













SCHOOL NEWS Kingsdale Transportation Service

We are pleased to announce that the school’s transportation service will begin to re-commence on a rolling basis in line with the school’s re-opening plan from Monday 8th March 2021. As a result, the service will be available for existing users from the date of the scheduled return for each year group, excluding the date allocated for students to attend school to undertake their first on-site COVID-19 test. Please be advised that, despite the introduction of the revised school day from Monday 8th March 2021, the service will maintain its usual morning pick up times. However, to accommodate the later finish for some students, some of our services will be leaving at the later time of 4pm. Details communicated to parents directly. All enquiries regarding our transportations service should be sent to: [email protected]

World Book Day Thursday 4th March 2021

Go to Page 6 for more information





Kingsdale’s Plans for Staggered On-Site Testing and Re-Opening of the School

Please be reminded that from week beginning Monday 8th March 2021, we shall be welcoming our students back to on-site learning as part of our published staggered testing and re-opening plan. Further details on the plan and the approach that we shall be employing to keep all stakeholders safe, have been issued separately to all parents and students. Please click on the image below to access an online copy of the full schedule for returning students by year group and here for a copy of the letter sent to parents. Please also note that from Monday 8th March 2021, we shall be operating our revised arrangements for the times of the school day, which include a staggered start, finish and lunchtime for different year groups. Comprehensive details have been issued separately. Please direct any queries regarding any aspect of our re-opening or COVID-19 on-site testing programme to [email protected]

William Carter – Kingsdale Alumni In the News!

Parents may have seen William Carter, an ex-Kingsdale student make the national news this week, including on This Morning! William, who has achieved a 1st Class Honours degree from Bristol University and a prestigious Fulbright Scholarship to the University of California, Berkerley to study for his PhD, has been speaking out about the challenges he faced while growing up, including those related to his special educational needs and diagnosis of dyslexia. We are very proud of all that William has achieved so far and are sure there will be more successes to come. You can read more about William’s story here (BBC), here (This Morning) and here (Sky News).

Virtual Instrumental & Singing Lessons

Please be reminded that throughout the remainder of this term, students will continue to have their instrumental and singing lessons in the Music School at their allocated times. Students and parents will be informed of the current times and allocated room separately. Students must remember to bring their instruments in to school on the day of their lesson. Please direct any queries regarding this provision directly to Mrs Graham, Director of Performing Arts, via [email protected]



International Women’s Week ‘If civilisation is to survive we must

cultivate the science of human relationships - the ability of all people of all kinds to live together in the same

world, at peace.’ Eleanor Roosevelt

Winsome Attractive in a fresh and innocent way

Issue 21 Monday 8th March 2021

EXCITING MUSIC NEWS! Kingsdale Ex-pupil Wura

Abimbola, will be performing

on THE VOICE at 8.30pm on

Saturday 6th March on ITV.

Please show your support for

this amazing singer.

Year 7 Art G&T and Art Scholars Online

Courtauld Movement and Motion Workshops

A select group of twenty-five Year 7 Art G&T and Scholars have completed an exciting series of online workshops with the prestigious Courtauld Institute of Art. In the three sessions students explored movement and motion through drawing. Students were pushed outside of their comfort zones working with a challenging range of both media and visual inspiration. The students more than rose to the challenge and created a fantastic range of experimental outcomes. A selection of these can be seen on left side of this article.

The students were granted access to a beautiful selection of rarely seen works from the Courtauld Collection and they were taught how to create drawings of these visuals such as dancers, blustery landscapes, and portraits from Andy Warhol films, using a wide range of experimental drawing techniques. The sessions saw the students working as fluidly as the dancers they were watching. They developed both their creativity and their perception of what drawing can be! Well done to all the students who took part!

To celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month, Year 7 students have been looking at the work of artist and activist Keith Haring. They looked at his work and the messages and ideas he was trying to convey. They then had to design a mural or poster in his style to promote LGTBQ+ History Month.

Heloise Affejee Tawan Satitkit-Foster Esme Fuller Ethel Butler

Natasha Tetteh Please see our Instagram account for more of this lovely work #kingsdalefs

(Please note that parental permissions and age restrictions apply for the use of instagram)



To see more of the brilliant Art, Textiles, Photography, Graphics and Textiles work by our students, as well as Art alumni, please follow us on Instagram @kingsdalefs (age

restrictions apply)


Expect a range of emotions to surface,

notice them and sit with them. Help your child to

name emotions: excitement, happiness,

sadness, anger, anxiety, frustration.

Don’t be tempted to “fix” difficult feelings, rather try to listen, and empathise.

Thinking together can ease your child's anxiety. Making a list of what they are

looking forward to and also what they are worried about.

Simply listening and accepting is helpful.

Your child may also like to draw or write about how they feel.

Repeat what they say, so your child knows that you

have heard them. Then rephrase it, to show you

have understood. Once emotions have

been acknowledged, you can move towards problem solving.

Year 8 Year 7 Year 10 Year 9 Year 11 & 6th Form

Monday 8/3/21

8:30 – 8:50am

Tuesday 9/3/21

8:30 – 8:50am

Wednesday 10/3/21

8:30 – 8:50am

Thursday 11/3/21

8:30 – 8:50am

Friday 12/3/21

8:30 – 8:50am

Mental Health & Well-being Support


Mental Health & Well-being Student Forums

8th March – 12th March 2021

Mental Health & Well-being Student Forums will continue to take place, for each year group, on MS Teams for any student who wishes to discuss mental health & well-being related topics at Kingsdale or, who would like to be part of the Kingsdale Student Mental Health & Well-being working party for each phase of school working in collaboration with staff to ensure the needs of all stakeholders are understood and met. If your child would like to attend their year groups forum they can do this by joining the meeting in their assigned MS Teams room at their designated time next week.

HELP AND ADVICE Kingsdale Foundation School – Mental Health & Well-being Email health&[email protected] Our mental health and well-being email is confidential and can be used by students and their families should they wish to raise concerns, share ideas or discuss matters confidentially. Below are some links to support groups and charities offering support and guidance to young people and their families during these challenging times. For further information or to discuss matters relating to mental health and well-being at Kingsdale School please contact Ms V. Turner at health&[email protected]

During the course of this week students throughout the school have been accessing our new Mental Health and Well-being groups, on Microsoft Teams, and attending our online forums where students have been able to share ideas, ask questions, raise concerns regarding the return to school or simply just listen. The rooms on MS Teams contain information and links to support groups and charities providing support and guidance for students should they wish to access information independently. As always our existing extensive support network continues to operate within the school and is accessible to all students through our pastoral, counselling, mentor and safeguarding teams.

LANGUAGES NEWS In French, Year 11 students have made amazing posters about some important events in the world.

Year 10 This week Year 10 students have been learning about different Hispanic dishes. Here are some of the wonderful dishes they have shared with us!

Hannah Mepham, Year 11 Tour de France

Roza Hannick, Year 11 – Le 14 Juillet.

Alex Ciortea, Year 11 Tour de France

Kailah Abid, Year 11 - Mardi Grass

Ella Webb, Year 11 – Tour de France

Malaika Dickens-Julien, Year 11 – Tour de France.

Sofia P, Year 11 Olympic Games in Rio

Roza Hannick, Year 11 – Le 14 Juillet.


NEWS cont. As part of our Remote Learning provision, our languages students have been completing some off-screen activities to learn about international culture


Grace Benson, Year 12 – Crème brûlée

Saul Gold-Hatfield, Year 7 Strudel

Rosie Van Hulzen, Year 7 Strudel

Charlotte Yaxley, Year 11 Brioches à la cannelle

Zoe Albrecht, Year 7 Another excellent mask

Amazing work on Werewolf from one of our students.

Otis Powell, Year 7 Amazing Roman mask

Vida Lukas, Year 7 Fantastic Roman mask

Albie Smith, Year 7

Mount Vesuvius

Amelie Zuberi, Year 7



Yerma Cervantes Theatre will be streaming Yerma, a play by Federico Garcia Lorca, this month. This play was sold out in December 2018. This is a colourful tragic poem which portrays the director’s creative adaptation of Lorca’s Yerma. Our A levels students will study a piece of literature by Federico Garcia Lorca during their course. Therefore, this play will be of great interest for them. We have free online tickets for Friday 12th March 2021 from 4.30 to 6.30pm. Please contact Ms Vecina-Jimenez via [email protected] if you are interested in attending this virtual performance.

Year 10 This week Year 10 students have been learning about different Hispanic dishes. Here are some of the wonderful dishes they have shared with us!

Transactional Writing Years 9 & 10

In Years 9 and 10, students have been practising their transactional writing skills. Below are some brilliant examples of Year 10 students’ articles, written about London.

The Dark Side Of Dulwich Is All But Perfect.

Have you ever seen behind the “perfection” of Dulwich? Think about that perfect family, in that perfect neighbourhood that can do no wrong. The sought-after location for raising the perfect little families. The starting point of rich, classy and intelligent people. The beautiful summer trees swaying in the breeze, and the glitz and glamour of the perfect bustling town. If not for the sweet smell of the rotting ignorance that deceit wafts through the air, all would’ve been at peace.

This perfect place is where too the outcasts live, the rejects of society. The masked feeling of the weak and vulnerable. They seek validation and surrender to the peer pressure of drugs.

You see them everywhere but turn a blind eye. You train yourself to just look away. The sunshine only shines in the eyes of the rich, the rest struggle in the storm. Who does the city benefit? Who comes out on top? Grime-infested chewing gum layers on top of each other divides the social classes apart. Sinister jeering comes from the 5 million pound house only people could dream to live in. The rich play the game to win, and the poor play to survive.

One glance into the dark side, and the horror will traumatize you. Every day, the hundreds and thousands of imperfect families work, for the rich to pocket. They provide as much as they can afford and as little as they receive. The vindictive cycle of life set by the rich is like a spindle, playing over and over again. Back forth, back forth. There is no sense of community. Any hope is wrung out of them, like a used towel. When will it stop? When can they take a moment to enjoy life? The dark side of Dulwich is all but perfect.

By Nathania Olajide

Chewing Gum: The Scars on our Streets

No matter where you turn left, right – it follows you. Some attaches itself to you; some has been avoided long enough to scar the surface of the ground forever. When it’s young, it’s sticky and used carelessly;

but when it’s old it defaces the town. The town’s mantra of development and greatness is plastered as a lie, from the remnants of the thousands of chewed, squashed and dried splats of tree sap invaders that scorch the streets - invaders of our own making.

By Hannah Ojeleye

A City Built on Theft

The benefit of taking a photograph is not being able to see whatever perverse things hang outside its four precise corners. The term " you only see what I show you" should be the slogan on any camera and all social media sights in London. The Dark side of this city is not one for the weak.

And if it was on display, the word London would not ring the same. On first glance, one is made to believe London is that place of opportunities, where you can find a true sense of happiness. Tourists come and visit and enjoy the city crafted on the backs of others. They stand on the very ground that was built off exploiting two thirds of the world. The truth is not quite hidden, yet people decide to ignore the signs and continue as if London be some sort of modern day utopia. The truth is that the wealth of this relatively minute island was acquired through theft. They snatched the vibrance and took it for themselves, putting it on the map and forcing the vulnerable to beg and pled for something that was originally their own. The narrative changes. It twisted the view and made it out to be normal. They made the wrong right. The wrong is now right.

By Kai Henry



Student Recommendation This week Kingsdale students can get stuck into:

Lore by Alexandra Bracken

For centuries, Zeus has punished the gods with a game called the Agon, which turns them mortal for one week, and at the mercy of being hunted by those with godly ambitions.

Only a handful of the original Greek gods remain, the rest replaced by the mortals who killed them and ascended.

After her family's sadistic murder by a rival bloodline, Lore escapes and vows to repay her parents' sacrifice by doing one thing - surviving.

Fans of The Hunger Games will love this thrilling adventure novel!

Suitable for Key Stage 3 students and above.

Teacher Recommendation This week Mr Rushton from the English department would like to recommend:

The Color Purple by Alice Walker

Set in the deep American South between the wars, the novel is a classic tale of Celie, a young black girl who is born into poverty and segregation.

Celie’s painful and harrowing life all changes when one day she meets the glamorous Shug Avery, singer and magic-maker, a woman who has taken charge of her own destiny. Gradually, Celie discovers the power and joy of her own spirit, freeing her from her past and reuniting her with those she loves.

Mr Rushton would like to recommend this book because of the way that the heavy hitting narrative is relayed with such a captivating and original delivery!

Suitable for Key Stage 4 students and above.


Reading Recommendations



‘Screen Your Story’ : Writing Competition Years 7 – 13 'Screen Your Story' is a wonderful opportunity for all you young storytellers. This is the competition where students get the chance to be a published author, even have their story made into a film! We need a story of - young, old, male, female, human, animal or even alien. With no more than 1000 words. Use any props you like, and create any characters you like

Students can WIN PRIZES as follows:

Write one of the best stories and their prize will be to

see it published in a superb, fully illustrated collection

'Stories From the Young'.

Win the chance to read their story at the Children's

Literature Festival in Barnes.

Win the chance to have a professional director choose

their story to make into a film. And it will be screened

at the renowned Olympic Cinema, Barnes in a Gala premiere. Date to

be confirmed.

More information can be found here: All entries must be submitted by March 21st 2021 Send your submissions to [email protected]



Rehearsals every Thursday at 4pm.

The University of Bath is keen to carry on offering support in whichever way best suits students as they return to school. They continue to offer programmes on-line and are happy to offer sessions as recordings or as live presentations. Students can find details of activities they offer on their website:

Widening Access Activity in Schools (

The University of Bath will be offering four academic-led public webinars in March to support Year 12 & 13 students via some curriculum enrichment sessions.

Physics - Problem solving Thursday 4th March

Psychology - The teenage brain, cannabis use & mental health

Thursday 11th March

Biological Sciences- What is the evidence for evolution? Thursday 18th March

Psychology- Are we in touch with reality? Thursday 25th March

These sessions are delivered by University of Bath academic staff and researchers and are designed to give students a taste of the subject as well as helping them to develop skills and knowledge that will be useful when making the transition to university. The sessions run in Microsoft Teams, are free to attend & students can find out more information and register here. Students can keep an eye out on the website for more academic skills sessions over the Easter Break.

National Careers Week

How did you get on?

Thank you to all our parents/carers who helped encourage their child/ren to explore the many different career pathways and options using their Unifrog accounts.

Please keep those conversations at the forefront of your discussions as t embark on the journey towards the world of work. Your child can log on to Unifrog at any time using the link below and their school email address.

MATHS NEWS Scholarship Weekly Session notice

There will be weekly Maths Years 7 & 8 scholarship

sessions Every Tuesday from 14:35 – 15:25 (Period 8)

All Maths Scholars in Years 7 & 8, subject to teacher approval in advance, will be exempt from their timetabled lessons. Sessions will commence on MS Teams before moving to socially distanced sessions once on-site lessons commence from Monday 8th March 2021. There will Achievement Points awarded to students each week and an additional Award at the end of the term

We are pleased to announce last week’s winners:

Year 7: Nasir Martin-Akal 7QFR,

May Clerc 7AKD & Serena Hutchinson 7LHE

Year 8:

Seth Rogers 8APN John Toohey 8OAY

Thanks to all those who participated!

Maths Challenge

for Higher Level GCSE Maths & A Level Students

We challenge our top GCSE and A Level Maths students to take a look at:

A new problem appears regularly which will really challenge your basic knowledge of Maths, from GCSE and A Levels. A great way to revise too! Don’t forget to let us know how you got on via:

[email protected]

The Return to Sport at Kingsdale

The Sports Faculty are thrilled to be able to announce the return of extra-curricular sport at Kingsdale Foundation School with the re-opening of school from the 8th March 2021. Please be advised that clubs will continue to be run in year group bubbles and will resume as students return to school. Students may continue to attend school in correct full school PE kit on days that they have PE or attend extra-curricular sports clubs. We wish to remind students that, as always, they will not be permitted to wear additional non-school uniform items such as hoodies or tracksuit tops and that school sweatshirts can be purchased from the school shop if additional layers are required. Please use the link below to access further details regarding our spring term extra-curricular sports programme and links to our parental consent forms which are required for all students who wish to attend:

We would like to thank you all for your continued support during these challenging times and very much look forward to seeing the students at Kingsdale return to active sport.

Don’t forget!

Students should send any parentally approved PE challenges photos to: [email protected]



Miss Findley’s Half Marathon Challenge

Miss Findlay rounded off lockdown with a half marathon.

She challenges you to take on the distance of 13.1 miles/21.1km before next week, this can be in one go or smaller distances over the next few days. Good luck!

Mr Price’s 10K Running Challenge Jasper Jones (8APN) did his 10.5km in 51.53 minutes. Wow! Well Done! Nathan Jackson (11VAN) did his 10km in 53.33 minutes. Well Done!

Mr McWhirter gave Mr Price's 10K running challenge a go this week and managed to beat his time. Can you beat Mr McWhirter's time over 1K, 5K or 10K?

House Challenges

House Cooking Challenges – A Mexican Dish

Congratulations to Lucy Whitehead Year 7 (Dove), who entered our Mexican Cooking Challenge with her picture below. It looks delicious! Well done.

You can still enter the competition (CLOSING DATE is Monday 8th March 2021) by sending pictures of your delicious dishes to the email address below with parent/carer’s permission.

HOW TO ENTER: Be sure to share your activity with the House Team: [email protected] . .Ensure you include your full name and tutor group.

House Kahoot Challenge

Students can check their House Microsoft Teams to find a link to a Kahoot Challenge for the weekly quiz that the House Team is running. This follows a fantastic quiz created by Simon Conway, a now retired teacher who

sends this quiz to over 3,700 schools in the country and is updated weekly. Students can complete the challenge in their own time using this link, however as they are set weekly, they must complete them by Friday before a new quiz is posted. This is posted each week on Monday/Tuesday. Students need to complete the challenge on Kahoot (making sure to choose their real full name as your nickname to get their House Points), using the visual clues and their fantastic current events knowledge to help them answer the questions. The 5 students with the highest scores will win 5 Achievement Points for themselves and their House! All they need to do to compete is follow the link and complete the quiz! 5f06-24d6-4a63-8c21-60ddbd9005af_1614706942908

  Many thanks for your support!

International Women’s Day 8th March 2021

Monday 8th March is International Women’s Day and we wanted to share with you the theme which we hope to develop over the

------------------------coming weeks. The theme this week focuses the importance of challenge and the social media hashtag is #ChooseToChallenge. Refusing to accept sexism or racism or any form of gender stereotype directed toward women. Help us identify examples of women, historically or current, who have made a monumental contribution to society and their community. We will share these positive role models and names with all our students across the school.

One such icon who has emerged as one of world’s most influential women is Ingozi Okonjo-Iweala, who became the first African and first woman to be appointed as Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

You can find out more about Ingozi Okonjo-Iweala’s journey at the link below: Please send your International Women’s Day role model and icons to the House Team at [email protected] WHY DON’T YOU WATCH

‘Choose To Challenge’ - A Poem by Spoken Word Poet Anisa Nandaula watch?v=pHdNkpT954U&feature=emb_logo

For more information about International Women’s Day Visit:

The House Leader

Board 2020-21 Week commencing 8th March 2021

1st Place – Falcon with 11,346 Points

2nd Place – Albatross with 10,860 Points

3rd Place – Dove with 10,299 Points

4th Place – Swift with 10,262 Points

5th Place – Eagle with 9,268 Points

Wow! Falcon is now leading this close race! Can any other House catch them?

Kingsdale Foundation School, Alleyn Park, Dulwich, London, SE21 8SQ Web: Tel: 0208 670 7575 (To report student absence use Option 2)