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TUESDAY FRIDAY-' NO. 60 $2 Per Year. Single Copies 3c.

Repu�licon M'KI N LEY Open Saturday evening-Closed Friday 6 p. m. I M�EKER

____________________ , � ' THE CHOICE. Sale of Winter Hosiery ! (A Biz .Sale ol Winter Underwear at S.;..e Time.)

An occ�slon to grasp without R wome11t's del�y I Here rlgbt at the slllrt , ·of November's chilltlaya, In tbe very lll!asou at your warm ueeds, we otfer yon a opeclalserl811 of Bill of the handaowest and best bargain duys In Wlntor : Hoai.ry. The.., •plendidly OJ•portnue monoy-oaviltgs are all, without excep· : price specialized from lhollll large regular reputable stocka wltotoe IU!sorl . are nlways rlglltly recognized the most complete iu yonr State, Tlltl ' are "brand new" season's prodnctions, choicely reliable in every

of wake and •lttaltty-the styles of the day,

Many Bargain Features Invite Quick Inspection. ,

STOCKINOS FOR lOC:, Wom e n's fast bl ack, Ingrain cott0n, striped welt•, donbiP Maco or Llltbleucbetl soles, scarced and most desirable, reg. 21'x:, numoors, 111 thi• sale .. , ........... , .... ... .. , .. .. .. . .. . .. . :aoc:

and 39C STOCKINOS, l!IC, Women's extra size fast black cotton, l'lltiuuud ribbed loll81 ingrain, �laco or nnbieLtched soles, spliced 1111 kl<s regular 87c and 30c, nmubei'B, ut tbis sale ... . . ... . . ,............... :19c STOCKINOS FOR lSC, Children's medium w e ight, black, mtd ribbed

casbtuoru, setuulets, witb lloriuo i:eelB!iUd toes, extm fir•• quality, regu­lat• 35c, unmbet·s, at this Bltle ... :.................................. :asc

STOCKIN<JS I'Oit :aoc, Cbildt·eu's l'ibbe<l black cashmere, seamless feet, 1lesirahl e weight, elastic, sizes 5 to 8,\, regnlur 25c, numbers, at tb's sale . . . . . .. . . . ....... .... ..... . . . . . .... . .. .. ................ . . . . . :aoc

· J5C and 4 JC STOCI(INOS FOR :19C and 35c. Bnys' henvy cordmo: r1 ·. · lted, imvorted Jlack cot.ton •(nd htgraiu, white lip heels aud tues, very,

elastic tUtu serviceable, regulur Uiic aml •12c, uUutbers, at this aula ..... l9C and Jsc.

25C .STOCKINGS FOR toe. Chil<lr>.n's fttst blndt henvy cotton ribbed,mll'· ·

roll'ed 1111kle�. regular lllade feer, tlunble kn.,cs, regular 2iJc, number, 11t this sule . . . . ..... , ...... ,., .... , .. , .. ...... , .. .... , .......... , l�C

'25C HALF HOSE FOI( 19c, Men's, fast hltwk, Imported cotton, lll!!tli'.llll umll1�nvy \\'ti�ht�, luuulseumetl1 Rplit.:eLl aulddB1 tlouble sol!t51 heels nml toeH, reg:nlat• 25e, •mmher, at this sttle-. , . . . , . , , , . . . . • • . . . . . . • . . . • . • 19C

asc STOCKINOS FOR 19c. Womeu's black lleecetl cotton, imporletl, fnll l'Pg"llllll' 1mul� goo<ls, BpliJJell heula nnd toes, R1lsizes, goOLl 2;)c, llltnth�rs, 11t this snle . . .. , .. .................. , ....................... , .. .. J�C .5TOCKINOS FOR 25c. Women's fust' hiHol<, benvy tnHl medinlll \\'eight, ltigh •pliciitliu>kles, double, soles, heels ami toes, full size•, nt thi8 R:tle . . . . .. . . . . ....... ... .. . . ......... . . . . ... . . . . . ... . . :.. . .. .. .. :zsc

JIJC HALF HOSE, 15c. Men's itlst blnck cotton, spliceJ soles, heels nntl toe•, l1i�h splicel!ltnldes, regnlnr !Uc, muubers, ut this snle..... . .. 15c 15C STOCKIN05 FOR 6sc. Wo men's fine gnnge fust black hose, t>xtrn leugths, !Jeuvy wei�l1t, do11111e soles, V€1'Y elustic nml regulllr 7tic, number, 11t thiH eule . .. ........ . .. . . ,,, .... , .. ,,,,, .... ,., .... ,.,, .. ,, ..• ,, 6:;c

·soc .STOCKINGS FOR 4:Zc, Women's blncl! cashmere, extm lengths, spliced nuklf8, double wlcs, . heds and toes, good weight, l'egnlnr 51Jc. IJIIUlbel', lit !his Fllle,,,.,,,,,, .... , ......... ,., ......... ,,,,,, ... , .f2C

STOCKII'IOS FOR :zsc. Women's lust lllnck ft�ece!l cot.ton, extr� full sizes. plnin ttml ribbe�l tops, •pllce!lnukles, tlouble soles, heels nud toe•. regnhu 2Uc, uumber, nt this .!mle ... . . . , ...... , .• .• . .. .. . • . . . . • .. • 25c

Orders Fllle<l No Agents or Branch Stores Anywhere. Free Dell,·erles l!y Our Clwn Wagons to Westfield a.nd Vltlnlt31 Dally • • ••


FOOTE. His Sure .Vote 233,Bryan's 129 Fnlar Re·Eiectad. In doubt 56. Incomplete 29. UNION COUNTY liVE

••LEY 1100 A Democratic Congress� IAJORin. Republican Ticket In

Westfield R eceived a

Majority of 364 against

305 Pour Years ago.

Bryan Oained 54

Votes in the




Union Cotloty bas g�ne Repnhllcan by :tiJont<l,SOO lllullm�electelln RepnlJlicnn congr·e,smnn nnd tl1ree nssomblymeu.

'l'he com:ty gave McKinley a mnjority '

TORAl, COU,EGE. ·, I f,:Ltcr returns plnce Oldo i11 .Ropnulicnn column. ,I I Nmv Ynrk State roll� npltupu�licnn unjol'ity of over Ul�,000. Muryl1uHI ia probably llepnblic:Ln.

j ol' fi,5�2 in 1800.

Cm1gre�:aman Cllm·Ies N. Fowlcr,prolJ..

•IIJly, has tbo llll'gest mujorit.y iu the �uw Jorsoy gives llloKi1llcy nmjol'ity of fl'Om 30,000 to !01000. lloth sides cluim llll1iluJa us IVO go to press.

Cllllllty. . , For the s!•coml timo Wil lia m i\IcKin

'l'ho mty of El1znbe!h gnve McKinley le)' has uofeatetl WilliRJU Jemlings Bry-:.,3H ftml B1·ynu 3,910, a mujority fot• au rnr U1ti Ln:esidency1 probably by n �he lwpubliunu ctmtlillute of J,4G4. This ltnw•r uwjurity In the el•ctoml college

is a loss fl'Oill t8U6, thnu four years ago. Tlw doubtllll Fowler's vote in the city ll'llR a,OiiO, Ol' Slltl.e�. l_lllve, probaulr, Lefl

.l \Villi b

'y the

. ,. , . Repnlthcaus.uml the lo.<B of these 1s the >llllllJmtl) of 1,110 ovet Mnn. The ns- c:nl8e of the Llefe•� uf the Democratic sembly cnntlitluteR pollo•l the fol1011'ing cou11Utlate. .. . vote: Kentucky is so ch:se that at the pre-

:il[cek€�� R., 4,Uiili s ent time it is not k1t01m which patly

Lannnerding, D., 4,442 gel� It. Both nre cluimiug it by vary'

lol(lllllj•Jrltles. Smith, R • 4,0U4 The hlg�est mnjority receivetl by Dry· P•t·k, D., B,DoS an was iu the thirty third tlistrict of the

Foote, R., 4,U58 . . � Tweuty-fil'st Assembly Disll'ict in New Cl•rk D. 4 260 York wblcll gave l1im tl1e whole vote, 4.

Plllinlleld has'


R bll b There were big Repuu1icnn los••• in epu cnn y 11

mO!!t of the couoties in New Je,.ey. I mnjority of over 1,500. McKinley re- Both PHI 'Iies nre clulwlug Nebmskn ceived 2,407 lind Bryuu 942. There but the DPmooruts buvo l•t·obably CHr


(lenorul Gl'ltnt Jtuuh·e1l JJI��cet 1\Jujcn·U.J' SlutJe 1800,

Below we gi vo the results of votes at every election since 1800. IBCO -Aumham Lincoln . . . .... . . , . 18()

Stephen A. Doug Ia,, ......... 12 J. C. Brec1iinri11ge .. . , .....•. 72 Johu Dell . . . . . . . . .... .. . ... . . 00 Lincoln's mujority .. .. . . . . . .. . 57

1804-Ahmhntu Lincoln , , .. , ....... 212 I George B. McClellan...... .. . 21 Lincoln's mHjority ................. 1!ll 18C8-U. S. Grant ... . . . . , .......... 214 Homtio Seymour .. , . . . . . . . . . . 80

Grant's rnaj01ity. . . , ....... 131 1872-U. S. Gr�nt ... . .. .... .. , ..... 28!1

ler's 1•ote wus 2,41i2 and M1m's 906. --- - '- -- Thos. A. Hendricks.····· . . . . 42 'l'he vote in Westfield, as was expect. THE LAT!lS'f AT LAI\GE. B. Gratz Brown . . .. . . . . . . ,,., 18

1vera 30 Prolllbltlon t icke ts CIU!t. Fow. rim! it by 7,000.

1 11. f f I R bl ' "' l\1 K' I

C. J. Jenkins ............ ",.. 2 "', wasH Ill avor o t1e epu ICIIIl•, "m· c m oy: David Davis.,., .. , ...... , , . . 1 ���inyl:::: ••;�gjo




eal.etsetr tll�L e

l� Co.



ctiont .. ' .. ' ,'

., ' ' .. •, . • 24() c.pyrtgbt, 11100, by Cborleo,A. oro,, i,UJ,·· .• , ... ' " • E 1 Grant'6 rnRjorily •. , . : ....... 223

pnhlicau vote was in th e 61·st llhnms .. "" "" "" """ n 8 DENT 11 KJNLEY, 1876-Samuel J. Titleu ..... , .. , .... 184


PHONOGRAPHS and district whe re a mujority of 108 \VIIS Iowu . ••• . ••• ••• •••• ••••••• 13 II'ESTFIEW TOII'NSIIII' �IMORITIES. Rutherford B. Hayes.''' .• ' ' ' 1B:i 1000 RECORDS JUST RECEIVED.

rollell up for McKinley. The Prohihi· Mllino.'' . ' • '·. • ' ' ' , ' '. '' . '• () For Presitl ent, Hnye's rnnjority.,.'., .. ,,',., 1 tion vote wus much greutel' than four William IllcKinley, 3G� ALL LATEST AND POPULAR VOCAL years 11go, tile "cold wuterites" volliug �brylllll!l. . . . . . . . . .. , .. , , .. 8 For Congres•, 1880-James A. Gar5eld .. . . . ...... . 214 AND INSTRUMENTAL SELECTIONS. 2a votes In the firBt district. Mnssachneetta , , ......... , .. 15 Charles N. Fowler, 318 W. S. Hancock.. ..... .. .. , ... 155

Chester M. Srulth, R"tmldican CIUJ<Ji. For AssemblytnP.n,

dnte for assembl)'luan, who Jives in the Michig1111. • • • . ,, ., . • . , ,,. . . 14 Chester M. Smith, Ellis R. Aleeket•, firBI district, mn behiml his ticket, :loliuncsotn , , , , , , , , , , , •• , , , . !J Cbnrles �\lOie,

322 GRt'ftel(l'S: wajorlty,,.,,,,,... 59 336 1884-Grover Claveiau(l , •.•.•.•..•• 219 201 James G. Blaine . .... .. .. : ... 1&'2 IJJ North Avenue, getting 283 votes, IVhile Atldi,on s. New llampsbiro,,,,, ' , " . ', 4 Coroner, �������������������������� Clork, the Democratic cnndidate fot• tile J 10 Dr. P. B. Bunting. 300

;;; •nme office, who also liv•s In thut !lis. NOW Ol'B�Y • • • • • • • • · • • • • • • • -::----,--,--------- Cleveland's majority . . ... .. . . BJ

************'*********** ft� h'ict nm aheatl of his ticket by 18 votes. North Dakota .• • • • ; • •• • : • • • 3 West Virginia • • • ,,,,,,,,.,, Q 1888-Grover Clev eland ........ , .. 168

TUTTLE 8 R·os *.)(� 'rhe Soda! D e mocmts J>olletl 8 volts in New York,,, . , • , • , • , , , , . , , 36 Kansas,,,, . . ,,,,, ., •. , , • • . lO Benjamin Hijnlson .... ...... 233 .,.

the fit�t district. Ohio . •. . . • . • . . • , • , • . • • , ••. 23 Bnnison's mnjot·ity,,,,,,. • . o:;

b .11<* 'l'hesecowl district, where the biggest Pcnnsylmnin,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32 'rotnl • • ••.•• . . . • • . . • • . , , • • 56 "'I' Democratic vote is generally ens\, guve 4 Incom plote: 1802-Grover Clov e land ..••........ 277

C 0 a I a��.,a Lu m e r. �*

���:���:.�:: :�{:�!�����::�?::�;::i� e�: t�:;�:�:��:���� : : ::: : :,: .: :: ::: : ��:�:a��:·.·.·.::::::: :·: �::�:.:;�<�::: . ���e�lll1� �;::.���::: ·::::::

· 1� II � b N "' .. , "'''·'','"_. Cleveland's mnjorlty ..... ... 110

* ����!;: b���;0�1�;t��teti�:�:t. I>u����. 21�� �����11;1���. : : : ::::: :: :: :: ::: 1: . U/�}�;::���·.'::::; J:;j";'}:·::!?: .: : : � 1600-Willl�lil McKinley,,,,,,,,,,, 211

JlL Social Democt'l;tic cHutlitlnte lot• pres!- D I 3 Ol·agon, , , , , , , , , ',·,.;·,:-; > .. ,', , ', , ! Wm. J, Br,\'llll"' ' ""' ""' l'lG Yards-Westfield avenue, � tleut, rf:lceind u \'Otfls, nml Ol'luue, cnu- 0 IHV!U'O •• •. , , , , • , • , , , , , , , . . . , .

� WllShing�o!J',·,,,\'·,�;.:·;,;-·,·,,,,,,,4 _McKinley's mnjol'ity,,,,,,, .. 95 reuf'HONe tllll'---• tlidute fm· the "'amubly ou the sumu lick· 1'otnl , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 233 Idaho . .

· 3 The vot" nt the present election will ***********'********

***** et,��:�::;:1r�:�l\�,� for 11re•l•leut ou the Fol' lll'ynn: .· . ·;,, ;

· .

· "' • • ' ' '• '' • ' ' • ' '' ' ' ' ' ':_ lli'ObtLhly "1'"'d' Spring and Broad streets, Westfield.

,· 1-, :d)1·21·.du pLtao, ::U/Jly w···.� .11' V:� . ·:� 1.l c./('.: !L'�.-;1 p.·!;;!! oHr�r:; a L·r ::-·:•: k·-:eo�mcnt tlt.lll " n�w piomo of ln�t:io 'u�t:.l :' ,\t tlt� f,,,m� l'(J;t, S:nd fol' �nt lcul,ltB ('01\Ct'rllhli! ,,I{�Jllly iJt,, .• J pt.TU0.1 (If llr<d ul vety illtr,u:llv�. prices und '""'"'

\\',1111-:ll"mmt �� n11d D We�::: !iJih St., New Vorl::.

PLANT TREES now Ia tho tll!lo to

PLANT TREES If yon tlo uot like to

PLANT TREES 110f80liUJiy 1 gl\'tl )"lllll' !1l'llt11''1 IO

� J�:l.c\..1.� J:A f: 'l'hc WES'l'PIEI.Il XL:HSEHYMAN llllll nt tho HlllllU fitUII l!ll!(llUU h(lll fo llluut. then1 Ho wtll l ''llUt. t.hNll \ll'llJil!l · )', llH �111111 /lH II' )'llll 11 tllt. )'IIIli' ... Jt', lll lll ull til{\ tl'olllt1" yon will huVII IH lo llULII lilw yu1n· ch!!clc wlum 11111 wurlc Is 1luuu.'


Pruhlhitiou ticlwt:, ruceivell 22 votes, AltLbunm ' •• • '' • �,' ••' • , , ,·.-·/;11 , 'l,otul., •. '' ' ' ,, ''' • '• '' '' •' .�·0 �BicKlnley,. , ... , .. , ,, . ,, ,, .. , 28G61> . . . . .. , ---·-- l')'lllt ..... ...... . . . . ..... . . . I

mul l{tmutHiy, cltntlillntu for COIJ.!:fl'es�, A1•lmmuLB , • , , , , , , , , , , • ', ; ,\'·f}: ·S wuut him llmtttlt'. F1lol'ldu,, , , , , , 1,,, 1 •'-,, ,\:; ::::�<:·· 4

'rlw vote: Georg in .• ••••• ' ' I • . ' •• '·; ' ; i ; : 'ia I'IIIH'l' IJIH'J'IIIC1'.

n. D. Pres. Mol\lult•y UOI llrynu lOll Vong. l�'uwll!l' !!llii l'lnu ltlU A�sum, Mt•elwl' 2111 Lnlll llli.'l'lling 107


Pt'I!H, Cnnfi.

Smith ��II l'lll'l! 10·1 Footu Unnl ll l!:

P. Wouil••Y Kulllll'tly

211:1 uuu

�a !.l:J

Ul!U'k 1�1 Chullr!c 1UJ s. lJ,

AHHlllll, Khlfl :J� � � �

KnHuol' :.!1

(;011 ifoli!\Jl ft 1 t I i j 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 8 �lidsis;lppl.,,,,.,.,,,,,,. ·•• D Ulssoml., . . ,,, .. ,,,,,., ... 17 Nortl1 01u·ollm1,,,,,,,,,, •• , 11 South Onl'oll 1111 , , , , : . , , , , , , • ll �l'mmussoo I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 12 'J'uxus 1 t 1 I I I 1 II I I I j I I I I I Ill .I 0 Vll·glnl!t • • • • • ,, ••• , , , •••••• 12

���0L1'l 1 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ] 20

81u' (Juu141n't Stnntl It, 11No.'' flnhl th(l lwnutlfttl nl.'tl'PRs: "I

cnnnot 1)[1 ,\'0111' wlt'1!. Ilm·p ym1 tlPnrly, Ml'. I�l'ost, 111111 1r ym1 hntl nn.l' nlh••l' nnmo I wouhl lw �lml ln ��� th1•nugh ilfl' Rillll'ill� ,\'0111' ,/11,\'R 111111 Hlli'I'Oli'H/'

1111\1(." )H) )li'U{\'�tf•il, 111l\�' llnllli1 �honhlnnt Hltlll<l In tho \I'll)'. \\'hut I< It �hnlu·�J!t•nt'P ����·H'I 'A t'uHt� lw tlllY olhtH' 11111111! Wt1tll1l FIIIH'II 1\f-' t-!WPt•L' Wl111t lR tiH' llltlltPI' with 111�· n n1tH• '! Jlot•R il!Mtnl',l' l'l'l'>ll'tl ll Hlll�lt> tllll•it Ill' llllll'llt'lil)' '"''''' t•ummllh•tii>Y 11 l•'rn<l'l �II. ,\it, 1]111'1111.�, S/1,1' ,\'Oil 11'111 llllll;t• !llllllll• hnpph••l 111/lllnll ''lll'lhi"

11Nu, 11o! I l'llllllld! I l'llllllnl \" t�hP lii11111JIIII, "\\'11,\', l!' 1 1\'tll't' to \11111'1'�' �'tlll 11\'11/',\' /U'\l'i'•/ll,pi,' JIIJilll,'I'JIIJ)H•J' Ill lhto

llolluL' �I Col', S)'OI'H 21

IJolJ• K11uh lllt:h Orhmu Joulw 0K1t•l'liohl

M JJoubtrul! � u Kulltuolcy ,, ,,, , ,,, ,,, ,, ,, ,

liHllunn 1 I It 1 1 I If I I I 11 I I I I I

Nubl'llHJm , • 1 , • , 1 •• , , ••••• 1 ,

1,') en\11111'�' would lu, · .�nnwllillllrl tn I'll\� 111•"- l lll11\'III11Ll Hlltl\11 1lliP l•'l'oJ.Il �l!tHI Ju ilni·IIH�I"ul·,.,.,,l,···d n1 ,l·,.�t•·l'dll)''" 1'"1'· 8 lnt'tllllllt'J','" .. ('hlt•ll�ll 'l'lllll'fl·lll'l'llltl,

Oolunulo 1 1 1 , •• 1 • , , 1 , , , , , 1 , ·1

lint• I{, Now n lnrgfl, tlnrk YflH�rl wn!l lln­RCI'il'tl ill lhu llo<llOI'Il<, llt'll'hlll� lll'Q Rllll 1\'llidll�l tiH• L'UIHII'S nf lll!ls" hi�llll'> lc slwi'!'S with lit!' lillllllit'l' of IH'I' !(/IllS.

"Whnt lmrl; IH thul'l" llili�ll the �Ill• tun.

'''l'hut, I tnlw It, IH llw hm·lt (If lhiJ clo1�� or wru·," I'll hi tJw gl'lllld \'17.1(·1' wfC· til,\',

'!'ill< >llll;· \I'll< ft�llnwo•tl h;· n •ll·lct lllll'l)' lnn�h. t111• lli>il""'tlon gi'Oillllllr:.­lldl'llli. .llllll'll:tl.

Wh�· .\lm "'Uh nu1• ���·,.r .lw•l,lll�·· I 1-H,\', uhl hu,\', tlllt-� IH m,J

lll'MI lln,l' nl,.h,.ollll. l'nu ml�lil to•IIIJie lllJ'IIIlfil!l•lli'i' \\'IIIli jH'OjliJ• M!Jll( 111\(•(•)'0 fol· ll'hl'tl lllP,I''l'l' uluilllu nll,l'ihlng.

llo�iclllN . . ·/ Ill, I lltll'M jll'l't'l•t•li,l' Hllll[lltlO Ill)' lit'lll' fl'iiuw, \'1111 HI'!', if ihl•,l' IVI'I'O fll HllllJ !HI[il >',l'i'H fill•,l' ll't!lllJ!ll'(lll! flloltl tu Kt•u llll)'1hlnu.-l'iclc Jlc 1111, ....... ..J

' Dt>USFHOLD ITEMS. let'tral 1'1Dlel)' !lia•�·.a.;ntilua• fur thr

Bt>uetit of tJu> nu�o}· llulnt' .. "·Ire.

SOme brantifulh t• mh:·ni ;lrrn1 rl'Il · .f'!':lit•ct'!5 fo r• t lu. ' u u l tl lli ll t a l ,:�· Wt' l'l'

�hown ut a l'l'l'(_'ttt ,;:dl' wt·· · �t t h \\ ot ' !;l":qw�. pt':lr�. appk" :tnd p.•::L·I:t•:-: l.Jt:· i'ng i n t n t wi nct! \'l i t h htl l ' ll!- or p:l·n ty . lllltl Ull' dt•:-=igu e!Hl.Jroidl nd i n 11 \l l l t l':d t:!oltn� (Ill i i tH•n uf. un c�ru ti u l , H.l�·:: t•ht• St' l\' York i'o:-ot. . Tla• mvt ! :! ; ! i u tJ ' ! I Ipt•�t ry �1]1 1 :\ l 'l':O: ofHn 11srcl fnr· l ihrar.r n nrl parlor p; l low.• lll'(' �onwt ilm•;.: ro!l\'l'I'h•d ln�h·:Hl i ntu ·phot ograph IIIOilJJ f s . Th t• mcdall1o11 ct•n t er is rut ntlt, t h t• t•dgt• 1 1 J I'll l'l1 l't!rk nnd t lt'n t ly houll tl \\'ith g·oid ot �;i]n•t· h 1·a id, nn;1 t he pletttrl' imH'l'1{'<1. Jn this wny tl1e tapestry b<•eomcs il \\'111 1 hanging or m a�· be moun1erl on e :; tan clanl to stand on 11 mantel 01 large table. Tapestry pieces uljout JE itJcll('S squ<�re should bl' .se1ecit1d.

A llonsel;:ceper fnt!.t•cl for·the SCI'!lnl• lllerl eggs set·red ut ]J(.'J' iuble sn�·:: that she n lloll's n full tnblesJIOon(ul .cl milk to cncil egg, anil prefei'S 11111t 'a JlUrt of the mill; .slmll be crenm. 'fhis is poured Into t11e sldllet or blaztr of tl1e chnfing·llish, untl nl· lowed to come to scald, when n smnll piece of butter· and u little snlt . are 11dded, and the eggs, preriously broken Into n bowl ns for poncldng nnd \\'holly t1nLenten, nrc poured in. .As they begin to tldcken, they are I'UIJidly ben t en wi th n . silyer fmlc, uud left only n moment longer before the 1!1<illet is taken !rom the fire, and tl1e eggs, clelleately ancl wholewmely �;crnmbled, are larned Into a bot serl'· 'tng·dish.

·So mnny noted chefs ha1·e come from Alsace 1 hat tltc prorlnce has ecldeved, nnd just l�·, rt. wiclc I'C]llltn­tion for excclhmce in cookery. It is, thc.>refore, nn e�]leeinl 1'ecornm('ndn .. tion thn t n tleticious nml ecmlomicnl EOIIJl mnclc from pen·J>mls is often Eened nt tl1c tnblc of nt11 i\lsntinn family lh·ing in ll"ew Yorlc, A lmll· peek of pods nre wipt•d thoroughly,



,..ri-1·1� . col'·:II�<J Itrrs OF HOME.

u�u From Stoves to Blankets

From Socks to Overcoats

Fro·m Stockings to Furs

From Glove to Hat

From Shoes to Cloak

From Hassock to Parlor Suit

From Tack to Table

From Pillow to Bedstead

[�f�rml�� �I wwf�I r���mu r�m[� THANKSGIVING sUPPLIES

lo01e uf the l'rl'th' 'J'IJhtWI lor l,adle.s \\'car 1'hal Ar>l' lhlh.>t•fl•d

In I I , nt�nl Inces Ul'e lwfng 111�('(1 to n re•

lllitrliltblc l'XI L"n l , Chtn _r • • \ J'll h i u n,

po i n t t l '.-\ h•JH'OII, l l' h·dt poi n 1 . l 'o i l l l dt• l•' l:m:tres and l't� nal�httm•c tu\dt1�· t h t� ll'ad. Hat is1 t' hll'l':o; Hl't' 11/ ..... CJ l!l l!<'h lront as t ri II I Ill i ug for t•lo1 1 t ol' r:i lk, t l t ·hign:; t'Djlil'rl from :t l't' old lnl' t's l l t• iug· t ' !ll · lwoidt>red on t'el'll hal h: fl•. :-ii lk up· pliqlll' on JJC' I , ami n•ln•t n J>Jl1itJIH-' 011 lll'f or· �i lk, UJ'P t l' intmi llg·s af' pop ulm n� }al't', mul �l unni ng- l i t t lt• cnut� url' mndt• vf Ulnl'k \l'ln.'l. uppl iquc ot \ ('Oil l'�'<.� net :uui JirH·Il wi1l 1 wJJil t·. },n· ol ilPI' )1£Jpuln r tl ' i m m i n g is nm cl (• h,\' lu ,ring· s i lk, witlt an i l'l't'glll : tr m11 1 i 1H�� 11)1011 doth, nne! �mhr�i!lt•ring i t 1o th e gomls in self shtlll!'s, t 1 1e Jlostou Jludg�L

llesed11 and tlull J•usset tire prom i· nc11f �olors umong the uutumn gowtl models; but first, Jus! nnrl nlway• comes the blue gown. 'l'lle hiCI' i tn!Jlc Ul ne · 5el'ge has ulwu,rs be(�Jl wltJ1 us� but ncnr did it uppenr i n such Rolld phn]uuxes us now. Nn\'�' blue, lhtssin11 bl ue1 periwlnl<le blue-un,l' blue goe• -bn� nnl'y und llnssinn ll l'e prime fn· I'OJ'ites, Probubly lhe tlesi t•able effect of il1e color, In eombhll\tlon wlt.h the wl1ite and gold ot' l>lnck nnd gold trimming so unll'ersally popnln1•, ac· eonnts for the rage:. for · blue : bnt wlmteYer lbe c:1nse, the result I• emf· nentl1r sntisfncicr,r. There .is. 1io (lnrli color eo unll·crsnlly bccomh1g ns blue, It will clenr It oomplcx,lcin only nggl'O· vated by green OJ' bro\vn or blnel!. No co lot' jnrs with' It, nncl . : nlmost· nny b!onse hat or cdilt : is ' pri,cticnble with 1!. - - ' · ' ·

Oslrlcb feathers .nre.' 'nlrenrly' show· lng tl1emseli·es In the: mi lltnr�· estab· Jishments in nil colors;; lind tlley can be fonnrl to blenrl wltidhc soft shn<lee Of the Jmndsome 1iell' C]o!lJS, lt wn; l"'ophesietl elll'li · I n the. spri ng thut t liey would be p�]llllnr, nnd i t is prob· nble thnt tliey wiJI bc,....cel'tnlnly nn etTnrt is being n!ncle in t hat direction.

MULLINS & 2 1 8 and 220 Markel Street, .


The largest and most complete Furniture and Carpet House in the State. Your credit is good. fore purchasing elsewhere call see our specials.




only $22.50


nol WI\Sllell, which wonlcl dostm,r the Free Oell'verles I'D l!reater New York and at New Jersey :lln•·or, nntl (lUI o1·er tbe lire in nbont lJ Jlor the cul'ly fall lht• stout Oxford

m· low-cut slwr "'ill he won1 with t.he l1enl')' sole nn� lll'ond extension, !�,-�0;.��1':�.�;. c�l�:�.����:J:

·�.�:; ���u�� Railroad Stations,-HAJINE & CO. , Newark N. J.

1:oo mnch wa1cr. 1he �m ount bt•ing l·------.... -................. ..,...,...,...,...,...,....,...,..,.111_111_111_111_..,._ .... 111_111_111..111..111...111...111 There nrc still t a n sho<� in the sl10]1R, nml I nn slmcs umlouht rdl,Y nre eom· fortnb'e. They re�nh•c ll'ss tre11tnrrnt in clselng nnd nrc const�c1 ucntly l'l0r1 c1•, bul it cunnot be sn i<l that. 111ey nrc fushiounhlc, com;cqucn1ls fo1• ( he woman who wishes io \\'l'nt' tlwm st i 11 they he hnd nl reaE-;onnhle }Wirt•S. It has heen sni<l tl�t�t. women ohjcl'l

gaurrecl by the quantity or ]lOds, Sim- - -��--�----� ��----------- ---- .. . . D1Cl' till ten<ler, then, if for II puree , CENTRAL R.R. oi' NEW J:ERSEY :IDil'CCtOl'\'!-IPl'Ofcsetonal. }IJ'Cf;:S t1J roug11 n siC1'e, tHlding mi lk, (Antl.traeH6!.'(1(d IIStof} eXCltiSil'f.ll}\ lilbUfiDJ; 1m t ter null sen5oning. jf a clt.•nr sou p :lul\nUul!�s aud comeort.l . is wishcd1 strnin tlJrougll n eolahcler, fiCi.l!.iou n ml sene with crontons. The -lldtW iorJ of a little goorl mc11t stock to tl1o olem· so11p is desit·a ble.

AN UNPROFITABLE DE AL. 'Jronhlc,; o£ ll IJrHl:<f." �\gent \\'1\o ""ftM Outwlttell hy n Scltcmlng


.·when the agent wns ca11ed to tlle 'pl1onc to Ull!;\}"er qttest ions about tl1e 11cw double house in one of the most (leslrnble locations i� the clly, lte an· •w�red lil<e one disgnste<l and of l ittle faith. He had told 40 people all about the ho11se, hod slw'wn whole famil ies through, hod loaner! t� keys to oth­ers who fo'rgot to mnke n reh1rn for ·wee1\s, nml lwnestly belien!tl, without the eoumge to soy so, that tl1e pluce was n hoodoo. snys the Detroit rrce l'ress, This time he gasped nnd struggled 1o tulk in a tone of i ndilfet·enr.e when 1he womnn at the other end of tile lin� told him that sh� would !alee tl1e fiOt1th side an� WRJ1ted it pnt 'in con­d ition nt once. II� prom ised m•et'}"· 1hing nnd hnstened to d1·nw tile lense. ,lust ns he lmd finished nml.felt like dancing ·n hornpipe, tlie telephone rang ntJd he leul'ued from the same ]nO\' thnt she had c1ecidcrl t o take the 11o;th side. He g'l'oltne'd wJ1ilc m11ki ng ()U( nnothe1• lease, and ns l1e fairly jumped on it wi� n blott ing pad he \\'ns cnllell nml told t b n t t he plaster fn the kitchen of the nortlt slcle wus in horrible eomlltlou, and that she lmll lo take the south side, nfto.r nl l,

He llOtmdcd t11e wall \'ocifel'ously and swoi'e mentnll)', b11t l imited l1is tall< to: . "Jill ri ght, mndam." ],'if. ieen min utes htel' l1e was in fm·mrd that il l1e would hn1·e t.hnt plus,ter n1nde snfc sl�e would prefer the no1·th Eidc. At t11 is he sl10we<l temper, and after a spirited worll J"ntch sl1e in· formetl him lhnt. sho'll tnl<c both sides If lac'd mnl;:e u rensonnble figure. 'fln·n abe would be pretty sure that slw l 111 d "'lm t she wnntecl. As tllel'e were lJnt three in her lmmcrllntc family he En cered at thi s, and put in n bluff n t �0 ct•nts on tlJC dollnr, which wns !napped so quiclcly tliat It lln"e<l l1im. She wus in the llllice befm·c be had the lntest lcnse mnde out, and bnd liccuri 1y with hct't if wnnh•d.

She had eccut"ed "'hat she stnrtcrl ()lit fol'. ns 1ll'1' lJrotlJel' bus 11 !urnily t�nd \\'a nted jtJ<t sneh 11 home. '!'he ogo n l iH 1lod�ing his Jll' laiclpal, nn <l i s In n 'tate of mlnil to mnk<• It nnplens· ant fol' nil\' 01' a ll o f that l!lt"s of J1hllosoplu,;s who conte1ul thnt n \\'nmu n 1\JHlWR nn1 hfng uhont !JusJnrss. Jle is fiHHirt uml lwows thut he Wil:i trimnw<l hcall tifllllJ'.

l'lc ldt•al l't•n4•ltt•��t, Vor lnl l f n pU'k o: li n l' pt·at•llf>!- t n lH•

tel l ponntl:; nf lll'oWII ����·:n·, 11 pll l l o f ,.,lll'!!t\1' 1 1 1 1 11 ! I n l l l i iii'(' or i� t i c·l< rlm:�t · nJOn. HiJI t h t· )Jl':H·lw� I II 1 1 0 1 Wll l t ·r nrul l'llh ! h i' �1\ i n J.: rdl', :-; l i t• I.; four · r • lon:­in r:J ! 'h J IPI I i !h I I J J r f pu t \ h l' l l l i J I I O l h t• \·int•gur ll!Hl HErnt· ( w h il' la � lwn:d Pl'r· '' 1011!-� ly h1• htd ] l · d 1 0.!..!'1 1 !il'l' �!O 11 \ l l l l l l t · .� td:h t l lP r • i nn :J J i l i l l l ) ' I lid !'!Jill; 1 1 11 1 fJ lt I I· tln,- l l tJ IIH' )Lt�� � � z i tlt',

,, S r• l thh l l nl l .ul tlll, " l l ou 't ,) otn· l':t t ht• J ' n �li 11 h lt ·�� · l 1 1\.!

0\'11 1' l ht• food 11 1 \' IJI I I' l J o t t ·: l • , J /D1 J ld 1 • '."' 11.\up. ruu 1- 1'1,' l it• 1 ' 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1': 1 1 l lot li l n '

·rn t l !- 1 ' h 1•\ lfld � w·h 1 1 � · ·n· tuot 1 1 .1 1-Cil' YI' : n 1Hl l ' lu lu IJ1·n : t • r·.

'l'luu• uud ,,. nne •r, '1'1 1111' 1 1 1 1 1 ,1' ! 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •,\'··· 11 1 1 1 I t t u lu ·�

n I n ! u r 1 '0111 I l l 1 ' 1 1 1 1 bl l • t:0/111' lUI' II to I I II I'<' 11 �'""I tlwu,-t.'hit'llgtJ 1J11ll,V l'i' "'"'

1'Jme·tl\ble In Jt;ff()ct 0�1. l·l1 lfi(JO, ·rralns lc:wo Wet:!tfltJhl for �\m York, .:.;n"" Mk &all Ji;Jh:a.belh 1�l (:J 48 uxcwt �uwnrk)5�

6 41, 7 UU, 7 3!1, i ·\1, i fle, S l:?, 8�:1. 8 U, 8 5i, ll 28, 111 llil, 10 4�. a. tJ•. 12 :!il, l!! iM\, 1 ·17, 2 ·RI, 3 il� t 2�, 5 (1':\ •.10! -> ·l1, 7 1'i, S Hi, l.l 3'l, ll�ti, I0 :!7, ll a\11 r�J:r· §��\�;!�lti {� !r. <:.

x�;��1·��i��,·���;;�l.�)?��,�: nri:J l t•!l, l J�. 2 r•l /c4"rt•Jll X��ntl'l•), :1 12. ,r; rJ!!, j U3, � 2'!, 8 4-,, {l � (cXCCilt �tlWIII'I�), �0 :-!� p,m, l!'or Pl�:�.intlclrl l Ui, l1 tl.!, ti 5C., ti ��1, u !!U1 111 4�, 1Hti, t\, lll• lUi!, *1 �'1.1. l li'i, !! i);, *tl li•, i HJ , 4�1, 4. :.:7, Hl:!, 6!:.S fi U:!, i1 c).\ � I C\3,() ��!.. \}:!',\, 1Uf;3. -;: �._ i 'l:J, 'i fl7, B 1:!, ., !j]1 ���, 10}�1 lJ J!� }l. IL,1 1233, J 05, nJsht �u����>�.\l)Ir.1�' fs·, � �t;·� � M; ,��.sS �j. Tir, 15� 11 fa;. �;��ln��?1&11';1,1}i iB, B un, \l 3!1,n.IJ1. t 57, :t,2l ����� i.f.�. s tf!J, �:��1�·1 1�: ., �A�\ �����tJ��\'9 \), m., 1 05 ni�ht.

h'or �:tu;ton, Bbthlehmu, Allt:ntowtl, ) rt!, 8 OU, 11 :JU a.m., tt::.uo to �ostun.l } i'Ji, ���·'e '2 :if:, W ��ats�t�!!�ott�.l��Jtll:c1 ���,J�'p.��:�; f EXCCJ•L �flLUI'dn)·13. t 1:\ntm·tlu,,·:; unlr. 'fhrou

fl}J tickets t11 ull pointe 1�t lOWll!lt rrLtet

�g����g��t��t �b������Ug:, in rnlvutce lo tbt I, li. OLHAUSEN, H. P, BALDWIN,

Geu'l Sup•t. Gtm'l Puss. A�t. WESTFIEJ,U l'OSTOFFICE,

L. ]!. Wll lTAKEU, PostmJLHter, A. K. OALE, AHst. and ;\!nney Order Clerk. W�l. �I. 'l'ow:-oJ.&\'. Heuern.l lJclivery Clerk. l!'n£11 .WIN'l'Eii, Clt!l'k. , Office OJICU f1·om 7 a. Jn. to 7 p. tn. excE!tlL on

��nunlu)'l!, Otllce ll(lllll Sundltys for hol�lcr!i of Lock Boxes from U to 4 o'dock.. .\liRl\'AL AND JJEl'AllTURE Of �JAIL�.

From New York, Ea�t, South and South. nwi�?��:�J��·l:��h·er�· at 7:00 lltld �:30 a. rn., �!AILS CLOSE.

For New York, Pblhulel{lbia., Trenton, tbt �:�����h �����lt1lo:&f����;��l���J'�l� �����m h�or Pll\lntleld nml Ea!ton and way sta.tioDf • ( 7:46 a. m. and 4:W p. m.

�JOUN�'AlNSI DE. Arrh'e at 7:30 11. m. nod 4:30 p, m. CloSf: at 8:30 :L. tn. and ih30 p. In.

UO).lf:STJU l'OST . .\OB HJ.TI':S, A ])IllY to mall nu�lter eont to Pue1·to Rico. Gnniu,· Plllltpplnes, C'llURiln. awl )lex leo.

Fil'l.'ot·!! Leltcl'l'l n11d Smll!d mutter: 2 cts. fur (lacb ounce or ft·1tction. ��coml-t:lass, NtJI\'SPilpei'S nml perfodic1ds:

let. for encb four nunces or rrnttlon. �l'ltird·c!a�. i\tiscellm.cous prlnt�l mattur: Jet.. for l!ach two OllJtces or ft·llctlon F�mrlheclnss. J\ ll mnt tt•r not lttclutlml ln first

tlu-ce cii\58CH: let, for �ach ounco or fmt·· tfun. Sl1WJA.T, UEJ,l\'lml.',

nij�. s��������e;:�;�.r>i���:�(Wtt1�� tl�l��}�.��l� �.f���

t� U11ite(l St!Ltes JlD.St oUlco. l'Ollt!O:i 1'0ST.ir1F. n,u,.;a

J.ettcrs ancl Senlerl ;'I.Inttet·. Octs. for ('Reb !JA.lf OllllCCOI' frllCIJOll, Postal Cards. Shu;lo, 2 ellch; tlonU!e 4 cts.



rocket. }:JrJJJtctl Mnttor, let. for ellch twn uunccH 01

fmc! ton, �lllUJlles of �Jerchnmlhm, Jet.. fnr l'ach l wn otllle<!S fll' ft'llelioll1 but not lt.!l-lll tlum :!ctn OZlt.'liCh ptwlwr. Parcols·l'ost Unlus. Consult. your JIOStlllush•J•, J10S1'AJ, !\10:;gy OI!IJJ:B.o! UULS he olJinl nt•ll llt ut• Jl!dtl lli :IIJ,I)(I'l llWIH!)' nnlcl'ufllcuH In I he L'I1itetl �l alt!!:!, IUHI uwy htJ dmwn tin 411 ftlflll!ln Ctl\lllii'Juo.

!('lw fet� for lltilllt��llt: Onlt·rp, I'IUI,i:L' frout :!ctfi. to :l•.lcttJ1 for llltl'rJU�tloaml Dnlen., fro111 u:�1�tt�U�L;�;;III olh�rtl l'lllfetrl 1\Tlll cum!Jlnes ueun. o11t)' whl1 slmplleltr.

'J'JIJ: IIJ:!II�'l'H\' l'iY�'ri:M, IJt'.!lt•I'H 1'nH1 n lnlHI: mollt')', ol' i •:trct•lti i JfYlll· llllllltJ Jnult t�J·, J-!iou)ll lll lt Ito t-t�Jl l lu 1 ht• mnlb

\\' ! 1 hotll !ll'llll . .! l't �lr�lt•i'l!d. H��:�.��!:;�;�:�� 1;�; �t�;��;;.�l (i::�lfl> lft ndtl l tlflll l (I \10�1 ·

,-:/Jf,. f t1111.-.1r MHI IJ!'oJ•••J' 1l1·llnJr�· nn•J!Joo'IUI't'l), A rt•t·l'li'l t�l�rtl'll lir tlw ndt\ l'l'.•.�t'l! lhl'�lll l llt!t l \o t111• ft'lttlt•l', \\ l lhnl l l ' 'XI ni t n•t, :\ tltlll.t•tolh• fl•f:l�\ 1'1'1'1\ Jto! IH I\IItlJ'I !oKI'tl l t i iiiJ) l'a l l t•ll ����t1•" Jllll"'{ ulll!•o !� l lll'lllt'utl f•JI' It� \'ldl\tl ! J i t fO\t' l l duillli'H,

'll.ocnt IDiL·cctOL'\�.

2117-SIIIIlll l i t aVi'll llll 111 111 l 'lll'lc �t.IWt, �1111 -Eim Ht.rl'llt 111111 Kltulmll ii\'Utlltt•, /i7JI-Jll'l>lt1J 111111 �(j(j,\I�HIIX Htl'illltA, 01111-CilllllHH'IIItlll St .. 111111 8uutll Avo, 81lil-J•'II'Il lJIIjllll'liiHJllt ltOIIHII, UI!-CunlH fltm!t., Um·woo<l.

Aftr•l MOnillng In lUI Rfllrlll Rl11n11 ni•Br tht! ORll 001 Ulltil Utr!VHI of IIIIPUIO!UI

A NGLE����i���·;�·LA \\', Bnnl< Bhl'go, \\"t:�tnchl., N.J.

EGEL, CHA.U/WEY F., D. D. S. L<nal< lllol� .• Wc•ltlclll, N . J .

Hours: 0-12,

to tliclll been use t he li�ht eolor mnl;es tl10 foot lool< l:u·gel', !Jut it is doubt· fnl i [ tl1ls is lbe ease. The nrernge woinn11 pass mo t·e nUt!nlion to the beauts of Htyle thnu to twl nal ht•aut)'.

Like this, Like this, $4.98 easily limn l>lnel< slJOcs. The rnhhing ·, � , �� The tan shoes det'aec nwch more '1\Jil lJ L � � N � &, s 0 N oi .n dress s1drl RHltinst tl11�m will pro· L. ._.,

H������i.:�'& COUliSE!,WR A'l' LAW dnce n blnck mnf'lc. Hat wh r..>llll-'1' fot• this 01' ntl1cr rensons, tlll'Y m·c not. fnshionnhle. 218u22C r�1a rket Street, Newark, N. J,

�1 .\�'l't!lt IS Cll .\!oi'CJ.:U\". ISSUH.\.SCJ.:; Elm '""' Qnlmur Stt.�ets, 1\'os\field, Slce•es seem to sll0\1' mo1'e of n

t emleney lo he putfecl out nl t he lo11·er·

O T I ! l': l t :'iTO B Ef; : JEB�EY Cl'J'Y I PATEHf!OK & llHOOKLYN.

MOY, G. wi,Y,yn;n, . than lhe upper rclgc, u n<l the hn,l'""" Purk Aycuuo Jllul 4tl.lSt., PlnJuflc1U, N.J.

in New York for• smn11et· plncrs, whem stsles nre less ex.\r.,ne thn n ltere, ar� unhnpp,r in lwfng mJC!eTtnin wlu!tlter the big !ilec''l'S on cont::.; wi l l be ]lopnlnr soon enough to wnn·nnt t1teh• lrrying in n stOck. 'l'lw gnthercd skil•ts m·� also n lritil to tlwm. Will tl1e,1' l1eeome popnlnr on\ oi N'e10 Yrirlc, or will mm·c.eonscrl·atil·e people adhere to the iDI'crted plait? 'l'hc skirts with Jongitnclinnl plaits, which l�nve l1een so popular, ha1•e been too popnlur, It l1as been said, to lust, but some of them nrc still to be seen on tl1c lutest gowns.

---------------------------- -------� ·

MOFFETT, Cho.s, L, LAW m'F!OE, 2:!1 Pnrk Ave., Plainfield, N.J.

F'I N E Cf.\RRIACES AND H A R N ESS of every description.


R U B B E R TIRE PLANT ATTACH ED. P1u·k AYe. nud :!tl St., PhLluficld, N. J


BahcJck, Hulhlin�,;:, Pl1linlleltl, New Jcrser.

A. L. M UN DY, Madison Ave., near Front St.,

PLAINFIELD, N, �. CHA8. CEE R, Manager.

VAJi J:MBURGH, H. C. Cl\'11, 1':-\GilillEii & SURVEYOR,

1:"12 Park Jl\'CII\lll1 PltLinfleld, N, ,J,

�ellgton.s 'Rottce.s. OUR ENDURANCE.

Nr:c:eMftllh· of All l'nrtH of the \\·urklnlo&' TnK·t•Uu�r In lhtr ..


flold,N.J. Uov. Gcorgtl t\. I!�J'nncls.PIIH· or. SundaJ· services: Prnrcr ::\lectin�-:" 10 ll. m. �����Iin�t!lo�;�,�· ll;-;r1,�.�!11 ������r?�l l:!o���o� During H!e each mcrnb�r ol t.lw hu·

PrellcYli!l� tJN.rn. :\tirl \\·cok prater meeting, n:nn body ]1l'cilluces )loison to itself. �,.�W!'i�J'�iit ttc:'s\l��(���e coJ;(l �ur inYitt!d When th i s poison ncetJ mulntl·� fostPr --:-:-:--===:---:--===--::-� 1 than \t. cnn be e\iminutccl, whicl1 ul·

CONrlREGA'l'JI)NAI, CHURCH 01' J tl I 1 UHRIS'!\ He\', ,limwll R . .f)l\!lforth, !J. W:I \'.S OCCU I'S UJl e-ss H! lUUSl' e H IS lin

u P l s 1 �� l s rtcu IO;JO in t;l'Vttl of rest, then will come In· �tiiuh:��li�i';oo'l 1i2( �>: \·�,���d1r1co1�i!•s 'vnli·o;

\1t"etln� r;.:Ju o'clock, Yes)Jer !'el'J'trtl �.30 t•. M. t igue, which is onlr a.nothcr l.'xpn�ssion Gm1ernl Pmym tueetin!,l1 \\'mlrmsiK.y, R 1•. for toxin infection, snys Populnr Sci· M. A benrty wclcouw to all. t�nce.

M�;1'l!ODIST l:P.SCOJlAJ. CHURCH. I! the n\ltsele is gi1•en nn in tet'vul of fence ��1·��- ��i�:����le����:��!:.·n.;;�:��I��· RJ:!� nst, sn tlH t t the! cell cnn gh't.> oiY i l s ··lee 10:311 o'cluuk. Suudu)'·school �.:11 P . M . w n s t e protluct to keep puce ll'i t h t he t�or�}lg0 V�����fm;tt,cem1�� 'i:teJ�·h��: ��:�J�f ll l'W pl'oductlons. tlu� lll ii!'Clc wj]) then ·•venin� nt � o'clock. Gencrul Prayn i\teet· li lJcl'ate energy fo1· n long t i me. 'l'his ing, Wt�1hle8llnr evtJulugH, "t B o'clock. AlJ l n t t t!J' condition' is whn t we call en· lt!Wo a��t����· ron a h£onrtr weicomoto tbest du 1·nnce, ����:�tf�;ll r:,.�o�L���'Ilvn,�� ';;}������· f��:� ;?�� !1.1).; [! II nl,\1' 0 t ]Je

ll' ponr11 (11'0 II!; n ll () j n l l'i- n�ft't���.·&s:ry�.:.!.� •• �.�,.·� .. g:thc��r.·wp'd·: ••• �. :l�o�.·� •• n:. "t.mcmg aur rc�o�uhLr tt.Ucmlnnt'i and C'OJ>(ltRll3 en c mnc 1 nc, t 1e bm �· requh'l'S t lme 11 It t' lnv1tu l'ou to tlli� churcb y,.,ur bome, t o g�t In h n J•monlons wo ddn.z onler. your e�·eslabt tnd poulbly )'(lurllre br ·� usinaa repealer 1hftf opens CUI lop lnd elect• PHE;4BY1'��RI.AN CHURCH HlW N W The hrnln, nei-Yesl hcnrt u ml sl\t'll'tul t11to yotlr late, when yo11 nn a�oliil the JlOI'iSI• 611\wcii,'Pn•t�r. Sel'\'lceo. '�unJay io:ai 1 1 b 1 biiiiY by buylna a MARLIN? the Solid lap �. H. B.(kl 1', �t.l':l:odrLl �f�t�tfu�-:-�-\\\�'iucsda.,

lliUH� es mus c g Yen fiOnll' wu t·uin.g Frarne and Side Efecfint principle lule mod Prn}·�r �ft!ctlng- B:Otl p, ru,; Sumlur. \'oumr PeO. o f the wol'l< tlH'Y are expec ted t o pel· .. I lamrm�o.rr,•,•,1�m,npyroyv,e,m,,•,•t cmom''p•letlcn ll'l'uPs'rr'a'�l plu1� �lt•f•tlmd:IIO 1�. M, �umlny Srhnol l2 M fortn. ]gn ornn cc of th iR fonc t ha� I '" �� ��tl�t

o1���is::t\o��!Je1'IJll(•ndent. Strld!Nllrf hl'Ol\L\n down. mnnr n ,Y!iiiJig Ill lin wlJO TH1E'tilR1UN'FIAE AAMS co. n s p l iN to hon ors on the elntler put h. [ N&W HAYIN, CONN.

lacorpnatcd 187o. 1'bt Uuiou Wnter the inhnhitants of tile

wood, Vi totficl<l, Cnmfor<l with wntfJ' for .-Jomestic

"Tbe Purest and Sweetest lb1l

At 68 Broad Street.

Not the largest, but one ol


Tht• 11eeesslty of gett ing nil pn rts of 1 �!������������� t h l' bnrly :-;lnwl�· In wurldn;r m•ch•r i !': � well 11111lrrstoml h,l' l rn in 1•r. and .l<l('k· 1',\'!1 Oil th(l rnee 1\'nclc, 11s Is e\'lnt-rd In· t lw prrilminn r)' "wn 1·m in� np" t l1 1•,;. ghe llwlt· hDI'!-it'!o', n l l 1 Jnn:,:h it Is r1 onh!­J 'nl i f 1 ! 1 1• l railll'l'.< c•nal1l g·h·•· nny phyRlologir rcu�on fn1 • t lH• lp custom.

.!!!: New Jersey

... JAMES MOFFETT ... Business Col

l•'lrt• IIIHI UIIIJUIIIICne·�. Jlnl l11 1 1 1 "'"''"" 1 " l l '' i l lg 111 H\1'11111 1 <,1' t'l'·

J(IOIIH 141111 J'( l l ! l l \\' 11 1 1 ' uld f'IIHI11111 l l l1 IJJ:hl il(i: 1) 1'1'11 f<ll' 1 11 1 • IIIII'II<IHI' ol' )11/ l'ff,\'· lt iU tin• 1 1 11• 1 1 1' l l lllilll'illl juol•� <ll. ,\; 11 Ill l i t t l'l' I I [' 1'111'\, t i l l< I< t i l l • \\'III'Ht t l 1illll t i ll•,\' 1'111111! 1\<1, I IH litl' 1\1'1' 11 1 1 1' 1 1 1 '1< IIIIIH• l l l l l i"''''· wllld1 !11'1' 1111 11' li llll\1'11 tu lit< ii'IIIIHIIIiltl'l'H 11 1' ll ll llill'ill i 1'1!\'tl',

IJ 1•t•c11 J•t'll(lt'rlol Ph•l,h•d, 'l'nlw t \\'o 1 lo;,.a·u l u rg·1· ��rc•t!h lwll JII']I]II!I'K, HI' I IIO\'t• l ht- ·"lTd !J,Y t�ll l l hlg'

a �· 1 / t f11 l fH• .... it!r·-· ! < :l r iug- t la· fJI'Jipt·r� \\ hol t•, Cont• t lu·n1 \\ l t l l a H l' t • IPI' ���·lnl ' l l ll i i iPt 1 h 1·lll !-l l l 1H I :1 t ) lO I I I'." · 'l'ht'i� ! ul.:t· t il! ' I l l 1 11 1 1 1 1 r t il l' lH'illl ' nlld rnnl.: 1 I ! I ' J I J i n wn l 1'l' foJ' 11 tl�'·"· ti!!tl ll ti.l p l l l . l 'u t l l' o : r 1 h i !o: w u t t> t· � �o<·�·J i c l f o l l u · dnt·g1 1.1• 1 1 11 wltl 1 • I J pn l 11 � !n u l l l ' l t•<' l' td' u lu tu1 111 !1 1 pntl l ' nl't·r· t l t l• l J ! , I t · l l l l1·1'� l hl' ll l t• t n nt l I I l't't' du,\'tt, 1 1 i'I'Jllll't' n '' ' t t l l lug rJf l wu IH1t ' t l IH-adl-4 1 1 r w h l ! t> t 'tJ ld tug� · dJCi f l J i t'd I I III' n 1 1d "'ll>l l l l <·d <I IJ: h t l ,l' 11 1 1 11 >n i t I I I l i ) II t! ll ) l r u l or W l t i t t • I I I IJ F I Ul'CJ ht>t ' t l . Mix I I Wl' l l 111 1d �t 1 1 l1' l l 1 1• 111 Jl ll l ' l' l 1 11nl 111111 f 1 1 l l . H l l ! l'! , np, pl<ll ' l ' 1 11 1 ' 1 1 1 111 a Killlll' ,1111' 111111 1111111' 111'1'1' Hjll<'l'll 1'1111'• �"''• "'ll i d l n � h o i , 1\'< · l � h 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1lo\\11 ll l od ] l l ' l' f l t i ll' , 1 1 11 ' t f !l h l i,l' Cll\'el'i•d,-1,11• 1llu•' \Vudd,


BUILDER. Prm;pecl Street,

WcrttOclcl, Estimates Clwcrful ly

nishcd, '.lJ!() 'J 'N 1t.IVUfl(l UOJ!IUJ�IIIji

� ..... l� Jtl"li'BNnMlUo.r, •r '1 n11pp1 IJVfiiOJID lOll 'lOll 'UO!liO,t 'IV "1'1 01 fttiiiiiPii)G)IIIIlWIO (1111AtlltA'efi,III1.1UUW 'H ''J'I) ... 'd 01 l)l M IIUOJIIUW ••• •••l:l ••••"• (•wno.c e&t iiii�W '11 '1I'U 'll '1l b fl fliiiWO'IIIIOJ"n'qlf_. ... ••111 •••1 '""I • r •too llldt "'� �II!I·AtiJY


to get the best bread, cakes, pies, and pastry for your table.

· Constipation, Headache, Biliousness,

Heartburn, Indigestion, Dizziness,

ln�leate that your 11\·er Is out of order. The bC'st mcdiclno to rouse the 11\U nnd cure ull these Ills, Is lquml In

SchmiH Bakei'J, Hood's Pills

Wllgon Oc!Lverlos.

Cranford Gas Light Co.

61 /f�M STI!Er:T, W"STFI"I.Q, ��

D I S C O U N T of twcnty.five (25) cts.

per thousand feet, will be allowed on gas bills, of 1,ooo feet and over used per month, if paid .at this office ·.vi thin 10 days from

date of presentation of bill.




eloh Bros. IDd 0BGOPitOPI,


·.a. F. Hohenstein's, FOR

Flour, Feed Ha� and


Prospect Street, opp. Stnndard Buil�ing,


H. B.AKER .... Painting


Decorating. · Nothing bnt the best mtl· tol'inl 11soJ. I mix ull my

. ()Wll p11int from J'lll'O white IC!ul nnll rolli!Otl liuseml oil.

.. Otltl fnmish best of rof· · ere nco lt·om tlloso for whom

. · I hnvo tlono work. All ., work hns my personal Sll· 'per vision.

Ave., Westfield, N. J.


AND School of Shorthand,

Typewriting and ·T�legra)Jhy.

J·8f7 Broad St., N�wark, N. J, I

Milk and Cream.

'"" hythiTl• l" AIIVIIl'flou 'I your "wnt'' KrlM In the next IKM\111 ST�NDA\111-SOnd thom In e11rly,

forget thMt IN!ralllenl 11uvertliltt" 1� 1 word,

25 cents. Bold by all medicine dealers.

PILES "lqtlloftli lbotort•re• orlbe domnod

Wltb pri)Lrlldlug pllllll l.lrougllt on b)' consLipll.· t!on wltb wbloll I was anltc�d for twenty , fOor� I roo aorosa your CJASCARE1'S In tile town of Newell, lu., and never found anythinlf to equal tllem. To-day I am entirely tree from plleli JLnd real like a n(IWmnJl. 11

C. B. K&tTZ. 1111 Jooea Sl., Slouz Clty, Jo.

����t�r o�f.�':;���.J:. ... CURK CONITIPATIOitl. '" lttrll•l ... HI te•p•r, fllltlp, ... &MI., lnr ltrL Ill

IO·TG·IIC :f!��4&���:.�o·�:�!·



... etc ... (1\lcutlon this p11per.)

Ja mes Beggs & Co., 9 Dey Street, N EW YORK.

��ort lea Trips

of two to fiye <lurs' dnr11tion, me olrt!t'ed lJy tho

Old Domin ion line '1'0

Norfolk, Va. Old Point Comfort, Ya.

Richmond, Ya.

laablngtan, D. U. Steamer• sail tlnily exceJ•t S11ntlny from

Pier 211. North River, foot of Ueaoh St., New Yorl<. Ticl<et>, h!Cin•ling me11l� ruul st11te· room IIOCOllllliUU!Itions, $13.00 ruul up warda,

F(jr full hrfCJrmntfon lllllll)• to Old Dominion S. S. Company,

Bl Heacll Street, New York, N, Y,

I[, B. WALKgn, 't'r��lllo �llum�or. ,14 J. UHOWN, Glln'l, PllHs'r, Agont

R. III. l<'IU�NOH,


Carpllta ole11ned, refitted nnd laid.

�ltn Street , West.tleltl, Nenr Depot

Not tu lie F!nt'Oftl'ftM'etl, "Wh ll t du yoll th in!< of 11 nmn who

l't•!(l llil l' ))' r'ill'l'ii'H \tis hiiHiiii'H� ltOilll' w!til h i m '/"

"11',•11, I hill ili!Jlt•tul�. Nnw, If tl lllllll'R hrwhtP-'.4 IH tn ""II llquot•. ftll' lnHI Illll'l!, ! I IHl l' l. .(IIHl illl• t hing fol' hl 1 1 1 to tulw n �1'1'11 1 dl'!ll < o i' It hllllll' ll'l t h him "''cry fllg!Jt,'1- ·Bu:o�tol\ '.I'I'JI IIHCI'IIlt.

,\JI llt!d M I IJT, JJI', , luluumll ttllt'l' IHt•t 1 1tt1 vlllll .'..l'"

Jliii<IUIII\l \i'l'l\glliU tl\1111).( ihn tlli�l)' \'111!1\ UJI II !J i ll. Hllltlltl 11l' lll'h!1'1 1 ! 1 1111, , 'J 'IW JIOrtt• 1111!11 uhHI'I'I'l'<i l hn t In• luul HUll n 1 l t ll11 to Wit I ii ,ill HI fll l)i • ) J I'l'l' IIIII! lli'WHJlll) ll't', 11M�· I.IUUI\Ht•t-4.�11' f.'XdHitltt!(l tlw M,\'111• Jllttlwtl" •lm•tut•, "I'll lli 'I'IJr 1111 nil tltt�t dl•tnlll'" t'ot• Mltr•ll n tt·J tlol Wily dun t )'Uit iUIItl it \ly il!IHl'l"

STRAW ON THE FARM, r=:•+UUI+U++U++++• eholr was gi•�n such e p<><itton lb�otn•

ttv[ & i could watch the game; wor� wa� su,. t&) !+ 1\ NO of CR.OQUET on r•nded ill the custom house and atl , .' 1 , '' II•• Ill•"•· Voeo •nd lloe ""n Wllo .o • ' f NTJER the gorernment em ployes stoo,. '•

, 1/; I Waoloo II llueo �•I U11dorolooul THE l!EXJCAN RO '' aroun<l and loolieu on while the ball• .Jijloc� 111" llu•lue... ;tttttti'ttttt#ttt•+•+•+•t•+•+•+ .. t 1re1·e kllockeil about, t h rough or P"'' D One of t he gTI' wns.trs ubolJt wic,ket�, ancl had finally hit both ttnli"el

1he U\Cl'llg'C fnnn, Cl:iJleL'illlly in tile and the first gume \\a.s d E-dllred fin•

IX 'l'IIE Nlrly 'f,l).-:,'n t one or the �fPX·• ' lslu�d. ).lean while 1:\'(!J'Y ill it r ln. 1.111 ---------------.....,..... 1 gro�n1 grain {li!-itl'Jcls of \ll� \\est, 11-i HANDY STAHLE CABINET. in 1 he s1Ntw, WIH!J'c lJemler� m·e UH•l ic:a u po!·t:; of eJIJ J"Y on the Wo l o" n 1md lH'l'll ;Jttr<ll'f c'r] to t h e culitom

� Jul 1 he f-itl'aw left to 1 lll'n uud• r ·wi1h (J rar. ch.', t ht·re lirrd n lll l lll :>er uf A mer- house un rl had joh1ttl the �"I'D tip of �pec-­'.lw 1Jowi lpr ,.0111,, of 1 la• tiub�huH•e ica11s :nn: c' l,�· l J Jterefi

.l l'Cl in fl1J.!:i1J ing- �or• t a t!Jrs. ,lee \\'a.J' ul Ket!IJIIIK" JluUJa.••, tu l\ e:J fl'omr:o't lle �� it h , tlw •r:-owit1 .

\\"Hcl . .\u:e�·H.:an raJirn:ul e.ntrl'JH'Jses The coll eet.o r uncl his ciel'ks could Uruab�•, t.:umh�, SlrUJIII 1uut g • • t 1 1 ·/ 1 1 tl · . g th a t were t nt l'ndcd u l tJmtdely !(J eon· gaiO bu t lit t le information !'e_!farrlinr Oth�r UUit� �t:t:cuurlc"• ,

'l':l i:I IS r�] tll'ne� 0 t1 ' ���



la ncct tl1e ca pi ta l vf 1 he .\lexican rcpub- t he t u rilf fi'Olll wl t m��!Sitlg" one ga,m.e,

)lan)' n slnble l'Ollhl he Jaopt more tidy, un!l much ntluuhlc time snrec1 cl urit1g 1 1Je year, If n enbinet w:ts in some llrutdy pusition for the keeping of boltlcs, brushe8, combs,. clo th :;, �JIDIJge�, I.Jucldl�s, p lcces of stJ•I!p�, ete. One may reuc11ly be mmle h,\' Hx· ing 1o tl ie wull or on n �-;tu ml n th,r goods hm: of t Jte rrrp1iretl j.:hnJW 11 1111 l:lbc. A courenlrnt lwJ'ght i� to ha\'e

�11 6 c �f �l'l'� 181

110 ¥"0 , 0 1� t 0 'J' J �t! l ie wi t h !he l.!it i es of tlw tJn h l'cl St nt t'H. I tHlePd, the first p-ame llad n o t cutue s l'HW tc Jes 1 1:re 15 1 11 ; '

, l iS For tlw fi1•st tit11e in i ts l l i�ttll'J' t lw 1 <1 1 S I metho!l, hm�·t.•''CI', JS far L.w t teJ• t ,w.n M�:xicnn cm�tom }muse located there

out a s t ley hn t·xrwctec . ' o t Jey an 11 J 1 t t l.l!o,}H•ii t h a t a n ot h(' r lniJ,l h t lJe pin,�:ed ta 1 �� ll'l' w I IC � � . � r.ung·e· 0 �a,r, u; for t lw JH!I")IWie of le\' r i n rr <IIH1 colkct · en:tble t lw m to dPl'icl e t h e mo1·e in.telli• ,lllte gt�llerul. ] Il ls 1;.; p!ltng- the straw ittg- a t n l'iff fnr rt:\'l.!lt�e o�I lf f(l!md it- g-ent ly t he monw n t om rJliF!€tion F.lll.J• m �ome slou�h 0

,1' 0111 01 ! l ie Wflj' )o;tlf w i t h snmelhin11' i m por1ant J o llo. m i l h•d to 1 1itom, A ml �o u ::rconrJ and nool< and lennng 1 t t o l'Ot down anrl X , . . , :-. . • , . . , h£' Clll'l'iecl nwnr bY 1 h.: elt· Jm�n ts . .. �� on1j '.\lis t he .busmcs� ct�at.l'tl llJ e\'en a fuut·th ga me was plnyerl un ..

Probnhly the Jl;ost.

rHllJe s1 1'll\\' pos· rn: tro;ul c!Jnstt·� ct lotl con�ult·ralne, l;u t der t h e JO.e :n i 1 rop:c�1 1 sun, whicll . h . 1 . a ll 1 llese Amct'lCitlls wt•re ptirehnsnl .. :o; l n•<nnl'd r1ow11 upon the p luyt•rs, n•sr..;es IS us n l'OIIg' Jwss Ill f��� J ng nri �lle i\ mcJ'ican side nf 1 lll' rh·cr t h� catll�. ff proJlerl,r JH,I t up unci ft.'rl1 l h ougl1 nc\'Pr n 1'f<'cl ing the �p�c t a t orll

ant, w1ll•nt. und ·flux straw ls [l ntltJ· co mmodi t ies n•qnhi i te for their exist- upon. till' wt>\1 -�hmlt•r] corritlor. In allle ncldition to t h e rn t ions of catt l e ence •. nnd , mlle:o:s erat"l in� t il e vigil aJJce fact . Ollf! ,!!"nnw sur!�r·Frlr-rl n rwt lu•r nn• of nll 1dnds. 'l'la• t'enson entt1c tii-Hltti·

of th e cust om house oHic ia ls n lt.ogeth� til croqltr! became 1 J :ttdul to nil the f:'r , p rodd ing a n ocrnsional opportuni· plnyrrs lwfore t lw t i m e cnmr fnr th& ty t o incrp'a�e t hr n4C(•ipts of the col· oflieials. of tht: gon�l':'!.uwnt to clcse the. l ector of the port t o an extent out of custo m homil' and SPI.'l{ t hri r 1JOtnes. :all proportion. to t he original cost. of 'l'hPre lJJ<l bl•en 110 la c]\ nf in t erest, the n rt.ic!lrs in quesl i on . Whether the in t h e pln,ri ng on t}Jf.l pnrt of the ).fexi• nmounts t lHJs p:l id i n t o tl1e cn.stom can lSjH:·ctaton;., J:n�t �· 110w uud tllen house erer renclwd t J1e city of :\fexico uttention lJUf! been crlllL�d to some fen·

It fnstened or rest nuout fll'e feet from !lie floor. If screwed to the side of tl te bm·n, the open top will heoome tile sille. Put Ju sl 1elres, compa1·t� nu�nts, straps, ns tool hohleJ'f!1 etc, 'J'o close the box, a drop·lellf sid� is put on hy !ti11ging ' at. the bottom nad fastening s11pportlng strn ps froni the upper corner of' the box. to· the .ou ter corner of lite leaf. Th is will mn�e n tnble before th e closet when open , II this Is not desirecl, put n sc•·ew eye In eflc.h npper comer, comlect wlth n wire nnd hnng o\'er the wire a th ich cloth for a cm·er.-J. L. Irwin, iu l�:1rm nnd IIorne.


l,r ref l iS<' to tmwh st I'Hw i� hN�II ll�P it is !-:poiled or. musty. As 1Ul1ch _eare s!wultl be t n lcen in stncldng straw us In st ack ing hn)'• U'snnll,l' tl1c stack· ing- is clone wi1 h n dew of getting the �h·nw 'mtt of Ute Wt\Y of tlle machine rnther them wl 1h 011,�· tlmugl1t ns to its I m·nlng the m in , '!'he st nck Is nothing more 1hnn n huge Jli1e ot Btrnw tlu·own toget!t'er hy tl!ree 01 fcnr bo)'s hh•e•l to tnlce the <l irlh!Rt !lUll most cllsngrcenble jab al'Ouml the tlJrPshing mnohine. The sirles nnd to11 of such n pile will ,become sonl<ed wlt.h the fl 1·st rains nnd be fore the winter Is well on will be unfit for feerl There nrc other 11ses tllnn fee<l i ng tltnt s!J•aw cnn be pnt to wit!t 1n·ofit. 11 mnl<es · lhe best kind o! mTTlching for strmvbel'l')' beds, pot nto fle!ds, etc., nrl<ling rlclmess to tile Foil nnd Jlrel'enting th e go•·owth of weerls. In t>ntting up hny sheds nnrl wh>dbrenlcs Ji is the best or mn.terinl to llSC, as i t pncks closely, keeping out. w in rl O.nd tnrning rnln. ·F.I'en when rotte<l i n t h e .tnck, h nuled out a n d scattered OYer the flelds it still possesses a mlne as a fertil izer. Do not let the stmw go to waste.-Pralrie Farmer.

BOILING WAGON WHEELS. Wh� II 11 IIUPortant to l'ro\'hle Nhfetl Jlot Oil Oath Once a Sca•nn \\1111 Prt•

'-;ear Around,

A bullotln 'of the Michigan atntlon BfiJ'R: 'fhe �;trength of the wenkest }Iince in the fiber decides the st1·ength ol tlte whole fiber. So fnr liS the writer ''·'" lJeen nble to discover there Is no special ration, which, i f fed to sheep, will produce wool of grent f!trength, nor cnn we, nt nny time, lill,\' th.1t nny 11peciul ration it� to be recommcmlcU to pro<ltJce a 1nrgc qunntlty of wool. It has often been ohserl'ed thnt sheep and lnmbs thnt ha1·e been on full feed for lo111r ]>el'i· ods shenr h�n,·y fleeces of wool. 'fhis would imlicntc !hut any rnt!on cnleu!ut�d to l<ecp tl1e sheep in n thl'ifly eondltion would be n su it1Tble one rol' growing Iruge quant i ties of wool. F1·om wlmt we lun·e snid nbore, the wool grower will H IHlerstuncl ! hnt It Is highly rlesh·nhl e . to [ll'OI'i<le the slwep proper nonl'fslllltent th 1'01Jgh· out the year, permitting no pe>·iot1s of neglect to intervene .,to destro.r the streng·rh of the fibers. of tl 1e fleeee. Lillern1 nml judicious feeding does not cllnng;c. the qunl!t.y of the wool, hut, it cloes nffcct the strength nncl l11e <J lUllllity of the ll'oa] prorluced by n gh•en sheep. ' 'Jlhe .weigl1t or wool pro· cl11Ce(1 ls nfteetcd both lw incrensing the length of fiber. nml by incrensing the nmount a! yolk nnd nntuml ail in the ficeee. ----'--

HINTS ABOUT HORSES. Jlo\1' to K(l�11 \\•o1•lo:Jng lllt ll Ill't•Uillng

. \n lmn iH In ll liL'n l t JI)" null

JII'N'nge bill of fnt•e fo1• the wot;k 1mrst.!: Eight em·& or corn, n bun�

•er\'e tbe Pellne• ar1d Keep tile Tire IJ'Igi.J.t,

Nothing will pl'<•serl'e & wheel with wooden fetloes, and lieep tlle . tire tight, aa will \renting them to n hal oi l bnth once in n scu!Son. Gd a tin· ner to muke you u plln nboi1t fom inches wide nm1 six dei:!p in the mid· dlo, with 11 rounded bottom to coro

HOW TO llOJL WHEEI.S. respona to the shn pc ol n wheel. shown in cut. Set il 111 un i mprm·iscd fireplace und pour in the ail . \\'hen it is hot put i n the wheel an<l turn slowly, holding 111 J>o�itif'n by me-ana ol n st iek tllrust through tlJC hub. A fmmo can be pnt lip ensily. or crotolJCs set, to holo this stick. Jn this wny two men cnl\ do the 1\'0l'k quickly nnd weii,-J. L. Irwin, in Ohio l�m·mer. ·

PIGS RELISH ROOTS . 'l1he,- lt,orm Dl'-HJI•uhlc Atl d l t ltUIII to

\\'hater Hntloul!l lllltl l•l'nlllote Henlth n111l Growth.

<lie of onts and n .Ji ltJe Jtny for morn-i\ll farm animals relt'slt SllCCltl·� t lug rntlon:. ten enrs of earn, two ""

shen1·es of oats lllld plenty .of hnv foo�s. nnd di fferent forms of l'egetnble fo1· dinner, nn<l prnctlcn\ly the 5,11;,'0 mots have long been fe1� 1�1ore or less ro1• supj>er. At nlgllt wm•ic liorses to sheep nud cattle ns dc�lrnble n<)di·

will do well If gi1·en ncecss to n goO!! � tlons to dry winter l'nl10ns. Ptgs,

blue glnss pnslure. Some g••een feed : !tawcl'er, In winter ·bn1·e usually hud is Jligil!y esscn tlnl. · to be content with g•·nln Ol' mill feed

Don't nssmno thnt nfter a fe\y nml wntcr, Ol', perhnps, sl;im milk. mon tlts' worlc the young horse should Succulent food hns not uccn thought know ns much alJont it 115. u1c olll .

ol £ol' them, excepting in n few cn�es, one: IJe consl!leJ•nte, . Jclnd nnd goeutlc : Some expel'imeuts an tile sultubltity with the former mul gl·uduul ly nu- r of �l lnge as pig r�ed ]IO\'� been con .. qnnint him . wi t h . Ills dllt lcs, not by dueled, but with most unsntisluetar.v

usJ 11g the blmlgcon,.bnl by in tull lgent returns. It wns nat found to be de· Jll�t·sunslon, ttlwnj•s J•cnwmhm•lng t1lut sh:uble pig foml,

.Houts, ho\\'eYer,

the l1 l l imnl lllls only nn nn imul's In· o1lct• n mot·u nppct snbstnnc� for tcll lgence. · 11igs, ll ll<l here 11u�l there 1.< fount! a

1\eu11 Uw Jnnt•cs f.or yo11r own use; 1nt•mcr who lms Jell sngn 1· bcciH or lll'�ell tl!Ctll nml �ell u;e colts. 'fht! nrtlchol<es to swine with r·cau l ts thtlt llllll'es mnke good II'Ol'lc rmhnnl.�, but hnvc culled lo l't h Ids "1'111'0\'nl. Mnn· slwnlcl not 1Je tn H�rrlcc n l't m· HL!\"lm golwm·z�ls ftt l'nlsh tl11� fnl'llWI' wlth

m on t hs' ges tntlon nol' rol' R<'l'cl'lll 11 lnrgu lllllOllllt of succu lent wlnt<l• w1•,•l<s n rtet• dt!lh·,.1·,1·, l•'cml t hem Ia\'· I food in the fa l'lll of roots, Ycr.v lfl.'Cill lsh l,l·-t lwy t•eqnh•e It, hnvlng thch• ylt•hl s 1111\'C �CCII l'CJTOl'lt•ll h,l' l'n t•lnnH nwn bmlh•s lo l«•top np ns well us thos� cnith·ntot•s, Will'l't•ln It hn� \'"'"' of the colts.-l•'nl'llll•l's' \'olec, �howl! tl tnt the ensl l"''' Ina l or J ll'o·

il llctlon Is cnmpn ••n l lrely l ight . I n

PIG-PEN POINTERS. :IBf),q, nt t hl� :; l u t lon, UH hl�h llli �fi y1 (OI\f-1 Of tn\\1\�·�· \� W\'\'11 ]ll'<Hh'.�'\1\l Jll'\1 llt!l't�, ul ll l'ns! of onl ,\' S:i l'l' l l l� jliiJ' \l'hrt•e will')' cnn he ohtn lne<l In 11 tnn hlll'l'l•Hh·d.-r. H. l ' i < l ll lh, J ulllllnu IH\'i'L'l H( U(C lL ls \'U ]UUliliJ !IIi 11 hOif

J'nnd. J·:�pel'lm•·nt Stn l�t-' ' __ _

t'\11 1 1 }fi ll l'DI',Y 1 11 1 JIO J' i ll l l [ !Jill'! f l f the '11'1'11111 f'UI' '1'1'�11" 1-'1'1'\'rl lJIIg"l'\1 l'll l hiH, l'�t'l'j lt WIJL'II'J• 1\ ll l!-it!ll\'C1'Y <If 1 1 1 1H'!J hJ i t•l'l':·do l i l l l tuHI' W ltl'l't•lf-1 11 1'1' ft• tl. Who lotH' t1J ; 1 1 1�1 1 1 1d.'l ,\' 1 ' 1 1 1' 1,1'1 1 1 \\ ' I J g" l u

�J, ] I Jt 11 1 1 J i i I J I J J iii'H hll l'tf hnllPFol Jn \lJ i• 1'11 1 1 ]t1 pt•M I , hi !!>o. lll1 ! 1 l l I'! I II I II I I J J ' l c • J I ! · )tO,If-., IIJol lJ I IM \11'111 1 Jll'tl\'t1(] Ul t he l1X• Jl} fo I J 11• L\t•lldt • I J I ,\" of � J I 'dit - ] 1 1 1 ' J.,r ��. jM o t·Jtl ll'llt H i ll l i ii!IH, J .l i• l l l t l io t 'l', 01111 Ill' l lt1• ) i • ! ld i !lg' kl'h'll•

olr / m i l l J I (< 11' \ l l 1 1 1 11'11,\'H Jll'll\'1' II \'Il l• J J t,t > l l l l l'l' l i ' l ' i l l l l l',l' H i i bJi • l ' tH, >ll,I'H 11 lin hit• lood 1'1 1 1' ,\'otln� plg�o�, ltH It I." Pin' I" I'I 'J IIl l' l', l 1 1 • t• lu i i i iH I 11 l 11• 1 1h iP t•ll•l t I l l ll l l ' 111'1 1 \ I ' I I IH 1 1 11',1' 111'1'11. I ll J ll'llll"'' lllliilllll" 1'1'11 1 1 1 ' l't·�IJH [i'll'l',

,\ hi� l-III J I I ' I ,r ul' loug· Jol i l'llW IH n l ttl ll lh t• H'CI 1'Ht rnl'lll o f J I I I I ' J IHIIt •, h,\" J l l'll• l iT l i lA' l'ul' t i ll' ,1111· 111 l'lll'l'll ll' i ll� t i n1 1• ; d <u • ln�· I i l l' dlkl'll"' I n " ' ' ' " "' I' I'""'

1 !. III II)' )11'111'1' I Ill• dl'lll I t or 11111 1 1,1' ) I ll!'• l l l l i ln!I!H Wlth•h hlll'l' '" ''' " l l l ' l 'l ' ltll i>l,l'

·�'\J ll' l'lllll'll l H In rl•t•dl l l,l( H111 1Jl'l' I (» I I I I IWIH•II , U\�\lfo !ll \ l• l ll l l i \\ IIH � 1 11 \'h•n�

ili>RH J i i l>'C JHII l'I'H l l i l <•d Hll i i Mfot• l l ll'lJ,\', Jt• ll l 'l ' 1 1 11 1 \ i l l i l ll'l l i> hJ u�· !t 1'111'1' ' 111' \'l t' l iH

till ' ""'I ur 11 1uid l iH' l""'it tl i i • J•tol<)' uu· II' i t h ll:l t ll'h t 1 1 i l i iH' I l i ll l u llt lu lll'IJ II•t'l

ln11 i llul'ett�utl,-�'nt•tuui'M' ILul'luw, I �11 t llu lt'UUI il!u li.l�cUHu,

an<l serwl to d e frny nny of the" ox· penses or run n ing l he goorernment.was " ques t ion on wh ich the Ame 1·icn.n• held opinions whicl1 Uwy thought it rlisoreet D<Jt to express too vocifer· au sly.

'l'h� socint conditions of tb� Arneri· can colony develope<! to the point of I nclud in-g mn1•ried men with t heir wives n nd fam il ies. '!his neeessitnted the nddition of nrticles of domestic economy to the list of importations. rt was tmder these clrcu mstit nces that one of .the American fnmi;ies deci<led to send for n croquet set.

As In e\'ery case of the kind, n prece· llcnt ne.cessity was to ccmpu1e the cost nnd . seP. if it came within the limit. of ullowable household expense. Croquet \YRS even tlH!n on the wane in .Arnericn, nnd tile cost of n set in n mld·western city was not. likely to be great. To the ori-ginal cost, wl1en fln-�llly Ueter­mined, was nclded nn approximate- es� timnte of freight o\·er 1,20(] miles o! railroad. The resul t o'f this addition was an nmotmt equal Ia the cost' of a croquet set in the palmiest dnys of that game, nml II was deemed wise to post· pone flnal actJon until somf estimate could be made of tile cost of import a· tion ,

The collector of th• port at that time mny for com•en.ience, and more particularly for the sai<P of brerity. he en lied El Senor Don Nnrcisso Nom· bre de Dlos Noriega de Pacheco y lllasquez. He wns well •ad''"need in years. When approncberl oo the sub· jeet of the probable duties upon n cro· que\ set he promptly declared his fg· a ora nee. \\'hut. was a croquet set.?

iiA game." "Was it a gambling outfit?" "Oh, no l U was a •ery Innocent

game. I,n<lles and· c!ti ldren piny it, Jt. is pln)·cd witli bal ls uml mallets." "Was It like bi•sebn ll, then.?". "Xo, tlle. halts; are c;f WDOtl and nre

lcnodlcell rlround cin ihe ground." iJut he <lid riot k.n0\1' fiD·)· t Jdng n bout

it, nnd the best W�lJ' would be to get. the set, bring it 'to the custom house nnd let the question be decided tl1en . 'fhe duties would probubly not be much. 1

It wns not -r-�ry busincss1ib:! to ol'der the croquet set on such inllo fiTt lte In· form ation, it must be a rlml t t od; but upon the im:Jstence of th e .rounger members of the fnmily, who lwrl be· gun to suffer from Pn:111i in the. stag-� nunt. Jife of the front ier town, un order was sent nccompanleil b,r n re-mit� tnnce: n.nd npnn tlw nrrh·nl or the l.Jox freight wns rlnly ]laid tlTerean. Then the post]JOned negotia lious nt the cus· t<>m hon!le were- res�1mNJ.

El Senor Don Xa!·cls'o Nombre �e Dios No••iega de Pacheco y Ulasquez was sitt ing- out. in the pntio of the old adobe custom house, completely en· reloped h1 o grea t cont. DesJJi te- tlle dry wnrm th of the midday nil' hi• cant eollnr was turned lip nnd " thick cloth chp wns crushed clown over his eurs. Under his visor cq11ld he seen his sllnl'Jl blncl< eyes, his shnrper wltlte nose n.nd his p inched lips. Around h im w�s gath· ered t he entire clel'icnl force of the custom house� nil deep1.r lnter('sted In an Import a t ion of nnwmnl hnporh�nce -something to be elussifled nnd. np· pl'nlsed with grent cnre In order thnt n o wrong' p•·eceden t. be estn bl lshed . '.Phe Cl'oquet box wns brought In wit!• much stnte, ns though It were n glft for formnl pt·c�rntnt ion. to the presf· rlenl of tlJC l'epnbllc.

"Let. the box be cpe11 ecl l11 snld the eolh:ctm•, nntl �:mly thos:.� who knew h im \\'el l m lu·hf· hnn' <lo t r� l er1 the g-leum In hls I:',Y£! bctol\l'Hing h ls humot·­ou• nppreelntlnn of the moek solrtnnl· t y of th e oceaslon.

The IJo� was opr.ned l1 1 his ft•et, unci the nt tnchos or tlw cus:om hall"' �nzl'tl nt mnllc ! s, bnlls, stn ht•s a11cl wlel-<cts, C ll l' rJ ing Ol\ n whlspt 'l'l'd eotl \'t.H'sn t lon till• while on. the vnl'ious t h in�• t hl'll fl t•s l hrnngh t In t lu• i l· : !ltt•ntlr on. Noll' a n1l t ht•n t ll l·y ndrl rt•swl n qnC>t lon ol' mudl1 n ����0-:'t•K!lun to t l1 e cnl lt•r l n l' 11� tl tuugll In 1i l d lthn In rlt•!t.>l'lllhdng- JII'Ll• rl.�l'l�· hnw It Khould bt• elnr-Joil lll•d n1ul UJl ] ll 'lll�t·cl, A s, rul' l!XIIIII ]llt•, Olll' .� II�· g"l •� l t 'cl t ltn t J lt'l'hll ps.l t \\'no; :1 ln ,n•tl l l lw hllll<>l'll•. llllll In ""'h """' "'l�ht It nrot l 'fllllP U n !ll'l' l hl' filllllL' ultt�s !Jh•n t luu ns hl l l ln i·d t n hiP>?

" l i n t )!roll' •lwul1l 1 li i l l >\1 1 1 1 111' I t IR p\ttyl•tl ',1" 1\1\K\\"PI'Pd t1H' l't�lh•t!t-HI', lf'J'J\ll

t ! Jh1� I� 1 1 1\P 11 l ' i! l lll'Kt' ]' I IF.i: l t• l n lnt• , 11 ,\lul t i ll' II, nddl't'� f d i !J.( t in• J l l l l'!'l l ll fll'l' o r ! l it• Ht•t, l t t• �H lrl l " Y o I I }Ill,\' I h i M g'll lllt, I• plo,l'l'd hJ illllii•M ll l l l l l•h l id l'l'll. ( 'au )'llll !H I ( �lot ROillC Jrul \ 118 ll loll <•h i i!J t'l'll Ill• I'll I hil l \I'll lllll,l' "' '' " p :n ,\'<• 1 1 '1 lin\\' " ''" enn ll'e teli ll' i <n t • l u i leo It ij)wui<l ) ' 11,1' '1"

Wl l h !li t h• tl \ 11\nult,l' nuou�th pln,l·cra w�r� found t I Jw wlt•lw l• IH'l'<' •11t 1111 In thu J ill tlu uf t hu eu;tllll t hiHIH!', tilt• iluku \I'Ue 1•ln���� tllu culleuLut·'a

tlll'e of t h�! game a nd some minor offi• cinl consu lted bool<s a n d mnrJe hasty )lt'llCil mcmO!'nnr1n. As fol' l'Xrtlrtllle. when one'hncl ath rcl ahout. t h e wicl\eta cross�d i11 11te c�n-1er o f t1Je gl'ound nml wns toltl that i t wns �omctimes (�1ll lct:l 11the bird tmge," t l le ta rl ft' on. hird cnges wns careftdy ]Hmted up nnd no�e<l. J\s th e playin-g went on th& �fexicnn spechtors m1n1 ifesteU tlteir­in.terest. by betting or. the players. At first llncos, thcl> meilios and finnlly Jlesetns exchonge<j bands at tl!e end of e�·ery game. It was much t o the relief or the plnyers when n�· collector finnl• ly nnnotmccd that· it w•as time to go home.

"It is n '·ery interesting gnrne," hs sn\11, "bnt 1 cannot. te l! ll'hn t the duties '\'ill be imtn to·morrow morning."

The croquet set wn.s n ccorllingly left: nt the custom house nnd the players and spectators dinpersed. But nHtil a lute hour thnt night � light in tb& ofllce of the eol!ector i nd i cated that some of t he go\·ernrnent cl('l'ks ''"ero unwontedly engaged in making "over­time.'1

The report of the nppralser the ned morn ing wns n ot hing short of ofi[>pnll• ing. '!'he col l-ector courteously ex• pla ined why the amount o! duties sltould be so large. His clerks were ret·y comeien�tious and had been fear• ful of allowing !Ome item to escapa and of inl!urring pen rl ltie:s for neglect of d uty. '!'here was danger of the at• tempt bein·g mnde to sm nggle such things as bird cages, for exnmple, into the country under coYer of new games,


and that wns to he guarded aga inst. Then there was t h � menace of SUl!h n n in.h:rest i n g gnme a s croquet becoming so popular in �lexica us t o proYe <lct..ri� men ta l to tl1e games n l t·endy chnrnc­teristic 'of tlle cotmtry-montt!, chuses, bt11lfights, cock fights, etc. lt was felt necessury, t]Iercf-orc, to estnbl lsh some• thhig like a protecti\·e tnritr in this case h1 order t lu 1 t the Wl.'lHmowu .:\[e:xicnn gmnes so dl•tuly lo-red of the peopla might- not be crowded ont nltogetlwr by suqb n fasclnnting gntne .as croquet.

Upon e-xnminntlon it wns found thnt the clerl<s had incurred n.o penalties by renS<Jn of omissions. The cro1,1uet. set was npp1·aise•l ns n gn me, as \oil· l in t•ds nnu as a gambl ing outfit. (lor had not the ]Jcxicans gnmblo<l on i t ?) Then the balls ami mnllets had been. npJH'niSed us hl lldJcr, as cln:-serl tum· bet• n.nd , ns !ul'llltut·t>; t h e- wlchts na iron nnd n� Iron w!r!', nnrl n ch:l l'gG hod been mncle for n bird onge. A<l1led to th is wns t he SO·cn I I frl pro I Pet il'l' Ia r­l lf, nnd n bill h u d been mn<l" out for hul f a dnr1s worl< for ench o f t.lw cll•rh:s who lra<l

. watcbetl the g-nme '" extr�

l tuw employed I n n. :,peclal in1porta• Uon. (

Tile J1111'Cllllscr or 1 ht' ('1'0'llH�f srt rx• Rl l l lnt>rl t i l !! pniWI'!' I n F l lP IJeP. l l l; fh!lll• 1�· Fin Ill 11 L1 would lln\'l' to t•onH• nJ•nmHJ ag-nln and pny t lit� llut lt·� 111111 tnkc tho l!l'ocpwt He t . I t wn� necot·tlhiJ . .r!,r rc• numdr1l t.o tlw en•t o•lr of t h t• cu>tutn llDllRe olllelal,, anrl n'�el'O It Jl l 'OllliUI1. l'e mui Jl�.-Chh•ngn nnllr lll't'n1'll,

I� ltl h,lt t lh1 m l l l " h' lllmi A H l t 1t1 .-I nn• l'CJllli�S rrum 11 J1(1rtflh18 ,· !l ln�-ft' ln .:\m:utamly, whPn n well• luwwn 1111111 of IPt h• l'll IM �11 1 ,\'lntr l 11 r•t •m pll !l.\' w i t h n ,\"ntu1g Wl'ft [• J' £lt t •·it\1•• n l 11 sol\WWIHII ]'t· iml t ln• hotel, Ont�!lllP lllfll'llln,l.f t iH• foJ' JIWt' fllldJ•pft!.tl'll t l l t' hm�1 nR fllllllw�: ·•rou '

would nhllf{l' lilt' h,r 111 111\ l n f.( ,ro nr dJit l'JfPti rut lnw l lo'l pot-�lhlo rnt• tn,Y �·nuu� !Jill· IPI !f.:'llt'. 1 1 •' 1•-t unt 11 t'IL•ll 1 111 111 . '1 'l'h e lnt rd lot'<i. llt>llJl'h h•rl 11' 1 1 1 1 l h1• lll'l'�<'ttem In ! J IM h tl1UH1 or IIH! 111 11 1 1 or l'llllfiWII, pl'oJnlflt•d In hu vr. (hiP t•mu�l(h!tn tlnll rol' t lll' Jli! I'XII of hiH ,Yr l l!llf{t'r lfi!I'Kt, J tut " r,.,,. d11yft •lh•r·wlll'<i the . t .. Tllou• l l l l t iull' etllliP t o Jdm, •n,vl n�t 1 1 l l,v t lw wu,\', 1lou't. It•! ! II ,\' hill lH• h!ft­ll''r l l l l l l l i l l l l l uf Ill,\' ,Voll llU f!•l••ntl. " wnulll hutt t l l lu t u \t i m ! hiT)'M l ike 1 1111• nre "" ,.� i l'etucly tuuuhy I "-�hlullllll tllruuMu. . ... . �


fHE UNION COUN'fY S'l'IL�D!RD Wuutetl-P .. oplo who will srop to thi 11k 11s to what they m·� gPtl iug ft'O llt eitl :cr· of the oJ,J pllrti!'s for


\V, Il l'o•d<h-1111 '"J' 'J'h••J' 1111''" t;,.o•t·uao·b· <Jh ll S•·•·•·Jo·t• 1;xumh"'ll"" fm• t'll>'t'h·•·• if

AMBERGER' ?u�•!i.'ihe l f'l\'en· 'l'i liJ.,da)' :Lil11 I�l"ltla)' IJ)'

�The Standard Publishing ConcPm. f<;, .1. WUlTHrt;AtJ, Prer;itltmt.

,!... E. PJ;AH�'>AU., \�lee-Prl•.o:hltmt. �e. E. Pr:AusAu .. :\lltnn��"'-.

n: . . C. PI-!A n�.\ 1.1., �CH'l't•tlll')'�'l'n•asurcr.


their �otes. t•ti i 'JIIIII t lw fHa�hml)'• llt•hi Nt&l llflbJ' nur·uiiiJ(· �� Hmt. ,]nhn il. G t·een, n\lol'lluy for· W. 'l'hirt et'lt llJ•J•Iienut• fur the !"'"il ion nf (� ·

G. Pedtilatu, "l'l"'nretl hl'for• tlw tnwu- lllllil "anit•r for tlw \V'Pstfieltl po>t otlkt• � · · · .

�hi11 CtlmmH (tll' at th� rt�gnlttl' tiiPetiug tnolc i lw l'i ''il ��·r vil'� ex:amh11\t.iOil nt tiiP � s: · '

1 1 1 1 Fl'itlay ewuing aut! on lwhulf of his Liueulu High tlchoul hu iltl iu�: on Ba l n r- '� .1- ::qli"'Ji'�f.J)f.l�r!1'w-ttiM�v.;:;;;-;::;-��;;.:;;.;;:::�. eli cut ttHite1l thnt RO!Jill actiou ue tnlwn i ti olay nwt·nillg. As.<ist.nnt Post lll!tstcr A. �� '�J c,f, !lt..�vJ/Alf'J; IT\I]J�Jf j}'ii'�!3_!:� STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.

O!llce-STANllAIUl llulldlng,

'l'wo local politicians gut in l.o lllt urgn meut y<•ster•luy. lt was uot rwm·ss:II'J' to c:tll n doctor for u cusc of lock-juw. l't�ga.rd to t.hll proL)L!J't.y owners nu Monn· K. Gnltt \\'Uil :.lhairma.ll ut' the bmtrt1 1lllll 'IS �01 tniu 11 t·e1Hw tdJO lwl cllC!'OttciJetl npou \Y il l imu M. 'l'oti'JJiey, tlelivery clerk, Ute (.; MARKEl' & 1-.fALSEY ST the public street. Mr·. O !'eeu statetl lh11t HPcretnry. t� ' :S,

If yon onu't plnn� 11 tree tltko tlowu yo11t' fr-ou t fun co; If yon hnve no front fe1we to. _take uowu plnnt n tree unsltoiv; :· . • , ·

fm· s�Y�:�ml JmudrH1 feet Juwus hwl tuii'eJI , 'l1hmiH w}w tnnlr theexnmiun tiau WPI'e: ti the plnce ol' the m·igiunl slreet, unnow- Gem·ge Cox, Chnrii'H E Cox, Philip �� OPEN SATURDAY EVEN lNG-CLOSE FRIDAY iug it by nuont tWl•Dty feJJt, 1111ll Sltid C. Wiu le l', IV. ll \Viuter, H. A. 'l'nd•l, ;,, -----------tbnt Mr. Peclthnm wished !he lnnu re- ,John It. (JJ ,tdt, GPut·gu A. Ulnrlt, ,T. H. �� ---------:----�

WESTFIELD. N. ,J., NO \'. 6, 1000 , .' 'J'hnt 1\0UVO o( lll:OSJJOrit/ tlpponrs

to lmvo lieon'"'nlrsi1tisf1lotot'Y i11 its getterlll_results; or,, mthcr. uy;t'cusotl of It lllck of gonernl'r'esnlts.

slo!'ec1 to tho llllhlic. Oil mutiou it wus Cttsh, llnl'Ditl �'t·mtd•, .Jnenh Seer, lLIHl �(� ..• � .• :�-::' H EA DQUAR, TER ,;:_ tlecitlm1 to instruct lira engineers to ,Tumes C. Folsom, of Wesl tieltl ; Artltnr i:J

lll11ke n stt!'"ey of the �treet Ullt1 lintl ont Ayres, of Picton, nut! lltll'l')' Jacobus, of i,� "--'"-""""-"'"-""'"-jus& whore the towu stom1 iu I he tuntter. Lorruiue. , . Johu S. llnl'lnms \\'liS pr�sent ut the -·- ���.i. .. tnceting to «1ll llttctJ tiotJ to the ftiCt llwl: WESTFIELD KICI< ERS

he bntl remm'el1 tho weeds uutl urnsh WON I N A WALK. _j:_l from in frout of bis (ll'O!tertr lllld to. com-plnill of t!Je other lll'Operty owuet'S iu hi:J A HI�: 01·uwt1 \\"i h1���wd DdtJKt. �ur ;�

'J'hc Iordi)· conceit or certain locnl •·iciuity who hau f11ilecl to do so. 'l'he llulmk•u ,, • .,.,,_ 11uu '''"·''"1·•· !� llopublicnits 118 to'tlw ·exclu_sh·c pitrty cler)< wns iustmcteu to notify Edwin Hi�:hwom1 A. C. or Hoboken, met de- '''

Embree, Mrs. Pheba Belllmap · itud 'iV, feut ut tlui hu11<is of tbe Lhw�lu Hi�h custollinnship or tho stnrs uutl ijtripos_ G. Peckham to remo1·e the suiil llrnsb nt !:lcbool Footbnll team of this tJlace yes-

ht�ve receivetl 11 tleoitled once. tw1t1y before 11 lnrge crowtl. The moutltl,)' report of E. W . . Cham· The . Hubolmn b1W�. uufortmllltely,

IJ�rJill, sapel'iutelltleut Of SOWers, shoivetl mi•setl their fl'llill IIIli] the gllllll' \VIIS tie­If yon . wou't _ _ t

_ ake dmv_'u·

__ t_ hci_t_ · rriin_ t_: tho srstcuJ to be in good working m'tler. l11yml; · bu t ut 4.4oo'cloul< the ri -.11 te:llm

'!'HE CUU'l'AIN LIF:I'ED. · · · · · · · · . , . He turned O\'er u checlc lor $12, iu pu)'· fncetl eucit other. Lincoln High School fence, li'Ott' .. t yon :·,_nt :· Jenst, .; pl_c�Se;' went . olfo.ur permits · to couuact 1iitll kiclcetl oil' nud the Hoboken boys stJtrletl It was UOt al togctltol' l\lr. lllcl{iu· keep your gnte olose<{arHl)iot frJrtlic the s.ewei•. . .. .. tlowu thu fteltl plowingLig guius through I cy 1101' Ill together �Ir. l3ryau. '�··'l'l�g


l.o�i?·.· .• ·.��-hc.:_:_,_�-·.'·j,)s�o!!._ ti'F''' �-·-·-�---�_-'_:.�i�ll fy'"2it,t :\Olerlc Reese turrte!l 0\'Cl' to the fJ'O!IS· '\V estfleltl's line. 'J'he home boys so-

Jt WitS Issues vs. fssnes. · · · . . .. . <v · ·- 'i · tit·��:. $LS5, tele]Jhoue fe�s, nuu fttstice _o! ·;,i;retl'tho bull 011 tlowns nntl nfter 11 few .· ' r ' ·. ·, :.;. /-#-;.:\ .\.f); �/,_�:_.,:.�··;·'·;�--�->; the; : P�uca ·r_oncey _$Lu0, ll?hce c_onrt_ 'tn•elilllitiltty_ - pl ll)'S Riuhar�ltiOil stal'tetl 'J'be greatest of nil Junes-.Ihe "·'' --·;·,,,,,_.,, ·· ·"·'''·"-· '" ' -'' ' ' '' ''''·'· ' ' '"' ·. ·,· · 1· · · · · '!'I ·1 · • rs .


1s·1· tr·tt"letl . .. ... .. ·. 1 . . . · ::, '>_<;;: : •':; :i}It�;coiilin' yetl;forca�.thttt,; .. nn': ll',that_; �·•:. . 1� !'Oil< o1e eer . ' . . us . > ltl:onwl _ left Ullll oa 11 tlonhle puss l 1o

Peopl e , ltnvo docitlotl. : : -' • '·., ·-�' ;:�{'(;\ tliiit;iiti1iu:fri.�ifall;'riWiJ_';:wfde;:_wo<:lil o:ei\ to lonu the road,sctll1let' to the. Westfiel�l bitll urop1ie<1 to tho gmnm1 1Jllt wtts se-It ' ' f . It' t> t'• ·'A' ' ,;\,'e··"1'';li 'sli'�n'liroh;�l-�'il�irJ·i:'�·.t.ti'11t�-·('('/' ''' '. . _ , ; ' & ;Elizu!Jetb· Street Rnlii�HY . COilljlllll}' ctit:OO 'or Ltuulmt, who Clll'l'iell it over �emmns or. a pa 110 1e . n , _ ,. _ , ....... ,,,_,. ... ,_ ..... ,. . .,.,. ,., ,, ... ,,"_ .. _, ,.,, .,, ..... . -. : . . . d . . • . tl : ' • , · t r ' . tl''l''i'ort· , . _ " , .

. . ·_:; . ·· ,\'l::)w.;-b":'·:�.: -y:::�Cf"v·--1'·.,...·Fi:'(··,1t:B 'bti\·B· " , ·· · 1 l " llll�lg IO .cot�lu�g \\ lll e 0 1 · c_� . . u v for n tonclulo1vn. No othot• Hcores Wt'l'l-) cnm to abide by the v�rd�ct·gra,�:: ;;;':{ .. _<,/).��,[�::.,�\:'_:1. ·0, _ J · U I IIS nm 118 thnt- it wus · keJtt nmler . col'ar-. wltetJ ,;uulti. iitll! 'tiw gnme emlm1 o-0 iu fully

"';'' .·.x;t]� p!;�;P,\j£�?;,1,:\;'\ ' ;· . . no! i;:o':::� w••s received

.. fr�m Jtillgc

of thu hollle temu. 'rltis they will do. ; . ·· · '. ' - ·Now tlu\t',buse bull hus h11tl its day, Vail, ol',thc Un ion Co. Com-tor Coiumon

--- • -

· · ' · · ' A .tU�t!dH!JIII't''tJ •.rJu·JIJJu,�; StnrJ'. • "':".::, The populnr vote-which should bowllug will hllVO i ts nights. We I'lens stlttiug thnt 1111 ltpi•liclltiou to

dccitle elections-shows 11 great clmngc oi senti ment il1 hvor of the

t1 tl t f u f h ILl The Hev. C. T. Holmes, -;j·-ciiiiiOHe lll'e glnd to see by our liCit's colu nms lltuetJ '" rel•ot· 0 . 18 ree 0 ers on

tttt'sst'ottlll')' tllltler· tit" Btt(Jtt'st 'lii_8,·,jjjiify the Grncel:mtl rotttl ttwunls h1ul been re- " " thut 11 fJeugue is being forme<l lor ceh·;,,1 , . Union, l(<tve n veJ'Y interesting a<ltlress

Iswea discussed by llfr. Brynn. these purls. 'fhe following bills were npprO\·etl nntl nt the Presbyteri�H chnrch 011 'iVetlnes turuetl ot•er to th9 tren."'uer for puy· duy evening. lilt·. Holmes wns loc11te� H follows thut these Issues are For nutnmnul scenel'Y the fall has

not ro be silenced. oot ueen of the uest. Yet Westfield

It rontnius tlmt nuy citizen has unu the country surrounding hus

the right to at"nd in the Minority. presentml some of tho finest views

It also remains that certain pig· ttnd vistns to bo found iu all the

my-souled men, iutollcrant of United Stlltea.

viewB lh11t fail to coincide with their =======

We are oreditubly und without own will -continue to make it dis·

meut: Unfou Water Conumnr

II U •• E. \\', Cb•moorlla E, B. )\'omlrutt ,Tolm F. 1\.nuw Fred. C. D�ckt!r Dt·. �'red, A. Klt1ch Ed l'ard Ed�or \l'lllhuu )kCarty lllcluu�l l�ull)' H. L. Fink

$ 2llS IJ.j 10830 70 (ij :!1! 00 30 00 :!t rJO OO iiO .ti400 l6 i� 12 7rt 4 :W

Itt Ki11h Wah, nhottt �00 mile�� up the river from ShllJJg-hni. He nwl his fami li ly, consisting of his wife 1111tl three f& chiltlr€n together witiJ ;uwtlJ€r llJi!l)jion- !f nry 111111 his wife nud uue child, ltnd no nhnoat miracnlmts e•cntJ• from the Boxers in J nly last. After �lvin� " very clenr stttletuent ns to the <�anse of the upnsmg in Chintl, 1\lr. Holmes !(fiVe 11 detnlletl nnd t.hrilliug ncconnt of

-FOR-. �


Newark's . Largest AND THE

State's. Greatest Store.

:tgrel!llble fDl' thu lllinority ; which, atfer all s:1itl done, may be of gt·eut­er value to the Mnutry tlum tho ma.j ority i tself, ai the II'OI'id's h is·

bons'ingiufot·mou tl111t the Westfield Golf Club links will be as tine ns ttny in the state 1md the superior, of many; which is 11s it should be, since Weotfield uspires to tlto best

of everytltiJJg.

'J'bomns Kenny 2\l 'i'll A. F. Huffman �uoo C. !'. Wilcox �u :11

their escnpe; from wh;tt seemed inevit-ubla dellth. an!l theil' terrible journey of HAIL Ol!.OERB OAREFULLY FILLED. GOODS DEZ:.IVEBED 1'W.

tory has so often already proveil. G-otl bless the muu who lms the

nerve to do it when he uclieres lle is in the right !

MugiVumps lmv!l their uses.

Beg Jmrdon-wns ullythiug snit! o.uon t empty coal scuttles?

The Stuudurtl is too good to miss awl too cheap to be without,

'l'he ring politiciuus nre throt!gh talking iu n circle for 11 while.

May there uc u gooil, fut turkey in e\·cry homo iu tho lt1nd uext 'l'hanks· giving!

Love of conntry, liko luve of homo awl love of kiml red, tuntls toward virtue.

It pays to ntl vcrtising. lllOliCY•

puy 11ttcntion to yo11r Don't Wltsto yom·

When will tho college foot bnll gll.mcs of tho bull tight gmtlo become obsolete?

I£ IVO jli'OJlUdJ 01111glt t tho drift of (Wt�nts tlwt'L' was nn uluotion hold i t t t! t is eonn tt•y )'IIS iurdny.

ll mi noriL)' ! W lmt is 11 mi nority? Nun11· bu :If I'll ill to �lt1111l h,r orw, i f i t l'•'l'�'''·'l'h IH .1'"1 11' l"'illuiplt•s.

1· l•nt'l 1:ut jlllllic iil l'iolw l t . Koo)l rigl tt /)1\ t'll l l lllllt lilll·i u � Lhul tllu tlml•· '''l i i iHII' is ju8t IJufut'u U1u tlnwn of thy.

''J'n II IIIHII IIJI II \rttU 'i t IJUg inA to llt)jll'lll' IIA II t.i tcro W11A HOIItUtlting tlO• Eng following 1111 ovol'lnating lot ot puty g11b,

1'he Oross-'l'owu 'l'rolloy Editor snys : " W hnt timo we were hunt­ing nobler g111110 in Nowfonntl ltllHI nntl olsowhoro, 11ll tho s wcotost nml best m�u th11t 1\'o h11Vc of tho pions· tlltt 111111 porsuasivo kim! spent tlruir summct· in arguing with �lr. Wittko IIIHl Sqniro llttr't to sign tho consents. A or 0111' most putl'iotic, JlC1'• 811118lvc, popnlnt'nllll fl'icrully citizens htborutl with thusu two men. 1�\'0l'J'· I hiug waa <lorw thnl cnul1l bo tlorw uy uuyuuo i n 11 ploasan t onlinnt·y lush­ion . J•h·o1·y l t l ll ll gnvo up thoso two. 1\'ot·o 0111 ' lllot·chuuua 1\'l'OIIg' iu suy· i ng thut ant11othlug lllllal. lm 1lont1 i l l 11 t l i lfol'ol t l fa�h i ou? I • it not l'i�;ht to !ttli'U II pll hlio t!IC(!Ii II!('/ "

f t.!� l ;•; tlftr'UI I I'''• 'rPMM·-flll, J i l l; t • )Jilll 1\<•IJ <'ll<>lldt. l oll) lt'H IW hmd lu 1 1 1 1 1 )\(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l \ 1 1dt •J'!o!lll 1 1 i l 1 1 11,\'l h i iiJ.r. Lltttl I l l,!: hi lw /lf-l)ll'd un IW\'111'1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 '"' 1'111' II ldHH, 11 1111 I MUhl, � ��� � . I I li i' ' 11/[t•ll I I I IW.

.lt•MM· -�1�· �uodJJPMHI I Mhutlltl lhlulc tltnt \IIIII !'llll li J Jtt lo Olllll!MII rllt' lillY 1111111. 'l'••••-lt t!tll'lnlnly MIJUnltl Itt• rut• nny out• wbo lmnw� thnt two tl!•l(ttl ll'l'� UIUI!e II I<O!IIiVti.-l'lliiR��IJ1iiiH l'l'l•n

A commtmication from Lnwrer Pnr· rot, of Eliznbetb, Wits recel�ell in which the comtuitl(•e was asked to 1ttljottru th� lteuriug ou the Awos Clarlt siaen·nlk liS· •essment case until the next JUeetiug. 1'he request wus gmntell.

'J'nx collector A. H C11lrk 1tslcetl that 11

Ht·e or six tltu·s to Slumgbui. He wns listened to with r111ll 11ttention. The 1 Chinese mugistmtes, he sui<!, ll'ere very friendly to them alltl · nssiste<l them in every possible wny to escntJe. They nr·

L. BAMBERG ER & CO., ril•etl Itt. Sllll Frauci•co nhontslx weeks Market and Halsey Sts., NEWARK, N. J, ngo. �lr. null l\Jrs. Holmes "'ere on 11 visit in Dm•et' with Mrs. H. S. Peters

wnmtnt lle issttell for the sale of UUJlJiid Mrs. Peters uud Mrs Holmes were ol<l tuxes which WitS clone. The clerk Wtts



llmml'il Llm'JWII t•ro\'l'tl uu l�nol11mt Jlusl 011 !Uorul11y I�HJ!Illll•

A Mrtlullty 3UI'Jlrlse wns gl1·�n to l!ownnl Lnweuu, at the ltumo of lt!A nuut, Mrs, Alt'rell ,J. H111'ltse11, �lotu1ny Ol't•n lng. A vary t•lettKlllll uveu!ur,: WitH l•lljO)'Pll 11)' 1111 . 'ri!IJ,,O \li'UHl•l lt li'"I'IJ : �11''"� ,full a O'llleui�,Gurtt·tHl� O'Bieuls, Pt•m·i Luvulucu, ,lunule lluliu)', J,ncy llal"'r, l>thul l l utfu!ll!l, J,lllliln llllnll,

l'lon•tJCH 'l'nylor, J\ni ltel'itiO '1'1t)'ltt1', l�i)JJII Cu,,, !�•IIIII l'<khol tuu, llutlie Gnu;t, 1•:!111 fil'ltgt•l', Jlnlliu i:lL'JII{t•l', IJ<JWJU't\ l.�ll\\'1'\11111 .1o1m 1Juw1l, Ut•UI'I.:Il Cot\0\'tll'. of l ' lulntlPI• i : l•:tlwllt't1 i:\,• ltrop["'• Arlhnr· l l 11lt•, Wnll tll' Lt•t•, Hoy W llllnt!IM, \VII llulll l1'o�h·r, i':I\Willll '11otlou, LPII\1111 Ku t l l lt, !.unl; l,t'lJt•cl!, lllnl ulhL•r l'tlt•tJI]M ul' llw l'nutlly.

- · -

J'lulull•·l • l 1111"1 114'"1ot t:ulh•u••· A. /1, l'lu•l p;, J\ Ill., Jtl'l'Mltlttlll of thn

l ' lnl t tllt•ltl lln�lllt''" l.'oli<•K1•, l tu• a t11mM 'l:lwul Itt "''<•!')' 11'11)'. Ji;!ltill l•lwil ill 1 �11:1 1 1 hu• 111•1111 l't•l')' •tt1Jt't•H;I'1ti 1,VI'l' MJIH'!'• IUit!i iWW Jt J.ot JuoJwl1 Up/JU Uot OIW u! tlw lll••l hu•i lll''" cullt•ij••• lu 1111' •lith•. l:!t•Uil lu �h. l'lll'l),; fill' II lh••cri)JI.IVI• Jllllllllltl�t of It!� •ohoul, I l lY Ill IIIIUI'l'Ht you,

Oood male stenographers and type. writers are now In s�eclal demand, Also, good book· keepers. Both sexes thor�ughly trained In the


Ul'l'\' 11,\ HI, lllll l.IHSU,

GllEGG'S SHOI!'l'IIAND lti l11ugl!t, ' l'hl� 1H �llll\llllt' 1111<1 <•n•ler tlum the oltl •plmu• It I• l'll)llill)' COIUIII� to tho l'l'llnt.

HADlJlm'S DOOI\ 1\gllf'ING. Tl1lA I• nt t111• WI')' l>Jjl. It cotnhhw• bolh ti!Pi! l'\' 111111 ('rl!cl lcl',

Cllllllli<H'l'lnl J,nw, MlihtlltJII<', Gl'l\m• 1 11!1 1', �pHli!IIJ(I l:lll'l'li'I J I I I I I Ilt!UCO iHill PPII· lllfiJI'hlp, l l lb 11 l•o tnught ht 1111 UIII'II1'H! niHl }H'Ul'•n\ Wily,

REASONABLE RATES, -·-L'Il)H) .1'1' l l l/1 '1�--

A, A. PHELPS, A, M,, i •rt,.ltlllnl .. Plnlnllold, H . � .

.................... ,� ... H4�H4 ....... .e41Ht4tlll Free ! �

Our NEW FALL LIN E now here of


Dorft ingar's:cut Glass,

Art Pottery.

Dinner Ware: from (the to the Best.



Coulhl and Cold• Cmn hu Ctlred hy u�lnl( 'I'Rl!NCIIAI{U'! COUOII IJAUAM

- ,,.,..II! r For all Stomach and Ltvtr PtLiJ. !.all!.! . 'rMI!NCHARll'li LIVfllll4 •

� .r.JJ -.Tho but ln tho wol '

WESTFIELD PHJIRMJlCV. II llflllll' �; W H TRINOH'RD P I .... ..... . ��•mw11 • , • • • re1criDtlon Drua• 1t. • --wH•"1' • � ·�;)d .


G•rtmde Wittke is yisltillg in New York.


Big CroK'rl Mt \Ve•tllettl (lluh Keceh·e J�lttetlou R�tllrtm Over f!llftclal "'Jre.

The Wei!lfield Club Hmoker held l11et uigltt was well p•tronized l.Jy tbe club members and thelt· ft·iunas. '!'he pretl.y club hull wus well tillud witl1 young men, m!tldiB aged ""ll Bllil bald h•ud&d merJ twd IJOt Ollt! coalcJ lJe fuan(l who

-�[ n. Wnlker ;, nut agllin nfler 8 IVUB uot hitting tho pipe or cignr. It �evprP. atJnrk of ton�tilitis. \\'as a trphml "Hill'Jker'y ui�ht." El�c-

n:�::�::��f��'�: "l a;;'�����rd,hns been ��o��������u

�nti:;;:I:•:�,J f�����t��.:t��= - DantAI Ho1•t., of We•tfielol nve.nn!,

is recov.,·inj! from n FPVere illne>• ·

hail mug with Hjljllau<e a• the results of Ute electiou were giren from cliffer­uut. ptLrls of the country.


littKllett· out In 1'o1·ce lo Oh'e MtJDU�IltUID to th.e f;oclal H\\·lrl.

The social seaso11 of lllOQ was upeued iu Westli•lol, !lltllJday ereulng, w!Jeu tile Westfield clllU held their autum} opeu­ing teceptiou uud entertuirJ�tl muuy fl•i•wls.

T11e large hall was decorol'llt�d with fi11gs �ud btmtiug, whilo •t,.Mr palw• \Yero scuttertd in prut'nsiou ubout tht silh�s. '11lle committee iu ch1u·ge ltnd se· cut't•d dnncing cmsfl for the tlonr xrul this was wuch aJIIH'ectated by the fair diiiiC(;.'I'B.

No plare in the slate cnn hoast of such


When good warm underwear can be had for so little mo�NT. We sell honest, well made, fleece lined garments at � eedl. for IJoth Lad ,e!i and Children, an:t have them from this price up ._

any quality, style and duired. Men's heavy wool underwear in white, natural color and. Camel's hair, at SOC and $1 .00.


No one need go out of town to buy underwear, either on:. question of price, style or quality,

M. J, GILDERSLEEVE, �ry OoDds, WESTFIELD, N. 1. -Mr. and �lr•. Dillaway have rent· ed tit• Atkinson itou-. on Rhn street. 'l'heatr·icul Mnuagor E. W. Affieck

vr01·itled a vatiaol eutertniumeut of the . -.ToRep11 D'"llnero i� t.aking fl cnnrF.e flf usnul vnndtJville, ''�woker', ot•tler, nmu­otnrlr nt the PIHinfielcl Bnsi ness College eruns features of 1vbicb l'eClllle� the IJO·

pretty wmueu Ol' iumd�ume lllijtl as lll'f-i ���������i;��;;���������������: fonUtl i u Westfielcl awl they "'ere all out. � ----- -----·----

in force l\lmHluy evening mal tn·e�euttnl 11 pmttr ;pietur• llH tiler tt·ipt•·cl u!Jollt the hull. Mu<ic wns fllrui.;iletl uy Prof. Westervelt, of Newnrk.

block below C. R. R. Station.

night school. tol'ious Chicago Ftiir �litlwlly. -Mi.s Ann11 McChesney. of Free· lliss Atmie Courtuey opeued the Ilto· hold, iM ,.i,·Mt·s. Johll V. Beer•, of gt'tLnJ. MiBS Coortuey is a dashing Sotl·

C .. JJt.ul HTeUllll. Ul'ette Slid iWtUelliately WOll fni'Or ill -A lar�" crot�·o1 wlltcllecl the hullrf.ills the· amlieuce Wiuuns tiDII I3otHI, com·

of the •'l••ctiou thmwu on 11 screen 11t t110 edy lllllSical lll't.ists wet's good >mu took Ptak Hotel l1"t night,

--Mi�s Flor•u�e Leightm1, of Plaitt· fleltl, •t•ent Sntulay with �!illS Eumm Everett, of Uroa1l street.

-Mi<.s Olive Thnm·t•, of Bayonne, is •veotliu� a feiV tluys with Miss Editlt �ltltoni ng, of Picton Street.

-'l'he rllllllltRge sa!B of the W. C. T. U. heg1111 on S·tl lmlay und bas been 11 hi!,( •ncc .. ss. The s.tlB will Jlrubal.Jly clos�:� ou rrlnustltty.

well. Lyun Hall iu Georgia coou songs ma!le tt hig hit nod w,rs eucor·eu. Auout the !Jest coujnrer· who h•s yet macle nn atJIJearltuce here is Adriau Pluto. He mystified the undieuce com· I•letely.

Irene Stewnrt, 11 dancGr, seemeil to please swi was encored. Billy Carter, t!Je ol� tillJe tuiu•trel, w11s at !JI• lle8t and wou tho HUtlience easily. The progmw c!cJsed with Musontht Hauj i ; oriental dancer, W bo Wl'iggieu Rntl uunced to tlJ• •�eming delight of all.

-A nine hole Gulf Clnb is styli•b . Jettu Schwurtz w11s the pilmist tiDU Bnt nn eighteen hole Golf cl 11b is tl:e made the clulJ upright tulk. Mr. thiug. Westfield, of cour•e, IUI1Bt have Scllll'llrlz is the author of the new tbe eighteen hole �rounds. march "Across the ConlltJent."

At widuight reft·eslnueuts w�re served uy It Cllttl'er frotu Newark. 'l'be jllltron· e�liles . were Mt·s. Henry C. S&rge:u�t. Mrs. Hart·y E. Kuigllt aud Mro, J. B. HIU'l'ison.

AIIWilg those Jl!!Sent wrre :-Mr. uud �Irs P11ul Q Olive•·. Mr. ancl

M•·•. P. D. Wuo;ter, �It·. aUt! �It·•· J. B W llsorJ, Dr, tllld Mrs J. B. Hun·ioon, Mr. uw1 Mt·s. H Glndwiu, Mr, aucl �lt·s. J . Platt, Mr. uud Mrs. R. A. Fnir l'"lrn, Mr. nud Mrs. J. A. Wooclwmc1, Mt•. and �It�. W. E. Bnclllllltrin, �k. aucl Mrs. Heury Ferri•, Mr. altll Airs. ,]. R: Conuoly, Mt·. 11011 �Irs. C. 0. Poor, Mr. uud �h·;. John RIB, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Tnttle, �!r. nud nr... Hurry Evans, Mt·. tutti Mrs. W. J. Alpets, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lnwrence 1Bogert, Dr. Rill] �Irs. Fred. A !{inch, Mr. tltld )Irs. E Protulfit, Air. tttttl Mrs. E. R. Perkius, -Robert Frencl•, the oiliest voter In -·- Mr. 1111U Mrs. W. H. Gomes. lllr. und

Wesi Held, cast his IJallot ill the s•cor1•l CARL.ETON P�ACE I.ADV Mr•. A. L. ltussell, Mr. und �Irs. S. di�trict this woruiug. He voted fur tl1e TENDERED SUA PAISE PARTY. White, �lr. 11ntl ' lllrs. H. E. Kuigbt, •ixleeuth Jlresidsntial canditlule. \Vhll� �lakh•� " X•IKitbul'ly Call MIH• �liSIIes A. Bogert, SOiJhia Conlit,

-Fred Doel't'er, the young son of Jhh�l t'llcl• ���� 8.,.1.,.1,.. Cormoly, Clill'll .Massnchentt, N ellle Do· gert, Gertnllle Nue, Evans. IV oodl'Uff, Cbru·Jes Doerrer, wus hit by n large box On Friday evening, .Miss �lllbel Fitch, De•sie Smith, Ethel Coger, Grace Hllr which fell fron1 ,. wngon ou l\Ionolay uf Carleton PI .. ce, ran across the lawn tleo, Lncelle Toms, of Knoxville, Tenn. , �;,r����. �;�cl�:�: �:���������b��y

0�1�� !:!:�:���;:.:n�u����::�:����. c:�:t:bt;;: �r·;:;�t·s�[:r ���·�;��k. ��:�/��d��:: is 110w getting along nicely, found 11hout twenty live of her friend• Eps. aud Stuart Pope, of P.lalofleld, R.

-It is reported tbrlt W. B. Smith, of gathered 10. tender her a surprise party.

P. Grant., A. B. Smith, C. E. Thorne, Jersey City, wlto ltas condllclfod The eveomg was. pleasantly opent in

8 H. Harbison; Fred. Smith, W. J. Do • fourJdry at 11181 placP, has l�aJH:d m

. anuet· ch,.racleristic of such gather

bl W E T Ill � Tl 1 t t 1 t gert, Jr . . Wru. Basta e, . . u e, t.Jre large foumlry ·and plant erecte11 by •�gs. tere was p en y 0 wns 0 0 Jr.1 R. B. Conoll, H. Craig, lllr. and the New Era 'Metal Comj1any, and re- hven the occasion, and late in tlle even·

Mrs. Frank Stoith, Edward Bayr1or, R. cently �·copied by the Jobu King Metal lug u bouut.tfnl supper was served. B C b J A B F p C � Amou�e lhUBe pt•eseut were: lllr. and · 'ar erry, • . ' runner, . · · on CompllllY at Garwood. Mt·s. L. ll!. Pellt'Ball, Mr. and .Mrs. M. dit, Chilli. Htll'btson, C. E Ktlll�all, E.

-The Italian Christinn Society, Vic· '1'. Townley, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Filch, H. Jones, and George Wrenneck. tor Emanuel III is very prosperonB. Uisses Allie Crosby, Grace Crosby, Ruth Tbls iR n sick beneftt society with rooms Pet�r•all, Be•sle Fitch, )label Fitch, WESTFIE�O WELL WATER In the W. C. T. U. ball. A supper and Lou Fitch, Annie E. Weeke, lleth lllore· MAY BE C?NTAMIN�TED. festival will soon be held by the melD· boose, Edith Morobous .. , tWd 1\lessre Board nr Heullll Tnke ",cllun tu l'revout bers in honor of oile of tbe members Arthur Hnrst, Soywou Ferris; Ruy t:)oldemtc or TYI•hultl t•orer. let1viug for 11 visit to Ittdy. Neefus, Lester Nesfns, of Elizabeth; At the m�etiug of tile B01m! of Health

-During the mouth of November Roy E<lwards, of Bayonne; B. W hehl on Friday eveuing Joh11 Her<ler every epedes of game, except ring·ueck· Rymau, D. D. S., of Snwwit. made a cowplitiut ol the dumping



Of 30 East 23rd St., N. Y. City. WILL BE ATR. Brunner's



I I No Charge E v e r y

for Pair Examination. Guaranteed.

I '

KI RST E I N'S S PECIAL is mnde like 11 ten cent cigar, smokes lilce a ten cent cig�r and sells for 7 cents-4 for 25.

We are Bt•tnly co11vinced thttt no cigar, at the price, on the mnrket to day cun equul it in tu�te, tlt'oma and gener11l excellence, or give such thorough sutisfuctiou to so large 11 IJIIljorit.v of critical srnnkers.

'l'ry one of Kir;tein's Speci�h"-yon'll wunt 111ore ot thetn, that's snre.


POOL AND BILLIARD PAALOAI-tha beat In �eatneld ---•

acoby's RESTAURANT, ed ph•ll .. llls, •leer, grnss or nplatJ<I -·----

gro1md on Pro1pect etreot, cldimlng plover tmd <love, wuy be legKily sbot. WILLIAM G. PECKHAM that tho wateJ' ft·om the satoetlralne<l iu· ����������������������������� It i& nlso 110 Ol'"" seaeun for all fish ex· FAILS TO I.AV SIDEWALKS. tc his well which ha<l become contam-cept b1·ook trmtt. No game cJin be re- A.tlcl Lnys ,the JJI�e TtiWmhltJ En· as IL1 re�mlt of which his '�ife am\ moved frow the State except wlteu the ''"""''• sick �·ith wlHit might davel-""me was killed on pt·emises stocked 'l'he followin� letter seems to be of t)'pholt1 foYer. 'l'he dmupiug

THEATRE SUPPER, 10.30 P. IJ)' the owner. public iJJter•st iu resj1ect ot the trolley ts Oll'nei1 by James O'Donnell to 12 P · ill. , 60c· -�'be Socinl Clnb will give R progres- nn1l in re<pect to tlw sale of llirt the propet·ty of nteBSrs.

sive euchre llltrt.y to member• nn!l which uo\V ubstmcts the ltighwny. nnt1 Wesley Bmlor. 'J'nrtm·.r nnlrms, 1Pe1a: null �nt·llc

t'P;,:-al'tlcll nH pt�l'l'llmPR. A ·rur1nr wil l m:li\L1 IH•r·rwJt' 1!71'/!(?tlhJc by

a pll'ee of J'J'e:-;1!1,\' C'Ut on lon on ntls untl 0\'{�1' !let' couutcnnnce.

ft•iendR on llriclny evening. pJ11ying . . Nov�mlM' p. 1000. The iuspector w11s iustmctetl to get 11 will he"ill ut8.15 o'drodt shnrp. Metu 1'oWII Comuuttee, W estfielt1, N. J . Slllllple of the well Willer llllll llllve the

• t:! • DB,\H. SIHS :-I\lr, Donuls nrgt:Jll llle to Rlltlle uunlyzed by a chemist. rl,lle secre· bars who !Jl'iug gnest; wrll lm nsaessud bniltl the stotw si•lewulk us requiretl b) 1 t 25 cents for each guest. Duncing untl the complaints of tho people uwmal the tary reportet1 fmu "'""' o[chlc ""!lUX " ruft·eshments will follow. As th is is the town dump lnt, ere., before winter, so as Germnutolvtt. tirst entertnimuent of the StiiSOil it is uut to .lenve the peg, in the ground over Dr. J. B. l:it1rdson reported the tullitt thnn l .OOO· Jdm1n of l'llhl!er . tho wwt�1·. I ut uuce mndt1 u contract buUdirtb>'S to be iu good 51mitu.ry are mntle Iu tlw United Stutes. expectetl that the memlle.·s wtll be ont fu1· 11�ont G,OOO �qunre feet of stouo side-

bnt .,1\tl Umt the 1·esicleuces in fot·ce. wnlk, We ttre no1v tlelnye•� hecnnse the town httR not clone its l,�ll't m esttll.Jhsh- now in me us school rooms were lmllly

. -lmpt•isonmeut. in Siu.g Si�g for l!fe ing grades. Freqnet!l vi�lts to i\lr. veutilnte<l. �·1,0 Lonrd.•uljonruetl nlt•r rs the seuteuco lvluc!J tlte Jlll'Y m Jus!tce M��t•sh hnv• re>nited ettu[IIJ' 111 prouJtse.. \lll8siug sereml Wis. Fursumti's conrt, thB Cl'iuiit;ltl Brunch 'l'o uccompli;h the cumtructiuu of tho

f h s . c ·t t 1 t F 'iJ . to cross towu trolley, seews to we to be 11 tnildug. lle bus provet1 him- 0 I e llJll enw om Ill� "' 011 ' ' IIJ �rent jlllblic ll<1Vtltttage. I tiut1 thnt i\lr. n most Clljl!lble nctor, fur in Artlmr Htlt'l'is,t.heCt·llnfortl u�gr·o; �Ituse M1101my's eucroachwout ml Monntuiu

Bh1Cl<smith " in which he mtmlet• of Pohcewnn Rouert J. Ihorpe avenuu Jlrel'euts th• constnotton of the 11t Stilluu:n Mn>ic Hnll in New York ou tlte ui�ht of AngllSI trolle)' lllttl bus leml,ed to. prevent It for ' o 1 ti . .· t tl t f 11 • 1 HOttle yenrs tmst. 'llms 11 wrong to tlte

Scrofula in the b1ootl shows itself soon­or Iuter ir1 swulliugs, sores. ernptious.

Hoo•l's Sm·sttpllrilht cotnpletelr cnns

'fhnrsdny night, lte goes �·· CII�Set , te l ltc� no 8 111 . 0 ��'."'_ i>nblic prevents the ttccompll•!•tue�l� ol u

fonr 11cts ll'ith ns llln<'h gi'Jt�&ns llllllle<lmtel) 1111U I>tutlnootl n vmtlicltve grent udmutnge to tlte publrc, l o 011-ubility to �i•·e nttpercuts to 0111,011• tleBS thnt h11s uot censed to trouble the •hie the fJeople to gel tho �euefit of tit& Ao·t'• n,1,1.,. m •• .,, .•• , ..

lu the squnretl circle ·He decltlrl'B police on tlnty in the uegm district. higbwn.Y for which �hey pnltl such lnry,e "Onttht'l' l u" ltlt It nt lnHt. He's milk· : . . snms of mmle)', whtle I\lr. Uouuey lllls In,!!; ramt� ntul mtlllt'�'." the nuly t·eusou fodus suceesE 18 the -Represeutnthes of the FelleriLtetl been nslug it so ]OIIK, I het·eby offer the unmr'r' tb11t the play is r.nlly 11 stor� of hi• Brotlwt·boot1 of Rttilwuy Employees 'l'owu Cmnmlttee �l2 per ilutttlrt d lo��tls "Pl!oflle hnvP hrgun to notice u1nt he ltCe and that his d11muiug wife, heltl u secret session nt .Ashley Sttudtty for tl•e dirt in eucrmwln�•�nt, lite dirt ito jlnlnt" sulttllt•l' ltmttiA nnd ft•t•t thnn nny

· · J be remu1•etl tuttler the i owu Oomtu t mul htll."

.Bohl.Jre, r,ure uight. Delt•gutes wete pre•ent .rr·ouJ nll tee's dh·ectimts by me. Others ll'iil other· portt•fl lt m·tlst itt towli."-CI.tlcngo tuke pnrt iu the thllet•tmt RCelles. the tliv lsious on the Ccult'nl lhlirolll1 of jlrobn�ly gire more. Rccot·•l.

lllnul<ntoith" is 11 colllo11)' NeiV Jersey from New York to Scrnn- Yours h·ttl)', hut the ,,uthor, William Gill, tou. Thooe uttmuliug the cottfet·mtce W · G PEmm.m. \\'O\'tm together a HClie.-3 of declinttl to tnlk fot• pnhliculiuu. The A �n·�c. without ""Y of tl1e tlreud· CJHI'loyeee of tl>e •·oa•1 lmvo h1111 u lisl of F'or some )'Cttt•s n t'(l'l' 111y mnt•t•lnge I •t-,!"'"'""""'""m which hlNo mnny melo- grievunces lwfore the otlluialR of t ho llre!l nt Oltl um·l.Jul', u sttlttli plncc

,\n l>n�lbh ttlltlint•lty !inA esllmnte<l thnf I I' nil tltt• lnlwhllnnls 'of tile Brlt· IRII 1<11•>1 Rhonld ll>'<lik to attend clmrch CJII n l(il'riJ Hlllllifi,r 2•i.Ollii,OOD wolli<l Ill' et•nwtl••tl out I'm· lttclt of scttli.�g room tn th�· c·hnrclwH, ' the plot """"' iut]llloloi!Jlo. cDut lllllly, but It iH tltulerHtooti the com- nhottl �0 milcH fi'Olll Kin;;• ton, One jllenty of Ojlpurtnttitl.- to 111111y <lu�litte.� tn llllll!e the concessluus !In;- whcll n l'iHit to Ill)' 1\lngHtnu dress·

hi> reruurkllltlu 11thlet lc JtbilHy, nHhttl for. mnlwl' wn< Jt llcecssl t,t· r Ol'\l>'retl ll 1 --------------

lho lir•t 11ct l1o Ia fon111l in the -•---- J'O\Itlg negro lmy lo gt•t 111•011 tho l'tllll· To o .... tlunot11ootlon For .. ••• 1 with forge �tnd nu\'il maldu� n blc nntl llt'ln 11w tn t!it• town, u'8.1�,'6�r�in��s c���:������Wt�t��·rui�01��!;

YOU CAN'T expect a man's $5.00 shoe for $2 .00, although

some dealers advertise that way; (we don't), but for $2 .00 we've got a shoe that's a winner and a bus iness builder.

\ian �rsdaiE, I :Z 7 E!AST l'RONT .SiR.EET, PLA!NFIE!LD, N, J.

A Goon Imstm�nt. Sm� � � ��r c�nt Ba�h S�mn on your coJI bi l l if your heater is equipped with

T"e Schlicht Combustion Process YOUR H61tT6 R lAliLL

. Be EQUIPPeD Free of Charge, and left for 30 days

If you want it und it SIII'CS :10 tJer cent. of fllel ; the price ia $25.00.

If I Don't Save 20 per cent I Remove it. OVER 100 EQUIPMENTS FOR PLAINFIEI.D THIS SEASON.


_,IDite·sltoo., 11 hn<inll<snt whi,uh ho is IIH 1'1u• "J{Inlf of llnnlt'." I pnltl lilY YIHit to lltl' tli•t•ssmttkct•, ' •-------------• Wlwt '"''':IIIli' od' 1\llfl'JIPoll's "olt I� n 111111 r�eei ril111 Ill\' ft'Ol'lt, n li�ltt Slltll· , . lie I� lit lighting, qm•Ktlnll ufll'll nHIH•It, ll< tllt'tt !lnll nw� thing, frottt iu•r·, I plncc•tl It Ill the The Schlicht Combustion Process Co •• �· y� CASTOR I A ���NJE��:v. C, MAYNARD EVANS 1 :us E. Fr��tA����:i.o .

"HYDRO· Is utluh• In l t l•lut·,r ol' litt! )'oll tt;: prl uet!, box: lll'lll'itlll !Itt• htt!(�)' sl'llt nntl th'OI'C tilt! dt•r�l l't• ol' hit'� l'ut!u•I''H l l ft•, who Wllfl on til m�· fiiHtt•r'H, wht•l't' 1 \\'t•nt ltl to hol'JJ ;\)Jll't'h !.!n, 1S1 1 . urnld J!l't•nt l't•,llllt•· t-.RI!flJlt! tilt' hl'lltPil Jllll't or till' tlny, g\\'� In� Itt 1 '111'1• lltlll lut lli•II I IH lilt• "itiltg ot' lug Ill)' l1o)' "i'IH'llf'l' 11111! lilt!dltt� hilll J'or Illfanta and Ohildreu.


H EA D A CH ES ""' ... � TIIIAI. fl i Z I , tO CTIIo �


Itunn•," 111 .l il l i i iii i'Y • l H J.I, �npult•ol l fl\lU tht! �lghl�o� !lllti l'i'flll'll nl ·l u'cl11clc, t•ltlill'll''''" Ill• wll'• • nncl •·hll il l'nl' l lu• llu (ttt'ttl'll liP ptttl l• l ttlllly, w it h tho ln•t l l t t ll•, util i I I IIH 1'1'1111,1' """''' ' l iu• gt·ln Hllll utt hi>� fn•·t•, ttttd In •llll' !line t'l'i�ll of t il l' l l t t i o• li l t tg "11'111 1 11 1'1'1' 1' Hil l\' 1\'t< l't'tt t•IJI'I l Ol•l l l u t'iOIII' llll l'l' 1110m h\1-1 \dn�:•\l:.m,1 1 '. I t � WHM 1'1 ' 1 1 1'1'11 !11 1 1 11 ' '\' \ i1 • 1 1 1 Wl•lll t11 J n lit' 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1y t'l'l� l•�· .\mdl'\1111 1'1111\'t. 1 1 1 1d1• J' 1 ht• 1 1 1 1 1\Jt l l ll' l ln\w HIUHI In , 1 l'ol l1 1 t l , 1 1 1 1 nr t 'ol lM IN'nnt lnn, I t uf !tt • \ t • l i�lni l l t l l ld ,1.!1'11 \\' lo \Jt• II )1!1 1 1 11 · Wllr-4 11 WPJ , t- l t • \ • ) 1,\" lllllt-<1'1, :\I) 1'111 11 hlltl folil l l l l ' \'1 1 1 1 1 1 1! 1'1 ' \ \ t l \\' 111111 l ! l l f l l • ll l ll'l lllll t : ( 1'11 \ l t•ll . lll ld 1' \ i ·l l l llt · l l . �t'holJ;I', l l t• i111d t •llt' ul inl'l ,\'1'1 1 1 ' n l' I I I I I · 1 1 111' 1 \1 '1 1 ht t l 1 • • ! lo,\' : ''t4olnlll111\, whnt 1 1 1 1 1',1' lift• 11 1 11 1 t lu • 1 1 , . , , t : lt ' l l l ' l i•d j l t t i lllll· Itt I ill' wnt•ld ' ' '" '" 1 1 11" 111 1 '1 1 11'/ ll ow"­tttl l')' l liNI'IIHt•, I' I' I J I I I ll'ilil•l• II<' tl ll'tl Ii i h i• I III I ""' I""'' Ill' t t l i t ' l' lll' i j lii'HH tllllll�l'· 1 \\'P11f,1'·tU 'I 'I II Il \ ,\'1'/!f', l J(• 1\'HI'I'Ild/ll'd 1111'11( 1 1 1 1 fl ( �t ffWI' f-llffjiJII •ci iiH'o t i l l ' ttl l ' l t l l ll',l' ul' I ll" I'JJ I II I 'l' ll ll l l n l w n ,l'" " l .ol". l l l i'' n::1. l l l t tl l t l tt•·•·r, hill 1111! "'

The Kind You Have AIWBJI BDU&hl B�•rs tho d J.l r;;:;:::;;:

3ignMU1'0 of �t/JiZilv.

f�_EO_ERICK. C. O���E�, TAI LOR.

"111' 111. till• l l t t l l i l'l ' i'"'"'•l' ul' IIIH tlo •l lil l , . Itt • Cjlll•o •t• I I< ll'hl l l dnlll ' hltpjll'll tu Ill•'• �lo• _s,�REP'IRING 811� PRESSING t"'-1,\' :.!'l, In hlot uw11 r·utlllll�. I I (! IH hl l l'l t �d � t11 1 1_uhl 11 quntt lu r I I,� d. I wur•t' uf t l l lt � A ll � lrt lll•' l 'lll'lilllsillll tliOIIJI�i l 'l',l' ul' l'l1•tt · 1>1'1 ' 1 1 ,!' l'l l lg o i o •,l' o•JJJi" 'i<•t•' tn i l l ' i lttl 1111, Wlildt iM !Itt• .\UMllillll 1\'��lt tt lttMIVt' hill I l l ' 1 1 1 1 •hnll' I IIli Mi'l o• l', 1111 I j i l l I hht t ahhvy, 1t1 o ht l' wid )'c�n· dt'""' l n lt•••'l' hill ! ;uft•, .Agent for I.cnding lnHurnncc

Co.s nnd Stt:nm Luumlry. 1111 1111\l' hl t ll �UIIl' fol' 1 1'111', II II IIl i i\' iJ i lll Ml'l ulll I tl l l l t l ltt ll'hi ,l'nll Mil l in lllt 111111 1111 '"' !l lllt•:"-l t nrtJm''N �h!Wtrv.hw, 188 BROAD ST., WE.STFIELD.

�����#�����u��� �' BA v AR�lST.�IHARMACV. a ' H IIO�D STAeET, COif, �-�11'1.!. WEITPIELD, N. � . f I I U Y [,t r: l l'l-l OAN Dr. Hy �puuilli iiiTIIIII-(o ttlont wo 01111 al ·

Wtt)'ij givo you fl't•Hh H'"l''i a , Hnl.unlay i H ahmyo l ll •yh•r'i l.tusy tiny, tlttd <I'll \Vttll t l,IJ lot yn11 i< I I CJIV t\iut IYll lll'll \ 'l'liJllll'�li (nl' II Htil.tll'llll)' t'll'-11• I IIHt(l]lll of OIH'I'.I' ing ,Y<HI I' Oillltly out f1·on1 Now \'ot'k Rt.op nt Ulllt<iic1R 1111 ynn1· w11y homo, 1111•! huy tho Rlln'o goJt<ls, l'ljllitlly u� f 1·�dli 1 nt tl io �llttlo pl'ioo�. 1l11vo you tl'iud l:!nutuh klijgo;�

.\It troltty cell alwaya atu� 11 th da(]rl, HENRY P. CONDIT, Prop. J. LOUIS Olllf, Msr. Pres. DepL --·····�--.....

411--llllttlllilii'llili"•--·-· ...... _ ......


1 -:1-- ·· She Jlud a 8mnller One.

It \Y:\1' n u :1 \Yt·�t �:d!' t•abiP. Thl" �'nut Tt• uton won: au " i t h t lu� little lwy hnn�h·d a euiH!urtur a t wu·d ol lar bill.

".�m:t � h·!-1 �·on han· '!" i 11qu irNi l ht> �oml tJct u J', : 1 � lw :-h i f t t•tl t l tl' �ilwr mHl �il'liPt .. in l 1 i "' pod.t·l.

f:ht- i lHi u g h t ht • lnt ·nnt tlH' l i t t h• h0�'. .. . \ t• i n ! " �h t• l"i'�J IO!Hl t·tl. 11 ) h a f on�

\OIIH' o n� .' rl rt'l' 1 1 l i ! J l 1 h� u]t l alrl' t t ,r.'' TIH· I l t ht• l:t l lgh was on 1 h t· t•oml uct.­

Ol',-T:t t' l l : t : ! .\t·\Y.', :'it•t• •lt•ll nn l n l ••ucl 11t' t l u n ,

I\ f'1• :· t a in ( J t-t'm:m pt·t tfp�:-:or of mu­fiit•,ht ill' lllt•t w i t h in En�·l i �h drnw i ug­J'uDttl�, i:; an cutt•l't :dning oltl J.rl'Utle­man.

To hin l't'C'L'II t ly l1 l ally sa1tl, wl1en onl' nf his l't l l l tpo:-:itinns hnd just been J'C!Ult'l'\'d h,\" Olle of t i lt• g'lll'Ht H :

" l l ow tlo yon lilte t h e l'l'tHlllring of 3rmn· !';Oilg'. p1·ofl•ssor?"

"\'ns [lot my :-;ong111 n�plied the proft·�!'Ol', "l did tJot ]mow him."-1l'i t-Uits.

l!t•nn Ou• Ottumnn, \\'ht>n Joh11i11e Jont>s nml JPnnle Smi th

First felt young Cupid's <lnrt Th�y w�t·.:: Utlon the ottomUJl

And saL thus far n)lart. nut>r on wns hen rd n sound­

''l'was Vl'I'Y Ill;: I! .fl ktss-.And lo, upon tlte ottomnn,

rrhc pm tsomewhat lll,eth Is. -1'own 'l'o::_1':::1<:::":_· -----xo C.lUSI� Ji'Oil \\'OllRl ...

Nellie-l'm not satisfied with the eolor of m�· huir, deur; it's too duk.

JIJo-Don't make 11 worry of that, Nellie, de1tr; I t can't be long now be· fore it's gray.-AIIy Sloper.

A1•out thP st ... Bt u. "l'he laws of justice seem to bind

'l'llf op)Jresaor with the oppressed: 'l'lwse r\'ho go to law bul little get­

.Anc.'l the law}•ers got the rest. -clltCago Dally News. Did Not Ulame IUnt.

4'1 !!orne from the fnr west.'' snid one �ongressma n, "and 1 am proud to prochl i m myself n resident of the land of the setti ng aun." ·

uYes," unsw�red the colleague from .pearby, 1'1 don't blame you lor be­ing a little boad!ul. r cnn't llelp en· vyit1g _yon C\'ery time I 1 hink of the milc:tge.'L:__'Va.shington Star.

�rl•e CnnnecChtK LlnkN,

4'Diil�mo1'e con l ends thn t tlte 1yn:x Is reolly the missing Jink," sni'd l!"oS­diek 1 o K!!edi�k.

1'1� t his n piny on words?" , 11NCJ, it isn't. FoHlick contends t.hnt

ihe lsnx connects gal fers with humt�.n 1Jeings. "-Town 'l'oJlics.

'l'hut'M .:\1 1 . Dnu gli i CI·-Oh, pupa, l'1•e just got·

t.l1e most Jo,·ely yachting costume you evrr saw. Pnpn (bnsi l ,r)-l'm glnd yon lil<e it. Daugli � eJ·-Jt's tuu bWt!�L fur rmy ..

f.11h1g. X ow ull we need is n yucht.-N. 1 . 1\"or:d. ·

:\Jethml In It, · ")fullins ulwnys perfumes h is pnper

tnnney," !-inicl Cumso. · "Does lte think thnt purifies it"?."

asl{ed CawJ;:er. , ·

It l.s Up To You

the Prudential

to take the few steps

necessary to surround

your family with the

benefits and protec·

tion of Life lnsur·

ance. A duty as

well as a privilege.

Insurance Co. of America. Home Office: Newnrk, N. J.

JOliN 1'. DRYDEN, !'I'Csldcnt, L�:�J�IE D. W.l\HD, Yicu·PI'l'.'ihhnt. BDGAH B. \\�AHD, �d Vicu PrtJ10't & Cotuu;;�l. FOHHES11 F. DH\"DE�. 8ecl'elat·r.

C. E. Bt\111 8\)II't, Uooms:! 3-� Btlnk Hlllg. , E. F'mnt. S.t. & l'urk A\·e., PlalnllL"hi, X. ,!, Box 'i!ll, l:!\1:!

HIS s�rAR�' IN l�IFE. "Dlit-whnt ahoiit i lH• 1')·1';:111<'1'<, ilhl �·on �ar'! Wll.r. ti ll' lltiL't iunt'L'I', nR 1 nf1NWnt'li lt•:tl'lll'11, W:l� \'l'l'�' IH.'Ul'·

IT WAS AGOOD ONEAND WASTHRUST sl�liiP11. 11nil nn 1h1• nuu·nin.� 1o wlil<'h I ON H I M BY ACCIDENT. l'ef<•r he lmd f<ll'�u11vn his �•s. 'J'ha1

wns wh�· lw mi�'>IOII\\ ut,r J!'l'�llll'Q nt' tlis·

Tilt' Jncltlflll1 "ronhln't fta\·e IID}J .. fi\'OWUI (ot• It Hi�ll u!' a::.:!o=Pill :t llll fOl'l'Nl

(lf'JU.•(I It R · ShurtHigb1�d lleul J� ... - llH\ In S()itiJ of lliYHl1lf, Into n gooll ttatc .\.u.-tluiH.•er lind Njtt Fm•,..utt"• thing. I UO\'tll' lltlilC'rStoml t!m exuct Ill• c,·•·Kituuu.�•· tnw hnvnrtlness of tlw deal, Llut the

fncts In the l'Oilgh wel'c.! t l111t n elh]lle ''I owe Ill)' •tnrt In life to the fncl of spcc n ln to1·s hnil rm·mcd a combine

tlmt an csllmnhle old gcnllcmnu forgot to J;ee(l tlown Jll'icc,, hut, owing to to )JUt his cyeg):lSRCH In hiS pocl;:ct ouu BOill� mlsimtlm·Bhlnlling: rnJICil to hld mol'nlng," snhl n rn·ospct·ous lJ\Jslness promptl�· oil tlw tJI'OpN'lY which I so· lmlu ft•om n sister city. "It's rather 11 cm'cil,. 'l'llc anctlonecl' wus on to th�

cn1·lous stOL·y," he wcut 011, 11nnd 1'11 gamo nml unx!ons to lJJ'e:t k It up: lwncc. wll it as l>rlefly "" JlOSRiblP. A �0011 h is JII'Cclplti11W)' In lmo.,klng down the mnny )'eu1·s ngo, wlwn 1 wns 11 yotmr: lot to ymn·s truly. l IWUI'Il, Intel' on, fellow ·of 2il or thcren!Jouts 1 •ll·lflc1t tlmt Ill)' JIOI'tly s!Icnt JlRI'In"r mane �8,· Into Lonlsl·lllc Jn sent•ch of

'a job that 000 out ol tlui'li;•lllsn clloa, hut I didn't

u:<lu't mntcrlnllze, uml tlw UJISltot of It 1 begrudge him til'•� money. 'l'he �oOO be wns that I fonml mrself Jll'llCtlcnlly 1(11\'U IOU ou rulth tlmt UIOI'IIh)g \\'US

bml<e In IL slt·nn�c city, u11 to tllllt ";m·th tully l� Jler cent a · mlnutei'­tlmc 1 lmtl ulwuys wm·J;etl fot• smllll New Odcu1��. :r.�mes·Democrat wuges nutl hull novet• succeot112tl In nc... · . . · ·. "> .... �

cumuln 1 lng ns nmelt ns $ti0, bLit- l lual 11111 J�ook• \Vere.oet:!etittTe,· : 1111 niJI!llng t'nlth that - If I conltl oiicl' �'lie . . . Jute �It·,. Justice ::· .Willlnm . get hlllil of 11 modest stnke : r . cou111 · .O'Brien, .lis Is in·cttr genci'nlly. kno11'i•, lnunch out fol' myself and mnlui some· wns. liot 11 tnllor's niooel; 1in<l when h'O: money. • ·. · · , � . , '·: '.': t•:···.:::-r:-:: ., .lug ou n ·long rnllwuy jom·1ic;; hls'itttlrc

"01m mo'rulug, :wlwn· (.,,·:tS·.,,.111ldcr-· �\·ns� �·,·mt . l�Jot•o ncgloctcd � uuin ... tiSUfl1; lng about with only two 01'. three slh'cr SD)'s · Loiulou M. A: P . . · \Vnlthig: on� tlolliu's In :•Jt)' . poclwt; Jooldng for : u d11y : for his train. to leni•c Cm·k, . be chunco to go'to ·11'ork !>t nn;;tlilug thllt .\Yiuulereil Into .the first class · refresh· might otTer, · ·r -· dro1111ctl luto n lllg mcut l'OOiil, his · thrcadllnrc . nntl .fntlctl llown stairs room i�lwrc some renl coat Jool<lng tlw ntOI'IJ remarlml1le estate wns :being Rold nt ·auction. A ,when In eont rnst with tile th·ess or the la!'gc. crm,;U i wns . Jll'N�mit, nnd them smart set' ft•equcntlng tlic place. "Can was nu lntle>cl'lllnhlc feeling' or ten· I hare u glnss oC mill<?" he tuqulrc�

slon In !he nlr that WOI'IlCll IUO 80UIC· of tho being In frills llllll [JOWtlCl' who tlJJng llllllSlllll W:IS nhout to hii)I(ICII, l'Ufecl JJChJntl the lJUt',

"While 1 Wlls slmHlln.: thcrt•, only 'l'he lntly eye1l h im slinl'[lly ani! su· mguely· lut�restetl, the nuetlonecr, who JlCt'clllousl)' nml thcu SllllJI[lC<l out: · wns 11 t t ltc nn elduriy gt�nllemnu, put "Yes, lmt It's tUIJJll'nce 11 glnss here. UJI n ph•cc or Jmprlln•tl city JITOJll'l'ly You'll get It fm· n penny In tho thli'd awl nfter n cmt!ihlemhlc l l11 UHl! n�cdY· clnss room." ell n lJld of �21llt 1 eonhl s�e that tiJc "\\'�1!." t·r.turncd tllc .lmlgc nB nmln·

sumllncss or th e nmo�mt rxei l l·�t :-;m·· bly m; }HJs�lhlP, "I tlilnk 1'11 111\\'C n pl'lse, mill I wns n l:-oo nw01,� <1f n com· g-lass nt 1l11 11JlPl lCe' nll tlw snme. I cnn motion lu ono l"ot·not• whm·l! llnlf n tllll!l:lge to stU'\' lYe the �XJWnse. u

<lozeu pt'�\·lous bhl<IL•t·s WN'e �:l tlwlwl llu tool\ his mlJ1.c: nml wulkcd out togclh•�r ln all 1\XdtL·d gr01111, �l'hL'Y with nn 11llrnllitltl coulltcnancc. But SC(IlliNl to he l]lHII'!'elln� a lout f!onw- \Y\Jtln that rmmg- ltldy lwnl'd from some thing, ntlll nwnnwltlle the :tnctlollC'Cl' g:cnth!'UH!U who wcrl! r;tnndlug Itt the wns htdlgnautly nm1cnling fol' a I'C· lJu1· nml knew the ,imlgc who hw· cus­spectnhlL• on·er. tomet was f"he tlltlu't feel \'cry well.

'4 '�lali.e It �!.!,GOO!' he Rhoute�l. �noes She tried to �xtilttln U1nt slw thought nnr gcntlemnn IJld �2,;:illD't' llc lool<cc.l ho "·as one of those '1olll. t'nl'llH.'I' f('l· <lll'ectly nt uw, and 1 m:ule n b'<!'lm·c of lows who'd stOJI m·gu ln� nhout tile fltmlnl. 1'J�hnn\{ ron!' lw f!Xelnlmctl , pl'icc ol' the mi ll� fm· bnlf 1111 hour.'' gtcntlr to m.Y ·"l1 1'1H'isc. "l'hc g-entlemnu

' 'i\o; hnt it ndds another .seent. e1·ery d,ollor Jjlll,':::-Town Topics,

to DYCl' thC1'C bids �2.ti00, II nd, If I Cllll 'l'bc Donblnnln'PI olutlgment� It wns souwwlwre ln this whlo wltle

WLWJd, just WIICI'O hilS siljl(IPil Ill)' mln!l, nml tiler were n!Jont to lml' boer on hoof !'or the sltlps. So the olll· eet· whose !lut,v Il ls to mnlw tho pur· chnso tool' nshm·e with h im the bo's'n, llS l'l![II'CHlmthlg the Cl'CW1 to look orct· the nnlillills and elthm· object Ol' not. 'l'he)' OJl(ll'Onche!l the llrst nnl­nutl.

Cun1lng Her 'Vn)·, "Thi nps are corning my ·.wfiy,11• she

rcmna·lw!l, cnsually. · ·

Fort 1111n tely the two . ·: eludes . ap· proncl• lng did not. henr !be remark, l3ut possibly they · would not l1n1·e un·

· derstood it nnywny . ...:Chieugo Post: C l rmtrnMtnnce.N A l h!r Ca•e•.

Sht•-1 l il<c him because he's so e:x• tru 1·•gnn t .

Het Annt-Thnt Isn't the best pos· 1lble qun llt)· In n hushund.

to 8�1:-;,�.

f J�io���p���i,: I'm not going

llelp !t, no comhln11tlon or. UliYGL'S I s go· Jug to be nllowml to 11lctnte Jll'lct'S nt this snlc!' With tllnl I1c sml1lcnly lmocl\ed dOWll tlJC }ll'O}lCI'1 ,\' to lllC,

11No sooner wns tltls tlonc," coutlnned the story tello1', "thtm n gl'Ont uproar' of lll'Otusts nrose from tlm gl'Ollll In tho cm;ucr. 'l'hel' luslstctl thu t thus !nul beet! gll•eu 110 uhuncc lo bid. IJllt lite nnctlouem• stood llrm nntl, cnlilug me to !he plnlfonu, I'C!JUcstetl my name nml n!lth•css nnd 11 20 !let' cent cash uc· posit on the ��.liOO.

11By thnt time .I rcnllze11, of com·se, tlmt soUl<! o.xtt•not•tlhlnt·y ehnncc ltntl tb 1·owu n Jhw }J il1L'U of' }WntleJ•tr lnt� my hnu1lH 11t n rrnetlon ol' It� n·nl \'llhle,

Th• Clt' " " '" lhon, nml I !lid some qulcl< thinking, 'l'rc A : i 1tle gil•\ stn_ylug in the conn try Htmt n llll!H8L1IIJ.Wl' for tlw lliOIWy.' I Hnltl !o 1• tho tl tst limo snw u hen scrulch· as coull)' nH I euuhl, '11 1111 !'II Ju1 1·e Jt lng ln the gnrd1�n. 1\ure ta l ii llllllHit.'s.' ·

100h, moi}H'!l' !" Hhe CXc)aimed, '"Tim ll lll:tlullt'l!l' \oolwtl nt lho clock, f4ht•l' l''s a hen wiping her hoolsl Do 1All t•lght,' lw I'e}llled, 'I'll give J'OU loold"-Co!umbu• Dlspntl'h, · tim! limit.'

" :\o:;-F.·;, ... �1���cl-.u•,

WJ'lum I tool;; n. tlt·�twmte ehnnro. 1 �tl" Smlll't-llow u•·e your "Y<S Jlll•lwd thi·nngh tho "1'111\'tl, whll!lt WllH

now, Mr. l.Atdd ng-? ah'l+ntly lntl�I'I'Hh•il lu t hu llt•xt H:tll!, 11 1 111 Mr. f,neldng-�looh l•elteo•, l hunk lil'r!tulll'tl to u llttln t'ul. 1111111 wlio luul

tn·�·ll ClllU uf tlw Juuch!Hl ltlt•lU•i'R ll {l!W )'�1•;·, l ha \'(' l1 nll l he1n f'XIIIt i l tJetl Uy IUUilH'IIII'! ht•l'ol't•, un e:n l tll'JJ L m�ui\Rt, nJHl hr. put HCJilln· u I J .nol� hi'I'P.' I t-�nlll, dt·rawltJg h im thlng I n t���,,-,J udge, nHiill'. •no )'1111 Wlllll to l ie Ill)' •ll<'llt 1 "' I I I l o• tu lit• n l�n�onuarll, (lll l'hll'l' for lltl h()tll' m• Au'' • ' 1WL' nt1H;I. n i l ! l i t! MlUW t l ml'," flnlcl l j '"' Itt! I 1J '.rnu lt t t•nn '/' �nlcl lu•, t1w ��·ntp n t h b:hl}� fr•1t'1 1 1 1 .

I I ( �11\'(\ llltll t i ll• 1 1'11 1 1 1 In n I)O�l'll 11'J'z·u t>.'' J't• p l i t·d 1 ht• i ll \' ll l lrl; uq n l l i' Wlll'ilt�. 1Xnw l1•1 1 1 1 1' 1111 \'11 l hl l l $�1I HI

f,J' I I I', hut 1 lnll'l' t lnt lr•t•d 1 hnt l lu•r'P l)f'J 111!41 l Jnntll•�·t' I tllltll'tl, 111111! �n'll nn !ifllllt' t hln�-r� In wh lt 'h 1101 111 11f 1111 t-�l.nt'l' t lu • 1 11'4 1 11 \ H, wltrl l t•n• l' llt·.o,\· ll t'c•.' h tWI•Idlllf Jll'l'I'Pfh' lll't',"-- Chlt•Hgo l'oHI. 1 1'1'1tt• l i l lie < IIIII II l1111l<t•il HI 1111• 1-(lil't• \\' tl·

1,\', ''l 'ltll' IK t t l du ,lolw tlll nll ur 111�,1 1 ! 1 1 i<l lld, Ul'lnull% 'und I gll''"" 1 ' 1 1 1'1<11 t111• dl'nl.'

NIIIUhl' l' .. (JHIIl! \\' l i d, ' •·4Ynu ' n• uut l't • I J I I u l' l l l l l lht•J tlll l lt•n l fltlt' I J I: , t l n i J ,"

''Yn, I �-t • 1 on w i t h fl�;lll'•·� u l l i'IJ.(Ii ! cluwu tu\\ 11 , hut I g-t•l rH·u r·ly tli•!'rlttgt•d \1\' IH' I I I !Htl· �: 1 1 1 u ud l t Ill,\' " I tt•'" u u• t!IHI IllH,11- ('hlt•J I WI l!t' l'l!l'd,

".It 1111• Hll li1 1' tlnll' hll 1'0111111 • 11 1 1111 *"1'1 nud Jllll I t In 111,\' lill iHIH, 1 1'111'1'11 1 • 1 1 1'11 i l l tlll• 1\I'Hil 1\'ltli i hl ' 1'11Hlt, 1'll111'lt• I'd I J u • 1'411 11• IIIII! 1 11 1 !'1 1 1'1' IIHilll l111d 1 1 1 1' llt-t•ll In 11 1,\' JHlHHI 'I'H-IIou, 'I'I!Ptl, l n 11111ht• II luiiJ,C fotlul',\' �hut• l , I l l�' P-�ll i•llt \llll'fllt•J' lltt lr.rt•hiiiU,

Mllll l l ll,l'-·· 1\' l i ,Y illl you �1111 •JOIWI'I r '/11

.JfJh i1°!1,\'-- · W•· 1 1 , ,\'lf\1 PWt', hill 1111ftltt Ill .Jo11 1••, ! 1 111. W<' unll ldm "Jo11�-y" fo1 •llo1'1 .·-· l'uuk,

)I I III llf1'1•1'1'1 J IHI' � ! ,111111 I 'H H l l fill' 1 1 1 ,1' 11111 '1'1'"(, 111111 1 1• � 1 ,1HIII hilllll•ll llhn111 l iM hi� 11M II 111111111111111 111, 1 111 1 1 M l l1�11 or i l l!• �111111' I 1 11'1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1,1' 111'1'1'111!•11. '1'11111 1111111.111111, (ill'·

11111111 1'1,1' lill11'1'11, �111'11 1111' tllf' Mtl11'1 1lllll bllM.IIl'Jil 1110 MUlliN l'l'l'1' �lilt�,

"Hull' w111 that do'l'' nskctl the om. cet•,

'fhc bo's'n cnutlonsly O!lJlronchl'll the lJcnst, bent down 11nil gh 1gerl\· rnn his thumlJ and lorelln�er tlowu' th·st ouo sl innl< 111111 thou ll1e olhcl' until the whole foul' Rlllllll�f3 luul hcen I:!Xflllllucll. Stmlg.hhmlng up hu N:Licl:

"llc'l l •lo ntl rl�bt. •lr." 'l'lu� ullieN', llnllllL'l'�llfited, crletl: "But, 1ln•h ll 11!1, ron cnn't ti!ll tltc goutl Jiolnt• of IL !Jnllock hy t lw

�hnnl<sl" 11L't•rlmpfl nut • . flh', llut ther't•e the

on!�· lJtll'ltj wt• t•\'t•t• r,t•ts, sir," wns tho l't'llly.-Pu\1 �lnll Umwttl•.

lit� ICtu•w U1� �tmi, An 11111 11;<:11� IIII I'L�lulc Is l'elntrll or

(Jt•III'I'HI �IIPI'Illllll, Wh!11 II� C!lllllJIIOllll• ln� J.:t'lll'I'HI of tim Ul'lll,\', rlt-�ltt•tl \\'l'l"t Jlcdut o1w .!tnu� l'ot• ti lL' gt'lltlllu t!on t'X· t•l'd�ws. I l l' H<'l'UiilJ I I I I IIPI] thu ec1111· 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1! 1 1 1 11 1111 hiK H11111liiJ' l l ll l l'nlnf./ Ioiii' of I I I!'I I JI't'llon ur lllll'l'll t']\H, 111111 Ull t • l l l t•t'· lng- 11 ('i'I'IIIIIJ J'uutn IH• wnii\Ptl 11\'t•t' t 1 1 tl t1• l l l l l l l tt•h•lt�c'P, K! uoplllJ.!' t iH\\' 11 , l i t ! ]ll'l"iJ IIJI II l i 1'(i•(i f111n1 ( Ii i ' IUhJ i l J I ' o(' t ill• i lt 'H I'I I J W il t! I I JH 1"1\'o:·t) �l'lth!Jilt ' ll lllld 1'1'• \'t•Hh•d II hn!IIJW ti iJ!II't' Uh11lll 1 1 fu11 l �i lllltt'l•, ! 1 1 wl l l 1 · h WIHI uh·Pi,l' ) IIIP\,Ptl 11 1'1)1\H\dPt'lliiJP q ltlll t( ll ,\' IJJ' lo \ 1/ll'l 'll t t l \ i \ 1 1l lil '1' 1'111ill'l iiHIIIII l l l' i ll'h•>, ) ) 1 • 1l [ [W hll l ' t i J1 • I ' IU[I' lH 1 11'1 ' 1 1 [ 1,\' I I IU t Ju• I'HI I I J ! Hl11 1 1i 1 h,r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • \,\' 1\'!l l i • l , \ 1 1� 11 1 1 1\ 1\'UIIl\i•I'I IIJ..: Wlil lt 1-1111'1 1 1 1' Ulllll l h1 • J,:'Plll +l'lli \\'li M tu 111 1\ ' 11 lu•l'll I I hiP tu t : J�I 'U\'1 '1' 1 JtP I i l l i\' "t'l'll/11'11 ol' I l K ldtlll Ill l i f l l'l'll l ' i :H, '1'111'1;. In« In th11 1'111/l lll lll t lhllll . tl11 • ltPIH•t•nl t'l'· 111111']i l 'dl "I 1111\'1' l i l 'i 'l l II'IJ111I"1'Ing l r thnl l 1nh• 11'11• •t i l l 1 11 1 •1'1', I 1111111 ,, I I Whi•ll I 11'1' " 11 l'lllll'l llllll lh'l'll !n t l 1 l• 1'1111111,"-NI•il' \'or•Jt '.l'1'lh111w, .

"Pa.'' "I\.,· I I ?" 01\Yhnt.'s t he d i ll'eJ'l'HCe between

wag-t•s and J:al:J I',r."}" " I f n nllln i!-i wcJtld ng- for fiw clnllurf:

a cla,r rml ni J Jg u m :u·l l i JH' n f :-:ornt• \l i n d . O l ' lll,rh1g hril'l< o l 'llofng !"flllll'1 l l iug· l·l.�t· 1 Im ! llll i l.:t·� a wh i l 1• colla!' and ('ull':o: un• ·om fot'l abh:. Ia· gL• t s " a ;.:-l·�. lJo yuu 1JIIdN::. t a ncl \\hat 1 na·un '!''

"Yl't:, fd 1·." 11But if lw !o; i � � nt n •lt �lr nnrl n�r.s n

pnn nnd gt•U.; $1 1 u 1\' l't>]i: am] ha!oi t-.o r t hanrls he l'l'l'l' in� n s:d a r·.r. Nnw do ,\'011 lit>e th6 <lill't'l'i'II CL' '!"-Chicago Timcs·llernld. ----

An I�XIIIrlllf10nn. r-'!•11-Do yon 1111':111 l o tell me ! lin t

,\'otl az·c l'ngngol tu George, lmt dun't lore l i i m ?

J :t•ss-'"l·l·R. �cll-'J'ln!n \rl 1y don't you hrrnlr

1 he engngcm<'nt 'l Jl�si:i-l1L'CU H!ill we wer.e only en·

g-agt•il n iglt t , and he husn't glrPn nw i he ring yet.-C)tlcug-o DailJ' �cws,

A n l •• h,h null. "01 dinrww Jlh wy II. is," ol1senerl

Slunrg-lmess,\', refcrl'inQ· to t h e loy­n l l ,r .of his eonn l r,rmen in fl�hl ing Eng·lnn<l's bnttlcs; 1'in tolnws or pact� nn Olr ishmn n is nlwnys Julckin' ft•l' th i·ouhlc, but gi l·c him plenty of fnlg·l1 l iu' to do uu' he'� n.s ,quiet ns ll lamb."-J mlge,

-----Jilt! U!!jnU\'CJICt'r,n J'nt wus tall<ing to 11 cignrmnker,

who was snyh1g tllnt. he fHI Jipm�cd Pl'csl ilent :.\fcl\in1cy hnd. smolwll some tint� clgnrs he 1uul mnUc.


C. Sie11 Jring & Bra,, Factories 95 South Orange 1, · ·

and 49 HamJ!tan. Str�1Bt1 �anufacturers of ���UB,41 Eclipse Petticoats. Trm firm of C. Slevllt·ing- & Bra hnve ah1• 1 1 1!" t•xeelloneo of t.h" guud< they manuru .;:y� 1111

,1L rBfillllttlon f!W

�xm•elll!IJ.tls curt<fttl iu e�·e .. y tlPtllil of tht>ir �u���:· Ih�y Wf:ll'e alll·11 , ,] liS� IIH II. Hlion ll\ h11. 'l'heJ h i! VII l'dh•"d fl'lllll thi� ��lll)<lll� R, J1�1tic�t !hm nntno Hloclr of t•J1lllll tiJl l'Htlicoats nllll the 11 . 1 ·".'""'8 11 111hot.l 118 lllg tiHm.t, lillch us l in irJgH, IJo�iom� puJ·cule �·I ffrJ:t)f; ll�r�d lu rn�k

bong-hi,,m at IL fructiort of' tl!€ir' co:;t-ill.'if::��� fi 'III IJ;I.s. Wlf 1111\'; Mell ll"'m fur IH•s l.h,m they coul11 Le bong! t

f I 0 lo" t hat w11 11111 l<etR. Early Oomors Have the llcst OIIOosing


or 111 the wholesale UlQr.

PE-tticoats. Lot No ' -Black Salt'"" l',U1eon1s

• with cl••t•p omhrellll l ! rtetl llutmuu, trl .. mctl wllh Jmlfn Jliltllr11 :�����.":. �·:l.�.��� .��.��·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49c

U]JC{fOl'J'f\ 111 f]l\((1 )ll\�1 Uif yez }UI() on ly lmown 1wllich 011� it wns wh in 1

�·ez wm·e mnld11g it scz could hn\'e IH.•pt. it r1s It soO\'enccr."-N. Y. Com• lnet·clnl Au1·ertlsel'. ·

\\'ould llnJ•ro\'1.' "·lth Allite, ur .. ook here, . sir!" exclnimell th�

mniden .lmiy, ''I wnnt you to talw bncl< thn t pnrrot you sol d me. I find it SII'CIII'S ·.-ery bauly,"

. "\Yell,. maUnm," l'epllecl the flcnlcr, "It's u ''Cl'l' yOung bird ; it'll leru·n t� swenr more perfectly "'l1cn i t's a bit oldeJ',"-l•hilaclelphin l1ress.

llow llnahlul Etltlle t•ropoiU'tl,

�:<lgnr-Ml•s Edith, 1-n]J-hn•·e s01ilet.hi11g most important to ttHk you. �I ny 1-thn t ls-

E<llth (•oftly}-Whnt is it, E<lg�r? !Cclgnr-llay I-E11lth, wou lil rou be

willing to hul'e onr names printe1l In the pnpers with n l1yphen belween?­Tit·lllts.

. . lhfher EnJo.yed tt. . 11fr8. Smlth->frs. lllobson hns hail sue h. un experience. Arrested lor sJ10p· li lting. All a rn;stnke, of course. .}[�, .'Jobson-T suppose she must ha\'e bee11 . Vel'J' muc::h nnno�·�d?

Mrs:: Smith-Not nt. all. The pnperR all .sRl£l.she. was Q� .. "prePossesshtg np· pen rn.nce.�';-'1'1 t �Bi ts.

, . Clu�ic� . of 'ru·o El'lh. . "I'•ce thnt .. the ' latest !nsldon In men's :s11irt .waists Is · to hn,•e them buttqn tip Olhc bnck."

· "So? . In . thut en so EI'Cfl' 'muu will lie compelled to l1111'e u vn!'et." "01' get :,mnrried."-Butl'nlo News.

II III Dcnr "71rt!'.-. CunkltiJl', BixbJ·-I'in going to luke tl1ls cuke to my !'com·. . -�h·s .. llixby..;.Whnt fnr? Jllxby-l wnnt .it. to exercise wit h :

I.'Ye lot IL !cllow tnke m y llumbbclls.­'J'own rl'OJ>lcs; -----

. Ju!lt n l\'ny Uu Uru1, The loafer sits down lly the way And seems lo hnve 110 sonow;

He tells you m; he re�ts to-day Of lh!ng:s he'll do to-mori'L)W,

-ChJctlg'O Dally News. !I'IIE llll'LOll.I'I'IC IIUSIIA:m,


, Not Jn 8l'a·lnuM IJn n�oter.

Docto1·-Yonr wile Is le1·y I l l , 111111 1 htl\'C IIIJ' rloullfs IIH to ht• l' l'l!COl'l'I'Y

l l uslmnd-Oh, Bhv'I J pull l hi'O II�I; all J'lght. liL•r llJ•cssmukt'l' sent home " new gown yt�stm·rlH)', nnd she hn�u't tl'led It on.-'l'lt·lllts.

T1111 lind,

�Jr.<. �llnkln•-ll'hy dl iln't you get U fl]\'Ofl'l� ?

�J•·•· \\'lnldn• (HIIdl ,r)-[ lniiJill I wouldn't l 1e ul!lt• tu I!Pt n lluwny (1 1lC1 1l�J:h l o KIIJillOI'I lllto1 hl'l' )l !Ili !Jn nd -X. Y. 1\'cl'ld,v. '

NIJ l•lwc•''ll l lnthll, l 1ln-·Ro t h 1• \'1111 ll l�u· htlll t l"'lr

1'1',\'HIII] \\'1' 1lillnl(, 1 HI I J I ( I I IS1' 1'1'1'l')'• t h l lllt \\'liM g!IIHH 'I '

�lni(ii·-\'I'K, 1!1'!' 11 l l 11• il i ii i ii 111 111H WIJI'II \1,\' t l 11• lwHt nn1! lulKI PHH.-·Chle11�11 Jh!CIJI'fi,

11\' l'll l llk 1•'hh1KJI l·'llo l l i•ll'l l l -·-1'1111 11 1·1• 1 1 1 11'11,\'H IHII'IIlf.! n

l n iiJ.rh Jtt 111,1' I'X l ll' lll"t', •

.II' W l l i -· \1'1 • 1 1 , 1'111111' Ill 111111 hll\'0 R HIIJ I !tt Ill 11�:=�1


� ..

' l' il l�t'H1 A llllf••r.•nt•l••

MI<1 1'N!-�III I',\' , dll i l l ' l I !1'1' ,\'1111 l tl l k · i l l I ! l u t lu• IHtllt•t•llmll I hll'l I I IOI'IliiiJ.{ 'I .IIII I')' . � 11 111 1 i It \I' ll• h l lll 1 1111111111 In nu•.-N, V, \Vurld, ·

LININGS, N�TIDNS, PERCALES an� OUTING FLANNW Mercerized Sateens-;.o •11�·:;··

· Per�aline-Fnsl ��·�k or sloto, doo· whlu t�xtra Um!, this �t:Kt-\Oil'H sluvlm�, thu J�r.c kju1l lJl� lo11U.:Ju Iucht!! 1\'\d� this IJMIIt.y hunhl uiHOwh!!rs rur 9C yrml ,u • 011 1011 � nt tar 5'l l!lc, f)tl l"nlc llt. (mr ynrd • . • • . . . , .. .. ' ' ' ' ... . . " ' ' " ' · ' " • • . .. . . . . . .. 1

Fast Black Sateens-"'1111 "'"· Skirt Braids-Goli,Aogoraa•dsw tl'e. \\'!ll'rltrll.l!il t�Mt. CO(orR �r�n \'����i li·)'ILI'd llli!CCII, hh�tJII��(j ������ !�ll wlllo, well wmth Ulc, un lil�le for 8C rtgullnly "t. l:!c Jll�el', SJleclnl n. lh )'llnl . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u. . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... I Velveteen Bl'ndl'n�r-E•" " 1 1 " " ' Tapes cotton 1•1�, run 1, � 0 '\llllilty,!Jiack 1 black and wl1ite. •11•1� arui culnrt4, 4·yard piece�. n�o Utl lf»e, 8C \'! :!c to 4o piece special wbll t,..,

Jll'lcc spL·CIH.t, IJ\eco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . th!!)' lttat . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . � 1 Mercerized Farmer. Satin-,�:t All-Wool Moreen Blaek, ol&tl lea.11l!l� Hlmde!i, HIUI fttl'it JIHI k, fur ltn· \'tlfY KOotl t}UILlill' \\' llf l\tlt�· b2"'5'� illh'H nllfl I•oUirllllts, Wf!JI wort it 1 2 1 60c 0 1 • e wor u 1 �r.c yrLrd or1 sM.\e tor, �·nrd . . . . . . !:C • n tu1 e 1d, Jlfll' �'1\rd . . . . . . . . .. "Lillia R II" r ' . 't'he Sunol r.otton-IOO·r•rdol»JI! ... lmo\\'U ht�C'IId�l��l!l'll, wit\�����'���;�� �l11ck • ., wt'ito aml cg��s1,u uliTa���� tl�urNt, fjL'it hl!�k. worth 17'c on 8 \ulml .. c 8JIOolt I BILlu for, ynrcl . .. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,. .' . . . . C Stleclal . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... �



Window� '-Shades.

Geo. f. Brown , ·���"!:�"""· 43 Somerset St }:u, .. \,J-.A. •1 J. WARREN BROWN, nana�rer.

JOHN INGRAM, Practical pl�mbar, Steam, Hot Water, . Hot Air



Gayle Hardware· . Co. (Formerly Lmlre'1.)

Cor. Front St. nn1l Park Ave., PLAINFIELD, N. J.

DEAJ,;:RS l :::l

BREAD 'l1hc beat good uu�toriul uud experienced bak�1·s �nn

General Hardware &: mnko. CAKES, PlESuud 1 CONFlW'l'IO NERY.

Housekeepers Su��lies. WE&TFIELD�BAKERY, Stoves, Ranges and Futmos,

Granite and Tinware� Blhlmann & Koanlt Timothy Seed and Fertilizers,

South Bend Plows. Save noney by u•h•g an Oil Heater.

Wll httVll tlwm lu \'IU'iouH HIY.e�.

Onod• dellv"d lreo. Telepbono Call 68•·


Broad Street, Weltfltld· M'��J!IIK/ol�i�1�1AWK•'I'��

' . • ·

NING .. ROOM • FURNITURE • • ..,-;:;;;,;;�: This is the season to furnish or refurnlsh the home. in particular needs attention. We never before shown such an elegant line and there

never been. a time when you could buy such good, ble furniture at such lo\v prices.

SIDEBOARDS 30 different st)les, fro111 tlw beat lllllnufnctLtrei'B in the country.

eof solid 011k, pluiu �1111 qnn1·tcred, beautiful gol1len finish, l ined dmw­si lver. F1·cuch bevel !'lute mirrors, side bruckets tmd sorntt with

tops. Undoubtedly the 'hatidsomest. as well as the cheuprst side­you've ever sccu. The prices start n� 9. 98 aud ruu up to 25:00.

DINING TABLES in solid ouk, gJ!den finish, size of tops 42x42, 'Hx441 exletiding to 61

10 feut, 1Vitl1 heuvy tu l'lleu logs, sotno of which 11re spiml shaped, 11viste1l und others fluted, in plnin ond claw feet. 'l'he prices Ill'<'

5.98, 6.98, 1.98, 8.48, 8.98, 9.48, 10.98, 12.98 . .

DINING CHAIRS nt 1.10 & nice high back chair, golden oak finish, cane llellt and 11rm

real �ortl1 1.25. At 1 .25, n solid golden 011k chai t-, very pretty cane se&t and arm braces. At 1.3S. 11 slllid f!ak clLair, golden

baak, tJCW fan shape spindles, cane sent and arm braCflB, usu�l l .DO. At 1 .50, tt very strong and durable diner, solid ook, golden

cauo s�at, arm braces and funcy embossed bliCk:. Ht:W CMIHA CI.OSSTS

. in solitl onk, b�autiful golden finish, four sholwes 11nd rouml corner&, oak, 12.98, instctld of 14.50. In qua�·tered o11k, 14 981 iosteud

BROOKLYN OIL M ll�TJ:RS, Smokeless nnd odorless, the oil ttmk is twice as largo and twice us

ns nny othet• muko and the smokeless attnohment will prevent wick

tnmeu up too high, they will heat a room 20 ft. sqnal'e in colll . 'l'hcy lifO the stoves thut wo know of. We hnve them at 2. 98,

4.98 and 5.98.

THE UNIVERSAL [HOrrERS. Now boin� 1l�monstruted in our bnsomont by Mrs. ElliE. Over n lmlf

of them �old dn l'ing the pust few d:t)'S. Will clwp a pound of moat minnt�s- \Viii chop ull kind of f l'tl i ts 111)(1 �cgc!ttblcs into clcun

pioco&-flno Ol' omu·se, withou t tll!tshing. In fnct doe! away IVith ol'Jliug knilo nud bowl etJtiroly mul is so simple in constmction tlmt

lu cuu usu il. Come in nnd sou it opcl'iltOll.

· ·. Woodhu l l & Ma.rti n, 234, 236, 238, 246 Front Street, PLAINFIELD. N. J,


Coal, Lumber, Matenals, MouldiRIS and Kindling Woad. Fertilizers

For Lawn, Carden and Field.

and rani···Central Ave., near R. R. CrossinG, Westfield! by 'Mail Will Receive Prompt Attention.

ld & Scudder, VARIETY MARKET,


A'l.".n:N'J'ION. : 1 : ,

06n'l Wasle Money

by hnvin� cltenp plumbing put In to fOUr house. It Isn't there long be fore somet.Iting is eitbf.rbnrstingor Jenk ing, nnd the ltlouey consumed little by little so<m llmonuts to the H1111!6 as tb• oli;,iual of fil'st class w01-k.

M. H. FERRIS, Sdnitary Plumbing.



They wlll vanish lr you mlvcrtlse properly, PROPERLY t11cuns suylng something to con·

vinccbLtycrs tlt:tt th ":l wiU be benentcu by d�•u·

injl with yo�

HRRD'S Tl ln PLACB TO SAY IT. You u11 &tilk Ia lhoUI.lntll tl gu�

a : QUIOK Dlil'lVJmms. Trv Our I Cent A Word Column.

til� ot•el'. -England is the uhthplace of ne

prJze tight. Fumous Jlugilists have b(·�n l argely of ]�tlgl i�h or Jrisb

�loo<l . . llu � to-<:ay the _g<'<•u t stms of .he prtze l'lllg [Jl'e stniJ�·h t out 1\nwr· \can8, e.xceJJI Fl1 zsin1mmJs, who is a Lornislunrm U_y biril11 uud a n .-\ mer­icun h,r ucloptiou. Jdrl'iL·:,;, 1.1!'.;' cham­pion (Jf the \''DI'k; Corbt•it, the m as­ter of tile ttrt o[ boxing, and �lc­Col'el'll , the wcmlcr of !he lighf­\\'eight �lnss, UI'e u l l of Amrl'icun llirtlt. The first rc•corderl champion ol Engl und \ntH l1'ig·�: �; ll 17HJ. 'l'hc iir!-it recordc1l ring· IJat \.o.: in Amerlcu was lH!tWcl�n �faeolJ Ji,Y{'l' a n d 'J.1homas Beasley in 1Sl6. Fi�f fighting is r.t i l l regnrdPrl ns t1 1e nahu•nl was . to do batt le i l l England, Cornwall, h•elancl, Canada, .\ustrulin urul l�llglish South Africa, but no tisfic ltm·o�s in those cotmtries challenge the t ill<' of .TeiT­rirs to the championship of tlw worlu, One reuson for tlils is doubtless tbitt. the greater opportunities for mak­ing money and wlnrilng fame ha«l de­\'elopcd more fit·•t-cluss pugi lists iu America than elsewhe•·e. But the fnct remains thnt the last foreign challenge of an Amet•ica.n champion ben,·y-welght pugilist, wns in 1894, wlten Cblll'ley �lilchr.IJ, of Englund, wns retired by Corbett, says tile linn­""' City Slur. 1'be origin of pri•e fighting wna the nntuml disposition of the English­ftJeuking peopl es to fight. with t heir fists. All other nations flgl!t with Wl'npons. A curious fenhtre of this e!Htructcristic is that it seems to ha\'C come from towlr.nd Englrmd, not from J,•land or Scotland. Xor do nnfions of k inllred origh1 to the Saxon-Eng-1ish, 1mcl1 as ille Scundintwinns, nccm to l il<e fistlcuft's. 1\'ei l ltcr cnn tlte ctt,!om to fight with the flsts be nscri he<l to the sutJerior physicnl st t•engtlt of the En�l islt , for, among people e�ual ly stalwart, it Is often unlmown,

The only apparent reason for !!tis peculiar fact Is, perhaps. that fisti­cuffs become a cl1sl mu duril1g the pcrio1l of Nonnun s�'·a�· in l·�, when the· Saxon veoplc Wel'e rlepl'h·cd of nim!'i, 1rhis f�eory is snpJlOl't ccl b.v tlte fnet tllat 1there i t is common to Cnt'I',Y nl'ms fist figlJting beconies ollsolete,as, for h1stanco, pug·i ltsm luts no place in tl10 Jlistory of the .Amer­icnn fr·cutiei·-it was t11c re,·oln.•r. The usc of Ute fist l mlica!es n de­sire to. tln·nsh Ol' 'VOl'!:it un e nemy, rnthm• 1hnn !<ill hint.

EASILY WON HIS BET. 'l'hc Senior l'nrtn�r 'l'lllmgh t He llntl

u Sure Enougl1 Cll•cll, Uut He lln.dn'(,

In son1e manner the chechy man galne<l !Hl<mlt lnncc to the senior pul't­ncr's prirntc oJfice, snys t)H� Chicngo .8i'cning N cws.

11Don't wunt <UIY books, bl'ooms or soap," sulc.l the: senior , 11artner, with· out lool<ing up. . ; .

usil' l " exclnimecl t1:_e ch�cl<y lnnn1 "I wonl<l inform · you '�.thnt . I am no peddler 11 , • ) :_·.··.··\':. :�:··,

11Thcti \\•lto ar�j�{�.·.<· " "A sporting.· gentl�n_1nn, t!ir.'.' ""·ltat busincss;·C.iirL· yoU huve with

me?" · ·. j ,. • · "I wisl1

. to. mnl�e··n:bct."

"J�ool\: hel'e! · I. r�.'m :nO-" "Of conrse you·· are no gambler.

This Is· n gentlcmun's bet. I bet you, sit·, tltnt I ctm ltoi<J. up m;�· tltnmb and• uftcr I lower it you will leave the toom."

'fhc senior parttier t11rew down ltls pen.

"Five dollars tltnt I will not leave t1J� room."

11Done." Up· went the el�eelcy nmn's thumb. 11\Vui t ! " c1·ied the senior prll'lnerj

"this Is so ensy chnl I would:like to nutkc it ten dollars." : · .. ,

"Din lee It 120 if ymt m,e,". · 11All right, it is $20." · · '

The clteel�Y mun I'nlsell u"rltf lowered I> is thumb.' · · ...

11Yon tlon't see me · lcnviUg. the room �n srri(l• t1he senior' pnrtnet't'-"· ·· · ·

"No," nd1mitted the cheelcy· 'mnn. The senior pnrtne•· labored with Ills

pen for 30 m inutes. ·

111'm still here.1' 11So I sec." Fifteen m luntes pnssetl\ · 11You'd just as well pnss oTer

tlm $20.'1 "It I� Oftrly yet." T�• mot·c mlntl!es sldppccl met•rlly. "J,oolc hel'C!" sulcl the senior Jlnl'tner,

111ddenl.r, "when is the time up?" ''Thet•c Is no time limit, sir, ll you

''�nlll in In this l'OOtn tho money Is ynur�; when yotl lcnYo l win. '£1tls e'\'(.ln lng, to-mol'l'aw, next. weelq it uml\rs no d1l ll�cre11CC to lnc.11

'('ht•n lhc scniot• pn t'ttH�r gnvc fn. 1•rnt.w 1•lm money!" lw t•om•cfl1 "hut. If ll wnm't lot• entchlng lhe Onk l'nl'!c train I won!Ll stlek yon out nncl win."

Lhu I t tu lllii Coulldcu(H�. "You llt'e Slli'C ,YOtl lHIVO t1mt, confl·

1Tcncu In me lhr.t i s 811 "'�cnt lnl I n cllllO:·d nH' n. u re pttl'I .IW1'11" HhC Kidd, In· tpill'ingi,\'• 1' >'on trust 111e 11 1 1 1,1''1"

11Uh, ! l l lpllc! l t ly," 1 to l't!pllt!tl, 111 wuulrl l t·uMt )'on w l l h 111,1' I i i'�. Only l:illll\\' 111(1 I I I I I\' I Cllll ]11'111'11 it..''

" I wllf," Hll<! !:IIIII 11'i tlt II llll jtji,Y t-dg• ! J , u l 11'011l l�1! llll'-11 "A II,l'l l l lng ,\'n i l t i K I<," l11• l n t !l'l' llfll<'ll,

'TIW J l i'Oi l l l �ll liti gln'll ll! 1 l'ul't' l tnud, Fut· rnu 1 mmld A'C I lh l'tnlg-11 N lut.rmu whll'lpmol I t t 11 lutt'l'l' l , I wnold CI'OSS \hi' Ul't'l l ll I ll 1111 upt!\1 hnnl."

"l 'ruuli�<' nu•," �l i t ' l't•t tt ' l li<' l l Hlnwl,v 11 11< 1 tl<• l l l o"t'll t l•i,�·, ' ' I hi l l II' II<' 11 II' I' Ill' II ll<ll l't'i<'d ,\' 1 1 1 1 11'1 1 1 j i ll !. ,\' I I I I I' hnn lt IIC· l' ! i l l l l l Ill I I I ,Y 1 1 1 l l l ll1,"

l f nl\'1'''1' 1'1 or t�UII l'�l' l h PI'I' llt't' 1 1 111• 1 1 ,1 1 hlllli l l l t'l't'\1 � l it' 11111�1 dt•\·olt•d \o\'111 1111cl /HI lit' l i•l'f, Jtt•l' \\'t'I'JI I I I).;' 11\'l'l' t h l1 l1 1 1 1lt 1\\'IH11lf>! ll llcl l lllll'let• I\V nf llliiHtJUJ illt' lll'u l�outllun•.-t.:hlonll'u 1'uijt,


An Eye=Opener for Chicagoans.

In the Piano trade, generally, Chicago l s sup. posed to have the large5t Piano warerooms, and a New Yo.rk Piano man will usually admit that there are several stores in Chicago that carry more Pianos

. in stock than any ln New York City. We had rather a pleasant experience \Vith a

Chicago Piano man the other day. He visited us for the first tlme, and expressed amazement at the magnitude of our business and the great stock he saw. In conclusion he said: "Why, I declare, this beats anything in Chicago."

Such testimony is naturally pleasing Lo us. It confirms our deep seated belief that nowhere in America is there a better place to buy a Piano than here. We know we can show you as large a col­lection of Pianos as any that exist. We know be­

yond doubt that our rati o of profit is m uch smaller than usual , and we th i nk our prices, quality for qual-

1ty, are a good deal lower than anywhere else. But the one sure way for the buyer is to put

us to the test. We don 't want your patronage un- . ti l you are quite satisfied that we should have it. We want you to investigate, that you may feel sure of the decided benefits your buying here will secure for you.

We have a magnificant stock of New Pianos­CHICKERINGS, GAB LERS, HARDMAN'S, LESTERS, STERLI NGS, etc. We have nearly forty fine slig-htly used Uprights (been at rent, etc.,) that we will sell at exceptionally low figures.

You can pay TEN DOLLARS in cash, and future mont hly payments of six, eight or ten doll ars, according- to value, for an Upright. You can have a Sq uare Piano or an Organ on e1•en easier terms.

If you prefer, you can RENT a new Upright of your own selection at as low a.s $4 a month and cost of cartage. If later you dectde to purchase, we will allow fi·om the price all rent and cartage that h as been paid to u s. This is a good pl an for those w ho arc hesitating,


Lauter Co., PIANOS.

Dasuerreotypes Can Ba Cleaneu and Restored

'l'tl all t luoh• tn·l�hml lu•nuty 1•y HOOK· 1\'111111, IHO li <'<llulwny (·lnlh � 1 1·••••1)1 N, \'1 1 fnl' 111111 dcdl tu•, 1»1111111 IJ�· 1111111 01' ttl• lll'l'f'IMo lli i ,CIUII'I'I'II IJ'jll'� trl\'1' 111UI'It Jtll�l l"• flit! I Ul')' CJOI'liW tlu111 nu.r ulhol' Mt.ylu ut IIIC!tlll'('•

___ .,_.,...,...,,..,_�,_,, .. __ ()ll l 't U • l l l!lll!l'\l' i'lft•�! 111J'Itt1 Jii11Jlt t�U'Illlh {l•nJI) ,J .. u .. u, 'l'lw N••u Jli••·uu•a·l . nf dttuuoJ'I't•ul n�tJ w11H r"r••h'ttd )'a•t�lt•rduy IIIHI

lll'llllt'M lt l l l lu• ftmlllf• 1�1111 1' lln\'111'..,.:-Lt•lltnll, f ll lll tfoiiKhft�tl wfl h ft. I (t•ttf l !ml f l'tlllli)' hlt\'tt j,,.1111,.w, I!II�Piilll l'\' HI ttl tottrn ll'llol'l')'• J\1, )'IIIII' 1ll)l tiM1 1' KI'IUiliJIICilhll� w ll l1 11111 11�11 111, VtJI')' IU'UCUI'�. JU Uti!, 'l'l')' Jr. Lu·tlu)'l tll!lCIJrul)·. tc, w I 1',. Wn!jhlnu:lou, v. u.•'

IEAIJ,Y ia .II.IJOI r.AIUf A•i!rlea'• E•.,r•o•• A¥rlc••••• ..

•�•u•rera ••uw• bJ' tile Jlecea• Cl!a•••·

Al!hougit t he <ttUJUerators' shtdl l1o tbe the ugl'icaltural d;•·ision of lhe cen.S'.!I! U u retJ U are n ot .: d ! in )'f't it is known that t !Jt'J'e are in 1 he Lnited StatC's bet wet>n. 5.5t-:n::cn a n d l.i,i��Ji).O:.:G 6t�}Jal·ate farm!i, Spc•aki! J·g i u n•gurd to this ft>uture of tile rt'tlort C'f1ief S 1uU:::· tlci:m Powers �u rs:

''Our inqu il'ies..

J'P�arrl ing the con•

dition:; C'X is t iu� G JJ 1-lte�l.: IJI'np�: rtil'E ju� elude th� t�nure. lirl' �tuck and gem•ra.I equipm�nt. Tile l'nurn na t nn-' returns llun bH�n �� J i tt !l' romp:ir 'a1P(I . O\-\· ing t u th� li i iiTilJI.'I' tl nfl i m pu r l a l!"-'1� of t h e question�. a 11d \\t' hJ\'e LH"l'll obli� c d to send out !-'OIJ \e �.jr.,V;Q lc l i L•n lW fur in llrcler t o gl' t l'f'li,.Jlt� data to r·omp:eto or Hehcd nlt·�. Hu 1 wJH·u t i l l� iJJforma· tion h a l l t ab u:atul it wil l furni>h t h e co•wlr.l' trill! some 1n,r vaJuulil� fact s . �·nrs tl:c Chknf!oCh ronirll'.

"l\11 efl'ol't is being rnal1e jn tIn· pres­wt cemu� to �et n• l ia !Jh: datu ou thQ subject of t rn:ur or furm:; in gcnl'I'UI, with n riew IG Hhowi ngto what �:x lt>nt the l u n cl o f the co unt ry h; being held by lttn<lcd protnietot·s u11d whether oJ not farm 1C IHIIIO,\' is ii!<el,\' to IJtcome .an est ablishe1l paliCJ in this coun t ry. TJ1ese inqui.ries hh\'e de\·elopNl no f'nd of rlitfir.ult ies, as i t lias lJt>en found that negroes and i-g-nol'll llt white� ba\·e nw pnrcntly n o idea of th(•ir own uffuirs. Another phuse of the sit uation is the difficu1ty of sppm·ating tlu� pa rt ia l tenures, which means fnrms operated on shar·e:;, from t hose for which year· ly t·enl is paid. This is especially so in the south. Some or t he largest planta­timls in that sect ion hnve been diYid.ed Up iJJ{O }J \lndrt:cls of plots of a few ac,res each, which are worl<ed b,r the blncks on shnres. Among tll ('se people the enumerators hu"e experienced great dittlcuU.y in getUng uny occul'tlttc in· formn!ion ni to the 1•alue of the !a ni! or rroducls.

",\nother very Interesting exltibit will be the figures on lire st ock . T·loese schedules .arc m•ariJ comp:ete; nn1l ] t:X•

pcct \'Cry soon to be able to furoi.sl1 the stot istics for the cities. In these �chechtles, as; In the other�o;. we hn\'e mnue no nrbltt'lll')' uecisions, but lt ai'O emlearoreu to get only exact in fol'lna· tion. One of the mOst in te 1·est ing (l:'a· hu·es of !.his exhibit wi l l be t loc 'dnit·y' figu!'es. E,•ery pers;on who kt�l'p:.: llll'ee or mare caws nn d dispo!:tes o! the mill; we have c las�ifitd at; t1 illl i l'\',

16Thc li\'C st Ocl� quet:t ion� in the wes1 pt•esi::'u1 �tl "ome rl i1lic!tl l l iQs , hut we be· Here thut the)' hal'e been sttecrS<fuli.V rl isposeU of. For instance, JOLI cnn El!e that entt:e on �he rnnge might be in one st at e to-(l nr uncl !:;011\ewhet'l.l else t o-mm:roW1 us t

'hfy not oul,r tl·avel on

the hoof f2XI ensinot,r, btlt nre nlso trnn!'portcd 'ft·om one gt·nzing ground to the otlJPI' br 1h� rnill·o:Hl!\,

"In urhl i t io� to t he nlmn• ronny nth• er nthm ble facts reganling the et�o· nomic nnrl 'ocial positions or t.ltc culti-1':ttors of !he soli are i n cluded in o u r in�mrtes Special o t t en l i o n w i l l b e paitl to figures nncl facts l'elat ing to the prod uc t ion {]f tlle big cropi', nuch as wheat. com, cotton . 'rice. tobacco a·nil

bn,·, in relation to t.he cnst. Genel'ali,Y spealdng, it wil l he the rlim or t h e bureau to compi l e ll1ese stat istics in snch form as to be of usc to the stu­dent or economics. 'Jle wil l he nbte to t en the nnttber of fnrms, t heit· ra:11e, the ,·atuc of l lteil' pt•oiluct ions, lhr cost of lnbor for wo:·I;ing tJ1em in cl!Jl'erent S(:clions, nn<l the com}mrutire income� of the wllitc nml blnck In rmers. Thes� figures will not be rendy far use for more Hum two years yet1 lmt the bureau will probubl)' get out bulh•tins from time to time on special suh,iects."


taln Mng11z.lne n 'Voma11

According to the Wnshington Post, a· mnnthly 1nngazine of wide circu]ution which nn nounces itself ns dei'Oied to lndies nm1 t o Ue home, has lost one or it s ol<lcst. "·ast.ington subscribers be-­cause .of Its current issue. T·his pnr­t i culm· subscriber ls a litcrn t·�· womnn wit h 11 grenl fcin<lness fm• English of clnsslcnl pUI'l!y.

"l .might hnve tolerated n bit of s1un·g," she Suys in her comphd nt nhout the ,'t.ter, '1but wlten u mngrlidne dJ·ops · : in to prm•incinlisms i nlinilely worse tltnn tlte WOijl of slnng I th i nk it i s - t lm e for me to withdruw m.r sup· port. 1 cun�l countcnunce such n thing ns nppem•s ln 1-hls mo11th 's nmnht'r. lt is, In brl�f, n pAtngt·nph rl e\·oh•d ic• fash ions In cants. 'Qu it e n few hn 1·u hoods l ined wlt11 fur,' It sn)·s. 'l'hut ei'Cl' I should hnw l ive<l to ••c 't]Uitc �· few' pl'in tccl' ln anyth ing b ut a din :c·c' st ol'y l To begin w i t h , i t is an utte r I,\' mcnuingless phrn�e. �Quite' mtlnns complctel,l', ]ll'rlectl,l', 11 Is 11 clt•l ill i t t> word, 1Fl:!w' is t h e word fo l· nn i ruldt­n lte, stun l l nt �mher. How it1 f la1 wo1•/d intleHu l lcuess cttn he qunl i li<•<l h.r t l1o dt\Jin l t e n u ll nn,Y mean ing- l't'i·:t i l l I en11 't for the l i f<• of me "'"· I u t n fol 1 l In· pcl',OIIS wlto l l1e in Xew En�l:ituld i l t l't 'qu ite n fm' is locnll,r tl tllh•t·st otHl t(} men n moJ't' t l w n 11 fl' \\ , 1 1 1 1 1 1 n hPrr t hl n g·s ' a n• llHit'l! l hn11 ft>w l'L' I' I ai n l,\� l !ll'r 1\l'e l int rew ti l nll. hi) \\h,\" (•a :r t h l'lll Kn'1 1 h a H• e u d U I't'tl IJI:J t l \' 1 1 1 " 1 i l t t� to l ltt• pt'<'sl·h nt ', i':n�· l i>h, im l l l l i � �·ors l ou fur. ' l)u i l o• a i'l' ll' ! ' 1\'l l ,r , nt·x� W<''ll Itt' l'l•!!dl nl( ulooHI ' h u l l Jot,• a n <l J')�·h l 1'/11111' 1 . ' TIH'I't• an· t'\'t'!l Jm l' t � of l11t• i l l t l i l ,WJtt'l'l' 1 11 , •,\' :-H,\" ' I ' Jghl FCIJl l l ',' n n d l l i t• J' l' 1 :- u ' [ I I IH' or l h t·:-.1' 1'.\ PI'P�l-iiHIK tl11\ l l!-in't ht•l I t' I' f i lii II 'q u i l t• H fpw,' n

.... ,·t·'� 1' UUI IU' UI'{'U IU. Hn<• ln•l-1 t lt i l l i< he• '" 11 l'<'t',r lot'lght

�'OIIIIJ.f 1 \ll l l l o �lll tnrnn---� Jr A't ill l'j.;t' ,\'llll ! In ! \'t•n n

Jfll'l l�o� 1 1 1 !lti'P tihtl l 'i l i i Uo� IIIII' fl1 l l l' �· 1• ! 1 f HOIUC tlll,\' 011'11 l i tl l f·ll · < loZl'll ! t'l\Htlll( -l'ucic.

Mn11u• �ll• n, W<•l'<• I f nol !'rot• t i J< • <•st l'l< "' 1"'11'"" oolll<' t twn "'""hl u<'' fu l t·•· lllot•e Lud lutL­I t ! .-Cb lcu1fu Uul!y 11'�11'1. . . 1

CLARK TOWNSH IP. Tlw fr<ight <leput at Pictou is Leh1g

, renwddc<l.

'l·;t;U:\IJ IJI''I'I!IL'1'. H. D.

Pro•H, lldGnl<•r 3:J.[ Drsan Con. }'owler a:JO �Jan

l:imith I Fouta �!1'1-lcJ1L' lOi - .

IUS Buutlllg

As>elll. 1le�lwr H i ll LiliJJlneriling 170

!iU Larntllenliug till Ciudt :;!1 Pul'lrs fJi Clnllt'k

) .• jXUE:'> TOW:\ollll'

1 5 ]� 18 18 lS 17

Tdepllmm wireR mHI polen m·e lll'iul( l'luce<l along the conuty 1'011<1 through Pictou.

JumeB French, cf We•tflelll , n<l<lre>Hed

Cor. Sn1ilh :Jta p,"J' ITO, l'oote a�.!J Clark 20! Darrtiug 3:12 Clatldr JD8

rrlte Liurleu 1'o\\'lJE�ldp Dr�innemt� ullule 1� �rent light lJut went <lowu mHler tue ll••p11blicutt Bwee]J.

P. S. D. 'l'he vote: \he Locust G nll'e ChriBtinn Emlen\'or Pr<'s. Society ou SmHluy uflernoou. Coug.

Jlr. uml M!H. Jamlll< Fol>Oll l and Miss A.ssem Best!ie Freuch, of W �stfit!}(l, vh.:it!:!d tla-1 Locust G royB S\1UUII)' Sehoul on Suu<lny

. 11rtm•w'''

Woolley ICenumly !{lug K11�mer Jleli•!l' Syen!

22 DeUs 2� Koch 21 Hicl< 20 Orhme �0 J<mke 0 o.terbeld

Swith 0 �lcellet· ° F<;ote

O Md{irrley ° Fowler 4

' }. iiiu•i1uet'IHie sociai was hel<l rtt t\Je 1'he wc�ther in Westfield. WIIB all tbat Buntill!l

b f An lrew Gibson of Westfit'l<l could be expected or destred for by

R. D. 82 Bryun 82 l\11111

81 Park SO Lnn1merding 78 Chn·k HI ()ludek

01 01 02 70 Oi 02

ome 0

w' �·' sdiiJ' ,.,:eulug by the either purty. W ith the exception of J.J�VIiN BotroUGH avenue� ou �llf ' . . I I . • t'· k 'e, 1 B I t , ltn e spol,eu .. 400, of Clark. �lauy H1111ow'een tricks cloudmese 111 t '? enr y wor�mg ue s J , Lim eu orong 1 vo ets v were layed awl 8 good time was eujoy- 1vere clear, wrtl! 11 plensmg tempem- mul as a result ll!cKiuley receives ll lllR· ed b

p 11 ture, aud r�11nrt� fr<•m the weather bn- jority of 20, Y a ' rena srty th11t It luts Ihlen tl1e s:�me all Tho val&: A sm·pd•e party was tendere<l Miss

over the United States. D Ruth Lambert 011 Fri<lay evening by It is seldom th11t liD)' day opens aud :r.IeKinley R. 40 Bryan, 26 thirty of !let· school friends. It proved "

closes without a drop of min fulling Fo1vler 40 l\Inu 20 gevuine wrprise, 8116 being at II !leigh-somewhere within the 11rell of the gre11t Smith 44 Pnrks 27

Fall and Winter

. . .. Mil l inery . . . . Trimmings, F�nthers, etc.,



Jl7 Broad Street, WESl'FIELD, N, J,

Aaenc:y for St•ndard Patterns.



TABLE MARKET .... oor's, Hllll upon rehll'lling howe fonnil U11iteJ States, but such was the remurk· 1\Iueker 45 Lnmmerdiug 28 ller ftiends in 1'0"'"'"ion. able cowliti<.n I'epol·ted J'ester<llll'• Foute 45 Olnrk 27 Prospect St., (Tol. ·� FJ Westfield. ----·---

The vote in both districts iu towu \1'118 Bnutlng 45 Clndek 27 CRANfORD. cnst early 1111<1 the quickneAB with wl1lch Til" Ll"bt of "'" \fcorld ur Our H1n·lnm·

t•oters ut1ule r�mly their ballots showed NEW pnovm�eNcB. In Al-l lliss. E<lnu Edwanl•, of, New Orleuns, tl1eil· was but Jit.tlecutting of eitbet• tick· As 11 1esult of the election here yester- Cost nenrly �100,000 to pro<lnce. Coll-is the gollllt of J\Irs. A. V. Hnrt.' et, In tl1e firot district 438 votes were dny the whole Re)mblicrm ticket is gh•en tnius nenrly !CU fuii·]Jilged engutvlug� ol' Rev. J. H. Hownrd hnd chur!le of the c«st out of u t·eaistrntiott of 473. In the n mnjority of 25 votes. 01uSnvlum· ruul Hie motlmruy the worl<l's

meetiugs nt the Garwood Chapel 011 Sun· second district, out of 11 re�istmtion of 1'lie vote : · gt•entest p11intN·s, 'l'I'De copies of tht• oday. 587, them were cast 530 votes, the l11Bt R. D. g1..,11te8t. Mnstcrpieces in thc• nrt gullerie'

- · -

Promotes Digestlon,Ct.erM-ncss and Rest.contains rellhl:r Optum;J.Iorphine nor }1i�JUal. NoT NAil«: OTIC.

lit's. c. W. MncComiGll ls spending n builot l•eiug cast jnst liB the cluck struclc Mcl{h,Jay 74 Bt·yun 40 iu Eor01,6, Evm·y ttichll'e ls nsbeautifnl few iluys with relutil·es at Juweslmrg, tlle hom· of closing. Fowler 74 l\Iilll 49 118 a •nurise owr the hilllops. Cnntaim ------.. --.. --... -... -.-------.... -... J ,N, Y. Smi\11 74 Purks 40 <!e8criptiou of thu pt<iutiugs, uiogr11phy of

llrs. T. B. Fnitonte elltertaiued the CUANFOitll, l\Ieelrer 74 Lnrnrueruiug 40 tbe plliuters, the JJIIJJII!R nnd loclllion• or tnem!Jei'B of the Churity Euchre Club '!'he CraniOI'd Republicans ugaiu cmne Foote 74 Cl•u·k 40 the l!••llcrius iu Ehr<>i'" the origi· Jlonuuy urteruoon. to the scratch wi th 11 rousing wnjot·ity Bnuting 74 Cl1tdelt 49 nnls muy lm """"' Al•o contain' 11 ChiJ,]', for )lcKit•ley rmd tho othel' Republican

. Depttrtm�ut, i�oeln•lill!l 11 Chil<l's Story of lli�s Hurl'iet Rocltville, of Plainfielcl, cundidutes. Out of uOO ballots cast, · }'H'l\"coil.TI:iWNSIIIP.

t.he ()hrist uml J-Jis Mother, !Jeantifnlly mil teuch in the Cmufor<l school , dlll'ill!! Br\'Oll receivml ouly 178. A<ldison S. Fnnwoo<l '1'�\vlishiJ) Hepnltilctuls grit writtell, to fit euch pictme. This wotHler-the absence of ::\!iss H. A. Foster. Ol�rk, democmtic cnluli<lllte for llBSelu- theil· vuti! otlt 'etit•ly'midguve !l[oKinlay fnl bock, matchless h1 It• ·Jllll'ity mul Invitntioi1s lmve been iss ned fer the l.tlyuum, from IV estfielu, footed tho ��-�·1�1n1J0'o.volit

.·1y··.•'.· •. � .

. :f······: .u,·.•,l·· .. ;:".·.·.'.·.·,:.:,'.·.o,.: ...... ' .·.·

···. ' •. ·. · ..

·.··:· : . , . beant.y, llJlJ>enls to e\'ery mothel"� hem·t,

·woodiug of Miss Corrie Leonore Purcell, ticltet w ith ouly 17G votes.

. .

. · . . . . uml in every Ch!Minu home where there of this town, to Dr. Eeuri 'l'brophile •i'lie vote \VIIS cnst e11rly nml the · cut ll!cl{iul'y:, •: :),•:i:J87.<'·B'ryan . ; oa ure chiltlren the boolc"ell" it�elf Chris!-

::;£::;.�;�;;:*-�� f�g�t1f:i��1���2J:�: .����-�,�.1.!.1.ft.:.�.:.���:· , E �£�i��p::��;f1fi�£���;;j · " '' \':,, : ·: .'· ··:R, ' 1 . ·; :•·'tt, . . •, ' · . · ' , · · . ,. . Mnssnchnseth, lul� Ecltl OYI!l' $:J,OOO worlh 1\Ir. nllll lllrs. George Ilolltin�l ri�s !·e: .McKinley •112 ·. Brr1m • .. 178 D�ESS :f\8,-yY,ELL AS.YOU CAN. of the books in a vcrr short time. Mr>. ceiving cougrnlul11tious. Its ".h"Y.·:. :.·· . Foil• let"� \!02' l\Inu \ , ' � lUO · ' '-C,"•)•'i),, . ; ,;' .s:., •. ,,.,,,.._,, . . . . · . ·· · . · , SuclteU o111' ngent iu New York, huK . , � � >1 1 ' ' · ' It,. �• .. One.'•�:Dnty�-_to.: t're�,,mt a Plt!ll"• • , Willinm We>terveJt. Jms beei1 gruuietl ;)1lleeker , .. :304:',Lummeuling 176 ; :: '•''·'· .'i,':·:'. lul('::tiii1im r111w,, , . eolll over $1,500 wurlh ul' the boolcs in a

an origin 11l pensiou of $8 11er mont.h; . . :·. :., .. •· .·.· .. :;;·.:,,:,.'.SF .•. l.0ii0ittle

}:.:.+ Y;o0�: . . P0.t1·,,r


l·t . . : , : 2iis '. This'itrii'j· :is' i�lu iu Dc1wcr or n mnn very short tilue. 'l'he book i H jiduted ou

The ladies of the First Bn ptis� cliurc\, · .. . l7U wllo·,: ivni;: ouco : : u<· lelllllng tilCrchnnt vclvct-fini,he<l paper, heunlil'nlly honllll will hol<l u cake sale on Fritlny evening, C�r; . ·:B(il'lthig ' 412 · Clntlek 178 tlwr�. ' . hi.• tlw .curly dtQ'S . ol .the city in Cnr<linnl Hed uml gol<l, nlltl n<lOl'nl'tl

l\[i,s Lillie Hlld Mnrgnerile Dull'y of New York, 11re guests of :Mrs. S G. Payne.

Mi811 Murthn Dnnn hns been eutertnin­ing her conRin , :Miss Gmce Dmm, of Holyoko, Ma-..


' • · · · · · · ·. he 1rttlk.ctl its stmcls, ·mit ol' worlcuml with Goldut1 RDses uutl Lilil's. It i>,

· CLAllli TOW�Sllll'. mouey •.. He \\'US P001'1�' chill, bnt neat without doubt, the most lteant.ifni bonlc

Ill Clill'k 'l'OW118hip ihe Democl'lltS cut null clcon. He sought cmploymel\l. f tl ' lUI')' Write fur tN'lllS quicl·­frolll · n Pl'OS[Jerous grocer nml snltl : 1111 ° 118 cen ' · .

: <!own the Republicnn mnjol'ily cf !BUG WliR willlng to !lo nuylltlng. ,, 'J'JJe liWl'· ly uuu get tho lllllnugemenl of thut tem-from lU to 9, Tlie tobll lll\lllberoE votes chnnt ut lung! !I sent hlin lulo . his eel- tory. Yon cnu wol'lt on salnry or cow­CilSt wus JOG, of which McKiu!ey ro· lnt• to clenn out n l'oom so:fo.ully dlt•ty tuiHsiOll, 11nd wlwn yon ]'l'OVe yom• sue ceived 50, Bry11n 47 aml Debs, tl1e Sociul thnt mRny IL common

· lnll()l'er hnd rc- cess we will promote yon to the position Democ!'lltic mmdhlnte, 2. 'J'ilere ll'llB fused to enter ·tt. When 'the young of lllttllllger ,11ul Col'J'U>t•om!Hilt, nt II J>Ol' not n ticket scmtchetl. man B!J}lenred In Uw C\'cning", he wus umuent suliLl')', to <lwote your tims to

Tbe vote: as lll!Ut In his IIIJ]ICIII'Oilce. ns he luul tt I(}' • to n •ents nUll tho corres]toml-been hi the lliOl'lliUg, Of COlll'�C tlw II el mg g , 1\liss Cliffie Lud low spent SutHiny at R. D.. mm"Cbnnt thou"ht he bnd ilonc litt le or �nco. Wnnte<l nlso n Slilte :Mrnmger to .Plainfield. ll!cKinley 50 Bt·yau 47 uotlling. But �•·hen he sn\v tlte ccllm·, hnve chnrge of office iu leuding city of E. D. Jtliller and Dr. Clnrk, of Elizn· Fowler 56 Mun 47 clcnn nn1I fl'csli, 11c sn l<l to t!JC young the St11te ullll mauu�e 11ll lhtl buolue•s of beth, will spen<l n week bunting in the Meeker 00 Lumwerding 47 mn11: the St11te. Sell!\ for terms. A<l<ll'e811-wootls of Penusylvunill. Smith 56 Park 47 "You'\•e not ouly shown thnt you OI'C THE DlUTISII-Alll ERICAN CO.

Foote 56 Oln1·k 47 willing to work, but nlso !hut you hn \'e Rev. Jo!eph Greaves preached a ve1·y Juteresting sermon, SunJny eveuiug ut -the Brnncl1 1\Iills 'chool boose, which was greatly ap(Jrocillted lty his wuuy friends,

---.. ... ..,.__

An Unhudoome Trlok. First Sui.Jnrhnnlte-1 henr thnt 1\oo­

llln'a neiv llutl <lng 1111 the �l'lllllHl, broke down th� l'mce nml tore nrarl,l' ttferytltlng to flil'<:cs In t11c bnru,nu·<i tbls mm·ntnA". Secoml �nhtll'bnnlte-\'os. · Some 1'1'1-low went !her!' rnrl)' und fnsl<>IIt•<l n JN!Ir of l'Pil "i>Pdnelrs on llw nnimnl's t;res.-Chirngoo 'l'rtilUne.

rio Olntlek 47 ! soii1e t•espect fol' yourself. I guess I'll Duutlug gl\'e YOll n job." .... -'tv--.,-. . . ...

UOUN'fAINSIDE llOUOU(IiJ, l\!onnluiusi�e swung luto the Repnb­

licau column with 11 pretty good lllUjor· ity, the cnuuiilutes on tho Hepublicun ticket nnming close to U"Ki11ley. Cuu­gressuum Fowler led the ticket with 01 \'otes ; Foote w11s nt the foot with 48 votes. The Prol;ibltionists cnsl I vote 11ml the Soeial Domccmts P'/lleil 2.

. Thtl vote:

1\fcKinley Fowler

R no Iii

D. Bl')'tlll Muu L1mnuer<ling Purk

i'ilhi rouilg itliUt, who In n few )'Cll\'S becnmc the lwml of t11e seltsBme lmsi­ness, l'NiliY.ell the hnJIOrilllll !net thul the ll!;OI'l;m· ts oftctt scrutilliY.eil ns elo8c· ly ns his wm'li.

It Is a mn11's <luty townru his feliotY mn11 to dress 11s wt'll ns he cuu utfmd lo. Nowhere 111 nntm·c does tlw poot•ly <lresse<l mnn llnll nny excuse fol' hi• lncl;, 1-lYen l i te lowest forms of n11l1ml anti pluut life n1·e clothcrl In plmslng colm·s.

Corcomn Ilnildillg, OllPosite U.S.'l'rcusury, W nshingtou,D.C.


Kn.l'a, the gre11te•t juggler of the uuul ern sehoul who hn• thno far "l'l'eare<l, IVill be 111 Keith's next week, ami i• re­ported to hnve developed hiY marvelous expertness in �uveml uew nu<l r11t11er sllntlh1g feats. A <listinct mvelty will be uMrs. Mtuvhy's St-!coml Husbautl", tvhich will be played by tho clmrming Gmcie Emmett 11111! her coluplmy, A very pretty 1111<1 lmmlsomely gown«l mem b�r of this company is Gurtrntle A. Lo\'edtlg, tll\llf.;bter of a former meml1er of the Mass11chnsetts legisllltnre, aud a

Purity and Power of Tone; Durability · and Tone=Sustaining Qualitr :1re known el1anwteristies

of tlu: world • renowned

11 'l'he £rniJodi111et1t of Tone nzlll Art,"

Facts for 1900=1901. Largest assortment in Clothing shown by us in

com prising all �he latc�t creations in the realm of I

Cambridge Raglans. with cuff�, Oxford Box Overcoats, Gray Coverts, with velvet collars, Olive Che'liot Suits, Oxford Gheviot Suits,

$16.00 12.00 1 5.00 15.00 1 ?.00 I tOO Stripe Worsted Suits, • • • •

and many others, all ready to wear.

REMEMBER: Cl-OTHING ONL.VI Turi;IRh wome11 do not come into con­trol of t]ICh' Jll'I\',1 1C fO!'IIlliCS 111111/ 0 ft. .er mnl'l'ln�c. MIN t11nt till')' cn11 <l iS· pcse of OUt'·ihlt·,l of It without the­blltlll's consent,

Meeker Smtth Fciote Duntiug

40 4U 48

. fiO Olurk Cludek

Ilepliles Cl'D\1'1 In richly mottled 30 skins; lwusts or lml'lleu flllli birds of 20 Jll'ey nre cln<l ln fur mul guy plumnge. 30 �'rc"s l>lossom In womlet·ful follnge'; 30 nud thnt mnsl. plehclnn of vcgetnltles, 34 the onion, ret·l!ls iwlo11' the gi'Oun!l In 30 colors !lint m·llsts seek to lm itnte om!

nhm·e 1\'t'OillHl In a lcnfnge nml bloom

lyceum eutcrtniner nud iugeuue lwtres• COLYER L r o., of comi<lerllble reJm!ntiou iu ber untive � � stute. 'l'he neview Co1uedy Four ami'

)luslc IR somrtln1e• <lh·l<letl Into twr. tlaSR£1�, f'I\('I'Nl nnd p1•ofnnt�. 11,01' pat·· tlt'Ulnt•s ns to !H'Clfnnr mttf:ic•, 1-!0 tn 1 •t�Bfl!'efl �OtlCPJ't.' -Hn�tnn ,,,, .... P1�:,-.:•!�H.


"It i.s an Ill Win a That Blows Nobod;y Goo!. "

That smalt acne or pain m GJeakness is the " ill wind " tlut !irects your attention to tlae necessity of purifying 'our bloocl by t.1king Hoocl' s Sarsa pa. rill a." Then ;yottr whole hocly receives goocl, for the ptlrl(iecl bloocl goes tlngUng to every org,m. It Is the great remecly for all ages and both sexes.

Dyspepsia - " CQ/upf/c,11cd w/111 fl,, nnd kMllc.J! !rouble, I suffered for '"'s from d.J!spcps/n, w/111 sevci'C p.tllls. Hood'1 Sarsnpat/1[11 111o11/c rr1e slralld .111d Al•rly.'' <J. B. Emcrloll, Aubum, Me.

3fos£trJrt:' lloof1'1 1'11frtrurt� llt'•lr (i1At i ·

l ;� --� �; , ; . rrr:l!l•iirl� i111r c•ntlmrtlo tn�tuk•t-w!tl& J(i,�ul11.Mnt·"''llllrlll�

l!OSEILE UOHOUOIL Olld Ulld hl'llUtlful.

l [ Iloselle stoml ur the ]JJ'esent u<huinl8-tl'lltlon nml guve II I'Ousing mujority for lllcKillley,

I•Jt·m·ywhm·c in nature beauty Is com· bine1l with use. · It l'cmn lns for mnn, the higlll'�t nnrl uohleHt RjJeclnwn or tho Cn•lltur's linll<llworl<, lo be lh" <lntlh In the cnlnr scheme of tho mrh·m·se.­The vote:

McKinley Fowler Smith Met•l<el' Foote lln1iti1Ig

R. D. 000 Brrau :101 lllun 2UU 20·l 2�7 208

Parl1s Lrulllnel'ding Olurlt CIJ11luit

�XIOX TC!11'N�l l l l',

\Vc!!ldy Rouquct.

ltemmnlna- Ji'rmn Alu•h•l(y, 76 71i JIJ'elhl_v Is the sou of 11 l'nurth liVOllllf' 7B fitockhrolwr, JOlt \\'I ll mulerHtnllll, 111111 7G Is thcr"fore rnmlllnl' with �olllc ot' the 71l terms of I he prot'<'HHion. 71) "l'npn," Rllltl l•'l'l'lhly.

"11'<•11, Ill)' K!lll'l" "IH t lwrc Hn�h n \\'Ol'lll ns n hoolc­

wot·na'J" Up to t lHl lilllll ol' going to fll'eR.< tiH!

t•dn!'u!l fl'Dlll Uuiou Wfll'l! not eumplelo, n-. thHl' 11lt\ uot Hhow tho wll l ll l-1 \'otu of (ho ii"HilllllJiy clllllll<i llti•H, llll!' lliHll')el ho. lug llllll!llg tho wi••lu11.

wi'IH'l'e IR AW'h a et'l.'Uturc, J�,rctltl)', lmt It \'1'1',\' 1'111'(1, '1'11{1 h•I'IH lloolt­WOl'lll, hnWI'\'111', lH U\lf1lh•d to 1\ Jll'l'ROll 1\'hll IK C!ll l l t l l i llllli,V jllll'llll( 01'1!1' hnoi[H."

"Ailli J III!Jil l" "1\'1'11 '1" 'l,lw vnt o :

Mu!Oui"Y l•,owlt•t' lill l i lh �11+tdUtt' J�f)l)tll llunllug

H. D. llryun Mnn l'arh� f,lllllllwnllr•f( t.Jinrlt

· 1�1 t.Jin<h•i<

Hl:!l.ll l't',

"Is II 1 1 1 1111 \\') Il l i.q 111 \\'fi)'� IHll'l llg 0\'l•r tllll tll'l;l'l' ll l l ljH'\\'<JI' l l l'l' ' - l'iltKhlli'IJ �r.rJ Chi'Ulll<·ll•·'l't•I!•J.(I'Hi lli. !llll --�--

111:1 �IIKitlt\ll'llltNI�IhU, Hl.i A 'llllnil hO,\' 1 1 11' olllt•L' 1111)' 111'11 1'1] t hl' til� COIIJ>lt•t of n h,l' l l l l l whh·h I'I I IIH I I IIIH: IUO Awl Mtm l r••lllltl•·•• wltNI ltc• �l't'K

'l'lw l!lt••tkcllt �tl lltl U{tflll Ill•• l>lll't'lt,

In Hn111m11, Utu flrHt \VIII'<! WW<l nit:· J\ln)ll)' ii�K 1111<1 IJr)'llll ir.J, 'l'hll H!IUiiltl] 11'111'11 tlld hutl.m' for t1111 DullliiiJI'III.Iul Will• cll!lnlu, i!IVIII!f hllu U�8 1u IIIIJ ful' Mo· l<lnlt•Y·

l i tH ( I i i ,\' \I' ll" n i l l'o l' �nlnn. "Why il!li'H Hll l l l l l !Pi l hl ' Hulnt sit l l iHIIl Iiiii kiii'I'H lr It nutlll•s 111m t r :lnllil•'l"­llw•iwHt<•t' i 1oK( · io:� l ti'!•HH,

lluw Ar� l'•m• ••ttnt��r• I ,,��·,tt�:'Xd�r.'tH�'�r,w�'ll�'�����,·�r·8��.'UHI�'��U�; �V

Lewis & Hrou lll'U cuief lllllOilg the 815 BROAD ST., vnmletille fun mnlters, the woutlerfnl Three Yoscrnys nm retniuc<l u secmul ����"!"""��"!"""���· -�-� ... �.������!'!'!'������"""!!, weBk, auil Mnnuiug & Davis In "'l'he Irish P�twnl.JJ oht'l" JUttl Hornce Onl<liulu hiH COilliO lllllgic lll'U ill ths bill. 'l'he Biogl'llph ]Jictlires of the terrible 1'ar­l'lll ll l'olll[Jilll)''H ext•losiou nu<l fil'O hnve occa�iouell 11 gom1 de11l of colllllll'llt,

1\:t}t Mt111Hit ht�. � Sot1hy (Whit neePJlll'<l �II', Cltnl'llill 1•'11'1'[\\'00I\ till• 1111(11( hl'I'OI'e)-lJ

,IWH �11',

li"lt•L1hvnm1 Ht l'l\w y()n llfi lwlng n Almsl· tl1'c man, l'lllllhw 'l

l 'nnllm' ('-'ho <loi!Rn't lu10w or tho en· gng<'mulllJ-Il l·nclonK, no! ,\ 1111111 who liaH """n l'<•.ll•el"<l h,l' 1·1 �ii'IH w ithin �lx lllOiltliH llllt\ IMH i'nt Oil It t•IJ illlrit lw HenHit !I'C. 1\'lt,\', 80J!h,V, wl111t's Uw mutlt•r'l

Shu illirl l'n lntt•!I,-I,mulon l•'tm. l�!!tl In One 'fhltiJ.f,

"l A flH'l'O 1111)' 1hlng 11 1 whkh )'<Ill ex· cullt••l wlwll ,l'oll 11'1'111 to Hel1ool�" 11�k· fll1 �l is� f�n�'t,tttw.

"YI'H,11 llllHWI'l'<'ll \\' lllln \\'IHhlll�illll. 111 lllll!]l' llllll'!l ! J i l l l l < i i ' I'H l i l l l l l 1 11 1,\' nll ll'l' I J•J,I' ill tliu di!N.�,"-·Cilll'i lllllill Bll· !)l l i l'!'l',

f'fii UII I I >' t h1• C�nl'lt•1 AHI!IIlUinll-- 1\'hn WIIH ,\'lllll' fl'l<'l l < l

WiLHII I I MIIW ,\'1111 1\'l l l lr l n� with 1 1\1• n i'l••r'lllwll'l

'l'< •lll' l ' ·-ltnl t I I ll• \1'1\Hll'l II t't•lt•ll!l, 'l'lini'M I ll)' i l t'ollll'l'· lll·IIIW - l i lll'jli'I''M IIIIV.Il l',

••• BALLANTI N E'S ... NtW MEAT MARKET l!rUiul Ht, CASH , m>m �;Im, l�t·g uf I�mnh. , , • . l it! l1fll'lurhmttm Ht'k, �.'Oc.�!lc J.4ew or :uuttun • • . l:!u Hnund Stcnk • • • • . • • . • IOc Bot�t f.,umb Olwps :.\lu Hlh Hmu�t . , , , , l!!o liJ ltle Shoul1lut• ChOll� ••• J!!u i 'ut. llmt*t • • . • . , fi11 tr.t l�c Stowlu�t Lnmb . . . liu Pul'k ClJuJIM , . . . . . . . . . l ie Sirloin Stunk "" lHo 8llll!llKd , . ,, �lb. fm· ::u

01'l1UrR iluitVIlrml tn IU\)' Jl!U't of tlm town. I buJlll foJ' n Hlwml �:�lmm of rom• pnll·uuu�u, M. Ballantine, Westfield.


Westfield. New Jersey. 1tot�ltlmu't•, lll ����!It!:< �t., 11, 0, Bnx :.'71,

\\'IIIII( �A'I'Ii.;I'At�'I'Oit l l ,\' IHlNI:.

WINDFELDT & BROWN, 137 1\rmul �&.

=fi��GUisLE MARKET Oa•lltn•M I'fll11'fl rm urut t lulh·llrt•tli lf.\'OI')'l1111l�f rr·.oh Ill Hi lll'kt•• 1·1� 11 .•

Fall Slylesl