossip and Small Talk, Bat Feataring Facts


Jotio IlirrlQKton .SulllTan, Uir «rllkik,wa ji Irt'turrr, tra»<’|,niulat auil Mililirr of foi-

luur. larllt,# thi* **r»r liratr It a la^ut to «rlir to 'ixliiniua.* t>ul Ihi* a-Da«- aixl truth rihtbitaal In Thr itllUawnl'a Wild WVat \VU<iotu aoil Frontier ^•rl*«llll^ material haa arouae,! aij enthualaam. I're been fulli>wli.( It chweljr ami haire enju/etl flixlltig namea of old- tlmera, ami ue»a of t>U‘'kar<aia I’d lour loat trj< k of. The letter from Jark Joji-e lu one of your r»<eut laauea I read with pleaaure I waa with Joyce two wrintera ago In tbriln. Germany, and rxale the little bronk. Two-Mtep, be rneutlona. ami the nag can buck. Jark Inalata on hla peo' pie ualug the old flat born aaihlle, and he'a rIjtUt when be suggrata that aome boya who own awell fork leathera w<,old flod new excitement ahou'd they drop actoaa a Texaa flat horn once. There waa a youug Hlonx boy with him by the name of Indian Johnny Ked Chwid. la hr atlll with Joyi-eT I batren't been following the Wild Weat game fery chiaely the paat few yeara, although 1 do meaa with topera ami borara now and then when there'a aome proflt In algbt. But l ee arrred In action eonalderably In the paat In arena work and range work when the da.ta were mUhty hot ami nlgbta uncomfortably cold; al*> od.l.rrliig aiMl touriet cuollug. ami ifa the one great life In which a lad will learn patience. P^ra^rerance ami tl»e difference between right and wrxmg. My father, who la quite well known aa Broncho John, knew ‘o|>en range' life when it

*ofwn.* I'ee met and become faat frtenda with a r>o<I many of hla 'young bloo,!' ac- qualntancea. and I're yet to meet one 'old-timer' who haan't the qualltiea that make any clean- minde<t mao or woman look op to them with adnilratloo. I a|>eak of auch men aa Seth Hatha¬ way. Jark Orawfonl. George Bartlett (now dead! ami many other old-tlmera who tamed the laoda where we of en>iy Pullman aerrlce. and It'a the duty of we younger generatkm to aee that tlrey recelTe due and reajiectful mention m'w and then. Of all the rbwle* «ff our Weatern latnia the apirit and acgreawlTeoeaa of our fatbera waa the newt g'otiuua. Iton't you agree with me. howdy Waddy? I'll bet you do. becao'e there a a touch, a punch c»f d,-a-p a.Tmrwtby ami nnderatamllng. apparent In your columna. A loia Amigo." |«:iad to get l.ttera like .Toora. Mr SulllTan. We are tVdng oor beet to fur¬ ther the beat Intereata of the Wild Weat and frontier game and perpetuate the nii-mory c>f tile atunly men of an earlier generatl-'n who made the Weatern country and the;r early doinga the auMect upon which tmlay are foumte<l the m.wt thrilling exhibition of clean ajai'la ami di'lng dee-la which are f-mnd In a real Wild W-at ah«-w or frontier coot-wt. That la why we hare taken a few alama at aome of the thinga that hace helped to bring exblbltlona of that nature lnl-» ridicule We hope that thoae Intereated In the game, with a rlew to bring ng It up to the atcmlard which rightfully ahonid N- lt« claim, will go to It with a vengeance ami Nawt th-we thinga that a-w for ita beat g-aai. .And commen'-e at on-'e. alt<igether. to Ignore the people who are

o-alble fi-- the bail featurea that exlat at thia time. Write again. Mr. Sullivan. Kowdy W I

Mr Sullivan aaka oor readera a number of qiieatl-Kia, which will appear In an early aaue. M at. h for them. Your name may be mentlon--d.

"Kn-liwe-l y-Hi will llml fa -ta and newa fr m Ib-ni-r. Every c-giy of the Xmaa Billboard haa t>een read by the ahnw |Mag>le of Ih-nver. It waa a huniilinger. y.«i bet. U W S.--It haa left Ih-nce- for t'lieyenne. Gall Itownlng ami Si'-mt Val-h are ranching tog-ther thIa winter tJall •a getting a r--lay atring together, ami a-’ine g'a»l oiiea. too; (a, look -wit. j-m relay rldera. t'ha-lie 11pton haa atlll -ot hla name aa a real bip'kii.g horae tiller I n«'e a real one the other ■la) at Pulwlo '('hen>ki-e t'tiarlle' ,t'. E. Ki>aa| la ih-w In Denver lie tra-lel hla a’low for a ranch In Nevada He • v|iecta to take ocer the oiiKli ale>rtly. I may take charge of the range ami w.i'k for him until the contecta atari. Dan Tla-maon and wife are going to N'-»rthe'n Call f-*rnla to take up a h-«meatead ranch Dan la a br-.ther of 'Ite-f Parker. 1 Irey. the "op-'r ap iini r at the atia-kyarda. haa aon-e new tr''ka. He a|..a.,.a with hla pipe The Dutch Powlaiy waa a..nie hami until he IrWal .nil one if Irwin'a bail ..lira And m.w- he thinka dlffi rc-ntly.

Thia la a gentle old work horae weighing l.lMd

iHiumle worked every day In a dray, plump, gen¬ tle to aad'lle and ke.-pa hla feel. We exhiMle.i in Wichita Kalla for a week last June With my ahow. Texaa F'rontler I>aya. and offe-e«l $.■.•> forfeit to the owner of any horae I falle.1 to rble the Brat aaddle. Mr. Kouth called on me and aald be reckouial he knew where he ■-•Milil gel me a couple of h-,raea that would pitch a 111 He If I would only promiae m>t to 'claw him up.' 1 prumlae-l. and the Brat night be brought In 'I'raiy Snake.’ a grey, we.gbing atvdit 1.<aa> lauimla. My boya had already ridden Bve

. head of our own atock. and I Bnlahed the ahow I by riilligt tlie crey. He turneil out to be a real i bii' ke*. too. Next day a bartender told me that I the 't'raiy Snake’ horae waa a gentle aaddle

horae compareil to the 'Je-oie Jamea' horae. and j that all the town aporta were lietting two to one I on the bo-we; ao I bet all the bame change I had j on my riding him. Now 1 waa tlpt>eil off that j night that no human coubl alt thia horae the I way Mr. ICoulh aaiblled him. ami no one waa al- j lowed to ilo the aaddllng but hlmeeif. Now be

never made tlmt agreement with me. 1 waa to ride the liorae according to conteat rulea; ao when be led him out and refuaed to let me do the aaiblllng 1 called my beta off. But I bad to o-e It through, aa the au<lience had come ex- preaaly to aee thia horae ridden. I ride a three- quarter rig alto-retber. ao Mr. Kcwith took a aieer r.gglog. placing It acroaa the a'-at in front of the caulle. umler tlie b<>r«e next to hla flank, drawing the (lank cinch up Brat, then tightening the front cinch. Of courae any man wou-d know that the front cinch would be bavae. aa the aad¬ dle would naturally kick np, and the Brat jump be made the aaddle would crawl back to hla

rump. On top of thia he proceeded to put a choke atrap, much too abort, around the horse'a neck, then aabl be was ready. I att-iiped into the middle of him, determineil to claw him aa long aa I laated. The Brat jump my aaddle crawled and I waa leaning over the aaildle born to reach the choke atrap. About thia time he atart'a! to awap emla and apin around till I waa ao dizzy I Couldn't tell which end of the aaddle 'nancy’ waa on, ao I unloadeil In a very undignlBed man¬ ner. while moat of the audience declared it waa a frame up. Of courae I waa plumb hoatlle. and offered .Mr. Booth $10 juat for the nae of hla horae the next night, or that I would b-'t him $1(10 that I could ride the horae If be would let me do the aaddllng. But be aald be gui-aaed 'Jeaee’ had done emmgh for that week, and I never bad another chance at him. I am not the only man that haa a claim ataked down there. 'Kei'kleaa Keil,’ Hugo Strickland and many othen have that reputation in Wichita Falla; ao if any of you twlatera think you’re Invincible blow Into that town and tell them you're a broncho rider—they’ll do the reat. It'a up to you. Weaver Gray Where are y-m? Met your friend. Jimmy, in Denver recently.

i’nole and Igine, of ahootlng fame: Where «.re you folka?

Fred Welderman—Juat beard of the marriage.

Good luck. Haa aome movie outflt grabbed Tom Hender-

aon? "Pop” George Relae. who naed to be with

Tolorado Grant’a Show aome yeara ago; Write in.

ran anyone put this man on the right track? "I notli-ed in your big Xmaa laaue when 'Hlgh-

tContlnued on page iW.)


M. R., Kanaaa t'lty—B-'fore we will pnbllah your cballeiige you moat Brat prove that you have on deiaMit the amount stated for that pur-

We atateil plainly some time ago oor |a«ition regarding the publlahlnz of challengea In t'.iese columns.

Mine F. ♦'.. Chicago.—Note what you aay re- gydlng the remarks of the paper you mention. We are really too busy to consider the outfit seriously, and we can't be laughing all the time ami do our work right; ao for that reason pass It up.

C. H.. Chicago- Many thanks for marke-l copy of Wild Bloivmer. Sorry the staff (?) don't ai>preclate my tunes. Have one on band I may whistle avavn -one that la the best aeventy- d-'llar tune ever whistled. Watch for it.

J. J , Salt lAke—Yim can reach Mrs. Ed Lind- say by writing her at<1y, Ok., we believe.

U. .A.. St. I’aul—No, there Is no tmtb In the repiwt abviut which you inquire. Suggest that you write Mr. Harris a |>erBi>nal letter.

1.. S , Cheyenne - Many thanks for your letter. It shall b-i as you say. Will adviae you at earl- l*'t optKirtunlty.

Marie Gilbert — Write me at once. "1 would like to knivw. If iNuo-lble. whether

you (Whistling .Annie) ever were with the Okla boma Ranch .Show in 1913? If not, did you ever Wiwk with the Dickey WlH Wewt? This is to settle an argument. iSlgne-ll .A. P.. Ib-n ver.” tl have to de-'llne to answer your qui-w- tion. much as 1 would like to answer It. because you s.-e if I answer yours I'll have to answer a lot mure, ami In a short while stvme «>f you wouki have nie s|s>tteil. Would you believe It’ .A few Weeks ag*. while In Chicago on busl ness the Week my column did n-*t anpear In th a di-partnnnt I passevl Mr. Homer Wilson on Ik-vrtsiru street, just as he was g->lng Into the Sa-atoga Hotel, ami he gave me a scowl and passssi on. I thought for a moment he had re..-gnlred me as Whistling .Annie, but after w irii f,.iim| out hi- never even saw me.—W. .A.)

(' »s> Berlin —Where did you ro after you stsrteil out to frame up your Wild West? .An old Oklahoma frleml of yours would like to have .v-wf ai1.ln-ss.

(v-li le Gcbhart W-lte me. News for yi>u. Vi ra Mi-Glnnls One of iMir readers asks if you

will ride bronks at the rsmtests in IPltl. as well as .1.1 trick rillin'? let us km—v

Be'-tha Blsno-tt Is the Out We«t Club at I- .A still In existence?

Marlon Waite How are you and Billy?

Eloise Fox—Will yon be with a Wild West show the coming season?

Fanny Sperry-atelle—la the re|>ort that you will take out your own show the coming summer true?

Theo. Hampshire—How about the steers? J-jella Irwin—One of our readers wants to

km>w the names of your favorite relay team. Mrs. Virgil Barnett, formerly with the Act

Beautiful: Send ns your address. Mable Kline—Send In your Minneapolis ad¬

dress. Capitola Rider—How abont the Gollmar Shows

next season? What ever became of the Indian actresses. Go¬

on-Go Mohawk and Princess Chinqullla? Princess Wenona—S«-nd In the news from yoor

camp, and tell Jim to write Rowdy Waddy. Ollle Swan—AA’lll yon troupe next year? .Ada Summerville—How abujt the report that

you will go In the movies at the conclusion of your vaudeville engagement?

Bessie Herberg—.Are you wintering at Red l-slge?

Buster Mack—Hear you may ride bronks next seasitn. How about It?

.Alice lee—Make Stack milk the cow. and yv u drop a line.

Gevirgle Carson—What Is this we bear abont you and Campbell going to England?

"Will you ask your readers to answer whether there Is any truth In the report that Inez Winger, the lady trick rider, sailed for her home in the land of the midnight sun with the Ford l'i-ii-»» I’art.v?"—K. J.. New ark.

Edith Rankin—A few lines from you. please. C. R.. Kansas City—Goldie St. Clair Is the

lady rider to whom you refer. I.ucllle Mnlbsll may N- able to give .vim the info. desire<l. Do not kn-vw address of the man.

Mrs. Charles IjiDue—AA'rite me. IVolly Mullins—.Advlsi' us of your present ad¬

dress. A'era Slmpsi»n —News for you. Write in. Dolly Clark—Will yi>u be with the Diamond

Dick Show this year? Inex Claropett—Where are yon this wlnti-r? Mrs. Hisvt Gibson—Send In the news. Mrs. Pat Christman Do the same. "Did Dorothy Morrel win over Prairie Rose

Hendersivn in the ladles’ bucking horse contest at Cheyenne In 1914?"—B. .M., Miles City.

"Will yiwi be so kind as to a^k, through Ti>nr columns, w-hich moving picture corojiany c'aims to have In its emidnv the best all round o-ngirl-.A Cowgirl .Admirer.


'I’heo.kie Charlie' Is known to all the boys as the -liamplon cr|pple-l cowboy. Fnclose-I you will flnd a newspaper c|lp|drg sNuit Harry " il’- tic’ busy, row buys anil help a friend In Pc- -I '’ Milt D Hinkle (The story concern Ing Wallers ap'>esre<l In the Wild West Depart¬ ment a few weeks ago B. AA'.l

The following letter just to hand from K-ank A lair Ilf 1 afayette t'-d "Kv diiitly our fri-ml Bee Ho Gray had some trouble with h’s cviwboys oil nag n show ilneli g the past s,-as.iii. they not siifire-'lalln - his Intosluetlnn to the stake hammer, and he Is !*•> dotitd endeayoring to II- lu«l-sle what a hanl life a man has on a rattle oiiilit to convince sa d hands Ihst a lltlle matter of driving a few hnndrnl stakes, ptilting up side wall. rani>|>y, etc., was a no-re IrlBe No. Bee Ho I'm ante that If v.m fed a eowNiy i*n roast Is-ef three times a dav he'd sqtitwk Ids head t-ff A'arlely Is the stt|i-e of life. Bee Give them hsiti and eggs. iw’rterlMin-ie steaks, rhicki-n. etc. Hiwiie of the hands crave a lltlle mu'ton now and then, blit yon must slip that to them on the quiet. I et ns have some nnvre of Chari s .AI drldge’i adventures among the hands In the Far F.s"l . Thev must have some mighty snakv bronks In that country. Mi>enklbc of p'lehlug •t-«k, If then- are anv of the l>ovs wintering In Texas and think thev ate ’elesn setters ’ don't n»er|.»>k thst ‘Jtese Jsuifs' hors.. In \A'l--h|la Falls lelongln- to Mr Iloiith .A man can make tldo |B>nlo If he rao ride him slick till he quHs.


W WT r’^/ul f'lr • tWA> A*ar 14I(It (VvititrtlmilHt.A. two CHA'oni*. F“*miTY who r»n {\n ft nuni'HT ii€ ftAi,*. Tnmift* at Tralnnl M or •I'hrr Mnall ftnlmiU. ftll-munAt Wt’wi I'nup’?*. ItWI* .< mn, with twA> (Mir •rt*tn’r, who will hfttiAlIt* hru'«h: two t'an- tftwmjti wh«» uiuhTMtftii.tH llict t«. Sl.|»* Hti »w Siiftk** niftpm**r. vn*\ir M't RAailt‘r. (?lrU.

Sr!lA'f wtio (Nin nuiki* INTfiWTiw r* m«rt aIo ivro iw nw»«» •A't>; th<*«‘ AkwiMln*' In (Mwi<vrt or h>*w prvfirm! Win d'r hUMillnf t'Ju.Ab Uuti'htT MtaniiM TWTt>titfttft' C'W ris.VrV a manry-

fNMlitr.h iu> IMtl VKH rantol .^AftlnAH CAMPBriL 4 BCATTIC. ^OS CrMty Bldf.. Chlcftt#. III., ttfttll Frhruary I: attar that. S.'xii AntanU. Trvaa. wtirra 4haw apana ahiut Marrh I.

H. H. Tamnicn haa to Col. Cody {olniC Into Taihltfvllle with the plcturea.

Col. Fred Cummins buH promoted a bljc bathing b**arh at Berkeley, Cal., Juat arroaa the bay fnmx Sa Franela.^o. It la a proposition.

If a Tote for the moat popular man In the Wild Weat frame amons people really of the wild bunch waa taken Guy W'eadlok would win handft down.

A raft well of .V).000.<Wft> feet a day haa been atruck just eleven mllen from Pawnee Kill a ranch. That la capacity enough to supply a town aa lar^e as Kanaas City, and eicltement la running blKh. From ten to twenty-live dollara an acre for the oil and yaa lijrhta In land ad.lacent to the strike la already freely offered.

Now they aay there la no chaoe for the New Buffalo BUI Show to get out. becauae H. H. Tammen*s warning cauaed capital to get cold feet. But for all that the end la not yet.

Gillette. Wyo.. Dec. 31—F. U Roonda. a well- kno^'Q cowboy, who baa worked on varloon ranches tbrougbont thia vicinity, returned froaa Flint, Mich., on Thursday evening of last week, ami his trip, made all the way on boreeback. ea- tabliabes a record which we have never heard of being equaled. Havlmx left here about a ago to pay a visit to hla parents and his old home he decided It wouW be a novel eiperlenca to make the return on horseback. Ac^'orillngly he purchiu»e<l a well-known reglatensl trotting mare back there, Maggie R., by name, and after two weeks sttent In breaking her Into the aad¬ dle on September 1 left on h*.a long ride back to this place, traveling over rootea eatabUahed by autoists. the distance totaling ll.liOi) miles, which he covered In exactly 100 days. He trav¬ eled by easy atagea, forty-two days belnr con¬ sumed In actual travel ami flfty-elgbt dan In lay-overa, and upon hla arrival here the boras was In excellent condition, and he himself line. —Cheyenne State Leader,

California Prank approves of shooting exhibi¬ tions at conteatB, **I think the Idea of having shooting exhibitions include<l In cootcata a g<a>d one,** says Colonel Ilafley, **for ahootlng la cer¬ tainly a W’eatem sport. Any and all ftrearroa could be used, but to simplify the conteat It <*ould be made for air shooting entirely: that la, ahotguii from traps, air shooting with rifle and revolver from the ground, and slKiotlng fro» iMfraeback, allov^ing solid bullets from t^ grfiuud and shot fr<»m horseback, or bullets if they choose, but 1 dare aay there la not a rifle shot in the rnltetl States that can make any kind of a showing from the back of a running hora4» using solid bolls. Very few can do ao with shot from a rifle, or even a shotgun. Yon can ('ount upon your Angers the people that have made a success out of horseback shooting, and thousands have tried. While thousands have been au<H‘eaaful with a shotgun and hun- dre<1a with a rifle, among the few that a^ accomplished horseback shots are Col. ^ . F. Cmly Pawnee Bill. Dr. Carver, Capf. Bogardus, Printvaa Wenona. Mias Mamie Francis and Stack Ijee. ! am not afraid to go on re<’ord as saying that every one of these use shot cartridges and nothing else. Most of the above- mentioned people can do wonderful work with

' solid ball from the ground. I note In WImmen a I Writes of December 27 where Bed Rio say* I there are too many folks out with shows now I practicing and using the arena for a riding I school, ami that they are In the road of aor^

of the regulars. 1 would like to ask Red Rio who the regulars are. The regulars must have been beginners at some time. He can not say that all of them got their schooling on the plains, because It waa a known fact that the majority of the Wild West arena people have never served any time on the plains. These' Include some of the best, for 1 myself have starteil many that are second to none. I will name Tommy Klman Iborn In New Jersevi, who rode his first ho-se and thr«‘W his first rope In my arena, and who la now rated as one of the best all-round .cowboys, I held the first broncho for l.nin Parr (from Ohio) In a Wild West arena, and conld mention many more. I believe In riving everybwly a rhaTU*e.*'

Kd T. Ilubbell writes from New Britain. Conn.r “Want to congratulate The BPlboard on Ita Wild West l>epartment, aa It sure keepa tba Wild West i»eople p»wte«l. 1 don't get to aee many of the ts'ys now, as I am pretty well tied up. 1 don't, at this writing, ever expect to enter WiM West sliow business again, oufsldv of p^s*sibl.v some rntdion picture work. It seems but a short time slni'e I b*ft home with kd.8C In my p«>cket. That was In ami 1 was then 16 years of age. In those davs (though not ar

1 long sgoi co*‘pum'hlng in Wyoming was no! what It is bslay. but 1 L’ot by mune way, am

For Sale-Sindelar’s Circus Side Show fNsnplf-is fsitllt. sisc with ‘I'' f: nih.ttlc. d«siMc tilling, trimnwsl with ml curtain, khiikl and rnl, 9 ft sail. 11 ItftiioiSM. Ic nt kh«.ki am* ml Bally t^irtaln. "nAditS lUvxfs, phsitv Aif ikn.’*- cft«. liglitH. Tn&nkft. He T^iIm outfit as*, sa . jabmI am pcw Harraln fiw quli^ bu>cr .\rt»lr'*s

BOB BROGAN. 16 PiiMk Squara. Clv%^las4. Ohk.

For Sale—Two Lionesses Four anti fivo yoars old; onch. Throo Lpopanls, ono male, two fomalos. four y(':(rs old; ('acit; or will tak(' '*1.0(M) for the lot. Must soil at once; poinjt in other hu.siuess. Address HUl OTTO, lx»s .\njieles, California

(Cootlnutsl on pARo 50.)



JANUARY 29. 1916, t<nir fiiiMul. Tt»iu TurJier, wild gaining rtnowii, ha>l ail awful cxiKTltHK^ In a UtU«* taiik tdwn; Uie (Ninil- %al MatiagiT. who bi»Mrd tlie whdlo ftluiu’. iNic* nit.mlng wa» iiUv^liig. aiul no waa the tlougli. TIu're wan wtrvliig and ln«wUiig. with f(mcxwaloii< ain-n grt»w)liig thliign aurely hn4^i'(t t)lU4*. now that Uie iiianagir with the raah boa had t1«-w All hanUn were

- - - • dlMniAMlng. while »<ime w»<>' juat (Hfevilng. when In the mhlnt their talk the wheel man did walk 1 nay, what’a thin muaaln*. this funaln* aiiil cu.<v<ln*: let'a all g«< t^tgeflnT atnl triiat In the wiwther; U*t*a w«ck fi»r <»tirHelvei» you'll niv lt'< miiifi iK-tter.** And that mom tiie nhoww «^NiU'd, (W^er> late now felt glad, with Itlg KIJ aa ha«*klMeie things hkiKt-d not had. Sih^i idckela and tllnuw wm* nwerllv lingttig: Itlg Kl.l Wlieel at dlsasttT st«iNl grinning, and. hnall>. that night all hainls had dtvltlrsl that i*aiii <40* wouhl tUt tight. Anti Ttiin T\iekrr felt haj>t»v. oh. Tommy wa< glad: nertT again would Torn Tui*ker «»!>. for ruiinltig Hlg Kid was T«4iuiv>’n new .^nd iwery night. *neatli the dnaallng light << Itlg Kid !»iight. one hand on the twake and eyes fllletl with gles. the whole outfit wimUl M-i* T«4n Tui*ker neeualng hU Catalogue "K.** ELI BRIDGE CO.. Bulldera of Big Ell Wheala. B. M3, Roodhouta. Illinelt.


OLD MINEatV'aThro. Only 10 Boxm a Day M.ant $5.00 Dally Profit.


Margaret yiiinoy, of the Divin;; yiiiiicya, iialiheil olt a half-iia^e feature story in a Jack¬

sonville daily recently. Tlie .Modern Venus is all to the pnhlicity, and is a favorite In Jacksonville circles.

traveled in the .Vnith. .\nd. we iniKlit mention,

a imnicy getter.

it is rnmored that Slim Wren and Kat Walker

will KO o»t with one of tlie Id^ tricks this year as iirofcssioiial peanut hntchers. Some one said tlicy sold as mnch as flo.iMNi worth of tints at

the one rin;: cirens. .Xnyls'W It was all turned over to the Cnntcr Hotel, and they sent checks

to all the orphans' homes.

Hill .\iken says. “Hroni the jrreater cities—

from the bnttertly life back to the soil is i|Uite

a chasm." Whatynhmean chasm, Jtlll? Hill is tukiii;; life like a magnate liUi k on tlie farm in Ohio.

I'lain Have 'IVlls ns Is'W yon missed another K<«id one of the morning . f IiecemiK-r 'Jil. W ho

asked yon to open your dimr? Now comes Hig Chief Hal. Jimmie Hathaway,

beloved of all showmen, with the announcement

"GKE.XTK.ST ON E.VUTH.” Hast week he hilled "Vaudeville Nite" at the Hals’ hangout. The

Hals are now bending their energies preparing for their hall to .\rt Smith. S mie big show

Jimmie Is running—1,7.'>0 Hals strong.

They are starting the l>all rolling for ais'ther Sliow men's Hinncr and Christmas Tree, at the

Hunter Hotel, for IPHi. It will Ih‘ a winner and tlicrc should lie a larger attendance. Ia>t’s h-ipe

so. We must hand it to I'crcy Tyrell. tlie man¬ ager of tlic Hunter. Tliere arc already a nniulsT

of showuien making tlieir homes in San .\ntonlo. How many will slay and v. tc? rich one was

tmllcd hy the Mayor at the hani|net. He said;

"San .Vnlonio is some tine place i|M>intiiig to the chief of isdicel w lien onr chief can keep the

lid on. Hilt Seme one broke the lid:"

Lucky 'Lrven Combination In Display Case. Each Article Full Drug Store Sire. Full Size

of Box Is 6x13% Inches. VALUE DF CDNTENTS:

Trinola Stsin Remover Soap. .$0.10■■ ■ mm Prlnoeas BorateO Taloum.15 I M I H H Mrdee Triple Extract Perfume.. .50 * ** * ” ” Pearl Dentifrice Tooth Soap.25 OF ITI Glycerine and Buttermilk Soap.. .10 iri cx/CKi Pin* Apple Cream Soap.25 Medeo Shampoo Hair Tonic.50 ARTICLES Medco Cuticle Soap.25 rnp Empresa Cueumber Cream.. .50 i rac Tuasi My Lady Tar tor Shampoolno.. .25 Empress Face Powder.50

Total Value.^35 each.

QUANTITY PRICE TO AGENTS. 50e EACH. Wliei) yen show yisir eastomtr th i-s gof^eous cU6,

^ »iTt.v of fine tnfUt goodn will daizle her ese, tnd

Ton state the low price for all thU, tlie dollar la yours

ThU Outfit, at thewn aiK;¥«e cover luidded with pur- mt doth SI.25. expresi prepaid. Only one Winner 0# eur 37 Varietlet.

E. M. DAVIS SOAP CO., 542 Davis Block, 224 North Des Plaines Street, CHICAGO, ILL.

Ike Neiss has closed his big hniidred fivt knife

rack. Ike has one real knife palace. -Xny more in your family like you, Ike't

O. I.. Thompson, better known as Hete who lias put in seven weeks' shilling for tlie M.l's.,

is slowly improving in Ijingford. Kan. He wants

to hear fn.m his friends. Hoc Hall, scratch your pen.

cn hnying a billfold in

got a brand new dollar eve me. he apprvviales

Charles Hisher wa'

St. Louis recently, for Christmas, and.

the sentiment. It was thought Doc Hall was goin;

the winter in ilmaha. How alsmt it.

J. L. Igindes—XVhen do yon exi>ect to oi>en? The other day Harry Trimble dro|>i>ed In to

see the city editor of The Hittsburg ix«t. Harry asks; "Say, do you know Hunch Wheeler?" "1

should say I do; he put everything into The Host but Ills cane last spring. W.. w.miM haie put

it in, tis>, only it wouldn’t go tlirou.:b the press.”

Fred llitchie has returned fr-mi his .XIaska

trip and is wintering in Seattle.

Rain can tmt dampen the smile ef Charlie Smith, of the San Francisi'o Wonderland. It's

a girl and she is d 'ing well -so is the mother, thankyn. Congratulations:

Parkpr's Jumpinc Nora* “CARRY-US-ALL** la tba greatrat Monry-Wakrr in the AmuHUtant Lina. b«v to toko Aown mod oot op. Rosily oiovs^ Rtort obt- whsiro. OnooBoniBedsovsrllT.OOOin.eKMilho. Honyotbsco omHi» bw OK<osy. vnto fu* catoke, prs-se. Inf, noollne. C.W. PARKER, DepLB.B LeavenvoortK, Ran.

Heorge H. Oihhs was se»‘n in Haltimore buy¬

ing up everything in sinht. He has annex<-d a new wagon organ, new panel fronts ami a big

There U nothing like a taste

make a gny spill adviee.


Send for Bulletin No. 77.

Complete Descriptions.


Tk* Vtry Latcat a*4 MmI Newl AaiutMaeat Attraa- tie* f« Parts, Rotarlt. Caralvalt, ala.


and kerpa tbna •[wtidlnf tbrir nlctrla. TYm Boat tumaoful fun and proGt makrr rrrr Invmteil Bootr aperalon have made $400 la ONE day. llcwc up-to- date and ciau 50 per cant tcaa tban the old-faah- limed CapouAel F>»Hy moewil In two aapma t^ir- ated by one man with gaauUne or kename motne can be ererte,! In four hour*. Seaia »o pexiple Hrlea Indudea nanplete martilne with gaaoltne mdor and Klher piano or organ. WrRa far detallt—a paWal will da. ARMITAGE A GUINN. S Mill St.. Sartagailia. W. Y.

The STORM KING Lantern bums Gasoline or Kerosene. 6<i hours 0(1 one gallon; 2u0 ciui- dle power. Oieap.'st and Rest light for Fairs. Sliows, (Mnil- Tsls. Circuses, Camps and all other Outdoor lighting. XX'dghs 31* lbs. Will stand hard knocks. .Safe and reliable. .X IKwerfuI. steady, white light at all time* at an Insignificant cost. Ask your local dealer, or write direct for prices. Deal¬ ers and Agents wanb>d.


422 South ClIntM Street.

Chicago, • llllnoii.

C J. KlghtUnger'i ueep s,-a altra 110(1. which ha-* pn«»d a winner on man.v mlilway

Frank C. Hiister and the McKenna Sister*, off the Con T. Kennedy Shovia. are playing some

few hoiim-s. IsKiklng inde|>en<lent In the S<mth.

Frank and the Slaters were on the lliisslan Show, under the management of Tom Ilunl.

15 will show ns some at

Charleston. S. C-. on tthe .Xrgyle Shows Darker will again pick the sisits. Falate L. rlow L^romelit

WITH THf Patent (XerheaJ Trammitsiom WMf K0 4LUrr«*tt» CATalOBUV


'Tis reiKirted that I harles

a general agent’s ismt next Oklahoma City doings, we I Incandescent Lamps

— FOR —

PARKS—THEATRES—SHOWS It's Is-tter to start something and bust than

do nothing and rust. In most every town you can buy paint.’a

get busy.

Harohl Harlow Is another man who

gissl as a pniiiioter of ijuis-n eont,

will make his aeeond Heas<in with the Shows. Harlow got in right, had a g*

and was an apt seholar. M*ire |siw like ilaiad*!.


RKDt’CFD miC’FiS—S(N» Hours, Oleti or (>>lored, 8c; 600 HrAirs, Clear m Colonid. 6c. Guaranteed. S-XFIim Fn.FX'TRIC f»MHA.W, 53T-539 N Hoarboni St., Cliioago, llUnola.

Turk !.alrd and William Scotty Todd, of the Atighe concessions on the Hatterson Shows, la

spending the winter in K. C. Scotty got away from his Fnglish hill o’ fare In Wahjieton last Slimmer, hut never again, he sa.vs. Are you going to take your fixer with you to the To¬

peka doln’s, Turk?

Saved dollars build houses on Easy Sf.

THE NEW DERBY RACE COURSE la a btg. flashy 1‘addl* Gaiw. with rlslKwately cairwd horaea. 14 Inchia Imig It Is wnrkisl for dolla. candy, etc. Hays fee Itarlf the first w,wk worknl Writ* fi» 1916 CaUlngue of Money-Msktng f'nncrsstans


XX’ouM a uiiigb'lan show you Imw he (M-rformN

his trb'ks? Well, do you hire town shill* and

take them Into your ••onH<len<'e?

SNAKE SHOWS When all other* fill try the old stand-by.

Mixed Reps. $10.00 Dens and up. Get value peedved to ordering from me,

W. A. SNAKE KING, Brownirilli, Texas.

Haul Ha|>hall thought he would have a New

Year'* party all for himself hy going over to

Neuvo I.aredo. Mex.. to see a bull fight, hut

Rert Hletr. got In liefween him and hi* celebra¬ tion.

IHir Goraia IR<rak for ThSRl- ■elvm.

EMIL R. HOFFMANN & SON Maaaftslarara *4 the


Shooting Galloriot 4Tir{iti 3317 Ho. Irrlng Are.,


Hrof. John Ilnhl. of F'lea ('Irens fame, who hii been with the Clifton Kelley Shows the past two

seasons, is s|M-n>llng the winter In Chleago, where he ha* iimlergone a serious oiM-ration. Ilere’a hoping you're on the n*ad to reeovery, John.

Frank R. George, who Is now running the

North Rrond Hotel In Newark, aigned up

with the MeyerhofT hIkjws for IfilR. Ranted—Fifty* A-1 Medicine I.x*cturer5 at once; jti. K. n to thove we know. Mort Flanklln. Dan Lee.

. O. Xftisiiall and llankiiLs, please write. Hoooers, alopiTs, adventurers aiel would-be nuuiagers. save your stamps. Salao’, $2.'i.b<> and tran.-^svrutlon after lodnlng to start with, and all vhu’re worth afterwanl*. Mddre** F. D. ILXA2E. 114.5 .l-uth LeF1*>re ITaee. *lemphis. Tenn. N. H.—.XII Medicliie Herfonoers *t liberty, white or colored, kindly write.

.1. L. Landes, of the Ixinde* Shows, says lt’«

not true tliat he cleaned up ten thousand dollars last season. Hut. I/Oiile; why did you have

D<k- Hall contract that some route for IftHl?

Johnnie Ib'Jano reisirts the S<«ilh Is In great condition. Johnnie is playing the real estate

game in Dallas thl* winter. Hack with the Great Hatterson Show* again next *ea*on —

making fourteen year* with tid* Iroiiiie for Johnnie. Some rei-ord:

A new firm. Hutchinson Rrothers,

huihlers of Fill wheel*. fastest

Ford Rower*. Slim Steam* aiwl I.oiils Mnnson are apending tlie wlnti-r In N*-w (irleniis. Doc Graham *ay* they are Is-havlng *11 right.

Gny Hallock I* * busy man at Duluth, working hard In the Interest <.f the Jac enterjirises.

, Send for Our Catalog—That's All.

ACME DRUMMERS’ SUPPLY CO., (813-15 W. 22d Street. Chleago. III.

I the wagon shop:

four hours ami ti Am! |■n,■le Jidin

OuidiKw*«*t, most faarinatinKainuMiinent mtrrpriae. Slnke- outa hita-honte rune! He Amt in your town to start a

NoxkII Automatic Bate Ball Court kidding either.

Bought, Sold, FTxchanged and Repaired.

JOHN MUZ2I0 I* SON. 178 Park Raw, New York.

Fve Read of Gold Mines VE road of gold mines, but yours is the first ! have ever seen.” That’s what a

I patron said to ,1. J. Williams when he saw his Ten-Pinnet Alleys piling up profits. YOU can make a double profit from Ten-Pinnet, “world’s greatest

l)owling game.” Besides owning your own business, be our local representative and enjoy big commissions on sales in your territory.

Automatic Bowling—New and Fascinating! flit Kvrryboily plays Ton-Pinnet—men, women, children. Ingenious / automatic feature makes vour receipts nearly all net profit. No 1 fkl fM| up-keep expense—no pin-hoys—just someone to take in money.

Ijl Shore '

Fve Read of Gold Mines

JANUARY 29, 1916.

('■rl Wliltejr Tuni<|iilat baa iMH-umt. a motln fan. lie waa at^en bIttliiK it U|i aeveii liiKbta a week. Wblley aaya tliat Sunilaya at North ItaDclall are all rlKbt, but the week clujra are what Sheruiuii aalil alamt war. Carl la atill uo the Col. Kerarl atalT.

(ieor(e llamnioiwi aetxia hla twat to all the Kil A. Kraua hiiiu'h, and aaya he la atlll there with the Itllljr Muiidajr olH-nliiKa on the Whituej Show a.

the Had alorjr of jour life to jrouraelf. TellliiK It ever/ dajr jou will aoon believe It jrouraelf.

(■••orge II. ilaniiltoti la one of the ohi guard. He haa been In tlie ahow bualn*.Ha

__—aliii-e ••meiuory mnnetb not to the eontrary,'* and in the eaml- val end of the game aiiiee Ita early lueei)tlon. Alwaya ready to help out a fellow ahowman. tiiKirge la devoting hla time and energy at preaent In Iwbalf of Harry Six, who haa l>een eoiu- pelled to go to a New York hiai idtal for treatment. An appeal

In Iwhalf of Mr. Six ap|>eara in tbia laaue. Fellow ahowmen who dealre to add their bit .■an aend the i-ontrlbutlona to Mr. Hamilton, .■are New York otUce of The Hillboard.

Stub Ijindea on<^e put the carry ua all np luickwarda, then aaked J. L. what made the boraea go the wrung way.

It haa come to paaa that Joe Flynn haa de- eeloited into a full-(le<lged agent and la making good. Wboopeel

K'Juh ever notb^e a wagon tongue geta there Ural. Uit don't aay a word?

Charlea Ibiulware la Inaide le.'tiirer at Clark'a Muaeum In law ,\ogelea Kddle lka.a la aelling tiueala In front.

Hill M<awly rialma that every time he aaka a girl to nin in hla quern ronteaf ahe aaka him if be'a married:

Wine, woman and aong have put lota of earnb vala aa well aa other Inialnraa pro|Ma>ltlona the bummer. Y'tm ran rut vait the grai>e Juice and even the mualr. and the remainder of the trinity ran atlll put you on the frlti. Iton’t forget It, hoya. She may even be and art like a chump, but the ultimate end la the aame.

Mr and Mra. Wahl, late of the Miller Sbowa, are now in St. Loula.

Moore aad Morria aure cleaned up in Charleroi. MiK’e laiwer to ’em.

Svin—I>ad. there la a Herman ramlval. Had—What makea yvm think aof Son—The tenta are abot full of bolea.

tieorge E. Meyer waa a caller in Ptithaurg re- rratly, and Harry Trimble welromea him hack any old time at all.

.\l .kndrewa waa aeen on lop of the Oliver Building In PIttaburg with a pair of llebi glaaaea. Harry iinnier aaked him what hla vdtject waa. A1 replied; “Juat trying to And a apot where there baa out l>een a ramlval twvked." UId be aee any? No!

.\p|irarancea may be deceiving, but a man or ahow with a good front will get by.

Idllie Belle .kikeo'a llO.taat three abreaat Parker la booked with her brother. Bill .\lken. for the aeaavin of IPDi. The machine la being thoroughly oTerbaale.1 at the farm, and :i00 more ligbta will be addevi before taking It onl. Bill aaya .kai. that'a light. Some machine; a credit to Ita ronatinrtor.

Walter Reid haa again antlevl. and will be with with Hill Aiken.

Say, Martin Cvdllna. Bill Badger would like to bear from you. Write him at AMIeue, Kan.

Charley Hntrhlnaon wanta to know what you think of winter ramivala. Spike Wagoner.

Noble Fairley wan Been In Abilene. How do you like the eye work. NobleT

Who are you going with thia year. Frank W elrh T

PROSPERITY HAS COME TO STAY From one end of this country to another, every report of every branch of business confirms

this fact. One of the greatest booms we have ever known is approaching and it behooves every- boily to get his share of the golden harvest.

ARE YOU GETTING YOURS? Are you doing yourself justice in buying your merchandise so as to make the largest amount

of money out of it? Are you buying your goods right, or to sum it all up, are you ordering j your goods through the

NEW SHURE WINNER CATALOGUE If you don’t, you are surely not making monay enough on the buying and of your

business, and it behooves you to mend your ways, and write at once for a copy of our hook.

YOU NEED IT TO BE SUCCESSFUL. You can not afford to be without it unless you want to give your competitors a shade the

best of it.

(.)f course, in writing bear in mind that we do not send catalogues to consumers. You must he in husinebs or else we can not send you a book. You must be a


If you want the goods that draw the crowd and bring the money, yuu ought to do business with us. Write for our catalogue today.

N. SHURE CO , ^ S. E. Cor. Madison aid Franklin Sts., CHICAGO.

A REAL CAROUSSELLE FOR 1916. All newly designevl, bigger, flashier and more elaborate than ever. Our

new patented, quick, labor saving devices make it the simivlest read carous- selle in the world to erect. NO BOLTS. ALL PARTS INTERCHANGEABLE. Ab¬ solutely in a class by itself. Read this again.

n>«aa art oev a fvw at thr maiu tlmr.saTm: The large Initde aeetiooal gear can now be put up Id 10 miiiuteu Inate^ of SO aui utee. Ilie upright drive abaft and frame go togeiher In 4 mlnutm

Instead of 3S, and our new atyla of knock¬ down cfaarlola can be taken from tha erntaa, aaaembled and '.ocked on maefaina In 1 minutea inatead of 50. Here la a lavlng of two hours. Isn't that proof that vre build the greeteat portable Carousaella todarf

Our standard equipment Includes the Fooa Oas Engine, on an Ell Truck, the moat re¬ liable power plant to be bad. Also new style Organa


Our machlnea are selling tor thcmaelvea. Orders are coming In from all sectlona It Is going to be a proaperoua year. We urge that you place your order Immediately, don't wait until tha last minute. Tha majority at the big ramlval companies will again ran? only Berschell-SpUIman Carouassllas In 1916. There la a rvawi. Send for nrw catalog and get acquainted with a REAL Oarousaellc. We wUb all our customera a proaperout and suocearful 1916.

WANTED -for-

C. M. NIGRO GREATER SHOWS .4-1 GEVE31AL ARENT that knows the carnival bualneu from A to Z. NO BOOZER. I hare a fine com- plr<e outfit for E*Iaotatlon Show. WANT a reapoiuUble party to take full charge of same on per cent. WILL IKMMC any Show of merit that doee not evavCict with what I hare. CONOESSIONS—Have sold elriuslTe Itolls, Bear and Candy Wheels, also Kcm. Palmt-stry and Lang Rangn All others often. Hare the following Shoani: Mlnalrel Show, tlmm Side Show, (tetncfi Farm, Midget llatform Show and Illudan, Parker Can?- I't-AU and KU Wheel. Talkers that don't booar. let me bear from you. Alao Band. Freaks for Side Sboa and fVea Acta. Your loweet In first iKtcr.

C. M. NIGRO (Wlatar Qaartars), 1711 Mh Ave., N.. BlrailBgliaai. Alabaaia.


Freaks of Natura and all kinds of Norrity TVaturea for CUrlo HalL Nothing too big nor too amalL RlAl In tha ml<1nt of the MardI Graa activittca. Addmw

SILAS OGDEN. St. Charles Musauai. 2I6-I8-M St. Charles St.. New Orteaas. La.

Kemetuber the time A1 Fiaber pulled the one- ring indoor circus at El Paso? .Sure—all the shilia and aoldiera do. For detalla write Hart Campbell.

Eight p.m. Big city umpebay in front of Mike Goblen'a Wonderluml In Friaco: "Say, 1 waa in there all the afternoon and the ahow didn't atop, and I bad to go out to eat. Can I go in and aee the rest of It?" "Sure! Uere’a a nickel for the part you miaaed while you were out!”

The merry-go-round man said If the rbow didn't go Weat be waa through. The abows Bald If the trick didn’t go East they were through. The conceaaions agreed that if the company didn’t go North they were through, and the ferria wheel man said: "If we don’t go South I am through.’’ And the poor little man¬ ager went straight up.

Enoch Butcher has bought a brand-new pair of jumpers—and. Whistling Hoodoos, how that man can work.

A landlady In Miaaiaaippl once aald ahe knew the reason so many people were In the ahow bualneaa. It waa: "To keep from working.” Good night!

We understand that Slim Richardson is look¬ ing for help for next season to put np the Llxard. Hire Bnnch.

M. B. Golden, otherwise known aa Duke, has signed np with the Rutherfonl Greater Shows for the season of 11116. This is Duke’s fourth sea- , ■ son with this ever-popnlar cars- ■ 1 ran, and much credit Is dne him T, J for helping make the Rutherford A Shows one of the cleanest and . J best organixatlons of Its kind on the road.


May-Joe. the three-legged girl, late of the Miller Broa.’ 101 Ranch, and well known In carnival circles, is in a store show at New Or¬ leans.

Anna Rolando, that brisk and rlvaclona little bungalow board expert. Is spending the winter with the folka at Ladd. III., wherever that is?

Mrs. Dana Thompson is anngly tncked away In her private car in Argents, Ark., for the winter.



National tlrBHAVtfli MEW


WHICH OF THESE CATALOGUES SHALL WE SEND YOU 7 [iHCATRICAL CATALOGUE. No. 14 of Dramatir. Repertoire. Stock. Vnudeville. Comeoy, etc.

FAIR CATALOGUE of Race^. Aviation. Auto Races. Motordrome. Stock. Auto, Horse Shows, etc, MAGIC CATALOGUE of Hypnotic. Mind Reading. Spiritualism. Magic. Hand Cuff. etc.

^ MINSTREL CATALOGUE of White and Colored Minstrel and Colored Musical Comedy of all kinds. MUSICAL COMEDY CATALOGUE of 0] eras and Musical Shows with and without title WESTERN PLAYS CATALOGUE of Paper tor Western Dramas, tor Opera House or Tent Shows. CARNIVAL CATALOGUE of Printing for Featuring Carnivals. Street Fairs and like events «. CIRCUS and WILD WEST CATALOGUE of Complete line of handsome up-to-date Paper. CATALOGUE OF DATES. Price Bills. Stock Letters. Banners. Type and Block Work. etc. FOLDERS OF NON-ROYALTY PLAYS with Complete Lines of Paper. All the old favorites. COMMERCIAL CATALOGUE of Posters and Cut Ouls of Commercial Designs.

JANUARY 29, 1916.







60. BO. 120 NumlMTS. SPMlal.t 7.59 WNh ISO Numbers. ftpMlal . 10.00



SLACK MFG.CO “J^.crSrrL? New Organization Will 3e Known as Great

American Shows, Opening February 26, at Hattiesburg, Miss.-—Sydney Wire To

Book Show

Jackson, chief blacksmith; Jim Sullivan, store¬ keeper; Joe Jefferies, boss carpenter; Georjte l>onncy, scenic artist; Boob Duke, stevvaril; t'has, Jontan, head waiter, and John Haines, chief car porter.

General Agent Wire Is now out after contracts, and has already lined up six weeks of go>nl Isaok- Ing, in all live towns, and under reliable auspices.


Heavily Advertised and Promises To Be Big Event—Preliminary Ar¬

rangements Made for the Opening

t'hleago. Jan. 22.—The F'irst Annual Mer chants’ Exposition Carnival, of St. Louis, which op«-ns February 6, promises to be a big event

for the Mound City. All pre liniinary arrangements have In-en completed, and everything Is In readiness for the oi>ening. The affair has been heraldiMl. pis - arded and advertised broadcast in the immediate vicinity of St. Louis and within a radius of fifty miles around the outlying dis¬ tricts. The new-si>npers are de¬ voting plenty of space and giving it BUfGclent publicity to attract the crow-ds. Fraternal and char¬ itable organizations have i-o- operated with the management. On the evenings set aside for their benefit they will rvs-elve -i share of the proceevls, which will be mostly f-om the gate receipts. One of the leading oonc<>rt tan.Is of St. Louis will provide mnsh- which will also be taken advant¬ age of by those wishing to dance on the pnblle dancing floor. The method by which the merchsiits distribute free admission tickets has proven very popular. An ad- rertlsement telling the customer to visit the merchant’s booth Is


Make 300 to 400 dollars per month in your home town. Special iiortable outfits for Fairs, Carnivals, etc. write for catalogue.


Victor D. Levitt

Must be first-class. Write or telegraph, saying who built them, where they were used, and all about them. .Also lowest cash price.

H. H. TAMMEN, _ Sells'FlotO'Buffalo Bill Shows, Denver, Colorado.

THE SHOW WITH THE WORLD’S RECORD printed on the ticket.

Manager Leland. who was for¬ merly connected with Forest Park, of Chicago, and who is now at the head of the Mer- chanta’ Exposition and Inip-ove- ment Asso<1atloD, which is pro¬ moting the big carnival, is at St. Lonis. while the other half of the management. E. W. White, 1m busily engaged at the bead office In Chicago, arranging for several similar expositions which will follow the St. Ix>ui8 date. A apeilal car haa been chartered from the Chicago A Alton, and a low-er rate baa been made, which Inclodea a speilal taggare car for concessionaires, who wilt leave on the Exposition Special from Chicago on Feb-nary 1. Concesaionalrea will be repre-

aented from all over, some coming from Cali¬ fornia. They have already been assnred of forty-five days' solid booking, expositions to be held In Springfield, Mo.; Kansas City. Omaha and possibly In Chicago, which will be announced later.

new fronts, and these will be loaned to showmen who have new ideas to offer for money-getting sbowB.

The winter quarters, which are located In the oM shops of the Enterprise Foundry and Ma- ebine Company here, are a scene of live activity, and each de¬ partment is working full time In getting things ready for the opening. Sydney Wl-e will have full charge of the advance, with two contest men and two billers, with J. B. Cullen as general super¬ intendent. and W. F. Latham as secretary. Frank <Smithy) Martin will have charge of the train, and James Snilivan will manage the Busy City Show. Among the heads of the working departments are: D. O. Talbot, electrician: Jack Gardner, property man; Slim B^en, boss painter; P. E. W«*b, cook; W. A.

Gsasral Manaasr Lardtt- Taxisr Skawt Ualtsd.


Carthage, Tex.. Jan. 2«.—The past three or four weeks have been very cold and disagree¬ able. but in spite of this everylsHly baa done and is doing a fair business.

The band boys received their new uniforms last week, and there seema to be a change In the music since.

The company this week is located on the streets here, under the auspices of the K. of !•. IXHlge. Next week. Center, Tex., under the Business Men.

At the present time there are being csrried seven shows, consisting of Texas Bud’s Hors,. Show, with 2.1 head of stock; motordrome, with three riders, Ray Meacham. F'orest Rois>rts and Miss Olive Hager; minstrel show, with twelve r»eople: animal show, ostrich farm, ca-ry ns-sll and pit show, and Pluell’s Concert Band and fourteen concessions.



The Morgan Amnsement Company is now in its eighth week in the sugar cane country <Louisiana), and. with the exception of one week, the has been ideal and business good.

Ed Brown and his wife Joine<l last week with their troup.? of dogs, and have taen added to the Staditim Show. Ed nls<i brought with him three mn.dcians from the Hodigini Show. There are now eight pieces in Prof. Olivnr's Band.

Onr line up follows; J. H. Morgan, manager; II. R. Camptall general agent; lilackle Reece,

tniinniaster; Hon Cook, boss canvasman and Billboard agrnt; Stadium Show. Jack Morgan on front and Frank James on tickets; Morgan's .\nnex. Bla-kle Reece on front and Mrs. IVlthrow on tickets; Follies Shfw. K. J. Withrow on front; rrdl down Mrs, Hollis; Jtingle board, Mr. Hollis; fish |M>nd lewelry plckont and cat rack. Mr. and .Mrs. Miller; long range shooting gal¬ lery and tIvoH. Johny Zandra, assisted by “Irlsti"; H H. Brow-n and Itov L. From, three conc#*ssioiis; )innd striker, Ollie Polk; Jew-elry wheel Mrs ttllle Polk; gum wheel. Tom Brewer; dolls and pillow tops. Mra. Brewer; cookhouse, Tnitcli Myers assisted hv Fat Cooper; novelties. .4nnats-11e Morgan- nick-out. Slim Chambers; mitt toint. Mrs. Chambers, with Dan Monlcal on front; candy wheel. Dad Hsekett; eandv. .\t- Fn-he"j-|ti assisted l>y King Fotherglll; glass wheel. Mr. Addison; doll rack. I,. Gr-'-ss; f-1gar wheel Doteh Marke- knife wheel, Mrs. CaTDiihell- roll-down. Arnold llogard.

The company Is transported in two cars and pntting In seven days a week.

Starts Monday, January 31, for 10 Days WANTED—Ofie more Kliow and a few more legltlnuitr Osiiswslons. Come on. I will place you Rememhiv It Is a free gate, and will he the real one uf the wIntiT. Everyone Ixmtlna. .Mi*ist<r parade uf mentls-rs lai opetilng ulgtiL Best rraarda to my frlemla. Write, rail or phone Its* M. Patevwsi.

PAUL E. PRELL, 160 Fair St., Pataraas, Nrw Jaraay. P 8.—Tills la not an Indoor elrcua.


The H. Klaw Main Shows did gvid business

at C.leiivllle, Ga.. week of January 10; Ideal weather all week.

T. R. Scurry, pniprletor of the merry go-ronnd. Is at his fsist again after a seriona siiell of alek- ness.

On Saturday. January «, at Claxton, Ga.. It.

WANTED-WILD WEST PEOPLE AIao ntntitlon I*M<>Ie In all llnrw; Tidy Motdrilrome IlUlfTa. Oooct opfrilng for A No. I AII>roun(l Ttllirf. rliM La<ly Agmita for whY» aYir not niAit Alri}(*fc. (tppiilng for ■ frw nM»rr rlrati with nrwl framp-up. No grift. ITiU Alwm 1a twwdrpf. Aolirt for 191$ thil all wifilrrf Ytw. Thr mAi of thia Afiow morcA rrrr> wr«*k. rain or Ahlnr. and do^i** aak OmrraAlorialrra to m^wr him Athht'.c !'• wrltr. Mr. and Mm. M/^Dadr wrlir. Mutt and Mary, write. Jim OlhAon. write l^ala ( nnler. write Ruck Cfeioori. write. Huwanne Cartpr, write. Jolly IMile, write. IHamood nark tAthlHIr), wrtLu* ^*7! Berm. Talker* write. WANTED—Tabloid Mualcal (Y>. that ran change reerv night. Tviaa itud la ift>w pre paring for a No. J Wild Went Rhow for the criming weaaon Addrr^ all mall to

Pa J. SNELL. Mgr. Taxaa Bud Co«n»la«d Shonva. Carthat*, Tax., Jaa. 24>29i CaaUr* Tax., Jaa. tl-rah I

JANUARY 29, 1916.

Levitt-Taxier Shows United “ALWAYS LEADS”

GENERAL OFFICES, 1472 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY Suit* 613 Longaor* Bldg., Cor. 42nd St. Phone, 6476 Bryant







COLUMBIA SHOWS To Be Held at Pateraon N. J., Starting January 31

Thr I'nltril Irailit and><>r Cuuncll of Tat- iTw'U. .N. J-. with a ui<-iiiUthIiI|i of o'rr liax HrraiiK<‘il to lioM rii liiilmir rarnhal ami firtltal. Hlurtliiic .Monday. January dl, ami rnd- in^ Kf!>ruary li. and liaa roiilruolrd willi I’uul i: I'rrll. Ill)' woll known < aridvul man. to tiundir tlM‘ pioinollonH. It will la- a fri-o kato inil'Hir "arnlval. prol ably tlir llrat nt itn kinil <’\rr hold In tlio rouiitry. For tlit o|m'IiIiii; iiiKlit unaiikoinonti* ha\o la-on niailo for a uioiiator parado. In which all inouda-ra of tho orKunlza- lion will la- urKi-<l to tako part. Tho pi<,Krain V. Ill la- on.- of tho la-Ht that can la- had. otory nay la-lliit a aia-dal ono, Tho o\oIit haa laa-ii ad'ortlM-d and l•a•>to<l rliior .NoxoinN r last. and. with rr-ll at tho hoail of tho kUpor^ laiiiK com- ii.llloc. iiothlnic <'un l.o forcMon that will pro- w nt It fro.n la-liiK a ancco-o. I-uloraon la ono of tl.o burh-at cllioa id tlio country at tho prow-'ut I lino

WANTED- Two (2) more first-class Shows, with complete outfit preferred,

SHOWS OPEN IN LOUISVILLE, KY., Saturday, April I, 1916 -28th STREET &. BROADWAY- I'^our (1) car lines pass our location. We do not show' on the L. & N. Show’ Grounds. Doll Wheel and Blanket Wheel still open (Hat rate). Our route will he cheerfully furnished to those interested. B. J. WILLIAMS, Secy. &, Treas.,

H. C. WEIST, Gen. Mgr., Hoorn 12, Bank of Mobile Bldg., I*. (). Bo.\ 525. Olficos: Courier-Journal Bldg., .MOBILH, .-\L.\.




Kllnr will Irate Chb iKn. Jan. —llrrla-rt A .. Cl.l. ai:" the la<t of this wo-k or the early part ..f next to join the Johnny J. Jonea’ K\|Mialtion Show, and will at ome aa-*mne active dullea a. K neral airent for the rhuwa, which opt-ii mxt I' at l»elan*l. ITa.

Mr. Kline had practically complete,! all ar- raniteim-ola to put out 11* own aliow- tld* year when Mr Jone* KiibmItteil a propiwltlon to him. Ida- deal wa* really cloeral the la»t week of l-i-, eiiila-r. but kept iWM-ri't until all plan* bad N-.n i*-rfect«-d. Thl*. of louree. will atop all private deal* Mr. Kline bad In view for 1!U«. He had already i-ontractid will, a nnmlier of »bew« for Id* own (wcnnlzatlon. and all of theee have N-en traB«ferTed to the Jonea Show*, with a loao-lblllty of iwxeral otlier* with wlioni he wa* ne^oilatlm jointrp at a later time.

Johnnv J. Jonea will put out a twenty car .bow thl* year, and Included In lilt e<)ul|>iuent are ten 70 f«««t rll ateel flat*. The lineup, on fur. In.-ludea Hie rheaterlield Statue Horae, a iraineil wild animal *Ik>w. which Imluile* two Iloii act*, a polar N-ar act. an elephant act and uiiv*-,| grx»u|»*: Pixie I.and Plantation. Sub marine ( A Trip to Marat. C<n*re*a of tTirlo.l tie*. Combination Wild Weal Show. Indudlnc roBta. d «**. tamlea and a mule- Cryatal Tanco. Plon'* Anl uala. Miracle. Water Show. Flea Clr-aia Mldceta. Illnalon Show, carouael and firrla wh-el. About the Aral of May a b<«t •n<M»el ahow will bdn. Thla la aald to he new and very aftraetpe. It rontalna miniature .nodel* aliowlnit the wo-klnr parta of the aub I'lartnea and varboia other bi.ata not often aeen t r land<men. The Whip will join at Tampa 1b.' early p*r1 of Febrnary. There will be aiieral addltlona to llie lineup aa the aeaaon advani-e*.

Hartford 1* talker on the atuira; Ben Morria. ticket taker ami H|MHial |>ol;ce; Art Klllott. aouic botika. Show ataki-il by Mia* .\iiua May.

1 he otlice of the Nlckebateun look* more like a carnival cliibrooui than anything elae. Aiiiong the carnival boya aia-ialliig the winter In the Bean City are tP-orge Joiiuaou, (ii-orge Ilartfonl, lairry Daxla. .Mk-ky O'Uonnell Peter Bucket*. Maxle McDonald. Joe Krouae, Nat KaiH-ron, Jack Orllllth. Morria fapwell aud Dave Stone.

WcCharge' " ■* lo< T0f*SH



Harry Murphy, auiierlntendent of conceaaloos with the H. W. Camidiell Shows the paat aeaaon. Is the gueat of Frank Cokemiller, manager of the Majestic Hotel, fi>r a few weeks. Harry alao took a flyer to AuderHon, lud., for a few hours’ gomtlp with old showmen frlenda. H* would like to bear from S<ldle William.*, secre¬ tary of the Campbell outflt the past seaaon.

W. A. Miller, who had the ferrls arbeel and merry-go-round on the Heins A Beckmann Show

the past season, and whose home Is In the Moodier .... _ ,.egul*r visitor at the Majestic capital. Is a

HoteL J- L- Finch and wife, concessionaires wlUi

Helnx A Beckmann last season, vlalted Frank C. Kokemiller laat w»y>k. The Majestic la Indee,! the showmen's headquarters of the Hoosler capital, ami aa Its geulsl proiirietor is i grad Date of the game he knows bow to d,de out boapltallty to the ever-welcome Sheiks and Bed*.

Jack Cullen, late of tne Wallace Show, is diapenaing liquid and conversational cheer at the Majestic Hotel Cafe.

Thomas Bell (Cookbonse Bell), a well-known obl-tlme trouper, has a nifty five chair barber ■bop at 20 N. Alabama street.

Clande Oliver, with H. B. Aldritjge, concesidoa- aire on the Johnny J. Jones Shows the past sea¬ son, is bolding down the night clerk job for the winter at the Majestic Hotel.

Oscar Sbortel, a Johnny Jones Show conces¬ sionaire the paat season, has ebaree of the cafe and grill room of the Majestic during the winter months.

C. C. McDonald, of the younger generation of park and celebration concessionalree, ie very comfortably located in bis own home st 3032 N. Senate streeL Mack Is a native Ohio boy. baring been bom and reared at Mt. Vernon.

W, H. Morphy and I.ew Backenstoe were In¬ dianapolis visitors for a day last week. They had the edneated horse. Mazeppa. on the Con T. Kennedy Shows the latter part of la«t season and were In the train wreck the Kennedy Sbowe suf¬ fered In November near Colnmbns, Oa. They rs- celved $8,000 as damages from the railroad com¬ pany for Injury to Mazeppa, which Is being win¬ tered at Colnmbns. Ga., and will likely be seen the coming Beason with the Kennedy outflL

John F.. (Whltey) White, talker on the K. O. Barkoot Shows the earlv part of last season, dropped Into IndlanapolU last week, and la registered at the Majestic.


Harry Sli of water show fame haa gone to a h<*qxltal In New York City to undergo an opers- tli«.

He la broke. He pot up hie laat twenty flve dollars for en¬

trance. Friends desiring to lend a helping band can

send their rvotrlbutlotai to tleorge H. Hamilton, care The Billboard. I46fl Boiedway. New York City, who will see that same are prxrperly taken care of.



The newest, latest, beet and most perfect Fish Fund ever made. The fbh Mte Just the same a* live fl-di. Ihcy pull the cork* und,r so naturally that many people exclaim: "Arc there really live Osh In there?" AU show people kiiow that paddle wheels, splndie* and several other zames are nut allowed to work In many places Why not get a patent Fish Pond that woru everywhere and alwaya feu the naMiey? As many as twenty can play at one time, and you can take In muiixy faster than any other fame except a peddle wheel. BobOUtf Cbrk Fl*h Ponx.'* are not large and ha-d to handle like some.

TtMwe FLsn PUnda will not be sold, but will be leweed for the sum at $230.04 for a period of flee vtwra That 1* $5u.H> a year, or lea* than one dollar a week. If you only u.-*) the Paid half the time It la cheap cnoufh. The man lesslng the Pond has the pcIvUece of uslnf It anywhere lii the C. H. Alto the rtxht to sell or uansfrr hU lease to other partlea Ue wlU have practically Uie same liberty as he would If he had bought the Pond outright.

I perstatslly built and operated the Hist Bobbing Cork FVsh Pond ever made. 1 was with the Jne Prraii Shows season of 1014 There wsa only one week of the entire season that we took In lew than t230 ta>, the price we are asking for the use of one for Ove years. It tak.w two to three week* for deUvrry, so get your orders In early.

Wr have a Fish Ilond In (Tillhowre Park, at Knootvllle. Tenn., for rmt for the season of 1016. The Bobbing Itxrk ITsh Pond la fully .cowered with patenta. even to the lixop In the A*h, and we

will lisorxauly proerrul* all Infiingers.



Frank Meeker, who has been connected with various amusement enterprises for the past fif¬ teen yesra, will thla aeaaon be genera! manager of the Greater Hippodrome Shows which open at Wellston. O.. April 22-21>. The main streets have been secnreil. and the anapices will he furnished by the city bands. From Wellston the sliow will go to the eastern pert of Ohio, and later Int* Pennsylvania and West Virginia.

In all there will be twelve paid attractions with the show. Including the tiding device*. There will also be three free acta and flfteen- plece band.

The outflt la stored at the Waverly (O.) Fair Gronmla, while the oflloea are located at Coalton. Ohio.

Will H. Welder will he general scent and promoter of the trick, and has already booked seven town* under auspices.

press agent; Gex'rge Crabtree, secretary; C. B. | ting In close touch with the State fair and cele- <l’-uck> Turner, general nianater; J. W. Brown- bratlon otilclala. lee. sui<,-rlnten«lent of concessions, and leon B. J. Willlama will arrive In Ixmlsville about Washbnrn. owner and director general. Lang- i March 1, and take full charge of the office, don's Amerli-an Baihl of twenty-four pieces, con- | Received woni that the motor trucks will be talning a celehrateil cornet sextette, will be In lAiulaville In due time. one of the free attraction*. Thl* will be sent -Mr. Dellinger, with a $7,000 Parker carousel, out In an extra large glide,! rlrcn* ban,l wagon 1* a late member, and Paul Meyer became a full- drawn bv Mr. Washburn's clrcua horse*. | tle,lge,l meml>er thla week, m.-iking a total of

G.vp's’new baby elephant has N-en named ' eijrlit.v-seven member* up to date. "Bnck." after Mr. Turner. Thl* In the flfth t The official ataff of the Columbia Show* will rreature to be lhu*ly Inmored. t«o Bon*, a polar be pnbllabe,! in the spring etlitiou of The BUl- bear and a puma being the other victims. | board.


COLUMBIA SHOWS Morrison's Cnlted Shows will open their sea¬

son of 1016 In the vicinity of Plttshiire. and ac¬ cording to Mr. Morrison will carry a twenty- ple-'e hand, three rides anil afteen attractions, including an alnlome. In addition to these Mr. Morrison expect* to have two free act* and about thirty-ftve concesalon*. The execnflve staff will be a* follows; H. J. Mor'Ison. sole owner and manager; Howanl Bcarlnger. manager of lot- Frexldy Beal, trainmaster; Joe Allison, elec¬ trician.

Mor-is Dalton, c,xnccs*l,>nslre with the Barton .A Pa'lev Sh,»wr last year. Is wintering hers, and 1* a dally visitor at the Majestic.


The Columbia Shows had a number of well- known vlaltor* at It* 1 oulsvHle office the past we,‘k. Inctmllng FVank Schenk of the New Tor Mannfactiirlng Company, Charley Prcaa.v, one of the owners of the Days of '41*. and Mr. act Mr*. Huff, miia'cal com,sir team, who playe,! Kelth'a at Tonlsvll’e laat week.

We have not contracted anv State fa'rs as ret. but ki-ep .Tour eve on the sprint e,lltlon of Billy¬ boy an,l Toil will li-trn that the exeentives of the Cadumbla Showa have l,wt no time In g«t-

Walker's Nlckelrsleon In Boston I* reported to be ,lolnc very goo,l business under the able management of .\be Wolfe. On the flrst floor a-e I*>uls Cajieron. with picture gallery; Uarry Davis, tattoo artist; Nellie Hartfor,!. mitt Joint; Bailey and Kerusley, itdl-down; Tom Connor. sho,xtlng gallery: May Smith, box office; James Cook, penny machine. On the secoml floor a contlnnou* hnrlesque show Is given, the roster consisting of Mason Sisters, I>**Ile I.eroy, Margaret Cixnnor, .Annie Morlsley. Snooks Fisher. Lola Davis and Charlie Dillon (piano). George

28 Xtie Billt>oar€l JANUARY 29. 1916.




KhKi* A

If il » ram or if it'» snow, Kot'P a plUKsiu'.

If liir pots rotton. Jos' don't Idov Ko< p a plnciiin'.

WIion tlio push jjots rathor tamo. Ar.d you turn tho Joint in vain. Why Just liallyhoo attain.

And ki'op a plungin'. — iton Vo

tasto of tho g.auio durin,; tho holidays. Hut -Mav says homo and Illair. Jr., sounds hottor tlian tho road, and U-sidos tho rtHtuiing houso Is fuIl-up, BO what tho holl. Ilo sonds his Ih-sI to |ta\o. Ity tho »ay, I'ato, what happenod aftor ICiohmond?


Kjdvoa mado with (ho Itlont BKAl. AJtT. tOUTIAIIIKK MOILS. JI-»B WIU..\H1> and oTHUl ATTILtfnVH Itl'^SIliN.'L Wo »aiit agoiita In catry dty and Kmn. Wo manufactur* our OHn kidvri. and, thorrforo, wo art not dit>rcid(ait on forolcn tutipllcia AU ihlpnxaila can bo mado prtmtaly. WH AUK TIIK UMt«it>T MAXI KAfTt'B- raut AXl» IH.STRIHI Tints t>K nil>- Tl» ILtXltlAUt KNIM.S H>U .SAUCS lUtAJtOS AMI K-tt'KIJ': I'ARHS IN niK t'XITIUi STAT»5<. Wrtto ua and no trtll SCO that rou aro promptly aup- pllnl. Ask for oatakigua and torma to¬ day.

GOLDEN RULE CUTLERY CO. ii2 W. Laka St.. Oopt. tl. Ckicapa. III.

MAKE $10 A DAY Wrlto for big|tt-st ofTor ovor made. \ FXIU- TI'NK I.V IT I Stark mado tl4S first week. lh-11 oloaiKst up ts.l in four da.vs.


■■Illi: liAMlY,” our loader 11-pleee Toilet .Article Set to sell for $1 or more, with beau¬ tiful $1 Carvltig S.-t KRKK. Many gettiiif $1.25 to $1,511 for the eianblnatlon. Itlggi-st hit on nvord. LVs.t.s only r.'tc eutnplcte, or 45c

without rarrhig set! “ Just one iti-m of our > / line, tiet circulars.

/ SPECIALOFFER / Send $1.5i» for com- I plcte sample m •w pltisli lined easel

FREE cat. with >■ .. first order 10

sets $6. Get hi the suim NIIWl

PIERCE COMPANY. 401 Pierce Bldf..

906 Lake Street. Chicafo.

.Li Cast', of tie retainer fame, is going South for the winter. What's the matter with the big burg. .Al't

It hsiks like ohl timeb again. Stewart was seen toting Ida triiH-s down the stem the other day.

Ik e FVllman—Jack Hill, care The ItilllHiard. would likw to hear from you. Cume on. kick ill. Hoc; still auctioneering?

J< e I.. I'lenunts and Tom llorenday. after nigh .11110 starling tt> death in Georgia, liave Jriii|M<l into the Caiolinas ,ind are now running HI. iiiilomoldle. Thi-ir Is'st to J. W. Johns<'ii i.iid Happy Hi.ema.

J. H. Gamble, the sheet Iwiy, is fw>nic almighty little iHM't—make 'em shorter, J, 11.; the laat one was okay.

Ren Cochran has a double in r.ttsburg. How about It, Ben?

W. C. n'Xeil and Whitiy Jasi-n an.I Ralph llawkini repres'nted the press at the laiinl .'i'.iow in Toledo not long i go. They re|>orted ell rything lOi the level. These boys can get the dough with the motor sheets.

T.arry Barret is drinking apple cider and raising a lieard in New|H>rt. Ky. Guess I^rry U getting ready to die: there aren't even home guards in that neck of the wnods. The ^

Biatest HR Yet Tdilie Bed .R spilled some isiwerful Rngilsh

talking alsiut the Rig Xmas BillylKiy. Right with you. IMdie. Thanks; Them words was as giHsi as the mince pie. Kddie is eo|iping tho hltlij neiMlful around somewhere in the New Ki.gland section.

Billy Buck Is a back slider: but he's marrieil. and promises to come clean some of these days, and he reads The Bi.lboanl. That don't let you out of the pii> contest.

W. K. Gore was seen iieekiiug around in green specs in Clncy last week. When be took bis hat off one of the pitchers drop|>ed a nickel lu it. thinking be was a blind guy—the explana¬ tions Were awful. W. K. slougheil the inlay.

Harry Ford Is i^ienillng a short time at Tlfton, Ga., Invi-stigating the Ndl weevil situation there. Harry is some promoter, and will likely wiie up

a few of the boys of the soil In that si-i'tlon Iwfore leaving for X. 'y. t.. where he exjieitB to meet the gang at the auto shows.


ALOG And Mailed Free. Write for It Today and

SAVE MONEY On Watches, Jew¬ elry. Pocket K a I V s t, Razsrt. Fountain Pens, Opera aad Field G I a e e e e, Spee- taclea. etc.

GORDON & MORRISON The oldest, largest and Most Reliable Wholesale Jewelry and Optical Houae In U. S. A.

210-212 West Maditos Street, CHICAGO, ILL.


Add Here Your

Ou;t». Ideavs

direct from man - ufacturig and uvs money We man- ufteturs



ETC. Hake up your own 1‘rrAium Boanle Itlop selUug idT B o a r d s oil OosB- mleelon, quit making money for others. I will eelt you your Ralm

BoanLs at manufacture prlciw: also kerqi you pomod aa to wbere to gel the lateM Nnvrltira Send lOo for Hample Catalogue free. Agetitj Wanted.

O. F. Haas—Your mother would like to hear 'oiii you. .Address her Kobinaou, 111.

M. Ferdon Is still doing the same old thing nothing—and enjoying it.





I Catab. 1892.


C. G. Wood. Emerson. Brittan and wife made a twentieth century hit with notions In .Atlanta. Ga.. Christmas week. r><s- Misire pulled teeth with his fingers, and. take It from me. l>oc is there with the strong-arm stuff. Woo<l says the South is nice to flop around in Imt for disigh-getting it's poor. Brittan. tell ns about the guy who worked Jumiiers for a Jit Christmas week.

'While peddling horns for the big holiday celebration Jimmy Reed was shot In the leg—no half-shot gimik either. He was mshed to the hospital, and Is now on the recovery list. Jimmy said there were Just three min¬ utes left in the old year when it hapjiened. Hospitals are getting mighty popular with Jimmy, as be was the guest of them all last summer.


Kick in some more do|>e. Larry Horan.

Gosh, ain’t you marrieil yet. Scotty Castle? 'Tis rumored s«>me of the Isiys are liable to cheat you out of your Southern Bose at Mai-on.

CHAS. MYERS, MFR Shipman again asks rerry, the pen man. to shoot him his ad- dn-ss so he can forward the trunks.


Vases, Isa Sets, Chocolate Seta,

Cake Plates, NoTsItiaa,

Cups & Sauesrs, Moiing Picture

Barry Sets, SouTsairs. Sitid for FVee L.'aiaJoinje, but mtnUou ycAir




101 5th Av*nu«. NEW YORK CITY.

I Rallraag Siiwtt.

Not insinuating. hnt Panl Raphall wants a line from Con¬ genial Eddie Glnek. ami that hu¬ man canary. Max Ginsberg.

-Australia A photograph from recently showed Brother Jimmy Simpson telling them how to be sav^—and one thing and another from old Doc Billy (Jray's plat¬ form. Doc Gray comereil the market and has the only lot in


Dr. John H. Swain Is wantet to settle an estate, of which he Is an heir. In New Martinsville. W. Va. .Anyone knowing his whereabouts addn-ss hU brother. Charles C. Swain. New Martins¬ ville, W. Va. Sydney where he wants It.

Doc won’t need to work for the rest of his life—from present bookings. Jimmy is sure there

There’s something about that little blnehlrd which reminds ns of bam and eggs and steaming coffee—and it’s forty below xero (somewhere). Ed Short, better known as

Kelly. Is still working garters in the big burg. ^ 6ET THE BEST MONEY-GETTERS

Manufaeturera RtiooUng Gallertaa and .Amu«ein*vit Sfvid for our new catalogue.

Two years ago Elmer Powers, of strop dressing fame, made a picnic at Coal Valley, III. He only paid half the reader, ao he bad to work in certain hound*. He used the butcher knife trick and Dearly cleaned the lot. when Just at the pidnt of turning a young Sweile got falnt-hearteil at the sight of the knife through Powers’ wrist, and fainted. And the crowd followed the Swede. He tried it again, when an old farmer did th* lady art—and Powers needed the dongb.

McNally has some fine Joint in New York.

Harry Goldstein and .Arizona Bill doubled up on sujiers during the holidays. ^ J HIGH-CLASS WDRK

• . I 5 DICE, $5.00 PER SET # CARDS, $1.00 PER DECK

For magical and amusement purposes.

Jack Crawford is a nice quiet little feller—but it’s dum funny how most of the fraternity can be quiet when the businesa Is on the fritz. That ain’t the cause, la it. Jack?

More Deliciously Flavored and at Lower Prices than you have been quoted here¬ tofore. Samples will be sent to you on application.


60-68 Columbii St., Kewark, If. J,

Dae, the ghlloeafiliw, it tettlsy dou(h la the

Wiady City. Catalog free.

D. Kelley, the Modoc OH man. was seen recently pnlling off a whale of a pitch from a Ash barrel. And Jimmy Connelly was running the rhnmp* np close with his stick. And snow was a mile thick. Who’a a liar?

Presidential campaign! Why, say. man. that will make business. Peddle spiel* to the Bull Mooser*. etc. Pictures of Doc Fady. Bill Bryan. Gar Johnson and Teddy Roosevelt would make a cleaning. 1916 is going to be a Immper—mebbe.

■I W n I VK V Way

Dapt. G,

160 N. 5th Av«nu«,

CHICAGO. ILL. Sammy Storch is again getting top dough In

New Orleani. Sammy made a riean np there a couple of yean ago. Careful of your worthies. Sammy.

Paul Raphall was with nine rimlvtl com panles the past season, and now ran be seen It the Gunter Hotel, San Antonio, living on bia money.

Shean and Barnes are the best bet In Pitts¬ burg.

Diamond Dick finished bis last poultry show at Wlckford, B. I.. and Is now extolling the merits of an automobile sheet at auto shows, and be Is msking Boston bis stamping grounds. The wedding bells will soon ring for Dirk and— it seems she is a blue-eyed daughter of Killar- ney, minus the brogue.

Doe Gordon, how goes It with your store med. show?


Pltrhmen’s Paradise—The I-oop, (Tilrtfo, thb Nmas!

J. C. Price and son. M. C. Price, the med. workers, are hitting Alabama. Georgia and Florida this winter with four minstrel lioys and 1 good-sized platform. BIz I" good, considering the weather, they report. They will be bark in Ohio tbia summer.

OENUIIE lEW CURREICr 1 ■a twnnl aad elpsi atrd by forea' of Gmrral Pramdaco Villa.


One Mil rargi nf foMiwring da- nomlnallims 50c, $1.00, $.A 00, tio no. $20 00. Intal. $S0 5«. lArtiit 50r P. (>. nrdfe to Hsary B. B.aeb. El Pim, Toa.

fApeettl discount tn ■lealns. _ Wrlia today for noanllty prim

Elmira Is a tough spot—result of some wise guy getting rough about a year ago.

Real leather, like cuL Best made. Send S5c •tamps for two umplea today. Also write for ' "Pocket Catalog." It's full at bargains of Watet Jewe^. Clocks, Premium Goods, Razors, etc.

JOS. HAGN &, co.r,:::',^'* 300-306 WeM Madlsos St., Dept. B, CHICAGO. II

J. R. Wilson, are you still showing 'em the little wrench at the anto show?

Dsnny Mack Is back In El Paso exercising Ms ponlei. When Governor Brewer resigned his executive

position in Mississippi the road man lost an active. Influential friend, and his parting apeech Is a monument tn him and his work. May more Brewers be bom every year.


When Ijirry Hrran Introduced Japs In Rt. Ixuils?

Jack Oorey made bis first give-away pitch In IVT-T?

Old Rob Aoatin with his gas balloon? Chas. Warner with a two-bit knife plckout? When Worsham worked the first slate book? When Rtmnn Horan and Charles HntchInsnn

m.ade the first deemer Joint of "your choice” np against the Ramnel Davis Rntldlng tn Ht. Ixnia?

When Frank Anselmc made his maiden spiel on the old comer of Fifth and Rt. Charles?

Whei old Dr. Mcl.,ean. of Ht. I/onta. to Con gresa twice, had the first qnarter-bonr striking clock set np In Ht. lyails?

Old Tom Garrett, who claims he has ridden on a rattler for twenty-three years? He’s work¬ ing googs oat of bis kick now.

BIG MONEY FOR LIVE AGENTS The "CUM-AX” Scarf Form. Pataited Dec. 15, 1914. Locka tight on any atyle collar button. AJao Beat Silk Brail'. Ties at lowest prices.


Write for descriptive rtrculars and particulars. NOONEN MFC. CO., Hudtos TenalsaJ, N. Y. City.

J. G. Flynn is flying around In Mississippi with some swell little dope of his own, trading off good conversation and flnenm for the un- sterillzed.

TIE FORM WOBKERB Tie Porma are grfWt morim makers for live daBoo- •tratora. Our ACMR fiwm la now uoed by gaany ct Uia tui'i—gul boys, and we are Uis manufacturen of Um beat silk brkld Uea for forma. Writ# for priom and deal lUreri with ths manufarturer

NEW ENSLANO BRAID MFQ. CO., n WNt Thiri Blrtal. New Yart City.

Phil Unger Is still making cigars and says he Is going to stick to it all winter. Guess Phil Is crazy.

Charles Hlrshfleld, cement man, worked i>ens In department stores in Providence. R. I., and claims he cleaned up during the holidays. He doubled up with Frank Straus and the Mliaes.

Max Riair has been spending the atlent year In the real estate buiinesa and bad a some-back

WC tlIPPI V PTREET MEN, CANVABBERB, PtO- WE aurril dlebb. asentb, carnival people.

IWvid fiw fnw catalogue. WICNITA JEWELRY COMPANY. Mfra.,

fhinrMaiwo to Iba Rcttlra Jewelry Go., 4M-$-B Wlaaa BsHdlat, WMHa. Ksmss. ATLANTJA, 8A.


This complete outfit costs you $18.75; BRINGS $60.00 JOS. G. FERARI SHOWS, INC.

Marltirn Harbor, N. Y., Jan. 21.—Work at the principal winter i|uartera of the J<«. O. Kerari Sliowa at the WllniluKton iDol.) State Fair ^ xrounda anil the ahopa at Briilxeton. baring pruxreaaeil au rapidly and aatlafai-turlly the paat week, the t'aptain aprang a ampnae U|a>n bla return to the houie otllce when he annuunceil hla luteutloo to build a brand new three-waxou front for the Stadium Show, which will be the big feature of the caravan thla aeaaon. Mr. Ferail puriHiNea to make thla ahuw the Ix'at of Ita kind that erer tiaik the road with a carnival, and, while there will l>e tat e<|Ui.atrlan featurea, the program la eapectiil to Include at least eight hlgh-claaa clrcua acta with a preilonilnance of couieiljr. To the latter end aeveral "Joeya" will lie engaged, bead<‘il by a pro<luclng clown with "big league'’ exiierlenie. The (dan to house thla attraction In a new top OOxlfkl, behind a front meaaurln/ 72 feet In length, prompts the pn-dlc- tlon that the IPld midway of the Jo«. <J. Ferarl


Ing ProponlUon with a










Bach Buttm la numbered aerially, glvlni the purchaser an opportunity to participate In the protlt-aharing premiums ahown on the above Sales Boaitl Buttons sold at lf»c each. The Pn-miums consLst of: 5 14x6 Size Thin Model American-Made Harvard Watches. 6 SO-Year, Gold-Filled, Gold-Soldered Link Waldemar Test Chalna.

To the jierson buying the last Collar Button a special premium Is given, which Is

1 14x18 SIZE, 8S-YEAR, GOLD-FILLED ELGIN WATCH. This Special Premium assures the clearing up of the BoArd

and brings a gross return of Ifin.dO. _ THIS COMPLETE OUTFIT COSTS YOU I18.7S, NETS )60.00.


Onkisnd. Cal . Jan, Jo. .V. J. IVuiglas and 1 Dick Hall, well known animal men on the Pa- clflc Coast, have biillt a large show wagon and will play the Interior bwns during the winter. The vehicle accommoilates over a dozen choice specimens and Is one of the nK'St complete traveling show wagons ever hiiilt here. The hoys etjiect to do a good business, displaying tlielr Wonders to the .mall town natives. The show received Its christening at the Chinese Native Sons’ New Year’s celebration at Oakland.

^ {THE HOUSE YOU CAN'T FORGET) SueataMTs ta Holtaiaa A Alter,

188 West Madison Street. .... CHICAGO. ILL.. p. S.—Writ* foe our lUwtrated Catalog, whlcb contains move up-to-date Bargains than any other book

laaued. Write for It TODAY.

Write for Free Trial and Catalog "F.”

J. C. DEAGAN Deigan Bldg., 1760 Bertciu Aienue



The outfit now la a real winter show, con- •Istlng of five attractions, twenty-four concea- sl..n« and an eight-piece band.

Manager Stevcns<in secured a warehouse while In San .\ngeb>. T. x., an.1 will use It for a r--palr shop. The swing and wheel are being repaiTe.t and repalnte.1 at that point. The ’’Captain" in also very busy building new fronts for the entire show. O. L. Wlls-'n. Shorty Scofield and Jeff

^ You are looking for more long grun. You get It tn big bunchea haudling our stunning rasnblnatteoa

of snaps and toilet articles. They sure bare the flash, and nose la the time to throw your hat In the ring, (irtal Crew Mana¬ gers' proposltlonj. flood for S5n 00 to $100.00 profit weekly. Our new colored drcular tells why our alx-story building la required to keep up with the tremendoua demand. INY, 406 Davis Bldg.. 220-222 N. DnalaiiMS St.. Chleaga. III.

CIRCUS CANVASES We are offering the strongest dub of msgsxlnes ever offerevl to sn agent, and put agents are cleaning up. KepresentaUveo wanted ail over the U. S. Pacific Coast men. take note.

HIGGINS CIRCULATION BUREAU. Diagateli Aaaex Bldg., Calumbus, Ohia.

C2S Wtet Fyltea Street. Chleaaa, llllaaia.


TENTS AND MARQUEES Band for lateat stork Usca Place owbra quick f>a

Wdng daUB. A large stork on hand d Bnmd-HAod


THE BROWN BOOK arrived. The .\nchor Supply Company sure kr.ow-i h.'.w.

•P'e lllin. 1-- Central contlnnea to charge for parking private cani.

lI.Kirge .Vnag'iatl.Hia. wife and agents, with .•onkhouae and candy kitchen, jolncl the trlok r.M'cntly. of late they were with the -American .\mu«.'ment Company.

S. C. Roc<-o and w-lfe are new managing the Neptune’s I>aaghter Show,

Mrs, Florem-e Sullivan and Mrs. Hall, re¬ cently th" American .Amusement Company, are now with the ’49 Camp.

Burt Green and wife, formerly of the Cllflon- Kelley Shows, are In business at Canton. Miss., and were dally visitor* during our engagoment there.

Ke,-p ywir eye on the "we comply with the pure show laws" show. Canada bound. »ayi Harry Ksmish, general agent.

FOR 19167 I'>rryone- Showmen. Concea-

m alnnet*. Troupers—all know the

PRIMOSHOW LIGHTS are Brilllaat. Siwials. Rsll- aMs. ’Huy are bvtter than «*«T

ft' ' this year Write bw catalogue I' 1 K'Jl and aak for our list at rebuilt ir r ’ffil I*t1nin Ughta. They are nvarly II It 1 as gravl as new, and are bar- UIImH&I gains It Is time tir tTrrus Boas

niandellermro to registry thrSr namea In our Free Iknpltwmrot Kz.-hanae.

WINDHORST i. WladharW. Walkar,


Na. I St Laatora. 2M N. 12th Strest. Prlea, |4-M. St. Lauls. Ma.




MINT GUM CO.. INC. Blaaekae Street. NEW YORK CITY,

Manufaclurcm at Gum that Gets and Holcte the Bualneaa.

The writer recently bad the pleasure of making an extendesl trip through the quarters ixrupled by the Berk Brothers, enterprising Importers and manufacturers of premium go<«1s and m'velOe*. at .'Vt.’l Broadway, New York City.

The signs of activity displayed everywhere ln<1lcate<1 that the firm was making every prepa¬ ration to accommo»1ate an abnormal business. R»th Mr. I>eon O. and Joseph K Berk are op¬ timistic aa to the pnwpects for the coming sea-

The pidlcT of this firm Is novel Inasmuch a«. unlike many of their ompetltors. they do not

ai>ec|allie In merely a few limited lines, bnt esrry a most eiunprehenslve variety of g«iods for dem¬ onstrators. streetmen. concessioner*, etc.

Their new estabw ■honid be In the band* of everyone anticipating taking the road thla *ea- •on.

Medicine Workers, Streetmen, Agents and Hustlers

You are loalng toirj; easy If you fall to work our High-Grade Electric Bdta. Tol- taio Elecirlc insole* and Medical Batteries on the aide or in your office. A fine tins fog perfoemcT* nuking one t# six-day slanda. 50» to 1.000<ll prnllL Send 15c for WsieyU Belt or pair of Insole*. Get Lectur* on tUeetricSty and NET wboleaale pries tiat on beat line out THE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO. (IBe«rp«rat*d 1891), Barilaftaa. Kaaaaa.

SAVE YOUR MONEY T-ln-1 t'nmblnaUnn Bill Bonk, black, tan, alligator, etc. ITlee. tlt.55 Gras*. Aample. 15c. Dtposll required on all nrilers Write ftw list d Viweltles and Jewelry

BRAUDE 4 FRANK. Whatssal* Jswalsrs. 7«-79g Wat* ink Btisal. Chleaes. III. Firemen’s Carnival

KEY WEST, FLORIDA, Feb. 15 to 24, Inclusive



JONES BROS.’ SHOWS WANT T«n-ln-(hie Ftenr. Athletic. l»og and Pwiy Show. tSlrl Mtwses. Trip to Mara. <>«»y Histae and MoSor- rtrnsne: alan gnial. clean fYaiorasinn* <g all klnda All UaKul t'trolval Prople. please write. JONl» BRGH.. 648 Owinginn Aee., TVa«ito, rknlda.

J. t' Simpson, general manager of Hampton’s Great Umpire Showa. arrlveil In goo<l old Ilsmll ton. O.. the winter quarter*. l«st week, after *p«'ndlnr the holiday «o»*on with hi* many Eastern friend*. While away he b<s>ke,l a miin 1st of desirable stands awl many .4-1 attrac- tlor*. ao:ne of which will be entirely new to the carnival world and this I* saying a great ’’Jlm-ny,’’ who la atyled the Prince of rnmlval Managera. knnwa a feature attraction w ben he aee* one.

Things h*ve already atarted to hnm In the winter qnarfer* at the Pntler Tonnty fair gronnda. where there la plenty of room, plenty of light and a grand heating plant, making the crew feel like working. All earn have been

FMIowtng the SOUTH fTAiRIDA FAIR and GABPAiULLA CARNIVAL at TAMPA. FLA. The flial and wily CARNIVAL to be held In KEY WEST in a yc«r. WANTED—Fre« Acta. Show* and ikmceaWocw. I lilrwa

_ A. T. WRIGHT. 0* Sate H*t(f. Taapu. Flartda.

i TIP! FRAME k “BILLT’' DR “RDDLETTE" Joint thl* sFuann. For Park*. (MrnIvsU. Fair*, tkorm Ntriraiy legtitmale; get* first and last play d any Midway. FMII partlmlan and ilrawing of frame up aisit on rerelpl d tic. F. A. R>aM.4.VN. Bd *81, Brtalol. Virginia.

MORRISON UNITED SHOWS CAN PLACE the follosrlng Rhosr* ar.d Onnonsdons; Carousel. Ell Wheel. Rides. IQiow* of all kiniM. Fo4- lowlng ConreaWons: ^io«-the-!N<nt, Cook Bnuae. ITiolo Oallery. High Stnker, Jap Roll-Dosrn. CtountiT Store. Shoaling Gallery. (Tgarrite Gallerr. Keg Joint. Ball Gamm of all kind*, any other legitimate r’niirnmftai* No grtfL AU Wheel* open, except Dnlls. W.LNT rwd .Advance Agent, Coeitest Man. PtoiimUT, ClienM Olrla. for my new Alrdaeaei Addrea* all mall to

H. J. MORRISON, Set* Owner aad Maaatar, 513 Sd Avn., Pittsburfh, Pa.

Mac DONALD. 341 East 4fUi HI.. Nrw York City. (Cootlnaed OP page 48.)



netth«‘r nnr

brt'ftk; ruar*


‘niMtnm. Duioe H«lls. Me. I.arrp Tolumr. Can nvu'ate for lnal<le or uutaldr pla.vinc. l*lpr ortaii tonra. Low prices.

TANGLEY CO. MumbIIm, lawi


75x150 foK. co<npl<tr with O-tor RICHARDSON BALL BEARING SKATE CO..

154-160 E. Eria StrMt, CAteafa, III.


10706 Earla Avaaua, C4avalaa6, DAI*.

Ma.>t>« thr prMQt Ilttla maidrtia don't m)ap IL fHd and rounc all pn a hanrl of fun and piraaar* fnan a rlda on THK Wllir," a clran-rail amuatnmt all lha war throupb. Will jour l^ark baaa "THX WHII-T


PARK FOR LEASE Stnet Railway Coanpanr ownlni OO-arra rark In Snutlirm town of SO.uuO. drwlrm to Iraaa to rxptrl- rnrwl party. Thrar mllfa out; racalimt oar arrrlra. Itaautlful Ilka, audllnrlum. danaa hall. akaUnf riok. hath liouia and Sna iprlna. (lira riiirHntaa and rrf- ermraa. Adilmia ROITIOSIN I'AKK, carr Rlllboanl. (TnMnnall, Ohio.

PAB O H I P 600 pain llml«9 Fl- r U l« Rollar Hkatra, Ra-

palry TVnl«: mia Hf»i- IfT Flonr Randlnk Martilna. for llA 00 raMi L. O MII.IJ'IH, I IT I’nlrmlly lllrd., Tnlatlo, Ohio.

BUY A sell NEW AND USED ROLLER SKATES— IXnna Rtirh) IhtlliY Rink Flfvw Htirfarw wtilfOl nakaa lha flnnr riaan and akam fr.itn alippint No dnat; 4 pw pound Anirlaaa Rlak Suaaly Ca.. Baadwiiir. Ow

NOTICE, PIRX MANAGERS! I will plira on parnmtata nr flat rantil nna of tha lantrat Klartrlral MxM'anlcal Rhontlnc (lallarlra In thla minlry. alw> lYpaay lima* Flah I'ond and nhw Owi- rmatorw. If roll ran plara Ihiwa wtila RITIIR WAJt- ItEl.I.. R r. I> No *, Knoxrllla, INaiiuaaaa.

Tha Wayna Roller Rink, at Plqua, O.. owned by W. E. Gmno, U brln* aurm^ully manar'd by Mr and Mra. Bob RoMn.aoii, who manage the C.ardi-n Rink at Xllea. (>.. with \V. W Joeies la aa- alstant mana«iT of tha latter. Tlie KtalT at the Idoua Rink Includes fharlea Bancroft, akatr man; 1. J. Fltaatmniotta, door man. and Helen <?1ark, refreal^metita.

JANUARY 29. 1916.



One of the larKent ninl tiiicot roller akating Tliika in the East opened in I'orllainl. .Me.. January f*. and tls Miirees weiiia assured. I.arce crowiis continue to come and the afterniKm at¬ tendance is imnh Is-tter than in most of the luriter cities, perhaps on account of ro'tland's omurt set. which has the skating craze. The rink is HOUxS.-i feet, and is owned by 5V. .\. I’urKoiis, wild left immediately after the Opening for New (Irle.ans, I.a., where lie was to oiH'n anotlier rink. Ilie Winter (Jarden, the last of January. It has Ikh'U seven years since New Orleans had skating, and tlien Itie conditions were not tlie Is'st. II. E, Booker, assistant manager, lias Imm ii In New Orleans since I)e- cemls>r 21, getting ttie hnilding into sliaiic. Tlie skating surface will he IS.'ixSO feet, with a 20 foot pnunenade nil tlie way around; also a horsi' shoe lialcony. Will F. Neff, wlio lieliM*d to open ttie Fortl.'ind rink, will go to New Orleans to take oliarge of tlie floor and to do the piildi'ity work. ('lias. J. rarlin will remain at the I’ortland rink ns resident manager.


It will not lie necessary for ns to introduce IVte J. Shea, of lletrolt. as his reputation as a rink manager, promoter and manufacturer of flisir Burfacers la well known to tlie skating pnlilic. Sliea lias taken over tlie Port Hu-on (Mich.) rink. and. associated with L. Richardson, of St. Josepli. Mo., has put in a high-class rink wtilch has taken Port Huron by storm.


Roy McWhlrter. of the Northwest Skating Cluh. Cldcagu. proved tiimsidf a great skater at Humboldt Park January Hi. when he carried away two of ttie most-sought medals of tlie Norwegian Turners’ Sim iety ice meet. Ten thou¬ sand or more folks were present. The program

I derson, treasurer. Some big cliamidonship meets ' will be booked at the big hanked track the

balance of the season, acisirdiiig to statements made liy Manager 1’. T. Harmon.


Artliur R. Eglington and Edward Sdiwart* beat the old world's reiurd on u banked track by four iniiiutes, when they won tlie twenty- live-iuile professional roller r:i<-e. skatist at Rirerview Rink, Chicago, on January 14. skal-

: lug the distance in l:Ui:.'i(i J-.'i. It was one of tlie best races ever seer, at the big North Slile rink, the veteran Schwartz, who has been skating in roller races for fourteen years, i-om- liig in for a big sliare of honors. Jih* Laurey and Ceorge S>iiwartz were sei-ond; Henry Becker iiinl A1 K iieger. third; Lsn Classbn-nner and Morris Chunipliu. fourth: Frank Neul and Ceiil Watts of Hiiiiliugton, W Va., flftli. The old record was made at the Rivervlew Rink last year. Edward Schwartz and Joe Laurey setting tlie mark


Thomas Lawivnce. formerly of Sana Soucl Riok. Chicago, now with tlie lliiiiMMlrome Rink. .Apliieton, Wis., will soon lie looking for a new loi-ation for a rink. The rink will lie turned over to the city in the spring, and a school will bi> erected on the propi-rty, which will leave Appleton without a rink.

Manager Walter Sutphen. of the Wayne Garden Rink. Hetrolt. pulletl off a new one last week, called a Murphy nii'e. Ten patrons wen- chosen. eaeh one skating inside of a liarrel. arranged the same as for a barrel race. Each skater was then glyen a four-foot stick, which was sharp at one end. Contestants each were numbered with large figures and started at the back of the rink. Each had a box to put

(Continued on page (>2)

Satisfactory Rotter Rink Automatic Bands InrrHiM* pAirmiigr cfiT that pnii'unNl bv r. cular baiut, tM'aUA* th«

J^L muMc li nxim pcmiTful ami luarmvailcHi'i.

ALL OF THE POPULAR MUSIC READY pA FOR QUICK SHIPMENT. L *^1 Arkiiowlotint by lUnk Maiiaiti-ra to bv* mip'iitr to aiTythtiic at tkf

kltul oil Uio nuirkH.

^ ^ Win In ntn' llulU by tbo AnixTlran Haiul CH(an f? (Viulogui* and proof uf abofe atatrcu-iii» on n'qui^t

Win In nn*

NORTH TOMAW north tomawahoa musical ihstrumeht works, ^ORTH TONAWANDA. N. Y.. U. S. A.

X O Henley Rink Roller Skates nru^ wtua STtkL COMBINATION or HIGH-GRADE FIBRE WHEELS, Md

* m' In BtajiNTts Ilf all skating nuke

HENLEY RACING SKATES Cv-d and nidurse.! by SPEED SKATESS evigywti—. and an- also desirable for IndlTIdual use, whiTa UM finest and nwwl cii«nplrte skate In the markel la disiTviL

POLO GOODS AND OUTFITS Bend for Hkate ( alalurue. FIIEC. omdal IVdn Guide_ loe.




Fibre Rollers Make for a rlean flnnr, pure air and aatlidled rusinmers. shirti ineani mm.ey In the taanagVt p<«-kct. We ran rr sheet any equlpoamt akaiaa and supply repair i-arla fur th--a

Chicago Roller Skate Co. A6a aad Fullaa StrMta. CHICAGO, ILL.

of the day was made tip of a half-mile race for boys under 16 years; one-mile, class C; one-mile, class A; one-mile, uovlce; half-mile, boys 13 to 10; half-mile ladies and a five-mile handicap. The most Interest was taken in the class A race and the handicap, and the fight was be¬ tween McWhlrter and Arthur fltaff. who, the week previous, had defeated McWhlrter In the main races at the Slelpner Athletic Club’s "Derby.” McWhlrter won the one-mlle class A. with Staff a close second. The time was 2;.'>!* He also won the five-mile handicap from scratch, with Staff second. In one of the natti¬ est races ever witnessed In Chicago. In winning this event McWhlrter established a record of 16:02 1-5.


During the past few weeks several new port¬ able rinks bare entered the field, and among them are several that have Iteen pnt out by the Tramlll Portable Skating Rink Co., of Kansas City. Mo. Rink No. 37 was oiM-ned by E. F. McFarland. Worthington. Minn.; No. 3S. Bush & Linder. Mt. Sterling. III.; No. .30. Sid- more A: Early. Adrian. .Minn., and No. 40. William Klnkald. at Newton. Kan. fhnrles Tramlll. In speaking of the portable prorMwltion. has a most Imiiortant bit of Information which he wishes circulated among the managers of portable rinks. This Is a matter of a rating for portable skating outfits. Mr. Tramlll states that he has. through some effort on his part, 8e<-ured a special niflng In the State of Missouri and also that the Weste-n ClasAflcatlon people have given the portables a rating west of tlie Mississippi thst Is unjust. It Is also a fact tliHt east of the river there is no rating on the portable outfit at all. Get together port¬ able managers and owners, and help Mr. Tra¬ mlll start something.


Rivervlew Roller Skating Club, of Chl-ago aocejited the offer of tlie Board of Control of the Western Sk-tlng .VswM'lation at their annual meeting and election, held at the Rivervlew Rink. Chicago. last week. The Indoor skaters will have ret'res<.ntatlon on the W. S. A. Board of Control, under a stu-'-lal Roller Board. Henry Lynch was elected n-esidenf with 44iO mem'ien, voting. Other officers were George Reiitell. vP-e- Iiresi.lent; Frank Helin, aecretary; (Maude An-


Taken Over by New Company—Will Be Rebuilt and Greatly Improved

Chicago, Jan. 22.—The new Foreat Park Amuacment Company, which was recently tocor- poratetl as a $50,(XX) cor|>oratlun, has purcba-e<l the asaets, etc., of the Forest Park Fair Grounds Atuuseuieiit Co., which firm formerly operate-l the West Side Amusement Park, which lica Just outside the city limita. The new incorporators are A. E. Wlnterroth, Forest Park. Ill.; Paul Heinze, Forest Park, 111., and Thomaa F. Graham of Chicago. The directors of tlie n-w company are: John Br>slerlck, August Bunge, Jr., Charles C. Dorman, Edward C. Hayman, Paul Heinze, Edw ard J. Kel y, William E. Malfsdm. Charh-s II. Soelke and A. E. Wlnterroth. The following ottti-erg were a[ilK>inted; John Brorlerlck, presi¬ dent; William B. Malcolm, vice-pres d<-nt aisl treasurer; Augnst Bunge, Jr., secretary, and Paul Heinze, manager. The new mansg*-ment has al¬ ready laid plans for much rebuild nr and an en¬ tire reorganization of the park’s system. Several new amusement devlcia will Im* Instal ed; a new garage will he conatrncte«1 oplioslle the main en¬ trance. where several hundrtsl machimsi may be checked and takon care of; the north end of the park will Is- completely rem<Mlele<l, arwl a plrnlc grove will he Installed, providing a dancing plat¬ form and all other arconim<slatlons. The new company has determlne<l to revolutionize the amusement park, making Fonwt Park a place

where merit and one’s money’s worth pretloniln- ate. On May 17 this natural amusement park ami family reaort will ot«n Ita gatea to the public.


Chicago, Jan. 21.—Benjamin Jolly, auditor for the Rivervlew Park Company, died suddenly last Friday morning at his liome, 44.57 Magnolia avenue. Heart disease, aggravated by grip, Is thought to have been the cause of death.


Boston. Jan. 22.—I-eo Gordon, for many years one of the most prominent and aiiccessfnl con- c<-as!onalres at Coney Island, N. Y.. Is building a monster clrcns aide show at Revere Bench, Boston, to «ziien May 20 The attraction wl'I be one of the moat complete ever exhibited. It Is said, as Mr. Gordon has tlie experience and fnnds to carry out his project on a fitting scale. Mil lard A Merrifield, of Coney Island, are furnishing the paintings.


Attracts Immense Crowds in Japan

An A«so<|iited press corresisind'-nt. writing from Toklo under date of Deceml)er 14. has the following to say regarllng the flights of Charles Niles, the American aviator:

"Barely has an event exciti-d ft-e .lapancse peo ' pie as did the flight of Ckarles NUes, the Amer- I Iran aviator, who gave two exhibitions l>efore

(Continued on page (12)




Aa a Riding Device for Parke, Fairs or Carnivals, the Frollo hae topped all othera for ateedy and eenalatent profit, aea- eon after eeason, even Including the time-honored Caroueelle. We aleo Kini/PI TV AiArUIAlP PA 2 Rector St., are tha manufacturare of the Circle Swing. Write for partloularo. IyWC.L.1 I IvIFst/niriC vw«< NEW YORK

WANTED-Conoessions, Attractions First-class Novelties. Must be new. We have build¬ ing or space for Hilarity Hall. Only Park in this section.

L.\KESIDE PARK CO., Dayton, Ohio.

JANUARY 29, 1916.




WAN'IED—( loan Shows, legitimate Concessions and Games. Exclusive 10-in-l Show; will remodel build¬ ing to suit desirable tenant. Will lease Skating Kink to reliable party who can furnish own skates. Good floor and large North Tonawanda Band Organ. State all in first letter.



BIGGEST HELD IN SOUTH Is in February Instead of March

The advertioement beade<l “Special Notice.” in the Jauuar; 2'^ isaue of The Biilbuanl. aiMler the Fair Newa oa page 30. stattsl that the lueetlDf of fair luaiiagera at the Awiiturium Uuiel In Chl- ca.;o wuuld be March 10 and IT. Thia wag wrung, iuaamucb ua the oiveting will be held February 10 and 17. Thirteen State falra wlU be repreaented.

Southern Fain* Convention At

tended by Prominent Fair Men

and Showmen—Dates Set

and Officers Elected

Manapprs of the following and other Slate Fairs will meet at the Auditorium Hotel, Uhicago.on Wetlnesday and Thursday, February 10th and 17th, for the pur¬ pose of considering pro[)ositions for attractions for the 1916 fairs.

Parties having good, clean feature attractions, take notice and be on hand prepared to submit your proposition.

INTER-STATE FAIR—Grand Forks, July 18-22. IOWA STATE FAIR—Des Moines, August 23-Sept. 1. MINNESOTA STATE FAIR—HamUne, September 4-9. NEBRASKA STATE FAIR—Lincoln, ^ptember 4-9. INDIANA STATE FAIR—IndianapoUs, September 4-8. MICHIGAN STATE FAIR—Detroit, September 4-13. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE FAIR—Huron, September 11-13. WISCONSIN STATE FAIR—Madison, September 11-16. KANSAS STATE FAIR—Hutchinson, September 16-23. ILLINOIS STATE FAIR—Springheld, September 16-23. INTER-STATE FAIR—Sioux City, September 18-23. MISSOURI STATE FAIR—SedaUa, September 23-30. OKLAHOMA STATS FAIR—Oklahoma City, September 23-30.



And South Florida Fair Dates Approach

Tainpa, Fla., Jan. 22.—The niidwlnter pnxloct fair. In which twenty cuuntlea of BoutlK-rn Florida and the laland of Cuba will be repre¬ sented. ia one of tbe principal featnree of Tanipa'a tenth annual Uaxparlila Carnival, the dates of which are February 4 to 12. With faat Loraes entered, barneaa and running racea will be held daiiy on the Tampa Bay track. Tbia meeting poasiMy will be rontlmie<l through the month. To the usual carnival pageanta will be added amnsementa and attractinna of tbe beat. Kailrvrads and ateamahip lines have offered ex¬ tremely low ronnd-trip rntea be^-auae of the growing importance of tbla Bouthern celebration.

Blnningbam. Ala.. Jan. 20.—The annnil meet- I lag of tbe Association uf Southern Fairs ami Ex- p.«llluoa waa held at tbe Tutariler Hotel laat Tuewlay. and came to a moat aucceasful c'.oae on tbe evenlnx of that day with a bamiuet. brlUlaDt aieeches and a g« neral evening of mer¬ riment. Till* meeting waa, without a doubt, tbe largest aud moat enthusiastic ever held by tbe Bsauclatloo, ami all wbo attended stated that they bad gained much that will be of benefit in tbe future. I.ettera of regret were received from several members Quab e to attend.

Harry C. Robert, retiring president of the Aa- aoclatV.n. and wrbo is aecretary of tbe Ueorgia Slate Fair, of Macon, called tbe meeting to order at 11 o'clock Tnewlay morning, after which be In¬ troduced W. C. Radcllff. of the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, who welcomed the Tlsltora to tbe city. Vice President George T. Bamea thanked Mr. Badcllffe on b.4>alf of the Asaocla- rloo, after which tbe minutes of the prev ous meeting were read by Secretary Fowlkea, and the meeting waa thrown open for general dlacuasloo. R. A. Brown, of tbe Alabama State Fair, spoke on live stock, and of tbe suci-eaB of tbla feature at tbe State Pair. He aloo brought up tbe mat¬ ter of railroad rates. B. M. StrlckUnd. of tbe .Southeast Fair. Atlanta gave a convincing talk on live stock. A. H. George, of the Alabama-


Albany, N. T.. Jan. 22.—Tbe New York State Fair Conimisaion baa fixed tbe dates for the State fair at Syracuse this year an September 11 to I6, Inclusive. Lientenant-Govemor Ed¬ ward Schoeneck waa elected president, and Chas. S. Wilson, commlasloocr of agricultuic, vice- president.



0IEIIEETII6ATIEWELl’SH0TEL.5THJillE..PtTTSBURe.PA..0N FEB. 7TH. 1916, it 4 P.M. DIE MEETII6 (I HOTEL NilOVER, 12TH 4 ARCH. PHILA., PA.. 01 FEB. 15TN. 1918, it 1 P.M.

SEtTUTTARirs AND REIUIESENTATIVES ot County Pairs ct rimniylvanla will attend these meetings. RBOWM42S'. CUNOESSIONERS and OW.N'ERS. having for sale FREE ACTS, are Invited to come to thoW meetiuga and iitM< them, fcod t'me to secure buxlnros for cuanlng waMwi.



The Skating Macks are playing independent time In the Northwest, having played at Warth- Ington, Minn., lost week, with Inwood. New Hampton and Samner, la., and Mt. Sterling. Ill., to follow. They expect to be out until March 1, when they will co to their home in Cin¬ cinnati for a few weeks' rest before their outdoor season opens.

Otto and Olivia, tbe jngglera, played Vaipa- rateo, Ind., and Mascatine, la., last week with tbelr comedy act. This Is the first work Olivia has done since she fell and hnrt her anhia aereral wseks ago. Otto has several weeks booked.

I.eo Plersactl, Campbell and McDonald, Haney and L-ong. Orboisany’s Cockatoos and Morgan and Irvine were on the bill at the Orpheom. Musca¬ tine, la., laat week.

The Fonr Castors are playing tbe Pantages Clrenlt with great sncccaa, and tbe Chicaro of¬ fice baa been receiving wondcrfnl reports of tbelr work. Winnipeg waa an ovation. The act la booked solid for fairs by P. M. Barnea, Inc., for

I tbe season of 1016.

year's fair in bis city, which waa the first bWd there. He expressed a desire to Join the Aaso- clatloa. Mort. L. Blxler, of the Gulf Coaat Pair, Mobile, spoke on co-operation that does not ■«<iperate, and atatevi that secretaries mast get t.ifstber oo other matters as well as tbe dates. ] He staleil. also, that be believes tbe amuaeroeot features to be an important thing, and worthy of more conolderatkNi from tbe vtrloaa asoocis- ttom.

George T. Bamea. of Montgomery, then bix>aght op tbe subject of getting something out of the fair grounds during tbe winter, or “off” mootha, and told of the tncceaa be had encountered In leasing bis grounds to Howe's Great loodos Rhowa and tbs Psmous Robinson Shows. Mr. Bsmeu spoke very highly of the cooditloo In wiitrh the manager of the sh»>wa kept tbe groaoda, and advised other fair managers to take up the matter of wintering attractions, Marks Rothenberg next spoke oo co-operation, and staled that fairs bad done more for tbs South than any other interests, and that mors practical edarathm Is ga!n«"d by one visit to the fair than from a year's study of books. Rob Roy, of Nashville, said that all festnrea of fairs were good, bat the main thing la “get the

of the A'abama State

SUITE tit-ni MASSACHUSETTS SLOG, I. W. MEROELLES. MANAGER. SIOUX CITY, IOWA. The only Th<aui>-al Fjicbange west of Chicago booking Pair and Park AitraclinDS in the Middle West for

the arsaon ItK. Just laauliig the biggest Pair I'atalogusL All Acta wanting plenty of work and wishing to appear to this Catslogw, st-nd cuts, billing, aaiary and open time.

Pair, said: “While I know very little about live stock and vartoos exhibits 1 do know amuse¬ ments. and know that the greater part of the money comes from the receipts of the midway or tbe grand stand." He concluded by sa.vtng that a fair cannot get along witbont amusement featorea.

Mr. Bright, of the Bright Tomstlle Company, of Clevrlaml, O., gave a brief talk, daring which be apoke Interestingly oo tbe "pass evil." The morning seoaloo was then adjonrned to give tbe carnival representatlvra an opportnnity to talk over matters with tbe fair managers.

The afternoon session was called to order by Chairman Roberts at 3:30. and a report from the Committee on Memberahlps was read, admitting the Southeast Pair of Atlanta, tbe Golf Const Pair of Mobile, and tbe Chattanooga District

Pair to tbe Association. Tbe camlral. free acta and fireworks representativaa were next naked to snbmit tbelr propooitlona.

Con T. Kennedy, of the Kennedy Shows; James Patterson, of the Patterson Shows; Steve Woods and W. H. (BUI) Rice, of the Wortham Shows; Artfanr Davla, of the World at Home; C. M. Nlgro, of the Nigro Shows; P. M. Barnea, of F. M. Barnes, Inc.; Sam Lavl, of the United Booking .tasociatloo; George Newton, of tbe Newton Fireworks Co.: Sandera Gonlon. of tbe North American Fireworks Display Co., and Mr. Grover, of tbe Kemper-'Tbomas Advertising Co., appeared before tbe Association and apoke on tbe merits of tbe different loteioata which they repreoented, and while no contracts

(Continued on pnge 43)

Judgment for $110, tbe fall amonnt naked, has been granted H. Granada, of Granada and Fe¬ dora, the well-known hnman elephant aerial per- formera. against tbe P. M. Bamea Company of Chicago. Granada bron’ht suit in the con't of Jndge Martinean. of Sait I ake City. Utah, where the act played tbe State fair Imlependently last

(Cootlnned on page 43) money." B. B. Barton.

SURF«BEACH Frultvaie—5-cent fare. (Th* CenMy Island of tho Pacific Coaat) VHIlim

-$700,000 AMUSEMENT PARK AND SALT WATER SURF BATHING BEACH’- Cirami Entranre, s tower of jewels, ccmpletrd, 110 fret Iiipli. l.lfO fret frontspe. Half mile rouare surf bathirp; hhite rard beach. No undertow. No fops.

Larpest sanitary eonerete and tile open air thin mil p ti.rk in tbe Vnittd btalre, S(0 fret .’org, Six thourand dreesing rooms. All bathing suits steriLzrd. Dancing Pavilion forty thousand square feet. —CONCESSIONS NOW BUILDING—

li. A. Thompson’s (linnt Poul>lo Safety Rneer and lloyal Gorge, one mile ride, latprst in the world, CCO feet over the surf. Big vfp-to-date Zoo. Power-driven •Xerophinc Swing. Carrousel. Jester’s Palace. Many other amusement features.

WANTED-FOLLOWING SHOWS AFD CONCESSIONS— Miniattire Bnilwav. Eerris Wheel, Pit Shows (no Ereaks), two Walk-In Shows, lllus'cn Shows. Palmistiv, Pirtuie 'Ibratre, Sbeotirp GaIVty, Crpyy Kitfhrn,

Stella in the Well, 1 he \\ hip, Dog and Monkey Show, Pony Show, Sea Sw irp, bltctric Miniatuie Bare Ttri*k. Gipglrr, Ilijh Striker, Cresr Vaie, 'Irrpo Swing, Skating Hink, Joy ^\ hiH'l, Heutatir.nnt, Pciiniits, Poprotn, Ire ('ream (oi>rs. Soft Drinks fid Candies, Cordv Bbcrls, Irn Pm Cin e, Piedle Vbtels. (biwinp Gim, S|)ot the S|>ot, Hot Boast Beef, Coney Islainl Bed Hots, (Hster loafs. Oyster Cocktails, Jp| arete Cimes, sVre Pall, Seaktm. Autematie I’ete ball, J’olor rrd Bow Boats, Photo (lallery, .Afriean Hip, Cat Bark, Cane Bark, Knife Bark, Knife Vbeel, Teddy Pear and Poll Wheels, Invisible loitire. I Ts’ 'leelh n rde of Walius, Meehanieal Toys, Jewelrv, Pillow Tops, Novelty Poolb, Aerdirp Cne-Ctnt Pattlall Mathines. Ciarpeide, Chili Con Crire, Cider. Tin ales, Nepio Pedper, Souvenir Post Cards, Balloons, Hamburper, Hoopla, Perfi.mety Noielty Stand. 1 urth Sti i d. ( ipar rrd Ne ws Sti rd. ••. I M(( f 1^1 P C< f CEFI I /S D. '• 3, 1 7 ^kD 26 PIECES, TWO TO EIGHT WEEKS’ E66AGEMENT—PMCE AND BAND RICHT, PEFHAPS SEASCN. Legitimate Shews of all kinds, Metbanieal Peviees, Privilepes, etc. Address SURF BEACH AMUSEMENT CO., COL. EBEH T. CUMMINS, Manager, Russ Building, SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. ----- OrtN LATTER PART OF APRIL. WATCH PAPERS FOR DATE. -

32 X ti e Billboard JANUARY 29, 1916.




FOR SALE .lo " FOR SALE AOS (Kxc«vl Stoood-Hond USED COSTUMES FOR SALE.lo “ (;ood») 3o •• FURNISHED ROOMS.lo “ FOR RENT. •• FUTURE TIME WANTED BY ACTS.2o “ HOTELS (Cotertnf to The*tric«l Pro- AT LIBERTY AT FUTURE DATE..20 “ feailoti) 3o •• WANTED TO BUY.2o “ ORCHESTRAS AND BANOS (Serwi BOARDING HOUSES (Theatrical)...20 ** Pleoea or more).3o “ ATTRACTIONS WANTED.So “


We do not place charpes for ads in the ClassiSed Columns upon our books. We reserve the right to edit copy.

FREE Wanted Sitnation ADVERTISEMENTS Not to Exceed 25 Words

CONDIXIONS Adrertlarmnita of an acceptable nature will be Inaened without charfo In the ClajalSe.! CoHimna. Opeo

to anjr penon connected or IdenUBed with the ahow bualncea. If anawero are not eatlafactocT the SiM time we Inrlte aa manr Ineertlona a* arc neceoaanr to place rou. Thtwe columno are for the beoaflt of the unemplored and we do not want ToU to feel that you are Impoalna on us by uolng the oolumiia more than one Ume.

NO FREE SURDIN6 AOS ACCEPTED, COPT MUST BE FURNISHED EACH WEEI, and you must be ready to Mn at once. Write your ad on atTArate ahr«< at papte. Forma cloaa Thurs¬ day, 0 p.m.. for InaerUon In the following week's Imue.

NOTICE—Lattara diroeled ta lattleU ONLY are aat dollvorwd IhreufM tha paat aMaa. If laKiala used tha lentr obauld ba addrooaad la aara af pariba, Srai, ar paat oSIcs baa.


AGENTS WANTED AdvertloomenU without display, under this heading,

3e per word.

AGENTS- Earn big commissions selling $20 relue all-wool, made-to-measure Suits for $10.75 retail; DO experience necessary. CITICAGO WOOtJ^N 3I1LL£,

Uepl. 119. 833 Jackson Blvd., Chicago.

MEV ANir \V0M>:N—To sell useful, nooel hold and Office SpecialUen; easy sellers; large proflU. SFXn RlTY SALES CV)., 5 S. 5th Are., Chicago.

.SEIEIXO our (Iffioto Reproductions) Calling or Business Cards to your acqualntaiicea In the profes¬ sion; does not Interfere with your art and pays big spot cash comnusslons; samples carried in gentleman’s rest pocket or lady's purse. COMMEKCI.tL COIXIR- TYPE CO., 400 S. Clinton St.. Chicago, lUlnols.

AT LIBERTY Advertliements under thla head, Brat Una and name

In black letter, le per word.

AT LIBERTY—GREAT HERRICK, VEN- trtloqulst; also Punch Jud.T: season 1916. circus or side-show. Address Billboard, Chicago.

AT LIBERTY—MAN AND WIFE; PIANO, drums, bells, xylophones, etc.; full of pep; will consider anything; union. GLEN JONES. 500 E. Monroe St., Kokomo, Indiana.

AT LIBERTY—POHUTSKY BROS.; FOR falra, parks, cirrus; three A-1 acts; two single wire acts or double wire act and one double juggling act. Old Forge, Pennsylvania.

AT LIBERTY—EXPERIENCED PIPE OR- and pianist, for high-class picture house; excellent library of organ music; ;iU-tures one<i properly. Address EDW. H. MEECH, 1815 E. Michigan Arc., Lansing, Michigan.

AT LIBERTY—HIGH DIVER (NET), FOR season 1916; ladders 92 feet; sober and reliable; good wardrobe on and off; only reliable man¬ agers. CAPT. CON. D. SHATTOE, 35 N. 11th St., Toledo, Ohio.

AT LIBERTY—EXPERIENCED A-1 Vio¬ linist; library music; solter, reliable; A. F. of M. Address VIOLINIST, 310 Sixth Are., Dayton, Kentucky.

AT LIBERTY—VIOLINIST: LEAD ORCHES- tra if desired; small library of music; double French horn In band: locate or troupe; ticket If too far. PAUL KISSELL, 1802 N. 34th St., Omaha, Nebraska.

MED. LECTURER—WANTS TO JOIN SOME go<Ml show making week stands, otwra houses or canvas: can furnish own nied. and flnant-e niy- s«-If; will give 25^4 and pay my own. I work thnmgh dnig stores anywhere; South preferred; I want a tirst-class show, ns I sell a legitimate line and am register*-)!. DOCTOR, care Ilanken- son Drug Co.. Memphis, Tennessee.

MOVING PICTURE OPERATOR—EXPEBI- enced any make machine; sidK-r, reliable; will go anywhere; Join Immediately; salary reason able. Write or wire HENRY ALSMAN, Backus- burg Are.. Mayfield, Kentucky.

OPERATOR AND ELECTRICIAN—FIRST- class; able to run two power-driven Simplex ma¬ chines. without assistant, or an.v other make of machine; strictly sober and reliable; 5 years’ experience; willing to go anywhere: salary your limit, .\ddresa OSWALD WLACH, (VbiT Morgan Street. Chicago. Illinois.

AT LIBERTY—CLARINET: EXPERIENCED and reliable. Wire JIM EWEN, care Musicians’ I’nlon, Erie Bldg., 9th and Prospect, Cleveland, Ohio.

AT LIBERTY — PROFESSIONAL CHILD actress; age 12 years; any line In show business, t. K. LUCILE, Billboard, Cincinnati.

AT UBERTY —VIOLIN: EXPERIENCED and reliable. Wire MR, JEAN LINGGEN. care Musicians’ Union, Erie Bldg., 9th and Prospect, Cleveland, Ohio.

AT LIBERTY—ALI^ROUND COMEDIAN AND dancer; change for week; have machine, pictures and Illustrated songs for week; work anywhere In acts; strictly sober and reliable: also lady pianiste; read, fake, work acts; singles and doubles for week; reliable; med. ahow preferred. E. JAMES, General Delivery, Watertown, Wis-


Professional entertainers and amusement artists, at liberty, can not always find the steady engagements in only one spot. The whole show world is brought to your feet in these columns, and your talents need not remain at liberty if you use good judgment. When it comes to an appeal to the manager, promoter or agent for summer amuse¬ ments or acts there is no other medium to compare with The Billboard.


the problem of securing an engagement you have an equal opportunity with the others in this department by putting your name, act or wants to the front—give your permanent address if possible. Managers are measuring the time now, and they like to feel that they are getting into direct communication with advertisers without a waste of time. The short cut to you is the surest way to get replies to your ad.

The rate for this special advertising service is only


AT LIBERTY—TRIO. VIOLIN, CELLO, Pl¬ ano; picture house, vaudeville, hotel or dance work; two ladies and a gentleman: good library; A. F. of M.; good references. L. M. GALYEAN, 417 W. Park Ave.. Waterloo, Iowa.

AT LIBERTY—A-1 PRODUCER ANY NIG- ger acts in tbe blx; also Western drama, good comedies; change for 87 weeks; red-hot black- fac«t In acts; lady, good singer and lancer: work all acts. Tickets? Yes. JOSEPH F. STEELE, 1316 Vine St., Philadelphia, Pennsyl¬ vania.

AT LIBERTY—DRUMMER; BELLS. TRAPS and xylophone; three years’ experience; Is goo<l xylophone soloist. Ad<lre88 L. E, H., care The Billboard. Cincinnati, Ohio.

AT LIBERTY —A-1 TRAP DRUMMER; playing bella, tympani and a full line of traps; sight reader; thoroughly competent and experi- ence<l in the vaudeville busin<»8a; A. F. of .M.; age 'JS; married; desires to locate In A-1 vaude¬ ville theatre. R. W. HAGEDORN, Orpheum Theatre. Madison. Wisconsin.

AT LIBERTY—DRUMMER; A. F. OF M. H. WHITCOMB, 636 Lincoln Ave., Elgin. 1111-

AT LIBERTY—BLACKFACE COMEDIAN; single turns, and work in acts; open for med. or vaudeville company. GEO. W. CHANDLER, 125 Heaney St., Chester, Pennsylvania.

AT LIBERTY—A-1 TRAP DRUMMER AND picture effect man; bells and tympani; a xylo¬ phone expert, playing the big standard over¬ tures on my concert grand xylophone: carry over three hundred effe<-ts and pleture effeet cabinet. IKi not play my comedy effects with one whistle, Isit have my own original ideas. Sight reader: eight years’ experience in this business, and positively know same; union; A. F. of M.: married; strictly sober and reliable, and will locate only; very best reference and photo on re(iuest; positively no piano and drums; had enough of that Addresa BASIL O. LAMBEBT, General Delivery, Valparaiso, Indiana.

AT LIBERTY — VIOLINIST (LEADER); large library; experienced all branches; can do solo; locate or travel; would Join act to direct and do solo; play baritone In band. .\<ldre88 “VIOLINIST,” 1429 Park Ave., Canton, Ohio.

AT LIBERTY-PIANIST; THOROUGHLY experienced; formerly I’oll’s. Proctor’s and other good time; vaudeville. burles<iue or general busi¬ ness; union. JAMES SWEEXLAND, Angola, New York.

BAND DIRECTOR AND INSTRUCTOR— Wants i>ermanent location; t>andB wanting thor¬ oughly experienced and highly qualified dlreetor will <lo well by writing; always giving the best of satisfaction and get results; also experienced theatre and concert (violinist) orchestra leader. “MUSICAL DIRECTOR,” rare G. W. Shaw, 208 Postal Bldg., Kanaas City, Missouri.

EXPERIENCED EQUESTRIAN DIRECTOR— Work dogs, (wnies, monkeys; break barclmck and hippodrome stork; etreus or vaudeville; open for next season. WALBERTI, Delivery, Buffalo, New York.

FEATURE ATTRACTION — HAPPY, THE man with the leather hide; human pin eushion; rolls and pounds on nail mat; dances In glass; use large flame of Are from head to foot, and handle everything with feet; something doing on my platform all the time. Address BOX 2, Talcville (St. I.,awrence Co.), New York.

GENERAL BUSINESS AND HOUSE MAN- ager wishes to eonnert; has wide ex[*erienee. and is sol*er and willing to work: ran pr<Kltice the business. OEOROE H. CARLISLE, 1133 Lincoln Bldg., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

MANAGER, LECTURER, CORRESPONDENT and Desr'riptive Writer—Educated, flnent si>eaker, world-traveled and with all ronnd experience, deslrea engagement with goo<l theater or pleture house, with a road feature or in any line where these talents will make gf>od and alsiolnte re¬ liability Is required; will consider any paying proposition. Addreaa LECTURER, care Bill¬ board, Clnrinnatl.

PIANO AND DRUMS—THOROUGHLY EX- perience*! In vaudeville and picture playing: large library of popular and standard music; can work with orchestra or ns a team; drummer has comi)lete outflt. drums, xyloptume and effects. ROY K. WENTWORTH, 9 P*url St., Stoneham, Massachusetts.

SECRETARY-TREASURER — YOUNG MAN, 24. at prewnt holding position an general man¬ ager in large concent, desires position as s«-cre- tary and treasurer with eariilval or circus; A-No. 1 iKKikkt-eper; gofsl typist, and fully capable of handling corres|s>ndence; exei'utlve ahllttv. Ad < EXECUTIVE ABILITY, care Billboanl, Cinelnnatl, Ohio.

TRAP DRUMMER—WITH DRUMS. BELLS and effects; exiterlenced In pictures, vaudeville Bn<I dan<-es; location preferrfsl. Atidross TRAP DRUMMER, 224 Ho. F'ntnt St., Mankato. Minn.

VIOLIN AND PIANO—UNION. WANT Posi¬ tion In photoplay house or hotel or dance or¬ chestra; exiterience*! In all lines, ami can anti have made gnotl any place; will consblcr any¬ thing. but must have union scale; have (ilg li¬ brary anti feature everything new; young, sots-r and reliable; would l>e pleased to hear from all business like managers; at llls-rty January 31. C. C. MOORE, JR., rare Atlas Hotel, llanitlton, Dlilo.

WANTED POSITION—VIOLINIST LEADER; plenty np to-date music; experienced all lines; travel or Iwate. J. Y. TOMANEK, Lyons, Kan¬ sas.

WHO WILL FEATURE YOUNG OIRL PI- nnist? Concert mdolst; 17 years age (foreigner); has own advertising matter. Adtlreaa FEATURE, BlIllKtard, Cineinnati, Ohio.

AT LIBERTY AT FUTURE DATE Advertlaaaitatt wKhaut dltflty, aadar tbit htading,

2« $*r ward.

AT LltlFUlTT FOR HEAHON 1910—I>n«. Pony and Movikear (3rr-ua; five dlfftTwit acta; canilval DuuiifMa, writs. CLYDE RIALDO, Oawreo, Kanaas.

ATTRACTIONS WANTED Adverllttnitstt withsut dltplay. uadtr tbit btsdiai.

3s str ward.

KNOCK'S theatre—4*peii for tawklngi; rapacity, 500. Ftw Sale—Onr Edison klsthlnr. J. F. KNOCK. I’rtif)., Lrwltlown, IlllnuU.

34 anted—Slock. Dramatic and Vaudeville Ooa- paniva; roomy itagr and drvsalng rooms; rapacity, 500. ARCADE THEATRE. Drpoalt. New York.

W,4NTT3t Good Ttb Shows, on pwcniltge. SIXTH (Tn' HOOKING OFFIcn 1347 Pajiie Ave.. tlavc- land, OhlOL

W.WTUS Plantatinn Shnwr ihaji can double brasi and strliif. with or without outflt; we never close. J. .4. .STICV1 .El’, I*Bul‘a Sliows, Hernlcr, Loulalana.

CARTOONS AND LETTERHEADS Advartlteaitatt wltbaut diaalay, uadtr thla kaadlai,

Se tar ward.

HtaiT Z.Ml.V. ISll Byron, tYilcago

CONCESSIONS TO LEASE Advertlaaaieatt wltbaut dliplay, uadtr thla haadlaf,

3a per ward.

CONCESSIUNS TO LEASE In big imuarment park, exclusive righta on Ice Crrtm and other KrfreshmenU; fully equipped ResUurant. Bottled Soft Drinks. Roller Skating Rink, I’mny Arcade, Howling Alleya and Pool, Shooting Utllrry, Pbotographt, Glaat Vaaea, Country Store, Japanese Ball Gtmr, etc.; write for partlculsri. GRIFFITHS A CUANE. Upplnrotl Building. PhUa- delphla.

CONCESSIONS WANTED Advertlsemaats without display, uadsr thip keadlap.

3a per ward

C.4NDY M.4KER wants pla*w In thtuter making and selling candy. Addrnis CA.N'DYM.XKER. Bill¬ board. I3iieag<i (Mfllcw.

THE St3C<».\D A.NXCAL WHSTat.N KA.NS.4S (Y>AI3LEKCI.4L FAIH will b« held at Norton, Kan.. w\vk at .tprll 10 to 15, Inoludve, six full days. Thla Fair Is held under the managenusit at the active mem¬ bers at tile Ux-ai Traveling Misi’s AsMsSatiis), and ilratn* large imsds from over loo mliiw «a.4) way. It Is belli In ronjunctltm with the ImpItviKsits Con- veiiUnn at the same Ume. and Is the tiiggisit thing In rsMumerclal fairs In the Slate. For issnssnluna. wrila C. H. W.tlJiLKK. SssTv-tary, Norton. Kansaa.

FOR EXCHANGE AdvtrllasMsatt witheut display, uadsr tbit headlai.

Ip par ward.

<Y».MH1N.\TI(»V DAYIMRK CAMkJLY, Tripoli. In- stnalloiis and Su;h>U*w. for Studio. lila*-k and While and (uie-Allnute I’liturtw. r>xl lena. cost WS; want PalmiT's .Name Plate uutflt. Tkylor Trunks, small IUntlng ITtswi, or b.s*t offers. OIMMkAU'lAL POST tV\HD ixy. Ylarshall. Mliiniwota.

•NINE Mil-CMEH ol.D MUriCAL B4N>K» Rare, for kYeaks. PKoF. tiHIkTl.N. Prgram. Twmrasee.

COAII’LkTK FILM KXCHANGR, tncluitlng Fea* turrs, Alai'lilnrs. Singles, Supplies, etc.; traila bw cars, big Ugi; anything 1 ran use. U. U DUYLJC. Billboard. HI. Luult. MbwourL

Foil S.4LE (»U kJCClLtNGE lArge Hes-trical Me¬ chanical StKxiUng UaUiry, one at the beat, fully tspiliflesl wlih motor, tools, puns, rnoJvtrm; no junk, sixe. 25x15; If you want first class ftllery wrttr; If IKS. save sisnUM. Ad<btsia Ul'BE WAHliEl.i. May- l»rt, k'lorida.

kYril S.MA; till EXtniANGB-rypewrtts*. Flute. I Use Talking Maihliie. cabinet, 38 liichiw high; Sav¬ age Rifle. 22 calllirr; want sllvrr'Plaie*l lUiid inairu- nusils. rasii. tw what have youf Ad.lrea C. B. LIV- K,M;tM>D, Mtqrerwlale. Pcnnaylvanla.

FtiU S.4LE DU TRADE- For real eatale: cheap at $4,18)0(10; Parker Ttiree Aop'aat Jumping Il.irse Itir- ry-Cs-All. an up to-date tsilflt: Inslile drive. 40 h. p. gasoline nusor. wrilh dyntmi* for lights attachnl; high class band organ, self winding: wagiwis. rswnplete lo hwil (Sitm mi; all In Aral class nunillUim. J. L. lt.4II.KY', Kings, IllbioU.

HALTDN AN’It JANSBN YIAIitMIAN'Y (HASH TIU'.NK IIJAtSIDN, In swell new trunk, fine appear¬ ance. perfect order, usesl for atnwartncr or dlMppesr- sni-e <g assistant: no flow traps, mlrnwa, rtc.. usist; c*wt $150.(Ml; eichange for Plniire Machine and Krs-ls; gas bonier preferred, must be In perfect iwiler. DA\H l*.4IAItD. Watertown, tt'lscmisln

MDTdIU’Y'CI.E nerce-Arrow. 4 cylinder, 1 mwvsl, shaft, ilrive. new lloacfi magneto, new Schlhler «ar hunf* r and new tins*: also set «< cimiplete Klectrictl kYiglneerliig lhaiks. tVhst have youf L. THOMP¬ SON, loos Ktsi SI., Iota, Kansaa

OIJ» PIH'ntlJa For Freaks. ITtoF. GRIFFIN, Pegram. TWiniwsee.

SEITkWfltkni YfOIlN IM»LL RACK - Cninplrla out¬ fit. fiw Fi-ature Film. GEKAUt HEANEY, Berlin. Wisconsin.

TKAINICrt IKSiS AND PROPS. Mage Wtgiwi. Cage Wapmi, amall S-nriava (trgan. Machine and Film, Clr- nia Heats; will trade fiw Tents, 80x0(1, 40x00 and 35 t7(l. J. J. DAHHINGTON, 429 10th Ara.. Moline, llUnots.

JANUARY 29, 1916. T ti e Billboard 33

TM•^'VltlT^nl IUr*« lirw »«<» 00 HIW-k.-n»<lMlrr; AUit l<» <>rU4ii<'* f'*f !>>«• S<'rtiit>. or wliit 4111 xxi MII.TON H«'i»TT. 60» (Jriiil at., t orn .l«i. .S.'jr J.riMl

WIU. t'xriiwcH a r«xi llftwiiriispiiiiiviii \ff«TT-tJo-.<«npl>l<*. In A-l r>«nllUoii. for rMl istatr III I'luHaml. <Hilo, <» rlrliilljr. What

ha»r 7««t 1" **<“ _

WIRKIJ'>'' 'IT. I'lioimaraph. Ki-nirila. Ilmik*. for Waalcal Ai'paraian M 1(1.1. carr IHIllx«rd. Undn- oaU

FllK HAIJ’^ -Wc hare about SO Corohlnatlon Tmdlnt Mai'liUm that arr In flnl-claaa rondltlua; th«'7 rend (um and Ixittlnl perfume, and are money a> tti 14: If you want a fooil huainrat rhrap write DKTlyiR A RROWN, S41 Mlchlfan Truat Bide., Grand lUptda. Mli'hlgain_

VXlR H.\I.R CH1’;AI*—Wmiihiful Working Model of IT. H. lUtlltwhlp, made of ateel, about 11 feet: rarrlHi 12 12-liirh guna. 10 0-lndi. 4 4-tnch guiia. aeareh- llgtita, wlreliwa In aetliai; guna really txlng fired, m-w march about the deck .'liibmarlne Model. 5 feet Imig. all gieel at new. S. SIIIJ^^. General UellTerT. Han AnUailo, Texaa.

FOR RENT AOrartlaaaaata witheut Olaglay. uadar thia headlag.

Se par ward.

roll HAIJl—A Cretor'a Sfntlel C I’op<-om Wagon. In nrat-rlam condition. $700 00. ROBERT t’ETKR- HON. Ilartair Hgrlnga, Michigan.

MAOin TRlCKft-rnheard-of price*: large cata¬ logue llat fri"e for .ttarapH; tmall cataloguer furr.Irhetl, $1.50 IHT lUO: 40% commLralon. LINDHORST, Maglo stinp, 2024 Alice Are., Bt. Louis. MLrsourl.

MAOIOAI, A1*1'AR.\T1S ANII lUA’SIONS. cheap: stamp foe OTTAWAY, 242 W. 4th St.. Reno. Netraila.

MAGltnAX’S OI TFIT—Illations, Magic and Hand¬ cuff EHcapes: $5.tK> take* outfit. W. DElTrER, 607 X. loth St., Reading, I’miiiiylranla.

MAGICIAN'S A'rTEXnoX—Just out: big bar¬ gain catalog of orer SOO Items, at prli-es that defy competition: ererythlng we ship la highest quality; no junk sold. GILNUVeO. Morgan Park. Bta. B. Otl- cago.

FOR RENT A first clawi Theatre, with seating .-apaclty of 1.2o0. town of TS.ooO For further In- fiwmatlun write G. RoSE-NRArM, Kalamasoo. Mich¬ igan _

for sale—miscellaneous Adrarllaeinanta wHheut dlaplay, uadar this keadlag.

Js per ward.

$150 HEtNi.Ml SlllUTS, 5(tc each: Clollars, 50c d<*cfi: mallei atiywherc •■El.HHint’S," 112 No. rrarl St . Albany. New York

1.500 Al.l'MlNI'M IIU-T I’lX.S Engrarnl with fancy Ninler and <aie Initial, will sell at a bargain. XUV- U-Tl' JEWIUJtY ('(»., 001 E Market St.. York. I*a.

Al'ToM.tTlC Mr.HIC MAtnilM^t. with Hamilton Cisuity rlgfiu: paying 50c.', on intewtmnit. A. 1> H., I'. (» Ilok I'S. t'tnilnnaU. Ohio

BAXXERSI BAXXERSI BAX.XEBSI- Finest work, lowest prl<-es. aatl.sfaction guaranteeil: flashy, flexible, artistic: draw the crowila: last many sraaoiis: greatly reduced prices for thirty days: rare money, order now Send des-rlptlon for estimate to EXKEBdLl, St’EXIC COMPAXY. Omaha. Nebraska.

BITFALO GREENBACTtR-Finest Imitation Issued; regular style, printed In gmn and orange, or green both sides: also one side blank Inside borbr for a<l- rertlslng; roll. 10c: 100 bills. SV; 1.000 bills. $1.50. Gll.XOVt’O. kforgan Park, Sta. B, Chlcagiv

FOR RAIX—Popcorn Crlspette Outfit, complete, $75 cash: goal as new AL SlirLTZ. 802 Chestnut SC, R -aillng. Pennaylranla.

FOR QI’K'K SA1,E-Urlng Head Illusion. $22: Humsn Spider llunlon. with special scenery, $0(1; Box lj«-ape. $7 set (d Marlonrtuw, $15: be quirk. IL- I.rsioNIST L,.\MIl. Lake Xorden. .South Uakc>fa.

FNiR .s.tLE- Xyloplione and Musical Glasaee; bar¬ gain. GEO ITAXXailX’KKB, 58 Cedar St., Brook¬ lyn. New York.

roR SAIJl-Cp-to-date quick finish Photo Studio. In Ja<-ks<«iTllle. nr will sell outfit complete; particu¬ lars. ARMHJl. 836 W. Bay St.. JadtsonrlUe, Florida.

Foil S.\LB Hol.stmb-Koke Xo. 2 Model Butter- klst Popconi Machine, usetl only two misiths: price, $3v0.iN>. Box 271, Elyria. Ohio.

For H-tUi—line set of 15 Band Instruments, silrel plaitd and In ftrHt-claet condition. a.s fulltess: 3 Clarlnels. 4 Bb Ciwnets. 2 upright Altne. 2 Tenors. 1 Baritone. 1 to upright Bass. 2 Orums and pair (bm- bals: will dlspisu" thl.s set for $190,181; these will be sent oti three days' trial Addresa JAMto SI.HTEK. 4248 Bnwdway, Clerrland. Ohla

For h.\LE- (Taiy House, complete, fair condition, cheap If taken at once: $40.00 buys outfit. FRE1> IL4LJ,. Georgetown. lUlnots.

ONE SPIJrx'DIIf SCT ALCMIXl'M CHIMES, dou¬ ble-deck flrstr rack, 26 tone*: Aluminum Harp, 18 Innm: 8 Musical Hatties, Iteagan's: set 8 Musical nower Pots, otie Imitation Air Calliope, 18 tones: Wurlltai-r German sllrer Trombone, gold mouthpiece and be-ll: other Musical -Xoreltlee. If you want to buy. sell or trade something, write MYSTIU.AL HKITH, Carroll, Iowa.

MIN'D READIXO ACT—Latest Improred. $8; eo- done stamp. ITIOF. ZALAXO, 311 Mechanic. Ith¬ aca, New York.

NOTICE—9 Musical Bells. 8 Skilleta. 11 Glass Bars; all $11.00. R. WALDRON, OrulhetBrllle, Missouri.

PHARL PRl-XTIXO PRESS—SUe. 7x11; does eat- cclletit work, such as show cards, letterheads: In fact, any kind of job printing. It Is In goo<l running onler. with some type. .Sell for $40.00, quick sale. GL3L\IJ> HE.\.\EY, Berlin, W'Lsconsln.

PCXCII A.XD JCDY—Hght figures, professional sixe, well tlnwsed, like new. $9.b0. E. DEY'LXE, Laurlum, Michigan.

PCXCH AND Jl'DY'. 2 figures; Ventriloquist Fig¬ ure, swell Mis-hanlcal Ughtnlng (Tartoon Act. Slack Wire Outfit. Ihuirhlng Bag Outfit, with uprights; lot of Juggling Junk. Hare you anything you wrl«h to dispose of quick? Get in touch with MYSTICAL HEITH. Carroll, losra

FIVE PERF0R.MIXG ANGORA GoA'Ibt and all of their toips.; any one can work them: a r»>l flfteeti- mlnute act. F A. C.4.NXON. Viola, Wlsctsisln.

Fl.l.NTS PORCCPIXES are proelng a eard. and a.Usjt all that g.ts my show Ihe rooiny.—Parc. Ga.. Jan. III. Afiee rece4»liig luy porcupines you will per¬ haps understand betl.-r sdiy bav showmen write me unsfdli-lted letters like thUs. FIJ.NT, North Waterford, Maine.

F8>R R.\LB—Mexican Mmiry: $1 00 Bills, le ea.-h; $5 00 mils. 5c each: $10 00 BllU. 5c each: $20.00 mila. loc em-h: $4 00 piT $ bills a.ssncled Setid 25c fiC samplew. U- BISHOP. P. O. Box 806, £I Paso, TVxas

>N»R S.4I.E—Big I>og and Pony Feature Act, al*> .srmpliSc Tent Outfit: would consider actlTe partner, or cprei for raid show or canilra'. Canada or .Htatea L MM-LTnL SO SC Clithrrlne SC. W . Montreal, t'anada.

For SAU>-WurlltaeT Style .4 Flute Ifiano. with extra s«-f Tinlln pipR>: no reasonable offer nfuseel PRINCESS THF.l'TRK. He«id.-rson. .Nrrth Carr Ili a.

GIT CIRCTI-AR B before buying your concesgloo outfit: we saee you money. GREENV1LI,E TENT A AWNING CO.. Greenrille, Mississippi.

MIND REIDING AtT M.v original and complete art. swnethlng new: a sclentiflc suonsie: ctt>yrlghted' stti.l stamp f.w full partlnilars befbre buying else¬ where 'niE GRJLIT I’OW'EK.S. Belt Kief e. Illinois.

ONE inJXTRlO WrRLI'TZim PIANO. $1,000; tno Punching Bags Macfilnr, $180; one Niirte Ibair Msahlne. $90: one >ae,trlc Sfus-klng Machine, $25; ihps- 1990 YIc.tet Gallery Rifles. $33. •air IJfUng Mi.-hlne. $,',o; cost price of GaHerr. $450, Totsl. $1.82t Will sell for $7«o rash, on soccamt 0# slck- nnM FLITI.T CL.\RK, TOO ITt>« Ifiacr, Hammond. Inillana

|»N-E GRE.4T StiNracH.M'LT IRRS; does whole act DAHlIlNGDi.N. MoUne. IllliioU.

SIX POMERANTAN SPITZ PITS, six wteks old. for sale J P HI Gllto. IMta. Mtssoirl

FOR SALE—SECOND-HAND GOODS AgvselltsaitaU wRhsul Oliglay, saisr thli ksaOlaf.

Is gsr «sr6.


_ ♦

Heretofore the only liquor aiis that were barred from The Bill- I bo.-ird were of blends and compounded whiskies—dishonest and f poison'*ut hrand.a of liquors and cordials—because these latter were T so larpely made of wood alcohol, which, even in small doses, causes i

blind nes.s. J Hereafter they are all out. because we could not consider the ex¬

pense of a second and special (or dry) edition, even if the double edition was permitted by the Postotfice, which it is not.


The Billboard, 'Jo Opera Place,

Cincinnati, O.

Oentlemen: We boK to advise you that the States of Alabama, Colorado,

(Jeorifia, Orepon and Washington have pas.sed legislation prohibiting the display or sale of periodicals containing advertisements of alcoholic beverages, and many other dry States it is expected will take the same course.

It will, therefore, be necessary, if you carry any liquor advertising, that it be excluded entirely, or a special edition be prepared for the (juantity rei|uired to cover this territory.

We can give you the information, when desired, of the total number of copies now sent to these States.


Our attitude toward liquor and our policy anent the liquor question remain unchanged.—THE EDITORS.

40 PAULS WINSIXW irX'TENSION SKATto. M- xwfial. lilt Ilf rxira Rollm. 2t>5 Hafrty Raxiwa, rm-h In taix. nm-T uiip*>-kr<l: abmil S.Oi'O .aliigir nu(r W.aairti WliUOra. fur ailxrrtWiig: will irll or trxilr: tnwki* TOO in .iffiT W'hxi hgr» youf MYSTIG-kL llEl-nt. fUrroll. lowi

RAIUIAINS IN MAGIC Static for UM. F- toSTT- W'oon, INwlMnniiUi, (>4U<x

CRfToR POINNIHN WAGON—Tml $500 00; uiwal •lx mntiiha, nr will rxni)ai>ti> for Unpr wagiat, uliio- walk laaali or Inalilr mai^ilnr of Mmo rnakr M R .4SHI.FY', 3118 Imllaiia Arr.. ('hirago, llUnola.

ntlSON ON'E PIN. EXHIBI'noN MOPEL—All •■omplrlr. rratly to run. $65 00; guarantrrd fiml-rlaa* ■smillllnn; many Mhrr bargain* In uaral Mahinra: ala» I'halra of all kln<la. I.EAHH TIIKA'niK HLPPLT ('() , 509 ChMlnut Rt.. HL lawta. Mlaaourl.

eight 'IT.N 'H NE- RKW'INTl KLEiTRir PIANOR —Alao playial by hand. g<aal aa nna. guarantrad, $190 mi: will ablp (Wi drp<ad( of $15 00 J. F. IIKK man. 1420 |*a Am. N W'.. Waahlngtiwi. 1>. C.

F.XfEIJ4liiH TIE (Nnwl. 18<-: othrr barralna; arnd Ramp DAWIGA. naro BMIliuaril. lYiulnnaU.

FIFTY It S NAVV ST.IDto $5 00: al*i Int of BIblo HUdrw. rhrap I'll AS PON.NKR. 828 >k K M.wlillan St., IniUanaiavlIa, Imllana.

fine HKKTv art ol TriT, lomplrtr. In aw.-ll Inuik. with In.aInMKaia f.w a<-t. wiml for rlm-lrl« llgtiU. ran hr workcal with kmwna lamp*, giaal fiw Tauili-TlUr nr mail alum: i-xibangr for nrlurr Ma- •-blur nr Fllnw PWE PAUMIO. Grarral IMlrtry. W'atm-towrn, WIiax>na4n.

for sale Pmiablr Skating Rink; will aril any pan. akatra. tmt or band organ GTTl'MWA TENT * AW'NING IN).. (Rlumwa, Iowa.

Fgh HALR—Wiirlltarr Elrrlrlo Kmboanl nano, 88 notr, 5r alnl, working II mlla latMit mualr, ginl nnirr, $160 nO: half .lown, balanra C. O. D. C. W. RHOWN. BuUrr, Indiana,

For SALE - Galatra llluainn. four changaai: built f<v hum or llfr alar; (hr flrwt $60 00 with onWw takra It. C. R RAMHDAIU 617 John SL. UUok. Nrw Tort.

F8»R S.\IX—Plait Dffirr (Mbtnrt. 16 lock and 80 rail boxrw: stamp and money drawrra attachad; Ilka nrw; $20. aubjrri rxamlnaUan. J. W’. BOEHM, nimboaio, Wmt Virginia,

FOR R.4IX—20 Mlntlrt Vmdrra. $1.75 eat*: wa aril and tra,le. IDtoL Sl'KOLALTY tX>.. 874 'Tulpihiwkm M.. R«>aaing. Pa.

FOR S.4LE—60 Tabloid Muatcal Oomady Sertpea; also Rlli-lu'fva.Krfrr 'Prprwrltrc. nearly nrw. H.4RRY A.sIlToN, 503 N. nark 84., nilcagoi

FOR RALE—l» lnch Irathrr Trarallng Bags. $5.00; 25-fool High Slrikrr. $20.00; «ia 4'anc lUok, 500 (wniw. trait, ric.. $25 00; two Knlfr Rm-ln. 5o0 knlrra. trail, rtc.. $25.00; onr Cannon Automatic Pliiito Ma.-tUna $25.00: oria n.-kout AsaortmMil and Whta-I. $25 INI; onr Gptb-al Outfit. $30 00; I'addla WhrrI. 'TWit and Jrwrlry Outfit. $25 00 : 500 a»siirtr,1 Knlrrw. $15.00; 800 aaaorlril tianra. $15.00; poatagr miiat aisawnpany anawera other than ordera; cash miul acrawnpany order, under guarantee of money refiiiidml If nrS taUifled. IIFGH L. LAW, Boa 93. Dixon, llllnola

MOUNIMB HOKF. HI "TTER KLST POIN’ORN M.\- ITIINE bNiR S.M,E Bargain, quick sale: uted 8 nwailha. In first cl aa* ismilltlon, oomplelr. gas bunirr. i-Imarli' nwsor. $10o S.aiil $50 with order, balance C. o l> Mai-blne iswt new $485: cratial to milp, 500 Iba MBS E BElurNNA. 19 W. Gnwgla Aar.. At¬ lanta. Ginrgla

HYPNOTIC A(T FOR S.\IJ; W'lth apcclal rfrettio f.wture: wnrklng now; no Junk; If you are a h.rpnotlat ami want uanrshing goal at ab.sit onr-tmth of Its aalti.". a.ldnsa PROF »a>WARD F. HRIIH'.MAN, Am- h«ast, MarraeiiUMita.

II.I.I'SIONS. Handcuff Eacapewa. Full Preaa Snlta; aend f'W Hal ef bargalna. W. PEETEH. 607 N. 10th St . R<-adlng, Prainaylaaiita.

I HAVE onr .singrr Hewing Machine; first $8 00 lakew It. and I hare onr LaHaam StandanI 'Two-Mln. amt 11 nsswila; first $20 00 takra It; all In gnral shape 011 nr write to liLAIAH JONLIH. East Prai¬ rie, Mlaanuii.

kfAGK'. IlUaloaia. Side Tabira, HypnotLam Ctoune, Motors. Camera. W.siUTn Saddle; will exchange. O. CARU,. 2037 W. Lanrale SL. BalUmofW Maryland.

RF_\D THIS UST OVIHI CAREn LLY. thro act at once. ILal bargains In high-grade, allghtly-used l'nreil(<mKd .Musical inatrument.a of all kliuLa. 14a- Tld Stern Ia>an (Vk. 1I-17 W’. Madison St., CTilrwgo. HI. Brandt IhrcfeMlonal Mandolin, with solid leathtr I'aar, $12.00: J. R Kirk Ranjo. 13 Inch head, $7.00: toaenmhe I*rnfeiaiiiwial Banjo. $9 00: S. S. Stewrart Banjo-Mandollii, with rase, $7.DO; lotm St Hraly. B«wu-Ideal. allTiT-plateil Alto Horn. $12.00: Buffet ('rampton. Boehm t^aiitn. GrmaillUa Flu’r, In cam-. $22.00: TTumpii Moilel, allTrr-platml Rex Rb Horn. In leather cam*. $27.00 (coat $M. as good aa new); C. O Conn, Boehm Ss^alem. nccolo, $15.00; Buffet CYamplfWi Rra.aii Ti’nor Sax<>phone. In fine solid leather ca-se. $50.00: C. G I'onn Sllrer-platisl Tenor Saxo¬ phone. In fine Ksither cam', $I50*>: L.von St Healy "Jaahert" Nlckcl-plated Slide 'lYomlione. $5 50; finely made, double nia-k Harp Guitar, no braml. no case, $30(>0- hundmla of other bargains: write us Inlay and alate your wants: we guarantee prompt, satisfac¬ tory serti.-w and a square deal to all. P.WID s-miN IXIAN txv. 1047 W Ma.Uson SI.. Chicago, Illinois. In buslmwn since 1885.

SERPfrVTIN'E DREJtS and six peels of Film. In mssl .sindlUon. LI CILB SMmi. Box 181. Cnry- ilon. Lwra.

SIXTEEN ARCADE MACIDN'ES-Piipcher. Name Plate. Tug of War. ('allleacope nclure Machines, etc.; good condition: write for price list. AIXINZO PAL¬ MER. 374 Richmond SL, L«n>lon, OnL, Can.

SIJGHTLY rSED SLOT MAC^lNT AND SPIN¬ DLES—.\I1 klnils; sen<l for prlcea. I'NIi'KR.SAL SPECIALTY CO.. 1405 8. SeTenlh, St. Louis. Mo.

SIXIT MACHINVat FOR 8.\L&-'Ten MllLa slightly use<l. 5c plav Target l*pacticr Machines. $7.50 each. A.ldresa ACME NOVEl.'TY Ot>.. 160 South Rampart SL, Nisr Orbsms. laHiL'Sana

SIXVT JIACHINES—WlndmlU Oanily Machlnea, $6 (Ml; Mills Quintet Can! Poker. $10.00; Mills Owl. $5 00; 5IIII* IJfler. $5 00; ktllLa Illusion. $8 00; Mllla Floor Star Roiibrte, $20 (hi (5o or l.V play); Oalllr lawp-the-Iaiop Bear Oiim Machine. $5 50: CalUe Log Clabln. $5 00; Stereoncope Vlesm. mlxeit lot, $2 00 per lOO; Pleturr Machine Signs. 14x22, lOo each. tXlMIQl'B. 210-12 N. 8th. Philadelphia. PennaylranlA

jrrrRBOPTI(»N slides—SeU big lo«. $5.00; au eoloiwL WIUdAUS. $720 Park Ara, ^ Louis. Mb.

SUIT iLXCHI.Nq: EXITLANGB—MachUie* bought and sold; 3 Koorrr .Name Plate .ifatiiliu*. 411.00 each: 24-reoord Yiuitiphone, $180.00. BHU.NsWlCK CU., 1240 Vine SL. PluUdelpbls, Pgnnsylyanla

'TWO VENT riGl'RES—For $7 00; boy and girl; new Ogurea. JUU.N W. NELSON. Bradford, Peooayl- yanla.

TY'MP.ANI—One pair Wlntrlch Tltidianl. used only seven months at Frl-ico Fair, In perfect oondlUon. no* a dealt ur .icrauii on kettles, and heael> are In per¬ fect condition; these drums are ae good as when they <-am« from the factor)’; fiber ht-ad corets, atlcka. staniLa and leather ooarers, covering entire drum. In- clueleel; price. $90.00 cash. BILLY O. Ut'TLLat, 904 Su. Elgin Are., 'Tulsa. Oklahoma.

TYPlDVKmntS-$10.00 tor rebuilt Bllckenaderfera; .epexial pries* on Corunaa. E1>W. l,aZEIJ.K. 5u3 N. Clark Sl, Chicago

VE.NTR1USJIIST—I have one Silly Kid Figure, one Irish, one Negro: your pick for $3 each; be quick. VRNTRJLOQL'IST, Box 2. Lake Norden. South Dakota.

VHN'nuUHJLIAL WHITE BOY—Knee figure, wooden hrSbl, guenl as new, moving he-ad and mouth, nicely dreseed. and palter; firs $3.00 gets IL E DEVl.NE, Laurlum, Ylkidgan.

WE ABE CONSIDERED the Clearbig House for Seoond-Hand Clariiieta, >iutes, Plce’otos. oboew, E»ig- lish Horns, llaviooiui. Saxophones and Base CTaiineta Our latest Bargain Bulletin la ready for drrulauon. •Most cumplete stock of a-ied woiMlwlmls In America We buy. sell and exchange Should you have a Reed Inatnimeiit to dispose of we will buy It outright or assbst you In selling. Our stock Includes the leading makes at the right pricee. Second-hand Depc, ALEXANDER SUMMER. Selmer Bldg., 1579 'Third Are., New York.

VraEEUMLrs'. ATTENTION!—For sale. 400.000 JacksotivHle l\9,t Cards, at $1.25 ptT if. WILSON. 836 W. Bay St., Jae-ksiaivlUe, Florida

FURNISHED RDDMS AdvartlMsiaatt writhsut display, uadar this kaadlad,

la 9*6 word.

THE ARTUUB. 252-254 West 38th Street. New Y'ork; lOO rooma. $2.50 to $5 weekU; scrupulously clean: hatha on every floor; steam heat, electric light and gaa; telephooe.

"THE WELCH." 25* Pearl, Buffalo. N. T., near Shea's Theatre and Atrencies: catering to profeaalun; weekly, $2.50 up. Bell phooa, bath.

HELP WANTED AdvartlMmasti wKhaut display, uadar this hsadlai,

3a par arard.

CELLl.ST WANTEIE-Fia- Majestic 'nieatre. Fort Dodge, la. IVrite ALVIN E. POOL, MaJesUo Theatre.

THREE ORIENTAL DANCEILS WANTEli—Send ptioto: state lowest; also two Chiwus Girls, kXlSTER IXl.NEK, Wilton. Kentucky.

TWO GtSID COO<HE DANCERS^ 51 aat be .5-1; clubs only; stiid photos, will return. BoKHY OWEN. O. 14. Co., Box 383, Gratid Rapids. Michigan.

WANTED—Vaudei’llle Man and Wife; change for week: salary low hut sure; this Is s wagon abow; do not mUrepreeeiiL PHOTO SHOW, llramaii, Okie.

W.5NTEl>--5'oung Lady Cellist; splendid oppiw- tunlty: good salary; send photo. T. B.. Boot 157, Danrille, llUnots.

L.\I>Y—Not ovtx 30, to work Lt)n<x«ak>ii; hmttil »aiary. yuu pAy your (wrii; wetjia’ work;

mu&t pti4jio; srfate your pA:yt fully. Aiklrcat KM* rU>VKK. muiKiAnl. CliK-lmiAU.

W.5NTED-Conuxilin to double trombone; can use Band Actors at all timt-s. .Address H.AKRY L.AROY', Deimlson, Ohio.

W.ANTED liano liaytrs everywhere to demon¬ strate and take orders for our popular sheet music. G. M. TIDD, Music Pub., Lancaster. Ohio.

LETTERHEAD PRINTING AdvartlMmaata wKhaut display, uadar this haadlaf.

3a per ward.

ATTR-XUriVK U-nTKRHEAIW In colors; sperltl drawing; prlcvs re4rtc«)at>lr. R.\rBa l>anrllle. Illinots.

100 UrTTERmiADS, 100 ENATCIkiPES. (two col¬ ors, prepaid, $1.50; samples, 2c. 8LARB St COII- P.5NY', Hamiltoo, Ohla

200 UnTERHE.ADS. 200 ENVELOPFA any color, gorsl bond paper; send $2.00. TILDEN A LOBikEN, 1750 Clolumbus Road. (71evel4md. Otdo.

250 BOND U’TrTERHE.ADS. printed. $1.00, post¬ paid; 1'. S. only; sanplea. 55'. KINNIER, Bos 206, Brooklyn, New Y'ork.

CT'RTISS. KalldA. Ohio.

FOR .5 $l BILL we will print yoai 125 Lwiterheada and Envelopes: lOO Cards, 35c: 300. $1 OO, prepdd. CROWN MAIL ORDER PRINT, Box 65. Station A. tXilumbus, Ohio.

UrTTYHlHEAD PRINTING—Good LetterheacM. or¬ iginal design.s. $3.60 per 1,000; will send nrw cAt- alof. showing fifty original Irltrrhrad designs, fi« lOc. ERNF„ST FA.NTL'S, 527 8. Dearborn St., Chi¬ cago, lUlnola.

WITH 5IY ZINC LTCHINO TOOCESS anyone can make paxl cuts. Write for partlculara. W. W. ILAI'B. DanvlUe. IlUnoiA


AdvsrtlMsieatx witheut dlaplay, uadar tkla haadlag,

3a par ward.

ACTORS. 5L\NAGER.S. PROFL»SIONAl.S, AMA- TEl'RS- Send stamp for catalogue: Play*. Y'auderllle Acta. ele. SK\Y YORK PU5Y HIHEAC. Tremont TYiewtre. New Y'ork.

MISCELLANEDUS AdveiilaaaieBtt wRhaut display, uadar this haadlag.

3a gar ward

ATTYDnONI SONG POE5I WRITERS—Original meloalles for ballad, march or walta song, $1.00 each. Address ElkMI'N'D W(X>DS. It51 Single Am, Flint. YBchlgan.

BB A STAGE CARTOONISfT—tocloaa aUii«. PROF. H-AFFNER, 726 N. 8th SL. PhUadelphlA

(CoDtinned on page 34.) 1


34 Xtie Blllt>oarcl JANUARY 29, 1910.

n*T.T/x>v«—Xt-w «ii(i arootid-hiiid; flrst-clii» In I BIO BARCAIX—KJiootin* Gallrir, compl.te. 8] P(>K SAI-K—S*.-! at six Snrlne*. In flnt-claw condl- | RU»T 8L.A<1IINRS-AdTtiion I’>«iiut, BXrry parUoular; spwdil made I'aiachuU* fi»r trtplr rlfl.'a, Ilglita, wire, trunk: (OU.OO takes all, half ra&h, tlo*i, with without pririu-ge. hs-ated In; Mills Jack Tot*. Ilnmiiliw. Watllna oi df^M. tic. WALTtUt W. KAUU, UauvlUe, llUnoU. balance C. O. U.; particulars. T. U..\M.\N.\, 5uS W. 1 will sell cheap: for particulars addnss K L. OAKLY. ' •■■■■- -■ ’-■ —’ •

DKI'ILATOIIY—For *1.00 I will send, prepaid, a lar of iny specially preparisl Uepllator)-. LOU OOOX, 317 EL 13tli St.. New York City. New Y’ork.

GIRL I'HOTGS—Whole body posew; kind ereobody wants; chaimlng aamplts, 3uc. U. ULIVE, Wlllmar, Minnesota.

Kth St., Cincinnati, Uhlo.

BIGGEST OFl'ER EVER .MALE IN I’SEll EtlCir- MENT. and every one usable or no sale: 700 uphol¬ stered squab seats, $1: 800 steel standards, insed a year, g8c: 100 cast standards, $68: 800 pcsleetaled, all In One shaiv, at 8>lo. Tliere la always something doing at RBDINGTDN'S, In Scranton, I'eiiiutvlvaida.

GLASS BUlWl^tS—Send for prices on Slum and I BA.\NER.S-Blg S^iake, Sxl2: cite arch, Flash. AilEUlUAN GLASS WlllUiERS, Laurlum, Tovm, l^xlO: Wld Girl. 6x10: Mumml.w, In'S.! Mlcldiran (Tilld, Two-Hiaded Boy, Indian Uoman atid Child.

“ ' Three-la-ggcd Boy. all In separate lined boxes; line. MYSTICAL HKITU, Carroll, Iowa.

HARES—If Interested, setid for catalog. C. LINDEMAX, 1034 So. Hamlin -Ave., Chicago.

BEAI> KINGS AND SUEI’UES—We teach you . .. thow to maXe Ukem; make $25 weekly; Inltimatloii ■ c3.<K); 50 N

free. A. I'lElllM, 316 Second St,, Brooklyn. New York. _

MUSIC PUBLISHERS Advcrtlsamenta without display, under thia heading,

3c par word

TO INTRODUCE OUR SHEET MUSIC, will aend latest Soldier Song, wiili a catalogue, for luc. KNOKit tX>., Spring \ alley. New York.

NOTICE Advertlsamaatf without display, under thIa haadlng,

3o per word.

WANTEly—Addreos of Ed Haskett, last heard of in allow busliiiss. K. E. GREEN WELL, Yhawiice,


PARTNER WANTED Advertisamenta without display, under thia haadlag,

le per word.

kDCl*ERIHNCED CIRCUS OR SHOW ilANAOEK OR advance SiAN, with UtUe capital, or have gome Circus, Sliow or Side Sliow Outhi; double up srlih high-class aviallon, circus and shows; make more probts tills sea.suai. BOX 682, Shreveport, Louisiana.

EXEiaUENCED MIDGET. MALE OR FEMALE- TV. double witb; must have good wardrobe; also gooo speaking and slngiiig voice; Uioee having no experience ticssl not answer. Address B. V. D., care Billboard,


GOOD LYRUnsT WANTED—I have the melodies ready and want to connect with good brtclst to tur.i out popular songs. Address M.VX RAFF, Granger Indiana.

CAILLES PURITAN AND JIAYnslWUl. $2.00; Champion, $4.00, and 40 Iron tilobe Gum .Machines,

Ideal Peanut Venders, $3.75; Hilo. $2.50; Advance, $3.00; S.mpson, $1.75; 50 other machines veo' ^eap: all In A-1 conditl^. FRED VA.NCE, 319 N. Paulina St.. Chicago.

CARS. CAGES. TABLEAUS. Baggage Wagons. Seats, Lights, Harness, Poles, etc. SORHAGF.N S STORAGE WAREHOUSE, 68 Shipman St, Newark, New Jersey.

DR.\M.VT1C TENT FOR R.VLB—Cheap; Tent, epx 120 ft.; lo-ft. side wall; striped marquee main entraiux-, 2nxl5 fee-t; levit recently paratllned: nearly new ropes and storm guys; Baker A Iwxkwood make; cost i $5i0.00; complete, with poltw and stakes. $2"0.00; without poles and stakes, $165.00; all canvas In diahng rsgs. all In good coiuUtion. Also have for sale two Mllbum Carbide Uglits. cowl me $75.00 each three months ago: will sell tor $50.00 the two: goixl condition. Am putting out all new outfit, Incluiling Hectnc I.lghlA Addreaa a E BEY121LE. Burks Shows. Topeka, Kansaa.

3' 4 E -Main St., Brldgipurt, tYMinectlcsit

GREATUST BARGAINS In New and Use-d Scenery: finest work, lowest prleea: Drops from $4 00 up: tell us what you neeel and receive estiniste of cost, and catalogue. ENKEBDLL SCENIC CUklPANV, Dmaha, N'el>ra.ska.

IIJ.USIONS-IK'capltatcel I*rlnrcs», with han.lsonr" dialr, all o'mplete. $15.l3i (this Is ofen misnamed the IJvlng ILwd isi Hi air I: Birth •< ITora, ctvmplrte. with cabinet, nwilv to work, $25.00: Uueen of Kniriw. $25.Oo: Wonderful SiiI.Wt Girl, excellmt, also the great Si>lrll Sliailowgraiqi, two fine levHatlfsis. raise 5 to 6 fts't from tlisrr. positively no traps to mit, big Trllhv I,crliatlon. with back drop and boar>l, <s>m- plele, readv to wiwk: 25 other IIluslon.s, all up to •late. Write L>r prlow. JIYSTICAL HEITll. Car- roll. Iowa.

Gum Ball, lallle 5U-

diliKw: send lowest prloe In first letter. M. I*. ILVR- lYlRD, 3bo8 Dxfoid, Plilladelplila, PeriUMrlvaiila.

TE.NT -20x50, or larger, also Plantatliai (hitflt, with banner. Address J. A. HTR.5LEY, Paul’s UhlUsl SIh>ws, week Jan. 24, lUnilor, IsMiUlana.

WA.NTED Gum Vending Machinra: Lll>er(y Bell: Calllc's De I.uxe preferred: quote treat prtcas. T. j Nl.RTNKY. Ottawa. IlUnola.

INDIAN MUMMY. 5 H.: Elcetrle (T-.atr and Ban¬ ner. IHtH Fish Banner. Snake Girl BanniT, IMrIfled Woman Banner: goivl as m-w: bannrrs 7x12: $23 00 casli takts all. CHAS MAESt H. 1194 W. Wa.dilnf- ton St.. New Castle, IViinsylvanta.

EDISON ONTC-PIN EXHIBITION MODEI^All complete, reatly to run, $65; guaranteed first-class coodlUon: many other bargains In use<l machine*: also Chairs of all klnda LEARS THEATRE SUPPLY CO., 509 Chestnut St., St Louis, Ulasourl

ESOAPES—Iron Boiler. Bimloo Box. Mall Sack, ChtiK’se Sack. Russian IrcMi Strait-Jacket. Siberian Torture lYUrlnd, two style* Insane Strait-Jackets: sell or trade: my goods will work. CaR or writ* MYSTICAL HEITH. Carroll, Iowa

FISH POND Ff*R S.4LE. ready to build and open up: direct and alternating Yfotors Enquire ALFRED MINTING, Columbia, South Carolina

MAGIC Tint KS. Table*. Escape*: htindrrsls of har- iraliis In u*«sl Apparatus of every discrlpthm: list for stamp ROBINSON JLVGIC, 98 Waltham St. Boa- ton. MaasachuseSta.

MAGICIANS—Pollshdl Brass Handkerchief Pe.!.-*- ral. complete, with prepared glass. $1.50; DLsaedlng

Handkerdild Box. $1.00; other us,sl Magical Ap- psratua ITIOF. FREU31. 415 Oak St.. Dayton. O.

W.YNTED—Check paying Gum Vindera, or will trade Arcatle Maehlii***, Slot Weighing S«'alei. or run your fenders twi rsmimlsslnn or permiiage. GHKK.N CO., S F Norelty Maihlne Worka. S8T irvltig Stns't, San Fraiiclwo, Callfumla

WAVn-nv Si'cond-haml pair of Flap r«>me<ly Slirsw, umsl by end men In minstrel slnnva: stata length and prlci'. tllAHlGE ItVlTZlR. Tlirra Biitlgea, New JtTsey.

W.A.NTED - Band Instrumenta: standard make; Bar¬ itone, Sousajdna o and one high p.lcli Tesior .Haxo- pbo< e. Others wrilei. HERBERT E RH KK'RT. Itaiid Masirr, Nestuai, Kansaa

W.VNTKD .’sell Sleeping Tents, Slislgr*, Marquer, GasoUn* lights. 16x18 Tint. Cota. Band Uidfiaita: must ha Hirap for oaali. MclNTuSH, 38 Ilis>krr St, Dsrtroit, MIclilgan.

TENTS—80x90 Hip Roof Tent. 10-ft. wall: used

4 weeks: goml as new; a bargain. RYAN TENT CO.,

Syracuae. New York.

SECOND-RANT) SCENERY—Large atock dy# and water colors, prartlcally new: Plain and Fancy In¬

teriors. Ganlens, Strecta. lAndwape*. Woisla. Mln-

atrela. Olloa, Froma. Adrrrtlslng. Conserratorlea, Pal-

acr«, Kltrhena, klounlalns and Special* Sta'.a alacs, kind you need and whether dye or water mlora. other¬

wise Inquliiea will be Ignored. SWIFT STUDIOS. 466 East Slat, Chicago.

SHOOTING GALLERY—Complete, except back¬

ground; 3 good Wlnchewter Rifle*. Klrda and Targets;

quick sale, $30.00. JOHN FR.AN'C1S. Boom 30. Suf- frm Bldg., Decatur, lUlnota

LADY PARTNER WANTED—Pianist: for ij^uae show and dance work; must be young and of gora ap¬ pearance; to play wrlib trap drummer. Addrsa ntAP DRUMMER, care of Billboard. UndunaU.

LADY PA KT.NER—Brunette, to assist In expert rifle abtsWing act: special aoenery; flIUng at oooe. Ad- *«a* a K. W.. Billboard. Chicago.

PARTNER WANTED—By a recognised emnast. topmounter and trapeze artist; state all and aend photo- prefer pmfeasltaial, but amateur considered, lady or gent. ARTIST, itare Billboard, ClnclimaU.


WANT PARTNER with several hundred ddlara. to Join builder of aauaemenia, half Interest: money safe; have aevval ready to ehlp. WU. TUCKER, 95 Elm St.. Flushing, New York.

THREE YOUNG MEN, FOUR YOUNG LADIES— $10.00 each: for stock oompany ; all departmmta Send photo*: tell all flrat letter; no amateura EARL SA.NTEE. Falrrtew, West Virginia

WANTED—To hear from an eroerlenoed Soprano, to loin a tenor in a frame-up for vauderllla Addreaa t. F. FLYNN. 317 Shrewahuty BL. Woroeater, Maaa

WANTEIt PARTN'ER—Lady Guitar Player; ainga LEG, care Billboard. Chicago.

WANTED PARTNER—To Invest In a reliable or¬ ganized Krp. Cok, with good reputation and route; ne¬ gotiate qul<*E .Addres* W. J. R.. 487 W. 9tii SL. OounersTllle, Indiana.


YOUNG, ORIGINAL COM13MAN—Own atuff; Jew¬ ish, Imich, »ench Impemnatlotia; wants lady part¬ ner. IV t>. Box 187, Duluth. Minnesota

YOUNG MAN—Strong character and iiersonaUty, wlshtw to hear from another ambitious young fellow; for vaudewlUe; referenotw front Kaisas City's beat drantatlo people; send photo If passible; tell all first. SI.VGER. 2116 Wabasli Ave. Kansas Olty, Mlasourl.

YOUNG M.AN—Lyric writer, wlzhcs to connect witli paruier who has ability to coanpose original mel- oiRes, or bear from people who can use him In this line. No money paid. Write THOS. KIERNAN. 21 Ounvent Are-, New Y'ork Oty.

PHOTOGRAPHS Advarllaaiaeata without display, uadar this haadlai,

3e par ward.

ICO PHtiTOS (8x10), made from pictures or uegS' tlves, $9 80. NATIONAL I’lCTUKE CO., 709 Pine Ht., St Louis, Missouri.

SCENERY Advertirements without display, uadar this ktadlafl

3o dsr word.

Despite the political uncertainty, tariff tinkers and the threatened break of mud slingers business in summer amusement affairs, even at this early date, is beginning to show marked activity along the lines of preparedness.

It behooves the man, in the grreat field of outdoor amusements, who has something to sell, to take advantage of this opportunity to secure future business by advertising in the Classified Columns NOW. It will make your goods easier to sell when the season opens up in full blast. Everybody, at this time, is Imbued with the “look-around” spirit, making notes of things needed or useful during the sumr-<er.

What is needed is best answered by sampling some of the jargains in the Classified Department of The Billboard. For variety these columns can not be surpassed. The way to reap the benefits of the 1916 summer season is to start your selling and buying campaign early. Even if you have only one item to offer, it will lead the way to sell other goods you may have for sale later.


WA\TI-U> FOR CASH_50 or gO ft ILwiikI Top. with 30-ft. miiltllF, * or lO-fL wall. 7-hlgli blu<vi. folil- liig chair* or cam a* twiiclic*. »,>atlnf two pcigtlc; all mu.*t be in nr*l-clajia cnndltloa ang cheap for cazh. oiittll* In rlclntty </ Atlanta. Ga , or Jackvonrille, Fla . given flrvt prcfcrriice. R D, MOUKlSi, Giti- rral Dr lively, J ai-kwaivlllc, Florida.

W.ANTEIV-Ttiil, l^igO to 80 fert long. Addreaa IXlL F M SMITH. We« I nJon, lo*a.

WANTED—Whlta Nav* Feature; no fancy itricea; ro<*l coeidltlovi: or oehcr gnial SniMitlotia] FVatura TWO KINGS. Gate City Tlifalrlcal EXihange. Omaha. Nebravka.

PAIim-PLAVni) BAND ORGAN—Auliable for fTarry-Uz-All; alao Air CaUlope and I’naphan*. FR>T> J. PAUL. Benilce. Loulzlana.


FILM CEMENT ASvartlaaaMata wRkaat Slaelay, aagtr tbia haaglas.

Sa »ar wars.

-STICKTITK FILM IEMENT'—Something new; guaranteed or money refunded, uaed by leading toea- utw and recoouDriided by F. H. Rlchardaoii. M<'Vlr.g IXctura World and BlUboard; trial bottlr. 25c. STICK- TITK CEMtlVT CU., Tumm Falla. MaaaLhuarAta

FOR SALE—Ocean Wave. In good running order; Picture Machine and FUma. C. M. OOODELL. Col¬ fax. Iowa.

FOR SALE—Flntwt oornwructed Air Calliope In America, mounted on rubber Ura trailer. $550.00. WILLIAMS BROS.. Allen Shows, Pekin. IlUnola

FOB SALE—Complete Long Range Shooting Gal- len, uaed threw months; 2 Rifles, Cartridges. Rail Game, Balia, Cigars, Canvas, Electric Wiring, lights, Tools, exa: 8 Automatic Indian Head*. Ciay Pipea siae 8 feet; all objects reath by ropes; 5 big round Tar¬ gets, 2 big Eagle Targets, big Swinging Targi'ts, etc.; $80.00 take* whole outfit, complete, for quirk sale. l-RED MU.<l.SKLMAN, Havana. IlUnols.

FgR HAIJ>—Ona 40-fl. Round Top, vrtth 20-fL middle, no side nail, parafllncd, used eiglit weeks; one 40x70 Square End. used one season, no aide wall; one Ylotorcycle, In good ctmdlUon; one small, com¬ plete Dramatic Outfit, ready to set up: 5u short and long cast Scripts, Moring Plcturs Machine, Films and Song Slblen, at bargain prlcca. Addrtws HARRY I,.\ROY', Ilennisan, Ohio.

TENTS—6(1X90, 60x120, $0x140, 90x150. 100x820, poles and stakes: 40 length t-Uer blues: 5b lengUia 7- Uer blue*: setid far mooney-saving list. PEARL VA.N, NorthvlUe, New York.

TE.VrS—20x30, 30x45. 40x80, 60 ft. Round Top. 8 30-ft. renter*: 80-fl. Round Top, 1 49-ft. center; aU In flrst-elaaa coodlUon. RYAN TENT CO.. Syracuse. •New York.

tent, 45x45. eetitef pole*, stake*, etc., cootplete, 10-12-0*. duck, $65.00, good eanitlUan; quick; ewtry- Uiliig aeronautical. USTERGAARD, 1843 N. Ksdale Ava, Ohloaga,

FOR EXCHANGE AOvarHaaaitBt* wltkast Olsalay, aBOar this beaglag.

la par ward.

EXCHA.NGE Etllaon Oue-ITn Machine, ona Lradv Gas Machine. Wanted—150 to 200 fert of Bide Wall, one Drop Curtain. W. RANDOU’U. Fosintalo Green. lIUnoiA

FOR EXCHANGE—Plcturs Show and Tent Show Goods for rash or anything I ran use or aril; Autb- moblles for Plcturs Show Goods or Tents; rash for all kinds of Show Goods; Iradeoast man In U. 8. DIXIE FIIM EXCUA.NUB. 818 Loraat BU. Owea*- boro, Kentucky,

ONE MOTI.NO PICTURK MAtTHNE. In good con¬ dition, wanted; to b# uaed In private rootu and balls: must eonnart with electric wlrli«; alao one M F. Camera. In good condition; wlU paint any kind of blgh gradr armrry In rxrbangr. Writs qulekly ts ENKEBOLL BCE.V1C COMPANY, Omaha. Nebraak*.

KO.ADMEN—Exchangs your program with ms; bav# big suppD of film; send for list le atfl or rxobang*. MYSTICAL UrjTH. Oarroll. Iowa.

WILL EXCHANGE flrat-elaa* Feature* and ks In Ekild. Okla., for good PIctui* Shova What bav* you? B. * B. kTATUHE OO., Hartford, K*

FOR SALE Aivarllasnsat* wttkaat glapiay. ■agar tkl* kaadlag.

8* par ward.

FDR HALB-I*awrr'a I, ModrI B Om Making OM- flt, 18 single and 8-r*el Featurva, togather or aepa- rate. F. BALUNO, 4R11 Ulsdya ava. Chicago. lU.

TRICK UOCSE FOR RALE. 830 M; iMd but five weeks and In No. 1 condition; In craU. O'DOIE. Havana, lllflfob.

SCENTIRY—Superior dyes, water color*; arilzUc; all purpoeea: lowest prlcca BDUME STUDIOS. 119 Bern Ave., Imliauapolla. Indiana.


Advcrttseneati witieut dliplay, under this keadlaf,

le per word.

FOR H.8LE—Horae Hair Bridle (cost $45 00). price $2".I8>; two Broncho Saddlra, $10.00 etch; thriw Alum¬ inum Juggling Battle Axe*. $3 00; Kraaa Bam Horn. $5.00; Dramatic and Comedy Pap>r, Rullable for *tock. 4c per ahert. any amount. H.4RRY P. BOW- MA.N, Hotel Trimble, Jeannette, Penney Ivanla.

32 IT HKKSCHfXL 2(TH CfrVTI RY MERRY- tlD-llDUND. with top. band organ with drum.*. 10-h. p ettzm <mglne; dandy bargain: can bok coming *ea*<w with iwtweiit onmpany. ilYSTICAL UElTii, Carroll, low*.

inxOO TEVT, ti*e>1 one *ea*on, cheap, or will trad* foe n;n»»: Mu.*lral Olaa*.'*. two-octave (hromaUc, In caz*'. cheap; will trade for Films. CUAS. COONS, Uiiadllla, New York.

AUTO TRUCK—Ot:e ton Bulck. In flr*t-cl*m condi¬ tion. for sale or ex hange. C. VILES, Vinton. Iowa.

.8UTOM.5TIC KIKKITING GAI.LKRY FOR R.4LE— With or without engine, and riflm; ha* been u*e<l .dx we<k.* In irtore room; cheap If taken by March: full d'wcrtptlon and price oti application. E. O. KJ.NCAN- NoN. 690 line St., Argnita, Arkanstz.

FOR R.81J>—1915 Armltage * Guinn Clrcl* Wave, engine, organ, brazs rod*, folding gate*, panel aceii- rry, onD run five weekz, pracUeally g'zel a* new; a bargain If void bifore zeazon open*. CIAYTO.N A. TUlCN’I-n’, lU-d Oak. low*.

FOR S.4LE- A complete kfovtng ITcture Show, un¬ der tent: tent, 35x65. lined red Inzlde. white ouwlde. T'lpcd every two Z4'ainz; side wall striped red and white. 7 ft high: marquee striped red and while, lUx 10; poll*, steel stake*. n>pc*, block*, tackle*, zledgi hammer, 24 canvaz biviche*. five rtev* of ch'ldren'v aatf. of.e *.-t of zceviery. picture zereen. two Uolte A WcyiT gazi>:ine mantd light.*. 20 extra rnanteU, wlr- Irjg for Inzlde and outzlde of lent, with globe*; one banner, otie pin l'>llz<ei Exp .Moving I*lcturc Mathlne, w(ih gas at;d electrle atiaetiin>'nu, Morlil It Gas Making Maddne, 3-tul>e saturator, one Coif* burn¬ er, vTpentlne dre**. with slide*. 4 zd* zone zlldez, 10 nz-lz of film, folding tzble, oil zlove: I guzrantee everrthlng to be Iri first-clizz tvindliloti. Iblre, $325 Ou. »f REN.Mrrr. 1550 42d Ave.. tnklznd. Czllfonil*.

WAGONS—Seem pood Wzgona, for oecrland zhow. C. A. WIXOM, Baiicrolt, kllutilgan.

WRITE FOR CIRCULAR B. dezcriblng our I>*- flance, cheaper than aecond-hand outOia; everything new. GREENVILLE TENT A AWNING CO., Green¬ ville, kllzalzalppl.

SMALL SHOW PRINTING Adverilttaiaata withaut dliplay, uadar this htadlap,

3* par ward.

FOR SALE—Moving Ftclurr Exchange, otntrajly loratnd In the picture aone In ITttsburg, Pa ; a good (gzzdng for any on* wlziilng atari In this dty; awtry- thlng In poihI condition; will glv* all InformaUoD ta Ulnae Intenated; 17 feature* and Mans single reela. ENTK'-KPKISI': ril-M UlCUA.NGE. 811 nmrth Ava. ITtlaburg, Pennaylvaiila.


AdvarilatMtatt wRksut display, aadar this kaadlap, 3* par ward

CURTISS, Kallda. Ohio.

WANTED TO BUY Advertlaamaati wHhaut ditylay, uader thia haadlaf,

2e par word.

CA'"!! PAID fur small Cage Animals or anything I ran uze In a high-clam in-ln-I Slnnr. FKA.S'K GRETE.\C0RD Waliazzo. iflnnewka.

FOR SALE—Side Saddle Riding Habit (Fifth Ave. tailoring), rich gray whipcord, zlae 36; zafeiy zkirt. black boot*, size 4. by Alexander; $15 00 take* all. NEVI.N, Heavlrw, 8li>-cp*hcad Bay. New York.

CASH PAID few used Ree«l and Wiazl Wind Inztru- nxt.ta: strictly reliable party. Box 2, Hiatlon K, .New York.

FERRIS WIlEinc-Miizt be (heap for rash FIUID J PAUL, Paul's Bliows, Ih-micr, l»ulslaiia.

TiItUMMER'S TR.tPS, Includliig bcllz. If rtzaiviable. Adilrias ED HTAFIA.N, care Ttie Illllbuard. (Tiiiin- nall.

KA\GARd<), size. Of anyUiltig else suitable f'V side show piirptew*. JOHN T. HUGGINS, Itoou 3it S'ltTm. Itldg , I>«valur, lIMiiols.

SII)H VVAIJ,, Pony l(ame*a and anything aultab's for dog and p<my sIkmv. AtPlreia llAHKY LAUOY, Ibviiilson, Ohio.

For sale—MoUtri iliTure House and Alnhira*. to Kriilucky Unm of S.OoO; no uppmltlon; cxpiaiaea. $75.Ou p<r week; racelpu, $115 00 to $125.00; osviiai has other hualiiraa taking up all of his Ume. Writ* W. L S., rare of lllllboard, (TndnnaU.

For SALl^—Moving ITrlurr and Vamirvlll* Thea¬ tre, loratxl In Wealrm (Hilo dty of I5.i8<0 pmmla- (lon, fulD rqulpi>«il: (heap for (ash: leaving iiiy. Ad- driwa A BARGAIN, care Tb* Billboard, 25-27 Opera Ifiate, CliidiiiiaU, Ohio.

Will zacriflim for uyx;nNT TiiE-

MOVINO PH»rUHH ■niKATRE quick sale: tvcnlhlng llral-clim. A IRE. Wcllzvllle, .New York.


AdvsrtiMmenta withaut display, uadar thia haadlap. It par ward.

$I25 EDISON ONE PIN irXmillTION MliDEI^ t R«z6z, 2 Taykir Trunks: a mniple)* ahinv: ntvw nn the mad and making money: anawrr quit k nr wire. If you want a bargain for cash. Addnaa C. R. TK.\Yl>Olt. Salem, Hllnia*

200 HEEI.H FIRST (TASS FII M. fmel all with poster*. t<ilnf to be Bold next thirty dzv* In aatlafy creditors. In l( Iz of 5 In 50 reela. at $2 50 per reel, ahlpprzl C O D aubjecl rxaminttinn: wire dipnalt. T. If l'ROi*.S, 2UI Prlno* TTi<atr* Building, llous- too, Texas

JANUARY 29, 1916. Xlie Billboard 36

#•'.00 lir\S I’.; »0 00 Stoiulartl n.tur.- NU.Iiliir. u»..l i«il> Su .Ui,, nuaiaii

twl «» »» '■»>* ‘ 14 00. (Ntr ria l t iiuitil> t-liiu, 10 liirh Klivirli- Koii. 13 ‘ 0. KiaUlo .^rr , ihiiOO**. llUruOa.

KOU R-MJ! HImir Mirrtng I*1rturo .R. rivn, I'JilS, diroip A. 31 JOM.S. .ViOilmTllk, liiilUim.

*, . KINK S«>N«J SI.TS, wl’h lu.i'lr, «l

ll"oo lar ail. 1« Is*"« l'>r : nii»>il> .“Railt & Vail \ltiii» »i><l IvWlll to.. mak a: fia „ll. „ .x.lia.ior NATIONM. MJIllMINT IK. 4i: Wnt Ml.liloaii SI . l>aliilh. Mlnm-fcOi

3 (HH> I SK1> virKll.k Vll.VlIlS SUi-l ami rial aiamlar.u. Ir.’iu «l»,rt(T aalia. itr.iiaal iiatii-riia. tliw- out* fli .: n» ai rap lnap aiulT. Out gmalii iliai rr riatii ^ SiaiiiUril lo-'ioa al anil iruat prOm. 1 i-aii aarf ynu ball. J 1‘ KU>1N»:T0N. Siraiilnii. IVimajIvanla.

kTTlIklTlVK. Ol’KIlA 4 llAlltS. alliililly Uaril.

tarn*:.I ami anOI In ••»<r» ^«»'r >'*. frin-if. pluali, at ball prOr. f.XrilA.NliK. Inniing,

kNiK SAI.K- IJglil rifla nf giaal h'llm. In A-1 aliapn, mi junk. iHir Wixiti-rri ltriaii.'hn Uill>, (Hiv War l*li*tun-4. fmir I'naiiallta', amnt* wlUi 3lJ0i*l NiVrniamI ami klai'k S.iin<;tl ami Knal Maia , tuo Hraniaa; ala<i lio t'arlHNia aiiil S-Inrh I'an. I>. 1'. or A. 1* ; all aiMiTt* fur I'm.1*0, lo I * So a rifl; I'ariHaia. $3,5"; $1 "o fia* Kan. Jii.sKril \ AKlil-V.N, Hollar lla.v. Mli'hlgaii.

XOTirK. KOAHMirN'—W'r^ Karp ihp follmrlnr four- m‘l li-aiurpa for aalp. wrllh l*Ka of papir: llagentiPi-k- Wal’an* Ontl-a. Ili'O.iO; laiTp ami .Arlalnai. 140.10: OTtr .Niagara KalU. $15o.m-: l>lg lUt of Slnglm dirap; ai-ao (liapUiia, $10.00. Ill>\ 703. Kanaav 4*113, Mi.




I! VKiiMN INwr'a S. oanp rip. gaaal ia t rw ; alMi f.iir nal Koaturv. Pip llla.X Snak.*.'' rrtlli ti •Unal-.

Oiiaia. l aj*ala. 4 iul.«. >an»aa Oannir ami Wnk.r.; •|'.ii.a'. t a Mghiiiaarp.’' raan alj. lion lai lakit. a.I \.l,.ri-a. H. 11 IlUVNKl-NlIl 1111. 31ilm» llKil. Mll-

iio'. N..r:.i imk.aa.

Hill llAllliAlNS $3,300 i a. h : two IV.wi r • X* 5 M'ling Ki.iurp Ma.Iilma. alamluulg pirfpil pianllil'>n auarantiPil. rpolu.lira. Miapa. pIc.; arllp f<*r partli u lara MVIITIN KUKHKIIII KS. -nir Hnirr Tlira lia. Ill rnianloKU .\»p. ami Tl*>ca Si. I’|'hla,

rrl.i.a>l»atila. _

I AUIII’NS »>R S.MJ’. Inuairtial (li-mian raawl. SAt*, priiv $3*"" lar i«a** i< lavl J>n'*. $13 30 lipr caaa- of J.j. AU> |•\.MntElJ^ 145 VV 45:1> Si .

YiiC VSU A K13U. erf Ihp Luallanla hr S HAlJrWl.N. 314 Ylallpr* HullUli g. 4 rl-


a. IMlN- Yi<-k 4AU

mu SAI.K 111: TIIAHK lU.ail Show Outfit; Kill- aiMi M.ii h;i>i'. gaa .ir pha-triilij; Iwo rpfl Koalurp, VVorlil'a Si-rltai. niai' ami film bi-at of laaiilllliNi; $73 1*0 lakia all Want trppra Oialra. AiMnaw .MAllIK Tlll.VTKK. S.aglp. VVp»t Virginia

mu .SAI.K CIIK-Ar Ki-atuna. rhgant lai.illi painr; annl f.*r .aiga Kll M IllUiKKli.s. lo:

I two. ihrpp ami fmir-pvl with pli-niK o' ailvirilaliig

IL't at iri.v. IiK\K1:.\L Waalihigloii, 41iKag'>.

Ktii: S-MJ: Nrw 3 npl I'laluna. The 3I.v>tiTT irf l*liip t*r-ak I'amp. with l*lg m-w f.aait. lm* g lairw, thriaw ami ai» aiii.ia. photo, ami baniipr; am In buai- n.aa a* *1 haip no uai* for It; for ipi.. k aalp wll takr $3*1. .Vil lr.-ji K. 11 lU Kh'. (hiipral iK-l.tprj. .«iprliia- iiplil. Oho.

Ki ll svi.K SiOpTa! sal haigalma In Kiatunw am] S.’.g'.p Ilia .a. in .A’l laa .Ulloii; writ** for Ikata 1>L,'X- I'.VN. 4 ..' .SI Jaims I'laiv. (Iili-ago. 1 Him La,

I'AX $15 rago

K1 R*ilT*\N WAK ni.MS WlUi U p Ki g 1..t Tragw. not nattliai. tsil g.aiuiop war m-wr» fnan 3u lo go .lala olil >aa llltnai llkP In w. Il'i a Sa l. i-T will apll rfii-n Miglh* f>» «<• a liait; .*%». gp ■< t'a.ala, g Svla. Ka'.iP. ixw.aMl. fair cawiallUoii. $3'*. Iiull I'la- Ula. $1. i»>»ipalJ InauiTal. C. K Ul.Mi.Vl.L.

liar llarbirf. klaiitf.

Kl-VTl'Kl-s loll SA1» With original loOO> ilia- plai Ill-art -rf a Huiicfit>a.-k, 4 r.a“la. $.'3uv'; Uitua lia..- r. 4 rta-la. $3.p. Highi-r t’a uragr. 3 r.pai. $.35*0. la f. p d Ixatb. 4 rxa-la. $>5 i-o. Whirl irf IkaUliO. 4 rwrla. ^'3..4I; Ylarr Vlagvla.inp. 3 rn-U, $75 oil Tlpaip 'Htat U»p In lilaaw li.iuai'a. 3 rppU. $4-. .gi. Jp». 4 rvpla. $>5 nO; TYi* Trap. 3 ivpU. $4'. no. n;a.a 13. $ rtpla. IVuom <rf Oarkipwa. 4 Sala. laSik*. larwipfa SL.rg. 3 rprU, $43 OV; Kantncnaa Xo. 4. 4 na la. $»5.' «; l»uk«’a Taiianvan, 4 rppU. $'3 04). Halo Vniiipr. 3 rwrla $45ta); Ufp a Timisaliona, 4 rr«-lv $■' la-. .kngpl uf lh« Hoviap. 3 rm-ia. $ 5 Oo; .A Briur Man. 3 rpp4i. $a5 UV: Htr Guillg ska-s-t. 3 rra-;*. $ti5 lai. Kop ihp Quiwii'a Hom». 3 rrola. $*5 00; liamslrr'a rn.altr. 3 rroU. 3o3 iiC. Marrtagp by Apto- plaiip. 3 rrp.a. $b3 OO; Tlis« Sgia*lowa. 3 rv»lj. $>5iMi: .41 Ihp H air irf liawn, 3 rpa-la, $*>3 Oo; .Araiuitlpal. Bitiy .Vai.aiai. 4 rwrla. $k5 lai; .Amaiali g Vt*a-p. 1 r*a-;a, $35 oa, HoIp In the Wall. 3 iwla. $43.00. Wi.rti thp Karlh Tremhleal. 3 rppla. $3** Oo; In the M.wir (rf T.tirfpatloo. 3 r*«*la, $60 'a>; llmkm Ilrart. 3 rra-la, I'M! 1-0; Ikr Jukyll anU Mr H>ili, 3 na-U. $43 <a>. lAtalia-aap of Ikath. 3 s-ela. $45 ia>. Wa> Howu Kaiat. 3 nrela $130.W); Winning Hla l''r,t Caar, 4 rra-La. $»3'^. 4tiarlo4te lAripilay. 4 rrpla. $*43 (n-; .At the 4V«i?prit Gate. 3 rorU. $.30 tg): Dpl-rm .Smugglpra. 3 rppla. $3*100; .And TYippp W'aa Ltglit. 3 riwU. $.'3 UO; Wltprp la lYilKU. 3 rppiia, $63.<a). TIip Wripk, 3 rr.--' $3*1 1*0. t>it> of the lAkp. 3 irrla. $73 iKI. TYip 4'all 3 lawla. $b5 On. In the ktiiLai of the Jurg'p. 3 preL* $75 la* Kinga of tha Forrwt. 3 rrpLa. $45 On; IMatrlpt .4tti*nr9 a 4 laiarlpticp, 3 rrela. $43 00; Ghiwl irf thp White I^ity. 4 rrela. $aS c*0; I'anUHraw of ti e Xlgiit 3 terLa. $'.’00 00: Blaek Xlaanv, 3 rerla. $».,'. 00; Kjp (rf a 4',(*1 3 rra-la. $43 Oo; trut of Ihp Hiaal. 3 r*ela. $3". no. Tla Xiere Late to MptvJ. 3 rarla. $30.o0: 4\>ut.t (rf M(Witp 4Mati>. 3 rrela. 373nO; IVpath Balloiai. 3 sala. $73 00; Ilunitng Train, 3 rela. $4>iV'>: Hieau <rf Ihp Jur-glp, 3 rrela. $43 00: Fantomaa. .Xn. 3 4 seU. $**3 W'IS4't>NSIX-ILIJNi>IS FILATI IU; Kra.llAsK (NiMrAVY. Mallprt BiUldlng. tOilrago

IN'K S\l.K K.ialrip light I’lai-.t. 4 h. p.. 4 (Ordr ‘ii...maji lajglM*. Wi-.Ungli<Hpia* 1’a k. w., 60 riilt. 35 m;> 11 t' g m ratiw. cai ak'.da ami Nixpal ri-ady lo un. u.-"<l ax nil na, I faliaiai I‘l**tur,* Ma.-lLiiip. IIP ii:if I' ll. .a.iiip.<'■ na.a, ri-wi 1*1, rtp. ; 135 Koiilliig lialra, i.ipr.v m w ; 111 re.a go*al Him. o«ip. two.

II sa* r'l-l fi.;*ur«-a amt ia>m.aL»-w. paiHP fi-r tach nel. ■ »ip 4"xtm Tiiit. wlih !* fi. walLa, poi.-a and ataki-w rtila ra»nip*tp *KUni Siaily to aa-t up VA'lil ai*l| al. )< part f'W IP - thli.l of original coat. FILAXK 11 UK 11. N< N iRl >. W'alNM-o, Mltuu-aola.

Ki*R ■aah. Ill

vM.K 4-.giii>aiaarp. On-llO >*1. Waynp- $.30,(t lee* II f W IllSLKTl. VpaaltTaburg. Indiana

]NiR .S.VLK AT .A S.\fRl$'Il*K—Thp famawi.a railway wm k plpius-, ' Ttu* Mhh.lgt.t Kxpssa." In thnai S', a. awfil liiihy dlaplay , all pqutipial for the r>4<l, wi:i g< t thp moiipy. giw>*l pmnUt.iai, a anap $:3i0. (aptu*;*!* aip *1 $3 n** to rin-ant e exp--«

l arg.-w; will ahip Inunrallately; balance C. O. D.. ihiiarf ti, |.\anunaln«i KVRI. I'ltKKRILL, 16(.6

tYtrii-r Hudhlli g. Ho-uton. Trxaa

$*1111 SAIJ5-3<Ki Single RreU. wlUi paper, $3.90 up; alao Kpaai.pic ivwntal.i-a. a,iid fe il.t tirVKKVL I'llAI I’.RIIKIJIS. 167 W. W’aahlnroo SL. OUcaga

O.NK UNTlTRITtlSK I’ltTl RK MAfHINK. Gaa (Kittlt. 4'unalii: onlttl (Mtiiplpti*. r adv to m-t up ami run. Lepiurp Shliw; Iva.viiHi Fliaal. Tilaidc Iil-a,ati*r. War, Maine, $1.5** p* r ~*t: m.v prli-ia wl.I >tilt your

irt book. Addrasa .MlSTlf.VL HKITII. Carroll, Iowa

OFKUA AM» JtllJiING ClIMKS 7.50 !(rf bra-.l npw t'lwra. Snuilnm factoo'. S'k* lacli: 4 -> Map.-.* Folding iiaial but two ngNitha. ",3p eai-h; 1.2''C iri*i *'a ( halts, pprftet camiLlhai. rpa,(«iahle; a!«o Klpptn-.* Sign; all gmala guarantpial; ahipmd aii‘i let to In- .amvllnti. ATI.VS .SHVTIXG Ct Ml’ANY. 5i 1 lUJl

. Xo4r Y'ork.

rsU) nCTl’RK 3L\Cni.\K AXI> DARK TI-rkT, 4 x6ti; both must bp In .Noi 1 nanllthiii. Addrvwa WT. W. Kll'HKSirX, Hii-tatiirfi, lllinuiv.

W.VNTKl) 350 Siasa.d-hand iTK-ra Clialis, alao late npalcl 5la,*lilnp; inii-t bp flr-t mas* giawla; stale lowi-wt tHlie. t lLV.NK C-V.-SSll., .Alma. .Nihraaka

W A.NTK.1> t .ipy of ■ Tisi XUhta In a lur" 4 nv'..a: mitU be In .A l pomUthai. for aispii wteka’ work; stale* If jou have pai>pr and true romllUiai uf

hi tirsi hAti-r, lowest pash pnte; rveU mug. bp s»-ni .Am-rli-an irxpriavs. prlvlh-gi- rpwlml. .A. C. tXili.NKU.. 33** S. tiruid .Avp., Lansing, 5Lchlgau.

W.ANTK.l* -I*tpturp MaHilnp, I’mn-r 6.\ or Kdison Al*alul 1>. In g **al ootidiUeai. J. I’.AMlKr], 73 John St., San $>anpls,'0.

I’ASSIOX l’I.AY. I»R LIFK OF CHRIST. I’RINTKO l.KCn UK. 35c piT isipv, piiwipalil: also I’ass.iwi I'ia I3>st.-Ttt and H*-ral(la f.rf salp. HoX 271. Klyrla. G.

I’KIlKKCTo G-AS OCTl'IT Completp. goo*l aa upwr; will lakp $10. 4*. S. tvLIA'KR, Paris. .Arkansas.

IhlWKICS MAtHINK. $li>i0: Kaamnnilgpr. $3 *.0tl; 5lT«>t Lamp. $15.Mi; .A-sbi-stoa It*a>lh, $3."i.ip>: Ihree-nel L'l-alurp. $12.1"*: Cural-i. $lii*. A. lll>Ll*lLNRlKlt, 222 AA'psl 30th St.. .Npw York.

POWKR'S 3. In line enmiitinn. $i’'3 oO; Kdlson Kk hlMtiiai, $'..3.(0; Molingtaph. as goal as m-w, $65.UO and other bargains; 3>' rpvis of I'llm for aalp nr tx .-liangp for Iwa-iurp Sets or .M P. K4|ulrm*-tit; C.a- Alaphlnis, .Arr Immpa. Caldum Jna ami Rhiaiwlats a* half pru-p; 2* 0 hnp colonsl Song S. t.a, $9 (Ml pi t *l*apii: gi-t our latp bargain IUls. N.ATHIN.AI Ktjl IPMKNT CtiMPA.NY. 417 AVrst 5Ik-hlgan St Hululh, .Mlnnraola.


ACROBATS At Liberty Adrertluments witheut dliylay, uader thia

headlag, ars published tret of cnarfr.

roWER R Xt). 5 31 P MACmXE. complete. In eluding curtain, 8 sa-tt si*ng slhli-s ami mualc and SO roloml hLatorl(-al slldps, muuntptl In frame: good i-ouditlun; prlie $65. A' lUULLl, 910 A a-lein.' .St.. AVatertown. Xew Tork.

POYAKR-R XO. 5 MACHINE. $S,'.: 3Iodi 1 B Ga- lluttlt, $15; Tyiewrttpr, $12; Films c-btap. BuKSkE TIIKATUK St PPLY. 609S Ylatguctle Are., kiln maisiila. kllnnpaota

SlXtllJUS .A\I» KlLATl'RKJt at rtdt bottom prtiea; will trade for Mat-hlm-ra, EY.m*. Ti-nts, Seats, or any thing: If there U anyih.r.g you want write me; If you i.avp anything you ikai't want, wnu* me again; notb- Uig too large for me to handle; all Ingulrltw an¬ swered. MYSTlt’.AL lUilTH. LarrmL Iowa.


FK.ATCR1:R Ffrtt RAIX-Bargain with Satan. 3 mpls. $12.3 OV; In the Banda of Lomtoti ('ttwgn. 5 reels, $123 on. Sared tn Mhlalr. 3 reels, $33 mt. l*ai>- tain .Swin, 3 rrsda. $133.00; Kenturky E'rud. 3 reela. $23 00. with fswti-ts. In good (XHidlUnn; two-r^l^s, $13 00 earfi. «nglea. any old prior. IM>XAL1» OAMP- BHJ„ 143 W 43th 8t.. New York Oty

ra*is«*x raHiBiTiox Mon>x m p m.achixi; and llv-Polt. A C- Fbrt Wayne C'impmaar-. $30 00 lakea both; will aril H-parately. W 3L BRUW.X. Gnrai Pine. IseiMana.

r.IJvtTRIC riANtm. with keybnanU. $130 09; Or- rheatrtona. with plpea. $339 09; all guaranteed, gimd as new. piriure houaee cut your exprnsra. am rloalng out my piano I■ustnt4■; aend fiw prl*-e list. J. F

HERMAN. 1439 Pa Are . X. W . Waahlnrnn. I> C

rjJ-kTnit’ LIGHT PIJAXT-* h. p rngtne. 6 cy¬ cle and $4% k w gmrratnr, uard dpm<*nsiratlng; irlll aecrtllee for $309 99; Prerleaa Style V Riectrir Plano, $1.39 99, one-h. p. Motor, 119-?., alL. 99 cycla 3 t-haae, uard one month. $4 0 09; areiral Itc- turr Marhlnra, 400 reela EYIma, $3 00 lo $10 90. Lot Feat uriw: Great Mex War. In 4 rrela. perfect cm- dlllcn ami kna (rf paper, prior $190 00, Blond of IBs Father. In 4 reela. plenty paper, $39 00; a lot of gwxl two.reel Weati-nia at $30.00 each, with paper; one three-rirl WeMiwn, Igiwt Treasure. $30 OO Slldew Ufa at rhrtst, 39 alldea. $10 09; Kumpean War, about 50 slldew, $a oa Prewtn Tanka, empty or charged Motel B Gaa thitflts. other Gaa Oulflia: want K rhaw out all In next three months; good film srrrtrr cheap tlixir. FILM EXCIIANGR. IIS U" ust St . Dwrtisliom, KmtB*ky

FlHI R.4IJ9 Kellsiin tme-nii llxhlbltion. usesl oivc week, nanplete srlth rhi-oetai, $73 00; 3f P ami .•Mi-r*-o IwTiiwsi. 14 Perf'vio CaMiim IJghI tmiflis. $-25(10. Baliuk A Icrmb StrmmtIcons. f*w lecturers, churrh. hatge anrf actK">t eeiulpmmta. calaUig. $* K Rl SSKJJ.. Bauna. N-w York

FlHl RAIX Tw(». Ihre* and four reel Fealiirew. with paper, also a lot of st(*a1e leel 44'iwtern ami Cotntsll w write f.w list MIJVIPIIIH FH.M KACH4NI1K. M.m pills. Tinnmaiw.

Fitll RAI.R Hchulll Ma. hlmw. Motltigraph. I9i 8 $00; »l|«si Exhibition $63. INmre'a \*t 6. $113 Powir’s \o 3. $73. ?*oth*mspb, 1911, $133; A-l issi dltlofi; g'lamiitnit rivaiiy (Wbers; write fiW calahg ai*d list AMI SKTMKNT RCPPl.T Ct» . 160 II

Fifth Aee , llitcagtx llPmrfs

Fi>H RttX Two n-el 4Var In fhinaw. elegant con tlllliwi. full irf aci|n<i, latest war Si-etiis. lots of 1. S 6 sliret piMitirw; will sell reawe-abtr. hare few Key-' atrsie (s<mislliw, (-held*; Bend foe list. K C,4NX1).N 167 4A' lA’ashltigtiS) W , Chicago.

for RAI.K—1.006 reela. comedy, drama. Weatem (me. two and three reel aut*le*-ia. also fiwir, flee and all reel (raiures: iiaprr for all: from $3 59 |>er reel up; traeelliig exhibitors, write; many big barga'na Ad- dremi H RflUIEIM. Ilf East Sixth Rt. ItuluUi. Minn

What promises to be a punch at the railroads (and a solar plexus punch at that) is fast materlalizinft In the fertile brain of Victor D. Levitt, of the Levitt-Taxier Shows United.

During the past week Mr. Levitt has been having a series of demonstrations of large motor trucks and before this appears in print will have closed for six powerful machines.

While, this season, the Levitt-Taxier Shows United aaIU be forced to travel by rail, the seed of discontent at the exorbitant and unfair rates and extras saddled upon the showman by the railroads has been sovA'n and it is fair to presume that, with six powerful machines, each capable of hauling a load and two or more trailers, in the po.-iaession of Messrs. Levitt and Taxler, the addition of a few more auto trucks next season will be sutfleient to enable this attraction to make many, if not a majority, of its Jumps independently.

.4-1 l»NTt>KTH».Nl>'l' iki*..g lixx.l utiO*; >i*iir2k' iXlRfrlk-iuv «*« :4.Dk%UMiii; vmh liAi.dlcr UKNit

AJO {kart aivaud « : na oo$je«T; Uckc^t. Ll WltlTK, Mianu. ^

UL-XIH A.Ni> CI-\a-^U' K.-a: conifdjr »<Tiib*t*; would like to t>04ik with c.arcu.'i for masou; 4i*'ro- (jailiC itn. 114 r&rk .Xve..

L lL\KlJ-i4 (;.\YU»H S Ul’t;N-AIU ACTS Ut'^; atTikUMU. g>nitiacm'.-i. &ia..‘|( wirv. a^iuiul cj*

trutf lA^id tnrk tuu. falrn. oul* i.$: aiiotiw, oluiM. Tit’' I7ll» Sx., i>etrui. Maca^gaii.

C icVTt jKTUcX 1ST Krt«il ajid back beiidrr. i.yp^*o for aid thing. rAT\>, tiaiv lUrTtire U'HMc, Ci.ioajOv liih.olc__ _

FL\rKRIK\<'i:i> YOL’NG LADY—Al”Ub«TV~far traiKSt* or iron jaw act ai once. Mi.nS t4 t.«.tan4> St., lUinod^_ _

MAN ANU WlKI-i—Iron ;aw. atTlal, ccntortlon and g>mna»t aiul douole ctanv-d^ ground act. ktdng Mtiarr at Indoor clKxLi cau-Ho of aki. 1IU»N JAW, oare tiiU- buard. Cliu:lni.aU. IHiiu.

suxiTv wiRK “iT-iRWuoftni A^'i>~ WanLi puhlUuti; aU juggling adit dnne ou W4rB; wurld'a greatmt bauai whlrier. Aiblnaa LAMtF.NT GCNDKR^>N, Cetitrai Hotel. Salat Johoa, Orvyuti.

AGENTS AND MANAGERS 4t Llkarty Advartlmaianta withaut ditxlay. vadac tkla

haadlat. art yubllalitd frag af charga.

A-l .41>V.4.NOE 5L4X—llrcua expi-rlnnc*; n-iiabla. lutHr aikl wlU luc bruih; prvfi-r gu.t Ihrix* or ou»- ight ailtamv powiuuii. AdiiiniM 31M Mapli-wuud

.Wniuti. Tlkcito, Utiux

Pi»R a.4LF -I>>wcr'.« 6. with Bconotniacr. ll(V-Tolt. L*nm|»iiir. $ltNi bit; wwit oft rw-cJpt <rf $13 90 lo cfwig pxpriwivigr. C. t>. I> . auhjirfrf to (^mmlnaikm. $7S- TKKICH BRIVS. 693 Fiujvhlng Are,. Brooklyn, Nci» York

FOR R.4IJ15- 23 p<pU (rf Film. In fln« comlltlcxi. <N«n<.ly. Irrama and WwXcm. at $3.00 piw nreL CILlRLI^t iL UL'IRE. P. t>. Bog 6uS. RckUlng. IN.inmiranla.

For SAIJC—10 SlnglfW at $1 50; 10 at $2 00: Wn- fli-w. with paper. $4 and $3 bO: Chaplin... $10.l>fl.

M>EP>1NI>K..NT FILM CU., 13i*8 F.aat 8th SL, Kan- u. city, Mlwiourt.

FtvR R.4U; CHK.4I’—An rxr<t>tionall> good lot ct FtliD". Fraturm and Stnglc Reela. Inoludliig < hap- llii. and Kmaionea. Kjipowure (rf the White Klare Tralflc. 4 p-«-U. plrnty of adrerU.dng matter, paper, nrw-«papi-r cun. $125.00; Hunting the Gunmen. 3 PI.-1.. $6<i 0*1, plenty of paper; write for Hal -f Fra- tiirc which ma.t he anid: girfiig Into the pr-.diicing end (rf bu.lnim. SFYMlM R FILM SF-RVlLn-T. J45 44 WU 43th Rl.. New York City.

GrARAXTKRD—Pmfraalonal rtnematograph Cam¬ era.. I*pijrctiira. Perforator.. I’nllahrra. Prtntera. Tri¬ pod., iH-trlnpIng llutflta. IiluolTm, Rewinder.. 11- liimlnalnr.. Iwnoew. Filming, Derelnplng, Camrrgroen expeHmenilng EBERIIARD RCIIXKIPER, 219 3nd Are.. New Y'ork Hty.

I.ARGF, BTGCK OF VREP MOVING PICTTRIC MACHINES All klnda: alw> Opera and Folding Chair., al aloul half rrgular price; all gnmla guar

R.4CRIFHT-7 TR.4VELIXn OCTFIT—FelLton Ex hjblUon Machine. 7 reela Film. Ga* Machine: flrwt $68,011; make dtguwtt: sl.lpped aublecl to rxamlnaUoii. L R. THRIFT, 2o8 Prtntw Building. HouaUm. Texan.

SPI-ICIAL BARGAINS IN FILMR-A fine lo« of Weatem. Comedy and Prama, to clone out at $3.06 p*'r reel. .3. V. THtVMI’SON, Morgantoam, Kentucky

"STAR OF BETHUan^f.” 3 rceLa; '"Life of ChrlM." 3 reel*; "Holy tXty." 3 ttela; kll In A-l cneuUUon. f.M*ROE R SCHWl-nTZI-Jt. 2o7 S. Wa- bw.'rfv Are.. Chicago.

"THE 5i.4STER CR.4CKS.MAX," 2-reel feature, lo fine ahape. complete, not a foot exit out. $10: "54ag- da." 1-reel at-n.-*atlonaI. good rundlUon, big bargain, $2 30; "tYmcert Hall Romance," one reel, good ahape. piKtera. $2 30; I guarantee all (rf Uh-m; aend depoidt If you want them. t»L. H. BtilY'MAX. 407 Church Rl.. tlrevnsboro. North Carolina.

THREE A.XD FOUR-REEL FEATITIER FOR RALE —Perfect condition; $20 per feature up. Including or¬ iginal lobby; tlan Keyatooe comedlea: hlg hargalna C F. 83IITH. 183 North La Salle Rt.. Chicago. HL

USEI> EQrn*Ml-:NT at prtcea that defr compeU- don: One PoweKa 3. complete. One .hape, $30; 3 6.3, new. newer unpackevi, a rerfuaed ahlpment. $240; 2 In fine condition, $140; 3 6.3a. recetitly oaerhauled, $130; 9 Staiidaril Aabeatoa Booth*, aeml-piwtable, rroan $73 up: get them while gelUiig L. good at J P RElHXGTON'S. Scranton, Pennaylranla.

VICTIM t>F SIN. tlm-e part*. g<»al condition. $45 90; fire reel.a of War. plenty of pewtera. $60,iW

anieed In Oral ctaaa rendition, ahlpped auhject to In- i guaraiiteaal condition, and the bewt White Slare Pic aprctlon. LEARS THEATRE SUPPLY CO.. 599 ! lure. In four parta, for $60 00. that yoai reer aaw. Tik Cheainut Rl . S(. Ixwila, Mlaaourt.

MOVING PICTURE ktACITlN-ES. $19 09 IT*- Slcreopll* ona. $6 30; Gaa fhiiflta. Rnppllea, Bell How-

rll $30 00 Comienaaior, $22 00; Bat. atamp: want

ahow outflta KKEIl U SMITH, Amaterdam. N. Y

MOVINC, PHUTRE MArHINK. New Moi1.-I B. Gaa Ovilflt. 6 leela $Ylm. one m-w. flee like new. all f(W

$1*3 1*0; will allow examination. E. J. McCA.\N, jc3

Broadway, >3mlra. New York.

MI ST t I*>SE GUT ClUICK a lot nf reela In good (awiilllbai. $2 00 per n-el. A. V. THGMl’StiN. Mor

gantown, kmtucky

Ml ST SELL Reel of I*a»*lon nay, from Laal S'lpiHf to the Aacenaton. tar $10 00; complete Mo¬

tion nctiire Trari-llng Itulfll, $33 09; inoKw-diiee Tlical'r Ma*-blnr. three-tear gnaranlce, $60.00; new

Power’a No 3. with tratrllng trunk, cawnplete. $100.06:

rMlaon FihlMtion Head. $18 09 $>4SEB. 3001 N.

Halaiol Rt.. Chicago

Gfwcrnoc'a Ghont; many other*. In guaranteeal condi¬ tion GREAT WlStrfHLN I'llJd tX>.. Prtnctwa Bldr. RL Lotila, MlaaourL

WE I1.3Y'E aercral hundred Single Rea-la and Two ReeU-ra, with plrnty of poatrra, a* well aa Uiree and fnur-rrel Fraturra, at a aaertflee: aen*! for Hat. SIM PLEX riLJ! CO., 119 K 23d St.. New York Oty.

USEn EQTTPMEVT AT BARGAIN PRICES— Pnwrr’a ktachlnra, Bontha, etc.; 1 ran rate you OMmiy: win buy Chain, In any ataie. for caah I. P. REIHNGTOX. R.-ranton. Pcnnayltanla.

WANTED TO BUY AdvarflMBiaata adthavt ditplay, uadtr thIa haadlag,

2a par ward.

W.3NTEIV-FUm* for road ahnw; goml 'eaiurra and .awnedli-w; nn Junk nr hgahial-iip aubtert* a.'ralMed aend tour Ual with acme kiiowlealg* of the*r i-Uiry I. PAMIER, 73 John Rlreet, Ran FVaiiclacoi

.3-1 AJ*\.4.NCE 5L4\ 24 yean' cipa-rtence; n- llable and roter; Uckti; pnfer Uie Vtot, but trill take anything giaxi, luc bnaUi. U. 43'. t'OMl'ntX. Braall. li.iMana.

A-l THE.4TRE M.3.N.3GEK—Hiweo yt-ara' expedi¬ ence; Uiorougtily ttrtrd In ft-atum*; would mn.ildar roa<l piMluoii: go anywlitev. \V C. Si'HALLES, 27 E. Kroa*! SI.. Haaicton, PciiiLaylTaiila.

.31*VANCE 3L3N—Expi-rtcnced, aoiier and rcllaole; route, book and wtldcai: im* bru*h; *iu>w caatlng ri«- eon 7or ad. LrRttY CA1)Y. care Town I'uol Company, Tckaniaii, Nebraska._

.3l>VANt*E M.3N— Kinm g(joil one* In Kajiaa* arti Gklahoma; no boijBe; cun.->l.lir anything, tlcktt LKH. .ST.3.NLLY', Hotel Tioy, 12Ui and LharlulU Sts, Kaii- *a* tiiy. MLibOurL

.3IyV.3Nt'E M.4.N- Guarantee oookliiCT Ihetuah Midi- Igan. Ulilo and Indiana; ahow or feature nim.-*. U F HIHIK 43 Itagg SL. Detroit. Mlcfalgar._

A1»A.NCE .3t;E.NT'—House or road: can handle anything; Joan anywhire; wire. W. H. BROWNELL. LYttater. South Carolina.

.3G$7NT—Route and book: chM contractor, Icaig expieli-ni'e; wa«av show expcfletH-e: ait-twer qulok- tlEO. CILV-NDU-UL. 125 Reaney RL. Cheslef, Pa.

AGENT t)R TRIL3SCKEK—Rmall cirrus; no ex- peiimce; salary -troall; reft-rencea. KK.NT RIIuKER. HloumiiigUai, Indiana._

•VtlENT 'niotoughly experienced; can fill all re- qulrrmnit*: can girf the ba-dnewA for real rep ahow. EK.3.NK .SHltKEjt. Abbott H(Xe1, iHainr, Coiora'to.

AGENT, 3r4NAGinrGR TRB.\SC10ni-Fully eg"- pertcsioxl In all branchca at the antu*<-m.-nt bu-liiem; 15 years' expeiietice; can handle anything. T. R. V.3l'tiHN. Hcitel Ihcitoti, RL Loul*. 5L*Houii.

AT LIBERTY—Ttiat real agent: Join on wire RtlBT. TAYUvR. 3282 W. 22d Plac-e. Cleweland. Ohio.

AT LIBE-RTY'—-For ahow boat aiirance agriicy; 8 years' expirtcsice; sob**- and reliable; Hrst good ofTre get* me. W. N. CORBIN. 2731 ColHs Are., HvuiUng- uai. Weal Virginia.

EMStH-rriD YIH'.NG 3L4N—Full of amWtlon and mirfO: wants to lake charge of film oRlor. P. GREII.N'BURG, 38 W. Kinney Rt.. Newark. New Jer- vy. __

IXPERHlNt'I-Uy 'm.\N.3C.™- Moting plcturew and raudevllle; reliable and a hustler: wife. TioUnDl; or¬ chestra and solo*. ra>W. B.VKNiiLL, General IbiD-

, IK-Imit, Mli-Llgan.

EXlT3llE.\t'El> RHOWM.3N—ti|>en for pcaUlton aa nuuiagt-r, yauderUle or pldurea; strictly sober; mar¬ ried; gllt-esige rtfermces; salary ri*asanshle. J.3( K. t>39 R. 3d Rt., IsttUaillle, Kentucky.

01-r34JL4L .3GK.NT AND KI LUX tSTI-HlR -Want to hear from small wagon show: can route wh-ra vou get the money. C.tRPK.N'nEU A RON. 1113 Forbi* Rt.. lYlisburg. Ptcmsylranla._

M.3N—29: desirr* any kind (rf an aimuiant uiajil- gdial pmlilan; excellent knowlolge of s!l branchrM of theatrical prcrfeaslon. O. F. LEWl:^ 123 W. 116;h Rt.. New York Cliy._

SL3N.3GEB—EStperlenced. wJyer and reliable: wife .3-1; hare $I,3(M) outfit: salary or percentage. What hare v-ou to offerf DRUMMER. 5oSH Rwxmd St.. Harrard, lUInota.

M.3N.3Gl-3--I*Vcture or combination btsise: per- cenlagi' or .salary; slate all first Idi.-e K H.4LL. 4i"» -nilrd Rt,. N. E.. UtUe rall*._MliJngo<a._

MANAGEJ: Pl.-tunw, rauderllle c<r isimotnatlnn; te- I1al>le; best of references: salare nr percentage. W H TOPPING, M.mlrose. New York.

M.3NAGKR- KSpeiimccd. capable and reliable: clean record; raudeslUe or pictures; exprrt prasa and puMlcity man: salaiw or per c»nt. J.tfK. 6.19 R. 3d -s., IsMiLsriUe. Kentucky.

'manager'and PltFS-R AttEVT $XfTicn ymri’ eiperlmce In eaudcellle and picture houa- ma.;age- ment: go anywhire. A-l refen-ncssi; salary or com- mLssloti. H .st*MMER4'lU.E, 36 Uwietioe Plaiss BulTaio. New Yisrk.

' Rl VK'm tXAGER OR A-R-RIRTANT Kipi-r1e*iccd aa owner; reUable. soher. manieil: attind« lo hustneas; salary or p-r cent. Address 3L3NAGf». 3651 InJl- ar.a .3re.. Chicago. IlUnoljv

(Continued on page 36.)

36 e B JANUARY 29. 1916.



TlIE.^T>nt MA.VAGKK, AGi::NT-Uaiiaie JAXT-INTRIC Jb'GGlJJl AXU WIUK WALKGit IJ'iMi, sol HKKTTK. lUKlATuK I>i«.lliig ».mi • U\lll\KT AM» SAXoriloXK II tiiiMiVig, ounslder xiTenuini or g<M>\ tioujir; Two xt'ardr aru; Jur amall wagon atiowr or rariii- I an: agr il; Noubrtwie ami Ing.tiur: aa*- Z4. i4iar- I atago, jiMu aiOwlj<T<-, wlm A. C. ltUlG01»x llumitr l.joaur or travrl. A-1 rrfrrrticta. I'HAS. WILUAKU, I vai. liKJAlO. 3a Itoaa SI.. lliilTalo. Xt-w ^mk. I a<-HT a<^<>r wliii ran (linxJI, 3a; rlrgaiit warilrolxm. JHmUi UaJoiliia

__ * i;i.ASS H13*\VtJtr-At Ubrr> pit Uiow. ra.iil- YOI'XG, AITIVK, KXl'KKlKX(;hJ> MAXAGKR. ral or rln-ua; make beat offer; Xoble l-'airlej, iii-

AGHST. I’UOM'iTKU AXU J'K>>.S,s AGHXT—Were awrr. KLfL.S JIICK, 534 Ann .\ve., kanaaa l.lo. and aofjad; speak kYerirti aiid German; hare maa- Kajuiaa.__

are.1 flraj-ciaaa arts. MAXAGh:K. Itox 1117, imiu'-i, lUAlWKK AXU KIIIK KATIIJI - it

MliineHUIa _ llberU'. U. J. IIIGGIX.S, 3U Folaom SI., XorUi Ad-

rsaa.eso es nz'LO cr o 1-D A e »»““• Mar»adm»'lla

TIIK TIUU. i«re Uurd, 171 .Xlagara St . ItulTalo, .New I'l-Ull.NKT II

''"■•t an<l aiio «,lz<> NflSS K1G4N4'K34 1AI.\M KU. - Ingniur, Jurndic Saiani.ali, Gowgia

bad; amie rlamy rharae-i. n; vauilrvlllr, draina'Ic ^•l.,.\lll MTIvr

<'1.\U1.\KT II a <>.; A I, t«ii aiao fundati rloUn and ailo «,l.o Glll-_\S, 3o7 MrJKa.ouan, W.

IIIAIWKK AXU KlIlK KATi:jl - X.m il vVil U J. IIIGGIX.S, 3U Folaom Si.. XorUi Ad- wrtte_t aie_<^r^_IMl..-0 . Milwaukee, \\ la.-aidn.

BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS Ito^ llar»arjm^-lla_ _ _ SlNGKlGS Al. tlie *<n’ lalrat acmes arr lUIial In i'1a\III.NKT 11^411.11 Al ilocru i.aj

llAltUV ur.s.suj. Tlie anal aerial maatrlan, has .'“Jll' a\l,lr>,ilw’me ’\n - *»birl.w. !■ iLvXk Slluut!^*"

•JarjnK. i4H«t«« or iravd. aIm> iirlutfr. «inie i>f <», W VAN 1»VKK. KjiitMA.

At Liberty Ad.ertlaement. wHhout dlaplay, under thie i„v.mtid a ar.wl free art; wi»lu* to }.dn cjreua.’aeiid « wl,.«. ad,lr.w«w are aX« alna. In

heading, are publUhed free of charge. Idano and 1/ nturn.d Addnwa ILMlltV KL S- nTiiA^ in i\ - --S1J,1. WocaiM.-kel lUnab, laland UIUJIUAKU. UleJ will acrid )*« prol.*-

< it4("KUUArK OKI'H1-STIL4—Herd of n^ercrioew; xrj^u_>^m««Ka,_iUio^_lajand.- si.aial or.liw fiw uf rtiarg.v

a\bliuit iHt.Vir. t tNiMMiiil.

ri.tlllNKTrsT A K .< M .“it". iiTglrT'lio bat

a a'-a^iiri'; If >ou want out cif I I1I<»H With own ouUlt; waiita to x)in the ofUnan, g-l ua Audreiai IlUX 435, Uweiiabciro, cruidial for aeacam. Addnwa It. U UKIMM. INru, K<r,tu.*y. _ Indiana._

J-NUK-I’U/'K H A U.—I.adlw., planor rlolln .MAC'S IllltU t’lIUTS—At liberty; iwrformlMa <cTn,,-t ;. g.i.iA. cnmir, troniiAme; pr.fer p.oture Una- oc»kati«a.. imutiAa and iiarrakerta. CALVl.X. iKrti- tre U. -X.-W Verk State It. U AUa.4CK. 135 \V. Condi water,Went Mrglnla _

SINGING AXU UAXCING SISTKIt ACT -Wlaliea to inmiHsa d with Ixal alnm; thoroughly exjaTlnice-d

-- I in pana; rtiangv aiarlalUi*. SISTKK AIT, llud-sun, .M.M'S IllltU I'llicrs—.4t liberty ; IterformlMg I

haiilla, g.>»l nluealeai an.l handle atandard miuae l.aaie 1. K H*l .sT. 417 .s J.-ffcraim m' .Sirlngheld, kllaaoun.

.St., .sahdiury, .New Ycrk._MAX ANU Wilt 1-Nr eJwtrlr rhair ir anake

J-'id'H 1-lljCK ultcUKSTUA—llano, Tlolln. clarl- nliow. man all-day grinder; expc-rleiiresl coiiceaaiuti

lUr, Wni Virginia " e-■^’'^‘‘^•'’‘7*. '’‘‘‘t- T- -— • - - -—-—-K>a; j4»tn «< tlikHA. <i. < KI.NKM.V.N, North MaW Wll-Tv l‘>*r eJtrirlr rhair anake luiUnucr,

fiei, <lrun^. I'at xilftur»T» or vaudeville; loi-ale only; a!l i workers. THK TllwIwKVS, l*alnt lUAk, Texaji. A-1 inu.-«rfiaji*=: A. M 12''l Mh I Ave . < Vplujiyju*. iJ^-^Kla. _

MAN A.M) WIKB Side show or Un-ln-one: four Liberty Advertlsemeati without display, undtr this aft.’*; Ud>. illUfkiici and magic; man. torture boanl aiul

MrsjriANS Srt* our Sffur Uinta mi 12. nn* I l»li‘«aiig. .Vddrewu J>AN IJ-w-VUl. care lliilboard, Itn- wli'Ase addrt'SM'H ar** givtti Uienlii will send [ dnnatl, Ohio.

lOltNKTIST reUalil**; «1U haale or insiiH*, i-aix thurt ii in «ii Ums. <; It. S-\\VVJdt 4ua iViUtr .St. .Siiusi^ \Vtv«.sin

*^»II\KT1ST A.M» l»UI MMUl *4.d onli»- tra; In >t«r'i lAiw-rli luv, band leader, write gtaikl*. ira»«4 or imaie. U J. A.M»KU.Sf»N

INFORMATION WANTED I no \\ai<r St., laxi.i lily.

I Liberty Adyerllaementi without dhplay, uader thit OdtNKTI.sT To l<> ate ea.l>; ten yiais' np,<i. heading, are gubll.hed trea of chargo. eiiee. pieture». laudeiiie, hotel, ..ate ir cananl,

______ __ ■, ■ „alrii’iiy mmmv ajid nsianU-; ri'iiasile luaiiagt^ wrlti ANYn.NK K\t>\VlN(i TIIK WHKUKAIUH TS of .Ml siriAN. lo ll.nnhsi Avr.. M.rf.lle. Alabama.

headini. are publlshad trea of chart#.

o( any n* w M.VN.VtJKU.s, do >ou want a new art? Uare ..^***^ >waMai with Uanium * | MoNSTKK H.v.s >4ai sill Ann tii.iu mi Uieater letti-rheadn and mesi- I ih vil VUn-eh-r ritU-s down diute 1«»0 feet with Uldi- l^lry's tintts. kindly osuiimniiwte with Tu.M l»lb- I

dtMjule ita^'*; 'je.;

tkMi THK hllJwliOAlU) ti's baU-l>«aririg skate wTtle quirk. H. C. _

SI.X iMKCK 1{A\I> Two conida, Wt^hy w\ve.. Clncinnail. <Hdo.

lg4»N. 3 (liun’ii Ht.. .Mldilgan _______

J. 1»KV1\K Write to >4»ur okKinr at 1122 K

IT.IK rAiwMKK. I'i VV.asllasn Avi

ado fiax*i»li'»ie, tnunlxaio and r»>a4i or r«*H<»rt; .M4iT<dtl>R<:MK ItlDKU-—< au do si«s<!; dips arid ^ Ih-g4», (VllftKiiU, MtAiidaPl atid jMbtnilar tnuair; threi* iibti. Ihne worn* I tango rititr; have own nkadiliie; can jtkn at mus*. ! ei, <» K TAi^MITKll. (hSHTal liell\vr>, Atlanta, salary r. ao-aiahle. 'Hek^t / Vw. t*Y< L4K\K i t U- !

W.\NTITI> Ttre adtlreww J tYawley. Ad* | travel itr 1<

^jnnHna.s. K«Situeky

Ka\ I'KItl KM TJ ► rl. A HI N KT ~ I'TIv V lUage; aist* eiaiivt player. 4kKit».«.s baitd ainl ar«iiiiblra.

4f4«>rgla.__ __ __


KIKK, <Msmal iHliVLyy. Waverly. tHib*._WVVT

~Mi nSVltN[T^M inriTlU \ i;U r iml (/ in s!

ew.s SHKIJMIN K. NASH. IVro. lllliiote_ i IIXIT.UI 1.NCU> U.VUKIl Violin Alee, bond. the

W.V.VTK'U Tlie idtlnw of L«1 llm'^kttt. last heard I atre. daiMS* or h>4ei. largi* library, d«iMndai>le jair*

lt*»X 102. .VI *u)llie. tpt^a-gla

>1**;%' exiM rlmre: jtUj**! ST'a-^mi lirirp with I>ange Far- I reliable; din or b<»ard lra<*k; jump fltair bari";!* wlfu | ms*. (Hclalioma. iKbuheMi. It. U LllhiiJvVV KleJw. Straw* I Ut» only. a .\ Ld.NZ. 514 VVaJi.Jl

nival; .salan Jour llnUt. Addnwii I>. \V. ANTKVS nudilne; 35 dilTereiit rttyh^ erf ridii.g, 11. ('. VVllF.KL* ItANlK <;aih. nille. Lttwgla._Kit, ln45 VVenley Ave.. Cincinnati. (Hrlo.

BILLPOSTERS em:''.*:.!

At Liberty Advcrtlsementt without dliplay. under thU iNgraiu. Tti.n4*SM«.

OLI» TIMKU Side allow grindiT anti tlckt'i mdler; wtitTeabtHits pUaHe write JoHV ANtTL, Stage Man rail init them under canvaa. 1*U(>F. K. CUIFFI.N. ager liojal Crand TlnatiT. Maiimi. liiiilana

St . St. .Misaiburl.

WA\TKI» .Vdilrt^ (rf the (lay SIsUin, a Mngiic I KlItST ClwVS.S UANU laKFjCTttK - Want# kMWtiw; and ilaiuing ati. three glrl^ Anymu' knc-wliif th* ir I oiwiitA prtrfm^iiicrai expbTltcictr; rvfrmu'tw. wtiereibiHitH pUaHe write JoHV AN(*iL. Stage Man* I t<Nin4)«w volL-e atni ttand hubtruminU. i. T . (htierai ager lUijal (Irand Tlnatir. Maiimi. liiiilana IlN'Uvry. Ma.s«ai (Tty. Idwa.

heading, ar# publiahed free of chart#. HAY M. VV(HM> Clown; drmble In lofutrf 4*pefi MISCELLANEOUS

A A IIII.I.INiSTKIl S.»b.T and to ot rirfiveiietw; r#!! r-v^nvi* at mrm*; all mail answtTiil. J, VV, FLKMINtf. H(»oi>*^tn(t, lUin*j4N

It! LLI •( ►STK H. Jol TII (H J HaTtI KU ^ N U H A N N1: H

1 reliable; would like f*^ anything tliat will pay salary ; yearn (rf exjKrlinrcv*; LIbertv Advertleeaieiitt wtth#ut dltalav Mnd#r thli n eonk* at mrm-; aU M. VV(N>1». t'nu.klhr. Ky. tiMriy ABvenitcBieiiit wnn#uv ottpiay. unaor ini#

KMVL VVIUK Jew*, jugglinf a^'t; double in mie»n tuni; U»re«-rwl acta; no biwtae. MKLVl.NK

IIA/KL (liLVY New for aununrf encagnmiito tewiiief irf bajtiLt aiid oreiuwtj’aA. big iiuvWty attrac- Uun. Addretb!* care ItiiiUbarii. iTnonaiaU. tituo

hoodipg. an gubllahod tiaa of chargo. I o, f'>r I Taud.wUlr, iMiSurm, all uUnT hn<w i# ureSirwlra work.

AT UIIKKTY—I'nloii road carprnt.-r and pruwrty I op«> lmjn.-.ha«.- « A K 1..VU4>>M. 5b MVN A-I „;,m<l man; mwmoi with H.Mlglids ■* TIloMl'SGX. 113 Kim .St., IhJrliiun. Xikth lax- man. with card; double part*; wanlnO.-. uWKN si . ll.-y.Tly. 5lm..a.1>u»r<U. hTuniewn llrru*. Itl..\NU GKKK.NILWV, l»llc. Ark, olhia._

IIII.I,l‘usTKIt~ANI~STAGK HA.NU Wants powl- IlIAIJMrS IMW: ANU ININY SHOW Trl.-k rony. tl.Hi; ham fandly; -pIht and rHiahlc; would like iriMiji.- .if dug*. »<«n.-rvault rl.Ung mo«ik. etc.; 5 acts; t.i h.-aie; r.G r.-i..i>. III GO A. IIGK.NKU. Ileix 74. fur tls-g. wa.vwi. Oswego. Kaii*a.e._

Ilraxll, Indiana.__


At Liberty Advertlwmenta writhout dlaplay, under thla

heading, are publUhed tree of charge.

'*'*_hNiUIlKS. 193!» K. l-umherland St.. ITiladelplila. Ta. Ml SHTANS Se-e our tSing lihita on page 13 The llIAIJiG’S IMW: ANU ININY SHOW Trh-k ron.». KIJ1KIU.Y INH I'LK Want pea.lthm a. care-Ukes pl*<ni wln«e- a.ldr.w«ew are gtreii therein will aeiid MUM- of dug*, soiiwrvault rliling mmik. etc.; 5 acts; „f Inane fur piople who travel; both ai-tlve and >«“ pnrfoeiei.a al •••411,1. •# any n. w maig nam,-,! If r edri-ai ma.vwi. (»ww,gi>. Kania.i._ healUiy; oaii give refereiiesw. E. R. II.. care Hill- >«** »l‘l »rtle tiiecu .m UuaUT Irtteaheada and met:

UrssKU, II. WARU Tlie dwarf and tmanl. ItncImiaU. tihlo._U««i THK ltlU.H»>AKU_

1 clown; for rl<n{ ami p,m.v .'low, A^ldreas Geti,'ral 'l.l-UTI REU AXl> un'liT: WiiRKI-ni-Uouble uRi’HI-XTILi 1.4-iUKH 1 VhilinlitfI—lymln-. woe A-1 clown: for dog #nd pxi.v ^'nnr. Addrew# (.Ittienl iniiviTy. I'Ulgtfield. South OiroU:.g.

U««i THK liUJalit»ARl►_

(►R4niyXTIL\ l.of.\lH:K tVhfciinlAt)—l>mlri-i work v#ge; jiober; n^sivTcd In Oiilo, VVtwi Vlrglnim #nd vaudeville. u^Ht# Uuuae nr picturtw; cxgxKO’tn't la

S!a.\('K-VVIUK I'i-UH'N^RMIUI ANU JI (RiLl-Jt— 1 Miiidgaii: have Ui'krt, l^R. MlKJRK. Reeds- Uranctim. a\«ldrew# LILLDKR. (»52 K. 12th St,.

\Vant.*» {H»NltU«i; all juggling acts dmie on wire; world** 'Tllr, (Hdo. wlilrUr; .sonnHliing dilTcmiL L.\*

A-1 (kJMKlHAN rfhHMl siiigtr; Wf>rk iti ad* prfMru'*- latfs Afldrt^vh I'llH* Kl.N'tiSlaKY. 61u Ktato St . Llliufiv

IN^SITION VVANTfUK By young cx>l(ired wofnan, aa .M<r\T (H NHKRSoN, Cnitral HoUd. Saint Johns, K.,refyv’ he:p*T. MISS FHoKHK U VViCK.S. ih.x 55 (jregf # L_____ __

I TK.\M KxiN-rt paimlsbt. dc^re efigagt nkiit. tui-

(Ymbriflge. Ntnr Yfirk.


»le. IMumj Ivania.

I *1A NI ST ~A .VI > OKIMMyni lielU and gylophaoe. eff(VU; large library, cue pu-turv-s. married. A F of M _R(dHJn'S»*N, 232_l*ieae^n^Sl , HL

POSITION VVAN^Uy Hy A-1 harpUt; only fipit- A-1 SKI-rn il TK.V.M Fur musical comedy ; some | «dal wardrotie; our latt^t mation. Wheel (rf I-if^. UUny fur road diuw. no b(««e (C cha**r; tlckr< if j claa*. nvH'Jndble parue# nt^<«l answer. Addivaa il.VU*

fcrlpts. uutii, MralgtitH and diaraiter^; la‘ly, svoubrclte, I ‘x*!; s-ma-tlung new. Atldrt-w KIHTH .\1J-Jl.\.V1vKR. 1 nrfereriixw. H S. MuRilLtK'K. cart* J U WU

LKR hlUV/,. i;*t(i». Arlxi» ai.fl lea<i iiUjivtM*r.4. I'L'L* I 371 IKih St.. San Ulego. (' .*(#1, Rdigcr*. Arkan<(a.*.

1*KR. rare ItilUNiard. (Tndiiiiau. (Ihlo.

FRoUkssioSAL I...\1»Y VIOLINIST—(iprti for solo

\ 1 S^»N(i .V\l> 1>.\N<*K ('oMFIM.W iKyubU | stm k alwajH willing WfirkerN; HirU tly *(»>’er ..nd r- stnet.g sli.W- trmiiHiiii Aihlrehs TIKt.MRo.NK, isare liable. FRoF (KdJ^KN. 444 K. 7th St.. TuUva. okU

TR.\1\KR Al ll»H»rty; llama.s. iimileH. ginatA. ‘tLki;>; FNlON \\\rVF7NTT:H AM> FR4H*>aiTV MW— •^‘d onhesua w«rk. in or near lN*iro*L L-VlRyTITA

Tin- 1‘alfu. iNfisiuv, Oiiio. TRAIN MASTFR oR l>oT MAN Famiral fxpert-

Have road car\i: Iwetjtj years* expe-rleii. e: re^sn *1* ble parts and wanlro-V. (dVKV >\>KRKS. Ik22

ll.VK.NMJw. (Miitral lH*UTer>. iMrUl, Mlcr.lgan

S('oTi*H U.V<il*ll*KR Fnr cirrus or raudcrill#;

AT IJRKRTY (’mihdiait and pnalui'ir; also two «!<’«*; *ot>er. J.\(*K l’L.\HK. 5 S(XiImtT Ave.. Grand Ar>' (‘ia.’Kb ciMiruH girls A«ldr«-SK IR.VNK ('. Hl'TT* I RapitlH, Michigan._

Feast (NimeVriand St.. Fhiladelphla. r»tunv)iTaaia. atm^lj suUt ami rtUable; nrai-cJa#L* wardrobe, must

VVANTKIK l*f«itlon a* detertire or watchman: have ticket; reliable maiiag«r* addnia To.M IHLLoN.

LKR A\M M. KKN-SA SlSTLR.s, care min>fara, i in ilnnatl, Ohio.___ _


TWO FIRST (*UVSS ORIFNTAL DANt'fm.S AVI) Ma.^ms and Kdw. ARTHl H VV. S1*KIGHT. Uox Ss. GRI.N'DKIt Formerly with HagHibtvk-VVaUare; R H- !♦ I*aiis, TV«iiica»bee._

g«"M stiotter and lorat^: age 27; single: jmmiHT frf [ 3 iTiurch St . iKimit. kLiXilgaj.._

SITl.VTIoN VVANTKIv Ry trap drumokr. #11-

waj»t« position with lipsl-rlasrt (Tmts; g^rnl wardrobe. R-_1. iTns. TMiiicatutv. round experunre. «<4np«^it aiui reliabir JOHN

Yol'NG MAN—24; wants pnwitinn with miuir puh- Mt't'l-VIN, (M-in-ral lk-Urery_._^ 5riru»eap^s, MUinc«<w4. Tai»loltl <»r madcal tsuiudy, .\-l sinprs ajcl dancer*; I AddrtToi K. MclTIKltSO.V, 913 Nine St., (.Tncinnati. I g«k)i! talefit for writing waig isk-ms. but can nut I SUHK THo.MHoNF—R, A O . A. F (rf M young ati<l cxis fi'-tus**!. R.\Y.N* A GlIJJt'K, 351 VV 35ii» St., .Viw Y«»rk (Tty.

D.VNT’K TK.VM Man ami wiwiun; change ff«r wrk: TWO VV.Vl'TKRS -Few (inm.*. or cook and waiter (idcago. llliii(4s.

write the music RIUaY RlJtG. 24 S. lafTlii St., yrars* exixTii^MW; wrfNT and reliable. saUsfaetion as-

man. btackfaoi*. silb' kid; wtwiun. IT iwo-^r ahw; sick-r and reliable: will voi'N'r, MAV-WaiiU position aa helper or a«d t* U:"’

acts; salary, $2o (h» and all; tickets. THK 1>AN('I.V(J I)alla.s, Texas IH-IN RKoS., Gtnieral iKdlvery, gnt with vaiiderine or «tui.k esgnpanj : gcMnl amrk*r

AIJ-LNS. ('anni. IlUiiOis. Virv’THIUKJFlST, MAGICIAN. SWORD WALK- I dUe. Fennsylvanla, neat. -wber. honest; tickcL JOHN* KKMRFR

Id T»H .\NI# JKW (‘()MLI>IA.N For any reason* I KR, Lljt'Tl UKR—ITt or slfie allow; experience aide fftfiT. GKoRGL HoWKLL, 3»»o Montg(gnery Si., rare Tl.«xni»sfai. Jt-rn-y (Tty, New Jervy.


(^arnival ami (ircu*: can manage; *lri(^lv soinr. FRoF. <;oLI)b:X. 444 K. 7ih St., Tulsa, oklalnima,_

W.VNTTTD To Join merrj-go-M(iiiii with ^anilral:


*uivd; Uieatrr orchestra i»n<«'iT»sl. VV L. U-VtliDTIT, care Notelty Ttirat«T. KNanavllle. Indiana.

SORKU ^ oi M.VN Snare drummer; alght rv««ler: wUh w i»eiiln«i with c(#i<*rrt band or rlrrua GIOVANNI ToRRJXkHoKso. Gen. Dr4., Clncinnail, iKiKV.

TRVF DRl MMKR llells and «fftcta. atght rea»lfr.

VVivlun iMfsitlfWi with miLslcal (s^netly or M(xk; mu-st I have hail cxp*Tienee on HervkeJI-STiiiinian track ma* have Uck(t: ndlable inajiag* rs write. (*. K. FKTKR. I (^ne: will Join at once. W. XLVSKY, Kox 194, Fo-

At Llbtrty Advertltcmentt withaut dHplay. uadar tfil# A. K (rf M ; |d4'iufv# or rauik-rtiie Addr«»« A W

h.gdl.g, kr. publlphid fr». Pt ehirg.. or*. T.TmmgJ l.m. tM.umPu.. t;«cgl.. ____TR.\I* DRl MMKK >uU hne of trap# and xylo*

A-1 lfARlTt»Nl'^Hvc yeam cxpmcnce; »«f 17; !>*><*>«•. idgfit r<-«,t.T. •..brr uid rollpbl,.; pteturr. .« K F D. 7, IV*x 5.'» (*, \Vt»»t Toledo. (Hdo.

Ji:\V AND RR\<'KFA(T*:~('OMKIiIAV 'Trick pl-

eahontas, Virginia.

Yol'NG M.VN—20: neat app»*tran(e: all-Jay grind*

atmk ¥*. A. DFUST. 210 K. Higti St., Uxlngbai, Ky

I>)\ KRVND -WD GOLD 3o minutes In one; Fa*(- rm magic*; rg»j<v*t.<< are Iminateriai and tiny are again

eltlu r*al euncdy <g | (^: faxt ticket >^iler; thne years' exisrluKv; 'krfsT atid

sotHT and reliable; <*aniivai pr show, band priftrred, 1 (g^rfnwtra; tlck**t If far AiPinwa RKX ( .^lary hwr. ORVIIXF: Rl HR. Shoal*. Indiana. | •''TUU IK'oMR. Dmiobrt-*. North Imkou

TUoAfRoNIST liand aiid Grriiewcra reliable; rf(f>ii*>i4. FILVNK RVRIJ’L lu8 (>*1 Main St . M('Minnvllle, T'limwsee.

YDT'NG lk.M)Y—H4*flned. gc^oil appearan(Y. d**slres

A-1 R.VRIToVfy—R**fk of exp*nmee: can Join at once: tUk»rf If too far. Ad.U»-w CTLVS. RKNOCLT, A.ldr»Xha MiL.U\RI 321 Duke St., Newfoik. Virginia. I«‘_A*Lto.N. Harpe. IllUvoia

materialix-'d. vanidiitig gi»bl pi4its JoK KKAfl.VO-I D^^itiigi with oanilval or park; exp»*rienced. MYR- A-l BASS DHl MMint AND SUDK TRoMlU)NK 'TUOMRoki'lsT .VI liberty; Join on wire; two year#*

Ton. ori«i»ial Hegel. Dallas, Texas __

MAN .\\D VVIFK lUaikfaee, sHLv kid, ru^, etc.; wife .V-1 clorus: leads nurn'K-rs; musical conu^y or ^>U»lfl rdtows. Write FRITZ FrLLQt, >ki(»n. Aria.

MrsU'AL (N)AfKDY FRODiJt-'R Ten years’ ex- periisicv; big nAalD* produiTlons: also flanring peon* her; artistic lady bmk dajicvr: iviiable manager* only.

TKL (N)HFLV. 719 .V, 51onroe St., RaltJmore. Mary¬ land.


—WWi,- to Join •■•mlTal or wagim show. A-1 r,Yfr- v»t»-G.tirr, rrfrr,-m>» Ail.lrrm U «! mmt: »(glp »*lgrT. KIKKU4XU it l/ViaLMAX, Iha I Ml NUKN. Kulphur SiHngi. T,xgg. 55. KaM Ihiriism, North ('arullna. VIOUN AND ALTO At Ub«-rty: A*l: ran also

At Liberty AdvcrtUemcatt without dltglay, uador thi# I rrevioa furnished; mcmb«T A. F. of M Addra A-1 01.ARIN1XIST >ixp«rt.-n<nl In >11 Unm rrf- | t'/'T'*'** rUrtiirt. II it u KAKl. KAKTHALM. 1«7

heading, ar< gubllthad trea af chargt. (•I.4RIN'>m.ST, 24 Izake I’auhogur, U 1.. .New York.

^•-ImiMnigh. \V,*t, Havannah, (hH«gla.

VIGIJ.N'I.ST IL,«<I«tI — At llbiuv; rranon fi* mak¬ ing cliaj.g<-. muit l•■•allon In fbiuth. Athlirm \ lo-

FYLVNK HKKTRAXU, ••are_Itlllboant, Ghtcago, 1111. I plaj'tx’; mlnMJi-l or vaudevlUe; ttf,j yt-arx' experltsKTe.

.SKlJtV (*. RI< HMUNTV Sp.'.-inltl.n and small I ’''•■nneMrt'.

«ud^; A-l «-L.4RI.N->msT-WLdH, pedUon In thratrr. I LLXI.*4T. I2»1 .'.th Av . tWumhun, Georgia.

Tauderlllr or ptoture ahow (krtifiura; a<k»T and r,- 1 VKHJX AXU TlA.Xu Mi-mhm of A. T •/ SI

pans: jin-s*. •I,'.; »1fi-. piano: simjg m»ugh to fia- turi-: sight ri«ilir. .Sddri'is Madison, MlsMSirl.

J K. JOHNSON TRRy-Sliu^ig. danc4ng. talking; | gig Ltmlsiana St.. Uillc Hock, Arkanaa* liable; onD ateady work considered. MrsiClAX. dcwlre tihotf^lay theatre pimlUon «■ hotel or dance

ounxsliaiis and sixibrrtte; sketch team, monologum; •>rWi,-s>ra murk; Jo4n on wlrr. 4* O. StuGRI'.. .'R .

SINCraut All the very latest s<mgs are llstnl In lhrvr-pl,s-e suing band; two men. otie woman; Uck- our S<»ig Hlnla on i>ag,' 12. If you will write the Mijsulrio S<.. Helena, publt'lii-rs whose addivss,s are given In I MITCHUJ, AXU MITnia.lz-Sketch arHs a; U>,- sanu- eolunui. tm a th<-atiT Irtterhoail, and men-I slngitig, talking, old man Impersonatlnn; work acta: tl,«[ THK RII.l.lUkARU, they Hill send you profea- I plant, managers and stork eom<>aides write. IIIULY a4,Nial (-nidi's free <g charge.

THK URIGIXAI. KUlRKTrA—In her orlgln;[’Urt^

MITniKlJ.. care lilllboard, dnelnnail, (Kilo.

RAI.ISUX AXU R.\LISOX-Owneillan and iwii- isiial. Glassir and Hulu Hulu Uanrlng: npeii for clubs, I brette; alnglng. dancing and aketches; want to hear burh—line, Arllngtiai Hotel, 273-5 W. 32d St., New I from a real i»lant. show or minatrel. Addreaa care

CIRCUS AND CARNIVAL actr.;.^-■helper'.' niUliilK ir'^wTiTiS.' n^^^h'ridge] A-1 T»l\.M-n^o, drims. rffer^, manmb^xie, At Liberty Advertltements wRhout dItpUy. under thU New Yc^. rhliww. clcrtric bell*, unaphoiim. nobimbw, xylophonm. HM.(*.ST>aR. 134 N 2d St., HAtnlRcgi, DhJa

Blllboord, CTncinnotl, Dhla

W.\.N*TKD Hy a ycMing (x>latvd woman. poAltinn a*

A-1 <'URNCTIST--WLsheB poaltloo with dreua. lo- rare Atlaa Hotel. llanUIUm. fditg_

cation, Taudewllle nr dance work: anything reliable; VKHJXIST h^wrirtiiwsl; elawtltal ahd up-h>-daie married; atrt<-tly sotier and reliable. tTlAH A. KRA- music; rxal apprvaniw. open f,w llnt-clawi mu«I-al MKR. (Vntn4ioll.s Hotel. KaJisaa CYty. Mlsaouri._ a«<; must be alehily wvrk ARTHTR JAfKlhlX.

A-1 t*uRX>7nsT—>:xptTletirtsl In aU klnda of Krtmlngtan Are. lYdladelptila. Pennaylranla._

music; deslrea long etigagement; sober and well ed- VHH.IXI.ST lla«<ler) -Hiweral yeara* rxpttltmr- in ucateil roan. Jt>K MAfAKl SG. 211 Mott St., .New ptiSurra. ramlerille. etc ; gi««l rrprrtolr*: standard Y'irt City. and popular music; would bsiate. AlMllJni lltLN-

A-1 lAur .STRIXG BA.SS n..4YKR Tlioroughly XAI l-Jt. tYovensirt. Kentucky._

experience,! In all lines; troupe rw locale. KUITII VluijxiST NVants nigagetDrht. algfit rehdrr; aland- M A.NU1-:R.s<>X. sug Clyde Are.. Chicago. lUlnola^ anl music; would like lo hear fnim r*>d ptanlst

A-1 TH4M —llano, drums, rfferts, martmbaphxie. A- K. <g M ; U<hrl Address RICH II

heading, are publithed free of charge. DRAMATIC ARTISTS

A-1 ntl'-XK l a’i be engaged for store .show, parks I At Liberty Advertltementt without dlaplay, usdar thla

bamlMHi rhlmes. muslral rvMrbella, etc.; slate aJL URIMYtKR. 5it3S Sisssid Kt.. Harvard. Illinois.

heading, are publithed free af charge. A-1 T1L\I* UIUMM™ Pull line nf trap*: A T. I Misslssliipl

VII)I.IXUtT ANU PIANIST niSiire theatre, hotel. A. P. of M Address MAJf»TIU TIIEATTU:, Orem-

ANNA (iI»VKR—Ha* owm ftti*k«w and work A-1 GFrsF3t.VL RrsiNF:s'vS 51AN—Wife, gwieral

busin<w* and piano; vwdrobe. (*xp4^#(ire, ability;

of M ; would lU# to kiratr. J(MK1*I1 DFn,ANKTL 6i) Dlirite St.. Rurlingtfiii. Vmnont.

VIdLIN and I*1.\ND M#n and wlf^. fin# llbrarr; Mp»r1(*)r*»(l; pid-tur^ cw vainhwllli* th^'airr or dan(w

pu.fiwm show, wild girl. Address AXXA GLOVER, ‘TZi^Jble"'«^ ’^U^ioc^ ™re‘m.sw. *' UnTs;'^nrth ni reUsblV. Ad-^ree. S t* It PP-' 1021 W. Itnoadway. Council RlulTs. Iowa._ h!uiUY 70,71^0017.^^ MAX. 921 Chi-rry St . Kansas tYty. ML-ouri

AT UBERTT—Pot cdrctis or carnival; hare two i.irif-K'rY_»Ve .t/7k or A-1 TI P.A n.WCT I-2xiperi,hce<l and will Mn any- OPERATORS •.-cri.-us or •, nave 1 wo ,.p LI BPRTY—l-Nw slock or nrie-nirhter - reni-esl ■*' * *' r-n rixiperneiceii ano will ],sn any- t-nn t rta

ds''.„dn7 i'7T4-v‘ui bu.'Jne*. or 'hearhs. 5 ft 5H; 159 nwi.%r.:ctr^- '*«* «'•^JU^Y, l.a At Llbarty without dliglay. uador thla Lal1.ARL. 4-4 X. Gay Rt.. Bsl- -jivn,. ,23 Ilikrart SI . lUdre- Harpe. IllliKhs._ ._. _


AT LIBKKTY—INjnch, mag1(*. swrird walking, #lf^

igH Stage BOB n,.FT('Hra. 123 Hobart St., lUdge fit-M Fark, N«*w Jersey.

Ws merf 1 see*, a mss . Iro. caww.. s. ..1 K.s 1 1.. le, g» AT IglJShKri - KW On^-nlgTU#r. TtUdf# (' art. hvtufv, make optsmig*. bally, kr.ce figures, o-w. .

MXi/m" •■4' M,w"l7:'^7e Mlrid^.n: “^y 5^fr77;’''rir Mg^um. ^4 M.>nme Ave.. IH^roit, Mitiilgan._ HLFZSSING, 15bl N. F**ak St., Dallas. T-

A*l VIOLINIST (liea^lfT)—At IRirrty; plrturm,

AT LIROm'— For one-nlgtiter, vaudmile rtr t*'’i’.. • A-1 UI'ULXTgB ANU rTRIfl AX Fire yrsni' bw.; general busin(‘**H. riiara<<iT* or eoofrtrtc mmedy; Ijowitjon prtrftTrcd. A1H)FH BKN.NAI F-R. rxprripdcw; any makw maihln**; marrirvl: no inagf *tag^; apprtalty; age 4b, 5 ft 10; rlrkK. S. tvHngray. naiary. KMFJtY IhM*GHF;UTV, IU;hltia«m. lUl-

liI.F2^siNG. 1501 N. F»*aJt St., Dtllaa. Ttia*. AT LIBKRTY—Frmrh FK>rT»: B. A O. #^prr1fnrw; noi*.

BUB m-RX-FTT Heavies and g.neral biislress; troupe J L AMHBUSK. Grand Bay.m. I.a. ~Xd onniATtrR Nine ymr? erperimee; idl

e Vianoii tnuo ® "•f'l'ohe. ability. Tick- AT LIBKRTY—lYofresloiial trap drummer: full line statidanf makes ig maihines: will arvwpt pielUon ' ' - 'It Yes Join on wire. 497 Undm Are., M .ji- of traps, rhlnww, large effort mariilne; double rlolln; anywhere A'hlrrss CHAItl.fJH WAIJJXITL IJ7

circus and canilTal: two »fU | phU. Tennes-ee._ anything crwistdepcl. FRraiKItltlK CtHTF.try. 201 W 9lh H» . lYticItinall. iHilo

EXI’ERIKXTTTI CHARArTTER MAX—Good ward- -Xihlo Rt.. l.gprirte. Indiana. YfUTUR UR IIAXU UIIIVK UIT-IUATUR 17 years'

rohe; stock, repertoire or one-piece I'AfL A. CAR- BANU UIRKtTrtR AXU I.X.<4rrRt:rTUR—EipeTl- eap.Tleticr: rr|>alnMn. all machines; scher. rrUsble. RUIJ.. 1929 E. Cumberland SL, lehUadelptila, INrin- enerri theatre leadiT (riollnlst); refermers the bssL go anywhere; rdtrshres; UckiS If far. Z II KKI.- svlvarda. Address "MrSItXAL UIUKITUR." Box 137, I-in- Ll-nr, 5u llsk.-r HI . Lrnn. MtsssihineSta

haadlsg, art publlthtd fres af chargt.

-AKKtlX.AI'T— years’ eiperi>pce making admte lisps. Addrc* IV.A LuY'U. S25 KeiTon Ave . Marion. Ohio.

age 2S; 5 ft. 104 ibs.; wardrobe, ability. 'Tick-

arid llll-ln ci-rwi.: one f.-ature act: write tor li.forma-

T: K^a^"" ^

BfrSR CAXTAfOrAX'—For wagon or roa-i stow; also ligt.t ar.d arat man. J. P. HEX'- r»inLRf>X. ie -4 E 9th St . <rkUhoma City., Ukla.

.:i rati- I svlvarda.

GEXER.AL Bt'SIXES.S WOMAN—Second or third _MOVING I'HTl’KK Gl'KIlATuR WaiiU position; - p.-ppTr-o—^—— - .--T~- 7 'I ew tip ; 5 ft. 9; age 25 Address BAX'U lEAUm TreTObone; hare goo,l library and fen years’ experience; any kind of machine; elorkrt-

Bf BBLEJS—'P.e H'ltMn FUg.: irith lO-ln-l all l«t | IdLLIAX MURRIS, 919 E. 5th St.. Mishawaka. Ind. use It; trotnimne, B. Ac It.; wife. Jirrmllrs and scsi- Hsn; go anywhere, p MIXffR, 949 .N l.a Ball* W.,

J' ']?• I JLVENII-EK. HEAVH54 «tR S'TRAIGHTS-For *'**>*T rellalile. TIHtMAS lAAL'NUEItS. tYilcsigo. Illinois

one-ptee- or reper/Are; age 2*; 5 ft 10; 155 Ibs.; Itikosa.__ itl'FHATUIt 9 Afiow (floslng season r-ason for ad. I>-RUY CAUY, BARITON'E n..AYKR- Iteslns pcsdllon with Hrcti* Ing tmder $19 Ot care Trtwn Fool tlo.. Teksmah. X’**raska. or cmmlyal comiMny: union and tnsiper. MFHl- make rhaiige; n

I-A.V R.A.VPuRI>. Ger.era! I>eIlTeey, Kansas City. Mo.

<T.E5"ER CARBOL—Venfri;<i»i'dst, at ab«it>. Ad- (!r«m 719 Preston Ayscoc. Boostoc,. Texas

t^tWBOY—Starr and bull dogger; fancy roper; spin

Itl’FHATUR Hewen years' eipiwlimoe; salary noth- BARITOX'E PI^AYKR- Uealns pcMltlon with rlrctis Ing tmder $19,00; at presmt working, hut wish to

_oy eynlral comiMny: union and tnsnter. MFSI- make change; memlwr I A. S E. A. tyilEPs',

IJIAUS—5 ft 5; 149 Ibs ; age 34; cultlrated sfng- I 2?*^' Uncoln. Kansas _ 1193 9th Are., Itrs McAnes, Iowa

-L^ I ?r!?* reoulslta for Immcrilate engage- CI.ARIXTmHT—Band or orrhtwtra; nperienced In OPERATUR ANU STAGB KI.IICTRinAN Sli WHITETREE. Gm.zra, Drilyery, ment. Addr^ w wire HFXEN U$-AN, 255 W. 44th all lines: saUs/artlon guaranteed HENRY IIOAGE, years’ egp-rtmee; twwt of referetiem. Ad,lretis IsAfl-

Jopd. . Mlmcsiri. St,. New Y<rt Oly. fjeneral Uellyery, Pulton, New Yorti. REXCB HHKR.MAN, ISt E Sd St. tlmrrgn. N Y

JANUARY 29. 1916. Tlie Dlllboard 37

(•I’flU-tToK \uuii( mail,

aiil ai-1 • iK'al. T>i k<< J

VllllfOllli*. ■’»_ .

waiiU »j« n< III

1 I'll.

Pia4il>in aa analnl ^^1. Iiani Miiikir. JiiJlV KlOlUUv.

.\M» Kl.taTUJi iA.N Siarii jiara cl

i>iliiii«-. nUaUU . NlHliia lanlUiai lii titi-tuivi,... aiij luai'iiliic. iki uaii nvair work W li kJJ.Hi'IX I’aiM kUiiiili- Siu* *'«. «>t»-lika. .VlaJiMiua.

M Ul>t*0 . al'ii tMU iiMi-liliic ami i li- iiiri-« ai..i ill* aira-k ii»ni-ll> ai< aiul auik ttrciilil [„ a. I, Aililr.*!. A A .SJloW MAN. I*kialiim.a I II..

1 ikla)i <»ia ___

iiri.RA 11 >K .kM» U\.\A4;i:U wm ■ana.ic ..Ic- tun* !*■ oaiil*liialliai liiaiiM* mi ic-i ii iiiaa'' !■ IIAI.I.. 4 ., -p Iril SI N K. IJitIc kaJla. klliiii*iMaa.

,,,'t.R.vPill MANAIIUI Take naoulcl* Hiir-'c (4 tlii-auc amt lmll^llm•>. uinliiiJaiia i>u«rr plant; 12 ii-ars diniii iii^‘. ri^tTiin-* j* tJic U-^ M, KLJ.liiT^. Sa>ii> Jl'*<cl, Alum. llUmaa.___

I SU>\ ol’KHATi'K AM* UANACKK Ijaig tx- lancmi'; hualiir*. (n aii)»l«Tc lu* Una.-, n^air all aiaiHianl iiaaililiiis. UrktSa MlTi H*.lJj ki IlluHK' IJM K pan- J 1^ \Vll««i, lUai'-ra. Arkania....

)iil Mi MAN Maiiaatr la iai.Tat<*f. liHig cXi>iTl- ... 1.11^4 rc<i*n'f 1.*a* 111* IcNuu*. aalao )i*ur liimt.

wni. nr wire U <•. T1M*».IJ.. Iskunlak Si.nii*i..

('ll aula

PARKS AND FAIRS At LIkrrty AAocrttaaaaata »4tkaut Altflay. uadtr this

haad.Bf. ara auMlaked trta at ckarta.

I ll\iu.l-^ «. AMk*U S AM1JIH AS AM>~(.l KO fl. \N ATTIIAi Tl< *N s ViTlallal. ainiliata. oiuiiknla. ala-k wire, animal. fr*« ami Ii'.i'k 1h>ii.-«- m-l-a. lain*. ia-i.<aatli» a, ariic 7*ia Will SI . iMinl._Ntli'Maam

PIANO PLAYERS At Lldarty Ad»artla»aiaatt althaut diaalay. uadar thia

kaadtad. art pubitaliad traa al ckarpt.

A~i flAM-sT lla«iUr) r2 Jeara ripi-fl«n» lii all liiii'*. can liainlli* any tlni ••.a'» lanliliai; j*fi<rt ti* lui»lc TU* ' 231 W _;^t St.._\\a>iina«o. I*a

~A~ 1 riAM.ST OK rll’K OKCANIST I'la’ nKan

aj.jtiJii*. •"•'kI f*np “'■! ouac al niuai. alv* cc- caailfv* »aia*<-«Uaii, put i«i laamaly ptam* alum ('IKJ*- KKlt K r Kl.t-M. :i lH.-r SI. oa-an. .\ V

A 1 riAMST l*l«'frT iu>al <*■ amall n*ail alii*a. rra.l. fake ami iranapi^c. .kdipi’u* I'l.O* U.RoY. jA-’i. Waiiaidi A»c . kaiiaaa ttiy. .Mi'»«*un _

A 1 I’lAM.sT .NM* oKCAMST Sight rcail-r r.'i- Hat*-. ,;aiaili-a.. !«« drauaiiar pirtuna. rtiSiiltj >4 SI laiula pridi-rr*sL 1*1..\Y1.H, care ltlllt»i*anl, St.

U*ul'i. Miaajuft. _ ____

“a 1 I'lA.S'o l'Li.aY>:K 1*1* »mall parte, nad. 'akc aii*l lraiiS“*'S' .Yililnaa M IjiO-YUK, \V.*i;c S'i»k IV* . K .^aiatli. han^ai* __ _

~i'JvriJllKNf> 1* ,\tN'oMI*A\I.ST Cia-I algl.t naJ- rr. aaiita iwnuaiitail 4ir n*ail a‘'»rk wllh hlah^ili'et aliigir or rlulliUM. a*c li; giaal haikliig I'l.VYUt. ran- llilUxanl. Sa L<*ula. M.anuur._ _

VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS At Liberty AbvtrllMmeNte wltbout bltplay, uaber thU

beadlnt, are pubimied traa at charpa.

1 Hingifd aiiii Ooui/im; riiaiiffe for w«^4a play plaito, M^irk aJO»lj«n*, nix vautUvlUi*. «lra iiiaUc tfxHl iiM*! write. TKAM, (ii'iirral !>*•

lUiiVUU'a KditUrlO- _

a\lala aor\]> tyiMfJMAN guipil alngi'T. will gi» aii>Mitrri'. tli'ktft; nalary l(iw. JaM.'K llvidUUMK. <;iti«ral IhUven. AUajita. tletirgla. __

AUa lOM M» SKKT* il ri anje f(ir wt'ck. Jat'k. all <Y«u«^lun liitl I'ainvr; teutlt’^lllr (>r lu <1. Th'Kt*tA7 Vd-n. JAC K AN1> MAV llt\ I N<1. Hiei lii. tldiHBirt. .New ^<ick._

AT Ur.KUT^ Kt#r raudevlile, mutiral or fam? : juvrftlle leedi. age . i ft lOVk; IM 11*«.:

warlr*dtH*. aPiUiv. itolUllK lirii.NKTTa < • iJii'Uu Av«*,, Mtai'JilA. TenjKtiaee^__

lilLlaY \t lltKTty Ml amnuit ahow I iil<»klig. all nMii «i (^•fut'iUaii. t»lad-kcfact% IrUh. Uut4*}i. play bailor biigb*. >i-aP6' iiperieficv. .24 Tralrlo Hc.. Kiglu. llUiiuu. __

IU,\< KKA* K r<»\fKl>IA\ A\l> IMXri.H M.<!. 'Ui 4Ril> ; wife aoTK'* ad la: Hiaiig>* for Mt't k: UrA- rlA. Iir, 1M» ti.,1 «n. UII.I.V itAM»AUd. Weijruma Ta.

.'iKKTi 11 TKAM Mail aiid wlft; f'kT wi . k. «neu.'V.. Ill adl* .111 go aiiynherf; r^.Kly '*• -leiM'b r Miiijm**r ei.gagt nMiit. Ml HJM d K. tan* IUllt»>artl. ('liiciiuiaiU _

tNiNT'^ItTh'MsT iNp a aiiigie; •rfale all In I riNt littir ’ It/Tu, ' «an* Ki'^«re Houm*. <1iU’ag»,


r \V KMKKS4>N AnyUiiiig In ihe i»4dlir4ue buil- I ri»««d. fn»m tann» ••r^'aii to P^-turt-; ilaiutr. W. ! KMMt.''^»V. l*ut.aH'iiaane>, runupIraiiia.

l»KUM<lTTr*A\!^*ri,il-ToKU We gi»e magic. 11- lib*i«H.*k. sMi Aiilk iraitt rsHtloti act. spiritualbrn. fine elnii miinl D'aiUiig. *4ng ainl dlaiH-e i>KH- MiHTI, Wd.4t»ttM* .SI . N* w lu^ifticii. .MaK’*aeha-y»*ti.>.

K4rM\I>: IMI->JtS4i\ATnK~ I>aiicr »n<i~jiing:~rify Wdtd'T aiitl a rt-al lntiiiy'1<4 lii<liaii; baig hair; Tauile- TlUa ‘»r . la. itdPA JKSSK SHOW, 651# W. Kayrtu* S(.. lUltlnyire. Manlan*!.

KlLWris A\l> tilUlKKT Silly ki.l and IrWi o«ia*iban4 djfim Pc aii.Mtili.g («. ll 1615 N_. T*tiv Haute. liutlaniL_

KK-WK ltfC\I*I>lY 4'd*m«4tlan; tUngxr and at-, worker, ^ralgtii or «'«•al<^ly ; gtaal line of ningleN; no <ir eigamte». faice piaito. AdtU\-fi4 (liiaa- l»*sh. IliliMvte _

‘ HM"* STUMBKHMiK TRH^ Itlai-kfidV. juTwiiie. {kaitW. ringing, talking, tlaiiclng. wiwk act.A; piaiio. r««tla. faktw. ddaiblt*. real managers ucilj. iygjv .M .V» w tirlemna. Unyi^aiJi.

I> »V KI-V M# A\l> t'lOU* >:a'*'*Tn magU*. black anti nhlte; 3*> mitt, in ot.e; wwk piirate a: d cluba. .4tMi>-«a^ care Hli.rxwirtl. I'InHnnatl. Ohio. ___

MAI*AM ZIT\ nru-ela-k4 palmi-Nt an<l A-l rtan- Ut: ^gtit reader np* liei I’ttl age 40: reliable ma.t- agefs 44,1)*. Ad«lA<^ 3.56 S Slate St . (tib ago. 111.

MAIX riAM.ST Ixiimte pictunw: cue <^»rT>d; Y N»nth I’Vtitral Si«l.w only Avkiitaa Tl- AMST. 7*>5«» liot.d Are, lliid-ago. llUncag^_

' l.kiiA riANu liipi-rtdiicrd. wanta po ii* •«. giU4*k. nrxt ela%« ?au*lr«lLle oc Baali.g pl.ture tt.iw • r in ilrorgia. N or S raiolpia evil). ' LITTLK rt*d THIIR.NKU. " care Ul4.i»iar>l. OnOniiatl, ot.lo

»U4 31 »mLr"”OlAl75i tinanieii library ^ atajiiarl muMc; hatg experlfntdv TaUdk^lLe. moaleal

pidSunu. ilancr aiel cveM^an WdWk. A of M run.i<4i cwtairMra A J UAlLSHALL. Man land T^itwiir. Hag^TMAJwri. ManlaiHl

~i*MNl^’T ::i. read *•<»• at ugtit; f»i*elkiil ItaA' a/ti ’ « wai.ta to Iram ahow butdnaw UoL.\Nlt IMnI*. ^ 3 inr>t Kt.. Milwaukee, Wpa’imt^n._

riWIST 4X»e p4cmmd. lMmti<m only; marrlwl; A F '»f M . r«fer«n*Tw. ha'r first ria-A** iirunuu«r. team •tvk ail letter^ anawrrrval. KiHiHKTSirNp 113. ruasai.t HI . 4>’»t»iwt, tlUiiida._

|•|\MST Idi g eapdTimcr. wiwk In acta ia*t<ul to gt'\ mai ager m or iff Atag«*. >U»VV1.N Kc%- in.*k ilfiwe. New Jrfwey.

nAMST~VanU jfcwJtlMi with tab or In cabarri; 10 )imr« exprrid^',^. wife tl<’kt«. can fake, lran*<^iwc. rt.- mm MKAtSTKlN. 11^ y a . si K. Waalmig- Uwi. Ih^trlct of iWuiftbla. _

IMAM ST WWitw to liwmte, but will c«iai*ler any¬ thing reaaia ablf; etprrlrtHW'dl In all llnm. and fella:..e R. L. WiwH#WAKl#. S*a.e«-a FalU, New Vwk ____

nww AM# I»Rl MMm f:ai«rrten.e. ability. rWiattie A F << M ; planUl. afTa:*g*w. drumnate has ImU*. gykifttwaie. Oinfaaid. aalan your limit RoX 112. INwtamoWih. (ihlo

n.\MHT^\ly TrRi:A\IST A-l muAlclan : large 11- bran •< mu«4c all naUona. clawue and popular not t4«» far. prWrr <^wg«>. grvitlcman ORitANlS^T, I caH* HUlbdWrij. iYildWgr>. lUlnoia I

iMtVIsT Highl readier, dance, ciauwrt. theater, | rafr. aitythlni. fine library, marrieil. can furnish cw rhewra A. F of M ; South or WeM pngirmt J 11 M . care II J. Lugg. tlunie lYirat^T. Skdra- mmu*. (^aMfocnla.

PIWISTH Hep nur 5tnng Hlnta on p*rr 13. *nir ruMldi«-T« whowe addr«w«e» are gtrim therein will aefi«l you i»r«iffwal4«ial ngwre << any uew «wig nanml If you will write th«m on theater iHterheada and mm- Uun niH RILl«RoAIU»

IMWIHT AViy ORt'd.iNIHT lArge llhranr nf mu- ■Ic eiprrt picture player; lea*! three-plere orrhtWfa. pr»rrf to play alone, l^ldmpv or rictniu. OROxX* jsT. iwre Hlllhoanl. Chicago. Hllnnta

riX\o ANH VKM.IK Man andl wife; wanta ptc- tufw «w rautleellle mgagitnent; w<wiKl cnnalder dance w»uii rellaMe. eipnimce and fine library* U O r, xht»»N»L Hid^-kpcwt. Iowa _

l*t*siTlON M*A\T>^^ Aa advompanlat; nawerr- atdry training and experidtncnl MISS E. J M.. care ‘Hie ItUlttnanl. (Xminnatl. Ohio i

I1^HIT10\ WAVrrnx Aa planlat; e»priien»vM !n •M Hfidw. prfmanmt Inratlmi; mS fur away rr.<t‘mNl: oei .-^ra nr almie; ticket JoIlN A. tHTt#. TIO M ritwi Aee., Iiayfnn. Ohio

YolNO MAN IMAMST XV.wiM like pieltbin a« writriM (W aiaaanpanitit: nawlng pltSiirvw or pari In rau.baille a<*t JOHVril XiTnA’H. 1» liowell St . \astuia. New Hann*dilre_

Yi»l NO MXV IMANIST Readl anti fake, alao play caUba**. no b»nae, mme on wire O F IIKRRON, i JH 711 N inth W, gidncy, llllnola_

SINGERS At Liberty AdvafilMmaatt wNhaut dlaglay, aadar this

haadlat, ara publlthad free af ebarfa.

4 I Mil.R Q!*ARTm*F Itrwt of appearance: nwn plHe wardrohe: r»<rfrncew; phfSfW on rr«|iiewl tickets. If far KiniXRiy n’HNtVO. S47 lUitnnlda HI.. Haiajirah. Ooiagla

XT IJIOMlTt V-T baimo aoioUl; imn' alw/'tlouMe quaiidSte: would like to hear fnwn mtialcal taba «w raiidf-miw act Adtlremi HOMFU h^.XTIIF.RINOllJ*. fure ItlHboanl. Oln<6nnatl. Ohio _

Hfiiy»Nl> TENOR For trio or quartette: eirS* 1*4.t TfUre and afiprarance* 5 ft. T: tSb iba tlARRA* **XOF. rare Itlllboanl. ftilcagdi. Ilttnota.__

siNOWtR- Alt the eery iatewt aonga are bate*! In <>iir I4ng lllnia <m page 11. If you will write the *ar1ou« puhllahen whone addreanea ara* alao gtem tn the Mma ealiimn. on a theater 1idt«rhead. and mm* Mm Tim flit J jtoiAlUy. thrr will am<| you pmfm- •ba»al iymkm fraa of ctiarva.

MoNoIamWST WajiVH i«*dtl4ai with TaiHlerlllo ongan) . a *M*i>am frirfn ntart to ftnUh: wnie or wile .X<ldr»wA SHAU. 114 IMne St., IMiHadelphia. l\l;t.a>lT4i>la-_

RIU» EXOLK 7Y>c ml) .Xmerlcan Indian In rautk- OHe powt-fiil: g ntfe*. juggili.g. daTi('*'H and slngl^ig the t«-r> l&tcwi t'tffnlc «w!gs. I111IMM4 managers write Otai. IM , l»anriliY. _ _

ItrilK OOIKIHAN ttiange juaffi often; work 4traUl.t In a^^- rl<»Ilii and altiv II. LKXVIS. L«>t.'eum HMg . W.' t i.t*»ttr Man-*idiUiMita-_

SHiNvTlNt; TI..XM Ftw Mage. parlLa. film nr Wild W*^: all feat* ffiir»*ly new; flvjug targii^. rifle and ns4il»rr HXOKR A So\, 351 E. 33d St., i'attrauci. N4W J.-r»ey _

SlVOl- ltS X!l the n latev arc U'*ted In our Sia g Hii.ta Ml |»ag*» 13 If yrm will write the »ari«*u<* pui»i:’‘b4ra wli4e*e atUir»^’w-a arx» a’.v» glTen in the ome >->:iinw . on a theatte lettiThtad. aii«l men¬ tion THE BllJJtnAlU>. they will M^n^\ 7v«u pnKtw- MMtal c"|»le> free <g charge _

ST»a'K A WINTTTRS HUuJtface akeld*h team; •«t)ar go ihrt'e ilay^. wimid like to h(*ar fmen taba.. «*<«'k4 or Tainleaille <^<npai«y AdtlreoA 53T 1-3 Uang*. S* . U' r4:it.d<.x

THXT MKTtUY TllRFF Tw* ladlra. wTe r^.t: alngerx, dand>-ra. Mmw'tUar an«l prmlUMr: ••Ingiea. dMi bl*"a an«t tJid* ‘gwrlaitJiw. Ud'ket.a. Addreaa < H.XRl.IK R.XVMONO._Mk.** tqwTa_H<*UAe, Rluefleld. W. Va.

THE Ij‘Ri>YS Ntw»^iy magical a<S: open fic m- I gxgvaneT ta In Mar^laiitl and Virginia; write quick I f«w (gwfi time THE lo‘RttYi4. 346 K Lcaniat Sc. ' YdWk. rmnaylTanta

V.xriO'VnT^: TUXM Man and wife; ^wvialty. Mngl^g. niwt-lf) daiuittg; we change: need ticket*. WIRTMl riLXNKUN, lU^a rt*:, AbHetie, Texaa_

VKNTRn>»LiriST Xt ItSerlr: Fhlla.WphU and rldrUty S.XM IJNn>nL\LXN, Tufl N. 5th S«., I^l- a«MphU, IVnnaYlranta

YOt'NO l*XDY OA'nJs^T Want* to >o4n pocognlaed a<n or irrwipe: hare had iwweral years* exp*iimce UXOY f^'tMJST. ^are HUlbfwu^l, Oicinnatl. Ohla

YtM’NO EXI^V WdWiM like to work or aa*dd I* monkey or d'W ad^ • rxierlmved. MIIXIF, ctrr Bill¬ board. New Yiwk iMty. __

STAGE ASPIRANTS Tk« follewlM •dvartiMmaata ai* fraa Artist*

wha fraakly diaaiala lose asparlsaoa. Thar will ba foaod willtac,

sblifinc and raaaoaabla.

ACROBATS At Libarly Advwlliriatkti wllhMl dtoalay. aadtr tbit

btadiBf. an aubllth«d IrM af ckaiW-

lioY Ki wn4iiii liki* t» (utn atTxhaur or tiimj.ii t a<-t In ramltsrillr aril hiillt i arixk'.i* to Irani. R. KM.I.IS. 3.M Sa.Tanvnilo i*.. INinIknJ. tH'*'at>n.

BURLESQUE & MUSICAL COMEDY At Liberty AdwrtIwaMatt withaut dlkplty. aadar thh

ktadlaa. ara publUhtd fraa af chan*.

.V.MIi|TI<*l s Y(*l NU M.VN- \tr 20; 6 ft.; 1’5 lh» ; w-rilil Ilkr to Join burlr»<iur or nguriral r.'-nt-lr ahow; liii-xiH-rirfu-rtl IIHKN' ARI* l*.VV IH. **^5 Mh-h- Uan .Vrr . Iktdndl, Xlhdilgkn._

llU\t'Kr.Vt-»J tN>MK.I*l.\\ MInMrrI m.l; anTthIna; aar. IP. .X ft X; IM lha ; .lo Irt.»h. Put.di. Jrw. \v.^ .X.hlr.-«« ItOll f.XRNCT, S554 XXlLaott .Xrr.. rJaat X'otinpatoam. t*lik>. __

~l* XNt 'lNO T^^XXI S«-lr4y’« lalr<»t atrtia; for imi- aloal naiM-ilT or an.* thiwtrl.'al oimraJiy; Utltr aNw«* rTTxriara; llckrl* nrr>liNl. X KRN' IH-UXVN', Om. IVrI.. ivarwipirt. Iowa.

YtH’Ntl MAN 20; .X ft. X; IXX Iha.: for ronaJoal oona-tlT or »»iitlr»Ulr; titt Uttio rxprrlmrr; Itcbtnlnf anlM; poo*! Ira.t nd.*r; tiokrt. AKTIRT, cart R4U- Niarl. t-lnfdnnatl. Ohio.

Tttl’NO MXN—1*; wrlalira voi'il.on with (onl bUT- Irwqiir .how: taka ntnor. hum ami rronk parta; tl.'k- rd JOHN l-OXX-KIJ.. Omrral Owllmr. Mllkw-IUn*.

IXmnjwIranla. _ _ _ _ ___

TOl'NO MAN ANT> OHUr At Ubartr to Jodn pond mitalral (ramvlr or arhool ar4; •ooM* «ia>«rlMuw; rtvlp If iwUaMa A t> lirsTEAD. OrtMcal l>«Ur«f.

, littaburih, IXwinvIranla.

Vor.Nfi MAN—Kor camlral, rauderlUp. muxlcal i-onM-dy, -adrUr. oonktllkii. hut willing to leant aiij,- Uiliig; ri-HfiuiiHlhle nutnagm wTlte. K. 11. RUSS, 1*00- laiol. Imliana.__

DRAMATIC ARTISTS At Liberty AdvertlMmenti without dltyUy. under tlilt

headlnf. art publlehed free el chartea

AM.XTyrrK WanU pfjKltioii with reliable coenpany; have wxm* stage exp* ritij<*e; wililt.g tt> work for k>w wwgtw; ran >iiii at utee. R. L. S.. care (*lLf\S. IllKRMtAA K. tklewha. MUwMArl._

YOl’.Nfi MAX -1!#; wmie «xp»'rieiK'e: do dramatic work; abwi gMKl ctautdiaji; prt'fer .stoi*k; aPW salary. fAlt.NKY^_Youiig«»lcwn, <Hd«>.

Y'orXfi MAN—WanU pcrxitioci with stock company; salary no (»t>j4et; will work f<g expettsf.a. Adiins.-^ M. HI itST. 7« 3 Ma-stm. Hallas. Texas._

MOTION PICTURE ARTISTS At Liberty AdvertiMments without ditylay, under this

headini. are gublithed free of charfe.

HOY lb; gootl appiaranc'e; !«g>«*r; goiMl eduoaUon; wInIh-* any kind uC pfewiimi wlUi rcllai>le Aim ciau- pari). A. L.. 501 La* (iranU aXpts.. AUautic City* New Jerw-y.

HUoTHER ANI* SISTKU Want to join film wvta- l»an> : can take kid part.-^; niage cxptrlcnce. .Xddnvs HKI Ja_OA ^S,_iMTiMal_iHllTi-O', lltuburg. l*a.

N-XTI'KAIa HoR.S’ At^ToR No experience In niov- 1“«. bul will make age 23: 5 ft. 152 Iba VKRXOV HKHKY. 519 Inwigla^Ht.. Jack.'ton. Michigan.

SIST>:R AXI# HRiiTHKR--Anxloas to join film nnmpan) ; «tjgc exi'eritiio*; age.4 Ik and 20. Addrt«;4 HKUa 1»AVls.^Jdvural IvUvcry. niuburgh. Pa.

YorXfl MAX -19: wisl;e4 to join film onmpany aa extra; photo and particulars on requeut. ilR.\NT SHE.XLY. 3o2 Hill, ILmyrus, Ohio._

YorxtJ MAX—(Ifwd ai>p*iarancc: 23; 5 ft. 9; dark, exprcswive ey»w: wants film etigagemeid; iiicxpeiiMussl. J(»S. GROK, fletiMal I>ellverv. Milwaukee. Wlsctausin.

VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS At Liberty Ad«rrtluni*att wKhaut display, uadtr this

headiaf, art publlthtd frta af charpe.

AM.VTI-n R jr<;<.I.KK XVti.t.s to join Juggling tit. I. CHKKRY'. (innral l>eltttT>'. Harmtxirt. I-mt.

tH-XKLUR I'll.Vli.lN I.XIl'KR.Sti.N.XTuK -Also Ji-w romnlUti. ln*n jaw Uid iin-k work. .Xihkrtwa UlO tlllJtoY’. kit Kime .Xrr.. IJunra. INtin.-tyltanla.

Yitl'Nf; .XI.W 17; w-oul)! like jHKltlnii a.^ a'Mi<- ant 111 magh* act; hare uiiifijm*. H L.ilSS.XRJ*. 36 Itrt-lge Ri^ .Xlanchemcr. .N.-w Hajniwhlre._

Yol'N'C XI.X\—VX’ant.s ti» J<dn rauiltnille a<-t or mii-dt-al cmmdy; 5 ft.; 12.3 Iht.; |>h'*u> on "Huuiwt. giaal ai^aaratii'e ai:<l Mimatlo*,. J.XtTv XXHITC. 73u lt«»;...'«alii -Xr.-., Norfolk. Virginia

X'ol'.NC XI.W—Wants piMitlm with Tauil<nmic on- I>at.y; age 21; 5 ft. 11; l.Xn Iht. ; light cnmpli-xlni; g*-*.! awwwraiii-r; photo on renueat tT-H'IL X'. S.VMI’- St*.N, Iha-kU-J'. XX'rttt Virgittla.


Amerioanw. I.oiila (Icrard. mgr.: (Savoy! Hamil¬

ton. Ont.. :M 29; (Ca.lillaci D* troit 31 Feb. .%. Aul<* (lirl*. Toil Sim*>n<N, m.;r.: (Trocadcro)

Flilla. '-’-I 29; (tlranil) Trenton Feb. 2-5. B<-auty. Youth A: F<*'l.v. I»u Stark, mgr.: IGay-

ety) Itro*>kI.Tn 2-t 29; <A(-a<Iemv) Fall River, Maa*.. Feb. 3 5.

r.roailway B«-lle-<. J*>e fYppenheimer. mgr.: (Oil-

more) SpringtlelJ 2-1 29; (Star) Brooklyn 31- F.-b. 5.

Blue Ribbon BeTe*. Wm. S. Clark, mgr.: (Star) St. Paul 24 29; lay-off 31 ('eb. 5.

Big Crate. J<'e l.eavltf. mgr.: (Park) Manrbesfer. N. II.. 24 '-*6; (Franklin S<i.) Worceater, Maaa.,

27 29; (C.ilm**r.-) SpringfleM 31 Feb. .5.

City Sports I.. E. Sawyer, mgr.: I.ay-off 24 29; (Century) Kansaa City 31 Feb. 5. I

Cabar*‘t Olrl*. l/ewlw IJvingaton. mgr.: (llowar*!)

Boston 24 '29: (Park) Vanohe-«ter. N. 11., 31- ] Feb. 2: (Franklin S<i.) XX'orceater, Mas-*., 3-5. i

Cherry Blossoms, Maurice Jacobs, mgr; (Em¬

pire) Cleveland 24 '29; Penn Circuit 31 Feb. 5. Crackerjacks. Boh Oorlon. mgr.: (Stamlard) St.

Tonis 24 29; (Oayety) Chlcairo 31 Feb. 5. Charming WMows. .Sam Levy, mgr.; (Orand)

Tn-nton 26 29: (Olyaiplc) New York 31 Feb 5 Pa-IIngs of Paris. E. Taylor, mgr.: (Oay¬

ety) Milwaukee 24 29; (Oayety) MlDnea|>olls 31 Feb. 5.

Fro'lcs of 1916. Frank I.alor. mgr.: (Oayety)

Xllnneapolls 24 29; (Star) St. Paul 31 Feb. 5. French Abslels. Marry Rosa, mgr.: (Olympic)

New York 24 29; (Academy) Jersey City 31- Feb. 5.

Ft*IH**s of Pleasnre. Rnbe Bernstein, mgr.;

(.XcademwX Fall River. Mass., 27 '29; (llowa-d) B.'tsPm SI Feb. 5.

Olrls From the Follies. 0ns Kahn, mgr,; (C*v

Inmbia) Grand Rapids 24-29; (Majestic) In- dlanaT>olls 31 Feb. .5.

Olrls From Joyland, Sim Williams, mgr: (Star)

Toronto 24 29; (Savoy) Hamilton, Ont., 31 Feb.

,5. Hello Girls. F. Follett. mgr.; (.Xcademy) Jersey

City 24 '29: (Oavety) Broi*klyn .Tl-Feb. 5.

nigh I Jfe Olrls. Frank Cslder. mgr.: Penn. Cir¬ cuit 24 29; (Oa.rety) Baltimore 31 Feb. 5.

TlelVv Paris. Wm. R<*ehm. mjrr.: (Oayety) Chl- i-ago 24 29; (Bnekingbsm) Ionisvllle 31 Feb 5.

lady Buccaneers, pick Zelsler. mgr.; (Bncklng-

bam) lyintsvHIe 24 '291 (Olympic) Cincinnati 30 F.-b 5.

Military, M. Wslnsfock. mgr.: (PirkY

Y<'nngstown. O.. 24 '26; (Grand) Akron 27 29;

(Empire) Cleveland 31 Feb. 5. Xfischlef XTakers, F. XX’. Oerhsrdy, mgr.: (Cad-

lllsc) TVtroIt 24 29; (Columbia) Grand Rapids

31 Feb R. Monte Carl.* Olrls, Jack Sntfer. mgr.: (Corin¬

thian) R**c4iester 24 29; (Star) Toronto 31- Feb. 5.

Parisian Flirts Charles R.*bltvs*'»n. mgr.: (T^r- ernm) Colnmhns 24 29: (Park) Youngstown.

O. 31 Feb 2; (Grand) Akron 3 5.

Record Breakers. Jack Reid, mgr.: (Garrick)

New York 24 29; (Corinthian) R>whester 31-

Feb 5. Review of 1915. Hen-T P. Plaon. mgr.: (Oavetr)

Baltlimwe 24 29; (Towadeo*) Phlla. 31 Feb. .5. Ser>fember Morning Glories. Xf. Be'gower. mgr.:

(X’orkvIPe) New XTork 24 29; (Gayetv) Phlla.

31 F-b. 5. Tempters. Chas. Baker, mgr.; (Englewood) Chi¬

cago 24 29; (OsTctv) Mllwankee 31 Feb. 5.

Tin Tons. .Toe Hnctlg. mgr.; (Olrmnlc) Cincinnati

24 29: (Tycenm) Colnmbns 31-Feb. 5. Tan*o Oneens, Fd E Paly, mgr.; (Star) Brook¬

lyn 24 29; (Yorkvllle) New York 31 Feb .5.

r. S. Beantles. Pan Onggenbelm. mgr.: (Ma¬ jestic) Indlinspolls 24 29; (Englewood) Chi¬

cago 31 Feb. 5. Wlnnera, The. narrr K. Oatea. mgr.: (Majeattc)

Wilkes-Barre 26 29; (Garrick) New York 81- Feb. B.

XX’hlte, Pat, Sbow, Ia?w Talbot, mgr.: (Century)

Kansas City 24 29; (Standard) St. Louis 81- Feb. 5.

Yankee IhsMlIe Girls, Henry P. Nelson, mgr.:

(Oayety) Phila. 24 29; (Majestic) Wllktdh

Barre Feb. 2-5.


Behman Show, Jack Singer, mgr.: (Park) Brblge-

port 27 29; (Hurtig ii Seamon's) New York

31Keb. 5. B<*n Tons, Ira Miller, mgr.: (Bastabltl) Syracuae

24-26; (l.uuibcrg) Ctica 27-29; (Oayety) Mon¬ treal 31 Fib. 5.

Bustouiau-s, Frank S. Pierce, mgr.: (Miner’s

Bronx) New York 24 29; (Empire) Broukljn

31-Feb. 5. Follies of the Pay, Barney Gerard, mgr.: (Co-

luiiAil) Provideuee 24 29; (Oayety) Bouton 31- Feb. 5.

Globe Trotters, M. Saunders, mgr.: (Oayety) St.

liouis 24 29; (Culuiiib(a) Chicag** 31 Feb. 5.

Gay New Yorkers, Harry laHrui, mgr.: (Oayety) Xluntreal 24-29; (F.iiipire) Albany 31 Feb. 5.

Gypsy Maids. W. X'. Jennings, mgr.: I-ay-i>ff '24-

29; (P>a.-*table) Syravuee 31 Feb. 2; (1-umberg) Utica 3-5.

Golden Cr<s*ks, Jas. C. Fulton, mgr.: (Empire)

-Vlbauy 24 29: (Casino) Boston 31 Feb. 6.

Girl Trust, Louis Epstein, mgr.: (Lyceum) Day- ton, ()., 24 29: (Empire) Toledo 31 Feb. 5.

Hastings, Harry, Show. Martin J. XX'igert, mgr.:

(OraiHl) Hartford 24-29; (Jaisiues) Waterbury 31 Feb. 5.

Howe’s. Sam, George R. Bacheler. Jr., mgr.:

(Empire) Brooklyn 24 29; (Colonial) Pr<*vl-

dence 31 Feb. 5. Liberty Girls, .Xlex. U. Gorman, mgr.: (Oayety)

ILwton 24-29; (Columbia) New York 31 Fet*. 5.

Majesties, Fred Irwin, mgr.; (Hurtig A Sea¬

mon's) New i'ork 24 29; (Orpheuui) Paterson 31 Feb. 5.

Manchester’s, Bob. .Show: (Jacques) Waterbury

24-29; (Miner’s Bronx) New Y’<*rk 31-Feb. 5. .XIaids of .Viiierica. Fniiik .XIc.Vleer, mgr.: (Ber-

cbel) Pes Yloines '24-27; (Oayety) Umaha 31- Feb. 5.

Mini<*n Dollar Dolls, Chas. Falke, mgr.: (Gay»'ty)

Omaha 24 29; (Gayetjl Kansas City 31Feb. 5.

XIMnigbt Maidens. E. XX'. Cbipman, mgr.; (Oay¬ ety) D*>troit 24 29; (Oayety) Toronto 31 Feb. 5.

Jlerry Kouiiilers, James XX'eeden. nigr.: (Empire)

Toledo 24-29; (Star A Gart*'r) Chicago 31-'F*b. 5.

Marion’s, Dave, Show, B<ib Travers, mgr.: (Star

& Garter) Chicago 24 29; (Bercbel) Ih-s M<dnes I 31TVb. 3.

Pu«s I’liss, .\I I.ubin, mgr.; (Oayety) T.*pi>nf<* 24- '29: (Oayety) Buffalo 31 Feb. 5.

Ret-ves, Al: (Columbia) Chicago 24 29; (Gavety)

D*'ln*lt 31 Feb. 5.

Roseland Girls, Bob Mills, mgr.; (Star) Cleve- I land ’24 29: (I.yi-eum) Dayton, ()., 31 Feb. 5.

Bosey Posey Girls, Peter S. Clark, mgr.: (Ca«ino)

Rrooklyn 24 29; (Empire) Newark 31 Ftb. .">. Syilell, R<*s<-, W. S. Campbell, mgr.: (Orpbeum)

Pater.soii '24 29; (Empin ) ilol>oken 3J Feb. 5.

Strolling Players, ls*nM Gilbi-rt, mgr.: (Oayety) Pittsburg 24 '29; (Star) Cb-veland 31 Ftb. .'*.

Sts'lal Maitls. Jo,- Hurtig. mgr.: (Casino) Phlla. 24 29: (Palace) Baltimore 31 Feb. .5.

S|s*rting XX'ltlows, B<*b Simons, mgr.: (Empire)

Htiboken 24 29: (Casinoj Phila. 31 Feb. 5. Star A Garter, Asa Cuniinings, mgr.; (Casino)

IhkSton 24-29: (Grantl) Hartft>rd 31 Feb. 5. Smiling B*-autles. Ben Harris, n(gr.: (Palace)

Ballinitire 24 29: (Oayety) \\'ashlngl<*a 31 Feb.

5. Tourists; (Empire) Newark 24 '29; (Park) Brblge-

l>ort F*b. 3 5.

Twentieth Century MaiiLs. R. E. Patton, mgr.:

(tJayety) Kansas City 24 29; (Gavety) St. lamls 31 Feb. 5.

Batson Wn>the .Show, Manny Rosenthal, mgr.: (Ga.vctvi XX'asIiin.ton 24 2Jt; (tiayety) Pitts¬ burg 31 Feb, 5.

XX'elch. Ben, Show. Harry Shaiiirt*. mgr.: (Oay¬

ety) Buff lh* 24 29; lay off 31 Feb. .'*. XX’atson's. Billy. Show, Win. F. Rife, mgr.:

(Colnmbia) New York 24-;I9; (Casino) Brooklvn

31 Feb. 5.

BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS Httll's, Paul R., Bantl: (Excelsior Hall) New

York, indef.

P’.Xntlrea's Bam); Rockdale, Tex., 24 29.

Fisk's. I)«sle, Rand A Orchestra: Hawley, Minn.. 26; Bamesvllle 27; Fergus Falls 28; Pelican Rapids 29.

Leach, Mark C.. Orchestra: (Princess) Rusbville,

III., imief. Nasca’e Rajxl; Mtvntlcello. Fla.. 24 29. Neel's. Carl, Baml: (Columbia) Mt*tiile, .Ala., in¬

def. Paduano's B.and: Newark, N. J.. Indef.

Sousa's Baml: Illlp|sslri>me) New Y't>rk. indef.

Tinker’s. M. Frank. Concert Co.: Pam'ariscotta, Me., 26; Freeis^rt ’27; Portlaml 28; Bethel '29; Norway 31; Berlin. N. H.. Feb. 1; Groveton 2;

W. Stewartstown 3; Colebrcs>k 4; Lymlooville,

Vt., 5.


Stetson's Uncle Tom’a Cabin Company Is ploughing its way throngh the snow in New Y’ork. New Hampshire and X’ermont. playing one and three-night stands. The people of this section look forward eagerly to the annnal en¬ gagement of Stetson’s excellent show, and the anow matters m^t. Leon Washburn, owner and manager of the attraction, is presenting the usual big doable production, witb thirty-five petiple. For specialties fourteen colored per¬ formers are carried. The executive staff is the same as In former years, with J. W. Brt-wnlee as manager.

The K'l nbean Theater, at Fitchburg, Mass., was damaged to the extent of $1,290 by fire on January 7.

The Willmar Opera Honse, at Wll’jnar, Minn., was completely dvstroyetl by Are on the night of January 13. The honse was newly remodeled last fall at a cost of $7,009. and was proving very snccessful as a combination bouse, nmier the ownership and management of Alton Crosby. The theater was being booked tb-ongh the H. L. Walker Circuit of Theaters.

Dode Fisk and M. C. (Doc) Cookston have been routing a ten piece concert and dance orchestra throngh the Northwest for the past fonr months, making one-day stands very snccessfnilj. Dode Fisk Is handling the company and Cookaloa la doing the promoting, three weeks ahead.

Robert O. Henkel is manager of the new Cando Andltorinm at Cando. N. D.. and la playtnc road shows and pictures. The new bonae will seat 514 people, and baa all new equipment.

38 Xtie Billt>08r<l JANUARY 29, 1916.


i Hryau & llartly (MaJeHtlc- KalaiiiABoo, Mlcb. I Kryuii. Ktta. dt CV <St. Jaihen) lu»Kton.


. Rurkp, Joint Mao (PiintaEi'a) Salt I.akp; (Pan- I laK<'>‘) 111 I'Vli. .'>. i Piirko iV l.iirko lAiinTnaii) rliloatio.

Iturko, Dan, .V (ItrlM (Koravllil Atlanta; (Vir- tonal fliarloHtoii. S. 1’., HI Fob. J.

Burkliai l, Maurlt o i P'lMlin li k) lirouklyn; (Kplth) Il*ix>vM«“Ucp HI Feb. 5. Itiirkliurt A: l\<‘l»i (Majet-tlol Slireve|>i>rt. l.a.

WU0. I.ujuumiu HIM i«.er man r m e«m wtxxt to in.xure r'loueailon. Ttie lllllboanl for rrrds all mall for profinulotial* frw oE diirne. Members of the profevUiai are liir'.tid.

while oo the road, to hare their mail ad<lr>'M«ed In oare of The Uillboard. and It will be foiwarded prom:>il)!


When no date is given the week of Jan. 24-29 is to be supplied.

Bee Ho Oray & .Ada Stimmerrllle (Marylandl B.altiiiiore .Ht-Keb. 5.

BOWERS, WADERS & CROOKER WIU ItubUiauii I'ruiue. Jr.

Adame, flene & Babe (Fanillyl Roelieater, N. Y.: (Brant) Brantford, Out., 31 Feb. 3; ((irand) I»n<lon 3-5.

Aliel Neal (Oriibetiiii i CbampaiKn. Ill. Itennlnpton Slater* (Alajeetio) •••alamar to. MlcU. AlH-lea A Po F.flward (McVlrker) Cblcago. Benny & Wtaals (Orplieum) Portland, Ore. Adair & Grimtha (Orpheum) Peoria. 111. IVntley. lAlanmy New Orleana. Adnarda, Three (Fn <ine) Minneaitolia. Bereafonl. Harry. & Co. (Majeatir) Dalla*. Tex. Adonl* A Do(t (Teniide) Rochester; (Maryland) Bergen. Alfred (Kelthl Philailelphla Hl-Feb 5.

Baltimore 31 Feb. 5. ^i ^ r****''* IndianaiKtlls; (Temple) Ib-trolt 31Feb. H.

^ m^mmM A ■ V** Bernard A Shaw IKi|oiil Fall River Mas* I 11 V Bs Bernard. Joe. K.. A-Co. (Keith) Washington.

B ■■ Bernard A Phillip* (Temple) Roolieater; (Mary¬ ann land) Baltimore Hl-Feb. If. J___ —- Bernanl, Sam (Majestic) Milwaukee; (Columbia)

St. lout* HI Feb. n.

_ Bernard A Scarth (Prospect) Brooklyn. _ . . . _ Bemardl llllpp.) Bnltlniore.

Peiwonal Direction Frederick McKay. P.erren* The (Yonee St 1 Toronto Betta’ Seals (Pantagea) Stwkane; (Pantageal

Abeam, Charle*. Troupt" (Alhambra) New York, Seattle Hl-Feb. 5. iProsiiect) Brooklyn Hl-Feb. 5.

Albert A Irving (I.yrlc) Birmingham; (Forayth) Atlanta 31 Feb. 5. _ .

Alexander, Geo. B. (Umpire) N. Yakima, Wash. Alexander A Scott (Miles) Cleveland. Alexander Bros. (Temple) Detroit; (Temple)

Rochester 31-Feb. 5.

“Tndlsn.t,dii'Vi'’'i;v.V O.: (Keith) i-urley A Burley (Orpheum) Oakland. Cal.; (Or

Burns A Foran (Ilelan.ey St.) New Y'ork. s I linD I BBDHFC Burns A Klsseii iPant.igesi < aUary, Cun. ww ■ w ^ mw Iw aP Burns A I.vnu (Majestic) Chicago.

Burns A Foran (Ilelan.ey St.) New Y'ork. s I IIBD I BBDHFC Burns A Klsseii CaUary, Cun. “ ■ wP ^ I VMWwIwbW Burns A I.ynu (Majestic) Chicago.

DIRECTION JAS. E. PLUNKETT. Bush. Frank (Panlagesi Seattle; (Paiitages) (Van.suiver, B. C.. HI Feh.

Bennington Sisters (Majestic) t>'alamnj;''0. MlcU. Cadets de Gas<-oyne (Glols-l Itoston. Benny A Wtssls (Orpheum) Portland, Ore. Cudieux (Umpire) N. Vakluia, Waab. Itentley. Mampstend i.AIamol New Orleans. Cuites Bsst. (Keith) IVashlngton. Beresfonl. Harry. A Co. (Majestic) Dallas, Tex. Calte. .Mine. lOuvisi IMItshnig :il Feb.

LOUIS BAUM Featured with Victor Mnriey A Oo.

Between Trains (Franklin) Saginaw, Mleh

(Tamenm, Grace (Pantages) Sisikane; tPantages) Seatt e 31-Feb. 5.

Campbell, .Miss.* (Forsyth) Atlanta; (Davla) ITItsburg 3TFeb. 5. Craig (Shea) Buffalo; (Shea) T.uonto 31 Feb. 5.

Caiisliusi. The (Orpheum) Denver (Burns) Col<e railo Springs 31-Feb. 1; tOrp.ieum) IJnculii. Nib.. 3 4.

Cantor A lee lOridieum) Oaklan.l. Cal., .HI Feb .%. Cantwell A Walker (R..yall New York 31-Feh. Carmen’* Minstrel* (Pantages) S|s>kane; (Pan-

tages) Seattle 31 Feb. 5. Carl A Khell (Ju.litli) leslstown, Mont., 27-38;

(Gran.1) Great Falls 29 30. Carlton A CUffonl (Bljonl Rlchumml. Va. Carr, E.I.IIe, A Co. (Orpheum) M.mtreal. Carndl, Keating A Fay (Empress) Seattle. Carsdl, Nettle. Troui'e (Empress) Sacramento,

Cal. Carson A Wlllarxl (Majestic) Ft. Worth. Tex.

10 adgie:s lions Beyer, Ben, A Co. (Palace) Chicago; (Majestic) I Carter A Waters (liOew) Rochester, N. Y.

Milwaukee Sl-Feb. 5. Case, Charley (Orpheum) lietmlt.

—TANOO— Torli Hotel. New Tort

Bolger Bros. (Orpheum) MInneapolia 31-Feb. 5. I Casteluccls, Seven (Miles) Det^4t.


(Pantages) Salt Bake .Hl-Feb. 5. Allen A Allen (Majestic) Flint, Mich. Allen Trio (Empress) 8t. Paul. Allen, Mr. A Mr*. Fred (Orplieum) Earg.), N. D. All Ctrl Itevne (Orpheumi Madison, Wl*. Almond. Tom A Edith (Hipp.) Terre Haute. 1ml.

BLEXANDER KIDS Dir. H. F. Weber. Booked Solid D. B. O.

Alverettas. Three (Emprese) Seattle. American Dancers, Six (Keith) ('olumbua, O,, Anieta iC-o)onial) New York; (Orpheum) Brook¬

lyn 31-Feb. 5. Anker Trio (Keith) Columbus. O. Annapolla Bovs, hive (Orpheum) IJneoln, Neb. Antwerp Girls (Keith) Indianaiiolls; (Hifip.)

Y’oungatown. O., 31-Peb. 5. Arados. l.ea (Pantages) Ixi* Angeles; (Pantages)

Diego 31-Feb. 5.

The Original AMETA The World’* F»mou* Minor Claaalc Dancer. Booked •oUd on the Pnlted E*»tem Tme for thirty-five week*.

Arco Bros. (Academy) Norfolk. Va. Ardath. Fred J., A Co. (Keith) louisvllle; (Shea)

Buffalo 31-Feb. 6. Argo A DuUtz (Emppiws) Butte, Vfont. Arnant Bros. (Maryland) Baltimore. Asliley A Morgan (Orpheum) Detroit. Aahley, Lillian (Academy) Norfolk, Va. Attell. Abe (Rovsli New York 31-Feb. 5. Avon Four (Colonial) Dayton, O.; (Keith) Clere-

land 31 Feb. 6. Bachelor Dinner (Orpheum) San Franclaco; (Or-

pbeum) Sacramento 31 Feb. 2. Bachebirs' Sweethearts (Pantages) Calgary, Can. Baker. Belle (Keith) Toledo; (Keith) Clerelaad

81 Feb. 5. Ball A West (Majestic) San Antonio, Tex. Ball, Ray Eleanor (Keith) Louisville; (Prlnoewa)

NashvUle HI Feb. 2. Ballet Divertissements (Orpheum) Salt Lake;

(Orpheum) Denver Hl-Feb. 5.


Bonked Solid. PviwMial Dir. Jennie Jamba.

Balzer Slaters (Temple) Rochester. Bancroft A Browskl (Alhambra) New Y’ork 31-

Feb. 5. Bandit. 'The (Bay Bldge) Brooklyn. Baiikoff A Girlie (Keith) Toledo; (Orpheum) 8L

PanI .Hl-Feb. 5. Bannan*. Three (Apollo) Janeavllle, Wla. Baraban A Groh* (Royal) New Y’ork. Barat, Artlinr (Orphenm) Llnetdn, Neb.; (Or¬

pheum) K*n«a« City .Hl-Feb. 5. Barber A Jackson (Empire) N. Yakima, Waah. Bards, Four (Bljon) Richmond, Va. Barlow*. Breakaway (l.lberty) Cleveland. Bamold’s Doga (Pantages) San Francisco; (Pan-

tagee) Oakland .HT-Feb. 5. Barne*. S’nart fOenhenm) Salt Lake .Hl-Feb. 5. Bamr. I yd|a (Keith) Providence.

RAE ElEAHOR BAIL Barry. Mr. A Mr*. J. (Orphenm) Montreal;

(Keith) IV-ton 31-Feh. 5. Barto A Clark (Orphenm) South Bend. Ind. Barton, Sam (Orphenm) Winnipeg; (Grand) Cal-

ga-y HI Feb 2. Bayes, Nora (Columbia) Ht. I»uia; (MaJ'-atlc)

Chicag-i HI Feh. 5. Pavh! Ralph A Oe PBIlcn) Jackson. Mich HTcanmonre A Arnold (Colombia) St. TxMtIs. Bedim, Madame (Orpheum) Slonx City, Iowa.

Big City FVaor (BIJoo) Savannah, Oa.; (Victoria) Charleston, 8. C., 81-Feb. 2.

Big Four (Pantages) San Diego, Cal.; (Pan- tage*) Salt Lake 31-Feb. 5.

Blrchley. Jack (Orplieum) New York. Bishop, Marie (Orpheum) San Francisoo 81-Feb.

5. Biaon City Pour (Majestic) Ft. Worth, Tex. Bixley A l.erner (Empress) Decatur. III. Black A White Revue (St. James) Boaton. Blanc, Jnlla, A Co. (Pro«i>ect) Brooklyn; (Keith)

Boston 31-Feb. 5.

MR. LEO BEERS ManamxBent Claud* and Onrdnn RnMock.

Blanche, Belle (Colonial) New York. Blondell. B<l. A Co. (DeKalb) Brooklyn. Boarding School GIrla (Panta-e*) l'>Imoot>>n,

Can.; (Pantages) Calgary Hl-Feb. 6. Bobker's .Lrab* (Franklin) Saginaw, Mich. Boris-Fridkln Truu|>e (Orj'henm) South Baud,

Ind. Bottoinley Troupe (Novelty) Topeka, Kan. Bouncer's. Billy, (jircua (Oiphenm) San Fran¬

cisco 31-Feh. li.

Bowers, Fred V., A Co. (Keith) Washington; (Maryland) Baltimore 31-Feb. 5.

Bradley A Norris (Keith) Washington; (Keith) Ptilla. Hl-Feb. 5.

Bride Shop (Hipp.) Yonngstown, O.; (Palace) Chicago Sl-Feb. 5.

Breen. Harry (McVloker) Chicago.

VALERIE BERGERE Bremen*. The (Pantages) Tseoma. Wash ; (Pan-

tages) Portland. Ore.. .Hl-Feb. 5. Brenner A Al'en (MaJ<-*tlr) Hniiston, Tex. Bro''khank. Harrison, A Co. (Orpheum) Brriok-

lyn Hl-Feb. 3. Bronson A Baldwin (Palace) Clilesgo Besiks A Bswen (Grand) Fvan«vll|e. Ind. Besiks. Wally, A Co. (Empress) Seattle. Be» k*. Harry, A Co. (Pros|S‘ct) liesiklyn 31-

Feh. 5. Br«ik*. Alan. A Co. (Maryland) Baltimore 31-

Feb. Besiks A Bowen (Columbia) St. Ionl*. Bi-ower, Walter (Orphenm) Montreal. Brown A McCormack (Ma)eatlc) Mons*on. Tex. Brown A Srs*ncer (Grand) Knoxville, Tenn.; (Bl¬

jon) Savannah, Ga.. HI Feb. 2 Beiwnirvg, Bessie (.MsJ<-«tlr| Dsllss Tex. Brnch Frlr* A 1 nev (O-nlienm) Brooklyn; (Co-

k-nlsl) New York HI Feh. 5. Brunette*. Cycling (Keith) Indianapolis 31-F*b.6

Caater*. Four (Pantxees) Oakland. C*l.; (Pan¬ tages) lios Angeles 81-Feb. 6.

Castino A Nelson (Orpheum) lUiston Canpollcan, Chief (Majeatlc) San Antonio. Tex. Cavana Dno (Pantages) Caigary, Can. Cecil Eldred A Carr (RIJon) Bes>ltlyn. Ceclllan Maid*. Six (Empire**) San Francisco. Celeste (Roanoke) Roanoke, Va.; (Acamedy) Nor¬

folk 31 F. b. 2.

ETHELYN CLARK In Vaodevine with Joseph It Hnwanl

Cbillon. Jean (Orphenm) Halt Ijike; (Orpheum) Denver 31 Feb. 5.

Chandler, Anna (Maryland) Raltimore 31 Feh 6 Chsse. Howard. A Co. (Empress) Decatur, lli. Chip A Marble (Davis) Plttaburg; (Keith) In-

dianapolla 31-Fnb. 6. Christie, Kennedy A Faulkner (American) Chi¬

cago; (Majestic) Dubunus. U.. 31-Feb. 2; (Columbia) Davenport .HA,

Clinm*. Three (Novelty) T<»p«ka, Kan. Clccollnl (Orjiheuni) Omaha. Clark. Minstrel Billy (Etnpre**) Sacramento, Cal

Clandlnt A Scarlet (Or.iheum) Omaha; (Onihenm) Kansas City 31 Feb. 5.

Clayton. Tna, A Go. (She*) Toronto. Clayton, Bessie. A Co. (Orphenm) I'.irtland Ore. C'eveland. C. A M. (Colonial) Erie. Pa.' niff. Genevieve. A Co. (Ondieiini) St. Paul. Clifford, Kathleen (Temide) Detroit Clinton*. Novelty (Majestic) Ft. tVorth, Tex. Cllnoer Come<ly Four (Orpheum) JirkisonTlIlr

Fla. Clown See! (Keith) Cincinnati; (Keith) lonis

vllle 31 Feb. 5. Costi-s. Inin. A Co, (Keith) ToIe<lo; (Empress)

Grsnd Rspld* HI Feb. 5. Co Fd*. Tlie (Bljcni Jackson. Mich, Co'n’a D, g« (Prnrkllni Snrinaw Mich. Cole A W<s»l* (O-phenm) Jacksonville, n*. Collier A DeWel'l (ItoTsI) New York Hi Feb Colonial Days (Pantages) I.* Angeles; (Pan

tsgi-s) Hsn D'pgo HI Feh. If.

Colopisl Belles (Shea) Buffalo; (Shea) Toronto HI Feh. 5.

Colonial .Minstrel Maid* (Orphenni) Champaign,

COLLINS and HART winter Harden, Indrf.

Conlln. Rar (Jndlth) I ewlstown. Mont., 27 28; (Grand) Great Falls 29 3(1.

Collins. Vllf (Keltb) Cincinnati; (Palace) Chi¬ cago 31-Fch. .1.

Comfort A King (White) Fresno, Cal.; (Or¬ pheum) Ixs Angeles Sl-Feb. B.

Cooaut, CalUt* (Urjiheuni) 1‘orllauil, Or*. Cuuuolly, Liwlu A Jsiie (Mujesi.c) Chicago

ll'uluuibla) 8t. Isrul* 31 Fib. 5. Coiiiiully Melere A Iw gcr iHl. Juiiies) Boston. Cuiirad A ( on rad )Or|>iieuui) iH-nver; (Buriw)

Loluradu .S|iiliigs 31 Feb. 1, (Oitiheuui) Iduioln .Neb.. 3 4.

Cook. Jiw illl|>|i.) Voiingstown, ().. .HI Feb. L'laike A Rollicrl (I'uiilugie) IaIuiuuIoii, ««u..

Li'uutages) lalgaiy 31 Feb. «'i~ k (llgii (Hri'i.eiiiii) lliiiulm 31 Feb. Corbetl, Shepiiard A ..van (Keith) Indlsh

a|MdU; (Keith) W uahiiiglini 31 Feb. 5. Corcorau A Ding e (Kil(h) iiucluustl; (Keith)

INsehliiglou 31 F'eb. 5, Corr, ,\uifr A l otr (I’riiicessi Wichita Kan. Correl.l A (iillette (Orpheum) Seattle, (Or

pheuiu) Portland 31 Feb 5. Corrigan A Vo lull iltijuiii l.anriiig. Ml.-h. Coiirlliey Maters (.Scveiitli .Vvc.) .Sew Fork. Cialg A Iriliig iMuJerOi ) .Ni-wurk N. J. Cranberries (Keith) Cleveland; (Keith) Clncln

■•all 31 Feb. 5. I'ruiiriiiii A !.•••• (Fiillon) llnsiklyn. Crawford A Ilnrlerb k (Teuiple) Detroit, (Teio

pie) RiH'heater 31 Feb. 5. Creighli'U. lielii»ni( A Crcightun lOrphcuiu)

Gr»-en Bay, Wla. Creo (Paiilages) laM Angeles; (Pantages) Saa

Diego 31 Feb. 5. Creary A Da) lie (Prosiigct) Bns>kl)U, (Keith)

Providence 31 Feb. 5. Crisps. The (Oriii.eiiiio Salt Lake .Hi Feb. ( muiwells. The (Buy Rblgc) Bnsiklyn. Croasuiau's Entertainer* (.Mary and) Baltimore. Cruuilt, Frank (Whl(e) Fresno, Cal. Cullen, Jaa. H. (Orpheum) Wiuul)>eg; (Graoil)

Cal ary 31 Feb. 2. Cuuuinghaui. Evelyn (Majestir) Ft. Worth, Tex. Cuiiiiiiigliam A Clements (Greeley s<| ) Near

York. Curtl*. Ruth (Graml) Knoxville, Tetm.; ll.yiic)

Blruiliigham 31 Feb. Curlla, Julia (Coluuial) Erie, Pa. Cutty. W. A M. (ieiupb) I>etri>lt; (Temple)

Rochester 31 Feb. 5. Dale. Violet (Keltlii Cincinnati 31 Fell. Daliierel. (iis'rge, A C*'. ttlrp.-eiiuo l*ea Vloinea,

la.: (Orpheiimi Mliiiien|s>ii*. Dancing Davey (Pantages) Iai* Angeles; (Pan

tag.*) San Diego 31 Fefi. .5 Danube*. Four (Orjibeuml Montreal. Davia. Hal, A to. (Temple) Hamilton. Can.,

31 Feb. 5. Daviea, Heine (Orpheum) I.lneoln. .N'eb,; (Pal

ace) Chicago SI i'Vb. 5. Davis, Tout. A l*o. (Or)iheiini) »!onx City. la. Davis. Geo.. A Family (Orpheviin) .New York. Uelaing, Maldle (Pantages) Calgsry 4'an. DeVlar, Grace (Orpheum) Seattle 31 Feb. S. DeSchelle, Uorolliy, A Co. (Orplieum) Jarlmon

vllle, n*.; (Victoria) CJiarlesiou, S. C., 81- Feb. 2.

DeSerri*. Henrietta (Keith) Providence; (Co- loiilal) New York 81-Feb. R

DeVuie A l.lvlngston (Columbia) Ht. lavul*; (Or- pbeutu) Memphis 31 Feb S.

DeVoy, Emmet. A Co. (Or)iheam) Heattle; (Or¬ pheum) Pivrtland 31 Feh. S.

DelnHire A M«K>re (Mllesi Cleveland; (l.yrlc) Buffalo HI Feh. .'

Desval, Olympia (Keith) Indlanapoll*; (Keith) Clevelaod 31 Peh. B.

Devine A Wllllaui* (Columbia) Ht. laxil* 31 Peb. B.

Diamond A Brennan |Or(>heiim) Omaha; (Or pbenni) Minneapolis 31 Pr-b. 5.

DIneliart, .\lten, A Co. (Hliub) YountDitowii. O.; (Keith) Toledo 31 Peb. 5

Dlnkelspler* Christina* (Majestic) Mllwaokr* Sl-Feb. 5.

Doctor’* Order* (DeUncey Ht.) New York

JAS. B. DONOVAN AND MARIE LEE King of IrtUad. IHm UtU* Beauty.

D. a O. TIME.

Doll, Alice Iiyoiloa, Co. (Majeatlc) Chicago. Dully A Mack (Forayth) Atlanta; (Grand) Knox¬

ville. Tenn.. 31 Peb. 2. Duo Pong Gue A Haw (Majestic) Chicago 31-

Peh. y

Donald-Ayer, Mote. (Orphenm) Halt Lake; (Or pheum) Denver Sl-Peb. B.

Donovan A Lee I Orpheum) Mcniphla 31 Feb. 5. Dooley A Kiigi-1 (Hipp.) Terre Haute, Ind. Dooley A Hale* (Orpheum) Montreal; (Dirminloo)

Ottawa 31 Peb. B. Dooley A Hilgel (Temple) Itetmlt 31-Peb. 5. Dooley, Jed A Ethel (Hbea) Buffalo; (Hhea) To

moto 31 Peb. B. Dooley, Hay, Trio (Prince**) Nisbvtlle, Tenn ;

(Columbia) Ht. louls SI Peb. B. Doraeh A Kuaaell (Majestic) Bloomington, III Dowling. Ed IPnIton) Brooklyn. Downs A Gomel (Y'orge St.) To-xvnto. Diiyle. John T.. A Co. (BoiilevantI New York Dream Pirate* (Pantages) Winnipeg, Can.; (Pan¬

tages) Edmonton 31 Feh. B. Dream*. Marie (Hlp(i.) In* Angeles. Dudley, H, II., A Co. (Pantages) Ix>a Angeles,

(Pantages) Han Die'o 31 Peb. B. Dugan A Haymnnd (Palace) Chlrage. Dunbar’s Novelty Singer* (.Majestic) Hprlng

field. HI. Dnnbar A Ttirner (Orphenm) l>e* Motive*, la Dunbar. Cha* A Madeline (BIJnti) J*rks«n.Mlrh. Dntibar's Southern Singers (Colonial) New York. Dunbar's Bellrltigera (Orpheum) Sau Pranclaisi

24-Pcb. B. Diinmlln, Qiiei-nlc (Majeatlc) Han Antonio. Tex Ihinn A Di-sne (Empress) Tills*. Ok. Dupree A Dupree (Orphenm) .Minneapolis; (Or

l.heiim) Ht. Paul HI Feh. .5. Duttons. The (Ondienin) Oakland, Cal; (Or

pheiim) Sacramento HI Peh. 2. Dyer, l-'rancea (Pantages) Sslt lake; (Pantages)

Ogden HI Peb. B. Dyer P*ye Trio (Orpheum) Seattle; (On>heum)

Portland HI Peb. 5 Earl A riirtl* (Keith) Cincinnati; (Colonial)

Erie. P*.. HI Peb fi. Earle, Georgia, A Co. (Keith) Provldent'e. Fdwsrd* Julia (Glotie) Boston Eldrid, Gordon. A Co. (Gaiety) Gilcabiirg. Ill Eller’s Goats (Amerlrnni Chli-aco. Ellnore A Csrlton (Lyric) l|»lsiken. N J Elliott A Miillrn (Frnnklln) Ssrinaw. Mich EHIaon, Glen (Orphenm) Memphis; (Orpheum)

New Orleans 81 Peb. B. RIIwimmI a Snow (llltvn.) Biltlmore

MABEL ELAINE "Town T<ip1c*.'’ Indetlnltely.

Elmore. Gna. A Co, (Pantages) Seattle: (Pan¬ tages) VancouT<>r, B. C., HI Ecb fl.

Eml>s A Alton (Eni|iress) Heestiir III Emerson A Bsblwln (Colonial) New York Emmett. Mr. A Mrs. Iliigh (Orphenint De*

Moines la Emmett A Tcinge (Orphenm) Montreal 81 Feb. B.

JANUARY 29, 1916. X ti e Billboard 39

fuiplrr foiiiiNly K.nir (Orpbt-uiii) ill. *Kui|»rf»>t) I’urtlaud. <»r*.

I'uliill'. I'rUi tK«"lllii I IfVfUuil III l>b. 3 Krf<'r>l'« I Alliaiiibra) N«-w Ymk; (Hoah-

Hli-k) |tna>kljrn SI Krb. 3. Kriiu- A Krule (KflUO l*r>»vlilenfe. fNIUK, Kil (bf'rulb .Vrw York. I A .SlHtor i(lr|>li<Miuii South lloiiil. Inil. Kirioot'a Novfitjr <'lr<’U« (KvltU) Coluuibu*. O.; "(Ki-.thl Tolr'lo 31 Fob. 5.

K»i rftf» ClnMi* iHipp. ( Torro JIaiitr. Iiid. Kii < A Whltr Sataniuih. <J«. Ftlruiin A Arrlii-r (Kuii>r»-«»t Soalllr. I'liitoirH .\tblplf« Miairtjt tialroburs. 111. J.'j'l-r (SirU tKrltb) tKoUUl Pn>TldcBr«

:il li b. 5. I'aix'liiatliii: n»ra iToiiipli-1 llanilltoii, ('an., 31-

r,l>. Ka>.'Moii SI>ow t Orphan in) »t. Panl.


THt: FAYIMES A riMay. naahf Pair.

KaHliloii SiH'W I MaJo»ll,-) Clilraao; l.MaJmtIi') Milwauk.-.- .11 Frh .V

KarrvlI. .Marnuorlto iPalaro) Cbb-airo Kitiiiia (Oriibruio) Salt laikr; (Orph^nm) Danvar

.11 K. b. 5. I'a.T, Mr» K»a iKiiipre««t Iho-aliir. III. K.i^i Two Coloya A Fajr Itol'.nihlal llaTrnport.


IOorilona, Itiiiildo (Marjlanil) Italtlioore; (Kritli) Pliila. :tl k>b. 3.

Uornian llnai. (liberty) ('leT«flaD<l. lomaana. |(uhb]r tit. |1., Scrauluu, Pa. trtiulil, Itlta lillpi>.) llaltlmora. tluukl, Clara A Ho (Foi) Aurora, III. (jrawm, Tlw l .Mar/lauil) iialtluiuro; (Tamplo)

Ih-trolt 31 Fob. .*1. (Irailj. Jaa.. A Co. (lirphoiiin I ('haiupaUn. 111. (ira|io«ln. Chaw., A Co. illoyal) Now York;

lltuahwh'kl llnaiklyn 31-Fob. 5. Oray, kol (Majoatlr) HbaMiilnKton, III. (Irooii. Marry. A Co. |lir|ibouui) (Mualia; (Or

pbouiii) Mliinoaprilia 31 Fob. 3. Groanb-a A Drayton tPaiitaaoH) Victoria. B. C.;

(PaDta(oa) Tacoma. Waab., 31 Fob. 3. Groaor A Itlcbarila lilipp.) I.oa Anaaloi. Gniliar'a Aniiiiala (Pro»|>o<’t) Itnaiklyn, (Kaltb)

IbMtan 31 Fob. .*>. Giiiiiiaiil 1'ri» iCryxtall St. Jom-pb. Mo. tiycl. Ota I Kaltb) lloxtnn. Ilabartlaabary. Tba (Majo-tlc) BluomlnictoD. III. Mall. I.aiira .Vrlaon. A Co. lOrpboumi Omaba

31 Fob 5. Mall. Hilly Swada A Co. iKmory) Provlilance.

R. I. Ilallon A Kiillor (Kaltb) Tobilo; (Koltli) Co-

luiiibua 31'Fob. 5. Hamilton. Ann. A Co. ll.tncoln) Chlcaito. Ilanilara A Mll'la (Cnliiua) Mlnnaspolla. linnka. liana iMaJoatlr) Mllwankoa. Hanlon A Clifton iPantax-a) Victoria. B. C.;

(PaDtaaaa) Taosna, Wash., 31 Fab. 3.

Bert Fitztibbon Coatfral. DtracUoa Prank Baana.

Footoii Marta iKiiiory) I'no bloina. It. 1 Faro. Harry, A Co. (Orpbrnui) loa Aufolaa 34-

Fab. 3. Forty (Prtan>act) Brooklyn. Flalila. .41. A Co. tPauta|(oa) E4ln>ootoa, Can.;

tPanta oa| Calfary 31 Fab. &. FlcMa. IVlIl II. (Kuiproaa) Clnaianatl. Finn A Finn tPrincaaai Wichita. Kan. riahar. Grace. A Co. (Eiuprama) Grand Raplda

31-Fab. 5.

BERTIE FORD "Tba Tancotat on (ba Win-** Dlractlan Oana Hnsbaa.

Flahor. Harry, A Co. tColumbia) St. lamia. riaka. .MclKtnookb A HulJan iMaJaatlc) Naw-

ark N. J. Fltt(>bbi>o. Bart (Prtncaaa) NaabalUa, Taan.;

tGrand) Knoiallla Sl-Pab. 2. Pltiiciblk>n. Marla i Kaltb) Phlladalphia 31*

Fab. 5. nanayan A latwarda (Kaltb) Buaton. FlarlUa (Orpbaum) Salt l.aka 31-Fab. 3. Flatcliar. JImmla (Bay Itldco) Brooklyn. Flwala, Tbrac (Sbaa) Toronto; (Tample) Detroit

31 Fab. 3. Focarty. Frank tOrpbeum) San rranclacn 31-

Pab. 5. Force. Johnny (Empire) SprlnsAeM, lU. Ford A Truly )Emery) Pn«Tldance, B. 1. Foraat Fire (Kaltb) WMhlnfton.

EDDIE FOY And the Naaan UtUe P«pn


HALLER a FULLER Baokad SoUd I’nitad Tima. Oana Buebm.

llaooTar, Kilward K,: .\uibia, lud.; WelllDfton, HI.. 31 Fob. 3.

Harmtmlata. Four n.yrlci Ibdoikon. N. J. Harmony Trio lOrpliaum) San Francim-o; (Or-

phoiinil l/oa Ancoica .31 bob. .3. Ilarpor, .Mabol i.kmorlcan) Chicaeo. Ilarrlnitton A Parry (I.yrlc) Blmilnxbam. Ala. Hartia A Manbm iBiiahwicki Kn-oklyn 31-Fab. 5. Hart. Marla II>rlan<-oy St.) Now York. llarTay, W. 8. (Milaa) Dotrolt. llaiway GIrla. Throe d.Trlci Hoboken. N. J. ilaaamann'a Anlmala iPanlaftaa) Portland, Ore.

HAR HALPERIR Dtraattoo M. 8. BtntbaM.

liawklna, Law (Orpbanml I.lm-oln, Nab.; lOr- phenm) Kanaaa (Ity 31 Fab. .1.

Haydn. Bordon A Haydn (Koyal) New Y'ork. Ilayee, Cntbarlne, A Co. iLlni'oln Si).) New

Took. Handrlx Belle Iile Co. (EmpreM) Bntte. Moot. Hearn A Rntter (Empreaa) Portland, Ore. Heather. Joel". A C«. ).41hambra) Now York;

(Bnabwlck) Brooklyn 31 Fob. .3. Hald. Anna (OrpheomI !»# Anyalea. Holder, Knby (Orphenm) San Franclaco; (Or-

phenm) lioa Anyelea 31 Pab. 5. Hanninit. J. A W. (Palai-e) Cbicaco.


Forreatar A Lloyd (Oriibrnm) Now Yoak. Pdtar A lovatt tJaffarann) Dallaa, Tea. Foa. Will H. I American) New York. Toy, Etidle, A Pkmily iDrpbenm) Salt Ink*; (Or-

pbanm) Denrer SI Fab. ft. Pnyar. Eddie (Ht. Jamae) RoatoB. Fraocla, Killy A Co (Graelaa S<).) New York. Friocla, Adeline (Keith) Toted*. Fraocla, Mae (On’beum) Oak'.and. CnL; (Or-

pbeum) Sacramento STFcb. 2. Prancola. Mancot (Orpbenml New Orleaoa. Frecband Bma. lEmpreea) Portland. Or*. Freeman A Dnnham lOrpheum) Salt Lnk*; (Or-

pbenm) Denrer Sl-Peb. ft. Prleod A IiowdIdm (Pantatrea) Oyde*. Utah. Oaitakber A Carlin (Pantamw) VancoOTer, B. O.;

lPaota(e«) VlctoHa Sl-Peb ft. Gallacber A Martin iPmape,-!) Hrooklya; (Gar¬

rick) Wlloilncton. Dal.. 31 Feb. ft. Oallattl'a Monka lOrphenm) New Orlenna. Oarclnettl Broa (Majeatlr) Milwaukee; (Oolam-

Wa) SI. Ixmla 31-reb. 3. Gardner Trio (Cninmbla) Daaenport. la. <»ar<1ner. Elina (libertyI CleealaBd. ‘Itrdnar'a Mtniaca tOrpbenmi Green Bay. Wla. Gardlnor Trio lOrpbenm) MInneapolla Sl-Feb. ft. Gaodacbmldta. The (Ma)eatlal Pi. Worth, Tea. Ganthler A IVtI (White) Fn-ano. Cal.; (Or¬

phenm) I-na Ancriea 31-Pab 3 Oantlar'a Toy Htu^p (Acadamy) Norfolk. Ta.;

I Forsyth) Atlanta 31 Feb. 3 Gerrard A Weat (Empire) N. Yakima, Waah. Gerrard. Harry. A Co. (Bnabwlck) Brooklyn 31-

Fob a. Gorrard .% Clark (Orpbeom) Seattle; (Orphenm)

IVirtland Sl-Feb 3.

FLVIHC CEVERS toe Bnnklnf for Taadretlla. Car* Billboard. Oil

Gillette. I.oi y (Shea) BntTalo; (Maryland) Bal¬ timore STFeh .I.

Glllincaater, Claude A Co. tOrphenro) Kanaoa City

Glllla FaitillT lllipp.) Baltimore. iilrU of Orient iPantacra) Salt Inke; (Paa-

tacoa) (Igilon SI Feb. 3. Girt of f. s A. t.kmorlcan) Chlcatto. • llrl In the Mnim il'alacei Chlcaao 3t Feb 3. GInran A Newell IHoronth Are ) Now York. Gladlatora The (Keith) Itoafon 31 Feb. 3. G1<o<o, .knrnata IKrIth) CleToland. Golden Wo«t GIrla (Pantaae«) Oaklaiut, Ckl.;

iPantayoa) !•« Anyoloa 31 Fob 3 Giilflna (itrla (Victoria) Cbarlcaton, 8 C.; (Bl-

lonl Sarannnh Ga.. 31 Fob 'J. G<.ld,-n Claude (Temple) llo<-licator. Goldanillh A llopi'c (Orfdicninl St. Pan), (Or-

l•b<•nln) WInnIoc* 11 Fch 1. Gcirdon Paul (I'ldonlal) \cw York 11 Feb 3.


Henry. Rnth A K. (Pantayea) Spokane; (Pan- tiyea) Seattle Sl-Feb. 3.

Heraa A Preaton (Keltb) Cleveland; (Keith) Cincinnati. 31 Feb. 5.

Herbert’a Seala (Royal) Now York. Herbert-Gennalne Trio (t>rpboum) St. Paul;

(OrpheomI Wlnnlpey Sl-Feb. 5. Herford. Beatrice (Maryland) Baltimore: (Shea)

Bnffalo Feb. lO IS. Herman. A1 (Orphenm) Green Bay, Wla.; (Ma-

jeatlr) Mllwankee Sl-Feb. 8. Herman A Hblrley( BI)oti( IdinaiDK. Mich. Ilermany'a Peta (Prtnceaa) Wichita, Kan.


Ilerrman. Mme.. A Co. (Keltb) Cincinnati: (Keith) lamlaTlIle Sl-Feb. 3.

Herm* A Donylaa (HIpp.) Iaw Angel.-a. Henman Trio (Pantacie) Portland. Ore. Hlygina. Jobn (Empteaa) Cincinnati. IHicIteat Bidder (Temple) Rivhenter Sl-Feb. 8. Hllllar (Bijoii) New Ilaren. Conn. Hinea A Wlibnr (Orphenm) Omaha 31 Feb. 3. Hippodrome Four (Majestic) Flint, MIcb. Iloban Trio (National) New York.

DOROTHY HERMAN Ch«*eam Bhacink (Mardlenn* Booked SoUd—Loew


liodyea. Flee Mnalcal (Orindl Knoarllle, Tenn.; (Btjoa) Rlcbniond. Va . 31 Feb. 2.

Hodge. Robt. T.. A Co. (.Mhambra) New York. Ilnlfman. Gertrude (Orphenm) Seattle. 31 Fob. 3. Hoblen A Herron (Glolte) Roaton. Holland A Dale (Empreaal Piwtland, Ore. Hotmea A Buchanan (.Clhambral New York 31-

Feb. a. Honey Boy Mlnatrela (Keith) lA'nlarllle; (Coli>-

nlal) Dayton. O.. 31-Fcb. 5.

H B I N N • C I


Ilorlick Family (Colonial) New York. Horn A Fcrrla (Foa) .4nn>ra. III. ll<Hi<llnl (Yiajeatlc) llouaton, Trx. Hoiialrr A MclioN (llib*ii) Jaclsa-'n. Mich. Howard, Great (Ma)e«tlc) Kalaniaami. Mich, lli'oanl KIble A llcriMTt (Rorall New York 31-

Peb. ft. Ilowani A FIclda (Matratlc) Chattanoivca, Tenn.;

(Bl.lotU Satannah. (!(.. 11 Feb. 2.

Ilonani A Clark (Orphenm) Portlanil. Ore., Sl- Feb 3.

Howataon A SwayN'lIe (Orphenm) Fargo. N. D Howell (Icorar. A C» (Keith) Protidenee; (Roy-

all New York 31 Fch. .1.

G- rd. n A Rica (Garrick) Wilmington. Dcla., 31- Feb 3

■••'rdon. John It.. A fn. (Orphenm) San Fran- •-I.CO 31 Frb 3.

MtiiiiNi BtBTEita *ar«FNr

6 RDYAL HUSSARS ttral Italr. Sl)|v K)d. ddniwr. Ind'an, TV cadi 'ram, JV. V>c anil t1; ladCa Wla H »« up 'moi-rl Charai-trra. ti TI): A-1 T1ab(«. TV; Paridral Piper llala. doa Iile. Catalog fra* Kllppert. Btr., 44 Caapar Sauare. Ntw Yark.

nndnon, Bert P (Fniplre) Bntternnt, Wla. Ilngbca Mra Gene, A Co. tOn>heiim) Oakland,

Cal.. SI Fch. 3. Honclla (lar)c) Oklahoma (ite. Ok. Huntara, Mualcal (Ilipp-) I-oa Angelea.

Uuuting. L. A YI. (Maryland) Bultimore. Uuntliiy A E'randa (Keitli) Clevclaud; (Keith)

Wuctalugtoo 31-Feb. o. Hu;>(. Kraudun, A Co. (Orpbeuu) Portland.

Otv. tlyiuer, Jobn B., A Co. (Shea) Toronto Sl-Feb. 5. lii.i.o.T. Couu A ( ooene (Keltb) tiOuUville. Imperial Troop* (PanUgeH) Seattle; (Pantagea)

4 auouuver, B. C., 81-Feb. 5. Imperial Opera Co. (PautuKe>) San Diego, Cal.;

(Puntagea) Salt Lake 31-Feb. 3. Imperial Jiu Jlt^^ Troupe (Hipp.t Youngstown,

U., 31-Feb. 5. lutermitKitiul Girl (.Mulestiv) Milwaukee (Ilipp.)

Y'uuugHtowD. ()., 31-Feb. 5. Irwiu, Flo., A Co. (Milent Cleveland, lamed (l.iucolu Sp i New York. Jaekrou A Wabl (Doiuoniun) Uttawa, Can.; lOr-

pbeum) Montreal Sl-Feli. 3. Jackaon, Leo A Mae (Urpbeuin) Salt Lake; (Or-

pbeum) Denver 31-Feb. .*>. Jacoba' Doga (Empre*a) Seattle.

LkO JAGKSOR and MAE Claaay Hleyrlc .Noreliy. Gipbrum Circuit

Jabna, Three (Roanoke) Roanoke, Va. Jaiiix, Klcie (liusbwiek) Urooklyu; (Keith)

Waabington 31-Feb. S. Janaleya, Four (.\lbambra) New Y'ork. Jarvlou. Do:otby (Urpbeum) Winnipeg, (Graiwl)

Calgary 31-Feb. 2. Jarvia A Ilarrlaun (Panta.ea) Oakland, Cal.;

(Paulagea) Lua Angelea 31 F'eb. 3. JeOera. Jarg S. t<>rauU( Walker, Minn. Jerome A Walker i.Ymericuui Cbicagu. JubnaoD A Connell (Kiupire) N. Y'ukima, Waab. Juiiea A Jubuauu (Boulevuru) .New York. Junior Folliea (New lalucei Rockford, HI. Kajiyama (Korayth) Atlanta 31-Feb. 5. Karmi (Empreaa) Butte, Mont, kartell) (Majektic) Springueld. HI. Kawana Bros. (St. Jamew) Uoaton. Kay, Biiab A Bubinaon (Urpbeum) Boetoo. Keaue, J. W., A Co. (Colonial) Erie, I'a., 31-

F'eb. 5. Keane, Robt. Emmet ISfaJeatic) Chicago. Keegan A Ellaworth (Pantagee) Y'aucoaaer. B.

C.; (Pantagea) Victoria 31-F'et>. 3. Keit A l>e.uuut (.Maryland) Baltimore; (Bijou)

Richmond, Va., Sl-Feb. 2. Kelly, Andrew tUrpbeum) .New Y’ork. Kelly A Pollock (National) New York. Kelly Brut. A Co. (Fiilton) Brooklyn. Kelly, Walter C. (Columbia) St. Louis; lOr-

plieum) .Mempbia 31-F'eb 5. Kelao A Leighton (Princeaa) Wichita, Kan. Kennetly, Jack, A Co. (Lyric) Binningbam;

(.Lcadciny) Norfolk, Va., 31-1’eb. 2. Kenny A Hollis (Frsnklin) Saginaw, MIcb. Kerns. Two (Bijou) Bn>oklyn. Kerr A Darenport (Empress) Butte, Mont. Kerr A Weston (Shea) Toronto. Kerala ke’s IMgs iHipp.) Loe Angeles. Kervllle Family (Forsyth) .Ytlanta; (Lyric). Bir¬

mingham. 31-Feb. 2. Ketcbem A Cheatem (Keith) lyouisTille 31-Feb.3. Keystone Trio (Loew) RtK-bester. N. Y. King A Harrey (Lincoln ( Chicago. King, Jean, Quartette (IJberty) Cleveland. King, Mazle, A Co. (Urpbeum) Kanaaa City;

(Majestic) Milwaukee 31-Feb. 3 Kings, Four Juvenile (Empress) San Frandai'O. Kiugabury. Lillian, A Co. (Majeatlr) Milwaukee. Kingston A Ebner (Temple) Kocb««ter; (Shea)

BnlTalo 31-Feb. 5. Kirk A Fogarty (Urpbeum) Kansas City; (Pal¬

ace) Chicago 31-Feb 5. Klrke, Basel, Trio (Pantiges) San Francisco;

(Pantages) Uaklaod Sl-Feb. ^ KItamnras, Five (Urpbeum) Seatle; (Urpbeum)

PortluDd 31-Feb. 3. Kit Carson (Temple) Hamilton, Can. Klasa A Bemie (Keltb) Indianapolis Sl-Feb. 3. Kluting's .Ynimals (MeVirker’s) Chicago. Knapp A Cornelia (Miles) Detroit; (Shea) Buf¬

falo 31-Feb. 3. Koch, Hugo B.. A Co. (Pantages) Tacoma,

Wash.; (Pantages) Portland, Ore.. 31-Peb. 5. Kokla. Mignonette (Orpbeom) New Orleans. Kramer A Norton (Keith) Boston. Krenika Bros. (Urpbeum) Peoria, Ill. Kresko A Fox (Miles) Detroit. Koehns. Musical (Jodlth) lewistown, Mont., 22-

28: (Grand) Great Falls 29-30. La Graclowa (Prospect) Brooklyn. LaMvmt’s Cowboys (Urpbeum) Salt Lake 31-Feh.

5. laRocca. Boxy CProspect) Brooklyn Sl-Feb. 5. LaToy, Harry (Pantages! Oakland, Cal.; CPao

tages) Loe Angeles Sl-Feb. 5. la Toy Bros. (Cnlque) Minneapolis. laVan A Rose (Palacei Bri'oklyn. LaVaro, Dancing (Pantiles) Winnipeg, Can.;

(Pantages) Edmonton STFeh. ft. la Vine, .Lrthnr, A Co. (Pantages) Victoria. B.

C.; (Pantages) Ticoma, Wash., SI Fch. ft. Lady Alice's Pets (Keith) Boston. Lady Sen Mel (Keith) Providence. Lamberti (Urpbeum) Seattle; (Urpbeum) Port¬

land Sl-Feb. 3. landry Bros. (Miles) Cleveland, langdon. Harry. A Co. (Urpbeum) Seattle. 31

Feb. .1. langtry. Mm. (Keith) Boston: (Keith) Phlla.

Sl-Feb. .V I argav A Snee (Crystall St. Joseph. Mo. Lasky's Society Buds (Msjesttci Little Rock.

.4rk. I.avine. Gen. Ed (Urphei;ml Lincoln. Neb.; tUr

pbetinil Kansas City .11 Feb. 3. I,*wrence. Jane (M.slestlc) Newark. N". J. Lawrence, Ra.v (Pantages) Portland. Ore. Lawrence A llurlfalls (Lyric) Oklahoma City,


LA FRARCE BRDS. Assisted by FnaenI* DtrreGo* Beehtev A Jaroha

Ijiypo A Benjamin (Pantages) Ogden, Ctab. T.eConnt. Bessie (McVlrkeri Chicago. I-elloen A Dupreet-e (Urpbeum) I/w Angeles. LeVoIa. Pst (Empresst Tulsa. Ok. lee Tong F<h> ('U) Brooklyn. Lee Geo.. A Girls (Judith) le-wlstown, Mont..

27-2<i: (Grand) Great Falla 20 30. I/eixIitona. Three (Urpbeum) Denver: (Ru-ns)

Colorado Springs 31-Feb. 1; (Urpbeum) IJn- ooln. Nob., S-4.

I,eltre) Ml«s (White) Fresno. Cal.: (Orphenm) Oakland 11-Fcb, 3.

l.eon SIstem (Orphenm) T.InroIn. Neb.; (Or phenm) Kansas City STFeh. ,1.

I.oonard A YVIllar-l (Eninress) San Francisco. I.eonaTa1. Eddie Co. (Emn-ess) Grand Rapids.

(Majestic) Chicago STFeh. 3. I.eroy A Panl (Pantages) Seattl*: (Pantages)

Vanconver, B. C.. STFeh. ft, T-eroy A Cahill (I.yric) Oklahoma City, Ok.

Lester, Grent (Majestic) Sprlngfleld. III. Lewla, Andy, A Co. (Pantages) Spokane; (Pan¬

tages) Seattle Sl-Feb. 5. Lewis A .McCarthy (Palme) Chicago; (Columbia)

St. Lonis 31 E'eb. 5. Lewis, Belmont A Lewis (Pantage.-() Portland,

Ore. Lewis, Henry (Ilipp.) Y’oungstown, O., 31-Fcb.

5. Lewis, Sid (Forsyth) Atlanta STFeh. 5. Levy, Jutes, Family (Orphenm) E'argo, N. D. Levy, Bert (Keith) Cleveland 31-Feb. 5. Libby A Barton (Empress) St. Paul. Llbonatl (Majestic) Shreveport, La. Licbter, Baron (Orphenm i Slunx City. la. Ligbtiier, .Misres, A .Ylexander (Prospect) Bpiok-

lyn Sl-Feb. 5.



Lindbolm, Cbas., A Co. (rubiue) Mtnneaptdis. Linton, Tom, a Jungle Girls (Liberty) Cleve¬

land. Little Stranger (Keith) liiila. Lockett A Waldron (Ilipp.) Baltimore. Lohse A Sterling (Keitti) Washington Sl-Feb. ft. Loudon, Louis (Lyric) Oklaboina City. Ok. LondouH, Four (Empress) Grand Rapids; (Ma¬

jestic) Chicago 3TFeb. .3. Long A Cotton (Seventh .\ve.) New Y’ork. Long Tack Sam Troupe (.Majestic) Little B< ck.

Ark.; (Urpbeun)) .Meinpbix. Lorettas, Three (.Majestic) Flint, Mich. Lorraine, Oscar (Delancey St.) New Y’ork. Lougblin A Guxton (Keith) Philadelphia 31-

Feb. 5. lx>ve In the Suburbs (White) Fresno, Cal. Lovett, Geo., A Zendys (Empress) Cincinnati. Id>we, Adelyn, A Co. (Lincoln) Chicago, Locee, Gilbert (National) New Y’ork. Lubowska. Mine. (Palace) Chi<-ago; (Columbia)

St. Louis STFeb. 5. Lucier (DeKalb) Brooklyn. Luckie A Yost (Pantages) Ogden, Utah. Lunette Sisters (Keith) Boston; (Keltb) Provi¬

dence 31-Feb. 5. Lyons A Y’osco d-Virsyth) .Ytlanta 31-Feb. ft. Lyons, Zita (Boulevard) New Y’ork. Lyres. Three (Colonial) Dayton. O.; (Colonial)

Erie, Pa., 3TFeb. 6. Lytell, Wm., A Co. (Empresa) 8t. PanL

MurFarlane. Geo. (Orpb>-Dui) Brooklyn. Mark, Charles, A Co. (Bushwlck) Brooklyn. Madden A Ford (Davis) Pittsburg STFeb. ft. Maboney Bros. A Daisy (Orpheuiut Detroit. Malone A Malone (Empress) San Francisco, Manetti A Sidelli (DeKalb) Brooklyn. Mang A Snyder (Orpbeum) Portland. Or*. Mann, Ben A Haael (Fulton) Brooklyn. Manola (Yonge St.) Toronto. Maori Sisters (.Ymerican) New York. Marble Gems (Miles) Detroit. Marronl Bros. (Globe) Boston. Marimba Maniaca (Empress) Saemmento, Cal. Marie A Irene (Garrick) Wllmingtim, Del.;

(Royal) New York 31-Feb. 5. Marley, Jack (Greeley Sq.) New York. Mario Duffy (Keith) Pbila.

RIARRIDTT TRDUPE Mih OsBtury Betiaitltm.

Marriott Tronpe (Empress) San Prancisoo. Mars, Dancing (Garrick) Wilmington, DeL Martells, Five (Orpheum) Detroit. Martins, Flying (Keith) Cleveland; (Empress)

Grand Rapids 31-Feb. 5. Martinetti A Sylvester (Colonial) Erie, Pa., Sl-

Feb. 6. Martyn A Floren<-e (Ilipp.) Lna Angeles. Marx Bros, (Majestic) Ft. Worth. Tex.

Maryland Singers (Temple) Rochester; (Keith) Washington 31-Feb. 5.

Mason. Harry, A Co. (Empire) N. Yakim*, Wash.

Mason. Harry lioster (Majestic) Chattanooga. Tenn.; (Victoria) Charleston. 8. C., 31-Feb. ’J.

Mason A Keeler (Majestic) ChlcsM. .Master Move (.Ymerii-an) New York. Matthews A Sbayoe Co. (Dtvla) Pittabarg 81-

Feb. ft. Mayer, Lottie, A Girls (Pantages) Ogden, Utah.

4 rim BROS. 4 In BOMB AGAIN.

Writtni and Staged by A1 Shoao. Dtreetla% Barry Weber. Booked SoilA

Mayne A Ferna (loew) Rochester. N. Y. Mayo A Tally (Orpbeom) San Franclaco; (Or¬

phenm) Sacramento 3t-Feb. 2. Mt^anley, Inei. A Co. (Columbia) Davenport, la. McCloud A Carp (Keith) Louisville STFeb. ft. McConnell A Simpson (Dominion) Ottawa, Can. MctVrmack A Irving (Del-ancey St.) New Y’ork. McCormack, Grace (Pantages) Seattle; (Pan¬

tages) VancvHiver, B. C., STFeb. 5. McCormack A Wallai-e (Orpbeum) Winnipeg;

(Grand) Calgary Sl-Feb. 2. Mefowan A Gordon (Victoria) Charleston, 8. C.;

(Bijou) Richmond. Va.. 31-Feh. 2. Mcl'emiott, Billy (Orphenm) Portland. Ore. McGoods A Tate (Empress) Bntte. Mont. McIntyre A Heath (Orpbenml Brot.klyn .ITFeb.5. McIntosh A Maids (Ray Ridge) KrtoAIyn. McIntyre. Frank, A Co. (Temple) Rocheater;

(Keith) Cincinnati STFeb. 3. McKay A .Yrdine (Majestic) Chicago; (Em-

pressl Grand Rapids STFeb. 3.

McFALL’S TRAINED ANIMALS McRae A Clegg (Keltb) Colnmbni. U.. .ITFeh. 5. McYVatters A Tyson (Ori'henm) I.Incoln. Neb. Meachnm. Homer (Vande.i Princeton. W. Va.;

(Vande.) Keystone Sl-Feb. 2; (Vande.i Nor¬ folk. Va.. S 3.

Meehan’a Dogs (Keith) Cincinnati STFeb. ft. Melba A Ricardo lY’onge St.) Toronto. Meln-’tte Twins (Grand) Evansville, ind. Melodlons CTiaps. Four (Mnji'stlc) Houston, Teg. Melody I*hlends (Biloti) Lansing. Mich. Melrose, Bert (Temple) Rocheater STFah. (L

(Contlnoed on iwge 42.)

40 X ti e Billboard JANUARY 29, 1918.

DIRECTORY AdTertiHPmcnts not exceeding one line in

length will be publiKhed, |)ro|>erly clitsoiified, la this directory, at the rate of $10 |»er (5- issues), provided they are of an acceptable na¬ ture. IVice includes one year's subscription to The Billboard.

Each additional line or additional classitica- tlon, without subscription, $7..'>0 per annum.

One line will l>e allowed to advertisers, free of charge, for each $100 worth of space used during the year.

This directory is revised and corrected weexly, changes in linn names and addresses being re¬ corded as soon as received.

ACCORDION PLEATING St. Louis riume & Tleatlng Go., C'-'O North

Broadway, St. lA)uis, Mo.

ACCORDION MFRS. AND REP’R'S. John Vacca & Son, S.'ih Blue Island ave., Chicago

ACME STAGE CURTAIN ROLLERS Amelia Grain, 810 Spring Garden st., I'hila., Pa.

ADVERTISING NOVELTIES N. Shure Co., 2.17 '-Ml W. Madison st., Clilcago. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery. New York City.

ADVERTISING STICKERS Milwankee laibel & Seal Co.. Milwaukee, Wls.

AERONAUTS Luclelle Belmont, Reed City, Mich. Henry A. Phelps Ballooning Co.. Bor 383, Grand

Rapids, Mich.

AEROPLANES Advertising, 3.")08 Mi'Lcan ave., Chicago. Ill. American Aeroplane Exhib. Co., Humboldt, Tenn Kays & Figyeliiiessy, P. O. Box 7'2. Phlla.. Pa. Lincoln Beachey, Inc., \Vm. IMckens, Successor,

110 S. liearborn st.. Chicago, Ill. Thomas Bros. Aeroplane Co., Bath, N. Y.

AERIAL ADVERTISING Braxel Novelty Mfg. Co.. 1700 Ella st., Cln’tl. Bilas J. Conyne, 3.108 Mcl>‘an ave., Chicago, HI.

AFRICAN DIPS The Cooley Mfg. Co.. 5.-)7 W. Monroe st.. Chicago

AMUSEMENT DEVICES W. H. tlesterle Amuse. Co.. .VK) 5th ave.,N.Y.C. Eli Bridge Co.. Roodhouse, HI. He Moulin Bros. A- Co., Greenville, 111. Herschell-Splllman Co.. No. Tonawanda, N. Y. F. Mueller & Co., 1702 N. Western ave.. Chicago Newman Mfg. Co.. 041 Woo<llund. Cleveland. O. Novelty Maclilne Co.. 2 Rector st., N. Y. City. C. W. Parker. Ix'avenworth. Kan. Sycamore Novelty Co.. 13'26 Sycamore st., Cin

cinnati O. United States Tent & .\wning Co., 2'2» North

Desplalnes st., Chicago, 111.

ANIMAL DEALERS Wm. Bartels Co.. 42 Cortland st.. N. Y. City. Carl Hagcnl»eck. Stellingen. near Hamburg. Ger.

American representative. S. A. Stephan, Zoo Garden. Cincinnati. O.

Llnwood H, Flint, North Waterford, Me. Home’s Zoo Arena. Keith & PerryBWg..K.C..Mo. Wm. Mackensen, Yardley. Pa. Ixtuis Rnhe, 248 Grand st.. New York City.

ANIMALS, BIRDS AND SNAKES Detroit Bird Store. 218 Third st., Detroit. Mich

ANIMALS (Sea Lions) H. A. Rogers. 1104 Chapala st., Santa Barbara

California. Captain George M. McGuire. Santa Barbara.Cal

ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDES Novelty Slide Co.. 67 W. 2.1d at.. N. Y. City.

ARMY AND NAVY AUCTION GOODS Francis Bannerman. .lOl Broadway, N. Y. City.

ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS Botanical De<‘orating Co.. 504 S. 5th ave., Ch’go.

ASBESTOS CURTAINS Sosman A I.dindls, 417 S. Clinton st., Chicago.


•O. W. Trainer Mfg. Co.. 80 Pearl st.. Boston.

AUTOMATIC ELEC. ECONOMIZER N. Power, 90 Gold st.. New York City.


A. Bemi. 216 N. 20th st.. New York City. North Tonawanda Musical Instrument, Works

North Tonawanda, N. Y.

BADGES, BANNERS, ETC. He Moulin Bros. & Co., Ttept. 11. Greenville, Ill.

BADGES, BUTTONS, ETC. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave., Cleve¬

land, O.

BADGES, PREMIUM RIBBONS, ETC. Ryan Mfg. Co.. 182 E. 124th st., N. Y. City.


American Balloon Co., Box 383, Grand Rapids, Mich.

Northwestern Balloon Co., 245 Clybourn ave., Chicago, Ill.

Thompson Bros.’ Ballooning Co.. Aurora. III. United States Tent & Awning Co., 229 North

Desplalnes st., Chicago, Ill.

BALL THROWING GAMES Sycamore Nov. Co.. 1.T26 Sycamore st.. Clncln’tl

BAND INSTRUMENTS De Monlin Bros. & Co.. Dept. 12, Greenville, 111.

BANNERS Baker A Lockwood. Seventh and Wyandotte sts.

Kansas City, Mo. Tncker Duck A Rul)ber Co.. Ft. Smith. Ark United States Tent A Awning Co.. 229 North

Desplalnes at.. Chicago, III.

BASEBALL TARGETS The Base Ball 8hoot-0-Graph. Stamford, Conn.

BASKETS D, Ifamboat Basket Oo., 816 Progress and 807

Carpenter st., N. 8., Pittsburg, Pa.

BLANKETS Boyal Mfg. Co.. 906 Filbert st., Philadelphia.

BOOKING AGENTS United Booking Ottioe, Palace Theater Building,

New York City. Western Vaude. Managers’ Assn., Chicago, Ill.

BOOK STRIP TICKETS National Ticket Co., Shamokin, I’a. Weldon, Williams A Lick. Fort Smith, Ark.

BURLESQUE BOOKING AGENCIES American Burlesque Circuit, Gaiety Theater

Bldg., New York. Columbia Amusement Company, Columbia Thea¬

ter Bldg., New Y'ork City.

BURNT CORK Chas. Meyer, 101 W. 13th st.. New York City. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. 3l8t st., N. Y. C.

CALCIUM LIGHT (Ox-Hydrogen Oas Hanufacturers)

Cincinnati Calcium Light Co.. 108 Fourth st., Cincinnati, O.

Dearborn Novelty Co., 537 S. Dearborn st., t hl- ago, Ill.

Erker Bros.. 604 Olive st., St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis Calcium Co., 516 Elm st.. St. Louis. Twill City Calcium Co., 740 Temple Court Bldg.,

Minneapolis, Minn.

CAMERAMEN Ovoca Motion Picture Corp., 6'23ti Church st.,

Nashville, Tenn.

CANDY FOR WHEELS J, J. Howard. Dept. B, 115 South Dearborn st.,

Chicago, III. H. .M. Lakorr. 316 Market at.. Philadelphia. Pa. Touraine Co., 'ill Causeway st., Boston, Mass.

CANES AND WHIPS Advance Whip Co.. 287 Elm st., Westfleld. Mass. Cleveland Cane Co.. Cleveland. O. Coe. Yonge A Co., 90,5 I.ucas ave.. St. Louis. Fabrlcius Co.. 1823 Washington, St. Ixiuls, Mo. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave.. Cleve¬

land, O. S Sihoen A Co., 50 Ann st.. New York City. Shryock-Todd Co.. S'24 N. 8th st., St. Louis, Mo. N. Shure Co., 237-241 W. Madison st., Chicago. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City.

CARBIDE LIGHTS The Alexander Mllburn Co. Baltimore, Md.


D. C. Humphreys Co.. 909 Filbert at., Phlla., Pa. United States Tent A Awning Co.. 2‘29 North

Desplalnes st., Chicago, Ill.

COSMETICS (Eyebrow Pencils, Face Powder, Etc.)

Chas. Meyer, lOl W. 13th st.. New York City. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. 31st at., N. Y. C.

COSTUMES (See WUd 'Welt)

Caniival Costu ne Co.. 267 West Water st., Mil- Wal.kee, Wis.

Cressy A Wingate, Inc., Des Moines, la. Frit* Sclioultz Co.. 19-21 W. Lake st.. Cldcago. Chas. P. Shipl ■}•, Kansas City, Mo.

COWBOY BOOTMAKER R. E. Blatherwick, Dalhart, Tex,

DAYLIGHT PROJECTION SCREENS Simpson Solar Scr«'en. 113 W. 13'2<1 at., N. Y. C.

DECORATIONS Baker A I.ockwissl, Seventh and Wyandotte sts.,

Kansas City, Mo.

DECORATIVE WALL PANELS S<'hell's Scenic Studios, 581 High st.. Columbus.



Botanical IbH-orating Co., 5o4 5th ave., Chicago. W. 1'. Hamilton, Met. Ol>era House, New York. G. A. Trahan Co., Inc., CoImH'S. N. Y.

DIAMONDS lAiftis Bros., 108 N. State st., Chicago. HI. Remoh Jewelry Co., Washington ave., St. Louis.

DIRECTORS OF CELEBRATIONS W. F. Hamilton, 1425 BiMadway, New York.

DISINFECTANTS Fulton Bag A Cotton Mills, New York. St.

Louis. New tlrleans, .\tlanta and liallas, Tex.

DOLL RACKS Ilerschell-Spilluiau, North Tonawanda, N. Y.

DOLLS -Cmerlcan Banner Co., 76 Summer it., Boston.

DOLLS AND TEDDY BEARS Art D,dl A Nov. Co.. 36 W. 2t>th st.. N. Y. C. Berk Bros., 543 Broadway. New York City. Dominion Toy .Mfg. Co., 161 Queen st., "Toronto,

Out., Can. 11. C. Evans A Co., 75 West Van Buren st.,

Chicago, HI. Fair A Carnival Supidy Co., 126 5th ave..N.Y.C. -M. G*-rber, 727-'2>.t South st.. Philadelphia, Pa.

H. Hendler A Co., 10*!1 Market st., San I'rancisco, Cal.


Will put your name and address under any one heading that you elect in this Trades Directory for 52 issues.

Practically all professional people consult this de¬ partment once or twice a week.

If you want their trade there is no cheaper or more effective way of asking for it than ordering in your name and address.

You are losing business every week that you re¬ main out.

CAROUSELS Wm. II. Dentzel, 3641 Germantown ave., Phila¬

delphia, Pa. Herschell-Splllman Co,. No. Tonawanda. N. Y. Marcus C. Illions. Coney Island, N. Y. W. F. Mangels Co., Coney Island, N. Y. C. W. Parker, Leavenworth. Kan. Phila. "roboggan 0>., 130 Dnval st., Phlla.

CARS (R. R.) Arms Palace Horse Car O).. Room 604, 332 So.

Michigan ave., Chicago, HI. Southern Iron A Equipment Co., Atlanta, Ga.

CHEWING GUM MANUFACTURERS The Helmet 0>.. 1021 Broadway, Cincinnati, O. Toledo Chewing Gum Co., Toledo Factories Bldg.,

Toledo, O.

CIGARS lyouls Denebeim A Sons. 1224 Oak st., K. C.,Mo. H. M. Lakoff, 316 Market st., Philadelphia, Pa.

CIRCUS &. JUGGLING APPARATUS Ed Van Wyck, Pullen ave., Cincinnati, O.

CIRCUS SEATS (New and Second-Hand)

Raker A Lo<'kwood, Seventh and Wyandotte ate., Kansas City, Mo.

United States Tent A Awning Co., 229 North Desplalnes st., Chicago, Ill.

CIRCUS WAGONS Beggs Wagon Co., Kansas City, Mo.

CLOWN WHITE Css. Meyer, 101 W. 13th st.. New York City. -M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 120 W. 31st st., N. Y. C.

COASTER CARS Phlla. Toboggan Co., 130 Duval st.. Phlla.

COLD CREAM M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 120 W. Slst st., N. Y. C.

CONES A. T. Dietz, 127 Michigan st., Toledo, O.

CONE MACHINERY Lanier A Drlesbach, 248 Butler st., Cincinnati.

CONFECTIONERY MACHINES W. Z. Long, 172 High st.. Springfield, O.

CONFETTI Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York ’llty.

CORN POPPERS W. Z. Ig>ng. 172 High st.. Sprlnffleld. O.

Ideal Novelty A Toy Co., 408 Broadway, N.Y.C. Morrison Trade Supply House, 2'2 K. Woodbrldge

Detroit, Mich. New Toy .Mfg. Co., 143 Bleecker st., Newark.

N. J. Joseph Roth Mfg. Co., 54 W. 21st st.. N. Y. C Boyal Toy Mfg. 0>.. 137 IVooster, N. Y. City. , Singer Brothers, 82 Bowery, New York City. Tip Top Toy Co.. 2‘20 W. 19th st.. N. Y. City. United States Tent A Awning Co., ‘2'J9 North

Desplalnes st., Chicago, HI.

DRUMMERS’ SUPPLIES Acme Drummers’ Supply Co., 2813-15 W. 22d

st.. Chicago. The Dixie Music House, 403 Farrell Bldg., Cb’go.

ELECTRIC BELTS The Electric Appliance Co., Burlington, Kan.

ELECTRICAL ECONOMIZERS Vlndex Electrical Mfg. Oo., Aurora, Ill.

ELECTRIC INSOLES & INHALERS The Electric Appliance Co., Burlington, Kan.

ELECTRIC MOTOR CHAIRS El^^otric Mot€»r Chair Co., MlchiK^n a?o.,

Chicago, in.

ELEC. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Continental Novelty Co., 119 N. Fifteenth st.,

Omaha, Neb. J. C. Ib-agan, Berteau and E. l{aTeiisw<KKl Park

ave., Chicago, III. J. P. Seeburg, Chicago, HI.

ELECTRIC NOVELTIES Standanl Electric Nov. Co., 10 N. Desplalnes

st., C^ioago, Ill.


O. A. Trahan Co., Inc., Cohoes, N. Y.

ELECTRICAL STAGE EFFECTS Newton Art Works. 305 W. 15th at.. N. Y. City. Universal Electric Stage Lighting Co., 240 W.

■Fiftieth st.. New York City.


Central Engraving Cn., Opera Place, Cincinnati

EYE BROW PENCILS M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 120 W. 31st st.. N. Y. C,

FACE POWDER Chas. Meyer. 101 W. 13th at.. New York City. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. 31st st.. N, T. C.

FAIR BOOKING AGENCIES F. M. Buriies, ;ttl S. State st., Ctilcagu, Hi.

FAIR GROUNDS GOODS Slack .Mfg. (■<>., ;t;t7 W. .Madison st., ('hicago.

FEATHER FLOWERS DeWltt Sisters. Grand Boulevard ami E. Prairie

ave., Battle Creek, MIeh.

FEATURE FILMS Eclair Co.. ’225 W. 42d st.. New York City. Kssiiiiuy Film LlJ.. 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg., Chicago. Kansms Players Him Co., 213 W. Tweuty-aixth

It., New York City. auiiioiit Co.. 110 W. 40th at.. New York City.

General Feature Film Co.. INiwers’ Bulldiiuc. Chicago, HI.

Great Northern Siieidalty Feature l*Hni Co., 700 Lincoln Bldg., New York City.

Itala Film Co.. 2'20 W. 4’2d st., .New York City. Jesse ],usky Co.. 1472 Broadway, New York City. Motion Drama Co., 2'2t) W. 4'2d at.. N. Y. City. Ttie Big Feature Film Co.. 16oO Broadway, New

York City. Triangle Film Corp., 71 W. 23d at.. New York. Universal Film Manufacturing Co., Forty eighth

and Broadway, New York City.

FEATURE LECTURE SLIDES W. Lindsay Gordon, 2o5 W. 24lh at., N. V. City.

FERRIS WHEELS Eli Bridge Co,, Box 14.'t, UotMlIsmse. HI. W. P. Shaw Co., 13tl5 Park Boad. Waah., D. C.

FESTOONING Chicago Flag A Itecoratliig Co., EUll Wabash

Chicago, HI. National 'nssiie Manufacturing Co., 305 Bergen

st., Brooklyn, N. Y.

FILMS (Manufacturers, Dealer! in and Rental Bureau!) Oismofototilm Co., W. 40ih at.. New York City, iKmnld Cami'lsdl. 145 W. -Kith at.. New lork. General Feature Him Co., Powers’ Building.

Chicago, HI. Gunby Bros.. 145 W. 45th at.. New York City. L. Heti, 302 B. Twenty third at.. N. Y. City. David Horsley. lOisi Broadway, New York t Ity. Iiide|ieiideut Film Exchange. 5.1 South Dearborn

Chicago, HI. laeiiiuile Film Service. 204 W. I.ake at., Chi¬

cago; Miiineapnlis, timaha and lies Moines. .Murphy, (J.. Elyria, t). Mutual Film Co.. New York City. Ovoca Motion picture Corp., Church at..

Nashville. Tenn. Universal Him Manufacturing Co., Forty eighth

and Broadway. New York City.

FILM MANUFACTURERS Industrial Moving picture Co., 223 W. Brie at.,

Chicago. HI.

FILM TILES. PRINTING, ETC. Gunby Brea., 145 W. 45th at.. New York City.


The Antlpyros Co., 17o Green at., N. Y. City.

FIREWORKS •Cmerican Hreworks Company, Traveler BMg.,

Boston. Mass. Conn. Fireworks Co.. West Haven. Conn. Consolidated Fln-worka Co. of America. Wool-

worth Bldg., New York City. A. L. Due Hreworka Co.. Cincinnati. O. Fabrlcius C>>.. 1V23 Wastilngton. St. IjoiiIs, Mo. Hitt Fireworks Co., Columbia Sta., Seattle.

Wash. International Hreworks Co., 19 Park Place, New

York, and Jersey City, N. J. Martin’s Hreworks. Fort D<'dge, la. Nick K. Barnaba A Co., Mfra. Fireworks Dis¬

plays. 11)8 Washington ave.. New Rochelle. New York (Ity.

N<'rth American Display Fireworks Co., 915 Olive at.. St I,ouls. Mo.

Pain's Manhhttan Beach Hreworka, 26 Park Place. New York City.

Smith Fireworks Display Co., St. Paul and Du¬ luth.

Welgand Fireworks Co.. Franklin Park. HI.

FLAGS .\merican Flag Manufacturing Co., Easton, t’a. Baker & Ix>ckw<s>d. Seventh and Wyandotte sts.,

Kansas City, Mo. Chicago Hag * Itec’oratlng Co., 1354 Wabash

ave., Chicago, HI. Fabrlcius (5i.. 18'23 Washington. St. I>nuis. Mo. M. Magee A Son. Inc., 147 Fulton st.. N. Y. C. United States Tent A Awning Co., 2‘29 North

Dea|ilalnes at., Chicago, HI.

FOUNTAIN PENS Ira Barnett, 61 Berkman at.. New York City. Berk Bros., 513 Broadway, .New York City. Fountain Pen Mfg. Co., -40 W. B’dway, N.Y.C, James Kelley. 151 E. '2M st.. New York City.

GAMING DEVICES H. C. Evans A Co.. 75 W. Van Buren at.. Ch’go.

GASOLINE BURNERS W. Z. 172 High at.. Springfield. O.

GLASS DECORATED NOVELTIES T>ancaater Glass Co., Lancaster, <>.

GREASE-PAINTS. ETC. (Make-up Boxes, Cold Cream, Etc.)

The Hess l>,. (Cberryola and Itubyltp), Hochea- ter. N. Y.

M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 120 W. Slat at., N. Y. C. Zauiler Bros., Inc.. 115 W. 48th st. N, Y. City.

GREASE ROUGE The Hess < o, (Cherryida and Uiibylip). Ilw'hea-

ter. N. Y,

HYPNOTIC INSTRUCTION M. 1). Bella, Station G, Jackson, Mich.

INCANDESCENT LIGHTS Safety Electric C«.. 5.17 N. Deartiorn st., Ch’go.


INDIANS AND INDIAN MEDICINES Idaho Native Herb Co., Boise, Idaho.

INVISIBLE FORTUNE WRITERS 8. IViwer, in Hannan at.. Brooklyn, N. Y.

JAPANESE SOUVENIR GOODS MogI, Momnisd A Co., Ittft E. 16th at.. N. Y. C. .Morlmiira Bros., 546 Broadway. New York City. Taklto, (tgawa A Co., .'<27 31 West Madison at.,

Hilcago, III.

JEWELRY (Tor Stage Use)

Alter A Co., 165 Madison at., Chicago, III. Goe, Yonge A Co., 905 I.nras ave., St. Is>nle. Mo. Shryock Todd Co.. R24 N. Eighth at., 8t. loula. N. Shure Co., 237-241 W. Madlaon at.. Chicago. Rtegman A Well, 18 E. 27th at.. N. T. City.

JANUARY 29, 1916. Xlie Billboard 41

MiiCT Itroii., K'J Now Yiwk City. .x.iiiiuol Wolnliauii Co., 7:.’'.’ IViiii ave., CittaburK.

KNIVES t li'trlancl Cuiio Co., Clovolaiiil, O. I jl'-li'iii' < o., WaoliliiKloii, .'it. I.<>iila, ^!o. .. Ji'H'lry <'o., ('Itt Wyaudolto at., Kan

City, .Mo. Slir.VH-k T.-M Co . N-M N. Kljclilli at.. St. laiiila. N. Sliiiro <"o., -.'ll -■•t 'V. Mailiiion at., Cblcafo. Sliuor Hroa., H'J Howory. Now York City. .>>aiiiu>l Woliiliaiia Co.. T'» I’oiiii avo., I’lttaburg.

laughing gallery mirrors ) \| Naniclitoii Co., liotol Mayor llullilliiK,

IVorii. 111.

leather novelty goods till I’.'iit Kahrlkolil Co., Kroadway. N. Y. C. I. K. Kiiisloiiinii. -M W. ITtli at.. Now York '.'Ity,

LEATHER PILLOW TOPS Fraiikford Hnia.. Jaal fllliort at.. Phlladolpbia. Muir .\rt Co., .'tod tV. Madlaon at.. ChlraKo, III.

LETTERHEAD PRINTING Knu-f I- I'aiitua Co., 5-7 S. Doarlairn at.. Chi-

rip.. 111.

LIGHTING PLANTS fiil*or*aI .Motor tVi., Oahkoali, \Vui.

LIGHTS (Bi-acona, Torchoa for Circuaoa and Tent Showa) .\iiiori. ail Cas Maolilito Co., .5J7 Clark at., Alla-rt

I oa. M>nn. It.'lio .k Woior, 1-.5 S. Cotitor aro.. Chloaso. Ill. J. h'raiikil, KaMoltio iiiatitola for ttaaidlne liicht-

Ins. .N. nftli avo.. Ctiloapo, Ill. Uitlo Woiidor I.litlit Co.. Torn- llauto, Ind. ri-orh-.a I l.-lit Co., nianiifaoturora of uiantoU

f..r ».':i~diiio Iliihitn);. Chloapi, 111. Till- A owiidor Mllbiiru (V. italtlnioro. Md. I'ldlod Statoa Tont A .kwniiiK Co., S'jy North

l••■'ldaln•■a at., Chlraao III. Wln.lliMr't A Co . HM Hal N. UMh at.. .>lt. I-.nla.

LIQUID MAKE-UP Tho Moan Co. (A'oiithfiil Tintl. Iloohoator, N. Y.


llamluirir. Kiii;<troiii A Co., .".loa Mallora lllilx |•■■|.■a)^o, III,

MAGIC GOODS Chi. tieo Ma -lo Co.. 71’ \V. .\daina at.. Chb-aeo. Tho At.itfir Shop, North Ttiirtoonth at.. Phlla

do'phla. I’a. J. C. C.'Nman. 1»’>1 N Clark at . Chlc-apv, III. Cly.lo \V IViwora. I’lht \V 4.M at.. N. Y. CltT. Urol .V Covort, >>1!» K. 4:1.1 at . Ctilraco. III! .A It.dhorh. re. l.M \V. Ontarl.i at . Cliiraeo. III. Tlio i)jka M grlral Co.. Oahk'oih. Wla.

MANTELS AVm I’ Carvry Co.. .■«•.■> Mlaal.m at.. San Fran


.A-niit,ieo A- Cntnn. Sprinevlllo. N. Y. Kll It-i.ltfO Co., IhaailwHlaO, III. M. - loll spllltnan C.. . .N.. Tonawanda. N T. W K Manrola Co.. Con. y lalan.l. Now York. N. 'Volty Ma.-liino Co.. 2 llortor at., N. Y. City. C. 'V I’arkor. I.oavonworth, Kan, T. ’i I'iiiii. t C.. . .M* Van Huron ot., In.ti inatxdla

In.l Thnrat,.n'a Waltr Itl.lo Co . 141>.t nnaidway Now

York City.

MASKS Maatjuoradr. Thoatrieal and CarnlTall

KIIpi»rl, 4tl ('.anior S.jnaro, Now Y'ork City.

MATERIAL FOR ARTISTS nii'k A Flta.-oraM. Itt .Ann at.. Now Y'ork City Clydo l'hllll|w, ft. Thoniaa, Ky.

MERRY-GO-ROUNDS Hora.h.11 StdMnian C.... No. Tonawanda, N. Y. C. \V I’arkor, Loavonworth, Kan.


F C C a.-k. .M Kaat Markrt at.. .Akia>n, O.


A T^rn!. \V. i»oth nt.. Now York City. I y'Hi A Ifi’Hlr. s Wabnuh •tt., rhloarn. III. North Tofiamanfla Musical Inntrament Work§,

N**rfh Tonawanfla. N. Y. U. IM* l«4*r. Ahllen**, Kan.

MILITAR/ GOODS FROM GOVERN- „ MENT AUCTION H H. Abrahama. .VW Markrt at.. Phlladrlphla.

MOVING PICTURE CAMERAS Minu«a <'!ne Pn«<lacta To., 3i¥> N<»rth UnnidwaT,

l4»nLa. Mo.

MOV. P|C. ELEC. LIGHTS OUTFIT IW-trolt Kneinr AA'orka. Ib-trolt. Mlrh

MOV PIC. THEATER CURTAINS Anior|.-an Tlioator Curtain Co., ItWl North Main

. St. Mo.

MOVING PICTURE MACHINES Supply Co., Itw* It N..rth Fifth arr.. HI. Atlaa Movlne Plrtiirr Co., Hoorn I’SO, .ms South

I*.arN>rn at., Chlcajp’. III. Drtrborn Novelty Co., .Vt7 So. Drarlawn at.. Chl-

caeo. 111.

Knl.r;.rU,. (P.tlcal Mfe. Co.. .570 Wrat Hando’ph at , Cbiraen.

jlarharh A Co.. 112 N. Ninth at.. Phlladel|>hla. l.«rnimle nitn .Service. 'JOA W lake at.. Chl-

ciK'. Mlnneaixilia, Otnaha. I»ra Molnea. leara' Theater Supply C..., .VW Cliratnut at., St.

•'•Ilia. M<i M.«.re IIiiMm II a Co., Maw.nlc Temple. Chloaeo. > Power A Co . Oil Hold at.. New York City. l'•'lau.n Machine Co.. .117 K .lAlh at . N Y. C. hln rhard Schneider, 210 Seemd aye.. N. Y. City. Aha. M stehhlna lirjs Main at.. Kanaaa City.

MOVING PICTURE SUPPLIES 'ha. H. Hennett Ml N Ninth at . Philadelphia.

MUSIC ARRANGERS Kdwln nieey. Palace Theater. Ft AVavne. Ind Miireiie Platrniann Itroadway and Thirty ninth

• New Y'oflt City

, „ MUSICAL GLASSES A Il-anne|«, loij Napier ave., Illehniond lU'l,

5vw Y.ffk

musical INSTRUMENTS <*Inmhn« r«*., <'o1ninbii«. O ■ , lh»nfiin. n«»rti*jiii ami Kn^f ' Rtr . <'Mrn*4»

carl FISCHER ead eianeTa fnr rverrthlnr In Mualc t'atalof frr*.

4W.S4 C—aar Saaara. Naw Yarti

lauii, M. MaliTkl A Co.. X17 AVahaah ave., Chi- «« >. 111.

North Tonawanda Mualeal Inatrument Works, North Tonawanda, N. Y.

J. P. Seehure Plano Co., Chicago, III.

MUSIC PUBLISHERS Carl Haeher, 50 Coojier S<|uarr, New York City. Charlea K. Ilarria, Akduuihia Theater BnUdinf,

New Y'ork City. Jerome II. Kenilek, 221 W. 40th at.. N. Y. City. Shapiro, IteriiKiein A Co., 1410 Broadway, New

York Cliy. Harry Von TlUer Mualc Piibllahlnjt Co., 125

Weat Forty-third at.. New York City. Yvm Von TlUer, 145 \V. 45th at., N. Y. City, Warner C. Wllllania A Co., 6.'J5 Prospect at.,

liidiana|Kilia. Ind. Wateraon, IP-rlln A Snyder, Strand Theater,

New York City.

NEW SOLDERING COMPOUND Bazzanella A Co.. 407 S. Eden at., Baltimore.

NOSE PUTTY M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. l-’O W. 31»t at., N. Y. C.

NOVELTIES -Art Metal Worka. 7 Mulberry at., Newark. N. J. Berk Brotliera, .Vt.Y Broailway, New Y'ork City. Coe, Y’asiae A Co., Vnfl I-iicaa are., St. I-outs,

Mlammrl. I. Klseiiat>-ln A Co., 44 .Ann at.. New York City. Fabrieiiia < o.. 1HJ3 Waaliinirton. St. I>iala, Mo. ITacher Bros. A <’o.. Newark, N. J. M. (jerber, 7'27 721* South at., Philadelphia, Pa. Ibtrilon A Morriaon, P.»l* 21*1 Kaat Madlaon at.,

f'blcaKo, 111. Karl Cu.-irenlielm, .5.31 Br<«dway, N. Y. City. Ed Hahn, .'CiH We«t Madlaon at., Chlcaito, Hi. A. H. Heiidler A A'o., Hail .Market at., San Fran-

claco. Cal. James Kellev, 1,5| E. '-’.'H at.. New Y'ork City. Ijincaater lilaaa Co.. Idincaater. O. Miller Itutdier Co., Akron. O. Nadel A Sliimm.l. 1.32 Park Row, N. Y. City. N. Share *'<>., 2.37 241 W. .Madlaon at., Chicago, sinter Briai., *<2 Bowery. New Y'ork City. S-m Broa. A Co._ w4!* Mlaaion at., San Kraiiclsco. I'nlfeil Souvenir A Novelty Co.. 11.50 Market at., F.-anciaco, Cal. AVehh Freja.-lilaif Me-c Co., Kanaaa City, Yfo. Samuel Weinhaua Co.. 7J2 Penn ave.. Plttaburg. Yankee Novelty Co., ;*4 E. loth at.. New York. Z'>rn’a Novelty C<».. .5J4 Market at., Phlla.. Pa.

OLD HOME WEEK SPECIALIST F. I . I3:iek. 51 E. Market. .Akron, O.

OPERA CHAIRS •Amerlean Se.ating Co., 14 K. Jacka«»D Boulevard,

n.lcat... I I. •A. H. .Andrew* «'o , 11.3 Wah.Aah ave., Chicago. Carn’e 'buidte Mfg. Co., .307 Iielaware at., Kan¬

aaa City. Mo. Id-ara' Theater Supply Co , .'lOO Chestnut at., St.

l.oula. Mo. Ma.aillon Chair A n—k t -. . Maaaillon, O. Peter A A'.dz. .Arlington Helchta. III. Stee' Fiirnlfiire Co.. Urand Hapida. Mich. E. H SlalT..rd Mfg. Co.. Chl-ago, 111. AA'Ueonaln Seating Co.. New I ondoD. Wla.

ORANGEADE CharW Orangea>Ie Co., tiarfleld Sfa.. Chicago. Chaa. T. Morriaaey Co . 4417 Madlaon at.. Chl’go. The C.u-ner Co., 2.» Pennaylranla at., Buffalo,

New Y'ork.

ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS C. F Hath, .Abilene. Kan. .A. Bernl. 216 W. 'JtMh at.. New Y'ork City. 1 yon A Healy, '.‘<*2 S. Wabaah ave., Chicag-*. Ill. fJ. MoMnarl A Sona. 112 32d at.. Biamklyn. N. Y'. John Muzzio A Son. 17s Park Row. N. Y'. City. North Tonawanda Mualeal Inatrument Worka.

North Tonawanda, N. Y'.

PADDLE WHEELS .Adyan<-e Whip Co.. 2^7 Elm at.. Westfield. Mass. E. M. Havta Soap 4'o.. 2'.’2 North De*plalnea at.,

Chicago. 111. H. C. Evan* A Co.. 75 Weat Van Buren at..

Chicago, Ill. A J. Kempten A Co.. St. Paul. Minn. Kernan Mfg. Co.. 115 S. I*eart»>m at.. Chicago. Slack Mfg. Co.. 3.37 W. Madlaon at., Chicago. III. Tip T-h* Toy Co . 2'-’« W. 10th at.. N Y. City. l'nlfe<l States Tent A .Awning Co., 229 North

Deaidalnea at.. Chicago. HI. It. C. Wllhnr Mfg C- , .32 N. .5th at.. Phlla., Pt. Geo. Zorn, Jr.. Mfr., ,5J4 Market at.. Phlla., Pa.


Poster Pai>er Mfg. Co., B,'T 4.S. Philadelphia. Pa


.Amelia Grain. RIO Si<rlng Garden at.. Phlla., Pa.

PARASOLS Frank ford Rnva.. Otki nu>ert at.. Philadelphia.


POOLS. ETC. Grllfltha A Crane. I.lpidn.-ott Bldg.. Phlla.. Pu.

PATENTS SECURED A'lctor J. Evans A Co.. Washington. D. C.

PEANUTS. ALL VARIETIES S. Catanzaro A Sons. Inc., Penn ave. and 22d

at.. Pittaburg. Pa.

PEANUT ROASTING MACHINES Klngery Mfg. Co., Cincinnati. O.

PENNANTS Berk Proa., .54.3 Broadway. New York City. Boston Novelty Co.. SO R2 Freeport at., Boaton,

Maaaachnaetta. I.angrock Bros., 3.5 Ornwvnd PI., Brooklyn. N. Y. M. Newman, R.s.3 Market at.. San Francisco. Cal. N. Shnre Co., •237-241 W. Ma<llaon at., Chlca-o. F. Slernthal, 3.5S W. Madlaon at., Chicago, HI.

PENNANTS AND PILLOWS Amerlean Pennant I'o . 60 Greene at.. N. Y'. City A. II. Hendler A Co.. 1061 Markrt at.. San Fran

claeo. Cal. Ta Croaae Pennant Co., T.a rroa«e. WH. l4incro<-k Bros., 3.5 Ormond PI., Biax'klyn. N. Y. Paelrtc Pennant A Novelty Co., 241 New High,

loa .Angeles, Cal. Prudential Art Co.. 110 W. 23<1 at.. N. 5'. City. G. It. Rohinwm .% <'o.. 0 S. <'1lnton at.. Chicago. Thoen Bn«a.. 34 S Sltth. Mlnneaia>lla, Minn. I'nltiat Stales Tent A Awning Co., 2'.5» North

I>«‘*|dalnea at.. Chteag«\ HI.

PERFUME AND NOVELTIES Superior Perfume Co.. 160 N Sth ave., A'hlcago.

PHOTOGRAPHERS Commerelal PlH'lographlc A'o., 115 Brady at.,

Haveiiport. la. Y'oung A Carl. 7th and Vine ata., Ctnelnnatl, O.

PHOTO BUTTON CAMERAS American Minute Photo Co., 2214 Ogden ave.,

A'hlcago. III.

Benaon Camera Co., 23 Delancey at., N. Y. City. International Metal aud Ferrotype Co., 1223 W.

Twelfth at., Chicago, Ill. N. V. Ferrotn** Co., 1126 S. Halated, Chicago.

PILLOW TOPS DeMar Mfg. Co., Inc., 107 f>ak at., Buffalo,N.Y. I-. K. Euglt-man, 18 W. 17th at.. New York City. II. C. Evana A Co., 73 W. Y’an Buren at., Chi¬

cago, HI. Fair A Carnival Co.. 126 5th aye., N. Y. City. I.angrock Broa., 35 UruHmd PI., Brooklyn, N. Y, New Toy Mfg. Co., 14.3 Bleecker at.,Newark,N.J, Oregon City Woolen JIllls. Oregon City, Oregon. Joaeph Roth Mfg. Co., .54 \V. at., N. Y. City N. Share Co., 237-241 W. Madlaon at., Chicago. Thoen Br<ja., 34 S. Sixth, Mitmeapolla, Minn. United Statea Tent A Awning Co., 229 North

Deaplalnea at., Chicago, HI. Western Art Leather Co., Tabor 0|>era Ilonae

Bldg., Denver, Col.


NOVELTY MFRS. Sui)erior I-*-ather Goods Co., 175 Washington at.,

Boston, Maaa.


Acme Toy A Mfg. Co.. 141 W. 17tb at., N. Y. C. Advance Whip Co., 2R7 Elin at., Westfield. Masa. Art Dtdl A Toy Co.. 36 W. 20th at., N. Y. City. Berk Broa., 543 Brvmdway, New York City. Carnival Toy A Mfg. Co., 99 IT. 19th it..N.Y.C. Fair A Carnival Supply Co., 126 Fifth ave.. New

York City. New Toy Mfg. Co., 14.3 Bleecker at.. Newark.

New Jersey. Shapiro A Karr, .3'20 South at.. Philadelphia, Pa. N. Share Co., 2.37-'241 W. Madlaon at.. Chicago. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery. New Y'ork City. United States Tent A .Awning <>)., 229 North

Deajilalnea at., Cliicago. HI. Tip Top Toy Co., 2-'0 W. 19tn at.. N. Y. City.

POPPING CORN (The Grain) •American Poji Corn Co., .Sioux City. la. Bradahaw Co., 286 Gre*-nwlch at., N. Y. City. Shotwell Mfg. Co., 1019 W. .Adams at., Chicago.

POPCORN MACHINES W. Z. Ixing, 172 High at., Springfield, O.

POPCORN POPPERS Klngery Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O.

PORCUPINES IJnwo<aI 11. Flint, North Waterford, Me.

PORTABLE ELEC. LIGHT PLANTS Eli Bridge Co., R<«Nlhou<e. Ill.


Tramill Portable Skating Kink Co.. 1.323 Agtiea at.. Kanaaa City, Mo.

Uniteil Statea Tent A .Awning Co., 229 North I>eaplain<-s at., i'hicago. HI.

PORTABLE SKATING RINK PeerlesB Portable Skating Kink Co., Paola, Kan.

POST CARDS Max Stein Pub. lIon*e. 508 S. State at., Chicago.

POST CARD MACHINES Daydark Siieclaliy Co.. Daydark Bldg., St. Unnia.


Jamestown Ferrotype Co., 1126 South Halste<t at., Chicago, III.

Star Photo M. A S. Co.. SOS Soiith at., Phlla.

PRINTERS (Of Pictorial Foitera, Big-Type Stands. Stream-

era, Etc.) American Show Print Co., Milwaukee, Wla. Donahlaon I.lthograph Co., Newport, Ky. llennegan A Co.. 311 Genesee Bird.. Cincinnati. Roht. Wllnian*. 17t»> Commerce at., Dallas, Tex.

PRIZES (Vases. China. Steina, Etc.)

Pitkin A Brook* Co.. 124 W. l.ake at., Chicago.

QUICK SYSTEM PADDLES Blttlemeyer Printing Works, 13.31 Vine at., Cin¬

cinnati, O.

ROLL TICKETS •Anaell Ticket Co., 1.54 166 E. Erie at.. Chicago. Arcus Ticket Co., 6113 Plymouth Court. Chicago. DonaUlaon l.ltho.'raph Co., Newport, Ky. National Ticket Co.. Shimoktn. Pa. Royal Ticket Co., Shamokin, Pa. The ’rrlm<'unt Pres*. 87 .Albany at.. B<.>*ton.

ROUGE The lie** Co., R»8‘hester, N. Y. M. Stein Ciwnietlc Co.. 12(l W. .31*1 at.. N. Y. C.

SAFETY RAZORS Burbam Safety Razor Co., 64 Murray at.,N.Y.C.


Alter A Co.. 163 W. Madlaon at.. Chicago. HI. Barne* Bro*.’ Novelty Co.. N. Main at.,

Ilutchinaon, Kan. Tra Barnett. 61 Beekman *t.. New Y'ork City. Brackman-Weller Co., 3117 We*t Madlaon at.,

Chicago*, HI. Cha*. .5 Brewer A Son*. 6.3'20 Harvard tve.,

Chicago. IH. Oacar Krlchsen A Co., Bo-«ton Block. Minneapolis,

Minnesota. The J. YV. IRiodwln Co.. '2940 W.^at Van Bnren

at.. Chicago. III. Moe Is'vln A Co.. 3.37 .3.39 West Madlaon at..

Chicago. HI. N. Shnre Co.. '237-241 W. Madlaon at.. Chicago. Thoen Bro*., ,34 S. Sixth *f.. Mlnneap*>li*. Minn. The Tonralne Confectionery Co., 2,51 Causeway

Boston. Ma»». I'nlleil State* Tent A .Awning Co., 229 North

Deaplslne* *t.. Chicago. HI. Watllng Mg. Co., Jackson Blvd.. Chicago, Hi Samuel Weinhau* Co.. 7'2'2 Penn ave., Pitt»hn-g.


SCHELL^ SCENIC STUDIO MI-WS-MS Seetk Hleh St.. Caluoibui 0

SCENERY FOR HIRE AND SALF. .Amelia Grain, 819 Sprint G.anlen *t.. Phlla., I’r..

SCENIC Twentieth St. Studio. 19 W. 20th »t.. Chlca.'O.

SCENIC PAINTERS (And Dealers in Scenery, Etc.)

M. Armbruater A Sons, '249 Front at., Columbut. Ohio.

Dndek A Ebert, Miles Theater. Pittsburg. Pa. Enkeboll Art Co., 5305 N. 27th at.. Omaha, Neb.

Frank M. Green Scenic Co., 408 Fifth at., Loola- yllle, Ky.

John llerfnrtb, 2183 Boone at., Cincinnati, O. The New York Studio*, 1001 Time* Bldg.,N.y.C. Schell's Scenic Studios, 581 South High at., Co¬

lumbus, O. SoKiiiaii A I.andi* Co.. 417 S. Clinton at.. Chiclgo Swift Studios, 466 468 E. 31*t at., Chicago, 111. Toomey A Volland Scenic Co., 2312 Market at.,

St. liOUlH, Mo. United State* Tent A Awning Co., 229 North

Deaplalnen at., Chicago, HI. The York Scenic Studios, Y'ork. Pa.

SCENIC STUDIOS Austin Rowell, 1215 Fifth ave., Pittsburg, Pa.

SECOND-HAND SHOW GOODS Crescent City Film Exchange, 8'.» Perdido at..

New Orleans, Iji. United Staten Tent A Awning Co., 229 Ncrth

Deaplalnea at., Chicago, Ill.

SECOND-HAND TENTS (Bought and Sold)

I, . Nlcker*on Tent. .Awning and Cover Co., 175 State at., Boston, Alaa*.

SECTIONAL BUILDINGS (Movies, Rinka and Dance Halla)

R. I- Kenyon, 483 ,\ll8-rt si.. Waukealia, Wla.

SERIAL PADDLES A. J. Kemplen A Co., Endlcolt Bldg., St. Paul,


SERIAL PAPER PADDLES National Ticket Co., Shaimikln, Pa. S. B. Paper Paddles. .5.59 W. I-ake *t., Chlcigo.

SHETLAND PONIES Frank P. Healy, Betiford. la.

SHOOTING GALLERIES Diamond Novelty Co., Schenectady, N. Y. E. B. Hippie. 809 Vine *t., Phlladeh’hia, Pa. E. R. Hoffman A Son, 3317 South Irving are.,

Chicago. HI. W. 1'. Mangel*. Coney Island, New Y'ork City. F. Mueller A Co., 170'2 N. Western ave., (TtCgo. C. W, Parker. I eavenwortli. Kan. T. A. J. Smith Mfg. Co.. .3247 W. Van Buren

at., Chicago. Ill.


Ackerman Quigley Co.. 115 W. .5th at., Kausaa City, Mo.

Planet Show Print A Engraving Mouse, Chatham, Ont., Can.


OTYPERS Runey Show Print. Kunev Bldg., Cincinnati, O.

SHOW TOPS IlenrlX I uebbert .Mfg. Co.. 31,3 Howard, San

Francisco. Cal.

SIDE-SHOW CURIOSITIES Nelson Supply. 514 E. 4th at.. S. Boston, Mxa*.

SIDE-SHOW PRINTING Enkeboll Art Co.. .5.395 N. '2715 *t.. Omaha. Neb. Austin Rowell, 1215 nfth ave., Pittsburg, Pa. United Statea Tent A .Awning Co., 2'29 Noitb

De*i>laine* *t., Chicago, III.

SKATES Chicago Rol’er Skate Company. '224 N. -Ada st.,

Chicago. Ill. Richardstin Skate Co., 1.54 E. Erie st.. Chicago. John M. William*. Mfr. of Henley K.dler Skates,

Richmond, Ind. Union Hardware Co.. Torritigton. Conn.

SKEE-BALL J. D. E»te Co.. 1.524 Samwm *♦., Philadelphia.

SLOT MACHINES (Manufacturers and Dealers In) ^

Diamond Novelty Co., Schenectady, N. Y. National Amending Mach. Co.. Minneapolla. Miun.

SLOT MACHINE SUPPLIES Exhibit Supply Co., .5'24 S. Dearborn st., (^>1 go.

SNAKE DEALERS Armstrong Snake Co.. San .Antonio, Tex. Brownsville Snake Farm. Box 275. Btownavl'.le,

Texas. W. .A. Snake King. Brownsville. Tex. W. O'Dell l.oarn. San .Antonio, Tex.

SOLDER (Compound) Bazzanella * Co.. 407 Eden. Baltimore, Md.

SONG BOOKS Wm. W. Delane.v, 117 Park Row. N. T. C'.ty.

SONG BOOK PUBLISHERS W. B. Iluhbs, 32 Union Sipiare, New York City.

SONG SLIDES (For Hluitrated Songs)

Ijiemmle Film Service. 204 AA'eat laike st., Chi¬ cago; AIlnnea|iolis, Omaha. I>e* Moines.


SIEGMAN &. WEIL 18 A n kaat 27tli SI., W«w Yark CHy.

SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES singer Bnw.. 82 IVvwery. New York City.

SPIRIT GUM M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 1'20 W. 31*t st.. N. Y. C.

SPORTING GOODS H. C. Evami A Co.. 75 AV. Van Bnren st., Chi¬

cago. n. C. Hunt A Co.. 160 N. Fifth ave.. Chicago. Kernan Alfg. Co.. 11.5 S. I*earhom st.. Chicago.

STAGE HARDWARE J. R. Clancy, lotkA W. Belden ave.. Syracuse.

New York. A. W. Gerstner Co.. 6.34 Eighth ave.. S. Y. C.


SIEGMAN &. WEIL 18 A 28 East 27th St.. New Ysrk City.

STAGE LIGHTING APPLIANCES Ktlegl Bro*.. 24<* AA' .50th *t.. New York City.

STAGE MONEY AND USED MAGIC Gitlierty Novelty Magic Co.. 1113-5 So. Irving

ave.. Chicago.

STEREOPTICONS Chas. M. SteUdn*. UV28 Main st., Kansas City.

Continued on Page 44

42 Tlie Billboard JANUARY 29, 1916.


(Cootlnued from j>age 30. |

Mf^lvllle. Mary (K<‘lth)

3I*rrci‘de« (Siii’Ut liuffulo dl*Kt'b. 5. M^reclitii dc ainjyjzvr ('i llaiuilton, Cau.,

31-Keb. G.


Mcriun'ii IX)j;k (Or|i|jeiiai i r.rookijn 31Feb. G.

.Mer«Teaii. Vera (MaJCHtlr) SlireveiKirt. La. Metr<.|H>Utan UanciUK UirU (Majeati. ) San An

tonio, Tex.

Flexico (I’alitaeea) Taoonia. VVaah ■ ri'antaena

Noliette ((»ri>li€-um) IX'Iimt; titiirlis) (’eloraOu U< K*'!. l>jrotliy. A C’u. (Kejtli(, O

Sjirliiga 31 Feb. 1; (Or(il eum) J.iinulii Neb..

3 4. Norilstniin. Marie (Keitbl I'lillaib’lpbla. Nortlhlrtim. I'raiKeH, A ('<>. i .Marj lainl) Haiti

more: iKeilb) I’nivlib le-e .'il Feb

North, Frank, A Co, .try la mil Itallimore 31-

Feb. 5.

Norton A Allen (l,..e«) New UiK-Iielle. N. Y. Norton A Karl (I'antagea) Kiluiuutou, Can.;

(i'antuges) Calgary 31 I'eb. 5.

(llll'P.l youngsluun 31 Feb.

Sterling, Harry tJuilltli) la-»li.lown. .Mont., 37-

3S, ttlramll t.reat Falla 31> 3il U< Isner A Corea (11111110111111 .Miuiiea|K>llH; tOr- | steiena, Millie. A t.irla iJenerMitii liallaa, Tex.

Iilieiiiul W Inuiia-g 31 Feb. o.

Keuiple, iteaaie A Co. (Or|ilieuml .New \ «rk

Sleteiia, Kiiiiiiu (1‘alueei llna.klyu. SteveiiH, Hal A Co. tV. ii«e St.l Toriinlo.

Norton A Ixx* (Itushwlekl linarklyn; Hololilall Klcharils, Cbrla tFantageal Winnipeg, Can.;

.N« 7 ork .(1 lob .1. (I'antageal Kiluiouton 31 Feb. 6. SoeHa, .\lu.-bal tt.raiiili Knowllle. renn.. Juln-. A Co. i(irpbeuinl MiniH-uiH.lla; (Or

(U.miiokel Ibiaiioke. \ .1 31 1.1. 3, pheunil SI. Caul 31 Feb. Nowlin & St. Clair (lloKalbi ItiNHiklyu

.NuKint. J. C.. A Co. (Oriili.-iiin 1 .New orleaiia, .M.Viirdy (Ilijoui l.ainaiug, Mi.b

(l.yrlel Itimilngliam 31 I . b. Uola rb. (l.lm-olu .S<i 1 New ^ork.

Oillva (.Mujeatiel Chb-ago.

O'Cbire, Wui. A CirU (Orpli.Mim illoatou. eilco (Caiitag.a) Taoonia, Waah.; (Cantagea) li mninell A Clain- ilb.yali New York 31 Feb. 5. lortlauil, 0:e., 31-Feb. 5. O'Neal A (iallaglier ((;r<..‘ie.v .s,|.i New York.

Meyera, VVni. F., (FuUuot Itrooklyn

Ueynobla A I'oiiegan (Orph.-uiui Salt laike 31- st«\ena A Falke lOipti.-uinl Omulia, tOipheuiu)

Feb. o. winnl|a-g 31 Feb. o. ltb<.aiie>. .Ma>or Mai k (Orplieuinl OaklauU, Cal., Stewart A iH.nubui- iHipp) ^oungatuwn. O.;

31 leb. (K.'ltbl C.n. Iniiall 31 1 . I. .1. Ulee A Newton (Cantages) Wlnulpi'g, Can.; Stewart. Tlii.-e .MlaM-a . Crlm eeei Na.>tiMllr,

(Cuntageal lAlnionton 31-Feb. 5. Teiin.; tltoanok**! Itoaiioke. Va., 31 leb. i.

Kb e. Aiiuy it olunnill Krl.’, Fa. Stoddanl. Marie i.MlIea) lielrolt. StoiH' A Hay.-n lOrplieiinil M. Caul, (lirpheuin)

Omaha 31 Feb. 5. KtraaaelCa Animala (Knipr«TMi) St. Caul. Sullltan. Arthur. A Co. lOiph.-um) Omaha: lOr

pheulll) Wllinlla'g 31 Feb. .. ^ .___ Sultanaa. The (Ori.heumi Kaiiaaa City.

Uolarb. ll.lm-olu .S<i I New ^ork. Humlko A Olrla (Kiiipreaai Tiilioi. Ok. Ib^M-rta, Stuart A K.4wrta (Caulagea) Cortland, Talluiau (Keltbl Indiauaia.lia 31 Feb. a

Ore. Tamer, Tlie (Yonge St.i Tomntu. Ilia hex'a M .nkeya (Orptieiim) Meuiplila; lOr Tango Sboea iSboa) Huffalo; (Sbeal Toronto

pli.'umi New Orleuua 31 Feb. 3. 81 Feb. 6.

A Harrlaou (Orplieum) Kanaaa City.

31 F.4». 3. Old Homi*Htead Kight (lbM.n.-ke( Ibatnokc, Va

lA.-ademyl Norfolk XI F<4>. ‘3.

Middleton Siiellmeyer A Co ( Krooklyn. tCanUg.-a) Cortlan.l, Ore.. 31 F'eb. 6. .Mtgiion lOri>heum) Ilrooklyn; (Alhambral New (CNeil. Ixa- IKeltb) laiulaillle.

Ofliee <«lrla (Cautagiw) Voiieoueer, B. C.; (Can-

K b r ^**^* *** ^ (Or|>lieum) Montreal 51* Victoria Sl-Feb. 5.

Mlirtar/ lianoera. Six (Orpheun.) (IreenBay.WU. Toronto. (Keith]

Mlll7raSin H«tn.^t-i*d Klght (Ibamoke. Ibatm, Fe" 6 (Orpbeum, Salt I^ke *1- ,A. ademy» .Xl F.4. '3.

Mill, A Iwwkwood (Kfnpreas) St. Cxul. MiJo (Orpb^um) Brooklyn. ’ ^



O'.Neal A Waluialey (I’aiitageK) Taiimix, Wxab.; ] Uix-k A White torpbeiimi san Fran«-lBro 31-I Tanguay, Kra (Krllb) IMilladelpliia

Feb. 5. Book well A Wooda (Alhambra i New York 81

Fi-b. 5. Boolar A Gllaein (IJneoln Sj ) New York.

Ob-ott, Clma. (Shea) Tor.iiilo. (Keith) Boeton Boeaner. Oeorge M. (CViknlal) Erie, Fa.. Al *Vb. 5.

Bomau (Jnartette (Apollo) JanewTlDe, Wla. IUnumuiw, Thn« (<JreeU-y Sn ) New York.

Olga (Orphenni) Hloax C-lty, la.; (Majiwtlol I Si-veo (Orplieuiul ja.-kiwmtlUe, Fla

Chlrago 31-Feb. G, lAi-mleiuyl Norfolk. Va.. 31 F«-b. 3

Taylor. Kra, A Co (Orplieunil Oaklaml. t'al.; (Orpbeuni) Sai-rameiilo :tl Feb. '3.

Telegraph Trb. (Bay Ubigei Brooklyn Telephone Tangle i Orplo-uiJi 1 MempbU, (Or

plieum) New (trb*ana 31 Feb. 3. Teiupeet, Marie, A .Melrllle KIIU (Orplieum)

Brooklyn. (Keith) II»~ton 31 Feb. 5 Terry, Cliyllla Nellreii (Shea) Toionlo; (Calaee)

Chb-ago 81 Feb. 6. Thla Way. lAdlea (Majertlr* .\nn Artew. .Mich.

CHAS. OLCOTT DlrNrtlOD Jennie Jacoba.

IbN.uey A Bent (Orpheum) Meuipbla, (Orjibeuni) Tbuniaa, Fred. A Co. iKiiipreael Ctni'lnimtl. New orleana 31 Feb. 5. Thoniaa A Henderaou (Orpheuint New York

Hoe,- A KUia (Euipree,i Tulea, Ok. Kotw. JiilU'l (Keith) Indlaiia|Mill*. HoMhannra (Oriihoum) Ixm .\ngelea.

ItoeK A l.*-diio (Calai'ei Ivtrolt 31 Feb. 3.

... .mIm.? A (>■?,! (Alhambn.) New York.

(•tiri. Jack tCrimesal Na-tivllle, I'onn.; (tlramli Vt".e‘7’krihnr » Ann « in'* Knoxville 31 Feb '* '‘"y Arthur (Fox) Aumra. III.

... . Miniature Kerne (Keltbl Boeton. Ordway, lAnrie (Pantagea) San Diego,

Mirano Broe. (Orplieum) WiniiiiM-g; ((irand) (Cantages) Salt lAke Sl Feb. 6.

Calgary 31-Keh. 2. ,,rtb A (Keith) I'rorideme 31-Feb. Moo«*nA. r loivnce. Oo. (Kuipn^HMi Orplwun <'oni€*dj' Four i'inrinnati.

Monr<»^ (Keiths IndianaMis Sl-m. 5. Orpington Trio iMaJontic) Ballan. Tex, & Allan {PantareKt Vancouver, B. C.; <>*4, Four (Victoria) ('liarli*Kton. S. C'.

Oxford Tri*. (Bushwicl-) Br.M.kl>n. Blrhmond. Va., ai Feb. 2.

B^ton :H Feb. 5"Cackart F^^ KyauATlenmy .Keltbl U.ularllle.

M.Kjn* A Haager tWliltel I'n-riio. Cal.; (Or- lage Hii. k A Mark (Orplieiiml Ixnver; (BuniHl A'w'rll-hT*‘(XlaV’'^y <t T NW pheuni) I»H AnKelea 31 IVb. ('obRrado Spriiip* rn -Ft b. I ; ((trpU uui) Lin -I

Mw»r»*. O’Brien A Mf<'-<»riiiHrk (Ori'beuiiil 5ie- *'oln. Ni*b.. ;i-4.

attle 31-FVh. S. I^aid With Intercut (BiJ^un Bn*'»klyn.

Mmire, Tom A Starla (KmpreHMt PiRrtland. Ore. I^aka. Tvioku. A ‘^<r. (iNdumbla) St. luaiiu; (Or Moran A ^yIHe^ (Oarrirk) WiluiiuKtoo. lb»l.; plieRim) MeiuphiK 31-F«‘b. r».

(Royal) New York 31 Feb. 5. Palfrey, Hall A Bniwn (l•^•s|»«*«•t) Bn»<»klyn

Morelle’a. B., Sextette (Un'heumi Brooklyn 51* Palmer, (iauton ('hampait:n Feb. 5. (Knipr«*sKi (irand ItapidB* 31 Feb. r».

Morgan, J. A B. (Temple) Hamilton. Can. Carlettea. Four (National i Now York.

(Empr»-ssi Craiiil Kapbli- 31 Feb. .">.

Carlettea. Four (National i Now Y ork.

Carla Trio (.Ymerloaiii New Y'irk. Carry. Cbarlolte. A Co. iKolllii Ciminnatl:

(Keith) I..>uiarl1le :tl leb.

Thonipaon F.. A »o. (On>B*'«ra) Ce*»rl«. IB. Thornton. J A F. (Kellhl Waabingbm Tbouaand Dealha. A (l.yrlel Hola.krn. N. J. Tburlier A YUdlwin (Oiplieniiil iK-nrer; iBiirna)

Coiorsdo Spring, 31 Feb. 1; (Orpheum) Un

coin. Neb., 3-4. _


XHORNXOIM C (Pxntxge,) Victoria 31 Feb. G TIgbe A Mxw.o (On'beumi Broi.klyn 31 >>«» ^

^m^yV ^iT„"Tc;.r.r'rbb.i:r .'i^^nmbu)

Kuaaell'a Mln,trela ,Orpheum. .SUhix City, U. Te’nl'y‘‘(0.^.enml O.kland. Cal.; .Or

pheinni San Franelwai .'11 Feb. .I.

Toonier, II. B. A Co. (Obdwi B«*t.>n Tooatainln Arab, (Cantageal San Fraiiclaca;

(Paotagea) (takland 31 Feb. G. To Save t.oe (Jlrl (.Amerbani New Y'ork. Toyo Trouiie (Keith) Prorbleoee 31 leb. 3.

Trarato (Ortilienmi I>ea Molnea. la. Turplna. The Kiraiid) Knoxrllle. Tenn . (I.yrlc)

Samuel,. Maunoe, A Co. (Cantagea) san rran- Clroitiigliani 31 Feb '3. Saniuela, Kay i .\laj,-atle) Cbb agu; (Majewlb I i,„„ lOndMUm) San Fran. l«.ai. KH^

Milwaukee 31 Feb. 5. pbeum) Oakland 31 Feb .«ana.n- A Iklilab (Keith) lndlaiia|Hdia. (Darla) g j,, TXo (Kmprviw) Seattle

PIttaburg Sl-Feb. 3 ITmlierto A Saechettl ((b’pliennil St. Caul 31 San Tue.1 Trio (Majeatb ) Dalla,. Tex. ‘ '

KuHoeU'H Mlnatrel, (Orpbeiim. .Sioux (Tty. la

Kiiiorell. 13llUn (Orpheum I Kainui, City 31-Feb..% Klitlaiid. Ib’lle (Majeatle) CbatlanrHiga. (Bijou)

Bb'binond. Y'a.. 31-Feb. 3.

Saint A Sjnner (Oriiheiimi Memphl, 31 Feb. !i Sale. Cblek (Orpheum) San Franelm-o '34 FVb. 3

Samuel,. Maurice, A Co. (Cantagea) San Fran

Santos A Hayes icryatali St. Joaeph. Mo. Santley A Norton (Bnabwlek) Brooklyn; (Keith)

ITiiladel|ihia 31 Feb. S. Saranotf A Kandall (.Alhambra) New Y’ork.

I'l.asion Play of Wash. .s<|. il<o.viiI) New Y’ork;|s:i\o S«-\telle iSbea) Toronto. (('oloniall New Y’ork 31 Fi-li. Sr'halTer. Sylreater (Palace) Bnsrklyn.

Cussion Play of Wuab. Si(. (<.rt>henm) Wlnui Soharf A Kainser (Csilonlall Fairmont. W. A’a Morgan A Gray (Pantages) Salt lAke; (Pan- (Grand) Calgary 31 Feb. '3.

tagea) Ogden 31-Feb. G.

•'''ier3V-V.dT.V''“‘‘’‘’ (Keith) To- ^C K A R D ••4’* MoHLT^'vmtor plhfln* PANTAGES CTKCTIT

... Ir*** Angelea Dtrrrtloo Sam Baerrrltx. a;4 1-^'b. iS.

Mo^HH.^v''/'H.%loV7b.\M!ken*"^^^^ ‘ ".V*’, '"n'Innn.l .Sr attle 31

”Bn:.klyn'’31-Feh"'5‘‘''’“"‘' r.,p A .Nlemeyer (On.h.nn.) Memphis; (..r- ■ phenni) .Nr-w Orleans .’.I l ob. .i.

MorrisHey A Haekett (Kr-ithr Bi»stoii 31 Feb. 5. Peaebes, Six, A .A Pair (Majestle) Houston, Morton. Clara (Boyall Nr-w York ni-Feb. Tex.

Morton. Kd. (Orpheutnl St. Caul; (Orpheum) IVarl Bros. A Burns (Calaiei Bps.klyii.

S< hetT. Frttxl lOrpheuin) Nr w Orleans.

V,^1**ilK)y B.. A Co. (Kelthi I<outa»tlle 31 Feb. S

Van (»lo (Kniprr**,) Ib-.atur, 111. Van. Chas. A Fannie (Kelthi Coluiulms. o Van' Clere A P"le <Hll>|>.) Youngabrwn O ;

(Keith) Tir erlo 31 Feb f«. Van Dalle Sister, (Knipr*-,,. Sacramento. Cal.

VanI*erK<sir,. The ((’oinnililaI Darenis-rt. la. Van Dyck. Gertrude (Crliicessl YA’Ichlta. Kan.

I ..I I . 1..H ... . , „ ..I ... (Biishwb kl Bnarklyn 31 I eli. ,». laul I;eran A (On«h.unil .Seattle 31 ^ (Forsyth) Atlanta 31 Keb. .V

... , , ,, ,, Srsitt. YVeart-r A Costra Sisters iMlIesi (Teve Payne A Meun-yer (Onrhr-nni) Memphis: (Or- i,„i

S-hlaronl Tn.uiw (On'lieunit Kanaa, (Tly; (Or y-nie-rncrn Harry (Oniheum) South Bend. Ind I>heiiml Omaha 31 Feb. .% I »■ . # -

S-'hllling A Anderson (.Ai-arlt niy I Norfolk. Y’a. Sr-hmr-llans. Tlw (Orpbenml Brrs.klyn.

Sr hnrs*. Hilda (Y’onge St I Topmlo. Srsdcli Ijids A Idissles (Keith) I’blladelphla;

(Biisliwii'kl BrrK>kl.Tn 31 leb.

Minneapolis 31-Feb. .t.

Morton A Misire (Coloniali New Y’ork; (Bush wick) Bror>klyii 31-Feb. .'i.

Cepiile's Song A Dame Kr'vne (Majestb-i Flint, I Mich.

wb-k) Bror>klyii 31-leb. .'i, Cerlera Sextette (Pantages. Og.icn. Ftah. a aaaavwvex a at W a atgtrsngt Morton A Glass (Keith) Crovideuce; (Keith) CerkinotT Rosr- Ballet (Gn.mii l>ans\illc, Ind. Sljf AMFRIPAN IlANPFRS

Phlla. .31 Feb. r,. Petticoats (Ktnpr**i*ui lirniid ItHpids HI Kt-h r». 1^^^ MORH Ai Fr**y (BeKulbi Br(M>klyn. rh.intomau (I'.^ntlt'varth Nr-w V*»rk. 'Hie OrlylnAl nf 8cvlUh Httfipm. Wc«4 -- - Chasma (Hipp.) Ixrs Angeles Januarx 24. KHth's. (Yiliimlaia. <Hdo.

ELIZABETH M. MURRAY DlffcUon Mr A If T. Wilton.

<htnpr**uHt tirniid ICHpidu HI h«‘h

rh.intomau (I's^ntlt^varth V«»rk. IMm*<ma (Hipp.) Ix»*» Amf«*leu. ri»Tlfrt A .S4 h di^ld < Kiiinr*-»4'‘i Hratid ltapi«l**;

l ('liii'RK<* HI Kelt.

IMpIfax A* Panlti (MajR'Ktid San .\nt<*nlBt. Tt'X. Pist**!. I>*w (lallRt-rty) ri»*w*land Bnim. «('<»lunial) KrU*. Pa. Pi»n'h Party iHIpp. i Terrv Hnnt**. Ind.

I Port & I>**I.a<*cv MVailcvard) N»»w V<»rk. I SiHTinan. Pan. Ac ('<» i(ry»*tali St jR'»*^ph. Mo.

Portia .Sisters. Four (l*antages» Salt Ijke; (Pan- * Hyman (Orphenni) Kamma

MARYON VADIE la TaadeeUla. BooknJ Solid I'ntll May. ItU

(Biishwb'kl Bnw>kl.Tn 31 leb. S(sitt A Keane (Forsyth) .Atlanta 31 Keb. Hampton A Schrelm-r (On>heum) Jackson S<sitf. YVear.-r A Costra Sisters iMlIesi (Teve- rllle, FTa . (Grind) Kroxrllle. Tenn 31

land. Keb.’ 2. S.'Iblnl A Grovlnl lOrplisnin. Bewton y,„ g H,U |()n<henm) San j>ancla.x> 31 Feb. G. SeiiteniN-r Morn (Orpheum) Joliet, III. X ,n g S<'lien<-k (Tempb-I Ib-trolf; (Temple)

(Pantages. Portland. Ore.. 31 Keb. 5. Uochester 31 Feb ,’>. Sli.xrii A Tun-k (Oriibeum) YA’Innlis-g; (Grand) y.rtle. Mile., A Girls (Kelthi Philadelphia.

Calgary 31-Feb. 2. IKoanoke. K<Mnnke. Va . 31 Feb 2

Valentine A Bell lOridienni) Omaha Valerie 81,(era (PanlaTes. Y’lctorla, B C.; (Pan

tage,) Tacoma, YA’aah , 31 Feb. G.

Martin Van Bergen

Calgary 31-Feb. 2.

Sharns-ks. Tin- iC.donlal) Dayton. O.. (Majestic)

(Till ago 31 Feb G. rxMilim IBkiw Ills. IMr. Harry F W*6«.


Dliss-tlon Pat Casey, r.,-.! ; .sinvai .Agt-m^. YVtM..

City. Slieriniin A T’ttr.r (llip(>. I Y’lungstown

(Keith) Colunibiis 31 Feb. 3

Shields. Frank (Empress) 1‘ortland. Ore.

Muether. Dorothy (BusbwickI Bnsiklyn. I Portia Sisters. Four (ITinta.'es. Salt Ijke; (Pan-! bhennan. \an A Hynia Mullen A C<M>gaii (Kiiipn-ssi Grand Kapids; tiige,. Ogden 31-Feb G

(Kelthi Toledo 31 Feb. .3. 1 f s 1 .. . i-..„ ,iii..

Murato. TokI (Kinprcss) San Fran<-ls<a>.

Muniby. Ixme Burt (Crts-for’si Albany. .N’. V.; (Keltbl Lancaster. Ca.. 31 Feb. 2; (.Majeatic. Catersnn. N. J.. 3-0.

Murphy. Frankie (Or|ihciiin| .Miniiea|Milis; (Or- . . . (ihenml Winnipeg 31 Feb. 3. Feb. .3.

Murphy, Senator Francis (Kiu|>res,. Tulsa. Ok. ' l‘'•well•,. Tom. Minstrels (Fiiipr>-s«) Sacramento, Silver Ttireads (National

Murphy. .Mr. A .Mrs. Mark (Kmpn-ss| Butte. Fal. Miiinis, Wlllaral. A (»>. (I Mont. Cowell. Catherine (Ma.'estb-) Milwaiikas-. Fid> 3.

Shaw. Mary, A Co. (Orphennii Salt lake 31- - . t loti.m.r. iCa j,Yj, 5 Valleclta a Isv)|ianla (Daxls) Cltlslairf. (to

Shelvey* B..VS (Delamey S(., New York .. '""A*'' ' '‘I, 7. 'J v x A1 Stiennan. Dan. A C« (Crystal. St Joseph. Mo. Van Bluddiford. (.race ((oloniall New Y .sk .31

Fell. G. Vanderbilt A M's’re (Majestlci Chb'ag.' SI

Krb. G. Vaw-o (Cobmlal) New York (On'beiinii Brs'k

lyn 31 Feb 3 „ rrniiK ir.murv'wi iiiikr. i •/.. -ni Shi|m Thnt PSHU In Mcht N>» URK-lRrllr, ' Inrrnt. < Uliv. A Co. Unp-klyn :il

MuKb-Hl BrnHH (Victoria) ('liarb^Kton, S. C.; ! Br**lW**H (Mn'uu (S*‘v*Mith .N (Bijou) Savannah. (;a.. Hl-Foh. 2, Prhkott & I.iiutor (MIIom. iM-tn it.

Myrl A Del.nar (la-mlnlonl Ottawa. Can.; ''"rwr’ mu.;"'-"' ''«<•'•’-•I-. Kal,

N.mb^Bros.^^KeUln''nation. O.. 31-Feb. 5. ';‘;’f i?'"”'*”' ’ >

‘;::Dait:'^XL.u:!,! n..; ^ .on... 1,0...... (Vb'torlat Charleston. S (’.. 31 Feb. 2. I’rlmeton A Yale (I*antage«i

Navassar Girls (Lyric) Birmingliam; (I*rin<H-aH) (Canta.'cs) Oakland 31 F.-b. 3. N.aslivllb' 31 Feb. 2. i'rin.ess Minstrel Mlss.-« (Lyrici (Ikbih'iina Clt.v

Naxarro. Nat A Co. (Majestic) Newark. N. J. ok.

Slmtie, llerinine. A Co. (C.d.nlal. Erie. Ca.. 31- VB. A Lynn (Miles) jv,, V.ix, Valentine (tiarrl. ki W llinlngten. Dela..

St Feb 3

W ade, John C A Co (8. xenth Are 1 New Y.Tk Walker A Walker lBI|.'iil Bb limoml. Y a

Silver Ttireads (Natl.’nali New Y’< rk

Siinnis, Willanl. A t r>. I Keith) Chlladeipbia 3l

Fit. 3. New Yi.rk. Simon. la.iils A., Co (Forsyth) Atlanta.

■it. SlniisMiti. Cora A Hoht. (Judith) I,ewl,t«rwn

Ma.I.-stIci Kala- .Simpson A Dean (Mal.-stlo Bl.s.niingtnn, HI. Sims. Bonl.le (CrTstali .st Jicejih Ylo

«nk.a : (T.ini.l. ) Meiit . ’JS: (Grand) Great Fells 21*30 cis(s>; (Pantages) Oaklaisl .31 F.-b. G.

s Moines la. SIt g.T A Ziegler Twins illrplieiini) law Angeles

Walley, Richard (JeffiTsoni Dallas Tex Walllngfnril Oul.lone tCnkine) Mlnneaisd s

Warxl. Will J.. A GIrla (IMntages) Calgary. Can

Ward. Arthur iHIpp.) YY'arren. B<ib (Kmi.resa) Butte. Wetwr A Elliott (Majestlci Jp.rtngneld Ill Wetwr A Day Owrenlh Xxe i New York

Singing Parwm (Pantages) Tacoma, YY’ash.; w'elier, Dolan A Fraier (Maj«-sllc) Ban .Ynlonlo. Stng.T s Ml.lgets (Biloii) Fall Hirer Ma

Singing Fire (Empress) Sairamentn. Ca). Sirdar’s .\'b1m« (Orph.-nm) Br.siklyn.

saxarro. Nat A to. (Xlajestici Newark. N. J. o*. \ „ V. ,i, il-.n, it., si.«

Nazlmora (Alhambra) New York; (Bushwlek) Cruette. YVm.. A Co, ( M. inph).: lOr y'"’.'(’"A pIT. h *(ViXd,!l!..n. xiont^sl 31 kVb k Bris.klrn 31-Fel, 3 phenni) New Orbans 31 F.-b 3. Small.-y. Italph (On>henm) Montreal 3t beb 5

NiHlerveld s Balss.n,' (Temple) Ib-trolt; (Tern- CnilH, Bill (Bijoit) Jackson. Mbh ^ "r,Vr"('’oA 1. Inn I CmHand Ore

pie) K-xhester 31-Feb. G._^ " Smtlh. A iV (.31

MISS PRINCE WARD In Y’ludfwllle. Billboard. (Tile

NIP AND TUCK Booked Solid. Agimt. Harry SplncaliL

NeetJham A Wood (.Shea) Buffalo. Neff, John (Majestic) Hint, Mieh. Nelloa. Four. Casting (Emery) Criiridem-e. K. I. Neils n (Ixewi New Um-belle. N. Y’. E'elrn. A Ja'lt Clifford (Oriiheum) San

f rmn-l-eo; iOn>h--uni) Oakland 31 Feb. 3. New CiVidicer (Keith) Providence ,31 Feb. 5. Nlcliol, S:atera iHipp.) Terre Haute, Ind.

Margaret Little-Noss

Qiitel<*y As Fit*jrf»rRl<l (MaJ**^tiri rhlrn^ro Hl FVh. j

Quirt*tra (Orplicnml Moritnal; (T»*fui»I**i I»t ^ trtiit HI FVb. r».

Bj n<1«*eE<*r. J AMo (K»*itlj» Pn»v|i1**n<*Y*

Uafrlifr. Barr.v A Hayil* n (iCoyah N«*w York

Bav<*nHr*pfift. rharlotto iB:Joim PnH*klyii. I Sn.r<l«*r A Buckloy (Orph**nmi Smtth Brn*1, IimI. ItauMdtii A (Mar** (M^'VIckori f’hb'ai'o. I SrijMcr. BueI (Kmplro) N. Yakima. Waah.

HaynionO A Krn«»r>i^»n (rolonhih Fairmont. W. | So<i#*tr Pu‘la <F**r*»Yth» Ntlaiitn HI Frh fV.

M mr Itovm* (K**ttlO Toh^ilo; iKrifh) (Viliimiuia lio.vm^tn*! A PaTorly (AU'**mh*'a) NVw York:

<Kolttii Wa«hfnpton HI Fob.

ItaynKRtnl A Biln (Pan^a Virtopfa, B. C.; 11* iTitjLgou) Taooma, Wauh., HI F»*b. f5.

Ib-arltnu'* Four (BtVori Bro^uWlyn. Ito4l HoriIk (VfaloHtlrl Hallaa Toy.

Weber A Fbbla (Davis) ITtlsUirg. (Keith)

('l«*Vft*lari«1 Hi F«*b. ,*».

Wrirh, <<irph<*uml

o* A 4 A V VfO A V% A Billy K. I MaJ**’*tl<’I N**wark, N J


7M *th Are . New York City TVlryihooe. Bryant XRGa. Wardell. Harry (Bllon) Itlclnnoiid. Ya YVarren A Temldelon (Boyal) New York

Snyder A Buckley |(lr(>henmi 8'a)th Bend, Ind. Water Lilies. Six 4Crin<e>“l ^^Nash'llb ' • Snyder. Bnd (Fmpir.) N Yakima. Wash, leslle) Chaltams.irii 31 tel. . S-stet.T Cuds (Forsyth) Ytlanin .31 Feb 3. YVatw.n 8lste)w _^) Keith) tlexeland; (K.lth)

M mr Itovm* (K**ttlO Tob^ilo; iKrifh) (Viliimiuia Tolnlo HI F«*b. • , « u i* F, Wrbb Harry iVbtorlal ( liari# .*ton. 8 • .

Sorebo. Capt (I«W) Il.shester. N Y (BIJxhi) SaTannah. Ga 31 Feb 2 Smllmans Tt. > iBIIon) Saxannah (la W’eeka. Marlon (Keith) (olnmbna. O._

31 let. 3.

Sor<ho. Papt. BR»<b«*«f#»r. V Y. Sr***llrnan«. Tb* Savannah. CJa.

A William* (Kox» .\nro'-a III.

Htnilbim Trio (A|m»1Io> Jan«>aMII** Wla. Sthlno’a CV»mo|jr CHmi* 40rplii*iim> An|f**l#*a.

Koflford A Wlnrh»*Mt#T ((|rpt.**um) Molnoa. ] stanli*jr A Ct<*M fAm»*ric»»nl N#*w Y'»rk.

WAYHE, MARSHALL and ROBERTS Rex-d Sister, (EmerV) I’r«ivldenee. K. L Heed Brra* (National* New Y’ork.

Nellie V, (Columbia) St. I-ouls. (Or- Kes-d A Worst (Pantages) F,dmr>nton,

Stniil-r. St.iM. Trio (Keith) Isinisxllle; (Keith) , Int!lnn,)sdla 31 Feb. .3 I

I Statues. Five (Crvauwct) Bms.klyn 31 Keb G YA’elmera A Burke )()r|.lieiim) Meinl>lil«

C«n.; Stedman, A. A F. (Malealle) Chaltama«a plienin) N. w Orleans 3 •■'''* ’V , , Tenn. 'Welch. Ben (Alhambra) New York 31 leb 3

1 SOnhena Bordeaux Co. (Paramount) WInalon i Welch. Mealy A Ylontp'se (Itushwlekl Bu-k y

Salem. N. C. 1 31 Feb G.


.Nichols. Nellie V, (Csdnmbia) .Sf, 1am pbeiim) .Yfei-iphls 31-F'eh. .3

Night Clerk (Majestic) Waterloo, la. Nip A Turk (Grand) F.yanoville, Ind

(Pantages) Calgary 31 Ki-b. G. Ueert A Uaasl ( Xtuerlcan) New Y'ork.

Keese A Baaae (Orpheum) Kanaaa City 31-Feb.G.

JANUARY 29, 1918. X ti e O I 11 b o a r d 43

. riKT AiiioroM 'I'litiiiH- I llimliw li k I lir<jukl/u.

Wi't \ (Colonial) Kalriiioiit, W. Va.

Wi'I' ii \ (Ori.luiiiiiI I elri'lt. W.'nliiii, Wllll*- (.Majrntlrl DalUa, Tr*. W .-‘lliliali*. Krauk tSfw nlli .\»r.i Nrw York.

& I o. ( wr|4iruuil Mt. I’aul 31- IVK

W .>'11 V\ •' (iri>n l'|> iCraiiili HvaiiaTilli*. Inil.

\\ lit< li Oo** Sliall I Marr>} tMaJ<-Ktl<-) Sail An- li.iilo. 'IV\.

\\ 1 Iluatoii A (Vi. IUr|>lii'iiiii) Ima An|{vl)^. \\ II'* lliii**'ttrH. Nliii* iCiiloiiliili KrW*, l*a. Wlillf. Kl'ir ( Irii-lainl. Wbltt* SInI** a ili,*KaUiI liriNikl^n. Wlillf A Clayton t I’ryiM*. 11 Hriaiklyn; (Or-

I'lifiiiiil IlriMiklyu 31 Kfli. '<

GILBERT WELLS WUiMr Uanlni. Intltf.

Whitf ('arolliia tOr|>lH'Unil Mtiiura|Milta; (Or I'IjiuiiiI oiiialia 31 Cell. 3.

Wtaiiflifail. Jo»* (Noifliyi Totfka, Kan. Wliltliii; A Hurt Mlr|)lifuiul Mliiiu-aiHilU, (Or

lilM'itiiil 1^1 Caul 31 r». WiCKlD, Ilrrt, A (V,. li'auta(fM) VaunHirer. B.

( , (I’aiitagval Vtrturla 31 Kfli. 5. Wilka. Moiilf illart) Tolfilo, o., iniWf. W Ilf Hn>« . Tlirof tKmiin-Kai ClDfluuall. WlllUiua. Clalf. Co. iKliitirfiuil (liaiul llaplila;

'Miifll'l Clilfaau 31 Kill. o. Wllll.-iuia A Wolfua iMaJi-alifl .Mllwauki-v; (Cal

a'*<*i Chl'-aifo 31 Ki b. S. Willloa A Jordan iOr|ibfiimi ('haiiipaicn. III. Willla A Naali i<iarrl<*kl WlliulUKton, lirla., 31-

Kfh 3 Wil»on. Kn«i. * (V> (CantakMl Oakland. Cal.;

(I'aDlaAral I •» .Vii(flfa 31 FVb. .3


Rooked Brdld ntrerUdn F*rar>k l>ana

Wllfii l.fw lOndifum) NfW Orlrana. Wllnon. Ofo. iiiarrlfk) WIIinlnt:>on, I»fl Wtoatuo, lAura, A (V>. (Canta.’f*) San Db-fo,

Cal.; iCanlaaeal Salt I^kr 31 Peb. 5. W....I. Crllt iMaJfetIfl l.ltlle It.ak. Ark.;

i|V'r«.\lhi \tlanta 31 Feb. .1 W.»«l A Wydf iKfltbl Cbllaitrl|>tita. Wi.'lfdlk'a. Itoylf. to. 1111)0111 Itay City, Mich Work A o«rr ilViItoni Ilrooklyn. Worth A Itrbf lOrt'bfUin) Minneapolta; (Or

plifiioil Wlnniiif* 31 tVb. .3. Wrlcht A lilftrlfli iOr|ibfuml ItriMiklyn. Woernti. Flyluic (Orplieuml Mlnneapidla 31 Feb.

Wynn lbiu*|f iShfal ItnlTalo: iSItra) Toronto 31 Frb

Xylo Maid* iFaltont Brooklyn. Vardy* lOn>h<*nmt Oakland. Cal.; (Or

phfniiil SaiTinifi'to 31 Fob. 3. Yellow IVrll lOrphriinii B<>*ton. Te Old Sink lle»lew iColonlal) Fairmont. W Va. Kat Zam*. Tbr Hock l<a|>ld*. la.. 'Jt 3(1.

TABLOIDS Bek'y’a. IVtdle, I>alnty Dudloea (Saroy) Omen

rtlle. Tea. Rmpreea Maid*. ICOnoond A Sperry, propa.:

Ib'-ky .Mount, N C.. 24 2». Empire (ilrU, Fred SIddoo, mgr.: Wteerly, N

Y., 24 29. Ryktt A leNore C<k, I., H. Hyatt, mgr.; S<.uth B.*nd. Ind.. Imlef Uwd A laM.mtf* Merrymaker* iCIeilmoiit) Cbar-

lolle. .N. 0.. 24 2#. I.oring a Mnalcal Keene, M. J. Mraney, mgr.;

Middleton. Mt** , 24 29. Mllll.m fkillar Reaotlea, flogb Seward, mgr.:

lAodltminm) Spencar, W. V*.. 24 29; (lllp- podmmei Parkersbn'g 27 29; lOdomblal Aah land, Ky., 81 Fob. 2; (Bmpirel Irucbm, O., 8 5.

BERT YOUNG *f •artaaaM aad Mnataai Camadlaa.

Prpper-a, H u. [>(,(, Malda. M. R. Smyth, nigr.: (Kyle) Reanmoot. Tei.. Imlef.

rmty'a. <31**. F., Ma«lral CVsnealyr (('rows) To- ledo; O Indef.

Foi, (■bdte Trotter*; Topeka, Kan.. 24 29.

Koger*. Harry. Mnalral Comedy; are.-OTllle, B. C.. 24 29.

Eogera, Wm. 7, , Mnalcal Comeely (CreacfBt) Deo- ter. <Vd . Indef.

*l««ffer a, Al.. Hoy* A Olrla: Princeton, Wf ▼*., 24 29.

Rlaowin A T.ewon‘* Mnalral Comedy (Temple) < am.len. N J.. Indef.

nab Marin,' (Jlrl* Meiwerean Bro* . mgr* ; Waah Irgt.Kl, Pa . 24 29: New Caatle 31 Feb B.

»>"in* * J,dlr High F’yer*. Harry leonard. mgr.: Mattram, III., 24 29; St. leml*. Mo., Indef.

STOCK & REPERTOIRE Bryant. K|]|y, st.wk Co.: lVfl«n4’», O., ?4 ?•. nryan. Marguerite, Player* McKreaiawt. Pa., la

Ci^^olI^^C.^iedy C,*.. Ion Carroll, mgr.: Fieo-port.

<■ trier llramatlc Co.. J. K. Carter, mgr : Blreh Kun. Mich . 24 29

Foabr. Maylxlle, Htiwk Co.; Ian*liig. Mich., 24

I.,**l. OlOer Player*. Jack lewU. mgr.: Clarka hnrr. W. Va . Imlcf

UHny, H . Sliwk Co.; IVnnUm. O . 24 29; Canal Noer 31 Ffh h

'•Tin. Jark. Slock Co : tllon N. Y.. 24 29. Sn* qm lianti* Pa . .31 Feb ,3. '

Marhan’. A*—date Plarer*. A K A Barrett. Barilla. Ont . 17 29; (!.«1er1ch SI Feb S.

«'l»tl f , (V«„e,H,„,. UcH-k. Ark . Indef. s iN.iter*. Wfbb A Co. Player*: Yoiingatown.

" . Indef Si.»k Co., (leorge H. Vantiemark. mgr.:

IM,* ,. N Y. Imlef.

Itiliff**''* N<» 1- Richmond. Ind.,

^'ln.’b.f '■ • ’’'■F**™. No 3; Topeka. Kan..

Bl'f'n *,, st.Hk C,I • Aurora, Ill.. Ilmt half; I lain la*l half

•‘■ Si.wk Co Hncine, Wla.. Aral half; 4 ■r.r ! Ill . Ia*f half

in I'tiii pUerra, lawrence II Trumbnil mgr.: V. \ Y.. 24 '29. Saiigertle* 31 Feb A

” nthi* A K«t4»n <V. T. Mark, m^.;

Wenaeliuaii Wood Stock Co., with Olsa \V<*»I, illUy Young, mgr.: Kwing, Neb., 24 2(1; Uuk- dale 27 2U.

Wight Theater Co., llUUard Wight, mgr.: Way- crly. la., 31 Feb. S.

MINSTRELS Coburn'a, J. \.x W. Palm Bfach, Fla., 26; Fort

Ihudenlale 27; (Vk^iu 2h; New Smyrna 21>; Day- tuna 31 Keb. 1; Pa atka 2.

Dellue Hr.*.’; Tunneltoii. W. Va., 26; Newburg 27; Kowlfburg 2h; Kin.-wiKxl 29; Oakland, Mil., 31; KcHlbu g Feb. 1; 2; Cum twrland 3; Souierret. Pa.. 4; IVuwWfll 5.

Field’*, Al (J.: Poughkifimie, N. Y'., 26; Hudaon 27; Albany 2S .qt. I'tlca 30 31; Amateiilum Keb. 1; Schenectady 2; Troy 3.

O'lliien'*, Nell. (t. H'*lge, mgr.; Macon, Ga., ■.*6. Anderaou. S. C., 27; Co'umbla 28; Char¬ lotte. N. (’.. 29; GrefnalHiru 31; Ralegh Feb. 1; Peteniburg, Va., 2; Richmond 3; Ne'vi>ort New* 4; .Norfolk 5.

Price A Ih'iiiiel r*; Wa*hlngton. N. C 27: Nfw liern 2S; Kln*toD 29; Fremont 81; Wll.son Feb. 1, I>uou 2.

CARNIVAL COMPANIES IlreamlaiMl KiiaMltlon Show*. J. \. Macy, mgr.:

Winona. Ml**.. 24 29. Hunn A Kran* .st»>w«: Kiiglaml, .krk.. 24'28.

CLIFTON-KELLEV SHOWS now hoiAliif *em**i 19l«. FumuT nieniitm uf our ompaiiy wUliliig lo .eaiew itiHr cntilracta. addrow L. c. K.KLIJ'IY. M.Miagtr, Kaiisa* (3ty. MIwkh.S

Knteriirhke .Vmu*enient Co., I... CroMunan, mgr.; Slnm.', Ark.. 24 29.

Great S«>uthwe»tern S!iow», C. J. Rurckart, mgr.; lougrlew. Tea., 24 29

Foley & Burk Shows .Now tMsnAlfif tnd AUrftctton^ for 8r*Ann 1916. AdilrvNN 6o5 UoAtKMtU H«iik UUlf., S4xi KraMclBro. I'AllfocnU

Jooes, Johnny J., Exponitlon I>ele«n<l, KU., 1*4 20; Tampa 31 Keb. 13.

JurmaKa, J. M., Shows: l{o(ie<lal«*, Mi^., 24*29.

MODEL AMUSEMENT CO. Now bnAiiig Sbuwa and ('oni'e.aio.i* for coou ig ara- wm. Adilrow laiHK.VZo l». HALEY. Klrkolllr, Mo.

I-eggftte A Ri*«wn Show*; Summit, G*., 24-29; khdrllle 31 Feb. 5.

NATIONAL EXPOSITION SHOWS now tMmkIiif Show* and (iminwidaiM f.w IklS. STEVE T MI'LCAHY, Wliuneil. (VaiiircUcut.

l-eonard Slurwa, leonard A Kampeter, nigra.: Sllabee, Tea . 24 29.

Main, II. Klanr, Sliow*: Stateaboro, Ga., 24 20.

METROPOLITAN SHOWS Now Ouukliig AttracU'*!* and People bw aeaaun 1914. Aiklrra* C. E. lt.4K>TUUi, Mgr., Ttoy, Alabama.

Miwre'*, Jim, Amuaement Co.; Wacbula, Fla., 24 29.

Palmetto Show*: Ratevburg. S. C.. 24 29.

c. M. nigro greater shows N'<** boiWlnf Show* and Cuiicewaiuiui f>w Seawm 191(1. open March II. Aiklnw* Winter (Juaxteaa, 1711 9ih Ara, .Norlti, Blrmli.ct'im, .Alabama.

Panl'a United Show*. J. A. Straley, mgr.: Du bacb, Ia.. '24 29, Ku*tOD 31 Ffb. 5.

I THE SUPERIOR UNITED SHOWS now booklnc Hbow* and (VaiwMoo* for Snaam 1914. Addrra* *19 Kmi Suparkw Araotaa. Clerelaud. Ghla

Reyooid*. Georn, Sbowa: UoaUcelk>, ITa., 24-'29. TeoDey Usw.' lezaa Show*. Roring Art ‘Tenney,

mgr.; Mzoo. Tex.. 24-29; Lsvemla 3J-Feb. S.

ZEIDMAN & POLLIE SHOWS Now boniuiig Stiow* and Cuawawalon* for Seaann 1914. .AddnM TM Paris Are.. Grand Rapids. Michigan.

Whitney Slanaa. A. P. Whitney, mgr.: IJrlug* Um. Tex., 24 29.

MISCELLANEOUS Burtoa, Magician; Capron, 111., 24 29. Bragg A Bragg Show, Geo. M. Bragg, mgr.:

Alua, Me., 24 29. Coon Cuoieily Cu., lerr C<«n. mgr.: Waraaw,

O.. ‘24 -29; Kllbnck 31-Feb. 5. Daniel. Magician; Coral, MIcb., 24 '29. Ka Dell Krltrbfleld \ audcrille SlKirr. J. 8.

Kiilchfleld. mgr.' .Atn»>re. Al*.. 24 29. lAntber's, C. J , AA'onderUud Shows: K. Lirer

pi«S. O.. 24 '29. lorena 1916 Kx|>oaltlon Road Show: Vam’Purer.

H. C.. 24 29; Victoria 31 Feb. .3. Loi-ey, Tboa. Elmore: Dilerllle. Ind., '26; New

I labon '27; Cowan 28. Ik-Sota 29. Montniorencl SI.

Marcelllce. Illnatonlat: Mounlainriew. N. 11., 26: B<>*lon, Maas , 27. New Beilfonl '28.

Mrlaleralngers AJuartet. loflu* 11. Want, mgr.: Afton, la., 26. Shannon (Tty 27; Maloy 28; Benton 29. Slierldan. Mo., 31; Diagonal, la., Frb. I. Weldon 2; Sewal 3; .Allerton 4,

Moore A AA’attereon Vauderllle Show, Jtmnile Moore, mgr : Victor. I*., 26 27.

Kictiwi'a Show ; law-k'aivl, ().. 24 29. Snillh'a Mywterlou*. Co.. AlN-rt P Smith mgr.;

Milan. Ylo., 26. Galt '27; HarrI* 2.n; Bucklto 29. Hanttn 31

Volga. Ylailam, 11. C. Brace, ni.'r.: Naa<an. N. V . 24 '29

Wlltlama, O. Homer. .Hbow; Monteaiima. Ga., 24 29



(Continued from r*gy 31)

were chiaeit at the meeting there I* no doubt bat that the way wa* |>aTF<l for future bu«lnf*a

The qaeallon of adniKtlng county and dlatrlct fair* to the A**n<'latlon wa* brought np and <|ilb*kly Toted down. Pre*blent Hrrrwn then morrri that the due* to the .A**0"latlon b" ralaeit to f'2fl yearly, the former Sgiire, ami tbla waa paaaeil ananlmonaly. It waa alao de elded to appoint a committee to confer wltb

the rallmada reganling rate*. The meeting waa then adjourned until 7;:i0 p.m.


Promptly at 7;30 p.m. the iluort of the private bauijuet room were thrown open and the forty or hfly gueelK of the .A'.alaiiia State Fa r .A^ffc.a tion *at down to a feast flt for a king.

President Brown, as toastuiaater, welcomeil t!ie gUfata with a few appropriate wonla and Mr. I’-urton entertained tlio-e present with an Inter¬ esting Htory of the ''doin'.*" of several of tlioae pre«« nt Hie nl'^ht before.

George Newton waa calbal opon, but begged to be excneeiL

Con T. Kenne<Iy thanked the Aaeoclatlon for haring the (irlvllege of attending their meeCog and bamiuet, and W. II. (Bill) Rice entertalne.1 with some of hi* experlencea In the “early daya" of the carnival game,

J. Berger, president of the Bnnlne** Men'* Learne, gare the amusement end of the fair* credit for the greater part of the receipt*, and praised the different fair aecretarle* for thflr work the pa»t year, giving especial credit to Sam F'owlke*. of the Birmingham State Fair As- aoelatton.

George Blinn *pnke of railroad rate*, and said that lower rate* mn*t be *ecnred.

"Bob” Roy. of Na*hTlIle, entertained with a acreamingly funny atorv of a new polUical party that will long be remembered,

Sam Caheen spoke on the ben'dlt of fair* to a rommnnity, and George Barnes talked along the same line*.

Sam I erl, the "TIddlsher Dip." then broke Into print with one of tho«e stories that hare made him famon* a* an "after-dinner speaker."

Mr. George_ of the Ml-'Slsaip’ l .Alabama Fair. Introduced resolution* fiv-m the Sonthecn .Assoc-'a tIon of Fair* and Exposition*, thanking the Bir min'ham .Ansociatlon for their entertainment of the visltora.

Mr. Rtbert*. of Macon, spoke of the growth of the Southern .Association until It wa* now known a* one of the best In the coiintr.v. but said It mnst not stop nnfll It wa* known »* the best.

The following olHcer* for the eomliig rear were then elected; George T. Barnes. Montgomery, prewident: Rob Roy, first vice-president; Frank Fuller, Memphis, second vice pres'denf; .A. H George. Meridlsn. th'rd vice-president; Sam H. Fowlke*. secretary and freasnrer.

Fair* will be held this rear as follows: Tou's- vllle, September 11 16- Nsshville. September 18- 23: Memi'bia, September 24 October .3: Birming¬ ham. (V’t'dier ,1 14; .lackaon. October fl-H- Me ridlan. October 16 21; Atlanta. Octobe* 14 21' Monfomery. October 23-‘28: Mob'le, Octobi'r 3^ Noremlwr .A; Afaeon. November 2 11.

■A number of other bnsln*-** men wep' Intro dnce<l. arsl sts'ke of t''e benefits derived from the different fairs, and then Rob Roy. of Nash ville. and Ssm I-evl. of Chicago, entertained—a« only these two can.

If was In the wee *ma' honrs w+en the visitor* began to wend their way to their rrwpectlre conches, and a'l voted that it had b"en one of the most p’easant me.'tlngs and banquet* they bad ever attended.


W. H. (Bill) Rice has a "new one" that should prove a winner. It's a submarine exhibit that 1* new and novel. "Bill" was kept busy showing the working mo«lel. which he had with him, to the different secretarle*.

They all reis-gnize that we have one common enemy—the rallniads. There was hardly a per¬ son present who did not bring np the qneatinn. and all acknowledged that something wonM have to be done soon or It would be Imismsible for exhibits and amusement coinpaniew to more from fair to fair.

Herbert A. Kline waa expected, but failed to put In an appearance.

Sam H. Fowlkea, ses-retary of tbe Blrmlogham State Fair as wel! as tbe .As*.»c:atlonj waa here, there and everywhere, making Uie visitor* wel come and handling the various details of the convention wltb a master hand.

Sam Levy, of the Tnlted Bswklivr Asaoclation, Chicago, and Rob Roy, of Nashville, were tbe entertainer*, and wherever one of them cooM be seen there was sun- to be a large gathering listening to fnnny stories, and, believe me, some of them Were certaln'y fanny.

Tbe vlaltors began to arrive In Birmingham a* early a* Saturday night, theater parties ami "sight-seeing" taking np their time until tbe meeting.

.Al H. Barkley and Con T. Kenm-dy sprnnx the big surprise during the aftermwn session when they announced that the Kennedy Shows wrou'd play Birmingham, on the street*, nnder the mer rhanta, the week of March 13. nils la Fashion Week, and should prove a big thing for the Ken¬ nedy Show*. Oh. you Barkley—gumshoeing aronnd while the rest were bnsy at the meeting.

Charlea M. Nigro. of the Nigro Greater Show*, wintering in Birmingham, put In an ap|>earance for a few mlnnte*. but did not make a bid for any of tbe big date*.

Nove!t.T "favors" were passi'd around daring the banqnet by Sam l>*vy and S. 11. F<»wlkes.

F. Thomas, secretary of the Dothan lAla.) FYilr the past year, and at present se«*retary of the Selma (.Ala.) Fair, is forming a circuit of •Alabama. Georgia and Florida fairs, ami was seen In conference with many of tbe carnival re(ire*ent*tlve*.

■Arthur Davis, of the W«>rld at Home Shows, made a gissi Impression, and. fem the niaii.v “talk feats” with the different fair secretaries, one nee«l n»t Iw surjtrlsed If the AA'orld at Home Invades Sonthem territory th'* season.

Put this down as one convention that went off without friction of any kid. There was a "get- tegetber spirit" In the air and a 1 must hare Imbibed fres'ly of it before the meeting.

.And this was amdher ".Adam's Ab” conven Hen. showing that tbiwe Inieresteil In amuse¬ ment*, fair* and kimireil interest* do something txsi'des "quaff from the (V»wlng bowl."

Harry E. Crandell wa* busy shaking old friend* by the haml ami mretlnr new onea, ami although attemllnc the meeting a* a "free lanee" will m> doubt make a creditab’e showing in the South for the conipany he repn-si'nts this season.

S'eve AV.ssts, "Bill" Rice. Al Barkley. Con T. Kennwly. James Patterson and Arthur Davis— talk aN'ut yiHir representative carnival men— si'me gathering.

The best Je'ke put over In many mnuia was feame'l up ami exe<-nt<sl by ('on T. Kenms'y, Bl’l Rice, Sam I evy, George Newton and At. A Brown, when this quintette sat in a n»*m of the Tntwller and playisl the telephone at 3 the day before the meeting. They called np Fowlkes ami Aletcalfe on the felerhone, Udd them It was tbe police aiatlon ta'king. ami that the

bnnch bad been arrestml for 6 hting. .After keep Ing tbe bnmble amt oblltclng pair at the plion"




MINERAL. Drawini Papulatita, 800. E. J. EI.Y. .Maiia.1 r.

Jliy’* Opera IbKi-He; seating c*p*(.1ty, 150. \A’anted —(Jowl Attraction.* of all kinds. Tlitalre modern In all nwpects, Goo>l show towni.


COVINGTON. Papulation, J.OOO. 11 \V. RtHthTlTSON'. Alanager.

Maauiilo Theatre; seating i-ai'acliy. 7UV. Can us* gaud ruad aitractiuna. tab. sliuws, quartettes, etc.


LORAIN. Populatioa, 40,000. (TL\a AU'ERTS. Manager.

Majeatlo Tlteatre; stage, 45x6ii; .seating capacity, l.tiou. .Now runidng pictures. Want MlnstriU. Mu¬ sical (Njmedy, Girl and Dramallo Shou'd. Writ* lot '.Ime and tenoa.

Fax Ludlow B. A. B. Per. ad., Woodmont. Oami.

fur abiuit thirty minutes (in the cold of the early murulng) It was arrangeii that Fowlkea and B. B. Burton would go bail to tbe extent of |8U0. Imagine the feelings uf this pair when they received the .sad news that the culprits had Jumps-d their bonds. But it was a g‘s>d joke.


(Continued from page 31)

fall, for money which he claimed to be due from the Barue* Company for railroad fares advanced. It is claimed that Barneii' contract with Granada guaranteed no Jumps over $12 w.tU excess. Uoe Jump waa from Little F'alU, Minn., to Mempuis, Tenn., and the act carried a thousand po'imls of exceae baggage.

The Aerial MeDonalda are in Evansville, Ind., getting ready to go out with a big carnival com¬ pany tbe coming aeaaun. Their act ia to be one uf the free attraction*.

Tbe Banvard Sisters returned to their home in Chicago laat week after a short trip through !$outhern Il.inuie.

The Kilties, tbe Scotchman on the wire, and tbe Scotch girl with tbe voice, came into Chi¬ cago laat week from a trip on the W. V. M. A. Time. Kiltie 1« hxing up bia big casting act for the coming season of fain.

Rolo, the Limit, and bis wife. Allle. Louise, are playing on the W. V. M. A. Time. They were at Peoria, 111., last week with a Western ronte to follow. Mile. Louise has fully retsivered from her recent lllneM,

Princess Imlita, tbe Oriental dancer, has been tick for tbe past week, and has bad to cancel all tbe time she had booked for tbe balance of tbe winter. She waa improving at last reports. The Prinents will have her own show with one of the big carnival companies next season.

The Ryan Brothers open In New Y'ork this week. They bare Just finished the Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania Time.

Monntain Rye, tbe old Indian fighter and Western scoot, spent a few daya in Chicago last week. He is Itandling pictures for a local agent and retMirts basineaa fair on tbe picture circuit.

Uttle Edna and Billie 8t. Alloo. the kid* on a wire, have siirnetl with tbe Sparks Bros.' Clrcna for tbe coming season.

Miller, the Juggler, has N'en kept busy this winter playing tbe family time In Chicago. He will fix np a big act for outdoor work tbi* sum¬ mer.

The Cottrell INiwell Troui>e are playing the big time In Chicago. The horse* are all In fine shape and are looking splemlld.

Dark ('loud and Cherokee Blanch have formed a team to play vamlevllle, also fairs and out- of-dtsirs gatherings. The act 1* comp«.*»ed of sinking, sharp slitsding. Imllan songs, dancea and lecture*.

Dutch (Johnny) Ali)ler, the contortionist, baa not slgm-d with any of the Mg shows for the com¬ ing seasi'n owing to the fact that he eii>ecfa to otwrate a big i«opcom and iieanut wagon this summer and play the fairs on the side. He Has with Ringling Brothers last season.

Air. I eon. the Juagler of the trio of Leon and .Adiiine Sisters. i« connect**! with the AL A S. .Art Stmlios. Air. I eon has iliscover***! a new piwes* for reprvsluclng photo* in oil coMrs for lobby displays. He has a nicely <>*|uipp*sl studio and i* (king a fine business.

Prof. B. Glat* had the orchestra at fie Alor- rls*in Hotel last Momlay nirht, and received con¬ gratulations from the dancer* on the fin.- program he gave them.

The Howell .Avlatt.'n Company will move thdr factory the (I'st of March, owing to the fact that tlielr present quarters are not large em ugh. The aviation *ch<»>l will <a>eo Just a* won a* the weather permit*.


Ixmisiille. Ky.. Jan. 21. Following a con- f*ren<'e a few ago hetwi'en AA’ J. (:oo*-h. Di'wly el>cte<l se<'r*'tar* of Hie Kentucky State Fair, ami John AV, Newman, former Commis¬ sioner of .Agrlcnltnre Mr. Gooi-h has assume*! eba'ge of the oIRi'e of *e<Tetary. He sal'l that Jsmes I,. IVnf. his pred<'eessor. had notified Mm soeral day* ago that he wa* ready to turn Hie ol1l<-e over.

44 X ti e Billboard JANUARY 29, 1918.

Uin of Uie WlilniitTluif i*iUeM, Itrailjr & Junea, IVitaali it IVrliiiultFr lu Soclrtjr. A. 11. Wumla, uigra.: I'axtuu, 111., .’U; llautoul 117; Maliuiuet uiKr.: (l.j ru-) New York, lu<U-f. UA; .Vluiiticello JU; I’lillo Ul; llomer Keb. 1; rrliire of I’lUfii, wllli J<.«a Ujuiljr, Terry J. Villa iirove J. Kelly, umr.: lieuryetta, Ok., L’tt; Muakogee ‘.'T

(Jlrl Williuut a I'liMiire, Kola-rl .Slieriuuii, uiifr.; Uolilii IIihnI tl>eK<i\eii OiM-ra Co.»; IturaluMi,

W trunks \Vl»liii>erlui{ Tmea, Hraily & Jonea, l*otaal» it Terliiiulter iu Society. A. 11. Wooda,

111 mJ Ed m 111 B V II. 15. Ac 15. Trunk Co 447 Wood at. Plttaburc. “‘ltr» : Taxtou, 111., llautoul J7; JlaUoujet umr.i tl.yrie) .\ew York, lu.lef.

I IIIC r I I I I IC I Herkert .V .Melsel, ««»» Waah. ave.. St. Loul*. ilo. llomer Keb. 1; Trhue of TiUeii, will. Je«a, Terry J.

A A% A W. ll. Newton A Son. Cortland, N. Y. If . Kelly, mur.: lieuryetta. Ok.. L’tJ; MuakuKee -.'7.

Oiipenlielmer. 75H Market at. San TraucikCO. ‘’'f,* H"''*'* <>'""> •l*< Ko\en tiiM-ra Co.»; Itural.H., (Continued from page 41.) Hose Trunk Co Atcbiaon Kan ItiitTalo J4 Jtt; I IttKbiirK .11-leb. \\ la.. Jtl. Wuiihau JT; Antlgo lb.; Ka. anaba,

C. A. Taylor Trunk Wo^ka, aS Eaat Uandolph “'15^.: W aablnglon Ml. b.. llo; Maniuette ai; Calumet Keb. 1.

STEREOPTICONS AND SLIDES «t.. Chicago. 111. ^ Sprlngtleid. ‘imlnt'b M'inn."'“r‘“'“‘' - ''

Moore Hublell Co., ilaaouic Temple, Chicago. TURNSTILES .Maaa., as au. liolling Sl.aieii, s'elwyn A Co., mgra.: Newark, N.

STREET MEN’S SUPPLIES (Registering and Coin-Controlled) llajoa. .MUzi. iu Tom Tom. Henry W. Savage. j.. J4 Jti. tstandanl) .New iork 31 Keb. 5.

E mo<k Mercantile Comi>any, 341-343 Market Amusement Salea Co.. WtO Wuo<luard ave., Ue- mgr.: Hartford, Conn., 37 3b; llostou .il-Keli. llugglea of llial Oap: (Kultoii) .New York, ludef.


C. A. Taylor Trunk Wo^ks, 35 Eaat Randolph j " “*• EHioll. mgr.; Waahlnglon

at.. Chicago, 111.

TURNSTILES (Registering and Coin-Controlled)

34 3U. Hackett, James K., A Viola Allen: Sprlugtleld,

.Mass., 3S 3U.

llajoa, .Mizzi. iu Tom Tom. Henry W. Savage,

at., .San Kraneiwsj, Cal.

Berk Bros., 543 Broadway, New Y'ork City. Bnokman-Weiler Co., 337 West Madison at.,

Chicago, 111.

Coe. Youge A t o.. U<>.7 I.ucaa ave., St. I>aiia, Mo.

E. M. liavis .Soap Co., 330-334 North llesplainea St.. Chicago. HI.

troit, Mich.

11. V. Bright, Troapect Bldg., Cleveland, 0. K. 11. laingslow Co., Rochester, N. Y,

UMBRELLAS Krankfurd Broe., HOti Filbert st., Thila., Pa.


Heii|M>eked Henry iSoutlierul, Haltoii Tov.ell.

Wls., 30, Wausau 37; Autigo 3S; Esc anaba, .Mich., 30; .Maniuette 31; Calumet Keb. 1.

llanciM'k 3. Ishpeming 3; .VshlumI, Wls., 4, Imliith. Minn.,

Rolling Stcaiea, Selwyn A Co., mgra.: Newark, N.

J., 34 3t); iStamlanl) New iork 31 Keb. 5.

Sadie Imve. tiliver Moroscu, mgr.: (ilarrU) New York, Imief.

Inc., mgrs.; ElsiH'rry, .Mo., 3(j; Shelblna 37. I San Carlo tirand tipera Co., Fortune tlallo, mgr.: MoiirtM- City 3S; .Macon 3ti; Kirkaville 31

.Milan Keb. 1; Trenton 3; Trluceton 3; Cory

don, la., 4; Uttumwa

Sioux City, la., 3.5 3ti. tlmalia. Ni*t>., 37.30, IJiicuIn 31 Keb. 1; Hutchlusou, Kan., 3.3,

Wichita 4 5.

Kabricius Co.. ]s33 Washington St. Ix)ul8, Mo. Jo*”' R. llanling, 1538 Clllingham st., Phila.

M Herls-r. 737 730 .South st.. Thiladelphla, Ta. UNIFORMS & THEAT. COSTUMES (ioldbrrg Jewelry. Mb Wyandotte at., Kansas Moulin Bros. A Co.. Dept. 10, tlreenvllle. IU.

Hen|H-eked Henry (Northern), llaltou Towell. I Sanderson Brian Cawthorn Co., In Sybil, Chaa. lui'., mgrs.: Tortlaud. Ind., 3(>: Cambridge

37; Kulghtstowu 38; Richmond 311; .Mlnsier,

Krohman. liic., mgra.: (IJbertyj New York 17,


O., 30; Liberty, lud., 31; Franklin Keb. 1; I Sari, Henry W. Savage, mgr.; Tampa, lUa., 3tt.

City, Mo. Oonlon A Morrison, I'M 301 East Madison at.,

Chicago, HI.

Ed Hahn. 3.78 West Madisrrn st., Chicago, Ill. James Kelley, 151 E. 3.'5d at.. New Y’ork City.

VENTRILOQUIAL FIGURES Ben Hobson, UlO Troapect ave.. New York City.

VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES F. M. Barnes, 36 South State at., Chicago, III.

l^ngrm k Bro^ Ormond Tlac-e Brooklyn.N.Y. .s,.i,a..fer. lit) S-Vuth State at.! Leveotlial & Uohl. 5n Orchard, New \ork City. Chlcairo 111

1>-Viu Broa., Ter^ Sullivan A Consldlne Circuit, New York City. Pierce Chemical ^.. Tierce Bltlg Chicago, ill. Booking Offlcea, 141*3 Broadway. N. Y. C.

Shap ro A Karr 330 Sou h st.. Philadelphia. Pa. western Vau.levllle Managers’ Assn., Chicago. N. Shure Co., 3557 341 W. Madison st., Chicago. i/Aiii-vrr\ ^ /»« •■ • v

Liduiliou 3, .Martiiiaville 3; Bedford 4. Salem.'. laikelami 37; Orlando 38; St. Augustine 31),

ileu|>eeked Henry (Western). Halton I'owell, .Vlliaiiy, Oa.. 31.

Inc., mgrs.: Clay Center, Neb.. 3(1: NeUm 37; Sehuater’a. Milton, .Musical Revue, Col. J. L.

S<-ward 38; Lincoln 3ti; St. Joaeidi, Mo.. 30; DavU, mgr.: Humbiddt, la.. 36; Pocabootaa

Bethany 31; Ridgeway Keb. 1; l>eon, la.. 3; -.>7; Malison 38. Konda 3tl; Remsen 30; Spencer .Vftoii 3; Taclllc Junction 4; (Jleliwisid ai; Britt Keb. 1. Kon-st City 3.

llllllanl. Roliert, Wm. M. Cray, mgr.: (Maxine Se|,|,.mlM?r .Morn, Rowland A Cllfr.w<l. prop, :

Elliott's) New York, ludef. Ibdlefonte Pa.. 36; Reuova ’37. W ilkes Uarre Hip-lllP'llooray, Cbaa. Ulllingbam, mgr.: (Hip- 38 30; season cbwes.

Sbryock-Trsld t o., 831 N. Eighth at., St. Ix>ui8.

Singer Bros., 83 Bowery. New Y'ork City. Samuel Weininius Co., 733 Penn ave.. Plttaliurg.

STRIKING MACHINE MFRS. M. W. .Viisterburg. Homer. Mieb. Misire Bros., l.alM-er. Mieh.

STRIKER MANUFACTURER Hersi hell-Siiillman Co.. No. Totiawamla, .S. Y.

SYMMETRICALS Walter BretzHeld Co., 1367 Broadway.N.Y.C.


VAUDEVILLE (Mail Instructions) Kretlerlc lai IKdIe, Station U, Jackaon, Mich,

WATCHES Alter A Co., 165 West Madison at., Chicago, HI.

podrome) New Y’ork. indef. Ilia Majesty, Bunker Beau: (Cort) Chicago, in-

def. Hil-tlie Trail Holihlay. with Kr**<l .Nlblo, Coliaii

A Harris, mgrs.: (.Vstor) New Y’ork. iiid-f.

Hobson's Choice, K. Ray Comstock, mgr.; (Com¬

edy) New York, Indef.

Sheidierd of the Hills, Haskell A MaeVltty. Inc.,

owners- Dayton. Wash., rd. Walla Walla ’38,

Colfax 39; Sand|>olnt, Id., 31.

Shepherd of the Hills, Haskell A MaeVltty. Inc., owners; Iz-uox, la.. 36. H>slfurd 37; Clarluda

38; Corning 39; Red Dak 31.

M. Herber, 737-739 South at.. Phiiadelphia, i'a. Hous.- it Hlass, ’ with .Mary Ryan. Cohan * X'bhi R.sA^ 'i'- W^y'im>r'*'*3'i ' ^'^***"’ ^^** ' N. Shure Co., 237-‘341 W. Madison at.. Chicago. Singer Bros., 83 Bowery, New Y’ork City.

United Watch Co.. 5 Wabash are., Chicago, Ill.

Samuel Weiiihaua Co., 733 Penn Ave., Pittsburg. i||inj(ton Margaret, iu The Lie. Sid-vyii A

WATCH MANUFACTURERS I r<».. iiiKn*.: I'oiiioiia. i'al.. Jtl; Santa Anna -T;

llipp. Didisbeim & Bro., M Malden lAane.N.Y.C.

WIGS 15ruHh st.. I^trolt. Mich. jCauder Bros., Inc., 115 W. 48th at., N. Y*. City. It Pays To .Vdverlise (Eastern). Cohan A Harris

‘-'w^ntT ^ WILD ANIMALS, BIRDS AND REP- , * ..acvU * ' iij. * II To Adrertiae tOntraU. ( olian A HarrU

American Tent A Awning Co.. 307 Washington ^ “J* Agent, |.,y, xo .Advertise (Western). Cohan A

ave., .North, .Minneapolia. Minn. , i*“’. v v i, zo. rl*- Kan Kranctsi-o 34 Keb. 8. Atlanta Tent A Awning Co.. Atlanta, G«. I-oula Ruhe, .48 (iraud at.. New York City. xo .Advertise (Southern). Cohan A Ilar-

Baker A Iy<s-kw<ssl. Seventh and Wyandotte ata., XYLOPHONES rla, mgra.: Tulaa, Ok., ’36; Bartlesville 37;

Kansas City, Mo, J, C. Dt*agan. Berteau and E. Ravenswood Park Coffeyvllle. Kan.. 38; lnde|M*ndence 39; Jo|*R9. George H. Dial A Son. 1927 3d ave.. Hunting- ave., Chicago, Ill. Mo.. :50; lola, Kan.. 31; Chanute Keb. 1; Sa¬

lon. W. Va, _ llna 2; Abilene 3; Junction City 4; Ylanbat-

Columbus Tent A Awnliig Co., Columbus, O. tan 5.

C.^rnle-Hmulie Co.. 307 Delaware at.. Kansas DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL S^rnde’f"' ’ Dougherty Broa.’ Tent Co.. 169 South Main at.. Chaa. Krohman. Inc., mgrs.: Katlnka Arthur Hammersteln. mgr.: (44th St.)

St laOlllK, Mo. Vow Vorlr 1? (n/tof N6W xOrk, iDOCls Fulton Bag A Cotton Mills. New York. 8t. Alone at list. The Shuinlrta. mgra.: (Shubert)

Izmis, New Orleans. Atlanta and Dallas, Tex. York indef Detroit 31-Feb. 5.

J. (, (.()SH A Czi., Detroit, Micb. Anglin, Margaret. James Shesgreen, mgr.: ^ Morrla. mgr.. Ottawa, an.,

Heo. T I nyt Co 52 S Martet sL ^ton Mass , j,ronx O. H.) New York ’34-39. , oe

Harris mgrs : (Candler) New^ York\ t^^^^^^^ SkiuneT.*‘’otl“!*''Vh«^’. Vrlrtman.*' Inc., mgra,: Iluiiiaii S.s.1. J A. Schwenk. mgr.. Omaha .4 ^(.,.h.n) New York 17. Indef.

-s». KaiiwiH 1 ity ***** *^*- V: .. ^ . Smart Sft. J. Martin Free, m*r.: Katiaaa City liuKt4»n, Martean*!. iu Ih** Lie. S^d.vyn Jk 23-**9 Co. iii^rK.: I'oiuoiia. i'al.. Santa .\nna •*; San Diego-38 J* Iz.s Angeles 31 Keb. So Uxig. la-tty, Oliver Moromo. mgr.: Iz>a An

In old Kentucky. Thillp H Niven, mgr.: I.uf Itclea 34 39. falo "4 ••*) Tomnlo 31 Kel) 5 So dier of Jai'tn. Oscar Hraham. mgr.; Rotwtown, Pays"To .Advertise (Eastern). Cohan A 11 irrls Tex.. 36; Blalug. ’37; San Benll,. ’38; Bntwns

mgrs.; (Wilbur) Boston 17. Indef. Title ’39; Mission .31; I'ays To Advertise (Central). Cohan A )IarrU. *5 55a9 Benito 3; Kingsville 4; Blabop 5.

mgrs.: Washington *34'39; Baltlmoio .il-Keb. .5. Starr, Frances, David Belaaco, mgr.: Baltimore

Pays To .Advertise (Western). C<dian A Hnr- 34 39; Waabtiigton 31 Keb. 5.

Abilene 3; Junction City 4; Ylanbat-

Slewart, Cal. Co., Palmer Kellogg, mgr.: Effing¬

ham. HI., 36 37; Washington, Ind.. 38-30,

Princeton 31 Keb. 1; Mt. Carmel. III., ’3 3; Vin¬

cennes, Ind., 4 6. Mo.. :«); lola. Kan.. 31; Chanute Keb. 1; Sa- Smi., Iz-.k, Listen. Chas. B. Dillingham, mgr.:

New Y'ork, Indef.

(Hlobe) New York, Indef. Sunny S<with, J. C. R.M-kweil, mgr.: Anamoai,

la., 26; Manchrater 27; Sirawls-rry Point 38.

West Union 39; Independence 31: Traer Feb. 1; Reinberk 2; Grundy Center 3; Hampton 4,

Iowa Kalla 5.

Kirk In. A. 11. Woods, mgr.: Buffalo 24'39; xhls Is the Life, Halton Powell. Inc., mgra.:

The T A A. Co..‘396 E. 1.57th Bt..N.Y.O. V,. a a. I *I“<5 Domino: Buffak

M Magee A Son. Inc.. 147 Kulton at.. N. Y. C. G^eTvler* mgrS ’ ClVvela^^‘**''* •' Murray A to.. Inc.. 6'35 W. Kulton at.. Chicago. % * Cleveland -4 39, Tlttt- Kulton. Ky.. 24’36:

L, Nlekerson Tent. Awning A Cover Co., 173 k,,w A- V.rl.neer me™ : (New Tenn.. 31-Keb. 5.

Detroit 31-Feb. 5. lAuder. Harry, Wm. Morrla. mgr.: Ottawa, Can.,

'36; Montreal 27 29. I.ilac Domino: Buffalo 24 29. Little Miss Susan. .Alton A Esthemian. mgrs,;

Kulton. Kt.. 24-’36: Hickman 27-39; Jackson.

State st.. Boston. Mass.

Tucker Duck A Rubber Co.. Ft. Smith. Ark. United States Tent A Awning (Jo., 229 North

Desidalnes at., Chicago, III.

TENTS TO RENT M. Magee- A Sem. Inc.. 147 Kulton at.. N. Y. C.

•Around the Map, Klaw A Erlanger, mgra.: (New

Amaterdam) New Y’ork, Indef.

At the dill ('rows Roads. Arthur C. .Alston, mgr.:

(Crown) Chicago 24-39; (National) Chicago .30-Feb. 5.

Barrymore. Ethel. Chas. Krohman. Inc., mgrs.: (Lyceum) New York 17. Indef.

Maude. Cyril. In Grumpy. Tbeo. W. Barter, bus.

Caldwell, Kan., 36: WlnBeld '37. M'-Pbersoo 39. Ilutehlnson 39: Newton 31: l’«-«bisly Keb. 1,

llo|<e 2; Clay Center 3; Holton 4; Horton 5. This Way, Igdies, Halton Powell, luc., mgrs.;

Jaclsoii. Mich . 24 ’36; Ann Arls>r 27 39; I't.

Wa.vne, Ind., 30 Ki-b. 2; South Beisl 3 5.

Thurston, Msglclan. Jsck Jones, mgr.: Minne a|sdis ’33 39: Milwaukee .TO Feb. .5

United States Tent A Awning Co., 229 North Rlue Paradise, The Shuberta, mgrs.: (CaalDo) Desplalnes st., Chicago. HI. New Y’ork, Indef.

mgr.- St Izmla 21-39- ('olumbua. O.. 31-Keb. Town K-xd. Harry Green, mgr.; Ashland, Neb..

2: Indtanaimlls. Ind., 3-.'>. Cellar Bluffs 27; Oakland 29.

McC'abe, Jamea L.. Halton Powell. Ine.. mgrs.: Town Topics, The Shuberta. mgrs.: (Winter Gar- Mapleton. la.. ’36: Battle Cn-ek ’37; D.inluirv New Y’lwk 24. Indef.

28; Verndllon. 8. D.. 29; Sioux Kails 3"; Trail of the Izmesome Pine. r.askell A MaeVltty.

Parker 31: Centerville Keb. 1; Blair, j'ieb.. 3; Inc., leasees: Sterling, III.. ‘36; Princeton '37. Plattsmouth 3; Tecumseh 4; Beatrice 5,

THEATER SUPPLIES N>w York indef - C. .y Francis Canvas A Rope Supplies Co.. 159 Bringing Up Father. No. 1 (Hus Hill’s). Chas

» - o* II ''■o''’- Toledo. O.. 23 27: Windsor Iz-ars’ Tlu-aler Supply Co.. 5C(9 Chestnut at., St. ont., ’38; Chatham 29; Woodstock 31.

Izmis. Mo, Rrlno-lni- T'n Fadior No o (Ciis ftitl'a) Cliss

Boomerang. The, David Belaaco. mgr.: (Belaaco) I Miller. Henry. A Ruth Chalterton. In I'c'I'j)

Kewanee 38: Haltwtiurg 39; Kt. Madtaon, la.. 30; Monmouth, III.. 31.

Izmg lz-gi-. Henry Miller, mgr.: (Tremont) xp a.ure Island, Chaa. Ibi.klns, mgr.: IPunch A Boston Jan. 10. lislef Judy) New York, Indef.

11. Yale, mgr.; Toledo. O.. 23-27: Windsor, Million Dollar Doll. ^- *^*7-' *’*^"11’ Treasure Island. Chas. Ilitpkins, mzr.: Ont., ‘38; Chatham 29; Woodstock 31. Hreenvllle, Pa. 2»’.: Titusville k. ; Kane - . -.j,. ipdlanapidls 51 Keb. .5.

THEATER TICKETS (Roll and Reserved Seat Coupon)

Anwz-II Ticket Co., 154 E. Erie st., (jhicago. Ill.

National Ticket Co., Shamokin. Pa.

THEATRICAL COSTUMES New Yoek ( (istunie Co.. 188 State at.. Chieago. Cinderella Man. Oliver Morosco, mgr.: (Hudson)

Wolff-I'oriling Co., 20 Elliott st., Boston, Maas. New Y’ork. Indef.

Bringing Up Father. No. 2 (Hus Hill’s). Chas. Emporium 29; St. M(irys 31. , »■ 1 11

Foreman mgr.: Wlehita Falls. Tex.. 26: .Ama- Missouri «J‘rI- ''‘’■rlf,, . rillo 37; Dalhart 29; Denver. Col.. 31 Feb. 5. Nortons); ElIN. Kan.. 36; .1: M )laot

Bringing Up Father. No. 3 (Gns HiU's). Griff '-’I': Ellsworth 31. , Williams, mgr.: Goshen Ind.. 26; Dow.igiac, Montgomery A Slone. In Chin CMn. Chii^ B. Dll

Mich.. 28; S. Bend. Ind.. ’39; Battle Creek. J"'"'’v’ llTn-cV tm Mich. 30- Niles 31 Mutt A Jeff in College. No. 1 Otus Illll .), .101

Twin Bisbi. Si-lwyn A Co., mgra.: (Olympic) Chi¬ cago. Indef.

Norton’s); Ellis. Kan.. 36; Maya 27: M llson (SisHlal). Si-lwyn A Co. mgrs : Ij

[ Mius tiiirs). vinii '•55': Ellsworth 31. Cp»ss«>, Wls.. '36: Eaii Claire 27; Duluth. Minn., Ind.. 26; Dow.igiac, Montgomery A Slone. In Chin CMn. Chii^ B. Dll p.-b n.

.. ’39- Battle Creek. llngham, mgr.; (Czdonlal) I^t«n Twin Bisl* iSouOiern), Selwyn A Co., mgrs Mutt A Jeff In College. No. 1 ((.ns Illll ^). .Too paH,,, Tex . 24 '36: Wai-o 27; Temple 38.

osco. mgr.: (Hudson) .’-U'','"'"’ ^‘"^oVk'-V o"‘ ’ Austin 29; San Antonio 30 Feb. 2.

Mutt"*- H'-ff in College N(*i (Hus Hill’"). Twin I*’’’!* (Coast). Selwyn A Co., mgrs.; M-m lilla. Ha., 26: Talla- it'j,‘8ng.-les >4’.’9 •"P-.v. Cal. 36, Sania 38; Petaluma 29. •ville 28; Ocala 29; -snif los -s -> • Oakland 30 K.-b 5 THEATRICAL COSTUMES & WIGS

Chicago Costiinie Works. 145 North Dearborn at., Chicago. III.


CLES Kallajian Expert. 917 C<d. ave.. Boston, Mass.

THEATRICAL ATTORNEYS Ferguson A Hooiinow. 10 Izt Salle st.. Chicago.

THEATRICAL TICKETS Nation.Tl Ticket Co.. Shamokin. Pa.

TICKET CHOPPERS n. V. Bright, Prospect Bldg., Cleveland, 0. R. H. Langslow Co.. Rochester. N. Y.

TICKET PRINTERS Ansoll Ticket Co., 154 E. Erie st.. Chicago. Ill.

Clifford. Billy Single: Camilla. Ha., 26: Talla- hassf-e Fla.. 27; Gainesville 28; Ocala 29;

Brooksville 30-31; I.akeland Feb. 1; Ar¬

cadia 2; AVauohula 3; Winter Haven 4; Pa- •"VI!,* .’HVi .Vir'-'Vi'inev "lii •’•6- liinnioVn ’•■T- I-aoonla. N. II,. 26: Comsvrd 27; White River latka 5. i Junction. Vt.. ’38: Rarre 29; Ottawa. Ont., 31.

Common_Clay. .A. IL W.>ods, mgr.: (Republic) • ’ — . - Two Is <'onii>any (Chicago) Chicago. Indef.

New Y’ork, Indef. ’'-V ' ”*• M,.intTre Unchasteneil Woman. Oliver Morosco, mgr.: (39th

Daddy Long-Legs (Southern). Henry Miller. ''l. """’V kX Vll^^nler "l Sr.) New York, Indef.

t K. J. Totin. wgr : Monteomrrj, I'nrle T(mr« (’aMn. Wm. Kibble, mgr.: Herrin, .x' = F , 7la "(V- Atianta Ha ’37'39: Macon 51. Ill., 26; Centralla 27; Edwaplsrllle 38. Spring

HoJhen*4^ "KaVamarfio ‘ Mich"*'''"’ ^• Night Before. Lauder A Morris, mgrs.; (Copley) held 39 Bl.s.minglon 31; Llm-oln Feb. 1. (.oshen 4. Kalamar^. Mich.. 5. Indef Sullivan 3; Cliampalgn 3.

Daddy (^iith(-rn) Henry Miller. ,’l’me E. Bar r..m«to,k. mgr - I’eorl.t. I’ncle Tom’s Cabin (Slel~m’sl. J. W Brownb-. mgr San Diego, Cal., _.)-.6: Riverside ,1; • • Burlington la "7- Keokuk 28- mgr.; New Milford. Conn., 39; Brldgi-i>ort .51.

Redlands 28; San Bernardino 29; Salt Iztke o.Vlner ill ^ ^ Sprlngfleld, Mass.. Feb. 1.

riloIartV ^ ’ Olriahomi. Frohinan Beiasco. ^ mgrs.: (Ilollls) Under Hp-, S-Iwyn A Co., mgrs.: (Park S.).)

Pcriengil. mgr.; Bro. kvBle, Ont., ’36; ott.ivva Austin' 29; San Antonio 30 Feb. 2.

Mntt”*- H''-^***in H'ldVege N(*i (Hus HlIU"). Twin H'^I* (Coast). Selwyn A Co., mgrs.; M->i

''chas*- MMUldma*^ mg^ -; Iz« -.An;:ie. "24’39: »”« « nigxtF^ t s'Siclanfi tWi r**b. o. A -D-ff in College. No. 3 (Hus Mill’s), ^wln RpIs jYtlddle West^ ^

Marry Hill, mgr.; OIney, Ml.. '36; Dmio-dn ’37;

C.-ntralla ’39; Marion M: CalP> 5o, Paducah.

Ky.. 31.

Boston, Indef.

Redlands 28; San Bernardino 29; Salt Jjike City. Utah. 31-Feb. 2; Cheyenne, Wy., 4; Colorado Springs. Col., 5.

Dltriehsteln. Iz*o, In The Great Tzvver, Cohan ,A Harris, mgrs.; (Izmgaere) New Y'ork, Indef.

Boston 24 Feb. 5. Biiwton. ln>Ief.

Arens Ticket Co., 6-53 Plymouth (Jonrt. Chicago. Drew. John. Chas. Fpd(mnn. Ine.. mgrs.; Roa-

Mancock P.ros., 25 .Tessie st.. San Francisco.

National Ticket Co.. Shamokin, Pa.

G. M. A A. Jj. Nichols, Inc., 545 Washington st.. Lynn, Mass.

Ro.val 'Tb-ket Co.. Shamokin, Pa.

Weldon, Williams A Lick. Ft. Smith, Ark.

TIGHTS Walter H. P.refzfield Co., 1367 Broadway.N.Y.C.

SiEGMAN WEIL 18 A 20 East 27th St.. New York City.

TOYS Miller Rubl>er Co.. Akron, O.

TOY BALLOONS Fabrlcius Co.. 1925 Washington, .St. Tz)uls, Mo. Faultiest Rn)>t>er Co.. Astiland, 0.

Eagle KaWicr Co., Ashland, O.

Ed Hahn. .3.58 W. Madis->n st., Chicago. Ill.

A M. Hendler A Co., 1661 Market st., San Fran¬ cisco. Cal.

Lb-yd Martin, .3444 Vine st.. Cincinnati, 0. Ml*--llLn Rnb)x-r Co., Massillon. O. Q. Nervione. 448 N. Franklin st., Chicago. Ill.

noke. Y'a.. 26; Lynchtmrg 27; Richmond 29. 29: Charlotte. N. C.. 31; Colnmtda. S. C.,

Feb. 1; Augusta. Ga., 2; Macon 3; Mont¬ gomery. Ala.. 4; Mobile 5.

Dummy. The. Rowland A- Clifford, props,; Sr. Tzinls 23-29: (Imp<-rial) Chicago 36Feb. 5.

Old Menicstead J M, B.-nslv, mgr: Maiisfldd. Fn-ler Cover. Haskell A MaeVltty. Inc., lessees

O 24-29- Czdiimbiis 29 Feb, 1. Sedalla. Mo., ’36: Jefferw-n City 27; Fulton 38

Only Girl 'j.w' WeMs-r. mgr: (Majestic) Bos Washington 29; Macon .31

ton. Indef. Umler Cover. Itowland A Clifford, ppi>s.; Clevc On Trial (Eastern). Cohan A Harris, mgrs; land 34’39: l».-tpdt :)0 F-b 5.

(Garrick) PldladeRdda. indef. Very Ho<sI. E<ldle, .Marlniry, Couistot-k Co., mgrs.:

On Trial (Western). Colian A- Harris, mgrs.: (Princess) N(-w Y’ork. lnd<-f.

Cincinnati 24-39; Middletown 30; (zxiIm-.IBi- Warflebl, David, David B(-lasco, mgr.: Chlrag->

31-Feh. r,. Eternal Magdalene, with Clara Joel, Rdwyn A I Outcast, Klaw A Erlanger, mgrs.: (Montaiik) I Weavers, The, M-slern Stage Co., mgrs.; (Gar

Co., mgrs.; Perth Amboy, N. .7.. 27: Dover, Del., 28; Allentown. Pa.. 29: Lancaster .31.

Eternal Magdalene. Selwyn A Co., mgra.: (Stand¬ ard) New Y’ork 24 29.

Everywonian. Henry \V. Savage, mgr.- New De-

eatiii. Ala.. 26: .Tackson. Tenn. 27: .Me:iiphls 29 29; Helena. Ark.. 31.

Fair and Warmer. Selwyn A Co., mgrs.; (FI pair of Sixes (C). H. H. Fraree. mgr.; T,!nd«ay, tinge) New York. Indef.

Faversham, William. In Tlie Hawk, L. L. Gal¬ lagher, mgr.; New Orleans 24-29

I'crgiiHfin. Elsie. Chas. Erotiman. Inc., mgrs.: Baltimore 24 29.

Eiske. Mrs . Corev. Williams. Biter. Inc.,

mgrs.: (Gaiety) New Y'^-rk 17. Indef.

F'ollie.s of 191.5, F. Zlegfdd, mgr.: (Illinois) Chi¬ cago 17 ‘39.

Krame-l’p (Byers A Mann’s). Cato Mann, mgr.:

Harper. Kan,, 27.

Br<s»klyn 24 29. •leii) New Y’ork. Indef.

Pair of Silk St^s-klngs, WIntlirop ,km(‘S, mgr.; When Dreams (’on(e True (Eastern), Coiitt* »V

(Princess) Chicago 16. In<l<-f. Tennis, mgrs.: Staunton, V«., 36; Harrisonburg I'alr of Sixes (A). H H, mgr* ; In 07; Hagerstown. Md.. ’38; Annnisdls 39

diannpolls 26-’29; Toledo 30 51. Wli,-n Orc.-iiiis Cotni- Trm- (Wi-stern), ConIts A Pair of Sixes (B). H. H. Fraree, mgr.: (Vic- Ti-nnis. mgrs : New t Im, Mlixi , 3’6 Water

toria) Chicag'* 2.3 39 town. S. I» . 37; Brmiklngs 38; Huron 3’9: .\ls-r ilr of Sixes (C). H H. Fraree. mgr.; T.indsay. ^een 50; RcdneM 51: Sl.xix KiilU Fdi 1:

Ont., ’37; Trenton 28: B-terlMiro ‘39; Bps-kvllb- Mlt>'hell 2 Yankton .3; Vennlllon 4; Sioux

551. Cllv, la., 5 6. (Ir of Sixes (Special). H. H. Fraree. mgr.; Whileslile. Walker. .lolin Cort, mgr,; A«)ilan.i.

I.awp-nee, Kan . 26; T<X'eka 27: Manhattan ‘38; Ore., ’36: Mc-lfo-.l 27; Eugene 28

Ont., ‘37; Tp-nton 28: l*<-terlMiro ‘39; Bps-kvUl

31. Pair of Sixes (Speeial). H. H. Fraree. mgr.

.liinctli-n City ’.’9.

Patton. W. B.. Frank B Smith mgr.; Wllwm. AI. H.. Sldm-T It. Ellis, mgrs.; Ti-nxit-

-.'I -.Ji Cl. xcliin.l 51 Feh. .5 HI.. 26: Rutland 27: Plix-r City 28; Dan.llle willdn tin- Law, Itols-rl Slii-rman, mgr - Hoxv

Goorg- A. Paturel, 4700 Fourth ave., N. Y’. City. Freekles (Western). Broadway Am. Co., mgrs.: Rude,]! - Br-zi.. 18 N. Fifth st.. Philadelphia. Pa. B>iiinsliiii. Mont.. ’26: Billings 27; Big Tlin)H-r N. .8;iu-e Co.. 2-37-241 W. Madison at., Chicago. 29.

To<]d Co.. 934 N. Eighth at., St. I’reckles (Southern). Bpxidway Am. Co., mgrs.; Sir.ger Bpss . 82 IV>wery, New Y'ork City.

TRANSFORMERS T;. A. E-l!«on, Inc., Orange. N. J.

TRICKS. MAGIC, ETC. The Magic S':.r,p, .33 N. L3th at., Philadelphia.

Martlnka A Co.. 493 Sixth ave.. New York City. Y’-ast A Co., 2-39 West 42d st.. New Y’ork City.

CIniarron. Kan.. 26; Stafford 28; YVIehlt.i 29.

Full House. H. H. Fraree, mgr.; (Plymouth) Boston. Indef

Gillette. William. Chas. Fp-hman. Inc., mgrs : (Blaekstnne) Chieago 17 Feb. 5.

29. Bc<-k’s Bad Boy. Cutter A Herman mgrs ; TMcl

nmnt. YY*. Va. ’36- Keyser ’37' Bip-kliann«-n 28;

Weston 29: Mt Hots- 31; Bf-<-kb-y E-h 1; WnTnesl>oro 2; BIiiefleM 3: Bedford Clt.T. Y’a..

4: Bonnoke 5. Peg o’ My Heart, with Florenee Martin. Ollyer

Morftseo. mgr.; San Franelseo 24 29.

Polly and Her Pals (Gns Hill’s) .lake I Ids--

nian. mgr.; St. Izxils 2.3-‘39: Toledo (),, 31-

Feh. 2. Pollyanna. Frank W. Martlneau, mgr.: Plilla.

24. Indef. Girl and the Tramp (Fp-d Byers’). Harry May- I Bfist, Guy Bates, In Omar, the Tenfmaker. Jamivi

nard. mgr.: Haskell. Tex.. 26; Rotan 27; Roliy

28 29 Hamlin 31 G. I’eede. gen. mgr.; KIngsttxi. Ont.. 26: Iz>n

don 27: Hanit1t<x) 28 29: Toronto 31 Feh, 5

nrd. S I» , '37; ltdl Rn|dds 28 Madison '39: Flandri-su 31: I'lis-stone, Minn.. I'd' 1:

Marsliall 2; Traey 3; Lake Bi-nton 4: Bns-k

Ings, H. I).. 5. Y’ellow Ja<ket, Mr. A Mrs. Colxirn, mgrs.: Co

Imnbla. Mo.. '36: St. Joseidi 27; I.lmsdn. \.-l>..

'38- Oinniia ‘39 31, Y’oiing .Yinerlea. Cohan A Harris, mgrs.: (Cohan’s

Gpind) Chieago 17, Indef.


JANUARY 29, 1916.

OFFICE, 2S03 EOST 55lh STREET, CLEVELAND, OHIO "Sball we vUj tbU piece like It is written?”

askti the trombonist. "Yea," repiiea the band leader; "that Is, as nearly as ismaible."

Exit. Slow curtain, sad music. MUSICAL MUSINGS By S. EDW. CHENETTE Th«Mus«

"Thaoksgiring Day 1 met \Y. C. Dean, the

Dixie Bandmaster, and hia band on their way

to their winter engagements. Dean bas tome

band. twenty UTe men, and at present ia playing aome com-ert dates as the resort doee not open until January. I beard them cut Bill Tell and

Zampa to the gueen's taste, and as liean la a real Southerner be knows when to slip in a rag. Beliere me, when that band cut in on the Mem

phis Blues the applause was so great that 1 couldn't bear the band. Then came other big ones of the old scIkioI ami some clasey mar<'bes.

But the best |M>lut I ever beard a leader make was at the llnisb when Dean turne<l to the amli ence and said: 'F'riemls, I am a Stoutherner; I

live in the greatest part of the world, and proud of Ndh facts. .Vml m>w. for your appn>val, I will

present your Southern ideal tune, Dixie.’ .\nd

say. It got 'em—hats, walking sticks and shouts fille<l the air. It was great. 1 must band it to the Dixie Bamlmaster amt his band all the

way thrv>ugh.”—A. T. F'reilericks

This one hap|>eoe<l on the Jennings Shows: A si>eclalty was to l>e playtsl and, as lliere were n-i

parts for the orchestra excetit the violin lead.

I the balance hail to fake. The iwchestra leader made a cross with both hands indicating the key

! of U. Dne member turneil to the leader and

1 said. "Say. let me see you make the key of

E flat.”

I "The I ittle Miss Susan Band of ten pieces and I orchestra of six pleci's are cutting them clean

ib»wn through Missouri. We play out of_ the red Nsiks at iHsm. and the black bisiks at 7:3<t. 1 sei- that The Miislngs are growing each week. Goisl work, musicians.”—K. I.. Ibdlenger.

HAMPTON’S GT. EMPIRE SHOWS (Continued from page ‘J9.)

loC'ked over and are to lie repaired and given a (oat of bright orange paint. The wagons and wagon fronts will also lie "baptized'' with the hame color of puint. making tl>e uuttit aecond to none in splendor and luiignlllcence. "I'ete" Harkins has liei n appoint) d general superin- tendeiit of the winter giiarttrs.

Send In the newa, boys. Make that one of

your reso.utiona for tbe new year. I>et's get acguaioteil.

C. Secriat. Violinist—Tour permanent aildr-*as Is waiitisl by IvTo Uaeale.

Jack Norred la a Antabeil musician -that is.

almost. They ran him for seven bliM-ka with

guns, couldn’t catch him. Are you "oo your feet” again. Jack?

"I am naturally Interested In your proiKowsi

dim tory of trouplug muaidaua. and If I <au help It along In any way I will be only t«io glad

to do ao. Une Idea that I suggiet Is that musii tana lie ratol according to their iblllty

and sense of ileiem y. somewhat on ll>e order of the secret c<sle In Dunn and Bradatreet'a. And

tgoally Important In my opinion would lie the rating of show proprietors and managers for reasons that will be readily umlerstooil by

men of ex|ierleo>e.”—Chas. W. Warner.

'.Mr Warner neols no IntiXMlactlon to the l•rl•frssll>u as a cvirnetisi ami illns-lor ami

thorough siHiwman. anil his remarks carry aiiiled

weight when his long, clean career la tonald- eml -The Muse.)

.tnd tbe suggestions recelv«| from ao many

iroii|s*n), that of forming sonie sort of an or-


Lo!) .\ngeles, Jan. 'Jl.—.\rot.nd Ki-bruary 1 sev¬ eral large Zone com-esMbrns lr)>m San Francisco

will be removed to Seal Beach, a new resort near here, accisrdiiig to Frank Burt, direi-tor of the

enterprise. The new lieach will be opened on

April kD with a 4,000-foot midway.


J. »'. iJiiiiiiiyl Siniiwoii. who was reiently appointed muuager of iliiniptoirs tireat Fm|iire .<tiows by .Mrs. Kliz.-ilietli liaiiiptoii. was in I’in- cinnatl last Tiiestlay after a trip tUmugb the East. He aaya the Hampton Great will lie one of tile b'St eighte«'n-i'ar I'arnivals on the road tills year, i-onsisting of twelve attraetions, two rilling devices and a band. Already lie lias liiiisr lip all the attractions exceiit three. "Jiiiiniy ’ Isiasts of a fliie oiBce at the winter giiarters in H i.nilton. D.


of haniN an«i lD«Uridual mu* •Irlaii**? The barnionj^ ill«|M*niM*ra are cofuing;

iiuiiliig into their own; not gulte double plan., either.

F- FTat l|ow about yiuir fnen'l In Ia>aven- Worlh ?

Frenchy Are you still tle.1 mi?

Merle Kisiis ami I*alt.ui Dngi a line to Carl 1. raiilk. imal Tblril avenue. South, Mlnneaiiolls, Minnesota.

Sam Conti, the popular y-uing Italian band

*" »• 4-'l Dak street. Chicago, getting ’’‘■*'1.^ oT the big caravan trail In the spring.

la-t s bear from these old timers Carl Neel, "lliaiii Il-.wers and William M. rrlck.

Mii»e \Vhlrh eml of a swlnctfe do yiHl time n'wi ■ Whi're can I get my triangle tiimil? Note

.''ale y.Mir clarinet ree<ls; they make fine tooth-



Trinity. Tex.. Jan. 'JU.—The weather was against lust wii-k in Cns kett. with the exi-ep- tlon of Tuesilay and Saturday. Business was

very gissi on tliosi' two days. We have file main stris-ts hefe this week,

uniler tlic Firi*nii*n. and. as ttie saw mills are

all working full time, tlie stand should prove a pnilltahle one.

Bay Ziiiimennan. the Minnesota IVar Cat, has Joined Chari'S ib'tchol's .\thlctic Show.

Dis' Bnslincll has isiiiic on as asmera! manager of and talker cn J-ick Compton's attru'-tions.

Ibibbie Jewell's motonlnmie bad very gis-d

play in Croi'kett. as the town was a maiden

for that kind of attraction. S. A. Stuart has clos«‘d. going to his liome in

Wichita Falls. The writer Isaight Stuart’s i-on

11 'sicns. Mrs. Frank Jackson las taken charge of the

cati'i.v whi'i'I. and is doing ni'S'ly. thank you. M.-Miller lias ad.lcd another IkiII game. Miss Evan Mayes has repl.icid .'Irs. .Miinday

in the Spi'Icr Slnnv. I.iiingston. Tex., which has bi'cii closed t*

carnivals for thri'i' years, is oiir m-xt slop.

McLaughlin buys an eli

T. J. Tisld A Siin advise that work of re¬ pairing and n'palnflng has been startl'd at their

winter quarters in Klmraell. Ind., annerintended bv the liinlor partner, O. I- Todd. Their work¬

ing staff remains the same as at the cKxsing of

the 1915 aeaei>n. IdiwI Minstrels ta an organlaatlon which haa galmxl mm-h prreitge In the Ea.stmi and New tXiilaiKl Stairw. Tlie ixanpaiiy U at presetU plvlng Wort Virginia towns.

• A ILI I I A » V/ <>0 404 £


rPORTF in PIMP NPW HP An ^JLiVJIVvJLi AkljCllillj i^Ju fV llLiXAly watlia. at Miiuu-lialia Falls. to life and

_ _ _ _ a< t8 aa a cuiiU- for a aiKl)t-ats-iiiK tour. For


Succeeds J, A, Herst) Who A^^in oecomes ld6nti~ K.‘n.ral 7uami«or of th.* I nlvorsal

/* O I_•_ rA • Film ManufaotnriiiK Comiiany. has auuounoo.l tin* ned With rathe—Several Changes in Di- fii.wi.m a.i.iitions ,o th. w.s,.rn mivorsai ^ 1 • • /~V a ''' “‘Va'd.-s: Wny llo.llun.l. Boiu-ral stook; Ml- rectorate—Speculation Over ruture I liaii |•^■als■^•k, f. fonWIin ami M. Moranto, I'lir-

^ ^ tis ('.• Harry M.irris. Tin mas J.-(f«'rs<>ii,

A <'*{'1 vi f IPC or lll’CjJin I yji rion n.lma f>an<-ls, Itllly Human ami \V. F. Mua- /\CLlVlLlCO UI v7l ^dlll^allUll Bcueral stock; Jlcas Mcrc.llth ami falUcr

- Johnstone. s.'enarlo department, ami (Illliert

New York, Jan. 'JO.—In spite of the fact that ; Compan.v, of J. A. Herat, who today Ucomes "arrenton, oauieranian.

It la .inite Beuerally ladl.-ved In motion picture '1'S‘ presi.ient and general manager of Tatlie. -

clrtles that the (Jemral Film t’ompany woul.l ^u.-.-wMllng lawis J. Casnier, who resigned to The following dia.ontlnuames have laen an

cease to evist un.ler its^nt status after of productions. n..ume.l from Fniversal City oompanle* of the

The following discontinuances have Iwen an-

n.'iime.! from Fniversal City (simpanlea of the cease to evist un.ler its pies«nt status after ■"•oiiic .iiret-or oi prooucxioua. I ... ..o... ... ... ...... . Kvl.l. n. e that the Vitagraph Company of I niversal nim Manufacturing t onipany hy <.en-

wirrw . ’ “rf in r “ America will continue to Iw idcntitled with the oral Manager Joe Hraudt: Harney IMrey, Worth

L n ino 7Tr , f T 1“ Ceneral Film Company is had In the el.a-tlon of ihgton Company: Walter .togers, Jane Waller,

H. n rn ',7 Alls-rt V. Smith, of that comern, to the .11- IHxle Carr, Sydney Ayres. Ceneral Stm-k; K-l.vthe

f'ld^ t r 1 ‘ „..torate and the naming of Sissir. who la Sterling and K. H. Jacka..u. Hunt Company; W.

tent V ant 1 f n 7 ' ' ‘ ' i.-e presi.l.iit of the V H S K, and Mcll.s, who ”■ 1'“", Helen Heaume and Hev ai.slge, .>Jmalley terd. y and cl.s te.l a full s-t of ollnera for Hi.' of that .-oriHiration. to the Company; K. A. Molter and J.w King. Madison

en Iiing year, as rollowa. ^ vt.e presi.leiit and s.-. rotary of Cen- Company; U T. Claphsm, Font C.mipany, and

Presid.-nt, (J.sirge Kleine; vl.e presidi ut, (osi. pjj,,, Kolwrt It.w. of the Mcltae Company.

K. SiMs.r; sisretary, Frank J. Marion; tmiaurer, i ,,res.-,it status of the Cineral ---_ —

Paul Melles. ■n,..s,. Otli.era. with the follow Company is no one aecma able to f.gure SEQUEL TO FAMOUS PHOTOPLAY Ing, will constitute the .lire.-tonite: \\ . N. Si-lig, excepting tboae on the inside—and th.>y

Albert E. Smith, IVr. y I,. Water, Ferdiimu.l . jiyui^e. The only thing cn which then- Commodore BIrckton About To Pro- Slnghl and C. H. Wilson. .,,.r,aiufy Is that Hen. ral Film has si tthsl dl'ce Second Picture Advocating

Albert E. Smith, IVr.'y

Slnghl ami C. H. Wilson.

Th“ .d.stion was ma.le ue.essury by the the anti trust suit Instituted an.l won by Willia-n

resignation as presid-nt of tbe tieneral Film r.>\, l>y tli.‘ payment of li'iO.iSiO.

Commodore BIrckton About To Pro¬ duce Second Picture Advocating

Preparedness resignation as presid -nt of tbe tieneral Film | r.>\, l>y tli.‘ payment of li'di.isio. I _[_I_ I New Y.'rk. Jan. 'JJ.'re J. Stuart

“ ■ ' presi.Ient < f the Vit.-igraph Company

FINED FOR DUPING KEYSTONES I pra.ti.-e of duping. He state.l that the ' of America, and author and producer of the

- - - j Fnited Slates Attorney was prepared to enter- I sensational phot.*play feature. The B.Httle Cry

A. G. Levi Pleads Guilty and Is Fined ““*1 prose, ute vig.irously any similar of Peace, Inf. rins The KillN'ard that within the

$100 by United States District Court . cliarges uisin pr.>iwr presentation of pixs.r. | very near future active pr.sluctlon will be

-- - I l ilm-diiplng of pi.'torial drama started on a se<tnel to this feature, which it Is

New V.irk Jan. IP The Triaiigle-Kevst..lie's Piracy of novels, tsM.ks and plays. Hetting planned to haie f"r the market within

$100 by United States District Court

The TriHng1e-Key.stone'

vigorous . ampalgn against Hie duping of Key- I H'>'>ISirary is.ssession of a imsitlve of a six months.

atone tlliiis wor.-d am.tlier substantial \i-tory '’*‘ ture the pirate makes a negative from that | The Hattie Cry . f IVa.-e Is a preachment

la the Fnite.l Stati-s IHstrl.-f C< urt of New York ^ ’i"”'*’* •***“ ••“untry with iinauthori7.e<l against the unpr>.pare<Iness of the rnlted States

on Frl.Iiiy last, when .\braham Heor-e Levi •'oples of the tll.-n. .kll the thris- stinlios of for war, based u|M>n Hiram Maxlni'a b<wk. Fn

pleade.1 guilty and was tiiwd JlOO b.v Jinlge Triangle—Keystone. Fine Arts and Kay- j lireparmlm-ss. In it the I'osslble fate of New

on Frl.Iiiy last, when .\braham Heor-e Levi •'oples of the tll.-n. .kll the thris- stinlios of for war, based u|M>n Hiram Maxlni'a b<a>k. Fn

pleade.1 guilty and was tiiwd JlOO b.v Jii.lge Triangle—Keystone. Fine Arts and Kay- j lireparmlm-ss. In it the I'osslble fate of New

Mayer. Is-ii was the liist of thos,- In.licled for *»•■«* xm .-opyrightlng their pl.-tur-s, an.l. there- V..rk in . a-e ..f an attii. k by a f..relgn nall.m

the Iliiping. wlih'li .a.iistitutes a violation of tie ■'“Pi"s i" * mm-h more dangenais business is m< st .'lenrlv an.l vividly ilepict.-d. In the

eoiiyrlght law. The Indl. liii. nts followed th.- ~ is-rietriitors than it used to be. wspiel Comin slore Hla. kb n. who Is an anient

raids ... bv Walter N. Seligsls-rg and - - •'"* »'l'o. ate for prepanslnes.

carried ..nt b.v William 11. M-s-re. in which N E W FILM VENTU RE against war. will emb to sts.w what .s.ul.l.

several arrest., were made at a Hreen,s,lnt diip - "" »*“ -i*’"- 'n

Ing factory, an.l many th.iusand f.-et of pirute.1 Minneapolis, Jan. Jl. Harry A. Sh.-rman and protecting the Fnltml states against any

Blnis were .s>nlls<-ate.l. The Keystone Company •I"*'k Elll.itt, holders of the Western rights to poealble Invaaion. It Is plantie.1 t" make the

prose.'ute.l the ofrcmlers. both elvillv and . rlnil The Hirth of a Nation, with Fred Ijmmln, man- luel an even ni. re Interesting story than Is

nally. rio'y were allied bv a complete coiifes “if'' H‘t* Sullivan A Coiisi.llne Circuit, are to The Hattie ( ry ..f Fea«-e, ami with his Intimate

elon ma.le by one of Uwi s accomplices. All '*• -'li-'-rs of a stes-k .•omp.iny wlil.-h will have conditions a* they a.-tually exist


nally. ri»'y were allied by a complete eoiifes “if'' <’f tbe Sullivan A Coiisi.llne Clisuit. are to

alon ma.le by one of I,‘\i's accomplices. .Ml otti.'ers of a stis-k company wlil.-h will have

the .'Ivll suits against Infringers br.sight by territory rights for forty nine iHinsei-utive thou-

the Keystone Company have terminated favor saml-fisit tllnis, repn-si-nting as many States,

ably to it. th> d.-fenilants having settled them •" *s* shown un.ler the title. Our Country. Judge

by the payinint of substantial ilniiiages. In Willis Brown, president of the National League

tills I.S-.I i-riiiiinal case the first of its kln.l for Wholesome M.ition 1*1.lures, late of Salt

uniter the eoiirt's Jurisdi. -Assistant IMs

tri. t Attorney Content rei-onimemied some <|e

Lake City, is writing s<-enarioH. Pictures haw

Iss-n taken for Minnesota. Iowa ami Illiiiols

gree of lenp-n.-y. owing to the fact That the The resoun-es. Is-autii-s and history of all the niary •jrt, hss Is-en re.-hrlstenisl When I,oi

Indictment it-s-lf had largely put an end to States of the Fiiiun, ts-ginuing with the thlrtei-n King amt will la- Issui.l un.ler that title

The Hattie Cry ef pea»-e, ami with his Intimate

Pnowbslge of conditions as they actually exist Hla.'kton shoiil.t pcstm-e for the

worlil a iiiasterplei-e In every resis-. t.


\i w York. Jun. ’J".*. It It by th**

Kl« in«* l>1tftnn 1nf**r**Mt»i thnt th** |»h*»t(Hlrfima. At

th** KuIiiImiw'** Kml. h*1.***1u1**<1 for r**l**a»»^ K**b-

ni:iry y.\. hH*« t*****n r****hri»*t**n*M| Wh**n IsO$p In


Will Be Featured in Thirty-Week Serial Photoplay of Thrilling Nature

New Yolk, Jan. 2<l. — Hlllle Burke, who has

Just ma.le li.-r si-reen dehut lu Peggy, a Trlangle-

Kuy lice p'lotoplay, with womlerful su.'.'ess. has

slgiie.l a contract with His.rge Kleine to appear

in a thirl} week serial feature, to la- pr.s1u.«st

at a .-ost of $1 <«SI,(SH(. No elf.irt or exjs’nse

will Is- spare.l in iiinkiiig this si-rtal hy far the

most eluls.rate picture of its kind ever at-


Miss Hiirke will Iw sup|s>rt<sl l.y a nolal.le

cast, hea.lisl by Henry Kolker. Ituiwrl Hughes.

Hie well known author, has wiitteu the sceiiarl->

for the serial, whl.h Is to lie prislu.-e.! under

the direiMlon of (harles E.lwln, long assis lat.-d

with Kleine. No title has so far Is-en announ.-ej

for the n.'W serial, bnt It will shortly l>e an

iionm-ed. In the meantime a vlgori-us adver

tlsing an.l publicity campaign Is Is-lng arrange.l

by Hie Mabln .Vdverllstng Co. of Clib ago. umler

|M-rs«nal charge of Fatil Kuhn, for many years

assfs-Inte.l with the Nl.-h.ds Finn A.l'ertlsing i'..

of Chl.-ago.


Chicago. Jan. 20. —W. (*. Sett, manager of

the la.ndon . lH.-e of the American I'Hm 'lanu-

facturing (N.mi.any. Is making a brief stay In

Chicago s|M*iiding his time at the l.sal plant

getting nispialnted with their nieth-sls of do¬

ing business and meeting all of the nwmtwrs of

the for.e pens.nally In order to Is* In closer

touch with tbe working ideas aiul metlssls of

his eoinpuiiy. Mr. was sevent«-en days lu

reaching New York from Is>nd»n, owing to the

uni-ertalnly of .s-ean travel. He sjient a sh'>rt

time In New York N‘fore coming on here an.l on

Satiinlay, the 2'2d. will leave with Samuel 8

Hutchinson, presl.lant of the American Film

Manufa.'tuiing Company, on a trip to the C<-aat,

taking In the South and S^.nthwest, ln.-ludlng

stoiia at New Hrleana. San Antonio, etc.. In

onler to visit as many hrambea as (HMil.le be

fore returning home.


Chl.'ag... Jan. 'JO. —.\s an edii.-allonal feature

the ‘•inovles" keep branching out into new llnisi

continuously, an.l the newest nmlertaklng Is a

series of pii-tnres designevl to sb*>w combi.'t.vrs,

brakenieii. flagmen and other trainmen how to

avoid en.langerlng their lives In tbe perform

an.-e of their duty, as a great many do at the

present time. The picture In ijiiestlon Is entitled

The H >nse That Ja.-k Built, which carries a ro

mantle interest aiifllclent to bold the Interest

of Its tndlen.e and at the aame time leach the

iiiii. h needisl less.m This Is a three r»el pro

diictlon mtile for the New York t'entral lini*s

ami Is te-liig shown all ..ver the system, a spe>-lsl

.•ar having leen fittisl up f..r Its exhibition

Halph C. Iltchanls. of the Chicago and .North

western llallnmd. de.lared that Chicago omdals

had annoiin.-ed their intention of proeuring the

film for display here.

JANUARY 29, 1916.


Louise Fazenda, Harry Gribben and Harry McCoy Making Names for

Themselves in New Comedies

Dies Following Long Illness

Former^Prominent Leading Man and Director for the

Lubin Company

liiilndrliihla, I’a., Jan. ^1.—Arthur V. John

aiiti. the ttrat h-adlns man of nutr In the old

lth'i:r«i|>h uiotlni; iilctiire ato<'k cuuiiiany, dleil

It l.i» home, 1711 Sprlnc Canlcn atrret. laal

Monday. lie had lieen In retirement for al-

uio..<t a year, during whii-h time he waa more

or l>'«)> an Inralld. Mr. Johnaon. while with

the riograph t'ompany, play«-d cippiwite I'lon-noe

Ijiwrem-e, Mary rickford. .Mabel Normand,

r.Uii. he Sweet, ami other atara of the a«-reen.

.Ma>ut all yeara ago be joined the I.ubln Com-

paiiy. and directed and played leada until III-

tieallb roni|a-lled him to retire In IPIS. Mr.

Johnaon waa laum In Itarenport. la., thirty-nine

}tara ago. aixl had been In the profeaalon alnce

he wtia nlni'teen. appearing on the legitimate

»t:ii:e la-fore entering plotureo. Ilia wife, Mary

Vauchn. la well known on tlw atage. Burial

to-k pla-e In Chicopee, Mane.



IDA SCHNALL The magnificent dramatic spectacle from the famous !• rench Classic of the Sea

By Pierre de la Motte Fouque

Directed by Henry Otto j

Chief Executive Offices j 1600 Broadway : N EW YO R K


New York, Jan. 21.—The aale of ChaiSie

Chaplin (Mina, which hare become quite a fad

In town, ham been ordered atofiped. becauae of

the nulaance tbeae lead dlaka have created In

tarloiia plarMa of amiiaement where vending ma-

rhiia-a are operated. The detlrea. Maually

I laced In thv theatera and public p|a<'ea, and

which eject their rontenla when a genuine nickel

l< uaed. have lately bt-en rea(M«dlng to the

Chaplin rvdna, which are of the evact a|ie and

weight of a nickel. Telephoning In the me

tro|ailia haa alao been carried on by the uae of

the aonvenlr coin. The dlea have been con

fl-e afed and deatroyed. an(t the alot mat-hlnea

will once more record a prv>flt for the uwnerw


IPERFECT DEVELOPINfi AND PRINTING .New York. Ja” r_. _jlr. gnd Mra. Sidney

Drew, the |Mipular, refined funiuakera of motloB

pictures, who recently aigued a contract to »p

pear excluaively on the Metro program, have

begun work on tlwlr firat feature, which la

called Sweet Charity. The comevty, which la

one reel in length, waa written by Mr. Drew.

Bealdea writing the aMry Mr. Drew la direct

Ing hia own feature aud being the author he

did not negb'ct to give blniaelf a good part Id

the comedy, aa be appeara In thirty-four of the

thirty-five acenea.

The Bcene where Mr. Drew iha-a not ap|>ear

la where a maid anawera the (Uair. But the next

abow-a Mr. Drew entering, and from then on he

la the center of a riot of wholeaome fun. Mm.

Drew la alao prominent In the feature, llielr

aecoiid feature will probably be Tbe Sw-ionem.

Theae featur»-a. which will be releaaed on the

Metro program, will Iw known aa the Metro-

Drew coinediea.

BLANCHE PAYSON IN PICTURES On Regular or Non-lnflann. Eaatman StocK Sand Today for Factory Dooeription and Priet Litt.


223-233 West Eri* Street, ... CHICAGO. ILL.

la. Angelew. Cel.. Jan. — BUn<-tie l‘ayM>n. who waa poll.-ewtiman at the I*. I' I. p;. Joy

Xom-, and late at the Law Angek-a I'lawperlty

Indiair Carnival, baa nndovibtedly made more

frtenda and admirera than any other woman

■Mnmatel with either of tlaew propiwitlona.

SIn-e the camDal rl<a>ed alw haa been reating

tn law Angelea prepamtory to going Into pic-

lur»-« again. On account of her alature tali

feet three Incheel and her ability to act, ride

or w rile w-enarloa. ahe la In ctmaldemble de-

icuiid i'a-aldce ahe la an accorapllabed lingulat t.nd a mualclan of no Uttle ability. Severn!

• lllll•e« have offered her ronlracla, but at prea-

et.i »he leana toward the pl.-lurea. ||er heroic

-Ire adapta her to Amaaonlan rolea or goddeaaea.

Ixit a pronounced vein of humor, ('omblned with

ex,client fat lal eNpreaalon, cau-e* the prialocera

to U.llevc that (Mmedy la her forte.

LIKE MARVELOUS MACISTE of a aiirgeon and again ahe left contrary to

ordera to fill her place In the aerial caat.

Thia ,HN-urred a«-veral montha ago. Thla week

during the production of Tbe Ltumb Bundit ahe

met with a alight accident which waa just

enough to aend her for a third time to the

boapitul. An effort la to be made this time to

keep her i|ulet aud refua«- her a part In a film

produetion until tbe attending phyabian baa

pronounced her atroug euoiigU to reaume her

work at the picture city.

New Y'ork, Jan. ‘Jt*.—Marxelona Madate. prxe

dui-ed by the Hanover Klim Co., waa abown laat

week to the- Inmatea of Sing Sing, and creatial

au.'b a favorable Imprxuwion that tleo. YV.

Thorapaoii. chairman of the i'riaon Entertain¬

ment Coiiimitte,-. wrote to Charlca E. Kimball,

of the Hanover Company, a glowing letter of

apprex lation and praiae. He aakl In twrt:

"In all reality Marveloua Mai-late la a won¬

derful picture. It waa. without a doubt, one

of the ta-at. If not the very beat, plctu'e that

we have had lore, and we have las-n faror-d

hy many prxahicera and diatrilMitora. It ahould

have a long run outalde. aa the at-enarlo la

g(axd and It la exceptionally well ataged. I*a

gsno'a work la of the hlcheat order, aa la that

of the ((ther niemhera of the caat.

•‘.Yfler the S<aith Wing men h.vd aeen the

picture on Tueaday evening and told their

frlen-la alaxut It I waa Iwaieged on all ablea

the Ddlowlng day with the query of whether the

Nixrth Wing wxaild or would not aee It that

evening. It waa a nn.t fortunate thing for me

that you L-enerou«lv .axnaented to let me retain

It for two exeninca. olherwlae niy lot would be

far from a pleaa,anl one. Had the North Wing

N>ya not liax,- ax-en the feature I wxnild never

haxl hesrit the laat of It.

"Thanking you In behalf of the Mutual Welfaxv

I/xagiix’ for the exeiilng'a p|en«ure which V(>u ao

kiiiilly made It px.alble fxir ua to enjoy, and

triiating tx> la- again faxorx-xl at a later xiate, I


MISS MARDO IN MIRROR FILMS t'hli-agn, Jan. 2it.—The Reel Kellx-wa' Club of

ITilx-ago held their regular mx-nthly buaineaa

iiiex-tlng and dinner at their club rxwrna. 17 N.

Walwaii avenue, laat night with I’reaixlent K.

K. Nehls presiding.

.\ rximblued rsln snd snoW'stx>rm was reaptm-

sible for a falling off In tbe attendance, but

the fi-w whx> did brave the weather a|ent a

delightful evening.

.Vinv'iig other matters dlscuamul waa that of

having tio- tnx*nibera tiix-et xSixe a wx-ek or every

tMo si-x-ka. more in the nature of a-rial gatb-

eringa than hiialnesa meetiuga, and a ai>ecial

iiix-eting haa l>een x-»lled for pVbruary 2 at

nainl time 1)1:311 p.ui.) In xirder to thoroughly

dlaxMiaa the advisability of theae UDxetiiiga and

alai> take up other lm|airtant matters.

«'x>minen,-ing with tlie Kehniary itv meeting

a aeries xif entertainments will Is* given that

should prtive very attractive. Mr. Hamburger

has vxdnnt)xerex1 to furnish the entertainment

fx'r tbe first night, and Mr. Yiiller agreed to

put on a better ahow tbe following month, thus

creating a spirit of friendly rivalry that will

work out fxvr tbe enjoyment of tbe members.

Viiioug the vlaltora preax'nl waa W. C. Scott,

mauager xif the l.omlon x>(tii-e of the .Vmerican

l-'tliii Manufacturing CxHiipany.


Eaielli- .Marxlxi. well ktmwn to movie devotees

for her work under the xtirex-tlx»n of many promi¬

nent dlrex-tors, aiming them D- W. Orlffltb.

laiwrenx'e Maraton and P'rank Crane, will play

the leading woman role In the recent release

of Mirror features. .\n unusual opportunity for

her beat work will be affordxMl Mias Mardo IB

thia rvde.

it la but three yeara since Miss .Manlu entered

the silent drama and shortly thereafter she was

cast by Igiwrence Msrston for a prominent rol*

In The Road to

Yesterday. Much fa-



went In stxH-k, but

D. W. Ctrimth sent -rg

for her and she waa ,

by him to

x'Pi'oalte Henry B.


from the

to tbe Imp

In playing opposite

King Baggot fea-

tiires she again

scored triumphantly. a

Later she went

South to play In Tbe

I.lttlest Rebel with

E. K. Lincoln, after

which she went to

the Vltagraph.

Several opiHvrtnnl-

timi In playing oppo-

site Maurice Costel-

lx) were affx<rdexl her.

her uninternipt-

successes oontin-


Ftlm featniMS Miss Mardo baa done IBBjjHpPBs .

her mxist reesnt ^ vTaTjijgH , ,

work. ■ — '

X lixlna Hunter, leailing woman to King

t. of the Imp Universal ITIm Manufactur-

•mpany, has been cbxwen tx> represent “IVr-

Besiity" In the allegx>rli-al film play,

y. which will lie ready for tbe terren

Shskeapeare celebratlxm

> film will be tbe first ever made jointly by

five lainipanlea. each making a sx-ene or

serl#*s of scenes to

t«e plex-exi txigether

^^B sbxiwn f'vr art's

^^B sake alone at what

^^B will iinxt aibtexlly

prove |x> Ixe the

greatest fsiti|xa>r fete

[bV tlie iMuntry baa

ever known.

^ Mias Hunter, who

_ ^ has made quite an

a envlahlx- liiipreaslon

with the iDxilIx'D plc-

- .g tore public, came to

^ the sx-recii after a

thorough aeasxxning

on the legitimate

atage, where ahe

d txaik part In some

of the nix-sl n-'texi

ItmsdwsT prvHluc-

t v^e X She Is of a

ileclilexi amt original

ty|xe of hloiide. very

- |s>|>iilnr and well

liked s<n and off the

■ B Bx-rxaxn. Her sx^ba-

’ I . tion for this all Im

IHirlant rxde la a

j I tribute to her In




' value txi her In at-

tninliig her present

^ position In the

of star plextoplay



I nlxcraal City. Cal,. Jan. 22. -Stmee Cunarxi.

hi-roliix- )>f lBx> x-f the no"l |sipular of tlic Uni

versal sx-rlals. I.ii.'ille Ia>vc and The Brx>kcn

Cxvln. and leading wximan In axs-rx-s of other

sliortcr Universal relcaaea. la again tatil tip in a |x>,-al Is'spttal. this |:me to remain iinlll she la

cntirel) wi-ll anil really strong enough to return

lo her alrx-iiiixeia w,'rk Is-fx-re the eye )>f the


Denver. Ux>l.. Jan. "21. — I'rv'feaalonal IVnver

la going to la- very lx>nely next wvxx-k. and for

ax-veral thereafter, fx>r "Billy" Ireland, the

veteran thx-atrlcal man of Cx lorado'a mctn-ia-La,

la going out on the imsxI as Wx-atern represen¬

tative and manager of The Birth of a Nation.

For twenty ye.vra "Billy” Ireland laxen a

familiar figure at the amuM-mctit hoiiaca of

IVnver. He la known t" nearly every jierform-

cr In the Unltevl Statvxa, and has had theatrical

exivcrlcin-e In every theatrical position in Den¬

ver. Ireland will aiicct'cxl. next week, Walter

Mtirphy. aa manager of the "Nation" film, aa

Murphy haa Narn callevl East to handle tbe same


M->rt than two years ago. while working In a

partlcnlarly dangeroita a.-x-ne In tlie pn xliix-tlon

xvf the Lucille Love aerial. Mlaa Cunarxi met

with an acclilent which tore )>|s-n her aide and

nxa x-ssitatxal the attention of an x>xi>x-rt surgeon.

Contrary txi hla x-rdera. rather than hoixl np prxv-

ilm-tloii. Hie (•lucky little star b-fl t le bosjiltal

ami resumed her wxirk.

Still refusing lo take a rest ti> allow the

noiilul lo heal (•rx-iaxrly ahe contlniiexl to work

with mxire or leas lm*onvetilem-e until the com-

I'sny hail reacheil the mlilille of The Broken

Coin, wh-xn a fall frvxm a horse again txxre the

old wxxiiiul. She waa again (vxit umler tbs care

s j



JANUARY 29, 1916.

iiiiiilli;; <'aiii|> IihiiIimI l.'.ti iiiIU-m iiilniiil frniii

S<'wnr<l, AliiKka. 'I'IiIh nun IiIik* will Im, -••i'I to

Snutlli-, aiMl rmiii tln-rn Uy laiat to tin* Kar

North. Afti-r nun liltiK Sowanl It will oo trap*

|M>rt<>il by ati AlaHkati iloi( ti-aiii aiul nb-il ovor

tin- Niiow ami bp to It* ili'HlIiiatloti.


Have Powers or Spreckles To Say Con cerning Reports That Latter Had

Purchased Former's Interest in Universal

Nfw York, Jan. i;;J.—A ninior wa* rln-iilateil

la*t wi-fk that John I>. S|iifi-klfs hail imrchnwil

the sto<k ami iiiton-st of 1’. A. I'oxvcrs In

thp fnlviTsial I'ilin MaiinfapturliiK romi>aiiy. It

wna no s«>n*T <lriulati*l than one of our n pre-

wntativcK rallml on laith (ii-ntUMnon to ih-ny or

ooiiflrin tho runtor.

When toM'ii at hi* rosliIcm-<* ycstfr.lay Mr.

I’owors wa* In the la’st of hoalth, smoking the

aaino braml of rigara a* usual.

■■<1<sm1 inornliig. Mr. I'owors. I uml^rstanl

that Mr. Spreckloa has iiun-hasoil your strs-k

in the I'nlversal Film Manufacturing Coinpany!

What have you to say alsuit It';”

‘•Nothing.” re|ilb-il Mr. Powers. "CckmI Day;”

That settled It ns far as he was eone.'rned.

We then sent a wire message to Mr. Sp-eek'.es

at I'nlversal City, where he has la-en visiting

tin- past few days. Our wire read as '.Hows:

•'Mr. John D. Sj.reekles. we iinderst.i'nl that

you have imrehased all stfs-k held b.v I*. A.

Dowers in I'nlversal Film Manufaeturing Com¬

pany. VVhat have you to say?”

.\ml right back rame the reply, “Nothing;”

So we let it go at that.


Ruth Findlay Surpasses Herself in The Salamander

■tilth llndlay. who ha* surpassed herself In

It. S. M'.**' pr.sliietlon of The Salauiand<-r, ide

turlr.eil fr .iu Owen JohiiHon's widely read novel

of the same naine, whieh reis-titly had it* Initial

presetitatlon at the Itegeiil Theater. New York

City, si'orlng in Immediate sm-i-ess. was Isirn

in New York City on Sept<-mls-r 111. I'e.i.'i.

Tin* stage det.ut of this glft«‘.| .Voiing star was

made with tl.e l.lebler pr.slui't|on of .Mrs

\'Iggs of the Cabbage Dati'li. Mis* Findlay's

•‘\.'4‘lb‘tit rt-n.lltlon t.f the r'-b- allotteil her Iti

this play attra.'te.l the attention of William A.

Ilrady. wls. engaged her f- r a prim-lpal ts-le in

ltab.w MIm-. whbli s.s.n d a markisl sur< ess as a

faree sexeral season* ag ". Following

this l•ngag^•nlent Miss llmllay allied her»»-lf

With the Jo>eph llriK.k* for. <■*. ap|M>arlng In

Ueln-.-. a of .‘siinn.x biss'k Farm. In *ucees*|..n

came eiigageuii-nts with siieh legitimate hit* as

The I uri-. The l.a»t lte*<.rt ami What I* l.oxe

langie nays A

Lobby Crushers EY’ery exhibitor today is in bi'viness for t!te

profit to be made. This profit is dependent on the

revenue which is pushed throu'',h the Box Oifice

Window, and the live wire is si‘.r.inn contracts frr

the motion pictures that create the most business

for him and therefore the n'rost profit.

The number of TRI.WCII.E contracts which are

beinft received every week is evidence that exhibii-

ors believe TRI.\NGLE PL.WS will help solve their

problems. Detroit, Michigan,

December 29th, 191.S.

TRI ANGLE FILM COR l»OR.\TION, 701 Sincere Building, Clevelami, Ohio. We opened Duplex Theatre at ten and fif¬ teen cents. .\fter seco*ul week p!ace>l TRLWGLE PROGR.\M.vlE in our house at 2.Sc and .SOc, and our attendance has doubled. Played to over .S.OtiO paid ad¬ missions Sunday. TRl.\NCJLE PL^^ S make our patrons walkinjl advertise¬ ments.

IL M. P.\YNE, General Manager.

This and many other letters and telegrams of

the same kind are PROOF that TRIANGLE PI S

are helpinij exhibitors inctfase their box office rev¬

enue and their profits. In many cases where a

well-m'anaged house has been a continued success

the exhibiting of TR.L\NGLE PLAYS has made it

possible to increase b'.th the number of patrons

and the admission prices—which autumaticully in¬

creases net profits.



BALSHOFER TAKES CO. SOUTH N«-w Y'.rk. Jvn ‘Jii lllg pr,-p:iralb.iis ■

«r«- iimb-r way for llm aiimiil lll•■<■tlng of Ih.-

Now Y'.-rk Slab- Motion DK-liir** F-vtilbltor*'

I.i-agiio, wlil.'h will i-oiiM-n*- In .\llsiiiy 1

for a two (lay *« »»lon. Imlb-atb.iis arr tin-

lll•'•'lil.g will Is- till- blggi-st yi-t liibl by lilt* Ni‘wr

Y'ork i-vbibltors. iliio to tlip many matti-rs of

liii|H*rtam*i* to Is* .lt*.-iiss,-,l ami tb** outlining

of plans to I'oinliat pro|H.-,s| uiijii-t li-glsbition

Ni-w Y'ork. Jiin. 'Jl. .\notlu-r M.-tro omi.niiy.

hoaded by Fred J. Ralshofer, direotor-lii-olilef,

has gone to JaekBonvlIle. Fla., where exteriors

will be made for a big prixluotioii, as yet iin-

iiaiiifil. Tlit-ri- were tifti-i-n pi-rsi.iis in all in the

pririv. iii- Iu.'ing Ma-giii-riti- Snow, the .-liarmiiig

Metro star; Zella Fall, formerly leading woman

with .\1 Jolsi.ii, In Danelng .Vif.iind: John liobD-

wortby. leading man in si-veral Metro pissluctlons

ami Howard Tniesilell. who will assist Mr.

sliofer In the dire.-tioii of tlie new photopli-y.

ami also pla.v a leading role.

Till- llalsbofi-r f«-ature will Is- iinslm-ed by the

tjuitlil.v Di tiin-s Coris.nitb.ii for tlie Me ro iiro-

graiii Mr. D.alsliofer annoiimes tliat tin* stor.v

of bis iiniiaim-d feature is an e\traordln-iry one

in many n-sis-ets. and gives promise of proving

a M-Iisation. Miss Snow will lx* starred in tlm

priKlii'-tion. and there will Is- a large and strong

supiN.rtliig east. Most of the Inter!.ir Reenes

wf*re made in the Uolfe Dliotoplays. Ine,. stndio

before tlie eompany left for the South.


The Newni.m Maiiiifa.-tiirlng I'ompany, win*

maiiiifai'tiire a is.iii|ib-te line ..f brass jsster

frames, a asels, railings. ^ tl.-ket .-Is.pis-r* an.I

otbi-r tlieater e.iulpiiient. with fa.-torle* loeate.l

at (Im-lnratl. Ni-w Y'ork an.l Cliieago. reis.rt

that tlieir I'hl.-ago plant, I-., ated at Us* "

l ake *tre,-t. siilTereil a total b s» by (Ire on

January It. Teiiiis.rarv .piarters have been ob¬

tained at Ilk W. Washington *tr*-i-t. Chicago

■Ml of the eontra.-t* of their Chicago plant are

iR.w Is-lng evei-iited by the Cincinnati factory

of this (s.mpaiiy. where additional fori-e has

N-en put on In order to take care of the enier

gency, so a* to can**- no un.lue delay In lllling

their orders

Walter J. Newman, who ha* charge of the

teinjs.rary t|uarters In Chicago, has shaped up

things with n-iiiarkalde dlspat.-h. and state* that

there [s.sitlxely will be no Interruption to hiisl

ness. He will lie glad to n-i-elve hi* friend* at

the new bs-atlon. The eompany rei-ort*

an excellent busliies* at their New Y'ork

fa<-tory. loi-ated at 101 Fourth avenue, and at

their Cincinnati j.laiit. TI7 street, anil

the ontbs'k for the year IPId I* more than en



New State Rights Organization Which Agnes Egan Cobb Is Vice

President and General Manager

New Y'ork, Jan. ITJ.—In the it

new ly formed (laridge Films. Ino.

Kgan (' will at oiu-e

principal State-right buyers ai

exliihitors of the Fnited States,

lease of the new

Heart of New York,

human interest.

- McNamara, whose

.Mrs. Agnes

start visiting the

iiid motion picture

The first re-

corporation is entitled The

It is a five-reel subject

written and directed

famous Buccebs,

■till fresh in the reo.llection


by Walter

Traftic in Soul,

of the motion picture tlieater-going public.

Claridge Films, Ine.. has Is-en formed by

men of experience and s<iund judgment in the

business for the piirjKise of placing before State-

right buyers and exhibitors none but carefully

chosen features

which will attract

people Into motion

picture theaters and

st-ml them out satia-

Hi-d tliat they have

had their money's

w o r t h. claridge

b'hlms. Ine., has a

long list of care-

full.v chosen features

on hand, carefully

ch'isc-n and

New Y'ork. Jan. 2rt.—Florence Ijiwrence, the

popular screen star, who recently alTlxed her

signature to a I'nlversal i-ontract. after an

nbsi-nre from the motion picture worl.l of nu'r.-

than a year an.l a half. 1* hard at work on her

Initial plctiin*. under the new arrangement. Sup

porteil by a company of sterling ability Mls-

I.awrence, nnib-r tbe able direction of Stuart

Dayton, sjient the first few day* of till* wi-ck

in Washington, where some Interesting sivni--

were fliniisl un.lcr tlie shadow of the Capitol an-l

tlie While House.

The cause which prompted Mis* iJiwrence to

retire from tho sireon worl.l more than a year

ago has not N-en generally known. To The

llllllHiaril the cli-vi-r little woman ronfl'liil the

Information that an Injury to her spine, result

ing from her .-arrylng Matt Mism- down a flight

of stairs 111 a photoplay scene, ne«-c*«lt*teil her

1 retln-ment. with a *nli*«>iiui-nt operation, fnmi

ROLL TICKETS Agnes Egan Cobb

Five Thousand - - < Ten Thousand - - . . Twenty-five Thousand Fifty Thousand - - • One Hundred Thousand


with tills object in


A bunk game is

no part of the policy

of Claridge Films,

Ine. This corpora- will deal fairly

and sijuarely with

State-right buyers

and exhibitors. It

will refuse to put

out a picture which

it il<.es not honestly

feel and lK>lieve will

satisfy the public

liecause of its qual¬

ities of prisliiction,

acting, story, set¬

tings and photog¬

raphy. It must lie

THE BIG TICKET AT THE SMALL PRICE Your own Special Ticket, any printing, any ooltws. accurately niimts-rtsl, rvMT roll guiraiilei-il. Coupon Ticket* for ITU« Drawings, S.iOO. tZ 50. Sio-k Tlctciis. tic per I.ntst. Prompt atilpmeot*. Clash with order Oid the samplfs. Send diagram for Kiwen-ed 8««t (Yiupisi Ticket*. Hist* how m*i.> seta dtwlred, aerial or dated.

MIRROR FILMS SECOND RELEASE NATIONAL TICKET CO.. Shamokin, Pa New Y'ork. Jsn. 21 Harry Hyde, the director

*,. well km.wn to the nii.rle patron* for hi* In

terestliig direellon of detective stories, started

work tislajr on the scoiid Mlrnir Films feature*

at Hie tib-ndale studio. The picture I* an Ini

pressionistic deti-ctlve story ti.r .Ydrian Johnson.

W'hiHie Slice,-** a* a writer of inorle stories of

this kind has tieeii unusual.

Kstclle Maribi and Harr.r Cartill will lie fe*

tiireil In this se.s.nd Mirror n-Iease Mr. t'arrlll

Is well known t<i patron* of the F.ngllsh atsge

ns well ns on Itroadwny. Mr. Hyde originally

was with Hie Itlograph isuiipaiiy and for a mini

Is-r of year* priMluce,| ninny of their niiccesnen

Dlhern wlsi will hnve liii|s.rtnnl mien In Mr

Hyde'* picture will tie Hols-rt Kntwhistle, Cllf

ford It. tirny. Arthur Duiiinrily, Mnrsliall Welch.

Tlsuiinn K. Morriscy niid Itcn Martin. The In

geniie role, which Xlinn Marlin will play, will

lie her first In a Mlrmr fllni.

Sweet, arxl aeven other atu|i4-nd,iun tjrllllth Pia»-

terpb-cea, to is- worked In conjunction with four

MiM-cta.'iilnr Dnwni-c Hill pictiirea, IHght Dff thi-

Hiit and the new twori-el prisliiction, Sarah

Hcniliardt at Home.

A new plan of Issiking haa Im-.-ii lnaiigurat,-.|


of the Claridge Films, Inc., which is determined

to suci-eed liy liasiiig it* hlisincss p.dicy on

quality of pissluct.

Claridge Films, Inc., although only Just in

isirjKirated, is already a faetor in the huslness,

having already closed several saliafactory deals

in films with buyers in various parts of the


a Hicater ran give a conildcte week's

lirogriim of D. W. (iriflith prisliicHona wlHi all

tlie famous tirimth star* a|i|M-nr1ng tlimiighoiit

the week, as well as take advantage of Hie new

w-rvb-e arrangements on the other fi-atiir«-a. ALL-FEATURE ASSUMES CONTROL

New York. Jan. 22. — Ib-glnning with Mondar, hibltor or Claridge , . 1

. . January 2t. the All-feature Ibsiking Agency, of Films will mit sub- . ...

,1 YYest Twenty-third stre<-t, will again cssume

m to ,'tate exclusive <-ontroI of its nine Hrifllth pr'sbicliona

right buyers. Greater New Y'ork and New Kngland. The*,-

There in a nut- featnn-s include The Avenging Cons,-lence. with

shell la the policy Henry B. Walthal; The Kscaiie, with Blanche


G. A. Metcalfe, well known ,in the Pacific

Coast aa a dlalrllnitor of motion picture suppllea,

and located In Ban Francisco, recently sold a

Power motion plctnre projection machine to a

Gasaral Ctaridf* Filmi, lac.

JANUARY 29. 1916.

5!0—Tlie'B IoJaittt<-« (drama) (thr»« .;«)00

2t!-lUMmiula (i-«iii«^l;) .KaiO -4—TUe KtatiKeltut (drama) ((nur r*^l»). .4<a>0 ^4—4'oolliig I'mle Tmu (comedy) .1000

MIMA Dei-ember—

—Ilia IJttle Parltan (roniedy) . 50— From Blarkatooa to Stone (coioeily)..

January — •V-t'aUKht With the (luiHla (cum‘dy)....

liO—A MlaSt Haron Icometly) . -7—A S|M-clal UeUrery (comedy) .

■£U0 Drcemtier— 1(3—Ilearat-Selig Newa Pictorial (newa)..1000 Its—The Sacred Tiger of Agra (drama).. 1000 27—The Making of l'r\a>ka (drama) (three

reela) .3000 27—ilearat Sellg Neva Pictorial (newa). .1000 >0—llearat Selig Newa Pictorial (newa)... .1000

January— 1—'I'Ue Manlcnre Olrl (comedy) .1000 S—The Buried Treaaiire of Cobra (dramai.1(4)0 t—Selig Tribune .Newra Pictorial, No. 1

(newel .1000 0—Sellg Tribune Newa Pictorial. No. 2

(newel .1000 B—The ChKinlclea of Bloom Center, No. T

(comedy) .lOOQ 10—Sellg T^bune Newa IMctorlal, No. 3

(newa) .lOig) 10—The IieelMn-Oilef (dramal.IduO IS—Sellg Tribune Newa Hctorlal. No. 4

newai .lOOo IS—The Chronlclea of Bloom Center, No. 0

(cumedyi .inoo 17—Why Lote la Blind (drama) .Kak) 17—Sellg Tribune Newa Pictorial No. d

(newa) .1(410 •JO -8«dig TiitMine Newa Pictorial No. 7

(newa) .1(441 22 -Chronb lea of Bloom Center No. 1) (com¬

edy) .B4i0 21—Tom Martin—A Man (drama) .1(44) 24—Si-llg TrlliuDe Newa Hctorlul (newa).. l(»4l •.’7 S«-lig Trllaine Newa ITctorial (newa)..U4io ■Jt» —(Tironlclea of Bhami Center No. 10

(comeily) .1(410

TIM December— 24—Mixed amt Plied (comedy) . 51— Cpa and Downa (comedy).

January— 7—Thla Way (lut (comedy) .

14—Thlckena (comedy) . 21—Preniled finance (comedy). 2v-Buated ilearta (i-oniialy) .

TITAO&APH December— 30—The Thirteenth Clrl (drama) (three

reela) .30U0 27—lie (lot Ilimaelf a Wife (comedy).lUOO tl—By Might of ilia Right (comedy)-1000

January— I—The Wanderera (drama) (three reelalSOOO S—The Uttle Treeapaaaer (comedy-drama) 1000 S—When Hooligan and Du<digan Ban for

Mayor (comedy i .1000 I—Who Killed Joe Merrlonl (drama) (four

reela) .4000 7—ilia Wife Knew AN>at It (comedy I. .1000 S—Tried for Ilia Own Murder (drama)

(three reelai .3000 10—The 8ur|>rlaea of an Empty Hotel

(drama I (four reela).4(4)0 10—A Cripple Creek Cinderella (comedy). 1(44) 14— When Two Play a (lame (comedyi... 1(44) 15— By Ixive K(dceiii(d (drama) (three

reela) .SOOO 17—Mn* Dane'a Ihiiigcr (drama) (four

reela) . 4(44) 17—Bltteraweet (drama) .1000 21— A Telegraphic Tangle (•■omedy) .1(4)0 22— The Secret Seren (drama) (three reela):()44) 24—Britton of the Seienth (drama) (four

reela) .pek) 24-Jane’a llualiand (comedy).Ii44i 24—The Cidd Peet (Ictaway (.•oiniviy)..I'rt) 2h—Peace at .Any ITIce (coiu<Hly).li4)o •J»—Tlie Uua«> (drama) (three reela).3(44)

22—Buck Simona, Puncher (drama) (two rimiai .

20—A Daughter of IVuance (drama) (two reela) .

February— o—Phantom laland (drama) (two reela)..,

BROADWAY DM'iVERSAL FEATURES December— 20— Fatbar and thw Boya (comedy-drama)

(Ore reela) . 27—The Nature Man (drama) (Bre reela)

January— 3— laindon's I.egacy (drama) ((Are reela).,

10— Imre’a Pilgrimage to America (drama) (Are reela) .

17— The Man Inaide (drama) (Are reela).. 24— A Soul Eualarid (drama) (Are reela).

GOLD SEAL December— •S—Aa the Shadowe Fall (drama) (two

reela) . January—

4— Lord Jobn'a Journal—No. 2 (drama) (three reela) .

11— The Boob’s Victory (eumeily-dramn) (two reels) .

18— The Reward of Chlralry (drama) (three reela) .

2.1—Dlacontent (drama) (two reela). February—

1—Lord Jobn’a Journal No. 3 (drama) (three reela) .

IMP [>e<-ember— 31—A Tribute to Mother (drama) (two

reeU) . January—

7— The Igw of Life (drama) (three reela) 21— Vanity, Thy Name la (comedy-drama)

(reela) . 25— Hired, ’Tired and Fired (comedy).

Fcbrnary— 4— The Soul Man (drama) .

JOKER December— 11—Slightly Miataken (comedy) . 18—The Opera SUnger’e Romance (comedy)

January— 1—l.emonade Alda Capid (comedy) . 8— Tboae Female Hatera (comedy).

22— The Whole Jungle Waa After Him (comedy) .

29— Mra. Ureen’a Mistake (com*Hly) . February—

5— Wanted—A Plano Tuner (••<imedy). T.AFMMT.T

(^(■ember— 2S—The KtII of Snaplcion (drama) . 30— The Little I'patart (drama) (three

reela) . lannary—

B—The Underworld (comedy-drama) .... 6— Mlaay (drama) (two reela). 9— Blind Fnry (drama) .

30—Jiiat Plain Folka (drama) (three reela) SS—Her Dream Man (drama). 37—Tt>e Red Lie (drama) (three reel*).... 28— The Inner Soul (draiuH) (two reels)

February— .3—Tbe Wls*' Man and the Pool (drama)

(two reels) .

L. XO December— 2S—-Greed and Gasoline (comedy) . 29— Scandal at Sea (comedy) ..

January— 2—Panta and Petticoats ((a>medy) . 9— BlUle'a Reformation (comedy) (two

reela) . 12— Gertie’s Biiay Day (comedy). 18— Flirting a la ('arte (comedy) . 19— Sarlng Sii«le From tbe Sea (comedy) 21—Mr. Mc)d(ot'a Aaaa-iainatl'ni comedy)

(two reelH) . 30— Knocks and Opportunities (cometly)

(two reels) . Kt—Tnpld at the Polo Game (comedy)....

February— 2—Sea iKtgs and Ijind Rats (comedy).... ft—.\ Septemlwr Mourning (.-oiiualy).

MESTOR December— 28—When Three Is a Crowd (comedy).... 27— Some Chaperone (comedy) . 31— FllTrer'e Terrible Past icomedy).

January— 8—Jed’a Trip to tbe Fair (comedy). 7— FliTTer’e Art of Mystery (comedy)..

10— And the ril»»er Won (comedy). 14— Fllvrer'e Good Turn (comedy). 17—Mingling Spirits (comedy) . 21—FIlTTer’s Famous Cheese Hound (com¬

edy) .. 34—Her Steady Carfare (comedy) . 24—The Dance of the Shivers (comeily).. 31—When Annt Matilda Fell (comedy)..

Fehiniary— 4—The Still Alarm (comedy).

POWERS December— 23—Howard’s Monarcha of the American

Fiveest (raode.) (split reel) . 28— Wild Bird IJfe (edoc.) (split reel).... 28— Uncle Sam at Work, No. 1 (educ.)....

January— 1—Uncle Sam at Work. No. 2 (edne.).... 8— Building Up tbe Health of a Natloii—

No. 1 (etlnc.) (split reel) . 8—Karl Emmy and His Dogs (rande.)

(split reel) . 8—Uncle San< at Work. No. 8 (edne.)...

15— The Rubber Rompers (eaude.) (spilt reel) .

13— Transportlne ’Timber In Sweden (educ.) (split reel) .

IS—Uncle Sam at Work. No. 4 (educ.).. 20— Budding Up tbe Health of a Nation

(edne.) (split reel). 2ft—The Aerial Buds (Tande.) (split reel) 23—Uncle Sam et Work. No. A (edne.).... 27—Sambo Johnson. Hunter (cartoon) (spilt

reel) . 27—Fishing RUer lampreys (edne.) (split

29— Uncle 8a*m at Work. No. 6 (^nc.),.

February— 3—Building Up the Health of a Nation

No. 3 (eiluc.) (split reel). 3— Caged With Polar Beara (raude.) (apUt

reel) . 8—Uncle Sam at Work No. 7 (edne.)....

RED FEATHER PHOTOPLAYS January— 31—Tbe Path of Happiness (drama) (Ave

reela) .

REX December— 28— Stronger Than Death (drama) (two

reela) ... Jannary—

4— Shattered Nerree (comedy) .. 11— Uls Ketiirn (drama i . 14—Her DeAance (dramat (two reela).... 18—The Little Mascot (dramal (two reels) 18— The Silent Member (dramal .. SO—In Ilia Own Trap (drama) (three

reels) . February—

1— In Dreary Jnngle Town (comedy). 4— The T.Ittle Thief (drama). 6—One Who Passed By (ilramn) .

TKrrOR December— 24—The Tale of tbe C (comedy-drama)

(three reels) . 29— Father's Child (comedy) (three reels)

January— 5— The Heart of a Mermaid (drama)

(three reels) . 12— Man and Morality (drama) (three reels) 14—The Ring and tbe Rajah (drama). 19— Her Better Self (drama) (two reels).. 21—A Sea Mystery (dramal. ■?8—Acroes the Line (drama) .

February— 2— Son u’ the Stars (drama) (three reels)


Mondar—Ewanay, Kalem, l.nbtn, S> llg, VI- tagrapn.

Tueolay —Bl<igraph, Kssanay, Kalem, laibln, Sellg. Vltagraph.

We^lnesday-Blograpb, E<llson, Ksaanay, Ka- leoi.

Tburwiay—Blograpb, Esaanay, I.nbin, Mina, Sellg. Vltagraph.

Friday—Btograpb. Edison. Kaaanay, Ka¬ lem. I.obln. Sellg, Vltagraph.

Saturday—E<llao[i, Easauay, Kalem, I.abln, Sellg, VKagrapk

BIOORAPH Ib-.eniher— .■7—Here<llty (drama) .lO’.'T '.V—Tbe Wtunan of Mystery (drama) (three

reeU) .3000 January—

3— Ibe Is-saer Evil (drama) .liyjS 4— Tbe Avenging Shot ((drama) (two reels2000 5— The Skating Kink (ouuetly drama)

(Ibree reels) ..300(1 l(V—In the Aisles of Ibe Wild (drama).. 1011 12—Tbe War of Wealth (drama) (three

reels) .8000 17— The Miser's Heart (drama).1013 18— The Angel of Piety Flat (dramal (two

reels) .2000 ID —A Life Chase (drama) (three reels). .8)44) 24—.\n Adventure In the Antuion WismIb

(drama) .1018 28—Stronger Than Woman's Will (drama)

(three reela) .SOftft 31 —When Kings Were the Ijiw (drama). 1003

) ebruiry— 1— The Chain of Evidence (drama) (two

reela) .2»4)o 2— The Smugglers (drama) (tlir-e reels).3000

EDUOH December— Is-gsDta Claus vs. Cupid (comedy-drams). 1000 24-Blsde o' Grass (drsma) (three reela).3000 31—The Malchmikers (drama) three reeU)8(4)0

EStAMAY Is- ember—

2.')—Tbe Woman With a Ruse (drama) (three reela) .8000

2>>-Rreugbt Home idramai (two reelai..2(44) CP-Tbe Heir and the Heiress (romedyi. .B4I0

January- 1—The Prlwiner at the Bar (drama) (three

reels) .8*44) I—Tt.e Ijeaann (drama) (two reels).3000 .1 —Mile a-MIcute Monty (remedy) (apllt

reel) . S.-enlc Subject (spilt reel) .

8—The House of Kevelatlon (drama) (three reels) .3000

II—.\ngels Unaware (comedy drama) (two reels 1 .2008

12 The Two Philanthropic Sons (c<vmedyi. 1(4)0 1c -Ple<-ea of tbe Game (drama) (three

reels) . 8000 1»-1he Book Agent's Komance (drama)

(two reela) .'2000 IP Caniniateil Nona Pictorial No. 4 (car¬

toon) (split reel) . IP Scene* of Canadian RiM-kles (s<enlc)

(split reel) . 22 Tl)e White Alley (drams) 1 three recls):p44i

KALEM In- ember- -4 Tl)e Oriental's Plot (dramal .1(4)0 -'.1-A Ih'y at the Tbr)>ttle (drama) .1(410 -''v—The Caretiker'a I)ilemn)a (comedy).. 1000 29 -The Takit.g of Sttngaree (drama) (two

reela) .2000 31-The Spy's Kuse (dramal .1000

January— I —At the Risk of Her IJfe (drama).... 1(44) 4 The Missing Mummy (comeily) .1(4)0 8 -Ihe ll<•oor of tbe Road (drama) (two

reels) .2(44) 7 CroMsed Clue* (d-ama) .1000 (• When Secun'Ia Count (dran>B).1(44)

It-Jiuantlan Angels (comedy).1000 <2—The I’urlAcatlon of Mnlfera (drama)

(two reels) .2000 it-Tl)e Tricksters Itirama) .1(4)0 1.1—1 he llanDtevt Ststion (drama).1(44) is The Tale of a Ouit (comedy).1000 19 —A D)»el In tbe Iiesert (drama) (two

reels) .2000 2'—The Sealskin Coat (drama).1(4)0 22 The ()|>en Track (drama).1000 2.'> Snisip lloumls (comedy) .B4)0 2ft -The Villain Worshiper (drama) (two

reels) .2)44) ~Tt)e Fate of America (drama) .1'"4)

Tapped Wires (drama).1(44) 1 • ii )ii,ry —

1 Xrtful Artists (.-f.medy) .V)44) 2 The Moth and the Star (drama) (1*0

reels) .20(4) • Che l.nrlvlng Peril (drama) .BSS)

1 lie Broken Wire (drama) .1(44>

LUBllI Be. einlier —

'23 Beyond All Is love (dran)a) (three reels) ..3000

8tnohlng I comedy) .1(4)0 27 .Paveil From the Harem (jlrama) (ftuir

reels) .4(44) 27 1 his Isn't the IJfe (I'ome^ly) .1(4)0 >(* The Cimvlct King (drama) (thr»e re)ds)3000

Js).)iary _ 1 4 Heady Made Mai.l (romeily) .1000 I Koirn** of llapplnrsa lilratna) (four

reels) .4)44) 3 Ills L.irdshlp (comv^y)....1(44) 8 Vengesnee of the Oppressetl (dran)a(

(three reela) ..3000 4 Billie's Headache (rom^y).1(4)0

io The city „f Falling I.lght (drama) (four reels) .40(4)

Bath Tub Mystery (comedy) .1(44) II Bond Within (dramal (three reela)3000

Tl)e Nvsngidlst lilrama) (four reels) 40i4) 'J~FiM>|lng Uncle (comedy) .1)44)


Monday—American. Falstaff. Norelty. Tuesday—Tbanhonser, Beanty. Wednesday—Rialto, Reliance or Centatir,

Novelty. Thnrwiay—Centaur, Falstaff, Mntnal Weekly. Friday—Mustang, American, Cab. Saturday—Clipper, Than-o-play or Moatang

Beanty. Sunday—Re'lance, Casino, Tbanboaser.

AMERICAN December— 31—Tbe Meuiler (drama) .1000

January— 8—Matching Dreams (comedy-drama) (two

reels) .2009 7— Time and Tide (drama) .1<4)0

10— VIvlana (drama) (two reels).2(4W 14—The Secret Wire (drama) (two reels).2000 14— Spider Barlow .Meets Competition (dra¬

ma) .1000 1ft—The Gsmble (drama) (two reels).2000 15— The Silent Trail (drnma) (two reels).'JOOO 21 —The TtiU)))lerlsdt (drum,-il ..1(44)

BEAUTY December- - ‘28—Kiddus, kids and Kldtki (comedy).... 1(4)0

January— 1—Settled Out of Court (comedy).1000

I 4—Billy VanDeusen's Shadow (comedy).!(44) 8— To Be or Not To Be (comeily).1000

11— The First Quarrel (comedy).1000 11—Getting In Wr«-ng (comedy).1000 1!) -Johnny’s Birthilay ((mraedy) .1000 23 —Mls<d)lef ami a Mirror (comedy).1(44)

CASINO De.-enil>er— ID—(Tssy’a iDDooent Wink (comedy) . 28—Hunting (comedy) .

January— '2—Is^ave It to Ciasy (comedy) . P—.3Ilas Mr. Jones (comedy).

18—Ham and Eggs (comedy) .

CUPPER STAR FEATURES December— 11—Curly (drama) (three reels) .

January— 1—The Wrath of Hadilon Towers (drama)

(three reels) .8000 28—The Smugglers of Santa Crni (drama)

three reels) .

CENTAUR December— 30— The Terror of tbe Fold (drama) (two

reels) . January—

8—The Homeoteadera (drama) (two reela) 13— Marta of tbe Jungles (drama) (two

reels) .

CUB Dei'ember— 24—Hearts and CInlia (comedy) . 31— Jerry'B Revenge (comedy).

Jannary— 7— Jerry In the Movie* (come<ly).

14— .Terry In Mexico (comedy) . 21—The Girl of III* Dreams (cominly).

FALSTAFF December— 27— Una'a Useful Uncle (omedy) . 30—Foolish Fat Fh>ra (comedy) .

Jannary— S—The Optimistic Oriental Occulta (com¬

edy) . 8— Hilda's Husky Helper (comedy).

11)—Bellmla's Brldsl Breakfast (comedy).. 13—Reforming Rnhlverlng Rosie (come<ly). 15— Grace's Gorgeous Gowns (comedy).... 20—Pete's Persian Princess (comedy).

OAUMONT December— 28— See America First No. 16 (scenic) (apllt

reel) . 28~Keep(Dg Up With the Joneaee (cartoon)

(apUt reel) .


Snoday—Uemmle. I.. Ko. Res. Monday—Broadway Universal Feature, Nee-

lor. Ue<l Feather. Tuesday -Gold Seal. Imp. Rex. Weilnesday—Animated Weekly. I« Ko. Vic¬

tor. ThnriMlay—Big U. leemmle. Powers. Friday —Imp, Nestor. Victor. Saturday—Bison. Joker, Powers,

ANIMATED WEEKLY I>e<-ember— 22—Animaletl Weekly No. 19S (newa).... '29—Animate.! We.’kiy N.». 199 (newi)....

January — 5 -Anlmale.1 W.-ekly No. 200 (news)....

12—Animated Weekly N.». ’201 (newa).... 19-Animated Weekly. No. 202 (new*).... 28 Animated Weekly. No. 2<)3 (news)....

BIO U Decemher— lA 4'oh>n<-l Steel, Master Gsmhier (cvmedy-

drams) . 81) The Treasurer of IvanlKw (drama) ....

January — 3_Tlie II.MKvr To Die (drama) (three

reela) . 13 —X 8 (drama) (three reels) . 28—Man G<»«1 for N.dhlng (drama).

BISON Dei-emher— •a -When R.guea Fall Out (drama) (three

rveU) . Jannary—

I—The Dawn (drama) (two reela) S-On the Trail of the Tigrese (drama)

(two reels) . 18—Acroa* the Rio Grande (drama) (threa

reelai .

h u [SI ro F FI L] M ro AND • Lo their . R El LI EAS] El DAI r: ESi

1- _ ■

50 xrte Billboard JANUARY 20, 1918.

Janoirj— 4—Bee America First, No. 17 (acenlc)

(split reel) . 4—Keeping Cp With the Jonese# (cartoon)

(split reel) . 11 Bee America First, No. 18 (scenic)

(spilt reel) . 11—Keeping t’p With the Joneses (cartoon)

(split reel) . 18—Bee America First No. 19 (scenic) (split

reel) . 18— Keeping Cp With the Joneses (cartoon)

(split reel) .

XUBTANO December— 25— Authorl Anthorl (comedy) (threa

reels) .8000 81—The CactoB Blossom (drama) (two

reels) .2000 Jannary— „

7— The nills of Glory (drama) (two reelaiaOOO 16—“Water Btnff’’ (comedy-drama) (three

peels) .3000 *1—Wild Jim, Reformer (drama) (two

peels) .2000

KTTTUAL WEEKLY December— 20—Mntnal Weekly No. 51 (news). 27—Mutual Weekly No. 52 (news).

January— 8— Mutual Weekly No. .58 (news).

13—Mntnal Weekly No. 64 (news). 20— Mntunl Weekly No. 5.5 (news). 27— Mutual Weekly No. 66 (news).

HOVELTT December— 22—The Innocent Sandwich Man (comedy)

(split reel) . 22—Between iJikes and Mountains (scenic)

(spilt reel) . Jannary—

21— Mr. Bumps, Commuter (comedy)....

RELIANCE December— 19— TTie Opal Pin (drama) (two reels).... 26— The Dec<iy (drama) (two reels).

January— 2—The Iaw of Success (drama) (two

reels) . 8—The She Derll (dramai (three reels)..

RIALTO December— 2»- A Prince of Yesterday (drama) (throe

reels) . January—

12—The Secret Agent (drama) (three reels) .


14—An Innocent Traitor (drama) (two reels) .

18—The Political Pull of John (comedy)..

THAN-O-PLAT December— 28— Their lAst Performance (drama) (throe

reels) . Jannary—

4—The Bubbles in the Glass (drama) (three reels) .

11— In the Nuiiie of the Law (drama) (three reels) .

18—The Phantom Witness (drama) (three reels) .

VOGUE Jannary—

10—Oh. for the Life of a Fireman (com- e<ly) .

12— A Bum Steer tctimedy) . 20— A Baby Grand iconie<ly). 28—Sammy's Dough-Full Komance (com¬

edy) .



20—Healed Lips (drama) . 27— The Senator (triumph)..

Jannary— 8—The Dragon (Equitable) ..

10— Her Great Hour tTriiimph). 17— The Kansom (Triiimidi) . 24—Bals-tte of the Ballyhoo (E<iuitable) .. 81—^The Clarion (Equitable) .


18— A Soldier's Oath . 28— Destruction .

Jaknary- 2—Green Eyed Monster .. 8—A Parlsiau Romance..

18—^Thc Fourth Estate . 28—The Serpent . 80—^The Knllng Paaslon .

INDUSTRIAL M. P. CO. Oetofcer—

11— Tribune Animated Weekly No. 18 (newa) .


18—^Bondwomen (drama) (Klelne) (fire reela) ..

January— 6—The DeriPa Prayer Book (Klelne).

12— The Catspaw (Edison) . 18—Wild Oats (Klelne) . 28—The Innocence of Roth (Edison) .

Febrnsry— 2—The Fliuil Curtain (Klelne) (fire reels) 8—The Martyrdom of Philip Strong (Edi¬

son) (flee reels) . IB—TTie Scarlet Road (Klelne) (five reels) 28—At the R.nlnhow'8 End (EcUson) (live

reels) .


-The Witness (drama) (Paragon) (two reela) .

—Billy Puta One Over (comedy) (Santa Barbara) .

—Blg-Heerted John (drama) (Alhambra) (two reels) .

—^erVs-k IVob, Detective (comedy) (Bacta Barbara) ..

NEW THEATERS Moving Picture Houses, Airdomes, and Those

Making Alterations or Enlarging Capacity, and Changes in Management

The Royal Theater, DeMara. la., has been pur- rtiased by Harding A Moltze. The Royal was opened in September, 1914, oy the Royal Amuse¬ ment Company, and la considered one of tl>e must up-to-date motion picture Uieaters In Io»a. Roy Pierce, the former manager, will continue with tlie new tlrm until they become acquainted with their Kurrouudiugs. The hew management will continue to give the same hlgh-claxa protliic- tiona which have made the Royal a well-patron- lied theater.

William E. Warr la building a large theater building lo Wareham, Mass., which, when com¬ pleted, will be one of the largest and most up- to-date theaters in the vicinity. The building Is 125x37, and will have a seating capacity of 6.50. A modern moving picture booth la being installed and a stage of aiitholent size to accom- moilate any traveling company. Mr. Warr has not as yet decidi-d on Just what form of enter¬ tainment will be given.

W. E. Kelly, proprietor of the Temple Theater, Ironw<K>d, Mich., bus purcliuseil the Empress Theater, same city, and will hem-efortb conduct both theaters. The Empress will he closed for a few da.vs to undergo a few repairs, ami will be reopened as a flrst-class picture house, allowing only tirst-ruii Triamrle pictun-s. The Empress will be known as the Temple, and the old Temple Theater will he given amdher name.

A. I... Zaclierel, of Onokston, N. D., purchased the Ro.val Theater on DeMers avenue. Graud Forks, N. D.. from E. C. Brown. Mr. Z.ichercl formerly was owner and manager of the Ro.val Theater, Crookston, dlsiswing of it last month. He will continue the jsillcy of the houac, ami

be has decllneil to renew It. The owner baa ae sure<l Joe Wliiniiigcr, the former manager, to continue to manage the honse.

J. U. Walker has purchased the Palm Garden Tlieater, t'arson stre<-t. South Side, Pittehurg, Pa., from W. 11. Ketcbmau. The new owner will continue to use the same high-clasa fllm aervlce as under the old management.

Manager Pierce, of the Majestic Motion Picture Tlieater, Hartford, Conn., has replaced the ladles’ orchestra with the Foot Guard Urchestra, of which Killy RetlHeld Is leader. The Majestic shows Paramouut pictures.

11. E. Poole, of Emierlln, has pnrcbaaed the Grand Theater, Carrington, N. D., from 11. P. Rlasdell. .Mr. P.sde Is also owner of a picture house In Emierltn, and In the future will run Uie two houses lu conjuuctlon.

Plans have Just been complett>d for the erec¬ tion of a new theater on Ellis and Mason streets, San Frauciaco. Cal., with a seating capacity of 3,()tl0. The tlieater la to be named the Straml.

The new IJO.OiNI library huilding, David City. Neb., (MUtaina a motion picture tlieater, which ia tieiiig oi>erattsl by Carlisle King. Paramount pri'giauts ate given two nights each we<'k.

The North Star Theater. Imllanaisdia, Ind., Is being eulargisl. When the plans are carried out the theater will have a sealing capacity of l.-'iki. C. H. Zarliig Is pcqirletor.

Plans are being prepared by the Fale Realty Company for the erection of a $4U,tSIU theater and otilce building at St. Clair avenue and Eightieth street, Cleveland, Ohio.

Scene In Ttie Burglar's Picnic. Tlianliouser thrcc-rci'l n-l.sse for January I*, with Marion and Madeline Fairbanks and Klcaimr Brown.

Tbt ntiTirma that rveetTed the TTNANTMOPB AP7>ai»VAL of the C 8. GOVTO.VKENT WAR DE rAanrCNT send for Oatalof "B."

THE fRECItlON MACHINE CO., INC., 817 E. Mtk Strs< Naw Vert. N. V.

from time to time will present a nuiub*T of fca ture pictures.

Tile new Strand Theater, at Indlariapoli- whieli was foniierly known as the park and later as the Lyeeiiin. playing stisk niitll this season, was ojieiied last week h.v the Strand Theater Company, of Chicago, with Margaret Clark, in .Mice and Men tnd Mary Bickford. In The Foiimlling. ns the attractions. F. J. Mac kenzie is manager of the house.

Ernest Poehrlnger ojK-ned the Strand Tlieater. formerly the Gre*-nwall, New Orleans. La., as a Srst-class picture house. The theater, which was previously used for burlesijue. has l>eeu com pletely renovated and re<le<-orate<I. Mr. Boeh- ringer Is also manager of the Columbia Theater In New Orleans, and a theater of the same name in Baton Rouge.

TTie Central Square Theater, East IVsiton’s (Alass.) new JJOO.OOO motion picture house, has be»-n opened. Dowlln A Sprouie are owne-s. and the the-yter la under the direct management of Mr. Dowlln. The building ia a beautiful fire¬ proof structure, so arranged that It can be emptied of the andience in one minute.

The new theater of H. M. Newsome on Third avenue in Birmingham, Ala., has at last secured a name. A ronf«*st was comlnctid ami a prize was given for the most suitable name for the new picture theater, and out of the man.v namisi submitted Manager Newsome selected the Rla to. A diamond ring went to the fortunate originator of the name.

T7ie work of clearing a site for the new Pic. cadlll.T Theater, to be erected on Clinton avenue, between Mortimer and Division streets. K<s-h<-s. ter. N. Y., Is under way. As soon as the site Is cleared excavatlrm work will begin. The they ter Is planned to be ready for opening by mid- snmmer.

Hank O. Cassidy, former Atlanta theatrical man. and recently manager of a chain of picture rheates In Jacksonville, hss taken over the Georgian TTieater. Atlanta. Ga. He Is planning to make the Georgian a feature honse.

N. C. Rice has taken over the lease on the opera hon«e at AIgnna. Ia.. and will show pic. tnres on Wednesflav and Satarday evenings, with matinee on Batnrday. TTie theater will ^ oo- der the management of R/svoe Call.

The leaae which Frank Wlnnlnger held on the Appleton (Wla.) (>|*era Honse has expired, and

K. F. Gillette, architect. 8 S. Dearbo-n sfis-et, i'ldengit, ht pp-pariiig plans for the Ktraml Tliea ter < otiipany's new 81.5.isst theater, which 1# to he » re.-ted In Mii'kegoii, .Mich.

Ferry Field Tle-ater Coinpany, lOJG Dime Rank Building, Detroit, .Mich., are bnlhllng a 1^- story theater building. 160x163, In Detroit. C. Howard Crane Is architect.

The Allman Realty Company Is erecting a seven etory office and theater building at the ts'iitheiist i-omer of Fifteenth street ami Tn>o«t avenue. Kansas City, .M<».

Thie P.ilaee Tlieater, Jel'lco. Tenn., bat been purchased by il. A. Ragle of Maryville. The new owner has completely remodeled the theater and rearranged the seats.

A motion picture theater, catering exclnslrely to the cidorisl {Mqiulatlon of the city, baa been o|>eued by Richard jsekson In Oweusitoru, Ky.

I.,. A. Fiirnlss has lease«l the Princess Theater. Webster City, la., and expects to reo|ien It as a picture bouse In the near future.

Tlie Marx Theater, Wyandotte, Mich., has been chiseil to iimler/o r<qialrs. Arthur Callle and Henry J. Guthard are owners.

Plana are being prejiared for the erection of a new two-story motion pictnre theater In BaltL more, Md., by I. L. Ilomsteln.

A new motion picture theater ia to be erecte<l by I». I. Rntler on Parkview ami Kercheval ■ venues, Detroit. Mich.

The Empire Theater, Broad and Fainnonnt ■ vennes, Phlladeltihia, Pa., baa b<’en |Sirrhase<l by William L. Nevln.

Walter F. Bmith Is planning the erection of a new moving picture theater, s<-atlng (SiO. In Waslihurn, Wla.

A new one story motion picture theater, 12.5x160 feet. It being erected In Oirmantown, Pennsylvania.

A large vandevllle and pictnre theater Is be¬ ing built by the F^niory Hrothera lo Providence. RlHsle Island.

A photoplay theater, with a seating capacity of .TOO. has b«^o opened by J. H. Johomm In Tay lorrllle, Ky.

The Pastime Theater. Rnreks, Cal., has been purchased by C. W. Ebellng of Ban Francisco.

F. A. Boedecker has assumed the active man¬ agement of the Lyric Theater, Bue<«iaB, Ifonl.

—The Keeper of the Flock (druM) (Huiita Barbira) (two reels).

—The Lulusded 45 (cometlyi (O. K.)..., —The Western Border (drama) (Monty)

(two reels) ... —Cttching a Hpeeder (comedy) (FTineb) —Father and Boo (drama) (Tmmp) (tire

reels) .. —Buch a War (comedy) (Pyramid).... —A .Mask, a King and a Pair of Hand-

rafts (drama) (Navajo) (two reele).. —8yd, the Bum Detective (comedy) (Al¬

hambra) .

MRTRO November—

8—Peunington'a Choice (drama) (8ve reels) .

15— The Woman Plays (drama) (five reels) 22—One Million Dollars (drama) (five

reela) .

PATH! December—

4—Bathe Newa No. 97 (newa) .. 4—Hot Heada and Cold Feet (comedy)..,

January— 3— Ixird Bonthpangh (comedy) (two reela) 4— Did. Unchanging Holland (acenlc)

(Split reel) . 4— Qiiulnt Dan<-ea of Jaiien (topical)

(split reel) . 5— Bathe News No. 2 (news) . 6— lonesome Luke Leans to the Uterary

(conieviy) . 7— The King's Gsme (drama) (five reels) 8— Bathe News No. 3 (news) . 8—The lleil Circle (drama) (two reels) 8—Ach! Buch Crimea! (comedy) .

10—From Kahylla to Constantine (acenlc) (Ki>llt reel) .

10—T'nfaiiilllsr FTshes (ediir.) (split reel) ]0—Hike Lugs Luggage (loinedy). 1‘J—Psllie News .No. 4 (news) . 14 —Madame X (drama) (five reela). 16— |■atlle Newa No. 6 (news). 1-5—The Red Clr<-le (drama) (two reela),. 16— F'niin Bad to Worse (<-ome.|yl.

PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATIOD Dei’ember— 27—l.ydla Gilmore (Famous Players) (five

reels) . 86-Temptation (Igtky) (five reela) .

January- - 3—The Foundling iFamons Players) (five

reels) . 6— Tongues of Men (Moroocot (five reele)

10—Mice and Men (F^mont Players) (five reels) .

13—The (roldeo Chance (Laskyi (five reels) 17— My I ally Incog. (Famous Players)

(five reels) . 20—Nearly a King (Famoua Players)

(five reels! . 24—The (all of the Cumberlaoda (PalUs)

(five reels I .

27— The Spider (F'amous Players) (five reels) .

31 — I'ndd'nhead Wilson (Lasky) (five reela) F'ehruary —

3—Tennessee’s Partner (Lesky) (five res-ls) .

7— M:iilsm I.a Presidente (Monasco) (five reels I .

IRIANULE FILM CORPORATION Dei-e Oilier— .TF—ihe Felge of the Abyss (Kay Bee) Ifive

reels) . 28- T ile I’ruiteutes iFTue Arts) (live reels) 2tF—A ^ubularluv ITrale (Keystone) (fosr

reels) .. 28-Tlie llont (Keystone) (two reels)....

January — 2—t rosa Currenla (Fine Arts) (five reela) 2—Beiweeu Men I Kay Bee) (live reels) 2—Inz/y llels’bts ami Danng Hearts (Key-

stoue) (two reels) . 2—Worst of F'rleuds (IWyslooe) (tws

reels) . 9—Is-t Katy Do It (FTne Arte) t5*a reels) 9—The Great Pearl Tangle (Keystuoe)

(two reels) . 9— The Corner (Kay Bee) (five reels).

16—The .Missing lJuks (Floe Arts) (five reels) .

Ifi—Be-anse He Loved Her (Keyalooe) (two reela) .

16— The Be.'konlng Flame (Kay Bee) (five reels) .

Ifi-A Mislem Enoch Arden (Keystone) (two reels) .

▼ -L-8-X PROORAJI December— 27—What Hap|iened to Father (Vltagraph)

(five rre,a) . Jannary —

8—Thon Art the Man (Yltogrsph) (Mt reela) .

10— My l.edy’a Bllpper (Tltagraph) (fve reela) .

17— G«mIs of F'ate (I.aiMn) (five reels). 17—Captain Jinks (F>«aDay) .. 17—My I.edy’s Hllp|ier (V’liagrsph) (8»s

rta-lsl . 20—The Wonderful Wsger (LnMo) (two

reels) . 2-1—The Island of Bnrprise (Vllagrspb)

(five reels) . 31 -B<inls In Ihindage ll.ubln) (five reels). 81—Viiltiiree of Huclety (Rseanay). 31—A Night Out (Vltagraph) (five reels)..

WORLD FILM OORPORJOION December— 20—Over Night (Brady) ... 27—The Rack (Brady) .

January— 8—Camille (Bhobert) .

16-Llfe’a Wh»rlis..l (Rradyl . )7_The City (HhnHert) . 24-The Ballet Girl (Biwdy) . 31 —Fruits of Itesire (Brady) ..

1916 MODeL

Motiograph THE BtUT raOlfCTOa TODAY.

Wrim fiir


MACHINES and SUPPLIES rvr.HYTMIVi) FOR Torn TffFATFH Srm iwrntifl hind MirliltiHl m\ fRd r4i1n# vhm piirrliMlnt a umi rarRnna. braiida. Arm. Hl«i9Pat>A and Hin M^nnv^d band



JANUARY 29, 1916.

play* In all bla playbouaea In tliat terrltorj. TbU will include the abowlng of Metro featurea

in the mtllioD-dolhir OrgHeum Tbeater In Bowton,

the Bijou Tbeater In Fall Itlver, aiMl other Un- liortant tbeaterg In the larger citiea. Under

the new contract Metro pro<Iactlooa will now be

aeen In the two leading tbeaterg In Boaton.

There will be a aplit week program between

tlie Orpbeum and the St. Jamea, which la the

laraeat motion picture tbeater In New Eng¬ land.

The drat preaentatlon of Metro at the Or-

pheum In Boaton waa on Thuraday night, Jan- nary 20 and proved a moat notable event.

The picture khown waa The nouae of Teara, a recent Metro releaae, in which Emily Stevena la

atarred, and Henri Bergman and Walter Hitch- cork are featured.



THE PRECISION yACHINE CO.. INC., 317 E. 34th Street. New York, N. V.

General Manager Beyfuss Says Corporation Will Produce But Six Features a Year, All


LIGHT 2H TIMES. We oaiTT them and all kinds of Projectlan Oooda

E. FULTON CO.. I«0 W. Lake St.. Chleagai, IN. be fair profits and pleasanter business methods for the Burvlvora.

“Many of the film executives will probably dispute the statements made In this article, but 1 have beard that one of the directors of an

lni[>ortaut concern admitted they lost t-V>,000 bj releHMing an exceptional feature to atrengthen their regular program. In that case a real big picture suffered by having weak pictures tied onto its tail. Heaplte the sacrifice made by this dim concern It ia doubtful whether the ex- Idldtion really t>enetited. be<'ause the average exctiange manager In any organization la almost sure to force the exhibitor to book two or three

weak pictures at a higher price than they are really worth to get this one exceptional picture.

number of film companies are talking the ojien iMNikiiig (Milicy liiit their managers out in the country, who must odlect aa many dollars aa |i<-e*ible, are certain to carry on their meth''>da of liaving the exhildtur take a few weak pro- iluctioiia with every strong one.

“The ('alifornia Motion I'ictnre Corporation la

comiKwed of hard'lieaded and auci-e.aful bualne-is men. They feel they have overcome the great

Sew York, Jan. 2i—“All superior features

will be released by Htate rights only. Buch

BetU*r Than Program pictures will make real

money for everybody.”

This waa the broadside delivered by Alex. E.

Beyfuaa. vl>e president and general manager of the ('allfumia Motion IT> ture Corporation. In announcing a new p>dlcy of that progreaalve pnalucing company, on what la virtually the

eve of his departure for the Faclflc Coast, after a more than two months’ stay In New York. Mr. Iteyfuaa expects to be gone alaiut Bve

weeks, by which time the pnslucllon of the

cortHiratlons next Mg feature. The Woman Who

r>arvd, with IWatrla Mlcheleua. who created such a favorable Impression by her unusiiuliy

clever work In The Unwritten Law, Just re¬

leased. will t>e starred.

“AU of the Mg feature photoplays." said Mr. Beyfuss, ‘Tncludlng The Spoilers, Birth of a Nation, The Battle Cry of IVace. The .N»r

I»o Well, and other great ruccesaea. have been releaied by the State-right metbist, the manu¬ facturer having thus received the greatest re¬

turns fo* his product, and. conse<|Ucntly, has been cocourag.el to make other features that

will stand on their ewn nierita. This la for the best Intcr-sra of the Industry. The manufac¬

turer Is the backbone of the business, and aboold

be eni-ouragej.

"We have decided to release our Mg feature. The Unwritten Law. by Slate rights, feeling

this to be the one and only auc<-easful |w>llcy

to Insure greileat results. Several program companies offered ns large sums for this photo play, but we are firmly ron( Inced that this la

a Better Than Urogram feature. In which N-ltef

our opinion Is bai ked by that of every critic of the motion picture press, who unite,] In pro

nrsinclng It one of the strongest fcatnrea It baa ever been their pleasure to review. Thre«- f'-neral managers of film companies prxxcl how

highly they tlw-nghl of t; e picture by the at¬ tractive figure they offered for It. F.arh one

of them stated be wished to strengthen bis program.

“We have no quarrel with the program dis tribulorw. We believe that the average feature

shisild be release,! through the program com pany. The exceptions! feature, however, will earn more motvey f<w Ndh exhibitor and man¬

ufacturer If It la handled by a Htate lights Unyer wiio gives his entire attention, not only to the wiling, advertising and pm|er presenta¬ tion. but who Is not llmlte,l to a fixed program pti<e. For Iristance. In San rrandsco a errtain

theater offere,! ns ll.-Vio B-r the first week's showing of one of rvnr features, but be<-ause

another house had contrnrtevl for the program


\|wl| I I nVH PAID for used Motloo Pl» Ul U I WasOII Camcraa, TrlpodE

Ls-nsea. etc. In touaS with ua today. Write now and state panlculara. Wa give prompt, satisfactory aervlce and a square dew! to aU.


In business since Ift.SS.

Universalites and Progressives Divide Film Capital Into Two Factions,

Both of Which Feel Confident Will Come Into Control

Universal City, Cal., Jan. 22.—While the va¬ rious |s>litical parties of the country are at

present wondering how many more rresldeutial

aspirants are going to thmw their hats into tlie

ring the iuhabitanta of Univeraal City—the

only moving picture municipality in the world—

are preparing for their first electhm campaign, wlileli, from a 1 accounts, is going t,> create aa

much interest in the film capital as the national IH-lltical ovmtest.

-Lt the present time Herbert Rawlinson Is Mayor of Universal City. He was apiiointed last

June by Ure.sldeiit Carl I.acmmle, who reserves

the right to laterce<ie in the isviitical aff.iira of

the city. When Universal City was formally


We have a theatre, seating capacity 1.200. lama stage, well equlppwl: two I'ower'.s ti.X Machines, In new txMWh; drawing from a pigiulatlon of 120,000. lO.OtS) </ whli-h are on 5e fare limit. Will make an attractive proposition to the right man for the seaaon of 1916 or Iisiger. I’rrwpts-ts good for reconl-breaklna sea.-svn. THK BUXVKR V.XUJ-;y TR.\eT10.N COM- I’.XNY, New Brighton, I’a.

All Hupplles, Hlngle and Itouble StcnsgHIcma. Modal H Ga.s (mints. Dxnne, IJmes, Spot Lights, 30 new I'oae BUdtw with curtain effect; Slides of every desuM tlou. Send for U.sts.

HARBACH &. CO., 112 N. NIath Street, Phlladel*til^

100 Keels Film, elrgan*. oondltlon, S3 00 per reel and up: lOO Sets S>«ig Slides, perfect coiuUtlun, SI.00 pm set, vrilh music. Send postal for lists (kaxl VTIm Sertlcs funiMied at lowest prices In the South. Su^ plies. Bargains In nt-w and setxjtid-haiid M. P. Mo- chlnes aj.d Cas-Maklng Outfits. Machines and Ugg* fits of all kinds bistght. What have you? P, O. BOX 1099. New Orleans, I.,a.

FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR FORD CAR One Evllstsi Ihdilbltinn Mialel Picture Machine, winder, I.amp Hisxse, Tig> and Bottom Magazines, twn Cas Buni,-r,. .Mtslel B Cas-Maklng imttlt, eight reels <4 ttlms, thrve come,Ues, 5 ilramzs: aU E'.ee*i1a .\tla<-l ai,Ills. .Ml III gisal cisidltlisi. .\ddresa MR& t.oliSK H.WiS. Itlngg.>l<l. lamlstana

SCENARIO WRITERS Evt-vy miwing pti-ture diredog pnf.rv wsnaniH wrilitii by the A-u-alisi lasse Leaf System S,iid $1 50 fur ham- leef eutfll. ompleSS. ami g,-t .vour scvsiarlo aetspie,!. .XS< .\LoN I.OOSB I.U.XK SCKN XItIo SVSTK.M, 512 .M sife BulliUng. Son .Xnrisd,., T,xa.s.

FOR SALE—LOT FILMS Fine coiKlttlni. f.' is) per reel. Klims, with postetS. $3 00 pts- reel. S,svsMl-hand EilUon or Power Mz- chliies, complete, $5i>.ii0. Kdl.soii tmr-nn Machlnsa entirely complete: first llO.Ovf buys It. M.XYER HII#- VKRM.V.N. Iii.X Finirih Ive.. littsbiirgh, Pnmsylvanln.

Pathe films. 7 reels, colnre,! (new copy), re>-l Ptihe I'wsslon Play b* r«iL BUCK.I KX(H.\NC.K Klvria, Ohio

Wm. E. HJ.ay and Clalra Whitney In The Ruling Pasvl-vn. a William Fox pitsluctlon. made by Herbert Bmun in the West Indies.

WANTED—CARS AND BIG TOP. Have br trade complete KTlm KUehange. now dolna pn>fl'able bu-sincss In large Western dty. D. L. IMiYIJ-r. Killboani, St. lamls. Mi^svnwrl.

,>pene,l by the Preeldent of the Univeraal F.lm

Manufacturing Company last March he ap-

isdntcl Rawlinson to act aa Mayor until the

first electltvn, which was sche<luled to take

I'.ace In June. But. owing to the fact that the

l’nlt,'d States Government did not re>s>fnlxe Universal City aa a mnnlcipality until early in

July, when the city waa presented with a Government post offl<-e, Preeldent Ijiemmle ex¬

tended Mayor Rawiluson'a term of office until j June 1.5. 1910.

•A few weeks ago the general feeling eeeme,!

to be that Mayor Rawlinson would be re-elected,

and there seemed to be no desire on the part of Universalites to enrxvarage an oiivonent.

Blit during the past week it h.xa been mmorevl

that J. Warren Kerrigan was being urged by hU

fvvllowers to throw bis bat Into the ring.

The city at prtwent la divideil into two fac¬ tions, the Unlversallfes and the Progressives.

The Universalites are for Kerrigan and the Pro-

gnwstves are for 3layor Rawlinson. At present

the Unlvepsallt.'s are in the minority becanse of the fact that the Progressives are In con¬ trol of the municipality, and have been during

the past six months.

Friends of Kerrigan have stated openly that

he would become a candidate for Mayor but for the fact that be and Mayor Rawlinson are dose for he was beard to say to a friend rcv-ently that i>o!ltlcw are like cards, bccanse

when the dealing begins friendship ceases.

On the other band Rawlinson la positive he will be re-elected, and be point* to a clean

record, which he believes will result In giving him a secxvnd term.

theatrical hooiloo .vf 'Chance and Temperament.’ We do not believe that this is a i|iiestioD of

lin-k in ^•^•duclni Better-Than Pb'gram features. If a concern has tie organlxation and starts

with a strong story and a pri>perly prepared scenario as the foundation, a director who uses Bivme fomroon sense to act as the architect, cap¬ able assistants In his camera and laboratory f.vrce. and then supidy him with the proper bsds. namely the cast and people who will f(>rget that they pretend, but will act and live the scenea as In real every day life—then the pixvluctitvn will be successful nine times out of ten. Of course. It Is true some pictures may turn out somewhat superior to others, sivme may apt>eal to the public stronger thsn others, but we are IMMitIve that with ua It la no longer a matter

of lurk In prvxluclng givml pictures. Beatrla Mlchelcna In Salvation Nell made money for exhitvltors everywhere. Every exhibitor who has seen The Pnwrltten Law desires to Nvv'k It. .Wee if we don't prove this contention true by making our next picture. Tlie Womsn Who I'ared. on which we are now actively engaged, an ci|ually g-ssl money maker for the exhibitor

aim'.” The c<'rporstlon of which Mr. Beyfuss Is the

dictating head. Is the only one of the larger pro. during companies who have bi»en In business dur¬ ing the last two years who have not hereto¬ fore invndeil the State rights field. This ap¬ plies. of (H>nrse, only to the Individual manu¬ facturers, but Includes the real pifslucers. such

aa I.asky, Famous Players. BalN>a and others.

WE eUY, SEEL and REIMT S,c«id-TIind Picture Ma<-hlL£«. Fiims and (Yialn,

THEATRE BROKERAG^E EXCHANGE. 440 S. Dearborn St., Roeai 670, Chiesgs, III.

FOR SALE—500 Oamclles. Westerns and Festureaw with 1. 3. 6-sheet mounted paper. Shipped suojeel to exainliiatinn. Write for list. N.LTtoN.AL FEA¬ TURE FILM ro.. 4«* Jackson St.. Slmix Pity. Ia.

FOR SALE OR TRADE—S.6(H) feet of Film. enUUed "Over the Niagara Falls.'* Also 2.000 feet of '"ni# Rook of Mjaterr." Plenty of Utho(nwphs. re a man

WM. RUTLVRDSON, Lo to trave' on per Fayette, Indiana.


New Acquisitions Made in Personnel and Space by Progressive Para¬

mount Producer

New York, Jan. 22.—The Oliver Motxjsco

Photoplay Company studios at leui Angeliw aon-

tinoe to branch out In apace and activltg aa well as enlarging Its working staff. A spastoes

and well-e(julpi>ed stock txsim has been adisd

to the plant, which wlH enable this company to

bay anppUcs in (}nantltles when the market la


The new atock room la hon-w-d In a apeclally

erected building of (ormgated Iron, and fasss the Connell street lane through the Moroooo

colony, adjoining the carpenter abop.

Rnasell Stapleton, formerly head of ths er-

der department of H. J. Helm A Co. In Los Angeles, has been engag'-d to take charge.

Another addition to ths srorking staff haa been made In the person of Charles BtalUnga,

formerly of the Amertesn In Santa Battara.

Mr. Stalllnga has been seenred to act aa prop¬

erty man for Director Frank Uojrd.


New York, Jan. 22.—Metio'a farther Inraaton

of New Knglami la emphasized In the contract

Jiiat (HXMummated between Marcna Ixtew, the

tbeater magnate, and the Metro Ptemres Cor¬

poration, for the preeentatloo of Metro Wooder-

Hana Henrlcknoo A Hon have leaned the Ctn- plre Theater, Two Rivers, WIs. The Empire Is one of the most attractive and complete little tbeatere In the State. The new managera took tmmedlata poaaeaalon.


to cHlnlillnli liiT Hilll•■rHiirlli, liiiiliiK iH'lifinl Ills wife ilvail, linil iiiarrii'il ait ilii. rni-

t'huri'b an* nIuk kial ulo'ii ihr iilitliititUro-

|ilHt takcH Italw'tlf Into IiIm Imiiic, ihtciIIiii: tn

luT wInIi tliroiiKli f<-ar Unit IiIh liualll Hlti-

uill Ii'Hrii of IiIh ourly ulti'lr. Mio It lii>li,;i.uliiiii

ia arouiu-il aiming tlio rliiiri li |wo|il.-, fiM.t-rc I l.y

tlic tloaroll who lull) trloil lo lionilt ll.lll■|ll•, aiKl tlioy •h■lllallll alie 1h‘ tiirioal out l>y r.iitlor

worth, liut tho l.ittor n-fii-a-a, •'HiHM-hill.r aflor Pi'toy toUrt of till* ilout'oii'M aothiiiM tow ir<l tin*

Kiri. IIuIh-iio i» tlnally itrawii Inoh to iho • Ir-

rua. anil, Jii«t aa l‘•■t^y ami aho iiiako up 'loir

liiiliila to K<‘t iiiuitIoiI. ht-r fathor ami lio iiilii-

Istor roarh Iho oln iia, iiloailliiK with hor to re¬

turn. She ileollnea nml her fathor'a wiahlliiK Kifi

la a ihaal for the ohi farm, where ahe rml |•l•^•y

nml their hahy. a year later, are allowii In the

iiihlat of a truly rural ehhkeii farm all !ia|i|iy

ami laiiiteiiteil.

Some \ery e\e*lleiit hxal lailor liaa !• a-ii In-

Jeeteil Into the fealiir*', the |itiotoKra|Uiy la-lric

iiniiMially well. >!lsa liatrli lie'a aUplMirt la iiiiat

aeeeptahle. ami .V < in-us Itomam-e ia ipilte aiir*

to pnive aaliafaetory in every rea|wrl.—KliHII^

A remarkahly ef¬

fective picltirUalluu to allow the extreme

lemitha to which a

K<mmI woman will go

to reiiay a fanc|e<l

ileht of honor la thia feature, pnalueeit iiii

<lcr the ilireclloii ..f

William NIkIi. \alll Vain, who la caat 111 the prliicip.'il role,

la given every op- tMirtuulty to allow

her worth, aiel alu-

alamla till remark

ahly well, ihai.layiiiK

iinuaual ahlllt.r, ei Iteclally near the

rioae of the picture,

where aeverni marly

brutal attacka are

niaile u|>on her. The atory hrlefly haa to

do with .Marian Hel- mar, who, learnliiK

that ahe haa h-a-ii living on the charity

of the illa«4»Iute avm of her f a t Ii e r' a friemi, r<-«>lvea t<i

r<i>ay the debt by nuraing the mui hack

to health, hut wlo-n he force* hi* uuwel

come attention* u|Htu her amt coniiivea to

bring aNuit her ruin ahe tlnally realli.-*

her otdlgallon haa been fulfllh-l ami ahe turn* to the man

tography. characterltal of the ueual high .Meti


FILMS REVIEWED THE PATH OF HAPPINESS her insane love. An unusually realistic stonii

scene and an attack by the native Island Inhuhltunts are two interesting features

of the en-eptionnlly pleasing story. There Is

much of a |iunch In the picture, ami, with ex¬

cellent photograidiy. Is certain to prove most satisfying.—KDKIK.

First of the Ited Feather Photo Plays, featuring

Violet Meriureau. in five parts. Released January 24 on the Universal program.


.Violet Mersereaii

...Harry Itenliam

....Sidney P-racey

Floreni-e Crawford

...Joseph I’liilllps

..Dorothy Itenham

...Leland Penliam

Joan .. Merrill .

Grekko .

Doris Ingraham

Joan's Father

Rarhara .

IJttle Grekko .


lied Feather five-reel feature; released February

7 on Universal Program.

Cheyenne Harry .Harry D. Carey

Hess Dawson .Olive Golden Hot) Graham .limit Gilmon

Gentleman Dlek .Win. Canfield

J'herilT .Itml OslHirne -''ick .A. D. Itlake Huek .Hill Gettiiiger Dolores .I’eggy Comlray -Kml an all-star cast of rhamidon rough riders.

\ real Western tiirillcr, full of tlie molo- dramatic situations which made this form of |dH>to|iIay so intensely interesting in the days before it was worked to death, is this Keil Feather feature, in which Harry D. Carey is starreil. In addition to a east of sterling abil¬ ity a doren or more of the eleverest puigh riders of the Far We t were used In the filming of the pii-tiire. witli tlie result that some of the liest bors«-manship the writer ever has w'itnesH<-d is iMirtrayed upon the screen. The pli<>to|day is typically Western, including the miw vanished ilance hall with its gambler head, the stage I'lach Icdd-iiii, thrilling ehascs h.v sheriff's jmism-s,

a free liramlishiiig of siv-sIcHiters; in fact, every-


iseph W. I'arimm six part feature

mediate release.

.\ stpiiig iireachmeiit against the all too com¬ mon ciistsim. if such it may ts> callml. of side- ste|>|iliig the propag.ltion of the human race, la this pls'toplay. which endeavors to »Ikiw u|H>n the scr*‘*‘ii a few of the various methoils which socict.v, fp>m the time of the stone age* down t<i the pres<-nt day. as well a* the animal* and rc|itiles of the forest, uses ami ha* usetl to deplete the wivrld * |Hi|iulation. It I* a plwito- phiy which must lie s<u-n to lie fully aiipreclateil, and while some there m«y he who may take

la the proiM-r thing, and very cleverly, tio, d<s*s

abc baiidl-' the work outlined for her. The story covers all Ineldent In the early life of Merrill Day, a young New York business man, played

by Harry Henham, who. being somewhat run down In health, 1* isrsuade.l by his friends to

retire to the nioiiiilains. hills and stream*, where he finally goes. a< eomiMinled hy his sister

and little nleee. During hi* dally walks through

hill and dale h’ chanee* nism Joan, a beautiful bnt miserably poor and um-dueated child, who has experh-m-ed nothing in life but tiie stinshine

In natun- ami the freedom of the woods. Merrill fre<iuently nietts her, visits her poor

homo, and makes the acipialntiincp of her

adopted brother. Grel ko, played by Sidney

Bracs-y. Tlie brother does not care for Merrill,

and. after getting some Information which he readily tis«‘s on liehalf of his sister against the New York youth, compids his sister to “frame

him lip, " that he. Grekko. may get revenge for th" sHidsised wrong Merrill has eomniltted In making love to the Is-aiitifiil girl. Joan. A shot

Is (in-d w li:.-li. tnste-id of killing Merrill, hits Joan, who finds s|M-edy recovery nnfier the care of Mer- rtir* sister In the ineontiine the lirollier. Grekko, his mistake, laeka off for parts tin known. leaving Ids sister In the hands of

Merrill. wh>i tntly loves ber. Miss Merscrean was mtpiMvsted by an able east, the work of Harry P.-tiham ami Sblney I'.raeey deserving

ntmh iiralse.


latren Hayward. Milly HaywapI.

Hiddtle Haywartl....

lloliert Chaptnun ... JiMieph Willoughby.

Isiren'* Aunt Abide

•ieorgU. her neh-e..

.. . A.exauder Gadrn

• tJerlnnle Ituhiiison

..Covington Harp-tt

.John Keiiih.inl t'harlea W. Trails

•. Mathilda Haring

..Yiuntie Cha|>|M-||e

-V young wife* r.s<vrl to flirtation with a IMipular man. In the des|H-rate ho|s- of awakening

her hushaml's hue. whbh she la-lleiea give* the theme an-l motile for thia thrilling and

rather unusually h.-imlle.| idsdislrama. polltl.-s. In which the hiisbaml. who Is the Mayor of

I.ynlMipi, |a naturally mlxe<l tip. adil* liit< n st

and ex-'llement of another n.-itun-. aa do tlie si hemes of two female p-laliies of the Mayor,

a worblly wise aunt ami a butterfly iile.e. who

start the young wife on the wpuig track In the

hojto of gaining favor with the Mayor, whom the niev-e had at om- tlnii- hoissl to marry her¬ self.

The situations are elderly worked out. anil the story Is glieii a real and unc\|i«s-tf*il punch

at the end, after cvi-rything ms-ms to be hapidly

settled, hy the i-iitrancc. hy mistake, of tlie so¬

ciety man Into the wife's riKun at llie close of

a Ps-cptlon. Disaster Is averteil, howevi-r, hy the hamly |ires. nee of a eoiiple of thieves In the

pNiiii. They engage the young man In a struggle

hind the hiistiand, who eiitera. ami throw him

In a e|i~et. thus making way for the soi-lclv


Vltagraidi Itliie Kildion five (lart feature.

Itev. Cy ns Townsend P.rady. Itelensf

ary 'Jl on V I.-S E iirogram.

Rols-rt I,olell .. Godfrey Isilell.. Daniel Casselis. .

Rilwin .Xrdeii... Dmtor Elverson.

Donithy .\rilen..

Dorothy Casselis

Mrs. I .

Yacht Captain..

Muriel (MriiS.c In (Insis Romance, ftvc-iiart faiuitaMc fi-*lure

tiling neiessary to proi»erly depict Just sm-h a Idioloplay as tliis ty|ie. It is very well il-iue, ■ leverl.v acted and siiis-rhly |ih‘>tograplied. So

realistii- is it that one cun almost smell the

iliist kicked lip hy the Icrses in their mad jnir- suits and si-amie-rs. A Knight of the Range slioiild ppive entertaining lor any aiidiem-e.—


evi-e|iiion to its h-ngth. the material ccntalned. nevertheless, is of vital Inti-rest to every man nml to every woman.

The first reel la devoted to arimala, reptiles and insects, to Illustrate how they bring their .voiing into the wurlil and then abandon them to whatever fate may have in store. Reel two illilstratea the pracths-a of the atone age,

when brute stp-ngth iin-ialhil, and bow human

life counted for naught In the deaire f<ir an- prema<-y. The third chapter show* the pagan days, when lust reigned aiiiireine. The last three reels are devoted to nior«‘ m'slern time*. Illustrating the prb-e of fully and the all t-si little regard fur human life. The longing of a woman fur niotherli<«>d I* most cleverly depleted, hilt to satisfy her hnaliand, first liecaiisc of hi* small salary, later hceaiise of his desire for sis-ial ainhitions. the coveted clilM Is never born. Then an aceideiit prevents any isissihle niother- IksmI and bo late the man reallxes what hi* own folly has wpiiight. S-'iiie very evcc|itional |•hotogra|dly help not a little In making this iinh|iie feature one of Interest. EDDIE.



E<|ititahle Motion I’leture Co. five part fea

with Muriel tistrlelie. Release-1 January

.Muriel listrl-b"

.Edwur-l I-avls

. .Ja>-k ll'>|i'..lii I th-rim- Calhoun

....tjeo. I.arkin

I'.als-lte .

E/ra liiitterworth..

Rev. .Mls-rt Martin

/..-li-lee . I'efey .


I'ssanny five part feature, with Ann Mnrdock, R<'leas<-i| January 21 on V I, S K program. Muriel Ostrl--h<- gives an iiniisnally -xeelli-nt

-haraeterixation of I’.aU-fte, a eliil-l <.f the eir-

-ns. ill tliis E-plilal-le f--:itnre. wlii-li <l--id--lH

in realistic fasliion some of tlie roiiiam-e ami fas-'ination of tlie “wliite tops." F-nir of Hie

five reels are elusk full >'t action, an-l, wliil-- lials-tte is only a sl-le sliow i>erf<-rmer. the at

mosphere of the entire tented aren.i is tlier-'. ami most cleverly deidete-1. due to tlie ex'---lieiit

-lireetlon of Charles .M. S<-ay. Rals-tte, tlie winsome vlaneer of tlie ■ir--iis. I*

Iov--<l h.v I'etey, anotlier i>erformer. She ‘.s the -laiigliler <-f Exra r.iitferwrirth. a l-lllar in tlie eliiireh of the town in whl- h tlie elr-'iis is j-lny-

Ing, and a philanthropist of note, Init neither

I’.atiette nor her father knows of the re|ati<in- sldp. as I’.iitterworth's wife, who Is Zal-lee, tlie

fortune teller with the show, had teen ---sirted

hy him yeara before. Ratiette teams the se< ret

of her birth when her mother sud-lenly -lies, and, after she had t<een annoyisl hy the attentions

of one of the chnreh deacons, goes to ber father


.Ann Miiplis'k Richard C. Travers .John Jiiiil->r ...Edmiiml F. Col-tv

....Csnillle D'.\r<y

.Ijiura Frsnkrnflel-I

....Ernest Msnpsln .Hnii-e Kent ...,. .Clisrlcs Hllna

Wlialcv cr tlie film version of the fantastic

comedy fpiiii the |Mn of that noted playwright,

Cly-te Fitch, may lie lacking Is more than made

lip III the delightfully pleasing charactriiaatlon of the young prims donns hy Ann Miirihs-k. <if s|ie-iklng stage fsnie. Not In months has there

Is-en a feature photoplay prislnced In whleh the

prlm-lpal role haa been more entertainingly, be-

witchingly and satisfactorily enacted than In Captain JInka of the Horse Marines. MIsa

.Xiirclla TrenlonI . C'Hd iln Jinks .

Giissle Von Volkcnhurg

Charlie I.nM.irllne .... Mrs. Greeiil-oroiigh ... .Xlrs. Jinks .

I’rof. Ih-IIInrtI . I’ete, the ts-IllMiy .

Hand I.--nder .


Columbia Pictures ror|Miriit|on flie part feature,

with Vain Vain. Released January 21 through Metro.


M.'irlan Iielninr .Vnlll Valll

John Harffli-I-I.William Davl-tsvin Dlln Vsn-oe.William Nigh

Itis-tor Glade.Fratik Rscon

Crawford Granger.J. H. floldsworthy Mrs. Van-rie.Mrs. M. Hriimlage

NIntana .Ih-an Hume Kalatin. her lover.F'rnnk Montgomery

Pierre I.eroitx, her father. .David M. Tliomtswin Old Wolf.It. A. Hreese

Rwlftwind .Jack Murray


JANUARY 29. 1916.

Muril'H'k iiior** tli«u «-«ivcrii benwlf with Imin-U.

• 11,1, lUe iiliKtoiilur JiM-lf <lrm);» lu

ii|Mit», li<T »ii|H-iiriiii<r U of iiui-li an elTirvoment

UBlurc a* to Ilulll•nllutt'l7 ataiiip out any

UK'inory of I hr •liortrouilnga of th*- ph turUtMl


Captain JInka of the llorw* Marinra uaa

onr of Clylr Kll'li’a gi«-ulf»t i-nKrtH In tin-

«iinr<ly lln.-. anil rnJoyr<l a moat aurrraaful run

on IlHMulway ainl tliruughnut Ihr rnllrr i-ountry.

Mu< li of I ho nualntiioaa of the oomody haa ta-on

ndalnod In tho llliu veralon. eten to Iho ilotalU

I.f ili'oaa and onaloina wbtoh proTulh-d diirinic

llir laThnl of when t.ralit waa niukinv Ida

Pn ^l loiitlal ranipulgn.

•|ho llllo *“ feature la oloverly |a.r

lra)-al hy Ilh hanI C. Traxera. who aharoa iiiu< h

of tho homira with .\nii Munhak. and wloaie

eirollont ohararterlaatlon ahould win for him

uii«llnl*al jirnla*-. In faot. e\or> niouilM-r of

the oaat la auia-rb. and. with eao-llont direr-

tion. duo to the efforta of Kre<l E. Wright, the

idKdopla.r |a wholly drllKhtful. t)nly lark of

►pare pnddhlta a more eatondod reilowf of thla

DK-t aallafylng of fealurea.—KDI'IK.

C. II. Mrio.wan, bead Mditor from the New

York oltlrea of tbi- I'niTeraal, waa iu Cbirago for

a r< w day a laat week.

Theater at two dollar top price*. The wonderful

Vitagraph picture will bare an imlefluite run,

and a greatly retluced price of fifteen cent* will

be charged fur admisalon. The pietun-, wblrh

contain* the greatest argumenta in f:i\<.M- of

prepareilneas, la being sliown continuously from

nine In the morning until eleven o’ckK'k at night.


W. C. liriiniiier. new manaxer of the Genenl

l-'llm Kxehaiixe of .Milwaukee, dashed Into Chl-

■ Jgo 1.4st We. k and iluslosl ruht out again.

I.~ Bulianl la off of the Cr<-am City for

a while. Italhird finished up in Milwaukee, and

Is now back on the 'ard, 'ard 'ighway. Say* he

likes the “sticks" better and that business is

coming his way

The “I.” road thunder* by the I..ake street

oOlre of the lidversal, sinl it makes an awful

lot of noise, hut ted eiiouxh to drown out Max

• odd, of the ti dd Theater of Cicero. Wlo'ii .Max

bellow* out hla oislers nothing eUe hut Max ran

Is- he.srd, ami lo- always gel* what he wants. Contrivotl and Directed by

EDWIN CAREWE From the pliy by Thomas Bariy

ainl the in.spirution of (leorge Bernard Shaw, with


MARGUERITE SNOW • upported by


J. F. ft'Tmde and his little Ford have resigii -.l

from the aervlce of the Mntnal Film office* of

Chicago. O'Toole besides being the pn>U‘l ih**

aessor of a "rattling" good car l.s also i)o**ei««sl

of a aweet baritone voice, and it Is runiore<l

tbe big oi>era director* are trying t» serure his

service* for the coming season. There are wi

many thing* we wouhl like to tell about 0'T<s>le.

Every time he g**-* out on one of those wlhl joy

riding tear* even bis tire* hare their little


I’aul Sllliier, pru-rielor of the Krlterion Thea

ter, one of the ol.lest th«-aters In Chicago, at an E k«' ilii.m-r la«t week, and he i« »flll

talking alsHit It. Says he never enjoye.1 any

thing iimre in his life. What wj* tlir big at-

trartloii. Faun


■lias fire reel feature, with Dnattn Farmim.

It.lea*-<1 January 'Jk on Farsmount program.


Painw n Sisith .

Sph-er .H.Hith .

Wilfred Ilort-n .

James Farhlsh .

Tamarack Sph-er .

Aaron Ihdlls .

Sally Sph-er .

Adrienne l.e*«s>ft .

Mm. I.esrott .

Iiustin Famum's second *p|>e*ranre In a Fal¬

las. Faraiiioiinl program, release it a pledoplay

fille.l with red M- 'sle.t action and heart Interest.

In which he 1* seen to even better advantage

than In The Gentleman Fn-m Indiana. In whh h

be created su-h a fa««fc-ahle ltiipresi.|on. .\s m

mst.-mary with Falta* pnsluetloii* dlre<-tl- n amt

phot -graphy are of the highest lyj-e. and the

(■l.arari»-rixalh»n thn»ugle*ut la of that s *rt nwtst

certain to make f.-r the siic-es* of the ph-tiire.

Farniini a|»i-ears In the p-le •»f S^ims-*n S- ulh. In

bis youth de«tliie.l p. be the leader of a <lan

In the S..uth. and In later years, after he ha*

li.|.n.s| to the call . f the N-wth and Is- -me

tiid.ii.-d with Its ;s-*sihllitles an<l It* ri-man.-e.

rt-tums to his IsiyhiMsI home as the rldi ftain

«h- h-a-N his folh-wers to a rlrt- ry that rele

fates liatr<-d and Insiirs-s s.afet.v of life. Uitti

*a< h sterling s-ipport a* Ilerls-rt Standing. Fage

I'etrm. Myrtle Steadman. Winlfra-l Kingston

and other* there could l*e only one natural < ut

.<ui:e for The Call ..f the Curalwrland* suc.-e«s

Hniiiiley, ilay Iss.ker at the ITilversal of

> *■> hu'y oil the Issikiiig sheets that lately

Is-eii iiii-etliig himself coming to work i>n

_liiistiu Farnum

..Herbert Standing

.Fage Feters

,.. . Howard Itarie*

, ..Hick I,e Strange

.Joe Itay

Wlnlfreil Klugst-m

...Myrtle Steilnian

.Virginia Foltx

George Diehl, of Moline, III., la r>s>peuing the

Mirror Theater, in which he has Installed an

entirely new e<|ulpiiient of everyfiiing that makes

a first-clas* photoplay bouse. The Triangle pp>gram at the Studehaker thi*

week I* D'.Wtagiian, which 1* a fi m vers on of

.Vlexandi-r Dumas’ story. The Three .Muskete*-rs,

with (Inin Johnson (dayli g the b-adiiig role.

WllfrisI I u In .\is|uitt*-l, and a Keystone

ismiisly, Ferlls of the Fark, starring .Vllce Div

enfsirt and Harry Gr.ldieii, are the two other fi-a

lures on the same bill.


Mr. Bestcr. who has the Court Theater at Kao

kakee. III., has been giving a g<ssl part of his

time ami his servh-es in providing motion pic

tare entertainment and vamleville to a big por

tion of the leas insane inmates of the Stat>-

asylum of Kankakee. Mr. Bester also stamls t!ie

incidental exiiense* oonne<-tcd with givin; Iht-

wcekly entertainment*, and takes greit ple.isiire

In being able to relieve the sufTerlng and nee

mdony in tbe lives of the feeblemlndeil.

RELEASED ON THE The Isi Salle 0|s-r* Hou*e oi>en*d a ntiirn

engagement to tbe city of Chicago of The Battle

Cry of Feace, whl.-h recently played the Olympic





fbily complete one to be had, numberliig 2-J.(S*); price, 1401*>. itcmlKHl by State*, or yn r.O p«r l.ion fur sraus vuu want. I'lMiage gu4rani<*-il 1173 Fllai Etrhaatn .$4.00

I4!l Maaufacturrra and Sludiot . 1.00 210 Movlnf PIctur* Maeliliw and ^a>

»ly Dealer* . I.JO Write for 1‘aitlculars.


Franktia 1183. Eitafe. 1880.


MACHINES and SUPPLIES We have some SFEiClAl. OFFT3tS that are worth

writing fur Inlay. Let u* show you what you caio -ate hi the cswt id ruiiiinoeiit, supp'.lrs, etc., and how much b. t'er service .vni can give yisir patroiis. how to liur.ese jssir ns-eipL*. ami, >-spn-lally, we ask tha prtrtli-gc id aisiuaiiiliiig you with tbe at serric* that we give to the rxliibilor*.

We are l.K.tlil.Vti Itt-lxLyiK.-* In all make* at Ma- i-hlmw and Suinilitw fur the llidurc Tlnatrw.


AMUSEMENT SUPPLY COMPANY Sth Fl**r Caaibiidt* Bldf.,

N. W. C«r. Stti and Randotph, CHICAGO, ILL.

Ibstrtbulids .d the Motiiwraph, Fowir, Simplex. tlaU.scNi anil idher Miu-hlm-s ami ftetiuine Farta.

Scrric In Tbe Wlw< Man and the F-rtl. two-part Ldisn.-nle ilrama. rt-l>-*s«l February 3, by Ciilvi-rsal.

Ruth Stonehouo* tion picture making for exterior scenes during

the winter season.

While In Jacksonville Mr. Steger and members

of the Metro tu-ganltation were extended moet

uiinsual courtesies by the city offloiala. including

the Mayor. Fermission was asketl to is-pe off

and use i>*rt of a stre«>t when the rstmpany

first arrlveil. The Mayor replied that they

cs'iihi b.-ive anything they wanted, and that he

would call out the Fire Fepartment, or entire

p*'ll<-e f>-rce. If they wanted to them In a

picture. Director Charles Horan availeil him¬

self of thla opportunity to obtain some novel

and remarkable results.


Pauline Frederick, Famous Players Star, Plays Erring Mother and

Deserted Daughter in The Spider

Get In OK the Big Mimiy. I»i> not exts-riiiMsit w8th Cbiap .Vi-w Motiim Fii-ture Camt-ras. We ran aell yuu the Flnn-t Makes id Caimras and Tripmla at a savlug id to Suv.1. 11'larantis-d <s]ual to new. Write ua tislay.

DAVID STERN CO.. IM? West Madbow Street. CHICAGO^ ILL.

lu .'Llnce


Cnlversal City. Cal.. Jan. 22,—George C«K-h

rane. brother <-f Robert 11. Ciw-lirane, vice-presi¬

dent of the Cnlversal Film Manufacturing Cout-

pnn.v. and who. for the p.-tst few months, has

N-i-n acting as assistant director to Sydney

.Ayres, was this wi-«'k placed at tl-e head of

a dramatic producing comi-any of photoplayers

at CiilTersal City.

The first picture which he will make Is a one-

rei-l story ad.xptivl for screen piinioses by F.

MiGrew Willis, from the story by I.aiira Dakley.

In It tarmeii FhiUips and Douglas Gerrard play

the leading role*.

Tb* FBOJBCTtv* that re«*4ved the CNANTMOC* APPmOVAL of th* n. S. GUVKKNMeNT WAJt D*> PARTlfKNT. Itaid for Catalog "B."

TNE PRECISION MACHINE CO., INC., 117 E. 34tll Strs*(. New Vark. N. ▼.


Jim H. Rutherford. f->riner assistant manager

and pres* representative of the Miles Theater.

IMttshiirg. Fa., has heen appointed manager of

the new Triangle Theater In Detroit. The Tri¬

angle Theater was formerly known as the

Avenne Theater. The Triangle program It used


New York. Jsn. 22.—Julius Slrgcr. the well

known stiige *tsr. who re.-enlly signeil a ci'n-

tract to In Metro pnsluctlon*. has just

finished his first five i>srt feature. The Blindness

of love. The final si-enes for this Metro w-n

ilerplay were made In and around Jacksonville,

ria., which Is fast becoming the center of no

t-i enTOtn motion picture theater I niVe light PLANTS. COMPLETE


JANUARY 29. 1916.

future a mart/r to bU own aci-ompllaliiiieDta or errora.

With Race Hulclrte, the amaehtnic big alx-part Ithotopbiy extraunlliiarf aa bla effort In debut, Mr. Kurnbaui Uila fair to make an auafdoloua iM-ginnIiu;. and to follow the preaentatlon of ihia picture be proiiilHea two more aeren part

attractiona which will aid hla climb to the upp«'r n>alma mateii.illr, and alao add to the

boat of friends which he baa made of bia Rare Suicide buyera.

In addition to the Helling of picture attrac- tlona u|>nn the territory baala Mr, Famham also plana the capitalization of hla eiiieiience

as an expert in motion picture adTertlaing and advertiHlng matter, and with that in rlew be

haa marahaled about him and under bla own personal HUiH'rrlsion a staff of writera and ad vertUIng men whii'b fonus the nucleus of an

advertising service bureau and agency such as

lias since the beginning of the Industry been in mnch n<'<‘d. He N-glns his efforts in this direc¬ tion with six manufactering company accounts and the representation as business manager for a nnmber of directors and photoplay stars who are under his exclusive control.

ths Bray • Ollbert

Btudloa, marked the

succeos of hla at¬

tempt. The

Louia* Waloh


of the real with the drawn is now an ac- ^ ^

complUbed fact. Ths

Bray-Ullbert Hllhou like

the output com-

pany, la to be mark-

eted solely through

the Paramount l*lc- tores Corporation, are partly acted and > B

partly penned. The \ 'i spectator can not

where one be- glna and the other


The impossible baa come to [lass. Fan-

taiy has come into its own, Hllbonettes

need stop at nothing.

When a remarkable ^ ^

transformation or j feat of strength

must take place ^ along comes the ar- T ~ ,

and draws it. L ^ Then the actor takes

up the work again and all is well. ^

The innovatlou In ^—•' film production cor- .e. . will. esoe. of * FsvsrtU WItk UsA- ers a wide range of Patrest. subjects, but all of them are preeented

with a charming disregard for stereotyped methods. Mr. Ollbert refuses to take his char¬ acters sertousiy and carries them through a

series of droll adventurrs. Inbsd the Hallur, hla

Buys Up “Best Sellers'' of Former Days in Which To Star Universal Players—Eliminates Staff

of Scenario Writers and Engages Continuity (Writers

daughter of President John Tyler, whose writ¬ ings hare been sold and distributed in every corner of the globe.

Reginald Wright Kaufman'a novel par excel¬ lence. and the one which he considers to be the most revolutionizing story of its time. The Ivy and the Oak, being a new vampire story, new in stagecraft as well as sereencraft, but old to the world, will be the vehicle of some prominent star. Harry Benbam will put on by the direc¬ tion of Jdin Harvey a great two-reel comedy. Held for Damages, while King Itaggot will follow his Peter Sterling photoplay, with Jacques Futrelle's Diamond Master, which is known to every man and woman as one of Futrelle's

greatest works. Other works which have been bought fur release during the course of the next few months include The Social Buccaneer

and Black Friday, by Freilerlck Isham; The Texas Ranger, by Mcl-eon Ralne, and The First I.ady of the Ijind, by Acton Davies and Charles Nirdlinger.

In this instance It might be well to state that the Universal Film Mfg. Co. has eliminated Its stair of Boenarto writera and aubstltuted In its stead continually writers, whose chief duties it will be to adapt stories, books and ideaa u'hicb have been and are being constantly pur¬ chased for the use of the Universal.

New York, Jan, yj.—Following Immediately

on the heels of the announcement that the Universal Film Manufacturing Co. has contracted the greatest list of actors and actresses ever corralled in one studio comes the announcement of the purchase of some of the world's greatest aturies ever printed, stories that were the big¬ gest sellers of their day, by writers whose prom¬ inence haa circled the globe, and whose works have been translated in fourteen different languages. .

AU of the Universal stars contracted to ap¬ pear In the Red Feather productions will be given proi>er vehicles in which to exert their entire energy and versatility. Despite rumors to the country, the Universal Film Manufacturing Company has lost none of its players except those that it bad decided to drop. It has been a steadfast rule of the Universal to accord Its players positively the best treatment given by any mutiuu picture company, and once play¬ ers have shown their xalae to the Universal they become Inseparable, and "those players are only too glad to stay with this great glm manufacturing concern, and right at the present moment the Universal has not only the greatest aggregation of talent in Its history, bat a far greater number of drst-claas motion picture stars than any other company.

It only n-malna for these stars to be fltted with the proiier vehicles to turn out the best work in their career, and this part has been left antirvdy to II. J. Shepard, bead of the scenario departmeut, and he has certainly been kept busy scouring the market for the most adaptable and highest class material that could be filmed.

The subject of procuring the rights to film the greatest WMrks of the greatest authora was tbor<.iuglily discussed at the annual meeting of the Universal last December, and as a result


Popular Star Figures With Unusual Prominence in A Law Unto


studio in Ix>s .Angeles nuder the direction of Robert Broadwell.

The story is by Miss Lillian Brorkwell. and features Crane Wilbur in a dual role, that of a Western Sheriff and of a French surveyor. The

two are alnnwt identical In appearance, a fact

which leads to many strong sltustlons throngb- out the picture.

For its enactnient Mr. Horsley hss selected a cast of well-known players in snp|M>rt of Mr. Wll bur, including Carl von Brbtller, George Clare, Jr., Lonis Durham, E. W. Harris, Francis Ray¬

mond, Hteve Murphy and Miss Mae Adama. The

five last named were engaged especially for this

release. A Unto Himself Is the second of Mr. Hors¬

ley's features, with Mr. WHbnr, to be distributed as a Mutual Masterplcture, de luxe edltioa, and will be released Febmary 28.


PHOTOPLAY COMPLETED Duplicitea on tho Continent Wonderful Success Achievsd in This

Country Elaborate Film Presentation of Inter national Stage Success, Madame

La Presidente, To Be Next Mo* rosco Releaso on Para¬

mount Program

The raidd rise to fame of George Ovey and the

exceptional popularity of David Horsley's Cnb Comedies la In no wise limited to this country. Recently Mr. Horsley <ipeoed an office In Ixmdos

to market abroad ttsae rome<tlea which had at¬

tained sack a vogue In America.

It ii a matter of reconl that they gained a foothold in popularity right from the start. This cate Is not iiatent alone in England, bat in other conntrlea as well, ss D. W. Ra«sell. who is acting as Mr. Horsley'a agent, report* renters thrvmgbont his territory are weli-omlng

the Cuba warmly. The ancc*ws Mr. Russell has had with the Cnb

Comedlea has prompted Mr. Horsley to rvl-nse

his other American prodoctlons In England and

on the continent.

New York, Jan. 24.—Announcement is made

by the New York offices of the Oliver Morosoo

Photoplay Company that Anna Held'a initial subject, Madame La Presidente, has been com¬ pleted at the Los Angeles studios of this com¬ pany, and will be released on the Paramount Program February 7.

When last October Oliver Moroeco succeeded !n obtaining the French comedienne's signature to a motion picture contract


I/OS Angeles. Jan. 21.—Sir Herbert Beerbohm

Tree's esat for bis Triangle film version of Macbeth was annonneed today, and. as rumored. Constance Collier will be seen as Lady Macbeth. Slie has played this part with Sir Herbert in his London seasons, and was obtained by ar¬

rangement with Oliver Morosco The remainder

of the company, as selected by John Emerson.

Oriffltb to make the pro the I dnetlon. Includes twelve players who have ap

peared in Shskespearesn roles, all but two from New | iiaving had parts in Macbeth. The entire sup

i>ort is drawn from the Orlfflth permanent forces at the Fine Arts studios. Wilfred Lucas will be the MacDuff; Mary Alden, I-ady Mac- dnff; Spottlswoode Altken, Duncan; Ralph I/ewls, Banqao; Olga Grey. T-ady Agnes, and 1. Nowskowskl. Malcolm. Miss Alden and Mr. Altken will be remembered ss having bad prom Inent roles In The Birth of a Nation. Mr. Lneas has already been seen In several Triangle

to its former title, and shortly to be occupied | Plnys st the Knickerbocker Thester. New York,

by James K. Hackett in his revival of Shake- —

speare. Thus th* second big Broadway theater,

for sr>me time devoted to the Interests of the screen drama, reverts to its original statua, the other theater being the Liberty, which for ao long housed The Birth of a Nation, but which New York, Jan. 24.—Beginning today is now again the home of the spoken lines. In g<neral offices of the Trlsngle Film Coi the very near future the Rialto will blossom tlon. including all departments and the out as a flrat-class motion picture house—It York exchange, will tie located In the was formerly Haramerstein's Victoria Theater, nearing completion Brokaw Bnllding,

he took the first step toward the production of a photoplay that

undoubtedly Is one of the most costly of Its

kind. In addition to Miss Held's salary of | assigned by D;iTld W K'J'i.OOO for her appearance on the screen

producers chartered a private car to convey her to the Pacific Coast studios

York. and. In addition, leased an attractive villa In fashionable Pasadena, which was used by the star during her stay In California.

CENSORSHIP ACTION DEFERRED Ben Wilis m will begin work at once on a

detective series by Eustace Hale Ball, called The Voice on the Wire. This will be done in five episodes of two reels each, each episode a separate and distinct story, but each one being an experience of the voice on the wire. Surely no greater actor than Ben Wilson could be selected for the role of the detective in this series, and

it can be depended

uiKin that Mr. Wll- lone Bright son will strain every

^ _ nerve to make this

his achieve-

ment. Another fea- ture of his detective

serial Is that it will syndicated

through the Ilearst

- ^ chain of papera. theretiy giving It

'S the greatest amount of circulation possi-

Ide through the

*' * m Mary Fuller will

JH Ue provided with two excellent fea- tures. one by Wal-

la'-e Irwin, from Ids celelirated book, which attained a

' ''B|^^BB|B tremendous circiila- j railed Thrown

to the will ^ g ]ted

* i Feather feature, and

will afford many rx- , ^ rellent opportnnl-

tlea for Miss Fuller

Va *** gr«'a1 resonreefulnesa and

Tersatlllty. Another

great adaptation

San Franrlsco, Jan. 21.—The action on th# censorship qaestlno here has been postponed for

a few days at the request of the clnb women of San Francisco. The women want to talk things over and make up their minds as to th# stand they will take on the propiwlllon. Th# published report of the censors that two peopi#

claimed to censor fifteen hundred (llros In on#

year, supressing one picture and making minor rbange# In twelve others, created a stir, l/ocal



New York, Jan. 24.—Tlie Blltmore Theater, formerly the I,exlncton Opera Ilonse. con¬ structed by Oscar Hommerstelu. yestentay be¬ came a motbio picture bunse, showing Para¬

mount features.


New York. Jan. 22.—When seen In Ids newly- established offices at Room 607, Tsndler Build¬ ing, 220 West 42d street, Joe W. Famham, erstwhile In this position or that with the 0<ean

Film rorfiorstlon, reflected, reminisced, or wlist- fver he did, and then explained to the ass<-nibled folk that once more the initials which he so pn'Udly bears are significant of the phrase which

he has sc, endeared to his heart—J for Just and

F for finished—Just FlnlslH-d. Saturday last saw the demise of the Ocean

Film Corporation as far as Famham was con cerned. and Ratunlay last also saw the demise

cf Famham as fsr as the Ocean Film was con cerned—“fifty-fifty." as Joe explains It—and r.amtiBm confides that he came mighty-near to

being the Jonah, ths whale and everything else for tne old Ocean.

Now perched proudly by the side of a desk of the profier proportions in his own "kingdom" and wearing the crown himself, paying homage

to no “hose." to no president or his cabinet. Jnst Finished, or. rather, Joe Famham, says

New York. Jsn. 24.—The Knickerbocker Thea¬ ter yesterday Inaugnrated a split week policy of Triangle films, the features Iwing rhanged

every Hunday and Thnrs<lay. SILHOUETTE MOTION PICTURES


a story could he told on the screen In black

and white, n«lng real actors to dndet the

vsrl'SM characters. He determined to try it. Now, while he had

not ls*en allowed to starve by the art editor* of the various fifteen cent migszlnea, he bad

not saved enough to buy such an ei(>eDslve toy

ss a private motion picture studio.

He went to J. R. Bray, the cartoonist, whe saw the possibilities of hla Idea, and financed

the project. Farther, Mr. Bray opled an oppor

tunlty to Indulge in a few ezpertmenta on hie

own account. The result was that th# form# don of a anbaidlary company to hla orwu, called

Motiograph ENTERPRISE OPTICAL MF8. CO. W. RaaOalM Mm*. ONI0A90. lU.

JANUARY 29, 1918. T li e Billboard 65

d«at IndiMtrial Motloa Picture Oo. of Chirago; Paal Oallak, Wnlactaal; J. W. BlDder, ex-oOklo.

Hccaotary Tnaiallg and Dr. Carj Qrajaon will

be Id Iba ProMldratlal purtj and will bare aeata

Bear Bdr. Wllaan. Heeretarj TomDltr long

haa been a frleod of tbe motloD plctnre, and la

an appraafatlve imtron of tbe plotnre tbeatem

In Waablngton. A<*eordlng to offl«-era of tbe Board, there waa

nerer any qoeatlon of tbe wlvea and other feuiinine meniltera of tbe motion plctnre men

and tbeir gueeta attending tbe affair.

The dinner will atart at 7•..TO o’clock, and It

la expected that the arrlral of Prealdent Wllaon ami tbe White Hunae party will not be long de¬


••The future la relied to a certain extent, of

courae.” aald J. W. Binder, execotlre aeoretary

of the Board, “but the recent paat haa ahown

what can be done In the way of npbullding and broadening. Tbe public reallzea that tbe motion

picture la one of tbe three or four great moral forcea In the moral, Intellectnal and aoclal life

of America. The rlalt of Prealdent and Mra. Wilaon aa onr gueats la anaplclona and algnlfl*



company of ptayara waa orgaulaod. Bncb fn- rorlten aa I’oorl White, Qwendatlna Patoa, Boary Walthal. Octarln ilendworth. Joneph ••nyttlll.

Crane Wilbur, C'baHce Arllng, Paancta gnrlrle. Irrlng I’uniimnga and Bleanor Woodratf were In thia company.

In December of 1018 Mr. Beret realgned and became treaaurer of tbe General Film Oompany. Barly In lOlh he waa proffered and aecopted tbe poaltloD of rice prealdent and general man¬ ager of tbe Sellg Company. Several montba

ago be realgned to accept tbe preaidency of the which office be now re-

Prominent Exhibitors Form an ganization for th« Purpose of Ad

vanning in General the Ar¬ tistic and Commercial

Welfare of the In¬ dustry

Increases Facilities

Plans New Type of Studio Ero' bracing Many New and

Novel Ideas in Motion Picture Plants

New York, Jnn. 22.—By tbe formation of tbe Leading Theaters Circuit, Inc., during tbe past week, tbe bringing together Into a body soma

of the foremost exhibitors from almost every

Important city In the United States baa been sccomplisned.

Among the members are listed owners of thn

majority of tbe most prominent motion pictnra theaters of tbe United States.

Tho following list of officers and dlrwtor# reads like “Who’s Who’’ in the motion picture exhibiting bualneas: .Mitchell 11. Mark, of New

York, who la the head of the New York Strand Theater, la prealdent; John U. Kunaky, tbe bead of the Kunaky chain of theaters in De¬ troit, is Tire president; Nathan H. Gordon, of

the Gordon chain of theaters throughout New Knglfiud. is treasurer; Wm. SleTtrs, of the New Grand Central Theater Co., of St. I^uils, Mo., la secretary. The others directors are Stanley

.Maatbanm, of Philadelphia; John P. llarrU. of Pittsburg; Aaron Jones, the head of Jones, Llnlck A S^’haefer Co., of Chicago; Umsnuel

-Mundelbanm. of Cleveland; Louis J. IMttmar, cf Ixiulsville; Thoa. Saxe, of the Saxe Enterprises, of Milwankeo; Thos. Fumiss. of Duluth, Minn.

It is hoped by the members of the I-eading Theaters Circuit, Inc., that hy the formation

General Film Company, ■Igna to go back with I'atbe,


San Francisco. Jan. 21.—War between the

Universal Film Company and tbe Ixis Angeles

censors developed today, as the result of

seixnre by the police of the film. Across the Rio Grande, a picture dealing with the Mexican

sltnatlon. The Him company officials declare

the property was taken without legal process

and that they will take the case to the eonrts.

struct B uew tyi>e of studio oo one of tha vast

plots owned hy the Vttagraph Company In Flat-

hush. N. Y. Construction engloeera and the biggest brains

In the Industry have been at work on those

pTans ami within a abort while ground wlU be braken for tbe new stndlo directly behind the

prvsieDt g gantlc plant. The new stmllo will approximate 150x300

fret, aod It Is planned to lay ont this propool- tloo In such a way that It will enable at least

ton directors to work at the same time. A modern and aniqne lighting ayststn will be

Installeil, and f'em present Indlcatloiia It looks as tboogh many savuIntloDary effects In this

branch of tlie Imlwtry wlU be embodied In the

systeai. Tbe plans as ontlloed make provtsloos for

the rapid Installatloo of aets, and It In Inti¬ mated that a new method of scenic effects will be atlllaed by this comiwny.

One of tbe moet radlcnl changes la stndlo (onstrsctloa Is tbe fart that these enormons

stnilhe contain ten separate and distinct studlon.

In ether words. It Is planned by tbo Vltagrapb

Owipany to have a bedroom, living room, drawing ivsHn. kitchen and bath P<om. and In

ffirt every style room, all on one floor of this •twtio. Tbe partitions will be of solid coo


ADDITIONS TO V-L-S E PROGRAM Will Attend Motion Picture Board of Trade Ball

New York, Jan. 24.—New releases aDDoouced

by the V-I,rS-E from each of their companies

for the present period are noteworthy In the

strong heart-interest which predominates all of

them. Luhin’s first Fehm.ary release, scheduled for

February 14. is Dollars and Cents, featnrlng

Ethel Clayton, who made such a favorable Im*

pression In The Great Divide, and Tom Moore,

New York. Jan. 24.—When Prealdent Wood-

row Wilson comes to New York next Thursday

night to attend tbe first annual dinner of the Motion Picture Board of Trade of America In

the grand ballroom of the Bllfmore It will he the first time In tbe history of the motion pic¬

ture Industry that a chief executive of the

nation baa lent hU presence to a gathering of

the artistic and commercial possibilities for motion pictures, and to acquire for Its members the exhibition rights for any exceptional pro¬

ductions that may be prisluced from time to time.

It Is prin'tpally for this plan of co-operation tietween exhMtors and producers that tbe I-eading Theaters Circuit, Ino., waa formed.


Los Angeles. Jan. 21.—.\ slight Are In David

W. Griffith a Triangle Fine Arts studios to<Iay destroyed a small amount of negative. As many positive prints hail alreuily been made from this negatlie It '"an easily be replaced. The studio tlre fight“rs responded immediately to a general

alarm, and work was resumed in the cutting department within flfleen minutes after the hinxe was discovered. Pnsluction of Triangle will not be hindered by the Are, and new

featur»-s are Ixdng completed dally.


New York. Jan. 21.— Preserving for all time the stories of tbe late Mark Twain, the Jesse

I> Insky Feitnre I’Isy Company baa made the Brat of a serirs of Mark Taaln adaptations for the screen, a feature pn«1uctloo of Pu<ld'nhead

Wilson Tlie exclusive rights to Mark Twain's

works, were recently obialneil by tha lasky

Company. Pinld'nhead Wl son will be followed

by Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn. Innocaoce Abrood and otbera.

Ill order to maintain the flavor of the original

novel, the scenes of which are laid In tka Utt'.s river town of iHiwson's lamllng. described In tbe ts»k as bi'lng sltnatr-l at tbe “Mlseonii able of the Mississippi,*' and In Nt. lavuis. some

of the acenia In the photo<day will actual y

Mam plrtares<|or hits of life ,>0 tbe M|sslasipx>l, aa tbe great river was known to those who llve<I

OB Its banks In the days before the Civil War.

Among tbe players to ap(>ear In Pmid'nkead

Wllaon are Tliesslore Roberta, Thomaa Melgban,

Alan Hale and FVoreoce Dagmar.


(ksne In Mveatco'a produciloe cf Madame la Prrsldmte, starring Anna Hrld. Relvastd February T Paramcuiit program. tion, as announced in last week's l(illls>ard,

are now being worked out. It Is anticipated that within the next ten days the complete plans of the Joint organiiation will be announced.

In connection with tbe taking over of E<iultal>la by tbe World, and tbe resignation from thn latter or Lewis J. Selznlck. vice-presi¬

dent and general manager. and of

Treasurer Busch, It haa been freely

rumored along

Broadway the last

few days that Wil¬ liam A. Brady, of the speaking stage,

and more recently of

the motion picture

Indnstry, had been named as head of

the World Film Com¬

pany. or at least

wonM ancoeed Peli-


George B. Cox, of

Cincinnati, president

of the World Film, when questioned by

The Billboard, de¬

nied that Brady was being mentlone<l for

an exe«-iitlve capac¬

ity with the World. There la no donht,

however, that Brady

will be strongly

Identltled with the new organtratlnn.

Inasmuch as he Is vitally Interested at

the present time hy

virtue of his nnmer-

oos dramstlc sne-

cesaea which have

been prodneed fop

the screen hy the

World Corporation.

whose initiul api>earan<'e on the V-IyP-E pro¬

gram will occur In this production.

The play was directed by Joseph Kanfmin.

and. In ailditlon to being built upon a powerful

story, is said to be replete with many novel


Following this release Lnhln will present Her

Bleeding Heart, featuring Richard Buhler and

Rosetta Brice, another story of Intense sentl mental carrying powers. It will be ready for

booking February 28.

Tbon Shalt Not Covet, which la Sellg'a F'ebruary release, schedule<l for the 7th, Is a

story built on tbe old Blblieal quotation. One

of tbe startling scenes of this production Is

the wr*»-k of a Urge ocean liner. It features

Tyrone I’ower. Kathlyn Wtlllama, Engenle

Besserer and Fuy Oliver.

On March B Sellg will release Unto Those Who

Sin. with Frltii Brunette in the principal part.

This la a drama written by James Oliver Cur-

wo»wl. and directed by William Robert Daly.

Eseanay'a offering on February 14 la a five act

feature. Vultures of Society, written by Richard (ivMsIall.

The principals of the prminctlon Include Lillian Drew. Marguerite Clayton, Ernest Man- pain and E. II. Calvert.

For their second release In February Esaanay

will present a modom day drama, called The rffscard. by Charlt's MIchetson. It Is one which



Former Proaidont of General Film Co. Back in Hia Old Poaition

manager of rathe Exrhanga, lee., socceeding UmU J. Gasnier, who reatgoed to become dl- of produrtlnna.

Mr. Berst represented Patba In this country la the early days of the fllm bnalneoa. 'The

•mall atocka of fllm which be received from France be himself marketed and It was be raiiss of hla efforts that tbe honae of Patbe

be,-anie (Irmly established In this ronntry. 'Tbe experience which he had acquired In tha I’athe factory and offices In Franca stood kin la good stead In marketing hla flima aod this eiperlaoee waa ii|.enrd and strengthened by that gained In dlaiMMlng of the I'atba prvaloct In thU conn- try.

Ibirlng hla idminlatratloe tha production of ths first I'atbe American pictures waa begun and under hla direction the Jersey fity Studios

were built. At this lima alao tha I’atba al<wk

■>* FANAUA-PAnino ivmMAiwBiAi, m

me mecitioN machine co.. me, *•’ I. Mth fiiraat. Naw Vart, I

Mr. Olllaa Blreetad tha Triasala laaatrraleaa, Dan QuUota, faaturlag Da Walt HaMar.

56 Ttie Bllll>oar€l JANUARY 29. 1916.


OPENING AT HATTIESBURG. MISS.. FEBRUARY 26 (Sr>ni l>i»s and Nigl'.b. I AuspU'»'» WotKlmen f/ Ihe World. Show rl*hl In cMit.T of dty. around TouiiUr O'Urt Ilou«r.

p r A rr We own our own ni-w Majifelit flfi.OOo Gtiloplng Hor^e ('«m«j.el, lilanl Kem» Wln^d. .Muri)li\’!i Kamouw lluio •'tly SJum, J. II ('ullen't IS.OOO Talace •••“Mil/ |llu.>iin'. l*aii .SaK-r'a KVJeii Mu'h-udi ajid Tm-ln-inie. 'an Camii’a Italtle of Skiea. l*tof J. l.<iiorr'» Kioal Italian llainl. •jy* TWO CiK I>. I.IVK .SHOWS. Will funindi coinjdtte outllU lu iIiohiuioi with braii n aid abillly. We waid .Noreltle*. t'AN ri..\('K wie mure WMm I C.IJ a(T, CONCESSIONS of all kind- write u*. No pift goe* You will gti go.*! tnattnid hite. Alwav* rnmn for goi»l. live tlandval reigde.

K.\M I THK ST.\KK MORRIS miller.General Maaaaar J. F. MURPHY .Butlnem Manaaer SYDNEY WIRE .Ganaral Afant J. B CULLEN Cantral Supanntendcnt W. F. LATHAM .Sacrvlary FRANK MARTIN .Railroad Cantraelar

AU commuidi'aliuna to


Circus and Carnival News


To Be Placed With Yankee Robinson Circus by C. W. Parker

C. W. Parker, the Carnival King, la placing with the Y ankee Kobinson Circus for the coming acaHon a new improved )uini>ing lu>r»e carry us- j all, built on wagoim—a machine that can be set i up in twent.v-tive minutes from Ihe time the team I ia unhitched from the center |K>le wagon. There I ■will also be with the old Yank Show a ferria j whi-el, which can l>e wet up in fifty minutea. In addition to these two rides Mr. Parker is placing with the same circus two new shows <>oiiibined in one and mounted on a wagon for uptown sliowa. This show will lie somethin.' new in the clreus business —something for which an admi.ssion | price of 2.'>c can < asily be cliarged. The show, tent, tent isdes, stakes and everything will be ' complete on a wagon and can tie set up in about twelve minutes.


S. W. Brundage tried hU band at running an lnd<«>r show after closing his two carnival com¬ panies, but reimrls no money in it. lie has re- turneil to I-eavenworth, where he makea big home for the winter. He will have one of the best shows on the road next season.

Mr. and .Mrs. 'lorn \V. Allen aixl daughter, I/>uiae. arrlvfsl in l.eavenworth January 14. Mr. Allen has returned to Pekin, Ill., while Mrs. Al¬ len an-I the baby will remain in I.eavenworth for several weeks.

Nine cars and a number of new wagons, fronts, flat wagons and other paraphernalia will leave 14‘avenwortli on January "Jt* for Jacksonville, Fla., to go with tile Con T. Kenn<-dy Show, re¬ placing tliat which was destmyed in the recent wreck.

Baba In-1 .'Brian arrived January 18 In I.eaven- worth, where the Parker factory is building him one of the latest wagon fismts. Th-Igarian will be with the Kennedy Caravan this season.

Charles .Andress has returned to his home In Chicago after a visit at (!r*-at Bend. Kan., amt Is-avenworth. where he talked over new improve¬ ments that he has made on circus machines (car- ry-us alls) with Mr. Parker.

Mr. Parker sjient several days In Columbus, Ga., and Jacksonville, 1-Ya. (the new winter home of the Keime-ly Slntwa), last week.


By A. F. W.


Mrs. Kr<sl M. I'l.sher. wife of the late Err-d H. Kisher. who was at the head of tlie ITsher Family of A-ndnits, and wlio for inaiiy .v*-ars vas cpiestrian dire-etor of tlie Wallaie Show- died VV<slne-o|a,v tiioridiig. Jiiliiiar.v IP. at Hie home of her sister. -Mrs, Han \V. Halo, in Cin cinnati. Iritennent at I.a Cro<sp, AVIs. Mrs I-ale’s late !,n-l>and was treasurer of tlie .lo'iii KeWnson Ten Big .'tliows for a nuiiils-r of sea luinn.


Veuiis-. Cal., Jan. 2<>.—Aiiioiig tlie various piirclKis..,.. iii'ide during Hie last few days by tlie Ho'eriiir is Ihe palatial private (•<«. h formerly owned l>y the founder of “Imperial Valley.” William Holt. This ear was recently r<“decerated and is now one of the most beauti- fullv fiirnislied private ears in the vsnintry.

John liiidak. tlie well km-wn wild animal joined our tmiiiiiig fon-es the «>lh.-i day. mill is m-w busily engaged getting new acts in sliape.

Prof. Ed. Woeekeiier has completed his band for tlie e-'iiiiiig season, and says that it will be a great (-ombination of musicians.

Several alluring projK-sitions have been made us of late by pnuniiipiit eitix<-ns of this com¬ munity to make Venit-e our permanent winter quarters.

Canvas Boss George W«.ml«'ld is busy fixing up jsiles and other iiaraphernalia for ttie new big tents, and as o|ieiiitig time is comparatively near we have started night shifts in all our work sliops.

We have purehas«-d several more lions, pumas, etc., two mere iKiving hatigarvsvs and a iiniiilK-r of first-class menage horses and ponies, w-a Hons. etc.

Pete Stanton is rusticating in tlie wilds of j Hollywissl, leading the simple life and accumu¬ lating fresh energy for the hard work before him.

Mabel Stark. In charge of the wardrolie. hat quite a iinnils-r of ladies helidiig her to get the wardpols- in best sha(s-. and is more than busy arranging new color effects in costumes for the parade and tlie sliovv.

Miss Grace Marvel, who played onr air ealIloi>e last .vear. and who p\]K-els to go out again in the same capieity tlie eoniiiig season, has ae- lepted the i»>sition of leader of the orchestra in the local Ocean Inn Cafe.

Circus Life and History


A Book for Everybody No Showman Can .Afford To Be Without It.

The priitlucl of I he lc;itlt*r of I he world's thought in every deparlniiMit of eireiis aelivily. Compiled from aulhentie history from the very lH*{finninjj of the eireus to the present time, to¬ gether with praetieally a lifetime devotetl to an amusement enterprise that has jiladdentMl—yes. thrilled—the hearts of more people, younjj and ohl alike, than any other form of amusement.

Tales of the Arenic World The most comprehensive and hif^hly perfected

inventory of all the knowledge of interestin{» and practical value, told in a clear, clean and concise manner by one who is entirely familiar with all the facts.* Contains the life story of all notable men, managers, historians, artists, ptTforniers, critics and others who have won enduring fame, and those with whom the author has lH*en inti¬ mately associated for the last half century.

Over 350 pajjes, profusely illustrated. Now in press. Afjents and sah'smen wanted everywhere.

For particulars the author,

LOUIS E. COOKE, (The Continental Hotel) NEW.VRK, .NEW’ JERSEY'.

liig two cici trie light wagoim, which will be of --ll'•-l lliroiighout.

trunk Miller it. doing the artiHtic wvirk od lit- wugoiii., and iu tiiriiiiig out wiiue work of

art. Max Ik III- hki-. chief elretrlcian, la on the Job

'*V " •■•’■'■'rie light plant, which will la- tlie In'.i ue-iiey and braiiia can furnlah.

Cat lliirke. who hua charge of limide tlcketa la KiH'iidiiig a few iluya with ua. cuuibiuiug buti' neaa with pli-aalirr.

It. M H.irvey waa with ua a few daya. but liaa left Ig.iiii ,11 biialiieaa. K. S. McCafferj of W in-hiiigl'-ii. Hill.. w i» alao a caller.

• 11. Haila, of lin-v-nville. 111., caiiir over to aee iia. and left with a iii.-e order for new unl- foriim. elephaiil «>ivera. etc.

Jerry Miiglvaii waa n-eently at Weal Baden ami g.ivi- ua the “oin-e over." L’. A I.Ick EY Kiiiilh. Ark., alao made a call.

M 111 ley ii|dkii"W, laiaa i-auvaainau, la taking 1*/'^down „n the farm, Jual outalde of

lllueky Williaina-Hi. boaa pnqierty man, la aia-ndiiic the winter with hla pareuta at Aah laud. \\ la.

Jake IVa,-y made a trip to Georgia, Ind.. to 1-N,k over the baggage le-raea, and reports them in pink of la nditioii.

tValler Htiver gave tia a hurry rail last wi-ek. I ^ Havia la hack on Ihe Job after a|»endiiig

Ilia vaeatloii with hia im-tlier at Providem-e, It, I. Jim Havia haa departi-vl for the ItaUnce of

the winter. I Hilly Ciirtia ta building three new tableaua, making a t< tal of eleven new wagona tbia winter, Jim liala-iH'k la working in the ahnp for Curtia .Ellen Sulla arrive.! from High Point. .N. t'-i and la helping ••Maxey” on Ihe new barneaa and trapidnga.


Iwncaater. Mo.. Jan. 21.—Things are piv> greaaing nli-ely in “Ilanrillr- at the preaeut time. Tom Tneker baa the ahopa going full

, hlnat. gelling the Hrton Brotbem Kh.>w In readl I neaa. Mart C.iaidwln. of the Allmann Khows. la • doing the painting.

J. II. Ea.-hman waa In and purebaaed a car load of baggage atock.

Horo-at and I.u.-ky Hill pnrehaaod a number of animala and a carload of mnlee

Fred Buehanan of the Yankee Boblniion Show, purrhaaed the animal acta used In the Johanulng Animal Show.

Colonel Hall la doing an enorranua hnalneaa. tavth In cln-ua property and Imraea. He ma.le a flying trip to ehlragn re.-.-ntlv and piir<-haao.| a group of animala from the IJacoln Park Foo and some ears.

H .Shanty Havia la kent buay at tlie Ilolel Hall, where he la steward.

WANTED Money-Getting Talkers for Big

Pit Show Alia PYeaka and CYirloaltlea and Altractlnna of all klnd-a. .M«o for Miialral C'-m.alT Ouwiia Girla that have piod Tolcea and i-an dance. H. K. C.miMiian. .N<A.-lty Ai-la and naia. I'lav.r A -•> fi-r lllii- .ia- T . air. - ai .. pari)' lor op.-idi.g- and Invide leiaurlng; al-i l-adic-v fia Illu-m-O'. \Vr 1 av rar fan alt. ► I'av )mir own hotel, ttglary sure and gmal Ui-aiiu.nt. <na-ii .May 1. mar N.w Vmk 1 iiv. wliii h « Caniival 1.,.

VY. H. SMITH, 221 Herkimer Street, Buffalo. New York.

TENNEY BROS.' TEXAS SHOWS Want Shows, Ilifips .and (’oiici ssioiis to join now or in Xi-hra.ska in May. Want

Aerojilai.i*, Hifrh Dive or otiii-r Act.-; for Bofikinjr .Ajicncy a* .'<ioux i'liy, Iowa.

Answer KOVINO ART i K.N’.\’KY‘, Mati:.<r< r; Nixon, '1 cxa.-, .riiuiaiy 21 to 2'.».


By J. A. P.

Mme. Anr.a I>.nrivan ha« a fon-o of ladles busy, sewing spangles and tin—-1 on tlie new wardroiM'. h<r»e cr.vers, etc., wliieb. when fin¬ ished. win t.e second to none In the country.

Tharles iMaxeyl Olsr-n sivt five a-i.iatants. have th» baggage bameau all hung on the wall, waiting to go on the boraea In the a|iring. They are now w'>rking on the new trappings.

Killy Cnrtts has twenty five men lu his shop building new wagms and seats. Tie It tmild-


Aiisplrea Oyster flty Fair Asaoriailiai. Hilli-d like a cimu fiw a radius <g ov.-r oi— hiin-lr -I m'l — Two HallnuKla and five Hoai IJiuw, with dally vx<-tir«iiais IKer li’i'.uisi pi-itili to draw fnni "ii wi.klv payroll. Kvery day will he a Fiaiiire Hir Itig I'lr. I-', l-n.iiiimsd id.-id i> f i ■ .ii* at -Night a:.d Haily Aerofiiaiie l-iliitiis WAVTKIi Two s«ii.ail-»tial I'ris- i v\ I' K -..-ir . -.I up lo-ilate. nuwiey-j,n)i,g Sliows wdli gis'l fiMit“ .M-kitaiia Hill. CtiSs. Hlile, Frul K ; . J « lUn'i. wr-le. All CVrficeisiiiais liave tes-ii s.»'ii l'> a-, p'.-sisv ail wir**. .X'.dri--

W. R. STUMP, General Manager Oytter City Fair AatocUtion, Apalachicola. Florida.

SPARKS’ CIRCUS WANTS FOR THE ADVANCE Lithfurraplifr*. HtnnfT •nri a Illiler who dwtia a MotirffTHi* ran

hnhl ilit'4' G foiI >alar>, fair trattukiil ami a avai a-->ur(<l to mt. ftwt ajid I' l.i-- nt

vborkiTa. AUarksa T. W. BALLCNGER. Gan. Afant. 31 Narth Watar Street. Landon, Ohia.

GREATER HIPPODROME SHOWS OtFWia H'-aflon 1916 Wellmlon, O , Airrll 2?-29, ai«pir«i nf CTT? Kan^lii on •tref-la. WAVT Ff»H IjOVO ffKA-

I X) rf-f-abrcaM ('arrHjwl, FHl Wh<f!. Trip to Mar*, rw ftlraUr. f^»r an^l r»aiy Sdntii. T-u-ln <; -»•, \lt ♦ rhaiiLai Know, (n'^nittal Siiow. ^niall I*. .\lotfprilrfpOM-, I'latffrrtn SImmaa. 1*10111 anti ' ni r- can .WuHirlariA for Han^ l'HlvilM:f:s All VMi-eiw ( sii'^dtitiK GalltTY an'l otlitr TiiMltum

will ba auld cxHuaItc. OCT n4AA<:Kl> NOW Addrean GfteATER HIPPODROME SHOWS. Rat SS. CaaMan. Ohio.



The thlrtj ninth <»f a fair’y prtMt'eT^nia ai*^^hn flnd* fi9 In fin* tnniler o**iintry **f Ion-

Nlann. The lalth thin nbow bni l*eeo tinlf«»rnily kixul. that U whan the weitbiT man han artcfl an.vway derent.

Onr ’’happy fannU*’ of the

well knttwn alHrMnien atnl r««nrf*««lon«; U. O. |kM)a4»n, cetieral manager; Mr«. i\ G.

Ireaanrer; M. G. UMliMin «ii|H>rlnt<ndent of r«.n

«t«<Minn«: !»r. tiiinnttiff. friittr inanaffer. leyal ad* iO'Ater and ••fanily” idiT« fan; I.. R ll^^m.

ncent nn«l prorieMer* .Maul promoter: l'>ank Uleh. trainmaater: 1) T Morrln^ey, eleetrlelan;

I. K. Merera, aet*retNr>. Sailor llarria, l«»t nn pe^!nt«*ii'tent.

The f*»llow|nc tine iit> of «h*»ar« rontlntifa to tdeaae the rrow«l« that Ylaif onr niMnfjr n yhtly: Mel. fhMl«on‘a .\d«ar>(N«»«Y VaifderUIe. M lhi»|M*sn.

tiianater; Ijikr I*. K' llnm. atate mana/er; I* • k Vartan, eoniedlan; Pete Go* ra. nm^lral dtrertdir; t» a l»i.«na. flikew: fi.ftle Mo an M-n. |hMl«Yn.

Kitty f’herry, Heherra Nathan. f^»ta Quarter- man. <’arl Walker, Irada. Th*a nhow |a iflelnf r^eat aatt«fartl«»n and c*’tt!t\jr ftatterlng nrra« no tl<*ea In thU land of iiiin*»h1ne. Meyera* Old Plan-

♦ athm Show U one of the hlf nxmey getter* on thU trlrk. nml fleea a eiaaa r*d*»'-e*l per f*»rmanre. Mm. le«i Meyera terr aldr han tj nr

I t'»»a «!iow. iT.Ifkff.l ronttnrrnt r<*nal«fa of ?4

I oerfo-mera. Xfni. Wehh’e 10 In 1. m|th J«ihn Ma

; !H»ney liandtinr the frf»nf In hla nanal efflrlent manner, 1^ railed the “lUr Kamllr Sli*»w.** aid !»■ rertalnlr reltlnr a nire a*-arr of th** |»tiainea«

^ d‘»ne by ttila raraenn. K, W. MrFa'Iden’a Mu . »iMi efff Y'l'it'OiiT «««*ntlnin*** t#» r»'t tt* ahare Tlie

I r*'fdat *‘Mar” ala*» baa h1« |r|| f«»rr|« wheel on

th!« «how. The inertr ro rtmod <P»rkrr th'-ee

iti*'«*aatl, under the aide anneryN’on of Alhy I’MMa. la, a* uaual In thla aertlon of th#» r«Hintry.

r* ttinr top nioneT when the •on ahinea and the Idoom. The motnripiktne t« F-en- to th|«

"ertlon. and |a rroniled nlrhtlr. **H!|ek** (Mare

T> Tin Mllh-r ami Zrke II Johimon are dolnr the I rld'm* «tniita.

I IM ld*w, our ateam ra’llope pltrer. left re

fentiT f(*r a Tialt w|th hla family at M'llne,

ni'mda. i The ever anilllnr Nam r*’own la dalW oaradinr

Mte mldwar. and atartllnr the nativea. aa , neit ||« (Ilf. «howf<dka. e-’th hl« wo»idrrfii1 er«a ’ ‘hina In the war F»f *‘rlad rara ** Sam eertaliily

k**i.«T# lum* t«» near the anell dud* The lirjfer ptrt of Minarer fi Mlt*on*a train

la In whiter ipiartera brine o'erhaub’d and t'liinted for the "eaa'm of t''t0 Me haa Ma l»rl VT*** ear 1 ur’lle enr a» * tt-r *a.*o Pullman, one

nrlrllere ear an-I two 70 ft. |)arrfi.;e ram with

the ahow at the time. The nrtrnte ear and the Pullman and nrlrPerr

eara will *'»*'»n reeelre their annual eoat of t>alnt

«<' A Parlew rVwfVf* their *iu Pamp at Com

oterre ftk They wdl i¥\ivu with <*ne of the

Pirkep ahowa In At*r1l

ItolM'rt M’lwidr an*t Ida faml'r hand hare Joined

the iHtle Amuaeiiieiit Ptimpaiiyg which 1« now

tourlnir (IkUhotiia.

JANUARY 29, 1916. 67




“IhN'" Sahall, lalila' allow nianaKcr with the I Iriikoo l(ol>iiiM>ii ( ir< ua, aiKl known K*'i>*-rall]r I ll ri'iiich h>a foniiiT loiiiw- Ilona with ihr Kau | || III' VouiiK I'.iifTalo aliil ollii'r Irtiltil attrai'- Ilona. Iiaa unearllH'il a white ho|N- In .Na-.hna. .Ni w llain|>aire, "|hM''a'" home town, where he

la now la>inK off awalllnic the o|h'uIiii; uf hla alillllal lailllelllle li Ilf. I III while lio|N- Waal eorallial I'jr "Ilia''' with the alil of Johnny Itleii

il. an I ah wii.aii ainl lia al t.ati.' iironio'er. | Ilia n.inie la Ian ICeiatrtl. He liila la ell ilul'la-I "11 *■ New llani|>ahlie alaut. ' ItiM'oril m*'aaiirea A lia-l t III'Ilea "tbi Weiaha laiumta. lie h.ia U<|| lie'lantl m, anil "Imm*" aaya, that, wllli a litlli trainiiiK lila nml will make t'offey. Kiillon

aihl aoiiie other lH>|M-a liaik like iireliiulnai}

K<l II 'pklna. who waa on the aide ahow of the Sparka I'lreua laa, aeaai'n. la taklm; life eaay al : o aeiil. The roinini: aeaaon w ill find him with III*' r*a k A Wila*'!! Traiioal Wild Aiiiiiial S!.' I* Me I laima he will hate one of the beat framed -l* aid** ahott a on the road neat aeaaon.

Slim Ki', of the sparka Sb*'wa, paaaed

thn i:i:li lndlana|H'|la rei-eiitly on hla way t** fhli a.'.' .kfler a brief In the Windy (Ity

he w.i.i to Melon.Ill illy. I'l.I. Ii la aa.-l

that he Will hair the ramly eoneraaena at all the 1 eaters In that city.

The Well known Chleaso maEl'Ian, S. 1*. B-iw-

msn, who waa with the .\l Ilarnea and Ooll- niir Ilr*'. • Shows, has Jiiat rompleted two thirds vf Ilia irij* around the world. lie rei-ently ap- p.'ar*-.l la-f. re t!ie KInie of .Slam ami entertaine*!

hia r'*.tal la iiaehi'ld. lie Is hilled as Herr

Henman, the I'hlraifo .knierlcan maslolan.

Billie HeMi'unt was se*-n In I'blladrlpbla and •sill that he will lie with the Sparks Shows the rominif aeaiain.

Art EldrIdEe la reatlos up In Odar Rapids, la. Hr has oot made an anniHineement aa t‘> bis eonnerthin this season. tlfarite Kmbrre. who waa aaaoelated with Mr. KIdrIdice the past ••'••■'n with thir waip-n show, la at present In Albany, Mo., pre|iarlna for the comlnc seas>'>ii.

Tp*'y Cooper has (Iren ap road work for a while and la now working for the Du I'ont Pow¬ der 4 orapany. Hopewell. Va. He sends regards to all the bi>ys.

Lloyd Guintrr, of the Rlngllnc Brothers' Sble- show, made a trip to .New York City In the in- tereai of th- allow. also to lamsult with l.ew Graham, sideshow mansfer. Mr. tiraham'a health Is luiprotinc and It Is etpeoteil be will he bark on the Job this coming seasam.

.,.***ii** Nelson, who was last ronneeted with y*" Hills' Wild West Stile Show, has beam

heard from. He writes that Fletcher Smith anifiiie,] In oo him durliif bis recent tIbIi. and that t letch., whom be bad not seen for years. Is kaiklDK line and the name old felkiw, full nf life and a real old timer sure.

wiVi”’^**** lo reports from rarlous sources. Wlbl W'eat concerts will lie glren by nearly all the rinuBea this comloc aeaa«in.

Harry Mirk. Impersonator, will be with the Sparks SIhiw again nrit aeaaon.

Kyea. band leader with the Sanger Slsiw In 1UI3. baa the hand wllh Huy Bn>theni’ WInstrela.

lliihe Walters la down In the atlrka of Southern

M'^'rgla with the ilrrat Southern VaiideTlIle stS'W, which he Joined after leaiing the Sparks Show, Hr aaya business Is g***a|,

frelgbi.u, and llarrrtt iltoy) are playing

»amle»IIle rngagrinrnia In Ihe S'.uth for Bren-

nsn mit of New Itrlenns. R.iy says they will h*'1h be under the whiletopa again nett aeaaon.

Jack Welch will o|*en his Circus R- ysl Sh''W In Amsrllbi, Tea., on Saliihlay. April S. and sfler playing two weeks ,.f one day stands, will r’In out with one of the hlg carntaal shows.

Littlejohn’s United Shows will Make Their SPRING OPENING at

ANDALUSIA, ALA., MARCH 20th Located en the Maira Streets Encircling the Court House

-WANT-—— FOR MY 0NC*RING CIRCUS: C'riM r«. Nmelty, ii'd

■Maj’*! tn.HH thiH siiant tirie n-ai m Tit, aii«1 r*ii imh xL'K an.vtitiiu t>ui Tllb S*irt* 3i tt./Aw iiikf.' Writ. fuji> fJrkt U'Urr. aifl l miarriTt-Mnil. Al! will t>t? pnMiHHlY rt*iiinir.i.

FOR MY TENalNaONE: Pit AnrnftjiAt an* <*«|»a*> *>( tu!*T!aiiiii ,< Uie rai» um* iJIa'-n lUimiTs PuiiWi ai>«i Ju.b. M*«it. Sfr.Ur i.irl, TNtUHPtI .VI4U. Iji i.v \ > Snakt-*, liamaii t'l.-Ji k- IMvnij? •'ci, Ogfiniic Kitiitl. fjit tpf .MiUjtH’*. leA-li f'»f KlttMrlf Hiair «ho fan put on an (havu lUj cmi» (MitrH! >t*irv w4.4r>. ii* atn-ks' tt KAiftTiunit.

FOR MY CRA2Y HOUSE: <;•»■!, rt*iia>»!i‘ i!|tiiim*ujaii, to take piiarze aihI n;ai)a^* Will m^kt* jinnl pr\,*po* Aitktn til turtv statt* «tuv.

FOR MY TRIP TO MARS: KAp»Titiiritl n»aa in haii*!Urig ifN-ad.liiu' aiul t-lrftric airing A1m» two Wurkii 4 M*f».

FOR MV OLD PLANTATION SHOW: i Mu.^ii*4A!i4 to t'lilarg** Uah.i. Want on** trlp;t tof.gij** Saiio iMif A-1 S»l»i Sa\ipt.iait* ainl imo t'Urinft-. Sun* pay 37 wtvkV pij*

♦ FOR MY electric SHOW: Kxpi*rii Ot'irNt'T, aho i.ot afrild or t<-» i*> i-M'l in

putlil.4 up whi V. nWK trart.l n« a Kh»kl. T <‘ •»:.! ouittt. f.< TIT SlIuW. thit I will furnl-h to'Mik*

m»rii«a'.HJs an.l W aiM aU) like u* H- k a WoUMNti \VoK!J» or WII-U WKSI SHllVa*

FOLLOWING CONCESSIONS ARE SOLD: \Vi.trl. I'ai .h Wlit^l. inn*m Wlit***!. lliidi StrlKtr. W.? Hlit-^. .S»*ft !hl*k... rat Ka.-k, Ha »v M'4*kc% Ka k. Ttii lln*. Ktg'. l.v I'rfam r<au*H. Tra. kir Jack.

Hamp' *<1. .aifi4 Call.-n . H!a-- Whn I. \ll »Klir-r«a an* MPii. Sw»n H-»Uw4*. ralmi^uy. K* if«* Ka«k. It ..»o i;a.N-n. <%>unto Si<»r.*. KWi l>-t.l. rijcarvtti* SJimaiiu Hallrr>. H*.op ia. H«ar I*op-ll-in

a onlj tivahk of a k:fi<l THOS. P. LITTLEJOHN. Manafar. Winter Quarters, AndaJuftiA. Alabama.


MIGHTY HAAG SHOWG Wants for Season 1916

I’crfunners for Bi}* Show, Musicians for Bit* Slmw Batul, Side ShiYw IVople, Billposters for .\tlvance. Show opens latter part of I'eliruary or early in .March. Liist season e.xteiided over l(J weeks. B.xpeot present season to he no shorter. Show will ajjain travel t)n wagons. HAVB FOR SALl^—Some ex¬ ceptionally tine Camels, Cars and By. Wagons.

Address E. HAAG, Albany, 6a.

DEMONSTRATORS -NOTICE sTui:TrrMn.\. r.vxv.xssKii.s. so.MLmiixn xkw.

Jimt on the market. I-ite patent. Hiif. ea.'fy money ilaily. lYe first in the

rteia. TiiK \vi/,\ni> wni.xrii.

It’.s taklnK them by storm. Kvery man ami w**man a buyer. They all want it. Sample (po.<«tpalil> anil confidential price list. l.i cents.

Take a tip from an 4>ld streetman. "IT'S .\ WIXNKIl.**

sK.xiA r«m s.xMi'iiK tuia.xy—.xtixv. MARKLE-MARSH CO., 3400 Indiana Ave., Chicago, Ills.

Attention Westero Showmen & Concessioners Attention

This is to notify you that LOl’ II. HEUfl, "the man that knows how to build

tents.” Is now connected with this firm and will he plea.>»ed to from you.

('onc4>s8i4iii and Show Tents a specialty. X’lUi lia\c iri4Ml the nM. mm try the

IwM. la't us hear from you with .vour wants.


Jack has some lan<l Just north of the ranhandle State Fair grounds at Amarilk*.

The Rari>,*H Ctrena will go out next season with all new indes. a new top and fifteen length* of new seats. In ad<lition to this the ste'W will carry two of the very latest steel arenas on wagons. I'homson ,v «'oiiipany, of t'inciunaU, are furnishing tbi' I'anvas.

(»et Janies 11. .Spubling, condin-P'r on the X. Y., N. H. A H. Kailroad, to tell y<.ii the story of th4‘ elephant pushing the Barnum Show train over a heavy gra*le betw*H'u Tort t heater anil trrecnwi.'h, N. Y., in the early flays. Spald- iiig, by tlie way, to.>k the first <'iroiis train out of New York that ev«'r went by rail.

The widow of t’tiarles It. C ook, wIhi was well known to ciri-iis f<ill,s. having b*'en as*, i.tted with the 1'. T ICamuiii, .\ilaiii Fon'paugU. I'aii Costello. George \V. Itii'hanls. Washlnirn A .Xrlingtou, John 11. .sparks an<l the O'Brien Ball. r«*ad Shows, die*l In I’lttslmrg, Pa., recently.

II. fJ. Wilson Ills lMs>k<'<l his two aiiiiiial aets in vaiidevilb' for .si.\ wto'ks.

William Ilaiiseliiian. who has eiMikial fi>r a Diimtier of big wbite tops, ini linling the <dd John Kobinson Ten Big .SIkiws and Howe’s Great Lomlon Shows, la at his home in Fast l.iverissd. O., where be woubi like to have bis frieinls write him. William Hart, last scas<in bill¬ poster with the Howe’s Gr*‘at Isunloii Shows, is also at East Liverissd. The latter will go out with Cook Wilson next s»'ason.

Charles E. Post, the talking clown, pnaluccr anil hnrille mule rider, for the past two seasons with the Jones Brothers’ Show. Is musical di¬ rector with the Little Miss Susan Company this winter. The coniimiiy earrles a ten-pie<'e band and orchestra, amt is touring through Southern Missouri ami .Yrkansas. Charley's Is-tter half Is also with the I'ompany, playing luiritoiie and doubling at.xge.


<>l>ti*iiism Is something whbh costs mith- iiig. Iiilt is us ilitlli'ult to attiiin, b.s some iso- Jle. as a million dollars. It Is us».*l. by those who lielieve in It. to brighten timt parti ular wi'tbHi of the worbt in whi*'h Ihe optimist re- allies nr sojisirns. itptimisin. as a business and advertising proisisition. has twi'ii ra-ely prac- tii'isl, mm h less put pamphlet foriii. .Yml right tfwr*' is where the Ell Bridge Com|>an), of Ibssihiiiisi', III., has bniken Ihe ba*. and waded In. The first Issue of this Infant mugaxim*. with whli'ti the Eli Bridge Comiuiny inaugurated the new yenr. lives up to Bs name. The spirit of optiniisin prevails thro'igh' out Ihe sl\fis>n i«igi'S of ftu' Initial Issue of The <t]itimist. marking it st ome as a gissl reading meiliiim and an ei|iiully gissl advertising proposition. The oltii iais of the Ell Bridge Company know what they xn- alsuit. as their ai'hlev* nii'iits in tin- manufsi'tiiring of nmiisi'nient devbes have proven. It m-ia'lons mv suri*ris4'. tlwrefore. to note file nnnie of fi. H. FIshhn.'b as islitor of The iiptimist. as Mr. Fishbni'h’s piibib ity tai'lb-s are already well known. W. E. Sullivan. K. .\. Toting ami Li-e .Y. Sullivan of the Eli Com|ian,». will nl.s<i help the new house organ abuig. and It Is pri-ilb'ied that ths young slus-t will live and ppeffs-r.


Ell Jeasop, last s,.ason with Ihe Ji'ss4i|> Max¬ well Shows, will N- assislated with K. G. Bar- k<H)t In the opiTalion of the K. G. Barkmit World's Greatest Shows the coining season. Mr. Piirkoot will bi- general manager and Mr. Jea¬ sop assistant manager. With these two am¬ bitious showmen '-Iwhiiid th*' gun'' the Barkoot Bhow's shi'uld lauiie o-it on top this


The I.. II. Rnnft Show, after a prospepni* season, has gone into unarters at Keiiliridge. Va. "The parapliernalia ia miw undergoing re-

' i>alrs. The show will lie a new one when il 1 ojiena early in Maish. new canvas having been

fiirniatieil by J. C. Goss. Two more wagons will be added to the outfit this season, and it la isissible that G. K. Ranft. father of .Manager lo II. Ranft, will be in advama-.


Wltti Ttiompson*s Scenic Railway, Old Vllll, Oance Hall, SRatlng Rink and All ttie Smaller Amusements.

Tliis Bark cuvcr.s nearly ciuhl iicrca and draws from over (>00.(100 |>o|)ii]ation, with no competition, with elegant building tt> install tank for

ice skating, the present-day criizt'. There i^ ;i fortnne waiting here for the man who some money and a thorough knowledge of the

Aimisenient Bsuk | roposiiion. For detailcil inforniiUion write at once. '^Exceptional Opportunity," care Billboard, Cincinnati, O.


58 Xtie Blllt>oard JANUARY 29. 1910.

Attention! Knife Board Men

Big PtockTin Handle Knives just received Olden can be promptly blled and shipped

Carnival Men! Novelties of All Kindt


Duaten, SIap[)en, Jap Crook Canes, Papet Hats, Blowouts, etc., Oas and Air Balloons and Sticks, Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Jewel Boxes, Haxon and Bevolvers, Walking Canes, Cigars, Chewing Oum, Hoopla Rings and Boxes, Pillow Tops, DoU^ Paddle Wlieels and l^rial Paddl^

OMslotu* SVmi

nwoWt raqvtnid on all C. O. O. orScn.



NATIONAL BILLBOOKS BPELL BATISFACTIOS EVERTWHCSE. Brats thk asswtualty ta sW a raal, llva srohia wliWi laiurtt taaraitiit WSSL



To iul7 4th trul ormtlnuw im N<Hhlnf M hi(h-ciAM Attrtrtlfwui cnimlitf^l. Mtto all In flnt IKUV. Acklfw 1H»U HsYTHaiT. Braid- wood. IlUnolt.


Muilrlana anil Prrfnnnrn, <'tmu I‘f<ipIf In all <la- partOMiiU; Uniat of wtann iihow mMiniiHa> (Irni pnS- erauw. CaiiilT tland and mher pnir11r(ia lo IK. MuW fumltli your own tram tnd wtaiti. A ei»<1 thins ta Uie lisht party. AiMrrat V K I.A MONT. .Salrtn. lU.

FOR LEASE OR BALE-I.n( of Hhnw 1‘niprrty. roo- tlallns o# Hand Wifoii, TlrkK Wasixi. Itnp Wistm. I Pony ('asm, 1 KtitlliSi earl. U t<4» INaiy Htmra^ 1 tKa Hrary llaniraa, tlxo Hnakr Hinm, inanpIKa— tmt, pit and banniTa. FXiaythltiE In smtl iraidlllaa and aultktde fur KntjB nr ranilrtl. Nnw tiiawd al (TayUm. Kan. Fitr irrmt tnd partlculart tildriaa F. J CAHTIJB. Norratur. Ktn , or 1 II. KHOaiC. Hirand Thratrr. Miirgantown, W. Va

PARTNER WANTED OwnK arnttuannit drrlnr. In nprrtilim S yrart. ptianl- n«it <Tilrasi> Park, waiitt ptrUirr to mtkp an In- Tratmnit •< ’nirty Brr lluinlml iNilltra tnd niaiias*- Htt alwaya Knnrn pniltt. tHriiar atiilt tlmr ta opctalr oihrr plarra Si>li«idlil Kitiira fiK lira wira

EXCNANOC SERVICE COMPANY, t2t MaatSatck Bulldlat. Wabaak 4i30. Cklaata

STYLE 125 WURLITZIR MILITARY BAND ORGAN roK HAI.K. with MnliT, In rxrl Aliap.'. ii'<»l a alnat whllr, Ik rnlla nf miirlr: rhiap If taki-ti at niiia M. T. lUt'KiaoN. TajloTTlIlr. IllUinla._

- FOR BALE - m^lT IIArW.VBB OF AIJ. KI.NOM for aala Kim*. AiMraa NKXI.Vtl MFri UO. IS3I FTrKnan Ara. (SnKnnkU. Oblo.

NATIO.NAL Laaibat BUUwoka artll sot yo« ramMi ahrra noUUiii rlar alU. .No. 251—T-I aanbinaOia BUlbook. In any color or sraln; prtcr 115.75 RW artat. Na 165—4-1 OantdiiaiUm HIlltkAar pKM 5I4.5S par rata WAKK TP TO YOUU tllTOS- Tr.NlTlKS WHILF. TIIKT AKF, HKHE. If yoo da not. TOP wlU br the tola lioK Saniplca of txAh amt for lOe. Irnra It Ull tomorrow, but DO IT NOW. IirpoKt rrqulrrd with rwy order.



Norrlty, curto, to jTtcilr drali?ra, agrtita. naltwma. dKDoaatrttorA. our Wmidrrful llna arc tnTn.Tiiloualy totrrcotlns, they ar* KUloa and aouritilra p».*l« fad proud at poaaraaln*

Th* conWlKr Lord'a Pravrr. oonaUllna or 65 aorda, or 154 iKicra. la aoruraiKy dlatr1t>uic»l orrr tht tiny turf area of ordliiarT-»U»d amall llnhrad*.

tMdnal Pin waa rxhlbltrd at fiira, cantlrala. da., and thouaanda paid a for to w IL

Tt'ink of tha aitraKloiiI Now you can rxhlbU tha Wundnful Pina fraa and aril them for 25c; you wlD nerd extra help to bandlr thr cttwila.

Bkrptlotlf Try them and br niiiTlnrcdl Hamplr Pin. 25c. I*artlrulani frrr.

FINE ARTS ENGRAVING CO. Das. B, Paylaa Blfs-._Bsakaaa. Wsak.

m Snit to ua will sK you tho beat h H Ml I Bv arlllns lairri (Titnsrablo Slsn. la ■ m m oak carrl frame, with orrr IM

mamrlnl iKiKa. It will rradUy aril fur 51 2.1 Piii-* prr doai-n. 54.l«,

1 I A dkn.t.T arlirr for full iw part tlma ^ CONVEX SIGN COMPANY,

Sal# Maaufacturara, 1(2 Nartk Daarbara Strart, Cbictsa, III.

The Real Money Maker


Send for Booklet. Onler at once. WM. H.OESTEULE AMUSEMENT CO,. Inc., North Beach, L. I.



Showmen and Society People From all Parts of East Attend—Cooke

Dines Circus Folk ^

One of the notable events on the Atlantic ? aealHiard this winter was the Winter Circus | presented by Frank P. SiHdlman under the aiispiees of Tempie. Notdi's of the Mystic Shrine, at Newark, N. J., last week in the First Uegiment Armory.

That the affair was tlioroucfhly up to ex¬ pectations is obvious from the fact of Mr. SiM-llm.'in's connectioD therewith. «

A more ideal place than the armory could i not have been secured and a better, more evenly 1 haliiiiced and satisfying circus |>erformanc« c could not have lieen assembled. Mr. Spellman's I master hand was everywhere discemable and 3 the affair proved a fau^ Bnancial as well as t an artistic auccesa. Ttie various acta offered 1 were classy and diversified, amony: them betns I such wcll-knowm cirrus act# as Dallle Julian. * Mary Connors, .Mile. Spetlman'a Hears, Jack < Wamer'a Stalllooa, Mlsa Robbins' Hieh School Horses, the Hantey Brothers with their “Hu¬ man Propeller" at^al novelty, the Llnu Fons Lee Troui>e, the Thalma Japanese Troupe, Oov. Frank A. RoWdns' Klephants, The Wertx i Troupe. The Slayman AH Aralsi. Powell and , Rismey, Nervo and many others. The Ijed- , setts' English Cart act. by virtue of Its ex- , treme artistry. Is entitled to special mention. i

Al T. Hidstcin is entitled to much credit for the sDKMith ruuninx of the allow, aa deapite Its mnxnitude and the xreen help the [lerfonn- ance propressed without a hitch.

Anionx the showmen who visited the show during the week were Ixuiis E. Cooke, Frank A. Roliblns. Pat Casey, Arthnr Voigtlln, former director of the New York Hippodrome; William J. Wilson, spectacular proitucer. Among other diatlnguiahtHl visitors were Miss Anne Morgan, Dr. Martin J. Potter, Governor Fielder of New Jersey. George IlarticR and Herman Rehbom, representing l.u I.u Temple, Mystic Shrine of Phlladeliihla. and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ferris. Idirue numbers from New York City Journeyed to Newark every niglit to see tlie performance.


On Thursday night, January 20. Colonel Louis E. Cooke played iMwt to a score of showfolk from tlie Spellman Circus at his WeL the Con¬ tinental. It waa a happy reunion with con¬ gratulations flying from one side of the table to the other. The. Colonel praised Salaam Temple for holding tlie circus, and Mr. Spellman for bringing to the city an up-to-date performance. Both Mr. C4M>ke and F'rank A. Robbins declared the circus to be the finest winter event they had ever witnessed.

Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Spell- tnan, Mr. and &Irs. F'rank A. Rrdibins, Miag Winnie Robblne, E. 8. Brill, bandmaster of the show'; Thurston low Is. exalted ruler of the Watertown (N. Y'.i Elks; Mr. and Mrs. Chat Wertx. Mr. and Mrs. Fred loilgett, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gorman. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jordan, Toto Sicgrlst, Miss Mary Connors, James Silbon, Ge>.rge Eclair, Clara Grow, Steve Miaco, “Doc'' Ke«‘ne, Edwant FiiHer, Geor.;e Hartxell of l.uln Temple. Plilladelphia; FMwin S. F'ancher. poten¬ tate of Salaam Temple; Adolph J. P. Pionnie. musician of Salaam 'Temple, and FVank A. Champlain.


Prank Johnson, oldtlnie showrman and come¬ dian. passed away on January 13 at his home In Council Bluffs. la., where he had been con¬ fined to his bed for a number of years, battling with tuberculosis. The funeral servlcea were held on FYiday afternoon, January 14, and the b'-dy laid at rest in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Neb. The pallbearers consisted of six oldtime come¬ dians who worked with the deceased at vari¬ ous times, as follows: Jimmy Doyle. Jack Mc¬ Kenna, William I'ainter. Dan Keating (former¬ ly of Goodwin and Keating, many years with the Ringling Rrotliers' Clrcusi, Bernard Can- canon and Harvey Ilohart (manager of The Gate (it.v Theatrical Exchange, Omaha).

Many friends remember Mr. Johnson as a combined medicine doctor, and a man who In the old days could make a complete change every night for two straight weeks. He was at one time clown with the Sells-Kloto Clrcue. 'The deceased and F^d Rothe, burlesque come¬ dian; FVank Wakefield, Dan Keating and Jimmy Bussell grew up on the boards together.

Grand Opera House will have one dark Sunday night in February and this night will lie liooked for Gosiivy's benefit. Several acts already have vcilunti-erod their servli-es.


Joe Lewis, the TIddlsher cowboy, who has been with Sillier Brothers and Arlington's Ibl Rauch SIhjw for the past five seasons, will Join out with the RingUng Brothers’ Circus for this year. The comedian and clown hails from Dll Has, Texns, where he Is now o|>erating a cigar store.


Jim H. Rutherford, foniier assistant manager and press rv-pres<>ntatire of the Miles Theater, lit Detroit, has been made manager of the Triangle, a motion picture house in th“ same city. Rutherford has lie«-n in the show business practleally all of his life. F'or the past fifteen years he has produced the big clown numbera with the Barnnm A Bailey. RIngling Krothera, Hagenbeck-Wallaee and Sells-Floto Shows. Dnr- ing his seven months in Detroit he has gained an excellent reputation as a publicity man and a world of friends in the amusement business.


Chicago. Jan. 22.—Al G. 0«m|>heU and James W. Beattie were in St. Ix>uls. Mo., last week and purchased a combination sleeping and dining oar which will tie ship|>e«l down to San Antonio, where the entire show Is now Ndng put In shape under Mr. Camplxdrs direction. Mr.

FVaiik Nviethen, showman, la alai> In the same iKwpital. lie was formerly with the Hagenbeck Wallace StK>w, They are located at 4S33 Vallejo 8lre«-t.


Open Preliminary Season of Six Weeks at Corpus Christi, Tex.

The Great Wortham Shows. C. A. Wortham’a new camtval cv'miuny, ojiened a preliminary season of six weeks at Coiqius Christi, Tex.. Monday. January 17, for the Midwinter Fair and E\iH>sltion. to a Mg attendam-e. The ag gn-gatlon isuisists of slxtis-n cars, twelve shows end thirty i-oncesslons. All of the shows are eltlier new or freshly painted, and the outfit is a credit to Mr. Wortham's name.

Walter F’. Stanley has been engaged to man age tlie organixatlon. and Is suirtmuded by the following lieutenants; Vi. IL (BUI) Rice, gen eval agent; Harry B. I*otter. special contracting agent; Plain Dave Morris and L. C. Beckwith, promoters, making a staff that the Little Giant ennbe proud of. "r. Morthnm has made a great name for Mm

s*df In the past few years through bla clean attractions and legitimate crmcesslons and fair and square treatment with all aospli'ea. He Is one of the moat progressive sbosrmen In the game today, and The Blllboanl has Its fi-st complaint to come from anylssly about unfair treatment ns-elved at the hands of the Little Giant.

He ts now hnsUy engaged framing new shows for the C. A. Wortham Shows, which will open the si-ason at the Rattle of Flowera In San

The Billboard’s


will be the most valuable anthology of important and useful information for oarnival, circus, park, fair, pier, summer gwden and rink managers that we have ever contributed to the litera¬ ture of outdoor amuscHiMits.

It will be a reference guide consulted almost daily throughout the entire sei^on, and inde.xed copies containing also 32 pages of blank paper for memoranda, bound in leather, may be had for S2.00 each (cash with order) if application is re¬ ceived prior to March 1.

The price on the stands, with beautiful cover lithographed in eight printings on e.xtra tough manila paper, will be 15 cents each.

It will be the largest special issue that we have ever brought out, viz., 218 pages—possibly more.

It will have the widest circulation of any special number we have ever issued—not less than 56,000 copies.

The rates for advertisements will not be increased, but no preference in the matter of position can be granted after


Chicago, Jan. 20.—George McMaatera, well- known aide-show manager, left for New Orleana last evening, from which point he will aall on Febru.iry 5 for Port Limon, Coata Rica. Mr. McMaatera will Join the Shipp tc Feltna Shows at Coata Rica, and have charge of one of the slde-ahowa. Quite a number of good acts are expected to Join the show this year, and among othera are The Riding Crandells.

Ship A Feltua will tour all the central conn- triea.

Frank Alberts, who haa been showing The Tribune War Pictures in Cuba, will also go to Costa Rica.


Chicago, Jan. 22.—R. Z. Orton, of Orton Broa.’ Cirena, has Just purchaaed Hero, one of the largest, if not the largeat, elepbanta In America. He la 10 feet 8 Inchea high, and so big tliat he can not be shipped In an ordinary elephant car. ao Orton Rroa. are having a a|>ecinl car built for him. They also purchased an elephant from Wm. P. Hall.

They have bought a atrip of land on the right- of-way of the Chicago, Milwankee A St. Paul road, and are having a aide track built.


Kanana City. Mo.. Jan. 21.—A meeting of showmen who are wintering in Kansas City and several who formerly weep connected with the “big ton.’’ waa held Tneaday night at the Centropiil'a Hotel In the Interest of a benefit which la to lie given to C. J. Ooaney, an old clrcna man now In Kansas City.

A committee on arrancementa waa named and one or entertainment. It la niwlerstood that the

Beattie will remain In Cbicagn, where he baa beadquartera at .>IC Crilly Building, until F'eb- ruary 1. He leavi-a for San Antonio on that date for the op<‘nlng of the show, whhh will be about March 1. They will put out a two- car circus and Wild West, making one-day atanda. F'riends here are all wishing them well In the venture.



The coming of New Year and the exit of John Barleycorn seem to have brought a touch of prosperity never before felt In Denver. The thea¬ ters are doing tremendous business, and It It a common sight to see hundreds of people lined np in the streets seeking admlsalon to their favorite show bouses.

The most popular Inn keepers have turned their cafes Into soft-drink em|ioriums, and it la c<^m- mon to see the ladles with their feet on the deadly third rail calling for a Bill Sunday Cock¬ tail. All the up town cafes have retain*^ their entertainers, and one may hear the latest songs while sipping a coca-cola.

The winter quarters of fhe Sella-noto Show look like a lar-e foundry. Everyttilng la hustle and bustle getting the show ready for Ita apring or>enlng.

Happy Holmes, the well known showman, who la here in a ho«|iltaI. Is lmprf)vlng. Me la hungry for newa of hla thouaamla of friends throughout the alK,w world, and would ta- glad to have tliem send i>apera and taa.ka that would help him and his comrades to while away their time.

When t)ie weather is p«-rmlaBlble Mafipy cornea to the city to visit bis frieo'la, who are legion.

Antonio, where the outfit la In winter qoarters. Isiula 0>rt)ele la auperintendlng the eonatmetion of the attractions, whllr Charles Kidder la in charge of the fronts and wagons, and Jack Rhrales la remodeling F.ackmann'a Animal Show front. The C. A. Wortham Shows will be man¬ age,] by A. A. 1‘owera the coming aeaaon.


Take Out an Indoor Circus

SteutM-nville, (».. Jan. 21.—The LInIger Bros. A O'Wesney Clrciia exhibited at the Victoria T1 eater here the last half of last week, under the auapl(-ea of the Eagles, and made a hit. '1 he entrante to the houae waa ao arranged that It had the a|>|M-aranee of a “big top’’ entrance. With twenty-five |a-ople, thirty five bead of at(K-k, a real aawdiiat ring and fine stage set tings a genuine |M-rfonuanee was given. Ten Jo,-ya furnished nuieb merriment. The ahow. wlilcb la owned by Paul LInIger and Ray O’WeHney, la at Martina Ferry, ()., tills week.


Cbleago, Jan. 22.—A. P. Day, well known authority on Wild West and Fnmtler Day cele- bratloria, arriveil fnno Medlelne Mat last week, and, aceomiianied by Callfcmla Frank (Col. C. F. Mafieyt, waa a ealler at The RIIIlKiard of flee. While notlilng definite waa given out. It la underatiaal that something la brewing iM-tween Mr. Day and California F'rank, and details may lie balked for at any time.


JANUARY 29, 1916.

W. T. HANRIGHT, (i«U. MkhBKCt.

FRANK KANAK, 8®e’y 4 TreMurej.

U. STARK. President

COUP AND LENT’S ART ELDRIDGE, Genenl Superintendent.

F. C. COOPER, Advance Manacer


WANTED FORXOMING SEASON —Otrcua People in all lines, Riders with own Stock, Big Feature Acts, Animal Acts, Aerial and Acrobatic Acts, Japa¬ nese Troi^ea, Mule Hurdle Riders, in fact anything and everything germane to this branch of amusement, including Legal Adjuster. WANTED FOR CONCERT—Wild NVest People and Novelties. Arizona Joe, write. Wanted—A-1 Band Leaders for three bands; must be experienced Circus Band Masters. Also Musicians on all instruments. Wanted—Producing Clowns who can stage comedy creations. WANTED FOR SIDE SHOW—Freaks, Novelties and Wonders, Colored Band and Minstrel Show. Can place two Calliope Pla^rs, Bos* Butcher, also Man for Privilege Car, Butchers and Ticket Sellers, Bosses and Workingmen for each department. Unequaled accommodations. FOR THE ADVANCE—Car Managers, Lo^ Contractors, Press AgfiAts, Brigade Manager, Checker-up, Route Rider. IMPORTANT—Want the fastest Billposters in circus business, Lithogra^ers and Bannermeo; must be mr workers. Will pay highest scale for competent, reliable men. Bosses and Workingmen address ART ELDRIDGE, Cadar Rapids, Iowa. Advance People write F. C. COOPER, 924 Consumaro Bldg., Chicago, III. All others address W. T. HANRIGHT, Mgr., Cedar Rapida, Iowa.



Pittsburg Fightsr, Matchsd With Wil- Isrd, Figured at Excsilsnt Drawing

Card. Wichita, Kan., April 29, Reported Opening Stand

Chlinso, Jun. 22.—to iDformstlon rv<->-lrr.| h<-rv, apiMirFntlr from so ■otbrntir M'Ur.f, Knink Moran, wbo la practlrally niatolKM lo lurrt Jraa Wlllartl for the brary- wrlght rhaniplonahlp, baa brrn rnsagrd by tba 101 Um'-b Wild Weal aa a fratorv attrartioo for tlir <x>iiilnc arawiD. and that the abow will oprn In Wli'lilta. Kao.. April 30

Intrrv.t nr«UM-d thn>osb<'Ut the roantry by tbr pulilO'lty Ki'cD tbr I’lltabors fighter by iraMio of biH two koorkout tlrtorlra orar Jlin Cofft-y. and l>y tbr fart that hr la looked D|m>o ar a mrlona rtiotrDdrr for Wlllard'a title, will. It U thongbt. make him an eicellent drawlns <-ard. partl<-ularly ao abonld the bout writb U’lllard materiallxe and Moran make a good alHiwIng. or |MHw>ll,ly dr feat the rbamplon.

KdwanI .krllngtnn la rn-dlted with baring pat thn-igh the ileal for Morao'a aerrlrea. In rldenllj, lb ronneotlon with Mr. Arlington, it la rv|>ort-il he.-e that be baa been engageil by H. 11 Tammon. of the Sella Kioto Showa. In an adrtaory raiwrlty. particularly In muting and railroading the ahow, for whleh. it la aald. an Ra.tem '■anipalgn la lielng planned. Kurth-r re|>ort« mg.inllng Arllngtnn'a aetlritlea hare It that h- haa been engfigini by Col W K. Cody iBuffalo null to handle the adianre of the ahow Colonel CimIt rlaima he will put oot the n-nilng seaaon. The general In preaalon here la that Colonel Cody rontemplatea ttklng over the 10| Ram h Show e<|iilpment and nrganiratlon In It.i entirely, and that th» Miller hmthera will retire from the field for the time being.

In either rare Mr. .Arlington. It would aeein. a III take an aetlre part ir mating two al.nwa the coming aeaaon. not a alnecnre by any meana. and a combination preaentlng In •urmoiintaldc dllfii'ultlea to a leaa capable and tiperleoi'e,! man.



Frank Rlaarer. N tier known with the Ramnm. Rlngllng and >Valla<'e ahow buDoh aa Broom King Frank, la |oeate<l at I.^wrence, Maaa., and Beit aea^am he la going to foraake the carnival Bit the clr’iia oni'e more. He la now doing two acta, but atlll hanga on to hla old atandby, nanafacturing a wblak lir<a>m at every per fomiance.. Ue haa dlaearded hla Yankee Whittier.

Harry Hnghea, laat aeaaon with the Wallace Show Band, and the writer of aeveral marcher that are real, la liM-ate<l nU-ely In a fiat at ll.vverlilll. Mnaa., and Ir playing trap dnima In a theater orcliertra. He Ir going out again neit aprlng. but nniler a new lea<ler.

Joe Kelly, Nisa pmiw with all of the Kartem and a giNMl many of the Weaiem ahowa, la up I

at I’rovIdciwe, It I. He will be hack with the Sp.'irkr siiowr In the rpring. He occaalonally berm frv>nfi iJi'orge Singleton, wbo Ir at hir bottle In Ith ale Irlaml. Ceorge, by the way, leatea rhortly for the South, where he will once more flt out the Ja-k O'ltrlen Colored Mlnatrel Slioira.

Kp at Madera. Pa.. Heorge M Miller har atoroil away hIr tent ahow and la taking thlfga ea.y thir winter. Ciairge for the part five yearn har taa-n ninnlng a vaudeville ahow and making gi«.l Yearr ago he vaa with old Cncle Tom tinder eanvaa. ami war with a ahow In M.vryland that mlared a dale, aa the agent aald. 'N-caiiw* the goa a ale up all the bannem he

PJii np and the ftdVa didn't know when the alo w war coming.'*

• ieliltig a Utile farther Weat we find, at Koanoke Va.. Harry Mitchell, playing hla long mo<hd King In the beat picture palace In the r>ilf' *" * *'*" part ler, Jimmie Flannery, out In ChIcaao. taking lorrona with a notetl Inatructor on the Hattie Inatninient. Jimnile'a addreoa la Bil'l Imllm'i avenue.

BUI XIotrIck la In ZaneavUle. O.. for a while, and glvoa out the Inforniallon that he la thnnigh mHipliig for fh,* preront at leaat. He will not b*‘ ellh the Hagcnbeck Wallace Show, aa ru tnori-d

BUI I.Ill nr, the woll known circua mnriclan. la ■ In /an.iHt III-., but la off the mad for goo,l. • r he ha. hir id.l tidi bark with the I’ennay, and ” •’*'l'cr than jainmlng.

•" Col. (',1 Towriw (leorge Irving la the fdilert ride rhow manager In the bnrineaa and ir Htiii |„ ,|,e hamera with the Park * BrnVr Show. Cid. Towera la at hla home In Miircntlne. li,.. but will be back with Sparka In the rpring

'Miat do y<iii riippoae Joe Fdwanla Ir doing* Yer rir. he Ir running a vaiidevUle and medicine •111 w out In Oklahoiiia and getting away with It

»"y« It Iwatr Mdllng Punch whirllra. but he geir lonewinie out there In the atli-kr How •“'er. like the late C<d Miillx'rry S^dlerr. Joe IMiiVr ■'|lii>re In mllllonr In It.'* In metllcine. I D'rrn

Jlm^ Carkey. who baa the ti*p with the Robln- •on Show, la working for the American Ripreaa ■n Cincinnati, and will be back with Bart

Hawera In tba aprlng. Hla aaalataDt, "Curley'' Bagley, paaaed through Saliabury aeveral daya ago, and la oa tbe road fur a lanmlry firm, Banufartarera of patent laundry baaketa. He waa laat baard o' In Baltimore. Jlm'a atake and cbalB man. Red Riley, in at bla old Job, wood working, out at tbe Sparka winter quar- tera.

A good old-timer, fotmer circua and high pitch man, to ray nothing of murical cometly atar, J. Frank Ileatbcoi. baa fallen into great luck thia new year, lor the part three yearn he baa been aalea mi nager for the American Tobacco Company, but atartlng with the first of tbe month be becomea trareling advertiang manager and aaleHiiian fur a big Chattanmnra (Tenn.) medicine company at a big salary. Frank la a bortler, rnil has made giHMl rince be quit tbe show burlucaa for tbe advertising line.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Sparka are at borne In Saliabury after a pleasant .Northern trip. They were In New York for a week, ti-king In the theaters, and sp,-nt Chrlrtmas at Hast Brady. Pa. Clifton is now In charge of the winter qnartera and looking after the shows' Interest dating the absence of hla uncle, Charles Sparks.

A New Tea. resolution: I will start stiving iny kale neit season the first week. How often, Ob, how often, have you said it?

Cly<l«, for tbe World at Home, and W. H. (Bill) Rlee, for Wortham and tbe Bubmaiine. Agenta booklnz acta Inclmled Fred Barnes, Ed Carrutbera. Ethel Robinson and Charles Marab. They didn't travel In a body, but stopped at different hotels, sod came and went by different tralna.



For this week's letter It might be well to call the attention of COMA'S membership to the following:

"Dun’s says requirements are so eitenalye that pisslaettve and transportation facilities continue inade<|nate to meet current demantls. Congestion of freight still prevails at the aea- boabl, anil, tb<High railroads have made addl tions to rolling stock, domestic deliveries are in cretisiligly difficult.

"This comlition temls to fnrtlier enhance the cost of coiunKsIltles, while inilnstrial expansion is checked at several pointa through inability to <d>taln raw materials. Except in Isolated cases there Is no evidence that high prices are as yet lessening consumption, ami it ia sig


Th# trtM'TnrvinTinir •him^ U.tlph Srulth’9 IV^ Kirri^ whit!, wi the Ktrarl Show4. Bt'- dtVai tht4 Ualph hR* hu oiMiiAtl m thf trii'k. Tht* a;r «thiih atK»tit hin riitoM ciw* trihutM larg-iji u> ht* in thi* plcttuf ar.' Ilirrv ^ M ‘x*r»' ai it Jvt H-rlitri, inHrat4»rA.


63,400 To Be Distributed to Old Em¬ ployees of Two Bills Show

The bankruptcy cmirt In Nrw Jersey last week deelaretl a ilivltlend of alsntt f.'l.i'k* in fa'or of the former employees of the BiilTiiio BUI Pawnee BUI Shows, which went bankrupt In IVnver In July. IlH't. Tlic money Is In tin- hamls of Altormya liarwissl and (iarwissl, of IVnver.

The ilalnis of the old einployt'es fur salarb-s ami wages. It Is ssld. segregate slsnit

I.aN'r elaliiis sre prefeire'l elaliiis In a bank- niptey taoirt. and It l« e\is>eled that a siaa'lid and |sThB|>s a thlnl dl'idemi may Is' piibl.


Minneapolis, Minn., Jsn. 23.—C.srnIrsI agents and promoleni have bs'en pa«s ng tlmvigh the Twin Cities to amt from Regina for the meeting of Western Cana<la Fair Managers. They In elmbsl Harry Noyes, of the tlreat Patterson Shows; Big Steve .1. W.ssIs. for Wortham: Herbert Kline, fur Johnny J<'a'-s: Jamea T.

nllleanl the prevailing disposition is still to coiitr.act ahead.

"Many traveling salesmen are sending In larger onbTs than iistial. and In some sections, notably In tho Smthwest, forward business Is develoidng with exivpflonal rapitllfy. This ms only Indicates depleusl merchamlise stocks In vlistribiilliig channels, but al»o affords tsmylm*- lug prts'f of general '•onlldence In the future. All signs isdnt lo a very active spring traile. I arger exiw'nditures by the peotile are reftectml in steadily Improving mercantile i-ollections and the number of failures dlmiuUhe<l. the com¬ mercial mortality bv'lng much lighter than a year ago. Without exception linisirtant sta¬ tistical recorvls make highly gratifying com- parls,>ns with those of earlier iterUsIs.

"Weekly bank clearings. $,’l.ll67.!*6rt,.T44.” On lop of the aNue report we have the rail¬

roads howling for Increaseil rates from show- men ami others. They say they dsvn't want show business because we have our own i-ara ami It’s "pick up" money. Is It tme?

Send In your aptdlcath'n to tbe secretary. Niilsen BiilMliig. St. Ia'uIs, Mo.

William Stehiey, wbo was closed np In Phila¬ delphia. has gone to WUkee Barre to open a ■tore show.

STOCK AND REPERTORY NOTES (Continued from page 14)

drove tbe whole company back to Kansas City, where tbe show disbanded.

TIm* Ralnbrldgc Players, In Minneapolis, Minn.,

will protluce, next month, a farce by CbariM

Sumner and Harry Begull, called Officer, Call a

Cop. It was this organlaatlon that originally

produced Cburles Stimner'a drama, Tbe Natural Law.

Tbe Broadway Comedy Company o|M>ned tba season January 10, at Kalidu, U., playing three- nlgbt stands Business has hs-en good thus far. Tbe memberw of tbe company Include Q. U. BriM'kway, manager; Mrs. Krockwuy, se<Tetary

and treasurer; L. I). Klwsles, leads; Haxel Ulf- fen. Ingenue; ilus Ds-liiiont, character comedian;

Anetta latvella. eharucters; Betty Bntwn, Juna

Wadsworth and I)el>nwe and Cartwright.

Tbe Chea'er Keyes Stock Company, which registeretl a ssdht bit In ZanesvlUe, (i.. last week, in Freckles, n-eently came North from Texas in which State Mr. keyes bud been filling

engagements for the past several months. Tba Keyes roDi|>any bolds a record for permanent stock in Wichita. Kan., having played thirty- five ne«‘ks In that city. Spei-lul scenery la

carrletl for each bill.


Zanesville, U.. Jan. 21 —The Chet Keyes

Stock Company, nnder the manugenient of Chet Keyes. i.-ored a big hit at the Orpheuiu Theater here In Freckles. Ralph Menxing. as the timber

thief, was g<ssi, and Forest Siuilli vvas notlca- ahle In bis work as Dnn<-au. Mrs. Itiirtoii Keyea,

us Mrs. Dnnean, playeil the character role ad- Oiirably, and Ruby DeFerras was exi-r-llent aa the Bird Wonmn. Chet Keyes ap|M-ared In tha

title role, and did his part in a nnstt erevlltabla manner, winning applause throughout the per- formam-e. W. K. Hack and Pearl Siimmeta were very goml in their roles, ami the balanca of the east was eomniendahle. .Miss Keyea, leading lady of the eonipany, has been nnabl* to api>ear because of Illness.

A birthday party was given last Monday night In honor of Miss Ganelle Keeton, at which tba entire company anil a reprc-wnfiitive of Tba

Fillboiird were pr»-s»'nt.

THE CORRAL (Continuetl from page 23.)

poi-kets' was hn'sking horses in IV-nver. Wonid like to know if same HighisM-keis’ ' real name Is i)iin Payne. I knew Orin Payne well, and w-h,n last heanl of by me he was riding broiiehoa at tbe fairs in Kentucky in I'.llO. Mr. Payne was for-nerly a eowpuiieher in Texas. Ills mother was a full bli isled Cherokee: his father a iHitiy expres.s rider in the early days. I would like very nueh to h-ar fr< m Mr. Payne. 1 am a constant r-ader of The Itilllioaril and think yonr Wild West department Is a great thing for tlie folks in the game."—F. K. Smith. Evans- ville. Iml

SAGE SAYINGS (Contlnueil from page 23.)

worked on various outfits in that State, Mtvll- tana and around Comas, Idaho. (No. .vou Jer¬ sey cowboys, I did not help to hang Steve' la The Virginian, m>r 'Pertina' In The Round-Up. 1 left that for Tex. C'sqier to do. I .Vlso wish to s(ieak at right auglt-s with Bee Ho Gray, for my exiterleiiee has be«*n ilirectly <q>;s>s:te to that of his. I have always had g<ssl grub and plenty of It with any cow onttll which 1 ever nsle, but with all uiy Wild Weat show experience, which rovera a term of seven years, the worst and stingiest feed I ever got was with a Wild West wagon ahow. I have been through the mill (m>t cotton, but all w sd, and a yard wide). I come from a real State, and am throwing It straight and I can tell .you right here. Bee Ho. you can take the show business and I'll take the range work for mine, or else stay In Ch.xrles .khlrlilges 'Wl'rt Fa«t.' I wantevl to go to New York the other week, but after reading AMrIdge's experience among tha various outlaws who Inhahlt certain parts of that range ami, having lost my 4.1 to ’Heart-shot Jimmie' of 3U(lth, was rea'ly afraid to ride over the line, ffo I am semling th's letter by pony express (the way they carry the malls mvwadaxs) t,' Cincinnati. Two of the fnnnb-st things I ever saw: Tex. Cooper acting 'Sage¬ brush Charlie' at the I yceum Thea'er. Detroit. NoTcmber 'J'J. 1!>14. ami a lost Jackass In the desert. iThe lost Incident I saw In a moving picture film.) Would like to hear f-om G.d> Castle: slso Art IVsIen. Mall, care The BIU- boanl, will reach me.”

60 T ti e Billboard JANUARY 29. 1916.

lliTberB. Mensie IlHrriiiHun Anna Herz.\g, Della •lle«s« Sisters Hobbs, M:izie D. •Hoey. Kittle


(*«fiis, Mrs. J.tck ' .liner. Mr*. Mlnnl* Talks. Margaret Tarker. .Mrs. Hertnulo Tarlow Sisters Tarmtt. Lillian • ••Tase. Danzell •Taul. Kthel •Ta.vne, Mrs. Jaek duct our letter service in the various H<H>i>er. Frances 'Ta.vne, Mrs.

branch offices of The Billboard. When iiotohkiss. Mrs. Frank T.-arce. H. »/nii vA/rit* fnr aHuerticeH mall it will Houser. Klir.abetll T. lliaiu, I na you write for advertised mail it will Houser. Klir.abeth

eliminate delay and confusion if you uabbitt will write to the office wherein mail is Howard', tietngie being held, following this index: Mail 'Howard. .Marcella in this list with no stars, letter or char- Howze. Fannie

acter before the name is being held in liia ■the Cincinnati office; one star (•) be- Hulison! i.aura 'fore the name indicates that mail is Hughe*. Freda being held in New York office; two ingle. Flo

stars (*"') indicate Chicago office; three stars (♦♦♦) indicate St. Louis office, janice. Mrs. Mav and the letter S before your name, thus jaunes, Mrs. w.'a. (S), indicates San Francisco office. Jeanet. Delia

YOUR MAIL will be forwarded .. . speedily, surely and without cost to johS^n. M^! Jay' you if you follow the above instruc- Johnson. Mrs. luchei tions. Write your name and address Jones, iK.n

plainly to avoid losing mail. Have V".**'’*’ V.’*”''?'i,. your mail address^ in our care, and joung!’Mr^ F.n. keep us supplied with your route. Kelly,’ U. '

ADVERTISED mail in this issue was K«nne<iy. Ethel uncalled for at our offices up to last Kemer, Hattie

Sunday morning. All requests must kJ bo signed by addressee. King, itnth

' Stanley, Mrs. iVt .-.lanley. \ era •Sica ns, H.den Stearns. Mrs. F. H Stewart. Maniniii- I.. •Stewart. Flaudia .still. Hah* Stone. Mrs. H. J Mliliy. Knielle "•Sudiil. Lillian .Sutherland. Jcs-b

llerinail. .Mos«* Iternard 'Irio T.i rnard, \V. N. llerry, Iks* Jitu Kerry, Lester Kcttitiger. l«iw relic, Keycrstetll. Kert .\. T.lanchl, Nick T.Ickhart, F. 1. tUcknell. .Mr. •Ki.'low \ Hah In

•Tcuuy, Heat rice Thelps, Fjydie Tierson, Vena Tisde. Hector Totter, Aerial T..well. .Mrs. Alln-rt Trieilell, Ixmlse Kay. Mabel Itc'd, Mr*. U,4>t. lieid. Alma llbisia, Helen Klusles. I.rella Itlce. Mrs. Fred K. lllver*. Wanda •U. M. K., Miss Uolterts. Blanche, Show l!<d>erts, Babie Marie O.binson. .Mrs. Maud

Rogers, I.ietaiiha Rogers. Mrs. Stella Rohrnioser, Mr*. Heo.

• isi-buali, Anna Ross. Marie K union, Ullie

Swintiire. Mrs. Win II •Kigiiey, l'harb*y

UutherfoDl. Mrs. LaIIi.t Webb, .Mr

1 11} lor. Jessie 'TiiiKyck, .Mr*. W. I'errcsa. Bab I t;onias, .Mrs. \. R. riioinas, Mrs. Hiissle Tlioinus, Hrace "Thiaiipson Mrs •"Tisld. Edna Trsry. Fora Trixey. Mrs, .lollA Vau. Mr*. Isaliel 0.» Van Fleet. MalKd'.e "Valiett. Floisnc- ■* Vernon, Lillian •Vernon, l►orthc Verona, Millie Vivian. .Mina F Wall. Mrs. Virginia Walton. Mrs. Kdlth Washington, N,-rah Watson. Mrs. \ cr'ia Watson. Benlah v\ atsoii. Mis. Lttle

Paroals in Cincinnati, Chi-! eago and St. Louis offices and amounts duel Bayrooty Broa., 8c Berry. Ifllee, 2o Carroll, R. Q.. IBc Clifford. J. J.. Tc Dale. Roy, 4c Esla. Joa, 2r

Ford. Thoa. W.. 8e Gardiner, J. Arthur Tollock. Ernest M., ho Strong. Mr. A Mrs.

/.enor. I... ‘Je Elble C. ♦. r.sMar. Ad

Kerns. Mi>. W L, Kins, Tearl King, Ruth Kintosky. Margarette •Kline. Malsd Kohler. Mrs. Bessie I.aBlanche Flosscy •To, Burr. Margcne "IjOlnire. t»iio l.aFonia, Mrs. Chaa LaCrandall MU*.'*re. Marie •I aF-ance, Kab.v Liiiiii:i

LADIES’ LIST. Abney, Mrs. Julia •Adair, ilrs. John •Aaama. May Adam*. Etta Adams, Florence Ahem, Mrs. Wm. Alabaugb, Mr*. Chaa. Aldred, Marlon Aldrlck, Blanche Alexander, Rnbell Allen. Maa •Aliiuiat, Nellie Audrewa, Mr*. Silvia \rioi* Fhlllpptna •A«hton, Beatrice Aakew, Mr*. George •Athena, Princeaa ••.Ayer, Julie B. •Baldwin. Tilly Baldwin, Nell Banu. Anita •Burnulio, Maria •Bamee, Flora Barnett, Mrs. NelUa Bellmont, Mand Belmont, M ra. Pearl •Belmonte. Arline •Ben, Mabel Bennett, Mr*. Frank M. ••Bennetle. Byllye Borlier, K<s.e Berger, Mrs. C. P. Beruett, Grace

I'iiys, Elizabeth DeField*. Babe l>el.eon, Jesse • ••li.-L.s.n, Jessie DcMe, Shirley DeMello, Mildred I'cVeaui Mrs. Chiis DeVere, Billie heVere, Marie •••DeVoare. Ruth I >1 y oung, l^a trie* Ik an. Rose Decker. Mrs. Pneisla IkTiiberger, .Mrs. A1 Dickson. Mrs. Etta

•Lnltet, Sadie t.a Rose, Mrs. Iasi t.aRue, Babe I nStnr. Boiiits •••Laeey. Mr*. F C 1 anibe. Jan* I-Hiicastcr. Elsie l..andis, Mrs. Billie I.ange. Juliette 141 lit her. Mrs. 1’ J lAvine. Madam (SH.awrciice. Kitt.v •Lawrence Sisters T,*wrenee. -Mrs. Gnoer Ia*Groli. Fharlotte I.edgett. Mrs. Fred Felest* lee, Dixie la^e Miss I Mind Read -i

-Zanders. Mrs. <;«-•. H. Sanfonl. Mrs. W.alter Sanger, .Aiiiia 'Sarvarea. Mrs. Schaffer. .Annie s, hlagel. Julia Scliis-ne Mrs Win s. hiil...ri Klsie schuuian, Kate Schuster. Mrs. Milt •S<-ott. Agnes Seaman. Mrs. J. M Scars Daisv ■Sears. Zelila Silbiiii. I.aila

Shafer. Bessie •Shaffers. Lillyan Shiiesi'. Mrs. liliiicr ■Siegrist Klon'iii'e Silverlon. Ma.vine ii slater. Gem Sliuh Miss M i: Smith. .Mrs. R. \\ ’•Smith. M:irgi-ritc Smith, fkdiy •Smltiison, Jessie Sn.vder. Mrs Marg e Scia. Mario Soinherl.iinl Mrs siMMii'er. Mrs Fsili.r Stanley. Malsd

Siaiiley Midge

Wci.bci. Ada \\ ehlier, Bessie Webla-r. Mamie V Wederman Iin/ Weis. Helen ••Wenoiia, I’riiices- West. Helen V West. France* Weston, Ftt'el

Wlilddeli Mat. 1 Wtiite. Mrs. .Minnie •Whitney, Miss Wi.' 'cm inn M ■ ' 1 >ic Wiggins. Mrs .1 H

i W i;iif.l.. lli ! Williams. Patsy

VVilliaiiiH Ik.llie Itiiont Miss 1!

I VV ilsoti Mrs .I.s T.

Kilhro. K. H. T.ill. Nebraska Kinghani A Gnhle Klnl, Harry M. Kishop, Jack Kistoltl. Prof. Klackliiirn. Gia>. W

Kla. kford, Fharb-s'knian. tiny Klacks Minst*. •Klalr. Walter Klake. Edward K. Kledsoe Aniu*e. Fo. Klesslug, L. G.

Klinii. Holbrook Kllnn, Tom Klish A Icgan KIoikIIu. Kob A Daisy Kliie, Fha*. Kllle} Itliiey lioger, laither T..N.tli. Fbarles Tsm.IIi. R. j. ♦•K.h-IZ, i.eo ••Kosuoik. H

T-.iirke. J E, T...weii. Gov. Kowers Slitiw T...wtiian Kilty Kowmau. W. B. iPeg) Ke.t.r, Earl Koyington Howir<1 Ts.vkln. Fharlle •••Kozell. Killy Kraiiie. Janie* Waller

. KrHll..n Jamie Kreiinan Miwical

l.r.iint.r. E.I.lle T.ridges. Tim T.ri..nitiaiigli. R <

itriglitiiiali I'nlil Krill

I i'liiirehill. iKiu Fitly. Lloyd ••Flark, Flever •Flurk, tleo. M. Flark, Hum FUrk, Walter i lark. Al. W. Fliiik. E<lward A. Flark. M. F. Flark. Sni>wl«all Flark A Waldri.n FlarkHoii. Fliester FbiwKoii. Fiirley Flay. Freil H, Fleveliiml. Gny W Fine. Harry .M. Fobiirii, S. W •Fiahllna, Jack Fiaii, F. M. Foguat*. Joe Fobaii, Jia* Fidien, Fha* tllutchl Fohen, D. Fohen. Geo. Folder, C. O. i ole, Al Foie, Happy Foleman. R M.

Iireniiilami Show Bont Dreaser, H. F. limlgtsiu, H. N. Iiiiguu. Georg*

Diim, H*rry Diiiicnn, Dan H. Ilunkin. Eilwaril Dunleavy, Ja*. U. Duiiu, Hurry Itnnn, Lyniuii 11. Imraiid, Gen. iMirhaiu. Win. •Du Fallon, Mr. DiiVil. Allen A. ••DuVal. Pete Dyer, W. A. •Eagle. Henry Red Eagle, Fhlef Red •Eaklu. Harold Earl A Earl Fast. 11 Alan •Eaat. II. A. Eaatman. A. B. Eastwiaal. Flarenio Eaton. William Eberbaplt. Juba Ei-ker, JIuinile Edwanis, Bill

Foleman, Faid. Frank F.hrlug. Frtslerlck Folgrove. Harry Follin*. Dick Collins, Ja*. T Collin*, Jack •Cide*. W F ••Coh’S Ik.ti I olliploll F}e Conklin. Jim Fonklin. J. W. Forndy. Waller Fen*haiti.. Fhas. M, •Fotisidiiie. tlisi. F. •F.msiani J o k F F..iiway, W. S. F.itikt", < Imrlb H •( isike. Harry FiM.kst..n, M F Forts* die. I. .a

Eller. W. A. •••Ehlrldge. .Art Ellbdt. P. P. Elliott. Cuwltoy Elliott, Leelte •••Elll*. J. O. Ellis. It. F. Ellsworth. .Adrian Elmore, .Alan F.lmore, Tray. Else, Frank ••Elson. Win. Eroeraon. Gistrge Euiertton T rtu Emnierlck, F. J. •F.nienmn. Sam •Emmy, Fart Engel. Sam A,

Fcrdri'.y. H.irrt .v Ik-ssj Tngelking 11. V. Fortlroy. L. U. Fomslla. Tail! Ft.rrea, litis I orrlgan, J J F- ^s-i ■’ .Tlleliiic

Eiiglaml, Jaek EngllKh, W. P. Erickson. F L. Esmond. Joliiiny E*fe*. O. A.

Wilson. Mrs. tof .\rma- triiige, Elwinl nbiiisi T.risod. t nrlcy I Winona. Princess

W'lnGrs. Mae Woi hler Mals I

1 'X. T, Ml»s I 'Tard Alice

Vi'iing Mrs T*arl 7.anlor:i. Heb*n /.•nor Klanel /Ingal* Mrs Mir. Zi'dora. RoUl

Ik.iigherty. Mrs. BesKle I****. Gladys I. l•ougluH, Billie I'oyle. Mr*. Jim DreislKH'k, Murgarlte •Duel, Dottle Diinean. Mr*. Ma.-y J. Diiiilap. Mrs. May Duo, Mrs. Hilo •Durham, Peggy Dll Vail. Dolly Earl. Hazel Earl, Zella 'Earlaman, Jesse

'dieraan. Ethel •Edson, Mr*. 8. <1. r.i.riiig, Mr*. Kr*d Elmore, Marie

la-e. Mrs. H W la*fcver, Ikdsdhy •la-fliiigwe'l, .Marion I.*egar. Mrs. Ida Is'ggett. Mrs Ikillle I.emlie, .\niia renhanlt. Babe •I ton. Da’s.v ••LewIn. Edna Ts-wis. Mrs Jennie •I.inbergh, Bertha I.lvingston. Shearl.v Livingston. Fann* Ixtbsack. Mrs .Xrlloir lamg, Mrs. J. I . Ixtpez, Mrs. Barney




Betti* I Alligator Gtri) F.sterley, Ollce Emerson. Mrs. Beatrice I Istrimer. May

••Bikeri Bishop, Jessie Black, Gene •Black. Vera ••Blim. Ida Bllnn. Mrs. Ida Boehm, Margaretha Bond, Mae Boucher, Mr*. Dora •Boyd, laabelle Btaddy, Mrs. Alaxlns Bradley, Jennie Brodley, Kate May Brookt, Ethel Brown, Mr*. Elva •Bryce, Edna Bncbanan, Nellie Bush, Jessie Cshlll. Vivian Cairo, Madam CampbeiC Ethel Carey. Marjorie •••Carr. Mr* Jack •Carroll. Mldg*

Fair. Hand* Eeitic, B<**sie Fitmme. Ada • Elorette. Mile. Floto. Kittle Kruger Eliilirer. June

••fHoin. Uaoda •Eord, Grace E. Eo*ter, Mr*. Iren* Eowler. Mr*. Bell

no •I'raze.*, Matk-l •Erench. D. A. Erench. Mrs. Jack Eritz, Mr*. Prances Tnller, Jane Fuller. Mr*. Hlnnl* E'innell, Helen Giirrett, Margie F.arrison. Mildred G-ary. Hilda G Idts. Mattin G'btKtn*, Edith F.'lllsple. Mr*. D. H.

fxtuglihfiroiigh. Jean I/oyd. Clara Lnken Sisters l.tissen, Zorake •I.ynch. Hazel McAfee, Mrs. Ma el. McAllister, Mrs McArthur. B.-tli McCarthy. Murl McConnell. Imcfithy S •McDanohi. Mrs. Ia*na MeDonongh, .Mrs. Jn... McIVtwell. Elorii e McGee. Mrs. Chas. McGregor, I'lor.nce McIntyre Mrs B H McQuellen, Mrs. J. E

.Abtiatiello. Gennaro

.\bl«-y. Edmund A.'kerleigh, Cha* H. Ai kerman. Jno. C. •Ackerman, Sam \- lao, Edward \cuffg, B. J. .\dair Frank adair. Bay Adam*. Geo. \ilam*, James \diiiiis, Komo \dains, W, A. \ lams. Gene \danis. Dtis L.

Attains. L. W. .Atlams, It. F. .Atlara*. Burch Adams, Flexible .Adam*. E. Kirk .Adkina, Jess .Agiiew, JImmi*

AteSeaton. Mr*. DT.le .Ahern, Wm.

Cartwright, Mrs. Bell •''.lr*nd. Mrs. A. •CasR^gnol. Mrs. Jeanne 'Gtnifrey's Daisy Girl Celeste, Qneen She Channon. Mr*. W. P. Golden, Grace Chamian. Mrs. W. P. Goodman. Mrs. Rose •Chesterfield, Mr*. GtsHlrldge, Etta

Henry Gordon. Cora

Mack. Bii-ter Alack. Majtsdl Macy Mrs Lilly Malloy. Margaret •Marshall, Bes“ Marshall, Mr*. K-11.-

J Martin, Bunny Martin lad

jiri Atason. F. E. Show Mtstm. Mr*. Bell*

Mastiff. Mrs. M lyiiie ae Matthews, Bell

Aiken. Edle Aikin, Ixinie Ahiru. Billie Alaliaiigh, Charlie AlUil. Edward AlU-rt, Morris Albiti, Maryt

■Alexander, Al -Allen, Dick Alley. Y. C.

Alller, Emanuel Allen, A. G.

-••Megg*. Mis* B<-s»le Allen, D. W.

Chller*. Mr*. Cline, Charlotte Close, Ellnore Coburn Mr* 8. W. ••Foe, Hazel Ooleman. Mr*. May Oonley. Mrs, Frank, Connelly, lienore L.

ISlGrace. Alma Gratiot, Merle Geeepwrsvt. Billy Giinnel.s. Bessie Gnstln. Harriett '’•w.Tnn. Molly II lag, Mrs. T.tzzle D ill. Mr*. Melle

•••Conove*. Mrs Teresa DmII. Helen Maxwell ' Mrs Blllle

Cook. Mr*. PIilHp, Jr. '•■itl. Kathleen •Comer. Carrie Corson, Cora Y. Cotta, Marie Cotton. lola Cowell, Miram Cowell, Matiel Crawford. Mr*. Crow, Mrs. Pat Crowell. Mr*. Geo.

D-ill Mrs Malsd Dali. Margie Hirnllton, Cecil Hamilton, Fern ILiiinlfan. Mrs. Inez •Hannon Sisters *tt,n*fin Mavts-1 ••Harmon. Bessie •Harper. Matiel

•Cummin*. Mr*. M. L *HaiTey. M. Cninmlngs, Mrs. Trecla Harrl*. Mrs. Ella

Melvin. Lillian M.ay Meivdlth Sisters Merrill, Bud Meyer. Mrs. Earl ••Mezzelle, Riib.v Miller. Mrs. Bcrtlia Aliller, Florence Miller, Kittle ••Miller, Helen All ler, IsiNelda •Miller. Mr*. L Alilson. Esther Mcmileta. Nellie M.ody. Billie Moore, Mrs. Fr« <1 Moore. Olive Morlta, Mrs. M. Alorse, Mrs. Gertie ADillen, Mrs. Mary •Mnnsey Edna Miirpliy, Ada I..

•.Allntch •Ambler. Btiward American Flouting

■l'ht>a. .Ainerb-an Show Boat

I •.Ayzell, ( arl ■ A-iers .Auto Show I-Karon, I,e<i

. gi.y, AV. M I Ksgley. Ms\ I K.agley, Morgan I Bailey, Eug- tie

T.ailey, AVm Kaird. Warren E

I Laird. Carl ' Kaird. E. T { •Kaker, AV K. i T.aker. F I. I Kaker. Iten I ••Kulagnerj, I Kalatillne. F G

Kalllnger. T. W Kanard, Albert

' T.aiianl. Gtsi j Karlier. C. R.

T.ardell Harr.r I Marker. 11. 11. I T-irker. Tom

••Marker AA'aller T. I Barlow. HaroM ! Karlow, I.awreii, p . Tames. Roger ' Karnett. A. 'I . I 'Kamett, S. F I Barrett, AKs-rl F

Knrrett. lelwar'l •Barrett. SIg. Manuel T.arrle. N. Marry, Harry Harry. 8avn Martel. Isiiits Kartlett. FrtsI T iSIBartlett. Ntirmaii Kaslle. A'btor Knssell VIetor

I Kate*. Fred J. •-Amerlean Fomedy Four Kaninlster. John •Anders. F. L. '•Anderson Aiiios Anderson. Eil Atnh rson. Jiiiiiiiy .AndrenecL Mauro Andrews, E. Andrews. Hal A Ousay •■Anthon. George ■Applegate, Mr. Aiiiilehaiis. Lew Arlstgast. F. K Archer. Daddy Argenbright, Roy •.Arlsto TroniK-

Armetead, Fre<l 8. Miinihy, Mrs. Farrle L. Arnold. A. B.

Cnrley, Ethel Curran, Mrs, F. 0 Da Foma. Gertie Dailey, Vivian I* ••Dale, TVimIe Dalvlne. Mrs. II. W. Davidson. Ray Davis, Liman Davis. Billie 8. Davi*. Allc* •Div Myrtle

Ilirris Mrs Adeline Harrison, Mr*. Annie M.irrison. Estell H irvey, Bessl* "srvey. May Hathaway Clara •Davden. E. L. Mays, Mr*. Maagle Helm Maude Hendemon. Rose flonretta. Franee*

Neff, Mr*. Ibrht Neff, I,oulse •Nellson, .Miitra Nell. Miss Gay ••N’ema, Wang'i Newton. Mrs. Dllle

■Arnold Rotit .Arntild A Shampnln Anile Millie Ash. Sam Aslanian. Peter Asiibind. fhaa.

Nixon, Madam Juanita .Atkinson H. T. Nore. Barbara Atlas. Arthur T.en«on. C AI Norman, Mae .AurneKa. Pete Henson, Olla N Noxon. Thelma ••.Aii«Vlngs. Clarence Benton. Kirk ••Orvilie, VIetorla Austin, Irving D. •••Kerg, Pbn fislsirne, Dtirotby 'Ayery, Van A Carrie , 'Berger, Harry

Kaxter, Phil Baxter A A lrgiida Itays. Edward L Tcucli James Al •Kean. J. W Kearjack Beasley. Jaefc Beasley, R F. Beattie, W. Keanford Jo* U-ater. E. .1. Kelrilneaii .MIsTt I. Kell. J. Fo'djl KtdI. Shorty ••T.elefonI* Tidlong. Rinli Men Hamda ••Kcids. H. T.ctlltez Firl To-nnelt, Alford A

K-r B.ennett J May Bennett. Kirk F. B.enson. r AI Henson, fit la N Benton. Kirk •••Herg. Ptill

Britton. Fhas E l>.s'

-* • • w ell ISs K:-dii>-r, Koldty

•Broadway Trio

'Brower AA'altcr T-r.*wn. Is'tiis I"

Kr.wn Jess T.'own Flar«-nc«

Brown. M. II

••Kptwn. J. J. B.mwn. W C. Brown. .A. E. •Brown Fha*. B Kniwiile. Leon

Brownlee. I*>a Browning A Browning

Bmnk. tflen Itrnnke. Er si AA' BruiM-oii. AA'. AA’.

B-usofi, Ja*. M Bin liman. Harr.v B.iick Cherokee

in k. H. J. •Bml. I'arker •Buds

Burch Edwin Binkley, I/ouls N

!-.iirl.ank. A F Ibiri;. .s ,A E.

•B.iirliaiii AA'iii

Burk. It F

T.iirk. G M. Burke, Luther R T'lrtis ,v Kohl

Biirtisworlh. Jess I-an

•Burton, Hal Biishea. Handd •Biishea. Handd 'biller L. M

Butler Krniik F '■'ittiKi*, AA*. Is

•* Fhesicr

I’.yrne. jack F. .■si Byrue John F

i'aldwi*ll. tbsi. AA'iii allff A AA'aldpon

•••Fallfomla Eraiik

•Fall. Rayiniind I .illoWMV. I’rof I A ■ ilvll G D

ameronl • ampls ll. AI

•I'ainplsdl. Al I. Fanifils»IL Colin J I’tlllllds-ll. Fraig

I'ainplsdl A'l-riic iRii-'»

siFanhani AA’. K i‘aiitliorn. Jimeph FardHlina Achilles

I'ariliinn. J.

I nreihi Natsdis.n I'arlc. The Mysiii-

Fnrios. Fhas.

Farlyle. Flvde I irr B. AV

Farrington Jack Farrilon. J E

arler. A H.

'artcr Alien

Farter. 8. T.

I'lsetta Carlo I'astle. K. A.

1. Fapt. .A 1* Estes J, W. 1. Ab \ Joe Eugene • AV 'Eugene, Hans

1 H Eugene. Far! D M Etbiik, Charley

Doll Evana, Merl ■ B ~. Kvana. J. J. Ills .1 k Everett. AA’iu.

Ge -ge It Everett. AA' L. i F.I RuMurl KvlstoO. Jaiiie*

A AV Etell Ben FM-k •F M. R.

r. Eabht Alex. E M Eahiiri .Alexandi

•nl A Veer A Ak’hlf# r.|s h airly. N.dile T Ve,. EaUer. Billy I. D Farrell. A J. End Farrell, E«1 N ii Easjl. Fhas.

.•r fllllns iSlFanUner Bi let |••■ss •••Eidlils-rg lll< gs AN II Marshall Fenelon Jack

lUtI) Eentn-s* D. iti>'*»*on. iton* Eerri*. Harry

Ells*r Box .r«w I'tn* Eiiddlng. A O. ltt<> r Mlllli* •••Finch. J le

j< -•'|ih r Finnegan. Billy Kr»s| Finney, M. Is

T 1 1" »F,| Finny. J. C. 1. FUher. Harry 1 Vnt •Fisher, Al I.* ! f II Elsher. Zlldiy

Dalton Bat DsBiiie T' f H ii.l.v J. • 11 D.iiiiTiiio. E. rdiiiainlo Dninlrcs. J —

• .. R. E. iiniic M

E-aiik DiUtille R J '■ aslilngtoii. .1 J lii .nlsou. Rols rl liivl*. Iiidlaii Jis Divis Shanty D iogtierly, I ewi* A •iiaveti|Mirt IHi-k Diildoon Bud Diweoii, E. Bstrson Fomedy Fo.

Ill Diivlon. \A' W Ihdlclle AD III

ik lleBose, Gisirge DeFora AValter

V IS'l'oiip, Bliil Dellaven. Jis> DcKreko Fill* DeLarcuzn Robi M •Delsoerglic Dclsiiig, I arl IlcIsiHs, D. B DeAtarlow Harry

ii-‘ti DeAlello. Harry IteMiIth. Harrv DcStefano, Stcf.nio

s •••IteA'aro Mill •DeA'ere. Harr.v D. V,*i. A. Deacon. Ismlr

I Dean, Bert Di-an. Tom Dean. AA’. F Dekis'k Troupe Dcla|sirte. AA'm •Dclckiiian AVni Dciroltl. Nbida Dennis. AA'iillcr Deperon ’I’rlo

i •Desmond, J *< asllcwnrih Ronald T. Den tiisirt F I aswell. John

' iiilngton. Dna '■■•vaiiau!'h J. H. I'cveni*. Slaf* I'cl cm* Troiirie Fbaiiilie-s. Howard I'tctiidsTs Bohhy I •'uilsTs Slim I ''•■tier Harry Fli'int Fred I'latitiisn. A. < liHiimnn R. K. t’lisfdtl

I ••Fl.aptS’II AVIllle • ricy Glitch

( lis«e Billy

••fhennelte. 8. E I'liorr* Dan

Fliester Harry I’liltitdck, Jack

•I lirlsty, r. W.

Dewey Miles Dick. Ray I III worth. D AA' •DIxoii. Samuel 11

•liiihle John '|•.lls.» J M

Doherty. Eddie DioiaMsou, Fhl|i Donaldson. R. I’ Donnelly. B.jirry T lionolio. Flias R. Dorpy A Di'Vi’ii |iM|s<in Fiirlls Slntw* •lioin'las. 'roll!

Downing AA' AA’ Ihiwiiey A Dillon •liowiiev .Andrew tSlIloysee. F. It •Dorle. AV J Doyle. Edwf, Drake, Bob

Etsher Alex B.

tlsk Ibsle Eitruiond Jaiiie* •••EDipaltlek, J. H

Elagg. EiIiiiiiimI Eloretnenils Flv#

Florence Trio

Finhrer A Fluhref •Furls* A Rols-rt»oo

Eitrcuin Jaek

Ford. Nat Ford .Aiinsi A’lekor*

iSIFiual. H C. Forre»t Bob!.

I’oeler, H- M. Foeler, Fon F..*ler. E M Eimler. L. F. Eountaln. Bobby

•Totirnler. Ell

•Eoiirlis-n Forty Fowler. Bnater

Fox. r. J Emnk. N A. Frank. Dare I»ey|l h'rank*. K. W. Frank*. The Era/i'r. Earle G.

Freed. H T. Trisunan. .Mie

Freeman. John R.

Kreenian* The Frink AiignatM

Fry, II F Emiiin. Jack

••l'ii«*ner Bm* (SlGallaway J. I

tialrln. James Gano. Fhas

Gardner Cheerful Garcia. AI ». Gargatil Federico •Garland Trio Garrett. John Garrison AA'endell Gamer. Flmer B Gartland. J. J. Garvey. Johnny •Garroiisl Georg* Gaskin Billy Gnus*. AA’iii. Geary. Jis- Geer*. Bohhle George. Frank B Georgia Mlusta. Geltiunn Eiif Gerer Bert Glhlwins Is me* •Gllilm, Myron A Gibson J o k A leeel* Gifford Joseph V

Gin V. F.Dliiiaii H B

GIImoii D .a Girard. SVeef ‘Ileaaon, Brof F. L.

JANUARY 29, 1916. Xtie Billboard 61


>..,1.1.11. i:. J. •(...I.IIIIK A Krattoa • >iil.MHluiun. Arthur

i;.„h1..ii. lijrule «Mutt) (;.«m1uIii. Kul ' .^liit.r.lou. T. A. .;.,rr. W. K. ..rii.-e tJe«. W, ..ralT, Ham •.iralmtu. jaiiiaa A. tlr.ihaui. A. \V. • ilralialii. la'W •tiraham. A. W.

i.raliaui. H- II. ilraliaiu. Vic ..rau.ll. lh>b liralit. John W. liraj, Barry (irajr, Bolary lirajf, HainucI ..ra/rr. W. A. •f.rK'U. Mai ..r.-.ii. Spider *^'iilHiuui. I.eoD (Infiie. I’hll D. tirofiiup Boyd (Irohler, I'harla* ..rlihth. M K. .Irliura. Ham E. •*i.riu»toad. A. II. • IrofT W. E.

.■r.«a. C. V. ...ItlllMlD, II. 0. .limn. I.e«n (Melody) •liuy. Oeorja lla.k. Billy lUiran. Billy IU.;rruaD. Cbaa. lUK.-rtjf tS O. lUInra, Fred lUlues Harry II. Mall. Al •••Hall. Harry •••Hall. Walter Hall. Clyde •llalejr. (jeo. L. Haiullton. Jack •llamllt.Hi Stock Co. Ilaiullton. Charley Hand. P. H. Hanklna. W. W. Hanley. Norman .SiHaonan. Jack Hannon. Jack Hanorer. I^lward K. Hativon Fred H. ••Harhin. Artbar Har.lee. F. E Hardman. II. B. •llararaTea. A. J. Ha'crearee, Capt.

Harry llerill.Hint. C. B. ••Ilarpatrlte. J. W. Harr.ll. C. W. Harrta. Frank •••llarrla BInf lUrrl*. Howard •••llarrla. T U Harrta. Mart llarrtaoo. (Urtla llarrlaon. Jack Hart. I.. J. Harter. Walter llartwlck. Boy C. llarrey H C. Ila»klna A llaaklua Haaa. Frank D. Haaaan. Ben ll.aaan T Halt. M •••Haaaler. O B. •••llatHeld Hoc Haupt. Carl J. Hawk I hlef Ilia, k Hawkina Paul •Hawley. Ed Ha.t.'a. .krthiir W. Ha...a. E. K. Ha.ea B C. II. Bill H.'hn. Joe Helcht. lie* Heine, E. O. Ilelth. Myatlcnl HeNtnn. Chaa. Heller, r, Jnllan H.'iiinilnaa. Erneat E. Ilen.lerahot. J. Bentley Henry, John Hellion. Marry Ihrlart. Harry •Herieirt. Carley ••Heraall. Al

'hater. lerl p. Ihaier. leltoy ••Helb. L. J. • h.rii. Henry llil.’.ar.!. (ieorce W Hilart. <J. E. III. kinan. tJuy ••Hlrka. Harry lliealna |i j. Illlkrlaala.' Tbe Hill, Chaa.

*11,II flare N •Hill. Ihoe. •Hlllear W. J. "'ll. a, Itnhe llhii.a, I.lnyd H.ii.a i;i...r(e Ho. h Harry •ll..'Tman. M B. H..'• Kenneth H'itan. F. M. Hocan. Iliifh lloKiie. Harry 11.. hi tieo. •Ilollenlmreer. I.. •h.111.lay Walter H..llia Frank th.lloway. Tiil.a F:.....r Ih.llonay Homer Ih.lly J. K. •••Ih.lly, William Ih Imoa A Ih'lt. Han Ih.lla.lalr, n. T. Ihaal, Ram ll.a.ver. Hiit.’h Hofin'r. Will • .Mfred Horn PI,II H>.rnl>r.M>k tJna

•h It Charlie 11.. .1a.e|a. Itol.h; II naion. j.H. Sam Hoiiaton, Jack Howard. Frankie ■•*H..wari|, J. B.

Howard, Billy llowunl. Earl ••HowelU. Mr. Hoyl.-. Frank IliiKhea. it. p. Hull, Kuanell Huiii|ihri'ya, W. I.. Huui|.hrlea, H. H. Hum|ihrtea. Harry Hunt, Itollle U Hunt. II. Hnut, luiuKhliiK Larry Hunt, H. M. Hunt, Cbaa. A. Hunt. Harry (Kid) Hunter, Hllm •••Hunter, Krna L. Hurdle, Uttu •Hurat A Hurat Huaaey, Ueorsa Hut.-hlnaon. Al K. Hyatt, Boy M. •Hyett, Bert IS)lueaa Ludwrlc Irelan.l, Curtia inwa, Warren B. Irland. J. J, leler Amuae. Co. Jucvbn, J. Milton Jacdai C. L. Jack. Sailor •Jackaou, Frank Jameeon, Billy Janaway, Jeaa Jannilelll. J.aupb Janaen. Ureat J a res. Ernest Jarvla, B. M. •••Jarrla. Bud Jeffries. Lloyd •Jellecker. Jack Jenkins, line Jenuesun, J. C. Jenuinca. Clarence Johns. Will 8. Johnson. Han Johnson, I^.ule J.>hiiaon, J.s* \. I*. /. Jobnst.n. Frame ••Johnson. Willard Johnson. J, II. Johnson, I»Dle Jollle. John Jolly. J. It. Jones. li II Jones. Curt •K. 8. •••Kaal. Fran.-la L. •Kahn, Mohammed Kalda. Cbaille •Kallet, Armand •Kalmar. Bert Kane, C. Fran. ls Kane, K. K. Kane. C'baa. Kaplan. Benuif Karlo, KInit •Kaaeleick. E. •Kaaafeldt. W..tly Kati. Atu'ahani L. Kali. Ike Kays. Flying •••Keating. W. E. Keenan. B Keene. Chan. B. Kelfyaer. Plene Kelney, Sam KelUr. Mr. A Mrs. O.

O. Keller. B W. Kelley, tl*e», Kellog A to. Kelly. I>an Kelly A lllnea ••Kelly. K.ldle Kelly. A. J Kemp. J. M Ken.lall A \ Keiineily. Jlin K»niH'.ly, Jack Kenn.nly, C. II Kent. Chaa. H. K.ain. Wm A. Kershawr. L. Kllaore, Fre.1 C. •Klmuras Two •••King. Fran, la J. King. Ilnatin King, Shorty King. law. H. King, Anatln C. King. Curley KInsners. The ••KIman Tom Kll.hle. SI Klask, Herrmann Klasa Mai K. •Knlffln. Walter Knlsely, Bussa-ll <>. Knouer. Frank Kol.lg. A. Krall. Jack •Krao •Kniotkin. Beulwn Knta. 11 P. •I.a Bark 1e.le. lauile IjiFord, Chaa l.sFrance. E. J •lainran. Steve laillniha. Four I.a Mare. Wayne taiBeane A lae Is-Boy. Wall, r l.aBii. Frank IjiSlarr. Saiol lafon-e. Mike l.alnl. Turk James lake Fre.1 •••l,amlH>rl. I,. •••I.amlerf. Wm L. I.amke E.lsr. lane. Balph l.ang. mw I ankf..r.l, PI. a.|iK> •lalllp Hnvlil Init.. Julius l.aulher, Carl I. •I awler. Frank •••Eawley. F E. I.ayson. Arthur l.arar lamle 1.. ■Clnlr. Jack 1.. •lloy A Harell.m Eelloy. Billy •••EeVan Prof Ted Is'amlo. Harry I.eatlll, Frank ,s 1.. e. 1) B ••I..W.. Jack H l.eggelte Cly.le •Erk.'y, Chaa, K. I.elteh. S|M>,'k

l>-muy. Ell la-iionl. tleo F. la-on. Harry ••la-oiiu. Prof la-oiianl. l.yle 11 la-oiiarit. J. S. •la-Vergne. C. H, •••la-|M,re. Prof. J •l,eruer. Have Ei-sli-y. Itoht. •la-slle A Cart.-r ••lA-alle’s Pur. uplne

Cir-iis la-a I.a>gerts Ia*verttt. Clllw-rt Lewis. Ja.k •la-wla. Harry la-wls, Arthur I/ewla. Hli-k Lewis Chaa. Llhhy. F. M. Llei-edue. Tony •Llgman, John E. I.lnlngatan. Joe •l.liawn. Eilward Llltle-Flnger. Major Littlejohns. The ••Littleton. Willie •••LIti. Sol Liveaay, Joe B. •Lloyd. Ed •••law-k. Ixule B IsK-kett A Waldron •Ixmganon. Chi -f Ixinghrake, .\rlhur I.ongwltb. Jonas lammla. Ulenn C. lavranger. Nelson ••lajrralne. C. }l. lairuah Havle Ixive A Wilber I/orett. Mark P laivette. Sid la.wenthal, Joe la.wla, II. latyd, Joe I.iilgl, Oeo. Lunt. Whitey Lukins. Harry ••I.unn. Martin 11 •Latch, Al I.nther, Martin E Lyman. C. Lynn. Bud Lytell. Doc McAhee. I>onis M-Beth. Whitt. M.-Calie, Orover

.Marlon. Mr, A Mrs. It. -M irk. C. M.irriiitt. Chaa. P. Issin .larshall. <>.•«. H. M.rtel. Harry Marli-ll. Shorty •Martels Five •Marth. C. A. Mailiii. M. B. •Martin, Boh •.Martin A Turner .Mariie, IJeo. O. Mason, Tex Matthews. Chaa. B. •.Matthews. Bennett May, tieo. A. May, Frank ••.Mayer, J. C. ■Mayer. Wm. .Maynard. Shorty .Maynard. J. T. Male. Paul Meek. Bill .Mellor, Jack W. •Melnotte, Amiual Mendel. I*rof. •Menke A Coleman • Menola, Eugene Merwin, Harold •■Meyer. Itichard B. •Meyers, Harry •.Mlcband. Staaley Milano A Dell Millar Bn.k Miller. E. ••Miller Marvin Miller. Jas. Miller, Billie Miller. W*. J. Miller. W. A. •••Miller. M. Miller, Eugene •Miller. W. 8. Miller. Wm. T. • SI.MIIIIcan. Fred 8. Mtlltken. J. A Mllllkln. Bobt. MHla, Steve •Mills, Steve Mills. Bee.-her H. Mills, O. p. Milo Duo Milton A Herla*rt Mlnlacalco. Itonienlck MIrano Bros Mlt.-hell, A. R Mlt.-hell. Otis

Murray. E. W. •.Murray. E. W. •Murray A War>l ••.Musi.-al A.-t. Bra-.s ■Mutthauf. Jos. .'Iyer. J.ihn F. •-Meyerhoff. H.-iiry .Myers, John -Myler, W. B. .Myers, Harry A Vlritla •-Myers. ,\l •Va.l.ler, Charlie .Na.hler, Kalil .Nuilell. Herman .Na.Iell, Jcsi. .\ a Kata. Sam •Nagle, Hun L. Nally. Itob Nally, B. 8. •Narder, Nat Nasser. Joe •Nation, Al Nedman. B. W. •.\ell)erle. Ixula •Nelss, V. I. Nelson, Tbow. P. Nelson. Ernest .Nelson. Harry N. .NeisoiL Earl .Ntas, Andrew Nevada. Isiyd ••Neville. Frank .Nevlson Plu.v.'ra Neuman. John A. Newman, Have Newman, Harry M •.Nichols, John •Nichols, Win. iJ. Nichols. Joe Ni.-holsou. W. M. Nickels, Hugh A. Night. A. II. Nixon. B. B. N«s>uan. How j.-.l •.Norilstroni. I raiiis Norman. Jas. .\. Norman. 'Vhlf-y Norris, ti.slfrcy Norris, Klackle Noxon. Have Nugent. Harry .\. Nunn. Harry ••Nuttle. A. L. Nuttle. A •iFBrlaii Miiis'r.-ls ••H'Brien I'roiiis- H'Brieii. p..gie •U'Connell, O.

Preii.lergast, J. T. I’renti.-e. L. Press. J. n. P fssey, Chas. Prettymali. C, U. Pri. e. J. P. I’rl.-e, Jimmy Prl.-e, Victor Prlm|s-rt, W. L. •••Primrose. Ueo. 11. Prior, II. U. giiincy, J. guiun. Biiglaud, JuDn I>. Bagland, John B. Uaglaml’s Comtdy Co. ••Itundulph. J. 'V. Baudolph. J. W. ituiisom, Mr. Bardin, Frtsi Batcllff, Sam P. Buphuel, Paul •Uupiairt, Morris ••Bay, Calllo|>e Kay, Jay •••Bay. traiy Bay, Cheater Baymer. Walter Bsymond, Jos. Baymond, Paul Beading, Cbaa. Beed, Benny H. •Iteed, Nelson Keed, J. K. Beed. Lawson BeeTes, B. J. Bees, Alan Began. Michael J. Beid. Billie (Clown) l.elder, 8am Beiiigold. Wm. Beinhar.l, J. W. •••Bendleman. Van F, •Iteuello A Sister Keno. l*ruf. Phil Bensliaw. Bert ICensiug. Heriiisn Itentfr..w, J N. ••Bevellos. The Bexos, The Beyuo. Harold, Jack Bhea. C. H. Khoada. Hals Kh.stes, Jack Bli.Mles, Frank B. Itli.Hles. Walter •••Ith.ifers, Harry

SERVICE! Tliat's what did It. Quick action, thorough underKtaiidinE and

Intclllftcnt and tlLscrindnatlnn liandliiiE of mail resulted In practically nine-tentli8 of the prttfesclonal entertainers of .\merlca niakini; their addrews In care of Tlie Uillbttard. Service Is rapidly altractlnK the otlK*rs.


Many of our clleiiLt are not put to the necessity of wrlllng for their mall more than tince or twice a season.

We do not liaxc to advertise 5'^ of the letters that pa.>*«, throuj^h


.\I. C.\RI>. self-adtlrestted and stamited envektpe Is not ne«“es8ary. Give your nuite far enoiieh ahead to p^*rmit your mall to reach y«>a. Write names of towns, dates and signature plainly.

MAIL IS HELD BUT ONE MONTH and thereafter Is sent to the l>ead liCtter office. It Is advisable to write f»»r mall when your name FIRST api»ears In the list. Adtlress your iiostal to “Mall Forwardlnjc Service,” Tiie Bllllukard.


McCann, F. P. McCarthy. A. F. McCarthy. *;«•, T Mcl'ay. J. I*. vlcCIrmcnu. The •McClou.l A Carp M.-C«>nncU. .'I vc MctVnncll. T.uii 'l.•■r. •M.-Cracken. S. W .McDaniel Bcu McFall. Pn.f M. Farland. Jav McFarUn.l. .V. J M.'Carth. II C. M.-tiev*. Jack M.Utcc, M. J M.-tiowan, Saimu-l T • M.-draw • M.-dutiv McIntyre. B. H •••McKenna. Harry M. Kenile. Ern. -I M. Keiute A Miller M. KliiHlry, J. II M. |.e<Hl. Tex M. leant. Jae, It 'Icl.Inn. John McNair. J, V, M. Neill. Paul II M. New, Tom M. NuItT. J. J Mctjulgg, M W ollle 'la.-Kaye. Colin 'la.ey. Max 'la.k, E.I.Ilr 'lack. I line. M 'la.-k, Cid. O C ••'la. C 'liicnrn. 'Vm '!a>h!.*n, (Ivav 'Li.N.-n. John 'l.ihon.-y, Thoe 'lallln. BUI.t .v IVggy 'I'lkounky M. 'laliiy Prtn.-e 'liil.incy C.ipt. .l-n- M-inn. II. .V. Many. E.lw Mar.'iia A " hltth- Mar.-na C. 'V. Mar.lello, Spl.ler

Mit.-liell. Elbert 'loffett. Boy -M. Moii.'ino. JIminIe ••'loud A Selle MoiHihao. Ureat tionn.e. C. M. Moiinulla. Mon-«. 'l.a.D, Harry A. 'I.M.n, Howard J. M.n.rv. J. H. <L.l. k.r) 'l.»>re. Tom Met-uin. !l

'l.-«*rv. Chaa. •' H A. 'I.«.re. FrevI L. 'I.mre. TlnaleT C 'I.-ran. Marlin •'loran A "elaer •'l.iran. Jack 'l..reau. Prof. Joe Morgan. Mr. A Mr*.

Blchard .'Ii-rrl». I>lw. H. 'lorrla. Fred 'lorrta A Morris 'lorrla Wm. B. •'lorri*. Wm. 'l.irrla«>y. Jack M.irriavin. Ben Morrison, M. M. 'tort. Pete '|..rton. 'Vlll .1. Morion-Jewel Trio 'l.•aher. A>1». 'l.-a, Frank Mot*. Emmet L. 'l.•^-*. Earl 'lott. John 'l.inlton, Harry D. 'lonlton. Bii.-k 'loxham John Mueller. leuit* Mnllhall. Texas 'Inlllna. Jack ' Cup. K I., 'Innl.-hs, Flying Mnnros, Miial.-al 'Inraxrl. Pietro 'liir.l.v.-k. U. K, 'lnr.lo.-k. A H Morphy, J. F. 'In-pliT, Boh .S)Mun>hy. J. J.

O'Hare, Jack O'lvonnell. Jack O'Mara. Barney thlerkirk. C. J. < ig.len. Bo*<-o Ol.lham. Henry •••Ollxer. tieo. W. •Oliver. Chas. orr. Jas A Orton. Claren.-e Onlairtie. I.a*ltoy .•■.la.rne, Harry Pa.Igett. Bowlanvl Painter, E. H. Parker. K. Park*. Clyde .V. Parrad*. Juggling Partello. Hr. Ja.-.t Patton, R. J., Jr. I'aiill.w, Jim Pavnne. Jo*. Pa.Tne. Hume P.-arw.n*. Jaa.

iBintUngl P.-.-k, Frank Pe.-Ier. R. M. Peralta. V. F. Pi-rry. John Peterson -Vn.lrew K. PliHtpa. Jack "■ Phillips. B. U. I'liillil>a. Nat PI. kel. Jay Pi. kl.-. J. H ••Pl.-n-e. .'. •' IMer.-e. Bold. M I'tltlatri, Hugo Pinfold. J. T. •Plcaa.snt Hour T',. .tor P>»-. Frank Lacy Pol.vnd. Jay Jerome •••Polk. IMlIe P.dlard. Harry I'..|hs-k, E. K. Pom.'alre. Man-eir I'.aile Powell. F. E. P.iweH, Osegr Powers, Hr. INvvver* Brou. IVstt. Edw.

Bl.m-, John Iti.-e J. Rowe Bi.-hard. J. L. •• Ui.-harda Uh-hanls. BIIIt ••Bi.-I.anls Hi-k Bl.-hards. J. J. Bichardson. Geo. B. ••• Blehanlson. Geo. R. Bi.-hner. Charley Bickart*. C. B Bi.tge, Frank A. •Biiigens, I*. J. •Itol.hins, Chaa. A. •liotiinson. Bovviii.-in Kolverta. J. C.'ker Te.1 B.nlg.-ra. W. P. D. B>s|-igiiex. J. IPs-, "'. H. IBIK.v) •Itog.-r*. Shor'y Kolfe A Itoli-on. thlell •Bolllns. Geo. Boltate, Chas. Boiiiig. Csrl A. •K.avney. Pat •U»ia“, Cha«. •Iton.-oe. " lllle •Lose A M.wu Bom-, lu-n L. ■I . -elle Boseublatt, Havle C. Loss.), Harry Both, Co. •Itolh. Chaa. N. ••Bovve. H. Boue. H. 8. It."vve. John ••Boyal. Bo.ver, .\r.-hle Bniip. Nelaon D. Bn~aell. Nlek A Lida • Unssell. Ed •l!n»sell. Bob Bii'sell, Al •Kiilh.-rfonl. Bert Kyan. E.l Blinker ••Kyan Bros. B.yan. R. A. Bvan. Jackman. Co. Sahurn. Bob Salonia. Luigi

.Sanford, W. R. 'Valter Sar.liello. Giuseppe •Surtouaa, The tireat .Saundera, W. A. Savages, S.-affato, Geiinarino s.-baffer, Lee Scheck, E. A. s.-hUs-r, Wm. •S.-hmldt, Harry Sehmuck. A. I . •S.-hne.-h, Frank Si-hoeiie, Will .s.-hultz, Joe .Schwartz. A. B. •S.-ott A Bt-rua-d S.-ott, Wm. Sl-Ott. J.M* S. Sears, Jas. A. •.s*-hrlng, John B. Segiuin. Roy •Selhlnl A Groviiil Senter. Gen-- •Shannon, W. A. •Shaw Glad. W. •Shaw. Winn .Shea, John Shellin, J. ( !*heldon. Art Sheridan, W ji.

••Tlmberg, Herman Tinuey, C. II. Toiiiilson. Boy •Torelli's Circua ••Towusend, J. M. Towseii.l, ChlcX Tuvvnsley, Jule 'IrtHdie, David Tr.iut, Taylor Irv.y, Jack Trusdale. Merle Tu.'kershey, Juo Tumber. W. U. Turk. Mr. Turner, Casa M. 'I uruer. Hue Twin Bell Blngeru Tyler, Ed I t ter. Dick 11. •••Utter. D. H. Vallee, Bert Van Andeu, Oeo. 0. Van Cuuka, Tha Tan Gorder, B. L. ••Vance, C. K. Varien A Baemond Vuiizant, Walter Velar, Elmar Velare. Jack •Venna. Electric Vincent. Earle

•Sherman. Ce.-ll Foster VIolette. M. B. •Slierry'a Working Wor.o •Volta. Dr. •Shipley Shone. Fred Shorten. Al Shrader, John Sbulta. Charley Sl.-a, Man-elllno Sickela, W. K. Siddon. Fred Si.-grlst. Tot •••Slkeu. Buck •••Slkee. Ed Siiiiinons, Jiuiini- Simpson, Karl SIngert, E. 8. Sisberger, F.l ••Slsaon. Harry Sisson. U. E. •sklnuer, E. II. Sklower, Davlu •••Silvers. Com.slere •Sl.s-um Amuse. Co. Small, Mr, A .Mrs

•Smith. E. W smith, W. It. Smith, Walt-i- Smith, Bob .Smith. Bayiii.m.l V. Smith. Wm.

mith. Harry mitb. Hick E.

Smith, .Major ('has Smith. E. W.

mltb, J. Jeff Sniitb, John F. Smith. Many ••Smith. O. H

Sioylhe. Bex Snell. S. B •Snyder. Bii.l

Siii.ler'a iKvgs

Siiy.ler. Bill A .'i irgh- Snyder. Bud

Sny.ler. Pete .Solomon. Charlie Sonin. Jim* Spabn. J. I.eslle

pra.lling. P. tiring, Tony

Spurr. Boy .M. .St. .\llen. Billy ,v Edna Siuab. .V.iam Stafford. Eildle Stanley, I*. M. Starks. Joe Starr A Starr Stefferson. Marshall Stein, H. Steiner. H. B. Stephano Duo

Stepbens-Cook Co. Sterling John Stevens. Frank Still, ►'rank St.K-kinan, Thea.lore .stistilanl, Burt dislelle, Jos. .V. Stokes, Melvin itokes, Hsrry

Stout. Theo. Strain, IKmald B. Strand. Leonard Strang Al

•Voss. Emannol Wachtel. W. P. •Wachtel, Wm. P. Wadawortb. F. W. W agner, Georga Walker, J. BlcAnid Walker. K. H. Walker, Musical 'Vallace, Jack •Wallai-e. Ira Walmsley. Frank "alters, Guy Walter* J. A. "ard. Billy "ardell. Frank "'arden. Frank Warner. Chas. ■. 'Vashburn, Cbaa. •••Watkins, Bert Watson, Sammy •Watson. Jo*. K. Weaver. Elmer

Harry Well. Hugo Weinberg. Joe Welnls*rger, 1. ••'Velr. Oeo. Weir. T. J. Wesley. Chas. West. Geo. F. ISIWestlake. W. D. •••Weston, R a. eg

DM Whale (III Goa Whalen. Mike Wheelhouse, Hick Wbiteomb, Waldo White. Bii.l A Harry White. I. R White. Ridit. L. White, Master Jack •••Whitehead, Prut.

Whitmore, Dr. •Whitson, Frank Whittaker. Jas . "Tiorton. E. C. " iehuian. Geo. Wlilniau. Johu W. Wiggins, Heiiery Wiggins, Wm. •'Vill.iir, Albert Wil.-ox, Dwight "Tley, Jaek •Wilhelnilnl, Prof. •••Wilkinson, Mr. A

Mro. R. B. W llliams, Eart Williams, Tony Williams, Muslca.* Williams, Eph •"'llliaiiis Herbert WlllianiH. Panl Williamson, J. Williamson, R. H. •'Vllliams. Herbory Williams, Dava •••Wlllism* Big Bd Wllmouth. T. A. " ilson. Bert •"'ilson. Jimmie "'ilson. Jas. Wilson, E.l Wynuin Wilson. H. O.

Stra*<berg, Mr. A Mr*. Wilson. J. B. Irving •••Wilson. Hoaeoa

Streeter. Billie Strelff, .'ofan

Stringhain. C. E. Strobel, Shorty Strozler, Will 'i'lMiiiier Festival Co. Sutherby. C. Sutherland. W. B. Slit tie. M.Htt Sutton, Kex Swartz. A. B. S».-euey, Jas. Sziliaiilsky. Simon

Tallsit, Frank L. ’Talbot, Frank L.

Tsnsey A Everett Tarreblancer. J. W

Taylor. O. H. Taylor, Benjamin

Wilton. Jaek A. "Tlnaker, Jo*. •Wlneh. Frank Wlnde<-ker. A. 'Vingate. Frank •••Winn. Wlllmrt D. •"'Innlg, IJJoa Winter Garden Duo Wl|>ple, W. K. •Wise. Sydney 'Vise. Con Wltnier. Koliert R. Woteott. F. a. Wolf. Wee •Wolf. Chief Grey Wolfe. J. llarrlMM "olfe, C. D. Wolff. Hsrry "'olskl. latnis

•T. D. (luiiH-rsonator) "'.mderland Show Boat Teaehnot. Chat.

Teiles<-hl. Carlo Teevin. Chaa. P. Temple Trio That Ion. L. T. Thayer. Steve

Tis-nias. 'V. M. Ttnmias. Jas. Thomas. Billie Thompson. John •• I'hompson. Mud Tho-ner. E. F. Tt.ornton, Robt. Thrasher. U. L. Thiirtmm. .\1 Thnrsliy. Have •Tlffton. .Vrthur Tiller, Claren.-e

Wood. J. L. Wooilfor.!, John WiKslford’s White

ModoM Woo<lniff. Mr 'Voodward, Tom "■(sdsey, Floyd S. Wren. Lew "'ren Bill.v. Pl.iyer* "'right. Rink Wright. Karl Creatoa "■ynne. Fred •Ysnianaks, Geo. Yamato. N Vhar'-a. Rl.-hard Yonker. Wm. Yoshida. Till Young, Marry

(Contliined on page (V.)


105 W. Metro* Strmt, CHICAQO. ILU

T ti e B 1111> o a r d JANUARY 29. 1916.

San Francisco Facts BEECH SURPRISES THE NATIVES the renturo The rink will be celled the - Heceum, DRINK PURE \

■ Ja<'kiionvllle, Kla., Jan. 2<).—The iH'uple of A larKe crowd of akating fane, of Wllkea- Han FrauclM'O, Jan. 1!^.—Among the acta reg- JackKouville were treated to an t|uusuul Kurpriae Harre, l‘a., atteude.! the maioiuerade and cariil-

Istered at the SantitieUtal thia week are Mr. when KUddenly an aviator. In th^ fM'rxon of A. val at the CollHeum Kink a few nighta ago. and Mrs. Harry Tally, Mr. and Mr*. Harry C. lieeeh, ap|)eaied over the buaiueHa diatrlct There were eight priiea given to the lieat Mayo, Mae Kraiicia, Urpheum and i'owelU Min- and perfomiei hair-raiaing atunta, four and five akateni, and a twenty aix-plei-e allver net waa atnla of Kmpreafy thouaand feet In the air. Beech looped-the-loop given on a lucky uumlaT propoaitlon. Kvery-

iviaiaw lutlu in uiil ten-d watiT

Those at th-! T.ainkerHhiiu are The Uuttona I ►uc,e«,iully, dew U|>Ki<le down, and maue a I laHly had a good time and, moat of all, the and Hva Taylor and Company, Urpheum. trtieal dive from a height of forty-thrvs* huu I prlzea i;lTen were uaeful. T. L. Johnaon, man-

Ben Lind and W. 1,. Bollard’left for Auatrall. *"uSd‘‘‘wH'^.e^u“ddenH““fu"^^^ •*”* IWlay, Jantary 18. anglfa and led .^lav in a nonc^lan Adelaide IfV.u-ak parketl the rink at Mont-

“Quiet" Ja<k Moore, of Powell* MlnatreU, *“ “ Iml.. week of January 1<», each night.

Bohnir’i Silf- Cltanting Filiir liisurts hr€lU) aiKl •flu on drtDutiftUA' tl(«i BOHNER MFQ.CO. to the fftUtYt 1«()7 S Wal.aali .We., I."

CHICAGO. ILL. without Uwla

which form nearly nil of the present week'* bill at tlie Hmpreaa, waa a liiUbourd vlaltor.

Barry Counent, chief deputy organizer of the

The ^oat au.-ceaeful performan.-e waa when he on the <as-aat..n of her third engagement at tld^a lined the “dead plloC” Beech amvuded to rink, t n January 1., If. and lb ahe entertains height of three thouaand fisrt, and the a|H‘C adulems'a and akatejw at VSatmah. Ind., and

a/’’a . tatora were aho. k.-d When they aaw Bis-ch throw foBowH with three da 11*^ America, haa ,,i, .^ma and what aoeimsl the audtleii l.aia I'-Vorak 1* alwaya worki

!fter „ I ‘‘i »• Of <H>utrol of thc aeroplaue. The machine look.-d non. ilr?o™Tr^^.r^a. n ^ “ « an,I Tlu* Harden Holler Kink. Nile.. O.. I* doing F>an. iMo White Kata waa'heW in fhe^rihea^^ loaned wildly In the air, and It sas-umhI that the a tine luialneaa. and la .avnaklersl one of the rwm of the hotel in Urn n iht of J^a^uarv^] the .State W. W. Jone# I. nian-

fS?"‘the^.mpJ!:‘of ^nVLriL'g t.:;' rieTaMh‘;• r.“‘a“nd':TiiS t f to safety in'a manner. The night ,

’ aVI . *1 A*""*"*” ‘®'“' night of Beech, ahow lng the machine in a blaz.- "• ' ■ • L\ «;er‘‘r aii .V .a. marvelous. A stu,Hndous display

ith three days at Angola. Miss always working, and there'a a rea-

Dreamland Expoaition Shows Want pngile f<w Vauikwlile Hhow A.ktmai B. DAM* KoS*. Casiiilry HOive. Knife Ka.-k. HlOe (iallvry open. Have $1,J<MI INI lluuae and Lot at lula, Kan.; wUl tra.Ie fur aiiVlhln* uuful In carnival hualnraa (Van pla.-* man with 1‘rlvtlear Car. Winona, Mlia., Jan. iH-TV, Misirtii-ad, Mlaa, Jan. Sl-Fi-O. 1.

h.Il’^tenhred “* 1^.* On-'vorks was’ given by Ib.sdi wdiib memN‘:"1hl^4 . on* t I'v^nlig^ bs ping-the-hsip. whl. h brought his amazing per IS -Cl.. ........ .f I . euiiifc oi eauuary forman<s“ to a close in a blaze of glory. IS. Ihe guest of honor was presented with a » i

nilriit •‘oy H. Meador, manager of the rink at HIn , , tisi. W. Va., cKwed hia rink January 8. and wrlll

display ol>en again until next fall. 1 Willie Kay 8m1th had hla opening at West rnbvn, ng per W. Va., on Ohrlatmaa Day, and U enjoying a

goal businesa.

The rink at Blnefleld, W. Va., ofx'ned I>e- cemlwr 10, un.ler the management of Norman Keese.

—WANTED— A Curiosity or Good Freak

'tr gisal Attrat-tbai liw l*tt HInsa, with me of tswl larulvala on mad. ICtltKY 1>B MAK, Hal. Hraaa, 3»s K »lh m . .New York.

dUmond medal. Kenney Keaton (K. C. B.. of - The rink at Blnefleld. W. A a., ofx Ded 1 The Bxauiiner), making the siaa*ch. Afterward ^KATINf^ NP\A/C cemt»*r 10, un.ler the management of Norn the grand luanh was by Smith and Mr*. or\Miinvj newo Mrs. H. M Miller, wifi of the Han Kranei»co tContiuued from page ItO) represi-ntutive of Mort Hiuger. AVIATOR NILES

In attempting to give an indoor flight. Hmlth his (Mitatoes in. At the other end he bud a is-ck coUldeil with a bal.-ony, overturning bis nia- of small muml isitutos. and. at the signal, all (Continued from page 30) chine and setting it ahre. A momentary panic skated for their ladatm-s. It lookiMl like so . ^ , . i. • Muiueil, during whleh Ihe life of the aviator many ludie* wearing h.s.p skirls Some fell, "“‘mf <*>e largest crow.l# ever wltnease.1 was In danger, but prompt measures .julted the ndling over and over, and, for a lavmic enter- The flrst day’s crowd was estimated

CAN use Pit HImmv, Platfiwm Sb<sw. (<ssl Isw and I’otiy Htiow and I'.aicMliaia waMMi at IVlt; about SI amWs* w wk. It II A tk IvMviWH, Ibsan IS Ua<xm Kl.lg . itaklan.L Califonila


4r<>DtiDUfHl from paic<*

m»nie of the larfeAt cpo4«U ever In Jaoaii. The hmt diy*ii crowd wat catlmatcd at

crowd, evtinicuiMiKMl the likize and extricated taiument. it nnre waa a winner. The winner I -“tW.ikiO and the aecond at **IOO.OUO. The boone the aviator from Ida danKeroua p<feitioD.

Ben Ih'Do. fn^e act with Foley and Itiirk la«t I jivo minutea. waa the one who had the iin^at iaitat<»ea aft«‘r I t«H'* and other |M»lnta of rantaae about the


lliivcsoine o|m ii dates for tlieatcrs. Addrnt PHIL LINIGER, Stiybioilli, 0.

.toyama parade, where Mr. Nile* maiio<.uver<sl in son, Inis Ije-n jdaydiig t'ntes on tlie Western Warner Bnitliers, who oisTat..<i a rink t|ie air. were iilack with i>e,»|dc. and many ar FOR LEASE—«>u K T iU.tMt Ti-nt. A-1 cm-

dltliai to art up; alw scrvl.ssi >< reliable boea can¬ vas tn.l repair man. Keltabla |'•s*>it write oU. (nines nit. lAiV KATFa*. iKser, okla.

FOR SALE. CHEAP. quarters while on the Coast. —- - - . . ---

A carnival Is rc|Hirtc.l for San Pedro, with ... esces.. r- ..isoljwii ■ rr Harley Tyler as maniigcr. It was not con- HIPPODROME, NASHVILLE, TENN. flrmeil. however, i:id It is alisolibsiiniiigliitcly iBposslIdc t« get a letter |>ast the line in Ix>* Angeles.

Wllford Westw.KHl. Koxton, New Z'al.ind, past few seasons with *lie l-'oley k Burk Show, la wdntering in Kris'sv and is-rfeeting se.uie new dMlgiiH ill hlowu glass.

Well, Sky Clark did not close up when his leaae ran out, did he? In plaee of eloslng iin be Just o|M-ned another one. Sky and Kobliy Kanu are working liar.l to k.s-|i up the starnlani. I!t tft r»‘iM(rf*-d tliat Koldiy will <.|»en n store abow in Saeramento later.

Col. K. M. Kurk, of the Koley .t Burk Shows, arrive* at the winter i|u.irters at 8 a.m., and atarts the day's n.utine h.v driving tlie “.Arabian ■'our” for two hours; then works In the ring bam for two hours, after which he works on the lesser stiK'k, such ns moiikevs, goats, etc., with his two assistant.*. Some sls.w In prepara¬ tion, believe me.

Second .Annual lliitte County Spring Kxliibition will be held at Clib-o. Cal.. May to -JS. Sev- aral large exhibit tents are Is-ing arrangisl for and amusement contracts are Is-ir.g made.

Oranada and Fedora, the Ininmn elepliant. who were liere for a siiiiiiin.r i-iigagt-meiir at tin* P.-P. I. E., have re|K.rl.-d from Salt l.ake City, when- they are enjoying the erisp winter weather, Tiny, tlie little lady v.dio was with Foley Sc Burk last si'csoii, and previous to that with the Kitigliiig sidi.-show. is going to •chord at hr r home in Wasi-o. Cal.

Harry Fisher, ( tmi-t ssion iiiiin w ith Clark and Conklin last sr-asr.n. ainl Sam Fri*-rlmaii. blew Into Thr* KlIllH.ard other* frr.rii Portlan.l. Tln-v nay they will winter here, having re-id of the delightful 1 ?) hli-/7nrd weathr-r arraind thrdr old stamidng ground in Pittsburg.

Hlliesha. the CIrl In liliie. r.n the Zone, at the P.-P. I. E.. Is laying t.flf in tliis ritv. Her parents fn.m Seattle are visiting her at tier •partments. anil the aff-iir has devi.|o|>ei| into Tl » lllpisslrome Is (..,e ,.f ' ai.! ttii-<t fSi ks In the o. inirv. 'h. -I aM. s r •• me«."rin» loox a regular firrdonged family reunion. The acconi- 300. whl;.- ih-r, are icc»iii'i ola'i:Mr S’.".. TI:- rli k -. ^ a Mg cel.s.raihai pllsh<-d danr-er was a Killlsiard i-aller during the during the hollda.s, an . a'sirao .Insaaiive m-i.. iie- o. n g .so. iransfisnii'g ih,- h.izh t>ui:illi.* past WM-k. Into a vrrita'ih falrviai.d.

Frank 1 Ftr.dim Broncho P.iistcni) OrlfTin. Cnnioiis --—-

dero* etc. fa *g’tt'ing”^n-al!'v"'*fo br'-'afk^ont'Tii I-owcIl. Mass._ a* a relh r rink, aisl rejs.rt' ' .tcro Cliih of Japan, of which the President Is another slmt. It’s anotheV flltn depleting West- »"b‘inesK g.ssl, ion. rjatsid Nagi..ka. , , erti and range life, and Is aiinoiinc<-d as a -- , "T ' '"'1 ' 'he |s-..ide of out. Frank Is around h.andstmkiiig again after DIM ar MCITCC "V'/’"" "" thr- min. Savs high water has kept him away RINK NOTES mu.. - ..f Mr. Nil.-, win. Hew upside .low n. from the eorral latelr. Made his first appear- _ I the hs.p and gave an exhd.ili..n of what ance at the Continental for manv weeks and „ . . . . '■* f"'!'’k leave-.’ raii-ed w..ii lcr. The •cciipled Ilfs olil seat in the Hotel'lie Shan'Eiirii interesting times were in evi,|ence at great .-tow.I Is-, am.- ftaiith- with .-heering aii.l Is- Amen Comer. ' the Smilli Boiler Skating Kink. Columhiis. it., came s.. niiiiianageilile that i' b«>-e ami

Dad On-gg, one of the pioneer ferrls wheel I""! week, when a series of were held In nislnsl to the pla>-.- when- Mr. Niles had laiideil. men of th^ F'aHflo Coast, wrr In iluriiijp the Ihin O L^ary. th»* vot**ral walk*r. lijrunMl ^ '*••»»*• M.jip rate slruirjtUn; p4Rt w«ok. Says the whfol Is ready to ao when- ! In several evf*nts. lRifTen*nt skaters Hpis^ared air iuhh s N\» r4* hI-I** n* iMri** ever the vveatlmr Is right. a« O I*.ary. among them Charles Wilson. "V, »"•' """h ne ■*

Grand P.lg Chief James W. Hathaway an- Charles Kohisou. Peter Cain. Ismi* E. Darling I',",",' I'"* ''V. iiihIiMIc ami

T Isxts. .S I'.sd.'s. 2 lluckUi* Mule*. I Mtsikryw WIstle lit III |«r1 Must b,- sold qultk uii tnsMint Sjckmv. A.I.ircM MBS MARIE, car* Hllllsjard, li.l.h'llsT* llhl* . New Yurfc. N. Y.

Ft* Sale chrap. UrrM I niVentO atlrarUuu f.g park* kisl Write fiw prii-r*. F W .t.VliEKSvlN. r»l* I I.iri.l* .\lllMU.r Farm, J». ksis.Tlllc. Fkirld*



N alrernly evld*n» hy the •etivlty of the L. A. T hoHip'soii roiiipitiy, H hit’ll Is working furiously

t4» iii'ktull M «h*ni»le Safely and K«»yti ij.Tge \Utli «*\vT 4 feet of triok. *^1 whl«'h Mill ik"* o%er the ti«let4n<)s. lioth

the <:tf«'ty K.i'«r mol C«'ii'*ter that were 4t the |^\fM»valtHii'l nU'ilt one third more. g«» to

iiinke tli4- new rid**, t'harles Hlle Is Id direct i h.nige of the I’oiiwTruettoii. Slid «Iniiiis that be will h«'e the loiikreMt Mild Urgest fide of lt« l.|nd in tie* I lilted States The park <s euplee alM'Ut tsi a<’r»*s 4»ti tlie l»ea«'h at Alsineiia* and

U:.’* jt In’1. h fr«‘niMg«' of o\er l.ltai feet. The sit. Is within res.h of 1 iMs.|de. It U • ntioune.*! tlial no st4M’k is f«»r sal** in the |>ark

»i'inp;it»y. all th » is** i.^s having be**D underwrritteo

'v« v«*ral iioHiths ago.



iCuntlnuml from ptga 8.)

llipT**slrome I* (•»'e < f ‘he largest a» d rtii**st r^r-k* In the e«» niti whi;i* theft are f-iaM: *.* I'>r «vi»> e: ii'of'* Th- rh k

during the holllA''*. ••! »»'M»rii-c dtossiive jn'Ih m** rsrr.*tl «i into a Ttrita'dt fiiirMat.ii,

h- r mea«*Ting lt»«x w.-• . / A Mg ee(e4*rat|'«i

traM^hSTIlM e the htlgli hulldilig

business gisNl. _ ____ *’’!'hi«* t|i«> Mr*t time that the |i*Hv|de «»f

Japan iiiive Avf.Mi N\iit!<*ii f*'ats In iidd;tir. and RINK NOTES I mum.eiive - ..f Mr. Nil.-, win. Hew upside alown, _ I.«>I<-<1 Ihe l.s.p and gave an exhilution of what

is eal 'fnllli.g lent--.' raii-e.l w.>iid« r. The Rome interesting times were in evit|en<-e at great .-row.] Is-.aiiia- ftaiith’ with .-heering ami Is-

the Smilli Boiler Skating Kink. C.dumhiis. it., i came s.. niiiiianageilile that i' b«>-e ami

w.'II as the air man from the eiithiisiastlc ami somi'Wliut emharraasing aci'lumatioiis of the •ounces that t^he n-emls-rshln of the Pala In and B. B. Berkheimer On January “i’ a Fan.; ‘ -»‘»>*Taaslng acclamations of the

«f"i 7J2l"‘’lnA «"•* at the rink, and the vn... uresented to Pi-im-e Ilie.i.hl m 1,700, and that the branch of the nrganiza- la*t half of this week will be given over to u- V ' o' t pn s. nt, d to I idm • Iligiislil tton recently established In Tgw Angelea. and a series of novl.-e races It Is iml.l Coiiimbiis **’" "armly compHmenlml him uimn his presided over hr Guy Woodward haa rgl mem eiii i " * ** * ^ ta es. It Is salil (oIiimliUH exhlliltlon, the like of w hich, he said, tie had g^aeo over ny uuy Woodward, haa .81 mem- will have some si«-ml merchants In the future. Sereral floral p ecea were also pre

FBOM SOCTliritv cvTiv^ovr. Ibrkhelmer and DarBng are In sha,H. to meet any „.nt.«l to the aviator. Japanese ofib-ers. FBOM .soitHEBN CAMFORMA of the fast men at any dlstam-e. and woubl like ,,,. sagaoka. gave a dinner to Mr. Nile*, at FROM .SOI'THEBN CAMFORXIA

Tom Buford and Txirlta. the armless girl are I ^'* t Venice for the winter. game

ar from liromoters of sja-ed events In Columbus is getting Is-tter. ami ao- m.nlore perry of the air

whleh <J<-ii. Nagaoka refemsl to him aa the ’

Frank Erwin haa a store show opposite Ski f’*"* i“ " for the pleasure. .islt ,.f mi, s has served to ar«.iis.'greal-T ^oini* "b ^inin street. The mask earnival at Music Hall Kliik, Cln- Interest In flying In Japan. an.| has spurred the

Kllite Mlgnm. the armless ami legless boy. Is cinnati, January 13, drew out a b g cnjwd. at- Jaiiamse aviation corps to greater actlvltlea.”

Will Be Neva/ One in California

2fcT of though the weather was hitter cohl. Manager -- - - - ^ has lamled am.ther big event for Ms rink ciide- rirrA/si_i n a n lc

Mvt phased with California, —the Rotary Club Skating Party—for January SURF BEACH PARK h gliways wldch eon- “8. It is said Ihla will l« the first Rotary Club . --

UnLJ ^ Tis A *'•■’’* skating event in the country, ami much crmllt Is Will Be Neva/ One in California - IT 'ooki^e to an,I Is on due Manager Mr*«r for his enten-rlse in putting —-

^ K a*ito I<K>klng out. the l»Ie?i thrnigh. .Manager SliankM. of the Hiver- Hun FranrU.^o. J:in. ir2. The wily hermit »»f >nTemJS,n,. ,.U»I r*. show g".va who have no view Rink, In.llaiiaiHii:*, has a'lviNisI Manager *he fswt exrs.sIM'.n (s rlisl. Cel. Fie<l. T. Cum

_ ..V r .*T r i.i!"** power Misrar that he will bet $1(I0 on hia man. .Mill- mins, who .lisapis-nred fiom the view of show 'k i" minority. roney. to skate against Bmlg.-r .Natlla. of Charlea- n et, wsm after the dosing of the I01 Ran.-h

W^if .^onV;. Vv. teLlH^ i."I“V„” r . ''7''“'! ‘"h. at the Music Hall Bliik. the winner Slow at the P p I E . has Isun .|ls,-..vered the new Ski Hark mn«<mm ^ ^‘*’’^“'’'''1 kt to take all. It la now up to the Charb-ston pe<>- h-*’* h.-<-ii idaiining ,Mit a big thing, ami the

the ble.x through. .Manager Khanka, of the River- San Fran,ds.-o. Jan. ’JS. The wily hermit of view Rink, In.llanaiHiEa, has a'lviNiul Manager 'he fswt existsIM'in is-rtisl. Cel. Fie<l. T. Cum that he will bet $1(I0 on hia man, .Mill- mins, who disaiiis-ared fiom the view of show

hlmaelf arouTid r)e wo'ld Is U-lng featum-d at the new Ski Clark mn«enm.

“'P*c''’T'e TiK.k’’ Kelly, who tronjs-s with Foley venture Is now iM-ginnlng to im.terinllTe.

tVhen Surf B,'aeh Park o|s*ns nt .Matmula

^e of the re*t-ob. well, why moralizeT— R-a^ l^rt Rea tieorge Votmler. A. C. Skinner. a stm-k company with JTOO.firNi 1. backing the Vetter and A. Ehrmeutraut are assmlited ' project, and that It ha* conslderahle preatlge

graiite,! by the llous,* Comnilttt-e on &luc*tloo, wer,* ,siiifludes| on \Ve,liireday night. At that s« -slon the R•N|r,l of Trade, which haa wa-ed an iitircleiillng fight against any f,«rm of cen¬ sorship. wa* given what hy many it con»trued as a d. lilM-rate slap In the face by p.cture In tercets isd blentlfle<l with Ihe Board of Trade, but. f-'riiiiiali-ly for the welfare of the Imiustry, through their reab>ii«uess these manufacturer*, ... ... of tlie IV..*r>l of Trade now f.-.-!, <11-. r.slli,-l tlienis.lve* N f.vre a majority of the inimmltlee nieiiilsT*. with the reeult that it Is very unlikely their re.-«nimemlallon* for fe.leral ,-ensorslilp accor<lliig t«> their own views wl'l Is-ar any weight.

The big sur|.rlse of the week came on Thur* day when Re|>resentallve Horace M Towner, of Corning. la., wts* during the hearings before tile E.liii'stlonal Commllle.*, of which he I* a member, bfl is> mlalake that he waa strongly 111 favor of the Ilii-’lies measure, lntr<slnce<l In the House of R»d>resentatlv. s 11 R. amemliiig Section ’.’411 of the Penal C.sle to In^ clmle the w<iril*. “Motbrn Picture Film,’ which makes It a felony, imiilshable by a heavy fine or lmt,rls<mnienl, to transisM-t by any roin nion carrier any Imleceiit or liiiiiio-al llteratnre, Nstka, idctiirisv. etc., an aniemlnient that wa* offere,! bv Ihe Motion Picture Roar,! of Trade a* the <m'y real solution for Ihe entire Imiustry. Tills anieiidmeiit was offer,si l,» the Coniiiiltt,-e on Eiliicallon at one of the esrl.T hearing* 1**t we«-k by G,-ner*l Counsel William .V. Siahury. reiire-eultng the Motion Picture B<eir<l. and after all of the argument* had h" en hear*! Repre aimtatlve Towner, feeling as*ur,s| thst there wa* no )K»slble rh*iice of the Hughe* Bl'l hdng pa"*ed In the lM>ii«e, In the event that 11 w|s reported favorahly out of committee. t,*ik the bull by the horn* ami Intrislnceit the nsvtlon idctiire lnlere*t*’ own measure.

The iinfisensl amendment wa* ref,-rred hy the lions,, to the r’ommlltie on Jmllclary. and thera 1* every tsmsIlilHty of It l«dng r«*|s>rle<l f.vvror- ably ami enact,s| Into law at the present *e* sboi of <’ongr,s,s

The Hughes R(H. m.w Nfore the Committee on Education. )s*f,tre whom the six Imarlng* were held, will not Ih" acte.l iiism l.y th-il IwslT until after Ihe briefs of tsitti side* have Iwn fibsl next Tiie«,1ay. lint Chalriiinii Hu he* 1* ijiioted a* laying that Id* measure will Is- vastly change.1 from the original, and fhi-re Is grave iloiibt whether a ■iiff'clcnt malorlty of the committee can he niii*ter,sl hr the tiroismenis of the h'll to bring about a favorable vote In Ihe Senate the bl!l Is fostercl )iv Senator Sm'th of Ge.>rgla, and he tilnindf I* ,|uote,t a* saying he I* only lukewarm towanl* the meiaiire, and f,-el* eon- Aden' lliat the Senate w,m1d never pa** H. Memlmr* of the House K<lucatlonal ronimIHre

JANUARY 29, 1916. 63 Ttie Billboard

ttx* wiki^l ttirir ni*w«{iap<>r frirnila lo Waililuf tuD to prtut a atatouiriit that thr ('ouiuilttv’-, aa a rouiiultlvf, la uut pltMlged to tho IIuku*’* BUI 111(1 lifter haa breo, and In rlew of tlir kuowl-

that at leaal aetvu of tlir uieiubera, and I>•■ntlllt7 luore, are now o|i|Mmfd to It, the ehauiea fur lla tifluk killed In coiuiulttf« «ere never brightvr,

lu fouiifftlon with the attFin|>t of ofllelala of rarauiouut, Kauioiia IMiyera. Ijiaky, World and (xiultahlf to hrIiiK ilxMit federal reiiHoralilp fa¬ vorable to the lllui lotereata It iu:j[ht be men- t.oiied that tlieae roneerna are not Identlfled alib the MotuHi IMrture Hoard of Trade. When tie r were aaked b; Keprewntatlve IlalllnKer of the lelueatlonal t'oinniittee at the bearliif oQ >\edue*da7 Dlfht aa to their pooHloo the admli- lion *>* brought out that tbej opiKmod both the llughea Bill and the bill of the Board of Trade to amend the I’eiial Code, but that they did favor a federal reuaorablp bill drafted by theniK Ivea. It la griierally believed that thia | attitude oo the part of the Him Intereata favor¬ ing reiiaorahlp had a tendency to diacredit them with the committee, at leaet that la the opinion current In Waahliigton and here In New York Him clrelea.

In the event that the Towner BUI to amend the renal Code aa advocated by the Board of Trade brin. a about a hearing before the Com¬ mittee on Judiciary the Board of Trade wlU again Invade Waehlngton to continue Ita light, not for ceOMwahlp, but for regulathm which the amended bill umiiieatlonahly would novlde. The bill contalni a penalty claiiae of t-T.OOO One or Imprlaonment f(Mr live yeara, or both, for viola¬ tion of the art, and It la contended that thU alone will newe than protect the public of the nation, and eliminate any poealble chance of a manufacturer pcaturlng and attempting to dU- tiil>ate a plrtu’e of Immoml or Indecent na¬ ture.



(Continued from page S.)

that unlewa aomethlng nnforeaeen abould hap¬ pen there aeema little need f<jr worrlmcnt. At any event, rival attractlona will have to go none to prudn(^ two drawing carvla aoch aa Jeaa Willard and I'rank Gotch are certain to be.

Cohmel Tammen. It mnat be mentioned here, atlll rlalma the aervrlcoe of Col. W. T. Cody (BulTaliv BUI), and la advertlatng him aa the big drawing card for the Bella Kioto Showa for the coming aeaaon. In conjunction with hla athletic champlona. Thla In aplle of fre¬ quent and Inalltent denlala by Colonel Cody that he W(mld be Identlfled with the Tammen rnteriirtae In Ibifl, and hla further plan to launch himaelf In a new ahow of hla own.




MILTON. FLORIDA, FEB. 24, 25, 26, ON THE MAIN STREET To hear from a goml Candval Company and Independent Shovra and Conoeaalona, Carry-Ua-All and EU WThrel. Wa hava alx bvg aawmllla running night and day, with a weekly payroll of }ll.i> No tent ahowa of any kind In the laal three yrara. Write or vlre W. B. CARROTHURS, Mlltaa, Flarlda.

WANTED-lumping-Horse Merry-Go-Round Can place one real Show and some Concessions. Want a Man that can handle Keo two-ton truck. Season opens April 24th.

•M. .MITCHKLli, Box 115, Heminifton. Ind.

PRIVILEGE CAR TO LEASE Will lease Privilege Car on 18-car circus to responsible party. Chance to

clear $12,000 to $18,000 on the season. Will take $6,000 to $8,000 to handle. Be quick. CTIICUS C.XIL care Billboard Pub. Co„ CliK-lnnatl, Olilo.


PHILADELPHIA Convention Hail, Broad & Allegheny Ave.


Starting Monday, January 31 TO WITNESS

Frank P. Spellman's Monster Winter Circus


tlwgya did on the atage, and then betrayed a fear that not having the ipoken word to hid him In the eipreitaioD of the drama be would prove of DO moment on tbe acreeu. He was nilataken. The picture be did waa Tbe Coward. Now he la under a two-year contract with m«~— not becauae be la bo|>iDg to amaaa a fortnnn, mind yon, but becauae be knowa be can do big¬ ger thiuga in tbe atndio.

Btllle Burke, who a few weeki ago completed ber Brat motion picture api>earance under my di¬ rection, preeenta aii Intereatlug citation of the ■tage Btar'a awakening. I will admit that Mian Burke, through aheer attachment to ber atage duties, did not awaken until the bad experienced a day ouder tbe atudio dltfuaers. But the awak¬ ening then—when It did come—waa recorded Is most emphatic terma.

“Ob, bow I wlab,'* said Mins Burke to M when I asked her bow she liked the new wo^, “that I knew, a few years ago, aa much aboet pantomime aa 1 do now. It would bave helped me immennely.’’ Mlae Burke spoke a truth. Bhe la an artlat to her Anger tlpn, bat sbe has never contribnted a more delightful performanes In all ber career on tbe stage than she baa doM In this motion picture production in which ahe will soon be seen. And 1 say tbia not in m spirit of reckletwnesa or egotistical enthntlaas but In tbe hope that my words will serve, la • measure, to convey my contention.

The man who says that I am partial to ttaa actor or actress who haa beeu aveoclated with the legitimate stage is correct. I am partial because I believe that true artistry la prevalcal In tbe graduate student of the drama rather than In tbe mere personalities which handsoBM and pretty faces, aided by that potent factor, publicity, have brought to the fore. True nr- tletry cannot And a more pronounced medium of expression than In the motion picture studio. And our great American actorn and actressen are realizing It. Tliat In why they are lintenlng to our offers. It la tbe awakening.

Here In thin unrivabsl California snnahlne they are rubbing their e.ves and joining bands In making I.(,s .\ngclcn The New Rialto.


(Contlnoed from page 3.)

Tammen that he would not be with the lattnr In 1016. and when tbe Stelln-Floto ontflt ended Its season Buffalo Bill again, by tetter, gavn Tammen oflflclal notice to this effect.

Tbe present plans, while still much In embryn^ call for tbe m-w Buffalo BUI Mbow to opaa about May 1, this l&te date being necessitated by tbe nature of the outdoor entertainmend which It Is planned to present, and Tbe Bill¬ board learns anthorltatlvely It Is not planned to bring the big military spectacle to New York In the spring. Perhaps later In tbe season Colonel C<Mly and his mammoth entourage may exhibit here under roof or canvas.

LETTER LIST (Continued from page S.)

this phase of It—tbe oi>portanltlea presented by the change. This likely may be traced to the fart that most of the authors have lacked the chance that I bave had wf studying the sit¬ uation. By tiiat 1 mean that I bave bad more sdmittedly notable actors and actre»«es under my personal siijiervUlon than any other of my esieemod ronfrerrs. I say this standlug upon a foundation of statlstlcn.

ls>iig bave 1 been a believer In the value of tbe stage star to tbe photvslramatte prvsiuctloo. Possibly It is because I was reared In the atmcsiphvre of tbe theater and am ctinae<jiientlT prejudlccl. At any rate tbe value I have al ways (ilaissl and do still place ap''0 tiie big stage star, as far as omoerna the motion pic¬ ture. 1« not a (Hie that of commercialism. It Is an artistic value as well. Hiieakliig In tbe ver¬ nacular. It Is a “fifty fifty' proissvitlon The star d(s-s this for the Aims; tbe Alins do that for tbe star. let ns point vHit bow 1 think the deal Is transacted.

Among tbe first reputable artists of tbe stage wh.. came under roy ani>ervU|on waa George Behan. 1'%^ years Mr. Behan bad siHin(l(Hl the depths of emotion by his masterful characterlaa- tlooa before the ftsdllgbts—es|(ectally In bis one- act play, Tlie Sign of the Rose, a true dramatic gem. I always had N-en one of bis stanchest admirers. .knd yet, nntll I saw him on the screen -saw tbe very fiirrowa In Ms face fs>iae Into being as bis emotions dictated their fornia- **oo—I never had ac(s>rvled him the credit thst Was due. In other wtdvia Mr. Retian spiraled to me. as a spectator, far nnne tHoserfulIy by bis W([rk nv, the sc-een than by his performance on the stage. What of his artistry had found no medium (vf ext>reaalaHi on the stage found It In the studio. The limitless powers of the camera sougbt out and pivivtded an outlet for bis pontomlmlr abilities. .\nd thus was The Sign of tbe Rvise -now (dfered to the pnbllc os An Allen—elevated to heights that If had never, I believe, attained on the stage.

I could have cast about my atudlos and se leclisl an actor to Interpret that hirhiy dlfflcnlt part of the Italian ditchdigger. I could have drilled him until he would have bsHome blue In the fo-e I (-(Mild have prislin-eil the picture With the same settings and the same sop|s»rtlng rest and yet without Mr. Behan It would have fallen far below the atandard It haa reached

Mr. Behan waa by no meana the Aral noted actor to diwert the atage for the atudio. But roe achlevenienta of hU predeevaaora had he'ped him tielleve that by acting before tlie lena hla talenta would he more appreciated Bef(»re do¬ ing The Sign of the Iloae he did The Italian, a

1^1 ptvstuctlon. lie had but to sec himself perform to realire that the stage (vhjM never bolH- to provide him with such facllltlea.

" llbsm S Hart la oerhaos the ni<*t striking llliistratton of the “flfly flffy” profstsltlnn I

«tate(|. Kor twenty years he played on the st.age. lie (ras starred for season after •eaaon In big Brosdwav pnslucllona. Ills name Was a|(eni.i| lu electric llchta. The critics landed hla W(irk every lime he (>tien(sl In a new role. Ilia retditatlon among the New York managers •*» such that virliial'v every time there cts»i«pcd np an ettremely dlHictilt part It was given to h'tn nn.1 thus was the necessHv of combing the r([nnirv for a man who could do It juatlcs • Vo|,t,.,|

■I little more than a v( ar ago I prevailed ttpon "r. Hart to come lo t'allforiila and work nnder t'v direction In a ph(>|o,>lay. He agreed and •'•nal'y was aiir|ir|aed to note with what awlff- •“■•w he. a seas<(ned actor, had Imtiroved lie •I'o siirprlsvsl the revered reviewers, who had ("■llev(sl that there was no ishhii for Improvs-


FREELAND KENDRICK, POTENTATE The most popular head of any organization in the United States, and his full patrol of SEVEN HUNDRED MEN, THREE HUNDRED HORSES, 100-PIECE BAND, ELEVEN HUNDRED PEOPLE IN OPENING TOURNAMENT, FOUR BANDS — Elephants, Camels, Animals of every description—making same the biggejt spectacle ever staged indoors since THEY SIGNED THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE AND RANG THE LIBERTY BELL.


FRANK P. SPELLMAN The Highest Class Circus Director on Earth AND A MASTER MIND



—CONCESSIONS— HERE IS THE TIME AND THE PLACE. IF YOU CAN’T GET MONEY HERE IT CAN’T BE GOT. A FEW CONCESSIONS OPEN. Wire or Phone—no time for letters. Tell us what you want for Philadelphia. We will give price and answer at once. Wire


For personal call, see A. J. RANDALL at Convention Hall, Philadelphia, Penn. There all this week.

For visiting Showmen’s information—Convention Hall is two blocks from Penn. Station at North Philadelphia. 18 minutes from City Hall by street car.



In Indiana. Bmt farm paper In tha Stata. Oovoa In thrra colora. Mow talking points than any othev farm paptr. l-ublhihvd twtea a nunth. Threw yrara, yi.''<>—all your pradt. 100<V Indiana od&. Sub- wTlptloeuv mtrfvd Immrdlairty; aa “kicks." Agvnta fully pn-tvcled.



KLINE - DONNESON SHOWS (*.\N l*lJt('R ana nkws Kldr, alwv Shorn of merit. Frm morr cIkUcv Oai.-eHtdeaia and Stock l^-hrala opm to ilv.> (vavrmaiua topa. SHOWS tU’KN .kl’Kll. with twwty wn-ka to follow In powder and mill usana tn JrrwT BILL DONNESON. Gvs. Mfr. Kllna-Danaasaa Skawa. Rulkarfarg, Naw Jarwy.

N. It.- Ommltteva ar* rruue(Mr,l lo writ*.

nirnt, and nt.>reovrr bad oftrn said so In their rrvlrwa. That la what tha pbv>lo|ilay haa doa<> for Mr. Mart.

\* a rrault of Mr. Hart's ai>paaranca on tha acrean tha “W.-alrm" drama quickly laapad Into l.qiularlty a naw and graatar iMtpularlty than tiint which It i(ravl,(U«ly cnj(»yr<l Kxhibttora thrvHighout tha country claniorad, and In fart. I nndaratand. ara atlll clamoring, f(»r tha Hart plrliirra. Thera was a sudden though laating rajuvanatlon. .\imI that la w-hat. In turn, Mr. Hart haa dona for tha photoplay.

Baaala Barrlacala la anothar aratwblla stage favvrita who la fully appraclattva of the ramara's

Kxvtta. Sha la an actraaa wbo doaa not dapand uiNHi a winning paraonality to gain bar goal. .Viid, baliig an artreaa, aha Alls thaatera with IHHqila who go to anjoy tha ax;>arlanca of having their aUKdioiui appealed to by art. She haa bean ((fferad handaonia auma to return to tba atage, but aha la a convert. She kuowa that tha atage, with all Ita accoutramenta, cannot help bar to antartaln mlllloiia at a time aa can tha camarm.

Still another more recant convert from tha legitimate atage Is Frank Keenan, wbo haa bean acelalmad one of .Lniartca's graataat rbaractar actorn. Mr. Keenan promised to appear in one picture for me. Ha worked laboriously, as ha

(Continued from page 61 >

Tonng. R. N. Young. Bert Young. Walter Younger. W. B. Toungbam. Edw. Zacky, Ally Zalno, Joaeph

*Eanetta. Bob Zenob, 1. **Zeno. Jordon A ZaM Zeva. Edwin ••Ziegler Bron. Zimmer. Ray


BoKt<(nlan 0|(era Co.. B. E. I.ang. mgr.: Porta#* la Prarle, Man.. Can., 26 Kenora. OnL, 28-2W.

Cooke. Kaymtid, Stock Co.; Nordhelm, Tes.. 30; Hunge 31-Feb. 2; Floreavllle .3-6.

For King A Country. R. H. t*H«her, mgr.: Ku*- aack. Sank.. Can.. 27: Canora 28; Torkton 31- Feb. 1; Bredenbury 2; Ruaaell. Mnn., 8.

Fox, Roy E.. Popvilar Playera: Vernon, Tax., 17-20; Eleetra Sl-Feb. 12.

Hi rrlngton'a. W. T.. Great Southern Shown: lujGrange. On.. 24 2!>.

IxHW. J. Ge<[rge. Shows; Navaaota. Tex., 24-2B. M'( hel*-n A Wallace (Prtnceaa) Oakland. OnL,

0( 2(1; t prin('ei(a) Han Frandivco 30-Feb. B. McKenzie Gre:(ter Shown; Childerabnrg, Ain.,

24-28. Morgan ,\mu!<ement Co.: Vinton. La.. 24-29.

MAU’S UNITED SHOWS Now broking Sbo(aii, Rldea and Concvnalooa. Addrm* W. W. M.\r. Manager. Payton. Ohio._

M: jeatle Show-a: .\rradla. Fla.. 2-4-29. National City Four (Electric) Kanaka Cl^,

Kan., 27 29; (Jefferaon) Springfield. Slo., 9^ Feb. 2; (Electric) Joplin 3-5.

Pate Family Concert Orcheatra A Novelty En- tertalnera. Joa. K. Hoffman, mgr.; laifkla, Tex.. 24-26; Nacogdochea 27-29; Groveton 81- Feb. 1.

Roeae Broa.' Show, Floyd Trover, mgr.: Mid¬ land. Ont.. 26 ‘27; Oravehurat 28; BrncebrMBn 29; Parry Sound Sl-Feb. 1.

R((gera' Greater Shown; Quitman, Mlaa., 24-2B. St. lavula Amuaement Co.: Parten. Ga.. 24-29. Khrlng A Covlll United Sbown: Wadley, On.,

24 29. Sorcho. Cnpt. lavuin (Loew) Rra-heater. N. T.,

24 29; (Crystal) Milwaukee. Wla., 31-Feb. A. SU Perklna. Henry W. Link, mgr.: PeWltt,

Neb.. 29; Belleville. Kan.. Feb. 2; Clyd« 8; Alma 6. „ « .

Texaa Bud Bhowa; Center. Tex.. 28-Feb. B. United Mualcal Comedy (Hippodrome) Oraftom.

W. Va.. 24 29. World Fair Shown, C. O. Dodnon. mgr.: Oran(*,

Tex.. 24-29.

Sol’s United Shows FOBNEBLY THE LIBERTY 8M0W8.

Wlntfv Qiianera, Scranton, Pk. P. O. Box tfl.


ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS FVw I'aradra and (XanilvaLa; also Indoor IM (StrinM. (Tirvaaidbcmuma, $2.50 gmaa. Hhcvxing for .\utoa and Blcydra. 75c a yard.

Writ* for Our Caialngue.



-Wl LL--


(This Week)

Jan. 24^ PALACE^ New York