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Milestone 1: User Research

Team Members: Stefanie Choi, Kaitlyn He, Inhae Kim, Kotoko Yamada Sponsor: Nordstrom April 15, 2019


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T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ - 1 -

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... - 3 - Target Group ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. - 4 -

INITIAL RESEARCH ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... - 5 -

USER RESEARCH ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ - 12 -

KEY FINDINGS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. - 16 -

CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. - 21 -

REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. - 23 -

APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... - 25 - Research Study Plan .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... - 25 - Nordstrom Screening Survey Google Form .............................................................................................................................................................................................. - 29 - Observation Session Confidentiality Agreement Google Form .............................................................................................................................................................. - 30 - Observation Pilot Session Notes and Improvements to Make ................................................................................................................................................................. - 31 - Observation and Interview Notes: Participant #1 ...................................................................................................................................................................................... - 37 - Observation and Interview Notes: Participant #2 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... - 43 - Observation and Interview Notes: Participant #3 .................................................................................................................................................................................... - 48 - Observation and Interview Notes: Participant #4 .................................................................................................................................................................................... - 53 - Observation and Interview Notes: Participant #5 .................................................................................................................................................................................... - 59 - Observation and Interview Notes: Participant #6 .................................................................................................................................................................................... - 65 - Observation and Interview Notes: Participant #7 ...................................................................................................................................................................................... - 71 - Interview Questions: Nordstrom Salesperson ........................................................................................................................................................................................... - 80 - Interview Questions: Nordstrom Salesperson ........................................................................................................................................................................................... - 82 -

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Affinity Diagramming Typed Out Notes ................................................................................................................................................................................................... - 87 - Affinity Diagramming Formatted Notes ................................................................................................................................................................................................... - 92 -

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Nordstrom is a department store brand that deeply cares about engaging with the customers whenever the customer desires throughout their shopping journey. Since their opening in 1901, they have constantly evolved to cater to their customer base and have adopted a strong omnichannel presence in the 21st century – their online and offline experience weaves seamlessly at any point in the customer’s shopping journey. We are a capstone team of four members who have been working with our sponsor, Nordstrom, as our client to improve their shoppers’ in-store shopping experiences. Our original problem statement was to help Nordstrom customers find clothing items while being engaged with their in-store shopping experience at Nordstrom. For the last few weeks, we have been conducting a competitive analysis to scope down our problem space and conducted field observations and interviews to learn more about the problem space. Our research questions revolved around current in-store shopping experience from the perspectives of both customers and salespeople and comparisons between online and offline shopping. Specifically, the study explored the customers’ behavior when shopping in the stores, their deciding factors of making the purchase, the ease or difficulty item discoverability, and blue-sky desires of our customers for the

stores. Through our research we were able to scope down our targeted group to shoppers from the age of 25 - 45 who want to shop efficiently during the limited time they have. We found that these types of shoppers faced issues regarding item discoverability more consistently than other types of shoppers. The study methods included competitive analysis and in-person field studies and interviews. We used affinity diagram for our data analysis. The competitive analysis including reading papers and articles online on how both Nordstrom and other brands focused on improving their customers’ shopping experiences. The field studies and interviews were conducted at different Nordstrom stores and at Sieg Hall at the University of Washington. The results from our observations and interviews included quantitative and qualitative data of the customer shopping experiences.

Our key findings include: 1. Finding items that were desired was not always easy. 2. There is dissatisfaction with the availability of items in the

store. 3. Nordstrom salespeople are not often interacted with by


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We have also gathered potential ideas and recommendations from our participants in regard to improving the in-store shopping experience. We will use as them as guiding points in our ideation phase.

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Background on Nordstrom and the Project Nordstrom is a chain department store founded by John W. Nordstrom and Carl F. Wallin in Seattle, Washington. Nordstrom first opened its doors in 1901 and now spans across North America. They carry a large inventory of items from designer brands, clothes, shoes, cosmetics, accessories, and home furnishings for women, men, and children. Nordstrom deeply cares about catering to their customers’ needs in both their online and offline (in-store) shopping experiences through various services and Nordstrom employees that are available for the customer. However, a problem space that Nordstrom has expressed that it is consistently a problem for their customers is how, because of the sheer size of their physical stores, finding items that are desired by customers is not always a breeze. We are working with Nordstrom to further enhance their customer experiences specifically in the realm of item discoverability.

Problem Statement

How can we help Nordstrom’s in-store

customers easily discover clothing items that match

their needs and preferences and leave the

store confident in their purchases?

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Target Group

25 to 45 year-old shoppers who come into the store already knowing the type of clothing item they want to look for and

have a limited amount of time to do so.

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Nordstrom’s Omnichannel Experience Nordstrom was one of the first large department store brands to integrate harmonious offline and online (also called omnichannel) capabilities. This allowed the company to serve customers seamlessly across both channels. They were also one of the firsts to offer services such as Buy Online, Pick Up in Store, and Reserve Online & Try in Store, and Style Board. Such omnichannel experiences helped to meet and exceed customer’s expectations around speed, convenience, and personalization, propelling them to be one of the top retail companies. We are motivated by the success of Nordstrom’s omnichannel experiences. It’s important that we tackle the challenge of integrating an omnichannel experience in our project because it is crucial to the Nordstrom brand and as evident from the research below, it’s a direction for future retail experiences.

Our Interests In narrowing our project’s focus, we decided to design an in-store experience where finding specifically clothing items that customers desire is as easy, categorizable, and customizable as it is on the Nordstrom website. We recognized the pros and cons in

both the offline and online experiences, but when the two types of experiences are bridged together, a more engaging and fulfilling experience can arise. For the online experience, its benefits are that it is fast, highly customizable and convenient. The experience includes keeping track of the past purchases to recommending similar items to the customers. However, it has its constraints such as encouraging a very passive and unengaging way of shopping. For the offline experience, the benefits include whether one is shopping alone and interacting with salespeople or shopping with friends, the experience is much more intimate, engaging and emotional-driven. However, the offline shopping can be tedious too, in terms of finding the perfect item. Our solution will aim to bridge the pros of online and offline shopping for an efficient, but engaging shopping experience when looking for clothing items in the Nordstrom stores. Additionally, in designing this experience, an important secondary consideration for us is to maintain the integrity of customer engagement - something that Nordstrom values immensely. To Nordstrom, customer engagement is very much connecting to their belief in a personal fashion. Kristin Gannon, a Senior UX Manager on the Nordstrom In-Store Design Team expresses, “fashion is not always about following the crowd, it's about

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expressing yourself with pieces that feel good to yourself and are true to your own values”. Therefore, engaging with their customers means not pushing only the trending items or the most expensive items to the customers, rather, Nordstrom values engaging with the customer when it is desired by the customer and to find out their true needs, preferences, and ptyles. Essentially, Nordstrom takes on a very human-centered way of serving their customers. Our solution will work to uphold this as well. Furthermore, as research and evidence from international shopping experiences have shown, online and offline experiences are the future of retail industry. Consumers are increasingly looking for convenience and efficiency in their shopping experiences, but they also want to maintain the human interactions and engaging experience that shopping at retail stores can give them. Through our physical interactive experience for Nordstrom stores, we are hoping to bring together the convenience of online experiences and engaging qualities of in-store experiences and contribute to the future of retail.

Competitive Analysis We read scholarly papers and news articles to learn the different approaches that other stores took to integrate online and offline engagement.

We learned that great customer experiences are:

1. Well-Rounded We looked at the store design and information delivery from Everlane in New York City. Everlane is a clothing store that not only provides transparent manufacturing information, but cares for the entire shopping journey [3]. When you first walk into the store, the store has benches and boxed water in case you needed a place to rest before shopping.

Figure 1: The Entrance of Everlane in New York, New York [3]

The store cares about not only selling their clothes, but at the most comfort of each customer. Such as they would also integrate the experience in between stores with some

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more boxed water and even a neighborhood guide for those who are traveling into town. On top of that, they provide customers information about the products they are about to purchase as much as possible. Throughout the store, they display signs that tell customers about their ethical factory production. They even provide sound media for customers to hear about it more.

Figure 2: The Information of Everlane’s Production Line at the store [3]

Through the reading of the store and experience design, we learned that great customer experience comes from considerate touches in the store thinking of the needs of the customers and deliver them the information they would like to know ethically.

2. Personalized Through the article of augmented retail experience design from Farfetch and Chanel, we learned that great customer experience can be personalized [1]. Farfetch is working with Chanel on exploring the possibilities of creating augmented retail experience for their customers. Though they are still exploring, the concept of the experience is creating a combination of the benefits of both online and offline shopping. That includes experiences of online ultra-personalized shopping and in-store building connections with the sales associates. By doing so, they want to offer the best services to their customers.

3. Seamless We looked at Rebecca Minkoff, a luxury clothing brand, where they install technology in the fitting room such as a smart mirror to personalize shopping experience for their customers [4].

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Figure 3: Smart Mirror in Rebecca Minkoff’s fitting room [4]

The installation of this technology made the shopping experience between online and offline seamless. Customers can interact with the mirror with simple and accessible interactions to help them find the perfect outfit for them.

4. Allow Confidence We all know one feels the best when they are the most confident. ZOZO is a brand that focuses on providing their customers self-confidence with their ZOZO suits. They provide users free “ZOZO” suits that can be tried on at home and ZOZO will obtain the perfect measurements and size for their customer so that it can guide their online shopping experience. Though the shop has only basic outfits, the suit measures all the sizes around the body, making trying on clothes easier and ensuring users to have

more confidence that their online purchases will be the right size, color and style.

Figure 4: ZOZO suit that can measure one’s body size [8]

Through displaying the items could possibly looking on the shoppers, these shoppers are able to find the items they like and fit them the perfect way. They are able to purchase at their most confident.

Figure 5: ZOZO suit converting to clothes [8]

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5. Friendly Researching the friendly robot helper, Airstar, at the Incheon Airport helped us realize a great customer experience is friendly.

Figure 6: Customers Interacting with Airstar [2]

Airstar assists customers navigating through large Incheon Airport that includes not only showing the customers how to get there, but also walking along the side with them. Interacting with such technology can be cold, but Airstar made it more friendly and welcoming. Airstar also includes interactive elements such as being able to take selfies.

Figure 7: The Autonomous Shopping Cart at 7Fresh [6]

Moreover, reading about 7Fresh, an autonomous shopping cart in China, helped us learn that great customer experiences are also about keeping the customers comfortable [6]. 7Fresh is a smart shopping cart that aims to assist customers throughout grocery shopping. After the customer scans the QR code on the cart, the shopping cart would follow the person around as well as helping the customer do price checking. At the end of your grocery shopping, it also uses facial recognition for automatic check out.

These friendly experiences with technology have increased the willingness and comfort level that users have when using robot assistant technologies.

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Current Trends In-Store Marketing In-store marketing is an activity to promote the business and to drive the attention of the customers to the products and services in the store. Since our project is based on enhancing the in-store experience, in-store marketing is vital to us. The effects of good in-store marketing include the business having a deeper understanding on customers and providing an emotional engagement with the customers. One trend in in-store marketing is called slow shopping. Businesses that have introduced slow shopping provides a more luxury experience compared to the online counterpart where the emphasis is on speed and convenience. This is a way to differentiate the online and offline experience. An example can be seen in the furniture store-- IKEA, where they have created the store space to be more of an experience from different homes. Skincare company, the Origins, has redesigned their stores and has provided more space for customers to sit down. By implementing this slower and more luxurious experience, Origins' customers started to spend 40% more than they used to in their previous stores.

Figure 8: IKEA retail store floor map [9]

Potential Technology In addition to redesigning the store layout, many businesses have started implementing different types of technology to enhance their customers’ shopping experiences. These technologies include beacons, facial recognition systems, smart mirrors and auto-checkouts. Beacons are a location-based technology which businesses use to provide targeted contents for shoppers. For example, if a customer walks into the shoes section, the beacon can identify that and send a coupon specifically for the shoes to the customer. Large department stores such as Macy’s and Barneys have already implemented this into their selected stores. Facial recognition can be used to eliminate the burden of signing up for services with loyalty cards and phone numbers. The salesperson would know who walked into the store and what they

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touched. This enhances the advice they would provide to the customers. The smart mirror is a technology using mixed reality. They can be placed in fitting rooms or within the store and enable shoppers to try the clothing item on without getting dressed. Lastly, the auto-checkout system allows customers to spend more time and to focus on their shopping by providing a faster check-out option.

Scoping Down Our Problem With the information that we learned from our literature study and competitive analysis; we scoped our problem down from every shopper in the Nordstrom store to shoppers from the age of 25 to 45 who are shopping for clothing items. This research also gave us existing data that can support our decisions which are explained below.

Why Item Discoverability According to Deloitte, by the end of 2015, the influence that digital experiences have on customers have grown and digital interactions are influencing 64 cents of every dollar spent in instore shopping [5]. This implies that the customers visiting the physical stores have some kind of idea of what they would like to see beforehand. With more customers having knowledge about

what items will be in store, and what items they would like to see, it is important that the customers do find those items easily when visiting the store. Healey Cypher, cofounder of Oak Labs which is the leading company for creating smart mirror technology for retail stores have mentioned that from their research they found out that if a customer does not find the right size and color at the store, there is a 65% chance they will not ask for help and leave the store without any purchase [7]. Cyphers comments illustrate the customers’ needs in how they want to find their right size and fit efficiently. Both Cypher and Deloitte's research shows how item discoverability in retail stores are deeply connected to the customers purchase. By creating an easier way to find items for these goal-oriented customers, we wanted to both enhance their shopping experience as well as create more profit to Nordstrom.

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In-Store Shop-Along Observation Study The purpose of the study is to gather valuable data from Nordstrom shoppers such as observing interactions that occur in the Nordstrom physical store so we can understand their needs at the moment. To find participants for thr observation study, we made a screening survey and posted the survey on various groups, including HH Design, Seattle Women Engineers group pages on Facebook and UW DUB on Slack. If respondents were in our inclusive criteria (between the ages of 25-45 years-old and okay with being observed while shopping at Nordstrom stores) and willing to participate in our study, we contacted them to schedule and confirm a date and location for the session. Then, Sheila Paschall, a UX Researcher at Nordstrom, contacted the store managers to inform them the time and the location of shop-along sessions. Due to store policies, we were not allowed to voice or video record our sessions while in the Nordstrom store. However, we took notes on our phones and laptops for qualitative data. Below is a table of our participants and a quick overview of each session.

Information about our 7 shop-along sessions

Piloting Session Before conducting a shop-along session with our participants, we had a piloting session accompanied by Sheila to get an insight of the real study and to learn what we can improve and change for our actual shop-along and interview sessions.

Participant # Age Gender Research Location

P1 29 F Westfield UTC

P2 30 F Downtown Seattle Nordstrom

P3 35 - 44 F Downtown Seattle Nordstrom

P4 26 M Northgate Nordstrom

P5 25 F Downtown Seattle Nordstrom

P6 45 F Downtown Seattle Nordstrom

P7 35 - 44 F Northgate Nordstrom

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During the piloting session, we had an idea of how to run the session from the location of greeting our participants to walking along the side with them during the shop-along session and finishing with our interview sessions. The piloting session was successful in getting us thinking how we can collect not only qualitative but quantitative data from our participants. Since we are not having only sit-down sessions with our participants, we also got an idea how to take notes while walking and at the participants’ comfort. Since we are not allowed to record any sort of data in the store, we also learned to take quick notes during our interview sessions and collecting the main points. The piloting interview session helped us to recognize there were a few repetitive interview questions. Though it was worded differently, we got very similar responses from our participants. We eliminated those questions and broke down a few questions that confused our participants. We also had two follow-up questions after our interviews to see the comfort level of our participants’ interacting with technologies in the store to further enhance our understanding and direction on creating a solution for our observing problem.

Shop-Along Sessions For our shop-along sessions, we conducted one session for each participant. Prior to the session, we went to the store 30 minutes

early to get familiar with the store and to search for a location to interview in after the observation. After meeting our participants, we introduced our project and informed that we would be observing their shopping journeys throughout the sessions and had them sign our confidentiality agreements. We also mentioned that they do not have to purchase anything unless they choose to before we begin the sessions. After participants signed the consent form for confidentiality, we began the observations by asking if they have any item in mind to shop for. During the session, we followed our participants to observe their behaviors but maintained a short distance from them so that we do not disturb their experiences. We encouraged them to think out loud so we can understand what they are thinking when they take any actions, including looking for a specific item, interacting with a salesperson, hesitating to purchase an item, and etc. When we were unsure what they are thinking, we asked our participants to clarify simply by asking, “what are you thinking now”. Throughout the sessions, we took notes on their behaviors using our phones to collect qualitative data and to remind ourselves on what to follow up during the interviews. The time of the observation varied by participants. One participant took 15 minutes when another participant took more than an hour. When participants were done shopping and ready to leave the store, we moved to a comfortable location to have a quick interview about their in-store experience.

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Customer Interview For our interviews, we categorized our questions into 5 parts: the overall shopping experience, exploring specifics during their shopping experiences, item discoverability, shopping methods, and miscellaneous around shopping in-store. We first asked them to scale their satisfaction levels of in-store experience in a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the most satisfied, and followed up with their reasonings for scaling. For exploring specifics, we asked follow-up questions based on their shopping behaviors during the observations to understand what made them to take the specific action or think a specific way. For item discoverability, we asked how they are utilizing with signages and interacting with salespeople at Nordstrom, if they are engaging. We also asked their opinions on item discoverability in the physical store. Lastly, we questioned about their shopping methods for both online and in-store shopping to learn what the pros and cons are for both experiences. The overall interviews lasted about 30 minutes for each participant.

Salesperson Interview In order to have a better understanding of the shopping experience at Nordstrom and to learn about diverse perspectives on item discovery at Nordstrom, we conducted one interview with a salesperson at Nordstrom. This enabled us to learn about

the roles of salespeople and to reflect on our findings from our shop-along sessions. Initially, we had planned to conduct two interviews with two different salespeople. However, we decided to change it to just one salesperson due to the difficulty of recruiting and advice from the first interviewee that every salesperson goes through the same training so that the data we are collecting would be very similar. Through this interview, we were able to have a deeper understanding on the responsibilities of salespeople and what kind of values Nordstrom wants them to uphold. One learning is that Nordstrom values providing the right amount of interactions for each customer. Salespeople are told that every customer wants a different level of interaction with them and some may just not want to be bothered. Our interviewee mentioned how she would always try to see how much interaction her customers needed by occasionally checking in with them and making sure that she was always available for help. The second finding is that the salespeople are the best people to ask when shoppers need directions help and finding a specific item in the stores. This is because every store has a different layout and the salespeople are the ones who are most familiar with the store and the department they work in. Moreover, our participant mentioned how the salespeople are encouraged by Nordstrom to try on the clothes in their departments so that they know how the fit for each brand and offer their customers the best advice. In

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cases that they don’t carry an item, the salespeople usually go online to the Nordstrom website or their employee site to check the stock and size availability. Lastly, when asked what our participants does that was not part of the Nordstrom training, she mentioned how she sometimes run down to the shoes section to bring the customer shoes that match their items so they can have a more well-rounded experience.

Figure 8: "Overall Shopping Experience" Umbrella Category with Sub-Categories from

Affinity Diagramming

Data Analysis

After conducting 7 shop-along sessions, four of us got together to share and analyze our data through affinity diagramming. We separated into 5 affinity diagramming overall categories that coordinated with the 5 parts from the interview and proceeded to narrow down to sub-categories for each category. While discussing about the comments written in sticky notes, each of us shared her own interview, which helped us to get some insights from various types of shoppers. After sticking our comments on a wall, we grouped the similar comments with a title to help us narrow the key findings. Then, we made an excel sheet with a summary of all the interview note

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Scoping Down the Target Group From the insight we gathered, we were able to scope down to one specific target group who we would think benefit the most from our design question. Our new target group will focus on shoppers who come into the store already knowing the type of clothing item they want to look for and have a limited amount of time to do so. We began with a very general target group: 25 to 45-year-old shoppers. However, designing for all shoppers who fell into this age range was too broad of a focus given the timeframe of this project. Our new focus stems from the two types of shoppers we observed during our shop-along sessions. One type is those who are there to browse and have more time to spend on shopping in the stores. The other type is those who come to the stores with certain items in mind and do not have much time to spend on shopping in the stores. We decided to focus on the latter type of shoppers because there are more issues that arose relating to item discoverability for our driven and time-limited shoppers.

How We Narrowed Down Our Findings One of the ways we narrowed down our findings was by keeping in mind the priorities that we have discussed with Nordstrom in our previous meetings. The three priorities are:

1. Maintaining the Nordstrom brand of engaging with the customer whenever the customer needs it and at a level that the customer is comfortable with (i.e. not pressuring the customer to buy a higher priced item)

2. Helping the customer leave the store with confidence in whatever they purchase.

3. Customers are able to easily find the items they need while shopping in the store.

Additionally, through our shop-along sessions we are able to observe and to record thought processes that were involved in our participants’ shopping experiences. There are three values that most frequently expressed by our participants when they were shopping.

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The first one is our participants would mutter to themselves, “does this match with [item] that I have in my closet?” or “do I already have something like this?”. Participants were often curious about if they had anything in their closet to match the item or if they owned something similar already. We observed this in 6 out of 7 our participants. They would pick out items from the rack, examine it, and asked themselves these questions. Many times, our participants were not sure so they ended up putting the item back on the rack or trying it on or even buying it while they were still uncertain.

The second value we observed was that participants often look for items based on the occasion. 6 out of 7 of our participants came to the store specifically looking for items to wear for specific occasions such as vacations, weddings, graduations, work, and the season. However, our participants were unsure where to look first so they traversed entire floors until they approached a section that they believed they can find the types of clothes that fit the occasion. In this search, only 3 out of 6 of our participants actually asked salespeople where to go to find items for their occasions.

The third value that 6 out 7 participants expressed was the importance they had for finding clothes with materials that were high-quality or that they didn’t have to dry-clean or that they can wear just comfortably. Moreover, getting to feel the quality of the clothing item was one of the reasons why our participants came

in-stores to shop. They trusted Nordstrom to carry these higher-quality clothes and coming in the physical stores allow them to actually feel the clothing item they had an interest in purchasing.

The customers values that were discovered in our research along with the priorities that were determined together with the Nordstrom team helped us in the following process of narrowing down to three key findings.

Key Findings By keeping in mind, the three aspects we needed to focus on - item discoverability in Nordstrom stores, Nordstrom’s priorities as our clients, our target customers’ values when shopping in stores - we narrowed down our research to three main findings. Finding #1: Finding items that were desired was not always easy. Our first main finding was that when shopping at Nordstrom stores, finding the items customers desired was not always easy. We were able to confirm with real customers that item discoverability was indeed a problem at Nordstrom stores. The issue of item discoverability manifested in a couple of ways. The first was how signages that were present at Nordstrom stores were not enough to help customers when they were looked for very specific items. For our shopper who came into the store

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knowing what they wanted to look for and did not have much time to spend looking for it, they expressed that the signages were not too beneficial in their search. As expressed by 29-year old Participant #2, “It was a little bit difficult. Nordstrom [organizes] it by brand. When I am shopping for a specific item, I have to walk the entire floor… it took a long time to figure out where the items are.” And for Participant #1, aged 30, she shared a very negative experience with the signs stating that “The sign is horrible and it doesn’t lead you where you need to go. You think you are following the sign but all of sudden you looped all the way around.” Participants also expressed that having just the brand name on the signage above the racks of clothes were not informative enough especially when looking for specific items or items for specific occasions such as “dresses for spring” or “shoes for work”. This finding was directly clashed between Nordstrom’s priorities of allowing customers to easily find items and with customers’ values of being able to shop according to specific occasions. Finding #2: There is dissatisfaction with the availability of items in the store. We also found that participants were often dissatisfied and disappointed when they came to the stores to shop only to find that the right size, color, or style of clothing is not available in stores. These customers came to the store because it allowed

them to try on the clothes, but not having the right sizes or color or style was a big disappointment to the customers and further convinced them that coming to the stores was a waste of time. When trying the clothing items that didn’t work for them in size and color, participants desired a way to find similar items to the one that didn’t work out. Participant #5, age 25 expressed, “I was happy to find a few dresses that I liked, but I wish I saw some similar dresses cause the fit and color was wrong.” Alternatively, there were also participants who entirely felt that they did not need to go to the physical store anymore. Participant #6, age 45, shared, “Most of the time [the item] is not there, so I feel like I don’t have to go to the store sometimes because they won’t have it in stores. I understand they can’t have everything, but I’m disappointed a lot of the times.” While we are not able to influence the amount of stock that Nordstrom carries in their stores in the scope of this student project, this insight got us thinking into the possibilities of alternative solutions that can tackle this customer dissatisfaction. Finding #3: Nordstrom Salespeople are Not Often Interacted with By Customers Lastly, we found that Nordstrom salespeople were not approached by customers as often as we expected. 5 out of 7 of our participants expressed that they do “not often” or “almost

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never” ask a salesperson a question unless they are asking for a different size. Participants either hesitated to ask because they feel as if they are disturbing the salesperson’s work or they were certain of their style and what clothes they wanted to wear, they just needed the right sizes to try on or buy. This last key finding, along with our other findings, helped determine that shoppers wanted more help on finding items and being shown more options rather than help on deciding what they should purchase. Our goal-driven and time-limited shoppers are much surer of what they want to purchase, but their main problem is not having enough time to gather good options to choose from. Insight from Participants: Pros and Cons of Online and In-store Shopping From our earlier primary research, we had identified the benefits of online and in-store shopping.

Figure 9: Primary research findings about the pros of online and offline shopping

We were able to see similar benefits expressed by our interviewees.

Figure 10: Comparing the pros of online and offline shopping with our interview participants

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Our participants expressed that the biggest con of shopping in-stores was how time-consuming it was and not being able to find a clothing item in the right size, color, or style. However, online shopping allows customers to efficiently use their time because they can shop in the comfort of their home and they are able to find specific items faster with filtering and search capabilities. The online shopping experience felt more personalized. The biggest con to online shopping was that customers were unable to physically interact with the clothes - see, touch, feel, and try on the items. However, in physical stores, customers are able to touch, see, and feel the clothes, have face to face interactions with people involved in their shopping experience and instantly try-on and determine if they like the clothes.

Trust in Nordstrom Despite some of the experiences they have had with finding items in the store, our participants still trusted the Nordstrom brand to carry high quality and in-style clothing items. They also trusted Nordstrom to provide them services such as flexible returns non-pressuring salespeople that give them the freedom to choose the best items that work for them.

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Overall, the data gathered enabled us to verify the problem of item discovery in the in-store Nordstrom shopping experience and gave us valuable information on the values and behaviors involved in shopping. The demographic of our user research participants had been evenly distributed between the age of 25 to 45 and fit our target user group. However, due to lack of time and budget, we were only able to conduct 7 shop-along sessions. Despite that, it was still the right number of people that allowed us to see a diverse spectrum of shopping experiences at Nordstrom. Item discoverability at Nordstrom stores was the design problem that we as a capstone team and the Nordstrom design team agreed to further pursue. The shop-along sessions proved this was indeed a problem with many of our participants stating that it was hard to find items when they were visiting the store with an item already in mind. With many of our customers valuing efficiency and being limited on time they have to spend shopping, finding the right item easily is an important factor. The Nordstrom services and salespeople who were at the stores to assist these goal-oriented customers was not utilized by them as often as we expected. Given our findings and the values that we learned about

our target user group, our next step will be to turn it into actionable our design requirements.

Nordstrom Feedback Throughout our whole process, we met up with the Nordstrom design to team to discuss each of our steps we took. These sessions provided us opportunities to validate our findings with our client. One feedback we got from the Nordstrom team was to narrow down our target user group. Our first group had been any shoppers in the 25 to 45 age range and with their advice, we had changed this into goal-oriented shoppers who have limited time and want to shop efficiently but are still between the 25 to 45 age range. With the user research phase completed, the Nordstrom team shared with us methods that we could use to refine and decide on our concept during the ideation phase. The first suggestion was to demonstrate the value our concept will have for the business. Although our solution is for the customers, since this project is done in a business setting, it is important that we consider and

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present why our solution worth implementing for the company as well. The business values can be broken down into direct and indirect values. Examples of direct business values are monetary profit and examples of indirect values are increased customer engagement with Nordstrom services

Moving Forward As a result of our user research and discussion with the Nordstrom team, we are moving on to our next phase: Ideation. We are going to carry on the information we discovered to the next phase and determine design requirements based on our key findings. From there, we are going to ideate our solution, determine how it will work, and start on a low-fidelity prototype.

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[1] (2019). Store of The Future - About Farfetch. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2019].

[2] Bizwire, K. (2019). Incheon Airport Introduces “AIRSTAR,” Passenger Aiding Robot - Be Korea-savvy. [online] Be Korea-savvy. Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2019].

[3] Business Insider. (2019). A clothing startup with a cult following and millions in online sales opened its first real-life store — here's what it's like to shop there. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2019].

[4] CNBC. (2019). Fashion forward: A one top designer goes high-tech to drive 200 percent sales growth. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2019].

[5] Deloitte United States. (2019). Navigating the New Digital Divide. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2019].

[6] Station, T. (2019). Just watched This is the autonomous shopping cart in 7Fresh. [online] This is the autonomous shopping cart in 7Fresh - the innovation station. Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2019].

[7] Strugatz, R. and Strugatz, R. (2019). Ralph Lauren, Oak Labs Debut Interactive Fitting Rooms. [online] WWD. Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2019].

- 24 -

[8] ZOZO. (2019). ZOZO | Custom-Fit Clothing for a Size-Free World. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2019].

[9] (2019). IKEA Canton, MI – IKEA Store Near Me - IKEA. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2019].

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Research Study Plan

R e s e a r c h O b j e c t i v e


1. HaveNordstromcustomerseverstruggledtofindanitemthattheydesiredintheNordstromstore?2. HowdoNordstromcustomersfeelwhenshoppinginphysicalNordstromstores?Whataretheparticularreasonstheycometo

shopinthestoreratherthanonline?3. WhataretheservicesoractionsNordstromcustomerspartakeintofindtheitemstheydesire?4. HowimportantisbeingabletofinditemsinthestoretoNordstromcustomers?Arethereotheraspectsofashoppingexperience

thattheyvaluemore?5. Isthereadifferenceinfeelingsandattitudestowardsthetwomethods(onlineandin-store)ofshopping?

M e t h o d o l o g y


- 26 -

P a r t i c i p a n t P r o f i l e



• Gender:male/femalemix• Age:25-45• Someexperienceoftechnology• Participatesinonlineshopping• Haveanintenttopurchasesomething


• Mustnotbeyoungerthan25andolderthan45• Mustnothaveparticipatedinaresearchstudyinthelast6months• Mustnotbeaforeigntourist

S c h e d u l e



O b s e r v a t i o n G u i d e


• Giveoutthereleaseformandgetsignature• Turnonvoicerecording• Confirmtiming• Whoareweandwhyarewedoingthis[1]• Therearenowrongactions,thisisinformationthatwillhelpusdirectourwork[2][3]

- 27 -

1. Thankyousomuchforhelpingusouttoday.WeareagroupofstudentsintheHumanCenteredDesignandEngineeringmajorattheUniversityofWashington.Weareconductingthisobservationasapartofourcapstoneprojectwherewearetryingtostudyhowcustomersshopinlargedepartmentstores.

2. Today,wewanttoobservehowyoushopatNordstrom.Therearenorightorwrongthingsyoucandosopleaserelaxandshopasyoualwaysdo.Duringthisactivity,weencourageyoutospeakyourthoughtsoutloudsothatwecanunderstandwhatyouaregoingthrough.Youarenotaskedtopurchaseanythingunlessyouchoosetodosotoday.Pleasedonotfeelobligedtodoso,wejustwanttoobservehowyourshoppingprocessworks.Whenyouthinkyouarereadytoleavethestore,pleaseletusknow.

3. Didyouhaveanyiteminmindthatyouarelookingfortoday?



1. Whatdoyoumeanby…2. Whatwouldyouwant/needinthissituation?


• Thankparticipantfortheirtimeandlettingusobservethemwhileshopping• Movetoacomfortablelocation-NordstromCafe

1. HowwasyouroverallexperienceshoppingattheNordstromstore?2. Youmentionedthatyouwerelookingfor[item]atthebeginningofthissession.Howdifficultoreasywasittofindwhatyoucame

herefor?3. Howsatisfiedareyouonascaleof1-5,with1being“notatallsatisfied”and5being“verysatisfied”,withtheitemyoufound

today?Why?4. Onascaleof1-5,with1being“verydifficult”and5being“veryeasy”,howeasyordifficultisittofinditemsintheNordstrom



- 28 -

5. Inoticedthatyoudid[specificaction](followuponspecificsfromobservation).Isthishowyouhavealways[specifyaction],ordoesitchangeandwhatarethereasonsthat[specifyaction]?Whydoyoudo[specifyaction]thisway?6. Havetherebeenanyspecialcircumstanceswhereyou’vedone[specifyaction]differently?Why?Howwasthat?7. Hasanythingaboutthewayyoushopchangedovertime?Inwhatways?Andwhatinfluencedyouto? ItemDiscoverability(10min)

8. Howoften,ifever,doyoulookforstoresignagetofindanitem?9. Whatdoyou/AretherethingslikeaboutusingthesignagethatNordstromprovides?10. Whatdoyou/AretherethingsdislikeaboutusingthesignagethatNordstromprovides?11. Howoften,ifever,doyoulookaNordstrom’ssalespersontoaskforanitem?Why?12. HowwouldyoudescribeyourtypicalinteractionwithNordstrom’ssalespeople?13. Inwhatcircumstancesdoyouusethesignage?Inwhatcircumstancesdoyounot?14. Inwhatcircumstancesdoyouaskthesalesperson?Inwhatcircumstancesdoyounot? ShoppingMethod(5min)

15. Doyoushopinbothonlineandin-store?16. Whatdoyouthinkarethebenefitsofshoppingin-store?Whataresomefallbacks?17. Whatdoyouthinkarethebenefitsofshoppingonline?Whataresomefallbacks?18. Doyouhaveapreferencebetweenonlineandin-storeshopping?Whydoyoupreferthat?19. Isthereadifferenceinfeelingsandattitudestowardsthetwomethodsofshopping?20. Lastly,howoftendoyoucometoNordstromtoshop?WhatarethereasonswhyyouchoseNordstromtoshopin?[Forfirsttimers:WhydoyoucometoNordstrom?WhydoyounotusuallycometoNordstrom?]21. Ifyouhadamagicwandandyoucanmakeanything,whatwouldbesomethingthatyouwouldcreatefortheNordstromstore? WrapUp(5min)

22. IsthereanythingyouwouldliketoshareaboutyourNordstromshoppingexperiencethatwehaven’ttalkedaboutyet?23. Doyouhaveanyquestionsformebeforewewrapup?

• Thankparticipantfortheirtime• Giveoutincentive($10Nordstromgiftcards)

- 29 -

Nordstrom Screening Survey Google Form

- 30 -

Observation Session Confidentiality Agreement Google Form

- 31 -

Observation Pilot Session Notes and Improvements to Make Ourresearchquestionsare:

1. HaveNordstromcustomerseverstruggledtofindanitemthattheydesiredintheNordstromstore?2. HowdoNordstromcustomersfeelwhenshoppinginphysicalNordstromstores?Whataretheparticularreasonstheycometo

shopinthestoreratherthanonline?3. WhataretheservicesoractionsNordstromcustomerspartakeintofindtheitemstheydesire?4. HowimportantisbeingabletofinditemsinthestoretoNordstromcustomers?Arethereotheraspectsofashoppingexperience

thattheyvaluemore?5. Isthereadifferenceinfeelingsandattitudestowardsthetwomethods(onlineandin-store)ofshopping?

O b s e r v a t i o n G u i d e Introduction(5min)

• Giveoutthereleaseformandgetsignature• Turnonvoicerecording• Confirmtiming• Whoareweandwhyarewedoingthis[1]• Therearenowrongactions,thisisinformationthatwillhelpusdirectourwork[2][3]

1. Thankyousomuchforhelpingusouttoday.WewereagroupofstudentsintheHumanCenteredDesignandEngineeringmajorat


2. Today,IwanttoobservehowyoushopatNordstrom.Therearenorightorwrongthingsyoucandosopleaserelaxandshopasyoualwaysdo.Duringthisactivity,weencourageyoutospeakyourthoughtsoutloudsothatwecanunderstandwhatyouaregoingthrough.Youarenotaskedtopurchaseanythingunlessyouchoosetodosotoday.Pleasedonotfeelobligedtodoso,wejustwanttoobservehowyourshoppingprocessworks.Whenyouthinkyouarereadytoleavethestore,pleaseletusknow.

3. Didyouhaveanyiteminmindthatyouarelookingfortoday?

- 32 -



1. Whatdoyoumeanby…2. Whatwouldyouwant/needinthissituation?


• Thankparticipantfortheirtimeandlettingusobservethemwhileshopping• Movetoacomfortablelocation-NordstromCafe

1. HowwasyouroverallexperienceshoppingattheNordstromstore?



2. Youmentionedthatyouwerelookingfor[item]atthebeginningofthissession.Howdifficultoreasywasittofindwhatyoucameherefor?


3. Howsatisfiedareyouonascaleof1-5,with1being“notatallsatisfied”and5being“verysatisfied”,withtheitemyoufoundtoday?Why?


- 33 -

4. Onascaleof1-5,with1being“verydifficult”and5being“veryeasy”,howeasyordifficultisittofinditemsintheNordstromstore?Doyoufindthatitchangesdependingonthetypeofitemyouaretryingtofind?Why?




5. Inoticedthatyoudid[specificaction](followuponspecificsfromobservation).Isthishowyouhavealways[specifyaction],ordoesitchangeandwhatarethereasonsthat[specifyaction]?Whydoyoudo[specifyaction]thisway? goingwitharoutineintheNordstromstore,wouldn’tbothertolookfurther,andstopandlookback;theyhavechangedthestyle;lookingforMadewellandBrandandMelville;wasn’tlookingtheotherbrandsandtunnelvisiononlylookattheonesyouarelookingfor prettysetonthebrandandthepop-upstore; pop-upstore,ifcrowdedinthereandwaitandkeepshopping;howintriguedbythepop-upstore;notusuallybutalwaysvisitbecausetheyarereallyinterestingandlookingatthem pop-upspendingtimetolookupbutwon’tbuythem;didn’tthinkshewouldneedit

6. Havetherebeenanyspecialcircumstanceswhereyou’vedone[specifyaction]differently?Why?Howwasthat?layoutisdifferent,whenNordstromchangetheirlayout;sometimesisdifferentwhenIhavetopickupsomethingforsomeoneelse;

7. Hasanythingaboutthewayyoushopchangedovertime?Inwhatways?Andwhatinfluencedyouto? shopbybrand;nevershoppedatreformation,hearingaboutitmakesmoreinterestedinit.wouldseekitoutifIknewNordstromiscaring

- 34 -


8. Howoften,ifever,doyoulookforstoresignagetofindanitem?ifknewwhatbrand,veryoften;theescalatorhasadirectory.generalsamelayout

9. Whatdoyou/AretherethingslikeaboutusingthesignagethatNordstromprovides? thoughtwasclear,whichsaleitemsaresales;glossoverbecauseitiswinterthings;boldcolortocatchattention

10. Whatdoyou/AretherethingsdislikeaboutusingthesignagethatNordstromprovides?dislike-lookingformadewell;skimingquicklyandmissasign;andtidiuouswhenthesignsarenotnoticeablewhenrushing

11. Howoften,ifever,doyoulookaNordstromsalespersontoaskforanitem?andWhy?onlyknewwhenIknowsomethingspecific,andmaybeifIhavemoretimetospend;ifIreallywantsomethingthenIwouldask;Iliketheskirt,andIwouldgoaskifIreally-strongfeelingswouldask;shoppingforfamily,theyhadawishlist,thenaskthesalesperson

12. HowwouldyoudescribeyourtypicalinteractionwithNordstrom’ssalespeople?alwaysveryfriendly,inmyexperienceIdon’taskthemalotofthingsbuttheyalwaysknowwherethingsare

13. Inwhatcircumstancesdoyouusethesignage?Inwhatcircumstancesdoyounot?whenIamlookingforaparticularbrand;whenIusedtohavearoutine,lookingattheclothesyoucantellwhatbrandtheyare

14. Inwhatcircumstancesdoyouaskthesalesperson?Inwhatcircumstancesdoyounot?notask-wouldn’taskbecauseIdon’tknowwhattheyarelooking;wouldn’taskrecommendationandwouldn’tbeabletoanswertheirquestions

- 35 -


15. Doyoushopinbothonlineandin-store?Moreoften?both;instore//onlineisconvenientbecauseyoucanseeeverything;don’thavetheNordstromapp;IguessIfoundmyselfnearaphysicalNordstromstore;Iendedvisitinginpersonatconvenience;onlineisnot,becausebusyandcan’tthinkaboutmywinteroutfit;shopbystoreswhenI’minthearea

16. Whatdoyouthinkarethebenefitsofshoppingin-store?Whataresomefallbacks?findclotheswouldn’tfindseeonline;scrollreallyfast//sweaterfoundinpersonwhenIsawonlineIwouldn’thavegottenitbecausezitdidn’tlookthatgreat; ifyouarelookingforsomethingspecificthemitmightbedifficult;maybeImightmisssomethingmaybetherewasaperfecttopandIdidn’tseeitbecausethewayIshop

17. Whatdoyouthinkarethebenefitsofshoppingonline?Whataresomefallbacks?findingspecificstuff,lookatcolorandwhichNordstromhaveit;becauseIlikeskimmingandmisssomething

18. Doyouhaveapreferencebetweenonlineandin-storeshopping?Whydoyoupreferthat?shopinstore,becauseIcantrythemon

19. Isthereadifferenceinfeelingsandattitudestowardsthetwomethodsofshopping?Ireallylikeshoppinginpersonmore,touchingthefabricmore;lastmelongerandwouldwearlongandfabricofit

- 36 -

20. Lastly,howoftendoyoucometoNordstromtoshop?WhatarethereasonswhyyouchoseNordstromtoshopin?[Forfirsttimers:WhydoyoucometoNordstrom?WhydoyounotusuallycometoNordstrom?]

21. Ifyouhadamagicwandandyoucanmakeanything,whatwouldbesomethingthatyouwouldcreatefortheNordstromstore?searchbarandpop-upandlookfortheitemandpointstowhereIcanfindinthestoreandIcanfollowtofindt



22. IsthereanythingyouwouldliketoshareaboutyourNordstromshoppingexperiencethatwehaven’ttalkedaboutyet?reallylikeNordstrom;liketheclothesandvarietyofbrands,thenI’mdownshoppingforotherpeopletheyalsohavethattoo;haveshoes->allmyshoesatNordstrom

23. Doyouhaveanyquestionsformebeforewewrapup?

• Thankparticipantfortheirtime• Giveoutincentive($10Nordstromgiftcards)

- 37 -

Observation and Interview Notes: Participant #1


1. Didyouhaveanyiteminmindthatyouarelookingfortoday?




• 29yearsold• JUSTmarried• Ex-Accountant;freelanceaccountingconsulting• LivesinBurbank,CA• Travelsalot• NordstromFrequentShopper



1. Whatdoyoumeanby…2. Whatwouldyouwant/needinthissituation?


• Thankparticipantfortheirtimeandlettingusobservethemwhileshopping• Movetoacomfortablelocation-NordstromCafe

1. HowwasyouroverallexperienceshoppingattheNordstromstore?

- 38 -


2. Youmentionedthatyouwerelookingfor[item]atthebeginningofthissession.Howdifficultoreasywasittofindwhatyoucameherefor?



3. Howsatisfiedareyouonascaleof1-5,with1being“notatallsatisfied”and5being“verysatisfied”,withtheitemyoufoundtoday?Why?


4. Onascaleof1-5,with1being“verydifficult”and5being“veryeasy”,howeasyordifficultisittofinditemsintheNordstromstore?


5. Doyoufindthatitchangesdependingonthetypeofitemyouaretryingtofind?Why?



6. Inoticedthatyoudid[specificaction](followuponspecificsfromobservation).Isthishowyouhavealways[specifyaction],ordoesitchangeandwhatarethereasonsthat[specifyaction]?Whydoyoudo[specifyaction]thisway?

- 39 -


7. Havetherebeenanyspecialcircumstanceswhereyou’vedone[specifyaction]differently?


a. Why?b. Howwasthat?

FittingRoomExperience: Iliketobeleftaloneinthefittingroom.Iwouldgoinandtrythethingson.Ihadanassociatecomewhoseemedveryfriendlyandwhentheyareaskingtograbafewthings.Igenerallydon’tneedthemtohoverandgivemecommentsbecauseIdon’tneedthecomments.I’matthepointIknowwhatIlikeandwhatlooksgoodtome.Incasetoslowsmedown,I’dliketogoin-and-out.Ialreadyhaveenoughexperienceshoppingandtheykindslowmedown.

8. Hasanythingaboutthewayyoushopchangedovertime?Inwhatways?Andwhatinfluencedyouto?

IusedtogointoNordstrominstoremore,butnowIdomoreonlineshopping.UnlessIhavesomethingveryimminentandIcan’tgetitonline(example:thecoatIwenttoget,Iwasconcernedtherewon’tbeenoughtimetoorderandgetitonline;orsomethingIwon’thaveenoughtimetoexchangeandtryonthestyle;thereisnotimetodoitanyotherway;stufflike-Ihaveaneventinaweek).Idon’treallywindowshopatNordstromasmuch.IonlygoinwhenIhavesomethingspecifictoget. Ionlygointothestorewhenthereisnotenoughtimegetitonline.Iwouldgotostore,becauseofthatreasonIamshoppingforsomethingspecific.


9. Howoften,ifever,usingyourphonetoshopforanitemwhenyouarein-storeshopping?Alotofstufftheycarryiseitherbuyin-storeoronline.TheonlytimeIlookuponlineiswhenfindingsomethingoutofmysizesoIgoonlinetoseeifIcanhaveanassociateorderitformeandsendittome,orifIcanfinditatanotherphysicalstore.Thephonedoesn't

- 40 -

enhancemyphysicalstoreexperienceinanyway.Iwon’tuseittoreservewhenIgointoastore.Iwouldn’tgoonlinetolookforthingsatthestore.Onlyifthesizesareoutontherack,thenIwillgoonlinelook. Idon’thaveanideawhatIwantforadresstootherpeople’swedding.Forsomethinglikethat,IwouldgointothestoreandchecktheclothingIlike.IfIdo,thenImightcheckonlineandthereisavailableonline,thenIwillasktheassociatetoorderformeandIwouldgototheanotherNordstromandpickitup.Thewebsitewashardtobrowse. 10. Howoften,ifever,doyoulookforstoresignagetofindanitem?


11. Whatdoyou/AretherethingslikeaboutusingthesignagethatNordstromprovides?




12. Whatdoyou/AretherethingsdislikeaboutusingthesignagethatNordstromprovides?

Iwishtheywerealittlebiggerbecausetheycanbeeasytomiss. 13. Howoften,ifever,doyoulookaNordstrom’ssalespersontoaskforanitem?Why?Probablyveryoften.IwouldonlyaskthemifthereissomethingIlikeandiftheyareoutofthesizeorIcouldn’tfindthesizeIwant 14. HowwouldyoudescribeyourtypicalinteractionwithNordstrom’ssalespeople?

itisfine.usuallyveryshortandgenerallyfriendlyandhelpfulpeople ShoppingMethod(5min)

15. Doyoushopinbothonlineandin-store?yes

- 41 -

16. Whatdoyouthinkarethebenefitsofshoppingin-store?Youcantrythingsonimmediatelyandbuysomethingandwalkawayfromitimmediately.

a. Whataresomefallbacks?IwouldsaywhenIamlookingforsomethingspecificanditwashardertofindbecauseIcan’tputitinthesearchbar.IhavetodrivetoNordstromandthereisnoNordstromatSanDiegoorLAthatiseasytoparkatnow.Itwashardandtimeconsumingtobattlingpeopleinthecrowded. 17. Whatdoyouthinkarethebenefitsofshoppingonline?


a. Whataresomefallbacks? IthinkNordstromwebsitereallysucks.Itloadsveryslowlyandgenerallyfiltersforsomecategoriesarekindoffunky.Therearecertainthingsshouldbecategorizedandnofilter.Itlooksugly.Itwasveryslow.Italsotakesalongtimetoshipafterordering.Theyarenotgoodatgivinganestimate.theygiveestimatefrom3-14daysandthereisnoguarantee.whenIorderedsomethingandIdidn’tgetaconfirmationemailforoneofmyorders. ItemsallarriveinseparateboxesevenwhenIorderatonce..toberecycledabout. OverallwhenyoulookatNordstrom,itisnotlikeIamgoingtobespendalotofmoneyonthem.Whenyoulookintopages,theyhaveadsatthebottomandaboutadecadetoolate.Ididn’tlikethefont.Lookingatitnow,theywaythingsare…YourlookatonethingandwhentheygiveyourecommendationsIcan’ttelliftheyarerecommendedbythedesignerorbypinterestretanditisbizarreandslowsdowntheloading. 18. Doyouhaveapreferencebetweenonlineandin-storeshopping?Whydoyoupreferthat?OnlineshoppingifIcan,justbecauseIdon’tlikewastingbunchoftimetogoastore.Itisimpossibletogetin-n-outquickly.Thatiswhypeoplemygenerationshoponlinealot.Thereisnotimeforit.Noonebuysgroceriesinstoreanymoreeven,andIdon’thavetowear“pants”whenIshoponlineifyouknow.Idon’thavetoworryaboutthat.Theselectionsarenotasbigasinstoreseither. 19. Isthereadifferenceinfeelingsandattitudestowardsthetwomethodsofshopping?Ithinkonlineisabitmoreinstantgratificationstome.TheprocessisalotfasterwhilewithinstoreIcantrythingsonandseewhatlooksgoodonme.IfeellikeIwillhavetobeinamoodtogointothestorebutIfeellikeonlineshoppingallthetime. 20. Lastly,howoftendoyoucometoNordstromtoshop?WhatarethereasonswhyyouchoseNordstromtoshopin?[Forfirsttimers:WhydoyoucometoNordstrom?WhydoyounotusuallycometoNordstrom?]

- 42 -

Generallytwoandthreetimesayearinstore.ThisyearisdifferentbecauseIhavegoneaton.Ionlineshoppingalotmore,likeonceamonthorlessthanthat. Ilikethebrand.Ireallylikethecustomerserviceonlineandin-store.IdolikeIcanbuyonlineandreturninstore,oneofmyfavoritethings.ThewebsiteissignificantlybetterthanBloomingDale.TheycarrythebrandsIlike,returnandexchangesareeasy.Freeshippingandfreetailingarereallynice. 21. Ifyouhadamagicwandandyoucanmakeanything,whatwouldbesomethingthatyouwouldcreatefortheNordstromstore?






22. IsthereanythingyouwouldliketoshareaboutyourNordstromshoppingexperiencethatwehaven’ttalkedaboutyet?

23. Doyouhaveanyquestionsformebeforewewrapup?

• Thankparticipantfortheirtime• Giveoutincentive($10Nordstromgiftcards)

- 43 -

Observation and Interview Notes: Participant #2




• 30yearsoldfemale• Married• ProjectManager/DataAnalystsinDowntownSeattle• FromTaiwan• Experiencedbusinessintheclothingindustry• Chinesefluent/Englishintermediate• Income:$60K








- 44 -










• Thankparticipantfortheirtimeandlettingusobservethemwhileshopping• Movetoacomfortablelocation-NordstromCafe

1. HowwasyouroverallexperienceshoppingattheNordstromstore?


- 45 -

2. Youmentionedthatyouwerelookingfor[item]atthebeginningofthissession.Howdifficultoreasywasittofindwhatyoucameherefor?


3. Howsatisfiedareyouonascaleof1-5,with1being“notatallsatisfied”and5being“verysatisfied”,withtheitemyoufoundtoday?Why?


4. Onascaleof1-5,with1being“verydifficult”and5being“veryeasy”,howeasyordifficultisittofinditemsintheNordstromstore?Doyoufindthatitchangesdependingonthetypeofitemyouaretryingtofind?Why?



5. Inoticedthatyoudid[specificaction](followuponspecificsfromobservation).Isthishowyouhavealways[specifyaction],ordoesitchangeandwhatarethereasonsthat[specifyaction]?Whydoyoudo[specifyaction]thisway?thewaytoalwaystouchonclothesandcheckthematerial.Thematerialisthefirstconsiderationforme.IwanttotouchthematerialfirstbeforeIwanttoseethestyle. 6. Havetherebeenanyspecialcircumstanceswhereyou’vedone[specifyaction]differently?Why?Howwasthat?iftheclothesareonthemodel,IwonttouchbutIwouldseeitfirst.thenthestylebecomesthefirstconsiderationbeforeItouchthematerial.ifIcanseetheoverallclothwhatthetheoutfitlooklike,thenIwouldswithcaround. 7. Haveanythingaboutthewayyoushopchangedovertime?Inwhatways?Andwhatinfluencedyouto?no.


8. Howoften,ifever,doyouuseyourphonetofindanitemorforshoppingpurpose?never,becauseIaminthephysicalstore.IfIwanttousemyphone,Icandoitathomeallthetime.ifI’matthephysicalstore,whywouldIdoso.

- 46 -

9. Howoften,ifever,doyoulookforstoresignagetofindanitem?everytimeIcometothestoreIwouldtakealookatthemapfirstifitisinadepartmentstore.Ineedtoknowwhatdotheyhavewherethemall/departmentstoreswithmoresmallbrandsinthem.Iwontjustwalkaround.Sometimes,certainbrandsIwontlikethemsoIruleoutthepossibilities. 10. Whatdoyou/AretherethingslikeaboutusingthesignagethatNordstromprovides?itgivesmeanoverallideaaboutthesignage.Iwishedtheyhavemorefancysignage.insomeplaces,therearetouchpadsyoucanuse. 11. Whatdoyou/AretherethingsdislikeaboutusingthesignagethatNordstromprovides?Iwishtherearemoretouchpads.ifitcomeswithacoupledifferentbrandsandstores,Iwanttoseeaquickviewofwhattheyhave.Theyusedtohavecatalogyoucantakealookatwhatistheirnewesttrendyclothes.Departmentstoresusedtoputcatalogsneartheelevators,soIwishtheywouldhavepadandyoucanbrowsethegeneralstyleofthebrand. 12. Howoften,ifever,doyoulookaNordstrom’ssalespersontoaskforanitem?Why?3-5%ofthetime.Forsize.Iwouldlookthestylebymyself,butIcannotmakesurewhatkindofsizetheyhave. 13. HowwouldyoudescribeyourtypicalinteractionwithNordstrom’ssalespeople?Askforthesizedirectlyandwhereisthefittingroom. ShoppingMethod(5min)

14. Doyoushopinbothonlineandin-store?yes. 15. Whatdoyouthinkarethebenefitsofshoppingin-store?in-storeIcantrythingson,Icantouchthematerials. a. Whataresomefallbacks?itisnoteffectiveenough.becausetheyallhangontheracksandyouhavetoseetaketheclothoutandseewhatitlookslike. 16. Whatdoyouthinkarethebenefitsofshoppingonline?Icanseebunchofclothveryeasily.Ilikethefeatureoftherecommendationsatthebottomofthepage.whenshoppingin-storeyoucannothaveapersontellyou,herearesomethingsimilar.iftheyhavemoresalespeoplemaybe,butusuallythereareonlyoneortwopeople. a. Whataresomefallbacks?youwillhavetoorderandtry.youcannottryortouchthematerial. 17. Doyouhaveapreferencebetweenonlineandin-storeshopping?Whydoyoupreferthat?

- 47 -

Idon'thaveapreference,butonlineshoppingismoreconvenientforme.theyhavedifferentbenefitsandbutitdependsonmysituation.ifI'mreallytiredanddon'twanttogoouti'lljustshoponline.ifIhavetheenergyandthetimeIwouldgooutandshop.differentinteractingstyle.forapersonwhoismoreintroverted,itcostsalotofenergytogooutandshop. 18. Isthereadifferenceinfeelingsandattitudestowardsthetwomethodsofshopping?yeah,Ithinkso.ifIgooutforshopping,IthinkIhavetolookdecent,butifI’mshoppingonline,IcanwearmyPJandinthebed. 19. Lastly,howoftendoyoucometoNordstromtoshop?WhatarethereasonswhyyouchoseNordstromtoshopin?[Forfirsttimers:WhydoyoucometoNordstrom?WhydoyounotusuallycometoNordstrom?]onceperthree/sixmonths.onlineforsureonceperone-threemonths. whydoyouchooseNordstromtoshopin? becausetheyhavealotofavarietyofselections.usually,theclothescomewithgoodquality. 20. Ifyouhadamagicwandandyoucanmakeanything,whatwouldbesomethingthatyouwouldcreatefortheNordstromstore?Iwanttohavedifferentstylesections.ifyouwanttogoparty,theroomhasallthepartyclothes.ifyouwanttogoforcasualdressing,itcomeswithcasualclothing.notbyitsbrandname.ifyougoonline,youcanfilterbythecategoriessuchasgoing-out;summerdress.Iwantthemtohanginfrontofme,notontherack.illbelikeIwanttotryonethisandthisthenImoveonthenextroom. WrapUp(5min)

21. IsthereanythingyouwouldliketoshareaboutyourNordstromshoppingexperiencethatwehaven’ttalkedaboutyet?inthephysicalstore,youcanseeeveryone’sstyle.froexample,ifsomeonepickthisoneanditlooksgoodsoyouwouldpickthatoneaswell. 22. Doyouhaveanyquestionsformebeforewewrapup?

• Thankparticipantfortheirtime• Giveoutincentive($10Nordstromgiftcards)

- 48 -

Observation and Interview Notes: Participant #3 Observation(30min)


1. Whatdoyoumeanby…2. Whatwouldyouwant/needinthissituation?


• Thankparticipantfortheirtimeandlettingusobservethemwhileshopping• Movetoacomfortablelocation-NordstromCafe

1. HowwasyouroverallexperienceshoppingattheNordstromstore?



• Igoogle.Idoaninternetsearches.becauseIoftendon’tcometophysicalstore,Ioftenbuyonline.Ioftengetthatknowledgefromemail.


2. Youmentionedthatyouwerelookingfor[item]atthebeginningofthissession.Howdifficultoreasywasittofindwhatyoucameherefor?


3. Howsatisfiedareyouonascaleof1-5,with1being“notatallsatisfied”and5being“verysatisfied”,withtheitemyoufoundtoday?Why?


- 49 -

4. Onascaleof1-5,with1being“verydifficult”and5being“veryeasy”,howeasyordifficultisittofinditemsintheNordstromstore?Doyoufindthatitchangesdependingonthetypeofitemyouaretryingtofind?Why?




5. Inoticedthatyoudid[specificaction](followuponspecificsfromobservation).Isthishowyouhavealways[specifyaction],ordoesitchangeandwhatarethereasonsthat[specifyaction]?Whydoyoudo[specifyaction]thisway?

ifIseesomethingI’minterestedin,feelthefabric,price,andthentryiton. Iwouldcarrylike3or4andgotofittingroom



• Idon’tliketotalktothem• Ifeelbadusingthem• ifitsarobotIwouldn’tfeelasbad• moreonfeelingbadthenprivacy• if1sizedousntfitandIaskforanothersize,IhavetoaskinfinitlyandthatIfeelbaddoing

6. Havetherebeenanyspecialcircumstanceswhereyou’vedone[specifyaction]differently?Why?Howwasthat?7. Haveanythingaboutthewayyoushopchangedovertime?Inwhatways?Andwhatinfluencedyouto?

withonline • justonline• reasonfornotcomingtostore• timeconsuming• accessbileandcompareprices.• morechoice• havinglotsofchoicesisimportant• Icanttryitononline

- 50 -

• IwoulduseaARtryiton ItemDiscoverability(10min)

8. Howoften,ifever,doyoulookforstoresignagetofindanitem?

Iusuallyotodifferentfloors wheredoexpecttofindthesignage

• escalator 9. Whatdoyou/AretherethingslikeaboutusingthesignagethatNordstromprovides?

nonoticeinganyothersignage 10. Whatdoyou/AretherethingsdislikeaboutusingthesignagethatNordstromprovides?11. Howoften,ifever,doyoulookaNordstrom’ssalespersontoaskforanitem?Why?

notoften. unlessIhavetolookforacertainitem. soemtimesIthinkitstoomuch.Iwantmyowntimelookingforstuff.theyfollowyoutothefittingroom. aretheyhelpful

• notreally• forvailablesize• moreforstoreinfo-sizeavailable

12. HowwouldyoudescribeyourtypicalinteractionwithNordstrom’ssalespeople?13. Inwhatcircumstancesdoyouusethesignage?Inwhatcircumstancesdoyounot?14. Inwhatcircumstancesdoyouaskthesalesperson?Inwhatcircumstancesdoyounot? ShoppingMethod(5min)

15. Doyoushopinbothonlineandin-store?16. Whatdoyouthinkarethebenefitsofshoppingin-store?Whataresomefallbacks?

tryiton. Idon’tbuyshoesonlinecauseIwanttotryandseethefitandcomfortableornot

- 51 -

simimlartoclothes. fabricandmaterial

17. Whatdoyouthinkarethebenefitsofshoppingonline?Whataresomefallbacks? moreoptions

checkprice therearesomelikefilteroptionsthathelpsmefindexactlywhatyouwnat 18. Doyouhaveapreferencebetweenonlineandin-storeshopping?Whydoyoupreferthat? halfdepednsontime 19. Isthereadifferenceinfeelingsandattitudestowardsthetwomethodsofshopping?same 20. Lastly,howoftendoyoucometoNordstromtoshop?WhatarethereasonswhyyouchoseNordstromtoshopin?[Forfirsttimers:WhydoyoucometoNordstrom?WhydoyounotusuallycometoNordstrom?]21. Ifyouhadamagicwandandyoucanmakeanything,whatwouldbesomethingthatyouwouldcreatefortheNordstromstore? Moremanikin







- 52 -


22. IsthereanythingyouwouldliketoshareaboutyourNordstromshoppingexperiencethatwehaven’ttalkedaboutyet?23. Doyouhaveanyquestionsformebeforewewrapup?

• Thankparticipantfortheirtime• Giveoutincentive($10Nordstromgiftcards)

- 53 -

Observation and Interview Notes: Participant #4



1. Whatdoyoumeanby…2. Whatwouldyouwant/needinthissituation?


• Thankparticipantfortheirtimeandlettingusobservethemwhileshopping• Movetoacomfortablelocation-NordstromCafe

1. HowwasyouroverallexperienceshoppingattheNordstromstore?








2. Youmentionedthatyouwerelookingfor[item]atthebeginningofthissession.Howdifficultoreasywasittofindwhatyoucameherefor?

- 54 -






3. Howsatisfiedareyouonascaleof1-5,with1being“notatallsatisfied”and5being“verysatisfied”,withtheitemyoufoundtoday?Why?4. Onascaleof1-5,with1being“verydifficult”and5being“veryeasy”,howeasyordifficultisittofinditemsintheNordstromstore?Doyoufindthatitchangesdependingonthetypeofitemyouaretryingtofind?Why?




5. Inoticedthatyoudid[specificaction](followuponspecificsfromobservation).Isthishowyouhavealways[specifyaction],ordoesitchangeandwhatarethereasonsthat[specifyaction]?Whydoyoudo[specifyaction]thisway?Randomlywalkaround IfIseeitIgothererightaway OnthewayifIseeitIgrabit SonormallyIgotoothershoppingmillsmyselfandexpecttospend3/4hours IknowI’mgonnagetwhatIwantregardlessofwhattheysayIknowwhatIlike Idon’twanttomakehavetogowithmyfriendstempo Weactuallyendupshoppingindividually Ineverbringafriends Spendlike200 It’sjustmorelikeIstoppedshoppingsomehow Ialwaystriedtouniques NowIdon’treallycare Everythingisfocusedonworksoit’snotthereisn’topportunitytodressup Mypartnerdoesn’tvaluemylooksaswellhelikeswhateverIdress

- 55 -

Idon’twanttomakehimfeelunderdressed SoItrytobalancebyunderdressing WhenIgotoeventsIdress 6. Havetherebeenanyspecialcircumstanceswhereyou’vedone[specifyaction]differently?Why?Howwasthat?7. Haveanythingaboutthewayyoushopchangedovertime?Inwhatways?Andwhatinfluencedyouto? ItemDiscoverability(10min)

8. Howoften,ifever,doyoulookforstoresignagetofindanitem?Idon’tfindthem Ifitjumpstome IfocusonthedressIdon’ttrytofindthesign It’sfastertolookattheclothing Signdoesn’tmatchwiththeclothing Doesn’tjustbrandnameisn’tenough Idon’tknowmanybrands Havingadditionalwordstoexplainthebranddoesn’thelpbecausethewordsarenotmylanguage 9. Whatdoyou/AretherethingslikeaboutusingthesignagethatNordstromprovides? Notcatchmyeye Doesn’treallyeffectmydecision LiketheNikedoesbutnotreally Everyseasonanddesignhaddifferentstyle Idon’tcareaboutbrand 10. Whatdoyou/AretherethingsdislikeaboutusingthesignagethatNordstromprovides?11. Howoften,ifever,doyoulookaNordstrom’ssalespersontoaskforanitem?Why? Usuallynottalktothem Idon’tthinktheywouldknowmidon’tthinkifItrytoexpresstheywon’tknowme Ifeelbadtostopthemduringwork Theyhaveduties

- 56 -

Iaskgeneraldirectionstho 12. HowwouldyoudescribeyourtypicalinteractionwithNordstrom’ssalespeople?13. Inwhatcircumstancesdoyouusethesignage?Inwhatcircumstancesdoyounot?14. Inwhatcircumstancesdoyouaskthesalesperson?Inwhatcircumstancesdoyounot? ShoppingMethod(5min)

15. Doyoushopinbothonlineandin-store? Mainlyonline 16. Whatdoyouthinkarethebenefitsofshoppingin-store?Whataresomefallbacks? Tryiton IthinkIusedtoIknowwhatIusuallywearthosearesimpleitemssolikeleggingsthere’snowayitwon’tfitmethoseIorderonline. Icanjustreturnittoo Andit’scheap WhenIneedtogosomeplacesI OnlineIgocausethey’recheapbutalwaysenduptobelike200 Idon’treturnstuff IfIorderexpensiveonethenIwillreturn Iwouldn’tcomeherestill I’llorder2sizesandreturnwhatIdon’tlike 17. Whatdoyouthinkarethebenefitsofshoppingonline?Whataresomefallbacks?18. Doyouhaveapreferencebetweenonlineandin-storeshopping?Whydoyoupreferthat?19. Isthereadifferenceinfeelingsandattitudestowardsthetwomethodsofshopping? OFCOURSEhighendinpersonismoreexcitingandIwanttotouchit’sainvenstment LikecamelandGucci Itfeelsalotmoreriskyit’scompletedifferent WhenitcomestoNordstromdoesn’tfeelthatdiffert

- 57 -

20. Lastly,howoftendoyoucometoNordstromtoshop?WhatarethereasonswhyyouchoseNordstromtoshopin?[Forfirsttimers:WhydoyoucometoNordstrom?WhydoyounotusuallycometoNordstrom?] Igotorackalot Cheapermessydoesn’tcare Icanseethatitemdiscounted I’mnotmaterialistic Friendgotexpensivebrandfromrack Itmakesitfeellikeadeal Causeitwascheapanditwasfinalsale Nordstromistooexpensive IfakethestuffIboughtfromrackandgotoNordstromforrappingtomakeitlooklikeit’sfrom Nordstromisabrandthatlooksgoodforagift Ididn’tbuyitfromacheapplace Shecaresaboutmecausesheputalotofmoneyonit 21. Ifyouhadamagicwandandyoucanmakeanything,whatwouldbesomethingthatyouwouldcreatefortheNordstromstore? Filtercolor






22. IsthereanythingyouwouldliketoshareaboutyourNordstromshoppingexperiencethatwehaven’ttalkedaboutyet?

- 58 -

23. Doyouhaveanyquestionsformebeforewewrapup?

• Thankparticipantfortheirtime• Giveoutincentive($10Nordstromgiftcards)

- 59 -

Observation and Interview Notes: Participant #5 Came to check the undergarments. Move around to find the sale items but found out the sale racks have moved as always. 7 touches. Ask help to the salesperson for the exact brand of her undergarment. Asked “Just these colors?” Take out the items to check the prices. $23 or $38. She goes with 23 because she doesn’t need the fancy colors. She took out 4 of them. Touch the pajamas. Check the pajamas for trip on the reduced-price rack. Hanged the cloth that was falling from a hanger. She chose one set but not sure she needs it. So, she decided to not buy them. Checks other pajama sets in reduced rack. Check the price and size. Holds the clothes up to herself. She got one night shirt and the salesperson comes and asks if need help. And recommends other brands. She asks for other color in the same size. When she’s in the store, she wants to check the sports clothes. She buys four undergarments and one pajama shirt. She had the same undergarments for a while. So she knew what to buy. Spent around $150. Asks for email receipt. Wonder if restroom in the 4th floor. Check for nike sale rack. Finds a new vest. But if she gets the vest she needs to think what she’s going to do with the one she already has in her closet. She’s browsing what she can add on to the tennis uniform. Touches new ones. Find the raincoat and says: Where she’s going for the trip is in a rain season and wander if she needs a long raincoat. Checks them. Constantly browsing other sports items. She also checked the luggage in online and checked the same ones in down stairs. Found it’s too heavy. She originally thought if would be in 4th floor. Came down to 3rd floor and checks the special nike section. Checks rain coat and shoes. Now look for work blazers. Checks other clothes without touching. Finds the blazer and touch them. Not sure if she looks good with the new style. She found the signs of petites section before trying to ask the salesperson.

- 60 -

Take out a blouse and constantly checks other colors and clothes. Checks the final few racks. Look over the clothes one by one and take out one. Give the blouse to the salesperson to start the fitting room. Checks dresses in the final few section. She wished her sister to be with her because her sister knows if the clothes on the rack will fit in her body. Checks each clothes in the reduced section. She said she usually don’t buy Jcrew because it doesn’t fit in her body. That’s why she came to the petite section. Take out mint knit to try on. Goes to fitting room with total two clothes. There are fitting halls but she didn’t know where her other clothe was at. She asks the other salesperson and tell her the name of the first salesperson. And finds the right room. She likes the blouse for the trip. But she doesn’t know if she’ll get the knit because it’s too long for her. She wanted to get some new color cloth, but decide not to buy because it’s too long. She buys the blouse bc she knows she’ll wear it every other day. Look over clothes in other sections (Gucci floor) at on the way to buy a make up. Look one by one and says, “cute”. She finds a dress that has similar color of the blouse she bought. She also finds similar blouse with the same color but with a better quality yet more expensive. She says, “This one is prettier compared to one I bought. But if I think of dropping food over the blouse during Taiwan trip, it’s better to keep what I have”. Found cool clothes but she says to herself, “you don’t need any of these. Go to down stairs to check the make up.” Goes to 1st floor. Shows me the luggage and how heavy it is. She has been checking the luggage and other bags and shoes through online. So they were coming up in her online. So she checked the same brand bags.

——SHOES & MAKEUP —— She checks other clothes and comes to shoe section. She wants to show the photo of the shoes in her phone to the salesperson. She looks up for the brand and constantly check the shoes. ‘Born’ brand loafer. The salesperson shows her the brand shoes but it wasn’t here. She tells to the salesperson that she’ll constantly look for other for her work shoes. She has the exact idea of the shoes she wants in her mind. She wants to find the shoes ad in Facebook but now she can’t find it. Comes to Mac to check lip and blush. Asks for specific four round blushers in a palette she bought last summer. One circle with four different colors. Talks with the salesperson. And checks and tries the blush. Salesperson explains to her about the colors. She says “I want to try the peach color”. Salesperson bring her to the bigger mirror and shows how to use a highlighter. Now lip gloss. She tells she wants pinky nude color and gets a recommendation. She tries two colors. She found out that the blusher is sold out. So she just bought a similar color. Now, she moves around to find Smash Box to buy eyeliner. But she couldn’t find the brand. She’s just going to order through online.


1. Didyouhaveanyiteminmindthatyouarelookingfortoday?


- 61 -



• 35-44agerange• UXDesigneratamuseum



1. Whatdoyoumeanby…2. Whatwouldyouwant/needinthissituation?


• Thankparticipantfortheirtimeandlettingusobservethemwhileshopping• Movetoacomfortablelocation-NordstromCafe

1. HowwasyouroverallexperienceshoppingattheNordstromstore?


2. Youmentionedthatyouwerelookingfor[item]atthebeginningofthissession.Howdifficultoreasywasittofindwhatyoucameherefor?


3. Howsatisfiedareyouonascaleof1-5,with1being“notatallsatisfied”and5being“verysatisfied”,withtheitemyoufoundtoday?Why?



4. Onascaleof1-5,with1being“verydifficult”and5being“veryeasy”,howeasyordifficultisittofinditemsintheNordstromstore?

- 62 -



5. Doyoufindthatitchangesdependingonthetypeofitemyouaretryingtofind?Why?


6. Inoticedthatyou[specificaction](followuponspecificsfromobservation).Isthishowyouhavealways[specifyaction],ordoesitchangeandwhatarethereasonsthat[specifyaction]?Whydoyoudo[specifyaction]thisway?

• Inoticedthatyouwishedyoursisterwaswithyouduringshopping.Iusuallyshopwithmysisterbecausesheknowsmybodyshapeandrecommendstherightclothesthataredisplayedontherack.Butaftershehasbabies,Ican’tcomewithheranymorebecauseshe’stoobusy.

• Ialsonoticedthatyouwerethinkingofyourraincoatthatyoualreadyhavewhenyouwerelookingattheraincoatinthesports


7. Havetherebeenanyspecialcircumstanceswhereyou’vedone[specifyaction]differently?

• Haveyouevertriedtousecustomerservice,likepersonalstylistatNordstrom,tofindtherightclothesforyouduringshopping?Iheardofthoseservices,butIdon’tknowwhybutInevertriedtousethoseservice.

8. Haveanythingaboutthewayyoushopchangedovertime?Inwhatways?Andwhatinfluencedyouto?

n/a ItemDiscoverability(10min)

9. Howoften,ifever,usingyourphonetoshopforanitemwhenyouarein-storeshopping?• Ididn’taskthisquestion.ButIsawherlookingoverherphonetobrowseoverNordstromapptofindtheshoesshewantedtobuy

instore.Sheshowedthephotooftheshoestothesalespersontoaskwheretheshoeis. 10. Howoften,ifever,doyoulookforstoresignagetofindanitem?

- 63 -


11. Whatdoyou/AretherethingslikeaboutusingthesignagethatNordstromprovides?

• Isawyoulookingatthepetitsignagethough.Oh,Ifoundthatsignageinaccident.Butthroughthatsign,IdoublecheckedthatIaminarightsectiontofindmyclothes.ButIdorememberthetrendyNikesectionatthe3rdfloorinfrontoftheescalator.I’mnotsureifithadasignage.Butithasitsownvibe.Acarpet.It’sverydistinctfromothersection.Iwasabletorecognizethebrandrightawaywithoutlookingatasignage. 12. Whatdoyou/AretherethingsdislikeaboutusingthesignagethatNordstromprovides?

13. Howoften,ifever,doyoulookaNordstrom’ssalespersontoaskforanitem?Why?EverytimeifIneedhelpinfindingsomethingorneedindifferentsize.Ican’tinteractwithanyoneinonline.Butinstore,Ican. 14. HowwouldyoudescribeyourtypicalinteractionwithNordstrom’ssalespeople?

Friendlyandnotpushy. ShoppingMethod(5min)

15. Doyoushopinbothonlineandin-store?yes

16. Whatdoyouthinkarethebenefitsofshoppingin-store?


a. Whataresomefallbacks?Sometimes,it’stoobusywithmanypeople,likesaleseason.Butliketoday,therewereroom,whichwasgood.Itrequiresenergytophysicallyshop.Andhardtofindaparkingspace,especiallyindowntown.Itrequirestime. 17. Whatdoyouthinkarethebenefitsofshoppingonline?


a. Whataresomefallbacks? Can’tscalethephysicalsize.Ican’tfeelthesizebasedoninchandheight.

- 64 -

18. Doyouhaveapreferencebetweenonlineandin-storeshopping?Whydoyoupreferthat?Itdepends.Butonlinebecauseitdoesn’trequiretimeandenergytogetthere. 19. Isthereadifferenceinfeelingsandattitudestowardsthetwomethodsofshopping?Twoexperiencesaredifferent.Forin-store,Ineedtopre-planonwhattobuybeforeIgetthere. 20. Lastly,howoftendoyoucometoNordstromtoshop?WhatarethereasonswhyyouchoseNordstromtoshopin?[Forfirsttimers:WhydoyoucometoNordstrom?WhydoyounotusuallycometoNordstrom?]Forin-store,1-2timesperyear.Foronline,allthetimebecauseoftheNordstromemail.Itnotifiesmewithsale. 21. Ifyouhadamagicwandandyoucanmakeanything,whatwouldbesomethingthatyouwouldcreatefortheNordstromstore?




22. IsthereanythingyouwouldliketoshareaboutyourNordstromshoppingexperiencethatwehaven’ttalkedaboutyet?

23. Doyouhaveanyquestionsformebeforewewrapup?

• Thankparticipantfortheirtime• Giveoutincentive($10Nordstromgiftcards)

- 65 -

Observation and Interview Notes: Participant #6 Behaviors observed

Started at the 2nd floor women section looking at clearance racks first before going to other non-clearance racks. She also went to the third floor to look at clothes but thought the clothes in one half there were too much for younger people. Looked at 4th floor briefly to see some clothes for her kid and some of the furniture but did not spend that much time there approx 15min. Pulls out of rack sometimes Looks at almost everything on the rack Pulls something out if something catches her eye “Oh, This looks unique” Sometimes pulls out of rack but first keeps it on the rack and observes it from back to front Looks at the brand Comments on the uniqueness Looks at price tag first and then the whole thing She first starts at the xs sizes in the clearance racks “I don’t fit xs all but I look at it anyways because it’s sometimes mixed in” Wow beautiful! Don’t like heavy fabric It looks big but try it on anyway Search internet online shopping first 1. Did you have any item in mind that you are looking for today?

Looking for some spring clothes, maybe a long flowly skirt if I can find one that I like

Observation (30 min)

- 66 -

During the observation, clarify the participant’s actions when necessary. If further questions need to be asked, take a note and ask during the follow-up interview.

1. What do you mean by… 2. What would you want/need in this situation?

Interview Introduction (5 min)

• Thank participant for their time and letting us observe them while shopping

• Move to a comfortable location - Nordstrom Cafe 1. How was your overall experience shopping at the Nordstrom store? It was overall good! I bought the skirt so that was good. I was disappointed

that there were the blouses not in my size. I’m probably gonna go look for it online and see if they have any.

2. You mentioned that you were looking for [item] at the beginning of this session. How difficult or easy was it to find what you came here

for?Wasn’t too hard. I did look through most of the clearance racks first to find bottoms or skirts. Wasn’t looking for anything too

specific. Just browsing until I found that I wanted to try on.

3. How satisfied are you on a scale of 1 - 5, with 1 being “not at all satisfied” and 5 being “very satisfied”, with the item you found today? Why?5

very satisfied b/c it was a skirt that I can see being worn with other clothes that I have. It was also on clearance so the price was good too. But maybe actually a 4 for b/c the blouses that I picked were not available in my size

4. On a scale of 1 - 5, with 1 being “very difficult” and 5 being “very easy”, how easy or difficult is it to find items in the Nordstrom store? Do you

find that it changes depending on the type of item you are trying to find? Why?

- 67 -

sometimes just browsing to shop I don’t really care about how finding certain items. But when I shop with Rachael (her kid) it’s different because I have less time and when I’m shopping for her clothes, like special things like jackets or dresses, I usually ask salesperson to tell me where they are. But before I come I always look online on first to see what they have and then save it so I can see later if they have it in store. I see something I like online but I want to try it on thats the problem!

Exploring Specifics (5 min)

5. I noticed that you did [specific action] (follow up on specifics from observation). Is this how you have always [specify action], or does it change and what are the reasons that [specify action]? Why do you do [specify action] this way?Noticed that she pulls out many clothes from the

rack, turns it around to see the whole thing, checks brand label and checks price tags Most important for me is looking for brands that I like -Lafayette, Rebecca Taylor, Vince and then I look at the price of the clothes to see if it’s worth it. I try not to buy dry clean only clothes b/c I don’t have time, but most designer brands are dry clean only so I can’t help it. Followup on pulling out When I pull it out I look at color, check the designer label, and third I check the price if it’s okay they I try it on. It doesn’t take money to try it on! I look at the tag first if it’s a designer I like I try so I don’t waste time. What usually happens when you are trying on clothes? I do you know if you want to buy? If fit and length is perfect size, I try it on and think it will go well with my other bags and shoes. So I think a lot about if it would match my other items in the closet Question on budget I usually like things on sale but if its a good designer item on sale then I’m okay with things around $100 - $300 depending on the type of item and the brand. Same with bags. 6. Have there been any special circumstances where you’ve done [specify action] differently? Why? How was that?

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*didn’t answer because she answered previously about shopping with her kid 7. Have anything about the way you shop changed over time? In what ways? And what influenced you to? * I almost always online shop first. So I just order online and if it doesn’t fit I just return it there’s no other way Online shopping is more convienient because there are certain items not in store, like 75% of the items online are not. I think why there are so many returns from customers. The items are not there in store. Sometimes I ask for sales associate and they say “Sorry can’t find it in stores, but we have online”. I like store availability feature so I can just pick it up but most of the time it’s not there, so I feel like I don’t have to go to the store somwetimes because they won’t have it in stores. I understand they can’t find everything but I’m disappointed a lot of the times. Item Discoverability (10 min)

8. How often, if ever, do you look for store signage to find an item?Sometimes? I come to this Nordstrom enough to know what is on what floor

and where the bathrooms are and stuff. 9. What do you/Are there things like about using the signage that Nordstrom provides?well I remember it saids like women floor, mens, floor,

children, designer so thats good. But there is no signs for like what type of clothes are where on the floor so I feel like that might be useful. 10. What do you/Are there things dislike about using the signage that Nordstrom provides?didn’t ask

11. How often, if ever, do you look a Nordstrom’s salesperson to ask for an item? Why?when I’m finding special items for the seasons

especially for Rachael. Or when I’m asking for sizes of shoes or clothes sometimes. 12. How would you describe your typical interaction with Nordstrom’s salespeople?

- 69 -

I ask if they have a size and most of the time, they say it’s only online and not in store and they ask me if I want to order online. If I really want it then I do sometimes and it gets sent to my home. I like how they are nice though. Their aren’t any mean or rude salespeople at Nordstrom 13. In what circumstances do you use the signage? In what circumstances do you not?didn’t ask 14. In what circumstances do you ask the salesperson? In what circumstances do you not?I only ask if I have to, like finding jackets and

specific stuff. Most of the time I just shop by myself or with rachael 15. Shopping Method (5 min)

16. Do you shop in both online and in-store?

both. I always go online first. 17. What do you think are the benefits of shopping in-store? What are some fallbacks?I get to try it on faster. Sometimes I order a lot online

just to try them on and then return at the store if I don’t like them. But it’s too much time to drive here and return and all that. They don’t have sizes many times so that is disappointing. But I do use the pickup in store when shopping online so I know it will be there. 18. What do you think are the benefits of shopping online? What are some fallbacks?it’s sooo convienent. I order and try it on sometimes

and return from online. I also check the price online to compare prizes from the actual brand store (She did this during the session) I like the interactive video b/c it’s helpful bc you can see the actual color on the person. Sometimes I feel the color isn’t right in the picture. I also like how it recommends similar items. But again, I can’t try it on so I don’t know if it fits or if I will like it.

- 70 -

19. Do you have a preference between online and in-store shopping? Why do you prefer that?especially with Rachael, I use online shopping

more because its easier and more convenient. Takes too much time sometimes to shop for clothes and Rachael doesn’t like spending too much time

20. Is there a difference in feelings and attitudes towards the two methods of shopping? Didn’t ask 21. Lastly, how often do you come to Nordstrom to shop? What are the reasons why you chose Nordstrom to shop in? [For first timers: Why

do you come to Nordstrom? Why do you not usually come to Nordstrom?]when I have time. Maybe once a month to the actual store. I

order from online or Nordstrom rack 22. If you had a magic wand and you can make anything, what would be something that you would create for the Nordstrom store? I know they can’t carry everything at the store but having more options or sizes would be nice. And sometimes I buy things and I take it home and find that I don’t really have anything shoes or bags that match with. Cool to see if it will match or not with things I have already.

Wendy Did you have any item in mind that you are looking for today? I’m looking for some work shoes because I just returned one 23. Browse online Nordstrom is a lot more uses the Nordstrom pick up service

There were a couple items that I immediate returned

- 71 -

Observation and Interview Notes: Participant #7 Behaviors observed: Kind of browse Work outfit traditional attire Nordstrom. Is one of the few to have professional items Returning her shoe that she wore for 1 -2 days Nordstrom sites emails and it doesn’t sometimes transaction Sister is principal engineer at Nordstrom I want them to do well don’t want sears like Continuous feedback is something I value Large department stores Allows me to shop for myself husband and kid all in one go Disadvantage looking for something more niche - daughter didn’t have newborn size I was busy and scrambling and didn’t have time to look online Stays on trend Iii Taco card holder picks it up for daughter Usually browse for cute stuff Few times special occasion and they have a lot here that I can find Amigos this is so cool do they have her size

- 72 -

As a mom I want to match outfits with my daughter. Nordstrom should consider that And my daughter wants to do too “Little too cold” looks at sale rack Omigsoh this is so cute There’s no price for it... okay? Looking at final few rack Way to spring Asks sales people: this whole rack that it’s under assumption that it’s end of sale. Sorry for the confusion Goes to reduced price rack They are too big Is there a younger kids section? Apparently they don’t have a younger kids clearance section Sales person approaches and see if she’s needs help with any thing and she asks and SP say it’s a little hidden there’s not too much but we do have some One thing I love customer service takes the queue that you look a little lost The selection is kind of small sometimes I got to rack because they have a larger selection for kids Large department stores I can look around for multiply things at once Looks at workout clothes Picks it up and looks T the piece and overall look I have sooo much workout close Do I have this similar style? I want to mix it up and even thought I’m a mom Catalog N be able to improve on there’s kids section and primarily appealing younger women. There’s no representation of 30 something’s in the catalog and I think it’ll be nice to have that identification and representation I look Pinterest and Instagram and knowing latest trends sometimes tag Nordstrom

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Manneuquiens can only have so many outfits and in the past I might copy it from hand to store. I do know they have personal shoppers and I feel a little intidimated and I don’t like people waiting on me I’m a tech manager. And. I just want to grab and go My perception it’s more catered for high end executive. I’m not that I wanna look like a I belong in my tech manager role I don’t need a Chanel suit I was trying to look for a style that fits with me Only used it once. I wanted to use it to save time but didn’t make me feel comfortable These are cute and they are on sale. Adds it to her arm I’m a Higher quality shopper and last longer. It’s A lot of work and effort to find pieces that work for both work and other free times Downtown Nordstrom is much bigger idk if we can pull of looking for new replacements I feel I like each rand they havve caters to specific clientele like barks for younger laid back people I like this brand but a little too laid back Sam Edelman I want comfortable but a little more spark. these look like 60 years old shoes ! I already have so much of these black one “I don’t know...” I Browse full price first and then clearance. it’s better to go home with sowmthing than nothing As I get older and my income level changes I have money to spend Picks it up and there’s so cute for suede but don’t want to deal with cleaning Want good quality and want sowmthing that washes well especially with a kids here’s no time to go dry cleaning This is cute but what can I match with white shoes?

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I’m gonna put it back by I don’t know what to match with it One thing I want Nordstrom to do is I like the white shoe but I don’t know what matches with stuff in my closet Compared to sephora you can just walk up to them and get immediate help on that Goes to fitting room to try on her workout clothes Workout clothes did not work out too long No one here maybe I’ll just go up I love in person shopping experience as Asians it’s harder to find pants that work Hi I found some cute stuff! To cash register! I didn’t realize Nordstrom had it! They actually have matching kids and mom yoga pants “oh I didn’t realize because they are not next to each other. There was no correlation!” Very conversational checkout process Talks about mom and daughter relationship One thing Nordstrom does really well is willing to invest in updates infrastructure Observation (30 min)

During the observation, clarify the participant’s actions when necessary. If further questions need to be asked, take a note and ask during the follow-up interview.

2. What do you mean by…

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3. What would you want/need in this situation?

Interview Introduction (5 min)

3. Thank participant for their time and letting us observe them while shopping

4. Move to a comfortable location - Nordstrom Cafe • How was your overall experience shopping at the Nordstrom store? it was awesome! I was able to find something for me and my child. Even

though I wasn’t able to find other black work shoes but at least I got sometime

2. You mentioned that you were looking for [item] at the beginning of this session. How difficult or easy was it to find what you came here

for?well maybe for me it was a little more difficult b/c already have pointed black dress shoes and the styles look exactly the same even

though diff brands. I was looking for something a little different and edgy but at the same time comfortable. Hoping that they have wider selection for dress hoes

3. How satisfied are you on a scale of 1 - 5, with 1 being “not at all satisfied” and 5 being “very satisfied”, with the item you found today?

Why?4, almost a 5 b/c I dint find my dress shoes but ended up buying a romper for daughter and sweatshirt for myself and my daughter

and something small for both of us to have fun with (taco usb holder) so purchase wise the dollar value was really good value so I’m happy

4. On a scale of 1 - 5, with 1 being “very difficult” and 5 being “very easy”, how easy or difficult is it to find items in the Nordstrom store? Do you

find that it changes depending on the type of item you are trying to find? Why?maybe a 3 some of the things are not as visible as I would

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like, even though I shopped at this Nordstrom for quite a number of times already, it’s not because of configuration that changed but maybe it is the selection is not large as I would like

Not because of configuration

Exploring Specifics (5 min)

5. I noticed that you did [specific action] (follow up on specifics from observation). Is this how you have always [specify action], or does it change and what are the reasons that [specify action]? Why do you do [specify action] this way?

Commenting on how she pulls out something say this is cute and ask herself if she has it at home. And ask if shopping by herself or with another ppl Usually if I’m shopping with friend they would comment oh I saw you wear this and that and oh that would pair well with what I wore last week. So they were sort of my personal shopper. But unfortunately ever since I had my daughter it’s really hard to find time to have a girlfriend that knows my style knows what I have and working with both schedules. So now I just end up like buying online things b/c I don’t know what works and what not a lot of times I buy things I thought cute but it just sits in my closet with tags on! I wanna buy things that I will use. Shopping alone or with other ppl? Depend on circumstance, prefer to have ppl who can provide me feedback. Can be a stylist. If they knew my style that would be great. But the person that I was paired with maybe didn’t understand my style and was suggesting things that don’t look like I can pull off. Personal shopper experience I was working at msft for a lot of hours so I don’t have the time to go thru many outfits I just need someone to at least select a range of sizes for me. When in contact with them, used online. Found it good but unfortunately didn’t ask me like what do you do for work, whats your field, more in depth questions about me and my style. When I showed up they had outfits ready for me thats great but all the outfits looked very executive like and I’m like I’m not trying to outshine ppl at work. I don’t want executives to think I’m stealing their jobs or whatever so I went really quickly during my lunch break in the Lincoln square area Nordstrom. My one hour duration I can only do so much. I chose what I thought would work but

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didn’t even have the chance to follow up. I think maybe if they asked more in-depth questions it ouwld have been positive experience and I could’ve walked out iwht many outfits and not worry about shopping around. 6. Have there been any special circumstances where you’ve done [specify action] differently? Why? How was that? 7. Have anything about the way you shop changed over time? In what ways? And what influenced you to? Item Discoverability (10 min)

8. How often, if ever, do you look for store signage to find an item?perhaps very often, every Nordstrom has a diff type of layout, but very

similar. But enough sinage never hurts. I think its good to know where things are rather than getting lost, esp when I have one hour lunch break or kid is going to meltdown soon need to grab and go. Quick and get done with it and it helps

9. What do you/Are there things like about using the signage that Nordstrom provides? 10. What do you/Are there things dislike about using the signage that Nordstrom provides? 11. How often, if ever, do you look a Nordstrom’s salesperson to ask for an item? Why?maybe just half the time, when i’m looking for

special event I would ask salesperson hey can you point to me these type of dresses for my daughter. There are times I want to do my own thing and if they say hey what are you shopping for, they take the queue and step away so kind of appreciate that. They check in but not assertively and forecully. Talks about asian sales people and how they follow you/, experience is so negative.

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12. How would you describe your typical interaction with Nordstrom’s salespeople? 13. In what circumstances do you use the signage? In what circumstances do you not? 14. In what circumstances do you ask the salesperson? In what circumstances do you not? Shopping Method (5 min)

16. Do you shop in both online and in-store?yes

17. What do you think are the benefits of shopping in-store? What are some fallbacks?definitely being able to try on stuff like pants

especially and quickly determining that they don’t fit me. Online has larger selection but even tho they tell you in-seams no one really remembers it.

yes. The main selection is not as great and Nordstrom does not have maternity selection at all. When I was pregnant none of my clothes fit me and I rushed to the Mall and they told me that I can only buy the clothes online. This is suburban neighborhood with lots of pregnant women you would think they would have some in store. Entirely onliene. Really disappointed. 18. What do you think are the benefits of shopping online? What are some fallbacks? The selection. At home bored just buy things and its convenient. Things don’t fit, didn’t arrive on time 19. Do you have a preference between online and in-store shopping? Why do you prefer that? 20. Is there a difference in feelings and attitudes towards the two methods of shopping?sometimes I like the personal touches for the

customer experience and face to face interaction. Even tho ppl are more geared towards online, it’s harder to have a customer service experience online. I like the online experience for the selection but I prefer actually going in store

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21. Lastly, how often do you come to Nordstrom to shop? What are the reasons why you chose Nordstrom to shop in? [For first timers: Why

do you come to Nordstrom? Why do you not usually come to Nordstrom?]avg once or twice a month, it used to be more before I had my

daughter. I like the style at Nordstrom, layout of the store, cleanliness, I like the customer service a lot. I surprisingly like the bathrooms because of the nursing rooms for mothers! I can count on Nordstrom to have a layout wide enough for my toddler to run around in. It feels like a safe environment that works for us. 22. If you had a magic wand and you can make anything, what would be something that you would create for the Nordstrom store? Throughout the interview I mentioned maternity clothes, remembering like who I am will be nice. it might be a little creepy ai but people walking up to me and already knowing my style and what I like and personalizing it that way so that I don’t even need to browse. Make the trip easier makes me spend a lot faster and go about my day. When I returned my shoes ,they could’ve asked me like “oh why didn’t it work out” oh you are a tech manager I have some suggestions that you are looking for black dress shoes, here are a few options for you. I pay with Nordstrom card and they can track it that way because I already know they do with what I see online profile. Taking this to an in store level too! Wrap Up (5 min)

23. Is there anything you would like to share about your Nordstrom shopping experience that we haven’t talked about yet? Do you have any questions for me before we wrap up?

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Interview Questions: Nordstrom Salesperson Interview Salespeople Duration: 30mins - 45mins Intent We are conducting this interview to learn about diverse perspectives on item discovery at Nordstrom stores from Nordstrom sales associates. Introduction Thank you so much for coming to this interview. We really appreciate it. We are a group of four people in Human Centered Design and Engineering undergraduate program. For our capstone project, we decide to work with Nordstrom with the intent to help their customers to have a more engaging in-store shopping experience on finding clothing items. Your help is essential to us as we are trying to gain more insight into customer experiences at Nordstrom. If any of the questions we ask are something you do not or cannot answer, do not feel pressured to do so. Before we begin, would you mind reading the consent form presented in front of you and sign your signature at the end of the form? Thank you.


1. What are some of the focuses Nordstrom targets during the training for salespeople? 2. How do you generally interact with customers?

a. Do you approach them? Does the customer approach you? b. How often do they approach you or do you approach them?

3. What are some of the topics/questions you get asked most? 4. What are some of the things you most frequently get to assist customers with?

. Do you get questions related to finding items in the store? What are the questions like? a. How do you assist them in finding the items they desire?

5. How do you explain where a specific item is? . Why do you walk with your customers to show them where items are? a. What are customers reactions to your action?

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b. Ask about the customer interaction rule about taking them to where the item is and not pointing up places, do they actually do it?

6. What is your opinion on the item discoverability of clothes at Nordstrom stores? . Can you elaborate on ____? (If necessary)

7. Do you think talking to a salesperson is the best way to find items? Why? . Do you recommend other options such as talking to stylist online, other online services, etc? Why?

8. How do you know which item to recommend to customers? . What do you usually ask the customers to get their information? a. Do you go look at their online shopping history? b. Do you get their information through face-to-face interaction? c. Is there anything you do to be more engaged with the customers?

9. What are customers typical reactions to the items you recommended? . Why do you think they reacted like that?

10. Have you seen customers using technologies offered in the store to assist their shopping experience? Can you tell us more about it?

11. Lastly, is there anything you want to share with me that we haven’t covered yet?

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Interview Questions: Nordstrom Salesperson Interview Salespeople Duration: 30mins - 45mins Intent We are conducting this interview to learn about diverse perspectives on item discovery at Nordstrom stores from Nordstrom sales associates. Introduction Thank you so much for coming to this interview. We really appreciate it. We are a group of four people in Human Centered Design and Engineering undergraduate program. For our capstone project, we decide to work with Nordstrom with the intent to help their customers to have a more engaging in-store shopping experience on finding clothing items. Your help is essential to us as we are trying to gain more insight into customer experiences at Nordstrom. If any of the questions we ask are something you do not or cannot answer, do not feel pressured to do so. Before we begin, would you mind reading the consent form presented in front of you and sign your signature at the end of the form? Thank you.


1. What are some of the focuses Nordstrom targets during the training for salespeople? One of the focuses I remember understanding different types of customers and their shopping habits and how to tailor your demeanor to how they are shopping which is really nice. A lot of other companies are focused on sale no matter what and always mention promotions but with Nordstrom they emphasis on sometimes customers just want to browse and they don’t want to be bothered so recognizing that. Or some people really like to shop with someone so you go shop with them. It stuck out to me in training.

2. How do you generally interact with customers? Normally when a customer comes to my department I greet them first. I work in the young woman department and a lot of young women do not want to be bothered. Therefore, I always say hi and greet them. I normally kind of would just let them walk around themselves. I would check in with them, be like, “hey do you need help”, “are you looking for anything”. They then would say yes or no. I would make sure I am always available if they want it.

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There are sometimes especially during Christmas, or when people are shopping for gifts, then they would really ask for my help. They would ask me “have you seen some gift for my daughter”, or “I kind of want something special for someone”. I would use what I know of the products try to help them find what they wanted to buy.

a. Do you approach them? Does the customer approach you? Normally I always greet them, that is at least. It is very important to do read the customers. In terms of actual help, it is always the customers who ask first. It is like “oh do you have this” or “do you have the size”. Sometimes they would look like want help, sometimes they are lingering around or when I greet them they would ask me questions. But often, once they have a question they would come to me.

b. How often do they approach you or do you approach them? Obviously every customer I at least greet them. A lot of customers, I would normally check back in with them when they started browsing for a while. I would ask 75% of the customers if they need any help. I would say, out of those 20 - 30% would actually want help and ask me for something. I think it is the nature of my department where it was young women they often know what they want and they don’t need help.

3. What are some of the topics/questions you get asked most? 4. What are some of the things you most frequently get to assist customers with?

Yeah, sizes first. Especially I worked in a smaller store we didn’t have a high volume. In general, they would pull up on their phone and would ask if we have the item. Sometimes we did and a lot of times we didn’t. Sometimes, occasions come up. They would ask if they are going to a wedding if we have anything to recommend. Sometimes, it is like a holiday party or it is my birthday, so those are the customers who need the help the most. A lot of times I don’t just stay in my department. I go around to all those departments in the store. How do you recommend items to people? We did have some training exercises such as this type of customers they are looking for a outfit, what would us recommend. We grab something for them. There was not a specification on style, just what you personally thought would look good on the customers and fashionable. Always make sure to bring multiple pieces and give them options. They stuff like holidays and options, I always ask them their vibes, styles and what they are comfortable with. A lot of times I would ask what do you think of this dress and judging on that, then I try to find something like those. It is more experience for us, and something very natural for us to do. It is always something I observe my co-workers do.

a. Do you get questions related to finding items in the store? What are the questions like? People coming in asking if I have this specific brand or this item. A lot of times it is the brand they ask. For my department, it was a lot of younger women. A lot of times are a lot of teenagers because our department is the most affordable department. We also have college-age females and a super trendy mom. In general, more younger generation. 18 - 25 females are the main customers in my department.

b. How do you assist them in finding the items they desire? Your own knowledge of your sections. I remember all the brands in my department so I know for sure. Sometimes if it is a brand I didn’t recognize or I didn’t know. I would go to the computer, check online and search for what they are looking for on both the website and the employee site to see what they are looking for and if it is in-stock. If I knew

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the brand, I would point them to the direction. If I don’t I would use the website or the inventory database, to search for and if we have it we would always try to find it. Shipping time depends on where you get your items from.

5. How do you explain where a specific item is? If it is in my department, normally they have a pretty good layout for everything is. A lot of times I already knew where they are. If I didn’t, I would just say, give me a second, and browsing through where things are and try to find the item. When I found the item, I would say “it is over here, what size are you looking for?” If it is in another department, I would always point them to the directions. Unless they ask me, then, I would walk with them. A lot of times, I would just describe the department.

a. Why don’t you walk with your customers to show them where items are? A lot of times I don’t because I am one of the only people who work there, so it is not easy to leave. Unless someone asks, then I would go. They would want me to walk with them because they would like to shop with me, but it is not very often.

b. What are customers reactions to your action? Really appreciative. I don’t have negative reactions. I normally don’t offer to walk with them. My department is very self-sufficient so they are more interested in shopping by themselves than us.

c. Ask about the customer interaction rule about taking them to where the item is and not pointing up places, do they actually do it? In terms of time, it wasn’t feasible for my department.

d. Could you describe more on “Your Neighborhood Nordstrom”? I think it is something that was described during training because the clientele who works at Nordstrom is the local college students or your stay-at-home mom They are very the locals who go to Nordstrom. They shop here regularly and they know where everything is so that is something. Downtown Nordstrom is such a bigger store than ours so their ways of handling operation were very different from ours.

6. What is your opinion on the item discoverability of clothes at Nordstrom stores? I think it was pretty well organized in terms of where the items are. We organize our sections pretty well. Here are the youth section, savvy section and dress up sections.

a. Can you elaborate on ____? (If necessary) b. How often does a person come up to me to ask you “where can I find this”?

I would say pretty often. It depends. There are some people who just want to browse and find their own. There are some people who are running errands and in a rush, they would just come up and ask. And I would point at to them.

7. Do you think talking to a salesperson is the best way to find items? Why?

Probably yeah, because they work here for a long time and they know the products and where they are. a. Do you recommend other options such as talking to stylist online, other online services, etc? Why?

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The salesperson is the best person to find in-store comparing to a stylist because of each store layout differently where, not even just the sections but where are the clothes in the section. I am not sure a stylist would be interns of finding an item in the store.

8. How do you know which item to recommend to customers? Normally asking them questions first, what they are looking for, what are some of the occasions. Just to get a better understanding of what they want. Especially what they are wearing now is a good indication of what kind of clothing they like. Base on that, it is easy to recommend. -Would you mind giving me some sample questions you ask customers? A lot of times I would ask if there is a special occasion or something specific they are looking for. Especially when they are already planning on buying something, they already have something in mind. “Oh, I just want to have an outfit for a festival”.Then I would ask what kind of festival. Do you like shorts, skirts? Do you want to be comfortable? Then, I ask them what do you think of this item? I would bring them the item and their reaction is really telling me if it is good or not, they like it or not. I would try to recommend different or similar items depends on their reactions.

a. What do you usually ask the customers to get their information? b. Do you go look at their online shopping history?

Not really. I know you can pull it up, but often it is not like a common thing. Just because, a lot of times I know for me looking up the history is not the best approach. Especially sometimes they would be like why would you look at my history, it kinda is privacy.

c. Do you get their information through face-to-face interaction? Yeah.

d. Is there anything you do to be more engaged with the customers? I think it is always once you help them buy the item. It is important to shop with them. Once you put them in a fitting room, coming back and be like “Oh, how is everything working out”, “do you need different sizes” or grabbing them more items to try on while they are in the fitting room like an experience. Customer Reactions on the assisting The sizes are always straightforward. In terms of finding items, those are the people who are trying a lot of things. It is like for occasions, they would be trying on a lot of dresses and I am trying to give them a lot more options. There are sometimes after they find a dress, they start looking for a cover or jacket, like something that goes with the outfit. Sometimes you would go downstairs and bring them shoes so it is like a full experience.

9. What are customers typical reactions to the items you recommended? A lot of times they are really thankful and appreciative, especially, when they are looking for the full outfit. They like having that full aspect of the outfit. Normally they are willing to try it on. They would be like it is pretty cute, or like they would not have thought about it if they were looking for this myself. When they try it on and they were like it is actually nice. Especially at Nordstrom, we are encouraged to try on clothes so we know how it fits and that way we would have actual experience. Like “these jeans run

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small, I would go up a size” so that really helps because you not only know what type of clothes but how customers react. Sometimes it is like, “oh this is a super popular item, we had somebody buy it last week”

a. Why do you think they reacted like that? 2. Have you seen customers using technologies offered in the store to assist their shopping experience? Can you tell us more

about it? Besides some customers who have the Nordstrom application on their phone, that is mainly it. Normally they look online and they already knew what they want it so they come in and buy it. That would be the main thing.

11. Lastly, is there anything you want to share with me that we haven’t covered yet? Nothing new. I just wanted to make sure that in my department is pretty self-efficient. It is definitely different from someone who is looking for more engagement with the salespeople. Those are in different departments. Something to keep in mind that this is my experience.

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Affinity Diagramming Typed Out Notes Overall Shopping Experience

• Movement • Goal-driven Shoppers

• Price Driven (2) • Orderly Shopping (2) • Know The Store (3)

• Directionless • Lost (3) • Random Shopping (3)

• Total Sweep (2) • Satisfaction

• NewOpportunitiestoExplore-negative• Matchingtothingsalreadyowned(3)• Brandconfusion(3)

• AccountableconfidenceinNordstromBrand-positive• GoodCustomerService(4)• Price+BrandTrust(3)

• DisconnectedBetweenOnlineandOffline-negative• OnlineFirst(4)• TooFewItems(5)

• Didnotmeettheirspecificneeds-negative• Wrongsize,color,andstyle(6)• Price:((6)

• Discoverability • Opinion Based on shopping behavior - negative

• Easier when “just browsing” (4) • Hard to find specific items (11)

• Space Organization (4) • Positive (5) - positive

Exploring Specifics

• Reasons to Purchase/Not to Purchase

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• Material of Clothes • Importance of Material (3) • First touch (5)

• Need to check TAGS (4) • Occasion (5) • My Closet (4)

• How they shop • Opinion on services (2) • Criteria for trying on (2) • Independent shoppers who know what they want (5) • Salesperson interaction

• Negative (4) • Positive (1)

• Friend Factor (2) Item Discoverability

• Signage • Positives (2) • Better Design Needed

• Indescriptive map/directory (8) • Reason (1)

• Unappealing (6) • Indescriptive brand (4)

• No Signage use (3) • Item > Sign (3)

• Phone Usage • Positive (3) • Negative (2)

• Salesperson • Frequency

• Seldom (3) /Never (5) • Always (2)

• Positives (5) • Not Welcoming (5) • What they ask

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• Misc (3) • Size (5)

Shopping method

• Online • Positive

• More Information • More Option (3) • Recommendation (3) • Know Sale Season (2) • Online features (2)

• Convenience • Easy Price Look (2) • Convenient factors (8) • Time Save (2)

• Negative

• No Fit • Can’t tell size (4) • Can’t try on (3)

• Shipping • Non-sustainable (1) • Long Shipping Time (2)

• Bad Website UX/UI (5) • Recommendation feature (1)

• Instore • Positive

• Physical Look • Try-on (6) • Right size (2) • Touch (2)

• Buy Immediately (1) • No perfume scent at clothing section (1) • Can’t interact and get help from salespeople (1)

• Negative

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• Logistic Troubles • Time (3) • Getting There (3)

• Limited Selection (5) • Told to go online (3) • Hard to view inconvenience (1) • Information lost- don't know when sales happened (1)

• Preference • Online Mainly (6) • By Time- Online (5) • Online -> In Store (3) • Prefer In Store (1)


• Why Nordstrom? • Good style and quality (6) • Store Design (3) • Good Services (6) • Frequency

• Depends on if they have time (2) • Monthly (2) • Rarely (2)

• Magic Wand • Different organization (4) • Online (2) • Finding Similar Items (4) • Better Existing Services (2) • More Selection (2) • Know Me (3) • More Visibility (2) • My Closet (2)

Client’s Priorities 1). Maintaining the Nordstrom brand of always engaging the customer

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• Fits their style, lifestyle, and needs 2.) Helping the customer leave the store with confidence in whatever they purchase 3.) Customers being able to find th2e items they need easily in the store

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Affinity Diagramming Formatted Notes

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