
Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English




This chapter focuses on background of the study, statement of the

problem, objectives of the study, limitation of the study,

significance of the study and conceptual framework.


The study reported in this paper was through investigation

of the perception of an English teacher and 31 pupils of SK Kem

Tentera regarding their perceptions of using Interactive

Evaluation System (IES) to increase pupils’ interest in English.

In order to bring a broad understanding of increasing interest to

learn English through IES, first, it is a necessary to examine on

how do pupils’ from rural area react when it comes to English

class. The purpose of this study was to define and research on the response of the

first pioneer group of pupils in SK Kem Tentera towards IES. The desire to apply this

programme in every English class in this school is depend on the feedback of this first

pioneer group of pupils. Then, a short description of Interactive

Evaluation System is included.

The phenomenon is rural area pupils were not exposed to

English since they were born. The environment where they were

brought up was also not English friendly. As mentioned in ESL

Magazine, “Children living in rural areas tend to have little

exposure to English except whatever is available through the


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


radio or television, and so tend to be more negative towards

learning the language”. (VINODINI MURUGESAN, ESL MAGAZINE. MARCH/APRIL 2003). As in

IPBA E-Journal,2003, DR. MOHD SOFI ALI had mentioned some

problems why after six years learning English as second language

in the school but the pupils were still not performing well, one

of the problems as he mentioned was, ” English was not widely

used at home, or outside the school compound. One, as the

teachers claimed, the parents could not understand the language;

therefore they could not use it with the children; neither could

they teach them at home. Second, the local culture, as the

parents and teachers claimed, was antagonistic to the development

of the English language among the pupils. Local dialect was a

preferred means of communication. (Dr. Mohd Sofi Ali, 2003). This

was support by Jamali Ismail and Hasliza Arif said that,

“Malaysian students, especially those in remote or rural areas do

not see the need to use English in their life, hence their lack

of motivation and proficiency in the language (Jamali Ismail &

Hasliza Arif, 2002). (Gaudart (1987) is of the opinion that today

the acquisition of English is seen as a necessary evil by most of

the community. This attitude spills over to the children in

school, making it more difficult for them to have any intrinsic

desire to acquire English.

Then, a company, Globalnet had come out with new design of

teaching and learning through computer based. SK Kem Tentera was

one of selected schools to implement this new technology in


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


teaching English language. The administration of school thought

that maybe this new technology could help in increasing these

pupils interest in learning English language. What is Interactive

Evaluation System? How could it help to increase pupils’


Well, before the system was created the Globalnet company had

gone through some research on teaching and learning phenomenon in

Malaysia. Education excellence is always the main challenges to everyone in life and

is also social impact to country. Technology advancement has changed human life style

and knowledge acquisition. These challenges are getting more difficult to overcome if

there are no applicable technology creation to address it soon. Based on our research

over the past few years, we recognized there were many e-learning developers that had

tried to offer their solutions to match these demands. However there were no specific

applications capable to address the K-12 teaching-learning needs. We understand these

problems more than anyone else in this industry. K-12 learners are very much

depending on personalized attention rather then just teach through web based

environment or network environment( Globalnet.Com Interactive Evaluation

System is a proven and effective solution to enhance the teaching

capabilities of teachers today. It’s stress-free and constant

interactive learning environment in channelling student’s energy

into knowledge acquisition and application of their thinking

process. It’s user-friendly system adheres to the standard of

teaching today making it both cost effective and low maintenance.

Interactive Evaluation System will enable teachers to include


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


high quality media content into their lessons therefore

generating interest from students who in turn will gain more

understanding and knowledge.

Interactive Evaluation System also integrates real-time

record tracking system that tracks every session that can be

analyzed by teachers to adjust accordingly to the performance of

their students. Detailed analysis and score tracking will promise

a more time-efficient management of student records. Interactive

Evaluation System will increase the performance of every student

and at the same time enriching his or her studies for a more

productive and interesting learning experience.


A characteristic of at-risk learners -- both native and non-

native speakers of English -- is that they may not be

communicatively equipped to engage the everyday scripts of

school-based activities, activities for which most middle class,

"mainstream" students have been prepared since birth (Delpit,

1995; Gee, 1990, 2000; Heath, 1983). Rather, children come to

school versed in the experiences of their homes, their families,

and their home culture -- cultures comprised of complex ways of

knowing and communicating --where what Bloom calls a "theory of

mind" is firmly established as a foundation on which children's

native communicative repertoire is formed at a young age through

social interaction with others.( Carla Meskill, State University


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


of New York at Albany, January 2005.). The problem that this

research is investigating the influence of today’s new technology (computer)

in education. How the new innovation of technology software (Interactive Evaluation

System (IES)) could leave a positive impact to encourage the pupils in SK Kem Tentera to

learn English. As the phenomenon of these rural area pupils who are

the non-native speakers of English language are having problem in

showing their interest during the English subject period as they

could not understand thus respond through the learning process.

These pupils are not responding to the language through the

traditional classroom process which is more to chalk and talk

method. This situation does not help the students because it

makes them less confident and eventually give up learning



The study was conducted to :

1) investigate the effectiveness of IES to increase pupils

interest in English.

2) investigate pupils performance in English language after

learning using IES.


1) What are the pupils’ perceptions about IES?

2) Does it help to increase pupils’ interest in English?

3) What are the teacher’s perceptions about IES?

4) What is the student and teacher level of computer knowledge?


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


5) What method is used to teach English to these students?

6) Does it help to increase pupils’ performance in English




1.5.1.i Interactive Evaluation System

Through this Interactive Evaluation System learning programme, there will be no more traditional boring chalk and talk learning process in learning English. What is IES? Here aresome descriptions of IES : (

Interactive Evaluation System application is developed based

on programming. It supports Microsoft Operating Windows98

and above. 

The digital contents of Interactive Evaluation System can

come from two ways:-

i) The standard digital content based on current curriculum

developed and supply by

Ministry of Education. 

ii)The resource digital content, which caters for the

teacher to tailor his/her

teaching materials, targeted to a specific group of


Interactive Evaluation System provides 6 modes of activity modules to meet

the requirements of the teaching and learning process. They are as follows:-


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


Lesson presentation

It is to teach the subject lesson.


It allows teachers to evaluate students understanding on the


Speed testing

The aim is for students to answer the questions in a

competitive environment.

Problem Solving

Similar to “Speed Testing”, with all students able to answer

questions solve problems at their own pace.

Lesson Reinforcement

To enable teachers to ask spontaneous questions at any time

during the lesson to gain insight into students’

understanding / opinions of the lesson.

Student Questions & Answers (Q & A)

The traditional method of raising hands for the Q& A can be

substituted by the Interactive Evaluation System.

1.5.1.ii Definition on another terms

Interactive is define as :

acting on one another; reciprocally active designating or of programming or electronic equipment, as

for TV, videodiscs, etc., which allows viewers toparticipate, as by making a response, influencing the paceof the action, etc.


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


of or involving a mode of operation in which there is a continual exchange of information between the computer and the user at a video screen

(Webster's New World College Dictionary)

also define as :

Acting or capable of acting on each other. of or relating to a program that responds to user activity. of, relating to, or being a form of television entertainment

in which the signal activates electronic apparatus in the viewer's home or the viewer uses the apparatus to affect events on the screen, or both.

(The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language)

Evaluation define as :

the process of evaluating something or an instance of this

while evaluate carried out the meaning of :

to find the value or amount of

to judge or determine the worth or quality of; appraise to find the numerical value of; express in numbers

(Webster's New World College Dictionary)

System is define as :

a set or arrangement of things so related or connected as toform a unity or organic whole: a solar system, school system, system of highways

a set of facts, principles, rules, etc. classified or arranged in a regular, orderly form so as to show a logical plan linking the various parts


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


a method or plan of classification or arrangement an established way of doing something; method; procedure orderliness or methodical planning in one's way of

proceeding the body considered as a functioning organism a number of bodily organs acting together to perform one of

the main bodily functions: the digestive system a related series of natural objects or elements, as cave

passages, rivers, etc. a group of substances in or approaching equilibrium: a

system with two components, phases, or variables is called binary, one with three, ternary, etc.

an organization of hardware and software, often together with personnel, that function together as a unit

(Webster's New World College Dictionary)

Increase is define as :

to become greater in size, amount, degree, etc.; grow

to become greater in numbers by producing offspring; multiply; propagate

(Webster's New World College Dictionary)

Pupil is define as :

a person, esp. a young person, under the supervision of a teacher or tutor, as in school

a student under the direct supervision of a teacher or professor.

(Webster's New World College Dictionary)

Interest is define as :

a right or claim to something


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


a share or participation in something something, as a business, in which one participates or

has a share a personal connection or involvement which might be

thought to compromise one's impartiality in carrying out one's official duties

advantage; welfare; benefit a group of people having a common concern or dominant power

in some industry, occupation, cause, etc.: the steel interests personal influence

a feeling of intentness, concern, or curiosity about something: an interest in politics

the power of causing this feeling: books of interest to children

something causing this feeling: the academic interests of ascholar

importance; consequence: a matter of little interest money paid for the use of money the rate of such payment, expressed as a percentage per

unit of time

an increase over what is owed: to repay kindness with interest

(Webster's New World College Dictionary)

A state of curiosity or concern about or attention to something: an interest in sports.

Something, such as a quality, subject, or activity, that evokes this mental state:counts the theater among his interests.

Regard for one's own benefit or advantage; self-interest. Often used in the plural: It is in your best interest to cooperate. She kept her own interests in mind.

A right, claim, or legal share: an interest in the new company.


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


Something in which such a right, claim, or share is held: has interests overseas.

person or group of persons holding such a right, claim, or share: a petroleum interest.

Involvement with or participation in something: She has an interest in the quality of her education.

 A charge for a loan, usually a percentage of the amount loaned.

An excess or bonus beyond what is expected or due. An interest group. The particular cause supported by an interest group.

(The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language)


How does it help to increase pupils’ interest?

The use of interesting lesson presentation whereby teacher

could apply songs, video, animations etc attracted pupils’

attention. Each of the pupils is given their remote which they

can use to answer questions which provide in evaluation, speed

testing, problem solving, and lesson reinforcement area. As the

pupils press their answer the system will instantly respond to

them by showing either they are giving correct or false answer.

While in the speed testing, and problem solving activities,

pupils are required to think fast and respond by pressing their

button whereby the fastest with correct answer will be given

mark. By the end of the lesson, teacher could show pupils’ marks


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


instantly complete with the ranking and if necessary print the

mark instantly.


As mentioned before, rural background pupils are facing with

problem to build their interest in learning English. The system

used before ( chalk and talk ) had not increase their interest as

they had been approach with this method for up to three years

since year 1 to year 3.

To cope with this problem, a programme had been introduced by

Globalnet and SK Kem Tentera is one of the project pioneer to be

tested on before this system can be used globally in every school

in Malaysia.


The limitation of this study was to get feedback from other

English teachers as only one English teacher in this school was

involved to carry out this project in the school. While the other

two teachers were not teaching English as they were included in

this project to use IES to teach Science and Mathematics.


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


Chapter Two

Literature Review


This chapter will review on some perceptions of interactive

learning conducted by previous researchers such as definitions,

concept, opinions and findings. Then, review on some theories

regarding to interactive learning. It is also review on previous

interactive activity studies.


There are many opinions on the use of Interactive Learning

to teach language to children. Interactive learning occurs when

a student puts together knowledge and skills by connecting with

information and experiences provided by the teacher. The student

is engaged both intellectually and emotionally in interactive

learning. Feedback, reflection and dialogue are integral

components of interactive learning (Brogan, Year). There are many

benefits of using this method. For instance, it makes use of

varied learning styles, so that students who typically prefer to

read and listen instead do something with the information,

collaborate with others or create something new. Because students

are engaged with the materials rather than simply memorizing the


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


information, the learning is deeper and more lasting. More

engagement means more time is spent on the learning task.

Students cannot daydream or disengage in an interactive


As interactive learning becomes more user-based, the potential

is nearly limitless. The learning matches the student rather than

the student needing to accommodate the learning preferences of

the instructor. Students use the learning style that is most

effective for them. For example, technology-based interactive

learning is self-paced, so students can move quickly through

review material and focus on learning new information.

2.1.1 Jan Van Leeuwen, Jiri Widermann

Interaction system is a modern computer systems are built

from components that communicate and compute, while interactiong

with their environment.

Purpose of Interactive System :

Not to compute some finial result

React to environment or Interact with environment

Maintain a well-defined action-reaction behavior


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


Differences Between Interactive and Traditional System

Traditional System Interactive System- There is no interaction

between input and output

Accepting input on


Producing output on


- Turing Machine with fixed


- Interactive System

Inputs can depend on

intermediate outputs

- Traditional Turing Machine

is not adequate to

Interactive System

2.1.2 J. Beam

Interactive learning describes a method of acquiring

information through hands on, interactive means. The opposite

of interactive learning is passive learning, which is merely

observing a learning process or just listening to

information. Interactive learning is a common method employed in

schools today and often involves the use of computers and other

tangible equipment.

From very early on, children begin learning both

interactively and passively. They acquire much of their language

through passive learning, while much of their physical

development is a result of interactive learning. As children


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


grow, they continue to learn both passively and interactively and

to respond differently to each method.

Interactive lessons are classes or educational sessions

hosted via the internet to teach specific subject matter while

allowing different levels of student participation. Using

technology and varied methods of distribution, educators and

trainers can effectively teach a wide range of subject matter,

reach a larger audience and allow those who may not have the

ability to attend a formal classroom setting to experience this

in a personal computing environment. Individuals seeking an

accurate understanding of a specific subject can access

interactive lessons through a number of websites using several

multimedia applications and players.

2.2 Theories related to Interactive learning

2.2.1 Constructivism Theory

2.2.1(i) Jean Piaget

Jean Piaget introduced the notion that children discover and

construct knowledge through activities rather than by receiving

it passively. Contemporary educational researchers advanced the

premise that active learning improves concept formation and

knowledge acquisition regardless of age. After many years of

observation, Piaget concluded that intellectual development is


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


the result of the interaction of hereditary and environmental

factors. As the child develops and constantly interacts with the

world around him, knowledge is invented and reinvented. (London,


2.2.1(ii) Palinscar

The social constructivist theorist Palincsar draws from the

work of Piaget to support the notion that interpersonal

interactions promote cognition and learning. He also points out

that, though direct (traditional) instruction is an effective

means of teaching factual content, there is less evidence that it

"transfers to higher-order cognitive skills such as reasoning and

problem solving," nor is there sufficient evidence that "it

results in the flexibility necessary for students to use the

targeted strategies in novel contexts”. Traditional instruction

addresses knowledge formation and comprehension, the first two

levels of Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives. The higher-

order thinking required to form concepts, addressed by the later

objectives in the hierarchy, includes application, analysis,

synthesis, and evaluation. Research indicates that these types of

objectives can be met with interactive engagement, which includes

asking questions in class and promoting discussion.

According to Palincsar and Klenk (1992), reciprocal teaching

is most compatible with classrooms that are "social, interactive,

and wholistic [sic] in nature".


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


2.2.2 Behaviorism Theory

Behavioral psychology, also known as behaviorism, is a

theory of learning based upon the idea that all behaviors are

acquired through conditioning. Conditioning occurs through

interaction with the environment. According to behaviorism,

behavior can be studied in a systematic and observable manner

with no consideration of internal mental states.

2.2.2(i) Ivan Pavlov

Pavlov, had noted a phenomenon of classical conditioning

noted that this is a technique used in behavioral training in

which a naturally occurring stimulus is paired with a response.

Next, a previously neutral stimulus is paired with the naturally

occurring stimulus. Eventually, the previously neutral stimulus

comes to evoke the response without the presence of the naturally

occurring stimulus. The two elements are then known as the

conditioned stimulus and the conditioned response.( Kendra

Cherry, Guide)

2.2.3 Interactionism Theory

In sociology, interactionism is a theoretical perspective

that derives social processes (such as conflict, cooperation,

identity formation) from human interaction.[1] It is the study of

individuals and how they act within society. Interactionist

theory has grown in the latter half of the twentieth century and


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


has become one of the dominant sociological perspectives in the

world today. Interactionism was first linked to the work of James

Parker. George Herbert Mead, as an advocate of pragmatism and the

subjectivity of social reality, is considered a leader in the

development of interactionism. Herbert Blumer expanded on Mead's

work and coined the term "Symbolic interactionism."

2.2.4 Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon&Morrie Schulman,2004

Our informal course survey indicated that students perceived

that using this technology motivates them to attend the lectures

and to remain alert and engaged in them. On several occasions we

were able to experience the positive contribution of interactive

systems to the efficacy of the lectures. With the questions and

the immediate feedback we got from them, we were able to spot

several problems in students’ understanding and we addressed


2.2.5 Dr. Maria Montessori

...we discovered that education is not something which the

teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops

spontaneously in the human being. It is not acquired by listening

to words, but in virtue of experiences in which the child acts on

his environment. The teacher's task is not to talk, but to

prepare and arrange a series of motives for cultural activity in

a special environment made for the child.

2.3 Others Interactive Activity Study19 J37515 (AYU SARINI BINTI YUSOP)

Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


2.3.1 Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Morrie Schulman,2005

Classroom Performance System Usage Description

CPS provides several multiple-choice question formats and

performance reports. It can be used in different modes for

particular teaching exercises; for further details see [9].

Learning how to use CPS was simple for both students and


The general process, illustrated in Figure 1, starts with

the instructor posing a question with its corresponding possible

answers. Students then respond to the question individually, and

their answers are recorded. Once the answers have been gathered,

a histogram is displayed on the teaching screen with one column

for each possible answer. The value of a column is the number of

students who chose the corresponding answer. The instructor can

then select and highlight the correct answer so students can see

how each of them and the entire class performed. With this

information the instructor can adapt or modify the lecture to

emphasize unclear topics or to move on, knowing that the students

have satisfactorily assimilated the material and that they have

reinforced the correct answer.

Arthur Woods and Charles Chiu, early adopters of CPS at The

University of Texas at Austin, have identified three types of

questions: fact or process questions, problem-solving or concept-

probing questions, and opinion or belief questions [19]. In the


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


next section we show examples of typical questions asked in

CS105. Not surprisingly, given the nature of computer

programming, all the questions fell in the first two categories.

2.3.2 J.Beam

The first type of interactive lessons may consist of a

simple slide show controlled by several software scripts and an

active database, which contains questions and answers delivered

to the student through a specific interface. The interactive

lesson may contain several pages of review material that the

student is required to read before progressing to the next level

of the lesson. The end of each review may contain an exercise

with a number of multiple choice questions, which will require

the student to enter specific information into text fields or use

the computer's mouse to activate buttons within the interface.

Answers are then compared to those within the database and used

to compute a score for the student. Some organizations combine

multimedia elements making an interactive lesson more engaging

and interesting for the student.

Some interactive lessons may include pre-recorded video

featuring an instructor who delivers the content through a series

of visual demonstrations, audible samples and step-by-step

instruction. The same basic elements are featured but broadened

by using a human instructor to give personality to the process. A

higher level of scripting and database technology can enhance a


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


lesson of this type to interact with the student in a completely

different way. Instead of simple data entry or the click of a

mouse, the student can choose answers, which prompt the

instructor’s response depending on the information given.

Chapter Three


3.0 Introduction

This chapter will focus on the research design, sample, data

collection, instrument, design of questionnaires and interview.

3.1 Research Design

This research is an action research. The teacher applied the

IES to teach and observe the performance of the pupils. This

research was also done as a qualitative research.

3.2 Sample

As mentioned before, to investigate pupils’ perceptions and

the effectiveness of IES to increase pupils’ interest in English,

a survey carried out to this pioneer group. This group of

consists of 31 pupils are from rural area background. They were

chosen because they are potential pupils as they were pupils in


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


the excellent class (Elite) after being streaming through their

year 3 result but they still need help in their second language

subject. Then, the English teacher was also interviewed to get

the feedback of using IES in her/his English class. Attached here

is the result of pupils February 2009 test in which the system

was yet to be introduce by Globalnet in SK Kem Tentera :

NameFebruary 2009 Marks

(before)Student 1 64

Student 2 62

Student 3 58

Student 4 69

Student 5 39

Student 6 70

Student 7 41

Student 8 32

Student 9 46

Student 10 59

Student 11 50

Student 12 69

Student 13 67

Student 14 42

Student 15 64

Student 16 61

Student 17 71

Student 18 76

Student 19 47

Student 20 45

Student 21 44

Student 22 64

Student 23 42

Student 24 52


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


Student 25 61

Student 26 49

Student 27 55

Student 28 51

Student 29 39

Student 30 39

Student 31 52

Quoted from SK Kem Tentera, 4 Elite, 2009 Data Analysis

Through this result it is known that none of the pupils achieved

A in their English subject.

3.2 Data Collection

As this is a school programme, this action research is a

need to get the result based on pupils performance in every

school test. An Analysis of pupils’ result in their test before

they use IES that was in February 2009, compared with their

semester result that was in October 2009 after the implementation

of IES had been conducted almost eight months. Besides, to get

pupils’ perception of IES a set of 31 questionnaires was

distributed to this group of pupils. After the data was obtained,

then an interview was carried out to get perceptions from the

teacher that teaching English to this group of pupils.

3.3 Instrument


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


This is a qualitative approach research. The instrument used

for this study is questionnaire. Questionnaire was carried out

based on pupils experience using the IES in their learning. One

set of questionnaire given to the pupils and an interview carried

out with the teacher.

3.3.1 The Design of Questionnaires in this study

Questionnaires are more likely written form interview to get

respond from the participants. In this research, the

questionnaires consist of close and open-ended questions. It

started with the questions asking for pupils’ background. This

question was to get clear information of the pupils themselves.

“How do you feel learning English using the IES?” question was

asked to investigate the level of interest of the pupils. Choices

of answers were given Marvellous, Interesting, Nice, Not bad, and

Bored. “Which method do you prefer your teacher use to teach

English?” was asked to get respond on pupils’ preference between

two method given either chalk and talk or use new technology

(computer based). “You fall in love in English……i) before my

teacher uses IES to teach ii) since my teacher uses IES to teach”

was asked to find out what makes them to like English. “Since

learning using IES, my performance in English….i) increase ii)

decrease iii) no changes” questioned to investigate the pupils’

achievement in English after learning English using IES. Open-


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


ended questions were asked to get pupils’ opinions through the

question “Give your comment about IES?”. 3.3.2 The Interview

The interview was conducted to get the teacher’s

perspectives towards the use of IES in English lesson. The

interview was focused on teacher’s observation of pupils’

attitude during teaching using IES. Teacher was also asked the

differences about pupils’ respond before the application of IES

in class and after the application. As there was only one

English language teacher involved in this programme only one

interview was conducted.



2) jean piaget learning





Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


4) Interactive Learning Definition learning-



6) Abrahamson, Marty. Interactive Class



7) Anderson, R.J., Anderson, R., VanDeGrift, T., Wolfman, S.,

Yasuhara K. Promoting Interaction in Large Classes with Computer-

Mediated Feedback. To appear in CSCL 2003.

8) Better Education Inc. website

9) Bloom, D. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, the classification

of educational goals - Handbook I: Cognitive Domain, New

York: McKay, 1956.

10) Boyle, J. Listening to Learners.

nt/, 2001.


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


Chapter Four

Data Analysis

4.1 Analysis of Pupils’ Test Result before and after


The data was analyzed and determine the comparison of result

in two phases. First phase was before the application of IES and

second phase was after the implementation of IES.

NameFebruary 2009 Marks


October 2009 Marks

(after)Student 1 64 64

Student 2 62 63

Student 3 58 63

Student 4 69 65

Student 5 39 54

Student 6 70 76

Student 7 41 49

Student 8 32 51

Student 9 46 48

Student 10 59 59


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


Student 11 50 54

Student 12 69 61

Student 13 67 70

Student 14 42 58

Student 15 64 73

Student 16 61 69

Student 17 71 70

Student 18 76 80

Student 19 47 66

Student 20 45 49

Student 21 44 60

Student 22 64 54

Student 23 42 54

Student 24 52 51

Student 25 61 60

Student 26 49 65

Student 27 55 59

Student 28 51 58

Student 29 39 54

Student 30 39 58

Student 31 52 59

Table 1 : Pupils’ progress before the implementation of IES and after the implementation (SK

Kem Tentera, 4 Elite, Analysis, 2009)

The data could be translates into more specific result:


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


Figure 1: Pupils' performance after implementation of IES

4.2 Pupils’ Respond to answer the Research Questions

1) What are the pupils’ perceptions about IES?

2) Does it help to increase pupils’ interest in English?

Through the respond given in the questionnaire the result could

be interpret as in the table below

Pupils’ perceptions about IESMarvellous Interesting Nice Not Bad Bored

24 7 - - - Table 2: Pupils’ perception about IES

From this result, this research had achieve the first

objective whereby this IES method of teaching had effected

pupils’ interest in learning English. Furthermore, this result

answered both research question 1 and question 2.


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


4.3 Teacher’s Respond to answer the Research Questions

2) Does it help to increase pupils’ interest in English?

3) What are the teacher’s perceptions about IES?

After an interview conducted, the teacher involved responded

that IES 97% could increase pupils’ interest in learning English.

This was observed during the teaching and learning process

whereby, pupils were excited when it comes to evaluation

activity. Compare to tradition teaching and learning process most

of this pupils did not giving their full attention and not

interested in answering questions given by teacher. This respond

was not only answering the second and third research questions

but also clearly respond to the second objective of this



Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


Chapter Five


5.1 Summary of The Whole Research Project

This research project was carried out with 31 pioneer pupils

and an English teacher whose teaching in that class. This

research was conduct to find out the effectiveness of IES to

increase pupils’ interest in learning English. Through out the

research, researcher had prepare a proposal which consists with

the abstract which in this section researcher explained a little

bit how this research will go on. Then, in chapter one of the

proposal with main topic ‘Introduction’ the researcher put all

the need to introduce a proposal such as background of the study,

statement of the problem, objectives, research questions,


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


definition of terms and significance of the study. These elements

briefly explain why did this research project needed to be

carried out. In chapter two, the researcher had quoted some

learning theory that related to this research. Researcher had

also quoted some definition of Interactive System from other

previous researchers to get more understanding on interactive

system. In addition, to show the differences and similarity

between the previous researchers’ interactive activities with

IES, researcher had quoted some interactive activities from

previous researchers. Chapter three was the complete of the

proposal. In this chapter, it answered the questions how, where

and when the research was done through the research design,

sample/population/subject, data collection and instrument sub-

topics. Finish with the proposal paper.

To start this research, the researcher had to make sure that

this IES teaching and learning method was done, or still on. As

the information the researcher got that the IES had started since

March 2009 and is still on and will end up until 2011, researcher

then looked up for the pupils’ previous test results which

compare pupils’ performance before the implementation and after

the implementation. After the information had been compiled,

researcher then came out with some questionnaires for the pupils

to answer to seek for their perceptions. It was not only the

pupils but the teacher had also been interviewed to get her/his

perceptions of IES. Then, from all the data collected the


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


researcher came out with the findings which had been clearly

explain in chapter four.

5.2 Summary of The Findings and It’s Significance

The findings were clearly answered the research questions

and the objectives of this research paper. From the finding in

4.1 we could see that most of the pupils’ result increase in

October 2009 Test after IES was use to teach English in this

class since March 2009. If it compared with the result they got

when they sit for their February 2009 Test they showed positive

improvement. Although, some in total of 6 pupils had decrease

their result but the number was too little compare to 24 pupils

that had increase and 1 without changers.

Then the finding in 4.2 showed us that almost all of the pupils

in the group think that learning using IES is marvelous. The

answered in the questionnaires gave positive respond whereby no

body respond the IES and not bad or bored.

The finding in 4.3 explained to us how the teacher reacted

towards IES. The teacher had given her/his percentage of

effectiveness of IES to increase pupils’ interest in learning

English and the teacher had also suggest so that IES could be

implement to all levels of the pupils in the school after the

pioneer had shown good progress.

The significance of this finding is to ensure that the programme

had given some impact to the pupils so that it could be apply to


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English


all English lesson through all levels and help to increase

pupils’ interest to learn English beside of helping in getting

positive progress to achieve good result in English subject.

5.3 Implications of The Study

Implication of this study is through this study people,

teachers or adults could get more understanding about IES. How it

gave good impact to the pupils. As, this study explained another

innovations from new technology (computer) could be created for

the benefit of today’s pupils. This study had also conscious us

that technology (computer) could make lesson more fun and

effective compare to tradition method.

5.4 Comments and Further Research

This research had been done to only a group of 31 potential

pupils. It is a need to study on group of weak pupils. Beside,

the research had done for both male and female pupils who come

from rural background, a further research to find the result and

make comparison between these two genders could arise better

findings. Moreover, a mixture of background could show us

different result rather than the result of same background

pupils. As to have better findings, psychology and pupils

awareness during exam or test should take into account for a

conducive result.


Research Report on Using Computer To Teach English :The Use of IES To Increase Pupils Interest In English