Download - Senior Make-up Work Quarter 1 Suarez


Senior Make-up Work

Quarter 1


Task 1

Government & Economics

Unit 1 Performance Task

Task: Use the documents to address the following question:

Athens operated under a system of direct democracy where all eligible members of the electorate (people who can vote) were able to vote on policy.

Driving Historical Question: To what extent could the Modern United States of America function under a system of Athenian (direct) democracy? Part A. Closely read documents A-D and determine what is important in each

document by answering the accompanying question(s).

Document A

Based on Document A, how does the geography of the United States compare to the geography of

Athens (Greece)?




Document B

Based on Document B, discuss two major differences between the democracy of Ancient Greece and

that of the Modern United States:





Document C

Based on Document C, discuss two potential problems with allowing citizens to vote on policy.





Document D

Based on Document D, discuss why the author of this cartoon would oppose Athenian democracy in the

United States?





Part B:

• Write a claim that answers the Driving Historical Question.

• Support the claim with evidence from at least 3 different documents.

These are facts that support the claim.

• Provide your reasoning/argument for why the evidence supports the claim.

• Use additional paper, if necessary.

Athens operated under a system of direct democracy where all eligible members of the electorate (people who can vote) were able to vote on policy.

Driving Historical Question: To what extent could the Modern United States of America function under a system of Athenian (direct) democracy?

Task 2

2 Performance Task

Skill Standard: GOV.1a (Written Analysis)

The student will demonstrate skills for historical thinking, geographical analysis, economic decision making, and responsible citizenship by a) planning inquiries by synthesizing information from diverse primary and secondary sources;

Content Standard: GOVT.4e

The student will apply social science skills to understand the Constitution of the United States by e) analyzing and explaining the amendment process.

Task: Use the document to address the following question:

Driving Historical Question: Did the Framers of the U.S. Constitution

create an amendment process that is exceedingly difficult?

Part A. Closely read Documents A-D and determine what is important by answering the accompanying


Document A

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two

thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in

either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this

Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several Statesby

Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may , or

be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the

Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and

fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its

Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate

Source: Constitution of United States of America 1789 (rev. 1992), Article V

Based on Document A, discuss the two steps of the amendment process in Article


Document B

Based on Document B, discuss two effects of the amendment process in Article 5.






Document C

“I never expect to see a perfect work from an imperfect man….If the constitution proposed should

once be ratified by all the [13] states as it stands, alterations in it may at any time be effected by nine

states.” (At that time, the nation consisted of 13 states, but the Constitution allowed for amendment

through the initiative of nine, or two-thirds.)

Source: Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Paper 85

Based on Document C, discuss Alexander Hamilton’s belief about the





Document D

The makers of the Constitution wanted to create a firm basis for the exercise of governmental

power. However, they were wise enough to know that if they made their document too rigid, if

they wrote it so that it could not be revised to suit future times and events, they were inviting

future revolution. They would be creating a situation in which the only method to effect

change would be to cast aside the Constitution itself. As George Mason noted at the 1787

convention, changes would be necessary, and it would be ''better to provide for them in an

easy, regular and constitutional way than to trust to chance and violence.''

So they made it open to change - but not open to change without great effort. James Madison

was among those who warned against making things too easy. It was important, he said, to

guard ''against that extreme facility which would render the Constitution too mutable.'' For if it

could be altered easily, the Constitution would be mere temporary law, not a document for the


Source: Mary Francis Berry, Amending the Constitution, New York Times Magazine.

Based on Document D, discuss the thought process of the founding fathers when

deciding how to amend the Constitution.





Part B.

• Write a claim that answers the Driving Historical Question.

• Support the claim with at least 3 different pieces of evidence from the document. These

are facts that support the claim.

• In complete sentences, provide your reasoning/argument for why the evidence supports

the claim.

• Use additional paper, if necessary.

Driving Historical Question: Did the Framers of the U.S. Constitution

create an amendment process that is exceedingly difficult?

Task 3

Government & Economics

Unit 3 Performance Task Content Standard: GOV.6d The student will apply social science skills to understand local, state, and national

elections by

d) investigating and explaining the impact of reapportionment and redistricting on

elections and governance; Task: Use the documents to address the following question:

Driving Historical Question: What political effects do changes in population

have on congressional membership?

Part A. Closely read documents A-D and determine what is important in each

document by answering the accompanying question(s).

Document A

The actual enumeration shall be made within three years after the

first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every

subsequent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law

direct. The number of representatives shall not exceed one for every

thirty thousand, but each State shall have at least one representative;

and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New

Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three, Massachusetts eight,

Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five,

New-York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one,

Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five,

and Georgia three.

Article 2, United States Constitution

Based on Document A, discuss two ways the Constitution addressed representation in the House

of Representatives.







Based on Document B, discuss two conclusions regarding Congressional seats after the 2010


1. -








Population Trends

The recently released July 1, 2014 population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau provide

reliable insights into population trends, but many factors in the intervening years can have an

impact on a state’s population on April 1, 2020 (Census Day). Some of these factors can be

anticipated with reasonable confidence, such as long-term trends in population aging and net

out-migration in states like West Virginia or the relatively strong population growth in states such

as North Carolina and Texas. Other significant events are more difficult to predict, such as the

impact Hurricane Katrina had on Louisiana’s overall population. Although the future cannot be

known with certainty, political wonks and demographers can paint a reasonable picture of what

might happen in the 2020 census and the subsequent reapportionment by

using current population estimates and projections.

Based on Document C, discuss two factors that could affect reapportionment following the 2020










Based on Document D, how does the number of residents in a state impact the power that state

has in the House of Representatives?





2017 U.S. House Membership (by district):


2017 U.S. House Membership (by district):


Population Estimate: 39.54 million

Population Estimate: 1.05 million

1st: D. LaMalfa 2nd: J. Huffman 3rd: J. Garamendi 4th: T. McClintock 5th: M. Thompson 6th: D. Matsui 7th: A. Bera 8th: P. Cook 9th: J. McNerney 10th: J. Denham 11th: M. DeSaulnier 12th: N. Pelosi 13th: B. Lee 14th: J. Speier

15th: E. Swalwell 16th: J. Costa 17th: R. Khanna 18th: A. Eshoo 19th: Z. Lofgren 20th: J. Panetta 21st: D. Valadao 22nd: D. Nunes 23rd: K. McCarthy 24th: S. Carbajal 25th: S. Knight 26th: J. Brownley 27th: J. Chu 28th: A. Schiff

29th: T. Cardenas 30th: B. Sherman 31st: P. Aguilar 32nd: G. Napolitano 33rd: T. Lieu 34th: J. Gomez 35th: N. Torres 36th: R. Ruiz 37th: K. Bass 38th: L. Sanchez 39th: E. Royce 40th: L. Roybal-Allard 41st: M. Takano 42nd: K. Calvert

43rd: M. Waters 44th: N. Barragan 45th: M. Walters 46th: L. Correa 47th: A. Lowenthal 48th: D. Rohrabacher 49th: D. Issa 50th: D. Hunter 51st: J. Vargas 52nd: S. Peters 53rd: S. Davis

At large (one district): G. Gianforte


Part B.

• Write a claim that answers the Driving Historical Question.

• Support the claim with evidence from at least 3 different documents.

These are facts that support the claim.

• In complete sentences, provide your reasoning/argument for why the

evidence supports the claim.

• Use additional paper, if necessary.

Driving Historical Question: What political effects do changes in population

have on congressional membership?