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O C T O B E R 1 0 , 2 0 2 1 � 2 8 T H S U N D A Y I N O R D I N A R Y T I M E

(810) 694�4891�

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(810) 694�4891�

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W h a t ’ s H a p p e n i n g H e r e

A Cup of Joe

Greetings in Christ!�

Welcome to October...I love this month.�

I wanted to give you a little more information on the priest

convocation from the diocese.Personally, I think the

best�part for me was the diocese inviting us to strip away

all the "duties" of priesthood and

look at who we are called�to be. We

looked at the promises we made

back when we were ordained, we

looked at a sheet that the diocese

made with specific things that priests

are called to do, for example "Are

you in a support group?" or "Are you

faithfully praying your brevia-

ry?"� Things like that.�It was a good

challenge for me and the group I

was assigned to also found it helpful.�

Beyond that, there was a lot of talk

about Catholic Schools and the RRM (Realigning Re-

sources Mission). I think the most fascinating aspect was

that the Witness to Hope Campaign gave the diocese a

chance to offer assistance to people who needed it to

send their kids to school. What the Witness to Hope al-

lowed was about $500,000 in aid, but the applications for

aid tend to exceed $2,400,000 each year.�We are looking

at aggressive plans to fill that gap so that everyone who

wants to go to Catholic school can.��

This is a goal at our parish as well.�Right now at Holy

Family, the Cost to Educate (CTE) is just under $6,000 per

child, but our tuition is nowhere�near that.�Our Parish Fam-

ily has stepped up tremendously to help us fill the gap be-

tween what we charge for tuition and what it actually costs

and I pray we are in a position to continue doing this for a

long time.�There were a lot of stats from a massive data

gathering that showed how going to Catholic Schools as

young people radically increases the possibility that that

child will continue to go to Church when they get older.�I

think the wildest stat was this: while only 3% of Catholic

kids go to a Catholic school, Catholic school graduates

account for 45% of our priests. How amazing is that?�

As our secular system continues to fall into modern think-

ing that what the Church teaches is harmful, we have to

work all the harder to ensure that every Catholic who

wants has an opportunity to go to a Catholic school.�We

are not alone in this! The diocese recognizes that every

parish with a school needs some help and is working on

really creative ways to help.�I'll keep us updated as things


All through the days of convocation, I sat there grateful for

you all.�I have found such a wonderful home here and it is

because of all of you.�I thank you for loving me as I am

and challenging me to be better.�

God bless you all!�


The 2021 Rosary Coast to Coast will take place TODAY,

Sunday, October 10th! We will meet in the upper church

parking lot, beginning at 3:30 pm. Then we will assemble

along S. Saginaw (in front of rectory and church parking

lot) to pray the Rosary simultaneously at 4:00 pm with the


power in numbers, even in a Spiritual Battle!�We are excit-

ed to be together again as we say the Glorious Mysteries

of the Rosary together in Michigan, along with the entire

United States of America and many countries around the

entire world!�

Don’t have a rosary?… We will have rosaries made by

Our Holy Family Rosary Makers Guild for you!�We also

have a beautiful Blessed Mother banner that can be

passed around and walked with on the sidewalk as we


Please watch the weather in case you need an umbrella,

warm coat, hat, gloves or folding chair. Hope to see you,

your family, and friends as we pray the Rosary to Our

Blessed Mother for her LOVE, help, intercession, strength,

support and guidance under the outpouring of grace flow-

ing through Her. We should finish at 5:00 pm!�

Questions: contact Pat Gaines (810) 429�3982 or �

Carleen Celusnak (810) 695�0735.�

Our Lady of the Rosary Guild / �

Holy Family Rosary Makers Guild�

Today’s the Day!

(810) 694�4891�

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Stewardship & Worship

Receive God’s gi s gratefully � Cherish & tend to them responsibly � �

Share them in jus�ce & love � Return them to God�

Stewardship of Treasure

October 2nd & 3rd, 2021

Registered Families� � 1916�

� � �

Envelopes received this week� � 173�

Mail�in givers this week � � 53�

Online givers this week� � 259�

Amount offered from envelopes� $� 10,720.00�

Amount offered from mail� $� 9,523.50�

Amount offered from online giving� $� 18,049.38�

Amount offered from visitors� $� 710.00�

Total weekly offerings� $� 39,002.88�


Please make note that we are changing the larger Satur-

day confession to the first Saturday of the month

(instead of the second Saturday) as of October 2. The full

confession schedule may be found on the directory page

(page 13).�


Confirmation has been scheduled with Bishop Boyea for

Tuesday, November 9, 2021, at 6:30 p.m. Parents may

wish to check in with Katie ([email protected]) to see that

all paperwork has been submitted.�

Mass of Remembrance

All Souls’ Day, Tuesday, Nov 2, 2021 �

Please join us for a Remembrance Mass on All Souls’

Day, Tuesday, November 2, 2021, at 6 PM in memory of

all deceased parishioners since November 2020 and all of

our faithful departed. A banner listing the names of our

deceased for the past year will be displayed in the church

throughout the month of November. �

If you’d like your loved one’s

name read during this Mass,

please submit their name to

Nancy Repuyan, Ministry of

the Ill and Bereaved, by

email to [email protected].

Please include pronuncia-

tion, if necessary. Please rsvp to Nancy if you plan to at-

tend Mass so we can get an idea for candles needed for

participants to place near the altar in memory of their

loved one. �

“October for Others”

Our cupboards are pretty bare at times �

during the month. We have expanded our

“Others First” Sunday to every Sunday �

during October. We depend on your gener-

osity to stock our St. Joseph Food Pantry and Clothes

Closet. Please remember the needy as you shop. Current-

ly, our specific needs are: canned fruit, ketchup, pasta

sauce, canned stew, shaving cream, shampoo/

conditioner, and dish soap. �

Nonperishable items may be brought to Mass or to Out-

reach Mon � Fri between 10 am and 2 pm throughout Oc-

tober. �

In addition to supplies, we greatly appreciate monetary

donations (to Holy Family, specifying Outreach), which

can be used to support our efforts. �

Thank you!�

(810) 694�4891�

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Faith Formation

This year we are offering adults an opportunity for continu-

ing faith formation. This will be offered on the same days

and times as Sunday Religious Education classes: i.e.

every two weeks, 9:30 a.m. � 11:30 a.m. Whether you’re

looking for something to do while your kids are in class;

curious about Church teaching; looking to deepen your

understanding of God, the Church, and your faith; or simp-

ly have nothing better to do, come join us for food, fellow-

ship, and friendship. Topics to be discussed will be decid-

ed by the group.�There is no signup required and this is

open to any adults of the parish. Please contact Katie

Buszek with any questions ([email protected]).�

55 & Over Club

Do all the good you can by all the means you can.�

� � � � John Wesley�

A reminder: at one time we selected St. An-

thony of Padua, Miracle Worker, as our Pa-

tron Saint. He is for the health and welfare

of the elderly and illness. St. Anthony, pray

for us.�

Sign up for our next catered meal this Tues-

day, October 12th, at 11 a.m. How was our last meal?�

W h a t ’ s H a p p e n i n g H e r e

Our Catholic Heritage

by Earl Hagen�

3rd� pope � Anacletus�

Born in Athens, Greece 25 AD,�part of the Roman Em-

pire.�Also known by the nickname of Cletus.�Elected in 76

AD. He died in 88, presumed a martyr.�He drew up the

rules for consecration of Bishops.�In the area of the Vati-

can, near the tomb of St. Peter, he had an oratory built for

the burial of martyrs.�He was also responsible for rules

governing ecclesiastical dress. ����

Holy Family Quilt & Shawl Ministry

It is that time of the year to dust off your sewing machine

and pull out your needles. We will

begin to meet on Monday, �

October 11, 9:30 to 11 am in the

Fr. Bush Parish Center small hall.

No experience necessary. We

are excited to share our craft with

everyone. Our first project will be

fleece hats that only require one

seam. They will be given to local

charity organizations. We need many�hands, sharp scis-

sors or rotary cutters. Please join us as we begin our new

year. We have many fun activities planned with door priz-

es the first meeting. Need more information? Call Linda

Waggoner at 810�444�7036 or Rose Mary Gorke at 810�

694�8980. If anyone is interested in an evening meeting,

please let us know. Hope to see you there.�

Eucharistic Adoration Time Change

Please note that the time for Eucharistic Adoration on

Tuesdays will now be 2 � 6 pm. Friday will continue to be

12 � 4 pm for Adoration.�

Everyday Stewardship

Recognize God in Your Ordinary Moments�

If Heaven were like Harvard�

There’s no getting around it: life on earth can seem easier

if you’re rich. Most of the bodily and material needs a per-

son could have are fulfilled if you’ve got a little bit of mon-

ey behind you. So why doesn’t this same theory apply to

entering the kingdom of Heaven? Why isn’t Heaven like an

Ivy League school, where a connection and a hasty tuition

check might open a lot of doors? �

When you think about it, the virtues required to enter

Heaven � things like charity and justice and courage �

should be even closer within the grasp of those who never

had to worry about where their food is coming from. In the-

ory, your capacity for good works should only increase

with the resources at your disposal.�

The same is true for stewardship potential. Let’s say I’ve

got a lot of talent. Maybe I’ve got a lot of free time. On pa-

per, it should be easier for me to give freely of these gifts,

because I have the luxury that eluded the widow and her

two coins: I can see my ample gift being put into action,

when so many can only offer what they have and remind

themselves that God sees it and appreciates it.�

But here we get into the mess of humanity: if we have a lot

of something, it means we have a lot of something we

could use any way we want. And then we hear the whisper

of the serpent: Think of what this (money, time, talent)

could do for you.�

May we pray for God to give us the heart of the widow, no

matter our resources.�

� Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS�


(810) 694�4891�

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Be a part of our Holy FAMILY!�

Contact Lisa Harvey at 810�694�9072, ext. 0�

or [email protected] �

(810) 694�4891�

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W h a t ’ s H a p p e n i n g H e r e

Knights of Columbus

Baby Bottles for Life

The Knights of Columbus councils in Gene-

see County are taking on an initiative in Flint

that should certainly help Defend Life for the

unborn. This initiative is to place three Ultra-

sounds in the city of Flint by the end of 2021.�


The locations for these Ultrasounds include

the Pregnancy Resource Center on Saginaw St., Preg-

nancy Help Clinic on Flushing Rd (presently under renova-

tion), and The Luke Project 52 of Flint.�


The cost for these three Ultrasounds is approximately

$110,000 with 50% being funded by our local Knights of

Columbus councils and parish communities throughout the

county and the other 50% being funded by the Supreme

Council, headquarters of the Knights of Columbus.�


You can help with your donation to these Ultrasounds

through your local Knights Baby Bottle Drive and/or a one�

time contribution. Any time over the next couple months,

full baby bottles or cash/checks can be placed in the bottle

collection box in the gathering space. Checks should be

written to KofC Council 6742 with ultrasound in memo line.�


Questions, please call your council’s District Deputy Rick

Perry 810�701�0413.�

(810) 694�4891�

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We welcome back our Liturgical Ministers. If you would like

to resume your ministry here at the church, please contact

Volunteer Coordinator, Jamie Rodriguez, at the Parish �

Office (810) 694�4891 / [email protected].�

We also welcome all new volunteers at this time. �

Liturgical Ministry - October 16/17

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

(schedule may not reflect recent changes)

4 PM Saturday � Fr. Joseph Krupp�

Lectors: Colleen Argus, Shelby Cramer�

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist:�

Lori Drzewiecki� Mike Drzewiecki� Linda Schauman�

� � �

8:00 AM Sunday � Fr. Leronio Vodivodi�

Lectors: Jim Garland, Cathy Lane�

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist:�

Dan Charboneau Kim Dinger� Bruce Dinger�

� � �

10:00 AM Sunday � Fr. Joseph Krupp�

Lectors: Andy Cocagne, Norman Fox�

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist:�

Ken Mraz� Staffinea Mraz� Kelly Teem�

12:00 PM Sunday � Fr. Leronio Vodivodi�

Lectors: Rod McDonald, Scott Heron �

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist:�

Cindy Villaire� Scott Villaire� Karen Allen�

Mass Intentions October 11 - 17

To schedule Mass intentions, please email Theresa Dyer

at [email protected] or call 810�694�4891, ext. 2211, or stop

in the parish office 9 a.m. � noon, M�Th.�

Envelopes - Addresses - Phones

Envelopes�� If you have switched to online giving and no

longer wish to receive envelopes, please contact Theresa

Dyer in the parish office,�[email protected]�or 810�694�4891,

ext. 2211. ���


Addresses�� Our envelope company matches to the post

office before mailing envelopes and gives us address up-

dates.�For those no longer receiving envelopes, please

make sure to call or email the parish office if you have an

address change.�


Phones�� If you are using cell phones and no longer use

your land line, please make sure the parish office has your

updated phone numbers. You can email�[email protected]��

or call the parish office 810�694�4891.�


Thank you for helping us out with these items!�

Weekly Readings October 10 - 17

Introducing Holy Family

Lending Library

This lending library (for religious

books) is located in the gathering

space. You are welcome to take a

book and return it when finished for

others to read. (We are not able to �

accept donations to the library at this


Sunday: Wis 7:7�11/Ps 90:12�13, 14�15, 16�17 [14]/Heb

4:12�13/Mk 10:17�30 or 10:17�27�

Monday: Rom 1:1�7/Ps 98:1, 2�3ab, 3cd�4 [2a]/Lk 11:29�


Tuesday: Rom 1:16�25/Ps 19:2�3, 4�5 [2a]/Lk 11:37�41�

Wednesday: Rom 2:1�11/Ps 62:2�3, 6�7, 9 [13]/Lk 11:42�


Thursday: Rom 3:21�30/Ps 130:1�2, 3�4, 5�6 [7]/Lk 11:47�


Friday: Rom 4:1�8/Ps 32:1�2, 5, 11 [cf. 7]/Lk 12:1�7�

Saturday: Rom 4:13, 16�18/Ps 105:6�7, 8�9, 42�43 [8]/Lk


Next Sunday: Is 53:10�11/Ps 33:4�5, 18�19, 20, 22 [22]/

Heb 4:14�16/Mk 10:35�45 or 10:42�45�

Monday, October 11�

8:00 AM Thomas Sprague by Sandy Sprague�

Tuesday, October 12�

8:00 AM Deceased Members of Koloman & Matilda Papp �

Family by Papp Family�

Wednesday, October 13�

8:00 AM Edward Paris by Kristine Rajewski�

6:00 PM Georgianna Arnold by Carol Janney�

Thursday, October 14�

8:00 AM William Liekweg by Judy Bordeau�

Friday, October 15�

8:00 AM Teresa McEnrue by Shelby Cramer�

Saturday, October 16�

8:00 AM Vincent Lopez� by Mary Sutherland�

4:00 PM Sandy Sprague (Living) by Jim and Sheila Peltier�

Sunday, October 17�

8:00 AM Teresa McEnrue by Sue Bush�

10:00 AM Nicholas Sheeran by the John Denne Family�

12:00 PM All Holy Family Parishioners� � �

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F o l l o w i n g O u r F a i t h

October 15: St. Teresa of Jesus (Avila)�

St. Teresa of Ávila was the founder of the Discalced Car-

melites, which was a reform movement within the Carmel-

ite Order. In her work of reform, she worked very closely

with St. John of the

Cross. She wrote

several important

works, including her

autobiography, Life

of Teresa of Avila,

and her most influen-

tial work, The Interior

Castle, in which she

talks about the mysti-

cal life in terms of

seven mansions.

These mansions

show the growth in

intimacy between the

believer and God. St.

Teresa was the first woman ever to be declared a Doctor

of the Church (1970).�

Gospel Meditation

Encourage Deeper Understanding of Scripture�

If we are truly in love with God, then the basics are not

going to be enough. That love is going to want to be ex-

pressed in going above and beyond, in leaving the com-

fortable and familiar, in stretching and growing, and in fol-

lowing a voice other than our own. St. Teresa of Calcutta

rightly instructs us that for “love to be real, it must cost, it

must hurt, it must empty us of self.” Being in love with

God requires more than just checking the boxes of the

commandments. It requires a sincere and unconditional

self�investment. Desiring God with our whole heart, mind,

and soul means that I must also desire a relationship with

my neighbor with that same degree of fervor. �

Biases and prejudices usually occur when people are kept

at a distance and treated as objects. We cannot truly know

our neighbors, especially if they are different than us, if we

keep them in boxes and do not listen to their stories. When

we open ourselves to listen to another person’s story, we

begin to realize more how similar we are than dissimilar.

Being overly attached to our possessions, ideologies,

agendas, lifestyles, and personal needs are absolute barri-

ers to achieving the type of personal investment love de-

mands. This is why following Christ can be difficult. It is

less a matter of intellect and more a matter of heart and

soul. It requires that we transfer our treasure from an in-

vestment in tangible secular things and move it into the

Kingdom of God. It is only the gift of wisdom and discern-

ment that can help us decide what to do and how to do it.�

Contemporaries of Jesus would know that a camel could

not enter through the portal of a city weighed down with

the baggage it was carrying. In order to enter, the baggage

must be removed so that the animal could fit through the

entry way. The same is true for us. We carry a lot of ex-

cessive baggage around with us that keeps us tethered to

our past histories, wounds, myopic world views, prejudic-

es, fears, and suspicions. To invest ourselves in the King-

dom of God, do God’s work and live out our love relation-

ship with God, we need to shed the extra weight. While it

may seem that a lot of that stuff is necessary, it really is

not. We are much more than the things that we think de-

fine us and more secure than we think. The more there is

to hold on to and the more that we carry with us, the hard-

er it will be to leave it all behind. Many choose not to and

walk away sad because they are not ready to trust. �


Our Mother of Perpetual

Help Novena

Please join us in devotion each Wednesday

in church after the 6:00 PM Mass to pray

the Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena. �

Help - Religious Education

Classes for K � 8�

Sundays 9:30 � 11:30 a.m. every two weeks�

We are still very much in need of more Religious Edu-

cation teachers and substitutes! If you can help us with

this, please contact Katie Church [email protected]

Childcare Ministry Volunteers

We are still seeking volunteers for a new Childcare Minis-

try at Holy Family School daycare for ages 3 & up. Come

for one hour or stay the whole day. Love, time and life ex-

periences are helpful, but love is required! Call Jamie at

the parish office (810�694�4891) or Deacon Denny (810�

964�9034) for further details.�

(810) 694�4891�

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Please pray for the following Holy Family �

parishioners who died on these dates:�

October 10� �

Raymond Stein, Robert Bolo �

October 11�

Doris Johnson, Eileen Rodammer�

October 12 �

Margaret McEnrue, Margaret Ann Wuest, Lanora Labean �

October 13�

Imre Toth, Albert Lind, Laura Clark, Lucille Smith, Gerard

Baldwin, Doris Davis, Donald Gratsch�

October 14� �

Robert LaFave, Mary Miles, Evelyn Vanitvelt�

October 15�

William Quinlan, Louis Walker, Emmeline Buszka�

October 16�

Marcia Beckham, William H. Rolfsen, Joan O’Sullivan,

Hope Moon�

P a r i s h P r a y e r s a n d m o r e

Prayer Intention of Pope Francis

for October�

Intention for Evangelization � Missionary disciples We

pray that every baptized person may be engaged in evan-

gelization, available to the mission, by being witnesses of

a life that has the flavour of the Gospel.�

Sophia Charboneau and Thomas Bawden�

October 30, 2021�

Altar flowers in memory of �

Dolores Noveloso�

by the Noveloso Family�

Cenacle of Divine Mercy of St. Mary


Excerpts from God in the Diary of Saint Sister Maria

Faustina (527): “Why are you afraid? Do you think�

that I will not have enough omnipotence to support you?”�

Wedding Congratulations

Congratulations to Kelly Pilarski and

Matthew Rodriguez, who were married

at Holy Family on October 9, 2021.

Please keep them in your prayers as

they start their married lives together.�

A Catholic Parent’s Prayer

O Gracious God, O Divine Parent,�

You know better than anyone how much I want to do right

by my kids. I can only do this with your help, by the power

of your Spirit working in me:�

Help me to put faith at the center of our family ��

�To make prayer, Sunday worship, Christian service and

growing in our faith regular, normal, non�negotiable

parts of our family life,�

�To confidently live, model and talk about faith at home,�

�To be meaningfully involved at church,�

�To seek and seize opportunities to learn about and

deepen my own faith and love, and�

�To give and get support with other parents.�

I pray for courage, stamina and resilience over the long


�To be a strong leader in the “domestic Church” that is

our family,�

�To stand up for what’s most important and put it at the

center of our family’s life, and to let go of what’s not,�

�To make the tough decisions that need to be made

about my kids’ activities and priorities, so as�

�To lead them into lives of deep faith, hope and love in

this world, and eternal life in the next.�

I dedicate myself today to this, your call to me as a parent,

in the name of Jesus.�


Please Pray for

the Ill and Their


Please remember in prayer those listed in the October 3

bulletin and those listed in the Parish Book of Intercessions

(in the Gathering Space). Newly added: Pat Gaines, Susan

Graves, Liz Manzo, and Steve Rainey.�

(810) 694�4891�

11 �

Focus on Life Benefit Dinner

Right to Life of Michigan � Genesee County Affiliate�

Thursday, October 14, 2021�

The Captains Club at Woodfield�

Doors open 6:00 p.m.� Dinner/program 6:30 p.m.�

Special Guest Speaker: Genevieve Marnon�

Legislative Director for Right to Life of Michigan�

Tickets: Adults $35 / Students $25 / Table of eight $250�

Reservations and information, call Fran (810) 694�5079�

Position Available - New Calvary

New Calvary is now hiring for their Family Service Advisor

Position. The cemetery ministry position assists families

with grave, crypt, and memorial selections, and coordi-

nates funerals with funeral directors.�The position also

works to help families with advanced planning (pre�need

arrangements). For more information and to apply for this

position, please go to:


All Souls’ Day Mass

Please join the Staff of New and Old Calvary Catholic

Cemeteries on Tuesday, November 2, 2021, at 11:00

a.m. for their Annual All Souls’ Day Liturgy being held this

year at New Calvary Catholic Cemetery Mausoleum, 4142

Flushing Road, Flint, MI, with Fr. Thomas Firestone as

celebrant.�Light refreshments will be served following the

Mass.�If you have any questions, please feel free to con-

tact the Cemetery Office at 810�732�2620.�

A r o u n d t h e D i o c e s e

In marriage, communication is more than just talking.

At some point, did you stop sharing about the things

that were important to you? Did your spouse?�

Improving a marriage takes time and a conscious effort.

Sometimes the distance between a husband and wife can

seem so wide that it cannot be repaired. Retrouvaille is

designed to help married couples understand each other

and reconnect. Safe. Private. Effective. Rediscover

Your Love.�

The next Retrouvaille program will begin on �

Friday, October 15, 2021. �

Visit or call 800�470�2230 �

Days of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a practice in living honestly with oneself.

Join the mindfulness community that meets monthly to

deepen our understanding and commitment to the daily

practice of meditation. Facilitated by Adrian Dominican

Sister Esther Kennedy, OP, retreat leader and spiritual

director, the Days of Mindfulness are held Saturdays from

10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. ET. The sessions are virtual only

and will be on Zoom.�

The dates and themes are as follows:�

November 20, 2021, Wandering Mind. Learn the differ-

ence between watching thoughts pass by like clouds and

inviting them to lunch. When we are caught by our

thoughts, sanity is only a breath away.�

December 11, 2021, Wholeness, Happiness, Peace. Liv-

ing in and being attuned to the rhythms of the present mo-

ment means living in accord with life.�

The cost is $25 per session, and a break for lunch will be

included. Registration is required to receive the Zoom link.

Visit and click on “programs;” call

517�266�4000; or email webercenter@� �

Powers Catholic Annual

Super Raffle

The Raffle helps support classroom and facility needs, as

well as tuition assistance efforts that supplement the true

cost to educate Powers Catholic students. Tickets are $20

each; only 5,000 tickets in total will be sold. The drawing

will be held on Friday, February 4, 2022.

Participants need not be present to win. �

10 CASH PRIZES to be awarded:�

� Grand Prize: $10,000�

� Second Prize: $5,000�

� 3rd � 10th Prizes: $500�

Please call the Powers Advancement Office

(810.591.0100) to purchase your tickets. �

License no. R61648 �

(810) 694�4891�

12 �

A r o u n d t h e D i o c e s e

Walking with Purpose

A bible study for women!�Weekly on Wednesdays, starting

October 13th (through November 17th).�There will be two

sessions: 10�11:30 a.m. and 6:30�8:00 p.m. in the Parish

Center at St. Pius X, Flint. For more information or to reg-

ister, please contact the parish office, M�F, 8:30�11:30

a.m. (810) 235�8574, or contact Janet Cassidy

at�[email protected].�

This is for ALL levels. Prior scripture knowledge is not re-


Cemetery Cleanup

Fall clean�up is scheduled to begin on Friday, October 1,

2021 and continue through October 20, 2021, at New Cal-

vary, Old Calvary, and All Saints/Saint Michael Cemeter-

ies. We are asking all families to please remove all items

they wish to keep�before October 20, 2021.�Following the

20th, the staff at the cemeteries will begin removing and

discarding the remaining items.�

Position Available -

Diocese of Lansing

The Catholic Cemeteries of the Diocese of Lansing is ac-

cepting applications for a groundskeeper to serve primarily

at our Catholic cemeteries in Flint, but may also serve oc-

casionally at the Catholic cemetery in Lansing.�To learn

more about their open positions and to apply, please visit

their website at��

You are invited to an amazing Night of Worship on Friday,

October 22, at 7 pm at Holy Redeemer Church, Burton.

Their wonderful music team, featuring Dan Schmit, Chris-

tine Mason, John Mira, Tara Philip, Joe Schmit, Jacob

Wenzel, Kara Ebbott, and Jay Jong, will be leading in song

as praises are given to our Lord for his wondrous�deeds!

Renae Thomas and the ASL Ministry will also be featured

as part of their main stage program. This is a free event

with free will offering. All are welcome! �

Book Sale

Here is a chance to buy from over 2,000+ titles at a low

price. Genres include: autobiography, biography, chil-

dren’s, cooking/healthy body, general fiction, home

maintenance, hunting/sports/automobiles, murder/

mystery, religious/spiritual, romance, Western and others.�

Also bonus items for sale: Halloween, Thanksgiving and


Thursday, Oct. 21 / 10 am � 6 pm�

Friday, Oct. 22 / 10 am � 6 pm�

Saturday, Oct. 23 / 10 am � 4 pm�

at St. John � Davison (yellow barn NW side Family Center)�

(810) 694�4891�

13 �

Parish Office…………………….. 694�4891�

The parish office will be open Monday through Friday �

8 am � 4 pm.�

Pastor, Fr. Joseph Krupp�

Parochial Vicar, Fr. Leronio Vodivodi �

Deacon, Dennis Pennell�

Director of Evangelization, Deacon Dan Medich…� �

[email protected]

Business Manager, Chuck Wright …[email protected]

Music Director, Dr. B. Simon Lee….

[email protected]

Associate Music Director, Dr. Sia Lee …………………….

[email protected]

Accountant, Aimee Wolven ..……...…[email protected]

Administrative Assistant, Theresa Dyer. [email protected]

Bulletin Editor, Linda Doyle .…………[email protected]

Communications, Nicole Urbanik …. [email protected]

Facilities & Events, Carrie Pilarski …[email protected]

Ill & Bereaved, Nancy Repuyan……[email protected]

Religious Education, Katie Buszek…[email protected]

Volunteer Coordinator, Jamie Rodriguez…

[email protected]

Social Outreach Ministry………..771�7279�

Brian Holyfield�

Monday � Friday 10 a.m. � 2 p.m. �

Clients seeking help may not come in the building, but

just knock and we will work with you and bring the food

out to you. You do need to bring a photo I.D. �

Holy Family School……….(810) 694�9072�

Principal, Theresa Purcell ………...... [email protected]

Administrative Assistant, Lisa [email protected]

Secretary, Chasity Campbell…… [email protected]

School Receptionist, Cindy Jones…[email protected]

Dir. Adv./Alumni Relations, Ann Yochim Tabereaux …

[email protected]

Teacher Associate, Sr. Sharon Hektor…………………..

[email protected]

Emergency Phone……….....(810) 356�3187�

ONLY if there is danger of death. For all other calls,

please leave a message on the parish office phone.�

11804 S. Saginaw Street, Grand Blanc, MI 48439 �


[email protected]

Download our Holy Family GB app from your app store!�

Mass Schedule�

Saturday Vigil: 4 p.m.�

Sunday: 8 a.m., 10 a.m. (LIVE), 12 p.m.�

Monday � Saturday: 8 a.m. (LIVE)�

(Playback available on YouTube)�

Wednesday 6 pm�

Will I still be able to watch Mass at home? �

Yes! We will continue to livestream our 8 am Masses

Monday � Saturday and our 10 am Mass on Sunday. The

Bishop’s dispensation has ended. Please know you are

not obligated to attend Mass if you are ill or are health


What about confessions? �

Wednesdays 5:15 pm � 5:45 pm (before 6 pm Mass)�

Saturdays (after 8 am Mass) 9 am �

First Saturdays � multiple priests will hear confessions at

9 am�

Quantum Catechesis�

Wednesday � Friday: 12 p.m.�

Live on Fr. Joe’s Facebook page�

(Playback available on YouTube)�

Eucharistic Adoration �

Tuesdays (2 � 6 p.m.) & Fridays (12 to 4 p.m.)�

Vocations � If you are interested in the priesthood,

please contact Fr. Joe. If you are interested in the

permanent Diaconate, please contact Dcn. Dan Medich.�

Prayers & Devotions�

Fatima Apostolate Prayer Cell � Wednesday 4 pm�

Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena � Wednesday after �

6 pm Mass�

Help Put God Back in America � Friday 4 pm�

Word Among Us reflections are available on their

website: We have a limited

number of Word Among us booklets in a basket in the

Ushers’ Room. �

Daily readings available on� � thousands of movies, programs, audio

and book�

Bulletin Deadline: The deadline for each Sunday is the

previous Tuesday by noon. Articles may be submitted

to [email protected].�

P a r i s h D i r e c t o r y

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