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W M tb * r: r*vt1y d M ^ jr l i g h t and t o . . . ' r « v .

N O . 9.925



*i| lii>li I t Th* N E W A R K , N . J . . W E D N E S D A Y , O C T O B E R 2 0 , m S . - T W E N T Y - E I G H T P A G E S . T W O C E N T S .



B d fin Clami Railway c : Cat, but Serbs D e^

Success.INViUlERS NEARING MSHI W ip e s t h fo r a a t io i S la lM T ra­

i n F ircra E f« d J r a d i n W est e f S e M i i l r i i . - .



J ir ttb til* S trv U n t b a t t l ln t t . a p . r . t t p i r ta* . <h a m aaiur*. «• cU ti|it4 . ■ •acafaU tT j a c a ln .t Ih . T .u lo n a In l b . no rtb , Ih , In v td ln t B « lt» r arm lM , r , f w U a t an a t . a r i a t i / ' 'p e l a t t , aa4 L a a ta n l i a t lha aplntMl t h t i lh a kiai(> 4 , m Ii In f a v a ta n a a r a r b a ln t av*r< w htln iaa b t i h , lavaalan . from th , aaiat. n t a a t a l a t that n a ta w .r than « lah t l a l a a r ealunna ara la ^ r v l . n l , r -

Tha . Wanlkl-Nlah n J lm p lltw la ihiaalaiMd at varlaiu tatnta. aad Ua fp e r t that It «aa aetually ru t la lha aalalibnitiaat at Vra. ala la, • apparaatljr, boma out. Tha tarba. hawaTar. rlilin that tha U alaara h a r t baaa throwa' Eiack haaa anti that tha llaa ta atm atarklnt. Tha IlU ltara ara ad .aoh tn t In lha airnettnn of Klah, BiiO ana a m x la laid ta ba an lf th lr tr - flva ailiaa tronrtbal city. B altara h a .a captliraO lha lawn of R trl Palanka. an t haaa aaeap l^ iatib and Katchana, In Kaathatatarn Sarvla. annaane.d graatar- t a r aa ahandonad br tha Sarba

It la npo itH tram Budafaat that Aar- ma« and AuatTo-Huagarian troapa oparat- tha aoiith at tha Danuba b a n .tfactad a Auactma WHi ot ■amcndrla. ThI. would aalaUlab th*m ahoul twalva mllaa In •aavla. Bartin auarta turthar a d n a n a aouth a t tha Daauba.

,Tka larrtana claim to h a .a rapulaad lB | Tautoni with haavp toM tn tha ra. ttafe a t Uabata. on tha Sava. Tha Tan- toril oay tha adnhea oa tha hhahata la praaaadtna.

It ta aaaatlad In aa Albaht dlapatoh that AlUad tnapa ha .a aat ouaaHad hirum aitta. Thia, hawarar. map m tan that ani^ latTlBn aaMlan ara In (ha city raporla4 tabaa from tha Bulgara.

ItaaaAh hat 4arUiad war aa Bulfarla. (.aaao^rapailr that an tu lta n aqaadioa

nadat aaalad ordera ta taha tha A tftaa iMoahada. .It it aur- Tha Italian praat nnd pnhlta ara

ta l l to loppait (ha BhAban aatlaa H la- lahtriad that a ibotoa aampaign Jw iatea aaataal Matitaaatra la ta ha


W A SH IN C T W rO el. 20— Pratidcnt Wilton today tifn ad a ptoclamalion givint notice of lha MtitiaUly of the Unilad Stataa in riit war Mtwaan Sarata and Bui- gnria. The procUmabon w ai nioni the tame lencral hnet aa thoae already iuued covtiing lha w an between other nationi.


C m i S m ic e l is t , with Three C u - M a te s fer Cratsw. te E ip r e


ONEXo n e !

Oct repartiu a p p H ,fremihaMear Beet Jadteale tha t • a n ia la ta daadly daaiar a( hata* payr>

t Baigar a rm a a (aa -hath epatBM' fM*

larrivarjf.Tha Aaatta-OanMa fatwaa a ra a i-

aaoAlnv tiawly but ataatWy, Ibair latait malm balnh that a JonoUaa haa haaa aftaetad by Qannan and Auatra* HaBfarlaa traapa, ta tha waot af ap> BtaMria. Tha rmiraad hitwaan IHah a id ■hlanihi haa aaan en t It ta taltar- alad, hr tha Baldwlaiia. awaaptaB aaar tht'tiw atlar la nparlar namheiw.

BOMB, 0«t. n .—The B ultartaiu haaa haaa thrown eat at Traala and tha 8ataatk1-mah Ballraad la woohlnc un- lateirttiBUdir. acaardinc to a diapatah Aadap new Ataaaa

A M nW l Oat l a —Balfar fireaa. iw> •tdfad ta aa tha -nmla hrmr" «M ar OWmeal BaaalebtW. a t« It la atatad baam only thlrtgr'Brc mllaa (tomi Nlah. ’ iOrtA, Oat. M BaaUn and Aat- atatdaa).—Tha War Offlaa annauaaad toBhir that Bai|aHM traapt,bad aap- taaad Um Barataa berdar town of I bh

Announcwmwnt wai m«4« hy PriM» Idwnt AUitndwr R. Fordyet Jr. thla ftftwrnono (hat w11 liitt In unif*rm*4 d«|>*rtBWTilf In iht »tiU ihnt linv* prw- viouily wipirwd nnd wer* toMovwniHir 1 will wwplrc on that dot*. Ttolt plpo Includtt thw llsCB iK*t oxplr* M of thfei dxtt. and th«r* will bo no forthwr oxtonolona of any llaia. TTiia doclalon raipca ou( th* Hat of thra* npnt*a of candidal** in ih* polic* d** partmant h«r« who are allflbl* for pro­motion to th* rank of captain.

Th* lloia were *il*nd*d unitl Nov*m- bar I b«c*uM of floanclal roaaona. B*- caui* of th* numeroua aaamiaatlona iba commiHion haa held dOrtap tha yo«r Ita appropriation waa «thauattd and th*r* wer* no (tindfl iTallabU Id hold o«- amlnationa- Th* eommlaaton will r*> ootw* Ita p*xt appropriation Nevembar I and will b* In a po*1t|^ tp conduct all axamlnatlona that may bw po^nlrad.

Th* polio* ll*tfi*nanti affa«t*d by th* ord*r ar* J*Mph K. Bbart. Ifnlorand Edward A. K*ogh.ra TH* Slot of palrolmiB *lltlbl* tor promotion lo 1H« rank of parfoant alao paaoaa aat «f ot- Iptonaaa **

Tbert le ns ltd i t the preaant time a t dlclblaa to tha rank ot llaulanont. and aa auiBibatlan for that poaillon wilt ha bald aa aooa aa pooalbla. Ao- oordlap ta Colenal irordyea, thora ar* .acondaa la th* pollOa dapdrtmant to ho tlllad by man o( lha lltelanant rank.

Mr. Ferdyoa eald that tba PoUea Board bne datnIM aorpaanti and potrolmoa to do tbe'eama work li tk t dotoetlva boraae aa iko llovttfianta ara porform- iRf. Tba ooianliolonor eialme th a t tha hMrd bai tha right to aadga nay of thaoo mao to tha dataatlwe hproou (or 0 atatad parlod. hut that it la aat proper to MIoll them there for «a Indaflalu“ K

Oelokal rordyoa etatad that wtu hp |oM nhortir After the on-'

ta be eegtueied by tha Bthio Keolth tor the oniao offloo.

bleto beard wIB b M Ito Okamt t. ead the reeulta will ba oa-

•oaneed vllhin (on |ayo after.

i \ /// '■

miwittop 1 mIm J of ITaa data


I l i t o n i i r t M I h n b y U lW U n r a C e i i ^ f r m lA w li-

I* flmmLIB^wil V tfEEl WEbw*

n r RED AND n o n K i m n- M H O ni, det. M (hy -wlralaoe).—Bwt- n r l a a troopd haea aaptarod I h H larW eni and twatra eannoa, tba Oar-

W ar Offteg aABonnead today. 11m (Wlk f f ipi r t OP opofatioao ia the

ghk Uioater of war-wao Ipoa e l:I tba BadNB Wielilar of war Aoatf*.

j n S X l l X T MIS dth «oittmk.>


tfl i t R o o i t i ' E i m q r ' A i l l '

l a y S f a t e d a U k m t e U f . . . , ,

B t t M T i r a W H I E S S E D

B p i a i n i l i k i i M b r P i i i n wkbdRiWii StiypiI h A B I O T m B AT I N S

\Batitgf hiiUlerr PMiBemebta, * lu«

U (bo flibtinc ehwa tba aatliw eMttorn ftok t le yepeilkd today tn the rtooeii of­ficial etatamead. OaneaA »nptd-*io ewM o re . dedared to Hoto bdon Mleeieml tn the aeetnr ot tAboph.. Teutonic bombard' rnobip m tho<tkh»o rogtoa and botwoen tha itouet and Mooella neetk of tB ro reiin n)W topnrtod.

korltn'e offSoiel annontMemoni today itaw e that noM HeinhAt non Hindoh burgra lofno* haM pdeahOpd fu rth o r 14 lha opdrelltma hbant M oa, moultia norlhoaet nnd nottherept o t K ltau. In thp.woitern oporetFoni it hi nlntdd thnt thoiaorpM e hnuo enptured tth .,r(o n eb .(irtMnorp nertbonot of f*ntt»y.

Alo«« iho tmrtetn (Nat. ncttrltp id omi- fioed M tha two torn of the Iona h U te Haa. Tba Oarmaaa are prhaMai i tM r aftiiHive In. the nartlwm a ra tf nday mpa, wMk oeaeril Im noft (AMam, oav' »M puuBearea for wa k iM laa arm y b Oaiiela. A Bhchareel (Mpadth, howorar, rtatae tha AnKtromarmnao- h au t heaa thraM M hhaaUPB tburaowlce. aa la«pn»> U nt fMMbpe la .tiaiMn. ao tho twault at ^ kiplinh a th tm along thn BtrygA Kf%dr. ffrA

Bdporii reeplred tw pM t$m from tab- AlUee an tba waetarn fro n t niw lahoh

> data hhAhnea not tor j aaia lnatlow > goidUraflir bbalih oUllikm of tb ta

Y Bidtag atop a wtad-awapt frmgtii ttala iw thli tnw bmn. Joke Rynn of Whita- bartea ka.. «ae ea banumbm that ha top- Ptod frnm hie berth when t(M ear aeappad with a Jerk early today at Uw Lobigh Taney CMght yatda In llaeher nvanua A wnrbman diaeorered klai lying on tba iiwaad maaMng boMr. At tha d tp Hoa- pltal watm broth and n aofl bad arara glvpk Htm.

Itom tba daptba of a eomtortaMa chair la Iba heapllal, Byaa i«|it ba fMt pretty

A braiead lift teg, wbleb ha nantd teadarly. an* the only •ppuuni

wente of hla long aid wdnena ntp. Haring dOcMad to eoma to thin city r a fob, Byaa ealOBted an outgoing

freight at WhBehnyen ne Me manna of tranapertollen. Fer yeua bo boo boon enniayid byroe tehlgli Volley BmSroad and ba batw a aboat fraMM tralno. Ba nitntoltol ea tap of one M the n o rtw aara yeaterday, lha ttsralar aettlad btna-

If aatatortahly/ Ao the traia gntbered amaatmn ha Maud that all ho eotdd do M to bold an.Byaa didn't want to MB iJw em r Itoit

ha ana aa naiatited peeewger. oo he te iB to hie mady ptoM. Aa the wtad eeatdhel Ua Mothtag with pmMttailog

tape and aiaw nttftoned. ha waa eo nnmb that hg eggida’t gnd -whea tha train reanBad thla

elir alwnt l a'ahNk tbie maralaB' it*' dud- ' m algp lallad ^ a ft -

Ba aaU that hto Btomato trip hadn't tha lenti dewpaadd Ma ardor tor O o h

M. An man iP hn to aMto ha aalA, hawaeM arh top U hlBh'lhator BdBuad ainmato U tbay Oaadad g gang tMwt,waiher. , i>.._________ ^

T O O w n D m i i a . ' n m i n u R i i i E i c i i E N(XiKaTAtrriifdPtJB Oet i t trl* Ima.

doa, O*. m .- ttm toSowiito olficM admmtat do. haaa toaam by tha IBmtoMh W ar offWo! ■ -

•Va too Dardikldm front bar rinan- aattoriag gallM attaehad too wtawy Baa- day night had throw Um« booh to toabr mala Utnehoa eoaptog haavy toaorn.

artglwT ahd baaih angagaatotito ^ Art Burau and B a M ^ Biihr.

Thera ana ictblni at inpordaaM aloa- wli»re." , - ■ ■ .■ '

M E R K I N E N m U T i n *^ j p E T R ( t o m K o r a

WAIMU<tlTOB..C«t. AwheeeihdorGMAart at Berlin oaUad ta tey th a t bo had tahon up tha duaa of Milo. Joanno pa Baliavllta end Mma Thuiloi. ioti- toMOd ta death h r UaraMfi antharMdB

' aaga )h Baigttiip, end that Iboy would be reMlered. Hta inan-


F ir s t Cktef A r a s r a c t i C a i M i c r r a l f i i p l u B q B b P T r a s d

t o k s u O t f i c avA iw niii B u n r i f f r i i i t

OOMBl FALAfBO, Btota of ttorongo, Ifeiloo. Oct. Id (fla Bogle Page. Tax., Oet, I t) .—OMoral Vanuatlane C nm naa ennounead today that ho would ba a candidate for tha Proeldeney at Meiloo. The etatemanl waa mado o n er tha FIrai Chief word of tba raeogattlon of hto govammant by the United d tataa

"I hare n t .a r baaa Praoldoat. but only Oovamor of Coobulla and tha Flral Chief of tm Conetliutlonallel army," aald Ooaeral (torronta. 'TIawarar, tharo la notU ag to py.vant the Flret Chief fraw being a eandidata.”

BUaao Arradmdo, the Cenatltutlonal- tol agont a t Waihingtori. ta axpaetad ta aiTlra In aboat a w .th witb tha of- ftolol paparo bearing tha United Stataa Owrommaat'e rtoognitlon of th . da tooto goToraniant. ,

"1 ia not a aa t to be rMogaiHd aa PrapManl,’' eontinurf OoDaml Catraiae. "Wblla I had control of tha govammant machinery I wai not Praaldeot. I ehall not try to hold n gmeial eloetton In Mex­ico a t o n e . The t in t etop will bo to call Ivenl dooUoae (or the chooeiug of.munlct- pal autimrtllee. la the meantime, we ihall ■at nboul reotorini otdar and, by tha tlma tbe muoMpal atecUoni are held, there will be a eompatani legal ayetem In effect and proper aulhoritlea will be in offtoa to goorantee the geoulMneia of the elec­tion of deputlea.

"Tho Cbamber of Oeputlea. thon, will bo atoombted to approve dccreei and re- torma that have atnady bean promul- gatod by too CoaetllutlonaUita. Then win follow too atoellone of Oovemore and, nhaUy, that of tba m aldent."


WAjBmNQTOM. OoL td.—PraeJ'dont Wllaon today daeUrad an embargo on all arme and aminutotlon ahlpmento Into Mcxica. The ordar waa anoonnead tbreugh gaaratary of g u ta Lanalns. Aganta of tho -(rraaiury O apartnunt will have oharga of aetorelng tha o n - tnrgo. They will ho Initneded th a t all ehipmonle ol anea and am m iiniutn are to bo held a p BpeMel Pe ip lte will he leeaod tor a r«g doelred by Oeneral ranaa, raoagwiead yaetordar an

• ( 'th e dc (aeto goverameni a t

WMh toe pUrlng of the arme and am* munttlea embargo on Maxloo, ^ c l a l a hera beHayo the oaDapao at Oanaral vnia'e eauN li naiw.


M u r B o r n D is ^ r r a iU i W ra tb r t* Si c V W l’t S e ra Di m t t


■ arar and g ffloWlp fla Bp In Tog to Mlle-Cewn dtooh. While Orowda at t Mtem Tiemg Newdoem Where Onco peela at W ain B nd HoagnMoao. Plage Ply, Boato Tool OtI thorn and Rnninca mirflng Ta and Pra diva Al. af ladaatry to nectolnttd Load,

r age )h Migttiip, and th a t tbay would he repriorod. Hta tnda* •ag a Of Thtok the F t^ c b Onwomnwnt

bnp been advieed, wag In roaponoo to OhMad inetnAlond (fom Boerotary u m - •tkg. a t (ha raguMi ‘o f - AmbonnMOr JuOoatand. . ____ ‘

RrlAT SM f S i t O K a S l i i l

UMthtoe ftodturaa of tha eirine and two a t * i t tOB leg , were rtveMed reoie an X*nur ei emhmtleg of dmerb .

aino M m oM. a labor Ig < y r HtoFdbc —

t t i PbHiHdl Itognto »**d» .*d <tol


t o * . I w W iA h . t o * . F t i e t o l ,I ts. B r r a ii. Dr. S b w u 4

Jm M B Rg IVra|BII i^M E d

m i s n s t n r o i r a m o a

S tan in i; Blow Dealt bjf the E led o n ie la A d ro o to o f Eqnai FraaddM

Ihroughout State.coNsnninoiC^^m is beatenE i c c i i ConieM H iatioM F i r o r e l ■ E s s e x , b i O l k r

C o iD t k s P i e U p S o i c i e r i M iy o r itM s t o D d c i t b .

HEAVY POU INDICATES GREAT POPULAR DTlERESrUnder a a tig iofin i htov woman eu ffrttt wtnt down to dofMi i t fWo FoUa

throuAbdut iFie Hite In the apocitl congtilaiionsl ■mdtidnMM etoctloa ynedsto day, by ■ mhlerliy that may eogr nbort 4D,000.

Twenty of (be twtniy*ono eountlte In Now Jo n ty tfgtod idiglMi woiMd tuflrggt, the one cxMpilon boln« O enn County, wbort, tlfbooih thn ratorM are Incompltte, tbert ii no giwetlon tbal tbo milerlty Id f a n r nl Bto chAa|* will exceed 200.

While Aiuret u to the vote on the oiber two propogod imewlawMs i n f i r from complete, ihe indfcaiioni are thni they worn badly detentod. Tlwy did not even carry In Ocean County.

Eieex County, which w ti regarded ae the wedge by which auffrafc wdoM bo made nr broken, rolled up a mtjority of 14,288 ggalnit tbn nwdndtoiBt, nbllc the city of Newark, where Jim et R. Nugent and hit DonieenHc orftoi* Milon worked ggeiaet the imendnMni, returned a malerity df 11,178.

Al in Eeeex, the efforit of Mr. Nugent in hie nntagMiem to ib t luVraia ceuM were rcnocted In Hudeon, Union, Peewlc, Bergen and Camden coualtM. m eonw of tbeoe it wgi eppertnt ihoi tbe Republican orgggltition bud antond Inin the Nugent ipirli of ihe 6ght and big adveraa maloriltts warn th i croaequanca. ,

Only five munldpalillct In Euex turned a fitrorabia oar to tb t awotlu of appoali by tbo lulfragleta, Eaaf Orange, Bollovlllo, Nuitoy, GlM Ridge and South Orange Tewnihlp being tbo faithful few. Eaar O f i ^ aarv rled the amendment by a malerity of lOl votta, BolIevlUe by fnrly-olgbl, Ngtliy by forty-two. Clan Ridge by eeven and South Oranga TowaaMg by alitlynw.

In tbe city of Newark tbe luffraglata ware agccaaaful in but gfioaa of ti |t 180 voting dlftticta. In tha Third Ward tha Slitb and Tenth dUtricU, eon. taining a healthy Sodallat population, f a m td tbe amendment, while ta ilto Eighth Ward, a F^grtw ive Republican bnFHwIek, eeven out af tbo feurtoon dUirlcta returned alight maiofiiiee, but omugh to give tin ward newr w tiif etuee by ninety.

In Rvt of tbe eleven dlitricta In the Elaveatb Ward, ia which tba PM> greaaito vote la predominant, the euffraglela received mafhrillei, and In ihO Fifteenth Ward they captured a lone dletrict—tbe alghtb.

in tb t Face of tba overwhelming returna the tnffrtgitia, Ihmugh Mrt. Lit* Utn F. Fflckart, prealdont of tho New Jtraoy Women Suffrage AiiaetittOB, charged fraud on the part of the political machinaa. Mora oonoarvtilva I n d ira, including Mre. Mina C Van Winkle, p/ealdent of tha Wemen’a PallllctI UalaB, regarded the outcome aa a etep forwari In the dtrnaad for the bnllM.

Tbo dtfeai of the luffragt amendment waa ae •antral la Ito ebafaetof that even la rrlaotton hi wbkb Freildtni Wilton can hla balM iafavor of ixtthding tba franchlaa to women waa won over by thia tnU t hy • matority af abeul Afiaan votai.

The whoMkle dednettone to the lenka J hie feltowere and the ahatttot ^ f of hi# aouree of Mtaglr of arme and em- muaFtten. they ear, wfli p r r ^ vilin troai heMlna tow* territory. The o p i ^ to freely aapreeaed to^lbatonn etoetoe Imre M t toeder of Iheeqmrtled con* Twatton roreee .wlU m e from the ew»-

finmtog Id aa Ambeaaadir to Mea- top epeunnea to oauea much epeeuleihiin here, famph w. Pent.'feriMr Oov.mor a t Hlmonrt and new apaolai couneetor

toe Interalato Coaunerea CotomlmlMi,, ■ml regarded a« toe protnble mlee-

topn. Hta friana. today pointed out that hto week to ton eettitag ot etolma wM dm tatereUM Uomtoerre Coematoatoa and eageetnlly gualtlHd him for the Mae- toan peat wtuaw toe Mg pvoMea for yonra wm bo aeilltog Hto rtoinu agnlaet the Hoglenn tHwernawM.' M in B. ggBmna. Coneni, wax today

ordend to retBrii a t ottoo to Vtin Orua and wind dp btk work Ibero kiM tlwa

eaen to Battllto* Mo former .Foot Father aaaaiien at CMoaga, nprveMl*.

tag a eamdUltoe of tJatlioae etergy iiMt ttoa tahea eare ef pHeato whe fled from BtetMto'’ omttorhid teddy witk gearetary RmniBig regarNlag Meeddna gtotlom it waa aadeiwine t ■ Mmt' Btoratavr ,Uiailng gaua Mkt-aagdiatoldi Btot'tM prtigta eaa reinm, to .MtoMr Bi daldtr ao ;hMg aa' toey db a rt tatifitoi to ptottoal «da»* of toat. natiiitoy- - ;'«w ■■


(aad wtoetoH operaMra of thn Atlnatto eeaet have vjtod for h §•■•*«> etrtfca anleea ebetr eemnada are grantpd, »o-

^eardtag to to t mmOnaeameni today by ■aortMry MnatiMMto They demand a a inrrehoB rnlelag the Male tt* to tol

Port Newark Tomnlnel thla efterwean drew meay Newerkere whe braved the unpleeiant weather to eet e gllmpee of the development on the bay front where. If tha vltlono of today come true, greet ergoilea of eommeroe will ride at anchor botoro many yeere, carrying the world's good* to Newark end Newark'! waras to all tha pointe ot the earth. It wee evident from the de­mand for tlckete tor Ihe trip within the laet few dnye (hat the proepeot of rain had kopt hundred!* away.

Hetaphoricalty epeaklng, thoee whe went were wltnveeee at tha placing of a mtlaelone to mark the oompleltoa ol th* flret unit tn the groater development plen that ha. teen talked of (or year*. They ■a«r a eireteh ot dry land down to th* aater'a edge, wad* by ecooplng gravel from tbe bottom of lb* bey and dumping It on th* maribV. boggy moedowi, but what they viewed In ihat reepect waa leto than lie aoree. while nearly 1,000 aeree of utireelairaed land lay all about tham within the Newark llmllx and another vail eeetlon of elm- tlar wait* aeroee th* Bllinbeth line. It wae aaey for them to ■** that what had baen den* with a few aoree can be don* with alt

Wbon to* tug Henrietta, with Mayor Kayntond, th* Board of Werke commle- otonara aad other oUy ofttclato. eteamed up tbo’inUad ohnnnal where eao* Ped­dle ditch flowed odorouely to the eea. Iho vliitoro had an ocular demenatm- tkm M- phat can bnppen all over thto np^one kay front. The boat tiad ap ,M a dock nearly a mil* In length, WWch le but toe flret in a cbala of dooko that will form many mllaa of go- ooauaodallone for^.Mi<Plilngi H Fort Ifowark VTormlnal Ilvbe up to tbo ex­pectation*.

Ovat a wM* tarraln where non* but tbo mooualto, th* rail bird nnd too maekvit vontufed prevloue in aboat elgiitoen nmathn. ago. n throng df moa aad womoB traiapod toddy. Plngi wnr* flying; bAade wor* playing, ttdlan worn puffing to and fro* tuga worn tootlag att okoro, whii* th* pnbllo mad* thoir ftrot taapootlen' of th* dovotopoaont aad had an opportunity to dooid* for thorn- oilvto WiiMhor tbo 4I.**B*M nlroady laont thov* hM beoa roallp worth wbll*. JHayor itoyntood aad former Mayor .flkefB Hbtuaiing weM gtvaa o aoiey wol- eoae* wbon tbey attodt* fram to* tfenri- oMo to' tba dork .wttoN oeTerhl thoumnd poopl* 'wore waltlBg, Bowm oa* to efowd' raloed a ladgb by erytoi to to* Mayor: "treiootM to ieur cMy." Tbo

Fivo of lb* prtaolpalo who figured prominently In the eurfrag* oampaign, Inoludtag Jam** R. Nugeat, the laader af lha Oemooratlo orgaalxatloa In Baoex Couaty, Mtued italemente w ly thla memleg ae eoon a t ll wae dettaltaty known how the electorate of the etal* had dtapcood of th* woman euffrag* amendment.

Mra. Mina C. Van Winkle, preitdent of Ih* Wotnen’a Political Uoloa, In- olatod that tha vtotory waa net of th* "antic" a t an organlMtlen, but of lha polltloat boeoea and other Iniereete whito need the "antln" ae a ehleld.

Mrt. B. P. rttohort, peteldent of the New Jersey Woman guffrag. Aaoocla- tloD, Bitrihutad th* dofeal te alleged fraud*, declaring there had been coloni­sation of voltro and that th , unnum- bend official ballets warkwl again et th* outfraglata Dr. Anna Howard ttltaw ■ent a maiaag* of encouratenient to (he New Jeroey euffraglota tnalnltln- Ing that th* reaulle were not In reality a lose to (he eauhe.

Mrs B. Terde Breete, pr.eldent et the Now Jerety Association Oppoaed to Woman Butfrage, was In a more cen- cillstorr mood than bar opponent* In dleeueelng th . outcome ond .xpreeeed the hope that the women of the etat* would get together ae non-parllaani and work (or aoelal and civic batl.r- meni.

Mr. Nugent'* etatement Wat a tribute to the etate'e electorat* In having de­feated the amendment and a eever* critldem of the luffraglata from other ■tate* who had worked In the cam­paign here.

What Men. Voa Wlnkto daM.'"Thio ihould not be coneldered ua a

victory tor tho antl-euffraglets a* an organlaatlon." eald Mrs Van Winkle, '"but more In the nature ot a triumph for th* corrupt polltloat Influencee and other evlle that hid behind the cloak of the** men and women who bellevod that they were following th* trend of right thlnhlng poople. Of coure*. w* have no method of determining tho ea- tent te which th* efforu to deoelv*. enplovod h r uertain partlaan mnohln* leidera have been checkmated by our


with flra excdptlon of Ocein, re­corded maiorltle* igalnat tho woman tuff rage amendmani. Hare ia tbe tabulation of aati- mated miloritica:Atlintlff .....................Bergen ......................Burlington . ..........Camden .................. .Capo May .................Cumberlaad .............Eaaex ........................Clouccater ................Hudeon .....................Hunterdon ...............Mercer ....................Middleiex ............... .Monmouth ...............Morria ....................."Ocean ....................Poaaaic ....................Salem ......................Somerset .................Suaaex .....................Union ......................V atvrn ....................





7 ,5 ^510





49,009"Ettimated to have given a pro

malorjiy of about 2/So, malting tbe total maloriiy againai 48,889.

itad to toe pveaant and fovmar tiva of tb* eHy reoombted A

eoAgiy tolr. On aU Mad' vondora of toy'eUlf.

ntoeniSthpcul reoombted A

bgitofiiA*, peakuia. ate., wor* crying holr wnrtd Add to* crowB bad a. boUday aapeei,

. Among too** tbat, arrived with to* BlaypF and Hr. Bag«AI|ng wor* Morrl* B. Bharrord. eb)et < «m *ar o t too 8*d{d Ot Worb*: • ; Hrto M edy. aoor* t a r r t o tM Ma p m : dlltp Conaoel Bpauld tug Itogev. Flro OogikiliiHanj f o OUbort B. (!PMM M i IA Blakg Itorvlngtim, n l iM coaamiitoioMri VTagevMM^ Bnd- ddhltotob ddtoi H. Oonm iir . Fregorio Btoalow and’JdfcB t> Betd. 1Ai Ownaal*- aloiMO* io b a BbtofA. A. VUdvIoh ■wolA. Bobort U Boon, M M U OaiPolt «»d TbddM* Proaton: Board f t WdvBa Onb- mlalBeno* PAtrlek M. B m Albort H, m r to u a p fe l . A rtour B. boAMes and WlUUun Tvtod I r . t AaaaaMgagt OpwhiM- BBkor B arry to ONMoooU, Ohtof f t F*< ll*o‘Hlalto*l T. Lmug. ^

Tbo oHy gnoat* woe* torilMd whau the aovommedt vovonua editor Moutoul- liy Oloamto .|M o Bowork't M port boariag I K m tiia m r H. (Hto im p o n a a t Now Toito AAd W i aoevotarp. Tboma*.am* mwwwwmaimam i.wopweTwWgnegW-"y *" m'wr" -eMwMMiMHb

(Ccwtohimd to l l to liigd^ la» oolukigj

eipoourea."W ith tbo experlonee w* have gained

wo onn and will, first of all, aaalst our ■latern la th* other um patgn eUtem to Whoa* loyal ouppon wo owe a deep debt of grotltud*.

■Waal, ero purpoto to tab* port In th* contest to aeoor* (or all the women of ail to* ototoo to* M o ra l franehlao through amendmont to th a OonaUUtlM of th* Ualtod gtote*.

*Ta to* oomiag aeoslon a t th* Imgta- latuto of lb* atot* w* purpoo* to soeur* th* intvodwHlto of bUlo which w* ro- card *0 vHol to to* Intarwto of th* women and oAltdron of lha atata, and placo bolund to* blU* to* lafluonc* of tlw

**TVa’ imv* built up during our oam- palgn a ooitnd body of IntelllganI pub- 11* opinion among mon and womoa; w* hava'stirrod a now and living Intereat In m anor* ot govarumoni.

"Th* vital force ao eeoatod will not(Oenanuod ea w poga, *ito tol.M dJ

O M n AND O lO LBt, RMIECASTItortlp eloui^totd*hl and'ioMfviow,

oootar: modotiAto aoutborly wind* b o d ­ing ntoleriy, I* th* official weatbOi l»n- caal for NtwilB and victolty.

TBa .ttmperatura *t I Cim ^gtampenHura *1 * Cotpek thi*__ ,_-.-g wai Mim aS u to ’n^T e S itiii i i pdf Tiimt, JJ J^ aouthwom flv*.


mIM k t o ^ t f of an took ofniile' w^ TMlarilAy'* kjgbeat um poratof* woo t i dtotoba, too hrwoot H aad ttm avor- ago A h Th* kuslm am horntgitp wa* iT p o r «*nt, th* mlhlffiam I* agd Ih*

A aeuthwaot ilx-iatid wtiid

yaar *ga today th* tomporntuv*T l to 14


More than a ecere of complaint* were received by Clerk Wateon Rodematin of the County Board of Rlcettone, leet night, from voter* who were prevenled from oaatlag a ballot after th* olpelng of the polle a t T o'clock. Many of the inetanooe ecourred in Ible city, and a few from th* eubnrhe were reported.

In eom* Inetanoea voter, complained tb a t they had been permitted to enter the polling place* bofor* the cloeing tlmw and when the polls war* closed wor* permitted to regtiter but wore de­nied the right tocaot hallote *n the oM- '■tltutloual amendmenra Othor reporta wor* rooelved from voter* who had atood In Hnae outside th* polling pianos, aw aiting their turn to vote, for aoino time before T a'olock, and who war* blared when that hour arrived. In the** eaae* (he complainant* felt th a t the board* should bar* pormltted tho** In Ua* to entor and votih and bar say who arrived after tb* olosing time.

tw. Bodemann explained hi* under­standing of th* oleetlon I*w on th* point lavolvod. Ho voforved to Bootlon Tl, of lha (ioran.aot, which provldo* th a t th* nuaihor o t votor* who shall bo ollowod within tb* ‘TailN Molaoaro". oholl b* not move (han tw o la oxoeaa of the number o t huotoa bt Hi* pMo*. Th* aame oootloir aid* prWrido* M at after th* pdlhi <Mm to* dlitrint alaatlon hoard* shaU vot* w ly tow numboi' of porooM lofgflP ontitled w ho wiihin


% A ! v % i x n e t

variad ftom . „ . ag nfarag* of 414.

degri is, oiriB Int T |o 4oy wa* olanf.

Kaaouilv* tor mahafaoittring c«MMm ■Moged M imtoiug eamMal aa* Mgli

E T tM iki w m baattoeM oA lptn Hatil NOW lark . Thursdtp. O e u m « , te dm oaiva ponmnai epgUoatlees tor th* ahAi*

,O iw muMrlttH bmwIIIooi ■« n i>nly m uM rlni bmWow ■» « m

& - vl ■KiTiftv' T. if '

C M J F O I I U I N N E N S n i N G • ' M U I I R D I F I R M I M T M I M l

WABHIKaTOir. *Ml. *».—1b* 0*11- foopla Woman VotofsT lm t* a p4a«» lagdOmr atiawpi to o h « * T ro o ti^ t Wndotfs IndonotnoM Of a .oawatIM- ttawri asMOdAtoft in favor of^urdmonMfffAB*. A d*I*a»tl*o to -0 1 ^ 0 ttoyhoto from California lo oto tin PnsiisAMNiQ*

IgkMWvy TdwiNy imtoy f^***"*!,,^ srfnAgo As auolenae tor tho datosAltto antlTli* hae boito 4 writtok of ouadtiok* It la deolrod I* aak to* Frasldont— . . . . - - - - ®

* ' n 6 S 2 & S ^ 2 7 5 d k £ ‘ ' * ‘'* * * * . TtAivtolBsminA

Tk* election In Bimx CohOty V#.' suited in the Iminreing of but oM of tbo trU of conetltttllenal amendmahlo—toad providing for eieee* condomnatton. Tbs two amendment* that tell by Iba wato aide war* tboaa upon whiob tbo Daom ocrutic machine bad mad* a viforoog fight, giving almost a* muob ttm* to *to lacking th* plan to m*k* osklef tlto method of amondlng lha coostUttilNt, ae te throttling tb* auftrag* anHwA* ' menl.

If there w „ any underutandiog ba* tween the leader* of Ih* two dantaang., political parties tor a combtnnUaB fight tgainst the tufftog* aetendwont a CO* must have ellppod eomawhofth Thic wae Indicated la eaveral of tod ' disiricts u-her* It was ooofidtntip ak« peeled th* comblaed voteo at tb* Bo* publlcaae and DemooraU would gd against (he amendmeat aad plls UB greater majoriue* Ibau ware dletlsotd.

Few gon.ral election*. If afey. outaldo of Prceldentlal year*, devatoped any. treater Intereel than ytalerdbpe bat­tle. A total of SBItt voter* went to the polls to regleier (beir view* on tb* three amendment* ey 1,1*4 mor* UMA took that muoh Interest I* th* gogeral election of bwl year, phen Congne- ■Iona I a* well aa th* Aseembty and other county offloes were filled.

Th* Democratic workers In many ot the dletrlcte complained Ihat th* bur­den of th* fight against the euffrag* amondiaent had fallen upon IhMP shoulders They aesarted that Ih* Ho- publican challengers profeeeed an Id- tenilon to defeat (he amendmeat, but did not remain et Ih* polle at Imperiant periods

Aualyele e f i-eeol Vat*.An anal) ale of the voting In llM d tp

l.ave. no room for doubt aa to tbO' aucce.a with which Ih* Demooratle or- genKailon worker, hanril.d th* Mil* Weeriiix th . bndgo* at to* antt-sufreglet., th .y mann.d the voting precinct, with telling effect, aepeolBlty III tiiD.e eeciinn. where either of (ho poUtIcnl machinee could depend upon a hig vole.

Ill the Uighth. Ninth and Blevontb werde matters were different than In ■II others for In addition to winning out In I he Eighth, tbo eoffraglst* alarmed the machln* werkore by com­ing within forty-tore* votee of th* anil*, who won. In th* Ninth Ward th* vote wee I .t f l te 1|4II agalaot lb* amendmenia but IbU nutority fatted Into InelgnltlcaM* when th* retumg. oame in (roin the recognised machlno diet riots

bt I he iecond Ward, for lattanoe, the vote waa l.elf to (71 agalnot th* amend-ment. and ht too Pint, (tecond, TWrd, Wourth and Ihe (ronbound CHetrict, east iof the Ponamrivinlo nailrcal the um- Jerltt*. were overwhelming. Whit* tbo tvealmcnt of tho euffrag* aod « aM UMthto of amending tb* cenautntleu amendments were similar th* toent DMto- cratia faith In to* wisdom of lb* *b- cea* coMemnatlon eineiidment was OXIM pimeld by l.SOI inaiortty.

Th* decided vole on Ih* cindi—lit toj amendmeat In the citlee of to* uounip was expected to overoem* nrganlaed OF- poritlen from to* ruial cmwmaNi*% where there wae a fear that euch a coiw. ■tltuUboal pveriilon iMgttt mesa b m to tha farm lands la to* eutlyteg dkb Iriots. _______ ■ .

D P i i n a . 1V N IH H tT ,S (I C S ' n i $ 7. » 1i m S B C E J I N .T

Hull to recover compebtetlon under to* empluytur*' llaMIlty aH ha* boM (Had by Batmey toMth ot thla city ■sMn*l HoMT A. Joofto of loNtoU Fbrtlia. * UwbBMB. imito toM judkmori tor n.M s pook *l«» Jihr U, whsn pptm pl th* B(H »f

ptcr at fkOkvf am htgying to. Mtomd^A.. MPbaototo at, * l y ^ . tm A' b o n tr ' HteMf Hftyk H gm ton ton*. p to - ^M for (to* p # # k a - ,f l^ b*', te totol ahd.gsgtoiHnor * toijuM, Plpa • * *1 ■

Autotev td to* anik ba. npt b jd r S ^ |w - toe'tMemtooL

Pry CtogngtoFBft


atbar ppllttoit iM dtrt M •etiT* Iun4 In th* ticht, but

tiMir UM t««»nu M« eradlt«4 with In- Ih* aeUvttir ot th« oolcnd

! l u r a r aiM I*, wba baa baaa an a«> I ■rcaalTa M aponar of tba woaHB'a 1— II, traa aaucb dlaappelntM o*»r tba p iN I t . Cbalata waa aa atrwnalr apalnat : M MaH c t tba awahlna divlaleaa t Tata In tba aoantr an tba atbar

' a aaMWdOMata waa: Tvr iMlafWaimawt. H att; a taJaal, i.ia t. For

|a a y a aandanBaUaB, M a li agataat.

M U JIG T tMBartlaaten Caaatr appaan to

jlTta a eeleelty al pnbaMp tfl*—T >ba aaftrapa aawodiBtal.

CltT L_ . d t a t aaalaat, luM aaa

baia bp a MBlaillr a< tl*a, artitta tblrd t iniBdaiiaai

___ _taa TewnaUp, nrtth laaathaa halt Iha Tataa poUad, aava p aW' im H f a t I t la tavar a t tha MWilhaia i.

• b M ia ab a ta aa tfn aa won bp a iaa< Itflitp a t aiMt a*d la P ilaaea tba aawai- •H at bad a aiataaitr a t II .

la Bardtalwwa ta ftrac a waa baataa h r a aMjariip a t 111.

K l i n; A tm H km ba tba baat aatlnataa la Bar-

O aaM abtalaaHa ta d ^ , tha waaiaa ladiaga t waa dalaatad paa* abaiM 1.HI Totaa. With dMrtata ant a t 111 wjai-

1.ITI far, 1,111

With aaawal dialrlatp net pH aaeoHM- I Iw , i t la hHlaTad H a n b w ii* appaiil

■ aaat bp abaat IM te Ha votaa waa eantad ta r tba auRia'

I bp a M alerttr a t IH «aHa,Mwad M H r aad 141

Mt m ara pH arallabla aa tba a awaadaiiwta. but ibap am

bava baaa loatC A K I A T

;C tpa Map Cauatp dafaatad tba m l aHasdMant bp 111 auJaritT. wara l . t l l vataa tar tba aawad

1 aad 1,TU aaaU at.flparaa eampUad bp tba Baaal 1 Laapaa of Wildwood plTt > of 111 fa r tba aaaa.

■ la tba aa tfra fa mar blapM tbatr dataat partlp la tba

' HataBaBta fbal tba oouatplid ra rrp tba amandnaat,

aaaalBp tbaaa b ittarlp cppaaad tafM allM ta raaaw ibalr a ffa rta Tba

alM alalm th a t tba tl««ar m at MUa Baaob wara varp aeUva la

faaiaat apalnat Ib a amandawat. Thd aaaawd and third aoMndmaatt

iMra daH a t i d bp a two ta ana vata.

i C n K H L A N DCaaatp cava a plnralltp

TM acaiaM apaat ra ffm ia aad iha aad tb lH a m a am a n ti wara

g lr baatan.^T b a aatt-antfraK a m ajerltp In iMdpMaa waa a n . In Hill villa 14b : Vlaalaad B a raa tb «ava a maiorltp of I I H r aaaal aaftrapa and landia Town M p tav a vataa fa r watnan H nn |orltp . I Ms o t tba ru ral tawnahlpa raiumad b (mail mpjorltp ta r anffrapa, whlla Mwaa ot tba townthlpa pavo n a la r lt lu pdfalBtC

CAMDENtaffraptali laat Camdtn Clip and

Count/ bp 1,414 votea. Tha vota i.TU for nnd U IT I npalnat Tha

ta tba appaadad labia will ba taaad tba aMtmatad m aJontlH la tba ra ria tu eaanllM of Ifaw Jarm p a t tha vata aaat ta r and apalaH tba tb iaa prapMad amandm aati ta tba atata'a Canatitutlon. aubmlttad ta tha alaatarata pMlardap.

Tba rirat a m a n d u a t. whiab appaarod aa tba ballot aa Mo. I. waa tba aaual auftrapa or *>alaa for womaa" prapoaltlam.

Ho. 1 proTldM a law raatrlelad wap to rbaopa tha atata'a baric law than tha praaant mathad.

No. 1 allowad. nadar c trU lo raatrictloaa, ooBdamnatlaa a t propartp la axeaaa of actual aaada bp a ia ta oaunilaa and monlolpalUlaa,

Kara nra tha malarlttaa aa aatimalad:


A ll tn t t e i r . B crttn . . . . Bunintioa . Camden . . . C api M ay.. CumberlandEaws ........Gloucettet . Hudion . . . Hunierdon . Merocr . . . . Middlaiex . Monmouifa . Motrl* . . . .Oceen ........P u ta lo —Salem ........Someract . . Suews . . . >Union ........W arren ___

!JoS u n r a t t

Fof Atolnoi

T attle .

Aa If tbar dWa't know that Iha atacUos w ii e r tr aad moraovar w an unawara ot tba cruahtap majortip by nbkh woman auffmpa waa dafaatad. aavaral bundrad ■nan and woman atood at attanttan todap al m t aoutham apac of Xllllarp Park ta U ^ n to furthar atsutneota from tha auf- fraflata at what waa tornird tha "npaii- •p" of a now enmpolpn. Lad bp Mra.

Minn C. Van Winkle aoma outo>f-town worhara for tha rauaa who aaamad wrauphi up o rrr tha rtfarancaa of Jaowt n . Nupant to "lons-balrad man and ’ atwrt-halrad woman" from culilda tha atota apanad up anaw tha baltla far tha hoUct and hnapad cttUcbun upoo tba haadi of Democratic orfaoliatlon work* a n and all man who coat a vata paatar* dap apnlnn aaffmira.

Tba maatlap waa unadvartlaad, hut aa an aufomobtia draw up a t tha park ape* fliuntlap tba auffropa relora II did not

a load tar n crowd to aanerabla ami aioat a t tha audicnea wera man. Mra. Kid Itaava Moor of Columbua, 0., had tba dlatlBctloB. aa ana cniiad n, of rack-

tba opanloc ipaach In the ntw cani- poipn ter Naw Jaraap. It waa not mada

ir hiat how loop tha flpht would laat thir ttma. Ona apaakar pndictad (hat tha man of Naw Jaraap had pnaaad up tha hn t (bnaea "to ba fair and hooaat"

and that Itw nail Const aaa would anact aa anwndmant to tha Padaral Conatltu- Uon wharabp all womaa would ba pi ran Iha rtfht to vota.

It waa lira. Halana Kill Waad. dauph. lar of Conpraasman Hill of Illlnola, who aaproaaad tha hope of aucooaa In tba comlnp Cohpraa* and If her puaaa ta wronp Iha Naw Jaraap luffraplata will havt to wait at laaat aavon yoara bo- fora (hap will hava nnothar chance ta po lo Iha nutt with Iha "antta" at tha palla. Tba Canalliutlen farblda eonald- aratlon of aa amandmant to tha Con- atttullon aieapl avar/ five POara nnd than an amandmant prapoaad muat b»i approvad bp two auaoaaalva Laplaln- turta.

Howarar thia did net antar Inie Mra. Waad'a lalk lo tha nudlinea, tor aha dwalt al lanpth upon tha Idan that tha voiara of Naw Jaraap had mlaaad a chance of a llfatlma In not daeldinp to f Iva Iha woman iho ripht ta vata. Con- praaa will do II, aha aald, nnd thua da- prlva avarp votar ot tha right ta as- praaa hla own vlawa on tba rubjact'

Whan Ura. Bloor bad aoBcludod a brief talk Hra Halan Hop Qroalap. a lawyer of Naw Tork, waa Introduced.

Mra (Ireelep Informed the crowd that Ihle waa tba atartinp of aoolher cam-

nnd ona th a t wwwU and vtateai- aualp tar Iha eanaa

■Tbia la only OM baltla." aald Mra. Ortelep, "nothlip otoro than the pro* llmlnarp battle In the open betwaati the ewirreplate nad the Inlerecta that are apalnel tbem. We b are brawpbl them out Into Ibe apen. Wa knew saw ae avarpbodp la tba eauBtrr will baow todap what thoM InUpaiti are. Wa aro In thle fipbl tu itnp. It ta tba openinp ot a campalpa that will po an winter, lammer, iprlnp and autum n— po on until we wla bp the praea of Ood."

H ra areelep. Ilka the other ipM btrp, wee Imbued with the Idea th a t the pa- III leal orpanlaatlona a t Iha etata bad perpetrated fraade In the electton and that proupa of votere had baeii ael' onlaad Hra. Waad foltowad. talHap tha aaaamfalapa that aa a ahirmtab la a naw flpht todap'a m aatlap attardad her a chanca to tall tha vntara of Naw Jaraap that thap had loat tba appartn- nllp to aap wbelhtr or not woman will hava tha ripht to vote.

l ir a Waad alona rafarvad ta tba eharactarlantlan applied to the vlaltlap euffraptitc hp Hr. Nupent and aald (ba had no apolepp te offer tor havtnp come Into the ata ta Pha had fnapht for tha fraedoa ot woman abroad and

la Masleo aad ahe prapoaad to do It Wbaaavar tha chance prtaanted Ueett. Mra. Waad aaupht to craata the Im- pawaalaa that the daataratlon in favor a t auftrape bp Fraaldant Wilton waa a fararunaar of taverablo aatlon hp Con-

aa tba tadaral amandmeot.Hra. Van WinkJa. wha waa tha n « t

ananhar, lauachad into aa attach upon Hr. MnpenL hla Daaaacratlc erarkeraand tha aali-auffraplata, whom aha retarred to aa "tha Uttia vaoaar to eovar up the rottoaiMea of the campalpa aad the pot- tonaeee ot the polittoal lendan who con- ducted the cnmpalpn apalnat ua.”

That there waa cotonlaation of votere la HUIbura, In dIatrtoU below Ibe Penn- eptranie Railroad In thIa clip and la tba ceatar ot tba d tp waa aaatrtad bp Hra. Vaa W'inkla. Iha batrapad a taal- lap a t reeanlSMnt wbaa aha declarad that "It th en had been an honeat alae. tSon wa would hava awaticwad the defeat

pmaatnUp than wa can In Uila

M aiaiity.







E adar AmendtiHiil A ttinatFor



IM I305



200 40080





Excpm Cond*BFor




AsMaMT a






VOTE ON AMENDMENTS IN DETAILHew the vo lan of the cauntp replatarad thatr will rapardlnp tha three

coaatltullcnal amandmaaia la ahown In tha aubfelnad labia:

U n. Fmak M. SomaMt and Alaaandtr Bannwart wan atbar atoakari. and when tha maatinp wai coacludad Hra. Van Winkle and aoma of her ce-workara wool to tha headquartan of the Wom- en 'i Political Unloo tor a contaranca aa to future ptaae.

Jarltp apalnat Iha auftrape amandmant a t 1.411.

The a tbar two amandmanta wara boated, too, but bp emaller maJoDtlee.

ta Cheater the vat# waa I t for auf- frapa aad 111 apalnati aipandment No. t, t l far, ITI apalnat: amendment No. t, I I far, ITI apalnat.

u d d u s e xMMdlaiiy Cuunip votad apalaal all

Ibiaa amandmenta paaterdap. With alk palla mlaainp tha vote for woman'a auf- trapa ta 1,411 to T .ltl apalnel. a majorltp of 1,111 apalnat Naw brunawlck pava 1114 tor. to I .I I I apalnat

Malachrn, HIphland Park. Naat Bruna- wlA. l^anburr. ppoiawood and Bauth lUvmr Ware tba aolp diatrtota where the women wan. In South Klver thap de- fbatad Iha u t l i by ana pate and held a (•rad o baatlnp tw puna whlla tha Hetbadtat dad HapUai church bella wan rUDp f « baK aa hour. Perth Amhop pava l . l l t tor, to l.TIc apalnat

Tha veto on the aacond amendment wUh alxtean diairicta mliainf. la 4.4IT for, ta t . l t l apalnat

For tha third amandmant al>teeti dia- trlcta mlaalbP, the vata la 4,111 for. ta «.4il apataat.

In acoH dlatrlcla ta Naw Bniaawlch Iha vote had not aU been polled a t T a'flioofc whan the potla cloeed In one pall ta Iha iaoead Ward, Ihlrtp votera wara thua barred ou t

anal net raekinp a county of

equal auffrnpe. aad l,ITf total for Ibe d tppraad total

I l . t l l apalnat 14.44T for.

SOMERSET(.mwreei Countp, With all dlatrlcla

BOW In returned -a majority of l .l lo voice apalnet woman sutfrape. Tba flpurea ware: Kpr, 1,411: apalnat, I.ITI. North Plainfield, the home of H ra W - ward r. Pelckert. preaidaat nf the Hew Jeraey h u ie Women'! auffrape Aaao- olatlon. and Champlln L. HIlap, prasl- dent of the Naw Jaraap Man'a Imapna for Baual ■nttrapa. wboae wife waa the puMIcItp apamt for the auffiapliti. defeated the amendment bp t lL With one dlatrlct to bear from.

In pomervllle all the dtatKcU a n In except the fifth, ahowlnp M l majarttp aialnet the euftrape amendm ent

It le believed the other emendmente were defeated bp atmllar flpurea, al- thonph the n tu rn a on the other twa are not yet camplata




« nad third nmendmenta wen bp the anme approilmete vole,

tbat the auburbnn communltlee llp t tuppartad tha votea for women pmp-r m ta a larpa eslent and cut down

■anjadtp of tba “antta" In tba dtp

aO T K Z S T UThirty

: . xna aecoBO a m u ( iafaatad bp about ! POUPtp will piva I

pradneta out of forty In KaueaataT Caaatp K va tba auftrapa amandmant a total of J.IIT tor and 1.44U Ipalaat.

Tha aacond aad third amandmenta were the aame vole. The

about I I I majority ••alhat the flrat amendment.

Itoral dlatrlcla ahowed a aurprlalng an- il»a<bp toTAMrd t'oteft for woni«n, vrbll4

. M « puburhui (own* lit the roufity foiVOlwd It. A fMlrlr r»pr«MnU(lvf vote MTM c**A throu^Uoul ihe county athd la iB«M 41«trlctt the bwHotlh* wai aa apirltr t4 44 ftt rigiU tr alecUona.

pttman wwj the etronfhold of ih* *uf> fwplata in thLa county and returned a iMMiority of 121 for the emendment.

I HUNTERDON! The auffrape emendmrnt loM In Hun- ) lardan Coui\(y bp eboul IK) majority

Tba aatimalad u ta l vote ceai for the amaadmani la I.IIT egelnal and 1,497

The woman auffrape acMndment waa defeated at the palla In Monmouth Cauntp hp an aatimalad majority of 1,114, and even larger majoiillea were rallad up apalnat the other two prapoaed amandmenta. which ware defeated hp aa- tlointed majoiltlaa ot 1.444 lo 1.040.

•uffraplat poll watchera were aietloned a t every poll from 4 o'clock In the morn- Inp until the veto wna counted, lb many dIetrIcU In the county polltlclana of both partiaa were active In oppoelUon to all three ffopoelttona and automobllee were preiaed Into aervice to pal tha vota out. but tha auffraplata did llkawlda.

Only three of the alne dlaulcte In Ae- burp Park raturiird mtjorlllea In favor of tba woman'a auffrape amendment. In Ihrae tha majoiitp waa email. The dtp vote wna l i t tor the amendment and I II apalnet.

Lang Branch downed auftrape bp a vote of 1.401 to tea, and dafeated the Other amendm ehit bp 1,441 to 411 andI, 4T1 to ITI. reepectivelp. In the blp- gaat aperlat election vota In paari. All tba voting d la trlcu In thia licalltp. ax- capltng the borough of Waal Long Branch, the aummer home next aum- tpar of I’raaldenl Wtlaon, which ra t­ified the amendment by a vote of 44 toII. Seabrlght wee apalnat the amend­ment by a vote of I t to II. Oakburat 4t to 44 apalnat and Monmouth Beach TC to 41 aialnel.

Hiieeei County voted advaraatp on all three amendmeati aa followa: For auf-fraev, I.IIT: apalnat. 1.411, a majority apalnat of 114, ter aaalar amandmant, 1,404; apalnaL MTI. majorltp npalnat 1,4T4: for axceao condemnation, 1T4,apalnel 1.114, majorltp npalait I.ITS.

Franklin Borough, tha home of Sena­tor Hunaon, pava a majoiitp ot 1 to auffrape. I I majority to the aeoowl ■ mendmant and 14 to the third. I t wae the only one of twenty-eight dtaliicu of the county that favored the eecond end third amendroanlP.

Monlepue Townehip pare I I aaajerttp for auffrape, Includlnp Montapue inP Franklin, the eole townehipa tavorlop equal auffTtM*'

Newton palled a majority of 444apalnat the votea for women prepoaltton nnd Ofdenebura 1.


W t r k a n f i r N a t io i i l E i f r u c U s e - Ment Law See D e e « e f S t l t ^

byoSuti M i t M .

atonal Union. It'a a oaae of “I told poa

VOTE NO SURPRISE IN 1 ASHnCTONrreei Iha Naakla«lM Boraeo t f fha MTBK-

i s a Bfw».WAPHINQTON. Oct. 14.—The poal-

moriem over Iha auftrapa defeat In Naw Jeraey la in full awlnp hare todap. There waa no demanl ot aurpriaa In tha vota, either lo the euffraptat worhere or to the poHUeal obaerveta.

There la a unanimoua diapoattlon to ac­cept the raaulta aa apmplomaUe of tha outcema In Naw Tort. Maaaaahuaetta and Pannaylvanla on November 4. Tha belief la atronp that ibara la a clnaa anooph analepp between condltlona In Naw Jar- atp aod the other etatee to JuU fp the Ptaiemenl that the Jeraey autcoma la onlp tha forerunner of the vote la tha other three etatea.

Whlla tha Inunadlata affect o t tha da- fent will he fell al the November elec- Ucfl la the (UUa apeclfled. It la axpactoo a mora diatost attaet will ha to renew aod latenaltp the flpht for auffrnpe by federal ^ th e r than etate action.

Jndpibp Dcm the plane o t the Con- praditnaal Union, the hope of the Dam- oorata to pet rltl of the auffrape quee- tlon In Conpreat la doomed te u tter failure. The flpht here next winter an laplalalloa to be Introduced at the open- Inp of the eeaelon will h* hlpper, mere epeetacuiar and more m ilitant than ever.

For tha openinp day of Canpreaa tha union ta planninp a monalar demon- alratlon, aa Ihelr advanoa ctrculara etata. Thap hope to hava five to a ll Ihouaand woman hare from dlttaranc aiaiaa to alarm tha n p lta l- Ukawlae, It ta plaanad to do avarplhinp poanibla to hackle tha Praaldant. In a word, the Pankharvt mathoda abort of taomb- Ihrowlnp, are In oonlemplntlon. The mamhera of Conpreaa who foor tko oo- alaupht hope that the methoda of tha tadaral eampalpnara will cauaa a ravul- atoo Ot taalinp.


(Ooatlouad fpom lira t Papa.)

a maSalem County complata (Ivea Jnrity of 145 apalnat the auftrapa amond.ment. In only eight dtatrlcta of twenty-two wao the ameodnient corflod.

The vote In the county waa onlp about fifty per cant. Mra. A. I- Dona DIcheaow. ona of the (late leader*, wboae home town waa apalnat tha amandmant pave out tha alatement that aba conaMata great work waa dona hare ooMidaainf the oppoaitimi.

Hre DIcheaen chappaa that the leader*of both the ttapubllran and Dainocfatlo peril** her* war* apalnat tha pvosoalttoa and that the Hquor tniereel* were very active.


MERCERrt>mplfU linorfk’i*! rwturni from TkJer*

rfr ihow Ih* of th* ■uffrAgw■m«rHlm«n( In thw county hy 4 mijorlty of i . tZi, d«(e4t uf ih« Mcoud Amfodment by t.HOo, And of th# tlilrd Am#nd*m#nt by b.Ali. Th<i vot* polled wai About •rvcnty-^lihl pur c*nt of lh« reailmura • t any ilwdion. The \ot« )0 dotAll fol­low*:

Klr#l Amn'ndmont —For M5T; *f*ln«t, 10.291. m ajority aabIok, 2.114.

8«cund AmoQdmvn(—For, H,CH. AfAlnct,8,474, m ijo ilty B*AUi*(r

Third Ani*iidm«tJl—I^«r, H.SJti aflln ita 10,712. m ajority agAlnM, d.ifll.

In th# city of Tr#nton th# mAjoiity «KWInit Ih* flmt AniendminI w ii I,ION. kf#ln*t ih« *#cond am^ndnuint I.7ZI, and *ltAln«t Iha third amandmant 4,120.

Th* vote on o ther two enirndinenta la (foer comltip In, but It la eatimeled lh a l the aacond am andm ent loeea bp 114

1 StOjarltp and (he th ird amendment Ipkaa bp 1,444 m ajority .

l a n a m ln p to n TIT votea wera exat for 4h* lo f tra p a am endm ent and I I I ■Hdlaat.^ F ra n e b to w n exat 144 for end 45 Opalbft.

Tb* vet* lA Lam bertvllla waa ITI tor p aftrap * and 474 apalnat.

■ teckten caat a m ajority o( 10 inpalbal auffrap* and Milford 4 majority fo r It.^ V a a r lp ball of th* voter* of North IbOdtoPtOB Townahip voted a l th* apacUl

a t Whit* Houae Siallon. Th* flrat amendmaat. I t tor, 141

t ; aaeond, l l for. 141 agaloai: tblrd, Ifor, 111 apalnat

OCEANWoman auffrap* l« reporiad aa hav­

ing won In Ooean County, according 10 tha unofficial repo ria received here be­fore noon. The ftTel eevea d la trld re- turna reoalved by th* county Clark ehuwed th a t In the ICuatern,Weatarn and illdll* d latrlc ta of .Dover Townahip. tha • uffraplat* had polled 3TI volae apalnat

By a majority of 4,171 tha woman auf- frage anwndnHnI was haatan In Union County, The total vote wa* 4,( I t for and 11.454 apnlnat.

t 'r ln n atao turned down lb* other amondmente aa followa:

No. 1. eaaler amendmant, T .ltl for and 14.441 apalnat: majority apalnaL I.4II.

No. 1. exooa* coltdanmailon. T .III for and 11.101 apalnat: m ajorltp apalnaL4.ITT.

Duly on* dlatrlet wna won by th* auf- Cragiata In Kllaabath. Thar* Iha total voU wae: For auffrap*. 4.041, apalnaL 5,444-

Not a dlatrlct In Plainfield wa* carriad for aurfragt.

(iiffrag* wa* carriad te Sprlngflald, IJnden Borough, Kenilworth aod HoaoU*. In the laat named place euftrape won by live vote*, while It waa defeated In Ulll- elde by 4.

The vote wa* doe* In Weetfleld.In C ranford eu tfrap* w ent down to

defeat by fo rty -tw o m ajority, the vote being 111 for and I I I a p a ln e t For the eerond am endm ent th* vote era* 141 fur end 141 egalnat. F o r No. I am end­ment, 144 votea w era caat for t t aad >4T apalnat.

In Panwood It aualalnad an evar- w hatm lnp dafaat.

A lurprlaingly haavp vota waa c a a t a fact which eurpiiaad both tha proponobta and opponenla ot th* eutfrap* movamagt her*, tier* and tbar* a few votoa vrar* rejacted, th* arrora beliip cauaad ehUlp by overaealou* votar* writlap In lb* weed "paa" tnitaad ot marhtnp on X, bu t tbaoi

That aectloo of th* luftrwfiat (lament wtalob advooatea th* federal route apalnat tb* atata rout* Indicated thia In a eiato- raent laaued todap. Th* Deatocntlc fiienda of eutfrap* etui hop* that tb* woman will continue lo ***k tb* ballot through (tale action. Thap aaaeii that th* Naw Jeraey rerilL when anatpned, ehould not be dlecouraplnp-

'T he wonder," aald ona offlelal todap, "1* dM (bat auffrap* waa baatan. but tbat It mad* a* pood a ahowlnp under ad- varaa clrcuoietancaa.'

■cm* ot the** ‘advera* clrenanaUncao" were cited. It wa* declared tnat there were political leader* in certala aaetlona of the (tat* who had Jeclaied tor auf- tmpe. but who actually were eltber In­different to th* principle or aacTatly op- poeed to I t In lubatanc*. It waa charged that Ihea* leader* were laalnaere and de­ceptive In their aupport of th* amend­ment.

Offlelala who have Interentod them- eelvee In the equal lu ffrapa campaign generally ateled they were prepared tor Iha New Jereep reavit, and, farther, lhal they could not eaeapa tba oonvle- tlon lhal th* effect would be ae die- heartening In New Tnrk, Uaaaacbndetta and Penntpivhnim aa to dlm lntib tb* rhanoe* In thoa* au tas, which ehaneea hava navar been bright. The atatam ant waa made In aoma quartara th a t tba eo- callad Oarman-Amarlean vet* tbroupb- out the atal* waa plumped apalnat the amandmeni becaue* Preeldant Wileen waa far t t Thia waa don* a* part ot th* Oerman-American campaign ta re ­buke th* Preeldent (or hi* Buropaan war poller.

Peea Win»eit*e Tata Caunlap.A Republican p a rty aocul of long *x-

................................... .. " [ll

ti t. A ilm llar illvliloo of

HUDSONBeltat of the euftiog* ameadnuai w u

I Hudaoa. Tb* majorltp apalnet f.514. Iho vote being 4I.T01 for

l . tU agaibiLbeat No, 4 amendawnt bp a

of 45.715 for to 4t,l44 apalnaL a of 41.

M ^ r itp of 4.444 wai replatored ■dlMo. I amendmenL tba vpM btinp I j h r luHl MT4 bpstaft

Im m t a t r a roajotitr er t,H I I COM apalnit auffrapt. th a proi

I Piillt tlw ao4 Hlbtfa Norda. U the cHp vnMd haavtly

pected to be teen In the r t lu rn i from the other tw cntp-ali voilnp dlatrlcla lo the county.

Th* return* from th* eeven dlatrlct* menllonert w ere taken t t th* court houa* aa Ind icating th a t the o ther tw o amend- mente w ill be defeated In Ocean. The vote* for a alm nler method of amend­ing Ih* Stntf Oonatltutlob war* 441, while 151 voted In the nepatlv*. Ba- ceta oondem nailon waa racalvad aval) more coldly, im voting ngatnat with 144 In fnver.

Unofficial flpurea fo r twaitty-flv* of th* th ltlp -th re* dlatrlcta In the county fiv e the auffrng* ndheranta P msJcrlty o t ( I t vote*. Th* eight dlaUtetk that bav* not bMn heard ot. It ta (Old, will ahow a to tal vote of leaa than 114 and enn- not roaka eay m alarial change In the rtau ll o t the unofficial count.

Tha other two amandinantt. oacord- Inp to tha unofficial retiirda from th* twoaty-flv* dlatrlcta, Miow that tbay ar* dafaatad by a m ajority of a t laaat 144.

vote la ax- I t*** ***4 *** ** baartaf on

•Hdaittp at 441. inirds PMMraM «naJori-

4«4 aad 444 dSalnit •pcapj Wud, wbar* Mdpua M poilBcalir

d m ll uMglifa jduftioia

FASSAKD afial for all th n a amaadnwiili woi

tap Pnoaola Conolr. With aovetol ouUptnp diatricta mdaMiif the vo4a Maada:

For auffroffh t4,4t1i isalntL U ,IU : ■M.tflffittf'AlMteSi- leMli

fo r Ih* ronattluttcoal amaadiaoaL s,t«d! ocM uL n.TiT) mpjarHp osiiiwL i .t t l . , )

Par axceia eoadamaatlad. t . l l t i 4«alnal, 14.441: majerity ipaladL 1.441.

The total vote eoM (a Pataraoi an Ikt auftrapa nitoMton wa»1-44T tor nnd t . l t l

gpt. Tha (tty a t Pn(ppl» dafaatad1 w m w » u

the geuaral reaullWARREN

Thera waa a much larpar vota polled In th* epeolal election paaterdap than waa anticipated in W arren County. Th* ro le wa* muehl larpar than th a t oaal at th* primary alaetlon Saptamber 44. WUh two dlatrlcta out of tU rty d lM M * - Inp, tha majoritp apolnM womaa (OlfmBa waa 444. Of thia P ta in ip ^ lp oonMbultd 4TT. Tha vote In PhlllipPMiM waa T il for anftrap* and t . l l l apalnat. The four mlaainp dIairleU will probaWp laoraopa the advara* m ajorltp to 514.

Tha vota on th* othar pfopauud amaadmonta woa haavMr ofolaat Ifco maaaurad. altbouph no flpurea wore (Ivan from many ditirleta, th* Intortat bolnp chtoflp In th* auffrora duottlon. Many of th* votarp admlttad th a t thap did not tuUp undatuuad U* aaeond nad tblrd amendmenu and Iberefora vetod no to be on tb* saf* alda.

Th* vote on th* auJIrapa puadtloa h r dlatrioti WM aa ftotawa:

Allarauchp, 14 majority tori Alpha, U for aad I t apaloat; BoIvMar*. Id l fa r and ITt m ln a t ; nalra tow n . I Mk- Jorllp far; ^ a n h lln , M to r and II apoinuii Oroanwleh, 4> for and U apalhat; Hope, 44 majority for; Ma«k etiatoanb II nmjorttp tor; HonMoap, 14 fqr and Id a n ln P l; lnd4pon4«ne4, d m ajarltp fort Xoowlton, l l for and H apalnet; Ogford. Tl tor and 114 apnlnnt; rohiteiH it, TT fop and 141 agatnat; raiUlpahurB. Ttl for nnd t , t f l dfainnti dPWU. t l far add 41 atalaa4; W dthla«- tarn Townahip] H far and 11

-d v jv ‘ ■i.

ba parmllted to die out, no m atter what the reault ot tha count map ba.

■Th# Women'* Political Union of New Jeraep will couttnae In tie werk gt all evente until dincriminntlon on tb* mere aear* o( aei In th* right le partlripal* In the euerctae of the Mw mahinp power which know* no mere eeg tin* I* n thing of th* poet nmeag lb* people of the United Stalea"

Mr*. Breeaato OammewL■Tha reaull* ar* Juat aa w* agpeetad,-

aald Hra. Bra***, "and they go far ta ahowiM that th* men of New Jtm af pro thoreughly alive to all that wonaaa auf- frog* would mean In th* atata. Our faith In them haa been eaphaUcallp Juati- find, and wo (aal that thia dadatv* vlo- (ory, comlnp after a hard foupht enm- pahm of both aldaa, ahould be a flaal auewer to lb* auftPadato. W* can only hop* that they will turn their aplemdld energy and execntlv* aMlltp to th* prob­lem* Which ar* a t hand In th* aUt*. Our alncar* hop*, with th* auffrnpe laou* aot- tlad, I* that aa non-padriiana w* map all oo-eiwrat* aa womaa on all quoatloa* of aoelal and elvio heltormoat."

Hr, NnMwt^* TIouaa.■naw Jaraap Mada oft la th*

flpht for **aa pevarnmant and ra­tional politic*, the purity of th* horn* and the protection of her womanhood," •eld Hr. Nugent. ‘Tonight from th* North River to the Delaware Capta tha returaa caitM rolllnp In that tell th* atorp of how Jeraep common eeaa* that haa mad* Jeraep Juattce famoua the wofid ever ha* rejected th* mother of tba iama' ttmt hava aurgad acre** tha ptol- rlaa from th* eaatam alop* of th* B ^ p Houatalne lo th* Paclflc Coaob—'Votoa ter women.'

'Th* verdict expteeead the Judpmont ef n (tentor number of people t h u evor went t* th* poll* In New Jerap a t a apo­dal alaetlon.

"ThI* haa baan n eampalpn of adueo- llen with th* Madam of th* beat cHl4*a (hip ood wenaanbeod ef tb* atat* appaol- Ing ta th* *ob«r-mlnd*d and reapo^H * ^ * * n * ot Naw Joraop. on th* on* '

parlanr*. who haa Jnat b**a th rong kaatarn atata* wh*r* lu tfroga la an


th* d«atb warrant of th* amandmanta in tb* othar thro* otatoo.

Tirhal*T*r alight doubt T liad,'' ho aUted, "hna boan antlralp diopotlad bp Naw Jaraop. Thor* I* not a ehaneo tor autfrag* naw In th* othar a ta u a Thro#- fourth* of th* IHmooratle M itp ma- Ohio* and th* aaoa* proportion of Ro> publican* ar* againdt IL Th* lawtoru

and a oeuH* ot Importod. hpatorleal, itln- orant ntormim and f*m*i* paiiUeihna nt-

otataa ar* not roodjr re l- .h a l It lo onlya manor *1 Urn*, t think th a t In tlvn poora when tbop non trp again In Jor- Mp. th* ohowlng will h« (o r kattor tkaa pootordap. IF* oomlng.-

Mlo* Alto* PauL cholraMa of tk* Con- groaolonol Union for Womaa •u tfrn g h mad* thia atatoinoal;

“Th* dofoat ot outtm g* In Now Joroop will groatlp otimulat* tha mavaaaont for

idm au to tha national OonotltU' lion antranobtolng wSniilii For ovtrolgip poom wonian kovo boon urping terria ouftlog* for th* otolo bp otatgrof-

' odvoontod kpn mtthod,idoat wiiooo. n hao m oaht tho pondltnro of an taatm ooo oaw unt of aaorgr, of tim* ond of mofiKr, Wamon a r t noir boglnntpg to fool th a t tho r*f-orondum orunpoigna In wMoh tho ouoo-

n'oinolirIn tho hondi of tho moot Hf f l i on t montien of tromon'i litlool fwodom to loftvotoro In ibo itota, a r t loo wootofut and Kdlrtoi to k* muoh tangor tlaoad- Tk*p or* ta ra lh g to th* no-

tempting to ra o ^ th* Irraaponilfato and uniWnWog Otomant ef our populattolL

"Flftp thouoand majority ognlnol wemoa outfrag* la what Naw Jaraap Moot oft with, and In tha mtto of our popula­tion h*j aat a mark that . aimaptranto, Naw Tork and lUaanohuaalt* wlU do wall to niMb.

"Th* *lfoai**l argument praoeetad to tba aobor-wlndad Jomap man agnlnaf woman oufflag* ba* boan a proomaMa of limg liilrad mon and ah o rt^ rad wonwn otroomiiit oerom th* Hudion fUrur into NfW Jin ip . WHh baanotf, bom dnuno

tion of tb* polltlcaj ring* to fir* u* a aquof* dam.

" th * fact that th* ballot* wer* oUew«d to go unnuinharoa worked ogalnat ua. It It did not coo** our dafoat. Qovanor FtoUer toM u* that th* many dafoot* hi tb* Haelion l*w wur* dratlaad to brtog about oar dofaat

A* for th* tutum, w* will b* otroaorr than w ar bofera, for In all logtoUUve work w* will be lopraoaotad bp thouonndo of votom oD meotd and not looralp by weapon worker*. W* will t u r t tomorrow our now outfrag* plana not ntomlp tn- tornHng to weak flv* pan** te toko our coo* bofom th* votom again, hut lo got Pmatdoattol outfrag* a t th* n*Pt ooooton of Ih* otoU Lagitlaluta.

Th* UnlUd Btotoo Cenotltutton pro- vMot that tho LoBtotolnm akoU dotarmtn* who, to that auto, ohaU hav* th* right to vote tor pnHdanllal and Vto* Froil- donlMl olocton, and It wtU b* ta tb* lagulatur*'* power to otv* that maos* of fuftm oo."

DP, dhow Hao Ifni.Dr. Show'a ■aaait* of ooeoerOgOtaont

Horn Now Tork I* bor dolootad olitom la tu * Hot* rood:

Tb* faltom to carry th* otoattoa la Now Jomop u not a dafoot: U I* Hwplp a pootponomonL and Inatoad of doagolr- log of final MM**** wBI oalp Inaplm tha tru* levom of fnodom to nwr* porfoot

Now Jarotp. With baanoto, bam dnuno and U orint tm uM U they hav* cmwitod th* bighwiv* and bpwapu of Urn olalOibut UmM hind bav* iw appeal that MHI nook lb* totiUlponL roapoootkto ■ehor-nSudod ritloauihtp of Now Joroop.

■Ftom th* Induatrial dtotrlcti ofRudaom Htddlaoag. Unloa. TIanor, Oom- ton u d P um ic; from ih* ratal diatflot*

tiMiol gopornmoat aokln* antianohla*. it Ur aetioa of tko Vsitod ■utoa

OOrWNiO."W* opproaoh tho noit ooooton of

(SoBimm n i l of hop* that tko lovopog* whiah tk* ootnug* movomont pooaoaaoa lb Oeagroao, a* a rooatt ot tk* t*ot tkot ona-tontik ot th* ■anatov oho-plpth ot th* Bouo* aad on*-fifth' of tk* otoo- torsi vote sow aomm from ouftrogo stoioo, «IU moos tk* paaooga of two nallohol suftrogv omondmook a« * do- lag away with th* oootip and InkOrioun

•no auek nojw* toot ki lonop.'■Up wagod 10 Now I

HHNwM HetkOda Tk* OongToMtongi -Unton orewd

ooneool* Bh olatlen ovOr tk* dafoot tb* omondmonL Tk* thl* aentlhgmii headed 1 BH owtsnd titoi

•ohief HnaUrdoiL tuooox and •onoroat: from tha kom** of Um Oraagoa, '-am tb* uro-tovtog Atlantia Cltp to otak . ookor Aahurp Park, tb* mtura* toU tk* asm* otoiy. Wotwn to th* kom* and not to polWim tromon th* pm* toot moral form to tk* oommoiwoojtk, tk* pootoo tor ohd goM* of tkotr okOdioa Is wkol Now Joroop votom eland for.

T mod* lb* fight and aa tar aa poa- albl* oomaolltod tb* Damcaaolto orgnslna- tl*« to K, ImpSIM bp MrooH oobviotieii* baaad an a knowtadgo of th* actual facto and eondlttna* la ato'oa trbora w«m*a hava th* bouat. I oppooMd to th* Ikri pnbitou oroailHHtlon of Haag aad to tba oroaolmUee of that potto tod

t iM aolkg foimor doiMiiMo MskoA hot irW4t nitfe Ih* eotinndootl*I hod apaetod, lit PoIrpMpIo, puhUoan loodop, woo sttatapitog to lood th* ntom ho dMift dot th* NdM toon*.N*44 . .I oaogrotultoO, sosoM. th* vnui atn* ot Now Mwar 0* th* mod thoP kovo Htaws, guHol kp olhMts of troo poNliitHK ksmo, ,nm itoto and tk* iHUon.'

m a tM - A - .. A.i#*wo vwvimwni vibmh"Out eppononta," *tod Mr*.

"bav* boon obUt*d to fotort t o tratolf

suffraga, giving a m ajorltp of *40, kut Eaat Butharford and Carlatodt votedagatnat It hp 444 and 47, roapootlvnlp.

Danrill* Toaraahlp gav* auffrad* I t mojorilp, kut dafaatad tk* other two bpI and 44. mopoatlvuly.

Butler t a v e ^ auffrag* bp 14. carried th* aaoond amandmant and mjaciad ctan third. BleotrSngdal* wa* I I for auffnga,II asolaot th* mcand amandmant ond 44 apalnat tba third.

Utdvul* dafaatad auffrodw bp 11. th* aaeond amondmant bp 14 and tb* third bp 44. Brahto* waa 14 ogninat all thra* ainandaMata. Poatolon Lak** >a<a tuf- frag* 11 majoriip. th* aocond omandment 14 aad th* tMfd 44.


oo-onarabon aad graatof m*L -W* barV* not Inst Now Jaraap bocoua*

It haa navor baaa oem. W* ananot leoai w* can only win'. Ikta daiop to oBII * vtotorp tor Mtffmga tor thto tplowdid naanpalgn hn* proven woman't topoMp to * grant purpoo* nad bar lademitnbto oaur- 00* to dM. foe* of smat odd* sad mi- ^upulou* Com nod motkod*.

■Th* oan WOI rim temerrow on * r^ aagnatood armt, undountad *»d hopplsl; whom ttod ^ ■»»* b* fwtod * » « woman am poMtlooUp fma It •• "*w for th* moo of Now Tork to okow Ib*^ aolvM moro wortop of tkolr frt*d*to OoA tbolr pmtltud* to to* wooam who h Ms r - r . ' s a r r a r ' . ' i . T ! :vetotorp.

TDIE n T O R B V STA1EOTEB lUDD OMMII. r S U s S f e S T ! tb*

vorloMthro*voto o t tk*SOOtlOH of ........ .. .

In BiisniU lift

' Jbemwi

ta Dover, , I I I niHI n PM5inHt)r too tho

V . S . S t U m n d T t n i l U i f e r t Gel PArt i f B u d A l t S k *


s m s n n o n s r A m w ACT1

'kp It.Whoitoh.'iaV*'«Mmjto.Njai^ nnd litdiooo «ovk II m . HMkottotowh iopdr*(^*itfln«* kp IL MLMkotod <k*:*th4R.::0)ktRtoHDlh.' ' AUoMlilflP TOtob.-.obtp rojooid# Ikd Oral ik d tu rd i. rojoHMIm ono, bnt' W ______ ______

JtohWiF loCtMOd ohtfihg* kp m 'retoa. th* nMMiid omondmiat k p 'Ittand th« tk ir f far 111- Heoaum woo *4*

Booatoa TowntDIptm thirt y J MR wonra^'

Iras 14 hgatoit, HooivlIlo .TowMklD' rtjoolol It bp If Md ton ooftkotit 'dli* totot of Uonovor ItowMhIm'IholsdUito Mountoito lAkoa. difiiitM rit fay if .

B k L L r A N SAbsolutely Removes Indigestion. Ompac

BROWNfVILLB. Tm.. Ool. lO.-JTMr- lorn mmokom of tbo Hontona kondH Boad that wmekod aod robbod a pootmgor trola on ifa* 8l. Leuto ■rowaovllt* aad

Michiii Rnllwop Mondap n l^ t lisv* koon kiiMd, occordlag to lugorto- Thm* worn klllod j oitarday aad fiiur wot* dbot today who* aitamptinp t* iiiip t o«r*m to* too Qrobdo liR% Mauloo.

It bo* baoo ootaUlahod digiWilp. Am oordiM to Topoa Itoagm Mot ton ef to* Hauooha wkoa* oitaok on to* trnta ro- ooittd I* th* daoto of toft* Asmtimn*, oom* from tb* Maiiooh Rd* of th* ttvor. •om* of ikom am holtovod t* hav* faaoa farsmily to to* Ckivoaa oraur.

A dpnamH* koinfa, RMtow to noto ikNd bp tb* Ohifuma fore**, was foiml ntor to* scow of lb* wrook aad oom* to* toadli* worn miulali kh* tfawm mwd kP Corrshm sotHan,

BmUfS, oeL dwtas Oovsn-mont ho* iMtnielad It* HmiMMOp at Barito to loddo aa onoPtoup profoot ogalnat tb* naw vtototton of dwla* torrltorp bp Qalmon bvlotom .Th* protmt la oocoilonod kp too sot o f a« avtotoT In dropping olikt koRib* ovor Chou* do Fond* # 10104, ookoiad to* injorp ot foor powon* and imoiUtf- oM* damap! to Womortf. gthtaorUuid domando oompoaoklHa aad to* PimItiM motii of to* gviwoo.___________ .


A q l i i S w I i Bl l j i R i r T i i

w I I

■ ns to*

How Torn. Haa •ptvaala—*r* ii frnd* ok Novai Mom gm ot Inti onntoot In Now eana* of th* bi of to* vote hort aa toOag of whi Ih tbem oommo

Tho aampaip OCOtoal oattragia noaol oompal

itanal work*fOf to* “OAtlO'moor *u tb* tl IHIIatloa. Tbap mat* to aaotb: daetrtiMa

Th* dotaai ei asp boo boon ha am as o our* li rm nlt will toll that or* to vol th* 'qoaotio*. ' oMor hood, wh Ihop hav* boon to* all* tfaota. atlll Inali oTsm oom la i t loot that thalr olaolhg that I* tokoa 00 01 faSDo* ora ad tl In faoL a* aa Novambar I, w ponow t t* otJiii

tooip bOOR jM ■MMdop. Htdodolnhlo or Tetogpetod* bp utad far Boot Oa

paoportloRa dfaRtaor In I


R*Tko norioRol (

whotu* out* up to


How Jormp. voting ar* prw ham will aiM ngalsot to*nmaodmonii In dad Puunaplvan Jaroop. Th*or* making no

H r* Arthur 1 Nottonal AaoocI

' Rufrugo, anM tl **UlUd na ah* I

‘1 prodMted km ton toam b; Jerltp of WOO)' ond th* vota ll th* m«B am i wall aa their o(

T wont to c > oar Aaaorlatlon

Ih* Rulot and 4 mmpolgnod, no Of ooum*. th* bov* an Influan

a Torh will boat ’ HO.**!.’


Fair plop I tioaor Charlai ot aodlonco* I alghL maoiui and bla dollva roeolvad with ocnaolcRa Tl lo tb* otferta to ootohMoh a toaa and in th< to* oow form blndorod uaji

“A mon Ml That I would too rlgbto of Otandlng up t< n * losing o mo, kut til* Ittvelvod and nwont la Am

Tfanp man Invmiad thalr tog* In can ' ta Jltnap* ow toll mannor. kastnoBO on OpoaatlBg M boom. All ol sarvico to th* thap undeabi oompup wn* for tho trotnto* llin tp 001

“Hvororpbodp muot k* carat

Mp hoard baato murdar thblood, sfota*

ond v*iRapatond pvor th* H a oovorod thoa Into eporotloi tag ordinono ■0*0*4 h r tk •o o rd of Wi

thatMOatotimow,] -1 'wtak to urh* ar* trpi out ot haHnw fuL Th* Ih* hops mop pw NtiMg la ban odad. It will Itaoa and win fH to to* olt: oom*-"

Or* of to* tpofci ot wai fimTciuk at W art

B y ^ r r______tUit to* nM T

im Olruot oddmoRBi Ml OMIIIUH— 04 to a Dotnsera

Th* omimi t* 4 R to Word

I thoi 11

otoof at um<


■arrow M 0 Ohih mORtoR dsoliaation ) HonohsR. k d t dl N ifto frill tab* to

Thrpitph 1 OVORMv R» ' talM ii *v*n load I* ah im s* FaBa. Hsooi potto. Mina •prini Hotoehon Of

Altor dtan •oom* ehoo*

|vt> afnatoad •

Cs i 4

l a dll Qhttatmd* 1

Ohta lib, 8*1

, TkofMlou I r to* 0*1* mobrurioid to l Ooerg■unhuNRland trtawurA . 0 . 1 ^

Th* MIK M S hIhd t o n







IW iS « h lM k ]i(n |t lM « l Y«tk, MMnrhititti

m I P iN iiln M



REMINISCENTNm ik CUfHi Sajn B« b Shnr to

MUMd AivtUag UitaHHe b CoBTteod erf

Reel HeriL

J Man tiM erwt SuUra m i l M«* Tarn, «n4 Pms>

*f» 1« »9t* Oa WMMUI ft«e* ag Novawkar I, aa4 la all af tfea« staat latiraal «aa Ukaa la tha aaataai la Na« Jam>-, aapaclaUr ka- aaaaa a( tha Ultat ttiat ika oa«a«M at ttM veta har* ytaUMUr woald flva aa tataa at ■hat ■tgat ba aallcliiatat la Uaaa ooaaaiaBwaaHka.

fka aaaiMcn kara katk far aat aealaai aaftraaa waa bai a pt tkaKaaral aaaipataa la Oia tpur atataa

lUaaal workara for nka caaaa" aad •ar tka *antla'‘ bava kaan acliailuUt to oatM all tbo ttrrUarjr affasUd by tba ■■Hatloa. Thty kara (oaa tnm oaa aaaia to anothar ant piaarkad tbalr OM nnaa

Tha dtfaat at auffrafa In Naw Jar- aay baa kaan ballat ky tha -ktoU'' laad- ara aa a aara Indjoatton that a ntaallar raault will tollutr In lha otbar atataa that ara to vota two waaka haaea on tha leeatlea. Tha aaltraetata, oa tha atkar haad, whlla aaknowiadeinc that thay baaa boon irrlaaoiialy uiaappoint- tha alia of tha iwalotlty aialoat tbawt. attn laalat that th^ hava hopaa at aaaaaaa In tha atkar atniailaa Tha faet that thair laadara ara today da- aiaalac that ~wa will wia oltlwiataly,'' ■a tahaw aa an Indleattan that thair kaeaa dfa at tba dlaataat eharaatar— la faot. aa aa adottaalon at dafaat oa Noranbar 1. with a datariDlaatlaa to tanaw tba atrucdla tor votaa tor wonaa aa aoan aa paaalbla ^

Tha ■raataat t«ftm«a dnnnaatrattaa of tba lawdllgn in Maaaaohuaaiu haa al- aaaey baaw bald tha panda la BoMon Mat ■alafdajr. Aneihar wUI ba hold la ndadalpMa an Friday al«ht. lha Haw Tarbgpeinda ky tha auttraatata la aebad- ata| tar Mart baturday, and tboaa amnn- lie (kr tba dMBoaatfaHon dtdara ibat Ita ptavorUona trill not ha affactad by ha dbiniaar bi Nww Jara .' Waafc Moat In Oabar Ptaldk.

■atlanal oaaapaldnan on hotb aMaa : at thair awaret** la up to tba laat mlaula baton tha hara now kaan tnnatamd tad tha thraa atataa

a wtnd-up idmllar to that InMw Jaraay. Thoaa oppoaad to wanaanaaUnc ara prtdictinc that tha autoomahWa arlll aaaura a arantar majority ••alnat tba propoaad ronatttntlanal aaMOdmanla la New Tork. Maaaaebuaatta dad Panaaylvaala than waa divan In Now Jaraay. Tha pro-autfradata hawavnt.ara mahlnc no ftorililva rlalma.

Hia. Arthur li- Dodya. praaMant at tba Katlonal Aaaodatlon Oppoaad to Woman ' eafrado. anW tha New Jaraay alactloa po- ' Bultad as aha had ptadkiad.

"I pmUctad that auttraya wwntd ba bantan tkara by 40.CM. TtM lahwa mn- Jarlty ot woman art not for ■uftrata. and tha rate In Naw Jaraay ihowa that

It Id tht duty ot dvdrjr Mid, dM tkd Kdtbdl Lax-d-Tone inu at Mtak'i Pbirmacy, to keep tbenidtlvod In idlhd bchllb, for it la Mid it ibd htemdcli it dorintcd ii ilfdctt tbo livtt, Udtwyi diid Intutine* ind it it innoMihlt for tbodd own* to porforin Wdir proptr fkicNaita and tba mull Id dyapapala, Indlctfiron, hoadaebt, couiipaiton, hlllmunatt, tldtpldsaiwth, taadlttida, phini in tbd bach and lidt tnd a can aril nu-dowB condition.

thia aUte up ( aaOa aaaaai

WU. HOLLANDMany toeal ptopia tta daily laatify'

L"< to tho eIBclency of Horhal lAt-o- Tono, the new Kerbat remedy, tftar Itwy awoke to the foil rtalliatlon of thair danfer and lought lha moat letlt- Imata tolldf. Ainone ihoea it Mr. vm. Holland of 70 Frodorick tirMi, who hat lived in Newark thraa (core yean. Ho eaid, I hdvo watched Newark |raw, hive bton In tbi* city and utn many chtnfe* and I know enoti|h people th(t I feel that t should apeak out and tall alt Ntwark what HaTtal Lax-a- Tone tail done for me.

For two tong year* I hava aulfered aconitt with etc mack trouble of tho word tort, had ga* on my atooiaeh, would bloat up until I thought I would •uffoette, had fearful ditty tpcila and dll tlii* complknied with kidney trou* ble of tho painful kind; my appetite waa bad, could not dtt anything at alt, and when I did eat I would vomit It up again. I waa loalng both atrengtb and courage fiat, when I decided to try Herbd Lax-a-Tono and I am bare la tell you that I am a wall man, can eat, alaap and feel like a youngaltr and I

the men a n ncardiaa thia 'tvlalon *m hver sixty now. If you want to you‘ are at liberty to. publlsb tbia and pet'wall aa thdr own.

“t want to coneratulat* tba Naw Jar-• ear AaaarlaUon Oppoaad to Sntm«a tor

lha qulat and dianifird way tha mambari aampaldiiad, not clvtoi way to aotortaty. Of oauno, tha Naw Jeraay alactlon will feavo aa IntluaBco on Naw Terk, but Naw

4 Tork will boat lottraaa anyway aad by* Hd.ako.”

sontlly refer any one to me.The Herbal Lax-a-Tone man la at |

Menk's Pbarmtoy, 108 Market atitei, I where he it intr^ucini tbit remedy i to ihe Newark public.—Thia advertiae- nNni I* publlahed for the Lax-a-Tone Company.

au m DECLARES JTTNETS mm NOT BE mCREDFair play to the peopla, Commta-

tlOBar Charlaa P. olllan told a ooupla of aadlancu la tha Bovanth Ward laat alvhu BMaoa uora to blm than roiaa, aad hla dallvtry of tho aanttniant waa raealvad with warm applauaa an both annaaleon Tba ranurh bad raftraaot la tka afforta e( the Jltnay boa peopla

. la tataMlak a now traaaaoriatloa aya- ta« and In tha ajtampt, eald Hr, Olllan, tha aaw farm af bualnaaa ekould dot ba hlndarad uataatly.

"A nan tald mo,'* aald Mr. Olllan, That I wauld loM votaa by detaading tba rlahta of tha fitnty man and by atasdindf op tar a aquara deal fdr than. Tha loalnw ot votoa doom not botbor BM, but tha quaatloB of fair play la Invetvnd aiHl that quoatloo ti para- aaouat la Amartoaa Ufa

,‘T|any men out o t ompldymaol hava havealed thoir eavlnga or their borrow- laga to cart wbtM tkay ata aperatlaq aa Jttaaya and ara raaktha a living In Ihia maanar. Othera hava antarad tba keainaaa on a larger tcala and nra apam tlng Mvoml largt firit-elana bUdOA All ot tbaaa JItneya nra giving Mrvlaa to tha people of Newark, whloh thay andoabtadly naad. Tba trolley eempnay waa anabla to proparly earn for tha trafflo during rnah houfn and IhaN tn ty oondi aa a blaaaing.

*T^rybody agroaa that tbo fttnay maat ba oaratnlly ragulatod aa Itt num- kara grow- Thera cornea tha danaar. My board paaaod an ordlpanca Intended ta aiardar tho Jltnay‘biilnaaa In cold blaad. tfk la tt my protaat aad Hayar RayaMBd vatoad It. Thay paaaad It Jkvar tha Mayor'a veto, but they dli- oavarod thaa that It ooold not bo pM late oporoUen until a aert ot Inlarloek- tag ardlnaaoe on Jltnay raaulatlon ta BMaad -hr tha Common Coaaelt. Tha Beard Pt Warka broke alt racorda la

ag that ordlnanet. Why? Ton


IF CONSTIPATEDLook, MotKer!—l i T o n g n t C ooted.

B n o tk Fe^'crM i u id S to M c h S o u r?

‘T t l i f n i i i g S yrup o f FlgB" Cm *I H a m Tender S toainch,

, Liver, Bowels.T««r oMlId Ita'i a«tur«lijf m m

Ul4 trfiviBh. it tOBf tMli to4 4ur« i(gB lUi IIIU4 BioiMvb, Uv«r *ad

M«4 B fMMkAlac OMlu WhM ItoClMs. iMlt, l«vvrtoh. r«U •< Ml<L

Me P«r4a <eee»'t Mt, it«M•rf »ct BM(tir*llrv liM «Ura«eh-Mh«a AI4T' riioiS, • BMito llMr u A ItoMlclt^jtoiAt fbiiiitA «iwBjri th* first tr«Sit< • M t

Nothlaf «ss4li '*CslirQtnls Srrss F1cs“ fer cbtMrw's IIU; vlv* 4 U^speostsL hi 4 fsw liMts sll tha fotil wsst*. Mvr f4TTSitntlli( which to clogH*4 In lltobuvtlf itotoii «st o< ths 4nd r» ihsv0 a waU sail plsyfui child 4t 4 ln> All chllilrca lovt thto b4rm1aan. dBlIrloui 'tniH toxstlrCa*’ and II n«var C4l1» ta s‘iatoda" cltsiuilnHa DlracUwfto Yer bastoa, ehltdrvn of 4ll iL#oa 4ad dra«ra-«ipt sra ftoialy an tM botito.

ttmf H Mhdy la y u t hamov A HlltaItrwi tadsy ksvoa iat f«l tb« tdnaina.4 tout# of "Callfottito Mynis otthis,*' than look 4nd am tk4t It ta msd* ky tka “OBltfomlA Fit 9ynt» Cosip4Dy.’'—Ad- B»ftlaaisi4t

■tok okild totnoffOWaro«r druKitot tor iHfomio

KS'-g >HMi to aay I* tkoae ■aaUaman

Who are trying ta pot the Jltnay man aat af kntintaa, thay had batter ba cart­ful. Tha thaaaanda who travel on Ht- naya may pwt tbom aat af bualnaaa. The JlMog la bare and oaanot b* aatarmlli-

U vrtll bo dovolopad along uaatulr a aad will ba of uanMaanrabla bana-

la tba elty aow aad In tba yaara ta


Owe of tha maotinga the eomartaatonor Malm a t waa haM by tha Klatay lav.

Ewiei av tWa tvanlag with an aammMy the eM Tammany Hall, Warren and

' wta, by way ot aatabllibing ttiungtb tor Hr. .Otlten'a or- or the Savanth Ward, wbteh

mmeraUe attenghold. qHinriaaleow'* trlmda in the Tlt- Bfkrd hnva am aivd p ooupto of-

tbara afw h'

ts_____amaavd aNO afwhleklie wfil Nnak to- w« ba M Halldy*a MgH 8h

aei nvaabi aaf O«onl ttraai. nM Um atbM •* I**'*- DtekaraoniC to s ■> _________

UNCOU a n 10 TAB UKTba Umaatn Club wm haM d rWa ta>

■arrow ad wblek tba woman tatk a t tba Hub matpbara wU ba the guaau. Tha gaaliaapan wUl ba Hotel Plnao, M«r Hataehan. Starthw tram the chib bouaa «t M Hdfth savaith ttytat. tha i

n „ S r w «— » »~ii-n avenue, thonaa avar Rugawood ta Ohm RWeai, Vimr Hontolalr.

ittn StnauA ramid, ewduMU, MHagaloA Short ptalntwd, k* boiai, -

j tba party win raium over by tba M D vki^ drtvar*.

War OB Bad Teetli and High Prices.

I Wage War on ‘Bad Toath and heap on Friendly Torma with Qeod Taath. Hvary day’a Stfay moana another day of aofforlBg—more ax- paoaa, t t y»ur laoth ara aching and' iaaaylng DOtPT DMMT—oanauli me M anra My ap-ta-Slrta matbeda mak* auftarlag ARaoLVTHLT uif- naoaaaary. Stroagth, oemtart, beauty ara all raatorad to your taotb. No charge tor a thorough axamlnatlon. Kaay tarma to alt and prio*A oeuaMaring tka axoaUanaa ot the worth vary ranaobablA




aaiMi, anumu rm ™ * . vBiW!ar».arsiMB aaS tiM tbWb lb the >


dlTlltWSINns4f tito MHISdl... aub hw arraaiad to h ^ a

at Achtal-Btatup'i Thnnka^ng I u SltM*r-danco at tha Waahfngtan

Obiiataaia ava. The ooiuuiUro of gr- runaamaata la eompaaad of .Henry W. Lifakia. Sumal Q. Lair. n. tad Mattbaw

SSS* 194 Market Stopp. Xowort(,Ttaodiao»> OOua AIMW. Waak nayai a a. m. TM a r. H. tuMayii as A. M. tiu t p. MU


'f*vkm P ttnbamlu w a m b ^ lha Mam tanoaiBMaT ikolknlnwf

Tba fMlawtag offloar* hava bbaa ataetkd kg Om OdlahM SIbIr Claaa of the Flral PMbytarian Church TabOmaeltt PraH- gaamhaaaiai deni Oaorga Dopp; Puul A am ^paMHttikbardti aaoMtaiy. Rdward Dunham, MNaTMiba and twnaowf. Hllbarl RurWmrdt Rwr.A. O. M*?ilr wag a«l«it *d taeoher.

Tba yropotad ehanga in lha lawk gov- an tag thdlmpiuwddoWar a t tngtbaaaba wiu ba dlieiiaiad at lha masting af Dattg.CwaelAve Ma > » Trlder atghc at liA ' |m m IP H w Turk ptMot, tfapiUBe K ebair JabiTc. Taiaen wHI b* seauM dart Uta marabtt* ot eii oonelevM Mbtertb Jaaw t bevu bean tavttad. , _

Tba M na- QMnqr Q| t— ri<a tM akd

Whan, wbish give twaatrar* |

.•jssbS>Adi3 i8iac

THE L.S.PlAUT&CO;srORE■- ( a

^ c s c W liqhtflU h a t s a te in s p i r e d b y c le v e r m o 6U te s o f 9 b T is ,b u tm a i> e for y o u b y o u t o w n iH i l f u l a t h s k s w h o a b o p l Ihe m o l i f5 to the ta s te s o f (?m eT \can w o m e n - a t

5.00-7SC- A .lo.fc^ i s o 6m ira b le collcciion i s liKe o n e x h ib itio n of m a s lc x p ie c c s f ro m fhe m o s t n o leh a te lie rs a n h w e h a v e s t r iv e n to m aK e ea ch h a t charae^ te r is lic a n 6 6i s h n c t iv e .

C le v e r a n h fe tc h m a m odels a rc <flereb a t p r i ­ces w h ic h a r c m u c h few er th a n s u c h u n u su a l c re a tio n s u s u a l l y com m anb a tib w e predict fo r

th e m a h e a r ty w elcom e a m o n g th o s e w h o a p p re c ia te m i l l in e r y th a t is ^ i f lc r e n t


Seasonable Hosiery & Underwear in a 4 Days* Sale. ________ c ............. h u - a io h , w h it* iM . W om en’s a k i .B u i io n Host B ig tk » m ^ ^ ^W omen's Underwear-Seasonable weight, white |sr

•ey rib veatt, high neck, long or short sleeves, psnts tomdteh; snkle length; special.......................................... 3(kWomen’i U nion Suite-Medium or heavy weighL jw •ey rib, ptrt wool union suits; high neck, long sleeves, ankle length in both weights; low neck, knee or ankle only in the medium weight; while they last; special.. . . . . .1 .M

U nion 8nite“ ^o'’>«>’’» ***‘**low nock, tleeveleas, knee length cuff bottoms; Riedel.58c Boy** U idon Suite-H eavy weight, jersey rib, pert wool {natural grey color) union suits, collarette neck, longsleevee, ankle length; special............... 1.00BoyB* U nderw ew -H eavy weight, ecru color, jeraey rib ahirta, long sleeves, drawers with double g u ssets^ match; special................................................................. WCMen’i U nion Suite-Natural color, jersdy rib, part worn union anits. button down the front, collarette ueel^long dleevea, ankle length; special................................ 1.78Mmi'a Undtfwenr—Seaao»ul>Ie weight, natural gray sWtb aateen fronts, rib bottom, drawers to lifatch. regu­lar and atout lengths, made from high grade wonted andcotton yarns; special...* ,.,-....................... 1.34M en'f Underwear— part wool shirts (attnral gray or white), long eleevoii rib bottom*, drewort Mil Dnilh auapender, double gussets; ipecial............... Q7c

Women’s Suits at 25.00This p ^ ln en ce is given to our stock of suite at

this price, because our assortment has been constantly replenished lately by new arrivils from various attrac-

tivc sources, until it is now at the highest point of com­pleteness of the season.

Onr suits at thia price arc leleeted with the Mine care and diaoemment at it given to our highest priced oeentmea. Ve do not ptetoMd lurge nutnbere of eny one model, preferring to offer onr patrons wide varldty and frequent new isodela.

Wt Now Haee at $2SPtider far-trtmmad eidai t i Ira e l

to m aaid Woe) PeeHn. jlemHaUered aolta ef 0

Weel Peetlilyteiwd mite df S «p c ed i

W om ni’t 25c B uison Hone Black cotton, medfutn wciglii. Also unblciched w ks, the only eiocklng knjt to fit without t eetm. wcond* of the better sfidee, til e lm to 10; while th ^ liai. Special......................... ........................ I8c : a oa ir for 5teW omen’s R egular 35c C otton aad H os^M ed lum weliht; *1*0 mtrcerlied Halo hoac; wo consider both theae quail- liei |ood vitu«t at 35c per peir; *11 W 10, for thie eat^

, epeclil, p * i r ................................................................................... ^W omen’s 35c and 50c Boot F iber H oelO T -B lack . white and tr a y all aiiea; alao pure thread boot silk hoae In llghi colnra. daep liale gartar fold* and reinforced »Ie*. aaconds of the hel­ler grades; whilo thay Itai; apecial, pair..................................... ££■•’

K i&WsA':’!!!. SSSrSir f-forced aolea; on* of our leading Me grade*; «1‘ *i*« fo 1 ^.pedal, pair .........................................................Women’s R egular 1.00 SUk H oee-B lack and .h iic , medium heavy weight, well-known mike, every pair perfect; wc coniider this a real bargain when you aave 2.1c on every pjir you size*; while they l« i ; ipecial, pair ........................................... 78c

'C h ild re n ’s Ribbed H o ae-A n excellem .chnol hose for the 'voung boy or mis*. In black, while and ten. fast dye; reinforced

•t all wearing parts; all aiiea, d to O; spcaal, pair ............... l i eC hildren’s F ine Ribbed H«we-»i*ck and w hite, l l rib, with s Hale finish; an txcellem wearing quality: »“>•»**'* f®,'‘ *>oth <h* boy or young mi**; all size*, fi lo 91 ,; special, 18c; 3 pairs 6.5c Chlldiagi’i 36c. to 45c. “Fay” H o « y -T h l. stocking I* a great idvantaie for either the boy or e 'tl ; no aupporter* needed, they button at the wain; an excellem ho« for ihe cold weather; a im 6% to 9; while they laat, special, p a ir . ........................................ 19c

Exceptional Values in CoatsX . U ^ IO tfr m O, 0«r C »«. W , IV .«I lUO « /W «

* . q w art 1 . . • l i - » r f 'W* have ao)d hundroda of these * fortunat” purchase of the scats by us. They.

12.50and plaids; also plsin white; instead of SlB.o^ apectai..................rnawMttod Twaed Cotfe—Little moro than J/J their origina 2S31Tmo3*is1loencli*b Tweed, ewaoeii^; that ^ihay^■had lha rain; high band collari, plain or velvet irlminefl, moe helled, bat have full laie SkirtA ten and gray............................ ■

SriTi, iiS «5T!rrM".SI S. - abla to aaosre another lot; brown, green, grey, looee Batmsesan er 1\ | bV U

aalta sf OohoitllMi sad

wwsf shiiaaltr. I* N onto .W oal Mlalsmo.

M i for jarga wamaa hi plstai sod aemNalhoad laodto.



Smart Tailored Suits ■ : iKir $25 to $65 ^

, Tha ssm e w s e t s ty to t t o t wa show l a ' 34 to M siass—ju s t s s fancy an d jtia t m p re tty : ateos front 4iF/i to 821A Faahioncd o f m ost modish and strvioeab!* m its r ia ls .

nwi 1*11


‘heltad a o lV* IIto-Thls cost le lha pa« «f toytWni la

* « » • ____. .w ^ e r i i l It an EngUth ndstars In of

p^^oo; a )nit as .good

tuiuMo fer motor or■ 0 a d • * 0 a a • a * s jf * 0 a 0 e a • a * * *< •

II liUlt

45.00Sale of Silk Petticoats

^ For tom orrow oaly we tb a ll hold a la lo o f pettlpoafe ta a o ra l safe o f tha aaaMui of the** vary nsooaaary ad juncts to i ^ d y s{ w d n t o ; taffetas, m s s s ^ iw s , Js rssy to p s ; b a ^ !* ? ! L d * a to r J a b * a t Hm r a f a la r p rio s i; a t tb d ii-p r ie a s a sav ing fo r you aad a b a r g ^ .

8 .9 5 P t f t k o a t e s t o t h b i d e t t . . . . . V. 1 • •3 '3o8.00 Petticotte, to tote iito I* . , . . r.> • • •t S O P e t t i c o t t e p t o t h t e t t l t a t . . . ...........-•Z-OO

Big Value in Cotton Petticoats, 85c

. J , '

R B W A B K E V T S S W O I T E W B . W B l > W 15B P A y . O m v > p i ! l H - ^


IN QUEST OF v o nl i i r t i l i I n l i n f r h l t f t Ti Im 4m r ■ 1807 B m B « a i U i t e

t W i y S k e l 867.

= 2 jr - « 5 j i j3 r s iS i

& r f r . r r s : ' « «


tM pm ir t r t lw «• tMMT M w A, MAWtiww.

IbktIM .


r ; ” . » ro f H r i . « .n o « h10 Mok* H tovoUd.

I l M d v v t e n t f O l f i M a K i t f Votes f i r Wm Tkmvk Write

Retm iToBofSiccm .

‘•o " ;;r iv .r r io ld y■iBB of Iki M i "•> ' *

T k i o ffir t »r !«•* •*tko « ( ln f fr«iwhl«. •“

y^it#r4Byi b#*n i«4Iou# ■M trMklooom*.ITtiw iH U kooot* “f ‘I*■M uMctfttton In Utelt#d ptaiM.

IU7, HIM Lott, iiono * ' o4o i oM orsmtiHotlon of oliM w o « t m te odTOBOO tho In-MU kf "komto ouffroio In tko

■ Tko ortilo «< *•“ •■H roit laotroniont ' » iU U iMlHilllon. with 0 **'J"'l* 4 0*a* piiTpou, woy t» “

k l i low* twiOl)'-fl« jrooM •••• •Mo't routlcol Union of

only WM orionUod. 8o»or»I yooTo or II wio n»oeood»d by tho Womtn ■ tItkMl CblOB of Now Jorioy.

f II o ru ■mil April !*■ Ib l l ' ikm li f tn l of Ibo MoocUllotu ow ooi >«•* iwoood to Wo«un ouffrii* **■

■ llod K Bot boon for o oWP< *h*

NDGENT b a il ed a s con q u ero r

( t t r w nnoadmont. It U llboly. 1*0 boon______ M bnitiod W ibo vouro wllbu othoro 0 whodi y « f Mr»III woo poootd by tiM l» ll U dlilo ti'r^ IhtBur* to uibmlt It 10 tho TOlor* m 10 oloolloo III 1114 vbo I* b4«>*<^

kavo tt aroporly odrortlood. *•: pH wto tb it t iu U ftalb tiiro of_i»i4Id I* bodlB wHb tho ouoadoionu low, thao ro iu lr t i f tbolf mdopUon by 0 iM U tetaro of l* » *•* pb*i*« C” oy for ooboUooloo to tbo rotoro 0« wtordoy'i oloctlob.

W o M dor ■ rtoo Po>»o»*<mtHMiMHty for tbo ^- vao ■oror dlroctly pUcod. o l t ^ i r t

Ml cbortoo wor* Pud* >f llaii, Tbo rooolbtlon prpvidod tb it ddrortlioMonu okould bo

IIm «f a talt, th« praPjowjttto doMto Md tho I^oohor of tho

I Tbo Ibroo eoncurrodt rooolo- » wor* oot fllod with tho oocroUry out*, wbo. itaoroforo, d lo r lo li^ »•- ■aolblUty oo tbo «ro«od tb it no bod gffMol ootlfirolton 0* to bl* duty.

jBMOt OOtlOD diKdOOOd thot It ropJolliino hod bom roulmd in 4b*

■or^ oflle* oad wor* lo lb* ooIm I ly of Kooouuv* Ciork John i . by* Mr. rwrotl doMrorod (lb* r*wd«-

H to lb* ooerttory of ototo.IPII. ood •* oplolo* wo* tonmrdlot*^ Id flow tho oltooboy donmol w_4o poopor oooro* fo poroo*. T y bopdod down ibo-Miw* to y b y fiJd W

loi Attorwiy aib*i»l lruWto fc ood b*« tbot lb . Iluo . l i p t o

. tho pond'nt omobdinoolt MigRt bo « J y odvortjood bod ro««d.Tbo low fotpiiro ttiot tbo wweSwwu

Ild ho Od*»t»1o»d lb ol toOM ono k ^ o - rr prtUoboT lb owrb cenaty tbro# itbo pro^pu* u tbo oUrtiow o f o*ry

e( tho Momdlbi UodloUtbr*. Ur. dtl k*M tbit iWi btuni tbro* ort- ir nnntbA ob* 4bot It wokU aoO bo

* 0 1 lo iHibtlib Ik* odvortlooflMntt durtM oorh of Ihrw uonlbo. Tho

_ _ «t#rt o pho ooooMtod ^ tbo MOtry of ••01b.„ „ by whtfb tbo odvort’Po..j iMibt boi'* boon putalloh’d d « rl^ loot wrok i» Anyaab In doptopibor

1 u ot'iei'or. pod 10 ow* or two •*•■- j whoT* Ihoy wrro no toM O lolv pob. oUoM lo Aur'ol- bl Movoortior.

aoi>cllt odrtMd tbo aocr^ry of Ml tw tb* otrotnnoionroo tbo tkro*

«bor ;*d wHh Ibo dwty of odvor* odo'd kPl bo fpoUTod lo HHorniig irooMty I (poni*. Mo JM»0 OO 0»- F o olmtlor opIaloD r*w4or«d o aiii*>

_J yoor* 0(0 by Ibo lot* Atbocwty n>,yroi BOMWol H. OroT.[ coirtni comfrronro* omm thou bold bo- VtOB ooW»oiloi*. oetlod aorom or TToW-• nnd otbor oftlrlolo. iho outrom* bolbd ' ridloo to rolbtrodu** lb* ownndaaotM

> todWotlv* rtoUon of 1114. in tbo M o tofoct wn* dUtwrorod In Iho

_ of Uoi womm M tfm w OMond.wbh-b WM abu roOMod.

Awnobor uaddto liiwt dpolaw. a lln i tko roqiilrolaaota th a t two

pmUt* l^loloturoa aiaot paoo It. tho fo l throvfh for ibo ooooad Uuo

Moild oM 0 BOW bill romodylnt H • « »!!itd. M woi ibli bin which Ito Oov- ornor olfnod lotot th»t mod* pooilbl* ytsiuMay'te*

■riPH ite r*«r As#*It wot In Mlrllni, Mcr'l* S*'*"'/' ®"

Octobor II. n i l . <"01 0 tu l■tartaB thai obl«cl tn«brlnglof oboul of veto* for w"™*" throuik l*«»l method* >* * “ 'j*Ihot filoo Horrltt C. c»rp*nur of »tl_ line ond o t*teh»r In lb* N*w»rk Nor- Ino* ond Trolnlnofora tte* •lacti®*' Uo*r4 ef Pa*»ic

Ibol h .r n .m . b* I to ^ d 0* 0 voUr. Ml* b**«l tor dmnood ^” , pround Ib .t th . fon.Uliilloi. of l« 4 wo* Improperly oUopled •»**““ ^(Mtmltted m .l. cKImb* to n "iai Inhobluni* w*ro privllod* of votioi ‘to of 1771 which odoptod two d*yo M fir. lb r . l tn tn f of lb* DocUrotlon

"*Chort«''A*"comlih. ebotrmon *to •iMtIon boort, rofoiod to r»d1*t«r Ml** Corpontor. Tb*tonpon Mlo* C*rp«nter, who woo tecompOnltd by h*r ottprnoy, HU* Hory A. Pbllbrook of Ntwork. oB«ovn**d Ibol th rouib tbo Utw to* would otok o writ *f mondomu* ogolaot ttea aUKTltofl botfd. ^*1t w S lb* firm ott*"P* •*” “ to*

la ir*w J*r**y by o wowiin Jo *»*r- rio* lb* fiibi ofBOW Coootitutlon wo* odoptod In thl* out* lo 1144.

Tbo writ of »*"tom u* * 0* * P ^ 2^ Ohtoltltd from duproin* Court Porbar and l*l*r tb* «*•• w»* pro- watod to lb* Bupr*me Court.

Ad*Mw BooUloa by C o i^ in M opinion UM ‘bo Supromo

Court by Jnollc* K»ll*rb April l l , 1111.It woo hold lh»t tb* provltlono of lb* C*».ltintlon of N.W J .rw y

, wom*n th* r iih t to yoto. Tho court hold Ihot lb* prom 1*00 oo which tho COM wo* founded wor* Inorourol* ond fonoMoua, Ibol prior to tho odoptloa of lb* 1114 ConotUution wom*n of N*w j*V«*y hod no Itfo l cUlm to *to* no *urb prlrlU to woi “ " • • " t o , *" Ibom by Ihot CondIHutloa ond Ihdt ordo If Ih* oet of 1717 porailllto f*- mmod to rot*, ll wod o u ^ d u o a tly iw- ptoldd by lb* dtolul* Of l l « -

Tb* court tnolitod tbot tbo « t *•| | i 7 ond ouboonuoat oUtntM odcludlndtaM loo from tho r i ih t to owl la ooatfoownlloo of tbo Oonoll* ItttlOB of 1771 ond to o l eorolul " t o l n i of too olou** lo It oboul "oil labohl” to a tt" «on>oaotroi*o tbot tbo drown by Mloo Pbllbrook fyowi Iho uM of Ibol torai oonnot bo Juotlflod whoo Ibo ««ntott lo conoWorod.

Th* *o*« otrood tbot II llkoly. 00 MIP* W lbrv to t * fortK th*i o fttr lb* potobf* to t o # ^ of 1747 ooin# women TOl*d. but. oftor ml.„ th T A o r t put It. It « • " t o N ^ imor* Ikon o prirllo iu t ^ f * * * * ' J ! ? ! • ItcUIOllr* Ml- * 5 * '^ ,“ * • tittint IdifltlaUii’i » liwH i j W * i« anJ tan jratera lAliir rapMl- It WOI not tin Norooibor U, Ifll, tbOl lb* oppool f r ^ INbl doddod Moinm tb*Court of Krror* cad *PP^toA t b o ^ a Ion b*lB( hondod down by Juotie* ■hroyo*. but on dlfforoBl trWMBto^ f r ^ tboo* takon by *N* .■••JtoM , juMte* •way** polotto *m ‘to» M th* IMI CoBOtUulUm I# not th* low of ^ dtolA tboa th* eourt* for afortP •••■ Mty yoor* hoT* *0*0 uourptai powor*

cordial OtMOtapo Mstoadto to Dew- oeroOt* iModw by Mr*. « . lord* ■rroo* ood Ollwr Proadaonl UeMbre* ol Voodrae—Porwer Aoo***WrM.o Mottbowo Pfoorolod wllb Hold < *•- o » U r Coo# la ApprorUtWo of » * rk .

IM **>0t boloiii to thorn.ComaiMtlni #■ to* Pl*!?*’* r*„toL

I roeulor form loot o ^ a a - A* poootd' ■ “ m df til* ~. woo o ootaMoollon bill

■ottot* ood thot of tb* PooeoekI Mlor* In tk*

I tTb* Ooyornor - ily It wap

Motion thot It woo only ‘N*. ■“ • • ^ clouoo thot woo uator oltook. Juotleo llnyd* oold tbot If to* lion "woo odoptod by o r^lM ltT ” tb* poopU. lb* ouffruf* " toodoptod by tb* tom# ywt» on* M » • taouriiy of tb* pm»I* obpooo to ^

of Ibolr forwMTtionol riih t wo muiBOt oltor top Mtum Rl la IMI 0 otolO'Wldo olootlwa wM hold •a to* propoMtloa to oUow wwaMW 4* TM* In Mbool •'to4*P"^. lion wa* dofoalo* by 1J.14I "h ljjlty . th* rot* bolBi 4I.PI1 for *“* 71.174 OfOilML _

With Mr*. C. Tord* Br**»r. 'beir pre*l- dent, the center of ottrocllon. »h*n re- turne ••** not b*ln* onnoiineed Ih* •nl'- •uffroileu, men ond wormB. rrowded ih* h**du«.rter. of the Men • Antl.8uffre«e Leooue In the W Iee bulWliu l*»t nWhl to Itoro the ouicom* of llie b»tH« »l tbe poll*. In wide coniroit to the unob- iruelve cwmpolin rorrled on In their quiet for vo;ee were the frequent demon- ctrotloae *e fovoroble mee»**e* were re­ceived from different eectlon* of the *Ute.

ChlldreR with new toye could hove bean do more ealhurioellc thon wert th* mil* when ll wo* I'ludly proctolmed Ihol Mr*, union y Pblebert. proeldent ofth# Now Jorvoy iuffrupe AeoocloUon, hod eon* down in the wrockoe* lo her own dlairiet to DuoeUoti. bovte# loot by about Ihtrij-flro vole*, A eupproMod oir of (oUifoetlon (Tootod tho oanounfoiBonl thot ptMldent Wllooo'f diolrict In Prlnre>Ion bad not foltowod the couie, hul hod ropudlolod It by * mojorlty of eighteen or twenty.

A foolurt of the ontle' celebroUon, for Ihot II wo* In *»*ry ••oe*. wo* Ih* *P- peoronc* of Jam** R. Nugent, lb* leadtr of the Democracy of yUoen. who had openly oppoeed the •uffregtete and hod p*nuod*d the DomorroUc orgonloo- Uon to follow hi* bidding Mr. Nug*ot ar­rived at the heodquortere while the anil* w«re 10 tbe midrt of returae that were quiekly oMlytrd a* portending the over- wfaelBdng defent of Iho oMendment.

Th* r*lurn» from Mr. Nugent * «roi»ghold~-B**** County ond Ih* city of N*wirh—bod b«guo •» drlbbl* In, ond ho r*c*le«d a rouoing w*leom* ** h* •m*r*d tbo h*odquort*r*. Th* nwating botwoea him ond Mr*. Br**o* wo* laorkfd by mnob eordlollty and toeb congtolulotod ih* olh*r oa th* •ftorl* *och hod rood* to bolk ib* »uf- troiflot*-

ipoocb hp H aiw al.-Thl* to notblag mor* than could b*

•iHCtod from 00 Inlolllgonl on *l*c- torot* 0* w* bovo lo Now J*r*«T. *old Hr. Nue*nt la o brief ■pooch, "ood yon m*n ond women or* W b* congrotoUtod upon oil tbot your oeoompllobra*nt nwon* lor th* women and th* bom** of th* olot*. It woo o to rd ftodNI bottle, but a*v*r wa* tb* r**uU lo doubt one* to* voter* w*r* givoo *

I door undefolondlng of lb* I**#* that w«i btefpr* thtm . ,

I T *nur*d Into Ibto fight rooMilnf (hat a t l***t nlW ly P*r oonL i t tb* women of th# oUl* did not wont tb* roapeulblllty of voting. Th* hi* b**n le t tM one* ond for all In Now J*ri*r. whor* tho voter* « of Ih* typ* t i b* l*d Into on tom lb* *ff*ct of which m ight moon tho rondlng of tb* very fiundotloa* of our gor*ro- ment. Too h*v# woo oo Important vlo- M ,; : J id I wont to U k* two oppor- tonllT of congrotutotlng. firot to* otol* la having *ato o formidobi* oltloonry 0* you rto re lto t. ooooadly your-

■ lilv**. ■ for too uooolfloh ood wiolo- haortod ooerlflci toot you hav* mod*

Hr*. »r*.to mod* too p r* # * o l^ fPMch oM osplolaod «kg* W Mr. Mol-1 lh*w* bad gIvoB hi* Ua* mM mmWIn th* coaq>olgB wliboul oay eipeetotiM at eompaoiottoni. tb* aaU* bad b*oobrought to a rtollaothm of tbo amount of good thot ho bod doo* In bM amklng tour# add wonUd to glvo him * remlndor of Iho day* be hod ipoot In tb* offort*. Th* cigorotu coo* boe* th* fiw- nwr Aaoemblymoa’a lolUal*- wbto ®“ *to inild* of Ih* too* wo* enorovto;**nt*d to Mon. John A Molthew* by th* N*w J*r**y Aooorlotloo CJJ**™ to Wntnaa guffrog*. Ortttber 1*. 1411.

Before pr-ceedlag with th* pr***n- Ulion-to Mr. Hatlhaw* lb* ooH* doto- er*d about Mr*. Mr**** ond ptocod In h»r oral* o hug* bunch of Amjricon Buouty ro*«e, wbll# lo Ml** Cl»ri vo**". who moiwgad th* compoign. a gold hrouch woo givan.

A> etroagly «ffr*g* dtatrlcte rop^td lerly In lb* night, th* ontlr *•»* *wo*r attention lo dotolU thon on l'“ttr or lo

; Utter. Wbll# at no lime could on MU be found wbo wovarod In hi* or h*r opinion 0* to, tbo ulUmot* outioroe. ^ n y

' vleeed th* mriy m um * wtih con»ld*ro- bl* lni*t«*t. Then It become * moiter or corgrotulolloa a* **ob oueceedlng reportWAR

At one point to tb* proceedlnge Mm BteoH •teppod to U* lokl* Ito*” whim


a a li T ito i tmpaead

I f f . Vm Wwkk M m Cm t i i it i Bitter E l l n i S p N h s o l

i F t t e n . .

SADDENED W W O I SSRROUIID HERHeodeuerter* *» FolMleal

t i CUMMi7 I t —Item Ate RtettetM im SktettvliAB tef ■•h lao -K orlr M*P* • " la h ly «**# toOT*• Poerow 44b#w r-H Hotewl •«Caiomltr la

the roturtM'wor* being rood, ond m umedlot MlIn a auimoot to **y tbot lire. Pelcliorl *

dittrlet hod boon corrtod by ih* onllo Thl* bit of Informotloo *pp*or*d lo “ HCafoctoey to *U th* ontle. *• It proved lo he la Mr*. Bret o*. A monwat lotof came th* onnouncowioot thot Hiwoldeil Wlleon'o dictrtet hod gone ogolnot eut* frog*.

Th* ontto hod oa alateat complete tolly of tb* voting In th* ou t* before they do- ddod (hot It woo OOM to go bom*. When Mm. Breoao Mioo Voalo and *hunbter of otteor kwSen ItfR th* boM- quartan toortly after t o’cloeh ther hod hmid doflttltelr from *11 but Cop* May end ocean counilao and they hod figurod out A majoiity In tooir lover of obout 41,*W la the alat*.

iEnioDsr Bssioii woffixO tflU IIE SEASON’S U tO I S A I

Pmllmlnorr tdoaa for o pum food tuncheoB which ohoU old tb* nwmhor* In meeting Uwlr annual plodg* tor forelga mleoloD worh were coaoldcrod at the opoo- Ing meotlng for th* oeoaon of tb* Wom­an’* Forotm Ml*olenorjr doelety of Con­trol H*lhodl*t Epiocopol Church bold yoo- terdoy oftemooli lo tho chnpol. Hr*. WlUloiB H. Von Houtaa. pmtdonl, eoeu- plod lb* eholr. and Ur*. Oooor Men, ***• roUry, proooctod tb* roport* of tb* tr*oa- ur*r. Hr*. Sorauol Morrill.

Th* KMloty oMumo* raopoaolblllty *adi y*or ter lb* oupport of o girl of BonUly OrpboDog* In Indio, and also oontifbule* toward tb* Oolory of a mloMonory la Kore*.

Kurthor omngottMBtt tor lb* tuacboon will b* amd* at Ih* a*xt BHOtlag to bo hold Monday onomoon, Norembor 1. at lb* bonm of a awmbor to b* -oabouaetd *hortly. At that time tb* oooMy will hogln lb* oludy of Holm Hoetgodwry'i ■Th* Itln ro Highway.’’ Vhich win b* rwd by Mm. A. 0. flti-Ooiuld

An oibouotod. oorve-oholtorod, but navortholoa* *nlhu*U»ll« group of m - frogloto ourroondod Mr* Min* C voa Wlnkl*. pm*lil«nt of the Womon’o Fo- lltleol Uolon, at headquorlem la Hal**y otroot early lo*l night to hear tho m- lumo from th* vorlouo port* *d tb* itata. Ib lb* Umlled quortom of tb* orgonlootl**. thot hod been th* vary pull* of th# ouffrog* compoign. *0t tb# tirod oad hoorao-throoted campaign omtora and othoro who hod oipooted mueh groolor ooneldoroUon at th* bond* of tb* ototo** eloctorit* than tb* rtnol rmult* obowod.

MInglod wllb th* outfroglot# worn ■ympothloera who gotherod to *n«b proportloa* th a t the quartern oould not oeoeminodoto half of them, whemupon Rov. D r Jam** C. Howard, pootor «• Ih* Hilooy ttro o t Methodlol Eplioopol Church, whioh adjo in t th# hoodquor- Itro. Qom* to th* roocu* and plocod tbo booomont of the church a t tholr dlo- peool. A apocloua tooombly room woo lokon over h* Mm. Von Wlnkl*. toking 1 pUc* on 0 rootrum, kopt tob* on th* ototo, county ond elly n iu m * oo they wor* olthor tologrophod or corriod In porooBoJty to H orry W righ t who mod thorn l* * throng tbot numborod obout ft* ile a ond womoB.

It woo o ooddonod ooootnblog*. Th* oaly on* who oppoorod to look opoo tk* wrookog* w ith oay oomblono* of pkllooophy wo* Mm. Von WlakI*. th#P PgWWV|**lf V m-o w-e-— -boro np wall nador th* prootur* tbot

ovolaaohPwith 0 ai--------------------—

iwo w*«M DOl omioodo th a t th i • I wofDoo outftoR* had iirfforod dotoot w u eortota. ■*•■ thmi iM la- •taU i thot Ih* oouoi twd mat o«Cf*r^. hut thot Ih* romilla war* M lF u la- oaallv* to hottor waeh iw>4 tim*.

Fat* may hmm bad a hand la UwmoUer, but tha oaily lataraa 4a tho auffiagMo *aam tram iiattteto that worn favorahla. iu ch aamll eommuM- fiM u HaMdoa. TUdgwuread, BoUovtU*. Fhllllpoburg. HoooU* aad moaoll* Fbrh hod wound up tholr took of eouattog Ih* vol** early oad had gaaa to bod with Ih* Mtloftctloa of haring roUad up (jmoll mojoritle* for th* naua*. Tho roadlng of Ihoat mlum* PM th* luftm glaU la high gloii but M Ih# city ritu taa bogon to com* la on air of gloom lotuod ovur thorn, ond from ihoa oa dioappolounoal lurkod In olmool ovory roport.

Th* oxpoctont xnd hoppy eauataane** cl tb* leodom ood warkoro gava way to look* of choarin. Th* gODOral opinloa. which, by th* woy, R m u lm d ao dotofr Uvo to di*c*ra. wo* thot th* riform It w u ptopoiod to glvo tb# otol# had iuf- torod th* eom* *«tbaeh th a t hov* moot

i other reform* la th*lr firot tIm* out.I Not * f*w of th* aooomblag* opoaly do- niniBcod th* domlnoat poUtieol machliM

I ■■ baring worked ogoloot th* omood- m*nt to p*rp*tu*t* th* p w o r a t oor- toH l*ad*r*.

Ramala lo Ma^Unllh* loooti In a nmaeuUa* pottlleal

eompolira. Mm. Voa Wlahl*. Mr*. Utonla J. Rayaald* and a f*w othor loodor* tu-1 amlnad on tb* Job until tha aaaall houn or thU motalBi tohulallag th* v«t**,mom for th# puTpoo* of analyMag It thonto find oay caatototioa for tha tmamdlat*

m t AU agmod th a t th# ozpotloac* giToa th* 0000* mueh hapotaa oad

thot whoa liv i y*aro poB a fooai a ■**• thorough ofgaataotlaa waatd pfumat th • ilt to domoad again frcmi tho olootoroto ■uch OB omoadmoat oo waa o^ loMMoily turaod down yoattrday.

When midnight drew aoar a awJoiHy of th* faithful who hod gathooud ta th# church oooombly room bogoa to M ara nod Iho crowd grow oo omall that K ri. Vo* WlnkM oould BO loagor tm t ^ cf haring th* roturn# mod oM t* With hor co-workor# *h* wont to th* to of th* Foilttcai Union hoadiuortom toow tor mom than W houm *- at tb* workom oat going to*In OB oadoavor to figuro out Jut* i nitoae** hod oouatod nmot ogalaMm o T t U b*"*rd MM M(h* —tWJiliA s.


_____ —r I d d p a a a d N o te d rW fflM W W .

Th* *0* of ■*»* oad to ltoo ' — tag ltdod. g fu iMir M «» ooiaml oolWuMd h to hoop tor bo jr^u tw oW d ^ gluty oad oooadut. 4 r to a m kw k ^

or look 0* Ikot dull.___ItglomrMl out ■ppimumMBii -• u oppIMd with wwdertm ofMot.

Rut bnwlag a t k*m* M moow oodM t- el-doto Kowodayu. by oOklafU W Wug mar* tar * I* •*« beltl*e('W y*tb’|i I w oad gutphur Rolf Roamdy," yoo wW j*t tUe lomw* old ream* whieb m* .to ^ ■admd apoa to rwawr* aotwol •riot ^

t* Ito hair ood I* •pModM ter d w d ^ , dry, fovtrMh. Ilehy ••alp ood^* * ^-^ l-kn*w * dowoiowa * " « ? »U garb*** <be half •* u to to llr oag * r i ^ "hot uO to l . 0* Ml It h « to«o * 0 ^ Tou daply dompeo a e to f to w “ •* * 2 “with a ood dmw thl* tto*ugh_yom bmr.UJUtet teM MTAted tel te tUlte. ■»lU gmy hrir M**ppmio oto ««t*r “ g * * x m lM lH *r Iwa « bt ipmm baoulltonr dofb. gUiw. Mft ood t

toll- V



i t

\ v

s r j r s , t : ^ s s - s r t ’—’Toadee n o goto


In erdar to literoaa* lat*mm omoag Ib*lylwlchurch nwmiwm th* oocloly will oadoavor

to obtain tt(* **rrie*a of R*v. Dr. T. B. ytoebor, ceiTOapoBdlBg locmtory *f lb* boord of forriga mlaoloiio, to *p**k at o Tuoodoy night prayor mooting lotor la th* 0*0000. AnaouaeoBMat. w u olio mod* of th* dlrirtet aoolal of tto Womaa'a Porriga Ht*m*aory goclriy n u t W*dn*o- doy ofiotiwoa a t to* homo of Hm. Ralph R Uray, 144 HI. Freopoct avooiw.

A* ho oouludad hM W**'* Hr, Hug*al much la th* poattlo* of a m u


wto h m T to u mturiUd tit* victor la i a cuteot for on* of t t o r * ^ ' " 2 f r ^ l ubU a offIcM. It w u agmod by tto u tt* S T l t o R - . " Modw-* offort. b to boon

AAd lAAAjp oc tbM> e rw li* M iSr^th haring lanuoaeod a lot of pubHcu roto* ogolBOt t to omaadmoat

Th* anti* hod aoato t o P j ^ f M*; aaiad for * oototoattoa. A W b M woo amd* mady, and a foatum ortoagtd Ih ^ S I L u a'dtotiBot aurprlo* to wowbody who WM aat I* •* th* MxrH. Thto wo*

PoUowtog t to laltloUoa of Folic* Conrt Judg* Haaeual-Uagoni Into Now arfc I-adg* Me. I t . M F. 0. R.. tom nIgtiL a dloamad-otuddod p a of the ordor wo* prooeotod to* u w a u a to r bv Coptolw

Ipotor J. Chrtotto oad Jo**ph Cordoae u d to* court oMocto * of too tocood OBd Third prodaeto. Tb* prootouttonA nirw MM miliM*i IMV mwww —aud* Bl a dlanor hold la t to Bk# Homa. o r e u i tlU t, a llw th* todg* M a tlu .

judg* Haaaam-UBgar* w u oto oi flf- W a caadMUM taltlatod and thor*Omrt m mogiTirt of Ito todgt prta- oa t Who* aa adjonrnmoat to to* h »VUV V*g«««| mm —m#w a »ee~ ■ ” — --- --- ---uoot haU had hoM U k w Copula Ohrto- Ua la a *to*4 addroaa ptu u t to too yto. It CAAtilAt fAVt #An0AAf AM A IVr*g\ I —— w --T--T to d o a c n woo* to oabod hr to* Judg*.



W h a t I s Y o u rB l o o d P r e s s u r e

T h . . m o f tbr 1, a crW cl period in .v ery peraon’a I l f , And o n . of tt critictl i f increased “blood pressure" with its accompanying hardening of the arteries.

i tissues

<;riaritim have fullv uroven that increased blood pressure is caused by poisonous deposits in the delicate

o f r . f .« i . , I" '" b p'»«“ '»"*“ •"A m .n l> » old as h i. .rtorlB," 111. ln .u r .n ce comp«nles « .y , end the Blood PrM snr. T « t Is one o l the

principal factors nowadays in determining a "risk.’ How do you stan d .I f t h e r e I s a n y d o u b t about coffee’s h u r t in g - if you have frequent headaches, biliousness, slecp lw n ess,

nervousness, or heart flu tter-try a ten days’ change to

pfri' INSTANT POSTUM# 'ii:. -

t h e p u T te f o o d - d r i n k

' Made o f iiriine wheat roasted with a bit of wholeaome molaases, l i ^ n t Poatum contains no ciffctne, no ew nilative, tearnful drog, nothing but the good food values o f the cereal.

la' Poatum ©wnes In two forms : The original P o a tm C « e a l“ -mu8t be

p ta k ifea ; to d t o i M t P oehn*—the soluble form, made in the cup instantly, 30c and SOc tins.

d n * oC * • n w l - t a l l - - w v h-iM M ed B lood P iy s tw - ta si

* T h e r e ’8 a R e a ^ n ” ’

I OpMO U n t i l • P . a s .

Niw«fcaw.6»«D5DM aiate

A Remarkable Offering of‘ Ostrich Trimmed Millinery

a t $ 8 . 9 5Ostrich-trimmed hats are much in

vogue for dress wear. That is why wehave put our milliners to the task of creating an entire collection of new

- hats, all trm m ed with ostrich, and we have d ^ d e d to place them on sale t t a price that will attonisli you.

T h e m a re S a ilo rs , Pokea , T rico rn eR h ig h c ro w n ed offocta. O e o r |o t t« S ailo r* a n d hat* o f g o ld a n d »llv*r laea . E very h** “ tr im m ed wHh F re n c h O a tria li P lu m e s ^ t r i e h F an c lea , O a trieh F e a th e r B anda a n d O atrich

. 1* I . * , n ™ « v « . «Colon or* AM n» rSL A Q SBlack, aU White and tho turn CaotU O m y J

I f you n e « l a dreaa h a t, be a iu v to le e th ia r e m trk a b la ceU action a t ..........



I f yon n eea a o r u » n a v " .................... i f i '

Clever White Hats OtherTrimmed Hatsat $4.95 at $4.95

W h en th e r# ia aem eth in g new in mil* U nery , L im n er In ita n tly t e a t t f e e i t in a ll Ita M w n m a , T h e laat v<w> >“ •nhh«‘* r i - th e se h a t* o f w hite ve lve t p lush a n d sa tin a n tia n e aiw tru ly ch arm in g in e ffect.

C o n tin e n ta ls , Q ih i C h in , S a ilo rs , T n - c e m e s a n d a ll th e noweet an d b e a t m o d e ls o f th a aoason a re rep resen ted in th e col-

lee tlo n .M iU herr Parters,

A co m p le te aam trtm en l-o f a ll th a t h new an d s m a r t In m illin e ry . S a i lo n in all th a i r v a ria tio n a . T rieo m ea , P o k m , T u rb a n a ; in fa c t, th e re is a h a t fo r every 9 ^ o f face '. ' AU a re tr im m ed w ith b eav er, sk u n k , o p o ssu m , k rim m er, F re n c h (low ers, w ings, n o v e ltiea a n d p e a r l o m a m a n is .

A ll new ahadea a n d c o lo rs m rap re - a e n te d , in c lu d in g th a new C a te te R ea.

Seeead Fleer

For Th in lyWomen’s & Misses’ Tailored Strife

at $ 1 5 . 0 0

100 Tailored Suitsat $15

30 Sample Siritsa t $ 1 5

R em ark ab le v a lu i i t r e th e se s m a r t ta ilo re d su ite o f poplin and g a b a rd in e . S e ld o m , indopd. a re su ch a u its t o m odm ^ a te ly p riced d t th is tim e o f th e sea so n . B e e u re to g e t a peep a t th em , fo r we know y o u ’ll bo de lig h ted w ith w h a t y o u r —

In a w id e ra n g e o f a fy ld t n ^ a d ^the loose box coat, tlu and memy belted models. Tw fnahni^ are tar trimmed, with Othen are smartlyand velvet. Coats aP S !j t e e y i n M a f f c i o r p r e t ty m a -t r im . AllrtteiU pto4».

S ite s 14. t®, I S , 8d o a ly .^Mad« to S bO for $ 2 2 ^ and $25.00

I f you I f # f o r tu ta to a n o n g h to t a e t m ono o f th ese i w i p le a o lt i y p u w ill a w a ty a p p re e la te th e v a in ea olTerad. W o w u>

j n t U ilrty o f th em a t a decided o o n e n a io n , a n d y o u m ay b m y o u r ehoten

, o f th e lo t, p ro v id ed you g te h e re e a r ly

‘ *****"|« ry e u it i t p e rfe c tly ta ilo red , Uie m e t t r la la d r* o f th e heat p a d th e Unlnga t r e o f th e l a e a t q o tH ty p t a a de cyg ae . ^ T h e re a r e o n ly o n e o r tw o o f e a rn

" ■ s ty le a n d th e m ate ria la a re chev ip t. g a b ar- d in e , Ofaipoord, popH n a n d I few m ix tu ree .


FIGHTS Of . 10 AVIflw n i

ib a mniaf,Ti

D ih Diwi

«LD F d OU

G a ru n a u Ik g|*to* *tc*r * ckaMb* to aa lae . wa i ( M r ju x R iag a Sootlvu OWM* I a ru ttw m *ag tb to-ni to* otolt*. uvooBi Blnuto* tlvoo, wk* oror* 1 ■wa Carr o( to* U«a, tan n in g w HtneooffoS. Ho ll*»ag**rt*fo and Dotoetivoo Bivia

At th* (vqaoot Qtolal* T to n u t IK* kurooa lu ln to)i'* ag* to to 01 Biag. YootordalF i ognlgod him la to e*to«tJv«* op|>r**« Ho ran thiviugh Ftoooaat *irmM » to -Roilovui* *voato lu * to * touo*. tiiw *t th* 1hand I Ibo oteead Ooer.

Whoa Ovrm* o *< blM laaalng WIh* pnllcvnioD dmticer tumbled hoV Bxuihg** to o«io< Wtoa to* otfii farto to *loe« I ho toaght thorn a In th* koiiwar worn to (boll *1 to ta handearrod. e**H*r* tkot hi Of tJtof ho w u u Fh tw u n Bolld*. WSoea J. Mora" F ito n M datootl fWS«Ha «• t* * i

Whor arid b* « t*e. ontoring *ni an olght oogavoti iM W u p tuod i J i^ lf i to ohoW 0

R K H T m O S IRwuisysTto beorti of i

■Sapliriir Oreh*. ■oring* Bonk ji dlicuoo*il motton oatlen ond the n to b* gt'’*n by lt4 ary t? and April

. /

The orehtotra tOOcan «4tb the ■taatlol ehpport Vubllo here thon tto merit* wer* portumoncoo ll f**r. Nuiaoroua cotved tn to* lat oertbor* and U t wSI to lorctty It two Btontb*.

Th* pnmmm Lout* EhrkO for eliido* B**UiavMNo Ij Ih* ovtrti dr*," * wnlti on kowikr ond A *t

A toWntod ooii 4*'op*foto I* th

For oevoi*! ■ toon roheoreing Ito prugreoo R I fytng porformoncark h u thw bnd abi* *( piartog by g ru t m attv i eaiu* tor eoagri i*l*r«*t*d la Ihi ■•nily aleaf ■ ttao* Ito work city'* ocUritlo* ark'* repulatioa W oettou

nAonBnntODMM u ^

nldg. e a v u I om igaed to tk

eaad two to tot nolaad Johaaon who d*dored to Htoil b*cau* a SMh.' v u t to •not tto*.

taodor* J)r**w I tm t , F«ith Aiw u **7*0*0 t*hoar In CitoMn M 4SS B odM * am* 4f uTfari ditvor*. woM cb maohlao* a t Bi avMU. Falrotada toom, iictoiwooki d n pan doaa Bad- inj* to»l psigt >W ' Ottor* Who p lag wor* Cb*r Marl** ptofiy 1 UuiriMad ot O •ad F*t«r F. •vonaq.

Tw* onweMb epeio FeUoOHtol Uaeato hlghwl Judg* Hoawtol-l Md*r laapMod* Knifli IIm 4udi Ooaag*. and O* « |H avoBU*. It


A* Attometl« I tn . J*ba 1m [ ___

I t r u t . whtofc IlUno, w u a w * t? * Intrador* Mor toUBMat dt( * burgtor

Who* th* F tttd*Mto*4 tb«

'■« tto h * M « r S m I Ol M it • dar, *t IS 1 f io to n w u

SSm t bou*. .la got u r trwItowiBg Um 1tdiBfto b*v* bl

M rglori woib to to* roar • ( ato*r ttm W m •way by tb* bi


m ■ '€A T im ely G)ffering .Compose Frocks Serge iand Taffeta

E x b a o td in a iy ’U u . la a dmia avtoit worthy'et ceniideratien. A New York manafecturer eolj H m It ^ draiiM i t i v#fy low Riciiro ttd wo tfo itioHni ottr t^ d

no i *”® ^ * f * * ^ j — ^ drotiio to chumlnt •• thtoov •• modontol)l priood*

A oyootol BM •BBtoUtto* o f t l nUlod tor f r i ( to u • ! • to h oonaaitioo'o pn imoi eeavoatta fbetniorV B*pi

li td 1

Tw* Mtoep*«*U t t t * * ^ «f tto MMOMtl Itad* to tru u Joa* jBaeu*«i Oorarda ArgMi

"wbLa ara indincoia «e4ete, Maoeee moMe, loiaft ce«t effeett dp4 hali^

pockeii faetur* eibarfc, I# otvy, M e c k ^ w ^ ® green, nngn rnim‘ i live. r , .

n u o r iJWD

^1a 4b* wilt* p A h Mrtri. I Mr*. l« * * u I


Hr. lAtK

miMb toiHl

Xhlowtf* C»r«

to a l *fl• •" S S

i j

ia sm . \OD)NB8&&v. Octo ber


I k W T M , T n p H A b tf d m ,

iW m r i D t l N ^ f U f WHT9k---- Mg-L*WWI

m n k CHAia k paieisini

tiUM' ^twlHM t i • * ? ! ?> Hmtltr NtMlv*•MM.. SMh «ini w «t WMmti. im .

CaraanM • • Um l*p • ( « flIM t af ■Uti* atltr • ctaM «f Mwani X tiRa. M u UuwMg, wanta« Ik gaaaait OmM' t r fac )aaMriti« a ball Imak, (aa«b t Oa taativaa Oinaaa auk r a a a a r a a M ^ r afta«naaa aa< tbraw ll^ a M halt » » r aa>a tba atalra. A t t a r '^ r a a t l a t M aa*M l aUautaa w ith tha two iaiao' tivaa wha w art U ia r aMad b r Patrol- u a a Carr ol tha Vaaaad F rad ac t I ta tlaa, L analn t waa ar aryaw a raJ ' aad n iwiagWaa. Ha waa tokaa to v<" kaadtaartara aad la ta r la raad oaar ta Pataotlvaa Xlrla and Coaaall of ^ ta r -

tha rraaaat of tha Fatanoa pakoa OlxMia TiMaM F. OoaM I a* lha datao-

' Uva buraaa laitruatad hM Moa ■•<data ata to bo OB tha ladkaw far Laa* aiaf. Yaatardair Owaoa aad Fo m •Kiilaad him la dprlac Mraat. wbaB (ha datarUvaa approaofcad him. Imahiax (lad. Ha ran thmuah HroaJ Mraat to M. FItaaant aroma to CMrk otroti aad Uwi ta-BoVarUla arawua, wbara ha aouaht rataca la a houaa. Tha dataatlvaa lound hua at lha hand ut a (Ilfht at atalra un tha aaeoiid lloor.

Ibkaa Owana a(tatn|>(ad to taka boM •I him laaalna M aUasod to hark imthad(ha pvllcrmaa dawn lha ata:ra. Tba'at- tlcar tuwblad half war down baforo tao aaai|t(td to aalao the haanlatar.

W IM tba otfleara roaowad tbalr af> larla ta alaaa Lanalnd uadar arraat ha (oaaht tham a lt aad waa atracaUnc la tha hallwajr whan Patrolm an Carr want' to tbalr aid. Tha prlaonar waa than handcaftad. Ha daiilad a t hand- ao artan that hta itaiao waa ImaHlng •a d ta t ha waa tha aaaa irm tad br tba Fatanan aelloa Ha car* hla naiaa aa l fd i» J. Maraa. Im tar. howavar, tha Fdlanoa dataatlvaa paalUvalr IdaaU- flad him da tmantnc.

Thar aald ha waa arraatod tor broak> •M. antarlnd and lareaar and Indictad od aldht aaparata caanta At that tima IM waa placad undar | l t t ball and Ji^lfd IP ahaW dp Tor trlaL


Tha board of dIractON a t (bo Mowarb ■bmphenr Orehootra mot W tho Rarurltr ■artngo Bank rrotordar atlonooB and d itnim ti mattoro rolatlvo to tho onanl* n tloa and tho Tlrot of lha two eonaarta to bo (Iron by lt«n'UoiMlar nladrto. Mnn- arr IT and April IT la tha Ftlaca Ball

c o m m y n i Y i B i i B M' uumiEunFUtiDCiiaIpdklnr ht«an halara F ta l ohaaaallar

■tovana tadap la ta a ro f l tr d ia l eon- oaratad which tho vtea^ahaaaauor ra> markad. wkaa tko tranaaetloa waa Tiro* hroddht to bia aotica, that ha had aovor bod proaantod (a Mm, IT tha aTnddvIta ■abmittad In ^ h t l f oT tba oampialnant warn truA "d caaa that laamad to ihow a mora ootradoouo oaoa ad ttan d ." ' -

Tho eenplalnant In tha eaaa la Hta. Baaanaah Pu(h, aovoiitr>flva r*ara olA ortdaw of w illlaia P m h | wha far paaro w arhtd aa a aoU ohala mahar in a Jawalrr faetorr, and w hoavantoaljr ha- cama a momaar af tha Nawark Follaa Dapartauai, raaialnliM • • tha (arM •d tll Ma daath, alataaa r ta n axa laat Jaaaa rr.

Tha tranaaollon orltlolaad h r tha rio t ahaaoallar, and wMeh MH. Foah Is •aakiBd to hava oat aalda. waa tba a t- th an ta b r Mrt. Faph, ibon i ton mantha add. a t thrao nnancnmborod propartiaa which oha awtiad at f t Parkhnrat atraat. wbara aba atill Uvao, and l t< l t Aotar itraal, Oaload todalhar a t taran apartmont Tania a t I t Hurray atraat.

Tbo apartmont hatuo. It la allogad In a Wll of complaint Tllod In Mra pucb'a bobair, was ropraaantod to bo worth

oubjaet to morlfadoa addta-

Satin* lll.oap. but tho ownor, LouU ooanbanm lo said ta haw tarnod avor

to Boris OaldstalB. an tntorm odlarr aclind for Abo D. UdOti, who It sUsdad to bava onflnoorod Iho doal. tor tlA*00.

latmcdlololy afU r (ho main transac­tion tho Aator atroct propcrtita w on ■Bontatad by Ooldotoln for t l . lM to dam Pioohmsa. wba waa mado a ee- doftndnnt with Upoto ond Qoldotaln In tbo anil. When tho d«al was first broupht to tho eourt'i attention Harry Orostmin. eovnotl for lha dotondanta, •akad ta hava Ftachman dlamlaaad aa a party dtfoadant. hut did a st aaecaad with hlo metlon. tho r|oo ekaatallor oaylnd It appaarod that tha mortBaplnd of tho proportleo of tho complalnanta w*o a part of Iho fraudulent achomo,

■■of ooarao, tho hoiaor of Iho oiovt* ( 1(00 ahantd bo mode a pait^ to tho a n l f

Th* hoarlna boaan lodoy with fho oum lnatlon of tho rortona lawyvra who wore concornod In tho drawtBg up of the dooda m orttapoa otc.

Tho orchoalra onion upon Ita aocoad tag eon with the p roapt^ of more oub- Maatlal support from Tha mutic lovtnc public htro than could bo oapoetad boforo tba m rrtti wore thowa ta tho ostollaBt pcrformancoo a put lo Ita cmdlt laat yaar. Nunwraus roapmdoa hava baan ra> catrvd to tha lovltottow tn.haaadM ■ •cribon and H to oapoetad that tho Hat wdl ho lar(tly Hicroased wahta the noil two mootba.

The prosram arraasvd by Coadurior I/nilo Ehrka for tba January ooaoort ir- dudso Boothdvon'a hrw nhonr la C tafTiur, N a i ; the ovortur* lo Maaaonofe "Fha- drt." a waits and a Klonalao of Tacliat. howeky and b pnahinttm hr Otaamuiow,

A talaniod aalolal, to ha anpmod. ' as'oporato Id Iho arUille achamc.

For icvwdl wsoba lha arohaoUa has htba rahcanlnd tho ahovo proaran and Ibt profTooa H Is makhic a ttu rta n a li- fyind pOTformanm. Tho fdcl that New­ark haa this body of muoManA a t eap- abla a t plartof lha llnor campaaMI by croai croatlvo mmleiana, ahmild ho a caiiao for eonaratuhittoa by an Btta latoroatod la tho protrsaa a t tba com' ■anlty ale«t artlotte and odaaaBi

l Oata Its work oounu to r mnch toi tho I Mty'a acUviHas aad In aatoiidlBa Haw-

M 's rvpulaUta for oalMpolaa la •luoBoaa


Rudolph J. O oorki prooldoni of tha Ooorha Company, today appadlod to tho Sasea Om aly Bom| of Taaattoa to r a roducllon of tho aoaoMmanl on hlo property at U<-*ll Clinton awnuc. Mr. Ooorha atatod tbo aaopacmaat of Ill.MC filed by tba astcosora lor I*U la too hlah and should bo rodaood to * . Tho morchaat pointed ant that on np- pcal the oouoty board reduced tbo auoanaMnt to Ill.lO t laat yaar.

Or. Oowald H. Roth of II* U tllo toh avenua, who ewno proporly at IM -lIT Uarkot atroot. also appoaltd for a re­duction. Tho throo |M rhot atrdat Iracta w on aasaatrd lo loohla applioatloa.

Proporly a t I t t - l l t Hoaavlllo avanoA ownaa by William M. Crano of ttO

at |T1,M*, which flattra Uah. paid Mr. Roth In

aom itit avaBao, was aooooood at lit.lM . Hr. Cram ftlad an tppoal. aaklna that the amonnt bo loworod to llA td*. Thooo ikroo appoalo aad a aooro ot olbora will

board by tbo coopty board darinc raaular h aartn tf a tartlna tomorrow. l;aa a iao a li win bo h a ^ by tbo board aatll F w a a r y 1. w bta Ha laiTaitotloa •ada

O O U B S M F i t U D 10 K n U R D I E E S I O l i n M *

All Ihd’aipMcT*** at bo m ats Ooia- mitatoa tor tha Blind win maat lb* moia- bar* at IM commitMaa a t tha otooa al Its maathiy mastini a t M Jamaa atraat (ofoarrow momlna. Pro bio aw af wotb and dMIhado wlU ba cooMdarod, Owntbw- laa tba caaforoaca bocun by hocM taaeh- tWA today.

nr, jnUaa Uvy will riaraaaat tba ehlM bratoaa divlaton of Urn Board o( HoaNh a t a BWOtlRp on pravaitloB a t Mlndnaai to tho aoditortnm at U Bambaraor B C o .i oUra (omorroa attara aaa . Ho wlU ••aah on onma phaaao *( ararontlaw whdo atharo wilt to boadlad by (tordia U Barry of lha Natlenal Oaaudttaa tar tbS PrvvonOon of Bllndnom. Tho nwatind win bMln al 0 •'•toeb-

Mlaa Marloo CamphaU. wtoarviaw M honia taachtnt of the Wind la haw York atato. was a apaakar a t today'i asoatoo.

How such taaohom may aoMiparato with othar tocipl ororfcan was tho tepM of s talk alran H Hits Hatan B. Fa*- diaion, auparvlaar at asM wortt For tbo Buroau of Ataoolatod CharltioA at Um momlns sotalon. “BoMal dtognoaUclanT* IdMa Fandiatoo tarawd ton uatosd wash- ora of today, aoiatliia oat tha naad al undorvundlna homo b{>d Eamlly eiwdi* ttom bcfwa taal help aaa ba atvaa ‘ tho Wind ar othar haadkapaad paopla.

Thio hniaaa ropraaoMativa Invitod tba tisehora to ■•bd a reproeewtstiva of dto- trict moatlass of tba charlUoo oryaalaa- tion for dbcuiwien of caoao to which thoy are mvluaBy latoroatod.


Haro for th* aatartolnnwnt of Ita Mwm- bar* and INenda Ihaa for (ha dlvarstoa of Iho public was tbo coocort atvon by thr Alton Rtoftoa Sselaiy In tha Rrusarr Aiidllarlaag tait altbl. In many wayA It could bo reaardad almoot aa an toi- promplu affair, basUly arranoad to ob- tvrvanct of tha srianlaallon'i flfty-olath •nr.lvvmry. ITio first of the two rarn- lar ooncorto arraafod by tbo ooctoty tor Iho ocaMn will ha (Ivon ThHtvday n laht OMombir A

Tho choruo siWetlat Bat M tht num- borod lost than half of Iho Arton ohotr and whila Ita porfarmanceo under tbo dlroctloa oT Conductor W»r*chln(#t wore p try ta t, they wore, updor Iho ctnumatancooMai ** imorm lnc a i aro thoaa whan w t n t i r o ehoral body llRi lU volco In^ion* It wa* cood, however, to hoar aaatn ouch familiar coiappaittono ao Ktvmior'o *Thlo lo tho Lord'a Pay." Altondorfrr'o "O M t- ina from Homo" and KJaruICa Nl(ht."

By Its ahtolas at Prattoaaattol'a "Aim- lauoch'.' and laadrr'* "tuUaby"—a (uar- tot romprllUia CMwraa H. bchuhart, OaaM DIppol. Harry A. KoonM aad Uiulo H. Danny, who ir* nwmbori of tho Arton— fuithorod riJoynwDt of tbo concert.

The ooMlto wore tho Htoooo Marsarot ItoasB and Oortruda FfMndtor. aopranoA and C. Louts CialA bailtoBO. of tUo Wty. Mlao Uoaaa woo hoard In Ortofo Im K aha.' aandorooa’o "A Bpvay «< and Prana'* "Im lUrbat" and Pfa*nd1er la Bohm'* "btlll M th* Night, Hwltoy'i "Lov*'* borrow" and CClack mann* 'Han*.’' th* lart alv*n to ra- ■pona* to *B *neor*. Th* fr**ha**a of youth a* w*ll a* a natsraUy aood auaUty a t ton* mak«a th* hoarlag of thaao youna wamon'i voloa* an airooahla e ip a r iw ^ la all Ihal partain* to artful (Inttoa. both hav* much to taara- Knd*wod with vatoaa out of th* ordinary, «>*y should atHva to uwk* th* moat of them by otudy.

Mr. C ra lf * contrlballOB* to tba pro- •rram wore Huhn’i ■'Inrletua" and Val- ontlna'a air, "Evta Bnvaat Haartt. from Oouaofro T auat." In good vocal oonditlen, bl* maltow baritone and bta mannar of ualna It aaratd (anarous ap- ptouta. A wtol-Uhod dopartura from

tha mkMeal

Why M*aald M ifby Itot

krai tba mans' anMAMdaMA -orHan Warb.’* and

dotrvarad by Bat Rpiaaa In (ha aaa- •analaal a r aaraaalbp atoolas aad real ta­li ooo aatartaa lato H, Mr. Hymaa’a Uva- ty aanaa a t humop, ganlsl matbad ta laottaB aad atoar sad fa r earrytog valaa oumMaad ta aiaha Ma afTort vary aatar- talntog.

D aaolat MIowad (ha conoart

BadH Candtoato Lanriwna.Tba MoMolbort Batld of Cthrtoa Ava>

nua Balarmod Chnroh bold a tosohoaa and tala in tha parlora of tha obunh yuwrday. Tlwao to chaiga wars Mm. B. A- Bamott aad Mlu Baunn Trap- haasA aaafitod by (ho acllva mombara of tho (ulM, a t Irhoai Ihora ara th ir ty (ton. P roeatda from tba aftalr wui ha w iM to tha faad uaod by the oooioty tor aldlaa la too m bitcaarr oniaiprlaa to thi* and laralaB lands

I M T « I i g B F O I S I l T S F « K U A Y O U K E n U a n i D

■Bha aol* of loala for tbp ooaoarl to ha fivaa by Hm*. MMhA tha (aamia aa- (tabA with lha aaatatoaoa of MBs Baytitoa Harrtaan, 'aWlMi Itoban Faihar, baittoBA and Franh tl . laaar, ptoalal, to tha Kia igot Anattorlinn Wadnaadaa n lfh t Odtabar IT. wlU apai Friday aam -

ra'olooh at tot r -------- -----ton at Lauior ytoao wars Ib l Broad atraat.

rtedarlph N. boaunar. uadar whoaa to- 0(1 manafirmnnl tbo prima doBBt wlU a y paar, b u raoWvad by nwtl aa away ordara tar aaato that n larga audtonco B aa* mirad. Abwm (boat raquaatlBB that af* ekaatra *aau to ha raaarvod for them ara a nambar af musical arttoia to Ktw TaHi, wha ara aaasr to hoar tha diva oa oocaataa. It to aratiryiiia to Barn from Btitoti, wtwra (ba diva m b i to«l luadgy, th a lb a r voloa v'onUmuaa to bo tha boautl-

ful It haa boon alnaa aba b igan to aachsBi tba tahtto with tto lovaly . toast aad haf abUl In m aatyiaa ibam. In aam- atiatlM on h*r oancert. oaa of tho Boa- ton oMtIca daetotad that " to ibla day to aU n a n tla B her vplca ramalna bar uaiaB* valaai baa Mi^ ob B bHII that laiaaHna of antaial tosttoei and iiractleml apUtuda Umt B *a Mnautorly bar owa. whUa imr t* a W tor tba maawal aad tha asanUonal oaatanla af bar aaag ha t parcopBMy

fElf ARE TRUSIEESTO FUR WOUTba baari of ituMaaa a t tha ^ h H a

Waltota Commlttoa will nwad lo a ovTow aftamoon al 4:IP o'elock to tha W tia hnlldtoa to dlaouaa plana for oarrylnt out tba wlnar'a work. -

Thia protram, aa ptavioaMr aanaiiwbd, Badtamplato* a atudy of Nowatk'a oily ( uotramant with a vtaw to Inaraatina Ita•fflolMMy.

iB to tid



rark'd Nawadt and Baat Appual


C o m a r


B AimBis PMD, n n > R E E D ON S m U N G O U i a l

Bx of afaa autMaobfUata aacatod apaadlM warr flu«d la paHoa eaurta (i marniaa. atvaa ut tba aataairtBBta wato I arralaacd to tba, nrat Praatoct CbiM

(tad two to tha ThM Fraadact C *«l Bataad Johnson or 111 Cltaton amm*. who d*etored ho waa exoaedtoi tba Madt bocana* a iwaaimgvr to hla aar waa | BaA was tba anly oa* Judp* not fin*.

laadora Or**n*pato of t i l atraat, F«rtb Junar, was |ip. Ra I wa* arraatod tatog tbtHy-atabt aritoa aa boar ta citatoa avatum. Laoto fartaib at U t Bodatr avuwna and Fmanaal Bar-1 ataa at U Davla avaauA. Kaany. )ltotr| drtvarA waaa abacaad ■aohiiwa at ih im i

riaa. Fatrnimaa Rabaeb, wha arraat- tbasA daetorad that to tba taal two waafca tto iiiraaaa hava baan kaaakit

dona aad inland by at t f ittlw at that yotot. Rash dHvar ww ttoad N.

Othm who paid flnaa of II fori tog wan Chartas H. Bi«riat at ■artoa plam Lyons Parnai Atoa Hidihaad at 04»r avanuA Wad Bad. aad Farcy F. Marani of' in av*nUA

Twa auliBIbBBtl arraatM by lMaF>| •ycB FcU»*maa Ratny tor apaadtafta UBooln uitoBar atm biwiiaad b ' Judpt Mtfoari-OaBaia and war* rah uadrr nspondOd aaweoasi. Thar R«(to Me Ada am at f t TriaMat aa . Otaaa*. and CBorga OlaHaa ot l i t Cat- WMa avaauA,Naw BniaawML

. T H iY O M I L T O I M K T D E N H O IE ; POLICE H i a X - l f I

tot# tba w Mdiaat 1

tke CotU Seamm With it An A9t9M m 4ing Stile ot

Fur THwtmedi and flu* Fabric

COATS at no.95

JU Atuadt ta aat tot# tba n M M m a JahB F. Drydia at HM I atraat, which has barn Maatd tar

, was msda by burgUra tod alcht - ■ ■ f a •

, ___ alatf a bar alar atom .

totradari eat nWay d m am at haatmant dnar, bat I* deUc an tot |

Whan tin paHM warn aauflad tbar BPdaiatoad tba baralara warb a t tratk

' i t tba ha«o at Farraat F.lBhdaa, M * iiaat at tba Ftidantlal iBaaranaa Oum-8S: ■i.s.triuKff'.iS'un;tradars warn waabtoB at tbo R~ ' dpad bonao. Tba putoa wars a* la got any ttaaa af tbaia.

Purina tha tod taw yaars maar at* lampta hava baaa awdb tg rob tha Dtr*

toddaba* Oa twa aaaaalaaa lb* 1 (lata waFi m f l a d l wblla at warb

tba roar at S a b a a iA aat an avaryMSMbaraway

IttlN nOJS l l f t j iDatarmifidd to maka thli tha'peateit Cdtt Sale of the entire aeaaon, we'hive prepared vdit teeortmente, inclndiaf w r y febrie- end model tlmt will be in demand—vtiuee that A A C would bo oxceptioiud tt | lb —bat for thie apt- * ■ ■ ■ • v f P ci4 iweiit Ibe pfioe l» .v ..v ...................... * V

CMie et UMinm. Tmeedt atid CktvMt cM tai, ptaUe and mbctana—Coatn od

, A H w l% A «fracta i aad o tte r tar fabrics,M A N Y W tm B I O H C B O K B R O R J V N N a m ^ M i ^ Y V M - M A N Y r m L Y U N m W l l B m A R A N I B S D S A i m

Sl9Ml4to44 Ahmtiom Ffm.y by tha barater alargL

v n s s m m m m my n E n H i m * c o h y e m i o h

W E W A M K B o y t g u . n e w V O M

A tpaaiai aanadltaa at tbaaalM tor Frie dana an to ka d fadardtod tba]______ _ - , _________ la ti* Mato aa*mml ooav«attoa at «bs Awarwu* M dw ibatofarr t a ^ d Aaaad t ttoa, Tha aaa* J•aaaditW* partlatet

atlaa at dmMiaa I* td *s hdd Ortibat n i a tbaj MUal mtmsro. Mow Turk,, and tba o«m- dlnaa haa baan toviMd to U a |^ M M id ^ONdona af tba canvoaUoa wm ba haU d II a'alaab to Ma abiid a i aM I Caldit totba Aaraaoa. At TiMJit Mo avatiae Ma aaaual banguot la to ba bald.

XVa redwsntotivai of to ta l^ l ^ wta ta tm S a m rn M ^ •!?**!•f tba aonmlltoa and at tha lataraagand Tiada Baraau today. ^ ato lanor too* Junauaaa ot • jj jf 'Oorardo Areols of La Fiw, Bolivia. Both ato hats to pniubata Moamth-mada gaodi.

n u w t m i u N a i H

M ID I f E a i w i T B

Kirs'is&'^rssjss.tIBa BltoahUTa. U i p t j s

A f t

HereT o


PIANOSan da amt pwfwl b ilradiali le be M Oaa laiad detMa m a MtotaiBi. Tef tha Im (mb, e ^ ifw bNchdiim dm d id aai liw .eM ia ihe apaniim n mbBiiiiaa ffi rM t

appMeak I» ,l|pe. Im iL ibrahtftr, diilm» “ ae' t i li|pvi|i||P||IQ M M m i thw IM aaBiTp im d.

■ .'A' '


(, l iulnifi s Moior f ll-'fDCAPDEPAnTMlWT

O' f'V it t - ,

—mtMi rwfvm- ■*7w ,'•Llrh

V - ^f* ^ A

The photograph above showt the entnnoe (on Green Street) of the Used Car Department and the Sep- vice end Parts Departments. In the last named we ctrry parts for every model of Chalmers Car from 1908 to 1016. Here is every facility for the prompt hindllng of a large number of cars. Our machine shop equipment is ample to meet every rush requirement.

The photograph at the right shows the salesroom, fronting on

. Broad S tr^ t ..It is perfectly ap­pointed in every way — you will be Interested in tdsiting It.

Announcing the Opening of OurNew Salesroom and Service Station\

IHALMERS sales have grown so rapidly that we simply had to grow with them. Our old quar- tere have been outgrown.

You will And us now atabltshed in one of the most complete and best appointed salesrooms and aerrice stations in the East. 4 '

Our,new quarters, at Broad and Green streets, are most conveniently located in the very center of the city. ^

You are corilialty invited to visit us— to look over our new home—and to Inspect our* •*

Chalm ers Caro for 1916Espedatly the Slx-40, Seven-passenger Touring Car, which you can drive as an open car until

cold weather sets In, and later change to a complete limousine by adding the new Palanquin Body. You can buy the Touring Car now for $1,350, and later buy the Palanquin Body for $350. In each style a perfect car; Two can in one—all for $1,700. 1

We Are Holding Opeii HouseWe want our many old customers to visit us and see the splendid quality of service we are now

making available to Chslmen owners.We want everyone interested in motor cars—whether Chalmers owners or not—whether motor

owners or not—to vialt us, ao that we may make their acquaintance and in turn make them ac­quainted with Chalmen quality in cars and Chalmers quality in service.

We Invite You—Drop in on Us!

P ADD0CL7USI jVOTOR (^0.t ... *894i*896 Broad Street, Newaric, N. J . '



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B ! OalMefS Modeli Yoii Shonld SmO u Ib s i * M iM a -S ti


aa laurlar ap'patotmants ara It katora pitrahsalat anr

olaaot aa* >

C h a i a m U i l i t S l x - 4S T o u r i n g C a r: batovB ■•alltF—tba IbaMat aalllnc Bta at

C h a l m a r a 6- 40C a b f f lo l r t d ^ i a a e i i i e n iChataiato taaijpi : naMitr. {toC a tobto CiMMasA toHF HFb^srA

kMiHB aalva-la- (ha aiMar typa

tiBMBMdiMB.‘ - isaSSAr m

Mm m *. trgto



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i S t i j W A E K B V l ! l f X N G I T E W W B D l f f l S M T . j .a ^ >



IN QUEST OF von■ f a l l to I t o t o n r i i « i « T ik to

tn y to lS n im lw i lM v W irSwiI867.'

H aai tfekt tiMM «•■ • ** ^Sm tofiltoitottM to £5 !AMiMtotiWI • ( tk« totolltotto t« M n r* • m m to r tM rUrtltoto •» »h« »*»M* ■miM. U WM toto# ftototod ttoat w nSItoitow t* * * • ^ ? K l5iMto, whUi tototoOitor tortottoa to*f«« MIJtout tm •‘•■A#«r ‘ ----rwltowtav »■••• dt««to**rl»* Ifef •en tto l**l«tot«rto ri4t»ttl.4

tk« Itottar »oe»M tbrlr eritlM wlih pUylBf iwiui«» fctotour RM. ••to*'y A^wlttinc tlirkt Ihftt

MNlfD Bl LEOSUmE PIOCESS■ i l * toWtoH •* Ktow J*n»r womm (*

Atoltolto tba TMJnt fnnctoliw. Arnltd to (h«m M tordoy . liM boon lonf, lodlouiM HMtolototoflH.“■ Tto* ittolto btoutf of tho otdoot oul-

r«||to toMMitotloB In Ifeo tlnltod lU loi.B w Ka o a a.S /Xe**B#e i

•alUI«» SoBBUr R M . ••‘‘ •*1,';Bl to* tlmo IbBt IM bill

CBBiaInBd OBBlradtolory foBturoi, IB* ololBdtbBi th*y woro not h Hoiii iBOUtto to BIBkO It iBVBlId, 1 1

Oorornor fioldBr obIIbA b bmoIbI ■••• (tea of tbo I*o«lolBtUf» for ■*» • >“ ‘* at wWoh tbo dofofiWo iBW wm» ro- BOBlod and a oo« bill romodrlBf It «*« paBOod It wBB thio bill vtokb tbo 0o»- ornor tlgnod lator that mado pootlblo yaatarda)''* oloctlon.

■rtOH to Vota r a a r troan Aca.It waa la litirlliia. Marrlo County, on

Octobor II. l»U. that a movamant waa atartod ibal had for Ita oblaei tba brlnflnc about of votaa for woman throuvb H wM ihiiithat Ulta Harriot C. CarpaiiWr of S t l -


IM n rte n «f O ppo^ «f Vftet fir Womi TlrNiei Wink


llBttli— A trh# Mtoo ooBiMlfB aa Otoo a( tba B a tl-M ttlM ipaabarto of to sold d faralU eaBo aultablr aacribad.

a“»'‘ : r « M » ' r % ? ' . S S ‘t".J: >*■"« ."B T aT .ach .r lB .h i N .w .rk Nor-• n P * I to itA h d w t l R in t it tA ra d l b » -

ibtra pladcad to advanoa tbo In- Ha bf 'kum aa anffrata In tba

Wtod Malaa."Tba arlctn of tba aattra (a mOYOinanl

•tala InatItutlOB. with a dafinita id dkod purpaaa. may bo tracad to lit. Ronaa twaaty-flva yoara aa« iha i«aa«*a PoilUcal Union of Riaat ttoBty waa ortanlaod. toavaral yaara dor It wan atoocoadad by tha Womaii'a Mttiral Ualoa of Now Jaraay.It waa toot until A*rll It. 1*11. that

ftrat of tba aaaaalallona among MOO tototooad to Woman aaffraga waa t iM - Had It toot boon for a allp, tha •flraca amotodinaiit. It la llkaly, would tva boon Btobmlttad to tba votara wiib Ito otbara a wbolo yoar aftoi Tha t in t in waa toatotad by tba t i l l U«ialatura. fW hira to atobmll It to tba rotora at It alaclloa la l l t l waa duo to naalact

btoao It areparly adrartlaad. Tba ra- III waa tM t tb* Lagiatatura of t m ad to b a ita with tbo amandaionta aw, thaa rtoquirlac lhair adoption by a U d d la U ra H I tU aad paring tho ay f i r Mbmioaltoa u tba voiari ‘ Mtatdair'a alacUon.


Hra. Braaaa Hado tba praaaatattoto fpaach bM aaplalaad tbM M Mr. Hat* thowa tatod flroa htaIn tbo ctanpalfb irlthout aay oapoctatlato of oomimMatioib tbo otottabtouaht to a Mallaatlofl of tbo amoutot of good tbat ba bad ^ im In bla opoocb- ntaMtu loura aad trantod to f tra him a ratnlndor of tho day. he had apoot In tbo afforto. Tha atgaralta caoa beta tbo for* mar Aaaatnblynaani's InlUala. whUo on tba Inalda of tha com waa .nfravod: "Pra- ■antad to Hou. JiHm A Wattbawa by


In . Tu Wkkk IttiM C m fib Bitter U N d S p a i b »f


_ _ . . , ___ I tho Now Joroty AjaooiatloB f>ppooad toCoodlBl tiro , tto BO B atM o d to l>»m- duffrapo. October If. t t l l . "

•rrtotio lioaidoa by Mr*. B- lardo■ ro o M totod O tb o r r r o a l B o a t M .m b » m o f Lotopwo— P o n a a r A aM eo b ly a taa M i t tb o w a P t o w a t a d w ith UoM 4 la * a r o t t o t'tooo l a d p p tw c ta lU o o f W a rb .

■afora prui-aaditoc with tha praaan' tallon*Io Ur Hattbawa tha antla aalh- aiad a ^ u t Mra Rraaao and iilaoad In har a rm . a liufo bunoli of Amorlean lic tu ty rooai, wbllo to Ulaa Clara Voala. who manapad tba campaign, a gold hrouch waa Itirtn,

A a airongly auffraga dlalrlcu raportad early In lha nlgbl. iha aoli. ra ra ctoaar

Maodptoartaro a t PallMotol Btoloto l a otoa of Blaamy laaal— aa Modtoraa Oaa»a la IbtottorltoB Draam a t a rpaa ttoaa- abtoo Barty Hapo R aM ilr OI««a Way to Paataw Wbaa r a i l R ataat of Calamity la Pbowa.

jUppoaUbtHty tor tbo orarflpbl Ip M waa ntvor dirottly plaead. altbaugh nitotoo ebarBoa wort mado by th* auf* raglol*. Tbo rtoolbtlon pravidad that

ddrarHaaawnta ahould ba oarad tor Iha oacroMry of a ta la tha pyaOldcnt tba ■eaalo aad tha apaobar «t Iho pao. Tba tb r ia eenm rraal raaoly

PM wara aot fllod with tha aacroUry " otalo. who. tharaforw diaclalmad ra-

■MblUly OB tbo grouad Ibal ha had I offMal aettncailon a i to hit duty, laroat aatloa dlietoaad that the eotoevr-

ilnrt. mot aal

wt im A H um bad booa rotalfrd In Uio Ja tto taor'i affW aad worn la Iho actual

Mlody- of Bmcutlro Clork Joha 1, Fbr* 1. Ur. Rarral^ daHvorod ttho taoalu* aa to tha gocratary of Mata. Auguat

1*1L and an optaloa wga Imiacdlatolr lad from tha attgraay foaerol a t to

pwpgy aourgo to ptotaua. Tb# opinion m Haadad down tba*A»M day by format •sioUBi Attoftorr Oanrrol Nalaon B. MkUl, and bald that the Ubm wtthia blah tba poarBat amaadiitabU aHght ba Mlly adrapOaOd iMd paaaed.Tba law rtitBirad that tba mnaaldiaati

Maid ba odoorrtgad la a t Mam ono now.. Ipot puhllahod In ta th couaty tbioo miibo prorigv* to tba Ucctlaa a t ntia* n of tbo aweroanttag UtM ittot*. Mr. gkllt hold Ibal IMi naatobt tbrw col­la r gwRiibA gad thot It wobid nnl ha

■ffitlaat to pobllBh tbo gdtartlaonianta w dtofttot ogrh of Ib itr MonthL Tho Blon vport 0 plAB ouanotad by tba aao-

Itorr ot orpra by wMcb tba bdrtrt'aa* totota aright hara hoan tiNbllth'd durlag

laat w«rii la tuguat la dtplambar . bl Ortoiwr. gad la oaa or two routo-

wbaro tboy wrro im roautaltog puk•ptlOtoO In Aiigvot. hi Noronboy.Uo. Oao'cltl todrtntd tho OMratary ofate. ibnt lb tba atrmitantbiHM tbo thro* ficora cbaT '.cd artth tb# dnir of adrar- nag toou'd Ml ba tnilircd lb Inntrring

ary < xponaa. Ma ggro ao tu- rlty a tim iar oplalon readorad a aum- ot ymra afo br tba laid dttorgay

tanaurl H. Oroy,I Cavrral ceshwoerot war. tbta haM ba*

an auffraglata, getiM Ooramar riold-' and otbar aitllcipla. tba outmaM ^4ac;alon la raltotrodur. iho amaadmatota

tb . tarUlatlv* acaait a of l i l t . In tba at'ma a dalact waa dioearoftod bi tbo

totdiaii of l|w wawiab aaffraga b wtoa Alio t i aialBad.

mol and Training Hchool. appaartd ba fora tba alactlon board of rntaale Tonnnhip a t Bilrling and damindad Ih ti har nano* ba plartd an tba raglatar no a votar. &ha baaed her demand on the ground that tha Conitllutlon of 1*J* . wAt freproiHcU' bwCAUM It onlTparailticd real, elilaana to rota, whara- aa '‘all Inhabitanta" wara aeoordad lha p rirllag . of voting In tba Conatllullon of I77», which wan adoptad two day. bafora tho algnlng of tha Oaclaratlon of fndapanAanca

Cbartaa A. Cornltb, chnlratan of tha alactlon board, rafuaml to raglatar Mlaa Carpantar. Tbaraupon Mlaa Carpantar, who waa accompAnlad by bar altornay, Mlaa Mary A. Phllbraoh <»f Ktwarh. anaaunaad that through tba la lltr aba would aaok a w rit of mandamut agalntt tb4i alactlon board

It wna tba flrot nltampt avar mado In Now dorewy by a woman to taar- cioa tba right of ouffraga alnco Iho now Cobotltutlon wao odopiod In thia tia ta In ll4 i.

Tba writ of mondtmua waa apoadlly obtalnod from Bupramt Court Juatlco Parbar aad Intar tba oaaa waa pra- Oaotod to tho Buproma Court.

Advoneo Oootaloa by Court In an opinion filed In lha Bupratna

Court by Jnallca Kellach April 11. l i l t .It waa bald that the provlalona of tba roaalUiitlon of Now Jara.y do not giva women tba right to vola. Tha court bald that tba pronilaaa on which tha e tta waa founded were Ihacourate and fallicloua, that prior to tha adoption of tba 1774 Conalltutlon woman of Now firM Y had no lagal claim to vela, that no turb prlvllaga waa confarrad on ihom by thni Conotltutlon nnd tbat avan If tha act of' 1T*7 pormittad fa- malat to rota. It wao luboaquontly ro* potlod by Iho atatulo of IM7.

liia court Inalatad that tba act of HOT and aubaoiiuant alalutao tteluding tomnlao from tba right to vota a r t not la eaatratoontloB of tbo Conatl- luttoa ot ITT* and Ibal cartful raadlng a t tha elauaa lb It about "all Inbabl- Unta" donongtraloB that tho latoronco drawn by Mlaa Pbllbrooh from tha uaa o t that torm oannot ba lu ttlfltd whan Iho coatoft la coBildered.

The court Bgreod that It wai rory likely, aa Mlaa Phllbraoh tat forth. Utof hflar tbo paaoaga of tho aot of IT*T aowio woiTi.a rotod, b«t, after all, aa tha court Put It, It waa nothing moro than • prlvllaga atotaBallag from a laglalatlva aot, which act a luhaa- Iiuint Leglalalura bad a right to rtopaal, and ten y ta rs lator did rtopaal.

It was not HU Novattobor II. I»l». 4 M tba appoal (roM that dacialoa waa daaldad agalnot Iho appaUnat by tha Cpon of B rro n and Appaala. Iho opln- .... bolng banded down by Juatloo gwayio. but on dlfforonl grokada from thoao uikon by tbo Btoprama Coart. Jtootleo Bwaytoa polntod oat th a t « tho III* Conotltullon t i not tba Uw of thIa ■UIO. tboa tho caurU for iiaally oor- onty yaara h ero boon uotorptog powora that do no t bolong u Iham.

CoMmontlag OB tba pIslntlfTa ing* geallon f b « H waa aaty tba aaffraga clotoog th a t WM undtr attaak, Juatloo Bwayoa aal* that It fho 1144 Coaitltu* tloa "waa todoptad by a majority of tbo poopio, lha auffraga elauaa waa

Wllh Mra E Tarda HrMt., their [itril- attention to datalla than an hour drnl. lha centar of attratilon. rhaii re- later. Whila at no Urn. could an anU turne rara not baing announced th* anti- f h* found who wavorod In hto or hor auffy.,...., moa nnd roman. ,rowd^ th . : r r c ” n'.“ rhaadquartara of the Men i Antl-Huffraga Ictaguc In the Wlea building laat night to iaora tha oulcoma of tho beltio at

n t . which

Maaitag tba ttobtotramgaH that two •oooaalTg Iggitlaiarag maot pan* It, tba IM gtot thpongb tar tba ooctmd tlmo I rogtolar form laat aprliig. Ag paamd waa a otomMuatlen af tha Road bill

, I tba Rotoaia piiri that af tb* Poaeoek laaatotto In tb* Mto«aa. Tba Otovamtor ■•ad It. Ahritoat immalhiUly It ww

tba polio. In r ide controet to Ihr unob- trualvo eampolfn carried on In ihalr quaat for voter were the frequent demon- •IrfttloM M (ftVdrjibl* wcfc r*-colved from different oeclinna of the tiale.

Children with now loy# could have boon DO more enthuetaetic ihan wera the antla whan It waa loudly proclalnwd that Mr*. tJlllan f . Faicherl, praaldent of tha Ntw Jaraay guffragt Aeanclatlua, bad gone down In tha wtrekaga In har own dialrlel tn DuaalMn, having loot by about thtrty-ftva vouo. A tuppnaoad air of ototloftoctlon fToelad tho announcomont tbat Praildant WUooa'i dletiirt In Prlaco- toa bad not followad lha cauat. but had rapudlatad It by a majority of eighteen or twaniy.

A faatnra of the gnlia' cetabratlon, for Ihnt tt Wat In ovary aenat. nia lha ap- pttoranco of Jamea R Nugent, the loader of tha Damucracy of llioei, who had openly oppooed the euffrtglett and had parauadad tha Drnocrallc organlia- tlon to follow hit blddiag. Mr. Nugant gr- rtvad at the hMdqu.rt.ra whit* lha antla war* la the midel of ratura* that were nulokly analya.d a* porttadlng the ever- wkelraJng defmt of th* ua*adm*nl.

The raturn* from Mr. Nugant't atronghold—Baeai County and the city of Nawark—had bagun to dribbi* In, and h* raeatvad a routing walcomt t t h* antarad th* baadqaartara Tb* matting botwaan him and Mra. Bra*** waa marked by much cordiality aad tacb congralulatad tb* other on th* afforlt each had rrada to balk th* tuf* fragltlB.

•paeck by Bagent."Tbia ta nothing more than could bo

aipMtad from ta lalolllgant an tlac- lortle aa w* bav* la Now Jaraay." aald Mr. Nugant In a brief tptach. "and you man and woman nr* to b* eongrntulattd upon nil that your acoompllahmont maana for lha woman nnd th* born** of th* alat*. tt waa a hbrd fought battle, but navar waa th* raault In doubt one* th* eotar* war* gtvan a eloar undaratandlng of th* latu* that wao bafora thaaL

"I antarad Into tbla fight m illin g that at Icatat nloaty par cant of th* woman of tb* aUt* did not want the roapoaalbltlty of vollai. Th* quaatlon baa bean aettlad one* and tor all ta Kaw Jaraty, whtr* tb* votara are not of tbo typo ta b* lod Into an Ttm' tb* otfoet ot which might moan th* raadlng of th* vary foandailona ot our govarn manL Tou bav* won an imporUat vle- tory. and I want to Uk* thia oppor­tunity or eongralulating, flrot th* atat* In hnvtng an A a formidabla elllaonry aa you ropraM t. *nd ateondly your* ■olvao, for th* uaaalfith and wbolo baarM aacrific* that you hava mad*.'

A* ho oei^ndtd hM match Mr. Nugant Blurh In Ik* poriUon of n man

vieo'td lha enriy ratum* with conaldam- hi* Intanat. Than It hacoBi. a matiar of corgralulaitoa aa aach aurcewdlng raport waa raid.

At ana point In lha proceeding* Mr*. Birea* etappad to the Ighl* from which th* return* war* batng rand, and rolumod In n moment to aay that Mr*. y*lck*n'a dialrlel had been carriad by lha anila Thia toll of laftrtnatlOB appeared to aat'ifaclory to all tho antla. aa It proved to be to Mito, Broaoa A momanl later cam* tb* aniwuncamaat that Praaldent Wll.on't dJatrlct had gone agatnat tut- fng*.

Th* antla bad an almott complata tally of th* Toung in th* alat* bafora they dt- cklad that It m a Um* to go bom*. Vtlmn Mr*. Braoaai Ulo* Vaatn number of other lagdar* left th* head- quanara riiortly after t o'clock they had heard doflnltaly from all but Cap* May and Oeaan countla* and they had figured out a majortty In ibolr favor of about 4I,*»* la lha ataU


PraUmlnary plana for n pur* food tunchoon which ahall aid Itw mambotto In mcatlog Ihalr annual ptadga for feroign inlatlen work war* eunald.rad at th* opoo' Ing maatlng for th* aotoon of lb* Wom­an'* Foralgn Ulaalonary ioelatp of C tral Maibodlai Epitcopal Church bald yaa- tefday nflamoon In th* chnpal. Mr*. Wllllan H. Van Houtan, praaldent. oeau- pled lha ehtir. and Mr*. Oaear Hart, **«, reltry, praatnlad tb* report* of tha UMa­urer, Mra. namuel Morrltl.

Th* toewiy aeauma* raoponalblltly oach y tar for th* aupport of a girl of BnrtUIr Orphanage In India, and atao eostributa* toward Ito* itlary of a mlaatonary tn Korea.

Kurthor arrangamant* for th* lutocbaoto will b* mad* at tb* nail meeting to b* held Mondny afternoon, Novtmbor I. at tbo horn* of a member to b*,aanauBC*d ahortly. At that Urn* Iho aoelaty wUl bagln the aiudy of KaMn Hontgogaary'i T b * King'* Highway." V u ch will ba read by Mra. A. O. PUa-Oarald.

In ordM to Incrann* latarM among lb* church mamber* th* aoelaty SvUt endravor to obtain tb* aarrle** of Rev. Dr. F. B. Fitchar, corraapanding tacralary oT tb* board of foralgn mlaalsiui. to tpank a t a Tuaaday night prayer matting Intnr In lb* aanaon. Announcawan l. wna nlao : of tha diftrict anew of lha WoowB'e Foralm MlaMtanry ioclaly a n t Wadnaa- day nTtarnaan nt the hora* of Km. Ralph B. Urmy, IM Ml. Progpoct avtonu*.

An aabauatad, narve-ahattorod, but navarthalat* tn ihu tla itle group of aul* fraglata turroundtd Hr* Mina C. Yaa WInbla. praaldent of tha Woman'# Po- lltloal Union, a! haadquarter* In Ualaor atraat early laat night to hear th* ra turn* frogi lha varloua part* of tha atat*. In the Umliad quartara ot th* organlnatloi, that had been th* wary pulo* ot tb* Buftrag* campaign, ta t th* tirad and hoana-threatad campaign oratora and eltaara who had oxpootad muflh groaltr oonaldaratlon t t tb* band! of th* atat*'* alaelorat* than lha final rtnolta abowtd.

Hlnglad with th* auftragtata w o n aympathltar* who gatharad la gneh proportlona that th* quanara oould net aooommodata half of thorn, wharonpon Rav. Dr. Jtm aa C Howard, poator of lb* Halaay Btroat Mathodlat Bplaoopal Church, which adjoint th* haadqnar lain, earn* to th* raacu* and p lau d th* baaamant of th* church a t thair dl* paaal. A tpaclou* aaaainbly room waa lak tn over ba Mr*. Van Wlnkla, taking a place on a roatrum, kept tab* on th* atat*. county nnd city raturna ta they wart either talagraphad or carried In partonally to Harry W right, who raid tham to a throng that numbarod about tH Ran and woman.

It waa a aaddanad aaaamhlaga Th* only on* who tppoarad to look npen tk* wraokag* with any tomblaae* of phllaaophy waa Hr*. Van W tnkla >h* bora up wall under lha praotur* that

tk* avnlaaobg o t m u *•!** tupggat and with • griill* th a t bagpiba nnafl* dano* wnnld riM imnoado that tb* naw a Of wogutn gtirtrn«i had gofforod riritll. dafant »■■ m ita la . >**• thaa aba tn* gigtad that tbn akuag had ngt gaffamd. but that tba rtatolla w«r* aaly U In* anntiTt tn bottor work n«gt Um*.

Fata may hnen had n hand la tb*tomtlor, but tha aorly rntamg 1* th* auffrngtatg oamn f rM dlatiielg tbat war* fgvorabl*. ■uedi gaanU oaoHriail* tloa HaUdoo. WldgowBid. BtUgTlIlo, Ffcimpaburg, Rooatin nod RootUn Pork had wound up tin ir ta lk ol oounttag th* vota* early and had gona to bod with th* lallafacHori of haviBg rot lod up gnuUI mojorttlaa for tb* ooua*. Th* raadlng or th«M roturni put tb* tuffmglgtt In high gtM, but BJ lb* d ty roturn* began to com* In an air of gloom anttlod ovor Ibom. and from than an dlaappolntmaal lurhad. In tlmoal tvary raport.

H m oapoclant and happy oountananou of tb* leodtrt and woikora gav* way to looka of chagrin. Tba gonoral optaion. which, by lha way. It requlrad u datao- Uvto to diacern, waa that tb* nform tt waa proponed to glvo tb* atat* had itif- forod lha earn* aatbaeh that ha** moat other raforma In thatr flrat Urea out. Not a raw of lb* aaotmblag* openly do- iMMincad tho dominant poUtlral machlnol aa bavtng worked agalaat th* amoad- mottt to porpoiuat* th* powor of oor- talii loadora

Romata to RnRUnllb* loaor* In a maocuUn* poUtkal

campaUrn. Hra. Vaa Wlnkla, Hra. HInnI* i . lUynMd* and a few athar laadera in- naalnad on tb* Job unto th* gmoll heat* ot thia morning tabulating tba tmlaa. mora tor th* purpea* of onaipMag It tham to find any CMtaotathm for tho Immadlat* pranont. All agitoad that th* oxpttloM* had •!**• Iho eaua* much tnwota* and that wtoon fl*o y«aro roll oroonl • wat« thottougk oigaatmUa* wonid p n tM t oatf to domand again from tb* Maotaimto aueb an amaadnwnt na waa ab laalM»alp turned down yanUiday.

Whan midnight draw naor a aajnrlty ot Iho faithful who had gatharad In lb* church ataambiy room bagan to Itnam and tb* crowd grew *o taiall that Hra. Van Wtnhl* could no Mngar tan Ihn *nlaa cf having lb* raturna road aloud. WUb bur oe-wortnra abo torant to th* boaaw of th* Polltleal Union haadquartara and thar* for mora than two hour* a***nl (d th* workara m t going o**r tbn rotnian In an ondmvor to figur* out JuH what la* fluoww* had oountad moH agalaH th Finally, toay boavad toog algba aad a hon^


Um 8i « f im im rlMlMMilNMr W U K w w .

Tb* at* *f aagn nnl ■mphu (tr ramor- lag M a t, grpy hoir in Ita aaanral *M*rgray heir in lu aamrm *M*r

t m ■madmatbaf'* tbn*. .kb* hoop hor hator toaamttnlly 4ark>natd M to !___-_______

gtaaay aad atoondant. Wbaaavar har hair M l oat or taab an that dall.wan appBad with wnaOartuI atilaat-

■nl krawlag at ham* it nmaar an *r-dal*. Hewndara by aabtouat aay d mar* far a H atat haul* at "Wrotb't • and Palphnr Hair bimidy." ro* iriU thM lamaue aid raalp* wbMh ana k* da* fitilT" npan t* raatara nnturaj aalar tadMBUtr...lUtr I* th* hair aad I* apMadH far daadrntf, dry, tavartak, Hehy aanip aad tall-

A wall-haana dawatowa draggM day* It dark*** tk* kair m aalnralty aad anaaly iliat nakadg aaa Ml li ka* kaan apnlMA Ta* ahnply dampaa a apang* *r aoCt irnah whk It aad draw tkl* ihrangh ynar hair, taktag an* atraat at a Uit*. By

gray hair gltnppaara aad ariar aaatkar appUmtMn *» lara ‘gark, gtaaar, aalt and

at.k m a o tn l l r


ACHING JOINTSB a b P i l a A m w t t a

B o t tk o f O d ' f i t .

Man "k ta li^ MmohM r T p i r ^ i n ti « t mm lb k lfc I

qniraa Marnal waatmank Hrik # H e |


m g jtim a i

ftSa pM s y * y iHH ^ y !Stwfl


WOB **ryWho imd Juol baoa raturnad the vteter tn

adnplad by lb* mm* vntn. nnd M tba mnbarlty of tb* pnnpu ohaoae t* «*- prtfg poopi* n f tholr formar Conalttn-tioanl Hgkt irn a u in tr a ltar tb* H tM tlM***

In IMT A otaU 'W ila otooUgn wag bald g« thg prgpggHlon t# gllgar worng* to *01* la gehool algoUgng. Th# pr opngt- lion waa dofoglod by t t . l4 l majortly. tb i Tolo bolng I I ,H i tor n d TMl* ■gglnat. ___

n eantaot for on* of th* moat Important pubUe oMcao. It arna ngnol by tb* naU* thnt tbn Rgoox Mad**'* affort* hal botn rallnotod throughout tb* glal* wbartvat thorn wan • aomMoaeo of Dameeratta or* ■UHotlen nnd many of tham craditad Mm with having Infloanaad a lot ot Ita- pnMIeas veto* agalntt th* nawndmaat.

Tk* antln had aomo npparanUy ptn* pnrnd for a ooMtnttaa. A hiaohoon waa imd* itondy, and n fantnra griaagod that eonw aa a dlatlnol turprlaa to avorybody who waa ant In an to* toarot. ThM waa

FoUowtng tb* Inltlntlon of Polio* Court Judge Haneuai-Ungnro tnlo Now- ork Dodg* No. t l . R P. O. B., Mat night n dlamand-atuddod ptn of the order wna praatnlad tha naw maakbor by Captnint Patar J. Chilatt* and Joaaph Cordano aad tba oeurt attatoa* of to* Baeond and Tbbd praotbctt. Tb* praaanUtlen wna mad* nt n dinner b*M in th* RUuf Hama, dttotn atraat after ton larig* mnalbig.

J a ^ Hnnanal'Uagtro ring eo* nf nr- 'taw aandldatt* tnlunlad nnd th a n tomr* abotot 4*t mambara of ton lodgn pran- w t W bw an ndjeummaat t o to* hnn- qw t ball bad bow Inkw Onguto Ohrto Ub In a MmH addnaa pMgaotod to* pin. I t anritolg* four dlumandi gHl a ntoy. Th* i anaeg wan* tbaabod bp tb* Judg*.



•toM WDl Ranwlit Op«n OmH • P. M. 1


A Remarkable Offering ol

Ostrich Trimmed Millinery. . $ 8 . 9 5

Ostrich-trimmed h«ts ire much in vogue for dress wear. That is why we have put our milliners to the task of creating an Gntire collection of new hats, all trftnmcd with ostrich, and we have decided to place them on site id,, a price that will astonish you.

Thera *ra Sbilon, Pokes, Tricornok, hifh crevned effect!, Georgette Sditore And hats of gold isd tllver laoe. Every hkt it trimned whh Fwiidi Ottricji Plumet. Oitrich Fanciw, Oitrich Feetber Bknds aad Ottrich

oeiB blued with fws, newera, beaded and metillic aeveltiei tad peerl ornkineBti.CWori ar$ AM c m Brown, Rns$tm Grtm, ftta#, Q Q CBlack, - a ll )Vktto and the ntw QutU Rtd. O ^ y J

If yea need ■ dreM hkt, be «ira to toe thii reoMiiuble eoUeerion t t . . . . .

C l e v a W h i te H a te O d ie r T r im m e d H a teat $4.95 at $4.95

Thee there it ■onethlng new in mlt- Itnery, Liraner initentiy featvrM it ia «n It! newneu. The Uit jrord in mliUnery, thne betk el white velvet plueh end Mtin intique art truly chtrmiag in effect.

Centleenteli, Chin Chin, Skilon, Tri­corne! end til the aeweit and beat model! of the leaeoa an reproeented la the col- leotloe.

A complata aeaertmeat of all that ia now and smart is miUiesry. Sailon Ib all thair variation!, Tricornes, Pokes, Turhaas: ia fact, thare it a hat for avary ^ of fact. ,AU art trimmed with batvtr, skaok, opoasam, krimmer, Prtach Rowan, wiaga, novelties and paarl oraamaala.

All ntw ahadM aad colon an nprs- foatad. iacladleg tbo new Caatla Bed.

Minintry Firlota, Seeeed Floor


F o r T h u r ^ yWomen’s& Misses’ TailcffedSuits

What Is YourBlood Pressure?

at $ 1 5 . 0 0

The age of the 40s is a critical period in every person's life. And one of the most common things that make ft critical is Increased “blood pressure” with its accompanying “hardening of the arteries."

Scientists have fully proven that increased blood pressure Is caused by poisonous deposits In the delicate tissues of the arteries. One of the chief agents in this process is coffee, with its poisonous drug, caffeine.

“A man Isas old as his arteries," life Insurance companies say, and the Blood Pressure Test Is one of the principal factors nowadays in determining a “risk." How do you stand ?

If there Is any doubt about coffee's hurting—if you have frequent headaches, biliousness, sleeplessness,nervouaneu, or heart flutter—try a ten days’ cnange to

, -4® INSTANT POSTUMt h e pk iM f o o d < l r ln k


' I. Made of prime wheat roasted with a bit of wholesome molasses, btstant Poetum contains no caffeine, no »Cttnnilat{ve, harmful drug, nothing but the good food values of the cereal.

Possum comes in two forms,; The original Poetum Cereal—must be well boiled, J5c and 25c ^pAcfuiges; and Imtant Poatum—the soluble form, made in the cup instantly, 30c and 50c tins.

100 Tailored Suited at $15

Remarkable valnae an these smart tailond suits of poplia and gabardln*. Seldom, indepd, an aach auits ao medor- atoly pri«ed dt this time of tho acosoB. Bo aura to get a peep at them, for wt know youll be delisted with what you aaa. .

in a widt rantt of ifyfai mbraetnt tk i loou box coat, fho iem l-fitttd coot

Themaforttf AfffA eoUan. ta *

and many bottad modoit. ar$ far trimm d, with ^O ttm ora taaortty trimmed with braid and aofvof. Coait are lined with peon da eyma, aatin or pretty flowered ma- tkiau. A lt Heat op to 4 i.


Siaaa U, IR, IS, 3R Mly.M a d e t o S c Q f o r 92I S 0 a n d $ 2M 0

It you are tortuaata aiwagh to aaaara om ot thoae aampla aqiti ran will surriy appneiata tbo valaaa affarod. Va pury cbaaad }uat thirty of them at a demded epfloeaeioR, and you may have your choiat of tte lot, proridad you gat hen «arly atioagh. ^

Evary ault ia perfectly tailored, tha matdriala an of the best and tha lininp an of tha Rneat quality pMU da cytM.

Than atw ouly ooe qr two of oaeh atyto and tho matoriola o n cbovipt, gaba^ dioo, wUpoord, poplin aad I fow'nlituroa.,


10 AY

T W aw tDm

SOB rok cRiCornoraO w il

itoirg nSlor • cb Jaba Loontog, wi t r lo r Jamming • tonlvnn Owoso •ftotnow i nnri ii Og'-n Ib* ■toira.OBVgtol mlauto* Mvtok torbn w*r* mna Cnrr o t tb* Uei. ta n n in g a Wiaagulfgs. HoaOAa«lwrt*rn aaf Dotoetlvns Elvln

At to* rtqnoat OkOtoln Tbanm* I tiv* bureau lafir 4a»'t ggn I* bo II wag. YtotordarOmlgod btm in B| r io to ttlv a a B pbroatH* ran through MtowM avtoou* Ito MigvUl* nvoilotog* In a houn*hiiant th* haoitiha gaeond Soar.

Wbon Owana r ot Hto loaning toIho pollcanun do flear lurabM hgl *to4«g*4t to aatn

Wbon Ib* orrii lorla to 1*1*0* 1 ba (ought than, ( In th* hallwor wont to tholr * tltoto handcurrod. quBMari that hi *( tk w bB WB# t FtoUrnon rollon --------r. Moron

flea ‘ktto as LamTbnr anM h* a

log, nntorlng on Ori tig h t norBral Ito OrtB pUcad (qjlse to BhoW u


Th* board *( i IStnpbetiir Orrhai IkvlBg* Book r dtacuaoad maltan tottoo and th* r to ba given by It- Btr IT Bod Apr! Itoom.

The orchattra BMaon nltb the gtontlal rupport ptlhlle h en than Kn merit* w en parformanca* il Star. Nuntraua etjved to tha Ira •eribara and It I wRI b* Inrgily li two monthi.

Tk* program Lout* Rhrfc* (or dudo* Baatbnraa N a I ; th* overt dto." a wnlu an boorsky and a gr

A tglaolad gall ggioparat* la th

Vor aevorkl u boon robtaualng Ib* progrtag H I (ring poTfomant grk ha« ihl* b<ri Obto of playtog by groat eroatlvi

taHrootad la On toSnlty alnag I Unoa Ito wotk

I attr** grtlvUloa srfc'a raputottoa Otfotritona

llll 'ISaxju) n tE E D M

■ t at atm t igned to th

totod two Ito tot Roland Johnooto wb* doctond ho HmR boeango a' lldh, waa tho «

Jto d B r* .OraoiMmtaat, Fattb At wtw arraatod go hour In ettntoa at 4SS Bgdggr a ■on at 4t Dgvl drivara, warn rdi ■aghltoat a t A SiMaug. PotrolB M tbotok Oaolar vaaka Mt patri dawB and IbJu

D tb m who p Ht w o n Cbar

Mtoriori ptaOB, IMwirhoad at O Md tarar W. evonn*.

Two antotoik gyvl* roUaamii Utoooki Mgbmg

Utogh HpAdatoa Oioag*. aad Qm Wm Btrutotta, K

m m F A i

Ato atUtotot < d( H ra Job* 1 •troat, wklab h tMaa. WB* gtarh Tbo Introdara tdar basarnght «(f a btorglar

WbgD th* F tndarateod th*

' i t tba homo gf Moat o( UH Rr foap , a t IS 1 8 m t tw a a In d o rs worn•Moatto got OAF tro4

A to taa tb* 1toBtoUbav* to

gangsby Utoto

T D D 6CDSSmmA opooM am

aaaatttna od ta onllad (or Frt iSkM or* to b eoatorittoo’s poi anal oMvoatHi ItotuHrY Bapr vaacUaa to Id t llolot BUttoota

"rf.mttta* bod ha*

tgoMoaa of '

f'l■t IS e'doob to ta-tbo wtarnoo UM aaaual ban

One of the first steps away from Increased Blood Pressure Inc o f f e e drinkers is POSTUMn Vf,

to JS--' ' ■


A T im d y O f f a r i ^ ()f 'Compose Frocks Serge land

E x tia o id in a ry V a liie S jU t $ 7.95Hara'te a draii avaat worthy ft oonilderatloa. A Hfw York mansfictBrar aoM

«a a aninhar f f Aaaa hatidaom draasaa at A very low tgan aad. w# art ahariag Mr temm whl you. aWom art drasoM as charmiag is dHNf,«f wodarataiy priom. But to truly appr^ta them they mm he wen. Nett the taperior quality of aarp la tbwf

Thera am Radinpto wetWi, Frtsww modols, amart ceat affaeta and hSltai medeb. A Rpmbfr.are trlaimod widi braid, loma hava white eollm add caffs, novel

fpofiketi fMturo othwa. lo ntty, WackJjffwn and fraea. *81aW raaif frtw id to 44,Hlid near

TWdr* roeosootlg (oroieB

gf tbo oogaaritti ttod* BoroauOMordo Argoto arSbgN toptw

m u or I

E'ii''-;JdaiMB l

«g for pi BUnahotl




T lm w tH M f ,T n p |i l A ( l i r C h M ^

D t M h n laM f f u

m n k a u i a n p a h u i i

M tlM Ti Mltf*. «WI« W TutU U M • w M tkr «apMttv rclattv* «• bM lObM'tMtiM.. a ttil WtM l l t MWl MMKh1*. ! • « . _______ •

C M I T M IQIRV BECD6 n U l U E D S E U n F I M I D a S E

C*rn*Mi M tb« td f • ( a flitb t a t a u lra a lta r a chaM al aavanl l l aalia Jaha Laantac. w antal ik Paaaaia Caaa< t r ta r laaurlnc a hall haal, f a u M Da> taatlraa Owaaa a a l ra c a a ra a ta rla r aMaiaoga a a l thraw O iraBa halt w ar aa-B tha a u lr a A tta r^ n ig c U a s far aavata! w inataa with tha twa latac' llvaa wha wara U tar a lla l h r f t tro l ' ■aaa Carr a t tha f ai aa l rraclaet Ma> Haa. L aaalna waa araraawarad a a l WWIatiWal. Ha waa la to a ta yaWai •aa la aa rta ra aad latar ta ra a l a*ar u Dataellraa Blvin an i CoAoall a t N ta t ' aa%

iit tha rtqaaat af tha Panraah paHca Oawtata TbaM a W. Caaaah af tha lataa- tiva huraaa tann tc ta l hla ataa aavara* tra a«a to Ua va tha hiakaut far Laa aiac. Yaalardar Owaaa aad r u u raatwalaal bln la aarlai Uraat. whaa tha latatilvaa ap|>raaeha4 blai. la a t la r dal, Ha raa throucti Braal atraal ta M. lHaaaat araaaa to Clarh itiaai aa l iha<i ta -BanarUia araaua, whara ha Bouahl r a t w U a hotiaa. Tha Irtaatlvaa (ouni hiai a t tha haai ut a (ll|ht of naira on iba aaeotid floor.

* h a a Owarta attam ptal to laka hoM al h ia I«aalna M allaam u b a n paahal tha poUcrman dawn tha ata:ra. Tba'af- dear lunMad lialt war down baton n« aaajlaiad ta boIm tha liaanlatar.

Whaa tha offloara raaawad ihatr a t ta n a to plaoo Lanaina ualar arraat ba taach t th a n aft aad waa atrna^llnc la tha hallarar whaa Patrolman Carr aratit to thair aid. Tha priaonar waa tllaa h an iraftad . Ha danlad at haad fa a tta ra that hla nama waa Lannlna a t ilta t ha waa iba n a a waniad bp tha Phtaraan polloa, Ha (a ra hla nama aa >M a |> J. H araa. Latar, howavar, lha N ta n a a latoativaa paalUvalr Idanll- fM 'b ta i aa Laanlnr.

Timr aaM ha waa arraatad far braak - law, antarinc and laroany nnd Indirtad aw alhht anparata counta At that lima

8 waa placed undtr IIM ball and III t^ tbow «p for tHal.

n o r K O S K C i s FOR i m K w t n s Y i o i i o i i Y O t a B n i A

Tha board of llractom of Iba fCawarb Ibaipbenr Orehaotra mat m tha locurltr k r tn a a Bank yralardar aftamoon and Hacuaaad mattara ralatirt to tha omanl- mtlflo and lha t tm of tho two eooeorta la bo atvan by It on Wotiday alahta, /ana> ary IT and April IT In tha Palaca Ball Woeat.

Tha orchaatra an trn upon ha aacond aaaaon with tha prnappn of mor* aiib- atnatlil anppon from lha mutic lortnc public hero than conid ba aapactad bafora Ha martts wara ahown In tha aaoallael parfermancaa it put to ||a cpadlt laai yaar. Numaroua raapanaai hava baan rw eatvrd to lha ImrttaUooi to, haaawn aah- aerlbara and H la axpaelad that tha Hal wMI ha Iwraaly Incraiaad wtthla tha naat two mentha.

Tha protram arrantad by Coodoctor Loula Rhrha for tha January aoM rl ip- dadaa Baatbartwa •ymohony la C arinor. No. I : tha oratlura to Maaaantra "Pho- drt." a walta and a polonalM at Tactial* bowahy and w ynatarlim by tHoanunow,

A lalaoiad ooloial. to ho ontotod. wiD th oporalo la tha aitlalie achama.

Par aaraibl wwaba |ha t rOhratlw hla bata rohtarainf tha ahera protram Md Iba protraia It la aaakina otaurat gratr* tyb ii parformanrea. Tha fact that Kaw- •rk hw thia body of rauifcdaiui ao rap* •Ma of pHylat lha tiaar feampaoHiar by traa t craatfva mtniclina. thouM ba a aiaaa far eowfratalatfon by aH af lalaraatad la tha pralraaa af tha ■hnfty alawi artlatia a a l a l«oi Uaaa. Ita wofb oounta tor naeb In tha afty'a actlntlaa aad la aatandta* Mow* arh'a rrp u litla i fw ■ f icttia a

lo iu lry basan hofora Tina CbaaaaUar H tvaM today lato a r ^ t y laat aow* earalac which lha riaa'ohaaaaUor ra- markad. whaa tha traaaaaUoa waa firat broiwht ta hla aatica, that ha had aaror h o i ptaaoatad ta htia. It tha afndarlta ■abmlttad ta ^ lia lt of tha oomplainoiit wara traai, "% eaat that Mamal to obow I mora outratonua eaaa a t fraBir**

Tha oamplalnant la lha oaoa la Mro. Bwooaaah Huiih, aavanty-flva yaara old. afilaw of WllUnm Puph, who far yaara w arhal aa a aold chain makar In a Jawalry feotory, and wha araatiially ba* eaina a mamhar af tha Mawark Polloa Dapartaoant. rawmlnlnc aw lha farot •Htll hla lanth. alataaa yaara apa laol Jawwnry. »

Tha tranowotlon erltlelaal ky tha noa ebanaaller, and wMeh UTo. Payb la aaaklnp ta hava aat aalda, waa tha ai* tbanpa by Mro. Puph, about tow atantha acOk of thraa uaancambarod proportlaa trhich aha awatd at I t Parhhurat oiraat, whara aha allll Hvaa, aad at*M Aator atraat. valuad topathar at tIt.lM , tar an apartment tout* a t t t Murray atraat

Tho apartment hauaa. It la allopal In a bill of complaint filed In Mra. Puph'a bohalt wea repraaanted to ha worth Ml.aao, aubfeot ta mortyapea apyre* yacinp )il,oOo, but the owner. Lea la Boaanhanm la aald ta hava tamed aver ta Borla Oaldauin. an tntermallary Bollny for Abe D. Upala, who la allated ta have enyineored the deal, tor 111.009.

Immedlataly after the main trynaac- tlon tha Aatar atreat prepertlaa were mortyayed by Oaldrialn far 14,100 ta Bam Placbawui. wha waa made a eo* defendant with Upeti and Qeldatein In the lult. When the deal waa firat brouphi te the court'a alientlon Barry flreaaman. reimrel for the dofenlanta, aakod to hava Flochman dlamlaaad at a party datendant but III aat lacoaod with hla matlaa, tha v|ca chanaallor aayiny It appeared that tha moripaylny of tha propartiae of the eomplalnanU wwa a part of the fraudulent arhema.

Of ealraa, tha hallar af lha wtart* yayoa ahould ba made a part^ to tba aatt"

The heariny baaan today with tha aaamlnatlen of the varloua tawyera

ho were concerned In Ihe drawlny up of tha deeda, mortyayea etc.


Rudolph J. Ooerka praoldoat of Ibt Oearko Comyaay, today appaaM ta tha Baaax Oaualy l a « i | af Taxation far a rad action of tha aaaeHmcnt on hla proparty al tlt-411 Cllnlon armue. Mr. Uoerka alated tba aaaaaamaat of fixed by Ihe eeaeeaora for t i l l la too hlyh and thnuld be radwctl to 111.19*. The merchaat pointed out that on ap*

■ tha

OHBBSIW m U B 10n n n r u H E t s T M « M «

AH Ihd'aaiftoyaaa a t tha Btata Cam. mlMlaw Cor tho Blind will moot tha mam* hofn of tha camiwtartaa a t tba aiaaa of Ha monthly maatlnp x t M Jamta atraat temarrow moralba. Prohlama at wort aad mathada wlH ha conoUared, ountbw* Hip tha eonferabca bepuy by hoiM Uaeb*

tba mwaloal affhrlitpe waa tba OMwa- lainwi b M ad ‘TrtaaotndtaUliMH. or Why ikomld Marrlod Haa Work." aad deiivyfad by Mat Kymaa, In tha bow* aanahawl o r iiarnaatta atarlea aad raallw* tiowa ih ta rln p la ta It) Mr. Hymawt liva- )y lawaa af hamar, panlal matbod lb lomtwp aad aUar aad far oarnrHip vylaa oombUMd ta n iekt Ma affort ra ry aatar* talnlap.\ D aaoiat fallowad tha oaoatrt.

peal the county board raducod aeeeeaoiiat lo 111.191 laat n a r .

Dr. Oaweld H. Roth of 119 Littleton avenue, who ownt properly at I ll- ltT Market atreat. alio pppoaled for a re­duction. The thraa tfarke t atraat tracia wara ataaaaed at ITLM9, which flfure la in .tM tea hlyh. paid Mr. Both In hla applleattaa

Property a t lOT-lll NaMVIlle avenue, owned by William M. Crana of 190 Bavatitb avanaa. waa aaaetttd a i 111,199. Mr. Crane filed an ayaetl. o ah lny tha t the amount be lowered lo 119.119. n c e e tbrao appeala and a aoere of olhara wlU ba hoard by ^ ----- . . .roputar Tax aapaali wtl a a tu rabriM ry tn d a

tha eaoaiy board dartny haarinxa aiartlnx tomorrow,

a ba hoard h r Ihe hoard L Wbaa Ita Jtrlidlotlen

flr, JuUua Lavy wm repraaaat Iba ehUd hyyiaoa dlvkdon of Ibi Boart of UaaRh a t a maoUny on prevaatlon t ( Mlndnaao In the audlloHam a t L. Bamberyer 4 ca.*a atom tommrruw aftarheoa. He wUI apeah an anOM phaaaa a t draventlm. while atheic Will ba hdadtad by OordaO U Barry of lha National Oatamltiea tar tha Prevention af Blindnam. The inaeUnd wtn bayln at 1 0*01000.

Hlaa Marloa Caanphotl. aaparvioor af hoBM teachino of the blind In New Vork ■Ixu, waa a ayaaker a t todaya aoeahm.

How auch trtobara amy aaniperala with other aocial werkori waa the top*r of B talk ylvab ky Mlai Haian B. Bap* diaton, luyervtaor af «OM waifi for tba Bureau of AaaneUtad CharltlaB. at the aaomlny aeaalaw. "Boolal dtayBotUelana** Mlaa pandMon tarmad tha tralaad waab- em of today. patbUny out Uw nead yf underatandlay henw \ p t family oobdl* tiona before laal help aaa ba ylvan ta the hHbd or otbor baadloaypod poopla.

Thli buraau ruprtaonlatlvo Invited tha teachert to aond a reyr i i i atatlvo of die- trici meotlnya of the cbaiiUoa orpaolaa- thm for dlacuaalen of caaoa In which ^ e y are mutually



Mare for ihr aatartxlnment of Ha taam- btra and frienda than for tha divaralaa of Ihe public erat the concert glvun by Ihr Arton Hlnflnp Bocicty In the Krueyrr Auditorium laat alybt. In many wayl. It could ba reaardtd almoii aa aa Im­promptu affair, haitlly arranyed Ut ob- aervanca of Iky oryaolBatlnn'i flfly-elath anrivariary. ‘fha Cirvt of the two rtpu- tar ooncerti arranyed by Ike eoclety Oar the Btaean will be yiren Thureday ntybL" IMctmbar t.

The chorua laatettny Mat idyht num­bered leoa than half of lb* Arton ohoir and wWle lie yerformancea under ibe direction of ronduclor Wcrichlnyer weta pleaelny. they were, updar lha dRumatabcee, pat an Iniereetlny aa are thaae whan the eoiln ohoret body Ufle Ita rolce in tony. It wte yood, howevur, te taenr aaaln mch femlller cotapoeltlona aa Kreniaer't ‘Thla It the Lord*! Day." Attendoifn'a "Oreel- Iny from Heme" end KJanilfa " tea t Nlyht."

By lu elimlny of rreHenaatlel't "Alm- ryuach" end Sander'a "Lulltby"—n noer- tat comprillny Oeorya M. 4 :000011. DnuM DIppel. Harry A. Knenty and Louie H. Oanny. who are membere of the ArlOfP— furthered enjoyment of the concert.

The eololata were the Uteaea Maryarat Rnrae and Gertruda Pfaandler. aopranoa. and C. I>oula Craly. baiUoae. of iMt dty. Mlaa Itoyye waa heard In Ortey'a "Im Kahn. Hendereoa’i “A Spray of Roe end Prana'a "Im Hertaot" and HIM Pfaendler In Bohm a *111111 aa the Nlyht.* bhelley'a "Lovt'a Sorrow'* and Curoeh' mann'a "Hanii'* the laat ylveo In re aponae to an encore. The freahheaa of youth no won aa a nalvrally yood quality of lone mehea the hearmy of thaae yeuny wtowa'a voloaa aa ayreaabla expitlenc# ta all that yaytalne lo artful elnylas,hoCh have much to leara. Kodowed with voioM out of the ordinary, they ahould atriva » make the moot at them by aludy.

J ir C rtly 'a coniributlona lo Iho pra- yrem war* Hiihn'a "Invlctua** and vml- ettUne’i air. "Even Bravaat l laorta," from OouBed*e ‘Tanai." In yood vocal eondltlon, h it mallow barltooe and hla mannar of nalnp It oaraed yoaaroua np plauM. A wnll-Ukad depnrtura from

«wMd ClTba Naldelborp CRlIld of Cllaton Avw-

aua Baformed Chordi held a lanobooa nod anla In tba yarlora of tho ohuroh ytotartay. Tboao In charyo woro Mra. B. A. Bnmott and Mlee Kmma Trap* ha«aa. noafatad hy tho artlvn aumbora of the yulM, of whoai tharo a r t th ir ty ftvo. Praettda fhom tba affair will ba aiMad to thn fuad uaed by the eoclaty for aHUar In Ibo mbalonary ontarprlia In thla a ^ lortlsB laoda.

i M T O d i o s n i t s u i s n t■ U * * S C O M O r U C E n E D

Tba rtta of i tn u for Um enpeart to bo pivon hy Mma. Ifathn, tho tam ew an* ItMio, urtth tha 1001110000 of Hkw Bon* iHea HaifUen, 'caUMi Bahnrt Pnakor> bnrttmw, nnd F n ah Bt. Layar. manltt. In tha Krtayer AHfUortam W irtwednr alyht. O fta te IT, wM opan PrMay mdre- Ins a t V a'clook at tha Lxutof plaiM wmra

awM. I l l Broad atraat. rradortrt N. Sommar, uadar whaaa lo-

cM amnaiament iba ptimn donna will ap* panr. haa roedvud hy nmll ae many ordora for annta that a larya aadlaace la aa- aurad. Ameap theae raquoatiad that of* (hoatta aaala to be rmarved tor Ibom are a nnaabor af moaloa] aitlaio in Now Tatb, wha are aayar to hoar tha diva oa thla ocmalna. It la yratltylBt to learn from BoaatP, whore ih« divn tana laat ■aadsy. that volet ooatlnuaa to ha (ha baaull*

tul t^san It box boon Naty aha hayonaachaat tba pabHo with IM tovoly.ionaa aad haf abtu la manayiDB Iham. la part* maatlap n« bar oanoart can of Uw Boa* ton «ritl9# doiMrad that "to thla day ta on lyatattali bar vuico ramalna bar ualqiM voloai bat olaplBa la ottll tMU arinpUay of a a b n l isaUaet and MncUoad apUtoda tiwt la to aladuUHy bar own, whlla bat faallny ( t r tba muawal aad tha amotlowal cantthta a t bar oeof haa yarcoptIMy

W llf AXE TRC S m S T D PLAN f f O t tTba bawd of truatata a t Iba ^ b B a

Wylfhya Cemmltlan wUi nwat tomonnw aftaraoon a l 9:10 e'eloek la tha Wlaa birtIdiBp to dioouaa pinna for carryinp out tho wlatr'a work.

Thla pTopram, aa pravloualy anaouMbd. oantam ^tM a atudy of Nowart'a atty povommtnt with a viyw to laotooilnp Ita aftl9loB9y.


U I l E IConMT


y a rk ’s N sw est M i Bnst Aptw ral

DPhicEa<s lAREETCoynar


Illl.KitsB X «I R B D M S K E n W a U R G E

Mx of Blna yuUanohfllfU aoctHtd of Waedlap ware fined la poHCi otuna tMt mammy. Bavoa of tba aalowwhHIata waPa afraiyaid Ui tba n m Rhoctoet CMrt dwd two la tha tlUrt Praalnct Ciort. Balaad Jotuiaoa of 114 CUatoh avanaa. who dtdaied bo woo eicgadtny tho rt**d Omit bocanot o' paiarayur la Ut ow woo Mak. woo tho oaly aaa Jydsi Qrtoa did

Hreiaapala of ITIMfool. Bank A i ^ , waa flnal lit . Ka waa arraatad yatay (Urty-alybl mOaa m bmw la CNwan xvunui. Laala Karianb of 401 Balpiy avanaa and Emtaaal Htr* man at tt Davla avaaiMv Kaamy,' Rtnay Srtvara, wata abatfUl with moadlay Uwtr■nahlata nt ByoM atnat t a d --------numaa. Batfotmaa Rahaeb. wha 4d tbatn. (aebirad tlwt la woaba Ux peraana hava dama aad Imlwad by adtamaktlaa nt " ' . ■ ■ ‘ ■ ■■ ■ I*.

Otlwra who pnM ftaMa of It farnptod* Bm warn CharloB H. Btpriit at IMI Maitan pUmv Lyoai rarmt; Altaxnlar Mhdrtand at Cedar avamrt Watt BnC and rarer r, Martay of U i Otnlitn nvoaoo.

Two oalimtbrtyty airioiM hr Hotoy* yyelo roUooama BatUy for ipHBit *on Uneoln hitihww umm orwUaoi h#m» Jadto MantaU Unrtfo■nth McAdaoM at f t tyamont avanntv Otanso, aad OoMt a QUddm of IM Cad* tMaa avwnun flaw BroBawieh.


4a nttanmt ta yal' uto tba rtaldabaa yf Mn. John r , Drydan st in o Brydd ytraot, wblab baa baaa eloaad tar aama tfnw. waa inada by bwrplyiy laat nlyht. Tbo latmdam n t aWnr a aoiart on n

hnoamanl daar, bat la dolay aa aal Off a barslar alaran

Whan tha patiaa war* nouflod ihar ntead tba barpRara warp at trttfc

lha h a w of Barroot r. DrydtP, brfa* jt of tba PradaalUl laawaaaa Com*

May. at l i Unoolli farfe. aad want mara. It « m HiW wanad tlUht Iba Bl tmdom vara w o r l^ at -tho Bronf atroot bonao. Tho poTlao wuro aaablo tojrot any tmoa of tkom.

During tbo laat fow yaara loyar a i Omapu hava haoa audo td fob tha Dir* dtn yyyiitgot Oa two i Moaltao tbo tars mra wart aUfriaad whUo at work ta rto raar at tba bmirt and an avory ytbar aetanlaa tBoy worn fUgbtanad •tray by Iba targlar alam.

n H s e n s s R f A u a i M EHI E IH i W B * CM lW in iO II

A yyaoM maatlyg of Iba 1 mmaaittaa at tta Batid of frado haa hhon

iMdap aniaaaw. at


m lM for ■•aa wo temmartttea'o

ho dbwbatod ytgapdlay tin pwtiyteltoa la tlw Mxlb I

___„__t»ya of Ibt AmtHoia MBMeteftyg Bxpart AMUlaUtn. Tba tan* tertian la td bo hdU jM M ir n U tta ■out BUteMra. Now Toth, art Ibo oam* mittoo hat baan tavUad to ttnd rttepniWL

BtaMont of dm coavaaUon vm ho bM . rt u o'Uort In rta thawlrt ant i o’tteafc la-tho ahonwon. At Ii** U “w lia amaat banqau M *• ^ * .Two ttftteoatettvoa of hirtMta latar*

o Z t £ ! 7 ! S S u a i i» r u . » < M ^ Beta iN hava te pUHhata Mowart-mado stado.

- u v w - S f B l ,i m maniUi

atraat,^ • - ^ ^ a t S g h t e f ,

la MSdl. tbaB. Utilorty,luS,

OpnUHg Hm Coat Seaoon With Am A$tamm_4ing S a jf of

Fat Trfamned and Fur Fabric

COATS at >10.95

H A H t ^ U M IDetermlntd to oiake thia tha gyaatest Ctat Saio of tba aatira aeaaoii, va hava praparad vaat aaaortmentt, jncltt^ag o v ^ fahriA and modal that will ho in domand—valuta that “woiild bo aiooptional at |lfr-*b«t for thia qrt- cl4 dvdot tho prloo la ....................................

nmramn CtaU af H hoffiw t , Tmmit o iitf C k a v M a im al i# oa, cM ha. atetfa and mbthaaa-Otata afV r a u S i A , a m f ^ k i r fu r to M e a ,

MANY W im aiQB CHOKER OR FUNNEL COLLARS OF FVRr’MANYFfSLLYLiNmi WIJB OUABANIOSDSA V N- 3 i f h l 4 t o 4 4 . ________________________________

‘ ■ I alir

The photograph above ahowa the entrance (on Green Street) of the Used Car Department and the Ser­vice and Parts Departments. In the last named we carry parts for every model of Chalmers Car from 1006 to 1916. Here is every facility for the prompt handling of a large number of cars. Our machine shop equipment Is ample to meet every rush requirement.

The photograph at the right shows the salesroom, fronting on

, Broad Street. It is perfectly ap­pointed In every way — you will be Interested In visiting It.

Announcing the Opening of OurNew Salesroom and Service Station


C HALMERS sales have grown ao rapidly that we simply had to grow with them. Our old quar- mra have been outgrown.

You will And us now established in one of the most complete and best appointed salesrooms and idrvlce stations in the East. _ •

Our new quarters, at Broad and Crpen streets, sre most conveniently looted In the very center of the city.

You are cordially Invited to visit us—to look over our new home—and to Inspect our

O ialm ers Cars for 1916Espedslly the Six-40, Seven-panenger Touring Car, which you can drive as an open car until

cold weather sets In, and later change to a complete limousine by adding the new Palanquin Body. Ytm can buy the Touring Car now for $1,350, and later buy the Palanquin Body for $350. In each style a perfect car; Two cars in one—all for $1,700. i

We Are Holding Open HouseWe want our many old customers to visit us and see the splendid quality of service we are now

making available to Chalmers owners.We want everyone interested In motor cars—whether Chalmers owners or not—whether motor

owners or not—to visit us, so thst we may make their acquaintance and In turn make them ac­quainted with Chalmere quality in cars and Chalmers quality in service.

We Invite You—Drop in on Us!

pADDOCL/USl jVOTOR (^0.• ^

894f896 Broad Street, Newark, N. J.B > C tilB e n I t M t f t i SbtiM Sn C h a t o w w M a i t ^ f a i J U S ^ iS S L 'V 'l ttiM'riVliiliiATB jyrfanaaiaa aa trail oa gaain anA anayr- aaaa. Vlw n i l n m lrt'lia k , dBaia rod aa4 ir tia 'yarfMt Ti otMotl aar.

C l w l i i i C f i I t e h t S i x - 4S T p a i i n g C a rA Mr yf kMW» «nxUtD-rta loataat atUteg Six at

» T I T , ' S S « 1!£IT C h a l a w f a M d C a b r i o l e t d f o w w i B n i

■A.. \ .y.<L

katW rtM th« AVliitaii p*ltU«tlM t«c*ttn tiMrtIqr- Tb* »«J*rity Kp« u 4i »m *K ^ *•*•Mtiit *oi»# m t Kfoufbt bbwit by

; f n i i i . !

< p y w r ^ o w » - T » «n * 9 "m mCM rm t. nut m m n .twtrlUtir m u ; <nu rw ,

“ ,5S It.■ 'S S T m H & fm m w m ;


BrmiMh Otnttk 0»*i**”/' ’KSwWlff.

TM. «#i<«k Im u I. r * . WM5*,

<miM. I u - y /*Li»i.IM J#rr*if> Br*iie*» Otne^ • pwvi« I*. T*» IH ? WmH I ^ ^r U K T i T : i T E i i t i ! r "

MW 'W i

'teJRBAn—It w*« .u w ■*«*«.Haw t u M o n i o rn c * —<M m*u

'■snhM n *m «r f c m « « ••« <0m«*>*•) m m u •fnc*).

„ T«. W A m rr ^ •f^a r t — Tlw D oflu l *«T*nMM WalMr I .

LOCAt. BSAMOK OVnOM;IM. HaMiturv « lm . 11MrriU •>., I t (lUuftiU).

»Milt Mtlli r u m IM. ITrllMr if.I ^m ar.I’rSii.

‘ t|f*tl)tM D A T , OCTOBBR I*. 1*11.

B O lM U a B AMBBIiaaCMT DVTEAT. tla taN M r‘1 tfafM t of Um i ii( trw « »»#«*•

m M M* vvarwlM lmlat ta b« laM t»■ MIbarmt* »«pr*Mto« t tW rtM ac

I t M te t pMMbto ta M rtu • M ja rttr a( te* M ab rfra« 4 . N aftbarkM aw rtblw a»* m ra« la M M aU a raaMMbla baUaf that a a aeaaplraey aaMtai. It la traata l haOi vaNUaal maehlaaa «nth tbatr aM

■■MhiMiat u IlH tab af tlMir »awtr, aHtalBlIraaaBtah la tbatataL It M alta traa ttM flit. *M* ab traMfl la aaat daabt lata Iba M ldlt M m a r wba atbarwlaa waaM ha hMMtafl f tW •aanaflaa. ^Aa4 tb m tba Ig^BaflMMhafl a aa rr i f > |1*t* *a4 alflelaat

thaam tvaa, aaa catria i to a fraatSaallr M aar taaa to thU atato'

taflaraaflaat artaaMatiaaa a(

E h TBWTB c o m a n o N ' n w t (iUara -tbaa at ahy frtv iaua tuna la tba

war attactiva ca -ab an ttw n mllilarr and diplomatic flfida toraqoirad af tba flntania pawrra to maat th* aIttiatloB eraatad to lha Balhana Oa tba quick framtoa aad ararfctnt ant of a romprrhanatva plan thair tortunai, oartalnir to tba Near flaM, raai.

Tba mllltarr campalpn lavolvaa obvlooatr thraa thinta. Tba flial la tba prolotifatlan of flarvlan raalauac*. T bit la balng naat> urabtr attalnad. althaildbi aa lha Tauton- Buliar drivaa' devalop, tba poaitlon of darvla baeomaa tocraatlnflr aartoua

Tba aacond la a dabioBMrattan rfaln it kBulfacIa, with tha objaot, atnoni olhara «t

divartinf Bulfar forcaa Tba •trum nitia rod S um oparatlona ara with tbia and In vlaw.

^ a third la tha oocupytm at tha altan- tlon ot a t larfa a part of tha Turkith arinr a t poatlbla. It It thla atamant that pracludaa lha abandanmant of tha Dardanallaa cam- palan ualaaa tha atamaat naeaaaltr callt far thla action.

Importantly ralatad to tha Balltaa tnovaa ara oparattana on athar (ronta aapaclally that of lha Huaalan laft wing. Praatun on tha Taulon Hnaa anywbara miud hava lU attact to tba Balkabt, for varlotw raaaona Tautoa auooawaa to Pranea or buaMa will bara tha oppoalta attacL

■aianta ea-aparatlon It malilg« profratt, aKhotigh It h ^ boon alow ta d to lha tecom* panlmant a( iovam m tnlal coniplleallont In Laadon and Pavla Nat only haa lUly da- elarad war oa Buldaria. but har naval and military aaalatoaoa M krakad for. Tha Ruaaten daalaratioa ot war w aa of oouroa. atpaotad. It It apparaat that a much flrmar Enianta poller with Oraaca haa baaa aatarad on. In Itnly. aapaelally, raporta w r that lha da- eWoa far a aiora vlgoroiM and mara united Bntban c a w p a lf maato with popnlnr np- prdraL VWtobl aMuraa m n o a 'a alilaa of a

oart ot alma. Pbn b p H th raeognltlDB ot tbn oatortaM y laam taftr mnM develop.

Tha tranaiitt-frn ot p laat Into action will MMtithto Iha.moottog tif.tba tati. Oannan aatioo wan to tw toc whan tba tin t, gunt gwandod atroai tba Daauha. >

mtalatratton baa naturally tol|#n aetmint of fb t aitaitod ^ l l iu a o for tbo coarnmeitoB of tbipt and «Mh Incroaat to ‘lbtaa faalltUad a t ara pra)totod. In tba yoata I.IT and % ft. two baitlatUpa and two batila cruMon aba to ba laid down, which, topotkar with tba aUpa alraady caiitra«tod for and tboaa propoatd for lha yaara 1*11 and l» I t. will donhtltaa ■train tba eapaetly of AmarMan thipyarda.

The main fact la that wa bava a prepram before ua, of probable adaquany aad yM no grantor than the aafaty of Iba country da- mandt. WIdar aopport la promlaad for It than hat bean given to any other nnval pro* point, flllll It will mail witb oppoUtlan In Congraia. Pifty Congraaaman ara reported to be lined up agalnat It. Ta ovarcomt thla appoaltlon, the people muit make their rapraaanlatlvei koow that they will oat ■Uad for any trifling with tha nallon’a •aeurlty. Now la lha time for them to make thair Influanee fait.

tB tilof the maobto'ai, tbn evnrwbebntoE total n iud bn i

to tbnm flitnt, toattoettva aad liid ffiin ti that mray tbn Intovldnni

pawarfutty tbaa rgaaiwnd argnmawt baan rnvaalad to Mmw th a t tbn

and pnrttod ntron


Ubarnli and eewtorantlvng, Tbn total AM to to m i tnUnd ftotb to rivml that P in U t i t t i l ilaatton. a ra aufAclent to

to nbnw that aatlva aeaUmant M fa r a gtwnto. tlioflea am

af aptatombaaa a la n t way to pa

aaavgntoa o t Horn Jonor. Tba aaw aa a maltor id patMiaai athar BaHt m atotoa toll to baa.

I S aab npbOl weak kafoaa K ana ot nan karate ta |a l toloh.

tetet aaawM ta ba tha t the baaa a a t aaocMdt d to aanatoa,

tba great bady a t vatara that ara aa t to* J j lh to d by th e naehtoaa aa puanbow of • t o pprt, that dh tfr aat thaiw tala palMea 'f c uld faad to batter tba paanramaot af

atpia. (lOUIa M ta Uwa ib a t a madara irrMlaWhla ttadeary b toward tba ah'

ot tba i i i i ia m ia i lg aoH agalnM Urn ‘‘flbto Vaeblaary Traat.** tb it time baato apaa tha gupplawMBtory laplMatloa apaiMt Mitolr eampatUaa wbitb the Claytoa act

to tba toiermaa law. It totondtd to alHbt a t praeUeta that toad toward nm optly o tb tr than tbata palaad bp tuptrlor •ffi- alaaoy aad tba ontoral axtoafloa af a thrtv- top btototto, la thla raapaet tha povara-

ifo 'pMKloa ta Ilka tia altompt to tha mlmtoal auJt apala tt tba dltactovo at tha Kew Ravaa, who a n charged whh acta that iwvtalad tba pkTpant of nmnopollMBt trana. paftoden, aa t hy Batumi tapontlon but by waUclald ittlp o . Tba t i n t m lt opainm the tbaa maohiaorT eaneam wot dltmltaad ba­

ne one wat Miaww to bava bean hurt. Tba aaaoad alma a t matratot of trade aa aoab, orttb Ma antl-aoalal conaaquancaa.

daw not flpora In altbar ot tho praaant Tbo baati M unfair eaoipail-

dvo matbada.

TRAI*1N(1 IN T im V K IIT .While one wealthy Junk danlar la Mavlllp

off going to Iba panltqptltry for t year by an appeal from h it conviction on th t elinrpt. af raealving atolan gooda another haa bean arraatad and held for the grand Jury aw tha aecuaallon that ha not only purchattd pll* farad maUI from young boyrbu t fumlnhad tha lada with a puth cart to go not and mtka I hair robbery raid.

Tha training ot children to thiavary haa gant to aucb langtht in thla city that Chief Juatloe Oummera racantly fait compollad to charge lha grand Jury on tba aubjant. That brought about active atforta on tba part of lha police and tha criminal court author- Itlaa to root out tha avil, and tba goad work Wit itortad In quartare where It wat tup- poatd tha moat good would b t dont.

T ht prompt indictment and eoovletion of a m ta of tarpa property totarw tt naada to ba followed by a cmmda apalaat other Paglnt nourlahloa hare and turning out many an Artful Dodger. It la going to taka more than one or two Inatancw of condign punlahmaot to break up a practice that It ■Urttofl many a boy on n enraor of crlmt who might otbarwiaa havt baeoma nn-honaat ■nd rw ptetad altlian.

No on t ntada to hnvt th t Imagtnation ot a DIckMit to MO In condHIont puircundlng thla thief training hare a atory nf real Ufa that eanlM a t powtrfol a moral a t th t "Oliver Twlat" flctlanal tola

wMMlad tbauld Iba fawaa bltf ba pawad <without a prwtoMo dw ifnp trltb tba auhlMt, af Indapaodanoa. lito ra It op rW M t avt- danea In tba Pblllppinw that any eooMder- abtp proportion of tha TUlpiiMo pfkfar par- ammant by tba Vnftod fltatw narmanantly. AtatytloM to tba oontraiT may ba made to Watbtogton whan Coagraw r i t mimblw, ta hat kaan tha cam M tha peal, but tbay will have no wild loondatlon ta fact.

Immadinte Indapaadanea ta aot to ha thought of. In Juatlea to i the FWptnM, though they are dotog falrip wall In onrrylng on tha thara ot the geram m antal raapoa- ■tblllty that hat alraady batn givtn thtm.

Tht chitf point In tha proMam to ha da> cldad whan fimni aetlan It token on tba Joaw bill will doubtlaw have to do with the pra- vnbla or laak ot praambla. Without a pro-, amble of aoma aort, no dattnita policy will ba atttbllihad and no parmnnant good will ba dona L'nraat will conttona In tha Pblllp- plnaa, to tha datrlmant of nil aoneamad. A clMT auiamaot of tolentlao tkould ba made, and good rather than harm would ba dona If tb it ftitemant tbonld ba aa drafted that th t m ipinot would ba aamrad that^thay could decide tar thamaolvM whatbar they ware capable far aalf-govanunant after a gaearation of Amartcaa-aducatad nativaa hava atlalnad tba voting age.

fallawad by a dark flgtira that taraad wl ha luraaC alawad dowa dhMra ha. tlawai dawn, aad naatanad whara ba hattaaad. lag a lighted parch, the mtolator' weal ap tha tiapt aad rang tha b^ll to tnqgl.ra bit way. aad tba dark figure hid bahlad w Bfrto||a buth la walah hluk

Tha yaong maa af Paraet Hill w ha’g.1 bama lata from taking thair heat glrla to the ibaator ara talklag a t ergaoialBg g doapaet OiBh. mamharaUp to wblali thall ba raatrMtad to thaaa who hava base held op by tha dataa- tivaa. Two huadrad and Iwtivt owe have M pratttd Ibair totaatleo »t letoing.' Between tba hpfglart and the pUlaa tha

lat af tha raraal Hlllar it nat aa antlrMy happy aat. gtlll, thara li aatH comfort far him I t knawlag that th t pallet a r t an tha Job at latt.

Here and Hieft

The defenaa offerod by cottoaH for Pro. pramlva candldatot of 1 .11. in the tuJt brought agalnat them for tha payment of a prtotlag bill Incurred to tha t campaign, waa mara Inganloat than Ingaauaue. Thara aaamt to ba no dlapnta aa to tho tact that the manor li Juatly due. and It ta abmird to Imagine that tha fmmara a t tha corrupt practlcaa act aver inlandad th a t H Mtauld to utad aa an Inatfwtnant to prarant lha payment of hooaal dobtt. Chtaf JtttOca aummare'a tummary bruahtog away too eobweba of legal fubtlatr appaaU to com­mon aanaa and common honaaty. and the a t­tempt of tha candldataa to evade through a tachoteallty an ohllgntton that la nat'danltd

' will not ataval a them to lha apiBian af thair fallow eltlMna

A STUDENTS TRIBUTE."Ra waa a mighty good ttachar," aald a

B aningar High dcheol toy, apw hing of Pradarleh H. Baala who died this waok.< ’*Hany a day wa hava known him to t ta y two or Ihraa hauri nftar achool ta help fallowa who ware behind In thair work. Ua wna n real laactor." -

New Tark City finda that It waitea l t t t , . a . a yaar In tnunlelpal automobllaa Now and than wa light one of tha Newark municipal autcmobllaa taking the a ir in Branch Brook Park, and wa wonder..........

HEARD ON THE LACKAVANNA.Mala paaaangar. ‘The antla ara putting up

a big fight In MorrlalowO, Tha an tli ara agalnat waman luffraga, you know,"

Moving p le lira i of wild animal Hla bava bwn ao auccaaatal that a mcvla camera hat bean Itatallad ta Iba lair af tha Priaealoa Tiger. 1

Thara la only one thing awaatar' In thin world than a awaal youag lady with a touquat of dahllaa In har hand, and toot It a awaat eld lady with a touquat of tha aama. New Ibat tha battle ta over, coma htte tha garden, Maud,

TIOC C H K T*A NT*K*nj»f.In that l i t b w u ty I t aoUrtly typital t l to .

U tt ta n to whieh i t b la tm t Haa much a f toe *papaiarlly a f toe- ahryaanto tm uMi f t r« caotla to tb f dalty. and y e t by ^ d ll la ^ a * brought ta an aatnia a f gorgaauanam b M ly to raaehad by any «»thar n a w a r . '^ a ftoglla, dalloato p isn t aould qualify a . a % p a ragraaaatlng ahlll antom a. whan tha htoWk wf winter to bacamiBg more unm laU kah l^U the tIoM. and whan toe fraa t Uaa to nip toe patolt. Ka datofy htaaaom of f a m l tp rlag or mallow aummar canid da'' a t 'In autuma tiandard , htbrar. *

T ht thryw atham um to roggad. On n Mam tout It tengk and a traag n holda t u hyid .high, auggaatlng a a ability to defy lha Wind and tha fraM a f autinBA A rude wind hat M t.rro rt, avan for th e ehrym atbam ua which la laft ta glow aut a f daora, fa r tha p a u ir ’af Ihlf toll llawar a fa aat w4U and etrawg ln thair tockatt. aa though tha prataattoa a t hot kauia and annny window ware mot uontggi- ptatad to N atura'i achoma a t thtnga. avan t ^ l Of'the nature which b a t batn Induced Iq da aurprlalng tblngc by anurprla tog dtoelpltt. M Bothar Burbnnh.

Every color th a t N nturt u tw In dackldgTha itraat for thair faU parudt It m irrortd to.flm hnaa of the ehryaanltom um, T hara'la a a li^ ahtda of brawn or a tin t af guM, a ttoE* ^ yillaw, a warm C *r * no th of puT^a which the autum n traea noul In lha nun If net to ba found reproduced In a ebryu- tnthamum aam awhara Tha ehryaar.ttoiuufla p n iarv a thMr autum n co lon long after Ih t laavaa have gang from the trea t and ■nawflahea are la tha air. It la a ohaain l flow tr and oi» whaaa beauty la laag Ittod. There la no ^ a d a r Chat It U tha. ahapqn

Trotibie Gnat I

r otM6t waalt

^ I

i f ear .« hMt lha waalU lam than tan pthgolkar ninati kpva to waciy i

Bpaading a I ho a IM af tag hy the I a t 'Our "maM Attor aM U

'lim it la the I kiim l can aat, h ra itto par tokaa roora It Idha with orl Ih required to

Tha raoant i M p a trta l C<

ta a n deal of

Ito jlw r of Tha an -Tha Mini tbftlcally.

I ■ la a mllllao oaa man ta p< that a t laaat amaaltblng

flower af autuma. j» I.

i 'Oraat Britaln’e prohibition af trautlnd h t



baaa ftUowad by a lapt la Eraaca ftrblddlaEtba aala of any form aloohel by wtoo aMato tofara noon. Knowledge th a t It Wlll^Wifin* paaathla to gut a "b ra tar" tofara neon dasi day may lead to oonaarvmtiam In lha Ja fttfr of drlnkt In tha aftarnaon of the day tolaiO'> ■■ I - '^ • ’ '"-1 t

A raMorutlen of tb a dodo h a t batn plaead 'to tha Mutaum of N atural Hlttory. New Torh. whara tha haraa oar Mill paralMt, to tn approprlata plaea to r I t

I df gowarnm ant w a f t atora doagty qnaottona th a t b lthorte wore m attatu

te tha IndtoMual and the family, mwh at •MatofSoal oondUIOM, In whiah ' woi ^•t'waU Malm tho riikl to bo aonoultod.

'a lto tra a th a t thla wnM m ovinwnt hao’ ' A h i b t tho l om n iiiio l moru tottmntMy IBto flieolleno that aro owanfiolly af a hutl.

' A|W natufo. lo toel, go high to lha ladua- mtura o t our m odern . Ufa th a t

touch OM wJthont touch to r the

f t . *liflM e

■Other worda. I t tho fovarnm oot to Hog to la ragulattog family, bonMng, ado

raoroatlannl netivltian which ■baan traditionally larg tiy wMhla tba

ta 'a ipbera . It la with a a aquM atop ttAJng a grantor th a ra to buotooM m

which hava bean aoaantlaUy m an 'i ta addition, tha trend of

htotory ho t thrown tl|o UoHad H ^ tw out nf K« poMlIon of eomparotlvo Mblntlon nnd ta coinpolling and muM Ih- gh tob ly eompal a m uch groatar perttclpa- UoB hy thla aouatry than haratofora to Rrohlama th a t a ra aatantlaity ot Matacruft, qrhlah, a t th la g i aro now In totarmutlcntl fa la tlen t, h a t a can tld trnb la induMrtal toila. T h w t th ing! produce a groatar cm phatlt on

matouUna vole to m atch w h tt ihe doglcal actlvltlaa of govarnmant give to

H |i,.woman'! vota.Bmantlally thaaa coma back to the quea-

(w n af tha tam petum ant of woman a i a ipn a t agalnat th a t of maa aa a mata, la llva polltlea. There I* an open quaMlon aa loyaltlat and partlianahlpa, a datoU bla

MMd th a t by Ita vary tru ltfu ln c tt In dit- nalOB and racrim lnalloa baaiu evidence aa

tha difficulty before tha autfraglMa In ggytytog eonvlctton. Hare. Indaad, It may

f c aBbad If aoma of th* auffruga laadira did nmbo thair moM ohviouc miataha In por-

(bmytag nil th a t la evil In our pollUaal Ufa gn dtto to m as and all that le good lo ba n - ^ g g u 4 of woman, with cufflclant tm phaait tn rutoa tbo apactar of ftm initm .

II hM bean n hard tiald to carry convie- Man, gn ttly baenuaa oncontroTertlbla eon- flrglo 'mrldaoca aa to tha affect of woman'a hntw haa baan h a rd ta produce for Mthor •d o . tindor guch oondltloM the a u w a r muM IM Wtth totntllva Judgmonti, aad for Now I ta w g It haa boon gfvoo. Not anough afflrai- g iloa gvldaiiea to w n itn at a tundam antal

ta th a bnalt of ropraaanutlon haa g w fu a td to carry thla Mata. That lo

ih o oglwlaa th a t otanda out to the total ot

HM lIotrToefc lha ImprmMiB th a t fraud w art rum paat in Newark

NT, and th a t to th aw w a t d u t tlw jbaM-dMffragt ma|oMty> f h i Um m i Am n la Bdt thd aRghttot a a tu to

o ro f h tid to Ih li tMy traa tfuar lUtggI giuMlog g , M /$ nagunil lo t i h t B iM t to dpi |ip «h t t ip of unfair

knolhodt on th a p a rt iM( 4hf..oppoMUOB, h«t • n g rg n an t,ig d tn h io ^ .luui nat th t hnfla

l l t m i k I t ktuaCaif th a t D toditr nt Newark b t WNdod thfonglMut the hoennne nepw dlwppototed kuOragt h i t h t b itto rtow uf ****'**' *******

gaatorpgg».iht «lBl(ff th a dtoaator |

MAVAli ntO O R A M . hoc ru tary Dnaloln't aanounc tm aa t ot tbb

dotolto of tho adm lato tratlpn 't oavol pro- giuiN laUt no w hat wo want to know. I t ha t boon oKpoeUd th a t lha admInIMratlon would foowt Uo aftorto om thla branch of tha naval ■trvtot. Now wo a re toformad of tha num- har ta d ehnfwelar o fq h a propoaad additions what tbay ara golag to coat, and how much muM bo M tovlatad fo r th t 'upkeep of tha whole float.

TTm to ta l »M «nw to aMImatad a t tl,*«*,- to ha dtotributod over a flva-yaar

period. Or |tM ,*M ,*d* a yjwr. Every fort­night tho w nr to aoatlA'g Britain more than th a admlatotrwtlon aupaett to MMnd In a yanr. Every two m onlht It i t coMlng har more than bnniala mauna to apand In five ycare

T h u bllllon-dollar oMImata, howavar. It not n n tw aap tn a t. It It a th ir ty -th rtt par cant, inerraaa ovor our praaant navtl appro- prtoUena, th a .au m voted laM yaar, for la- ■Unoa, being t lA M d l.lIC .I I . The aMImatad annual Ineraana w«uM pay B riu ln 't war Mil te r only two 'dayu and a half. The total e i- oew propoaad fo r th a five year*, above tha amount wa WooM tpand If no tncrcaee In approprla tlon t wore made, would kaop Britain going b u t tw o weoka

Certalaly auoh an Inereaaa cannot ba vtawed w ltk apprahanMoo. It Ic a modaM Inturence prem ium agalnM war, which wa can m uch bM tar affo rd to pay than lanva ouraalvee unpraparad to realit any attach th a t m ight ba m ade upon u a The practical qucMlon It w hether propoaale for the ex­penditure of thla am ount will produce Ihe greateet nav tl Mrcngth tor our particular need!.

T h t program Include* the coneiruetlon of IM new chip*, ranging from tuperdreqd- noughtt o t unprecedented tit* and epecd to •ubm artnet and th* ceceeeary euxlllirlea For evtollon, la te t aild*. andIJI.M tI.tbd to r raaarv* ■uppllt* of ammuni­tion. Recalling th a t we have only about a deten alrehlpa, n dearth of ammunlllen, and a fleat of eubmortnaa ao email aod ot auch queatloiwbl* worth na to be elmoet neg­ligible,'It may ba eipacted th a t little axcep- lion wlU ba tahan to tha place occupied by ihea* defanew In tha budgM.

W hntavar criticlam tha program may meot will probably center nround th* big ahipa, yet thla crittelam I* partU lly ditarmed by tha fallura of th a tnbm artne to live up to the pradictlona mode for It by anihuelaete prior to and a t th a bagtonRig of tha w a r A t ta r a t th lp t a t lh a fIrM Uaa go. thara have haan ao few naval eogagamenlt that It haa been h ard ta gM a Una on their true vglua. Th* N orth flea ttglit o t hurt January. In which tha O arm an orulear B lu trh ir waa aunk nnd tha Brlttoh aru ltar U an waa dlt- ahlad, probably furntoh th t toOM Important avtdanaa,

Thto M igafam tttt craatod tha very 'definite tonpromton th a t tpaad to g bMtar dafanaa

arm or. Both the Lion and tha Bluachar arara armored, yM ana m u m nk and th a other ditahlad. The fUMoto ahlp* aama off bant. On land, atoo. th* value o t molRllty h a t bean proved ta thto war. Tha •lowaM tWp.,U1M lh a atowagt grnl(y,.lw* to light w hnravw H to ovtrtakan. I t ctnnM ettonw (ha itoto. anA pkwa of aa w g n g ^ nitont nnd- to, ih ta tgflMrt to hondlw pptd' Thto It n Itw N i ihq ndm>niM*Yton avtdtaiUy m w a a .io h tod gaR, «l th* w « «< th t flv*. y w fnrlad . it will hav* ato M kgtM* aruktova. W hathar Ot not thto to n gutflolani num lwr to hninnaa th a r t nanqlrgntod flaM to a AnaoHon te r tnitorto.

DON’T WANT MUCH.At the annua) .coavaatlan of th a Now

Jartay U quor D talatif Pratoellva Amocla- llon It waa raaolvtd to t t t k th a adopUon ot e t r u to lagitlatlon In tha Interaata ot tha liquor d a a ltr t a t tha a tx l taaeloa of tba Lagtototurui

Tho flrM of tboaa to to provide eompanaa- tlon whaM var th a vaMad Intareete of ealoon haapatu or o thara angagad to th e liquor buM- naaa may ba eonflteatad. Thto m eant that ih t ta ip a y tr t of any looaUty th a t may hara- a fta r go dry muM comp*neat* liquor dealer* for any loaaaa they may Incur from loalng thair Itcanaaa.

Tha taeond maaaura to ba urged to nn am andm ant lo tho ConMItutlon providing for the atoctlon of prooacutora and Judgaa by eounttaa. Tha purpaaa of thla tg fa laaura In wat eounttaa proaeeutova and J n d tu favurubU to th e liquor lalaraM a

Tlia thldd to an act to m ake unnaaamary tha algBtng of appllcattona fo r tha rwnawal of Hquor llcennee. Thto to tor tha hanafit a< Hquor daalar* tn localltlaa wham publle ■antimant ha* bo ehangad that It la dlftlonll any longer to aacura tha raqulMM num bar af ■tgnara.

The fourth to an act lo enable llcannaaa to collect by action at tow dabta doe them. At tba praaaat time and to r a hundred y iarn paal ratnll liquor doalaro a ra and hava baan prohibited from m lng for. and eollaet tog dabta d o a 'I o r 'th a ta la of liquor over thair bare. Thto regulation to founded on Bound public policy tc prevent men from ■qnaadartng their property aod leaving thair famllla* burdane on fh* publle. Tha ealpon or tavaru keeper who know* that ha canaat out fa r llqaor conaumad by hto ruatom are witl ba chary about granting credit to confirmed drunkardn.

The fifth la to prevent Grower* ai bottlera from etlling baer from wagona to country aeotlona. Thto to nM. likely ter meet objcctlont from any ona except the brewer* and bottler*.

The alxlh and laM la to provida for th* canaorihip of moving pletur* film* reflect in i on th* liquor InduHry. Thto would deny th* tem panne* advocalat th* right to am ploy moving plelura* In thair propaganMa and Indicate* a aentlUvanag* lo public opinion Ih m arked oontraM with tba a rm gance of aoma of th* other demand*.

W hilt It to a ttribu tad to hla daughtar Mar­garet. the aatortlon th a t PreMdeai Wlleon to

good linger anunda Ilk* a canard tcpm th* ram p of th* poIHleal to*.

Vlecount Dryrc'a aUnd ngalaM a ir raid ropeM la to conelMent and will carry weight. Th* AMI**' record to not free from attache on open cltle*. but. of eouruo. It I* aa nothing lo qrhai the Oerman* hav* done In England, The contention that I/ondon to really a forti fled city muet. In feirneta. b* taken Into con alderetlon. but the feci remalne that It* de­fen*** are pm ctlcally agaiaM a ir la ld g and the great m ajority of il)* killed and wounded by Scppelln bomb* have been clvlttana. By emphaetolng the policy of having British elr attack* directed solely agalnat military or naval poaitlon*, Vlacount Bryr* and Ihoaa ig rae ing with him ara on firm ground.

Tha political parttoa may hav* learned th* irtaon of prqpnredneea. hu t th a ir pletforma don’t contain any nfutru llty >lankA

A Oerman n tu to n n n t dancribea -th e Zeppelin raid* aa m ere lark*. London would like a cloeed

Th* moM dIMIagulehed teacher In th* land m*y think hto New Jereey e la it quit* disorderly.

Ruaela, nfter reading of affaire to Armenia. mu»t recall th* pogrom es a form of charity.

« !* dreadnought got R* doMgnatlon fero H knew about iubm artaes.

Tee. Indeed, th ewomen—to May h q i^T '* "

r =

gtH ve tm twto' r

W<) tol^ you to* I' * f

Hy Id. N. Ik

A YELLOW FALLHo* yellow l i the fall thto yearl An omen? No, my Buff rage dear.

No. net al alLThoogb tulip-tree* wear eaffron ekeea* Ahd gilded are Ik* maple'* greea*. Th*lr''|l**inllng ooler only meant

A pellew telL ' 1 ' »'

Be brave and do not weep, my dear, Another tell, another year.

So dry yeer eyeeea.For tboagb the precleu* Caua* to lloked And you your voting aiuat reetrlat. ; Dam* Nature, telling to prediet,

atlll aympathliea

Anyway, gurfracettoA you won the la th* Air per* feed oentaet.

A prewlnent Antl-euffragtH drop* aroundto aay that he he* ehengod hto mind. "Whenwomen want th* vote e* badly a t aoma of thtm do," teya h*. -nhay ought to hav* It to heap them from going to th# aanatoMum.' Al gallantly and charitably w* reply that when woman hat* lha vole aa badly a* aem* ot them do. they ought, for a quit* almllar teaaen. to b* protqctad from having It. Not all Ih* wild woman hereabout* are tu ffrag te ta

go man in New Jeraay atlU ramain* lb* to' farter aex.

opM offort tfuHne WaXa ' ^ I

P u r c h a s e a P i a i id

N O W i


nrenlaUea ib ly I■-----dlreetlei

, true Ih Hah great

. .j - are *e »Uu eeeur

tim* a tram*^ M wiped ,pev*n*hlri fa r feom'

It*ia _ _ _

r plt la ptcti feetIfkJV

are no




and Save MoneyPrices range* from ONE-HALF to TWO-THIRDS of actual worth. Quality guaranteed;

Id* >*

E 4 1 * it»’ M

t ,A *4

»>. -i-

And h« wni hava to »e on e iv tn t tie hi* •*at In IN* i tr e t l car.

1 | i in li in R iNton tMg p u bw h i.Mw . t to im *.

LONo-Dnrr.ANCB o o v k r .n m k n t .W hen Oovernor Oeneral ErancI* Burtoa

Karrtoon told th* Flllptoe Legtalatur* th a t the paeaege of th e Jone* bill by Congreao at 'Waehlagton 'wa* ta g tr ly *w*lted to th* PhlUpplae*. h* a^ok* i^e tra lh , bu t not tho whole tn ilh . There to a general demand in lb* leland* th a t the^Jone* bill be paai*d, but a vnrtMy of dpinion exlets there a* to th* au ic t form In which tha m easure ahould be mad* la lo law. '■

gqine o t tha American btMtoqae man In th* Philippine* Rould be trilling to have th e bill paaaed With a prom li* n( u ttln a t* Inde- pendeac'* for th* Elllplnee, wMM Mill other* want th* m easure mad* Into law w llhent • ny dectaratlen on th* aubject a f todepan- dene*. The peelUon of belh o t thna* *!*«** 1* th a t any eettlawient ot th* qnnMInn wewM be pn re rah i* le th* preannt nM ortototy, though they all declare th a t th e EUlpIne* are not yM ready ter eomplnto ntW-gevern- m e n t ^ ■

T he n*tlvM tRa«MMv*g nr« dtvM «|. Ob* teetton toNM* tRat th* h riu d a ghmiM b* granted imMsdlato indtpnndMMn. A M thar weuid b* antEflikd wHh n p ra u th i* tn th*Janmi Mil dw tortng th a t, tlto ligtond*. W gllien lnd*p*nd*ae* so gnon a* th* ra M a e * hbv* d f iB e n g tra ^ ihMr hhUlty to' ggvem thii«Mnlv«i. MUI g n tth a r taadtan tagM t th n i a dcflnlto data h f gat wb*n th* UnH«4 RUU* wUI giv* treedem to » m T ll^nod>

DR. PRICE’S GOLDEN D IS h JS m O N . Thvy were talhlog about Or. Ja teb C. Price

of Bueata County, bond of the new Ita te Health Departm ent

<1 tier* never known n - a a a 1* held hi* good nature with ad v aad ag year* b«tt*r then lh*l man dto*," adtd on*. *«■* a won- derful dlipoMilen he ha*. I f* # w th m*»*rle him."

"Bettor M ill" aaM lha ether, ‘TT* worth friend* t* Mm."

While this sale continues an opportunity to secure a,Bly

A- t k',

*Vh, I .4< 1 4 *■ ■■» 14.><]

Tm kMWM r l r kunn4 M m o i n m iPF. fetewaa lb* towi french weuh

0 1 .^I >

thoroughly reliable pl»no at i merely nominal price pre- sents itself, which to forego is literally lo lose an un*usual chance ftif economy. , , , , .

Many are used inatruments taken hi part paymrat m Humanas; Mheri have been t t rpnt for a )lmtt4*,

i s time; quite a number are new instruments of fflipon* tinued styles. . ■'

There are Uprights, Playerpianos and Grands mat arc decided bargains at the low prices' that havt been placed upon them. Each of the Uprights hat, If necea* sary» been overhauled, and put in Riat^aM condition.


STEINVAY a SONS ( WOOSTER ^ M g h ) . . . .

LENOX (Mall) .................... S tMU U T E R (O ak ).................... SMS

e -f ‘ -)ft45........ t i l l

• I - <

Everyone of the PlRyerpiinot is practically new. the different Cranda have had concert uae only, and ftre/bi. ene llf# .ptiylilg 9onditlon. The quality! of guarantied tn thff same Way as If now—by our written wsrranty that is good for a term of years.

T'*’ V t a / 1 *


>ti' ■■ iV -■'.T-.V"t t I'


FIVEWe accept ta little aa TEN DOLLAR^ In cash i^d <'l

monthly on the lower priced Uprights,Relatively attractive terms of payment can be arntnged on the more costly instruments. No interest charge.

' .Vl

A SAFEG U ARD _ ,In the event of your death during Hie contirart

period, ALL PAYMENTS STOP, and the ptana iist mains in your home, provided the account is paid to date. This extra safeguard costs you nothing.' It eliminate^


possibility of loss.


’<♦ a..f

• 4

A r «

I hall wa* .^k* M Ik* I Siand Cealn m Uniterm ' raMa* gallet nnaeunc* th' teaMng nrelt aewMM* th<ream wyutd |

•*t*M a i a n

. will ef Ik of th*

I krefullr to* w er from i I e a lr the n ehli of real


he Ih* Ilf >lv*<l. Tl

eltewb. r* llisn I

fere w Mr**l

y leoi I worm a p*

Bvenu* a t : jiM tarn r a i l poMItBt towii



•^iera’ill*4r M ttUi tki Uto two «im


Oattr •oliar* plared "The .fltorai" *e reeltotlMlIr ea Ih* pip* * r ^ la the Eereat Hill Froehrterlaa Ohureh Ih* oiker nlgh| ibfi aerarnl lUMlr lad|*a to the anglene* pat *n llieir enrapa and BaT Jf- Bart wished he had preugbl hto umbrolla. , {

E V lpY KUS4AND A CM M INAL The Aatt* are lerrlMr woerted. laps'ea*

af th*«: "If Ih* wemea guf Ih* *«M. ooory wite wHI hav* to par « ran laa. Wkee* meaar trill kh* nee to pw that paU to*I Her hnahaaEe meaer—Ih* menep that he earoa Wra'i he then teal ihai he ha* the right to dietot* to her hew u roMT And won’t that he eeniMiT i* ih* CeuMItotl** aM hitewe ot thee* Uaiiad ntaledT ta ether werda wea'i Eqeal flaffreg* mM* evoiT hushaaf n erlmlaalT Oh, mr frieniA" eta. eta

I*IraM In tunlitottJiew* il q tefh llb ea

"Td*. rii ' '"■•** ala’

In hellI fnmily o ■ thi

aI fr

a re eenatav srL J;mea

Ih*itair* alaitn i. 1 ■ naai* A_mi The I

w at I all*. IH a Ml fi

, hf*klae«_

erewded ih t^ i |* T * r ro elli

re IpdUgH wnuld bd

BJSTWEBN PO U C E a n d BURGLASa fe e a lea* llnH EeeeM MlU ha* lata a t tha

m erer e l •»» hnrgtor Miai h ip u nt d *!•*«. N e t Ih* pellea have token aetten o t **#• ■ Itoae to tb*( fa ir aalghhertieed aad nave to- aiignratod * reWn *f levrer iiw i to m ooo Iba* the hurglar eenra.; iin«**ai E*r*M MUera raraertellr gelng hem* at iwff'raM nuw *’al**k tnun th* o tto f reeitol or tha ehnnh tuppef. ra* MbraM hp myateriMi* MrandW* Ih ptal* elethe* and edmp*n*d la idanitfr ihMMelvM and g(v* th* Wuateridgp. A vMitog mlnlMer of thd gra net- arrivtog aw a tou UMa «fll preeeedlng ag RMtor pgtaw v .with ia | •uitohde*, wga


. <■

f ♦


T ro u b le in S p en d in g G re a t W ^tU h ^T h e m e

r o f M a g a z in e W riie r tij ■ " ':"' *'4 k ta i w«tiUi iS ta r j M t a t la rha

a t a a t .Mcvlaa. WKh aiart tbaa M t Hta araatlk a t tba ooaaUr ewaad kf laaa <haa taa par aaal. of tha poiralatlaa. Ik% atiiar BhMty raat. of paopla do notIpaa ta wonrr aauch about tlM I boimbo tax.

■goading a Mrga Ineoiao daat ka:.. a let a t m utdo, hoaavar. ia t b r tiM hairewad faoaa of a t 'bur "maMactora a f great

^Aflar all t Mta la a talrir UaUt la tha oragant th a t aBjr tdgad can aai, amoka drink, i la t f and braatbo par laroa lr-tau r bouie. It tdkaa m an iB gaauttr la opaad a tar- Idiia with originality and a d a t than

^la faqulrad la aaiaaalng ILTha roaant ouggaatlap of the radaral

ladiutrU I Commlaalen. llmlllag tar- tanaa la a mlllloa deHart arouaod a ■aad deal of comment, lam a wrilara •aatidartd It prapoatorout. Now tlw a ^ ta r of Tha Motropalltan •^llorlallna ag ■’Tha Ml Ulan-Dollar Umlt" aynpa- thalloally.

la a mlllloo detlara toe much lor any aaa amn to paaaaaaT Mr. V'alah thinka that a^ 'laaat It la tha limit. It wat

n mT l ^ r i o Sjpeeial for Tomorrom, Tharsday,*October t !

1,000 STUNNING 0.¥ ‘ Featuring Every Style Silhouette

1 Underprice in Tomorrow’s Sale

SAbiolutety n^tr have Newark women Had an opportnnily MnaUlnt lift for teearing taxariotu right at the beginning of theteason—at a genaine,guaranteea money-eavingl^f

Sumptuous Silky Astrachans' Shadow Maid Meltons/ Wide Wale Velvet Corduroys ' Rich Vicunas _ Sturdy TweedsBo^cle Chevkyts Furry Zibelines

n a l w rltata w artIna mlglI all m ullenalret w

tndlbow __ la

m ight have tuip a a ^ thatrtftlng 'tar a

^ - are aa high ihai It oa t or tw i atha aoour within a th an tpaot af

a tromaadauo Ihhortunto mar bo pad owl. Tha proaoni Daka bira, fo r amamala, though ho

nr team ' daalltuto. I t not a rich m tliaa twOnap-rm roara ago

_____ Jfalliar waa ana of tn« rlahaaiglad that a rar ifrad up to that Ubm. QaatlTiwUaa made tba dlffartnea « I t la a oaddoalag alght whtn a whola gaagia la pletnrad o r Tha prtat a t lying

'oat of tha mllilonalraa. and ^ a t tba o a rr thought af dan-

• thair maatara. Of courao. tha I a r t not ra a llr ao aabaarvlant a t raaa would h a a t «a think. If tha BO man la aakad tor hit haaail il whatbar tba world would not

It a raM deal baoptar If II wera not dridad up Into a law rich paopla aad I oaat aam bar of nary poor paopla ha I apt J o aaawar In tha ntflralallTa. And a m n be onlta fraa to aay that a mil

had a vote on tha auhlact

« aa not Tota agalntt I It a m id that Mr la not a prmttleal partoo.

Hr. w alah may aet ba’j t oon- t alalaoman. but wa Innnltaly

.. bla apirit to the B ir il m moat oar prafaoaod laadara of public opln-

who h a ra frankly goaa a«ar to tha a t thogeldan aalf.

tba Upper Oraat.’ b t a artlala about tha hablti and

dbotama of the 'Amaiioan tourlat Irrin Cobb taboo oeeOalaB' to poba b n t t our % pper olaiaia" In Tha la lu rd ty Bvan- H g Pool

Tag know tha ayatam of llrlng for- Marly pwraaad by uneoaiforttbly rich paroapt raaldoat an and eloaafy ad- laoani to tha Atlantic taanoard.* * * The ^B O lpal aatabllahmant waa tba towp hoaaa. and that, a t tha f r a a eb would aay. waa eartalnly baaa-

■alaaa. I t waa located on upper arawaa a n d wap built ant af Upla

I. a a i maaa agate, and aUiar aaml- auu ataaaa, j n d coalalnad avary aC a room tSara la aacapt a room a poraaa aould all doom In for a and be eanafortabta. Tba recap-

hall waa alwiait aa caiy and homa- :a ta tha m ala w aiting roam a t lha tad CaatmL Deeding only a parpon

. walfanh oomlng out on tba aOt- IgMlaa gallory wWli a magapheaa to g n a a n c a tha Pternfard local will ha OMtnng pralty poan on track Ifo. T to o o m ^ a tba lIlM loni and tka mualo------ waatd pot you la mind cl tba new

a t the Hairopotitan Mtwaum at aa aapf, af ooaraa. that It wat hapd-

* i « f lilW i* »o tpihpljHlen. and With trehaurat mulahad, by

af tba ravlahaaa from tha paf- aiP lha Old World, they would

ully Iwek 1| up and go an tlrfl^ ay m m it, baoanaa In New Tork It tty tho middla olaw ai whn tnnkt n t of raalding In thair own homaa

____, tkd « * td i r e regiUydwoMflioat wMi tuperb vtloan um! Inlaid rehreta.

A T d r ita U a c o a ta ty lc iim w t N o t a n o t k oedatawd aa ca r r a r t la ogtltted. Belted, pW tad , l a n d in e re ry aew variation.

ColonWonderful plaid* in

•tuanios color har- moniet. Flecked and snowflake miiture*— riM entire gamut of Autumn colors in the richest new tints. 6««>6S1 BROAD STRin. NEWARK

’ Sale at Bedell Newark Store

by tsp e n ly trained fil­lers are rendered with­out the e itew bert $3 to StO charcc.

w intering a tring ___

ha tha time rivad. Than

Palm Beach, and and flitting

ifh l& a r 'g ia i'ra b . tbay managed tathey

until iummar hail waold drift In

___ t ^ tan or flftaan m iM tatI worm a path fa r tba car ocgaaa plflh------ a t Forty aacond atraat. they..... turn to aaa anathar .and any: falL paaltlTbly, th a n lan'l a tout Itft haw h^^at a Im n g aoul! Wa almpty IT atay here In this daiartad wilder-

aaa new—wham ahatlr c ray heCteo

Mahad the Batter.Tba Prlacapi Iduarovltab-Hraballaao-

ieiah, in 'tb a 'a a tH w a at her mamaira, .Wblab are appearing In Tba Century, gtvaa a eerlana plcturu of aa Bngiteb- gma'a habby for cdllacllng guma

H ra Marrteoii. It te uald, pawtattaa I tteaot privata collacilea o f rare aid a a M ateo aaa of tha graalaai oel-

' la gama Mar huaband Its of royal and hit-

. .10 for tome catua dr lllllag ta aall notad nalr- tw aaijr yaari hla agaala

tsgathar thoaa gama anea e a r ta a that time did na

I f e a a i^ a a la b itima did be. She only an baugbl

that tl. _ a wifaw ragwaly th a t be oftan a la under bla natua ha had n roam

ilil. Uu - tralte af which warn up- ia ta tM llkdoiawal caaM wUh IlgiiU raagad to ahaw the of.air apntoata. Onaa ha mawad tnaai I tba Tate KlBg.MdwarfL then Is aaa > two gtoM oomMiatura iMdar tba teal r aaaraeg. Hla w ift bad aatrar aaan

tea fteg ha ashed ba r to n dawn ta I fe M im iia e n team .wtib hha, Aa

«w opoa tb a maalTdaor, tba want I wlUr M n raa a f dlamonda. and

aglara af arary bnown gam.1 “Thay t f a youra 1 want you

wear tbam K ara them rcaal lf>ou

lara a w illing table Itlarallr h a aM A iaaallng Blenaa nr every hut. w a

n lag tbam togatbar la ««»•«••- lo a n ^ of daalgaa fn which waa bainag many #1 iham raatt.

TWo Mferr Mdo a f tha Mate.Thera ta a dlalurblng lenia af can-

traal hi tn m lag to an nrUda by W. H. HatUiawi In Tba gunray about tba man W afhttg an lha Maw Tark aahvay.

”T«a, ri1 tak a a job Ta lha aubway f tbara ala’t aaythhig ato» to affar, hut

la haU 1a a man going to lupport

GssWDIDoALEYoiirCbokiiQ' Q b in e t G ts Ranges have been developed to such a

state of perfection that it is not necessary to have a coal fire for any cooking purpose.

You can broil or boil, roast^or toa^t, bake or brew, fry or stew any food that you may have on a Cabinet Gas Range. .

" And it has long been demonstrated that Gas Ranges are more sanitary, more convenient, more economical and, generally, more satisfactory than coal fires.

The kitchen that is w ithout a Cabinet Gas R ange is lacking a time-saving, labor-savjng and money-saving appliance that every m odern kitchen should have.••

Cabinet Gas Ranges can be had in so many different sizes and on such Reasonable terms of payment th a t we can suit every kitchen and every pocketbook.

\ b

If you have no Cabinet Gas Range, get one—youTl

l6 3 5 B road S t ,C o r .N e w 3 tJIVoNicii'a DUtinetive Outer Apparel

Stple, Qua/ifa omf Low Prke tha Great Attrwetiom of

This Wonderful Sale of90 Fur-Trimmed Suits

13.75$20-S25 Valuee

An offgring thst will be the tslk of th« town—copies of the most etcluslve Fifth Avenue models.All of highest grsde mtterisit, Brood- clotiw, Popllm, Gabardines snd Men’s Wear Sciac. in sti meet fsshionsbU colors. - • fDistinctive trims of the most fsvored fun—others with braids and velvet The coats are lined with guaranteed Satin or Pesu de Cygne—skirt* in plait­ed, gored or panel effects.

Warranted Alterationa FREE

Sensational Sale Women’s Coatseieganl SI2 to $15 (ir- m onti. In full length snd knee tanglh models, belled and loeaely drspsd s^lc*. Many hsve tb* new Chis- Chin Collars.

i !^.50These coats ire of plaids, mixture* and plain ms- teriali In fsthlenable col­ors. Some fur-trimmed, other* with velvets sod braids. ‘

914-16 DransAs

8.50Lovely models of Tslfets, Char-

mouse. Velvet and Crsp* de Chine, alee Serge and Silk enm- binstiona, In leading ihides.

65-96 Skirts

2.95Crsceful Rare, plalltd, gored

and panel model*, of Poplina, Mixture*, Corduroy* snd Cbev- loti. In * wide eelection of the

winted color*.

Extra Special Sale of 67 Children’s CoatsRegular $fl to $0 costa. In newest belted and bou modsls—plain snd trim- mod styles.

Made of Corduroy*. Per- iiani*. Fancy Mixturei

nd Novelty Fabric*, In ill color*.


$ 3 0 0Chlldapgai.foVIA

NEW JERSEY CENTRKJS p D o i a l C s D M r a la a

SUNDAY, OCT. 24tpetal* af tetartM atll b* *eto publl* Ml abav* Sal*.

lea at S*.atel Wall aitt St.. Mawtfb. aa a aa a l t i i

,„.c u ; r £ 5 t e r 5 w * Srir«< —rtitw

U •'•Ml fci #C Lm <E«Wr 14. RttDm

4 P. M.t wiUI__ ____4 «W4 I P M.. OMmtar t«





COLONIAL UNISrsnt-ciM MrvlD«a ••Urine u If# ‘ pin. w*»a-4^vt M i arnfftirDfrDin P4w |>,-W, lU. t**tWlrrtatifWiT) |#T Newarli, i Av#., HftrrlMA.

I iirtmanl. tieUaia,T <U»Un fdMidfkfj. I*lianfi Bdw. r. McKam*

CHj lif^I Upt»WB Tio

MANHATTAN• 1 .0 0 T o A LB A N Y

Mn’Ntl TUP, I1.M. OOOD l Hw« 9 Mi** Chtrluf Uiirf. iY«* iBiiri PUr St, N.h., w.K______ _i.l* P.Mei W.IIIM 81.. I P M. Tr11»« apr^^

iD IfI U AJIMMW.HDtttlvfllE?

AUTUMN RESOItra tv---------------- — ..— ----------------

AUsHIc City, N. J. , ,



Bf nlH i f fcalmrililp Pnmfn't Ottb «r Cewety

P M A C E U U R O O M .N iw a rk ,N .lT h N r td iy E ven iN L O c t 21

g-.go r. m7

9t*a NmmfmiR*


ORPHEUMw a i l B i b w a v a ^ t » l »T OTUTOnAV AJIII AI4, mill Wggu * New gOTla. IteaH trim tb. UaMMl galll.


I AIWb>» Iipjn. AlMH/n rwAdif.C O M w i M •Acmiiti f«f • • .

•fi4 iurtiiB Am MUM whom fu •fart My. T eeU ^H ItrmiMf & T* Omm,

....... ‘“ T m a w o

AtWAIW |M ||t


ta .eemaa u the pUlanw Ihal a*..III. ■—•M ilaa at w .eaA tot iIm IbM

mrBii-~t*r. rnii.i>ggii.

ntfiimiHMTa o a M iiR * i) i^A T L A N T IC C IT Y , N. * . t

aweiaauiF ■•aaaiBtuTW t1!Tlj|.M .W iS9R FiU tt


L Y R I CAKvwrn th o Boot In

VAUDEVILLE• Mb«o Twb. mj»i Wfi.

u l w Kma Vlr. Av«.i HO 111 «l fmOy; Il «t SMr«o«mm J. R.a


CoU«ga OrpluuiCLrUSer

■ A. n . w’oODO Pfiaaatealullan EUiftfe

ATlAltTM! c m . II. rA i e w t e a 'e P w w a l S ll-T aar te Ttia taWleg jtwwaa Alwan O

U h o w ^ N. r.O O I . P I I N O ^

TrapahnattM ane rlahlee era ^ rapultr r .l l MT.r.lln. tl liakawaagP , TNi LAunu. itncng ■ ^

levH m Tau I* l b .le II ■ 1|*MNt-Rt C “

lt*aaet la ih* VUm*. it>HV. UaMiar.V. Mt’RPlIT;^*l


nt,MswfoiaAsnA A A


'Opaa' all ilw

Om s io I4 » 4 8 F .M .r u r m i i r u n m r u n o u i n c u ^ .


m w A B K B v m f iN Q ff is ffK W E D ssB D A lr. » . u n .


iniM, M bd ari “Hilli S(MRUm i ’* C M liiited I t G o m r


M A L UFE CALLED A NEED, tlctani*, foctbitl uid ht«hi w »t MtlOM «(rc prMWBiHl M (OM of ekfM aanv by R«». Karl K. Qulaiby*1 >1WW>M today U« do k itlu at «a» tmaUT'Onh aaoual roarratloB of ^ ■pvoftlt of tha Naaark OU-

hi Um Catdarll Mathodlat Krit' at Ctimti. iB bla addrtH o»i Th» M ki Uta CbuKti'' Mr «<ili«by aald: vM naBt boya and glrli to liacoma

h t M i «4Ui tba ^ r t l I't rhftat you at IBam bafora thair haada ara

full of blab avbwl aod rooiball^ , 1 1, 11,1, that Iha work of iha Junior iL a a i la mbit iBipartani than th a t of

■■ Um aHHaa laaau'' of E raorth iana. Mr Mkanat-d that to maka rallalnn

balatabla la cbltdron Ihry ahoiild ba atvan aaalal Ma la tbair Iraiwa maotlnaa. And Ikla aaclal Ufa, br aald. nuat ba alvan IfcoM bafara thay aal tha a a v la t ptatora



lifuMy PmN New Pilicr ii Ef- ftcl, Rcqiires Atlirityi to Shew



im Diricton Afrei Sww Will Be Held it Ubrity ii



M'-It ta UMp that at the alartJan achad-

aM far |Wa aftaraiwD tba pnaant om- MM «tn ba eoatiBurd In lhair poalUaaa. fiMP arai Ftaaldenl, Hanmel M. Tunlaon; tHdiarar, SayaMur i>. Coannan of bum- M . aad bacratanr. UMa Rhada La Porta M ■aoHi'Oraapa. TIm fatir Mra ptaal- •awtaa ara nUad by appolntnant by tha araiMaat. It la omaldarad cartain lhal lUaa Rath V. Matur of Kawark will ba

Bafarw Ohartoa M. Maaon doaa not hall from Mlaaourl, but ha ratndrad at»- oral attornryi today to ahow hlB bow thay rarnrd vartoea f*aa thay taara aak- In# for aarvlcaa raadrrad la aoanaotlon •rlib Iha admtnlalration of tha hadbrupt ralala of tha lloftBMn-Doilllaa CoiBpabY of tJ Markat atraal. Tha altfmayi war* unahia to maka a aatlafartory ah'owttit and aa a raaiilt tha rafaraa took a taner- oua alloa off tha amount of allowantw muuaatad.

■avaral altornaya of lata hava found It nacaaaary lu raaort to much arrument by raaaoa of tha rafaraa a attlluda on ouaatlona qf allowantwa in bankrupt ry mattara Tha attlluda. It nd«hl ba a*- plalnad, la arcountad for by a rultna of tba Ju^aa of tha I'nitad tiaiaa DIairtct Court ooBOarnlnf Iha '•mployManl of rouBpel In bankruptcy loattara. Tba rut- np la Intalidad to ronaarva tha Intaraala

radMora who ara laa In tba atarciaaof thadr rl|hU.

eiwtlaaail a t aarond y id w u d 01% Udbia ap

aarond vino praaldont andfourth vica proal-

Tba fl|lf>atloa af btlaa Alma T. KantAmm tba pupcrlBtandoocy af tba Juator IraniM «bd ^ appomimaBi af Miai Otadira MbCtUum ta auccaad bar wtaad

ba oftiep af tbird vtoa prat- MMa McCaUua. Tha ttn l

**** SSImi iT B M IV ih a i« |M of iba iraoaurcr abowad

•f |tU .*l mpdl ton Mjual *ieoyn( <4 H w dl^iirM eW Ks w en

IW M i NtkMeaa. fn a b aJr warfc a( nM atatratiaa

tPM opapad trim a d*: ma tlad by Ra*, Horana

Matpr pr Iba Orpaa Tnllpr _ Ha*. T. R Halynaai, pnatoy ait

tba Oaldwalt Cbarch, praalad Iba data- C h tn bad Hr. Taalaoa road a aalae> Uaa^MM Um aw tplerea Mr. Oatmbp «ma Mw flrat apaakar.

lb bd ru c iav bdi aaaarUan tbai tba trarb amanp tba daalar Imapiaara la

In halvinp th« taas aJkrd h r today Rafaraa Maaon quotad tba TUUhP which prohlbtta tha hfrlnp of coimaal by rnrolv- ara la banbpuptay "aacafl wbaa nacaa-

ry and advlaatdr" and only upon ord -r of tba oQUrt Tba rtila alio tarWda tha paymant for atrvicaa to couuaal whan the aamo oouhl ba prrforWMd by tba rtcalvat Thlp particularly appUaa 10 raorivara who ara attomaya la aixb caaaa. allowantaa aia mmla to raoalvara' attoraaya oaJy for tha aarrloaa In connactlon with actual Ihtpatlon.

Tba rula la mora or tau of a drpartara rata paal practMaa In the court of

baakiuptcy. and tba aaforccoMnl of It la aonaldaiBMa coacmi to baakniptcy

pcactitlooan.Purtbartnora. fha fwferaa daclarrd to­

day tliPI hr aoljid not b* content with Iha ruatomary pcarmlliatlona of "aar- vkaa parformitd." but would laalat that t_ba attpraayi 0vc aa Idaa of tha tiraa ' ‘ By ^ raa to raaaa

■ ahraa harallalaao Aaaaaf. la paraMw tba appUoaUaaa for faaa

.jbmWad bp aauaial today ika rafaraa pabwad ta rartoaa Itaailnad aecouaU la Iha patlUaa of daul Coha, atioraay for Wnilam Harrta, tha rocalrar, which ha raid waia far tirrtaap which aboaM bara haab parfitaMd by tha traataa. "who waa

I ShMr. Oababy mada tba' palal thatP i t .laara aaap ia Mwraaa Ika mlad a^ a bMU ibaa at- aa adall, and thatf p pfaatapt ipRorlaalty far impraaslap

w M tMIrIt- M hi ahUdbaod;M hi ahUdI aiaab Ip aald at ebUdran'p r lfb ta thlM raab-iM da kbPaM bd tba

of dlPPBMiaa, daplPTid Mr. ly, wha kPdprtid tbp aMda'af iba aaald ba Ib p fi* *btP bP atady.

■read tba dalapaioa to pira thaai ta

aa liflU la baawa at tba Jaalar wat dPRluili by Hr. (falaabp,

atUKaalad that lilaraat la He aaald ba ptamofad If tba pail an ta bMolBt a day la whleh iba

aMMb w n 'iaw waald ba addMaaad la O i aMOiban of tba Jaalar Laafaa aad PBRaidaalty ptaaa tbam la tabar R da tbam. Oaca ar twtea a yaar

araiM b« wall. Hr. 9aM by aald. It M i jRMar Imacaa vara l an attiad la

tba aarbataalaa af tba I la BNtlaaa df Ibat bady.

n a n a n raalMap tba ateaaMly la tba aebaabt, paid Mr.

■artlap Ibat tba aarrtaaia I In aawaral altida aall far

, _______ ly. ^ f a d a n ta n In tba‘ -nm im m r aaftaala ara naHalnp Iba aaad

i f iMBmiliip tba cMW wtlb nllRlaa tew aMcb am n cboaM OirlaihM warn * empraelale aad ntriro ta tnaat that p a a f r ba aabad.

_ af Iba a ictpalty af I obUdraa ba'ata puch otbar marlnp plpiapaa raata lata Wr„ Qalmby taldr “Up ta

te in aaa Mara af apa a abiM lappfleetiaE iba abriraamaat la

h p c b te ib a obVS w T ^ s r.pilw r PtflketiaE Iba abriraamai s i t e ba ar aba dwaiia. Wbp aat tR a IMtla Mlrttaal toaablnp wblld Um pfjud It dim a taa iie r

IR Maalap. Mr. UwlBiby, ptcadhipr h r ppaatal tad daapar talaraat In tha

n a af * a eburcb. mid: “Hwcal yoar Ml PbW ria. That Ic wbah you wtB

ppaat parcoatapa af lataraat.__parpnaaa aa an aid la aiblava.I ppirltaal warb waa urpad by Rav. lipa a. Vapal af Mavart. papn-

latiaiint af iha Nawark dlatUrt. Ha ap> ppted far a atudloaa. lalalUpaal prapara- llaa af a datlnll* Haa of ChrMlan work ky « p tewartb ImMPW T h ana ran do pparythlap wpB. • ha aaid.^bat taotl pao- plp da dpa te*«^ apa thiBP hr aad

r MIhaa maha H yaor a lftrira l la II.

Kotmal approval for an aahlhltlon of laatlla produeta of Now Jariay waa pivan ytatrrday afternoon by tha dlrcc- lera of iha Kawark Uuaaum Aaaoclatlon

^maallnp In tba Traa rubllo Library, whrva tha Oahlbll will ba hold In Kab- ruaf r

Purthtr approval of thv Ivatlla dlv- piny haa been ratalkad In Irllora from Governor Plelder and other prominent men amt minufactureri of Iho aiato Tbeae communleatlona era rapllai to requeili for oplnlone aant out by tha advocate! of the evhibit. The aahlblt hei alao been commended by the trade papera of tha Induetry

The cIbv product! eiihibit of laat year waa the flrat commerclel-lnduetrlal ehow ever held by a mueeum body It waa eo •ucceeaful, belnp attended by mora than ll.oaa par»ne. that l.thrarlan John Cot­ton f>ana. director of the muiemo. a ^ rocated the continuance of tha Mea m preaanllnl ahowe t»f the produeta of the •tatr, one al a time The February e»- htbH la eypecled to ihow Iha raw ma- lerlali, ptoceeeee of manufacture and tha finlibed product! af the rrpreeeptaliva taatlle menufacturara of the atata.

Tha dwplay will ha houdad an tha fourth floor of tha buildinp and will eon. tlBiia from rabniaty I until March IP. II la expected that all of Ihe avallabla apace will be taken, ei a number af inan- ufacturcra have already eollclted bciothe.

baliw paid duobta uaaiinMMnaa far ro«-duoute «M buikMPP #f the baahnipt aa-tata*

Tha lafarPB aald Mr Caha waa “ua- forUMblP m havlap a compapaal al- lot««r pd bli ymalvap-dllant. It waa aJao

Cote, aaothar patt- _ tPad Hama eoaialoed la

bib ppIMm for aUamaca aa attonwy ftp Mk» yacalrar. Tbia otbar patttlon pelte fay aa allowaaaa aa attarary far • ta iptli lpt e p wriPWara

Mr. fobB affaod that tba duplicate HPHw eboPM ba PUkhaa from om af tha paUUBM. Ua pditad IHP aa attofMtay for

tradltota. The rafaraa aald•alilleaias ha paraapRMIm two Papa to lalarrtaw pofpaaa talth a trtaw la pipppripp a paUtlaa la 'luploy. Hr. Coha explained hla aarvlcnn a te d^tarad ha apent Dearly a weak pat upp Iha petition nady a te obtePaMR p iiappnrt from tba haabrapt to aa adjadk aaPloa Tha refetaa Rrai aald ha would ollww HOP, but later fliap tba aoHunt al aM'hnif Iba aum aakad-

Hr Hama bad aHbd Ikt P tap* lUoB douMa iiMatlaeliaa aa PPP.PIL

far Um eoaPuct of tha huatnaea. Charita M. Myari and Rhsbari Otia, rapn eiaPltora, objactad bacpaaa tlP.tPP of tba amaunt which came Into tha haada of Hr. Kama waa the atawial. PM hy '

R Ca fbr IpBUlOMal li a i2 tiM mla waa made after Hr. Harrta bad awceadad hlmMlf aa mialaa. It waa polated out Mr. Uatria would ba anltUad ta runmlaalaaa on the mrw aamunt aa traataw. Tba cammlpalnn waa raduoad hy IPT, Hr. Caha'a raquaal for fPtP aa at- maaay tar the raealvar waa cut to ptlP a te tha PPPO aakad for by Pamual Roaaa tM. aa atlataay far Iha baahrvpl. wm ra- dutel to ItOP.

Will Parebaaa Rraaaaa,Tba dlracu»re eonounced lhair Inlan-

llon of purchailop two bronaee and a group at a total coet of about II.OPO Tha group will ba a wax reproduction of Ihe firm eettltment of Newark, by Dwight Franklin of New York. lU pur- chaae al Ihia time la fitting by raaaoa of the coming annlvereary lelabralloa of the city. The pToop la about alx feot high aod four feet wide' It will probably ba placed In tba city hall on dieplay lor a time

Of the broniee. It wpe decided to eeleei a roproductlon ut 8t. Gaudana'i "Tha | IMrtlan." whleh 1« owned by pprlnafield. PPaM. Tha other will ba om af tha worka a t Rll Harvey. A dafintta aaiaetlon hex | 1M>R totoM #ito4to.

Jamaa 8. IllgWa wax alactad prealdaat 1 to fill Iho vacancy made by tha realgha- Uaa of former Ooveraar PrankUa Marphy. Rater t^mpball waa aalacted lo nil the poaltlon of flrat deo preddant Blade vacant by tha adyRnoemaat of Mr. mpMa, and hla placa aa aacortd vloa I peaeldMt wee filled by tha elir t loa a t Chaetar H. Hoag. Ulaa Baatrica WIna a member of Iha Heard of Kducatloa, «raa appolaiad Mcrotary aod aaalataal itreetor of the aaaaalatlaa .


Chartaa Law al PIP Klgbiaantb ava- Bua, thia clly, waa fined IIP In Iha yyoet Orange I'nllre Court by Recorder Tbaxaaa J. H eiaughlla yaatardny a lta r, aaaa, aa a ebarga a t aagaptitg In tba }uak buaintaa wlthnul a llcaaaa Law vgg grrartad hy FatrMman tlannon aa Lakaald! avaaua

twialaad under the technical charge of layoany, haeguaa. It It allegad. ba hi tahaa hla amplorar'a aulaiBobllo ant wtlh- aat perraIxaloB, CoraaUua Van Naaa ef T1 IJacoln avenue, ihia city, who calla him- aelf a chauffeur, waa auddanly taken 111 last nighi In a call la tha Kail Oranpo Pollre gutlon and hurried off to Iha Or- aaga Hvmarlgl lloaplUI. Tha King 8alaa Company, emptoyari of Van Naaa, any ba worked about tha coacara'a garapa a t 4M Main itraat, Eaal Otaapa. but Is aot a chauffeur.

ITruI Chief of Pallaa WQIIam H. K'OslU of Kaat Oranpe aakad tba company yoa- latday It tha car waa ralaatBp. Van NaPa'a alippte aacapada a a t .mP knowa Ac- coriUaa to tha atalmatnl OMda la Iba p-v- nea by A. H. Cartar, a saUamaa tor tha comvatiy, Vaa Naaa took the ear Mon­day niaht. Van NaaPa own itory la that ha wanted to pay a visit to Wa mother In Fataraoa.

Tha car la quaatloa haa mlamaiad Inca a te a Mutlay pab tamaa atoppad Vaa Naaa lhara yaaterday on that aoeount. Van Haas waa unabla l« plra a a* te aeauunt af Mmsatr, ao ha waa arraalad. Tha Nut- lay poHea comniHaloaied With East Oi- aaaa and Reaarvaraaa Cllngock vrani la fetch tha pHaonar.

At tha boapllal today It waa aald Van Kaaa la a victim of heart IrouMa. Ha wax aumawhal Improvad this momlng, but It la Impoaallde to say when ha will ha fit tor artalanmant.

Van Keaa, tha polica aty, ran Into curb a te put the raachlaa tamporarlly out a t commlMloa, hut It baa haea lapalw *.

Hr. Taalaon apenad hla iddraaa by de-teMap that Kpxrorth laaaue la a pywonym a t eaawcratad. Chdaiisa aarrlea. Two ewana have cwntrlbuied to Ihia raaalL ha pMd, Thay ar* Osvatlon mf grawp lead, ara la carrying not the plana of tba rahl- Rat a te InipItatlAn by »trtceye of Iha Paapaa. and. aecondly ihe immeaimrabla ••laaaes for pood of Uw inttliiiie held Rt Madlaon In July . ,Wga psfaoos had conxecrxie-l Ihelr H ra to dallalla xplrilual aarvlca aa X mmalt af the Insilluta daclared Mr. t a r — rahlUiia Ihxi ana yoang wteMa had daalkrad her Intern Ion af bagamtnf a dmirn aaa lauv had aald (h ay would do aoclal eervlce work, IHreo young man bad announced tbtn>- aHvae aa eaadidataa far ike wlaiatry and two hud dacldad lo go Into T M.0. A. work.

fM tboee who decided lo atudy for Ihe odnlelry. Mr Tunleon reported mat Rugaell D Hnlierla of Springfield has aatired Mi llermon Rchool and Milton Ryaa of Nullev heu vntarad Waalayaa Callage The third vouap man, John Watari. eUo of Nullej. Is studying to

ncii ytttr

PtU^ylnp it Hyrnf'uHM rtuvHTiUy with tiM ohJ«41 lird'omins ii ft^iconesfl,

Mr. TuiiiHon. whiU Haruld An- Wifflhy of iiriORp »ni1 Th»ortor« A^kib of ihi« ciiy. pTRindeni of D* Ofpftt f?hik(i|Ar. RiR thui* who will •fttpr r M ** A w.rh

•*WI« Mr 4'hMM Mrrk** l» PlPB.A My 4'hum fiRf'k In Nnv«isitoirllp MrUrliohli-fl in Nil ihR ' hirlpri I*

Mi* oflh» ii'MiHIff In fftte-ppet for tho liRifttiRv AIr T'lniion Mid H# pOMUMntod on lb* fortivRUun Mi-*Igrvood Ctooplrr af ft (wrte-ul wurkfra'

tiiiiffld lopi rRPVd'ni* t’f th*- nnufM# for Aid for the llollOiii in Krs-«nUl Avonttr. thii I'tty. tiil 'd tu thnAttWtMl of tH«> I'Y Mr TiinlM-n

MllAAioA tiAi b^n til' ‘ ■AoftoirtmrMt. hiadrd by Mm« MaM-r. |

^^0 VAA AppointHl Mfund vica prHRl- tti r^/brvmrr MIm MNltar r«i>i>r(H

tta t wUrlbutSoM ta liiR inlnalon thrmiKh r 4 ^ r tn o f i t for thi> Imat v<«t hod \^tu 1

of which IRA w*A mn wnpAid plR'dA'. ’ jiAtfi rufilrihiilod, Mho ptld,thorn hAA AtroAdy b»«ft pl«dtrd fur

rpAT | i t i . AOIMA of Which lA iUb- .1 by chApRort nof rrpfAAAtUH In LaaA

Kp 6oAAtioniotbar AVAAVAHCAi ACtlvlttoN, All of

^ ttU to MIaa lltU rr 'i dAbartmcnt. »VAA 00Qtrlbulr<t tbo ropoii«d. t itf bp oap4 In th* for«lfiA ftoM. m fm h Air hoDM of Rh* Rbworth

t e f l b IfOdffo At HAnovtr Nock wa* SA thtof oubioct of thA ropor\ of MU*

WlhPAi Ihlrd vko ^Aidrnt.1 iMfA hhd bAtn oontrlbutod throuirh

~ PAfvlho 4*»APtfn*nt to tho , M ftfhJ f«r thA MIfA i MVAOty-oot poTAoni hsd I>«*a

A N ew M odel' o f the N ew est Phonograph S T Y L B O



invite y o u to hear th n superb new mo<kl o f th e A e o lia n -V o c a lio n — the latest an d

greatest o f all p h o n o grap h s. In depth an d rich­ness o f tone, in structural beauty, an d in th e w onderful n ew p h o n o g ra p h privilege it gives y o u o f your own perronat n ^ m n o R , this n ew m odel h i m yg n p h h t t h m . p fo d v o d .

Other Popular M<M$ ate:STYLE H j l i jo St y l e I N » o STYIB J f a a j S T Y U K jljo o

St y l e L N375

M'Ht Ipaat lara vaaha In the caaa-?tebar -_ ' aanlrlbutlotta ware racalvad

Cm tea kWldiap fate, while lhara have haaa '•HiMaRP'at ctehinp, faad ate

kllani called 1a Iha ottanlloa r Um aate tei* ha uaCldflMte objad t^ lia aaiiiidl aarrica dapsnmaaL Ilia

' " a t W a foam III iha n t e___ M Maaia: (Mt aHy. Iha aaUml ika |laa koopht oaly |d l had

Mpr abUlaod, aad arpad Um ddlapMad k ta a te -ta tedrn Shalr ahaptara wmR

sH w aa# nwd-« OH aativlllaa a t Iha c ta te d a la

r,Mlaa MoiWam fo-Bwteiia umeViRte had atadapwi a

. pRadWar a mmom of hi a te a fhlte a tiaag far

vdMMt hava mad*, Jy; oteMk'.' te whoaa dtewrt* daelnl a 5 l« te «< i te Mteaa 4 Iman anUd-

tar Hm fatara■".'-'kv.f'

a supcfb uaortiMBt of Aft and Petiod Models fu tutpeising in beauty and tmul lichnesi anything Itnown in phonognphL

AU M odels are so ld on V diy Easy M onthly Piynaints.The AfdfiaO’f^MgfiiN i$ muoJuhimu

oudmkkNimohtnhaldn •mmmmtfAi


pfoducaa • rkhai,daapar tMH than any oinar phonogfsph poaitHaa.T la # - t ■»-- -I Of aj^v^pnpwinf p w vcliminaM aU phono- graph M r i ^ ^ p a i . Mnaa thabaaaMlulMial ehanctcriKici o f all in-

and RoioiR•mimcnttH r A te jfadamdfit JIlif. Widi two i t p ^ moao- mtnta k *ian” a ncoid

' ' SaIv lIlB fltktilWVV BNR vhIIHMiNiiiv ftwkto® ®INlpwi|r Iwiihb_!y '

to stop and obo MUttk p l a ^TIr Rnateteory uotof w tiA Affh pPH dwBiirili|i atwpsHHip

^ - ^k

Hahne & Co.Men Art OveHoyed ai Our

eat Sale of• f .


Silk NeckwearZOODm O V i Eld

4 . k .

55cHahne*t Blue Ribbon I Special

IM ■ ■ Otoit f_M n l

95cSold Eliewhere at 1.50 to 200

50 Di m O t o f a f4 i i . |

1.65So l d EUewhere at 2.50 to 3.50

For October BridesWe have qu ite an assortm ent o f a r t pieces— such at

Royal V ienna, Amphora and D resden V esea, H and-painted P licques, Fram ed M in iitu re t, e tc. We ere offering these fo r th is m onth only.

Aaron Ward & Soni7S Toon Sdttno, Guarwtmd Oroeerlm

9SUS3 B iw i Stoail | fTMSl B n ^ BlMt | 4 » -M Onpgf^BiMbL TM. U MA. IMl

[.98^ Usual Prices

Crystal Water SetsWe have received another lo t o f Lead C rysta l

W ater Sets, large }ug, Aortl p a tte rn tn d 0 tum blers 10 m atch; all hand c u t; complete a t .........................

j4fHffricoR Porcelain Dinner SetsFine thin porcelain, beautifu l^decorationa, gold edges;

large size pieces. We have sold thousands of ^ sim ilar aett, aam e quality, at SI4.08; o u r p resen t


Ifr « tb JCNter thsi tsOrange Marmalade

S o r a n M I tenen alioed thta- S ta n with S plma of v a ttr Mr 24 bourR b A 1 hour, than add « paunt^ af augar pM boU aaolbMhour, or until Miff anough lo (all.

I M E i U b i , f k m Mk

^ y, h

S p ^ U d s to r T h u rs .,F r i.& S a tCOFFEE

' A fpedal an ow Fancy Mtffcaibe Cottca. Thia ta iN Sneat that

' cemts. Par lb,, ta a a y . l Q ^quantity ............................

’A. W. .A S. Mixed Oaflsa, lb„ Me; S' iha. ,*,*■,*■ lAa

Blaod A CottSa, lb .......................MaFlaia Brand CMco, i-lh. tins, 1 ^

3-lb. tin t ................ * ". r t e

LardAbaolutsly Para Lard- h ’a advanc­

ing rseldly and is sn in t hlghtr. S p ^ a L lb., 13c] 2 for.


Van Dauaen'a dry eura and amokad to a turn. Small tquarea, Ib.

Moland’l Sliced Bacon. I-lb. bx.jSc

IShrimp 'Dry Bhetep la i w l l caas; very m -

cial, can, I ta ; Ige- cans.......... mWei Shrimp, small can, l i e ; Iga-Mc


White Rata Tunny Fish, l-lb. caas. I k : M * ................................ -IS*

CrotM A BtacfcwalTs KipperedHerrlni. tpac., can .............. - t k

Red Alataa Salmon, I-lb. ta l l - . I k McGowan’s Salmon, I-tb. Sits, Me;

V is .............................................. I kSate of Surety Wash Boilers

Surety W ash Boilers are made exclusively for us. They sre better than the usual k ind; m ade of ex tra heavy bright tin, extra heavy copper bottom s snd e x tra large aizet.

Mo. 7 ' Regular ......... $2.00



S p e c i a l 1®® | . 9 8 2 2 5

Cider VinegarMsda from apples. The vary Antat.

par aal. . . . ? ........ ..................... MeCrimble's Imported Malt VInaaar,

laa. boii..................— .Me

B U T T E RTty a pound of onr extra Chotra

CraomofT Bnttor; not cold ator- age, but Ifom a wbota milk ismary, lb .......................... w l l aemsHary,

Flnaat Creamory Poll Crsam Cbaasa, lb Fancy Old EngUak



.M etie

Baking PowderHytala, abaolvlaly pura, I lb. tits,-

» e ; SS-Ib. tins—Royal Biklag Powder, 1

, S i ,

. I k 42a;

Ma, 22e, ’i a ................ ............. Ifa,Ryion Baking Powder, la . Me; Ha*

I k ; M a * - i S a


Skinless SardinesThey tie doUtiow Boaalsat • andSUnlasR Lgs tin, tpcc......... .... .MaLatour Strdlaaa, Iga. Un, Me; aauR

14gTrsR braod Sardlnta, 3 u a

(Hive (HI

Ice. betsC rosse & B ltckw alt’i T a rrs fo n Vln-

ag sr, boi.................................... .. - 2 k

Rudaleo Brand. Tha very Anaat CaL tins, 2JS^ y i gals., I J I ; q t e g3e; pia., 43c; H p is . H e. to bottits; Ige., I k ; m ed^ S k itma.................... . I k

Premier Salad Drawing, ll-ak. bota., 2 k ; tma. bo ti.................I k

Witch Hazel

C a f A t i pS nider’s or C urtice B lue Label C a t­

sup, very spec., p i. b o l . . . . . . I " *

Abaehitely_ p u ^ qiR* S k ; pa.

Hahne & G). Offer Living Room Furniture

*/4 to Vs Bdow Regular Prices *

Snider's Chill S auu , p is .,4 fc ; Vip is .......................................................I k

Snider’s Oyster Cocktail Ssuco, bm. ............................ 2 k

$125.00 Living-Room Suites $80.00Solid m ahogany, handsom ely carved, 3-pieca aRlta, cov­

ered in b ro v n Spanish leather o r flguraid tap e s try ; r a |u la r price SI2S.00, sale p r i c e ................................... ..................... .IMLOO

1 ___ J_________ i

English WeUnutsFancy Crenobles, lb ................... I kNew Jumbo Braslls, lb ............. 21cE niU sh W alnut M e su , lb., s p a a .S k Pecan M esls, 1b., s p e c . . . . ' . — M e

FancyVery rsi

RiceUocosied Head Rice,

l-lb. carton, k ; 3V4-tb. b x . . . l k While Rose Rica Flour, l-lb. p a . . I k Pearl Tapioca, l-lb. pa., sp a c ...J c

BroomsVary tpecial sale of White Label

Brand Parlor Brooma; rag S k . tpac., 4Sc. Bettar buy Ihna of them.

$45 Living Room $ 0/^ 00 Tabu tor. . . O U

Dill PicklesThe real ih ln j in 26-oi. bou. . . 2 k Pin Money, Chaffcina, Chow Chow,

Walnuts, Mined or Onions, apac., bol. 2be

Page & ShawThe Faimina Boston Coofocllons art

now ban . Aaaertod Candy, At- toned Chottiataa, Mat Ckoeqiaits, Aaaorted .Caremota. oM, lb. box

J—’ J - ■' 1 mi.^X'Laa


Importod Bay R un; te . Me; pH.

PyroDoaaiured A lctetl I Iha parfael

fuel I. Qt. bottM S k ; gal. fin T k Puri Grain Alcohol, full q t . . . . a k

Wines, etc.SuperSni Ktunmol, bo t.............. g kHenlay Dry Cla, ibo gin i te t 't d n ;

rcf. 73c; tpoc, boi...................MoHanlay C w l^ Ia , MonhaMaa and

Martini, mpme., bot.................. MoStreit'i Straight Ryo qy

full q t bol....................Bonrbon Wkiakey. . i Full QL BoO. Kentucky R ya.. . . . . I ,Old Apple Wbltkoy. | Q R r Rock and Rya..........J ” Ow WOPalma Sherry........ '.’IFall Ql.Blaady Port........ fMonoiram R y a . . . . J eCalifornia Port........ 'i PuU Qt- <Ctliforala Sherry .. I ' 'tSweat Catawba........f 'Sweat A n g a lic t. . , . J * ,jBanadici B ottling , Baw Ala, pH „

I t e ; H P t e d te . , 1 .1 2 ; C a tiia a wStout, p a , L U ; n ip t..............lA a (

Imported Laubenholmtr, qia* dos.BT4

Impoftad N lttaanlar, q ia , dot. I t e Urbane Wlag Ca.*t Oald Seal Ckam-

paajw, dda. q O , I A N ; p lR IM P ,, Callra^ taUa Oteoi, daa. qliduw

$ 16.50

Solid m ahogany, with 4Sx

30-inch top and in the papu­

lar Colonial d e s ig n .. . .S30.00

322 TM e, $1S.S0Fum ed oak, in tnisslan de­

sig n ; top m eaaures 4lx2S Inches; haa d raw er; also book rack a l each a n d ............. H A W

Only $26 for This 3-Piece Mission SuiteMission Suite, m ade of quartered oak and finished in the

rich brown fum ed color; aea tt a re upholstered with w rin g s and covered w ith brown Spanish le a th e r; reg u la r price » » .0 0 ;P ro fii-S h trlng Sale p rice ......................................................... f2AOO

Sold aeparaiely—Settee, S12.00; Arm Chair, $7.00; Rocker, 17.00.

m n s m ^A G re a t S to re f o r O v e rc o a ts

It doesn't m atter much what kind of an Overcoat you may have in m ind,” you ought to be able to find It here.

Never have we pre- sei]ted such a wide array of attractive Overcoats for Men and Young Men.;

• * A .

$25 Cedar Couch, $19.50,Roomy wsrdrobes, mode of

solid cedar, best workmanship, construction and materlkl that to possible; best grads of tempered steel springs; soft top; covered in

ystriped denim; deeply tufted; can be opened without removing from the wall; our regular price ^ .0 0 ; sale price .V- .......

$IS.00 iMning i jn .75 for D

In tltlM r m th o g u iy o r fumed w k . A b teu ilfu i wxgoR, w ith n n t v t b t o t r a y ; s«l« p fiM . .M -71

‘ Mask Cabinet$13.50

M nbaxnny BalsA w llh Inlaid Unaa; F ra a rh shaped taas; alnnda tc Inches hi ah. IS Inabai w fta and I I Inehaa

aaa. Inalda ara a l l ■lldiDB traya, w ithkrnaa palta Ratalny ‘ price eida price. S iA ai,1 1 9 .5 0

$ 8 T m k a i v a g S g M T n h tm t b r . . O '

'Mxbog«y MP foldlBi Mbit; " I lOT ■ card partyJttit the thing

or for servinglARRtB e a q p e s ebeSi

refrasb... . |A W

InvettigfLiB'Qinr Oub VlsnI T If a most c te m n iM t u S sattofectery way to b ay year I 'HoHMliold Goods o f tU kinds. . . j, . i|

HAHNE & Co.l i e v y A R K

O ’C o a ts a t

We *ro e sg e r to hsve you se* thoM In iu rio u s 0 ‘C w ts . o f Noylo C loth , new, bMUtIful, d re u y , in brow ns snd grissns o f richest shades.

These coats a r t i r ‘tv sU m odels th a t young and middU- aged m e a w ilt dalight ifi, and have broad velvet co lltre and generoua lapelA p a td r pock­e ts, button th rough tty le , qu ar- , ter-lincd w ith a tr in , < '

We know yog 'll like the goods, the room y m odsH. the y m aking, and th e p rice—3S,9I-

H'g n rfff yon to tee these c o a ft toon. ' .

S t *

l * <

IW|ra (Mbac Va

Frarla.w Ota k laws uaoi M a th ml Ma • r Dinpiny— Mraasa.hnt 1

..PTva taluah pintiniim nnni lornait mlnad.piny ef Baker msnunufxctureri. M ratlx, a t the Hen, hava bean form ation Juxt ■nkar, vice pr Tha Ihaft Is pleoa U la laat

.The total va hlb lta la plica. WilllBRia, »ai Bdkar eonear ddaa not 'msaau • a t soeordjRf Msreial flnur as tm o rd laary pMpaMlon of pN tad a t • rii Utpala w atth .

F a c t i concai FH nclaoa rac H*. W nilama w hs had ch an th a axbibit, M olaa, racalvad v h (ovam m ant o f 1 the d iep lar MMta and Slai

Tha axhlhlta ftnlaliad ntalti uam by jsw at hi platinum , w e la llr conatric company had tiva In chares. Inaurad acalna mt the local c affp rt on ihi oM paliy (o ap

(Mhax T t appaara

af an a ip a r t , ' tarday. “for t» w aih taken. I th a 'ih la f mad/ a r te * p la tln a? e a t of native t)a ef raflnatP' Bold powder.

I f waa tb t* ' ever, and n ‘“*

put, la' imupb aa r \an Head

irVn4 b a< Jj'Kaw Torputr*

an iN tttown anil®*'i'*i Tha ni/»‘ •

Troy n>rf« " I in Ills. W“ 1

fo • *0' h V WlP»< known h u e e t e “ e f nni* " ‘ o • of III itery.

I^og-waa r ip i „ ,^ a poaaitol Pl^gglparlmtn. mnlt^a hvexa plxlp Ita Mint U „ idi-aa of d

f d ln n of Ba 11 . In Iba am P-*. II wna In ^ h a r as tiran o ^ a a the blot Ipoy and Av j a y Railroad i

s U c im r m m I

A reaiiaral' lavMidte 1e th e p« dptO h which n m t lo a of Bav, W Hihap-aiiffrai M ow sA to n e r r Lahefa BpI.aoopa Tba reeaptloB arl he e ar. from I ai

i t haa bean i ■ fla re nam hare d th a ra wb« will tha aarrlea baca paMtty the oht ■ raaiinx Dr. and • a th a a ttaad in c

E H 0PE A ITba tfn d a l Oi

laraa, which ha' atelaneaa ta tha Itha laat tea daya

lof Mlthe adSlttaa i froaa Iha aaataei wlU ha ahowa t a M f q a ita r tlte . w| ■Itroetaf i* Mee'

I J B i ta a a k )iiftU aa

Iha k l h ^ Wht tne thb n teaye l tha ateoMR I mo waiTraaatv

W uuThe e a U te a r 'i

iw wM ha aiQrenib . eaU aMH .taHlMi

ClKpIt Dews,_ IS I. ratkvlow ■adatMa *e. te« H te t t a yaloa Ftate'EYtl te. f iehaataabara va ate .Watien M ■ a n t e W ataat Antehdtta Hama Haeufllaa On.: iHMty va n h S paax: Mt. Aha ik m u kM h. •

’ Lomher Or ra. C oatt of Spa«

M atte luM w-l■SSaiEewr *5meat.' aieM'

Laao, bn It a te re teaaaap aal

t e t e t e -------Court af Qua

Oahmiw, Jptan MiaiF KoHMil.

’w te ■ eartytae i

ira te . W. MV I I l.f 'tp ., B ion. WaHML

I I h r ' ' S t i i e t e ate Id1*11

L I’d I matehoA Steal tka panaa.

Y o u l i g M e h * s C Y c o a t g a t n 2p«15, n 8

•aMMata Fte L t E i S ^ . .ennlaSM taM o ea ta w y naah i

tb a sa . grti’ u b t M f right fo r immadiata

r k M tv y t e i f h t e d s t a r Tkay.apa M J 1 ; B K s i tba gap tortStas tha n h l m l

waatoor aad ffia Htid bla^ of wintor.^ y W 1 1 ^ srSi-W ogl v8«Ml ChwIolA J»

brow M . tra y A a t e n i t f t t y , g t o s d ; ^ * « ^ l y s r <»* ^proof; all to wodola t h ^ ^ *valsM >n albag thditod gt n i l s

t U A l«B«i«Sf4

C } i i i k c h 9 1 d s ^ t * i a 7 8f>-t j-is.

s i iH aagta«. |hgM .aw p |la irt p X to t t o V th is m o ^ t ]


W JliU H K H sarzt O uT uB B B 2», 19IK


t }

i , ,

ni,i ,«■.


r i M u u i i i m i M i f] l iM n K iM ig f n a C m I t^ PUrnn Fair.

B T W O lA IG E S r E r a M E DWHk OtkM VnhMMa AMMm Vtm

Vm l»Hi 0»« rw rad la la a lh Aa ia l«M Uaa«—r i r w • • H m a ‘ W arh a« Maa Wka Kaaw Ckaaaa a t DIaitlar—Laaa la CavaraA b r . aaraaaa.bat la lrtaa la Valaa la Na^


• ^ v a falvaMa aihlM ta, IneluAT^ PRl a n a i l mlnaA, rormlnB part «{ U'** ptay af Bahar A Co. la a . r a f l a ^ * mSlnuficturera. of Murray aM " , oirarla, a t I ha raaam a-pacitia tloo, hava baan stole n, accordin' o to*bva vavaitfformation Juat raoalvad by Cb** ■akar, vies praaldant of ttaa Tba Ihaft Is tiallaTod to ba plaea lata last Saturday n is

,Tlia total rsVl* «( tha W,” * “5* bibita la placed a t b^*™Williams, aaaIntsBt maom " '*'* Bakar ooRoam. Tha dbaa not 'maaaura tha valaa *"* t a t ao eor^ ltt to tha Duor*"* Msreial flcuras. On a ^ * " ” * atIraordiBary alia It b a r* " pbataMlen of tha compd ""®* * , ♦ pMaad at a f i tu ra fa r **• tftaala worth. i. _ ,^ a o t a concamiBc tW * ^ *• “ * Pfanclaao raealaad b r ? "Mf. Winiama sad M ™ *• who bad ch arts of •*tha atbibit, eomprlatir’'*? i.'** ataa, racalvad word off robbory from ■ tovaramoBt a ip a rt"* " " f ***"'^* o fitb a dtaplar in i Dapartm aat af Mlaaa and M atallurt .^ a aihlblta, c ^ » * •* flalahad matcrlala, tW « by lawalara » ," J * * c*"***"* IbYlatlnum, wars (dlaplay In a apa- atally eonatririod 'I"**; ^ * ®"*‘*' capipany had no ’*“ • ' * * * r ^ ”'* ‘ lira In charts. •*•>*>>*»Inaurad atalnat r**^f mambari af tha local ro n f **B«* • " »«*'*• affart OB tha J of tha lOiBraaoa cM pany lo appJ"^ ***• tk*a^'


\JA4*% •# >

0«bM «S* Tan i appaara

a t an aiparl,* ^ **'’■ W llllama y ^ - tardav "for th***' valuabla artlelaa waSk Ukan i M t t f , to tba n tm a t tha th lif madi*W with a bottia a t aruda o la t la a ^ Ruaaln, a a u f t i l of n a tlv a^ ' « « \tia of raflnac^*^ •"* ■ boitia of fins to ld powdarT , ^

I t waa tb^ '* *’’* nuB tal. bow>avar and n'li* cencarasdtha Bakar W H atlnura. t t waa poim- ad put. la c** **'' tlmaa aamuch aa P- n u t ta l hadboon m ad ' w anr o thar aahlbltlaaa It Aad b a ^ dlaplpy a t anpoaltlaau In Now Torpi'f^n'*' **- l^ala> Jan>«a- tOwo an<f>«<n"<. Of*-

Tha ai/** waltbad f t. t i t ouaeaa Tni* a ^ n s mlnad In Sooth Ataorlca la l i t ! ^** porabaacd ^ tha local ftriB ft/ b South Amarican brokar. K y^^lftaa tald th a t tbora was littia known'"'ll H** a a r lr blatory of tha

It had boon la tha poaaaaatoa af nat* ^*** * recordof ItsDygWaa axprasasd by Dr. Wllllama - - i^a poaallilllly of racovarln t tba ^gglpaclm aa. If tha th iaf anould mau4* "hcsal< Wt. W illiams at* plain t** Mantlty would ba loot and lliv tftcaa of d tlo e iln t tjia Ihlat laa>

■fdlrm of Bakar A Co. waa aatab>In tba early 'tOa by Daalal W.

p»’. It waa Incorpomtad w ith Cyras O^bar as praaldaat lo ItM and bow o ^ a a tba block boundad oy Aootln, w ay and Aster straots ' sad Baw ja y J l r o a d avanuo.______

CUCIEOniOllffihtiKlD " m m s B i i t t - a n u t M

A tSdsarak tkrWatlaB kaa baon aa* w d ^ to tba pobllc to atiaod tb i to> aptlbn which will follow tba ooaoa- iratlob of Bar. Dr. Wilaon B. Btaarly m M sbap-aaffratan of tbo dloooto ^ jfowafk tomorrow m orn ins la S t Imktfo Bpisoopal'' Choreb, HowtoUlr. Tha roeoptloa orlll ha hold In Iba pariah hmma. from • nntll • o-eioalt.

It has bean a rraasad aspaelallr to ‘ afford mambaro of tbo parJab and

•tbafB «h« wlU not bo obto to attaad tha aorrtea bacauoa of th'a llmitad M ' pa^ty tbo ahuroh, aa opportualty of ■ rastla t Dr. and Hr*. Btaarly, na wall aa tha a ttsnd ln t blibopo and c la rfr .

DlOPEANWAincnRISTha.afflclal Oormaa-dnoliMn war pip.

tproa, which haaa boM Sraw taf latsa auditaeaa lo tha Orphaua Thoatnr.Bailnttha last taa daya aiwausnMwhad rtbo adilUaa of i n otw taoto |a «from tha aastan battta frewtp. l wtU ba tbowa dmlBt tba ro«A «< t b a 'tb iiibbfrtl-i with tbo fltma IBat boaa BltTwetad sp sweb attoattom

U d u la a ^ tn o a Abolaa, a f in sw itbl ol two Why. wtaooa Ibdbar waa own af

' t and waa


Aftsr dlseuoiitw tbs raiimio aitlnaataa af tha coat of lastalUw a hdat sawasa disposal plant tor Ofoodt, East Oraaca nod Montclair, Mayor Wonall T. Mouw tain sad tha.mantbari of IJbo City Coun* rtl of Kut 0raa«o*4aellad laat olcht to await lha outeoma of tha puMIe haarlns Monday nisht bafora datarminlng oo any daftnlta ictloo.

Aa waa tMd yastarday In tha Kawa a report from V atar Commlaalanar Nlch- olaa B. Hilt dr., which dava aallraly naw flcuras of coat for tha ptopeaad planL was tba rrason for tha coBteraaca. It dartlopad that Mr. Hill uasd the aama bails for Ua tiduraa aa dM Uariaf b Oisrsry, ceaauttlBd aBdlBsars, aHboueb ba atrlrad at hlshar latimataa af oaat.

Still hlihar lhaa Mr. HlU't satlomta iaStill bl(har thaB Mr. Hill's aatimala la

that of William M. Brosra, cbM aastnasT af lha Pasaala Vnllty Sawarafs Commla. Mob. whs baa laM Iba Kayar that hla cal- aulatloBi show Bast OcBasa would hova to pay H ll.l t l aa Its Mtais at a Jolai plaot Mr. Hill's fifurca wato batwaao sod IfH.tW and tbaoa of U ttln i A Oral' nry, tits,MS.

TIm public bmrlos Hobday olcht has barn rallad by'Iba City CoudgII aa lha first slap In tha proeaadfnss to loin with Onnea and Montdnlr In tba Installatlaa of tba diapoaal ptaal.


■hip Idea In Oraaca was racommandad by Commlaaloaar Harry IX W athllnc. dlracter of alrasta and public Im prora. m anta a t a eontaranca yaatarday aftar- nooo, whan ba cubmittad prallmlnary aattmataa ataowinc how about 11,100 a y tar could ba saved If the city owned the carta and horeai uasd In tba strsa t daparlmanL Althouch nil tha other oommlasionetl wore not wholly Im- praaaed with the plan. It waa decided to make further Inreeticatlena. and a t a n ­other cenferenaa naxt Tuaaday a fta r. naan tha aallmalad coat at a municipal alabla and aquipmani will ba conoid- arad.


TWEm.TfO FEET OFF PORCHPlunplnc band first from a slaap-

Inc porch at tha hams of bar paranta Mr. and Mrs Banjamin Hoaca of Waat- vtlla avanua Caldwall, last n ic h t Anna May Hoaca fiva yaars old, foil twonty. two faot Undine on n alopinc collar door from which aha olid to tha t r o u n i The child was plekad up In a daaad con- dltlon by bar fathar. but quickly ra- covarad. No mark of Infury could bo found.

Tha calUr door on whioh Iba child landed had bean rloaod by tba fathar only a faw mlnulaa bafora. Iharaby ahuHInc oft ttaa alona elapa which tha child would otharwlso have struck.

]. I. UFTMOnT tDHaSQu r n r n s i RDDUTioii

DBTHMT, O ct W. t a la traffle SlsUoa. traffic and tisapaia and Iba ooatrlbullou af automoblla aastpaars to Ika Bwvomant far sMblld lafsty, w a n am oev tb s tuhiaati on today's praarram of tbo f ir tt aonual oonvaallOB of tl ■afoty n r a t rsdaraUoo of Amartaa. A papac by Chariot O. Haaly, Chleapo sa> poribUodant of polloa, abo waa road. Amoac tba apaaktra wars Jab H. Up- plpaalt a f Jaraty City, Harry F. Coffta of Fortkaad, Ora, Pallas Cammliaionaf Jab a OHIaapU of Detroit and C. Loo­mis Allan, prstidoat af the Amsrioan Blaatrta Railway AaoealnUon.

Tba oaavantlon will adjourn this af- tsrnaob.


PRILAD IttPH IA Oct. Mora lhaa persona ara kllltd aach yaar while treapaaalnf on railroad tracks or atta l- lac rldoa oa trains, aecordinc lo tic- urea ^tuaen lsd at today's aaatlon of tba fourth aunual concrasa of tha un- llenul lofaty oouncll. This doaa ool In- cluda crada eroaalnc accidanli, which hnva tncraaaad atnea tha automoblla bacana a common vahlcla, accordlnc to the report proaontod la abaw tha craal waaia of Ufa la tha Caltad Ctalaa

Mareua Adew, ceoaral sataiy acani af lha Naw Tork C an tn l LInaa, pro- Mdad a t tha railroad aactlon ol tha con- craaa loday-


WASKINOTON. Oet M.—Samuat O, Hudson today was appolnlad poaimiMar of Uncoln. Nab Hti aalacUon was urcad by WItIUm J. Bryan. .

PraMdant Wilson tiao appointed A. J. KUImar poaUnaatar at Maam CUT. I"- ahd Jamas K, Manley at Crippla Ciaok. Colo. ________


WABHINOTON, ' l i .—AdmirtlWlnUrh«U*r. comm*n<l«r of iho AtUtIc flooi. will roprenont tho UnlUd At tho corottotlon of tho J*p*noo* B*n- ^ r o r 4t Toklo on No^oifibor lOi H woo onnouncod uxloy.


New Ru$sM A D E P P O M W


Oriental Rug Co. hackettSt newark.n j

toAay by fOOOlTOO

I of thjo Miy. 'MbdialaoBti pflSaaiyM

thoOalleMb as waH ratalto adfHoat Iba audlsnos aas t

^iCAUNDAITOimOWTba la b p i l f ki tba aaamly aaui t t

■ a m * w n w aa faOawa: Sa p rap t

yaaatvsd tho-R ho hoo hooh

m m TO la HI ramsW U T F U I W T W n i U I E

Vndar laMrueUaH from Mayor Itobart K, Tonaaaa a t Kaanty aad Dr. A. A. Mottar. rraaldetrt af tba Towa Boaid of Mtalth, lacratary AKrad B. Aodaraoa af tba board raportad last alcbt that ba bad eommuBlcalH with 1 . I. do Pont Aa Namaure A Ca, y n ap aa tln purchaatra at the Arliictait Caaayaay ptaat and bwl-

Mqulrlac frbalhtr It waa tha ean- ctra'a purpow U cantbuw tba M aotaa- ture el pyraSa acolaMeely or to manu- taetura szplaalves. It waa slatad Is Iba caounablaallsB that Hm towa baa eaitomi ordlaaMoa racuMItac tba BMuufaetora and fimace a t a iplaa lraa of any ktad.

Hsalth ConaMtUonar Jasma H a & wba amplsyad by tba ArHactoa Cbapany.

iM ba uadmtood tba pawdar otMpaay lotaadad la conHatm tba m anufeetwa at pyraHB. Acoardlbc to a atatsmbat ■ado UM watk to o N t* a r tpiaoia tatl n by Pnaeta A. CuAcar, Oba of tbo offloan of tba AtUacton ceavaay , Iba Au Poat coa- a an Aoaa ast acpact te ebaaco tbs char- aatar af tba ampat a t tba plaat, If tba eala s< tba aoavaay la afNeleC

w o R A N D raw n iilimHUSBAND J I F I O I D6EASE

f pwM SweMi af Ms n W 9 .HJOaLAKDil O at M n. A m H a

J. LaCburfaw, wtfa a t Juaapb D atbar- w. a ra tliaA rs ts tl butabar a t Flaln-

tlaU, llloA. yaatarday In bar osH iM r b m a a t Lwauat Pa lat faHwwIpc aa at-

- af pasB^aala. Mar basbaad a t m t Mas dsM arasaly lU f r s « tba i dtaaaaa fo tb aantr a atad ealda

Iwa waaba aca wbaa Artebtc fram tbatr bamo ta PtalafiaM t* tbaiy plaaa bars. Mra Lafbnrraw w a s , aarabty-tbraa

S ira aid aad waa tba ia ik ib ts r af Bar.. Bra^wall AbAaaw. t a r bMay yaars

»*ll bmawa a s »f MatbaAlat atar s y ta a .

s r a A n a m p Fto i autoBLAniSTOWM, O at M.—Tba asran-

yawaBAW tauilBc c a r to wMab Mr. and Mra. WIIHato Mertan aad ablM Mr. aad Mia. W.-A. M m lb i a«A twa atrildrea af SWaadabtoc . Fa., w an ratam toc from « day's lacr, wns wraeba i tots Monday ■Icht a t tbs Piaabytaitab Cburob coniar by a Maw a a t Tba car anabad tots tba aobaiata tuibtoc aad Mrs. MarrtM and bath bar MtUdrea w an tbrwwa alcbt fast to fraat af tbs aar, tb s drivar tb n u ch tba

^ bdtiild. Hr. Kortoa bandfaraam t arar (N at s la t aad tba s tb a n to A tfiam i

Q m it Halaea T, Daatna,«ali nitll .toiftbar nedlM.

ClNplt Oaoit, rtadertofc Adam Inisa B»dU..parttelaw BnIMlas and taab Ad- pdelctlan ea. W f*®V iia n Dnlon Caannlty O aH jisn to . f t o ^ F a l f ea. Aibart B m a r i l ^ B e i r r IlitaSiaabaq rd. DatoamNy • b d .^ a s M n Hallfead OMbpasy; m Bu m ^ Waintr ea. Jaoab DM btotiJH AxtaMtto Manat ew. S la p b w • Oandrt W a a n M Oa,: W lh w WJd-Sadiy n . PubBe Saretas Batfwcp Cito- H im 1 HT. A bnbaai Taabatawns as,

IMto. and llT,'an8ay A AINic " On, of flpaalal •m tsen wnitoM F.

Judda-Titato, Mattie Oteam hr- I the paiasn: O w las QaaitoNin

aawrta; fhlaa|b' taan btaaldw aad sntaitoA •B l T M ^ , tw a aanata, and


' af Qaartar dt| il itoA Harry ▼,

Ka tidffyttB b d is h f 'a '

W. MsCoidy, ti^ lioa, btasbiac a

aad rabbtac. and isd FtaiA IMIactn

JfHkSTtMeptartoc Matray


sntartad. Taa-

rtad O. B llaba lJr. pnh ilad wpa: Aaaa W ny. Baaja-

„ __ .ad ■dwaad Mliliaa. abl StonM MtaM at sdsM toaM ^ apsa Mtoto'af Bknbatb A. Cbspto.

fW F A N T H H i a t D U R IH IA W L TV n p F ^ . ' ’o ^ lA-^-Catuidanl

dtoiw ar,- bitt m <ipnl«ai yfaisban m rbat tba aeeapd day ef tbs atrika at Ow stoptoyaas at tba 'ebrdbasrd nllla at lha MUBwas Siwthan hare, where hatvaas Mcly abd al|bty « ■ ara ant n a jta M tbraalanlu'abpadf la d e a ls lha l is t that a ■tjaytty nf tta maa, arhs ara alm st AII.Baasnrtaite have ben drtoktoc bntffy.

mmm m m tin sTntlTOH. oat. SA..Jrha Hsanaa af

Ratib Tylar at IM Mraad atnat. Haw. ark, waa n eabad today by CStowia- alaaar DUI at lha motor nbfala dapnN- maSL' Tyiar was abarcad with stanltoc an aalamablla. .Tba Uaaaaa at Fnak Oaapsr af 4N Washtactan atnat. Maw. ark. waa alas raanhad. Tbo oaamtalat acaliwt Mr. Osappr was far tahttr a aar arttbaut tba iw iiiPt at tb* owbbr.

R W I OF T M O f fE R S RBAbOMtEI t r t o ' " n ^ O ct.. W.—A

: s r is s ^ v p s it s s ‘ s : g S r s a e s r a g s t

A potcat poweriU M d pQpalw RmAot o f our bqriniw reotfaii 6mttn In « w AbUty to d m iy * f t w o w cw tocadii m o n v tiM for k w prioo, .

The ondw lng n H oo o f «w dotfaw,:tlMk fit; mA tbeir iM hko tid oowfoit o d o - rfnin in . hmre eoodU ntiy i a w w u m ct i t f l Ibgr 0 iprioe appoit nb||di'M m r Iw i Bdlid to kMp Hm w In tha w o g iw d o f «H H k wldk dodKa.

Br o k a w Bro th ers

'.A,.M ta rfh c ^ A


t h e w o r l d f a m o u s

E le c tric Q e a n e rYes that Is exactly what we mean. We will send you one of our superb, BRAND-NEW, easy glld-

t n d d a e o c k a n fa i f f F r a n t i P r e m ie r E le c t r ic C l c a n e r » - o u r v e r y l a t e s t m o d e l— o n 1 0 d a y s ’ f r e e d e a n i n g t r i a l i n a w p c to w u H i ^ cpicndid cledner fo r 10 w hols dayd. a#m am bsf, Oiit tr a s lo in w o irt « # t y ea a

B«Mv V * ewm The delivery chtrged. We beer every e * p e n » . You u ie ttie c le tn e r every day fo r 10 d ty s w ithout . t ^ i ’f h t e t t o b l if td o n to bay. Wo w ant yon to see fo r y oonw if how it p ieki up th re id t, lin t and ravelings tn d every

■pock fhliiiii the ereet Frantz Premier Electric Cleaner which i* sold over the entire United State*—the um*.d .a a « r Z S ^ V c ! X l y adrertlKd in tha Saturday Em in, Poal. UdI..' Homa Journal, Good Houtobaapin,

■ ^ 'd l S T u :bfc“ ‘r n o * Oder to nnd to y . r homa today en Id d«r.^ .baaltoa f m tr ia l ..


Good Only Until OctoberDon’t delay! Thi» grest free trial tnd easy piyment offer ezpire* iharply at 6«0 P. M,.

■ limited number of theae new machine* will be placed in Newark on thia generoua plan. Doiit drfijr until the Mf


full details of this exceptional free

OnlynMh oe the iMt day. i

Simply aend ua the coupon below or telephone us and we will then give you the loan offer. You can have ■ Frantz Premier on Free Trial this very day if you wi; ..

No atringa are attached to this free loan propoaition—bo coat to you whataoever. We want you to use the Frantz Premier Cleaner for 10 day* Just aa though It were poor own. Oean your carpet* and your rugs wlih It. Try it on your furniture, yonr mattreuca and your wall*. Try it in all the nooks and comers; subject it to every teat you can think of.

And then, if y6u are not more than pleased with it, we will tend a hoy to get the elei|ner. and the free trial will not coat you n ponny. But. if you decide you simply cannot get along without the cleaner, then you may keep it

And Pay Down as Your Firat Payment


ONLY $2.50 if Y o u D ec id e to B u yAfter the Ten Days' Free Trial'

Then You Can Pay the Balance in Small Easy Monthly Payments30 Days Between Each Payment

And remember, you are getting the roA bottom, apodal faetorr price. We do not charge you a singlo penny more for these liberal terms, and you nra getting our vmy latest, gnaiaateed Praalx Preader Etoctrk O ean er-a brand-new machine, with all the new and latest improvements. You get the cleanar direct from the factory branch here ia Newark, and, beat of all, on the tuUA kind of montUy payiMiita.



PI I I H '.’?

♦ fl/


or m d w i r b w i* icid to • tetter or on • peetti. *ne o im w ww ifw / «ib-*bi-*..rU l. t « t tm .ri.1 .ll« .trf «»d.l m , (»,««« tta - V ,K» »• «»• r» Pt ■ «'->v •"

Trial thla vary day, If you wlA. Either talaphoaa or aaall coupon, aa you prefer. ,

laMHaa ftrionr hnmk, * iU tt Ktamar BUg.( lalapheM M a n y m ^ OmCE OPEN fcVEWNGB

Frantz 'Premier Distributing Co-617-618 Kinney Buildini, Broad and Maitot Sts.

f t u r m r

i ti' I <■--It. ■-!.


Pranta Pimaler DWrihattaf O. ;S1741S Klaaagr BMgv NawwA N. J. tt.,

Abaotitriy fmlUBof jNwr


I p m , . , , . . , , v i * - - » v ' * v * * * *

' / M»>sf

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•mm tiac rvT sa o NBffi: ^oeMBix ». ■ m r ' '


^ ■->*--- g*-------- ^p M i IVWHB IP OTm§Vi

b C N U r Sa f » N e t i lr 4 ,0 0 1 N i ^ .


M I m H 4 m «l «i

to whal lb* pallUeton* I M ka off ]><or, on* »oul< noi . frooi • itudr of tb« racM n-

ootori to tbii fiqr ou4 «oooir I Itoorork tko tobuloUoo of r*cl*(*r>4

M ton obOw« to Ineroao* of l.ftf, and III (ho ntM otbor nuololpoIUto* of tho MPItogr (hot ho*o populollono at moro Bm (,*H lb* InerooM to I.I tt. maklni to IhlM wMllloa lo Uw TOtlDk olffncih jvMML This locrnoM prohobly will be(totown whso ths niaoMpalltlo* hov- toa popslallon or Isso—whichtaM tlMir third rulotrstlon <tor n u tf r in * '! ‘— mI W itt r to u r t t r ‘‘t* *'*>'thslr o*)0*o on ihs clocilon K S o In Iklo toty, (htrs wss snrollsd U (no r of if,111 Newark votar*. In ilto Mbar plaaaa of mar* than ^^^lallao tb* aaltotmonl rolls oarrlod

aaowa. mokloa tba aaaraaail _ Tbla Is obly l.Ml 1(0* than tb* 1 to Ibo aooaty last fall, whim was

l i WbOto Ibo amallar town* add Ir otooio of i.HO or d.Md nama* ih* dbtoo *• ftoetlon day will akcoad toat

tor*** hr about «.*M or i.*W

«f vapor Mototetafr tool toUM • “ f t atoatol dtaaor to lbs tooai at tb* olub

Mora tbaa M* paasato* war* fttreU M. Awtoraaa waa l ^ , •tod otbar aaaakart wao* K y o r j W * IM laaar Harrlaa* of Mewletolr.JWe U Alditob. CMlo C marwto J r , arodt t aiW of tb* kfootctolr Alhtotto C lp ^ J j jg b H. porbaoaa. Henry J*nbtaa,<W. Hatt- trlnalu* Taylor. Tb* C*i»o>oaw*«>th loam flniskwl sacond to tb* AtooHiar Baarboll Laafu*.


^ S T i ito fMarblly i{U m I* tk* < is ywtarday'i i

to tb* Botobor of Totar* aoorlbod I* lb* latoraoi vot* on woman auffrap*

I aaatardajr'i o p ^ a l alocilon to aw* ad ■to Ostoatltallon. I* man|r procineta Ototof* wohl to Ihs polllnp placas by ttacid to ractotar sod tba* to rat* far fP_ ^ l a a t lb* aitsaataa at aaffrap*

Tb* MbI* balow show* lbs total aa to Nawark aad tb* Urpar Ilia* of ■**** C*««ly with

MplainiloB of a yoar opo la tb* ' laaMto*;


b Ward........ .

BIk J to rd ............(h WMd.^.......

alb Ward


kW ard ..i< . Wl__ r*rd

ath Ward.W«»• t o111}IKi id i


iU !b i


li u r n•Utaad to u l .i . .•ftoatl Maatolpalltto* bat ttd lU H

I............. to City*I thto ally twato* sf tb* sMiaoa warto rad twnwaaf* wbito His d irraaaa* to

: Mint four *ara toaall- The falttof ' aaoairif to DsaaocTblk wards. This

itoHotri;l*ooB4Ward,m: r»«rtb , It; *10*010 Wald, I4i and TaaU

41.ptoalaai growth wo* atad* by tba

•tb Wbtd, with aa laeraaa* bfiI4t, TWrtaaath IM It a do** rat* toeroaa* of J t t . Tb* aowlikat was Miowa In tba ro«rt**nlh

„ with bb addition of aaly 44. Tb* Klcoanth wMad e«ly 41. tb* riflh K, lb* Tarolfth (T. tb* first to.

Ib« Math II. Tb* otbar tocraa*** • fbltowa: Third WaM, if f : Ninth l » i nrtatath. I lf . aad Btpbth,

af tin mburbaa loaraa, >toaai-

El aad Mtodtl*. fell off. tb* foimor Ml dbd ttto tottor by f t Tb* otbor ■ aiBiMipoUtto* abowod daoolepiaotou naptoa batw*** i f l ter Nattoy aad H I

tar la s t Ofaaa*. Tb* atbor b n r a m wdt* tb* Mtowtaa: iTotapton, N t: Waot CMH*. tf»: Koaudalr. >1f; Oraap*. I l l i apdlwMi Ototot* THtoP*. I l l

■ b i ngistratton is tb* blphoat tbat hto baan bad able* tba n*Md*aUai

^ftaalton af H it. to bath eby aad eouaty. Tb* Oiy raptotiattoa la only I.TI4 towar ttpa lhal I ttt . OotMto of tb* Mty tb* lllto fhow aa tour**** af towra tba> a b|P*od aai*** orer i l i t .

■*(* ■towtato r soaabadawoto.

Addllloaal intaraai In tb* campalpn In Ih* Elaranlh Ward wat Infoeud to­day whan Alilarman Thaodor* O. Oolt- llab aani to aach of hi* tbraa rlsola a rhall*na* to «npaa* In pabllc dabata*. Tha challanpns war* (llrectod to rrank W Inn*. Ih* Napubilean aspirant; Otto B. Bdialh, naiaad by I he Uomocrot*, and t'bsrlea ft Northrup, a t’roprooMs* like Mr Ootllleh. but eppoalnp him oo on iiiilepandeiii candidal*

"I hav* alwaya balleved,'* Mr. aoltilab wrot* to hi* IctUr*. that lb* elllaeni and votar* ol lb* KUventh Ward oheuld aeriualnt th*m**lv** and b* Informad fully a* lo Ih* candldata* dnalrlnp alsc- tlon and th* Iraue* nacsBaarlly dapand- *nl on Hurh caDdldacy.

"To Ibla aad, I belt*** *hal rabai* aa to that* Ihinpa batwaan tb* raapacilv* oandldaias fo ' aldarmaa would b* moat halpful and benafklal ts lb* vslar In aldla* bln to cast hla bJitloi tnlalllBont- ly on NoT*mb«r L

"Therafora, I raspaotfotly ask you to ntsal m* In dtbal*. Th* tita* and plac* or plaea* and all otbar arranpemanlt can b* mad* by wrillnp T. W. Truin- pora, II HathpsI* plac*. or 'phoninp him *1 1.4H Branch Brook. Tb* coat aba 11 be born propurtlonataly by aacb candl- dota."


TUrtien ef lw*a(r-on* n il* brought by forwer Judy* Cbtil H. Ilaclfollon a* iruals* ef lb* baakrupi firm of Oaeor Mimaal to Co., war* amrkad aMUod. dlaroattoaod or adfoumad wboa brought up thli meraiap to tb* Oranpa Dtotldrt ro an kefer* Judi* DoalM A. D u ^ . Th* tight rsnaliilnf aulta war* awrkad "ao appaataaea" and judgnMat awp b* aalartd at any tlm*.

John A. Sarabird, cowwal for lb* trunta*. aaaouiwad that iwaaly-ato* albar iiilts woaM b* brought a t otoc*.

All th* olataw nr* far awrctiaadto* sold, lb* amounta raaglng from lid to Itto .


S h a i e i C e e e i h i e i A lw A p p e h to i I t I c ^ i f D itcA C h i ^

i i B M i e .


FlfflERAL OF OORGE f . HATWARDruaaral oarvlcoa tor Oiorpo W. Hay-

•old. tor aaroral yaara mall oarftor bM twaan Mlllbura tad Vaua Mall, Uadoa Township, who dtod at Ovarlook Hos­pital. iiimadt, Mawday night from apa- ptosy. wui b* b*M from tba lualdaaM af bto aapbow, CUud* L. toahar, to W*M- ftoU aranuo, Bpriagtiald, toaaamw aflar- aaaa. Bay. Jama* W. Van Iwtoo. t u tor of Bt. Btophaa’a Bptscopal Obarcih ItW- bum. will offldata. Burial win b* a t Martbllald. Ur. Hayward was aavagfi tw* raato old. H* was bath to ■prtim- HdU. but for twoalyfout ngr* h*4 to- sidad In Vallay *lr**t la tii* Vang Hall atctlaa of I'alOD. Ho aaflOTSd Ih* a irtt* *1 lb* Bakar bom* oo T h u r^ y ,

Hr. Hayward was a hattar by tiad* and woritod to abopa to tb* Oraiwat. Ha ratlrad about flftaoa ytara ago. latar lab- lag up Ih* moll rout*. Boalda* a widow. Mr. Hayward la »ur»tv*d by a ton. War- ran Hayward of Haplawaod. and a brethtr, Banjatoln Hayward af Waal Or-

In tb* Bollovlll* Dutch Rafomiod Church. (h* tlt-yaar-old mother ehorcb of lb* ralormad danomlnsllon In this atata, tba fall maeting of th* Newark Claa*!* wa* optnad thl* morn- lii* by th* railring praaldfnl. Rev. Dr. Charle* H. Biawarl. pastor of the North Raformad Church of Nawark.

A naw praaldant. Rev Charles F. fllulHi, paater et Ih* Byd* Park Ra- forinad Church of Kaat Orangs, wa* aUctad and atsndlna ccntniuae* war* app«lnt*d Addtsi*** *nipha*tolng lb* Importene* of BIbt* ichoal work and th* w*rk af th* mlnl*t*rlal r*lltf com- mltt** war* dalfvarad.

Bpaeklng of the beneficial Influanca «r lb* Bible school work carried on by Ih* clasal*. Rav. Theodore H. Hayla*. formerly pastor of the Rayonn* Rt- fermad Church and recently elected aducttlanal secretary of the naw board of publloatlen and Blbl* school work, daclared that rallglou* Inalructton was largely mglectad In Ih* home and lhal, for this reason, ■ wider field was opanad to and a grtatcr raaponalblllty wa* laid npon tb* ciiunhea.

"A church which n*gt*cla th* ra- Ilgloua Inilrucllon of Its young paopl* and caraa alont for thos* of mature y tari la scarcely fulfilling Its divine mlaalon." Hr. Baylsa aaaartud. "Th* n*e*aslty ef tncraaslng Iks field of ear MbI* rltaaas I* *v*r prtsvnt and lb* teat of tb* vtlu* of thooo achoela will bo Iho product which they produce, roalort and olden should so dovalop th* work that Ih* Blbl* schools wUf sand out young men and women who In spirit and aoul ar* In love with th* r*- IlgtOfi ef Christ." ,

CtowfwbaW l'*-op*rolt*a Ashed.Many churebas of lb* Nawark risaata

wars patrons of tb* old hoard of publl- eatloa, Ur. Baylaa said, and It was o^y through oontinuad oo-*p*rstlon wAb tb* aaw board that th* work could ba sueoaostully bandlad.

At Ik* roll call Ihfai morning no rap- raaanlatlv* wa* praacnl from tb* Irv- Inglan Raformad Church and at a ra-

atrii lb* Bitot** Cb*!**B liy ko-

Nowayk. waa la ­ta aatUy tk* ahatah la toPM* . M aipM kawa tta pamar. H it, CttHkli. aa* Its *H*c* oo haa*

Boack O ta il t faator al T tM iyformat' -------- - "ermad CkiurOk tiruolato Hob thatUriafc _______ .»t ftitur* toaatiaga; A tow mlaatto bator* II *ft4a*fc Mr. Hacitoohl* tatara* lb* churdto.


IT Daato Wortmaa, raBraatattag baasi at mtnlaiortal rallof, apak*

lb bohalt at lb* work bolag *oao ky Ih* board aad argad tb* eburubao to glT* unatlatad aupport.

Hr. Coadit roportad that a elaaaloal ataoMmant of ton caai* a amtobor would bar* to b* lovlad on tb* akarehaa.

Tb* followtog aaiwnltts** wot* obooan: Dint* of toHdloa. Bov. Uaorg* D. Hulat, chairman: Piwaldaat atub* aad CMar Jamas U Oambfant: avartiirato Nav. Albartua T. Biwak, chalrmaai Mar. Otto H. Trouadal* gad Kldar H. i . HarUn; brnevolaat InaUtHloiia, Rov. Jtdia T. Krork, cfcalmaa: Bar. Chsslaa B.tValdroa aaa Cldar J. H. McCreaksry; f l iR'alloo. Dr. ilaw trt. chairman Hr. MH'UnoM* aad BHar John C. CaatpMIl ayeiefnatla baaaftoaac*. Bar. J. OaHaad llamber J r , akalraun. Ur- Mutol aad Rider charlaa Harnold; vaesada* aad auppUas. Rreoblaat Stub*, cheirmaa. Or. giewart and Btdar C. H. Narlu*. aad diK-trlM, Rer. Dr. W. Warran Olla*, chnlrmaa. Rev. n w ln B. Davta and Hr. Woruaan.


J t t * « k m M M p a D e^ l i A M n y « l l « kf

M k C l m .

flNNEtS 70 n NAKD i m IEEE

POOR lA r n s is at homeoaddiag annlveraary W, b a t

ofTh* tenth Hr. and Mra. w. Clarsnca HacKlanap waa obaarrad Monday night with four baptism* al Ibalr hem*, Ti Rairmouiit avtnu*. Hr. and Mra. UacKInnoa'd chlldmn, IJIIIon anti Donald, war* bap- lliiad. Be war* Robert and Raymand McKinnon, children of Mr UacXIn- non'* brotbar, John Robert MtcKInnoa af Irvlnglon.

The baptififls war* parTorintd by tba mlnlilsr who morrtod Mr. and Hrg HtcKinnon Ian yaara ago at Rochg- way. Rav. T. Stuart Molyaaux. now paator of th* Coldw*ll Hathedlat Church. Twenty-flv* paroona wart praasnt

SOME minor ROBBERIESWhile W alter R lubftt wag aalaap In

hi* room at ID Plan* straa t last night.aomabody allppad In and atol* h it brown ault of clothao. baaldaa a raier. which h* bad honad aarly In tb* day, according to a rapori today at Ih* Bocend Praclact Btatlon.

Th* Iota of clothing valuad at 111 wa* raported U Ih* police today by Edward Hudson of 441 Summor avottut.

j Mr. Hudson told th* polio* that hit horn* had baan cleood ainca Auguat and that aom* an t g j t Into th* cMlar and brofc* open a trunk.

ypatoitoar artonmee i tor •totrtog t | I* atotototod* n* aaatthmm *ptM<* aa to ■t>

A otoggg* la tb* poMor ogatoaf platig waa aaaooaoad lotoay by Jaba Cattoa Dana, aa* ef tb* Jadgw aoloetad i r tba Commltta* of On* Mandrod to eboa** lb* poaiar boot aaltod to roipr*- oont Howark's l l l tb annlvaraary « to- braUoa. Th* Judgaa bald a maoltoi tordny aftaraooo In th* Pra*Library, whar* tb* poatar* ar* hlbltlon, for Ih* purpoo* of ploblng th* wlnbora of tb* first and toeond prlaoto II.IH and i m

AaoardIng to Mr. Dana, tb* wtoaar* may b* announoad Moaday or Tnooday of aoat wooh. Th* plan of havlBg par- aoa* to otbor clllao volt on tb* wlaaor ef tb* third prtao, flM , baa baoa abaa- donod. Tta* third priM wtoaar wrlll b* tba arltat drawtag th* poatar which Ih* poMIe Tolta aa Ih* moat spproprtat* for lb* ealabratlon.

Th* aBhIbItlon ef peotara bar*, aehod- ■lad to oad today, will b* coatlnnod un­til Bundar alght. Volo* for tb* third prlaa wrlll b* rocalvad up to that tima. Tb* poatar* will b* aant to th* Aador- sen Oallorles la Maw Torji Uenday. Th* Commltta* of On* Hundred la oon- sldating applloatton* from Phlladalphia, Cincinnati and Rechaatar to show tk* poatsra tbaro. Th* original plan of aanding th* tahibiilon to th* Ban Pron- Cisco aapoaltlOB has not boan abone donad. Arrangantant* for such an *x- tandad lour bav* not bean coinpibtod, bowavar.

Th* original plan* of th* commltta* war* to racalv* tb* toicb for lb* third prlaa winner from all clttoa whar* lb* axkibitleti la shown. This meant that tb* pria* winnara would not bo on- nauncod until Daeambar tP, aa It would taka two month* to show tb* poaitra In tba Wastero citia* and racatv* tb* veto* Iher*. With the priM winnara aiitiouncad within a weak tb* commit- la* plana *o start work Immadlataly tharaaftar lo bav* itampa, madala, eal- aodara and other publicity maltar pro­duced haaring lb* Inacrlptlon ef th* fatrorad poatar. It It pointed oul Chat tb* oommlita* will gain oonaldarabl* tlm* by adopting thi* raatbod Inataad of waiting for vote* from other cltlaa

Tb* ludaea spent leta than two hour*


Newark*$ Recognized Fiimiture Headquartere

HahM’Stagg Ok Broad St.—Central Ave,


a»vtn dialrleto In ibis cHy Unv* n (- MUaaa at 444 ar atom, tindar lb*

to*. If tba rot* cast al tb* ■**• alaetlon runa up to (M, tbs Coauaon

will bav* to Croat* mor* aow a*xl iprlnB.Ward, aixtb District, t i l ro lan id: Third Ward, Tenth Dtolrlet.

Mtolb Ward. TWrd Dl«41ci, t i l . and •lb DltlftoL t t l . Tbirtaanib Ward. Kb Dtotrlei. t i l : Pittb OtotHci, 441. Hxtb DMrIcI, 401. Btotccntb Ward.

Dlrtrlct. t t t : Righth Distitot, t t t ; District, tto, and Tmith District. Tb* Third Dl*tr1cl sf tba PIrtt of Weat Oraat* baa t t l vour* red.

ou*lii It I* bellertd th* lacttHlr* hmuHhi the voter* to tb* poll* waa Inter**! to tb* owffrag* umaMaa .

tr* of both lb* Ug partis* ctolMd advenugw I* th* HluatleB In

lion with tb* ganatnl claetleB Ho- t. Th* real aatttomant of the balVA at eauMA wUl dapand

lusauor of clttoena who take ad- cf the opportuattr to rota.

r«HMi‘ ^ o i

N u n M O R I aNMCH ORDERAMkMih tbrto patralBiaB at Waat Or-

•gk wb* war* ilT(to !•• aaab to d*(l*( hmr ogpoasM al a (wa-«ty oaaroatMi

*1 tta

| i i i ttay I

war* ordorad by tb s Tow* oouboH an aceoantiaa of tbolr agpaaoa*,

h*r* failed to do *A I t was aaoorat a maottng of tb* aaaacU tost Coaccltman Claraaoa O. Wosdrutf whathar they had acoauaiad for

toeuay a t yet and waa Inforinad that BHy had not don* so. Th* oouncil took a* actlan. Two waoka ago Ih* couooll. wHbout say nggoalng votes, ordarad th* pHto* to mak* aa tccoanllng.


OFTS FOR TEAM AND MANAGERnasMBd tom atudi war* praasntad la

laabgor Howard P HrTennall and Idllwr ault caaaa to the inambar* of th*•aihall laatn ef the remmonwaaltb Ouh

John A. BarloA tor ataty yoarg a roaldont of Bneblym dtod a l t to Bal- dlora' Hem*. Oaford, H. T., p to lo r ia r In bis savanly-atghtb year. H* waa an oaol* of A Conrad Bordoa, I t Bald­win atroot, and OtC* B ltg IH Tnn Huron atroat, thio oily.

Ur. Barton had llrod until raeonUy a t M araabarry atroat Broaklyn. ■* waa a m*mb*r af th* T w raty-nlath Now York Voluatoor* and wa* toastatwd out a tu r ibiwa year*’ Mrrle*. H* wa* a m*mbor af Rankin Peat Na l*. O. A R.

Baalda* th* Nawark atpkow* aadntac*. Hr. Hsrten l* survivad by a wif* and two seaA Htrman Bartan a t 111* Bedford avonao and Prod Bartan of M lWilloughby av«nua, Brooklyn. Th* fu- naral win b* bald tomorrow and burial will tab* plac* In Rlvarvlaw Csmatary, Oiford.

Jake W. Kaanatop.Joha W. Kennedy, admitted to th*

Horn* for Disabled Boldlcrs a t Kearny from tbla ally to Hay, l l« t , died yaa- larday aDamcon a t th* toatltuilca from eordite aatbrng Be waa bom to Naw York atata aavanty-stg yaara ag* and had baan a raaldant of tbla city for about fifty yaara. H* M rvtd ** (ar- gaant of Company C, Tenth Naw York Vcluntaar Infantry, aaltotlag April U, 1441. Surviving la a daughter. Hr*. Isabella Bannatl a t 111 Twanty-saoead straat, Irvlnglan. a t whoa* heuo* th* tuaaraJ oarvtca* will b* hold tomorrow alght. Intannant will b* In ra irm eun i Camatary.

Mra. Bltoa Lyweb.After an llln*** of aovtral wooh*

from dropsy, Mrs. BHon Lynch of Bloomftold died laat olgbl *t Ballovu* Hoapllal, Haw York. BhO woo olxiy yaara old. Th* dtoodool 1* aurvlvad by a dsogblar, Ur*. Anna Claran of 11 Uowollyn avenuA WoomfUld. A meat of ragtttan will b* offered tomorrow mornlbg a t th* church of the Bacrad Hoart, BloomflalA tatarm ant will b* at ML OItvat Cemalory.

Mr*. Hatbavlaa Mwpg.Ml*. KatharlD* Lloyd, widow of

Jam** Lloyd, dlsd loat nlghl a t tb* hem* of Hr*. Patrick Doanally, t l Park atraal. Orange, a tta r a lingering III- neas from a complication of diacaaaa Funeral aarvices will be held Thuraday mornin* In Bi. John'* Church, where a hlirh mass of raquiam will ba offerad Intermant will b* In SL John 's Cam*- l*ry

Jama* J. Btadloy.Jama* J Bndlay of 111 Bcotland atraal,

Oranf*. dlsd a t hla horn* laat night nflar an lllnaa* of aavstwl waaka. H* to aur- vlvad by a wIf* and four children. Pu- naral aarvlcaa will ba h*k< Friday aaora- Ing, when a high mas* uf raquiam will b* oftorad to Bt. John's ChurviL fu tir mont will b* to St. John's Camatary,

THIS BED ROOM SUITEchosen at random for illustration from our large variety of beau­tiful bed room furniture typifies the vogue in artistic housefur­nishing. Note the graceful lines and general ‘‘atmosphere’’ of refinement.

This is Bed Room Week in the Hthne-Stagg Co. Furniture Shop of Better Values. We are featuring a number of suites representing the various styles and flntShes most in demand. As will be seen from the details subjoined, the prices are moderate; but how low they are can only be fudged from actual inspection of the furniture. Come In and took at these suites. As the goods are al! marked in plain figures, you hardly need the attendance of a salesman. Here the visitor is never embarrassed into feeling under obligation to buy. We want the public to see our furniture.

FOUR-PIECE BED ROOM SUITES(Bed~~Chiffbnnier—Dresser—Toilette Table)

Dull Mahogany,

it’s honest pridethat we take in these

ComSR-ElCilTEENSuits. We built them, from bastinjsf threads to button­holes, and we know how good they are. Good fabrics; well

jy^^tailored, skillfully styled, and ^%the price is $18

I .ft -V V. ^

i j B

At I94.SQ—A canc'panel suite which can be had In either Wstnut, Clrcissltn Walnut or Antique Ivory.

At $1D7—A fine Mahogany finish suite.At flOD—A most attractive suite In dark Mahopny.At |12S—An Adam suite In Ivory Enamel.At $1SB.7S—A suite in Ivory Enamel, with Walnut tops.At $150.50—A choice suite in American Walnut (the expensive furniture of

the fu ture , owing to the heavy w sr d e m in d i for th is wood for gunstocks).

At $195—A superb suite in Louis XVI. style, with high-post bed.At $204J25—A wonderfully beautiful suite in Circassian Walnut of striking

m arkings. The su ite is finished in cans p a n e li, and the m irrors art oval.

LARGER BED ROOM SUITESAt $130.50—A five-piece suite In brown Mahogany, with 2 chairs and a rocker. At $137-^A seven-piece suite In American Walnut, with Toilet Chair, Rocker

«nd Chair.At $173—A nine-piece suite In Normandy Gray Oak, with twist posts. Sepa­

ra te C hiffonnier G liia , Rocker, Toilet T ab le Bench and 2 C hairs a re Included In this suite.

At ^ 1 —A five-piece suite In American Walnut, Tudor style. Twin beds areincluded a t this price. ‘

At $217.50—A choice nine-piece suite In Inlaid Circassian Walnut, with Desk,Toilet Table C hair, 2 C hairs and Rocker. ,,

At $288.50—A five-piece suite in Natural Circassian, with' Marquetry Inlayand cane panels. A Desk goes v ith th is su ite .

At $306 10—An eleven-piece suite in Ivory Enamel, with Onk, large andtm tU T ib k , ToUet-Table C h tfr , R ocker and 2 o ther C hairt.

>4 it'll

At $476.75—An eight-piece suite in Amerlacque Mahogany, producing theappearance o f exquisite carving. A D esk, Toilet-Table C hair, R ocker and CSiair a r t included In this set. ' .

In addition to these and other hi^-grade suites, we carry large lines of inexpensive Golden Oak and White Enamel BmRoom furniture that can be matched into complete euitea.

softaar veto «• iba t tM WUI bov* to b* tabatoiae btoo** nnaa t i f t I* n a i* h r t ta jels*a-

Tbo itafe *( asM toi t ta •atlr* ooOtoat Baatar* la tto psoBId Caaat aaC att*wa*iit aopaiw* wan «aM to t o \ yrtaetpal faotars **aH4aial bp tto JiMla entalltoB tb* axpoMtloo. aoBM of ptoea* wtor* H waa rowwitad tto poota) to Bbowa bav* not Miftlotoii apan ta a< eamaadata tb* wboto Bimay. lb* JudfH laaraad. Tlw oihmUo* bar* aad iha vottop wUI aad at e o'dack Baaday ovan-' Mto

‘niY A BOTTU tO-M YTto laUaU* L itodnTabto; Than m

MA* ImUM M Mm WMtal iof


aud (a Bpmai *1 a« Dnw H ani. atBI


fte ./i. I

« mag ho mads on o Conmnient Charge Aeeimnitl

d B u D O n l i l W O C T f l

Offer the Mkvfii viitet for tNndiy, TrMif iia SMraiyt

VANOLLA^M cM onagte and R(^> V aailla E xtract, ex tra s tren g th , 11 flivor- 4-ox. hots., 46c; 3-of. b o t s . .................... \ 23c

GOTHAM JA & Q ^A bao lu te ly pu r from th e fresh fru it and g ran u la te^u g ar.

CThese goods are o f superio r quality , loien, 1 .06, ja r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ 15c

ASPARAGUS — H ancock Brand. selected spears; has deltcioua flavor, itg , doxen, 3.30; tin, 30c; g reen , doien , L00{„' 27c; Valley G reen, dozen, 2JiO\ t in ........... , ’

ASPARAGUS T IP S — Fancy grade, eV, p a rt tender, edible and deliciona. Wh dozen, 2.75; tin, 25c; g reen , dozen, 2,60; tin

NEW PRUN ES— New seeaon’t Califom . P runes, meaty, tender and o f flue flavor. Six 20 to 30, 5 lbs., 80c; I tb., 17c; s i te 40 to 50, i [bs., 60c; 11b., 11c; s ite 00 to 70, 5 lbs., 40c; 1 lb 9c

(XHtN MEAL— M innehaha B rand, flneat g ranu la ted yellow C orn M eal; makes delicious com bread, griddle cakes, corn gems, muffins, e tc .; 3H -tb. bags ........................................................

R IC E —E xtra fancy H ead Rice; best for boiled or steam ed rice o r rice pudding. I lb., 9c; 3 lb s...........................................................................

LAUNDRY SO A PS—C olgate’s O ctagon h as g rea t cleansing p ro p ertie s; box of 100 cakes, 4.17, with 16 cakes free ; 7 cakes, 25c; O pal Borax Soap, best tallow w ith borax added, excellent for general uae; 7 cak es ...................... 25i

BVAPORATRD M ILK —V an Cam p’s steril­ized evaporated m ilk ,.unco lorcd , unawcBtened; excellent for all purposes fo r which fresh milk o r cream would be u se d ; la rg e tins, 8c; sm all t i n s .................................................................................. 4c

READY-MAID SO U PS— Franco-Am erican C oncentra ted Soups, all varie ties, ready to serve fo r luncheon or d in n e r ; the t i n . ................. 8c

PO RK AND BEA N S— Baked in quart bowls in our Snow W hite Bakery ovens; se­lected beana; a liberal piece o f finest p o rk ; oven baked to a de lig h tfu l brow n; theb o w l ............... ................................................................


25cBOSTON BROWN B R E A D -M ad e a t our

Snow W hite Bakery, accord ing to an old New E n g la ^ recipe. D elicious served sm oking ho t. Larho t. Large loafs, lOe; araatl, fru ited 7c

W ASHING P O W D E R ^ -P e a rlin e , large pk g i., 18e; Gold D ust, la rg e pkgs., 18e; S ta r N aptha Powder, 6 p k p „ 25c; Zap, 6 25e; O ctagon Scouring Pow der, 7 c a n s . .

pkgs., 25cW ITCH H AZEL—F in es t quality Witch

H azel, particularly p lea tin g to gentlem en a fte r ahaving. Q uart bots., 3 fc ; p in t boti., 20c; H -p in t bo ts................. ' ................................. .............. 12c

FRESH CEREALS FOR BREAKFASTSus-te-no Rolled W hite O sts, large, clean

flakes, in san itary packages; very nourishing. I lb. 8 oz. pkgs..............................................................

Pkg.K ing G eorge C e re a l . . . IwH.-O. Oatmeal .............. 14cW heatena ........................15cForce, 2 pkgs................... 25c

Q uaker Corn F lakes . . ocCream of W heat........... l i ePettijohn Food . . . . . . 1 4 cG rape N utt . .IS e

OPAL AMMONIATbla Ammonia is nearly double the

s tren g th of ordinary Am m onia and will, con­sequently , go nearly tw ice e t far. ^ a r t b o tt., the dozen, 2-45; the h o t.......................... 22c

N EW BUCKW HEAT— Milled in the old- faahioned way. The finest and purto t buck­w heat to be bad. M akes th e finest hot calwa. The Ib ..............................................................................

MACARONI—G enuine Im ported M acaroni, o f m ost excellent q u a lity ; a very n u tr ltio n i dish, served with Parm esan cheese; 16-ox. p k g i . . . .

Parm esan Cheese, b o ts ........................ 22c nm l S6c

SALAD DlffiSSENG— H ow ard’s, appatiiittgand delicious fo r cold m eats, chickisn, lobster, cold vegetables and all salada. L args bdta., 47c; sm alt be ta— ............................................... ..

SARDINES—Im ported bonalaaa, packed inolive oil. T esty and appetising . Reg. 25c tins, 23c; reg. 15c t i n s . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . .

CORN FOR PO PPD 4G — Finest qnaUty b packagea, 12c. Corn Poppers, well mads, 2- q u a rt lix e ............. ............................................................

ROQUEFORT C H E E S E -P rim a q u ^ ity , flneat g rade im ported; th e I b . ^ ,

N EW VIRGINIAGORN H B A I^ P a m u n k e y



mtUe, old Virginia Corn Monl; water ground; requiree M iftin t: Urge pkp., I2e; smalLpkge. • i e e i t e e **••*»•*'* •**e,4*eee#***e****»^.. 10c!- fhaqr Fralt»-Tabto Applet, dosea, Me; Concord Grapes, h t ^ t , ISc; Grape Fruit, 54s,

’‘Ue; doxan, M li CaUfotWi Orangaa, atxe 176,15e doxen; 126 eUe, tito d o ceo ....^ .,,,.

TEGETAHLEE-Heart Cslery, Ue{ 3 for 26c} flat Caleri, hunch, 15c; RnUhap Tumipa, sise^ i c Mid m ; WliiU Tumipa, 2 qtt..,

*;JA %70c.

Nmr Bwfil CUar. <I5c

• aao*a«e**a»ie'ee«t tSvieeCeeiNew w i b r v«eeasseeeseeese«e«.a«!Hew ie c ie i RalihA dsn. L46, .....................g lfeirfn i n i n n p > T ^ the Ih .. . ,TT

............... i.BRwffHnV ee e.q one e*• '


iS O c /iV e

St B n i 0l lM OnniA m RMb St,.L.MM'h b a t OSMMU, M Main 11........ t f U[Waaf Onniab 619 TaBap M . . IT4


I * i VHUNSAve.. . . .1696

Ave.;. 919If



TflflfR Difiitf U k b i

G irti

FATE OF THE, equal auffna Itola by 1st v«( oaat aaalnat th raeordad iii Oiv in Ih* town ha th* Burrraa1*la toa ,th* municl' ■toai tto Dae r*v(t *r auftiaiatathlyiBaa Bay Ueaa leadar, did lt<ly. It 1* und' cbiM Raputalk oawadmaat.

Tta* omaadtn' nida* by aavtti oaat la favor oi whito 111 v an a lum iH , it amaodmant »oi by a malority campatfo r*voi baaa eantad on fora lb* alaeUo la t H with mi (Wto*a aarly. avoiS th* ‘toiUS vata' of olaaty. oad dtotrlrt.

Th* oaaotitui pnvW aa won ILSM to ITT. I v a to o f t t l to aaUan omoadn a* ttoll Id Bid rptaa bolna raMr. !■ CHan I tpprovrd hy a

at 1dal* aactloa < caamaalty, ra Vaiioua laaso* •eaat oappoil. atowy tboufht I Btapoatd aban


AHboufh thi eBwedawit ti i m i r fait by who worbod Igtotmeot la I

that tlu tto aBModiMi nataftty wa* lattoB U«t Diet th* Woaton'* tbraa ward* In far aaftraa*- aBMndbtort by Ward aufftac* tto TbM Wa at tb* amtadB

Th* (cooad a (tvaa a ealoi lawB, but tto by aa *v*a it'

ward wfw rytat* far outatrawutoa Ib a lara* Buato** ' t* tola. Flfui ttoa tl*rba abi Uaa of t to o« to r oaly II I at voto* rojoet

D R A K E ?0 AG A«

WlUi Btar* tl tto total raflal at th* apodal lufftal* wa* I In that city. t.lT l and I.T oohra* althar 1aant for aqua totalil rtflatratl

Notf aWVitn oiMB* aacUawa (iTBly doa*. amandawnt wi pell4d Iat l .t ll .

B E U m i EFR

BallavlU*'* Hr* lo allow i flTlnv a nil favar «t (b* thro* Ward! : tta* In favor, tb* propoaol I u jo r l ty for i i ra t Ward * Third Ward 1 ■l*lD*t Id thi


Whtio Kaar lutfras* It*th* propaaltio •wat waa a VBtrra to tto iLanta A to olahiy-nv* Ia* Riarkad to by a vat* of It* araat axpp at th* nM iti U thvw wort tta next Ual tta fira t DIH


. Tto raouS vata* (pr *« l.e it, a aMf* ard«nt aapiN latidpata lac

I t wai fWM Tourtl

if t lb Uva, fUa

■maaatf H ma too oi i f .

'f HWUUni Is I

-m M a s 1

v l r ■

P ' W i


X B V A BE KVXKDrO S S m . WXDNHBDlfr. OOrOBBB 30. llttK. ” v'sfl


Tmh Mmi Srfnft bj 184» f U h b R d | h b i r . a e n f l i d | t ,

Qm l k h n t,

FATE OF THE OTBa UEW UNTSEqual (u ffn ce « a t 4tr«tU4 tn BbxxH-

fkM b r 114 v«t«fi, ■ lotil at I.Ott M>«f «Mt M blnit th* (nwiidTiMtit, wbihi 114 Ttcordarf In favor. Whll« th* taiaptlirB la th* to«n bad not btca t tlvoly onv, tha luffraatflt brld out bopaa of o v t7 * laa tba mUDlcjpalhv. Mtcbael N.

tba Danocratk Itader, w u la favor of nuffrafa. ha aaDwooad, but An- aaUbl|fiBaD Sarmour f . OUbert, Rapub* Ucaa laadar, did not dadara hlnMlf pub- Uclir. It la undanteod, bowavtr, tha HW' cMaa Rapubllcana wara acalast tha aeeednw it.

Tha amandmaot w u cartlad In Olan Eldfa bjr wvan vntu. Tha total voU-a oaat la favor of a q u i auffraca w u t » , whila 111 wara oppoaad. Tha vet* prevvd a aurprloa, It bains foracant that tha amandoMtit would carry In tba boroush by a majority of mnra than 104. Tha campatsn favorlas aqual auffraca bad baati earrlad on la tha borauch Ions ba^ fata tha alaetlon. an orsaDlnlloa favor- Inc It with many mala mtnbara bains fbnEtd aarly. Toward tba cloaa bow- avait tha "anUC bacama a u n atlc. A tla vats of nlnaty-lwo waa csat In tha aac- ond fUatrlct.

’ f ■awakSala Oppaaaa.A s aoaatltutlofial amaMaam t chans*

pravtiaa won In th* town by a rot* of LIM to ITT, tod In th * . horousta by a vwt*'of t n to tdO. The tacau condcm- naltsn amaadnunt, howavar, did not far* • • Wall In Bloomfield, a total of 1,011 vptM betas rastatarad tcalnai and *1T n r . In (Han RMc* tha amandmrnt m a sppfwvcd by a vote of 111 10 141. Thia SM Btawal racatvad a Mow In Ih* Brook- dda aactloa at BloomflaM. a farming coatomnlty, rooalvins but nine votai. T ufont raasona wara aaerlbad tor tba •asst tupport, ena atatament balnc that ntaay tboticht It mlsht poaalbly affact tha crapantd abnndonmant of tba Uorrla


m m i Y A SKNIHG UGBT n H O U R O F M S A P P O O m R K T

AMbouch tha dafaat of tba autfras* ■naatmant throushout tha atata la ilta ilj fait by thorn woman In Nutlay wha w or had hard to attain It. dtaap- n ^ ta ta fr t la aomawhat allayad by th* part that tba town ttaalf want tor th* smaitdlMSt by 41 votu. ThU CtalnntT waa tha caiu* of much ]ubl- latlon last n lfbt a t tha Nutlay branch of th* Woman'* PoUtleal Utiion. Of Ih* thra* w u ^ In tha town two war* carried far anffras*- Tho Ftrat w u asalnat tha smandbont by I I votu. fn tha Second Wwd auffraca won out by 71. whila In tba ThiTd W art the m a j^ ty In favor of tha amandmant w u 11.

Th* cecocd amandmant tafarandum w u (Ivan n majority of 111 In tho antira town, hut tha aaceit condamnatlon k>*t he tn avaa lot votaa. A haavy vota In oanry ward marhad tba alaetlon. Th* ta t* tty eutatrlpliad that c u t a t th* pd- mnirtaai In apit* of thla, howavar. a 1*1(0 nnmbar who wen racisiarad ta lM to vpla. nem o* rooal'ui from tha *)*«- lion clatha abow that tba total raclara- tiaa of tba own la 1,114. Of hli num- b tr only I I I votad. Tba (otal numbar of wotw rojoetad w u thiity-flv*.


With mar* t h u alshty-twn par cant, of th* total rastatarad vat* polMd In O tu (* t l th* apaetal alaetlon yaatardty, worata n fffa fo w u dafattad naarty two to orw In that elty. Th* total lOctatrtUon w u 4.IT4. U d I.TI4 volir* cxpraaaad than- aatva* atthar for or a sa lu t I tie amend- mrnt for aqtitl auftras*. Imat yatr tba £ u J rastatrttton w u 4,441. r Net t i ^ t a dtalrlot In th a .d ly w u tarrtad for womM anffras*, although In gome lactJao* th* eontaat w u cempara- (Ivaly cloaa Th* taUI voi* for tba tmaadmaot w u 1,114 ibd th* oppoattloa potlad E lio , stvlng u advaru mhjortty at l ,» l . _


Ballavflla'r man axprataad thair da­m n to allow wonwa Uio right to vota by giving a majority of fortyolght In Invar a t |b* amandroaiv Two of th* thro* Ward! In tba town gav* majorl- t l u In favor, th* Second going agalnat th* propoul by a two,to on* voi*. Th* maJarliy tor th* amandmant In th* B in t Ward w u a tg h tu a . while In th* Third Ward tt w u IIT. Tha m ajority •galnat la th* Soeond Ward w u 117.


Whti* Kaaray votad la favor of aganianffras* B* nalshhor, Harttaoa, tm iudth* pnpoaltlon down. Th* tam* tn a t - maiil w u aooardad by tha Harrison ro ton to the other two pmpoaad amend- iLania. A total of l .ld t vo tu w an esaat. alghiy-Rv* of wMeh w an ntjaetad a* raarhad halioia Woman anfVas* laat by a vata of JTU to l i t . SufTrago had It* meat anpiuirtm* bi tba. Third Otatrlet af tN fVMTtb Ward, whan aavaoty-nliia lb favor w m raasriad, •taty-aavao w u th* next highaat nmnhar baliad, thta In IM A w Platrict of tha Wr i t WbrE

D M m r Q i B r u u M i TiWlllllg IW iWMfllB

. Tha raruB la K urny w u a aarprlan T a lu fpr toman winning by l , | t l In 1.014, a nmfoHty of t i l . E v u tha maat brdant aupporten af aqual dsbta did not aallclpata meh a vlcUry In tba town.

I t waa u n an lly babavad that tba TWid , and ro d m Ward*, whtr* moat of tba \i.(iawhiw « lha Womaa'a Cbih and Civla \ canb Uva, |U(M glva a ^ n majarlty to r

•hlfvas* 4f u U t rvrn, Vnl th* ean u v an ■lib th a n tao ward* by a camMnad ma- ^toftty a t H I.

i I^SIEUToting to th* mnniolpalUlu of W aal-

^ Tw ri w u haavy yarlarday dwr- ‘ 41 tip ftrat two hama aftar tba polla

ia**l and dbrlag tha laat two bonra t u aloaa. m a lddbta hallavad thla

Ita^ad th a t tha v e tan favorin t ^ 1 ifrtfn ca w a it ta tha potiuig pra- btr a u ly , whtl* tha n rocla larins

i i r M aaHtab warn th* laat ta A ow I w artM *, Thfra waa llftla alae-

d n rias tha day. faattps hbalhit tha ameaaa « aataaliaant v u sb-

, h r Ih* vMbra waat of tb a t In, P a r t la a lb ^ w u tw a avl- I In C ater O r m On* aaggM -

had In tbbt toenUty w u th h t in p onanty antligHtlaa daaMtd ta

laws adfoinibf tba Haate tio tp ita t a t Ovarbraoii aM «M od It fa f many rtatra tba illy wMld l a u aoaaldarwbla

af Ha aaiaipfavid ateta. i n vatta tea l ash taa t tha

ib ta t Cadar Orava. aaly t a r t y ipproTHui.

— wotar* a la t tam ad dam i dandam uilati am atiim aat

« a StelOliW as « d tea OaM- iron* and BaaObad. B a tlte a ts

rpU n bawavar, a tte w rte a f nlmaxl. Thp aonatltutloM l

It waa alaa dttehM t h r hi« la W atlarn MaaA


Siffrafi Uil«iy bjr 770 aad F4uW«kifkbli Affact


Poapila a ligoroua auftras* ca ataalgn . and I* Ih* Ihc* of *■ aaaraoUo aslta ttaa for abollohlu Uauor Hoaaau I* Mont­clair, that town turned down tha fraa- chta* amandmant by a laajorltir af TTS yaourday. With th* uoaptlon of o u wnrd. when there I* a lars* foreign ela- w*n‘„ It had baen axpaetad by th* auC- fraga worfcan that th* n turha would b* In lhatr favor.

T h an I* apaciitalloa today u to how ta r the datvat of auffna* In th* town may b* taken u a orltaHon of the lo- ault of tha Informal vota on no-Ucana* November 1, which ta to auJd* lb* Tow* Councti In Ha dacISon.

Harvey McCawley, In eharg* a t lha oampaign bains waged by th* Commit- t u af On* Hundnd to do away with uloon* to th* town, uJd tbl* morning th a t h* did not rapaet th* rw u it of ih* v«t* on BuUrap* yuiarday would affact In nny way Ih* "wat*' or ■■dry" ua- offlclal vote Hr auarted that a num­ber of lha Cammittu a t O u Hundred war* oppoaed to auffrapa, proving, to h li m li^ th in waa no connoctlen ho- twaan th* two quaatlen*.

ra n ta d O u Dlatrlet.Th* auffrag* amendment rarrlad ta

but on* of the nriten election dlatrlet*, th* Third Dlatrlet of th* Third Ward. There the mejorlty waa five. Th* for­eign population In th* Fourth W ard w u atrongly again*! It. Th* ncond amandrnani earrlad th* town by a m a­jo rity of 111. Th* third waa defeated by 170.


Woman auffne* waa defeated y u - tarday In South Oranp* Village almoat two to on*. Every dlatrlet voted agalnat th* amandment, th* total rot* being 114 In favor and 144 agalnat. Th* Second IHalrlct, which waa ra- gardad a* th* ationghold of the auf- rng ta tt. fall before tba oulaught of “no” vote*, th* total In that dlatrtct In favor of tha m naura being 144 and agalnat It 144. Tta4 vote on Ih* amend- mant In tha other dlatrlcta w u aa fol­low*: F tn t, for, 71: again*!, *1. Third, for, II : agalnat. 111; and Fourth, for, M: agalnat, 14.


Eait Om|i Ebdiii Olficcn ii Qnaiary Dm BaOoti



WiM't YcIm Lmh hf lUi OdMT AMliMrii An

GimMijiriliMCLOSE lA U O n iK n S O S GAM l


Bouth Orango Tawnabtp am* earrlad yaaterday In n ro r cf woman m iffnco by a vota of 1T7 to I l f . T h ru of Ih* four dlatrlcta favofad th* propoaad amandmant, th* Fourth Dtatiict, eom- prlatng Ih* HMtaa aactlon. voting agalnat lha maasuro, II to It. Maptawood, wharo an activa eampalgn had baan waged, want ip favor of tha eau*. Tba vota on lha auffrag* amandmant In th* th ru other dtatriet* w u ; Flrat. ' for. 111; agalnat, 14; Second, for. 41: agalnat. II , and Third, for, I t ; agatnot, 44.



IflUbura, th* holM af a anmbar of ae- tlva auffiagt worliara Inmed down tba franebtae amandmant yaaterday. Thla w u In Um with Ih* atatament of a Mlllburo alaetlon offleer, mad* attar a oanvaaa, who u td tliai from Information volun- tu ro d him tha majority at womra In Iho mnnIelpaUty did not want ta vota. Thla aaaertkm tha auffragltti ImmodlaUly dla- puted. To b* aura, th* woman did not vota yvatarday. but th* aentlment Indl- oatad appataMly w u mflactad In tba ballotlag at tba man.


Alth&offJi th* iuffrftf* *m*n4vn*vit WM iMl in W*it OrAAf** a AurprUins fMtur* WM th* iRiAll mnjofitj br wbleh It WM dtfMted. Th* nntlHiuf-

h td «xp«cud * fr*« t«rnumb*r of vot*t would b« poll*d *galn*t th* *m*ndmint. Th* totol vot* w** IH for Afid IT! AfAlQit.

NOftlH ARUNGTON TOTES " N O "North Arllncton votad agalnat giving

woman Ih* right of truchta* by a vota of I* to II. The otbor anandmanta wav* loat alio, tba aaalar amandmant pru- viaian by t l to 41 and the aacau coo- denmatlon amandmant 11 to 41.

s i o r m - s i E a a

TAN V lE C K -nO IA SUlm Mary Sword* Thomaa daughter

of Mr*. Oeorx* bloyd Tho m u of Krwln Park, Montclair, b«:ama tha brlda laat tUgfat of Horae* Bu** Van Vlaek. bob of Mr. and Mr*. Charlu E. Vtn Vlach of North Hounuin avenu*. that town. Th* eatemony took plac* In St Luka'* Epta- copal rtuirch, Montclair, and w u per­formed by tlie rector, Itav. Dr, WUaon R. Hlearly

The bride, who enwrod the church with bar unde. II. B. Hutching* of New O rluo i. nx* liven In raairtaga by bar mother. Bh* w ti attandad by bar •latara th* Htaaea Katharine u d Helen Thom u, u maid* of honor, and by tba Mlaau Katharine llarrtaon, Kalharta* ISabatar, Keanor Jaeger, V u Vlach. alltarof tba brldeiroam, of Montclair, and Oertrud* Boland of Paandana, Cal., u hrMumalda. Tha lilt)* flowar girl w u Marcia Hanan, and lha pago Harold Hall BrUlay Jr„ th* Ibroo-year-old nephew of Ih* brldegroam. C bariu Ed- mund Van Vlack attandad hla brother u beat man, and tha uabart war* Kan- nath T. Kendall, Kaonath Van Ripar. a coualn of tha brldagnwm, bath at Naw York: WhIUnx Ptaaton of PTorlduo* and Kdward M Denham. William B. C ro» and Harold Hall liradlay of Mont­clair

Fullowlng (b* oanamany a aacaptlon and wedding eiippar wara haul a t tbahome of the brMc'i mother, after which Mr. and Hr*. Van VIeck laft tor a wed­ding trip. I'pon thair ratum they will realda In Claremont avenua, Montclair.

The Praatdaat ta abwwa w alhlas with Mri. Hawry B. Ftp*. **Ha af Piwtesaer Fla*, af Prlarataei llatvaralty. Aftav ha had vaied Mr. Wlleea w u aaagrat- wlaled by a d v sra tu wf lb* anffraa* (waa*. for wbleh b* had a u l hla bel­le*


HIM Eva Slaglor. teiigh tar of Mr. and Mr*. Loul* Slaglar of 117 South ■dvontb a tru L and Mayar Slataky of •11 Bolmont avann*. u n of Dotaotlv* laonl* Blulaky of th* proaaoiitaFa of­f ic e war* raarrlad with both a ra lig to u and civil caramony In Tampl* A u h * Mrtah Dallto laat n igh t Pelloa Judg* H. Edward Wblf pertormad Ih* elvn car amony and Rahbl Barnnrd Kallaa- h * r( of Brnoklyn offlclatad a t th* ra- li ir ta u * la n te R

> m * n g team p ru a n l war* Captain Obedr Vagal of tba Fourth Praeinot pa- Itaa and Hr*. 'Vogal, Amtalant Pr u a ou ter Wllhnr M ott Chtaf Prodanak Walmar of th* praaaoutor'a a ta ff a t da- taettvaw Dauativ* W altar Oodtraqr o l th* proaaratoF* affle*, Aldarman H aarr Hahn nnd formar Pollc* Judg* Simon H n b n .

Th* conpla wrlll apand thair honty- maon a t Attaatio City, and on thair ra- ta m tb thla city will tlva a t te a ho au of lb* brldagraam'a family,

K O SaK N i-C A R U IJU lTh* awrrtag* af Mlaa Mary A. Cara-

lu* of I t Howard a lra te teu g h ta r af th* lat* Mr. a te H ra A lllp ^ r a l a a . and tra ia r ic k IT. Braaekaar a t I I SanU Mlnte g iraa t laok p ta u lat* y u ta r te y a ttam aan ta St. Bridgot'a Raman Cntk- oil* Chnmh. Rtv. Bus«n* CarrMI, ran* tai**t tea Cfcurah af Our Lady a t Qrana, HahakM , parforraad th* oaramany, whiah w u (oUnwgd by a raaapUan a t tb* n a ta l Btltatara, .Naw Terfe.

Mr. and Mia. Dantat t . fTLaary a ( Bna- w in war* lha only alttndanl*. Tha hrtte wara n tmTaUnn noatiinM a l amathyat color chiffon ralvat trlwmad WIte MW

' fnx fur aad a bat to nmtnh. Tha amiron nf honor war* dark brawn hrte lo lote, (ilmmafl wUb a te h fur a te a hat ta m a ld t Aftar a waditag trip ta Waaih- Inataa^Old Point Camtart and A tlaatl*cu y . tea «w>4 »u* «■*<* Orapatraat, tel* oUy, whar* Uay wU h* at hnau aftar Nov«mb«r 1.

SMITH PRKEThe marriage, of Hiea J. Grace Trice,

daughter of Mr. and Mr*. William X. P rice I>l IJt» Emmet ilreet, and Charle* II'. Smith, aon of Mr. and Mr*. Frank F. Binllh of 11 Sacund avenue, wa* aul- amnixad at noon today In St. John'* Eple- copal Church. Rev. Albert U. Farr, rec­tor of th* church, performed tha cara- mony, which wa* followed by a wedding b r u k f u t at Achtel-Statter’a Relativea of tba coupla ware the ooly attendanta.

Th* bride, who w u given In marrlaga by bar father, wore a traveling ault of Burgundy broadcloth irlmmed with rac­coon fur and a whit* pluah hat trimmed with tit* aam* fur and whtta chenille. She caJTlad a ahowtr bouqutt of Ullaa of tb* valley. Mlaa Jan* Mannar* of Kln- gOM w u maid of honor. Bh* wor* a green velvet gown and a hat to match and carried an arm bouquat of pink roaaa. Roll* W. Wheaton w u boat man, and tb* brlda a coualn, Edward R. Bchuraman, aervad u uabar. After a Souibarb wadding trip th* ooupi* wui vuld* a t t i l Bummrr gvanu*.

Tb* brldegroobi ii aaaoclatad wHb hi* father In th* Smith Hard war* WIrtdow Company. Th* brtd* w u formerly a tu ch a r In lha Cbutnut Straot Bcbool.



■it" *■

. . mp iSy

I Vnlon County tnwillUM te . a Cowity. HUIatda, VMii vpaataiw BavaRMjgitiHa

i-thru pfafoate ooteHXMMHi Only la aw at Staa* loum-

A dti tea wawia aatttata pM aipr kts at • Ywte te

I 144.

GODDARD-EEMNEDYMill Ulllan AllatU Adam* Kanntdy,*

daughter, of Hr, and Hr* Qaorg* H. Kannady at 1*1 North FuUartan avanua, Montclair, and Marl Evaratt Oaddard at lltlnolB. will h* marrlad at lha bom* of Ih* brtda-otact'a parent! thla aftarnoon. Rav. William T. C Adam* a coualn of H lu Kannady, will parform th* e*r*- raony. Mian Oarirude Florane* Adam* an aunt, will b* brldumald, tb* b u t man baing Albert O. AdamA an anal*. Th* “Urhangrln'' wadding march will be played hy Min Ducllt* Huntar. Aftar a collation tha coupla will (O to Niagara Falla for thair honaymoon.

Huaa-Wuteadqgf.H lu CathaHn* Emily Wwtateort,

daugbtar of Mr. and Mm. William H, Waatandorf ol n Naaaau atraat, Oronsw, and Edward Robert Maaoi. alao of that dty, war* marrtad yaatartey In Ih* Church of Our Lady ol tb* Vallay. Tb* coraanony wa* parfotmad by Rav. Jouph R. Antatlff, amtataat roctor of th* ebtuch. H lu HUta Wutaodorf, a ilatar of tin brlda, w u brtia u tald, and Thomu Maun, th* brtdafiwoK'g brathar, uWd u b u t aua. Th*' hrid* w u attlrad in gray crap* da mataor a te wor* aa oM ra u vatvat te t. Sb* oatrtad a bouquat at wUta bttte Toau. Th* brtdiamald** swwn w u at hlu* laffat* ate aha wora • Matarn hat to matte. Har bouquat w u af whit* teryaanthamunta. Attar a waddlWB tH» ttiRSMh tea Wiot. Hr. a te Mya. Maoon wiu laMte la Oraast. .


C a lifo rn ii D d e g s te s , F i i f in f in R e­v e s t fo r Y i ^ , to A ypeal

to N r i G a lt.

PRESENT GOLD FOR WEDDING RINGW ABH IN Q TO .V . Oet. 14.— C a li fo r n ia

tod ay p la yad ha r tru m p ca rd in an a f- f o r t to get P reatdant W lU o n to v ta ll ha r tw o a ip o a lU o n a a n A It la f u n d , to it. T he P raa ldan t re c tlv ad Ih* datagatton fro m K a n ' P ra n r la co a t th* W h it* H o u u th i* m orn ing and a fte r Itstan- Ing to th* plaaa and ra ca iv in g a m am ­m oth pe t it ion , co n ta in in g 1I 4,0(K| namoa. u l d th a t he " f u r a d ba w ou ld not b* • b la to g o out (b a re ."

M r* O a ttla rd Btoney. chaperon of Ibe p a r ly w h ich made the t r ip a c r o u the co un try , dec la red a fte r the in te rv ie w tha t they bad not abendoiied hope of h a v in g the T re ild e n t u the c x p o i l- tlon 'a gueat. Sb* a ip e c t i lo a te Mre. N o rm an G a il, the T reaident a fiancee, la te r today and w il l u ttem p! to have her In fluence the P rea lden t tu change h la decia ion

The orange bloaaorn* w h ich w ere b rou gh t from C a lifo rn ia lo I.e preaented to the Trea ident w il l be g iven to Mre. G a l! l ! w u daclded Ju it be fore Mre. K toney end h e r p a rty le ft fo r the W h ite H o u u to m ake th a t g if t to tha fu tu re ftra t la d y o f th* land

Th* T rea iden t waa daap ly touched w ben M i* i D o ro th y S ta r r o f San F ra n - c laco banded h im a b a r o f pu r* g o lA w ith the w iab tha t he w ou ld have Mr*. O a lt ’a w edd ing r in g m ad* from It. H e u l d th* though t waa a ve ry happy one and he daap ly app rec ia ted it . bu t ha d id not m aha th* d u tro d p rom tiw

T* F la * R aeept t ewaUpon the ra tu rn le th la e lty la te

tod ay o f M laa M a rg a re t W lloon , e ldeet d a u g h te r o f the P ru ld e n t , plan* fo r tb* aerie* a t reception* th a t a r* to preced* and fo llo w th* la t ta r ’ a w add ing w i l l be mad* It t* axpaetad th a t w it h th* fo rm a l announcem ant o f th e data , w h ic h w il l l i k e ly ba road* va ry aoon, M l u W llaon w i l l a rran g * a u r ta * o f m ua lca lea to ba he ld In th* W b it* Houa*.

Laa t n ig h t waa th* f lra t a v an in g lin e * lh a announcam ant o f h i* anaaga- roant tha t ih t P r u ld a n t dtd not v la tt Ih* O a li home. H * cam* bach from N aw Jeraey va ry llra d and w ent to had w ith in an hou r a fte r ra a ch ln g th* W h tta H ouaa

F r te n d i o f H r* . O a lt u l d today tha t ■he hae oom pletod moat o f her w edd ing ahopp lng and th a t th* m a jo r ity of ha r c u t u m u a re r u d y to r u u . A l l quee- t lon* re g a rd in g Ih* w edd ing drea* re ­m a in u n an iw a rad . E van M r* G a lt 'a c i o iu t I n l lm a tu do not know w hat It w i l l b* I lk a No In fo rm a tion conca rn - Ing tt w i l l b* a va ila b le . It I* aald, u n t i l It ta a a l l r a ly complatad.

A lth o u g h b row n prado in inataa In lb * a traa t gow n* tb a t have been m ad* fo r tb * fu tu re m la t r n a o f tha W b lt* H o u u , I t l i . I u r n a d th a t In the u la c t lo n o f bo r p a r ty fro ch a aba haa b*«n dao ldad ly Im p a rt ia l and b u m or* than h a lf a d o ia n d if fa ra a t ao lora w ith roaa, la v a n - d a r u d b luaa .p radpm tna tlng .

Th* m arrlaga o l Mr*. E m ily P . W U- rung o f W a ln u t atreel. daugbtar o f M r i. .Mary K . De N ike of SAn Diego. Cal., and T e rry Voung of Oata* avam i* took plao* >-e*lerday afternoon at th* homo o f M r* T h o m u J. Gorm an In W a ln u t otroat. Th* n ff ic laU n g clergym an w u Rav. Edm und M e lv ll la W y lie , paator o f tba Can tro l Treabytertan Church. “

There war* no attendanta and tba oara- mony wa* w itneiaed on ly by a law n u r re lativea. Fo llow ing a l a d i n g tr ip M r. and Mra. Young w ill mak* tb a ir bom* In H aw tho rn* place. H on to la tr.

WEUER-REAVERSM lu Gertrude H. Iteavera o f 11 Waah-

Ington afreet and W illia m E. W a lle r o f 1 B4 C lif to n avenua ware marrleel y io te r- dajr In G race Bplacopa) Church, New Yo rk . Ui the p m rn o a of the im m adtati fa m llle t . who were tha on ly attendaata.

The rector, Rav. D r. Charlaa L . S la t­te ry , iierform ed the cerem ony, t'pon v te ir re tu rn fro m a tr ip to B irm u da , Mr. and M ra . W e lle r w il l reelde a l 144 C llf t im avenue.


a p

‘U e mI l k i n , W P i t h * ^ a t a < 0 i A . , N w Y e A fW'WMI MHiBBala tCbJR'IlfWte • te

An UniBBsi Exhibit and Sale^ I t t i lb A M l i l i r *

M u M d H a t sh r Ih Gee—daw

Bait that*

Aprcbil f ir r t tn of the hb'b'R. »F L E M IN O T O N . Oct. 14.— M lu R Ianeb t

A. A lv a la r , daugh te r o f M r and M ra C h a r lu A lv a te r o f F le m ln a lo n . and PannI* L. Struuaa, io n o f M r. and M ra W W S t r o u u o f W llaon it r* * ! . w ar* m a rr ie d here Ih l* a fte rn o o n a t Roae- anea tte . the hom e o f the b r ide -e lect, by K rv . P r . A, W h itm a n Sonne, paator o f th e F le m in g to n T reaby te rtan Church . M lu Ad* Hanaen of F le m in g to n waa routd o f honor; the M l Race R u th Deway and M arcta llo lro m b e . both o f F le m in g ­ton. w e re hrlde*mali|a. and Robart S lr o u ie o f T h t l l lp ib u r g a b ro the r o f th e b r ideg room , n a i beet man. The u ih e re w e re E m m e tt S trou** o f P h ll- llp a b u rg , a b ro the r o f the br ideg room , ■nd P au l A lv a te r o f F le m in g to n , a b ro th e r o f the bride.

Tha problam of T o'olook provtd a ■ticklar tor aevaral of te a Raat Orobs* alaetlon boardA on* at whioh oppaalod to Jadg* William F. Martin a t tha Court of C o m a n Ftaoa, and th* olhor got out of Ita trowblM w ith the aid of City Clark Uaooln B. Rowlay, who bapponail along opportunalr.

Th* Second Dlatrlet of tha Fourth Ward, at Main and Orov* otraota hod a room full of velars whab th* hovr arrived and they war* all bant on o u t- Ins their ballot* Th* oloeiton boatd ruled that th o u In booth* and two “la- ald* tha rail," aeeording to law, wor* th* only onea who could vet*. Aftar aom* argument th* crowd dlaparoad.

Than Bomebody auggutod conaulting an authortty, with tha raoult th a t Judg* Martin waa raaebad by titaphona.

"Kav* you a rail In your polllnf plasaT" Inquired (h* Jndg*. Informed that th* whole room had baen rognrdad throush the day u Tnild* th* rail," Ih* Juds* ruled that avtrybody In tb* pUa* teoutd he permitted 10 v o ta

"la that your opinion T’ u h a d th* Judgt'a quaalloner, aooording lo Ih* ■tory told afterward,

"No, that la not my opintaw." ra tu m te tha Judg*. ‘T hat la roy daolalen.”

Th* alaotlon board did aom* tall huatling aftar th a t to round up th* votar* who had baen danlte lb* prtvl- l*s* te voting and had gona hom a It la aald that two could not b* found.

A crowd W aa praaanl a t 1 South Ar­lington nvanua th* polling plao* for th* Saeobd Olairlot of th* Third Word, whaa th* alaetlon board daolarod the poll* otoaod. In Ih* holgbl at Ih* argnmaot following that onnouncamont tb* oily olarh paioed by and wo* *p- paalte to 00 arhilor. Hr. Rowlay te - vtaed tha board lo parmtt all praiant who war* reglatarad to caat thoir bal- loU. but to waad out thoa* who had not been pravleuaiy roglatarad a te par- mlt them to entar thair nom aa hut not vota. Two Ilnaa wore formed and aflar a hill* while tb* m attar waa ■tralghlenad out

The h o ard a t 111 North Park atraat, th* Sacohd Dlatrlet of th* Flrat Ward, purtuad the aam* policy *■ th* other two, but finally datarmlned th* quaatlon In tea aama mannar na did th* board of tea Second Dlatrlet of tea Third Ward.

Whila Maat Orang* ■■ a who)* gava auttrage a m a jo rity of 141, tha V icto ry waa won tn on ly two ward*—tea Fourth and Fifth. Th* F lra t Soeond nnd Third ward* w ith m ajorttlaa ngntota aufTrag* raapoctivtiy of 71, H and i f , making total of t i t , had lo buck an eppoMnS majurity ot 44 In th* Fourth Ward n te H i la Ih* Fifth.

The eacobd a te third omatemont* war* carried la avary ward a te In all but two dlatrlcta. Th* Firm Dlatrlot of tha Flrat Ward, baald** golbg agalnat auffroga t i l to 74, abowad a majority at I agalnat lha ateoad omatemaiil. tor moktag futnra ebangaa of th* Ceoatltutlon aaalar, a te I t agalnat lha *gc**a cofutemna lloe' nm*te_ mint. Th* Sixth Dtatrtot of tea Third Ward, baalda* oppoalnl anffraga 117 to II . polled aa axeaaa of I agalnat th* aac- and amandmant. but waa tn favor of **• caqg condamnattob by i.

An oddity of th* vot* tn th* elly th* fact that to* "car ham " dUilrict— the Third ol Ih* Fourth Ward—gbv* tb* auffrag* caua* an unaipietad majority of 1, wbanoa th* 'dudo" dMriot—to* Barond of th* Sacate Ward—vrant 111 agalnat and f t tor votaa tor woman

Tha flrat ratum* cam* In from th* Thtod Dlatrlet of th* Fourth Ward and the official* at tha offic* of th* oHy dark augurad from thani that th* elly would ahovr a heavy majority ta favor of auf froga. Tb* Sacond Word raoult wa* th* moat aurprieing. During tb* racalpt of lha rrtum i th* "proa" would hold th* lead for a time and than ytald to th* 'Anti*'' and It waa tmpoaalbl* to gag* !h* nnal raault ta edvanc*. Not unitl tea laat diatrict waa In wo* H poaalbl* to ■ay whether aufrmge had won nr loat In Eait Drang*, on* of th* cttla* of the county counted upon in advance aa airong tor equal anffmge.

Dafoailng tha gatfrag* am aodiHte hy a majority of 4SI. th* vator* *F Irvtnstan ratnmad mojorltla* tn taoqp of th* adoption ot th* olhar tww ted ■aeond or oenatltnlloaol omondfMte Chang* puttlag through hy twantyriil^ and to* think providing for oiofS* oOb damnatlob, by n mnrgUi of I I I igiwa * Every pelting prodnot In th* tew a wtwl on raeord *dtat**4 woman'* o sftro s^ which, howavar, o*m* within two voUS of halng earrlad Is oo* dlgtrlqt Majqtle tlo* rangiBg from *l(ht*4s te U | agalnat war* ratum ad tn th* othag SlS^ dlftrlota

Th* vota an th* **oand om atestohiwai Cloaa Ih* ratum a oitowtnff te a t i j wa* favarad by the volar* eC Ik* n t g i and Sacond wnrdg and dafaotod In t t ' Third Ward. Th* majorltla* In tsYSFl Ita adoption In th* ftrat two w o fd t ' ■uttlolont to effgat fb* olhar ward, which rajaette I change In tho Coaatltatl* gin of atataan votaa

Th* amandmant providing fw asa caon condamnatlon won out In dlatrtct, although It hod a ^n two proelnota wharo It won 1 and Din* votaa raapootivaly.

US. GEORGE GAHS ifpariat Seiulw af Ska g0Wt.

SCHHtT, Oct. Followtsc on tile naao of lavaml month* from dtnhauib Mra Ooorg* 0*1** ot 474 Horyta avanaia North Summit, died yootordatr-Bt Ooore look HoapItaL to whlok In ilU atlin o w wo* tAkon Monday aftarnoon. Mftb Ootoa who wot fifty yoara old. onoi ta ln te a traetnr* of th* laft tog In tt' fall downatair* Saplambar I t , and t e l l la hallavad la havo haatM te har Soathe

■ — 3 M B— M ^

• FWte In ttis

B V * F ^- ____ .id g W tetoanlt Is ten-

ad tha pfgMldi :lan by n w r *

Ar* for tvarr insii, wonss sr who tppnetilH foot oonUttrl freteom fraa o«trosblaa j

Tite-Rtta SlioM sot sshr rtU svs s i l euro trontio feel—4bsr p n r g s t tk tm frost bocoDiliig f ru t lc .

S r i r - $418B s r ‘ t Troi-Mw Slmss, tin s I Mi s * H ssosssswegLiMg Otsi^ Tfs#i Hits Sboos, C 9C i o i n i t t M l S H V t n o B ‘s T rstto

SL.... 818M tosos ’ s s t f C U M i m Ai Tnd-RItt Steso. * $ IS «, 1-71 8 AM

IS t l , A M A U fi m i o a, u t t A u ^

Ifrfl* Ittff. A terTrai-KUt C a ta k f '

^ f a u d m a n'■ S p r i n q f le l d A w e .

Kfvofrio a n d JA dfear 5k*-» .ttwotl

ECEEL-HOGANHfMrial B rr^ rf d/ IM

W A S H IN G T O N . N. J., O ct lA .— M lu M a t Ia M onroe H o |A n . d A U fh lA r of M r n nd M n . W UII«m H o rA n o f W aaM h v * to n TownAhJp. and U o n ry W G m ot E c k A l •on o f th o la to Dr. P- J. E c k e l o f WaAh- In c ton , w or* m orrlAd t h l i m o rn ing In St. Jo i«p ta ’8 C hu rch . R av J. p. U u rk t, tho r te to r , o fn c la lA t l. Th« b r l i l i w aa A lio n dA d by M lfP pA ritiA llA jA n n ln g t of B ongo r, P a -, And Jo to p h llo g A n , h ro tho r o f thA brtdA i WAA hAAt mAn. Thtt brld# WAA A ttlrA d In A c h if fo n b roA dc lo ih i r a v A l I n g Aull.

YEm R-KEADE NUPTIALSspecial Sereief of Ike .VBirS.

B O C K A W A T . Oct. J 4. — Irv ltaU oB* have bean laaued fo r tb* m arriage S a tu r­day. O ctober 7J, o f M laa C la ra Hhcrw ln Meade, daughter o f M r. and M ra W illia m C . Mead* o f Ru ib land , Bu rke County, F a . and Dr. Simeon Vette r o f H orkaw ay, a aon o f H r . and Hr*. John II Tottar o f Beach Olen, naar Rockaw nv. Tb* rarem ony w ill take place a t the re iM enc* o f th* brlde-e lacl'a parent*. Hev. Charla* S. U e rv lD * of Koyaraford . Pa., o ff ic ia t­ing.




t a r

S P R IN G F IE L D . Ill-, Oct. 10.— Mlaa E lla an M ary Dunne, daughter o f Qov- emoT Edw a rd F . Dunn* o f D lln o ta a te W illia m J. Co tbay * f Ch icago war* m a r- r i t e h*r* today la th* Chu teh o t th* Im- m aeuU ta Conoept lo a ___________

TfcAMtaA RmAM*SpecM swviga of ito FSWt.

FBANRUN, Oot »0.— Ml*. Thom** R m uo, who wo* hrougM bom* thra* waaki ago, lallew los an oparatton par- tarm ad In 4 Palaraon hoapltal. d tte yoatardny. Sh* w ia nboat firiy yaor* «id- Mra. Ramu* h te hd*n 111 (or aov- *ral yooni. Band** h*r budbnnd *h* I* aurvivad by thro* childrtn. Thai ar* Hlot AaM .ntm ua Jonaph R ^ « a te Thom « Rm s m Jr., *11 of Franklin. Th* fti- wawnl sarrk)** will h* bold tomorrow nkognlng a t tha Churoh a t th* Immoou- lot* Coneaptlon. R*v. WlUloto W. Dunn offiotallng. tntonaant will b* In te* a*w Catholle Comalary.

H ro . SnaoS H . M loaoSy. .Sgtolat Sa rvM a f » $ gMW0.

OA ltnBLD, Oot- N,—Min, Sarah M. BlagaSy, widow te ttavM F. B loao^ . OSd IM old-ttm* roaldate of dorflald, diod a t h*r IHMB*, I I FaUoad* aVanu*. yaaterday m om las, aftar a long Ulnoia.

Ha*, oomh Mb SotinaO- •p te o t *triNr* a f Mf Fjnrs.

MACRMTTSTOWN. Ote. M .-« r* . so ft te H o ftan* B tU o n . f i f t y -n in * F*nr* oM , « t e y o te a it tw .s ite f ita a n *1 b a r h« BH in W H ltw <R4ta* otroat, f o l ia w . U K an lltn*** a t t a t a a l m onth*. Bh* w oo te* w id o w a t ta w iM K tU a n , ' w h o d io d tww>r*ar* ago.

Mtm. JtallBAMi._______ i4i» I f rt* W F S .t t J U S E E T T S T ^ . O e t

Jafutoon. tefb of Ctete A Attoowh. Main atraat. ttite hu t tesM a t teq

Ufia.j, Rpteital. Tteot* aba ww

HAT-HULSESparia l Seratw af l ie .veWS.

P O R T M O R R IS , Ocl. 14.— M lu C a rr i* K a y H n lo a , d a u sh ta r o f M r. and H r * Jon a* W . M u ll* o f th la ptoeo, i r i a m a r­r ie d th la a fta rno on to O ao rga T aba r M a y J r . o f B ro o k ly n , a t tb* horn* o f th * b rtd*_________________________________

Three cand ida te* a t tha co m in g *1*0 - lio n w i l l a p eak 'b a fo r* th* m em bara o f tha Men'* C lu b o f th* C e n te n a ry M e th - odlat Ep ieeopa l C h u rch to m o rro w n lg h l a t the open ing o f Ite f a l l aaaaon. 'The c lu b eapacie la rg e a ttandancea th la w ln la r a t Ita m eetinga, a t w h ic h quea- tlona o f c iv ic b e lie rro a n t. r e f o rm i and p ab llc Intareat wtM ■ b* dabiWad. T h* apa a ka r i fy r th* f lra t m a a tin g w i l l b* Aaaarob lym an C ha rle* E . P Ito r lm . c a n ­d id a l* fo r r* -* l* c ilo n on th* R o pu b ile an lic k e t ; iv i l l l a in C. Caruao. D am oc ra tle cand ida te fo r Aaaam hly , a n d B o a rd o f W ork* Con im laa lone r C h a r la a I ’ . G ille n , Independent ca n d id a l* fo r r* -* l* c tlo n .

A B rc la lla t maa* m aa ting w i l l b* ha ld th la even ing In C o lu m b ia H a l l , C o u r t and P r ln re etraeta. T h * a p a a k a r i w i l l he H e n ry Graen. can d id a te fo r a ld a rm an In Ibe T h ird W a rd ; Ja co b P e n k in , M o rr ia W tnehevaky and la a d o r* Cohan.

M ayo r R aym ond and m a n y t t th* He- puh llcan eandidatea fo r o lo c t lo n w i l l ■peak a t a maaa m ae tlng te b* ha ld lo - m orrow n ig b i undar tb* auap icaa o f Ih* C. V Baum ann A a io o la t lo n . Tha g a lh - e r ln g w i l l be In th* headq u a rta ra o f tha aaaactalton a l t 04 South O ran g* avenua.A fra* band concert w i l l b* g iv e n fo r an h ru r before Ibe ip ea tfe re a rr iv e .

R eyee-F reav .M i l l Edna F re* '. daughtar o t M r. and

M r* Thom** W F ree r o f 14 Aah land atraat, thla c ity, aad Jo h n A . Boyo* o f Eaat Orang*. wet* m arrlad laa t n igh t by B*v. A . F rederic Dunnala, paator of E lm ­wood Preebyterian Church . Eaa t Oranga. f p u caramony waa patform ed a t tha roanaa. Mlea E dna B. V o lta and Haehart B . Ternold, both of th la c ity , were bridaa- maid and baat man. re io a c tiv e ly .

O a b a rn -V a r g t i a a .SU M M IT , Get to -The wedding nf

H ta i l.yu l* J V oeg ilrn . daughtar o f Mra. M ary B. Voegtien of ISO M oontata ave- nua, and H a rry P fiabcrn of Dranga, took i place laat n ight at Ih* home o f th* b r t d e ' i ' mother H iv M inot C . M o rgan , pa tto r a t Centra l P ru b y ta r ia n Church o t ih l i | e lly , and B*». Dr. Blaphen Jo ia ph Merben i o f Dranae, th* hrtdagroom a paator, per­formed (h* caramony. T ha brtdeamald wa* H im Do ro thy G. B a ldw in o f Durham , N. Y.. and th* baat m an waa Horae* g lu r- n y of Oranga. M r. nnd Mra. Oeborn w ill live In Ja ck io n atraat. Orange.__________


GAS, INDIGESTION“Pspe’s DUpcpslir Mskes U|

Stoasciit Feci Fins at Once.

Actdlty, H e irth ttn i, B ekh iiic . P iiA ■nd Dyspepsis Just VsMdL

Time Itt tn (l>* mlnulte all etamaeh ata* irw will ge. Ka ladlgaaUaB. haaiiaafta, ■oaraeaa ar halablng at gao, aotd, *e a te^ taiiaaa af uailgaatad taad. aa tlrnktagEbiaatlag. foul breath ar headaabe.

Pape'e tH*i»e**lo I* aatad (or Ita m**d IW regulating ugaai alOMaeha II la th* aaraat, quickaat and naa i eartala Indigaallan ramadF

whol* world, and haalde* II la harm -l i TlillliAA* of flMn AAd npw #At tkAtff

fAvortlA fAodi w U hM t Yaat—H b t f knAAA Faaa 'i DlA^pttlA « 1)l AATA them f r m AA f •loMArh mlAttry.

PIAAAA, Ittr YttAr AAktt. fttl A U$rM flfljr*r tn i caaa Af Pa p a ** Dltti»ttptt$tt trAm a a f i r « i

ABd pul ttftmteth r i f ht. Don't k tA f ttn l it in t mlAttrabltt— llfA i« too iko rt—-yeS BrA not bATA loAf. 00 mnkA r^nr otAP AfpAAi •bit. l£nt wbAt yttti iiko and di«AAt t i: AM joy it tellbotti drttttd of r«b«IU0A Ia t M

- *• •I 'M pti DtApttpAln bttlonfA In ve«f

Anyib^lr. Ahcitjld ona of thA fAnilljr AAdeernethlng wuirh den'l oarea with them, aa In rate o f an a iiach of ir.dlgeetle*. dywagriq. ■ aetrllle or itornach derungament at day.v lime or during the night. It le heady I* g tv| Ih- quich-ei. eureet relief h>iawn.-r-Ad**r* tlaemenl.



S W M .te iisi■poafn (nut- HOgf.. ., . .-Pin- fw OteUteht **flr pMlarSte. Ht*. i ItewMBi «*■ * tettv* te to* teao ity te O ijis ss y * ^ . . Moo* h*r w a n j i t a j

t. I s * SI

I N D I F 1 T

HERE ABE TWO PLACES WHERE DtUClOUS- NE8S CAN ALWAYS BE FOUND. Om te Urn Dtettessfr, ilM teker LOFTS sitaMaUte Cocos. Woman te tUaerlwteollni teteo Is teisgg to drink ond iMsfs to wow, doctera teal LOFT COCOA te 0 lokte koTOTK* at dltelnclivo cknrsL TWrO te n ftifTon*»- *n lideseribekto rtrkn oi af lovar—on tn te^ ^ IlF teat no tektr Cocon on th* mnrkte ■oosasste. Utell TOn ksM ln*ateod TIN CENTS u n ttn of LOFT Oocon, you win nortr ronUu how

I |oa ksvf dented roBrstef of Ptefortten In Coeo»«nll. nnd EENEM- A TSN-CENT TIN WILL HAKE M CUPS.

A id t e t e l t e r MAPtte COIteSlIB* eSIBAM MISSSS

witlfl— teMteSw al daHahMaS*

A t a c M l W T k w rm te f

J a i s ^ ■|Fg Aim O0w"

j t e m . 1■RD RDT 1 te M* law.***

A U t W i D C f r l C V(• only sps t l Ik* Item qomreftf wktek yo#

r MODEHi a room. Tkg vofykste te Iteod, pMpsroi ky Bxitert . . OMte, Slid Mtromalr-Eoaoqsskte PtIm i sis »te*r fMiBfot, wkltii bairo mstto o«r Msdsi

157 k . , l a m kTm Room tko most poputer A aiss S$o*f $■N fw t i lc .

t u m m H.I i s i . t* a iR•ttj


- l a i b m H i w

M «om* w r loot, owd itesw i.^ W t«

u r o E ' m i i i l oV 'i

f 4 #g|?ip 4- ^



T v l* r «f Tl— » ■ ««rM» hi* n pu * — th* Pri*hn»ii»ii » f ^ h w h**t.

M * d . *tv»aiM< t* M t* *M* wiih • t c m M Dr. tk jrtar iii-d«r*4. *Miiti*« I* ih* f* il« n u p*rt th* M f ^ r * * Mil eo * * M * r« d ^ tIM l u t L*<6l*t*r* u h*lii4 r*»p—M-




C w M h U A C i M f a b ik D |h iU ii^ i i E r t in li

Bm H i f W « k i A d .

NnrtM GnsMT M M « iiW r i * S y M - M l i M N d

— J ----

P r a A y te n u Mj, A m n A M * - f i t u f f i B i A i b p ald y Q v r - te n iL CAm n i Ch i n Bh Qtt*

hi* f*r Ih* *aa'*M *nM M «f ih*t OMaMNk

■ruiB*ll*M ****‘^ 'I** ^*** *** *■tvhbaibbi*. a B*tha*r^>>rM i,**h)*«t lDir«iM** h r lt«*. AIMrt N.


N*««rk. H* «lurB*d Ih* irii«4 with n*Bl*tllBB tbi* In p o tlaa l ta ly . What I* b a la r **e*ei*ll*h*4 *!*•■ Ih li Ita* a t th* N*«*rk «h*r*h w*a a*h**«M*etlr **Mrih*d h r * B«*r«» »»«rT t I* ChrlMtanltf, * a*tlv* *f J*ra**l«ai a*t warhtJi* la omumMImi with th* K*w- • rk eharah.

Rw p h i n I i Im S c d | f Cn AMi A

L i i i i g U i f I m c A I i E i f i d E a c i l i w T i i l i r i i y .

U M S la tN W l C i l A t M i M t i k te r n A O ff ic m l l i U

I l i l i r E M f i .

Dt^nAiil pMpk*i PnMMB iXh c t n d It Tlktv<4iM km A

i w t i i l I t M i Im A .


T kP r r o i i . OM. m -niTiaB ran fw«* tP th * *«t B**«r whkh a Boarl *f W«rfci

la h llh h iit I* MUaMh, Um •«• ttm m Oaart lo ia r (tBaiah a p tra tp u rr wrN H -T - f - m r - «r*etla( Ciiartr Otrli i*a*** C. C*lv*fl ■( Valo* Ovmtr t* M B * DM* th* om«l*l baltM* 10 b* iM*i a t th* W«T»lahf alMtloa Hi* twia** *t t«» iwiaHlaiiBtB ouiM atai la BIlMbMh..IMM a isp iiH th* *M *f Apm I, i t i i ,

4lM *(lU a*h*th *1*0 prorl«*< farrahaoB** l* th* aiuihar *f egiiaoU-

troai twaatr-four t* Iwdr*. A«- aaa iac that th* ael *( I t l l w*a uaooa- M lnoaaal a a t ih*nf«f* that a eoaadl* aata thaaH a* *l*el*d troai **011 wari IWa r*ar. aoaHaaHaa* w«r* ia*<* hr hath aartlaa. Th* eaia** of th* coaadl- Maal* aaaM taUi *•«* e*nifM i* th* r m tr « M i h r O tr CItrk /oh* • . Xa*

Ih * tahMaae* *( th* *pl*l*B h a a M M*m h r Jaatle* Oairl*** wa* that th* aat *( l i l l la ••aatUaUaaal. that iba «Mr aa* **aair «l*rh ar* baaaA t* *h*r • a h ra rtal***, a a t tliat th* Ihct *f lb* XMr ttarh** hairlat la tla t t* t a a* t**a aaa a tf a r t a r r a a s t iW alaillar aalMa h r th* o aaa tr alarh. AMilealtaa far

r a w ta a ia * rr* « * « tlan wa* Mat* hahaU a t Kt«ba*l t . O'Haalaa a a t wa* »«aH at * t h r th* «*aa*llia*ale

tM M a la |h ta th* arllaha* *f hi* *pl*- 1h Jaatta* Oani**B aait:> W aa ta a a ia I* th* >c*r*r rtaaatr by w M* t* a*Bir«i a a ta ia itry *ffi**r t* M a f ty w hb a a ta latary ran la it** . a a t I t Iha rr* t* r raaaaty by whwh t* e*ai> r # f aawhlr «>*r« ta t r ia l hallata ta b* aah i a t a ■•aaral *l*cti*B • • that a*

>11 aaaaar lh«r*0B a* eaatl> t* r a a alna* that I* a*a-*il*taat

a ta ta ta ry *aa«taMal, a a t thla a* a a tw lth a laa tln r that lb* ctly

....... „ la vtalattaa *f aa«h *1*1*1*17 «a>Jp M lita t. r r ia t* t *a«h aaw* ar*a Ih*

fiaM ta aa* t a t tb* rriatary riaalMa, t t a laaaU *f which h*t b«M •*rtin*4 hatka-aaaaty «l*rh.

■ tM a A*t la Chaatlta Wiaal. t h * M l a t April I, m i , whl*h »r*-

M tia th a t Ih* c**«rBlar h*ty of ***ry t l ^ t f th* ****** tiaaa h**la* a haart a t fBlII* work* Bbalt •oaitot af aa* XMfhhar Car aaah w art, la a ataallia- l llM i autata.* '

Shhlac a r * thar rh**a* af tb* «**•Ih Iha h a ty M bt* *rlal*« Jaatta* Oar*

•awtai twMta af iM mnr*.IfaWTOM. Oat Ik —Aa •aa lla t girl

ra a ll la tha Kawtea graaiBuir *cha*l raa la t* a alaa* roam la eharf* af III** Flora X laaehart y u tarday w *ralar a a t a a it a girl h a t b«*a aal with a half* t«w a la th* baeeetaat. HIM Blaaebard w*al town*ialr* a a t fovat Mabal B r*at*n. fo*rt**n yaara a lt, aa* • f h*r a b y d e to tr rup lla a a t taa lra l flgar* a t two raaaway raatar**, a ta a t ' laa la tb* aaatar af a raaai ra g a r tla t with aalaiB*** MToral *ata la bar right fortara* a a t w rta t Th* girt, tb* ■ah*al aulharltl** aar, t«Ub*rat«lr cat h*r- ■*ir with a kn lfk which aea lt aat r taaaA

Tb* t**eh*r fo a a t that that* w*r* M**ral aapa'Clolal cut* aa th* lailt* af th* an a. Ju*t b*law th* *lb*w. a a t that a l* a t« a In tb* irriat had b**a M**r*t. Tb* girt wa* h a r r i i t 1* tb* •fflo* af Dr. Bruaa Haat, wh*r* ih* wa* traa ta t. It wa* H it tatay *li* I* In a* taag ar.

Th* B raaton gtrl atf«r*t aa •ip laa* ' ll*B af h«r act, bwt It wa* aait by b«r l*aeh«r* th a t *b* ha* la tb* p**t r m arhat th a t ah* I* ilr* t af Hf*. lb* ran away tr«iB ham* lari y*»r and want t* N*w Torfc Xbty, whar* ah* wa* tau n t by aganta a t lb* Trav*bnf Alt •ariaty . Tw* v«*r* ag* ah* ran away a n t wa* fawnt n*ar Cranbarry Labk als tall** frs ta bar h*«*,' I* Trintty ■traaL


R m n iA i M I n A ccueA • ( Tit * i m i I m W d M d Q n i M

H u t L i t e W u D n p H <

f ra ta l jgwrim *f tb* WKWM.ATLAimC CITIT Oct, M.—Aa Ifiri-

taHon la holt thalnaitt m**Ung of tb* Pr*(bytarl*n gynot of M*w Jciw r >* riTri Churrik Itawarh. wa* aecaptct to­day by th* t*t«gata* *t ib* final aMriu*. Oblccttaa to tb* propoaal on th* grotind that Iba hotal accommotatlon* w«r* h M to ba iBadaquat* wa* onrcanM by a aug- a*riioa that lb* taUgatM could b* *B' Urtalnat a t bom** In Ntwark. Th* Pr*«- bitarlBB Cbnrch af thla plac* alao pul In a Md tor th* maatlng *t th* lynct, bat tb* rat* wa* avarwbrimlngly ta r K*w- arb.

Cowrcnunt th* r*port*d lack of hotal aocommotatlon* Dr. William H, Vail of Newark. «n rider, aait It w*» aHured that th* naw bot*l on ra rk plac* would b* rintahad by that tinw. It wa* Dr. Van wh* mad* th* *uggMtloB that th* delagata* could b* anicflalnat In th* haniM of Ih* paator* an t m*mb*r* of tho congregation* of Newarb church**,

g**l>«** •* Tatay.lilcrrilaiwoui burin*** occupM th* at-

tanUoD of th* (rood thi* marmna. with •djouramant In Vl«w Ihl* *ft*moon. lUv. Hr. Thoma* Track, th* retiring motcra- lor, prraoBtat a report on ayatamaltc b*n*n««M*, H* urg*d th* «v*ry roMBbar canvua to i*cur« gift* Th* TrMbyi*ftaa ehurcli** In K*w J«n*y UM y*ar m »» • t t r . n i I* th* beard* of tb* church. tTI.TlI fer miMwIlaMou* uhjocti, I ll.tIT for •ip*nM* of tb* 0*n*ra] Awrinbly •ad l l . t l l . t f ) for congrfgotlonal oa-

**Th* nam* of th* commltto* waa changat from <iyri*maitc b*n*flel*ac« to iV*ry Bicmkar plan commitl**. H*r. Wmiam P. gcball, aaalatani aacrotary of th* Board of Porrign IdlHlon*. *p«k* la favor of th* .vary manihar plan of giving. H* **14 It had been adopttd by |,M0 Pr**hyt«rlan church** In th*

F u s m o u i i s m o D o r t nM OniAL V B G H U S E S H N

CUAItLHBIOWK. W. Va , 0 « t M,— Tb* I n th anblMl aaariaw of th* Praa- hyuriaa gynot *t Vlrgtala opaaat h«r* today with tM talogatoc pr***aL Tk* aynod compriaoa** portion of Waat Tlr* IhnlA Maryland. Moot of Virginia a a t Ih* D litrict of Columbia an t loolotM ika church whieb Praridant Wllaoo at- tanta In Waoblngtoti.

Tk* ■*Hl*b oganat with th* oarmao at Itav. Prank T. H ePattan of Klob- mond, Va , Ih* ra ilriag atodaralor. B* w ill ' b* auBoaatat by Xav. f amH X. Graham Jr., twrmarly af wlaebaatar, Va Tb* aynod will cloo* Pritay.



J^a*l Ik* Wa*M*gtia Burugo t f H i XTBP.D fg p tir f .

WiUnitMaTON, D. 0 . OoL M.—Tko aowg tkal Lawg Broaek, M. lu U m g t out an maoM yaotortay, os- paottag Praridoat WHaaa to go IkorofroM Prtacatoa ta laapoct tko now otua- mar ‘'Wkll* BoBaav" aauaod anrpttaa kar* for tko luoton ikat no onok ar* rangawant waa m at* far tk* Prool- t«BTa trip, taeratary Tumulty waa ok* aaat from ika Wbita Hauaa M ro wkon tka Informatlaa that Long Branok an* paetat tka Praridoat, cam* In, kAvlag gea* 10 larm y City. Nona of Hr. Tumulty** aariataau h a t avaa h a a r t of Ih* auggaaUon that Ih* Praridaot mak* th* irtpv a a t Ihty would know If aay - tktng a f tk* aort waa In contamplatloA Latar, wkao Br. Tumulty raaebat kara k u anawar to a auaatloa eonoamiag tk* Long Braach flaaco waa: "W* knawaoiMag akoot t t '

Tk* auppcaltlon kar* la th a t aom* on* aotad oa a mar* auggaatlon with* *ul daflallaly aaoartalnlag If th* Prari* dant aonld mak* Ih* trip. Th* Praal- daut waa back a t th* Whit* Houa*

WAiHtNOTON, 0 « t H. '*atlantlim prebolilr wlH b* collad afficlally

cmamiirinnad ofttoara and ala

•arlv taat n igh tLOK

F i n e r A ttin w y C cM rd S e j i He O il e n d w iA C a U t e Over Cm -

Aact e f C u ip i ip *FREMSR ASQUm B HROVED


tin Had Blataa and w u aa practical In Naw Jaraay u anywher* alae, aotw tth- riaadlag ob}«''llonB fraouantly heard.

Rar. Dr. Henry ralU n Minton a t Trrnlon apek* In connection with report H* u id that not all country rhurohe* vtar* not making an effort. N*w Jo ru y farmara ram* to town In thair automobllt* and th* crop* ar*

okjaotloo* that a r t aow orgad th* no* of th* writ of aaa*

I* ta mp 11 th* eounfir riarh to •gap fkla atattttA amonat U thla: That Mta dtty alark by rtriatblgg a rut* *f IgW may footlfy tko oauaty algrh to • lOtp trialatlaw and tkoroby ptaa* It kt- yaM tk* prarogativ* pawtr af ih* court gg ggpoot Buob aoeood vlriaMoo by tb*

M* of th* paramotary writ aom* IM A a u tu ta ry oftialal ta comply Mm cu iirto ry roqalrcmcot.Mob wer* t i* taw, tt wcutd b* m

MOM* ta prtadpl* a* b woali b* ,hl* ta pfocttcA McadaMic k*A

th* pracent appItaaHM w* ar* _ by r taOM of m* JudMol atflo* wbot Ih* a ltr obd touoty otilMr*

autboriaod w 4a kamaty, t* da* wimihar Ih* act af i t l t U an

anaeUwat Tho cbert- Ih* ttm* kolwaaa Ih* otgimunt

ooc* and th* alaetion day Maba* af deetriib af tar mac* kn-

tkan lha r*fM ta whUk auch la oaoi I ritaU iharafcr* mgraly 1a tk* briafCM paariU* way tb* apoo wtdkh wo baM lb* oat ta

_ I* b* moolltuttenal," af Ik* OtdcctliM tkta acailtawd

» optatan WON that tk* act aotab- on unaonolltuttatlal riacriHcoUon af bp dlfluiontlauag bitwaM theca boordb c f woiha aad tbam bavtag

•ad that Iba aaaand laallap cf tka H Invalid bernuM nal tackadad ta It* " Juatloa Oarriaan hrid that Iba anb*

Icntlaw awhiag lb* act appHcaUa ta Mcond ri*M cHtaa hatlag beaida

‘df wniba wac a aaliMaBllal oa* and garmabn to tb* c«b|act of Mgta* Hanca. Im laid, tba a d dcH net

ta that particular. Ha bald tUo that th* objwri cf th* act U fully cm- h n c o l In tk* titla.

•pedal gwulic cf dU Pgwg.gO M B im iX X . Oct. » . — Trial of

CbartM W, HoffMBA proprietor of tb* Clafament Hatal, BeraardavUU. who Ic

• f irytad to laflucnc* the gtond Jury cltltag III tha gapicmbir, t i l t , term ta ktU n a tadWtawat opaacd thU morn­ing ta tha Couaty Court Th* fommea of tk* gmad Jury, Jam** X T*a Bycb, and w a a f l b mrtakiw. Albert ». Oibb of g i r a iHMvtlU, tacllfUd, aftar much

good, but *oiu* of tb* church** w*r* FalUBg In their duty. H* *ald h* wa*

*fgum*at had b*w tadul«»d la by eoun- • • r JudM William P. VoMUr of th* DMrtot Cmnt who ww aa aiririaatp»oa*eata r ta t i l l , alao ww a wRb«*a

It davriopad frow Ika tarilmooy af . Glib.Too Myok aad Gmb. that, aftar tho

allagad' a ttem pt ta taflucnc* th* grand Jary. H affaw a appaar*4 • • a ragular wtInoM bofwT* tha body oad *ue«*«d«d 1a kovtng It, w alNOgth of hla taall- m w y. dlcmlw aa ladletmaal atraady taaad agalari Chart** M. Warawuih.

i n u o F i n B n D i n o r w E s t .j o a i m aMBOiE mud

TXXMTON, 0 * t M.—tavarimaat* af Ik* W«ol J**a*y aad gi*idtat i itaUraad with Ibrir rataUfia ta tataratata and talra- •tat* buataMw faramd lha bad* today of l*attaUMy givw baton tk* Board »f Pub- Ha llUUty Comattadonara to r . J, Pail J r , ckwf atattallolaa af th* Penaaylvaata



I m m D O U I U D 01 n i K ,t t m m f f M i n u n

irartal fwaler *f Mr .VgPg.' ■OMOKMN, Oct. t«.—Non than tw*a- ■ itf paaaangan on a lludaon and Manhit-

;','<taa tuaael train war* thrown from thrir tbai* ihti aftaraoon whan th* train wga tadbllad batwaaa tha Xri* *uu«a, at J*r •to O ly and Ilohokan. While th*n waa kaaw aarittawat, due to laUna* amok* and tear of lha third mil. th* paaaaagrrA

’ atindtag aavttal women and ehltdm, toarhed tha Hoboken rialloB without tn- tanr by wotklng through tho Innnri.

Chartoa K. Parrlngton of Orang*. aa* of th* paaoaagar*, pralaad th* nan M*a*na*n and Ih* craw af th* train

. for th* braviry ahawn In getting th* woman and chlldran to aafaty. Th* rat­tan aaat rover* w*r* un*d a* a gang- ptaak to rooch tk* plank walk along lha rail. A abort circuit cau**d a hurat of -rianta which Mghitn*d th* AontaB and children conaldarably, b*

' gald, but they w«ra aaaurid lhart w u •o daagar.

Tha walk to Koboktn wa* m*d* atowlp, each paaaangar taking ear* that b it foot did not wander to lha danger- aui third tall. Abaul eight minni** wag ragalred to mak* th* )ourn«y on fool, aeeordlng to Hr. Farrington.

Mr. P*n ahowad that fIftT-thraa par cant, of the ravetoua af lha'taad I* Hraad diirtiig tk* tour moMha from Jua* W •dptcataar lacluriv* and that durtag tb* otkar BHUttha lit* read It cpcralad *1 a tn*a. Ha aaplalaad that tb* aipenM of rowduetliw Inlrutat* tmfftc I* grraUr In proportion to tb* anuHint of huatnoH than that of lalarotat* traffic. Thla h* cx- plrinad u do* to th* tanaiaal capl which add* largrir to the aparatlng char*** of Ititraatal* buitnaaa.

With a abort haul. Mr. Pall pointad out that tarmlnal coat* ar* graalar par mil* than In th* raa* of long haul*. Henoa a graatar proportion of allow- aaco mual b* mod* In utimallng lhair ralailoa to each milt of Intrattil* tratne,

Th* iMtImeny of Ur. Pall waa l*m-C rarlly *uap*nd*d to permit th* *i-

ilnatlOTi *r W. g. Mill**, aari*lant to Chart** P. HbhhL formerly an u p a rt tor th* alata, and Ih* firal wllneH calLad for lha railroad. Ur. Ulllar cor- rohoraiad lha taatlmonr of Mr. Hanaal that whan th* prepariy of th* W*ri J*r**y w u appralud by Ur, Han**l for Ih* aiat* tn Itl* many dolall* of ron- riruellon wer* omllled from Ih* vtlua- llon. Thii, h* uId, rfoatled In a much lowor valuation than would hav* b**n Ih* caw bad Ih* hiddaa eoria b**n ra- varied Hp«clflc Initnaca* of ouch omlo- •lon* wero given by. Mr.iHlllor.



ggarial •nxlm 0/ 1* \Btr».NXWTOH, Oct. I*.—Cnatrary to *1 -

pacU tlou the Buaroa rounty Republican onunty oomralltco hat made th* litatlon of th* Franklin and Ogdenburg propor- tloa of the NtwpJeraeT Sine rompanr 0 lecal taau* and from now until olocllon wUl urg* “ that mining proparllaa ahouM

b« taaad nn the bat'a of Iheir producllon."kgB*unc*m«nl of th* action of Ih*

Ocugly cotamlllee oa* mad* yaricrdiy. 411* ataad waa taken by the remmitio* kfoaday. It waa atalod that Thomaa w. PaKay of Vernon ind Philip H. WHaon a f U e^o A candldaiet for ktnator and Aaoamhly, Uould conduct Ihali campaltn on that plank.

Th* ala* company taring probUm w u tk* only local plank Injrcttd into tb* g a rtr ptatform, tt w u lUlad.

gteff fTorrmpondeec*.TRUNTON. Ort. t t .—Ktmcr Loch*, a

mombar of Ih* cuatodlan't force a t Ih* atat* honu . wa* aarloualy Injured to­day by a fall from tha third floor of th* t ia l* hnqa* to a Belgian block param anl below. H* w u cleaning a window In Ih* doparlmant of oharltlaa and corractlona whan a haavy alrap by which ho waa faatanad brohA On* arm waa broken by tho fall and Lack* auiialhed Internal InJurltA th* aorloua- n**B of which hav* not baen aacar- talned.

t'ndar an Bel amandlng the original workman'* componaailcn law, LockA a* an cmployM of (he atalA will b* on- tUled to com ponutlon according to Ih* •rhodul* provided In Ih* aoL Pormorly •ta t* *mploy*a* Wer* not antltlod to ■uch compenHtlon.

oppaaad to tb* Board of Rom* Mlariona helping church** that mad* no of fort.

Th* report « f Ih* eom m ltlu on hla- lorleal materlala wa* praa*nt*d by th* chairman. Hav. Qoorga H. Ingram of TrontOA H* Hid th* propoaod Ublot In momory of R«v. John Tenneal, proacber at Pr*ohold from l i t* to ITtl. had boon planntd and would ba c u t and placed upon th* PretbyU riaa monuminl lf( th* Old Heat* Burying Ground al WIekalunk when tb* (yaad Buthaii**d th* HpandHuT*.

Atlcnllon wa* callml to th* ap- p ro u h tn g fcnth . ann ivarury of th* FlraT General Praabytarltn (tynod, w hich ' convened a t Philadelphia la ITTT. Tha racommandatlon of ll|a committf* Included a raiiuaat to tha Pr«*byt*ry of Nawlon to furnlah a ra- port upon tha unpubllahad hlriorical material left by th* lat* lt*v. Dr. John C ClydA th* hlatorlan of that preiby- tary, and a raqueri for fund* to arect tb* Tannint lab la t

An additional racommandatlon for- mulatad by R*v. Joaeph P. Polaaai, a member a f th* commltlcA w u paa**4. It provided that th* aynod’* commltta* arrang* for *nm* approprlata recogni­tion a t Ih t next mealing of th* tynod of ,th* Ibtth annlveraary of P in t Church. Newark.

A apaclat comnltt** reported Ihrouah H*v. Joaeph R. CUrry of rranberry that A all* M ar Trenton wa* In view tor • pro- poaed home for ag*d Preabytcrlana. Th* moderator appointed I he foHowIng com­mittee to lahe action; Ur. t'lirry. Rev. Dr. g. IV. Beach nf Prtn«*tor, Rev. Fran- cla ralm er of TrenluA Klder W. W. Woodward i t N*»tOA Dr. D. C. Englleh of New Briiuwlck. J. If. Wright of Tren­ton end Thoma* J. Arnold of Petereon.

A Judicial cwnml*alon r*comm*nd*d dl*inl**at of Ih* appeal of R«v. Joho Scarbornngh from the action of th* Pret- bylcry of Unumouth, ohlch depoecd him fur alleged financial Irragulartllca. Tha miolaler, who la now a member nf llw Preabytery nf Fenaacnla, Fla,, waa for- larrly paator of tba church a l Haniolok- Inu.

Roclal anrvlca waa emphaaliad t t y*a- terday’B afternoon aeialen. Th* aynod adopled, on motion of Rev. John J. Uo- ntenl of Newark, chairman of lha coni- mltU* on aortal aervIcA tha following rooolullon: 'T hat w* urge upon tb*c h u rrh u their enthualaatlc co-opora- tlon In Ih* work of th* Antl-ltalaoii I.rfague, tho lAird'a Day Alltanco, tho Federation of rhufchca and other agonclea ainrerely ae«klng The practical rea tiu llo n of th* Kingdom of Ood In our communltlri. Thot eapectalty In vlow of Ih* great war wa would Ini- proa* upon all our churchu their re- aponalbitity for developtng through our nation th* Ideal* of International Juritco, brolharhood and pane*. That w* pladg* ouraelv** to a mar* aoriou* and devolfd afforl to Infua* Ih* apirit of Chrtaitanity In our Induatrlaa, our politic*, our educational ayatem and all the other tlepartmCnta of our na­tional Ilf*."

M u i K u w Klad of ChriattaAUr. Uonient daclared that aa tm-

porlant aa la th* nutation naked of man, "Arc you a Chrlatlanf" It la aqually Important to know what kind of a Chrlatlaa a man I*.

"Ryangtllim h u loo otion h««n con- tapt to aak If a man I* a Chrlatlan,* arid Hr, Homant I t la atay to hulld ttallallca pn th* Bnawora to that gua*- tion. bul tha arattatlra may b* of tha allghteat valu* whan they ar* collated. For onything I know B raill may to mor* nearly unanimeualy Chrlatlan than Ih* United gtattA It la quit* naraatary for u* to praaa the further nuerilon a* to what kind of a Chrla- tlin a man Ia and tha raal taat of

lAINDON. Oct. ta.—England'* praaant CaMnat critia waa cauaad hy ibarp dlf- fereacea of oplaloa over th* DardanallM campaign and Ih* gavaramaat'a Balkan policy. 4>ta w u ravaalad today by I tr Edward Caraoa whan h* mad* kaewa hla reaaou for reolgriug tb* pool of Attorney General

Carton Mated today In th* HouM of Commoaa h« r**lgn*d b*cauM cf hi* la- ablHty to agie* with other member* of* th* C'aUMl nn qutrilona ariaing u to th* operallou on OaUlpoll Penlaeula and m the Brihtn*. H* mad* It c ittr that Ih* caua* of hli torignaUen w u not tba •Im of defeating Germany, bul the man- ner In which It ahould be don* laoat quickly and moM aurceatfuUy.

"Ther* I* net no«, and never ha* b*Mi, In th* Cabinet, In P*rllam«nl or In th* couBlry," Ih ■aid. "aBy dtaagr**- ment u to the neceaalty of carrylag oa Ih* war at *11 •arrirtcea to a final and coaclualv* taa'ie."

>NO BRANCH. Oat. » (•penialI.— Laag Branch didn’t u a PruldaB t Wll- aan and hla tlanea* yaalarday. It waa gtvaa out early ta th* B oralag on th* authority of Coagraaoman Thomaa j. •cully that tho Praridant. aftar voUag te PrlncatCA would nwtov to Long Braanh, arriving ham not la ta r tbaa t:IA

Aa early aa U o’clock automoMlan hagan to g a ib tr at Norwood and C ad u avennCA and by 1 t'clock lh a r t war* fully l td aarhlna* parkod on olthar rid* of Ih* "Whit* HriU** Rood.’’

Anticipating hi* vlalt, a dalagatlon from th* Chamber of Conmarc* aarly

to tha two warraat *mctr* of the tataraod Gorawa ooaHMfc* raldor* a t the N tafrik Navy Taid who hav* brokaa parol*, AcUag Saeratary RooMnlt af tb* aavy will dla- auH artih lUcrtlary Laaalag today what ■tap* will ba lalWA

No traco h u b*oa found of Uautanaat Koah aad Dr. ICrugar Kroaaaeh of th* Prina Eltri Pnadrkh, who hava awar- ataytd thrir Hava fraia tk* Mlp four dAyo. Thoy WON atoa la Nowpoct Nowa •ad Norfolk laat Bnaday, but offlelaU havo boon unabla to find nay traeo of them aluco. Nalthar ba* tto yooht HoUpcA OB which all warraot cfttofN troM tb* Kron Prtaa Wllhalm put I* aaa, beta found. It h u b**n eurraatly N partad la Norfolk that tk* maa on tk* Betlp** w*n takaa on a iwtdtah ctaaniaf outald* Ik* cap** aad that tb* y u h t waa Mak.

Wkotovar actlua th* glala Oopartataal may dadd* upoA ao a » N of tho Ganaan aollora will hav* aa epportuaity to aacapa 44)* crow* of both ik lN Bow BN atrictly conflnad to thrir vaaari*. Additional inarin* guard! may b* poriad, lauachM may h* placed on patrol duty, and, tf necoaiary, the enw* will b* traufarrad to guardto buHdlnga uhoN .

HOHONK LAKX N, T , O at Nc-Vbd opening of lha thirty-third Lake HPboak Confaranca on Ih* Indian and Olhw Dd* pendant Poopla* to N today faaad tko mambara ta a aioN aatlaflad trtuna ad mind than a t provtoua maattngl. WkRa tffari* to taka th* eonduct af ladtaa af­fair* out of politic* hav* net baan wholly tuccataful, amny of th* olar*d graatar prograaa had during th* laat two y*a» thaa during any other parted la IM laag hMarp of tbl* orgaalaatloB.

Tha oanfaranc* waa aponad by DanMgmllty. and gaffloal A. Eltot of Mbalaa, mambar of lb* United tta lM Board of Indian CommlaatenarA proaldod. 0. U. Uppa, aup«rlnt«id*ni of IM Caritala la- dten Rchool. apok* of tM dtftteuHr ta amklnt tM Indian* atleh to tbair tkna

NavorthetecA h* arid, tM paid aaaaon had baan unuaually Baoctaifal, but offletal cuatodlan* of tM Indlaka Had to contend ceottantly tgalnal trouM* aukon wM frted to maM tM govara* moot cM rg u britevo thoy won uajUHlf IroalMl.

A ragular.hoHotla aarrico conducted bg tM govtrnnMBt Aloag aowapapor llaaallk*

coBBUlar trad* nporta to koID*

yoatorday morn lag apraad tha glad tid ­ing* along Norwood Ivonua from•roadw ay to tho Doal Hda and aa araault, u told yoilorday, lha oolora aoaa wort flying from avary flagotaff and torn* of tho cutUgM wor* lavlahly docoratod. Tho Commoro* Board put •p Mnnor* ru d ln g ’Troleomo to I.MBg Branch—Whit* Houh Road." All along tho lino from Broadway to tha gommar Wklto Houm by way of Norwood ava-•u* thoro wora crowda of m*A woman

1(1gllmpM of tha Proaldarit and hla flan-and chlldraA all anilku* to got a

PreaiJ** Aaqolth gottor.Premier Aaquith'* condition I* Improvud,

It w u aanounced today. Ho paaood a •aUafactory taaht, and hi* phyrictea bo­lter** Ih* Premier witl b* abl* aooa to renim* hi* dull**.

Th* Promter'* lllnoH wa* fur ovar- tliailcwod today by apoculatlon u to |M future of hi* Cabinet. Thai a *pHI In tM Liberal party had developed w u lodl- ceied by th* ap**ch dallvefwd by Horatio liotiomtey a t Kcweaolte teal night. In which he iMerlfd that Ih* collapH of |h* coalition govtrnmant waa Imminent. II* d*clar*d further that Mr. Aoquilh had praellcally r*algnod and that 4m wuuld be auccoeded by Aodrow Bonar I-aw. tho UntoniM chief, Thte w u flatly denied today hy friend* nf Aaqolth.

Whatever tM outcoBM of the Cablaat rrlal* may be. It I* apparent that mat­ter* of vaet impoitanc* ar* Mvrioptnq In London. 14i* govtrnnienl ha* not yet taken Ih* piibllc Into It* confidence u to the reuona tor the preeence In London at M. Mlllerand, the French Hlnleter of Wer, end hla conferance yeoterday with I he war committee af tM Brttteh Cab­inet. Thte conference w u alao attended by Ambaaeedor Cambon, th* P ru c h en­voy to Fnaland. II 1* undaralood that no repreeentailve of th* Ruteltn Govara- m^iit WAS pr«it»ra|. f

A* It I* believed iM t th* chief »ubj*ct diaruaaed at Ih* confaiwtin* had to do with the iltuatlon In th* BalkanA It le retarded a* aomewhat attanga tM t tM Ruaalan Government w u not reprooont- *d. th* Near Real queillan being one Ihet vitally Inlereeu th* glavA

MIoletera Ueadc ttwotteBAI^NDON, Oct. fa.—Cabinet Ulnlaler*

apeln were bomberded wtth war quM- lloM In the Houa* of CommoM today, but for Ih* moat part tMy managed to •■cap* *n Intended frontal attack. TM

e*A Th* children rem aliM till dark- n ta t Mfor* diaparting.

At lha J. • G runhut aatalA whar* Hr. Wilson will aummar n ta l aaaaoA Duncan Kaltey. th* bead gardanar, had h u e notified by wire that Ih* PrM l- dant wa* coming and to hava tb* plac* In ru d ln v iA Hr* J. B, Graonhut, Mta • J. Graanhul and U ra Robart Offan- bach of Naw fo rk w art down for tk* day, and rtmalnad HU 4:M w alling for th* rteltora gavaral photographara and a granp of nawapapar maa Waltad till almoat dark and lhan want keaia dteappointad.

”Th« W hitt Roaa* Road" nwvar lookad pretllar at tkla aaaaon of tha year thaa It did yutarday . Bvan th* atraai etaanar did hlg b u t to m ak* tb* avanu* look nor* Inviting. Th* raal- danla who live an th* Ihoroughfar* point with pride to tha fact th a t th* m u te r builder at thady Lbw a J bbiu Clougbly, now la hla aavanty-fourih year, te atilt a property owner. Hr. Clougbly It a friend of Hr. w itaon and w u on* of th* t in t I* holat hla flag.



ItaaaH kata «

lad la u and thrir guardU u Inroriatd e< what te bMng doa* la t t r i r latarari wa*’ advocated by John H. Utkiaea a t M**' Tork. ,

■ a nuking thla ptea Hr. Oaklapa qaetad from IM plalform of the Bocleta fta

(Continued frem PIrri Pago.l

Effort* to reach Coagraaaaua geulty today, both a t hi* tteal honw aad hte New Torii oftiCA tor tM purpdeo of aeeariag a atateminl rvoa Mm regarding thla ap­parent coafuMoB et plana w an naanoeaaa fnl. At hla Dari ham* It wa* aaM th a t M M l for Naw Tork by ^lata thte naaralag. white at hi* offtea it W u atatad tM I tM Congrtaamaa had not b n a heard froai today.

repitet developed IM t th* officer wM command^ th* tending of Britlah troop*

^ c i a l l z e In dit' Icflyppement rinn,

we offer r v e lu e t , 110.00


PRINCETON, Oct. Ruaaell W,Moor*, ' l l , h u recently given to Prince­ton Cn|v*rallr a copy of Thaolhy Crie'a •ntravlag of tha portrait of Preoktrnt n'ilDon. painted In l i l t by g. geymour ThomaA Hr. Cote n y a of the ariglnal: 'The ptctiir* I* HI* eier, perfectly cam- poeed. ehonlng a dignified attitude and reflective, etudteua expreaatea, and revMl- lag the cMNOtar of a aarteua, fereatui, pure and aoble pereonallty. TM grii- * n l gray ton* yet fomeful light and •had* of ta* enaembl* teada I tu lt ad­mirably Id a black end white traaMa- ttea.’’

Tha pertN it haa head bung tn lha an- tn ac* corridor of Ih* unlntalty library.

-------------- 1*


dlaclpleahtp Ia w* will all agraA lhaf i "ntcaaur* of aarvICA'

Pointing out th a t the real leaaona of' aoolal MTVice have been learned by the modern church In the mlaelen field rather than a t homa, Hr. Homant con­tinued; "Th* foreign rolulonary aat oat to dellvar th* C hlnau woman from lha agony of footbinding, to dallvar th* woman of India from thair pathatle dli- abtllu**, to taac.h tb* man and woman of Turkey that the women'* piae* la not allogetbar In tha h«mA to break down c u t* and other unbrotM rIy 1n- atlluttona

"They aat out le u tab llah Induatrlalachodl*. to teach W aatarn mathoda of

gailaraL In email

gparM ianiM .af tk*. K fp g PATHHgQM, Ool. 11—Pleading guilty

ta a ekarga e t murdar la tha aaeond da- gr*A Jdha Patlk, a farm hand, twanly- doa y*«r* old, wM J u m I t klUad •tavan L ukaa a trilnw-tarm hand, ta -Aaqwariianonk. w u laatanead yaatar- day Id »dl ladt tkda twanly yaara and^ ^tad*a ttata th irty In au ia prh

M lalara.Court Juatloa Jama*

AIL LAD0IA1OIT BIDS REJEOEDT R H N I ^ , Ori. M ,w«d* tar Hmarae-

Ik a gad ogMUaieal df d taatteg tetaMtory for ta* daggrtmaial ef ennaafTa ttea and

NJactad hy ta* hoardgf Hi am attag hdta M aF t ita um an af

(dddi i f tk* apppopitethm•vaUakto.

Tka laat LagtetatuN Maead aa Item <f appNpruttea hUt tor tMm ,4 M ta t M d l . .

gutdhaa* of tMerowiigdlld tM araatlea of tko MiEdlag kola* gma ag* k !* •« w u aamwod and a halaaaa df Ilf,!** n -

t% t ia i lr ta t tM labafiAory. . D

farm ing and. in th ing! and larga, lo maka not only convarta hut to davalop a Chrlatlan elv- lllaattOA

"No man la In any raal aanaa a Chrlatlan. and no church I* ta any raal aanaa a Chrlatlan church, that la not paulonalaly and actually eonearnad with expraaring the apIrIt e f Chriat In th* entire Ilf* of th* community and Of Ih* world, from am ubing th* Idol* of China and developing Inlernattonal brotherhood to th* dellveranc* of tha child around th* earner from uxteooM- aary blIndnaaA from a pagan oduea- tlanal ayatem, th* lamptatlona of tha aaloen and tawd danc* hall or from IM graad ef avarlcloua empleytrA"

Chareh Mtert t to r t 'Warih,Rev. Dr. WltUom J. Dbwboa p u te r

of PIrat Church. Newark, waa anothar apeokar on .thla topic. K* deaerlbad tb* •w ahaaiag of tb* ooclal u rv tM Idoa In London and urged th* aynod to ’’gal IM vlatoA*' daclartng It To in tho power of th* church aloM to kindle the flam* of ioclal aervlcA ,

church muat alwaya M on th* rid* of lha uodar dog." Dr. M w aoa u - u r ta d . "Pravantlv* work la Pantad th a t will autka pbttanthropy unnacu- aary, Chriaflaalty ahaald M adjaatad t* a m aeaptlon whieb tahea Into oon- •Maratlon aat only, the soul hut lha body. Weotey and Booth atartad with tha ovaagallaUe aotA but aooa laalBdad dorial aarvtoA"

Haw Jartwy aad FonM ylvaala won • ovoraly prriMad by R«v. Dr. Jamoa X. •hleldA Mdta aupertataadanl of tM Maw Jeraof A n t l - i a l ^ Laagite. Ho •Mtarod iM t an area m Umoa th* ria* •■at Naw Jarm y had goa* 1dry“ and pra- dieted Ikat Naw Ja ru y would ggaa ta l ­low tho agno aaaraA,

A ptaa fo* IM arikalaatten of tho

at guvte Ray, on the Oelllpolt penlnaula, h u been ahelved and that he holda no command ia tM army at praaent, but Harold J. Tennant, Parliamentary Under Secretary for War, deeltnad to glva turlM r InformaUcn on iM grouad that It would be agalnat public Intereri.

Th* auggeallon mad* by William Joyn- een-HIcha, Unlonlal m eub*^ for IM Brantford divixina of Ulddfnax. of a pulley of rrptiaate aa a daiarraat to Mp- pelln raldx. w u frown*d upon by tM War Office, Ur. Tsanant ramarklag IM t •uch a policy alwaya had baan IM aub- ]ect of conridefabte conlravany.

"TM Royal Plying CorpA" M aald, ‘la a military organlaatten ta Englaad for military eperathma, Tba daatardly raid* by IM anamy on uadeNadad to w u and defenaeteM paopte iM bU not bo al­lowed to divort tM onsrglas of thla flght- ing fere* from Iti primary mlHlarp pur-


gpwtel dervlr* cf Ik* ttW t,JBRSET CITT, O ct 11—Hogan* t .

iehwarA Sidney S. gchwara aad Wtll- lam HbIUi*wa all of 110* HarflaM 1*0- nuA fCaainy. fllad papar* lo tha eoua- ly elark’x offlc* yaalarday Inoorpont-Ing lha Faderal Conlraetlng A Garb-

■ • ■ )k ..........Id by L*

of atock, valaad a t I lH Moh. Tka

aya with a capital^ rieek of |1M ,-Thte la rapraaaatad by L*M aMraa

company will ooramenee burinem withanitllA A l

Tha oollaetlon of aahaa and Ih* la- etD«rallon of garbag* will b* oarried nn by th* Padaral company. Ita prlMl- eal plaoo of buriaam wlU M al IIM karriaon avanuA Kwrny. Xugan* J. gchwara who I* named agaal, own*forty ahara* of th* captlal atooki while Sidney n. gchwara and Matthawa eachown thirty riwraa.


■p*rtel dwvlM af rite PilTC.'HADISON, OCL M.->Thowaa Rhadl-

gan, aavanty-lwe paara old, a wjdawor, of G tota atroat and Pterooa plac*. waa round dead yaotarday a t hla bon» by HrA W altar StavanA a BrigkMr.

Dr. Harry Bingham of Graona ava- nu* aaM Hr. Rbadlgan had baan daad tor ooma lima and th a t daath w u dM lo haart Irouhla. I t t* auppooad M.dlad Sunday night. P ra a tu BorroagM aad Jahn William* talked with Hr. Rhadl gan SuM ay artaraoaa. Net having •aaa Mm' yaatarday, Mta gtavaria la- vaatlgalad aad found hla bady an a ■ofA PapaN M bad baan loading lay OB tM floor near tha ooaeh.


BBRUN, Oot- t t ( to wiralaM te gay- villa).—Two boadiod and olgkty-riBJaw* la tba Gartaan army ha*o baan proaiotad to ba offloara aad M M Jaw- lab aoM lan ta lha arm y ha*o boaa daoo- ratad with i N t oroaaaa atstaaa of iMm with IM Iroa of tao tlral-cla*A aaoordlag to m Bvoroou Maw* Agaaoy uBoanoapaant taday.

l U t i n , i N u m M O H S

aago stMUMhlp Cowpaay aad IM ladlaaaT n u porta lteu Gompat r tor ta* daatha of (« ir-0 M pafkkto aod tha taflirr '

~ tap Haitiigd dr ' '


WESTBATIUNGICeetInued from Firri PagA)

to Indlcat* that tka German* havo boon rainforead haavlly u d aro ahowlag a dtepealtloo to aMnmo tho offanatvA Field Harabal Pranch aanouneM th* rapula* TUirth ef Looa of ClarmanA 'who made an attack after heavy artllla ry praparatlon. Parla Nporta th a t u a t of Rhetma tba a a n u n a mad* a flare* a t ­tack oa a larpo xcate. bnt won Uirowa hack afler aceupylag aavaril Praacb tranetiM.

Tha llln*** of Pramlar Aaqaltb h u brought a loll tn political activity, andthe erlria which many p a ru a a axpoctad

ekwould develop In the (tahlnel thla weel te not conaldared Itkaly to occur until th* Pramter te ahU ta appaar In the Houm of Cennaou.

Brllteb eubmarlneA aow reported to havo baen reinforced by Ruaatan craft. eoMlnoa to Infllot Mvoro loaooa on Gor- amn shipping la tba 3 a ttle Soa a (teponhagta Mwapapar u a a r ta that right Btwiimhlpa hava baaa prey te tho •ubmariBM riaco Haaday.

H laliabaag ttlH Gataa,BBRLIN, Got. w . - m o offlelol report

on epaauttau In tha a u ta rn I h u ta r of war tall* of tu rtM r advano* by tb* army of Ptald Harahal voa H tadanharg toward RIgA hla toroaa moving for­ward narthaaat u d northwaat of m lu u . TM Nporl dealing with th* a u ta rn oparattena te aa follow*;

"Plaid Harabal voa Hladanburg** army advanead nerthaaat and north- waat of Ultau. Oaaara) von U n o la g u ’a army eontlaua* flghllag oa IM Blyr (In Galicia)."

TM wcatara thaalar roport aAyq;aoltarliig

•dvanca narihtaat of ^ n n y oapturo^‘iQ arm u troop* la A raeoana

tonr etfloara and t i t Ptanob u ld ta rA They took ihraa maehlna guna and thraa mlna ihrowara. N u r HMdalkIkA Belgium, an Bngiteh aaroplan* w u abot dowA Ita oaaupant* w o n t a b u prlauarA "

Bap aata tu n ta WaoAPARIS, Oat H.—TM P ru c h W ar .Of-

flea todap raported a lull In IM A m -•rtdlarytag rieng lha aaUr* front, aaly

aagagemaat* acenirlag- Th* followtat commualqaa w u taauad

'No aettea ef Imperlane* w u raportad I U hoHduring IM night. In tM aaetor at

aat artlllatT dinotad an aftaetiv* f in upon tM Qiaumn (raaehad, which afloaead tM rapM-flra g u u aad tba traach aw- ehiBM that w an ftriag u p n our MaaA

T a (taaan>aBU, la iM diraetlea of ■tta of TMi____ an , a a l Mlwoaa tM

Hanaa aad HootM. u r t a of PUroy, tao oaaaqr hambariad our pnritlOM at anater- ow potata Our battarteo rapoadad vary miinatlwlly.*’

Bag*01 Oaeaaawlaa PaeadaBiLONDON,'Oot. M.—Owing ta tho Baa-

la b ru h la g Ib o AuatataaIlao oa tho Mrapa Rtvor, tko ta lto r hAN boon foroad to ovoeuato

TMt WU l i t forth taSay la a Buaharoat dtepatnk. , Canaratr t u ta oapltal a t tha Anrirtaa arwwalaad a t BuhavtaA aoBthriMt a f oaltata . Ik ta an Important t e n , l td m ltu aau tk aa al of L tmbarg,


BBRUN, O ri.i t t (by wlrata*M,.rirM O raratu Naw* Ageany takay Npartad itota la Itetrogiad cunaal ly doaiaada that tM Duam bo roaearoaod.

Prirogvad privai* rapoita tall ofRimilaa aagital,’’ m*M anrteta la IM

Item taniad by tM "Tha gaaplA , a ah ir of tko

tho Dumb ho r ^

mad by tM agaaiy. by X TtaaMaTa

Duma, dmaaadad that tai eaavaaad. bul tba damaai w u TOjaotad. •ariow diamdar fattewM aad O tan dta d i a p a ^ lha itoMN, many of Ukota waokWMtflvSMa

“M. Hilagiwa, ta* alM kigaa taaSar of tha lubar party, h u hoaa arraowd aat ta MM irlaiaa* at Migipp."

Hungarian troop* a n advanctfig on Sha- balt (In oorthwaetarn Sarvta). TM g*^ view wrra Ihrown back turthar aputa of Lndct and Baievac,

(Th* latter place la about tw u ty nillaa aouth ot the Duuba.)

"Bulcarten treep* have ooeuplad kul- tan-Tepe (•outhweit Of Egri Palaaka). While Bulierlen Iroope were advunclBg on Kumanovo (northeari of Uakub) tMy took 1,00* Sanlan prtaoaan and cap­tured twelve cannon."

VIENNA, Oct to (via Barila and Loa- donl.—An otrkial report today etatea that the reglco ercund ObrenevatA on th* iav*. waa in the rontrol ot the In- vodara. Eait of PIrot tM B ulgarlou war* aaM to hav* Itkan tM Sarvkuia' flrat fortified Una

Sorb Cepitel arid PrineendSAIiQNlKI. o n . I f (via Parte, Oct.

It) .—Th* capltri of Servla haa been trauferred from Nt*h to Priaraad, In weriarn ScivIa do** to tM A lbanlu troatter. TM bank* *ad aieat of tM l•■■ticllt are being removed to Priaraad. It te *aJd here that the Entent AlUe* are marktng time, pending tM concun- tn ilo n a t thte potat ot a eutfeteat num­ber of troop* for thdr epermtiou In (he BalkanA A large French force i t on tM way to (laloalkl Ptench force* Mve aucceeded thu* far In protecting tM lower end of tb* 8alb«lkt-Nteh railway.

■erh tllavala Inraeaa Repu te d.GENEVA, Oct. II.—The S e rv la u hava

raputead the Anriro-Oermana h u v lly Borih of ShabatA • Bncharaat mtaaage aald today. Serb foroex wara aald a lu to have uaumed a vlgorouA ■uccoaeful offenalTa about Poaaravac. Tha Bul- garlaM were deecribed aa badly baatea a l Ortakoll.

Bwigan Take letih and Kedahaaa.LONDON, Oct. I* —Bulgarinna have

captuiwd latlii ind XotchanA according te an Athene mearage to the X iehaage Telegraph today.

AHIee knlg Not In gtenmaUmPARIS. Oct. 10.—The Eutenlkl oorra-

ROondent of tho H avu Agoncy aeada IM roilowlng ditpetch iindor yeotoiday’a dale:

■'Pranch IroopA having racatved ordera not lo pea* (he Bulgarian froatler. Strum- H u. M l not been occupied hy th* Ah liee.

’The Bulgarian* ar* concentrattag troop* in hari* tn IM Dobrudja. aup poaedly becauaa Rumania appear* to b* taanlng more toward tM Entent*. At tM aam* tim* thre* dlvlslou of Bulga­rian (roop* are being concentrated on CM Onek frontier." .

Ceaxpatan Anataea HeelenegPALONDON, Oct. 10.—It la reported from

American lodtene u fottewa:T M preeent coBfnrion of naervnU u

Todlani u to their legal righln la lu* vary latgaly to thrir lack of aaMnllri ta- formatloa. They Mva no map m enu at knowing whet thrir (rlbel drima ar* or th* letter of the law* aad rallngi govaru- Ing them. Thte in/ornutlou Mould ha commonly avaJlable, u *1*0 ahouM ba u report of tM lorom* and dlaburaamanta of tb* triba through lentA laaalas* oa truat fundi.

‘T o bring tho Indteoi to IM' peoltion uf onllghteaed cHlarmblp the Indtau muxt kaow IM .detetla. that affact tMIr progrea* to lU* point.

"W* therefor* coll upon iM Interior Dapartater.l, through lha bureau of In- dlan affaIrA to prepare a le t ef rimiria bookitta giving digeeU of tM lawe gev- •rclng reaervatlOM, and to puUIxb IM ■pwHal ruling* of each igency.

‘To Iheae ehould he addeA financial accountlnga, In ordar that tha Indian* moat affectad may be given that confi­dence In IM governroent’e Intaieet that te ao nooaaaarr for good cltlatnahtp."

• b n id gprewd • 'tl—rlidga "Certrinly." Hr. Oeklaoa addad. T f w*

tollev* him capabte ot laklng aom* part lo aolvlag lhaaa proUamA we ought to lot him know tko acturi low* and Indlu Offlc* rnlloga under wfikh he muat aat.

"Very Jtaloualy. and proparty. IM In- dten Offlc* h u rafnaad to maka puMIe tM flaanelal nondltloni of Indlvklaal l a - . d lau . But when It la poaUbte- for In- diaaa ta bo decelvad u to IM aovreo eg menay eapendod for thair tribal Iwtiaflt (britevlng It to cobm from IM gominwat a* a gift wMn In tact it to tritag fn ro Indian raonay). It Ig lira* a t teaat lo pub- Hah fully tM facta u to tribal fnndA

"1 would wricom* n ragular aarrico by tM buraau ot Inflkn 'Lat Ihl* b* teaiwd a t rxgute Lat It M of tM eharaetor at . . celteat ooaaular roporto of IM: Dtpart-moat of (tenumret, gatM ring ita from all

> tho Waah-

Prankfort iM t tM Coatral Powara M w doddod to undertak* a vlgoroua cant-palgn agalnat Uontan*gra> Twonty IhoU' aand (guatrian and Gorman tafantryinaA with grtitery, havo arilvad from OaUela • 1 Satajovo, lo BoanlA with thte objaet ta vlow.

Attack* on th* Henteaegro berdar hav* baan raportad. iM defeadtra otalmlag aue-caaaoA

M pfamafa MU a t Ntoh.ATHBNS, Oat. 1*.—Th* dlplomatlo

oorp* a t tha Servian court h u b u n eompailad to ramain In High on u ao u n t of tha Intarriptlon of railway cowunu- nleatlona Mtwaan Nlih and Salanikl. Thar* h u baan no talagraphic eonunu- nleatlea with Nlih to r tour dayA

THna-Snlgat UavxmLONDON, Oct I#,—Adrtca* fram

A th a u ladleata that Tnrbay and Bul­garia *N imdartaklng anargatl* maaa- urca ta oppoa* Ih* land and a u apar- atloM of tM Batoat* Alllaa In tha BalkanA Tha A thou ewrroapoadoat of tho Bachango Talagraph Company re ­port* that Turklah forow ara bring eonoaolNtod In tha raglon of Doda^ gatek. Larga Bulgarian foroM. thk eorraapoadont atatoA ara' M ing moved toward lha Rumanian trontiar.

tM material which eemea lata 1 lagtoB oftko all niggoetlon* for tb* bet- termeat of tM aervIcA

"Let these regular hlnU, aep i Itaoie and Nporta ot progreae go to u many ot the Ind lau u c u read them. Give the IntelllgeaC In d lau on tM raaervn- iloM a oMnea to khow whnt la tolag don* In tM ToooTVttlon world. (Hvu tham

- a cbaaco to cak* tM Inltlatlva to putting-) oonM of th* plan* Into ptnctloa. 1 t -

"I would Mva thla hultetln aavrica pro-, pared, oot hy any dork bound-by tb« " ' toullna of CM oftlcA aor by u ovar- worked commlxrioner, but by a penca trained to etfl material for tM algntn- cant and Intererilng g ra lu , aod to put thI* In elmpte readable form. 1 Would have a trained newepapet writer to ei- tablleh and maintain thte bulletla ear- vie* undar tM direct aupervialoa af) and with IM haarty oo-oparaUon oL IM buraau."

Olhar apoahara war* Fradarlck A. CUvelaoA Roban <}. VaJantlnA fonnar commlaalonar of Indian affalra. and Jewall D. Martin, -ouparvlaor Of lha Unitad Stata* Indian Sarvlea In eHkTg* of the Fort Belknap agancy a* Hartem, Uont.


PXTROORAD, Oct N.—Tha fOltawjng nnparial maalfaate h u baan laauad;

"W* htroby mak* known to all our loyal aubjacta that IM traaaon e t Bul­garia to iM Stov eau*A prapaiud with parfldy alnoa tto htglaBiag Cf tM w u , h u now, altkougk It i n m ad tmpeariUa, bacoma aa aeco^lahad fact. Buigaitoa Iroopa hava attackad our lognl glh , gfrvta. airtady hlwritag. In tM atruigM agalnat a riroagar attaaqr. ’

*Hu**la and th* grant powota euy nitia*. triad to dlaauads IM toronwaaBtnf Fardlwnd ot Caburg from taking |U* fatal Map. Tha raaitoatlen .of IM anclMtupltatloite ot th* B v litr paopla ragard-

UMxatlba of uiinidawto w uIng tM•aaund lo Bulgaria h r othar nwaiiA ta nooformlty wRh Slav IntoraatA hut na- darhand mrihoda promplad hy tha Gar- m*M and (ratrleMal h a tra l cf tao Bgf- v la u trtumphad.

"BnlgartA our oo-rallgfonlac, ttaaratod but 4 aliart Hue ago frcM tM Tuihlah yoka ky ,iM fratamal lev* a f tM Xua- atog a a o ^ openly took ridaa wUh IM aaamka of th* Chriritoh faith. Rlavtom aad RuariA TM Ruaalan paogla ragnad wtta Borraw ta* tragaon o t Butgaito, whtek WM aa aaat to if until iMoo laat faw dapA and, with bUadlag. M a rt R draw* -Ra aword agalnat bar, wgvtng lha fata of IM hounyar of tM^BIgv eguao ta tha jaM pumahnunt af (Md,"


ROHH (V|a PurW), Ort. Th* affl- rial atatunmit larited from gatMiut haad- qaartara aovaring IM a p a n tlo u a t yta- tarday laada: , ’ ^

■■■hppartad by artlllary (Ifa aor tatan- try took IM orragUva a t aavwgl potata •toM taa Tyrri^MnUM frontter wMh •oaridaanW* anooim , tu L a n r ta a Taltay wa t ll dplad BrantPklca.

"Oa ta* uppt* Oordavuta, hartaaaal a t ■amo (H HaiodL *ur troop* took tM bright known u Houal 11*1 and ta* ipur wldta daneanda tMrafram to «m right h u k af ta* te irw i M waan Baaaag* and Omaito. On th* jp paUt* M nk w* ***•- p M ta* a u ra wWta ran f tu a iM Oat gl

m i l u i P W R m

L t e U Uvlan.taTn ta* Italigraga a e u wa aiigiglMi l ta* aanqaaM alBam aM Slrto bp aggugy-

, l.*M Mat high,’’ ta la.—An affMnl') faagao~ I kafar* tag

i r atau* t k u tM rroal la *ati


BERLIN, O ct t* (by Jlralaa* to igy- vllte).—Genoral A taundo* ft, R. van Kluck, tha famona eommandar o t th* Garman flrat army In lha driva through Balglun and Franc* during Ih* mrly monlM o f iM war, who w u woundad by ahnpnal fir* on th* front In Frgne* laat Bpring, racrivad a eorraapon^ailt ot tha O varaau Naw* AgaacF In lha racant ealahratlea af ta* flttlath anal*veraary of IM gonaval'a a a tru a * tain

Ita.tha Garman army Mrvk "Aa Iba eorraapondanb w U paytop

hte raapaeta," way* tha tiawa aganay. "haarty congrAtUlattana w art earning) ta by mataangar* from ;all wvor tb a i amplrA A u ac to l ramambranoa tram Bmperor 'William to tha gauaral, whlta th* corraapondont w u ahnwn, w u a haautlful portrait of tha Kmparor," -

STOMACH TROUBIECDtetoltea hi l*(U*ty a macha&Mt pra«»

When then ara ■!«»** trarim* th*<*BBnally a weahna** af lha mtoriau apM which dlteattea ao largriy **ilB*x. To etn*Btb*a then* maacte* and. *v*raoni« ’ atemata traabtea oar dragslck Patty* Phoriaacy, Jak* R. Poaten Rtog 4 Beg*- ■ u On.. David dtravaa Sridter|Ong Ck. O. r Tampa!,' Okartia Wa*aatat gtataiyt rharaiacteA I* 0. H u a v -^ jta ra Phar-


i M V B i y uCi P N |M K i i f N l ■ M M iE D K I

J Q D a G

•Hcr. B. H Htoar aat D ru O*., gwarataa* vib*I_______ _ ____ _— — 1 a miM* a**-etcret raiwdy, whlta caatate* Iran.ta aurlfr and *•!(•)* taMMoad, th* modkliml <i- tn«tlv*e wl freak cod UvarA wlthoti ell. tag ta* aaarteUaa prop**tte> of k**l p ipteaA 1 at] cemMited to a dtUrinn utlv* Via*. If ye* a n tufteria* fnbi etamata t j > ^ H ) •rlS pay yea I* try H.—Advwth

i W ' B i q r l i a i ,I^lHIiU F^dnro,

n t * H t a * ¥ i i gdta n atawigaaHHtaaT w paaadl

H tb ■■ ---------------------


M i B i w n C M IrM Baai-CaUg.

la aat auaat* a**a, tto rir ctaar aad i t a w Mwhteft WUfta

Gri a

w«lwillS it a '^ f S T h

— .w T O a i

IpWlal gwvlrt af Ucw urruN . Pa., c

Banrp MaCrachan b dam Tot Lafayatt* a ta ta diaa to hold •ugnratloa w u mar of mahy lu d o r i in bu rin au world*. Ti •labwMA tM hold' g raaa and tM b«a>di Uowo af taarning ta glvtag ta Il'picturci

l a r u t P, Parda* Im tayalto truataoA tian t* 'ta * inaugu HaCMtakan. who wa Now Toilt Unlvan XlMrt H. Gary, pr* at diractora of tao Corporation, opeko

Ntaataw mom pf<a walks af kfa> recrivmIM u a rriaiA Of ta Naw < Jorooy rwlta CMBtaal. profaamir a t frtnaa toa Unlv Jo*tak Ray of B u t naar a f ta* L u k aw rocrivad th* dogro a u A gn* *hagd m u ta e ot |M Jagapa R o u Star* praalMnt o t Prti tam laary . wko roc dograa ef doctar ol

Oikor dagraao wiIowa!

Doctor cf l*t(ar Orwvd RrumMuga K rn u i Ooiirib glhl< foaaor of Latin In ally; BtMIbarl Du( 4*01 ol Wllaoa Co onoA Konry Pay.pradM ur o t a u l : MaaMchuaatt* InalRIcMtW u m * Pter p ra to a u r of raaaai VBlvartIty o t Pom

Daetwr of law, Pi FbUmdolphia. a lt Panuylvanla; Win niak, N. H.. auth> Cuylor. rblladalpl Hanry Gary, Naw Ih* U nltaf Staiaa Edward KMdar O N C, prtaldant o North ( to ro llu : Th Tork. arabltoct; alumhla> Ho., p r u l

of Hteiallya te k . ChIcagA pn n a tlo u ) Harvaata Mmckantte, Naw Ti Caltog* B u rd 0 C hareh ta thd umleg* OaWAM Oar Tork, aMhor aod of tM Ndw ' York pany. ‘

Tha e u d td a lta f to r of law s war* Bonaatt Xfag, Kaq faaaor Bdtatrd Ha aantad iM candM of doctor a t odor Baxtar Owan of Iho oaadldat*! toi to r of tettora


(CtaUBUcd ft

F. H aoday fbay otkar dodnral off!

(tomlng 1* anriv gouanwnant boat taga u Hr. Will raa«a|ly, '« M tak AR dnrlag tM act ity rad* a l ancht uaaw wf tM ahan

In.lM aprakara' Counoal Jams* R. Raymond and f Haam ilag, City C Ibald and Dr. CMi

Crowd Too L Among tho nui

moat program w* huC tha crowd ai thd gylator, Oaca t h ^ nat os t 4 ^ 1 * making a I dipped tea Boon dauand, and oan nat aalanlatad tendril la a m ft . araa, nnd Imhaddi ta IM mud. Ola pat*, w u nat bar

TM tug agrrylr offldlal* wa* pla *M eliy ky iM B iw ^nC Ctompan

> a trw t krUga a t •1* lunch cn bm h«aM tba CUtacgrrJa# ^ h a i t 1ta tM ac bite* 'u d jltaayi para ok* ta gn di atraai u d Bay a 'ta fh ’pu M iig art Ralltaad gtatlon M lnr* I PaiaaR

P raaM u l Fab Board of Warka dfflainl aaramani tatfadwaad Hap*

'h rU fly ftam a ataalad ta r th * g

JaaskB nwharg a f tto B. H Fdftar i f 1

I t w«a nt-M * CMh Utat IM ) M pitatem ailai^ N tw ark an qppw haa.M*h i"— *■ tag. 4 ■

IM dtato .Ohlat CngiBaarhaa Mah ta P wtak, afewt If J f t u kpBrtaHaw i

•autaalrp nf * e«t M Hr- V ikdM w«a a r*( taMwith ri&‘»sWM a aapy a t•an k la . angtaailaaat. iftaa HM*

" S L * r ! r i'g*A tan j» lj


w T * « :i _ plotutg •* tk* Hadsoa iwi


and W lBnai ■*S i T a a M M aftanMIlMXaad rtefA * InapactaW maddown Ig agrand '—

-o f Dr.■ ta r d 'M

* • .FM t.HatarlMMt r

a au m .ptaa* uHitaHi*a tlrsc tr------


aiaa• a I

PV' SVEND7G O C T O B B B 20. m s.


In iiD iy M C ili|i PriiMwl b PkifHci if NitiUii ■ BmA* ■ m i d B b c i t i i i r i W i i y i .

w p i j n a CAIT S SrCAKEK

terrific effect of a u jes* attack, IN CHAMPAGNE RECEKTLY DESCRIBED

•pirtal a»Tk* .1 Mr VIITf.•U T U K . Fa.. Oct. l».~I>r.

B a n F MeCracli.n toBay baaana pnal> dMM’ af L a fa jt t ta CoIUb#. toalaf fba Blatll 4taa t* k*l4 that tU la Tka tk> attgaradMi « aa marka4 by tb* pnaakca e( an k y laadan In tha U aeblaf and biiatnaai .wartda. Ttia caramaalaa warn ala^wnta. tka baldara at dactora' da* c raad aad tka baada nt vaflaui laatita- Uddd a< taaratnc In thair eolarad rabaa f i td d i to I l ’pictarcaauanaaa.

laraat P. Fardaa, c h a ltn aa at tka U tikyalta traataak praaidad. In addl* tla« to -th a Inaufarnl addnaa a t Dr. MaCnMkan. Tha waa loraaarly ayndlo a t Naw Tork ValvaraHy, farmar Jadca BIbarl Jl. Uary, praaManl a t tha board a t diraetara ^ tka Unitad m ataa dtaal Carparktion, apaka

Nlaatiak mtk. prominani in tha rarioua walka At Hla. racaivad honorary daaraaa at tka aoatalaaaL Of th u numbar law v a n Naw * Jaraay raoldanta^h'rank Hanry CdkaUnl. prafaaaor a t civil anplnaartnc a t f^ n a a lo a VTlvaTally. and Oaarpa Joaapk Ray a t Knot Oranpa. chlaf anpl- aaar a t tha Lackawanna Railroad, who raeaivad tha dapraa of doctor of ael- anck and John C. Bharp of BUlrato*n, baM aaaatar o t |ka Blair aaadamy, and Japapk Baaa dtavanaon a t FrlncaUn. praaidaot o( Prtncatan Thaolofical Baapinary, wko racaivad tka honorary daBToa a t doctor of law.

Baoam at B m artoanh Naoatad. M a r dacraaa ware awarded u lol-

lewa!Doctor of lattara. aovaroor Martin

tlrova Brambaudk of Fannaylvanla. Krnaai Ootialb lilhlar of Naw Tork, pro- foaaor of Latin In Now York Unlvar- olly; Bthalban Dodlay Warflald, prail- dant of Wllaon CoUaaOi doctor of act- ana« H tnry .Pay. Caaikrtdpo. Uaaa. i ir t f i—i r mmAlytfcAl chemlilry si »U M «liaM U i InvtKuta of Tochnolocjr. fUehard Wllla Flerca Jr., Pblladalphla. protbaaor of roaaarch madlclai at tka i'n lvarftty ot Fannaylvanla.

Doctor of law, Prancla dhank Brown, pkltadatpkia, attornay tanaral of Fannaylvanla: WInaton Charchlll, Cor- nlaK N. If., anthor: Thomaa PaW llt Caylar. rblladalphla. lawyer: Klbart Hanry 0 a r r , Naw York, chairman of tka Udftad Btaiaa Bual Corporation: •dw ard Klddor Orabaoi, Chapol Hill. N. O,. praatdant of tha Univaralty of North Ckrollaa: Tkomaa Haatinga Now York, arakitact: Albert Roar Kill Co- liimblai Ho„ praaldant of Iko llnivar- ally, of Ulaaowl: Cyrua Hall HoCor- ■ilak. CMcago. praaldant of iho Intor, ndllonal Harvaator Company: Bobart Mackanala, Naw Torh, aacratary of tka Callaca Board of tbo Praabytarlan Cbaick In tbd Unitad Biataa of Anar- Icdlt QpnraW' Oarrtaon VllUrd. Naw Tent, aMbor and Jodrimllit, praoMont of tba NdW 'York Bvanirc Foal Com­pany. ‘

Tba oandidaiaa for tbo dagraa of doc­to r of laand were proicnUd by Onvia Banaatt ICtng, Kao., of Naw Tork. Fro foaaor Bdwaird Hart of Latayatto pra aantad tbo candMalaa tor Iko dagraa of doctor of actonca and Dr. William Baxter Owen of L atay .tta prtaenlad the oandidaiaa for tha dagrea of doc­to r ot Mttora

THRONG VIEWS r. M E ^W WORK(Continued from Firil Page.)

(UalMd Pfdgg Btoff Cdt i MpaddoBf l. (CaByrigtit l l l f by Unitad Praadl* PARUl OdL td— In tbd mtddtd I t tbd

CiHunpdcna bnllM lald. « y flrat !» •I------ f— waa that JndgmaM Ody hadaawdi tbdl t had boon laft b ab M •• roam tka dtarwpud earth alddd.

Aa ta r aa tba aya contd oaa tbara W* dulaud aoa oast, pitiad waala of ebdlb, with eaaga of aanlhllatod tdradtt atWlIng BP. gannt and wUld and oov- arad with dual. • * •

Tbraa day* t waa parwiUtad U wad* dar orar tha gr>und raeanlly wad by tba rradch . T bad talbad ptavtdddlr with mawy offloara and man eaodard* Ing tbo dtfloaay of tba Pr«nah ahatl flro, bnt. daaplla what I had hltbarta obaarvad paraoaally. t was totally tor* prlaad by what t raw.

Oror tana of aquara mllaa practically no vadotailoo waa left. Bvan tka mk- Ula and m ta hnd not aaenpad. Almaat ktddAM akalU ware b«rlad la la jk la a n a In th n a days, digging plls from five to aavanly-rlva foot daap. tba Int* u r l ie la IM feat aerooa Aa n raanlt of Ibta coDoantrotad tlra. tha wbola oonnlry waa corarad w ith a wklia pow­der.

A ganarat told me tha Oarman troopa ware no damorallaad that drover of prlaonora Iho Fronch look wore rant to the roar without olhor oocori than a Mngla gold*; that many ware almaat Ib- aana far daya • • <

Thia man-made aarthquaka ahoari what la now nacaaaary If «n advance li to be made, w ithout tho airthqoaka tha advancing Infantry would be par- atyaad by tho Qorman guna formerly uaad agalnat tha Oallle forta aa lhaaa French aoldlar-clarki and farmer boya Btrugglad with lha enamy'a barbed wire dafanaoi.

The (larmana had woven entire for- aata with thIa harh td wire, under cover of whiah they had dug tranchaa wblah algaaggad eight feat daap along thair entire llna Tka Don! w*a anpporlad by a m nllltada of machine guna and many four-inch alool tu rra li with ro-

volwtBB MBd »« d d raM ^ dartad- dad la tba crotind. Thasa hsU aaah afifty-milfmafdr rnpld-lffd au n M ana ta aifTt It tbraa ana. wba. tba m oeb■ay, ward Idekad In, __, . _

I BdiddBdIly InnpdBtdd a odptdt^ Wn rat, tho doora of whtob word fdSlanod with ehnina otitslda. Tbd “*•elarad that tbraa nnwodndad bdl un- fiaiiaalnni Ootmana wars fauad Inalda.

TfiU waa what tha rrmicb bat ta goTba gonaral oommandlng tba Branch

Potu-lh Army told.m a ibnt •• maatba ta prepaid hla Jli"tnaha Ms oanatrwalad nbaat Id* kU- am alan o t naw traaekaa. asms wida OMagh for iwa horaaa to. p M Jnd many naw rdllrondd and dirt

Tba ballla, wbicb taok twa montha to propom was praellenlly war In ima day aa auboaqoant fighting waa really a wttllag dawn prooaan Local a(* Ucka and eotmtor attdobo nra ailll oeeorrlng, bnt tbo original rooult baa not bnan motartaBy ckiagai. * * *

Alt iuti* ftV* ot■rarranca. but uanaUy raoall In lha In- vadara' ratnm to hla own llnaa, ax ho baa more Important work to do than to bring down an aMmy aviator.

Tba rat-t*-tat*lat of maoMna guna, exchanging oourtaaica In tha clouda, wlna only o paaaing glance, but tvei^ littia while one la daafanad by tha paniamoolum of ohtl-oircreft battarloa driving off InqnloUlva oerUl anamtea. Tbo eoaablnad oeraom of (bo i b ^ la aboolutaly eyolanie, tbo eeunllaaa flacka of amoko glvlog lha Improeeian (bat tha akr kaa baokan out with a. wMla m * . * * *My paraonal Improaslo* le (hat tha Una will atleh about where 11 la all wtplar aa Indicated by Ihe atalrmanl of tha ganaml I talked wllb to lha affect that much preparation la naeaooory to acoro an advance ander praaant coodltlona. One, there fora, la Inevtiably lad to aak the queailon: "When will Ihe war and?"


R f i - T i i r B t U i f f r i p M IN' ctiw 16 S^irfilhlen ad

l O O J d m t .COST TO BE O fE i $500,000,000

WABHlNaTOH, 0 ^ »*—Tha con- MDHtlon of 111 didld warahtpa duDnf the ooxi five yowd Id lha handing pro­gram af Bacratary of Nary Dantala, aa announced hare laxt night. The plan ambtdcee tba axpandltare of t lc l .l tL - 114 for conatmatton « t veeaetp evlatloo and raaarva of m unltldna Ae thia will ba In addtttod to tha annual approprla- llmi of mora than IlM.Mt,**# for tho malntenanoa of tko navy, It la apparant that tka plana of tka admialairatlon call for an n g g rtaa ia oinondltura of mora than ILdtKI.dOt.ltO In tha neat Dva yaara.

Fraaldaat Wllaon will urge Congraa# to adopt tba ftva-year program ot naval Incrtaao racommemlad by Bacratary Danlale. Hare are (he naw unita which II la propoaad to add to lha navy during that partod:


Hatowith la aboum In grM bla * « "•gmm of gaoraUry DanMIa fi to wdrb odt. Tho la b ^ w la tortb M btimbor

voaoola o t tbo dltforoot alaamoubt of moooy t« bo axpaadad on each aloan

Ul*. l* tt .

to bo eonatm eUd aaeb ytdr, also tha

Draadnonghta: Battle eru bare; ■ooutaralaera:


I t l l .IU.1M,I

17. 'l l . '19. '19 ' l l T t.1 I 1 1 1 19t 1 1 1 9t 1 1 1 1 I t

16 U 6 19 19 696 4 1 I 1 I t

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16 J 1

' 991 1

S6 14 17 » 14 H I

( 1 )ttl,lll.H «



C a « l w b m . r 1 n . a ; ^ , ^

Onabaau: : ^H aapltal-M p.:Ammnaltlon abipa;

Pualall ahlpa:

|tL H * ,a ta gn^^M,d«g‘ ------- nT|lW .M d



( i» > ^tlt.*M,M«


htlt,«M ,daa|ia.\M:d«d

(I)(I I )

td .n t.ia a

MT,l i i i i t u d


iiy S ^ A M/ / / / /

liW i lu .ividd

■ ( i i ' " <t>..................................... |T IM « ll.lH A d*

•T0M«h .............Repair ablp: ................................................................................ |l.tii,add

TotaJa..........|IT .til.M « ll4 .tn .T W IH.TIT.lM lU .llM IT IW V fW mIp addllloB. ni.IW.llT la to bo axpandod In HIT and |M.14f.Md U 1111

for iba eomplation ol raaaala already authorlxad.Tba tiva-yaar plan call* for tb a fallowing additional axpaadlttirdf: i Aviation.

HIT Hti. nit- n>* nil.i t tM i iw ti.«W.4D« n,ddd.ddd H.M0.M4 Ii.a4a.d«t* • Rooorva H uallloni. . .

If.«««.<! w M.wc.Md ii.coa.iw n.tdd.«ddTho total of tha flva-yaor navy program by yaara la iharWara aa fol-

lowo' Tear 1»IT. IH.ITi.tlT; l l f i , l?V»,4tl.TM: HH. 4M.T«T.IM: WM.It lltM IT r itt l. «n4.T4t.Tie. Oranii toMl. I«I.4II,III. p



gywMl Srrrlef af (hr XgWI.LINDEN, Oet. 29.—Borough RacorWr

Hanry Bundy tcid Daniel Halan of Da Wilt atrael Monday that ha waa going to fine him for having fnllad to aand hla etx-yaar-»ld danghlar, Charl^ta Halari. la aehool Thia morning Ba- cordar Bundy told Malara thnt only the fact that lialara waa poor pravaatad him from fining him for having aani Charlotte W achodi

Monday the rocordor poatpoood the caao until today, aaying thnt lf Molora could produce a doclor'e eartlfloaU made before a notary public to the affaei that lha child bad bean HI. be would Toduco the nna, which ho franhly told Malori he would have to pay. At that tlmo ho eald: "You have brobanthe law and you ahall bo fined.”

Tbia morning Bacordar Bundy opened court by reading from boginning to and ovary paragraph, oantanca, c la u ^ phraaa. word eud puBOtuatlod mark of the eompulaory education law. Ha raad It from a ahaopakln volume and can- aumad twanty-Hva mlautaa ID doing It. Tha twenty poraona In the court room wondarod w hat tba Idea waa.

Whan tba aigbly-fiva-yaar-old In- eumbem of tha poHoa magiatyala'a po­ll t Ion of tb li place cloaod tba cavara of the legal Irantlaa bo annwnoad a declilon which waa aubxtantlally aa IW-

lowa: T hat lha law required children balwean Iba agea of aavan and alilaan to allond aehool: that Charlotte Malera was Dot yet aavan yaara of ago, and that, tbarafora, aho ahauld net be In achooL and bar father had broken the law by aandlng her.

"And the Board of Education ahould he conaurad for perm itting I t" Recorder Bundy oald. "not only by me hut by ell the paopio of the borough," That wee for the banafll of the apactatara To Hoisra ha oald; "Ton have broban the law by nonding your child to aehool, but you are a poor man and lharafore I will not fine you. Th* only thing for mo to do lo to dlamiaa tho cano."

Mr. Bundy aald ba would aond to tha Board of Edaeatlon a bill for tho coats of court—11.11.

iBcldontatly. Borough Marabal gabaa- tlan P a tm a who la about sixty years old. got Into troobla hlmaalt yaalarday. Tho borough la going to Inaull eolls In tho borough ball la Wood avonua. Ta Inapact lha calla praalded over by th# LlnAan TownaMp police. Patrua want lo the town h a lt alao In Wood aronaa and about a bait mllo froan lha borough ball. Ha want Into n eall and whan ha wanted to get out found ho couldn't. Tha lock had snapped. Abdul twenty mlnulaa later Patm a waa freed by gar- geant Pick la of tha township potlea.

Baulaablpa.........HalUa crulaara . , . Rcout cmlaara.. . .Dastroyam ..........Flaot aubmarinaa. Coast aubmarinaa.U un b o a ta ..............Hospital ahip.......Ammunition ahlpa Fuel oil ah lp a .. . , Repair ahIp..........

T o ta l............To Enaaorow* .kavol MIIMta.

Tha amount to ba apant for conetroo- tlon of theeo now voaaola during the tleral years HIT, HH. HH, H l« and 1*21 will he $4II.»44,0IT. In addition It will bo noroaaary to apond during tha neat two y ean |4I,1II,I*T for lha com­pletion of new naval unite authorlaad In tha last (wo yaara and which are now althor under conalructlon or Juat about lo ba atartad.

Tha grand total to ba apant on Iho Increase of lha navy In tha n a il five y ean will be aa foUowi:Ker H i naw ahlpa .............1411*44.917For continuing ahlpa already

Buihorlaad ..................For aviation......... . 9.999.990For naorve auppty of muni­

tion! .................................... 16,009,099

armor-ploroing ahalla, as wall aa amat- lar projaclllaa The time has coma for tha navy la build an armoe-plala (aa-tory ot Its own.

■an Fraoldsnt Clavalaod'a last admlB- latratlnn gscretary Harbor! rocornmoM- od the couatrncilng of an anoor-plala factory, hut no action waa Ishan. A* the naval appropriation net approvad June T, 19M, tha sum of I4,9a9.00a waa approprlalod for Tactory for tha maou- faclura of armor,' bnt tba act declared that lha Borratary a t tha Navy need BOI build tha factory. >rovldod aoch contracta can ba made at a price which In hla judgment la raaaooabla and equllabla.' Tha Saeratary docM- aO lha price of farad waa raaaonabla. aqaltabla and no factory was hwllt. Tha prl^a of armor-plate In 1999 waa I J I i par ton. It jumped In H9T to • 419 a ten and cantlnaod to soar. I f Iho faclery had hoan built In HOT, aa Congnaa autborlaed, tha govanttnant would have aavsd enough ou armor plate to pay for tho plant many timas over." Raeratary Daniels pointed o u t

Broadway and Columbua avamas, whore sorvtcoa wilt bo bald it 1:19 o'aleek.

law. Nathaa A Saagla, ri9bir af Iho chutek will orilclata, aialalad by Dr. Oroaat sad than lha fanarat Mfty wU praraad la lha Oread Caotral BtaUa^ ba dapart oa tha 19:19 a'daab Ifala far Hait- fbid. Cbaa., wham Mr. Oraavaa wlU ba buriad la lha family plot Dr. Oiuaa wUl eoaduct aanrteaa at Iba grava


To oeltbrtto tin bigiiUMBg of onr gightli ygar in N m rlil VO will preggat to you OM of our 50-cgnt Lotthor Ert|}lM Puuotte ifld CiMOgo Holdm.

Tbit it iatm ded M t oon* pliiBonttry offor, M d « • olin* ply g ik that you Bid! tho nbovg coupon with yoor •nd tddrtM .

Thii offer ii limitod o a th tly to e y e g itu vearort.

6 8 3 BROAD S tree t(Hoet *a DavM Og.>

O w S t o t s flnSk OcM ydLoM iA '

Ox N. T. 9 to n » -l KlfM. S lM

.1691 491114 616.999.999

Itoo wara arraagad for by ChUf of Po­lice Loag. A squad of moMotod men uo- ^ C ^ a Jaama A. McRan waa at- i g n a H duty at tha tarmlaal alaag with a BunUtar of potrotmao. f*-lalla of dalaetlvra ware provMad for the trolna aad hoaU going ***,“ *, • " ^ * ^ ^ CaptalB Coaaoll of lha datacUva huiaau.


r . Maaday . fhay wara aceompanlad by othar fa#aral offldola

Omnlng to anchor Ri lha channel, lha gouammpnt boat swung at her moer- tags as H r.' Wlltpaan, la hla official rapsatly, ~orsa takso eahara la tba gig. AB doriag t%i ccraiBonlas lha Neutral­ity rode at anchor within haling dla- taaao a t tko ahora.

Iit.lha apaakara' stand sat former City Counoal Jamea It. Nugent, with Mayor Raygeond and former Mayor Jacob Kaaasilag, City Clark Alexander Arch­ibald And Dr. Charles F. Kraamar.

Crowd Tea la te to boo PHgM. Among the numbers on tho imuaa-

meat program wee an laroplana tUgbL baC.tha crowd arrived too lata to eae tkd'gylalor, Oscar B. Otosa, do aomo- t k ^ aat aa tha official program. WMm making a trial fllgbt a t noon he dippail tae oopa aa ha was abaiit ta daaaaad, and cams dawn with a apaid sa t aalanlatad spaa. • TSa maahipa laadad la a awft Spot aulaMa lha tUM arsa, aad Imhaddaa ttasif savaral iaehaa Is lha mud. Olaaa, who ainck la hla ■Oil, wax sot kart, aad lha machlaa asl iaaiagad.

Tha lag agrrylng tba Mayor and ether ' offlalals waa placed a t lha dlapoaal ot I tha ellF bp tba F. Ballsailna B goo

Bra^dng Oampaay, and left lha Canter i atraat hrMgs a t 1 e’elacfc. Tha party

ala lunch aa board. Two othor amsil I, haiddl tho CUahflh and tba lODannau

c a iiM paaaaagari froai Cammassisl W han ta tha aeaaa. PrtvaU auloma* hllaa and Jttaays wara used h r many p trgistH ta ga dawn by way of Beuth ■troal and a a r avansa. Tha flrat trsla w1fh*paaB9ngara iatt Iba Jaraay Caatra) .Italliaad tlacloa In Broad itrsal ahorily bofara I Vaiaak.

p r a M ta l Patrick ■. Ryak a t tha Board of W orks was ckalrmsn of tka affM al atramoalaa « i tka grosad. Ha latfwdaaad Mapar Raymand, who ■paka

^briaflF fiaa i a ataad th a t had baaa aractsd fa r th o purp aa i . O ther apMk •p lha program wara farm er Mayor Ja tph H i i r f i g Praaidaot Angaataa T. ■am horg a f tha Board af Trade and ST b . M tta r i f lha Traffic qah ,'

a t'M b11OMh that

raqsaat of lha ttaW e Mayor act apart today

............................ Pth^'^roelaml%*oi^ U glya tim eltii Movark aa gpportunliy to haohaan daaa la tha way af aatahlM- lag, A tarmtaal with » “t a i ^ r a MddJUta Tha hoard has oo-oparaM withtha ,alah> Pram tba offioa ol A p i^ M t f Bnglnaar Jamas C has baaa IB oharga « waffe, ghaatliagsgaftatl" tiehaia wara glatrlbatad.

fagpaaj Oallaga 0**» Meadeim oggMmirg of lha accaalon, wars gtvaa

* e o l lW »f- Hallaok'9 ataff. thaaa awa a report mada *7Moiiap kaa baaa waot. In *i£5**'

£'waa a dtpY * »••• *®*1*'^^Raahla. oagtaaar a f tha aawar7 tha muaaa ocaaaiansllr.

U of "Mhadalay I Mawark Bay.

Y A O T m n a M A x m R E F O n i D i iS H O I E i l S O V n

COTB BLANCHE. La ! OcL 19—The power yachL Two BUtatb. wkloh Is aald to hove doarad from Oalvastoa for Havana early in gaptambar with a Oar- nun craw aboard. Is aihora on Iba acasi aouthaaat a f th is pUcs. according t« tisham an arriv ing hare today. They rapsrtad that three paraona, whom they (M crtad wara Oarmani. aealttad by aavami natlvaa. wara bually calking the hull of tbo yacht. Tha yacht was driven on lha beach during tha recant hurricane. It waa aalA According to tha llibarmon, tha captain and Ihraa mambsra of tko crow left tha vaasat abartly aDar It want Sahara and have Bot ralum ad ntaca.

Nona a f the tiaharman could say whstbar Iba yacht bad a gun aboard, but they daclarod It carried prevlatana to iuppir tha amaU craw Itw aavaralm aniha _ *Brillah eganta raasolty rapartad It waa ballavad aavaral yaobtt wara be­ing m tad out lo CaMlornla watara and an the AUautlo C aaat to bo maaoad by Oarman craatA ta attack Unk ehlpa tranapertinc lual all from Mexico lor tho Britlah aavy.


NABHUA, H. n ., oak M .-Jam aa gUvana, who waa aaaanlud aa ba waa tearing iM mill of tba Jaakaan Cattoa ghaating MAaafadUring Company Uat plgH , Aad today a t B t Joo jjb e n iu i. Thia v a a tha first death aa a r«* ; i u af tha a trtha of l.aa t mill op- srattvas In th is city. Adam dhapIrowM arraatad by tka pallOA mardar. Ha WM arraigaad la pallaa

Dtniala of W Bowara atmak who waa atiaakad a t tha time titv am ^ . ! X m a r M la tbd haapltal toKar* lag tram aavsro bmlaas.

q w p a ra itv a g a la r pravaliad tit tha ■trika wAa tadaf, w hijh waa g a a r itd by a baavp palica 4MalL

Tba tr ia l of MX a tr tk a n a n u M aa a raaslt Of J l o a d ^ a fla t procaadal stowty bafara Aadga Claaey.

lu n a ia . ongiwaur *

“•fissyr^ss:"-i i naiM^

atatea that the ora ateamar Scotia whan pursued by o aubmaiioa, aignallad a Eap- pellA which dropped bomba upon Ihi aobinarina, forcing It to flia.^

w n n o v n D A iio n E X T U E H R O l H n T O J J I P U

TOKIO, OcL 19.—Tba matody of Olga Bllla the young daughter af Ur. and Mra. John EilU. of Uaaaaehuaalu wan awarded to tha molhar today by tha dtatrlct court. Mr, Ellta appeared In court le oppeoa bm WlfFs uppItM; lion*

Tbs attempt of Mrs. Bills to ohUIn custody of her daughter began aevarel raara ago In Hassachueaus. She use awarded custody of the child, but he- fnre tha dacrea cjuld ho enforced Mr Ellla took hie daughter to Japan. An attempt to tacure hit axtradllhm tatlad and Hr*. Ellla luen went lo Japan and began procaadinga In the JapcncM court** th* M**M’ehu**tt* d*CTt* In *vld*nc# of htr ritlil.


WAgBINOTOM. Oct. 19—Dr. David ■tarr Jordan. preNdant of Laland Stan­ford UttlverMty. wtU laa Praaldest Wllaon Norunebar I t, U> praaant to him resolu­tions adoptad raoantly a! lha Istamatlooal Faacs Coogram In San rtanolaeo. urging that a cosfaranoa of nautrate ba called to attem pt to and tha European war.

Ta sfmUar propoaali tha Fraaldant hke axpresaad tho baUaf that tha tlina was not ausplcloua for making furtbar peace pto-

Total for Incraaea.........For upkeep of tha navy..

Total for five yaara....... |1 .917,411111Of this grand lolal, tha official aa-

timerea for lha navy, approvad by tha FreildanL eall for tha approprlallon ol 1117.46117111 at the coming saaalon of Conereae. This would ba an Incraasa of fe7.»t9,10(.44 over laa! yaar'a appro­priation, which amounlad to 6149,691.- 144.1*. Under this racbmraandatlon tha ■ mount to ba appropriated at tiH com­ing f'ongraiatonal aaealon for new naval conitrurtlon. Including 11.999,099 tor incrcaeing tha raaarva ^ munltlona and H.DitMOd tor arlatlen. la l l l . l l l - 117, of which t67.9U.999 ta tor naw con- ttructlnn which will ba racomnandad during tha coming Congraaa and 116.- 141,117 for continuing tha program of nan conalructlon which waa authorlead by the Mixty-third Congress.

Ptve-Vawr Orood TotoL "In addition to the regular naw con-

■tructlon." Mr. Danlale elated. "I am ashing for a aaparata appropriation of I1IU.9O0 for the purcbaia and rapair of ahlpa for Ids naval militia of tlllnola and Minnesota. In both of thee* atatea tho naval militia la well organliad, and Ita efficiency depende In each etet* upon aeeurtng a proper ship for tbetr crulilng and practicing. After coneultatlon with the Ooveruor* end nffloere of the neval militia In the*# atatea, I have made rec- ommendattona, which, It la believed, will give thaaa two atatea ahip* of a aultabla character. I have In proepact tha larger utilisation cf tha older class ot battle- ■tilpa for the naval militia organlaa- tlona of the atatea on tha aascoaiL

"I have alao racommended an Increaaa In tSa atiprArrlatloa tof naval mlKtla

t a a a whgla of Th* naval militia haa made great alrldca thia year, and It la tba policy of the department to do everything In Ita power to Increai* tha efficiency of tho officere end men therein enrolled, who would nuke en excellent reecrve in lime of need.

"in order to provide a eufficlent num­ber of men to man Ihe large number of ahipe of the navy which will be commle- Moned In Ihe near future, I have rec- ommended «n Increaie of 7,609 aallora, 1,690 apprentice oeemen and 1.600 marinas, or 11,690 men In all. This num­ber. It la esiinmted, will enable ua to heap In full comm ^lon all battltihlps under fiftwan yoari of age. all deatroyeri and aubmarinaa under iwalva yeara old. ono-half Ibo number ot cruloere, all Ihe gunboata and the necosaary auilllartea tor the naei. aa well aa to provide ade­quate rasarve complementa tor tha re­maining vessels of mllltarr value and tor th* shore atMloiu, all of which ac- corda with recomiaantoUona of the gen- aral board."



rabals coallnua to lay down thatr arms aesordlng to advloae racaivad hy tha Navy Dagartmant today. At Oranda Hlvara yaotorday tha American marinai teak fourtaaa riflaa and four small oannoii. Twonty-taur riftaa ware taken at Quarlarmarln.

FHILADBLFBtA, pcL H— Tba Unlt- ■4 Btataa trAMBort Pralria left tha niladalpbta Navy Tard today haavtly laden ertlh nnppitan. Bha will atop at Mavlelh for aavaral days and than pra- o M to Haytl, H waa said, with menay aad luppUia far lha American forced aUllaaad In that eanntry.


RALBiaH. N. C,. Oct. 1 9 .-A big gov. sram ant armor plate p lant and prolac- tile factory era propoaad In the navy's national defanaa program, Bacratary of tba Navy Panlala announoad hare to­day In 0 apeach a t the Biata Fair. He gave further detail* of till plan made public a t Washington. He olae urged paaaaga of tba govarnmant ahip pur- chaaa bill to provide naval auxiliary ■hip* and tha uaa aad axteaslon ot gov. ammani n av y ‘ yard# to manufacture war munltlona

"If my racommandatlon'a are ap­proved," aald Bacratary Daniels, “the govarnmant will ba free to make a targ* part o t Ita own munltlona If private conearna charge aacaealva prices Wa will erect a large faclnry. which wilt turn out lourt**n-lnch

NEW TORK. Oct, 19.—Tha funeral of Arthur araavaa dty editor of Tha Ttmaa, who died yuatorday morning a t bio boeoa, 119 West 197th atreot, will taka ptaco to­morrow. Rev Pt, John C, Oraon of tha First CongngotloaBl Churoh of Far Roch- ewty, a friaod of the family, will doUvar a prayer a t tba Oraavaa honta, aad than tha body wUI ba Uken to BL Btaphan'a l-hnrch. In gtxly-nlnth atrari. batwaan


Manufacturer To YouA t Strictiy

W h oleu le Price*

SpecittThiaiidBy iBd Friday

WKite Fox Scarfs 15.75New anim al model.

Bhw Fox Sets 67,50BlA n*w modclAr

CroBB Fox Sets 75,00FInoat Canadian paKa

HudBon Seal Coats 125.00Collar, cugs and border of aSunk

For TrimmittgB in tU widths.

E xcep tion al opportanitie* here $30oj(N)t sto ck to select from

A. RatkowskyManufmeturmg FurriBr

32 & 3 4 W est 34tk S t . N. Y.

T a k e E l e v a t o r


FIftjr-two acrea of land, suitable for factory attca, aitiiated within om and one-hiilf ndlM of Broad and Mar* ket itreda, adjoininf one mile of Le­high VaUnr and P. R. R, tracka, with the CantrarR. R. but i ycit short dia-

Thia urut>erly wOl be leased in whole or bi ^ for about one-half whit the diy of Newark It aaldiif for land in Ha new meadow deTehqunait, whkh la about two mlleo fiprther away from the diy center.

This property magr aho be pur­chased on eaar tmns at about half of what the dty vahiea their pew meadow development land. City water, gaa, electric tight ,iand eonveniont street fidlities.

For furtiier»particulars, map, etc., apply to Owner,


M c G R E Q O R & C O „6 8 0 B road 8t» Nowark, N. S.

j r u i u l i

RAYMOND’SPectoralP laster



t a M Aeeke alema tae aay.** wraiTliKi. Raahta. « m alan dstw

wNk |B

______ _____ adtivay |*B WIBillVB *W>9«t IBBI

*'%Marbaat rasas e w s W!r:2}»9Mkfdd, g«‘'asrnB>dsn fUsht and. ■uwa*

dAIMttdSd qrnidhad ddHWMtl

**Ths*Si2ffi« ciuii •*"■Mltta*. Wdnrllif W*i rUthaWL. t* MM e n ra V liia^ s lta fs and n asuad ^ M lM nilMf ACtlns UW099W J^ahs B.£ r j a s c . s a q : “ “ ^

s a c A ' S . s r s i S s q :i r . imIUl: aaeoiM vM» pN9'

_ mm A.'WhJtaseinMrr. 1. 1-toiaiaM Ri *IM wy. y._J.,<iwiBWiy;

t i | | i i <Br, , Ii. J< * W «r i fhiUf-I h S o i ^ ad Bd-ima^ *- Tw>*

«kb will bMBtn Bt «

o o M i u M i o M i a n a i D o m M i N i a a R i a n M

NRW HAVEN. 09_VCaonefl of CoagragatMaml C h u n ^ trillbactn *t» farw 5ial bMnnIal 9 9 ^ h mIhlf afternoon with Bar. Cbfilim K. Bmwm hand ad tka B cM of BMBtan, YgM, and madaiwlM of Dm aaMMlI. Mw sMtog. CMtiHril asMlMw wUl ba haU anahday for a w aA , ^ .iMvainl hundrod daMBi^ilnmgRwmsrrivad, and A apaeW Wshi today biwiffil um Fsclfla eSMM ^tasnUM SMW ^

BiMdirtty nd Xnnann <Wy.

M R l V t i a U U ) I . M M . - « C B O U H D i T e p n r a

CAMBRUXIB. Oot. I9,i*-Tha IdtIR ABtYdftNW?,** ***** .***1 **BMhdWt *tonr *>»••* ■•*** T a a n M m tha Mu*- *** ••Hbraiad ban taday. ViiBar tha nnotloaa af tha Cksahridta Slitartini fBoffiy- * ,? • •*

MlhltlM was nsanar tn ^Y iSStT Y S n ^ i Uhrtry («l HarvsidI Cslvtr'

S* Altman & CHu*p

FIFTH A V E N U E -M A D ISO N A V E N U E , N E W YORK T h lr ty - te u r th S tr e e t T h h ty . lK t h S tr e e t

n s s i u o A U i u m K r a iB O M M M M in B U LJjM II

fb tr o o r jir YM tdMijih 0»t *»■- Tha tm m rn OtlMWJ B i* A . fay tha onrly ll |B | W .lB PR , af l6MM»9t.iBB. Tha l i l i M rate ho nvt an* Mdihalf furr oas* Tha i mW fwn far h »h*n t#**.

IAL1V- “-v

* Fyr Department ^Third pioor)

Art . Important Sale of Persian Lamb Coats Is /Rbw in’progress

From a collection of exceptionally fine Persian Lamb Skins * germeiita will be m a ^ to order from Individual measurements, '’from advance models and at the following remarkable prices

(considering quality) s , ^Persian iStiib Coats. lnS6*and dO*lnch lengths, plain, or with

Skunk ^tlar - a ■ $I50*(M): f Persian L a i^ Coats, In 4S-lnch length, plain, prwlttt Skunk "iwttar, cufh and fur-bordered skirt *t $225*00

' A a tv e r e llle d a M o r tm e n t o f S k la s a n d C o a l U n l o g f h a* b e a u a w a n g ^fo r In d iv id u a l a e la c t lo n .

Thia Is Edison Week

YouAro Invited to the Dolly Afternoon Mid Evening Concerts

The Doors Are Open

You are invited to visit and I n s p e c t t h e n e w M u i l c H t l l o f


It is one of the show place* of Newark.

In your own city you can hoar your favorite records played by any one of the sev­eral models of

The Edison Phonograph

Plan your shopping trip so as to attend daily concerts.


1 iSfi

Regular inspection and c*re goes with every Edison Phonograph bought from us.

The Edison ShopFtaenoBfipb Salat C*., Pf*pri*ft>r. •61 Efetd SIrcel, Ktwirk. N. J.

'Phoiid Mdrk«i 3136.

■A.'., TRIUMPH OF SHULL(CaayrlBhtad) *-• . m

JS't.!? i T»iai.5S.fS3S‘ a w

WOObBlBT DBHTAL OWOMffUBBiftiBffvt ddtf B tU m atm f r t t

M S l t M l T | l l l l . e . $ 4 . 0 0 •ukPirT N lk A m WHi.

' • i • e »i..

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___ , __ kip4Mft M. M mt,7m 4 9 . j.. «■ n w i -

lll e’eteeh. IftUriMftt *1M»«r t m ftfti lift* O M m


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I m m ktta^tU rn tmIv 9MPNRMftft9 fwfl'


'w x n t i f m c GOODS

mi 3 i ? i i r . i r « iy

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O U l E T E i n S

• ^ : . K ! : T « . ' r s * * a i j a r ’Uw iMMtt *•(■: fiw* t ••■Ui: "ccwi-Mr, m i*n w

IM n^aMljr


^ A f S s s . . ^ t b U “ S " JM«T aiM ElAITN CPHSTBII'

primKUM. M. 1.. •■ iHilkr itM kivHa jtatnrii M4 h w k i ftiMI I* *U 'i_l>«r'

n) CM (n«: kiM of few frc»M. «p. itm im pMPilc.

m u M Ot* <

r& ltSO N A LTO WHOK II- HAT c o K e m a t—I. m*

■M M lfM l, 'M life ariu m i « llk Aid•A n t4 Add hAH k^WAlV A '*** l* l AMTlA ■<•»-

r it h r aaiaa. Ii I a< caah u mt aaaIaa aI A«nkw At lATfA HIIa a m AthAT ddku AAAMKtAd kr M kif*. MdkA) J. HaIIaa.

AUfcAM Air kMAiHl«A AT AAAAAAI. PTAAI tUAI M I A'lll AM kc ru pi ApkH fAA A«r cfAdH‘------ ------------- JAMM

1., Mir.r M * s * T 2« i { i . - f . f J c s r -OSgftif Ik l l tk ____A. r . LA N O aum kmm m M root Mifttft

• M l . 114 6 m m ftH.. kfts doM for Mr. Aa ■rvooTi OMfvMttMrt «ktf« At AM CtbitoA

Km Ii.■fftM l

i i L p V A i i n f t - j n n

A o u m MAMd M aM I'IM aIa Nr mama. Iaai lAAAAMlba AAkW

AAlr. JMVKIM; 111 IpMACftAM a n .


AUTOIUi iLn « aaM . rtrM.AlM aUk rrd- ANaca. LANDV lArBAA, AMaa M.. aat.

MAAAlllAld AAA ___AimiMONI

AAkAT. MHdr I. NtWA aCIIAA.A V T oC uilL l

M dkAf aM iA d . a i m IaaM .id r AWA. A d irw NMlIikiA > «

AAAI AMtr. II*aaM i AAlr« I riM At

AAlr nrM.clAAa kAlp


lAAlfU Akd Prldar *r**lAN.s o r rrtalAd lA IkA aMIca a tarpA Maa**

a la wall ada- AAlAd aaT fcAA j M M l AokAAl AnfarrAdJ

h r AdAAAAAAHAl ; «A dH HlAMAftaC

I aaT If . * : ; L r * s . I . M . k .M i.m i., .Baa I t , Nava aWIa*.

raa tn aAla Aad t*Ara AkAMA (AT AAIWUAM

M k ar lA t kMaAAAi

r UHA fca AAAA l i rV U S r f i a t ^ C • CAAAkkAll I

lir. AAd Mn.Ariac Akr aIaIam

Idjr IN MAI kUlAI CItAIN CItAtaa Aia.

A ar aAdllAAA___ AAld AddrAAAAAit nvA d*r* lA

H NICMOLA* J. ■UmoH l a aIaMa AidaM urn aaMWMIa

AAAAaiAllAII. AAIAA ntU ka AAIA pi baa AA NAVAiBkAr I,

s n r r * *

ftfiirnttlfttlMlAto «U rtffeL

•sooM O ta l u m - n v a M

A N H lIra a <AMAld mat* l a i r ■a NIIBAA BAaAAMAK WA_l ANMAA I

I lAiAAl Akada a*Alt T „ ^ ; ; ■__kair lA M d la a a ta n l

..... ........... UACUjr AA lA IAlt PariAll hair !• OM

AMck IkA ZauiAAB,All Fanah ___________________hara aalMad ta da « ltb ika ikaap, n aan S a d kdfflkAt I* n i i tlAd taa aw tk a t Tai jaiAAN «A Ubmai dItAM, M f f titm Nr

Ika Ai lirtiAklA ■radaa.M aott d n V ic B ., ihaiBMAlat, llAlr-draAMAAtrarlAdj l kAiaAf AlAd. I - - ..

^ M i i j g d N I fuiaAaa, Marerl Wa<. adkdrt ^OpAfAiAra CNIi


MM dWAAiai^gtelr

• n Bria l a


MbM alAa. Ap-ifrMlA Ua*

irMr AABlItr dadta IaA ----------


' m t

« . w. r a n x m , r . id

V Y t o a i r i d ' i N iwaaMHAte taalltdiAifillA iA At. ■ait on

aad AldAtrlAal tra a tm a l -----I'a Maaaaaa a M

Otdapit i*H Oraa«a

s r v

l, i | I i r i t r At Ika ■AANd

A M y t l U n H A H

M n s J f i f .- j a r a t M Waidraa, a tAA Tharadar, o m i t r

Mma aad ttN ada ara

C A S D O P n A N U

tfftotooo bnr ftftft


O l M l T A U I t

adtkArXaa«nfallT Uaad . . . aaldMa laaa an an ta - WMg. DtoivlHi, HrneifU* MMn, M tm «fti ttoft*


z v m s j S : - ^ 111, ‘

i a t % r n d N a

m c ltO M D in ■ n i r a a a ^ N r i

ar HKMOUnir tM iaaa l OraapA ara,. aiar iBAAdaAi

i*T% M 7\ lAA tdk iM a a All d n

* u

BpT la aara la Jawalrr NMtrri PaM A a wuriAp and a ^ i t a a r ; B M akNC

B S ^ i hara tiada. Tka K lU D i Otk.

■Of N laara aka* baMaaM. II W i t aalpkt ^ 1 ta M MaadAi la a d k a n a i arpSaa ira- Nrrad. OBO. (X>LB. II Onriaak ara.. Malla-ton. ' , ____

MOt Nrm g kar naatad tas £ t i r . : n i

mot wtaMd N .N f n j w * « vpartaaNr. Ml MNMtH m k9A4M«. aar. Onaa and Oi laaikla ala. ____ ____MOT U M»a akai

r a a a ; H N IN 0.. N* OiMdaa

“ u m t . ' W t n

Bor-AHaap kar analal ta NiNar r ilakN ■ w k a tT w IMkArirr

MOT vtalad ta N an p*l*ft|a|L i lAUrtap McALBin.

BOTB aaatad ta haa, akap a i aaaa. Blrar.Ma Map aad Lam kar ■Blrattadr Aad

ChaaUr araa

idBBIMM. AtadkilltlAf. INniBBIilhj Aiaaai

_____ III. NT I*I ta ., ilACirtataaa. air

*VJ »*WI. . . .aakind. WlAbaaAwa far Alak. laaltar. M A d ta y keeAtataa katat I II) lak a iy a Naararti f c ^ l i r t n ’ NM aaM eraea.' IN lu i- aa r 'a tODkDpN niltaA P S B P M B -^ - k a M -W I S W T . a t e . S ' A . ' T g B L . ' g * '

J ^ ” ? B w r . i i A r & . ;

ttphi-laailr,lU ilTO Bik llta iaa l hapaa: paad iiriaa i

a k ^ Baai rMawEtd: aua •kaald tar baMaiaa: aaiill OarAtaa I

hlpk-dkaaA AMI, ItphIb a n rApa-

NaNIr pra- r araalap ai

Baaarllla a ra

naairta ttaapakr. Baard Bro-ik. W. J.LATMM

i i ' t a i s r a i ! " 's s s t a J K :Am pin, N. J.

___talha fcaaN fa kraaaKAU.M ll Ca. WUUaai

. martaiHad, aaa taM itar with MtaN dftatr. II Naaa. aar-

LTOCM MAM •aatad. Appir al BaJIaTON ara.H kN -Ttaa a r ^ a t t a ^ iaa<

aa lM ai n tTOipaata Nr a p alw ObarM aakraalr ptaprani aa i fpaaB balk MaplNh aad N nad; aiw t taratab aUtalaci W la tatafftlTi Ilka Maadr aANfc p n a t K Mraad. 'n a a i tlM.

paad addraaa*M papalar Calk-

____ Mallaa pra-___aallalaciarr raNrtaeaIfbaral cainpaaaailaa aad

----------- Appir Tiit aaapMAiL

*UIMMW *t paa Wta i T , ^Saw N ta ia atiM waat r la .M a n Um i

N n I M wkira anptarad. Adiraia tUaa- vaHatT Mad U. Itawa alnaa.___________ _MMN-7I

BmT m i , i n kpAit , £ T.__ __________MBN—taajKad. Ira paad aa

Nat paad idriaaian: at HKKAEL, PBCCT H i Adai

ahb: ama Appir ta

8 ) , T A l e f tin iR b I t

U p V X I^ pZ S , S S S h ^ i-S S T m ^ ^

■ F v w B ' s t r i r i i S c s i ; A e& rfJ

BOT wulad.a ra . kMaaia

rtar.d n i r d t ABM. I l l flfMaAlh I MMtAk At pad Pan i t a At.

MOT—o h Ma kar ftaatad) anMAid krtpl|i. Appir rpAN TV 111rsssi

VANpair AAbir pad rallalM dtaA N l t^ r

- Addrtat a S r HAAiaBawd

* T u 3M m * . ' i r o « S t a . ” .

MAN-Aata5T « r ’ _

apilNijd Niara AAn MTloa


Ml W am t I l l d O n n aC Irrtadtaa.BOTi «Uk aaaariAatA a l atl

iralllAa III Miilkatfr a ta l Aild tr iad rO n r

B M i r krta pa l a a a ^ ww ■tarllnd I t , Baal OrtAdA.

Appir IIMAK-OMd.

t a n k S t a takijg j-n d . AdiTO. Ooperftta.

t o r VftMH Hito.

BOT wAiltad. l i t CkAAlAPi At, NktWp...XBBPCIMtaakta t a t r r kaak.Saaaar lAAtarr pniaat alala a m aatarr MM HWA AdpraM MaAk-BaapAr. Baa UV


MVACKdHITH—ra w a irlf-haMBTO p p rt 'M taara

rStak Jw AAI - - 'HIAELTH

M U k M W

aaanAtaiiiad ta

MOINIL ar lattnaHAl aiAkan waatad Nr atprrlBHatdl wtrk aa alaclilral apM aaiidi aiait ban paad aklllir la tka ata-

tkaakAl Itaia. capaMa ar aparaUad lalba, talBlad aad trtadliip atachlMA; ataa apaarata bABCh warki Natarr wacktad I* kapta par •aab. diata ida, atltapalilr, axpaftaBaa pad

tad, ta P. a Baa y; PtalalNld,


WABNd ',dadar tn adp. ki aiaadr ararfc.

I ara.MIBA-

B M waalad. N r Wadaaadar anatap, atdar faaa a* datardar tka w M a dar, laad M aiaadri It. Araa a n ., aar. tatk % ____________________

MABMbA wadtad far tpadaaadarv ' f t i a & K r B f J R f t r ; . . * ? "


•MIhilttHlh ^

•TOIlllltiHt OftM.

•tssssj **TSr ■ak' rJSdrjitSsrI MW Hw aWMB , HHMWaPWHlAvpif iN R lM toW A M . _ _•A RR IR wftHtoft to M t ttoililita « A i« r^

ftM i w i y ; AtowtoM Oftownd, GftU 99 iftHtir ilg o u i ^RARMR Jfti; M H

iiTftr ftto.


iH « B m '(n a 1|*!?Seb ' RoH S u KH i loHth O m o tiro,; tol. M n

WPMH fTtmUto .lu W lU lI, aid oMtlri fraikan dra7 N aad nrtad. pltlawi Maja arar tal'■ laAda

tor TroiiMAftoor

I H u tto 1wsftUi


I CMlAftI lYH.M A TTRU m toM•t fvar

W tm l^ MU

net toM ftitDin itoHy M M" I S K S a. a l9 r1natwiddParaMatd. LO N I^ — wmw*h« toiiT

D o n m r tMwhit HM tf to. toM pnftol W jTHIrttotok

• m ItorirMITCH

Mtrltot.satniIt. ‘f t t u t


L A D tn feito tou

fOfMVHltolrA D W Ml. bMTtr Hfti vtwar teto


.. wr ImlUlloH Um o Witt tUA

M lana •haln, kaalaa aad Ikraa cnchaa la ia * litr ip a iltri, Naaral aartan *m : Man

■Sir Uta tataMT ikaa idNrrd alaawkarai ipaa- b alHWtaa la diraalad la oar firal-rlaaa

tourato If 4«A____AL a.>Hf.\NT. W BroAft to.T IL m i M ilu in R T r

%iA M n 0 . BBIIBXdlTp

•ON o r TB I LATH tam V A W IB tffT a MOmTVAJlIAIt.

AT Mg BROAD BTREHT.rlMtol AlUcHM. T«l. 1!M B, H

WiMH m MtA to AAt. UNDWiTAKKRAl ftoH *111 to ptrittMlr Mt# Ki ctlUay hhoo

A. HARHY KOPPEN. lor.. eewtottftry, rtotoemtot aisiI iftt raryatu ttototoft totototto

* n « E v V i:v iu j i AVKi,■kN.RiM.« tt- t l lS ,

A . K.JII WaPHI.MIITON a v s .“ - tv, 4. B ...................

NKV IB M iT dakaal M MadlAPiNd.lNIt- draaMna. R ^ NMWd*> ***-. II* Nraab-

W W .I b i tT MA* w w B f I . . ... ..........

L O STDOO—Prtaak paadta dad taalt. twa rallaw

•pau aa Mi'll. Ptaaaa raiara ta II Uraalat . MB. ABInillPON. aad racaira nward.PLAO—iJH i, plHair' tap aa Ballrrtna a n ,,

tram Plobll'l atara la 111. Ravard It ra- ■ - BaUin

I waatac j * r i . — —

UtRBBlIi/HaHaA traatadi ataadr aalaa akap la i Harrlaap a n . Hanlaaa.

BABHBR-Oaad ataadr barkar aaatad.LaNrtata at. ____________


BA BBBR—waatad, altadr IN

BVTCHBR bar la daihrar of dan aa btarata matt a aara wall raaotniaaadad! paat

aapaa. latHtlra tadar. 11 Parkkarat at.BUytCMBR—Naai ~ ~

Call a t K. OrAftv*. H. J-

ii r««Bc BECKEB R . t A ftrlo ftvft

OntAdt At.BOTCndRT tIrM-alaaa, a u a T ta Mka

af Atartal. t i l Caatrat a n . Maat Onada.afcvBA

•sss^ftS'iTn.^ariW ft.'-MVIRi LMBN irtAUd a t aaaa N r altatallaa

work. H I vatlar road. Uptar MaaUlatr.BOOTBLACK aaatad tar Palwdara aad

N a d a n a ll B prtadO aldan_______BARTBNDRR.

Draata.Appir II Mala a t. Wata


A l^ OaSBN » m . M! — * AL AVB, I ^ B I



^ S pajA 'S w lCARD ROOM, RIt M vue n > ^ iH Q I W ORKiM; i ^ l WORK: ro U i TIB

w akV ------

n r w a r k . PLTB R J.B BCR ^gjWRINO iP W ItN O

TRARd OFFi-------------PARTMBNTK


CLSRK, ahippiap dapartawat laraa awab. taaiarlAf tlrai; parur, ataa aanlai paaaNd

™ n “ 'i £ r * .3r*?2 2 kSL TaotlSyyBto. to J S u I S ? o o to S i^ l r t

toTA«0 to 441 R vltlt ftTO.U^KBAi!3 --E 5t t t o i

oil ifttftKDrT l

0*4mtohtoy. oooUii to chuiro, fttto »4r#Mi MTiHofi to j»«A ^ f 1v*a.

i«w to. or K«w 004 •voolftf oboot 1 14,

two 914 MHa 0A4 49t. to HM N4w Tofli

N'fws oOtoo,poor Tfowork wem*o

A44TM0 Loto. Bor

fAttorr Rfto4*. 199. I t RW 4fty; MflRtotto for (ototoTi Wttiftt Hf tooptoO. v n llm i ^ k ; torawf y«HO« hua fW room to tootito toetory; Rtovor. 4«il«i 9««1*om; plofotota H 4«ri ftHtoftioto>4 WARlMr, wRBo MO. f l 4 w m ; p«rtw for OoiAi; oiliof vAMMtoo; fono Aolp, utoortrA,’•"''"milKtATW lTAOlNCf,M Codor to.; sMMiiliM toMto 90 p u rCLIBK____ To«0f MH wRo OftB Rlop flUftr

■toHOftojoliy fto4 im w rM M ooi to «»•»mot wftli ntlfif ftoft f u o rot offiot w on oto uro. Rfttoto rtMtood, w

rom ot itftto wo. AftClorlta M l 49. Nowr

rtoolr » affln

toe, A44inN0

fIN -'U to . Moodoy ortornoooa ooDiol fH»i to form of toolot, .wltA dlomowA w op>»4o4

‘iltof 4f«*4rM. loot botwooi Rvo. u 4 ooHtsr to d ty ; to

•too. rM uM tof 4t«*4rM. loot botwooii ftolrmoftnl ftvo. u 4 ooats

<4. I l l ytomoeftt •▼*.f UBiE^Lotoa ft T TM wtoR ft IIMII

moMT ftfti ft fft^r ftt rottry bomdo. .rotor* 1ft MRt. J . HANtLT. «4 Rrfto-

mm ftfrlftdor•f

pOrl Ota. llMHftftotoaBtHO—ldOto. 9yn4»y motorinf. m i

cftmoo foto iHnf> toi fforth P u o • RnWOOlTf

Kftiowtoo, Mgr.

Oranfo B**irftril Tf rtowrood to 4 Hoptrord M.« K,.m O n n ^ -----------------------



JAM H.r r iN i i iT COLE. I RT.

:ANCH MliaOK.A|4 kN dt,

d * . --------


IM Blb>AD W.



H A R K ^.

JH w ill. fAtMAk rtna«lftA tn ta ar irawaftia H i

r iS rw tM partMA i m

K H.


»Nd.RLT dll

fDim»UONET—Pnad. aa airaatda RaatatH, N. t„

aandar. Octakat 11. a attai af awaap; AwMr imn hava U b« BA*<M PfAParlr. Ap-

S- f bOWABD a i u t o l , i n MdSta a n .mmltlHuJ'l I M - A .m — n —



M a r S f l ^ ^ S n e L a kMOTOR TANR.

,;M tiara r a n a n i i at m. --iy*ptaaM al


WM {tart r*ar A.III, itaa:JAM aadM

99*99;: ftirto vftfto

" TiiiStstarantataaoidt aaraNI > N . Nad itatn aa

•TORAQB aaa maatk I m , tkan ; Ja n ljd . H ta I* a load; , W btaWM. I I : Jana duiai

’?KN$n,ftO dl4

fikt.!'K:‘!£4Iftico sHortecmortof

oliko 199 Wumoftow to.

CAKVAMBB to otoltot trftio for tollk ooooom; food okftiiot for

oftft frodftCft botonooo; oftlr koto loti•tftU OfO Old tool iOUWirfMOLA. C.. poR 41. Ntoto ofrlOftCAtHIBB-'^^Oood Hvoir few to ftto fto ooolitor

In ftulloft; mo tkot to koftiot Mid wiutiifa ffioto bo ktiHly roooto a i oi i i wtiii goto'ft! r*f«roo«o. Addroio Bor, Bra i n , Kowo offloo. iCANTAMBI •

tor HoiftO’iHftdo OH rifA Miiioo. Afwir orr* 111 Bifhtoofttft ■


S f t f T a i :

CO v'infnkA N ia latahraaMi a.i__________ -- _____ . -iwtt W i iaad abla la da ahart atdar AMklaa. A t-

a ltraaB ,

CBMMNT » r k . r ; paad aaaaaat plaatai

dar laanlaf.c a b in BT-MA


aroiad ttapa: kiaak. Addnn.wlli

i lT ia d lk daraalh a t

5 .«&kt daltnar aad : rafanaqa taaptaadi.dllUnd," g i C

n?iTO'“oor'A.'asKi5aaardantlla. N. f. ' ■CARF^tTRR-Aiaad a a r p a f ^ W |Pllif <3 i

HI Fnaaptraala a n , anar I pT KCARPENTBitd waatad. can a i U o M aad

ta n d iM II ana.', Irrtadl*a.

COTTER «a tadtaP Watt Kisaar a t

X S B T 'W i

DRAPTMi'N—U rutad.' fin t-a ln a~ d n M a.

. Nawt alflAA

; i r .alir.

, Nr eat Car».. I* ■prtad at,

d V fw iireR i '* ,2 f t « 1L

^ D fir^ jtc fi. i Tr C 4499

A Sro TANdriM t aad "".tap: kaal awvtaa paaraataad; pat iw

Nm naliiiw.ia-a.iikai.iaK ■ .ma.. wM-.w-k-— . a. , , n

^ n f t t a M Mtatd AL

DEMONMTirot; p l i ^ oiftM Nioitoir midW lor » i *0*111 oAm o ftoft.DBini C t l lU t Iwo I T

taw ; alata tipartaan i a tr ataaaiad. 'e t c a to r w a .DRVoj-Ktatar ft M p r wabM wftitaSi-^

'*)PK)*"****- i p ^ Fa tp ^ iap d , apRWdf Marik RlMAlpatR a t , MaN .W a a ^ ____*DIIH WAMIRR ' M pN waaR.DROP

S e u F3 n

aad aiMikat ta raatadNst. ^ Rrrlapttatd a n

ta a r in .

T S T o T i

I •., it-,. • „ X' t


ru>oB, » > i riE N II a n .



AN waatad. ta taka tara at naBa Slwaall aaani akaat

tabat at*8 ^

TZinS?kaialaaL altk aatatar waal. Nr IB a lii l aililN M tR r a u ba

^ wr; otoftfeHofetoi topmofi; Adtriu Aoitoftr BOB W,

_AK—A fooda ntefelo '*•4 r m lr ft Ford e u ; M«ft4 r ftftd oftW

i otolfu; otftto 440 ftftd tolftrr r a i ^ t 4i<. Ad*4 r404 Itopftfeio, Bor li . Now* olTIra

I, wift cftH 4HvO •toftdr ftftd

■ftft Wftfttftd: iftd vfeft 4i •iftrfo of jM trmtt

Bfto 111 Mm

r ■4|ld4 io*ftift4 toftft to141 Firfe ftto., itoitor

mft ^ord oar,H. J.

. . . j y j M a b w g ,BttPRRtl

rauilkaSKsrLSftrsti^■••to lio tfeftoeegliUr mlftrledftftt maoMo oh* ftto^tro f t ^ t y ftftd feftTufeHtor wdfe Moftfrii

kkftap.a ttW

ai i i ia a itia M > aawa ataNaat k Addrna Aaia,


e g ,rI ^ s l b iia n '

a Z ^ t a uo 'csp n io R 'iManCwk N. J.

tatr WNE ii n aa. I l l

MLTMRWtTH waatad. da atarllM aW Rtp.aidd iDrar b n tr a a a a H ^ . WotiDa

RMItk, H t M e i U m * _____•TOOH iftlooftiift. tft feftM

0404§ OftlUftd ifopftomoft, B w to i Bowft omoft.

• ft ftoft AMrotoi

TOOLMAKBIMI Wftfttftd for oftlftlf tool « M tool! M fif. flfttoro ftftd ftftfo worAi

nooft wfto ifeTo oftrood ft* f tw m ti ' ftftd Ut^ecHMftftROd tftr'rtoftft ft«4 «c

ft*0lf( fftoltlofto to feo flUod ftto to Mftoftoftoftotu: fftra roft udfOd ftflor tfeilOftllw' oorrHo.

and V u ' l ^ E a c h Hapaata O atip d i^ R l-III WaM Fkrlr-alau at.. Naw Tark (Atr.

______ Call aa Taaadar. ftftorftoofto, feolwooft Hto ftof

I lift Boorll '

TOOUAXCRB—waatad. f l ia t- id u la anairt, aapartaaaad ta tka maaataatnra

j&iSrLffi*M ft. Aftoft

I f f tM tor oooftU food wftfOft pftM

tolftc •■oortoft«o. WMIfttor*

_________otortoft«o. wftfoo oftbToolniftAor. Itos 191a Howo u*

tOOUAlUDM WMtdi Oft : won to toftift dttitoeio i

worti: looto W tfeto io workHftR MtolototoOW AdftWMa f t n

■OOUlAKRBS-dNe a m ta a a td aa h ufraaia t a te J71L S Iro rnb lUi. cC.

’DM aad Maraaa ala, Mirrtaaa.

wrtiar OaTldl W n h a lh a nAdHap T r ^

"52T?s? ttjr3 * f« .m r::aad Barit d n , Marrtoaa.

ETivISiLa »arV N t l

aiKDMB. n r w a l a n aL. Haifclalr. ^ W n ai m .TAIUMH

dl ■ ■lUMW ana.n*F*RLU

f^UVOB wftatod tor ■•ft'o oootofti worWILUAM UtCCUSdUTM l Hftiftot to.

rA Q M 'iBOtfMI I


can t f tWM {a ir wlih raftnaaM I Siad a t, ^ apa

ta p td d IdBaridWllNf-

iB niW flddli paypipiaataR. Ad-

OOOR—Oaa wka aadtaNaada bar btHtaantar i w h r m dH SaN aiiik fNt partta-

dtara, Caah. M n V Nawi Adttaa.

aaia il.. Bata prpapa.OOOM—Waai

tar aataaa. waa M l

'•j^ fiariiv aan e:Oaatral a n , i

doOK, (WUM). OaB a t n i

Klaacr N.IN

CROCmTRMd.ataaappta aa i

ladtaat n N . ka— tWi Tkaradar B irtaa a t

T S S ^ p*ifcniT aa.w■HFa ___

°7ssyi!ff , a a » k ,yC A B D R R d ^ M J j g j ;n 5 rU ^ p 5 i“,T « !CMAMBMRllAID-w'AifRiii~N, n p M . n

IM prlrata kaar«le« k a d n H I H i i C


DRRBBMAXMR aaata laaralad. I l l Mala

<ilHLK V. .ix t a :

CENMAL l l _ .liRM'iRi

I' >nn

TEtNOBAPWT ^ art i j ~ wtrilaai, nllraad. n kta; •Ksiina:

TIME CLKBK tar i ____ a haara: Addian

TRlHHlwa c u trK R waatad aa akaaa. JOHNPrON * UVRPMT,

aali a taaaa'a th all- ia Ua-


® i3?'^K ^2rci5i rNk3sA ioft DooorftUftf Oft, F F tou lto Mr, Kow-

OlBLd—Aro fTSI!raa -v rk lap kard parT A n n e ea t H a peiKtae ararr

982Sftlfin ftftd ytodftr o r o f t i ^ ___OIBLB—Bxp


H. AOIBL wftiUftt to IftdtoW

OM wfeo to sofotloa ftftd OBftto Iroftisoiito ftft offtllr —iftil. liifeoiro •oooftd floor

QIBLf W A H n o

N. J.CPHOIBTBRRR, aU-arawkd pwa; wapaa

lia-ll« waahlr. A. aR R B R F nU l. I Barth Faltanaa a n . Mnalatalr,IIFWOLJTRBRR - d taadr wark

wapaa N r a Rnl-alaw —aa.I a ta a rr ' ‘III ■fidpa a n , Haatalalr.



Fraapaai pL, CL OMO. I Qtaapa



MACMIKldTi—Waatad. f. • L. ap an tart.laataiakAra, btaeluadth aad Inapattan Nr

aatMwMlA rkap la HalalltM, N. A.; Nakl wark <fln a lp & par waak). Appir Thr dar. katwaat^Tia aad I P. M.. - Anadawr At,, Nawarli. 1“R

iitoM tomo # 1I ||g Op

an,A\:MACHINUTB—WftRtoda trtftdof ftftd aiJIHftf

uftoftlno kftftdft for oko* to Now Brono* rirka H. 4.; ORftodoftood mm oaly, Avfly

ItoOfti 1, 41 Aeftdomy to,, Nowftrk.llACHtirtBT-*AU*ftrooftd mocklfttot ot K<

ork Mfti Block HftcMfto co., oor. ftftd Clftr oifta

t Now* Ofdftft

M A C m N Itn—A tow f M mm m toodlkai w ^ to otoftft ilMft Addrooo C., K ft 94,

Howo ofitoft___MBCHANICAL droftotoftft wairtod. oHfcor

for io n or for toll tlmo. mool k«wo or- porioftoo to koftcr M akiaorr work; r l n toll•ftrtlmlftn oftd ofttory rapooud. Poolffttr. Boi 111, Niwo ofnoo.HOLDBBf wftfttod.

vorlftf Boll Cft. Nr 4>

HI. Kiw*ALlr~RORIM f Cmt-

WANTin, IdaauT 'N f aicaltaat taealtaa. Ap-l l r -- “ ‘■KAPIRO. H Fill at, Bla

dOOOWORXI^ _paH M r taakar. w aaMaHbROBTMiCHIT Baltavtita a n





•OIL FIFE ANG ^f r b F „


KRWt OPPICM.TOVNO HAN waatad. katwaaa

AlfkUaa aad iw aa lr-n a , ta .________ _aw ta aparala Irpawrliat:Apt ir la a ll r N r rIpM partp Nr ptw a: Chrtattai) p rad im l. Addrtaa A. H.,aiaitaa

Raa IA. Nawa a f f tn TCumo MAN aaataC 'abaH MOUNO MAN waataC akaat M n a n H apt,

aaarar akd dtwpadakltaat aklllir la wark Id M in M ia aacanarr th a t M yrlaaetjaad

par—aatnt aatdaar paaliwa aad «. F. M VAN DCRRK. Nd Mala al.. OfBBpa. N. A.Totnra

■■ a ■jss^^a• OtftH tor ft

pfttoimiftra B iS lf t K '

•pom turn Ift hftlli■^gStanry

m OppAnaaMMaT.

TOlmO Hkaal chim aa, ta dtalrlkaN Mai- ta n far a chJldm 'a Maaa; par kr IM aad

m alta. Addnai OtalrlMilar, Rat f t, Nawa afnaa.TOUNO Ha n w u lad N r wlaa aallai, aa-

ptrtaand, akd lar jaaarml wark. Addraaa K am i DIMrfMitat Ca.. H - tt LaNratla tL, d tr . ____ _______________

laa., I l l Cantnl a n rar:

j ^ ^ u r jq s iroRK—o n : N r aaatra l Iliiw ajpO

OgCtRWORK^^aiTl r r w a t a tw i g g iwwiwarB aad ariad aH Idm i w au* n V

I t a t . tn iap iaa .

yaapa .


wllli i

dkd., »aai OraadatouM W O R B —WaataV paat m SSSm ikanawarr Sd-SXTI

PM UfapalM ALH O U R B W O R K -^ Nr dtaaral

NRR.,dTAlk n aro w * .FTAlirnp n d kM lapnfcan pL

jtaanr,________OoURRWORM-^M N r paaira l J v wMwj f t ,

I M la Iba NTOtr. N R iB * 5 h W S

■?£r5S“=SErur i^FFkCa■OUaMWORlfWattaB Nr

warK. NIMaltaHQa a n . <UP papi t l ia i i d - u a a d la '

':snjtatC a .,.LADM9 RT- I iH ” iv t a V

^ r 3 t a 1M

ir ^

oall all 1II RaUarUta a n ________________________OFRRATOR. auartaaaad aa pawar taaHliRa

ta da Btaadfap aa w b u dpMi didla. OORDOK Bapplr Oa. l l l l S l J ^OFBRAt o r R aad (taMRan u kkaM m iL

*y t* " aad itiHdaa. tfca I M -lap, a a i aaratt aad lappaw i a i l i R O ^ , M CHdaa „

Twaatr-aaraalll M.. Naw TarR.

anssifftauih T u i i a L . ^ r .

TAI*VB lo t oftOTfttftfft

BIHL to ctork to kftBtrpi ■kftft, kftvo raprrlowaft u

oftoo: ftthor otod ftfetoF*tT MftlkOfrp ftt Aa BABBTNBlk

Old I. ta taka aara at Iwa akUNaa:

"SiArT^t‘•isr.r lust ,rtt»Raman M., Rapt Oraapa.____

“p j?K -i£ r minTfiswi:FHfttOTA f t iCfemUtoa to.OIBLA WftiitOd: M O t feft Mttoift TOftfft

CtdAM BiftAo ftftd Bftftftr C o S f tu T H •ornuor soft


ORKERAL naM ta .adalla la NaNtpi

MOXON, H lU i -aaw aattlw It) Ikna

tapakad, Oraapa.

OENIRAL kawirwaaB pM w a M s wapaa IH._.Bnptara>u i - I p i a ip, K I F a m a a C

ORNBRAL kaaatwaak ; pM i aad naaaiapi iwa la NaRr. laiklap

' m u tf-

acdHmMHiMT Alarka.o o tm rn m r o t a k ^ I I , m M t Nawatk

KOUPMWORk-OIRL WAMTHI _ KRAI, HOWPM1 r 5 ^ “ iT F L T _ A t ONCX U l ^A N U R ; MRAR n.iN LA :-------- -|q,,----- ----------iTATtOH: iONR HITW.

■» w n dMK-


" « ’M [!? * K -» a a ta d . Oariaaii. Baadtah n Marwtalu n waa Nr aaaaral kaaMkiiplap

• a d . ™ * ^ t a a ^ l lM w t ; m M ba rarrftftftt ftftd ckoftft* food, pomiftftftii feoftw tfer rtiklmtmm. IM kS^mTSi^uSk^Cmtrftl ftvft


•m rlN O MACMIMR TRACMMR.0 8 f c I . t l K « i .MAHNO llt^ g

______CB INNifeD APFLT. FLAUT A CO.. ID1 HMROW. ------II A. M.

PALMPWOVAN. n p arlAaaal t / 'a M b d AH

BALBPLADIBP waiMad. laparlt a a d^ g ; * r £S!ffNrfl.*«S^RALRRLADIBP waatadj —aM ka ain.iTaaiid

ta aallRain, Nr T tundap. T rtd u a a i ■alirdar. n M Mtlllarrr. IM M an ad.Oraawa■AtRBWOMAM w u la

n i H kaawtadpa aiBBlMAUM . It* i

Oraapa at. ■ ^

aad takatatan wa


ta daaarb aad ptalB aaahlap:

m**!*^> ** ■•■■drr wark: 111 Oan apI* a n , Baal Orn i l

paad raNraaaa _ wapaa IIV Call

Ban Onapa, ar 'pkaM

OFMRATORd aa a—eklaaaa, atalan aad cardarw caala: ataadr aark. Tha LOB- 'BKBBIM CO., II CMdaa at.

TOtfNO MAN waatad kadn lit; raNraaaa r

RERUBR. IPI O utralAl.

d ta In ra tka trap rapolralT K. PTBRlf il a n , airaar Bltkih

PIANO p tanr wulad. IMap ta Ika Oraapat: MHI n ad u l MAWiAHaaL n pawn a WHk,

aftar atbaal baan: aatadr^ ta a ta u ik . Ad- diaaa Ftaaa. R«-N. Nawa aHtaa. Oraapa.FLANBR waaiatflkM ar war matartal. Apair


ip wMtad, aapartanatC aad ketdltas kaerr-eaeUawi; u lalartal. Apair la nU A D -

FAlRTBRt tPM «iaiMB, II MMBaptn ara.a A katpai,. aaa tkal I

aaa at Ika kwWaaaa. Appir ta

FAINTBR. Bnt.alaaa n takaH a wpRr‘'Baad ^ a ig r . OufNkBu « HailNad a t , a l t a r i

il^ fT l^ M _wuiad: tall attar^ VIR, I* Aiklaad a n . Bad! Orwapa

FAiirria n

'n u i • ita»rBr

wulad.K. J.

COLLIt, I Xaatar

hAlpW w ulad : Chll balwtta

rrn n baOi i , I :i T r

'If* * B E 2 ~5 2 2 2 7 S k " 3 K-pft, wool ucftofo; ypoftft o*iv>

' g ^ ’S T f.'tU iU U g lHdHaarp a l .FAFBRHAIMBR waatad. I t IW kw »F ■*•

.1: Mlla p l i_________

SaILWaT awdl atarka, » » paa tk' aaaait. nadilai; aNtita aaTOtan N aa^ iK n£ Ba lAMItata, Dapt. " W , Rarkaatar. N. E.PALMMAH w ulad: aiaM U n paad ad.

aad appaanata: a b ll^ ^ ^ i^ ta rr ta wkaatana a m aauaadrrt laTaatn awl af IIM ta H.aM raai Wai i ataalalalr ttaaiad . A t-d im Qaltk. Bu L N a n a f f tn _________PAUmiBN—Twa aaal aipaaruip paaap

■BH af flitaraitaid aMlItr M ■aflat awa- wllV.Anr aad aataIN batN au: Ubaral

I p. M., nith I

BUtaB ai^

■talPP AM ■■■!pSi wA"a BMP. a n «

u tad IWfaB n OM adaPBMat p tM utaM jwM M dita « n i

i5 S 8 w _ m Kap t

.f — Wai.. I wka AM.I

Rl liM IlftJ j, w ulad. laUrtlp k aw ^ n a taa i

SaMaEta, MIP iCNaPA afltaa

TOUNA HFN I t wark la NatpriM daparUHatla tar ■* !■emUN A c a . m TtaiMta a n , Hanitaa.

TOUNO MAN Artabaa wark u aklaitap Mark t^jtayrjraanf y p a r lu ai. ^ l u a l n w il LLAM

tO U M . MANT ta Aalim aadm aad M PKPtMl at n af ardara. I ts cuataa a n

lOVNO HAM Nr' NlMb al . I■ad Oaairal ava.

H rdward la tiia ia llia wkanakaala at i and aa rr daaarMn:

naaltaa wkanakaala af am pTK,ni:SiSTa;.-gi

m i WARTID-WOMEMA im iC A fl..

W 9| 4| | ^90o9M* w oIMM ftftft ’IIM^>F>Jii>iiMf,~ OfUr Wft U 4Ifefttili. fthtooto plftom ftiM FM to ftllF 9WtCIv'"u m . N . i . £ r S ! ; ^ " S S ; : ,

u ; a wa.• i f * - .’■ l i Ml


11 P. M.

001 .... . ATB.,

CARD-,B ppl


u a A. a BOCHB.

------ whita ptrl,P ra itM u i. tar NatUr it n l t r a a n Oall katwaaa 1

■ arrtau a t, Bbm Oraapa


^ M a d ^ : AA laaadrrW ulad . aapartaaaad whRa ------ ‘ tr kaaaawark: paad

_ . . . I l l par analh. CbUPark a n , a a u O ran a l, BaM O n w

HOUBBWORH—BMtaMa waa wark til fhdUIr at twa ad'

paad t AtATAiKAA rappitad. ~ a n , Mata O ruOraapa, aaaiu d ftaar.SOCPBHORK-''WkiUtd. Bapltav

« a l haaaaMkari if i i J X 'Fkaaa i lA Maa. H v!RDOBBWORUnta-^aaiaP. p a a a ra i____

warkar ar aaah, irlia .Mil a iiM wRh atada- tap: a lW hMp Bu i , ‘F h a u H I ar w S a 11* Cm m i i i i a l , Bakway,__________■OVaBWOB


■O W W O RK — o u a ta l wiatadL twa '

tszur•.-•raa ra l bappawpik j t r l

m .t im b .OVEB

BRAWBIIB AMD OOBRMT OPBRATORIL Twa-uadla alMpp m n aataMa aaP aHl-

d ru ta ladarwataW: aaa-aaadia n Ai - m u i widW; ataa On» iiaaa AT, kratafanPi appir T ils s jn

■ wutawnanRPP aua awtaUtar* npwwwMWwnm watk: Miad r warkrapNL Tka K. A wToO., H

Id. fa t d rr Rtada «b u d aaaarata. nka al

« t n R :



IH ia p n a ag rjjig

aa d im aad anlr S iflB il-A Pw rlan-R au- M riaa aiallarw rat UAaar. l l fliAlAr at., OMMQ^ Wa kara Iba plaaM Md wapaa «p

COOK, aa laaadrr. I l l :at,3 **. laildaa ladr. I

baiinwitkara, n N fw n a , 'w a a M n * ’ la Hs^ kalf, pdllidiita. liatp balpt afhtr wk-

wAHraaa,UUff lT haiai arkilNl

itr l whlla aad*’tid‘I 'lC i 'i

Oi n aaa aurallit', Itafa, ra«RisssritML AH Malaar a i

H O tn m rO B ^ T ia M wmaA, AMI M d

p i, WoMftflMi.HOUSHWOHKWft

r4"HOmBWOlutBR >- W u M , npaHMaat

ij ad waaktapi n v H duaH riH I ( ta B ta S ra n .lM i OnadwtrfpassiL*

MOUMWORK-WaalafL wfcHk fM . la ia

wrtdaa, allr.HOUHInrOHK-

wark; tk a n d a rCtlataa a n

'ORK—OMwaNa* pM N r btaaa- ■BWft N m paai taftau a i Qitt bafara IV' ITI guMawa a l, a n r

MOUPMWOHK—Olil •wa ladtaa

aairad. (M l OrOraapa.

t —Olil N r paaaaal kan wiik ! im l l M F B , R e t A ^ t t ^ -

ro upbw o ji wMM. Nr paaa ..inn^H2rM.*UQiirtiise;;

a n ,, m r.HOPPRWQRig-WaMad. irk|ta wahap Nrn:£F*i^ssto9wr!?^Haatatalr. - __. '■ . ■ ■ .

Miy.i t o u i iV o 33ET7;fH to J ____________ . .

'allM I Wail d rr wark: ataa

rarfcan: wa paaraataaAplt%SSm

, lawMrr,H dwai

a HH traatad M M p A M N i d ^ MItiL

kWMT. f tiM N AR Il

a /«iM NTir^ AIb5

I MB'•Jto'

PBAUWA-IN ________ ____ .balk haad aad nwAkhta wark. Appir

WaIR L aap Ca., t i l WaabiaptaB a l, i m nCHr-•HAKBR w u lad la ladadiri pM wKb a i C

■ta atpartaaaa a ra lin a i. Appir 0 tr> Tka Rlaatrta Laaad&, It* Paalh a l, ailp, ■

n flaaaapAHaandbaav baw ta r u MWar taMblaa. . waab. J . A M. COHN, Oraapa and '

IP WMtad w aataa a l ^ b a llIXIHNN. l i t tAANWiM pV, Rpw

WOMEN—Wa w an ibrat at w aam wha will warh lira

aannp iha (laar raildmcH:VS

ftutftfttir to dOTOim in ftftftoj nuftry or mmmu•4 Pa M .*^R . rLBtOMRR, 1WOMAH—Wftfttod, ft wfelto WitoM, to 1

■vft ftf twft titlift itoto ftftd • • ' iMto wwfe; rotofftftora mwefroda m u 'ftUUAH, i n Htdiftiid ftm., u m' IM tMKa

T W NQ *tyir»N—T n .ptdiva af raOa^wiaaa**i_ir,aTOcU^aj|Ai

Calballahipb-ctata . ......... ..... ...Ibaaa arba aM n iaik baib tka __ I ta t lu taapaap* pn iarrad: nwN ib r laNctarr n l fraa rt u ta iairpntpaataj i u a ltaa rad ataadr r-------

' “ - Apptp IM in b d .

*".Tr -waatad•tPim

■anipTd. fdani

3 f i a ® j e T S i $n rs ta jp ; e e M ^ y N g y * * * ^ ^ y - * •*

TOUNO taal w..........

NO MM waa tid W a j i p ^

f o S m

MAr X ^ taikir aWji

o o rra a iR L waatad'^rar w to>*i M M

TOUMU w anaa d iilrlipM ^ , j g 8 d A g

fa M i a aaMMiaf

nirwAiifiMfEfi andOblA il. ■ :l.

fANlMn—W aatai. a n a add w}N.'tardat

M ^ A N D W , F K _ ^ a ^ ^ ^ ^• 9!liP9

TiIttyB Apaaar, I I Qaataf^lU 'ONiipiZ WbdMi t a aaa aadba /

HjPlOTimfT WlA tT O -M p aU ltltf, raaap-M M wtO'MIRW

appirM ii,. and kaUtap p H ^ aT laA iN , wbeiap waaw la iaa r paripa, w harl.h t la a.— — — ----------.— ...----------------- ,0 ,Arfik r a a ^ in i

Id ta* aih irr w JkMNM Raw,

Winkca wark•O Q K -JU B F U capahtaL .................awaalapa w m ^firaw aai Hk>tarlai Hak-

s^ - 'S ss^ R a e a rB ^ ls i•utoft. . . M


alI amnppiAil ’’Ai>

dtanarii-Baa U l. XatalTdltt

ROOK-KMRDRR'K aiMlMUl: arpw liRpr, aaaiaan aattapa .

BiriaaBaiH r —'" '—I Nawa afftat.

C o i :'Igd^wrlii

H 50B 5 S 5 la l5B S S ZB h5 ^ T i 8 T * 1K U 9 '-■jF-'.r.

: a B F itoJftUf ; km

•ftwm -fiid wftfti f M tr to T. m

'Jwrnmm FHAKOffttfft.

t 'C^NAWmeUR? \ , wtohra *miu<

'||N ttr . ftofttow .P^Jlftfto •rrii'oCaAVDYSt'llA




ta itaad]CARFENTRR.

m sNTHR,

■ . inl Ba.

nsiy-pSf!VdiTr at.

i s K <«■tap k : V KA

-i-Ewtahaa paalll

m m^ ^ f e « i

bftildF ftw*m: HUtfitod;* '*AL- r

M i Haadr i- MJ.•lldMw-«

—fp a r aaarwthTdlS'ta C

F i B u S e r r ^

A 17 1toetftrftro. thlo

____9N 14work ftt tfeo

• r ftnriblftv. HftWo ftCRtOa

1C MA' 4 r a jO ic ■ ^ t t W i ' t a a .

dlftlmft, nUftft. *' ftto• yooftlD

•MTft W oftsmtH tM Ml

Wif rUfetoorclftl, p a a a m u d a V ru a Faaltiri




■,1R , .Nawa ofH

■ TB im a Oanw V ApMltaR^al I B a n iF aan a i' k U U i M N I 9dSa^


o » n m



0 I 7 p

- 7t ‘



^ i

u » tr


hQ :

S a


M u n ■•Mill irgr «


W A W fB > -M P I

wM m a n aMMraaM^ •«• H

• fSLSES^aEKi-J?* ■'’fiSli.

" » N » » riUMK » m }U i*01 u % iu il i S ,Ofto**.

1 ^ Kfavr# w ■»< ■»» em\ > -* fa**** jKaHiMi. <*%}»( L H t t r . ,

►OR, JIWIrlM* wsTTlNk' WttUb ' I yMTi III M >l¥r«l

A44r»M WUto( Am

CHAIjrrfcm . n•r|u■«<. Marrlaa. V.^WnjygJ..^- y*«r» A a d .n l t f;M ^ C , w y K iu u w , m watoiit «■CNAUrncl'H. col»r*a. UaraMkla 4t*M-

nfttafK*. AMnrm ;Ia. «m■ !?5«CAKrtOTBn «•■!* x m At pMltkoa' "II

. - f l i n t •*l*M«ece; n M s r tU «••••. .^1 - ■■t»|fc CMMiinr.' Bm >i. ato*» aWEil. ,_CHAlflV*v«, nm-ttu«: h*n4» awl-

I la J am (U m. iiv i • (fu * r ,

^.nM vrrM vai, nr»-^im«i2 t


4 R H S '>* rmtif «i»»rlewe, »MU 4*r *r (wuiwt: l«aiT>l*r-

il« «>•*«. AiUrna Cweeew.

K x n n , nm -flua neliu tla . w * I g H a ^ A l l r•mr, kcpi II. N*wi «mM,

9BIVKIt--ba«rl«n<'*4 r*m*~£tow VHI* PMItKA. A4dt*«l<R. Jl.. T« Mai-

t i m It.J E f o t tv J l " (a»la«aj>. HaaMi l ta a . flriai

lIlUMan aa1 f*Mlr AUtaai Ctwlrlc.

raaa.1* — E lierlaen l ._ .w>»» paalltaa u r t «{ rarMria, ksaaa-

J | | t : l a a t ^ nAmmrn. -ffim -TIlA lrT-JiTw K iiiw i M. : _______

— A. irtrti'aa aaalilM. I

IK—Ml*. iMd wMld ■MKkAAk, haHat.---- ----- Vi* pwUWai flta•hll^ raa f |v | lacarUir If Mr**-

HI ChMtttir, ^ 111, Maw* at-

r t a i x ^ ifrnlshlaA, o«rp«tftfrnar*, «tc.. ilMiNa »*ri: HUMTiMl; imimh*! r«f«r«iirM. Addt«M

___Ml.'JianIt iMIk Ml kla«* at laala.

^ . kaMHauM vm ua paaUla* uUI- A ^ V ^ BRUoCl. 71 N*nk Clintaa • JBm» Qraiiva.

s e s ?

^ . ^ i r v r A ' a ^ Mb < ira.arila*., « m a - Chaattaar,

M watfe.waata MtaaiMa; ■ will 4a T iaalk Mtuaatk at..

HANi aaUkkla. Ia4aa<rleaa. wtakaa HaUlaa i S ^ ■"I' KIMN. fl (a a t

III Wkvitr MM arlahaa Mattlaii wltk M l ~»M Trlit “l ^m fayalt*. w ;_______________

DAKftT «M alwIkmaatM' witkaa laatMaa ^ a - 4f Mar l^ a rk : wlla auartaaaa la VMiM r^ n 'j i" r raaawMkta alfar ataM- '•M. AMn U OHjaiMT^a «t, Nawa aMwf AIMjni, wttfc Mlara aaH acanaMa. <WMU


r n u M f fMUM hi nov4«f ^iotvf* r t g ^ l l ClUMV>m VtT-

M r*|vrMMU' llv*. br jrodM BiAa. ^ jwiMMltty. '«»1lhbtph 1» vW tm butf Hii^« W«04ef ietw«r»a llild U ym*r cbkMt.A«Ui^ B»x IH, Nbwb •ff1c«.


MLi M i i i»ir|r«ie f^ M iMa* bwit^tblK. VMM cMiMbr »#llliit t p«MMritif m«flL f

lMw I aov«f «T»iir* mm Ta WywB tfnet.

vorkM MtylkMic. I i tv i ^flM*

iAN Ctlia pkwiker, vantkt t tM or M mtcbMikikrt htMi t*4k


3C MAV^Aai 4M<rwN •€ buWiC bn M» M) ^ All kfAbokM «f ■ M in,____ bkllMM. rMVirUfa rMtiM,

Cibliib*. ratM* tie.: m m i* »atf‘ Miiirbl hkip: •flASlM mi4 rjrviMiMtM: IMM «f Mt M MiM ■kb' ifM Jlcl: ka«<l if rM«tr«i; rW* . tu t k*fi. Ak^TMt lUllablt, B«t IH,

MAN. 17, anaTjavaal fndaaaa tt WiF fM>a*Rlal, akartkaatf a a l maartlUBv ' •*«■■« aa l aevaaiallr faa4 at fiftnaa, la- Maaa a aaaltlaa a* aaalataal t* kaolMiaaia r.

-------------------afflca. a r 'vkaa*

MAR aai m ia aal laM l Iw yrhitM^^^


WtvtUy bT«a'iR alvaatal laa ai>*«1ia la l la laaaai kaatMali* at laialak,

fcanlaa. AMiaaa Ipkalak, BaaI attic*.

____W tatahlvaatHIM vark *a t*a-

Uw Waaaa, K4 0 , Jta in attic*- ,

' ioinitr'aikaL tl, V * taaia khk Mkaal, la-a1 S &

B S H riE nr4 tIC S riiiiii5 lA T "iW hee4el . JS SSk m ^ Z m T S ^ B m lS !W m

^ ,X S L i!W tOA


& i * * a ! i : _ _BtSiiEBBiBK^LaiiT m

W A W n M1 ^ W « a u «rf»a* j aMUaa *£* la aaMil (luaBlt; aam rr ar jMrata* aal NkfllS. Ill

t'rLal* aWtaa a vaaHlaa M________ 1 litat-alaa* rafaraaa*. .11-l***a Haaaiwatl. Maa IH, MaaM alM**.

HUVIUWQIlK'wtaaaa flTl iBakaa kaaaa- »*r1 ckaMbariuali a i l vaJtrala; wUllai ■aaBakOllag. lU Utayalt* at.L atii aaa^laa Ima **, H awta pat pt«,

la Bnt-alaaa laanb**: callal far aad da- ir*'*rb. ***^ Huc'U, IM UtUaiaa a**..

^ tg sag^jgStjar^nsify»LaI/HPIUeM 'lealiitatii wlahaa taai llrat

a at Ik* weak cr aanlac, wltkaal wait- H aiaarllaa ava. MaaUalalr.nT ;

IbU P—Caaiaaiaki waaiaa a* aiall-aaai- kaalCA la laralld laljr, aara* ta cklMraa ar ekMlMnaald aal aMadJaa; la Oraataa riUHftMM. >koa. ItHR. -MAMAOBII ar wiaklaa

aaalll** ta raataaritai, kaardliw kaaaa ar Maw'' *rtJ»r**'''"‘ Allraaa A., Baa 111,$tSw3ii....... )RAJ*tfBR oehtI Itit* I jrtAn' «•<

thorr<Kfci>- eenvmeet !■ «h kfbl formi: lidt^tiiAtjit ««rktr. ai kteete* t M ^ t ^ i rb«iift; klllMtt ir*4«H-

lii-|i«* Aii4rMt Ktptn. »«M II*

wCSminNCHJlufHBll—<]lrl. It, wUbM M l- tl«n* «4iJ1uf to At Abt klpA tf tTflM ' : bt»t rtfarti

l««rt o4flo«M«n. imnui w •»

w«rli; mtttltr«4a atJftrr: bt»t ^ m t kt^o. oM t*. V«BTJCNOaRAPHMR. with u i4m ot kttk*

ktoRtiui. winbM • pothtMi wUJitt (• ittrk f»r inwM wlAor u tUri. AddrMt kltM, B»f I. R«iv« KontclAir,

tRNOURAt>HR|t—U«i»trtM|r*4 ftrl Vautor. M Mtntkffttkrr; tit* *ki« i t Uh bttk-ht«M«i|. IMI CAtt UrAMMa,i^tb*tb._pr J , __________________ i

. bPHKR->TavNf ItAr Artaitt pt*•ltl«fh lUilt •xt*^|ttc«. Dtmx rt»IA *t4 t«>

ewrtu. A4dr«M il tMtrA ^tr. fell U«aitr- Aon ■!., dt)r,iTE.VOORAPtfER d»tlr«t petttlOB; Rv« fm rt ■EMrltfK*r bttt of rxftrmrto. A4Ar«i» M. A. 1«l North Thlrt at.WAtiHRUHM«t,

kt tiN UNfRm ewteUBEKDA WET'row ttti

•tor tktWAfH LAtTN

8 1 HIaU K-. m row oAttr* ftitUr •^IJ. rwtnMd tUhla M butr* i tki Nm ; i tr t «t • Witt TrL M l R. «.

WOOU voaRtlA t*4IftbM ftr 14tt4Art tn i T tttd tfk Ad-

114* Nwr» •fflct.WAINimH-««^Rtrtokk <l*r

wlakM Atyt -wttk t i tw h ltc , Jr ttf. t U f , >1 A f t


WAkllINO—4»ri wtohoa vtalitM.Ittr 4 tri A mfe. MARCIRIM, prr* •(.

IrMlftf iU

WArrRtM->Lbdr wtihM t t ttM* W oontt- tout Intb nm floor worti tr Ufkiobtmbw work* by Oriokor M AMrtit Walt- MOB, Rot H, Rtwt offl««.••n tt

a Aar. A ir OratA*.

WrUi. rttM «t»Mii^ lU ltS R o ^ tSiWOMAW H ftm n w titat

w t of Aty tr aR Aa». ablo. Rot II, Ntvt tffkta

AAArtMf t tRltaRMRMt

WOMAR->i^taku vtrlBA I t lAkt «tr« «f Aoetor't tfflrt.' AaArtti RtRkkit. R tt T1.

Wtw v ita woman wWm* aitla* w a^ larlaa

mtraiRA htura Rt>AtyTt>Atr. Sit Nonk,, „ , M—pMaiM



«lMt‘LR. ta1trt4;> MB okatffttr anA n man: wtn f yiRl ktAMwork; dijr rofon

c a rp u i .

■ nt *7roforttrt; wtAto mtArrtiA K.WmI tUa Now Ttrk

. ___ otIortA: mat t i oRatffwir «b4haaAr mMi: fttA iiftrtAeM; viW A»r

kind tf ktewFtrkL aM (m* r tf tr tttia RAIERR, T il R im OlURt At*., ««tt* Btvtk

-RdflAtd kmtfimmtry]rtnAMt; k tn rw Tt petA AlArtti ntmt,R ^ *1* R ii^ ♦fntiu

CDCrtA—Maflnai ' t* l* ^ ^ ''ta lialtliait a* f*A aad kwUar.

« * iln * I* * i* r* l* * 5 5 * laMr*a* aaah aad kwUar. I T I -----al.; 'dkaat lltlW.WoMdif ki ar laaaitl kaiaaawarfcar i

a u a* katlar t a l kaadr aaaa ar Jaalter'*d w i , i i . t . t w ’, r ‘v.,atf« -■ .. —a,


Baalan Uaiat.

IfffigKATOplJSiSH:Maa at l*:N A. N,. n ik ar *U•e is w rs /S B fc O H .at iB E ilkrtaaa,kcB lii* 7---- ----- -——> BaM S* B

» A ila ta MM tara* m________ ____

‘ P ftV l|Mtt MfMM W


aaRaPSw•taa, altlMifar ial»*r i ___________________

I A. fAltaaaaaibRADtAtlti

n - « i DBS M . MBWABB. m, »■ o m It* I

iT hbE i m S t I


^ 1

n a iA n m iT w a iit iim r m iii

k . 1MOTflAA UPtaMVIp MB-

- M V^ s e s s p s ' ^

e S I


-felgdifllW to-*. r * H ' RWia .waalt *pn i n r #hMFfSWEIe IE dMMlitiAhi ABaab«K " F . ' h n g i

dRMrlMRA MUtt CMErA aabL

l y i l i S E IT aSnV. n

WBK-r'*t**' ilfi »M hi ■ ihMi 'W

■ ARPIR, Ml ■ e rtf t

ju n a tjA a i

M w ^ i N»d*» ta igMy

I H ;

aia„*HM r I

,m . j .

-J2 L.

m ss^ S-^ M kiis:^

rou mU

S a * i ^ f l


R ®

m e s i ? £ s s ^ -B id s :

i f f s a S r ® . s a BR«s w

• j t^ n ; tjfJBac ft? sssufs,

Arpuc CIOnt^Naw ***« MAar. ala* ridar Idaacat. tia. aat ji«N*l AaKvand. laad

Mill la .lO HN^ IIU W H C I I* II Baal FilfBiBaat da*., ar ' ik aai . f l l WATarIr.kU, ^ladt *r nktMaai aiaH n akata**, ■kaa'caa**. caff** ailUB **•!**. la* kaaaa. ic.. *1 naraaakM arlcaa. B IB ^, HI Ibti**

t.. aaar ljKtiM<MM * i* ; t lT I t tm y**- AUi kiad* at rutara*. iaaBtan, wiwcaaaak ,taa baaaA.aatfM » » E 'S R f " ' •**! krachHi «m okatd. dOMMBB. I l l •*nB|t7*l| ara

, tg t « K i r t a K g a .kad, tv* aaM dt

15*' TUM, A aHMinra Ulllr*~M^ Iptl^B yraltk at.

' C ieA i* W i*<


1 iMMlBr 1I IwinM

ARB rta la aatl *( aua* iluianj umMari v* j„ la Ik* L


ALL KInM *7 irrra lad aaraML a*i«a alaai* a ll n a i ; an larva* aardialar la partaeUaarnAKr^LBHL a il Majrviaaal a**., Irvlafiaa.

BAHBEBRr ktdr* p tlau ai l*r.aririih iii

*1 llr. mil*.

_ - a ala" Ic. a pAat, plak raaiutri i*L 1*1 Ikanaai ara.. Uia*

BAJir CARIILkOR. raad auHsaa: aaad *M- dlUan and cMaai caat II*: aalT tar tl.

Arkly l i t Rlai'aalk a**., camar Bltraaik ai..eliy.

: r i S “r £ ? ? 5 :H 'S «

CAiR rtRittor. oRtw o u t tod iaM«»* «k«tt: •klUbJip hM opy bitrtndta. dIV RrooA tt*

a AAAORDINARV •tRMitnllr; lu t motik* i ,M bfwbd MOW Id-lMcb doiiAm AM rtr* rdA Ih*. »»cb; Md kora|«M

oiktr ktrfti«A | i HRwtrAj rAomo- frtRko emA rocoiwo OEPkaMMod; otRort ro- RElliMC; rORAtr Rtno CbOtR. HU iRHtRfttld tto*EMIfT-FOOT AWBtnc. iMtrir mow: mIm oth ball iUAd u Rdoit coMdltiMi min iEii r t f OOMtblo. Tt Jf io i ■». ____________FOR lULR-''Fur* **•#< olAor* froPi from mmr mnm. Itc* ftllM, IM RRjr AHAMtlljr, F.r>* R. t«r d U M . Rrit RAlIrtMA: ojUrt ebErffo r»f biirroiE t id kt|R wkta *• ftr- ntoh; otjfti tr roliMbto roforoMea rMiilrtd with wdw. A. RORIUM A ROM. MUAitrUlt.N. JiFOR tALR—Kldk-frAdt lAltld mAfldtUt,

Rorfoti cwfiAIUbM. J»tw WrUMfbMj MEttwoltiR trlntltr ftr bowlhatr: o tlr AAdr««lliMlctl. t«E 143* Mown Mfflct.FOR AALR. Aark t«k tf l l t t t«kU. tttA

lltUo: mn dotloro* NACKAT. Ud Rjunmor trt.. Wowtrk,-W. J.____________________FOR MAL^Dlwm tuU AaA tA ao oW-

'PRtnt tlAII OrthfE.rCR RORC. cR *^ flVlrflRW o f R ^ n : *1- BHWI now. cIlARLRiWALTRRS* IH ■tttb Ttnth ol*OON^RoiMltp UiRltiAUd vtAtl «Rtbo-htrtddw^- ---- -- 'Rtbddtuhlo-btrroltd ffttRi II-aarm; xrh cam do-

ill BrocijHlMo ftoti. fnroty.OENTLUAm htMvr m rewB, «•. . .. okootT^u tr ttr T Pa M*. IdbvA, Btit OrtRft. I

IHVAUiri akalr, aaal IIA aall l-r M: akair.caaa, Hlukla far claara *r aaadr, aaal Ilk

•all far II. MB. CAdU. IH Waakla««aB at. aar AaadaHr.

ULT BRANDraia Tartalaaa

OUVB OIL W. Bl TUBNBB, 111 Araada kMA. H I Braad0» D 0MORi aractlnllr

Cllktaa BTra.aaar. TIDBT. Ilk

pS w o o RABM, l i t VIctrala, im ar kaaatl- til lacaida aaad akan thwa, will aall I lk idOM.HBaMS--------- ------ ■JAHW )

Naw TmR.•aaatk ai„ a* 11 .

daHaaa wtu I ak, Blaan-

BtJBBBR n A i mB a 3 8 g r M a w r 3 f c « ta

■TBAH kallar, kaat I ta I raama; Ilka aaw;akaaa la tihik bapar, A»*lr daOp, UH AUagila at.

1W B « ra r. fidda^JJ^JJ. ^•ta Rolltrlllo*

T ® r "CAWVdS OOTMBd. ' B O tb n


’M s S !Tarr Baa Halramael; Maaalflaaat ••••; twa taad Wwai )aatkar a

VtalH, 111.

VIOUM, kav aad aaak II*; alaa laa ttttd l-

i alOla.,><ii iaa lliBBRt flaa aid alOla. Hlaaaakla. u ' ltfaii aaa., Baraar iavik mmfe tk*-



BtAMFlBiiS'a^ilnr, VvtBHatdii tak raa- •aikMariMiaat aavr aaal |fTaaM M.% Ttwiia H M j^ riin a . ar Ml Aattatat at.

am , any.

'Air HB-'CA•OttAd’kAha irnMa H iBflca. . CHka’L___^ a laaad i •••* aaaaU■I



^ tS f i iS T t s r r r 'a i tT K- ,h B. HTB.

. HI i I a t, kaar Laab

fuR~ U A m , M l . laraa tatd adraar, tkar kaaMkafd furaltara. aall w iri- waaa I - I L ^ I a » k a r l, l i t CUa-

BBRNCK ras. II4UIH. a n , aaMItk aitaa I lk AdVH' kafar* < f . M., IH Bata* *1., MM Oraki*. •**. Oraira Bk BH-

UA1 RAKOB. ilfck aaw. M il: aaaMw alaraa H-il •»; laaadfr aUraa, fl.M;

IRWIRO AUtklMO »A flrtt-tlM rtAMltf •rdfri. All sUAekAitAU; Hi bwrfttA IIT

Bmak ot.. fIrW HHp.

* a it r e 5 5 ? ^ t U ^ ? f l f l i S L r ,^ j 3 S

BARMB tm tB . Bra *(•***..t f -■••diaa naT*', diAHtr. i m a Hltrar. IM*.m WaAlattaa at.,

KITCMBN TaBLB, H«.; aarlM’ UM*. ttk ,

A aajw r *LAT a kartUR, hH i-irida taBar. kal r m

aad dliMt raaa fanttara, raia, awitara, dhtair aat. aat ftan . tMlatlafS aaa k* aaaa HHy tataarryw. l i n t Mar. H laMk

S E a "

|H la

.11S 3

0A1 RANOB far lala rkaa*: karaaia ta a laltk karar. Ill RH^awoad aaa.

KITC1IBH lAltaB-IlM watar nadlUwa, Mr nla. IH Fklnii Hit. BUnnaaH a*a; I K

LaROS. aaadariaM* rM km tran II aaata ak; MarrM akaira Hwaai wick laatkar aad

•aIrrM, will aall traM It.l* kai aaaalaa laaikar aaal ckalt, k**ar kaaa aaad. *M • I lk will adl tH It II: aUdIfli aaMtk. ILM. • •M jll: laathar Hitawa iir IIR. CAIN, IH waaaladt^ ai.. oar, AraAawiir.LiROk Ma.' I t R a i t i i d « a a V a n l t i l l

akaaa h r aaak K im cv BROi., U RaM Klanair atj *»fcaaa III MaitamLAROB ataaa

daalrraBBf* ■HH'fMdpr, flAA hH i Hortk Ortvt tt.* Or-

RO* 4 • . •Itrt lor OMlt. Itkd n t^ . C^LIV*

4t1 itM k HUUk

parlor odrrt. ’TtElMttM.**' tROAR U lAktA At tAoti oloAm boAt li rtAtoA for Hit*

l»l RrotkliAo MOO,. Nttltri ____BtlllfK Hi*

fritAOti tim t HotoM fw

Burton* u t w B| 1HBWURTON* u ttOWAfk..gCjlTtAfftti, ttA><»Am AAd hlM . v«rr rotMPhklt* Cfll dt4 iraOAd Ml cantriTi , IIL nrnmw M.. I


orvtiAdAotdomr.tTAffDAKP rwrjiMTt HtAt*. f t OrAATt dt-

Koto your k IocIIom of cotk fUtirot VRUt (boy Ue(; Id kooiort. Ock* erUAdww* ooM- (fwtori. pW oti»vr«.* UuMdry »t*ooM. Il.TI tR. BhEiroa lL*.r •Md'btdirda I tid : Mtw birdttyt tbtffooalor EMd dromor, dU: frt* dotivwri•l.aii OTtPbiME __RRWINO AMMiilMo. Dtnwie IVW •lAltr. W. A W.r tdiTrll ARi uroRoirtif Md Rdrtt? til miMA TolI m a HERUKa. II ytAft, t ttnwiNO MAC HINE# roRAlrtd lA r tv

BP/ PMho: * m I t /!?»•■•lAd PoWpJ ta MR. Um'HMLL. «0 'UMAO ttTt ilprhot.••wo.ThJnotiifc BOO

lix lPAth«r diPiRp fttti thPifP MMd tatapOMRt cnticlL Wllk Oott MitroMMLfotd uMlfltinU MO doolotA FAMUNP- t i t Waitpa^•TO»]k Raaad Oak, in t Vil; aall Hr M. aa*d t aiaaika U Call M-, IrMaidaa.VPRIOBT Man*, aafl tlM. Ilka ••». aall far

• 71; Ih iKh cawh. ■■ ' ■. ____ ______ _ caat 111, aaU fat It:dprOPHRy7WtLCOR A OlBMi PAtPAmit JwAlAMI lilf

rfctna: aarlial.Baada iaa.. L- If. UPOCBR A ro.. Ill Mala IL, Baal Otaaia. .Ml COCCN far aalA Ml alH. dwHir.and akatn H kanOk. Adl wH. «deh Barar. Baa Ik NaTva alfla*.

ROt.'RTIC takaal ahaw af Baaak CaaaiTraaltrr Aaaociailaa Ikearaeraied tk Hamt-

tlalr. Daoaaibar I, II, 11: aatrM alaaa Wa- aankar U. Far aragfeia bat. add n g CRARLRd N- ■ C R U m B , aaaratknr, t t Faraat a**., CkMwall, K. J7


V t

IM BAIR MjnkMilk I M Haatara IM faH CBieaa*'iHaaea all auiad; aaH ait ad

HaTTtad: na lauaaaki* arrar tHkaat. a£ dwa*r i lH*i, Baa It, Ham aMlaa

i r a l a f i d FbIm bbS l a k iM a i

. . waatad, m i Nmarh ktaiM aad

OU C d ta bbS f l i f i

m W a K j t & i E '


AUTOAOULESBODIBd. IHaikMaia laadaalai. Paakard, ' Balkralk. IMHH, Fklt. Laaa«ahHa aad • a a r im m likaa HMi»i laakatlav; palal- tad: aattafaMMa taaraaiaad. Nrw Tark AH Badr Ca. IH Waal r w r Btdkih at.BtmfORUA l i l t laadMar: Ikla a u la ■lattrlikllr ai alkl t d: aatra abaa aad iMaa Ilka kaa; nataalaad ildkl arary ka*i kar far a aaad aar la tba CORBN A BBIH. M llu ia H at

arari Iba •Itr. Oa

i n i


HAXWIU ■ ifHl faradaat raalaiar,

•alH Daraia Oainaaaw, Btadikakar IH Mala M„ Baat Oiitaia. __^

OOITT, Birr a'aaa«id-baad Pard aM aM Mack: iH a MW *M tiam

ART aCHLoioHa. H Ida Pard MaHt Oa.. It lUlaH at. W b H IIH.• CALL MB UP.FORD l i l t dMInry aan: kraad aaw fall

waaal kadr. f a lat* aaklaataat; M il: iMt IH iklaa far aalMi E l l w r aarrtaa. Pan Dallvafy Car Ca., ItH Rnadway, Pit- Ir-faarlfc at., Nyw Taaa City.PIPTT H.-P.: lala audal:

lawrlai; aarf*ct aaaMlaa mad apaaeraaea:•n ty aH||aia*l: K in t i l l : alaa awiallar tlra-aaiaaa ^ laartdL 'Pkawa KVh q b iipo r d ,t l raia li lt . iIinNwadway.PMU) dalhrary kaMaa: Tra yrtll laaaiii a ia m t e M ^ S t r s i S T K J C i tFcrd Dallvarr Car Ca., IIM Braadatay, Plf- » -faartk Naw. Tark.

LIOOB taarlaa awr, alawM iraa i aaw, ka* tap. HadahMA alnuic aiartw aad tl«bt. Hr* lira, daawatabla rlM. Hatar kalaa

Uanpa Canpaar. P ia '----Mala ak. BaM Oraapa. akar adaBt*. It*

PO R C B D ~in^B I|; aacrtfli madal U WadakakK, Hlf-atartar, alacirlclaraKlakt*

■ i ^ w t a p p A t t a t a 't'iSS'-U

k s m m u

BMiaHat kadr w_ Hau. ll-i had, Bray R Oa< artM-taaP ■■ ■! ww, -«.«r ^ va.w ■—rwM

ItphlA Palar all iiplaa, - aaaM I--------H taliH H K. llHk and t i i l n u a a barBt l.nkarad iM MmIl aad pH laMi AaaHaal Ua i praal aM fi

jatfiM la w^a*Uy_ pwwartwl|_lNapa: IkM

oda « ? •p l j fi ta tllc bM

T w o i M »R rOR*TMi

RNBRRI} Hqran Btalar laMl aaia." ••- ptciaiiy aba* *aiA ky aa A i*al blah- m l* aan aar, aaKHalad. ta * kHtar to- nHH iat Ihaa a aaw ahaap aaa Wa bar* Iwa aalllap aaad aara far Baarly II yaaia. Oar •■yaritaar ■**•* ya* laakap. Bay a day aaw far laH tha* Ha waHh Mat aprlap. Wa alfar |* |tta aiadM ‘*»aMll. paataa- l* n - can ai -paad ••)••" priaaa Aad lak* >aar all car la pafl papaiaat. Oar ran laak pa*4, ara laad aad wa anka load. DOBRlMPP AHa Baahaada. laL IM- III BallavlII* a*a

look—AITTO 2j*OTBB t o o n

cha lna ia Wlataa ta w li

• ... JataraaltaaaJ MataiaA ll aaa "A n w la a i" plaiad riada aa ataadard •aalpaiaai. i r raa ara aatH kavlap «u UaaMwi. laCa _____l ^ a ^ P W a . Bla, Ca, fH-fM

Hwtop, haJMa: t i l l B. M. P. tSalim, ap- Itoa m . MM: Mil W a r tH * ^

IrHI iH to te , hat. rlHay. tlM ; M IIB E ir?*!l MM: 4»M d*3-S*3 i. ™m. alaaH. J h *: t l l rCadillac tnarlap, aanfllaMl •aadWaa. M l

*RW A B a m L i PAILt.itywifBRBD'i AM* §t„ Sm


H. t.

CADfLLACR m t: fIva-papMaiBH: •nrbaHad, ripHataA aaw Hwaa lacla. au.: ■•ae-peaaaadar, wttb

HUpanat; kaia aan wOljH* •pl-adid aatrlH aad •» •« OMBIaaHtamy It waat Ihaa* will

DrrROIT-CAOtLLAC MOTORCAR OO.,Iff Halnr It.: ‘Pkaaa l lw M H iH y

llphto la tiH aoBdltlaa: any daaiaaBtrailM: took, at Ula taap Hfara kHda*. NABUbLM^ 1 . , HI Malan •(.POROd a n aataaiafcllaa h HH^ Ilk* aaw:

rwkaHt, lU: loarliipa IRI: Ont-alaM25? ' fa r K H toy

WelDINQ—Brokn aat# aad aiackJnary •aatinp rapalrad, acorn cyMwdara, craak aol in r ik M , rlikwU, radlalon. *H BMata.

»« Halaay. aaar Klaaay. •Pkaaa.IMt Mallwtry.iHa-rRrm-i

Mil. taiaikp. latPH modal.----- .Itokto damaaaUMa rli__uU* Ura aad rtoi: damakalraitoa: karpHa

•ka: awkW pMUap toran aar. Illi«u aw. .Po RTaRLE IH tokk lor ilad kaaa aaad .M fH iktny Hyi; aaM IIM: aaay larma ta a ritEDBRICK PADLER. I l l BloamflalA

M t: wW aall tor ram aaikla party. II B lyaaltoldaTa,

H « a Hr aad t i l l taarlaaIr, aa* akcaal-Waiid II lawWia, tWa Tl d-bakp ranaHat kadlH for aal* cbtap.

ROPE COMB Rkad* latoad Bada. alpRI bn* and cack: alpkl palltU. IWa caobarala:

gaatmao-WIndkaim ataak: M*. C. H.OAOLAND. Udpawaad. N. J. ____ ___

m ilTB LBOHOHNl. pallato kaaa aaakcrato far aala. Phort Wlla PaHtry P u iu ,PprlapdaHj N. I.WILL bar. LHhara. BknaP Raak aad a ^

kaatlara aad iiaatw a Bm

PHOlINP. T aeckiaal Raekato IH lot. Tko ELLORTB . Mlnillo.

UtID todoy. aa yaar laktw tamarranrl dtraat by parcal h M: daHctoaa aaaw irM(a ttiai; tha OPH of hifkaal «HHty. Catidikto PaatliT'PkraL Tam RSt , IL f.

J )p |i pbJ Cato

~ AT ONCB—MUpf BB POLO.' FitACh boh RARRtaP, lAAltA Aark kripditt: wri»dtrfA] br Btt«R;

~ Bt*, ABATWM wwitiflPHX, wriluai la

’ AAA -tBta•ctoBM;'•Btafltt:

It: frtta

RIRO DOO MlattT MAfB, RtM «f kAAtiAAatatR KStiOKa t l l l tA r t t OrAARA

t i t q m g kAiiAy RBjftaA t tr BRib.- i nWATtrlj Atta* flrtf flttBa *___________

S S f i a S « J S F ? f ? S‘phaH aHitHtaa.rOR PALI, «KT ftam prdlpraad raaaaaakla ITI 8E


■ilfOdOMBty BMidad BalPih' toutlAtAlhl - -MMk;

MOMBtS^aditoUhl fttdi RtAi; riiiotata^i- M

WaB P fv£ ii HtWaa ataak: Trary BlaaaWlaM

Rtkfi A*a.;. arktia Paralaa Obarlaaaad Par-

ara.' Irr*HApKincBNT d to w a ad anit,

Ui i i h : taaaaaaMai Obarlai alaa ctia alidad. IMlaHTmaaat lapiaa. ________yiTPPir i Bilaito aad‘ irkiH ban papa' l l aaak: «*raa kHka Hp. W Markat *L

moat H akHp AdiknA'Bon I V How* aiS l i* waktEo,

lawriam M lm aitbi aid In aU ., , AUtlap ptIcA pop.

aallK at WawWidvdtaad doppappy; •• aktoHtoa to tk m ar foH

T ypdw iihn a s 4 S w tB w

. t . m R T .

Ma»di»-to-dato typakHto* laakakH CwTl.

B iV U '*

t i i f ffWMl

a T O

"S t

•L) fp>

to ll

Fo rd ^dlaa tor aala:-------- jHIM _ „

•II Wawaltold am , BiHmtialA____________________OLBPMpBlLB. taTan-aaaaMpar. l i l t ; ' aatt- akla Mr Jtuwr; ailf aati tola a u Haap; •a aaad IM raoa; car la Orat-alMa abApa w d ia a lt^ r . DR OOUm * R B U R nMBMlPOTcBiipHOBuii. Ifli. aaad okly a tawl kH kaaa tokenpHraaiH: a7an ki « | i l ^ laid rlpkL

toll UOHT to t CkatoMra. nmatoripkla prwticalty m Hod h aaw. wolilca 1*14 Hudwm Ml. in ia aiwHiaij pwr— and alHr parflcTUata, wniil''- ilkaikl —— ■ aralfoa. IMA; ItiFIhttoa. H lH i* wHh atoo- irTc llphii a n aMric wlf-attytir, to AI aaa- llnaa, I4H: IM| Amarto^ InH iHiahaH. bHailtulir a t a ^ paoP. TOUT M h Ckr do.. IT to WinSa M.BAmlAiNP la

iTocka, raady iMir.. tin . atortartl twa aaa-laa

___•: 1114 Abkati•oA ptaaraiar: t i l l

Hayaao. tla«. atarito aad piairator'i i l l l Ovorland, rwa.i 1*11 Pwllman toitr.i Mil Pannaylvaala loH. Wa eaa pat a*y mAh* daa4rad. McAVOT AHa PMotoafa. I t ttiL IlnpbuyaMt am , Ka ' ........u Nawark. 'PbaM Wanaw

— -----------j*A aad laaaa iia* aaw: i lCan H aaan Aka daotoMlratad a t PA4k Motor car Cn iaaay. i t Mato Tark, Braad al., HawarkTM. J.

kH kaaa lakH aaad car* af; waw c u pHtaatH: a7an kartop an all-yaar Uwriap: ------- J j j COBBN A BEIPd, IH

FOR P4LR, H it Btyaa-paaaaapar. ati-cytoa- dar TaanlH: tiactrlt llplito aad laHar-

^ c ^ t a S s a s S f K u S k i K ^ t ^ U 'wUl Uka OH oaak or wtll uka r a A a r aad aapiL Aldriw Aala, b h O, Nawa otftoA trv-


DBUVBRT: Tap. panal: all laeloan: aatra •iniap. Hod 01 aaw; fit aay ckaHla: paao- IcH aadar (wt: caat IIH: aWI IH

OCOaK, ‘phoH m 14 Kalatad at , EaH Or- •HA________________________________PORD toarlop. till, ftoa canniaa: Mil

eoRa-and raar-Hd diack akiarbara. atoc- Mc llpkta; all HO* tln ^ If** caah, 7ia laaa. Addtoaa PildPto Party. Bad tl, Nawa offloa.

H*v; - 1-0 a iiaaai i* amaa. aia; an aiwwa af pwlofA UAa«dtodi*A imH aad Hh axalA mapHlaaa H i.: aU Mad* at add* aad •Bda a f ta a aala IIm ; aprlaH fldad walia row wall: hlfh prlcM pkM paad hhaa- land aara Tba Oar.. II Ray torilaH elalri'phau HIT.Mil overland Iw. ,II ; Hid toaf. tl.rll t A k. faatary fl»a maatba apa: kai all HpkL tap wliidakMAmoaitokl* rtma aitrA Un aad ------falH Oarapa Co.. Aladakanr tpaato 114 Mala at.. RaM Oraop*.


T ltl KIW ^W aH TBtllBtT >orytao “ ----rwir«A It )r<mr ottrtft mimwti nwri.. ____ .Aolt; rttlBbta m fk aaA ItllbfAl unriaB. gttctTlo MWtf MA mRAiU Ob, Hi BaIb bI.

I iipw "PAitrir

ir*H kalury, •taitor ot aud .

tuAlti, |4iik—lato toadal. I-h h larSaa oar; aptoadld aaAdlltoa: 144 Tor 0T4ikA*ilais fatly apatp-

‘ .5 S 5 i .« !

hRAL RAmiAlK tongtr itATti

Juot RMid IIBBt r ' j r s ! y * : ^ a r f -Rjy U Mftta 0 glomrMdHit. IfERCHAMT # b otiT mH ytA A FbtA

doHvorr etr irtUi broMd not JRMBtl k n y for t i l t : will do lilt work ot IkrH lu rn a ond wnpoH at laaa anpaBaA Pan Dollvary fStr Oo., IT** Broadway, Ptfly-toartk -at., N*w Turk tlty. . ___

_ Jttr. BMARRIP IBll: tB R. P..lldiffl lltblli (>OmRlmB ttMlRIMMt* food MAdlUeh; Jf fold At tM«tr Im . FIimieBgyqRRf^llfe CtrelB IdtTp ITW BroAdwAy.innnfOBILR'MM mdMar: aaarltoalad and iwly raIr : a rArt hsrtAiA; wtll.aa.p pnaAHVa - - —- -ill f t

It oEl OA iL t r o ^ t t d ^ Aad tsaho fO«4; tlTt. D t c c u n f * R s m t . 7m H a lt trTIRE RXCHAltUE. Maatorturort nt

‘ In ottok; v t aay •Hi HAlBBir ftp 'fiBM; opta EtAdAy.

tVBAii ttfAA; • Atao A ^ MAd OOOOMd- kAAd In ottok; v t aay 4^e* Ik. for old

HomwORIC—(tompMiH p in ' tor ftMOfAi iMAABwttli Ahd Atoklnf: cbambormold

Mil HUP jfil^- racJkp typo CATl tt*rtrl«ilnl; f«H ilrto.l O c y ! 5 L a S . i

Iro tUB. Wav.

T E U ru TlEm TratkA. Elf DtaoBMAta* ^ m ktdItE 10 Bolt fmAll pAirnfM. I AAOt In JAMtUy Mtut AddrBBB WAtagA.* Box W N«wi 0f|taA TntakE *1

VLaab^ mbiW

RAONa Hr. 4 n II B ird ak . " T

: ^ t a « L a . i■UDBON l iiirto i. Pvaar totraa a

k b w c aIMO . tCHOLBAkirroa tor all aaaaMaH: kar, i n ar to

CAEEURETER EZFlETil EayftEld. arboMw. StrtmT' FActory ARRotntid Mrvk« itj UAf A Tbrw corbnrrtar tmba aIS k x p R•a at yaar Hratoa.

WILU CARBUHETBR aA T ^ iT Pkwia p. ». Ml. IM-H BdUwaiila **<aR?AR k»nMr4citoa. fit apr aap ap I

H. p.. pMr kkWkM ■aato. aMH-OL

fu lank, l i t IcBih Eltiraatk al.: T lU Mirkot.


Mil OLDIHOBILB, modal ,M. ktod t*H Uila IH Billaa: tooka Uka kiaad aaa: POT tool •vary way; maat aaultiH at awia E*a IAMairlMawn.FORD MU toarlnf, avartiaalad a*d ra-

patotad. alHtrleal aiarl't; IM iMt M M cthar bmaltu. Md Baftavllla

PACKARD H. Hth twa badtoa: trill Ha- •Ida trad* far •mall car KINBBT

BRna., II Ban HInnty aL; 'phaM tl* Mal-

•caattaM oaw wwttoPHtolia tearta- 'lUnf.1 AdMwy d |l WiHlaptoa at.tDari. WiaEdlaHi a>rf-atiaiiap~Mtd ll*ti<- Inp araiaBi KIh ITI; coanty a a n u ; •Paata waatad In avaty towa la EaaaP Maator BADLBm'f Oarap« ilaamftolAw n

RRHkT h F HOKktov .lywkto ta aaa, wa wUi, MkR yaa a . aftr aulmr-tOT wkn* Mari M'halal rifalrad. Ilawarh Uaiar* t i g I k ^ T I U CdplTal avd,MUDBOX BMan. MU, l-M; avtmaalad aad

Ik Al aakdliloi; prta* II.IH : folly a«Hp- pad. ApRlF rialdati*^ t i l dratlaad raad.••M r Maatraaa am Oraop*.IH i pVBRUKpt- kaa tap. wtiKtahtold,

h m<Ih m4Wl tklatarto llpM*. p a n tira*. Itotor I M OaraH OaHHay. Btadphakar apHto, H* ktoia ati. BoM Oraop*.

t g t o ___________S b a u r Mil. parfact MOdlttoR:

aaa. Tkiai'Wto Wavany.

‘ d i S d s T s a i

' TMl H A »ftL L n tm m ; •pertomaa

fwaakatK. pp a . p.: noL.OL*0 *C<l^i!,aaw UVOTl At a banHIa. IR l^MaCAJU* H l lpaa iala aa*.

G a r .- fs p C i'^ tJJi.*ftf*** B; u *HHj a* aay, aaaPtnaai aiar-Bavll jH H b a aart WH^^Wil haipala, .Tmafa Oar-


OAKLAND i-yE«wnr«r BAT, NNy AF#MtA-t cOAdItlod. 'MViwr AOidR AA i AM WBfdm* Abta Offor rcfuwd PHAM EnutaE Bkmk tttR.KUFVOEtLR IMI eBltant ruttnlBE HrfAth. DK niZEN ft-rom pe

. flve-RAARBAfOri E AS-irdBf; wUT bo baM a| a :N a EBUi, 3#d IcAoy

Tour ftOAl,||| | whJIo y<----- “irdiund. N<

.wEWsMhsA^ volt Mm tllA BAAM r Tim Maul fu HilAor*

EOtetr llAfBoto R o ^ ttANBAa dtaudki|MBf DtomoBd. MfillBAk. OoBEriBB et>4 tAfo Ittm. TmdlAR Ca . M wtiltata it.



ilU E. M. P. flra-naMinpat toorlaa «M.raraotty nvaikaulaa aad pal

BERINB, II R'anklaiton pL.MU MITCHELL i^ laL

••aippad, at a karaato COIEN A RIBM. Ill Kan

"falto . ■ DB

laway at, WaamyRADTQ ndlaiara. laaiH raHlrvd

k/Japan machaaloa Aw^Ha 4« wiiitoan m.:ADTO Hppllia: wa aarn . plat* Ifna af jMHaaartot aad aikdaya JiN U TlM -

In ataak a cam- . Hon ovaoini* III Mataay at.

LIHOUIIMR kadlOT, aann-pHHHtOT: will fli Paakard obMto KIkI b t BROA. 11

R ut Klaaay .at! 'phaaa IM Halkarry.

OCMifimCTAL kodlOT tor ml»: torpa _ _ ^M aT H *H H ftoia, OrAOfo OAniAfBIBMl' M BEBoBA fTBIA. OTAW OB OAlTiiaaa ava.. ttoar Mila at.. CltaapoLBABB-Malaar aL, 111. i w AaadMUf Mv>dnaa tor lira kaaltMH and apari

apa; IlFa atooUi: pwa—lan at aaoa.MCw:

-rto .’U v l

pi—ai__________lau FORD tantow: ^•ad Oeaa aH t*J.

HI i n t i Itodal • Ttod rm k aH ; t t t b a n KdM M Moabaolj It M koM R, M. P.

t t S i S l POBB1K1. IH Billanlla aai.■JUOCpINB,, IkAdaalaL a«Hto nadawa

loartks -kpdliai otoa aavarol . bi k a d lta ^ V o lfw i IH RallfHIto avA

■ U R

fd l lt t S y to p ’ SwTlia Hid 'jHadltlaa i i ^

HdHfrtiHaPHmtNl ---- *----- ---- ---B u i ^ , » a iHi'

r» lr

"% ESiSiir*55r"^BS


RABT « S j ? -PIllfcPROOP

Mjm•raatad.'ROOF aUM partokto BtoMtoAitjI. *6cofR$D *A kBS^ * ? * *^ •L aad Itomkarp pL 'n i a a IBM

■MAU, paraH aad rapalr Haa M wan aaalppad Hik ■acMaanri wtokM to toava (My. AddraH OHai 4i, Raw* alttoa.INYBarnaATa oar Wh I raia

aaiapH Htora dattH u;lotaramttoa. Tha i

UvrrBRBAL atoM laHda. KHatok

WANTIB. * toawdidiAil Ha

tISI. H T B S H aS a.B s f e r m .

s r v V w ^ t r i t f i r f c y “r « TUB fO T H w B laR

E t MATOI. a Ray I t .CABS pw r to*kV*rVina Ia**

iH Map aaad # • " *r_H ; owy waal aart l |a l wit m lm - DOBBINr NR


tor katoaaA AtoMam BRIator. Bm JS S I l .i m m

I ItoaH jM l •aad piMiflr

y w trdtCflBAd

K O B T C J U a iO A I I S - M A l lC T A tij_rULju-|jij‘ij-trtra-ijVi*R ^ *~ ~i*i* *■■■*■

• s s ,:tiB TIUIC

atrwatlaiL < to l^ J t

BMCB A. fBAMw f S i x S S *


f T S f u T

CLAMBIICj411 Piud4aiM _____Bint marldM— aaRTMtoaly H*a*r aaHtlap atolakto lowwaHHi

8U*n.'IK, flvB ikArBb _ t i l coyb AAd .ltwill b«y^, will moiRr* In th r^ .

Any ooor BBYBA R*r Cfil. AddfBM B l U, N«#BJIOMBT tB IBAB BA Onx bBAd Aad I

At I for c«al. In •wfiip Bf |4B4

toONEP' to kaa oa koad FRUnKHICK r HOME. ,

Baiiaiitl itota Itoak kofldlhR IM Nawark. N. / . _________^PlRIT inanaaH kwH•lA e^ 'to v i7 ic ! i i3toiltdhH. __________

kOKR ta*.,'

MONET to loaa oa Rrat aWd papal: alto killdlu oad toao S 10KKASKND, III WaaWaptak

- « i u . T 'o E . s c v s i - s n ROHHH at-. PkMo toaldtap, roam ML -a CONin.T Vi tor^jawtoaH MHa of to*M



«HPSr-tofRyVdw a n ted . ILd» BA BBroild.BMr

tArBBwCRBUly brick BRkrtm«nl*nrol AtafliARB. llArkBt Bio

OwMf, N. iCHl

Itl.UBB WANTED. rt«w iwotVB-fAAkHF b fik ttponmBAt Koiuo In NBwnfJi; Id Rtr «BRt

|o>^ f r w r H. iCHBWCK. IBI MRiKrt #1.FEfVATE RBrty wltbN IIB,dB# Abd I

flVB RBT c«nt fliwt martfA#BA ft»B 1 lyn Rr«R«rty, AddrBM HortfAM> NbXE ( fiSiJSLSJl— 5Sta£iBM«»*B«sM^Hi


tow. M larallB

r ymaot: Oa Intaraat; aa

TOV CAN ntIHROW TQSAT | u H IIM j ratoa provided ky tow, ao li

•to. Taur nvnalkiy

Il.ia, pin* I par ••*,.........I. p iu • P4T oaoL Imaruti ao ItL aaly T il. plua > POT caat, totoaaat. larpw

amounia la propwlto^'PhoM. writ* wr aall. aad yaaTl taaatoa aw

U» HarkH at. f 'Phona itkrkM <

moval fraio h«m*-, AIh aa aHm H-amnatwa ladataaiai toana taparakto to toMlbly laatalmanto ay aacAiat, lapal H4H: Ta laaa: prea*Nei d ttia* financing Ikaito claty polraatoa h » dHlIap: vobM h IM; •*«• I to 4 todty.


LOANS WAHTID- ERSOIM ,prkd~iOj~a*sWW'a*ir»**Bi~ *• -|*|Wm mnnHCRNTLSHAK wlU praatly apyraalato Mto

tofUl af IIH Md tolar* u tm to a _ ^ ■MtiSto wltk gaod latoiaOT. Addtoto BaHto- awa. Baa ill, Kawa offloa.______ «. .PAIITT w ^ d adprattotolHaJ & . S Nawa■ t i s s f

LADT iraild Wka a' iffo •* *H*| wBj kack ataaikly. AddraOT Laaa. Baa

DUISSKUIBIC AIOjA w uoii'f 'aaww* w S TfuBaaiy '

Hwapa r

• e n o in

r % J g ^■BLBCt MW: aaad f l

d S s S i C '

' f "■ i" H 1 I % * ,5 '

J «

PiTiPgTIMI_ ■ o a i w a i o f f o i t r t t i i B

I I I•m *. w»"i WMW«|irM

!# | |« M I

H v m i4 t M f


s:^ t h■ H w M * f tM Wtlltw


■ A t r o k A j t o s

.M rauk . « UMtrftI m> M iI S ilM

____ AH HAnoMALKMliriM COCLMI t t t f

I fAU. TWM HOW o r w

. v s s ,r « M

H T ~ f te « i i -1 <lt.

i i c a o o t . w

w t«*lav w ...^^ —VuhMotw *tO W N M la M l MM M *2 ? J E S

O tM tM SMBlMTIttAMl afr. .1 MfIM Sm «M MWMM VHWAttMi m.o o K r i c n o m

r t f i r * * * « g — « .« t B g g - i . y * - J

■AVB Mvara) rilMU iMlftAf M^ **ji;sL(riis4 :; v ssjt'n siiM k lU f lM •*■ __________________ —

s a ; m g a s r r & 5 5 a r “

•fftn . __________

j m s f i^ * a a r g f i r j W T F

tjm a to f M tvm m m ,

■ ^ B M U )*»Wt M ftwi. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ''' w " " ' " 'rV*f**BB ■h M ; «M wmA )V)**i

» i L u tW tf At,; •>!>»»» tlM llpAa*.

M c n o i ^ n m" " m f that OLAlia"

PM tj g a c i L "

machih* n o r ;n LAIWII TOOt*

OHB o r m LABonr w o r t m jb r - •XT a * r .U LATHW.

1 AL PTATl TO! 8AU>^Cirf• aLMHAM «uM i;

jmm i« r L .. .

rwMMM* Wtw I lM tfc O t M ^ * T »

BIU U i M rnM i<rao« hwM m u ihahi3 f * S s ir * ? f f i tssa: ijM m m.. ftm w ______________

% £ *W : M $ 4 S i 7 > V a S r r w g H ? - ^U i w ^ • l l i l i a u t a o a r t u i t a H i u M

_____ .» «M>B t w m o i —j b n ?

•HOB rtwIrlM AMMM, FIm IM >Mi a m mA ^ , M u MAil M AM. I

ta ^ r a I P. Mm iTpuKNf ItIrtlto---v tua a««»m T T » P T m w * * . l i^ f t ■■■■■!?* e n - ^ 7 5 ^ ,.r 7 m i M ■


r u C A

___^ s i s x j r ^ " •“

i f f i r t f t i

■a m K l i l a t A U i Ati

VAMT lA Mr iM WOa II —AAUhWMM) AtAU riH lUtlAAlUAl MM r ILIM i M a««a«a A iin u Ia m *», : M tt. hawa Airm.I t-B O C M

aU ----



I N w H . ___

i 4 f % 5 « r i s r < 5 M v K i :^ ’ l lAlaraatiAAAl tG a CIaaIa

" * rA T M I * r a B > . ,

^BikliaOAl. At

? l £ 5 « *


r a n , ,


AtWnoM b a ia U. I . O'OQMtKNt'i MMIB. AVOnOMBSaB,

At 1 * 8 lA in e f lo win -iH m n M » B t Bt.,

• • tWOBIMT HOBIfllta,A t t t OWBOCK.

‘ “ n u t t M t a u r a a ™ *

AAIAAi OtA aM IwT/eAfr* ‘

s iT i i i s r i rim t a a l a r w A t S «r «

«nniA • • • l iA S H w a w a i


q mU T Ssa, Ot« BlABlA,

CAMBB aiMiai.3 w>

*■ J. gCOmtOA ■OWB. ' ' Mil- Wt.

BOCBBt AtAM. tA Qaoma AAtfUarkAAitjeHhw’lw e ; irl0*: i l MartweT, rvMa

S g S T ^ ’pcoiirBeTiowBfcT.


W S A J M W W jW j

U t M r t A lM 'A ’^ i

AU AAM. MAt A AtMa i i . a ' a t a r - i

^ g ' . h e g ^ i S a

CMMBB ............. 7»’ —T rr»rT- r AM It a M I

. m t ATIk

ttaa OH ta«aa*WT Aaaa a aaM AMm awM

t S i n r i am AAlAMIaM AaAaaaa aiaA * t «AAklf i iAA'1 Maa Ihia A ^ n m - ^ i r i AIA* W aa(4.;. awau oAMlr»|

I AAfetMA. fIMAAirau Baat, Bm W. Wawa '•IH 8UTB IM taai-rAAAAit SAA

aaA A ui^ i KaMu llta iM<HAM AWia nar Aara iwianilFitkir; AAlkaa-

AM- -


“ S j f f 2» M


BB eiHB-

UIAA0 *I yraiM B.


mnnMi *a§rw AAiA in-laM Ir (aaaaa, i t a^ IB a ( t t u i) , -------- ---------------

wHMA aralUAt C u aaa U rfc a n m

i w » i i o n c i i

icBy £BI>BBT.BtA()A« M i^Wa I a All AMrii AA tar»----- -* — ■- AMM ----* MA»A-* wa aa mi wara aa arp m at>AAi rraM: AAT AlAAila rM a ^ a a -Mt raantt Baa h aaaiui Mi raM AAr*? S r r u x r » ’» r « a__ j mUmai fa a rM t^ tea r«M*l

4pitMal«i N riliM ; a mN wUl b rte rw m■■autHai IK ifctfiHi iaL Wlill w^w.wm 4a fim FJJWtitAlfOllio tp#P3

n«a; wa aatrf Ik* MWiat WaIX P a]i m i w w a w —

M Ml AAA At 11 |rtA«; Baat al r ''•■ T iT safW f'*iKBT rr . fw .N1 tUBKBT I

Tat. IHl

W * S K * k ^

. r im i n S in u D


MMaiMT rBlCM P*mAB hiBiA At lAWttrr. AAMA* * A t AWB --------..4 IaBAIA

* CO.

ItBiOlt aa i f lAiitArir. » AAlrii am faBalH; I

laAtrara. Maat. itMAM. m a m Mi I aaara iaAAr1><Iaa. BDi BRBMMBB , ) KarBat at. ___

c ^ r o B.........OH w r,,,• o u t AND in .v i i 141 ¥U li«B U r ^

JttA .r im ^ V , im i

lUaHMT prlMs far aaa^M -- X ^ A i M - ' A . f .1M.I 'A m MTI ItarM; mU_

L u * r« ^ «>***"»■ ***«•^MtBAtAA, Baa lit. Bam afttaA.

! t* ^ "* s s r s '

f M B ^ AM At aaMla aaa. I All. AAArttBi

tiTi-_ - t ^ s B j w i aA»t

[ ^ IWftlUaaM NHA fBAAinr ATtaAAt M B n , M M *.« ^ E f t 2 s “ F s e r . i s B

aB BaatAtu. ^ , i m t

IBM BMMBg lpi «L. apB t i n

I lAttTU WAA. tBiAAia. ABi

iyaa& aftaAm______S f e f E t

f g a ? 6 x ^

Q!**%l cIwM . MmliMk 0. _ lK B U n«> m M i M rI »1WM HpUM M fir IM

rdlABLBB f ' Rb m k , I t

s a a e i g g B t


4 i l r ! s i i s f e ’« g r ' n 8 J em9 V A

i t t U t n AM Ban BAA at aibBa llAa_tBi

iiC :A B 9:Diachg

BBJIBBI glAi Hvwi«i M«M rtWIillll (M fM M i MIpWA M i iiM t r i i mm H ftM i M* m«va

feMitAttM wtiiA rttAMiMrri|wI iar aai t i niupii


iS e s A j sA MMiliM

___ ■ r I mt m

■ Q ffO ltC T C U t A10> M C fC U S- --------------- ■ A ■ Al Ai M ^IW H

HW*UaM ai _ _

BAVBItrOBP trtoti* 0O« *** BBOBB *1'teoM uc* tro o s

■ j s s

wNppina bbs HftnM5?i iar tteaBi AAi" ciirUilaar*tOtBAfttJaiSal *C*bo<S«B.*BMtAAti tfiaSpif am.

TtUOIBO m i l P t . AlUk >•»•». A tA p m j ,rtra ABi lAfeAuH coupABA MaaM fM aaiAAAllAmAi. BA PlAAA P„ AlU Muhtt. fp'*MTBD.”tATAtAl wlaiui rAilAttw:

ABBitr al aacUaaa. k tltit aai M"* “ - iraAA BaaUba, ■ « kt, Waata atflAA.

M U rtrr BiAbitAA. , lAlAjjtanMa baaMa

OlAMONM. Ali lali. AU*u ^aMML ^ valcBaa ani ^ a l r r rtpAlrlAi eallM ttK r . B. urVT, III B n ti ALSat IIIB


rm aro il ■ABB-BiAAWaal rfnT^ ^Vft m* •■r—n*ww*iw— .r r ^

. M. J>.

nSw fS i TMMkrt pel**. ITIiTta


i f S a t t a ^ a s ^ j s s - ^


*Yv!fY * a > * a t^ f la i» .a r

r V t S K T - ^1 Ota AM.

wiOi i t t m

(Tjlii raBTM It.. rn iT mc r t d a u jm . m ■ a* a>

«l«« ««B« II: p r i m mM , VM

- r— 1_ ------

Bw^ X is s x r^ s rJ T J S fm-)a a B A a A r ^ ^ S I % A iM *!>,«»

B J I S k a S i Ma Sm Haw*aBM aaa BaMia M raa

i . l K /

• C T i

ararir ■awraMAatal,•Mb. I--------------------

euNTON m u .Ua aaa,: iwa ata ttra aM am UpBlAM.At.tAn a n u aa» “lAnF ■p u ilt la.

s : g ¥ > a r C T j e ^ ‘B L ^

TinpI Mjha LmuE$a

I M OaM. rarb

A BM^Ogj^

Cm ia.

felA M aPAMAA^-—inCi^r*BW ■l ■■■B BpemearMBwe

OrMia: BaabUM Mat, apaH warlB IBMM*

00.. HI

'AAflf*Srrei57*llAlAll IS*' m A*t*M ** *** — m ABHaAtarraa.

ATA. BaaAA IridirCtiAiaA

S3& sm^b- h- .frar ar Pulur at. LOOM I

BAw: illl lrlA AlU

BAIRIBOMB AAA-lBBlIlr. AA MUfati a ^ Ha tAABH BalB. baat. alAairtaMri

H u BDBLBT, l i t Cftiiiia a*A

K ^ B l 1 Eu*Al OiAAiA *»*, aar.


hoiib BOIUIBB.A Mlar AAA u IA

r o u n BtLL-DaMraBH aIa m n M iAfi, h r k u At-i 11 rAAAH, i n Bmbb: H.Mtii

lU D iN eWdU«


catM N rrj p m i , rip tim MMia t«» itW « ^ r » « ^ » T R T S S

.; 'pBtai MM BaHtP _____________rABOUBt BAMWAAi tlAATA ttAABAi.

lAbAi. rattAMiAi. Ilia baw; — —lit MrwaBmAM M i MMMI M i iiftM iii MW. frvp I t M. Crw Bt 1 « M

t i l tprtvfflfW «Mr M M M i *1 w***rtir 4111. ___________


; x ^ m s a d i s s s n s ^ %

MAkW womjl CtlPM* pMIHa m MO*!T ^ a S flfe lO T ^ftS m p

jpWUillT, M r»l4 Mkvira woriL rid trnm t i m f i 1t. i l l MMlpt •!., m n l i tMt. Ill MMlpt •!., nmm

H lo in ?

Imtm. VM «9

, bAiBan. lAAtfAl

tar laaM aaM aft lAiS fMial Mm o i i i t r n ^f. — , - -

BIiaiaIB .aA, HahatB. W. J.______ _poiX-TOP 4am ABi h M. m Mu aBArjCMj j g g S k 'H i

Addrm ■£i;qsMu*«nr ^ onn____

i ^ u s s a i i? , « r w W s :

'AMin>. I

WAI t t___BttaBaiB.

OBrofWM. irMt MHU * D u* piAlu frani BiBBAi atBit Ba aaai «A h arpiatl-

HI T ibatk. |lL_.■anmu baa.

B m M U Q m k V u t t iAT MB c a m t« AaMaW M—WBat Ban TAB la AAll Hr qmC~WA B«0 m t - BAA A.arTtlilB|^far oaMt BAAABj.BAA4

tim : AAtii >AAtAl; t will n il'a AAAA ilHtllir caalKkAllAL TattpB WT AK^iMMi *"’****!£ji^'*2P , */ mmm., lata, u AAnBhm raa «Mi ... - r- ,— A a M ; a a p a r u p w « a t m a a i b m M m AT aay aabHaa hooaa; aaai iBhb IaA taAM- tap BbaaaAi tBat’i «kr I par Ibam HIi *a wUI call Al M ab«

m m nmBB A^^S?%r. cAMpr

> L*bMB HIM lABBHIlijirUMO InM* .« . —

i n * » u r a i i . n A M a , m b M r m . . m t.

AAiTx^irkswlSMrirtnnttPBM ■ --- — ------mmmrO N K tp r tp h i pHaa. H tB apBap AAM;

irimiBbiBi Iaaa IkM t«A MfA aAL rrfAAT PHaa BtAfAtA Ofc, IH WaMliir_____ Maw'BMliitHA At

; j = g i a g a . ' a , y

DocTora ArrArtBAiipi u a a n MirtBAAtAAAH BAAWBAIAAA A M BtHfct AM

APArtBBA (Aa a h : Ba iB ; a l l — ■—BwaiMp * J"

* iSffi tZ trrmllri M wM ftom}li—

M m nmlitiM. '

PPAR Bi rAAKWAY-OwMr wwvwm n i M i prlM; .m tr r M i. Ikm

r R S v g a g n r t P . J r

arraaiAAiAati 1%.. _ BalB. iBraa

e s . n j K i a g 'g g y j 'ts - tJ s rc sR rH iJ^ k "

tfipa m i M u OmmmU fiM, *fam rmrnmm J M INiir. Ir. t r r Lm—t .


' W , I tWA MW, It

^>ruC Sa^f i S i r tu i (M w wfc^ mm >> ip t o r ------ e r . .W f f

BOBBPiuui A m poBBrr B u t

a H IBa pePIAgl*

i ^ p a r l L ~ ' wSSift. HMA^*.'^ ’bwHilac. IH lUfBAl Al


bma'i lnaarMAA BAtHtAf.bba.) BBHaw


____ lAT MiiBAl i t_ th u "•**< j*!2yJ£*2 SSTJUSSl

r* f il Bt» i t ______________ . -• m irBI8T,

>nind A1B., MAT ClIrtM aaM-OBM ,mllr BAAAK..MB tMAjik BiMi JtjH

Itaat Bartalti. Iama BAlTiliH.MODBBM" r H A ^ B ^ u a j . , ^

AlU hlMACMBl BBlAA H 1Amaiai; aa ••»■•■ MArAM II, Nawa Ataaa,

nB Q O B ina etfl —

DaBa:•HA A•tarp (


Ihtaar. ap iu naAt, i^ m tO O D

OILBBWr ApMt iHaa, M AA aaw; ig f Hw priaa, W t JartAr Titaa Waaaia Cak,“ JSSSHESJt

Hit WA Bill call Al AAAAt IBIIABAA BBW-aOM mb. PBHItT. lU W ^HltAP H.

W^ M h t M A At

nwataBBA WAAAAM m,KBAMin i B A « A T ^ Mum )MM AIM ill. ItA^AMAP niiw MariiH H IW aaBIBIHa M.________ _

. .'KESTwiiiTi 1! ipv OB '>H0MB Bin MaWk


tfS ir M IB


.^ 2

— Hi BAlBriAp atpBt 1 U HM.

K sjffl p ^ i S a a g ~lUt-OA« K t 3 - a r ! 5 L f t r s v


WW 1lAtiSrtirai.’i1 BtAarBlA B w M

■i iUiWi MMllMlAlt

At., Aap abmIBi .

f i s a f fH»P _BABaB ?!f J ^ r .aa AACAAAI At


AH At; IB IM •Hra (M

. aIiBaaI Al Ml PH AMraAA



r.ncTOBB M jSfflfT 'HJrr-S«.Otal BAAHl IAH

tw juralWBi raaiMt will.try AiB kalara yaa A ^ ■tratfui pL ‘niiM WAAArty HI

!J .ti


- 8rSSL/tS

ni'B. » AAAiAAiy AC—WA Bwp.PAA-

; r £ ^ = S ? c f 5 ? g

Bam OBAAla.■BaaHaaa, wW»

__ ____________

r S I r a ^ a s i r ^

*%ShH m!

i v a i

pww nA< kraatlr r


(tAAlAit am IUr i b v i f

bW * £ S - SB A m upah! ' 'mu , aMB aaaaih Ia rBBBgaito>

M UtIM { «Htt I

“K S a ® £ J S * ! i S ? S ! 5Wm ___________________

s r ^ L r w t i *mm nwH* nowiH“ 3 t ! 5 r ’ '

_Al.. aky.

MIOtlBBT pritH^HM Hr farnHwA j t j J }t 3 s ^ , ‘« ' ! s £ « . n r ^ ^

MACmintT FOK i i u t

’ M10*|tbam oum I




T '>P UA*&«■« PAAAMf JB *



cmliB .IBM .>u '~ba4 ; amW abiim S

i S i F S r aH *T* tW t-H tB t w

M f lH M atAHtWH pHM. i n '

‘ W lk lfcaH M i *BtPM BM. llAByAP It KUawAU lilktali


ti t, >(AWA aWIm _________ _______ _

rOB IM H a — tlAl AAA. M BaaIB

JJJJJt; ------------ --Don't wtIh , I

CHtCICBRWO apritkyMAM: apHaM AW;illHn. Maw trrfty PIbaa BUratA Oa, Ht WAAhlBBtaB at

HBimiNO AprHM p ^ nUaw im a ^ Maw JuHy Ttwa aMABA Ca, HI WaM-

mBBB.PAMII.r iIah tAHlIy. Ba. ^

t, m tu M T o m W

btitaa M.TTPKIOl? w s « a .* K 'W ia

^ is r u a r t r a ^

T s a r g B i a . ^ ^Tmjb*b»tb



T S S t's 61h*!2 Ia *" H i AMu ' IA AAMt-IAWA trtlA

aa r’MMaHi* H ifci I am' wjrHilpMIt «EC.% %

u n m MBBMtiii.m a*BBD BT. TBL. M lU B X B l;^ AAAltBMi

w3Hi^iiHA& ^jif% M rl% ^^


TBI,. «tl

KUaantliiyAiA AlirUoApa,

'**H5Efik............. —

1 ofOAA

io irn i « * fB ■*, tAAAAA AHtly Btr- ASA MtaliAt aha

■ .•ViSS,'*

. t i t

L V I bi^ aaai tWA

ti t

. l i t I

! W iFMMrUt% «

YSkS^ % jm

tmm R i l r i

BIBI paMA i t

‘ifRi*' ■myiBBlTr **•

u p i i r A n FM iAis-aoiB. TOII _ _ _


VIU. AAAlWlAA If AaM At AwHi AM ! BA AAAI BAPIBAIHIAHI HI HUMf i s s t i r d H S r g * * "

PAL U T A n F O tlM i^ iO T ffW fl > I

H.Hll n |p ? r .M B :« « ^ _ ^ r—

WT’ #..




jjjJfiA M iA n...

bS ibhalb- b•AH m arayHa

MoMt Hah Waa tlrai. e n , RRUi NaaaiB.MBW tH-raan

way; M\« 3 S J r I aTAH ia IABBIAAIBB AAAm

^BM M a ba Mi


« B M R Bti tarnt ^ r a p t tRMMP IBA kOBAAl. pBw Babm; Makl rSSIawI ^ I^ Kr^KToiBn^ H l Hi ikb H I

B U L -T trrL OB katl IMiaHtel AlAkt r*oBU Bad a lu p H t porok , < rkBBiiBt Irhni pBfB la p ro ra H B B lot yiin*. MtA* iama. iBABiro 1fU(4i r rou «r* M

tft • riM r«ali wb«l »«H %»nt:Ytkflt e«aiiivt«r,‘ttalp Mm*i4 HMa,«bK n i . ni

•1 M nisa »r vtAA'tmi ofwUli l«rs. #«fin4 lifoMd. Jo ilr i< f M m¥9., Caldwi

■Mi fi K

rtldwbli'a H9NH1

t Bro»lw«4r 'TWO ACM Imm,t i m # r o m . •Hi WtUoii; Mtt


fftHlIljr ttiMMt ntlitdWHn Av*.. N*F'flRi t1l«M(r»Ud

AWMfv; w« »r* rrlpiiMf. Aidrti

KQW I* ih» bm VMlHra In t«n Im M H HM «r ftr*i; II cb*d* bAlh r0»mA toiiHiiiiinM, Atile.b«»iy 9cmrmx . v#(rttin !• «roM«r i; *IM mil tm •ilniH nrto*. mi nUMttCU Iau..m tC l HoiM; #v*r i Uei««irvj tATc* cfi •ni twn hrtW: « wMd ft^m: tow

irnemm. drinwAfi •• iHf i*r; ■■t iiAi tmt Mo TiriiOfl 1i« p*#Ml ttrlcfc■UNO FUR m

■•tilli Or«nt*. *.«.{ tlili pr*r«r #trirt«i fxeliHiv nAlkInc i]i*ls» iniflli IBm U mni U*rh •KM mrm |c r iR l£7 CO., •rk. N. i.

InnRtmaDtlM.mrmi «c«M I wlM vlih l» («■•tortnritir. (nrlQt ctem «iu, wm MMiYtaMyr. wtthp f

O ra m A«A, Ml tH jira aray^

MATO, tNVVT Jitm f«r

« I m IaI Imum «tii M bii*; II I tliflvkilty} M l I •lit: m u tlfu J al etriN* tMAilan;

OMR •( tiM bmt « 9% m . rpii ■•ii; rilMt hftHM il rm ir »r«f I* frAtli; • • •«« ^ R (m 4# fine1mm amm atTWOrrAJiiitT 1iJirAiTss:*,at. Baal Oiabia:atAllMij at B pH<

worn m .a rt K Jki im ailr

'* rSSUiy jHa aaAtBWHl! Hara amvaiI b a OnaLPAA"

■aaMa IrM i <9h


B ^ S wood"AA« a_J OOBdl

' a i r '_ aiiCi OROTtPM%A.'j!S>?AkI aIaa iAa.rAAi

“W iE S fn r ia s s L '

fwn tAUi^

3 F p lf>* Ora

“ npl

rtV B AABAtry------------- rlA, 1plwrwAHA AH AMnaa

IAAH, It. J>

'.AOBB ; wllb

R. R n r N. J

____ t OBOTItk a b l All ti

jam RAttBi ; I ararytklBRi ** CBaam. BM wtm tB B B M ,,


HIR a| aM

’^ r tW i*I aU ,tAA»l. MLOT far aaiA,AtaUAIk iM

l-rt -


ri u



JIM lM lIllltM •*•., I

> T iT « l tk» rtu lim (•n » O rn M mmUb «f 1

^ e i .XtwWlL2«KW

\Wi •"' •

iWViJtiM,- aftitT:it. c o nm im ip pn^ MktOh.

TKK n Mm , A—A—y «M .OMiiMUr eff«r«.

•4., MtwtfA.r T t .

i r i MH wU AMP hm m , mM rt«« pt u ffi tha %Mnm od MM* 4PAAinir r «rm im tAm ptmuciMNr IM towMy. u ^ lut M. tll»4 %aUi

^ tf t «MrrM0•11 tttm

w i

RMMr liM____M Amm ; •LAI roowi. tIM AUl AM«L ttA l IqI. •!•• Mf ftcMM, Jim U r witiMva, imw u ru iT mai- uP M l U rU , ■rimlA. UAMtamA u i

^ r & K ' n . i g y ' i g 'BbwpfWM: phow I m a KpS iMV U LTtnX •u>(*niU)r MMM kMtM, M

kH( rHt4«a(U) m Umi; Ikciu Iv* (tw tt; •4(ht raoiM Ud t*«k; l»ii* pvnki ■iMptiif pm h, plpctrlc Uakl. •(•>■ kMI, "■ irlipi ‘ “ "•c* ImpMTMMM: M t*«u Ur n n i n i IM 2IM1I, rttrrmt pad ikaM* I* an wla< daa*. laaalr* IM BalUrtna a n ., WatB-n*i4IF TOV a n daalnw at a nnt>elaaa kaaaa

la a naa naMaallal aaatlaa. t kan Jaai vkal ^«a kant; ]aat Ika plan tor a Kaw F<irii aaBiaatat; Ihna pilaataa la Brla tu~ Haai H iplaalaa la Na* Yark Cup, Markal a'la Braad aia, Navark- Addraaa Raaaaa- aUa^-Bkx 111. Itawa offln.

CAImI*• Acnica el v<rp fina farai laad. altk • kiPM lid •• nwiA r<w4 !• CaIAv II•TxArntAi ; H>ro«m hova*; atMiii; §•■; ta(lk; wliR btra. h0tm, air.. t* wU:JOCifH Ar OHADTi ti l BlMi^ rUM AVta. CaldwvU.

■•tid for A»¥oOD.KNOtaW l‘i rirMwt

H9NHT c. m rivK oiCildwAtn rinoot [)9V»'MIA

«orr,A BrookiddA, «v«a Tat lit.

TBTO ACllBt, e«ni»r mf RjrtraM AAd Haw tlMm« roAdo; thr«* mln«tM fr*m irAllfir

aimI •uiioa; ««u cAaaa. m tfechAAt* (at aaa- fAlflllf hOAPa VW MftlAAa l>AV|B. <}< B«4lA0n AvAa, Na» Tt'flBB lllAalrAlod bookloK Aama f*r ml* by

AWMfri; wm arA Aot iMPokAfA. aaMajaA 4a* rrtftloAf. AddrtfA Oulda. Bon it, Nava af-rt«».

EbO O ru g « ,KOW la tha boAl lima for roAl Miau In- vaalora In tan ynAra And Ikla twAafamlly littPt la OAA of tba fa«at tAAMlMAta of- farad; | | roema. baiiAaa twobath rwomo. corrldAin. ponlrlaa, oapArAta liinfAdrlM. Altic. aaRtrato atotm baatara; nawljr doTArttod. food naifbbarbootl. ton- vairtoiA fa trollajr and ainllnn; food alaad M; *m aall fAB* Wkaw •“itniM Afiea. wo aicbaaiPaUBAnx. !•>

t t a m n F O K i A U - a O i y T O f r w L g T A n r o i i i c i V Town r £ ^ " <( i*MM at aUAMAM to afafet Mip U wU

»*B<tjUiw I n — fw iY ipM ik,aMait iHpt. fM m il l i r in l i , IMMT aaw

u ra a r iu fe T tan a kean. all tPaBHMMMW, a u u i kMtTkan/Nilakaa k iMi. plei tSattl. IMM, ain* IP Inner u B eekeelei e tiw •nparUfaTll,!** a t e ^ : toln Man UaaS!!U t t S r f e h f * * ? * ? ' 5 S S if!iB v * !iivaaA wAma nawavn t* ai BWVfaHDVi inUIIB an.NVW apraa>nMB kaaaa aad tUad ktUi

ene* kapeenauai aaB leaaialaaaei •* aeaeaien IpalF ■ »■>«. M HMlaMa aea

UWMP^Haar m m n aan Md~kalk;It, man ke ana la ke ap.AtaiT am iuaT, u luu.

I AM laamnieB la aacrlHn a kiaaUtal anl- waaalar I da m l kaUava tka f ^ a

ti^B aea* lar las niaaA: read aanlailr oMI I MM:'?aaaa la

jsS fr-aA ^ & r®ad aad tlalakad la cnaai aaaabia Ula kIKkaa. all wklia; aplaadid kkuaCa aaairr, altk anld'a aUlf*air, ala kad naaia; tkna Ijiad katka: akaa^. ' ' ^

■aahaaaar tiam i faaa alia lal; an

aijapaa fwlian;!aauaat_ teeallaaj

K r ka aaaa aaadara MURDOOM. appealla !ka«aaaa Tanalaal. Maatrialr.

■FKUL,—Maaiaa aT artlalle daalaa aad kaaaal aaaalnailaa. aa larpa raatrictad klala ll.tH M tlAHki aaaaa and ka aaa- Tland. OBOROB MABON. Hlilkara aad

dFBCIAL-^Caik ka»aa aanfallr kalll, vllk all ar mat Iwpnniaaala; aaar tkna In f.

Ian; tl.iaa la I4.lt4; am al ikaai will aall na . ax o iiaa HABON. Mlllkara aad Kataad aiaa■FdCIAL~tmatl faraia, lapnrad and aa*

iBipraaadf nanaalaBl la tn la ar trallai'. tHk la lia.IH. lala aad Plata, nairinad ar aaraauMad. aattaMa lar kaalaaaa ar real- daaaa. tiM la li.kaa. UBOItOK NAdON. JItllVira aad Ralaad taaaWILL aall la rallakla partp aa naathlr par* aiaal alaa. aa aaak aaadad. aaaaa-raan aUlBlIa kana a rm aiadan laipraaanaat lat : (Iraaad t t tka kaat matanal ailkilaa from atatlaa aad iniiair. app‘ JOHN VBItllllll, III Oraat* at-. Nawai

NdwLAFAFVm FL.. aaar Araadala lu itaa— Will aacrlllra arv aU-roaoi kaaaa. ataaw kaat. kaisad nlilni. plala rail, ala.: a eocy iwo4*rn bom* nt vonr own yHrb; In* vootlfbf* «nd m«k* off*r PortL^lArt aA- Amaa Umi Bbli. Bon tl, B tiri orfl«o.CHIGKltM rAPMB -Cn»-fAArtir t« ActA

ploft. MV iiOAMn; nil ImfiwromAAts; fOAl’*try boAM. rjnt: frwK !• wklAAlM *W.lIrSH bb; fiunU fViAt pAyn.«nta bAlAAOo In- •lAlnoAtn. nto vAlntn; Bni^lAt. ORBBK.

Br«A4 «ta

tyn*gdBdROAIKd—Maaaaa kalldlaf Ula apart-

maaia tarau, itaraa; all prtcaa: laaar kar-

Klna IIAHDALli, 111-llf Mala «., aaar r. Onnca. aanad (laar.

fAd* btkow eoAt; mWa ILIAOlK. Appry nathan

fo.nUCB HalM; Itl.H*; fTAAtM bArfAln

•vtr efforoA. fArmor awaat M It by fArA> rlAARh: tn m roiAAiAi rbAlitoAAA; \ i mofia AaA Wa bAtk: aIaaia aaA AlMtfIcUy; Jurtl' waaA flAor*: foAd vAndlflon, wUb aaw roAl:otofAnl locAtlAA; LM «ltb bidfA AbAdrlmwAy; aa lafbrmAtton 'pbomn or ini* t*r{ pAfiioiiAl tniATvItw Mir. . Aa* nuDlK R TArU>R (bAU ftrat AbMAk, I# yAAM OR- piAlU Biflcfc Cbitffb BUIlob, toft Oii»iifA.

■HAU. kaaara lar aala la llM_pnaaaa tnm aa- aaaa Tiwadar ^ a n d a p araa* iBci. Joifitii d w ffm yiori*. m wlawa*. |M At., B'*At Onmfi, W. Ar■TORK t>t«|)«rty. wltb'^Utns. wlUbl* for nltATArtM. AA«r mntiAr nto oinilM aaA trol- toi bAnmta. AAArrw THQllAt TUtRBLLi T FlIrmoAAt atA. UrbbAn. ______tdOT, OAkvoAA A¥A. bAir Mock from mnln AlMAt; MttAblA Cat Awytklnfr wArtb PM foAti wUL Mil fAT knif prkw for cMkr ThAAA th«M OrAbfA._____________rtKX bMlnmn cataat; PmcMa nnA TomiMiiM UtOAi Rp« to lmtMrA*i TBOUAJ TBRSEldLa

8k;N0 poll IMp of TASOdo pATk tTACti ■AAlb OMAfn. Akirwilir pHeno, p|ot»RAii. 4a.4 tklA pPApirty OAHIprtAAA ll AATAA, fA'

*tri*loA txolMfynly to AWA-fnmlly homA#. nnlklnf dUtoAcA LorkAwionA 91aUaa4 •oAtli OTAAfv. aaA only SI mlAAtM trAm BtaaA ahA HArkAi Alt.. N*work, Bo^A Or*AIM am AAfA PAA« propATfy, GROwtdRT’t/BRIBN CO., l i t Baaai bvUAlAf. Now- •rk. R J.


BtntdDCIti. lATOAioin or tboMi wbo bnri AavaA mam NMRty <A0< rnoAb rofAlroAiWbn Rtlk to tAbo aAmaUca of AA AAAMAI tA<-------- - - ■aWMT AATlAtAfpMiAAtty, A*lu U IM own* clto Attlr will lAlATMtOd lA .. ___•f J tor loti AA PmiUi CllAtM it. aaArtawtyp WttblA fiM MllUrtM' Wtu Af iMItb OTAAfA AVA. MU AAA pH fbll pAllleuJAt<A{ bi w«U MTAl; brobrre pr^ •IP BtaaI M.OTAAfA AVA. Iib t p to My «Ato<r WATO.

fAT ofA AMI PbAflAinoral AAWBHeaSAlboAM: low onoot: waIIa IajAAv aaA rnutu-. II . . . .

itpfenyi i

'& *SC:

roama. • katka; ataaai kaat; alattiMipi aaa parlar: aak flaara tkn««k. aiit; kaaalltnl afcada tnaa; larpa plat: a(\ c M n laaatlea; III.Mk; will i " ~ ~aM bawa aa part tapwaai la an M TbfiiOH. app ir ttk Ckank___ __ONB at tka kaat ralaat la tka Ona«aa; aiad-

a n Raaaa, ballt tar keau: t* raaaia: Maam kaak; atlaat hardwaad trial aad flaani tar- ~~~~ araar prapartr; ralaa tt.lH , radaaad

. Tk: aa aaar tarna. FBANK M. TAT. (lata d m naaiai, la n a n ajpaelte CABK, amtll tacaad mertaapa. kan Idaal all-raar camaiaiar'a (arm. pradwrtiva

arra raraar' plat; iklrtr (rail traaa. akaaa. Iiwaa, akrabkarr. larpa tardaa. barrtaa, aa. a n o a ; aaal kannarr. praaaat riald at laaat laa par m r . and naataatir la iM rIa tj

raan (ar aiaair rkukaaa; atadarn keaM. I reatna aad katk. taka, Imrta porak enrlaak- laa laka. alata tool, aatlar. attic: kai water kaat aaar ad; lawa kaamlnt; amplarmaal aaar (ar all aarta a( awakaalca; aian boanl. arc tkaa aeaauiaadatlaaa; cuvaaUat caai. na lla i twa rallretda, all (Irkatt (aad aa katk: Bar aaw, wilt ladada laela, wlatar'a caal. rklrkiaa, (Mlaa aklft, nc. Call ar wrtu 1. A. CUIBK. Paiaptan Lkkaa. N. J.

S p iO ffliUHAVE raa (eaad Ikai aanaaa (am kaaaa ai

kC-Urt aia Mew n a wkaLl k r ‘ ■prtatflaM aad rlelalU'. ^ dprlatlMd.

T ^ i FAMILT kaaaa. la flrat-rlaaa aandl- kj aaparata aatraaMW, panlua;, lam-

. u d ataajw kaatan: « Rank lutaanih Id it Oraapa: I lalaataa (ran in tlar u d lU i at a ^ n ta Miaw a II par raal. la- n u t : acu ta pratutad. Adi t in Wiaii. it'Itaw a af(l«.

r r a BALB—B nadnu pL. Maai Oraam, nT J.i (wa wlwatu Iran alattut UtnatTn

1 piafn t aaUr; ataam kaat: tianiwaad ' aana rawau; ataraca aad katk raina: M: (Utt t n u DMHAMMT. l i t

kaUdlud. Haw Tarfe.Biailaf (Barra aa (taar

I atkr u l u t a ak a n u laaattu Ik u

I m l AAWA). H yiMl AR* I BtAllM.

i OmMa ra I <SmUi I

I aaoapr aaw k n an nad- Ur dwallUf: natrlatad aaMi- n t i ; iu m a t tu lau , tM u , .alata aadrtnaa; lAkkt. laaalra MM land a n .. I m Oraua.

l u - n an aae-lkBillr kadaa a: lean (ar tarwta; aaar tn l

. . . ---- ------- Ouaaa KatlaB', prmu m Mi . A ddnn ■ « II, TaaaaTa Adr. jM uar. u i t O f d ikOUiTWOOD AVB—F n n a kaaaa, lama

aad kalk: all lauimaBwatat la „ j t aaadlUap; will ka eald at a k tr.

I^ lg jn I t Rarik Orem a(,i

(ktaUr^Ir^fSInfaES; all ru led : aam Oram It. Mattaai n a n aall. 'AddraaaVMaw, Bat u 71Vm i araia.

“t ®a u tlr 111*1

rwitama i m AM, 11 OllatM

L , m . l ! L 1 I E S (Ctidwan.

n m laa llr kaaau (or aata, u l, ill, at., Baal Oraaaa. HUB. A. InA.

Q m l ld b t

Id d N ll ilw raFimi eau irr kaaaa, iniw

■raaanaata, a t a aaerHlu."3& aartlaa- Ikfl AM nn atraar, l l Mate pL, H k ^ te - lawa. K i .

atl tn-

•AOMB (I, wuk m u waUri tan acne .

t*dlr 5kl|d ™ k ' / - __ .L. T.JB. B.. la tka kaarl et . WRllpI, (gtiruMut aad Bprlif i W

cmvAii. rpii T tolrvlAW

m m to to r ti i ■■■■■■§> toprAf«tpr I iRAf.bA . ndia ta aid jru la a r u aw a n in laaiiair iK * V ^ 4 S tLIIT war arin tattn wMk u : u akatai

aalan m iantal; tea«a aankar at daa(r> aWa aaahuia aanrliiaa u ear baaha, la

a te . rm . u a t e ^ t « l ^ g ^Mawaak.

an a aiamaac enem a klfb elan raal aauia anap pradtahla tanala kCO.. tU B n a d k , ITMBBB-rAMfLr,

u d hark kulad, datatwa-i

If LT, awdara, all aaadad: ( ru t l irnk u alaaiadi MMia. ataan

. __m t tn u k a a ti alHattr up*aa.i: cutrallr laulad: wM au kinw (ar tin lir witfc ta ra u . A danu owau, ll. -Jua atttea.

I MAVB tkrw iwa-fanllc nddara haaau aaklaat la audraia n a rlaaau i I waat a aaa.tenllr kaaaa. ( lu aad akaar, ar witk aaiall nartdua. Addnin O aan , B u tt. Nam alBn.rtNB

wMI wahai Wataaakla

w ta U an i ru n tp te Newark: aaaa (ar law wCIlBtea MUI ar aaeUu. ar aiaallw aaai m r. ad- a u u a 1, Mawa adWaa._______

BABT OBAKOInr.(anli;

*0*~B__________nr, kaat ii ittea, la atatenm (ar aaa-

^ u i r . BawM Addran Marflaatera B u H. Ntwa alflaa.

jua&C~ k*IAMw

VANtlOir iwA-tomiy •SebAAfV to ilAff)

HtwArk. to____________ ___ ____ - IfMkolAl^l

«m*ll mortfAiy^ vaIaa H-fbA. LacB Bov llip

U A L U T A H P O i O C H A I K iB -ovror TOWN

j:kXVALUABUI LOT. II teal Waal ll larkaa dau, wHh a aam i

(aM) beau 111 Waal tlM at.. Maw TarBi wilt aualddr uebaaka far n e a u ise ar ua> (aiallr er Iwa-tanllr beam la Ban Oraadat rtna chaaea tor haUdar. Call ar write awaar. lOdBFK KOBB. Ill Mate a t. Meal Oraafa K. J.WILL aaaniar aichaaaa e( atr haa dn n i aaw tree aad Nter aaal III,Ida. laaaiad kaat aaattea ad the Orawkaa, Iw |H .. aw dial nartcada u Inpravad paapaal r ; u aanad narlpada caaaldarad. atldhi add aaah. Addran Owaat. B u 111. Hawa afllra.BxaiDBHcai tar iwa tenlhu aad iwadutlr far aaa-(aulr: baate atiri (ama «ad Mt lar alkar taapaatri---- r u banBrtrk tWaick tea.kpaw wkii iraa a u t . whan r u banu a Mtck It BLAUT LT. ~ ' ----tiAA. Rah QrinfA.BJLrr ORANOB- MAAprA taA-PAOM bAAM.

with porAfOp tof« ftOMlAAl flAA lOAAklAA; AAAVAAlOAl two rAllropA AiAltAAA. lA » •ttboAf* to A («A>fAmlly Mwaa li RaaavIIIa. AAArAM OATAfA. BaI 111, MAVTA AfflAA.NBARLT AAW bOHAAa AtA* rWAMA. Wttb Avon ImprOTAAMAi; MAr trwlto m A rAllrAAC;VAry lArf« pUi; will •xiMof* |Ar#An y*WArb prwptriy. C. B CANFIRUX •lOA«nttA MW. CaIAwHI.RaRK AVB., AAll tA Virmpi tor.. BbH Qr- •of«; plH, M f«H rrmtAfA, McBAAfv to to(Bf ■ * ■ - — ‘ ^


FOR S A U Oft TO t l TBA8T 8VLVAK AVR.* lf-<TA

twA'fAoiUy bAA*, IfOOlHA aamiiA flOAf, vr. N.I lot At t o m Ia.a Nnl flaw, i

DBOMMOkO♦* v . s \ Fmt. W‘m j a a

____ r A U B FOK f tA UDOBf AAvAHMAf pbf r LAT* pAM* |t : bfv« iBf baufAt A 1 BUM MArtnAA MfbOMA riAlAAACAl I bMA AM AAfA* AB AAASty MAtolABI rotA; tOA’fAOM bABM; bMW. AAp* AtAIA WAfAA bABAA, wtUi AAUBT: AhloMp tC*. OAAl AAA IaH bABAii HABA AffcAlt bABAA to fAFM*; aU btiUAlBVA fiMA ri«Ai; ApflAortbAfA, pAAti, ptbobAA, -----------------—


PA C T diR S POA t U E Oft n t U TA H n j^ M f r R D c n p rkcroBT-Twa-

■terw iUduiai IMPI n u n teaii dnMi niinM aMtaa: apnulw natew: UM lata-iiu m IwlP' nrda awHu at pniw r daaawwaaalt aaaav~'

Wnte real. A eu n irin la


BddMMBKT—I l a n n n L Ik

la aun t ad ar Wanda reweled; MliaMln IL iiK BBVOlla OOt

ate. nir.

.M ad u aau llr 'daaWaMa L tl.nddB (I.. muMa tea anaa-

lifkt. dn aad wall . ruMI Appir CMAB 00. ear. n taa u d Aud.

Lorr. OUtekan aa. au r W uhlaatu al.: am ttom, t . t l l teal. Ill; aiu pan al

tMlarr u Oteba rt., ll.aH a a u n (aM. u IWa naan: u a u l lUUi II.PH.■ABNRTi PMITir ll« Vntea Btd«.

L O rn TO BBAT. ■ ” <-Bim;ii

-. iV n io n i jii lawbbncb ar

MAmiFACttlBIMtl______________ uaaa la lali Mat.l ^ I H ^ S S r t & k S l p f ^ lid enwauM

IH aU IM Matearar at., aa 11 Curt n.


■TacB alia aaww. waiar. in a t i lM tar fiwalar er IteW Itklnaiia balnlM. M-lM LalLatarwiM at

(■•uni t L ----------------------

PACrOftUS AND LOFTS WANTEDWAMTBO—Ta kar aa" pewu plain u Uaa a( ’ a a d ln n .B .I I . read katwau Jarur (Mir aad Maw B«wu. wwh. Man aan ruinad ildlat. Inna-

(aaterr wm

wUb. Man aan ruinad ildlad.i i ; : { i i i s ? ¥ r i i ? f % '

S ite . Mlldted.I l l

REAL ESTATE WANTEDWAMTBO. a cud (na aad Maaa M . Mtj

ar Mkwkaa. waaih katwau H H aM ll.ial, aa part parwual tea adw H r u n twa-taaUIr Bean, ruled lar III w atealh a u r Caalnl are.: prtea_|4,iaa: narifaf* (ar kwlaaaa. m l a n .

prtea (L M : Mtwldki. aTBVilm 111 Cu-

■AVB allut tea Ihtea-taMIr I rllla Miltaa, katwau te ~•ad Onml am JOHN J.

ITI Bnad ar_______I HATB

rm t 1 mlraad.

karan Mr real aaiau karaate rard, Fawriaulh YTa^: ataa Maw B. TOBTOBIBLLft 111 Maraal M.

BAVB a aaak karar (ar twa-teUIr hawa kalaw F. B. B.: and u rtlm lw at u r - JOMM (. BBBBT 4 BBOT It* Bmd at.

daaaa and hart plaaH, i raapaarrna la iraaa: ala.

nala. atkuatldd nipla ahada ___at atniTtea; than kwlldtau ewald Mill tadar tor ll,M#: n u drtau wall water tad rlatan; tea ntealar walk Wan O., L ud.W. Oatil aad aaataCtIui tan ln mllra (ran Water Itep: tklt prapanp la tw aala al H.lta ter thirtr dara: part nart- dtda: daaa adrarlMai u rT tel'a pram H, II. MOBBII (aarwari. Brldaavttte, W trru Cutir. N. J. ,l i t ACBBP—VALLMT FABM—l i t ACIIBa.

Dlirr, tnek aad prate (aim, u d tr klpk Kate at oiliivaltu. II acna aadar plaw, MJuea la waada; praah-wmtarad wtudawa:dna ll-raara baata; Ma karaa aad late at eitMlldlaci: all la dead rapalr; nlla te tII- Ufa. I te Urea toww aad iwllrud: B. F. 0. aad talapkaat: water t t bawta u d Pan: lala at taddar, hai aad itraw: II a rm at witter frail: anrrialnd rata far fd.iaa It paid al am : u lr li.Ma raal., kateat* u a ka latt; owner It artr II, maat aall: It'a rawr akawu: Invnllcata. rBBBtBB 4 PON, FHIatawa. H. J.

la arrir LaA MOLTBR.

S f CBdBBBBFOB iALB-kla-room kaan. bara: 1 arm

ot fardn, (rail aad tkada: aa inlUf. _jd near rharchu end ichael. OBO. O. BYBAH. Patcamau. N. J.

Sm B OtaaiBTUXEDO FAB* TRACT, u faaili <>JW an., U HD (atl ebon lida Wval. blfbar Ibaa tba rea( et Ika FIrrian’a ballditia: ua- (aallr baaaai aall, walhtaa diatenu UcU- •aaw PuKu, Batiik Utaafr: a ^ tor baafe-lal aad laarkrl naa, ahownte priaw. rew^ 1. air. ClglWljT-O'BIllBirCD . MM Ba-

talldtei. Mtwark. M. J ______ _■Otmi OBAMOB Oialnkla madam hauia.

UM m lalaan h u eNOWELL,PIM I t i l i t ; arlra M.l**- lYl Ward pl^ Bulk ora

VBBOWA kavaral n n oppenultlu: ad all taww. kalk; bara: CMaiaiKWa.

bean.aatel an.

bara;i^^WHai|^ l Inpmiaaute Ba lMlin alia: aaeiptlanal leu llu : aoraar;

PM H: ItMi Uk par teat.__ M: Martte nadtef ma: (tea rarwar; ,'■— tall Faraowlia al.; fU lu

— -nim i. IM ite iu Mawarh. aad aBnehdala an .. Vi. INO. bultdlad.

BXCBLLBNT (arm, 11 a rm , la hldh atou at raltmtlan; laa tina trait trau ; a la iu i

haaw; (laa utballdlnfai crapa, oklckau. bam. lam r roar. 1 flaa bid pifa. f oolite doea. bameaaia. rarrlapaa. nbbar-ltrad raw abaat. all tarmlaa and albrr laola: Ibla (ana ran't be dapllratad In aUia tar tba maup aakad: raah Jl.IM: price If-IH. Call or write Wit. UllAMT BCHuB.>TLSr, Mala ac, Daptm, N. J. ___FARM, it arraa, II nltlTalad. bateau llwi-

bar; aaw beau, baLro, utkaNdtefa: (rail; break: I boram. raw. cbkkana, Itaplamaaia: inlU tram .lallan; hear u l ; nala ru d : • l.m ; (arma: aaw u la la p u t m : {M d arriptlau at pradactlra (arma; f t - i t njltram Ntw Tark. B. A. BCH Tbirtr-teank at.. Maw tarii.

l: U -if nllH{|R. at Wut

■ITt'ATBD Ik nllM (ram Ftataiaww, N. d.t raitlalalnd ll aam . tka tead la te hltk

alata at calllvallati: gaad Il-n aa i baau: raltar: bara: I rhkkan kaaau: had p u and wapon bean; alata raata u baHdtada: tka rallrud iia llu IH mUu a w u w in Ja.aaf, le tnantapa al I par an t. AddTau (Owaar, Bax II, Nawa aftica. ■_______________LIVINOfTON—Flttr-aan (arm aa, mala

m d ; foad aldkt-mm baau: all aaibaltd- tfepa; bruk, wall, larfi paiad and Ud ar- ebard; axullant n il. Iblrtr-teur a am rulli- talad: ta latlla aUite win aaartflu IMM. pan raab H. M. FLOUBNOY, f tf B ru d atFARM, eteakad, If aam rarr pradaallu

aall: t-roan kaan; larpa b a n : w a rn haaat. cranarr, p u lli r fcawu. T tawt. I batan. I baft. U p u llrr. Imptemate. wxpnna bar, arate, rara: all (ar It.ku , •LOicUlt, 111 Bnadwap, Now Tark.

tbbcma. k . j tka aad at M<rlaw; paapartr adMaa k u at u altmatlva

(ar kW-ataia aad-ATO:

, Akut I aam teutaf la«ula_r«.: te||^ land.

M FfOl CBMT. teemaa la PaU teM n a n IIMi raal taWa m all Ita ^ a e k u : aala.CAML HAU. Ytraw.BABOAIM-Twa lata, l»*l«l, lUd tea., Varau. F. A. UATTHBWB, OaMWtII. _________ ____

to aaIa at

W «l O n ifBCLAMIBIT mil

OU»tal; i n n


HUIa calUfu u d laiBl-kkad Mawniataai Udk, kfalll jnat n la alia, mmm, ft

4acoMiad) dteaftedi i ^ ap; tnall temalii U laau taatal- u u te P&kteL O B g r A f - S u M n .





I* OBCKAED FU. MVOOMFiaiAta tka huulltal Maleiu Fark u e tlu ; atekl- ream dwamaa: all a u ^ Inpawunaktain?VBl4'JoATB iT l l ^ l ^ ^ l j B I U T k O M


t O k M U O f f M B M W f

tea a tint (w ■aiaatirtal uHiMa aaltkbarkaailt n a u p t e ^

t DBOTB BT.. waar (?4atu ara,-U ia r; all Imanvauante: dinaailkB; IIM

■ It prWa ten; l « naptbl: ul. t tN Yraeartir.H. Itewi atltap.


(niiiaiaa, M.-



jSs ^2ESS*j ml!? 8 u^ C ^


OWMBB waaM aaH aa taakaiiu tk n a m n . ‘'f l / k a U ( m iEm (a» dWaw H tuw tr,n tkar arltb kaatena te m h * *’* "w Ithaadtk iL, Ban o u a f t .

•teH read, wur Tru tu ; tarpwbUTlaat kluRbarrlaa, bmaa; ataam k u t ; la m

X aaaaa, witka. ratU'FHpaataa.

at ACBBf aiparainH.appin; taa-i----—. ^ . -------- ------- .lump: M.IM: aim « aaau w ltkut 'ida atau ratd. lYaatu-FHaeataa. CHA9. WOOD. Traataa. R. D. Ma 4,CHATHAM—Twulr-(aar*aan irweB (am ;

aanliMt tall; pud ate-iwm baua: allAiibariidYn'da: ibUBkaoM ef trait; twa aud* ---- ‘—ladlaaM. I tkanaa: a u aaw.‘F 'u * jo '? “ S?rI ^ aa

Al CfctAkVM. 1a«IAm m,—A At.

DO Anuni to ItJlA: M i l fc ew ^ p w mm-dlilen, but kaklukla; pied b a u (ndi. n tar. (IrMi lamT; I n lM ta tepM: H«ht te Facou MuBtetea: nw Haw; aaar term; nlfkt u - rhai«a. AMraM QuMi. B u M. Mawi at- f1o«. _ _ _ _ _

FARItlu7<:^,in^rii' CaaMt^ ItfOHUOUTH cou:fAtAAADlly lAIJ»Ato4 M i

OKORUB m. lUCXEII. ( QrAdvAl* AfncfUtAfto

Mawarinra;FABHB. euaantut ter Mawi w a iu B a l in g a u te H n

(ar pwlirr, lr»SL rapatablu; a u tk i r u p m an rilt. Bud (ar p te ty u aM laaerte tiana, ream ITW, U l ■ tudw ar. Maw tariLmonhoutr ooumtt, m u Mate' am (am ; aaw f tn n an ka«~ karat, aklckau Ha (adit tra u '<eanvaateal U Mattel ••« « ( H FWltmMOTTliriraad at.

i f

WaNTBDl. aaa-tuBilr k a a n ^ YtelUn j ^ flea Ml urttealan. Adirau CaU. Bu



OLBN BIDOB—Funtekad kawaa, ,alaatwa kMln twa aaterla: lu a llu l

lacollaii: Waadlaiii aval auraalapl nllwara and trtelar; III* par n u lk terUltetnrBABHBTTBkMITH.m Oalu bidd . Mawatk.FOB BBMT. faradakad ar aatanilakad koan

1b CaMwalt Cadam; lu roama aad kalk larfo MB parlar: all modara cueaalaaM near Kallar aid atatlu: nai (Tt aater. •lakad. Addran Hawa, Bm t, Mawi atnw, Mnnlclalt, ----------------- - - . „

HOUSES TO LETFULTON rr., U—Brick kowaa, Ikirtau

rnwH aad balk: all ImwreeaiMaU: a tu n heal and aluina tkfki, Al le u l lu M d u - llat. T. r. LBMAUBNA 4 ION. IM Bread

BIOM IT., HI—Twaira ream, aod lara batba, all InpneamiBta. (laa lanllOB

(ar ftra|.ctaia burdtef b u n ; m l Hi. T. F. LBN AMEN A 4 40N. I l l Broad at.WABEMAN AVE., au r karond are —Bticb

hauM, laa rumi aad kaih; all Imprara dtante; real (II T. F. LEMAMB.'aA 4 40K. i l l B m l at.

■ O U S U T O U Ti MkRk^MFteteFMawaarww^^M^-----------a tu n kSae d u ^ te u t i

■ Bdpb l. aaar traiiiF ialt

N ^TR IBVMntm ^ B aau 1 mam: all Ja^jlu H doatk t

DABBIoa » H -U a u IWteu. Mtk,k u L IPdkIte IHH, or awaar,111 Bulb CM ataa a i. B ut Oawadai tel. tlTtB Oraaifa.

BTANT bT., f l—Owa-taaaliF, aaou-raon katnit parttel InpnoaniaU. fa«iiln C. ICBAIUIBOM. IttYiaakliipau an ., atlf.

•OUT* MIRTM PT., I l l—Iteua. tear luEt r iknai larta w tu Nu ; a u ka aaad w waiWiap. laaalra I r t dawtk Nteik bl

OOUIMBIA AVa. lU—Larta au-fanBii tateal Inprarapmwtei ru t, lawn ar aaAi

u iMh auital OM attar I F, M.MBoCufic1C M ,ll. fn

. o a . i r 5 ;cbaIHpobd IT..

Al tM ASkiMl tAAMfraAnAAStto

lU rAAl t*toiiAtef.


CUBTOH AVB. dartelted: alaataan kUtLdaatmbla (aui

FBIBT 4 F B in . HI Braad.( a u l tu ; r u t

i m t i k B i i t i i i m A H M A 1 I

H T g a r -. r C M S T B L .

AFAimiM MBVBRflTT o o m v

Oaraar F teu awl Oaut ikkAp aaaallui a ilar

s s ^ p ^ r c u m uaarelat: law u ateM ra in i iiT.H: apacial ladaianiaiti l ____r v ; \ f r m ‘ ? s . r . r « T u ^

m n

■BBTBBi*H ra?i

4VM. -tu t eawdltlu: r u t

, a u r BnWALItVT BT___ ___atea n an a; an tatp FLvS. itT iraa d bl

^ i J S S S T i

COmiRRCI Rtai 111—TmAAAr*

PAAl, amaII• MATO. I l l

DVRAIf0 n .t mum

oaaa} ali i * t t 4 V r B a n i ! s r

BRUBN IT.. III. a au Bln tL—dla ro tnjE rm i m i JUt_____ ______

TO L IT -O U T OF TOWNWRIT N D TU rr-Fnn OatePar lati a m l Pam ter rawt: ate atea naim awl batei In- iran n ia ia ninpliia. pawtf dtettated: two Btlaaiat Non tte ilu aad ttaHap: laatrtaiad ABMrtcu aatdkkarkaad: (tea law u kildai •B| n a i l Iran: m aad aarad ter kp aaaibr: adtiia iratam d ; mat IHi a u taronaaidau •utauaMte n prinla danaa: (arariaeai ra- a» M Apblr CHARLn M. KIMPTBAD. HI FteUlia an .. Waller; m . I l l l.TWENTY mlawiH la New Tark Clip; u n -

n a la tiu . IIM . II tra lu daUr: ate aad m n t raom aluau bawau; paa. aluirlo, raa«w turaaea. larta claute, laraa. Ilpkl. •irp r u m ; Ik m pi rak n ; aapkali atm t: panlr n aldaulal ai i tl i a , plate II u II fm wMa: aaa H ub ( n n H u rn l Tralapid ■akial; aaw ekuta k u tnH ari and ataau; m u IH u d III. MADUtV. I l l Waat Hda •ea.. lam p INtp; t»1. HH Barpaa. _____ _(xnrr lltua m iapa at Waal Hatup. 4 Fraab.

Ua tar.—Pram Oalakaa I; I m ia i, alcalp laoaratad; water, fU : apludid laww, kadpea u d abada, eared Ma at wwwar’t npaauai mirUtad Aatarlua aatdkkarkaad; Iwa alia, ataa (ran Iraltar aad dapMI aaiaK teaulp adalia paaterrad: r u t 111, ' n l iru n raaalrad. CRAB.HI Fraablte aea. Natlap.

Jo^jSCrrBAD;^H aw lil t .

LBAVmo Ia n tea wteter, win m

I.TO L E T -Ilian hi Baal OraaBa. aana runa aad Uth; r u t |U : all InprweanuU; aadr m lln , twa n ilm d a aad aak u l. II Nad- maa at. Owaar. i. B. iBIFF. II BIp pL; laUpkau tITIM.

all |a e n # " e a r T tw_ aatat; r D. IrD B . teatli

RotidB, MW all ru i fan al teal al.iaalu Dipal: atea ■iteaj-raat .u te^H I


uaara___ __ panlb■UtPIp. Appip u Fauiplaaala

NUTLET—Oaa al Ika Daiat patedawau. baai latallu. Ideal elfw, lotpa prwada. Urub-

barp, ale. I beau t i tia raom : n e t raaau- ahia la riapaadkla partp. IH Bread te., Newark.■OCTM_______________ _______ j - i r epretiiwanU: reel law la |u d l u u L APMpw illiam a. hall j b .. F i r u m te j iN w *

OBANaB. Dam tipht laraa. hpkl

AT brick CMUHCM Bteki m m ; alt tmwta: bi III: tel. Hat raadp: apannuD

all ortcu BLAI^BLT. BateBAdT OMINDB—Mtaa rw.nw, kalk. ataam,

alactrltetr, Pdroaa* flaan: waath III,III; ll). rateauala auihm. terdt let. Bar. lain. OBBBW. I l l Flranar'a hldp._______MVTLBY—Mowaa al atea ra o m all

lawte: Bh im n d iaaadiDu; m t ML laa ten •• H an p tuRfOvUwRWlDd

miAIUoa r«i pi., AT 4H BtaaA aR.. Daaaa 1a pArtotin - * -

IfAWAVkAtTRACnva. Ap-toAAtA Umm 11 toiMi

All loiprATAA»A«tlA: FAAAAAAblA tAAt tA At-•IrADiA piriy. Ap»ly Ml ito******AAftf MIAIaaA. XAAt urAJWA. .

HIUrll0R AVB., m -^vA A roAAUL. hAfh;•teAin IfAAlj AAwly AAeorAUd. P«UaM ,

lAff* frAAt pAf«A, UrfA TafA, rABt MS.I9. ~ rARUILRf. IH CUaioa AVA.lAff*BIUIOflBORNK TRR.. Tta^ltfM

ffS. BRARIIpRT. i l l AlAtAA AVA.

fAoniAr iMtD:

BHMST tt*. SI, m rfi, U iK hAAlAr. Ill; VAAAArpAPl M-. II. ill, bAi\ bAAUr, ill;f rAAAVICR iLr til. iflp DAtK. AlC-a 111* •AMTIvaaIA AVAe. HTp AlflfE, bAlb, III; Qr**i Itn H i t t li BrAAAbvifk At., ur. MViAa tAllAf. Aff.. HI; JaSIA' Aon AVi.a 141. ■it rAomA DAri l••prAVAm*nlArAlii r*A#cMA(A. in . l i ^ K r r * wolt.lit CIIaIaa avo.___________ _________iROAETrr.. n i l—nfbi. u%h.

BfaaA ite. 1141, nln«. bAlD, lonmAAth vka. III. flfftl. DaID,_____rlVAAUr - - -

htAtAr, hAAto. kAAlAF. fAA A»A.

N, tiAAtoa III; I hAAtACp f44|

Monmautb al„ lit. alfbl, katk. hutar, iU: Fawaaplrute an., tte, taurtua ream, hath, tar. Ml, firkhurat te.. II, a lu . bath, . IM: RMaaw^ aew, 11, al«kt. bath, . III. U N N in 4 W O^, III Cite*


roomb. Two batkb; ciiBap rentalAFFLT JAHBd M. I^TblOVR IB.. M-il LAWBBNCB rr.

CLIMTOII HILL M n a m aU Hapla .. .IHNoiter, I raam Ml Impu. aalf....... IHWaabteitu an., I raam. all Inpte........IH

Wate Orti«a. • ream, til tnpte...........

WEBOUANIC AVB. Ill—Owa-famllp ham, tetkl ream and bath: itum bu t: ala^

We lidkte; i*awir_.isr*™!i<; !« • O f n AI NIKI-KAO EliurH E B CO.. Finmw a luanaca balldlac, ar III WauuMe an.. luaral aiiala tar Cllatu Fark iaotb. _LiNCOLK FABK, II—Baatkan aapaun;

kualUal laealtea: uaeaitU L dultahla k am t t a irru m m ; all nodani u a n a - ianaaa: laad nad lU u; krakan pfalaatad. F ir fdrtbar tetamatiM addrm iATO. Md % u d te

s : r .r5 s f< -

,, PHAfD tWTDlkU lf r i s u a r

FABBEB BT., aaar BalteatlM Firinrap— Haadiama m dara tea m ham : 11 rum a

a kalha. taaatlu aaeaetilad. thte te aaupartanitp atedate affardad la thla dteWet. ZtltMET ^ MUTM. I l l Walu kalldiai.

T BT., M—ifaw aaw.(knnp kawaa, d raamd. bdU. p u . alaeirte llakl.

b u t. glaaa Manat dpara, (all aiaad •ampa. perali deraaw; u a hlarh ( rm Haw- thartia A r u u Bakate: reel raauual*-

I.YNDHUBBT, N j —Ona-tamllp alB-nm baau with both aad all ImpneamaaU; IM

l lt lH : cMctea cu;): III WILLIAMJCRAFT. m KiBialaad _____________


• uA (aw daalnMa

. ra ream: ru l aatp r aa ta date: .u ian lau

AFABTMBrra. krteP, aaarip Maat rau, baih. aliititi ...

{ s i r p T r f u .■ara: nrp faaanukte rUte: ten lid Biaalwteh h au r wrMkL P u aapi


Atl MIBD. BiUfan ukT________

® 2 5 £ * IP ^ S bDI ^aRRHRIRIiOHBkTBX A v a , la—> u

nana. hath, aiaau k u |u l r r ; m l |H : am a iu

(BAt ATM.. I t aad M eU ui 1 Man, IH, atiteU i ter aap i Inpravad atebtel (llte l u i

FaBTMBNTB ■aalk Ontata al (tea aparlBM wrariabla raiwie. liiwdr plulp at It tt urvlu; can

Tka_ _ aea.

afti (tea apartatnla: , aferter- nai buTal. M il MkLAFAHTMEtm—a aad t ranm t j N u l k u k

kte aateat btwaat atite eB n n eT u U m l bte|bt a u a r n a m : (Ua u iU a M u i a n l u au ttau i Japitar u ra lu i m didkla n u a , ML ML n « U n tatedul JdtidH, Tba Bljiliaaal. IH C lte tu . au. iNddawaad « u

lH I O u t i t ia u .K Jte& Jt

La ^Htapa tM l fclinteaF abtmbhtb.Park—Twa vaaaaatea l a ------ ---te u iu a u r tn u t k a a u te aftpi Iw bate a tattle, lawatn a( u i inwtae peenteu aa M. HBNRT. II Ctkteu iAFABTMBNT, Fkaadau Caart, MT M.—FWi tu n apananui am n "waiu. latiur !■ itie, a ^ all na

FABTHBKT. HIdk IL. M i- aid kalk ataam kaat, kad


•lAALHi: Tm L-, atm hiAtm; M «vTrA pn lAAi

AFABTMBMT Blwddd Mamr. l i t WailAR AVAa rtfA rORAW; nRMA IR

j j j d j g j j ^ ^ m a t a A ptiTi-Tl'

ai al*

APABTHBKT •ewtp daaae bath, aaval an .. Bear

-CONOOBD" — ■ Bn.

I b u t: luHar, CItetea. iU , >M.

— Up-te*4atei I rieni. Wad H Bldftwwai

aPABTMBNTB, Id Braad u ; 14 raami avanr laipfiv m eat ■ vwrp k in iHkai | M Balfhbarbaad; a u r u l u l ta traltep aid JH-

Mp; M l ^ luM ar.AFABTHBirr—Waal Blawu aL. it; ell IteallarFBIiT.

paam: til mdarw hnpraouiuh l IT B ru f* bS i IT.II. FBIBT

AFABTMBNT teerawied, t i l l Braad at— Tkm la ate raamt pn tnpravanuu:

JwKar aaratea. Appip laaHar, u >ba» (III Warinp.

•ABTMBIIT Frenter, blfhtelau ite aam aai ban aad ( ru t panfc. tl-il Ulan a n , aaar CMatwa a m laaalra7ahi

latlior.AFABTHBNTf. ltd CNatu p m

m iu aad bath, i tu hat waiaf, la tilu : Nrat I I I . _____________

r t m U a ^aadaauad ( lu u

aT pear ue itea; pau fai aNu a navad. II par lead: aatd eau tm tewa dIMu

teuatk WMI vutUalad m m , 11.11 n u Waablnftea Bfrapa Oa., II Au j u u at

FOB BBNt—Btehl-nan hauu ebup; all,i"B E T ff? ::i; 'r? .rv £ iS T " . bSu S ! 'Irallap ta Wataaoteop ava.BAIT OBANflB. Narib HitaaDth aL. I l l—

^ " n A W J r i i . S S 3te l U l Ul Halbarrp. ___CABaAINP-Hoom. (lau. apannuia. (irm iiotu; al pricaa; amp karaalu. BAN- DAU. HI-IH Mala te.. waar Itep. Oruda;■r*oo4 (ioar. _____ _____IIOUBBS aad (teu ta lat te Waal Oiaua. Taaalap aad Tkandap avuteda.• •*----------- - — • * A*,Ap«A TWeASy ARAft wH im ioirfK . W*a4 Otaa

WAiWAftoa I

CAtDWRLL—Ta l#tv hmiAAa 19 AllvAOiAnlA: foaA; III p#rr. X. ilATTHXWft. OmlAwtli___•AprAV

aA. :VftUXHAldL. » . J.^-Maam t# tor it

ARA All topTAVAIRAAlAv Apply Trs = " - = =



aiarv aaUdlM: la« (aat (ram Wlllteia n. OEwBr 4 FUtM, IU Bnad at_________

HCU FT., I. aamu Maw te.—Btdbl nan a In foad, c u p u ln t lu a ttu t baau te jaad «dnia«: will ru t m uuM p. BNBLDON.caadi .

Ill UarPte teAl.PINB rr., It—riva larta, Iteht balk; Impli.: lap (lau: feed dP. haed; but Irallap aad tetiter aareteailAVON AVB., MP^Flai of (u all liin wvinawe; te Ite: babfcWd. u ptamau

ream u d katP: iM Ul. lafBlra

BACBBLOB AFABTHBHTIL«i and m walmot ft .

Twa m Ihiaa n an a and katp, aa- lurtiahad u (nnlaki d ; atl nadon cUTUtaau a, laauln af Janitar ai pranlau u peer awm knaar.

COMFDBTAMLB uartptaatei atea teet e a ; i Y r n B ! . v i S i i a . T y L r .CBaWFORS i t ., id—F m r u

InpnvanaMai aaeawl (IpOTa dwln It Cnwdard ai.. lat ISdf,C i^ B N BTh m i—d h a lA V

carbtanSf“ ? i £ a w ? i

ttiL T T L S K L ,"21! I 'ula m u T te p d iy JB

t e i i J y i l j u i t e a ’aw*p!anteuDevnm iT„ Jd, I

TallaPniwk Tai-ium , lUal hMk. la___t e y Mtaaina. u paratakatk. terpa paadrp, f li

n . u parata u ir iia in^ I ' ^ ^ ^ a O T t e a ’C - drail U d d m u te dtetew raan : ^ n o w u r

DBLAVAN AVB.. IIM raan apaniauM i ataan

UM. p a r ^ llaan u d a

^ t e * s r ^ i 5 ? w a r i

DBYONBMIBB dpadnaiM—i a u kalk; aearp Impawaaaauf aaan a tau la t aan tu ted UL tu . Wartaa aad PawekDICKIMOK BT. H i, < licbt d.raan (ted; atl | l | i‘o f r tT“

fumi rm firm flAAT.u T i E r s r -______fUAV. MAVAR lOyfA, ItfllL

S : & £ 1 s E S— taabu ta adpil

V dnu B. *■KKERT AVB., Ik-F lrte j ^ l k , d»r u a u t f teu , T raw.

laaa ru u Mdd._______ »______BCBBBT AVBL. M-dP-Ftea . . .k J K * r i - i r f ^ a i K * r j sBikart a mBLWOOO AVB.. liL

~ ^ »a m ita n an •warp teipmawuite: r u t tepatn a u tBUBABBTM AVM..

raaan, katP; all tau ru an ia te ; kte

BUBABBTM AFi :deeaiatad

. It,IhM (lair.

BUBABBTM AVM., balk: all InprirVamateMLBLM ir.. au r b j l Braad-Flrat all bapraen

Ma. lau p a

v l i f . I

BROAD IT., Ml. upaalta Culral Ballraad ■UUaa—LATca, Sfhl Dear, auam bUt • 1. Inaaln UnluUl. d ill MILfornlidiadr w p ohup Batldlnp Ca., dll t'P lu Mdf,_____ ____

BBBT teutteb. III Cutrat are.—Bton. Ihm laotne; hath; alulrla Itekt. atuta hut; lull aiip kateaeu: aaw (va«t: raaaetiable

RIO tecra, dmble wiadawi. two pack ream wltaMa tar anp kudlnew: ru t raaiaubla. laaalra Mi Malkarrp at,, tddiir teoraBank it ., tt—FIu , larca Man aad twa

llTlac raana; e n tn l lau tlu : I4ul lu i- u u (ar Mllu ap u p p tluCOBNBB Man aad (n r adiatntef raama: u ah aad Brace tea.; aapaM ackul; inlukla (ar e u tu tlau rp ; m i III._____DBaiBABUB Mere. adJteDtea UciwwwuaJS‘2,” i s ! . s ? r ‘ ? s 8f.vA *B .Y ,}s*s:loc.. Bam btilldtep. _____ ________

•Bva.V.ACRB liwn. M « (niH traaa; aaw ham : avaPF haprautaaati Bra atltea la

a a g ( j r r a ‘isg a .* * !r idi:^*.** "**•

•d ACBM It adiu aad: id-taim 1nlni watati l4r«a paaah u d a p

ACADBVT |T h I» —dte-nan baau aaar car Iteap; akut awraa n laum walk (m ."—V ^ FFBOH..__iB 0O„ Matreptelua kal

:at aid Waakibfteii eta


Hcateia, I IH. FteHda. Fate

(tePltu dan.

F A iliS FOR u c h a n c e

FARMS FOR SALE O R T O U T4KAU. pulitF (a m jJH r e s s t i j y u la ar te tte t o n m 1. HOUlMAinB. m Bulk L a a g ^ " ' ,

FARMS TO L ITDBAUBU QBOVBHBwlun lai: plaaip. iheilari iHBl'(an


MAWnOBMi AvM., oaraar f ahaau aak—■

ila n a tb at.

ta. C aldnU ^ajniU


SFr*. at*.,aniatei

ctilMn naanM W * T ^ l.d l



tarne. Addran, Mllaa, > u t l , (dura aBH*.

m ST-’ S . - i f , a k . . H ! . T , i s r u g

P A O M T M i l s P O I I A U

rvAA VibIDi Irk kaiir

dSa l* tn l? aaieuwiadd«*■*«».mumuf*

kVk., U-M,


FA.A 0*0 BIB daim aLl.tedj


[MB HOtIBBB-dIa, u r u alaht raam t la in uvlac radm: Man ulIlDfi: a a u

FAMT. dll Bulk Oraapa a m


'MlOUtD BT.. rear did. u lran u (rm BrUn f t , I Oarrakrut curl—Ftn r u m aadS ja j ;5 g £ p 'a . 'V u 'a i > . ? ! s ‘ a !

AT BOBB villa , Barth T n lh al., kaudllti ■A bate witk abawar; Mean h u t.BlH laanA katk witk abawar; ataan h u t.

E u a

ORANUB FT., ll*.>Lania aae-tanllp k am ;teuraainu tei 11 raam : fauL aeaf u t aat

laadllut M a teaadtea far lu id la p bkau; elwu tm . BHBLDOIt III Market teBBOAD'Wr., dlji— Paami alt lim an*£ S K 3 ^ ^ 3 £ ? S i

lAUiBV aT., H Blira u d week reani Una alww wlauwi ateaB i n tad; fiia waaiin; ifpaina Arvada. BTIIAMaIi . M HIdk te

119 toflRTitiaV iRrr«Td, nv—LftffA, nttit aaw. wtoA

far AfAAlrlMty; ImaiAdlAl* paamrfIaav n i l p C. XLTf Wi liftrfcAt fta■MlIKOFiaLD ATXed «A«. Cl|M9R i t — mtA. Itthi HtArA; AtfrAOtlrA n to tj paaa hlHiAto H>9«VRi FRR9 ____________

BfUkK0 AAV ApATlIMRl. 191 ftAAtll T«AtR •ta MAR CMlto ATA ; riVA aaA Ale rAAiAi; •(•Ain RtAf, Ha( iVAtAC And jAnltOf AArrloA

fArAlAMAA At III; rtom NtrAmbAr 1, 11 aaAD ^m to I: toArAU %• Aiitit toRgttto fiw* Irii aaA All HfM rvAtnii ipA« tAftoAA. fTXr VKWIS. 4TO t lMrAl Av»., Apjy lu x ' aIrTS 'ftPAXTHENT, RI9 CltilAA

AVA.—up-tA-dAl«, lifblp Airy. AAwly A«c* AfAtAd 9 aa4 I rAom ApArtmAlitAi All IaIaaI ImprAVAfAAAtA /AAltAT DU pFApilAAA, ATi^*ift pcBLEAiygm . rpo,a ■•••■ DAiiAiAi,BROAD IT I SllToppAAttA RuMIa LlDrAry— "loor;

Mvlr I ilFAtovAAd floor; flvA bMullfyl larf* rooniA

anA toft; Mvly isAArAfIaA; FAAt VAfy rVA* prAIRlAAA. AF 17NI0N 4l| UaIaa ftoHAlif

• road iTxa 19—4 aaA T rp«m ApArtBAAt*, All -------- >JA. JARlto #r AWNAPa4ITIR OnafA.

RO - .Impto; rtAAonAftlA.MAllWltAXa Hi. ■

• rMRw, MMiryc Ator n ItRprATMRARit: ARl] i1l»A«l ftV«. lAfAlri

BRAUTIFQXi Rv» lArf# roARW,Afv TAon; All modorn ‘

ft4. 4Tt ioAth WATArty 1191, A. OLARRWWft.BBADTIFTL rti-rooin DAt; ftsewrAlAdi tilAA

Iwth, pAAtry. rorpAtAA ftiRltp fTAAt pAfrft; rAAAODAbU r«Al. Altft ^ elAl lRAMAM«lt9.ttl IftAAtArOon It.RRBirCTMAM. rite. 11—FIfaI flAAFi faur HriA, llfll I rooinv And ftfttft rAomi RAirtr AAVOTAtAd; JUAf iftA dIaOA t o hAiftRM AJIA VrUt H I1v«a FABt III. lAfflRA If NaIaoa pi.'BLRRCKKB at.. iS—BAciMto AptooiODtA

IVA rAArn* aaA ftAthr IftrRlMhiA at uAfuy ntohiA; ■tvAm h«At, AloctrlA t » l f ; r«ntfAl1y Um M : tTAm tSS.19 Inf Air* IRAltnr.BUIKKClt Ita. B4-^ rAAeftj toth; AtAtn

iitAt; hot WAtAT; lAnttor eWrlcA; ru t III. Jin tto AH promlAAA. m LOutR ft^Hldil9]N< - Xm n fttttlilArflXR, Intf.aRADOSS AVRa, PAAIM AAA ftAlM•ADond floor Ia twAefD^y ftAUAAi to* AfAVAinvnlA liijulfA JOftflPH M. WCBIilaHI W«vtvly AVA.RRUirONt AVRn IT9—BAMtIto <«• ADArttNAAt; fviry m m uA mmim u 4 vonlMct: im l pATAft; fAAt miiAtmtibjAfltOf. __ *_____

• t t

fTOBB aad atea ream u i i i iiad aad thirdt e ^ r a S . T - W * - i f f i F f f l l ^ . Tt*Broad M.■TORB te teL wllh ,_raat (M,

two rune,o u daparata.

• S S S ^

l l w l k ^ ^

T-ULBSmtOK.iawib Oraidir g a s g i N " ? 7 t , i

tWBBTBB 4VB..naata aU bdal:« » .!lW aad m

twapp twa tar I ■teawth at., Bate t

^ ^ tiu n btati. ddieBU t Hf T riiy jmIg^ar y jg te jjlteU d i n a t FS IK

UM ibBuI bk (wakteid fapai Iteua' te _S F m iiB n S FTBirteur

teuladilk tes aaaate r: *11 aad waH*d dm

IM Bulk

BROAD Bf.jJdL ku r luaiteki MM PaaualtekiaprawFtdMte I

FUNb__ JFkaaratdFPlT Id «

MT. FLBAiiirr 4yjL, Jtedu; ru t U ‘“ ^ *

>ni, 111 wtihiIPH B. B.W ’ Aftte’Y T S S Sihuitep am , t i# , 'tkaaa

■An ll , iM»i -■rpM RFARtMMfti4r m Wmf W9DllMg NM»2 raw

STO R U . o m e t i k I f c . TO U f r - o i r r o F T o i N

^ 9tfp-1‘pfcaw


;A M >H A LL ftT O L iT


r f f E r Bnaatet t » aadAFAIVrH•ilaTaa



amBIMTHAU. f l . I t daaaa raam ud Mth; all Impnvananta: third nau. la. aaln o pteiBlaaa, m 111 Baulk Tuik al.:(aat til.___nBOBB Bt.. Md—r t u ream aad kat e r r j T « y w I ‘ * s » ’*


i l S T BT.i l f e .^ n lidkl raam; third near: lhraa.fannr u n a r beau: pan Im-

fniamawi IM. Apply 11 Warn teBBBOIlk'' BT.. did—l^rM' dear 1a Ibru-

faiaW ham ; (In larta. Itekt ru » L balk; ( ru t aad m r p enku , na i 111.

lifilia fw iilm ar la eWar te_______epiat Puea FteL

aaeur Balnut—Harnw ckauaiL iteatu apaiteMau :: (Hal Aau, foeir laapH, M;

tkria larta redna dHi dackr wfib. kalk .atun.

ar BO'F aarrtea. atecirtaMr, par-

" S JS R s r MILL n e n o N .Ill Miadara I aad t

•f: rU f iRito liRptA.:;w :/IR tf ITMli. *PiARA

FRARXtdlFi iTe. II, •ppiAltA titf CaRVAaIaaIp yAApAAlsSlA, ArAlIwimOAt; IVA TAAHC ARA ftAttll All ___911. ftt.99 ARA 119 PAF RAARtfts Aff liAlRi RR lACRUAR. A to r AR pyiMllKftrRAMRUR fTe, 19. AppAilU vNy U l rooma ahA ftAlti; apaHawr* aa ftrr tvA AAtrRAOM; AAluiMA to pftyil«ftui ttat. Apply Oft ffvtnJAAAe

AND AFARTIti L NDrRLT Pi _ te |4- HAtdP VAN.

nKMABti CARELNIIKIU; SsPKlAld MIN CJIATIN41 RRAMONA]AOR. IRI HAr ^KRT; NMHTPtAT PAftktt; __ _____ —l>Apo(: AvvvA rAoeiA ftRtft, ftflhi iMitoF: rm H r r to W ; vMr 'CaaCvT a . NWf •fftoPlwATM-Omrfl KlnAAy; to r r lit TnoAlrA Cl Na%PLAT- ylTA


I taeattete M #.. wtet**

Int atvAin jMRt. oUetilA R ^ aT*** * two fttoluPtdAT of Ni roAiRA. In•IMRI ftiAt. InAWtA in«t of 9 rAAto IM toi «lMAp. __ ______ ^

hixtarliLFLAT—O nat M„ Id: Idea i

•AVAA rAAVMi ftAlli: luill hMTRl mAftATAfA ru t. 9T11 BftotRFLAT, nva atea I ' aad hath, lap (linai m aoiakte ta detirakla teuala aaln Md P uth Teratflh M.: awaar.

ru n a Md u d (it; (aui C. J. lUBBAir I t Ctta iuFLAT TO LBT-4ai


roATM, waoRA ftor; iftHlAVA)f i g .:PINX flrft rt««r AKHfbAAt; III, ItviRtli'

AVA.; fifo reoHA; food eonAHlAit: t lftoif llfht«:, aapataH AntrAfl«A nnA ftAAto; fam|S4. AAAr trolloy abA ifnitofi. aLaa UU|& flAl. m . RORRRTfiON. Ro#«vl!W mA Rtotoll j m » ____________ * _POUR lAFfAb Ufftl FAORRt; linlto •frylcA. vftnAliRjrFAlAl;tMtoft;

XltAntoft ARd Prvlli IH IO ^ ‘

POUR lliftt rooiRA) - AFOvAmont*. prlvfti* riftfAi ftAtJii rm 9U*9ft.IIAAf tUHhfWPfn AV-

ueawd ItedVI jMl. Bdh t MR VfM WlPim MMRRa

POUR Almni, iRFf*. Hfht, rOAinii flloA All ItoHAWly

fAcHf'pAFltr to y 111

POUR fADiily,

nnA WAfnlA# roOfTM Aft HAeMlA flAAV, U y, 919; tIVA FRRIAA AR iM flAAVa fiW kf«F, Ilf. iRfAlFA t l LaHAA At., to


iiH aa ii» a^ ^ffiw po»r*^E r

lu r f f i iMU)i«rSEAiiAR!r7'

, JRAto.tttoM ftftiI ' C t r d i r ' -

t t t <


, - 'i!! 'i'J'' (*•

roCk raorna Im prw nnutti n a t 111: •prlntllald a n . , aara ir Taiutr-nrat toauira IM ■prtntftald aea., lap fleu.FIVE and ate aawlp daearated ru n a

kaib: all n adarn u an n iaaeu : plaia ta dielat r u n ; aatet fcaau: lit, HI. taath iavaalh teFIVE aad ate larta Utkt m n a aad baiN modara IPterenM utei n a t ru aaM b ^ liFiuln Jaaltrua, (teotra) am , earaer tadlB favaaUantk te <

" M ' : ^ t e ‘” t « o T ? fMawark, Ci« n a u te ta or a.anli^ » L L -------- ^" ,5 fMte l i t u d IT CiAHX. i n kalA T tifi teViVB terfo Utkt laana, bath, mwIt <l*a£

anted; im t Door. two-laadV k u u . i t Bucaa M.. aaar Bllubatp a m : r u t HI,

n S a ^ v W k T r i t t r i i n *

IFIVB iarta, Bfkt ram a f Bank Mo m . (aat

PiFTBBtiT* "dVBj. d m aid a m ^ (It

WaaMkBtu te __________^F4iBM 0Pirr.*ym . n 4 - .S n

BdlBMOincT AV&, Ml^-^lt m ikk katk; all In pn eamatp MpMipl h « lr ter aertiu . . ' ' ^FOB ,'n(kMd atitead .

. fBBBT.Bte. #

* ' “ * * « w

S K i T t a ?t o t

•oirrH T w m m p m i t .toMlli ive.—W« r»«■!>,

^ s u m r j f f f S T m

k t h x t m i t n ^ K ^ i A P A tTO OP TOWN

* * S B Btmmm. tU WHIt

f i r S r»t»t Olulril »>0


H aiUllTfl t r ., t«li M v m Tkir*Ik u rf iMHk O n M *»«—»U» B.U Mtai MMHk UM M m * kkll■ --------,Hr*r -rvoai*. kkki«r, *l**4r4*

Dmm, twf-mim MU4la|.

w o o M iralij****n

»»*(K iirK ir

a « s ? s i 3 S 2 F !• ■«.. t HUrtw M mT VMM MX

i x a "OnM*.

w w rr KWllBT M i M talk i •!•«« k*«t| J u M t H r

Ikkw ii JMWH-

jio w rc tj iia . n.

rttmmt « ■(■■m* i* Aar Wifcw H M Ik*

WAUtUT f t . , UA _ ■ttt* nw H ; tw i M.

itad iA tH t

mv n t m mn i M M m ' Bin i i i i »

K i '

»r», MkHHik. H. J . _______ _•OOtK aBUtOWT AV*.. H*. HTtk M Al-

»»• t*MH•M kuki H **irsH H it t J■«*»mikkM jkkit**, *r HAfAiHant, ii AUlM *1.

.... tikl. Bw fWulk **•.,

PMit*i**i *«reeMwHk. T*t. IM WlWHlr.

$Ul t««_______________ 0wi— f iiit—,r o t f l t u i iT ] | bTm im ,• ft90kv^-MMuM fwi t o a


OK ANaB->i^ teaHiTki latfi H W m 4


____________ I I * . k a i___H H tiltk l **H «k.S rw lr

■ W W M MjnokMT) ik*M •* — ------- -- ^

kt^kMMrtU. *l**lrl& M Vktari ■■*! w M ■••A tMkllML MaAr U M maA Saa 4 Naar* anlaa.

A * ^aAMlA

M i S S a T f i k ^ ^ i S a r fjy y m ii «*fr) MH NeaaaaMai, aaaaai

n x f t , , la—Uee* laaiilifcil n a n «h aaa m Mat aaai^Aaai ;a>m* fcai^ .


«aaH«> » « >T» AAa

aMa laa l««tI.OMBAIIOT f t . , la-L eria Iraat ra*B^ M

W fam m iiia t tHkliAii m aMaralaMi fiaai S a ttlr” I^ a B a "* ^ ) t«* wlaaM* S M « «T.

ai lAlL ^ A T a m ■

afaa MaaMkA I____________

II; IM> a» AaiaaiMaai WAa MB

£ £ n £ ^ < 3

I Hra V S i



laAMM fWOML J OlMWit U«Cl:

kwto o f f t o i , Aflinai towato* JM..

Araa; MaaalafHVM a t . 111—Mtaatgr Ntakkal lai«a Itaal

raaMa; *il le#f*vaeMl*i ala* raaa t ' U« WMkMitaa *i | •*•! hHtaii aatr n

s s r ~ " ‘ " "

4»a Caaiiai awk. aaa***** <WOOMB .« a^ aaa. OKCNA1I& AT..

NOTBlia: IM—Nov APMtiMlli

r u a r a c s s^ j n S S E ^ K StM Tltain am**.

rauaa aaaS a SlaH I

RCNA1I& AT., at, aaar allr AaH -U H * laaM p iH aAur aaata wlaAaat i a a a v raWwA far am i haaaaiaatiaa: aAM f**« fatal*; raaaTaa vatari au*H Matt tB

aOASTIL NaiaMa Ai a**A laHa; k*«* alH takt* kaarC

. If—lMA4 **M> ■B| «*M kaaaait

S O M M U m n M T ^


’w s L m i AT.. iH —n*a um i *U^aH*a**M*aia ataafi Mat.

Aaalk Ffati atatli at., t i l ; aM HAW taaaw.

t tt . Wav* am**. gM raaaia *114 aa liiiAii iiiiili. I ; JM

t o ________________ ___T iu ica r—mm A«i telk i oU wiops

ar tt» Vaaaaaliit at*.TMIICTWtWTB W.. t^BNA*a« aaaA Haar; ahi r**H*i a t latat***. a**« Mail trlihl* tkn* la

^ f c ! S a '3 r i : : r ‘m ! L r s ! ^ ' r £ ^ a**., ffiI taawa *aA talk ; all awAfta kH aHMi; taat tH H kktli M AMawa'aaeOaeafa___________ _

o R c n u m wt., h , a**t B b*m - * 9 **t watataA kaaMltk* naav; a a* « kMaSiBi ......... lanUaa.

KOABiru.Il l A ■Aaaay ~"itaait ta a n Ah t i a i

II a ta tfa iT T ia^ ila . ^ AkOBCftiXi. Kartk A M m - * — Maa

t u t u m turn rtaau «aa«H akk Uaa; OaBtral■a. Ik>( I, Kava *1-

x a s k s s T T w a - n e j f f i ‘T t f 8 g f c n - - 8 a - 3

WWT nMAlfQ!l fTil. Am mmh, lNHi( iNI| OEUAIM it.* I t r i iH httll Mod fnum, ***** **** **• w il W |wf _

l«TO MW Utmi rw l lU*

l H 1 5 B T O a . £ i ,


OtUiXAjra AT., W -FiaH kail k H I * aiaatBrt fta , ta lk. faaa»A


Ml PffH aaaaa tiiH*: an Mk t e l : aiaaWi

twa taaiaa *ltk watar aa* n a___ J fim . I* •aa faaillr k*B«i urtM

mAOV. Am*■atlaa*. II iilH itf a t. dl*. ____

p u R M s n o p u n a n d a p a r t . i n i r r e t o u t

r u m i AT- iTi, I iM«to****ii ■toaiiiTI Ml

> Mow------- 1 rwMi

' v*MW|

WAWr a P r *H m nr* raant, *Hk

K’7 T S S ' s ^ * T r * 5 ‘i k » ■ADJOtMWO

UtakiNINO talk , aa* *r ta* raaaw aaA'1 w ‘L 2 S £ f i S r ' f 3 2 S 'M » K

A*a iliti rit llf t ia aMaa kHi; n aata la aa- UaaaaAQPTm_i»W|t ATP-.*m " iwS*Ai i l P '* S W I h r r * * w i S i *

A P A R I M O f f la iO O i l AND P U n T O U T - W O P TOWN

StOAO AT., iT n WlHlf IHkkkfl t S t »*H aaartHMlai baat latM kat; raa-

P U Jfp AT.. IM-^Tara alaalf tai'lilati I **a> aaatMA ra tiaa h r llaki kaaaaa iMlaAi *M* _ — .-------------^ baftataHaala

r £ S T ^ '

i a g a S 3 i i i r 5 S S > 2CVMTHtrr IT*,ikTM-----------

a q im i m r a at., itt-MM ■«*•* a*Ai a ? w R t e r ^ j g ; r g B " * -

_____ aaa k* iklalatA aav; aiaat ka at** W ALAHAMT ttaa taa» apartaiHl; HflM, akr, •aadara tiaframaaat*; tia* waHaa i IH Haalclah am , ka Xv-----

geH tr*Uwa«rilS*lef**BAim Oram*

raaiBl. laaalfa l l

kOAAlini I A. rwtk *t, lU —Tkt** ala*a ^ tai ta*HA fataHkal t o kaaaabaaaiaf i

Bl ^ liw aaS y * ' *** ” *** ***^

A O m OkAMOA AVB,h T g

tr im *

_______________A ^ y T ro A y lW ^ y la ^iMA^ * y i l iS 2T l ^ f f **** **** * ‘*t o a aa* iMkaaaaaa AM* B a a H A*** MM*. M « m U A Martk Aamaik at. l»-*n**lA

rataMwA Itaal raaai: all aaar Ikta* aaa Uaat; la aaaall*“ ls ? 2 r c s i ; i

AODTA AtXTM f t„ lU - f Im raaaHi kalti , * * * , ^ j t y ^ k a e t ; ilaaith n ^ ; aaaaaelaiuki { ^ a j g

__ ^ far raat la aal m at Otaiif*.. »*•

^ ^ 'iC J T i t r * ” 'A otm i A l n m i a „ 1at- am~i

*gg*i, io»P » j M

BOimi oitAMaa a^ , m*—n m t M . M t a t aalk. taat III: iHIk Ifaa rian a lV

io im i T A m r h i at.

*j{J — bw?' H jS tS M kOW O WWAOlWt tOMSPOM OMMWdMR

acirn* katk< iMaai kaali ( la : nm i kaaHiaikia t *al.

St; lalaft aaa; firal'diaM toaUaa. Al to wO aatogT W 11. im aa.

ATATA AT., II—Tv* a a a * ,'to t aa* taka

e s f i a_________'Sii^^.Aw aM r;

alH atafl* laaim (raati

BUtManAU>-«iT* lam t kwAllaL Hfkt , aW. maa i .faaiaa a*k talk. I* a .to*NOPMf wi MNiOfP IPMPWPNMOMI tMA H aaa^**l aa* k*i w*Ht

f c S U K t f a m ^wmo or MU* m ■hmtiiio WMa* w


aM* latfa t*tm la bmI aha* kaat: aaaUaaaa* t i t faiaim r taSaa* t*

MMtflMpR. ____« a n r aaA a**lt f i j t r a l : nSaaA faffl* air. AAAtam MeAeaa. Baa l it . M*«* a n to

HKOMB^iamttae AVAL, 1*

> to T a W k m a ltJ r t WaaKR . * ^ * * 3

WAABBI STT1»-V« _a*Hak)a h r ( w f*eUaia**i *i ■aaaaa lakMt a to all ttallarat


tiWTOW If Bm I

* / a 3 3 R r ? s s j r r ! r i ^ ^•r vMattr; MU. i t o mi4 tv* t o i t t M i ' Ilia* AwiriM 0* m,. Bn ^ Btv* o*5mRiwllaa

T om ra HAM aartk aaiillaa■laaaa atal*

U i r a a a k I

IN a h t e f M a i *al itMS *( Aavara m I f* to aaA aaaatot t T„ Uaa TC, Man* a(C

kaat* I*kaaatOr- - -- JMl■V ■VmnOWt

T om ia aaapt* Aaaha k*M aa* Maa *Hk^ - A i t t S r ' r S r K T K . H i ; Mj s r

WASBnASTOh, Oat. M.—AkHk«r ta- A*rt Ik* fliBA f t aatnaaB AMrahaiMa and Hkaafa H ar aaf I* t aanff r i a cfa rl HarfUlB alM *A t* IktAi k r Ik* ■■*■ m an war va* t i iM f>< kaAajr t r a a Ik* f i n - . '. .* AABAalatlAB a t TnA* a a i C th h tr a i M » t t <Ai I t tk* Bar*** U raralAa aa* DtsiiAtl i OiAiMi m .

Tk* ra**r t Aar* th a t Oanaa* as- f*rt*r* •*• ahm A r I MAMIba tor •* tarasM a * t Ik* w*iM AHihal* wlik th*tr »r*Aa*la tAHM ilatotr a fta r Ik* ala** *f Ik* war. Aflar Ala ******* *r***at aspart i i a l l t l iAi to Oirmaky. tk* r*A*rt H va:

'‘Tk* to tar* wt a«»Hka •s fa r t* «*•• **t k* *M llr to iAWA •* Ik* A****aA

Tk* aptolMi ft* r* lla . kaw araitk*t *ft*r Ik* la*** «* a a a ru to **rl*A,

kaa* **r*ral r ta ra , tk* *B**tt t n i * w u ik a t toIt wma to f r ia r I* tk* w ar: tk a t la, «k* 0«naaa tmwwrtwr w in k* aki* la ram*- tokHak M* *ta toaatoa l l ^ a l l l*■■ t l I* **luMwl*At*A. k*>w*v*r, tk a t to Ik* AHaBtlH* tk* tAA*n tiaA* wtU kar* a karA tlH* r*H *atof ak t a alia a a i Alftl- aalllaa wkick kar* k**a f la i aA la ttara r k r faralA* Mmpatltara.

T a aalealatlaA aa t*paaMMIttMa a tta r tka war, k.Aletls*U*S *k««M k* MBA* katara** *raAa«to «**a wklak toralAk aafa lrlM mabi A****A t* a •artalB astaa t, mok a* ATMlBtfBbbA **ta«k, bbA praAwat* wklak aa* k* •klatoaA tr*M atkar tkaa


PV A ianm o af*rtB*al, tkm* H har m*Ma kath, kJtch*B*ll*i alatrla kal aatar, |*M

laeaUaa; raaaaaaki*. t l Att o r anilMakAiniMAA ATB» I t l—FMaaiai Iraal raam

I: haarA aftimal; prt-aa 11. ;

h r n a il torahhaA: ___ . .**M r i | ^ ^ t o | ^ ^ a ^ rwlH l I* Iki** <

» —A i ^ i m k U ^ X. J„ UnAai at*,, r im ream; ail Ifram iaaat* ; targ* toU.

s a ^ x i R w i e ^ i v t « s T i i .


im c B B A w S rirIm "TNt

U m Lovof to *i 0 BAAT OAAX«B-HKb *bA aaaaa raawa aaA kaik la tk* (aaaUlBt Haatoar aaarUHal

kaaaa, *M Xala at. aartkaaH aaraar at I wla at. i aUaw kaat

AtlMMM ATB.. IM t* l it i m rr Mjat i

altar aarrMa; Jaat Mr* ttartBM t* lafli

I i**M* aaA tatki waaaA AMri ahaa

■aaarAh AMtiaa. I Xattk Khlk a l^ S T ^

lU. AJalr JaalHt, a* arawlaaaLA, MCTCXI.n *1 n i lU n , Kawark. *r Oa*. m m 1 AaSraaA

kOB 1. I a ra , _f t . atf^ilk* Briek Ckarai Atallen.

" ■ a i S T r t ? - ; “ •

J E S ^**feiM*kTif ^ * * * ~ ^ rH M i ~k5k|

ATM, Ml k***tKBl

BAAT Ckank _

■atalBamI ... Maatlaai ■!**■

araall a t. aaar BrMk


afaftaHnl; kaaalltai‘i r i K a r L n F ^ ^1 J, Haw* alflaa _____ ______

BAST OKAXOB, fark am . I l l (**H W a*- iHtta* a ll—BaaaUtol aaw H»*a rtaw

E a a tu i aaA liH ran A afaftwaalai al**- w aaA ataaa; taaAr Kataatkar Lx a . t i i b h *. kwnmiA. xawarai f*«*«

lU I Mklkarrr.HI—riT* r**B* aaA

~ a ar te U a i la- Ik* Sanaa a t.

tn u x o n S U ) A ta,, S-Sw** raie* jaA mUk. iBjMAaa«1**M*. T**iii* l&il flam. arTtoMnxOAlt. t i AllC* *1

W—Xf-kamat* aaraar

£ « ‘4cV |& s&I S t iL w T B U E u w ^

■ 't? ■■ t fm i ^ *k»H aaaa itm a

s^ x s s tJ r

Ihj laaaa^ th Ti S Q


' .C k r

Ml bim

5 5 S r S f - E■aanaata; M l n*>

ATM, Ik-Alat. I krlakl k ; M t taaaauMa. Infalm

ImSlr j£5" MH‘* l3 * n 5 L 'T 5 -

BABT OkANaX CwakrlAf* at. I t—to otf daaal valaa;T UAkt raaai. k*ik. kmt t o ­il iMi aa.* Jlaw Omint

I atollaa. OBOBIIB f . XAOC iw*a atallaa. Baai Oraaaa

naaai Tmin; • w al*a*A; M l IMj trallafi 1 h t o alai aff. Btlak Ckaial

i (M llr Aaalm t i ralakil aaailMaa*___1*1* kr lM a ia katk, XvIb i raaat a a i

kltca*B*M*j Xawarh ot Baal Omata aF a,*** A a a r ^ t l m IL l i ^ a a g


tS S L *. wMk

, It—Idif* m m A flaw (M l I almmi to n am aiM*Hi Ckra* toaaA at.) M raaiaat I* uU*

BBICK■Im I* I f NPNfrlTOii opHtal fpli* t o la

'FImim IMI Ofaafw. _____

PU RN BH ED ROOMS TO U Tw e n t ATm. W - U r s * aa i aiBaU ahatf

flMMaA r***H, ailtk to m * tu to r ; a**- ' **A Wallair.aar kaaai aaar Iraki i

ATTAACTIVBLT ..f**H, u m aalia, M |

tJaiBsa at r to a iH u t ;- to m

kaall MiilaA waiart < akanaaA. itM Brnaak

■BltlCBB AVB.. taa—larf* famlH iA >*M m am tliaa*. ! b*M* atathrl; ataam kaal M*a I t t lB T B.

BMICX OtABCa, M Wakalar f t —Attraa-Um, maa« raaaw; ataua - — ----- ‘—watar: aieallaat *r trailar.


A O im T h x ra at., iy -» w i* i* * A M h r M am ta la l laiah* m rraw toa

■ ^ a A g s y a b . . 3» A ^ a s f s :i iaraiaiUM, T*l la k io m ik m ______

t o : *H—aAVON AVa* TOMrt m «2 Mit.aMa n r traU tnaa; ilaaaR boat aa i M* vlUk

naaia: raaaiaaMaj aU aaia aaa-BROAD f!MiInproraaiaaivi rp*«n»a**j ■•§ wto-yaalaaii u a adaatMT vala ta Harkal aai Braai.

N«a» arW

BAXr QBAXOE KallrriaA *r*« M— LarA* bar wtaAaw (raat laaai wlik

baarA: aattakl* t o tawfl* w tw* aaam-au ai i ia rta lia t ta Oram traUrr Ham;

AkOAD AT„d m ;

IM. tf faam *Hrlart*nlaaaA anA Aaearalaa; •!•«•*

mvat ka aa.a la ba affraalataA.

halk-4kMa a S r ln K i XABSIXOTOX AT.. I l k - ^ a aaBwaatlaA

li a la lluarr ma**, taka, faUar•-*«*• IMOAX AT.. . tl*. aau axr kill l* rm

(raat M B ! f tailaHta ; abaala* hfA* to a l r n a taiaalu h a a (aw <

Xauaat llAht kiaaakamlaA ahtai talai ra.fla; aaaaaal taata; r ahraaai_________flKMIl AT. Ik aaar O k h a h L __rw n n aa t am , im m T T patam am 1 «U at. MB, a m rjn m rm h a l lw a S h kk Cawi at. H, nau w .H laAh*i ____

ATAAmraTOM AT.. IM-Oa* M aaaaaaUM aaewa wttk naalaA w MH (at haaaakaaaiu; aha halt pwowauaiWi poMwoail o-___

> i s r

rAAXIXOTOK AT., l i t : P lau *1 . 1*1— AtatflBi w hmaakaaXat rnaiaa, iM t far- r; ata* laa r-n aa (lal; auaH M att balk:

Ba*T ORAHOA. ah Btatlaa-Uf r knu t ; f raw

Baal Oranj*.BAAT ORANOB—All ala* raaaw anA katk,

all UaffwmiaaBUi ataai* kml; aim Iv t faaaw I. aiua; (M l aaA back aaraUa; aaar trailar aaA J«* ataHaa*: m i l it . la- iS m D, XICHAAI

* 8 a ? % f * g £ s r ' > yiSum lfirK S L *1 ? * 'jjM jrJp k aa# awa

Act h i m lAkt raama; wtaaA Baari all ■ riaiH atai u w lr r***r*A aad aali

tk M aXaaiit Wallaf a a i Ualat. H Iflaari a l l_aad aalataA;


ata; with •!**■ •atr* aa fm nlata

NfmaNTOTin, t t t W B. Bi_________BKWSar r t« w i ail i M i r u m i . Wnh iiliii


i j i S S y - s i u r B i•a jWWMBNk

)BMh.1 ■MOnii BMaBt j tw B to a B L

to «i «U


IjEr# l ib —F in a tn Ufbl Piwwi

kdL aantirirMT**—paattaAr

M : -______________

U m 11*., M, aaar BallmaA am —Ih tklM ti a T O S l 'j i& lK

I S C " « B * iP 3 5I .fuaf _CllaMa

t o M M tad MataA fiaai;knew e m aai M il* * * a r t

. _.....wall***‘l i* * t i lm l ' A th r

TBB BM*i aa-ti lAh. I Uakt I a a d l r a n * •laMm part at

a r t katki t t t Taa

TSkXB aaar watar,

Puk am.• t l

aaar raasa, t i l l atatlain i l U * W i f r £ i

t t i i wuuwatff tab*.i t , a*ar

>.Blr* NAklW* aaraw amaarr.

Nortb Mirtb *1.TXtBTI_________X AT*.. U t—raar ala* tw*M

aawlr fahlaA aad fafwadi watar aad

^ a u *-™FW I

IL, Ml UlaawotA am.

iMa naw i

BAST OkAKOB. I l l Blimrt am.—I roam: k u t; kal watar:rtlfc:

i t o ; to te tto Imfrarawraata, rmlYli. tan ---------- ^ UJUIA tCHUisIl-----ttor Mr*

I. J*n-:nobr.

BROAD fT.t lit* Tbo to ab lla -IfN tlr twr* ulwlMi PNiM*; all IrMpiowmoat ij Moan

bNl; tw* batbo: bUwtr b*l vaiotj «#i*-«lu titr b*U; ivUsboa*.BROAD IT. iss*—loiTy*.

.........pon*wTO;i ^ s c T t i s n u a r *

IlfM. f l M t l

WASnUKrTOH at., HT—mm* (M t al**f*as M B far twa; f tU i kuk m h aaau

Saar; ah* to a t kali aaaaa, 11.11_________ _bBfroraaaaat*: ~tiattiaiaa: l i f*a —■*- ...-a—I MHiawlia Ooatpbl Dw- im X lA M At., ta—MHl lUH laralakal m w : wttk aUm; h r warn* H lw* m - tlaiaaa *r taafwaUM* *M tear; M * < r tik .

BROAD a r t Ortaalal ala.—Twa faaaar r**aM for Hfbt bwaMbnylAii R« ■r*T**M*i*: fovfuirwi m t rwiMaabI*. Ba-

lr*ke« 41 Ortwafol WL

W Brr VlNIfBT ST., IAm-Om «f ««a rwr- Bhbad *r aafaraMM raaou: a» latfr—-

T * tT 'BROAD AT.. Itl.>^rt« alaan

f r im * naUIr: auai dmiH*:'


■m iam a AY^IXBA* waaaan wula an* *r tw*_mwaa

BROAD AT.. H i, Tk* RalaUk—NIaaIr fiar- ahkad. lairtt* aad aawll lltkl raamai ,

B ln bat, .*14 w atu; all Itaframmuta,

" l a t o *au Iknllr; Im aalattar walk tiam ■mad a r t Harkat ata AdAtau A*(la*l, Aaa M. Xaw* un ea_________________

AmOAO at. l i l t —rianaaa i______MaaactlaA raanai all liafia.; ahaa. alaatrlaltr; aafarat* aatmaai ' ! S V R

BkOAD r r .. 1*4. apfaalia WaaklaAlaa fark lakad trail raaa, n a a ln

miBIO—Ttaakar at fhaa, atito . .man hi (aailX «» to M toldrm lato- aatad ^ uaalc. Advau Raam, Aa« 14.

B ia T .m iii

—Piauaat tuialw watar. aultawa far

BAR OAAMOR, 144 Cantral am.—Twa-faw-Ilf haaa*. flat *r ala raaow, IB* katiL far- aa tt Saan; all Infram annla ^laarn* atawaar. aaaart tiaaf: 'fk » u TtlJDiiuiA*.l A t r OkAXOB. Nanh rX tam k at.. ITI—

n a l. Am bakatitnl, Uakt raama, tiia bath:all Hadara latpramnanfi: ata 1141 4A* MMB fran Arnfar*

ifklIt.: d*.m kaal: rantlUUaa.

BAR OR aartk

f if l M t

as. MUalad al, »*; *M Wink irtr*l am.—rirai doer, tim k| a tu n kaat; Rat watar aaf-

Affly Jaallat._________BA R ORAIHIB, Qlrard a m —At* raana a .

1 T to r ; a“ ■; all hafnramaaia: aart. can- raalaal latatlaa; th a n M l AHALDOM, U l Hatkat a lBAR OBAXOB—O fftr t iu l iH a i at aama

HbIiI raam ; ***ar*la iMramaMila: to attrartlm laeaU**; r*M iTT I* Sk ir t M ibA am.BA R OkAKOi, faatk BamBtHath »i, t*.a a u (totral a m -r t l i Htkt ranwa aad |a tlit aU iiif**r*H*eti u c if t kaat; M l

AAR OkANGB.aaartaaiH*, mwIi

ran liu m XAUrtBBAR C^MOA. Rlar Fani—Aaaair

, 4**—4 aa i I r*«a wmtad; all Imfla lal 4fTIR Oranff,

____ am , M. MU Ahi.r faatnd liar: tl. raama,

mar-, waafc taka, n*: wnaR wabl., | iAAR OXAHOA, khafanl am . H»-P**r ktkttw* aiil* nama If waai-raata* a r t fcatkttw* aiil* raama If wad; will rm t t* rtllBrt cclaraA f»afl^BA R OBAMoa, III Martk Park a l.-R rf t ^^n*ut^|*j|^^a«to. lailtti Hwir f i f t mAi

B laxT raama, wttk m tar lad catiu: III H m a ; a* aklattlaa i* aklldrm la fr tn

II k a r a ^ am , Marrlaan. X. J,raama t* M ; ktWi haaaa: a a u Am-

‘ ^ S K T k i£ [ i i . ’S i% :^ ? x £ U « £ ;S*t Ora arm.

% / s s ;

rbATI marH n W S a r ’mV r t i a ! W l T ^C ^ M X ^ '

I Oraar*.

BUkXBT R .. I* kUM. wtA .If X kad(raat alaam raam n r aiaa uA r t h u tv* t**ti*m*wi »t«MP bNti tU laiitov- MMiu, with or vftbN t bo*^BVBNBT BT.r lT->StMin-bNt*i

M*AO«m*n t Mil iMSNrovMswiMS fonUlv: natnllw fotitoi; "WALbk-----iSlM.

tM n for

BALLXVILLB ATB.. I t k - r t ^ (rtat M M with alcam; all ImfraraBwal*; aateflak*

far kiBHliMfiaf: raat rmtaubl*. C*U aaf Uhm; kaiaank* . ___________BDAACKAR R .. 11*—U n * llfht kauHkaaflBi: a tat a r t la a rtrr ; all Imaromtaiala: "

ha rt raam to 4 olaaai *h al

m alu t la

BLABCXAR R . IM-Twa nawX lamMal tnaia, tar lifki tinaiik iiXnAl all thMam

m«ta; .rlvata faBdlf. ___ ______BAMX Ill—Mliair (amikiltd uawd-ttarf (rant room: aUaiA kaal; alaatri* lllkt and talaphona; raaaoBAkI*.BBdtrnrtJt. m a r m mat lm aau atallm; d n u r.. Sc7 k i S ia iABACIt. Wliai*

I*, nau elir k illi AlHMat aliiat* m a n ; ail ImprraanaMil aaatrai

l*«*n**; rtaaaubta.CORAOa R . , 1*—Tw* 1

kaafiaff raam.: naibf ffam m uia; m rr — f u i r wHlMt ehlldCUNTOX BIU ,—ra rilH r t

lutiH r; ulaot aalakT '« . l i s s iH ’'

aalaot aalikkarandrir raraia... Maw* affla*.

n a p ; priml* 4: ttom kaat; iMiad. Ail t*H

CUKTOX R .. It—Airamblt mmlartakt*

want* asclaT'( r u t raam

■Ak.a ih r kaa atutaMBi*. fhaa, Uta, maa far iUA* **aa*d tiau

mW raaa in wrtif,_____________________CAUr R „ I t—PatAMwA m m aaltaM* t o aa* and tw* im tm m a; am Nikl kawt*.

•ta*.COLUKBIA R ., Tk-Mlaalr toaMwd

raam : *M ia a u l ; all lefrwramaeta: mItaW* t o aa* m tw* faaUkm**: | l «f:friaaia matfal. _________________

p o in t lu f* MBW aa aaaaa* Daw; M l Ilf;a a u Hal* n If Xiadalar an ,, u N

■aralaa fl.. Waal Oraaf.. __________POVB *H*U raaiB* u M rw rtm |U i ta

rmall taa ilf aao i M t ft. I Ckarrr al, Waal O r a a p B ._________

11*.TWO naati a r t

krt wamr h m . . .iirat-alwas taan atkia

a r t art m u hath; waam kaat; *atf4l«,AU; l*[toM *n*HB*a aai.a*kla ta rm l l Tklrd ar*.

O x toB in ilw D klt*k*a,art bad r**a* rtr

laa* am. 1 : ^ 4 * * . ^ % T k S t ^

o m kJDOB—Okaartal aad lu m ah at (- rmai attrtaM U; all Mamalaaom; kahiA m l la Srat-alM MdlUaBj tkra* atnatm ta

r*n*p: Hm irtm lH u *Hkw 6.. h. aa« w.n s ' S s a V ^ r «^ I t t a r e r t w., WaatatMdi 'ffcau

T » O X A A T m , .« l ^ ^ ^ I am-AU-

**a*Ha • m

aT wiSSSB?* Au, all ha-VAX w n m tl R . , Ml. aaraw XIakala-.Bta-

TAOBMUMII. MIIa l l* M., 111:aaar n m -ruH lltii katki all kafiwm- BHaht *«lf flat M l fa«Bln fraartm

VAIIpMA AtM , tl»—H*a a r t alk m m

a « H a V r M R V

tr t i tflflljkliaL‘ adto d am , M|l-iiiaM ie m O a t , k a lfcu d faairrt alaamiknl)

UAXIO _AT»^ M-A*.#** fk tM l t l

Plrimmi *a n a l* am. ,< £ iK t ! i # ^ ^ ’A y > T T i ^ . m ikt w tto tan a n fito . M M , MMait* iBiwa-fiaiHi

-- - aI ^ todam .bnA«wmm*B|h .* * Q ^■K; madilaa fanAtwri ahairi* nakta, m " ' f*m «it M l

'am.alti fu ir S & l a ^

BtXBXt, H Wa - M m all la-

SO W B* J a r t l**b *t ik*i ■**•

S P t " K ilarHna *«4. Butha*.

ik T p to ro x ,l l ^ k iu T a i lOram at. a r tX n h W M eam

jiT B r. llk-fllk f**M: •U; alia flm raam* iBframwaam aarnir Ilk am. Oto H t Pm.

ar ftvBilM*.ikTlXoTOX. 0(**A* am.. II—Pim larc*

raama w d katki Mt Iwframiaaat*; aiie- lilan r a r t ^ r t i Uf ktkli .a tra . iH. tkawlra

□ m x o tO K . Biaiwaad a m —Pim ftaaaaatM M . takk; Ban lauam aM U ) ......

_ f u i a au ■ckMl; M t l i t la^alf*IB Raraaaa am.

I awaif.

IBTIXOTOH. PII a m . I l l—Abe llAkt,

MmIkTtXOTOX, A tanM al am , I11-4Ibw aa-

' ^ ****** naori aU r**M a r t katk; iMtrla: rant III. In.Wr. flfat floor,

« « J5 2 Tkaa'i; ajaatrla: rant HI. lagati*{kViffa^Qlt. S ta m u n t am , tfl-n4*t*Bd

flaar 1* W*-famllf kmHiftm tl(M4**to;fa rt irn am m i* !*; ftaaad to iudwi. i f lm x (Mt *1 , f ta - r im larf*, Hflii aaiy aad OMa**!.


COURT R .. fl ■aaiiaaiaBi Sm mlaau*


fa—Kh* Iraat. *l*w imm f u

COORT R y I t—0*» IHA* 1.« a. MW. mv* M H . aitlt an* ar tw* p a rn u i kh* atu!* n all ImftwmMatai fttm tai liiaaw im

kmaallk*) mamatawl ttkas tkaito*. ih r iAOBXTItAl. ATB.. U. al

m aaf ( M t raaai. k____kal aaia to * walaf la raataCCXTBAI, ATW.. II.

farlaM* HM irm an Tmfc: ra rr aaalral.

t^U xtaad A>-p*m----------- ■-"‘iw: II f ularA* wladawi

C ra T B U AVa., II—Tw* H t in * alaaip (wraiikad taf aa.tla i laaM t akaap.

^ : ' k

•attakt*BitMBT WT.. 14—Stath u dathhi M to tw* RaatlaM* ar ladiN) k ill l

fcaaphA; fflmtalaiaHy; all Han i BiM*HBUI PT . iW-^xiat laM (raat MMsTah* a

aiaaiirtlaf raam; atawa kaat) h f r tu .PkAXKUX AT,,...flk-jk

trM t r*a«ii har

PflANKUK R „ t i.^ i* u M I-iaW K M at. rawalM w thr; kfiihtg ita; ah*

d*Al* raam «Uk h rt* aUaatt laifraMMahj- "~pUWk


BDOOIInAU). X. J , P m a k lh l^ t l h - Pvralahad r a m wlik Mkrd or wltkaai

BAR o idE xO B -aem m m ; M***d flaut all tu m M u M i prlmW

Ii4M : niaat aatfakatkaiA 414k.

s&wr v*jniww—w,Ian* nlMtai a:

(HBlIrj awnaf* ha TalaR Ut 6t*a(*

lAR OkAXOB. Mala *1, Ml—L ara*.to- alart* raam.. u l t a ^ d ^ tw*

i ia f l*; aw k Oraai* l<4l.

khah IrM i 1 Ckar«k '

a a r oraxoa . William a l. I tl-P rim t* 'famllr h u u * (araWi** raam I f l*H Hm

■ In tH from m l Ur ar train; IMA

t s ,mUftm to Bttdt (hank AtatUa.UAXDAOMBLT laralakad larf* alaam ( m t ------- tw* kloakarmai, m hlaak la trailar, tw* Wook.

fSHalii ratoaaa*. 'Pkaa* OtaaiA*

(mat m a t a r t laaaMUaA i*m ma alMlai all fiapramaMata; ptlmta- ,T rt* r“ -------- *- ". . . ~flB* T au th a i raaaauki* la rlakt

garW'.,' jS S n m W, A u If. Kaw* *<-

Bull**—Atlraaltaalp (u ------hutad; a u r katki

^n r. _AdS*H Pit•A; aau I

v iu l im ii , .OUhOA. .w m to. ft, aau Xlllrar Tw* aawlr m i h : all Iniimaakai frim la fatolri kaMniH wataia ai aaa lw H U jtaama lu l la InlUr aad MiA' awaaaa. 'P au * Ortaf* IIITR.OBAHaA. Xl«k al„ »

r i iM la frlml* ho***, haaa .kmfhia l( aralradi


(frmalow* can. IMr

OKMoa. wiwd* am . M-Oar «r t in laiAB.ilfhi raama I* primta Haaai haaiadhaaM) nam nU at t* tiafta a r t irolur.


1 H, kaatTWO faratoiad

M a ta w aatad b a u d , '

Oraasa.wlia all ts ir fm -

tm a a r twlik a r '


r**M wii

M A R D m OAATOB R .j IA a au QlliM am.—Altraa-

tlm iiir t aatdkl* M *u ; amrr ,‘phaiMi wtih u irilhaBt fcaiuA.k io A D

BBOAD AT., ati BHaWirt. khia, Mski r a m i aa* aad tw* (aaU aM arStki aSa-

ina M pauij^giji^grtl uaaUart lakta; to -

■BOAD A t. m i aafattAM t**M mtadiEM Bkaati U M H.

d iia ra iAar ar

Tk* ailMwir '

• w a . ' f f i ' h ' R ,Mat miallaat lakUi rat*

• M t t a gk u l aUotrU H(kt BROI

lUatoa iNfkiiiii a. J*. x*(i* aad^AM- iwM* m rr itaaaaakl,

a a n u t a l k *1—Urd* •uaaatiBB M B w ; Maamaa* p y ; tahi* ptwata.


: laMa; (*« i


w .: wlTtPUL Han d alaar (rart raam Iki tT : ; i k S t f r

AAR OBAXOB. 41 CbaalaM *1—L atf i larrt, m rr warm audim btwM. la m

aatakikatm il , w hM Ilk* a tiaf lp i fc*M taUa; fa u aalartu n t4*Uw aad Ilar.______________

BAR OBAXOB. ABBlk BarM tTw* lark* o u a ra t ia a t o r t i

to ,l a -

BAR ORaNOE _Xawlk*ru am , 41—At- o m Uh itfaatln u Mad flaar raaem ___________.

naaw ataflaw. Oraat*. w d Oiatral tralUrl;

PraAadts wt tk* flia t w iu Uaaad t r a a p ara aipaatad (a tiad a raadp marfeat At taratpR aaoklrlah ka-' aaaaa fa ra lfa dtaaka wt thaaa pradadM fcara kaaa aaad ap fa r raara UaH aad OarauM B aaafaataraM aaaart ■rttlak aad Baatlak fln aa kaw* triad ta pat Mak praAaata Hi a rawaPakaa t w ar frata Qanaaap. i

Tk* karaaa a f (an iA a aad t aH iatld eaptiauca alraadp kaa raoatwad adwi*** tkat Oanaaa a ip a tta ra kaw* plaaadd a

■aatoAlfB to aaaara floatfl trafl* aPtor iAwartaaa ' tka war.

r M n i g i i i i i r A i D o u u i i

M M n i o j o n

x « w TOltX, O at tk ~ a« a rfl* Ka- Aktop. praaM tot wt tka BpArt af *!• dafXME will naiCB kla afttda a t tM aad wt tka tan a a f tka pr araal kaard, J u a a r p 1. bbA kam a* aaaaalat** witk Th* TIh *e M waa aaaeaaaad Iasi ■Igkt

Mr. MaAaaar waa b a n la Otanwllto, X. J„ la IMP. H* kaeaw * la 111* a ra- partar aa tka iaraap <ntp Bwaalap TmiraaL A f tu aawm p u r i af warii aa ra p a ru r aad ea rraaptaidaat aa warlaaa aaw napan ha waa to ran la I H l aa aaaratarp a f Ik* Clwll l a r win »afaaia Laainto Aflar ( n p n r * af w trtt Ik ta i l *apa«ltr ka kaaaaM akaauttw* af- n**r wl tka Maw TaHi O tp Olwll flan k h OtoMlaataa twdar Hapar Law far alx ■oBtk* la IM t, aad ■ahadaotaOp draft** tlM «ttp «iwll **i*lw rat** aww ta tow*. F a r tkrw* pwara. aa tll l i r a h* ftodiad law and waa e*aa*et*d w mtka etfle* wt BdwaH M. Hupard., Mr. MaAarar ikaa keeaaw'praeileat

B A R -gkAXflX. to ttk .WMM^aaj* Xj mil.* 1 . ^—atkaramf^-^m^ahaa* raama aa* k**ia] ata»m kml. balk. kaM ittlriiA! r«a*«iMBfc

BAR OBAKOE Tk* XalatuE II « *hlaad ■L—tip** 0*trk*r I a a to aaw ■MiMa'mmit; oitraoltra M M i h*M aaemma

hart** Uraa kaam tfa afnr hU-al***

U tw* e*Bta*WOBNTLBMAX u d wH* haHaj

1* k**«u(ii, Pawn Or«at*uooouaadatto* t* •** * r __ __ ____

E rta; attraatlm (rmada, d h lth tto Haw*; k a r t kaalthr: a a u w afpafa tamrta, I* and auHoa; caliarad. raniiad u r iM , manl; fua** anrUapaa A ditM Offer,

taaUr. I t o O. 'Xtwa *in**, Onapa,MOXTCIAIE CTamrk.m f l . Hr**** to^*fr*«l raam a r t kaud; frimi* haUW; oar* and dafolrlUVATB (amur. tw* rt«H*; kiiatiW

aad imatl**; aau irata aad laalluikeiA* _AHlraM* with analr**MUaaa u a a lto t taL . P rrm aau i B u I. Maw*

u irata aad laallui laitora aaamM M - lah n a am t i hm i

BOtITK ORAXOE *(aadlr. bmaiXat train a r t trellari r

T?‘ iQ TtR LW hJU M D W A N T E D -O U r OP TOWNOBNTLBMAM wUrt* kaard la Ik*aamk u t l kurtorl. Xaw* affio*.

beard la Ih* OraapH,


JACKSOXVtLUl Oa* *r R-M* ~u o tU u i takU.

A R lY D E S E R T I O I B l iU tf A N

« C R E A S E A » S O K I D E S A U O

TOKIO. Bapt U (aarwhiPBdaiira wt tk* #a*o«lal*d F riial.-^ffca tradoakop of a r « r daaarttoE aa wMI u tnldA* a f a*BM a f tk* 4*A*rt«iE to *aa*l*A •araa aapaara aaidaA tb* MUltarp ao- UrariltoE Btattotla* iliaw th a t dwInA toat p*ar tbar* war* H f **•*• df da- aartisa, a t wklak a ina lr-tb rt* par m rL w*r* foBUBim *otdi*rp. T*kla lapd* Atkar aittoa with i l l e*a*E wktt* tb to i war*' U t aa*** a t Oiaka. Out wt tka t tta l, I t t aoldton w*r« b raask t ktfor* tb* m illtsrp apart and paatok**, whito M l d*s*rt*r* T rtaatarU r •iirrrtid*ra4 kvfeiw tb* tkra* dapX pr*** had aa- pHwd.

(ikalna** wt tkaM asAllw* i___ ..taa «< Ik* e ttp ClaE' Ik IM* h* wap alMilad ■ a ria pk F rairiia a t *f MMkat- l u a* a l> * i* a u * h * l tk m t , aw lasto poUttoal aBlBPBal**. H waa aaraiaarp

‘ Ik* ■**■*that b* ran t a r praaldaat af tk* I____af AMwatau toataad wt ■ ariapk Fr«*l* d an i AltbauBk tb* frn aa r p*«ttl*A canrawBA* a aalarp *f bat wWlU M Ua* tkak lb* aalarp af tb* pra«h d*at wt tk* ■•*•■ a f AlAifaiaa, Mr. Ma dnaap aaMptad tk* aam taatU E

n m n u B E E u i s r i U R E D

t o n u s M O m a u m n t

DMPOflR. N. T„ Oat. tO—«lAfe«p r*ar* a x e XaraH kar f . I t t i , tk* tiPAl praaad ara* k rrtiaa fa r tk* >rt* Hall- r a a t h*r*. Tk* Ba*lk**B MW'* Ebap- Mat lAa of tbto aieaatatB Mara. apMiMd bp Mrl* aftiototo, will aalakrato tk* as- a traraarp ■atarAap, X R to k a r E with A Wf alwt* p a ra i* aad paktU io***h*A i p rallraad r a n and plaai ara .

Wfcaa tk* firat a a ra tf i i l a t «*rtk x*A taraad for what haa daratai kd tot* *M af tlM praat rallw ap (patoH* f t Aawr- t*E th a n w a n «a)p a tow rallrrad* ta tk* wprIE Tk* th«a prtaidaat af IM eonpaap. faera* Oar* KIrb. Rtod* tM p r r t la tm a t tb* M raiaunr tkat tk* r«*d waalA wwwm traaapprt fallp HEIM l«fia *f fiwlEht A p*ar. Tkto ws* OM- •IdaiwA a wud tUpht *t tk* Ita ito a ito a i kal H wwwm aa***A*A th a t flA an aad l*«t r«Ar tb* Krl* tr*aip«rt«d I M lE I l t

A -

m a u m a s I f f E O B M

K u n n a c M E n m a

Tb* lnsr*aaa a t fktoM* aB *M aartar* la MU***d to k* Am la tb* lw-dnotloB of daps of trao o dorlng tk* w ar from alB t* ihra* dap*, tbd d«- •o rtar ■omatlaiM pratorrtRA to kill biialaM than Ika* ta* ok*Ai> a t a rart- B tartlal

P **krt*ra who aaratakar bafor* tk* thiw* dap* *xplr* ar* iwftorad la tk* • n n e * w ith a U ia t adMakittoE If tkap 4*l*p tbolr iwtara th * r Iraooai* foBitirM aad a n p irw apto illr paa- tokrti OR th*lr a rN rt bp tM m iuurp o o a rt


----- * 0 AT., n ik —L*r*a a tom m m a r ta p g L n a h h s i t a r **iM IK X B R .............


r tr iT o x

oramt..BBitaki*taauoakt*.HMM R ,

ml*. ki

jwam; all l«AgdtoMihi

‘te i 'b raii

H tu

*5SE*£5* *>-1. Ul kwr to<k■ . y s i S S i i f e i i r t a a R S i

IM—t u f t , Ithrakia a**-

c t u m r m t sr*. U N Kt flMT TOT

for M« «T‘tVWt I

a r i

i r a w TOME O H r a —w* toatrao-tloe* trcRB Ik* Ai m tarp of O toawre* M t* baop roetiTWl barE It to aaaartaE wrtth rapard to oaAHljiAlloa* to r aaa- aara'a aortlflaatoa arttor .tha *aaM*a’a law, wktofc Aooa into oftort Xorambar E

Tk* Hi m to crow lap i b r t t and Ib t Blaaauhip oaapanto* ara koaaailaA aaa laaa M eauat lb * r w ill M t M abto t* aand tkato ablpa t* •** a f u r Xaram- M r 4, H to ita to E untoM tb*p oa* pat aartlftad H tE , i A mtaamkr Ilk* tka Aarattoak tta*r MnUBd win ro |n lr* akaa t tw anlp-foar akto aaataati oa AaOK M d tk irtp-* ia boat baadUr*.

Tk* o ff io u t «E Aatartoan ilaaaMr* ttad iap .frata Mow T ark kar* kaam ka*p Mao* April diilllB* HHBbar* *1 oraw to p*«* Ik* AkAMtatotBA aa boatNtsnlfTt. “ y

OaptaiB tmww Cbartton of tb* Ktnr Tork ttoaRUHlp tn*p*cUoa Soard »araik a i kto offto* w ill tora* tko oartui aaU E k a l k* do** aol ha*w what arranuraraal* ba*a k**a aMd* tor ik-

MnundMCBRian n t a B B i t f U E g

t S t S :

ia m n u N c n c a . o * t m .—n d a wA. BMaao wwi (ha ■o**t MM rtXH a t a baapw i Biv*B bp kaa # « * * * totof- rapkart. I t wa* a "apaadhltaX* toaitlM , IM addru* k r IM toakWaattor aad IM ratfoRM lar Mr. Kdlaon bd |a t aad* ra tatopraph fiurtruinaau. iCapi aad a m n ^ . 41* woM hHtalUd for *a*k amaM, tk* M ail waa prtatod In tM Maria oMi. Bad tk* a tu r-d u a a r *fat*rp wA* all taito*d out oa tk* bapE A buit M# *A*ltton war* pnaaat. *,

AH aubUe and *ffl«« WopitoRf w b brlAhUp iliuialaatod taat MsM to haaap of Mr. CdtooE- Frow tM roof of >a* of tk t e*w*PM*r buiMiMa «to«l(te flatoid* •m t dot* aa* daaba* aflatoat to* top, MUtoA a aoiw tot to tk* TtEtto*Klanlitt.

nmmiimwAYCuoMBa luniBui nuD i r m

KTTTM Mont., Oat. M-rtnaaB (kt nraortt* Adraaokd h*N todair tor iM m ploalht of oppraatobauip iH'poAkflo af fiaai pawdat poalaidap at tk* atouto M tk* Oraalt* HouDiato akaft at tMMdPto Butt* Htnlna ConpanP'd prapHlP h«lE; whito canmd to* daaib at flftuA m a - aad to* iBjurp *t halt.* dtata ahae waa tkt bnokbit awap wt a tortaai txua «*r V>ad«d xtth huakap aat h* •raakhd into tb* box** at klaftliia a**da*. Tk*«ar aad luAtoat a rm fooM a**r to* t ■iWkH abaft '

MWatbaarp ftola *rad«aai atowtotoakA wt tk* Bdaari. but lU tru th I* pdl M - Brittad bp.tb* aUm oflUtoto, - 1.

DfiCUm 6ARURIwmmmsmwm

a u c A d o . Ort. »*-m«dk*p, i f o M f ,MlWMl prMtoant *f tod AitotAlllbalM AranrtaOkiA wt O anatot WraMri, t*Mh fpiiiA PMtordtx baton tb* apdolal *M«(- m artt n a M l I ttaa lo'i'iattpl WM tko toadl atrlkE daolai** toat wrata* roeatoM by iHinA wo raaa |b the A*rai*At' trad* ira tt f* u w toat tt waa bwaeeibi* (*r Hh m iU to ABkkf a ItoWA wttMut w im otbto naaaa * t NPP«rt. Tk* «BipliipAii. b* n iE anra aadar to* *to*otm . MUiWHP wt tk* abop f«nai*E a*xitilai*AlB Antto tradinp to UfcnaraUtp. , 7

‘T totoh" toato . 11 adaodtfE M » llad a* to tk* h i k ^ of m M a ' t iu Ual f«*Mr posn .


V IN K I a t m m y

f ln i ahtp- to cdAto" Ik . tk»',4WAiHi lBA> bora

‘ t V 'V o k ti^ n to .'

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F a S ^ N T w lif lM M At

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« n o P T o n

■tPLE RAK<PAOKkONVlLLE few taanw art ( kattoaal la tn m l • t jNO a r t ItM p* tod a r t 1.04I y rapid (In atapu a to rapMlp Ih* •broogh ih* man raat*. Tb* t**m> •U h aad 111* rrat b * n lalaclad tbrt lio* and M teh w<

Thk Xaw Jar**) lata laat nltkt I Fite*, tha team r Frie*. OUman, a ®r*wE Kayitr, OatulRAtea. Muli< OwiB Smith on* IwWWtjr K traratloi ■ • m , btrauH th With at to u t alt rin*m*B who have natch In ntbar r*i •0 a a r taam thli

Ouaparp Aartaw to* t.Initrt siaiM aaath lr noard b*i whan b* ntlad up tira bultoar** wli fira" abooit**. Jk tp-flv* who made rapid (Ire et**m I ual Match Honda) offered (or the hti pat* aad a tto, tr ahot off. Jackan all th* alhart h Bdaaaa H* abet n aaah and tbuc, aad* t* th* inatcb of 11k. Ha dM flflap. Ht wona a ^ faM (wda

.. . raoiarhal: B*knt Jaato* A. I wok th* oatloni tardap aftarnooii m natloii anKBc alttoatfi to* wl p*AMbl* U l. mt' ia*tck than Friv Mann* Corpa w

■nth bad aco took toe (iril I rapid Art work, OB* point Blew • laid nadal. w u IH In adW h* nlas won a ti fold raadaJ for t How ftra Kora*.

It w*t an m t M*. acorad »• a into thp toad t l •low-flr* aUA*. (Mtt*. URitad At with llaU trt It • a Infwrlor nratr •*d flBltbad *u to* c u t wKk A< WpOlBlBC. Fril Ofotto naiaked

Tba Xaw Jan tk a UaultBA acoi IM. O thu Jarti

4 . T . . . . .•row n . . . . DmiiiiAtoB Olhnan . . . Huttaaloch

P ? : h:Rack ........Aiolth ' ........BCuekp . . . .Taff ..........Wripfci . . .


•■XSTA, OctcaHntw,off*n*lT* I OaUcIa to mahln* Tkp TXkuaa. Tb parted to ham on Atantoiau RaUwai wkar* Taitonlc (c

Waal of th* JM tb* Oarmaai haw ■Ulta ainO* Ootoh Aipr lUmr, naar wbal* Ouraan dl clarad to haee be, balanc* of Iht to*** tr* raported

G Id . ASIS $75,(

AftMl Icrrlc* af i MATH LAND

Kathrpu Abrtmi dauohtar o( Ooui Uatlo Citp kata! •torp todAp in tl kraarb of promlt E OoaklU, (Utp-a: lawpar of Ut. Hoi nad* ta braak h* dap, whaa ahe aakad har to ttaec had rafuaad to m

Hit* Akram* u bad' lOTtd Gtokll dl*4 In n i l , in, now. Bb* admcourt* of. I*i*■hip th ak ad in*E Oaakill. < npayint bar neal psABA mac.


paper, i v u k . I i .fU t ; damakd, FrancE demand M arka datoanE Llr*E damanE f-i dMBtaE U lkl m 41%. Htxlcaa do bondE itaadp. Tlai* loan*, aat dapE l E t t i k t x ala tdp l b lab 1 ;1%; Ihtt lo*E Sfatdd a t I. .

NEW YOUTb* foUbwIna

aWtad br P o a t l

AUanUoC:^ 4*AlSr Af. Oi. |4 1Atn^Sm. ftoE Ara. H. IT l . A .r * T av.llikAtch. ta ..........AUE o r t to , . I f i l lkO. r r

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Ataai fE 1 Ataai 4e . I M th . to Ir e ' i . '


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Tnw if Ciatry'i ItA CflnM An CMpdiM T»-

Aqf a Jicbi«a>.

s m n r r oft of jeksey sqoad

• p« m i tn i t t M« a r m .•IF L E ttAHQE. rfA T E CAMP,

JACIC*ONVU4.t. Ha.. Ort H - IW lr< (•t»r tMnw a r . .boMliit la4ay !■ tb« m Uo m I iaub natch, which la M a t ahat

*®« Ifat^a '•aW flta an« laa. ’•*** >'*'*• f'fA- Thf «apM flr. .la v ., art oa ta te r'a o a» l aM

M iat>Mlr a . iha match aaa ba puahaA tnraaah th* man wtll in from ranca ta taaM. Th. Uama cunalat at tvalv . nan ?**■ aa* tha cracfca a t aach tta ta hava ■aaa atlMlad Ihrouch eamiiaUllra praa* Uaa aaA match warh.

Tha Naw Jara*|T tMm waa anaauaaaA lata laat nlcht by Major WInflaM » « j c , th . team captain. It raaalau t t !****■ Oilman. Martin. ItiMlir, Aaala Brawn, Kayaer, Huttanlach. W tlfhl, Daanlnatoo, Mullar and Ruch. I M v ^ Owan Imith one of th . beat a t tha Naw ‘taaaay aatreaatlan. i . toroad out a t tha ■ddi h, barauH the rule, call for a team artth at laaat N t hew men. Only ala rinamea who hava ever .hot in a national natch In othar yaara aro eligible te ahaat an any team thic yaar. ,

Ouahery Sergeant Ja n e . T. Jackaon a t 0>a tlWted StaUe Marine Corpe emaahad •h a tb b record bare yeeterday afiamoon. whan ba railed np a total of l i t ninatcu- ll*« bullaayea without a nlea In rapid fira ehaotlag. Jackaoa waa oaa of Ihlr- Ip-ftva who mada poealhl*a In the two •apM fir* itagei In the national Indiaid- ual natch Monday. A epeclal prtea waa adhyod for the hlgheat rapid t in aggro- gala and a tla, that reaultad. had to ba Mmt off. Jackaon kept aheetlag until alt Iba other, had droppad out oHth ndaaaa Ha ahot nine itiiag i of ton itiou aaah and thaai. tddwl to the twenty mada la tha match Monday, mada a total of t i t . Ha did not mlta, but ateppad fifing. H . won a epeclal piiaa of l i t a i ^ a gold medal.

The ranarkabla work by which Sar- gotknl Jaaae S. Stewart of Maiaachuaettawon tha national Individual match ym- tarfay aftarnoon la tha ehlaC toptc of con- oanatlon among riflenian today. Stewart, anhaogh the winner with I t l out of a Satllbla Sit, made leee monay out of tha ngfch than Private T B. Crawley of tha Uarlna Cerpa who finlahed aaooad.

Both bad acorn of t i t , but Stewait looh the nret became he waa high at r ^ U flra work, outehootlng (*rawlay by ena point. Stewart won I t t In caah and a faM nadal. Crawlay'a tecond priaa waa t f t la goM and a gold madat, but ha aiao won a epedal prlie of l i t and a gold medal for tha hlgnaet aggragata for alaw flra Korea.

ft wat an earned victory for Stewart. Ha. acorod M at rapid-fire and iprana lot4 thp lead at the end of the leo-yard aldw-fire itaga. Captain Clarenca I.a- fwatta. United Stalea infantry, who etuek wHh Siahart in the early tlagoa. that an Inferior match at to t and l.Ott yar^i •M finlahed guile low. The lanw waa tha oaat with Seraeani Malar b. oiay of Wyaulag. Private S. W. Peamona of Otasan flnlabed third with l i t

The Naw Jeraey riflemen finlahed In Iha- lead l^ Korea, Malar Prtoa aeoring IM. Other Jertay acoraa;A a d r m ................................................ I l lAnal...........................................................I l lBatbvra ; ................................................ I l lBrawn .............................. I l lDanningtan ...........................................I l lQltanah .................................................. i l lHuMaaloch ............................................ i l lKayaar ..................................................I l lMhfjla ....................................................I «R adi ...................................................... tl«■mlih V......................................................l ie■twcky .................................................... h eTnff ........................................................ I 7»W right .................................................. m


OBNBTA, Oct M .~The RuealgncoPhtar-oftenilve In Bautham .Poland and Oaltcla la making headway, according to Thg Tribune, Tbeae Ruaalane ere re- paned la kaaa oceopled the Trembowta- Btanhlau Railway in Baitcm Oaltcla, where Teatantc forcee loot t,«o* men.

Weal of tha Pripel. laye The Tribnnk the Oarmana have n lrcatad twanty-flva mllea alnoa Ootobaf It. On tha upper Styr Rtver, near the Oollclan border, a wbale Oerman dWalon lia.IdOl la de­clared to have been annihilated and the balance of the Aoitro-Oennan foroaa thPit are mported relraatlng.


SimI Cm m YitUi Eirlr BilMiliw Snn to S29, At-

tdtor Niw Riow j.


NBW TORH, Oct Tha ataak m arkat'a clean today waa irragular. Trading waa aatr.mely ttf iv e lata In tha day, with coniiatial dacllnaa BhA ralllaa. Btudehah.r gained t pointa to I ts , a naw high record. Opnoalldated Oaa reaa I polnli ta above t t t . Bath- lahem tiael Jumped to I I I Juat a t the claaa. New Turk Central aod Raadtng ware heavy.

Oavemmetiie unchenged; other banda atrpng.

There wee a raaomptlon of vigoreua buying of the epKialllet In Iba lata aftamaon. Shortly after 1 a'elach Bethlaheat gteel Jumped to lie . Studa- bah .r. Republic Iron and BteeU Amtrl- can Loconotlva and Am.rlcan Car and Foundry all made upturni of around 1 pointa Waallnghouee roaa M to Tl% and Unitad Stalea Itael common, after aelllng at 11%, moved up to lt% . In- aplratlon told at it. Many aiher apa- clalllaa. Including American Baal huger, advaiiced iharply. Tha railway laauaa ware gulet and without Import­an t ahange

Tha tone througbaut tha lata forioooti waa Irregular.

United Bletee common eold down to II, throe-etghte of a poUit, end Beth­lehem Steel loot rive pointe to lot. Allla- Chalmera Mid at 41%. e gain of 1% poUUa for the morning. Inaplratlea Cop­per, which cloeed yeeterday at I I %, aold at a gain of a point, to 44%.

Cootral Laatbar and Colorado Fuel and Iron dropped %. American Car and Foundry aold at 11%. a gain of % over yaatarday'a cloaa. Dtatlllir'a continued Ita upward movement, nlllng at 41%. agninat l*%. yeatetday'a final figure. Tha railway Uet moved within narrow Umite.

Monay loaning at 1 % per cant.Although mme decllnee occurred In tha

Initial trading, the tane wtJ Mrang.Naarly avarything on Ihi Hat waa la

brlak demand at advancing prlooa. Bven tha laauaa that ahawed epenins loiaaa raflected Ihit condlllon and aftar firat nalaa mavad upward. A taaiura ef the daaJiDce waa the promlnenca af many laauei that had not pravlaualy baan Included In tha activt Hat.

American Woolen advanced 1% la tf% : Cantral Leather, a point to lt% . and DIallUen' Securlttna, i% to tl% Unitad State! Steel oommon opened % higher at lt% . and after receding to 11%, roao to 11% on the neat few iraneactiena. American Smelting waa in Beam aupply, rtalag a pomt la 11%. American Car and Foundry aold a t a new high rKord of Tl%, making a gain af 1% over yaatarday'a cloie. Colorado Fuel roea a point to 11%.

Rock laland atartad % lew a t 11%. followed by a quick rally of 1S%. New Havan droppad 1% to II. but quickly Improved la tt% . Batblehem Steel again Hftad Ita high racord. Bailing a t t id at tha autiet, a gala a t 11% polata

Total ealea of atocka for the day were *S«.iap eharaa: bande

NEW YOU SKKX lAUETTha ranga at taday'a pric« for th*

nwre acUve accurltlea lii the New Tork market in cantraet with laat pravloua cloafng quouilena (* laet aala). a i Iwr- nlahtd tor the Ntwa by Pont A Flagg, la givta balow:

,----- Taday'a— ^ PraVaHigh. I-iow. Cloaa. Claaa.

Alaeka Gold.AlHfOtal. ..AlHa-CM^pr Am. As. (Am Am.AmAm. Can. pr.Ann. C. A F . , . ,Am. Cot. OIL. I»%

IS® . .

n. As. Cbm..

a. j r . . . » f %Ir

H irt

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emvii. . .m : :


c m AStS $75,000 OF AGED ROMEOSptriil Scrplct ef lAt VMWt.

H A n U N O m O . Oct. t».—Mtaa Kathryn Ahrama, aavent*an-ytar>oM d a u r t t t r of Douglaat Abrama, no At- laalto City haltl man, ituck la har atnry today In tha trial of har ITt.dM branch of promlaa ault agalnal R o ^ r t S. OnaklU, titty-nina yanra old, a rtllrad lawyar of Ht. Holly. Vain efforta ware mada ta braak bar teetlmony of yaatar* day, whaa aha atated that Oaaklll nshad har ta htcoma bla wlfa, but Intar knd rafuaad ta marry har.

Mlaa Abrama tetllfled today th a t aha kad laved Gaaklll over ainca h it wife died In I t l l , and that ahe laved him new. Ska admitted that during tha aatiraa of. tha Uwydr'a alleged oouri< ahip aha Sad anSertAlnad aavaral young mas. Oaaklll, aha aald, camplatnad asa lS It har reoalvlag tha attantlon of y sM g man.

" new y o u money mareey

Tf*W TORK. Oct. Ik —H ireantlla papbr, l# t% . Starling, dO-day Mila, I.IU *; damuMd, A lt: eablaa, d.dMI. F ranca damank 111; enblea, i . i l . Starka damana IS%; eablaa 11%. L lraa demand, l . t l ; eA laa l .l l . RsM aa d u n a n a SlVh; cabUa 11%. Bar atluar, 1 1 %. Haulcan dellara 11%. Oovammaiit ka«da atandjr. Rallraad bonda firm. Tima loana, oAildr; I t daya nnS M daya !% •> ; i ls m ootha I. ca ll monay, alaadyi hlglL 1; law, 1%; ruUng r a la 1 %; Ihat lam , 1 ; elaalng blA 1%1 Sf- latpd a t I. , __________

NEW yore BOND MARUrThe foHowIng quota

nMlad h r Poet A nagg.luotatlou warn fur-

AUanlloCU Aik Af. CTi. Am Sm. Sec.i , T * V

Opaa-Hlgh- m . lat.

T.ev,4%b t t iA t e h . 'l a . . . . . . I lkAtib. ovt. Is . . lOlk

i » i i i j - %• I lkI O. la . . . . I l lSlaal fC t««

Staal la.. IP|i Loath, la t i l

^ R M ML i.jr.irR .

i i% it% i lH

•!.*« ‘!!8 ‘8 i

^ I f eable

.l,R.4t !%■

Pac. M.. Jnduf. la . .IMi^an ia

Am. H A L . . .Am. H, A U. prAm. lea .........Am. Un. Oil..Am. Loco.........Am. I<aqa, p r . .Am. Smalt Am.Am.AmAm. Tab., pr.Am. Woolea.. . »T%Anaconda ---- 74%Atch.................. l # l \^ Id w ln Iaco.. I l lB. A O........... tl%Bath. Steal___ l i tB, R. T........... «7%C’al. Pet........... ItCCan, Pac..........147%C ant Leather. IIi . A O. ............ 17%Chi., U. W. . . . 11%Chi., 5 W., prC. . M. A St. P.“ A S .............

R. I. A P. ..Chino Copper.Col F. a1 .......Col. Bo..............Con. Oaa .........

om Prod. . ..Tuclble Steel,

l l A W ...Hit. See.........Irie ...............;rie. let p r.. irte. Id p r .. len. Elec. Co.

Oen. Hotora .. 144

8 t North., pr. I l l t. North. Ore. ta%

Ooodrieh ....... 77%Ougfrenhalm.... 4i-% *11. C d n tra r . . . WT hap iritlaa . . . ia u

•Oa«, j r , . 71% n. BAr._ . J. Ill

1114%ta il 71%

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y. BL^Sp...a. Ray,,Co m , . , . . R aadlnc „11 1. A i.« prp ttu 'ir : :

ta s M C s-j--Tm m R >*i « Third a m -...





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FOR SEAMEN’S ACT REFERENDUMNothing o< Im poTteart In Uin vide

aappott pf g a n m l huaUnm, nvtdantly, la to ba allawad to nvald Ihp aotnUny, naalytla, diKumlon nnd nn snpraaadaB of aBlnlon by tha Chambar of Cotnmaroo of tBo Unitod Btataa. Lam yoar It took a raforaildum vote am opf noarly T il m em ber dhanbara of commareo in d boarda af trad% which ro- Bulud la tha tu ra la t down by th e buolnaat aenUmant pellad af a plan to r a fovarnmoM - ownad marehant marina.

Now It M Vkout ta taka a ro ta , baoad on the snU m aat of tha individual m ambafakip of oommarclal bodies th ro u g h o u t tha country, aa ta the m srita an d daairablUty, or atharwiaa, a t tha ao-aallad 1a FoHall^ bill, or saaman'a act, over w hich thorn hao boon so much dtecumloa of lata . U pubUelty and a drag nal Inquiry of opinion from tha buamam Intaraati of tha eouatry , an gronpad In chambara of eommaroa and boarda a t trade, era worth anything aa guidaa far In- lelllgant laglilatloo. th is nast Inquiry ought te and probably will a ttraa t a tten tion .

Tha daUbaratloni of th a detasaloo to Cia Chambor of Commerca e f th a United SU iet Bl lu third annual moating laat w inter, were randarod aapeclally eonaplcuoui by tha at- leodaaca af diplomatic and consular rapre- aentatlvas of South American countrlaa, no lees than by iddreaaaa dallvarad b rfo rt tha thauaand rspresantallva buMnsaa men by Fraaldent Wllaon, and. In b ehalf of a gov- ernTnent-ownad m erchant m arina by Sacra- tary of tha Traaiury McAdoo and ftecreUry of Commaroa Radflald.

Secretary McAdoo'a plan for a govarnmant appropriation to oraata a largo float of mar- chant shlpa to fly Lha Amarloan flag and

trade botoraan th o Onltod Btataa and toroign land! eraatad a g io r a PC dlaauaaloa pro andcon. W hite epppgMI i n to Iha project waa ctearly In tha mat|orHF, It wao thought bast ta got a dacM oa oa th a quaoUaa by ra- tarring tha aubjaet to th a d id to T ti mam- her commercial bodtiS d alasi tea from which ware p raaaa t Thia tpao aaboaquantly dona, and ae far m th a t v e ts could do it tha Mo- Adao plan waa tu rao d down,

Aitnouncsnaant te aow vm da that tha nast, tha lourth aaau a l, m aatlA i of tha sattoaal chambar will bo hold, a s a yaar ago, al Waahlngton, prooumably, aa baforo, In tha big ball room on th a oleivaath floor of the Naw Willard. Tbo principal topics for dla- cuislon. It 1s u p la jn a d . wtll ba bualnaaa and war and tb a ga th a rin d will a ttend through Tuesday, W adnaoday and Tburtday, Feb­ruary I, I and Id, l i t t .

Aalda from going Into tho arfum aats In favor of or agalnot tha aaaman'a act. which la expected lo tah a up aoma Umt—avan though a referendum vote on It throughout the country Is lo be taken In advance of tha gathering—the dlscuaalone lo eonvantloo are to hinge largely on propoaali for leglala- tlon (bat hava bocoma urgent on aoeounl of the ealstenca of w ar In Europe.

Tha reprosantativa character af this ■trictly bualneia gathering may ba appre­ciated whan It la racallad th a t dalagataa will ba proaent from com m ercial and Induitrtal bodies from ovary sta te In tha Union, from Alaaka, Porto Rico, Hawaii and tha Philip- pinca. aa well qa from Amerioan ehambero of commerca a t Parte, RomA aod poealbly Berlin, Milan and C oosuntlnopla. Tha pro- llRilnary m eeting will be hold on Monday afternoon F ebruary T next.


in d f e F e r a it i E nJoK e t f A cts C o a m ittid Prior to 1 9 1 2 to


NEW TORE. Oct. tft—Attorneye for the defense In the trial of the eleven directeda and former dlrKtore ef the New Haven Railroad under tha ghar- man a n tl- iru tt law loyt a legal battle today a t tha outHt of lha IntreducUoc of tha gevarnmeat'x flret evidence In the eaae. *et up the etatute ofllm ltatlona againxt the conelderatlon of evidence having to do with acta com­m itted prior ta I t ll , until acta eom- m liiad within tha aubiaquent threa- y ta r parted were first placed before the Jury.

Form er Prealdent Charles B. Malian took tha stand early In the afternoon,

Judge Hunt, after the attorneys had fought for more than an hour lo perauade him ef tha marita of thatr aoatenllati, ruled agalaet them. He held that tha gevemmeat waa enHIled to presen t the primn fade rvidanoe that a eonaptracy •xlttad, from the baglnnlng. and that If euch waa proved to the eatlefactlon of the Jurrrs. they ehould then Judge the guilt of the defendante from tha time they on- lered Iba conspiracy In *e far aa tbalr act ltd tip to tho threo-year period.

Mr Mellon wee an Interested llolenor. H i had a aaai sear Hvtral of tho de­fendants agalaet whom he Is to teetlfy and by whom ha war greotad with every evidence of cordiality when bo entered the court room.

Dooumenlary evidence waa being In­troduced when tho morning Hselon ad-- Journed. hut It was eipcctcd that Mr. Molten would lake the stand somo time In the afternoon. The govemment had more than l.ftfto exhibits which 11 ds- slred to havs marked In evidence.


ScoTei e f Water SippI; C o M iit s i i i D e d a r e i Yi Im Y d l R u Into




heavy ralna ala tits SMtarn halt failed to Inaptra any genaral or agg n a ilva buy­ing In the oattan market dnriag taday'a early trading, and bualiioaa waa compara­tively quiwL Tha niarkat opeaod stsady, 1 potnt higliar to 4 pointa lower In ra- ap<$naa to ralaUvaly aaay eabloa. and aold about t ta 11 polhla net lower during tha aariy trading, wllh Dtotnbftr'knatng aft to 11.M, January to 11.T1, and March to I l . t l under aenturing llquldntlan aad local praaaurs.

Raittea of 1 or 4 points foltawad. and tba nmrkat wat mars or lata Irregular toward tha mMdla af the raorplag. Ra- porta from Ooorgla clahnad damage to uBPicktd cotton from tha ralnh and tbaiw ware rumors that private ginning ratumg ahawed I.T it,ie i bales ginned ta Octoe

’ a ilfo g taasama mora aotiva late In tlia morning on the pnwp«te for batter wantbar. an aailftr turn In tba itook mar- bat n ^ reports of incrtared Southern hedsisg Frteta broke to I t . l l for Da- cernbar, i l . l t for Juiuary tad l l .H far March, or about tourtaon to elghtsaa pointe not tewar under llquMntlon and local ptaaaura, but at this taval demand Inprovad aomurhat and thoia weia ral- Itas of. four or nvs points from tha lewaat

**^oiiaaa^wtth*^l3fn connactlona ware amons the b tavltr rallara on tha early am rnoon dtcUna te l l . i l far Beoember and ll.M far Manh, and roaotlonary aandmante was prataaMy tneraaaad by rumors of natavurabla lotaraaUonal loan davalepmaaW, Offerpifa laamed te ba pretty wait takaa an this dadlna of fif­teen to atnataan potato, bowavar, and pticaa ranted aavan ar tight points around 1 o'clock an aavarinf.


'Tg|M(W ■nbM af Ms FBVI-

ROBORBH. 0 « t li,-g lng liw atiraetad tits stM ittM «r fhirateWB Brannaa ag tha BManl F isMaftt FftsUrtir ifMriKwn. OB iiHdPIlsHliiii ha (M id the saMs was batag sihBllNr ddM M ddfiM paaqf FiA> He BilwM NA «S**I tt* Iwti wdMs ad an aiAriy w * » « iw antal aa a a M bag. tMsmaa afdafad Bm sraaiidi b» M •awa, but Mm ledsaid, statlag M W B tl tiM rigW la trite fpaaab b tM a a r ih a la an ‘AsteilMin ftWaan, Tba ^paWaamath f l a g s a m a u d bar. In tb i paHoa tiaiian tha priaaaar aaM flia teas Hta. OSrolina KsKfhsir^fltir-fsur jaaniftid. ad i l Hitfe f im t . Bvaabiyp- Ska 1«M iha Miairadat

' ifflagp u d sM an tha ' pdhea aas

Tha Mlowlag qaatetlani ntahad by F c « A nagg;


J ; * i


KBW TORXfbat 10,-Flour-Btsady.r terlft- j t j i a g .'K S ^ ^ y ^ j l j a d t e Watt. l.H .•R T •.'

Siari ffw-ropowdescaTBENTON. Get. Ift.—Takins laaua

with tho views exprcaaed by Preaidant Edward S Bavxfa of the dapartmant of conservation and davelopmani, former Auamblyman Harry a Scoval of Cam­den County today came to tha dafonae of the propoaad purchata of lha W har­ton tract which la to bo voted upon a t tha election In November.

Hr. Bcovel, who li a member of the Slate W ater Supply Commlaelon, took lha poiltlon that Hr. Savage le not In­formed aa to the faeta In the eaae. and that [he cltlsens of New Jersey would make a aariaui mistake If tM y tall to authorixe tha purchase of tha W har­ton trac t al thla lime. Mr, Scovel xsld:

"The views eipreesed by ons mem­ber of the Coneecvatlon Commission af leaw daraay, and that parson lha proM- •tent of tilt commlulon, agsinet the purchaao of tho water tract of the W harton estate for purpoaea of con- aorvatlon, haa had a wide publicity due to Influancai no doubt creatad by tha Interest or prejudloe af Ibosa who ought to know better.

"There does not teem te he any svi- dance that tha president of the Can- servatlon Commleslon knows anything about the vslue of th* Wharton tract. He has itcursd a report from those auppoaed to be expert In auch mat- lara and this report shows that the property In lands timber, farms, ersn- berry hogs snd other natural products Is w-orth sbout |400,40ft.

‘T h is completely Ignorea ths abund­ant and almost unpsrsllelsd supply of w atsr which belongs to tho trscl. It Is understood thst ths W stsr Commle­slon never negotiated for tha tract on tho basis of lands and limber, which are bypri>ducls, but ths trse t hss a l­ways born looked upon aa a w ater propoattlon and not a land propoai- tlen.

"When adveree Interests thus find tha byproducts to be worth half the sum to he paid for the tract. It la evi­dent that the water, which In Itaolf la worth tl.pno.ftoo and a good deal more. Is a bargain for the itata ol Naw J e r ­sey.

Reywrls sappreeaed. He Aaacrta."It la underetotd that the atale for­

ester haa given tha OonMrvatloa Com- mligjoa a ft-vorabla report and Iba mem- bars of the CooMrvatlon Commission hava complied with Wllllam Bamahouae. tha loading expert on such l a ^ values In New Jeraey, who has given a vary fnvoral>le report. Where are Ihsaa re- portaf Why art they auppratsed?

*7l must ba remamlierod that lha Stats Coaaorvatlon Commttftloa have not placed tbameelvra on rscerd as In accord with their preeldent In his antagonism to the W harton purehsse, that the ConMrva- tlon Commlulon Is not the body charged witli Jurtsdlctlan or conservation of our w ater supplies, that the State Weter Supply Commlaelon who has Jurisdiction ovar tbs water, are thoroughly la favor of thla project.

" I t la not thought tho people of Naw Jartey will fall to avail thamselvsa of tba opportunity, tba laat opportunity, to daeura this truly wonderful water sup­ply and Ha unsurpaaaod watorahad. They will autaly vata 'yes' at the election on November 1.

‘T h e preeldeat of the Conservation Oamimslcm le rsperted to have aaM th a t the Stale of New Jersey does not isaad to look tweaty-fiva yoara ahead In raferei,ee to water eupply. What con- ceptlen haa he of the meaning af tha word aesMeryatteat Theaa who era fa- mUlar with condlUont in northern New Jetsay know what lha ftlluts to coti- lerva tkeir potable waters bae oast them.

"Should the vote N unfavorable on Na- vbmber 1, the traet wilt be split up by Itl aw nen and sold off and thni tha op- portunHy to saeure such a valuabte, un­populated wntamhed will ba gatia for- a rar to Naw Jertay. In the years ta ooBia tba water rights will coat tha atate a good deal mata monay than Is BMr aakad far tba water rights and tend tagatbar.

•Thla propotlilon will b t aalf-aupport- ta g tefby not taka It now and sacura ftp Bfteteat and future BegftraHons a Nura aiiA wholeauma of water, tbat

of all naeaMittear


P ick ets Block SckeM ctutj P h i t G ates a t E^ilojrees M

lo R e t in .ONLY FEW VOTE TO l£MA» OUT

^HENKCTADT. K T , Oct. ID.^Tttr bulcnt tott^ndlrif tht atlHDpt tofwnpl0r*«to af tt)« QttMm EL«c|flc C« pany lo return (o work thl* nom tnf fumtthe4 the flr»( ItuUtKW of mmI- Ttokoc* In eonntoctloto with the hlf atjihto. The blockific (ac;tlCB of l.ioe picketa. who threw thenaetrei iti front of thee* eeek l*ta te reLn entrance to (he plant. Bade It iBfXMelbie for many to refern te work.

Th# Bixty poltcemen wtre Inadequate lo cepe with th* eituatlon end tt not keen for the warnlnffi luued by the etnke leadere that the blockade methode were ketlna too etreruioui and that tha eoldtere were likely lo be ordered out. It le Itkely that eerloue Injury might have reaulted to ihoae who were In the graat Jam.

Oner a.aae v«e e« te,eae i tnaarw ru dto oonttnua lo etay out and Oeneral Rlec* trtc o ^ 'la le eay (hat the ma^rJty of tha mar. and wofn«o ere aniioue ta retnrti to Work.


Ivav Gh Mm HaU to I t Tald- i i Uv bf Radiig Cifan


JERSBT CITT. Oat Id.—Tba flta t af Iba aa-eatlad aallar room aasaa brwaght by tba Naw Jarsay Tanamant Hawaa Commisaiwn agalnat Iba Froparly Owa- erg' and Bnabiais Man's PrMaetlva Laagua nf thla city, la which vteUtlen a t tba tanamant bouaa law was abargad, ware won yastarday aftarnosa by lha eemmlaaloo whan tbraa hauaa awnara wera flnad t i l and coats.

Thoaa flnad wars Cbriitlan HandaL owner of n tanamaat hauaa a t H i Heat- gomary atraal. John H. Bulla ISi Moat- gomary straaL and Joaapb Jabeawar, 107 Montaomary a trast

Ths eaaaa ware triad bafoaa Judge C harlta C CarMck In lha F irst Diatricl Court, a tta r rapaatad adjeummaata had bean obialaad by ferntar Asaambly man Charlaa E. Handriekaan, oounsal foe tba prwpsrty ownara The aammta ateit waa rapraaanlad by Iba allornay ganaraJ'a dapartmant, TrsaUa.

Notloa waa sarvad oa tha ownara who wars flnad requiring them iNUnadtetsdly to vacate lha csllar dwtUliMa. la all af which Ihiws Itvlag roams are batag maln- teinad. I t this order Is not camptlad wtUi, It Is said, ths commlaalan srill bring nsw su ite which. It won, will naeassltate tba awnara paying tbs maximum tins af l ia t . n la understood an appeal will ba taksB by tba ewnarfti' teagua.

i a l t s Bagua la Iteaembat.Tba suite In Ibasa eaaaa wars Brat

brought last DacambK and wars sat for trial March f Thay warn UJouraad ta April t , a t tba raquaat of tha aitaraay grnaraL la order Ibat tbs dafsadaata might hava aa apportualty 1a amplor couBftal and gat ready fbr trial. AboUm* BdJoummolit waa takaa ta April M. ba- cauao Hr. Handriakaoa wm angagad atea- wbara, aad thsra wan Ihrsa owar ad- Joummanta for tba ftama naaoa. An ad- Journraanl was tahaa yaatrrday bacauss of lha tength af lha calsadar.

Hr. Mandrtckaoa attempted te show al tha trial yoalarday Ibat bla cUsnU had applted te the Tsnamsnt Cammisalafti tar cartifleataa for iba occupancy nnd Ihat they had baaa danlad. Tba court da- cldad the oaaas. hawwvar, oa tba ta rt that tha owaari did not have lb# nqulrsd ear- Uflentea.

Tbs commlaelon won anrth tr caaa yen- Uiday against Mm Aanla KgU at ITl Forest strsaL Jaraay City, who waa flnad t t i for not properly malntalnlM a cteart on tha as«md floor of lha bouaa.


B d k s ' [m m


CHICnOO, Oct t o —Fresh wetknrss that developed today In the wheel market waa explained as dus to good waather and to th* abnormally large receipts northwsit Arrivals at Winni­peg amotmted lo I.K4 carloads, len tlmsa e« many a* on the corresponding •Jay a year ago snd there were Mtl- maiea current ihst ihs cansdlan ei- porl surplus would total lift,0(10,(100 bushels.

Higher prices at Liverpool caused a HlUe show of firmness here et the riut- sel, but the effect waa brief. (Jpenlng prlccA which ranted from % off to %tf % up. with IHcember at 104% P) 10t%, and May at 107% to 107%, wera followed by a •uhsiantlal general decline.

Imposition of s heavy Import duly In France operated later ailvorssly lo the hulls. Tha cloaa was unsettled. 1% to l% tfl% net lower, wllh Uecember at Iii4% ei04% . and Hay at I0 l% «int% .

• 'om turned down grade with whsai. Strong Liverpool cables had only a alight temporary Inflnenee. After hav­ing opened a t % decline to a shade advance, the tnarkel sagged all rouml.

Fine weather tended aflerward to In­duce atidlllonal sstbecke. The cloaa waa nervous, a t the same as ysslerdsy's finish te H to % lower

Oats could not stand out against tha bearish gctlon of other grain. 'Jn tha ensuing decline, however, commission houHt ware buyer* to a fair extant. Lower prices on hogs brought about a sharp setback In pruvltlons. Much stop- low aelllng took plact.

Tba following Chicago Brrard of by Byrne * *" ■"

quotations Trade ware

Open. ■Wbanl—

Dec. 104% Uar. 107%

Com— Dae. 44%

Dm * I t May. 40

Pork—Nov............Jart.. 17 s 60

l ^ r d ^ Nov.............JaiL. feOT

UrDonneU- Hl|(h. Low.


P rtv 'i rioea cioM,

1071104%104 104%

t0i% ISIS


A ten-polBt advanea. ptartleally. ta ths prk-e of Public Ssrvtca Corporation aloch within a month or tew has nat- uTwlly attractaS wkla attentten. ThThlte dealt in locally ta a conaMarabls sitent, It la listed on tba Now Tork Stock ICx- change, aad actual quetaUana, of courw, are based on trsnsactloat than.

Its steady advanea frog* 1«»%. tot* In September, to 114 on Octobar 14. did dot appear to bo baaed an aapacItH activ­ity In Wall atreat. A (ttoap Of two points was caused by one trade of 100 aharea on on* dsy. somathins QuHa unusual.

Th* ncord price of the year prior lo today waa 110%, In April teat. Tfia quotatloa waa At low-water n a rk far Iftli. 100%. In August aod again tn Boptamber. Soma dspresalon In It duiv tna tha lata summer montba waa 4km, of course, to a ware on th* part of a nlatlvaty few based on fsara of Jttaay cr>mp*lltJi>a

It 1* not hatlsTsd that thla bad aa much W do with holding th* price down, however, as told locally, a* lha faport- ed hanging over It In the Naw Tork market a nwvnth ago of tram IftO to I.Ofto (hates of stock owtmd by aa estete which bad te he disposed of.

When that block had been placed tha stcK'k •—g*w 40 show iwaawad atgna af Ufa

Jiidgea of FuMIe Serrica ahara awuamente aay ihat Inaldera and other largo holders have held oa to thatr atotdt very closely They w en not dUturbed by Jit­ney talk end Insisted Ihst ( per cant., espri'lally la view of the favorable now monthly reporti of th* corporation, war- I anted ta r m on than par or tbanaboute

Th* street argument runs. In conae- quenca, that when tba Jitney disturbance evaponted and the estate holdings f *r rala la New Terk had hsea taken c a n •>f. It was tmly nstiiral the SKurlty should show ronalrlerabla animation. Is view of Its Improved earnings and ths gain In genmil hustnru plus general epeculwtlve anlmsllon and optlmtam.

Th* feet thel ihr security I* n latlv tly closely held. In addition to tha fan - gotivg. la dsclnred responsible for II* ten­dency to *<lvaih* when demand for It rcaaserla Itsalf, ae It has now. Thus It Is that Wall Street snd Newark expert* anatyse th* Jump In PiJbllc Service Cor- ponllon ahsres from 144% lo 110 within three weeks or nuirw

NEWARK M A linThB foUowlPf quDtBtldna today wbfb

furntBhod by J. B R1pp«l:Bld-Aik«4.

Am. r>o<*k A Tmp M I t l l , . r H R Co of N. J iB l i t :CBiluioid ...............................Con TttocUoti ....................('on. Tmrtlon Rb , . , . . . *Rmbv a Hndidti Obb Crn. .. . a « j * ELerirlc •'>t PBrten Cto.O. A E. of B^rjtvn Co Ut la O. A E. of H<<r. Co. cBn. 6a*Harkcnaaek Wat^r i i .........Hudaon County ()■« C o ,.,,liudaon Cn, (iaa Co l i .......Jar. CUr. Hob- A I'ai. 4a , . .luOD# Hock At l9tA...........I-ohiih Val Titrm A* 1141..Newark Con Om Co........ ..Nawnrk Conaol Ob« Co. Aa.Nowark f’aia IVwdy Co 5i.Nawark Om Co 4b..............North JBFMy Jit. H'way 4a..Pat. A PtoMtok O. A i f Co .Pat. A Paa. a . A S. Co- A*Pulillr §er\1oB Corpe Public INrvtoB Cenlficat^a.Public {JorvIrB Cot , ia, lYII

“ l*491 «»Tk


Ml PiiwmI lAtoMt

n m PROTK u f o M s i n n M t tfVum IBs Waakfwtte Burma sf M* f n v «

o « F tirs .WAIHINOTON. 0*L Baatewkst tS

tba aUltuS* at aateag *utla% aa H i m C. BUteU, Its aeuBsal, aapteUte ttw aral Bagarvft Beard bag iatategsid as tm i44a of Ute N4ponSagta la tba rntmm brought by sartala tru rt aaasaadM M Hlcblgaa to pnnmat igltelml haafes %i tbat slate fram aailag a t tm tea% iu0 B- trara *f siertu aad aaseeMBS e W a r »• durtayy pewara sraated bg Mm baaM undat BaoUea U ad tb* taiw al l iiliu s law.

Th* aetioB wag bsoiwkt bg Ute alSite a*r-B*n*ial of th* algte *■ badftU dl tBb irusi tnmpaalao gad M la th s aaS«S ot qim wanaate peiiiiihMU. ■w tag uadar the law artba iliid tha baaha Is saaselw auch pewara, the tisWTi >4S4< latervaaw te atgu* *a babaM a l th s aW> •ututtoaaUty of Baatlsa 11. Ba lar, * • caaa has aot paaasd Iba alaga a f plaaie insa aad th* tew dftparUbMt a t thS pm wrva board wUl aal rrmaa t u httaf Ml tbat af Iba platnUR haa baaa fliai. iwd th* nssrv* board's brlaf wtll ba is IBS natura of aa anawor to that offaaad MB tbo irwrt oempoBite,

Ao a matlH af fart, % m oaplalBSh Ih t reiorvo boaid la wot Igvalvad aa a a hSiSM parts la tlm arttea aad aswM M l h% tbraugh lha fact Ibat tba ault to kfddBht ta a ateta tribunal aad m atato aaaM Vary wall cauM oaiBgal aa adarialalMlIWh •ifflco* or board af tba Fodsral ftwranm mant 10 antwar te saoh qua waniMtS prooatdlBda.

hut Ik* board has dismsd M wtos I t to*tervtna te tha axtaat af taatiM tha r i g l ta ilaa tm r of tba SKtlaa uadtr wWaBtl haa tranted te tha aatianal baahs t ts powan to wheat aatntoa tha trudt aaite paalaa objaoi.

Al tba samo tlam, tba law > of Iba board to watahlas with ta li progrooi of an aattoh aa aaaotlr Haet. broudht la JaHaL UL Ih th It to aiptolaad. eartala hall hava brongbl amhdahwi agalnal tha auditor af puWM ootnpel him ta laaua te ibatoi ettlMB sate Uttoatei aaoaaaary te altebla Umat ia g » arntoo tba fldurtarir powan aaa l trrad • • thatr. by tba Fadaral Baaarva Board. TtiS ho haa doGllMd I t dm aa lha alli j a ttoh that tea aauonal dad atate lawa aaafltiiAM tktfl tbrUteB

Thua tba Hkhlsaa tm rt oaasgaalaa b * by what flsht sMiAr ibat alala'd ldw« aattoMl baaka tab ba aatburtaad bg b fbdaral law to aMratoa f ld a a lw sawaim white th* lUwito aaitaM l haafes astaA that uadar tbalr tiato 'a lawa * a g a r t togally abla te attrafta Iba powan stM fam d by fadaral gatbeiitr.

So tar, tbs no orvo b sa rt hM M l baM drawa Into, qor oatarsl, Ifea tmaaid tad% nor hM It aay aoob osMBtathm. I t M oontldm d hlfblg probabM th a t bath ttena. M matter W BaMdad, wife carrlod to tho Suprodm Oauri a t Hto 1 ■iatoa. Haroovar, artth ta rtrw ifb ti sack ItovfBf Ita owb IbdirMaal ba lawa, a«ps«tatloa ptavaili that waag i Har eapaa arlU davalop tb BtoBF * cofteMbwaalUto.

Ill B raato » • • • aa Baaa T amaA am.

Octobar Ift. la tba w a tt AUaIr mbp t aaan holding lU peolltea bstwisb

two otkor bright gtara la Aqalt% tfeg Bagte. Tharo aro galy o t o ^ a ta rt naaroT M aarth. It raqulring ably tgw« teaa yaara tor Altatr'a light ta r ib Ml oa It haa twalva timaa tna brllltaM P of tho own, yot ytetda aa aalg m b par oanL aa muob light M data d lrtsb Oblp. nlno tU ra abtea mors brldbtlg, M aatd from oarth.

at1 1 %40


It.Tii a . i t

i.T ii . t i

u14.4» 14.1«

1(1* 144111 I I I145 1447(1% 71

10(1 101I t l



i i{> m ' '

lift im101% 141%71% 71

114 lift144 104»l IS

143 10&101 lOS134 • m74% 7«4ft *119

110 l i t__ ____ _ . . . »iSouth Jertay O., E, b T. Co. South Jer. G , K. A 'T

Cs, I ftil TCo. i t

SEOJItniEl, WVMTMtllll. lin ^

Nsw ysrfc C U i ^

Niwifk 0ffici,781 BroidStNaw York Stack F i r h s s t s Chleato Board of Ibwlo N*w Yorii Cottob X iA b a f t C h k ifb Stock ■sefebSfo

W IlllM I F. M a n . M iM f i rm NalUnr M*


Cerreepeageam L. g. Mats b Ca. Membste CoasaUAtaad Bash, al B, t<


Cash, margla t r taritol parmsm itecal SacarHIa*. Inviitmmto

lifeMilrtBaMAIN n.OOlt, E ssex BUILOINa

IWaaaai Matberry lA4f-ia4a-ltai.

POST A PLAQQs r ^ p * ' ^ N ^ ^ i j b i ^ i f * 'noci . . . Ms r mrntk


AIbb MB UbBral TtorMA L FR E D L D E N N I S

Bmtgeat gaitesmKINNEY BUUX>lNO


b Mia, Llg. Co, I \ M. U Co. 4*. , Co....................

Som. Union Bom. Union SIngar Mff,Uniteil Klsclrlc Co. 4*U. N, J B. K. b C. 4* 1*44 , .

Banda, guarantaad stocks ana Pa Sarvlc* Cartlfleat** quoisd "and taraat."


' wsBA i rffwSfatb

rJb- la

M blbA pT-^t.BwttAr..-«JMMtladi rtoaipta. I,TI%

aarg, ag tra i (11 taara), I I ; araaib* bitfcw lOOflAB), t l% f l l i ; fltaia,

; saaaoda, MBIA ;rra«utafti tfoalpii, d,tAA;

____ tathaftad, a s tn b ag tr»firata. NBIAM; flrat% l l f l t ; aaosada tIdIPT; aaarbg baboarir. wkitea, f l a t to to a a j^ l lB M f saaibp baaiH ^, brgw«%

**3hoaea—Firm; laaalplt. M M i Stoto. wbote Milk, ftwaih flato white aaad ool-

dd, apMriala, l lB li% ; do., avAroBO ii« r. U K - 'f%4fltrg~-U«A, ' prteat a a t Aotttod;

dfOAMd, d«ni WAAtefta ( m b eblgkASA,bauwali, l l% B l t ; tia ih fowlA, teAd, l t » H % ; ftditob tprtiairA l l t l U j .

LONDON WONIY m mLOMDON, Oak 'ti^l^BAr Allytr. S{%d

par teHMA. MtAfty, 1% AAr OAit IMs- - ..... .'bWA .'ASd H um

LONDON STOa lARKETLONDON, Oct. 14.—Another effort la

In pTograaa to rala* th* value of monay by tb* Bank of Kngland borrowing tba Joint atook banka' aurptua Lalancaa a t 4 % par ean t Th* affort. It to iipaota^l, w ill ba aacoaaaful, dupit* tb* fact that outslda Inatllutlona have ptenly of funds. DiBOOunt ratet hardened tadgy, aad trananry bllla wart Isas easy to buy


sEcuimES, iNyEsmEim, etc


781 Broad StreeL Newark, N. J.TMUeraOBB SIM HARKMT.


W . H . D I C K C N H O R S TMaatbK Csaaslldalad Ataeb r - i ,~ af B.T. A. ir. COb. BIftOAD AMD HARBBT STt.

'raeaa* Mai UlT-ltU. Koworb.

EISELE & KINGO S E S d f : s s B S a :H M M D a t e C U N I O N S I S .

RANKUN 8 A \Amarlotn axchang* was

dropping 1a

i m YORK OUTSDE ACDRITIESTba following quotettona

oMIriS by Elfttia bfur-

I f lK I^ !FrvvWw 6k f

VM, Aj M . _

Is■ '» % ‘i.

1 19B ^ lK io d .

th an rscaniJi unsartaln a t 4.1ft, after AU%.

F ro m taking In W tll a tra tt was ra- RartaiJ In a lowar rang* of prteaa and a quiat ton* la lb* Anwriean aaotlon of th* atook marttst. Tha b u a in ttt ' •ibtefly In Unitad btatas Steal, OnnAdlan Fnatfle and Danvar and Rio Orsnd*. Th* oloAinc was quiet. Tb* othar aao- llaa had a goad undartona Th* t04W advanitod, and Japan*** bonds aad Maxlcan latua* war* laatura*, th* tetter Oil lha raport that Carranta had baan affletally recognliad. Kaffir* war* i batter.

8 0 4 > B R O A D B T R B l

A s s e t * i$ 6 . 0 0 0 a0 0 0

M a r OatoMa

4 % In terett to $1,000D b po b Ub M a d # b y N ovam bB T 3 D ra w

l n | t a r a e l f k o m N o r a m l w r t % •5T

la ta Hint*Uglar-Dar.

finaa Co. ■.. •

robdpgb B tl.. S

' (MU.

I f .

ill i l!lU .


riiiLADEim sroa lARXETT V (ollAwIbB attqtetlon* tadap wi

f u r t f ib a d b r l lW n n & A it : _

liatWAte.’eiiii^ TtlSUl'aMB

"At MM.e d ft ft a-ft A I a ft ft [J a-d k » **q; f ft g t» ft

lllllfli'd .eftMlAd f dft ft............................. H ia tW (p*...„i.iCtUMR pibdftbAp

. i ' ' ‘

TIEMKaviKS MSmUinNr a q , ‘M iO A D a r a n r . L ^

Dtpe§it§ o i (k w lk » MUUmt HhUm • fkys 4% iqtcrett on Dwpo^ Up to HtDdOv l^y i 3i% Interest oa Deposits Over $1*010

«B«g dwtordptb VaitB Maami e teM *rs Vatu ad a F. I

l a S e V V i U M r f t .-A IM32SS?V

PV l,T|iaMlf BteTCB,


W BKum i mmwmifimM l l l t a a l S q i l i I m ’I h arCM kl a Im hi

.(M A M M A t. S i f t t* (Oift iw ia< iar> W It* hWMMU Pi«M ).-er. W« lUft «M iMMar CMatw iM m Hmm. aiilMMi to Mm* (• H*« M to IM rm m «M,A r M a f i a t t o MMl. aatf Nr tto arat

I Dto to f m u M-atottor, tto Chhim

ItoaMN latwari toto M* w totort- •“M Mto to at ftoM m« naah

't Mto« m aifi e a W l Ml to H It

I tL" IM Or. wa, atoa Mtol far to OM MtoMtoW MM

■M atoat ito ABirliaa Oar> • CktaMa Orraaaint aat N •««% !. I •w Mb‘1 m r

> ttoa t taM la toat haaa. aa«

m ta toafe, aaBatf "AamNa 0 (to toaalaalaa at aa Ortaatal


SKIN TROUBLESI r aa aiaaaa u r M iiia . « f»» aaa« aa»

t tm ttr I* »a<Mr raar ahtat amaiuaa. n BMrtta aaa ahararar t |a tola la aia iraA Nr lu haaHat »av*>a ara aaaaaaltr Baanam M M N taM . Iiaaiaa N al- raa. latlaatil M b la ataU at Imarara- aat m r aa aaiaa taUr. Faalaai (at tha aaMaat a t toaa»a, Baaa. laah aa« auB. ra aWa tlNatlaaa, la a aMto M pM Ut

Mw a«aal: atoaoaa natrlaB Paa iaa, UMaa lat iaaak raMaaaa Maa l. aaal.Aa «a aaa«a lar Iba M a—It arNaarr hia

liTliaM, m Paataw aatw, aaaNaaii l «l

■aaar LaliralaHaa. I t Waal Mtb N., Ntar raa t CUT. taM hr all OrtMtoa.—A4nr>

M r aa r wrwtoiij t to a t m t flWan to a kaaaaw a raraaila Baaa N aa M w J a i a M M toa to a i ^ a m b -

■ S 'A to a w a to ta tM ^ a to ^ n ’tonSaMt i # l l m m m m ik m to ta ra a aa« altor '9 P M to ail taaaa M la atou** iliat

r «M faaato i to t to flM B to ■a IMNN tW • . C . a to t to l r to tala* bp h to toa i iatoi '

Mtr Bha n la m M kto«« itai dtotow toMitol toatop I I I# Haatoa

Ito CHw tyaaito NM htoiii

S to Mto a Obtoaaa. bawtaar Mtotor alto «to ........... .. lifal BUM




M a OlHi WhM U inaSMKMDlkmBmtmT w .

Ip INahlaa tto I a aalltoai

ta Miar tto waaN ato

Nat a aa« aato la tto M M ar It ito artoa


^ ______ IMI la tbat a „air toa totaWiaat paapia at

«nii toa m M at Thw tt ton to at tto

lav a t ttoM laa toa! vw b la CMaa. a to to «aobt M

t to W la It N iaatartti a to aaaj Nataa a ta llaa iNI aflarraiMliMtoBv to ton VW7 toiM t to ttoa la toaa tto

aattra a to tto Naat para ibartap ap aaeahaetoea-A l-

^ mmm w^wm rmm w m r ^l toi*» m I*****ar^ss&jsswjsi

I BMo get Mgrjr about Kbat 7 lb p oiaL W in m en alt dofim q n ietfy to th ink i t ovpr.

0 U )i^ 1[€nttt

n la a

[ GMva v ark ato a toa win to aMa

m lUEB KrnRD nu r o W T I M I C M I i n E

. w a a a m n T o it , o « t n .—n a r t aiiaH Sanattto tram t to O alito ntataa la Aa>

r to aa a rr ira t. t to a u n to r to M tl' batM ira a ta r t to a .|a aap montl r m a r t laal D aetna tr. tiaea tto

Swretoea v a r bagaa.bataat ataUattaa a t t to baraaa a t Im-

MlfratlaB, laaaad ta tap . thaw I t . t t t a a u m a t , t t o l a t t t aaa<aialaranl

» darBrtta, aHtoiag a fatal of vb lla t l .N I lau a liraa ta an l I.4M tw lm M lfra n ta a rrir td , a total

to J » 4 l*U iH thaa ba it a t tbaaa daparttna

1MM l u H a u raapaatlB# ta tba call ta Iba aatara.


< n o a n a m . » out, n>. ntatata tcit o t t vara a ttlM M h iaataraua |# Iba toeito . beata a to atalt at Um oloa- IM latoaa btra paalardar af Iba Nav

'V atk a to Itav taraap raartatloa a t tto naaal Chitatlaa aaaaetaUoa. Aawaa atflaan alaetat * a j Bar. K. poppvi

Baa praaWaal. Raaolatloaa

tH lN .•vV^a.war al*W <

uiaui■ f t m U0IIbbMLMr'AMaiiieAJ* t’ H.tJ

p t o r o M U

srx.I t raN taaa. r va ta atoatad Mat a to a oait a n r aa t to la I b v T< -Olbar at



•Tarbappelatad ta a t Iba v b it

L laMaaa. ilav Tork; aacta- D, n . niaBlaB, Breablpa:

• a r . cbaKaa A. U pB aa, Car.

CITP 0* MCWAIUK. HIW J IK tb f .MOTicv n oonytuofona.

o m c B OP T M ■oAKb OP rrb av T AMP araTBR OOVItIMtOMaiU.

c m >Aiii.Mraarb. N. Oaiabtr i i l i a

taan i prr i nMir «tt| a# raam to bp tba ■aart at btfari ato Wailw OaoiailatlaBan at tu afflaa bt tba Ollr nan, traai l i l l la t:M a'«l«b r . lA. an Tbantar. Oatakar It. IHA ato n aaaa at iba M l aaatat baar. at a roaito aaatlaa at Iba baar« ta laltaM at•aia ilBM a to DMa.

Par Iba aallactlaa. at aahaa rabatiti bara In Iba altp a a arlca pat paar tar aaab at llva JaBwarr I, IIIA la aaaartaan witb tba M anM Ilaaa Ibantar a b M ara la ka miitT a pan at thia n a tra a t

la aaBpariat arap iaali tba latala kM far tha tatlra tar tat B f in paan atll ia aaaA

■Maata a n taatlaato ta waaKw tbaaa la* aarimlaaa a to tha aramaiaaartaa laraw Ja r

aad tvaatWaaitaaa aararaUr. n a la taanat will ka a t B ^ aa-.j| ka ataAa aa ranaa at prwiaala

praMito ana printaa ar tw kaSrA ato aapiaa tf whteh ara attatoaa M ika pBataA••• '* * * ‘*?* i f t l at Ito aaa-m o t work. Mia Pj^atto tanu^ af Naab

aval ato AMtaat M ar ato par- aaoli kU ta ka


)MinuimKz.n.TKi«: HUB, BFontD ctfmBD

srrsa-"?!■ ratoM toJkaian fantty, wba vaa aa

t to fWlKh anvp. bM baaa^ bp t to O a n a a a a -----r i m ta a

taeabrad bara bp Ua latbar, R. Prtiiaa. T to pauw n a a Pttaaaar doBap a raeaBaallar

■to aa«tar at Ito vaatara , _ ^ ' dJipaWi aald.

* ^N » i tonilaBada law praetka j CWaavB l i l t Jaauarp ta aahwiair Mt m tBm witb Ito Alttta. M aa ab M b a ta W m M a darinc pala (tapir. auta»a- bniil tad arlatar.:

n a o i n o i ^; MB owmiiMiDiottni

5?^ ».-T to MtoubM- bay fafa^ aoBitp, tin d m i-

j liicb la ito itid (a tto

I^tt a OwfBMaU pitaraa.* 1 ■*“ **• la1 td^anto a rpwNia -iibatl

i i M tol batb (Maa a t ttoIRM Uw . Tba- aaaw «( tba a w

t-adt'Pat baaa anwMaaad.

> a;?atr a«a iradap ■ btvb M*. l$v II*

•puwn f N» iM prouu b pTfiStM BIMt M

jatrsot tar rollaialnp_____ _____^ a a T A a f i ^ S k U T ^ ^a f Nowark. a t l b i tina laaatlaato la tha a d n r tin m a t

pt MM. .M HInvvu.i.r m -m ciar b brafarto wllb Ito a i im arp oaal- tw ta b a m aaa aanplHa tw w erailab i MBlraatto far.

la aaawatlaa with Mia iMirto br aarpar- atlaaa aat lieaneralaa la tba aiata tf Km Jtra^r, tba kkt tar nuai. nata riaaiat. far- a M a WMHM aaar at M aBwUa tf fi-

n i t u Mda Bwda to a partaanbla tba M — at tw iiMittra naal ta

t t o •ipato la ta ltpN - ------- bat tba alpaan

a jplm i waia aa*.!

HUar taaat fallap tla V n a ian la'totlUaa — JM jtoaa t t naMraw. .f iM prapnaal ta to aaetoipantto kr IW

at a aaratr rtiapiar.V ® : N Naw Itrata, la « M I.................. - -w al a( Ittw aantraci to awarM^ la

f M ila rta tw tnu

R T tlS ,'sOAlRtev lilt grtpiifcl.' « %wir4 bnotoM liIt «r fnwM u n * 9N

If««.B» ItoJM totvaaa maid tort r

«rL-Mglt IMnuH

SHOPj u N T i K u n pon LOBrs r w u m o ir m


NEWARK W EEKA BrilUatU Succ€$9—‘ThiB Event Began Monday, Oct 18, and Ends Saturday Evening, Oct 23,1915


PeapU bu the Thausands Come Daily From the Suburbe Sur~ rounding Newark to Shop in the Newark Stores and a Greatnumber make the Goerke Company their headquarters. Now to cement closer the bonds that bind the store to these shoppers and to make many hundreds of more new cus> tomera, the Goerke Co. has inaugurated this great shop In Newark week. Visit this new store—see the new merchandise specially priced all this week. You’ll buy.


Women Jt Miners WomUrhtlValml

Svaggdr modcU of lib v lin e in blAck, and n ivy . T he cod t i t 45 inchw long, flare c u t w ith v id e ■irottiid belt. CoOnr Ir o f B lack C o w y Lynx lim ile r to cu t. Also many o ther c lever m odels flae T v e e d i, ■ la tv o i^ Scotch plaide. in the m ost desirab le styles of the season. A ll sizes

for women and m lu o s . a t .

500 Smart Autumn Suita iS lm Special! GIRLS' SMART COATSPOSITfVIHLr TBJS GREATEST VALUES /JV TOTPIV j M Anothtr let, Rrsetar than say bertnfors oRersd—yMll

_ irsv* 10 itc ibam to sRpracisM ihd wooderfsl J A r tI 4 irtea. Hardy fsbrica and pattact work-fl I I V

I Z a w O 2nd I 5 bO UA new collection of stunning late suit mod*

els, showing the new style conceits—many are iuEurioiisty for trimm^; made'^of snperkH’ grades wod poplin, gabardine, wh^iioord; man* nMi serge end Inroadcloth. Prominent in the assortment are the high choker coDara, bndd and rd re t trimmed, fur collars and cuffs and fur edging. Every new shade. Tailoring and workmanship second to none.

Wonwn’s mil Misses' 4 .5 0 to 6 .S0 SkirtsThe bdUflca of our i arcluH bu drripod. Scuon'o mtrt-•raat pur

eti (Mdtl* of ALL VOOL SERGES. MIXTURES, i. TARTAN PtAID, VELOUR PUIDS, ETC—atl aliu for womtn tad mlwM—|ot on« tbit !•)• NOW— , ictudl 4.50 to S.S0 vduu i t . .

Anothtr lot, (ruttr tbaa toy hortwfort oRertd-^otni iuve 10 Itc ibem to ipprociuc ibt wooderfnl tylea, Mar fcbrica and poifoct work-

■nentbip. Every btcomini chide i citei■ lo 14 y c irc ...............................................

Other dpto* CoaU In etoek. tU S to UtMGiris’ All Wool Serge

and Corduroy D rc a^Ctrii’ terfe droeeu la about

tan diSerent Myle*- Tou will tartly be de1l|hlod witb tbeir anique ctylet end dependability of materiel. Stntrt In every dcielt. In ntvy, cemet and brown; all eizcA 4 to 14...Girls’ Rainy D ay O utfit

CoMlitiiiA of amart model, in 1 Riincoal of bombuioo. with plaid back. In double texture, wiih becomint hat of tamo nuterini to maten. Poaitively rnlnprool and makca admira­ble oatftt for itormy

yeetber; aim S to ■4, at........ ..............


Merode' 5R“ vJ*o"Kn*S-5 Price:IMt aaaof fWtbeit f n Ui “Jill prioM mt mi hmlf tAe f to S i a ra tore.

I u a r f oT tAie owlf

cvnifaiin fAnroSat. V m d trw m r fb r aMweie;

ftototeel l le, Ant DUemttmmtd numtoPi 1*U S m k M NOW/

Hmnlt 3JI ui IM Mend$ Mh SribPara aaBraltaa wantaC a a i aHli; alavaa >f IW nral

OHtraUa fhapaa k«i iw ow aiit, la kbm Kan la tatWf avaU, aaC wt wrata ia* n lan aCvlH a C A aaBy attaalM'. aw al tW la m aaaikara l« I A v tto taUK "M v iii" llaa; Bara « ta ( ............. • • v r

fmm’t 1.00 mi l iSM e re d e W iewiv JMhiM woltit. of

eombod oAco yarn, In •lovon of the moit dc- ilrabtn ahepec; C A ^ t i tu 4 to e, a t.. w “ vl« m ’i 1.00 «d Merode IhfawiuINb« Mrtaw vMU, g4at* 104 tlghtg, veal# eome !■

law B«cl5 wltk flbav slMvea,, ap«ii OgbUf

, at, farmwat.,..

$ U 1.25 Waists

WfMi'i 50t m i 65c Aferotf# Uuivtiiip M edium w e l |h t

umbed maco yarn vceii, panto tnd tiibto. In every wanted etylc; aiiM 4 lo 9; lar- meni ...............Wnk s’i "Crahrari’*

SOc Umm SailLisht, medium weight

cotton; high neck, abort ticeve, knee length, aiiei 4 to 6; 5 IC /t luiu 1.00; each OuW

.o o B A T H R O B E S Mad, of .PaumMtf Beacon Blankett

A treat afar—6M aa aala; la haadaoma gaitara^ nmmn af thaaa are la uatjiua la4llaa dtsJahA all wall tallarsdi all alaat from It to II, a t, .. 1 .9 8

I.ISIB# daasa af bifli claaa

llaupn Draoaaa la ftaa flacham, ehaaiMrajr a»4a#r4!«]at trim- OO ^mad: all riMa frao if\A C M ta M. at. W V

iHeitoofl*Wto>d riraahodiMMinvMB

Plant Now!•ala rWwaa Mala Plaar4#.#a# Mollaad bulba raeatvad; If glaafa

ad anw will blean la early sgrlaf.all cotoga........ mo 4oom

JaAittwaAlsllyarl«lA*at all ealara... Ida i

1 5 c" *Ba......................POZSK „


This Will Cause a Sensation in the CityWomeg's Stunning TrinmiMl Hats—Equal tn Any at 5 .0 0

2 .9 8Uatarteaaialir a t bar* kal n ttr Oatt—n tm

kaC Wtitr eatu Huly—oiWh af rich aaaHiy allh vtivtt la atoat a CaHa einaraai rallar aMlalt—Iba M nU aw ara toaatttal iaa lairp aatitok rttb raara Mltore—eiratote illvar taarla^^atoaa awaal kaafeto lawflara IM ato. H au u wli •vMT lap* of IWo. kut wt ra au i Ika naantli, ti llmitaa. Ural I t valara u m eewea to tW auad. a r l ot lha apaclali, tlaraa.

ISpedilllrniiiiflMln'IWiSliaiiaTW aranatt aad Baal la daaiaad hala oa tha

fnvkol—showi la aamorwqM mw oiyJou^ motlloMg, small aad larfo madola: arltiaat- a a a l^w ld for ir.M aad ti.H; samgta^ hmmoo. | , y O

Missis' »d Children's 88e to 1.68 MiHinDnrHJttra' aa i CMMna'a toeApM-Waw lia li lamplit la taaarlaf

enda Mlval—(» all waaiad colara—a llinliad oaaautr.Ta* Hato~ta toauilfkl eoantp Lardurav-la all catara;

•alahad with Jaunt, Iwatl. ^alM , t l w tin ts tl.aa.


4 9 c

Volta, Idiwn and Itailata; all altaai In a varittp of now Kali modala, aiaartly tBmmad wllh lacaa and ambroldary: all lhanawaat aladvaa and collar w n attaela. Ta aaa them la to


Attention, Mothers!For Thursdsy We Offer lo Our 2 d R o ot Dept.

BOYS' NORFOLK SUITSWith Two Pairs of Trousers

1.98Thar* ta no owaatlon bu t w hat

thla 1a a wondarful value—tor lhaaa anila abould not be con- tui«d with thoaa ordlaaB ly nr- farad a l L»l; lhap fanarallp Command a vary meoa hieher prior, bat a price conoeaalan front a cood m aker talla tha aiorr. Made of anparlor quality wool fabrica In the naw Bui- narlan Narfalk made]—dataoba- bio S-plaiie balla, patch pockata; ■law 7 ta I f yoara.

Iqi'ITfiiiiMis'iMacklMfi4 .9 8 5 .9 8 6 .9 8

Hoary quality, all wool Mackinaw olnih, w ith patch parkata; a(ltahad-on bait In iba amarl Norfolk modal. Shown tn rich brown, arraon and rad. All alioa, 7 to I f yaara.

Every Manwho has been to ottr Ac pertinent, toM e f malu eii* trance daarMdaim—uU that measa bundretle bae waoJafcJ haw we «a«M afar each great vsluea tat


Tha aacrat Itoo In tha (a«l that wa buy only for cnah. cbaoaa tba boat that

“ «d oonatanlly ad up ta data ' ir oinlat la aa

lha boat m akara oSor ant keep our ataaha trash aei tbrouah tba (aat tb n t our . m n t . Al the tro aen t time wa ara attar- Tna Suita niid Ovarconta In tha modaa of , lha moillont In tha m ateiiala moat In demand that era th a oqual la every ra- apact to thoaa offarod by many otbar aloraa a t | l more, aa, Mr. Man, If you waul a parfeet n ttlna , iborauehly alyl- lah ault a l # taw prlaa you tod better come ham

' l(n't t loAi' Q.HI Tiumrfor draaa waai^-aW ( ...............Oood enough _ _____

'orntcdn,'chavlatA caaatmaraa nn4 earduroyi.all | AO alaoa: aala At eofliar antranco, I .V r l rltoit downatoira, a t .............. l a z u

Extraordinary!Km ’s 3.S0 to 450New Fall Rot veer



We have Just pmchaaaj abSMt MG pain af wonMs's h||^ gntto fMtwear at a naat reatawaWt low ptlee—itoi get the b cM ito e f Mureevlag.

Comprlee patent celt, guAmetal calf, vid kid, tan calf and eelvet buttoa and Um etylet; Cubnn, Lonia and military beelt: til e lm in the lot; f ) J P apto worth cemlng mtlaa for.-.........


PBOPOSALStoaltva ar apitaura, aatu rack hand I* ra

to, a a t tba pnMdant af tha (wardaapravra, (kail Wra baadanwaW n pawar la' aaaailaa tha prej____nwa us tor aath, n W ahall aa 4ar ahall W aa laairuatad by tha board. Uia kaard wlir - ■ - * -want that may

projtoaid ta draira

Joard. kuito touad to aay itata-____________ , a*ed* by tu b prapan dbnndanwa, bal atoll hark tall pavar pad abaalata elaaiBlaa la Iba ^ a l a multar.

kWtora V callad la tto ( arranaa.-nantj

.-SS3*.irtna ito

Tha attaatM of I paralMUtr at aiaklae arranaa.’nanta iraatoartailan at a larp. port loo of lariaT ta ba -altaalad aodar tawa . titna to tw a n af kareaa aa tW HlVto. and tw ally haraby aulhart^— — nra at (to alty dark al tw feat af Nav Jar- tar SallraM avanaa w d (W daak at iWi^ tk ? » 5 n S S S .d '’* X t f ' w ' r a

2 tha aaa da at tha taairaetar tn tha Itneioa tba aiacarlao oallactad. tba uoolraatar wul f areUaiaA I* plaaa, at hit awn aaptaan aaaa iw daato aaprapriat. atracturaa (at

that a (H ill II, tha abia and lacaiian ta tba tkiak at each Mraaturta la ka aohjaal W tto ' ~ w ■aani if Stnai and WaatrNa earbaca toall

S I bareta wMla th a -----ly 4e«k a t Ibf ftB ot

......... iBi apM ar dvmaadla tha atma a n Had ap arth aNaw Janay llall-.. ___ It faai , ____ ___

toad avaaat aa enndara from Jana I ta Oa-t, aad aa baria wnialaiad safkae*----- ._ . . ------------.jail rantala ai Ihli dock

twanty-raar (Ml boart Ay dtrarUaw at lb*Walar OaniiDlmlaaaraM. n. umaakaao. ; > Chlat Anflaaar.

dock foritraat aad

op p ica o r a r n — 'BOARD OF S tnaK t jiiMioNBiia o r Tj ARK. CI1.

Htwarti, N. j ■aa(ad i raaaraii BU ftH n tom I 'U la I:. Ikwadar, tto twaair-aicbUi < latT. and apaatd at tW kilt ia naUla ■ --------- - ■* 'taM lima (

AND*%ATBR roic3V, N. J.,Qo lobar U.

PROPOSALScurb, aat la caaerMti roar (i) aala of Itai- larh faur-cut taraara, tat la coaerala; tlra nhola htada wlib ' '■C.1lA witlk Ira#(1)e4>m9(et*.ifdd \ - -okttBt InelwdB • ' price kJd ftp i '

.twraad 'Aida l*r tw MtalUkla (an

par yjar p»vetUi«#l during M

hmSkid par aquari yard Act and repair at laid addUWMl and aaeaad

•aVSi. -........... - -SI _______________ .ifM Of five <i) fooio oaA onAsr Ih#•• r ' * b • rot I

oaf tlm# bofort tb« •uykniho ot lb# drat

b«fut br o Barstgwitb i oemptot-

Rr9«t #ii4 Wtt#r CommlMltiMn, « ____r#gul?«g Bt lb# optl4# ot tM b##r4

wiih a aw iy a c r a p m ^ iW . V r5 "T lJmw-.-- —-----.--a------wMeJla----


rlv* y«l|Tp‘ fTMrRMM.T8 B COaSTRALT |PQB THI WOL_____




AUHINARf ASaKetHAI .. . . . . ----- HpfTJCD KSfI cIAIRlS

ijUiTypRopoaiMADR-aAMA' bo ardAW^DAKi__ ___ot ^ J - aw.


raaiaBala aad ^w ar^ar whiahflaad amauat


. t o

THBi# aI2?

■laia ear nrict tw blah tiSara la a la tw apa^Klca-



from Baetina ilraai ta MaV.TW Mlawlac la akmt ito i_.-worh la to daaa. aad tba nmu____

(bynlahtd u i lha aaaaUnKtlaa and aamnlatl or raid wark. aad apan whkh.MtotoU

ihLw atraei,I a iw M at tw nuttarUM ta W

raparlapt TWO tkaiaaad (l.iac) anaara y ^ a at'Mla-

,4a?p..'s.*ki!Jd^ jw«nfsat 'J W v a ^ n ^ - la

.1 matt ba lacloMd In a aaalad *parl| tntorwd with lb* aama- ---- Jt aad ac Ika impn.aaiaal, aadfad at tha Beard al Stnat aad Watar

ataaara af iba alGr af KawarA____ n wfll atala tbaU prtaaa la arrtitaaa t to ll aa ka tlrwaa.lUddara mum aoHlfy m^lWlr praairala

that, abaald Ika atova. wark to awkMadt* t k A tto* will Mad IWuMivaara Unlab ■totaaiiapiata tha wma •rttklatarlF MtJ aaiaamilln watWaf Sara,

Tto. lUaaa aad aft^aatjana af IW wwh aaa’ w tto tfflaa at tto cbM

wklak W ar they weald Wvt baaa aaaa aaraplatlu of Iba awltaal. wklah tba alty at Newark may ka par Ika panM ar parataa by wham In to awil W aiaeuiad.

The Beard af Sirtal and Water Cammla- Ranara at ik* ally at Nawark marva ta Ibanatiraa IW rtoht la aaa*p< ar rajact aay ar all prapaaala Ar lha abari warb7 aa UmF o iu deem ham far tba laiarrau af tha alt-

BWdara and aaratin ara bwvby natU that aodar tba prarWana at tba M tlaa at, tto law craaUnc tba 'Wilif ComavlwBH#n«rgtlraot awA Wotof 1 _________ _ _Itertb It. m i . t e l iho bong or boaAo t # ^ ^Ivw far tb* ^ tb fu l •xaciiilwi «ib4t


. ______r r o cta lattbral aiaruiloa and par- ■alf jcabtlo wark ahaR f l ta i to

lha beard, and tha baa«^ and

. n tw aity, av It BHraUra fnlU aack tokd , . aad Iba piM iial at tW . have pawar ta .t

kandamaa under aath.. aa ahall ba m ImIi . heard, bwl tba beard wlU net' aay atatamaat lhal aiay ba ptapaaed baadamaa, bat tiu pew*r aad ahaalnla dlMrallan matter, aad ihia prevWaa alia ta la aap adrarllaamanl laritlaaw*!L%***'to • ' *h» vf bwaat andWatwr CanialaalMiara^r j^i^gy^MJA^waak.

Afpr9*«l;i. t e l l r s s n :- by lto

STwiflair wS#7£r£Si

2fil3E S fi£f4S I

............. i :toe to, n* Vi| to

■OMWif Will ko. (liB. t1VVtltf-&Lo|NW#4 #1

PROPOSALSCamwdralaBart at tW alty baU. paaata ta ba acaampuM ky wrUInc, at Iwa nratlaa, r~ ~ auBWlad ta 4a kuaiaav ' ahall, at tba ttaw atahalL at tba ttaw M m ala, qualify aa la IW amaant at aaak pi aalraa that, if IW «

IBM pea* jaarawt. tkMaatoCV AWAtoBtotoWItw io ritf i «rli» hi «Mh pr««Ui

t e r vui,hii «r V fenwee •on #r

~o«Ap«wt to

SKSt k

a :'flra ar aaie I Mawarh. M. i,

ito caart bawaa------ "A ilu.

I t o t vlelaHy . . . _____Tto Attawtaa ta abaat . . . a to tone, and ito maM ‘ “ -iraaEBo aadwa whiWi

LI af tf*matdtiala I* — n|jralg

tkaamae ((hte*) euMt tnada a* a«-

■X(lw5raU%-----u d o( tto I .I* Ibt toare at^hHw alty at J

. . . . .. It. . . .1:11 a’alaak aaad. aad i

ha '%4.................... Mi■Mil t e * M te •r OW# HraM. m mUA \a Aooosdpsm

Ta . l u r m » ~ ^ § t U n r M

NttHi Wlf A •tpd*I f te tf tiM SHSdtmtoe l■ i* • Ml* ^ Hi#; w ee , Am4

*TM ac^B fh,I tto «4M to

PRyOSAlSthe pnrialow at Cbaplar l i t af iba Ida t i l l to r t baaa and will ba •trlctly i with la aanaaatlaii - lib raid w aowiinluaa ra n rm tnt tlfb t taar all ktda and tha actlan ad raid awiioRtaa

■ ih» apmval of tba Bear* to“frxdbru* “ "r £


It aukjaatu Ohaaan Fraab

OairotyOrriOA OF TBA CITr

NawarA N. J.,•aalbd ’propueal* far farbitartal aad p*rti.............a water aai '■laiakaaaa, . .......aaaMUi* tawlaii, m toaalfici by Uaaria W. Knlfhi Ctoipan' wUI bt raraind by Ik, edniuilli

-Ift.iB d-S;

aa*parfitrinlBi Ito wark raqulrn

"laly and fira ayalani a t j th * ----i.lryRUI. Cnth U w ce Tawnaklpt

•alticailaaa dra«a •A *Wae«witoidiM o i'tto fw V n to 'C a u ^ ^ wHyal NwwirA at Ika alty h i^ aa T1---------Qatahar 11, Itlt. batwaaa GN aad and v;lU lit apawad arataatlr at 1

valapaa with tW titia at IW watit ratiwatad

foam at prnpirala aa W ebtalw * —amjiflai: atom Ito :yieH~»k»aR ahaak

TflOlUtj.OmmiMtoa*lUUA CMr Clerk...


to^ amaleiad naTlaa a'

r ^ S a T ?

tWAMStf. AR * wlb f


1 apteUCtlaak i

O O I O B E f t 2 0 . I B t t .

lo A fie ^ < :^ ^ e fU d & p n a Z fh* i a ««w U O'

iiiiiiiiii^f l i l i i t i l f !

V W W x x x>\\V\\VMv

(Hi #

SIXTY TH O USAN D FINE B O O K SAbout One-Quarter of Publishers’ Original Prices

HOUSANDS of people for hundreds of miles ground still remember with pleasure our last great sale of this kind. It’s a tremendous purchase involving rem ainders of many of the Bnest editions by modem and standard authors.

For the convenience of our customers all books oming in,setcs may be bought on the Hahne & Co. Convenient Club /%m.p VERY book is weJI-printed on a<>o<l P*P«r. *•»« owner of soy library miy feel proud <o h tw thoM “ books on bis shelves. No prospective builder of s library can afford to let such an opportunity rasa. Every seeker of choice holiday gifts will do well to come In and look around, as there are thousands of odd volumes and standard sets that we have no space h ereto mention.

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And a Great Many Other Houses of Almost Equal Reputation

WOODROW W il so n ’s “History of theAmericanPeople”ft.75

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Publishers’ PricesVY/E HAVE one of the largest,^ if not THE largest, and also moet coiilpiete stocks of Book Sets in the East. Of course, however, there are but a few of each set.D I C K E N S ’ f '^V o li 1 Publishers-r r . m 1 1 Price. $2Z50;Complete Works [ u leather J SALE

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Keaolar.111.10. 10.00 . 30.00. lo oo. ISIO. ».oo



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buckran. leather, halt (norocco; pri^ti’*on*’*«u<3l t>apa*r.*’\npANDAtlO AUTHOR8—The buckran. leather, ha Rood, readabla typt

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Bala Frtaa B 8AB

4 V o la iifto lS f* . to Vola.- . 1 V 'oia... T V ola...11 V ola...10 Vola..






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Srslta and Btorlaa of Irish Peasantry 4 VoU..Ci«th tpllliR



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. . . t Voii. .^ o th . ..

...11 Vola..Cloth . ..

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. . . 1 Vola. .Cloth ...

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. . . I I Vola. Cloth .

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.. .10 Vola. .Cloth .

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A m o n g tk o L o t A r t :

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Originally 11.50 to *IneludlBR History.

Art You My WlfaT Quinta <iotd Tha 8a*r Out of lha Athct Malindy The Rod SaintTha Cat* of Rlrhard H ty n tll Tha Wlnd'i Kill In th* Dark Th* New Dtwn A Bon of th* AfW M*inolrt of Htmoia Arinal o( tb* Waat Fortun*H ritherTh* Mtn n*tw**n Lady M*rton ColonttS Th* 8upr>lant*r Ad*'a F»hl**Knocklna th* N*l«hbora Th* Lov»» of Ambroa*Th* 4u**t of Quatnay Rod Bauaundart

Joan of tha Tower Rory „Th* M v«ntur*s of Napoleon

Print*Th* Myatarr WomaaTh* Lure of LIf*Jack Chenty I>anny'( Own Btory Addlaon Broadhurat Tom OroRsnColonal Carter e t Cartatw

vllt*Th* Other FellowCaleb West, U att* r DriverCrasayTb* Luck of Roaring Camp A Prater* of faok Hamlin's In a Hollow of lha Hill*A Ward of th* Ooldan Gat* Bally Dnwa and Other Htortaa Tala* ol the Argonautt Three Parinera Mr*, gkarr** Husband*


175 Women’s Sihml Tailored SuitsA l l M a n u fa c tu r e r s * S a m p le s

All the

BSOLUTELY the finest offering In Women’s Suits that we hive seen offered for ycars-and right at the very beginning of the season, too. • These suits made up the entire sample line of one of our manufacturers—a concern always up-to-the-mtnute In style and superior In his workmanship,

newest materials in all the all colorings. ^

W e; Offer Them In Two B ig L o tsLot No. 2

" S r

Ma . 1 —Materials are Broadcloth, Gabar* , dine, Whipcord, Poplin and Men’s

Wear Serge, trimmed with braid, velvet and buttons; some have fur collars and cuffs and ban4 on bottom of coat; the skirts are the new Hare, others have yokes and plaits on side of skirt; colors are African brown, Rutaian ^ ten , Belgian and navy btue,^^^ _ black and mixtures; values from $^.50 to 1 . 7

all aizds; a p ^ l at. v ^ *.so

Women's Dressy Suits, some are copies of Imported models; most of

them; are trimmed with fur, such as beaver, skunk, oposaum and raccoon, others arc trimmed with braid, vrivet and handsomely embroidered; materials are Oiilfon Broadcloth, Whipcord, Gabardine; an colors in this assortment; values are $32.^ to$15.00; all sizes; special a t. .......................

M .

10 YeafCkmrantee' ■ ■ :; -S'

Rosary at 69cWith Rolled Gold Chain and

Cut Stones, etc.

Gold M ountra Fountain Fen and Chain, $1.00

2SBpscliTIr p t M “ Fmimslii Psti’* t f tlit ta f tty

eat kt tIffW la sny « ^ 4 t ^ n .Id lu y s , tiKl caa tM tsIlL Black chsscd : alliwM d wWi tw t a w ta a d s i i d b«ii4 flag I t k tW '^ V aM ar G b a h i .r l

alk. AM a t iB katA w i f o r . . . . . . . l * v V ,


SAVE S tt rety '

C oupons a butiooepting intereft ' on t h e money youspeiMat Hthne'a.


........... - -

j ^ ^ i c l o r i a v

( ^ h i n e t e v : , ^ .

2 5 c i 'Vfiuag'iiaptr «fui Mi*

ftbrit tlafia. BAekMM-M i in a a i i i t 4 1 sIwH* and 4 i tm tlta e a - , s la t t fg tId M ia d sw e s , 2 ^ * a i ......... t fw w .

thmmsmds M Qmditg Ptaaing O i r

V i t t t i n g

C a r d i , ^ w fo r

r ,5 7 ^'f a will priat fre«

yoar a«e anfravad plate loe Okritai an a h ( |p i f r a e a t ^ 5 2 ^

,, for • a * t t t«* * *,.*v a / A v i r i a r M

■Jo, mo.



I «r«rk «C til* r TW>K *i1 i» CkBr**I oeaiMlItM MM

{ U IlM w y i M t l — Ot t to r»r««t krt«rtui CMtck Of Hot. r * u r

MtrM. mUlflw U IM S w t BMt ChaMh. MB MVl* L.

Vm ^ la (hart* t t m a M Iy C^aUr

L* awrk U l« *tk* IraakkaaB Bl»- itM ," MatarM Hr. O* MarBa. ‘l a lk ltt|

» -m i IIM Ikafa ar« l,*M tialtaaa- Wl'i* i-.Sprak kM a anaifcaraklp ^ J p

t ^ l M e la a Momaa Calholla Ckurafc ^irtak *M aala acceaiaiadaia ikia

> t t a aa lr work «Mak la kataj a ^ rM i a« aaMBC Ikaaa paopla," Mr. » :.'a« a Mt«a aa a«*aal for »a*aBtaar

■ v,«rfcara aa« fanaa , ^HIM Vaeak la lam n f e» fc«T w « k

v«luniMHk MM tMi • a w ia link# that aa.daB laaBira aM

t I * ika bara katwaaa IM ag«> M ^w•^»a ^ 'JMl ililaaa who aaaBaB a aeaat Bia.-l*r. \ .JU iaufk many at «*>• P**Pla * a C k ta locatrf Bo not a<t»"t> My

aSkarck faaalariy. ••'B manji n*B '?V 5ao aallaB an by raiaatlca to kaaa

:' v! a«av Irom tka l’rota«t»at * t t t , **«• to ' ' %BBI aM tb* »IB tbar coaW lnt»n

.••T k a ra

OatKL WTAT* T * * * k ^ * ^

■ Tka IMowta* *a^*lJT2.*«M At tka cuaaty rOfUtar'i oOlcaNEWARK.

boula nakklna »l aa to O a ^ * Jay ^ finarWy aa Ikl ft a tn *»«» »». iilL II .HytaM Roaanaohn at a* to 1

0 w car Cllaton aa and Had-

MiartfaM *iila*ay at ua to fat** J M aa, n a farry a l l i a fl w tr Ktr- ft, i l i lH . tl-

Real Estate Owners In Essex G>unty

n la * t ln r ,p * f l i o f A o S l i to . m o ta k in g g ra v # ch aacM

wh«n, A ro u g li o v a re o n ld ta e * or n tg lo e t, A o j fa ll to

havB tk a t itle a to th a lr p ro perty Inau rad a g i l a a t low

a r it ln g th ro u g h A « tuddoo dltoovofy o f uno ttip o c ted

and in v a lid a tin g fltw a. W hile yon th in k o f f t , m a k e It

a po in t to a t once p ro tec t your p ro p e rty a n d th e In te re s ta

of your heira by h a v lo g y o u r title g tta ra n te e d by th e

T itle Departmentof the

Ficklity Trust Company

“A T D O N A L D ’S ”Don't’ Fifl to Soo 8 M a l No. 93, on Sole

Itiiinday. Priaoj and Saturday



and Cheerful

"The moat manifest sign of wisdom Is s continual cbMr- fulncis


Prudential Building, Newark, N. J.M o n e y to L o an on B ond a n d M o ilg eg e

rk « a ••“ ,1 M II ft • tr llwwUu• • Vlaotol I■M B*airhmldt (•hcritf) ta rtfleetilh l O * L AM . . ■ N Mh d l i t II • 1 tT line*, li.soo , _

A DuauU to M m ■ Brown, kv i t s fl # tr OrAfton or.

T he to n ic e ffec t p ro d u ced by the r i t i o n i l d r in k in g of B iU tn tio e 's A les o r B eers e n co u ra g es a g e n ia l fram e of mind, and enable* folk* lo td d r t i i (be dally u*k with a clear brain and a wiao (udg- mant.

Mahogany library TableW ith G ae o r E le c tr ic L a m p C o m p le te

,■ A MarlAasn ku* to Jo k " • . a a CUflM •» i l l n B f» oraftoa

lalM . II.• BwektaM M M to UMIan

Ir • MulhwrTr at a cor land A Utsi, _*M . I t . ^ .

B 0*1 awl kua to HrortaUa - prwparty. St.

B o r XBWARK. maw !• rr*B*ftrfc W Haft- OrMwa, n a A ryrit *v ISa ft at, iTitTS. It. ^ Maao* (a Orara A Clark

__. ■ a Baraatu taa *» M l ft wX'’BMS3!S(rkw. t M T , lo Aotoo

la *4 a l, trvinalon. a a cw I Avon av. soaloo, lAaaa.

_ Lawl Co lo kKchala Boollo,. n a Wllaan at I I I tl w |v Or.

*^Ura&M aaar *t al. aw. U _WfcoWMii BloumfloM. a a av M a w oar A SihllltHf’a

7, an l otiaa* trM t, |U,s**.

—a c M w m ’irTror.^llaU S, II.


|k ,

MoimAQRaVht IWkrwkiB H iTWstaa war* fttoB;


Use Your Whole House this WinterT^ONT let cold weather

IffMwaiB Q litfi , a w oar c fa l

BiM to H rn an Roaan- bM lladBau II •* <

t^ W bbi a); u* to Bawt End B *■t II* t t w Ir rnyupon at,

Hlftvr, lamatjj W^witeklMSS.

,._j ckM im tt ot wb So Baal BwB11 TlBcaM St M n S fr BsrstK


I RjnH at w !• K h ^ B Wsm ' a Bunsat at l.lH'n s tr ■ Or* SIMM,

at BE Is IHim BbvI t Bu m aat A* SS4 a s » trvoB llaM hos at lU to Sar- ■, « a OantrAl av ITS ft w

Sf.SH.Waliiw at w }* BAsraat 0 , a a Wavorlf pi W ft o trMr*

I Ir A*«A av,

M Btsoeker and bus to Bl>* ’*t£U* *********

lock you up in one room. A Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater will bring glowing warmth and cheer to every room of the hous& With the Perfection Heater near, you can dress In comfort, clean in comfort, set the table in comfort, and live in comfort generally.The P e rfe c tio n g iv es 10 h o u rs of g lo w in g w a rm th on o n e g a llo n o f o il C le a n — q u ic k — c o n v e n ie n t

The w isdom o f c o u n tle ss isn a rs llen i 1* cry italiied InIhs I t lection of malt bevtratea for the refreahment and in*

* 14,75vl(oritlon of induairiou* man. A |la*i or two of Baltantlne’* I* sn sifscilve atimulu* to sf- tort and achiavemenii a guard ■lalnat th* peaalmiam that re­tard* ambition. It brl|litsn* and cner|iae*.

$ 1 .0 0 C ash

The Table5 0 c a W e ek

Try ■ draught of these wholaaomo snd cntoyable braws. “G*i ih* Threc-RIni Trade-Mark.” Sparkles with Quality, Savors of Flavor.

is exactly as illustrated —a colonial design th a t will harm onize perfectly in nearly any room. It has a 24x36-inch top, heavy colonial legs and broad lower shelf for books or magazines.

The Art Lampis extremely sftrsetive — hss large leaded glass dome shide in ftney design—ind is fitted for electricity (with cord), or for gss (with tub­ing) AS desired—a limp thst you ire sure to admire and offO that adds the finishing touch to this Attractive teble.

Order a case from your dttlsr or irocer, or teltpbonsdttisr or irocer, or teitpnons Mirkst 1751, or drop • poital ts


10 Floors of Home

Fumishingi ill ihown

under one roof

Efty Terms to AU

ii L A f»t,rsT r .x C L U S i . LL uA nFf-T HOUS' Mf WAHK'

8 9 -9 1 M etrket S tr e e t

WeFurnish 3 Rooms' Complete for $105; $10 Cash,

$1,50 a Week

U tt Atoddin Sicuriw Oil ti Lampe

Ofl to obtain beet and Heatofti,

NwwBTk. N. J .

retults in Oil Stovee,S T A N D A R D OIL C O M P A N Y

N e w J a n t r


N e w a r k(Now laner)

MrraTOB o r n b w a r k .m OArtiea aoB kaa aeB oeie THUTr w Moaiclato m LaataA<a■ fl A tv » s f * Pei»»kiiSi»B.

A rsarfe and kw* I* MoaUlair M n etw r. <BM HAvrUoa kv

Look for the Tri­angle Trademark.In many styles and sixes at hardware and geoend stocee everywhere.


Get Dr. Edwards' Oliva Tablets

tOiaiie«'7 B-SlAIiiiR A irr* SAix-tn ’*'3lUbl M m . SulUIjis *mIjJl* AmmUIU*. • MnvUluiit..nd An ,*, r. lO. rr(M.lch» S«bnl.. *tH. U.. fK *»U el eierlSMM

•* IB. •*«*« ereiM ef twriI* I Rull « •»* (« <*1«III wiVllo V.IM1IM. •< ‘b. eeeH "t»trli. on T«i*»r. tb. »>"i» **»e< N.»m.■ ‘ jj,, all ----- —-

SHERIFFS SJUJSin*iw.rr B-K* 1aHEHirr* *al* - u . i m. w

lm*v—BatvM Stni b.iwn Aunaia* . b4 Lmi, AmhUUm *t ibe W*i. o( Nrw Jwwf. conMUani. *B() CoaertU Aliwle, « d.IwUuiu. Fl (A. ttr MM t l premtoM. jty virtu* e< IH* •b*'* eiiled writ

ictoa. i* B*e 4!r*ci*d. I ehall **rMe

SHERIFF’S SALES[irMnr.rT »-*>*■ 1

■HERISri BALB-U ClMOcWV e*J*rMy-B.iwMii Nlchel*. *1 ?'

:m, MlBpMlMnt. M* R»«.l.t.ndani* r i U . *» •••• " nii>rli«|.S

i»r B.H. el ■»*uin « **rr.l. t l UlU »B*

Mswatlpa i3!*It.„ B Nk« •( OB l» rw itt Kail i Otaaf*, a ■ rvaaklla at III fl ' - 1 at, W.IM.

Th*l to th t of ihoHMiide llaoeDr. Bdwerdi prfHlar** OUv* Tsbiete, u*

av*. |*,s« *1 BA Iw MiBiU.

w«a • ss r Jadan|W C^rtiowakl •! us |0 Park B

aM. a a BlnontflalB av a wBebtllllif'i taiiB, and athar

IO xmaBarSVeBartr,

; Cs, Blawa-H Myava te Trust Ca at Or-

a w s Kim at ITS tt a 1

’ St

av • t.lH . oyiui St US to Jsbii Barafla

w a Waat M Y ti i t a tr UoBl- lUM.

C WllUama lo Arthur O Hlral, J D Lvanr land w a

ll«a.Caa*),a ror

^eMdris Hkwiaar'i

Xsmat I

La*nfMl, f*V«- ,H tiarnmnn At UE to Barak

Oransa, a a Olnton at cor F C r'a land. 1110.

_ F O'Rnurk* to Ballabla B B I, e Oratiaa, a a lUioda laland av T| ft B w Ir (A at. tl.TM.

Qaaar It Frahom n u i to BtUaMa* A 1. Irvlnslnn, w a Nawtan al ITI ft B # N H Bard land, II.M I.

B trtflid. I. Baarh and hu. to N J F|. daiHr 4 Plat, niawi Ina t'u, RallavlUa, w a Washlnstim av SI ft n fr Van Itaaa- iStaar a t li.aio.

ro N T R A rre .F milar, ownar, I I McHiMaln

av. Oraaca, with Fradatirk M I tor allaratloa wotfc, IM li): w jSow.r, archliapt.

Jttaasatb R Marah. nwnai, t l Anhiay Mm, Montnialr. with Fklward r O'Nall) fn, an work, IM li : II If FUlier. aiihUri-t.

Ataxtadar H Flab, ownar. I t and II Qaaoa at. frvlnalan, with DavM Krartaaf W all work, t t . l le : Frank Oiad. archl-

Py T T ▼ $

iSketUul* tor eolomoi Dr. JCilbFSrdo, o pr«ctlrlnc pSyeleton for

If yetir*. end s cslomor* old itme eneniy, dtoeovtrod the formui* for Olivo Tobteio Wklt* (rooting settonu for rhronle ronotlM* lien nod t•r^ld liver*.

Dp. $d««rd*' Oilvo Toblote (1* not con* Uin fslovsol. Out 0 h*oUnr. •oothlng vofois* HI* toootlv*.

No irlsmt to th* "keynote" of th*** lluto oufOf‘COnUd. oUv«>rolor**i tobloio, Tkor fiHitot the Howell end liver to «et neOMlIra Thoy never force them to nnnotumi net ton.

tf you hnv* * "dorli brown month’' itow end! then—n b*4 br**th—* dull, tlro4 fool* In f^ c k hendoch*—torpid liver nn4 nr* tofi*i1pst*d, ytoi'll find nuirk, euro ond only g'tsrtn* r**ulte from on* or two Utllo Df# fidwnrdo' Olivo T*blota *| bedllm*.

Thouonnd* tok* on* or two ivory nlfbl luol (0 k**p rlghi. Try them. Itc nnd lie por box. All druifirt*'

Th* Qltv* Tnblet Compeny, CnlnmHao, O.'— Adv*rtl*cmrni,

fit unto, iftog sM b*in-f in the oltyBaorx Couniy. New Jvroey.firm Trial —Itoglnninl •* th* rom*f f*rmrdby IM lwof**ettoii *1 Ih* wemerjy lino *JWlnnns *v*»ti* with iho Kioe mrooi; thenoo rupning oonhocly ntongrt.” lM Wlaaaa avaaua '*«•

b, public v.Bdu.. tl Ik. coun kbin N.vark, on TuMdar, Iha alnib lav at N' bar aa»t. ai i»a .'.look F. X.. all Iratia a»

la N.«an-

aamM of Mnl an! pranlaM Mluaia. Irin* an* biiDi la Ika ««» al Ntaark, Etaat Oniair.’ ririi*Tntct-Bat<Ba1n* la tk. aartbarlr 'l“* al tMlaan., Btraat ai a poial ’k.r.ln diww

tb.Ma wMiMiy tl rifbi '•triaui Blaair-(lvi ItM MskI •n'kM ""T * I.M la iht rta. Mat el ibt I»«r ptrli Ilita« HVlkarlr sara''*‘ Wlnnn* •vonu* tw«n*y-Avo fool to *ito own- •tiT lla. t l KIm> .traM: ia«,e. Mfi.rl, tlo ^ lb. tama aitirtr-nva Ittt aiahi iiKbM le tba coraar t l Wlatai av n u . aad a<ac> of ka-tlnalaa 4.MaBai.a M Ml No. *>Balaa kiieara an* aMfiaaiM m m ho. w block K M mas of *ba Bair Vl.w vrapartr and baia* tka Mma praiaUa. »o«rMtb. Itia tartr ef tke flrM far'.kr .FTr rMIt F.laar (iintM) bp dead Salll»a, and



irhOTscrry $-111](IALK In <rh*rft}«ry of Now

ilefrino Ffllecehto. ooin-ninlnniiUt. Fl- fs., fsr *•>« of miTTfcnfod premUof- ^By sinue ol the obovo *to(»d writ <4 fieri

„ ___ ^l*d Moreh 19,..., racofdtd lo Ik. r.*Ml.r'. ef(lM t l

E.wt CaM.iv l a kaak e *» or «..da lar Mid ceuitlv, mot It. .14- , . , .iMDBd V^t-SaflnnlB* at a solat leroiad hr tka tolaratcium ef ika waMarly Me. «< Wlaaa* avaauf. dletaat iwaatr-Bv. law tram Ih. camw at the Mate aad XlSe ibMin Bonli.tlv Blent th. Ita. e( WlBaa. orenuo, iwonty-flv* fo*t, om Inch m<^ *r liM th e « wMiMlp a* rl^ l tailaa la lUMn.« alaetr-flv. iMt oae lath awta w iMi: th.aa. awtibMlv a»rlv saralMt with tiaaiK. twaBiv-n*. fte* *• 'k* aortlurlv lln. of let No « . thaaca Meterlp ateai th. moh ntiwv-bv. fM< *»*bl UMkM mvr.w he. te Ik. lla. of Wtntat aad pitr. t l b.

IMb« the Mm. oiwolMB cm itjtt te Ih. ■■ ^ hrtt sort top Warp aekoM

nliutp-Mlki tad ihlrtp-reur haadrtdika feat vaalwlp from tka laWrMcilon »f f*™ aeribarlp lla. ef tMlaineV eirMt with 1

dc(er>dnntApremlioe-By vtriiM of tko n*»vo smtod writ fl*rj fnetoo, to mo dtfocied, I ohoH oxpooe f*t mto by public vendue, ni ih* w»ri N.aaik. on Tiwedap. lb. >uath de, el ker n.11. at two ocleck P. X , ®.

C xal of land ta l sr«nleM tlt>M'.. “ I Di la the loaa of B.ll.vtll. tod cMr. of Ntwar*. Embi Ctantp. N.w JtrttT^

Fliat Ttaai-BiMaalai « a If,!;' iMMlp Mat t l WM«r a.taut. ditunt aenkfhllrip Lt’ karaM 'klr»i-*(*k/_“ln_“i** _wt

noribofiy line w. ........... .wooiariy Him of Adnino ouooi, itofig iko Hno ol Ltotonooy oirooi flrfy (hone* nofUMrly ot right tnsto* with D*l*My •(root ont httiKtrtd foot, thene* o*otorly oltol wiu Dotonrey otrooi fifty fool to Ih# roAr Mu* Of tou BOW or fecmorly frpoilng Adnme Urm i, thme* eoylherly ntong tk*t Jlne •I rlfhl nngif* to Dotoneoy *irro« <»• drtd f**i to the bloc* of heginnlng- Itoing knewo t l Noa. I<» ind KM IMMacp «r«t, ■acand Tran - Baainnini la tb. northtrip llaa of ntlaac.p itr«i tl t pelat thw.lndletttt oat kuadrad and fortv-alski and iklrtp leer huadfodihi (mi »Mi«-1p from ikt Ini.^ Mellon of tkt Mid nortkarlp llna of Daltnoapttiaat arlih Ika atatcrlp lint of Adama Rraat tbtnet -Mliflp aMni Ik. Ita. of D.laaM» «ra.t flfip fMt. Uim. noMkMlp al rl*ki aaflM with ItalaOMT etrMt ooa huadtad f«t.

Bln. huadtad aad aoa fMt from th. Im»r- MctloB of the eeetwip line of HMver A'.- nue »lib the neffh*rlp Mae ef Newark b. m nu*; aad runnla* 111 Moih derM. i*.aip-«>™ inlnutM m* tw* hundr^ tad thirtp-ihiao fMl tad ftrip eot-kundradibt M a Im to Ik. lilt ef load k.loadla* la iiM Hiatt tf aanuel Ktrli Ikaora (» akns hia Mb. north ikIrtp.fiM desnoa lw.oip-lhrM minute* on*t one hundvod n*4 twoiiiy-f*v* f*el and alnMp eaa-han4r«llha of a loot to tba norih-Mt romar al Hid Karl'i land, thaoca III m tk flfip-alB. dagiaH flflp Mtbt mta- utM H« alaat llM aorthanp iln. of HitKorl'o tonda hundrod nad Uilrty-olfbt(V * c*nwri tltonoo <41 north forty-thr*o do- fiwoo Uarty-OOTMi mtouioi «*>td ofio Hundred •nd •ixty-fls foei: ikonoo In (h* directlM norm ferlT'thr** dogr*** Ihlrty-

“ 0 feeoeven mlnutof o**t •*venl**flvo f#*t W • «**• Umbo* Idf nortk rfny nlno d*gr*os m*

i*ld b*rU*o df Uie llPOt Hy Wnnr i*hnJo twldowi by do«d dnt#d Febrwnry IS,

(henco *Mi*rly pnr*ii*l with D o l ^ y o im i fifty f**t; thonre otni^herly * i rlyhi n n g l^ n itn Oototicoy itrevi ono hondrtd f«*t to tn*Mint nnd pikt* of Wfinning. B*ln* known— - * •“ ^tl«n* Nos, M npd lAQ Deinnewy ttroet Third Trnet-'Beiinnlni in the northerly Uno of Dotoncoy *ire*t nt n point (hrr*ln dimsBt on* hundred snd nln*ty-«l9hi nnd IHlrly-fouv hundmdth* f**t we««erly from (hr lnUr**ctlon of the nnld lurtherly lln* of Delnt»e*y mr**t nlth (h* ivrsf*r(y Hn* of Ad«mr mr**t, iheiMr ^Balprly niong the lln* of l>etone*V *tm*t fifty (red (hens* i»orther1y nt right nogle# wUh DdlSBVoy *tp#*( wM hundred l••ti «**t«r1y psmllel wl»b ttotonrey wir**x fWy

• nd recorded in ih* reutoisr'* offlco of 5**ni- ‘ ■ of 4**ds for tnld county. TUI* iFSct botng slmdyroutity In hook D M

^bto*1*To m*rtg*iwl S |^**tlng |4.IW0<». ihe earn* being given ** caHsi*t*l **<’UTMy for

feet: theftre Bouiherly St rlgbl nbgton lb D*- innety *lre*( one hundred f**t io lb*, _____ ... .. . pine* mtWgiBtiing. B*lftg known *• Ned* M nnd S®UftoBcty wr**i

p lPWCTIpW, flflfSetoe. (• m* dlrectFA 1 *hnll eip*** f*r into by publio vesdiK-. ni the rc»iin hdoae Int ewnrk. on Tuewlny. (he ninih dny of Novka- IT Tapir ni iwo o'eiock p. Id., *11 thnt tmet or*rnel ftf tond end premia** «iiun(e. lying and

In (b* city of Newark. StMi Counry.

iBdtpli Usetm. owntr. High at. XuUey ^UH 4dhn UiiU-'h ftir sU work. $LTQ0; CgftIniMl J Van Wlnkto. nr<7hl(*ct.

Odflnjd* L fltdrih. uwher. g7-i» Wnxlt* tolfton gv, DnIUvMU, wUlt Armxtrongt HPI Codfirut'tiun f*p for *11 work, 14.314.

Odnogro flMldsvId*, (»wn*r, 10 Monros Mt Idoktclilr, with Nkols Skursnsn fai Wtrfglton work, tbeh

||S«kion Chemivsl Co, owner, thh citytHn Dnvld Hsnry Bulldthg i'n for

§ll work Oft furiiAc* huMdlng,Cwl'fSHhX JTwtftf

_____ 114.311;• Tsvlor. srrhileci. ikisn (Th«ml«sl To. on par, thll nU)'

SMOKF.l.l’iSjSjniili m ' M ’KRS

tlM liavtd Hanrp Building Co fnr■ .............. all.llf;w ai^jia chambar bullMlni


. , Taylnr, arrhlttct Cwaria* F Woalpar, uwn.r, U t Mam-

p F f St, Ihhi cHf , with Mcsla rannuMii Sir Biason work. MtV; CtiaHaa K Weal- Bar aiwkllatt.^TlMaAor* Ft*la*kma)iR, ownar, ITI

al. thli cHp . with IOIwir4 M Inr. for all arnrh, Jar-A Uumeah. arehltaeta.

OBltn Dupe, ownar. It* L’Mar SB Bv, HonUTitir. with wtlllan

tar wirlki work. | ] | t ; withr * $ h tt t tr pslntlna work, aast; Out

I f Van ‘ ‘---- ‘_ Aniwdrp, arrkllacf.F HeCoanail, awiMr, I FalrftaU *1,

wHh w V A*h for wtrlR| Du4le> B Van Anlwarp, ar-

Athlete Praises Duffy’s

. T s a r r m DMA b b a l bsta tw .KCABNy cONVKTArfcin.

Motfvit at ua to joaashlna * Briskton av 14V tt n fr lUinl, II.

____ _ A MotraU to Karp J Mof./ ** *** ft n fr Halataa


I.V*, Char’)** W Mo4 MafKt. w *IW«*4 «!. 11*1 /staBhIn* A !

Karp A and Altanio T Bnllh to aal--* — - - - „ MilE ra nt Fota, afusm aiK ts aatl w aM I I f t n IT M tham at, tlxiav, tm

KKAeKT MOKTOAM. B * IB*r**n av.


Raad what DbI f’* did fsr Mr. JamssKHrsFi

First Trt^~D«gtnntng In th* w«at«rly lin*

Jr PISSM *1r*«( St th* nortb***lerly corner *f 6hi i. psr«y'i lend, ihenc* nonk tontyHi degre** (Slrty minute* i«e*( •ighiy-nv* t**f: ihvB** north twenty thre* degfeat •*•( atowg Ih* BdMtevlp Itoe *f' i*to *(tuei« *« CMHurtn*

SLTMl, 9wn*d by Albert Terh«M. Wllltoto TarhuM snd Wllltom June*, trvtrslly, MVfnly* p«* f**( BlSre ar leae to the touthtrly line •( Isiwss Ttrhun*. thenr» sloni ht* llii* south

Ika paymaai if Ika afarHalS • IB.f«.Nawark. N. J.... OclakM IHk. I*l»RALFH a. SCHMIDT. ab.rl(t. Adanf I. AcaMack. tol'r. lltl.aai

[Cl------ , .tMBaiFFB BAtB-la Chaaerp of Now J.ra.p-SMWHn <lMr*. C. Kakl«nan,

camplalaaiit, aaS WIINam JaniM E.blaa .1 al., ditaaSabU. Fl. (a , for aal. vf martfatM■ Bp vtrla. af tka ahov. aiat.4 writ of n«l (uLi. u BH dmataS. I abaM MMM. Iw aal*

plMpanm f.frcH mm .l■h,p-nr» Ini to Mis lln. of Flan. Miaiti ikon., aloha h MMao *f Plaaa .trMt Muth Iwanlp lkm 4m f ,n a wMt Balr-*!|kl (mi amra ar iM. to tb. bMlaalni.tlOundWI wulb.rlp bp Joka 8. Darep. watt- arlp kv Ml4 lot. on Caibarlaa iirMi. nariharip bp Jataaa Tarkuha aaU aatlarlp hp Fla*.**laMo4 Traot—Saflaatas at Jamaa Tarkuaa't caraaf of th. MU aid. of Caihuln. Uimi; tb«c. aloBf hi. MB. Hulh Ilitp-Bla . . . tm.

a,T.ntp-flT. lift: tb«|c. .ooib twuilp Ibra. Sasr.M Nrtp-ftva mlnaiH whI twiatp


"l4idl w in l.r I had itam ach IroukU rn bad that all I couM .a t wa« milk lo an lor two monfk. a lra ish t. I lrt*i| all klnda of luadlclnaa and lb«y all fall.d lo do m . any «ood. I went to MV.ral doctor., bul to t no r**ult.. un- III I wa* adriaad to sa t a dollar bottih of Duffy'a Fura Mall W hl.k.y- Attar Uflns onn boUI. 1 founi sraat rollaf and so t aa t could ta t a haarly meal of maaL sotalo**. brhad and taa, and now, balltv* ma, I would not b* without a bottl* of buFy'a In tka kouaa. kinca uirint II I iiwv* BAlavd many pound* Bofor* 1 waickad but I t l sounda and lodAF I watsh I tf . am itro n s a . a bull and da a hard day'a aravk. 1 want is any ikai I aw* all m r thank* to DuFy*a Fwr. Walt Wklakay, and want tk* wurtd Id knaw wkat It kaa dona far a if~ ll '* a wondarful siadioln*.''— iBlsnad) Jatpaa J. Kllrair, I l i l Larra- bf* S i. Chlca«a. III.

Putty’s Pure Malt Whiskey

four iMi: thaaa* aarth al.lp-hlt d.frtH WHi M''*alv-Sv. fatf *0. lack u tforHald ihaac* (IMS tka MBia aHib iwuiyfHr A- acM. Hat iwaaty-four fMt lo lb. bMlanlag.

N.wark, N. J., Oattttr tlU. 1*11,nAL,rU I). SCHHtDT. SkMltf.

Oahora. A A.II.P, Sol'ra. in .atj

by puhllo *«4u*. at tk. court kouM la N.wark, 0* ToMday, ,tk« aMiib 4»y of . tytm-bar a»i. at two a'otack p. X . all liaoi orKfMi ol laad tad pramiHa Uniat*, lyl.a aad

int la ilio cMr of Ntwark. Bhcii Couniy.M.w JtTtty.DcUnnlTif In tk* nonlurlp Un. H Coiits. UiMt at a pUai tbufla diuuii two fcuudrad and rtpp-aa. fMl *l*kl IpekM MUvIr fnai th. nutMUMly aamaa tt th* ■*•. and Nul- harry UrMi: from tbw« rtuialaa im gI'MUn almi Hu(k flfty-Hv.n d.traM mu iw.niy-lout tan two InohM, tb«i» nock IbIriy-tbrM dusaM taU Uaty-on* fMt 1. Oia Mutkwl, taad t l the WUwly wall of th. Hal rtuMti thaao* mrth flf<p.Hv« dicnH WMt tl*. Nu two laabMi ihmc. north ihlrty- ibrM 4«ar*H MU and nutnini tbtautb tb. caiw of th. wall dlvMlnt tb. iw. do.) vault, and brKk kauMB, Iha aa. tlandlns tm uw

R«lna Ik. Mm. namllM «*«y.4 I* Ika Mid Caatuia Rlanw kp Uaiaa Bulld^ andiMin AMocialton nf Ik. cliy of N.wark. Now )trttr, by d«d dai*d Fabruary !«. »H. and rKordUi Maroh A IMA la tb* r*fW*r'a offH* of Ih* raaair of Baa*, la kaok F-M of dMda pafM lOT Ica.Nawtrti. N. J.. Octokw Utb, 1*1*RALFH M. nCIIXIDT. ihwiff.

CaUralro ■oopp.rtoa., SUT.(Chancuy B--l**.|

fHBSIFFt iALK--la Ckaaowp af Haw Jara.y~natwa*a John Bwk.r. coauiXliiBBt, tad Fairchild Baidwta Coaiiaor. .i »H- dafiodaBia. Ft. (a., lor Ml. at awrisasid

Bilnuia waat two bundcid aad nlaup-flva ImI to a oarnar; ibanca 111 north larty-iwa it - fMM (our HlnutM HU two kundrM and tblrty-tli fMt to a conwr; ih«c. (di amh ■*l*ht d.rrHB fony-ftr. mlnutaa WMt Mvaniy fMt and fifty oiw-hundradth# of a fooc ■It a cora«i ibatM t*l aortk UxtM d if r ^ tbirtp mlnniM HU lortyaUia fay •"* ""T oe.-haadmdth* of a foci to tho Mulb.rly Mna .1 land el ib. Morria Caaal: tbania llOi aloas Ih. MOM aauih NvuMy-.iaht dairara .i.hiMn mlautM WMt. IW* kuBdrrd and atxty- aavM (mi and aliiy-on# oaa'hundrMih* of a loot to aa an«lt; tktnca 111) ulll alonf lb* Mm* Botih aiahtyflv. diaraM fortyiwa mln- utH WMt on* bundrM and iblriy Im'I thMioa (Id) mil Blond tka Mm. aautb Uahlp- ala* 4atr.>ca .lykiHb mlautM wmi nlnaiy- four iMi to Mid HUMly llai of WMvar ava- n«:* (1*) akHif ih« Hat* aouib Ihiriy Itr. dcaraH thlrtyrldbi mlnuiM weal, two bun-dnd and Uatp-iwo ImI and fifty on*-bun tlrodtha of a foot to tb. plac of brslanlna.

[Ip virtu* af Ika ako** Ualad writ t l fMaclai, totarrai. to m. dlrMt«l. I ahall tapaaa for Ml*

by public vandua. al Ih. court houH . In Nawtrk. on TuHday, tb. ainih day of Novom- ku, at two o'clock F. X„ all traol or ntml tf Xnd aad pranilaM (MnalA lylni tad bUnd la th. cMy of Nnark. BN*U Cuuicy, Nu* Juaut. ,Baftnalns •> tk. northaa.tuIy caraav af pHrl urMi and Wuhinatnn Uiaati lhaao. alona tiM MUarly Mo. of Waaklaftan Btraat

Blind kptl No*. fl. Id and0* tb. map af tk* aatu. of Ann. Baldwin, BloMafUU. N. J.. turc.yM by p. W. Ciapa, aurveyor, Xarrh Id. IWd.

IlKoad Trari-Saalnalni an Iba aoribwMa atdt of Hairlaso urMi al th. aortkw#* cor­nu of a lot H*w O f fomuly ownod by An- draw tlolan; ih«io. Ill along *14. af M[d lof north fnclyaovan dagr**# and thirty mlautM WMt onr kuadrod aad foriy-lwn fMt ta tka MUarly llaa of ih. third tract dy arrIbM: Ibanca IV) along tb. Mn» iwik forly-lwo d.arMa and thirty inInuiH mat ana huadtad and (irtyihrM fau Ui mebra; Ibanca tli utulh tony-aavaa d«raaa thirty atInutM MU one hundiad aad forty-two fMt IO Hid anrihwaU aide of Harrlum itrMt; and thane* (tl iloaa tb* Haw aoutb (arfy twa ' daprcM and thirty miauiaa wru an* kandrad and (Kly fart ala IncbM la the point ar pla^of haclnataf. on acra.

CHlatntaa fifty huadradtbaThird Tracl-oSiflanlaf i t th* aouthHUarl*

cortwr af tka Jm ***« aaMrlhad aa tb* aacond

aorlh tw»aty-two dHr*M thirty mlauiM HU*IShiy-flv. fHt Bln* Incbaa la naviharly Mat

tract; and mhtn* thne. UI north forty-ihiao daaroH *a«t kidaa >ko rtar Mm *( a.14

iChaacary S-3kf.) aHEmyr * *AI.B-ln Chaocry of Ma* ttr- My- Brtwaan Sauual C. Baldwin, caaplan- 1*1. tad HuffieaB-I>outtan A Coananp, at u., dafuiidaBia Fl. It-, far h i* of uartfafaS laraaila*..Ry. vtrta* af Ih* nkqy* Ualad wift at fltrl facial, t* Bi* dlnciul, I (hall aipoi* for h I* by i.ubtlc vaadur, at tba Court ¥Nawafk. 0* Tuaadtr. Iha iwntp-MailOciolwf na). *1 I a cmk P. K.. i "


or Hi* H* I*obu nal. *1 I a'cink P. X.. all that frail parcl ol Had and priMlHi aiuai*. fylaf I krtni la Iha uty of Mawaik, fHaa Maip,raw J ---

thcnci I aanli

___ IW* ihXia*lot famtriy iht Ik* **u ___ihaaaftnu

‘T'ilV’W T l lvrMi tw«n(y’f(?ut■entb tvsniMlIFM m ( to vto^QS Heeiitr'i iOfiOFt thSM (9 llii« AoFtH sJto tiirtewstofli hli Un<m'lfn,. «M fiibiy-Bla. (art and aav.a loHph iayar a Ml ~twaWp-two ...i ikaaH IB aloa*d .r ,> f r h « r i s r t a ;

Ijata J tfuia pwikar boroarjil fht~*f<i^a*tJJ

fony-JHuMakMta* HU alMf'y'NM tka ku

____________ -h,'tafiaarly of Ckrtuopbar Rarkalow, a*a tk.l*''* af Bank twMtv-iw* d.lnai___ ... ---- -----111 aouih aiaty-fl(bt dttrHa

tastlld all' .

fop a lj^M ihladi, wtildti makat Ih*B4. whl«|i nuka* lh»**l^*lMl V®u'*t X**S* tk* younlt itypng>ua Tau. taw, ran

”(8t Doffy'i «hI Keep W ell"Bol« la V O 'm K OMLT BswsfB »* IwHatlsaa

tnuuMurp B-asd.i•HEIUjrFa M p s - la rhanouT at Maw Jtr-M«—BifwaH Fradvrlck rracinui, «t ala,s3 S2‘‘pt’V ’“”^ ■■far MU

premUM h*v»hf *a**Tlh*d tn* ik* uk*r •* tka pr«nl*M adloInlM on tk* mU, tXrtyal* tau; ihaiH* north flftyaavm d**nM waattwHtp-alaa faUi thaiut aouih ihlriy.ibrH da- irfM WMI iwHl|r-tbr** tact, IhinH aautk flSp.M*H <*H*H **M fiv. (art taa aad ***• halt InahH; lhaao* aauth Iwalva datraM aaU

laat tkrM laokH w tk* aautkwaat MmtroTiba brick houH *•« Bt*ndln* n tk* Hatn> Ilia huuky daHrtkad; (kne. alao« lb* frant at lb* MUH Hulk nlly-aavH da«raH .1*1 aa* leu ant and *n*-h*lt laokM; th n n m ih ikInp-thrH dasraH wau aavnlpHm* lau laIh* *>*<• •* ailFMla* .ttaukar with a oartala rt*hi of way to paaa and ri,*M ovar aad sctm* m niuah at th* adXMns praenttH htrUaalur dMerthad. an Uw waat *« Mm Statp-awa f«t aarth from tk* airtb Mn* of cut*** urMi, aad Bur BU WHi at tk* laat SHarltad Haa- Mm uw>nt*H hanky <tn«iM Xtall k* **td la aanwHW ** * i>*ans*w*r KmT bp Hi* ■ ... - ‘ 1*awMf of Ik* Hid adMnin* land an* lb*nvijar t l Ik* akav* daauitaad prtmiaHlliwarii. K J.. priak" nik, l•t^tu ix J. Start.

Orttlwr llAi#H B. wa. Sat'r.


of 0 fram. buMdla* Haadllif H I! harahv daaorlhadi ihrnca at fiHt anilH le WuhlaitH

It kli

dliif H Ik* prw HUnlir aland

agtH atrau tklrt

ut to laada af or teraarly at Staiuai A Said-win. ihuMt in Bank flflp-ain* daaraH.a'Ml

fS#t eiene mcciwi laaviPEv upew i# ■ennwparip aldo t l a rnuat att.aalH al tka Hid tranw huMdlBf iWftf-SBa lHk| thi*« auith alUr-t«« doMiM lartp atlaaM adU ihirtp-tkm fMt, t.n inabM I* Mukwaalaftp

_______ ___ rtpHBIn. inchM; tbum HMarIp aMap aortb-

huadrrti tad ualp-an* (Mt i* th. lands af Simii^ S. BaMwtn; .IkuM* (t) taatb forip-ea. di«r*M tad fortp-tlv* lalnatH WHi at a^ a t iaadt by th*~ latartactian tt a eoa- inaaltm at Iha tntkwaanriy Ma* af th* firuinaattM i_____________IHrt atwr. dHwn.d! ib**H tf) to tb* pUn

of bHlSBlas; h M tuiihwartorly tin* huaa aoornM «t (bo brick balldtaf aftadlnf H tki.......................... di Umwt Mulb iMkip'

H MU alaaf aortkor. u aid* of tfoivHld krtUiJWldiM S** ' dnd taM U(bt. and *a*-half InchM: I

M*ffllaH hereby doacrikul tar. dtfrHt forty mlnutaa

aid* of tloivHld krtohawilb twrniy a.v.0 dHVM tlftf-fuar wlautat WMI .tskip-luir fMl atata aae ibraa-lMitte InchM to nartharly Us* i t PHll MtaU. h W polat dUtaat on* btMiiad *ad «H |Mt f uly frowi northwHUrif m att tt Paart _ ItalHy nrauai Ibanca aims nartharlp Mm H Paart auvu north atatp-thn* diBrai* Btty- ttv* ailautH wau ana Nairad *M Bnur-faiir (cU tw* IncbH t* th* IHH t l htdtaninf Bftnc th. H m piawtaH canvff'** ta

U8 BlWBtfw ntrt k*i* -W- A— ------ - i - a . * a - - . -----

Hid Fairchild BaXwth fHaMar. ft s.ckH and wif* hr daad af a ji hu*wUk._ Biorii*s* Was ftwM B sayw

avon dal* ___________ a MSwta

luaipany » Th. Prudaaiui tataraa.i Cun-

K’bai'.cuy H-Sia.] aftHRipra m als-Ib c h a u w of k*w

Jsf**y-U*IWH* Tk. Sanfk Pirk SuMdlSf tad (Aar AHaUsttaa at Ika dtp at k .w t£ coai*lai*a*i, aad Ktraiaa Jahawi u ti., dafandaiBla F t (*.. Bv H k t i n an iasii

inp .» — ---------Hay at Atuarlca. » Mem Jtm O H M aunt af aanatata Ihauatad a a t l^

.Vtwarh. » . J . pciabit ___ _SAI-PII X.

ridMthy B. Uualat. S*>'r. Ilia an

’Tw rtrtu* of tk* nkavt aUltd wvU *{ fltrl ftaua t* IM dlaaaftd. 1 akall tasata far mXby pubue vaadu*. t t tk* oaurt htuM laM.wtrh, tm Tuiadap. Iba alath dap f t Nmoh.................- -- - -

,riiV4.'/Stri'xai*ysJ} i!i i*g

bar auiti Of Iw* a'clOdh P. X., *M (rtot . oaroal *f land and sfunltH a ftu ^ Ipiat *ad kcliis In tk* cHp at Bawtrh. Bb*m Canatp. Nur Jartty. '

SwUanInd In tba wauarlir aid* at IPapdalt ------- . .»**•! d^iAM iwa, kandrad

non' ,revcs:

(aSlaa. la DM dlrHltdW anblla vfjduo. at•“ Vajajajr.,ScMtkar .nm. •• I

'MU raiivV, tM Ci_.

n ^ . M ^ c A W „il of laad ah* promlaa* i l tu tain n* fUp at Ki

1tliH$sp Ca. RashsMsp. R. T.y#!a


____ JlfUatswtli (Urri9<Sll

•wgrn, lM»x Omir,. \mris

' . ..................-Hir'iwahif-Mw* fMl't* lu' I Ikuia* in aMap ik* tia* afwji-afM and *s*-fMrtu M-

S kta awilMrlvnfM f

fau*«> «»*

HIMHap at luasartp■Uakardi. aHnatad In th*clip of Ntwark, K. J.i"

tipht aasfMin l iwMty-nva

■ ,iiM_al

^M ftM *H3a'u X ' ___________ __ .wit, hp dtM nLavti* lad lUcHdaC ThM a tartr* a . part f* Ik*

natlni aaitbuiy

niM fau aad tw*«p-fl»a-J- fou: tkihe* MTtkUtt S

r ssSsis i

■H EB trrs s ^ ^ h Now

LoansWnaal.Fl. ta.sw rlHM at Bart

t BH*

, at Mft i ! Bad B e ] Irtai aMu S hip,


at baftnalM: nt* touihwauany Tin* buaa a parfau HiittnBWl*i!l at Ik* nM aeulhwvutrlp Ih U Ik* tanwd laau cHUinUt* half aahn U Ik* ,

acia, H*r* ar hi*.mtk Tnat-SaplBtlai at a hUni in th* tuithanp llaa of Ckinid. atrMi tt a pUnddUSaait Mytkarty Iwa faundrH and flftp-thiw* laaf an* thlny-Una aM-hund^iha of a toot___ fht Mrtkarlp Mn* at au'Mik avnu*)ikUH* vwMlns ahuh Uitp-*M dapruM tarty*. ---- - . -------dnu J

____ . .......:Sdfgd __,aarth tWanty-allhl d.siraH\ flfiaui nilauiH. . . . .. ...................Ikaac* aarth UrtP-aM

I* lainutM wau ta* bundrad (*H at oaialdt uiau tad thUHa alonf

the HpM atfib twouyuisfct dofroH MtaoiAH t tnMnaU* trm IhlKp-twa m t ta tb* SIah

X. t., Ouobar lUb, MIXXAUW B. SCKKIDT, SAartft.

XUbe" iB VtitMA, M r. <HAMI

sHsniprsjtrttf-otiwtm in'" tic., ouaplBSHtt, aa* datmdaniA PI-

s~ std iCktncarp afHHUtrtiHarp m*H Midi,

BUity M alp-.' at mamSB*#

Sr vlrtM at Ik* thwu* HH** « Bela*. I* m dlPHtad. I iBaU aapa hp pukile THdu*. ^ Ih* eaurt htawarb. an TaadMy. tk* UtltHIk Narutbu naU, at fwa FaltUi P.H * * ^ «l Bad *Al s * t^ ~ ' and ktiat Ui ib* ahp Qouaip. Haw JHais.

~ ■ b and

at Rtie-. i r *HS

;1 ilS*lH liMwo hU du lan a tad n a atrltis tap aa *'KlAf FSrto.'' WaanBaS. N- J-. aS

ff rrtauas *• n* atnttaviv uds iW M k^W *M Bf* a n Mtiai

DalaviFata 1


Ira )AfHr. Tl uiion


OroiCnDitliWAV •

ThewowciCkurcwill IIMn. IaacuTli

KmDU* a Club I

Th* firat V Tkit c f lr lt 0 fAIhar atnrllr ■ant tl

The la th* lonon School Jact w

Had Korthi Man'*

whalhi Baptib AS. CtpaAkf apeak M ilton cay , I

Hr* nitn I luncho BtoatltiBocu i: Oclobf Worn* A m n' Hornli U a rr t i lun ch . Mr*, k Hr*. I H H Mr* t L ro n i! Ocorpi hunr. Buck* K d w .r rup. ba rtd

Tw< tcrdi) F o re .i will ( Ins n Mr* I w*y, Uhl*, d ire c t • ir* * t d o ll tl

Th* Kpitco racraai hy the nert K idiot I

Ch*i O. Ch th* gu y. chi

Mr*. SBterU of 1h« horn* twrlv*

Th. PreibpCircl* whllt die U<

Th* vtf Mt. avuila ilray i log wl

A jo And tr t.'horcl follonl

Th* IdniA'i In the t tm t i

Mr*, haa r. day* I man o

Mr. Avenui aojour

Th* Eplaco soon I trice Auxllli Ih* rw

Th* Chrlat burn will b die*' norro "Afrit Hra. Henry Thom:

MitigAV*hoin* r*r, V nailly

Mr* sn itii Bforra

Tk* SlactA dent. Hanr, IIa: tl Thom. Jacob

Pint for U Frida: and 1 will I tk* 1 apart, comm C H) AJlS C iMlBtl FradS Baa, 1 W. Hi Mrs. I

TIm A Hal AVSDil B ldta Avinn

■ -IflWtf’o B taf

JK1tnlMllets. '

m i!* .Marti

a Tl


. iSto■ ' Vfsta

"■ - t*Fla

SSISfmr 1

I o iM t-

?»eH SU’rtHH#'


- Ll SIAMtitai* hs th

. SISfMl tahg' SWIB

*A<. lltk,

i l

;Ti- ' ' 'V ;V ;

fihr r tins

•Isty* of A

if Iho I mitt-

f*ett(iihty*tlMty-r »v#«ih^tiy0 tiijn* •-hun-> fnlitf. ind W Mwlu* Cr»p»,lkw*flN c<tr* T An- lid Mto (Kf In d«<

ivonli ft on« Ittclivi; ikinif

m fo*t d; »nd•ndrod p plifO Itbi

forty*•r. U«td* f wiiol1 lonitt t fbrty- It At ft A eoQ*M n m• ktooft Midi 4 rot(«r»f IftU «BIn ttift

k poind T'tbrot II ftMid

lOMMOl I tortr# tftOMO

IftlWItOft ifto 4o* ■od food 0 Alone nftooft

•IftOA Ol

t KMM M.,

f t flirtMr iM

R Jft ■•MlioorlAlB 9., ftft

TUSSX«lv ItM M m t •M u i •MWn/ MrtiMrir irir >UM M o u )

rtw <»l i f lol|M mH

vofUrlp ■ m Mfti

jMm* if


Kttt a. i» iwOk0 «r. «of Mn. r tre lw l H. «f

IMflVw iimitM aM ta itru W n fl lUv. O .ftfln OaiiM, of tit* itMOaf OoM>•flflaUMMl Church of Roehtorf, lU.

Tho f in l of a Mrwi of Mclalo waa boM lart alahl la tho Chrlot Hotomad Ctaarch. Tho laUiortnc foUoorof praror. ■ootli yrofortch A Hattloy, a baqr lainli t from tho Oraco Epioropal Choreh, raadorod aanral ooloctisni. Rotraoluaoola wara a a m f by tho nomoo of tho church tatloorlag th pfufronti

Aihort D. Tollrf oulorialnod tho arm - horo of tho F o m t Hill Hondolla Orchirt- Ua taot ot«ht at hto hutno In lUdeo oiroot. Ur. Toflor li uit p rn id ta t of tho ercaal- louoa.

U lii Itoorino Hoppor of Woodolfo avonut Imo rtiurnort from fluccaounaa-

Oround woo hrokm yootenlar for lha MW rioldonco of Ur. and Ur«. Winiam Camtiold of Parhir oumi a t HoUor park, way and Clifton ortnuo.

Tho Cunoumor'o Lwguo lo aoktaf tho woutto of ilio Forn t HUI Pfoobytorloa Church lo aiyn ctrda aoytnl that thoy will not ohoji Haiurdayo aftrr • o'doth. U n. tiouli Stotbrr of Ho Oraw a*onuo I* ■acurlnt ilaniirL

Um. Lottie Uroadrlck of LliiooUi aro- DIM Will onuirtojii tho U- H. O- Whiot Club Wodnoodoy ot h*r homo

Tho Olotnrra' Ululon Bond hold hi f la t work nt«oiin( of the yoor yootordoy Thio oraonliotlon to made up of boyt and (trio ot emiu to twelve yean of aae. The galhorlna yevtarday waa devoted to atarllnf work on a Chrlaunaa boa lo be aont to a mlaalonary.

The first public laoiure of the leaaon In the Foreal Hill aoctlon will be fiven tomorrow nichl lo the Kldaa Htraei School by Taler MacQuean, whoae aub- Jaet will be, “The Naw South Amartca."

Under tha leaderthip of Simon P. Hoftbnip, preatdeni. lha Foraal. Hill Uao'i Club will itari Ha fall and winter aeaaon neat Wtdneidsy. The utMetion of whether tha neat Lrclilalure should be Jtopubllcan or Deniocrmtic will be taken Bp. Carlton Oodfrey of Atlantic City, SpoaJter of the New Jereey Aaaembly, will apeak for the Republican aide and John Ullton, corporation counael of Jeraey City, for the Democratic.

Ufa Richard C lltrrle, who le chair­man of a committee arranfinc for tha luncheon to be eerved at the eem 1-annual Bieetlnc ot the Woman'e Ultalonary Society of the Preabyiery of Newark. October S». by Foreel Hill lYeebyteHen Woman'e Iftaelonary Bodrty haa called a meetinc of the committee for tomorrow atornlCf. Those, who will assist Mrs UsiTla In srransins ind aervlnt the lunchton are Urs. Frederick O Boei, Ura Utnnir D« Bow. Mrs. U A. Dou(Iae. Ure. Frederick H. Rlchorn, Ura. Frank H Hanaon. Mm, Wtlllam Saaelinayer. Urs. Charlea II. Jewett. Mrs. William 8. Leonard, Mrs, Cheater H Plebrow, Mri. Qeor«e H. Wheeler. Ura. Leonard Ter- hune, Ura W li simonaon, Urs. Otto Ruckelihaua, Um. Henry H. Ruaby, Ura Kdward K Hhodea. Mrs. Wmon P North­rop Ura. Wilfred A. Uanehee, Ura. thivld U. Meeker and Ura. R S. He.Veil.

Two thlmhle perllea were held yee- terday afternoon hy the women of the Foreat Hill Pwetorat Aid Society, who will five a fair neat month. One iiieat- Inf waa held under the leadtrehip of Mra Herbert A. Hallock of Keller perk- wey. who It In chai fe of (he fancy tahle. and the other waa under the direction of Mrs. A. D Hobble of Ridge Street, who li the heed of the baby and doll table.


are William

Tha Hens Leapue of St. Thomaa'a Kplscopal Church met laat evening In the recreation hall and llatetied to an addreae hy the paaior, Rev John C. Donnell, till- oert U. Orogan of Roseville avenue, pres­ident of the club, had charge of the meet- log.

Charles L Chisholm snd son, John T. O. Chisholm of Fredertclon, N B — the guests of Rev Dr. snd Mm.T. Chapman of Roseville avenue.

Mm. Joseph Rtker of filekerson street aaterlalned the Teachers' Training Class of the Peddle Memorial Church St her horns last evening. Covert wera laid for twelve.

The basketball team of the Roseville Preabyterlao Church wilt pisy the Red Circle team of Hummlt tommorrow night, while the eecund team will meet the Ped­dle Memorial Church Mve.

The Holy Name Hoclety of the Church j f St. Hiiae of Dima will meet Friday tvening In the parish lisll at Orange end Jray streets. The epeakrr of the even­ing will te John O'Neill of Jereey City.

A Joint meeting of Ihe boarde of aldem and Iruatees of the Roeevllls Presbyterian Church was held last night In the chapel, tcdlowlng the prmyar muting.

Xha Alumul Asaoclatlon of SL Roat ot Ltma'a Bchool wilt meet tomorrow evening In the pariah hall ul Urnnts and Gray streets

Mrs. Russell Emhres of AmbUst. N. has rstumed home after spsnding s few days ss Ihs guest ot Mm. W. V. Chap­man of Roseville avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Greey of flikth avenue have returned from several weeks' sojourn In Chicago.

The Junior Auxiliary of St. Thomst'a Episcopal Church met yeetsrday after- soon under the leademhlp of Mise Bea­trice HcKelcan. The Voung Wnmen'e Autlllayy will meet Friday attemooD In the recreation hall.

VAOURGH SECnONThe monthly buslnesa meeting of the

Chrletlan Endenvor Society of the Kll- burii Memorial Freabyterlaii Church will be held tomorrow night. The La - dlea' Missionary Society will meet to­morrow afternoon. The subject will be “Africa." The meeting will be led by Hri. A. E. (Hover, aasleted hy Hre. Henry Flockhardt and Mrs. Jamas Thompson.

Miss Jennie Campbell of Smith street gave a miscellaneous shower a t her horns laat night tor Mrs, William Mur­ray, who was formerly H iss A nastatla Ssllly.

Mrs. Otto Thomas of Finlay placa will entertain the Jolly Pinochle Club to­morrow night.

The Edward Semon Bowling Club hM ginctad the following officers: Presi­dent, Auguilus Glover; vtee president Henry Relholt; eeoretary, Jocoph Hog- Ha: traaanrer, Edward lam on: captain, Thooiae Davies: aM latant captain,Jacob Meyer.

Final preparations have bean mads for the Hallowe’en frolic to be held Friday night hy the Vatlaburgh Homs and School Assoeistlon. The affair w in tstka place fn the audtterlam of the Lincoln School and wilt Ineludo gpeolal and general danolng. Tha door Mtamlttae appointed eonaleto of Harry f t Byda. Morgan B aiter, John Curry and 0. A. Hanorlau. Patronoaaoa will InslBdt Mrs. William C. Oaortnar, Mm Frodortoh Htahouee, Mro. Milo B. Bor- daa. Mrs, Thomaa H. Connally, Hre. C W. Hallman, Hra. W. E. Cavanangh and Mra. Catbariao Ducay.

The Spangle Pleasure Club will giva a fUltowo'on danea and party, Monday gtranlag, Hotroabor 1, a t the club houss, Rlcgallsu tarraoo and South Orange avsnaa

W ] ® inr.

DddepBrothersNOTOR CAR

D o d g e B r o t h e r s k n o w e x a c t l y h o w e v e r y p a r t s h o u l d b e b u i l t — n o t In t h e o r y , b u t f r o m p r a c t i c a l e x p e r i e n c e In m a n u f a c t u r i n g t h e v i t a l p a r t s f o r m o r e t h a n h a l f a m i l l io n c a r s .

T h e y h a v e r e d u c e d t o a s i m p le s c i e n c e t h e p r o b l e m o f u s i n g t h e b e s t m a t e r i a l s a n d t h e b e s t m e th > o d s m o n e y c a n b u y , a n d i t i l l s a v ­in g t im e a n d m o n e y a t e v e r y s t e p .

T h e y a r e s k i l l e d s p e c i a l i s t s In l a r g e p r o d u c t i o n a n d s m a l l e c o n o ­m ie s , w h o h o ld t h e q u a l i t y o f t h e c a r a t t h e h i g h e s t p o s s i b l e l e v e l .

T h a t t h i s is a s t a t e m e n t o f f a c t Is e v id e n c e d b y t h e c a r i t s e l f .

Tbv motor li IC-lt huricpowcr Th* prici of th* Touring Car or ItoadiUr, complete,

li t i l ! If. o. b. D itrolt)

BONNELL MOTOR CAR COMPANYara-STS H>l>vy aim-l. 'PhwM Marhet m L


RMlIh, m iM rb awd UMiy gtpmg i« « d Titlb. fMcwytng uvtb pMCM

llM biMd and cap the vitality, to loag u ikay a n fn a litad la Ua awalh.

TbiyriBaald ha flllad or oiraetad at aaca. Oh* adntalalarad t( l- r tn i

Wa gIva advica aad maBi aiaailaa- ilaaa wuaawi oharga, Whaa Flam an rauulfad wa auam t iba lypi ptMurad aka Vi, ahlcb haa dauMa haldlag pawar at lha raa( aad alang tka gvaia

at* a« IWath..........................H.oaOaU Ciwwaa, I t haiwt.........EMAaM nSlM a......................... I.MapCanaai a* Aaulcaai FtlUaga.. J t apEatravilaaa aoo gtntal iuiaary daaa

wuhoal pain knhaa m th rn a lll: da- tayad taatb flttad.

Or. McBride’s American run

Lacaaad *m U y a a i m

7 8 7 B r o a d S tCwf9t VfttM n .

Ofw HAtoftftftsr'i Anv MM*Uaapi, I l« I; fuAdA/A kjr AftftAlrumcAt.

to cmUac 4* wmft* f%m AT* lA tftA riftfttftlAOti qtlTAIA tfAftAA.

NftW VOM o m e s t

slSoB iTMM* Fultaa Bl.. ¥aac Bead


Do Not Allow Your Dead Horses to Be Taken Awayunless you get spot cash for them.We pay spot cash and highest

prices--prompt removal.

Essex Rendering Co.N E W A R K , N . J .

T e l e p h o n e 1 6 7 7 M u l b e r r y

LEGAL NOTICES^ iigw jg U if f : : :* .(wssA TbersAA 8 «nhy. oAepiAlesAt, AAd •apaA UeArdJoy et MfsAdAntA On bill

for pAiiltiAn. KoUe« of oaIs of prBp*7ty> MWA. Howe ft OavIs, soJlcHerAP)r virtue Af A decree ef aele niAde by the Court of Chencerr #t thl« eUte 1a tbs Above •tAted cAuee, beAruit dtie the fo«rteoMb 4Ay of fteftteaibef, AtnetoeA hundred And ftfteeA, 1 ebAiL eApoee for eAle At auMIo vetxdue Ana oeU to the hUbeot bidder, on TseedAy. 0«t«* ber i«renira^th. nlneieen huAdred And fif* t««n. At the hour of I o'etocit In Ibe After-

neon of Lhnt dby. In the corridor of the court houeo, In the city ot NewArk, couitiy of Esooa ftnd fttAt# of n*v Jiereey. nil thbt cortAin UAet of lend eliuAle* 1yIaa And belae In tbs ettr of Orengo. county #c Lahx And •tAte of |s>w Joreey. ooundea and cteocribedAA fOiloWt:

BoftADlBg m ike peutfterlr Me of White etroel At a pelAt therein dletAnt lift feet northveeterty fr*iA Ony etreM* And lb the ttne of lABdA ef e«e Buttner; (hence raitnlng ALoAf Mid White street AArthwooterly forty* cifht feet U Unde of Kktheimer; (hence blond hli line eouihwBnterlr for'y-flve feet, more or loeA, to other tAodo of sold I f* ’ helmer, thence Along the MiM southeMterlr forty-eight foetv n m or tcee, to lAAde of iAld ftuttner. end thence elong tho no me BOftkebAterLy forty-five feet, mere er !••», te «bld White btreei. bnd ptboe of begin nlAg. tAolbdlng the tnoftoote rlghte of dower of (he dofondAAte. Hre. Thomoe fftrley. Mra. Hni* (hew Porley end Mro JosieB Nelofi, Aod whbtcvor right (hi husbend of Hbry Come* Hue, If Any, mgy hove (n the ebld bremleeA. tugether vUh All And itngulAr the heredltA* mrute mnd epgurteaaocso to the eold prem* locM belonilng or In nay wioe eppertelning. sold gromloee to be sold subject le ell eu- tiumbreocce thereon.Doted Neverh. K. J., ftejKember tft. ItU.JOHN ritANKLlN PORT. •gecUU Meeter In Chnnrery,---------- Mllding.


tiftift. •MIK CHAKCRRT OF KKW tween Auguet HutmnehercnnipIbitlAnt, AAd 01. fendonlAi On hill

JEH8BT*-Be*(Uuihmecher).I|b Angevtna. ei ale., de*

for pArtUlon. Louie J,compIblBAAivtree for eb)e mode by the

O iir ro ii o B T i i a

. Mn. If. W. Chtrtt of Watpon and JiAn- aag avpauM antanalnad laat night In honor ot MN. Howard FltalitU a< Rough- hiapK*. N. T. Covan won laid for Hr. and Mn. Janma W, Woralar, Mra, Oar- naUoa C. CkantbarUh, Mn. Bra RadflaM, lUaa Harr Wonlor, Mlaa Dorothy Clark aad Thomaa Woralay Ir.

L, C. Moraraldar and taaalty movad to­day from BayinDar and Cttalar avtauaa t« Baymour avaaua. noar Hawthorn* avaaua.

Mra. Janwi Chapman of HUIald* ara- wa, Lyoao FarmaL will anlartaut tha gaoaifean of tha Oridlnal Co« m Club at a teffaa kUtch tainamw aflatwaow.

■ntaM mtmlNnat Um Balaet Ladlan' • j w ^ au b rollad s Mrtaa of gawM on tha Waldorf Alloyo y o M ^ r sHarwon foOooNd hr a limobaon: Tim Mgb aeorta w on boorlad by Mra Htnnr Wngaor, l i t : SIPP. M tn Lidwiaa iH I: M n. Oaotga Hoartt, t i l l Hr*, i . du Itow. IHJ Mn. M jrte Bw w ItE -

.8. TwftlftMlvtarnns in OdMon'a > F dw M. T„ n - tarnMf ywardSF to Mn. TuMaoii'a pv* onta Mr. sndM N. rn n |c MrStlMi. on W**nnaM« nnniM.

Frank A. Tonlaon and ton, Byron of Cblaago, who b a n naan


To Hano Bal Haonna # n oonvont.nan * *ro about eoniptatad. for tbo bnl

su tnuo to b* flToa hast WadntnlayBight In th* aohool ahditMitiM at St. MiebaoTt Boman Oathodo Oknnli fat t t t naw oonrosl fund. Tho affair wlO Uba ylaca undtr tbi auaplett of tha Tmim Ladlo*' SodaSty of tha church, and will h* th* ocHdaii rw a rariod dlaglnF of dMsulaotk lacludlss aawnentaUena of hobflobllna, brewniaa, faM**, witehaa, awM tntijuad hata., Haltowa'an rtfnah-

Beer*, eollclter for ...■y virtue of a decree ... __Court of Chftemry In the Above eteted cAuee. beAiIni dote (he twenty *f1ret dey of fte tem'

ber. nmetbbti hundred entJ fifteen. 1 ehell •*11 At public vendue (e tbe hlftieet bidder op the twenly-ellhth doy ef Oei»ber. elnea teen hundred end fifteen. At I o rioik 1b the bfUrnooo, AL the court beuee In the eity of Ntwerk, Sesex County. Kew Jereey. aH end elngblAT* the feliowlpi lend end prem- teee ■JtoACe, lying bud being In the cUy of Kewbfli, ceuMy of teex end eute ef New Jbreey. deecribed be fellowe:Bbgtnolpg bt b iMint on (he northerly Une of Ceert eireet <nrie«nth bvenue) one huri- dred bud (wenV'fty* oAsterly fromfteuth m tlh 1(7001: thenvt U) rupnlng llil with iouih ftlhlh ■tre*(pgreiAortheriy ---- ---— . —— - -one himred feet’ tbent e (l> obettrly pbreiiei wUh Court ptreet (Plfteobth bveuue) twettiy/ nee fAMitheAce UJ eeuthwly ^ e l le i wUb fteuth miith eireet soft kuitdred feet to ce«rt BtrwM (PlfteeAlh AObAuel: tbenoo <4) weptertp AJeng the nertUerty line of Court •treet tPlfteenth Avenue) iweety-flve feei to Utb piAce er beglBiilrig. Rejng lot No. 11 op mgp ef pfftgftrty Jetonglnf io Moere B. Ct»e, 1iii.Tudlrki the tdiebuAi* ri«n( Of (tower of the deftAdUfa Allee Ktiuudcher <KuthmAchtr). wile ef iAld Auguet HuiiMcber (lluth* mgehetL ftud the InUtAte rlpM of curteey of the defAAdftut. Herry AAgerUte, kuetABd •f aSiA OURK ftagerlne, leMUer with ill end ■tUM^r ISenie^UAniilte Add Appvr^- AAMi le the MftM hekeftfLAg er 1ft AnywtM

•p«ei^ KAfttftr inItKR.iftneerr.


s L t o ':

o r MBW JBIUBT.CeiRpw^A oeryore*eeftthe* uaki Qw a

CI*IBIC*I ‘ l^w Tw ffrninlL l y lb«*^>: !f th* 4at* h*r*(>> t* a <**•• wlwrMa Hlpmlyta A. IM halMB** n miapMBaat ta t r«u^**t ath*r* *»* M w w ala rm a n le •MatT taam i ar tamur ta tS* bill ac am aa ar ^ e r* iM Umb,amr of Da- Mat. ar th* a*ilM “ *1’!? * i*k*n M*a aafia y«.fur yaitllloii of aaRata la*, - . .Ntvlti, ta th* muai& aOWM ta J tiai* of ' tv Mmy, an* yaU. Sniltf flat] PMI*

!Im Bialar. hi* wut ar a

or *M*». aaJ tlia iuibii*i

(111.**)____ KAR______aMtar at Camalalnam,

j c rW ClIMan •(.. Hawarh. iT J.IM MBW nJBMST—T*a* MadaalaI CMANOMT

BarMiai'4 I MI n vU m *1 an arJar al^ib* Gaart *f

^ ’M T ? 'I* «**iialalaa*t, aaa m an<

___ hefftre Um twea*KftTiiwftU’ Atgt, pf tM mIMm eemegepi AgAlAet pew.

__ „ filed te metiioee a h im *

ir i f Mawarw. ta* . . . inSlMat Haaktala •afaMaaty kaaauaa r«* au w a a i ttaaota* ta*


C l wSta ar* mab* W tM w t


t , . ipaat, hat H., rh, B. .

•• W* Olprt W flapp'h >

K ?annrt ttarai (a tha fai t&i amrt

jn C r* ’.. leh L fttietedl

a | mM j' w PattSL I.a* agtiMi my ill


borne. Lew Judge. In the meiter of the tp* ftlicbtloa of WiiliAm U. Boinmer for the ibo- cAllbtion of A mortgage. NotUe of heArlng.

To Caleb CArtv. Fredertrk ft. Therubs AAd foAAc Baidwla. bte^etore of Abroo L. Burnet, deewbred. epd tbelr next of ktn, heirs. devU*«M. pereonei reftreeenietivee or ether legal repreeenMtlvee.

jAinee J. CArter. Aaron Carter Jr. and Jeremiah D. Pololer. eiet'uiora of Caleb Caner, deceAsed. and their next of kin. helre. devies«be. peraona) rcprMeiitallvee or other legal repreeentai.iv«p.

Lemurt Themae and Albert P. Condll. ex* ecsiore of PTederlch 6. Thomae, dertAsed, and their wexl of bln. helm, devlaeee. p«r- aonal reprteeniAUvee or ether legal repre- pantailvee;

Cbartee BAldnrtp. admlnletraior of Ibaao Baldwin, deceaMd. hte next ot kin, heirs, devlpoM. p*re»oAl reprewealAtlves or ether legal repreeenlatlvee:

Alletia U. Burnot, widow of Aaron L- Burnei. deesAsed. and her next of kin. belre, derleeee. penusnal repreaeatAtlveo or ether leMl repreaentatlvee:

Catharine K. Burnet, HearlettA CarUr. HariAfot HAiBoy, Ann U. W«et. EllMbetli B. Bragaw and Edward ij. Burnei, and ihelr And each ef theli next of kin. hetra devisee# and pereenal repreeentatlvee or other legal repretenLallvee:

Take notice, that AppUtailen will be made le the Koaerable Harry V. Osborne, a law Judge of tbe ceunty of fteeex. at the court bouse In the city ef Newark, Essex County, K«w Jereey, on Friday, th* tenth day of December, l l l l , ai 10 o'clock In the fore­noon. or as soon thertafier ab said applica­tion CAB be heard, for an order te canoal of record In the office of the regliter of dseda for Eeeex County the regigiry of a certain rnoft^ge mads bv ileorge W, Biake to leaao Baldwin and Fredert<'k B. Thomae, eurvlvlng truataea onder the will of Aaron L- Burnet, deoeaaed. Id AocordAnce with the etatUle in suoh case made and provided, no payroeat of Interest or nrlaclpa] having Wen made on account df sale mortgage or the Indcbtednese which It secures lor more than tweaiy-two yeara previoua to (he filing of the peiKlon herein and the application thereon; which morigage waa given to secure ihs sum of tlft.Oeft, Is dated August t. Itbl. ncknowl- edged August ft, llftl. end was rrgfetered In the office of the regiiter of deeds for Resex County On (be tenth day of November, UftL,

IN CHANCRRT UF NSW JBHftSY—BeiveeiJamse *i- Corrigan, complAlnAAi. and JAmaa

CoDAeil. at ala., defendants On bill for par* titloA. Luin. Tamblyn ft Cdlyer, eoUcltern for complainantA.

By virtue sf a decree (or aais made by the Court of Chancery, te the abeve stated cauee, ttesring date lha fourteenth day e( Aeptember, nlnetBen hundred and flfteviv, I •hall eell at public vendue to the higheet bidder, en Thursday, the leenty-flrat day of October, Blnetean hundred and fifteen, at 1 0 clack in the afternoon, at the court heuae In lha city of Newark* New Jeraey. ihs foL (ewlng land and premises sItuAU, lying and being In the city of Newark, county ef Eaeei and stale of New Jersep, bounded and de­scribed as roMowa, le-wlt :

First Tract—Bsglnnlng in ths northerly Use of Tit'henor streai as eiiendad and con- tlnus^ at a pnlnt in said llns two httndred

[ and forij feet eascwardly from the east lute L uf lha New Jersey Railroad avenue, and

ruDAltif thence Along (he north«riy line of •aid BtraBt teeth sixty degfeas easl thirty r*et, and thence pertherly thirty degreea east on* hundred (eel. thence nertb Akxly I degroBB weei thirty feet; ibence eouth thirty Wgre«B Meet one hundred feet to lha pla^e \ of Wginniftf In the noriberly line of TKhenor

I etreet •forSeeld- Bald lot is deelfnaiod ae I lot No. T3 on a mas filed In Ihe clerk's office I of |h* eottnijr of Kessx. and the Bama pr*m- i iBoe conveyed te The Dima ftavinga Inatitu- I iloB by ft. V. C. Van RensAlaer. sh«rltf of I Knees Coenty. t>y deed dated the iwenty- ; nimh day of Jttne. A. D. Uftft. and r«(orded [ In Book W'lft of Peade (or Eeeex County, on I pages 111, Iftft. lift and lift. Being ih« same [ premises conveyed to the eald Philip Corrl- , ann by The Dime Savings loatllvtlon by deed

Mted November I, 1114. aad recorded in the register s office ef Ifiaeem County, k> Bosh \ N-f] ef Deeds for said county. on pngse Uft ; and ltd.ftecond Tract—Beglnikthg la the nertherir Hue of Tlchenor etreat ae extended and con­

tinued through Jands late of Mermen Vinson,I dBceased two bundrsd and seventy feat aaet I (rewi the snsurly lias ef New Jareei' Rnii*

road avenue; thence along the northerly line of Ttrhenor street south uixty degreea east thirty feet, Ihence north thirty degreae enat one hundred feel, ihenoa north elxty Wgreee weet thirty feet; thence eonth thirty degreea waat one hundred feet to the place wf bagtn- ning. Being the name premtsee conveyed le the Mid Philip Corrigan bp WlUlam Zimmer­man and «lf*. by deed dated March Jl, IftftL, and recorded In ths register’s office of Eeeex County. In Book U I4 of Deeds far said county, on pegs* 4ft1-4tl.

Third Tract Beginning In Ihe eeutherly line of Pennlngten eireai as rtmtlnusd and extended through properly ot Harman Vlnaen St a point two hundred (sat eaeierly from ths eaetsriy line ot New Jersey Railroad ave­nue And running thence O) along eald line of Pennington etreet south elxty degree# east sixty feet, thence (I) south thirty degrees west one hnndred feet: thenea ill north sixty degrees weet elxty feet; thence (i) north thirty degrees eaei ens hundred feel to ths place el WginnItM. Being deeignat*d M lots elxty-four and sniy-flra fl4 and fl) on the mail made by rommianloners of the of Harman Vliuon, deoesMd. filed In

In &>ok W-S et HurtgAgei for said uouniy. at pags 111, and which mertgags covers Hie following described tract of land, situate lo

city of suie of(he Newark,

New Jersey.BeglniKlnf ai the earner ef Caroline Bur-

nei'e lo4 on Bread ntreel; thence along eald •(reel south tweatp-hlae degrees (ertn min- utei went thirty-nine feet five Ineben to Jainee H- QwimhFn oorner; thence alang his line Derth elxty degreee iw ^ty mlautea weei OAe hundred a id alnety-teur feet two inohee le aa aUef er drlrtwAp; (heace along lha game ftorlli ihlrty-ane dAftraes ntiy mlnaiee aAgt ih&ty-eltni feet eevsw ItMheo to said Purwet'a Hat, and thence Along 4stme •DUtb Maty digrene thirty mnutee east ons

id AAd ^a ty -lw e test nine Inchae to__ ____ And every otie of you

. hereby nellfled ot eald Ap^icatton^ and A heAriag an aald lenih day ef December, iftift. as Aterenald* paratiant to an ordsr for hearlAg made oa the etihieenih day of Oc- tobsrrilU i by the Manerabl« Harry v, Oe- horne, taw Judge as xJereaAld, on the peU-

....... 'Uam M. ftawtiner lo

gigreaehundred ftnd ninaty-li the pftaoe ef bectaiUBf.

And yoA and eaeh iare

tlon a( WIIL.. of eaM mertffftie and the rei

ftawtmer for caacellalion id tho registrr thereof. COUtT I ftHITH.

Til Bread etreet, Newark. N. J*, Attanere (or WUIlAftt U. tomiftea.

Daud Newark, N. 1*. Ootober H. UU*UNITBD tTATEft DfftTRiCT COURT for

the DIeirtot of New Jereey.—da the matter of daha a Faaroon, Baakrapt, la Baak-ruptfy, tfotlee.Tahe ftatloa, that the undersigned ro« celvsr will nail at public aaetlen. eabjfct is tka eoafirmaUen ef ihle oeurt* a sleek of brasi* BtOldlnfe. dyee* etc., and all atker gooda and ohntuis centelnad In tka faoiwrr at 4T N* J* R> ti. avenue. In ike city ot Newark* ea«aty of Raeex and etate of New Jemeir, ea the eald premlsee. on the iw-enty-elftftih day of C^tobar, Iftlft* at 1ft o'cloek la tka ferenoun.

At laaat iweaty (Ml per ' rertlllftd ekpek lo W paidthe pgrahftftftr* Farther t i__tions ot Iba eaftd mle will be made known en lha pre^noe at Ike time ol the sate.Tha rwoelvwr will Piake hia report af oaja and Aftpllaatln far obbflnhaUaa keHra ikt Honan^e Ckarin _tl. Maeen, re^im la

d a p ^ l by terma and ooadl-

bonhtft^y, at Sesea M lm t, N. J.. Oft M 1<

Jon ftfat iSo BankrapteF Cogrt rooiii ng, I t OllfttoiK etriot, Nowarlu

nfttb day ol Ootobor. iftU* atetriot, Nfwarlu . ,a tha lath dav of C ‘

P. M. AQVILA N. VBKtNO, ROeolvtr.H4 Iftarket etreet. Newark* N. J. ,

ftsinoel I. Xoooler. Atiorncy for Revivor, l-lh ClhiUNK ot., Newark. N, J. «MA


C k in w r •( <»* I

OF MEW JESM T-V*ea ordsr Of the tSawrt ef

C k in w r at <ti* ■<*(* ol Sow 'Jorwor, m att •« ih* M I *f tk* Ml* **n*l, I* * nuof «k*r*li< Jiiil* A. ■chuil*r I* *****>*<**■> •■• J***pli Fr«4 fniHli *< *1* *T* 4*t*t*Miu., r*u *r* rMHin* t> •>•*•*. SI»o4. oomwoT or tomwi to tfc* wmil*l**eTiMir MMia. *wl»t Ml or oo tm too **«**4 M r ol p«- «M«Mr HM, or tU **U Mil Ktirk* ug»*“ tH* iliU w I f^ S » * 5 ^ (br*«M ■ H m -I ilv«a k, jMM«Fr*4 talHi *M Ftar-

§. InMIi. M* wlto, I* i«F* A. BtkM-II. m t , *• MeM ^

t o n •( lMMaifl*II, I* Ik* a n k tr M «. How Jtroor, uM jr**, An***i C y, *r« iB*J* * winr Mtokdui i« MM •n i H««H« you fc*M * «ww4 tu r lM * Mmrteii Hto M*ffcl to k* N*».

"mi m r .

S t ‘j .

• tth*

FI*M chat « Hkanlto*wHt *■*


X Cenoiy. and ftsing tbs first asd necend >r(s In n deed by Kdword ft. Atwater, special maeief.Ae tald Richard Weyoe Parker, dated Ociebef 14. Itftft. and recorded lo Book X-io of Deviie fer Eseex County, pages 111. etc. Being the eome premise# conveyed to the said Philip Corrigan by Richard Wayne Parker and wife by deed dated ftep- tember 1, ttfti, and recorded In the regle- ter'e office of Eesex County. In Booh T 'lt of

Deeds for jaU county, en pagee 14 and II.Fourth Tract—Beginning nn the evutbtrly side of Pei nlngtort etreet twenty-elgtit feel •nd three Inches westerly from the corner of Hvrmon itreei. thence north ehity degree# wrei twenty-eight (esi to the corner of lot now or formerly owned by John Lorn; thenL-e eouth thirty degrees west along Une sf said kn eighty reel, mere or less, is Une of Lang now or formerly of iayre; thence south sixir degrene east Iwenty-stihl test: thenct nertb Irty degrees sfiol eighty

_ - IP ......, - , ----son and Hlephen P. ftimpaoh by deed dALsd Auguet II. Iftftft. and recorded In the regle- ler e office of £seex County In Book B-fl ofDeflde for Bsid county, en pages 44-4T.Fifth Tract—Beginning on the eoutherly •Ide of Veeey (formerly called Camp) etreet,

ninety-eight feet easterly from ihe corner of (he BAine and Sew Jersey Railroad ave­nue. from thence running along Vesey street enstcriy twenty-hve feet; ibsnre seulherly at right angles to said Veeey alreet ninety-rive feet: thence a*eier)y parellel with Vesey iire*t twenty-fire feet, and thence northerly ot right anglos to Vesey street nlnety>flve feet to the place of beginning. B*ihg Ihe same premleen co«veye41 lo the e«1d Philip Corrigan by James A. Berry and Henry /. Berry oud wlveo, by deed dated April li,

Iglotere o(fT( tft ef

tft and 44 Uniba street,

line In feet

-one feet olx

1404, nnd recorded In the regloteFe olh ce Essex t'eanty, In Book X-fft ef Oeede for latd county, on Mgee ftzt-ftift.glith Tract—Beginning In the eeulheaet- erly line ef Uhion ntreel ni the comer e( land this day conveyed te Michael Camigan; thence U) la a eodtiMaoterly direction aluag eald Michael Corflgaa'i line aad through tho yUtle '- . _ - ___ k StTL_......... ---- __ ___

Incheo to a aolot In the dtiriNoa tenee; Ihenet (I) etliratoaff said Michael Corrigan's In a Mothoaotofty dlreotton elxty-four eigbt lackeo, more «r iseo* to tbe north- erfy Ufto •( a lot now or farmeriy bn- longing te Miehatl Norton: ihent-e itl north- earierfy along the same twenty-two feet to tbe sottkerlr lias ef aa alley; ihenee (4) In a nerthweoieriy direotken along eald alley

about elxty-fouy feet alghi incheo te the northeasterly coraer of a gars lot now owned hr the Newark aad New Tork Railroad: tbeace ift) along the ooutherly line of theSme la a aerthwootoriy direction and par> lei with tbe aerthorfy N4e ol the houoe standing en ihe premleeo hereby conveyed and distant sla Incheo oortherly therefrom forty-one feet olx locheo to Oalen etreet afereeald; thence (ft) aioag the same in a •euthfTip dlrerilofl twenty-two fool to tbe point aad place of begianiag. Boino tho same preiahkfto conveyed to the said Philip Cerrtgaa by Mkhasl Cenigan and wife by dead dated March ift. Iftll. and recatdod la the rogisteFa efttoe of i osoa coanty. In Book R-Td of Peedo lor oaid eooftty, on pagoa 44ft-

ftevontk Tiaot—Beginning on tha wooftoyly side of Flaao itroot and at the aouihegsierly oornir ef tho land and promioeo convsyod hy •arah L. Payne to John Ik Darcy by a oer* tala ladoTiture which le rocordad lo tha clerk's afftca af oaid roaaty Is Book B’l af Dtada. fdfoo IM bad ilT. tka lot baraby eanvayad oalaft part or -tcribad la tka deed----thsneo maalaf aJongiWfaty-(aar JA ssi ..... .....................aatl iwaaty-IAr feat aad tkroft tnckM] tbsaeo norik Mgty-llvt apd oao-ftoartor ^ -jg ooa-hwl-5----gnsa wool olgftty foot aad one ai____laaaoii ikeneo ao«lb twenty-nvo dagrosi wMt twoaty-ftti M tbiwo aad oao-b^ Ibdkeo: ibenoe oopib olatr-Mo degrtsa aag forty miautoA oaot ftlftbty ngt akd tbroo iMboe le ibe ptaot same ar«MlMg

1 akd tbroftf. BMr •

HL im . oMg n< to t E*k*t Cmm* h r •*!« e*uir. . , eliMI** Ik* I*.

1 . 0t*f*l u- CmtMU. r****«Unlr, I*.

... wilk iR u 4 S*««l*r tk* k*r*«lu.It* k*J kMKtrt******* to th* **M mm*.

■iHSrM«M*t I* CkineMT. (Ift.l*l l y ftotk •<«*■*, Ntwkrk, N. J.

N««Hh, M. J., MUtolhto t l , I t li .

IN CHAMCBET o r KBW JEHET—T* u*li*4 R« 1 C*t*M _CMaH>r. • toiMi*- tlM: n ttiw w Eutot, M u tf i M*i*r, mm **

wl4n« «l **M IhtUM* W«l*r, ui« tk* M. Mown jHtr* «* MtMMi of w14 MtttHw ■Ml**. Itokm N- PER*. A«*tR EMI**. «tt* a, wM*« M **M Ei ktot M. MlRr. *a4 th* uka*w* hMn or MM**** ol talE EatoM H.n r _____

iMomnK* m a cowm wnerwn xitppoi]. viltM «f H *rE*r «f Ik* Csurt ot

ChMcHT *( M*w J*n*|T i h M o« th* Ml UwMR Mmol, to ft«*H* «fc*rMn Hh>P«A. MEftlam* M wp*lftlH«t ftftE |su i •Om n •** MtothElEh* l*u > n r*ftu)r*E *| F**f. >I**E. ftftntor or 4*ai«i to Ih*

TBo Itrtll m ' u Imttoft «( ««.

__, „ . , -wrk la tk**Mto ftf M*w jerwr. m

, Let Uft Sttrt Yfta HoaickeepInBIF YOU WANT CREDIT W E WILL MAKE TERMS EASY FOR Y^Nktr* ■rild* U*ni*wl duraki* **4 w*ll mad*. T*« « * laelvH to r*** Etoaltolft CaatanmU**, 1DraiHMM. Furnliur. (or ovotT room, DIaiwr Hii. Pktur**, Vu*ft OMH*. E*tris*r*l»n. l*i..*E >l»«klH**Hatkl*.., .((. (.'■■•vinf* ysutMlf b, ratn*«i*aii ih*l, «k*ih*r vou !>•» tot o**h *r «n «**ll.

Our P r ices A rc A lw a y s tb e L ow est


O a k R o c k e r eR*g JTi»-e M il

2 . 4 8Highly pel-

lehed s o l id uusrlered eak riH'ker. golden Mnish, flQvft cnettrarllfin. Esdtile see l.breed A r in B snd high bstk.


M WAU• n m


O p e a S a l i r d s y E v e n in g s U n lU I f O’c l o c k

r s * i « o f

M o r r i s C h f t l r s t M ilU l Frk* tll.H 1 f I j

1 5 . 9 5 , .I OMiulu « u r-I I • r* E • I k 1 f r t iu i *irl»l 1 (MhtoB*. *Mi ^ | h1 u E took *«- 1 SolitonE to 1 n***' imlU’ 1 tto* l**ik*r *r 1 n M r.

Free Carfare t» Oitdi-1 Tom PuthaKfi

SeJ* o f

C M H o n n ie r sRegulnr Pries

t i l ft*

8 . 9 5(hildrn onk flnleh:

Isrge plot# mirror, eupporied bv noally ekspsd ■tniia'hlooe: riv# itsep drswers. wsod puUeSatE s f FaoiEd Oak Rockar*

H*( .’riM H3»*

6 . 4 9From* uf

iMtlld nsk.f'r.'

lib. brosd srms en>l ilst be>k snd tossirilled wdhw>ri tiphi'*i- stered looss cush­ions

3 -P ie c e G o ld e n O s k D s v o n s t t e S u i t e

Ills ft* ^ ^ A - fiftft.ftftmsis snrt bsck upbolelpiwd in Dnssi hfilintlan brown

Itpsntsh Ivsiiwr. golden itsk construrtlen. finely polisbed snd tlniEhed eetiee esn be nuiis Into dovoneiie with n iimple innilon

S ID E M A U ISE*Eftl«r - IH.M

1 M 1liHtr hHtol*tort* kvtol «4M*1UlUTtolfto*

lO-ilKi AU QEHMrd F a e d O d DiW| Salt

" a r " ® "IlluftO ^ , 1,1 A4All mui^ered osk conetructlpn; rlth fumed enk fin­

ish. I'onslsU ef burfbl. cKIno closet* ssfrlng (sbis. exisnslan tsble. M»e erm snd rive side cknirs

Our Speciel3 - R o o mOutfit

WU1M ttU M u ma**. PrM M1 0 .9 S

r*<4.*r;* * r *• > • *d rram** •.Hbe• •ftl.■ftk*.'«i.r*4 In to*. Iiniu* I I * .

•i Our Spsdsl

'R o o m O n l f i t 1

F u m to d O a k

BUFFETSftesulsr Price

ti l ft*

27.49gelid querter

#d osk. con- •trucied In s rt< h fumed osk finish Rxlrs- erdlnsry vslue SI this price

'^Sale of Brass Bedstie&s

Vvr>’ moesivv* two-inch pest brses hen: rive besvy filler rode In snd loot Sturdy ccnee bsre. per- (e* ( Jscqusr fln­leh



s p r in g moior, esQ be wound while run­ning. pisys 10 or l3-inch disk rsc-ords

M*lME*Br (1 i*ii*a a * TI < iftktoi u*f* (ft Hfttir Iwiift

SU dlno C oach oeftieetoaE » VEaai

ll**ul*r Q ..1 Ptk. Il-to .H*to ItoiullBk **..011; ftll ■H*l

Large Not. 7 RangeReg Pries 4 A O IK f **-

ft 2ft ft* i* » # C R O lyi.fttFinely hullt a georsnteed fuel

•Mver snd grsnd bebsr; sicbel (inlsb-


14.95Best t'orduroyi

llpltig. besvy■lesi whssls with hesvy rubberllres; full roil hoiid end body, pstertt 0 t e e ij puehers, naiuroli flnleh.

cemplei* with msttreos poeorod with denim, may be "bed er two single beda

Ai A divAftb (aU


1 . 4 8



M l iSTun

tfiU M on

•*n ____ .4unH*. **IB> I (ortokto: flwftl M>

•4 «Hk ^ ceitaa.


BHKRIK1-. *ALi;-liiJ.i»y-B.i««n Th« PuMPM-Uy Bulldini end I*own ASoodstlon of ihe flty ol Newsrk .wmpJalnunt. snd Hfurl.iis B sis.. defwuUmA ri fs,. lor sale ol raoMgsft«^^Ry'^cue of ibs sbo\e Wiled writ of flep fscliA to me directed, 1 ebsll eipoee for mi» by public veudue. S( ihe court house In Vework on Tuisdsy. th# '»lnih usy nf .Vovem ber ^xl. St I 'o o clocJt I' M . •!', orp«rr#l of land snd p**mi»*'* eltasie l)irn #n«1 Ulnd In the city of Newark. Ess-‘x Lounty. N*w Jersey. . ,,, ,Bsflnnlng In Ihe esei rly Um nf \S right •treat at A point therein dietsm nlnviy live

snd iwthe one-hundTe-H he of • •oulherly from the Mouihrssterly corner uf l*c same snd ltrun*wlcX eireet. wlii«b Wghmltig point IS to range with ih« tenter of ihe ijsriy wall dlvidlnd the mam hous* eienduif upon the premise hereby dtetrlbed from th* huues •djolnlng on the north, thenr# mntilni thinugh ih» center of ietd perty well m»nb sev#uty-lw*j degrees seventesit minute ^ rt ihirly-flve (set snd foriy-iU onr h jn.lrrdihs Of s foot 10 the csei*rl> side ul the mshi heuM sfornosld: thencs Along th# mm* nurih ssventeen degrv#* ferty-thrse mlnutee w«1 twewy-five one-hundrsdtbe of « fftot to (hr northerly side ef the sddltipn to th# mam tiirugs itondlng upon the pr«t>ie#s hereby de­scribed; thence along the osine snd In con- tliumtlen thereof north sevsnly-iwo degreee p#v#ltt*en minutes ssst ihlrij-fotir fe«i enu nlTMty ons-hundredth* sf a fool. lh*«r* •nglh ihlrtesn degree* fifty four minute* sut eievon feet And eeventy ou#-hunii1r*dtb* of • fooi.thstwe *outh eixty-elghl degree* t*n mlnutE# wmt thirty-four feel end iwenty*u him- dr*dtb* ol s ftrtii. Ihemic south iwenty ••ne dscfsee fifty mlnuie* east ord foot snd iw«uiy flv* ons-hundredlbs ef • (nol. Ih#n«c smith ••Yemy-iwo d#gr#«e ssvsntSEm mlnutss w*si thlrty-ftve fset end fifty on«-hundrHth* of a foot to th* •Asierly lino of Wright uron ifoieootd; thence elong ib# *sme rwirUi s«v#n- loea d*gr#«* foiiy-tht*# intnutce ws*i ilxi»*n feet ind thirty four <m#‘huftdrtdihi of a lo-»i to tbe olsM of beginning.Ane^lnp to description prepared by L#bl bach Brothers, surveyors, frotn an Artuol sur- vsg mode by them November 14, IWd. Being Ike oone premlSM conveyed in the sold Henry B. Clarke by t'horlee A. Wenieoh by ile«l beAriug even dote herewith. Thii mortssg« Is given to escur# pen of th* purchas# money in told deed menltoned. end I* s purchas* money mortgage

Newark* N- J - <>c<«bCharto

HALPd B. .f'HJdIDT, ttoflff E. Oura*)r. »«rr

(l■»l»nc•fr B-W,»IMERirr-ft .ALB-I* OtoiBMrT rt Sow

J*r*.r-E-i*«Ti Til* <torm»ol* BiilWiiji ft*. Lbm ft**gcl*tlM >( I*. ot N*i»rli. tofRftlftto**!. w>4 TH**4er* » »*«f •' ■MtoMftU. FI. to., tor tola *f nwri*.*-))*iliMto*i

Er *Kti*in«* «( th* «*•.* *l*i*<1 -rtt it f>«1 to«M*. to IM ftlrtcUd. 1 atoll aap**» l« i* « br M««« -toMua. *> 'to eawrt houa. In ifaarftth, *• TMiK*y, 'to Mmaiba* b*K. »i two o >-lotk P, >l. *lj '•«— or MToil* ol kwl •nd pr*ni*i* Etuai..

wE totol la tto «)'» a( K***rk. Km*i, N*» Jartor.rim Trftot-BMtaaln. *t » polnl In Ih- «Mt*rtr UM «f MaWhortar alna< «ta Hun- Erto *M itotr flv* <«at l"« tocto. Uw» <to ■•rttarir Ito* *( <>«•« aaiaoiti ,.la* M w *iftr-*.«o to.1 •ouihtnr (r™ (h. nanh*«to*rlr «wn*» ot lot .“'’*. *. *"* tliwa* naitin. •aulh (Uiy-r*nr !•»•*• and fifty mlAulea east mm huadrrd *no twenty- •Ithi toat •hd alMit iMto* to Hit Um of J«lm v S Sooo; Itow* wit. told v.n N«*** U» •wtit tklrtr-torH> .Bd thriWEttrtto OMtoad a.(< twa*|ftt to*< to th* h*rt.^*rj)r oor- lur at ooU M: lh«w» .orth lIRr-tWr .*«:*-• ■nd l!*r intouta. wart «ia .xMi»d *iiil l«*ftiy-llir«* toat .ad E« 'a*Hu « lloW»»rl»f ptrtot »f*a»told; itohn* wit. th* aitowlr lia* *( told toiwM tinth tortr-tnir aad a MIC dt* UM* w«*« tar«iir-*«E.' t**! Ka lacito* t* tha* ftMOto Srett-^eilniilBg *1 » la I'*aaatatir Ha* «l McWturtor iliaat on* hxadrad tad Ihlftr-«ta l*«t *(#>t lath** norttwrir lr«u th* eanwr ot Or*** *ad K. WlwrUT him u : Mm ItotW* naiito. amtlh lirir-'<au' dw*** nilr-fl''. aErndtoi «•*> 000 tniodrad rWitr- i .n * toat *>W inoh*.: t.aiK* narih ihtnr ttnit utd tlM*-.itomr dajrM ooti (wwilr alahl totoi I tone* aarth nnr-fw> dlftr*** EM totoftto. w**t *M .u tiE ^^aa. twaftlih alEtoatofitoiM.

Ml*, wai* j ¥ "II tfttoia

utd tlM*-«iMwMr dajrM a*«l (Wwdr- I tone* aarth flRr-fwr

■t *M .uaEnd aa. taadH. I* HeWtortor Mrtol ftMM MM rtrm* tout, f i ^

____ ____fhUtr rnlMt*. wart tw«atr-«ttHl i f t M. tortito to tlto Eton* *d tottoW M. „ E*ME tWEEW f riM to. r w t o ^ u itoE ’rttadfra E. Eiftar to t«« datEft to* (to**J*M r< «M*M, to Etny a

_______ SHERIFFS SALES _____1 r'hsncery H—MS*. ]

BHERIFFA JtALE-ln r^ancery ot N*B Jereey —R«lws«ri Fraakhn C nJilIn, wnn- plaiuem snd Ilcmhsrd Gluck, et ala, defesd* ants. ri. fs., for ssis of mortgacvd prEia)s*e.

Ny virtue ut th* sbov* stated writ of ften fst'lss. tu me dlrertcd* I shall expos# for ssl# by public vendu#. at th# court hous* to N#Hern. on Ttiesdey. the ninth day ef Novem­ber u#(i. si iwd o'clock i'. N . all tract ort arcrl of land end prvmle#s eiiuaie. lying and ring In (hr city uf Newark, Eesex County.

New JerseyhKOinniag ef |ni#r##rt|nn of wMterly line

nf )iele*hy eirt.eE with arutherly line of Warren •ir#«t. ihenre ilotig llsleey street south iwihly^nme degrto## forty initiate# WMi slxty- tlgtil fc-i sml e*vrbty-iuo uo* hundrwUhe uf k fnm it< norilirrly lin# of Isnds of (li# ‘ Yuung M#n • ''>irie(*sn Association," tticnoe aluitg their Hue north Blity degree# twenty mlautea west (ifir-ihr«B fe#4. Iheacs silll skmg seme north teeni> nme d«grn#s forty nili!iut«e east otie foot end e«vrn(#en ime-hundtedihe of a fijot. ihfiD'** e'atng sOni# ivorth Bfl)-el(h1 de­gree# forty six miiMAiee w##t forijr-thiee feet lo rang* <»f <»sftierly aids of the brick hull4- ing on (jru{>tory adiotnlng on west, ihanee tiorih iweniv btnra degreea twenty tnhiut#* east along restfrly side of said building *txiy-*ix feet snd ihiny ihr## oue-kUAdredtM of a foot lo •outheriy line of Warren str««i, ihenee Slfrog eem# south Sixty degrees twonty-iuro mtnui#* east ninety-six fs#l snd forty one- hiindrt'lihe of a fij#t to llalssy street and be- ftlnrilng Ai ordlii# to survey rnsde by llarTl- son Van I>uyne A Aon In Febraary, iftOft.

N'ewetk. N J , ticiober }tib. Ibift.KALPIl B. ftCIlMlPT* Sheriff. NrCerter A Englieh. Kol'r*. Ill.I.ft'))

M-hancery b 3P1.|)SHF.KIFF'P ft.(UK In r'Kencerv of N«w Jer­sey- fivtwsen Tfj# Prudenilsl Building snd Lunn AewH:irttlon *)f ih# city of N#wirk, uom- |•ia) ■llt. and Abraham Lllleo, et ale , dw- leriilanie. K1. fe . for aele of rpongegml l>mni.-ce[i» vlnue of 111# Bhove stated writ nf f|«r1 ferles Ui mr d|rr>rti-l | ihell exijuee f«ir eel* tf) |>bhllr veCHluv, et the <Viuri ||«uee In Nttwarli. un Tuesdao, the lweaty-*itth dey of 0'tot>»* nvxt. at a r rlc- k 1‘ M . elj ihat Irect OT jiaroei of land ind bremtee* sHuele, lying end I'eins in the city of Newark. Lesrx County, Ne« J*r*ey.

Hegtuning In (No esatarly im* of Rlihmoad Biraei dislent four huadreii *»d ninaty-eevan feet one end une-haB Inrhee n'»riherly tram tne preeeni iln« of gouth Grange avenue, aft iTiown on a •urvey rnarlE by ie.'rrie aad Kril- n*r. tueveyore. dated February T, Iftll, eaJd trtJlni ut beginning being eieo distant five hun- arrd sail ona faei len In- hv« troni ifca old line of doulh Oraiig# avenue, by deed record^ In tHMik N Ig-lOl, (hexH-e running northerli sJong RkhmoiVti street thirty feei, tl>eDo# east­erly and ut rlghl angitoi with nichmeml straei paesJng througli tba eenier of a party wftll binaty feet alx bKhee ta a Un* midway be- (wvvn Ttii-hmend etrast and BMflon airtei,nfy......... U,....,waaiasly aad along tha Mace of o frim* huUd-

Ing ataAdlkg »P« ---- " 'Ikeeriy glafting FMlhi SAM AI

rhenc* euuikarly oltmg aaid line twen^ntne feet eight aM eoc-utterier Inchee; ihm*a arty aad along tha Mace of o frim* huUd- ■tandlM apoA ihe Btemieoo adjoining on iK>alh hMieiy feet six Inchaf to the w t- line of RkimoAd street end plage ol be- ■agBalhi the o*ma premleea cooveyH to the iM Abeam LIIMO hr William J. MrCklly and If# by dead bsortnft von data hemwilhtf. ftiV-dl.) and ihlo mortgAio 4* ^ven to •acure pgrt oft tke purcdwsa moosy «xytvased lo aeld deed.

Newark, K. J.. Beotgmbor tr, Iftlft.tlAi«rjl tt. fCliHfDT. ffherlffllerry ramMoa. M'r. niiM)

MNKRIFFi BAjSSlAa" Cboh^ry of Naw JerI WatAog ----soy--ile(weoA 'rr H- lftd.))_ .a OMPpery......... ...

alftog B, Royder, ooinpiBinaBt,snd Jacob lAoker. et sjA*^dsfeciten(iir 'r r fi.” fot igl* of murigagr' '— '

Dy virtue a iko ■ faciae le v i dlremiptlblb

asark,o(obSr pc m u ciwso r,

pdruol ef liAAd and oremloM

oftveI* Vi dlr^od; 1 sHii sxpoee ft no vi^os. At tbo Cron Hci , o« TtOMoar. tll[* Ivanty-stxtn..**!I*l *L * T- “ • • “ staled writ Of fieri for sol* •se In day of.. . . . . . _.. that tfitci

^ ftronMoii NtvAtA lyfud tM, Ih Um «lty of NewArk, Bm x Coddir* rfair Jemav.nftglhlUuff A*.A pi Bt la (be fnuthtfty HftO of Hpnieft Mraoi dlNupt xeeeioriy thirty m t Brom

M.^trinotrth stm t dhi jrtk*phlsG

A lIlret'Al r-fty

tw«oly-ftt and ooe-hoU Hmgtu to C _

tool ato tohrtotoito om-im" " i J L >VS V tow '

matoi'XwriWtt'M* < , to-l.ftitoMlt Mil*, to. I__

ntoto .jM to^

I I mnI Smi «e*

Euur e

ftHERIFPS S A U S(CbOncSTT Ih-Mlft.)

tKXIurrB «ALK~ln CbonoaryJeroay-lhriwcen 17m Court Hoom, -----

and Lron AaeoclotlAtt ol th* cllg os NoeNMeJ cemplslnanl, and John i- AoirAveo ol aMa. (•Ddant*. Ft- to. (or « l t ol Bi*rt#ierttj premlatt. „__iiRy Virtue of th* obav* *CAtod writ m fMlt 1 facias, to m# dlreciad. I sbAil euftMoo iNf ftAlO I by public vandue. At Ihe ceort JiMftRi IR I Newarh. on Tueeday. ih« slKtaMiUk d* |November nett, at two o'clock F. or paix*l of tend and premlOMl oKtlRlO, JrlOff an>l being In th* city oft NowmriL ('ouniy. New Jersey.

rim Ttott-ltoilHma' to th* *awttorlr __of Bowery eireet al a iMilfit diotAAl OsvsR'VHMB 1 feet eaeierly from Ih* soulhoAOlorly dorw df j llawery aad Brill Mfwoioi IbaAdO ~ southerly parallal with Brill etroot OAO («ei; Ihepo* MSterly paraHa) wllb . alreet fifty feet; (henna tiortkerly pAraltol i BrIM Fiwst afor««aM owe buMred toil Bowery Street, t hence wasirriy AlO— t Bowery street fifty fart to tbe flAOO 4C ginning.Becond Tr«rt-8*flnnlnf In (be saotertF : nf drill acreet ai a point ihartla dlsxaot bundreit f#at eouihrriy from the oouthartjMjjH

r ^ \

of Boaerr thence easterly oodwith Bowery siraet one hundred feel southerly parallel with Brill straet IftlrtF thclue waaierty parallel with Bowonr < on# bundled feel lo Brill Straet* ibenoo nlng northerly along the Him of tbe gamtfblrtg | li-ei to the place of beainnhxg,

Being loi No 4:i on o map ef ftroRdtt F iM* longing 10 the •state of DaxUal M. WllOML 4o* ceaswl. itiad# by Van I>urtM R Y«4||R, mt* veyora, in Auguet, IMO.

Newark. N J . Ociobar Ittb. mKItAUPH d. PCHNIDT* ]

iilntott. Kahra 4 Young- iftol'rt*

(ChancerygHEKrrrft gAUt-tn ('hasoary of 1

Jereey-delwoen Franklin SavfM IbR tinn uf Newark, cemploHiant* and NlrtHlAi Hire, ei a Is., defshdanto. f1. fa.* lor a lnii>ri gaged premlsas.

By virtue of lha ohova ftkatad writ oft facias, to ma dlreoted, 1 shall exp aae for1-y public vahdue. ot tbo oeurt bnwia Newark, on Tuaoday. tbo olatb day ef NsmM ber next, ol two e'olocfe F. M., All tflM dP parrel of land and premllM fltUAta. Ifftfldi RM 1 being in Um city Ot Nawark, ~New Jeiosy,

Deglrnimg In the westerly Tina oft JeboNM I evenu* at 0 polot therein dietant five bolMkM# ] and twenty-two feet and sevawty*flvo drcdlhs of A fool southerly from tbo■ouihsrty Uns of Ctlnioet avenue, being also a comer ef land ct WtUlani H. Jones by dstd recorded l i ,T-ll, page ztA. (ksnee aksig ths Hod M l___Wliitaia H. joiMS north oevsAiy-tt dftlMbJ fifiy-Dve mlnuiss west ene hundiwd AodnAftP ] feel, thsnee south tweaty*two degressminutes west parallel with sold Use ol ; __•ua avenue ninety-eigfrt feel: thmire AleM lb*' southrrly line of a iraoi conveyed 40 wftorfR B. Prlelk by deed recorded Id book T-fB ( peg# sne, toutk asventy-stx degreoa flf(F<4RV4t J mloulM east one hundred snd f(f|y foM 10} the westerly Hn* «f Jobason arsAWOt along the westerly line oft JobniWA •VORRft j nertb iwemy-twe degrees forty mloAtsd. dbift j nJoeiy-alfbi fret m (ba point or plgoft oft Run | imning-Nswark. N. J . Ortober ttih* IftlM.

RALFI1 B. iCHHIDT* BlterKf.Jonas 4 aiaaiua, ftet rs. m t n

----------------------------------------------- ^ - i ]tc baoiwry R-Zftl.l

BHRRirrit «AL|lr>ia Chaaesry ofssy-Bstwesn orisAlal DuiIdMig adsixlation of Newark, r —' -----end Thome# M. WalEiai DuiidMig A New Jersoy. « AMh. et i^ .

Ii.* log eels of moHiAgod priftiiMi vlrtM of th* ebOT# elated wttl atFL le.By vIrtL, , , ,lai. te mo dlrei tcd, i sben «

pt)hU« vendiis. el the Cog .1

It A iMtAlI iliHV* M l *iw

__ of * MM from (li*»Li#.^grWSK,*!!?AVJSSi

CEtoM H .'le iik .’ Ei

CONTEMPOI irsoppoi

As th^ Evenings Lengthen Let the Home Hive the Pleasures that good

Reading Brings.

Owt a«dUM ta rn u InfliNK* la

a a t <IM Mm I* tha rouaftr t Ih t falallr. 'nxT ■ !• • •» tia-

ctara M Ifc* aatalofiawiil ta all • f tiM laiailx o( a *aparily

aat. Whan Iha (im tong aaiuiaB halac (ha taially in uta wife patania will hitfo-

rttifng Matlar and will atflaa n^gihaai a t Iha laaMly la

I whara t*wra U Hula riad- 0MaM« dlaraaataa at thn

___ T ara iha haanaa whafa Iha aunataah lam 'aad otmaaa tha paaaatt

1 all iM r Maoatnaala aaUMa Iha targa tiiiwhar of awh ho«Ma la ladkaia ibat In taw avaa.

nr It that# niKh at iha n a ltnA p and Uia dalinht-

I of knowlodpa which coaraa •aad baaha lad diaatii i tnd

iMww nth.I a t Oaad lla a ilw

I look bach ta chUdhoad and Ihrila |taa« by the flail raod-

aod boahT And w in ta* la a laliT pirtad la lit*

tha load atfaeta opo* oar caw I aur Manta a t nmaa laana laarnad

haaii. Tha oMld who doa* MBM aacli haoh la raad durirn

M * eWtd at Miatartum. It cnaaOr n Bdatertua* tar n

md aa m nar haah* ibni ha dl- laal Buuhnaai t i non* a t that*.

I taw taad haah* thaiwiidhir *nd Ihaai ntaatid tha tandlr dla-

[ nn that Iha nchnada ot Man* tpolBlB ^nnad hr n tinila laad- r «wHi to wlatUlB and adinat*

a t III* fnnrilr.I* not n hwr* ponMilaa atM la t tm atfanaU an h r

U knawladf* wa neqaira. It . nine ta rand a tbrUHna i iihaut nppfrlaf ta our awn lira* tripta Which Iha hata iptUad ta »atianathan tti H protlla nothing I naral whara ih* only thing ta-

aftarwnrd la that "th*r lo t Itha OH tha not,*- na ihn aid

inM ahaul tha Mhla In • rntn wp bar milainer. Oaod

D r. K r is t in e Afanrin F o r m e r ly o t ‘Ot^angCy T a l k s fr o m H e r E x p e r ie n c e a s H e a l th D ire c to r o t D e p a r tm e n t S to r e E d u c a tio n

■ A s s o c ia t io n o t N f w Y o r k C ity .

P l a n n l n d t h e D a i l y M G a liT

nctloB la a Ira* rcflactlo* of human »*• liottanc*, and a* auch. abould nl»a ihoa* who road It toad tor Uwimhi, aa wall aa a maaaa at paaalBa tha tln> away.

Btagraphlr* of Iha wHn and woman who hava ovarcoww graal dlfficuinca tur- Mab laaplratlan aa wall aa ratanainroant ta tha young. What boy or gtrl la not raaclnatad with tha flrat raodlhg of tha ■If* of Vranlilla or of Lincoln, tod la not bmaflttrd In laiar Ilf* by tha mamory of how thai# grant me* overcam* atamlng- ly Inatirmounlabl* dlfflcultlraT On* of tha Ihingi to ramamber In planning tha family raadlng la that II I* n « bow much ta rad) that coonto. but hog wall tl I* raod and undmlood and appllad to tha tiv** of-thaia who rrad It.

MrndlBn AlniM of Vain*.n«*illBg aloud In tha honw la a meant

of cBiarlalnimnl and aduratlon In whkh rach menbar of tha family ahtroa aqual* ly. nil* of Mography road aloud bring out the dllcuaalon ot atrong trail* of charoclar and of how to apply to Ih* llvt* of tb* mamtaart of Ih* family Ih* pTtnelpIp* which othcra hava oaod to a t­tain lucrtaa or orarcoma wrghhaaaaa. A good humorout book or atory road aloud In-, tha hooM glvaa Iha family Ilf* tha aaiinttal of laughter In comnwHi. A young woman W twanty-flro ramnrkad lo n friend that ah* had ncrar rrwd any­thing ta her Ufa ah* thouabt funny enough to laugh at. Wnan't that a brief but full tocount of what bar home life had lacked in ika reading and dlacuaalon of g o ^ koekiT Thar* ta acarccly a poga of Uork Twoln't boat books wUhoiil 111 laugh, and undernaath to many of tha Inugba nr* tniib* am t homa atralghtar by meiba* of Iha laugh. The nmgaalne* of­fer noma very good humor whlmalcaMy Ihinprating certain phaaea of our prea- eu-dsy life, and tha beat of Ihl* humar ahatild ha fratly rlrculntad In iha homa.

And *0, n* tha winter tvcnlnga brtng tha family togathar. ona of tha chtef plMiur** and beneflla of homa Ufa may ha brought Into favor with each maraber of tb* family It good Trading I* glvan II* rightful taaphoola I t will mran plana- anter avtnlng* at aoMlIar aipenae. and h nut mean evenluaUy leaa Inclination to took smnoament outafda Ih* bom*.

Fash ion 's O nw ard T rendI wow whan Ihnan aagnlalt* pnr-

tnmtntn* aanlamy. Ih* lag*.la pallia aaoiair oa thing*

I tm mantlpn, tar t*M to t ayoa t gg Iwoh npoa. Today It la dlf-

I tha lag* of Indian n n no M thing* Imponalbl* nr

Tha paMi* nat only oa- ^SPlth anmpUiaanaw lb* fact ihal b hwan logn, b«t bnllaraa thni In

, thay nra nctanlly p n n d «f m. Thla nttltiid* a t mind

gndnnlly u tn tnad and tn It. wn «wn thn f*m|ntn* trwu-

n'l whiagar IL piw- I lk nlmad. " in n a a n r —4ha tnw - 'tadh iy , w a n th* pnnulaHa* nf

TaaUrdny, Ibalr purpda* oL Todny-ewhot d«

i t m p b a c y . brnvmdn. n -'Pgr B w nttr. nr almpty indlf- M ^ trndUlana nf nur ( i n - •nd t an m athanT th * p n a u -

brgf ym tardny hid frwm vtaw thn« f im r g n a t gnndaaothon. «hd

• f Mdny. eoll n itan tiw ni


_ ^ j t* monnar tn th* (net, whMi MptlaUy nenaanl. th a t iba tag « t

1 Ihn f*m ohd oakla Uagnwf • f MUttlJf*

iw n a an a t today!—hot tnl •* M of thorn and you cm

to r yowroolt of tbair n b lU Tbo agoeloo t n i aark may ho

Into throo yariotlaa; Tho non- Ihn Tnrktah and tho alrni«hl.<

ololloa, 00 mnoh boa haon anld im to room ta l if t ta r dlnoaoMon. amnah of Ih* m an truly fatnlnln*. a n trimmod and ha-raff1ad gar-

, j toMnaU** nf g n o to r nd iin - jy thnn thay, ta t a ^ poioaaa, Thay hagin nf th* kno* and tall to Ih*

* la frill*! or thay may b* * ba- yonloa at th* ateehlag..Turkl*h

wa all know: thoir chonctor- h a ra koon tam lllnr alnco long Iba daya at Omar Khayyam and

iga tn any. Utlla chang* haa u h a n In tha g a m n i llnaa of tbolr maho M« than. Bat Iroim int Im p ^ a d eaatum* of Pirialan ori- ma a ik lr t ot plaig cloth which

tn a print both lo front and In, __ah. ranching Juat briow tha oalttho tm nnd holag dn p sd high and

a t Iba Bldas. Th* watat la v a ln t— loagnn—ttaUhad )a tt balow th*

Una with n n tb a r full ptpinm. r ia l— n n rilgbtly full nt tha

Idar, bat fU tha arm aan g ly - t, tbU ta Iba oaaa with on* of tb*m: othar. for varialy'a ink* ta lo eev-

i n d with a to rt of cap or cap* of far, that It* oattin* abova tha rihow I* loot. Tb* for fall* from tb* ahouldar and farm* a pri* t on on* rid* ofi th* b**qa* la front, tuat balow tho w o an r'a ehaat. A wtdn, o tn lg h t ntrip ot fa r aavaraly flBlabao tho nock. Paaplng from balow th* g r ia ti of tho ahlrt nod ohowlng m en plainly w hon It la drapad high at Iba ridai, a n tb* Ironaora, Thay a n Taede of tho aam# m aterial a* tha ih iri; fit tmooth and n th a r oioaa, roach a lit- 11* balow Iha anhla and a n flalahtd an n n d tha ham with boada of fur. A volvaL high erownod, narrow brtmmad hat, trimmod with a ilm pl* bond nod haeki* tn worn w ith lb |a ootluma, which, bowovor mnnwal It mny aaam front dnncrlpttfm, la gall* grncatal and boooom* It* waarar wall.

Aa aagnlall* l^oaeb avanlng gown ot brooodad rilk hna a wnlal. Wall. Ihor* la litu * to bo aald o t tho walat. i t la mod* la a V honk and trooL In n th a r aharl-walatod and hnn a gtrdlo and onmo bwodmwf tgWa mmr th* kkohldan and nn Immona* ennag* howgwot. Th* trout at tb* ahlrt, watch ‘ I* nopant* from tb* back. So prin tad and vary tkort, kalag eaugkt up In a boaffanl affaet aa atlbar aid*; tk* back fall* aguoraly acraa* a t Ik* kam and from tha walailln* h»ag* an atiormoualy long aopant* t n i a th a t *w«*ps th* ground for many lachaa bahlad lia w onnr. T roanan o f a plain anlln, t* mntok Ih* pnvnlllng Drier of th* k n ­ead*. akow h*iw**« Ih* bouffant fold* a t th* aldoa ot tb* ak irt nnd nn ch to th* ankl* w han th* ham t* finithad with gold lae*.

A very charming nagllg*. In which lb* trouaa n ar* ot th* Tnrktah varlaty la mad* with n klmona of ollvar laea, which, falling nwny from tha richly ambrotdarad anlln trounarn, nvaal* thorn fully In front, valltng thorn In tha bneh, w han It bang* tn n noft, ahlm- martng, filmy m in .

Prom inch ndaptatlonn of Iha ntielani p m ln la tti, oenctualon* mny ha drawn to ault th* atal* of mind ot Ih* Indi­vidual who hna Ihl* Im portant faihlon phna* undar eonaldarnllon. Pom* may aak: ‘'Will nM Irouaon prcaanted Intb* nltraottva term furnlahad by lhaaa Pranch modal*, find n parm ananl ptoc* In th* ptnatic haart of woman, nnd I* tt not pooatbl* that la n olmpllfted form thao* gnrmonta mny boeam* part of avoryday, famlnin* n ttir* and that flnrily. worn** may maroh tronaorad In

j th* procaaalon of prognaaT Bui thaa* I ar* vagn* iiMCUlatlona-

“Only about ton par cant- of tha da- partmcni ito ra g lr li know naylhing about th* modarn itane**'' la th* ralliar •Urtlliie Btatament of Dr. Xrtatln* Uanii, haallh diracior of th* Dapnrl- mani mor* l{duc*Uoa Anaoelatlon of Naw Tork n ty , and daughtar of Kav. L'hiirlei H- Uann, form arly of t^rang*.

lir. Mann rafara, of eourai, to thoo* glrla wUh whom ah* ha* com* In diraci uooUcl, and n* ah* la working right nntoni and with largo numhara of glrla who depend upon daparim aat atora* tor auilciinnce. har Intlmnl* knowladg* of tham la eiieadlngly Intaraatlng- Bvary phyalclan ha* a ‘‘hohby," If Od* may *o tami Bpaclatty work, nnd Dr. Mann'* hobby I* conatructiv* work a* regard* Ih* health *f working women, ha It In daparimtnl atoria or alaawhara. Hh* ballavr* that aom tthlag furthar ahould ha done than I* now don* by th* hoapl- u ta attabitahad In aoma o t tho aloraa: that aonalrurilv* work I* ncadad In nd- dlllon 10 temporary allavlallon of pain. Bodily t'phoiMtag. Not Medicine.Ntodad

"II la not enough," aaya Dr. Mann, “for *• to atop wharp w* ar* In thla imporiniit work. U 1* not aoough for ■a to ir ta l with 'analgealca' aU girl* who complain of handaebaa, cold* and praaumably minor nltmant*. Of courM Ih* girl* ralum to* work In moat caar*. but ther* la continual racurrcnc* of th* allmant, which loo t groat ‘dliadvantago to both amptoyao and amployar. By fumlahlng Ih* dapartm oat alor* girl or any athar working g irl with tb* fun- damantali of right living and By har own atrorl that* dafacta can b* largaly allmlntlad. or a t laaat dacraaaad In number. 1 find that th* glrla do not know how to Ink* cam of thamaalvaa, aad wbaa thay ar* III, no m atlar whara Or how, thay aak for * ‘spring toalc,' whalaver that may b*. 'Qlv* m* aoma- Ihtng lo build me up,' thay about. Of coura* no tonlo will build on* up In tb* Iru* aenn of th* word. Thay hava got lo build thamaalvaa up, and noma on* ho* to tall tham how lo accompllah thla.

Aa a ginaral rut* th* working gir) la rtceptive, and thorn ar* faw glrla who a r t not glad to b* Inatructad In how to taka car* ot thomaalvoa Whan thay do not walcom* auggaatlon* 1 feat that there w ie aomethlng wrong In Ihe method of my approach. Moat of tho glrla complain of nervouinean hut when I nek tham t* axplaln what they mean by narvoneBea* It develop* that thay worry about thair Jolw. They do net know Ikat worry of mind will create bodily III,

Diet Haanttaa Im portant.T h r gieat dlfricuUy It tb* dtat qua*-

tion. Thay will walcom# with anthu- alaam gytnnaalum work, hut It la hard lo mak* tham raalla* th a t thay wrong Ihanuelvr* hy eating too much meat, drinking too much coffao. or aatlng candy ovary day between meale. In tkeir ladenlary occupnllona thie le Ik* Important detail of their llvaa W orking girle are na pamparad In their diet oa Ihe Idle rich In th a t they do n r i Uko thla and do not Ilk* that. If milk 1* what lhay noad thay do not Ilk* milk, and If I praacribe ag g t thay cannot eat aggt. Thay hava to b* ap- proarhad In auch a way ** will bring ■bout a complato chang* of atlltud* on thair part. 1 aoldom have lo ent down Ih* quantity o t dhair food. Th* collag* girl la morn Incllnad to **l In large qaantltlaa.

“Tb* dapartmant alor* girl ntada more actual atructurnl body upbuild­ing. Thair Uvea nr* too aodantary for (ham I* mnlntatn a fa ir phyilrol d*. valopmanl. At th* ng* of twanty-flv* thair bodily rigidity I* out ot all prO' portion to th a t ago. Modarn induatry compri* a woman lo llvo a Ilf* of bodily atraln and it 1* aboolutalx nacaa tary that woman maot th a t condition by living the rig h t kind of liven It It aot fair, althar. th a t induatry thauld baar th* burden which la th* coa**- quenc* of aickly worhar*. Out ot ^IT unamployad woman whom 1 aaamlnad laat winter them war* only four who did not ntad agadlcal a ttention and only flv* who did not m ake eom* complaint, “ni* average *g* w *i nineteen. Many of them, hewever, wer* not American born.p**C Neriih Beopanathia fee Aharnctw.

'Th* large atora# average about three per cent, dully abnencen Th* In*# from thli eaua* le not * crippling on*, though a drilded Inconvenlenc* and In Ihe long run amounte to n g reat deal, tn on* itor* of y.MO employoai I found by careful reeenreh that the trivial, fuac- tlonnl dleturbance*. which might b* rMmlnnUd by greater underetnndlng end car* of tha body, amounted to about forty lo forty-flV* par cent.

“Thee* cnae* nr* ntlendcd lo for I he

■oat part by a nura* who admlnlatar* p*ma(lv* rcmadlaa, trequan^y w ith­out rafaranc* to any raal die gn oat*, or with any nulhorltativa advice. How- avrr difficult and Impoaalble In a w lantinc way It la a t preaeni to con­nect up any apaclnl weabnaat of phyalqu* with any apeclal Indualrinl haaard for th* dapartmant atora girl. It la elanr enough that (or aoma renaon or nthar thoa* engaged tn Ihl* cpaclal

Kctatln* Man*.

Induitrywr* In a phyalcal condition al- togathar Inferior to what w* h*v* a right 1* demand of normal American womanhood »nd which 1* hardly com- pallhU with tony chlld-baarlng. The ita lfh gf the dopartment *torw woman. M of woman In Induatry, rat*** im- mtdUtaly th* whole toclal qu«*tlon of th* adaptability of woman lo an tndu*- trta l •nvironmtnt. Ttaough w* can­not *B*w*r Ibtae larg* queatlon*. It I* cIo*r tnougb thnt ■cfnalhlng mu*t lx don* 1* Improve th e ' health a t th* working woman.'’

Dv. Maaa'a ta*ek la *!**«*.;Dt. Mann ha* mad* h*r ob*ervaCion* In

two of Qt* largo itore* la New York City, aad ha* had epportunlly to eiaialn* the women *mploy*M phyiimlly nnd medi­cally, rii examliiattoa which lacluded hlatory end (tatemeat aa to their owa potdt of virw toward tlwlr hab iu and prtaent cooritton* of Ilf*. Bhe he* had charge «f tin hoipllata In both place*, couM oheerva character of the trivial III. aeme* that ranch the eture phyclclan. and hat atao'come ta dote pereonal contact

; uaow gpamtv •** Mina Oerioeb.' l l l a g Madellhd B. Oarlacb of 11 Lang

wbaa* m arriage to Michael r . gib o t t f BrlU o trari will taka plac*

’ morning in SLBanodlet'aRomaB ■He Church, waa th* cuant of honor

a UOM abnwar given laat night !%■ MWi Julia UeOavllt at bar koma, I t tT Sailtk a in to n atraat. Beat Oratig*. I f M gttaaU praamit war* th* Mlaae*

Anna Harr, Cttharin* Me- Wt nf Baal Orang*. Mr,* Whit*.

[M at ttnrr, Anna Irwin, Anna Bvan*.Ononall, Oartrud* Nallan,

I Whorilhnn *( Jaraay City, Loratt* I Katlar nf Chatham, Gaorglnna and Ku­

ala Crilon, Joaaphin* Rammla, itn a l* dith Gavan, Mr*. Jama*

Mra. Charlaa Hater and Mrn anUua Daffy of tkl* city.

l■ **taC ri

Bimnaoy <• Have Chrtataalng.Th* M alllary to th* board of man-

I o g m nf th* Catholle Day Nuraary of I th* Maty Awgtit hat Itaued Invitation* _ar tb* ritrlrianlng party to b* hald

|« g tb* Buraory, I t Mulberry etrcal. Oc- I toSnr SI. from t to t o'clock. The la-

vttw tona nr* ta the form of a nuraery rr im it and nantalq a mil* bag of pink .gttalla. which th* gaaau are nakod to

ib r la g nr nand wltk Ibalr contribution*.

A m ag aa to MoM Ini*.Arringamont* aro bring mod* by th*

Lodi**' Aid Boclaty of tk* gummorfltld Hathodlat Eptacopal Church fa r a aal* to bo conductad ta lb* church parlor* Dectmbar 1 and S. Th* flrat day'* affair wilt Include a ehickan auppar la chart* of Hr*. Harman Kao. Hr*. Ly. man Da Hart and Mra. I.oul* rtn n ln g - ton. Thooe praalding a t table* will ha; Raney artictaa, Mra. Oaorga Wnlah; candy, Mra. K. L Haynoa; doll*, Mr*. Frank N. DItmar* and H r* I,evt j. Hopper: apron*. Mr*. EUanbeth Barkar, H r* Arthur Jncobut and Mra. George Johnaton, and grab bag, Mra. Charlet a Nahtrtad.

Just a MomentDailr M m v tk mm4

b y - H«n.For H wt cited with Him* w«

ihiill ftito live wtiK Hliti; If w« endure, we ehAll ttleo re lfit with Him—If Tlm.e 11. n . It.

No croM, ho ^o w n ; ltd lot* no liih .

They f in t muet suffer who would retvn.

Tn Idwilneii of mind esoh eounUnir oth«r bettsr than him-* Seir—Phll. lU t.

The flrsl ChrliBtlen ltr »• td ^bf«el one'* s e l f .^ Henry Im*mmohd.

Loi^* teseh us lo prpy,—L ukt si. ].Still sre we s # ln f r 'T derh us

how prey."0 tepeh us how to love! snd then

our prsyer ,Tbroufh other lives will find lU

upward wsy.As plsnls top«lh«r s««k snd find

eweet life end sir.,—Lscy Lsrrom.

For they msk« It m snl(*st th s t they sre sceklnf sfte r s country of their owh-—IIW . xl. 14.

We sre not to work with th s srsve In view, hut with th s knowlsds* ihsi hssven le just below tho horleon.

—Qsorte H. Hepworth.Behold, 1 hsve ast befors the#

s door opened.—fttv. III. I.O o^ never sends you soyw hsre

that he does not send sn oppor* lunlty with you.

with the women la the nrtsiilssUoii ssd ■upervtelan of pynuisalum clseses. lihe brlufs up Ihe nu«itlon of the chroQk iub- normsl c^mdllion of the worker sod Iks consec{ueti( loss In efficiency, which she tellevei la mote mstked in the csss of women thsa In men.

Ftojb phyelcsl exsinlnstloa of s proup of worklnff women Dr. H sm i diecsversd that elfhty<nlne per cent, of }^em could hsve been beBcfK«d In hesttb by medicsl etlvloe. yet only about four per cent, wars under s dootoKa rare. Bhe plves her con- ciujioni se folkuwe:

"A very high percsstege nf depsrtment slors women hsve functlonsi cunwtuise of the eplne. but eo hsve sn ever*incress* Ingiy hlih per cent, of school chUdrsn snd coUrge women. One could develop s plausible theory, on the basis of thoss curvatures, tbout the evil of the eight- hour elendlni poeltlon for women, but It doesn't altogether work. The women* themselves do not complsln of the tong hours of standing.

"What Is needed Is s esmpsign of edu- csllnn. First snd foremost, department store womrh must he taught the prin* clpls of wholesome esUng. the Imporv tsneo of esrrcise* end sene clothing, the effect of mind end emotion on body, end this teechlng must be dynamic. It nuist make ihrm went to apply The facie learned. Much of our inch ing falls In Just this way.

•■We esnnot t#H girls they ought lo exercise and provide no place. The ds* psrtmrnt store girl walks between two and two sud onr-haJf miles a day. as retlstered by a pedometer, and stands ths rest of ih« ilms in tightly fitting unhyglealeally constructed corsets and high-heeled shoes. As a rule, shs has no knowledge of c<jrset posture. Bhe should be given sn opportunity lor gyns- nesluro exercise ox Its equivalent, and fome stares do hsve this traJLidiig. Hut the ohllnary training, to be stirceBafut In ths Improvsmenf of health, must be fuundsd on the results of physical exam* Insllona We now nave the three things that will make fur improvement In physl- cal coaditlnn of department store wom- cn—education, gymnasium or equivalent opportunities, periiKlic physical examina­tions- How little thr lotr^uctlOQ of this regime would add tn the aiore's expense! Yet the Increase In efficiency of wonws would be Inestimably graat-

**Bui back of all thews practical ■Mssurrs lies what seems to me to be ^ e greatest fa'llng of all.

'*Our—and when 1 say *oiir' { rnean the medical profeMlon—standard of the health of women Is low, Ww m utt In­sist that these petty Ills are not nwess- sary under a rightly conditioned Ufa. lu rtln g from this prenUwe. with the In- trlltgenl co-operation of the woman her­self, W's can condition Industry to fit her needs- so that the average number of years spent In a store or factory be­fore Burrisge will In no way harm her or Teapordlse the coming generaUoa.

Ulrle Huger ta Vo-opereto***As a rule 1 find the girls uncon­

scious of their physical needs. It la to be expected that they have headachea colds, snd other sickneisea Bui when they are convinced of th s Importance •od desIrabltUy of wholaaoms food, ex* erclse and sane clothing and given knowledge of the sffecta of mind and emotion oa Ihe body, thay are anxious to co-operats with me In th slr own up-- building.

women working la department •lores today repreaenu a maie of woman of ths higher grade. Ths old stigma of Immorality among ahop girls Is unfounded. That condition either ; never waa or has diminished with ths upHfitng of general conditions of de­partment store work- Almost all of ths girls live in comfortable homso* and oati„ tf they so desire, arrange for a change vt diet. I find very few ef theip who have to put in additional hours of work at homa*

•The segregation of people phyalcxlly Incapable of working as normal people la an Important phase. Ws should net pui on the employer or the fellow- worker the burden of Incompctento. Wsrh (er These Pbywkwllp Haadleiipped

*•[ believe that In Mm# to come, spe­cial work will ha provided for those who are not able to do aome of the things they are now struggling to do, and In fact, work la being atarted In that direction. In this way. both Jobs and people will be of more economic value to their community."

Dr. Mann experiences very little op- poilllon from the g lrla themselves, even though ehe examines many of them when they apply for posltlona In­deed, as she travels through the stores there la ample evidence of a "hall fel­low well met" spirit existent between the girls and ths woman who la so earnest tn her dsslrs for their phyalcal welfare.

PrapBred by Expert D tettten- 'U t e s t a x B < iw C ^ « n to V D iuftf

A n d J ^ a r l t o i ^ P r i c r i J a

In thii profTtMiTC *|c, when every autfCAtion >Bd bit <>I pricticaladvice thet lend* to reduce the cott of llv in t end to help the houMwIfe In fum lehing food, nutrltloui food for the Itm lly table, It e ifo rly to u tb t lor, we nuy ic irn many important lc**oni from the French method of cooUnc.

Thit differt *0 entirely from our own the! rarely i* tven * cruit of bread w uted . Their uvoiry *oupe and leucee, which probably have no equal in the world, frc<iutntly owe their orisin (Imply to the w iter ic wnlch ccrteln vefeitble* have been boiled, t little meet t la ie or beet e x iru t and • veriely of delicate icaaonini*.

Careful cookini of nearly all ediblea at a low detree of temperature ie also practiced by the French houiekeeper, who undertltnd* to perfec­tion the art of cxirictinc nutriment from every particle of her m iru tin K Her tem ntlni rofoui, fricandeau and meal roll* derive their excellence from their loni, slow cooklni and oavory and unusual aeuonint*. whichcompletely remove* them from the ordinary dithe* terved in Ihe a v e r i it American home.


I t e o a n * *U n c o o k e d C * r * a l F r e n c h R a k t d B f c *

B i k l n n P o w d e r B l a c u l l *C o f f e e

L U N C H B t r N O R B U P P E R i t a r d l n * B a l e d . K a l * e d R o l l *

H o m i n y C * k „ w i t h M o p U B y r u p D I N . N E R

C r * * m o f C a b b * * e S o u p ( F r o m o b i n g e w * t « r * n d l * f l - o v * r

v * c * t * b l e . )H l u t f a d B e e t F l a n k

R l r e d P o u t o e e M a e h e d T u r n i p * L . t t u r e a n d l^ r e a m C h « e ,e B a l e d

M a r m a l a d e P u d d l n a A l t h o u e h I h * u e u e l e a r l y F r e n c h

b r e a k f e e t f o n * l * t > m e r e l y o t r o l l * * n d b u t t e r . B C c o m p i n l e d b y c a f f e * o r r h o r - o l e l * . t h i * r e r i p e I * t r e q u e n l l y H r v e d a t t h e m i d - d a y l u n c h e o n , l - r e p e r e a l a r g e e n a m e l e d b a k i n g d i e b ( r o i h e r e h e l l o w ) b y r u b b i n g I t w i t h a c l o v e o f g a r l i c e n d I h e n g a n e r o u i l y b u l l e r i n g I t . B r e a k I n t o It t h e d c i l r e d n u m b e r o t e g g i . a e e l n g ( h a t t h e y o l k * a r t u n ­b r o k e n . a n d a p r l n k l e l i g h t l y o v e r t h s t o p a m i l e - m i n c e d h e m e n d t h o n a l a y e r o t b r o w n e d b r e e d c r u m b * D o t o v e r w i t h b i l e o t b u t l e r e n d b a k e t a a

quick oven until the egge ere eet. Servo In Ihe baking dleh.

To prepare th« (ardlne oeUd t*f luncheon, rrmove the bonet and ekiq from the contenle ot a ran of eardinet. Flake the flah,lnto email particle* end add nn* leaipoontul ot chopped plmen- lota, a cupful or chopped celery, on* chopped herd-bolted egg end eufriclont French drenaing (mad* with lemon juloet to moltlen. Herve In Individual portion! In ne*ta ot white lettuce leave* *nd g*rnl*h with halved etuCted ollv**.

The hominy cekee are made by pound­ing with a potato mwher half a pint of citid rooked hominy until It 1* emooth end fro* from lumpa. Then ml* In on* well-lmatei. egg. a plnrh of oalt, on* heaping leetpoonful ot tuger and half a teeepoonful of ground cinnamon. Shape with floured hende Into imelL flat rekea end place In the Ice box tor three or tour houre. When reedy to aerve, fry brown on both aide* In a lltite hot bacon dripping end oerv* hot with maple eyrup. Thla will be found a decided Improvement over ihe ordi­nary fried hominy end I, really vwetr little extra trouble.

— . . ■■ ■ J . J

Chaege* Meeting Dote*.The board of manager* of th* New­

a rk Exchange for Women'* Work will meet herctfler on th* third W*dn*»d*y morning of *ach month lmit*ad of on th* third Tueedey. by d*cl*lon reached at the opening meeting yeaterdey nt th* home of Mr*. Aie Whitehead of Id Fulton *tn*(. tl wee found feaa- Ibla to change Ih* day of meeting alno* many ot the member* arc on other tn- otltutlon bovd* whoH meeting day* conflict with th* former. Mra Camp­bell Clerk, th* preeldenl. prcelded. FiTorebl* report* from department heaita w*r* road tailing ot th* aura- m*r'* work.

Areang* Cntd Pnety Serton.ArrangamanU tor s aerlo* of card

parti** to b* hald th* flrat Wodnooday afternoon ot each month under th* eu*- plce* ot Ih* board of man*g*ra of tb* Eighth Avenue Day Nuraary end Baby Sheltar war* mod* at a *p*cinl board meeting y**t*rdey afternoon. Th* *(- fair* will b* held In tb* nursery. <1 Eighth evenu*. and two of tho man­ager* will sarv* -s* ho*t«i**i each month. Mr*. Thomo* L Horton I* chair­men ot th* arrangement* committee. Hr*. Stephen H. Plum end Hr*. Wilson Ely will serve ** hasten** a t th* first party, November t.

Hevrln-SltnniAnnouncement hee Men mode ot the

•nfegem ent ot H ln Ju lia B. Strauoa. daughter of Hr. and Uro. Uavid Strauae of tl* High itreet, to Jacob H. Karri*. » n of Hr*. Lout* Herrl* of 1 Upper Mountain avenue, Montclair. Th* wed­ding will take place late In December.

Y o u C a n W alk W ith G re a te r Case in


The fact that in Tru-Tred Shoea your foot is in the position and shape that nature intended it to be enables you to walk with greater ease, more firmly and longer dis­tances than you could walk with the same degree of comfort in any other Shoes rhit you know of.

Tru- Trtd Shoes are distinctivt and differcnt~-and better.

Tra-TTcds are made of •plettiild leather* by skilled ihoem akers who produce only good Shoes, and they may be had for Men, Women and Children.

Tr«-Trcda are wonderfully terv icetb le , and, at Ihe •ante time, moderate in price.

Tm -Tred Shoce are sold exclusively by Ihl* establish- ment.

807-813 Broad St,Near Barbel.

Newark* N. J.

T* G in Wblat far Pn*r raanllp,A charity whlat w ill.b* h*1d next

Tuoadxy xt Sch-ry, Manor. SI* High alr*«t. for the baneflt of a poor tamtly, l i r a B*njantln Rolbacklld and lira. Gold* Schwarts will serve aa host***** and Mr*. H. H. Bcbery ha t donstad th* use ot tha houee.

DependabilityEvery Fur C ott, every Fur

every Neckpiece, every Muff youSet,

Ml** Reward Kalertalae CInb.Mlee Allc* Howard ot IH Hudoon

■tr*et was hostess to the Velont* Club a t her home Holiday n igh t Huale nnd game* were features and later atipper was served.

buy here I* of our own making' which is a guarantee in Itself of the depcndabilliy not only of the fur p e itt used, but of the miking.

We produce nothing trashy, but tdke pride In the perfection of our product.

L t m . E F 0 L K < 6 f A N I M A M A N D

PreeaeaStve Brid*gr**m RnterialaedHr. and Mr*. H lcheri Slrnts nf l i t

Hillside i^venue en ltria ined at dinner lent n lfh t tn honor of their nephew, Samuel Scbsry. son of Hr. end Mrs. H. M. Bchary ot t t* High street, whoa* engagement lo Mts* Kiel* Beydel, daughter of Hr. end Mrs. Joseph Beydel of to t Wsat I t id ■ireel. New Tsrk, has Ju*l been announced. Cav*r* wer* laid for twelve, pink and whit* ehryoan- themum* prevailed ta tho decorations.

The May Manton Fashions|•T ta (W ith Kantlng Lin* end Added

•sa in Altow*nc*> Plaited Skirt with Toll*. 14 to I t w»l*t.

avory form oT the plaltwl ahlrt 1*[ (■shlonsbl* for th* autumn and winter.I ThU an* I* very n*w and gnetru l sad I'ritagiMhM' ta b* d**lr*d. Beald** gtv-

th* 1B**I laaWoaabl* poaalbl* lln**,t i t Is gut ta f«w irtaces and la 'rary

apla -Ohd assy to mak*. Th*r* ar* a pt**** on th* sktrt falMd a t th*

I r iSaa and th* yak* I* out *H tn an* ptria- TR* Pattara gtv** hath th* hast-

I tag Hna, aad all th* aaam*, tharafor* Mae* la llttls wark left ta k* dan*.

I Th* modal Is a gootl •*« for th* coal I salt, (or tha gawa aad alaa far tb*

arat* ahlrt so that tt (Uta a grant alfl*r*nt Ugag*. I t maho* ua

\ a iri ta rilk aad It I m atttta l thrsiMih-

t*r twa. naH i m aurtal with a aiiiia of a atrfpM, ^ i d ar , v a r iif nwka a g*M a n ^ <

iv a ly In be aaad fat a r (*r twa.

(•Hi m m im jfAs. w«iiM

naadada ria f i . 1 * xarda t4i i te wirik

t r i o I I Isritaa walat gMaoura.


HAT KAMTOM F A T T m M |w -« b a l£ lf^ ^ lUMtratriT ahaya. *aa h* h a d ta a ira lsa a ta r Ida *Mh. Hall ardor* sum pramptlri Mat* rit* aari writ* addraa* "'■tat* a ew iB i^a d ig i t s AO.

I P A........ rilllUmbri Braa., Ksw ■

rattant* t* varirtadmmj ewfiiwn rw-tvvn* .* m riew; »r<tM a h i Oadar Sir«*tii. Ktwgrk.

' r . 'ii' l‘■•l.v-|lV>v-n.w .lVV-■- ----- ~~i-r --C.-.

dtrigtw. ,i1TI|llN 1 * . ------------------------Braa., Kaw Vork. A complet* tin* ot

by T U t OOBBXS CO-.

JU4 for H a Ad- 'aal Thirty-aacaad

It wa* aarly Saturday morning and Hoihar CuddI** hnd ]**« ton* down atalra to f*l hnakfaet. AU of her kitty ehU- dren wer* •ouud trieop. (or *be navcr ealMd them unUl breakfait wa* BSarly

’*^^wime-ew*!" uuditanty whMIed th* (rind outrid*. a* It flung tho branch** <» tb* old agplo tre* ag|rinM th* rindaw of the kitty hoys’ n«im.

Ahd iu*t a t that moment Bustar CM- dl*a op**M bta *y*a

■•arily!** ha ateialmod, sitUog up tn b*d aad ll*t*hlng to th* trind.' 'T 'h hat It'* gulag lu b* a dandy day la fly * hit*.’'

go that era* hew tt wo* Buri«r caam down (Hair* that marntag atiaad ot aU tb* r*ri. and you ran writ ItnaglM tm r niriiHaad Mothar CuddI** Wm to so* h M e*p*al*llr a* ha wa* aaatty always'nie but on* lo'eama to hraahlaat. '

■’Writ! W rili- rii* *Kt*tm«d. "Wkai'a Irina ani TauV* dm rick, aro roof* aha $Jfkm hiRk

T lust (rR lUaa sritln g up,!* aavtalaiiM Ih* iiiti* k ittrhuy . "And may k* I uiiaht nwka a Mu," tin addad..

‘Dh, I awtl” «aH Holliw Clridl«a'Tau want W OrilM g ktu.” - , ^

Aa aoM aa Jtarier .had MWti hi* hraah- taat ha hurripp oft ta Daddy FoutpawF* atora to buy lam* thtnos th a t h* ao«4*d.

"(llTa tg* two of rirtag, a eant'a worth ol brown M lor add a bottio af gtam*'M trid DwOdy. .

and Whrii DaJffy h ad , wrappad tham up and MMdM tbria ovor ta Buatar, th* good-ioUirM kbtgt* atwahoopar baganto I

Mr,‘■tVhy aiw ygu IkughtagT", oriud Bua-

'•111 ' f waa Just'th tablng a t wtian 1 w*a a lIMIt puppy boy and haw t bought thi, v*yy .tbtniK <kt>l y*« am boylM. '

"And did you BMk* a kll* with th am r' taktia Bliriwr. '

"Tob bat I dMi.** r«PlM Daddy. “Justa dahdFr''As doaa t t Buator gM ttcua* h* sia rud ta to riah* bin kRa, Inrat b* w m ia d <ntt iwa.iltIM. * U ^ <( lb* pMiN swaAM Ihoa Wad* a oboftar. on* to (sa*tn In

I, Aftar thatMl* mlddt* of lit* «lb*r iwq. b* fa* a rirtag aroupd tb* «nd» of ih* uuoka and *uvtjri|d>t)ta wbatc (tiling tpiih bruWn pagar.''

, ‘t> * - * & 'lM t h t e b* did badatw-h* ■j Ip t-b ik k 'a t m

hrits* was to (aririi a taU ta th* Uta la k**p It from bobbing up add down,

Aad whan h« got to tk* plao* wh*r* k* w*nt*d to tty his k>l» h* found aavatri ot hi* Ilitl* animal fitoeds Ihar*. lisdilt Rover, hi* Uttl* pupA( chum, was MU- liw a big bird kite that had goaa up •• high In Ih* air that you could hardly s#s It

AU th* IHtia animal frilu but «n* war* flying klU*. and h« waa a poor IHlta kitty boy by th* uatno of Benny D(tabl*, Uotlur Dobble .mutd not afford to buy hll* avan th* ehsaperi kind of a kilo nor tb* thing* to mako quo with.

“Wlah I could fly •.*# too," Buri*r heard Banay any. "Go*' hut 1'U bat It's fun.”

Now Buriar was n ri th* kwat bH ■airisli, ahd a Util* wkU* lat*r ho tri Bonay tah* bold r i (fw rirtag awd fly hi* Ml* for quM* a l**a dm*. And oa *ooa M th* oihen »aw what Buatar bod doM Ibay all gsv* tba poo* liltl* Wtty hoy a ebanr* to W tholrs. ••

When Itanny nMbtavwont honw that evantai b* loM Mather Dubhio how' k l ^ IliwUi' CuddI** aPd th* otbor anf bay* bad bean t* tarn. i

‘ aa doubt you w


0 7 3 B r o a d S t.C ookiesM tasty at GramlHia’a.

Haw *• make Ihw*. k m* k*Hfr, I ri iM*r. I I f f . k *iw wOk, I *■*• Pr*i«*. 11**- m*,n OavMliit. Cnwn th* knlUr, th** •dd *M*r. *sg w*l|.bMt**, mllh and Omrar- lag. T* th*** add Pneka BeU «• Pr**i* «**l*d baard, eat, bWk* ta madanu evam

Send Johnnie for • padmie of Pfggto Flour gnd try thie redpe, Redpci in end on every podrifo.

ATTENTIONI*ip*rt d*ilgn*r ha* a r­

rived with ell the n*wtti modalaOurW* would auggeat that you

plao* your order now and avoid th* *«*son‘* ruah.

SUITS r - o — J6 .00 SKIRTS r-o ec -S l-O O

Frwa* T**ur Ovni Mateetal


104. e ig i M aikri


Print ButterA t A l l G o o d G r o o e r s

F R A N K Z I E R ZThe well-luiewg ferriw, la oSD le-

oatod at >71 Worrea Mre^ whm he weaU fladtr *ekeiM aU eeatenen M ere.

naiaedetiaa, Koyelftai aai New Pun will alwajn taedve Me »eteeail

I aUeidiea.

F a m i ly '^ ^ a 8 h in gDid Yoii Ever Flgur# W hat You Psy to H«yo Yotir W«Hitns Dono etHomo?

YOtm WAYTfioliwetnaaN eels e ■ d *» e« «^B« ***>••> ■*« Y#

. Seikh efo J S

SMAalllilt ia efliy Arw eeU ie—

lew «>oHf (lie liM lai?

OUR WATFlrat t> peshda.. . . . . . J. .7S> tbi. everwelfht de per lb... SO Aa the averoga family bundlt

waigbi X) pouNe

OSAnd this Incittdat Hit Itenlsg el

• lerte propertloe of ttw pfaceo.C A L L K D P O k A N D D S U V I R K D O N R R G U K . A i r D A Y S K A C H W E X X

kewiMiMr ft I mWardell Steam Laundry

ROUGH-DRY SPECIALISTQ f O s s S t , N o w d u r l t , TfciNi 17M Branrtf Braek

;i ■ : r .



SnENGTH NOT AUTh* darir* on the lu

"to push out Into th* nr* tad ftri the pull m*at* and proriem* oa* of th* rosnns atv< of Th* Contemporary France* c . Haya th. flrri iBMllng of tk* c ywaurday ■narneon.

Th* RMatlng w u hi a n t th* Mating cap tortuna w u fully tax maO* up entirely nf i rioee attention to theP pruldaiu, u well ■■ Jsme* B. Chceierun A. W. H. Thnmpton. topic WOi "The Club i Hr. Thompaon took t Club ond the Oommun

MIm H * n rnngral for tunilna out in *> a* ah* mid, “thrre ar tnetlon* tn town tc Ml* raforred to tb* op tb* aurrraa* organln th* prila.

"Our a u b ; It* Opp gatlOM" ws* the I. Hay* based her *ddr

"There may be m who have borne the the day." began MUi to rolae the quraUou wbll*—worth *11 the (he effort and itrufcl ty tiriay It Is Inruml to Inquire of ourael liiaan In our live* to In NowarkT What ( y u ra from n(.w, to it after u*. and for . porlna th* way? Wl call lu blecncd? Wh W hit doee th* club *0 fort

New Leader's "With Ihl* eltuatli

pause today at (he riub year and of a of our club affaire, leader, one nf who. M ehe sere It, li to of these questlone, a to a common undenl to what are (he moil our ahort dub hl*tor> valuation to place u, a**ets, and what I* futurer

"8o. looking hack' that It w u little If ago that an Iniwruta pooeoaolon of pome f thla city and drew I th* name—The <’on(t 0 . J. It eaemed th rlub* tn thie city * for th* roeelln* of n group*, each of whli the Hnie line of worl tIon, the need was i club that would dr* ■hip all the emallrr many women not con gfganlHtloiu and pr

. broad and human cm ' an."From th* very ■!

aldered eesentlal. IV great~-we did not h i grratneu. Airi we time, opening our do of Newarii. without I'o personal opinion rellrioB, •oclsl stand Th* club Mid In ■ w*»; 'All of you coi

Mere lt*lk"But inere bulk *

Wtntrd a name th areal things, and we ’ h e Contemporary.' a,tremendous name that In our corporate to live end breathe with the tlmea am tiaually moving wl ovenl* In the world, out Into Ihe current feel tho pull of the i problemi of the day.

"It w** to be (re With ue: never yeet ago. Rut thI* name ■cope, wa* firmly ct word* of Nevurk, owat ot all, we'wt* me*M to be a womo Hawark, what nee brought Into our through th* modi wooien.’'

Mlao Hay* r«vle< tivltlM of th* club th* mambars reoos organlutlon might lag to a gr«*i*r d ta th* city.

'7 lm a want by, *!and still nothing Than laor* quttllc look coon«*l to i tirad of sitting ■■ on* woman u id i or*: 'For llcav*aoaaathlng.*

OttI** -D* ^ a n witkin t

Boelaoi b*gaa to f In th* dlractloD oi toward tk* city Ir Tha moving aplrlt m r Immodlato pr Throogh har form dafinit* and praotl. to us lor our *xlri< apondad to tb* .m foil to and plowa rowad and sow*d i gr«w and th* plani good fnitL Wo b gait o t th is Initial ■ttraly thar* ooght M gt tatarast In cb Ilha a lt living tkli t l n u to grow.”

V Csoamontlng on .ahik dlroctora to c Hio el vies commitl HIM Haya Mid: f “W* kav* had yaar bMka tb* n ri work of tko elvic roaoon to h* pre aaumarotlon.

"Wo kopo lo n «M of tk* doparli la ao praacribod word. W* woold

C rtmoota groopo irnlng kow to a •om* form of oaf

n ity or club, and (Wvatoplng a aoma o t work or study eqnaaetlon wltk II riuh. This may eommittao fa r so porist sorvlo* or t to riitaln Inform* f it us for tk a t **i

Atam tm DiroOtIng tk* at

to tko atm t o t tki lug tk* yM r to coi

. n t i aadMvorIni tk* scot* of I tkroiwh BOW opnb wo oall dwartm i th* right of auoh two quofUat F vrhiuh thla dtpsi •patamporary Inti a k ta u l of ttw t dlrteiod taward tl

. oadar to Hsrilfy ti w* not nlllraatolr grtth our city I oohool* and onr HMonm. o a rO ty othar montoipal know th* human eam* ovar th* rit I t a r i (g nero acc

. . fria iod Ik ria hot grow* out o l dir iget with Ik* Uta

“ThlaU tt the (gltata naimoiaa atodo. a M n «ppi

A t'\-



I n s OPPORTUNITIESDuirc Iq Sbn ■ Greit MsTementi

• f D q r h i R M S Q i f o r B e n f ,

' Praidnt Siji.

SIIEMTH NOT ALONE n NIWERSTIm ^Mlr« on tlic |«rt of It* o rftn lic r i

punh opt Into rurreni of modern Hfo oRd fotl Uio puM of the froot nov«- ntM U ond preblomi of the day" at* MO of the rooeoas givon tor iho exlotoar t of Tho Contemporary of Newark by W M FraMoa C* Hay*, tho preetdoat, at tho flrat BHoUng of tho club for the acooon. yoatorday aftomoon.

Tho mooting waa held In Waltaco Halt and the aoatliig capacity of tho audl tertuni waa fiilly taard by a gathortng made up entirely of memboro, who gave doot attention to the^ddroM of tho new pnaidoat. aa well oa to Ulka by Mr*. Jamoa t r Chroaeman of Ormrtfe and Rev. A . W. H. Thompaon. Mro. Cheeaamon'a taptd waa ‘The club end the Individual Itr. Thompeon took fi»r hla eubject "Tba Club and the Community.'’

Iflaa Haya congratulated the wom'^n fbr turnihf out in euih numbert when, aa aha eald. ’‘there are ao many other at* tractiona in town today." It waa fait dm rofarrad to the opportunity offered by tha auffrago organlntloua to watch at the pdla.

**Our Club; TU OpportunJtlei and Obt|> gntibno" waa the teit on which Mtsa Haya baaed her addreaa.

*Tliara may be momenta when w>n* Who have borne the heat and burden of the day," began MUa Haya. “are tempted to ralao the queatlOD; In the club worth Vhllo— worth all the time and energy, tha effort and etruggle put Into It? Hurc* ty today It le Incumbent upon all of ua to Inquire of ouraelvea: What doe# It nwan In our llvea to have thla big riuh In Newark? What wlU It mean twenty paara from now. to the women who come after ue, and for whom we are pre­paring the wny? Will they riae up and call ua bleuiod? What are we. anyway WTiat doei the club mean? What ia it an fort

Mew Leader*# Datlea.**Wlth this situation, which gtvea

pauee today at the heglnrtlnn of the rdub year and of a new admlnlatratlun cf our club affaire, there cornea a new leader, one of whose first oblLgatlopa,

I aa she sees It, la to try to anawer some oC thaae questions, and thereby to come t« a common understanding vqth you at ta what ara the moet significant facts in oar short club history, w-hai Is the proper valuation to place upon our present club asaets. and what is our outlook for tbs future? ^

“go, looking hackwanl. we remember that It was little more than ejx years ago that sn Inacrutshle social force took poasesslon of some 200 or 20b women m this city and drew them together und' r the name— The < Ton temporary of Newark. M . I . It seemed that while our small dubs in this city were pleaaant ptac-.i for the meeting of more or less Intimate groups, each of which waa Interested In the same line of work or study pr recrea­tion. the need waa aleo tell for one n g elub that would drew Into the member­ship all the smaller groups, as well as many women not connected with any club gfgablsatlon, and provld«< some Interest,

. broad and human enough to tnclude theman.

' "From the very alert lilgness mss con­sidered essential. We seemed to be tiorn great-’ Wa did not have to wait to achieve gTcatnesa. And we grew bigger all the time, opening our doors to all the women of Newaik, without regard, mind you. t'o personal opinion or nolltica. race or religion, social standing or bank account. Tha chib said In a generous Impersonal way: ’All of you come In and be one u(

4yCZEEZH^SEFtonnc* Hay l>*ll*r, II VylVAn pl«e«, UORtcUtr, llk « l to bRV* ■•dlln*

■torK i read mor* tb in one*.iMboIl D«mpic> of O o m a n V»Il*y It bort today.

P lctu rn of chlldr.n or* doolrod lor uto with (bo-Bodtlmo itorloo. Bond baby'i Rhotoirtph wllb o tin* or h io of commonl. Pot nomo ond oddroM oa b«rk of pUlure. wblth w ill t» rolornod. Addrou to Sditor,Nswark Evening News. Market alrtsi.

Woffiao'a. Fags*


Msre Ealh Kaawgh.*'Rnt mere bulk was not enough. We

wanted a name that would Inspire to great things, and we first chose the name ^he Contemporary.' Do you realise what • .tremendous name that is? It means that In our corporate eilstence, we wished to live and brealha and have our being with the times, and thus to keep con­tinually nwving with the progress of a vents In the world. \ 'e wanted to push out Into the current of modem life and

the puU of the great movements sod problems of the day.

"It waa to be from henceforth ‘today’ Vlth us; never yesterday or fifty years •go. But this name, wllh Its tremendous scope, was firmly centered by sddlng the words ‘of Nev^rk. New Jersey.’ For most of sll, we wished *o know what It means to be a woman today In the d ty of Newark, what new meaning la being brought Into our common life here through the modern development of womea.’*

Miss Kays reviewed briefly tha ac­tivities of the elub up to the time when tbs members recognised the power the organisation might be toward awaken* iM f to A Br«*l«r d«ir(* *■ civic ip lr lt In tho city.

"Tim* wont by,~ H iu H*y> ■old, *%bd it l l l nnthinc • le ltln c hnpp»nf>d. Tbon mor* qUHlIonlnn com*. «nd we look conneel tocelhcr. Some were tired of eittinit around lleteoinc, end on* womkn laid with n f lu b In her «gro: T o r UeoTen'e eoko— let'e do■omethla(.‘

Ontlce Toward City.* ^ o n within thie arcat maea. .a

anolena baaaa to form and ihape Iteelt In tho dlroetlon of our raaponalbltltloa toward the eltjr In which we a ll l l r i . The movlnv ip lrU of th lt nucleue wao in r Immedleta predcceuor la offleo. Throath her forceful efforte, a more doflnltc and practical reaton wae divan to ns for our ailatenco. And many re- ■pondad to the call with alaorlty and fall to and plowed the eeil and har rewad and towed dood aeed. The eaed drew ond the plant flouiithad and bore dOOd f m it We believe now, an a ro- ■alt of thla Initial work, that tharo la. auraly th a n ondht to bo, a live Inlolll-

Bt Intaratt In civlea amond ua. And.I alt llvlnd thladt. that It will eon*

ttnuo to drow.. Cmumontlnd oa tho deoltlon of tho ,«l«h dlnctora to eontlnno Iho work of tha olvloa oommittao aa a department, Mlaa Haya aald:f **Wt have had aummarlaed In our Ttar hooka tho nat ra tu llt of one yaar*! work of Ika elrlo oommlllaet and hava raaaon to bo prohd of tho eoneroto •aumoratlon,

“ Wo hope to aHko a oontompofanr uoo of the deporlment Ida*, and therela t no proterlbod n tan lad for that word. Wo would like t» wako our de<

Uncle Wlggtly Lonieert, the nice 4m rabbit oentlenten, end flrandfathrr Quo.' ey UaiMlcr, the *oo»e sentlrintn who paddled tbout In a red plueh .teemboat when the duck pond wae not frown over, eat talktna lofeiher on the f™ m porch of the hollow etump bunialow, where H r lyonoearp lived.

"Tei." oneckrd O-tndpa Ooueev. enrt of elow end eoletnn like llhe way fooee penllemen tlwnye talk), “yet, I think I will (Ire 1 HUle party, Juil tor a few of my friend*.■'

"W ill you bare It for your yound frienda or your old frIendeT" aeked Uncle Wlrally

"For both,-- anen'ered the gooe* (en- tleman "Of couree I want to n.e my old friend.— thoae I uted to know when I waa a little downy aoellna— and 1 want to aee all the hitle animal boya and (Irla, alao."

"Thai will be nice." .poke Uncle Wla- (II), "And will you hare thinc. to eat al your parly." *

"OI», of conree," anawered the (Ooe# fentleman. "It would be a funny port of party without anything to eati wouldn't IlF'

--It would," replied the rabbit (entla* man. "I auppoiw you will have lea cream, and lollypopa and popcorn ball., and mo> candy and all thing, like that."

"■.einunade, too." epoke drandpa Oooe- ey. "Don’t forfet llie lemonade. Tou’ll want (0 drink come after you and Nureo Jane Fu ity Wurav do the rocklna*horae dance, and pet alt werm."

"Oh, ye«." went on Uncle W lgdly. "We muetn't forget the lemonada."

Bo Drandpe Qooaey got ready for hla parly, which he gave every )rear. Uhtlo WIggily helped him. They decorated the old Eoope gentleman', houie. near Ihc duck pond, with beautifully colored leavea, which Jack Froat paintwl .the moat lovely colort with hla Ictcie fin- grre,

In one corner of (he dance hall etood a bundle of corn atalka. like thoae from which .N’arae Jane Fuaay Wuaty, the mutkrai lady houeekeepar, had gnawed Uncle W igglly’a red, white and blue eirlped barber pole rheumatlem rrutep. to another corner were big. round, yel­low pumpkin Jack'a'lanletna, w llh can- dlea Inilde to give light.

(Jrandpa Oooeey and Uncle 'K'lgdlly eent out Invltitloni to the party, w rit­ten on marahmallow candy lollypopa,

that when the children and grown animate had reed them they could eet their Invltatlone.

"In that way they won't forgot to come to my party," aald Grandpa Oooiey.

"Oh. 1 dueaa no one w ill forget to come." apoke the old gantlemen rabbit.

F inally the evening of the party came. From their homea In the wood­land, from their burrow# In th# flolde, from their neeta In the ta ll treea and from hollow atumpa, came tha animal folk— young and old— to OrandpaOooacy Oanddr-a parly.

"It evarythtng ready to catT* aaked Uncle WIggily In a whiaper, aa he atralghtanad hla white bow tie, that Nurae Jana had faatenad for him. ao ha would look proper and alyltah.

Tea." anwwared Grandpa Oooaay. "I have tha candy, tha cake, tha lea cream, the popcorn, tha lollypopo, tho chewlna gum and-—— "

"Hava you made tha tamonadcT* aaked the rabbit gentleman.

There*" exclaimed Orandfather Gooaey, clapping hla yellow bill to- gelhar, aa a tailor amacka hla aheara before be cute the buttema off the doll'e ehoee. "Therel I knew I'd forget Bomethlng. I didn’t get Iho lemone. Oh dear;-

"Never mind," epoke Uncle WIggily. n i ]ue( ellp out the back door and get

them for you. Then I'll help you mako tho lemonade. I think I can find a fruit atore open, even If It la night."

Without aaylng anything to tho hoy and girl animala, or the grown onea.


iMbm if Ckb M Is Iiovlore Mbest Ciipiifs Afiisii

Erie RiSroui Feny Rilei.


B L A S ™ 8 1 I I I J


Uncle WIggily alippei aut tha back way to get tha laroona. He bad g baaket to put them In. aa It would taka more than a doaan to make lemonada for the party. ^

And while Uncle TTigglly wae gone, Btmmle and fluale Llttlelwll, the rah- bita: Johnnie and B llll* Buabytall, tha aoulrrala; Nannla and Billie W aglall, the goata, and a ll the other animal chll- dien. played game#, auch ae "Hide the Sewing Machine ” and "Find the Player- piano," and a ll Ilka that.

And now let u i oee what happena to Uncia WIggily, a i they eay In etory booka

On and on through tho wood* want the rabbit gentleman. He waa not afraid of Ih# dark, beeauee he had a lantern. It wae made from a milk bot­tle. with lome firefly lightning huge In It, and theee gave light enough ao the rabbit gentleman could lee nicely.

l.ucklly enough he found a fruit atore open, and aoon ho had bought a doien and a half of lemona. Putting them In hla baaket. he waa pulckly on hla way to Grandpa Oooeey’a houae.

But (he rabbit gentleman had not gone very far when, all of a tudilen, out from a bu*h Jumped aome bad ani-

"Hn' Who foen thera?" aaked th* animal, Juat like a aoldl.r In wartime

"It I* I. Uncle WIggily. If you ple**». anaa'erail lha rabbit gentleman, bravely snouch.

"Ahl Ahsm ’ Just ons Ivs Man wRlilna for"* spokr the bad anImaL "Iki )ou know who 1 am?"

"I—I can’i ••• yo'* vsnr. wsllg suswrred Mr. Iconssars. "but you sound likr th# fussy fos."

” 1 am," snawat^d Ihf fos. *Tou iruessad flsW th« first Now. Ifyou plsas . you'll corns wit^ ms.'*

"Oil. but I can’t f o r asW UncU "I must fo back to OraniJi*#

(loose)’ s parly'""Parly, sh r' barked the fo*. do

that Is what you have In your basket* eh? Bomelhlna f6 r the party?"

■'T#s,'’ said 1‘ncls W lfs lly . "Rut I don’t ihink you'll oars for ihsm. In the basket I l}ove some— "

"Nsver mind whs! you have. You won't have li very lonf." snickered the fusty fos "I’ni fo in f to have li my* aeir First M l eat what you havs In the basket, and then I’ll take you with me. I suppose you hnvs chocolate cake In there. Th a i’a what they 'moat ways havs at parilss M l eat llV

"No. It laft't chocolals cake.'Uncle W tff lly . IVa— **

"Nsvsr mind what It Pont tail ms! Ancle cake or fruit cake will do as well. M l eat II anyhow;’ aald Ihs foi.

And then, beforo Uncls W iff l ly could •top him. the bad fos pawed the t*ovsr off the basket, and not stopplnf In the ’dark to look he took a whole mouth­ful of lemona. He hit Into them, the sour Jules ran down hla throat, and the fos crlsf*

"Oh wouch! Oh smouch! Oh peanut bloruH and soft-shsllod hickory nutsl I’m all puckered up! Ohl OhV’

And so he was. Ths sour Isroona had so pucksrsdi his mouth that he couLdn t bite even a toothpick, and then and there ths fos ran off to fs t a drink of water, to unpucksr his moutha leavinf ITnsle W if f l ly aafsly alone.

"W e ll I’m fin d I went after ths Ismona#" apoke the rabbit fentleman. as he hurried back to Grandpa (Joois) • houae. "Only for them the fos would have taken ms away.”

Ro we learn from IhlS. If we will, that while a pucksry Lemon is food for lem­onade It l i bad for foxea Then Uncle WIggily helped Grandpa Goosey muks the nice cold drink, and the goose fen- tleman’a party was a freat success. And If ih* pussy ca l doesn't take Ihe tongue out of my shoe, so It < an t talk to the slipper# I'll tell you nest about [:ncls W if f l ly and the dentist


■ said

H M d«4 by F rfsM M t D«rM Itorpsr* BMiabon of tho Motor Truofc d u b of Now Jarovy vU l llotM toMtgfat to flgbt totk on tha propOMd U t r r toUf Ineranaa by Ui* Erta Valtronde gt n waatth f of tba Truck Club of Anarion la Now York. A dstar* mlagtloD to noaualot tbamaalvaa with tho tnio altttftloQ batora toUng tho Inltladva, aa an ally to otbar comnaordal bodlaa ol- rendy In tba fight* lad to tha nocaptonca of tba iBVlUtion to attend tba maating which will bo haM f t tha AuloaoUla Club of Amsrtco.

About twanty-fiva mambars of tba Naw Jarosy club loot night answerad « enll for • mootlnc to dUcuto and uka action Oft tho propooad toll# Incraosa. L«wranco C, Wftrd# cbftlnhfth of tha ferry commit* tea. daltvarad • report. No dlaouaolon fol- lowad baeouoa tho Invitation to attand tha New York mastlnf followad tha report- It vas immadlotely accepted. Tha mambera praaant vara urgad to Join ths prsalde&t. Baerstary Nelson g, Frlngla sad Mr. Ward In tbslr trip to Naw York* Tba Inlaraat of the New Jersey Club has been arouaad by the reports of ths fight.

Mr. Ward In his report stated that tha lludsoB County Board of TYada waa now prepared for tha further haarlng on tha question next month before tha Interetsta Comnieiva Commission In Washington. 1*he railroads, he declared, wara |»o||ti* tally In power and there eslstad no posM- billty of waglnf a winning right without forming a powerful union of bualnasa Uk* lereatfl to offset'YhfV advantaga. ‘ **

’rhs chairman bemoaned lha fart that the railroad, while It sought to Increase Ihs lolls, did nothing to better the Iratis- IKirtstloft farlHtias. He said he didn t believe ihs assertion ihal tha railroad waa not making money ua ths ferries and added there was pJcniy of room for Im* provement In every way. In concliitllng he ])vlnte<| out that ths horse drawn vehicle would l>e as much affected by ihe Increase as the motor trucks, lie urged Ihs co-operation of owners of horsaa.

The New Jersey club became Interested in the toll* queBtion when word was spread broadcast from Hudson County Ihal the civic Inxlles there were combat­ing the new schedule. bines then tha Motor Truck Club of Amerua and vart* oils other motor organlsationa In New Jersey and New York have become Inter- cirt«4 Tonight's mseting is called for the amalgamation of all the forcaa op* posed to the rallroad'a plin.

The Invitation for the meeting Is a cen- eral one and Is Intcndsd for everybody Interested In the matter, partlculsfly own­ers of both motor and horas drawn Vf hh'lei.

Two nominations to fill vacancies on the board of truateea were mads last nlfht They are Georgs GUlls of Perth Amboy for L. J. McOacken. raslgnad. and M M Mullln for J. W. Winchester# resign'd. These nominations will he ron- flrmed St the next monthly meetinf of ths board of Irustess. The Roecalsr A Hasslscher Compatiy and the Kdlaon Ijkmp Works of Harrison Joined as roam- bara.

An Invitation was extended the club mambers to visit Drri Newark Tsrrolnal# which IS open for rnspacllon today. Tickets were distributed to the membars.

FOR MENStfBtr P int, U st Bad All tlw Ttee~aagin«t Sudd«n

GiiiUt, Coldt, Pneumonia and Rheumatitm.Pamona over half a century for iu auperior qualitiea. Every garment ahaped to tho figure and gunnstted

■Ot toGlaoloalMirT T«o4*iece, Fh1 Kait Spring-Needle Us-

d e reev ia made in fifteen grades, several weights of line voolt, worsted and merino.

See special feature of •djusUbk drawer hands onNnten) Or## W«el. «l#|«v w eMI ■: ■ - r ; ■ - v Mninret Urny W*#l. trtotev weight tdcgeic ihrred)

Sement Or#r Wereied. IMit welgfcl. ■•tnnt Ore# Auelnttee l-emVe Woel. UgSt welglil

Netnmt Ornr K e ia n l <h*f

Port Newark Terminal Day

T K Ib Ib « m a i l o« m f ■n o r A i f • lr»>

i e W r o f N B w w rtg .,

V.e l t l i n o

ohouM relolo* la t h aro tst t h a t hava fuDiuatM eatlan tnolalmlRC Newarig to be a aeapoft.

W a In tMaO

Vereted.Auatmtlas Lamb's

Far Mis by WrIU for baakist—ssmpis cuttlsrw

Dept- I!.

p*r fStlWABt I fMr larmpot par fsm stit p«r is rm so t

.pf-r garmont I'ool, wtsla-r wMghl per farm * at Lsaaiiig DfwkMw.

Ysurs for ths asklsf.


Q a t i l i b a j E n ttifif C onpaiy . O a tto ili ir T , C o n .

ftaarsy Clmk to (ilaa Danca#Ths second annusl tnuslrsl cntarialn

ment and danae of the HenroV Club win be held In Krueger Auditorium November • The proceed* will be do. hated In part t j the Tempi* B'nal

IM tIth* 1

K tiiignti srMipn of woman who nr# rnliig how to winroi

•omo fofwi of ooftrloo^rooo thomoolooo In

___ to tho eornmn'a l t r or dub, nnd mo thin gimStwItr dovoloplng a oommon InUroit In • line ot work or gtuSr that hag nn orgmnlo eonMictlon wllh thermnln objoet ot Uig glub. Thii m«r mean orgnniging • goaUBlUeo for oomo gpoolnl form of ■oolal oervka or forming a ntadr olnnh to obtain Informnllon thnt will holtor li t an for Ihot oorwtoo."

Almo too Host Voor> b irodlag (ho httantloB of the women

t» tho BUM of Um BSmlBlntnuioB dur- Mg tho irnor to com*. S lgi HByn aoM;

n o tHiSnnvarlng thla SBBt (• tho aeogo t t oar eluh through BOW epitora of lataroil, wo oBlI doBonpuata «o or* MgiiaB th* right of Bub aBp*rtm**i* to b* hr tern quotwoi FUbI " l i th* ' 'whleh thla dogwMMBt oOBtampotorr Mtaraats data tt HBm im ohraaet of the ilmoeT ieeoBd— la H directed leward lb* com nunitr— for In ordar to JW tifr fa ltr our nomo, ahouid w* not uttlmatolr eotobllah eoaneetloaa with our e tir hall .and « ir publt* aohoela and our llb ra rr and our M l mueeem. oar OVtr Plan Cammlaolon and otbar mualoipal agoneteaf W * a ll hnow tho hawanJatng aalrlt (hot ho* •oina OVtr tb* atudy Of oFvlao. making It not B)ta*rt accumulotioB af dnr, ua. rotalod M eta bat a Ur* tntoroat whieb grow* out o f direct ayinpatbetlo m b - tact with lb* Ilf* of th* eommunltr.

“Tlila lo the Fontoiuporarir aplrlt w tiM l animate* nor rlvtr worh a M gtodv- and M applie i oounUy to an a n a anSdettera dtfiartmtnt. Wo arp footing

I hart aa In atbob aUtOO of daw-

our rommunel Ilf*. tV* want to get out of the way of thinking o f-art ae eome- thlng buokleh and nbetract. W* need purer nnd more Invigorating mean* of enjoyment and recreation for every­body, W* want a rt for IlCe'e eak*. W* want It tu eweoten and enhance the every-day llvea of every-day people In Newark. Bhuutd we not aleo. In de­veloping Ih* Intereola of th* home, look outward from tho liearthotono,' co-opernting with each other (or bet­ter home*, Jo order that th* uplifting Influenoe or Ih* home may bo felt In th* community T

Numbon Maet Cohev*.-The groat obligation of the elub to

whleh Iho fheu In our hlotory plainly lend u i la In tho direction of Iblo community of which w* form numov. leally ao large a part. Our apMlaI ad­jective hae alwaya been -big.’ W* have been Jnetly proud of* our mumberehlp. Tbert li groal etreagth In number*. W* all know that, but num beri beoDiu* a mighty force enly w fen they cohere, united by a common motive. When tvery anil foela Itarif a living part of- a great body and playa th a t p a rt well, then the body tlvaa and move*. W* ahall never find a preoldentlal woman- angel who will atooT thla oluh to aue- ceaa and relieve ua of a ll retpoailM lUy In th* metter."

Ulaa Haya eounded a M te for a wont- an'a club heuaa In Newark, saying:

“There la no hop* (or ua outald* ot onreelvoB' Neltber th* Megldent' nor th* board l l tho club. The prosidant and tb* department gnd the oommttt** chairman een aaggeet line* o t work, make prograea. mSp ou t, pollcloa, *t«, but th* apirit that tranafarm g elob machinary Into a living onranlaea la what w* call blub sp irit—th* spirit of ih* body, And It com** from the great body of the dub Itoelf. W hat la thla mye- terlou* Inflaenco; club sp ir i t and bow does 11 oomaT I t comsa Ilka other gifts of the a p l r t t ^ o t aaeraly for the asking nr even th* paying ot | l In duet, t t h a t to grow. It grows as a reault ot our mutual tympalhy and undorotaad- Ing when w* work together, f t la born with our common ottorta to think eloarty about our elub problomo; to profit by OUT mlotakoo, to dg a ll wo can to lUr up coMtnMIvu, hulpful critictim In tho** abotrt ue, to past on the good word and tofigul the an t th inga And ahnv* all the spirit grows In ua—thoa oacb of And* hor Job aad duua It |ns« aa well aa ah* can. Thar* I* a high hop* aw ait­ing that day. Cor whan our whulu club body hag thus aw ikansd to Its obll- gaUons and oppdrtualttu* tbon w ill M roalliod our dreams of a banuttful wumau-B club huuee In Newark—a elub feundud on u ruck,

Idmm tu Stuau o t Flus.■ntaa* a r t strange tlmaa in th* fcla-

tory H th* wnrld. In ■uropo boun- ilarios of atato* ara chang ing ..Mm and lealeway. • • davourlag fowfca ar* saraapiBf thonaanda of moa Into a to n iltr aUuoot dally. Ideas avary wharf ar* Iu a atatd of -flu*. W* hbrdly hnow what to oapect. Tramaa d o n losBoa ar* a t au h # fo r woman la this ita l* this very day. W hat la espeotad of ua todayT. What umy ho onpgctad of im tomarrnw? Can wo not a* wotuon draw clotor to each othor. realising that th* things which aap- arata ua ar* very agiatl la th* lig h t a t th* high purpeooo th a t htad ua tuguthar and of tha grant avauu happtuing la th* woridT Cha w* aat at) M p apph outer te mako oar «luh a dUftUr of •weoinsaa and light, aa lafttMUM fur good In th* community, nn laiBtratIun nnd an opporiHnlly to avary Individual club member T"

kr.,T bam pasn draw laa aitentlon of M* members to a clvk- ttudy. rlae* hi

force for the betterm ent of civic con- dlclone end compered It with whet he celled the four greet forcee—echool teechere, lewyere, loclel workere end mlnfeicre.

Seesadary V Irtan- Mre Cheeetmen enumerated secondary

virtue* that, aha eald, the women can acquire, aa followa:

"Loyalty, not alone to hueband* and children, but to other women; Juellc* to one'* Cnemtea a* well aa Ic Intl- matee; generosity and a high aene* ot honor; to engage In dtscueelon with­out demanding the proverbial last word and laetly. reaaonableneae."

Prior te the program there wae a round tabi* conforonco of th* newly formed department of arte and lottere of which Hr*. Ooorg* Hubbard Havaga I* chairman. Ur*. Savage outlined a tentative plan o t work tor tho dapart- ment, oa* aim of which Is to enter Into community a r t and t aproad Ih* propa­ganda of fastival pageants. Bh* lold of a plan by which tb* great feetlvahi of th* year will be marked by com-

lunlly pageant*, and auggooted that hrlstma* might be obaorvod by aa old

time Krtgllrh yul* .log (estival. Th* plan for 'h ie t* tdntatlr*. but If ap­proved. will be enacted by th* member*.

Hite Louise Connolly of Ih* etaft ot the Free Public Library end th* litera­ture committee o t the gepartnfeni, out­lined e plan by which the women could make e lllerary BBalyel* of their read­ing. Much could be developed along th e n II nee that would prove useful In public Itbreriea eh* said, by snalyelng any book retd. fHi* pointed out that It would bring about a dteper concentra­tion on the aubjoct being etudled or read. If nothing more.

A reception to the officers end apeak- ere of tha day (oltowad the program lo Ih* directors' room ot th* T. U. C A.


C A S T O R I AfM I n f u t t u d GUIdrM

I n l l M F M - O v t r a O Y i41ware bagrg

th*•fautar* of

Ad A. I JV A I B W A M f C

D o i s N r i u R N w _ ^

h w m h lB w a jr

• t a pto h au p '

N m n w r a i


Wo t T F ^ Ito mmka ourawroiewthp boat known. WgaraaaA-1 (ng oeUjr worthjr mac ehpndlap. W g aim to m ok* thla an Idpp) H erdw sre Store wofthy of m arMtt Otgr.


-Kapeves In Hutdev***,*• 7 - M M a r l M t S I .

a a v W pahinstan 8b

The WateDproof Vanish for Exterior & laterior UseF a r Extrrier*

It unequaled aa a protactlve finish.It li abaelutaly wsterproof. and thit m ikes It sn IdesI product for V**- icl*. Yachts, Canoe* andBulldlOft, lor any surface where m oliture i i pretent.

Fur Interiur*I* in ideal a tn itary flnlih for walls, wainscoting, partitions, window tills, etc. It can he washed with hot or cold water without toy in- jurlous elTect.



For hluonMakes sn e ltsiic , tough surface Ihal wears like iron. It can he washed with hot or cold soapy witer, and will not turn white from leaky radiators.

For FuniltnieQUICKSPAR makes ihc bail In - ith for tables, chairs, hart, refrig- ergiors, or on anything whert wtar and te ir i t severe. It is not if- fected hy hot or cold liquids, even alcohol does not harm It.

bHiis Yoor Case?PlHBlMe Mil rW aa# llrh* Hmm*

p f i f ■* tartocfl’M»nr hundred p*op|«

•uff«r wMh nne or nor* of Ih* • bov« troublOR, who no doubt bmT« UMd m«ny romfdlM. y i fall I* ••( rofUTMi. For tho ron* •on tjiioy troml the blood.Bfinoftw to ft oklft diMftM ftod aoo ibo tpootod oftlotftftlly oa »«toh.

{ TiTikBliW I.Y.ttaOUCOK~^I



TaJe# a packagt kom

Noticf to TaqniiorsTexeo for the yoar III! ar#

Kyeble a t my office from Oct*- r IS, t t l i .If you have not received a laM

bill on or before that date, du- pllcatea can be obtained at Ib* o/rie* o t tb* Boenl ot Aeieei- ment and Revision of Taxes, main floor. Clly Hell.

Failure lo recelvt a bill In n* wie* remove the obitgation from Ihe parly ataeeaed,

RICHARD J. FRANS.• Receiver.








, SOLID gold



9 2 . 7 5■J




ta W att Furfc •(., uuar Braad

C s s | t >1

Cou *

r r

ubplaao- th* riub

Hr. and Mr*. DavM K. Btruu** of Tit ■autb naveuth street will criebrat* their twealy-rifth weMlag atmiveraary Sunday nIgU at Armin'* partpra tu High etreat. Only imamdlat* nwmbara of th* family will b* preaeat. Mr*. Atfau** M ■ tough- tsr ef Hr. **tl Hr*. Mu*** Heodal. of l i t South Clevonth tiroot.• • • <

Ur*. BUiabetfa McCtt* «f 1ft Walnut •tmat and her daughter, Hie* Hery T. McCue, bead nurse and mstren of tb*

uax Oounty laetaUon Hospital, eillad taday aa Ih* Bannudlan for a tw* waaka- vwt In Baratud*.


will diract hi th* duK ' on Woman Wsata Is -Waaw

tea bpWhat.JMant n «

Far yearn poet tb* p imsemri at premature- ly itsy *r feaed hair need dyes sMere, iulae aad 0*1*4 t* eWV* *g tk* l*|l tale etgB *t advaaclag age.

Reoeatiy. a saw dlecevery new haawa h "CaatH* Water." wae feuad la o»i**m qaaU- lie* vhleb, wke* applied t* gray ** (gded btir. penasaeaily reetem* ib* erighnl. a a t ( ^ eeler, as* oentrlbated lariltfy t* lbs nMAlM* at Ik* lustar •*** HI* ** Mglilg grin d,

CeSet* Wasir tar Btsw hair ts * ekan wraisl HauM, aad lUta, tb* w*iar n* «|I*M la adsrlim. praeeelaee Bgd h*s • • StdNai*l. It I* applM tbs aaaw a* tMtarw-waiflisth* IM aa* allawiBg u dry. It* aaUaa Is flew, **«* ated tb* reeuti I* laMisg, Tb* hBlf ■mdvallr ammea fte artglaal eatar, aad «*■ lalM I t Oa* iHtttt* pradueaa nM lw

Caout* Water ter Qiay Hair baa oe berm- ful etaeta aM aaiiarauilaa I* guamaieet er aeaaay rtfuaued, irau ar* taklae aa chaare*.

U*t a datler ales bssM* tram Hahae-i, iCa JUBarajaad all gaad drug aad

“ fVbatever Else I M ay be. First, Last, and A ll the Time, I am an American G/rtl”—Geraldine Farrar.



I h l i eHOIK'S

CSoubhEndSudden chtnges of temper-

i tu ^ as the aeaaon advances make cougha and cotda likely. Get ceady to nip the cough Inth s bud S t thd first t ig n a f H o trtC ' tu t s . b«f«rc i t h i s tim s to bios- MIN in to B ro n d iitii o r Fiwumonig.

A few fpooNlutB o f M IN K 'S CO U G H 1 ^ tbo "S titcb in TidM ."

G o ^ to bsvo in tbo houie. 26c ■ b o th o .

Get It At

MENK’SPreicription Ptumacy


It is the intensely human story of a modern American girl’s conquest of the world in the most exacting of all the arts— a story of romance and ad­venture, peopled with the famous men and women of America and Europe to­day. Millions will see Miss Farrar this autumn on the moving-picture screen; other millions have heard her golden voice from the records; vast audiences have been swayed by her magic per­sonality- in those great operatic roles that she has made her own. Everyone will want to read her story now for the first time told with perfect frankness byherself. ^

. It begins in *

The Ladies’ Home Jo u R mFOH NOVEMBERS ,

On Sate E oerytvhere^lS C en^rnM N W ^N H ii r C m P T l f W i

'»-t ■




M ijw Torruw Sterti W«it Hid- M Bowimf Activities bj RoD'

in Tint BaB.


Majror R»t*<rt Torr»nc* of K o rn y iMt «1(ht t>** Wwl HudwmrMUriMl Bowllni L«»»U« tM ivn on lk« ltlll*r-(iun|)«rm«it K urny ,fer rolllni th* flrtl IttM b*for* th« tKW ty bowltri r*prn*ntlnc (our t»MBl iMItR tho octu il comptUlton for tiM Maion. Th* Maver ihowad hi* alill- Itjr by awklii* a atrtka.

Copaatoaa a»< KlB«aUy bowUro *or« Ika wlnntra. Tka (ormar mada a riaan twaap af tkraa vamaa a«alm t the Trl- M t qvlalat, and Ika Klnpalay (aara (••h two ant of tkraa froai tka Vlfllanta nva-

llaaakara af tka laana found It a dif­ficult tank to bunak thair alrlkaa. At'Ida opaa apllta and kolaa wara numaraua. -Tka C ^aatona pinnara found It rathar •any to atart off witk tkraa vlclorlaa, aa tkalr rivata had only ona tally ovar la*. Tka VIpIlaBt B taaai aavad Itwlf from a tripla dafaal by U hlng lha aac- and ffaaia from Klafatay, f t t to ( 11.

lh a aaoraa; i-V o o r m o N t . I TklUKB.m ItT l i t 04*aall .. l i t III it;

l i t l i t l i t WlIktMoa III III IM lU l i t l i t p.oraaa'a. Ill III III i l l t i t 111 tlualar... Iil In I<* U llM lM W.Cyaaa'B. I t i t f l l l t

*Mala„ m m i l i l Tatali.. t l l i i l t i t BlfiOtLpT. VIOILdNT K.

"daak i l l III l i t Oarkardt. l i t 111 III__bo't 111 111 III koaioa... i l l 111 IIIaaak'gk n u l l IM Bum, . . . . i M l t t i i i nffkw l i t l i t iS paralan ti. i l l III 111 Si , l l l l i t l i i bcL'lhlta.fattli.. m t n t u l Talala,. i i tT itU IfBUawlag la Ika official ackadula:


Wtdaaadar, tk—mWa an. K aany. Via- Mant A tra. AHIagioa.

Tuaadar. Id—Copaitooa an. Klagalry. . Tltuaa va. VIHlaDt H.. Wadaaaday, 17—Bthk at. ViitWat A, XaaiBt at. Art loti no-

Tkaadiy. I—Stkie at. Arilattoa. VK- J k a t A at. Vlflkdit 8 .

Waftwdey, I—K a M r *t. Capaatwa. . VNWa at. Klnsalap.

Tuatlar. t —Ktkic a t, Capattoaa, K ttre p a t.

wirftaad I t—Vltltaat A at. Kinca*llP. AHtattot aa VIgllaM B.

n a td t r .T il

V I t—VltUtal A at. Copaata t t a t. AMadtaa.NtdMr, IT—BtUa a t. KtiMlar.

KtptBp aa. Vldlant B.> TBMttar, M—Elkld a t. TrltaA M iat>

t t« at. E tw lay .lap. I t—K atrar at. VIbUm i a. at. VttUtBl a.

______. It Capattona at. ArHaftak,T lX lta t A at. Tifuta.

I—Rtkle at. Tlpllakt B.' at. KlaptUp.

7—CopaaltM at. Triuaa, ’ at. yiBitaiil B.ladtp, t —Btkio a t. K atrar. V if

a t t t A at. Arllnttoo.TtMtdtr, I t —Ethic at, Vtctiaat A

K W kr at. Arlltltoa.wadaaadtp. Ik—Copaatota aa. Klopt-

I t r , TH tta aa. VltUtkt B.T h ttd tr, I I—Kaairar a t. Copaatona.

at. Klapalar.'ty . I I—BOiio a t. Arttnpton,

TMtolM A at. V lttUat B. T titd tp . II—VltlltMII—V ltlla tt A aa. Klaptlap,

AlUpplat at. VttlltBt B.W id t i i l tp . I t —Bthle at. CopaatoM,

XtAlkp a t. Trluoa.

Taiadtp, t —Etkic ak Klngaiap, KaaraptB. W itat a.WSdtaaday, P—TIpilBai A aa. Capa*

H lB>l Trtuaa at. Aittaptaa.Tntaiap, 11—Kaarar at. Vlatlant A,

Oaptttaai at. Vlglltat B.Wtdaatdtp. Ik—RtMo at. Trluat, Ay

HattM at. KIliBBtay.Tattdtp. II—Ethio at. Vtgliaat B,

va Kls^alavWtdaatday, 1 |—tropaataea va. Artlag-

ItB. TIgUani A aa. THuna.Tttaday. I t—Ethic va. Kaaray, Hlngt-

lap at. Vigilant B,Wadaaaday, I t —vigliaat A aa. Arllng-

taa, Otpaatona aa. Triitn*.rakraarp .

^TgMdap, 1—Copaaioua va. Klagaltp, T fttta at. Vlfllani B.

Wadaaaday. I—ElMv va. VIglInnt A Xatmp va. ArHngton. i

Tuaadip, I—Ethic va. Arlington, ■ aa itp va. Cepcaton*.

Wadnaaday. I—Trtuaa VI. Kinftlay, VIgtUnt A va. Vigilant U.

Tuaadap, I t—Vigilant A va. Klngai..y, Kaaray va. Triuna.

Wa^aaday. II—Ethic va. Copoatoiu. Artington va. Vtaliant n

Tuaaday, SI—Triune ^a, Arlington. Kaaray va. Vigilant It.

Wadnaaday. 11—Vigilant A va. ('opt- ItOM. BIhIc va. Kltvtulry

Tuaaday, M-Ethl<- va. Trlunv, A rlinf IMI v f Xlngaltp.

March.Wadnaaday. I—Krarny va. vigilant a

Copattoni va. vigilant B.Tdadday. f— -unaatuna va. Arlington.

BihIc va. Vlgtlant 8.Wadaapday, »—Vigilant A vt. Triunv,

Xatray va. Klngalay

Picturing the Meran-Coffey Mill

COffV/ LANOtO AT Vltu k Twt vitWt liiouMo AnordAVt wotfAk LOOK T o o u s n

SECo n p ir tc n t WAS A SouNp

OF CUACKinO C flocktlW WWtM l-lOr2Ak LAkptO

A RlWrtT

_f'or?Ail \tJAiTtOPATicmTlT Fo r omc

J[w ik0 AT TnATM our C l a s s J aw-

OnC. WAS' tn o o C M

JtA H tTTE/ fSAkULtD CoFvey (iuT r t t COULDM-f F in tH A t C lpkH J auJ


Hu m s lelebauM i to Attoipt to Lower Fiftoea-liye Record it

Hew Hrmwiek Sitirdiy. -

MART OTHER STARS ON THE CARDOta of tho Itrgaat obUt llata on n « r d

kta tlready boon - aacurod tor lha tan- Bdlo running and acvan-tiila wgiking chAmptonahlpa nf tka A. A. V., arkleh ar» to fca bald n a tt Paturday a i ' t ’lti o'cIik'H t t Nallaon PTtld, Maw Bruno# kh, undar th t tiMpkaa af Um dohnaon to d Johnaen Alhlatk AaaocItUOB.

Mtniiaa Koklam inaB. tho praaani


Champion niaianca Runnwr. Who WUl Atlempt to Lower Hrc.irrI i t Maw




FrudanlUl empio>»«e to the number Of mere then I.hoo mw rrnnk Kramer. Alfred GouUei. Alfred Orendii end A Jackie (Mark mce on home (rjilhera R^Mlerdey In the audltoHvini- The Kl>acU(or« jammefl the room to the limit.

The r!(3era m«uM ryclee placed on ^ the roller* of the home trainer, Theae

Ere connerted wUh diminutive fi^uree of bike rlilcre wh<> race arouiut In a Clrcla Ihe epec4 nf the rollers guvnrn'Itig their poililon* on the toy tmek There ere aUo ind:rpiia>n» to tell just how feet the rtdera are iifil.illne

la (»n« race <.'iarh liefieioO ili‘fiiila. In knother Uoullet proved t»uperlor to Clefha end (heri* wiap ■dll uTioi.ier in wJiKh Kfaiher Im at 1. lark Tli,c crowtl eelled for a rare betuevn Kramer arid Qouiut. hut Itiey had Fth-Mu y itme to (he d r tiiln c room


The b>enl Mneiie AeaiH’taiion s yrer ViU be repreeenied in tihlotu nr »» by « beekelball team It will br the f.r«t time thel the l>emui'ruUr: liub hnn hail tapreaenHitlon In the elhletar fteid it

ma nly thmuvH the effnrie of tho )untor flMmlHire uf 11m eifioclatiori tliet Ihe qulQiei wee f'jrmed I'hillp McOoV' am le the marAaeer. Reeder, lawt year wllh it- Rencdlrt e. and Jimmy XfcMah<m. former E:avt Mde illfh 8ch<'ol i>la>er ore two who will We Id (h« line-up. Kor cooteete wr.ite |o Manager McOnvern, 3R Tnurt etraal.

champion, Is golnf (o make an attempt to break the fifteen-mile rumilni record Immediateiv after competlna In the ten- mile eventa

CTeorve Uouldlnf. the World a cham- pton wBlker. and Edward Rena, the American champion, have both aetit in theli etitiiea Moil of the metropuliian and national contendere are to cgmpeU In both the lun and walk events

Six field event* have been added to the profrani—'ta-pound htmmer throw,

• le-poutid shot put, dlHf‘ua. lavellii. run* iiihK high Jump and runnIiiR broad )ump

I AmotiA the eturanli In (he hammer I throw arr ^at Ilyau, T. J M< iHmaUl.

M 4 M'Clialh and five others In the I rhoL put iheie will b« Fiuoa. thr fnrmet

Tuip 1 hamplun, and Kh*>riTiau, ttiv fm- mer Harvard eiar There arc elghtec.i citlrlcH aUoeethcr for this oontest In thu dUi vi« Home of the stars arp James M Purii an. t-ZmIl Mueller and Levirk Hrprhe. min, the Uhldlc Allentli champion. Tho entiU-B for ttile total fifteen.

J *' Lincoln Ji . tite national and meti'npolllan Juni<»r champion, Fred lleii aelherK. the Mli-ldlp AtUntlr chimplon; L J Harper of the Irleh-Amerlran A C. J It Frltts of Ihe rastlme A. and (itiicra are to compete In Ihe javeitullMTlW

The bfoe-t Jump hai* nttra-led everv himi'er of noie with the excepthm of

I tA'iiiihlnatoh of liartmmilh, who la a| prtMenl f'MitbAll Ther aie tweii*

i ti-four entrlee for this event.In the i'lifh pimp Figon Rrhkikon. K

I J r*rump«lt, Kmll LFteseher. A It. Rr>d- I i‘tlur4i. K Jeun^nta and enoueu ofhetH I U7 brine the tutal to twenly>four have I ptiterei]

Vftlson I'leM lyi lu rifsI-ilaMr* rotifli' • •• *}'fv '’■'tC fm nf th*meet hope for good weather and the

■ illia of • L-l OI OBTne etendi. ol the field win t>aat ahmil

j 4.'.KiO people. Thie Ifc the flrai time thee# r i vimplonehlp}* Jm‘ e hnen aweulral to (hi* , Fictiuu Ilf Xew Jera^y,


O ffic a li D ecxle Ti im I t Too Short to I h k o N o c e m r y A m l | ^


Newark will net hnvt g h i of A. a . U. ggna* for tho Jtnwg B. Sulllvti) mii- morltl fund tIuctloB dA]r. Tklt dtdclan w u ronchad yuMunUy by rradcrlck W. ikiMoo. Hcltlkrr-trMguTor of the A. A. U.. following nn iBformgl confm not with •uecIntH who had Inu naked the boom for lha event. Plnne will ehoitty be for- nuUted for nn Indoor niMl to be held ioni* Um* In December.

In cilling off the plnne flublen de- rlered the tlm* wee loo ehoat to make proper arrangement i. A number of local fooibnti ■*■»■• nr* arheduled for that day.

P. T. Poware, who had offered free uee of Federal tongue Park for th* mHi. wee not preHnI. Rublan will notify Power* of th* decleloa. -nieT* I* n poeeiblllty that an outdoor meet will he decided upon for aoma Sunday afternoon ehortly after election day.

Rublen (eel* that local athletic follow­er* would liberally patronlie a memorial meet. Her* than it.too people con- trttautrd over io the riutd at thobenefit meet In Jereey City leet Ruodey Many atar alhletee took part.

Thla eucceee Influenced prominent New- nrker* on hand to propoH a aw'ond meal for election day In thl* cHy. For th* mo­ment Ik* enthualaam carried all before It and th* matter of arrangemente wa* tor- follcn. Afforded Urn* tor reflection. thoH who fleet euggeoted the meet (Inalir decided that they had been loo haety.

Another meoUng of the cdmmliie* will be held within a weak. It will then be decld^ whan and where to hold th* in- deor mHt.

More member* will be added to lha ir- rangament cnmmllUc. They will be raal- denta of tht» city. An effort will be meil* to eecur* th* Fleet RaglmeBt Armory fur the meet.



S o i b Cu m e i c i U , S s r m

P n c&

N ew JerM j C In e p iN A a i t o i rGolfer T m s ■ Cird o f 7 1

for B a llitro l C o n te .NEW JERSEY WOMEN CAPTURE PRIZES

MoiJa M ’m e rtto Wiin lif^KNOS wniLO

<rorFt-< WAS u c w c Put (Jack im

Tr i t CAM

R e n ll E l ie i s t t e t New York Motor- a m u C m le id n for Ckatce


Frenk Morton of PltUburfh ]«*( nlghl e)linlrktoU<1 Jim Cofrey« the IiJeh hetovyw welchty toe * chtomplontohlp contender bp etopplng the New Yorker In the ihlH round of to echedgled ten>round bout tot Mtodleon d<]Utore Qerden, The Ytetorp «toe to moot deeltotv* one lor (be ntte* burgh man, (be knockcrut blow being toi c-leton toe rmild potoelblp be tended.

Tht bout WM klorin'e firtot In ihle couMrp In eeveral pvtort, H« mede to decided hit with hie etplt end will prob> toblp rective a gretot deal of recognition hereafter

At the etart of hototlLUIwe It looked ae though Coffey wae going to have an eaep time of It with hie older opponent He Jabbed and huuked almoet a t will.

Coffey looked like a winner at the etart of (be eecond round, but before the eee- •ton ended Uoran tent a cracking right croM to coffep i Jaw arwl the big fellow wa# staggered He reeoverad eufficlem* ly to right bark before the bell ended the round

Full of confidence Coffey came out for the third round, leaving hieguard very low Kurin etow hie chance and engtoked over a lerlflc right to the point of the chin end (,’oftey wee finlehed. Another w*ll aimed wallop to the thin eent (he IrUh hlw kaaee and hands. He took a ehort oount, but aroee groggy end tn no Condition to defend himeetf when the referee wared both men to their eornere.

Th# batting odd# before the boat weri In favor of Coffey, 10 to I, but. after the battle etarted. Moran wg# made the favorite Ope of the largeet crowd# In the hlatury of the Garden wlthesscd the mill.


NEW YORK, Oet. IS—Frank Moran 4M not gel all th* money he expected to receive after laat n « h t'i battle Id Hadl- eon Ihiuar* Oarden. riheriff Orif*nhag«n and Deputy gberlff JoHph Cook errlved when thn ilohat eellere wart bueltet and put an aitachmeDt of H.ttO on Horan'* there of the receipt*.

Tht action waa a retult of Den He- Kttrlck'e ault agalnel Horan. Aa former manager of Moran. HcKetrick la frying to recover H . t l l , which, he eiM rta Morel, ow n him Th* eult we* InMItuied m the Clly Court aeveral tnonihi ego and the attachment waa ncured becaue* Moran la a reeldent of Pltteburgh.

W'hlle all thie wee going on th* police erreated four alleged ticket ipeculetore outeid* of th* Oarden. They g*v* their name* an Henry Acker, twenty-nine year* Old. a Clark of t l i Weet Foriy-Hcond •treat; lol Brown, fuurty-four, a eale*. nun of 1P4 Kant Tantb a tm i; Charla* CoImu. twenty-four, a clerk of Ulmer Park, and Harold Brown, twanly-four, of 101 Watt Eighty-ninth etreet.

^ / y ' ^ T c r '

bRit'fOM, Du n d e e And viElSri iAV To<;tTrttl^- t-ikC C1.000 LUtvE. Pa l S


H t m u a ’i F m r ite Addetic S«m k E x p ^ e d to S tre sfllM i H tr-

r isM B if Fire l i i M p .BAY VIEWS WILL BE OPPONENTS

The eecond game of the baekethall eerie* between the Bay View Wheelmen and llariieon Big Kivt tomorrow night at Hantmann'a hall in Harrieuti win ba featured by the flrel eppearaitc* of th* eeeeon of Marty Kavanagh. Harrlcon * favorite eon, who tummert In a Detroit Tiger*' uniform

Hie reputation a i a court atar In thie

Aa th* teoeon wane* Mag R. Manim*. New Jermy'* champion amateur foltw , thowt no algna of becoming elal* deapitn nil conetaot playing- teaUrday b* (h lf ly outdid hImHif a t Baltugrol, tu ra ln t thl* difficult elghteen-bola circuit In Tl. Till* equalled Ihe amateur record **tab-> llihed lait June by “Chick " Evaiie, tb# vrid* of th* Weft.

In hie round yeiterday Meraton went out In }o and came back In if- Had It not been for three pulta on the tlflMnth green M*i would have made an evaw To. Hie rtnlih ou t ficeptlonak gatllng threre i t the leal two bole*.

Mareton ha* mad* arrangement* t# take in both the Atlentlo City and the lukewDod Invitation tournamealb, but hP will he unable to play In the eKhlWtton four-bell match at BIwanoy on Baturday bacauie of * prerlout rngagamenl. H* had been paired with Oawald Klrkby f# play aaalr,et Jerome D. Travere, th* na­tional open champion, and John (J. Andat* •on.

New JerMv women golfer* yeetardoF camad ofl the bulk of the prlia* In th* one-day tournament over the link* of th* Fox Hlllx QoK Club. Th* chief honor* of th* d*y went to Hr*. A. L. Cohn of Century, e eumowr reeldenl at Ihe Deal colony. Her ecor* of i f took th* apaclal priH of fa red, the low groa*. which here­after will be coneldartd In tht light of a new competttivf lecord for the courH be* (*UH the link* bav* been materially changed recently.

The lule that two priic* Could not go to one player brought tbout a triple tl* tor the grot*, involving Ur*. H. R**v* Btockton of Plmoflold, Mr*. A. B. RoealW of Century, and Mr* Uoyd WImpfhelmer of Hollywood, Hch with >T. MatchInC thv cerdt tgalnit bogey. Mr*. BtocktuB became the winiicr.

Three net award* were offered. Th* flret went to Mra. J. A Uegtr of Kaee* County end Deal with l i - t i , 17. teoond to Mr*. Albert McDonald of PlalnftoM with lOI-lf, >1. and third to Mra. WImpf* halmer with fT-i. fl. Mr* llldney Wall of Hollywood and Feirvlew won tb* Dogey competition when abe flnlahed nlna down to the ''colonel-

New Jermy wtll have (be Met two onepneia

di I*laa 14 If•T


BOXING CHATTERBilly Kally. the "fighting chauffeur."

won In eaey taahlon from Buddy Ryae et Ihe Olympic A. c.. New York, Monday iiight. Krily dropped Ryan (our time*.

Frankie B urnt of New York and Young McCoy, formerly of Balllmora hut now of New York, fought a flftten- round draw laat night at Baltimore. They mixed It during th* early part of the mill, but ihowed that they were huibandtng their elrength l«lar. Neither wte much damaged.

The Outlook Club Five of the tVeequa- hlc Pretbytarlan Church would Ilk* tn book game* on opponenta' court*. The taam la roaipoaed of the following play- ere: Stephen*, Littcll, VJoriley, Nxvatler end Millar. Addraat tV. B. Dlcklmon, manager. ) i l Bergen etreet.

Lew Tendler defeated Young Jack Toltnd laei night In th* wind-up of the xhow *1 Ihe Douglaa Athletic Club, Philadelphia Tendler'x long reach and greater h*lght,gava him a big ad­vantage.

Oamae with tight teame are dcelred by tb* Bechelore of Kearny, 41] ronltct* to be played T h u re^y Bight* on tb* Bache­lor*' boOM couA. Addreae communica­tion* to William A. Ntxou. 4i) Kearny avenue, Arlington.

A fast gam* I* looked tor tonight when Oeoi-gt Hlir* Udteon Fire of Orange face* th* Halted Five of tnie clly et Uncoin Hall. Orange.

tea111 ::


la*letle llat

It la*i*»

Freddie Welah hue been eecured to act aa chief advieer to the Paullat A. C, amataur bogin* team Weleh I* x p*r*onal friend of Tom Hughea cepuin of the team. Tha IlghlwalghI cham- pton'a aervlcee were particularly de- • Ired a t thl* time hecauae the taam la preparing to enter In the tryout* for the Jamea G. Mulllvan Memorial Fund ehow, which will he h*ld at Ihe Crea- cant Athletic Club and tha New York Athlatic Club October I t end 10. They have high hi,pea of having th* team leni by the A. A. C to th* coaet. th* reward offered the vlclore.

AI Ihe opening of the hew Olympia Alhicllc Club, Lancaeter, Pa., la tt night, Tim Droney w ai given the decitlon over Johnny Orciner. Th* former forced the fighting throughout.

Home and horn* garao* are dealred by the Cl*v*land Five of Orange. Th* Oer- man-EngUah tkhool Hall hee btan oa- cured a* * borne oourL Addreu chal­lenge* to John L. Murphy, m Alden •ireet. Orange.

Charley Whit* of Chicago did whet ra* eapected of him laat night tn hla

twelve-round buiila with Johnny Har­vey of New York a t Boaton. Harvey waa nine pound* over w eight He kept on even terini for about ioven roundi, ind then White opened up On him.

The 8 t Halachl Five of Brooklyn t* ekpected to preoent tha following ilne-up agalnat the 8t. Michael* Friday; Conley aiHl Shea, forwardi: HcOowan. canter; Healy. Harrlgan and Artie Powere, guard*. ,Th* i t . Mlchatl Junior* are blllad for a gam* with tha Company M team of Onng*.

A five-mll* handicap run and threa- mll* icratch bicycle race are th* fea­ture aventa on th* program of the Cork Men, N. B and P Aatoolatloii carnival of aporta lor Celllc Park. Oc­tober 3L

Nate I.ewla ha* malchad White to boa Mail Well*, tha Engltah welter­weight, at Milwaukee, November II.

Dan (Porky) p'lynn and Battling Levinaky are to claah at Portland. Ma, October It.

The f t . Andraw Mldgat* will meet the Chaatauta of Kearay In tb* opening gam* (or tb* former team on II* hom* court tOBlfht. Midget church or Sunday •chool taam* wlahtkg gan«* with the St. Andrew Mtdset* abonld communloat* with Laula Schantg. t« Watawrlght etreet.

MARTY KAVANAGH,Second Beaoman ol Detroit Tiger*. Who

Wilt Plgy Baaketbi!; wtih Rarrl- ■on Big Fir*.

vletntty It wtll known. He I* txpactad to remain a regular rixture on the Har- rlaon tram during lb* coming monthe.

Kavanagh'a acqultltlon coupltd with th* tact that th* game I* acbeduled fOr their home court hea raleed th* hope* of th* llarrieon pleyen. Tb« Bay View* took th* flret game of the eerie* by t l to t t count.

Th* line-up: Karriaon Big nve, Bmol- Ick. Flynn, forward*; Harvey, center; Schwert*. Kavanagh, Btumpf. Blegmer, guard*. Bay Vlewe, Reilly, HcKinMy. forward*; Ollboley, center; Berkamp, Boyle, guard*.

day tournament* ot thl* kind, lha nexs one being echeduled tor tomorrow a t Weatflrld ted tb* laat one at Hickettaaek

The acorea of the Jertey women yettep- day follow:

II Mdp. N.Mr* J. A. Magar. Deal ■ . It 11 ITMr,. Albert McDonaJd. Ptalu-

neid . - latUn. C. B. L^wtenrs Jr-, Plsln-n s l< l...............Urs. K. Resvs toicK-liton. Plele- fleld .

Mn- B- P toATitorfi. Foams CoHtiir -UIm uenredA pickhArei,BAflAShraOd

MIm t lAA PUkhafdt. Engi«- woodMr*, c to. WAterkouAA. HAck- •aAAt'lilllAB OertAvltvA P. WtMvd. Bti-BIawimmI ................. IIT

Mrs. J. C. BArtiey. HecksnAAck 111 MIm E. D. BpAers. HArris

Cnenty IIIMIah M»]’r WllAon. Saw BteiiB-

wlcfc ..................................................................UMIaa Hsitn t>eer:lilAra Ne*

Bninswlicli ............................. U l S# ID9Members of the Golf Club of Ihe Ell*

flne«rs‘ club of New York held the flntol d«]r cjf foir yeeterdey over the link# ef (he Montrteir Golf Club. r . H. Hoyt wto< (be phnetpiil winner of the dtoy, hie ecort of Tl takinff the C. U. M. Thomto# trophy. The brel X'hole nei wee med# by FrtoBk HedUy with ilS-ib* liJ . This wop (hto trophy offered by Cepitola E. M. dtow* telle

Ae ueuto). fouretomee wer« In order la the early houve. Mtojor J. F, Ctototo and A- Weymouth look flret award with lit* 44. US w. L. Copwell end wmiarn Wamt* ler finlehed eeeond with 1IS-S7, UE A inedtol play htondlcap lit three claaeee wato down lo( decision in the aftemooit. Tha wlimers In thie were ae followa:

ettois A—F. II, Hoyt 7»-lr Tl. fIraM rfaM ;li E iKxnohoe, Rl«|. TT, eecond,

Claee B—A. 11. Bleaoa, 71* firallT. I. JonM, RL1I. 74, eeewnd.

naee C^H . B. Loud. UT-ID, TT* tlrfll E. L. Wlleofl. I17*a4. IL eeeond.

The championehlp cup lor the eetoeopg offered for Ihe player makUit the («d heel irotoe rounde, wae Ukea by F, H* Hoyt with 7t-s4*141, while the leaion’i rei trophy wee fathered In by W, W. Kkhole with U3.

KuUowinf the day on the link* there wee e dinner leet nlfbt et the finftneeri Club, N M Oerlaod preeldinf.UO cover# werv leld.

/ j=

The ennuel lnd«>or fsmei of the Irish'Amerlren Athletic Club In Midi- non kquere Gerden. November IT, will embrure » card of flfteeii oventi.




S E M I - P R O C X 3 1 N G S

MSKETBAIL TEAMSmM dm well io leak over our /fit* M h f# plMtlng order*. A ttkeret^0MWM« f tW)g SR g |( fgSM


O w (IP# meetole itr iU e ie e e k tn* -oiunTTB" s m («n m #*,XAV is ie M . e(w roM r s W spssib^

% i iM , tUe theek I Sftfttw mUk Ume k lfiftd e . r Ikle m eefrtt.


{S m t im tki/ttte)r . m

The Men'* I-rfunut Five of Arlington Aefenled the 81. Agne* Five of Gaal Orange Inal, nighi at Arlington, 1* to 1*. Tha Men'* League pleyer* etarted out to get an early lend and AM AI the end of tha fjrat half ihe acore waa IV to t In thair favor. Th* «i, Agne* pinyera rallied, though, and ecored ten ^ In ta In th* flnel half, Sargent PNrred for the winning team. Xublar dM the lieevy work (or the loetra SMndell played an excellenl defenalve gam*.

Till* wga the (ot,rlh airaluht win (or 111* Arlington taam. Naxt Tuaaday tk* ArllMTlon* will meet the Hataey Street Five of th* Jr. 0. U. A M- '

The llnt-up;win . .Bight forw ard .. . . . Stroud

.“ A t ;

Mftnefrr Rube BuddUh nf (he South Hide Mlfh School heekrtheli trim bto« compiled a srhediilf far the team that will represent the KUntiy Bide Initltutlon ihls iwkson. feventren fem«*» here (hue fai been arranged, end there 1« a poi- mbllltv that the erhedule will be leufth- rnnl to extend (hit>uffh ilie month of Mar«*h. Boutli fMd« le the nnl>' one of the hat'el high iK'hmjiN thet wtU he repr#' (tentrd oh the rnurl this jeer, ill (be other kt'hooie hevlng dtHhAiulsTd (heir team* The schedule.

JAMTARV.Monday, R—North rieinru-Id Hlfb

iirhiMil, at luirre.Wedneedey. B'vwOranfe Hlfii Elchobl, at

home.Wedneeday, 12—Bayonne High Scbeol,

ftt home.Friday. 14;—Cooper rn1<t|T ItlsiHutta i t

homeTurMJny. I*—at. BenedIcYi * Prep"’

Bohttol, awayWrdnteday. Z ^iym Witt Clinton H l|h

Bi tifwl, i t huine.Friday. 2H--K«arnv fUgh Pchool, at

horn*. rKBRt*e\RY.Wedneadey, 3-rNorih PlHlnfleld Hlffb

dchuoT, awayFrldey* 4-»-Oiinie High Brhool, towey

(rvenlngl.TiisHdtoy, I—wpatereon Jllfh Bohool, at

home.Friday, l l—Hobokon High Brhoul,

■ way levenlngY.Tuesday, JB'-Bt, Brnedtct'i "Prep"

KchfKil, el hoine.Thurwlay. jT^W eetfleld High Noheol

tot home,Wedheeday* 23—Keemy High Behoof

a t hente.Friday, 2ij—Cooper Unk»a InetHute,


Wedneeday. R-^RMIIeVllle High Eicbool away.

WKlneeday. IB—Hoboken HLfh Bckoel. a t huiBf.

N ew a rk -Q ik sto Two-W lieel TraTel* e r t H ik e Good T m e T int


CHtCAQO, Oct. 10.-—The poat-aeaaon tour of pickad team* of lha American end Naltooat league*, which opened to­day at Oahkoeh, Wl*., will be th* laat In which Anurican League ptayere wtll be allowed to take iwrt. I^etdent B. B. Johntoti of th* Amorlcen L ^ u e , tn mnklng thl* aohounoement today, tald that the players lathered togather to repreoenl the Aisorican organlaatloo wen a "Joke teas*'’ and that the practice of continuing baseball half ihrayiH the win­ter "b nn ItutirF to th* eport and tn th*

The Prospecta of Poreet Hill have tin­n e d a eucceiaful seaeon oa the diamond. The boy* liave bee# playing tagether for a few year*. Johnay McXleth waa th*

aa,.A.Kkaa.ia AA _____U P - a . _ . o . . ________ ■team t catcher and tt waa hit baiting and work behind |lh» bat than won many ■aniee (or th* Proepecta Oul of Iblttr- three game* played the ProepecU won Iwenty-elg. Oraef led <h* team In bat­ting with a raarh of 111 and Eben stole fortr-flve buea. Charla* B. Ogdsn, maa- * l t r of tiM club, has been at the helm for aeveral year*.

p lsn re ibensaivea""W* will stop thie maaquersdlng,'

The profeaetonel cycllata who are rid­ing to Chicago Have split up and arc now In two division*. In on* division sr* Worth N Ilua, Ivor l^wson. Clareno* Millar tnd Brnem Ohrt. TH* other I* mad* up of Orn*iy Byan, Uoyd Thomai. Percy t.awr*nc« and Norman Haneen.

At th* end ol tho flrtt day's Jourasy the flret divielon reached Wapphtgere Falla and lha othor quartet e to p ^ Cor the night nt Middletown. Th* f ln t dir- lelon covered eighty mile* th* flrel dhy In eeren hour*. Ohrt had a bad fall Mon­day after leaving guffern and wa* eev- erelv cut and brulaad, but U gamely atick- Ing with the leedera, Lawson Is boihend with sore fast due to new rMIng shoe*.

Thomne, lb* correspondent for tb* other i«rty, wrltea that hie tquad covered sev- tnty-eig mil** th* flrel day, after miaelng the f'lsd to Middletown and then forced to SMlk* a wide detour. • Tim* waa taken out for puncture* and broken wheel*,

liweMent Johntoo *ald, "ea there la loo much baaeball now In the regular aea- eon. 1 am atrontly oppoeed to tt. Th* only way to Increea* ihe public's InUreet In baaeball Is to reduce th* qtiaaUly end Improve th* quality, Intteed of Incr***- Ing tb* quantity and reducing th* quality,

"Mqtbing Uk* a repreeantaUv* team k* bean pkksd rrora either af th* malar

lasftW*. Thq oa* gathered to rspreeent the Aastrlcan League la a Joke."

Prqsidoat Johnaon eald ihat th* pree- ant tour wo* being mad* without the LOnsest of the National Baeaball Commit- aloa, oaty ll|* content of ewnara whoea ptayers were aelected having b«cn phtalned. The club ownart, although o> p i ^ to thair player* making poat-aaa- son tourn, preferred to give e reluetant oonsent rather than make an IntUvldual stand against It, Mr. Johnaon aald. Con- atquently tb* National Commission will draft leglslatloB to foreeial plan* for future pest-esq son tours.


The yaat compoUilv* season baa aatla- ried tboee la rluirg* of th* tournaments under th* aueptcea of th* Metropolitan ■ Adverltalnt Oolf Aaeoctatlon that tom# other p!*n will have to b« evolved wtlk regard to th* dIetrtbuUon of piisei. For liutanct, a t th* tachering at lleoPF Hol­low the other day L. W. Maswell won thro* prliea while A. H. Johnaon and H. V.*Oalnei captured two each. This tri# therefore gathered In teven <d th* CllCeen trophlee played fur.

Aa a raault of t dlacueaton among thq aaeoclatlon'a official* the plan In tSl# will be to award prtive for Individual play. If there are a t many a* tirteen prlaea played tor there will In all llkq- llhood be onb groea award and four neta In oach of Ihe Ibra* daeaea—A,B and C. That* competing In claas A. will receive a handicap af ten airoke# or lea* and thoo* In tb* B dlvlalon will be rated from aleven to elghtoen, Inolualva Th* C twlgnda will ambraoo all from nlneteog and up. In addition to th* fifteen qrrsea for eaeh ot tho tour taurnamwit* thero will bo a spe­cial trophv awarded Io tho man who plays In each of th* tour events and raiurna tha beet to u l acore (or iteen halo* (or tb* (our deyt.

Th* leader* In th* Ifanufaclitrot*' Soccer League, the IHmme Hagtieic Com­pany and the gplltdorf Eteutilcal Oen- paiiy teame, a r t echeduled to moet la th* flret round (or* tho Toy lor slivnr trophy a t Clark'* Field, Xaet Nowork, naturday afternoon.

The other gntti* wilt bring tagethor the Hyatt Rollsr Bearing Compquy and the Weator. Bleolrlcat tnetnimant Caen- pany teanw, at tb* Fedarai Ltagtia Park. Harrlaon.

The league It nnilou* to eapond and with that end la view *snU to hear from othar team* repraianting manu- (arturUig omKerns. 17m nokt regular meeting will be bald FrMkf night a t I t Weet t^ rk street. Ib n n * that ooniem- plat* Joining atjouM w v* tkalr ropra- eeniatlvos preoent a t thgl Um*.

player will be known no th* chanralon ot th* aeoaelatlon for the year. Therawill atoo ba an extra prise for tb* hoct net oeor* ot elghtoen holes (or th* (onr day*' play covering the eeaiea.

A euggeetlon hae been mad* th a t neat yoari* evenie be held on oom* oouro* noar New Tnrk. w hon mom- boro may laav* buMneoo Friday, p la r tiauirday and ralurn to th* city oither that Bight or tunday. Alroady, |bo coura* of th* Bhawnee Country Clab bao beta aamed a* a llkaly piao* for tB* June and Oetober qvaiila.

iO F tlR I r i /Mj AND CHESS GLDI'

« t e



gjod.Mim I

l«cal talent I* coming forward to aid In th* benefit for Patey Dobbs. The af­fair will he halg Nnvomhff Id at the Ksleerhof, Washingteh atreft. Th* lateei to offor UMlr ssTvics* ara the Basoall hrothifa, hand balahcera; AsMy Wagner, oomodlgb J o g ^ i WliHbm FaNw. ftft'

A nity-hllomatar team race will be tha eblef atlraeUon at tha Vaiodramt Sunday Every profeealonal rider. In­cluding th* motor-paced rtdare who are training tor tts-day race*, will start and n u n astr Chapman esttmatr* that thoia will be more than twenty i*am* la tha rao*. Bpecial prtaa* will ba hung up (or tha latarmadUtta distaneta aad tlm racu wm be daetdad on paint* toorad oa tha intam adtata eprlnla throughout the race.

innninRiED lEFOiiT Din OF SAU OF OnCMiO cun

n iB ucm auuncA s n o n i m i i i u i M Q o n

A checker and chaaa oaaoaiatlaa la to ha foMMd tonight a t a maatlng of ptapofS of tbea* gamta a t Brnun di BoanM'a bail, l i s t kpiingflald avornw. Irvtngtoa- AH Intaraatad a r t wiioom* to aflond.


Btvan a hard pr aftarnoop. Th* aehodulod to pU •nutb llda soco was called oN an Up agalnat the re which tailed abo

Coach Uroeenbi■ood taste ot t th a t Ieverything

K me ahculd be d hit chergt paeaee, blchlng

taokllng the dor All thla hard W' ter the drat lei oomaa with Mon AabUnd Flald. Fi

Hammy Meet*, ara rapidly rotti ara aapccttd to Friday. Captain Congdon are pn with the eanlari kicking may ba good at bnotlns age fair riletenc not coneleient. rapid e lr ld ti In kla line burking now th* regular moat progreea o eleven and now point Inetead ul lln a Paaaing li holding back hi that It will be t latar than usual

Academy li Newark Aradv

High Schflcl had flea yeaterday afl Raid. A ragular played. Ihe objei both teame by hi agalnat u thtr opp ■outh Onng* pi* waa eiparled ot t Hagan waa th*

by fiollan kalfbarju. The Jump OB th* Ion af many worked for alx rirat dowi

Moat of th* Ai play becauta of I gain* with St. I urday. CapUIn I

Percy Ha Has D\


The atanU btsd coach, la t flic. It hi* be •no 19Id, whc: The cicvcni of pittely around Brlcltey, but I Harvird tctmi glcvent and ihi a auccfia. Sti

tn the fall ot I a sreater effort I and no coach hat wherewith to dc dell, Hardtrlok, ner and Felton. defenalT* end, th plied with ae tin Held a* ever put line merer. Pern bull, penaock anongh. Oardn with rare genera It* play with fln was effactlv*. b OOg In the emooi

The followlai atrongar raalelen In the line, eapai hotter fitted for i •o change In hi went ahead teac mlaed w.lth the and pseoing. W goals end opiwt Metenre within t Crlmeon'e drop called to aellop th a t brought h a ttack that mai w a i a valuable thoe* game* co greataai credit

Hnughlon pi* to confine hi* t aft>ut Mahan, a great etar amtag* of hi* aplenty of work iMgan nnd Fra the Ctlmeon'i tf fo r t to develo football from *' raai aiaurad thi depend* on th and not aoma la a drop-kick' go4 of oogro*. offoot. Haugh tk a t It Io hepi gg an* man'* •

KiiaorUm Frm

CHICAGO, Oet. t«.—RoMru from Notr York that the Chicago club of. _____ th* Na­tional League had been told by Chari** F. Tafl of CInelnaaa principat owner of th* club, aould not ho confirmed earir to­day.

Charloo Tbenao, prestdeat of tb* MuB

It look* a* thoutb th* Braoiard. whWi ha* iraecd th* rtiflil arm of about every

waa reported la N out of iowil John J. McOfaw. matitgor of th* Now

rider thie oennm. vrill again change arsaa (3iainplMi Kramer 1* th* man aelecMd tp meat Ocullet, and a* th* faniMr In-. . . . . . . . . . ,te(, raco*

Tork NoUom Ia was oald to hov* ___netrai the doat for ih* oola, aooofdiag to dloKtokoa from Mow Toib,

variably trimd "Uoullto" in match racesthere appeaH to ba no grouad ter beltev-

lat b* will not k« ahl* to do itIng that thl* oBOaolon. .'Si

Th* amoleur rider* will euffer through th* rerdlng of lb* long race. At l| wQt tak* ^coastdaMy mcra tban on hour to

amaiour pro- •ddfSi q kgin

T A nO IM B R U IO F T E A l.>’CINNATl.'“ o » t ' , .

Toft, ownor of Ih* maJoritF of to* htMll of ttw Ckicatu K altiiA IdigiM Bltoiiqi' r>'4>. t-'ied •mpkotlealto to n

Th* Wcot Hotokn and Wool Now Tork bowMI t*«ft. winner of th* Public •cryic* BoisbnU Loqtiw championsUp of n il. win to to* guooto ot tb* bamiiiot of the P. B. I). A. A. scheduled far Mon­day night, n o *v*K Is to to held In to* dining rooso el Puhll* Bervio*, Bread sdnst, thUi eity.

Tb* meidton of to* toqm ortll be prt- ^ * d Witt MU waUhos an* ths ponnant Thoisa* M, .prosideni of Pahtbriaiwlea, la s itotoldif to mato to* proseg- taUon to IB* toodtom of to* uaiq, w S ^ n m VIM PilM*<isil fftorg* J. Botaarw u^bti^o|w^tlw pannsnt to th* m*a-

•lU r Moor* li tnrtoad of a t 1 Vkl* step ha* fpr aom* tHto valuaWe to to* t ggpael him to pqygtanent flsiv IkM. Ho poee* of an Meal enf |g] N than to today Who t s * tapt in to* Tl ftoamy. an* wwn« la to* Tlb* n n Uiioui to r n touskiowi

" TM TIgur e< . g r **«• N*tb

Nmrolty *nd*>oewparativeiy |

IST O IC- sr. LOW TD OIE tf DHR sun

-T*n-c*nt Maaekor

lopurt IBM to* b**d eoM.• us i.'tb* nave not koen toML"' waa

Mr, Taft’g loglF to

r r , jbom i, o rt, it.-I mM Will .kbraalMd aakt aaasoa at lha

I TNft <iup*ft>wnHrt B h a^a |o f th a a a a a o t o

iflj. Loui*_fbd*r*l Laagtw Park. Ofnoiaia *1 tha .ejoh paid th* ohoas oeatt weio

ih3*M^aMftw6$ orowtt wa* but ton MlB WM nat n MFtol.


ftr* more rmn afkar 'varMlF i Be Is stow an* tag n ptor Oft Hnhtlt ls boato Wltosn. but to

Ml <m iw rs ry «< i■MsBlitM mM.

. atgn itaWUHy iiasbsi, as «k*«B to toeir I to oovar D rift to* tong torwi

.|M#'tof tBs f

lE S«MkIfW.Wit*htr>Bl*fn .


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IMH* 1 of D«*l Kl*l i* rf >C •£t f*I U* M%« iMla InMfhintItiun




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[ th* m *Idualn*Mih*-f*ar


1M6UE m m OH FOt FRIDAYt u t Kbit Orani* football t*am wai

t iv tn a bard practlca drill yaatarday aftarnoon. The aaoond uam wna •ebtdultd to play a aam t with th* ■outh lid* Mconda but th* oonlaM 1*a* calUd off and tba *entb* war* put Bp a ia ln a l th* ragular* In a acrlmmai* which laatad about an hour.

Coach Urotanhauch pava th* bay* a ■ood ta il* of toatbsll and In ardar th a t avarylblnp that p trta in td to th* aam* ahould ba brought to llfb t h t had hla eh aria t calchlnp forward paa***, hlohlna and catehina punta taek lln i Ih* dummy and aifnal drill. All th ti hard work It In praparatloh (or lh« firat laapu* aneountar wheta aomaa with Monlrlalr Hlph lohool at Aabland Fl*|d, Friday.

- - = « u » l c k . t raw tar. Thaaa two are about the alrooa- a«t play«rt oa the Una tad Carrall and Ikaa. tha oeachaa. aapaat much front thaw. Tha Academy playt Plnfry Ichool a t tha Academy field Friday, aad uniM tta raculara recover from their InJunaa the team will h* wrahaaad.

N* FraaMca at B arH airi. a a n is fe r Hiph Hchool did not bold aay

practlca ycatarday. All athlath; acUvl* Um wara called off becaui* of the fuaaraJ of Frederick Baalaa ah Inttruotnr in phyaica at the a-hool. Practice will ha reanmad thia afternoon, howarar. and double doaaa are In ttnra for all playara. The taam la In pretty pood ihtpa. and with III* hard tcrlmmap* thl* aft*moon ■nd another llphi ptactic* tomorrow, tha alaran oupht to ha eat on adpa lor th* flr*t hid for th* tni*r*chol»*lle ehamploi^ •hip honor* whan It ween iha •tevam Prep tram at tha City Flald, Friday. Bub Dmnpaay li now tha paneral of Iha team, and If hla pood work kaepa up ha I*

Drop-Kick Instruction by Charlie Brickley

Hammy Maaiaar and Leonard Bloaa repular choic* for thathr* rapidly roundlap Into ahapa and ara aipactad to play thair ba*l pam* Friday. Captain Lynn Abbot and Art Conpdon ar* practlctni aftar hour* with th* c*nl*ra In ordar that their kickinp may ha hallarad- Both ara pood at bootlnp tha ball and can aver, ape fair dlitanca. but thair work li not conaltlant. Conpdon la makliip rapid a lrld ti In tha Improvement of hla Una buckinp. Itad Curtin, who It now tk* rapular canter, haa made tha ■oat propraaa of any membaT on the alaran and now looma up a t a atronp point Inataad of a waak one in th* h n a Paailnp la whal I* at pr*a«nt holdlBf baek hit work and In ordrr that It will h* hatter ha la pracclclnp later than uaual

Aeademy la Praattea Uam*.Newark Academy and foulh Oranaa

Hlph School had a atlff arrlmmipt nrac- ' tie* yaatarday afternoon at tha Acndvmy (laid. A raputar four-paiiod pama waa played, tha oblaci halm to atranatban itoth taama by havlnp the m*n buck up apalnal other opponanta than the acrMha Bouth Oranpa played a batter fame than ara* aapactad of them Althouph I'aotain Hapan waa tha beat nan. ha waa aa- almad by Ballantyna and Palmer, two halfback!. The Oranpe bora pol tha lump oa tha local* and to the turpriaa t t many worked th* ball down the field (or all ftrat down*, and crotaad iha coal HMl

Moat of the Aradamy rtpular* did not play haoauaa of Injurlaa euetalned at tha pnnM with St Paul'* School laat Sat­urday. Captain Hutchinion ran the liam

poaltlon Coach Broadhead ha* had hard time Iryinp to find a aultaMa wan. havlnp triad Fntiar and Diamond. Th* chief, however, tiallavaa Dampiay It th* on* for the banh.

WowtelalT Kaady far Beat Oranpe.Coachta of the Montclair HIph School

football learn ar* workinp hard with thair men In order that all may ha In flrat-ela*a condition whan they meat Iha Uaat Oranpa alaran Friday Thart la hut on* Injured man of tha rapular team that will probably b* out of th* pama. H# I* John Sommarflald, an end. who tnatalnad an Injured ankle In tha Rutherford pam* laat Haturday. All the other playere are In trim for th* anrounter. Fradarlrk I.*w** la daval- oplnp Into |h* atar of ih* backfltld.Ho la tha heat pround-pninar on th*mountain town lanin, and It ha* bean , . .rtatod that h* li alao on* of th* beat Brlcklay. Harvard a former captain, hark* ever lurnad out at th* achonl. I halfback and k lck tr of goala. ahowinp

the bootlnp daparlmant of Pann State CollapQ how to follow In hla footatapa, or rather how to make tkair toe* do th* aania kind of trick* that Brlcklay'* did In behalf of tha Crlmaon alavan. Brick* ley unlike moat tiara of tha prldlron, la an aacallant coach. Moat playara.

Hteveiiaon. at fullback, baa bean dolnp a lot of damape to Ih* opponanta' Una*. The huaky back U powerful and hita wirh all bla 17* pounda concentrated at tha drivlnp point.

(Iraap* B**la Weal Oraap*.Th* Oranpa Hlph School football

taam defeattd the Weet Oranpa HIpb iichool. In a pama nlayad on Ihe t)r- anp* rlaypround yeiierday eftarnoon. If to t. Althouph Iha Waal Oranpa boy* were defeated, ihay wer* pleated with the ahowinp. a t two waaka apo (hay were downed by th* aame tchool. 41 to «.

The above picture preaant* Charll* Anuiutlly ikttlad In varloui point* of' th* ptm*. da thinp* *o naturally that

they have no Ida* of how they did tham, and ff* uulie Incapablt of tapUlnInp. Brlcklay learned drap-lilrklnp by hard practlca and know* It alt In detail.

Brickley went to t'enn State early In Iha aaaion and helped Ih* repular coachta with the backfltld candldataa, davotlnp inoit of hla lima, however, to tb* drop klcklnp I’ann State took on

Harvard laat year «nd th* year bafora and on each ocoaalon pave th* Crlmaon a hard pama. tn tha firat pama Brick- lay'a to* aided conaldarably In defeat- Inp th* rannaylvanlan*. Parhap* hit Inatruetlon Ihia year will halp th* Slat* Collap* alevap to pat on* or more ovar (he Cambrldp* eroa* bar. Pann Slat* play* Harvard. Ortober Id, followinp Cornall'a aneountar with Hauphton'i pupil*.

Ins atar* of th* matropollUa dlatrlet and aavaral from other faction* of tha oountry. Th* mar* faot that Hanna* Kohlamalnaii, th* Finn, will attarapt to lower hi* flftaan-mll* mark. Ii a big drawl np card. Th* Ian-ml It national A. A. U, runninp champlonahlp la an* otbar that will atir up a lot of Iniaraat Naturally, thar* lan't *« muck etoita- mant a ltarhed to th* eavan-mtl* walk* lap event, but no doubt th* fact that It la tor a national HU* and Include! th* world and national champion*, will mak* It a pood drawinp card. The ala flald avant* which have baali added Co Iha propram have drawn ao*n* of th* bael athlataa In thla aacilon of tha country, inu. Fairly pleiaant waathtr for th* real at th* waak and a clear day Saturday will put tha track at Nall- aon Flald In th* vary baal of condition.

BaakrtlMilt On Tap

South Side lliah School avidantly doean't agree with the olber thro* high •rhool* In lh« city that beakatball W undaalrwbl*, Uaiplt* th* acllon of Oaa* trail Barringer an ^ Eaat Bide In drop­ping Uta aport from th* 11*1, South Hd* haa fono ahrad and done aom* heavy prtwtlclog and ha* arranged a long aofaadut* for tha t*a*on. which will opts January I with th* North Plainfield acHool and clot* March IS with th* Ho­boken High School, Tb* othar tchooli gnv* up tb* aport bacaua* they did not cuBjIdar It truly rapraaentAttva. it 1* not pUyad by a i many aohoola aa foot­ball or baaehaJI. few man oan tab* part In It *1 CD* tuna and It practically raoa- opoll*** tha achuol pyma whU* th* nMB ara pmeueing. Th*** ohjactlont audent- ly ar* not fait at South gldt. or aom* mathad of gatung rid of tham haa baan aprecd upon.

D m N c C k n lu i I n m S t i l i w i f Ifcit f i g m W m Hot i t B o t tm

i f Eli D u p i l i f l a t i m .

Sptrtal Sarrict of rta VHirtFRINCEION, Oct. 10 —Dean HownMI

Uedtnahan of Frlncaton, chalrOiM at Ih* UBtraralty athletic board, who wwt- to all caaa* regarding th* allgibiuty *( lilayara, hat laaucd a formal danlid tif the rumor afloat that (he realpnattoa «( bapora Eaaton and other atar Val* ath- lato* from Ih* athletic aaeodatlon cant* a* a raauU of prewur* brought OB tlw Val# BUthorittaa by Prlncalon.

Tha Prtnoaton auihorltl** wer* awara of th* fact- that the EU atb^te* had received thair board and lodging for play­ing aummar batrhall, but mad* no pro- t**t to Tala Th* allglhlllty of that* aihieia* wt« taken up by th* New Haven authorlllaa on thair oww loltlaBv* and waa dachlad antiraly by Tata wltli- oul any auggatUon from Princataa.

Th* enitr* Prlnoaton (tudaBl body de­plore* Ih* fact that Tala wrill ba without th* aarvica* of theta athlatd*, but thmugh Dean MrCItoaban haa aaprauead Ittair a t ballavlng that th* Yal* eomiidt- ta* haa taken a aptandld aland for e*t- lag* aihletlca In pantiml and that th* iw> ault* win be laatlng. Dean McCItMllM ■aid: "W* rearat prtaUy that Tala M not plvan Ih* full credit whlA ah* At- aarvt* for taking Ihia gctloa Altbout asy outald* prtaaura "

OTEALL1F R O M S ID E U N E a n d F IO J )


Percy Haughion^ Harvard's Head Coachy Who Has Done Much Toward Developing Versa­

tile Teams, Now Accused of Building Around One Man.

Th* f t tn l ls t •i*i*m*ni hi* bean made thit Percy Haughiem, Ktrvard’i fetid coich. li buitdini • football ictni around C tptiin Eddie Mihtn, the veri*- tile. It hi* been further idld lh*t he ti followlnf the syatem of 1912, 1913 tnd 1914, when Charlie Brickley and hi* toe were on the Crimaon gridiron. The eleven* of thoae year*, accordini to thl* brtnd-new vlaw, were built com­pletely around the drop-klcktr. Thl* I* all very eompIjmcnUry to Mihan and Brickley, but kind of hard on Haughton and tome worthy member* of the Harvard team*, Hiughton who hai wotlied to hard to develop tll-iround glevtnt tnd ihoaa pliycra who have done *o much to make Htughion'* plan* a tttccei*. Still there ii nothing like iprlnging aomeiblaf new.

In the fall of I t l l Bo coach aver mada A fra atar effort to davaiop a varlad attack and no coath bad finer backflalJ material wherawith to do It- With Percy Wen- dall, Hardwick, Bradlea, Brlcklay, Oard- nar and Fallon, an oflenalv* back, but gaftnalT* and, tha t'rinuon waa well aup- piled with a* airona tnd venttlle ■ back- nald aa avar pul foot to gridiron. In Ih* llB* Starar. Parwantar, Hitchcock, Trum­bull. Fennock war*. Indeed, capebla enough. Qardner, at uuarta*. dtractad with rare gaaaTaltblp and oo taam. mltad It* play with ffnar raaulta. Brlcklay'* lea waa eftactlv*. but Brlcklay waa only a aog In the amoothly runninp machine.

The followlag year Harvard mat atronpae raalatcnn at Tala and PrtB«tcn.

mouth pun* Saturday. Tha new pitya that tha coachat have bran Icachlnp ar* •nora o|-.eB than tha on** uacd In tha early aratOB pamca and Bra a bit more complicated. They ware uaad for Ui* firat time In Ih* arrlmmag* with tha tcruba yeaterday. They worked well and will probably he made uaa of the JIanovuiaa*. The deCena* of th* firat team wua waak yealetday and tha acrub alavan aucccedad Ip croaaing the 'varalty'a go«l lint Ihrnugh the effenlva work of Allen Brown and S*p Donthoa.

- ® - '

Drgorr and Eaaton

Harry l-egot» and william Eaaton. thatwo Tale ■Chltlaa who war* daclaradIB th . Iln. aapadally. ‘h. opponanta ware

M tar flttwl tor th. tlghl. Haothton m .^so Chapp. in hi. ayatem of •'*4 ram.lnder of tb , a ..-w uit .b ru t (..eWng thal runnlp* I mlaad with the o|ie* game of punting |

With Brlcklay aura on fieldaad paaaing.goal! and opponant* offering aturdy ro- Matanca within ih* ahadow of Ih* goal Ih* Crlmaon'* drop-klckar waa naturally catlad to action. But It waa th* taam th a t brought him up and Haagbton'a a ttack that mad* It poaalbl*. Brlcklay waa a valuabl* taaat. bul who that taw tboa* s*ma* could give tha kickar tha p a a la t t credit tor a tuccattfu l **a*on.

Hnughlon pled* no attampi laat y**r to ooBtIna hla taaching to play cantired gSbut Mahan. Tb* Harvard bach w*»S g ra ft alar and Haughton took advtn- t*g* of hi* ability la full, but Itfl planty of work for Hardwick. Bradlaa, Logan and Franck*. Again, thla fall, th* Ctimaon'i roaoh Is making avory Offort W davaiop a taam thal may know fpotbalt from avery aagl* and on* may peat ataurad that iko play * l Oambrldga Aapanda on th* work of *l*vaii man gnd not aom* particular *tar. Mahan t i a drop-klckar hattar than Brlcklay gad, p t ooitrte, will b* uaad to th* beat •ftaot. Haughta* know* wall onougli thni It I* hep*l*** to tound a oyilam tm ono m tn 'i *11111, ha It aver *o g n a t.


f r t a e r ta i PiwrUre

•tU r Maol* I* bafiig plwMI »l •n<* "»"■ tartaad t t S t ksinmak, f«r tba Ttrv*- Thl* c u t b*l b**B uBd*T «aB*M*r*t)on |» r •om* Uni* m il K Maar*' provo* aa upHiahU tP th* tatm *t a id «a tb* coach** •gpaat htai to h* b* will pralMbty h* s paramaant fiatur* a s thm astm iltF t f tb* HSP. H* poaaaaam all *( (ba ragiBali** a l a s Mail tad. For apaod li to doubt- tp l tf tbaio la a»F moa us (b* giMirob Mdsy Wbo ta W fsat S* Hdais. Ha waa f*gt IS tk* Tli*r ksaWWS, bm s W|plwsay. sad waa sa t (kUiVi (k*«sk k* ms* Is (N Y aiaiiM st Ism fan. w kts fe* m s Ikioudk tk* astir* Ms* taam (be s maikdowa .. Tb* Ttgar eaaabaa t(*r*-SltP Is head gr asdd wttb m om ,'*a(f« . t b s »w* •vsralty aad*. HldUar ssd M saes. am d im n m n m » ugk» tk* aaseba* **«• •m !>*• Ikasi tk* wark tk st Ikay * iiM «tv* HOT* run** glaym*. Brnw*. ss - atbar 'varatty a s* pomauMf wdIgM, hut M la a ln r and KM vary dutak Is Mmisy lag a fisy a id la sm S MsiA IkM ur. Mskth la batv ifr tkda aHkar tllgM sr or Wilow. hut kaa bo«B oat i f tb* gam*

•llglblc* which the head ciuirli hui gnl- ten tcgelher to face Ihe varalty In dally ■crimmaaea. Had lA*nrc I'Ccn pannU- tad tn tday throuahout th* »aaon he probably would have earned a berth on th* firat team b-forc th* IM* atm*. Eat- ton waa m t aura of making the 'varalty, but wnuM nu doubt har* been a choir* for the aaci.Bd atrln* barkfleld. Wnh both mra cm Ih* Inallglblta ihay will not b* loal antiraly. A atrong tcruta la a Mg aiaat In drvalopinp a atrang 'varalty tnd Ltgora ai.d Fuittcn will be of much ■arvlca

CoriMdl'a lAso

Dan Baad, coach of th* Corntll line, ha* dtvalopad tw* atrtng* of forward*, alther of which ahonld parform credit­ably In a big gam*. Th* varatly group I* apparaatly no aironpar and no fa lter than th* oubailtui**, but ba* aam* *d- ranlag* In •xperlanc*.. Thar* I* no eacond a trtng caniar th* aqial *f Cool, hut In th* btbar paaltlont thar* I* net muah dlfforoace. No forward* on th* Eaotam grldlrona h*vo r*tl*et*d *gc*l- lent coaching mathoda a* atrongty a t Iha I th aeaas To th* ta il man th*y play with faw arro rt In th* fundamantal point* of th* gam*. Btohad by th* brat of tachntcal lino play and all good ditgnaailcian*. thoy abould mak* a fta* ihowlng agabtat t a r taam. Karcard, Tala. FMneaton tn d Darimtulh ar* far bahind tha Ithacan* In Iln* develop- m ant

KflNNlvT Drill*

-n ttM tlV SB **oos wBk (slurM*. Tb* ■*» ****>* Muab ol C*m*M'* «m**** I*„ . *( Jtwb a d i r a* a 'w a l ty>H bf1il‘ mas.* dang***** is (k* at** itabdWy b id ••*“«**• <* th* smmhdA aa R sdd*d aaatbat baak t* tlNtr u*t- « • * » kaa t t* ^ to oovar Drigg'* Wok* and (a gW tbdaf t t* long Naward gitaM* that ar# M ag «md b f Dm f WssWas MM .- B a il pattad bi* agsad la tba Umtl

M aa to dgrMsB aov-

Cetnaibta and Mow Fork UnIryrMty •r* tailing Maalltni pratUo* tu * t t u aritboat th* aid of atrong rerab tagm*. Th* BMltrlal al tt* two tmlncaHlaa I* Itmliad, but with a friaadlr (Baling bm lw**s t t* athloUe aMadatlani of tli* twa iBilltntloBa UiaN la aasoHiwlir (0* gtaado* game*. Y«*t«4*y th* •Mvos* «*•! a t feauth FMd, tt* CalwsMa |g« |fnB ^,asd bad a lagslattm gam* a* (ar as Unm gsd yards gained and loM M aasoontai. Th* ooatha* got an tb* f(*H, dawamr. and Iwpt buag gtvtag in- atrsaiias. Baab practlo* It of g riat mta*. t t r tb* ttasm ta moot t n tim r owa *«r«b* b if* bat p**r iM a Th* maa as aaeh atoow bssw tba way* a( ttm r

PEED, youth, clavam*#* and etam- In* U*l night war* ovarcom* by eiparlcnc* and th* old wallop. The firat war* pooaaaocd by Jim

Poffay end tb* punch by yraak Horan The men m«l at Madlaon Bqutra dnrdaa. Oon- rldmc* might alio ba added a* one of Moran'e winning factors for aven thuuab the veteran l•1tteburfh boier waa h-ipa- lately outpolntad In the ftrat round h* atood hla rround and cam* back for more of th* llghlnlng-lllte Jab# that Coffay landed on hi* face. Moron fought Ilka a fni after Iha firat rounA 1T>* big blond fellow Juet walled for an ijpp-'riunity and wlien II came he wae uuirk to lake tdvtniage of li, ellpplu* over a right erna* to the point of Coffey'i chin after he had tricked tli* tall Irlah battler Into believing that ha, Horan, «*■ bain* baalan.

- + _Moran'e work waa a fine place of ring

ganaralehlp. Ha followed plane to the "t" and mad# hardly tn unnaceaetry move durtng the ehort period of milling. Moian realiied that he would hav* to beat Coffay with Ine right and ha did eo. In tba flret round Moran, eagar to feel out (.offey » punch, went Into cloa* Ouartere and allowed the tall Irlah boy to land a f*» blowa lo the body Hortn, on the other hand, retorted to abort upparvute, both left* and ritbit, but that k nd of work didn't Mllefy Moran * anklaly lo find out how much Cotfer'e pUBChee raally hurt. So the PIttaburgher hacked off and engaged In an •xchang* of jab* with Coffey, Juet th* lattar'e alyla of boning. Jim eaiit a fuallla.le of left* to Moran t face, but didn't even force him lo break ground, Inataad. Moran Juat amtlad tad want to hie ciiritar aatlafled.

Coffey'* ability to land hi* l*(l Jab on Uuiane face In the flret round. *lmoet without effort. Imbued tha big fellowi with cunridanca, Juat Horwn'a Ida* It wae I-'r*nk'a *10(11 to land bla younger rival Into Iha hallaf that ha waa an eaey man to hit. Whan Coflgy K*w how ttay It waa for him to atrik* Uoian ht took more chanca* with hi* right hand, lhareby tatting hla guard drop, and falling a victim to Moran't luae. Coffey Jabbed and Jabbed and Jabbed until Moran'e tare becann raw, when euddanly th* vattitn *cnt uvar a rlglil erna* Ilka a flaah and Coffay etaa- gered tgalnat the rojwt momantarlly, He cam* back atrong and puaipad hi* left Into Moran’e face eoma iMr*, th* latter covarlng up aa U h« wara balna hurl. whU* in raallty ha wa* "tlalllng.”

—f-Moran waa th* favarlt* at tha atari

of til* third rouad btoaua* of hla affac- tJv* punching In th* aatalon bafora Somehow oe Other Coffty again fall tor Miiran'a ganaraiahlp and M t hlamalf wide open, ehooting right aftar lift at Horan, th* tattar blocking aom* and allowing olheri tu go through hit guard, not bo- ctuao b* waa uoablt t* aUm tham, but becauae ha wanted to glv* Coffay a llttl* conftdano* la himaalf. Ae In the **c- und round, Huran'a plana worked out. Coffay grow oanlaat tnd Moraa law bit I'lianca tnd atabbad It. LJka a thot th* PIttaburgher whipped acroagatarrlflerlglit cruas plumh to Cotfby'* chin and Coffay wa* through, liar* Horan ibowad tho benefit of hi* wipaHano*. H* had Coffay In a poattlon wbar* another wall dlrootag punoh wmiM hav* aant him to draam- land and h* wtltid far th* opponualty, not awtlif Ing wildly.

FA* Coftay atood agaliwt lb* ropaa In

a dated oaodltlM, Hoaaa *duaeail off la front of him aad, knaoklng dawn hla guatd Witt a Mfl, tast hU right to Oaffay'a Ja* «h*a iSMa. and tt* Mg (•How rtaM aaiwta tt* Hag. lalling ta hla hgada and knaaa. ,H* acoa* at tba

at Bv*. hat BIU Brtwa, tt* rafat** wMdoRi and wavad Hwan to ht* tt* wlsaar. Brawa, ta tb* judg-

inonl a t tt* (hsa, dM Hght la rafiMttg to pttmlt Uaffig to aaBtlmit, (ar tsa tha* tttF-hssHMr paaoh (rim Jdaraa'i right n tt t sugbl baira tomltod gUaMraualy («t BtlHa anaas'a ohampion-

Tka nagaU* wtight* war* Coffay, ML and Ifaraa, SM. 21st *at«r«l tt* rlag (iTBL whila tt* hasd plagtd “Tb* Waar-


m m


Ur«ftt KIIIa, BAorttn Htation 4 20 l . l l Wr«ck LMd, KlJub«thport ? 04 T li\«wirli Hay.............. ............ Y:tA 7 4JCenter tSlfMt, N«Wftrk......... 7 44 K' 4Cunurit*. Hamiiicrt.............. 1:11 7:11Raunt. 0(voM Cr«#k............ 7;lt 7 S3HherpthnaH Itey. itendy H'k 6.14 4:3S

Hurt nnsien »re ■Oil hnrd iil it In SoulK Jertey. Gu» WUlkamp ■■Id (hit th« rhnnnti ban were ellll feeding et Cor*or ■ Inlet end Ike NewUn brouKhl In one of thlriy-four poundi Hundny Ivink Roden lo»t one that broke his line J MtKwell Bullock ep«nt (he week-end ■( Ikit pUce.

Mr And Mrn Rlwnod T Ronitldt flihed »l Culver * Isttke over (he week­end and rkuffht eliteen pickerel and three btie. One nf the beei tiy Mrt Ronald# welKhecl (wo #iid three-querler pound*.

Report! nf irood flounder cttchet continue to mme In. Wilbur Morrl# lind Joe D.trcy wwrc over to Hook Creek, Jemnlet H*y. Mnndiy. They bokted 107 flounder* end ilx lofnrixl*.

Mre. Welter Hu(*n nf HonlHftlr. while flehink rtreenw'ood l^ike H*(-urrtsy nRernnon. r«ukht a thlr!y-lT»oh pickerel! Ii weighed five pound# four otinee*-

Frederick T- Runyon v*# out In Hue- #«< County Mondey nnd yeiterduy In queet of woodcock. HI# beg for the two d i) i wee four biril#.


log of (he Green. ' and Mnreti followed rln#«ly efltT, (he h#nd etriklng up ' H e t Ix'n#. leong Wiy m T!pp#rery.“

- + -Wl)0 Will M en MomnT

The winner of the (*h*rlle Welnert- Jerk nillon •cfmp. i^hediilcd for th# Garden November I, le to meet Ftenk Morin, winner of lw#i iilgM # *ffklr. ihe flret week in December, ewye J#ck RuL ger, W clneri'i m eneger Bulger w#i n the ringilde of (he Mortn-Coffey fight end he picked Coffey to win quickly. In ttiree rounde, probgbly beceui# he fig* ured lh#t Welnert will defeat TUllon gnd ('offey would be «##y for CherUe. And th*t 1» how It probebly would have worked oul If Coffey hwd survived. Cof­fey would h*v« been e cltiiCh for Weln- ert liist night of on *ny other night, but Juet how Ch*rR« would figure fegelnai Mnren ii mare epeculeHon-

- 4 —Mwnegcr Pulger. (n u lk ln g eboui

Ch#r1i«’e chenoei ggelnel IRUon. ctn* not i«e wher* (h« locwt boy h#i tn r - thing to feer. Bulger «ay* th*( iHRon li greedy over-reted. the wime opinion Jim Hnv*g# bold* of th* We*lerner.

I When they ni«»t n«kt month Bulger &■- ■ur*« (hot DHton will find * different men |n front of h in t In JueUi* Weln- t r t 1l con be t*ld thol on the night of tale Dillon bout In phlJodelpht* he wa* ■uffgrlng from o cold In the chett ond wo* odvliwl by Dehnle MtU#r» then hi# monogor, not to go on. W*in#rt, kowtvwr. n**4*d the money ond couldn't Me why in the world h# ihouM throw «wor $*M. th* omouni h# received. He teemed g leeiOM, end eince then hoen'i

Frank Morrl* *ey* weokfleb ere be­ing ceyght in Jemelce Bey. Hen Re- vlnu# got 111 th*re Mondey. Will end George Murphy got eight end Morrlt caught elk-

Dtck Aleionder of ERoob*ih flehed at Heobrlfht Monday night and caught two etrlped be## In Ihe Btarewebury HIvrr. ’Hietr weight# were four and A quarter and three end e betf poundi reapecllvely.

Flounder# are plenlirul In Barnegat Bay Fred li^ieeler rnotored down to Fitrkttd fttver for a week-end trip and tried for wrekfleh. Me got but two w«akft*h In three hour*. The flound« ere wer# btting hi* halt and he put on amell hook# Fred aaya he boated twanty-ieven flounder* In leea then an hour.

JTDT—The neereat Imitation wa have of (he European iole te our iKtl* winter flounder. A •mall hook la the flret eteenllal, ae they have litlle moutha. I’er m No. l-« hnok of heat temper, becauae If *tnall hlarkfleh are ■round (hey will anap off the tine or Re point uni*#* good hook* era uaed. T1e a linker lo tho end of the Itn# by # loop, eo the! th« weight may be In*, rreaaed or dacreaeed to lull the vary­ing (Idea. In atUl w ttar a ftmall linker ta enough Ftah with two hooka, one near (he sinker at the bottom and one (WO feet higher. TTee eoft elaim# for ball and throw the soft *^pot” over- hoard for chum. Rand worme are aleo good bell for floundere

entered the ring In anything but good phyelcal condition.

Ht'Ntunera Vft

Reggie Mc.'j.imeri waa elgned today for the New York tie-day race. In algnlng McKemara* Idaneger Chapmen haa aecured the heft aU-dey man In th# game. At leaai* he la regarded by hla fellow rider* ga the beet «nd It would be h^rd to oatacl a belter man for th* long grind*, elthor h«rt or abroad. For week* rldora who expecl (o ride the race have clamored for McNamara m a (ram mate. He la the moat aought part­ner, Ihe ndopM preferring hlni to Alf Goulld. who haa the g m i« a t aU day record eatant. But who will be the lucky rider to got Haggle for th* big race remain# to be aeen Reggia haa made no aalectlon to dale and neither hae Manager ('hapman. hut (here will probably be a big aurprlce In atore when tail runnkig m ate te announced Aa re­markable a# McKairiara I*. he he# never won a big aU-day race. With Fren- ceeco VerrJ hr won the Huffalo race leet aeaaon^ but that race, whil* li waa feat and herd* wae not what the New York race I# each year.

Tn Be IH* Mevt

Alreidji (h ire *r« IndIcKinni (h it th* Johneon A Jnhnion Athletic Aeeoct*. tion m**t f t Naw Brunewk’lc ne tt H*t■ urdnv. will b* nne of th* blggeet of the kind thl* r**r. with (he excepdon ef (he one held le*( Bundey *( Jereey City ter th* benefit of (he Jem** B. ■utllvin M emarlfl Fund. The entry lilt Includ** pr*c(lc*lljr *11 *f th* lt*d-

UeCfUM of the Tri-Mu Club'e deeWoB tn fbandon lundsy (eoihill (he Triinslei nf Weal Orsase sr* without * ronUil for Bundtjr. Any flnt-vl*** *l*vea oss book th* Tri*n*le* by writin* to p. J. Hum*. I« AaMsnd *v*nu«. Wc«t Orange. i%t*l*phoM Orssge >41.

The Msnufseturer*' Bercer I-eegu* •ehedul* (or Bglurdgjr « l l i for seme* be­tween BpIttSorf *nd Blmmi. end Hy*ll end Weiten. A meeting ef the le**ue It •eheduled for FHAty night et II Welt Park *tre«t.

Af(*r the **r«*t f t th* hand* of th* Triangle* of W**i Orange the n*k- land Flald Club dUbanded and Imm*- dlately reorganlied ** * lightweight teem. Qemee are d*elr*d with teeme averaging 111 pound*. Adtlrrl* Loul* B. McCue, 1 » McWhorter etreet.

E m u BASEBAu squui T O E u a ru ic u T u i

NEW HAVEN, Oct. TsI*’* bSgS- ball (quad met yeaterday s ( to n * s il to ■1*01 a ospu in to tab* th* pli«* at A rthur M Htlbum, *ne *f ih« fltr* ptsyer* wlm w*r* S*elsr*d Intllgibl* for plsjrlng luramer tis**b«U. tJansllF only ’r ' man ar* parinlttod t* tro ts S « r**urd*F t t* *stir* adoad w*i I sv tu i, •* thar* w*r« too taw l*tt*r mos to •loet ■ n*v l■*d«r.

Th* v«tlng ws* p**tims*A. Sow****, (ho** prMwnt almply dlavoaring t to ■Ituatlon and llatonlng to islS* S r MB- burn an* Horry Lagor*. s a o t ts r a t t t s loellglbl**

Pumpelly, S**ton sn4 Rh*n, t tS othar* who war* bsrrtd , woro os fcsstt ■nd with Htlbum ond lA«or« *spr **s*i thair d«*lr* I* old la th* Iw w ttsa eeachlog n*ii apring. Hatton s s d Lo- gor* *1*0 istd that tb * r would eo sttts* football pitying on t t* Mrub*.


P. Hardin* of th* UnlimraHr * M SB*, eota, (• eipactod (o rtlu rn todap tfMH' H*vr*. Mont., wb*r* h t ho* b**a laeaStl- gatln t a npori that ra p u in tioran M dS . of (he t'nlv*r*ttr *f HInneaot* (oolhal Uam had plajmd profOialoasI bamhoB IR Montano liat *umr**r tod w u th e riM s ln*li* lb l«forfur(h*rparttclpItt«a a o- («ri'un*giai* contni*. Krofetaor Hard­ing I* expaciad to raport im nfdlatolr to th* unlvariUy ilhlatte b<ii<ud of 0(NHNl in order (hat Bolen'* *1*10* may h* d * tf m ined before Balgrdty'* gam* With Iowa t'niversiy. Bolon late tonight de­nied having playad profeational bsaatwlli

A r a m (T ^

Did the member* of the Gletata «fMlRed Roi #h#re (u the receipt# of the ilghth ggm* th# World'* ierlet Ita 1*1*7 P. Q 8.

No. Th# playef# ihJired in the recetpig of the flret four gimef only.

Y ZWhen will the Irvington nIgM #ch4>olt

open? F. W. E,No definite time hae been eel for the

opening The date and athoola where e«>ielone will b« held will 1>e decided upon at a maetlTig of the Board of Education tomorrow nlgbt.

- + -T. t . : ‘

What la (he fare to 0o»ton by rail and OR whal road* and wh#( le ib« fare tu Wgehihfton. P. f . and nn what fcadt?

, Oa^NGICITE.The fare to Hoatnn. one way. I# IS 44

via Ihe New York. New Haven and lU rl- ford Railroad, arid the [are to Washing­ton via bolh the Central itnd Fenn«vr- varUa roads !■ 16 41 une aay and IJV 14 return- The Canlral will run an excur- «toa to Waihlngton neal Sunday, faro M return- There le no round trip faro un the New Ha>en road, U I# always double the one-way fare.

r . 2.:When and where will the nskt ra il­

way mall clerk viamlnatlon b« h#ld7 How old muM one he to take the exam­ination T Vt'bere ran 1 obtain Informa­tion about (he eiiimlnatlon and where can a #a.mi>Ie m '. of queetlor# l>« ob­tained T L\ J. P-

No eaamln*(lnn In scheduled In be held within ih« iicii larelve monihe, according (o local poptofflc# offUiala. To take (he (e«i ei pereon muet h« at least eighteen yeer# old Full Infomis* (Ion about Ihe examination ran be ■#- curad from leowla A- Edwards, room !•» postofflre. hample #♦(• «f queatlon# ■ re no longer d litribultd by the ClvU Service fommlwion.

V ZIs there any place In thla Hty where

work Is glvsn o it to women tn be don* at home? ANXIOUB

At the Bureau of AeNorlaied Charttlee II w ai aiatv'd by (he officiHle there (hey knew of no place In (hii city where work le given out regularly to be done at home Occaelcnslly local concern# advertise In the News for people to do home work-

T. Z „Hu,v ean a trained nun* now worU- Inf In Ible eounlry obtein * poeltloiv lit (he Red Crol* eervle* on Ihe elite of (he Atllee? Can a woman grnduaieil a* nura* from a prlv«(* boepUel eeruro a Doeltlon with the AII1**’ Hae (he na- llonatity of th* applleanl »r her eneea- try anything (o do with 11- A. R-

Th* Amerlveo Crone Hoelety le not eendlng either nureen or iloctore to

tt* H*l « w dtM Ja atSMt dattr pnottM iritt Dtolttwe oallsia which 1* aliiiated ciM* hr. -e-WgrH M ittm MMt

Fm s ItatFS mhihitias u a d*t*a- i(ya («am afatnat OMintturg had *<t- dMtiy ahakas tt* (alih *t tt* •oachlaf

I* tto f t t sa tt* tdhi *

Must 0( •howW

by It* *FF*s*stt I* tt* tsar Ms gaUM* yH to ogts*—Hay yard, Uhldh, Laftytoto aad FUi*ha»Bh. Th* Us*, tsd*. b««h* •ad •*>«»«(*■ w«r* •!> « a ttarauRh r«*l*« at ■atsrdaF’s parfariMsa* p«a- tofday, Oaa«h Haft*w apyaNsUy as* maar dataal*. tar M aaiyhattoad tta BdOsMip at hataiartaff tta aatasdary datasaa. It wa* wcmIis*** la that da* parUMst that gara OattyttsrB ataa firat dawns There waa na atrlsnuf* yaaltrday. . Caa«h atritas '* (rtMttoS etoTts. Which, haul** to a atardliS* SF with todtahh MayiNtt waa la a t thaRt t a t ratifh wwrii with tt* raHators to g rtpam tts far tt* Vaat FIftlal* ■*»* s**t Saturday, aa* *r tw* warhuato will h* h*td ahaai mtdw**ii. Ati at F*as Siato'* plaiwra aaaw Ihraash tha

A GOOD GUESS.R*und the TiB* lb* f*«to whIU.

Hanked la row on row.Arc* tt» t in*U In b*»* ®t *«»h«

To • loUd glow.laek and tortb. *wt WdecUp dutch, in h t com**; I duck,

•tyslgat I tfcoot s ir right aad mlaa- Uka aa kuto trueh.

•Msiihlai •»*•*;» <ra sty Jaw - taddta biaat of light,

B trttlgg la a bllsdtiig diarw— <T his th* hl*ch at alihi. |

Far-dtf vole** com* to BWi 1 Aa • dWUnt tu rf— I I :

Finh hyana* samboHag. I i‘Crto* a aatfroh tort—

HtiaasilBg ralB at livid tir*,Froia a eMawts *hr—

Thatwaail ph(-wh«M* ahoaling iparks •For* w r YiMas fly—

n * s |h« ringald* *(i*iw asaia,Mug* at* bach la ^uaih.

W*U, It triahla* ttiw oik siy ddhMt -aw ** h* t*a4*d * a * r O

■MEF DIEFATCH.(Hr tt* A. A F. Maw# Bartrl**.)

KHW YORK. O tt I t .—Flask M*ias at n tliharcb st*4*. a N**toa laat alfht *t a s*w Mu* at hamwto. Itw aatoaM 'CofNF.

VILUXD VOIXIBTH HOT.* Ofastod that isaia’t sa «** arrln i

- w *FUI*d SRik. bat what, w# a*Ji, la to h* d*a* *hatit **111** OattoyT A wallaf aa th* h**a and Oatiar «*> **!•

.r*rl*«d.i OHARSH WORDS.

Into twaws «Xt 'W f .a.

HE DIDN'T SAY " R O m N ."A golfer oam* into (he lo«k*r room

alter nnletunn up a round.'Vow’d you mak* It, Dick?" take* a

friend na a matter of form.‘Never better I Seemed ea If I couldn't

mtto. Kept wy eye right on <h» bell and got away tom* of t t* beat iholi 1 ever made —

Hy that tInM tb* l**t of hi* dubmau* had craahad to iha floor In a taint and lb* tlfwnrd wae calling the hoaplinla on tt* telephone. Tho eurgeon* believe they WtU b* *bl* to bring tho** wbo heerd the •newer nrouad all right. They *r* *u(- (*rinf aeverely from abooh.

OFoltoertaH »nW » Faotatoya

T h m 'i a (Head of out* who played In lb* Unr far th* ComtU football team* of a r«w y**r* ago. Pan Head waa notch' Ing 111* Warn aad laotruotod tha UnooM to fu n d with t t* loft foot advoaeod. ^ yoUiUaii forward, and tb* riahi with tt* to* goiating to t t* ridbt and tbo vW* «( ■ food painIM to t t* Bao of oeriountga.

h t t ...........................bettor

(he wer at prtaanl. Amarlean aarodg and dootora tent ovar to n * ttm* ago by the eoclety to the war war* retotlad Oclobtr 1, accotolng to InfommttfB given out al the aoolaty'* headduarurn In New Verb. To enllet ae a nunw far th* Alllei you might make applleaflos10 Chartee Ctlvc Bayley, Conaul 0*n- eral of (Jrett Britain, wheat offlc* l a a t11 Slat* etreet, New York.Y « ~***

Kindly give me pgrUculgri riggr8« Ing c'opyrightiRi photogr«phle gott* ctrdM*

V#u will have lo flU out an appHog* (Ion blank which you ran soour# 8F applying to Thorvald Holbirg. r s g l f t^ of ropyHghte, Library of CongrMK Wuahiiigion. r>. C. Jti your IsUar o( ope plicHiion Hxplsin wba( you wLifi lo lUiYt copyrighted-vz

How may I secure a poaHloti a* ttOKF# ardrei on an oc##n liner? IfOl^

Write to the manager of Ih# em ^tF* vnept department of any one n tl48 iiYRny N(«amehlp Knee arid sVele v lo il etperlenc# you have had. TOU Itilgllt secure more detailed Information o i t# the proeparl* nf i«cur1nr a Job bg ag*-' plying (o one of the numeroas ag o ad w and ticket office# scaUered abovt tb* cliy. —*f *-

Mrs. C. A- B-—Tour question U 8 legal one. We do not answer ausrtoi of iliat Psiurs.

- 4 -r 2.U there s goverPinent klnsk In N#«r»

ark where bsrom elrlr reading* can bo obtained from day to day? C R. 11.

Thers li no kiosk In Newark- Thera ll. however. ■ gnvrrnmeni weather bll* reau Hlnflon at the f'eutral High BchiKH* l^rliHliml WllllitTi Wiener Is In chart#* He can give the Inrurmation you sesll from day tn day.

r K(’■n a coupitt living In New JerSOF

obtain a njurriaie hcenpf in New Yortl^ CUy? A'

Yes. Marriage licenses ca# bs ob« (allied SI the li'Ninie bureau, munlotpol PulLdlng. every dsy from 4 |0 O'clocll ltl the inofTilng until 5 o'clock tn tb# afternoon except on Haturday. whtn tbo bureau doaos nl noon. It i# not opon on Hunday*. The llc«ns# esn be a9*d the day K !■ Obtained'

T * :Can you name three or four fresii

water lake* within fifteen mJlos of Newark where good fishing can he had?I hav« already tried th# lakes itl Branch Brook and W eequahk parks.

J. A M.W# know of no rssl good lake ssld#

from those you m#ni1on within th# dif* isn e t spccUled. There are eoiilo fUb* however, In rsb le l*ake, Weei Orang#* on lop of th# mouiKaln.

In-car A ir

moat oggldtoii. •*«« tt* UW Iwsw. MdW tto n oar MlM

«to*atod. ito (Bid (Itol • • • UnoM;*4**r wo* to aacak t t m ^ . wtot * f Boodod wa* sto a good •zs-urtrtjvuf a e o im sa s to w with lOM to fsW Mtoro iboto w*o ajwap* i ^ J o t t about

th* ovoat. And ka a ddadi *V-Al If kVR *usd wItt kla ttto Hiraldllir

X l n e F ^ l r » t I n f a n t r xIt th* only ori*nli*iion of fool toldler* in the city and mP>«* repr*i*ot*Hv* of It* military •plrit. The reiimem i* char|lii| men who art triined and who *r* r**dy to t|iin (oln any Infantry oritniiatioa when nnded. v

All youni man who de»l« to At thomietv*» for milHory oervic* *^ not Imerfart with tboir civil punult* c*n do lo without *ny oxpento whttiver by onliilinc In the roiiniant.

The wrvico roquite* an actual aitandMce of (»n* tnd oflt'htlf hour* a wt*k *Bd *™ ''**In drill. Bold work. Iltat tld. •inJwflon. rifto praet to and, for tho** who *« ao inellned, nalmoti tad trump*t*f*- In a^ltlM, th*re It • Sup- ply Company for iralnlni Ib ilwf dopaftment. amt * twlon In itM Haadqatrtar*' Company of ninoftOBowttotod ordorllt*. __ ,

H» toflmont eontidora tho ilma p r ^ » *PP*« tor rtotulu; and bopto tor a reipona* •“|F^Iha dtdciency la won il now Jotla Tbroa hundfSd non of military aga ar*

Ta Itfuatrafa oar n m i t and to dhow t to ^ 1 ^ of N m r k wfeat i t# r i # i m t I* Bolot wllh Ita proaont numbar of pttrio tio y a m t m n a

REVIEW AND PARADE ^will fea hald a »feo nSf^rt Md *f Srsiio*i i>sw

Fafk as tiM diy, Ottofetr JHfe. •» 3 o 'e lo * T ^ I M . IVtopaet m m Btra to BIwaad avanut asd walk wait t o ^

Tfea aMiaaa of Ndwait aw InWtod » aitani ssd viaw tba

armory ta al Csaaas atmitw a ^ ,•*». Mtaot, and ll # • istlttMi wlU ba pltaaad to miplaln tht <U»tnitfii Md raquli^ M to a lw a aanrito » appEoaiita os Monday, Tsatiiay, Tbutoday and

Is towTaftoli iba liYtow arifi bt.feald oa i^O pow inf la s te '

'H.'V‘K'Vfr-' ■W :


» .w U « «*• «“ * !5 !K*3I**»> »»"k • " • r

■Mm In Um «p«nlB« ««rt*n of thoMoof- otatiT Bonktro' V*M«o«•« nflartoon on tk t MotrotnlllM nl* iMm. HonMlnlf, ncBlnit tko trio from t»o Bwos Tltm finnk. Tho Sw oi TUI* ntniiori nro on oemtch, on* ntior t in t B«ar «l<k Um tnltlnt contMi <lrMV«4 tfco «o*t Iw*. . ^

I t e t tk« Bw m Nktloiuil wood ■Oili­ng- iM k tko U«t te « < wa* to t***'! tnootr>toro^pln kanoioop. Al tk* mil • f tko tnmo tho ncrateh oolflt woo nlnotoan pla« lo tho pood, hoi wMn tko komllrnp woo nddod iho Booo* no- t l tM l pinnoro found thor kod n tnroo- pln ndTonUt*

E ^ l c o p

Ml 111 IM III | » |M tanr . . - I I M Handicap.

t*T. 11} MliVA l ilm

31 XI IX

t«UK. WtUMlL


V ln n ln t two ool of T**tho font of tlM Collutold Club bon loro ■n tkolr homo nlloro l«ol n lth l In o •nhurban Lon«oa match ntninat Iho hroM Bnd Clnb tomn. It wno tho opon- |M lontuo oorloo for both quiniou. Tho

'Mproo w on low,Tho.homo outfit coma ih routh n

« tppcr in tho f ln t eontool bjr n twootr* iM r-ptn M utin . dkd tho oacond by tto a ty -io ro n pIna. Tho Wool Bnd twin, which Ik m akln t Ito firot oppoar* nlMO In Iba lw t« « Ih aoronil ronra, to t •wny with tho loot tniuo. It woo cloao thm ughm l. hat Hoohrtnt'a bowlan work Bino polpta to tba lood a t tha a n d . ^ * 1

cBLU'totD. w ta r HMD.l i t 1*1 lia| HcCmooII im X* ittMl IT* 1*4; iiiia a

V o t o l * .

ia* ii* ii* 'K o tt...... x i u t i t tP w iii tH i TotaH.. f t i m t i a

USTOUMZOIIDRlIJiniS Rcn «m CUM SHEEP__ aapraaaatlBt Boat O raata

TaittT ‘~ tka Chid rallow f' U a ta a , DIa- tf la t tfa. Ik taat nlpki aiado a elwm pWwop ef tkroa tam w agatm t tka Uoa Onk l<a«ta kwwlara ea tka Uawallpa nlkPH Oranta. All af tka totala wara tow and hot A atn«la douMa ean tarr w a a t waa rat>*t*f«tl- ^ Boot Oranna nnifit wan anok tam a k r n aanrferinhia

y w a i a . . a n t « t l i *

Waloh.II* 1*1 m I t i

Totala.lU tU

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*a 1*1 n m a .r u n r a m a.

t*t u t■Maki,

1*11l i t •1*il*t o t a l * ............. * U *11

AMnuni.W a lu n .... .. 11*111towfonn..,* IM II* i jl i lm io .... . I ll IM


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B n m ........... till**■W fhl,....... I««l*l

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A. H.W A T K k .

M 111 It* It] .. t i l II* 11* iH tat 1*1

iftiHil!Tti m i l l

m iH i* * i

T M I B I I A i a t N T .M.ITWOOP A.

Woarnw.. i l l IM IIIZ:SSSi::IH Itl HI

T>UI».: TMfTlTItA 0 4 H C .

TUSSIl. H It* i}3fMi......... i M i m i lloMluw.

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■ a l f ' T l l T ' u T 111 I t a ] W o v a . .1, ~ 1* « 1* 1 1« *

•ap. M M M)lUndleap.‘ 41 «l 4t'A n a h h . a t i a n i a i

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l i t i |i |A m * .m i l l - ■


____ 111141 t i t 1*1 141 H i m . . . I I I It

------- 1 Total*.. 4*1*11 *M

oTHHft aiewaiit lOUllTH .rAVi*iit;ic *>«*££

■inn Utat tka comada. idw* apailatad to tha Kayar ! MowoA ta maba *a aailmala

I a*ManMlu a*a* all tha awaan al aU I load tad tool M au la tha city of Naw-

' Tly kooofUoO ky aoy laaol lai. , tha «M cliy la propartlaaoiay ha M tha advaataf* aach

la b an acqalraA hava mada aabanaflu aaa.

all tka aoaan af all th* laaka aalata la Iha cliy af N*vark pan-

haaalllad hy aach af tka fallawlaata la MM ally.. aamaly:af a atwat ta ha haaira■itDAH a r a n n pBWdii.

and BHANCIIBP.___ rowaary I, l»l*i Ua apaalno>, af a taaar laPOUhTH ATPNUB.I Harlh kavanih atraat aad haamila rank April I, llll.

anwnl oaapriwa all lati tract* af land and nal aaiala llaHa •ad aa atanaaM, tyln* aa hetkP n A M K P O h T a r i l B B T

_ AMaTBltDAM fT hU T . turn lUmbnro plan ta Maaaatoa aUaili an

■rtaiiaoc aa>aatft«.'Awata*.N t A U A l U t t h E i T .idaai alM t u DOMdaa Kraati

^ . . j E u t U A M T T A a r i l K B T , d 111 faal *aal at th* aaatatly llaa at •aadaai innpai; an hath *»da* a l ^ ^POOhTK AVPNM.I tfarth aav*ath Wraat ta ham vllla a n - I

af. kan fiM tkair raaarta _ _ •*■ (w b*.a*nu la Iha aflka »f ihaU* Ctr«iitt C»Art «f %%m oswitr •( ,

.th a t Iha Judfa al aald Martta* iwi ................a * t t t r d * y ,

■ " I t, *1 IIiSrcult"iinaiy.lhlrd lilt. *1 i*B s'ciMlt la ih* day

th* iMrcttlt Cotiii room *t lb* . . *,■ <h*.clir *1 N***rh, •• Ih** •** al«M *1 knrina any abj*cllnu• ?**r a* a»*d* to th* Mid aaMauninuT

r**!*W"t* an *alira plat at land, r iMfo.o* amalL I O t b * h * r I I , i i u .

HAPlir XAUaCH. city Aitoraay.

PObhtBBNTM feBPAVINU; UBAKTON AV*. U—*a**Mm*iit far iMMflta.

a*aaMn«,a*.;~ J to Ib« cltr llfl#* ««> j

it!ai!»!i^rhl^iiTV\"*i?dr2;2l i

^*,*iiit" ** ****'" •>XCNTM AVKNUI!.

a i r * * l ii> O v u th N i n t h iliE-i-iH!? "**'!L?*"*h otroo' to booth^%sssHi i

aoUiaaaM lo ptoMdo lor iho it- |, *jrotijirK«MTH Avnjtun.

"I*** t* booth Hlaia 1 fn ia awoth toatk aUMt ta ioMh. Bpaaond Poptaaotot

_ '^kAPTON AVBNUn. IWOT anana to Waahla«iM anaaa,^lo Ih* pratinow ot aa arataaaraiprvTipionp Of•Mltltd **Am «HA«

XrroN aI. Am yLm SSIT

^ a i^ o ia S r tX " II. •wart, and Ibai a rapartiV


llap.p. with A* SMSIll tiM

. j»A#r«lfMW IIA« SHyAT ^ “ ■•rt Af y

a(*r**a*di i rubU ht P M jg j

•Hr Ha*) aa

fWRtW MIAH........... •«

M U Waatilattaa »d f .....................

l b * Iw a a iyh -- ■



m u n p r a ic e S a m b e rg A ’s L a rg e S to c b

- Tfr if. Hrii-* •, ’W .If ■ ■>

'■ ' W f t th e r M l

Women's Coatsat 15.00

ulkyMide of aoft, warm, tibeliiie; one of the icason’a most populir materials, belt­ed at the sides end trimmed with buttons.

The convertible collar Ts of velvet, forminc a chin chin effect when buttoned hi|h , and the coat is lined to the waist with good grade gray satin.

Sixes for slender and large women. Exceptionally priced ■t 1100.BAMBKHQER't THIRD FLOOR

Women’s Skirtsat 5.00

Every day brings newer, smarter models to this big as­sortment.

Attractive styles for walking and sports wear, cut with full, graceful flares and shirred backs tnd having semi-detach­ed belts and fetching pockets.

Materials art those most worn—wool velour, poplin and serge, in plain colors, checks and plaida, in black and the autumn colorings.

Excellent at 5,00.BAMBEROKIt'a, THIRD FLOOR

Special Purchase Women's Suits,$30^Beautiful Gtwments Fashioned of H ^h Grade Materials Made to Sell at 32.98 to 40.00.

(At Illuttrated)Here is an opportunity for about 50 women

to secure first quali^ suits at remarkably small cost. These suits are copies of very high-priced models, and there are but one, two and three of a kind, some of which are samples, so that the woman who takes advantage of this sale will,ob­tain a certain exclusiveness along with her big bargain.

They Are Trimmed W ith Beaver, Dyed Raccoon and Opossum

And one or two models shov collars and cuffs of soft, lovely, genuine moleskin. Materials are broadcloth, gabardine, poplin and velvet, and the predominating colors are African brown, Russian green, navy, gray and black. Styles include graceful Russian blouses with soft sashes of vel­vet or fringed silk; smart military models with at­tractive chin collars, and many adaptations of thdse two leading modes.

rt.* Eypryi. i wuman who ippreciates the best in tailoring will want one of these splendid suits.


New Silk Blouses, 3.00ExceptwmUly smart as to style. Remarkably good as to materials.

(T)p» An nbutrmM)One of theie blouaat ta of

heavy white enpa da cUim, the front embroidered in a pratiy do- aign tnd the collar abowloa new, ■ oddly tbaped taba idomao pearl button*. An

with excellent

bodal for tailorad wear. SAO.The other ahowe a charmin

combination of laco and flowei chiffon with larje lace collar edted with a chiffon ruffle tthch. cd in black. Lined throughout with fleah color chiffon. Attrac­tive for tbeatar wear. ISO.

Many other new, lovely model* at thla low price for every oeca- aion. Compoae affect* of Goor- gette crepe and chiffon, laco and chiffon, chiffon and Peraian, a*well a* atriklng plaid and atripe

ill( ■■ilka, atrictly tailored. LM.b a h b b r o e r 'b, t h i r d f l o o r

Boys' fit Youths' 75c Pajamas

at 59cThey are very floe outini lannel

palamaa, made of extra heavycloth.

Mother* will appreciate the lav­ing on tbit item. The boy* need warm, comfortable, roomy pajama* now for the cooler autumn night*.

Theae splendid garments are neatly trimmed with allk loop*.

Low price* lo announce the re­moval of this department to aJale No. 5. adiolning. men’a pa|ama division.


Sale of Hair Goods N ew In te rio r D ecorative E ffects D em and th eEvory woman know* that it la dlBcult lo arrange ocanty hair becom-

HetIngly. Hera la a sal* of ImporUnce to iboie who need awitche* or trana- formalioBS. Our export* will be glad to aaslat In tbe lolecting of the o^ffure boat lulted to your face.

Rognlar S3.S0 natural wavy twitches, 24-inch.. . . . .3ASKegular'SSJO natural wavy twitches, 2S-inch...,..5.SSRtgular SS.S0 awitchet, beat quality, 20-Inch.........*-60Regular tt.50 •wiicbta, beat quality, 24-inch.......... g.S0Regular S7J0 tll-arouod trantferfflitlont, wavy— S.S0 Regular SIdO payebe puff*, beat quality hair......... l.tS

Use o f Soft, R ich T ap estries and V elours

Marcel wivina, ibanpoolng, acalp trettmcni by violet ray and electric vibrator, and maniraring at popular price*.


Extra! Men*s Pajamas, 89cThey are flMiy made of heavy quality outing flaooel.Ve have them in a apleudid range of coloring* and deaigni.It it a rare butinets romance—the story of how we obtained

a large quantity ot these pajamas at a price low enough to retail them for Me.

The tame ptjtmai would command more money anywhere. Tomorrow, while they last, our price it 89c.


And td this end we have assembled a notable collection of handsome pil­lows, table scarfs, library ovals and foot rests, developed in wonderful combina­tions of tapestry and velour, joined together with quaint bandings of old gold lace braid and resembling In their rich beauty the hangings and upholsteries of the Kings Louis.

Exquisite patterns tnd colorings. Some combined with moire instead of velour. Prices are very reasonable. Compare these with others:Scarfs..............................4,00 to 154)0 i Cushions........................... 2.00 to 5.00Table Covert.................. 8J0 to 234)0 I Table Ovals.......................5.00 to 8.00Velour Foot Rests, very new tnd shaped like huge muffs, are.................. 7,50

Moire Boxes and Novelties Attractively PricedThe vogue of moire-covered toilet articles, boudoir ornamonti, photo

frames, candlesticks, etc., is a by-manifestation of this same decorative trend.Ve are showing a very beautiful, very complete tine of moire-covered articles in old rose

and blue, adorned with flne gold lace, some showing quaint medallions of Vatteau folk, daintily harmonizing with their backgrounds. These articles are most correct, and in the assortment you will And hoata of highly acceptable, very "different" articles for Christmas gifts for your friends. Prices range from 76c to 144)0.

B A M B E R O E R S . S E C O N D F L O O R A R T 8 B C T I O . N

“ Stein-Bloch ” Suits and Overcoats at 25.00

The suits are shown in three distinct models.THE MONROE, exclusive English model with patch pockets, high

waist line, and natural shoulders.THE SAXON, conservative English model, flap pockets, soft roll

front, shown In more conservative fabrics.THE STANDARD, a conservative, dressy model for the business man

who wishes to be neatly dressed without sacrificing style.The proportions include regulars, stouts and slims to fit every man.

“Stein-Bloch” Overcoats, 25.00are shown in two of the newest models.

THE BLANQUETTE, one-piece sleeve and shoulder combined, single breasted, with velvet collar, box back.

THE BELMORE, single breasted, box back, center vent, self collar and patch pockets. The fabrics include all that ace new and in demand.

Bamberger’s 15.00 Suitsi4re Acknowledged the Best in Newark

The selection of our $15.00 suits is made with the idea of pleasing everybody. It Includes suits from the extreme English to the more con­servative model, and, from the plain navy blue to the brown or gray plaid. The tailoring and th© trimmings are the same as you will find in nigh priced clothing.

B am berger’s O verco ats—1 5 .0 0 ,1 8 * 0 0 ,2 0 .0 0

S ew ing M achine C lub EndsThree Dayt More—Saturday Last Day

A* ■ ipacial InSuMment lo member* who Join thia club we offer a regular $40.00 New Home Sewing Machine *1 3S.M. You pay $1.00 down and $1.00 a week unill the full asm It paid. If you antlcipat* payment* ou save 10c. on every dollar. No Imertal or extra chargM in our eew-

ini machine club plan. Join the club today and nave on your purebaa* of thft New Home Sewing Machine—3S.M.

B A U B E R O E R ' S , T H I R D F L O O R


B etw een Marabout Blouse

O urselves CoUars, 75cTomorrow, October !l. U SdU oi

Dai, cooimemorAUfiA Mr. Rfilaon'a Uventlon of tb# lneAnd*PcAnt lAmp*

It will be made, and Attlnglr aa, the blKROtt 4ax of tha anttfe Pan* am a*I^lflc EK^oaltlon. But no celebration, no Rimtter how largo Ita acopa, <rould do Justice tq him who baa llgbled the lar cornart of tha aarth, given music to tha iao* laiad and §ant the dram a Into tha wtidarnaaa.

Howavar. aach man I a his own haarl and In his own war* will do homage tomorrow, aa doaa ha avarjr

They arc made of floe mull, plaited and wired to form n ttock, edged with marabout, io white, pink, pale blue and other color*. Some have airtp* acroH the front; other* lie with narrow ribbon* having marabout taaaci*. Very dainty at TSe.BAHBBRQER'a. FIRST FLOOR

k p o r ta iilWo m b ’s 15.00 to 2L98Sate Dtm a at 10A8Of luatrout aelf-atriped lat-

feta, or the much favored plaid taffeta* comblaad with An* botany French aerge. Neweat Aarc akirta dad full tunic affects Moaity navy blue and black. Handaomely tailored drcaaa* for atrcal, buaineat or general utility wear. Site# 34 to 44. Third Floor.

69e Pluiii Covered Teddy Bears, 37c

They have sturdily stuffed bodita, covered with a luixy coal ef plush. The arms, leg* and head are Jointed. “Teddy" measure* 13 Incbe* in height. Sixth Floor.

39c Gold PUted Rosalies s t 19c

Nicely Anithed with gold chain and .gold cruciAx to match. The head* are of amethyit, ruby, garnet, topaz, emerald, cryttal, opal or Jel. Firat Floor.BisscU’s 1.89 ‘‘SUadsrd”Carpet Sweepers, 1.65Easy-running iweeper* Ai­

led with a braided band to protect the furniture. They have very good brushes, which will pick up all the dust and crumb*. Baiement.

25c Gold Paiat at 15c a Bottle

Marihing’i French gold paint, ready to apply. It li suitable for all ornamental gilding and decorating—for picture frames, gilded ebaire, abandtUir*. ate Sixth Ftoer.

9'/iC Heavy Crash TowcUag, 7he Per Yard

11-inch toweling made of strong yarns. Come* in whitt and ha* a neat red border; the kind for band towals, djib towel* Of roller towel*. Firat Floor.WoBwa's Sweaters st 2J5

PonBSrly UiO and 4.30Tliay *r* mad* of Abar allk.

la copan. ararn, oranc*. iwo-tan* black and whit* tffacL navy blu* and whU*. Braaa and whit* and copan and Whlta. Not all atxaa in aack color. Third Floor.

lOc Uttokaebed MasUa Reduced to B^c

A fln«. clota woava mualln, I t Inch** wtd*. cut tn failpl*oaa. Hnltabla for all kind* ot oovvrlnxa. WhB* I,It* yard* laat, a r ta l barxala a t *Vb* a yard. Firat Floor.


day, lo the «raat Edlaon. Th*. naro I* no graatar living man.Th* world a t larg* knowa him aa

Edlaon. th* gtnluo. mastar ot many Invantlona

But It I* glvan to ua ot Ntw Jar- ■ay to know him aa Edlaon, th* man. who** Intaraat In world-wld* thing! maka* him lust *o much bal- t*r a natghbor and powar for good In his own community. Ash any man who knows hint, who work* for him In tha groat Want Orangs plant which has luat bean racon- atructad, ir thla bo not tru*.

"Th* old man." lhay call bln, and Ih* word* ar* a careaa

To b t a ganlua and to ba InAnItaly human; lo bo ao largo of vision that tho lltllo things ar* always (horo: Is lo b* Edlaon. —Editor.

2760 Prs. Women’sGlace Kid Gloves, 69c

Here is another reibarkahle offering of gloves! There are over 2,000 pairs of high grade glace kid

gloves. Every pair ia perfectly made and sewn, and the skins are in perfect condition

We have them in the leason'a beat ahadea.HUl s o n B iff

| £ 4 $8

f a h h jr d i a p t a t a l l t h a n a sr a h a d a a f a r f a l l i a l s a a t a f i t t h a h s a t o f a s a r y a a a . D a r h l a a . t a a . f o r t h a a a who y r a t s r t n a a . B a t a a f t h a t a h© aa t b a o a l l t h l a a a a a a a * ( f la a o n fl f l o o r )

We will not tell their regular p rice - hut they ere marked cloee to cost

We have them in 2-claip overaeam, light weight dressy styles, with neat backs, and gaaaeted Angers, You will And them perfect Attin|. All alzea 5Vi

An exceptional offering, at 00c;BA ioaB oara n a a t rLOon.

PersonalXmas Cards

95.00-4-Pc. Fumed Oak Dining Room Suite at 59.50Order Them No».

A rapidly growing, vary pituing cuatem i* that of Hading to your friendt *i Chrlatmatllme card* of grcoilng with your name tngravqd thoroan.

Anilcipaiing vtry httvy btaloota In thia lino lati

6 .50 “ G em ” H igh C hair a t 4 .9 8

i4 Boon io the Babylatar on, wo auggeat that

you oreof your oardo new.W* hav* a wid* rang* of attric-

tivo card*, aonw with )i»t in tn- gravod grooling In one comer, with •pnee for your name in the oenter; eiborg wiin a ctrofully cbeoen lina •r two of limoly vaiac.

Card*, 2c. to 25c. each; ongraving •ant from your own pitta, SOe. for 50.

Inperitd card* and boeklcta, with •ptM iatldo for your namo and nay aoMiing you may Mioct, to bo prl<it«4.

38 of tbtM «eit front LM to MO,

B A jiaa n aB a 'a . f iiw t f l o o r

Tha cut Itloatntno tba wall known “Gmi*' bigb chain. Tbit ebair .epa

, bo mod u a blab chair, whMl chair fit rtekar. Hu cant au l aad.bach. May ba had la a*Mta oak, fumed Mk t r imltotlM

'-nahagaay. ftroaaday’b MlUai «« an offatiai ilUi chair at l u s .

Tha aulit llhiitrticd la bail! of 'MUd oak, fmwd flaUh. CoMlcia of buffot, Chiu Mocot, urving tabh end exteaitoaidMi* '

haffot it 84 Inchw Icag: b u two email dnwera, o u Uacd | forallvar. Tbne cloccia «M lone IlMa drawer.

clout i* 30 laebu l«« ; oontalM thru greovad |tbelvM aad piiie nil tea.

Sarriag ia M indiu loag; b u om drawer aad towuIf* AM Oil-.____C x i^ a i txMa nialcbu aiillt perfactly. Hu iS-lach top,

and exiMid* to 0 ft. wbtti open.OUnr bnpttooallr Good VoImi la CMta Onk and

Paaud flak RaSalB aad TubliBFuawd Oak Baffti, rtgalar SODJU, •I....84MO famed Oak Buffet, ngultr $7Sj at....|80JHI Fumed Oak Buffet, regular SOSfX), a t . , . .841.71 fuamd Oak Buffet, regular $42.00, a i....|IM 0 a

QMden Oak BuRM, regular SIO.OO, a t,.. .|10J0 OoUan Odi Buffet, regular SSOM, a t . . . . |» J 0 Galdaa Oak Buffet, regular S43.00, a t,.CaMu Oak Buffet, regutor S444N), a t..GaMaa Oak Buffet, tegular M04KI, at..OoldM Oak Bufftt, ragalar IU jOP, at. • > ,*O alte Oak Buffat, ngular fOaeik at. .Oalua Oak Buffat, ragular 040410, a t,,4>8 CeMtn Oak Buffat, raiulir 8414X1 a t.«


Fuawd Oak Fuamd Oak fumtdOak fuamd Oak

'(Mdan Oak (MhaOak CMdanOak GaMaa Oak

Extoaalea Tibia, ngultr 1X24)0, MI184W Extcaalaa TaMa ragular $3348), at tlMO lUlaaalaa TaMa, ragular t24k00, at IIOSO Bxdncfaa Tahia, ragular saiJCL at IU4W Bataualea Tahia, ragalar $30410, at 81440 EKtaaaioB Tafcla, ragalar $2440, it liaJO Bxttntlm TaMt, n$tdar IIMQ, at |U 40 Extamioa TaMa, ngator $38,00, at i

i S r a . ' i .B a a a r aRfflgo Belt Redttdog Corsets “Vtnltie” Electric Portible Limp

^V he Isan (or the tlvdent. artlat, dreueiebar aad all e th tn who reqatre a hM*y, adleetkbl* poriaUe aiaatHe.llahL Hod* s( brsaa. with aha*'

BAMBBRaUm BBCOKO FMORIsuaa hao eolvaretl Joint neck, a* wait m mbhar ewtloe rue.on hotipra foe ittseMna lo gtaee or other iioeoth eurfscae. I’vio* wlib altschtiii aerd, urtaab wind* up juid* tuw, aWB fOemoutraUea, mueaieat)


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f b l ib n ik

URonsiWhan Fair 1

m Iti'■> ■ Sla

ENOREasnUMeta t h u 1

Newuli Tanei

o( to*ef a

rad* e« wo eariM

Richt I Caatrs

m a y want bi aUtamoM*. I a* th* vlalloH

Latif aftar i near paopia ca ffb* eutomobll B*M Bonaatw am* aaansd toforlt* rout* neb-hour b«i waterfront. l HtnrM ta, whl ted a u i ty oi fleet, on* th* •poh which N pean esm* fi **Mhc yacht fifty psassnr Levherr 11., o' a 4ouM*.dtcl SMsIlar craft ■ eouiM whar* hardly snouqb At hlxh watar nal Bsaka* a v Ih a boait lall aal wiihcut a*

CHy ofdclal with on* ana to coAsratulal Who of a pro, dtitload to ra, community, i stamp of uaqi Utprl** and di ward- avantrial aapanatoD i

" f t - . May*

r aa opilwlatl Ham

uavgvu laxach* futuri prtoWii'F* H. B. R.

Ilam burt of dwted that th*

uturs Itmai re f Jlaw

Pottar CtUb. a l th* au Rhyinoad prods aril Tem laal I apaobar on Hu Fftatilaat PotrH • t Worb*. w I


aettss■* i!

t a Mr. Hoxan d dloUaet compt Mb foraMMH

I e( BMUty pMia* (ar t> a^ C H e B u b . W h o werli a« Hi* ml quat* to r alt. ti •aa, a Foeoc •• a i ta a t to Mr. McLtod. saparli oMiatlen* ta r t qglle Company.

‘at*4 tha for p

I u^.,-naroa* ar*

1 Bkymand ta W n r their part i

-Tbe arty ow ad land hara," ■ fine a* Uea a i

I twllh Wide ep*

irlaas be*ml$w piteo Uh* tMe adarageean mm iCl^rbalH aHdaet tbreurt Mhid to taatr Iffeat eltioa. '

wbat to la a;x.;’ waM

OMd to a paia< aiaro* af graa qM 1 b*»a, w

, aqveaaw Taa i haow that taa ) Ml*lew land I


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I r ta fO to

M»jrMhd mIMMi 0M* to roflea* an, *

ke liaway'Tha- T ta ak ! David«f* Jferetag a eld*

Mrw C ^k 1

rdldn'rootn.tend ae witk etiea. Inla the that ttnj



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