
A li AyvM oglu • H asan K1rm1z1 • ismail Kose

Pratik Anadolu Rehberi (Pratical Anat olian Guide)

<;:eviri I English Translation

ismai l Kbse

Tasarim A grafik 0 462 326 73 11

Kapak Detay Yayinc il1 k

Baskr ve Cilt Celepler Matbaacil 1k

Ankara, 2008

DETAY YAYINLARI : 240 1. Bask1 : Haziran 2008

ISBN: 978-9944-223-45-4 Yay1nc1 Sertifika No: 1105-06-001890

©Copyright DETAY ANATOLIA AKADEMiK YAYINCILIK LTD. $Ti. 1 ler hakk1 sakl1d1r. Yazarindan ve yayinevinden yaz il1 izin alinmaks1zin bu kitabin fotokopi veya diger yollarl a k1 smen veya tamamen -;ogaltilmas1, bas ilmas1 ve yay1nlan111 as1 yasa kt1r. Aksine davra n1 ~, 5846 sa yil1 Fikir ve Sanat [scrl cri Kanunu ve Tlirk Tica ret Kanunu gcrcg ince 2 yildan 6 yila kadar para tczas ina <;cvrilcrneycn ha pis, I 0 mil ya rdan 150 mil ya ra kadar para ceza lari ile fotokopi vc bas 1111 ,1IC' tl cr ine t' I ko11ulmas 1111 gerektirir.


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1 'c~l'kkiirlerimizle ...

\·11'"1 •/.. l<'1 bedenimiz in, bilgi ruhumuzun g1das1dir. Bir tabak )1·111 1 · ~ 11ulC'rce insa111n emegi ile meydana gelmektedir. Bu

t/1 111.11111 / t l,1, c;ok say1da insanm bilgi, beceri ve emegiyle ortaya 1/, 1111 ~ 111

/1111,1_1 • MC'fin okumalan111, Okutman Adem ve Alper K1l11; oglu ve \ , 1/ 1.i 111 1 i/11 okumalan111, Prof Dr. Kenan inan, Prof. Dr. Selehattin i d1 •l1111 • l ', wlina Samy'e;

/ 11tui:1.1 /lar ic; in: Atilla Alp Bo!Okba]i, Mehmet Ozdemir, irem 1111 Vll l/.. ,111 Kantarc1, Kaan Gungor, Faz1I Sarac;, Dursunali Sanko<;,

1~11111 t! "II"' vc Hasan Kirm1z1 'ya; <;izimler i<;in Abdullah K1rm1z1 1ya

I .ll11;1 I< 111, A g rafik Sahibi Atilla Bo!Okba]I ve Hacer Yavruoglu ve I' '· . t/ lanna. Kapak tasanm1 i<;in Detay yaymevi sahibi HOseyin

\"i/!1111111 1.1

\ 11 .11l,111r/1f!1m1z kaynaklann yazarlanna

I 1111 , 111... /-laritanm Kullan1m musaadeleri i<;in KOIWr ve Turizm k 111ft1:1 '11.1

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\ • .1111 • llye lerimize Te]ekkiir ediyoruz.

1 111, 11 · ~1 •/..kiirler!

ileti~im I Contact With Us: 11.1 , ,111/.. irm iz [email protected]; [email protected];

[email protected]

W(• Give Our Thanks to ...

/ 111111' /c•('t/; our body while knowledge feeding our souls. One ••I 1111•.i l comes onto our table by the works of hundreds of peo­/1 ' //1 1' Wll1/,. also appeared due to numerous people's knowledge,

1111 I l.1'101.

t11 I 111 /,. 1.,h text controls and redacts undertaken by Adem and 1 ~ . 1111, llg l11, [ ng lish text controls and redacts undertaken by Prof. 1·11. 111 /11.1 11, Prof. Dr. Selehattin <;elebi and Paulina Samy;

f " ' l'hutog1.iphs; to Atilla Alp Bo!Okba]t, Metin Oztiirk, Mehmet /1 ·11111 111 •111 Tos un, H . Volkan Kantaret, Kaan Gungor, FaZ1I Sarac;,

I lu1' 1111.1l1 ~. 111/,. 0< , ismail Kase and Hasan K1rm1z1, for Drawings; lu /111/.1/i "111 111/ 1;

/ 111 /\ / II ' '><' /ling; to A Graphic H o lder Mr. Atilla Bolukbas1 and //,Ii ;·1 \ .11111<#11 .incl o ther personnel. For Cover design, to Holder of I '1·1,11 / '11111 llu 11w M r. Huseyin Y1/d1nm,_

/11111111•1, of .i ll hooks we used as source,

I" \11111'/1.1 11/ ( ulture and Tourism fo r their permission us to pub-1, I fl/ h I'\ f ll llll'>t M.t/1,

I 11 , tll 1m11111t1 <11 1'> ,11 )(1 or1-1,1nih llions supported us with their adver­l\1't1t1•11h .

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f0111l1•<,yu111•I 1111 lo,1 11'111>1•1111111 v1• ,1m.ito1 gt'?gin leri n PRATIK EL Ill 11111 ill i:1ll1i.10,1111 .1111.1~l.1d1<11111 1 .1 k11,1h1m1.1, hcrb1ri profesyonel turist reld11111 11l.i11 , 11~ ,11k.ul.1~111 11111 0, 1 rt'hbc il1 ~1 meslegini icra ederken 1ll11y.11. d11yd1d· l.111 1>1lq1l1•1 drn olu~mas1 i;:a l1 ~manin degerini art1rmak· 1.1d11 1111 dlf11·1 rn11·11!11 un o,u 1 da. bu ui;: arkada~in yuksek lisan !111 1•y111d1• I 1111.1111C I, ll ,1 h1y,1t\1 vc Sosya l Bilgiler Uzmani olmalan, bu lillql 1111I~111111'11 ill' k1taptak1 bilgilcri kontrol e tmi~ olmalan, kitab1 d1•, 1pl11d1•1 o11o1\1 hi1 i;a l1 ~man in urunu haline getirmi~ ve degerine d1'fll'I I· oil 1111'1111

Y.d1o111t I (il'/fJllllt• 11 n Vt' rt'hbcrlcrin yabanc1 dil ihtiyac1 goz onune .11111.11,d· i..1t ,1p, I 111 k<;r vr lngili7CC haz11 l a nm1 ~ tir . Kitab1m1zdaki tUm lillqll1•1111 11111• 1111 l1HJll1.rcr <;rv 1r 1 ~ 1 yap dm1 ~t1r. ~eviri i~lemleri, Ismail ~""'' 1.11,tl1111l,111 y.1p d1111 ~. 11.rm,in b 11 ekip tarafindan redakte ed ilmi ~ 111• d11.'1°lt1l1111~1lr /\yr1c.1 hr1 bo lurn , ila1l1 vc konunun uzmanlan nca 1111 1•11'111111 ~ 111

I• 11.q1, topl.1111 y1•cli l10l11niclrn o lu ~rn,1k tad 11 . Birinc i bolum, /\11,1d11l11 < 11(J1o1tyo1\1, lkl111 I lrnlt1111, /\11t1dolu Mcdeniyetleri; Ui;:uncu 110111111 1111 k I .111111 w c h111o111l1 I ,u 1111; Doi duncu bolum, Anadolu'da lll1lo,tly.111l1k v1• I 11",kol.11, B1 .. 1111cl l)()iu111 /\11adolu'da lslamiyet ve C .1111111'1 , /\111111 1 lioi11111, /\1i.1do l11'do1 <,, 111 ,11, Y1•t1 111 ti bolum, Anadolu'da llk l1'1 vc• /\11o1do l11 'd,111 1 .. 111tll1'1 1J,1~l1kl.111 altinda topl anmakta, 11•11111•1111 v1• 1111 1\1111 1111 lyo1~ tl11y.d1ll1•11•t11, /\11.1doludak1 baz1 onemli ko1111l.11 y1•1 ,tl 111 ,1k1.1cl11 /\y11c ,1, qt•.rq1nlt•11' kolayl1k sag lamas1 1ylo1, k1 1,1p \Olli lll ol, CJUll((01 J u1 ktyC' lUI l~llk h.:irilclSI ek l e nmi ~tir .

/\11,1do l11 co~1.ifyil\ 1 , dogal gule ll1 kle11n1n yan1 s1ra, tarih1 ve kultu1 cl .rrnginl1klr il r de doludur. Bu zengin likleri tek tek ele almak lrn oky,111usta bo~ulmak gib idir. Bu nendele kilapta, nokta an lat1m y,1p tlm.im1~ ur . Anadolu'nun zenginligini bilen herkes bu i;a l1 $man in /\n,1dol11yu tum yon leriyle an latma iddias inda olmad1gin1 rahatl 1kla qo1 t•b d11 . Bu yonuyle bu i;:a ll ~ma, ge li ~meye ai;: 1k bir i;:a ll ~ mad 1r . Daha \011 1.1kl b,10,ktlannda siz degerli okuyuculann goru~ ve oneril eri dofp 111111\1111cl,1 ihtiyai;: duyulan konulann ek lenmes i veya i;:1kanlmas1 11111111k1111 ol,1hllrcckli 1.

1°1 .it lk /\11o1cto l11 Rrhbcii'nin, b ir b0$1ugu doldurmasin1, ihityai;: d11yo111l.11o1 q11vc•nil11 llll b,\$vuru kayna~ 1 . yard1mc1 ve yol gosterici, [l f; 1t II· 1111 q1· I do~t 11 VI' I I RI I IBCRI olmasin1 diliyoruz.

Trabzon, Haziran 2008 Ismail Kose

Pr ofesyone l Turi st Rehberi

From Editor

Foreword Whilst we were preparing our "Anatolia Travel Guide" named

book, we tried to cover knowledge needs of travelers came to Turkey, collages who are beginners and domestic travelers who wish to learn more along with their visits. In the book, basic and practical informa­tion given about Anatolia's cultural heritage, historical past and rich­ness left by Anatolian civilizations.

The work your are handling though is not completely an academ­ic survey book, tackled subjects were given from primary sources or by experts of the subjects and due to deep survey on museum manu­scripts and inscriptions. In this context all information given in this book based on confidential sources.

We aimed to provide a PRACTICAL MANUEL GUIDE for profession­al tourist guides and travelers. The work has been prepared by three professional tourist guides and their all experiences and accumulat­ed knowledge have been transferred into this work. Another impor­tant subject is that, these three guides have Master degrees on Tourism, Social Sciences and Islamic Theology and this specialty made the book an inter-disciplinary work.

Considering the need of travelers and guides the book has been prepared both in Turkish and English languages. The work has been translated into English by Ismail Kase and redacted and controlled by an expertise team. Also each chapter has been controlled by related experts .

The work consisted of seven main chapters. First Chapter; Anatolian Geography, Second Chapter; Anatolian Civilizations, Third Chapter; History of Turks and History of Ottoman Empire, Fourth Chapter; Christianity in Anatolia and Frescoes, Fifth Chapter; Islam and Mosques in Anatolia, Sixth Chapter; Art in Anatolia and Seventh Chapter; Unknown Secrets of Anatolia tackled with and important subjects are underlined. Moreover to ease travel in Anatolia an updated Turkey Tourist Map has been attached to the book.

Anatolian soils beside its natural beauties, filled with historical and cultural richness. Tackling with these richness one by one means to disappear in ocean. Considering this fact, we tried to tackle with essential subjects without deepening into details . Related to the tack­led subjects we have tried to underline vital data, nowadays this is not a completed work, even though is an unabridged work and all your comments and wishes will be evaluated throughout next editions and the most needed and vital subjects will be added into work due to your contributions.

We wish this work,' Practical Anatolian Guide may fill a space, may become a confidential source, assistant, practical travel friend and MANUEL GUIDE for needed people.

Trabzon ·June, 2008 Ismail Kdse

Professional Tourist Guide



ONSOZ ... . .......... . . . ................................ 4

I. BiRiNCi BOLUM ........ . ...... . ... . . . ................ 11

1. Anadolu Cografyas1 !Turkiye . . . ..... . . . . .. . . ............ 12

2. Turizm Merkezi ilan Edilmi;; Yaylalar . ... . .. . .. . .......... 20

3. Kayak, K1;; Turizm Alanlan . ............... . ........... 23

4. 6nemli Kapllca Merkezleri . . . . .. . ............. ......... 24

5. Milli Parklar .. . .... . ...... . . . ................ ..... .. 28

II. iKiNCi BOLOM . ..... .. . . . . ...... . . ................. 33-76

1 . Anadolu Medeniyetleri ..... .. ............ ......•... . . . 33

2. Anadolu 'da Tarihi ~aglar ...... . . . . ..................... 34

3. Anadolu'da Hitit D6nemi .......... ....•..•............ 41

4. Mezopotamya ve Anadolu Uygarl1klan .........•. , .... . . . 50

5. Asur Ticaret Kolonileri Devri . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . ..... 52

6. Urartu Kultoru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . ...... 57

7. Antik Yerle;;imler ve Bugunku S1nirlrn 1 . . . . . . . . . ...... 60

8. Antik Dag ve lrmak isimleri . . . . • . . • . • . ••.... 62

9. Anadolu'da Pers Egemen ligi . . . . . . . . . . • • . • . •....... . 64

10. Buyuk iskender . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . • . ••.••...... . 65

11 . Bizans imparatorlugu . . . • .

12. Ba;; llca Ha<;ll Soforlori .

.... . 68

. .... 75

111. 0<;:0Nc0 BOLUM ........... ...................... 77-122

1. Turk Adi .......... • . . • . • . • • . . . 78

2. Turk Tarihi ve Osman l1 lmµarntollu(1u .. 78

3. Buyuk Sel<;uklular .. . 93

4. Anadolu Sel9uklan . . . . . . . . . . . ••. . 95

5. Osmanl1 imparatorlugu 96

6. Osmanll Saraylannin Temel Btilumlori 104

7. Osmanll Hanedan1 Listesi ..... . 118

8. Osmanl1 Devrinde Sanat . 11 9

9. 12 Hayvanl1 TOrk Takvimi . . . . . . . . . . ... . 122

IV. DORDUNCO BOLUM ........... ......... ......... 123-190

1. Anadolu'da H1ristiyanllk ve Freskolar

2. H1ri stiyanl1k .. ... ........ . ... . .

3. H1ristiyan Dininin 6nemli Bayramlan

4. Ba;;llca H1ristiyanllk Mezhepleri .... .

5. Yedi Sekrament .... . ............. .

6. On iki Havari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .

7. ikona Kinc1 D6nem . ......... .

8. Freskolar ve Kar;;11a;;t1rmal1 Hikayolo11

9. Yedi Kilise .................... .










V. BE$iNCi BOLUM .......... ................... ... 191 ·218

1. Anadolu'da islam ve Camiler 192




FOREWORD ............ .. .... .... ............. . ...... . . 5

I. FIRST CHAPTER . ... .... . ................. . .... .. .. 11-32 1. Anatolian Geography I Turkey 2. Tourism Center Declared High Plateaus 3. Skiing, Winter Tourism Areas ............ . . . .. .


. 20

. 23 4. Important Thermal Centers . . . ...... . . . . . .... 24 5. National Parks . 28

II. SECOND CHAPTER .... . ............ . .............. 33-76 1. Anatolian Civilizations . 33 2. Historical Ages in Anatolia ............................ 34

3. Hittites Period in Anatolia . . . . . . ........ 45 4. Mesopotamian and Anatolian Civilizations ......... . ...... 50 5. The Assyrian Trade Colonies Period .................... 54

6. Urartian Culture . . . . . . . . . .... 57 7. Antiquity Settlements and Their Borders Today ............ 60 8. Antiquity River and Mountain Names .............. 62 9. Anatolia Under Persians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 64 10. Alexander The Great . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 65 11. Byzantine Empire

12. The Chief Crusade . . 68


Ill. THIRD CHAPTER ................................. 77-122 1. Turk Name 2. Turkish History and Ottoman Empire 3. Great Seljuk .....

4. Anatolian Seljuk State 5. The Ottoman Empire 6. Ottoman Palaces ' Basic -Departments

7. List of Ottoman Dynasty 8. Art of The Ottoman Period . 9. 12 Animal Cycle Turkish Calendar

78 78

. ..... . ... 86

. 88 . . . . . ... 91

104 118 119


IV. FOURTH CHAPTER .................... . ........ . 123-187 1. Christianity and Frescoes in Anatolia 123 2. Christianity 123 3. Basic Christian Holydays 128 4. Essential Christian Sects 129 5. The Seven Sacraments 136 6. Twelve Disciples 137 7. lconaclastic Period 140 8. Frescoes and Their Comparative Stories . 141 9. Seven Chturhches 188

V. FIFTH CHAPTER ............................. ... 191-218 1. Islam and Mosques in Anatolia llJ:'



Pratlk J\nm lo lu l ~oll l :><:.> r i l '1<1/1n 1/ li11oto /1a Guide

lsln111iyo1'111 DO(Jil 'J ll VII Yiiyrll !d .•..... 193 ...... . 197 .... . .. 199

3. Dtirt 11.tlilu Dovri

4. C111ovilo1 vu i\IJIJ;1•;1 l111

5. Mo1hoµlor ...•...... . .. 201

6. Cnrrnlur . • . . . . . ...... 210 . Ku r'nn 1 Korlm ........ . . .. . . 216

VI. AL TINCI SOLUM .. . ............................. 219-264 1. i\nadolu'da Sanat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . .•......... . .. 219 2. Roma Donemi Heykelleri ...... . ............• . ..... . . . 220 3. Mimari Yaprlar ve Elemanlan . . . . .... . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 4. Osmanlr Cini Sanatr . ........ . . . . .. . .... . . . . ... . .. . . . 255 5. TUrk Evleri . . . .. . .... . ... . ... . . . . .. .. . . ....... . . ... 262

VII. YEDiNCi SOLUM . . . . ..... .. . . . . . . .. . . . ... . .. . .. 265-328 1. Anadolu'da ilkler ve Anadolu'dan Esintiler .. . .... .. . . . . . .. 265 2. Mevlana Celaleddin Ru mi . . . . .. . .... . ... . .. . . . .. . . .. . . 266 3. Haer Bekta§i Veli .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... .. . . . . . ....... . .. . 267 4. Nasreddin Hoca . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .... . .. . ........ ... 268 5. Mimar Sinan . .. .. .. ... . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. .. . . . ... ... . 269 6. Mustafa Kemal AtatOrk .. .. . . . . . ... .. .. . . ..... . .. .. . . . 272 7. Sumela Manastrrr . .. . ... . .. . . . . ...... . .. ... . . . .... .. 273 8. Trabzon AtatOrk Ko§kO . . . . .. ..... . . .. .... . .. . .... . . . . 280 9. Ayasofya MOzesi . . . . .... .. .. .. . ..... ... .... . . . .. .. . . 284 10. Saint Pierre Kilisesi (An rt MOze) .. . . . ... . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . 290 11 . ipek Yolu .. . . . .. . . ...... .. . . . .. . . .. . ... .. . . . .. .... 292 12. Gordian DOgOmO Efsanesi . . . . . . . . .. ... .. . . . . . . . . . ... 293 13. Medusa . . . . .. . . .... ... . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .... . . . 294 14. Kehanet .. . . .. . . . .... .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . ...... . . 295 15. Prometheus Efsanesi . . . .... ... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .... 296 16. Allin Post Efsanesi . . .. .. . . ... .. .. .. . . . .. . . . . . ...... 297 17. Roma'nrn Kuru lu§ Efsanesi . . .... .. . .. . . ..... .. ... . ... 301 18. Anadolu 'da 0 10 Gemme Gelenekleri ... . . . . . . ....•... . . 304 19 Ermeni iddialan ... . . . . . . . . ...... . . .... .. . . ... ..... . 307 0 Bunlan Biliyor musunuz? . . ...... ... . ... .. . ...... . .. . 313

TUrkiye'de Nerelere Gidili r? .. . .. . . . . ..... .. ... . . . .. . . 319 SOmor/Babil/AsurTanrrlan Tablosu .. . .... . . . . . .. . . . .. . . 322 Y1111nn/Roma Tanrrl an Tablosu ........ . . . . . ........ . . . 324

'·1 I tr111/LJ rnrtu/Hitit Panteonu ...... . . . . . ...... .... . .. .... 325 "• llkr, .r(J lardn DOnya Kronolojisi .... . . . . . . .... . . . . ... .... 326 •ti 1111 ~ I rn 1lli Kronolojisi . . . .... .. .... . . .. . . .. .. . . ...... 327

illi•J 1q I >1111yn Kronolojisi ... . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . • . . .... . .. . 328

I\ VNl\K CI\ . , ..• ... . .... . .. .......... . ... . . . ........ . . 329

11nclc•l1 11 o l1/ 1111 c'(.1 11 1

Pratik Anadolu Rehberi Pratical Anatolia Guide

2. The Birth and Spread of Islam . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 3. The Four Caliphs Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 4. Umayyads and Abbasids .. ... . . . . . . ... . . . .. . . ... . . .. 200 5. Sects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 202 6. Mosques 7. The Holy Qur'an .

. 211

. 216

VI. SIXTH CHAPTER ........ . . . . . ...... . ..... . ..... 219-264 1. Art in Anatolia 2. Roman Period Sculpture 3. Architectural Buildings and their Components 4. Ottoman Tile Art 5. Turkish Houses

. . 219

. . 220 . 228 . 255 . 263

VII. SEVENTH CHAPTER . . ..... . .. . .... .. . . .. . ... . .. 265-328 1. From Anatolia to World Heritage 2. Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi 3. Hac1 Bektas Veli . 4. Nasreddin Hoca .. .. . . . . 5. Architect Sinan .

......... 265

......... 266 . 267 . 268 . 269

6. Mustafa Kemal Atatork . . ... . . . . . . ......... ... . . . 272 . 273 7. Sumela Monastery .

8. Ataturk Pavilion ...... .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. ... .. . 9. Hagia Sophia Museum . 10. Saint Peter's Church 11 . Silk Road 12. Legend of The Gordian Knot 13. Medusa 14. Prophecy

. 280

. 283

. 290

. 292

. 293

. 294

. 295 15. Prometheus Tale .. . . . .. 296 16. Golde Fleece Tale . 297 17. Foundation Tale of Rome . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. .. 301 18. Burial Customs in Anatolia . 19. Armenian Arguments 20. Did You Know That? . 2 1. Where to go in Turkey? 22. Sumer/Babel/Asur Deities Table 23. Greek/Roman Pantheon Table 24. Huri/Urartians/Hittite Pantheon . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 25. Chronology of World 26. Chronlogy of Turkish Historiy . 27. Chronology of World

. .. 304 . 307 . 314

321 . 322 .324

. 325 326

. . 327


SOURCES . . . .. .. . ............ . . . ........ . . . . . .... .. . . 329

www.anadoluguide. com

Bi ri ncl. BOI Om

ANADOLU" C'Qr G~ RAFY'!AS· T ;_ .IJ ~ ~,)) ~ ·~ =- ·' _}- _:_ _f\ 1 Wh







Pratik Anadolu Rolll x1 11

TURKiYE Turkiyc Cu11 1l1u1 iyo ti f\:;y;i ,

Avrupa vo Afrr ka k11;1J;ir1111 IJ111 birine baglayan i) 1r ko11wnclacl1r Dogusunda Gurc istan, Lrrn nistan, Nahc1van ve iran; ball s1nda Yunanistan ve Bulgaris tan ; guneyinde lrak ve Suriye 1le s1n1r kom~usudur . Bu s1nrrlarrn buyuk c;:ogunlugu Osmanli im­paratorlugu'nun dag1lmas1 so­nunda yap1lan anla~malarla be­l irlenmi~tir TUrkiye Asya ve Av­rupa ku ltUrleri aras1nda bi r koprudur. Kuzeyinde Karade­niz, bat1s1nda Ege Denizi ve guneyinde Akdeniz ile c;:evrilmi~ bi r yarrmadad1r. Bu bak1mdan, sadece yak1n kom~ularryla degil !Um dunya ile baglant1 l1d1r. TUrkiye'nin uc;: taraf1 nrn denizle c;:evrili olmas1 ve k1talar aras1nda koprO gorevi gormesi dOnyan1n ticaret merkezi olabi leceginin jeopolitik bir gostergesid ir.

Pra tical Anatolia Guide

TURKEY of Turkey,

in an area whor e> the Asian, European and Af11cc1n continents come very close to each other, is surround­ed by Georgia, Armenia, Nak­h1chevan and Iran to the east, Bulgaria and Greece to the west and Syria and Iraq to the south. The majority of these borders were determined by agree­ments after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Turkey is a passageway for the old Asian Turkish cultures to reach Europe due to her location and is at the same time the window of the west opening to the east. Tur­key's coastlines, which encom­pass her on three sides with the Mediterranean Sea to the south, the Black Sea to the north and the Aegean Sea to the west, make the country not only a

www 011adol u

IV. A11<1clolu I~ohbrnl

I 111 l11y1' yC11oy olarak , top lam ~ill\ krn 'clrr TUrkiye toprak­

l1H 111111 % i'11 f\vrupa, % 97'si ise fv,y11 J· 11.i•.1'11cla yer almaktad1r. Av11q1<1'd.i yor alan k1sm1na I 111hy11 f\:,yn'da yer alan kr smr­lkl 1:.0 f\11;1c lolu denilmektedir. l,J1J,1y1, cloqu bat1 yonunde 111~111 111 I >11 cl1kd6rtgene benze-1111.'i I• 11111 Dogu bat1 yonundeki u111111i1c111. Iran ve Nahc1van s1-•111J; 11111111 kes 1 ~t i g i nokta ile Jl,1J11J;1k1 G6kc;:e Ada'daki Avlaka Jll11nt1 .irasrndaki 1500 km'lik •miL11f1 !dir Kuzey-gOney y6-1111111 lnk1 ooni!i> ligi ise, 550 km 'lik 111n::.il1! olnn kuzeyde Sinop iii

11111 lrrrr 1c;:1nde kalan inceburun 10, (11111uyde Hatay ilinin Beysun l•.1\y11cf11r Kara srnrrlarrnrn toplam 11.·111rl11qu 2875 km ve k1y1larrn1n l•.1pl<1111 uzunlugu 8333 km'dir. li11 111;111 61c;:Uleriyle Turkiye, iran 111111\ tlirn kom~ularrndan buyuk­t111 J 111 krye'nin 2008 y1l1ndaki , fll[.1111 ol<1rak ac;: rklanan nufusu

l,:, 111ilyo11dur.

I 1111· 1yo'c le ana srra daglar, y "" qlrney srnrrlarrna para­

!! 1 111 I· u1eyindeki daglara f\11;1C lolu s1radaglar1 ,

P10tical Anatolia Guide

neighbor to the nearby regions, but to the entire world as well. Turkey has become the center of the great trade and migration routes due to these long shores and her place as a bridge between continents.

The area of the Republic of Turkey is 814,578 km2

. A total of 3 percent of the area is located in Thrace on the European con­tinent. The remaining 97 percent which is located on the Asian continent is usually called Anatolia. Turkey, which resem­bles a rectangle, has a width of approximately 550 km and a length of about 1,500 km. The most distant point to the east is the point that intersects with the borders of Iran and Nakhic­hevan. The point farthest to the west is the Av/aka Cape at Gokceada, farthest to the north is the inceburun Cape at Sinop Province and to the south is the Beysun Village at Hatay Pro­vince. The length of the coast­line is 8,333 km and the length of the land borders is 2,875 km. Turkey, with this area, has



I 14

Pratik: Anadolu Rehberi

guneyinde uzananlara da, Toros Daglan denmektedir. Bu s1ra­daglar, ic;; Anadolu'da bulunan genif? ovalarla birbirlerinden ayn lmakta ve ulkenin dogu b61-gesinde birle$erek yuksek bir zirve yapmaktad1r. Bu $ekliyle TUrkiye, bat1dan doguya gidil­dikc;;e yukselen bir yap1 goster­mektedir. Bunun sonucu olarak, dogu kesimleri dagl1k iken , Ege ve Marmara Bolgelerinde sa­dece birkac;; tane dagllk bolge vard1r ve genellikle duzluktur. Toros Daglan'nin d1$1nda kalan Guneydogu Anadolu B61gesi ve ic;; Anadolu B61gesi ise geni$ ovalara sahip b61gelerdir.

Kuzeyindeki Kac;;kar Dag1, Kuzey Anadolu Daglan'nin zir­vesini olu$1ururken, onu llgaz ve K6roglu Daglan takip eder. Buyuk Agn (Ararat) Dag1 5137 m yukseklik ile Turkiye'nin en yuksek dag1d1r. Suphan Dag1, Agn Dag1'na yak1n, aktif olma­yan volkanik bir yanardagd1r.

wv,.Pw nn1.1d

Pratical Anatolia Guide

more extensive lands than all of her neighbors with the excep­tion of Iran.

The population of the Re­public of Turkey is approximate­ly 70 million.

Surface Morphology

When a colored map of the surface morphology is exam­ined, average altitude is 1132 m and this makes Turkey the sec­ond highest country in the whole Asia. The mountains in Turkey cover an extensive area, but in contrast to this, there are also many areas where there are var­ious plains, plateaus and dep­ressions. This characteristic varies the climate on the one hand, and influences the settle­ments and economic life, on the other. Turkey has been separat­ed into seven large geographi­cal regions by taking into con­sideration tho fnrtnn; .•;urh as rlimntn, I/or .1 111, 111/ 1 ·11v1 •r .1nd

110<. lolu Rehberi

I.Ji_! cl;1 TUrkiye'nin dogu­.-.1 1ilrnuktad1r.

' 'do c;;ok say1da dere I 111 vnrd 1r. Bu nehirlerin l.11 lloliimu enerji uretimi

1<1111, 1111lmaktad1r ve c;;ogu 1 •1 e,:ovreleyen denizlere

lr•1el• locl 1r Bunlardan baz1-I 111 li1y11 s1nirlanni gec;;erek

l111111lere ula$maktad1r. vc ·· l· 11<1t Dogu ve Guney-

1 Arwclolu'daki iki 6nemli 1p, llasra Korfezi'ne; ic;;

lu'dc1~1 Ye$il1rmak ve 1 _1k I· .<1 radeniz'e; Susur-1w11•1• G6nen <;:aylan Mar­l J1'111. 1'nc; Gediz, Kuc;;uk

ly11I· Monderes lrmaklan I )(:111 llH'. Seyhan, Ceyhan

1<.•J111 11m<1klan ile Dalaman en <; , 1ylan ise Akdeniz'e whtocl11 TUrkiye'nin en

m1)1, 1355 km'lik uzun­l\1L1l11111ak't1r.

1y1 qOllerinin toplam 111111 'l?OO km" dir. Dogu 11 F\1)lql'!;1 say1 bak1m1n­llci11 • •11 ilol olan bolgedir. 11111 n111ioyuk golu (3,713 ' <.~i'illl vc diger buyuk

Pratical Anatolia Guide

distribution of types of agricul­ture: the Mediterranean Region, Aegean Region, Marmara Re­gion, Black Sea Region, Central Anatolia Region, Eastern Ana­tolia Region and Southeastern Anatolia Region.

The main mountain ranges in Turkey, generally extend par­allel to the coasts to the north and to the south. The mountains to the north are the North Anatolia Mountains and to the south are the Taurus Mountains. These mountain ranges are sep­arated from each other by large plains in the central sections of Anatolia. The mountain ranges

\\IW\\I 11tlll1li>/11p111t101•0 111


Yayla I Karadeniz High plateau

~1ld1r ve Hazar bu bolgededir. Van r .. 1 Volkanik Dag1'nin lu: in volkanik bir

Dag lari'nin kuze­llC'r Bolgesi'nde bir : .n111aktad1r. Bunlar;

11<l1r, Ac1g6I ve Bur­Mc1rmara Denizi '•apanca, iznik,

11y; 1:, golleri bulun-

are concentrated in the eastern sections of Turkey and form high peaks. The elevation dec­reases in the western section. There are few mountain ranges in the Aegean and the Mar­mara Regions. These regions are mostly depressions. There are also extensive plains in Southeastern Anatolia as in the central sections of Turkey, which remain outside the

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Pratik Anadolu Rehberi 'rnt1cal AllCtfci/iu (;11


M.O. BC.

20. cent. yy- 2.000 Hurriler, Hattiler, Luviler I Hurrians, Hi11/1~ •. I 1111

18. cent. yy-1.800 Hititler gelmeden once ticaret kolonileri i\»111 ticaret kolonileri (Karum Kani~)/ Before Hittites Assyrian Trade Colonies l<m11111 I· 11

1650-1460 Eski Hitit Krall1g1 I Old Hittite Kingdom

1460-1175 Eski Hitit imparatorlugu I Old Hittite Emµ111 •

2000-670 Frigler I Frigs

1000-900 Ge9 Hitit Krallrklarr I Late Hittite Kingdoms

850-585 Urartular-Dogu Anadolu I Urartians-EasternAn.11<

676-546 Lidyal1lar -Bat1 Anadolu I Lydians-Western An.''" ,1

585-550 Medler, Persler I Medes, Persians (549 y1l1nda Persler taraf1ndan y1k1ld1) (In 549 overthrown by Persians)

546-331 Persler I Persians

331-281 iskender ve Diyotokler I Alexandra and Dio/1•1 I·

332-17 Kapadokya Krallrg1 / Cappadocia Kingdom

326-74 Bitinya Krallrg1 I Bithynia Kingdom

375-120 Selevkos Krall1g1 I Selevkos Kingdom

302-120 Pontus Krallrg1 I Pontiac Kingdom

120-34 Partlar -Dogu Anadolu I Parts-Eastern Anatoil.i

M.S. AD.

M0.69- M.S. 72 Kommagene Krall1g1 I Commagene Kingdom

197-395 Roma imparatorlugu ikiye ayrrld1 Roman Empire was divided into two parts

395-14531 Bizans, Anadolu Sel9uklarr , beylikler Byzantine, Anatolian Seljuks and Bejliks

1299-19201 Osmanl1 imparatorlugu I Ottoman Empire


A - Alpha H - Hotel 0- Oscar V - Victor

B - Bravo I - India P - Papa W-Whiskey

C - Charlie J - Juliet Q - Quebec X - X-ray

D - Delta K- Kilo R- Romeo Y - Yankee

E - Echo L - Lima S - Sierra Z - Zulu

F - Foxtrot M - Mike T-Tango

G-Golf N - November U- Uniform

Prallk Anadolu Rehbcri aUcal Anatol1


1. Baylad1, Derman, Dinler kav§ag1 Anadolu , Yap1 Kredi Yayinlan , istanbul, 1998

2. <;agnc1 Mustafa vd. Kur'an Yalu, Turkc;:e meali, Diyanet yayinlan, Ankara, 2003

3. Deedad, Ahmet, Kitab-1 Mukaddes Allah Sozu mudur? lnkilap Yayinevi-1985.

4. Ergul,Teoman , Anadolu Uygarliginin Gorgemli Simgesi Sardis, Kitap Atelyesi yay. Ankara 2007.

5. Estin, Collette, Laporte, Helene, Yunan ve Roma Mitolojisi, TOBiTAK, Populer Bilim Kitaplan, 24. Bask1, Ankara 2007.

6. Freely , John, Turkiye Uygarl1klar Rehberi , Karadeniz K1y1s1 Varl1klan ve Muzeler Genel Mudurlugu ,Yap1 Kredi Yayinlan, istanbul , 2004.

7. Hala9oglu, Yusuf, 1915 Olaylan ve Ermeni "Soyk1nm1" iddialan , T.C. Turizm Bakanl1g1 Ara§t1rma ve Egitim Genel Mudurlugu , Ankara 2007.

8. Millard.Anne, Ancient Egypt, Usborne Books Publishing Ltd. 1981 .

9. Ortayll ,ilber, Mekanlar ve Olaylanyla Topkap1 Saray1 , Kaynak Yay1nlan istanbul 2007.

10. bzc;:elik, Mustafa, Nasreddin Hoca, Odunpazan Belediyesi Yayinlan , Eski§ehir 2005.

11. Oztl.irk, Cemil vd. Turk Tarihi ve KultUru, Pegem Yayincll1k, 3. Bask1, Ankara 2006

12. Sagd19, Ozan, Kapadokya, Kemple Gezi Rehberi, Pan Matbaac1l1k Ankara, 1994.

13. Sington, Adrian , Ross, Tony, Resim ve Ressamlar, TOBiTAK, Populer Bilim Kitaplan , 5. Bask1, Sistem Ofset, Ankara 2004.

14. Suleyman Bilgin vd. Ar§iv Belgelerine Gore Trabzon'da Ermeni Faaliyetleri (1850-1923), Trabzon Belediyesi Yay1ni, Trabzon J.29 2007.

15. $en, Omer Bulutlardaki Manast1r Sumela, Three & M-B&Z Collection Yay1nlan , Trabzon 1994.

16. Taylor, Jane imparatorluklann Ba§kenti istanbul, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayinlan , Kanaat Bas1mevi, istanbul 2000.

17, Tufek, Ozkan, Sumela, Trabzon 1978.

18. Yarbay [Lt.Col.] Tverdohlebof, Gorduklerim Ya§ad1klanm , (I wit-

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