





NIM TE.161813









Submitted to fulfill one the requirements to obtain the Undergraduate Degree (S1) in

English Education Program of Education Faculty of The State Islamic University of

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi



NIM TE.161813







Advisor I : Dr.Mahyuzar Rahman,M.Ag

Advisor II: Juliana Mesalina,M.Pd

Adress : Faculty of Education and Teacher Training The State Islamic University of

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Jambi, 29 Desember 2020

The Dear of Faculty and Teacher Training

The State Islamic University of SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi




Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

After reading and making some necessary correction, we agree that thesis entitle”

Speaking Problems Experienced By The Students of Al-Hidayah Modern Islamic

Boarding School Jambi” arranged by Siti Aminah, TE.161813, English Education

Study is approved for thesis deferences as Partial Fulfillment of Requirements to Obtain

Undergraduate (SI) Degree in English Education study.

Thus we submit it in order to be received well. Appreciated your attention. May

this thesis be of a great benefits to the religion and national.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Advisor I Advisor II

Dr. Mahyuzar Rahman,M.Ag Juliana Mesalina,M.Pd

NIP.197412292003121002 NIP. 197607232007102002




In the name of Allah SWT is the most gracious and the most merciful, Shalawat

and salam to Prophet Muhammad SAW his coming really change the world, and who

always guide me and take care of me to be a good person.

This thesis is dedicated to all people who always pray and give support to me in

finishing this thesis for my success, they are:

My parents, my beloved father (Mr. Basri) and my beloved mother (Mrs.

rahimah) who always give me motivation, support, suggestion, and who always

guidance me and pray for me to be a good person, thank you so much.

Thank you for my family especially my brothers ( Zarkasi and Muhtar) and My

sisters ( Nurbayah and Fitri Marlinda), who always pray for me and also give me

motivation in finished this thesis.

My best friends T-Jayu Girls( Jawa Melayu), (diani, Sisi, Arum, kak Ika,

Anggun, fitri) thanks for your support, motivation, suggestion, prayers that given to me,

and thank you for sharing your stories of happiness and sadness so far, very lucky to

have friends like you guys, wish all of us success in the future.

For my classmate (English Education Study Program Of C class, 2016) thank

you very much for your time, cooperation, happiness that was created during one class,

I cannot forget, I hope we all succeed.

Thank you very much to my supervisor of Thesis:

Supervisor 1: Dr.Mahyuzar Rahman,M.Ag

Supervisor II: Juliana Mesalina,M.Pd

As well my beloved alma mater of the State Islamic University Of Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi who has provided facilities and knowledge while studying.

My boarding house friends "Fadila Zain and Eva Wahyuati", thanks for caring to

me, helping me during we are in the boarding house and also giving me suggestion.

Thank you so much to the XI IPS B Al-Hidayah Modern Islamic Boarding

School Jambi, (Della,Elfa,Putri,Ririz,Besse, and Tania), thanks for helping me in

completing my thesis.



ايصلح لكم أعمالكم يا أيها الرين وقىلىا قىلا سديدا آمنىا اتقىا للا

ا ا عظيما وزسىله فقد فاش فىشا ويغفس لكم ذنىبكم ومن يطع للا

“Believers, fear Allah and speak the right words, Allah will correct your practices and

forgive your sins. Whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, then in fact he has received

a great victory "[Al-Ahzab: 70-71]”

Artinya : “Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bertakwalah kamu sekalian kepada Allah dan

katakanlah perkataan yang benar, niscaya Allah memperbaiki amalan-amalanmu dan

mengampuni dosa-dosamu. Barangsiapa mentaati Allah dan RasulNya, maka

sesungguhnya ia telah mendapat kemenangan yang besar” [Al-Ahzab:70-71]”



By saying Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin all veneration to Allah SWT. The most

gracious and the most merciful, who always gave me strength, health and guided me in

completing this thesis. sholawat and salam always for the prophet Muhammad SAW

who has given his life moral improvement and to be mercy to the universe. The goal of

this thesis is a partial requirements for the undergraduate degree (S1) in English

Education Study Program at State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

which is an titled “Speaking Problems Experienced by The students of Al-Hidayah

Modern Islamic Boarding School Jambi”.

The researcher would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr.Mahyuzar

Rahman,M.Ag as the first advisor and Juliana Mesalina,M.Pd as the second advisor

who give me support, guidance for accomplishing this thesis. Then, researcher also

would like to express many thanks to the following people who provided me helps in

finishing this thesis, namely :

1. Bapak Prof., Dr. H. Su’aidi Asy’ari, Ma., Ph. D as chancellor of the State Islamic

University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Ms Wahyuni Fitria,M.Pd as the chairwoman of English Education Department

and who has permitted to observe there.

3. Mr. Edi Rozal,M.Pd as the secretary of English Education Department and who

give participant to finish this research.

4. Bapak Dr.Mahyuzar Rahman,M.Ag as the first advisor who always guidance me

to finish my thesis.

5. Ms Juliana Mesalina,M.Pd as the second advisor who always give knowledge and

suggestion for me in my thesis.

6. All of the lecturer at the faculty of education and teacher training State Islamic

University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.


7. My parents, my beloved father Mr.Basri and my beloved mother Mrs. Rahimah

who always give me motivation, support, suggestion, and who always guidance

me and pray for me to be a good person, thank you so much.

8. Thank you for my family especially My Brothers (Zarkasi and Muhtar) and also

My sisters (Nurbayah and Fitri Marlinda), who always pray for me and also give

me motivation in finished this thesis.

9. The students English Education Department at fourth semester as my research

subject and who have already given me information of the data source.

10. All of my friends in English Education Department “2016” especially my

classmates at C Class who has given support and spirit in finishing this thesis.

Researcher hopes that this thesis will give contribution to the world of teaching


Finally, the researcher hopes that this thesis is useful for researcher and for other

researchers, especially for the science of education.

Jambi, 29 Desember 2020


Siti Aminah




Name : Siti Aminah

Nim : TE.161813

Study Program : English Education

Title : Speaking Problems Experienced by The Students of Al-

Hidayah Modern Islamic Boarding School Jambi.

This study aims at describing Speaking Problems Experienced by the students of

Al-Hidayah Modern Islamic Boarding School Jambi. The objectives of this research

were (1) To analyze the students problem in speaking, (2) To analyze the factors cause

the students problem in speaking skill. The research design applied in this research was

qualitative research. The method of collecting data are observation, and interview. The

subject of this research is the eleventh grade students of Al-Hidayah Modern Islamic

Boarding School Jambi. The research finding showed that every students had different

problem in speaking and the cause factors students’ problems in speaking.The first is

the students problems in speaking,There are three problems in speaking.They are (1) the

students are feel shy, fearful and nervous when the teacher asked them to speak. (2) the

students are lazy to speak English, it because they think that English is difficult to be

learned (3) the students still confused how pronounce the word correctly that is because

the students low in pronunciation. The second is the cause factors students’ problems in

speaking, they are (1) the students afraid of making mistakes when they speak English,

(2) the students have low motivation from their teacher and their friends.

Keywords : Speaking problems experienced by the students,Speaking.



Nama : Siti Aminah

Nim : TE.161813

Jurusan : Tadris Bahasa Inggris

Judul : Masalah Berbicara Yang Dialami Siswa Pondok Pesantren Modern Al-

Hidayah Jambi.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan Masalah berbiacara yang dialami

siswa Pondok Pesantren Modern Al-Hidayah Jambi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1)

Menganalisis masalah siswa dalam keterampilan berbicara, (2) Menganalisis faktor-

faktor penyebab masalah siswa dalam keterampilan berbicara. Desain penelitian yang

digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data

adalah observasi, dan wawancara. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI Pondok

Pesantren Modern Al-Hidayah Jambi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setiap siswa

memiliki masalah dalam berbicara dan faktor-faktor penyebab masalah berbicara siswa,

yang pertama adalah masalah siswa dalam berbicara, terdapat tiga masalah dalam

berbicara, yaitu (1) siswa merasa malu, takut dan gugup ketika guru meminta mereka

untuk berbicara. (2) siswa malas berbicara bahasa inggris, hal ini dikarenakan siswa

menganggap bahasa inggris sulit untuk dipelajari (3) siswa masih bingung bagaimana

cara pengucapan yang benar itu karena siswa kurang dalam pengucapan . Kedua, faktor

penyebab masalah siswa dalam berbicara, yaitu (1) siswa takut melakukan kesalahan

ketika berbicara bahasa Inggris, (2) siswa memiliki motivasi yang rendah dari guru dan


Kata Kunci: Masalah Berbicara yang dialami siswa, Berbicara.




THESIS APPROVAL/FINAL TASK ....................................................................... ii

OFFICIAL NOTE...................................................................................................... iii

ORIGINALITY THESIS STATEMENT .................................................................. iv

DEDICATION........................................................................................................... v

MOTTO ..................................................................................................................... vi

KNOWLEDGE .......................................................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................... xi



A. Background of Study .......................................................................................... 1

B. Focus on The Research ....................................................................................... 3

C. Formulation of The Problem .............................................................................. 3

D. Statement of The Purpose ................................................................................... 3

E. Objectives of The Research ................................................................................ 3

F. Limitation of The Research ................................................................................ 4

G. Significance of The Research ............................................................................. 4



A. Speaking ............................................................................................................. 5

1. The Definition of Speaking .......................................................................... 5

B. Component Of Speaking Skill ............................................................................ 5



a. Pronunciation ............................................................................................... 6

b. Grammar ....................................................................................................... 6

c. Vocabulary .................................................................................................. 6

d. Fluency ......................................................................................................... 7

e. Comprehension ............................................................................................. 7

C. Type Of Classroom Speaking Performance ....................................................... 8

a. Imitative ........................................................................................................ 8

b. Intensive ....................................................................................................... 8

c. Responsive .................................................................................................... 8

d. Transactional (Dialogue) .............................................................................. 8

e. Extensive ( Monologue) ............................................................................... 8

D. Problem Faced by the Students In Learning Speaking ....................................... 9

a. Inhibition ...................................................................................................... 9

b. Nothing to say............................................................................................... 9

c. Un-event Participant ..................................................................................... 9

d. Mother tongue use ........................................................................................ 9

E. Factors Causing the Diffulties in Speaking ........................................................ 10

a. Age ............................................................................................................... 10

b. Aptitude and Intelligence ............................................................................. 10

c. Cognitive Styles............................................................................................ 10

d. Personality .................................................................................................... 11

e. Motivation .................................................................................................... 11

F. Characteristics Of Success Speaking Activity ................................................... 11

a. Learners take a lot ....................................................................................... 11

b. Participation is even ..................................................................................... 12

c. Motivation is high......................................................................................... 12

d. Language is of an acceptable level ............................................................... 12

G. The Present Research Focused ........................................................................... 12

a. Pronunciation ................................................................................................ 12

b. Fluency ......................................................................................................... 13

H. Review Of Related Studies ................................................................................. 13





A. The Research Design .......................................................................................... 17

B. Setting and Subject ............................................................................................. 17

1. Setting .......................................................................................................... 17

2. Subject .......................................................................................................... 17

C. Kinds and Source the Data ................................................................................. 18

1. Kinds of the data ........................................................................................... 18

a. Primary data .............................................................................................. 18

b. Secondary data .......................................................................................... 18

2. Source the data ............................................................................................. 18

D. Techniques of Collecting Data ........................................................................... 19

a. Observation .................................................................................................. 19

b. Interview ....................................................................................................... 19

E. Technique of Data Analysis ............................................................................... 20

1. Data Reduction ............................................................................................. 20

2. Data Display ................................................................................................. 20

3. Conclusion .................................................................................................... 20

4. Triangulation ................................................................................................ 20

F. Research Schedule .............................................................................................. 21



A. RESEARCH FINDINGS.................................................................................... 23

B. DISCUSSION..................................................................................................... 24



A. CONCLUSION .................................................................................................. 39

B. SUGESSTION .................................................................................................... 40



REFERENCE ............................................................................................................ xv

APPENDIXES ........................................................................................................... xvii

Appendix I Interview Transcript ............................................................................... 42

Appendix II List of Interview .................................................................................... 53

Appendix III Documentation ..................................................................................... 54




A. Background of Study

There are many languages in the world and one of them is English.English

has become a language that is used in international communication. In

Indonesia, English still supposed as a difficult and bored subject by some of the

students because there are some differences between English as a foreign

language and Indonesian as their first language.Although English is taught since

in Elementary school, but most of the students have not applied it yet in their

daily communication.

Language is a system, symbol, sound of speech used to communicate by

the community. Language is the ability possessed by humans to communicate

with other humans using signs, for example words and movements.Language

means of communication which is used by human to communicate and interact

each other. From language, people should know how to express thoughts,

opinion, feelings, and ideas through the language. Without language, one cannot

communicate effectively or express ideas in both oral and written form.

As a foreign language in Indonesia, English is learned seriously by many

people to have a good prospect in the community of international world.

Recently, English becomes important. Since it is important, English is taught

widely at formal schools starting from elementary school up to universities even

at informal school that is courses. The use of English as a second language in

oral communication is complex activities to be considered when teaching the

English language .

Speaking is one of the four skills in English subject as a tool to

communicate each other. According to Brown (2001) speaking is a crucial part

in teaching and learning process. Students especially in English for Foreign

Language find more difficulties in mastering speaking English because it is not

their mother tongue. On the other hand, speaking accuracy and fluency should

be integrated in any situations because accuracy and fluency are both the

important goals to pursue in speaking ability.In addition, speaking is talk or

speak. If both speaking and ability are combined, it means a capability to utter

the articulation of sound to express or to deliver thought, opinion and wish to

other person.

Based on the author’s experience that was studied at Al-Hidayah Modern

Islamic Boarding School Jambi. The researcher chooses eleventh grade because

middle class between tenth grade and twelfth grade. Because the tenth grade the

sstudents still adapt with the new school and the twelfth grade the students are

prepared join to national examination. In eleventh grade especially class XI IPS

B the students still have problem when they speak in English. Where as ,

speaking is important for eleventh grade. Based on plan and syllabus in eleventh

grade of Al-Hidayah Modern Islamic Boarding School, the students learn about

expression and text. They can communicate some expression dialogues such as

expression sadness,angry or annoyance. Furthermore, the students have some

difficult in speaking. They are a lot of reasons why they get a problem in

speaking. When speak English they feel shy and afraid of making mistakes, the

lack of vocabulary and also cannot making a correct sentence.

In the previous study is research conducted by Sheila Yolanda (2015), her

research entitled “ The Students’ Difficulties in Speaking At The Tenth Grade of

SMA NEGERI 1 SINE in 2014/2015 Academic Year”. Which conducted to data

on subject English teacher and students of difficulties in speaking. Her research

aims to know (1) what the students’ difficulties in speaking,(2) what the factors

contribute to the difficulties in speaking English for the students, and (3)what

strategies they did to correct the difficulty in speaking skill. The collecting of

the data was done by descriptive qualitative method. . The finding in this

research are: a) The student’s low vocabulary mastery resulted from their limited

knowledge of meaning vocabulary had led them diffulties in understanding the

conversation, b) The students had difficulties in pronouncing certain word

because, English words are different between pronunciation and writing, c) The

students were still confused in arranging words. Then, there were still some

mistakes in their grammar, and the last d) The students were often afraid of

speaking English because they worried of making mistakes.

So,the present research was analyzed the Students Problem in speaking.

This research is the same as before ,but the difference here is that researcher

focus on pronunciation and fluency. Therefore,I would like to investigates the

Students problem in speaking and the factors cause the students problem in

speaking at the eleventh grade students of Al-Hidayah Modern Islamic Boarding

School Jambi, with title: “Speaking Problems Experienced by The Students

of Al-Hidayah Modern Islamic Boarding School Jambi.

B. Focus on the Research

In this research, the researcher focus into the Students Problem in speaking

by students Al-Hidayah Modern Islamic Boarding School Jambi.

C. Formulation of the Problem

The main problem investigated in this research.

1. What are speaking problems experienced by the students of Al-Hidayah Modern

Islamic Boarding School Jambi?

2. What factors cause speaking problems experienced by the students of Al-

Hidayah Modern Islamic Boarding School Jambi?

D. Statement of the Purpose

1. To analyze speaking problems experienced by the students of Al-Hidayah

Modern Islamic Boarding School Jambi

2. To analyze the factors cause speaking problems experienced by the students of

Al-Hidayah Modern Islamic Boarding School Jambi.

E. Objectives of the Research

The object of this research are the students Al-Hidayah Modern Islamic

Boarding School Jambi. Especially, at 11th

female students senior high school.

F. Limitation of the Research

The research was focused on pronounciation and fluency.

G. Significance of the Research

This research was analyzed about the students problems in speaking that

focus on pronunciation and fluency. This research is expected to give benefits

for many people, especially for those who are associated with this area.

Theoretically, the result of the research are expected to enrich the literature on

English teaching speaking and also give beneficial references for future research

on speaking skill that students need to succeed. For the next researchers, the

result of the research can be used as a contribution of opinion that can be taken

as references for another investigation in the same area in different context.

Practically, for English teacher or lecturer, it is important to know what students

background, their weaknesses and strengthen to motivate students in improving

their skill in speaking.The result of this research are expected to make a

meaningful contribution to students. Furthermore, for the readers result of this

research can be useful information, for example what the students problems in

speaking skill at Al-Hidayah Modern Islamic Boarding School Jambi.




A. Speaking

1. The definition of Speaking

In the traditional methods of teaching language, the speaking skills had

been neglected massively whereas much attention had been paid on writing

and reading skills. The Grammar-Translation method is a good example of

that claim. In spite of the fact that speaking skill is crucially important for

language learners to converse and communicate, much attention has been

paid to other elements of language (Richards & Rodgers, 2001).

In addition Speaking is one of the four skills in English. It is used by

everyone to communicate something in daily life. The people could express

idea, feeling, and thought orally. Brown (2001: 257) said that speaking is

literary to say things,express thought aloud, and uses the voice.

Mackey (2007: 3) in Sheila (2015) stated that speaking is oral expression

that involves not only the use of right patterns of rhythm and intonation but

also right order to convey the right meaning.peaking is a productive skill

because one carries out the activity for using his speech organ successfully,

while receptive skill because it needs someone else to listen what has been

said in order to react what has been heard before successfully.

Based on the three theories can be concluded that speaking is productive

skill as second or foreign language that is used to express speakers‟ ideas,

information, feeling to others directly. In speaking, people must have ability

to use the words with the correct pronunciation, to design the correct

grammar for the utterances, and to choose the diction or choice of words.

B. Component of Speaking Skill

Humans are programmed to speak before they learn to read and write. In any

given, human beings spend much more time interacting orally with language

rather using it in written form. Speaking is the most important skill because it is


one of the abilities that is needed to perform a conversation. According in

Samira (2014.p.4) English Speaking is not an easy task because speakers should

know many significant components like pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary,

fluency, and comprehension.However, the students need to acquire some

speaking aspects to have a good speaking skill.

Brown (2001:168)stated that there are some components should

berecognized by learnerin learning speaking:

a. Pronunciation

Broughton (2003:199) stated that pronunciation is infinitely more

valuable to turn one’s attention to stress, rhythm and intonation. While,

that pronunciation refers to the students' ability to produce

comprehensible utter ances to fulfill the task requirements. It refers to the

production of individual sounds, the appropriate linking of words, and

the use of stress and intonation to convey the intended meaning.

b. Grammar

Grammar is structure words that is arranged to be sentences to give

meaning, it is needed for students to arrange a correct sentence in cited , that students’ ability to manipulate structure and

to distinguish appropriate grammatical from appropriate one.

Harmer (2001:12) said that grammar of a language is the description

of the ways in which words can change their forms and combine into

sentence in that language. It helps the learners to combine the words, to

produce sentence correctly. In speaking, grammar could help the learners

will to different the formal and informal expression or polite and

impolite expression.

c. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of important element in speaking. Without

vocabulary, learners cannot say something. The learnerscan make a

sentence or communicate effectively what they want to say. Knowing a

lot of words in a foreign English is very important.Hornby (1994: 1425)

in Wahyu and Santi (2018.p.91) states that vocabulary is total number of


words that make up language. The importance of vocabulary as a very

essential unsure of any language as well as the main point of language

and communication learning.

d. Fluency

Fluency is used to measure capable or incapable someone in using

the language and also the ability to speak a language smoothly,

effectively, and easily. Fluency is the extent to which speakers use the

language quickly and confidently, with few hesitations, or natural pauses

, false start, word search, etc ( Nunan, 2003:55).

As cited by Brown (2001: 269), fluency should be the target for

beginning learners and should continue to be target as learners move

toward more advanced stages in their language acquisition. Fluency is

sometimes mistakenly thought to be the least difficult aspects of

speaking development, because they are influenced by dialect and their

mother tongue.

e. Comprehension

In learning English, comprehension is an ability to perceive and

process stretches of discourse, to formulate representations the meaning

sentences (Brown, 2007:226).It requires someone can understand what

other speakers say automatically in oral communication.

Heroine (2014: 7) suggested teachers have to ensure that students are

paying attention and understanding the material. It means conducting

comprehension checks will highlight what students are struggling with

and what needs to be covered more thoroughly before completing

additional activities or moving on the next topic.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the

students need pronounce phonemes correctly, use appropriate stress and

intonation patterns to get good speaking.


C. Types of Classroom Speaking Performance

There are many types of classroom speaking performance that students are

expected to carry out in the classroom. Brown (2004:141) explained six types of

classroom speaking performance, as follow:

a. Imitative

at one end of a continuum of types of speaking performance is the ability

to simply parrot back(imitate) a word or phrase or possibly a

speaking that needs attention not only the meaning of the word but also the

pronunciation must also be considered.Students practice an intonation or try

to identify a certain vowel sound. The elements of language form are the

focus of this activity.

b. Intensive

a second type of speaking frequently employed in assesment contexts is

the production of short stretches of oral language designed to demonstrate

competence in a narrow band of grammatical,phrasal,lexical,orphonologycal

relationships ( such as prosodic elements-intonation,stress,rhythm,juncture).

This is speaking performance that is designed to practice some

phonological or grammatical aspects of language. It is done by individual or

even in pairs.

c. Responsive

It means that students practice their language by answering someone

questions. This activity use simple utterances which can meaningful and


d. Transactional (Dialogue)

Interpersonal dialogue seeks for the purpose of maintaining social

relationships than for the transmission of facts and information. Students are

usually asked to have dialogue about their feeling.

e. Extensive (monologue)

Students are asked to give extended monologues in the form of oral

reports, summaries, or speeches.


f. Other interactive techniques These include interviews, games, jigsaw,

problem solving activities, role play, and discussion.

D. Problem faced by the students in learning speaking

Mastering speaking is not easy. In learning speaking the students are faced

by the problem during teaching learning process. In thesis Nanda ( 2017.p.41)

Ur (1196:121) explained that there are some problems by the learners in

speaking activies. These problem can be explained as follow:

a. Inhibition

Unlike reading, writing, and listening activities, speaking requires some

real time exposure to an audience. Learners is often inhibited trying to say

things in a foreign language in the classroom, such as worried about making

mistakes, fearful , or shy of their speaking attracts.

b. Nothing to say

The learners have not idea to speak. Some learners get difficulties in

thinking of anything to say, they have not motivation to express themselves

beyond the feeling that they should speaking.

c. Un-event participant

Only one participant can talk at a time if he or she to be heard. In large

group, this means that each one will have only very little time talk. This

problem is compounded by tendency of some learners dominate, while

others speak very little or not at all.

d. Mother tongue use

In an number of classes, the learners share the same mother tongue.

They may tend to use it because of some reasons. Firstly, it is easier,

secondly, it feels unnatural to speak to one to another one. If they are talking

in small group, it can be quite difficult to keep use the target language.

Based the problem above, it can be concluded there are four problem in

learning speaking. The teacher should find the suitable technique in teaching

and give motivation to students fell more confidence to share ideas in front

of class.


E. Factors Causing the Difficulties in Speaking

Ellis (1985:10) in Sheila (2015) stated there are factors that influence

foreign language learning, as follow:

a. Age

Richards and Renandya (2000 : 204) stated that age is one of the

most commonly cited determinant factors of success or failure in foreign

language learning. People of different ages have different need,

competences, and cognitive skills. The children of primary age to acquire

much of a foreign language through play, for example, whereas for

adults can reasonably expect a greater use abstract thought

b. Aptitude and Intelligence

The students who has high IQ usually can solve their problem easily

and they can understand the material faster that gave from the teacher

than their friends who have lower IQ. Whereas aptitude is natural ability

carried since born. Some students are better in learning languages than

others. It is caused by students have different aptitude in learning

process. Ellis (1985) in Sheila(2015) said that aptitude is special ability

involved in language learning. Aptitude used to measure in term

proficiency scores achieved by learners in learning process. Some of

researchers mentioned that aptitude is major factor determining the level

of success of classroom language learning.

c. Cognitive Styles

Olivia and Saracho (1997:5) stated that cognitive style is reflection

of the individual’s psychological differentiation, and behavioral or

intellectual responses to situations. It is one way to characterize

individual differences. Cognitive style describes consistencies in using

cognitive processes. Cognitive styles include stable attitudes,

preferences, or habitual strategies that distinguish the individual styles of

perceiving, remembering, thinking, and solving problem

Personality.personality is the characteristic of people which cause


consistency of feeling, thinking, and behavior. Many students have

difficulty in speaking. It can be caused by personality factors. The

students usually afraid about making mistakes, shy of the attention when

speak English, lack vocabulary, error grammatical, and not good


d. Personality

Personality is the characteristic of people which cause consistency of

feeling, thinking, and behavior. Many students have difficulty in

speaking. It can be caused by personality factors. The students usually

afraid about making nistakes, shy of the attention when speak English.

lack vocabulary, error grammatical, and not good pronounciation.

e. Motivation

Motivation is one of factors that play important to get success or

failure good speaking for someone. In Addition, Dornyei (1194) in

Kusuma (2016 .p.750) stated that motivation is one of the keys to the

success of the teaching and learning process can be interpreted as an

effort that is able to encourage someone to do. Something.Motivation is

divided into two categories, they are extrinsic motivation and intrinsic

motivation. Extrinsic motivation is caused by any number of factors

outside the classroom , for example the students need to pass an exam,

the hope of financial reward, or the possibility or future travel.

F. Characteristics of success Speaking Activity

Brown (2001-270) stated Spoken language is easy to perform but in some

cases, it is a difficult. In order to that they can carry out the successful speaking,

they have to fulfill some characteristics of successful speaking activity such as:

a. Learners take a lot

As much as possible of the priod of time alloted to the activity is in fact

occupied by learner talk. This may seem obvious, but often most time is

taken up with teacher talk or pauses.


b. Participation is even

In classroom discussion all of the learners get change to speak, and

contributions are fairy evenly distributed.

c. Motivation is high

Learners are eager to speak if they are interested in the topic have

something new to say about it, because they want to contribute to achieving

a task objective.

d. Language is of an acceptable level

Learners express themselves in utterances that are relevant, easily

comprehensible to each other and of a acceptable level of a language


Based on the explanation above, it be concluded in teaching speaking,

the teacher gives instruction for students to speak and express their ideas,

opinion, select appropriate words and sentences in the classroom during the

teaching learning process and outside classroom. Beside that, the teacher

also have to give motivation and opportunity the students to speak, so they

more confident in speak English.

G. The Present Research Focused

a. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is one aspect in supporting the English language skills due

to speak in English needed a good pronunciation of the language in order to

be delivered clearly understand able because when either the pronunciation

would change the meaning of that,actually cause the other person will feel

confused. Most of the students find it difficult to pronounce the sentence in

the English language due to the absence of habituation and the right media.

Yanagi& Baker (2015) in Phiphawin (2016.p.304) showed that

difficulties with oral comprehension skills were mainly on participation in

discussion of academic issues with professors and/or classmates, asking

questions or expressing ideas during class, and making oral presentations.

Many of students were afraid of producing incorrect pronunciation.


According in Muhammad Syarif (2018.p.99) said pronunciation is a

particular way of uttering words in general. There are differences of English

pronunciations: there also individual peculiarities for which it is difficult or

impossible to understand. Pronunciation in a noun, way in which a language

particular word or sound in spoken. In speaking the pronunciation is

important because pronunciation is a set of habits of producing sounds. The

habit of producing a sound is acquired by repeating it over and over again

and by being corrected when it is pronounced wrongly.

b. Fluency

Brumfit (1984) inYingjie (2014.p.197) considered fluency as natural

language use like the native speakers. That the ability one speaks fluently

can sustain the speaker to produce continuous speech and meaning without

comprehension difficulties for the listener. Based on Fillmore’s (1979) in

Yingjie (2014) definition of speaking fluency: a) the ability to talk at length

with few pauses; b) be able to produce sentences coherently, reasoned and

semantically; c) have appropriate expresssions in a wide range of contexts;

d) language use should be creative and imaginative. As a result, it is obvious

that the speaking fluency is an important component of the communication


According in Lai-Mei Leong (2017.p.35) stated fluency is the learner’s

ability to speak in understandable way in order not to break down

communication because listeners may lose their interest. Hedge (2000) in

Lai-Mei Leong (2017.p.35) expressed that fluency is the ability to answer

coherently by connecting the words and phrases, pronouncing the sounds

clearly, and using stess and intonation.

H. Review Of Related Studies

Some researcher have conducted some studies relating to the difficulties in

speaking. They are as follows:

The first previous research by Sheila Yolanda Pradya Afisa in her Thesis “

The Difficulties In Speaking At The Tenth Grade Of SMA Negeri 1 SINE”. Her


research aims to describe the students’ difficulties in speaking English.Besides,

that the researcher also wants to know what the students’ difficulties in speaking

and what factors contribute to the difficulties in speaking. And her research also

show the strategies to make speaking be better. This research was done by

qualitative descriptive design. Her collecting data by observation, recording and

interview. The data are taken from the subject of the research in the form of

teaching learning process. The finding in this research are: a) The student’s low

vocabulary mastery resulted from their limited knowledge of meaning

vocabulary had led them diffulties in understanding the conversation, b) The

students had difficulties in pronouncing certain word because, English words are

different between pronunciation and writing, c) The students were still confused

in arranging words. Then, there were still some mistakes in their grammar, and

the last d) The students were often afraid of speaking English because they

worried of making mistakes.

The second previous Farah Sukmawati Wahidah,S.Pd.I.,M.Pd in her journal

“ Students’ Speaking Problem and Factors Causing It”..this research was

conducted to find out the students’ problems in speaking and the factors causing

it. The research finding about the students still have many problem in their

speaking. This research revealed that students have many problem in speaking

English, they are: 1) meaning or content of the conversation,2) lack of

vocabularies, 3) pronunciation and, 4) shy. The collecting the data by giving

questionnaire to the students. Her research was done by qualitative.

The third previous by Samira Al-Hosni (2014), in her journal “Speaking

Diffulties Encountered by young EFL Learners” she said Speaking is the active

use of language to express meaning, and for young learners, the spoken language

is the medium through which a new language is encountered, understood,

practiced, and learnt. Rather than oral skills being simply one aspect of learning

language, the spoken form in the young learner’s classroom acts as the prime

source of language learning. The aims of this research is to find out what

speaking difficulties are encountered by grade 5 students in basic education

schools in Oman. It also aims to find out the main factors that contribute to the


existence of these difficulties.The results of this study can help the Ministry of

Education, the EFL teachers, the curriculum designers, and the designers of

assessment tools to understand the reasons why our young learners in grade 5

basic education schools find it difficult to speak in English, and consequently,

their plans for change and improvement of the students’ speaking skill can

produce more effective results when these factors are considered. Her research

was done by qualitative and collecting the data by observation and interview.

The fourth previous by Nanda Aldila Sari (2017), in her journal “ Students’

Difficulties in Speaking skill At The Eleventh Grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 1

Karanganyar In The Academic Year 2016/2017”. Her research describes the

students’ difficulties in speaking skill at the eleventh grade of SMA

Muhammadiyah 1 Karanganyar in the academic year of 2016/2017. The

objectives of this research were (1) to describe the students difficulties in

speaking, (2) to describe the factors causes of students‟ difficulties in speaking,

(3) to describe the students strategies that was used to overcome the difficulties

in speaking. The research design applied in this research was descriptive

qualitative. This research was conducted in SMA Muhammadiyah 1

Karanganyar. The subjects of this research were the students of the eleventh

grade. The research instruments used to collect the data in this research were

observation and interview. The collected data were analyzed by reducing the

data, presenting the data, taking the conclusion and verification. The researcher

used data triangulation, to show trustworthiness of the data. The findings of this

research, the first the students difficulties in speaking are 1) The students felt shy

and fearful when they spoke English in front of class. 2) The students often get

difficulty in using grammar when they speak English. and 3) Students get

difficult low vocabulary. The second, the factors causes of students‟ difficulties

in speaking are 1) The class condition, 2) the students get difficult to arrange

sentence, because they only memorize the tenses and singular or plural forms.

The third, the students strategies are 1) metacognitive strategies, 2) cognitive

strategies, and 3) socio-affective strategies. Using different strategies support the

students to achieve a good score. Based on the result above, the students were


hoped to overcome their difficulties using their own ways to make them easier in

learning speaking.





A. The Research Design

In this research, the researcher used qualitative research method.

According to Sugiyono (2008, p. 9) qualitative research methods are research

methods based on the philosophy of postpositivism, which are used to

examine natural conditions of objects, (as opposed to experiments) where

researchers are key instruments, data collection techniques are carried out by

triangulation (combined), data analysis is inductive / qualitative, and

qualitative research results emphasize more meaning than generalization.

According to Mohammad Adnan Latief (2015, p. 77) qualitative research

is a process of inquiry aimed at understanding human behavior by building

complex, holistic pictures of the social and cultural settings in which such

behavior occurs. It does so by analyzing words rather than numbers, and by

reporting the detailed views of the people who have been studied. Such

inquiry is conducted in settings where people naturally interact, as opposed to

specially designed laboratories or clinical/ experimental settings. Qualitative

research seeks to understand the what, how, when, and where of an event or

an action in order to establish it is meaning, concepts, and definitions,

characteristics, metaphors, symbols, and descriptions.

B. Setting and Subject

1. Settings

The research is carried out in Al-Hidayah Modern Islamic Boarding

School Jambi is located on Jl.Marsda Surya Dharma.KM 10 Asam

Bawah.Kota Baru Jambi.It is located on the right street, and the public

transportation is very available,so very easy to find this school.Al-Hidayah

Modern Islamic Boarding School Jambi several extra curiculer that has

provided. The school has 2 major. They are science class (IPA), and social

class (IPS).Especially class XI in total 158 students. There are 4 Male and

Female science classes( IPA), each class consisting of 19 until 26 students.

While social class (IPS) has 4 Male and Female classes, each class consist

of 16 until 21 Students.

2. Subject

The subject of this research is the students of Al-Hidayah Modern

Islamic Boarding School Jambi city especially at eleventh Grade (IPS B

Female). the researcher choose that class because some students have

problem in speaking skill. That class consist of 16 students, the researcher

choose 6 students from 16 students from IPS B, why the researcher choose

6 students because from all of the students in the class, they had more

difficulty in speaking skill.

C. Kinds and Source the Data

1. Kinds of the data

All data related to students of Al-Hidayah Modern Islamic Boarding

School Jambi. The students problems in speaking in this research has been

taken from some source namely:

a. Primary data

Primary data is found out directly and soon from the source of data.

Researcher get primary data from documentation of photos result from

some of the students who have become research subject in this study.

b. Secondary data

The secondary data will be collected by interview of the students to

measure that they have the difficulties in speaking.

2. Source the data

Data source is the subject where the data is taken from. In this

research, gained the data from the students speaking focused on the

students of Al-Hidayah Modern Islamic Boarding School Jambi. To know

what are their difficulties in Speaking.

D. Techniques of Collecting Data

In doing this research, the researcher uses qualitative research. Besides,

the researcher also want to know what is the students problems in speaking

English and what factors contribute to the difficulties in speaking English by

the students.

The way of the researcher to get the data needed in research activity is

usually known as a technique of collecting data. Sugiono (2017, P.222-225) in

qualitative research as an instrument or research tool is the researcher itself,

but after the focus of the research becomes clear, it is possible to develop a

simple research instrument, which is expected to be able to complete the data

and compare with the data has been discovered through observation and


a. Observation

Observatsion is one of the technique that is used to collect the data.

The researcher is able to find the answers by focusing and taking

participant in an event or activity. According to Sanafiah Faisal in

Sugiyono (2008, p. 226) clarifying observations into participant

observation, overt observation and covert observation, and unstructed

observation. In this research, researcher used passive participation, means

the researcher is present at the scene of action but does not interact or

participate and used a camera to take videos and record their conversation,

from there researcher could analyze what students’ difficulties and cause

factors students difficult in speaking skill.

b. Interview

Interview is a data gathering instrument that involves direct verbal

interaction between individuals (Borg,W.R.,Gall, M.D.1989:446) in

Mohammad Adnan(2015.p.201). interview is used as a data collection

technique if the researcher wants to conduct a study to find problems that

need to be investigated, but also if the researcher wants to know things

from the respondents in more depth.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

This research to analyze the data the researcher used qualitative analyze.

The process of preparing data systematically obtained from observation and

interview the students. qualitative data analysis according to Miles and

Huberman in Sugiono (2017.p.292) is done interactively through a process of

data reduction, data display, and verification.

1. Data Reduction

According Sugiyono (2008, p. 247) data reduction is a process of

sensitive thinking that requires intelligence and breadth and depth of insight.

Data reduction means summarizing, choosing things that are suitable,

focusing on things that are important, looking for themes and patterns. Thus,

the reduced data will provide a clearer picture, and make it easier for

researchers to do further data collection, and look for it when needed.

2. Data Display

It is as the second component in analyzing the data. The researcher

displays the data then describes it, after describing the data, the researcher

makes analysis about the data.

3. Conclusion

In this step, the researcher takes a conclusion from the result observation

and interview. The purpose of this section is to know what is the difficulties

students’ in speaking

4. Triangulation

In this research, the researcher use triangulation technique. Triangulation

is defined as a data collection technique that combines various data

collection techniques and existing data sources. In addition Susan Stainback

(1988) in sugiono (2017.p.241) stated the aim is not to determine the truth

about some social phonemenon, rather the purpose of triangulation is to

increase one’s understanding of what ever is being investigated.

F. Research Schedule

Schedule of the research is a frame work to collect the time to conduct this thesis. The schedule is related to the

preparation until final report. Can be change and it is not permanent time.

No Activities Months

May juni July August september October november desember januari

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 Preparation

Of Proposal


2 Improvement

Of Proposal


3 Preparation

Of Seminar


4 Improvement

Of Seminar


5 Research



6 Preparation

Of Research


7 Improvement

Of Research


8 Collecting





9 Analysis Of



problems In


10 Thesis






In this chapter the researcher findings and discussion of the research. The

purpose is to answer the research problem in the first chapter. There are two

objectives in this research. The first is to describe the students problems in

speaking, second is to describe the factors causes of students problems in

speaking. The data from field that have been collected are presented based on

observed in classroom and interview with the students.


1. The data from observation

The researcher was observed in eleventh grade XI IPS B. The

observation was conducted to know the process of teaching and learning

speaking. Every meeting had the same activities but the title of material

was different. Usually,before enter to the class the student have to

morning conversation with their friends. When the bell rang, the students

sat on the ckair quietly. The teacher enter to the class and opened the

lesson “ Assalamualaikum, Good Morning Students” The students

answered enthusiastically. After that the teacher check attendance list.

After opened the class, the teacher started the lesson. Before the

teacher explained the material, he gave a warming up to the students

about the material that would be learned. The teacher asked the students

to give example in around them. After that, the teacher explained about

the material. The students listened and attention the teacher. After

finishing explained the material, the teacher asked one of the students to

came forward in front of class. The teacher called number absent would

be present firstly. She directly stood up and present the assignment. she

was still confused what is the English of a word. She asked to her friend

“ Bahasa inggris nya penyakit tuh apa”. Then, she stopped speak

English. Then, the others students laugh her. It makes, the class became


The second students, she came forward and present her assignment

loudly but she has still wrong to pronounce some word. She pronounced

the words appropriate on the written. Suddenly, the bell was ringing. The

English subject had to be closed. The teacher closed the class and

reminded the students to study their own material at dormitory. The

teacher closed the lesson by saying hamdallah.

2. The data from interview

The interview was conducted from 10 september until 13 september,

and because of pandemic covid-19 the researcher do the interview in that

date. The interview by video call with the students one by one. By doing

interview the researcher got information needed in this research. The

researcher did the interview with the students in IPS B. The interview

were done with the students of XI IPS B of Al-Hidayah Modern Islamic

Boarding School Jambi.

1. Interview with the students about ( 1.Apakah kamu menyukai

bahasa inggris? and 2. Apa alasan kamu menyukai atau tidak

menyukai bahasa inggris?)

a. Students 1 and 2

Student 1:“kami lumayan suka kak”

Student 1:“Karena bahasa inggris itu menarik terus menantang

juga buat dipelajari”

Student 2:“Tidak terlalu suka kak “

Student 2:“Ribet kak, apalagi kosa katanya tuh kami banyak yang

dak hafal kak”

They were students of XI IPS B, from that the answer of

interview the researcher can concluded the students 1 like English

and her opinion English is interesting, she also want to learned

English. but students 2 different with student 1 , the students 2 she

does not like English. she felt difficult when she learn English and

she low in vocabulary.

b. Students 3 and 4

Student 3:“iya kak kami suka bahasa inggris”

Student 3:“karena menurut kami bahasa inggris itu menarik kak

dan karena bahasa inggris merupakn bahasa international jadi

kami tertarik untuk mempelajarinya”

Student 4:“kami lumayan suka bahasa inggris kak”

Student 4:“Karena bahasa inggris lebih menantang daripadaa

pelajaran yang lain kak. Apalagi lagu-lagu dalam bahasa inggris

kami suka kak dengerin sekaligus nyanyiin nya, ya walaupun

masih belepotan “

They were the students of XI IPS B, from that the answer of

interview the researcher can concluded they are like English and they

want to learn English. Because the English is an international.

c. Students 5 and 6

Student 5:“Kurang suka kak”

Student 5:“Kami kurang suka bahasa inggris karena menurut

kami bahasa inggris tuh susah kak. Kami juga kalau bikin kalim

at masih berantakan kak”

Student 6:“Lumayan suka kak”

Student 6:“Karena bahasa inggris kan bahasa internasional, nah

jadi kami tertarik kak buat mempelajarinya”

It can be seen from the interview above, that there are

differences in answers between students 5 and 6. The students 5

does not like English because she felt difficult in learning

English, she also does not know how to make the correct

sentence. Different with the students 6, she like English Because

English is an international language that makes she want to learn

it and master it. If she master in English she can speak English


2. Interview with the students about ( 3. Dalam bahasa inggris ada 4

skill salah satunya speaking,Apakah kamu menyukai speaking?)

a. Students 1 and 2

Student 1:“kami lumayan suka kak, tapi kami masih malu dan

takut salah kalau ngomong bahasa inggris”

Student 2:“Suka kak kalau lihat orang ngomong bahasa inggris,

tapi kalau ngomong bahasa inggris kami dak pede kak. Apalagi

kami dak paham grammar kak, banyak nian grammar tu macam

nya jadi masih bingung kami bedain nya.”

It can be seen from the answer of interview above, the

sstudents like to speak English but she feel shy when she speak in

front of class, she also afraid of making mistakes. Different with

the students 2 she only like to see the other speak, but if the

teacher asked her to speak English, she feel nervous that because

she low in grammar and she was confused in distinguishing the

kinds of tenses.

b. Students 3 and 4

Student 3:“Suka kak, tapi kami grogi kak karena kosakata yang

kami tau masih sedikit”

Student 4:“Lumayan sih kak. Cuma kami masih kurang lancar

atau langsung ngomong kedepan tanpa ada persiapan. Tapi

kalau sambil liat buku atau catatan kami lancar kak. Vocab yang

kami hafal juga dak begitu banyak kak”

They were students of XI IPS B, they like to speak English.

but,they still have difficult when they speak. they also limited

vocabulary that makes when the students speak English not

fluently. And before the students want to speak, they have to

make preparation such as writing what will be said when in front

of the class later and memorizing it. Even thought, if they

mastered their vocabulary they shouldn’t memorize like that.

c. Students 5 and 6

Student 5:“Sebenarnya kurang suka kak, Cuma kami pengen bisa

ngomong bahasa inggris. Tapi kami masih belum bisaa

grammar,vocab juga kurang kak. Apalgi cara bacanya tuh masih

belum bisa kak. Kadang kami bacanya sesuai tulisannya lah

padahal kan kalau dalam bahasa inggris tulisan dan cara

bacanya beda kak”

Student 6:“Ya lumayan suka kak, Tapi kami masih belum lancar

kak. Soalnya kadang kami dak tau cara bacanya. Terus vocab

yang kami tau belum banyak. Kalau lagi belajar bisa sih dapat

vocab baru tapi pas itu lah ingatnya, pas minggu depan masuk

lagi sudah dak ingat lagi kak”

It can be seen from the answer of interview above, the

students want to able to speak English but they limited in

grammar and also they still confused how to pronounce the words

in English. Sometime if the students did not how to pronounce

the words, they will read as they write.when the teacher give new

vocabulary they did not memorize and used that word when they

speak. that is make they forget about the vocabulary.

3. Interview with the student about ( 4. Apakah yang kamu rasakan

ketika guru meminta kamu untuk maju kedepan?)

a. Students 1 and 2

Student 1:“grogi kami kak kalau disuruh kedepan ,apalagi kalau

tanpa persiapan pasti kami ngomong nya dak lancar dan banyak

diem kak”

Student 2:“Pastinya Malu kak ya walaupun isi kelas tuh cewek

semua. Tapi masih be malu kak karena kami masih belepotan

kalau ngomong bahasa inggris. Itu buat kami jadi dak lancar kak

kalau lagi ngomong.”

It can be seen from the answer of interview above, the

researcher can concluded the students feel nervous and shy when

the teacher asked them to came forward. Sometime, when the

students speak in English their pronounce still wrong. They will

remain silent more when speaking in front of the class without


b. Students 3 and 4

Student 3:“yang pertama kami rasain pastinya grogi kak, kami

juga masih takut salah kak. Karena kami masih belum bisa

membuat kalimat yang benar. Kan grammar ada banyak

macamnya kak jadi kadang pas di minta buat ngomong masih

bingung kak harus pake yang mana tensesnya.”

Student 4:“Masih grogi kak, walaupun isi kelas itu cewek semua.

Karena kan kalau ngomong bahasa inggris grammarnya harus

bener. Sedangkan grammar kan bermacam-macam.”

They were the students of XI IPS B, from the answer of

interview above, the researcher can concluded the students afraid

of making mistakes because they can not make the correct

sentence. When the teacher asked them to speak they still

confused what the sentence will be used. Even thought, in the

female class, the students still feel embarrassed when they speak

because they cannot distinguish between types of tenses.

c. Students 5 and 6

Student 5:“Grogi kak yang jelas, karena takut salah di


Student 6:“Kami malu kak, terus grogi juga kalau disuruh

ngomong didepan kelas tuh. Kami tu takut takut nyebutin

vocabnya kak, buat kalimat be masih kebalik-balik”

They were the students of XI IPS B, from the answer of

interview above, the researcher can concluded the students feel

nervous because they afraid of making mistake when they

pronounce the word. The students also confused how to make a

sentence correctly because they do not master in grammar.

4. Interview with the students about ( 5. Ketika guru menjelaskan

pelajaran, apakah kamu memahaminya?)

a. Subject 1 and 2

Student 1:“kami merhatiin kak kalau materinya menarik, tapi

kadang bosen karena gurunya lebih sering pake metode ceramah

kak, setelah jelasin materi langsung ngasih tugas. Kami juga

jarang diajarin praktek misalnya maju kedepan kelas. Kami

mengulangi pelajaran kalau lagi mau ulangan atau ujian aja


Student 2:“Lumayan Ngerti sih kak. Tapi kak gurunya tuh kalau

ngajar kadang ngebosenin, kadang kami juga jadi ngantuk

kak,karena beliau datang ke kelas terus langsung buka buku abis

itu jelasin materi sebentar. Terus langsung lanjut ngerjain


It can be seen from the answer of interview above, the

students understand what the teacher explain. But they feel bored

because the teacher used the lecture method. They also low

motivation from theirself because they do not repeat lessons

when finished studying, they only learn during class hours.

Moreover, every teacher teaches, he only explains a little after

that gives assignments.

b. Students 3 and 4

Student 3:“kami merhatiin kok kak, Cuma terkadang kurang

paham aja karena gurunya jelasinya sedikit doang. Tapi

mending membuat kalimat tuh ditulis kak daripada berbicara

secara langsung”

Student 4:“Paham kak, tapi gurunya tuh jelasin materinya terlalu

monoton kak. Padahal kami semangat kak setiap mulai bahasa

inggris tapi karena gurunya ngajar Terlalu focus ke buku dan

keseringan pakai metode ceramah. Kadang kami bosen kak pas

belajar tuh karena beliau ngajar gitu-gitu terus.”

They were the students of XI IPS B, from the answer of

interview above, the researcher can concluded the students low

motivation from their teacher. The students understand what the

teacher explain. But, sometime they do not understand because

the teacher focused on the book without explaining much with

examples that are easier to understand. When teaching learning

the students feel bored and sleepy because the teacher’s teaching


c. Students 5 and 6

Student 5:“Kami merhatiin kak pas awal-awal masuk, pas udah

pertengahan kami udah mulai ngantuk, dan bosen kak”

Student 6“Paham sih kak, tapi kami orangnya mudah lupa. Jadi

kadang kalau ada tugas kami ya nanya-nanya lagi sama kawan


It can be seen from the answer of interview above, the

researcher can concluded the students pay attention to the teacher

only when the lesson begins after that the student starts to feel

bored. The student 6, she understand what the teacher explain but

she easily forgets about the lessons she has learned.

5. Interview with the students about ( 6. Apakah gurumu mengajari

bagaimana cara pengucapan yang benar?)

a. Subject 1 and 2

Student 1:“kadang sih ngajarin kak, tapi lebih sering tidak kak.”

Student 2:“ngajarin lah kak kadang-kadang”

They were the students of XI IPS B, from the answer of

interview above, the researcher can concluded sometime the

teacher teach the students how to pronounce the word correctly.

b. Students 3 and 4

Student 3:“ngajarin lah kak, Cuma kadang emang kaminya yang


Student 4:“jarang kak, kadang kalau di suruh ngomong tuh kami

asal-asalan be.”

It can be seen from the answer of interview above, the

researcher can concluded teacher rarely teach correct reading. It

makes many students do not know how to pronounce correctly.

So, that the meaning does not change. Because in English if the

pronunciation is wrong then the meaning can be different.

c. Students 5 and 6

Student 5:“kadang ngajarin kak tapi Cuma sekilas aja. Karena

kami jarang ngulangin pelajaran jadi mudah lupa kak. Misalnya

hari ini di ajarin pas minggu depan masuk lagi kami udah lupa

kak. Apalagi vocab kak mudah lupa karena dak kami praktekin.”

Student 6:“Kadang ngajarin sih kak, tapi kek Cuma sekilas be.

Kalo kami sih masih kurang bisa kak soalnya Abis tu ya biasanya

langsung disuruh ngerjain tugas kak.”

It can be seen from the answer of interview above, the

researcher can concluded the teacher only teaches briefly. While

students forget very easily, so that students cannot remember it

because it is too short.

6. Interview with the students about (7. Ketika minggu berbahasa

inggris, Apakah kamu sepenuhnya menggunakan bahasa


a. Students 1 and 2

Student 1:“dak juga sih kak, tapi kalau kami tau bahasa

inggrisnya kami pake bahasa inggris lah kak”

Student 2:“Kami biasanya campur kak. Kalau kami dak tau

bahasa inggrisnya pasti kami pake bahasa arab yang penting

kami dak pake bahasa Indonesia karena dilarang bahasa

Indonesia kak.”

They were the student of XI IPS B. from the answer of

interview above, the researcher can concluded when the week in

English they do not speak English completely. They will combain

with Arabic language if they do not know what English is.

b. Students 3 and 4

Student 3:“hehe dak full sih kak, Cuma selagi kami tau vocabnya

ya kami usahain pake lah walaupun salah penyebutannya”

Student 4:“Dak sih kak, malah kadang kami campur Indonesia

arab inggris. Soalnya kalau dak tau vocab bahasa inggris kami

gantilah pake bahasa arab”

They were the students of XI IPS B. from the answer of

interview above, the researcher can concluded they do not use

full English because they do not know much of the vocabulary in

English. but when they know their English they will use English.

even though, they are mistaken.

c. Students 5 and 6

Student 5:“gak juga sih kak, kami lebih sering make bahasa arab


Student 6:“ya lumayan lah kak, kalau kami dak tau vocab nya

kami liat dikamus kalau dak tu kami Tanya kawan kak. Tapi

kalau udah dak tau nian pasti kami ganti pake bahasa arab

soalnya kadang pas kami ngomong bahasa inggris. Eh kawan

kami malah ngomong bahasa arab kak. Kami jadinya ngikut


They were the students of XI IPS B. from the answer of

interview above, the researcher can concluded the students low

motivation from their friend. When she want to speak full English

but her friend replied in Arabic that is make she speak in Arabic


7. Interview with the student about (8. Apakah kamu merasa

kesulitan dalam pengucapan?)

a. Students 1 and 2

Student 1:“iya kak, soalnya tulisan sama bacaannya beda kak”

Student 2:“ iya kak kami bingung bedain cara bacanya”

It can be seen from the answer of interview above, the

researcher can concluded the students still difficult in pronounce.

They also could not distinguish how to read it. Sometimes

students read according to their writing.

b. Students 3 and 4

Student 3:“iya kak, kan beda-beda kak cara ngucapin setiap

kalimat tuh”

Student 4:“iya kak, karena gurunya jarang ngajarin cara baca

dalam bahasa inggris. Biasanya kalau kami dak tau cara

bacanya kami nanya guru atau kawan kami kak.”

It can be seen from the answer of interview above, the

researcher can concluded the students still confused how to

pronounce correctly Because the teacher rarely teaches practice.

When the student do not know how to prounce they will ask the

teacher or their friends.

c. Students 5 and 6

Student 5:“lumayan lah kak, kadang takut salah kak. Kan kalau

salah nanti bisa beda artinya”

Student 6:“iya luamayan kak, tapi kadang kalau kami dak tau.

Kami nanya sama kawan kami kak.”

They were the students of XI IPS B. from the answer of

interview above, the researcher can concluded the students afraid

of making mistake when they pronounce the word. they also

afraid the meaning will be change if the pronounce is wrong.

The researcher find the students problem in speaking, they are:

a) The Students problems In Speaking

During learning speaking in classroom, the students get some

problem. the students felt difficulties when speak in English.

They closed their face with the book. They felt shy and fearful

when they spoke English in front of class. The student do not

know the vocabulary, then the students use Indonesian language

when speaking English. The students also have difficulty in

pronounciation, they still have not understand differently how to

pronounce correctly. They were confused how to prounce it and

that is makes the student not fluently when speak in English.

b) The Factors Cause The Students problems In Speaking, They are:

Every student has different factors cause problems in

learning speaking. Motivation is one of factors that plays

important role to get success or failure good speaking for

someone. The students get difficult in learning speaking because

factor motivation. The student had low motivation. Sometimes

the student felt bored with the teacher’s teaching method. The

student also have low motivation from their friends.When the

student speak English they do not replay with English language

but use Arabic language in daily conversation.They get difficult

in speak English because they still confused how to pronounce

the words. The students have low in their memorize of

vocabulary that makes they difficult to speak fluently.


Based on the research findings, the researcher was discussed the

findings of research. The discussion is about the students problem in

speaking skill, and the factors cause students problem in speaking skill. After

describing the data, the researcher need to analyze the data because the data

is still draw. It is appropriate with the answer of the problem statements. The

explanations will be presented below:

1. Speaking Problems Experienced by the students

Based on the result of research findings, the students in class XI IPS

B feel difficult when speak in English language. The students do not

know the vocabulary, then they use Indonesian or Arabic language when

they have to speak English. It is too pity because they will use

Indonesian or Arabic language for several time. A students have not

confidence in speaking English because they are afraid if they choose the

wrong word. When the students want to speak English, they still

confused how to pronounce the words correctly.

The researcher finds six problem in speaking faced by the students.

They are shy, poor pronunciation,low grammar, low vocabulary, lazy to

speak English, and fearfull. The researcher wants to discuss the problem

in speaking skill based on the theory from Penny Ur ( 1996:117) in thesis

Nanda (2017) There are problems in speaking, they are: inhibition,

nothing to say, and low or uneven participation.

The first problem is inhibition. It means The students admit that

they feel fearful and shy of attention when speaking English. The

students feel afraid when getting wrong words in speaking English. They

also were unconfident and nervous when the teachers were asking them

The second problem is nothing to say. It means the students do not

want to speak up because they feel afraid of making mistakes so they are

unwilling to express anything with speaking in English. The students are

lazy to speak English, it because they think that English is difficult to be

learned. The student have low motivation to try speak English.

The third problem is low or uneven participation. It means They are

low vocabulary ,and poor pronunciation. In vocabulary, the student’s low

vocabulary mastery resulted from their limited knowledge of meaning

and small vocabulary have led them to difficulties in understanding the

conversation. In pronunciation, the students have difficulties in

pronouncing certain words because English word are different between

pronunciation and writing. They did not know how the way to pronounce

some words. That is makes the students do not fluency when they speak

in English.

2. The Factors Cause The Students problems in Speaking Skill

In learning speaking, the sstudents feel difficult when they learn it.

The researcher finds that the students still have problems in learning

speaking because some factors. The researcher wants to discuss the

problem in speaking skill based on the theory Ellis (1985:10) in Sheila

(2015). The factors are personality,cognitive style,and motivation.

The first factor is personality. The students are still difficult how to

pronounce the words correctly and they are limited in vocabularies. They

also afraid of making mistakes when they speak in English.

The second factor is motivation. The students do not study English

every day. They only study English depend on schedule English subject

when the teacher will give test for them. Their friends do not support the

students to speak English. When the students speak English their friends

replay with other language.




In this chapter, the researcher presents the conclusion of the research and

suggestion for developing speaking problems experienced by the students of Al-

Hidayah Modern Islamic Boarding School Jambi. The following discussion

provides the conclusion and suggestion of the study:


Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that the

researcher finds students problem in speaking English, and factors cause

students problem in speaking English.

1. Speaking problems experienced by the students

Every students of XI IPS B in Al-Hidayah Modern Islamic Boarding

School has different problems in learning speaking. They are 1) the

student feel shy and fearful when they speak English.2) the students lazy

to speak English it because they think that English is difficult to be

learned. and 3) the students still confused how to pronounce the word

correctly that is because the students low in pronounce.

2. Factors cause students problems in speaking English

There are three factors. The first,The students are still low

vocabulary and they are still confused how to pronounce the words

correctly. The second, the students only study English depend on

schedule English subject and when the teacher will give test for them.

Their friends do not support the student to speak English in daily



Based on research findings, the researcher would like to propose some

suggestion for English teacher, students, and other researchers. The

researcher hopes, it can at least become an input determining the appropriate

teaching technique, method and media in which can increase students’

interest in speaking skill as follow:

1. For English Teacher

a. The teacher should give more motivation to the student in order to

that students can be motivated to speak fluently

b. The teacher should makes the speaking class more interesting. So, the

students cannot be bored in teaching learning process

c. The teacher should master all the material in speaking

2. For The Students

a. The students should more practice speaking in their everyday life and

explore their ability in speaking confidently, and enjoy during in

speaking class.

b. The students have to prepare the material first before they join in

speaking class

c. The students have to repeat their material after the teacher explained,

not only when the teacher give a test.

d. The students should be more active and high self confidence during

the teaching learning process

3. For The researchers

The researcher hopes that this research will guide them as references

to conduct the next research or similar problem in students’ difficulties in

speaking skill. The weakness of this research when taking tha data in this

study is observation. Observation can only be done once because schools

are closed due to covid-19. Interview can also only be done video call. In

addition, the result of this research is expected to be able to encourage

other researchers to conduct research dealing with the students‟

difficulties in speaking skill



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Interview Transcript

Date / Time : 10 september 2020 / 11:00 WIB

Interviewer : Researcher

Interviewee : Student 1

Researcher : Assalamuaikum,selamat siang

Student : Waalaikumsalam,siang juga kak

Researcher : Sebelumnya terima kasih untuk waktunya, saya ingin

menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan untuk kamu, pertanyaan

pertama apakah kamu menyukai bahasa inggris?

Student : Lumayan suka lah kak

Researcher : Apa alasan kamu menyukai bahasa inggris?

Student : Karena bahasa inggris itu menarik terus menantang juga

buat dipelajari.

Researcher :Dibahasa inggris kan ada 4 skill yaitu listening, reading,

writing dan speaking. Nah kamu suka speaking English


Student : kami lumayan suka kak, tapi kami masih malu dan takut

salah kalau ngomong bahasa inggris

Researcher : Takut salah penyebutan kosa kata nya atau salah grammar

nya atau yang lainnya?

Student : iya kak kami masih takut semuanya, kadang kalau mau

ngomong tuh lama kami mikirnya, soalnya kosa kata yang

kami tau dak banyak. Belum lagi kalau mau ngomong kan

harus pake grammar kak terus cara bacanaya tuh nah kami

masih berlepotan kak.

Researcher : apakah kamu merasa grogi ketika berbicara bahasa inggris?


Student : iya grogi kak, apalagi dipenyebutan kosa katanya. Soalnya

kan dalam bahasa inggris tulisan sama penyebutan nya


Researcher : kalau diminta guru untuk berbicara bahasa inggris didepan

kelas, apa yang kamu rasakan?

Student : grogi kami kak kalau disuruh kedepan ,apalagi kalau tanpa

persiapan pasti kami ngomong nya dak lancar dan banyak

diem kak

Researcher : apakah gurumu mengajari bagaimana cara pengucapan yang


Students : kadang sih ngajarin kak, tapi lebih sering tidak kak.

Researcher : apakah kamu merasa kesulitan dalam pengucapan?

Student : iya kak, soalnya tulisan sama bacaannya beda kak

Researcher : ketika belajar bahasa inggris apakah kamu memperhatikan

ketika guru menjelaskan materi

Student : kami merhatiin kak kalau materinya menarik, tapi kadang

bosen karena gurunya lebih sering pake metode ceramah

kak, setelah jelasin materi langsung ngasih tugas. Kami juga

jarang diajarin praktek misalnya maju kedepan kelas. Kami

mengulangi pelajaran kalau lagi mau ulangan atau ujian aja


Researcher : ketika minggu bahasa inggris, apakah kamu sepenuhnya

menggunakan bahasa inggris?

Student : dak juga sih kak, tapi kalau kami tau bahasa inggrisnya

kami pake bahasa inggris lah kak

Researcher : ok terima kasih ya

Student : iya kak sama-sama


Date/ Time : 10 september 2020/ 12:12 WIB

Interviewer: Reseacher

Interviewe : Student 2

Researcher : Assalamualaikum, how are you?

Student : Waalaikumsalam, Alhamdulillah baik kak

Researcher : Sebelumnya Terima kasih ya besse atas waktunya, saya

ingin menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan untuk kamu ,

pertanyaan yang pertama apakah kamu menyukai bahasa


Student : Tidak terlalu suka kak

Researcher : Apa alasan kamu tidak menyukai bahasa inggris?

Student : Ribet kak, apalagi kosa katanya tuh kami banyak yang dak

hafal kak.

Researcher : Dibahasa inggris ka nada 4 skill, Nah salah satunya ada

yang namanya speaking, jadi apakah kamu menyukai ketika

berbicara dalam bahasa inggris?

Student : Suka kak kalau lihat orang ngomong bahasa inggris, tapi

kalau ngomong bahasa inggris kami dak pede kak. Apalagi

kami dak paham grammar kak, banyak nian grammar tu

macam nya jadi masih bingung kami bedain nya.

Researcher : Ketika diminta guru untuk berbicara di depan kelas ,apa

yang kamu rasakan?

Student : Pastinya Malu kak ya walaupun isi kelas tuh cewek semua.

Tapi masih be malu kak karena kami masih belepotan kalau

ngomong bahasa inggris. Itu buat kami jadi dak lancar kak

kalau lagi ngomong.

Researcher : Ketika guru menjelaskan materi dikelas apakah kamu


Student : Lumayan Ngerti sih kak. Tapi kak gurunya tuh kalau ngajar

kadang ngebosenin, kadang kami juga jadi ngantuk


kak,karena beliau datang ke kelas terus langsung buka buku

abis itu jelasin materi sebentar. Terus langsung lanjut

ngerjain tugas.

Researcher : apakah gurumu mengajari bagaimana cara pengucapan yang

benar dalam bahasa inggris?

Student : ngajarin lah kak kadang-kadang

Researcher : apakah kamu merasa kesulitan di pengucapan ?

Student : iya kak kami bingung bedain cara bacanya

Researcher : Apakah kamu mengulangi pelajaran ketika diasrama, atau

ketika besok hari akan belajar?

Student : Hehe kadang kak kalau lagi mood, tapi lebih sering enggak

sih kak. Soalnya kan kami malam tuh belajar lagi kak

sampe jam 10. Nah abis balek sekolah pasti kami langssung

tidur soalnya ngantuk dan capek abis belajar seharian.

Researcher : Ketika minggu berbahasa inggris, apakah kamu memakai

bahasa inggris atau campur dengan bahasa lain?

Student : Kami biasanya campur kak. Kalau kami dak tau bahasa

inggrisnya pasti kami pake bahasa arab yang penting kami

dak pake bahasa Indonesia karena dilarang bahasa

Indonesia kak.

Researcher : baiklah, sekali lagi terimakasih ya besse.

Student : iya kak sama-sama


Date / Time : 12 september 2020/ 13:15 WIB

Interviewer : Reseacher

Interviewe : Student 3

Researcher : Assalamualaikum, Good Afternoon

Student : Waalaikumsalam, Good Afternoon

Researcher : Sebelumnya terima kasih ya atas waktunya, saya ingin

menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan untuk kamu. Pertanyaan

yang pertama yaitu apakah kamu menyukai bahasa inggris?

Student : iya kak kami suka bahasa inggris

Researcher : Apa alasan kamu menyukai bahasa inggris?

Student : karena menurut kami bahasa inggris itu menarik kak dan

karena bahasa inggris merupakn bahasa international jadi

kami tertarik untuk mempelajarinya.

Researcher : iya benar sekali dan jika kita berbahasa inggris dengan

benar maka akan mudah bagi kita untuk berkomunikasi

dengan orang asing. Kita juga bisa menambah pengetahuan

kita. Bahasa inggris memiliki 4 skill, yaitu speaking,

reading, writing dan listening. Jadi apakah kamu menyukai


Student : Suka kak, tapi kami grogi kak karena kosakata yang kami

tau masih sedikit

Reseacher : Jika guru meminta kamu untuk berbicara bahasa inggris

didepan, apa yang kamu rasakan?

Student : yang pertama kami rasain pastinya grogi kak, kami juga

masih takut salah kak. Karena kami masih belum bisa

membuat kalimat yang benar. Kan grammar ada banyak

macamnya kak jadi kadang pas di minta buat ngomong

masih bingung kak harus pake yang mana tensesnya.

Researcher : tapi tadi katanya kamu suka bahasa inggris


Student : iya suka kak, tapi tetep aja kalau di suruh speaking kami

masih takut. Taerus masih bingung gimana cara pengucapan

bahasa inggris yang benar kak. Kan tulisan sama bacaanya

beda kak. Misalnya kayak “like” bacanya “laik”

Researcher : ketika minggu berbahasa inggris, apakah kamu full

menggunakan bahasa inggris?

Student : hehe dak full sih kak, Cuma selagi kami tau vocabnya ya

kami usahain pake lah walaupun salah penyebutannya

Researcher : ketika belajar dikelas, apakah kamau memperhatikan serta

memahami materi yang dijelaskan oleh guru?

Student : kami merhatiin kok kak, Cuma terkadang kurang paham aja

karena gurunya jelasinya sedikit doang. Tapi mending

membuat kalimat tuh ditulis kak daripada berbicara secara


Researcher : apakah gurumu mengajari bagaimana cara pengucapan yang

benar dalam bahasa inggris?

Student : ngajarin lah kak, Cuma kadang emang kaminya yang pelupa

Researcher : apakah kamu merasa kesulitan dalam pengucapan bahasa


Student : iya kak, kan beda-beda kak cara ngucapin setiap kalimat tuh

Researcher : baiklah, sekali lagi terimakasih ya elfa

Date / Time: 12 september 2020/ 14:20 WIB

Interviewer: Reseacher

Interviewe : Student 4

Researcher : Assalamualaikum, Good Afternoon

Student : Waalaikumsalam, Good Afternoon


Researcher : Sebelumnya terimakasih atas waktunya, saya ingin bertanya

beberapa pertanyaan untuk kamu. Pertanyaan pertama, yaitu

apakah kamu menyukai bahasa inggris?

Student : kami lumayan suka bahasa inggris kak

Researcher : alasan kamu menyukai bahasa inggris apa?

Student : Karena bahasa inggris lebih menantang daripadaa pelajaran

yang lain kak. Apalagi lagu-lagu dalam bahasa inggris kami

suka kak dengerin sekaligus nyanyiin nya, ya walaupun

masih belepotan

Researcher : Apakah kamu menyukai berbicara dalam bahasa inggris?

Student : Lumayan sih kak. Cuma kami masih kurang lancar atau

langsung ngomong kedepan tanpa ada persiapan. Tapi kalau

sambil liat buku atau catatan kami lancar kak. Vocab yang

kami hafal juga dak begitu banyak kak

Researcher : Ketika diminta guru untuk berbicara di depan kelas, apa

yang kamu rasakan?

Student : Masih grogi kak, walaupun isi kelas itu cewek semua.

Karena kan kalau ngomong bahasa inggris grammarnya

harus bener. Sedangkan grammar kan bermacam-macam.

Researcher: ketika minggu berbahasa inggris, apakah kamu

menggunakan bahasa inggris sepenuhnya?

Student : Dak sih kak, malah kadang kami campur Indonesia arab

inggris. Soalnya kalau dak tau vocab bahasa inggris kami

gantilah pake bahasa arab

Researcher : ketika guru menjelaskan materi dikelas, apakah kamu


Student : Paham kak, tapi gurunya tuh jelasin materinya terlalu

monoton kak. Padahal kami semangat kak setiap mulai

bahasa inggris tapi karena gurunya ngajar Terlalu focus ke

buku dan keseringan pakai metode ceramah. Kadang kami


bosen kak pas belajar tuh karena beliau ngajar gitu-gitu


Researcher : ketika belajar apakah gurumu mengajari bagaimana cara

pengucapan yang benar dalam bahasa inggris?

Student : jarang kak, kadang kalau di suruh ngomong tuh kami asal-

asalan be.

Researcher : Kalau dipengucapan apakah kamu merasa kesulitan?

Student : iya kak, karena gurunya jarang ngajarin cara baca dalam

bahasa inggris. Biasanya kalau kami dak tau cara bacanya

kami nanya guru atau kawan kami kak.

Researcher : Berarti guru mu lebih sering ngajarin materi aja tanpa

praktek, sehingga membuat kalian kaku dalam berbicara

bahasa inggris

Student : iya kak benar

Researcher : baiklah terimaksih ya

Date/Time : 13 september 2020/ 13:10 WIB

Interviewer : Reseacher

Interviewe : Student 5

Researcher : Assalamualaikum, Good Afternoon

Student : Waalaikumsalam, Good Afternoon

Researcher :Sebelumnya terimakasih atas waktunya, saya ingin

menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan untuk kamu. Pertanyaan

pertama yaitu apakah kamu menyukai bahasa inggris?

Student : Kurang suka kak

Researcher : Apa alasan kamu tidak menyukai bahasa inggris?

Student : Kami kurang suka bahasa inggris karena menurut kami

bahasa inggris tuh susah kak. Kami juga kalau bikin kalimat

masih berantakan kak


Researcher : Bahasa inggris memiliki 4 skill, Nah salah satunya

speaking. Jadi apakah kamu menyukai speaking?

Student : Sebenarnya kurang suka kak, Cuma kami pengen bisa

ngomong bahasa inggris. Tapi kami masih belum bisaa

grammar,vocab juga kurang kak. Apalgi cara bacanya tuh

masih belum bisa kak. Kadang kami bacanya sesuai

tulisannya lah padahal kan kalau dalam bahasa inggris

tulisan dan cara bacanya beda kak

Researcher : Ketika belajar dikelas apakah gurumu mengajari bagaimana

cara pengucapan yang benar dalam bahasa inggris?

Student : kadang ngajarin kak tapi Cuma sekilas aja. Karena kami

jarang ngulangin pelajaran jadi mudah lupa kak. Misalnya

hari ini di ajarin pas minggu depan masuk lagi kami udah

lupa kak. Apalagi vocab kak mudah lupa karena dak kami


Researcher : apakah kamu kesulitan di pengucapan kosa kata dalam

bahasa inggris?

Student : lumayan lah kak, kadang takut salah kak. Kan kalau salah

nanti bisa beda artinya

Researcher : Ketika guru menjelaskan materi di kelaas apakah kamu

memperhatikan dan memaahaminya?

Student : Kami merhatiin kak pas awal-awal masuk, pas udah

pertengahan kami udah mulai ngantuk, dan bosen kak

Researcher : Kamu ingin bisa bahasa inggris gak?

Student : Ya mau kak, Cuma ya itu kak. Kami malas ngulaangi

pelajaran yang udah dipelajarin. Terus gurunya juga

ngajarin nya banyak metode ceramah tarus langsung

ngerjain tugas.

Researcher : Ketika guru meminta kamu maju kedepan untuk speaking,

apa yang kamu rasakan?

Student : Grogi kak yang jelas, karena takut salah di pengucapannya


Researcher : ketika minggu bahasa inggris ,apakah kamu sepenuhnya

menggunakan bahasa inggris?

Student : gak juga sih kak, kami lebih sering make bahasa arab kak.

Researcher : oh baiklah, terimakasih ya. Semangat belajarnya

Date/ Time : 13 september 2020/ 14:15 WIB

Interviewer : Reseacher

Interviewe : Student 6

Researcher : Assalamualaikum, Good Afternoon

Student : Waalaikumsalam, Good Afternoon

Researcher: Sebelumnya terima kasih atas waktunya, saya ingin

menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan untuk kamu, pertanyaan

pertama yaitu, apakah kamu menyukai bahasa inggris?

Student : Lumayan suka kak

Researcher : Apa alasan kamu menyukai bahasa inggris?

Student : Karena bahasa inggris kan bahasa internasional, nah jadi

kami tertarik kak buat mempelajarinya

Researcher : Dalam bahasa inggris ada 4 skill, Salah satunya speaking.

Jadi apakah kamu menyukai speaking?

Student : Ya lumayan suka kak, Tapi kami masih belum lancar kak.

Soalnya kadang kami dak tau cara bacanya. Terus vocab

yang kami tau belum banyak. Kalau lagi belajar bisa sih

dapat vocab baru tapi pas itu lah ingatnya, pas minggu

depan masuk lagi sudah dak ingat lagi kak

Researcher : Ketika guru meminta kamu maju kedepan untuk berbicara

bahasa inggris, apa yang kamu rasakan?

Student : Kami malu kak, terus grogi juga kalau disuruh ngomong

didepan kelas tuh. Kami tu takut takut nyebutin vocabnya

kak, buat kalimat be masih kebalik-balik


Researcher : Ketika belajar dikelas, apakah guru mu mengajari cara

pengucapan yang benar dalam bahasa inggris?

Student : Kadang ngajarin sih kak, tapi kek Cuma sekilas be. Kalo

kami sih masih kurang bisa kak soalnya Abis tu ya biasanya

langsung disuruh ngerjain tugas kak.

Researcher : Apakah kamu merasa kesulitan dalam pengucapan kosa

kata dalam bahasa inggris?

Student : iya luamayan kak, tapi kadang kalau kami dak tau. Kami

nanya sama kawan kami kak.

Researcher : Tapi paham kan pas gurunya jelasin materi?

Student : Paham sih kak, tapi kami orangnya mudah lupa. Jadi kadang

kalau ada tugas kami ya nanya-nanya lagi sama kawan kami

Researcher: Ketika minggu berbahasa inggris, apakah kamu

menggunakan full bahasa inggris?

Student : ya lumayan lah kak, kalau kami dak tau vocab nya kami liat

dikamus kalau dak tu kami Tanya kawan kak. Tapi kalau

udah dak tau nian pasti kami ganti pake bahasa arab soalnya

kadang pas kami ngomong bahasa inggris. Eh kawan kami

malah ngomong bahasa arab kak. Kami jadinya ngikut gitu

Researcher : baiklah terimakasih ya, semangat belajarnya ya

Student : iya kak



List Of Interview

1. Apakah kamu menyukai bahasa inggris?

2. Apa alasan kamu menyukai bahasa inggris?

3. Bahasa inggris memiliki 4 skill, apakah kamu menyukai speaking?

4. Ketika guru meminta kamu untuk berbicara di depan kelas, apa yang kamu


5. Ketika belajar bahasa inggris apakah kamu mengerti yang guru jelaskan?

6. Apakah guru mu mengajari bagaimana cara pengucapan yang benar dalam

bahasa inggris?

7. Ketika minggu berbahasa inggris, apakah kamu sepenuhnya berbicara bahasa

inggris atau tidak?

8. Apakah kamu merasa kesulitan di pengucapan kata?









Name : Siti Aminah

Place/Date of Birth : Tungkal V, 21 September 1999

Gender : Female

Address : Pematang Lumut, Kuala Tungkal, Kab.

Tanjung Jabung Barat

Phone : 081273093539

Email : [email protected]

Formal Education

1. MA PPM Al-Hidayah Jambi, Graduated in 2016

2. SMPN 2 Betara, Graduated in 2013

3. SDN 22/V Pematang Lumut, Graduated in 2010

Experience Organization

1. Member Of Pramuka

2. Member of ISPIAH ( Ikatan Santri PPM Al-Hidayah )