Download - Merci Suárez Changes Gears Summer Reading Guide Name


Merci Suárez Changes Gears

Summer Reading Guide

Name: _____________________________________________

Chapter 1: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. hostile ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: midst, stickler, taxidermy, trudge Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “To think, only yesterday I was in chancletas (rubber sandals), sipping lemonade and watching

my twin cousins run through the sprinkler in the yard. Now, I’m here in Mr. Patchett’s class,

sweating in my polyester school blazer and waiting for this torture to be over” (Medina, pg.1)

Short Discussion Questions What is the “Sunshine Buddies” program? Do you think this is a good program? Why or why


Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Why doesn’t Merci want to be a part of this program? Explain your thinking. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 2: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. exasperated ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: abuela, barrel out, lurches Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “He motions with his chin at Abuela and a policeman, who are talking near our banyan tree.

Abuela’s face is twisted in worry, although that’s not unusual on its own. She’s the manager of

the Catastrophic Concerns Department in our family, after all, so it’s pretty much her resting

face” (Medina, pg. 15).

Short Discussion Questions Describe Las Casitas, where the family lives.

Why is Lolo in the police car?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Why does Merci feel the need to pretend everything is okay at the end of chapter 2.

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 3: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. gawking ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: contraband, grudges, honorable, regulation Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “Mami sighs. ‘You know, Merci, a good attitude goes a long way. Half my patients would never

walk again if they didn’t think positive.’ She turns back around. ‘And this family could really use

some upbeat thinking these days’ (Medina, pg. 29).

Short Discussion Questions Why does Merci wonder if this “matching business is a scam”?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. What was the “fine print” written on the scholarship contract Mami signed for Roli and Merci to attend Seward Pines Academy? How do you think Merci feels about this? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 4: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. proposition ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: finishing school, negotiator, steely Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “I sigh. It’s no use fighting. When it comes to helping, the motto around here is family or bust”

(Medina, pg. 48)

Short Discussion Questions Why does Merci want to earn money?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Describe Merci’s relationship with Lolo. How does Merci feel about her grandfather? How can you tell? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 5: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. interconnected ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: decisive, measly, mull, unruly,

Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “Ms. Tannenbaum is big on projects, which should be fun. But the trouble is that she’s even

bigger on building group skills. ‘The world is interconnected. Collaboration is the key skill of

the future,’ she claims” (Medina, pg. 57).

Short Discussion Questions Explain Merci’s ideas for the map. What do you think of them?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Why is collaborating with a person like Edna in the group difficult? Cite evidence from the text to support your thinking. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 6: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. sheepishly ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: rummages, sprawled, Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “I wonder for a minute about his fall and not telling Abuela. It doesn’t feel right. But then Lolo

looks up and smiles at me, the same as always, and the thought vanishes. He waves and then

turns back to arranging the prettiest cookies on top” (Medina, pg. 80).

Short Discussion Questions What happens to Lolo at the beginning of the chapter?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Why might Lolo want Merci to keep his fall a secret? How does Merci feel about this? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 7: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. poached ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: fierce, pivot, poached, trade school Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “He shrugs. ‘Nobody forced them to go to work for him. They wanted jobs where they could

earn the most money. Who can blame them?’ He drains his water bottle and crushes it in his

hand before tossing it to the back. ‘Cruz has never been my favorite person, I’ll give you that.

But an enemy? There’s no sense in having those if we can help it’” (Medina, pg. 94).

Short Discussion Questions What did Lolo say to the family about his eye?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Explain why the other team is NOT really Papa’s enemy. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 8: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. menacing ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: compromise, launching, maneuvering, splice Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant?

“Lolo listens for a while. Then he sighs and gives my shoulder a squeeze. ‘You went to

the movies tonight?’ he asks again.

I stay very still, listening to the echo of his odd question. Abuela’s voice is low in the

dark. ‘Shhh,’ she says. ‘Of course she did, viejo.’

And then, with a careful quiet wedged between us, Lolo and I stare up at the stars”

(Medina, pg. 119).

Short Discussion Questions Describe Merci’s dilemma in this chapter. What is the compromise?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. At the end of the chapter, Merci is reflecting on Lolo’s off behavior. What do you think is happening? Why? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 9: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. amplified ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: scold Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “Edna flinches. And I won’t lie: It feels good, just this once, to know that my words have

pinched her hard for a change” (Medina, pg. 127).

Short Discussion Questions What does Edna give Merci at the beginning of the chapter? Who is it for?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Are Merci and Edna friends? Explain. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 10: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. encryption ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: logophile Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “He rubs his eyes and sighs like when he’s trying to break down a physics formula for somebody

he tutors. ‘What I mean is, it’s a puzzle’” (Medina, pg. 131).

Short Discussion Questions Who is Roli’s prom date? Why is this surprising?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Why is the “heart a mystery” for both Merci and Roli in this chapter? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 11: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. interim ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: chassis, empire Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “Tia Ines steps out through the sliding door...Boy, does she look like she needs some shut-eye. I

think the problem might be the head full of rolos (rollers). I don’t know how she sleeps in those

hard curlers. I don’t say so, of course. In a closed mouth, no fly will enter, as Lolo always says”

(Medina, pg. 134).

Short Discussion Questions How does the family help each other in this chapter?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Why do you think Tia Ines looks disappointed when she finds out the Simon isn’t helping? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 12: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. proportions ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: angler, catamaran, colliding, veranda, Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “There’s something in Papi’s voice that seems to shift the ground underneath me” (Medina, pg.


Short Discussion Questions What happens with Lolo in this chapter?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Why is what happens evidence that something is wrong with Lolo? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 13: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. brimming ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: guiltily, murmurs Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “But I don’t know for sure because every time they hear me leave my room, they all get quiet.

Their eyes follow me when I go to the kitchen to see if my soccer permission slip is signed yet.

They don’t start talking again until I’m gone” (Medina, pg. 153).

Short Discussion Questions What is Mami’s reasoning for not allowing Merci to try out for the soccer team?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. At the end of the chapter, Merci says that she hates everyone in her family. Does she really? Explain. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 14: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. pleading ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: lumbers, ricochets, sporting, trots Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “‘Rules are rules, soldier,’ he says. ‘You broke them and now you pay. Go on’” (Medina, pg.


Short Discussion Questions At the chapter’s opening, Merci says, “The whole week feels like misery.” What miserable

things happen in this chapter.

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. How would you describe Edna in this chapter? Cite evidence from the text to support your thinking. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 15: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. solemn ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: stiffed, strewn Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “I know you and Roli are smart enough to be here-- more than smart enough. But we don’t pay

tuition like most of the other families. So the value you add to the school has to come from

you, because it’s not coming from our wallets” (Medina, pg. 175).

Short Discussion Questions Who comes to pick Merci up from school? Why?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. How do you know that Merci is upset about being a scholarship student? Cite evidence from the text to support your thinking. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 16: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. marveling ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: flit, moping, warden Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “ ‘Lolo needs to go to the doctor.’ Tia’s voice is suddenly a heavy stick. I can almost hear what

she doesn’t say. And that’s final (Medina, pg. 181).”

Short Discussion Questions What causes Merci to be upset with the twins?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Who do you think put Lolo’s glasses in the fridge? Why? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 17: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. linger ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: papyrus, scribe, sincere, unravel Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “Abuela’s eyes linger on me as we play. ‘Too young? Time passes for all of us, viejo,’ she says

quietly” (Medina, pg. 197).

Short Discussion Questions What does Merci receive with her scroll?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. How would you describe Michael in this chapter? Cite evidence from the text to support your thinking. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 18: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. simmering ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: jumble, stalks, yelps Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “‘Things happen over time, Merci,’ Mami finally says. ‘We grow up and older. We need to

respect how things change and adjust’” (Medina, pg. 202).

Short Discussion Questions What was unusual about Lolo’s behavior in this chapter?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Describe Merci’s reaction to Lolo’s behavior. Why is she angry with Mami? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 19: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. discontinued ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: terrain Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “Abuela or Lolo living here? I can’t imagine such a thing. Their house smells like garlic and

onions and cinnamon. The sound of Abuela’s novelas drift across the yard at night. Lolo’s

shoes are always by the kitchen door. Who would cook dinner when Mami’s late, or watch the

twins? Who would tend the garden?” (Medina, pg. 210).

Short Discussion Questions

What is Mami trying to make up to Merci?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Why couldn’t Merci focus on buying a bike? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 20: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. haggling ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: immortal, rooted, screeches Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “I get to Mr. Dixon’s class justas he’s closing the door. I’m the last one to slide into my seat.

I’m flushed, like I’ve done something wrong again, but I realize helping Michael will get me

some points with Miss McDaniels, especially after the baseball incident. I open my book and

get cracking on the problems” (Medina, pg. 218).

Short Discussion Questions What does Edna do to show she has a “crush” on Michael?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Do you think it is a good idea for Abuela to make Michael’s costume? Explain why or why not. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 21: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. potent ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: algae, evaporated, glassy, jittery Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “My phone buzzes almost as soon as we pull out of the parking lot. It’s a snap. When I tap it

open, I see a picture of Edna crossing her eyes at me and letting her tongue hang out. Is she

making fun of my eye? If she weren’t mad at me, I’d say no. Everyone sends me dumb snaps

all the time, right? It’s just something we do occasionally, like wearing 3D glasses for a movie,

like eating ice cream too fast on purpose to see who gets a headache, maybe even like stealing

each other’s lunches. But now it feels different, meaner” (Medina, pg. 227).

Short Discussion Questions Describe the mask Abuela is making for Michael.

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Why is Merci nervous about having Michael come over to her house? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 22: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. hesitates ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: perks Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? It’s true. With Mami down with the flu, Abuela has been busy cooking dinner for us every

night. And it’s been hard for her to sew during the day like she used to because Lolo gets bored

and wants to go for walks, which she insists on taking with him. So she’s been staying up late to

finish our costumes. Last night, I fell asleep to the whir of her sewing machine through the

yard” (Medina, pg. 238).

Short Discussion Questions Who did Michael pick to be his partner in Ms. Tannenbaum’s class? Did Michael and his

partner work well together?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Why did Merci think it was best if Michael hadn’t chosen her? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 23: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. commotion ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: flustered, impediment Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “I drop into the chair and glare at the one person horrible enough to do such a thing. Edna is

busy taking down the homework assignment, just like we’re supposed to at the start of class.

All hour long, she doesn’t look my way” (Medina, pg. 246).

Short Discussion Questions What happened to Michael’s costume?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Who do you think ruined Michael’s costume? Explain your thinking. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 24: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. hunched ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: snitch Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “ ‘I’ll try, but it’s going to be tough,” he says, shaking his head. ‘It’s pretty wrecked. Now I don’t

have a costume for Edna’s party either.’ I blink” (Medina, pg. 250).

Short Discussion Questions What is Merci’s reaction to finding out that Michael is invited to Edna’s party?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Based on the past few chapters, how would you describe Edna? Would you be friends with someone like her? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 25: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. interpretation ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: wander Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “I was so excited; I told Mami I needed a new mask and everything. Well, I waited, and I even

hinted to Edna a couple of times, thinking she forgot. But the invitation never came. Mami told

me I shouldn’t mention it anymore. ‘People say things to be polite sometimes,’ she told me”

(Medina, pg. 252).

Short Discussion Questions Describe Merci’s social studies presentation. Use examples from the text.

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Was the festival fun for Merci? Why or why not? Cite examples from the text to support your thinking. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 26: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. glimpses ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: mirage Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “Maybe I can talk to Lolo about it in the morning. He’s the clearest then. Don’t worry about

Miss Santos, Merci, he’ll probably say, and then he’ll make me forget all about dumb Edna.

We’ll take a walk or share a tropical smoothie. He’ll tell me an old story or we’ll bat some balls

across the yard” (Medina, pg. 261).

Short Discussion Questions What causes Roli’s car accident?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Why is Merci longing for Lolo’s company at the beginning of the chapter? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 27: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. Alzheimer’s Disease ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: eerie Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “I shove him again as everything starts to make sense. Lolo’s falls. His questions. How he

wanders. His confusion. The day he almost hit Abuela. All along there had been a big secret in

the Suárez family, and no one told me” (Medina, pg. 267).

Short Discussion Questions According to Roli, what is Alzheimer’s disease?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. What is Merci’s reaction to the news about her grandfather? Explain. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 28: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. seeped ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: gaping Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “Lolo stares into his hands and continues. ‘I wanted to enjoy our time the way it has always

been for as long as possible. What’s coming is coming, mi cielo. Why think about drowning

before we reach the river?’” (Medina, pg. 273)

Short Discussion Questions What does Merci do to release her anger?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Why is Merci so angry? Explain. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 29: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. perspectives ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: adoring, flinch Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “I look up at her blankly. I hadn’t thought about the ruined costume-- or Edna’s party -- since

Friday at the fall festival. It seems like a million years ago now instead of four days. It’s the

kind of thing that belongs with old toys that I’ve given away. In fact, if I were Miss McDaniels, I

might file it in my Utter Nonsense folder” (Medina, pg. 278).

Short Discussion Questions What surprising event happened at the end of this chapter?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Put yourself in Merci’s shoes: How do you think Merci feels at the end of this chapter? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 30: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. immortalized ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: N/A Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “Hannah looks uncomfortable, too, but not because she doesn’t want to think about dead

things, the way I don’t. I think it’s because she’s not working with Edna and Jamie, who’ve been

assigned to the scribe committee. Hannah’s eyes keep sliding over to the cafeteria windows to

gaze at our usual lunch table, which I suppose is where she really wants to be” (Medina, pg.


Short Discussion Questions At the end of the chapter, who does Hannah ask to volunteer as the mummy?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. How does this solve her feeling “uncomfortable” about working with Merci and Lena? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 31: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. scrimmage ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: dozing Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “I click and click and capture us the way we really are right now” (Medina, pg. 292).

Short Discussion Questions What does Tía Inés tell Merci in this chapter? How is she feeling?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Why is taking photographs of the family so important to Merci? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 32: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. gravely ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: bawl, contenders, peppered Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant?

“I glance at the sections marked Victim Statement and Estimated Value of Damaged

Property. ‘Oh, no, miss. That’s OK. It doesn’t really matter anymore,’ I say.

‘Incorrect,’ she says, holding my gaze. ‘What happened is called destruction of personal

property. And it is unacceptable at Seward Pines’” (Medina, pg. 294).

Short Discussion Questions What happened to Edna in this chapter?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. How do you feel about what happened to Edna? Explain. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 33: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. etiquette ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: colonizers, ruthless Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “But the weird thing is that I can’t write that. Even though Edna can be awful, I know I made a

mistake. I didn’t have as much fun watching her get laughed at as I would have thought, either.

She did agree to help us, and watching Michael and the other kids make fun of her felt all

wrong. So, I decided to stick to the facts, which Roli says never fail anybody. I write her a letter

that feels true” (Medina, pg. 311).

Short Discussion Questions How do Merci’s family celebrate Thanksgiving?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. What do you think of Merci’s letter to Edna? Explain your thinking. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 34: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. charismatic ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: headmaster, maliciously, prim, relief Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “As soon as she asks, I feel as though an ice cube is dripping along my spine. Edna stares

straight ahead. I feel completely trapped” (Medina, pg. 320).

Short Discussion Questions What does the video tape footage reveal?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. How did you react to the end of this chapter? Explain. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 35: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. redirection ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: sacked Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “How does it work that the same kids who followed Edna around all the time really seemed to

like seeing her in trouble? How can somebody popular have so many people glad to see her

crash? Maybe like might be confusing, but popular is even weirder. Turns out, it’s not the

same thing as having friends” (Medina, pg. 324).

Short Discussion Questions What happened to Edna and Jamie at the start of this chapter?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. How does this chapter show that Merci has grown? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 36: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. pricklier ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: cautiously, hoists, wobbly Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant?

“For once, I’m not tempted to lie to Edna” (Medina, pg. 342).

Short Discussion Questions Is the Great Tomb Project a success?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Do Edna and Merci make amends? Explain. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 37: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. Nochebuena ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: relentless Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “For a minute, I don’t know what to say. It’s good news, great news, in fact. But North Carolina

is three states north, and it’s suddenly impossible to imagine that Roli won’t be here in the fall.

Whats Las Casitas going to be without him? Who’ll be here when Lolo gets really bad?”

(Medina, pg. 345).

Short Discussion Questions What news does Roli receive in this chapter?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. How does Merci feel about Roli’s news? Explain. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 38: Vocabulary/Background Knowledge Please write a definition in your own words & draw an illustration 1. crooning ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Other words: N/A Quote Describe the who, where, and when for the quote. Why is the quote significant? “I don’t know what is going to happen next year, no one does. But that’s OK. I can handle it, I

decide. It’s just a harder gear, and I am ready. All I have to do is take a deep breath and ride”

(Medina, pg. 355).

Short Discussion Questions What did Merci give to Lolo for Nochebuena? Why is it special?

Response Question Please respond with two/three sentences 1. Why do you think author, Meg Medina, chose Merci Suarez Changes Gears as the title of her novel? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________