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LONDON, 1867.

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'rUE object of the present Catalogue is to give a complete List· of

all the genera and species of Heteropterous Hemiptera known to

exist in the collections of European and American Entomologists.

The lette1'8 a, b, c, &c., after the species, denote the specimens now

contained in the British Museum, followed by tha kabitaJ and the

mode in which each of them was obtained; and the absence of

thesel8tters indicates the species which are desiderata, and there­

fore desirable to be procured for the collection.



ht October, 1867.

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Fam.6. PENTA TOM IDlE, C. H. 192. Macropeltidre, p., Fieb. Hem. 327.

Genus 1. LOXA, C. H. 198. 1. LOXA JrLA.VIOOLLIS, C. H. 198.

cr, b. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. c, d. Jamaica. tI,f. Brazil. Presented by Sir C. Stuart. g, Ia. tho Dumingo. From Mr. Tweedie's collection. i. St. Domiugu. From Mr. Hearne's collection. i, k. St. Domingo. Presented !II W. W. Saundel'll, Esq. I. Cayenne. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. rn. ---1 From Mr. Children's collecdon. -

2. Lox4 AJrFINIS, C. H. 198. a. Para. From Mr. Bates' collection.


Viridi, ; caput te,tauum; an~narum arriculUl 2.. 30 Jere duplo longior; tlao,"" collil quatllOt' glabn, margilleq1lll Antico te,taui" "nni. nigrillongi, IUb4lCt!fldenrih .. ; ,cutelli latera tedaCt!tJ; aUo­mm .uhl .. IUleatum, apiu emarginatum; at. antice crlbo uni­pundatle, membra"" pellucida punetil nOArIl,llil cyaneo-vindib",.

Grass-green, finely punctured, paler beneath. Head mostly or wholly testaceous. Rostrum extendiug to the middle of the second abduminal segment. Antennlll much shorter than the body; first joint extending to tbe front; second almost twice the length of the third; fourth and fifth a liltle longer than the third. Thorax purtly black-punctured, testaceuus in fruut aud with a te&taceous smuuth interrupted band formed by fuur calli i sides serrated in frunt; spines black, lung, acute, slightly ascending •

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Scutellum irregularly pale testaceous along eacb aide. Abdllmen deeply emarginated at tbe tip, sligbtly furrowed beneatb from the base to the bind border of tbe fourth segment. Fore wings with a white point in the disk beyond the middle; membrane limpid, with a few bluish green pointa. Length of the body 71-8llines.

Tbe g1'l' length of the second joint of the antennlll and tbe black spines of tbe thorax distinguish it from the other species of the genus. a, h. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie's collection.


Cimex hlllmaticus, H.-Sc". Wanz. 1m. vi. 70, pI. 203, f. 636. Brazil.

6. Lox ... VIGENS.

vigens, Stal, Rio Jan. Hem. 19. Rio Janeiro.


curridens, Mayr, Verla. Zool. Bot. WieR. xiv. 909; Novara Hem. 60, r. 8.

Brazil. '1. Lox ... INVARlA.

Tedaceo; t"orale IPGtiia duabul glabrU unituherculatia, "nni. acuti. N Glcendentihus; 11tfIler .ubsulcatu.; aliB anticlIJ ,unclia nonnulli. pallidioribw, membrana pellucida.

Testaceou8, minutely punctured, paler beneath. Head finely and transversely striated. Bostrum extending to the bind border of the first abdominal segment. Thorax with a tuberole in a smooth transverse space on each side near the fore border; sides serrated; spines acute, hardly ascending. Abdomen beneath with a very alight furrow, which extends to tbe hind border of the fourth sej(ment. Fore wings with a few paler points ; membraue and hind wings pellucid. Length of the bodylO lines.

It much resembles L. a.tfini., but the head is narrower in front, the sides of the thorax are more finely serrated, and the spines are more slender and a little longer. a. British Guiana.

8. Lou DB DUCT ...

Viridis, atomia piurimu paliidioribUl; capitia lalera tellacea; anten­narum ar'iculw 2u. 30 ,aullo hrenor; t"orale .,atiil duobu. glabri. unituberculati •• spinu ferrugineil N GlcendentibUl; tleRtrii discw testaceUl; alt. anticiB membralla pellucid. cyaneo-lliridi coruper,a. .

Gra~green, finely punctured, much paler beneatb, where the disk of tbe abdomen is pale testaceous. Head finely and transversely striated; sides pille testaceous. Bostrum extending a little beyond the bind border of the second ahdominal segment. Antennlll pale testaceous, much shorter than the body; first joint extending to the frout of the head; secolld a little shorter than tbe third; fourth a little longer than the third; fifth not longer than tbe second. Tborax, scutellum aud corium with numerous paler

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point.. Thorax on each side near the fore border with a smootb transverse apace whicb includes a small tubercle; sides 6nely serrated; spines ferru­ginous, acule, bardly ascending. Scutellum finely and transversely striated, except towards the tip. Abdomen not furrowed beneatb. Mem­brane of Ibe fore wings pellucid, with several bluisb green points. Length uf the body 7llines.

Tbe spines of tbe thorax are much longer tban those of L. inN "II, but mucb shorter tban tbose of L. fligriden. and of L.,/lIIvirollil, and the second joint of tbe antenne is longer in proportion. L.llig".. is distin­guisbed from it by tbe wbite poinl on the corium. II. SlIntarem. From Mr. Bates' collection.

Bio Janeiro.

Genus 2. GALEDANTA, O. H. 198. 1. GALEDANTA MYOPB, O. H. 199.

II-d. Brazil. From Mr. Mornay's collection.

Genus 3. AGR..ECUS, O. H. 199. J. AGB&OUB GBISEUB, O. H. 19\}.

II. British Guiana. Presented by Sir B. Scbombnrgk. b-e. Brazil. Preseuted by E. Doubleday, Esq.

2. AGB&OUB LUBIDUS, O. H. 200.

II-b. Brazil. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq.

Genus 4. MACROMOLUS, O. H.200.

,I. MAoaoMoLus NERVOSUB, O. H.200. II. Austlalia. Prescnted by Sir J. Richardson. b. Australia. FrOID Mr. Dring's colleclion.

Genus 6. EUSCHISTUS, C. H.201.

North America. I. EUSOHISTUB OIU.SSUB, C. H. 205. .

II. St. Jobn's Bluff, East Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b-e. New York. Presented by F. Walker, Esq.


G. St. Juhn's Bluff, Eqst Florida. Presented by E. Duubleday, E~q. h. c. New York. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. d-g. ---l From Mr. Cbildreu's collection. !&-j.-i'

3. EUSOHISTUS IOTEBIOUS, C: H. 206. II, b. St. John's Bluff, East Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c, d. New York. Presented by F. Walker, Esq.

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4. EUSCBISTUS PUNOTIPES, C. H. 201. II, 6. Nortb America. Presented by tbe EntlllDological Club. e-9. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Kedman's collection. A. 'frenton Falls, New York .• Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. i-fJ. New York. Presented by F. Wltlker, Esq. r-t. llIinois. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. fl. COnDl'cticut. Presented by F. Wlilker, Esq. u. New York. Presented by Dr. Fitcb. III. - r From Mr. Cbildren's collection. :c-z. ---e

6. EVBOHIBTVB LURIDUS, C. H. 207. II-/. No'!'a Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. g, II. Trent .. n Falls, New York. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. i,j. Connecticut. Preseuted by F. Walker, Esq. i. New York. Presented by F. Walker, Esq .

. 6. EVSCHIBTUS ·rBISTlGlIU., C. H. 207. Nortb America. II.-i'


Mexico. II. Nevis. Pre~ented by tbe Entomological Club. b, t!. Central America. From Mr. Cbildren's collection.

8. EUSCHISTV8 DIFIBVLA, C. H. 204. Mexico. II. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's collection.


Euscbistu8 (Lycipta) spurculu$, SIal, Stelt. Ent. Zeit. xxiii. 100. Mnico.


biformis, Stal, Stelt. Ent. Zeit. xxiii. 100.


slrentlns, Stal, Sltlt. Ent. Zeit. xxiii. 100.


Thyaota casta, Staf, Stelt. Ent. Z,it. xxiii. 10-1. M~xico.

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Vindu, upwe punctatu.; caput ferruginttJ birittatum, tl'ltaceo biM_ ta/um ; IIWm:e maCtAli. duabu. fliridibu, te&laceo cincti., fa.cia ferruginta, 'pin;, rlJ.fe.renlibu. at'uli. obliquu; abdomen oclirat'tUrn, flitta plagirqUt duabu. pil.'eis, conneali vis vindi ocliraceo drigato; pede, pallide viride., tar.u rufe.centibu ••

Green, oval, roughly punctured, paler heneath. Head with a fer­ruginous stripe, wMcb is dilated towards tbe hind horder, and with a les­taceous ma.k on each side by tbe eye; lobes of equllilength, connected at their Lips. &slrum with·a black tip, extending a little beyond tbe hind COXIe. Antennlll green, slender, a lillie more thltn half tbe length of the body; first juiut not extending to the frolll of the head; secend almost twice the lenglh of the lirst; third and fourth pictolls for half the length from tl.e tips; third a little shorter than the second; fourth a lillie longer than the third; fifth reddish, shorter than the fourth. Thorax with a trllusverse teslaceous callus on each side in front, including a green punctured spot; a ferruginous l,and between the spiues, which are red­dish, acute, prominent and bent forward. Scutellum exteuding nearly to the hind border of the third ahdominal segment. Abdomen ochraceous, with a piceous palch on eacb side at the base and witb a piceous stripe; border green, with an ochraceous strellk on tbe outer side of eacb segment. Legs pale green; tarsi reddish. Hind win~s lind memhraue of tbe fore wiugs pellucid. Var. J3.-Abdomen green on each I;ide and at the tip. Length o( the body 01 lines. a, b. Oajaca. From M. Salle's collection.


Pallide lutnu, nigra punctalu,; ('apiti. lobus rnedi,j, glabtr; antmndl rU!dI, ,korall: !ascii. qualuor glabn. indeterminati" loteribm 'IAb_ lI'rrati6, 'pini. lali. at'u';. abbrmalu; .e!ltellunt vitti, gllalaor glabn,; altZ anticdI villU gua/IAor glabm.

Pale luteonF, elliptical, irregularly punctured; punctures black. Head elonjtate-conical; lobes of eq ual lenglh; middle lobe mostly smooth. Rostrum with a black tip, extendinjt to the hind CUXIe. Anlennlll red, full haH the length of the body; first joiut extendinll nearly to the front of the head; second mnch slJOrter tban the third; fOlllth nearly as long as tbe third; fifth a little shorter than Ihe rourth. Thorax with four smooth bands, of wbich the third between tbe spines is mnch more regular and complete than the others; sides sliglltly serrated; spines broad, acute, Dol pruminent. Scutellum with (our slOooth stripes, of which the inner pair are pllrallel aud do uut extend to the fore bordeI'. Legs slender. l"ore willgs with Cour smooth stripes; membrane pellucid, with brown veins. Length of the body 0 lines.

It differs much from all the other species, and will form a division in the genus. a. Vera CIUZ. FrOID M. Salle's collcctiou.

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West Indies. 15. EUSCHISTUS PALLIPES, C. H. 204.

fI, b. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. c, d. Jamaica. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

16. EUBCBIBTIlB CROCIPES, C. H. 204. a-c. Suuth America. From Mr. Children's cullection. d. St. Domiugo. From )Ir. Hearne's cullection.


TestacetU, .cite punetatUl; antennal pallide testacefll; tkora:1C f"'cia litun. duabUl kamati. Ipinisque nigriB; leutellum nigro guttatum apice flaw-album; alte anticfII nigro uniguttatfll.

Testaceous, nearly oval, minutely punctured, partly and Blightly greenish beneath. Head conical; lobes of equal lengtb; lateral lohes much rouuded in front. Rostnlm with a bldck tip, eXlellding to the hind COXII!. Antennll! paler than the body and rather more thlln half its length; first joint nut extending to the front; second a little longer tball tbe first; third nearly twice the length of the second; fourtb a little longer tban Ibe third; fifth rather shorter tban the fourth. Tborax witb a black hook. shaped mark on each side in front and with a blllck band between tbe spines ;tbis band is dentate on the fore side and diffuse on the bind side; spines black, stoul, prominent, sligbtly ascending. Scutellum with sume black dots on the fore bInder and on the fure part of each side; til' 1ellowish white. Legs paler than the body. Fore wings with a black dot In the disk; membrane cinereons. Length of tbe budy 51- lines.

The band of the thorn, the more aellte spines and the fore willgs without pale points distinguish it from E. apicali •• a, b. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie's collection.


StraminetU, ru/e.cente corupet"'" ; cap"t nigricante marginatum; antennfll gracile., corporis dimidio t1i:1C longiore.; tkora:1C latenbUl ",bserratis, .pini, latiB acutiB nigra margined,; abdomen dor.o ock,..«o, puneti. _tralib", marginalibu. nign,; alfll antical membrana ,ubreticulata.

Straw-colour, elliptical, minulely alld irregularly pnnctured ; panctures reddish; under side and legs paler. Head conical, with two blackish very slender marginal lines; lobes of equal lengtb. Rostrum with a black tip, extending to the middle COXIIl. Antennlll slender, hardly more tban hale the length of the body; first joint extending nellrly to the front of the head; second much shorter thaD the tbird; Ihird lind fifth a little ahorler than the fourth. Thurax slighlly serra led on each side in frllnt; spines broad, acute,. prominent, bordered with blnck. Scutellum smootb at tbe tip. Abdomen ochrllceou& above; under side with black marginal poinls on the sutures of the segmenlS. Legs slender. Membrane of the fure wings pale cinereous; veins brown, slightly reticulated. Length of the body 4 lines.

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It may be distinguished from B. lurid,.. by the more acute spines of the thorax. II. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie's collection.

South America. 19. EUSCHISTUS CORNUTVS, C. H. 201.

II. Brazil. Presented by C. O'Reilly, Esq.

20. EVSCHISTVS ACVTVS, C. H. 202. II. Brazil. From Mr. Children's collection.

21. EVSCBISTUS CONVERGBNS, C. H. 203. II. Brazil. Presented by E. Donbleday, Esq.

22. EUSCHISTUR APIC.lLI8, O. H. 203. iI. Brazil. Presented by the Entomological Ch,b. h. Rio Janeiro. Presented by the Bev. H. Clark.

23. EUSCHJ8TUS ATBOX, O. H. 204. II. Cayenne. Presented by M. Audinet-Ser\"iIIe. 6. Columbia. From Dr. Vuminll's collection. c. Cayenne. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

24. EUSCHISTUS COGNATVS. C. H. 204. II. Brazil. From Mr. Children's collection.

21S. EUSCHISTU8 PB RIIITOR, C. H. 206. Thyanta perditor, Stal, Stell. Brat. Zeit. xxiii. 104. II. Columbia. From M. Goudot's collection.

26. EUSOHI!!TUB RUBIGINOSUB, C. H.206. a. Brazil. From Mr. Children's collection.

27. EUSCBIBTVB PROXIMUS, O. H.208. II. Columbia. From M. Goudot's collection.


Cimex triangulator, H.-SeA. WII'IZ. Iru. vi. 91S, pl. 211, f. 667. II, h. Petropolis, Rio Janeiro. Presented hy J. Gray, Esq. c. Bl'lIzil. Preseuted by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


Thyaota jU'fenca, Stal, Btett. Ent. Zeit. xxiii. 104.


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Pentatoma scabricorne, H.-St·h. Wallz. IRS vii. 98, pI. 245, f. 762. a. TejuCII, Rio Janeiro. Presented by the Rev. H. Clark. 6-.. PelropoliL Pre&cDled by J. Gray, Esq.


alaticollis, Stal, Rio Jan. Hem. 20. a-f. Tejuca, Rio Janeiro. Presented by the Rev. H. Clark. g. Pdtrupolis. Presented by J. Gray, Esq.


anticus, Stal, Rio Jan. Hem. 71,20. a. CODstancia, Rio Janeiro. Presented by J. Gray, Esq.


illotus, Stal, Rio Jan. Hem. 19. Rio Janeiro.


qlladripunctatus. Sial, Rio Jan. Hem. 20. Rio Janeiro.


roripes, Stal, Rio Jail. Hem. 20. Rio Janeiro.


iuermis, Mayr, Verla. Zool. Bot. Gt •. Wien. xiv. 910; NOlJara Hem. 62, f. 11.

Brazil. 37. EoscHIBTos FALLAX.

fallas, Mayr, Verh. Zool. Bot. Gel. Wien. xiv. 910; NOlHJra Hem. 63, r. 12. Brazil.


Flave.etmI, ferrugilleo CORlperSU'; caput nigro margiRatum; anterults ~f"cente.; tlaoratIC laterib", .ubserratis, spin" nigr" lati. acut"; .cutellum apice glabrum, pallide jlafJum; venter punctil margi,lalibu, nigri.; membrana obscure cinerea, TJeni. fusci. su6reticulatis.

Yellowisb, elliptical, minulely and irregularly punctured; punctures ferruginous. Head cODical, wilh two black very slender marginal lines; lobes of equal lengtb. Rostrum with a black tip, extending to the bind COXIIl. Anlenlllll reddish, slencier; second joint nearly aalong as tbe tbird. Thorax slightly. serrated on eacb side; spines black, broad, acute, pro. minent. Scutellum slDootb and pale yellow at the tip. Abdomen beneath with black marginal points on the sutures of the segments. Membrane of

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tile fore win~ dllrk cinereolts; veins brown, s1igllt1y reticulated. Length or tbe hody 4 lines. '

It clo~ely rt'sembles E. reductUl, bllt tbe structure or the Intennm is dilFerent, and tbe ~pines are longer lind more aCllle . •• Venezuela. From Mr. BirscheU's collection.


Pl'IUi"u~, .rill! puflctatUl, ,ubt .. g'atM:t!sc~.: caput witta ~rpurtJIct'fl16 rIIfa fHlIticl! dilatata; afltt'flfl" nigro bi/aleiatar, apiC/! JUl_; tAora: fa.cia rufnct'fltl!, PUflctu duob.. afltmorib .. fligri., lpiflil robulli. aCKti. obU,ui,: _In' paflcti. latnalibu, ftiuri': tam ".Uith l"tri.

Grass-Ilreen, oval, thickly and minutt'ly punctured, glancon8-green benellth. Ht'ad with a pnrpliRh red stripe, which is dilated between the eyes; lobes or equal length. Rostrum extending a little beyond the hind COXIII; tip black. Antennlll slender, hardly half the length of the body; first joint not t'xteuding to tbe front or the bead; tbird a lillIe longer tIl an the seeond, black towards the tip; fimrth a little longer than the third. black except near tbe base; fifth tawny, sborter tban the fourtb. Thorax whh a reddish band, with a transverse callus nn eacb side in front and witb two intennediate black points; sides crenulated in front; spines stout. acute, inclined obliquely forward. Scutellum extending to the angle IIf tbe corium. 'Abdomen beneath witb a row of black point8 on each side. Legs slender; tibim furrowed; tarsi pale lnleous. Membrane of the fore wings pellucid. Lengtb of the body 3 lines.

It is very nearly allied to E. perditar, but in the latter the spines or the thurax are sllUrler alld bl'ouder and less inclilled forward, and the body is lestaceous beneath • •• Belise. Honduras. From MI'. Stevells' collection.

Country unknown. 40. EUSCHISTV8 'fnOHACICUS, C. H. 202.

4. ---? Gl'null6. ZALEGA.

Zalega, Am. rt Sen. Hem. 139.


fnrcifrons, Am. et Servo Hem. 1:J9. Surinam.


4. Venezuela. From lb. Dysou's collectillu.

2. DICEREUS LEUCOSTIGMA, C. H.209 . •. ParH. PI'eijellt~d by R. Grahalll, E5Q. 6. PlirH. From ~fr. Ha\e~' c .. llel:tioll. c. Sanlarem. I"rum Mr. Bates' collt'Ction.


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Diploxyslineola, Am. et Sen. Hem. 38. Boeoos Ayres r


Prannu. aut ochraceo till"'" aut oehracftll. dnue punctatu.; CGput lobi. lalnalibtu acuti. lobum medium 'at ,upeTantibw; anlenne raJe, g'a(lIef, "tulole; thora:ll 'IIi:e earinatu., [atef'ib ••• nrati., 'pini, par,," nigril obligui, peracuti.; pede. gracile" longi.,culi.

Grasa-green. elongate-eUiptical, thickly punctured, paler beneath. lIead I)ouical; lateral lobes acute, extending rather beyoud the middle lobe. Roatrum ochraceoul, extendiog to the bind COXIB. Antenn.., red, Ileuder, setuloae, more than half the lengtb of tbe body; first joint extending almolt to the front oC the bead; second much shorter than the tbird; fourth and fifth shol'ter than the tbird. Tborllx and ticutellu.m with an extremely slight keel. Thorax with a transverse cHllus on rach side in front; sides serrated; spines small, black, very Rcute, obliquely projecting. Scutellum much attenuated towards the tip. Pectus and under side of tbe abdomen with a broad ochraoeous stripe. Legs slender, rather long. Fore winga witb a pale _point in tbe disk opposite the angle of the corium; membraoe pellucid, Yar. tI,-Ocbraceous. Length of the body 6i lines • • !....d. Coastnncia. Presented by the Rey. H. Clark. e,f. Tt'juca. Presented by tbe &v. H. Chuk. J. Petropolis. Presented by J. Gray, Esq.


Prurinu., rude punctat"" ",bt", teltaeeu,; antenn" .piet. wr ... ruf. ; thora:ll laterlb", crenuiatil, .pini. longiusculi. pnaeali. 'lOR obliqui.;, abdomen apice quadrilpinonm; pede. pallide viride.; membrana tranllucida•

GmsK-green, elliptical, somewbat roughly punctured, testaceous be:': Death. Head small; lateral lobes lanoeolate, extending somewhat beyond the middle lobe. AntellnlB slender, much shorter than the body; first joint extending a little beyond tbe front of the head; the Cour following joints Dearly equal in length; third red towards the tip; fourtb and fifth red, pale at tI!e base. Tborax witb a smooth space on each side in front; sides slightly serrated; lore angles acute; spines rather long, ve7 acute, directly divergiog. Scutellum estending to the angle of the corIUm. Abdomen with four spines at the tip. Legs slender, pale green. Membraue of the fore wings pellucid. Length of the, body 6t lines • •• Conltancia. Presented b1 the Rev. H. Clark.

6. DICE RAlUa DIVlstJa.

Piceo-flign, .. bl., 1.1eu.; thDraa: fa.cia rpini.,ue longi. acuti. I. leis, angulu anticu ,pillon.; fJenter apicem fJet',,,, nigro bimacuialus, lateribu •• flaw,centibtu; pede. I"tei, nigra Con'Pft'I;; ale antic" colt" ba,ali jlawscente.

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Piceous-black, rougbly punctured, nearly elliptical; under side luteous, with minute blackish punctures. Head elongate-collical, shorter tban tbe tborax; lateral lobel extending ,"ery little· beyond the middle lobe. Rostrum extending to the hind coxe. Antenne not more than haIr the length of tbe body; joints from tbe first to tbe fifth successi,"ely increasing in length; first not extending to the front of the head. Thorax sloping in front of a smooth luteous band between the spioes, wbicb are alBa luteous and are long, acute and directly diverging; sides slightly curved inward, slightly crenulated in front; fore aogles forming two small acute spines. Scutellum extending a little beyond the angle of tbe corium. Abdomen beneath witb two large black spots, one on the fourth segment, the other on tbe fifth; sides yellowish. Legs luteous, thickly black-speckled. Fure wings yellowillh along tbe basal part of the costs; membrane piceous. Length of tbe body 6 lines • •• Amazon Region. From Mr. Bates' collection.


..Elia spinicepa, H.·SeA. W4u./ru. Y. 72, pl. 178, f.617. Brazil.

Genus 8. BOLACA. Corpns longi-ellipticum, sat planum, scite et conferte punctatum.

Caput lanceolatum, lobis lateralibus apice spinosis lobum medium longe superantibus. Rostrum grllcile, coxas posticas attingens. Antenllle graciles. corporis dimidio non longiores; aniculi vicessitn longiores. Thorax antice annulis duobus oblongis glabris petiolatis; latera subcrenulats; anguli postici recti, non extensi. Scutellum apicem verslls attenURtum. Segmenta velltralia subarcuata. Pedes graciles, Jongiusculi; tarsi tri­articulati.

Body elongate-elliptical, rather fiat, thickly and minutely punctured. Head lanceolate, much shorter tban tbe thorax; laterllllobes extending mucb beyond the middle lobe, sligbtly notched on tbe outer side, termi­nating in two spines. Eyes not prominent. Rostrum slender, extending to tbe bind COX31. Antenne slender, about half the length of tbe body i joiuts successively increasing in length; first not extending to the frout or the head. Thorax with a small oblong ringlet on each side in front, con­necled by a streak with the margin, which is slightly orenulated; fore angles prominent; hind angles rectangular, sligbtly prominent. Scutellum attenuated towards the tip, extending ralher beyond the anKle of tbe corium. Ventral segments slightly arcbed. Legs slender, rather long; tarsi three-jointed. Membrane of the fore wings witb five longitudioal veius, of which the subcostal one is forked.

1. BOL.A.e"" UNICOLOa.

FtfTtlgiflt4; 1JII1n_ 4pien WTIUI pi~; c/. CoCtil ""lAbl"4l1C cinema jerf'tlgineo tImO ...

Ferruginous, hardly paler but more shining beneath. Antenne piceous towards the tips. Membrane of tbe fore winl' cjDereoul, with ferruginous veins. Lellgth of tbe body 71 lines • •• North Hindostan. From Dr. Hooker's collection

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Genus 9. PERIPTUS. PeriptUl, St.!, Sl~tl. Enl. Zeit. xxii. 143.


luctans, Stal, S~It. Ent. Zeit. xxii. 143. Brazil.

Genus 10. PROXYS, C. H.209-1. PROXYS VICTOR, C. H.21O •

•• Nortb America. From Mr. Children's collection. b. Mexico. Presented by the Entomological Club. e. d. Neyis. Presented by the Entomolugical Club. ~. Jllmaica. From Mr. Cbildren's collection. i. g. JUlUaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. A. i. Hondnras. From Mr. Dysoll's collection. j. Bruzil. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. !. Bahia. Presented by M. Reiche. I. Brazil. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. m. Rio Janeiro. Presented by the Rev. H. Clink. II. Province oC Chiriqui, Isl.hmus oC Pllnama. D.--?


Cimex delirator, PaM. Syst. Rkyn. 164-Proxys delirator, Am. "t Sen. Hem. 140-ProxYII geniculatus, Stal, S~tl. Ent. Z~it. xxiii. I(TJ.

P • victor, tlGr. i' Mexico. St. Domingo.


Pentatoma variolaria, Pal. Beau". Im. i. 149, pI. 10, r.6. St. Domingo.


Proxys crenatus. Am. III Serv. H~. 140-Pentatoma l(linic:eps, H .• S"It. WaHz. Iru. "ii, 106, pI, 247, C.772-Proxys IIpiniceps, C. H. 210-Berycynl.hus crenalus, Stal, Sletl. Enl. Zeit. xxiii. 102.

Mexico. a, h. - l' From Mr. Childrell's collection.

6. Paoxys HuuToa, C. H.210.

a, b. British Guiana. Presented by Sir R. Schomburgk.

6. PROXYS I'UNCTt:L&TUa, C. H. 210. 4. Culumbia. }'rom M. Goudot'l collecuOD. b. An:biduua. From Mr. Steyeus' cullection.

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Genus II. l\IORlIIDEA.

rr orth r"IZLfJrica.

I. MIZIfI'IKDEA PIIZf;n:,A, O. z13.

Il. North America. Presented by ll. Sen'ilIe.

2, I'Z,f"MIDEI IIffRHOCnnn,

Cimffn nVl~h'If'I'm,'_ H.-iIj'd" Wan%'. Ii. 71, z04, f. North America.

3. l\Ir;If,fH'EA TfffYff'ffUS, O. z16.

Stal, Ent. xxiii. Mexico. II. North America. Presented hy the Entomolugical Club. b. Niffth Amffriffif. !'rom ChihflrIff'f cullecTg,;fL c Illdianif. Fre~enk;i F. W fizff, Esq. f. Jamaica. Frum Mr. Gosse's collection. g, h. Honduras. From Mr. Miller's collection. i, k. Soutb America. From Mr. Children's collection. I, zt. Frmll zir. TWifr:zir;;s colbffirm,

Il. dififico. II.


4. MORMIDEA COLLARIa, O. H. 211. Dr.

M. Sr:Hi'r \lUI""".SC'"

O. MORMIDEA KOTULATA, C. H. 213. Il. fIjZifJiCO. Dr. c;rH::;f;iion. b. A;;Terica. A'mm Mr. Cl;ilg,ren's IullIr:tiou. C. OHjaca. From M. Salle's collection.

6. MfHfscmEA IrIff;JIZ"TA, a. H.215. P;f:1SCIfS irrorIff;,;TI; Stal, Zeit. xxiii. a, b. Mexico. Presented by E. P. Coffin, Esq. c. Oajaca. From M. Salle's collection.


pictiventris, Stal, Slett. Ent. Zeit. xxiii. 102.

Mezico. MORMfr;fl";; LUGE!!";;.

luge&lf; N;;br. Efl%. iv. CydU";;f lifliens, Ffff;f. ;H,It. 187-Mormidea }ugens, Slal, Stett. Eili. Zeit. xxiii. 101.





bamulata, Stal, Rio Jan. Hem. 21. Mexico. Rio Janeiro.


angustata, Stal, Stell. Ent. Zeit. xxiii. 102. Mexico.

11. MO •• lnxA V£BRUCIFBBA.

Pada!Ua yerrucifer, Stal, Stell. Ent. Zeit. xxiii. 101. Mexico.

West Indies. 12. MORIIIIDBA CIlOCBIPBS, C. H.213.

Rio Janeiro • •. Jsmaica. From Mr. Goue's collection. b. Honduras. :From Mr. Dysoo's collection. c. Jamaica. Presented by W. W. Sauoders, Esq.


Pentatoma Cubrosa, C. H. 247-Mormidea Cubrosa, Sial. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Goaae's collection.

, South America. 14. MOB.IDEA YPBILON, O. H.211.

mbalus Ypsi1on, SI4l • •• Para. From Mr. Bates' collection. b. Brazil. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. c. Petropolis. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. 4. COIlSlancia. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. e,/. ---P From Mr. Cbildren's collection. g, A. - r From Mr. Vigors' oollection.

16. MORIIIIDBA IX£'BIIIS, C. H. 211 • •• Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's oollection.

]6. MOB.IDEA MACULArA, C. H. 212. •• Columbia. From M. Goudo"s collection.

17. MOaJUDEA AGL..EOPVS, C. H. 212. Ipiculigers, Mr. ornata, Stal • •• Brazil. Presented by tbe Entomological Club. b. Monte Video. c. - P From Mr. Children's collection. d. --? Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

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18. MORMIDKA PBOJlINUl.A, C. H.213. a. C"lumbia. FroID M. Goudot's collection. 6. Brazil. Presented by W. W. Saundcr~, Esq.

19. MOBMIDIU. AllIlfATA. C. H. 215. a, 6. Brazil. From Mr. Children's collection. c. AmazoD Region. Presented hy W. W. Saunders, Esq.


coruicollia, Stet, Rio J4ft. Hem. 21 • •• Tejuea. Presented by the Rev. H. Clark. 6. Petropolis. Presented by J. Gray, Esq.


notDlirera, 8tel, Rio Jan. Hem. 21.


spicDligel'll, Stal, Rio Jan. Hem. 21.

Rio JaDeiro. 23. MORllflOEA 0180010EA.

Bhapbigasler discoideDII, O. H.290 • •• Central America. FroqtlIr. Children's collection.


.lEneo-nigra, aspere pUII!.'tato, ",6tIU rufa; caput vitti, daabul glo6ri, ir&deurminali., I..ho medio loho. 1"~"alt1s perptlullo ,uperante; an­termtll 6uri rtlftll. arliculi. 30 40 6oqllt! htUi fiavi.; 'hortlll: ""igil Irannerri, ~8tacei" 'pini, abhreviuti, ohtwu; Ic"Ii>llam maculu IrihUl btUolilnu, ,'rigi. dlAl/htl, obliqui. f1/acrJoqUII apicali arcuata flavi.; THde, ruji; altll anti!.'tII gutta tJOltmedia co'l/Jfue bad paUide flam, membrana fusca. .

..Eneous-black, oval. ruughly punctured, red beneath. Head with two incomplete smooth stripes; middle lobe extending very IiUle beyond the lateral lobes. Antennm black, about haIr the length oC the body; first joint red, black at the tip, not extending to the front of tbe hea~; second and third nearly equal in length; third, fuurth and lil\h pale yellow at the base; tilDrth and fifth mnch longer than the secllnd and the third. Thorax witb -nn irrecular smooth band in fronl, and with some irregular transverse testaceous streaks between the spines, which are short and obtDse. Scu­tellum with smooth pale yellow marks; three spots on the fore border;tbe lateral spots emitting two ohlique streaks to the disk; an arcbed apical spot. Legs red; tarsi with bluck tips. Fure wings with a smooth pale tellow dut in the disk beyond the middle; costa pale yellow at the base; membrane brown. LenlJth of tbe body 3t lines.

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The obtllse 8pinell of this species distinguish it from M. Ypdlol& and from M •• ,neuligerG. The spines are rather more prominent than thou of M. r.r'tHJftpe, alld the colour of the body beneath is dilFereuL •• Con8taneia. Presenled hy J. Gruy, Esq. 6. Petropolis. Presented by J. GrllY, Esq.

Va'. ~.-Body above wbolly black. t. Bio Janeiro. Presented by J. Gruy, Esq.

V'Gr. y.-Like Var.~. Abdomen benl'ath witb two black Itripea. d. Tl'juca. Presented by the Rev. H. Clark.


Cya-. ,cile pUfI('lala; ('aput rll/um apire nig,...m, IUbtuc JIII""m, lobll medio 10601 taterate. paullo .upertlnle; roll,...m fligrum; llaorocia .pi_ IIJIJI,.,.,., Gcul.; pecl.. pallide flaTlum, l'1.anto te,sellat"r,,; _ter nita lola inlerr"I'la margineque pallitle jfan,; pttle. nigri, !emori6u. jlMTIiII fligra ""if",eiali ••

Blul', oval, finely pnnctured. Head rtd, black at the tip Rnd on each lide in front; middle lobe extendinlC a lillie heyond the lateral lohes; under side pale yellow. B .. ~trum black, extendiDg to the bind COXIil.

Thorax with a transverse callus on each side in front; spines prominent, acute, horizontal, directly diverging. Pt'ctUI pale yellow, witb twelve quadrate blue spots. Abdomen belleath with a pale yellow border anrl with a broad interrupted pille yellow stripe. LeKS black; COXIil and femora p.le yellllw, the latter with a hlack band near tbe tip. Fore wings with a brown membrane. Length of the body 3t lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bllles' collection.


FulTlA,lala, dt'll" pUllttala,lulI'fI aut lIigro co"'per,a, ."blUl pallitle jlllfIII. ; llaoracil ,pi_ long., rob'I$I., orula, iii:!: (ure"tlellte.; ,cutf'lIum apire flam pallido marginalum; pedes gra(ile., nigro I'OlIIperri; al. anlic. I"'co ,,,6,,eb,,I_.

Tawny, oVll1, broar1, short, thickly punctnred; punctures brown or black.; under aide and legs pale yelluw. Head conical; lobes of equal lengtb. Rnstrllm exlending to the hind C(lXII!. Spines or the thorax. Inng. Itout, acnte, hardly ascending. Scutellnm bordl'red with pale yellow at tbe tip. Legs IIlender, spotted witb black. Fore wing!! slightly clouded with hrown; membrane cinerenus. Lenglh of the body 3 lines. a. AmazoD Region. From Mr. Bales' collection.


PallidI' "indi., lala, .cite p""clala; caput brf1liu'l'tIlIlIn, tt'Ilal'to 1IIIrillm, "J6i, latera lib", lobu", medium "ia: ,uperallli6ur; lAoracia 'pi_ long., rob .. ,., aCIlI., Tlia: ascent/ente., "pire "igr., luti« .ubapico/i tntareo; leutellum "pice rOlllndal"m; /,rde. pallidI' ledaM, rob",ti, 6rtTIt'.

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Pale green, oval, broad, minutel), punctured. Head ratber short, partly testaceous; lateral lubes hardly extendiug beyond tbe middle lobe. Antennm slender, bardly half tbe length of tbe body; first johlt nlit extending to the front of the head; second much sborter than. tbe tbird ; fourth and fifth as loug as the third. Thorax: wilb a traus,·erse callus on each side in front; spiues long, stout, acute, hardly ascending, testaceous lowards the tips, which are black. Scutellum somewbat rouuded at the tip. Legs pale lestaceouB, sloUl, short. Membrane of tbe fore wings pellucid. Length of tbe body 31- Jines.

In tbe sbape of tbe body and tbe somewhat rounded Rutellum tbit species ~pproaches the genus Hoplutodera. . a. Amazon Region. From Mr. Batel' collection.


(ft:kractll, lata, ,eiu punc/ala., rubtlll pallid/l flaM; caput anti« ferru­gineum, lobu lateralib"" lobum medium perpa.ullu .uperantibur; alltenRdl pa,llide fo'fJllJ, apice ruf.; tkoru puncli, ,uatllDr aralic;. nigTu, 'PlnU roburtu marginegue po.ti('o ferru.qineU; ,eule/lum bui nOllllllngua", ferruganeu"" puncta. duobv. nigm la.teralillu. po.t­",edii,; pectlll ferrugineo biviltalllm; at,. antic. ferrugint., maclilu dllablll COSlllliblll pallide jlaflU.

. Ocbraceous, short, 01'81, minntely punctured; punctures of the ground hue; under side and legs pale yellow. Bead conical, ferrugiuous in front,; lateral lobes extending verylitlle beyond the middle lobe. . Rostrum with a black tip, extending to tbe bin4 coxe. Autennm pale yellow,.le61 thaa half the length of the body; irst and second joints red; irst not extending to the front of the bead; second less than half tbe length of the third; fourth much shorter than the tbird; ifth red, as long as the fourth. Thorax witb four black points in a transyerse lint, in front of wbich there are two transyerae ca\1i, one on eacb side; hind border and spines ferrugioous j the latter stl/ut, acute, promillent. Scutellum with two black lateral poillts beyond the middle; sometimes ferrnginous towards tbe base. Pectus with two marginal ferruginous stripea. Legs slender. Fore winga ferruginous, with two costal pale yellow spots; fillot spot basal, mucb larger than the second, wbich is at the tip of tbe corium; membrane pale cinereous. Lengtb of the body 3 lines. a--e. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection.


Cimex armiger, PdT. Sp. In,. ii. 348; Mant. In •• it 286-Coreus armiger. Fabr. Ent. Sylt. iv. 128; S!ld. RAyn. 196-Mormidea debelllltor, C. H. 2l4-Pentatoma (Aspavia) armigera, Still, Hem. AfT. i. 136.

a-d. Sierra Leone. Presented bv the Rev. D. F. Morgan. tI. West Africa. Presented by 8. 'Frend, Esq. J, g. West Africa. From Mr. Fraser's collection. k. Congo. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. i. Old Calabar. From Mr. John Gray's collectioll. /C. -I'


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30. MORMIDEA BABTATOB, C. H.214. Pentatoma (Aspa'ia) hlBtator, Sial, Hem. Afr. i. 139 • •• Sierra Leone. Presented by the BeY. D. F. Morgan.

31. MOBllIDBA PONCTATA. C. H. 214. Pentatoma (nerda) punotata, Slid. Hma. Afr. i. 171 • • , b. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. ,~, Old Calabar. From Mr. John Gray's collection.

32. MOBlllnKA coaTANA. C. H.216. PentatoJDa (Carbula) curtana. Sml, Hem. Afr. i. 164 • .. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Be,. D. F. Morgan.


Cimex .anpineiroatria, TAunb. Him. &'Ir. ii. 4-Cimelt qnadridena, TAu"b. HfIfft. Rrnlr. ii. 4-Pentatoma cmdelis, Hf11N!, C.,. HfIfft. 40-Mormidea pugnlll. C. H. 216-Pentatoma (Veterna) sanguinei-r081ris, 8t.l. Hma. Afr. i. 164.

II. Cape. From M. Drege', collection. b-d. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. fl. Natal. From M. GneinziuI' collection. I, g. -1' From Mr. Chiidren'B collection. A.-P •

34. MOIlJllnBA. TOJIBMTIVENTRIB, C. H.216. Mormidea b08chjesmana, Stal, Of •• K. Vet. Ai. ForA. 1863, 217-Penta-

toma (Durmia) tomenti,entris. Sial, Hma. Afr. i. 160. . •• Cape. From M. Drege·. collection.

36. MOaMIDE.4 COMJIlNOBNS, C. H. 216. Pentatema (Durmia) conjungens, SIal, Hem. #r. i. 147 • •• Cllpe. From M. Drege's collection. 6. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. c. Madagascar. From Madame Ida Pfeiffer's collection.


Cimex melacanthus, Fabr. E",. Syat. iv. 103; Sy". RAyn. 166-1Ior­midea maculipes, Sign. Rn. ~, Mag. Zool. 1861, 444.

'Gabon. Sierra Leone. Madagascar. II. Cungo. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. 6. West Africa. From Mr. Fraser', collection.

37. MOlllllnEA DKCOIlATA.

decorate, Sign. A. S. B. F. 3me Ber. ,iii. 928-Pentatoma (Carbula) deeorata, SIal, Hma. Afr. i. 140.

Zanzibar. Madagascar.

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Pentatoma (Carbula) blaoda, &.1, H, .. Afr. i. 142. Natal.


Pentatoma (Carbula) capito, SIIIl, H ... Afr. i. 148. Guioea.


Hormidea pugionata, St.l, Off}. Vet. Al .. Forla. 1868,313-Peotatoma (Veteroa) pugiunata, Stell, H,m. Afr. i. 167. .

South Africa. . II. -?


Cimex typhllua, H.-SeA. W.IIZ. Til •• vi. 66, pl. 201, f. 628-Peotatoma (Diormia) hlldula, Stal, Hem. Afr. i. 149.

Sierra Leone • •• Natal. From M. Gueioziul' collection.


albidofuseata, &al, Off}. K. Vet. Ale. ForA. 1863, 217-Peotatoma (Dur­mia) bellicosa, St.l, Hem. Afr. i. 147.

Natal. 43. MOBMIDBA Mut.8AKTI. .

Peotatoma Mulaanti, 8t.l, Of •• Vet. Al. ForA. 1863, 219-Peotatoma (Durmia) Mullanli, St.l, Hem. Afr. i. 148.



rotundata, Sip. Arela. Eal. ii. 282-Antealia rotundata, SIIIl, H .... Afr. i.204.

Pld Calabar.

• 46. MORllIOEA. BBtlNNEA..

brunnea, Sig". AreA. B",. ii. 286-Pentaloma (Aspavia) bruoo8&, Sial, . Hellt. Afr. i. 139. . Old Calabar.


albidomaculata, Sial, Off). K. Vet. Ak. Forla. 11:163, 217-Mormidea mela­cantha, Sig •• ArcA. EnL ii. 281-Pentatoma (Aspavio) albidomaculata, St.l, Hem. Afr. i. 138.

Natal. Madagascar.

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Cimex viUatus, Fubr. Ent. Sy". iv. 104,96; Syd. R.l&yn. 165, 52-Mor­midea viUata, Sign. A. S. E. F. 3me Ser. viii. 928.

Soutb Africa. MadagHScar.


Pentatoma (Aspavia) pallidispina, Stal, Hem. Afr. i. 137. Cape.


terminalis, Schaum, Peter., Rei8/1 Muzamb. 38. Mozamtique.



&rdidejlafHI..tupere punetata,f"'co aut nigricante can.pena; cap.,."itt. glabra; an/ennte jla'flte, Illtulo,~ j thoraa: brevi,"eu/u., .pinif longil nigril robu,/i. erellti. j ,eu/eUum mereulif duabus ba.alibul un", ... apieali flavu magni,; wnler. punet;, nigri' bivitta/am; pedel robadi.

Diogy yellow, oval, rather coarsely punctured; punctures brown or, blackish. Head cunical, not milch shurter than the tborax, with it smooth Itripe; lobes of equal length. Rostrum witb a blHck tip, extending to the hind coxm. Aotennm yellow, setulose, not more than half tbe length of the body; first joiDt not exteuding to tbe front of tbe head; second and third equal in length ; fourth longer than tbe third; fifth a lillie sholler tban the fourth. Thurax rather short; spines loog, stout, acute, mostly black, directly dh·erj(ing. Scutellum with a large smooth pH Ie yellow spot on each side of tbe fore burder and another at the tip. Abdomeo beneath with two irregular stripes of black puuctures. J.egs stout. Membraoe of ihe fore wings pale cinereous. Lcngth of tbe body 4 lines. - .

It closely resembles M. armigera, but the spines of the thorax are shorter and thicker. . •• Natal. From M. GoeDzius' collection.


FW'fItI,cen" lata., den •• JlUflCtata, nigra consper.a; capil" lalera jugata, lobum medium lobo. laterale. perpaallo luperante; rostrum .,d t'alidam; thora:e pollice IUbearinat"., .pini. nigricanlibu. longil robusti. acul"; wnw maculil quataor amei. Iran.'fItIr.i. j pede, rolnuti, nigra con,per" j alte antictR linea gutti.que non."lIi. glabri ••

Dull tawny, broad, oval, thickly punctured; punctures black; onder side and legs paler. Head cunical, with 1& ridgeou each side between the eye and the antenna; middle lobe extending very little beyond the lateral lobes. Rostrum rather stont, with a black tip, extending nearly to the hind border or the fil'8t abdominal sellment. Thorax with a transverse callus on each side in front aud with It slort and very slight keel.which extends to the hind border; spines blackish, long, stout, acute. Scutellum a little

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longer than broad. Abdomen beneath with a transvene mneous spot on each of the fourth and fifth segments; apical spines acnte. Legs stout; femora and tibim black-speckled. Fore wings with a smooth line between the exocorium and the mesocorium, and with a few smooth dots; mem­brane cinereous; veins brown. Length of the body 31-4 lines.

It has 80'me resemblance to the genus Arma. /I. Old Calabar. From Mr. John Gray's collection. 6. Madagascar. Presented by J. Caldwell, Esq.

52. MOBMlDB ... r PEDESTalS.

Olllt:ur, jUllra, aspere puncta la, frigricante consper,a: antennte pallid, jlatJtB. arti,'ulo 40 apire nigricanll', 50 Rigro bali jlafJO; tAoralli ,pinil Higricantibu. crassi. longi. aeuti.; .cutellum bi.ulc4tum; abdomini. latera Berrata; pede. robUlti.jlaf1D jasciati,jeJnoribw'apira wr.u, uRi.piRom; membrana wni. retieu/atil.

Dark tawny, oval, roughly punctured; punctures blackish. Head elongate; lateral lobes hardly extending beyond the middle lobe. Rostrum pale yellow. AntennlB pale yellow, hardly half tbe length of the body; first joint much shorter than the anterior part of the head; second much longer than the third; fourth longer than the tbird, blackish towards tbe tip; fifth black, yellow at the base, much longer tban the fourtb. Thorax 'With some small intervening smootb spaces; spines blackish, long, acute, very stout. Scutellum WiLh a sballow excavation on each side extending mucb beyond the angle of the corium. Abdomen serrated along eacb side; apical spines stout, bardly acute. Legs brown, stout; femora pale yellow towards the base, with a spine above near tbe tip; tibilB pale yellow, brown at each end; tarsi pale yellow; the brown bue most prevalent in the fllre legs. Membrane of the fore wings cinereous; \'aiDS brown,' reticulated .. Length of the body 3t lines. s. Sierra Leone. From Mr. Janson's collection.

63. MOBlilIDUi' t7NISIGN&TA.

Ful"", lata, Icite pURctata,jUlco aut nigricantll coR'P'"a; t"o,alll calli, duubus antid. transversi. jurcati. undulatil, callo intermedio oc"raceo fi"o, .pin" Il)ngi. acuti. apice Rigris; .cutellum punet" duobUl basalibUl glabril apice,,,, pallid"; pedes graciles.

,Tawny, broad, oval, thickly and finely. punctured; punctures brown or blackisb; under side and legs paler. Head conical; lobes of equal length. Rostrum piceous at the tip, hardly estending beyond tbe hind coxm. Thurax in front with two transverse forked undulating calli; between these there is an ochraceous callus, which is cleft except in front; jlllnctures black about these calli and along the sides of the tburax; spines lung, sluut, aCllte, black towards the tips. Scutellum paler at the tip, extending nearly to the angle of the corium; a pale smootb point on each side at the base. Legs slender. MelDbrane of the fore wings ciuereou!. with darker veins. Length of the body 5 lines.

It agrees wi~b Pentatoma in general structure. 4. Old Calabar. From Mr. John Gra,.s collection~

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Madagascar. Mauritius. 64. M ORMIDEA. A.BDOMINALIS.

abdominalis, Sign. A. S. E. F. 3_ Stf'. 'iii. 929-Pentatoma (Carbula) abdomiualis, Sial, Hem. AIr. i. 144.


anDulicornis, Sip. A. S. E. F. 3_ Stf'. ,iii. 927-Pentatoma (Herda) petulans, Sial, Hem. AIr. i. 171.

Madagasear. 66. :&fORMIDHA. RUBICUNDA..

Petaloma (Ilerda) rubicunda, Sltl.l, Hem. Afr. i. 170. Madagasear.


Pentatoma (Aspavia) lungispina, Sial, Hem. Afr. i. 137. Mauritius.


Pentatoma (Durmia) capreola, Stal. Hem. AIr. i. 149. Madagascar.


Euschistus nigromarginatus, Sign. A. S. E. F. 3me Stf'. 'iii. 927-Penla­toma (Veteroa) lligrumarginata, Sial. Hem. Afr. i. 153.

¥adagascar. Asia.


&rdide jl.tJUCtIfI •• · rude p"nct.ta, nigro COJIIp«'III, ,ublUl pallide flaM; .nlmnm pallide jla'IItB, Ht"lolm; ,pinm nigrm, robtultB, .culm, ,,,bobli,,,,m; ,c"tell,,'n maclIlil duabUi magnu ba,alibu. unll"ue apicali di.coque pallide flam; 4bdomm ,,,btUl et lemor. nigro ",bcoRIfJtT.a; petIe, .etulo';. •

. Dingy yellowish, elongate-oval, largely punctured; punctures black; under side and legs rale yellow. Head more tbickly punctured than tbe thorax; lobes of equa lengtb. Rostrum extending to the hind COXal; tip black. AntennlB pale yellow, setulose; first joint extending nearly to tbe frollt; second lonller than tbe third. Thorax Wilb a transverse callus on each side near the fore border and with a smooth slight marginal ridge on each side between the spine and tbe fore border; spines hlack, stout, acute, slightly pr'Uecting furward. Scutellum with the disk pale yellow and tbinly punctured; tbree large· smooth pale yellow spots. two on the fore anglcs and ODe at tbe tip. Pectus, under side of ahdomett .. femora with a Cew black points. Legs slender, setuWse. Membrane of the fore wiugs pellucid. Length of tbe body 4 lines.

Very nearly allied to M. jnlieit ••

•• Hindostau. From the EUlomulogiclll Suciely's collection.

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FulH, a.pn6 punetata, ,u6ttU pallide lulea; caput nigrieaftl, ,cite punetata, 1060 mtdio ful'l1O 10601 laterale. paullo .uperante; IAora:t: ,trigi, duahu, lutei. glah", marginali6u. ptJ.tiee dilatali" rpini. nigru cra,," aeuli, longi"imi. ,u606/igui.; .cutellum maelAli. duabw 641a/i6w magni, apicegue luteir; tegmentum Sum ventrale piceo "rigatum.

Tawny, oval, largely punctured; punctures of the ground hue; under side and legs pale luteous. Head blackish, thickly and minutely punctured; middle lobe tawny, extending a little beyond the lateral lobea. Rostrum extending to the hind CO"31. Antennm slender;- first joint not extending to tbe front of tbe bead; second sborter tban tbe tbird. Thorax witb tbe two usual transverse calli Ilear the fore border; two luteous smooth mar­ginal streaks, whicb widen from tbe spines to tbe fore border, wbere tbere is a tubercle contiguous to eacb eye; spines black, acute, very long and stout, slightly bent forward. Scutellum witb a lar/le luteous spot on each side at tbe base; tip somewhat rounded, bordered with luteous. Abdomen benneath with an interrupted piceous streak on tbe fifth segment. Legs slender. Fore wings wiLb a cinereous membrane. Length of the body 4 lines. .

Allied to M. armigera, but tbe spines of the thorax are tbicker. a. Siam. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

Australasia. 62. MOBIlIDEA FLOBENS.

Saturate tliridil, lata, alpere punetata; caput oeAraceum, nigro margi_ natum; antemus nigrta,. lxui wirides; tAoraci •• pinta nigrte, robtUtta, lIeutte, longildmta, fIi:t: 41cendmle.; ,culellum macula llpicali pallide flava; fIBIIter duco pallide luteo, gulli, marginali6u. nigri,; tard lutri.

Deep green, broad. oval, rougbly punctured; under side and legs paler. Head above ochraccous, bordered with black and sometimes with black Butures between tbe lobl!s, which are of equal lengtb. Rostrum extending a little beyond the bind coxae; tip black. AnteDnlll black, slender, full half the lenRth of the body; first joint green, not extending to tbe front; third longer tban the second, shorter tban the fourth; fifth as long as the fourtb. Thorax smooth along the fore border; spines, stout, acute, very long, very slightly ascending. Scutellum with a round pale yellow apical spot. Abdomen beneath with a pale Illteous disk and with black marginal dots. Legs slender; tarsi luteons. Membrane of the fure wings bruwn. Lengtb of the body 4 lines. a. Siam. Presented hI W. 'V. Saunders, Esq. 6. Malacca. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. c. Sumatra. Presented _~r W. W. Saunders, Esq. d. Birmab. From Mr. Waring's cullection.

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Ful"", a'P"fl pUltcta~a, nigro con'~r,a, .ubtu. pallide teliaclIa; antennlll apice. trerlUl fligrlll; tl&oraa: lineu dudu, ,narginalibu. flavo-lllbi., ,pinu flign. longi. cra"i, obt,,'" .ubobli9ui.; .cutellu", maculi. d"abUl ba.alib", unagUll apicali magnu pallide flawi.; pede. nigro conaperri; ai4J anticlII colta basi albida.

Tawny. oval. roughly punctured; punctures black; under side, rostrum and legs pale testaceous. Head elongate-conioal, more thickly punctured than the thorax; lobes of equal length. Rostrum extending to the hind COXIB. Antennleslender, full half the length of the body; lint joint not extending to the front of the head; second and tbird or about equal length; fourtb and fifth black, very much longer tban the third. Thorax with a transverse callus on each side in front. aud with a smootb Blight yellowish wbite marginal ridge between tbe spine and the fore border; spines black, stout, long, rounded at tbe tips, sligbtly inclined forward. Scutellum with three large smooth pale yellow spots, one on each side of the fore border, the tbird apical. Legs slender; femora and tibilB black.speckled. Fore wings with the c().~ta whiti.h at the base; membrane ciuereous. Length of the body 31 linea.

Very nearly allied to M. 10cia, but the spines of the thorax are less acute.. . a. Java.


Saturale tJiridil, .cite punctata, .ubtu, tntaC'/ltl wiridi pallido marginata; caput orl&raetum, fligro marginatum; rodru", pallide Iellaceum, apiet Rigrum; tl&oraa: 'pinu nig,.i, acutillongu.i,nu perpaullo ucendenti­b",; wnter gUIiU marginalibu. nigri.; tarsi apice te,tacei.

Deep green, oval, minutely punctured; under side pale green witb a testaceous disk. Head ocbraceouB, small, conioal, bordered with black, green towards the hind border; lobes of equal length. Rostrum pale testaceous, extending to the bind border of the first abdominal segment; tip black. AntennlB slender, about balf the length of the body; firstjoiut extending to the front of tbe head; second longer than the third; third longer tban the fourth; fifth more than twice longer than the fourth. Thorax with a smooth tranuene space on each side in front; spines black, acute, very long, very slightly ascending. Scutellum attenuated towards tbe tip,' extending to the angle of the corium. Abdomen beneath with black marginal dota. Legs slender; tarsi testaceous towards the tips. Mell?braue of tile fore wings pale cinereous. Length of the body €Ii lines. 4. Batehian. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

Genus 12. TYOMA. Tyoma. Spin. Ta". Sin. 98-0xycoris, Mayr, Vcrl&. Zool. Bot. Grlc".

Wien. xiv. 909; No""ra Hem. 58.

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Cimex cryptorbyncbu8, Gn".. Silb. Bn. Enl. v. 169-Tyoma cryptn­rhynclla, Spin. Tav. Sin. 99-0xycoris cryptorbynchus. Ma!Jr. Vni. Zool. Bal. Geac". Win. xiv. 909.

Capo. Genus 13. HOPLISTODERA, C. H.216.

1. HOPLI8TODERA TEsnoEA, C. H.216. a, 6. Jan. From Mr. Argent's collection. _g, Pulo PenRng. Preseuted by J. C. Bowring, Esq. A. Sumatra. From Sir Stamford RHfiles' collection. i,j. Tondano. Presented hy W. W. Saunders, Esq. k. MY80I. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

2. HOPLI8TODBBA VIRESOENS, C. H.217. a. North Hindostan. From Capt. Boys' oollection.

3. HOl'LI8TODEBA TRllIIAOVLATA, C. H.217. II. Java. From the East India Company's collection. b, c. Philippine I~les. From Mr. Cuming's collection. tl. Hiudostao. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. e. Pulo Penang. Presented by J. C. Bowrinll. Esq. f. Malacca. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. g. Burra. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. i. -P Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

4. HOPLISTODERA OONVEX., C. H.217. a. Philippine Isles. From Mr. Cuming's collection. b. Celebes. From Mr. Wallace's collection.


Ful .. , lata, a.pere pwtcl41a, rrigF'O _.,.._; C4ptd nigrUfll, magllum ; roI"'" I"t_, apicc nignlm; .IIImf1411 bari te""~; t1aortu: .palio 4ntico li"'rilf/ut dua6u,' Iran"",," "s"Uque cram. acutil longilrimillligril; leutellu", callil dtu1blll balalib", _grail paltide lutm, «piee lulflO; peeltU et ",IIter "igra. te.taceo margil&ata; pede, te,tacei, nigra conspnri. .

Tawny, :broad, oval, roughly pu lIctured above and beneath; puncturell black. Head black, large. nearly as long as the thorax; lobes of equlll length. Rostrum testaceOU8, extending to the hind COllie; tip black. Antennle testaceous at tbe base. Thorax with a transverse black mark between the .pines; fore part black, with a transverse smooth space on each side; spines black, acute, very long and SLeIlI, slighLly ascending, I01Detimes inclined forward. Scutellum tawny at the tip, extending to Jiv_ixths of the lenglh of the abdomen, with a'large pale luteou8 callus on eacb side at tbe base. Pectus mostly black. Abdomeu beneltlh black, irregularly bordered with testaceous. Legs testaeeOu8, slender, blaok-


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Ipeckled. MembraDe of tbe fore WiDga clDereous; niBS browD. Length of the body 2i lines. II, b. Java. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq.


80rdide ce.lllceo, lala,- a.pert punclalll, RifPo COfIIP"I4; ttlput nlgro­cmeum; aRlenlltll apice piCt!tll; Ilw1'll:ll m.rgaM aRlico ,piRiUJtUI longil robu"iI aeuti. ,ubobliqui. Rigro-tlIneU; .cutellum ban Lateri· bUB RifPo-cmril, calli. duobu, ba,alibUB magRi' pallid. jlam; WIll" Rigro-tlIneu" tellaceu margmatu,; pede. pallide te,'am, Rigra con­IfIIIrli.

Dingy testaceous, broad, ova], rougbly pnnctnred above and beneath; punctures black. Head blackish ameOU8, large, a little shorter than the thorax; lobes of equal length. Rostrum testaceous, extending to the bind ouxre; tip black. Antennre testaceons, slender, about half tbe length of the body; first joint not extending to tbe front; joints from the second to the fiflh sligbtly and snccessiYely increasing in length; fifth piceous. Thorax blackish reneous in front, where there is a transverse smooth space on each side; spines IBneona-black, long, stout, acute, slightly inclined forward. Scutellum mostly on each side and at the base, where there is a large pale ye\1ow callns on each aide. Pectus parll, blackish reneous. Abdomen beneath blackish IBneous, more or less testa­ceous along eacb side. Legs pale testaceous, slender; femora and tibilB black-speckled. Membrane of the fore wings pale cinereous, wid! pale testaceous yein8. Length of the body 2t lines.

The spines of the thorax are more horizontal than those of H. ill­--rgen'. a. Mount Ophir. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. 6. Bomeo. Presen_d by W. W. Saunders, Esq. '


Sordid, le,lIIeea, lala, fliridi 'UlfNl., tupere puraclllta, ftigro ~".: CIIpt" Rigrum, te,taceo tAIliflitttdtlm; tlwra#ll mlaceo pallido mar­gill4ttAl, plagi, dua6tA1 a,dicil IlifPil glalwil obtUBi,; 'CKteli_ CIIU .. ct.ob., bal4lib", magni,jlam,plagil dubtAllKbapicalilnu .ridilnu;. pede. pallide te,lIIeri, nigra CO, "perri.

Din" testaCeoUlI, with a slight metallic-green tinge, broad, oval, roughl, pnnctured above alld beneath; punctures blacli. Head black, large, a little sborter tban tbe thorax; lobes of equal length ; middle lobe testaceous. furming a sligbt keel. Thorax bordered on each side and alone ,the fore border with a smooth pale leataceous line; a transverse black nearly smootb patch on each side in front.; bl'ines black, broad, short, obtnse. Scutellum with a large yellow callus on each side of tbe fure border and with a metallic-green patch on each side near the tip. Pectus and under side of abdomen with two irregular metallic-green stripes. Lega pale testaceons, sle,nder; femora and tibie black-speckled. Membrane of the fore wings cinereous. Length of the body 21 lines. a. Burru. Presented by W. W. Sannders, Esq.



4lrc_pieH, lalll. a!fW! l'arccllJlII; rwtf'Ull& miaMI"'. qice "i,,..,,, i tA_ ,pircu lat.mlll" lubaculu _ ~zt.,.",; 1CUU1lum ","iMu~ caUu duob.. b_lib.. api«f- fCllitl~ I,,""; JlflCluriI .",.,.,. luko 1II4rginata; ~de. pallid~ lam. nigro conlptrli.

. .Eneous·piceou&, broad, oval. shilling, rougbly punctured above aDd beneatb. Head conical; lobes ofeqnallengtb. Rostrum testaceous, black towards tbe tip, extending nearly to the hind bolder oC the first abdominal segmeol. Antennle/iceun&, sleuder; firstjuiot not extending to the Cront or the head; secon mucb sborter than tbe third; fourth a little longer thaD the third. 'fborllx witb a smooth transverse CII\lU8 on eacb side iD front; spines sbort, very brolld, slightly acute. Scutellum extending lIearl, to the tip of the abdomen; a large callus on ellcb side at the base and the whole breadth at the tip pale luteous. Pectus pale luteous ou the borders of the segments. Legs pale lutcous, stout; Cemora and tibile speckled with black. Membrane 01' the fure wings brown. Length of the body 4llioea. c. Celebes. From Madame Ida PCeill'er's collectioo.

Genus 14. ALCIMUS, C. H. 218. 1. Al.oDluS LINBOL&TUS, C. H. 218.

c. Philippine Isles. From Mr. Cuming's collection.


N'IIrt', Cl'UIIII, acite ,*"clllt .. ; capu4 fJittu ciu6.. .,.,icit filUII'iltU trib .. l"leU; rwtrum ,aUide '"leum, apice "ig,..m; anndl picedl, INui lutedl; tIaoraz atomi. faleiu,_ dub .. pallid/J lalm, facia 1/1 bu interr"pta nigra i"'~"ine.Ia, 2a ircterrupla, 'pin" crtIIIU longiI­rim" peraculi, ,,,ba/lCendmtibUl mcatu '"teo Itrigam; .CtlteliuR call" duobu, b/ll/llibul .itt. fuluor pallid/J luw; peda lulli; /lldl IUIliCtll luko lJaiRt- fIillaldl; membrana fUlca.

Black, oval, thick, tbioly aod finel, punctured. Head short, witb pale IUteoUB marks; these are twu stripes in front, a spot ou each side between the eyes, a spot near the hind border and the antenuiferolls tubercles; lobes of equal length. Rostrum pale luteous, estending a little beyond the hind COllie; tip black. Aotennm piceous, slender, a little more than half the lengtb oC the body; first joint pale luteou!, not extending to tbe froDt oC the head; second much IIhorter tban the tbird; fourtb sborter tban tbe third, a little longer than tbe fiftb. Tborax with pille luteous speckles, iu Cront of wbich tbere are two irregular pale luteou8 bands; first band inter­rupted on each side, its middle part CQDtaioing a tnlDsverse twice inter­rupted black line; second band interrupted in the middle; spioes slightly ascending, very long and thick and acute, furrowed in frout and bebind, with tbree pale hUeons stre"ks at the base. Scutellum extending neari, to tbe tip of the abdomen, with a Ilirge pale luteou8 clllIus on each Bide at the base and with four pale luteuus stripes, tbe inner stripes sligbtly diverging from each otber biodward and then united; the OilIer stripes united beyoud the inner stripes. Pectull aud under tiide of abdomen widl

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168 CATALOGUE 0:1'

four irregular macular pale luteous stripes. Lera luteous, stont; felDOra mostly paler; fore wings with five more or less complete pale luteoua stripes; membraue brown. Length oltbe body 4 lines • •• Celebes. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

Genus 16. TAU RODES, C. H. 219. 1. TAU RODES BOOPS, C. H.220 •

•• Philippine Isles. From Mr. Cuming's collection.

Genus 16 • ..ESCHRUS, C. H. 220. l.lEsCBBDS OBSCURDS. C. H.221.

4. Java. From Mr. Argent's colleetion. b. Hindostan. From Mr. Stevens' collection.


. FeJ't'1lgineu.. alplfY! puractlltUl,. nigro cOftrpt'r.UI; caput nfgrum, lobU lateralibus ellltuB deratads lobum medium Buperafltibus; untenntlltjulflll, corporis dimidio breviores; tAoralll aratice raiger mill cariraatUl, .pinil crassi. longiuimil peracuti. apict raigri.; pectUl et INInter raigro tJaria; jemtwG nigra, jui'l1U hijasciatll; tihitllt piceo jasciattllt, ban fI"grtllt; menabrar&4 ciRerta, fligricarate rt'lieul.ta.

Ferruginous, elliptical, roughly punctured above and beneath l punc­tures black. Head black, hardly narrower in front; lateral lobes extending beyond the middle lobes, each armed with a stout tuoth on the outer side of the frollL Rostrum tawny, extending a liLLIe beyond the hind COX&!.

Antennll! tawny. slender. less than half the length of tIle body; first joint · Dot extending to thefrullt of the head; second shorter than the third; fourth and fi'-th piceous; fourth shorter than the third and than the firth. Thorax

· transversely and alightly impressed and partly black in front, where there is 8 slight longitudinal keel; spines very lung and stout and acute, slightly

· inclilled fl)rward, black in frollt and with black tips. Scutellum about two­thirds of the length of the abdomen. Pectus and IInder side of the abdo. men partly black. Legs stout; COXII! and femora black; posterior femora with two tawny bands; fecond band irregular; tibill! black at the base and with a piceous band. Corium of tbe fore wings small; membrane cioe­reous, with blackisb reticulated veins. Lengtb of tbe body 3 lines • •• - P From Mr. Vigors' collection.

Genus 17. AXIAGASTUS, C. H.221. 1. AXU.GASTUS ROSMABUS, C. H.221.

In the female of tbis speci~s tbe sides of tbe rostral channel are not developed into spines. The lengtb of the rustrum is variable. The antenlMB are mucb more tban balf the lengtb of tbe body and tbe joints to the fourth successi,ely increllse in lenglh; the fourth and tbe fifth are equal in length. The pale luteous spot at tbe tip of tbe scutellum is very variable in size and shape. In two ~pecimens uf tbe male tbe right antenua of the ODe and the left IIntenna uf the other are defurmed, lind not more than one-third of &be l!liullllengtb, and wiLh ooly tbree perceptible joints.

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•• Philippine Isles. From Mr. Cuming's collection. b. Celebes. From Mr. Wallace's collection. c. Celebes. Presented by W. W. Saunders. Esq. d. Siam. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. If. New Guinea. Preseuted by W. W. t>aunders, Esq.


Pentntoma marmoratum, Mlz. Ann. Sri. Phys. et Nat. Ber. 2, vii. '97-Axiagastus marUioratus, Sial, A. S. E. F. 4rne Ser. iv. 52.

Wood lark.

Genus 18 . ..ELlA, O. H.222. Europe.

1. ..I:UA ACUMIN4TA, 0. H.223 • ..Elia rostrata, Bohm. Of". K. Vd. Al.'tld. Furh. 185:2,50. a-m. England. From Mr. Stephens' cullectiou. n. Geneva. Presented by M. Goureau. o. Gibraltar. p-gg. Madeira. From Mr. Wollaston's collection. 'hh, ii. Albania. Presented hy W. W. Saunders, Esq. jj. ---P Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. kk-mm.--i'


--- --- Geoffl. Hi". In •. i. 472, 77-Cimex rostratu8, Deg. In •• iii. 271, 16, pI. 14, f. 12, 13-..Elia acuminata, Curt. Brit. Ent. xv. 704-lElia neglecta, O. H. 22a-..Elia pallida, Kiuler, Sutt. Bnt. Zeit. xiii. 394, pI. 3, f.4. Fitb. Hem. 352. Flor, Rhyng. Liv. i. 121-..Elia rostrata, Muls. et Hey, Pun. France, ii. 13t •

•. England. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. b-e. France. f. Madeira. Presented hy T. V. Wollaston, Esq. g. Hong Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esqr A. Nurth Cbina. From Mr. Fortune's collection. i,j. ---I' Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

3 • ..ELlA VIBGATA. Cimex virgatus. Klug, MSS. H.-Sell.. Wanz. Iru. vi. 67, pI. 202, f. 632-

virgata, Klug, 8ym. PI,y!. Wanz. Ins. 67, r. 632. Fieb. Hem. 351 • • Vuls. et &y, Pun. France, ii. 141.

Greece. Turkey. Syria.

4. lELIA GERMaBI. Germnri. KUfter. Slpti. E'll. Zeit. xiii. 391, pl. a, f. 1. Fitb. Hem. 351.

Muls. et Rey, Pun. Prance, ii. 130. Dalnl&lia. Sicily. Spaiu.

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6 • ..f!LIA BUBJlEI8TB&L

Blirmeilteri, Xu"", B&ZriL siii. 393, pl. 3, r. 3. Fv6. HM. 363. Spain.


bifida, 0011., Oim. Orllt. 2 tIrc", 6·10, 27, pl. 6, £ 9-.Eliodea bifida, Mu". d &y, Pun. FIA,,", ii. 162.

France. Italy.

7 • ..ELlA. KLUOI.

Klllgi, HaA", Wanz. In,. i. 123, pI. 19, f. 64. Germ. Stett. Ent. Zeit. iii. 68. OUlla, Cim. O,nt. ii. tll'CIU 6-10,27. KtUter, St,lt. Bnt. Zeit. xiii. 396, pl. 3, f.6. Kal. Mel. Bnt. iv. 20. SaAlb. MOil. GeM. 28, 8. Fieb. H,m. 362. Flor. RJaync". Li". i.119. Mu". lit Bey, P_. Fr.rtl:r, ii. 138.


8 • ..f!LU INFLED, C. H. 224. Cimex piaeus nigro.punctatus, Ihg. [",. iii. 270, IS-Cimex pulatua, Fall.

Mon. Cim.60; Hem. 32-Plalvsolen inGexlls, Fieb. Hem. 354-..Eliodes inftexa, Mul, . • , &y, Pun. Fran«, ii. 146. DotIgIa aU Scott, Brit. Hem. Het. 71.

II, 6. France. c, d. Europe. Presented by J. G. Children, Esq. e,/. Europe. Presented by the Entomolugical Club. g. Europe. Presented by W. W. Saundera, Esq.

9 . ..f!LIA. ORISBA.

Pentatoma ftavomarginata, Lllca" &,1. Bc. Alg. iii. 89, pI. 3, r. 10-PlatysoleD griseus, Fieb. Bem. 353-.Elia ftavomarginata, Barm8p. Bert. Ent. Zeit. i. 204-..Bliudes ftawomarginata, Mul8. et &y, FrAIIt!t!, ii.143. .

South France. Italy. Norlh Africa.

10. .EMA. Lt NBOLArA.

PeDlatoma lineolata, Mul,. et Bey, Aftn. Soc. Liftn. LVOn. 1850-62, 84. Mut.. Opu,c. Ent. i. 103-..Rliudes lioeulaLa, Muu. et lUy, P_.

. France, ii. 149. FraDce.

11 • .ELlA LEPORtNA..

Pentatoma perlatum, PaRZ. Fauft. IRI. 33, 22-Pentatoma leporinum, H •• ScA. FAIIII. [n •• 1 ]3, 7-Phltyslllen leporinul', Fieb. Bt,n. 3S3-..Bliodea lepurina, Mut.. et &y, P_. France, ii. 11>6.

France. Germany.

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12 • ..ELlA. ANGtlSTATA. Eosarcori. aogustalus, Ba,.,.,.". Berl. Erat. Zeil. iii. 337, pl. 6, I.2-Cl"1p­

sinus aogustatu., DoAm, Stetl. E,.t. Zeit. ] 860, 102, p\. I, I. 8-M"/ •• III &y, Pu". FraflCII, ii. 158-PlatysoleD angu,tatus, Fillb. H ... 364.

Sarepta. North America.

13 • ..ELlA TRILINEATA, C. H. 224 • • ,-6. Hudson's Bay. . Presented by Dr. Bamaton. e, tI. Nuva Scotia. From LieuL Redman's collection.

14 • ..En, AIlERleAKA, C. H.223. _ .,6. North America. Presented by the late Earl of Derby. II. SaskatehawaD. From Mr. Sullivan's collection. tl, II. Saskatclaawao. From M. Bourgeau'. collection.

Africa. 16. ..En, OAJ"UA, C. H. 224.

c, 6. South Africa. From Mr. Argent's collection.

IfS • ..ELlA. FULIGINOu.. fuligin08B, Kl.,. Sp. PAy •• pI. 43, f. 12-Abyssinia.

17 • ..ELlA SENEGALENSIS. Tetratoma Benegalensis, Sign. A. S. E. F. 2mll Ser. ix. 340, pl. 10, f.8-

Pentatoma (..Eliomolpba) Benegalenais, Sial, Hem. Afr. i. 173. Senegal.

18 • ..ELlA NATALJOOLA. natalicola, Stal, Oft. K. Vet. Ai. ForA. 1853, 2]8-Peotatoma (..E\io­

morpha) natalicola, Stal, Hem. Afr. i. 174. Cape. Natal.

19 • ..ELIAOBI8BOFLAV.A. grlaeoftan, Sial, Oft. K. Vet. Ai. ForA. ]863, 2]8-Pentatoma (..EUo­

morpha) griaeolan, Stal, Hem. Afr. i. 176. Natal.

20. ..ELlA. PU.ILA. pumita, Stal, Of". K. Vllt. Ai. ForA. 1853, 218-Pentatoma (..EJiomorpha)

- pumila, Stal, Hem. Afr. i. 116. Natal.

21 • ..ELlA. 8IMULA.N8 • ..Eliomorpha aimu)anB, Of.. K. Vet. Ai. ForA. 1868, 813-Pentatoma

(..RHomorpha) simulans, Stal, Hem. Afr. i. 116. South Africa. .

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22 . ..ELlA. BELLA. bella, SIal, 0/". K. Vet. AI. ForA. 1853, 217-Pentatoma (.£liomorpba)

bellll, Stal, Hem. A/r. i. 116. Natal.

Bindostan. 23 • ..ELlA. f aLAN DOLOSA.

glaudulosa, Burm. Handh. En'. ii.361. Bengal.

Geuus 19. SEPONTIA. Sepontia, SIal, Hem. A/r. i. 133.

1. SEPONTIA IIUSBLLA. Bulbocoris misellus, Stal, OJ,,. K. Vet. Ai. Faria. 1853,201-8epolltia

miseHa, Stal, Hem. A/r. i. 134. . Natal.

Genus 20. EYSARCORIS, C. H. 224.

Europe. 1. EYSAROORIS PBRLATOS, C. H. 228.

Cimex rurealuI, Rom, Faun. Elrwc. ii. 1311-Cimex melanocephalllB, WClr. Illig. Faull. Elr. ii. 374-Eusarcoris moeus, Fieh. Hem. 332.

a-m. England. From Mr. Stepbens' collection. n. Englllnd. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. o. Paris. Presented by the Enlomological Club. p. ~"itzerlaud. Presented by the Entomological Club. 9-1. St. Vincent, Cape de Verd Isles. Presented by the Admiralty.

2. EvsARooRls LO~ATt1S, C. H.229. Pentatoma impressum, H.-Sela. Faun. Ins. 115, 10; Wanz.lns. 'ii. 93-

Pentatoma lunata, Co.ta, Cim. Cent. 2 decal 6-10, 22-Rhacostetbus lunatus, Fieh. Hem. 831-8taria lunata, Mu". " &g, PUtt. FfYUlct, ii.I66.

a. South France. 6. Crete. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

3. EVSAJlOORIS MELANOCBPHALtlS. Cimex IImeus r 8copoli, Bat. Carn. 122, 368 - Cimex veuustissimlls I'

ScAr. Ent. 122, 636-Cimex melauocephalus, Fdr. S,sto E,I,.116, 99; }j'nt. Sy,t. iv. 126, 176. Panz. Faun. 11&1. 26, 24. Wolff, Icon. Oim. 139, 134, pI. 14, r. 134-Pentatoma melanocepbala, LaIr. Hist. I",. xii. 194. CUlla, Cim. Cml. ii. decal 6-10, 23. Gorski, Allal. E",. 78,48-Cydnus melaulK.'epbalus, Falw. 8yd. RAyrr.. 187,14-Eysarcoris melauucepbalum, HaAn, Wallz.ln •• ii. 130, pI. 70, f. 211-Eysarcoris melanocepbalus, Kot. Mel. Eat. y.33. Muh. et Rey. Pull. Fraace,

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ii. 170. DoNg'" .,,4 Seoll, Bril. Hem. Hel. 75-Eusarcoris melano-cephalu!, Fie6. Hem. 332. .

.~. England. From Mr. Stephens' oo1leotion.


PentatomR ;nc:onspicuum, H.-SeA. WIlft2'.ln., vii. 93 -Eusarcoris H elreri, Fie6. Hem. 332-Pentatoma pnsilla, COdll, Cim. Ce.'. ii. dectu 6-10, 24-EYlllrcllriS misellus, Sial, OJ,,. K. Yet. Alt. ForA. 1863, 217-Pentatuma (Ey8llrcoris) miRella, S141, Hem, Afr. i; 136-Eysarcorie epistomalis, Mult", Rey, P"". Frace, ii. 177.

Sicily. Egypt. Cape. Natal.


Cimex pasiUus, H.-ScA. Flilin. 1" •. 115, 9-Eysarcoris blnotatus, Hill •• WllftZ.I,... ii. 130, pl. 70, r. 212-Eysarcoris (lusillu., Kol. Mel. Enl. i". 34-Pentatoma oonsimili., 0,,'11,. Vim. Cent. ii: ti«u 6-10,26; pl. 6, f. 6-Eusarcoris binotatus, FiII6. Hem. 333-Eusarcoris gibbus, Fillh. Hem.-Dalleria pusilla, Millt. " Iliy, Pt.", Fr._, ii. 180 •

•• England. From Mr. Stephena' collection.


Cimex bipunctatus, Fdr. Sp. I, ... ii. 358; Enl. Sy". iy. 121 i Sy". Rlayn. 176. De Yill. Linn. Enl. i. 503. Coq. Ill. Icon. tUcli. ii. pl. 19, £ 1. ROlli, Fllu". B'rII •• ii. 1310. Illig. Bd. FIIUII. B'r. ii. 372-Penta­toma bipuoctata, La'r. Hi". [",. xii. 196. H.-SeA. F ••. I,... U3, 10. aulll, Cim. Cenl. ii. tiectU 6-10,24. ao"ki, Anal. Eret. 81-Pentatoma amlllDa, Bru1l4, &p. Se. Mme, 70~E18arcori8 bipuoc. latos, Hda, Wllnz.IfII. ii. 68, pl. 61, r. I56-EY6arcoriB biponctatum, K,,'. Mel. Enl. iv. 34-Eusarcoris bip-"octatus, Fieh. Him. 33:!­Onylia blpunClata, M"Z,. el Bey, P ... P,.."ce, ii. 186.

South France. 7. En,uwoBU GUNtER'.

Eusarcoris Grenieri, I~ign • ..t. S. B. F. 4me Ser. Y.1I6-Dalleria Grenieri; Muu. et Re!l, P ... F,. .. ce, ii. 183.


C,dnu8 intermedius, Wow, leo ... Cim. 182, pl. 18, f. 181-Eysarcoris io­termedius, HIIM. We"tz. I",. ii. 128, pl. 70, f. 209-Penlatoma inter­media, Grmlti, Anlil. Ent. 74, 41-.Elia (Eusarcoria) intermedia, Flor, RApeA. Li", 126, I-Apariphe intermedia, Fieh. Hem. ~8-Bulli-oonia intermedia, MuZ,. et Rey. P/I". FrtlftI:e, ii. 162. .


Sahlbergi, SIIII, Stell. Enl. Zeil. xix. 177. Siberia.

• p

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EYl&rcori8 angUSlatus, ~C'1painu8 angu8tatus, DoA..,., S"lt. Brat Zeit. xxi. 10).


North America. ) 1. EYBABOOalB OONBPIOILURIS, C. H. 225.

e. Califomia. From Dr. Hartwe,'s collectiun.

12. EnARcoRls OABNIPEX, C. H. 226 • .-e. Non Scotia. Froln Lieut. Redman's collection. i-A. North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. i, k. Trenton Falls, !'lew York. Presented by E. Doubleday. Esq. l-r. United States. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. . I. Treuton FaU.. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

13. EI8AROORD PlfNOTlna.

FI..,.,." nigro "",." ""raelll""; NT"" ,a' 1ft49ll-: 4ftteR". ~ tlimidio longton., articulil 40 50qWl ,.igri, IHlli jlawI_lib",; tAora:t li_longitudiraali,p""ctil dwolrilllft4rgi"ib~ue la"Nlib", g14bri,; IftIUll"", NUi, mba bualibu lftiNimil pallll" jlaeU; WII_ flitl4 nigna a"9"loIe "bbrnti"ta tnedio coarcllllll ; JIItlu ftigro eoruperri; "t. 4ftl. llriga ,,,beoIl4li glabtw ClaMI4.

Yellowish, olal, roughly punctured; punctnres black. Head ftther large; lobes 01 equal length ; middle lobe hardly punctured. Eyes slighLly prominenL Rostrum extonding to the hind CODl; tip black. Antenn. a liule more than balf the length of the body; joints 8uecessiyely increasing in lenDb; first joint not extending to the front of the head; fourth and fifth black, except towa.rds the base. Thorax with an incomplete smooth longitudinal line, with a smooth point in the fore part of the disk on each side, and with smooth latenal rims; hind angles obtuse, slightly pruminent. Scntellum rather narrow toward. the tip, extending a little beyond the angle of the corium I three minute pale yellow calli on the fore border. Abdomen black abuYe, with yellow marginal spots ; under side with a blllck zigzag stripe, which is much contracted in the middle aDd is abbreyiated towards the tip. Legs rather slender; femora and tibiae black.spee1ded. Fore wings with a smooth clavate subcostal streak; membrane pale cine­reoua. Length of the body 21lineL

Cloeely allied lo E. pwlatu, from which it may be distinguished by the punctures OD the thorax. iI. " Califomia.

lIezico. 14. EYSAROORI8 DBOOUTUB, C. H. 225.

e. Mexico. Presented"by E. P. Collin, Esq • •• Mexico. From Mr. GlenDie's collectiun. .

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South America. 16. EYSABOOaI8 ALIBNUS.

T,,,._,, ailelU, M' pia" .. ,.fuco .u' aigro """ctc; •• ; up," brew, ca. lIiuro IIIIlrgafllltum; 411""a. grstil", .rticilio 10 frDlltem ",b • • ui.gIIIII; t1wru: f"'tic elllice gia6ro, Ii,.." d .. 6", lctnt&libru aigril: mdtutlmum inter ~ ••• ,ut.'um; peds rob .. ,i, .ettJori, fi.,,. .ub""'pern; 4ite .lIlice mllCtlia poat_ic ttigriUJIII!.

Testaceons, oval, shining. rather Oat, minutely punctured; punctures brown. here and there black. Head short, rounded and bordered with black in front i lubes of equal length. Rostrum extending to the hind cox.,. Antenn., slender, pubescefu, much shorter than tbe body; first joint extending nearly to the frout of the head i tbird a little sborter tban tbe second; fourth and fifth black fur half the length from the tips; fourth much longer than tbe third i fifth a Iiule longer than tbe fourtb. Thorax witb a smooth band very near the fore border and witb a black line along each l;ide. Scutellum extending much beyond the bend of tbe corium; the base paler iu tbe middle and on each side. PeotUl with a. plate betweeR tbe middle cox., and the bind cux., i this IIlate is furked hind ward. Legs stout, setulose, with a. few brown speckles. Fore wings witb a blackish spot in tbe disk beyond tbe middle of tbe corium; membrane pelhlcid. Langtll of the body 3 lines.

It dift'ers somewhat from the typical form of EYl4f'COria, but hardlJ sufficieutly to constitute a new genns. 4. Brazil. From Mr. Bates' conecuon.

Africa. 16. EYSAROOBlif PUNOEN&

pimex pungens, Germ. Bilb. Rn. Ellt. v. 171. Cape.

17. EYURCOBIS NATALBNSIS, O. H.225. Flaminia.natalensis, Stal, HtmI. Afr. i. 199 • •• Natal. From Mr. Tucker's collection.

Hindostan. 18. EftABCORIS IIUBIUS, O. H. 2"27.

Ceylon • •• Tenasserim. Presented by - Packman, Esq.

19. EVSABOORI8 OUTTIGERUS, O. H. 228. Pentatoma nepaleusis, Hope, C4t. HtmI. 36-Pentatoma punclipes, Ho~,

04'. Hem. 36. l

Ceylon. a-f. Hind08tan P Presented by Gen. Hardwicke •. g. North Bengal. From Lient. Cllmpbell's co\1ec~1Un. Ia. China. Presented by G. T. Lay, Esq. i,j. Bindollan. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

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C.A.TALOOUa 0 ..


F.I .. " nit"", ~li",iCII., n;grof"un"."" .. ; "'''1'''' nigntlll, .,,;g;. Iortgittldi .. lilnu laI,,;,; 0""._ "/tw, al'iI."t tMr-, torpor;, dimi;lio Inwiorft I tAorwz dilto .'umUfue fultil; ",""tel/u .. _culi, du6U1 h,.li. IIItIdlllillit.""91U1 api"."li lunu/.,. iltl."i_ 1,,1ft,; ,.,et .. d wnter .tlil l::or i"tltlnra;"a.i. 1.1ei,; _""temum carillat.",; ptda I.m, , rob .. ti, It-nlnu rtigro luriatil; ake aRld ttigriean" pIMp,.. "

. Tawn"sbiniDg,conves,short~JIiptiCR1, minntel, punctured; ponctoreS 1I1ack. Head black, with lleverallongltudioal bUro)' streaks; lobes of equlIl length. Rostrum tawoy, extending to the bind'l:oxlI!; tip blllck. Auteu •• la.ny, piceous towards the tips, leas than half the lengtb of the bod)'; joints "uecessit'el, increasing in length j first not extending to the front of the bead. Thol'llx black, with a few tawoyspeekles and with a tawny disk. Scutellum with a very large luleou spot 00 each side at tbe base. aDd with • luteoua creacenwbaped apical mark, which is notehed in the middle. Pectus and under side of abdomeu with four irregular and interrupted )uteous stripes; a IUleaus keel between the middle coxae and the hind coxae. J..ega Inteous, short, stoot i femora with an irrt'gular black blind beyond the lIIiddle. Fore winKS with two or three blackish patches j membl'llne pale cinereous. Lengtb of the body 2-21 lines. " The IItrilcture of this species is dill'erent from tbllt of E. d"bi .. and H. galligt!T1U, wbich bave more affinity to the typical form of the geous. a. North Cbina. From Mr. Fortune's collection. 6-cl. Hong Kong. Presented hy J. C. Bowring, Esq •


AIneo-l.riJ".,.,Pft't punet.'''',lUbt", _till gtaber; CIIput longi,ueulum, l.ltribu, ,ubrejle:ri,; anlmntll "igrtll, corporil dimidio Iwrujorr,: tlaoraz trlUUtltrlt 6inlgalo.",; ,('ulellum bilUl~at"m; pedel lui., Hew" ro6 .. ti, nigro CORlpnri; _brana jUICIJ. "

..Eneous-lurid, oval, ratb"er roughly punctured i tloder side bright .nrous, smooth, sbiuing. Head elongate; lubes or eqtlal length; lateral Dlargins llligblly reftexed. Rostrum lawoy, exlending to the hind coxae; lip blllcl. AntenDae black, minutely setulose, less than half the length of the hody; juints successiyely increasing in lenJ[th; first not extending to &be front of the bead. Tbol'llx with two slight transverse ridges. Scutellum wilb two sligh' Itrooves converging from the sides of the fure border to the middle of the disl. Legs tawny, abort, stout, blaek-~peekled. Membrane of &be fore wiuga broWD. Length of the body 211in88.

Nead,.J1ied in structure to B. bol1ill .. and to E. imula';'. c. Cabar. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq.

Australasia. 22. EY8ABOoBt8 AnINIII, C. H.227 •

•• Java. From the Ea.t India Cumpaoy's collectiun.

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23. EU.l.RCORIB BOVILLUB, C. H. 229. a. Philippine Isles. From Mr. Cuming's collection.

24. EYSARCOBIS BUMERALIS, C. H. ~9. II. Java. Prese.nted by J. C. Bowring, Esq. 6.--i'



Luridu., nigro alPffe pundalw; ('fIpul nigrum, inngills('uillm; antettnd! paUide rujescenles, corporis dill/idia nOli longiore.; IAora:t: alltice declivis, 'pini. duabw rabulli. obtu.;.; .cutellum mazimum; ftftter «neo-niger, ."itti. duabw laterulibu. patlide jIa."is; pede. pallide lutei. robwti, nigra c"'''persi. .

Lurid. dull, oval, ralher roughly punctured; punctures black. Head elongatt', mostly black; lobes of ~qual length. Eyes rather prominent. Rostrum tawny, extending to the hind COX81; tip black. Antenllle pale rtddish, slender, minutely &etulOle, 1I0t more than half the length of the body; joints successively incressing .in length;· first not extending to the fore burder of the head. Thurax slanting in front of the trallsverse ridge between the Mnd angles, which tillm two stuut short obtuse spines. Scu­tellum extending to live-sixths olthe length of the abdomen. Uuder side of the abdomen IIlneous-black, with two pale yellow lateral stripes. Legs pille luteous, stout, black-speckled. Membrane of the fure wings pale cinereou8. Length of the body 3 lines.

Like E. AUlneraU, in structure; angles uf the tborax less obtuse. a. Gilolo. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


Fui1llll, ('r.II •• , nigra puncta to, ; raput n;grum, longi",euillm, JItIstice /ui"o unistriga",,,.; antennd! luted!; tAoroz transt:erse imprel'u" nigro lituratu" .pini. JItI.dicis obtu.i. bretlil8imi. lutillimi.; .cutel-111m magnum, nigm n,bllinsum. ('alii, dunbllS ballnlibu, lut";, paTtI;. rotundi.; pectll' nigro p",,"latlllll; .. nter d!ne".niger, wittis duabllS marginalibwlatil rU/l'srelllibw; prdes pallide lutei, nigro coRsper,; ; aid! antiCdl nigra wi:t: ne6ululd!.

Tawny, thick, o,al, somewhat coal'!lely punctured; punctures black. Head black, elongate, with a longitudinal tawny streak near the bind b9rder; lobes of equal length, tawny at tbe tip. Roslrum extending to the hind border of the first abdominal segment; tip black. Antenna lULeoUII, .Iender, full balf the length of tbe body; joints successi,ely increasing iu length; first not extending to the front of the bead. Tborax witb some irregular black marks and with a slight transverse furrow at one-tbird of the lengtb from tbe fore border; hind angles forming two obtuse and ,ery sbort and broad spines. Scntellum extending to beyond three-fourths of tbe length oftbe abdomen, partly clouded with black; a small round lut80us CIl11U8 on each side at the base. Pectus witb some block blotcbes. Abdo­wen beneath IIlneous-bl~ck, with. two ~road reddisb marginal stripes.

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Legs pale luteous, black-speckled. Fore wings bardly clouded witb black; membrane -pale ci~ereous. Lengtb of the body 3 linea..

Like E. "umwllli, in structure. a. Jan. Pl'eIIented by J. C. Buwrinl. Esq.


Pallid, la'"" crall"', windi 71"ftCIIII",; Ctl7I'" wiri",; a"lmH. '''N, apiCl ob.eurior,., c~ dimidio IOAgio,.,,; tAOTtU: a, dice "'Clilli., .'rigil dud", anlic ... wiridib", lI'IInnrenii glafwi" angu/il "",'ici, obl,"iuimil; ,cullllum mllZimum, calli. dub", ba.alib", IranlWTli, lullil; Wlnler wiridi., wiltil dub", marginlllibUl apic,,!1ItI 'ulei,. gatti, marginlllibUl "igm; pede, latri, "igro cOlllpern.

Pale luteous, thick, oval, roughly punctured; punctures green. Head mostly green; lobes uf equal lenj(tb. Rostrum lutellus, extending to the hind COXal; tip black. Antennal luteous, slender, pubescent, darker toward8 tbe tips, a little more tbau balf tbe lengtb of tbe; joiuts successively increasing in lengtb; first not extending to tbe front of tbe bead. TborllX witb a transverse green mostlysmootb streak on eacb side near tbe fore border and wilb.a sligbt transverse ridge between tbe bind angles, wbich are sligbtly prominent and very obtuse. Scutellum extending to very near the tip of tbe abdomen; a transverse luteous callus 00 each side of the fore border. Abdomen oeoeat.b /freen, witb a luteous tip Hnd two marginal )uteous stripes and with black marglolll duts. Legsluteous, blllck-speckled. Lrngth of tbe body 3 lines.

This IIpecies clnsl'ly resembles E dtci,"" but tbe hind angles of tbe thf1rnx are less pfllminl'nt, the scntellum extends nellfer tu tbe tip of tbe abdomen, lind tbe calli at its bnse are smaller and paler. II. Flores. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


. LUteUl,crtUltII, tliridi 71"raf'IIIIUI; ell7l"t longi",rtJum, lallribu, ",b. f'l'jlt!zil; araten". ''''''poriB dilnidio nOli longlar,,; tA"ru: .'rigil dud .. a"ticil Ira "",",iii wiridi6", glafwi., ""guli. podid~ ubi US", lateribur ,abtVf.e:r:u; Icutelium m"graum, IIpice fiu.rJU1l1 glabrum; WIlier windil, wittil daabul mtlrginalibUl lateu, gutlil marginlllibUl nigriB; pe"" luUi, raigro coruperri.

Luteous, thick, oval, roughly punctured; punctures greeD. Head .elongated, witb sligbtly reJlexed borders; lubes of equalleugth. Rustrum tawny, extending a little beyond the bind COXal; til' black. Antennte luteous, slender, pubescent, not more tban bnlf tbe lengtb of the body; joints successively increaBing in length; first not ell tending to the front of the head. Tborax with a tran.verse smooth green streak on each side near tbe fore border; hind angles obtuse. Blightly prominent; sides smooth, 8lightly refiexed. Scutellum extending to nearly three-fourtbs of the length of tbe abdomen; apical hurder pale yellow and smoutb, ellcept in the nliddle. Abdomen beneath green, with two luteous mancinlll stripea and with black IUllrgiullldots. Legs luteous, black-speckled. Fore WiDgB with a cinereous membrane. Lellgtb of the body 31 lines. a. l'ernate. Pre&enled by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

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lEnro-writ/it, crallUl; caput IlIfI!/ilUcu/um,latllribu, ,ub''ejfe:l:it; a"ttnnte ,,,"te; tlwra:J/I marginib", la/tralibIU .ub,.,fte:ris lituri'I/1UI po,'ici, parllil tra,,"",u jlaflu, aflguli. poBliciJl obt'""; ,cu"llum callu duobu. balalib", duol1ullJUII apicalibu. angUlt" tran_1iI pallidt jlafli.; fJe1Ittr lineil dubu, marg;nalib", inttrrutJt" pallid, jlaflia; ",tit, lutti, nagro COfllpnri; alte antiCtIJ colla 6ari ,.llitlt jlaM, mtmmna 1--'" ..

Green, onl, thick, roughly punctured, here and there with IIlDeoUS reftection8. Head elongated, with slightly reftexed borders; label of equal length. Rostrum luteou8; extending to the hind COXIB; tip black. AntenDl8 luteous, pubescent, about half the length of the body; joints successively in length; first not extending to tbe fronl ofthe head. Thorax with yellow slightly refined lateral borders and with a few small transverse yellow marks between the hiud angles, which are obtuse and rather pro­minenL Scutellum extending to two-thirds of the length of the abdomen, with a pale yellow transverse callus on each aide at the base and with two Darrow transverse pale yellow apical calli which are nearly connected. Abdomen beneath with two pale yellow marginal lines, which are iuter­rupted on the sutures of the segments. Legs luteous, black-speckled. Fore wings with the pale lellow "'wards the base; membraue brownish. Length of the body 3l hnes. a. Celebes. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. 6, c. Celebes. From Mr. Wallace's collection.

Oceania. 30. EYBAllCOals IKSI1L.UlIS, C. H. 228.

Go Sandwich Islands.

Country unknOWD.

31. EYSARCOlllS nlSTACTI1S, C. H. ~. a, 6. - r Presented by the Entomologiual Club. c. - 1" Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

Gonus 21. ANTESTIA. Antestia, Stal, Htm • .4,/,. i. 200, ex parte.

Africa. 1. ANTBSTIl BlCINcr.&.

Rbaphigaster bicinctus, C. H.288. ~. Cape. From M. Drege's collection. 6, c. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith.


Cimex lineatus, TIa""b. Htm. Ro.t,. ii. 2-'Rhaphigasler di,isua, C. H.289 -Antestia lineata, Stll.l, Htm. Afr. i.206. ..

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G. South Africa. From Mr. Argent's collcctioD. b. Cape. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq •.


Bhapbigasler lorivcDtris, O. H. 289-Anteslia loriventris, St.l, Hem. i.289 •

•• Cape. From M. Drege's coJlection. b. Natal. From M. Gueiuzius' collection.


Bbaphigaster maculivenlris, O. H. 286-Bbaphigaster eloDgatus; Sign. ArcA. Erat. ii. 289-Bhapbigaster cincticeps, Stal, Ofo. K. Vee. AI. ForA. ]868, 438-Aotestia maculiventris, Stal, H •• Afr. i. 207. .

•• West Africa. Presented by B. Frend, Esq.


Bbaphigaaler Iythrodes, O. H. 286. iI. Cape.


Rbaphigaster pcecillls, O. H. 287. •• South Africa. From Mr. ArgeDt's collectioD.


Rhapbigaster decoralulus, Stal, Of •• K. Vllt. AI. ForA. 1863,222-Bbaphi­gaster BCurrilis, Stal, Oft. K. Vd. Ak. ForA. 1&3, 222-Antestia decora. tula, Stal, Hem. Afr. i. 207. .


Bhaphigaster punctirentris, O. H. 284. •• Senegal. Presented by M. Percheron.


Bbapbigaster ammllus, Stal, Oft. K. V,t. AI. ForA. 1863, 222-Antealia ammDa, Stal, H,m. Afr. i. 208. .


PeDtatoma perpunctats, Sig,.. Arcta. Ent. Ii. 283-Autestia perpUDctata, Stal, Hem. Afr. i. 209. . ' ..


gratiosa. 8141. Hem. Afr. i. 209. C.labar.

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Pt.'Dtaloma versicolor, Pal. Beau". I,.,. 114; Htm. pl. 8, r. 8-AntesLia ver­sicolur, St4l, Hem •• ljfr. i. 210.


Bbapbigaster panulus, Sign. AreA. Enl. ii. 289-Anleslia parvula, Sial, Htfm. Afr. i. 211.

Calabar. Madagascar.


Rbllpbigaster transversus, Sign. A. S. E. F. 3mt Str. viii. 936. Madagascar.


Rbapbigaster apicalis, C. H. 285 • •• Sorth Hind08tan. From Capt. Boys' collection.


Bbapbigasler varipennis, C. H. 286. a. TenaBBerim. Presented by - Packman, Esq. 6. Java. From tbe East India Company" collection. e. Java. Pt"esented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. d. MalacCla. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


Rhapbigaster flavovarills, C. H. 288. a. North Hindostan. From Captain Boys' col1ection. 6, e. Hindostau. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


Rbapbigaster conciuna, C. H. 286. Ceylon. a,6.-r

Australasia, 19. ANTXBTJA. LEOOOPH..EA.

06.eure fUltll, late elliptiea, tliteR', .u6tUl ""aCfltl; tIIput "ar"um; antmRaI ful"aI, 6ali testaceta ; thorate tedaCfIUI, falOO punetatUl, falcia "ostica 06,ctlrt flA.tII, anguli, posticil Mlde rotundatil; .euteU"m apice angUltum, litte,;. Ronnullillateralibll' "daem, .trigi. dua6U1 lituali6U1 lineaqUl! apicali fta"i.; pede. tedacei; alai anticer ""aceo nota"'.

Dark brown, broad, elliptical, shining, fiDely punctured, test.aceous beneath. Head small; lobes of equal length. Eyes rather prominent.


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ADlennlll tawn)" rather stout, testaCeoUI towards the base; Brat joiDt extendiug to the front oC the head. Tborax testaceous, witb bro_u puncturet, and with a dark brown band which is "fY uear the hind border; hind angles much rounded. not prominent. Scutellum extending to a litLie beyund two-thirds of the length of tbe abdomen, ratber narrow towards the tip; some testaceous specklel on each lide; a lellow streak on each side Dear the baae, and a yellow line round the tip. Legs testaceous. Fore win.. with an irreaular testaceoul mark in tbe diak beyond the middle i membrane pellucid. Lengtb of the body 31 lines. •• New Guinea. Presented by W. W. Saunden, Esq.


FlA., Riteru, Ripo puncta"; capu, Rigro _ tIi''''"m; tJRtmRd! 111_. _pori, dimidio iwmoN"; tlwratlll linri' dualnu AnliN nigril IrA .. • wrril inttrTtlp'is; .rtdlllum mAculis dUAbUB ,ubapiCtJliblll ugril; ",eta nigrum, IIpud COZA' jlAwm; _ter Rigro ,rivittA'''', vi,ta m,diA mACUlari; p«k. Illtei; AId! AntiCd! macllt. Rig"' apiCtJli.

Yelluw, oyal, IbininJr, ratber thinly and rougbly punctured; punctures black. Head witb six black stripes, oC whicb tbe twu outer pain on each side are irregular; lobea of equal length. Rostrum luteGu8, exteuding to the hind COXIII; tip black. Anlenolll Inteous, a litlle leNi than half the leolth of tbe body; joiots luccessiyely increasing in lengtb; first oot extending to tbe front of tbe head. Thorax with two interrupted transyerae black lines near the fore border. Scutellum with a black- spot on each side Dear tbe tip. Pectul block, yellow about tbe base of the legs. Abdomen beneath with three black Itripes, the middle stripe composed oC triangular black spots. Legs Inteous, .slouL Fore wings with a black spot at the tip of the corium near tbe costa; membrane pellucid. Length of the body 21 linea. A. Celebes. Presented ~y W. W. Saunden, Esq.

Country unknown. 21. ANTE8TIA PAL"LIPF.8.

Rhapbigasler pallipe", C. H. 287. A. -r

Genus 2'2. HYMENARCYS. HymenarcYl, Am. It Se",. Hem. 124-Camus, C. H.23O.


perpunctata, Am. " SmJ. Hem. 124. North America.

2. H YIIB1"llCJ'8 .BllVGINOIA.

lllruginosa, Am. It Sen. Hem. 125-Camul tarsalis, C. H.230. II, b. New York. Presented by Dr. Fitch. c. North America. Presellted by F. Walker, Esq. d.-P

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Tell.cell, .cite punctata ftonru"'qua.m t1jricli llllria ; CIIput IongiwculuIfI, lobo medio .ubcarinatoj antenfte nigre, CIIrpori. dimidio bre.nore, ; thoru: viz impre"", ; pede, bretJU, rob",dj at. afttice ,CIturate !lirida, co,ta tedacea rotuftdata, membrana pellucida.

COIOUS virldicatus, UAIB, MBS. Testaceou8, elliptical, finely punctured, tiuged here and there whll

green. Head elongate: lobes of equallenglh; middle lobe Co,rming a s1illbl keel in front. Rostrum extending a liltfe beyond the hind border of tbe first abdominal segment; tip black. Antennm black, a little leas tban balf tbe length of tbe body; first joint not extending to the front of the head; third shorter than the second; fourth and fifth longer tball Ibe second. Thorax witb a very indistinct transverse impression. Scutellum extending ratber beyoud the flexure of the corium. Abdomen entire at the tip. Legs ahort, stout. Fore wings deep green i costa testaceous, rounded; membrllne pellucid. Var. ~.-Wholly testaceous. Length of the body 4 liuea. II, b. North America. Presented by F. Walker, Esq.


ne"ol8, 8ay. _, b. Jndiana. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c. North America. Presented by Dr. Fitch.


a. Philippine Isles. Frum Mr. Cuming's cullection.

Genus 24. APINES, O. H.231. 1. Al'lNE8 OONClNNA, O. H. 232.

,a. Rindoslan. FrOID MI'. Wooley's collection. 6. Buwbay. Presented by E. Downes, Esq.

Genus 26. PENTATOMA, C. ,H. 232.

Europe. 1. PSNTATOMA DAOOABOM, C. H. 236.

Cimex fusispinus, Bolam. Handb. 1849, 24J.-Carpocoris haecarum, Mull. et &y, Pun. France, ii. 238.

a-ff. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. gg-kk. Europe. From Mr. Children's collection. ii-kk. }<'rance. Presented by W. W. SallnJers, Esq. U-oo, France. pp. Swilzerlaud. Presented by Dr. Dowler. '1'1-11. Gene"a, Presented by M, Goureau. It, UU. Italy. Presented by ))1'. Dowler. lOW, z:&. Pulish Ukraine. Presellted by Dr. D~wler.

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'!I-666. Albania. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. eec, ddrl. Crete. Presented ~ W. W. Saunders, Esq. tH. Malaga. Presented by . Woudwllrd, Ellq. fff. Malta. ggg. Syria. From Mr. Stevens' collection. AhA. Bagdad. Presented lIy W. K. Lonu~, Esq. iii. Tunis. From Mr. Fraser's collection. Uk-nnn. Ell'ypt.· Presented by Sir G. Wilkinson. ~dd. Madeira. FrolD Mr. ,\Volloslou'a collection. _kkkk. Sandwich Ihlands. Presented by tbe Lords of tbe Admiralty. 1111, mmmm. Japan. Frum Mr. Stcveu~' collectiun.

·nnnn-ffff/. ------f


Cimex purpureipennis, Dtg. In •. iii. 358, pl. 13, f. 15-Cimex pndicus r Puila., In •• Mill. Ginel, 66, 9, BrAr. Ell. In, Audr. 271, 624 i Fa.un. Bole. ii. 73-Cimez nigricuruis, Fabr. Bnt. S!I't. iv.D4. BrAr. Fa.un. Boic. it 70. Fa.Il. Hem. 27-Peutatoma nigricllrnis, Latr. Hill. In •• xii. 187. DolIgla, and Scott, Brit. Hem. Het. 78-(;imex Eryngii, Germar, Rei" Da.lm. 233. Ahren", Fa.lll1e In •• ii. 21-Penlutuma Erynllii, HaAn, Wanz. In •. ii. 69, pl. 48, f. 148., Anal. Ent. 97-Monnidea nigricuruis, Fit6. Hem. 335-Carp"culls (Cudophila) nigricorui~, M,,". et Rey, Pun. France, ii. 242.


j.>entat.oma meJanocera, Mul,. et R'1I, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lynn, 1850-1852, 60. Mill •• Opu,c. Bnt. i. 108-Mormidea nigricornip, var., Fub. Hrm. 396-Curpocoris (Codophila) me1iUlocera, Mil". et R"" Pun. Frana, ii.247.

Basses Alpes. Chamounix.


Carpueoris tarsata, M.I •. d &y, Pun. Fra.nct', ii. 246. South France. .

6. PENTATOIIA VRHBA801, O. H.236. Corpocoris (Dolycoris) verbasci, .M"I •• et &g, Pu". Fra.nre, ii. 268. a. England. PrelleDted by W. W. Saunders, Esq. 6. South Europe. Presented by R. M'Andrew, Esq. c-e. South }o'rance. Presented by F. Walker, ES(l. f,g. Italy. h. Alhauia. Presellted by W. W. Saunders, Esq. i. Crele. Presentell hy W. W. Saunders, Esq. j. Malta. From Mr. Children's collection. A. Africa. From Mr. Childreu's culleclion. t. Tllni~. From Mr. Fraser's cnJlection. ,no Madeira. Presented by T. V. Wolhlston, Esq. n. North Benll'll!. FWI\I Lieut. Campbell's cullection. o. Buulbay. Present.ed by Sir W. )<~l1iott.

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p. China. Presented by G. T. Lay, Esq. q-t. Interior or China. Presented by l.ieul.-Col. H. A. Sarel. tI, w. ---i' Pre8en~ed by W. W. Saunders, Esq. :I:-~. ---P From Mr. Childreu's collecliou. aa.-i'



Cimex Yarius, Fabr. Enl. S!I'" iv. 95; 8y". RAgn. 158, 13-Cimex lunula, Pubr. Ent. Sy'" iv. 96; Sy". RAy". 168, 14. Panz. FtC ..... IM. 126. 20-Pentatoma Innula. Lutr. I/id. 1M. xii. 187-Pentatoma varium, H.-ScA. Faun. In •• 126, ~O-Carpocoris bilunulata, Kol. Mel. 176, pl. 16, r. 35; 1IIIr. persica, r. 36; va,. nuhica, r. 37-Mormidea varia, Pieb. Helll. 335-Carpucuris (CadophilH) lunula. Mul,. et Bey. Pun. Prance, ii. 250.

Suuth Europe. a. - r Presented by W. W. Saunders, EFq.


Cimex lynx,Fabr. Ent. 8y". iv. 110; Sy". RA!ln. 168. Wolff, Icon. Cim. 100, 94, pl. 10, r. 94-Penllltuma lynx. Panz. Faun. 1M. 113, 8, Gonki, Anal. Ent. 90-Carpocoris pllsio, Kol. Mel. Ellt. iv. 18, pl. 16. r. 39-Mormidea lynx, Fieh.Hem. 336-Monnidea pusio, Fieb. Hem. 336-Carpocoris (Antbeminia) lynx, Mul •• et Bey. Pun. France. ii. 2M.

Europe. Siberia. 8. PENTA-TOlfA PRABINA..

Pentatoma dissimilis, O. H. 24 I-Cimex viridissimu8, Pod", IM. Mu •. Gr. 66-Cimex discolor, Waljf, IClJn. Cil1l. 178, pl. 1I~, r. 177-Palomeo& viridissima, Mul,. et Bey, Pun. France, 277.

4-l. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. tI, w. Europe. From Mr. Children's collection. 1». France. Presented by Lady Seymour. y. Geneva. Presented by M. Guureau. z. Spain. Presented by Major Parry. "a-dd.--i'

9. PENTATOMA BPHACELATA., C. 1/.236. Hulcostetbus sphacelalns, Fith. Helll.33t-Dryocoris spbacelatu8. Mul,.

et Rey, Pun. France, ii. ~ti7. a. Ilaly. b, c. ---r Presented by W. W. Saunl1ers, Esq. d. -?


Carpocoris pusil', Kal. Mel. 172, Ill. 16, f. 39-.lluflnidea pusilt. Fieh. HeIR. 331j.


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Cimex vernalis, Wolff, Icon. Cim. 140, pl. 14, r. 135. Fall. Mon. Oim. 48, 14; Hem. 30, 14. Fieb. Bem. :i39-Pentllloma vemlllis, BaAn, Wallz. lru. ii. 64, pl. i. r. 163. SaAlb. Mon. Geoc. Fmn. 26. ARal. Ent. 88-Penlaloma verna Ie, PaRiZ. Faun. I" •• 113, 6. Flor. R/&yneA. Liv. i. 135-Dougla. and Scott, Brit. Hem. Bet. 82--Car­poeoris vernalis, Kol. Mel. Ellt. iv. 6~-Peribalus vernalis. Mull. et Bey, Pun. France. ii. 262.

Europe. Mesopotamia. North Africa • • -d. Madeira. From Mr. Wollaston's collection.


Cimex cinclu&, Fabr. Em. Sy". iv.1I3; Sy". RA!ln. 169, 79. DoAm, Stett. Ent. Zeit. xix. 22M-Cimex purpureo-marginalu., &".b. F.un. A"d. ii. 121-Cimex larsatus, Klug, 8ym. Phy'. Dec. v. pl. 44, r. 12 -Brachymena roseipennis, Mul •• tit Rey, Ann. Soc. Lilln. Lyon. 1860-1852, 87. Mul •. Opu.c. Ent. i. 106-lirachymena eincla, Fieb. Hem. a39. Mul •• et Reg, Pun. France. ii. 282.

South France. Spain.

13. Pl!:NTATOllA VIRE~S.

Cimex viren~, KluD, Sgm. Phy'. Dec. v.7, pl. 44, r. ll-RhapLigaster Germari? Kol. Mel. Ent. iv. 66, pI. 16, r. 33-0ncona Germarli' KUlter, Fieb. Hem. 3:J3-Brachymenll vireus, Mul •• et Reg. PUll. France, ii. 286.

South France. Syria. Egypt.


Brachymena Baerensprungi, MlllI. et &y, PUll. Frallce, ii. 286. Germany.

15. PENTATOMA JUNIPRBINA. O. B.242. a-f. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. g. Europe. From Mr. Children's cullectiun. h. Geneva. Presented by 1\1. Gourellll. i,j. Canada. Presented by Dr. Barnston.


inc\usa, Dohrll, Stett. Enl. Zeit. xxi. I03-Peribalus inclllsus. Mull. et &g, Pun. Frallce, ii. 266.


Cimelf di~tinctus, MeJ/pr. Dilr. M8S. Firb. Hem. 339-Peribalus dis­dnctus, Mul •• et Rey. PUll. France, ii. 265.

P. vernalis. var. r Corsicll.

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pillicllla, Mul,. et Rt>y. Ann. &c. Linn. Ly"n, 1862,89. Mul •. 0pUIC. Enl. i. lOS. Fieb. Hem. 336. Mul •. et Re!/, Pun. Fra"4Ct!, ii. 274.


macrorbampba, Fieb. Hem. 336-P. pinicola, var., Mul,. el Rey, PU"4. Fra"4Ct!, 27~.

South Europe. 20. PENTATOMA FmULATA.

Pentatoma fibulatum, Germ. Faun. 1"4'. 14. lO-Aulacetrus pini, Perri" MSS.Amyol, A. S. E. F. Ser. 2, ii. 424-Pentatoma fibulata, GMBki, Anal. Ent. 91-Hulcogaster fibulatum, Pieb. Hern.337-Aulacetrus fibulatus, Mull. et Rt>y, Pun. France, ii. 191.


Holeostichus Jani, Fieb. Hem. 333. Italy.


Holeostichus congeller, Fieb. He,n. 334. Italy.


Cydnus intermedius. Wolff, Wa"z./,u.ISI-Eysnrcoris illtermedius.Hallft, Wanz. Iftl. 209-Penlutoma lunatum, H.-SeA. Faun. I",. Il~, 11-Apariphe intermedin, Pieb. Hem. 338. .


porphyrea, Fieb. Wien. Bill. Mon. viii. 334. Amasia.

North America. 20. PENTATOMA PIOEA, C. H.236.

a. Hudson's Bay. Presellled by Dr. Barnston.

26. PENTATOMA DUBIA, C. H. 237. a. North America. Presellted by the late Earl ~f Derby.

27. PENTATOMA BoxuRA, C. H. 244. a. North America. From Mr. Children's collection.

2S. PENTATOMA GWSEA, C. H. 246. a, 6. North AmeriCA. Presented by E: Doubleday, Esq~ c. United States. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. . .

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II. Ste John's Bluff, East FluritJ'L P:,os,.llIed by K DuubIL,r1ay, b, t', lIuiLd Statq:" Py,y,llled F, Walk"" E-q,

;etO. l'LYrTA'"YfL-\ L"AANS, 11.2$8. a. Norlb 4merica. Presented hy the Enlomfllogical Club. b. Trenlon Falls, New York. Pre~ellted hy Ee Du"hleda2, Esq. c. Juh,,'y Blg2, Ea" l'(orid." P,e'ffnteri hy K h:buubl,<Lay, d-f. North America. g. United States, Presented A-'e IndigAa and Jilin",,,,

P",TAT""g ou,groTl, H. h5I.

Thyamia cuslator, Stal, a~Yl, St. <LTlhn's :Bluff, IT'y,st Flnyida. lIresY'nl,d bh e.f lIt Jub,y,'s lIluff. Pr,sen,,;l hy Du,hkd~y, g. United Slales. Preseuted by F. Walker, Esq. h. __



Cime" dentalus, H.-Seh. WanYfe Ins. 64, pL 164, 507e a. B",ke',.[Y,.wan. Pre,etr;ted hy Dr. ldoker.

33. PENTornorMA p.'LLI,nVIBE;'"

pallidovirens, Stal, Eng. Re,a, 227-Tbyamia pallidovirens, Stal.

Calif"rnia. :14. PEN1'ATOlllA MARGINALI8.

,rz,ae,or;o;"e··y;;;·f'a. ,;;btu, ; mput ;;i,yrum, late;;il"ffB .ul;;,:jlezi, IInU'in<ll ,,2grtE, corpora. dimidio breviare.; e (h'>rtlg) fOfll'ol" antiC'a trall811el"la glabra 8ubundulata, lateribus Tufi'; 8cutellulla apiC'e ruf,;;;; ,;b;l"men ,ufo ni;l,i, tilii; ,u/,;ut£,; anLie" co.En rufa.

,Greeni~h piceous,e1li~tical, ~n~l~ PUI!,ft£;red, ~Iack bg,eath,' , Hnr:h blnnn, rognned it, from sId;;, ,hgn;;;l renz;ited; ini;es eqn" zengER" Roslrum black, extending to the middle COXal. Antenn&! black, less tban balf the lengtb ;;f tb,; body; first j;;int ;;,;t eXliSttdiniIT to fro;;' of be,ri, seq:""d m;mb lonx';r th;; ,bird fl,ur,h aIm;;;, as long as the tbird; fifLh as long 8s the tbird. Thorax with a slight undulatioh lran,n,;rse ;;,,,ooth imp;Z;t;iion n;;ar for, hord;;," sid;;, red hind nng(;;;; z;ery ;;Muse, not Se;;tdlum witb red extending to tbe angle of the corium. Ab,lomen bordered with red. Legs

~I::~~o~t:g;lt:~~;~ !fr;n;;~~dd ~,t~;'i~,~!. ;,lth a "d enifl;;; mYmbrz;"n

/I. North America. Presented F., W~lker, Esq. 6. blexicg, Frum Mr, col£z;;;"on.


West Indies. 35. Psrr'fHOM!k 'f!k80LB'1C!ke C. H~ 2T1.

Jam'f!!k!k. Ft!k!k'f Mr. !ke!kgse's 4;:nH,,:ctio'f"

South America: PElr"I'ATOMA nrSTAong, C. H, H!J:O.

c. South America. From Mr. Children's collection.

Pp:;An:!TOMg A&NIOAn: C. H, TTO.

Thyanta treoiola, Stal. a. Central America, From Mr. Children's collecthgn,


Kiobergi, Stal, Eug. Re,a, 225. !kegenos AHres. Hfuote Video.


Re.,y, Monte Video.


Tuncta!!iu, Stal, Berg, 226. Rio Janeiro. Mo~te Video. Buenos Ayres.

PENTn!!~iIMA !!mmZSTA,

modesta, Stal, Eug. Bera, 224. Buenos Ayres.


patruelis, Stfll, Eug. Re.a, 226-Thyanta patrueli., Stal. Vio J atYtYittY.

43, HgczNTA.~tuuA BorgCZIENSlt,

bonariensis, Stal, Eug. Re.a, 227. Vuenos gTTres. rriunte


~89 ..

nlhOC08trtu, Spk Faw,rii VAil. pl. 2. ,Hign. A, E. tYme Ser, .'S4T,


Timid jnti,xillis, Ser. iv. 546.



FiiLmii CML 1;}3, pL f. 3. iHign. E.




uuideDtata, SpiRo FIIIIIW CAil. 134, pl. I, r." Sip. A. S. B. F. 4_ &r. iv. 646.


hematopus, SpiRo FiluM CAil. 136, pI. 1, r.6. Sip. A. B. B. F. 41ft1 Bff. iy. 647.


chUeDae, H.-BeA. WIIRZ. lR1. ix. 323.


T"t"MI, l"tII, "(grica"te "'pet'! .pu"elllt,,; a"tm",. "igro COlI.".,."., apice Jtucce, corpor;' dimidlll brniore,; IAora:l: liraft. tribtu tra"","," glabril, angulil TJOllicil obl",",;mi.; ICwullum jlllCia RifIT& iRdeter. ",illatll, apice pallid"",; ",e""tern"", .culllt"m; abdomm ~CfI '1uadrilpiROIU"'; petU. ,.igro COII.".,.ri; III,. adcce pltzgll ftUCG punct"m .flaw", illCludenle, ",embrana cinerea /WCO wbulOlll.

Testa(''eou8, broad, o,al, roughly punctured; punctnres blackish. Head broad; lobes of equal length. Bostrum hardly extending beyond the middle COXIII. Antennlll less than half the leugth or the body; joints successively increasing in length; fint, second and third speckled with black j first not extending to the rrunt of the head; fifth brown ror half the length from the tip. Thorax witb three smooth transverse lines; third line between the hind angles lesa irregular than the two in rront; hind angles very obtuse, not prominent. Scutellum with an irregular black band extending to the angle of the corium, paler and nearly smooth tow.rda tbe tip. Pectus with a quadrangular plate between the middle coxe and the hind COlllII. Abdomen above blue, varied with purple; four short apical spineB. Legs rather short; femora and tibilll speckled with black. Fore wings with a brown patch in the diak, including a pale yellow point; mem­brane c1nereou8, clouded witb brown at the bue along the costa and along the hind border. Length ur the body 4 lines. a. Brazil. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. b. TapaY08. From Mr. Bates' collection.


Saturate wridil, ,.iteftl; caput weti. d"abu. ',.'acci. COR"nil; anten_ ruj"cenle', corpori. aimidio IoRgior,,; t/aorq 'e.tllceo j",ciatfU, anguli, poIticil mlde rot1l,.datU; ptct", paUidum; mater tnta_, lateribu. ",b1liridib",; ped" Ieltllcei, tibiil tIIrriltjue rujucentib",; al. IJRtic,. flltJl'gineque pOltico rufi ••

Dark green, elongate-oyal, shining, thiolyand rather coanely punc­tured. Head yith two irregular and partly connected testaceou8 stripes, which do not extend tu the froot; lobes of equal length. Bostrum testaceous, extending a little beyond the hind COX&!l tip black. AnteDnlll reddisb,

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Ilender, a )jule more than balf the lengtb of tbe body; joints from the first to the fourth auccessively increasing in length; first not extending t.o Lbe front of tbe besd; fifth a little shorter than the fourth. Thorax with an in­terrupted and irregular lestaceous band near the fore border; hind anglea mucb rounded, not prominent. Scutellum extending a little beyond the angle of tbe corium. Pectus pale green. Abdomeo beneath testaceous, witb a green tioge on each side. Lega teetaceous, stout; tibim and tarsi rodd,ish. Fore winga red alf}ng the coata and aloog the hiod border; mem­brane p.te ciuereou8. Leuglh of the body 4 lines. •• Amazon Regioo. From )Ir. Bates' collection.


S.turate 'llirid", niten., su6tu. tedacea; antenllm t,"acem, c~ dimidio non 10llgiores. articuli. 40 50que nigricanlibw bali teltace"; tAorate fascia antica leseacea lata indelerminala, anguli. po.lici8 obtwi.; .cutellum apiee albo fI&arginatum; ~ter maculil dua"UI fligri.; pep.e. testacei; aim anticm lltum pan" albid"; membrana cifUlf'ea fUlco unimaculata.

Deep green, elongate-oval, shining, thinly and roughly punctured, testaceous beneath. Head testaceous; lobes of equal length; middle lobe very narrow. Rostrum testaceoulI, extending a little beyond the middle COXIB; tip black. AntennlB testaceoutl, slender, about half the length of the body; joints fl'om the first to the fourth successively increasing in length; filst not extending to the front of the bead; fourth and fifth blackish, testaceous towards the base j fifth nearly as long as the fOllrth. Thorax with an im'gular testaceous band, which extends interruptedly t.o the burder; hind angles ubtuse, not prominent. Scutellum exteuding, a little beyond the angle of the corium, paler towards the tip, wher~ it is bordered with wbite. Abdomen with a black spot 00 the first ventral seg­ment and another on the second. Legs testaceous, stout. Fore wings with a few small wbitish marks on the corium; membrane cinereous, with a brown spot Dear the costa before the middle. Length of the body 4 lines • •• AmazoD RegioD. From Mr. Bates' collection.


Viridescente te.taeea, lata, nigro punetata; eapit" lobi lateralM lobum medium superante., apice contigui; antennts corporis dimidio longiore., nigro comper.m, apiC/ll t1eI'Iu. rufe.centu, articulQ 40 nigro,­ja.cialo; thu,'ate lateribw .ubreJletei., aflgutil podici. obtwi.; ,cut,l­lum maculi. .eptem ha,alibu. unaque discali nigri.; 1lenter I"b­,ulcatu.; pede. nigro c01l8peT8i, tibii, ,uleal;,; altll anticm nigro triplagialtll, membrana ju.ce.cente.

Testaceous, oval, broad, slightly tiuged with green, roughly punctured ; punctures black. Head conical; lateral lobes conniving beyond the middle lobe, which is lanceolate. Rostrum extending to the hiud COXIB ; tip black. AntennlB slender, more than half tbe length of the body; first and second joints speckled with black; first extendiD/S to the front of the head; third speckled with black towards the base, reddIsh t.owards tbe tip,

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a little shorter than the l18eond; fourth reddish, testaceous And with a blaH band near the base, much lonlt'er than the third; fifth reddisb, paler towards tbe base, a little sborter than tbe fourth. Tborax slightly relexed on each side; hind angles ohtuse, ratber prominenL Scutellam extending rather beyond the angle oC the corium, rouaded allbe tip, wilh leYen black spots near the base and a larger one in the disk. Abdomea beneatb with a very slight furrow. Legs Itoat; femora and tibie speckled with black; tibie Currowed. Fore winltl witb tbree black patcbes, one antemedial. tbe other two postmedial; membrane brownish. Length er the body 6llille8. •• Amazon Region. From Mr. Ba&es' colleetion.


Nigra,lata, nite,." arpere p"nt'lata, I"teo corltperltl,mbtw 1."..; araterm. corptIn. dimidio non IOJlgiore,; tAoracU tIIlguli JIO"ici obturi; p'cl .. et WJtter punc/i, latera/ibm nigri,; pella tatacri, tihiu .. lcat" nigro tn/taIU; membrana llirido-cinerea.

Black, broad, oyal, shilling, roughly panctured, thickly co'Vered whb numerous smallsmootb irregular luteoul marks; under side ]UteoU8. Head broad; lobes of equal lengtb. Rostrum testaceous, extending lo the hind eoxe; tip black. Antennll" black, about bftlf lbe length or tbe body; joiuts successively increasing ill length; first not extending lu the front uf tbe head. Tborax with tbe billd angles obtuse, hardly promineDt. Scutellum extending somewbat beyond tbe angle oC the corium. Pectus and nnder lide oC ahdomeD with a row of black points on each lide; spiracles black. Legs testaceous; femora with a sligbt black streak; tibite Currowed, striped with black. Membrane of the fore wings lurid-c:inereous. Leugth of the body 61 lines. . •• Venezuela. From Mr. Birscbell's collection.


Pentaluma trigemmis, Stal, Of'O. K. Vet. Ai. ForA. 1863, 219-Pentatoma (Carbula) trisignats, Stal, Hem. Afr. i. 142.

II. Congo. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. b, c. Cape. From M. Drege's collection. d, e. Soutb Africa. Presented by the late Earl of Derby. J. Soulh Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smitb. g. Natal. From Dr. Krauss' collection.

66. PENTATolllA GONIODES, C. H.233. Pengtoma inops, Stal, Off). K. Vet. Ai. ForA. 1853, 220-Pentatoma

p"truelis, Stal, Of'O. K. Vet. Ai. ForA. 1853, 22O-Pentatoma (CappIBII> goniodes, Stal, Hem. Afr. i. 167.

a, b. Soulh Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. c. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection.

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66. PENTATOIU. ABBaBANI, C. H. 234. Polatoma (Veteroa) abeRanl, St.l, Hem. Afr. i. 166. Go Cape. From M. Orege's collection.



Cimex oroalnlna, H.-SeA. Wlillz. I",. vi. 93, pl. 211, r. 664-Cimez notatua. KluD. Bp6. PAy,. v. pl. 44, f. 9-PentaLoma bumel'08ll. C. H.24o­Pental.oma (Velerna) oroatula. Stal, Hem. Afr. i. 168.

Egypt. G. -r

68. PENTATOIIA IIACULATA. C. H. 241. Anteatia macnlata, Bt.l, Hem. Afr. i. 200. G. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smitb. 6. Suuth AfricL From Mr. Peanon's collectiun.

69. PENTATOlllA BUFIVUTBIS, C. H.242. Pentatoma (Caura) ru&venLria, Stal, HetA. Afr. i. 169. G--C. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smitb. d. South Africa. Presented by G. F. Ang&S, Esq. e. Cspe. From M. 01eg6', collection. f-i. ,Natal. From M. Gueinzius' cullection. j,l. Natal. Frum Dr. Krauss' collectiun. I. Natal. Presented by W. W. Saunders. Esq.

60. PENTATOlllA PUGILllTOa, C. H. 242. Halls jaculul, F.6r. Sylt. Rlayra. 181-Pental.oma maculata, Sign. Rn. tit

M.g.Zool.1861,443-Pentawma (Caura) pugillawr, Stal, He1ll. Afr. i.I68.

Gabon. II. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Bev. D. F. Morlfan.

61. PENTATOIIA SCORCB..., C. H. 243. G. Congo. l'resented by Sir J. Richardson.


Cimez Bcapulari., TAullb. He1ll. Roltr. ii. I-Penl8l0ma mmrena, &.1. Of". K. Vet • .Ak. ForA. 1863, 2l9-Penlatoma plinthacra. C. H. 244 Pentatoma (Cappma) &capulan&, Stal, Hem. Afr. i. 166.

II. Cape. From M. Drege" collection. b. Cape. Presented by R. Trimen, Esq.

63. P£NT.l.TOlllA CORTICINA, C. H.246. Pentlltoma (Cappma) curticin., Still, He1ll. Afr. i. 160. ~. Cape. From 11. Drege'. collection.

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64. PBNrATOIII.6. APlOALD, C. H. ~60. Pentatoma inquioata, Sud, Of •• K. VIt. Al. Forla. 1863, ~18-Pentatoma

bipunctipes, Sign. Arcla. Enl. ii. 282-Pentatoma (Cappell) apiClllis. S141, Hem. Afr. i. lab.

", b. South AfriCll. From Sir A. Smith'. ooUecdOD.

ab. PSNTATOMA VAJUBOAT.\, O. H.263. Cimex olinceu., Tla_. Hem. Rollr. i. 2-Anteatia variegata, SIIIl, H",..

Afr. i. 202-Peotatoma liueatioollia, S14', Of •• K. VIt. Al. For4-1863,220.

", b. South Africa. Presented by the late Earl or Derby. c. Cape. Presented by tbe Eotomological Club. II. Cape. From H. Drege'. oollectioD.


Pentatoma (Cappea) pavida, St.l, H",., Afr. i. 163. 4. Natal. From H. GueiDzius' collection.


Cimex tanatus, Klvg It Elarmb. Spa. Play •• pl. 44, r. 12. Egypt. "


Cimex rugiventri8, Germ. Silb. Rn. Enl. v. "166. Cape.


Cimell: atomariuI, Germ. Silb. Rn. Enl. v. 170. Cape.


Cimell: nenoau., Germ. Silb. Rn. Em. v. 169-Hypaulacus Spin.


Cimex conspenue, Germ. Silb. Rn. Enl.'v. 173. Cape.



Cimex 008tatns, TAun. NOfJ. ["'. 8p. ii. 50, pI. 2, r. 63-Cimex bilinealDI, TIaM. Hem. RoBtr. ii. 2-Cimex civilis, Germ. Silb. He •• Enl. Y. 179 -Pentatoma (TbeloriB) costata, Slid, Hem. Afr. i. 172.


Bubmea. SIIIl, Of •• K. Vet. Al. Forla. 1853, 219-Pentatoma (Veteroa) 6ubrufa, B141, Heln. Afr. i. 156.


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• alatensis, S"'l, Oft. K. Vet. AI. ForA. 1863, 2]9-Pentatoma (Vetema) DataleDsi&, Stolt Hem. Afr. i. 166.


OigroPUDctata, 8ign. AreA. Brat. ii. ~-Peotatoma (Vetema) oigra­puoctata, Stal, Hem. #r. i. 167.


Peotatoma uoicolor, Stal, Hem. Afr. i. Ui8. GuiDea.


Yitlaticeps, Stal, OJ,,. K. Vet • .AI. ForA. 1858, 3]4-Peotatoma (Vetema) vittatioeps, Stal, Hem. Afr. i. 169.


CleDo8ula, SIal, Ofo. K. Vet. Ak. ForA. 1863,·218. PeDtatoma (Hipla) Cll1008ula, &111, Hem. Afr. i. 162. Natal.


bipartita, Sign, Rn. et Mllg. Zool. ]851,444. Pentatoma (Caura) bipanila, Still, Hem. Afr. i. 169. GaboD. -


Cimex ce"iDus, Germ. Silb. RfIfI. Ent. Y. 178-Peotatoma C8rviDum. H.-SeA. Wllnz. In •• vii. 99, pl. 246, C. 764-Pentatoma (Cappma) Ce"iDa, Stal, Hem. Afr. i. 161.

G. Cape. PreseDted by R. Trimeo, Esq.


Peotatoma (CapplIBa) tlfoiata, Stal, Hem. Afr. i. 162. Natal.


victoriDi, Stal, 0",. K. V,t. AI. ForA. 1866, 194-Peotatoma (CappllBa) victorioi, Stal, Hem. Air. i. 163.


8Doulicomis, Sign . .AreA. Ent. ii. 2~PeDtatoma (Cappa) aDDulicorois, Stal, Hem. Afr. i. 164.

Old Cala\lar. GaboD. SeDegal. Sierra LeoDe.

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296 OATALOO:UE 01'


reftexa, Siga, Art'A. Bm. ii. 284-Peotatoma (Cappma) reftexa, Slid, H ... .Afr. i. 164.

Old Calabar. 85. P£NTATOIIIA BLum ....

blanda, Slid, 0/". K. V.t • .Ai. Forla. 186-1, .218-Pentaloma (Carbula) bland .. , St4/, Hem • .Afr. i. 142.


Limpoponis, St41, Oft. K. Vet. A1. Forla, 1853, 219-Pentatoma (Carbula) Llmpoponis, Stal, Hem • .Afr. i. 143.


Cimn: marginellul, n ••. Hem. RoItr. ii. 4-Pentatoma (Carbula) margi­nella, Stal, H.".. Afr. 1. 144.

Cape. 88. PUT ... TOIIA LUTULENT ....

lutulenta, &4/, OJ". K. Vd . .Ak. ForA. 1853, 220-Pentatoma (Durmia) Iutulenta, St4/, HntI. Afr.1. 151.

Cape. Natal. 89. PENTATOIIA Sl'ABIlANII.

ADteslia SparmaDi, St4l, Hem • .Afr. i. 206. Cape.


ADwtia inermiventris, Stal, H ... .Afr. I. 206. South Africa.


marginata, Riga, AreA. Ent. i1. 283-Anteatia marginata, Stal, B ... .AIr. i.203.

Old Calabar. 92. PENr"'TOII ... IIBNTJENBo

PnJriu, longi-otlflt4, leite punctata; 4nterm. corpo,;, dimidio lIOII longiore., 4rticuli. 40 60qw ru/._tibUl; peCIUl .t _ter dirco ,.,ta«o ; pedn I14lidi, IflfMribu bali cN:irque tutaceir; _6ra1lll pellucid ..

Grass-greeD, elongate.oval, minutely punctured, paler beneatb. Ros­trum extending to tbe bind coxm; tip black. Antennm bardly balf the lengtb of tbe body; joints succeasiYe)I increasing in length; first not extending to tbe front of tbe bead; fourth and fiftb reddish. Hind angl .. of tbe thurax not prominent. Scutellum extending to tbe ftexure of the corium. Disk of tbe pectus and of tbe nDder side of tbe abdomen pale

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lestaceouS. f,egs rather stout; femora towards &he base and cos .. pale testaceous. Hind wings and membrane of &he fore wings pellucid, with culourless veins. Length of the body 6 lines.

It resembles the typical form of Rlw.pAigatBr, but &here is no trace of a ventral spine. '"

a. Qambia. Presellled by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


ViritlBlcente tellacea, ,u6otlata,fU.ce,centB punctata, .ublu. pallitle te.tacta; caput longi",culum, lalmbu, nigri. ,ubreflnil; antmnl8 apices 1Itr,u. ruielcmte., corpori' dimidio nOli Iongio,e$, articulo 50 40 per­paullo bmnoFt; tAora:e anguli. po,'iei, ,ubacutir .at ezplanati.; IIcutellum apium 1ItrlUB attenuatum; abdomm dorso 118te ruio, apice IUbemarg~"ato ; membrana pellucida.

Greenish lestaceous, nearly oval, finely punctured, pale testaceoua beneath; punctures brownish. Head elonga.te i sides blackish, slightly reflexed i lobes of equal length. Rostrum extending a little beyond the hind cox .. ; tip black.' AntennlB slender, reddish towards the tips, not more &han half the length of the body; joints from ,the first to' the fourth successively increasing in length i first nut extending tu the front of the head; fifth very little shorter than the fourth. Thorax with the hind angles prominent and !!lightlyacute. Scutellum attenuated towards the tip, not extending beyond the angle of the corium. Abdomeu 'above bright red, slightly emarginaled at &he tip. Legs slender. Hind wingl and mem.,. brane of the fore wings pellucid i ,'einl colourless. Length of the body 5 lines. ' a. Cape. Presented by R. TrimeD, Esq.


Lutea nigricallte punctata, .ubtw pallidefla1lt'ceJII; ante"nl8 nigre, cor­pon. dimidio non longiortll, articteli, 40 60fue ,..fe,cmtilnu'; tAora~ a"tice deelim, anguli. poslicN obl",i. non elll1'lan.ti.; .eutellum apiee glabrum paUide flafIDm; _trir rtfmmlum 5um .igro .nima­cu/atum; pede. wlidi,femoribul apice. 1ItrlUl nigro c01l.ptrli.; a/. antic. flaw eon'Per,., membrana, cintrea fu.ce.cenle wnDla.

Luteous, oval, shining, roughly pDnctured, pale yellowish b~neath l punctures mostly blackish. Head much' shorter than the thorax ;' lobes of equal length. Rostrum extending to the hind COSE; tip black. AnteDDiB black, about half the length of the body; joints successively increasing in length; first joint not eslending to the front of the head; fourth lind fifth reddish. Thorax with. very alight transverse ridge betweeD the bind angles, which are obtuse and not prominent. Scutellum exten!1ing SQme~ what beyond the flexure of the corium, smooth and pale 'yellow at the til,l' Abdomen beneath thinly black-punctured; an elongated black sJmt on the fifth segment. Legs stout; femora with • few black speckles towards the tipl. Fore wiogs wUh a few pale yellow points on the corium; ,mem\)ran~ cinereou~, wUh brownish veins. Length or the body 4 line.~ " a. Natal. From M. Glleinziu~' collectioD.


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Luu.tffU, /u.NI_" punctala; ro"rvm _In, ,egmenlum 6um .ttiH­gen.; .ntenn. ,.,bvirilh.cenu.; ""oralle liluri. dud" •• RliN gl.6rU. aRg,di, pollic;, obturiuimil non ell1plan",iI; .CKuUum "pice laiu luttum; WIIlri. 'tgmenlum 5um nigro unim_/alum; 1'1h. _lidi. ftmori6u, .pice. WT'UI nigro bipttali.; membraRa cirurtll.

Dull luteouI, nearly elliptical, somewhat rougbly punctured; puno­turea brownish. conical; lobes ofequallengtb. Rostrum extending to the fore border of the third abdominal segment; lip black. Auteno., with a greenish tinae, full half the length of the body; juints succeaai't'eJy increasing in lengtb; flrst not extending to the front or the bead. Tborax with a tranSferse irregular petiolated smooth ringlet on eacb side near the fore border; hind angles 't'ery obtuse, not prominenL Scutellum brighter luteous at th. tip, extending veryliule beyond the angle of the corium. Abdomen beneath with an elongated black .pot on the fifth segment. Legs atout; femora witb two black dots near the tips. Membrane of the fore wings cinereoul. Length oC the body 3t lines. II. Cape. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

Madagalcar. Mauritius. 00. PENTATOMA rlMBBUTol, O. H. 156.

't'iridicollis, O. H. 266-P1aulia fimbriat&, SI.I, Hem. Afr. i. 191. Madagaacar. Ceylon. a. Silbet. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. 6. Shanghai. From Mr. Fortune's collection. c. Amoy. From Mr. Stevens' collection. d. Siam. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. ,. Java. From the Ealt India Company's collection. f, g. Ja..... Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. A, i. Mysol. From Mr. Wallace's collection. j. MYIOI. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. k. Wagiou. Presented b,. W. W. Saunders, Esq. I-n. Hong Kon,. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. 0, p. Malacca. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. g. New Guinea. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Irsq. r. Kaisas. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq • •• Java. From Mr. Argent'. collection. I. Java.


sllbftua, SigR. A. S. E. F. 3mB Sera 't'iii. 931. Madagascar.


confusl, Sign. A. S. E. F. 3me Sera viii. 932-Antestia courusa, Stal, Hem. Afr. i. 201.


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99. PENTJLT(il\U iliTJDI5tfiMA. viridissima, Sign. A. S. E. F. 3me Set'. viii. 931. MadtfgascTr,

MIH4tklii, Mauritius.

100. PENTATOMA MAuRr!u. ReSiL 227~Antestity MaTris:ii,

AAabif%, 101. PENTATOM" MACULlCOLLIS, C. H. 2:'4.

arahi':3i, Sc,,£: Oft, Vex, Ak. Af:irh. Y Ah3, Arabia. a.Hin:betan •..... Prom Capt Coys' millecthe", b c, bindeet5n. Il:rese:1tgd by • W: LaUDieeiS •

• Af&i£4:. ]02. PENTATOI'" LINBA.

Chi',zz linB3i: Kl"Ai Bym, bhys, 44: B. Syrle.

103: PENTATOMA ORN.A.TULA. CimfY4: ornzY3iJus, .Afug,

Syria. Ambukohl. pI. r.

Aindositan. China. 104. PENTATO!llA PALLKDA. 0, H. 234.

a. Hiuxk:flan, From kapt. boys' :fzUectS1Y 1.

lU5. it'Y4:1eTATOExA r.6.noES, H. U73B. a. Tenasserim. Presented by - Packman, Esq. b. --- i' Presented by Gen, Hardwicke.

]06. PENTATOMA TIMORENSIB, O. H.242. HalyzlmorUito timmznsiGi:¥et'h, Aool. brito GYiZ, Wiffi, xiv. 5§RJ.

a. beylon. Presented by Dr. Hooker. b. Ceylon. From Mr. Thwaites' collection. c. kzylon, PresixzYed by Ar.

107. PENTATOMA TAPROBANENSIS, 0: H. 244, moltiIineE: Ell,gro: N,Z, Tij:Y: Atdeo£, Ind: Y4:3iiv.

a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Hooker. Jailz,

lOB. PENTATOMA ELONGATA, O. H. 246. a. HiDYOgtaD: From Capt, Aoys' g"Ilectioz,


-J09. PanATOIU. OB0I80TA, C. H. 26~. Plautia crouota, S141 • •• N. Bengal. From LieuL Campbell's collection. 6. Philippine Isles. From Mr. Cuming" collection. C-fI. Bong Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. f. N. China. From Mr. Fortune's collection. g. Bindostan. Presented by W. W. Saunden, Esq. Ia. Cambodia. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

110. PEKTATOIIA PIJLORU, C. H. 253. II. Bind08taD. From Archdeacon Clerk's collection. 6. Birmab. From Mrs. Waring's collection.

II. Tenasserim. b. Bong Kong.

111. PENTATOIIA .\NODOU, C. H.264. Presented by - Packman, E~q. Presented by ~. C. B.owring, Esq.

112. PENTArOMA OBUOIArA, C. H. 264. Ceylon. II. BindoRtan. From Mr. Cbildren's collection. b. Tenasserim. Presented by - Packman, Esq. c. N. Bengal. From Lient. Campbell's collection. d. N. Bindostan. From Capt. BPIS' collection. e. Jan. From tbe East Indio Company's collection •. f. g, Pbilil'pine Isles. From Mr. Cuming'S collection. II. Jua. Presented by J,'C. BOlVring. Esq. . i, j. Sumatra. From Sir Stamford Rafiles' collection. le,l.--i'

] 13. PENTATOMA BABALI8, C. H. ~31 • • , b. China. Preientedhy G. T. Lay:, Esq. c. Celebes. From Mr. Wallace's co1l6ction.

114. PENTATOMA GUTTA, C. H.239. II. Cbina. Presented by G. T. Lay, Esq:

115. PENT41'OMA B.LYS. Haly., St.l, 01'. K. Yet . .Ale. FtWla. 1866,69. China.

IJ~. PENT41'O"A TllIVULl8.

trinalis, Do~rn, Stett. En!. Zeit. ,xxj. 400. Ceylon.


lemur, DoMn, S~tl. Ent. Zeit. xxi. 401. Ceylon.

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FuIN, .cite et conferte punctata, ."bt", pallide flaw.ceru; a,lIenn .. testacetl!, coryon. dimidio breriore., articlllo 20 apice nigrieante, 30 40 DogW pallide jl4w.eentibu. apier. tier"" nil"'; tAora:e laleribu. pallide jlallfl.centibu., angu[is poI/iN .ubacutll; lcutellum lim'o[a apicali transversa bir c[aml. pallide flava; abdomen ocAraceum, .ublu. nigro univiltalum; pede. pallide jlaw,cent", nigro conaper.i, tibii •• ulcati.; a[iIi antictl! "iride.cente tntaeeal, apud cullam rufll'-cente.. '

, Tawny, oval, thickly and minutely punctured, pale yellowish beneath; punctures brown. Head large; lobes of equal length. Rostrum extending to the hind coxm; tip black. Antennm testaceous, a little less Ihau half tbe lenglh of the body; first joint not extending to the front of the head; secoud blackish at the tip, much longer than the third; third, fourth, and fifth pale yellowiSh, black towards the tips; fourth much longer than the third; fifth longer than the fourth. Thorax with pale yellowish slightly reflexed sides; hind angles slightly acute aud prominent. Scutellum attenuated lowards the tip, not extending beyond Ihe angle of the corium; tip bordered by a pale yellowish line which is dilated at each end. Pectus and under side of the abdomen thinly black speckled. Abdomen ochraceou8 above;' under side, with an irregular black stripe, which does not extend to the tip. Legs slender, pale yellowish; femora and tibim black speckled; tibim furrowed. Fore wings greenish testaceous, reddish testaceous along the costa; membrane pale cinereous, with nine pille longiludinal veins, of which the fiflh is forked near its tip and united with the sixth near the base. Hind ,wings pellncid. Length of the body 6t lines.

It resembles P. timoren.iB in structure; the f'yes and the angles of the thorax are less prominenl. a. Siam. Presented by W. W. Saunders, E~q.


Fu/Yla, longi-ovata, a.perll nigro punctata, ",btu. t"ta«4; caput longiu._ culum, lobo medio ,u bglabro; tlntennal nigrt1!, corporis dimidio breviore., articulo 10 testaceo; tAora:t: tuberculir duobw lint'alJu, tranlfJer,a indi.tincti., anguli. po.,ici. obtusirsimis non e:t:planatil; scutellum nigro lJuinlJue p[agialum, apieem tIerBU' attenuatu", luteu", glabru",; pede. ledacn, I14/idi, dense IItu/o.i; alee antiC'al luteo ",b­caJ"per'aI, membrana lurida.

Tawny, elongate-oval, roughly punctured, testaceoas beneath: punc­tures black. Head elongate; lobes of equal length; middle lobe very tbinly punctured, forming a very slight keel. Rostrum extending to the bind cosm; lip black. Antennm black, less than half tbe length of tbe body; joints from the third to the fifth successively increasing in lenglh ; first teataceous, nOl. extending to the front of the head; second longer than the third. Thorax wilh a hardly elevated transverse lioe near the fore border; an indistinct tubercle on eaoh side in front of the line; hind angles ,ery obtuse, not prominent. Scutellum extending beyond the bend of the corium, attenuated towards its lip. which is &mooth and luteous; most of the punctures clustered in five patches, of which one Is on each

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lide of tbe base, one in the disk, and one on each side beyond the middle. Abdomen not emarginated at the tip; counexivum with a black dot at the base of each segment. Legs stout, testaceous, thickly setulose; ta1'lli with black tips. Fore wings with a few minute smooth luteous marks; mem­brane lurid, with six longitudinal veins, of wbich the first and the second are Ullitednear tbe base. Lengtb of the body 6 lines. a. Hiudostau. Presented hy J. C. Bowring, Esq.


Ferruginea, niteRl, flal10 ,ubcolispersa, teltactO unitJittata, ,ubtu. pallide tedacea; raput testaceo trivitla/um; antenfllll te,tarelll, graciUi_, corporis dimidio longiores, articulo 30 apire ferrugineo, 40 609"e nigri. basi pallide jla-cia; thoraa: liturn duabu. anticillutei.,lateribu pallide testaceis, anguli, pas/iris obtu,is; .cutellum maculis tribus magni' pallide jla-cis; pectw nigro .ea:punctatum; pede. nigra con­.ptr.i; nwmbrana lurida.

Ferruginous, oval, shining, thinly speckled with pale yellow, rather roughly punctured, pale testaceOU8 beneatb. Head conical, with two sbort testaceous stripes between the eyes; lohes of equal length; middle lobe wtaceou.. Rostrum extending to the hind COX IE ; tip black. Antenn. testaceou8, very slender, -more tban half the length of the body; joints successively increasing in length; first not extending to the frout of tbe head; third ferruginous at tbe tip; fourth black, pale yeUow for one-fourth of the length from tbe base; fifth black, pale yellow for more than one­tbird of the length from the hase. Tborax with a transverse smooth luteous mark on eacli side n~ar tbe fore border; sides pale testaceou8; bind angles obtuse, not prominent. Scutellum extending a little beyond tbe angle of the corium; a large pale yellow spot on each side at the base, and another at the tip. Pectus witb three black points on each side. Abdomen above black, witb testacenU8 spots along each side. Legs pale testaceous, minutely speckled with black; tips of tbe tibim and of tbe joints of tbe tarsi brown. Membrane of the fore wings lurid. Length of tbe body 6 lilies.

Very nearly allied to P. ba.ali,. a. Siam. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


.lEJlco-!u,ca,.'p"" punctata, pi ... minurw teltaceo con'per.; caput longiu.­cu/um, lateribu. tJia: rejka:ir; antenJlIII tellacelll, gracile., corpon. dimidio longiorel, articulo 40 nigra basi te,taceo, 60 ruJo apice nigro ; thora:r: linea tranmIrIC antica glabra interrupta, latmb," pal/ide tedacei. ; lcutellum gutt;, duabw basalibu maculague magna api­rali pallideflavil; pectus nigro sea: punctatum; pedel te.t4Cei, fligro cOJisperBi; membrana lurid ••

..Eneous-brown, elliptical, rougbly punctured, with testaceous speckles, which occasionally are hardly apparent; under side testaceous. Head elongatlt; sides bardly refteled; lobes of equal length. Rostrum testa­ceOIlS, extending to the bind COXII; tip black. Antenn. testaceons, slender, a little more than half the length of the body ; joints successively increasing in length; fourth black, testsceons at the base; Ofth red, black towards the

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tip. Thorax with a transverse smooth interrupted line near the fore border; sides pale testsceous in front, hardly reftexed. Scutellum not extending beyond the angle of the corium; a smooth pale yellow dot on each side at the base, and a large smooth pale yellow apical spot. Pectus with three black points on each side. Legs testaceous ; femora and tibial speckled wilh black. Membrane of the fore wings lurid. Length or the body 5 lines.

Perhaps a variety of P. lrispila.

a, b. Hong Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq.


Pra.ina, longi-o'llala, dense punctata, .ubrufelCente 'IIaria, IUbtu, pallide jlafHI.cente IIiridis; caputjiallUm,postice viridf'; antenntBlliridelcentew, corporis dimidio brwiore. ; thoralll: antice jiavuI, anguUs postid. obtusi. : Iculeilum attenualum, puncti, tribu. 6asalibu. jia,," ; venter .ubearinatus; pede. gracil", membrana pellucida.

Grass-green, elongate-oval, thickly and minutely punctured, indis­tinctly tinged here and there with red, pale yeliowish green beneath. Head yellow, elongate; hind part green; lobes of equal length. Rostrum extending to the hind COXal; tip black. Antenule greenish, less than half the length or the body; joints successively increasing in length; first not extending to the front of the head. Thorax with a broad yellow band along the rore border, the hind border of this band dentate; hind angles obtuse, not prominent. Scutellum extending a little beyond the angle of the corium, attenuated towarch the tip, with three yellow points at the base. Abdomen beneath slightly keeled. Legs slender. Membrane of the fore wings pellucid. Length or the body 6i lines.

It resembles the typical form of Rhaphigaster in structure, but has no ventral spiue. a. Hindostsn. From the Eutomulogical Society's collection.

Australasia. 123. PENTATOllI:A TRINOTATA, O. H. 238.

1:, 6. Java. From the East India Company's collection. e, d. Java. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. e. Celebes. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

124. PENTATOMA LONGIROSTBIS, C. H. 238. a, b. Philippine Isles. From Mr. Cuming's collection.


a. Java. ,From the East India Company's collection.


chlorina, Stal, Of'll. K. Vet. Ak. Forh. 1858, 436.


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punctum, Mtrz. A. S. E. F. 4me S"r. i. 63. Lifu. Woodlark.


Buitardi, Mtrz. A. S. E. F. 41/1e Str. i.6t. BIlI&de, New Caledonia.


brunnipennis, Mtrz. A. S. E. F. 4me Ser. i. 63. Lifu.


basi,entris, Mtrz. A. S. E. F. 41/1e Ser. i. 63. Balade.


Perroudi, Mtrz. A. S. E. F. 41/1e Ser. i. 64.



Lutea, 01lG14, nitens, "igro 'IIt lllpert punc14tll; coput "itti. qUlltuor nigril indeterminllti., lobo medio gl1l6ro; oculi .u6ex/en.a', .at IIIl1gni; tAoraz jW.fIO mllrgi'natu., spatio IIntico 8u6gldro, fascia posticli jW.f1/I indeterminatll, IIngulis pollici. subacutis viz explllnllti,; .cutellum tliu;, dudUB a6brmlltis indeterminll/is "piclfJuejlllm.; 116<10". ..

apice truncatum; peder sat tIIIUda'; IIltll antictlI ru/e,cen/tI, ,plltio call1lli pillgi.que duabu8 mllgnis jW.""centibus.

LuteouB, o'al, shining, rather rougbly punotured; punctures black. Head conical; punctures mostly forming four incomplete stripes i lobes of equal length; middle lobe smooth. Eyes rather large aod promioent. Thorax with a slender yellow border; a traosverse nearly smooth space Dear the fore border; an irregular yellow band betweeu the hiod angles, wbicb are slightly acute aod promineot. Scutellum oot exceeding beyoDd the angle of the corium, yellow and smooth at the tip, and with aD abbre­"iated very irregular yellow IIlripe on eacb side. Abdomeo somewbat truncated at the tip; connexivum with a row of black duts OD the uoder side. Legs rather stout. Fore wings reddish, yellowisb along tbe costa; two large irregular mostly smooth yellowisb spaces, one aDlemedial, the other postmedial; membrane pellucid. Length of the body 3llioes.

It belongs to the group of P. t"notlltll.

II. Sarawak, Borneo. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

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F.l.a, oMtll, .111 atpere j.,eo punctalll, .ubtu. I~lta_; caput 10ngifUcu­lum. ,ubtu. flawm; rortrum COIIIJtJ. portica, perpAulio "'pera,.,; antmllQl gracik., pallid#! ~"aceQ!, corpori, dirnidio paullo 1000giore;, articulo 40 jfUCO h/lli te'lII~o, 60 dimidio apicali jUBro; tlwrate 'patiil dllahu. antici. glahnl, lllteribu. fJite rt,foreil, angulil polticil obtfUiI; .cu~llUln apiee pallitk fla."m, peetu., Aigro 1I!tII:9'!-tlllt.",.; abdomen apice emarginatum; membrana cinerea.

Tawny, 01'81, rather roughly and irregularly punctured, testaceoull beneath; punctute~ brown. Head elongatel yellow beneatb; lobes of equallengtb, middle lobe paler. Eyes not prominent. 1;lostrum extending Ycry little beyond the bind coxm; tip black. Antennlr pale testaceous, slender, a little more tban balf the lengtb of tbe hody; joints successively increasing in lenglh; first joint extenilinlt nearly to tbe front of the be&4; fourtb brown, except near the base; 6flh bro"n for balf the lengtb from tbe tip. Tbor,x l.Vilh a smooth space on each side near ,the fore border; sides smooth, .yery slightly reJlexed; hind angles obtuse, bardly prom~nent. Scutellum pale yello~ towards the tip •• ,tending a littJ.e beyond tbe angle .of the c<or~um. Prosternum, mesosternum and metasternum witb a blae): ,dot on side. Abdomen emarginate at the tip i connexivum wilL ;blaclt SpOl8 along eacb side. Legs moderately stopt; femora towards tbe base and coxm paler. Membrane oftbe ro~ ~ings cine1eOUJ.I. ;ltength of ~he body 4 lines.

Like f. triflO~ata in structu,re. flo. Flores. J'rescnl,ed by \f. W. SllJ,Ulders, E~~.

134. PENTATO¥A 1)18001oOB.

fallia ~riclil, 0214111, latll, nit"", par,ee punctllllll ""bt"" 'P"ll~de tutacev.; caput parwm, pllllirU te"ClceutA; tlaOrate aAtice deelim pallid#! ttBta.­ctUI~ angulil poiticil ohtfUiI; lel,dellum api~ latifUcuium, maculil duabfU la~libUB elong~til pallicle ~'tacei,; pede, brepiuBeulil tibii. taraillJUt pallid, .~staeeil; membra.- pei!v.d..t!a.

Pale Rl'een, Gval1. broad~ shining1 vfl!)' thinly puoctured" mostly pale ,testsceous beneath. Head and fore part of the .thorax pale testaceou8. ;Head small; lobes or equal lengtb. "'strum extending to the bind cox",; tip black. AutenulB not more than balf the lengt\l of t\le body; joints lIuccessi~el, iocreas,ing in length; ~rst Bot /!ftending to the frou,t of the head. Thorax sligbtly sbelving in front; hhid angles, nO,t promi;­nent. Scutellum rather b,road a,t the tip, ,8111en,(i¥lg. a little )leyoud the flexure of the .corium; au elongated pale tesla,ceous spOL on eacb side. Legs rather sbort; tibim and tarsi pale testaceous. Hind wings ~d mem~ brane of the fore wings pellucid. Lengtb of the body 1 lines.

Like P.fim6riata in structure; scutellum rather broader at tbe tip. II. Sarawak, Borneo. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. '

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Luletl, olllda, la'a, niten" .ubpun('ta,a; eapu' /uJud puraclalum; ara'en". JulfJ(l, graM', 1'M'pOf'i, dimidio p4ullo longio,.,.. ar,iculo 10 JItIllide fliridi; tlwra:;e Jtllcia pOItica la'a fliridi, anguli. porliei. 06,,,,illi­mi.; ,eutellum apicem fliride; pee'm .,iride,certI; pede. lIindel, validi, ,arril/uteil; II" ara,ic. fliride,cen'e., macula di.eAli 061o .. ga nigra, COIta ba,i [u'ea, membrana nigricanle.

Luteou8, oval, broad, shining, very thinly punctured; punctures mostly black. Head broad, almost smooth; lobes or equal length. Rostrum extending to the hind COXIe; tip black. Antennll! tawny. slender, a little more than half the length of the body; joints successively increasing in length; first joint pale green. not extending to the front of the head. Thorax with a vel'y slight green tinge on each side in front; a broad green band on th. hind border; a black spot at each end of the band; hind angles very obtuse, not prominent. Scutellum green towards the tip, which is broad aud extends a little beyond the flexure of tbe corium. Pectus pale green. Abdomen beneath with a row of transverse blackish spots on each side. Legs /lreen, stout; tarsi luteous. Fore "inlls pale green; costa luteous at the base; an elongated black spot on the disk; membrane blackish. Length of the body 4 lines.

It resembles P. fimbria,a in structllre. 4. Aru. Presented by W. W. Saunders. Esq.


FulfJtl, elliptica, alper8 raigro puncta'a, .ub'm nigro-ftCCI; capu' breI1/!; oculi ,a' mapi; roa'rum 'estaCetlm, legmen,i _tralil margin em po.tieum Jere a"ingem; anteranm JuifJ(l, gracile., torpon. dimidio pt&ullo longioru; t/aora:;e antir.e leeU.,;" linca traRl1It1f'1tI pt&Uidiore, angul" po.,ici. 06,,""; ,eu'tUum ,tI6a,tenua'tCm, li'uri, daub", 6t11Ali6u. impft'..u raigricara,j6u" pectoris latera 'ertaCetl va"ia; Willei' tellae/lQ margin«lm; pede. nigro con, perri, longi .. ,culi, Mt gracik ••

Tawny, elliptical, slightly shining, rougbly and irregularly punctnred ; punctures black; underside mneoua-black, shining. Head short; lobes of equal length. Eyes rather large and prominent. Rostrum testaceoul, extending nea·rly to the hind border of the second ventral segment; tip black. AutenDle tawny, slender, a little more tban half the length of the body; joints successively increasing in length; first joint extending almost to the front of the head. Thorax alanting in front of a slight paler tran~ verse ridge .beLween tbe hind angles, wllich are obtuse and not prominent. Scntellum slightly attennate., extetMiing a little beyond the angle of the eoI'ium, witb a -black impression OD each angle at the base. Pectus parlly testaceous on each side. Abdomen beneath bordered with testaceous on each side and at the tip. Legs testaceOu8, ratber long aud slender; fem9f& and tibi., black speckled. Membrane of the fore winls ciDereous. veinll tawny. Length of the body D lilies.. •

It has some affinity to tbe genus 110rmidea •

.a. New GuiDea. Presented by W. lV. Sliullders, Esq.

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1'ularea, longi-olltda, a.peTe nigra pUR""a'4, .ubtUl lultII; taput apice latUIII, .ublUl nigru'" lateribu • .. binti.u; alltlftll. eorporil dimidio lOIlgioru; tlwru m rugUW.UI, aRgulil poItitil ob •• 11011 npllllla­til; scutellum apice", 1I<'r.UI alteRuatum, I_alii dudUl balalibu, Rig",; pertUl n: maima parte Rigrum; witter ,uUa poll_dia aRRuloque mazilno "'gri.; pede. Rigro COII.perri; membralla lurida.

Dull testaceoullt elongate-oval, roughly punctured, luteous beneatb; punctures black, irregularly clustered. Head broad in front, slightly eaca­waled on each side in front of tbe eye; lobes of equal lengtb ; under side black. Rostrum teslaceous, extending to the hind COXIII; tip black. Autennm testaceou., more tbaD half the length of tbe body; joints from the first to tbe fourth successiyely iucreasing in length; first not exteading to the front of tbe head; fifth a little shorter than the fourth. Tborax very sligbtly mglliose, hardly ncayated on each side; hind angles obtuse, not prominent. Scutellum extending somewbat beyond the bend oC tbe corium, atteuuated towards the lip; a small longitudinal black excavation on eacb side at tbe base. Pectus mostly black. Abdomen beneatb, black at the base, with two black-stripes, wbicb are united near tbe tip, and with a black dot on the fore border of tbc fourtb segment. Legs testaceous ; femora and tibilB speckled with black. Fore wings mostly brown, punc­tured; membrane lurid, with levelllllongitudinal veins, some of wbicb are forked. Hind wings pellucid. Lengtb of tbe body 6 lines. II. New Caledonia. From Mr. Macgillivray's collection. 6. -- i' Presented by Sir J. Liddell.


Fuit1tJ, longi-ot1tJta, .uttiliter It parre pUllctalll, .ubl," teltarea t caput latum; rOltrum .egmmt; INII'&lrali. 3i margine", poI/icu", altingen.; alltennQl flrtJ.ciie.; tlaoraz .uleo tranBIItIr'O indeterminato, angulu JIOsticil oblu.i,; IcutellulA .ubattenuatum; pede •• at gracile.; _",. brana pellucida.

Tawny, elongate-oval, minutely puuctllred, testaceoU8 beneatb. Head broad; lobes of equallengtb. Rostrum extending to tbe fore part of the third yentral segment; tip black. AmeDDIB slender; first jllint not ex­tending to tbe front of tbe bead. Thorax yery tbinly punctured, except in dIe middle part of a sligbt transverse furrow near the fore border; bind IIngles obtuse, not prominent. Scutellum thinl, punctured, sligbtly atlenu­ated towards tbe tip, whicb is paler, not extending beyond tbe angle of tbe corium. Legs rather slender. Membrane of the fore wings pellDcid. Length of tbe body 7 liues.

It agrees witb P. longirostril in tbe length of tbe rostrum, hut diO'ers widely from it in tbe shape of Ibe bead, in the transverse furrow of tbe tburllx, and iu the markings. a. Tondano. Presented by W. W. Sau!lders, Esq.

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Australia. 139. PSNTATOMA CAMATDLA, C. H. 2~7.

a. Swan River. Pre5e1lted by Sir J. Ricbardson.

140. PBNTATOIIA PALLIPES, C. H.239. a. Australia. From Mr. Lambert's collection.

141. PENTATOlIIA MABGIIliELLA. C. H. 245. Ii. AUltraliL

142. PKNTATOJIA ..BOLA, C. H. 248. II: Australia. Presented by Sir J. Richardson.

148. PEN'UTOMA "lIGAn, C. H. 249. II. AaatraJia. Presented by Sir J. Ricbardson.

144. PBNTATOIU "PI'INIS, C. H. 252. Plautia aSinis, Stal.

at b. Austtltlia. Presented by Jobn M'Oillivra,., Esq.

145. PJlNTATOMA N01'IA, C. H. 252. Ii. Australia. Presented by Sir J: Richardson.


Fulva, elliptica, lata, .ubtiliter pURctala; caput lal""', ,ubdqreuu", ; aRten_ Rigrdl, gracile.; carpon. dimidio brlll/joTe., arliculo 10 tt'" taceo; tAoraa: aRtice decliwi. aflRu/u duobUl glabru Irallnrerm attenuatu petiblatu, aflgulu poltici. ""Ide rotundali, haud nplaJlaPl ; Ilbdo",en Rigrum, apice'" wrsu. atn'ato~oc/lracllu"'; membranll ciraerea, mail fulwil;

Tawny, broad, elliptical, tbickly and minutely punctured, not sbining; tllstaceoDB beneatb. Head broad, witb two indistinct blackish stripes; lobes bt equallengtb. R06trum tawny, extending to tbe hind COXIIl; tip piceous. Antenul\! black,less tban balf tbe length of tbe body; first juint testaceous; not !!Stending to the front of the bead; 8ecood sometimes tawny lowards .he base, mucb longer tban the third; founb and fiftb as long as tbe second. Thutltx sian Ling in front of a very slight transverse ridge beuveen the hind angles, which are milch rounded and not prominent; a transverse elongated petiolated smnoth ringlet on eacb side near the fore bOlder. Scutellum paler at the lip, bardly extending beyond tbe angle of tbe corium; basal .ngles black. Abdomen black from the base to lhe tip of the scutellumj gilded OChl'llCeOUS from thence to tbe tip; counexivum ferruginous; spiracles hlack. Legs testaceou8, rather sbort and Slout; tarsi witb black tips. Membrane of tbe fore wings cinereous; veins tawny, sometimes forked. Hind wings pellucid. Length of the body 6 liues.

It resembles P; circumdata in slructure, but tbe bead is bruader in front and more like that of tbe Sciocoriddl.

a. Sydney. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. b. Australia. From Mr. Damel's cullectiun.

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F"lfllJ, _ta, lalitucula, f"'cu pUlIetata, .. bltu tedllcell; caput latum. albido margilllltum, lobil lllterlllib", lobum mtdi"", l'!'.uUo '"~r­utib",; ro.'rllm piceum; a"lenlUll "igrtl, corporil dim.dio brevioTU. arliclIlil 10 .t 20 rufncelltibtu; "'OTIIIII la,eribtu IIlbidil, a"guiil posticil obttuu1ltlide rotllwtil; .cutell"m lI.gutii bualib", "igril, apice "011"""1""m pallida; pede, 1HIiidi,ftuco cOlllperri, tibiil apice tarmq .. fllICII; RIlmbrallll lurida, mail f"'cia reticulattJ.

Tawny, oval, ratber broad, minutely punctured, dingy testaceoul beneath; PUDCtUres brown. Head broad, bordered on eacb side by a slender dingy w~itish line; lateral lobes extending a little beyond tbe middle lobe. Rostrum piceous, extending to the middle COXIB. Antenom black, less than half the length of tbe body; first and second joints reddish; first not extending to tbe front of tbe bead; second mucb longer tban the third; fourtb a little lonller than tbe second; fifth mucb longer than the fuurtb. Thorai with a slender whitisb line on eacb 8ide in front of the hind angle, wbich is obtuse and mucb rounded. Seutellum witb a black point on each angle at the base, extending rather beyond tbe Sexure of the corium, sometimes paler at the tip. Pectus irregularly punctured, with a channel between the CHili!. Abdomen emargtnate at the tip; connexivum witb black spots along each side. Legs 8toul, brown-speckled; tarsi and tips of tibim brown. Membrane of the fore wings lurid, witb brown re£icu­lated reins. Lengtb of the body 4 Jines.

It retembles tbe precediug' species in general strncture, but in the teticulated membrane it agrees with the genus Hyme"o.rcyB. G. Tasmania. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. b. Tasmania. Presented by Lieut. A. Smith. ~, Ii. New Zealand. From Mr. Stevens' collection.


Rufe'Ct:llte-fu/fJfI, lo"gi-u~alal a'pere PKlICttJlo; caput lalum, lubi. later~ alibtu lob"m medium pa"Uu ,uperantib",; rostrum pi~eum; aRtenRa! ."gr., i:1WJ'O"' dimldiu br~iore" arliculi. 10 tt 20 j Moralll ItRtice ,,'ri"qlle impre,_, aRg"liI pa.tica. obt""'; &CUteIU anguli balain Rigri; pede, piCft, tibii. p',.teriarib", lllteo late fa,ciatil; RIlmbraRII lurido-/UBt:II, _iI reticulati,.

Reddish tswny, elongate-oval, rougbly pUllel.ured, paler beneath: nead broad; lateral lobes extending a Iiltle beyond tbe middle lob,,: Rostrum piceous, extending to tbe bind COllie. Antennm black, less tban half the I~ngth of the body I first and second joints reddisb tawny; first Dol extending to the front of the head; second much longer tban the third I fourtb as long as the second I fifth longer thau the fourth. Thorax slightly impressed on eacb side in front of the bind angles, wbich are obtuse and Dol prominent. Scutellum with a black point on each side at the basel e~telldiug a little beyolld tbe llexure of the corium. Pectus piceous about tbe COXa'l between whicb tbere is a f,urow. Abdomen emarginale at tbe tip. Legs piceous, stOllt I post.erior tibie luteous, piceoua at the basel

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piceous towards the tips. Membrane of tbe fore wings lurid-brown I veills dark brown, reticulated. Lengtb of tbe budy" lines.

It agrees ill structure with P. "ilil, from wbich it is chil'fty dis­tinguisbed by tile dark sides of the bead and or tbe t)joras. The Mild augles of the tbol'ax are a little less prominent. 4. Adelaide. From Mr. Stevens' collection.

149. Pll:NTA.T~lIfA OOLLIOAtJ..

Ob,cure 1.11111, fUptT' punctata, ,ubt.. flirid"ef'n~ ruillef'n,: capul latiuculum, latmb.. .ubre}kzi., Iobil la~l'I.Ilib.. lobuIn m,dium perpaullo .uperantib .. ; rollr"m piceum. bari lu/llum: t4oro:e andcli .uln-uguloB", angulil pOBtici. wide obt..u: .c"~lluln puncli, tribu. b(lIalib.. I""i., angULi. btUolib.. nigri.; ped" lutei, lemorib., tibiis'!ue antici6,/emonbu, posterioribu, opice lanilque tliridi-nigri., membrana lurida, wni.l.,m ,ubreticu/atil.

Dull lawny. elliptical, ruugbly punctured, reddisb beneath; punctures blackish. Head ralber brolld; sides sligbtly redexed I lateral lobe extending very little beyond the middle lobe. Rostrum piccoUB, lawny towards the base, extending to tbe hind COSIII. Thoraz tranIVenely and slightly rugulose at a little in front or tbe middle; hind angles yery obtuse, uot prominent. Scutellum estending rather beyond the angle of the corium, wilb.Jhree luteous points on Lhe fore border and with a black dot on each fore angle. Abdomen beneath and fore part of peclul tinged with metallic· green; hind part of pectus rugulose; conueziyum with black spots on each side. Legs stout, lutenus; tarsi, fore femora, fore tibial and tips of posterior femora greenish black; tips of posterior tibilll piceous. Membrane of the rure wings lurid I veins brown, slightly reticulated. Length of tbe hody .. lines.

It much resembles the two precediug species, but the head is sborter and the hind angles of the thorax are less prominenL a. Soulh Australia. Presented by B. Bakewell, Esq.


S(Jrdide ful., longi-elliptica. a'pere nigro punclata, .ubl", pallid, lutta I caput lalum, lobi. latera lib.. lobum medium paullo "perantib.,; rod,.m CO:l:fU in~tdia8 altingeR'; tltoruz tranSlleTSe i"'prll,u'j IIrigil dUllb •• anterioribu. trannle"iI glabril, latmbu. pallide lu~is, . anguli. pollici. wide rotundati.: "umtlltum wntrille 5um nigro URi· guttatum; perleB brew,: membrana lunda, wni.l.,ci, reticulati ••

Dingy lawny, elongate-elliptical, roughly punctured, palo luteous beneath; . punctures black. Head broa.l; lateral lobes extending a little beyond the middle lobe. Bostrum luleoUS, extending to the middle COXIII; .

tip black. Tborax with a transverse smooth streak on eacb side in front of a slight transverse antemedial furrow I aides pale lutenus; hind angles very much rounded, not prominent. Scutellum extending rather beyond the angle of the corium; tip pale luteou8. Fifth ventral segment with 1\ black dllt in the disk. Legs shurt, stout; tarsi with piceous tips. Membrane uf

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the fore wings lurid; veins brown, reticullited. I.ength of the body 41 Iines.

The body i~ more elongated than that of tbe three preceding specl~, aud tbe hind angles of the tborax are much mure rounded al)d less prominellt. t;I. South Australia. Presented by B. Bakewell, Esq.


ObsCllre iu/m, brevi-om III, sat a'pere punctllla, .ubtll' pallide lutea I capll' long'.setl'.m, liturll pudicII quadrata; roltr.m piceum, ba,i. lll'",m; antenlld! fligr", corporis dimidio lo"giore., articuli .. 10 20que iulvi., 20, 30 40que llpice albid;,: thorllllC alltice declivi. e' tranBVerle imprelfuI, allgulis pultici, mlde rotllndatis; scutellum apice testa ceo paUido margifllltllm; .egmenta wntl'lIlill 3um et 411m fligro 'rigu'tllta, lSum nigro oiplagilltum; membrana pallide cinerell, iwco "riglltll.

Dull tawny, short-oral, lomewhat roughly punctured, pale luteou. beneath; punctures brown. Head elongate, wilb a quadrate mark on the hind border between the ocelli; lobes of equal lengtb. Rostrum piceous, luteolls towards tbe base. extending to the hind COXal. Anteunal blackt more than half the length of the body; first and second joklts tawny; first Dot extending to the front of the head; second, third and Courth whitish at the tips; second a little longer than the third; fourth a little ll)nger than die second,sborter than the fifth. Thorax with 8 vezy illdi8tinct transversa impre88ion in Cront of a slight transverse ridge between tbe hind anglee, which are mucb rouuded and slightly prominent; sides slightly rellesed, pale testaceous in Cront. Scutellum extending a little beyond the angle of the corium, with a narrow pale testaceous line round its tip. Abdome~ above black, bordered with pale testaceous; a row of black marginal dots on each side beneath; three black dots 00 the third ventral segment and tbree on the fourth; a large transverse black patch on the fifth. Legs stout; tarsi and tif: of tibie blackish. Membrane of the fore wings pale ,cinereou., with pa e brown streaks. Length oC the body 3 linea. s. Tasmania. From Mr. 4. J. Smith's collection.

Country unknown. 16~. PBNTA.TOMA V~NTBA.LI8, C. H. 243 •

. 6. ---?

163. P£NTATOIU Q10.0I18PICU~, C.II. ~Q.. Plautia inconsJliculI, Stal. 4.-1


.tetrastigma, H.-ScI&.. Waz. Ins, ix. 3~ •

.•. -i'

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Prtl.lina,jruij""mis, den.e p"nctata, Ittbtlll lellacec; caput longiu.culllm; rodrum lestatellm; anten_ nigrfll; Ila(,r" antite OblCllnu, latwibll' jlaml, anglll" rotundati,; .eutellum mlta brem apiceque jlatJil; pede. le.tacei, wlidi; at. anlirfll costa balijlal11l, membrana pellucida.

Grass-green, fnsiform, thickly and minutely pnnctured, mostly testa­ceons beneath. Head elongate; lobes of equal length. Eyes slightly prominenL Bostrum testaceoua. Antennlll black, slender, less than halC the length oC the body; fint joint not eluending to tbe front of the bead; second mucb longer than tbe tbird; Courth and fifth as long as the second. Thoras darker about tbe fore border; sides yellow; I)ind angles rounded, Dot prominent. Scutel1l1m attenuated toward, the tip, extending a little beyond the ftexure oC the corium, witb a ahort yellow stripe; this stripe commenpel in the middle and exte~ds to the tip, wbich is also yellow. ~gs testaceou8, stout. posta of fJle Core winga Yllllgw WWardl ~e ba",; m,embnne pellucid. Length of tbe body 5j-lines. "' . ....,---r Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

Genus 26. ACLADRA. ,Acladra, Sign. Ann. Soc. En1. Fr. ~me Ser. iii. ~7.


reOesa, Siga. Anlt. &c. $nt. Fr. 4mB Ser. iii. 647, pI. 12, f. 1=1. phili.

Genus 27. RHOMBOCORIS. Jthombocoris, Magr, VerA. ~ool. Bot. Gtll. JVien. xiv. 91~,


• yriacuI, May'. Verb. Zool. Bot. Ge ... Wien. xiv. 91~. Ii,ria.


,similis, M_gr, Verla. Zool./Jot. Ge ... Wien. xiv. 91~ .. ,Auckland.

Genus~. EPIPEDUS, C. H. 25G. 1. ~PIPEPDS Bls1alo, C. H. 2~6.

,a. Brazil. From M. Momay's collection.

Genul 29. APLElJ,OTI1S. C. H. 266. 1. AJ'LERQTDS MAOULATUS. C. H. 266.

a, b. Australia. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. F~ d. South Australia. Presented by B. Bakewell. Esq.

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a-j. England. k--II. Frauce.


Genus 30. STRAOHIA. C. H.267. Europe.

1. Sl'RAOHIA ORNATA, C. H. 257. FroID lIr. Stephens' collection.

o. Switzerland. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. p-L Italy. V, u. Malta. From Mr. Children's collection. til. III. Enrope From Mr. Children's collection. y-dd. Europe. «-ii. ---I' Presented by W. W. Saunders. Esq.



Pentatoma picla, H.-Srh. Faun Germ. 116,12, I3-Stracbia picta, Hahn, Wanz. I",. iii. 14, pl. 77, f.240. Fie6. Hem. 343. Mull. et Rq, Pun. Frann, ii. 210.

a--o. France. p. Italy. Preseuted by Dr. Dowler. q. Albania. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. r, •. Europe. Froln Mr. Cbildren's collection. t-w. Europe. Presented by W. W. Saunders. Esq. 11:. Trebizond. From Mr. Abbou's collection. y, z. Canary Isles. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. fill. Interior of China. Presented by Lieut.-Col. H. A. Jarel.


Pentatoma decoratum, H.-Seh. Faun. Germ. 1I6, 14-Stracbia pustulata, Fie6. Weit. Beilr. 1836, 252, pl. 2, f. 31; Hem. 343-Stracbia de­coram, Mul,. lit Hliy, Pun. France. ii. 214,

a, 6. France. c, d. Italy. e. Hindostan. Presented by Gen. Hardwicke.


Cimex do~inulus r Srop. En~. Carn.124,362-Cimex restivus, Linn. Syd. Nat. I. 723. Muller, Linn. Natur,. v.491. Fa6r. 8ylt. Ent. 714; Ent. Sy,t. iv. 148; Syd, Rh!ln. 173. Schrank, If/I. AlUlr. 2'78; Faun. Boic. ii. 75. Gmtl. Syst. Nat. i. 2156. De ViII. Linn. Ent. i. 500. Roali, Faun. Elr. i. 255; Ed. Ill. ii. 337. ParlZ, Faun. Germ. vi, 19. Wolff, Icon. Cim. 61, pI. 6, f.71-Pentatoma "ediva, Latr. Hi". Nat. xii. I94-PentalolDa fimbriolata, Germ. Faun. I",. 17, 9-Stracbia festin, Hahn, Wanz. In •. i. 181, pI. 29, f. 93. Fie6. Hem. 342. Mull. et Reg, Pun. Franre, ii. 217-Cimex ornatus, Burm.Hand6. ii. 368-Penta'toma ornatum, Hlanrh. Hem. 149, 7, tlar. festivum­Eurydema festivum, ~ol. Mel. Ent. iv. 26.

a-d. France. . e. Italy. /-66. Madeira. From Mr. WollasLon's collectiou.


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Cimex dominulus, Harrer, Buela. 8elafBn: In •• 468-Pentatoma dominu­Ius, H.-Sela. Faun. In •• 112, 16-~urydema domiuula, Fi,6. Weit. Beitr. ii. f.32, 33-Eurydema Beeri, Meyer, Dtir.-Strachia rotuudi­collis, nola"., Stett. Ent. Zeit. 1860, 108, pl. 3, f. 4-Pentaloma berbaceum. H.-Sela. Faun. Gnm. 116, 12-Eurydema armeniacum, Kol. M,l. EraL iv. pl. ]6. r.32-Stracbia cognata, Fieb. Wim. Ellt. Mon. 1861, 231-8lrachia dominula, Fieb. HnA. 343. Mull." Illy, Pun. France, ii. 221.

/.a. __ • ltal{.' F ,... V' '1' rom .. d. 19on' co. ection.

6. STRAOKIA GEBLERI, C. H. 268. Cimex sellpuRctatu8, G,bler, I .... Sib. i,CtU 2, 332. Mem. MOle. 1817-

Eurydema ornatum, Kol. Mel. Ent. iv. 23-S1racbia Gebleri, C. H. 258. Mut.." Illy, Pun. France, ii. 226-Slrachia picturata, Stal, Stett. Ent. Zeit. xix. 178.

Caucasus. Siberia. a. -P Presented by Dr. Dowler.

11. STRAOBIA OLBRAOEA, C H. 258. Slracbia lineoln, Steill. Berl. Bra,. Zeit. 1868, 205, r. 12. l'le6. Hem. 346

Stracbia rugulosa, nola"., Stell. Ent. Zeit. xxi. 103, pl. I, r. 6. Fieb. Hem. 345.

Vllr. Stracbia rotundicollis, nola,.,., Sutt. En'. Zeit. xxi. 103, pl. I, r. 4. 4-t. England. From Mr. Stephena' collection. IJ. France. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. u-tJa. France. 6b. Geneva. Presented by M. Goureau. ce, ii. Polisb Uk1'l1ine. Presented by Dr. Dowler. u.lf. Europe. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


Stracbia lineola, Stei •• Berl. Ent. Zeit. ii. 206, r. 12. Fieb. Hem. 346. Mul •. et RIrfI, Purt. FrIInee, ii. 206.



cyanea, PUb. Wi,,,. Ent. Mort. 1861, 732. MuZ,.,t Bey, Pu •• Frcll'ce, ii.232.


Meyeri, Pieb. Hem. 344. SpaiD.



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11. STBA.OBU. 8TOLtD.t..

Eur,dema stolidnm, Fri". MS.~. H.-Scla. WllfIZ. 11l1. iy. 101, pl. 142, f.448 -Strachia albopicta, Nitlcla.-Strachia stolida, Fu6. Hem. 344-Mull. et ~, PuR. FnlfICe, ii. lin.

Greece. Turkel.

12. STUOBIA VAlUBG.t.T.t..

Stenozygnm varie~tom, PU6. H,rn. 346-Nitilia (Minodia) variegata, Milt.. fli Iley, PUR. Fr4f1Ce, ii. IY9-NitUia (Stenozygnm) variegata, Mul,. fli Illy, PuR. Fnlnce, ii. 366.

S. France. Turkey. Syria.

North America. 13. SrUCHtA HISTRIONIOA, C. H263.

Morgantia histrionica, SttJl, St,tt. Enl. Zeit. xxiii. 106.

cr, 6. Mexico. Presented by O. P. Collin, Esq. c. Mexico. From Dr. Hartwe,'. collection. d. Mnico. From Mr. Argent. collection. fl. Oajaca. From M. Salle'8 collection. /. Mell:ico. From Mr. Glennie's collection. g, la. Mell:ico. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. i-L California. Presented by F. Walker, ERq. rII, R. --I' From Mr. Cbildren'. collection. I. Guatemala. Presented by O. Salyin, Esq. __ . ---i' From Mr. Children's collection.


Nignl, flIP''' PU"C/4tll; Cllput, I"""b,,, anlieU luteia aub. rejlt:ria; rOltrurn 6tJri 1"lturn; tlaorcr:c witttJ 'Ilttri6ua margin" .. IInaco luttia ; .cutellurn "ittia dud., I.tti. ptMtice conn~; ptct., _.culia au rufo totidemg .. I.t,ia; ptde. luteo wilttJt; ; Ill,. 4nticcr _6,lIn. /.,CfJ.

Black, oval, rougbly punctured. Head elongate; border in front of the e1es luteous, sligbtly reflesed; lobes of equal lengtb. Eyes rather promment. Rostrum ralher stout, extending to the hinCl COXIle, luteous at tbe base. Thorax with a luteous 8tripe, bordered with luteous in front and on each side; tbe border muuh wider than tbe stripe, broadest about tbe hind angles, which are much rounded and not prolDine.t. Scutellum ex­tending much beyond the flexure of the corium, witb two luleouB converging .tripes, which are connected near t.he tip. Pectus with three red SPOil 011

eacb side, and with sill: interlDediate pale luteou8 spots. COSIie pale luteous ; femora and tibial striped with pale luteous. Membrane of the fore wings brown. Length of the body 3 lines.

The specimen hele described is mutilated. 4. North America. Presented bl F. Walker, Esq •

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Mexico. 15. STRACHU MUNDA, C. 11. 264.

Murgantia munda, Stal, Stett. Enl. Zrit. xxiii. 106. fI, 6. Oajaca. From M. Salle's collection. c. Columbia. From M. Goudol's collection.


Pentatoma I' splendida, C. H. 266-Arocera IIplendens, Sial, Slett. En', Zeit. uiii. 107.

a. Mexico. From Mr. Argent's collrction. b. Columbia. From M. Jurgen's collection. c. Columbia. From M. Goudot's collection. d-f. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. g-f. Petropolis. Presented by tbe Rev. H. Clerk.


principalis, Sial, OfD. K. Vet . .Ai. Forh. 1865, ]82; 11,56, 158-Aroeera principalis, Sial, Sleti. Ent. Zeit. xxii. 140; xxiii. 107.


melanopyga, Sla', Of.". ret. ~.i. Forh. ~~68, 437-Arocera melanopyga, Stal, Slett. Erat. Zeit. XXII. 139; It.lUl. 107.

a. Orizaba. From M. Salle's collection.


Arooera rnfonotata, Sial, Stett. Eral. Zeit. xxii. 140. Mexico. '


concinna, C. H. 2~-Murgantia ,iola~cens, Stal. a. Jamaica. From Mr. GOSBe', collection. b. Venezuela. From Mr. Birschell's collection. c. -1' Presented by W. W. Silunders, Esq. d.-r


Nigra, lata, glabra, niten,; Ctlput hreve, transver,e "rilllum; tlwra:e ."itt. a6b,e!liata ,aturate rufa; .ctdeliuln flllcia c!lalhifo,mi, 'Pilla ante. ,.iore maculuque dua~UI lateralihu. ,uji.; abdomen ,vfum, vitia _Irali lala. maculari maculi,qve marginolihw ,.uji.; ale antice corio opium Wf'm. rufo. Var. {3.-Thora:e fa,cia la'a rufa, raiura Umaculata; ,cvlellum ,.ufu"" nigra tJvadri",acvlatum.

Black, elliptical, broad, smooth, shining. Head shorl, transversely striated between the eyes and the antennte, wilD reftexed borders, and "ith deep furrows between the lobes, which are of equal length. Eyes rromi· nent. RostrulD exteudiu, a little beyoud the hiud COIIP. Anlenuteabout

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balftbe length or Ihe body; joints successively increasing in lenglb; first nllt extending to the fronL of Ihe bead. Thorax wilh a deep Ted stripe, which is abbreviated at each end, and wilh an impression on esch lide in front, where the borders are reBexed. Scutellum with a transverse cyathi­form red band, which emiLq a stripe 10 the fore border, and is at."Companied by a red spot on eacb side in fronL Abdomen red, with black marginal spots, anil with a broad macular black ventral stripe. Legs slout, rather short. Corium of .lhe fore wings red towards the tip, the inner side or the red part much excavated; membrane pellucid. VaT. /3.-Thorax with a broad red band, conlaining two large black spots, wbicb are ou tbe fore border. Scutellum red, with Cour black spots, two at the base and 'wo near tbe tip. Curium of the fore wings with the inner side of the red part Dot excavated. Lenglh of the boily 4 lines. a. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie's collection. h. ---P Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


Pentatoma i' perspicna, C. H.256-Runibia perspicua, Stal, Sktt. Bnt. Zeit. xxii. 140.

Isle St. Thomas. a. -P

23. S·fRAOHIA paoxIM.A. Pentatoma l' proxima, C. H. 2M-Runibil1 proxima, Sial, SteU. Bra'.

Zeit. xxii. 140. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection.

South America. 24. STRAOHlA PONnEROSA.

ponderosa, Stal, OJ,,, K. Vet. A1. Furk. 1863,233. Brazil.


generosa, Sial, Ojll. K. Vet. A1. Fork. 1 '3~3, 233. Brazil.


Pentatoma tesselluta, Am. et Servo Hem. 130, pl. 3, f. 6-Murgantia tessellala, Sial, Stell. Bnt. Zeit. xxiii. lO5.

Rio Janeiro. a. Amazon Region. From Mr. Bates' collection.

27. STRACBIA BIl'ASCIA.TA, C. H. 263. Mnrgantia bitasciata, Sial, Stell. Ent. Zeit. xxiii. 106. a-c. Brazil. From Mr. Children's collectiun. d-f. Brazil. From 1\1. Mornay's collection. g-i. Arcbidona. From Air. Steveus' colleclion. j. Brazil. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

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28. Sra.lCRl& OIIlOUIIDUOrA. circumducta, &al, Ofo. Vel • .Ai. ForA. 1863, 233; 1866, 6O-RuDibia

circumduc&a, 8m', &ell. Bnl. Zeil. sxii. 140. Brazil.

29. SruOBu. DECOUr.l, C. H. 266 (Nomenbia lectum). Bunibia decorata, StAl, Slell. Bnt. Zeit. xxii. 140. II. Brazil. }'rom Mr. Momay's collection. b. Petropolis. Presented by the Rev. a.Clark.

30. SrJU.oBJA BPBOrAJlILIB, O. H. 266. Arocera spectabilia, Sml, SI,tt. Brat. Zrit. uii. 129. II. Brazil. Presented by Sir C. Slnart. b-d. Brazil. From Mr. lIomafa collection. e.j. Brazil. From Mr. Vigors' collection. g. Ii. Brszil. i. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. j. Nanta. From M. Degaud's collection.

31. STUOBU. RUJ'IFRONS, C. H. 267. II, b. Brazil. From Mr. Komay's collection.

32. SrucRu. AOROLBUO.l, C. H. 263. Acrocera aurandaca, Spin; Hem. 318-Arocera acroleuca, Sm', Stell. Bnl.

Zeit. xxii. 139. II. Brazil. Presented by the Entomological Clnb. b. Amazon Region. From Mr. Wallace's collection. r. S. America. d. Para. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

33. STRACBU NJOROBUJlJU., C. H. 267. Arocera nigrorubra. Sial, Sletl. Ent. Zeit. xxii. 139. a. Columbia. From M. GoudoL's collection.

34. SrRAoBIA NIGROPJCrA. Ochracea, Rilen" ,eiti,riml! punct",m ; caput longi",cwum, poItiCl! .igrum,

l lubo medio tuba. illll!rGie. ,aullo ,upet'ante; roltrum CO:Jla, poltiCIII longl! .uperan.; anlen_ nlgr., IIrticulo 10 ochr4Cl!0, 30 ban albido; IMra:Jl margine antico plagilful! duab", mtI:Jlimg lIigri1; .cutl!llum .trigil dub", iatg,imu Rigri' ; peel", nigro 1I!:Jl-macul,Jtum; pede, Rigri, fl!mOribUl bad coIIJi'IJUI! ochrani,; IlloJ IIntic. Rig'.' spatio 60lll/i ochrllCl!O, IIIl!rIImna cinneo IIIIIrginalll.

Arocera nigropicta, Sta', MSS. Ochraceous, oval, sbining. very linely punctnred. Head elongate;

hind part black j sides slil(htIy reftexed; middle lobe extending a little beyoud the latt:rallobes. Bostrum black towards the tip, extending to the

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Mnd border of tbe second abdominal segment. Antennae blllck: slender, much more than half the length of the body j first joint ochraceouR, not extending to the front of the head; third whitish at the base, very much longer than the second, much shorter than the fourth, wbich i8 a little longer than the fil\h. Thorax blal.k along tbe Core border, and with two very large black patchel, which are on the hind border; foreangles acuts; hind angles rounded. Sentellum with two very broad black Itreaka, which are con­nected with the patohes. PectUI witb three large transverse black lpots on each lide. Legs black, rather long and Ilender; Cemora towards tbe base and COXal ochraceons; tibial Currowed. Fore wings black, ocblaceous towards the base; the ocbraceous part twice longer un the bind border than on tbe costaj membrane bordered with oinereous. Length of the bod,6liuel. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' oollection. b. Tapa,os. From Mr. Bates' collection.

35. SraACBU. BUOOIll ... Pallide lutea,ltmgi-ot1/Jta, IUbtiliuime punctata ; caput longiu.culum, witt.

qatiOfutl pDltico nigri,; rollf'U'" nigrum, 71ari luleum; anlen_ nig,.,.; tAOra:ll I.terlbul ochraceil, maculia duabu. antici. oblong" plogiMJue duabUl po.ticU map" nigril; .cutellum pla9" duabu. ma:t:imia nign.; peetUl nigf'o .eptem-maculatum; flIRter lateribu r./o tlllrii.,"loteralibUl macul~ue ma,.ginalibUl nign.; pedtl aigri, lmaorib," pallide luteil nigra Vltlatil d maculatia; al,. ardie.­.atta mcodali ocAraetIII. macalil duabUl nigri., membrana nigra margine pellucido.

Arocera eucosma, Stal, MSS. Pale luteous. elongate-oval, very minutely punctured. Head elongatt',

black along the e,es and at the base oC the antennae, and with a broad black Btripe; under side with two black dots on the hind border; sides refIexed in frontjlobes of equallengtb; middle lobe tranuersel, 8tliated. Rostrum black, luteous at tbe base, extending to the hind coxae. Antennae blaok, a little more thao half the length of the bod, j first ~oint extending to the front of the head; second a little shorter than tl. third; third a little more than half the length of the fourth; fifth a little aborter than the fourth. Thorax with oohraceous sides, with aD oblong black spot OD each side, near the acute fore angle, and with a large black patch on each side, near the hind border; hind angles rounded. Scutellum with two ver, large black patches 00 the fore border, divided by a slt'uder stripe. Pectus with six black spots un each side, and with a large black spot Ile­tween the fore COXal and the middle coxae. Abdomen beneatll varied with red on each side; spiracles in black dots; connexiynm with black spots. Legs black, ratber long and slender; coxae and femora pale luteons, tbe laUer stripe(l and spotted with black; tibial furrowed, striped with pale luteous. Fore wings with an oohraceous subcostal stripe, and with two black spots OD the disk; first s)lot very large; second much smaller, Deuer the tip of tbe COBta; membrane black. with a pellucid border. ... Length oC the body 6 lines. a. Brazil. From Mr. Vigors' collection.

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OcAracetJ., "ilen" ,rite pUII!"tata; cap"t 10JlgilUclllum, '"pra aig""" tranneru driatllm, ,"bllU nigro hi_cu/alum; ro"""" nigru"" 6tUi ocAraeeum; aJlteMce nigrce; tlumu: 'patio alltico ,Iabro llIrido, maculil duablU pwticil mtJZimil nign.; '("!IteU.m _culil duab .. niuri' _;rimil elollflatil ; peet'" nigro qlllldrilllaculatum; abdomillil di.clI, polliclU niger; pede. nigri, femonb.. bali ocAraceil; al. anticce macula poltmedio nigra maanlAII, membrana nigra, pallido l.tiuime marginal ••

Arocera euoptn, Stal, MSS. Ocbraceous, sbining, finely punctured, nearly elliptical, a liule paler

beneatb. Head elongate, black above; sides relexed; lobes of equal leugtb; laterallobea transversely striated; middle lobe with tbree trans­verse strie; 1& black spot on eacb side beneatb. Rostrum black,ochraceoul at the base, exteuding to the hind coxm. AntennE black, slender, much more tban halfthe length oCthe body; first joint extending a little beyond the front of the head; second a little less than half tbe length of the tbird ; fourth much longer than tbe fifth, and very much longer tban the third. Tborn with a smouth transverse pale livid spnce on eacb side in front, and with two very large black spots, wbich join tbe hind border lind are rounded on the outer side, and ore divided by a nartow stripe; sides milch relexed; fore angles acute; bind angles mucb rounded. Scutellum with two elongated very large black spots, wbicb are continuations of those on the tborn. Pectus with two black spots· on eacb side; the two hinder spOls very large. Abdomen witb a large black patch beyond the scutellum; under side with two little black longitudinal subapical streaks, which are often not apparent. Legs black, long, slender; femoJ'a towards the base and coxe ochraceous; tibie furrowed. Fore wings witb a postmedial very large black spot, wbicb is occa~ional1y more or leas notcbed; membrane black, with a very broad pellucid border. Hind wings brown, pellucid towards tbe base and along the opical part of tbe costa. Length of the body 6 lines. . a. Amazon Region. From Mr. Wallace's collectioJl. b, c. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection. d. Amazon Region. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


Pallide lutea, 10ngi-011ala, .cite punclata; cap"t IongiUllclllum, !litta 'patioque poslico nigTis; rostru,n lIigrllm. basi pallide luttum; anlennce nigrm; thoraa: 'paliiB duubus anlicis glabril strigllB dUIIB nigral transversas iracludenliblU, maclllil dllablU pastiri. nigril maa:imil; pecllU spatio basali nigro lineola. dua, luleas slIbu"dll­lata. i"clude"te ; peclu. macllli. Ita: gll/tilque totidem nigril; con­nea:ivum nigro maculalum; vilta veratrali. brevil nigra macul.m j pedu nigri, femoriblU basi fasriaque .abapi!"a/i lllteil; aim anticce nigro bimaculalm, margine nteriore pallide, membrana nigra pallido late margi1l4111.

Pale luteou8, elongate-oval, shining, minutely punctured. Head black along the hind border and on each side adjoining the eye, and with a

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1I1ack Btripe, which is atteouated towards tbe hind border; uDder Bide black aabout the base oC the antenole, aod with a blllck sput 00 each side oC the hiod border; sidea rellexed j lobes oC equal lellgth. Rostrum black, pale IULeouI towards the base, exteoding to the hind COXIII. Aotenoa black. 'aleoder, more than halC tbe length of Lbe body j first joint extending beyond the Croot oC the bead; leCond a little more tbMn half the lengtb oC the third ; fourth mucb longer than the third. 'l'horax with a little tranSgerae black streak, and with a broad lrannerse smootb space on eacb lide near tbe 10ft border; two very larle black 'pOLl 00 the hind border, rouoded uo tbe outer sidp, separated by a narrow stripe; sides much reflexed; Cure aogles acute; hiod angles much rounded. Scutellum black for more than one­third of the lengtb from the base, the black space divided on eacb side b, a slender slightly undulating pale luteous line, Pectus witb three large black spots, and with tbree exterior black dots on eacb side. Conoexivu.,. with black spotl; spiracles black j a black spot on eacb ventral segmeot from the tbird to the sixth. Legs black, rather long and slender; femora .at the base and coxa pale luteous, the former with a pale luteoUl Buhapi. al hand. Fore wings with two large black SpOLl, both near the outer border. whiob iB pale Le8taceous; membraoe black. with a broad pellucid border. Lengtb oC the body 71- lines. .

It baa much allioity to S. tllCONI., wbicb may be dillf.ioguished by the wbite space that iocludes the SpOLl 00 the thoru: and on the scutellum, •• d by the white tip of the latter. a. Cueoca. From Mr. Fraser's collection. 6. Peru. Presented by W. W. Sauoders. Esq.


Nigra. "ill'lI. tnptre )",!,ciala, '11 btu rufa; caput rll/_, loragi .. cvl ...... lallribu, viz n.rau ; rollrum eoa: .. polliea long, IUpmuu; alllllln. corporU tlimitlao paullo longiore.; tAortUII ptagil dub.. lcIIralibu "'iii; _lin ... la,ria areuata aplMJu ruJU I peel. aigro -plagic,um; WItter, _euli. ira_iii "igriI 6i1li,,., .. ; ",del •• longiueuli; at. a"ticee , .. ci4 rIIfa. """,brana viridi "igra.

Black, elli:rtical, abioiog, roughly aod tbinly puoctured, bright red beneath. Rea bright red, elongate; aides bardly reflexed; lobes oC equal leugtb. Rostrom black, sleoder, exteoding much beyond the hind COXIII. Aoteooa black, sleoder, a little more thllD half tbe length oC the body; first joiot oot extending to the Cront oC tbe bead; secood hardly more tbao halC the length of the tbird; Courth longer thdn tbe third, as loog u the fifth. Tborax with a large red patch on eacb biod aogle, which is obtuse and slightly prominent. Scutellum extending rather beyond the angle oC tbe corium. fed at the tip, aod with a red curved band which joios the Core border. PectuB with three large blark patcbes on eacb side. Abdomen beneath with a row of large traUSVf'rae black spota on each side. Legs black, rather long. Fore wings with a red band in a line with the red tip oC the scutellulD; membrane greeoish black. Length of the body 9 lioes. 4. Columbia. Preseoted by W. W. Saunders. Esq. b. Amazoo Regioo. Preseoted by W. W. Sauoders, E~q.


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Salural8 tliridi., rlnt.e JJunctata, .1I61u l811at'ell; caput longiuclllum, antice pallidum, lobo medio apicem wr,u, nigro; rostrum nigru'rI; an#8nlltB nigrtl! •• two.tIt; tAora:t: tlilta antice all8nuata lal8rib""ue 11II8j,; lCut~llum tliUa pollict attenuata linei, duaiJu. lal8ralibu. apictfJIU I8ltacei.; peet", et wnl8r llilti. dua6", pallide lIiridibu.; pedtl nigri, bJflgilileuli,jemoriblU bali pallid, "iridiblU; a/tlt "",iM eo"" dimidio ba.a/i luteo.

Deep green, elliptical, thickly and minutely punctured, leslaceoua beneatb. Head elongale; pale green, except Lbe bind part; lobes of equal length; middle lobe black towards tbe tip. Rostrum black, extending to tbe hind border of tbe first abdominal segment. Antennlll black. minutely setulose, more tban ImU the lengtb of tbe body j joints succes­sively increasing ill lengtb; first not extending to tbe front of the bead. Tborax with a luteoUB stripe, whicb is allenuated in front, and with luteons sides; bind angles mucb rounded, lIardly prominent. Scutellum testaceous and mucb attenuated towards tbe tip, extending to tbe angle of tbe corium; a slender test,ceous Iille on eacb Bide; and a tcstaceous stripe whicb is altenuated bindward. Pectus and under Bide of tbe abdomen wilb an irre­.gular pale green stripe ou eacb side. Legs black, ratber long; cox. teslaceous; femora pale green towards tbe base. Jo'ore willgs with tbe cosla of tbe corium Illteous for balf tbe lenglh from the base; membrane cine­reous. Lengtb of tbe body 6 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Hewiuon's collection.


OlilHlcto-lliridis, nitnt., .cil8 punetata, IlIbtu. pallide I8Btacea; caput tran,wrlt stria 111m ; anten". "igrtl, corpori. dimidio longibf'el, artieu/o 10 pallide I8dat'ell; IAora:t: pallide l8"ac,,", lal8ribUB f'uji" plagi. dudu, podiciB !)Iagni. oliwee;' ; leutellu!)I "it4& pallid, l811acea poItice dilatala; al_ antie_ eolta pallide tulacea.

Olive-green, sbining. nearly elliptical, tbinly aDd minutelY/Dnctured. pale teataceoU8 beneatb. Head slightly and transversely striate ; lobes of equal length. Rostrum pale testaceous, extending to t.he bind COX&!; tip black. Antenn&! black, slender, a little more tban balf tbe lengtb of the body; first joint pale testaceous, not extending 10 tbe front of tbe head; &eeond mucb sborter tban tbe tbird; tbird lh'id at tbe base, sborter lban the fourtb; fiftb as long as tbe fourtb. Tborax pale testaceous, red along eacb side, witb '.'0 large olh'e-green patches on the hind border; lore angles slightly acute; bind angles rounded. Scutellum witb a pille testaceous stripe wbicb is dililted nellr the lip, tbe latter is sometimes red­dish. Abdomen above bluck. Legs pale testoceous. Fore wings with a pale testaceous costal sllipe; membrane pellucid. Length of tbe budy 6 lines. • '

Most allied to S. tlcroleuca in structure. a. Sontarem. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. b. SaDtarem. From Mr. Bates' collection.

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41. STlU.CBIA. AP'l'A.

Nigra, glabra, nite"" lubtu. ochracea,; ca,pul IRli",ctd"'II, Ira,mwrle llri4tun.; rOltrum C~R' pollica, longe '''peran.; antennQl articulo 20 6R.i loque oehracri,; thonu: fa,cia, a,nlica, lateri6u, .trigM/'" la,nceolaltJ ochra,ceU; Icutellum fa,cia, a,reuatR, nita, apiceque oehra,­ceil I pret'" nigro leZ maeulatum; pede, nigri, femori6U1 bui «A,..­cei'l .lm anticQl ocANceo 6iflUciattB, mem6r4n1l cinereo marginaltJ.

Black, smootb, sbining, elliptical, ocbraceous beneatb. Head rather broad, finely and trannereely striated; side. sligbtly relexed; lobes of equallengtb. Rostrum ocbraceous, black towards tbe tip, extending nearly to tbe hind border of tbe second "entral segment. Antenn. sleuder; fint joint ochraceous, not estending to tbe front of tbe head; secoud ocbraceous at tbe baae, a lillIe more tban balf the length· of tbe tbird; fourth a little longer tban tbe third. Tboras in front with an ochraceous band, wbich is continued along each side to tbe bind angle, and emits a lanceolate streak to the bind border; sides sligbtly relued; fore angles slightly aOllte; bind angles rounded. Scutellum with a slender ocbraceous stripe, an ocbraceoua tip, and a cUrYed ocbraceous band. Pectus with tbree large black spots on each side. Legs black, stout; femora tOWllrdS tbe base aud cos. ocbra­ceOUB; tibilll furrowed. Fore wings with two ochraceous bands on the corium, one basal, the other marginal, both dilated towards the costa; membrane wiLh a cillereOUB border. Leng~h of the body 6 lines. 4. AmazoD Region. From !'fIr. Bates' collection.


Nigra, longi-ovata. nilens," punctatR, ,,,btu flaw-alha, nigra leptem. "ittata,; caput IIrigi. dUllhus lateralibu. maclllisque duah", pollic~ Iran.l1erli. ftavo-o16il, 1060 medio 1060' la terales palllto supertlllte; a,ntennQl corpon, dimidio 6"IIio,,, I thora:e linea, lrtlnlPer." "bbre­nat" antic" lineolisqueftavo-albi'l ,cuteLlumftavo-a,160 marginal"m: ped" nigri,femorib", }law-alhis nigra f",ciati., tibii. al60 fascialis; alQl anli('QI "itt" coltali breui "ittRque .ubcollaliftavo-aI6is.

Black, elongate-onl, sbining, roughly punctured, yellowish white beneath. Head elongate, witb a yellowish white streak along eacb side and witb a transverse yellowish white spot along each side of the bind border; sides slightly reftexed; middle lobe extending a little beyond tbe lateral lobes; two black SPlltS (In each side beneatb. Eyes prominent. Rostrum black, yellowish white towards the base, extending t'b the hind cosm. Antennlll slender, less than half the length of the body; first joint not extending to the front of tbe head; second and third of equal length ; fourtb much longer tban the tbird. Tborax in front with an ahbreviated transverse smootb yellowish wbite line aud witb yellowish white sides; hind border with a transverse yellowish wbile line on each side; fore angles and hind angles slightly acute. ScutellulD bordered with yellowish wbite. Con­nexivum yellowish white. Pectus and under side of abdomen with seven black stripes. Legs black, slender; COXal and femora yellowisb white, tbe laUer witb a black band near the tip; tibim with a white band ncar tbe tip. Fore wings with a sbort yellowish white costal stripe proceeding f!'Om the

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bats", and an tsss,ire ssbite ~ssb~o8tal ntnipe; mssmbrazb" blackish. Hind wings cinereous, with black veins. Length uf tbe body 4 Jines.

has resnss~,h]anc" the MOi,ssiideG •

•• Arehiduoa. From Mr. Steveos' eollectioo.

Af'ri"", 43. STBACHIA HILA1IIS, C. H. 259.

Bagtada hilaris, Sial, Hem. AIr. i. 187,

.--c. South Africa. Presented by the late Earl of Derby. d, e, South Africa. f, (;upe. h~rom Dregh'" "ollent!n",. Ia. N'gami. (;~rom Mr. ,hoder&eo's collection.

STllAmyg OL'~""('SA, 25h, St"g'''ygum Sta&, Hnm. i. Ib'" G. South Afriea. Preseoted by Sir A. Smith. b. (;"pe. (;gm M, hL,ege'" "*,Uectis",,,

45. Sl'BACHIA P(BOlLA, C. H. 260. a. b*,ssth A,n,,*,. P'*""inted Sir bmith. 6. S"eth Afel,,8. Mr, "nlilee",",

46, Sl'BAm,g AL'4?4?"TA, 26L Stn*,,'''ygug eHeORing, Sta&, Hem. i. Ih4t, II. W I:st Africa. b, South Af,ica. From M,~ ArgeTl"s colle,>tinss. d. hLetal.~Fmm D" Lrause' s*,lIecti,e*,~ e-g. Africa. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. la. :Syria. From Mr. Stevens' collection.

4F. STBACHIA VARIA. Pentatoma varia, Hope, Cat. Hem. 34-Strachia angnlaris, Sc"a'llm, Bet.

n*$kad. B,rt. ~~~~~;!~~£,/::~' hLeisei. ,FE/s*,amb. 1",. 39, h, f.

a, b. Cape. Presented by R. TI'imeo, Esq. c-/!, Cups, Presen£n<l by W. S,mnders,

Soutb (;frica. (;resen£n<l by R. 'l',~imen,

48. SssReCHIA TlCULPTICCYsLlS. &CS',"**'l:U"l:, if'tal, K. Ak. (;z,,,". 18h<l, 182;

gum sculpticolle, Stal. Hem. Afr. i. 185. Si,,*y¥'g Leonn,




Pentatoma spinosa, Sign. Rn. Zoot. ls"l, 442-Stracbia spinosa, Bag.. ArcA. En'. ii. 286.

Gabon. Old Calabar.

60. STBACBJA '181018 •

• iridis, Siga. AreTa. Bn'. ii. 286. Old Calabar.


Pallitk laerbido-1Iiridu, Riten., tUpere puraetlda; capu' latwib", ocTaraceU, margine poItieo ",tu,;,que nigriearatib"" lobO medio lobo. laterale. perpr.vllo "'peranu; llrawn. Rigr., coryori. dimldio bret1iorn; "'omz mllCU'" aRticlI ,trigiMJ. duabUllaterlllib", ocArllcei., 'Plltio IIRtico glabra j pee'''' It filmier ocTaraceo f_iIItll; III. atic. "riga ,ubcodali ocTatacea..

Pale graBS-green,, shilling, roughly punctured. Head black along the hiud border and witb black sutures between tbe lobell aides ocb~ CeoDl, reJlexed; middle lobe extending tery little beyond tbe laterallobel. Bostrum black, eztending tery little beyond tbe bind eoxe. Alltenn. black, leu than balf the length of the body; firat joiot not extending &0 tbe front of tbe bead; second mucb sborter tban tbe tlIird; fourtb sborter than the third; fifth shorter than tbe fourth. Thorax wilb an ocbraoeolll IpOt on the fore border anll with an ochraceous streak along each lide; a Imooth space along the fore border; bind anglea sligbtly prominent. Scutellum bardly extendini beyond the angle of tbe corium, with an ocbraceous patch on eacb Side near tbe base. PectDl aud under lide of the abdomen with trans.erse ocbraceoull streaks on eacb side. Legs ratber short and stouL; tarsi blackisb. Fore wings with an ocbraceoua subcostal streak; membrane pellucid. Lengtb of the body 3 linea. a. Cape. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


Nigro-(JJn,a, RUml, a.perI punctatll j CliP'" gillbrum, entice Itriclll'" j ra.trum CIJ:r:II. iratermedia. attingen.; entmn. corpori. dimidio no .. longiore,; tAorru: IIRtice glaber, lalerib", ruJi. j COR_ilIUm rufo macula tum ; pede. /wevr., roblllli; altll antic. rafo margiraatal.

Blackish ameous, elliptical, slightly contex, shining, roughly punc­tured. Head smooth between the eyes, transversely striated on eacb side in front; sides sligbtly reClexf:d; lobes of equal length. Rostrum black, extending to tbe middle COXIII. Antennll! black, about half tbe lengtb of tbe budy, witb an !tneous tinge towllrds the base; first joint extending to tbe Cront of the bead; second very mucb longer tban the third; fourth much longer tban tbe tbird; fiftb a little longer than tbe fourth. Thorax with a broad smooth space in the fore part of the disk; sides red; angles mucb rounded. Scutellum bardly extending beyond the Clexure of tbe corium. Connexivum with red spot&. Legs shurt, stout. Fore wings

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bordered with red; membrane blackish IIlDeoUS. Lengtb of the body 3 line •• II. Cape. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


mirabilis, Sip. A. S. E. F. 3m, S,... ,iii. 932-SteDozygum mirabile, Sial, Hem. Afr. i. 183.


Madaga8C8rien~is, Sign. A. S. E. F. 31M S,... 'iii. 933, pl. 13, r. 6-Stenozygum Maclagascarieuse, Stal, Herli. Afr. i. 183.

Madagascar. Asia.

55. STRACHIA PIOTA, O. H. 259. Bagrada picta, Stat, SlItt. Ent. Zeit. axiii. 105. II-C. Hiudostan. Presented by Gen. Hardwicke. d. N ortb Bengal. From Lieul. Campbell's collection. II-i. Hilldostan. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. j. North Hindostan. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. /C. Hilldostan. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. I, m. Bagdad. Presented by W. K. Lohus, Esq.

66. STRACHIA SPECIOSA, O. H. 261. II: N. Hindostan. From Capt. Boys' collection.

57. STRACRIA LIMBATA, C. H. 263. Cinxia limbata, Stal, Slett. Ent. Zeit. xxiii. 105 • • -d. Java. From Mr. Cbildren's collection. e-g. Java. From Ab. Melly's collection. Ii. Java. From tbe East India Company', collection. i. Australia. From Mr. Children's collection. j. Java. Presented by J. C. Bowring, E~q. k. Silllet. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. I. Siam. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. m. -1' Presented by W. W. Saunders, E,sq.


OyaMo-nigra, longi-ofHJta. a.pere punctal.(l, lubtw pallide lutell; cap.t rufo bimaculatu"" lateribu. pallide lulli.; thora:J/I rllfw, mactalil dllabw antid. tran,ver,i. '1uatuorque poltit.'iI obliquil rytlneo-ftigri.; .cutellum lateribu. antici. vittaque poBtica rllji.; pectu. maculi, lell:

lateribw'1U11 ruli.; tlllRter rvfull maculi. {",,.ralib,,. nigro-cgand.; pede, l"teo pollido llrigali; aim anticfB maclllil duabu., colta bfl,ali margineque ezteriore rufo.

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Bluish black, elongate-oval, shining, ronghly punctured, pale luteous beneath. Head with a red 81,ot on each 6ide in front of the t'ye; sides pale )uteous, sligbdy reflexed; lobes of equal length; a black patch on each side beneath. Rostrum black, pale Illteous at tbe bllse, extendilll[ to the hind COXIe. Antenme black, about half tbe length of the body; first joiut extending nearly to the front; second much longer than the tbird; fOllrth as long as the second, shorter than the fifth. Thorax red, with sill elongated bluish black spots, of which two are transverse and on the fore border, and the other fOllr are oblique; hind angles rounded. Scutcllum extending to the angle of the corium: a red stripe extending along halftbe length from the tip; sides red for half the lengtb frum tbe base. Pectus ou each side with three red spots, which are irregularly bordered with blackish blue; sides red. Abdomen beneath red and with blackish blue spots along each aide; connexivum red, wilh blackish blue ~puts. Legs hIaek, streaked with pale luteuus. Fore wings wilh two irregular red spots; costa towards the base and exterior border red; first spot joining the red part of the costa; second joining the red of the exterior border; a wbitish cu~tal streak \,eyond the middle; membrane hlack, wilh a whilisb pellucid border. Var. ~.-Tborax with the spots much diminished in size; tbe red hue more prevalent iu the fore wings. Length of the body 3t lines.

This species, like the three following and like S. pulclira, agrees with the European StracAitB in structure. a-c. Hindostan. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. a. North Hindostan. From Capt. BUYb' collectiou.


Nigra,longi-ofltlta, a.pere punctala, Silblus pallide teltacea; raput latel'i­bu. anliei. rcflezi. pallide If'Staceis; antenlltB corporis dimidio 1101&

longiore.; thoraz tnar,qine villa lineaque semicirMllari ,"amo' duo. emitteflte te,'acei,; ,clliellum teslaceo marginalum, basi conlH'l/.'um Ira7l1tler.e "rialum; peelUB et venl",. flilli. duabUB macularibu. nigri.; wialer viUa inlermedia 1Iigl'a maculan; pede, bali testace;, libii. pollmonbu. teltaceo fa.cialis; altB anlic" villa angulo84 marginegue ellCterior, tellaM,.

Black, elongate-oval, shiDing, roughly and thinly punctured, pale testaceous beneath. Head in front with reOexed pale testaceous btlrders; lateral lobes extending much beyond the middle lobe. Rostrum black, extending to the hind COXIB. Antennle black, about half the length of the body; first joint not extending to the front of the head; second much longer than the tbird; fourtb a little longer thaD tbe second. Thorax with a testaceous border, a slender testaceous stripe and a semicircular tea­taceous line which rests on the hind border and emits a branch to each side near the fore border. Scutellum bordered with teslaceous on each aide and at the tip, which is narrow; fore part mort' convex than the hind part, not punctured, but transversely and very finely striated. Pectus nnd abdomen beneath with two stripes of large black spnts. Abdomen beneath with a middle stripe of transversely elongated black spots. Lt'gs black; femora towards the base and COXIe testaceous; posterior tibim with a testa­ceous band. Fore wings with a teslaceous stripe "hich proceeds on the costa frum the base, and diverges to the disk and returns to the costa, and

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8"8 OATAJ'.oGUE 01'

theo again dbergea aod joins the exterior border, whicb is allO testaceoUI; membrane black, witb a wbitisb border. Lengtb of the body .. IinA •• Bindostan. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


ey«_lIigr«, longi-ofltllll, opere pUlldatll; caput 'aUrib". ruft. "jllzu ; IIntennal corron, dirnidio brlJt1iorll'; tAoralll "i1l4 margiruque ruli'; .cutellum valli, duallu, TUft' partice conjunctu; pecton. III _tri, latera TUfa; "",ter willu dud", ruji. latu indeterminatu; tibit. pollenore, '"t'&t'eO .trigat.; ale anliN wlla colla Ii lalciaque poIl­tnedia ruji. abbrevialu.

Bluish bilek, elongate-oval, shining, ronghly punctured. Head with bright red re8exed borders; lateral lobes conniving beyond the middle lobe. Rostrum black, reddish at the base, extending to tbe bind COX lB. AntennlB black, less tban half tbe length of tbe body; first joint extending to the front of the head; second much .longer tban tbe third; fOIl,.th as. long as tbe second; firtb sborter than the fourth. Tborax witb a brigbt red stripe and with a border of the same bue. Scutellum with two oblique brigbt red stripes, whicb are united beyond tbe middle and are continued in a single stripe to tbe tip. Pectus bordered witb brigbt red on each side. Abdomen beneath witb bright red side. and witb two broad irregular bright red stripes. Legs black; tibim furrowed; posterior tibim with a pale tes­laoeous streak. Fore wings with a red coslal stripe along more than balf the lengtb from tbe base, and with an abbreviated red band wbicb joins the bind part of tbe exteriur border; membrane black, wilh a wbitisb llellucid border. Length of tbe body 31-4 lines. 4-C. Japan. From Mr. Stevens' collection.


Nig", Iongi'OfI4t11, upeTII punct4t4; Cllput laterib", antici. ".fl' "jIIIIlli.; antenne carpon, dilltidio ,,4ullo IOngiom; tAoralll witt« lI",ice dU«­tatll r1t4rgineque TUft.; leutBllu", wittu duabUl ruft. pOllice con­junclil; peelu, et tIIlRter vitt;, dUllbUllligri. lali. maculari""'; _ter wiltll iRtermedia nigra lat4 maculan; ped" basi rufi, tibii. te"4!'eO Iuciatu; al. antice fliltll coltali la.ciaque abbTll17iat4 rujil.

Black, elongate-oval, sbining, rougbly punctured. Head in front with red refleud borders; Jateral lobea conniving beyond the middle lobe; under aide red about the base of tbe antennm. Rostrum red at the base. exteudin! to the bind COXIB. Antennm a little more tban halC the length of tbe body; first joint not extending to the front or tbe head; second a little longer tban the third; fourth a little longer than tbe second; fifth a little lunger thllll tbe fourth. Thorax red-bordered, with a smooth space on each side ill front, and with a red Btripe which is dilated in front. Scutellum with two con,erging red stripes, wbich are united at two-tbirds of tbe length and fi,rm one stripe wbich is diluted at tbe tip. Pectus and under side of the abdumen red, with a broad macular black stripe on each side; under aide of the abdomen witb a broad middle macular black stripe. Legs black; femora at tbe base and COXIB red; tibilB furrowed, with a pale testaceous band. Fure wings with a red costal stripe, wbich is attenuated beyond the

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middle aud extends to tbe lip. and witb a red band, which is abbreviated towards Ihe costa and joius the bind part of the exterior border; membrane blackisb, witb a wbitish pellucid border. Length of tbe body 3 line&. c. Nortb China. Presenled by J. C. Bowring, Esq.


Ocl&rtJIYa, _la, .par.e punctata, ,ubtUl pallide jW.tItI.; capitulatera IIIb­reJle:ea; antmlltB nigr~, corporu dimidio longiou •• arti(,ulo 10 orhraceo; tAora:e maculu dudUl anticu Ira_.i. el le:e purlicil elongati. cinweo-1liridibu.; scutellum apice palliu jW.wm, maculi, duabu. traRltlef'liI antiri. duabusqWl lanreolati. JIOIlicil cinerflO­tiridibw elongalu; ptelu. et _Itr riltu duabUl riridibUl guttulari­bUl; peder paUidt riridn, lemoribw apice ocl&raceil, libiu apiCfl tarm'ltJ.fl lu/N; a~ antic~ llriga .ubco.tali macv.lilqw lrib ... rMgAu ciRflUO-riridiblllo

Orange, oval, abining, tbinly punctured, pale yellow beneath. Head smootb; sides sligbtly reflexed; lobes of equal lenglh. Rostrum pale ),ello", extending to lbe hind cox.; tip black. AntennlB black, a little more than half tbe lengtb of the body; first joint orange, not extending to tbe front; second aborter than the tbird; fourth mucb longer tban the tbird, as long as the fiftb. Tborax witb eigbt elongated cinerenus-green "pota; two transverae, on the fore border; tbe otber six forming a band between tbe hind angles, whicb are mucb rounded. Scutellum, wbich is ralber broad and extends beyond the angle of the corium, pale yellow towards tbe tip; lour large elongaled cinereous-green spota; two trans­verse, ou the fore border; two lanceola te. Pectus and ullder side of abdo­men with two rows of green dota. Legs pale green; tips of tbe femol'llo oehraeeoUB ftarsi and tips of tbe tibilB tawny. Fore wings with a cinereolls­greell subcostal streak and witb three lar-,e cioereous-green spota, the third joiuing the streak; membrane brown. Length of tbe body 4llines.

Like S. Qlria in structure. a-c. Nortb Hind08tan. Presented by W. W. Saundera, E8q.


Pallide ,ublellaceo "iridi., elliptica, a.ptre punclala; coput margine P08lico, vitti. dualJlu abbretJiatu capitatu litun.que duabUl panu nign.; tAora:e 6lrigi. qUlv.or anricu maculisqllfl quatuor .ubquadratu poBticil nigriculttibUl; Icutellum maculu duabu. altricis tna_1iI ItJ.bqudrati. duablUfw poIlicillaltceolatu nigric:araribu; peet ... til _ter rillu quatv.or macularibu nigrican/ibu; _ter ritta inter­,udi« fI maculi, tribu. nigru; a~ all/i~ ru/~, apud COItam paIIide te.taeM, 'triga ItJ.bcoltali maculisque trihw nigri ••

Pale green, sbining, elliptical, roughly punctured, witb a sligbt testa­ceous tinge. Head with two black short capitate stripes OD the hiod part and witb a little black mark on eacb side of tbe middle lobe; hind border black; sides very slightly reOexed; lobes of equal length. Rostrum pale testaceoDs, extending a little beyond the bind eoxre; tip black. Tborax: with four blackish streaks on the fore border, and with four subquadrate blackish spots io a band between tbe bind augles, wbich are rounded •

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Scntellum exte.ding rather beyond tbe angt. of the coriam, somewbat "road at its tip; (our blackisb IpOts; two on tbe fore border, trausyerse, lubquadrate; two eloagate. triaugular, much larger tbau tbe otbers. Pectus and under side oC abdomen witb two stripes of blackisb spots ou eacb side; tbe latter red at tbe base aud with a middle stripe of three black spots. Legs rather BtoOt. Fore wiugs red, pale testaceous along the costa. with a Buheostal black streak and with tbree large black spots; membraue pale cinereoul. Length of tbe body 31 lines.

The antennlB in the specimen bere described are mutilated. It is like S. wm in structure. I. CeyloD. Presented by G. H. K. Tbwaites, EBq.


Oc/waClO-f'II,f", aut lutea, lata, ollll'a, fllJH!re punctata, IUbttu pallide jlaw aut al6a; capul Ira_Ie Itriatum. margine l'o.ti('o maculis tribu. _culllfue utica elongata nigris: ate'"'. piCM. blUi ru/". CDrporU dimitlio l6ngiqrel; tAonrz ,Mculis J"d... uticil tra-m. fWl­tuorque po.neil guttisfJlltI duabu fligris ft ... aut .lho m.rgifl.'is; ,cutell"". lrueil IWct/4ta wiltafue rujis jlatKJ wriis .tlt .lIm; peclue. "'flculis fligriIfWldratis 1Bnil1.,u".; wlIter mlcwlil nigri. quillfue tIIlt.'UI; .1" a"ticce, tribtU mag"is Itrig.fJfIB ItI.JKtIOla,. fligri,.

Bright or luteons, broatl, oval, sbining, tbinl1 and rougbly . PUDctured, pale yellow or wbite beneatb. Bead transversely and vel)' finely striated, with tbree black spots, wbicb are connected with tbe black line along tbe bind border; an elongated black spot on the middle lobe, whicb e.Itends somewhat beyond the lateral lobes ; sides slightly reflexed. Rostrum black towards the tip, extending to the bind COXIB. AntennlB piceous, more tban baIC the length of the body; first and second joints bright red; first not extending to the front of tbe bead; third brigbt red towards the baBe. nearly lwiee the length of the second; fourth a little longer than the tbird and a little sburter tban the fifth. Thora. with six elongated black Bpots, wbicb are partly bordered witb pale yellow or whully bordered wi~ white; first and second spots transverse on the fore border; tbe other four near tbe bind border; a black dot on each hind angle, wbicb i8 rounded; sides Bligbtly reflexed, pale Tellow or white in front. Scntellum broad and pale ,ellow or wbite at the tiP; a CU"ed red band, pale yellow on each aide where it join8 the Core border, sometimes wholly white; a slender red stripe, pale yenow towards Uie tip or wbolly white. Pectus with Bix stripes of quadrate black spots. Abdomen abo .. black. with pale yellow spots on tbe CODnexivum; under Bide witb two roWl of large black apots on each side. a black dot on the second segment, an abbreviaaed black band, which is elU:&yated on the hind border un the third B81J1IIent and another on the fourtb, a large black apot on the fifth and a tran,yerse smaDer one on the Bixth. Legs bright red, BtOUt. Fore wings with three large black spots; a lanceolate black Btreak on the hind burder; membrane brown, with 1&

pellucid border. Length of the body 4-41 lines • •• Hindostan. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. b, c. Hong Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. d. Siam. Presenaed by W. W. Saunders, Esq • •• Burro. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

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Ochr4ce4,lat4, Cr"'4~ nitnu, 41pert punct4ta, RubtUl pallide.flaM; caput nigro quadrimaculatum, lobo media lobo. laterall, paullo IUpertln"; antenn,. nig''', articulo 30 bIJIi 10 d 20 ochracei.; tAoru maculi. dub", antici. angUlt.iI et quatuor pOllici. mauni, nigri,; lCuullum macul" dubu, ba.alibUl drigilque dub", latilnmil po.tici. nigrit; pectul et _ter nigro "",cula"'; aldl antiCdl "riga lata IIpi« arcu'" "",cu/llqullmapa eoltali nigri', membraftll nigN cinereo margina"'.

. Ochraceous, oval, broad, thick, shiniug, coarsely and tbinly punctured. pale yellow beneath. Head witb three black spots on the hind border, and witb a black dot in front on the middle lobe; sides slightly reftexed ; middle lobe extending a little beyond tbe lateral lobes. Rostrum black, ocbraceous at tbe base, extending a little beyond the hind COXIII. Antennlll black, slender I first and second joints ochraceons; first not extending to the front of tbe head; third ochraceous at tbe base, very much. longer tban the second. Tborax witb four large black spots on tbe hind border; space ill front on eacb side slDooth, pale yellow, including a narrow transverse black spot; angles mucb rounded. Scutellum witb tbe inter­mediate black spots of tbe thorax continued ou eacb side of tbe base. and with two very broad black streaks wbich converge hind ward ; tip broad, rounded. Pectus witb two rows of black spots on each side; Abdomen beneath with two submarginal rows of black spots. Fore wings with a broad black streak extending along the hind border, and cu"ed inward at the lip, and with a large black costal spot; membrane black, bordered witb pale cinereous. Lengtb of tbe body 4 lines. /&, Siam. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

66. ,STIUOBU lNOBNA.T ....

Nigra, .. illn" wge et "pen puncta"', IUbt", teltacea; C4put pOltiCtl teI­taceo u .. imaculatum; t/aoru lra_1IJ ",leal"" macuiil duabu lateralibu wittaq_ ant ice et poBliCtl dilatata ultaceil; ,cuullum ""aCtlO bimaculalum et u .. iwittatum; pect", et _ter nigro biwitta"'; pede. nigri,Jemorib", ban te.taettU; aidl antic,. gutta eollali macu­lilque duabu. dilCt.&lib", teltaettU.

Black, elliptical, smooth, shining, here and there coarsely punctured, testaceous beneatb. Head witb a large testaceous spot on tbe bind border; Bides reBexed; lobes of equal length. Rostrum black, extending to the hind COXIII, testaceous at tbe base. Tborax with a well-defined transverae furrow, witb a testaceoDB spot on the fore part of eacb side, and witb a ,testaceous stripe whicb is dilated on tbe fore border and more so on the hind border; angles much rounded. Scutellum witb a testaceous spot on each side, and with a testaceous stripe. Pectus and abdomen beneatb with a broad 'black stripe 00 eacb side. Legs black, stout; femora towards

'tbe base and coxIII!l testaceous. Fore wings with a testaceous costal dot near the base, and witb two testaceous spots in tbe disk; first spot anteme­

'medial; second postmedial, larger tban tbe first; membrane cinereous. Lengtb of tbe body 3llines.

Like S. alienata in structure. a. Hindostan. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq.

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ObltUrt windil, lata, Ritenr, aapert punctata, ... btu, JuifNI.; ttlptAt latu"., JuJ.'f1O .ub_"'1IIItu,,. ; anlenn/lll Rigr/lll, bali ful'lJllll; ,cuteUulA longu"., apictl latilUCUlulA; ",del luln, Nlidi, ti6iu "'ulori.; at. IIl"iCllll membrana Jalce,ce,.,..

Dark green, broad, elliptical, shining, thinly and rongbly ponctnred, tawoy beneath. Head broad, partly tawny along tbe borders; sides reftexed ; lobes of equal leugth. Rostrum tawny, -extending to tbe bind cox •• Antennll! black, slender; firat aud second joints tawny; tirst estendiug almost to tbe front or the bead; second mucb sborter than tbe tbird, wbich ia tawoy at tbe baae. Tborax with sligbtly r('flexed sides; fore augles sligbtly acute; hind anglea mucb rounded. Scutellum long, rounded aod ratber broad at the tip. Abdomen above tawny. LeKS tawny. ratber atoul; tibhe aetuloae, furrowed. Fore wiogs witb a brownisb membrane. Hind wiug. cinereoul. Lengtb or the body 7 linea.

It forma a section in tbe genUI, and is most allied to S. rplmditld in structure. a. Hindoslan. From Mr. Stevens' coUection.

Australasia. 68. STBACmA PULOBBA, C. H. 258.

II. Jan. Presented by M. Serville. b-e. Java. From Mr. Cbildren's collection.

69. STBACRIA OROOIOEBA, C. H. 262. a. Ja.,.: Presented by M. Guerin Mene,iJ)e. b. Jan. Preseuted by M. Percberon. t:-4!. From Mr. Melltl collection. J. Java. From tbe EasL ludill Company's collection. g. Jan. From Mr. Argent's coUection. A. Java. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. i. -r PreseRted bI W. W. Saunders, Esq.

70. STBAOBU. BIOOLOR, C. H. 262. a. Philippine Isles. From Mr. Cuming's collection.


OcAracto·ruJa, lortgi-o",da, ,UMCe1ll, ".per. punctllta, ... btu. lutea au' jiaN; caput nigrulA, "rio" duabu, gu"ague TJOllica ocAraeto-ru/il; /lnteRnCII nigr., corporil dimidio ROil longiore'l thorall/l rnaculu qualuor nigri. ,ubguadrati,; IcutellulA macula barali .trigGlA la __ iatalA oc/,racto nifam includmle lateribwque nigri,; peelu, nigro ItllCpiagia'ulA ; venier Ja.ciu quinque "igri. utrinque II'teR .. ,U, nonnunqualA interrupt"; ",de, nign, blUi ocAraceo-rufi; al. an,iCIIIl nlla co.tali ocAracllO-ruJa.

O,ang-e_recl, elongate-oval, pubescent, sbining, rougbly punctured, luteous beneath. Head blllck, elungate, witb an orange-red streak on each

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lide in front of the eve, and with a dot of the same hue on the hind horder; silles slightly reBexed; lobes of equallenlfth; under side orange-red, with a black marginal stripe on each side. Rostrum black, extending rather beyond the hind COXIil. Antennlll black, about halfthe length oftbe body; joints successively increasing in lengtb ; first not extending to the front of tbe head. Tborax with four luhquadrate black spots, two on the fore border and two between the hind angle .. , which are mucb rounded; tbe two hinder spots are sometimes obsolete. Scutellum extending beyond the angle of the corium, black along each side, and with a large basal black srot, which includes a lanceolate orange-red streak. Pectus with three large black patches on each side. Abdomen beneath with five black bands, which are attenuated on each side in the disk, and are dilated in Ihe middle, and the more so towards the tip. Legs black, stout, pubesceut; femora at the base and COXIB ochraceous-red. Fore willgs black; corium with all urallge-red costal Itripe; membraue with a cinereou8 border. Var. /3.-Head with a broader streak on ellch side, BDd witb the dot on the bind border prolonged into a streak. Var. y.-Body ye\1ow beneath. Var. a.-Ventral bauds interrupted on each side. Length of the body 4t-6 lines.

Much like the European StracMrs in structure •

•• Celebes. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. b. Celebes. From Madame Ida Pfeiffer's collection. c. Batchian. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. d. Banda. From Mr. Wallace's collection • •• GHolo. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


Lutea,fiuijormi., puheseen., aspere ,uRelata, ,ubtru pallida lulea; eaput nigrum, lUreG tristrigalum; anttnnm nigrm, etJrpori. dimidio brrllMre. : tlltJra:c rujo wariru, plagilquatuor punctisque nigri,; ,euteUum apieem tIer'lII rujum, mltir claablll marginalibUl strigisqUt duabUl intermediir lanctolati. nigr"; pectu. et tIt,,"r maeulir nigri. quadritlittata; peda nigri, bali pallide lutti; ale antiem mtlA costali ruje nigro _ria.

Lnteous, fusiForm, pubescent, shining, roughly punctured, pale Inteous beneath. Head elougate, black above, witb a luteou8 streak extending from the hind border aud with one on each side in front; sides sligbtly reBexed ; lobes of equal length. Rostrum pale Illteou8, black towards tbe tip, extending a little beyond the hiud COXIB. Anteunlll black, rather le88 thell half the length of the body; joints successively illcreasing hI length: first joint not eluending to tbe front. Thorax more or less red in the middle of the disk, with four very irrt'gular black patches, two in front and two on the hiud border; punctures black; hind angles much rounded. Scutelhun with two irre"ular black marginal stripes aud witb two intermediate lanceo­late black streaks proceeding rrom tbe base and varying in lengtb; hind part mostly red, ralher flat. Pectus and under side of abdomen with two stripes of black spots, and witb two intermediate stripes of black dots. Abdomen beueath with a middle stripe composed of two lines of black dots; tbese lines are more or less united towards the tip. Legs black; COXIB and femorll pille luteous, the latter black towards the tips. Fore wings black,

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384. OATALOGUE 01'

,ntb a costal red black-nried stripe; membrane blackisb bl'8WD. Length of the body 41- Ii'les.

Very nearly allied to tbe preceding species. a, b. Coram. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


Oc!racec, llitelll, IUpere p/Uletal4, .ubt'" paUidB flaM; caput tra,u1Ie,., • • trilltum, post ice nigrum; anlel&ndl nigrdl, basi lutedl; thora:r: fasciU dubUI nigri' abbreviam, 10 calio, d_ paliidB Jla- ineludente; .etmllurA nigrum, apice jlarJIJ margill4tum, litura lat. c!lathiformi ma:eima; peet'" et wnter maeuli, nigria lliltata; al. anticdI llittu dud", nigril, la e:ecall4ta, 2a apud medium eoarctata.

Ocbraceous, oval, sbining, rougbly and thinly punctured, pale yellow beneath. Head transyersely and finely striated, irregularly black along tbe hind border; sides sligbtly rellexed; middle lobe hardly extending beyond tbe laterallobea. Bostrum black towards the tip. extending ratber beyond the bind CUlue. AntennlB black, slender, Cull half the length of the body; juints from the ·lirst to tbe fourth successively increasing in length; first luteous, extending to the front uf tbe bead; fiftb a little shorter tban tbe fourth. Tborax reliexed ou each side along tbe fure border, witb two abbreviated black bands; fure band containing a pale yellow call1Jll on each side; hind band sligbtly interrupted, occasionally thrice interrupted; hind angles rounded. Scutellum black, witb a lutOous transverse very larKe cyatbiform mark; tip rather bruad, bordered with pale yellow. Pectus and under side of abdomen witb four stripes of transverse bl.,ck spots, the latter witb a middle stripe of large black spots. Lege stout; tibie tuwards tbe pps and tarsi piceous. Fore winga with two black stripes; first .tripe sub­CUltal, excawated on tbe inner side, cummencing at une-sixtb uf the length and extending nearly to the tip, contiguuus to the secund at its base; aecond much contracted in tbe middle, cummencing very near the base, nut extending beyond the angle uf tbe corium; membrane blackish. Length pf the body 4-41 lines,

Like S. 1Ielata in strncture. ill. Mysol. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. "-. Birmah. From Mrs; Wallace's collection.


OcAra«tJ, longi.OMtll, asperB puractata; caput pollice fligrum, lobi. late­ralibul contigui.lobum medium lUperantib ... ; anlenn. nigl"tR, corporil dirAidio longiore., articulil 10 et 20 ochl'f.lcei.; 'Aora:e fald" dUllb", Rip" lUbl'Onne:ei., 2a latilnmll abbreviata; ,eutellum llillil dub", nigril, po.lice connni., lateribu, apicefUtl paUide fla"iI; peet", Rigrum, .egmentil jlarJIJ pallido marginati.; center IegmBntorum mar~ ginib", tt connni1lO viridib",; altR anticlE "iuil duab ... Rigris elall4til, 111 .ubcOltali lineam ochraceam includente, rAerAbrana alilfue polticil fligrielUltibul.

Oehraceous, elongate-oyal, tbinly and rongllly punctured. Bead ehining in front; a b1ilck band un the hind border; lides rellexed; lateral

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lobes conniving beyond the middle lobe. Eyes prominenL RostrulII extending a Iiule beyond tbe hind OOXIe; tip black. AntennlB black, a IitLle more tban blM the length IIf the body; first and aecond joints ouhra. eeolls; first extending almust to tbe frollL of the Iwad; sec:ond a lillie aborter than the third; third milch ahorter tban tbe fourth; fifth ratber aborter tban the fourth. Tboraz wiLh two black bauds, ",hicb are aligbtly counected in the middle; hiud band abbreviated, 1II0re than twice tile breadth of the other one; b.iud angles rounded. Scutellum with two black Jateralstripes, ",hich are uuited near tbe tip; sides and tip pale yellow. Pectus and abdomen black. Pectus with a sligbt keel, aud with tbe borden oftbe segments pale yellow. Connexivum and bind bordel'5 oltbe ventral segments pale green. Legs ochraceous; tibilB furrowed. Fore wings with &11'0 clavate black stripes; the first subcostal, including an ochruceous line; some intermediate black speckles; membrane and bind wings blackish. Length of the body 4t lines.

Much like S. Hcurig".. in structure. •• New Guinea. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


Nigra, llitlll., ..",.. PflflCtal4; capu' ochucellm, pOItiCfl fligrum ; aRtIII_ fligrm, bai ochrac"" corpon. dimidio longiore.; ,hora:ll: callil duoinu aralicil, linea tf'ItRftIIIf'.a witta9tee JIOltica jlarR', plop cluainu JIOllicil ochraeri.; ,culellum macula nigra btuali trigaf/a fIIII:II:ima .trigam lanceolatsm emittmle; .egmenta 'l7entulia jlaflO rnarginata, perk, ochracei; libii. apia tarsi'9De pieri.; altz anticce margine, driga IUbjlua atomilque ochraCflil.

Black, oval, shining, thinly and roughly punctured. Bead ochraccou8, irregularly black along the hind border; sides slightly rellexed; lobes of equal length. Rostrom black, extending to tbe bind COXIB. AnteulllB black, a little more than half the length of the body; first and sec:ondjoints (.chra. ceous ; first extending nearly to the front of the bead; aeoond mucb sborter tban the third; fourth mucb longer than the third, rather longer tban tbe fifth. Thorax with an irregular yellow stripe, extending from the hind border to an irregular transyerse yellow line, in front of which there is a U'ansverse elongated yel\ow callus on each side; a large ochraceous patch on each hiud angle, which is rounded; sides and fore border yellow, slightly rellexed. Scutellum witb a very large triangular ochraceous spot joining the fure border, and emitting a Janceolate streak towards the tip. Abdomen beneath with an irregular yellow band on the hind border of each segment. Legs ochraceous; tibilB towards the tip and tarsi piceous: tibie furrowed. Corium of the fore wings bordered with ochraceous along the costa and along the hind border, and more broadly with ochraceous along the exterior border; an ochraceous slightly bent streak proceeding from the exterior border &0 the disk, where tbere are some ochraceous speckles; membrane blal.:k. Length of the body 4 lines.

The markings of this species distinguish it from S. "curig".a, with which it agreea in structure. 4. New Guinea. Presented by W. W. Saundel'B, Esq.

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336 CATALOGUE 011'

76. STRACHIA 8BMIVIRIDI8. Pallide lutea, l,mgi-l!lIipti~a, a.pere punclala j ~aput longiru~ium;

antennlll picl'III, bagi lutete, "orporig dimidio non IOf/gions j thoralll tra_.e subimpres,ru, calli. duobru antel'ioribru, spatio portico pallide '!Iiridi j scutellum apice attenua,um, lateribu. nigro punl'tati_; allll anti~1II "itti, duabu. nig''i. abbrefliati., la ",bcallali lineam longitudinalem pallide luteam includente.

Pale luteous,elongate-elliptical,shininl!', thinly and roughly punctured. Head elongate; sides sligLtly reftexed; lobes of I'quallength. Rostrum extending to tbe hind coxre; tip black. Antennle piceous, about half tbe length of the body; first, secund and tbird joints luteous; first extending fJJ tbe frollt of the head; secund shorter than the third; third mnch shurter tban tlie fourth; fiftb a IiUle shorler than the fuurth. Thorax with a slight transyerse impre!'siun, in frullt (If which there is a callus on each side; hind part tinged witb pale green; hind Ilngle.s much rounded. Scutellum with black punctures on each side; these are most frequent towards Ihe tip, which is very narrow. Legs nloderately long and slender; felDora pille green toward. the base. Fllre wings with two abbreviated black stripes; the first subcostal, subclavate, intersected by a longitudinal pale luteuua Jine; the second wideuing to two-chirds of the length and then· decreasiug in brearlth to its tip; membrane pale cinereou8. Length of the body 41 lines.

Much like 8. wiata in structure. It may be distinguished from the other species of this group by its narrower body. a. New Guinea. From Mr. Wallace's collection.


Pallide lutea, iata, .~ite puncla,a, .ubtu, pallide ./lafItJ; caput margin, pOltico guttis9U8 duabru nigris, lobo medio lobo. lateralea perpaullo "'penmte j atliennlll pi~elll, corporis. dimidio non longiore" arti~lo 10 pallideftaflO ; t/uWalll: ma~l" octo nigrieantib", e:r:parte fliridi6U1 ; .~tellum fliridi 9uadrirnIJ~latum j p«tUl et tlfftter macuii. ferru­ginei. uni"ittata maculi&9ue "iridibtu le.ll1tJWata j allll anticlII fliridi trimaculatlll, membrana pelLucidIJ.

Pale Juteous, oval, broad, minutely punctured, paJe yellow beneath. Head irregularly black along die hind border; a brack dot on each side between the eyes; sides slighdy reftexed; middle lobe extending very little beyond lhe lateral lobes. Rostrum extending to the bind COXa!; tip black. Antennae piceous, slender, about half the length of the body; first joint pale yellow, IIOt extending tn the rrllnt of the head; secllnd much shurter than the third; fourth mucb lunger than the third, a little longer than the fifth. Thorax with eight blackish lartly green spots, four on the fore border, the other four before the hin angles, which are rounded. Sculel­lum with two transverse green spots at the hase a.nd with an elongated green spot on each side of tbe disk. Pectus and under side of abdumen with six stripes of irregular geeen spots and witb au intermediate stripe of ferruginous spots. Legs moderately long and slender; femora mostly pale green. Fore wings with three green spots, one antemedial and two

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"ISlmedial; membrane aDd hind wings pellucid. Length of the body. blines •.

Like S. pal·til. and S. &elniviritii.y in structure .

•• Celebes. Presented by W. W. Saunders. Esq.

78. RrftAcH/A PLATYllrIL.l.

Prasina. lata, _ta, nitem, as"ere puncta!a; caput ocAraceo-lIiritle; transvene 'trio~.m, "'lIculi. II'ibus p0.<lid. nigri., lobo medio lobo. loterllle. PIIuUo ,uperllnte; tlwraz plagis dUllb", apvd angulo. po.iiCOl t.lll11que ontica orhraM., maculi' duabul Ifnti,i. tra~.IIt"u qUII"!0!'1 que pa.lici, nigru magniB; ,cutellum mllculi, duabu. anlici. lran.­ malni. duabu.que potlici, elongatu mlla:imu nigri.; plCI'" eI t'tinter e rtlllculi. nigri. fuinqull-viltatll; jenaara nigro guttalll i al~ allticlB maculi. trib .. nigm maa:imiB, dimidio apiculi oc"-raceo.

Grass-green. broad; otal, &hining, tbinly and roughly punctured. Head slightly ocbraceoull-tinged, transve/'liely an~ finely &triated on each side; tbree black spots on tbe bind border, tbe middle one mucb largt"r tban tbe uther two; sides slightly rellend; middle lobe extending a Iiule beyond the lateral lobes. Rostrum black, green at the base, extending to tbe bind cuXIe. Tborax with an ochrllceous patch on the fore part· uf the disk and une on each hind angle; six elongated black spots; two transnrse, in froDt; fuur between the hind angles, which are much rounlted. Scutellum with· two large transverse black spots on the fore border, and with two posterior elongated much larger black spots. which are nearly cuntiguuus; tip rather broad. Ptctus and under side uf abdomen with five stripes of large black spots. Legs moderately long anel slender; femurll with some black dots. Fore wings with tbree very large black sputs; apical. half uf . the corium ochraceoDs; membrane blackish, with a broad pellucid border. LeDgth of the body 4i lines.

Very Dearly allied Lo S. pardalil • •• Penang. l'resenLed by J_ C. Bowriog, Esq.

'79_ STllACHlA. PBlI'I' ASP/LA.

Nigra, "it~,.., caput paUide luteum, tra_IIl IUbdriatum, lobo m,dio lobos laterale. perpaullo '''plrante ; ante,._ nigr., corpor;, dimidio non longiore., basi ochrllcetIf; thoraz .ubpuncIdIUS, maculiB dull6U1 orhraceis lllteralibus mazimu; .euteUum jucia ochracea emilirc .. _ tar; IInternedia; fIeRier piceus, segmentorum mllrginibu. pottici. et connta:illO "indib",; pede, validi, jemoribu, apice tibiisqUII bll,i ruji.; allB antirlB mllruia ducali elongata pallide lutea, membraQ" nigrirante.

Black, oval, sbining. Head smootb, pale lutoous, transYl'rse1y alld ,ery slightly striated on ellch side; sides hardly reflexed; middle lube extending very little beyond the lateral lobes. Bustrum piceous, pale luteoUB towards the base, extending to the hind CUX!!. Antennm black; slender, about half the length of the body; firstjuiut ochract'Ous. extending nearly to the frllot of tbe bead; second ochraceuus at the base, very milch: sborter tban the third; fuurth a little luoger thnn the third, a little shorter


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.&ban tbe fit\b. Thorax roughly and ,erythinly ,unctured; a large ocbra­ceous spot on eacb side includiog tbe hind angle, wbicb is rounded. Scu­tellum tbioly puoctured, witb a semicircular ochraceous band near tbe base. Pectus black. Abdomen beneatb piceous; hind borders uC tbe seg­ments on eacb side and connexi,um green. Legs stout; coxm pale Juteous; femora red towards tbe lips, tbe red bue most pre,alent in tbe Core femora; tibim Currowed, red at the base. Fore wings with an elongated pale luteons lpot in the disk; membrane blackish. Length oC the body4lines;

It agrees in general structure with B. partlGlu. bu' forms a distinct aectioa in tbe genus. .. New Guinea. From Mr. Wallace's collection.

The eight following species belong to one group, whicb eeems \0 repre­aent the American group tbat has been oamed Aroce,..


Purpurea aul parpureo-nigra, .cite panclata, .ublu. paUiJe JIo.flum ; tap,d el tlwra:e Leete rufa; caput .trigil fuatuor Jillcia'lue postica 466re­tliata purpurri.; rostrum pallide flawm, basi ru.fum; antenna ni!Jf'll, gracillifllll. corpori. dimidio longiortl, arliculo 10 rufo, 20 flaw; ,horafIC antice jlat:o t'arivI, ",aculi. dvabVl parpvrei. magnu I.b­quadratil; .ctdellum apice testaceo pallido ,narginattlm; peel. parpvreo decem-macula tum ; tlent(r parpureo "fIC-fa,cialum; pedn paTp1'rei,fm,oribVl pallid, jlafli.ptlrpureo fascial; ••

Purple or purplish black, elliptical, thickly and Jinely puoctured. Bead lind thorax brigbt red. Bead small, with an abbre,iated purple band on the bind border; this band emits two laneeolate purple streaks iJi a line witb two otber purple streaks on the fore part of tbe bead; lobes oC equal· length; sides hardly reflexed. Bostrum pale yellow, exlending to tbe hind coxej first .joint red. Auteonm black, ,ery sleoder, a little more tban !laIr the length oC tbe body; first joint red, oot extending to tbe Cront of the head; second yellow, ,ery much· longer tban the tbird; fourtb as long as tbe second; fif'h a little shorter &hau the fourth. Thorax varied with pale yellow in Cront; a large lub­quadrate purple spot on eacb side of the disk; sides slightly reBexell, rounded io (rontj hind aogles mucb rounded. Scutellum extending a little beyond tbe angle oC the corium, bordered with pale testaceo\ls at its tip, its hind part with I). ,ery sligbt keel. Pectust coollexivum and under side of abdomen pale yellow. Pectus with five purple spots on eacb sidf', two on tbe prosleroum, four on the mesosternum and four on tbe meta­sternum. Abdomeo beneath with six purple bands, of which tbe first, second, third an!l fourlh are interrupted in the middle. Legs ralber long; eoxm and femora pale/ellow, the latter with an irregular purple baud Ilear the tip; libie furrowe. Lengtb of tbe body 7t lines. 8. Batehiaa. Presented b)' W. W. Sa.oders, Esq. 6. Batehian. From Mr. Wallace's collection.

Var. tt.-Thorax more completely pale ye:low in Ir~nt; tbe purple spots ,ery small or qnite wanting. e, d. Kaisaa. Presented hy W. W. SauoderF, Esq.

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Var. y.-The purple spots of the thorax connected and formiDg"a large patch. .

e. Batchian. Presented by W. W. Baunders, ~


OcANceo-'l'Ufa, .ubtllipllca, tupfft ,Mllclata, .ubl'" pallile IMtH; caput paUide luteum, poItice cgaraeuII; alllm". nigr., ~poril dimidio bmiore., bcri paUide lute.; thor" antice pallide lu'e",; ,cutellum purpureo blmatulalum, falM anguleri liturilfue dud", pallide lute;'; peetul oekraceo lram.",." Btrigatum ; legmellta ."tralia pw­,."0 illterrupta fuciata; ptdu purpurei, bali pallide 1.1ei; .. "'­bralla nigN.

Orange-red, sbininll', nearly elliptical, somewbat roughly punctured, pale luteous benealh.. Head pale luteoll8, irregularly blue along the bind lIarder; sides not reflexed; lobes of equal lenr.h. Rostrum pale luteou8, extending 10' the hind cosmo AntennlB blac , slender, a little less than balf tbe length of the body; first joint pale luteous, not extendinlt to the front of the head; second lllteous beneath, very much longer than the third; fourtb much longer than the third, a Iiule longer than the fifth. ·Thorax pale luteous in front, where tbere is a large callus on each side; sides reflexed. Scutellum with a purple spot on eacb angle at tbe base, contiguous to a pale luteous anguln band, beyond whicb tbere is a pale luteous mRrk on each side. Pectus with three transverse ocbracCf)u8 streaks on each side. Abdomen beneath with six broad purple bands; four interrupted, tbe fifth entire, tbe sixth apical. Legs purple; femora pale lotcous towards the base; tibilB furrowed; tarsi black, tawny beneath. Membrane of lbe fore· wings black. Length of the body 7 lines. a. Kaisaa •. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


L.te 'l'Ufa,lata, ONla, .tite pUlletala, ",blul pallide teltaeea; cnpullram:' fHlrse Itrialum; anlmn. nigrce, gratillim., corporis diinidio paullo longiore" articulo 10 'l'Ufo; looraz calli' duo"'" antic;' magna. pallide tellacm, anguli, f'OIlicil aculi,; 8('ulellum maeKlis duabu, alliitis nigricandbu" gUllis dudul nteriorib", nigris, slriga posl­media nigricanle, apico ttldateo; abdome" dorIO, faatiis lrihul _­Ira/ib", late iJlterrupti., macul;, Iribus .ubapica/ibll' ullaque apicali nigri,; femora nigricallie unigullata; al. anlic. macula pal/media nigra.

Bright red, broad, o,al, thickly and minutely punctured, pale testa­ceous beneath. Head transversely striated; sides hardly reflexed; lateral lubes bardly extending beyoud the mid.lle lobe. Rostrum testaceous, red towards the base, extending to the hind C0111l. Antenna! black, very slender, a little more tban balf the lengtb of the body; first joint red, not extending to the front of the head; second mucb longer tban the tbird ; Courth mucb longer than the third and than the fifth. Tborax with a large pale testaceous callus on each side in fraut; sides reflexed in front; hind nngles acute. Sculellllm with two large blackish spots and with two exterior black dots on the fore border, and with a blackish streak beyond

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Ibe middle: testaceo .. al the tip and ,li~btly testaceoos on .eacb side. Abdumen black above: under 5ide with ruur broad transverse black streaks on each ,idt', with Ihr~ black 8ubapiol .. pots and with a black apical .poL Legs tnlaceous,slightly linged wilh red, ratber lung and slender: a blackish dot on each of the femora; tibile furrowed. .'ore wings wilh an elongated black 8pot in the dial beyond the widdlc; membrane and biud winga

. black., Leugth of the budy ". lines. ' •• Balchian. Preaeated by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

83. STJU.CBIA. PYItOPRrr. ....

'. Lete oeAracetl.rvJa, "iteu, a.pere pURtiala; eapuC qJlUNlI 6ilRlleulatllfll, 'laterilnu till: reftnil, lobi. Lateralibu. Lobam medium m:ll IUpera"ti­bll.; .f'ollrum lutrum, btu; rllfum; a"ten"dI Rigrdl, corporis dimidi" longiore., artirolo 10 rafo, 20 luteD RigncaRte li"ealo; choral: anlice glGber; scuteilu,,, "",ice "igro maf'!/inaillm; pecton. latera Rigr • • trigata; fJeJlter .lbidu',fa.cii. quinque 1.,;, macuiligue ,.bapicII1'

, l'urpurei.; .ldl antic<p membrana nigriconte. , Bright orange-red, sbining, elongate-oval, rather roughly punctured • . HI'P(I wilh Iwo irrcgularly triangullir blue spots on the hiud border: lidea .hardly refiexed; lalerlll lobes hardly extending beyond the middle lobe. 'Rostrum luteoul, extending to thc hind ClOXIe; fin;t joiut "right red. 'Autennle black, much more than half the length of the bod,; 6rst joint red, not extending to the front of the head; second luteous, about tbriee the length of the third, wilh a blackish Jine on tbe outer side; fourtb a lillie more than twice the leDgt1J of the third; fifth longer than the fourth. Thorax with a large smooth space on each side-in front ofthe slight trans­'verse (urr!!w; sides reftexed in front; angles rounded. Scutellum not eXlending beyond 'the anl(le of the corium, with a very slight longitudinal keel alia with a semi-elliplical black band on'the fore border. Proslernum, mesosternum and metasternum witb a black streak on euch side. Abdo­Rlen beneath whitish, wiLh five broad purple bands and with a purple sub. apicl\)spOl. Legs &lender; tibim furrowed; tarlli testaceous. Fore wings ,with a blac;kish membrane. Length of the body 6 lines.

Very closl'l, allied to the precediug species. tI. Batcbian. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


Nigf'O-cyarua, Rile, .. , PUf'ptlf'tfI 11Gria, "'per' pURelala; e.put «kf'4ceo­f'ufum, ma"9ine pOl/ico "i91o_pur1"'reo, lobo medio "picem WTnu lilurisque "onnullis pallide t,staeei.; IIntmndl RigrtE, corporil dimidin lon.qiore., artit'Ulo 10 sublu. luteo; tlioraa: margine anlico,laterib ... fauiGgue IJchraeei.; letdellum disco ochraceo, apice atbido; pec,," albido tranSVl'rse driga'u,,,; Wlnler duro, margill' faseiisqu, albid;'. pede. "Uffl-o('kracei,femoribm ha.i albidis, libii. SUpr4 nigro-cyanei., fl:moribus l}flsticis nigro-ryaneo uRimaculali.; aldl antictR bali marolf/que marginali mflgna trigona oe/"'aceis, membrana fUBea.

Blackish blue, elliptical, sbining, ronghly puuctured, tinged with pIII'plc>. Head ocbraceous-red, with an irlcgullir blackish purple band IIlllllg tbe biud border, lIud with some pale tcstaceous marks betweeu the

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eyes; lobes of equllllelJjltb; middle lobe pale testaceous towards the tip; sides slightly rellexed. Rostrum pale teslaceous, t'xlending a little beyoud the bind coxre. Antennlll black, slender, a Iiule more tban half Ihe leuglh of the body; first joint IUleous beneath, nut eXlending III the front of the bead; second nearly twice Ibe lengtb of the third; fi.urth much longer tban the third; fifth longer than the fourlh. Thorax ochraceous aloJlg the fore border and more broadly ochraceous on each side, wilh an ochraccous baud in front, on which there is an oblique livid callus on eacb side; sides rellexed; angles sligbtly rounded. Scutellum 1I0t extendling beyond tbe angle of the corium; disk ochraceoulI; tip whitish. PecllIs with whitisb transverse streaks on each side. Abdomen beneath with a whitish disk, with whitish borders and with a slellder whitish band on the hind border of escb segment. Legs reddish ochraceous; femora lowards the base and COXIIl whitish; tibilll furrowed, mostly blllckisb blue abovE', as are also tbe tarsi; hind femora with a blackish blue spot beyond the middle. Fore wings ochraceous at the base and with a large triangular ocbraceous sl.ot on the exteriur border; membrane brown. LenJ(lh of the body 7 lines • •• New Guinea. Presented by W. W. Saunders. Esq • . 6. New Guinea. }'rom Mr. Wallace's collection.


Pallide lulea,lollgi411iptica, a.pere punctata; caput mfJprodul'lum, poI/ice eyaruum; aldenn. raigrt8, corpori. dimidio brlftlioru, bali pal!ide lute.; tlaora:t: lasciu dua6us ab6rlftliati. purpureo-cyolleu j ,eutellum fascia postmedia purpurf'a Latil8illla ,"binlerrupta; pectori. L"tera purpureo transverse Itrigata; femora ,urpureo uRimaeuLa·ta; tibitB '''pra purpure.; al. antice pllrpllre., maeula margiraaLi oclaracea magna trigona.

Pale luteou8, shining, elongate-elliptical, rougbly punctured, paler beneatb. Head slightlY'elongated, irregularly blue along the hind border; sides 'not rellexed; lobes of equal lenglh; middle lobe smooih. E,es prominent. Rostrum stout, extending a little beyond the hind COlllll • .Antennl8 black, slender, a liule less tban balf Ihe lcngth of the body; first joint pale luteous, not extending to the front. of the bead;· secund piceous, tawny beneath, very much longer than the third; fourth as long as the second. Thorax with two purplish blue abbreviated bands; second extremely brqad, joining tbe hitld border, slightly interrupted b, a luteoul line; sides slightly rellexed; hind angles rounded. Scutellum extending to the angle of tbe corium'laler al the tip, with a very sligbt forked beT, and witb a purple very broa slightly interrupted band beyond the middle. Pectus with transverse purple streaks on eacb side. Legs stout; femora with an irregular purple spot beyond the middle; tibilll keeled, purple above. Fore wings purple, with a large triangular ochraceous spot on the exterior bordcr; membrane blllck, witb a whitish pellucid border. Length of lhe body 6!- lines.

This way be a mere variety of S. reciproca. a.MJ·sol. PlclOelltcd hy W. W. Saunders, Esq.

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84i CATALOGUE 011'


Pal/ide (ulet&, rai""" a'pllTe pu"ctaia; caput "rigil dub", a"lieil ftllciuque JIO,tica ryanei.; a"ten_ raigr,., gracile" corporil dimidie no" 10ngiDre., articulo 10 pallide luteo. 20 pi«o ,,,btu. pallide ltUM, 40 bAli pallide luteo; tl&ora:e maculil dUllb", c!J8raeU tra_,i ..... quadratil; .culell"m purpureo-ryaneum; pect",. purpureo-ryafttItJ octoguU.,,,,,. ; _ter e mIIc,Ali. purpureo-ryanei. qudriwitt.t",; femora ryafU!O ""imllculata; libi,. apr'll cyanUl; at. ."tic,. pu"" pureo-cyane,.. litura ,..fa iaamatc. Var. {j. - AI,. aratiN flit,. cruciata pallide l"leG. •

Pale luteous. elliptical. shining. roughly punctured. Head with au irregular blue baud on tbe hind border and with a little blue streak on each of tbe lateral lobes ; sides hardly retle;x:ed; lobes of equal length ; middle lobe mostly smooth. Eyes prominent. Rostrum extending a little belond the hind COXIe. Antennlll black. slender. about haIr tbe leugth 0 the body; first joint pale luteou&, 1I0t extellding to the front of the head; second piceous. pale luteous benealh, much shorter than the third; fourth pale luteous at the base, II little longer than the tbird and than tbe fifth. Tborax witb a transverse blue subquadrate .pot on eacb side of tbe disk; sides slightly reOexed; bind angles rounded. Scutellum purplisb blue. extending to the angle of the corium. Pectus with four bluish purple spots ou eacb side. Abdomen benealb with four rows of bluish purple sPOt8. Legs Itout; femora with a blue spot beyond the middle; tibim blue and fllrrowed above. Fore wings purplisb blue, with a broad red reOexed streak in the disk; memhrane black. Var. {j.-Scutellum with a crucifurm pale luteous stripe. Length or the body 7 liues. D. b. New Guinea. Presented by W. W. Saunders. Esq.


Pal .. lata • ..-pere p".ctata; caput apud marginem 11O.ticum wiridi·raigrllm, laterib", • re.flu:iI; ""ttlll!,. raigr,.. gracila. corporil dimi4NI nora loragiore., articu/e 10 fultJO. 20 apice fulllO. 30 frJtJO apiCil nigro, 40 bali fuitJO; tlwra:e maculil duan. laleralibUl ma:eimi, wiridio­.. igril. 'patio "",tico "'fe,r:ente; .cutellum bAli .ittUque dubu (ara«of.tiI wridi-raigri,; peet'" ",bcarinatIlJ.; abdomtlJ& dOrlo raigro, flUcii. futllOt' _tralibUl late illterrupti. mIIculilque duabu. ",iJ.. apicalibUl wiritU-raigril; al,. antic,. fllllrgi.e po81ico tlitt4l/UB ",6.­COItali tTiridi-raigrl •• metllbraraa Idgrica.te.

Tawny. broad. elliptical, rougbly pl1nclnred. Head irregularly greenisb black along the hind border; sides very sligbtly reOexed; lobes of equal lengtb. Rostrum extending to the biud CUXIe. Antennte black, slender. about half the length of the hody; fir.t juiut lawny. not extending to the frout of the head; second very mucb longer tban the third. tawny towards tbe tip; tblrd tawny, black towards the tip; fourth much longer than the third, tawny at tbe base; fiftb a Iiule shorter than the fourtb. Thorax with two very large greenisb black spots. wbich are oearly contiguous; a large auterior callus on each side; sides ~ligbtly retlexed; space along tbe bind border reddisb. Scutellum greeni~h black at the base, with two lanceolate greenish black wbicb extend to

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thtee-roorths or the length. Pectus slightly keeled. Abdomen black aboye; under side with four widely interrupted greenish black bands, lind with a subapical greenish black spot on each aide; tip blllck. Legs ratber

• long and slender. Fore wings reddisb, greenisb black along tbe hind border, and a greenish black Rubcostalstripe wbicb widens outward and does not extend to the tip; membrane blackish. I.eugth of tbe body Gliaes. II. Ceram. From Madame Ida Pfeiffer's collection.


Purpureo, lo"gi-elliptiea, Rilm" tUpert pu"ctata, $Ubt'" pallidil jlam ; caput breve, transwrse driatum, lobi. lateralibu. apice contigui. lobum medium .upertlnlibw j tkoralll sulco tranlWl·so, calli. duohw, margine antieo laterihtuque pallide jlaJlil "iUa latislima oek,·acea; ,cutellulA ockraceum, macula nigra magna conica 8ubji,m j pect'" nigro transwr" .trigatum; tJenter mui. duab", macularib", nigri.; petie. Rigri, femoribu. pallide jla";,, apice, wr.UI Rigris jlaJlO .trigati. ; ale antietll tJitta coltali ItrigalA lanceu/atam emittente plagaque apicali magna ockraceil.

Purple, elonllate-ellipti~l, shining, roughly punctured, pale yellow beneath. Head short, tranuenely and minutely striated; sides reftexed; lateral lobes conniving beyond tbe middle lobe. Boslrum black, extending

. to the hind COX&!. AntenulII black, more than halr the lengtb or tbe body; firal joint extending to tlie froDt of the bead; second much sborter tbag lhe tbird, which is shorter tban tbe founh. Thorax with a very broad ochraceous stripe; a IranSyersa middle furrow Wilh a pale yellow callus lit each end; sides aud fore bordt'r pale yellow, slightly reftexed; hiod angles rounded. Sculellum ochraceou~, extending a little beyood the aOll"le 01" the corium, with a large cooical blllck spot, of 1thich the biod end is slightly olell.. Peclus with transverse black streaks 011 each side. AbdDmen beneath with a row of blllck spots 00 each side. Legs black; COXBI and femora pale yellow, tbe latter black aod streaked with yellow towards tbe tips; libilll rurro"ed, striped with yellow. Fore wiugs witb an ocbraceolls. costal stripe, which extends aloog nearly half the leogth of the corium from the base, aod tbeo emits a lallceolale streak towards a large ocltraceou8 apical patch; membrane blue, with a whitish pellucid border. Lengtb of the body:> liues.

Like S. crucigera in structure. a. Celebes. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Kq.


P.llitle lutea, elliptica,glabra j cap.t traRlllerse Itriat.llm,pflltice tyaneunt eot pUf"pureum j aRtenR" Rigre, ba,i tyan(tIi; t/lIJralll truRlWrle .u/· catu" plag;, duabu, .IItiri. luteo unimaculatis plogitlJulI duabu. postic;. I!lQflIIO-pllrpurei" litllra alltica o(·k,·acea furcat. j ppctoril .egmenta "!l0nea ",arginata; t·enter jl"IIIU, mGeulis cyanfis sub­quadratis bivittatus j jmlOra flaM, cyalleo Ilrigata; tibi. c1lanefl; ale anticee macula codali oblonga tyaneo, llriga pudictl purpureo.

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Pale luteou9, elliptical, shiuing, mostly IIUlootll. Head with a few punctures. blue and purple about tbe hind border, transversely and very lDiDutely striated iu front; lateral lobes reftexed on each side, conniving beyond the middle lobe. Eyes Tal her prominent. Rostrum black, pale yellow towards the base, extending Dearly to the biud COX!!!. ADtennm black, a little more than half tbe length of the body; fil'llt joiut blue, extendiDg nearly to the front of the bead; second a Iiule more thaD balf tbe length of tile tbird; fourth a lillie longer than the third. Thorax witb a transverse punctured furrow across tbe middle, and witb a rectan(ullir furrow on each side in front; two purple partly blue patches on each side, eaeb of tbose in front including a luteous spot; a forked ocbraceous Ulark in front; sidcs reftexed in front; hind angles rounded. Scutellum roughly and thillly pl1l1ctured on the bind blllf, wbich is less convex than the fore balf: Segments of the pectus bordered with blue. Abdomen ocbraceou~, yellow beneath, wbere there is a row of subquadrate blue sJl0ts on each side. Legs pale yellow, stout; femora streaked with blue; tibim hlue, furrowed; tarsi black. Fore wings witb a blue oblong costal spot and with a purple streak neur the hind border; membrane blackish blue, with a pellucid wbitish border. Lengtb of the body 6 lines.

Perha ps a variety of the preceding species. 4. Celebes. Presented by W. W.-Saunders,.Esq.


lEnto_nigra, longi-elliptica, niten" a'pel'e punctata; CUI,ul.qlabrum, lobi, iateralibus apice contigl/is lobum medium slIperantibus; antenna: nigra:, corpori. di,,,idio longiores, articulo 10 lato; tAora:;c antit'lf coarctatUl, mleo Iranst1eNo, vitta llallide flam antiee di14tata, margiM antico laleribl/sqlle pallide tellaceis; .eutel/llm lIitta pallide ftal1fJ postiee abbrelliata, plagj. '1uatuor rufir; pectus apud eoza, albidl.lm ; IlfInter "itti. dllabus flavi. indeterminatis; petles longi, femoribl.l' .ubinera"ati,; ala: antif."a: .triga alba tran6lleTia n&bapif."aii, _­brana nigra albido marginala.

lEueous-black, elongate-elliptical, shining, thinly and roughly punc. ture,l. Head smooth; sides slightly reftexed; lateral lohes conniving beyond tbe middle lobe. Eyes prominent. Rostrum black, extending to Ihe hind COX!!!. Alltennm black, more thlln balf the length of the body; first joint brnad, extending to tbe front of the head; second as long as tbe tbird; fourth longer than tbe third; fifth shorter than tbe fourth. Tborax: mucb narrower in front of the transverse furrow, whh a pale yellow IItripe, wbicb is brOJtdest on Ihe forll border; a nearly round callus on each side in front; sides and fore border pale teslaceous, slightly reftexed. Scutellum witb a pale yellow stripe, wbicb is abbreviated hindward and bas a red patcb at eacb side of it at its base and ilt its tip. Pectns whitisb about the COX!!!. Abdomen beneath with on irregular yellow stripe 011 each side. Legs long; femora sligbtly incrassated. Fore wings with a while trans­verse slreak joining tbe exterior border neal the lingle of the corium; membrane black, wilh a wbitish pellucid border. Lenglb of the body 46 lines.

Very nearly allied to S. bicolor. er, b. Penang. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq.

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Purpurea, elliptica, glabra, nitm,; cap.t breve, lobi, lateralibUl apiu contig"" lollum mediu,,, .uperantibus; antenMl fligr., corporil dimidio brmore. ; thora:x: va/de conve~UI, .ulco tran.ver,o optime uterminato; lcutelltlm calla mtWimo luite ru/o, apicem WIlT.UI tit!_ JWt!.mm ; pede. nigri, longi, gracile., bllli albidi; al,. aatice punctat., .triga m"-picali alba transversa, membrana nigro'eg_ albido marginata.

Purple, elliptical, smootb, abininf' sligbtly varied with blue. Head sbort; sides sligbtly reftexed; latera lobes conniving beyond tbe middle lobe. Eyes very prominenL Rostrum black, testaceous towards the base, extending to the hind COX&!. Antenn&! black, slender, a little shorter than the body; joints from the first to tbe fourth successively increasing in length; first extending to the front of the bead; fifth rather sborter than tbe fourtb. Tborax very convex, with a punctured strongly marked trans­verse furrow. Scutellum with a brigbt red very large aud convex callus. which occupies mucb more tban balf the surface; apical part lIat. not extending beyond the angle of tbe corium. Abdomen beneatb bright red. Legs blaek, long, slender; femora at the base and COX&! wbitish; tibi&! furrowed. Fore wings minutely punctured, with a white trsnsverse streak opposite the bind angle of tbe corium; membrane blackish blue, with a wbitish pellucid border. Length of the body 3 lines.

This and the three following species form a distinct gronp, which is most allied to the group of S. bicolor, but dilfera much from the European form of this genus •

•• h. Am. Presented.,1. W. W. Saunders, Esq. c, fl. Aru. From Mr. Wallace's collection.


Purpurea, longi-elliptica, glabra, nitens; caput brew, tranlWllTII striatum; antenn. tyaneo-nigr., corpore brniore. ; tAortW .uleo trallBWNo puncta to bene uterminato, macula antica ocAracea trigona maa:ima; Icutellum calla omraceo tramver.o maa:imo, .pa.tio portico deprello flpice ocAraceo j peetol" latera albido tranlverle triltrifPltl./; tllenter luteal, fascia eganeo-purpurea lato. cgatAijormi; pede. loRgi, ban albidi; al. afltic,. .triga mbapicali tranlWllTlIJ albida, membrana viridi-cganea cinerea pallido marginat ••

Purple. elongate-elliptical, smooth, sbining. Head short. transversely and finely .triated in front; sides refte~ed ill front; lateral lobes conniving beyond the middle lobe. Eyes very prominent. Rostrum black, extending to the hind COXIIl. Antennlll bluish black, slender, rather shorter than the body; joints successively increasing in length; first extending to the front of the head. Thorax witb a transverse punctured well-defined furrew, in front of which there is an ocbraceous triangular very large spot, whose ~ase is on the fore border; bind angles Islightly rounded. Scutellum with


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an ocbraceous transverse very large and convex callus wbich occupies more than half tbe surface; hinder space ftat, ochraceous at tbe tip, extending a liule beyond tbe angle of tbe corium. Pectus with tbree transverse wbitish streaks on each side. Abdomen beneath luteous, witb a broad bluisb purple cyathiform band, which extends to the tip and on eaeh side nearly to tbe base. Legs long, wbitisb at tbe base. Fore wings witb a whitish transverse streak opposite the angle of tbe corium; membrane greenish blue, with a pale cinereous hyaline border. Length of the body 6 lines.

Very nearly allied to S. calliphoroides.

fl. Wagiou. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. 6. Wagiou. From Mr. Wallace's collectiou.


Le~ purpurto-cyanea, fwiformil, glabra: antennte nigrtB, bali cyanem I tAoraaJ trannerse Butcatu" antice coccinew, llrigil duabus lateralib ... lanceolati. flam-albi.; scutelluln basi coccineum, conlfQ:um, linea postiea longitudinali pallide flaw; 11enter teltaetu., laterib", rufa t1aTii. cyaneo maculati.; pedes c!lanei, femoribus basi flallO-albil ; alte antictB macuta magna coecinea, melnbrana wiridi-cyanea einerfO margin.ta.

Brigbt purplish blue, fusiform, shining. Head, tborn and basal part ilf tbe scutellum smooth. Head reflexed on each side iu front; middle lobe extending very little beyond the lateral lobes; a yellowish wbite line on eacb side of the mouth beneath. Rostrum black, extending to the hind eOKIe, pale testaceous towards tbe base. Antennle black, more than half the length of the body ; first joint blne, not extending to the front of the head; second much sborter than the third; fourth longer tban the third and tban tbe fifth. Thorax somewbat com'ex, especially on the fore part of tbe disk, whicb is crimson-red and interrupts a transverse furrow and has a punctured transverse furrow behind it; a yellowisb white lanceolate streak on each side prolonged round the bind angle along the lateral part of the hind border, broader on each side of the pectus. Scutellum not extending beyond tbe angle of the corium; basal part crimson-red, convex, emitting a pale yellow line into tbe binder part; tbe latter flat. thinly and rougbly punctured. Pectus with a yellowish white red-tillged callus along the fore border, yellowish white about the COXE. Abdomen beneath testaceous, varied with red on each side, where tbere is a stripe of blue spots. Legs blue; femora towards the base and COXBl yellowish white; tarsi black. Fore winlts with a large crimson-red spot near the tip of the eorium which is punctured; membrane greenish blue, cinereous-bordered. Var. 13.-Abdomen beneath wholly red. Femora wholly blue. Length of 'be budy 3!- lines .

•• Ceram. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. 6. New Guinea. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

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ute purpurea, flUi/oTmi., glabra, cyan80 ""ria; antennal nigr.,b",i cyane., corpori. dimidio longiore.; tltoraz antice coccinew, linri. duab", lateralib", jlaro-albu; .cutellum bali coccineum con_um; peelUI cyaneum; venter rufus, disco jlaWJ-albo, maculi. lateralib", cyanei.; pede. clanei, bali jlaro.albi; allB antic. macula magrl4 coccinea, membrana mridi·cyanea cinereo marginala.

Bright purple, fusiform, shining, here and there blue. Head, thorax and basal part of the scutellum smooth. Head reflexed on each side in front; middle lobe extending a little beyond the lateral lobes. Rostrum black, extending to the hind COXIB. Antennm black, more than half the Jength of the body, in structure like those of S. gemmea; first joint blue. Thorax alike in structure to that of S. gemmea and with a similar patch in fronli a yellowish wbite line along eacb hind angle and along tbe adjoining part of tbe side and of tbe hind border. SClltellum like that of S. gemmea, except tbM the crimson patch emits no streak. Pectus wholly blue. Abdomen beneath red; disk yellowish wbite with blue spols along each side. Legs blue; femora at the base and coxm yellowish wbite; tarsi black. Fore wings like those of S. gern.mea. Length of tbe body 31 lines. .

Tbis species is a little narrower tban S. gemmea, to which it is verI closely allied. a. Batcbian. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. b. Kaisaa. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

Australia. 95. STRACKIA BLEGANB, C. H. 263.

Arocera elegans, Stal, Stell. Enl. Zeit. xxii. 139. a. Australia. Presented by Lord Mountnorris. b. Australia. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. c, d. Australia. From Mr. Children's collection. e. Australia. J. }foretou Bay. From Major Parry's collection. g. Australia. From Mr. Vigors' collection. A. New South Wales. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. i. Port Pbilip. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


Viridil, "'pere punclatG, 'UbtU8 albida; caput maculi' trib". rtrigisque duabus Ilnterioribus albidis, 8ubtu8 viridi quadrimaculatulR; thoraz margine anlico laleriblUque lutei., margine postico mila llultisque duabus albidis; 8cutellum callis dU/ibu8 anticis luteu, villa abbreuiata apiceque albi,; peel", viridi bivittatum; venter pallide te.taceu8, maculi. lateralibul viridibu8; femora albida, apic~. versus viridia; tibial alba vittalll!; alai anliell! viua coslali strigam .ubcosta/em emittente fasciaque subapicali luleis, linea postira albida.

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848 CATALOG11J!: Oll'

Metallic-green, elliptical, thinly and rou~ly punctured, whitish beneatb. Head witb three wbitish spots forming a band between the eyes, and with a whitish streak on each of tbe lateral lobes, whicb extend a little beyond tbe middle lobe; two green spots on eacb side beneatb. Rostrum black, wbitish at tbe base, extending a little beyond tbe middle coxm. Antennle black, a little more than half the length of the body; first joint extending to the front of tbe head; third bardly sborter than tbe second, longer than tbe fourtb; fifth a little longer tban tbe fourth. Thorax with a slight transverse furrow,luteous along the fore border and along each aide, wbitish along tbe hind border; a whitisb dot on each side in tbe disk and a whitish stripe; angles sligbtly acute. Scutellum witb a luteou8 callus on each side; an abbreviated wbite stripe which is most slender in front; tip white. Pectus with two green marginal stripes. Abdomen beneath pale testaceous, with green spots along eacb side; COXal and femora wbite, the latter irregularly greeu towarda the tips; tibim atriped with wbite. Fore winga witb a luteous costal stripe, wbicb extends along nearly one-third of the lengtb from the base and there meets a subcostal strea.k wbich joins a sligbtly curved luteous subapical band; .n oblique wbite line in the disk; membrane blackish. Length of tbe hody 4i line&.

Like S. pieta In structure. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles' collectioD.

Country unknown. 97. STRACBIA VESIOULOSA.

Cimex veslculosU8, H.-ScA. Wanz. I",. v. 66, pl. 166, f. 609.


Rula, arpere punctata; caput nigr""" ru/o maryinatllm; rostrum nigrum; antfflnlll nigrlll, corporis dimidio non longiore,; tAoro.:t: nigro lea: maculalllS; 'Clltellum macula basali magna trigona gutti'que duablll ptJ,t",ediis nigris; pectll. et venter e "'IIC111i. nigris trivittata; pede. fligri; allll anticlll .triga lata postica, mllcliia postmedia mlla:ima guttllgue ,"boo.tali nigri., fimbna nigricante albido ma"Dinata.

Bright red, elliptical, roughly punctured. Head black, bordered with red on eacb side in front and on tbe fore border; sides sligbtly reftexed ; lateral lobes conniving beyond tbe middle lobe. Rostrum blaek, extending to tbe hind coxm. Antennle black, about balf tbe length of tbe body; first joint bardly extending to the front of the bead; second a lillIe longer 'ban tbe third; fourth much longer tban the tbird; fiftb a little longer tban tbe fourtb. Thorax witb tbree large black spots on each side. Scutellum with a large triangular black 6pot on tbe fore border and with a black dot OD each Ride at two-thirds of tbe lengtb. Pectus and under side of abdomen with tbree stripes of very large black spots. Legs black. Fore wings with a broad black streak extending from the base along the hind border, con. Dected with a very large po~tmedial black spot; a subcostal black dot nearer the tip; fringe blackisb, with a wbitisb pellucid border. Length of tbe bod,2!lines.

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It bas most resemblance to S. fes/i'l1tl, bllt is very mucb Imaller, and the markings both on tbe upper side aud on tbe under side of the body are difFerenL 0, b. ---? Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

Genus 31. TROPIC ORIS, O. H.268. 1. TROPIcoaIs RVFIPES, C. H. 268.

a-po EIIgland. From Mr. Stephens' colleotion. '1-" England. t . • 'rance. Presented by J. G. Children, Esq. v, u. France. w-cc. ---? Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. dd. West Africa. Presented by A. Dolce, Esq.

Genus 32. TROPICORYPHA. Tropicorypha, Mayr, VerA. Zoot. Bol. Gel. Wien. xiv. 910; NONra Hem.


Cimex depIanus, H .• SeA. Wonz. In,. v.74, r.618-Pentatoma deplaDa, H.-8cA. Wanz. 1m. vii. 95-Strachia deplllDa, Doh,.,., Cat. Hem. 17 -:rropicorypha deplaDa, Mayr, NOIJtI.ra Hem. 61.


Bio Janeiro. a. -i'

Brazil. II.--i'

Genus 33 • .EGIUS, O. H.268. 1 • .EGIU8 .alREIlS, C. B. 269.

Genus 34. CAT A ULAX, C. H. 269.

South America. 1. CATAULAX IIUCRASPIS, C. H. 269.


marmoratus, EricA.. ScAomb. Reise Guia7l4, 609. British Guiana.


apioalis, EricA.. St-homb. Reise Guiana, 609. Briti8h Guiana.

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Genus 36. BATHYC<ELlA, O. H.269.

Africa. 1. BATHYC<ELU. THALASSINA, C. H.269.

a. Gambia. From Mr. Shuckard's collection. b. Congo. Presented by Sir J. Richardson.


II. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. F. Morgan.


ovalis, Stal, Hem. Afr. i. 190.


Bindostan. 4. BUHYO<BLIA INDICA, O. H. 270.

G. North HiudOltan. From Capt. Boys' collection.


longirostris, iVlr,/:. A. S. E. F. 4ml Ser. i .. 66.



TI,t.-, loragi_ta, .. iti/iter It CMlferte ,,-etata; rostrum .egmmt.m WAtraie 4um IJttingeru; IJlltmnlll Rlgrlll, ban te"acelll; tluwu: It .eutellum gutt;, dU/lhw aRticia "iridii", ·miCGRtiiluI, illi", lJ"!Iul;, poIlici. IJcld;,; ale IJIIticIR mem1JrIJRa CiRertIJ.

Testaceoua, elongate-oval, shining, thickly and minutely punctured, a little paler beneath. Head elongate; lobes of equal leugtb. Rostrum exteDding to tbe middle of tbe fourth ventral segment; tip black. Antenne black; first joint testaceous, extending nearly to the front of the head; aecond ve'1 much sborter than the third. Thorax with a transverse callus on eacb side in front; a metallic-green dot adjoining each angle; hind angles acute, slightly prominent. Scutellum extending a little beyond the angle of the corium; a metallic-greeD dot on each fore angle. Legs rather long and slender; libie keeled. Membrane of the fore wings cinereOU8. Length of the body 8 linel.

II. AnL Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

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a-d; Bengal. Presented by Gen. Hardwicke. e-g. Bombay. Presented by W. Elliott, Esq. A. Madras. Presented by Mrs. Capt. Hamilton. i. Pondicherry. Presented by M. Reiche. j. Tenasaerim. Presented by - Packman, Esq. A, I. Silhet. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. m. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Hooker. . ft. Ceylon. Preaented by Miss K. Wenham. 0, p. Ceylon. From the Bev. J. Wenham's collection. 9. r. Corea. Preseuted by Capt. Sir Edward Belcber. I, t. Celebes. Presented by W. W. Saunders. Esq. II. Singapore. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. u. Malacca. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. III-Z. Hindostan. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. aa. Hindostan. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. 116, cc. Java. Preseuted by J. C. Bowring, Esq. dd. Java. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq . •• Sumatra. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. If, gg. Siam. Presented by W. W. Sauuders, Esq. M. Borneo. Presen~d by W. W. Saunders; Esq. ii. -i' Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

2. CATAOANTBUI NIGBIPEI, C. H.271. a. Philippine Isles. From Mr. Cuming's collection. h. Louisiade Isles. Preaented by J. M'GilIinay, Esq. c. Australia. d. Celebes. From Mr. Wallace's collection. e,f. Celebes. Preseuted by W. W.Saunders, Esq. g. Ceram. Presented bj' W. W. Saunders, Esq. Ia. Kci. Presented by W. W. Sannders, Esq. i. Ke. From Mr. Wallace's collection.


j. -i' Preaented by Sir J. Liddell. A,l. Ovalau, Fiji Isles. From the Voyage of H.M.S. Herald.

3. CATACANTHUI ANCHORAGO, C. H. 271. a, h. West Arrica. Presented bY' B. Frend, Esq. c. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Bev. D. F. Morgan. d. ---f From Mr. Vigors' collection. e,f.-i'


Coquerelia pectoralis, Sign. A. S. E. F. Ser. 3, viii. 934, pl. 13, t 6-Catacanthlls pectoralis. Stal, Hem. AIr. i. 189.


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8umptuosus, DoAm, Stell. Ent. Zeil. xxiv. 341i. a, b. AnI. From Mr. Wallace's collection. e; New Guinea. From Mr. Wallace's colteclion. d-f. New Guinea. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. g. \Vagiou. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. .


Pentatoma tricolor, Mtrz. FaURe Woodlark-Catacanthu8 Digripea, var.!' Sigra • ..4. S. E. F. 4JM Ser. 1,65.

Art. W oodlark.

Genus 37. VULSlBEA, C. H. 271. Mexico.

1. VULSIREA LITURATA., C. H.273. Edessa insignia, BIancA. Hisl. Nat. Ins. 144-Taurocerus cinctus, H.·SeA.

Wanz. In,. iL 316-Vulsirea cincta, Stal, Stett. Ent. Zeit. xxii. 140 -Vulsirea insignia, Sial, Stelt. Ent. Zeit. xxiii. 108.

a. Orizaba. From M. Salle's collection. b. S. America. From Mr. Cbildren's collection.

2. VUUIREA ANCHOR". C. H.272. Mexico. a-b. S. America. From Mr. Children's collection. c--f1. -i'


Viridis, iMlgi-ofJllta, diffuse et aspere punctata; t:tJput luteum, maculi, dllafn" plagaque postica ram08a viridibu8, lobO medio apice pk«J ; t/wra:Jc faseia indeterminata margineque po"ioo [ulei,; ,eulellu", luteo uniflllciatllm; pectus lateribUl rufe8ceRte-luteil, 'fffPlleRti, l"teo marginali,; abdomen Tllfe,cen te.[uteum, maeuli, lateribus viridi6us, t'lmter e pla,is viridibus bi"ittatum; femora rufBlcente·luteo uni­faseiata; aUz antiCtll membrana nigricante.

Metallic-green, elougate-oval, shining, thinly and rougbly punctured. Head luteous; a large green patcb on tbe hind border emitting two branchea, whicb extend to tbe base of tbe antennle and approacb two ante­rior green elongated spots; middle lobe piceous at the tip, bardly extending beyond tbe lateral lobes. Rostrum black, extending ratber beyond the hind coxe. AutenDIe black, less than half the length of tbe body; first joiot luteou8, Dot extending to the front of the head; second very much sborter than lhe tbird ; fourth milch loDger than tbe third, a little longer than tbe fifth. Thorax witb an irregular luteous band near tbe fore border; hind border luteous between tbe bind angles aod the scutellum. Scutellum with a luteou. baud ,ery near the tip, in a line witb a luleou. band on each

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of tbe fore wings. Pectus bluish green, reddish luteolls on each side; segments luteous-bordered. Abdomen reddish luleous i cl)nnexivum with green spots; under side with two stripes of large green patches. Femora. witb a broad reddish lllteoua subapical band. Membrane of the fore wings blackish. Length of the body 8 IineL .. 6. Orisaba. From 11. Salle's collection.

4. VuumB.l LA.TIVENTBI8.

Nigr., elliptics. diff_ fit rupere paRt'lat,,; lAortlI: wtt. rill. .nlice c66m1ict. fit di'1ctata, I.teribtu .16i., angll/i. pOIticil oht"'iI; ahdo­""" "'1"m, dUatatllm, Iftllculil laterali6", nigril; al,. antir,. COItII Gtmore lirida, _hr41111 "lhida.

Black, elliptical, shining, thinly and roughly pnnctured. Head with the 8ideulighlly reftexed; lobes of equal length. Rostrum extending to the hind cox.,. Antenm! a little less than balf the length of the body; fintjoint extending to the Cront of the head; second about balf tbe length of tile third; fourth longer than the third, a little longer tban tbe fifth. Thorax with a red stripe, which is abbreriated and mucb dilated towards the Core border; lides white, very slightly excavated; bind angles obtuse. not prominent. Scutellum extending beyond the angle of tbe corium; hind part longitudinally impressed on each side. Abdomen bright red. extending mucb beyond the costa of tbe fore wings; connexivum with black spots, whicb are largest on the upper side; ventral spine extending a litlle beyond tbe hind cox.,. Legs stout; tihiae hardly Currowed. Costa of the fore wings livid beyond the middle; membrane whilish, pellucid. Length of the bOdy 6 lines. .. Oajaca. From M. Salle's collection.

West Indies.' ~. VULS1R.A N1GRORUBBA., C. H.271 •

•• 6. Cuba. Presented by M. Guerin-Meneville.

6. VOL81BEA VAE1EGATA, C. H. 273. Jamaica. 4. - r From Mr. Vigon' collection. 6. St. Domingo. From Mr. Hearne's collection. c.-r

South America. 7. VULSIBBA PULCHELLA, C. H. 272.

Pbarypia pwcheUa, Stili, Stell. Enl. Zeit. Xlii. 139. II. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 6. Columbia. c. - l' Presented by Sir E. Belcher.


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31J.i CATALOGtlE 01'

8. Vl1LSIRIU. FOllMOSA., C. H. 272. c. Para. From Mr. Batea' collection • •• Venezuela. From Mr. Biracbell's collection.


Arparea, fl4tp PUftctata, ,a6tu ruJa; capitu lalna .. 6~Jln:a; afttlllftdl ftigrt/!; tlora:.: '"",,_u impt'ftlUl, aRgulu pollicil .. 6Gcrdu; TIff­t ... ..6C11""a'am, r:'p"rtO ",.rgifta,um; COftnnieulR ruJo fIICIculc­ta .. ; _ttT ",acu ,ubapit'flli ftigra, .,nfta ~., "'Nil .. Jtrtt auill­genie; ~, 6ui FUji; mem6f'1111l1 alba IIigro ufti_caJatc.

Purple, elliptical, thinly and rougbly punctured. Sides of the bead .. tigbtly relexed; lobes of eqnallenglb. Rostrum black, extending to the bind OOZa!; middle part red. Antenn81 black, rather slender, more tban half tbe length uf tbe body; first joint extending a little beyond the frollt of the bead; second as long as tbe first; tbird nearly funr times the length of the second; fonrth as loog as tbe tbird; Ii fIb sborter than tbe fourtb. Thorax transversely impressed on eacb side io front; hind angles sligbtly acute and prominent. Pectus brigbt red, slightly leeled, irregularly bor­dered with purple. Abdomen witb red spots along tbe connexirom, wbicb extends a liltle beyond the fore wings; under side bright red, with a hlack subapical spot; ventral spine extending nearly to the middle coxa!. LeJ[s rather stout; femora towards the base and COX81 bright red; tibi81 furrowed. Fore wings finely punctured; membrane wbite, with a black subapical spot. Length of tbe body 6 lines. c. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection.

Australia. 10. VULSlllBA DISPA.R, C. H. 272.

c. Australia. Presented by the Entomological Club • •• Sydney. From Mr. Argent's conection. c. ----l

Country unknown. 11. VIlLSmu TRANSVERSALIS.

Cimex trans,ersalis, H .• SeIa. WaRZ. In,. vi. 66, pl. 102, f. 630.

Genus 38. BBAPBIGASTER, C. H. 274.


Peotatoma unicolor, Hopt, Cat. Heln. 38-Pentatoma subsericea, Hope, Cal. HnA. 38-Pentatoma Leii, Hope, Cat. Hem. 38-Pentatuma tripuncligera, Hopt, Cat. Hem. as-Pentaloma proxima, Hope, Cal. Hem. 38-Pentatuma cbinensis, Hope, Cal. Hem. 38-Peutatoma cbloris, Hopt', Cat. Hem. 3S-Penlatoma propinqua, Hnpe, Cat. Hem. 38-Pentatuma approximata, RrirAe,t Fairm. Voy. Aby". BRt. 443

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-' Rhaglligaster subsericeus, C. H. 276 - Bbaphigaster Orbus, St"'. 0fD. K. Yet. Ai. ForA, 1863,221 •

.. b. Englanrl. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. c. South France. d. Italy. fl. Sicily. From Mr. Melly's collection. /. Crete. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. g,'. Europe. From Mr. Children's collection. i. Madeira. Presentell by Major Parry. j. At lea, prohably from lfadeira. From Mr, l\Jacgillivray's collection. l-m. Canary IsleR. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. fl. Oajaca. 1<7010 M. 81111e's collection. o. Jamllica. Presellted by W. W. Saunders, Esq. p. Jamaica. f. St. Domingo. From Mr. Vigors' collection. r," St. Domingo. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. t,lI. St. Domingo. Presented by M. Guerin-Mimeville. u. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. re--y. Amazon Region. :From Mr. Bates' collectiou. zo. Tt"juca. p.'esented by the Rev. R. Clark. aa. Petropolis. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. biI, ce. Rio Janeiro. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. dd. Venezuela. From Mr. BirschelJ's collection. tie. Brazil. Presented bI W. W. Saunders, Esq. ff-ii. Africa. jj. W. Africa. From Kajor Parry's collectioD. AI. W. Africa. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. iI. Congo. Presented hy Sir J. Richardson. mm. Gambin. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. fln-pp. Cape. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. fq-tt. S. Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith •

. -!/Y. S. Africa. From Mr. Children'. collection. . zz. Cape. From M. Drege's collection. aaCl. Cape. Prl'8ented by R. Trimen, Esq. bU. Nlltal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. t!cc. Angola. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq. ddd. E. Africa. Presented by Earl Russell. eee-ooo. Madeira. From Mr. Wollaston's collection. ppp-rrr. Mauritius. From Dr. Beke's collection. u,. Bombon. Presented by W. W. Saunders. Esq. ttt,1IV1I. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. """. Ceyloll. From Mr. Thwaites' collection. www.!/!/y. Hindostan. Presented by Gen. Hardwicke. zzz-bbbb. Hindostan. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. eccc. Hindostau. From the Entomological Society's collectiOll. dddd. N. Rindostan. From Dr. Hooker's collection. eeee. Sithet. Prl.'sented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. ffff-Althh. Hong Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowrinll, Esq. iiii,jjjj. Interior of China. Presented by Lieut.-Col. Sa rei. ItAlcl,llll. Corea. Prpsenled by Capl. Sir E. Belcher. ",,,,mm. Cambodia. Prt'scnted bI W. W. Saunders, Esq.

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IIIIIIR. Singapore. Presented by W. W. Saunden, EIq. 0000. Japan. From Mr. Stevens' collecdon. ,m-rrrr. Jaya. Presented by M. Serville. lUI. Java. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. ttlt. Java. Presented by J. Wilson, Esq. _. Java. From tbe East Tudia Companis collection. _1111. Java. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. _. Philippine bles. From Mr. Cuming'l collection. ==#1. New Goinea. Presented by W. W. Saunders, ~. mY, zuz. Ceram. Presented by W. W. Saunders, E&q. 114111114, bbbbb. Timor. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. «CCe-«eU. Celebes. Presented by W. W. Saunden, Esq. IffJl. N. Bengal. From LieuL Campbell's collection. guggg-lUkl. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. UUl-ftJtJtJ'l' --i' Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. rrrt'f'. - r From Mr. Stepbenl' collection. "",-cccccc. -1'

2. RW.PBIGA8TI!B OBIUOULATUa, C. H. 279. obseuricofDill, St.l. - Nezara geniculata, MIIlI. c. &yo Plat. Fnlllfc, ii.

289. a. Sicily. 6,c.-:>


Nezara Millierei, Mull. et Rty. hR. Frnce, ii. 290. S. France.


Nezara Heegeri, Mull. tt &yo Pu •• FrllRce, ii. 292. S. France.

5. RBAPHIGA8TJ!B GBI8EU8, C. H.281. a-e. England. From Mr. Stepbens' collection. i, g. Gene,a. Presented by M. Goureau. A-j. Soutb France. k-n. Italy. o. Spain. Presented by Major Parry. ,-r. France. Presented by W. W. Saunden, Esq.

6. RSAPHIGA8TEB PURPURBIPENNI8, C. H.282. PiezodofDs Degeeri, Fieb. Hem. 329 - Piezodorns incamatlJl, M.a. cl

Jl,y. PUR. France, ii. 303-PiezodornB purpureipenniB, »0.,1., a." Scott, Brit. Hem. Het. 100.

a-cc. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. dd-ff. Hampstead. Preseuted by W. S. Dallas, Esq. 99. France. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. AA. France. n,.ii. Gene,'a. Presented by M. Goureau.

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lelt, II. Ellrope. Presented by J. G. Cbildren. Esq. m_ltli. lfadeira. From Mr. WoJ1&1it.on's collect.ion. 6bb-ddd. -i'

-eee. England. Presented by W. W. SlIunders, Esq.



Rbaphi~aster incertos, Sign. A. S. B. F.3me Ser. ,·iii. 9::6-Rh8phiga~ter submarginat.oB, Slal, Stett. Brat. Zeit. xxii. 144-Nezara iacerla, S,.', Hem. Afr. i. 192.

Dalmatia. Arabia. Egypt.

North America. S. RBAPBIOASTER SABPIlCUB, C. H.276.

Pentatoma pensylYanica i' Pili. Beautl. 1,... 186; Hem. pI. 11, r. 6. IL Cincinnai.i. Presented by G. Lea, Esq. 6. New York. Presented by Dr. Fitch. c. Counecticut. Presented by F. Walker, ES'I'

9. RB.a.PBIOABTEB C.a.TUfUB, C. H. 282. G. Canada. Presented by the Entomological Club.


ponctnlatu8, Hope, Oat. H.".. 31.-prasinuB, .r. P . North America.

Mexico. 11. RHJ.PBIGABTER 8PILUB, C. H. 280.

G. Mexico. Pre8ented by the Entomological Club.

12. RaAPBIO.a.STBR 8TIOTICUB, C. H. 281. Ptilarmus sUcticus, Slal, Stdt. Ent. Zeit. :1:I,ii. 140. a. Mexico.

13. RB.a.PHIGABTEB JI.a.BGIN.a.TUB, C. H.277. Cimex ruCocinctu8, H.-ScA. Wanz. I,... iv. 94, pl. 139, r. 436. MeJ:ico. St. Domingo. G. Brazil. Presented by- D'Reil1y, Esq. b. Columhia. From M. Goodot's cullection. c. Venezuela. From Mr. Bir&cbeU's collection.


Nezarajurgiosa, Stal, Stetl. Ent. Zeit. xxiii. 106.


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PLilarmns Ditidi"entri~, Btal, Stell. Ent. Zeit. xxii. J 40-Pharypia nitidi-ventris, Sial, Slel'. Ent. Zeit. xxiii. 107. .


Pallide jlaVlU, fIIlge PURctat.,; caput Rigro fll4rgiRatu", et "Ii_t"".: aRlmrltB pallitle fliritler, apice, _lUI RigrfIJ; tlaortU: aRticw ,.Uide viridu, ftUci" pDltica R;gricaRIe-viridi: ,rultlli lalma Rigrica,.­viridia; abdomn dono Rigro jlafID-"./lrgiRalD, vitlu dalnu _­"'alib., 17iridtlrtmlilnu Rigro COflIptf",;" ."in4 ~tU inlermeditU ottingen,.: libi. apilY!' ,,",'IU Rigricanlit& j alfIJ aRliM f •• co "ebvlDlfIJ, membraR4 -pell'Urid4 JUl. lale 17ittt&la.

Pale yellow, oYal, irregularly punctured. Head bordered with black; two short black lines on the sutures between the lobes, wbich are oC equal lenglb. Ro~trum black towards tbe tip, extending to the hind COXIII. An­Uonnlll pale green, about baIr the length of tbe hody; joints successively iDcreasing in lengtb ; first not estending to the CronL of tbe bead; fourth Mack, except towards the base; firtb black. Thorax pale green in front; an irregular blackish green band between tbe bind angles, wbich are rounded and 'rery slightly prominent. Scutellnm about half tbe length of tbe abdomen, irregularly bordered with blackish green on eacb Bide •. Ab­domen above black, with a pale yellow border; nnder side witb a greenish black-speckled stripe on eacll side. Ventral spine extending to tbe middle COSIII. Tibim towards tbe tips and tarsi blackish. Fore wings clouded witb blOWD; membrane pellul:id, whb a broad brown stripe. Lengtb of the body41lineB. G. Vera Cruz. From M. Salle's collection.

West Indies. 17. ROAPRIOABTEB SP.l.BNIUB, C. H.280.

a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. 6, c. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie's collection.


PallidB 17iridi., elliplit'fll, P4rf1IU, vage pURrtat"" R. Sparnio affin;" tJw. rllril 4"gu/;, pDIlici, ,niR'" dttermi"4ti., menlilr4n4 Iimpid4.

Pale green, ellipticlI), sbinin!!" tbinly and coarsely punctured, ratber 8at. Head conical; middle lobe bardly extending beyond the lateral lobes. Ru~trum hardly extending beyoud tbe hiud COXIII. Thorax de­pressed on eacb side oC tbe disk; bind angles rounded, not prominent. Velltral 'pine very sbort. Membrane of the fore wings pellucid. Length of the body 4iline... .

Much smaller tban R. Spar"iu, j bind augles oC tbe tborax less prominent. a. Jamaica. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

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Lulftu, Iongi-owlIUI, pare. jUlco punctatUl; coput .ubproductufII, eolU. inlllrmedia. atlinFJIS; anttn_1alfllB; tAortU: antart glaber, angulil podicil aeulil productil; leullllli dileal jaleo unipl4giata. ; .pi"G _tNlil co:r:.. interflllldia attingtlll; allB aRtiee macula pollmtdis flAlN, m,mbl'lJ"a ftratr'tll b .. i jlAlco maculata.

Luteous, eloogate-oyal, thiDly aDd rooghly puoctured; pUDclures browD; uDder aide piller. Head alightly elongated; lobes of equlli length. Rostrum cxteDding to the middle cOllom; tip blackish. ADteDDIII tawDy ; first joint Dot exteDding to the froDt of the heat!; second much longer thall the third. Thorax mostly smooth in front; hind angles acute, rather promineot. Scutellum with a brown patch in the disk; ventral spine extending to the middle collom. Fore wiugs with a browD spot iD the disk beyond the middle: membrane pille cinereoul, browD at the base OD the hiDd side. Length of the body 4t liDes. a. St. Domingo. From Mr. Hearne's collection.

South America. 20. BRAPHIGAIITBB BUNASPlS, C. H. 280.

a. Guayaquil. Presented by Dr. Hooker.

21. RBAPHIGA8TER MARGINALIS, C. H.281. Plilarmus margiDalia, Stal, SlIIlI. Ent. Zeit. xxii. 140. a. - i' Presented by the Entomological Club. b. Brazil. From Mr. Mornay's co\1ection.

22. RRAPRIGA8TEB GUILUrNJI, C. H. 283. a. South America. From Mr. Children's collectioD.

23. RBAPBIGABTBB DI8COLOR, C. H.289. a. Columbia. From Mr. Turuer's collection.

24. RHAPRIGASTEB MACULA, C. H. 284. BaDasa discifera, Stal, Rio Jan. Hem. 24-Pallantia macula, Stal, Stetl.

Ent. Zeit. xxiii. 106. Rio Jaoeiro. a. -? From Mr. Children's collectioD.


wiridans, Stal, Bug. Resa, i. 28. Galapagos. Callau. Piloama.

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26. rtl2Al'HIl2/h/hTER l2!O~JtU8.

Imtl1s, Stal, Bug. Reso, 228. Puua, Dear Guayaquil.


Rrmiger, SIItZ, Eug. Be,a, 229. rtoeeoB


herf>£dUll, BUiJ~ Re,a, Buenos Ayres.

m¥¥H¥!!lal,U%~ Stal, Rio Janeiro.


Jan. 220

RHrl2r!GASTel2 ODSCJtr%CORN¥¥i.

obscuricomis, Stal, Rill Jan. Hem. 22. iJaneSrr,

31. Hl2,PHIGr!5rBB B!5!rBUS.

bucerus, Stal, Rio Jan. Hem. 23. JaneR¥e~


Jan. H!!!R. 2;?~SeZarT Uf>lltiDIUhr

Rio Janeiro.

RHrrrIGA.Srl2l2 ALBrer!OATue~

alboapicatus, Stal, Rao Jan. lIma. 22. Rio Janeiro.

!~*4. RTHHIGA!!Tr¥!! PBUU!}rALIS~

pectoralis, SIItI, Rio Jan. Hem. 23. R£uJaneh!!,


difficilis, Stal, Rio Jan. Hem. 23. JaneIJt!5.

I1J%!!%corni" ,'Jign. Chili.


E. 4me iii. 5'4J~




PrcuinuI, Iongi-oMtul, parce punctatUl, testareo pallido Mriu., R. prasino minor angultior; anterinm pallide -"irides, nigricante trifalciat.; tAoro.z Impi"ime testaceo paUido fa.ciatu.; 'pina wntraliB rO:l:'" pastic", attingen.; membrallll pallide cinereo, 6ari IUBco fIOfInURquam nebulos ••

Grass-green, elongate-oval, tbinly and rougbly punctured, pale tea. taceous beneath. Head more or less varied with pale testaceous; lobes of equallengtb. Rostrum eztending to tbe bind COXIIl. Antennlll pale green, about half tbe length of the body; joints successively increasing in lengtb ; first not extending to the front of tbe head; third blackish towards the tip; fourtb blackish except towards the base; fifth blackish, pale te&taceous towards the base, darker testaceous at the tip. Tborax varied with pale testaceous, or witb a broad band of tbat bue. which in some cases occupies the wbole of the fore part; bind angles rounded, not prominenL Scutellum and fore wings sometimes varied with pale testaceous, the latter rarely with a reddish tinge. Ventral spine extending to tbe bind COXII!. Membrane of the fore winga pale cinereou8, sometimes clouded with brown towards the base. Length of the body 4-5 lines.

It has a great resemblance to R. pralintU, but is somewhat smaller and Darrower and the punctures are much larger. Go Tejuca. Presented by the Rev. H. Clark. h, c. Constancia. Presented by tbe Rev. H. Clark. d, e. Constancia. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. I. Petropolis. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. g. Rio Janeiro. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. A. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection.


Ftucllcente-"lridi., oMta, dnue nigro punctata, .ubtul lu/N; eaplAl parwm, lateribtu IUbreftniB, 10biB lateraUbUB lobum medium ,uper­antibUl; ant",n. lu/_; t"ora lateribu. rufi, g14m.; ,eutellum maculu duabUl lnualibu. apicBtJut luteil; abdomen ilorlO purpureo, con,!ezit1O luteo.maculato; film anticm colla bua/i rufa, membraM lurida_

Brownish green, oval, thickly and rather rougbly punctured, tawny beneath; punctures black. Head small; sides sligbtly reflexed; lateral lobes conuiving beyond tbe middle lobe; a tubercle on each side between tbe eye and the base of the antenna. Rustrum extending to the hinel COXIll. Antennlll tawny, shorter than the body; firatjoint extending much beyond the bead; second a little longer tban the first; third much longer than the second, much sborter tban the fourtb. Tborax minutely punctured along the fore border, near wbich tbere is a transverse callus on each side; sides red, smooth, slightly eleva led ; hind angles rounded, not prominent. Scutellum with a luteous callus on each side at the base aud with a loteoos tip. Abdomen purple above; ventral spine not extending beyond the bind coxe; connexivum with luteous spots. Legs tawny; femora brown-


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apeckled. Costa Or the Core wings red towards the base; mem.brane lurid. Hind wings cioereous; veins brown. Length of the body 51 hnes. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection.

Africa. 39. R8APmGABTER GUINEENSIS, C. H.2'H •

•• - i' Presented by Capt. Friend • •• Fernando Po. From Mr. Stevens' coliectioD.

40. RUAPHIGASTER CAPICOLA, C. H. 276" • •• Soutb Arrica. Presented by Sir A. Smith. 6. South Africa. From Mr. Argent's collection.

41. RB.lPBW'ABTBR NASl'IBUlf, C. H.276 • •• South Arnea. From Mr. Children's collection.

42. RBAPHIGABTER RINAPSUS, O. H.277 • .. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan.

43. RUAPBIGASTER ACOTUS, C. H. 271 • •• Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. i. CIlJea. Presented oy Captain Sir E. Belcher. ". Angola. From Mr. Rich~s collection.

44. RBAPBIGASTBlt PauNAsls, C. H.279' • ... Congo. Presented by Sir J. Richardson.

45. RRAPBIGABTER VARICOBNIS, C. H.28.1. a. Siena Leone. Preaeated by the Rev. D. F. Morgan.

46. RHAPHIG.tSTBR O. 0, Sign. AreA. Ent. ii. 289-Nezara 0, Stal, H,m. AIr. i. 197. Old Calabar.


Cimex lugllbris, TAunb. Hem. Rtntr. cap. ii. 2-Anuhis lugnbria. Stal, Hem. AfT. i. 222-Rhaphigaster implu,iatis, C. H.289 •

•• Cape. From M. Dregs's collection.


luscoirroratus, Stal, Of". K. Vet. Ak. ForA. xxi. 221-Aoubis fllsc~ irroratus, Stal, /Iem. Afr. i. m.

e-f. Natal. From M. Guieuzius' collection.

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Cimex panescena, Gtrm. Silb . .Rev. Enl. v. 175-Rbaphigaster palle.ceDa, H.-Sela. WlI1Iz.ln •• "iii. 11-Rbaphigaster juuIus, Sial. O/ri. K. VeL Al. Forla. 1853, 221-Nezara pallescens, Stal, Hem. Afr. i. 198.

()ape. Natal. -50. RUAPBIGA8TBB TEBBTIPES.

Hezara teretipes, Stal. Hem. Afr. i. 198. Nubia.


nigropuuctatus. Fairm. Art'A. Ent. ii. 288-prasinus, 114r.1 Gabon.


purus, Stal, Ojfl. K. Vet. Ak. Forla. 1853; 221-Nezara pura, Stal, Hera.. Afr. i. 198.


Nezara Dobrni, Stal. HnA. A/r. i. 195. Calabar.


punctato.rugosu9, Stal, OJ,,. Vet. Ak. Forla. 1858, 437-Nezara puuctate-rugosa, Stal,lIem. Afr. i. 196. .

Calabar. 4. Feruaudo Po. From Mr. Steveus' collection. h. Angola. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq.


Nelara Fieberi. Stal, Hem. Afr. i. 196. Gabon.


PAllide Itstat'etU, lon.qi-ellipticuR, sat vage IlunctAtul; IIlItlmllO! t'orporir trimte non [onoiorer; Inora:ll non CA/lOBus; abdomen apice int,,!/rum; ,pina tJellb'llii. COII:/JI medi/JI at/ingem; pede. brtfli",euli; rnembrall& limpida.

Pale testaceous, el()ngate-elliptical, ratber rOl1gbly and thinly punc­tured. Head conical; lobes of ellual length. Roslrum exten,liug 10 the middle coxre; tip black. Antenllw about one-third of the length of Ibe body; joints suecesshely increllsing in length; first not extending 10 tbe front of tbe head. Thorax wilhout calli; hind angles rountled, hardly prominent. Abdomen entire lit tbe tip; spiracles blllck; "entral spine extending to the middle eoxll'. Legs rather short. Fore wings punctured like the body; membrane pellucid. Lenglh ul' the hud1 4!- lines.

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It may be distinguished from R pallescen, by baving no prominent keel between tbe fore coxre, from R. teretipe' by the thorax without any band, and frnm R. puru, by the tibim, wbich are nol compressed. It srems to have some affinity to Edessa. II. Gambia. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


P,alinuI, latiu.eulu., alpere punctatw; taput rule,eente mbfnarginatum; antenn. lulN!; Inoracis angtlli postici rujeseente,; scutellum rule.cetue mbmarginattlm; abdominil dorsum rulum, t1iridi margi­Rldum; .pina tIt!1Itrali. CO:rIlB poBlical non .uperan.; pedes jlavescente "iride" tibiil nOli ,uleqtil; al. antic. rul., membrana ItIblimpida basi lutealuuescente marginata.

Grass-green, oval, ratber broad, roughly punctured. Head slightly 1I0rdered with reddish; lobes of equal lengtb. Rostrum extending a lillIe 1H:yond Ihe bind coxm; tip black. Antennm tawny, a.1ittle more than balf tbe lengtb of the bod1; juints suceessi,ely increasing in length; first no' extending to tbe front of the bead. Thorax with the hind angles reddish, rounded, 8ligbtly prominent. Scutellnm slightly bordered with reddish. Abdomen abo,e bright red; connexivum green; under side with a pale teslac('ous disk; ventral spine not extending beyond the hind coxm. Legs pale yellowish green; tibim not furrowed. Fore wings red; membrane nearly pellucid, except tbe basal pari, wbich is luteous and bordered witb pale bw"n. Hind wings cinereous; veins blackish; costal ,ein red. Lengtb of tbe body 4 lines. II. Gambia. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


pallidoeonspersus, Stal, Olt •• Vet. Ak. Forn. ]858, 437-Nezara Ita,o­punctata, Sign. A. S. E. F. 3me &r. ,iii. 935-Nezara pallido-coD­spersa, Stal, H,m. Afr. i. 196.


Hindostan. 69. RRAPRIGABTER HUllERALIS, C. H. 278.

II. Silbet. From Mr. Argent's collection.

60. RHAPHIGAS"IER FLA\'OLIYEATUS, C. H.283. Nezara ftavolineata, Moyr, Novara Hem. 67. Ceylon. a. Nortb Bengal. From Lieut. Campbell's cnllection. b, c. Hindostan. PreRenled hy W. W. Saunders, Esq. d. Philippine Isles. From Mr. Cuming's collectiull. e. N avigalors' Isles. /. --- r }<'rom Mr. Children's collection.

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61. RUAPHIGASTER MACRACANTHUS, C. II. 289. a. North Hindostan. From Cllpt. Boyes' collection. b. Cabar. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq.


dorsalis, Do/"n, Stett: EIlI. Zeit. xxi. 401. Ceylon.


Lutells, nigro pilfictalus; CDI}ut nigrum, luteo quinque viI/alum; anlenna: ful'Vtll; Ihora:J: vitta antica nigra abbreviata strigas duas lUlea. inter­f'uplas includeRte; scutellum maculis duabl" nigris laleralibu. 8ub­apicalibus; pectus el venier nigl'O lrivitlata; pede. ru/escentes; ala: anticle nigro unimDculatce.

Luteous, oval, thinly and ratber finely punctured; punctures black. Head black, with fi\"e luteous stripes, of which tbe inner pair are forked in front and tbe outer pair ure irregular and border the eyes; lobes of equal length. Rostrum black towards tbe tip, extending to tbe hind COXIII. Antennm tawny, less tban balf the length of the body; joints successively increasing in length; first joint not extending to the f1'Ont of the bead. Thorax in front with an abbreviated black band, wbicb is dilated on each side, where it contains an interrupted lnteons streak; space about tbe band smooth; hind angles mucb rounded, not prominent. Scutellum with a callus on each angle at the base, anrl with a black spot on each side near the tip. Pectus with three black stripes. Abdomen beneath with three stripes of triangular black spots; uf these the lateral spots are connected. Legs reddish, short, stout. Fore wings with a black spot in the disk of the corium; membrane pellucid. Length of the body 2t Iiues. a. Hindostan. Presented by W. W. Saunders, E~q.


Testaceu., deR.e pl/nctatus; capitis latera nigra lineata; rollrum cOlra, medias attingeR.; antennce/ulvtE, corporis dimidio bl'elliores; thoraz: transverse subimpressus, pGstice ru/o biplagiatul; scutellum maculi, duabll8 fa,ciaque ,,,bl/pica.1i "ufis; abdominis dorsum nigro bivit­tatum; ,pina ventl'ali, coxa, medias attingen.; alce antica: macula apicali rufa.

Testaceous, nearly 0\'81, thickly punctured, slightly shining. Head with a black t;lender marginal line along each side; lubes of equal length. Rostrum extending to the middle coxm. Autennlll tawny, less than half the length of the body; joints successively and slightly increasing in length; first not extending to the f1'Ont uf the head. Thorax slightly and transyersely impressed on each side in front; a red patch on each side between the hind angles, which are slightly rounded aud not prominent. Scutellum with a red sput on each siele near the base and with a red band near the tip. Abdomen with a black stripe on each side abo\'e and with an incomplete brolVI! stripe on each side beneath; tip truncate; ventral s)line extending to the middle COl If. Legs rather short and stout. Fore

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wings with a red spot on Ihe tip of the corium near the costa; membrane lind bind wings pellncid. Lengtb of tbe body 3i lines.

Tbis species bas some affinity to tbe genull Aranl/ln,oma. G. Hindostan. From Mr. Stevens' collection.


Teltare1l1, longi.ellipticw, "igro dense punctatu,; antennlll nigrlll, basi jullHll; thora;;c lituril dudu. antit"i. Iransller,iI nigri. testaceo sig­nalis; ,cut.lIum guttis dUllbll, laleralibu, lubapicalibus nigricanti­bu.; abdomen nigrum, testa ceo marginatuln et ,ublu. bit/itmtum; 'pina ventrali. obtusa, brevillima; allll anlirlll plaga apicali j'lllca. albida marginata, membrana lurida.

Testaceolls, elongale-elliptical, thickly and minutely punctnred; ponc­Imes black. L·,bes of tbe bead equal in length. Eyes rather prominent. Rostrum extending nearly to tbe bind coxre; tip black. Antennre black, nearly balf the lengtb of tbe body; first nnr! stlcond juints tawny; first not extending to the front of tbe bead; tbird a little longer than tbe second; fourth much longer than tbe third; fiftb not longer than the fourtb. Thorax transversely and very sligbtly impressed in front; a transverse triangular black mark with a testaceous disk on each side in fl'Ont of tbe impression. Scutellum less tbickly puncturel! than tbe thorax; a blackish dot on each side near tbe tip. Abdomen black; eOllllexivum testaceous; under side with two testllceous stripes whieh do Ilot extend to the tip. Ventral spine obtuse, extremely short, nut extending to tbe hind COXlB.

Femora and tihilt witb tawny tips; tibire slightly furrowed; tursi tawny. Corium of the fore wings with a brown apical patch, which is burdered on its inner side by an incomplete whitish band, the latter not punctured; membrane lurid. Hind wings pellucid, llale lurid towards the til'S. Length of the body 3 lines. G. llindostun. From Mr. Stevens' collection.


Pallide le.{aceuB, 'atu,f, ,ubelliptirw, vage punclatu,,: caput anlire nigr" pURrta/uln; alltenftlll graciles. carpOl'i, dimidio breviores; thora:xJ antice nigTO pllRctatu., anguli, postici. alnp/i, m;;c acutis; peelori, late .. a alhido-teslacea; spina t'rlnlrali, co:ra. media' allingen,; al. a'lticllI apud costam nigra punt.'tatlll, membraRa limpida.

Pale testaceo1l8, ample, nearly elliptical, thinly punctured. Head black-pnnctured in front; lohes of equal length. Rostrnm extending to the hind eoxre; tip black. Antenna! slender, less than balf the length of the hody; first joint not ex lending to tbe front of tbe head; second much sborter than the third; fourth longer than the third. Tborax black­punctured; the punctures more thick in front, excepting a trans\'erse abbreviated slightly undulating Iiue; hind angles prominent, hardly acute. Scutellum attenuated towurds the tip. Pectns not keeled; sides whitish testa ceo us. Abdomen of the mule excavuted at the tip; ventral spine extending to tbe middle coxa'. Legs 5lcllder. Fore wings witb black

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punctures along the costa; melnbrane aud bind wings pellucid. Length of the body 71-9 lilies.

a, b. North Hindostan.

Australasia, 67. RUAPHIOASTER SPINOSVS, C, H. 278 •

. 4. Philippine Isles. From Mr, Cuming's collection.


Bpectaudus, Stal, Buf'. Re,a, 230.



Nezara confiuent8, Mtn:. A. S. B. F. '!Ime Sef'. i. 65-Piezodorull COD· fluentus, Stal, A. S, B. F. 4me Ser. v. 169.

New Caledonia.


Nezara raropunctata, Ellenf'. Nat. Tijd. Nederl. Indie, xxiv. 156, f. 24.



Nezara griseipenni8, Ellenf'. Nat. Tijd. Nederl. Indie, xxiv. 167, f. 25.



Nezara pellucida, Ellenr. Nat. Tijd. Nedcrl. Indie, xxiv. 167, f. 26.



gUltipennis, Bllenr. Nat. Tijd. Nederl. Indie, xxiv. 168, f.27.



albidens, Bllenr. Nat. Tijd. Nederl. Indie, xxiv. 169, f. 28.



Niger, latus, nitens, ,ubpunctatu,; caput laleribul obligue "riati" disco subtUl flawlcente; antennlll corporis dimidio breviar,,; tlwru: flavescen" Itrigil duabul anticII transwrsis lasciagul undulatl.&

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tdrinque attenuata nigris; scutellum jlaveseen., apit'em nigrum; peelru jlal1t!.eente bifasciatutn; .pilla vent,·ali. bretJislimll ; pede. rabwti,/emaribus pasteriariblls basi jlave.centibu.; membrana "jgrican., cinerea palLida margillala.

Black, broad, oval, shining, very thinly pnn.ctured. Head obliquely and fiuely striated on each side; sides hardly reftexed; lubes of equal length; disk beneath yellowish. RostruID extending to the hind coxm. Antennm slender, a little less than half the length of the body; first joint 1I0t eltending to the front of the bead; second very mucb shorter tban tbe third; fourtb longer than the third, shorter tban the fiftb. Thorax yellowish, with a transverse black streak on eacb side near the fore border and witb lin irregular black band which is undulating in front, attenuated on eacb side, and of which tbe middle part joins tbe hind border. Scutel­lum yellowish for nearly half tbe length frum the base, black from thence to the tip, which is rather broad. Pectus yellowish about the coxm and with two yellowish bands. Ventral spine obtuse, very short, not extending .to tbe hind coxm. Legs stout; posterior femora towards the base, colm aud trocbanters yellowish. Membrane of tbe fore wingll blackish, with a pale cinereous border. Length of the body 6 lines.

G. Wagiou. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Eaq.

Var. Niger; capllt llltea bimaculatUln et biviUalum, ,ubtll' jlaflum; thara:r: luteas, .trigi, dllabus anticil tra"sver.i., maculi. d1lllbru lateralibuI, "lagi. duabw partie;. lateribusqlle nigris; .cutellum luteum, flitla po&tica nigra latissima ,"bfurcata i pectWlfta""m,"rigi~ .n tran.l1t!T.i, maculisqlle duabus nigris; flf:Rter lllteus, laleribul nigra maculati.; pede. basi ftavi; altB antietll luteo uniguUaltli.

Var. Black beneath. Head with a luteous spot on each side; lateral lobes luteous along the middle lobe; under side yellow. Thorax luteoull ; two plltches on the hind border, a spot near each hind angle, two traUB­verse streaks in front and sides black. Scutellum luteous; apical part black, forked in front. Pectus ye\1ow; three transverse black streaks aD each side; a black spot on each side between the second and third streaks. Abdomen beneath with black lateral spots. Legs black; femora towards the base and coxm pale yellow. Fore wings with a luteous subcostal posl­medial dot. Length of tbe body 7 lines.

b. Wagiou. ilresented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


Piceus, ovatus, dense puncta.tulI, ,.btlll testaeeuI; caput parvum, antice testaceum,lateribll' ,ubreftexis; rostrum coxas intermedias allingen. ; anteRnlt' te81aCf'tII; tlaora:r: lituns .n laieralibul fasciaque pOltica jlafli. glabri.; scutellum "rigis nonnulUs apiceque testaceil; pectus piCtO biplagiatum; venter flitta maculari nigra; femora posteriora jiuco unimaculata, membrana pallide cinerea.

Piceous, oval, thickly and minutely punctured, testaceous beneath. Head sma\1, testaceous along the fore border; sides sligbtly reflexed; lobes

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of equallengtb. Rostrum testaceous, exteDlling to tbe middle coxre; tip blllck. Antennre lestaceous i juints successively increasing in length; first not extending to the front of the head. Thorax wilh three smooth irregular lestaceous marks on each side in front and with a smooth yellow band between the hind angles, which are very much rOlluded. Scutellum extending a little beyond the angle of the corium, with some irregular testaceous streaks and with a testaceous tip. Pectus with a large piceous patch on each side. Abdomen beneath witb a stripe oC four black spots; ventrlll spine hardly extending beyond the hind coxre. Legs testaceous; posterior femora with a brown spot near the tip. Fore wings with a pale cinereous membrane. Length of the body 4 lines •

•• Mysol. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


Fff'f'Ugineo-fUlCUII, OlllJtUl, rude pltnclat"" .ubtu. teltaceu.; antennd! tutaced!; thoraz: II maculi. qualuor flalJi. falcialUlI, calli. duobUl traRltJer.i. atomilllJtllI nonnuili. te.tacriB; ,cldellum gullil quatuor ba.alibu., plagil duab", lateralibull apiceqUII flalJi.; tIII1Iter .nita maculan fusca, .pina coz:a, pOlllica. viz: 8uperante; aim anlicd! rufe.cente., fusco nebuio'IJI, membrana cinerea f"'co tuaiplagiala.

Ferruginous-brown, oval, thinly and roughly blackish punctured; under side testaceous, with brown punctures. Head with the sides very slightly retlexed; lobes of equal length. Rostrum extending to tbe hind coxm. Antennmtestaceous. Thorax with a transverse testaceous callus on each side in Crout and with some testaceous points; four yelluw spots forming a band between the bind angles, which are much rounded. Scutellum with Cour yellow basal dots and with a yellow patch on each side near the tip, which is also yellow. Abdomen beneath with a stripe of brown spots; ventral spiue hardly extending beyond the hind coxm. Fore wings reddish, mottled with brown; membrane cinereous, with a brown patch in the disk. Length of the body 4 lines. a. M~ol. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

Australia. 78. RHAPBIGASTBR AMYOTI, C. H.278.

G. New South Wales. From Mr. Wood's t:ollection. b. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. Sinclair. c-j. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. Hooker.

79. RHAPBIGASTEa VIBESCENS, C. H. 284. 4. King George's Sound. Presented by Capt. Grey.

80. RBAPBIGASTER ABMATVS, C. H. 291. a. New South Wales. From Dr. Stephenson's collection. 6. South Australia. Presented by B. -Bakewell, Esq.


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Te81al'ew, ellipticv., "'gro ptI"ctatw, nonnunquam "'[0 tJ/JriUl; capvt longi •• eu/um, Ivpra "igm", wlti, duabw latenbwlJut testace"; 1I,,/en"tII rligrtll, IIrticuli. bllsi teltllcei.; thora3/) Irllnaverse imprellu,; .t:utellum duco IIntico vitlllque polliea nigru; pec/oru di.eull tIInev.; -abdomen gulli, lell! maculQf{ue plII/eriore "igm wntrlllibuI, .pina 'c03:IIB postica. IItlingente; pede. gracilel,jemoribw lupra tibii. apice tar.isIJue "igri.; aitll antictII maculll postmedia nigra, ,nembrana nigricante.

Testaceolls, elliptical, black-punctured, sometimes tinged with red. Head elongate; upper side black, with a testaCeollS stripe and teBtaceous sides; lobes of eqllallength. Rostrum extending to the hind coxm; tip black. Autennm black, less than half the length of the body; joints tes­taceons at the base; first testaceou8, not extending to the frout of the head; third a Iiule more than haIr the length of the second; fourth much longer than tbe third; fiftb shorter tban the fourth. Thorax in front with a slight tranSferse impression, which is irregularly hordered with black; aides smooth, very sligbtly reftned; bind angles rounded, hardly promi_ nent. SClltellum wilh a testaceous callus on each side at the base j di,k of the fore part black, emiltinll a black stripe nearly to the tip, wbich is smool.b. Pectus between the co);m mneons. Abdomen above metallic­green; connexivum with testaceous dots; under side with tbree black dots on each side and with a posterior beart-shaped black spot; ventral tipine extending to the hind coxm. Legs slender; femora aho\'e, tarsi and tips .. T tibim black. Fore wings witll a black spot in the disk beyond the middle; membrane blackish. Hind wings cinereous; veins blackish. Length of the body 6-6llioe& • •• Australia. From Mr. Darnel's collection. h. Moreton Buy. From Mr. Diggles' collection. c. Tasmaoia. Presented by W. W. Saundel'tl, Esq. d. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton.


Te.,taceul. ellipticllB, rude punctal!ls; caput iongiu.f('uillm; IInten"~ nigro jalCiat~; scutellum j"Trtl!Ji"tum, apice jlavum glabrum; abdomtm supra tligrum, jlllVO mllrginlltum, spinll _trali obtusa brevissima; pede. pallide wrides; altll antiell' je'r/lgine~, costa basi pallide jlava, me,nbrana jusctscmte-cinerea.

Teslaceous, elliptical. rougbly punctured; punctures black abore, red beneath. Head somewhat elongate; lobes of eqoal length. RostrulD exteuding to the hind coxm. Antennm leFs than balf the length of the body; fil'tlt joint not exteoding to the front of the head; third blal'k towards the tip. very milch shorter than the second; fourth black. except at tbe base, as long as the second; fifth black, testaceoos towards the base and at the tip, longer than tbe fourth. Thorax with a transverse irregular callos near the fore border; sides hardly reftexed; hind angles moch rounded, Dot prominent. Scutellum ferruginous, yellow and smooth

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towards tile tip. Abdomen hlack above j connexivllm pale yellow; spi­"des hL1Ck j H;ntral"pine "biuse; ilot eiiil;idinb iiI thl hind iioore. Legs pale greeD; tibire furrowed; taT,i t£\wny. Foro wings j i[(;sta. pale veil ow towards tbe base; membraue brownish cinereous. Length of ih" buhh 4t lines.

Queensland. In the National ~Iuseum at Melbourne.


Fuloil'i; /onIY1'ellipLlf'US, Pi1tl;;!aluf; 11zblu,1 !z'slacz';L;; tkomre tezL;zce~ marginalus el nonnunquam aubconspersu" .pinis Lllab,,! tatemz,Y;us lonqis validis aculis; ,calellu," niO"icarlle fuuialum, apicelll VCl"SUS

1,,;/lid;i tIavum abdumell niam mi1;;,,[is Z"£1'ralib,,; les£i!iii'is, ~pina ";nlrali corea. medias paulio'slIper • .mle; pedes paUide Irsiacei, sal gracile,.

T;nH;Y, !;I;ingat;;,<lHipti<l!t, rather roodhly d1riCk-PiliiC-tured, testaceolls beneath. Head elongattl, with two sligbt longitudinal

lubes lenpzh. Rustruni extending to tbe hind coxre. a li,Yk mill';i than Palf len;sib of the b;;;[p; fiiii, jilin! got

extending 10 lbe front of the head tbird a little longer than lhe secoud

inietll;~~:il~~i!Viz:Ghs~zi;iVll~dl~~~zizl~rteBtzice~~~ fOhr~~' nn!I~~!£u~;i£::~I:: l~::: stOllt acute direclly diverging spines. ScutelluDl with a hlackish band

Ilze middle, frmn thei!l'~i5 Lo tip, Abdi!meu \;\;zck mve; i["nne!!ll'um wiLb LIiots nentml zpin!l !!xtendii!g a frille

heyond the middle coxa'. Legs pale testaceolls, ratber slender. Memo

:z£;~::t; zn~!I: LzngtlbaTf: ~~~ern;zus4;l~~~iil;£~zwn. Hiud wing!

b. Aiz!Lmlia, From 1\1 r. Darnel's collection. izlorr'izifi B"fr' Fmm 1\1 L l?iggtLiZ' coll!!rlion.

d. New Zealand. Presented b.r Col. Bolton.


dLa,z!. pun!"/;;tus zzzrienzuL ruf;!?; iaCefE, corporis nOli [ozi9,£ores. £I1Of";!,n frans";'z'se "pirocu{a fusca; spina vttllmlis corea, poslicas attinglRs; pedes bz'cZ"es; !!!cmbz'nca limpida.

Teslaceolls, elongate-oval, thickly and minutely pUBctmed; punc. tures of the ground bue. Head short j lobes of eZlllal Icnglh, Rostrum ;';nic'ndinn to lhi! hind nLzxre. Antezmre rezJ, lJardivolle·thitd of the len.L;tr.h of the bo'ciy; first and second joillls pale testaceous; first nol extending 10 tlii; fro!!t i;f Ihn head third r;ale testaceolls at tbe bas!', a lillIe lonl!er

thzi LLcoml 10niiL;z1. than fhe thil?; fifth as 'ac the fOii;~±l. Thorax with a slight tramverse ridge bel ween the hind angles, which are

~:;:i;:::~I~i. £:~~wn, \~~:::;ii!rlll z!Ue~:;~!;d:~o~ tta:h:i.~·f:d j::;£i.:~Sio~Li;~ frozil.

pale leS~aCe()us. l\Irmbml1c of the fore wings pellucid. Lcngth IIf tI.e hi '" 5lmziS.



It somewhat resembles R. wirescefII, from which ,it may be dis­tinguished by its longer body, by its shorter head, and by the transverse ridge of the thorax. II. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles' collection.


Pallide l"teI", ellipticu., nigricante punctatu,; caput podice !Ulcum ; antenRIII apice nigricantes, corporis dimidio bretliores; ,1oro:r: faseia glabra abbrewiata maculam fuscam includente; .cutellum .ordide luteum, wittil dllabu. obliquil willaque posteriore jlafJi.; spina well­trali. Co:t:41 pOllical 'uperaRl; alQl antifQl "riga maCtllaque Ju.ei ••

Pale luteous, elliptical, with minute blackish punctures, a little paler beneath. Head brown abng the middle part of the hind border; middle lobe extending a little beyond the lateral luhes. Bostrum black towards the tip, extending to tbe hiud COXIe. Antennle much less than half the length of tbe body; first joint Dot extending to the front of the head; second much longer thaD the third; fourth blackish at the tir, a little longer tban the second; fifth blackish, except at the base, nearly as long 8S the fourth. Thorax with a very slight transverse impression, iu front of which tbere is an abhreviated smooth band, tbe latter containing a brown spot; hind anglES much rounded, not prominent. Scutellum dingy luteous. with two oblique yellow stripes, which join a posleriur middle yellow stripe. Ventral spine extending beyond the hint! COXIB. Legs sburt, stout. Fore wings witb 8 brown streak and a brown 8pOt joining tbe outer border olthe corium, the spot on the hind angle; membrane pale cinereous. Leugth of the budy 2t lines.

Like R •• trachioide. in structure.

Queensland. In the NationallIuseum at Melbonrne.


Rufescente-fulw., ovatu" dense plltlctatus; caput latiusCtlillm; antf'Ilf/1II corpori. dimidio ROn lORgiores, opices t'frsu, nigricant~s; tAora:lll marginibul all litis albidis, spinis duabus elllsis .ubaSt't'ndentib ... apice I'otundati,; seutellum maculis duabll' basalibus ulliceque pal­lidejlat·escentibu.; peclus rufo plagilltum ; venter vittis quatuor fi'r­ruginei. indelerl1&inalis, spina ('rassa coxal anlicas a "ingmte ; allll anticIII striga albida obliqua, memb'4na cinerea.

. Reddish tawny, oval, thickly punctured, teslaceolls benealh. Bead ralher broad; lobes of equal length. Rostrum extendiug nearly to the hind COXIB; tip black. AntennlB about half the length of the body; first joint eXlending very much beyond the head; second shorter than the first, as long as the third; fourth and fifth blackish, a lillIe shorter than the third. Thorax with a dingy whitish stripe along each side in front; hind Bugles furming two very slollt slightly ascending directly diverging spines, whose tips are rOlluded. Scutellum with an irregular pale yelluwish spot OD each side at tile base; tip pale yellowish. Pectus with some red patcbes 011 each side. Abdomen heneath with foul' incomplete ferl'llginolls stripes; basal slliue tbkk, eltending to the fure COXIe. Legs rather stouL Fore

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wings with a whitish oblique streak extending to the di~k Crom the base uf the custa; membrane cincreous. Lengtb uf the b~dy 3t Iiues.

Adelaide. In tbe National Museum at Melbourne.

Country unknown. 87. RHAPHIGASTEB PARNISVS, C. H.279.

a. ---i' Presented by J. G. Children, Esq. b.--i'

88. BRAPUIGASTEIl I'ARVULUS, C. H.279. a. -i'

811. RHAPHIGASTEB ANTICUS, C. H. 283. a.--i'

90. RHAPHIGASTEB l'ULVESCENS, C. H.283. a. ---i'


mensor, H.-ScI,. Wanz. 1m. viii. 7, pI. 226, f. 713.


rugiventris, H.-Sch. Wanz. Ins. viii. 11.


aCUlus, H.-Sch. Wanz. In •. ix. 318.


Prarinu" longi-ellipliclll, dense punc/a/lls •• lIblus pallide te,'areo-vi.idil ; capitis lalera m:J: reflexa; anlennUJ nigrIB; Ihora:J: maculis duabll' poslici. nigri, magni' subquadrati." laleribu, ftavis; scuteilum "'pice ftavum; allB anticte costa basi flaM, membrana limpida.

Grass-green, elongate-elliptical, roughly and tbickly punctured, paler and with a testBceous tinge beneath. Sides of the head hardly reftexed j lobes of equal length. Rostrum extending to the bind COll:!e. AntennlB black. Thorax wilh a transverse callus on each side in front j a large black suhquadrate spot on each side of the hind borller; sides yellow j bind angles rounded, slightly prominent. Scutellum with a yellow tip. Ventral spille very short. Legs testuceolls. Costa of the fore wings yelluw towards the base; membrane )Iellucid. Length of the body 7 lines.

Much narrower than R. prarinu., to wbich it is most nearly allied. a.---i'

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FIt/"U', longi·elliptiC'u8, /UGC'u'pul/C'fatuG, Iubtu. luteuG; IIntenn~ C'Orp/Jrit dimidio brttJiore.; Ihoraz litari. antiri. glabr;.; .pina !Jell/rali. coza. media, altingen. ; membrana cinerea.

Tawny, elongate-elliptical, roughly and ratber tbickly 11IInctul't'd; punctures brolVn; under side luteoll5. Head bruud and mucb rounded in front; lobes of e11llal lengtb. Rcstrllm t'xtending to tbe mirldle COUI!;

tip black. Antelln:B less than bnlf the lelllltb of tbe body; joints suc­cessi!'ely increasing in length; first extl'ndinll nearly to tbe frollt of the Ilead. Thornx with some smull smootb spaces in frollt; bind anllles rounded, 1I0t prominent. Ventral spine t'xtending to tbe middle COXIl!. Membrane of tbe fore wings cinereous. Length of the body 6 lines.

Like R. purpurei~"n" in structure. II. --- i' Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


Pallide lestllCt!W, elliptiC'u.; C'aput nigra marginal 11m ; antenn. nigr. ; thoraz laleri/'a. nigri., al/.!JuliB postici, .lIbaC'uti.; .ruullum /a,C'ia lata tJiridi, '1H1lio IIpicali /u'C'O marulam ririJem inl.'ludmle; abJo­,nm ochral.'eum, nigro .ubmarginatum, .pina 1Jentrali fll'eu COZ41

po.tira, altingenle; pede. pallide !liric/e., tibii. tarsilql,e nigris. Pale testaceous, ellipticnl, minutely punctured. Head bordered with

hlllck; lobes of equnllcngtb. Rostrum mostly black nbo\·p. extellding to the Ilind coxre. AntennRl black. Tborax bordert'd with black 011 eacb side.; bind angles sligbtly aeutp, not prominent. Scutellum \\ itb a .broad pale green band beyond the middle; apical parI hruwn, illdlldin~ a pule green apical spot. Abdomen ocbraceous, slightly bord~red with black; ,entral spine brown, extending to tbe bind eOlm. Legs pille green; f .. mora darkt'r at the tips j tibim and tarsi black, the forlll~r furrowed. Membrane of tbe fore wings colourless. Length of the body I> liues.

M ncb like R. pra.inu. in structure.

4. - f' From the Zoolilgical Society's collection.

Genus 39. UDlrr A. UdiUa, Stal, Rio Jan. Hem. 23.


impicta, Stal, Rio J.n. Hem. 24.

Rio Janeiro.

Genus 40. O~COMA.

Oacoma, Fitb. Hem. 333.


Rhaphigaster Grrmari, Kal. Jlfel. 11S4, pl. 16, f. 38 - Oacoma Germul'i, Fieb. lIem. 333.


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Genu~ 41. PRIONACA. C. H.2!11. 1. PRIONAOA LATA, C.l!. 291.

a. Silhet. From Mr. Stainforlh's collection.



Te,lacttl, 011l1ta, rude f".co punctllta; cuput tricarinatum, lobi. lale;' ralibu. lobum meJiuln 8upeTatdiblU; antenll~ fulPfl!, corporis dimidio "ill: brllfliore.; t"orall: rugi. nonnullill antici~ glabri. illdettl'minatil, 'pin" lateraUb", longis robusti,; abdomen dor.o fwro, spina _trali COII:4I postical attingente; membrana cinerea, venis fu,ci, tortuo.iB.

Testaceous, onl, thickly and roughly punctured; punctures and some of the intervening spaces browlI. Head with three slight keels; lateral lobes extending beyond the middle lobe. Rostrum extending to the hind cox.. Antenn. tawny, nearly half tbe lengtl. of the body; first. joint not extending to the front of the bead. Thorax with some smooth slightly rugulose spaces near the fore border; bind angles forming two long 810llt acute 'pinep, which are sligbtly inclined forward. Abdomen brown above; ventral spine extending to the bind COX&!. Membrane of the fore wings cinereous, lurid at-the base; veins brown, undulating. Hind wings cine­reous. Length of the borly oi lines.

The veins in the membrane of the fore wings sumciently distinguish this species from P. lata.

a. Sarawak. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


Testal.'t'a, lata, O11IJta, aspere pllnctata, ,,"co dense conrpeTsa; caput lon­giusrlllum, lobi. lateralibus lobum ffll'dium perpau[[o .uperantib,": antennt.e rufe.eetlte., gral!ilel, corpori. dimidio iOllgiore.; thorall: 'pini, dudtlS lateralibus longi. walidiB '1Ib06Ii'lui. postice denla/i, ; ,~ulellum .at magnum; .pina flentrali. eoza. po'lica, attingen. ;. membrana cinerea, wmi.fuscis bene delerminati ••

Testaceous, broad, oval, rougbly punctured, thickly speckled with brllwn. Head elongate; lateral lobes extending very little beyond the middle lobe. Rostrum extending to tbe hind coxm. Antennm reddisb, slender, more than half the lenglh ohbe body; firsljoint extending Dearly to the front of the- head. Thorax slightly rugnlose in front; hind angles fomiing two long stant acute slightly oblique spines, whicb al'e dentate on the Irind side. ScutellnlD rather long and broad. Ventral spine extending to the hind COX&!. Legs stout; tiiJi&! slightly furrowed. Membrane of the fore wings cinereou5; veins brown, strongly marked. Length of the body o-o! lines.

Tbe spines of the thorax are louger tlran .those of the preceding spec~es.

a. Sumatra. From Sir Stamford Rames' collection. b. --- i' Presented by W. W. Saundel"S, Esq.

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Genus 42. ANISCHYS, C. H.292. 1. AYISCRYS SPARS US, C. H.292.

Rbaphij[aster fusco~parslls. Stal, Of". K. Yert • ..tA. Forla. 1863, 221 -Anubis sparsus, Stal, Hem. Afr. i. 221.


a. Australia. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. b. S. AUlltralia. Presented by R. Bakewell, Esq. c. Australia. From Mr. Damers collection.


II. New Zealanil. Presented by Dr. Sinclair. b. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. Booker. c_. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton.


Te.tacN, fUli/ormi" derue punctata, viz conwa:a; antenna! apire nigra!, corpori, triente vi:r: longiore,; t/,ora:r: fUlco billittatUl, lateribu. mem­branaceU .emihyalini. mbdilatati,; .cutellum attenuatum; pectUl ,ubcarinatum; 'Pina 'I1entraliB co:r:a, posticllB attingen. ; pede, bre'l1e'.

Testaceous, fusiform, rather flat, thickly and finely punctured. Head rather broad; lobes of equal length. Bostrum extending nearly to the hind COXIB. Antellnm little more than one-third of the length of the body; first joint extending beyond the front of the head; second a Iittie longer than the third; fourth much longer than the third; fifth black, testaceollS at the base, a liUle longer than the fourth. Sides of tbe thorax sligbtly dilated, membranous, semibyaline; a brown stripe along the membranous part; hind angles mucb rounded, not prominent. Scutellum attenuated towards the tip. Pectus with a slight keel. Ventral spine extending to the hind COX&!. Legs sbort. Hind wings and membrane of the fore wings cinereous. Length of the budy 21 lines. Queensland. In tbe National Museum at Melbourne ..

Genus 44. DUADICUS, C. H.293.-1. DUADICUS PALLIDUS, C. H. 294.

a, b. Australia. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. c. New South Wales. From Dr. Stepbenson's collection. d. Australia. }'rom Mr. Damel's collection.


Te.taceUl, OvatUl, rude punctatUl; thora:r: fa.cia antica gtabra indeter­miMla, 'F.niB dua6UI validi. lu6recurvi. 81~ba8cendenti6us apice nigricantabUl ; .pina ventrali. eraIBa, caput attingens ; pedes robUlli ; membrana pellucida.

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Testaceous, onl, roughly punctured. Head short; middle lobe ex­tending very little beyond the lateral lobes. Rostrnm extending to the hind coxre; tip black. Thorax with a very incomplete smooth band in frout; hind angles forminll' two stOllt slightly recurved and ascending spines, whose tips are blackish. Pectus not keeled. Abdomen unarmed at the tip; basal spine very stout, extending to tbe base of the antennre. Legs stout; tarsi two-jointed. Membrane of the fore wings pellucid. Length of the body 4 lines • •• New Sonth Wales. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


TeBtacelU, oMtUI, rude pURctatUl" ; caput lateriblU subrejlezis, lobo medio lobo. iateraies paullo .uperante; antenntS corporis dimidio 11011 longiores; tlaora.:t: fascia lateriblUtJue cyaneis, .pilli. duablU rectis longissimi.; 'lNllleer fu,CIU, linei. duablU 7Ilarginalibus macu­li.que octo flam., 'pina buali caput «ttingenle; aloJ antiCtAl macula cosfali lutea, membrana cinerea. '

Testaceou5, oval, roughly punctured. Head nearly triangular; sides slightly reltexed; middle lobe extending a little beyond tbe lateral lobes. Rostrum extending to tbe hind COXal; tip black. Antennre slender, about half tbe length of the body; first joint not extending to the front of tbe head; second very much sborter than the tbird. Tborax with a sligbt ridge, accompanied by a blue band between the spines; a transverse smootb space on eacb side in front; sidps and the spines bllle; the latter acute, sligbtly ascending, a little longer than half tbe space between tbem. Pectns not keeled. Abdomen brown beneath; two yellow marginal lines not extending to the tip; four :rellow spots alollg eacb side; basal spine thick, extending to the bead. Legs stant; femora brownish. Fore wings with black punctures; a luteous costal spot near the base; membrane cinereous. Lengtb of the body 41 lines.

Tbis species and D. reeu",1U form a section in the genus, and dift'er somewbat in structure from D. paliidlU, wbicb is the type. s. MoretoD Bay.



Te,tacea, lat plana, futoo dense pUfictata; capiti8 10hIU medius lobo. late­rale. ";31 ,uperan,; rostrum c03la, media. nOli aUingens; antennce TUftS, mlidce, apice nigrtB, corporis dimidio bretliuTe8; thora31 callis duoblU anticis tranBfNIrsi, indeterminati,; ,eutellum flUeo uflimacu­latum; abdomen dorlo rufo, .pina ventra Ii ca3la, antiea, atlingente.

, Testaceous, nearly elliptical, rather Itut, thickly aud minutely punc­lured; pUDctures tawny; under side pale yellow. Head sumewhat pointed; middle lobe bardly extending beyond tbe laleral lobes. Rostrum not ex­tending to tbe middle COXal; tip black. Antennre red, wbllst, a little less tbaD half tbe length of tbe body i first joint extending much beyond tbe


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front of the head; second longer than the tbird; fourth subolavate, as long as the third; fifth elongate-fusiform, blaok except at the base, a liLLie longer than the fourth. Thorax with an irregular transverse smooth spaoe on eaoh side near the fore border; hind angles obtuse, not prominent. Soutellum attenuated towards the tip, with a large brown spot in the disk. Abdomen red above; ventral spine extending to the fore COXIIl. Legs rather short; femora stout. Membrane of the fore wings pellucid. Length of the body 4t lines. G. Adelaide. From Mr. Stevens' collection.


Teltacet.l, JulflO den. JlURclata; caput "ngi. fuatuor ptUtiei, glu"', lobo medio lob08 laterale, perpaullo lUpet"ante; rostrum coa:a, media. alti"gen.; "ntenn. apice nigrtl!, corporis dimidio breviorlll; tlaoraa: 'Pfltii. fuatuor antiei. glabn., anguli, postici. ,ubobllUi.; seuteUuna altelluatu",; 'Pina WIIeral" coa:as antic .. "'pet"Gn ••

Testaceous, oval, roughly and tbickly punctured; punctures tawny. Head with four smooth streaks on tbe hind border; middle lobe exteuding vel! little beyond tbe luterallobes. Rostrom black towards the tip, ex­tending to ttie middle COXIll. Antennm stout,· less tban half tbe lengtb of the body; first joint extending mocb beyond tbe front of the head; second longer than the tbird; foorth a little longer than tbe third; fifth blaok, elongate-fusiform, testaceous at the base, longer than the fourth. Thorax with a slight transyerse impression, which borders fOllr anterior smooth spaces; hiod aDgles slightly obtuse and prominent. Scutellum attenuated towards the tip. Ventral spiue extending beyond the fore COXIIl. Femora rather thick. Membraue of the fore wings colourless. Length of the body 3t lines. G. Melbonrue. From Mr. Edwards' collection.

Genus 46. AMPHACES, C. H. 295. 1. AIIPBACBS J'BBllUGINBA, C. H. 29~.

a. Australia. Presented by the Entomological Club. 6, c. Australia. From Mr. Argent's collection. cI. Tasmania. From Mr. A. J. Smith's collection. e. S. Australia. Presented by R. Bakewell, Esq.

2. AMPBACBS PROXIMA, C. H. 296. a. Australia. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. 6. Australia. From Mr. Argent's collection.


virescens, Dalltu, Trans. Bnt. Soc. New Ser. ii. 14, pl. I, f.6. Australia.


languida, Btal, Bug. Rn. 230. Sydney.

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Genua 47. CUSPICONA, C. H. 296.

Asia. 1. CU8PICONA. oauSA, C. H. 297.

c. China. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq.



Te.tacetl, longi-owdll, .ciIB punctata; caput "..,."",." Btriatum, nigr. mllrginae.m; roBlnlm _lIB poltiOO' IIttin/lftll; antenna! nigra!, gracile" corpo", tlimidio _longiortl.; MfWtJIIJ antice glabtr, 'Pin;' "btu longi, lUuti. nigro ,nllllti,; pectoril caritUJ co:ra. antiC118 IUperlln.; aidomen '['in" lateralibus nif"" plaga wntrali .ub­apiooli purpurec; pUe. lat gr4cile.; ~r4'" --fU8C4.

Testaceous, elongate-oval, minutely punctured, a little paler beneath. Head elongate, smootb, transversely and finely striated, bordered witlt black and with black s .. tnres between tbe lobes, which are of equal lengtb. Rostrum extending to the hind COXIe; tip black. Antennle black, slender, aboutllalf the length of tbe body; first joint not extending to tbe front of tbe head; second very mucb sborter tban the tbit'd. Tborax mostly smooth in front; hind 8llgles forming two long acnte black-striped directly diverging spines. Keel of the pectus very deep, especially in front of the fore COXlB, where it is much rounded. Abdomen with a very large purple apical patcb; under side very sligbtly keeled, with black spines along each 8ide ; basal spine extending to tbe bind COXIe, Legs ratber slender_ Membrane of tbe fore wings Il'neous-brown. Hind wings cinereous; veins black. Length of tbe body 8 lines. c. Hind08tan. From M'l. Stevena' collection.

Australasia. 3. CUSPIOONA. VmE80ENS, C. H. 296 •

•• Java. From Mr. Argent's collection.


viridis, Mtrz. A. S. E. F. 4me Ber. i. 6.1. Lifll. Woodlark.


Te8t4cea, longi-otI4tll, rude punctata; caput transllllf'8e Ilriatum, lobo medio lob08 laterale. vU: .uperante; rostrum .egmenti fltmt,', Ii marginem po&licum attingens; antennll! corporis dimidio brmore8; thora:e antice .ubruguloBu" spini. dudus longis acuti. subrecurtJi. IIpiCfJ nig"'; pectori, carin4 frontern attillgen,; abdomen 'pini, duabu. apicalibU8 nigri8 longis basi teslaceis; pedes gracile.; metn­brana limpid4.

Testaceous, elongate-oval, rougbly punj:tured. Head long, smooth, . sligbtly and transversely striated; middle lobe hardly e:a:tendiug beyond

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the lateral lobes. Rostrum extending to tbe bind border of tbe first ventral segment; tip black. Antennlll slender, less than half tbe leJIgtb of tbe body; first joint not extending to the frout of the head; second little more than half tbe lengtb of the third. Thorax slightly rugulose in front; hind angles forming two long acute diverging spines, wbicb are black towards tbeir tips and slightly recuITed backwards. Pectoral keel extending to the front of the head. Abdomen armed at tbe tip with two long black sligbtly dh'erging spines, which are testaceous at tbe base; ventral spine extending to tbe bind COllIII. Legs slender. Membrane of tbe fore wings pellucid. Leng tb pf tbe body 6l1ines.

Tbe recuned spines of the thorax and tbe longer apical spines of the abdomen distinguish this species from C. rujllinea. a. New Hebrides I' Presented by Sir Jobn Liddell.


Smaragdino.tliridil, longi-owta, de,," punctata, I"btlll testacea; rOlt""" co:!:a. pcntical lunge superar&8; antennlB nigrlB, gracile., bali ~"aCt!lB, corporil dimitlio longiores: ,hora:r: tellaceo lute fuciat"', .pinillate­raUb", longis aClIti,: pectori. carina bene de~inata; flenier vitti. 9uatoor pallidis inde~rminatil, 'Pilla co:!:a, posticas attitlgente: au' anticlB ferrugineo-fulclB, apud coltalll smaragtlinlB, gulla lubcOltali pallide jla'll4.

Emerald-green, elongate-oval, tbickly and minutely punctured, tes­taceous beneath. Head elClngate l middle lobe hardly passing the lateral lobes. Rostrum testaceous, extending nearly to tbe hind border of tbe second abdominal segment; tip black. Autellnle black, slender, more tban balf tbe lengtb of the body; first joint testaceous, not extending to the front of the head; second mucb shorter tban tbe tbird; fourth much longer than the tbird; fiftb nearly as long as the fourth. Fore parL of the tborax, excepting tbe fore border, testaceolls and witb very few punctures ; bind angles forming two long acute directly diverging spines. PecLus with a distinct keel. Abdomen beneatb witb four undulating incomplete raler stripes; spiracles bruwn; ventral spine extending to the bind COXIIl.

Legs testaceOu8, rather slender. Fore wings ferruginous·brown, emerald­green along Lhe costa; a pale yellow subcostal dot beyond the middle; membrane cinereous, brown towards tbe base. Length of tbe body 7 lines. a. Sarawak. Presented by W. W. Sannders, Esq. b. Sarawak. From Mr. Wallace's collection.


Saturate tliridis, longi.ol·ata, subtus lutea viridi pallido marginala; caput slrigis duablls luleis rufo inlerlineatis; ,·osl,·um spgment"lll 'tvmtrale 2um attingens; anlennlB lIigrlB, basi virides, corporis dimidio lon­giores; Ilwra:c spillis duabu8 longis subascendentibus, gutti, d"abu8 poslicis lutei,; pedes pallide vindes; membrana cinerea.

Deep green, elongate.o\'III, rougbly punctured, luteous and bordered with pale green bellfalh. Head on each side with a 10Leous streak, wbich includes ~ rcd streak j middle lobe hardly extending beyond tbe lateral

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lobes. Rostrum green, extending to the second ventral segment; tip black. AntenDlB black, slender, green towards the base, ratller more than half the length of the body; first joint extending nearly to the front of the head; third much longer thao the second, moch shorter than the fourth; fifth a little shorter than the fourtb. Thorllx mostly smooth in front; hiod angles forming two loog acute spines, wbich are slightly ascending and inclined forward; a luteous dot on the hinder base of each spine. Pectoral keel shallow. Legs pale green. Membrane of the fore wings cinereous. Length of the body 7 lines.

It agrees with O. Sllprema in structure. The spines of the thorax are slightly longer and more inclined forward.

a. Birmah. From Mrs. Waring's collection.


Pallide teslal.'eo-viridi., longi-elliptica, mge punl.'tata; caput longiwc,,­lum, latmbus oblique strialis; rostrum nigrum, segmentum _trale 2"'11 allingen.; anlennl2 nigrl2, gracile., corpori. dimidio iOllgiores, artil'uio 20 /ulvo, 30 basi albido; thoralle fascia postica bm,i lata cyaneo-nigra, anguli. posticis rotundati,; scutellum cyaneo-nigrun" cupreo nitens; abdomen dorsa nigra, lateribus dentatis, maculis ven­IraUbu. lateralibu. nigri., spina c03la. posticas attingente; pedes nigra mbconspersi; ake anticl2 cyaneo-nigrrz, apud costam cuprerz, membrana/wca.

Pale green, slighdy tinged with testaceous, elongate-elliptical, shining, very thinly punctured. Head elongate, obliquely and finely striated on eacb side; lobes of equal length, with black sutures. Rostrum black, pale green at the base, extending. to tbe middle of the second ventral segment. AntennlB black, slender, a little more than balf the length of the body; first joint not extending to the f!'Ont of the head; second tawny, "er! much sborter tban the third; third tawny towards tbe base, which is whitish; fourth a little longer than the third, as long as the fifth. Tborax with a short broad bluish black band along the hind border; bind angles rounded, bal'dly prominent. Scutellum bluish black, cupreous towards the base in some aspects. Pectoral keel much developed. Abdomen black above; under side with black spots along each side, which is dentate; spine ex­tending to the hiud coxe. Legs slightly speckled with black; tarsi tawny. Fore wings bluisb black, with cupreous reftections along the costa; mem­brltlle brown. Length of the body 6 lines. a. 1\1Y801. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


Testacea, ovata, vage pUnl.'tala; caput Iongiusculum; rostrum .egmentum ventraie 3um allillgens; anlenntli rufescentes, graciles, cOl'pori. di­midio ion,qiQI'es; t!lOralle transverse vi:e I.'arinatus, spinis laleralibus rufeSl.'entibus vaLidis acutis; spina. ventralis co;!)as postica. ville attin­gens; membrana Ilellucida.

Testaceous, oval, minutely and thinly punctnred. Head elongate; lobes of equal length. Rostrum extending ttl the hind border of the third

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abdominal segment; tip black. Antennte reddisb, slender, more tban balf tbe length of the body; first joint not extending to the front of the bead; second a little longer than the tbird; fourtb mucb longer tban the second; fiftb shorter tban tbe fourth. Thorax with a sligbt transverse ridge between tbe bind angles, wbich form two stout acute reddish directly diverging spines. Scutellum ratber large. Pectoral keel distinct. Ventral spino very sbort, hardly extending to the bind COXIIl. TibilD not furrowed. Membrane of the fore wings pellucid. Length of the body 6 lines.

a. Wagiou •. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


Te.taceo, O1Itlta, dense punctata; rostrum COZtJI po'lical attingftll; antenn. graciles, corpori. dimidio non longiore,; Iharaz litun. dub", an tid. u[abri., spin" abbmnati. latiSlimi. subaculu; fJef&ler .ub­carinatUl, 'pina co:J:a. paltictJI allingen'e; membrana limpida.

Testsceous, oval, thickly punctured. Head rounded in front; lobes of equal length. Rostrum extentling to the bind COXIil. Antennlll slender, about half tbe lengtb of tbe body; first joint not extending to the front of tbe head; second a little sborter than tbe third; fourtb much longer tban tbe third; fifth a little longer than tbe fourth. Tborax witb a transverse smooth mark on each side in front; spines sbort, .,ery broad, slightly acute. Pectoral keel well developed. Abdomen beneath sligbtly keeled; spino extending to tbe hind COXIil. Tibilll Dot furrowed. Membl'llne or the fore wiugs pellucid. Length of tbe body :; lines.

a, b. Ke. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


Teslacea, omla, deme punctata; ro.trum Co:J:tJI posticum allingen.; all­tenn. gracile., corporis dimidio brmor//8; thoraz fascia antica glabra illferrupta abbrernata, angulu po.tici. tJIllde rotundati,; 'Pina fJef&-

trali. brefJMma; membrana limpida. .

Testsceous, o.,al, thickly punctured. Head nearly. triangular; lobes of equallengtb. Rostrum exteuding to the hind COXIil. Antennlll slender, a little less than half the length of the body; first joint not extending to tbe fronl of the head; second longer tban the third; fourtb much longer than the second, as long as the fifth. Thorax with a trans.,erse smootll apace on each side in front; hind angles much rounded, not prominent. Pectoral keel much developed. Ventral spine very short, not extending to the hind COXIil. Legs ratber slender; tibilll not furrowed. Membrane of the fore wings pellucid. Length of the body 4 lines.

It may be distinguisbed from C. prtJzima by the much shorter and more rounded hind angles of the tborax.

a. Aneiteum, New Hebrides. Presented by the Admiralty.

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RIIJe,cenu-tellacea. Iongi-oMta, rude punctata; capllt longiusculu In, tranner.e "riatum; rodrum coa:a. pollica • • I/peron.; tAoraz antice e:I: parte g/aber, .pini. lateralihu. longi. robllltu aClltis apice nigris ; abdomen apice bi', Wintre .ubcarinato, 'Pina ooze. postil''" attingente; membrana Jusca.

Reddish testaceou8,elongate-oval, roughly punctured. Head elongate, transversely striated; lobes of equallengtb. Rostrum extending somewhllt beyond the hind COXIII; tip black. Thorax with some smooth spaces along the Core border; hind angles formiug two long stont acule directly diverging spines, which are black towards the tips. Pectoral keel very deep. Abdomen beneath slightly keeled; two short stout apical spines; ventraillpine extending to the hind COXIII. Legs moderately stout. Mem­brane of the Core wings brown. Length oC the body 61 lines.

The antennlB oC the specimen described are mutilated • •• Java. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq.


Prtuina, OVtJttJ, denu punclata,luteo Mm, IUbttll lutetJ; caput wz pro­ductum; rostrum .egmenlum Wfltrale 3um alnngen.; antennlll iutelll, gracillimtll, corpori, dimidio PfluLIo longiore.; tAoracU spinlll longtll, acuttl/; 'Pina _traLis oo#I:IJI potticGl atlingen.; pede, gracik,; membrana limpida.

Grass-green, oval, thickly and somewbat roughly punctured, luteous beneath. Head hardly elongated j lobes of equal length. Rostrum ex­tending to the hind border of the second ventral seltment; tip black. Antennlll luteous, very slender, a little more than half the length of tbe body; joints successifely increasing in length; Orst not extending to the front of the bead. Thorax tinged with luteous; hind angles forming two long acute directly diverging spines. Scutellum tinged with luteous towards the tip. Pectoral keel deep. Ventral spine extending to tbe bind COxlB. Legs luteons, slender. Fore wings partlyluteous; membrane pel­Incid. Length of the body 41 lines.

The longer spines of the thorax distinguisb tbis species from C. kuco­'Pila. a. TondaDo. Preseuted by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


PaUide tutacea, Longi-OMIa, ""ge punctattJ; capul traftlWiru .triatum, lobo medio lobo. lateraLu perp4ullo ,uperante; roltrum ugmentum _trale 3um attingem; antenntll ruJescentes, corporis dimidio tiM

longiore. ; tAoraz tranltlerle IUbimprelStII, .pinis duablll nign. robu.tis recur.n. apice rotutld",is; p'ctori. carina caput attingem ; abdomen .pinis fuatuor apicalibtll rujil cralli, apice nign,; pede. ""lidi, nigro coRlperli; a/lll an/iclll !tIICO pUnclatlll et nebu_, .trida ,uboodali glabra pallide It.lacta,membrana cilll'rea.

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Pale testaceous, elongate-oval, very tbinly punctured. Head elonglled, traDsversely and finely striated; middle lobe extending very little beyond the lateral lobes. Rostrum extending to the tbird ventral segment; tip black. Antenllm reddisb, slender, hardly half the length of the body; firat Joint not extendillg to the front of the head; second very mucb shorter than lhe tbird; fourtb a little longer than tbe third and tban tbe fifth. Thorax transversely and very slightly impressed near tbe fore border; hind angles fbrming two stout black recurved spines whose tips are rounded. Pectoral bel very deep in fronl, extending to the base of the rostrum. AbdomeD with four short stOllt dark red apical spines whose tips are black; basal .plne extending to tbe hind COXfl'. Legs stout; femora Bnd tibim speckled with black. Fore wings with brown punctures, partly clouded witb brown; a smooth, sbort pale testaceous subcostal streak; membrane cinerous. Length of the body 7 lines.

The spines of the thorax are much more curved backward tban those of O. forjiculoides •

•• New Guinea. Presente(1 by W. W. Saunders, Esq. 6. New Guinea. From Mr. Wallace's collection.


T~stacea, [ongi-ovata. wge punctata; Cllptlt tranlrJet'se striatum; rostrum legmentuln _trale 3um aUingem; antenna! curpori. dimidio bre· .nores; thoraa: 'Pinil duabu, robusti •• ubacutil subrecurvi, apic/l nigri. ; pectoris carina caput aUingens: wnter macula subapicali 'Pinilque quatuor era.N apicalibus nigri.; pedt. validi, nigro con· 'P",i; al. ardic. fusco punctat., maculil duabul 8ubcostalibUl ," membrana cinerea.

Testaeeous, elongate-oval, thinly and roughly punctured. Head rather long, transversely striated; lobes of equal length. Rostrum black towards tbe tip, extending to the fore part of the third veutral legment. AntennlB slender, less tban hulf the length of the body i first joint not extending to the front of the head; second very mnch shorter than the third; fourth longer than the tbird; fifth a little shorter than the fourth. Thorax mostly smooth in front; bind angles forming two stout slightly acute spines, which. are black towards their tips and are slightly recurved. Pectoral keel very deep in front, extending beyond the base of the rostrum. Abdomen with a black spot on the fifth segment beneatb and with four stout biliek apical spines; basal ~pine extending to the hind COXIe. Lep stout; femora and tibim speckled witb blallk. Fore wings with brown punctures and with two brown subcostal spots; membrane cinereou8. Length of the body 7 lines.

It may be a local variety of C. hamata, from which it hardly differs except in the spines of the thorax, which are less recllrved. III tbe specimen described the rigbt spine is longer and less obtuse than the left spine.

a. Celebes. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

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Lutea, longi-ovata, t!4ge punctata; caput tran'ller,e .triatum; t'OIfrll'" 'egrMnti tHlntrali. 3i marginern poIticum attingma; antenntll corporia dimidio longiore, ; t1&oraa: prasinus, laleribu" margine Antico liflttlf"e luttis, .pini. duabu. nigri. longi. valid;' ,ubacuti •• uba.eendmli6", bali luteis; Icutellum apicem versu, prasinum; peetu, viridi fuadri­notatum, carina caput attingl'nte; venter e macu/i. fUlei. bivittatuI, macula lubapicali nigra; pede. validi, nigra canspe"i; altll antictll jusco punctattll et ne6uloltll, .triga .ubcostali glabra, membra,.. jusce,cente.

Luteous, elongate-oval, tbinly punctured. Head elongate, trans­versely striated; lobes of equal length. Rostrum black towards tbe tip, extending to the bind border of the tbird ventral segment. Antenne slender, a little more tban half the lengtb of tbe body; first joint not extending to the front of the bead; second much sborter tban the tbird; fourth longer than the third and than the fifth. Thoras almost smooth in front, grass-green except the rore part, the' sides aud a slender stripe; bind angles forming two long stout sligbtly acute diverging spines, which are black except at the base and are slightly ascending. Scutellum grass-green toward. the tip. Pectus with two green marks and with two intermediate black marks on each side; keel very deep in front, estending beyond the base of the antennle. Abdomen be­Death with some transverse brown spots on each side and with a large black spot on the fifth segment; four stout black apical spines; basal spine extending to the hind COXIe. Legs stout; femora and tibile speckled with black. Fore wings with brown punctures, partly clouded with brown; a smooth elongated subcostal spot; membrane browaiah. Length of the body 7 lines.

Closely allied to C.1a1llat4 and to C. contrllria, bllt the spines of the thorn are not recu"ed. It is ahorter than C.JorJiculoidn, and the spines are less slender. a, 6. Lizard Iale.


Tutacea, longi-ovala, .ge punctata; caput tra __ .matu".; ro.tru", IfI!lmettti wrUralia 1 i "."m.m. po,tiCWl& aUinglRl; aoltrlnce corporia di".idio lwevio",; tl&_ 'Pi"ia duabUl roba"ia aClltil lub"clWlli. apice raji.; pectoril carina caput attingma; abdomtrl spini, quatuor apicalib", apice raji'i pede, robust.; membrana limpidc.

Testaceous, elongate-oval, thinly and rougbly punctured. Head some­what long, transversely striated; lobes of equal lengtb. Rostrum extending to the hind border of the first ventral segment; tip black. AnteDn. slender, rather less than half the length of the body; first joint not extending to the frollt of the head; second much shorter than the third; third much shorter than the fourth; firth a little shorter than the fourth. Thorax mostly smooth and slightly rugulose in front; hind angles forming two stout acuLe spines, which are dark red towards the tips aDd are slightly recurved. Pectoral keel extending to the base of the anteDnle. Abdomen with four apical spines which are dark red towards the tips, the inner pair


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very abort; baBBI spine- eltending to the hind COIIII. Legs stont. Hind wings and membrane of the fore wings pellucid. Length of the body 7-8 lines.

The unspotted legs distinguish this species from C. hamata, C. con­trana and C.1Iigen,. The shorter and less acute thoracic spines distinguish it trom C.forficuloider • •• Am. From Mr. Wallace's collection. b. Aru. Presented by W. W. Saunders. Esq. c. Ceram. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. rI. WagioD. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

Australia. 18. CVSPIOOlfA THOUOICA, C. H. 296.

ii, b. New South Wales. From Dr. Stephenson's collection.

19. CUSPIOONA RoEI, C. H. 297 • •• Anstralia. Presented by Sir J. Richardson.

20. CU8PIOONA UNIMAOVLATA, C. H. 297 • .. Australia. Presented by Sir J. Richardson.

21. CUSPICONA. INCONSPIOUA., O. H.297. 8. Australia. Presented by Sir J. Richardson.

22. CVSPIOONA FASOIATA, C. H. 297. 8. Australia.

23. CUSPIOONA PDLORBA, O. H. 298. a. Australia. From Mr. Lambert's collection.

24. CVSPICONA. FULVESOENS, C. H.299. c. Australia. Presented by Sir J. Richardson.

26. CUSPIOONA T..BNIOLA, C. H. 299. a, b. Kangaroo Island. ·Presented by the Entomological Club.


Ooreus defensor, Pabr. Enl. Sy". iv. 130; Sylt. RAyn. 197 • •• Australia. Presented by the Linnean Society.


Cimex aggressor, Fabr. Enl. SyBi. iv. 104; Syst. RAyn. 165. 4. Australia. PreseDted by the LinneaD Society.

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Rbyncbocoris australis, Hope, Cat. Hem. 30. Australia.


Rbyncbocoris inquinata, Hope, Cat. Hem. 29. a. Australia. From }Ir. Stevens' collection. b. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Dirgles' collection.


prasiuata, Stal, Eug. Resa, 231.



PrasifllJ, oml4, rude punctata, .ublul lutea; caput longiu.cuium, 8u5_ ,.ugul08um, lobo medio lobol laterales '!IiJ: ,uperante; ,.OIlrut1& Itfj­mentum wnt,.ale 2um attingem; tho raJ: ,,"Iii. antici, glabris, .pini. lateralibus ochraceilliongil ,.ObIl8ti, ",bacutis 8ub4lcendentibus; abdo­men apice bilpin08um, flmtre !lindi biuittato, 'pina tlent, CtXIIa. po,ticas allingente; membrana limpida.

Grass-green, oval, rougbly punctured,luteous beneatb. Head elongate. sligbtly rugulose, witb a short slight ridge on eacb side of the middle lobe, wbich extends very lillIe bey«ld the lateral lubes. Rostrum luteo\ls. extending to the middle of the second ventral segment; tip black. An. tennm luteous; first joint not extending to tbe front of the bead; second ratber shorter tban the tbird. Thorax witb some smooth spaces near the fore border; bind angles forming two long stoul ocbraceous slightly aCllte and ascellding spines. Under side of tbe abdomen sligbtly keeled, with a broad short pale green stripe on each side; two stout acute apicalspines. ventral spine extending to the hind COXIe. Legs luteous. Hind wings and membrane of the fore wings colourless. Length of tbe body 6t lines, Queensland. In the National Museum at Melbourne. .


Lutea, longi-o"ato, ,.ude punctata; ,.08t,.um co:ras media, palillo 'upet'all'l GntennQl corpori, dimidio bf"et7iortl; thoroci. spintl! laterales robllltQl, G('uttl!, apice nigrtl!; scutellum jlUeia pallide '!Iindi, apice albo; abdomen api,"/! bispinosum, 8pina ventrali cOJ:a, pOllica8 allin. gente; alQl anti('QI pallide '!Iinde8. membrana limpid" tlenu jlUco. flt'bulOlil.

Luteous, elongate-oval, rongbly punctured. Head rounded in front. lobes of equal lengtb. Rostrum extending a little beyond tbe middle CIIXII!; tip black. Antennm less than half the lengtb of the body; first joint not extending to tbe fl'ont of tbe head; second very little sborter tban the tbird, which bas tbe same proportion to the fourtb. Thorax not trans .. "ersely impressed; bind angles forming tWI) stout acule directly diverging spines. which have black tips. Scutellum with a pale green band beyond

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the middle; tip leslaceolls-whil.e. I'ectoral keel much developed. A bdo­men with two long stout apical spines; basal spine extending to the hind COllie. Legs rather short and stout; tibim not furrowcd. I"ore wings pale Breen; .meUibrane pellucid, with bruwn streaks along the veins. Lengtb of tbe body 41 lines. .

ThiB species has some affiuity-to the Bdlllidtil • •• Australia.


Fulm, ltmgi~llipt.iclI, rude punctato, ,ubt'" lllttll; capt" ,al ma,9llu,.., lobo medio lobos laterales perpa'llllo 8uperante; ro$ll'lIm co:r:a'1'o,'ica. longe '.peran.; anlenntll corporu dimidio bretliores; thoralle tra",­wrl4! iml'"""'; pe("t'll' carinattlm, jlafJo bi"iltaltcm; WIlier "i,idi biwittat'lll; membrana cinerea,fulco bivittata.

Tawny, elongate-elliptical, roughly punctured, luteous beneath. Head large, elongate; middle lobe extending very liule beyond tbe lateral lobes. Rostrum extending beyond the middle of tile seroud "entralsegment; tip black. Autennle less than half tbe length of tbe body; first joint not extending to the front of t~e head; secoud, fourth and fiftb a little shorter than the tbird. Thorax transversely impressed in front of tbe hind angles, whicb are obtuse and Dot prominent. Pectus with two pale yellow ,tripes; keel distinct. Abdomen beneath with two green stripes. Legs lll&eolls ; tarsi tawny. Membrane of the fure wings cinereous, with two broad brown Btripee. Lengtb of tbe body 6* lines. II. Adelaide. From Mr. SteveDs' collectiOD.


Prali.a alii pallide testacea, _ta, dense pvnrlat.; copw.t brm.,cul."" lobi. latto'alib," lobum medi.m wille .upe,a"tibll,; rolt,..,m co:r:/JI pa,'icas allingen.; Qntenntll pallide rujfll, gracilts, corporis dimidie tlOII 1000giores; thoralle antice .patii, dtloblt, tranSfJern. glabru, .pinY lateralibu. acuti. abbrmati, lati"imu; 'pina wtllralu collea. pallica attillgenl; pdt. graciwl; membrll714 limpida.

Grs~ .. greeD or pale testaceous, oval, thickly and minutely punctured. Head l'IItber sbort) lateral lobes hardly extending beyond tbe middle lobe. Rostrum extending to the bind COXIII; tip black. Antennle pale red, slender, about halfthe length of the body; first joint not extending to the front of the llead j second much longer thun tbe third; fuurth looger thaD the second; fifth a little longer tban the fuurth. Thorax in front with a transverse smooth space on each side; hind augles forming two short acute Yery broad spines. Scutellum extendiog to somewhat beyond two-tbirds of the leoj[tb of tbe abdomen. Pectolul keel deep. Venlral spine extending to the bind COXIe. Legs slender. Hind wings and membrane of tbe fore wings colourless. Length of the body 4 lines.

The more acute spines of the thorax distinguish it from C. pro;rimG and from C. ampla. Q. Soulh Australia. PreseDted by R. Bakewell, Esq.




PlilliJe pralina, ollata, dense puncto.ta; coput ,upra rufestt!7U, ptJllice ItigriCIJIII; roltrum fulvum, coxas pOllical pallilo '"perans ; .antenna! rufescmlt., corpori. dimidi ... non 10ngioJ·e.; thoraz fascia postiea fnrugiRea., fauia posteriore lateribusque luuis, .pini. laltJ·alibu. IORgis acutis; ,cuteUum ochraCtu IInivitlfltum; spina ventralis co:ras pauilo luperam; membrana pellu.cida.

Pale grass-green, oval, thickly punctured. Head IIbove reddish; bind part blackish; lobes of equal length. Rustrum tawny, extending a lillIe beyoud the hind COXIe; apical joint black. Antennle reddisb, about hlllf tbe length of the body; 6rst joint extending nearly to tbe frout of the head; tbird a lillIe longer thlln tbe second lind than the fourth; fourth aud 61th minutely setulose, of equal length. Thorax witb a ferruginous­brown band between the bind angles, whicb form two long acute directly di,erging spines; a posterior band and the sides luteou8. Scutellum with an ochraceou8 smooth stripe, whicb.commences at a little before the middle and occupies the whole of the tip; punctures black towards tbe tip. Pectoral keel mucb de,eloped. Ventral spine extendiug a liule beyoud tbe hind COXIe. Legs rather sleuder. Hind wings and membrane ot' the fore wings pellucid. Leugth of the body 3 lines. a, b. Australia. From Mr. Damel'. collection.


Teatac:ea, 10flgi.oll"'a, rude punctata; caput glabrum, tran'1Ief'1e ai"idlum, rufo billitlfltum; anltl&lIat corporis dimidio breviorea; thuralll rufo ufli/uetalul, spilli. duabus crassi. obtusi. au6reeurvis obscure rujiB; ICllltlluflJ pralinum, basi rufe.ceI'UI, apice luteum; pectus rufum,

JlatlO maculalum, co.rina co.put attingenlt; 'DefIltr rufus, flaw mar­ginatus et fascialus, spina coxa. puBlica. atlillgente, spifli. dudus apicalibuB era"i.; aliZ alllicCl praline.

Testaceous, elongate-oval, roughly punctured. Head smooth, elon­gat.eo. transversely striated, witb two short red stripes on the hind part; middle lobe extending very little beyond the lateral lobes. Rostrum ex­tending to the hind eoxlB; tip black. Antennle ratber less than half the length of tbe body; 6rst joint not extending to the front oC the head; second mucb longer than the third; fourth as long as tbe third. Thorax with a red band; an anterior transverse smooth space on each side; hind angles forming two dark red thick obtuse slightly recurved spines. Scutel­Inm grass-green, reddisb at the base, luteous at tbe tip. Pectus red, with some pale yellow spots on ellch side; keel deep in front, extending to the head. Abdomen beneath red, pale yellow along each side aud with short pale yellow bands; two thick apical spines; basal spine extending to the hind CIIXIB. Legs stout. Fore wings grass-green; membrane pellucid. Length of the body 5 lines.

It has most uffinity to C.leucospila, from wMch it diffl'rs much in markings, and the spines of the thorax are thicker. Q. 1\1oreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles' collection.

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Pre, ina, 10ngi-otHIta, rude punctata, .u61,,' pallide te.taceo-'l1iridil; ea"., 'Talll1ltr.e ,trialum; rostrum eo:J1as poltieo. paullo ,upera'" ; aRtellnce ru/elcente., 6ali testacefll, eorporil dimidio 110ft longiore.; tIwra:JIJ antice litUTi. dud", traRnerm gldri., .piRi. duailu, aeuti, IongU­limi. apice ""ji'; pectoril carilla ",,/a vitlata, caput attin!Jf1fll; wnter r"lo nUal"" ,pinil dua6U1 apicali6U1 ""fi' longil aeutu; pede. le,'acei, gracile,; mem6rana limpida.

Grass-green, elongate-oval, rougbly punctured, pale testaceous-green beneatb. Head conical, transversely aod finely striated; lobes of equal length.. Rostrum extending a little beyood tlie hind coxa; tip black. Antennae reddisb, abuut balf tbe length of the body; first joint pale tes­taceous, Dot extendiilg to tbe front of the bead; tbird mucb longer tban tbe second; fourtb a little longer tban tbe third; fiftb a little longer thaD the fourth. Tborax wilb a transverse smootb apace on eacb side in front; bind angles forming two very loog and acute directly diverging spines. which are dark red towards the tips. Pectoral keel witb a brigbt red edge. deepening in front. extending tu tbe base of tbe rostrum. Abdomen be. neatb bardly keeled, witb a bright red stripe; basal spine very sbort and obtuse; two red long acute apical spines. Legs testaceous, sleDllet. Hind wiugs and membrane of tbe fore wings pelluoid. Leogth of tbe body 61liues.

It bas most affinity to C. aurieomi,; tbe spines of tbe thorax are mucb longei and more acute. . Queenaland. In tbe NalionalMuseum at Melbourne.


a. N. Hindustan. From Callt. Boys' collection.


Testaceu" 10ngi-ellipticuJ, tHlge /".eo punctatUl; caput tran.WTIII .tr;a­tum, lateri6U1 aRtici. iReuTn.; rOltrum eo:ra, pu"ica. attingem: antennfll nigrfll, 6an /ul"fII, corpom dimidio nOR longiorel; thoracil ang"li po"ire wide rot"ndati; scutell"m apicem wer'''' attell"atum. f"'eo; wenter .u6rarinat"s, 'pina COZIJI podicu altingente; allZ anticfII /Uleo 6iplagiatfll, mem6rana/ruca cinereo tHIN.

Testaceou9, elongate-elliptical, thinly punctured; punctures brown. Head witb slightly reBexed borders, finely and trans,ersely striated on each side; sides excavated in front of tbe eyes; lobes of eqnal lengtb. Rostrum extending to tbe hind co~ae; tip black. Antennae tawny, about balf the length of the body; first joint not extending to the froot of tbe head; second less tban balf tbe lengtb of the third; third, fOllrtb and fifth black; fourth more than half the length of the tbird; fiftb sborter than tbe fourtb. Thorax wilh slightly reBexed borders; bind angles much rounded; not promi!lent. Scutellum attenuated towards tbe tip; disk brown. Pec­toral keel developed. Abdomen beneatb witb a slight keel; spine exteuding

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to tbe hind COX&!. Legs moderately stout. Fore wings witb two brown patcbes in tbe disk; membrane brown, parlly cinereous in the disk. Lengtb of the body 5 lines. II. Sarawak. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.

Genus 49. DIPLOSTIRA, C. H. 300.

1. DIPLOSTIBA VALIDA, C. H.301. II. Silbet. From Mr. Stainfortb's collection. 6. Silhet. From Mr. Sowerby's collection.

Genus 50. ARVELIUS, C. H. 301.

1. AaVBLIos ALBON7NCTATUS, C. H.302. II. Jamaica. 6. Columbia: Nrom M. Goudot's collection. c. Brazil. From lIr. Mornav's collection. d, e. Venezuela. From Mr. Birscbell's collection. /. St. Domingo. '"From Mr. Tweedie's collection. g. Tapayos. From Mr. Bates' collection. A. N. America. Preseuted by F. Walker, Esq. i. Columbia. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. j, k. Cayenne. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Ksq. I. Vera Cruz. From M. Salle's collection. fII. n. Oajaca. From M. Salle's collection. o. Petropolis. Presented by J. Gray, Esq. p. Amazon Region. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. ,. -i' Presented by W~ W. Saunders, Esq. ~.-r

Genus 51. TAUROCERUS, C. H.302.

1. TAuaooEBos EDESSOIDES, O. H.302. II. Mexico. From Mr. Argent's collection. 6. Columbia. From M. Goudot's collection. c. Pars. Presented by R. Graham, Esq. d-g. Brazil i' A-k. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. I. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection.

2. TAUROCEBOS AOHILLES. Achilles, Sllll, Steit. Bnt. Zeit. xxiii. 108. Mexico.

. 3. TAUROOEBUS HEOTOB. Hector, SIal, Slell. Enl. Zeil. xxiii. 108. Mexico.

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Fulvus, longi-avatu" 'IIiridi punctalus, .ubtm testactus; capitis lulnu medius lobo.t laterale, pallUo supe'l'an.; tAoraz latmb", anticil ser­ratil, coml/bus duobus longi. sl/brecurvis apice nigris et oblique lrun­catis; scutellum apice jlavo marginatuln; men.brana lurido-cinerett.

Tawny, elongate-(lval, irregularly punctured, testaceous beneath; punctures mostly metallic-green. Head conical; middle lobe extending a lillIe beyond tbe lateral lobes. Rostrum extendiug to tbe bind CaUl; tip black. Tborax obtusely serrated along each side in front; hind angle. forming two long stout slightly recurved borns, with black and obliquely truncate tips. Scutellum bordered witb pale yellow at the tip. Membrane of the Core wings lurid-cinereous. Length of the body 8 lines.

The paler colour, tbe narrower .head and the lonler horna of the thorax distinguish tbis species from T. edeuoides. 4. Amazon Region. From Mr. Bates' collection.

Genus 52. RHYNCHOCORIS, C. H. a02. 1. RUYNCHOCORIs SEBRA1'US, C. H.30'2.

4. Malabar. From Mr. Walker's collection. b. Philippine Isles. From Mr. Cuming's collection. c. Java.

2. RHYNCHOCORIS HUMERALIS, C. H.302. 4. Silbet. From Mr. Stain forth's collection. b. Silbet. c, d. Hindostan!' Presented by Gen. Hardwicke. e. N. Hindostan. From Dr. Hooker'JI collection. f, g. Bindostan. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. A. Siam. Presented b'l W. W. Saunders, Esq. i,j. SUbet. Presente by J. C. Bowring, Esq. 1. -r


Jigata, Brich,. Arch. NalurgscA. viii. 278. Australia.

Genus 53. ACANTBOSOMA, C. H. 303.


a-o. England. FrOID Mr. Stepbens' collection. p, q. France. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. r. --. Presented by J. G. Cbildren, Esq.

2. ACANTHOSOMA DENTATA, C. H. 305. Elasmostethus dentatus, Fitb. Hem. 328- O%ydalus dentatus, Mul,. d

Rey. Pun. France, 324. .

4 •. - P From Mr. Cbildren's collection. .

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3. ACANTBOIOBA InuBA1'A, C. H.3oo. Cyphoatethus lituratus, Fie6. Hem. 328-Meadorus lituratus, Mvl·. et Bey,

Pun. France, 3111. -a_. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. o. England. Preaenled by J. C. Dale, Esq. flo g. Germany.

4. AOANTBo80llU. FBRRUGAT0K, C. H. 309. Sutragala (errugalor, Fieb. Hem. 327. Muh. et Reg, Pwm. FranCf', 313-

Cimex fuscispinus i' BoA. Kon!l' Yet • .dAad. 241. cr. Germany.

6. ACANTHOIO.A aMsBA, C. H.307. Elasmostethus griseus, Fie6. Hem. 329-Headorus interstioctus, Mull. d

~,~.France,316. • .-r. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. ,-•• France. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 111,:11. France. Presented by M. Serville. ,1, z. France. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. GIl, - i' From Mr. Vigors' collection.

North America. 6. AOANTBo8olllA. OBOCIATA.

Edesaa oruoiata, Say-Acanthosoma boreale, C. H. 306. a-d. Nova ScotiL From Lieut. Redman's collection. _,. Buelson's Bay. Presented by Dr. Bamston. A, s. Arctic America. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. j. N. America. Presented by F. Walker. Esq.

7. ACANTHOIOUA NBBOLOSA, C. H.307. ElasmOitelhus aebulosUi r Stel, SlelL Brat. Zril. uill. 109. Mexico. Go N. America. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. e,l.-i'

BindoBtan. 8. ACA..'fTBOSOBA DISTINCTA, C. H.304.

a. N. Bind06tan. From Capt. Boys' collection.

9; AOANTBOSOlllA PUNCTATA, C. B. 306. c. N. Hindostan. From Capt. Boya' collection.

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10. AOANTBOSOIU I'ORFEX, C. H. 308. Tn the Cemale the spines oC tbe tboralt are mllcb longer tban tbose oC

tbe male, and the abdominal apical spines are much sborter. a, b. N. Hindoslan. From CapL Boys' collectiun.

11. AOAl'lTROBOlllA BLONOATA., C. H. 309 • •• N. Hindostsn. From Capt. Boys' collection.

12. ACANTROilOlllA BEOUBVA, C. H. 310 • •. N. Hind08lan. From Capt. Boys' collection.

13. ACANTB080MA 111UOUTTATA, C. H.31l. • a. N. Hindostan. From Capt. Boy,' collection.

14. ACANTB080lU COBN11TA, C. H.312 • • , b. N. Hindo8tan. From Capt. Boys' collection.


Teltacea, Zongi-otJIJta, rude fIUnctata; capu, eionga,um, lubrulell'efll, Z060 medio lobo. lateraie, perpaullo IUperanle; rodrum _fl.. purtic., paullo IUpel'llr .. ; anteMIII gracite., corP!'f'il dimidill nOn ltntgiMu; lAora~ ,lUcia JIOdica nigra, .pini. duab.. longi. aculi.; _tellum fI;grum, l/luo "Rimacuiatum, apice albidtlm; wellter ,,,bcarillattu, tpina co~a, media atURg"d,; alt.e an,icIII fligrll IUbma"-",, mem­braraa apice cinerea macula colta/i .lba.

Testaceous, elongnte-oval, roughly punctured. Head and Core part of tbe tborax with a reddish tinge. Head elongate; middle lobe extending very little beyond the lateral lobes. Rostrnm extending a little beyond the hind CDXIB; tip black. AntennlB slender, abont balf the length oC tbe body; first joint extending beyond the front of the head; second much shorter than the tbird; Courtb longer than the third. Thorax with a black band, whicb occupies the hind border and includes the Ilind angles; these Corm two long acute directly diverging spines. Scutellum black, with a large luteolls spot in tbe disk; tip' whitish. Pectoral keel well developed. Abdomen slightly keeled beneath; spine extending to the middle COXIB. Legs raLher stout. Fore wiugs black along the hind border aud irregularly black along the outer border; membrane browu, cinereous along tbe outer border, including a white costal spot at its base. Length or the body 41 lines.

It may be a variety or A. uRil/uttatll •

•• Pllnjll.ub. Presented by Sir J. Hearsay.

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T"tacea, 1000gi_t.,ju.CO punctata; caput .elongldum, 4l1lic/! g14lwum; antenntl! gr4cilel, corpori. dimidio bTe2liorer; tM'IGIlJ !a.cia glGbra. aAtice le.taC6o pallido marginata, Ilitt4 /ateriblUlJue pallide tutaceU, spin" longi, lubrecurlli.; scutellum pallido univittatum, ptagi. duabw laleralibus apiCt!fue !u.cj.; venter !Uleo . maculariter bivittatu., .pina co:x:as mtdia, 4tliAgen"; alaI anlic,. macula plillide teBtacea ftueo tnarginatll. .

Teslaceous, elongate-oYRI, roug1Jly punctured; punctures brown. Head elongate, smooth in front; middle lobe hardly extending beyond the lateral lobes. Rostrum extellding to the hind coxe; tip black. An­tenne slender, less than half the length of the body; juints successively inoreasing in length; first extendiull' a little in front of the head. Thorax in front with a slDOoth hand, of which the fore border is a curved pale tes­tIIceous line; sides and a slender stripe also pale testaceous; hilld angles formiug two long acute slightly recurved spines. Scutellum with. a slender pale lestaceous stripe, on each side of which lhere is a brown patch; tip also brown. Pectoral keel well developed. Abdomen beneath slightly keeled, with two incomplete macular brown stripes; spine extending to the middle COX&!. Fore wings clouded with brown around a smooth transverse pale testaceous spot in the disk; membrane cinereous. Length of the body 3t lines.

It has most affinity to .d. ptnlrtata, trom which it may be distinguished by the spines of the thorax. a. Hindostan. From Mr. Stevens' collection.


Tellace., longi-otHIta, nigro punctata; caput elongatum, lobo medio 1060. lalerale. ,erpaullo '''perante; t"oraill 'pini. dtIGbus ruji. /ongi. _lidis Vl:c recurvi.; venter 8ubcarinatu" co:r:a. medial allingem; pedes .al gracile.; membranA cinerea.

Testaceous, elongate-oval, thinly and roughly pilnctured; punctures mostly black. Head elongate; middle lobe extending very little beyond the lateral lobes. Rostrum extenlling a little beyond tbe bind coxe; tip black. Antenn&! slender, a little more than half the length of tbe body; first joint extending a little beyond tbe front of the bead; second. 8' long as the third; fourth a little Ahotter tban the third; fifth black, testsceoUI towards the base. ahorter than tbe fourth, Bind angles of the thorax iCnning two red loug stout acute very slightly recurved and ascencling spilles. Pectoral keel much developed. Abdomen beneath slijthtly keeled ; spine extending to tbe middle Cloxe. Legs rather slender_ Membrane of the (ore wings cinereous. . Length of the body 4i lines.

It has most affinity to .d. uniguttata, fruID which it may be dis­tinguished by the much broader tboracic spiues.

a. N. Hindostan. From Cllpt. Boy'" collection •

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396 CATALOGl1B 01'


TaI4IMI, ,.,., ",boNta, nul. ,-IIItfI; Ctl1"" lew, lobo .. io 10'­lall!raln ",.,.ullo 'vprraJlte; .teJIft. g,..cilu, etWJIOriI d,mitlio 111m longiort,; tlwralll fa,tiitJ .tica glalwa, wilta ten"i JIIIllida, com"bu tltlObu loragil 1NJlidu fib acutu; fIffIln glaNr, , .. carilla, .... ,piY c_ ""diu a"'"9'"te; _6raaa cirur ••

Testaceous, broad, nearly oval, rougbly punctured. Head mostly 8mootb; middle lobe extending very litLle beyond tbe lateral lobes. Rostrum extending to tbe bind coxm; tip blnck. Antennm slender, about half tbe lengtb of the body; first joint extending beyolJd the frout of tbe head; second as long as the thitd. Tborax with a smooth band in front, aud with a slender paler .tripe; bind angles forming two long stout hardly acute directly diverging borns. Pectoral keel well developed. Abdomen beneath smooth, Bligbtly keeled; spine extending to tbe middle COXIB. Legs ratber Blender. M.embrane of the fore winga cinereons. Length of the body 3 lines. a. Hind08tan. From Mr. Stevens' collection.

China. 19. ACANTHo8OJU. NIlBILA, q. H. 300 •

. a-t'o Hong Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq.

Australia. 20. ACANTH080lllA NOTATA, C, H. 310.

a. Philippine Isles. From Hr. Cuming's collection.


ACIUlthOlOma (Sastragala) comntllm, Dall4l, TralU. Ell'. Sot'. v. 193. pl. 19, f.6.

Bootan. 22. ACANTH080lllfA LINKAU.

AcsntbOlOma (Sa8tragala) lineatum, Dallal, T,..IU. Bn" &t'. v. 194. BootaD.


PalliM tellIItH, 10ngi-lJIIt"a, wg' PU"CtGtG; C41"'1 ,loRg.'una, gla6""", lobo medio lobo. laterale, p"ptJullo IUpntlIIle; alltellll. pracile., corpori. dimidio lo"giorn; tl&urfU .nee glabn,fGlci. pallse. tellui nigra, .pinil dud ... "igrit atlmualu; 'culellu", macul" fUlCtl m.,.. ginal •• /ift. apiM/tII luteis; tllftln .ubeariytUl, 'Piy COII:GI medial "ltinglft"; ali. anlic. fliltG .ubCOltGl' m9f'd interrupt., membran. pallide cinnea. .

Pale testaceous, elongate-oval, thinly and roughly pllDctured. Head oloppte, IDlootb; middle lobe extending Yerylittle beyond tbe lateral

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lob1'8. Rostnlm extending to tbe bind COSte; tip black. Antennlll slender, a little more tban balf tbe length of the body; first joint extending mucb beyond tbe front of tbe bead; second longer tban tbe third. Thorax mostly smootb in front, wilh a slender black hand between tbe bind angles, wbich form two black long slender directly direrging spines. Soutellum witb a large luteous discal spot, wbicb is sligbtly bordered with brown aud emits a line to tbe tip, tbe latter also luteous. Pectoral keel deep. Abdomen beneath sligbtly keeled; spine extending to tbe middle COXIII. Fore wings with a black irregular inlerrul'ted suboostal stripe; membrane pale oinereous. Length of the body 5j hnes.

Very olosely allied to A. !totata; the spines of the thorax are some­wbat more slender. a. New Guinea. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.


Lull4, elliptic., nignl puncta"'; c.put 10tlgiUlcu/um, lobo m~dio lobo. laterale. paullo luperante; rolt",m /legmmtum wntral. 2um altinger" ; "Rtennee gracillimce, apice nigree, corpore breviOTe.; thora:t: .ubrugultnu., .pini. duabw acut" breris.imi,; ·,cutellum fUlcum, litun, duabUl bar"libw luteU, apice pallide luteo; ftJIter carinatw, .pina brni; "ltR cmtictR "pice, _BtU ni!Jf'fI, c.llo lubco.tali luteo.

Luteous, elliptioal, rougbly punctured, testaoeous beneath; punctures black. Head elongate; the punctures mostly forming two stripes; middle lobe extending a little beyond the lateral lobes. Rostrum extending to tbe bind border of tbe second Yentral segment; tip black. Antennlll very slender, mucb more tbau balf the length of the body; first joint ex­tending muob beyond tbe front of the bead; second mucb longer than tbe tbird; fourth nearly as loug as the third; fifth black exoept at tbe base, sborter than tbe fourth. Thorax less thiokly punctured and sligbtly rugulose in front; hind angles forming two acute fIery Ibort spines. Scutellum brown, pale luteous towards the tip, with a luteou8 mark .on eacb side at tbe base. Pectoral keel exteuding beyoud tbe fure COXIII, deeper near its tip. Abdomeu keeled beueath; spiue short. Legs slender. Fore wiugs black along the exterior part of tbe costa; a subcostal callus near tbe tip; membrane cinereoua. Length of the body 3 lines. a. Tondano. Presented by W. W. Saunden, Esq.

Australia 26. ACANTHOSO .. A LINEA, C. H. 308.

a. Australia. Presented by Sir J. Richardson.


Pallide tliridi-teltacea, elliptica, den.e punctata; caput lnngiuRcu/um, lobo medio lobo. l"terale, perpaullo lupet'ante; 8ntmRtR Tllj_, corporU d;midio non longinre.: tMrall: faBeta antica glabra abbreviuta,jll!lcia pOll;('a p"rpureo-rufa, anguli. p08lici. o/;; venter o('kraceuB, 'piraa eostal portic", atlingl!tlte; altll anti(,tR cos'" "ittuque posti, ... purpureo-ruJis, membrana limpida.

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Pale greenish testaceous, elliptical, thickly punctured. Head elongate; middle lobe extending very little beyond the lateral lobes. Rostrum ex­tending to the hind COXIIl; tip black. Antenna! red, nearly balf tbe lengtb of tbe body; first joint extending beyond tbe front of tbe bead; second as long 8S tbe tbird; fourtb mllcb longer tban the third; firth nearly as long as the fourth. Thorax with a smooth abbrevialed cuned band in front, and with a purplish red band on the hind border; hind angles purplish red, obtuse, hardly prominent. Pectoral keel rather deep. Abdomell ochraceous beneatb except towards tbe tip; spine extending to tbe hind cox Ill. Legs rather short. Fore wings witb a purplish red costa and with a purplish red stripe along the hind border; membrane pellucid. Length (If tbe body 41 lines.

Like A. punctata in structure. II. Adelaide. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. II. Adelaide. F,om Mr. Stevens' collection.


PallitlB wiridi.; antenntll lul!)tll, COf7IOrU dimidio longioret; tlwrru: tran,­""',. IUbimprellu" 'patio /lnterio,., glabro, IIlIcia pOdict.& ocAracet.& t.&bbrniat/l, /lngulil pDltici. rowndatil; ,eutellum apice ocAraceum; JIfIctorU carina bene determinattJ; membrt.&nalll8ce,cente-cinerea, apad t.&nguillm podicum nigro notata.

Pale green, nearly elliptical, rather thinly and roughly punctured. Head rounded in front; lobes of equal length. Rostrum extending to the hind COXlIlj tip black. AntenDle tawny, a little more than half the length of the body; first joint not extending to the front of the bead; second much longer than the third; fourth longer than the second; fifth longer than the fourth. Thorax with a very sligbt transverse imprel'Iion, in front of which there is a smooth space; an abbreviated ochraoeous band near the bind border; hind angles rounded, not prominent. Scutellum ochraceous at the tip. Pectus wiLh a milch developed keel. Taflii tawny. Membrane of the fore wings brownish cinereous, witb a black mark adjoining the hind angle of the corium. Hiud wiugs colourless. Length of the bod1 3 lineL t.&. Australis. From Mr. Damel's collection.

New Zealand. 28. ACANTHOSOMA VITTATA, O. H. 307.

t.&. New Zealand. From Mr. Earl's collection. b. New Zealand.

29. ACANTRosoDu. LUTEA. lutea, u Guill, Re,,_ Zool. 1841, 262. Saudwich Isles.

Country unknown. 30. ACANTHOSOMA PROXIMA, O. H. 303.

a. ---i' Presented by Gen. Hardwicke.

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II. -r

II.--i' 33. EAANTZfnlYOMH HME±k£lY'A, a 3OH,

II. -P From Mr. Children's collection.


II. --- i' Presented by Gen. Hardwicke.


II. --- i' Presented by Gen. Hardwicke.

36. AOANTH0801lU LlEVICORNIS, O. H. 31 J. !!!=C. ~ PreIITIlted Gen, llar£7,I?Zo,ke.

37. ACA~THOBOMA PIOIOOLOB. A,lIicolzwo 801£<, Cat. Hem.

Genus 54. BEBlEUS, C. H.312. L T£BBEHH PUZfnTIPElY, O. T12.

II. Columbia. From M. GoudoL's collection. VenlIlInela, Fro+ili£ l11r. Dl1£oo'£ n,zlIectff'£I. ColnwOia. l'resenzzod by .V. W. ffaunlers, T,'q.

d, e. Venezuela. From Mr. Birschell's collection.

Genus 55. IIOF.ffllANl1EGGIELLA. Holfmanseggiella, Sff;nola,

£7IFI,nata, Spin, Java.


2, II OrFITIl,INSETIlTIlIELLlI <5VBTIlIlYPINA, cllrlispina, Stal, Stett. Ent. Zeit. xxii. 144. Java.

GennIF 56. SVOSLITU8. Evoplitu8, Am. et Servo Hem. 153.

SKveliK§ Iacioi<5IUS, f. ,05,1£7£7,


1. EVOPLITVS LACINIATUB. 340 ll,z,8£h.


V. pL £80,




Genus 57. SERDIA. 2i,,"

SEiliHA Ai%ii%ICOikikiS. apicicorois, Stal, Rio. Jan. Hem. 25. Rii% Jaoeiiik,

SE i% EHA ii A LLIGA iiA.

callig'Ara, Stal, Rio Jan, Hem. 26, Rii% gaoeim.

3. SEBDIA LIMBUIPENNIS. limJiktipeikikAs, Rio Janeiro.

SEAmA IAEiikEBS£PPS. inspersipes, Stal, Rio Jan. Hem. 26. RiP JaneiAA,

Genus 58. TIBILIS. 2ft


8U"'EiOO,SpeOiO, StAll Rio 27" Rio Janeiro.

€)onus Lopadusa, Stal, Eug. Re.a, 25.


aUtAA, Bug, ReBa i

Rio Janeiro.

GenUi 60. BBNASA. Banasa, Sial, Rio J.n. Hem. 2,l.

1. tliNA.SA iziDVUik" induta, Sial, Rio Jan. Hem. 24. Ri,} tuneim,


Rio Janeiro.


Jaii, Hem, g4.

GikPikS 61, ACRAgTERNUlL Acrosteruum, Pieb. Hem. 331.




Heegeri, Fie". Hem.. 331. South Europe.

Genus 62. VITELLUS. Vitellus, Sial, 4. S. B. F. 4_ Sft". Y. 170.


It may perhaps be united with C/UpKou, or may include some of the AustralasiaD species of that genuL


insularil, Sial, A. S. B. F. 4_ Sft". Y. 170. Fiji Islea.


Bh1Dchocoris aust.ra1i~, Mtrz. A. S. B. F. 4_ Sft". i.66-Vitellal aaalralil, 81tll, A. S. B. F. 4-.r 8ft". Y. 171.


Bhynchocoril puurena, Mtrz. A. S. B. F. 4_ Sft". i. 66-Vitellus puugens, SttJ, A. S. B. F. 4_ Ser. Y. 172.


pugionatus, SItlI, A. 8. B. F. 4_ Sft". Y. 171. Aru.


mucrouatus, Stal, A. S. B. F. 4_ Sft". Y. 171. North Australia.

Genus 63. POBIPTUS. Poriptus, Slal.


Poriptus (Buceroc:oris) excelleDs, Mallr, VerA. zoot. Bot. GII'ell. W"ae •• . Xyi.363.


Geuus 64. DlTOMOTARSUS. Ditomotarsus, Spin.


geniculatus, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 4me SeT. iii. 5-19, pI. 12, r. 14. Chili.


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Genus 65. NOPALIS. Nflpalis, Sign. Al?fLSoc. S"Tt. Fr, SeT', 55L


TmzcatUf, Sign. Chili.

Soc, Ff, 4me Sf" m. 551 12, ,5.

Genus 66. SINOPLA. At&TT, Soc. Nnt. Fr, &t, 554,


gTlC¥pUnc41Z", Sign, fann.

Chili. Ent iiL pl.

n4lsoleta, Sign. Uhili.


Soc, Nft. Ff, Ser, 554, 12,

t4l'fnus PLANOJS.

S'l"nois, Af&TT, SOt,OTlt. Fn, &f, Hi. 551

?>imacul"'f Chili.

rUllOSUS, 4lig.,.. A, Chili.


pffna, Chili.


Ann. En" Nr. 4mf 4ler. iii, is?>I, pI,


E. 'Ame LANOOJS, iii. 5;l4,

LAN ll'ZU RUt l'lfDS.

E. ,Erne Sijt, Hi. 5?>?>, 12, 18.

Genur VelIz. Zooz.Sot. Ges. Wien. xiv. 9I££.


Bo" Oes. Witl?'. xiv.

L PLACl}lf(lRIB nlfTDIB.

Vrrl" Zoot, GTlll, Wien, 914, Brazill

71. COPEOCORIS, Bllt, {resell, Nien. 363.




abacissu~, Mayr, VnA. Z601. Bot. Gesell. Wien. xvi. 363. Brazil.

Genus 72. EURYASPIS. Euryaspis, Sip.


Signoreti. Stal. 01'. Vet. K. Ak. For". 1856, 183. Senegal.

traDIYeraa)is, Sig •• Hindostan.


Genus 73. ASYLA.


. Corpus eUipticum. Caput magnum, antice rotundatum, lateribus subreftexis, lobla lateraJibus lobum medium·ex parle tegentibus. Rostrum aegmeuti ventralis 2i marginem posticum fere auingens. Anteoore graeiles. Thorax angulis aoticia acutis, lateribus aodcis serratis, coroubus duobus posticis abbreviatis rectaogulatis. Pectus ,il, carillatum. Abdomen con­cavum, lateribus subdentatis. l>edes loogiuscuJi, sat graciles; tibim su1-catm; tarsi triarticulati. <ltlembrana alarom· anticarum venis quinqufl longitudinaUbuI, Ia furcata. .

Body elliptical. Head large, mucb rounded in front; sides sligbtly reftexed; laterallohes liS long as the middle lobe, wbich they partly over­lap. Rostrum extending nearly to tbe bind border of the second veotral segmeot. Antennre slender; first joint not extendiog to the front of the head; second much shorter than tbe third. Thorax serrnted on each side in froot; Core angles acute; bind augles dilated, forming two short rect­augullir hor~s. Scutellum rather small. Pectus with a very sli"ht keel. Abdomeo somewhat concave abo\"e, slightly dentate aloog each side. Legs rather loog aud slender; tibim furrowed; tarsi three-jointed. Membraoe of the fore wioga with five longitudinul veins, of which tbe subcostal one is forked.

It is most allied to Galedanta and to BlUchi.tu •• from botb which genera it may be distioguished by the structure oC the head.


FIIltIG, 8cite nigricante punctata, 8ubtus tes/acta /ert'ugineo· consper.a ; rostrum apice nigrum; antennal Rigral; thtJrQt/C anticus "ge punc­tatus; IcuteUum apud angulus Antico. e.:r:catIGwm; tarsi/ulti; mem-brana lurido-cinet"ea. .

Tawny, minutely and ratber thinly punctured; punctures blackish; under side testaceous, fel"ruginous-speckled. llostrum with a bluck tip. Anteoore black. Thurax most thinly punctured iu front. ScutellulD lJIuch

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elcaYated at eacb rOle Inltle. Tarsi brown. Membrane or tbe rore winp lurid-cinereooa. Bind wings cinereoas. Length or the body.lO lines. II. H indOlltan. From Mr. Slcvenl' collection.

Genu 74. CANOCA. Corpullongi-ovatnm. CIiPUt anlice rotundatum; lobi equa1es. Bos­

trom CODS poslicas altingens. Anlenu. gtaciles, corporis dimidio nOlI longiores; articulu 1 us frontem non attingeol. Tborax lateribus aoticia serratil, cornubus duobus deftexis latis troneatis. Pectus BubcarillalnlD. Abdomen apiee dentatum. Pedes aat ... lidi; tarsi lriarlieulali. AlII! InticlB membrlna ,enis plurimis longitudinalibus in8trocta.

Body elonpte-uvll. Bead ronnded in front; lobes or equal length. Bostrom extenaing to the bind cox.. Aulenne alender, abuut balf tbe length of the budy; Irst joint nol extending to tbe rront of the bead; tbird longer thin the IICCOnd, mucb sborter lban tbe fourth. Thorax serrated along eacb side in front; bind angles forming two bl'O!ld truncated directly diverging borns. Pectus witb I sballow keel. Abdomen dentate at the tip. Legs moderatelYlLtout; tarsi three-jointed. Membrane of the lore winga with numerou longitudinal veina, some of wbkb are forked.

MOlt allied to BIIII:1"tUI, from which it ma1 be distingui~hed by the Itroeture or tbe thorax and b1the keeled paetoa.

1. C.NAOA •• aUPTA.

FullltJ! rude tliridi puc"''', rubtul ltAt~/I I tloru antiCff _g' puncta"" I 4l1domin" doT"'''' ,ordidll rufu", i membrana lurido-cinerea..

Tawny, rougbly punctured, luleou be.neatb; punctures moslly green. Boetnlm with D black tip. Tborax less thickly puuctured in front. Ahdo­men above dull red. Membraue or tbe fore winga lurid-cinereoua. Hind wings dark einereous; veina tawny. Lengtb 01 Lbe body 71 lines. II. Goalemala. From Hr. Deb,'. collection.

Genus 76. SALA. Corpu subelliplienm, conYelum, BciLissime punctalnm. Caput mag­

num, tbonce paullo longiu~, lateribus aubrefiexis, lobo medio loboa late­rales PIIUUO luperante-. Rostrum sellmeDtum venLrale 2um altiDgenB. Anlenne gracillim., corporis dimidio longiore.. Tborax angulis pOllice yalde roluDdaLis. Seu~llum 10Dgum, apice rolundatum. Pedes loagiu .. euli, lilt graeiles; tibie sulcale; tani triarticulaLi. Ale aUliee palve. abdominia apicem non attingenLea.

Body Dearly elliptical, convex, very finely punclured. Bead large, elongate, a little longer tban tbe tbons i sides very alighl11 reftexed; middle lobe eltendini a little beyond tbe lateral lobes. BOstrom ex­tending to tbe fore part or the aecond veDtnl legmenL AnteDnll!' 'lery alender, more tban balr tbe length or tbe hody i Int joint not exlending to tbe front of the bead; lbird IODlfer tban tbe secoDd, aborter tban tbe rourth; Il'Ib mucb Bborler tban tbe fourth. Tborax transversely aud VelY slightly impressed i biud angles muob rounded, not prominent.

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SwteUum 10nR', rounded at the tip. Legs ratber long and slender; tibie furrowed; tarsi three-jointed. Fore wings rather small; membrane with longitudinal veins, not extending to the tip of the abdomen.

The large head and other characters sufficiently distinguish this genus Crom EySIWco";'.


RuJa aut fligra, .u6tlU flam aut viridu; CIIput vintii 6itJittatum; t"ora:x: flaflO marginatlU, univittatu. lit waijaciatua; ,euteltum flafJO trivit­tatum; peetlU rllJo plagiatum; venter vitti. dudu, dentati, facii.­que tribu. abbretJillli. nigru; pedtl nigri, jen,oribua teslaceu apice nig";'; altll antictII margine int~rrupto vittaque abbrelliuta Juacis, membranaJuaca cinereo marginata.

Red or black, yellow or pale grecn beneath. Head black, with two pale green stripes above aud beneath. Rostrum black; its sheatbs pale green towards tbe base. Antenne black. Thorax bordered with pale yel­low; a stripe and a band of the same hue. Scutellum with three pale yellow stlipes, which are connected at the tip. Pectlls with three red patches on each side. Abdomen beneath with a black deutate stripe on each side and with three short black bands. Legs black; COXIII alld femora testaceous, the latter with black tips. Fore wings with an abbreviated yel­low stripe and with a yellow border, which is interrupted on the hind side and is dilated at the tip; membrane brown, bordered with cinereous. Length of the body 5-5llines. CI, 6. E. Africa. Presented by Earl Russell.

Genus 76. BOEA. Corpus ellipticum, breve, latum, punclatum. Caput parvutn, snbtri­

gonum; latera reftexa. Oculi prominnli. Rostrum coxas medias aUingens. Antennm quadriarticulatm, gracillimE, corporis dimidio IOllgiores; articu_ lus IllS frontem attingens. Tboracis angUli postiei valde rotllndati. Pectus DOP carinatum. Abdomen spina nulla ventrali. Pedes graciles j tarsi triarticula ti. .

Body elliptical, short, broad, finely JlUnctured. Head small, lIearly triangular; sides reftexed. Eyes prominent. Ocelli nearer to the eyel than to each other. Rostrum extending til the midtile COIE. Antennlll four-juinted, very slender, more than half the length of tbe body; lirst joiut extending to the frollt of the head; third shorter tban the second, 10llger tban the fuurth. Hind angles or tbe tborax much rounded, not prominent. Scutellum of the IIsual form. Pectus not keeled. Abdomen with no spine. Legs slender; tarsi tbree-jointed. Membrane of the fure wings with lon­gitudinal veins.

Type B. purpuracm,. ~bis genus has most affinity to Strac"itl.


Fult:a, ",btll' pallide .flu va. ; caput luteuln; t"orall: dense punctatua, lutto marginatus, lateribua rejlexi.; scutellum 'Ubattenuatu,"; alfll II"tiCfII purpuTlUcelltell; membranll cinerea.

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Tlu,ny, smooll. and pale yellow beneatb. Head luteous, smooth. AntennlB luteous; tips of tbe second and tbird joillta black. Tborax tbickly punctured, luteou! and smoutb alo.llg eacb side, wbicb is relined. Scutellum slightly allenuated towards tbe lip. Abdomen broader tban the fore wings. Legs pale testaceous. Fore \\·iugs purplisb, less tbickly PQnc­tured in tbe disk; membrane cinereous. Lengtb of tbe body 31 lines. a. Amazon Regiun. From Mr. Bates' collection.


Trstace4, wge punclata, .ublu. Jlallide }lava; caput gl4brum, disco IlIb­orAraceo; antl'rlntll nigrll. basi testarell; thuraz IranSfleTse impreutu, postire ,ubochrareuI; scutellum apire laliusculum rotundatum, marula Bubapit'lIli purpurea; altll a"lictll corii margine apicali purpurtO, membrana pallide rinerea.

Testsceons, very tbinly punctured, pale yellow beneatb. Head smooth, sligbtly ocbraceous in tbe disk. ADtennlB black; first joint tes­taceous. Tborax transnrsel,. impressed on eacb side; bind part some­wbat ochrRceous. Scutellum rounded Bod rather broad at tbe tip, witb a purple subapical spot. Fore wings purllle about tbe outer border; mem­brane pale cinereuus. Length of the body allines. a. Amazon Region. From Mr. Bates' collection.


Ocllrat!l'4, wge pundota; raput vitta pllrpurta pastica dilatata; antenntll nigrtll; tAoraz purpureo bimaculatu.; .cutellum purpICreo biBtri­gatum; femora apire tibitlllJue purpurea; a/tll antiL'tII purpurell, baai costaqlUl ol'Ararei., membrana purpurea limpido late marginata.

Ocbraceous, very tbinly punctured. Head contracted in front, witb a purple stripe, wbicb is dilated bindward and occupies tbe "bole space between tbe eyes. AntenDIB black; first joint luteous at tbe base. Thorax witb two large purple spots wbich join the bind border and are separated by a slender stripe and are rounded on tbe outer side. Scutellum with two purple marginal streaks wbich are parallel to each other except towards tbe base, where they diverge. Femora purple towards the tips; tibilB purple; fore tibilB with ocbraceous til's; tarsi purple above at tbe base. Fore wings purple,ocbraceous at the base and along tbe costa; membrane purple, with a broad colourless border. Length of tbe body 4 Iioes. a, b. Ega. FrOID Mr. Bates' collection.

Genus 77. LELIA.

Corpus latom, subellipticum. Caput rotundalum; lobi IBquales. Rostrum cusas posticas attingeus. Antenme corporis dimidio bre\'iores; articulus lUI frontem non altingens. Thorax lateribus anticis serratis, comubul duobus porreetis latissilDis rectangulatis. Sculellum apice sub­aUenuatum. Pectus vilt carina tum. Spina ventralis cosas medias lupernns. Pedes sat gruciles; tibilB sulcalle; tarsi triarticulati.

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Body ample, nearly elliptical. Head rOllnded in front; lobes of equal length. Rostrum extending to Ihe hind COXIC. Anlennre little more Iban one-third of the length of the body; first joint nol extt'nding to the front of the bead; second much shorter than lhe third; COlilth almost-as long as the third. Thorax with the sides serrated in front; hind angles forming two porrect rectangular very broad horns. Scutellum slightly atlenuated towards the tip. Pectus with a very slight kcel. Abdomen not keeled; ventral spine stout, extending to the middle space between Ihe fore coxre and the middle COIle. Legs moderately long aud slender; tibilll furrowed j

tarsi three-jointed. Membrane of the fore wings with longitudinal veins. This genus is most allied to Prionaea, from which it may be dis­

tinguished by the structure of the thorax and by the long ventral spine.


FWfItJ, dense punctata, .ubtm lutea; rostrum apiee nigrum; antennOl apices 1Ier8U' nigrOl; tAora:t: gulli. quatuor antieu, lateribus anticis serroti.; .cu,eUum nigro quadrigultatum et bipunetatum; peetu. nigro punctatumj tarsi antel-iore$ nigri; membrana cinerea.

Tawny, thickly punctured, luteoul beneath. Rostrum witb a black tip. Fourth and fifth joints C1C tbe antennle black, tIle former tawny at th~ base. Thorax with Cour black dots in a trans,·erse line; a cun-ed smooth mark on each side nearer the fore border; serrated sides testaceous. Scutellum with a black dot on each side at the base and with a smaller black dot on each side in the disk; R black point near each fore angle. Pectus with a few black points. Anterior tarsi black. Membrane of the fore wings cinereous. Length of the body 9 lines. a. Japan. From Mr. Stevens' collection.

Genus 78. UClA. Corpus ovatum, rude pnnetatum. Caput antice subquadratum, lobis

lateralibus lobum medium superantibus anlice connexis. Rostrum coxas posticas aUingens. Antenme clavatre, corporis triente breviores; articulus IU8 frontem non attingens; 2us 30 longior; 5us 40 brevior. Thorax trans­verse subimpressus, cOrDubns duohus lateralibus lruncatis, laminis duabus anticis rotundatis. Pectus non carinatum. Spina ventralis caput attingens. Pedes breves, robusti; tarsi biarticulati.

Body oval, roughly punctured. Head subquadrale in front; lateral lobea conniving beyond the middle lobe. Rostrum extending to the hind COXIil. Antennlll clavatt', less than one-third of the lellgth or the body; first joint not extending to the frout of the head j second "longer than the third; fourtll as' long as the third; fifth a little shorter. Thorax slijlbtly and transversely impressed; hind angles forming two truncate horns wbich have slightly rellexed borders; a thin rounded oblique horn 011 each side in front. Scutellum short, rounded at the tip. Pectus not keeled. Ventral spine stout, extending to the head. Legs sborl, stout; tarsi two-jointed. Membrane of the fore wings with five longitudinal veins, of which the second is forked and joined by a transverse vein with ~he first.

This genns is distinguisbed from Duadicu8 by the structure of the antennle and by the truncate horns oC the thorax ..

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T"t4/."j'IJ. f"'eo pUNelala; aHtmNGB pallidl! te,'aIYGB; tAora:. plq. jlUJ!(j luteo binotata: ,euttliulN j".eum, gutti. dll4bu. lHu.li6 .. lituraqae apicali e!J4tlaiJormi flam; peellll witt;' duabtu jlllci. let;' j(a1lO flotati.; wNter ju.eo quadril"agiattu: pede. fUleo f .. ciati; eilll!Tta. rtriga ,ubcodali _i'que fa.cU.

Testaceous; punctures brown. Antenme pale testaceous. Thorax with two luteous calli in the disk, tbe smaller one in Crunt oC the larger one, botb included iu a brown patch; homs with black ridges. Scutellum brown; a ,ellow dot 00 each aide at tbe base, and a cyalhiCorm yellow apical mark. PectUI on each aide witb a broad brown Ilripe which includes tbree ,ellow calli. Abdomen beneath with two brown patches on each side. Femora with an irregular brown band, which il sometimes obr.olete in the fore femora; tibim and tarsi with two brown bands, wbioh are sometimes indistinct. Membrane of the fore wiogs cinereons, with a brown subcostal streak and with brown veinl. Length oC the body 21 lines. Go Australia. From Mr. Damel's collection.

Genus 79. ARADUCTA. Corpus Cusiforme, fere glabrom. Caput breve, latum, transverse

strialum, lobia requalibus. Rostrum coxas medias attingenl. AntenntB Ilraciles, corporis dimidio non longiorell; articulul 1 us C .. outem attingens. Thorax angulis poslicis rotunda tis. Scutellum aUenualum. Pectoris carina COlliS anticus aUingens. Abdomen elongatum; spina' ventralis CODS medias atlingens. Pedes graciles; tarsi triarticulati.

Body fusiform, verJ slightly punctured. Head short, broad, trans­versel, striated, rounded in Cront; lobes of eqnal length; middle lobe very narrow. Rostrum slender, extending to the middle coxm. Antennm slender, about halC the length of tbe body; Orst joint extending to the Cront oC the head; 'tbird longer than the second, shorter than the fourth; fifth a little ahorter than the Courth. Thorax slightly impressed on each side in Cront ; hind angles roundllCl, not prominent. Scutellum attenuated towards the tip. Pectoral keel distinct, extending to the Core coxe. Abdomen more lhan twice the lenllth oC the thorax ; yentralspine extending to tlae middle oollm. Lega Ilender; tarsi three-join&ed. llembrane oC the Core wings with nine longitudinal veins. .

The mucture oC this genus luflicientl1 distinguishes it from Ctupi­COIIII.


Nig ... , nitem; caput IIIItilY tntaceo mlltpinatum; liaora: 1116-m4rginatUl; carit14 pectoral;' et lpina _tra';, t~'talYGB: 41GB alice ""ga lata tt~ta("eat membrana ci1lml4; pede. tedam.

Black, shinin"" Yery thinly punctured. Head testaceous-bordered in Cront. Rostrum testaceous; tip blacki5h. Thorax with a slender testaceous

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line along the middle part of the fore border and alnng each side. Pectoral keel, ventral spine and legs pale test.aceuus. Fore wings with a broad irregular pale testaceous st.reak in the dill!;.; membraue cinereuus. Length of the body 51-6 lines •

•• Aru. Presented by W. W. Saundel'll, Esq. 6, c. New Guinea. Presented by W. W. Sauuders, Esq.

Genus SO. EALDA.

Curpoa longi-ovatum. Caplit productum; lobi equales. Rostrum validum, coxas pustieas attingens, Antenllle graciles, corpuris dimidio vix llreviores; articulus lUI capitis frontem Don attingens. Tborax antice glaber; spine laterales craSSlll, acute, longissilne, Scu­tellum apice attenuatum. Pectoris carina sulcata. Abdumen apice bispinosum; spina Yentralis CODI post.icas aLtingens. Pedes graciles; tarai tri:rticulati. , , ,

Body elongate-oval. Head elongale; lohes of equallenglh. Rostrum slont, estending to the hind cose, received between the fore cuxe and the bind coze in the groove ~r the double pectoral keel. Antenne slender, nearly balf tbe lengtb of tbe body; first joint not eztending to tbe front oC tbe bead; second mnch longer tban t.he tbird; foW'th a little longer tbaD tbe tbird; liftb sborter tblln tbe fonrlh. Tborax mustly smootb in front; bind angles forming two acute very long and stout sligblly ascending' spines. Scutellum attenuated lowards ,tbe tip. Pectus with a double keel, wbich extends from fure cose to the bind cose. Abdomen with twu longstont acute apicallpiDes; ventral spine extending to the bind cose. Legs slender; tarsi tbree-j.,inted.

In tbe douhle pectoral keel this genos agrees with Diploltir., from which it dUr.:n widely in ,other characten., ,


TelllIMr, ruck fUICO; CIIpllt fligriCllntl-"iridi g_rifucilltu".; tIlIlnlnlll nigro t';f"'n.",; t1llYr1l1ll fll'co nebulonu, tpatio .ntico trll1lnerlO g/llbro, ,pinil nigricllntibUl .pice rufel_tibUl; ,cut,llll". nigricon,. uniplugilltUJII; perlUl a,;d, plsgictuJl&; water .nridi 6ivitllltUl; mBJIIbriutll .n-fUN.

Testaceou8, roughly_ punctured; pllnctures brllwn. Head with four blackish green stripes. Third, fourth and fiflh joints of the antenne black towards the tips. Tborax slightly clouded with brown, with a smoolh transverse space in front; spines blackish, reddish towards the tips. Scutellum with a blackisb palcb on tbe fore horder. Pectus with lome metallic-green patcbes. Abdomen beneath with two very irregular green IItripes. .Membrane of tbe fure "'ings eneous-brown. Leugtb of tbe body 611in88.

11,6. New Caledonia. From Ab. M'acgilliyray'8 collection.


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Genus 81. BALSA. Corpus fusirurme, dense punctatllln. Caput lanceolatum; 10biIaterales

lobum medium longe superautes, apice dj,juncti. Rostrum coxas pusticas atlingens. Antennlll graciles. Thorax lateribus anticis crenatill, anguli! posticis subobtusis.. Scutellum altenulltulll. Pectus vix carinatum. Pedes gracillimi, 10llgiu~culi j tibim sulclltlll; tarsi tritll'ticulati.

Body fusiform, thickly and minutely punctul'ed. Hend Inllceolale; Interallubes extending nry much beyolltl the middle lobe, separate at the tips. Rostrum extending to the h.ind coxa!. Antenna! slender; first joint much shorter Ihan the Bnterior purt of the head. Thorax with the sides crenated in front; hind angles slightly obtuse and prominent. Scutellum attenuated towards the tip. Pectoral keel extremely slight. Legs very ,lender, rather long; tibi;e furruwcd; tarsi three·jointed.

It has most affinity to ArlK:liul, from which it is 8Ufficie~tly dis-tinguished by the want of a ventral spine. .


Ttllacea; Ctl7'ul lituri, duabw poltici, glabrlt; tADratIJ lateribu, antici, nigril, litu,;, duabul posticil glab,;, arcuatis; lcutellum basi nigro bipunt'tatum; fJt!nter "itta macular. nigra; femora tligro mbcon­'P1If'.a; membrana limpida.

Testaceous, paler beneath. Head with a smooth space on each side or the hind border. Rostrum with a black tip. Thorax with a curved smooth mark on each side or tbe llind border; sides black in front. Scu­tel\lIIn wilh a black point on each side at the base. Abdomen beneath with a stripe of black spots. Femora slightly speckled with black. :Mem­brape, or the Core wings pellucid. Length of the body 6. linel. a. North China. Frow :Mr. Fortune's collection.

Fam.13, UROSTYLID..E, C.ll. 313. Genus 1. UROCHELA, C. H.313.

1. UnocBELA BItlA.CULATA, C. B. 313. a. N. Hindostan. From Capt. Boys' collection.

2. UnOCHELA. OBSCURA, C. H. 314. a, b. Hindostan. From Mr. Childreu's collection. ~. ---? Presented by Gen. Hurdwicke. f-i.--?


quallripunctata, Dalla .• , Trans. Ent. Soc. New 8er. i. 3, pI. 2, f. I. Hindostan.

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PulN, longi.ellipti('a, Vtr!Je punct/Jta, punctil IU8eU /Jut nigril; caput nigro unimacvlatum; ,.ollrul1l '!'gmentum wntrale 3u", Illting,n. ; Ilnlenn« nigTIlI, CQrpori. dil1lidio longiore.. articulo 60 rufe,cente apice pieeo; thlJTa:.r: villi. quatuoT indeterminatil lateribwque IUb­refle:r:iI nigri.; .c"tellum nigro biguttatum et bivietatu",; peetw et wnteT e punctil nigris quadrivittata; allll anticlll nigro bigutl4l«, membrana lurido.cinerta.

Tawny, elongate-elliptical, tbioly punctured, a little paler beneath; punctures ~rown or black. Head with a black spot on the hind border; middle lobe conieal, extending much beyond the lateral lubes. Rostrum extending nearly to the hind border of the tbird I"entral segment; tip black. Antennm hlack, more thall hair the length of the hody; firstjoinc extending mucb beyond the front of the hend; second as 10llg as Ihe lirst; third about Ilnlf the length of the second; fuurth a little shurler thlln the second; fir.h reddisb, Iliceous towards the tip, a little shorlcr tban the fourth. Thorax with four incomplete and irregulnr blllck stripes and with hlack slightly reftt'xed "ides. Sculellum with two broad bll.lck slripes, and witb a IIlack dot UII eacb fure angle. Pectus and under side or abdomen with four rows of bla(:k poiuts. Fore wings with two black dots, one in the disk and one on tbe middle of the outer border; membrane lurid-ciuereous. Length of tbe budy 6 lines.

The middle lobe of Ihe head is more prominent than that of U. bima­eulata, and tbe fil'l;t joint of the antennle is more slender. a, b. Hindostan. From Mr. Slevens' collection.

Genus 2. UROSTYLlS, O. H. 315. 1. UROSTYLIS I'DNOTIGEU, C. II. 316.

a. -!' P.reseDted by Gen. Hardwieke. 6,c. ---i'

2. UaOSTYJ.lS GRACILIS, C. H.316. G. N. Hindostan. From C,lpt. Boys' colleclion.

3. UBOSTYLIS PALLIDA, C. H. 316. a. N. Hindi)stan. From Cllpt. B"ys' collection.


filU'oannulata, Sial, Of". al Kongl. Vet. Ac. l!'orA. 1834, ~33; Stell. B,It. Zeit. xix. 178.

Siberia. 6. URosn·Lls HISTKIOliICA.

bititrionica, H"Jle, Oal. Ilem. 46 •. H intlostllD.

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DOlulata, Dalla •• TI'II". ER'. Sor. N_ SIr. ii. )6. Hindustau.


Pallid. ~,'_"';ridil, /"'if_i" Ki'i __ l'"nr"., rIM'n"" t"fICU a"lira ",,11110 IfIpnt''''; a""'''1II rortJOrtl Ron brmor", .rtit"tflo 10 nigro-fliUatn, 30 4nq1l. apiet: nign.; tAora lauri6", orAI'IIM. ,"b­rrjlr:ri.; .bdom.,. ocAract:O margifl(Jtllm; a/lll a,,'irlll aplld l"OIltuJa nigra rofllpn'ltll, rolta IHui orAl'llct:O, meJRb"".. limpida.

Pale lestaceons-green, fUliform, very finely punctured. Head sman. Rostl'um extending a lillIe beyond the fore COSIII; tip black. Auteonlll slender, as long althe body; firatjoint al 10nR' as tbe tboras, striped wtah black on the outer side; !;econd longer than the lint; third nearly balf the length of the secolld, sometimes black at the tip; fourth black' at tile tip, milch longer than tbe third. Sides of the tborax ochraceous, 8Jillhlly rellesed. Abdomen witlt an ochraecou border. Legs rather slender. Fore wings minutely speckled with black alool{ the COIta, which is ocbraccou ... ar.dl the base j membrane peUucid. Length of the body 6 lilies. 11,6. N. China. Fl'Om Mr. Fortune'. collection.


Pruina, /un/ormil, rlld. I'II"ctalll, allb'lIl '.,'a«lI; ("II",,' o('Ara«um; ro,'ru.1I COrll'" m.ditu -.,.r. aUingeru; ,Aora 'ran IlIUM imp,.,IUI, 'atmb". ocAmm. ',u6rrjk:ril; Ict&tellum «Al'llmm; memhl'llRa limpida,/lUco bil'rig.ta.

Gra88-green, fUliform, rather tbinly and TOughl, punctured, lfttaceou beneath. H elld alloye ochraceous. Boslnlm extending nearly to the middle cosre; tip black. First joint of the antellnm almost aI long as the thorax. Thorax ocbraceous and sJillhtly reOexed along eaeb side and alontr the fore border, neRr wbich there il a sligbt transverse impression. Scutellum ocbrac:eou,. Legs slender. Membrane of the fore wings pellucid, with twu browu streaks. Length of the body 6lJinCB. . II. Shanghai. From Mr. Fortune's collection.

9. UaosTnls LVGOIDE8.

T8IIII«",/,,,i/ormil, dmle 1'"R(,'IIIII; rollNlm COrllal 1I",irll' paullo '''I¥­ran.; anUranlll gmcillimlll, corl'on lo"gionl; tAoraa: lu/erib", IIIb­rejl"zi.; pnllll lo"gi, gracil ••• tibiil antici. al'ice lubdila'a'iI; IIltII ."tirlll gutta postica nigr", membrana limpida.

THtaeeouF, fusiform, thickly punctured. Rostrum extending a little beyond the fore COXIe; tip black. Antellnlll ,"ery slender, somewbat lODger tban the body; first joint a little lonlter lhan the thorax; second almost BS

long as the lirat; tbird more thall half the length of the second; fuurtb a little longer thllu the second; fifth shorlllr than the fOllrth. Thorax with the sides slightly reBned. SClltellum with an ochraceolls callus on ach aide at tbe blll;e. Legs long, slender; fore tibi. tiliglldy diluted at the

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tips. Fure wings with a black dot on tile binder base of lhe ml'mbrane, which. is pellucid. Length of tbe body I) lines.

a. Celebes. From Mr. Wallace's collection.


T""otN, juri/ormi., IIlbtUi,rime 1'un('totll; ro"rum ('01;0' antit'u .upe­. ran,; IIntennw InCtle, corpore Ilia: bretliore., IIrtit'u[i. 10 209ue te.­

taM', 40 IHrri paUide tt.taceo; mllr;. abdomen cornu llpir:ali. IlInceo­lato bilpinolo; membraNa ju.cucente-cin,.,.ea.

Testaceous, fusiform, very finely punctured. Head very small. Ros­trum extending to half the .pace between the fore COXIe and the middle CUll Ie ; tip blal'k. Antennle nearly as long as the body j first joint almost as long as tbe thorax j second mllcb longer tban tbe first; third piceous, a little more thall half the length of tbe second j fourth and firth piceous, I'ale tes­taceOU8 towards lhe base j fourth a liltle shorter tban tbe second j fifth milch sburter tban tbe fourth. Tborax witb a ,'ery slight Irannerse im­l'ression; sides 'fen s1igbtly reOelled. Abdomen with large apical appendages; tbe upper segment lanceolate, armed beneath witb two "pines. Membrane of \be fore wings brownisb cinereuuL Length of tbe body 4llines.

The sborter anlennle distinguish it from H. lygoid".

a. Silhet. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq.


Te.taceo-wiridil,ju,ijormil, IUbtilil.ime pu.nctata, .ubl1l. tnt"cta; r",lrum cnz". flledi". jere ottingen.; antennle ('orpa1'l1 paul/o longiort!l, IIrt,­t:tllo 30 nigro, 40 nigricante buS pallide tllltaCeo; ,t:tltellum calli. duobul b",lIlibu. apirrque o('/arat'lJil; maTi. abdomen api« qudri­,pinoluI"; aile anti(,1e pallide "'ride., membrana [urido-rinerell.

TeslBceous-green, fusiform, very finely punctured, teslaceous beneath. Bead small. Rostrum extending almost to lbe middle COllie; tip black. Antennle a lillie longer than lhe body j first joint a little lon"er tban the thorax; second as long as the first j third black, about half lIie length of the second; fourth blackish, pale testaceou8 at the bue. a lillie lunger than the second. Thorax with a very slight transverse impression; sides bardly reOexed. Scutellum ochraceous towards the tip and with an ochraceous callus on each side at tbe base. Ahdomen of the male with very large apical appendages; Ul'O long stout sligbtly ascending spines, above which there are two Iiltle s)lines. Fore wings pale green ; membrane lurid·cinereous. Length or the budy 31- lineL

It bas most affinity to U.jumigatll, from which it is distingnished by the 10llger and more slender basal joint uf the antennle and by the calli on the scutellum. .

II. Birmab. Frllm Mrs. Waring's collection.

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. Te"ll~a, longi-elliptica, mbtiliter jnsco pUlidata; ro81rllm coza, anticu lupera'I.; antenhfl! (!flrPOT/! n",a bTeuiore., articulo 20 nigro lxui tes­laceo, 3 .. 4'IIIue nigri" Auja diUlidi" ba,~o{i albit/o, 50 albido apice nigro; tlwru:» d ,culellu,1l li!,toCtO paUitlo, tlnil1iltata: tAora:n late­ribu, pallide testaceis, punctis duobu. marginalibu. nigri. elo,,!/atis ; alta antiM fu,co fVlldrimaculatoJ, memb,.ana lurido-cinerea.

Testaceou8, elongate-elliptical, minutely punctured; punctures brown. Head small. Rostrum extending to half t.he space between tbe fore COXIB and the middle coxe. Antenne pubescent, as long as tbe body; lirstjoinll rather stout. as long as the thorax; second black, testaceous at the base, aa long as tbe first; third black, about half tbe length of the second; fourth black, whitish fur nearly half tbe lellgth from the baRe, "sborter than the second; fiflh whitisb, black towards the tip, shorter than the fourth. Thorax with a pale testaceolls longitudinal line and with a slight trans­yerse impression, pale testaceolls and slightly reflexed 011 each side aod along the fore border; an elongated blilek point. io front of eaeh hiod aug Ie. Scutellum with a pale testaoeous line. Legs moderately long and slender. Fore wings with four small browlI spots; first and seoond costal; first. near tbe base; second at a little before Ibe middle; third in the disk; fourth on tbe middle of the outer bordor; membrane lurid-cinereous •. Length of the body 4-41- lines.

It differs more than all the other species from the typical form of the genus. 4, b. Bindostan. From Mr. Steveos' collection.

Geolls 3. UROLABIDA. C. H. 316. I. UROLoI.BIIIA. TI!NERA., C. H.316.

a. b. ---" P Presented hy Gen. Har.lwicke. c. Biodoetan. From Mr. Sle~eos' collection.


Typhlocoris semicircularis, H.-Sela. Wanz. In,. v. 79, pl. 170, f.525.

OcAracea, fud/ormi" Icitil8ime punctata; rostrum cnzu medi .. fen allingen.; an teRRill ni.qricanle,; corpore l1i:ll breviore" articldo 10 rufe,cente: tAora:ll viridi triplagiattll, lateribu. ,ubr~e:lli.; tibi4 antielll apice nigrfl! •• ubdili/tatlll; tarsi anti,-i basi nigri; allll anticlIl strigis dtltJblU pallide !Ji,.jdibu" Ilriga costali .atul·tltion, litu", t:llterion nigra, membrana subocAracea. Var. {3. - Antennfl! pallide l1irides. Rigricanle fa,ciallll.

Ochraceous, fusiform, very finely punctored. Head small. Rostrum extendiog nearly to Ihe middle COXIe. Antennle hlllckish, slender, nearly as loog as the body; fil'llt joint reddish, 118 long liS the tbofllX; second a lillIe longer than the first; tlaird a Iittlc 1II0l'e tban half lbe lengtb of the

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second; fourth shorter than the second; firth shorter than tbe fourth, red­dish at the base. Thurax with three brijtbt green patches, one in the middle aDd one on each side of tbe hind burder; sides slightly reflexed. Abdomen and pusterior legs ferru/liuous. Fore legs greenish tE:staceous I tibilll black and slightly dilaled lit the tips; tarsi black at the bllse. Fore wings with two pale green strellks aud with a deeper greeD costal 8trellk; aD irregular black mark along the outer side; membrane slightly uchra­ceolls. Hilld winj(1I pellucid. VI/r. J3.-Antellnlll pale green; juints with blackish tips; first wbolly blackisb. Legs pale greenish testaceoul. I.ength of the body 5 lines.

This species agrees in ~tructure with U. binotata, Cram which it is chiefly distinguished by the length of the antenom • .. Hindoslan. From Mr. Stevens' collectiun. 6, c. - i' From Mr. Vigors' collection.

3. UROLABIDA. GRAYI, C. H'-316. a. Hindostan. From Mr. Ste,ens' collection. b,c. ---i'


Viridf·te,tacl4, Ju,~rormi., .fciti.nme punc/a/a; roltrum ('o:l:a. antica. paullo IUpntln.; ante'l"/I~ nigrl} fa$ria/~, corpore paallo longiore. ; lI&or= tralll1lllr.e imprelSUR, lateribUl labrejle:t:i&; ale antice ,trig" nigra longiludinaii,ml'mbralla lillipida. .

Greenish testaceous, fllSiroml, very finely punctured. Head small. Rostrum extending a little beyond Ihe fllre eoxlle; tip black. Antennl& slender, a little longer thall the hudy; first juiut as IOllg as Ihe thurax; second liS long as the first; tbird, fourlh alld liflh black towards the lips; third much sborter than the fourth; fourth a little shorter than the tbird; fifth shorter than the fourth. Thorax transversely impressed in Cront; sides slighlly reftexed. Abdomen with two apical llllllinlll. Fore wings with a black longitUdinal strellk 6:1ending from the disk to the outer border of the corium; membrane pellucid. Length 01" tbe body 5 lines. a. Silhet. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq.

Genlls 4. EBORA. Corpus 10ngi.elliplicum, subdepres~um, dense puncta tum. . Capllt

lateribus reftexis, lobia lateralibu6 lobum medium paullo sllperantibus. Ocelli duo. !lostrum robustllm, coxas anticas p!1ullo superans. AntenulII quinque articulatre, corporis dimidio longiures ; articulus I us frontem paullo superans. Thorax lateribus reftesia,angulis pusticis valde rotllndatis. Pedes JOllgiUBCllli, sat ,alidl; tibilll sulcatlll; tarsi triarticulati.

Body elongllte-ellipticaJ, rather flat, thickly punctured. Head rather ahorter than the thorax; sides reflexed; lateral lubes extending a lillie beyond the middle lube. Ocelli distinct. Rostrum stuut, extending a little beyond the fore coxa~. Alltennie five-jointed, a little more than half the length of the body; til·st juint extending a little beyond the front of the helld; secl/lld much IUlllle.· than tbe third; fourth almost as long as the

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second; ll\b a little shorter thau the fOllnb. Thoras with the sides slightly reftexed; bind augles mucb rounded. Legs ratber loug and stont; tibia furrowed; tarsi tbree-jointed. Fore wiugs exteudiug to Lhe tip of the abdomen.

Type B. circumdata. The structure of the head distinguishes this genus trom Uroclula.


Nigricante-lIiridi" rubro lIaria, rude punt'tata; caput JultlO margiMt ... ; rollr"m Juillum; antenne nigrtll, articuli, 30 .(0 60que ban {u/m. ; thorac;, latera Ju/llll; ,cutetlum apice Ju/nm; pede. JultlO Ja,ciati; membrana nigrican ••

Blackish green, varied with dark red, roughly punctured. Bead with a tawny border. Rostrum &awuy. AutenDlIl black; tbird, fourth and fifth joints tawny at tbe base. Thorax with tawDY sides.. Scutellum lawny at tbe tip. F'elDOra and tarsi towards tbe base and cose tawuy; tibia with a tawny baud. Membrane of the fure wings blackish. Leugtb uf the body 66 lines. a. Adelaide. From Mr. Stevens' collection.


Nigrit'ante-rufa, langi.elliptica, rudll nig"tuncta,a; caput rflJa mllrgi­natum, [ab" f1I9ualibUl; raltrum ru am, t'oza, po,tical atti"gt'flI; antl'mltll nigre, articuli. bali ruji.: t orlUl carin" duabUII tralUlll'N" lateribUlqUII ruji'; ,cutetlum calli, duab .. basalib .. apiUfJUII FUji': abdomen maculi, marginalibUl wittague t1IIfItrali db,,"iata rulil; pedlll ruJa J .. ciat;; membrana nigra.

Blackish red, elongate-elliptical, roughly punctured; punctures black. Head wiLla red reftexed borders; lobes of equal leulfth. Rostrum red, eSleuding \0 the biud cos.; tip black. Antenue black, full halt' the length uf the body; joints more or less red towards the base; first extending beyond tbe front of the bead; second a Iiltle longer tban the third; fourth a little longer than the second; fil\h longer tlu\o the fourth. Tborax with a transverse impression. in front of which tbere are two red smooth transverse ridges; sides red, sligbtly reftexed. Scutellum with a red call1ls on each side at the bllse aud with a smooth red lip. Abdomen with red spots along each side; a slight furrow and with an abbreviated red stripe beneath. Legs stout; femora and tarsi towar(ls the base, cox. and knees red. Fore wings with a black slightly coriaceous membrane. Length of the body 6lliues. Queensland. In the N~tionall\f useum at Melbourne.


Piceo-nigra, IIlliptica, rud, p""ctata •• ubiUl fligra; ('/Iput lateribUII ru/i., lobia lateralibu, lobum rnedi"m ,uperantibu,; rostrum ruJum, cml:a, pOdica, attingen,: anienne nigrte, artit-ulo 10 ruJo, [,0 jlalJO had opicrgue nigro; thO/Ylci, ltltera ruJtI; wnter ruJa marginal",; pede, ruji; tar", nigri.; membrana nigra cintreo ",arginattl.

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Piceous-black, elliptical, rougbly punctured, black beueath. Heael red aloug eacb side, slightly retUBe in front j latera I lobes extending beyoDd the middle lobe. RoStrum red, extending to tbe bind COXII!; tip black. Antenn81 black, pubescent i joints successively incre8ling in length; first red, not extending beyond tbe bead j fiftb yellow, black at tbe base and towards tbe tip. Thorax with red sligbtly reftexed sides. Abdomen red above, bordered witb red beneatb. Legs red j tarsi black. Membrane of the fore wings black, cinereouB bordered. Lengtb or the body oi lines.

This species may be the type of a distinct genDS. G. Archidona. From Mr. Stevens' collection.


Piceo-fligra, 1000gi-owata, deprallJ derPe PUfiCtata~ oclarac«J cOfIIpt!f',a; CAput ocAraceo mGrgifltltum,lobiB lateralibu. lobum medium 'U~ tIfIti6w; rollrum tell"",,m, coa:/JI7JO'tic/JI Gttingem; tAortuJ lateribUi nAfo .u6ea:cafllJtiB. flUcia pollica rufa fligro COfIIper,a; scutellum callia duobw b4lali6u, apaceque rafo; pectw et ",nter nigra, lutto margifltl(a; ptNh. lutri, nigroj".ciati; _brafltl piceG minima.

Piceous-black, elongate-oval, flat, thickly punctured, ochraceous­speckled. Head witb ocbraceous and slightly reftexed borders, rounded in front j lateral lobes extending beyond the middle lobe. Ocelli not apparenL Bostrum testaceous, piceous towards tbe tip, extending to the bind COXII!. Thorax with a transverse smootb mark on each side in front, with red Blightly excavated and refined sides, and with a red hind band, which i8 speckled with black. Scutellum with a red callus on eacb side at the base and with a red tip. Pectus and under side of tbe abdomeu black, bordered with luteou8. Legs luteous; femora, tibill! and tarsi black towards the tips. Membrane of the fore wings piceous, very small, extending a little belond tbe corium; veins black, strongly marked. Length of the body 0 hnes.

This species bardly belongs to the above genus. Queensland. In the National Museum at Melbourne.

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