Download - Tenga Apa. ,Sindisa 1m ali. I • - UJ IR


The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples Authorised to publish Government Notice\! affecting Natives.

~~~~~-------" ----~--------~~~D~~~=-~~--------A~"~lste~"d~'~'~~,~G~OD'~ro'------'~~~' Vol 7. No. 346. JOHAIIIIIIIIIBBUBG, Il TH ECEMBIIR, 1926. P,,' 0""'" N'~P '''''. Price 3d

-_._--.-_._---••••• r Njangoko. ~ibana kwe linani

lingezantsl I N. R.C. STORES zili 18. Zanka nganye zino pau ngapambili olunje-

• Musani uku pulapula nayipiITa. ivenkile eti yiyo iN. R.C. STORES


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Tenga Apa. •

Uzoku ~

,Sindisa 1m ali. . , • • •

.~Zl am I I ,

I • •

Amanani Atotywe Isim.nga. •


• I


• I

BONA , BONA • , • •


Raodfontein Jolfes Buildings Aogelo Alongside Angelo Hotel. • Battery Reef. Oomet, Near Comet Mine. Main Reef Road, Dr. CODs~aDgl. Mine KleiofoDtein. Near Main Gate Kleiolont'n Campd. I , .

Laogl.agte, Springfield, . Prospt',ct Township, Simmer & Jack. Germiston. New Primrose, Wit Deep,

Second Avenue / .. Apex, Stand 324, Apex Bakery. Concord Street, N.R.C SAT .. NE 15/ Brakpao. clo Power Street & ((ardner Avenue. • Near Simmer & Jack Battery IZ I H LA N GUN E , S H UZ I ' Geduld Sta~d 855, Geduld Extf:lDtioQ Townsbip Bauar Hldgs Knox Sheet.. Sprlogs MaID Avenue Dear Springs Mines • Near New Primrose Componnd Amagama e i. R. C. STORES. I" East Ninth Avenue Near Wit Veep Compound \..... New Madder, Stand 13(. IIImso 's Boilding. I

• HEAD DEPOT, 18. V~N BB.AN~:u;j 8TH-EXT. Box: 3870 oIllHAfuaESBURG.' · • -..... . • -••••• _-_._-.(WHOLESALE ONLY)





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Ungazl tenga kUZQ zonke Ivenklle; ixablso \


yl 4d. nge paketl yezlli 10.


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Ttl", MODtb,

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equality with the Earopen.ns, whioh deride the ecolesia.stica.l a.ttack on the Borne of them believed. The Natives Government's N&tivG policy, and the

were to a.ccopt a settlement o( Prime Ministef' may again sha.Uer bis

tho racia.l problem tha.t gave them 0.\ dignity aga.iost the solid front of right. reasonablo share of the U niop· 8 a.creage eons protest; but tbex6 is DO shadow

and offered them a. sporting cba.nce. to 1 of doubt tha.t enlightened European

opinion will ultimately triumph over baokveld prejudice, that compassion and fair-dealing will supplant tradi·

Umteteli wa Bantu.

"develop on their own lines io their own territory," The Natives disoovered

nothing in the principle of segregation, but they doubted its

praotioality 80nd dreaded its hasty and a.pplication. They now perceive

General Hertzog's aba.ndonment of the segregation scheme a.nd have been quick

to realise that tbe provisions of the L&nd Bill are empty o( benefib. Tbose

Natives wbo bave the votie a.nd those who are unfranchised are united in their dotermina.tion to resist any viola.tion of

existing privilege: and the Government would acore a ba.rren victory if eitber the Land or Disfranchisement Bill were

stiea.m·rolled through Parliament in their pre·sent (orm in disregard of the

definite and universa.1 opposition of the

N a.tive people. The Eurafric&ns bitterly dis&ppointed tbat Geneml Hert·

zog bas so utterly failed to give substance to his Smitbfield promise. They protest

loudly against tb. definition of their II ~ights," a.nd look vainly in their

speoia.l Bill for the sta.tus and equality they were led bo 'expect. Tbe publica,­

tion of the four Bills bas brought tbe

non-Eutopean peoples together a.nd has fired them with a common purpose:

and we opine that Pact leaders will not risk the loss of pJa.ce and prestige by pressing for enactments in

face of the compa.ct hostility lof four­

fiftb. o( tbe total popul.tion.

tional oppressiveness, and tha.t the

Colour Bar Bill and other iniquitous

had just been elected a. vice.presidenb Of. the Oongress, Was entrusted With ~be ma.nagement of the division At this time there wn-s perfect ha.rmon; between the lea.ders of the Cape Con. greas and Mr. Tha.ele. There wag no question of raoialism then. But in tbe meantime Mr. Tha.ele blundered: he styled bimself .. president of the African Na.tional Congress" and sta.rted to do things without consultin& or reo porting to tbe be.ds o( tbe Cape Con. gress to whom he was responsible for the management of the Western Dis.

enaotments "ill be replaced by measures triots division. He started a newspa.per

11th' DECEMBER, 1926.


We have very good authority for the announcement tha.t the Premier's Na.­

tive Bms will be closely revised before Parliament is asked to oonsider them.

It is prob.ble bb.t tbe Land Bill will be amended in several important re­

spects, and tha.t a serions effort will be made to remodel its main provisions so

as to render the measure less obnoxious to the Na.tive people. The Disfranchise­ment Bill has not the remotest cha.nce

• of elevation to tbe Statute Book; a.nd we are told tha.t the Counoil Bill Vi'ill be shorn of its II interdependent ..

clause. Tpe PretC?ria Cooference would seem to have served a. mosb useful pur­pose, and there are many indications

of a growing European conviction that no Native policy will succeed if it fa.ils to carry N a.tive opinion with it. Dele­

gates to the Conference were repre­sentative of all sections of the Bantu

of the Union, and of every shade of Bantu sentiment. There were ruling chiefs and their liegemen ; tribal intel­lectuals and intellectuals who had long

ceased to be tribesmen. None of tbese ts wholly sympathetic with tbe views or aspirations of the others, for eaoh

class has its own oonception of its destiny and of the mode of travel to its

fulfilment; but when confronted with the Premier's plans they found a com­mon cause, their interests were welded, nnd their solid opposition to the general design may mark the beginning of the

end of Native submission to legislation that is otfensive and injurious.

There has been a conspicuous revul. sian of feeling with regard to the rights

of the Native people, and European opitJion has become less antagonistic to the principle underlying Cecil Rhodes'

But, as we have said, the trend of European opinion h!t.s he10m9 less un­

favourable to the Native cause, and there is fair ground for the belief that Native legislabion will in future he

viewed itn.rian


from eo new antl human­

angle. The clear inutility of of General Hertzog's Native

Bills has dra.wn European attention to the reasonableness of Native olaims,

and public men have begun to question the morality of the disabling conditions imposed on "the Native people by the

present and past South African Gov· ernments. , Everywhere but in Govern-

• ment circles the Premier's Native policy is denounced, a.nd it is safe to predict that Genera,l Bertzog will cast

about for a m"ans to save his face when he finds that his'carefully prepared pla.ns

advocacy of eqQality for all civilised have misfired and that his general men and General Smuts' plea for a square deal. The Native case is not nearly so forlorn as it was in 1913, in

'3pite of General Heruog's courageous attempt to make Bantu advanoement

permanently ilIega,}. We are inclined to believe that tbe four Bills will, after

alJ, prove to be the re&l starting point for tbe goal of Native industria.l and political emanoipation, and that the

very noticeable and favourable oha.nge in European opinion is due to tbe

obvious unjustness of their intention, no less than to tbeir remarkable unlike­ness to the polioy enunoiated by General Hertzog .t Smitbfield by wbiob tbe Pact secured its temporary oontrol of tbe country-s affairs. The Natives were then promised, or threatened with, territorial segregation, and they waited with deep solicitude for 6 clearer declaration. Tbe were then I'I.5sr:rt.;d or 0. oivilised sta.tus .md full

soheme to ensure the political and in­dustria.l extinction of the Native people bas been unfavourably reoeived by ooe­

half of the voting publio.

The cahn, pa.ssionless arguments of the statement issued by tbe Episoopa.1 Synod cannot be ignored even by states­men who rely on the assured support of a Parliamenta.ry majority; nor can tbe memoranda. of the J obannesburg Joint Counoil of Europeans and Natives be ligbtly jettisoned. It i. prob.ble, moreover that the Conference of Euro-' . . peans a.nd Natives shortly to be con-vened by tbe Federal Council of Dutoh Refol!ooed Churohes will endorse the views of the Bishops and other persons and hodies who have considered the human aspect of the Premier's pro·

posols •• nd tb.t tbe Bill. will be de· layed and modified under pressure from the religious side of the Government party. The Minister of Justice may

oa.lled tbe " Afrioan World," w hieh wa.~ less demonstrati'fe of man's inhuma.niby said to be" the only organ of the African

Nationa.l Congress." In this pa.per he expounded his own policy whioh he wanted' to im~ose upon the National Congress. Again, be leased a. building in the of the Congress, and so fa.r as I can gatber, without reference to the leaders of the Cape Congress. There oan be no doubt that these sohemes

to ma.n.

• VVanted a tourageous



were intended to benefit the race bub it ca.nnot be denied that tbe ma.nn~r in which they were inaugurated was bound to create a sta.te of affairs such aa we

In my last a.rticle I pointed out tbab have to-day. Personally, while rebuking II unlike Europea.ns, we are experiencing the Cape leaders for not abiding by the onr own Renaissance, our own Reforms.- decision of the National Oongress, I tion a.nd our own Industrial Revolution, blame Mr. Thaele for baving, in his all in the life-time of a. single geners.- am~itious desire for leadel'ahip, failed tion." Thedifficnltiee. therefore, which to give honour to whom honour is due. we have to face in our upwa.rd move· The time has come when our leaders ment are more stupendous than those must be taught to respect one a.nother which confronted Europea.ns in their a.nd to obey tbe orders of those in stage of tra.osition. The process of authority over tbem. But they cannot civilisa.tion . and development among do tbis so long a.s their actions are not Europeans wa.s slow and graliual ; but publioly critioised. One cf tbe reasons with us it is rapid and bewildering. why the Congress is in tbis state of And it is becaus~ of this rapidity that COD fusion is beoause our leaders are the problems of our sooia.lliCe a,re grave allowed to do as they like while the and perplexing. The race, so far as one people are kept in the da.rk about their can see, is politically, economically, wrongdoings. One of thA prerogatives socially and spi ritually in a state of of the Press is to criticise, hut nob chaos, and is going very hadly to ruin Vilify, public men. Healthy and con. for want of trained ana courageous structive criticism of the actions of lea.dership. For a lea.dership which public men is absolutely essential The sits 00 tbe fence and watches which Press is the director of public opinioD, way the wind blows cannot lead us and it is the duty of our editors and throngh the wilderness of our troubles writers to see that our Press does its and difficulties. duty fearlesgly and without fa.vour.

Politically we a divided race. A leader who achieves big things to day We are like a, school without a head, a should be pra.ised; but he should be ship. with,.mt a. navigator. Tbe African severely criticised if he goes wrong to. N ationa.1 Coogress, an organisation morrow. which bas done so much to {oster the The position at Cape Town bas been spirit of race uDity in the pas~, is made wor~e by Mr Mahabane's A.ction. now undergoing a violent ~isinte~ration I ~r .. MQb~bane ba.s issued a proolama. on account of the ~etty lealousles and tion ID hlS ca.paclty as President-Gen. squabbles of its leaders. It is like an eral of the African National COO"re!=l3 animal without head or a. tail; its appointing :\Ir. James Thaele to a~t; as autbority is not recognised by the leader of the Division until tbe annu"l leaders of its provincial branches, who convention. This prociama.tion IS

in the majority of are more con· certainly bound to raise il storm of cerned with their personal ambitions .protest In the first place, l\lr. :\1a.bH.­than ~ith those of the race. They are baDe acted without reference to the a stumbling block to unity and progress Acting Presideot Geueral, Mr. J- T. becau·se very often tbey render co-opera- Gumede. In my opinion he shou ld tion between the parent body and its have waited until he met Mr. Gumede hranches impossible hy ignoring tbe I aod his other colleagues. Secondly, decisions an'd orders of tbe former! constitutioDally the orga.nisation of the except those which do not affect their! Congress is under an organising com­positioDs as leaders. In oonsequence 1 mittee, tbe chairma.n of wbich is the the National Congress is unable to genern.l secretary. It is this Committee prosecnte its programme. To-day, the wbioh sbould investigate such disputes work is practically atastandstill because and report to the President Genera.l in provincial leaders deoline or neglect to council. put into opention the programme 6f the' It is a great pity tbat the Congres3 National Congress· They spend their I should be in sucb '1. state of oonfusiOQ time and enerll:Y in racial feuds and just when the Prime MlOister's Native animosities. For instance, at Cape I' Bills are about to be laid before the Town there is a violent dispute betwe~n House of Assembly, .and .when develoJJ .. M.J Ja.mes Thaele and Mr. James Ngo}o . ments of far·reachmg Importance are about leadership, a dispute which has taking place in the political life of this twice resulted in the use of physical couctry. To tackle these problews we force. The dispute was settled in a. need a sane and courageous leadersbip. hapba.zard wa.y at the special convention We want men who will not sit on the of the Congress, beld in Bloemfontein fence and wa.tcb which way the \Viod last June. But it was a bad settle[Jlent blows. which bas naturally aggra.v8.ted the situa.tion .

Now what is the real oause of this trouble at Town? Many will say it is ra.cialism. Mr. Ngojo does not wish to serve under Mr. James Tha,ele because the latter is an Msuto_ Tbere ma.y be some truth in that, but the primary ca.use of the trouhle, to my mind, is due to disloya.lty on tbe part of the provincial leaders to the national authorities. The diapute, as is well known, arises ant of the question of tbe leadershIp of the We3tern districts of the Cape. It a.ppears that for adminis­trative purposes these c;ristricta were oreated a. division by the Cape Con­gress, and Cape Town was declared its headquarters. Mr. Jamel Thaeie. who


St. Mdt.thew's c.oJlege,

Opening of Secondary School January 1927.

--A pplications for vacancies in

thl' Academic Course Standard VII for Junior Certificate Cape Province examination should be made at once to the Rev. the Warden, P. O. Box St. Matthew's, C.P.

U '" l'IIlT 1Il1. ( Wa. BANTU, ,lORAN NIIl8BURG, 11TH DECEI4BER. I 92~

B M,S,C Programme

Friday December 17, will be a. guest night at the Bantu Men's Sooil:\l Centro, Johannesburg, a.nd thtlre will bo shown a cinema. pio~ure oc tbe life of Cbrist entitled, "From tbo Manger to the Cross ." Christmas Eve Ilnd New Year's Eve do not appear in the fixtures for members, ma.ny oC whom will o.ttend aervioe at their respective churohes 00

'hose Evenings. The ohildren's bioscope entertainments will, however, be given as usual.

The B.M.S.O. GI .. Porty wo. Bsked '" sing at the meeting of the Tra.nsvaal Missiona.ry Associa.tioo on Thwsda.y of 'bis week.

It i. unfortun.te tho' the bookkeep· ine fond sbortband classes have been abandoned owing to the apa.thy oC pupils. They will, however, shortly be revived if a suffioient cumber of serious • 'oden'. respond to the invitation to enrol

Tb. Gommo Sigma Olub wo. addre.· oed 10.\ night by Me .. ". Thoka and Gregor, who recently arrived from England, on " An Eoonomio EUture for 'he Bantu." Other guests included Mr. Lionel Hutobjns, financial adviser kl tbe Transvaa.l Government under tbe Uilner regime; Mr. Lionel Cudiss, Drst town olark of Jobannesburg under Britisb rule; Mr. Samuel Evans and Mr. Walter Webber.

The B.M.S.C. is in need of men to assist in tbe pla.y it is proposed to stage during tbe Cbristmas season. Volun· teers are asked to leave tbeir names witb tbe Secretary.

• Natives and Union Status Tbe Rev. D. S. Drepu pre.ided at an

informal meeting of prominent Natives wbich wa.s held at Joha.nnesburg last Saturday to discuss tbe effeot upon tbe Native people of tbe development of inter· Imperial relations. A commi~tee of ·three ~&9 appointed for tbe follow· iog pufposes :-

To draft a manifesto laying out wha.t the purporb of the equal status are, in view of past legislation, and to devise wa.ys and means wbereby tbe Imperial Conference-in other words the League of British Nations -C&Il hold supreme power over sub· iec~ races within tbe Dominion.

Tv ~rbh It m.Ol(~etv reqoiriog the Brltieh GOVE'rDment to' ~leerly Bod unt-qolvocslly the statos (If the Banto peopl~8 under (bill Itrangemsnt, Ind whether ooder it the British GlovernmpDt flutborised Of loggestf'd a '''pel' of the Sooth Atrial Aot in eo far 88 it related tu the Royal prerog8t1ve.

1'0 duft • oommunloation to the Prlme Mioietn of the UOiOD, tIS

MiDleter of Native Aff .. ire, request· iDR him to",st", te ole. fly sod un . 'quivc. O'tlly wh.,~ s"fegutrds he mldt' for the N ... tI~p" of South Atricii at the Imperl.,l Coofer.wcp , aDd wblS t It.toslt w a 'greed woald be enj t>y_ fd by the snhjeot r o ~ s io view of their non.rl'prt'seot&tlon io the ooon ails of the Stilts.

• The Ta;k Shop.

Mr. O. R. Nel, M.L A, deolupd IAet weell: It Newc88t1e thlt the NAtive problem wo.ld never be settltd 00

pltrty Iioea, The Pr .. ooit'r'e Bills, h~ '1Id, were a n~ g .. tton of thA tfrritorlaJ legreglstion which the pabllc bid been led to expeot. The r ~ leH8Ad 8reS8 tn Nabl woald be I pen to N "tive, of 11 11 lriboll,80 that Ndtal might be o~l1ed 00 to abeorb .11 tbe Bleotoio the Frfle State Mr. Nel appfil,led for 8 ulition,,1 oonveotlon wblch, he said, would b flf mne soitlble for oonsider~tion of the NativA prohlem than ·,the rambling Itmosphere of Pdrllamept!'

That cleanliness must be aohieved by commonsense means is exemplified by the case o{ the l'a.tiV6 who recently removed a.n accumula.tiou of dirt (rom bis skin by a copious o.pplication of paraffin a.nd stood nea.r a fire to dry himself . The Native is now beinl! wasbed by a. bospittl.l orderly.


PEOPLE'S NKS Major Herbst and the Native Conference.

Use and Value of Co-operative Credit. The Editor, "Umteteli,"

By Rav. BlfBNABD HUBS, Sir,- I should he pleased it vau would

a.llow me through your cDlum 08 to express my sinoere thaoks to Major Herb8~ for oloe.ring the air and for removlOg & wrong impression of his remBtks ~t the recent Native Conference ',b Pretorra.. I lolly accept bis explana .. tlDD, bub cannot help feeling after reading his Jetter, that liS Secretary (or ~a.tive Affa.irs be must have found himself in an invidious positioD,--aDi excelleD~ Tea.sD? why the Seoretary (or Native Affaire should Dot prsllide OVer tbs ConCereooe.


(Sp."a/ly ... for .. Umt,t.It")

MECHANISM (Contitsued.)


The fo lowing rna, be the (rder of business ae tbe ordinary ooeetirgs:

80 tbe re ,,- diDI flodeoLfirooaclon of the mloDtes ' f the prtCrdlDg mletlol;

b. matt"s Immediitely 8rlslol out of tbe proceedfols of the list meetln, ;

c. Secretary's report on busloess condu-:ted sloce the previous meeting;

d readlol of urlent correspondence; e. recovery of overdue 'oaos i f. appl catIon for membersblp; g. app tcation for loans; b. 80y otber business, lncludinl

correspoodence leh over·


Th is bodY consists of three or six or nine very efficient member! and has to supervise all tnnsactlon~, cbtcklng the C~mmIUe. Rod ovelhaollng all tbe buc:loess ooce 80 quarter . There is no Deed of every oDe lospectlol tbe books, Dor clln any interference be tolented, otberwlse there would be no end of disputes, quarrels and other Inconvenl~ "oces. For tba.t reason tbe Council must possess the fnll confidence of the bank members, fo nd tbey mast be so distributed over tbe wbole Irea served by tbe bank AS to possess an accunte knowledge of the condItions cf the inhaDltants cf tha.t area. If anyone coold loterfere no mea WOQld be fonnd lor tbe Committee Rod tbe Council .

Tbe CounCil meets regular" once a qoarter. All outstandiog loans are examined to s ~ e wbether tbey are sde. Doubtful loaDs are called In. The Connell mnst .Iso see tbatla.D8 Ire aot ,rAnted beyond the IImitld IImount fixed by til. G.o.ral M •• llnll. It mnst also watch ,enerally the management lind tbe welfare of the ~oclety (f It sels that tbe welfare of tbe roclety Is endangered, it mast It once call a General Meetlog. In case of a grave dangn ~he CODnell blls even the right to dismiss aoy Committee member or tbe wboll Committee or the Secretary, but a General Meetlnl mDst tbeo be called at once.

The Coaoell of Inspection Is very l:nportant beedase lt Is not sufficleot to bave a good macblne, Ii iood euglneer is also needed. The ezamlnBtlon by the Council Is one of tbe safeguards of the bank aod cannot be npglected wltb Impunity. Bnt it Is sometimes not eMSY at tbe outset to fiod ID a vllla.ce I

sufficient nomber of men proplr y qo~ lified to carry out tbe dntles of the members of the Coaocil. ThiS dlffi calty bas been overcome In Ireland attd In Iodia by inspectors beiag sent (rom headquarters to cbeck tbe b~nk's doing and act practioal ly RS R Couoel l. In German, balBnce sbeets and reports are sent to headquarters from every baok every year to be there cQfelally examined aDd sent backwards and for­wards for questions aad aoswers till all Is made c ear. Bnt tbls can never fnlly rep lace tbe vigllaDtand actively .nterest­ed local Conncil whicb Is snre to detect flaws and polots of daD,er that escape an ootslder's notice Accordlorly if tbe local Council Is not equal to Its work at tbe oal5lt, It shonld be carefully train ed np to It by an Insoector from bead quarters.


Tbe Stcretary or cashier Is apPOinted by the G eneral MeetiD~ or by tbe Corn' mittee of M-l nagelllem, subject to the

~~~n~:Q :~~~(~ID~be I 0 G';:I~~IS~ ee.t,l~:~ sool 01 tbe bank.' He cprrles oat tbe "Ixecutlve wOlk acd IS t ften the on y employed or pilld official of tbe bank; be supervises tbe work of BOy otber employees fIe has 00 vOIce wbatever In Ibe empkyment and distribution of money, belog ooly an e't~cutlve ageDt.

In ordsr to guarantee the faltbfnl die char,e of bls duties, he muet bave either several saretles or offer some otber suitable and snbst~Dtlal Illarantee.

Tbere have been a few case!' wbere tbe Secretar, bas absconded wltb tb, casb· Tbere mly be some dlfficn Iy for that official abont his fiodin, secur· Ity. An efficient aDd trustwortby bat ;')oor maD may be onto Tbe amoDDt 01 casb on ttte Secntary's band maSt Dever be lar,e. It Is sife to adopt the It ... llao prlociple of pattlol what cub bal.nce remllos from slttlol to slUiog Into I place of safet,.

Johlnnesburg. H. 8ELBY.MsIMAN.,

• "D '-" OClNr Wellington was lome

ti~e a.go in Johannesburg heavy· laden wl~b parobments of American diplomas. He then expressed bis intention to practice medicine in Jobannesburg bu' altered bis plans when a higb officer 01 'be Criminal Investiga.tion Depa.d. ment a. probability as his first "patient," and left Johann8sbnrg for some place unkaown . Tbe" Doctor" ba.s now rea.ppeared ab Aliwal Nort .. wbere, we are informed, be is promin. ently assooiated wj~h a. "We-die. togetber" group of Herscbel malcon­tent. (mo.tly women.)

Tho foliowlog or. the dutl •• of tbe Secntar,. :

a. to be present at all meetiogs and to record tbe minntes of tbelr proceed logs;

b. to keep tbe records of the Society; C. to conduct tbe correspondence; d, to Issue notices of all meeUegs to

all members; e. to prtlseot a report of the cooduct

of bnslness to the Commhtee at each meeting, IncludIng a statement of lo;; ns mpde and 10 .f ns repaid;

-African f to lay before the Committee all

correillpondeoce received and conducled since tbe hlst meeting j

g aoy olber duties Imposed 00 blm by tbe Society


Toe mpmber~ 01 the Committee are elected for fonr yesrs, two or tbree retino, every IWO yeers Tbe membe:s of tbe CouDcli sre elected for tbree years, one tbird of tbe members retirieg eacb year, tbe retiring members are determined by ballot for tbe first time, sed If oecessary also for the seCJod time S"bsequently tbe members longest In office must retire. The COllecil Cq,D orovlsionally dlscbarge membHs of the Committee, subject to con6rmllilon by tbe GlnerRI Meetlnl. The Secretary Is elec ' ed for loar ,ears and caD be dis missed after :bree montbs' notice


The only sillaried official of II. People'! Bank Is the Secretary wbo is paid BC

cordlDI to tbe amoant of hi. work All tbe otbu services mast be performed gratis, neltber mernbus of tbe Com· mlttee ncr of the Co.nell drawing an)' remuoer .. tloo j only c"lsb oQtlays art', of coarse, nfuoQed. Tbls systlm pro d.ces the fo llowing beoeficlal results :

a. Economy in t~e managemeot Is secored

b Any spirit of greed is rigIdly ex clndld. Those wbo admlalster tbe bank onlfbt to be above snsplcion. Tbere · fore they are selected wltb dlsc rlmln-t tlon, aod not onl, every temptation t t') slipshod mauagement cr wrong dolog must be careful y taken oot of tbeir way. bnt a 50 everythlog that woald be saggestive of Indlvldall profit mnst be kept st ricti, out of the b~ok. 00 y onder tbese conditions tbe officers may be considered trustwortby keepers of the b.l ok's pllrse, baviog' no Indacemtnt wbatever to allow or to relose credits except accordlog to tb~ merits of e8ch ease.

c· Tbe galdlo, motives of action Bre cantlon Qnd security. The free service Is tberefore an additional safegnud to tbe common Ih~billty p edge During hIS bfet me Ralffe!stll did not spe Q

single filii ore 01 any bank d Wbat Is freely giveD, Is bonest' y

and cbeuColly !J lven H For pR, meDt we would DOt work wltb c::och gre"t In terest Rnd pleasore as we d ) now," said some b.tok officials, Bad RalfTelsen bimself dec1"red that tbls Is quite oa tor lll , for tbe de:.1re for mooey or ml terlal gRin wi-I never c;ruisfy mRfI, Rod prcfit hunger Is tbe csuse of tbe ruin of many money Institutions.

Western Dist Branch 01 the Cape Alrlcan Provincial Branch,

Whereas a. split bas occurred in tbe ranks of the Western District brancb of the Cape African Congress being ProvlOciat branch of the Afrioan N a.tio nal Coogress,

Whereas in pursuance of the decision of the African N a.tioon.i Congress in ann'clal convention a~8embled at Bloem. font ein on the 30tb June, 1926, tb .. President-Geoeral called ageoera l meet. ing of all the members of the Western District Branoh at Ndabsni Location , Town on the 14th November, 1926, for tbe purpose of affording them the opportuni~y of electing a Leader lor tbe District,

And whereas ~he said General Meet. ing declined to a.vall itself of tbe opportunity thus afforded now, there­fore, in my capacity as President­Geneml of the organization in the lonr Provinces of the Union of Sou~b Africa..

N ow therefore I do by tbese presents appoint Jame. M. Thoele, B .A to be an acting Cba.irman and Leader of tbe saId Western District Bra.nch of the Caipe African Congress until the nes:' assembling of the .!frican National Congress, to be bolden at Blosm£onteill on or after the 1sb day of January, 1927. I now call upon all mew hers and a.dherents of the AfrioBon National Oongress in tbe Distric~ which extends from Simonstown to De Aar a nd em­braces tbe Distr icts of Van Rhynsdor" Vredenburg and other districts soutla thereof , to take notice thereof and render due loyalty accordingly _ I respec~(ully reqlleqt the administra tive, munioipa.l , industrial, and mi l way a.uthorities in tbe said a.rea. to afford tbe said James ~_ Tba.~le and biB oolleagues, who must be in a pOl!ition to produce written documents from him autborizing them to a.ot under bis direction, a.1l necessa.ry rMilities in tbe discharge o( their duties a.s officers Or

orgaoizers of tbe said Western Dist.riu\ branQh of ~be Afrioa.n Congress Cape Provincial Branch of the Arrioa~ Na.tional Congress.

Glveo under my band at NdaLeni Capo Town, this 15tb dll,y of Novewber' 1926. '

(Signed) Z. R. ~ \/1.\" .1"" Pl'esidoD t- General ,

Atriea.n N a.~ioDal Congrees.



IMIDLALO. N.R.C. Touring Team

S •• iy.lloyi'" pe.olu I.og"elo .ioi ke amaoaoi ezi kOrl aiyi:relle yooke iogcombolo kub. l8isiboDi isildu eo· Itokobl kudo loadl.I ... k .. iDd ... 1 •• i mbioi kugqily ... kab. kDkoD •• ilu oy.I ... iod.b. e •• kud.l •• iv.k.l. P"­kati lIomli; ampeblu" leiblmbi nlWO, iDdlbl zibl mOlndi zieeDtsb ••

.... (Copt) ... Iempi ..... klde odiy.· I b.mbo odiyib.t. elilJeDi it1omke,1J Bibbo sieiy. iaira­lurulo .iko Moelu, gqi b.boy. e.ili "oiodibooil. odidl.11 b.odi lou odiJi WiDil. It ... ye odib· elopinini," 78 vumbalolo iot. II, Makobalo a D. J.Da olmll,.i "a,1 Dog.oa eb.I.Di 0 .. ku ... II. ya .. aloop. mf.odioi iolo Ito ]1(0.10 Dgal.Ddl.11 ilaod.l.yo :-

N gol .. e.i BiDi agombll 23 ku No­.ombl i Glmpo UOilD C Q. Jlqabi elDI De Tourists, yoyiswi i Tourist Dg. 4 ruo •• e~up.l. i U mpir •• mhlop. og •• n Y.Dgnb.oo .1. J.blko .. d. i Umpire. zab.yi 8 e.iDI,uDda kaD~.ko Dqob.l. I Kwi firsl iooiDg. i Eo.1 Loodon y"I .. ",. 153, \ N .R.C. 126 all 001. K .. i 20d iDDiDg. LODdoa 125 111101, i N.RC. 128.

IDd."o .y.dlsli •• i Toari.t. kokubi, IIailoli b. fi k. og. 19 • Mooti "'e ok. Mngqilo.n. u Alf. Eric, .b •• biy. II ... lig.d. oge 21 og. 7 ... ku8l •• , Bld:.'_ Dgootlizi,o ezinsiml. P,mbi kokoba .111. abot.ago bollagqib.11 ".bi •• u Mr. Ebea. J. N og.go 00 Pi.1 G ... le no H.rry Klleoi, "ali oy.ka vuyi •• ko kakul a XI b.oollum.n •• la iolo •• imbioi IIop.ll:· ogqi ro, blbi.. amfoodi.i: Idl.II1 1.1i laadel,," og.maa.a.lo .. i Iii 18 o.m.· a.o •• Dgam. 91 oglp.odl. k ... mpi J. N.R C. Te.m IbeH loago "eadl.1i .p.mbili y.yl omfi. B"bolal,," k.kulo ab.ola b ••• Mooli ogolt.bako kolo mocwlbo.



li:. MoiloDgl 0 & b M.kuball 31 A.H. Foad. b B.I. 4 D. 0 M.lllmbi b B.I. 5 M. IIllobi b Mgq.d .. 1 12 A. B.1i b Muo.o 1 A, R.d •• i 0 Mpa.uh .. b M.110 ul. 8 J. P.II.o. 0 Mgq.Dd ..... b Mavu.o 7 K. V.o. b J. M.lro. 16 T. D. Moiloogo 001 oul 11 Colb.rl 0 Mgq.od ..... b M.o.yi 22 D. Moelo roo 001 1

Extn. 8

Tol.1 126 Ori.ohl C,C. B T.lm, lslloaing.

M.kllb.lo 0 Moiloago b V.o., 4 .. a b Colb.rl, 6 Mgq.d .... i b Colb.rl, 12 Muu.o b N .aa, 0 )Iolro. b Veo., 0 Goombo b M.Xllli, 1 Mlo.yi b MIXlki, 8 Millambi b V'OI, 0 Xe.b. 001 101 13 B.I. 0 & b Veao, 4 L.kob. b Moiloogo, 2

Byo. 2 -

Tolal 52 W.JipiDdi •• Dmfo loa 1140.10 lOa Ii

mayiog.De fati Y.Dg.o. Dgoko Dgolo blobo lol.od.loyo . Ori.DIOI C.C B Te.m 2Dd IDDiDgS

M.lro. 0 Moilool/' b MIX.lli, 0 Xe,b. b Moiloago b Manki, 0 IIIgqadlZwi 0 R . da •• b Moiloogo, 1 M.kob.lo 0 & b MoiloDg. 18 Bele 0 Mtobi b MaXlki, 1 Muo •• b, 0 Mpo.ol ... b, 2

Betler Variely. and Belter

More Value

Dependable Goods, if you get your

CRICKET BATS, at Ward & Salmons.

This seaSOD's stocks wero personally chosen b1 a member of the firm after a tOD!' of the priDcI­pal factories 10 Englaod. They represent, wltb. oat doubt. tbe very best made.

Examples of Cricket Bat Value GUNN & MOORE'S .. AUTOGRAPH." Mad. 01 the finest close bark t straight gnlned, trne Bat Willow. boad work­maDshlp and fiolsb. Prices IDclade Best Robber Hoodle Grip 55/ , SO/ ond 47/6 GUNN & MOORE'S .. CLUB," A doobl. rabbor bat, most serviceable for clob os. 35/· PHIL HEAD'S XXX • AUTOGR~PH" BAT, 39/6 VICTORY BAT. 25/·

GUNN & MOORE'S CANNON." A trebl. spring bandied bllt, made of Soperlor Willow. with p eDty of wood on the drive 37/6 and 35/. HOBBS' FAMOUS .. FO RCE" BATS from 29/6 PRACTICE BATS· Sar.· wak CaD., Good edll's, Plenty of wood 00 drive. SIDgl. Rabbor 17/6 Doobl. Robb.r 19/6 Trebl. Rob· ber 25/-

Write for Complete Price List, conlainlng Pads, 6loves, Balls, Stumps, Bags, and all Cloth­


Ward & Salmons Eloff & President Streets, Johannesburg.



Ab.b.mbi n fikl a Quooe ogomhl. 24 ka No.omb. b ... boqobi •• ol .mdl.I".oi og. 25 0.26 I N.R C. T.lm yal ... ", 239 .11 oul k .. i fir.1 iaDiDg., i Kiag 7eD'1o 71 .11 001. Kom.ngeoo •• ibini i N R.C. I,"m y.b.l. 81 for 6 wiok.l. deolared' Kiog 75 .11 001, y.b. ke oj.lo i N .RC. Tooriog yoyi •• og. 174 rUDS n. 5 .. iollel ... a,. omdilio uqabek. k.~obl. ogolla hODj.lwl ogobon.n •.

M,".mbi rOD Int VeDI, 14 " Uai pile" laaoobom ell.a8ni age Gcumbe rUD out Mcilongo, 0 miuszaDI itile IIloga ngoltubl loyiawt'

Omkoltl Mr. S. Mlob., okon olio aob. impito yake igioJisl aml'f, peza Itollaba e b.b.mb.~ e "'"ola Dgoll mloohl.o.. S.y. fali .izibul.11 ezimnlDdi ezipoml k". Tul.odivile okokoba a Radeb' Omkulu u Mr. C. Voadl. (S" .. e% .. e) 0Y.Dgoamb .. 1 kwezi ntsuku ojeogokab. umli usui u~abl ubel.l. p.ol.i o.iml agolo milohIIOf', omlbioi l.m. dod. Dgezlal al.ikl .. k... Tul.Ddivil., •• ibol.l. okavi eli zimoaodi zokuhlazi· y.k. r.".mpilo y.wo. Ng.mao. k ... b. Dj.lo •

Siodulok. ogomhl. 29 ollo.ingl e Dikeoi .ikll.b ... uiloYI e slil.bioi nglmloenek,zi Dlmlnene Ik". Ngqikl .ko,. kuhl.11 .ibuloumbola nbub.l. D.alliziYI elilyilekileyo. Ng.­mini DIDgomeo mli "Ikowe'o.

J, R. KHATLANE, Eloh.mbeni

• Try Again VS. Oriental "B,"

Mbl.Ii,-Ng.oDdip. Dj. i.ilaIYla. kulo mvab. 10. Nlu k. adili gnaJI 8uny •• bemb.I ... JiolO ko Moiloogo UDOZII. w.lombuto ungentl. endiDe. 'embl nbl umzi oy.komololkID.· abl lomfl oDg.lib.l ... eal kokuhl. u eqal~ iolo. M.odili .blaye bell. b ... a.Dgodom •• i olullolo oloki ... ogolo mfo .IIuli". yi S .. allow. RF,C. ialo 1.,1 el. y ... I. idyikitYI yomdl. 1110 ••• ba ika DgolO mfo kl Moiloogo, yialo 0 .... ,,"kuli gqi kOYI ewe ada o'i w kubln. Imlb',vu 1,0

ogqib. a,ili oblo. a Kli.ari kooli hlyi ago Mr. Moillogo Ibali alia· mbiz. Dga Bovi, bai. Mlodi'i eyool alo adip •• u IIw.yo yil. louie .i.ioi (.O •• OD) .m.~ ... ok ... ak •• Ioali ... yi T.A,C,C. U""pO •• k"i .eoood le.go. N.RC. U DiDO, Mfoodiai"w, ok"e k ..... 011.110 III.faoi ubllogene De S'ooe Brelkere U B It

Te.m b.I,,'.I.... Aboq.II •• i, y.hl. ng.D. De Pirl'es "B H Telm hlyi b.yilim .. 1 ley., iDlo loa Moxaki a D. y.oa ".pam. o. 105 oopioi Ilk., bamb. 010 kl MoiloDgo ".a. oz. ob •• biye b.hl.II •.

N gomhll ". 6 ko D.cembor i T.A.C.C. ,oaa iyil •• Ii ... ai I. Nlmb. ilili iall ... WOBla aD. y.aa amp. Ii-

S.loob. b Colbert, 1 \ kokojik'illlolok. 1i . koneDi yezi tro to Byes 1 Ntll8, iponti .ontlano De laeaDiei yslC'

Tol.1 _ ibholwe obo bonjslo Oq.b. imo. 48 toll:t. li eoxiUie ye08 aeino18 vel Wino

kootle •• b. uyingozl amzini. T.A.C C BOWLING AIIALYSIS,


K. V.o. 8 0 5 18 A. Colb"t 3 0 1 17 D. Muolti 6 0 2 14 G. MoiloDgo 1 0 1 3

Yapiada Y.Dg.OI O.C.C "B" I •• m .y •• ibiDi iaaiog. ,lb.l. 1.ll1pi 101 1140010 DgolohlobD.

D.Mu.loi G. Moiloogo A. A. Colberl K. V.o.

O. M. W. R 2 0 3 3 7 1 0 0 4, 0 ~ 14 2 0 1 12 1 0 1 4

B •• opi ,,'0. Tulaadiyil. iolo k. Mo~lo .yifaoi kaboo.olD plmbi """ yo. a.sop. 0.". DolIa ".01.

J. KUTUMELA. J obloa •• borg. -.-

EBANTWANENI. KwioYloga • • hlobo aba.aUks.i maba

lomkele okuboe isieu eomntw808 .imbombl •• ngokaag. q. l.ksoga. Ngo­ka kaulezela ilinto ogelox esba a oga pep. Ink.tazo embi kuotlne. I te. oj wa kwelonto t ahye lonka Ixesh. i Ollamb' rlsin·. 00110 aDd Dlarrb",a R.m.dy. Iteogl.wl oapina.

a Plmbl komhl. tui kW.llot.lkwonl

bellumiawelqela IIwabls Ingaba qabi.motokoli ogsm.tyala okw.~al. imiteto yo maDavalati yollueike l'i08_

mbala" Ie 1D0tokali .abo lingl bonl. klli k.ltable oobate b.o.o iDg%olo og •• i talata .. bo. IfayiDI iqala "wi. .h_l.oi .t1oUool allay. .pootiol. Elioye ikwlbll b.Ub.kwl 1t)'.I. lolto.

• • • • •

Abofuodi bokamboll oloollub. ml luog. aobo.i ... b.wo looyak. op.layo ogOEO, •• b.bik.l. ogoku .".1' iollizi yo komqabi olil .... molok.1i oWlgi Ii ..... 101.11 om oJ. umlaogukazi 10'­ZI wl.volel_ is'ima wab.lek. kgb' .ag.". faoYla... D.o.mhll oko. N goltobl". kol .... i Hllnu 1o ... p.liI. yo inlti, agomhl. 3 110 D ••• mbl 10, omqabi ombl.p .... mololl.1i Ip. p. klti kwe J ozi, agilise amlaolnl woo mloogo ob. k ... I. ibbaoJ .... ekile wamllbl1 pao'si wamebiYI eng.zi WI q"i'. wemll. 8ogemtogl ao~am. I limbo. 10010 oyokoq.bok ••• ibb.dl.l. selem.n' e'si'Y19'1 oglsiylzi.

• • • • • Siyuyi •• a. kakola aD Mr. 00 Mr •.

K iog Gq.b ... blk". Nom~o" ... o. (Geld.ahai. D o.p) Dgokufomaa. UOY. D. DgO Mgqibelo mbla 2' IIu N o vomba 110 .. 0 loay."", U oy. o. 10 ueekweode impilo, esingl IDgt ku\. k. kub le lI.okulwl lam. dabi okubayie. is Afrika iliDj t"eyo. N gam.o ••

• • • • • Tibl b, .. BboDg .. eai Loo.lioD

(E.slero N.liv. To .. o.hip) ,ibe a. otlada yokabon. umzlliluZI we'a oh Dd.kayo u Mr •• Sopbi. T lhfuy. ".8e P retoria eb.mbl nom~ukuh .. o " . ke 0 Mies Cbrin. Tuoue Funek. Mgijima beze ngemicimbi ebaluleki leyo Ipl e J obaooe8burg"ub~ otsuku nt,.tu kWI otombi Ylke eOCIOCI Mra. Matlld. Mgijim.. Sibul.l. okumboa •.••• mpil ... oi .011 •• mVl 1I0k ...". ogomlilo.

• • • •

Siyuyi •• nl IIoloula 00 IIbl08 .. 1

• • • • •

Bahdididi latoll • T_kwioi kw.I ••• Natala lIubutwl lufu yaaullaod. kwa. banteudu ; ingeo. ibeoglmltlll amine eponti ngemini oglolollpyi galela kw.t.o .bantu, eklvakala ollollub. ns. yi p.mU. aka •• kaUla ogoka ogoml. shomi smdlt. .nssitatu amaw .... eponti.

Azi ngeb.yi roll ksagallo n. okob. bl bellositw am. llarolw8 imlU lIoyi. Iwe imxowa yollw8ozell I Ntwamall­ogelo oll.nye .11011 tenlel. olloilokwa­bo,

• • • • •

Li,. liolo. ogoko.. mhlol,b.oi iqiogl Ie m.oeipal.'i loko;i ltelezi ilo .. Itiebi Ylb.oteoodu Dgi 'logo Iwe " lioki " oluplklmileyo o.ogtt 'dnti' eo.mev.. KuboDakl l1 lIudilyenwe leoja Ilkomkul o og.lento, o ll w Bozela

okoti _bantu baboI ,. ~wa IIGb'leka mbtenillweztlni bavt! goelwe IIw8Be /) U8I k. paai ogotywala nlnge raft njeogoko •• aeoziw8 11.10 eliota •• lo a l ar· fa y. mallioda. Ka.vllullollu­•• ba laws Tal.odivile ate amldoda ..pangeu 'gaoga I nel e83-n.wani t IIwabizw. inowl dl yera i . I Wambl amadoda III' 8zepa ogabala Dabaltmlnli, .lIasollel, a~lya lIepe. rna kwellDye IS80go 8pO 86"e Dd.DDB ee~QDjlll0, ifan' indod. il!llk' indoll. robloe ngabala Manqtlela, ngh:) ogeei. fob. ol.tsogw.ol Ingobi pe.llo Ifoo' Iblek' 10Itlolm.D)'0.


Inyatelo lokuqala

Apa kushwankatelwe umongo womblati oyinkokelo kweyesi Ngesi kwipepa letu lomhla 4 ku Desemba.

U mil ooleundo wise Reotioi abu. 1.1. kokolo .m.o.o •• m.bioi .mblo · p ... i".y. k.loolo og.OI.I.lo 1010. q.l. ,lil.b.lil.yo 10100b.Dzel. ib.l. I.midl.lo. Ok ... ogok •• koko od."o kook •• p. louIDlsb.o. oombiodi "e J ob.ooesborg .b.ooko,. loadl.l. ~o· yo .b."ls.oda og.p.odl. k ... s. B.oIO Mea's Soci.1 Ceo Ire eogeo. ko. 1 ... 1 y.b. olsaodu booke •• b.oyo". hesibl. oe.ilr.lo zook. ic.... beogeo.olo b.yeonyo beko· hli .. e. Am.b.l. .100 og.Io... Tal. odivile Bboog .. eoi .po .lI.· olsaodo b.oo!ouqab. koa. imidl.lo. Iud". looke eziDd." •• Iin.lln".£' oel •• mo".k •• b.alsuoda .bl.l. edo lopioi. ekosilo. ka<1. kob.ko p.kali I" .. bo k. .b.poli mil.lo. K".y. k".koo. I.wihl.b. y.s. zilo"isbioi .yiloogi.".og. kooloe. Uku"up, oj. ib.l. l.mid\.lo liog. loogisel .... Og.IODIO .koocediolo,

Ib.i •• e .. e JeJoa. aqaba bo oke .b.ol.uodu og.lo.oye e R.alioi bebulel •• bo Nam •• o. Ho ... rd Pim 00 Jobo Hardy ogesipo SokOlil. odel. se .kile ezililob. zombl.b. ko maw,k. akumlebomi ImabllnR .b, sebeoli b.le dolopu .b.o.ogxaloi JO Ioolam.o. iod ... o eloofal.b.oe yollu. dl.lel.. 1010 esololl. illIl... um •. ootsundu cae zido1opini eoleebeozweni yoo"e lemioy.... 110"011 m.b.yicile oj.oio. imioi ye C .... ogeodlel. eyi yo ; looguki II. iokulu og.lIombi e Rlutioi ogeDxI yobuoiozi b.b,clBtJ odo. Ab.oom '0. Ho"ard Pim 00 Hardy lie ogoko ogeotliziyo eziblu. I.kil.yo loogxaki eoilemb.yo okl"ub. om.i "o •• b.l_ k .. ioxo". yo· .. aloogio •• Iob.i •. Uku •• abe ogo .. o ombl.b. "o"odl.I.I. kulaoek. ob. oeziolo z.midl.lo up.I.I •.

Im.1i ,iolo ,0koq.l. em.,i ciog". midl.lo kub. .Iooko mi. dl.lo ioo"oqobe". Ilikoble oc.m og.p.odl ...... UllOgcio"B ka · "obi •• ".b.l. elililo lemidl.lo kuyi odle"o eo"ulo eoo"u "OIul ... og_m.i jillel.le. )!igl "o ob "e i Job.ooes borg N .Iive Alblelic Clab o.yo m •• .... od".oi I. "llb'o ... pum. 1.I.yo ilo.l. omzi. 11."00. 10 ... 01 .... o"uli umbl.b. uog.gcio... ,im.1i y.boloogo : k ... y. "uogeo. "".oz. ko o"ul.mbell kap.l. louDcedo I ... b. mh1op •. Ngum.i o"lsoodu ogo\:" ... o omlwaX.S8 iflt,bla kooa ollaze ipn. melele. lola yoloaq.l. "ofao.". umbl.b. uloogis ...... blel .. 1 og.odle I. yokokub. ub. o.od ... o"eli .lmoJ.oz.leke o"okab. b.b. og.pezo ..... M.k ... Dziwe yonke ioto enokuba almtallane .. um .... k. If.o' .b.zul. p .... li "om.i oge C." •.

AYlko ilollba yomidl.lo eoolo"o. odleko oglp.odl. k ... og.ko oko "of. o.k. ib.11 libiy.I ... o ... k •• Iocilo yokuq.l .... ogo"o m. yib.,.I •• y.y. iog.o. kuli. od.l .... Io .. io;!'o... J.blnlooodu kub. bl •• li nnel •• lioy.I.lo. X. ib.l. BeliluogiBi"e lieetyeoziswi a~utlod, bo.eki b.kuyi rol. .b.ol.noda. X •• eboboo. •• m laogelo .b.olel ... looo, b.i 10 •• b.,lkDj01io. ogobuoioli o.b.bu ... li b.hl.ol. ilil •• . al zabo zlkaageol oglmnnkl. Oko. "nlBbo k., iodl.ko yeknqll. "uluDe. III il ... I .. o oglb.mblop. lIub. ooog. bl ob.liJil •• "od ... kay. loa ooc. o.kay • • lIo"ob •• 1i oy.lolo kayo. I m.o. bekafa. oek. yenze iaipo esiogati site uyi lIab. olib.l. om.i omblDp. ; k ... y. oj . ogokabl io"ol. iy.yoklb. .... k ..... olOl. Do.iodlu k ... · ozi". oglblatlUlndu t babalumko akuti Ibloioimizi Dlmlebiebioi bl. oc.di .. ..... li oy.I.lo olik ... I.mlel. bool.

Ab.oumllo. Pim no Hudy b.yi bl.blil. iodl.I.. ogoko "aliDd.leke

okokab. amli omblopo abooi.e ame,. omhle OgOIIU,,"81. Lomhleb. abo kwe ezaodleoi ze Blnla Men'e 80cill Ceo Ire. W.kub. .0 .. 0 gqil,i ... lomhl. b .... Iaogi.... ogil\> "a. m.l .. e o"o"ab. "acel ... uocedo .... i· kl . ba z.b.mblop ... Ku.eook".ozi · WI 'atoto" lwemidilio ye kriketi Dei DUoba zDolile a.wenzel, ukati amz. amblopeuogeoeogemali eaiDzi emny. ngo KIDicinge um\slilae XI ImiDe. D ..... i .mblopo .b.o.koceog... .10' .dl.l. ileai.i k ... lob.l. I.b. Nlla I

• Ulimo.


Mhleli.-Nloosi Ylm, od .... lu " ... Nlo Io .. inl.ok ... o. ..idlolile,0,i k ... lo tlo". iog.· 011. odiliog. okoo ••• ogolimo aeOT. I.pi y.le. N eodl.l. .,iJo ,... Ii. oy ... Ioomboo. o.m.b.le. N .mbl.· oje k. odiz. kul.l. ago T.pile ooko liay". k ... zo.

Am.l.pil •••,.lo esi"oly. 10 .... '0 ku"ol. p.nlsi Ioomhl.b.. Aluog. kolodidi h.lli... ogokab. yimifano. Alik. bamini k .. elili ..... "".Y. D.8e Eogl.nd .po ey.lo ioqobel .. inl. "on •• y.Ii".. Ngoko •• 1. .gqil ..... 0 zooke izily.lo ngobonin.i. Ubaniozi besivuDo e'''o DgonYlk, lBio, Dloi siogl biz". ogllo.

Imb.ogi yeoi .ioono .iog.1<o "oku. b. ,waDlnd.wo n.lizwQ IDgiluogi10 kuyo. E.o.ibioi i.iZllo "oloob. ... u .. o molD DOg .... limiyo oo"ob. amblaba wake eowumucinci klngl' !taoloi (.b.og'''. limiyo og.b. koti ... btl. b.pil ••• kolel ... DID k. og.b •. ) Eoeeituo i.iz"lu .Iim .... 101. "ob. noyeDI Dogeolma", omn!u Iyampe ad u1.. Eeeeioe isizltu oes'nl eikula ko"ob. .oi". imba1i.el.lo eo"ola kamhlaty.o. oogepi. Komhl.b. eko . 1'00191 iogxowl eoye yombeDe Iml­tlpile aoglvllnl i!!homl.

X.maz we 18811 kanya ojeoge Canada bite b.... bona .... t1 iogqoloW8 oezi­oy) izily.lo zlblya omva b.lim. amltlpile k,kal. iaiqtmo sllooto ib8 yioqlbell oeogenillo ellilwani blOlt kw.lo.

Ami tl pilo • WI "ohty. ano~npil. oglwo amota ewodw. ~odwi iOYloiao kokob. Doknpiol I~oty. tny. t.b1· ntehelwi lixeeb. lollobl lIotyiwe Itl "ad .... 'l)'go~o ko IInyimfao.ko .knb. Qlk.pina alliotYI olloxlet. ollaure iOXIBO nenyameflo eoll.lo yomlimi. jlitYldini lalo allopinl .blobo, nditFta moa ogqlrl Ibef.ndisi ooti· "holl .blo. kabl,h . tofile'oi eD~.n. mlflFiLe 001110 beogs walimi Dje. Ami. tlPUS ugokufl08 nllO IO!lllle izitYllo dina ioyam8f10 e-tollistweoi IIw9mbe. wa. Kayi mp(' siao enllnln neqelekileyo allaH olotool obllogloa nayo elitapile aeloge .fllbl yimbewn. Imbewa yi lI.t. ogcco.elolo olohlo. Kako aka· w ••• odo hbioi qlpel. ~. Ikob. ][I Olio'Ddile eelleDi elioye mlkabeko Imeblo Imlblni ollloye • emat,to. Imb.wI mayib. hlodldl l.p"'aU Ingeozi mbewo nglm. tlpils Imillaia llwo oglwo II1tyiw8 Imhllombi og.we otengi80,

ltopll. .\iDak.yi m.l. II10ye neqabl.... Elonl Iilwe -10018 k . ... bl . ... 10 1.1i soloko 1100 ~ohm.o. IIsb .. ha. Along. ~.mbl h op".I.yo 010 •• (100 • • frbbl. aoil). O~oh~lti '1Iombllb. ~IUWI yUomo .mblaba ongelodo ogW8 DOOle yontllblti OpUI. H. AuglUnyw. na88 ntiablUni okloye eludongweni lIodw8 Xt ambllbl olu. DllIeJo 0111001 mlWI liorwe lIawo,

t "oloogis ... ".mbl.b.: Aland. ambl.b •• lioy ... anI a koqll eco"i. .ekil.yo Docolellil.yo. G .1.1. omgq o· b. oogek' Iimi a .. ag.I.le abe mOJ.m. o .. ag.lel. 10."010.' Ulim. 0.010 ".og.og. 9 inc be. o.b. le.ili.bomi .k .. iodll ... 1 ..... auk. imvol. I •• e DI/okohl ... a li",e ........ 0. ap.mb •• nise amlimo wotlaq.l. ulime 4- inches. Ngoka a ere XI oboo. aka Ii omhl.b. ... ac.I .... Dg. k.kahl. D .. apiod. pi nde age era.

W II. XI ob.o. o)lDli iogq.l. .,ioo"a .. ,OI ... li •• obl ... ,el. oger •• ziao emn h."ab •• ogooy.·


If you want the best and strongest kind of pots and kettle~, always look for the trade mark of the man dressed like this, This p!cture is on the bottom of each pot and kettle.

.. 0 ezifol .. eni ul,.I. "ayo yoo". ifolo usbiy. lib. mbioi p" ... li. X. aly.l. Dg ... odl. " .. efolo m.,.ibe zioYlwo ezi 3 kuee kwezi 4 kidwi 1m Ita pile WODI IDilE'tle isilu

10 eb8mbekil03 waye 0 "Uaals Bob " €seoUlogo kWPIHDlyini Z18e IFdf Elst' kwa Mhl.ti. Izlblobo ngokab.oFji . oti slmk.mb.le U ' 4Aulltie Lettie" lie. so lllkingo 11Z0. ,

bl sonylwo ezifolwBOi. Imbewu 1--"-'-------------oog.yil,.I. og.lixeoh. 1i Early Ros. n.lIob. yi Ever Uood Piooeor. Gre.t Scol. M.jeslic or Kiog of Early.

Isivuno almVI oeBonl sine oteogo koba eBSS 8ebQsi~e ogexBsha ke Boqa. bi/.yo am.tapU. knbo hb. woo~. ornata Ijonge «Maliml emltepile .ya· lIawatya ege Keliaimsai ize &S eOlvl kollo k.b. hp.ii/.. Piodl b. weD' olimo .he.l.oi ~nll. Deoemb.r mhl. ombi anUo"o 110 JAnasry ezintlobo ;­ date, Kerr's Piolr, Arren Victory, Pearless, Champion, Tinwsld Per.

Noedanl nlxela UMTETELI 1lI

nlbh.lel. kwl VENKILE azll.p.


Cape African Congress, . (Head Quarters.)


fection, Iri.h Qaoeo, Ed.ell Bla. , ISAZISO NGOKqBANZI. British Qasso, Abundance, Duke of Yolr.. Kuyazlswa ngokob'lDzl kawo ooke

Kodwi mnl 11;'10 It'lnlle (ziotlobo AID!lsebe IS Cgpe African Congress ntlobo tlWIWO ".q ,II ndjc8bi~. 11:- okolc:aba iatlaoganlso yooyaka ,e Early R08f', MajeeUo oe King of Enly. Pando rodibaDli kwa. KomBai

KWlwlmva I. :-Up to date a. Ezlbel.oi (Qaeeostowa) ago 220d Korr'. PiD~. UKUHLAKULA .~nbo December, 1926, ogo 10 o'clock eyi 3'1 or 4' eplmlle wlbl.~.le 1I.01s knsasil. Kotl kOQale eya Makoslkazl biko 10~.1. mp.I.. A~oba •• 1. qlla oge 20tb December, 1926. Ayac.lwa oka~1 Ibe made wlpe· Ivele ke oake Amakoslkazl ase Kolonl kaDoiooi. Ngoko Imbllba 'Wlt. akaba Bzilaoglselele abeko, kwaye kuseh eaifeni ogcinl 1~'~8 oollacy. kay.lezwa Dkuba bookeke abatDD),wa tlolJabizo mati ogokotshi8we lihnll. zebllaoglselelwe agamasebe abo age Ita ~w.wlmvi Imlt-pile Iv.twa xe mall zokutya kwaaokalala. kwa,e amagqlbi I"ooin ok.baul nlXI ofele kafoDeka kuko izlDto Izllaagisiweyo. loqiai(ewlkawemba. Waye keflmhla. N'jeageslgqlbo 5e Nkomfa e,a,lse beoi d. 1I0b. ago May .... ~onto loga,' Mootl ogo April kwagql[,wa akab. weollkalieayo x. imvil. iogeolnzi, oake amasebe aze atumele iDgxeto

UGClKO LWAWO: UIl.le Ibe oak-a ,awo yamalaoga, kwanesllhlulo hili, besbl elide IlmlIa logawenzl seodlu aakaTa p8mbt ko 30tb Nov. mloxeba XI IVlnl "lfIDe~. 1926. Ncedanl ke oltumele kogama omile 118 ani_bali. iogezBotsl apa, o,akubase Qaeeas

Aogigeiowa ogeogxowl Ibebwe town age 10tb December. 1926, .Ddl .. ini epoUl.yo ~odw •• 0g.gOiDW. (REV.) ELIJAH MDOLOMBA, oobl abe"we nje eogeko lingxoweoi. President. EYOD. odl.l. .I.ogil.yo "'h .. ~. lAS. D. NeoJo. ieis81e ogol.htobo 4'-5 1 .blblozl elbe Act,. General Secretary, 1 ft. to 2 ft. ohOIlII. IG _____ .;.. ___ .-;. ___ ,.;

EIIl8caieni o'DIIP 40tei ."eks ingot 118 "e IWlgllele IWlbe"e edille 'pl emngxlmeni Iwake ngo .. we p.hla Ie fowod hit Ide Ipelela· 1,.b@1I1 in go, emlaeleni eblnlill blyi 4.". Ubslre .mbllb. nglpu.lo ob.n •• ll ".yi 6 iachee-9 tocbes .wa. b.t. lI.hble k.kui. .diblo ... eoz.l. .... nqlodIIDlIDZi emvlla. Uwavole xa otlnda.

• Nj.ogolloba •• oyiti toopol.odo'

waol hl.mibl.ti • Mrs R B. Mlilw.DO ~od. k".oz.ka o~o'nba a~adomb. Irwimileoz!!I Itlmse e h08pItii YIIIPI e JohloDeeburg ogolw. Sloe agomblo 2 1I".p.lalo. S, amom·Ciro



" •• .,nu orEN •• fII' ..

ENI»HL.OVIN :a: l .",ubl BaoJUCft .. ,.,)

Ow'-areoda .Iou ,ela llbWllJ.,. aDJ. oUI,lDa .no Utua, •.

akoko e


R.~ HIli ......




From 4. Association Men."

H. woe .!riving 10 pl.a.e-Ih. young olerk who .how.d m. the garm.nt.

II That," he 888ured me with all the alee of • regular Bale man, U ie a luperior pi.o. of good.. Au ana.aal palt.rn, . " • 00. k "Ikd"lhl "How do yon now. 88 e, a thta ia 8 superior garment ?:'

.. W.II .. h. r.pll.d r.addy, , .. .. we aell late of 'em.

That, how.v.r did not eali.fy m •. ltold him .0. •

"It il well made," he explained, " and a pop alar brand. It h •• a good market,"

litlll I w •• not" . old." "It must be load." he deolared, by

wa,. of a alinaher, II eleB we wouldn't handl. '.m. And b •• ide. w ••• 11 lot. of 'em II The~e WIS not m.oh oiroumference

to the olrol. of hi. argament. H. had qalokly un aro.nd it ~eo .... h. did DOt" know his stoft," And this min ha. pl.nty of oomp.ny.

Folk. lik. Ihi. min .... lIy have pienty to "y on any prominent topic. It I. not n.w at all to point thi. 001. It hIS been ever sinoe the fire t qusi. tioaer di.covered thai Ih. oth.r fellow did nol know whal he wa. talking about. Bat it i. a bil to b. oontinually aeoerhining thlt the readt. •• t of talkers ar. a.aally pedlar. of hearssy. In Bny argument, r~liglonB oontroversy, sports discussion_In any. thing th.t o.n. for .xpre.,lon of opinion il will become apparent th.t a larg. n.mb.r ar. ja.1 ohatt.ring Uk. s parrot.

That oondltion, I Im'gine," wh.t determines the market value of talk, and gives sUenoe sucb 8 fiotitious rating. A d.bll. of Iny is.a. " not a place for ailent meo, it is troe, becluse too much "Uano. Ilk. too maoh nol •• brand. men A friend of mine hiS said; • n 80me men keep still beoause they have nothing to say." AU silence is no more goldan than i. aU talk ch.,p, bat .till I have more re.peol for the mlo who keeps bis mouth ebut beoluse h. h.. nothing to • • y thIn for the tolkatlv. man who,likawi.e, hee aothing to .ay.

And ooe cannot more quiokly nn. cover his uofamiliarity with & eubject thin to I.ap in .ol tterlng borrow. d opinion. to Ih. rlghl and I.ft. He talka too mach with hi. moalh and not enoogh with hi. mind. Tha philo. lopher who said, long I g O, U Koow Thy.elf" l(t.r U.t. ning 10 mach of pre •• nl'day Idl. talk, might hi. advlo. to "lj:aow Thy Slaff."

• Whatever .I.e ml y be don. to bring

about a bettn nnderstandlng between the racss And whatever cOQstructive me8sures or plans may be cOD8idered, It 18 8 fundamenhl neoe8sity that violenoe, or lawleesness of Iny kind ehould be prevented. This is not !lImply a question that involvE'S th e the Negro rooe but the entire st rooture of human 9001ety as weH.

$< The Southern Workman,"


By Frederick K. Stamm.

With an eqaipm.nt of reUglon, hI. dutry, good m l nners, hope and good books, one may be al!8ured of the out. oom. In th. bottl. of IIfa.

We propoaa to boU d a man. If yoo were Biven the privilege how woald you go abo. t It? We must give him q .. li tie. t~lt would ml~e him phy.l. oilly attractive, Ind othsre that he mly l oq.ire so that, being a man at II.t, he mly tah hi. rightf. 1 pl,e. in tbe aniv6l8e. Firs t we mnst have the min h im.elf, 80 ai r firat oonsideratlon will be t~lt of birth. W. m •• 1 not consider the material !lta rting point too aeriolsly. ratlaer .bould we oon. .Ider eo. ad mind and ~ody, the oapl.


city to grow phy.ioally, m.ntally and morally. To po ••••• thil aqalpment, our man4in.the·m aking must have good I noe.try. Not rioh or poor, bat GOOD. Fifty ya. r. from the date of birth we will a.k ., How for have yoa com. ?" If h. h.. tha oaploity to grow, to will and to apply, he won't need to worry aboal the mat.riil handloap •.

If yoa w. r. born in a ho •• e wh.r • money WI . .carce, than~ God for it. If yoa have I Jarger liaise DOW, and a litll. mon.y, yo. have Ichl.v.d a measure of B~ooeBB. The test lies in Ih. thing. yo. honour; ond .till more In the thing. yo. de.pi ••.

Oar oln be Ioorn with q.lck wit and en.rgy. Without .om • • thing 10 argo o. on and 'p, wa will never amouot to anything. The most anhappy man in the world i. the one to whom daty nothing, and from whom no word or work for the aood of hamanlty mtrk. the plaoe where be paSl!es. The min we are building will than~ h.av.n that h. WIS born in a home wherein WIS ex.mplifi.d Ih. .ober and right.o •• IIf.. The woret a men can offer to hi •• on, I. to k.ep him from" h.lpf.1 h.rd.hlp ....

After a .ea.lllie birth come. Raligion whieh .ho.ld be ballt Into thi •• ap.r. strooture of the man. Not seotarian. i.m or churohianity, ht Cbri.tI.nlty. One cannot bsceome a man without it, for all of a. ar. rellgio •• wbeth. r w • know il or not. Religion i. not • matter for preachera aDd teaohers only. Religion h.lp. the heart and .001 to IIv. when and whar. the mlt. ri. 1 world wo.ld dark.n Ind d.aden th.m, No matt.r what w. may Ihink .bo.t tha n.xllif., raUgion help. u. h.r •.

Religion i. nol th.ology. Cre.d. mly be trle or fals il, but religioo is tne. It takss aWlY the genee of defeat, tbs a.dness, Ind the bitterness of resentment. Prayer ehoald make 8 man strona. It shoald give a man oonfidance. R.ligion doe. not 11ft ona hop.fally. Thoagh poor in pook. t yoa m.y be rich in joy throagh

The·making neede poU.h for hi. many roagh edge.. H. n.ed. the essenUI1 qaality of good manDers. Don't bloff, the best manners are simple, Be yoarself. Be oritioal when yon must, but praise everything you honeetly can. Many a man gramblaa bee.ase everyone els8 8eems to h i ve I " pall." Bit it m ay be his own tactless. ness that prevents him from getting ahead. Do yoa possess taot ? One must .paok gently and c .. ehllv when ev.n givinlJ Idvlce to one'a beet friends and tho.e who know him be.l. H Faithfal are the wou nds of 8 friend," said the wise m l Q years ago. Bat there Ie even more trl th in th is: " Give me tbe armed, tbe erect, the manly loe.

Bold I can meet. perhaps tarD bis blow I Bat of all plagaes, good HeaveD, tby wrath

may send, Save, save, ~b, save me lrom the caD did

friend I"

To be well.manuar.d I. to know how I nd when to be hu mor ous , Wh en you .mile let It oomo f rom tha he"l. On. test of our mlnners: Do we make friend.? 0 0. te. t of oharaoter: Do we keep our triends ?

Good manners and an eduoation m ay be .eqair.d from nothl og what other. hUr: about, You may h a:Y8 been born in 8 stable, but th is fa no deterrent to t he oultivation of good man ners. leeus grsw up in I back street of Nazareth, bit He waH a gentlemln of cIltlre and refinement.

Birth, religion, manners-! ld DOW Indaatry. Mao m .. t wor~ . He ooght to Imow IS 800n 18 posBible what he oaD do, I u working lae mUl!lt learn laow to UBe time. We hear BO many lIay, " I J do like to, but I haven't t he Ume." Cdm people alwlya find tim.. Th.y 8eem to have a reeerveon whioh to draw. T hat Is beo8u88 they weste- no time. They n.ilher al,ck nor harry and do not for gat, Th.y do not lei work pa"h them; they p .. h th. ir work. The only conv.nient tim. in whloh to do a

•• •


- " ., •.. --

• .. - ~

Lonile Ixesha Bizani

Elunge 'kunene

ISWEKILE lew.kil. Elung. Kua.n. ko Hul." imnandi kokulu XI

ilyiwi fali iya' •• iyom. I •• I. K ... konl, i ••• i ngxoweni •• kel.ko zobunzim. be 5 lb., 10 lb. n ••• 20 lb.. Ezi ngxo,," .i1uneedo .kupl'.ni impl hll XI I . ... kil •• eyip.liI ••

x. upiadl ukuYI • S q ini.eko ubioe I ... ekile EluDge Kan.n. k. Hul." .ng. ngxowa •• k.l.ko.

thlag I. NOW. Panctaallty . honld be I habit, for in being punotual one will neither wa. t. hlo own tim. nor th.t of others .

Old enough to mix with men, ws live I man ind o8try, with time It his di.po •• I. Now tha way i. growing hard. Oar man must have hope, Sorrow Ind •• dnea. will mor~ hi. p.thw.y. Aod . ometime. all the angai.b of lifatime wi ll •• em to b. glth.rad up in a single day. We see a min walk. Ina with droopin, h.ed. Ooe day d.ath knock.d .t hla door and took away h i. oDly d .. ghter. Th. light of life Ilm oet went out, Three weeks later death olms agl in snd took away his only 800. Then Ih. light went ont a\tog.ther . Bllnkly he .tood ~y tb. grave, No tears Olme, H opelessly be left. Afte r that lIf. we. a mook.ry to him. H fs voice onae oheery beOl me a groan . A latar he himself di.d. He lost hope. Yes, oar min needs hOpfl, for l!Iomewh er e along life'S journey betwe. n birth and d.lth .ome 8reat sorrow will viait bis soul.

Ha will ne.d hope tc, for Iha m. ot of hi. porpooa. The path of aaoent in any line is rough snd steep, N one bat the hopefll caa achieva dlstinotion Tho.e w 0 follow the line of le .. t re.l.t.noa will go down lilla ten-pinl!

Hope give. I men tha b.Uef that, by and ~y, the hard Ihingo will be finished, with hope man 010 straggle to raplaoa the .plrlt of greed, .elfiah a .. re .. lon, Ind Inhamanity. Aa;! th.n too, there I. coming the fioal . ammon.

from the . n •• en world. How "riet life i. !

We do not ne.d to IDdertake I d •• oription of heav.n and hon , w. know .0 little aboat tham. Bat we omnot p.t away the thoaght of the fa tare. Etarnity i. placed lu tha h aort of mi n. We hav. a . eno. of et.rnlty Illoat III our larger inte rests. We write booke that willla.t for oontarie •. Ba.i. nese corporations aS80me finan oial iadebtadn ••• in bond. that mllara iong otter III hl v. finiahed work on •• rth. If we aim for thing. thai ar. permanent here. so God is interested in more thin temporal existsnoe. So w. mlSl trasl the i odgmenl of the Perfeot Man.

Wbll I. t{) be Ihe clpoton.? We have eeen air min rie8 from birth to religion; to the loquisition of good manners, becorIDng industria. a ; and he hi. ba.n fill.d with hop a for the emer.enoies ef life •• For air final qalUty we lorn to a material po ..... .ion : BOOKS. It i. eald thl t a man of forty i. .lthor a foo l or a phy.lolan. That la, h •• ho.ld understand how to g.ud hi. hellth and atrangth. Ther. must be mental eIsroiS8 for the I!alle of mantal h •• lthf.ln.... Boob gh. wing. to the mind. Nol to r.ld th,t yoo rob the miad of a lofty and UreleaH plea8ure. Not to read mean. that the brain i. lying for a good par t Idle.

And.o thoagh we olnnol ohoo,.lh. pliO. of oor birth, nor dlnoto.r .arly training, w. Oln lay hold of that en.rgiling thing c'lIed r.Uglon. Aad


we oaa m .... wise cbolce of ludastry. We c:ln 8cq.tre good maDDers. We oao olalm the q .. llty of bopa ; .nd we c.n re.d thos8 boo". that .how a. the "ay oDd open op greot pathway. of which we may never have dreamed before. Exol.ea wll\ fall by the w. y. aide, aad the condlcts of life will be. oom. a joyful revel. Tbe world i. oar., but only if we approaoh it wltb po.itlve attitade lad a heort tbot oarrls. with it •• ong of viotory.

If yoa o.n·t be tbe hilb .. ay, tben jist be • trail,

If yo. oan't be the eao, be I atar, For It I.n·t by sl.e th. t yoa .. In or yoa


zoalle iziolo eDdizivileyo oeodizi bODi~ I.yo .kuko iad.o.. k.liBe og.pezu liwll.: uliub. ka"o ubur".d. ooba· q.b. obu beli Bhulu buog.p.y. k".li Iy. lik. Puag.le: amf .. i onl.unda obeyo " ul.og •• ,e Bhulu, ogo .. a 11.1 ... 1. iubi.o leo lea go i Bhala limb.l. ...... i.idali 1.I.t. y.k., 1I".d. kw.y. iodod. y.k. y.y.ka/i ceog. J.acedi .... ogamfozi ... 10 ukaz •• .. ukub. ibiogo ... m ng.lluq.ake imb • • 1."0. [Am' Alulak. • .. 1". oga Nla on" •• p.I., ag .... o •• imnlombb.· Ii u .Ii b."a,. lIuq.o". imb.I .... oll."ub. amf .. i ab.ago....... N go. " 0"0 uli m •• i"ol ... akali u

We kno .. not yet wbat life shall be. What .hor. b.yond earth' •• bor. b.

eet i Wh.t grl.f awolts a., or .. hat gle.,

We ~now not yot. StUJ,somewhere (neweet oonvene met,

Old frionds, w •• IY, beyond d.ath'. • ea

8hall tn •• t and gr •• t a., nor forg.t. Tbo •• doy. of yor •• tho.o y •• rs wb.n .. e

Were lov.d and trae-hat will d •• t" l.t

0 .. ey •• the longed.for vl.ion s.e 1 W. "now not y.t,

-Samuel Waddington,

• Robert Louis Stevenson's


.00"aha".I. amala oogumfozi .b.I .. .

.d· .f' i.idali kobo .ngeogo ..... . ko ... II. an.kab. a.alo .y.oz.yo yoka q.ul. imbel.ko? Uban,. bu •• fuaeka p.kali "om,i ool.aodo, ag.· Elio.oe ollUt. \icY'g. okokub. okoa. omblop. ong.m.Jo aba".I. ebel. omlaogo .... i .ag.o.ialo "ab. ob. 1 .. 1,0 .og_mk,h. K.aciage lonlo a,iblaloo., mul ... o., mbl.ambi ogo mso oJ.koy.zi iolo om ... a,eoz. k .. i. m.llo .aj.og.leyo.-Mbl.Ii,] Iokok.1i ••• iz". m.,iyi kaog.l. 1.010 kub. kad.l. iqub.k ••

Ab.ala b.b".la b ••• ooim. m,li; I.m.dod •• v.lI. ogoZlI.bob •• yokay.k. ogolodlad .... e •• b.o •• I. i i2/ og.v.1:i .0.' mfamb ••• ...... zidl. I. 12/ .ufo 10/. og.ay.og. i 1/. iDlloko y.okomo, zifum.ool. ogo k .. lka akab. b'pil. og ... upio. umoy., b ••• beoz.l. Bbula; 1I ... koo. b.y. ufo "a Ralam.Dle.

W. b.s.eoh Th •• , Lord, to behold us with favour. fol" of many famlli.e and n.tion.. B. witb oar · fri.nds ; b. with oar •• lv,.. Go with .ach of IS to rest. If any awake, t!mper to tb.m the d.rk hoa.. of watohing; and when the day returns, retara to .s and oall 18 .p with morning flees Ind morning hearts, eager to '.boar, •• g.r to b. bappy if bappine •• etill b. oar portion ~ and, if the day be merll. ed for sorrow, strong to end are it.

Ukufom.n. imfuodo k ... 1i I ••• zi lam. kull ... 11m., .lIuko lillol •• b.·



By Howard James Gee.

To.dlY, my lon, yoa are eight yelrs old.

Tb. broad exp.n.o of Y.'" th.t Ii. Beyond the present's mieted vision Is yoors to traverse, yours to moald. O.e the d.y. and .i1 they briog, To m.k. yoa .troog of body, and of

• oul. Walk hambly, •• rve-ht •• YOl go, Loo~ up to God.-and .ing I


Unqapela-Ndikule ezi Fama


11i, ... liyinlomb ... n. ogobuble b.lo akosok.l •• J ob.oo •• borg o"ay& kuli 1b. Dg. EVilon iagcI ilubl ... , imili o.lily.lo •• aUobo·Dg.nllobo .inkoli· Ie De D'akl ziYI Ddizl, zindand. ngo 1'oyo, ill Dgcsbe ZI.O ZiDdi mlngl lieile Itolub.mbo zoy. i.iol.k •• adi .. ziyo oboainzi b •• o. P.kali k .. lZo Ddid. 0.01.110 ka Gociai no M vu. odlel. ial.lI. yodorco k".I ••• MlXo .eni (inqilo) ,odibl.Dgen. a.yo aka· b.l. 1I ... p.po k"i N gxingw. z. Lo"l.y ogombl ..... i9 ..... p.HI.yo.

N In izid.lw. o,didi .,u •• li.idl. ng. ndeb. , .ad.I., kod ... • b.aln ,bld.I". ng.mfoo.lli.o II. Q.m.l. n.b ... oliw.yo • Nllo.ini .yosiI.I.Jo; ".pil. ror. p.ot.i II".· dJok ... J.blZi bizo ngoll.b. Kre.lo b.liayopil. ib.1i .Iibl. k.kulu Kre.I.. Ndil. ad.kafi". • Jock.oo·. Drifl emVl k .. b din.l. og. C .... nd.kobl.Dg. a.m.1l0.i"lZi .pu. ml eziolweDi nd.famID. iziqiDgatl .,il.lo oobabl. liogl •• ko ng.nn J.ollup."o, umala omDy.m. up.I ... ageil. Dg.p.adl •• p. umolu olaDd. i.i." ... lte oflDel. ukub. ig,"i I . ... libile akubool ezizim'DgI; In.imim. ndl. e •• odiyi b.mbil. imp.lo .b.p'· \WI ogayo inUlalo DiD!i ngoku Dga', akouk. mteto weozelwa lo,limi Ibaa mblop. ogambu.D, Dg.peou IIWlZO

ol ... al bekul. be.. bumoy.m.oi; k ... yo .b.b.olu ad."o i.isi grlb •• 01:...... .. ... bo; I.yo ,.ny. y.ogo,i,o pe,o "om,i oDteuQdu ; kob. ot XI imp. to iDje~ OJ.Dj. kuy. faD.... ukub. .b.ola ba ...... i ukafood. ooku bb.l. nku •• b.b. D.ltO oknli faDd.l. izibb.lo ezi ngcwel. akao. ogollo XI b.og.fum.· n.og. k"eli ..... lizoyo.

E Kliplo .. n .po ndidl. ioll ... o. y.m kon ...... Roy. J. S. no oko.ik.zi "abab.l. oboog.I.I •. .. iyo bomluodi.i no dyefala .. a, k ... o.e .. il. altab. ".odili gud. lIu Mnamuo. E. F. V.u. n ... ebeDg •• pil.og. 1:.lIubl. ngolomkobl ••• eodi· I. k •• mveoi " ... Dcok. .nd. y.l. oqab.l. ollub •• k. .odi •• •• dliai y .... y.ku.ob.oz.l. oj.ngoko .oga mow.1i ogo k .. e sbi.hi: pambi "okub •• i.u". aodi boni.e ifani.blU yake entle lIunene epenl iwi nluae nge Itndla Ddam. ngala, singBoile .. wiodu ye .hiBbini undiboni.e i of Blow Blan. (8tonloy) of La.h and B.,dlng morti.iog woobin.. Elioal., olinono neUgoi.o lite ~a.e "upelo intsimbl .Ioyi nolo mot.blne I.kob. IinS.yi fumani. I ... adlBla ez!llo; lili eikl e gabeni eli 10k a lima ngo"u lOaloinimllna weD I. lemisebeDli emi.ala ngelO nteimbi lZenzeleyo wlZiti fHi kolo maohine. loto embi ioyo Dje "cka y.yo. laaba abanta abl nte.ndl benga Inaci ingeyonto yak Dba benge. Wlzi ames· benzi, kodwi ngokoba bemonelan8, ..alopo ...... p. laliy. "'~,"on.logowo. b ll labo, umnto XI eu yo mlkavGnywe. .nlkw. udamo ogo "wad .. w .....

ODqllo 1000 labako "un. mflndo, ~Iba ndindibene oemingqandand. nge miogqandand. yaba "olwlYo, "odwa ndo lama p." kwemfaDdo. Ndidib.· ne nelinys inene s Luther's firm e hWBee Grdsmere eli Dene lingamdi. "onl • litet. into endihleki.Ue. yo,lIti nge OIWS I. idlalil.yo b.1I p.t. i Blbl. lI.iyo • caweni 10 di~an. gqomo (.mopo'i.') .wibini ya b .. a Ir fa Iouye w.tI y.n. nrofa "a Tlxo oge CIW', bablza e8i peahele pJsi Witt apat • • eika Tixo nge O.wo I.ti .1I0ye kw. liay. muili yeke .11 x.go.

SUbSCI'UH &to TIlmtdtU wa 2lantu

• Umhlangano no Ndyebo. --

Nj.ngob •• b.aio.i bebe.e b.booil. og.m.p.p. .b.l. b .... luDJ.I... aga Mr. S.m QaDdeoi ODgO ". Komili y.knq ob. ums.b.o,i ".1. ... K.y."alo 0 J.b.oae.barg, ibe"oa. yadib.a. ia"ala kuo.a. k... M.ilill.,i .Dkompoai .mini y.ka •••• ; ogombl. 6 It".pe,alo a ,Maamz.u. T.b. u11 ... om.i .0"abuD. lI.d.. K".b.b. nl. kad., b ... I. yoo. lonll.og.niso kopel., .ibla. a Mr. S. P. M.lioj ... , um· H.g.b. ao Mr. M .... ib. bob. bioi b.vel. 0 Dand •• , N .1.1., .b.d. b •. k ... I. ngo"nbl". og. C.". Dj.lo b.piod.l. II. ••• N .1.1. 011,,000.1. ako ... b. b.b... ngq •• h".ni ogo Mvulo kn ..... B.kuko no Mr. Wilfr.d L.pboll.l.e Se.k •• v.l. • Wilb.DII .po .,i 1.Ii .. i k ... Z.b.ola, ad .... ka ... aik". n.lob. lo"".nza Imlzwi eglmeDi lomsi omlamileyo, ".Isb •• Dikel •• 1 .... ig.m ••

Ngompopo,bo ... Maamo.o. A. F. Gwij. u NI.b.og.s. ulob.l. i.ibl.lo ..oval. ".uik.l. lIu Mr. T.b.r.r. U Maam .. a. S. Mlob • .1I.b.aga o.lIofi ... I.I. ogeau yoka. og.pili •••• i... .. .. ull.all."J. ka:11 l.mibl.l;' Enl.I ... ai y.... a Mr • T.b.r.r ugxam.... any."o ".m. b'oxe p •• u ..... mfDo.ko yo"u kaal •. •• 1. oli 600 mog.oi .Ii a Nl:o.i Zibi m ... al.og... Dgollu; .iJiclcis. k.l:nla inouzi .y • .,a ... 1 .... .empi y.k ... K .y.kolu ago"al.ogw. 11".10 hm.. Zil.til. D"ax.,. a N ;'10 'I N gam.y. neso DelmaD, Mlnklzlnl, GajaDI, ".clcile o"o"nb. am,i amoy. moy. lI"ialo .Eno ... ogo N"osi. P.mbi "o"ab •• b.mb. a Mnam .. a. a T.b. nx.l. iny.I.lo ... 1.1. a N"o.i )libi m.k.l.b.l.loo. og. hm.I., I.bul.lw. ,iotllngIDiso; Dc.cieele nomzi ogo · kabln.i, loli ".col. a Nobb.l. 01:0 "ab •• DI:. .m.1aoga m.kabb.l.l .. e ni .... akoli ogella kUVlIi .... ku"o mola oy,"abay •• kup. ... oy.l. ambl.b. Dg.y., oag.oil.yo uog.oil. y.k. iy ... a .ely.aoi .... ku· ... umhl.b •• 1. u Nko.i ".boo. olloknb. m." .. e. Kavali ... m .... I. I

Imali eDg.oil.:10 "ale ibe og.m •• humi .plali 01.· lul.oi J." •• y.gqib. II ... · lollab. oall. .m.loagu ...... K.y •. kulu ng.many., lI .. i .... yo indod. ip.l. ipooli •• imbiai D •• ag.peaalu .b.a.llo kod". ko a.moy. oy.lla ••• ag.yip.l. 10m •. Ii, ... ai nll".alel. olloko b. m.llupel. .Ioo .... yo ng. fo· m •• nl.b •• yi V IIlbo.oblllgl •• EmVl lI_eoteto IlmlueDe Dglmlnene ipu mile inUlnglDiso, nd.waDI ite ,lsi .k .... ilim. lIokaog. IUDgi •• I.I ... 010 zokuly. IIw.b.OIU, ,yialo I.yo .1. y.ligxek. kab •• b.oiali b •• a"e .m.kay. b •• uk.l. i Ir.oi lIab. lib.· Dq.b. ag. C .... koma SpriDg. oj.lo aj.lo UI •• R.odlool.iD, k.oli kuz. zDak. iakompoDi .y. ib. kUlo .y.ali .... malaogiaelelo •• ix •• o og.mvum. Ayib • . ag.1l0 k. lonlo .m.dod. emit. imilo mo ixw.bile, k.nli 10 ... 00"01.10 oku lIuy. I.mbi •••

n.m •• aq •• lil.od.l. leoll.og.oi,o lib. lillala, kao. imval. .bu.aku, y.b. y.piDd •• mioi .m.qlod. age M vulo k.aobom ; iy.bule/ell. 1I.lIalu.


U mala ob.mb. im.yil. Mooli ngokubl". ogol ... Sibiai Dgombl. 7 "u December oga Mr.. Ele.aor OIihnl, iako.ill •• i II. IIIr. W.ller Olil.nt .. I •• 0."0, .viadl.l. yokay. Ito Dr. M •• Viclr e Loved.l. ngen ... llZo y.meblo. Koyavuyi •• ul:nli .lio.a.ka,i lalamlD. nbab.I.I. "ay. Ilgqir., e •• I.mb. ay."aligqib. aglka lipil. q.I ••

Nge Ngcwele u Ntsikana.

Mbleli,-N cedi aadip. isilab. ka adeDze iDd.b. Dg.lombal. ib" DII.Dg.Dioo .• N .~eefield ago';bl. ~; 2101 k"ep.hleyo ,al.mbo zip.l"e yi. Dlo ka D.h a L. M. '.0., agobaci"o b.~. ob •• ek.y. !lgo 10 •• m. k,uage. o. ,Qamra I.y. BlDg. imicimbi ago 12 00.0. Y.ageo. ago 1.16 p.m. b.110 .b.luay". koaobom 0l!.p.odl. 1I" .. eb. I •• e N .oeefi.ld .hDg.b.og. D'Y. a.moy. om.l. 100. ~o"o kuy. boo .... I. okollob. 1.01; ,luoa ukab. oisiq.lo lIalom,i ".IIw. .. Ngob." og.bal.' mol.o. ombl •. u J .ogili.". k. D.liody." •• N 'ols, eyoo. alo .1. iod.b. ag.~o agamcimbi ob. agomfi a Mfal Xe~. o. mfi Mr. Nllombi •• o".y. yi cb •• rm.a .,00g.mel.YD ,olum.ay.oo O"olooq.l •• odioi 1I".oz. ad.b. al~ og.,. ; ."e.ibioi odiboD. "of.oel.kil. ollollub. m.od.o.. .m.b.l. .og". ag.y. ogeou yomoy. ombl. 01 • ".boa.k.Ii.". ogo"a og.kombi a cb.irm.a o"oDg.m.leyo E~VI . k".~'lil.lil. eogxoxo og.l~ mClmb. ",,,. og.o"iDye okokub. mot. am., ogol:ab.ozi, bODk •• b.og. ~.laDga om.oyaoe ze hyo kab.ka ,hly •.• I.mfi, bl,o lIa"u" au"o •• I:.o, " .... ookamkap •• bl.liai. K ... ayul". a Mr. D.b. oy.l:ap.l. 100110000 1I".y.le,,,. oko"ab •• oga .'e .uib. oak. imb· •••• pam. "~D~e neD&S.po yawo ogombla OWl.

bub. ag ... o 121b Dec.mber 1926 kab. i Illb iy.kob. ogo M~qib.l~ o"oo •. mbl~ ab~ago".si.biy. og."o. Lomo.mb, mi. II. Nla .sioga"o ".b.ola .• b.og.m.laDga kapel. amfi 10 "'r.,Y' a"o"eli ey.yisi 1I0kalal. ....... lO,.okollab. u Tixo " •• il •• .d. .. •.•• ~. iud ... o p.ulsi 1I" d.. "18~m.sel. a Mprofili u.1i ujeoge s'z~. :ag. m.·X... .j •• go"o ke ad.Ye besomb.l. i.gom.,o .b •• °Y. be.g ..... il:ambaz .. e.i pola boo ••

HODGES P. SIBEKO, Assi. Secrelory.Geo ... I.

J ob.oae.burg. - •• -•

ISABONGO. Akako .i .. tu .okokaba uben •• abo.

o.go. Sibl,?g.lwo h"'nga lungi kwe . elsa Bays s1Dgapeliswayo ~lmeiDyane ngoka Iobata i Cbomb.rlaio'. •• ezihllmbl ieisa zenz' omoY8 uno lie ooei. Zitengiswa DapinR.


laiblobo nom.1 ngohbanzl, amo Hllbi a"wa Rldet. I ... hlu II.hl.k •. I ... ngokub·ab'. "uka Jo.1 Didil. ngo. mbl. w. 4 loa N ovemb •• Sopbiato .. n. Omfi ab.ngamninow. to Mr G.ors • Didi., onglmenzi womatusl p8ntei kwe Transvill Mattress Company eklY' apa ; Imfi ulisbiye elipakade emva Irl~agull iveki elimbini k.pela.


Ha ho baUeho CASTOR OiL kapa moriana ofe 0 tsollisaDg bore 0 sebelisoe Ie HARTLEY'S ORlENTAIl

VERMIFUGE. Ona oa Ijbako tsa mala 0

loketse batho ba babolo bammo~ bo Ie bana me masea a 0 nta,

Haeba moriaDa oDa oa HART. LEY 0 Ie sieo levenkeJeJlg la be-DO 0 Dang Ie setsoaotso sa tlou botJolong, u seke ua nka mofuta o mong u rome1e cbeJete 1/6 kaposo bo

Mr. A. H. TODD, Mokemiee--II Endhlovinl, '

RED HILL, NATAli. Ha u reka moriana 0 boDe bore

botlolo e na Ie setsoaDtsO sa tlOQ,


Ezibeleni kwa Komani.

U N .JENGELEI SMUT8: O".y.yi Nllolo Mbl80 0 Nj.ngel. Smols o"ohlmb.l. lom,i ogol ... si N. olu· dlomeyo 2 110 Des.mb. 19~6. UIi •• .. ony. nemvul., iqel. 1.I.p' I. S.p' li,ivol. og.okulol.ko i .. odl. .. I. o"".mll.l. I. Ndedeb., uq.l. og. nll.nglniso .o"ulu ltuO.D. • Sbo" Yard HIli. nlblolBonda ngo 4.30 emva ..... mioi ; lil. I .. bumi iq.· 1.108. H."a. n. Gleo Gr.y Iim.I ... ag.m.d.d. 'pilil.yo, lllsibl.I".oi ibe lig"lOgq" ilol.m •• likalu a Mou, C. M. M.n.l, • pl.lform koll. 0.10 ago le.i.ilbili. a Mo •. Living8100. 1I0fhl M.L.A" il.liki iogo Moo. J. A. Si.bob., II. o.lto " .... laz ... bu. boooio.a. ... i 1.1t •• lip.OI.i It •• Ind., .1I_valt.l. ogokoeleil.yo, 0

Nj.og.l. Smol. oe .... ".dl.It ... li •• i Bill zib H.rllog .... iw. Itoo.o. De"axoxwi aglzo; etiiogomntu onteu­ada. K ".b.o.. imibo.o .b.: M.bee., E. S. M.lnlim •• H. T. M.ogc'l1 ao J. A. Si8bub ••

• • • • • U IlNu. GEIFFITH8 MaT8IELoA :

Lom Afri". op.m.I.I. ovi .. o olop •. mbili • Loudoo lolto C.nge.I ... (Elo. colioo) ".mltel". .ba. nlo ng.m. Afrilto '''0 ,,"bo II.p. Ezibeleoi. WlzifumlDI yeDI izibele ellpos. Im.aye Im.doda. W Boze· I". ol,,"mk.lo olukolo • SI Aodr.". Cborcb, iogu Dr, Si.bob. oolil.b.11 a Mr. G.... e8ibl.I".oi. WilOZ. iol.lo oge,inlo a.ibooil.yo P •• b.y •• k .... ogobl bu.uka Itu· '.Ie.ab.: Mfaodi.i T. P. Mlyobo. Mou. P. B. M .... lim., Mou. G.". DO Mou. J. P. Will-lhrlio.. Ngomhl. .1.nd.l.y •• mioi, boo" •• b.nt ... n. be.ill.lo •• bIOI.oodo, Ib.ltum. 700 b.o •• I ... i MNio •• nga Moo. Mol.i.· 101; a "Nofeni" eququzelelw. agu mbali ".It. 0 Mnu. Julio. T. Mlyobo odl.I". ogeodl.l •• 011. lI.kolo, ogo· h'e.i 3 "0 D ••• mb. ib. ogum ... 001 mllolu Io ... y.k. y.oti . ... 'p', oly.bole og.odl.11 zoolte. K .. i M.lin.. y.banl ... nl b •• ikolo Ib ... li .... i b.bul.I.I ... ogu Nko .... T. P. Mlyobo Dg.m .... i .m.kolo oboillikui kloye, .boomlomo' u Mou. Mol.i.lo. ngol ... m ... lo .Iofo. m •• eyo 'p. ItDlllai ogO"Ob.D.i, 010. I.b. lonk. 1".I.p" •• y. zoo. ilil.h. I. ziBebenz6 ogemay. omaya nIDg'. m.odl. .oglq.t.klng" Ab.vomi kwi It.o •• li yol ... m".lo ib. og.b. : Am.ko .... o. I. B. Mdudo, Funce. Ben Mazwi, Carrie J IDe MaTi, Nlto .... S. K.; B.oumz: G. Fi.ber, J. P. Mlyobo, P. B. MI koJiml, M. R. M •• lbll.I.. •. I ••• lIob. book •• b.l.odi besi .... 0 Moo. Griffiths Motsielol, xlBlni imfn .. ndi zli:oweou ma Afrilu.

• • • • • ABANTU: U MnD.Edmuod MI .... i

alt. ".h.mbel. • K.I.d...... It ... zi p.lil.yo og.mieimbi, 0 Mou. Nk.hli cge Tsomo e ofisini ngeatsobonz., eoye Jemfondi esinazQ kamadodlaa elilizwe, odlole Ip' eeiogl ""oloko. .11,,1 kwalle e N Itlll, nse Hfioi. w.y •• .pilil.. Sivuyi.'D~ ao Mau. R. T. S. MODI u S •• ddie og.kupum.l.l. 0 ........ inzw.a. yo. mzi e Selaleo Street, kwi ndawo ey •• yifudul. iy.y.II... Myoli, es.yiy.y •. 11. ogoko.

• Inteto Nabantu.

Mhleli ol.od .... yo ..... limi ... y. h •• Afrik. adie.l. iluly.o. It ... lo p.p. I.ko lodumo, II. odili hc •• m •• ",,,.0' og ..... Oodl.booro C.P .• po udlti akafika kana ad,fumlal ieiml ng. kob.ola b.ko".lu I N go .. a "Dcipisa ieisWB elbo, ng.kulahla ioteto Ylbo, bltete isi U Hollinds eod". 1" iol.lo .yi •• I.I"a,'udiaho od.d. odagqibl iaYlagl ezimbini ndiog.· 'loodi ollonb. "0110 .m .... lo 109.·

Qondillea olupau pezu kweqaga ngannye pambl kokuba utenge.

Ixabiso 2\6

m. Xo •• , kub. It.loku odili jik.l. og.p. .isi hol.o.i odijik.l. ng.p. kuk .... i.? isi bol.osi odilyo 10010 y •• ilu"ol •• i o8ibi. E". lIaluogii. okulBl. iolelo ng.ol.lo, "od... ke omnlo IOg.d. ,1.hlek.I ... ogent.l. y.ko ... bo •• ini. Ab.l.h. b.l.p' bon •• bl9afuai o.k"lzi isi Xos, I Uti wlkotetl Dlye Iti 1I0"e "eke "oi,' · 10010 yib. yinkoble. H'Ji o.ko m.w.ln buyooi oiog. I.hl.lli odiYlOic.bis., ".kol" .. okoko· b. b.og. :r.k.leli .b'OI~'DI b.b. · mb.I.11 e.ibol.o8i sod ... m,kub. ~isi Xo.. Itaq.t. "ol.nd.l. i.ib.l.o,i .h.i ooko m.yill.og.lw. ogengqondo .bokoli odiYI bol.l. It. •• i Inly'" oodip •• 00. k .. eli p.p. I.ko,

S. J. Z. NXUMALO. Oudlshooro. C.P.

• Inkuku Ezidulu.

--Ok, IInbl'mba .motu ~.ltatel. izinto

lI,banys ablnto, lI.aisiqeio 8aiyiololi eokula ngaba asilla qondw8 Dga.~O bllligeliee lonto.

Ngolinvi isipitipiti sndlwlol yenko Ita nile sboe.ka ogomoye omhla am· fdm& otite Itwelt 11S8 TiisBifell wapo. ma •• Iepet' amdl.dl.mb. hb. "WI. lI,mnyama. Eplmile ,bone ieitonli simkl wakwel' Q '1 hoIti I, kodw. IlItrBOCeds was,t" wllidndomiea i •• lo lSllodla, ellofik' epo iW8 kona lont' ImoYBmo .b.yidlblla. tylni, yibhoyi ( Y" •••• yiiil. ooot.' illal ..n •• beylpet. ayifang. yo~a I

Ngoli. kOlo sainte.ktl omoye am. ntyi Ibegweba amllol ontsloda ogo. basela ben ... II, eliH 16 zohloho, SA :ubIBO y.m. 48 .ponti, Umhl.ktZ; amaike aurakl 0080y8ngl 8zintatl, fot; atYltyolw. emhl.n. ng. katsl kleibozo, 0RlpelU "oko Ihl.ale .ml. eh.mi.om9ne epontl aneeibo~o XI sDge~ nawo 10lene entolongweDI eliDYs iOYlol8 ezlotatl, seabeon ozim'.

K.fomaDalie iota yokobaba Igaml lik. DyeD 10 lilioDa eDowadini y@aoQo, n~.moDt md!la lowo. E3i elgwfobo DO'O soks eimhDdis8 loto yolloll. bl:i 8Bibo.bnlomko .'afeketela emf.yweoi Ylbaoye abIDt., ub. I. milo kulln ZENZELA ob.neyIY.Y8ko into. Z,n . • t'leDt biota blkowet" Dahlnkloe oea.b~nye .baotu,

=== Ng.busuko bol ... Sibioi imval.

io. book. obo hu.oku y.yekl "UBI •• ogolwe Sit.tu selipomile HIDg., ibu 1.1". k.kul" ngob.B • .a.olin, kub. mhllOmbi iyakullmbi •• bl. k" •• i okoyimb. ; Itod ... k. cam.dodl IWlye~e n:iDgl eBiy. It". K.y.kula eoomfo ........ D' Ddl., Itu"o 1 •• I •• ili, h.i It. uog.b. lemvul. iy.k".o.. 1.010 kuy.ltal ... .. og.l. Kr •• m.Bi I

ZIGUYE NGESI SITSHETSHE SOKU GUYA UDg~zi guys. kamsinyano, lula nanga-pa.Ddle kwe ngozl xana. usebenziea. i GilJeUe Sa.fety Razor : Ibangnmo.ngaUso indlala QZiV8 umpulUSW80 • wakugqib. ukuguya ng. GiU.tte Jrungoko izigidi -

• • 2 rmadoda elizweni zieebonzisa. yona. I: ~Sl 81t9bet8b~ sihle 80kuguya naso lruwo 10m(aoo- : klBO wesi saZlBO. Po.ko.ti yi Gillette Sa.fety Razor _ ne Ntsimbi yayo, ipeiele neqagano, layo alible eli = nl'°bekuba. rpnyama., gwangqa, luhlaza., zulura. okanye • 1 bomvu. Upau lorwebo olufsna. ne daimani •

luko pe~u kwamaqaga onke-qondisiSB lana unge- -ka. tengt. :

Zllenuiswa zl Kernlsi ne Zliolo zonke. : -GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR •

LTD., ,

IB •• 18B, Gt.

Portland Street

LondoD, Eng.

• • • • • • • -• ===-__ --.J • .. 1 .. 1 .. 1 r.

K"elintsuku kumlo' allab.ko ioyi. nqall., nok.kombu., ,balali jillelele kim. embi .p. e B.utini nlsemini, oomli, ogomeo oge Oaw. yi Aoiveeele oglm,oy' IUlIxeah, Heb. kose buso"o yabantwloa beaikolb aa"wa DyaD e Itab."o .m.d.d' .I.ib. p.odle holi Spes Boo. ngBS. J.pp., 0 ..... ago iodod •• eyiciog ••• i,.. sill. 1922 Mvolo olond.l.yo we 13 .. l" mbleaik"elBoi omoh"ol "at' ,"abo ibe yenkol. illonettl eeiogoyikiyo uk ... 01 okubetaol kwamadolo a.yiee WI lipiod. Biti oneliehwa umnt. onglyi. Dqomll wati : Mimi, atlt, uy.gedol.! kamva evomiel u Dllmbolo, ziaitsh' izitoogl kokabi, odilo ogokuojalo nOYRII.pOBW. zizifuodo

A n~.ntw.ol ogE' Cawl. og' m.odl... .m.dod' .o:uow.~ _____ :...... _______ _ "" I SUbSCl'UJi fro Ukweoz.lo abab.ogaliboo.,ga .10. f1lmt~tdt 111a 2Jantu

rr rJ


Ha u reka qhal­shehisisa Is 'uao fa Seeta.

Roka liroko tsa hao tsohle, liforeskoto. lihempe Ie aparo tse ling ka lesela Ie naog Ie Ts'uao

la Seeta. 'Mala ha otsue hape Ie hlatsueha ba booolo.

Ha u rek3 Lihempe, hJDts'isa hore Ii rokiloe ka Lapi la Stifel Ie nang Ie Ts'uao la Seeta.

Kamehla u no reka Porinti tsa STIFEL



,- .... • ~. ' •• "''l''~'1o..::!:t~ •. ~ • . , ~.

",. ".~"" " ,-,-,.- I '· •• ' .' . ' ...... ..... ... ' " " .. , .... -., ... ' . .. TS'ABANA ", I.' •• _I , _ " ','. ,., .... . , . . :.......... LE ' . ," . .'.' t· •• 1- ........ , . - •• ~" ..... .' • I • . .


.. . . JI~NPIV~"'· .. ·•• • # • . , "'?" LI

It.rl" ~~ 'V\ '::" TS'UANTS'O

~.....: Trade Enquirie.;; to :

H. JASPER SMITH & Co Box lOJ6Johannesbulg. Box 532 Cap~town. •







Erellabl 8' BSDlluo. sa 8abata'o as pl80ng ea MoreDI Mohlaba Shilubana, se ,bUaDg Setralleog 8S Pietersburg, 8e eotee a.opo ea a.bethiso 8a lapeobele ho ateetss hore sehe Ie mokoUs oa ho leta melato ea eeobaba ea ho retoa ha polesi e. U Inleeb.rg II.No 170 hona setrpkaog sea:

'Me erek.hl Tona el Tabl tSI Babata'o e Ikbol1eite8bore bong h ba bagvfi b •• ,ohab. bo I ••• ta, .h.tbloo • jualo bo bll. bo I.monan. I. I.baka leo e etseteolng 1008 : _

Jaale he, kl hoo, '08 III Ilts'08oel0 tSI matla 10 ke a npholng ke temsna •• luho..u 10 ""'t80 • ..uhlano (1) e. Molao o. L •• betbo I. T.o.lopelo •• ta'o, No, 41 01 1925, tel boeletel mona, ke pbaUllatsa lie tleble8 bore glfo aa lepecbele el £2 "I selemo e al bebol lIa ketso ena bollm'. manna kamong oa Baobab. S80 ea B.nllon8,

Gab .0 e batlo.og mon. • tlo •• b.t •• ho tloho ka 8elemo a. 1926 'm. etsuels pele ho sebeta. bo fihlela maida 00 oa 8€ohabl 01 tbello 8a pollei eo a

Leltbetho leo Ie tla ballehl 'me I, I.fao. ko I. 1 T.'ito., 1926, I. •• Iemo •• 1926, I ... la pel. ho Photo (Augo.t) k. I ••• Iemo .smor'.

• moo. .

Lona I •• h.tbo 10 aepoohel. I. baUoong mona Ie Us lefooa bo ofl.lri f •• la .a Faph. 10 Tabl t •• B.tol •• n.hiloong m.tI. a ho makhotho • h.booog k. Molao No. 41 oa 1925 'ID. I. tI. fomaneh. joaJ •• a ha .1. leltb.tbo Ie b.hlloeog to oono Mol.o 00. ,


Eta .. Letaoboog I. k. I. TiI.o • Kbolo ea Kopano eo SOlto Af.r.ka mon. Ts'aane k.len8 JI lesbome Ie meteo e 'Meli Paluogo801 Selleteog Ie mall halo a Robong I Lang Ie ml8homa I MabeU I meteD e tS'eletseog.

, K. 'Iaelo .1 Mohlomph.hi 'M Isiei· e-Moholo. LellbLltieng.

ATHLONE. 'Musiai e.Moholo.

T. J. ROOS .


Ekokabeoi lI::ufoilella IIweuliwe Imel.ngieelelo olioibiyeia emp.ei. mi ~nikw. pautai kw. Nt,h.m.yelo. No: 143 .. 1919, nj •. ngoko y.l,ngi.wa Dlentsblmtyelo nie .. mva kollo, kWlllthIlI eliasebeDza 11110 1ml8BQo ye' Ntahu. may.lo No. 152 kl 1903 (Kolonl) : '

Ngai:o oko ke, p_Dlai nlngamlndla nemagloy, endiwlnikw. nglmteto ndiyashumlysl. apa, udiv.II.lis8 ndisil's. ~koll.b. lemigaqo ellndelayo yo. lIubiyelw, kWlmssimi Injalo iy.lI.aeben ••. lbe ngomteto kwleithili DIBJpiDa .h.o • R.I.n.Ii.Jiltel.l •• mvo koh bhongl •• I Bbuog. 1.01 Tbll1 onohvomo olEok.b. iaeben.e:

(2) X.nlkweni ubunio.1 blb.bhal w. b.n.m •• lmi ~wlntili Ylmaaiml .m.I •. Deyo b .. ahti ben.e i.I •• lo ~wi 1 •• 1 Thill .okokoba lomloimi ma. ~abiy.lw •• hl.lw. ~widl.'o lelali, hyaknb.a. .htl Umpati.wo Ndab. Zlb.ntl ekobonenl •• yolel. okokob. mont. ogamnye .oya. nlel.kll. obh.lw. ok.n)e o.akubbalw. ok.1i .n. nt.imi puati kwalo mceimi, nok.b •• vamile nokoll.b. IkdlQvlmanga 0110 kobiyell, nollaba intelmi yalle iaondele n,lse dlelweni Dollabl, .be alkarollYO IIwi odl.ko yo~.biy.l. ohn.ako ellh ml •• lw8 ng. maotyi omk.l. oYlkw.nzl oko .bo"ng.l. ub.hlo b.m.almi ngoh.biyana.

(2) Imln y.ndl.ko yohbly.l. eyokoma? Ihlaolwa p.olsi IIw •. .iq.nd. aokuqala .11. Ntah.mayelo Iy.h gal.lwa hm.oini .ihlalo w. Bbunga leai Thili silommandia ngomhll ollinye ogente,ko eliYI kumi. Bel WI nga MpatiBwl IIwlye imiteto esetyenliewa IIwlblBsmva ngerafa iyahtl lOa .. ku,," kwmz'wa 'nguqu/o ezi/anelok'Zeyo la.ty.nzi.w •• kafo. mlneni im8li Isndlsllo ezo esleeeemva emva IIwenYlnge elintltu kwallu. An.k. zihlaulwe,


lnlkw. plntal Itw. Sandia .am n. Tywin. Elikulo 10 Mdlboniso Womzl. ntai Afri ••• Pr.torlo ogomhl. w. Sib'ozo h Iwaka Im.kulu 11 Toba aoamleb.mi Mablai Inesit.ndltO.

• No. 3051926.1


Ngomy.I.lo Wob.kekil.yo u • .•




T' Et •• ~ L.t.ohonq la ka I. TUao • Kholo .1 Koploo ea Aler.~. mOO.

I b .. ob· I la bo R?bel1 Poloo~olna S.II.teog Ie mlkbolo a Ro~oog. oaoR e mn owe, Mabeh 8 meteo e t8'el~t8eDg.

K. Ta.lo .1 Mohlomphebi 'M ua 1.1· e· M obolo. L.1r h ou. og.

• No. 306,1926] =============

ArHLONE, 'M •• I,I .•. Moholo •


Ereklh. liblopb. I .. bo KODIO. b P If . Secb.b. 01 B.roiODf, bl .bil.D\! aelreke: 0 L~O!.'O ,. b. Ri.lfoDleio b. b •• 01 •• kop ••• I.kb.lbo II sepeebe!e h! ::. Ie ~ob.rg 1 •• 1 M.f.kiDg eDtseag; 'me ere ... b. Toni 81 Tab, tse Bablt:-!:' . 0 Je~ •. melato eo b. e bl blg.1i bl Iiblopb. I ••• b. 1.110101 kb lb' ~ Illbohall •• bore bO.glll mosebetai 00 e bebelolog b. etat Oon. : e 180 e JOlla 'me bo lumell,o, Ie--

JUlie, ko boo, ko Iils·o.o.lo I. k. mllil II Iu""",. 10 ..utso e mehlano el Mol .. 01 L 10. I •• bo.Dg II. lem •• 1 eo 1925 (~o 41 0.1925) lie. ho.l.lao mo .~hklbo I. T ••• lop.lo e.'o I.ltb.lbo 10 a.peebel. I. I.abom• I. lisb.l.ool,oo· t:OllololSI k. la.bia. bore lim. mog.1i ~lmlDg 01 liblopbl I.eo 1.0 S~cbo~~ 00 °B 11.100 .D. I. bebOI boo

2. L.kb.lbo 1.0 I. III t.'uoo.11 bo 'efooo Iroloog • 1.I.o •• I'.lIeb •• mODg f •• I. el 0 b·1 mobil bo pblllll.I •• lOg ~bo •• b.boa.g~. Mol.o ~o. 4101 1925 ~m':~:gtl~~II •• bo b~II.II. m.~b.lbo a lekbelbo Ie Ita OOD. Moloo 00. JOlin. b ..... k",

MOLIMO BOLoKA MOlOE.A E D.bilo. II. L.laob. 10 to Ie Tiiao. Kbol •

mo •• To •••• b I. Leabom. I. me 100 • 'm r P ~ el Kopooo e. Soolo Afereb. I RoblDg oDlog I. moabom •• M.beli • ~ ~ U .o~ol,ol S.II.I.og Ie m.kbol"

e 80 e &s e etseag •

KI Ta.lo e. Moblompbebi 'Mu.i.i e Mobolo.Lekbolleog.

ATHLONE, 'Mu.iai .• Mobolo.


MOLI)(O BOLOKA MORENA. EIso. l.tsohoog 10 k. I. Tii.o • Kholo .0 Ko 10 S

Te'alne •• 1. Lel!!home Ie Metao e • .'deli ho Pal.n ~an~ e~ lIoota Aferekl mona­I Robong I naDlle m8shome 8 mlbeli I meteo e ~8'eletee~g~ten. Ie ml.holo

• No. 322, 1926]

Ka Ta.lo ea Moblomph.hi 'lIh.I.I·.·Mobolo Lekbotl.og.

ATHLONE, 'Mlaiei·e· Moholo.



Er.kah. b.tho ba Bst.'o b. S,obaba .1 Ba birin Janis MabaJaDl", e8 ahilang Satre~eDg 81 RQefeob8rg e8 p.aong ea Morenl IIhethlaol ~. sepeobeJe ho eteetes hore 8e be Ie moko~ia a8 eoht··

1 f~oPO SI ho­

iteeng e. aeohlba : oa 0 e a mellto e-·M. er.kob. Ton ••• Tabl tSI B,b.ta'o. ikboll.lta h b

g.fI bo •• ebab •• eo bo lak.t •• kh.tbiao. jllio bo bile bO·1 orl•1

onglala b. b.· 10 e etseteoang oooa ; nme 101 e mabl~a

J •• I., '" boo be, '01, In Iits'UID.lo I. II. m.ll. II II •• nebol. II. I.m'ol •• luhom. 10 metao • "",hlano (I) •• MollO ... Lellb Ib I T I g I ••'., No. 41 oa 1925 .... b I leo. a •• ope. bore I.kb.lbo la .epecbel. I. £1 I •• bo.~~.a·II.~:.nlb'ol~e

lo k. I •• bi ••

S b b b . I 1m. mODO a e mODDI O. ec a • •• 0 ma 'pl • .1 1926 b •••• f •• ,. b b I ~ I

L kb b I L b I ' '0 • 100 ol •• eog • ..0 Ita m.lla • MollO 00 No. 41 o. 1925, II. ba ""I.

bobof.,,; empa b. balbo bo S,ebab • •• 0 bl nIOils •• g Ii £1 I ••• 'D' mokotleo o ••• ebobo II •• s. 1926 b. se b. II. 1I0b.lo. bob ~b Ib~ b g bae phe*hile. loe • e ISO eDI lse

Ere.aha ... bont8'it.o. ho t.'lInel.ha bo loki.. temlnyana .a p.l. e. Tlhomello •• Bororo .0 Kiloeletao No. 142 •• 1910.

X,boo be lIa matla Ie ~a lite'oaoelo tsea ke Ii oebolog lie molao lI@a hoelet81 monl' lEe phatlalatelt. ke tSBbiel bore ho tloha ~a Ie ~.morl~ ho tsatsllenl tem~nYl08 eo e lallieol a.a ho blakol. manteae Ii e motoDS e moholo oa lei 0110 II mall oa bae oa mateibolo " ebe bikeD I sa 0008 bo ogo108 manteQe "e moholo e motona ea tsoaloaog lie mOll oa hae 08 mlteibolo,O'

Lekbelbo I. aepechel. I. hatlolUg mo • I. tI. Dla'.o~ bo .Iiairi .feDg feel. ea F.pba 10 Tab. 101 BIlllls'o • o.biloeng mallo .bo bokell. mokb.lbo ~ b~b~.Dbg "·1 IMob'ao No. 41 01 1925, bl • I. bit •• , 'm. I. lia i1b •• bl.pi.o. JO' ea. a ••• k elbo I. bebilo.Dg ill OOD, MollO 00. .

k,Jlulayo X.ko OTUKULULAYO OIDDJI hplia .Iauo avoDklll.1 ,Ika. .. .. "Kodwi FU"'A I' .. .. ".... ~ 'IO",'lulay:o ,


J;Il nebiloe k. Lelaobo I. kl I. Tii.o • Kbolo e. Kopaoo ea S.ulo Aferek. mODa Ta •• n .... la L •• bom. I. melao • ' PoluDgoan. I. mokbo.


Ot.u.kululayo Omo.,I .. I. OTUKULULAYO 00 te., • /)8110 I. ho.a,

:: :: :: Empa BATLA :: :: ::



10 . Roboag .u .. g I. m .. bom •• • m.l.o • h'.I.I .... g.

ATHLONE, J)1u8;,~i p·,Mobn10

K. '1' .. 10 •• 'Ma,i,i·. Mobol. L.kboll.Dg.


• [30 Novemb., 1921i . • No. 2188, 1926]


L.p. kDy .. i.... ED .. I "ooke uloati Ob.keloil.yo .. Lu.ib •• LuEulu oj.buHle ukovuma, ploai k"am.ndbl •• tmye Dgesiq,eodu .!amaslu",mi amabili """tatu (1) (.).0 Mlelo No. 15 kl1911, .. l.b. imil.ll.m.y.IID. oabajoJioisi b,b.o\n luo,e Dlb'qlSbi ,bla,ma layis8QS8 okojoyiai8l, oEuei Sic.cisela se S.zieo 81kwi Hu1umeoi No. 2091 k. 1924,ogollwBDeze1ela kwe Sigodi SIe8 Tat_ioi ahleni Iweligodi ezibl'Dg.~i8"e paoei kwegama IIS8" N atal lt lIosiqeoda 88 4 8oooteto oss utebi" ••


Siv.I.Do n. NoR C. Cri.".t TODriDK Team kWPDomli w·es Molteno, D~O k.b'abl\ k.ka A E MngqUuna oronye wendle.lI .,10 timo, sbeels,cdl} ."a mbon •. 1 H>me D,feDdo .. C.C . i club Jalap', ihllele i Tourlog Team Het. yovel wanD 1)gllolab1ek:Q yelonsutJ,

• • • • • AbaDt.: R.v. C. Nyombolo w oe

Biedolopw. apt io)w& ep('Ilile. .. yo. · . . . . ...

U Miss M. Tom i Nurae y888 Mess. u iyigqibe ,po iholid. yeke ye 14 d.ys.

• • • • •

Dr. Welli .. gloD ul.p .... blokoDdib. l.m.fel •. Dd .... oye; .m. · Hesb.l. b. kama 80 beb.Dke. InkDli.o Dg.b •. flzi oentombi; iojoogo yabablota el' y.kuyeDzel. owod ....

• • • •

Ez.midl.lo Dg. D e .. mb. 10 : ... e TeD.o, i club, .yi Look Ag.iD izimissle utlatlh ublmbo .lllfutehlo8 age \thsme.i: b .. imi,.le .... adl.l. .. ". age 251b De,e:ob. b. dl.l •• LDlula og. 271b, b.gqibele e Bisdolopn Dg. 281b z. b.dl.le ekay. og. Nibidy.l. De Lululu.

• • • • • Nge 161h De,.mb. ogombl. ko

DiDg.oa i Look Ag.iD yodl.l. De ZaslroD i Fe.r foI.1 idl.le D. Rou1. Tilte .p. • Alnui. Bom ... I ... Dg. D.Di.i Dge 151h. I Hom. Crickel Club izimi.el. ukuboyi,. i relurD ye Dodolor. Dg. 161h Des.mb.: okubo i molo ... 1i ziDo"Dfum.Dek •.

• • • •

U MDu. C. A. Sephlon i LODgU I. P.I.m.oleL Dk .... DeDII.Dg.· Di,o .p. D.b. Vall .beul,oudu .ku· h."g.koDlo iDlsb. .yil.lileyo eg.· p.edle "okDhl.h. imil.lo emibi eDz"e Dga Ralameote It. Tellitoro" Boje. Dglie, Pontalla, am,.,I. webell, .... eDyu ......... R.fD Dg."Dmbi .m.· b'.yi Iyele PesheYI, i Bili k. RooB EDgotYllwl, kWIXOXWI sbuebo Dgomzi DI,e age Bili 8ziDe zilla Teltitoro zodamo, amzi azikabe EODke; eeio,8 ieite'i eati , Ibooopopi h, 7 laah,. mab, mele iligidi eZI 7 e PalameD'e Isiba foDi oga. 10. Kogqily". u .... h. Dm.i wobo azixoxe D"odwi. ze "eDze i."i aguo.

• • • • • Isiy.lo: IDgum.le okoq.l.k. iDlo

y.kob. ..Ii ... koDge .. 1 k .... i.iodlu z.ogas.s. .p. k". Dak.lll. D6ke "ob'.I .. e ok .. ogcolileyo, Dglm ... y. .muo,b. aDg.6t.. kutel". og.m.· .b.Dla, 10mcimbi .i .. ay.k.l. kub ... li b.Dg:uli, •• b.DI .. lo., ... k .. Liso Lomzi liyisbumlyele emzioi "ub ... lo .b01l01u, lily.l. elikalD ko· noaDb.Dj".. Ml8it.mbe oko"ub. t!SiS6DZO Isieobe eenzeke.

• • • • I

Ngombls we 25 ko Novamb. y.yiDg. mhta omkalu apt e Alvani, lawa Da. katole, kalo Cjwe YlBe Presbyter lao, Ibingu mhla wokwlmkel1 Imalaml ab.Dlo ., ... lgq.I.II.yo kobel.Dgo be

Vas B'odi o~8nye Flab. B)d, OIDDYo

nde wati V flariog Bard, (Advisory Bond) ngo"o~tsto omt!lb" we Loktishi, leotlanRaoiso imen),we 818i bond~ ae lolll ishi u !\Cr. Dipenaar DRokomtsto, .b.b.ko: D 'poly Moyor. Mr. L . F. B )thA t Cr. Joubert, Oblirm,n of the L'lOtU"D Committ"!'e; Town Cltlrk, Mr W. p •. Uen. D~ Town E'lgioel:'r, IIIwi\ne reprflasotatlvA y~pt'P,. lahp .. IlblmblopPi UFrontier Poat Ind Timf'a" eiko nflsi bond a eso. Y IfI::108Ua IClc ,we lUll ablnye blvt>la ORe f"stile, ng i'.l pa. mbi kWIlnmlni Iba R,fi babeoEloU aoga­oiso yabo e \V .. sile beole. ezoligqi ho: Njeo80llabl klde nmlt a~wiol ng!!si. eibonda, n~fl1i .. ta e ... iw8 "e~al. Ii. BODgO I. Dolopo I.ti I BhoDga nn knZl~'BetyeD%i8WI lomtE-to omtshs, k.Ylkuhnwl esibhetelf1, islboodl S9· dolop. (Mr. G G VI.s,,) w,k.ojuwl ogemai o~owlyeloknbona ami' ngo October, watembi8l, nomno~dlsi eibo. oda eedolopu ita ya~.dibaD8 i Kaoeels .hq.lekeDI ko Di .. mbo 10 y.gqib. ekobeDi imllDge D N oloklsbi iDyaogo elintlto aQ,ale, DgO 8 kualBl aye. ~e ngo 6 ogoknblwa abelapa E¥llsini eloxeeha lonke amli wIgqiba n'lUbl i Bodl Ie I .. gony.lwi ••• Iap. blele ~aotl oguoDYloga b3teta Imi. oyalll:a, kadat" eltnbo lomnta Dgesels. bODlwe Ndlboye Ddi.a ktriDttlDgaoleo ye 25th November: kohbo i Dopoly Mayor n. Town Clell blcuile ollul.ogl kwale Blodi Duleye ilioto, IIw.o~lw. am •. glma abaot. abazigqatujO (~J:ebe amli wIgqibl ekobeni i Lieo Lomll livale omlomo ogalomioi), tylci WI· daml wonlle ami' ~.ko Dsm,'oaikazi, wati leloynli esehpa 0 Dippeoasr wa. ba·o/jatini n Bothe iO~J:oxo jlqall ngo 8 yapume emve 110 10 ngobo bo. e.~u, u Botha wlbelll iziotd alimbioi emlioi mabltate icebo lake baoynle ; ayesibini beola amJ:op08ho 81i1koYI nlwo e Boogeni lebo. Ngompovoeho k, Mr. Appie Soohahe eaellelwa -ngo Mr. JIB. M('Itlme loUaogani!o iva me. lene ullu'-a inganyali koolle pantsi kwdl ,i~oDd. se

• • • • •

U James Dlb8S8, no Maggie Noo· tab. tab t sbebegwetyelwe ukaxonywa yl J Idge ablelndala oilibal'pa, ngo . lIabalal~ uyie8 ka Maggie Nontshatanl, 00 •• WlIliaw, a Rlllumente laig.quie eiloaigwebo ltaniliwa bobabini loapa. klde ol,yifi.

Motl'eare lIa Soedaha II 1& 5 Ta'itoe pall e De e potlalaoa lI.mool ke bl) Alesaotere Ie DJltbobonl a tenl el tl .. sar.e bOlinog boo sa tulane ea Iplrela Leloelep'teol, ea boela el etlll jaalo mots'earB ka Mandlhl. Cbe rea e Ie. Itohl re bUe r8 thabl 'moho Ie bpreki be. olbl ea hi RIUta'IlII1l1u ba Deog b •• o. Ie pit.1 bOD. b !loDd.b. .eo b. bui..... k. pol.s.... e. V.ol boachlllgte eo Moreol a rome's8og lentsoe II boro e ea rekieol 'me e pb.llel •• kobo el. gDlu"opo .bil. • em. h~DII. m.b.pi Ie eo b. S.Dg bo e raklle• PltSD enl .e beteits8. I" mlabome • ml!ero I lipooto holim'l ch.lele •• eDg ela leDg ·m •• k. boj. ho .a pel •• lo bar. b •• e b •• f"· mIDO.

• • • • ' M.aial 01 L!Botbo ~ ') II Boraro b~

~eog enl 0 nl I oeha mep,teo ho biOI ba sellol0 sa makhool klmODa 118

Perktown, JohaDoeBburg 'me I etsl poo e moode h.holo blr's me~bopl e mo thtr.bateeog. E lIa morens enoa 0 Uetle GlodeDg Ie tlepaaoe el pnla.

• 'Nata a Balahlloa.

Ke bailie lIorants fIlA, 114 Te'itoe, bs lIeog s-+- teeko el Ng080'd Monol, Saaleo G. L qrotholi, Ie Mor~ol a moho 10, 'me in atloll! ".moo L,khotb Ie [aw'-+-neng bOlt" Berens: ~e seoa moja. Ida ia R.b8aotbo la PbliOOOOg, Hool blebs lie bame hlotle, lie ntloile hore ·loreOI bool ho bOOing ~. bonR bA 8e be Lpsotho lobi a ~e ba oUo ea Kerijfiei fet< la. Lpba hool kormteog eo ·\ A~ 1.4 Td'itoe ke balile Hta ba ha Iib.1 tee oeU, tt'eOI ea Ngoao'l Moreel, S~elBo t. Mohpo, ore a qoqaloa ke emonl 08 aomitl, bore mtreoa "omiting R fl}. mllDe haotle.ut!e bore naog hi R,ba. eotbe, Saels) ke mojllefl. H, mareoa d hlabiea tesna lIapale ho R ,buotho, a bl Ie leotaoe Ie moblolo, leo neag: II H1t'ba Ba,sotho b. rialo, bl nke seng Il boo,., Ie e80' a nile aa h.e ho aro· banoe" B ,b. It ba ttl hopoll hvrij nkUe ~B b.1 Ironl lirapeog tel lIordnta eOI, ~I lite~1 tea b. b, Mojel8, flelt l Ie .1 taooa tesnl tea R.b!J80tbo Ie Ill,or'a hlloe Seeiso. K<3 ra : " Kholo " bt taba Ii bblne IA e008, a tt, £.mloa ., oboobisHs !! mlblo, h. u 'mJtea pJteo f'I oac i Ie 'o ,.. t~. Bloott. • II. fum.o. ok. ba keDoe ... Ibek. b •• iloo ho bu. '0.1 •. B. Ilohe · I. lilob. I. mollo bo •. e. Ie boilh.le. 10 bl Moreol. H .... bOD. I.b.i .. la h'abisi'eeog mlreDa hore • teamaea 'oeteog, boo a RI Basotbo b •• re a nebelle seog SI ble b, sale Ie SI bool b. Is·.bil. eog ho mo lamall. b •••• • iklp.lse? E jo.lo 'oel •••• b.b •. a.p. b. k. b.l. hl.heDg I,e bl.hi • il.o.Dg k. Mo .. golli o. I •• M.lsieDg k. b.o ••• Dlse molDbe IDb. o. lil.b. lab. .mp. ke I.mohila boDO ... 110 •• 10 •• b •• bo lob.k ... y. lil.b. "0 boomo ho !eli •• b.ogolli bohle, j .. I. re •• r. lieb. h. mo ullo. ke boDO. N. ..D, Moogolli o. M.I.ia.g I ...

bl.los. b. • Ie mOD. bo I.blill. bo .. ODg bo bloekile b. ... .... 1. b. mar'. M.h. S.ka~.lbo • leng eeol ea neng I romil.e bo e. Dy.l. ... 1 •• 10 •• Lerolholi, j •• Ie bop ... i ho Dkilo. bo m.Dg boale mOD' I. b ... o. b. h. N .... b. b. itolol.a holim. pb.lolo a. mOD,.lo • bl S . bu.og Ie Tb.luD.? K. bore D. Kerefisi I. b. ... bo so 101. Ie D.? R"ilo I. bop.Ioi bo hl.bisil.o.Dg lIa Mlcb."o.De, mohl. Nkoeb. • I.Dg I.Dg Ie pao eo Lero'boli I neog • e boe, bo felilo. k.e boo? Ke m.o ke Deng k. bl.lo.. hor. ... e. lie lstotloll bore Bttreog b, se moreol a. mong 1 H ob. boroD' b.bes9 ke bo losote',naog Ie me lao el Uhaho aa Bdeotho, ke borpoa ba ., boitbatelo " bo lIa bolimo bo mollO, hob8 aaita Ie ho melao eo bo e etBlng P.rameotsog, na bo teamase lIa eonl bo plttl eeohaba aa mello e bolma, e be ho nlma e8· obabl hore ae pesetae. Eitse hi mofu Lerotboli 8 tla ra SareDg lie mojllefa, e ne e Ie hi ho teeka mlng? Lea ma. lI.taa, Ie eteelete8 Ler.otholi ha Ie re 0 nl re Bereog lie mOlllef8, ° DI 8 k, rialo j080g Leteie 11 • pbela 0 08 I lo.bll. j080g bora Letsle ba • a. tl8 bo Ie Dgolal e motool? EBitl Ie ho 'MI Bilho 0 oa a teebile joaog hore hi I Sl Ua ba Ie oloaol e motonl? Lero· thoU 0 oa a ta'oaoatee bo thabela tso. al0 e8 Bereng, hobl ke 8etloholo aa hie s' pa~e, e Beag Mojalah joaleka h' le bolela. Ke aOlbl hlboto bobl m lt r en. 8 ronl ,.Ipital blklesste'me lehl bo Ie jOllo It aitoa ho bls 'nete Ie kl moble o Ie mong. E leog booa tlbeng teeDS tea Rjbaaotb.o Ie mor'd h ie S3eieo, ra bl bone b" h a MokoteU hore boreas bl bons hi aa ba ub,ho ke be larlto. Boreol booa baheeo hOD8 mehltlol eOI r.o ta'oana h lntle Ie ba ha Zoln m e. hleDg e. Ob.ko boo bo thoeDg bo no bo ea fe toloe. Ho no h o etao. tbl to ea. morenl, jOl leka h a R, buotbo I r'l ho eteoa ea h ae, ba e ba e Sl etaoe ho mpe ho arobl ooe. A boreoa bola ba rooa bomme ra ne re bo rita I K80 ~ ta re nUoa "oblollo ronl ra Ipo~, .!


K.poDoD,. bob. bollbet,o bo bob 010 bl moreoa a roo., lEamoo 8 thetlloang lie IIqfll8kOI lSI honlll, ho rfl hnrflu_ hI') ke ke bo fA.18. Sekot! 1,.laDg: Bo. oaog 1& oela I

Dereley, Traoev.,I, A. S. LETSOSA.


Ifama Yamalungu e I. C. U. Emnyameni.


Ngombl. we 21s1 Nov. 1926 iDII.Dg.oi.o y.'" b.mbi z.blulo bolamlDY.Do Jaogsotla Yldiblnl e odl .. iDi yec.... y .. 6 R.b •• MDY. · meoi. E,iDI.I"aDi ,.yi DgU Mr D. SOloDlu iokoli.o b.mbi z.blDlo yoyiko. Emveoi .. okobi .... k ... m. g.m. k"o£Dm.Dok. ullub •• b ... oyo baoqlma abumi laitob. 10esixeoJ:e (97). Kw.f.m.D.k •• ki"obl eliDY. Ilml lungu apambili kolom,oYlno u 16 r MiDi, Hs ... lek;!e Ir"i veki epelileyo yablolkaliel iott.ogloial uvel".oo noupo 10k. Mini .

In~"elo y.oll . ngoDi.o .dlul.yo yombl. "e 14 loa NOTOmbff y.faod ... YIZI Ylmee)",.. Kufuodwe j '.lc"ldi ~zivela so Rulumeote kl Geoeral H.rt.og ka Nobb.l. "e micimbi y.mi. tela y.b.olu .... i M.Dlyi aolrala yelo MellO !lOtbl, 1] Mr .t4ortoo, "",Ise QODce; kal. k ... booalr.l. k"e.iDc ... di okokaD. 0 Nobb.l •• I.b.le iOyOI.ID l'l ilomiaell tlmlOYlnl 010, .. eqal. IrDqol. w.ID". oluvo lab RulumeDle ek".,i ogeziDcwldi " ... acici io'o yok."Dbo u RDlnmeDI. • ... yic.sil. '."'0 yoloa I.Dg'" k .. omhllbl og. b.Dlu .... eli la,. KDloDi.

00101. Dmb.odelo ov.le .... iDgxe. 10 .dIDI.yo ibe ogo"o • Ioopum. 10 a I .. N obb.l. omlral .. kob .. plti b. I .C. U , .Ie 0 Mr. C. Nno leod .... o m.yijoDgwe Dgeliao .libDk.1i ltabl iylbl cap".ela biOI mzi we I.C.U. 0 ..... Dg ... O m.o"oD I"e mihl.b.. UbDV. "'qok.l. k"ili."j IIko Ch.irm.o IrwioIlIDg'Di81 edlu· leyo elili u Dipp. efel. liuo b'ioDge iaipDmo. U Mr. J. Nuo uyi bol.le leDd ... o. U Mr. Mlyobil. emveoi k:oko weole iailrokelo.

1. U mlell oloul. ulromisel ... k ... I. ... (1892) m ... ucil .. e ""a. o~uze i tl,itile ikatabw8 eglmeoi hODlre .b,b.mbi .. blulo .b.bel. e.iDge Dg'p ... I,i ..... £5 • .. i lab.loDIi bod ... ~DgO... alsboyo.

2. LeDtI"'g ... i.o iDik. iguDY. ku m.longo • B'odi o"ab •• dib.De .... mogq"el. i".ly.l. isigqibo s ... I1.· Dg'Diso y.b.b.mbi •• blulo e.ili) i .... o· mpooi m.yici' .... e ooke Imalougn .yokum. efomeoi Dj ... g.m. laog ... I .C U. kupell.

Cape African Congress, (Head Quarters.)



Ho Iseblsoa Makala kODlola a Cape AfricBo Congress ell Kolone, bobBDe pbotbebo e kbolo 88 Kongresl ea selemo e ti l! kopaDB Queenstown ka la 220d December, 1926. ka 10 o'dock nOSaSB. Ho tis. kens pele ea MBfamaball ka II 20lb Docember, 1926. Ho kopeoa Malum.ball kllo'ela a K olooe, hare 8 itokisetse boba teng" H Ilpe ho Isetsoa Makals onls bo loklsetb·l b8romo.oa ha 0~a8 k& lIts'oBnelo tn IIjo Ie m9.rohs.lo. J oalekaba bODO bo phethoe phuthe· hODg East LODdo. ka April. 1926. bore makala able a romele raporoto kaofela sa litho tSB OODA Ie kabela e. N tic • kbolo pele ho fibla l.ts.lsl I. 30tb November. 1926. a thase ka hI) rom eta bo e8 lebltsQ Ie ka tbse e. Ila.g boba Q. e.DstowD ka 10th December, 1926.

• (REV.) ELIJAH M OOLOMB A. P reSident,

J AS. D. N GoJo, t\.ch Gf"Ders: J Secre tary

-~-= .... -~ .....


lotslbolo bl Barl bl Mmnl I Moholo.

Ie b.te,.li b. bae 0 tl'OIDe Ie Kerefiai 18 Letait'. II. borolo 0 te'ola. Ie e mobolo 0 '0'000. 10 Nkoob. I. tboli, 'e Peete Ie L eIllDID • • Kbot8lo1 • e bolo kl mokokollo ogala ••• bolo k. baibach. Seeiao 0 0" '.olloe La rotboli I abnele ogalaa 01 mali I Mokh.chlDO Seeieo II mali I Leteie I. Moehot.boe moreoa 01 mali I bla ke eo b. ere 01 mali mor', Ler.thoH • ma fetobele 01 mlli a ma etee 01

liob.b., • ma g'Olahl8 Ie mefat. esele moree. 80" mol,leog 0 tb". R.mobol,bel. 0 tb,'a ke ma te'oloi.'. • pbolo.o koloi bobo 0 00 • boo. bo I.agol. I. baloo, ag.lo I. boloo "" lIhjemehllo. ; letne Ie bal •• Maeeru 'orapoog Ie.' ciieol bo ea'o tiiloe. r.loagolo I. lrball.l. bobo Lele'.bi .. I. bo.l. b. bo N,.·.bo .i,". bo I. liblo bo L.r.,boli m.qb.1Iu 0 0 )I pbon.l. Ii bl. Ii boe klof.l. Lil.p. U. moaao leo Lero,blli bo boo Lipbo boo 111.1.1. bo boo Ii Lioli 100 bo IIt.ophl q.I.lloaK bl bi"ol Lijlbo'bo llobeoial Ibo Koli rt ~il"oo, mobl. I roeaolag moqblM Seeieo I oeOI ma Jamu mor'. Lerotboli, kbomo ilia leobo I ,11.1.10 Tomobol. '.0 Soko Ie i'<, '.1 I.~I III lijoko , .. lie. meboma Ii otee Ii lema eeita Ie Bol.. b. b. bo bol.b. BII. b .... bllebo bo bo bl bl bo, h. bl boo. I Tumohol. bl b10ma e~1 0 llil. ko Phomoag ° III a~o •• 1010 .. o. MIII.m.; kbllheD7la. oa elo Tama· bol. mor.all 0 i~.lo bobo mobolo beag b. likbomo b. ~.a. m.kaling el lipboofolo bobo Iilbo~11i Ii bl.II •. ". mlbobo, bo •• btl.b. Bopbalbi b. eI 's'.b. Kerefiei 0 88 ". ollus bobloko ho a 0110. Lerolboli 0 DO I. DBre ho 011 I. nkos ha mOrlli 01 hae IIpeng 1. montlloe 01 Nkoebe ba mo •• 11 hI moi.let, II Mo~b •. • ~.a. B •• loo II lI~bomo I ~. ~. b.o I. bool 0 tl. ja 1. rona II b.hunklnl. MOflo k08011 1erole lei thUDY. tuteaR kOla. b,tho m.tllotllol.rol.I., thaay. ho boea Ie Mlloa I b. 8ecbels Ie Blroe ... B.t.bol .. It I IlIkon. boat •• bl .th bo ba., b. mopeoho a Upoll ; bltho ba II til bl phlnta. Lelotho b, atl. bo bot.. LOlotbo II. .... h, b, 01100 8eetla ~e e moholo 0 utIle Iet.lo.1 Lerothodl. KOBoa Jeflte 81 beae lur', IoU .0 hloagol~' Mot.t. b'o. lrhqbe"u. teDg ra.1I til 'ketla re .1 til ou lat.. tal mooeteol. MODO' ogoaba eea fall •• e~.t.. Koena thota ha e ea taol h,r'. motte. 8eello b. 8 faUol. 10Uag a I.el, ~oloa ho Leli. DgOlot maOOna ~ Soko Ie Ito M.ltI1iko8. h' I. at •• I. blpllI •• IIt'~.. T.o heoo 1M L.rotbod! I. II .t .. mo .. bl~I~. I. II lelll •• tIl bin b. Mojel.. Teo.oalere o letB~ • ra lastae 0 ra ha • tI. lie 8 qelo Iplll 0 '01 a .0U. I. IIdoropo. 0 re pere 11 rO"lle II. Ulale. Pare 11 101. II opp" IIqhm., Ii~ol~ol II Ie mlteohoog. 0 re 0 tI. qels e e.og blilmoag e .8ag bo Lorothodll. Th.~o e !tog bo M .. ms Ie Mlbefola e elng ho Moiell I. ho >;koeb •• elog ho Joele Ie Seeus. Lena q911 k. ho Uoas mlqbell. IitaooatalDI bo 'm'e 'Ma Api. Basadl 1110 'm'e Mamlkbaol. Ie be rome. I. ~o,al he Edword lehllhle 110 118 lam. NooY'Da, Seello Maro 8 lume b t •• tlosog b. 0 thoatbouetn 'mane. Tod I ho lam •• 0 babo Mo~baolo el hobo Ker.fI,1 Ie Let.le. Tlodi.1 loma 'mane all. tetem. moel 01 Lerothodi oa tBilBiaya l.bIUo. MI~.poi ollile I 1'1 ahoele Ire lIhotalD' fata'e e e. lotleha 0 eoUoa hoblne Lerothodl a ahoele. EIII8fe U oehol boreoa Bereng ho lIeke ho bite loa bo fBogoanl'ou rome. lloe ilia mor"a Leballleng ilia Efr8ime ho U llta mohle U oeolog mor'. Lerothodl ea lere a. M.okhlohloe Seeieo.1I atl08 bo bUnoa bo rAnR:0801'e ho bihoa bo Api Ie Ma'~lolo bo Moro~obei I. T.ko.

• Ma.t~rose, maLero~e ha. afibl:1. uet~ua. leoatle, Nat'k"ba m~bubu a li uaLilcng (1, rung?

bo N.IO I. Mobll~.a, blao bo 0110 et ' M, Let.'lbl .. e tlere 11 naho. It. a lebobele e re bl Uob8 bl "fI kOI Moreo.: LHlbomo Mor'. Khol' moeadt oa Inetbe 8eeleo eo 'OOtiD I nyete080g Ie IIkellll'l ba meritl e ~ooh.l., h' let •• t.1 Ie I. bollm'a bhllite tbe hooa bo ea oyaloa ·oo'le. 'rltdl ea mot,e oa Mobato S+'Ielllo fleoa 08 motle 01 • ~h. L",rotbodl ba e oU. e 81 fabela tladi. foba "e bo tl,11 bohalOR. 0 q"oehet.eog lebltllo Seelsl') h .. Mouna • el aboe mor'. Lo. rot bod I I.bll.o I •• ,1. : Bit.o I ... I. I. reo, II110boio bo Mpltl Ie bo L.poqo b, .ho.I •• " Iho.l. ~hol. ob'bo II •• Ita teebe ba otis b. reo II malea Ifl j081e bo tla .,1, bo bo .. mabOllna bo 811111ho· be Ie S.o,ko~l'. Tlldl ea mot.'!I o. Mobalo 0 .hoele u" Thelele Ie Luo thoU mo •• 11 Ie IIl1barl.UI tI. Le.otho. alelale I bllheb" Tomabolfll, I Uohl Maeul mor'a Lllrothodl I ntle I lIl . T.'oloalere b. I II "ena Kerek:e en. el Roma b, • la e battl. Be ellli Mo. renl olehetlle Motlmo. Obo SdelJo 0

Ie DO I'hla MoUmo. Kb.U,. boele morlo tll'okadu @I malllboUI • Lero· thodl el mara' Rilete'.bill el mar'l RI · Ntl'ebo Seeleo moelreal oa montia' De 01 8empe 01 'Mlota'ebo Seal eo bl .. bolo oa moudl Molpooe a boele let ... loog Q Mor8Dl. Bltho boo I re otae re Ie b. biO, ho el lef.Dg re blteol ~, bo K,oal B,.otho r. bltool bo bo H. I. II,.. 10 boa, re k08nehile mnelqheme ekia. el koeoeh.. Bueog 11.1. Ie Dlha eoo ke eo ; u IIIle Ie Pbamong ele he blo NgOIO'1 moqelloeDg h. 'Mlbltho , eo jak •. T.'oto,alere 01 Mokh.ahlDe , ete I eo jallli lIoanl hi LedIDloao •• Telmlea. e.jl metaunte.oynoe_ pbela III monalllll.di 0' thOtl, ilia mao taa mar', Lflrotbodt. Khomo:tleno ka .hlle II ~h.bU.itaoe II ay.tae meqeko. ho b'. Mlblllko.. U r. a boUo bl hlbo B •• I.o. Se 'oBag I. bohU. Mo. t.b.le h bore I. bo~.II. Botohag b. 'Mamloto.oe t1ohlog, tlobang II lIpel., I. U, hllb. ~otll bob. b,. t •• h M.f. I. R.m.~inko.. Le hloml .k. ho UI. 10 •• etopoag ~IP' ho tllio moqoqop. loag ~hatheay.a. 0 .llMe~. Tam.hole ore 0 batll M,beolo,l feela .. bltaeta::e bo Api Ie M.lrbloll bo R.I. I. bo Bbl· ~bolo 0 blta.too. bo Kbo,b.~. Ie lib . j... bo blt.oo M •• blph, bo blt.o. 8ampe bobaoe lie bo nht" 8eelao "008 bl t.eboag boholo bo hIe. Q .pbl mehlog jOllo.a aetooli ;'oeol metal a e ta'ele mabetleng, metal a e ta'ele III~~ bollm'a mabetll. Kerffill ba Ie Ie ilia bo f.ol m.bltllo 0 retle OgOIOI lebUso I, N~oe 18 Seello lot r"o,oll n' .. "" • Iboet.e khomong t •• Lf'rothodi. Le ",.ttl Ie re etlii8 Maasota iffd rtl ots'e llkbomo ba Mokblohl\oe r p "ekA len~o . 10 Iff! eaog male ha bo Edward ranI Ipogoln re lIIe k:e rl Ie reks Ie til reko8 ka madi I B ' lotbo ke hlooho tel rani t .. bahiaolilsna. U fepa lelloal8 'M't .. 'Mat88bl Ie nuang It! mema melllhopl el batho khat be batho bl Ills bltlaoo f6 el re ehoele ba hie ba biteoe ke meal ea lith.Dye bl bUeoe Ire mf'ai ki o bahllnklna. Eoob. lea .tlol m8oho· pbochopbo baol bl msUollDeog baoa bo Loto bl matloa ko.'olng IIlleOllol.

Leteie a kile I li8 aehlobo. 0 abod.

Lefu II lorl 01 rODI. K. "" mOloobi 0 m.holo ... I •• bi

.Iog melea-lle III rOOI kl lela I, lele. IDYIOI Ie n. 1. roo I " huo Cobbam Ballle.1t Peleo,lol b. lela I. rlllhih

ea MI· A..merill. ; bo He n e tiil'. r. 01100 1I0b.a. kl I.mllo .... blaao bo il. bo IrIl"U g. 1"0. I.hl kgol.1l0 •• bolrgobo. Kljeao bo famoa. 1010 • b. bopbeloag bo I. AlDerib.

00 bo. bopheloaylD. b. b •• b. bo • ~obl bo bo b.ll. boo eileeag bo bo Phalb.boag.o bo alb., e.eDg r.~h.1l 01 b.e. hlokabale, u 1II0poia ele mODI Kompooeog el bl MOlsale. bo Ira rA mo romella bo okhouoa'e k,tse III Soadlba SI II 6 Ts'jtoe b • maane EntaD ho ea okl mou 0 no bo Ie leog bl laDlag Bdebloll. moab.. Ha ,Ie matl.telDYlna teog lie W L S ho boblo~o b, b •• bo tot., R. (omoa.· bt ~Iag Mr. . • • .... , loloko .•• moh.lo _0 19 Pol.agooa. 00 boleloag N al ... Affo... iIlog I. Mr. Ho.,ob Ilore 0 u·oarehll. r. ba,. ta'OtU trelo Maillne tlareleke e kholo ea mleae el 1e,lolog 1.0 ro e. terig ; ko I. 101,. S •• moaej."": ko bob.1i boil. bo lb.· llog ra khaUI Ie eeol, 1[. tutd la bleeU, morero 001 hlholo. bot.'elel. bo T,'ltoe 0 be I tla pbetha • • • • • Irboell tae leebomp, 'me elle eae ngolol e. man .. .,. holAog benUe hlbolo.

H, re lemohU" bore e" baa e blkelol ke ho tiO' ba meoQ. re lie ,. 000 baUel, merllnl .. teog.

o 'DUe I lebellu merllol eoa rl bl ra, bleb. jo')ollll h~ ella tab" 11 III •• h.all. ho flbl.l, t .. ,.1 I, 25 PaloDg.IOI moo re lIeog rl bo nl boo bloko tl 0,0101 bo b,UI bo re ta'ol •. BoaloDg boo OgOIOI I hlollt.. boroko n 1I1I boala bobtp, elt.e III. 08l1li0 ea 101101 ... II. II Bobllno ngo.nloa flO' I fa III ele hule veke tile peli rakbali 01 hie I hloll.belee; ba .. laDe mOllo jOlla blfa biOI bl roo" tEe mou 08 roo I 01 bobell e8 re lilOg k8jeno­pmoDg 0 n'l hlokablle AUwel North kl lema el 1919, empl eenlo n'B ile I ~ull 08&0 e telel,., leta la hae ba Ie ka I. re blo~oflt .. jOllo kl la eooa eo r~ a .. IIt.lng ra ba ra nlban, letho hore re til llhlehelo. "e een" ka 'oete meeebfltai el Molimo e ea makatel hi bo motbo • Ba til e hiliobloy,.

Ere "I ba m"floyaoa 01 ranI I re tbobetll8 meteoalle e meog8ta el rool , l faitl Ie bani 1111 roo I e blollile ho heb. 'me kepeloog 8a bee lie. S tard.y mo· le'eere 01 mlofelboea bltbo ba bl .1 bleba baolltl. Letllltel leol floe e Ie I" I ph.tbebo e. ~h .. 11 t •• thoro (Qoorterly ateetlofd mOlebetl1 01 lIIepelo 01 ba 01 taamailol lie Rev. aam .. til 01 Albert Street, WellleYlo Ohurcb, Ke leboha tbuo a entloeol lie monti enol, htpe ilia lebohl thuo til meteoilla eOI Mr . Ie Mra D. Mablol ba G"rmllt~D, Mr. Jerry. Berero 01 Daep, Mr, I. M ... M. Mblombl.o 01 Wol. butef Street. YiN Fombl 01 Nlooe· field, Ie MI.e SaloaD", Mr. Ie Plre. Te'lpi, Weetero Nltive Towoehtp. Baa 1liiie eilleol mabUlo a bona II. pb 10 bl Ua ou'oarell hie. Marati Gqolbo Ie Mvf.mlhlU 01 tue Ie Mr. M. Mbo. lekwi Ie bani ba re thulitle blbolo moeeb "laiog 001 00 Imetlleog Upelo ta. rODIi.

J, J. MOHAO. J .ppe.,

• Be lahl8GBIoa te Bothl.


M.loa.lI, I. bolho bl agolloaoag I. mohllnkloa 01 Flakebar. eo 1I0nDti en. e fum, DOing bo etna aleng fir Jot B V.lopb. b. lIopooo ho mo ago. 11. ~o B. I 105 hoao moo FI~I.eb.reg. ho II Forelletlta ele hare mlnaolo a­booa , tla a pha .. lle ho mo famlna.

• • • • •

B,no blilkolo tao ~holo ho II Koloa. I. 10 N,hl. b, flbllle bo t,leag b •• 00 .. beke enl ho tla mahae lIa hi boogltl ba Ii Semloary bo 1II0etl' II. la BohlanO" eleng 1. 10 Ta'itoe, Ih Mr. Ie Mra. Mllllbotbp, mort Ie monU -.. ta'oang Lovedale, b. fihUle hODI 11: jeno 'me ba tta fet .. mlot,iboea hOleeloe III terens ea Raateobur. moo o,tat'l bonl • ba e[Jletl!eog ~8 koloi ho ba i .. hae.

"U atisa ho kula."

'Me u buaneme hoba Ie aablare 88 U qob6-leLung. Mohlomong ke nrock-o, ka~ he h oblota bpa feberu tapa mali a mabe.

Ha ho khathalehe hore na bng \:0 ne Ie 00 1 okellUlg mafu ohle. \. Bakeng sa 0100ko, bona Ie UID&eqi U8«1a10 Piliai tse tumileo.g bUeng sa ho bohlola Umkwangn kapa Unposi a mabel UmhllUDbululi we GaD-nolela ke merianA II Iotileng. Ha ho khat.hAlehe hore nA bohJoko ba hao lr:e bole 'ngelle u hlaIose taohle, ke tla u tsuakala mariana 00 lokileng 00 matJa 00 u tI. bema ka mahto .. baa aeo o tl. Be etaa. U emong oa balbo 16 ku· lang.-Romella he 'na bona tajeno. Mahlo .. hao lUau pakela bore oa ka e lolriJe, II matta, ea u UaU88 .

Kahoo he lona bohle ba kulang 'ngoUeng

I bona jnala.

C. MELLODY, Inkoei Yemlll 133 Victoria St., DURBAN. ,

(Lf qala kQ,antm~ eo bde e (#ltlene.) I Go moaa. I • .,.eodi 'O--.-N--G--L--E--R--'-S--'

b. I •• 20 bipa mogol. 0 0110 ••

Ie a 8e~1 a atu Morena k:e hobl I a III, I teoall khoelnl. Eelts Ie S I!t-iao a 110 hole jOt Ie ababa 8e hlola ee te'oeD te l'l e 81 Te'olo. Re oehell!)a kl oltoll n'. moqeko8og. Ho ntllo bothoe Lfllo .. o • re ehape. Rool b. bo Seeia) re pho. 10bUe. MoooDgollha Seeiso 0 ae 8

laolae. A teell'.1 I. pelE\ bo Phato Seeieo pula a ka oa el ~oabela terole ba bahlen".na bl 1I0enehela Ilkloo h o ema tto Maltb8 khe b. 000 nyefoh ha bl mo teebe ke ago aD'. Ntlo.K.holo eeol 01 kl Ilpeng ba bo Ntl'ebo.

beo, j b, leebaag go Igi motee go diml gl mllahoeDyego Ie ditl.iebego. G. teag metse a agiloeag ' godimo gl boima ba mllsheaeoyego; go teog baeedi Ie fhjeDo b. teebaog gore tiD 110 e kgol •• 0 mo •• di k. go , •• b. So g.go. go bolok. loioo II g'go. go moeo Ie II mODoa 01 glgoe.

Ntbo e blkellng teheoyego enl lie gob8oa bltho ba blogat8 gl bl 118 teeol dilllereke. Re fetogtle eeahlbl e8 ae eeolog borepedl. Re yoalekl pboofolo e IIgolo e Ie Ding moel. G, re tsette gore borapedt lie 8eyo 8 •




• • 'Imo~l; lie Ipledi Ie bODelaog ltfifiog PIPITLELO. II bophelo b. roao. Ke borap.dl bo

Batho ba aU.a bo q.t. lIIemo k' , pb' dlohlbo t.e dial. T.o. mahlo a lliameng, ba opaoa ke hlooho, ,loPI.,!e eo re fomlJoaog e ~t801 Ite MI. boko bo Ie boretbe be tepelehe ba Ie Amerlkl I . mal8bo e tbE'lloe lodtmo JE'eit8ing. Sek~ usba joalo. KoeDYB gl borlpedl. Glle I' lefifi II boll,oba Ohamberlaln's Tablets, Ha Ii 80eh~ ho b~nnl baD, ga ba k~ ba for.aUa Mo phekola plp'Uelo, emp8 Ii bhelmolla dime 01 bona i b. lie b, hel .m'lll 'mele kabohlp. Li reki80a hohle. thlpelong j tahepo el boo a eblle go


Modimo. Booker T. Wo,biag'oo,

Ho tl:ns: hoo II. h<) LU(lu l( ho UCOB kapa ho 'na Ea hI) Lm da. tlil!e boo ho. kamtbla. ? ~illl:<):\tk bo t:o'unul\- I" flltS' CDg Ie omi icog' I t na Ie Dlokbo.t oa bo loaub'a mah] oh lc 1

KI phirim801 ekbolo kl II Bor ro bf'keog fOO l eDa pil. mooa L"joelepu. tau. eUs e, ka e ta'olots.e ka emus k:spa h ili ; litratl Ii lie tlla pbs lla li. pllororo bltho rl el matlang 'mele e pbollle h. monltjana.

emong 01 butapele b' lsebeg,ng gigolo glre gl seehlb. 811 MI·AtDe rilla • mllabo, 0 He • hl,bl mokgo ei gore semelo ae lo~ileng ke 00011' mo&beo.. pbt.g,mo ft, tsuelopele. Bokgobo go bo aka b. bolo •• lam.lo

-the .t...tldlU'G en", ror puJmCIDUT trout-Ie" fc> r 111'"r to ,eflnt-Mnl.beo A!;'TBlJA., CROUP. nRONCHl.1~ WUOOPJl(O cOUtat B • ...:V l.t;V":n., CATARlnt. ~~ ~ ,nnW"" It f' ,r I ad lit. I. "kit~·. ltcn.Q'. eu U6, I , rt [1 •• t.lI~.1\. WU~1l uult.!,,, ... .mok.CI l'ollur. A~Lbl,.a ... 1Ii",..rl'ttu. 00"1: ot 111 for t . "osl Ire;", or ~m"k'n ... lJ ''IO.turt\, 115 JXl'lt t~ ",.",I.rIO'U·5 1 A "'tlt,' [luke. Ltd •• l..e .. J~Il. [.1.

U'yi'!.l] .,""l • r:, rooa. bo materou klloofda n : 1Itlui isa Sa Wood .. I S!.>L.olo lilaro 1& P JPQromcDte.


TSI Llnongana I,moo re Beng reile rI h'episl bl­ b. roo. bo", b. el •• I ••• 1. ale mlnro II. baDg b. bODI, 8601 Iloreo, N I.i R.m.i .. 0 boo e"'. • r. s.b.l. b... hok.. ko • L.Doog I. L.lsi.. Loa. h. I. ba.. jO.D.a., II. b. I. 1 •• b.Dg: 'I' mollhoroog •• kholl. : Mo.boesho. h'. I... ho lill.bolo, • 1 ... bo liliobolo.D. Is. h.. b.a.Dg b. ",a.l.oeog II. Mob.lo: • I ••• ho­L .... a. I., k. hor. ho Mllm. I. Lerolboli •• a'ore b •• II ••• Tb.b'pb.lso. lilh.b. ho Jo.l.hobolo Ii •• ho. e. bo 1>bll.le Ie Mpo",.a. bo 00. bo M.Ia.I. I. S •• q.obo, •• o·ar. h .... II ••• •• ta' •• e o'e teamae k. ooal mokbol 00; HI.b •• bl.b. Tb.b. Cbilj. M ....... hI.h ••• parol. m.ts.a. bo R.p .... ag b. ecb. k. I.ap. b. echo Iat lob.l.m. I. likalo .o·ob. a. boo. M.bekebeke h. u bon. a boo. a hI. a boae. Lilbaoy. h. Ii .h.biBlo. molUlo, 181 Ia.a. M ... ru 1o.I.i I. .. p.m~ Dr.arn • h. IS81 • b.lsoh. (lh.l. Krdis' .b·. h.l.he • 1I0h. Korolaoro • labemisilse .eol I. Kh.eli bu" Mloooy.n. eil •• h'. Iihla hoe Mlke.i 0 hoae I Ibe. mookbo m.hloog oil.e bo S.lbl • mo joel ••• f.l. ho· b.oe ho 011011. M.hara • Is'else .ro .11 •• re. .. bomo 1I •• ·a Ib.b.­lI.s•• Eilse h·ol •• rob.lse. lor •• Is·ob. II. Pbd.a ..... Iibl •• re 'M •• m ..... u IBlh. u'" 01111. R.t.m.l. lie b.a. I. 0111'.0 r. 01111. h. h9lel. I •• EDgel.D. b. holel. I.. m."boo. bo 10'.1.. Mor'. L.I,i. molbib'. lipe. I.s. tbib. phol. Ii m.lh. lull.s'. Qem. : L.lsie leboj. eseb. moog· b.lho Mo.boe,hoe Ie eeo •• he moog· b.lbo h,lboe pbolo Ii boele Ia. beog, Is. iso .... ho Nkelll he Mo.boe.boe pbe' 11.1. s .... more o. Leke.i pbolo

. li aiel. Morea. Mofo'" Ii .Iele mor·. Lib. : L. bioi. Ie re Ie bobele mlll ..... .b. Mllm. (kete) ... bob.le. blolo. k. I. lebolo. Lell~"'pipi 0 Ie bioi. boalle, L.II .... pipi I. bl.b. .lSocb.bel. ore bo M.ooay.a. Ie Ilobe bull., • b.l. bo Kbo.b. I. b. M .... e. ar. I. I.bolo ke 110b. mosieilb.ho Ie. mp.l. b. hlaakaaa tiag hlaay. I. per. 'a poho 'e mpone : Pere e pote.. eUite e 81

r6~08 8 tlila e 88 rekiBoe empane e ha. hlny' hlooho el matho lepere'pnte.a la mekheleal a ka m.hloag bo Kalaboe, pitBi e te'ol eetopo B' Ie· IIbooa 8& ts'6J estapo mosa 0 felile makbooa 8 ba llet 6 ~. bOBil0801, 8 phu. tI ••• etopo mo.' 0 f.liI. khath. ng •• n. o jeo3 ke 11080110 matha I shlpl 118 SP. hlotho f.ts'e bu'l mahlokol a sama mataobo mofE ro 01 mo feta IS" shaele eare mali' mlte.'o a moth,po oa hlooho I farafara 8 etal lipbororo a' joe tea bahabo lipsnl mlthe : • ra Ie re booa re fihtl r8 teol ntoeng re taUI khabong ~a h. R,m.blliko. kamon. h. Mab I. R.m.billkoe h. I. ·R.mpol kh.loDlla Barl.lel. M.ts· ... ~h.toag 1& Boteks Ie Is Matbebe moo etaQsre re blpals motho a 01 motho 0 jooe lie nODI II Lateia I jool ke nonyaDe 18 RueDate : Plaem 'I metal Seboel 01 bo Saeieo asbo's honhal bit DO saba'. bo Ithaoa hlooho tal batho, AreDlte Bebo'. ~blbo Ii tu~a, Saba'. Ithaola ~.tbo mel.lali~alo II orola hlooho t •• b.tho li.abol. II keq. batho melala .a , . luma el .... metean. mlDe, maDe oa tllie Ie 01 hoUmo ea boel KleDs ea habo Seei80 KueosDaDYlne ea mal'. Libeoyloe Siltslitharl e. Mohlto Mlams molie'8 mlkhotla I ntlt'.e ngulo'. tlali'a tehoHmo Mums IIhl. thats te, thoilOI phelen e. tholl e8 hi Sepirl~l Motoato.nY'De e. mo lahtl f.ta'e 81 taoell thollo el inony. eefopha 18 tloetlloeng tie Mohato al lpoota'i mlnalla boflbell per'. Manklebe eetoe. ba batho I a.ueba II, laesetollo thoteng M.tbeb. tbotan.Dg ea»et .. moh'suBpeng moo ho b.kolDg mao IIbool bah. Ie. Mar a 'Mamojel. 08 ba jol. 0 batho k. let.obo 1 ... 10 ellabl tie hobloe I Ie leqete mobla ope a tll ~, loroln mala, moani a h •• nang bo botetsla letlhooa 18 be 18 le I.a 0 o~ha I.~.b. I. mo 'm.lo

Is mo tlabola lints'i I timela ; Mum. I lie moroa h'l Ilihalale 8e maroa h'l itbelle meNllo ha ho bapiiol us 10aD8

ha ho loono. a. b.p.I •. Mor'a Letaie mlotong ho IIltho 0 ..

bohob ....... 0 tI. 10m. efel. to 'aele 01 bl loml etsGne I loma motho I

Isu. kllsi. Tb ... '. .ga.n'. • bl.b.n. • boe. sekoolo Ih ... ' • L.bak •• Tso.iog • mo fela .Ie bo.iu o.h •• g • hoI. e. Seb'p.l. ba mor'. Mekooloe Ie 81tSUI mpool kamonl 1.II.p.a~ I. Seb.pal. molb.pu .amog I Sill fa&a'e mabl'bo I fetl Isenl po •• 1.0. I. o. L.lsi. M.b.fol. Ber.og • mo I ••• a ' mo kb.l.m. ..0 M .. m. I. Ko.1i I. D.beag I. h.n. h. b. h. Mol.I •• n. b.lbo b. 'm'. Mph.'. Thalo. Mosili 0 bo bol.lsoo I.kboo. I. b. 10 r. I •• 0

o.h. I.k.b. II mo .p.rel. 'mele I. mo tI.bol. liOls'\. lim.ll. Ka Iii •• b. a laare Ia. Is. L.I.i. loa a lur. k. Libon,.a .... boh.l. u kar. Ia. b. Mosbo.sbo. logaao'. 'Aloboi lo£okols. m.lh. a fokol •• o.h. ny.m.I •• a. 0 Iso a I. moro. h. a i .. h.I.I. s."ilimi Is.m·. 0 b.e. Is. m ••• a 0 bol.l1. L.lsi. a Isebi •• Molapo I. M.saph. n Is obis. mohol, b. I •• b. a I •• bise I. Ts'os.a., Molib.ISln. I. K.Ii •• ef.fe a r. alj'. loa. lae 10m. h. bo n.h.lsll. o lou. mpeag •• nga.n'. Sehf ••• T.ol.lo.. b. Molib.1i lipoll.n. 0 Iso.lsue ... b. m.lla "e "0 'me ngu.o'. Sehls sellobolo •• b. Ram.l.ko.n. mpon. r. ena I. Joao ' Iho.a.·. Mlkalu n.heag • hoi. •• Seb.p.l. r •• a. I. Ph.ha. I. Lecb •• koll. .

E NEPA 'NETENG. -U !Ie m'lmelle ho honyela. litho, mah

o lomang ~ap. ho b.b. ~a malong ha. the Chamberlain's Colic Bnd Diarrban Remedy e oepa 'Deteng 'me e phakise • tb as •. Ha ho bat1.h. a 0 hlok. b •• ba u te'QeDogoa ke mahloko 80S. Ere· kiBoa hohle.

• BotslbolO ba bara balorena

B Mohalo. --

Re Ih.bil. h.holo k. ho 'no ro fu mini litlbl tSI blDI ba Morenl, 'me re 'ail. rI fom.eo lipol.l. I.e bobloko q.loag hofiblel. jo.l. ; I.e •• bol.leog ·D.I. leh •• 1. Ia. mobl. 01. mlag, tsel re bileng re famants'itsoBng bore .. •• Le.otbo bl no bo .I.oe atbo e seng ea 'nete kl blkl II lerato, bob.n •• eo ... ri.loag k. hob.n. ... 0110. I.nlso~ I. bl.b. ler.: N go.a) Morenl, Seeiso, I tae be bore 'mae 0 ny.l.o. morao bo bob I. b ••• li b. Mo r.o., k. ri.lo k. lipol.lo Is. buo •• g ... bo M9r.n. Tlb .... n.lo b. b. re " BeeisD 0 neiloe seblk, senl eo al mo ta'oloel., ee &a'olDeteo blBele." Ke laop. hor. maren ...... •• bin. b.r. b. Mor.D. Kereli.i b.o S •• i.o 0 b. k.nll. ho lok.lo. K. kb.lh.lel.. Ngo.a·. Mor.n. bo Ii •• jo.lok. J •• u mobl.. ko.nebelOiag ... barulno. b. ha., hoba II. all .. hotbo. Lere Ibeli 0 na • reril. ph.lobo I. Nko.b. I. Mor.n. Kerefi.i. N. • ... b. L. tsia II Bobeli 0 al • se • ots'aoe ka rolng mereroog el nt,t'le ? hob. ke olloa bo •• I •• mo.g •• reag bo ba oa. bl a.og b. lui. I. Moren. Lelsi. II, Likh •• I. mor.a. 0 kil •• bil.o •• e. bonta'ol m.jllel. lEe Dht'.o. Ke nlbo. m .... bore bo nllo.b.l. bore Morenl Lero,holi a 'nile I reria& L . t.'.bi •• 1Il0b.l. emp. lIfor.a. L.loi. II. nloe • pbel •. H .. I. b .... og .. MoreD. S.kbooy.a. ra e. roo ta',bl hobloe &e ael.te Be •• m .... I.. N a lie e. ka h.ay.I •• ag ho b. bore bo f. iiI. k.p .... ..... r •• upi •• ng boa.? H. r. bo b. bo b. I.ilo. b.n. b. Sol.l. e •• • 1. nlbo I •• .... g m.kbo.b. f •• la. H. Mor.n. SekholYlnl a ae Ise I laeba, I reri .il.o. k. mohol .. n. o. h.e, kamo. bo

, •


S ebenziaai







zikazimla kaknble

{uti nazo zonkeo

intsimbi zicocekile

zibengezela. e.n. bob •• b ••••••• mon 01 Moreal Lerotboli, ene Bae ele DgO"

u.'ba ekob. Mor.a. S.kbony.a. b. hi mohalo.oe 01 hlo I a Jaell, mall o. hao 0 b. .1. bokae L.lsi. II? Hob.n. 0 bl.le .. u r.: Merea •• mobolo 0 n •• 0 1 •• 1. bore k. bo a boal.·, morea •• 00. S.I.I. : a 110 u 'moote'e blu b. hie hi • ae I shoele. H .... r. 0 il. o. mo pb.Il.I.t •• mobl. pbapu •• Mor.n •• moholo Lerolboli ? N •• k. b. Lel.i. II 0 a •• lIor •• ng ? KI 'oete Marenl Ie SllaOI k, lit.b. ; k~ I. I,''. I. b.a. h. b. hul. tblPo bl emB holim', seloma, hi blue •• a. k. SI l.b.U. bore b.1im'.lihb • '88 ts'OIDIDg Ie tseol Ie lEI iketsisi. N •• kab .... hon. bo blom ... bll.o b. loa. b. I. bn. ka 1 •• 1 ••• ? K. ullo. b.tho bl bang b, otss b. re, a·ee ere ha ho baoa ~a tab. .oa b. b.ll. ba nyarob.1 hore tabl Roa e De e ilia ts'oll& mlli Ita 'oete olj'" hi e bolloB a kl 'oa eR lama motho eo 6a e bolae8og. Ke bOD a ella bar. ba Moshoesboe h 1 ba bolaea ntj ia eoa e "'8 'n. e. ba loma, Hoblne 8sit!t. Ie hhomo hi e bhjoe, e·ee·f'lA e rAb" teromo, ebe e I uha motho. Oho! 83 et8eletseog Mo­reoa Lerotboli hoblos ;8e ale sleo I Moror.a ba I nele mor'a baB ts'08nslo josloktt esn. a ileog • nebelo. te'oloelo 88 hae.

Ke teae ~e S8 Itlalsias bore 8ekl- Q.

nylDa ebe ebita eenB motbloU bathe ~e pski el teoo. tl~' teena.


Pale ~e qetela ot.melleag ke 'mooe Ie i'ltloele, eens enoa ogueo'. moog'. ,me: M. j .111. De Lholaog Ie kele utlae,le Ihol. leull lb. k. t •• Seei... Balbo b. molbo • mill. Tam.bol.. Ek.b. ko hob.a. I. I. kb.",I., '" mose bo Seoqu Ie kl 1I0aDo; an'ora h. Ie &suba lika".a.oll I. '0. I. I.eb. ho rob • Seei.o. N atoagoeli •• Mokblcb.c. Seei.o •• Lo,"i. Tam.hol .... lel.al8i


\ , , ,

/ /

, ,

-...... •


Kamehla sebelisa

BRA S S 0 ebe

sale mabone a

lutse a benya

han tie 'me Ie

litsepe taohle linne

Ii phataime.

mora 'M·.·Lerolboli I. M.befol. k. '"Ioi I. bo boo I.' •• ecb.b.. Kb.ay. el motae 01 Mohato Saeieo, eeol.' motse o. ·M·.·Lerolboli Se.l. Kbo.b. •• mer'. Lib,, S •• I. Kbo.b. •• Lib. I. •• boo, S.~le Kb •• b. •• M.m.lIo.. M.kopoi I. Kbopolso tb.e", • roll •• bl 'M' •• Tbeko iblol. S •• I. • h I ... r.l.o •• " • kar. I. T.u Is'o.a. !\Iob.l. o. Mekboll.og k. I. Mokb.cb.a. S •• iso ago.n·. mor.1i 01 Nkioebe ke oil::oe, 0 ra eeo. 0 t!I'OIOI

(Bona la 111)

Imishini yoku Tunga Ka B1NGElBt

aulD,.. 'Robla'a, Blonglle bkulu Deseyike JI letabeDJLrwI

Ey.z.ndbl. Iq.lo ... &3 ..... y. Ey.zlnY •• D Iq.11I ku &4 ..... ny.

YODIla Imltblnl tfongaJwl. Zoall' l!iloJl· m" u1Daapaadhl. a-"Inalldl &J.kOG.l.

hwd •• Jooke Imbblnl, RDlItbeDZl ,ma'il Q,aruqelw •.


AmamlalU amablll olrO!lolr1 I SItI!Jblal III aase J Ippl. II'


BAllA MORIANA I,.U. 110 .... ,.1. M.I ... III

.. B .... tH .... " .. .

EN:I>Hlb:l.OVIN1 (Balbo ba Pbell:olo. Mou)

o tlo Q tsebe 00 elea.( IIIONO' 0 alpUlag tefu leha ele Ieleng Ie Q tlUDJlOg



Mr. tl. H. TODD, E.dlltlovl.l, R.d Hill, "."1.





had his sleeve hanging loose'whilst oil· • mg mOVIng machinery.

His shirt sleeve was caught afld he was nearly kill'j ed. YOU MUST NOT WEAR LOOSE OUTER CLOTH· ING NEAR MOV· ING MACHINlRY

I.~ I LU M KI SO Lorn Ntu wa·

yejingisa urnko no we hempe xa wayegalela i oli ku mashini ohambayo.

Kwabanjiswa umkono wehe· mpe yake wa· pants'ukufa. M USANI UKUNXl' BA AMAYAKAYA-KA KUFUPI NO' MASHlNI BEHA-


KELETSO Monna e,noa 0

naba a leketlisa letsoho la he· mpeantse a ts'e la ali machineng ea tsamaeang.

Letsoho la he· mpe la ts'uaroa


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'me a batla a ra· ", __ :-~~ __ """..!C"",_ ..... ;o..._""",-,-__ nthangoa. ,I -


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sekele lsa mefoIa ecble: Tseseng Dcb. liqala £3 lOs tse oc,ba Ii qala £6 lOs GelDs 19 10., B.S.A's Ii qala £10 lOs. Tloog Klpa Ie ogole Ie batle Ilkataloko.



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lKATAZO ... ap II[S).


Esinamandhla '~


Om""" llIoIpOlDl u..... OnemlD.7ab eq1I.-

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Upu.". bDe Doma-lm .lblana nplanp _ pl. od." ebueWm Doy. no­ma kablU uma .\rok. hlela klIn.b apm.a-


..... I. I. 1100, lef IHI.

T • •

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119 • - I I I ... arM.

.. octa'" UIIP'I1lJIII Ira-ta ""e!J~,!enl

.- amblola

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Tala IKATAZO atka IlAJlTLBT) 1_ Ueonpe qepepa eu..~ Uno mfanekJ.o ... kallcla I. Nkolf, fiatt Iralotah ... Ipma lib _.I ..


Umalltlln7 ...... age Ube llkona e1llmlu ukuze lraputnnywe nll8lo. ookuhlanpae ney. f>...t






~=~ I

Bosa Thata ~ Latlhegileng. <,;,

Co hlagang fa motho a .huile 1 Na BOPHELO ho ea kef") 'Lefu. ga Ie nke Matlho, Dit~~he. Pelo. Boboka. Metha­po joalo.--dltho hen a cotlhe dl ea sala, EMPA CA OJ TLO HLOLA 01 SEBETSA ·M.I. otlbc 0 Ithl..lile ka gonne st'p· hin !!:e :5e~olo sa BOPHELO

80 KHANNANC bo ile. MASHINI OA MOTHO ('mele) 0 ea SALA, f"mpa THAT A E KHANNANC GA E SA LE GONE. E hlile ke ka eon a Thato ena E Khannang re batlang go buoa ka eone. Balisiso "~I1t.1e ,eo re .,. 101ela118'

• U tla bo 80 kila 08 bona gore Dijo 1$e ialo ke VIRA T A. tse,

batho ba bangoe ba tlet,e Bo~ bopiloeng ba diroa c1ipilese go phelo. 'Co Khothala. Thata. Ie direla gore di tlo aiamela Bancho Boitumelo. Lebaka ke hobone ba loaloang. Dijo Ie monono· THATA E KHANNANC E NTSI lohi ena ea kgakgamauang KA GARE GO BONE. Sa ban- VLRATA, 0 NA LE EONA goe bathd b ... ikutloa ba saretsoe, THOTSI ENA E TSOSANG, e ba lopile. ba fokotae. b~ hlomo- mit.oang ga bonolo ke Methapo hile ga ba na boiturnelo. Ca ba ea 'Mele. Thotsi ena e diri· no. go kltothala. Cona R:O bol~la lo~ng ka hela e not5i e kena gore THATIo [:': KHANNANG E moo maeling e khokhodiset50e COANETSOE GO NA TLAF AT- Bobokong Ie Methapong eo e SOA. rl,.'lotlhomong Boboko Ie lapilenft. Ka hela ena, Methap'o Methapo bo khathetse bo batla ea 'Mele e khathetung abe e go alanoa ka tsela. Batho ba· FET JOA KA DUO TSENA TSE jalo ba coanetaa go {epa Metha· FANG BOPHELO. Thata e po..ea bone ea 'Mele (Boko Ie ,khannang e neha ebe e ea et·· Methapo] .JKA DUO TS~ NE- .uoa. Cona go hlalola go tsoe· PANG Lt. TSE NATLAFAT. lela pele ga tiro ea Vi rata. Oi-SANG TSE NANG LE THOTSI kete di ~e di alanloe. Koala u E TSOSANG KA GARE GO re kope makoalo a bone a CONE. ditebogo.

Na u moloaeli) 1\a Thata ea gago e Khannang e ea (okola) Na u ,areboe u hlomohile? Na u felehoe Ice Thata Ie go Kgothala ga gaga) Fa go Ie jalo. TSAEA VIRATAt Dijo Ie mononotsi ena ea kgakga· mat5ang oa Methapo 0 dira Itore moloadi a ikutloc a Ie thata mme a Ie mocha gapf'. Fa tiri5<\ ena f'ntse e t.5oela pele mmele otlhe 0 nne I~ boitekanelo go ea p~le, ~ladi a mach a a nonneng. a dinoang ke Virata, a tlhagisa ma{olof olo Ie go kgothala. Cone go bolel a gore !litho ,engue Ie lengue sa '\.Iele se thola thata ebe se ba Ie tiro e klt.o1o, Copola gore go bolelang ~o TLAlLANA KE BOPHELO BO KGAN­NANG. Go monatf' 11:1" ka kang l1:a THATA E KALO E LE KA MOO GARI::: GO UENA. Toke)" h~na eotlhe e ka nna ha ba ha gago. Thoma gompijemo ka VJRAT A. Botlihelo ba gago e tJa ba bo monate ka nako e tlang. bo tlallane Bophelo. Thata. Boitumelo Ie T.h050meho.

, VlRAT A e reki.5oa ka diphu-thelo he TSHEHLA. ka 3 13 botlolo e Ie ngoe kgotsa he 6 ka 18/., Ke makemi5c Ie maben­kele otlhe kgotsa gone go

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