Download - Minutes of Ordinary Meeting - 28 00 2019 - Gympie Regional ...



of the


CHAIRMAN: Cr MW Curran (Mayor)

Held in the Boardroom

Town Hall

2 Caledonian Hill

Gympie Qld 4570

On Wednesday, 28 August 2019

At 9am

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 August 2019 1

Gympie Regional Council

Gympie Regional Council ORDINARY

Mayor MW Curran (Chairman)

Crs MA McDonald, GC Hartwig, MS Gear, DW Dodt, DH Stewart, HT Smerdon,

WR Leitch and RA Fredman.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................................................... 3

SECTION 1: OPEN WITH PRAYER .................................................................................................. 3

SECTION 2: APOLOGIES / LEAVE OF ABSENCE ............................................................................ 3

DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS BY COUNCILLORS ............................................................................... 4

SECTION 3: CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES .................................................................................. 4

SECTION 4: PETITIONS ................................................................................................................... 4

SECTION 5: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT .............................................................................. 5

5.1 WEED AND PEST ADVISORY COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE UPDATE ............................................................................ 5


SECTION 6: CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ........................................................... 23

6.1 PROPOSED RENEWAL OF LEASE - LIONS CLUB OF GYMPIE SOUTH INC .............................................................................. 23


6.3 NAMING OF EQUESTRIAN BUILDING ........................................................................................................................................ 28

6.4 AMENDMENT TO 2019/2020 REVENUE STATEMENT ........................................................................................................... 30

SECTION 7: OFFICE OF THE CEO .................................................................................................. 31

7.1 REPORT FROM THE AUDIT AND RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 27 JUNE 2019 MEETING ........................................... 31

SECTION 8: INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES ................................................................................... 35

8.1 CHATSWORTH BOTANICAL PARKLANDS .................................................................................................................................. 35

SECTION 9: IN COMMITTEE ......................................................................................................... 39

9.1 2019/20 BUDGET UPDATE INCLUDING CARRY FORWARD FROM 2018/19 ...................................................................... 39

9.2 PSA0091 - PREFERRED SUPPLIER ARRANGEMENT FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICES ...................................................... 40

9.3 RFT0080 - RAINBOW BEACH ELECTRICAL UNDERGROUNDING AND STREETLIGHTS ........................................................ 42

9.4 LETTER OF COMFORT - RATTLER RAILWAY COMPANY LIMITED ........................................................................................... 43

LATE ITEM ......................................................................................................................................... 45

9.5 REQUEST FOR SUPPORT FOR UPCOMING EVENT .................................................................................................................... 45

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Gympie Regional Council

SECTION 10: ATTACHMENTS......................................................................................................... 46


ATTACHMENT 1 WEED AND PEST ADVISORY COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE .................................................. 47



AREA ..................................................................................................................................................... 53


PRECINCT ............................................................................................................................................. 67


ATTACHMENT 1 LETTERS OF COMMUNITY SUPPORT .................................................................................................. 68


ATTACHMENT 1 2019/202 REVENUE STATEMENT .................................................................................................... 75


ATTACHMENT 1 MINUTE - 26 OCTOBER 2016 .......................................................................................................... 90

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 August 2019 3

Gympie Regional Council

The meeting commenced at 9.03am.

PRESENT: Mayor Cr MW Curran (Chairman), Crs MA McDonald, GC Hartwig,

MS Gear, DW Dodt, DH Stewart, HT Smerdon, WR Leitch and

RA Fredman.

Also in attendance were Chief Executive Officer (Mr BJ Smith), Director

Corporate and Community Services (Ms P Gordon), Director

Infrastructure Services (Mr D Scordalides), Director Planning and

Development (Ms G Vereker), Manager Governance (Mr B Hayes), Manager Property and Facilities Management (Ms S Paras), Acting

Manager Finance (Ms D Hatherell), Acting Manager Lands Protection

(Ms S Maxfield), Officer Property Support (Ms E McClintock), Officer

Property Support (Ms E Cummings), Coordinator Environmental

Planning (Mrs A Whitfield), Coordinator Rates and Leasing (Ms M James), Manager Assets (Mr S Murphy), Senior Planner Land

Use, Sport & Rec, & Heritage (Mr M Matthews), Coordinator Major

Events (Mr M Allard), and Minutes Clerk (Ms T Byrne).


Cr Stewart gave the following acknowledgement:

Let me acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we

meet today, I pay my respects to the elders of the past, present and



Pastor Daniel Saunders from the Gympie Presbyterian Church offered a

prayer for the advancement of the region and the true welfare of its


One Minute’s silence for family and friends of deceased residents of the



Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 August 2019 4

Gympie Regional Council


The Mayor asked if any Councillor needed to disclose an interest in any

agenda item.

Cr Curran advised that he would be declaring a Conflict of Interest in relation

to Item 9.2.

Cr Leitch advised he would be declaring a Conflict of Interest in relation to

Item 5.2.

Cr Gear advised he would be declaring a Perceived Conflict of Interest in

relation to Item 9.2.

Cr Dodt advised that he would be declaring a Perceived Conflict of Interest in

relation to Items 9.5 and subsequently 9.4.

Cr Smerdon advised that he would be declaring a Perceived Conflict of interest

in relation to Item 6.3.

No other Councillors present disclosed an interest in any agenda item.

Cr Hartwig subsequently declared a Material Personal Interest in relation to

Item 9.4

M03/08/19 – Item 5.2 - Cr Leitch – Conflict of Interest

M07/08/19 – Item 6.3 - Cr Smerdon – Perceived Conflict of Interest

M14/08/19 – Item 9.2 - Cr Gear – Perceived Conflict of Interest

M14/08/19 – Item 9.2 - Cr Curran – Conflict of Interest

M17/08/19 – Item 9.4 - Cr Hartwig – Material Personal Interest

M17/08/19 – Item 9.4 - Cr Dodt – Perceived Conflict of Interest

M19/08/19 – Item 9.5 - Cr Dodt – Perceived Conflict of Interest


M01/08/19 Moved Cr DW Dodt Seconded Cr MA McDonald

That the Minutes of the Gympie Regional Council Ordinary Meeting held

on 24 July 2019 be taken as read and confirmed.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr DW Dodt, Cr MS Gear,

Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon, Cr DH Stewart and Cr RA Fredman



Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 August 2019 5

Gympie Regional Council


5.1 Weed and Pest Advisory Committee Terms of Reference Update

PORTFOLIO: Planning and Development

DIRECTORATE: Planning and Development




4. Our Environment – sustainable, well-managed and accessible


Council first appointed the Weeds and Pest Advisory Committee in 2012. Since

that time the Committee has played a significant role in advising and support

Council in the management of invasive species within the Gympie Region.

The purpose of the Committee is to provide constructive comment and advise

Council on invasive plant and animal related matters relevant to Council. This

includes providing feedback on the Gympie Region Biosecurity Plan

(Biosecurity Plan) and other documents and projects as presented by Council



The management of invasive plants and animals is undertaken by all levels of

government in Australia and is supported by legislation and strategies. A

Weeds and Pest Advisory Committee composed of local government

representatives, members of relevant interest groups and the general

community is well placed to control locally significant invasive plants and

animals. Together the Committee can develop and recommend to Council

practical and appropriate solutions to manage the risks posed by invasive


Taking into account the above it is recognised that the Gympie Region Weeds

and Pests Advisory Committee (WPAC) has made a significant and positive

contribution to Council in its efforts to manage the risks and impacts of

invasive species across the region.

However, due to changes in personal and professional circumstances over

time, attendance and membership of the committee has reduced. In

recognition of the important role this committee plays in providing advice,

feedback and guidance to Lands Protection business, both on an operational

and strategic level, a process for review and revitalisation of the committee is


Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 August 2019 6

Gympie Regional Council

This process has initially involved revising and updating the Committee Terms

of Reference (TOR) to develop a document that:

better captures the intent for which the committee was originally


is consistent with Terms of Reference of other Council appointed

Advisory Committees; and

ensures appropriate conflict of interest and meeting procedure


A draft version of the revised TOR has been developed and is attached to this

report for Council’s consideration.


It is intended to implement the following process to refresh the current

Committee membership:

1. Subject to Council’s adoption of the revised TOR convene a meeting of the

current Weeds and Pest Advisory Committee. The purpose of this meeting

would be fourfold:

a. Recognise the significant contribution of this group to date and

congratulate the group on what has been achieved in the

development of Council’s Biosecurity Plan and the advice and

assistance received in responding to invasive species within the


b. Outline Council’s intention to refresh the membership of the

Committee to fill gaps in the membership and broaden its


c. Explain the process of broadening representation by way of the

issue by Council of an invitation to lodge an Expression of Interest;

d. Present the new TOR for the information of existing members;

e. Enable current members to indicate their preference to form part

of the new Reference Group.

2. Invite submissions from interested stakeholders to lodge an EOI for

appointment to Council’s revised Weeds and Pest Advisory Committee,


a. The invitation to lodge an EOI would be publicised in local media

as well as being communicated by word of mouth encouraging

specific groups no longer represented and including state agencies

to propose a member;

b. As part of the EOI process the revised TOR will be made available

to any prospective members.

3. All EOIs received would be reviewed and a recommendation made to

Council, taking into account:

a. The desire to fill a number of identified gaps in the current


Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 August 2019 7

Gympie Regional Council

b. A final maximum of 10-12 stakeholder members would be

considered ideal noting that not all would be available for every

meeting and that the Committee is supported by 2-3 staff

representatives including the Director Planning and Development

and Acting Manager Lands Protection.

4. Report to an Ordinary Meeting of Council recommending:

a. The appointment of new members to the Gympie Region Weeds

and Pest Advisory Committee; and

b. The confirmation of appointment of those members of the existing

Committee who have indicated their desire to continue as a

member of the revised Committee


Funding for the process of refreshing the WPAC and future meetings of the

Committee is available with the Lands Protection operational budget.


Revising the TOR to update Code of Conduct and conflict of interest

provisions to ensure consistency with other Council appointed advisory

committees is in accordance with Council policy.

The proposal to fill current gaps in the Committee membership as well as

inviting new community and interest group members is aligned with Council

policy, noting the objective to provide stakeholder and expert advice to assist

Council in managing invasive species within the Region.


Council’s Lands Protection branch has undertaken discussions with the Wide

Bay Burnett Regional Organisation of Councils (WBBROC) members regarding

the importance of local government Weeds and Pest Advisory Committees,

and the requirement for a sound Terms of Reference document that captures

the intent of the committee.


The draft revised Terms of Reference for the Weeds and Pest Advisory

Committee better captures the intent for which the committee was originally

established. It better defines committee member roles and responsibilities,

membership protocol and expectations, and the operations of the group.

Noting that membership has reduced in recent times it is considered an

appropriate time to invite Expressions of Interest from interested stakeholders

to form part of the revised Committee.


⇩1. Weed and Pest Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 August 2019 8

Gympie Regional Council

Moved Cr HT Smerdon Seconded Cr GC Hartwig

That Council:

1. Adopts the draft Terms of Reference for the Gympie Region Weeds

and Pest Advisory Committee.

2. Invites submissions from interested stakeholders to lodge an

Expression of Interest for membership of the updated Gympie Region

Weeds and Pest Advisory Committee.

M02/08/19 Moved Cr DH Stewart Seconded Cr DW Dodt

That Council:

1. Adopts the draft Terms of Reference for the Gympie Region Weeds

and Pest Advisory Committee with the following addition in page

four under the heading Operational Matters.


An annual community forum will be held for the purpose of

providing education/information and engagement on

biosecurity issues as determined by the Committee.

2. Confirms that the membership of the Committee is a maximum of 12

members including the Portfolio Councillor and one other Councillor.

3. Invites submissions from interested stakeholders to lodge an

Expression of Interest for membership of the updated Gympie Region

Weeds and Pest Advisory Committee.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr DW Dodt, Cr MS Gear,

Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon, Cr DH Stewart and Cr RA Fredman


Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 August 2019 9

Gympie Regional Council

5.2 Proposed amended Temporary Local Planning Instrument -

Southside Structure Plan Area

Conflict of Interest – Cr Leitch

Cr Leitch informed the meeting that he may have a Conflict of Interest in Item

5.2 as he has a sibling leasing a property to agist cattle directly affected by the

Temporary Local Planning Instrument for Vegetation Clearing in the Southside

Structure Plan Area. Cr Leitch advised the meeting he would not partake in the

decision making process in relation to this agenda item and would leave the


Cr WR Leitch left the meeting at 09:21am.

PORTFOLIO: Planning and Development

DIRECTORATE: Planning and Development




4. Our Environment – sustainable, well-managed and accessible

3. Our Economy – dynamic, productive and resilient

2. Our Community – active, diverse, creative and engaged


Adoption of the amended Temporary Local Planning Instrument (TLPI)

incorporating the now ground-truthed environmental corridor (Environment

and Conservation precinct) within the Southside Local Development Area

(LDA) is considered vital to ensure the protection of threatened species and

the appropriate management of significantly constrained land within the LDA

pending the incorporation of appropriate provisions within Council’s Planning


Significantly, a resolution to support the objectives of the TLPI is also reflective

of two of the region’s four tourism pillars (nature and wildlife) as outlined in

Council’s Draft Tourism Strategy and responds positively to the

recommendations endorsed by Council’s Audit and Risk Management

Committee to address the protection of threatened species within the Gympie


In considering this report and its recommendations, the following facts are

particularly pertinent:

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Gympie Regional Council

Development Entitlements

Prior to the 2013 Planning Scheme land within the Structure Plan area

was largely zoned Rural. Development potential within the precinct was

therefore significantly restricted.

The 2013 Planning Scheme established the LDA area and conferred a

zoning that signified the potential future development.

Despite this “up-zoning”, the Planning Scheme did not confer any land-

use/development entitlements. The Planning Scheme was clear that

development could not be considered by Council until and unless an

approved Structure Plan existed.

In accordance with the Planning Act 2016, the purpose of the LDA was

to designate land for investigation of future development potential.

The purpose of the subsequent Structure Plan was to examine the

opportunities and constraints that applied to the LDA and determine a

more accurate assessment of the capability and potential of the land

for the type of development envisaged by the zoning.

Therefore, pending the adoption of a Structure Plan and the more detailed

refinement of that Structure Plan to enable it to form part of the Planning

Scheme, no land use entitlements existed for landowners within the precinct.

Ground-truthing of the Environmental Corridor (Environment and

Conservation Precinct)

It was always intended as part of the implementation of the Structure Plan,

and as envisaged in the legislation, that more detailed planning would occur

to refine the Structure Plan layout.

In response to discussion with Council, the decision was made to more

accurately identify the extent and boundary of the environmental corridor by

undertaking on-site ground-truthing. This was both to enable a more accurate

boundary for future detailed planning but also and more significantly, to avoid

the necessity for ground-truthing being a cost for future applicants.

It is acknowledged that the maps attached to this report show an

environmental corridor (now designated the Environment and Conservation

Precinct) that has changed in shape and size in some areas. This is as a result

of the detailed on-ground and therefore more accurate investigation that has

occurred as well as the translation of the on-ground work into mapping that

will now be available for landowners and future applicants to access at no cost.

Environment and Conservation Precinct (Corridor) Statistics

The following statistics have been extracted from Council’s GIS to provide

some context to the current and revised (ground-truthed) Environment and

Conservation precinct:

Within the entire Southside LDA, 101 allotments are constrained to some

extent by steep slopes of greater than 15% and/or the 1% (100 year)


Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 August 2019 11

Gympie Regional Council

Of those 101 properties, thirty-three (33) lots are more than 50%

affected by steep slopes of greater than 15% and/or the 1% (100 year)


Of those thirty-three (33) lots a total of sixteen (16 are more than 70%

affected by steep slopes of greater than 15% and/or the 1% (100 year)


Of the 101 lots constrained by either flooding or steep slopes as outlined

above, fifty-five (55) lots coincide with the environmental corridor

(Environment and Conservation Precinct);

Of the sixteen (16) allotments more than 70% affected by steep slopes

and/or flooding, eight (8) coincide with parts of the environmental

corridor (Environment and Conservation Precinct).

The above statistics are relevant in acknowledging that a quite a number of

allotments within the LDA are affecting by flooding and/or steep slope

constraints. It is also not unexpected that approximately half of these lots are

also impacted to some degree by the environmental corridor as it is logical

that areas of significant vegetation and sensitive ecosystems will likely be

found in steep vegetated areas and low-lying areas near creeks and

waterways for example. What this means is that a significant number of the

properties that now partially or fully affected by the Environment and

Conservation Precinct were already constrained (in terms of future

development potential) by flood hazard and steep slopes.

The following statistics relate specifically to the small number of lots fully

covered by the Environment and Conservation Precinct:

A total of eleven (11) individual allotments (consisting of eight (8)

property owners) are fully covered by the Environment and Conservation

Precinct (corridor);

Of the eight (8) parcels, three (3) have existing dwelling houses located

on the land;

Of the eight (8) parcels, two (2) have changed ownership since

commencement of the 2013 Planning Scheme:

o One is vacant land purchased by the current owner in 2018;

o The second was purchased in April 2018 and has a dwelling

house erected on it; and

o Both were purchased well after Council’s adoption of the

Southside Structure Plan and current TLPI.

An additional thirteen (13) properties are now partially affected by the

Environment and Conservation Precinct.

Landowner Engagement

The Structure Plan for the Southside LDA was adopted by Council

following an extensive community engagement process and significant

support from the Southside community.

The process for ground-truthing of the environmental corridor also

included individual contact and advice to each affected landowner.

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Gympie Regional Council

The same level of consultation will occur with each newly affected

landowner now that accurate ground-truthing and delineation of the

Environment and Conservation Precinct has been completed.

In addition, a full community engagement process will be developed to

form part of the statutory process to incorporate the Structure Plan

provisions into the Planning Scheme. This will involve a further round of

engagement with all property owners within the LDA as well as

consultation with the broader Southside and Gympie Region community.


At its Ordinary meeting held on 11 October 2017, Council resolved as follows:

That Council:

1. Makes a Temporary Local Planning Instrument for Vegetation

Clearing in the Southside Local Development Area.

2. Submits the proposed Temporary Local Planning Instrument 1 –

Southside Local Development Area to the Minister for Infrastructure

and Planning, seeking approval for the making of the Temporary

Local Planning Instrument and commencement from 11 October 2017.

Following Ministerial review and endorsement of Temporary Local Planning

Instrument 1 – Southside Local Development Area, Council at its Ordinary

meeting held on 24 January 2018, resolved as follows:

That Council adopt the proposed Temporary Local Planning Instrument 1

– Southside Local Development Area, with a commencement date of 11

October 2017.

A Temporary Local Planning Instrument only remains in effect for a period of

two years and as such, the current Temporary Local Planning Instrument 1 –

Southside Local Development Area, expires on 11 October 2019.


Environmental Matters – Southside Structure Plan Area

The Southside Local Development Area was designated as a Local

Development Area (LDA) with the commencement of the Gympie Regional

Council Planning Scheme in 2013 (the Planning Scheme). This designation,

however, did not confer any land use entitlements as the Planning Scheme

requires a Structure Plan to be developed to consider opportunities and

constraints within the LDA as a whole. The refinement of the environmental

corridor is one of these elements that required detailed analysis to ensure

appropriate and balanced development outcomes within the LDA.

The Structure Plan for the Southside LDA was endorsed by Council in January

2017 as a high level policy document, guiding future land use intent for one of

the three local development areas. The Structure Plan incorporates a central

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 August 2019 13

Gympie Regional Council

open space/environmental corridor to protect ecologically significant areas,

enhance environmental connectivity, and provide passive recreation

opportunities in adjacent buffer areas. This corridor was set out based on the

best strategic level environmental/ constraints mapping and supporting

information available at the time.

Given the high level mapping, the Structure Plan intended that detailed

ground-truthing of environmental matters be undertaken for individual

properties, and that applicants prepare accompanying environmental reports

to be submitted to Council in support of their development application.

However, in order to best facilitate development in the Structure Plan area,

Council supported holistic ground-truthing of the corridor. This decision

aimed to minimise the need for individual applicants to engage an expert

consultant to undertake ground-truthing to determine the location and extent

of the environmental corridor on their land. In recognition of the Structure

Plan area providing for the majority of Gympie’s future growth and the likely

associated development pressure, it was agreed there was a need to increase

certainty and assist to facilitate development, as well as minimise the potential

for loss of environmental values within the Structure Plan area.

It was therefore considered that the option of Council undertaking ground-

truthing based on the identified environmental priorities would be a sensible

approach to encouraging future development in the Southside Structure Plan

area whilst mitigating adverse impacts on the environmental matters identified

as Council priorities. The onus (and cost) would then be removed from the

developer to engage consultants to ground-truth the environmental priorities

on their property, and would subsequently provide certainty in clarifying the

areas that would need to be protected.

The ground-truthing of environmental matters was vital in establishing the

precise boundary of the open space/environmental corridor that serves

various functions for the Structure Plan area, including:

wildlife habitat and movement;

waterway protection;

passive recreation; and

landscape amenity.

The realisation of this corridor for its intended purpose is a key anchoring

element for the success of a balanced approach to development in the

Southside Structure Plan Area and in delivering good planning and liveability

outcomes for future residents.

On this basis and in recognition of the lack of environmental regulation within

the current Gympie Regional Council Planning Scheme 2013 and subsequently

the high risk of pre-emptive vegetation clearing, Council adopted the

Temporary Local Planning Instrument – Southside Local Development Area


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Gympie Regional Council

The adoption of this TLPI enabled Council to take the time necessary to

undertake accurate ground-truthing of priority environmental values (referred

to as ‘priority species’ and their habitat) within the Southside Structure Plan

Area, whilst maintaining an appropriate level of protection for that priority

species habitat.

Audit and Risk Management Committee endorsed recommendations to

address the risk to protection of threatened species

Council’s adopted audit program for 2018-2019 included an independent

external audit for the Review of Current Strategies Related to the Protection of

Threatened Species.

The audit concluded that Council’s ability to appropriately manage and

protect threatened species within the Region was significantly limited by its

lack of policy and statutory protection, in particular through its current

Planning Scheme.

The recommendations from the audit, endorsed by Council’s Audit and Risk

Management Committee and adopted by Council identified a number of high

priority actions for Council’s attention.

The following is a summary of how these high priority actions relate to the

Southside Structure Plan Area:

Recommendation - Council continues to maximise opportunities to

regulate for the effective protection and management of priority


Response: Population surveys have been undertaken in the Southside

Structure Plan Area and have identified high density koala populations.

Recommendation - Council implements its regional priority species

approach as amendments to the Planning Scheme.

Response: Priority species mapping has been undertaken for the entire

region. The mapping undertaken for Southside has been used to

create the Environment and Conservation Precinct and koala habitat


Recommendation - Key components of the regional priority species

approach that are strongly supported in a planning context are:

o habitat protection;

o ecological corridor identification and protection;

o protection of habitat quality; and

o waterway and wetlands protection.

Response: The priority species and koala habitat mapping has been

used to inform the creation of the Environment and Conservation

Precinct and the koala habitat areas beyond the precinct. Provisions

related to the protection of priority species and koala habitat

associated with the mapping have been drafted and included in the

proposed Temporary Local Planning Instrument.

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Gympie Regional Council


Proposed amended TLPI

With the adoption of the current TLPI it was proposed that once the ground-

truthing had been completed, an amended TLPI with a revised environmental

corridor (referred to as the Southside Environment and Conservation Precinct)

and reduced vegetation protection requirements for areas outside of the

Conservation Precinct would be prepared.

The TLPI has now been amended to reflect the ground-truthing undertaken in

the Structure Plan area and changes have been made in track-changes in the

TLPI document to transparently display the proposed amendments (refer

Attachment 1: Temporary Local Planning Instrument 02/19 – Southside

Structure Plan Area).

Ground-truthing and results

As the Structure Plan area comprises primarily of freehold land, field surveys

were only conducted with the cooperation of local landholders. Identification

and verification of significant ecological values was limited to properties where

access was granted. Field verification was conducted over three different days

and one night. The field verification program incorporated:

ground-truthing of regional ecosystems and habitat

Bio-Condition assessment (measure of the capacity to maintain

biodiversity values) of accessible properties and suitable patches of

regional ecosystems

targeted searches for priority local flora species in areas of suitable


modified koala habitat assessment

aquatic habitat assessments

one night of spotlighting for nocturnal priority local species

installation of motion detection cameras at strategic wildlife locations

(if feasible) for up to one week

other incidental fauna records.

Limitations of the ground-truthing

It is important to note that ground-truthing was only able to be undertaken

on properties where Council was granted access by the land owner. Whilst

access was not granted to all of the properties in the Southside Structure Plan

area, officers were successful in obtaining permission to access a significant

portion of the subject lots, including a number of the larger environmentally

significant properties.

In circumstances where consent for access was not provided by the

landowner, environmental values were either visually assessed from adjacent

boundaries and/or extrapolated from surveyed lots to inaccessible lots, using

available spatial data such as aerial photography and satellite imagery. This

allowed the production of a complete coverage of environmental values

across potential environmental corridors and priority species habitat patches

within the entire Structure Plan Area.

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Gympie Regional Council

Formulation of revised environmental mapping for Southside Structure Plan


Gympie Regional Council’s regional priority species habitat mapping was

included in the Southside Environment and Conservation Precinct, however

patches of priority species habitat that were isolated from other vegetated

areas, or were outside an identified corridor were excluded from the mapping.

Areas considered important to priority species connectivity were also added to

the Environment and Conservation Precinct. This included areas between

patches of priority species habitat such as Category R watercourse vegetation,

powerline easements, and important roadside vegetation in connections

across formed roads. Approved development applications were also

considered in the amended Precinct mapping.

Existing constraints within the corridor area

As outlined earlier in this report it is important to note that there are a number

of constraints including flooding, steep slope and the adopted Conservation

Significant Overlay located within the proposed environmental corridor that

already impact proposed development within this area. Due to these existing

constraints, a significant amount of the proposed corridor has limited

development potential.

When constraints such as steep slope (equal to or greater than 15%), the

Flood Hazard Overlay and the current Planning Scheme’s Conservation

Significance Overlay are overlayed onto the proposed Southside Environment

and Conservation Precinct, it reveals that 71% of the proposed precinct is

already constrained.

The image below shows the proposed Southside Environment and

Conservation Precinct, with existing constraints detailed above (also attached

for a clearer image – Attachment 2: Existing constraints within the Southside

Environment and Conservation Precinct).

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Gympie Regional Council

Key elements of the proposed amended TLPI

The proposed amended TLPI for Vegetation Clearing in the Southside

Structure Plan area encompasses the following elements:

Regulating vegetation clearing in the mapped areas (as detailed


Three maps that identify two new precinct areas indicating:

o areas of environmental significance;

o steep slopes equal to or greater than 15%; and

o Additional Koala habitat mapping for koala habitat located

outside the Southside Environment and Conservation Precinct,

but within the Structure Plan boundary;

Additional Self-assessable criteria where development is proposed

outside of the Environment and Conservation Precinct or the Southside

Steep Slopes equal to or greater than 15% Precinct, however in an area

mapped as koala habitat;

Priority flora and fauna species list; and

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Gympie Regional Council

Administrative definitions to provide clarity around particular terms

used within the TLPI.

In the proposed amended TLPI, Table 1 prescribes the following Categories of

development for Operational Work for vegetation clearing:

Accepted development (i.e. no application required to Council) if for

“Accepted vegetation clearing” identified in Table 2 – Definitions;

Accepted development subject to requirements (i.e. only requires an

application to Council where not complying with Section 3 and Section

4 of the TLPI and if a development complies, then no application is

required) if for Operational Work for Vegetation Clearing if not located

in the Southside Environment and Conservation Precinct or the

Southside Steep Slopes equal to or greater than 15% Precinct;

Code assessment (i.e. application required to Council) if for Operational

Work for vegetation clearing, unless identified as accepted

development subject to requirements or impact assessable; and

Impact assessment (i.e. application required to Council) if for

Operational Work for vegetation clearing if located in the Southside

Environment and Conservation Precinct or the Southside Steep Slopes

equal to or greater than 15% Precinct.

Mapping within the proposed amended TLPI

Southside Environment and Conservation Precinct (amended map)

Under the current TLPI, an application for Operational Work for vegetation

clearing in this precinct would require an impact assessable Development

Application to be submitted to Council. This is not proposed to be amended in

the revised TLPI.

The provisions in the proposed TLPI that are ‘called up’ by this precinct

recommend an applicant undertake an ecological assessment to demonstrate

that there are no priority environmental matters located in the area proposed

to be cleared.

Southside Steep Slope equal to or greater than 15% Precinct (no changes


The Southside Steep Slope equal to or greater than 15% Precinct identifies

sloping land of 15% or greater in the Southside Structure Plan area. There are

no proposed changes to this precinct. An application for Operational Work for

vegetation clearing on land identified in this precinct would require an impact

assessable Development Application to be submitted to Council. The

provisions in the proposed TLPI that are called up by this precinct require an

applicant to demonstrate that the proposed vegetation clearing does not

increase the risk of soil erosion or landslip hazard. There are no proposed

changes to the map for this precinct, nor to the provisions relating to this


Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 August 2019 19

Gympie Regional Council

Koala habitat mapping (new map)

This is an additional map covering any areas of Koala Habitat values located

outside of the above two precincts, however within the Structure Plan area

boundary. If vegetation clearing of Koala habitat is proposed, the land owner

is required to undertake a ‘self-assessment’ against sections 3 and 4 in the

proposed amended TLPI. If a land owner complies with the acceptable

outcomes in sections 3 and 4, then an application is not required to be

submitted to Council.

The proposed mapped koala habitat encompasses koala habitat areas that

provide movement paths to and from areas outside the Southside

Environment and Conservation Precinct, to within the Precinct. This mapping

and associated koala habitat provisions have been included in the proposed

amended TLPI, acknowledging the importance of retaining koala movement

paths within the Southside Structure Plan area, offering a balanced approach

to development and koala habitat.

The koala habitat has been mapped using a combination of Koala habitat

value mapping (undertaken by O2 Ecology in 2015), supported and enhanced

by field verification using koala scat dogs.

Koala habitat value mapping across the GRC area was created by customising

and enhancing the method set out in Policy 7 of the Koala Management

Program. Koala habitat areas were identified through koala sightings, field

surveys and vegetation mapping, separated into different land cover

categories and evaluated for quality and function.

Surveys undertaken at Southside have shown that populations of koala have

been found in densities that significantly exceed the average estimate for the

South-east Queensland region. It is therefore important that Council

implements policies that actively protect suitable koala habitat areas and

ensure they remain as connected as possible to prevent further decline of this

iconic species in our region.

Koala habitat mapping outside the Southside Environment and Conservation

Precinct identifies important open space/scattered trees consisting of koala

habitat preferred trees (high ranking pre-clearing koala RE) within an urban

environment that is in close proximity to connect high value core koala

habitat. These areas are critical not only for koala movement, but also for the

fact that koala habitat in the Southside has already been largely fragmented

by urban landscapes, and connectivity is vital for sustaining the current

populations and genetic diversity.

Requirement for Planning Scheme Amendment

While the adopted TLPI for Southside provides for priority species habitat

protection by regulating vegetation clearing, this current TLPI will expire on 11

October 2019. This means after this date Council’s nominated priority species

habitat will no longer be protected as the current Planning Scheme does not

restrict or control any vegetation clearing within environmentally significant

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 August 2019 20

Gympie Regional Council

areas, unless the vegetation clearing is associated with a development


A Major Amendment to the Planning Scheme could take approximately 12-18

months from commencement of the statutory process to adoption into the

Planning Scheme, noting that full public consultation and consideration of

State interests is part of this process. If Council was to wait until the ground-

truthed Southside Environment and Conservation Precinct; Southside Steep

Slopes equal to or greater than 15% Precinct; Koala habitat mapping and

appropriate Planning Scheme provisions are incorporated into the Planning

Scheme, there is a significant risk of pre-emptive clearing to occur up until the

day that the Major Amendment is adopted into the Planning Scheme, likely

12-18 months from now.

This demonstrates the strong need for the proposed amended TLPI,

incorporating the ground-truthed Environment and Conservation Precinct to

be progressed to the State government seeking endorsement for Council


Temporary Local Planning Instruments

It is noted that the Planning Act 2016 makes provision for Councils to adopt a

TLPI as Gympie Regional Council has done to minimise the risk of pre-emptive

vegetation clearing in the Southside Structure Plan area. A TLPI provides

Council with the ability to set out planning and development assessment

policies to protect all or part of a local government area from adverse impacts

in urgent or emergent circumstances as set out under the Act. The

circumstances set out in the Act include:

there is significant risk of serious adverse cultural, economic,

environmental or social conditions happening in the local government

area; and

the delay involved in using the process in sections 18 to 22 to make or

amend another local planning instrument would increase the risk; and

the making of the TLPI would not adversely affect State interests.

Essentially, the policy and provisions set out in a TLPI override the Planning

Scheme. A TLPI can be valid for a period of up to two (2) years; however, the

instrument can be repealed by Council resolution at any time. A TLPI is not

required to undergo public consultation, but is instead forwarded directly to

the appropriate Minister for consideration and review due to the urgency and

risk of adverse outcomes.

Noting Council’s previous endorsement of the current TLPI and its pending

expiry, it is recommended that an amended TLPI incorporating this new

mapping (based on ground-truthing) be progressed to the State government

seeking endorsement for Council to adopt the instrument.

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 August 2019 21

Gympie Regional Council

The adoption of the amended TLPI will result in a reduction in the

requirements for vegetation clearing within the areas located outside the

Southside Environment and Conservation Precinct and Southside Steep Slopes

equal to or greater than 15% Precinct areas.


The processing of applications for Operational Works for vegetation clearing

in the Southside LDA will be undertaken by existing resources and as such, no

budget implications are identified.


The Southside LDA Structure Plan was approved by Council, and endorsed for

use as a guide for development assessment purposes in January 2017.

Following this, Council endorsed the commencement of the existing TLPI for

the Southside Structure Plan area thereby regulating vegetation clearing in

accordance with the provisions set out in the TLPI.

Ground-truthing of the Southside Environment and Conservation Precinct is

now complete and a proposed amended TLPI incorporating revised mapping,

is attached for formal endorsement to progress to the State government for

review. The amended TLPI will form the basis of a Major Amendment to the

Planning Scheme and is proposed to be included as part of Amendment

Package 3 to the Planning Scheme. The Major Amendment, once approved,

will formalise the TLPI requirements in the Planning Scheme, and the TLPI can

be repealed at that time.


Extensive consultation with Southside LDA land owners was undertaken

throughout the preparation of the Structure Plan. Consultation involved

discussions regarding the introduction of an open space/environmental

corridor which establishes wildlife movement corridors and protects natural

vegetation and waterways and from these discussions an expectation has been

set that Council would take follow-up action to secure and protect that


Following the commencement of the existing TLPI, each landowner within the

Southside Structure Plan area was sent a letter in the mail, explaining the TLPI

and providing details of Council officers available to be contacted should

further information be required. It is proposed that the same process be

followed with the amended TLPI.

A public notice will also be placed in The Gympie Times advising of the

adoption and commencement of the TLPI.

Moving forward, it is proposed that the TLPI be integrated into the Southside

Local Plan as part of a subsequent Planning Scheme amendment. At that

stage, formal public consultation will be undertaken and each land owner and

the wider community will have the opportunity to lodge a formal submission

on the proposed Southside Local Plan. At the close of the public consultation

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 August 2019 22

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period, Council will review and consider each submission received as part of

the statutory Planning Scheme amendment process.


The Southside Structure Plan Area is a greenfield site with the capacity to

accommodate a significant proportion of the forecast demand for future

needs that is projected for the whole of the Gympie-South Statistical Area 2 by

2036. Given the projected growth in the LDA, an amended TLPI is proposed to

ensure the immediate protection of environmental values in the ground-

truthed mapped areas, until the endorsed Structure Plan has been

appropriately integrated into the Planning Scheme by way of a Major


A back-dated commencement date of the Council Ordinary Meeting date (28

August 2019) is proposed to alleviate the risk associated with pre-emptive

clearing, should the current adopted TLPI expire (11 October 2019) before the

amended TLPI is adopted by Council.

The amended TLPI is also proposed to be incorporated into a holistic

Southside Local Plan (incorporating the relevant parts of the adopted

Structure Plan) and included in Amendment Package 3 to the Planning

Scheme. This will then remove the need for the TLPI once Amendment

Package 3 has progressed through the statutory Major Amendment process

and is formally adopted into the Planning Scheme.


⇩1. Temporary Local Planning Instrument 02/19 – Southside Structure Plan


⇩2. Existing constraints within the Southside Environment and Conservation


M03/08/19 Moved Cr MA McDonald Seconded Cr DW Dodt

That Council:

1. Make a Temporary Local Planning Instrument for Vegetation

Clearing in the Southside Structure Plan Area.

2. Submit the proposed Temporary Local Planning Instrument 02/19 –

Southside Structure Plan Area to the Minister for State

Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning, seeking

approval for the making of the Temporary Local Planning

Instrument and commencement date of 28 August 2019.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr DW Dodt, Cr MS Gear,

Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon, Cr DH Stewart and Cr RA Fredman


Cr WR Leitch returned to the meeting at 09:29am.

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Gympie Regional Council


6.1 Proposed Renewal of Lease - Lions Club of Gympie South Inc

PORTFOLIO: Social Wellbeing

DIRECTORATE: Corporate and Community Services




2. Our Community – active, diverse, creative and engaged


Council currently leases part of the freehold land described below to the Lions

Club of Gympie South Inc. The current lease commenced in 2009 for the

purposes of storage and expired on 30 June 2019.


Property Description: Part of Lot 2 SP246429 (described as Lease

Area C on SP238488)

Location: 66-68 Ascot Road, Victory Heights

Area: 1500m2 (part of the land)

Zoning: Medium Impact Industry

Tenure: Freehold

Current Use: Ascot Road Community Hub

Locality Plan:

The current Lessee has advised Council of its ongoing requirement for this

land for the purposes of storage and requests their lease be renewed for a

further ten (10) year term.

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Gympie Regional Council

In accordance with Chapter 6 Section 236 (1)(c)(iii) of the Local Government

Regulation 2012, Council may dispose of a valuable non-current asset other

than by tender or auction if the disposal is for the purpose of renewing the

lease of land to the existing tenant of the land.


In accordance with current budget allocations.


Local Government Regulation 2012


Coordinator – Strategic Land Initiatives


It is considered appropriate to offer a new lease to the existing tenant of the

land for a further ten (10) year term.

M04/08/19 Moved Cr DH Stewart Seconded Cr DW Dodt

That Council:

1. Resolves to approve the exception referred to in Chapter 6 Section

236(1)(c)(iii) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 allowing

Council to dispose of (through leasing) the subject land, other than

by tender or auction, to the existing tenant of the land.

2. Offers a Lease to the current Lessee, over part of Lot 2 SP246429

(described as Lease Area C on SP238488), located at 66-68 Ascot

Road, Victory Heights, in Council’s standard freehold lease format to

include the following terms and conditions:

a) Term of Lease – 10 years;

b) Annual Rental - The amount prescribed in Council’s Fees and

Charges for a non-profit organisation, indexed annually (being

$114.00 (including GST) for the current financial year);

c) Use – Storage;

d) The Lessee to hold public liability insurance in a sum not less than

$20,000,000.00 or such other amount that Council shall determine

from time to time;

e) All costs associated with the preparation, stamping and

registration of the Lease are to be borne by the Lessee.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr DW Dodt, Cr MS Gear,

Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon, Cr DH Stewart and Cr RA Fredman


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Gympie Regional Council

6.2 Proposed Trustee Lease - part Lot 46 on Crown Plan MZ841437,

Holroyd Road, Booubyjan

PORTFOLIO: Business Activities

DIRECTORATE: Corporate and Community Services




2. Our Community – active, diverse, creative and engaged

4. Our Environment – sustainable, well-managed and accessible

5. Our Organisation – accountable, responsive, efficient and innovative


Council has been approached by the State of Queensland (represented by

Public Safety Business Agency) to enter into a Trustee Lease over land at

Holroyd Road, Booubyjan for the purposes of establishing the Boonimba Rural

Fire Brigade.


Property Description: Part of Lot 46 on Crown Plan MZ841437

(Lease Area A)

Location: Holroyd Road, Booubyjan

Area: 3,894m2 (part of the land)

Zoning: Rural

Tenure: Trustee Reserve No. 1078 (Camping, Water &


Current Use: Vacant Land

Locality Plan:

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 August 2019 26

Gympie Regional Council

Council has received advice from the Department of Natural Resources, Mines

and Energy that they have no objections to the proposed lease on that

condition that it is in the name of the State of Queensland (represented by

Public Safety Business Agency).

In accordance with Chapter 6 Section 236(1)(b)(i) of the Local Government

Regulation 2012, Council may dispose of a valuable non-current asset other

than by tender or auction if the disposal is to a government agency.


In accordance with current budget allocations.


Local Government Regulation 2012.

For the purposes of the planning scheme, a rural fire brigade is defined as

‘Emergency services’ and is ‘Accepted Development’ within the Rural Zone,

meaning no land use approval is required.


The abovementioned land was reviewed and assessed as part of the Council’s

Strategic Property Management Plan and had been flagged for rural fire

brigade purposes. After consulting with internal stakeholders, there is no

objection to entering in to a new lease over the subject land.

The State of Queensland (represented by Public Safety Business Agency)

The State of Queensland (represented by Department of Transport and Main


Director – Infrastructure Services

Manager – Construction

Manager – Projects and Procurement

Coordinator – Strategic Land Initiatives

Coordinator – Disaster Management

Officer – Environmental Planning

Manager – Development and Compliance


It is acknowledged that the Boonimba Rural Fire Brigade will provide a

valuable and essential service to the local community and therefore

considered appropriate to enter in to a Trustee Lease.

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M05/08/19 Moved Cr HT Smerdon Seconded Cr GC Hartwig

That Council:

1. Resolves to approve the exception referred to in Chapter 6 Section

236(1)(b)(i) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 allowing

Council to dispose of (through leasing) the subject land, other than

by tender or auction, to a government agency.

2. Offers a Trustee Lease, over part of Lot 46 on Crown Plan MZ841437

(described as Lease Area A), located at Holroyd Road, Booubyjan, in

Council’s standard Trustee Lease format to include the following

terms and conditions:

a) Term of Lease – 10 years;

b) Annual Rental - the amount prescribed in Council’s Fees and

Charges for a non-profit organisation, indexed annually (being

$114.00 (including GST) for the current financial year);

c) Use – Emergency Services;

d) The Lessee to hold public liability insurance in a sum not less than

$20,000,000.00 or such other amount that Council shall determine

from time to time.

e) All costs associated with the preparation, stamping and

registration of the Lease up to a total of $1500.00 + GST are to be

borne by the Lessee.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr DW Dodt, Cr MS Gear,

Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon, Cr DH Stewart and Cr RA Fredman


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Gympie Regional Council

Perceived Conflict of Interest – Cr Smerdon

Cr Smerdon declared a perceived conflict of interest as he is President of the

Kilkivan Great Horse Ride. He stated that he had submitted a letter of support

to Council regarding this item, however he didn’t see how the Kilkivan Great

Horse Ride can benefit by the name of the building.

Requested to remain in the room for discussion and voting.

Resolution of Conflict of Interest

M06/08/19 Moved Cr MW Curran Seconded Cr DW Dodt

That Cr HT Smerdon remain in the meeting for Item 6.3 to discuss and

vote on the matter.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr DW Dodt, Cr MS Gear,

Cr GC Hartwig, Cr DH Stewart and Cr RA Fredman


6.3 Naming of Equestrian Building

PORTFOLIO: Governance, Finance, Disaster Management

DIRECTORATE: Corporate and Community Services




3. Our Economy – dynamic, productive and resilient


Councillor Smerdon submitted a notified motion for the 24 July 2019 Ordinary

Council Meeting that Council name the Equestrian building, the Vern Berry

Building and that the show grounds and new complex remain the Kilkivan

Showgrounds and Equestrian Centre.

The outcome of the notified motion was that the matter lay on the table and

be brought to the next Council meeting.


Councillor Smerdon will be tabling letters of community support.

Officer’s Comment:

Council officers receive numerous requests each year from the community to

acknowledge significant individuals, groups, associations and events within the

Gympie Region through the installation of monuments or memorials or

naming of facilities in public spaces.

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Officers are currently working on a draft Memorials and Monuments policy

framework to provide a clear and equitable process to manage requests that

are to be located with Council’s public space and ensure that the theme or

subject reflects the values of the communities of interest.

The draft framework proposes that Council will consider such a request to


An individual strongly linked to the Gympie Region who has made a

substantial contribution to the leadership, cultural and social aspects of

the Region’s development or shared community history. The

contribution of the individual must have been exceptional and extend

beyond what might reasonably be expected through paid employment

or voluntary contribution to the community.

A Gympie Region group or association who have made a substantial

and outstanding contribution to the Gympie Region community; or

a significant historical or cultural event which has a profound

resonance with the broader Gympie Region community or is of

national or state significance.

The draft framework will also recommend that commemorating individuals will

generally not be considered until the person/s has been deceased for at least

one year, in order to allow for appropriate development of historical

perspective and to enable to community to consider whether there are others

as de


⇩1. Letters of Community Support

Moved Cr HT Smerdon Seconded Cr RA Fredman

That Council determine the matter.

M07/08/19 Moved Cr Stewart Seconded Cr Hartwig

That Council determine the matter and name the Equestrian building, the

Vern Berry Building and that the show grounds and new complex remain

the Kilkivan Showgrounds and Equestrian Centre.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr DW Dodt, Cr MS Gear,

Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon, Cr DH Stewart and Cr RA Fredman


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Gympie Regional Council

6.4 Amendment to 2019/2020 Revenue Statement

PORTFOLIO: Governance, Finance, Disaster Management

DIRECTORATE: Corporate and Community Services




5. Our Organisation – accountable, responsive, efficient and innovative


On 26 June 2019, Council adopted the current Revenue Statement as part of

the Budget adoptions for the 2019/2020 financial year.


Further legal advice has been sought to ensure all aspects of the requirements

of the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 (Chapter 3, Part 7, Section

73D(4)) have been addressed and this has resulted in minor changes and

additional wording being required in the Revenue Statement. There is no

change to the intention or implementation of the State Government Waste

Levy and State Government Waste Levy Rebate, this purely confirms Council’s

original intention.


There are no budget implications.


There are no policy implications, update to documentation only.


Extensive consultation between Rates, Management Accounting, Waste

Services and King & Company has been undertaken.


Amendments to Waste Collection Charges section of Council’s 2019/2020

Revenue Statement are required and are therefore presented for



⇩1. 2019/202 Revenue Statement

M08/08/19 Moved Cr DW Dodt Seconded Cr WR Leitch

That Council endorse amendments to 2019/2020 Revenue Statement to

fulfil requirements of Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr DW Dodt, Cr MS Gear,

Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon, Cr DH Stewart and Cr RA Fredman


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Gympie Regional Council


7.1 Report from the Audit and Risk Management Committee 27 June

2019 Meeting

PORTFOLIO: Governance, Finance, Disaster Management

DIRECTORATE: Office of the CEO




5. Our Organisation – accountable, responsive, efficient and innovative


Section 211 (1)(c) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 requires that the

Audit and Risk Management Committee (Committee) is to provide a written

report to the local government about the matters reviewed, including any

recommendations resulting from same, as soon as practicable following each

meeting held by the Committee.

The Committee held its most recent meeting on 27 June 2019.


1) Audit and Risk Management Committee (ARMC) recommendations

considered by Council

The committee noted there wasn’t any recommendations from Council

with reference to the Chair report on the ARMC meetings held

28 March 2019.

2) Governance – Update on Business Continuity Plan Review

The committee received and noted a report on the revised Business

Continuity Plan from the Manager Governance. Details included:

update on the revision of Council’s high-level Business Continuity


establishment of a testing schedule for the BCP

results of testing of the BCP to be reported to the Committee on

an annual basis and more frequently where appropriate.

The Committee has scheduled this report as part of the yearly agenda.

The next BCP testing report to be brought to the March 2020 meeting.

3) Risk Management Update including Emerging Risks

The Committee noted the report received from the Coordinator Risk

Management. Details Included the alignment with AS/NZS ISO

31000:2018 on Risk Management Framework Review. More


Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 August 2019 32

Gympie Regional Council

Adoption of the Risk Management Policy by Council

Endorsement of the Risk Management Procedure by the Executives

Work being done by Directors and Management to finalise the

Strategic Risk Register

Work being done by Directorates and Departments to identify

Operational Risk and controls.

Risk Management training to embed a culture of risk awareness.

The finalised Strategic Risk register is to be tabled at the August 2019

meeting with an additional report Risk Culture.

4) Management Briefings

Asset Management Update

The committee received a report from the Manager Assets. Details


Report on Asset Management System Audit

Asset Revaluation Review Process

GRC Asset Management Strategy document which includes

Framework, Policy, Strategy and Plans in line with the latest

International Infrastructure Management and International

Standards Organisation of Asset Management Systems

(ISO 55002).

The committee has captured the recommendations in the Business

Improvements Register and will monitor accordingly. The next

progress report is to be received in six months.

5) External Audit

Interim Report

The committee received and noted the contents 2018-19 Interim

External Audit Report from PKF on behalf of Queensland Audit

Office (QAO). The committee has asked Management to prioritise

the substantiation of the outstanding infrastructure charges as at

30th June 2019. An updated report to be provided at the

August 2019 meeting.

6) Financial Reporting

The financial reports were received and noted from Acting Manager

Finance and Risk, which included:

Comparative Financial Ratio Analysis

Third Quarter Budget Review

April Finance Report

Proforma Financial Reports for 2018-19

7) Internal Audit

Business Improvements Recommendations Register Update

the committee noted the report and will continue to monitor

outstanding recommendations to ensure timely implementation.

The Committee has requested the longer-term strategic

recommendations (i.e. the Endangered Species Strategies Audit

and the IT Vulnerability Report) be removed from the short-term

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 August 2019 33

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Business Improvement Register. The long-term recommendations

will be monitored and reported half yearly.

Report on progress against Internal Audit Plan

In line with the Internal Audit Plan the committee noted the

completion of

Review management of developer’s contributions, and

the details for the request for quotation on Review Fleet

Management to be put to market.

The committee endorses the 2020 to 2022 Internal Audit Plan and

supports the program of Internal Audit work proposed for the next

12 months.

Internal Audit Report on Developer Contributions.

The Committee note the findings from the Internal Audit of

Developer Contributions.

The Committee has requested an action plan be presented to the

Committee with completion dates and responsible officers on all

matters raised in the report at 27 August 2019 meeting.

Local Government Update

The Committee received an update of current and emerging issues

in the local government sector, including:

Extracts from QAO Report to Parliament on Local Government


CCC Probity in Contract Audit

CCC Corruption Audit Plan 2019-21

Local Government Regulatory Reforms

QAO Audit Strategy – Cost of Local Government Services

QAO Blog – How can audit committees improve audit quality

BDO Cyber Security Survey Report

The Internal Auditor will continue to monitor government updates and

forward reports to the Committee accordingly. Relevant

recommendations will form part of the Business Improvement Register.

8) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Update

The committee noted the report received from the CEO including an

update on the MVHR review. The Committee has requested the

following action:

Management to consider whether it will be better to expand the

project management review to cover capital projects in general due

to delays in the Rattler Company review.

Management to Consider review of Rattler company

structure/governance arrangements.

Given the importance of the Rattler Railway Company being

operated in the most optimum manner, that a report be brought

back to the next meeting of the ARMC outlining the various

agreements and controls which are in place between the council

and the Rattler Railway Company

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Gympie Regional Council


The committee has not raised any budget implications.


The committee has not raised any policy implications.


Audit and Risk Management Committee


The Committee continues to operate effectively in its independent oversight

role to the extent prescribed within the legislation and the Committee’s

Charter. A number of matters were considered by the Committee at its

27 June 2019 meeting as detailed within this report.

M09/08/19 Moved Cr MS Gear Seconded Cr MA McDonald

That the report from the Audit and Risk Management Committee on its

27 June 2019 meeting be received.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr DW Dodt, Cr MS Gear,

Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon, Cr DH Stewart and Cr RA Fredman


Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 August 2019 35

Gympie Regional Council


8.1 Chatsworth Botanical Parklands

PORTFOLIO: Infrastructure Services

DIRECTORATE: Infrastructure Services




1. Our Infrastructure – well planned, integrated and safe

4. Our Environment – sustainable, well-managed and accessible


Council at its ordinary meeting of 26 October 2016 adopted the Masterplan

for the Council reserve opposite the Chatsworth Hall and also the exhibition of

the proposed name of Chatsworth Parklands. The Council minute containing

the report and the associated Masterplan are attached.


The name Chatsworth Parklands had been discussed with the community prior

to the Council report and there was general acceptance. However, after further

discussion there was some concern that the name was too similar to the

current roadside rest area and park, Chatsworth Park, and that travelers may

have trouble locating the parks when searching on GPS.

It was proposed that the inclusion of the word botanical would provide a clear

difference and a link to the themed planting that is proposed.

The proposed name Chatsworth Botanical Parklands has been on an

information sign at the park for almost two years and the various stakeholders,

including members of the Chatsworth Hall, are in favour of this proposal.


The adoption of this name will result in the erection of a formal sign at the

park with an estimated cost of $2,000, which can be accommodated in the

current Parks budget.


Naming of a Council reserve is within Council’s authority. There is no specific

policy in relation to this.


Signage proposing the name has been erected on the site.

Chatsworth Hall Committee

Council Parks Officers

Director Infrastructure Services

Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 August 2019 36

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Adoption of the proposed name, Chatsworth Botanical Parklands, will

formalise the naming of this public reserve.


⇩1. Minute - 26 October 2016

M10/08/19 Moved Cr MS Gear Seconded Cr DH Stewart

That Council adopt the name Chatsworth Botanical Parklands for the

reserve Lot Plan 1CP815989.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr DW Dodt, Cr MS Gear,

Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon, Cr DH Stewart and Cr RA Fredman


Adjournment of Meeting

Meeting adjourned for morning tea at 10.16am.

Resumption of Meeting

The meeting resumed at 10.43am.

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Gympie Regional Council


The Mayor advised the meeting that Council was going “Into Committee” to


1. 2019/20 Budget Update including Carry Forward from


2. PSA0091 - Preferred Supplier Arrangement for Traffic

Control Services

3. RFT0080 - Rainbow Beach Electrical Undergrounding

and Streetlights

4. Letter of Comfort - Rattler Railway Company Limited

5. Request for Support for Upcoming Event

M11/08/19 Moved Cr DW Dodt Seconded Cr RA Fredman

That pursuant to the provisions of Section 275 of the Local Government

Regulation 2012, Council resolves to close the meeting to the public and

move “into committee” to consider the following matter/s:-

1. 2019/20 Budget Update including Carry Forward from 2018/19

2. PSA0091 - Preferred Supplier Arrangement for Traffic Control


3. RFT0080 - Rainbow Beach Electrical Undergrounding and


4. Letter of Comfort - Rattler Railway Company Limited

5. Request for Support for Upcoming Event

Further, that in relation to the provisions of Section 171 of the Local

Government Act 2009, Council resolves that following the closing of the

meeting to the public and the moving ‘into committee’ that all matters

and all documents (whether in hard copy, electronic, optical, visual or

magnetic form) discussed, raised, tabled and/or considered whilst the

meeting is closed and ‘in committee’, are confidential to the Council and

the Council wishes to keep them confidential.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr DW Dodt, Cr MS Gear,

Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon, Cr DH Stewart and Cr RA Fredman


Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 August 2019 38

Gympie Regional Council


M12/08/19 Moved Cr DW Dodt Seconded Cr MA McDonald

That proceedings be resumed in Open Council.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr DW Dodt, Cr MS Gear,

Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon, Cr DH Stewart and Cr RA Fredman


Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 August 2019 39

Gympie Regional Council


9.1 2019/20 Budget Update including Carry Forward from 2018/19

PORTFOLIO: Governance, Finance, Disaster Management

DIRECTORATE: Corporate and Community Services


This item is in-committee in accordance with s275(1)(c) of the Local

Government Regulation 2012 - the local government budget.

M13/08/19 Moved Cr MA McDonald Seconded Cr DH Stewart

That Council adopts the revised operational budget and capital program

as outlined in the attachments to this report to include:

1. project budget amounts identified as required to be carried forward to

the 2019/20 financial year; and

2. project budgets for which grant and subsidy funding has been

approved subsequent to the adoption of the 2019/20 budget.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr DW Dodt, Cr MS Gear,

Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon, Cr DH Stewart and Cr RA Fredman


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Gympie Regional Council

9.2 PSA0091 - Preferred Supplier Arrangement for Traffic Control


Mayor Curran - Conflict of Interest

Cr Curran informed the meeting that he has a Conflict of Interest in Item 9.2 as

he has worked with the owner of Verifact for a number of years in the 1990's

and that he still has a personal relationship with this person. Whilst he has had

no dealings, input or discussions with staff whatsoever in relation to the report

and recommendation to Council nor with the owner of Verifact, in the

interests of transparency and good governance, he advised the meeting he

would not partake in the decision making process in relation to this agenda


Cr MW Curran vacated the chair and Cr Leitch took over the role of Chairman

of the meeting for discussions on Item 9.2.

Cr MW Curran left the meeting at 10:53am.

Cr Gear – Perceived Conflict of Interest

Cr MS Gear informed the meeting that he may have a Perceived Conflict of

Interest Item 9.2 as he is a friend of one of the Tenderers and chose to leave

the meeting while the matter was discussed and voted on.

Cr MS Gear left the meeting at 10:53am.

On completion of discussions for Item 9.2:

Cr MW Curran returned to the meeting at 11:08am

Cr MS Gear returned to the meeting at 11:08am

Cr MW Curran vacated the chair and Cr Leitch took over the role of Chairman

of the meeting for voting on Item 9.2.

Cr MS Gear left the meeting at 11:50am

Cr MW Curran left the meeting at 11:50am

On completion of voting on Item 9.2

Cr MS Gear returned to the meeting at 11:51am

Cr MW Curran returned to the meeting at 11:51am

PORTFOLIO: Infrastructure Services

DIRECTORATE: Infrastructure Services


This item is in-committee in accordance with s275(1)(e) of the Local

Government Regulation 2012 - contracts proposed to be made by it.

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Gympie Regional Council

M14/08/19 Moved Cr MA McDonald Seconded Cr DW Dodt

That Council accepts the tenders for Contract No. PSA0091 Preferred

Supplier Arrangement for Traffic Control Services from:

Verifact Traffic Pty Ltd;

Acquired Awareness Traffic Management Pty Ltd;

Aaction Traffic Control Pty Ltd.


FOR: Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr DW Dodt, Cr GC Hartwig,

Cr HT Smerdon, Cr DH Stewart and Cr RA Fredman


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Gympie Regional Council

9.3 RFT0080 - Rainbow Beach Electrical Undergrounding and


PORTFOLIO: Planning and Development

DIRECTORATE: Planning and Development


This item is in-committee in accordance with s275(1)(e) of the Local

Government Regulation 2012 - contracts proposed to be made by it.

M15/08/19 Moved Cr MA McDonald Seconded Cr DW Dodt

That Council accepts the tender of Civex Pty Ltd for Tender RFT0080 for

the revised tender price of $542,609.84 excluding GST ($596,870.82

including GST).


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr DW Dodt, Cr MS Gear,

Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon, Cr DH Stewart and Cr RA Fredman


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Gympie Regional Council

9.4 Letter of Comfort - Rattler Railway Company Limited

Perceived Conflict of Interest – Cr DW Dodt

Continued Perceived Conflict of Interest declared by Cr Dodt as he volunteers

at the Rattler for events. As Cr Dodt gains no financial benefit from his

volunteering he requested to remain in the meeting while the matter was

discussed and voted on.

Resolution of Perceived Conflict of Interest

M16/08/19 Moved Cr MA McDonald Seconded Cr MS Gear

That Cr DW Dodt remain in the meeting for Item 9.4 to discuss and vote

on the matter.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr MS Gear,

Cr HT Smerdon, Cr DH Stewart and Cr RA Fredman


Material Personal Interest – Cr GC Hartwig

Continued Material Personal Interest declared by Cr GC Hartwig in Item 9.4

and left the meeting at 11:17am.

On completion of Discussion

Cr GC Hartwig returned to the meeting at 11:29am.

Cr Hartwig left the meeting while the matter was voted on.

Cr GC Hartwig left the meeting at 11:52am.

On Completion of voting

Cr GC Hartwig returned to the meeting at 11:52am.

PORTFOLIO: Governance, Finance, Disaster Management

DIRECTORATE: Office of the CEO


This item is in-committee in accordance with s275(1)(h) of the Local

Government Regulation 2012 - business for which a public discussion would

be likely to prejudice the interests of the local government or someone else, or

enable a person to gain a financial advantage.

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Gympie Regional Council

M17/08/19 Moved Cr DW Dodt Seconded Cr MA McDonald

That Council authorise the Mayor to sign the Letter of Comfort to the

Board of the Rattler Railway Company with an expiry date of 30th June



FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr DW Dodt, Cr MS Gear,

Cr DH Stewart and Cr RA Fredman

AGAINST: Cr HT Smerdon

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Gympie Regional Council


9.5 Request for Support for Upcoming Event

Perceived Conflict of Interest

Perceived Conflict of Interest in Item 9.5 as his mother is a member of the

Organisation but not on the executive and has no decision making powers.

Cr Dodt requested to remain in the meeting while the matter was discussed

and voted on.

Resolution of Perceived Conflict of Interest

M18/08/19 Moved Cr MA McDonald Seconded Cr WR Leitch

That Cr DW Dodt remain in the meeting for Item 9.5 to discuss and vote

on the matter.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr MS Gear,

Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon, Cr DH Stewart and Cr RA Fredman


PORTFOLIO: Economic Development

DIRECTORATE: Corporate and Community Services


This item is in-committee in accordance with s275(1)(h) of the Local

Government Regulation 2012 - business for which a public discussion would

be likely to prejudice the interests of the local government or someone else, or

enable a person to gain a financial advantage.

M19/08/19 Moved Cr MA McDonald Seconded Cr DW Dodt

That Council advises the Organisation of its intention to provide the

venue for the event.


FOR: Cr MW Curran, Cr MA McDonald, Cr WR Leitch, Cr DW Dodt, Cr MS Gear,

Cr GC Hartwig, Cr HT Smerdon, Cr DH Stewart and Cr RA Fredman


Ordinary Meeting Minutes 28 August 2019 46

Gympie Regional Council


5.1 Weed and Pest Advisory Committee Terms of Reference Update


5.2 Proposed amended Temporary Local Planning Instrument - Southside

Structure Plan Area


SOUTHSIDE STRUCTURE PLAN AREA ......................................................... 53


AND CONSERVATION PRECINCT ................................................................ 67

6.3 Naming of Equestrian Building

ATTACHMENT 1 LETTERS OF COMMUNITY SUPPORT .......................................................... 68

6.4 Amendment to 2019/2020 Revenue Statement

ATTACHMENT 1 2019/202 REVENUE STATEMENT ............................................................. 75

8.1 Chatsworth Botanical Parklands

ATTACHMENT 1 MINUTE - 26 OCTOBER 2016................................................................... 90

There being no further business the meeting closed at 11.53am.

Confirmed this TWENTY-FIFTH day of SEPTEMBER 2019


Cr MW Curran


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Item 5.1 Weed and Pest Advisory Committee Terms of Reference Update

Attachment 1 Weed and Pest Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

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Item 5.1 Weed and Pest Advisory Committee Terms of Reference Update

Attachment 1 Weed and Pest Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

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Item 5.1 Weed and Pest Advisory Committee Terms of Reference Update

Attachment 1 Weed and Pest Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

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Item 5.1 Weed and Pest Advisory Committee Terms of Reference Update

Attachment 1 Weed and Pest Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

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Item 5.1 Weed and Pest Advisory Committee Terms of Reference Update

Attachment 1 Weed and Pest Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

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Item 5.1 Weed and Pest Advisory Committee Terms of Reference Update

Attachment 1 Weed and Pest Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

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Item 5.2 Proposed amended Temporary Local Planning Instrument - Southside Structure Plan Area

Attachment 1 Temporary Local Planning Instrument 02/19 – Southside Structure Plan Area

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Item 5.2 Proposed amended Temporary Local Planning Instrument - Southside Structure Plan Area

Attachment 1 Temporary Local Planning Instrument 02/19 – Southside Structure Plan Area

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Item 5.2 Proposed amended Temporary Local Planning Instrument - Southside Structure Plan Area

Attachment 1 Temporary Local Planning Instrument 02/19 – Southside Structure Plan Area

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Item 5.2 Proposed amended Temporary Local Planning Instrument - Southside Structure Plan Area

Attachment 1 Temporary Local Planning Instrument 02/19 – Southside Structure Plan Area

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Item 5.2 Proposed amended Temporary Local Planning Instrument - Southside Structure Plan Area

Attachment 1 Temporary Local Planning Instrument 02/19 – Southside Structure Plan Area

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Item 5.2 Proposed amended Temporary Local Planning Instrument - Southside Structure Plan Area

Attachment 1 Temporary Local Planning Instrument 02/19 – Southside Structure Plan Area

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Item 5.2 Proposed amended Temporary Local Planning Instrument - Southside Structure Plan Area

Attachment 1 Temporary Local Planning Instrument 02/19 – Southside Structure Plan Area

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Item 5.2 Proposed amended Temporary Local Planning Instrument - Southside Structure Plan Area

Attachment 1 Temporary Local Planning Instrument 02/19 – Southside Structure Plan Area

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Item 5.2 Proposed amended Temporary Local Planning Instrument - Southside Structure Plan Area

Attachment 1 Temporary Local Planning Instrument 02/19 – Southside Structure Plan Area

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Item 5.2 Proposed amended Temporary Local Planning Instrument - Southside Structure Plan Area

Attachment 1 Temporary Local Planning Instrument 02/19 – Southside Structure Plan Area

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Item 5.2 Proposed amended Temporary Local Planning Instrument - Southside Structure Plan Area

Attachment 1 Temporary Local Planning Instrument 02/19 – Southside Structure Plan Area

Gympie Regional Council

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Item 5.2 Proposed amended Temporary Local Planning Instrument - Southside Structure Plan Area

Attachment 1 Temporary Local Planning Instrument 02/19 – Southside Structure Plan Area

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Item 5.2 Proposed amended Temporary Local Planning Instrument - Southside Structure Plan Area

Attachment 1 Temporary Local Planning Instrument 02/19 – Southside Structure Plan Area

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Item 5.2 Proposed amended Temporary Local Planning Instrument - Southside Structure Plan Area

Attachment 1 Temporary Local Planning Instrument 02/19 – Southside Structure Plan Area

Gympie Regional Council

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Item 5.2 Proposed amended Temporary Local Planning Instrument - Southside Structure Plan Area

Attachment 2 Existing constraints within the Southside Environment and Conservation Precinct

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Item 6.3 Naming of Equestrian Building

Attachment 1 Letters of Community Support

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Item 6.3 Naming of Equestrian Building

Attachment 1 Letters of Community Support

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Item 6.3 Naming of Equestrian Building

Attachment 1 Letters of Community Support

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Item 6.3 Naming of Equestrian Building

Attachment 1 Letters of Community Support

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Item 6.3 Naming of Equestrian Building

Attachment 1 Letters of Community Support

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Item 6.3 Naming of Equestrian Building

Attachment 1 Letters of Community Support

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Item 6.3 Naming of Equestrian Building

Attachment 1 Letters of Community Support

Gympie Regional Council

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Item 6.4 Amendment to 2019/2020 Revenue Statement

Attachment 1 2019/202 Revenue Statement

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Item 6.4 Amendment to 2019/2020 Revenue Statement

Attachment 1 2019/202 Revenue Statement

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Item 6.4 Amendment to 2019/2020 Revenue Statement

Attachment 1 2019/202 Revenue Statement

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Item 6.4 Amendment to 2019/2020 Revenue Statement

Attachment 1 2019/202 Revenue Statement

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Item 6.4 Amendment to 2019/2020 Revenue Statement

Attachment 1 2019/202 Revenue Statement

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Item 6.4 Amendment to 2019/2020 Revenue Statement

Attachment 1 2019/202 Revenue Statement

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Item 6.4 Amendment to 2019/2020 Revenue Statement

Attachment 1 2019/202 Revenue Statement

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Item 6.4 Amendment to 2019/2020 Revenue Statement

Attachment 1 2019/202 Revenue Statement

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Item 6.4 Amendment to 2019/2020 Revenue Statement

Attachment 1 2019/202 Revenue Statement

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Item 6.4 Amendment to 2019/2020 Revenue Statement

Attachment 1 2019/202 Revenue Statement

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Item 6.4 Amendment to 2019/2020 Revenue Statement

Attachment 1 2019/202 Revenue Statement

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Item 6.4 Amendment to 2019/2020 Revenue Statement

Attachment 1 2019/202 Revenue Statement

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Item 6.4 Amendment to 2019/2020 Revenue Statement

Attachment 1 2019/202 Revenue Statement

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Item 6.4 Amendment to 2019/2020 Revenue Statement

Attachment 1 2019/202 Revenue Statement

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Item 6.4 Amendment to 2019/2020 Revenue Statement

Attachment 1 2019/202 Revenue Statement

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Item 8.1 Chatsworth Botanical Parklands

Attachment 1 Minute - 26 October 2016

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Item 8.1 Chatsworth Botanical Parklands

Attachment 1 Minute - 26 October 2016

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Item 8.1 Chatsworth Botanical Parklands

Attachment 1 Minute - 26 October 2016

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Item 8.1 Chatsworth Botanical Parklands

Attachment 1 Minute - 26 October 2016

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Item 8.1 Chatsworth Botanical Parklands

Attachment 1 Minute - 26 October 2016

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Item 8.1 Chatsworth Botanical Parklands

Attachment 1 Minute - 26 October 2016

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Item 8.1 Chatsworth Botanical Parklands

Attachment 1 Minute - 26 October 2016

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Item 8.1 Chatsworth Botanical Parklands

Attachment 1 Minute - 26 October 2016

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Item 8.1 Chatsworth Botanical Parklands

Attachment 1 Minute - 26 October 2016

Gympie Regional Council