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Advertising discourse

Functions of advertising

• to persuade: direct x indirect

• to inform

• to warn

• to shock

• to entertain

Functions of advertising

• to create a positive image of the product/service

• AIDA set of goals


• study of signs – anything that refers to something else than itself

• Ferdinand de Saussure, Charles Peirce, Roland Barthes, Julia Kristeva

• sign consists of:

a) signifier (form)

b) signified (meaning)

• denotative x connotative meaning

Peirce’s division of signs

1) icon

• relation of resemblance between the signifier and the signified

2) index

• cause-effect relation

3) symbol

• the relation is arbitrary, based on convention

(colours: white, yellow, green, blue, red, …)

Persuasive techniques

3 means of persuasion

1. Ethos

• persuasion through personality and credibility of the speaker

2. Pathos

• persuasion through emotions

3. Logos

• persuasion through reasoning


1) appeal to the emotional needs of audience • need for acceptance • need for security • need to feel attractive • need for change or excitement

• association of products with positive values • success • beauty • wealth • fame • happiness • family

2) problem-solution model

Not enough hours in the day?

Ever wanted a new ‘you’?

3) personalization/dialogism

Are you craving for something new?

Try our new summer menu.

4) hyperbole and positive adjectives

• best, incredible, amazing, nutritious, passionate, practical, comfortable

5) parallelism

It’s longer. It’s slimmer. It’s surprisingly mild.

6) alliteration

soft, silky skin

7) choice of characters

9) facts and figures

10) bandwagon

11) word puns

Guinness: Pure genius.

12) deviation

• word coinages


14) intertextuality • reference to movies and songs

Advertisements analysis

1. What is the name of the product/brand?

2. Who is the target audience?

3. What visual images are employed?

4. What slogans are being used?

5. What emotional needs are being addressed?

6. What insecurities/fears are being targeted?

7. Are any stereotypes being presented?

8. What persuasive techniques are being used?

9. What is the underlying message used in the ad?

10.What is your personal reaction?