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El Pasoans on Vacation To Be Pos appenings Should Have The TIMES Follow ThemSECCIÓN ESPAÑOLA H I W f . iKUWfe UV "P I The Morning Tiroes' Af) )) I

m-- 7 --1 fajv JipiVilUlU MIuE9.Inf. ir i Iba B.loSs.'JO V imK.l-Ai- rillcuu Jktf Sundnj Tumi

34TH YEAR. - lLfAfeO,f'Pp MONDAY, MAY 18, 1914. TEN PAGEsT" "PRICE 5 CENTS








if ii Wash inn Ion Yesterday fur New York Landed American Refugees in Kanand Niagara Falls, and WIN Open e r rancl-- Brought Out t loisl

nrr Wednesday. Port. Constitutionalists Suspect the Unexpected and Vigorous Defense ofan Outpost May Have Been Made to Engage Attention While

Hv Ihr A$aociotcd I'rcxa iti thi iMnnciatrU Press Main Federals Evacuated Saltillo Retreat Southwardof toWashington, May 17. Peace delégales nf fin Francisco, May 17. Graphie reports Bodythe Hueria government who departed from or ibe murder or Americans, ihe capture Villa Believed to Have Enough Men South of City to PreventWashington for Niagara fairs, Canada, aro by h Mexican transport or Vinerlean Carrying Out of That Plan if It Is Contemplated Rebel Soldiersconfident of the success or their mission, brig Geneva, ihe imprisonment or l oiledwhich, It was learned, Is the broad ques-tion

SlAlcs consul clement Edwards or Acapul-c- Swarm Everywhere Going Into Position and Big Battle May Beor pacifying all of Mexico. ami many atrocities on the west ruast Said to Be On Now That Advance Has Begun There Will BeThe three Mexican envoys have Utile or Mexico were brought In today by ihe

Idea how long; die arrangement of a officers and 4M refugees on the British No Let Up Until Saltillo Is Taken..will keen them at Matara Fall steamer celrlana, which arrived loday from

but they are ronrident their trip will not Manzanillo.have been in vain. Lieutenant Fdward J. Minister, royal na-

vallly JOHN W. Ktim itis

The Mexican delegate are said to realise reserve, commander or the Getrlana, got (Slaff i orre"poiub'iit. Morn Inn Tlmiw.)that the present administration In Mexico his steamer, loaded wlih rerugees. away Rl, to, ill.. XI('lff). Mux 17 (9 p. in.. A ft rr day Hritt in skirnn Inn.

lly la fast crumbling and that the cholea from Manzanillo hy daring and skillful Ihr (oiitlto(ionnllfst nrmy has prudlcatl) fotnplftcsl tin liivtMlntMil "iof some one to succeed Huerta Is Inevitable. action on April ifS, when lie belteed the Saltillo. Ihtiiiuh nolhhii; Hum been h. .ml of (lie IIvImIoiih scut by clrcuf IoiihConceding Retirement of Huerta. Mexicans were preparing t" burn It at the route to iitni k from tlo Noiithwurd. nuxMtiiMl mnl oppositionBut ilicoroiiMconceding the retirement or Hueria, dock by firing and dj namltlng the ui he delegates are said be most inter- - Wharves. wan n (vw mlh-- isouth ol riimloti. tin xrt'piionnll i.n forxsoeated in the vital n or what Is in According to the refugees, when news of rHltrHlN tin v I11 lifen mrt at I Tocn.follow what guarantees are to be oh of ihe rapture or Vera Cruz by the nited N MMII Ll in IM i:i..twined against the possible conriscatlon or reached the west coast it was takenStaWs Tlir rnlrral- - xvrro well suppliiMl vvilli itrtlllnx und begun n nproperty by tin invading ronstltutionallsl ihe Mexicans the beginning or war.asby honihiir(liiKiit, uhli'h It'itipornrlly Hie eonstliutlonrillst ntlvnitee untilTill. ii against condition of anarchy and The Mexicans were Inflamed to highwhal kind or government win be stah'e pitch, they say, and the Americans ahau artillery coulil In- hrouulit up mnl s0 llHpx-e- il us to rnkt Hie federal nrtilleryand will obtain world wide recognition doned their homes and Tied. AH believe pOHlllllllM.

"n Hit' other hand those close to President The nrtlllei- the of the federal eensed til nlmhtfull und Itthey w ould have been k led r t hey had lice on portWilson and Secretary Bryan assert that stayed. Is In He veil n retreat Into Sultlllo was made under eoxer of ilurkmMM.the question which is to be mediated Is

Many Rullels Struck Slcainer.!x ('onMtlluUonnllHtH swerni over the entire country for many tnllee on bothno longer the failure of Hueria to salute. Peace is of watchfulpolicy with heror the offenses committed against :bo As the celrlana got away from the dock, pursuing waiting, eyes directed particularly toward Niagara sldets or the rullronrt Ctnclt nml will etmthiue to elo' In on Saltillo nil night.dignity of the iiited States, but the broad maneuvering adroitly to prevent what was Falls, where the A. B. C. mediators meet today. St B-- : MtYACUATING.question of purifying Mexico. reported '

to he an attempt to hem it in Then- - Ih a HtiHpU'Jfm thut thi iltitrnliH'l uttnek ninde ut Klora wk hutby rour Mexicans steamers, a nrie ftre

.Tfowis Wlir Re mala hi Vara Cru. n checking irnjragtauont t4 ennhle' tho main lMxly of the rrxleral army towas directed against it. Many bulletsThose Vfci goo jUhj. lkum Struck the steamer.' 't&Mnii I V I 111 fvmJM nl e. snitillo tu the1 wnfthwnrel. ne IS Mil am rrom Mora will

or tne wasningion government declare the upwards of a acore of murders, mostly! TAFT SPEAKS our iroop-.- v.? slnjiild need a much hiraev mm be .HrHtiPfl vtgfirMisy. and II In hellevetl thr-r- K 11 iufnne'tit iiumlier or





be withdrawn of Americans, were reported by the fOree thnli we have to cgjilure tint large mi niisiiiuiioii.ih-- i islrently south of Hnltltlo In hold the teileruls if they hipgovernmentia

paasengers, bul it was difficult tu "Tiaiefio- 1:1,1 towns, stier we nao cap utteniplhig eel rea I until t hi mi I it body or t he a rm y can oxertaKe andeuaoiisned or is in slgnt in Neilro cuy lured Iheiii mid dlfpersed Ihe armies, thetrace or ihem to an authoritativePersons, close 'to the Mexican delegates any forces agalni us would iidopi a nyn(eni ( aiiulhllHto IJ10111.

emphasize that the three man who win source. guerilla w'fuiare, Ihe hel expert estlm.M" NEVER HTTKH HJUIPAHKU.captain Ferguson of Hie Geneva "aid: of ihe fnrre required hy us tu garrison iherepresenf the Huerta government aye not If it run WHS iM'Vfr better prepared for battle. The men are wellIN NEW"We lert ssn Francisco January :il and YORK necessary towns, suppress gm iilln warfaic FIVE SAILORSlluertlstas" theor orbut

representatives any discharged our cargo at Guaymas. Mazai and iranqulltxe ihe country - 4ft,iKin iii'ii urnied. well supplied with iininiiinltlon and loud, supply und wnter tntliHgroup ofpersonn, wero representativos lan and San Bias, (in April 91 we were all and thai would take two or three yeurs have I Keen provided, (he cnmlry In well mounted and. all together, It Is"i i ne iipsp imereMS oi inn propio in Ule and wniihl Involve an expenditure otlerrliory controlled by the federals. ready to sail north except that we needed u iiny. probably Ihe ilit.-.- army In the field In Mexico.

Though technically, the delegates are water an d p rov I ston s . Inn Ml H PRKSIIIKM I. IMS HIS VIKWK Wear Patience uf Vallo. I NITKU NTtTEM IIKVKM K I I Til II I'll KH The 01. lit id the ;il - Is not known, except from statementdealing with an International question the Taking oí Vera Cru. v THK MEtirw MiivrniN nn "It would he a dead null which would II' RKMNAST OF HI BVIMIIIS lit made hy spies which rrom Hint to time, during tin past several weeks, havedHTerences which arose with the Inlted "Thai night the news or Ihe taking or t.HITH'.INKM I'lll -- lili M N wear Die pailence nr ihe inn ion mid In IIITIVF.II si i:MFII lili Mill twhich the few live- - lusl each Utile rn found their way lulo the city and out again, They arc known lo he xxcllstates out or the Tamplco Incident pri Vera Crux was received and the port or gdeiueiit would tolat larg' "I"1 woiihl armed and to have a fairly plentiful supply of cannon ami machine gnus,lately they admit that before them Is the finals notified me that war had been rte- - grow less and less tolerable as the drearyproblem of the actual pacification ofl lared between the I nlted States and Mex AID GIVEN TO THE REBELS contest weni on. Miseá e in that country DK1FTING THIRTEEN DAYS

hut their Htalun hn to ammunition Is not known.xienro. - ico. They would give us no water or pro wrrrrrtd thin one auk- - more ihan bullets K.NOKANT OV TAMPU'O'K TVI K.

ftureMir to General Huerta. visions, bul told us to sail. We look on Then aficr havintr lost ihruiaiids of lives hciicrnl Ilia Niild h i ulghl 011 Ihe Ihe etieinx or r- thai he Is shortand that whichPersons close to K.mlllo llabasa. chair roue American rerugees. Including a wom-an

IF Till! IIWI MIT BKKN IMINK. HF MVS, nxMnded a iruaiiure flonhleH in ox er from Hipólito thai he heIt has cost us to gltfr.lo the world Hie ELEVEN UTIIKHS UNO SI Ml II (111 IN ot' ammunition.wiih a baby, and sailed. wk wm i.ii not in ii mn w- - In Saltillo knexof the Mexican Hexed ir the gnrrlvonm&n commission, and ln:l hands aPanama, we would have 011 imr III UPEN BOAT SI I t MIIKII WllTKRVKNTIOV "The hilera Is have Ihe adxaut;m ofmate adviser or Huerta, said the Hueria 'There was not surf idem water aboard hostile Mexican penpie without an gran Hint Tamplco had tullen Into the hand- -

delegate would await the suggestions of for ii to reach an American port. The iiiW for our sacrifice. WEltl. rnssEi IN TU HEXof Ho consildiilonallnla Ihey would he MKlthin." sahl (icneral Villa, "and If

Hie three bul water wax absolutely necessary. ( nM r 11 (it in PremUev ened that I he would they have, as we believe. 12.0(10 men.mediators, when the lime so dl -- lieaci pul'I WHAT CONFRONTS US IN MEXICO to hem ami ourwehes wouM vxllh a plentiful suppjj of ammtintll mdeckled tocame lor iheic answer to suggestions Tor proceed to a point off "'JT'dnf); up a xeij Indifferent in in He had

a successor ror Huerta they probably Manzanillo and arrived there April S5, rive bepractlraAle

io gfw itieui a - secure-a-i,r

SURVIVORS WEAK FROM SUFFERING no doubl. howexer. that tin news of for rifles, machine g u lis and arllllerx,would insist thai no man who had gained mué rrom ihe harbor. There was no Will Require '.IW.OnO Men unrl n Kxpendl- - ahiirchlrai condition"

ngain-- tund

a recurrencekrrordiriK ihem lo hi or Taiitptco ho- i, .n kept we xx HI ktioxx vx e have had a f it hi

military prominence or American warship in siglii and the Geneva tore or o per n- lU Mi before xve lake I he (own, despite ourwas obtaining pow an oppftrfunih' tur material sho Inteller-ma- Wis Nnl a slmi ur I. He In Ihe I. Pile Una! from "by arbitrary Torce," as set .forth in headed out to sea. on prl 9il we were Thai Country fHQkrpiit. The atter irrxk would he even When sitiln h American Vessel's I XKINt. Nt t'HANi'KS, grca superior forci.rresldoni Wilson's l atin American declara twelve miles orr Manzanillo m a Mat calm n. diffo on it thai of the war ami .unknot (icneral illa has not ullowod him- - ALL KNOW THKIK 1)1 l .

Hon, should be permitted to take the rein- Seized a Prize of War. lie AMnaciatfd 1'ren the wort? of irSiinpnlinllon.entered

It imgluthe

lakewar s. r or hi- - lellow 0010.1 ml. to take "We arc not going into theus Having ihe government. This would. In effect, "The Mexican transport konigau Willi an .Sen York May n William M..ward Tart from sRnst" or dutv and retaining con Hit ih .UK'y. iut'ii I'tra nn lliinu for urniiicd. They know that haphazard. I.xcr.x officer knows what

eliminate Generals Carranza und Villa, hut armed rrew steamed out of Manzanillo and gave his vlewn on ihe Mexican MuaUun to-

daytrol 10 make our work effective' would Halifav. - May 17. Ub-- i Mm saltillo N a hard place ti take and position hi Is lo lake ami -. expected

Hiere are other men In the constitutionalist approached us. I hoisted ire- American in n add re h at ihe Free - tugogue'a be with being land grabbers. rtivi of iciilflc suffering in an peat an prepared lo pul up the Tight of to lake it promptl ami hold ii. Theanks who are looked upon aa or presi

denensign on their order. The Mexican coin WOllld Urhlll Miirvjtliiu Issue open

Ith'h Hies in or dei to take 11. I'hcx ground lifts been carefully charted.Hal caliber who would celebration on I'eace Siindaj "ludead. a flee Hie burden C cost, many adrtti ai no1 sorvtvora o( tin- ynot be ,unac-

ceptableniander hailed toldus. - war was on and act not rou ntini. upon deftertloiiM from This was all gone oxer week- - ago so

ol would he gnxtou in annex Steaiuei .i iiulilati were picked up into the Huerta faction. These, 'I said he had orders to seue the Geneva as While the formar pra.ldem express our peoplenart ir nil nf iu tin oui il II zed I err or v Mlaulti Hie I nlted -- laics ehas been staled, are men of the type of prize of war and all the Americans on little hope ttmi the pending ineii. ttion

ion anil III nr iuu--i nm ui mipeiUai nue fun- -- ucea today. Ifon oIIi'--uls Cabrera, a prominent Mexican attor-ney,

board as prisoners of war. We could not Terence would airuirinjiiih n rnoiedisti plea. f Ihe I,. - crew which left Ihr olumclose friend and counsellor The Times Is On Saleof General escape and the korrigan towed us to Man purpone, he asserted that Hie nffer lib the reni-a- i or iiic u me warring blan when in- was burned just ouih olcarranza, and who has won the confidence zanillo. Port orriclals rum aboard and got bin eS to accept niciliallui) '.'lit with Hutmedloilou and n- - acceptance w.,mof the Washington administration In his a statement rrom tne. They were probable defeat or ihe other, it may tie that hable si and on Ma.i' :i had unci umbed 'oludlreci dealings with thetxi fur tbe consiltuilonalist

cour step toward the future settlement .r ibe actusl result of the mediation may injuries and privations and podoteous, bu i ordered no one to leave t lie

cause. Cabrera at present is vessel. dlffltuliie) in the Western not be what Is hoped for 11. still, the ef-

forthad beep ttiroun overboard fhe detiii Iteforc von go away for Ihe trip Ihe Ite-- d HiIuk to do right now is tele-

phoneen route to New York from ttpaln. "The next day. Die nth, the Cetrlana ar Hemisphere. good.of,



v. accomplishihu offer


or the in repghter now lands at ÓUÜU ami the 'limes circulation uVMi'tiliefil lo semi the MorningPressure Upa Constitutionalist. rived and I exchanged signals with Com He said there la no popular prestiré (or or mediation and our acceptance are in Timer, to ou. We can uhange the uildreaa as often usou wtah. F'alling

It was understood today that some of mander Minister Minister was tlien in a mllllai'v policy wlihn the atluutn-ttati'i- n ihemsetves a great step toward ihe mnire Tflil sex n eMIirrs haxed lo do thb-- . uiu will flml Itw Timen 011 sale In practically ever resort and,the Mexican delegates believe the con-stitutional

solution of International difficulties in this Tweni si oilier members or ihe crewformed that be could He naidnot resist.communicate with cannot that the people are (urge clt In he t tilled Stales. The list below Is a partial one only . butlata will Be asked again to oe us that we were prisoners of hemisphere. were saved in- unard liner ranconlaparlies to the mediation or that the In-


war. determined to do their duty even honid Hlreagtheni. Hie Monrnr lioclrlne. anil ihe sic, me Manhattan after twu days yiyu'U find a welcome friend at ait) of the stands named if you call I hemRaised Stars and Stripes. thai duty involve war. But so, he added, "it is said thai 11 ends the Monroeof tho will and It in hut baud.American snatchedgovernment exposure Ih uen rrom death Clip Ihl- - oui pul your

"A man on board knew tbe German doctrine. WP '"W1 MUl,f Wlth UH tnebe exerted to gain their participation in and got in touch with him. Com-mander


the people have at present in He en great (Hiwers or South América so as to by the Senei t were Ihe fli nt offlcet whose ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. llartmun & M Tt.OMI :i t l. V. Maitox i garany plan submitted by the mediators. thus la sm. use our Joint good offices In bring about name was not imn in ihe radio iiMpntch Miller; Chas. Nlriii. Stand. 20a Itoobs SI.

After a day of conferences hetd by the Minister sent us word that he Aid Gltca CoaatlttaUeaaUalv peace whenever controversy arises be-

tweenfrom that Seamen Itobeii n s ATLANTA. (. World News Co.; M KM PHIS. TI:NN World News Co,would not leave untl lu sthree representatives of the Huerta gov we were re

leased.The criticism Mr. Tan levelled si 'he the nations or. ihe muiili'-re- and Vgcar kcudail and cput Heiianger, and New- - Co.

ernment, the South American mediators He arranged to steam out and pick Wilson administration had lo do with ihe to prevem the oppressive or unjust i Flreiuan Mlcliael Indwigsen tie senecj ItNlar

I, IT MOItl . Ml). World News Co. MOHIIiK, VLA. World News the boats. theus small We Monroe)wereand the American delegates, the Mexicu up ready aid, which, he said, the administration had

or Ruropean powers,for reHrleil ahe cxpccied lo reach Halifax to lit TTK, MONT. INrntofflu- New. NKW OHLKANS IVajs N,nvs 'k, 34Jgood,isto escape in Hie small boats when the doctrine gregtly strengthenedparty, including the three delegates, se-

ñores Halelgh arrived. The celrlana started to given lo the Mexican contttlutlonallst. we shall thus remove the ill will from any rnhrrow morniua Stand. Slldeil e.; World News to.tbeir

ftabasa. Rodrigues and fclguero, witn lexve. I raised tho Mar and stripes on the "it is my Judgment, he aatd, "that If in mtsinidet 'standing of Ibai doctrine." Hope Tor ihii mi' in mini boal had been CLi: I .LAN ill I Lake Shore NKW YOKK llotaiiiigs stand. 145wives, daughters and a large suite,Geneva and a roar of cheers broke out our coure toward Mexico during the pat abaiidom. urn ilocn of 10 nan-i- News Co.. is.:.', rrortpeet ve. W. 30th St.: Schully'N stand. i;;nsleft this afternoon for New York, where I.FNMtVM V FAIR WEATHER Miami. hln s si le d for r dj s CHAKLKHTON, S. World News Co. ltroadxathey will remain from the refugees on board the Geneva. year we had not exerted nuch direct inuntil beforeTuesday OtEH Ml 11 W COI M'RT wiihtn .I Ihe spxji w hen ihe

proceeding to Niagara Falls. "We got lato the small boats and rowed Mtienre aa we have, tu aid one ot the con CIIH ;o Wallers' Magaine store, OAKLAND. tAL I inquirer News Co.IH PHOMINEII TIIIH REK Columbian burst into flamea. lo seafui :t7 MonriN- St.; Donato soracco.smaHTwo of the mediators. to the celrlana. The boats were fired tending parties, we should not be PuebloMinister Kaon or now .40 ITKHliO, COL. News men ti seerned imponible ihat smallon from the bow of the Mtaican ateamer tlt a ,,' I've a DALLAS. TKX. M. 11. Meyer. I 108Argentine and Ambassador De Gama uf Bra near general Intervention and war." ton. May 17. lienerally fair boat could pass throuiio ihe series of gales PHILADELPHIA. PV. Quaker NewsMain Texas Agency;all, also started for tbe Pesquelra. but no one was hit. When we astu us St.; Newspaper

ister Suarei of Chile leavesconference. Min

got on board the triana r.he steamedAid Presiden! fur Peace weather over much or the country Is Ihat have nee swept bos-- ' waters nn I McCnrroll, Hi) 2 Main St.; X 10-I Co.. 1.0 N. 0th St.

the American representatives.tomorrow,

JusticeandI close to the Raleigh. Mines were exploded In conclusion he called upon all Ameri-

cans Hie off le In! weal her forecast for this Ibe news that Ihe s,.ncia had picked up H News si. in. I. Hi:, S. lirxay St. HAN ANTONIO, TEX. A. I,.vimiit ,

mar and Frederick w. Lebmann and siarri at the end of the breakwaters and at to atd the president in his i.rforis to week

aurvlvors was iecetd alliiosl with in DAN VILLI;, VA. Xlrglnia News Co. t 'cutral Igar Store ; World N ewcredulity here.were made to ram the Cetrlana rind peace. DKNVICIL COLO. Spit. News Co., o.tempts bywill leave In time to reacb Miagara Kails v un ih. xception of stwiwers the

Tuesday, me stay or ine Huerta dele the Mexican steamer Herrerías. The Her Mr. Tart's apeech follow, in part Hurvlior. w rak I' Nufferlng. 17th and Wellon Sis.; S. Wldojit, ST. I'AI'L, MINN, World News i - wee a hi lite- southernrirst half o Allliougb Ihe Numvots were loo weifc

gafes fur twenty-fou- hours at Washing rerrias a convict vessel and some- or ihe "The threatened .ww between 1W0 stable hiaien and e middle Mississippi and from their suffering lo tell ihe cor. Illlh and Curtis. Is'-- - MO- .- Sam Krell Nch- -

ion gave an opportunity for a very thor convicts trying to swim ashore were rired nations la. much easier to deal with than titilo- Vl)e and about Wedneaday In pletely. the revenue uucr's officersslury com Di :s MMIN i;s. IOW A (rratinr IXx Stand.

ough or their general viewa. Their at. on April 30 the Geneva was released the MlailM. in. New Kugland aisles, gaih Moines News Stand. SAN DlLíiO, A L. K. 1 varado; I.tpnvass urh a condition as confront us in Mcx ered that of Hxteen who ba li onference with tbe mediators last night and water and provisions were obtained the coming ' k promises lo bn ne of soua' I'OKT WOUTU. TKX. Veme New N. Hinckley; U. M. Cldlds Newswas a discussion of the whole range or' from the Halelgh. On May 3 it put to sea ico. genet ally Tmt wcaibi r o. r much or hastily piled into tin Hind boat had been Co.. Main and Kaehange; t It. Uros. ; Ageney.Mexican affairs. SO tbe rnedlior. are now (or Gray's Harbor under command of the What we hate there 10 contend with is itw- roniftry ml Hie bulletin. so serl'iud burned that Ihey died ailhoi in.., ...i NewN Co., Moore liidg. SAN ( AL. (nhten líale' the week Iheduring will first few 11

in possession of definite Information of mate, wbo-wit- h the crew returned to the ihe diseaae of revolution. per cent Tempcrutur days was decided loli.VLV KSTON, TKX. (.alxcz Hotel; News Co., 781) Marlu-- t St.; N.

le ar ,'. :.u alcove ihe nor- -average lighten the boat Ir. ihebrig wiien she was released " of the people are Ignorant and I Hilera e. A aslmg Win .hp I Station; l ulledHubihe vlQWpolnt or tbe Mexican delegates three years' war has laid waste the country, mat over practically all. parts of the win. had tumbled from Douthlt News Stand, Blsl Si.;Also life meeting between Justice Lamar Consul Kdwarda Ordered Ihs.v. dttjétroyed Ha industry and expoed all coimiev or me noray mountains tii' bunks at the fu.i etpiisiou and had News Staml, iremint nod limtoffle News geney. Perry Siatlon; Har-

riottand Mr. and lite three Mexican According to the story brought In on the loreigners to lawless violence ano all their and Komewlial below normal 011 ton rushed 011 deck liag clot he t tin cumb si. ; liiierurlwii Ness Maud; T. H. News SUMid, Turk and Market;roi i states HivealmentH there to destruction. Pacific slope There is n important j McCnruilck News Co.. t . Powell St.;delegates gave opportunity closer mu 'letrina, nlted Consul Kdwai iH of lo the cold, others, weakened by hung) r Leinoln .v t'u.lo thotual exchanges than have been possible up Acapulco. was ordered to leave ihe coun-

try,Inter. ene le tod Anarrky. storm rhartei

thei ross couuiry

and thirst, gtaduall.v sank Inio iciharK Hol'STON, TKX. Bottler Uros.. IÍ3 1. X. L. News Co.. 08H Market St.;to this time. but no ship wsa at hand to take him "In

properlysuen a

intervene'rase a

andneighboring nation during

The survivors managed to keep the bou and .1.1 Main Hi.; I'nlon Supply Co. Jerry's News Stand, Kerry Siatlou;may help the roreesBefore t ii party left today t he three away. of law and 01 uei ui end such anarchy lust Weuld lift J(l. lederal Irvoga. haad-o- to the ras when the weather be HONOLI LI Home News Maud VdaniN News Co.dalegates drove to tbe borne of Secretary He went to Manzanillo, and there was because It wishes to live in a quiet , By the Aisoi iatrH t'rita cam erough, but foe- the past few dnvs INDIANAPOLIS IM News H WATTLE, WASH. ). W. WhitneyBryan ann made a call or ceremony by put on the Mexican steamer Pesquelra. In and not from a spirit or couquet Penyer. Colo May t7 Itcquestlng little or 110 effort could he made to guide Slum), Mtirldlan ami Washiiigtuu News Stand; Acme News i o.leaving their cards. Mr. Bryan soon arter his ststeroom. It Is reponed, he was held and greed of territory.,- , eralloo in a demand that l'i evident Wilson the craft, hay hv da the number dwln Hie.; TiMiia N'ewa stand. SpOK ANK, WASH. Siuboek t íiíim-bl- e.

returned their call by leaving bis cards as a prisoner while an armed Mexican "But if wc arc to be Uuolvod In war biainutn red ai iroop,- - colorado and in died until ihe rue who were hn sank LITTLI' HOCK, AUK. World Newsfor tbe delegates at their hotel. There soldier paraded before bis door and occa-

sionallyof VLexicau anarchy, let 'us have 'It a suggestion thai ihe nm close down UfUply lo Ihe bottom of Ihe boat and o WASHINGTON. D. C. Columbiafiiily understood ituit we Into there is controversy, thego it in tbo mines whre snyno meeting between the or 'wu secretary flourished a revolver muzzle service of msnklnd.' an the president' policy conimiuee or hiatrlct la, nii.-- awaited the end lOl 1SYILLK, KY. International News Agu'

aiaic ana ue Mexicans. through the shutters of the door. Fdward Hinrnc-- 11 .inn mil npi.ii laaue Jt Mine Worker or sent a telagrain When the lookout of the Seneca sight ' News sioiuK W.yco. TKX. Jimmies News stand,Paid Their Otan Billa. was reported to have kept a knife m his mere puntiilio in naval cremouial. Let tonight u the sc. ' urics or twenty nine the small boat through his glae noi I it )S A N (, I ;LI s. CAL. Kemp New t 310 Khn si. k

I, he department of staU had engaged hand all night expecting an assault. .The us o'.i enter lightly or unadvisedly upon a districts of the union as well a in ibe a sign, of life whs seen Hie genera pul Vgeney, Main Postofflcc ; HoHiiian V ANCOI'YKK, H. V. Pauama-Pai'UT- eiiiiarters Tor the delegates, but tltev cour was released later. course that w ill involve a sacrifice, the intfi national ofrieei - on all speed and. racing to Hit lifeboat News Ageuey, 334 S. Spring SL; News Co., corner amiteously insisted that eatent of which may welt malfe us If lle militia reiurns to ihe field furthertheir pause,moy must pay Two American Reverted killed. Columbia.sent tier gig alongalde. the amsciateu t allfornla News Co., 78 8th Ave.;toot si. MM. sua Per Ua. fassacres of otir mm, wumen and childrenvwn bins. Two names were brought by Hn- ceiriina "We have, aay &o,oo mobile troops of ar certain tg mllow, ' am slgtMd survivors were quickly transferred id' ine K. MeUonalri; K. tibjnurt; M. Mar-

cus;Ami all news -- laud- In Wtwt Ictus,

Thai the Hueria delegates are men of of men who are said to be positively known the reaular army fit tu lake the riehi in John K Lawsou, John McLennan and t, cuii. and 1.1 .in-- j forced between thair independent Hume Newspaper Arlaona, New M. m. and uoi then(Continued on Page S.) icooiinueu on page Two.) II tne avaiiauie military force uf tf Doyle stated- parched 'Dps. blanda. Old Mexico.

L PASO MORNING TIMES Mondar. May 18. 1914.


HUERTA TOTTERING MEXICANS DESTROYTake at a p. m Tllh Nerldlm lime. la 17. Hitfrertpl- - mm T'

Tai .Wind utfon-paralaraLo want ' Velocity last at

Highest laat Bt ata of Dine- - par boaife. FINISH IMPORTANT BRIDGEiisL $ Al 8 p ax today niht wat hat. tlon Bi.ur Inches. TOWARDJISAlbllen ..... A .) 'I'lV SR Ill .V.

Amariii,, ..... tt M 'londy I n I AO

Allulla '." tt W .londy W .in nut ctcr. MtrofiTN iwtatoii iuiinkinc BTEF.I, KIRtCTUn Mk FKaTT LONG OVMRolar. Idaho .. 74 londy w mi i mil v AMD Him muni in IS "i- - .w auaTauva river, raaigaa a. ..... M Otr II .00 NILE FROM VERA CRAX,AT ANY HOMEVT. DESTROYED There Is JustNcatease í '!', M.Cinctaasii i dur Nr. M Il)rr :: ri .ii.ii.i-- SXV M Deserted by Many ol in- Fewer tuRRarl. rldae Wax Leeatea eW law later Oceanicpctroil .. 7.1 RW m era He la Nat Expected to i.aet avaa in Railroad aaa Doea Ml Affect Routeluiluth. Minn M Ti ft. Cloudy rw ...

Mexico City.til Villa i inEI. PASO ..... an m (.lev IK M Raaenea Mexico

naive, n,n ' loudy I. MHavre. Horn. 7 w naln j .00 That the overthrow ..r president Huerta fly Ihr t laled JVeee One CombinationJacksonville . 70 li Cloudy Nl Mar 17,-- Thelltila Rock .. 70 70 i loudy MR it momentarily expected by the Americana Washington. chter military

los Angeles clear fl and a majority or me batter informed deveii,.uieot in the Mexican alluailon todayNaahxllle . .... E 8 '.loudy I LO Mexicana In Mexico cuy. the statement Was a report from Oenersl Funaton lhatRaw iirMfe S v. cloudy I M made laat evening by i: t'tltee who. with San I rancbtco bridge on Iba Inter oceanicHaw 3 B Clear I M about NO orrer American- - and foreianera, railroad, twenty-eigh- t mllea rrom Vera

.... :: 'loudy a no left the capital OR May to. Tbey went Crux, had been deetroyed. Thla confirmedphoenixIlnswcll

rfl. :ttSri

la. OI claarcloudy

NVV-- s

.00at rrom Mexico city to tie pom or Mcllco previous reporte rrom naval avtatora, who that causes people to choose one piece of Furniture' in

where liner ror New hac niaiie observations along Hits route.they rnaMarked on a81. loul 70 7Í ". floor .. EPattee General Funaton din not describe tlw preference to another: Quality of material and work-

manshipcorrectHalt a If I M 74 .. Cloudy .W yr Orleans, arrlvtnr there Miv II. Mr.san Aninnin 71 cloudy NK ( M la an employe or an ... n nrm. lie in II. in which the bridge had been dc- -

andtan f' as Cloudy W ..( .on stopping at the Hotel smldon. atroycii. out it was assumed by ofriclela design right price.Baria F, i M Pt.cloudy 8W .1 .00 "When we left Mexico city en May I here tii.ii n was done bgt federal soldiers.WaahSurioVi 'ü!'.!!!!!!!'.!!!! a

CVarClaar rti


.1.ll ror the port or Mexico in tan panssge on The liriitgn, which spanned s ravine and Possessing all these a piece may be considered suc-

cessfulthe Anngiie river waa of steelAmeri conairuc-Hon- ,I liner ror New Orleans, the snn ' vvXvichlta. Kn U cloudy s M i.s feel long. II lacking either, it fails. "

Yum ., M Clear w .OH can demonntratlona had .rued and quiet destruction will .waa once more restored.'' asid Mr. pal not affect communicalkaa with Mexico City,..J lee. "But there was a general belief thai aa

CentralIbe principal

tmiroad.route I

aover the Mexican The markets of the country are open to us and beforeanother outbreak would occur and for thisatad often that Ithoroughly

ras- iptatalaraa

oaa rar made. I WEIRD REGIMENT reason nearlv all left the cliy Oeneiai I unaton also reportad rumors a line goes on our floors it has pasted through a processmat in m ill Navarrette, the federalThere are rw Aanerlrann In comrornpsrsiivcrywant to 810 aa many lira aa mender wan In the of elimination much thorough than couldand títere will be no foolhardy Mexico city or me sarroundloc territory. vicinity of) aera Crux more you pos-siblywitn a force or 3,00 men. Army officerstaking of chande. norria nr... i inn weaker. give itseriously doubt, however, that Navarrettes lol f. roH BEING ORGANIZED "Huertas throne in n.innng It's tbe he to many troop in hla command, din"1 IMtse that have general belief that ho will he overthrown eral Funnioii aald the rive Mexican It for selectsnlpera only remains to designs which satisfybeen t.'rniil n .1 to retire from Milllll... aven before Gen. rranrlsco Vllls and Ida

i in-- ' iviievea ro be south Americanayou

lint from what 1 am told iy oar army raarh the capital. How be has held individual Youman of 4rjformatlon I urn nfrald hua-dred- a

POPII.4CR BKIMi I'RUKII TO TAKE IIP out ao long la s myniery. we ekpected to nnu oeen rcteaaed, in accordance with In your taste. may safely assume that theof them will be forced onto the 4HMR AMI FKIITT I UK II II li (RIN hear or hla overthrow when we landed at mictions rrom eecrehtry Ostrlaon. quality is everything possible to obtain for the price.COR." New orlesna. He la holding Hit forcesflrlna line aaalnal their will. I Lull

regret the Hacrlflcc of life that thlu tngellier with a roiie nf straw. MEXICANwill Inn If the ii Carry Bitot Hafts Adorned With "Tho prealdeni han been drinking heavily FORCESmamiiTH Inalai upon out that Hkiilla and ' ..- -l (n. i. Man or late and hat lont the support or many t S,

plan 1 can ce no way out of It. Upon Nuaara lo Kill a "Crlogo" or Dir. who a nhort time ago were his atattnehestn ... ... Hit army la being kept up by"ill in-them the blame." Furniture Co.compulsory enlistments and rew era rally-

ingSHOWING ACTIVITY HoytBy EDWIN EMEItHON. voluntarily lo bis aupporl.

lütarr correapondeiit. El PaMi MoruingU. S. MAY HAVE Timen and tin. Nw York World.) Many ttoldlrra Missing.

"When General villa alerted eendtiir hla PEONR ARRIVINH IMtlllN AMERICANVera Crol, May 17. .copyright by lb' 109-111-1- San Francisco StreetToreen toward Han Lots Potoat and HxltMo Linr. AT X ERA CRUZ REPORT APPreaa Publlahing Co.. New Vm-- World.i-Heruge-aeveral weeks ago. and the American ma PROACH OF MEXICAN CAVALRY.

arriving here mint Puebla, capírfnes ware landed at Vers '.rug, HuertaTO INTERFERE tal or the mi. of Puebla report the or

ganizatton there or a regiment or redera made i ei me i. tumi play calling upon Uie Iteeorta From Other Quarter- Indlealaaons or Mexico In rally to the defense of HOVIUMM I rum (.rtirralgtieinilax among ractory handa who willtho country. There were about 3flf or fiaiarrnic s nnaaquenera.

call themarivo the "vniunteera of I N'TF.RKNTN I.N TAtlPICO COM Their regiment will have Aa tlx alanitard the better elans or Mexlrana m the capital

fl.AIS OF HEAVY TAX I l II s Hs a "Jolly Roger" flag The vuliinteera will who enlinit-- and they were sent 10 san By fAc A novia lift Prfy .... , .,nun i Lula Potosí to aid In retiming the attack Venwear black untrormx wltb a email white crui, May n.TIia activity or tbe

or General Villa. Since ihai lime ono Mexican rone beyond the American linesxaoll and croen lumen gewn acroga th them, badly wounded, have been aeni hack Inrreaaed lodiv. Hoinn renoru nui it thatTkey Nay Amrrlrana Are Mot Heine. Taxes- brraat. every tecruit taken into the regl a small federalu Ibe capital. The rale of the olhern is acoutlng; party wia il wotkanil Appeal lo (he I nlled Slates la Pre nient muat nrnt take g aolemn oath that while othera were to the offect lint forcoveal I n)ual Discrimination'. hn will kill al lpai one. "gringo" or die in not known. numoennv tuousanuii waa DCftiining- opera MEXICO TOOK BRIG GENEVA Otto I.und. wire and baby: Frank Rodrlsuei

of Mexlthe attempt ofri.era Vor thla grotenquo "The Americans and thousands SHRINER SPECIALS or Aritona and Frank Soto.rana In MeYlro Cliy aro anitously awaiting one or toe returning rerugeea today wasWnincri muí children amiregiment will In- furntnhed rrom the red anine men an (Continued From Pas one.)

Ily MilREHT II. MURRAY eral ranka Oeneral villa's arrival lo the capital. They believe ivrurud within Ihe American linea at one Arthur W- - Payne, son of wealthy Menlotarr Mew York

by Huerta, accordingthai hla will result in sonic belter point, carrying-- their liouaehold Park faintly who was reported more thancorreaiiumiant World and coming good a and victims or ibe Mexican reel-

ing.CI I'aao .MomlllA the refugee.

form or government being entahllaheu. The iney aterieu Mexican cavalry was ap-proaching

a week ago missing on the yacht loll WilliBE HERE TODAY They remained tt their work on tneHacred Band Organlted. TO t moving picture expedition. Payne re-ported

rrom the northeaat.(copyridK 191 i by ilia Preaa I'utillahinr Iierugecn from iiiianajuato repor( the or- - supporters or Huerta are becoming greatly were peona and evidently nonihccombátanla.

refugreei El Tovtr mine tnd at a riotous fiesta wblch lhat he had been in peril and countedcoiupany. new York World.) alarmed at villa's aucceaa in the north and waa kindled Into t while flame of haired hlmeelf roriunate to escape.ganlaailon in that city of another eiiually iney uiC Opinion lhat If RttXlVera cm, May 17 Reporta from Tarn think lhat II In only the queatlon or

weird regiment, called the "Sarreii Hand on were preparing 10 IIIICK. ror the "trliuroea," C B. Htdley or NewPico lead to the belief bora (hat tin mini Thin regiment will be commanded by k ehurt time until he reachrn Ihc capital with RenoPta rrom other nuanera indiratn EL HAHIA TKkfPLF TO ENTERTAIN CALI Hven, Conn., and o. E. Wlllltma, an QUEDAN EN MEXICO.siatea will bo forced apeedily in lntervnnn Loon prleat. Father Paacuale Itoblea, Ills army." ronatderable movement directed rrora tbe KORXJIANS EN ROUTE TO COAST EROH Englishman, were killed, said the protert roretyn bualneaa bouaaa, par lie nanee nivi (hat flu- Tiialorltv ot tbe i' orjn neaouiiarieríí wnere .ieneral niibm ATLANTA OATHERING. Algunos American o, no Obstante el k- -Tbeae aoldiern will be clad in navy blue Other names or men believed to haveand' other Nivirretie wia in immediateticularly Enellah and Oorman, from belnr. American who left Mexico city command, it luero de Hacerlos Salir.uairormn and matead' of the akull and xxaa learned today that Oeneral Maaa hail been killed at Loa Penas, between San Biasmulried In heavy aunuf. by Ibe rebel com noiiiin in that vicinity recently left behind De la Prensa Asociada.crcnabonea, will wear a white Image of been aenl back to Cordoba but as aecond In Cearert by alllleulre Ba le Be One and Manzanillo, are Ralph R, Ramadell, I.mandera. the virgin of Guadalupe gewn on the bream. all their poaseaaions and much of thetr command imder Oeneral Oircla Pena. The el redurea rhral ser lion ol VUller H. James, Charlea A. Kelao and men named Veracruz, Mayo .17. No obstante loa es

Demanda for a loan, ao railed, of l ...... mi. properly has been confiscated by the red tílenos de 1st autoridades americanasLeaner orflrern ror this regiment are alto tnereaaed ictivlty or tbo Mexicana his given In Rrarh Cliy at 9:30 Thla Morning. Nelson, McAllister and Hldell. pirapeaoa, without aetuftty, ere made on Fri-

day rurnlahod by Huerta. erais Many arrived in the United mates rise to rumor which, however, ts not hacer salir a iodo aua conciudadanos doupon buainaaa man, both Mexican au.1 practically penniless. credited, tftlt Ilucrti hliu-cl- f wig Seventeen Refufeea From Teple. Mexico, se sabe que hay todaval, en la ca

forelrn. Bui It la underaiood here that ConradoPreaching Holy War. Willi 111' '. Traveling on two apcclal traína' the When tbe Catrtanr arrived tt San Slat pital, cerca de mil, que desean permanecerBouaaet, an Argentinian writer homo rrom At-

lanta,Rhrlner en routeaome American coacerna wore ezempiad April So Commander Minister found sev en Mexico.and author, la raperted lo be preachingpan uiarly the Watera-Plerc- uil com AMERICAN CONSLL NILLUIAN ua., where they attended the aeaalou enteen American refugees from th Inland El cónsul Canadá ha recibido Informesholy war on bchair or Latin Amerlea r the will InMill. Imperial counell, atop overpany. GUADALAJARA HELD BY H CERTA town or Tplc watting. They told him aceres de que en la legación braallefl soagalnat the north American enloaaua In E0RCÜ8 IN CITY or SALTILLO El I'aao for aeveral boura today and willA Flat Raluaal. Tlaeeala. Bouaaet la vol-

unteerthey were belnr bald prisoners subject to han registrado setecientos hombrea de am-

ericano,raining a large he entertained by die member or El MaidA flat refueal to tlvo Iba rebela tno money reetmenl arter a nrnonauiita.

Btí ;k 4aooild JVC order rrom tbe Mexican Oeneral Cervino, pero para permanecer en la eapt- -

. waa reiurneu ny ine mercnania. iieapue in Mexleo Cliy, May 17- .- John H. SUIImu, temple. Tbe rirat aecuon win arrlv at that tbey be returned to tbe Interior. 11. se sabe, ademas, que nay trescientostelling ihi unedaeated natlven or Tian.-ai- Hi- - American coniul al Salilllo, wh.i ims the Stanton aireet depot at DM tills mum-i-tlmailona from he rebel EXPLAINEDl laadefa Uuu tbey and Puabkl that many brave Argeniliiana. MUTINY been In the eutlody or the reoerel and tbe aecond tt t;0. Owing to the persuasion tnd diplomacy mas que no aa han registrado j que catanfeared would be unable(hey to reatraln Rrailllana. Chucana and Peruviana deapar-et- . 11. in. r in-- al ni it, ror aome wcuka Tne re tee ito roetnber or ihe "cJirornu of commander Mlnlaler they were released resueltos a permanecer en el pan). "

nun men from luoflrur unleaa provided iv rough! the uivaaion of ibe "grlngoa" oa.xi, haa not yet been irantrerrnd rrom prty, of whom - ttilrry-on- are woman. and allowed to board tbe cetrlana.with Ibe In Vera Crttc and that tbey are now con-fined

GENERAL ROLARES Tt'RNED TRtlTOH lhi i lly, it waa Intended 10 bruit him The Celirornltna nave with them their At Maníanme, Minister found IT refugeesrt la doubtful ir niei-- are more than a to Mexico City, but railroad rummuni-ratto-In military priaonn. awaiting trial. AND PERMITTED MF.N TO RK UIB rum. .in Million Dollar band. Every mem walling under the protection of thenono ut San Lula Poioalfew thouaand peaoa in currency in ibe niiy, hason chargen of being "ampere." AHtlF.D. been cut. ber or Ibli band a millionaire and sor consul. Durtnr th first night dork MiíS ONIQDE TODAYaa li la reponed the redórala carried awayall

Many Refugcee Arrive. ... 11. mi Velaco, who wa dcreaied at eral are mullí millionaires. Munlc will be which the sleamer ws lied was soaked.the money they could colled. Nearly ono rerugeea have arrived In thla He la Believed la Hte Been Executed Tórreos, look command or the rederal rurntaoen by tne Dan.l during ineir visit with oil and mined with dynamite. í. WARREN' KERRIGAN InMany wlreleaa meaaaaea were received cliy rrom the Interior or Mexico, among Hla Men aasrtanea ninitinu (o ae forcea at San Lula l'otoxi today, rrra In tbe nty. When Minister inquired aa to the cause,here today rrom ibe Brillan and, German Cut i lala TRree pans. .. ... "THE CALL BACK"them being rour Americana, nine Brillan, i .11. m irrpiiur un a campaifn told he would min-ute!he beTo Be Taken lor Aulo Rid. waa given thirty

. war veaaela rr Tamplco ontalning pro-- . eight Germana, throe Frenchmen, two lu In Ine ahape of a iucrllla wtrrart; to Which shows Mr. Kerri trail's abilityleata and rrum German ami aiialnfll the coiiatltutlnna)i8t.x. Tbey will be at tbe atallon get away.appeala Knrliah irían, one Italian and one Rwita. They Bv M. B. MMGM D8. aeoersl met by pracnierrhanla (or protection aaatnat tttaao report the capital Quiet and pegrerul and (Rlaff correapondent New York World and "allarilo, .1,1.1 or lb ruralea, will leove tically every sbrlner In El Pato, wbo wilt Intended I Detrey Deck. to an unusual advantase.toread loana and the tbreaieoad loouni. aaaerl that Qenaral Huerta remalne unper-

turbedc riH Moriuiir nra.i

here tomorrow for Atuaa Callentea, do tbelr beat 10 entertain them during "We mean no harm to you, we Intend tsaax Unele Sam Prtspaatoc for Warzacaieesa and san Lula lotoxt toMaay Pruteaea i in n and aerear. They nay ha waa aaen uitrA i:ttv. Miv n. Uitmvritht bv the Hie rederal rorrea ror the purpoae

ortran-ix- e

or Hieir short stay her. About rtrty auto to. destroy the dock to keep, tbe Ameri In tho Animated Weekly No. lis.'

Several or Iheao prolcata were directed walking on the etrcem atone Saturday I'reaa iMiunaninv uo-- . ne new tum woriu maklns war In Ibe northern atatca. mobiles will be uaed by the local shrlnera cans rrom using 11," said tno Mexican or the Orinan and Knvllah roveramenla. morning.

11 aeeiua in i inn in ki a nmumwhich

,'M.irt the visitors through the cliy, 10 ricitit. We Also Repent "Lucille Loira"the rrTtoti of üuuxialajiri,federal i'ort Bliss and A abort UtoTbeae eoodltloiia are rully cunrtrmed by According tr. many or the rcfugeex the ware circulated Friday, and which were AMERICANS ANO MEXICANS Juaret. run upMlnllter was distrustful and armed Mis Serles No. 6 Today.

aeveral American arriving rrom Tamplco rail or Tamptro ami Ita capture By rebela emphatically dented lv MltiiMer of wai I'LAt rRUCNIH.Y BASEBALL valley will alto be rntde. Following tne passenger. Hla auspicious began to grow Se and 10ctoday. The expectation anumk wall in tn generally known In Mexico Cliy aa the H im iin . were (iu hi ei.iu ii p phi i IN '111 111 VERA CRl'Z motor ride the vltllor will be liken 10When Mellon sieuners began to crowd

rormed peraona here la that Uto United in or hand bum circulated by rebel which hid reached the capital, or me By Ik 4exaf rd PrMt the Yasonlc temple, where an Inlormal around blm, leaving him barely room to We Run Them First.Blklea will "be romjielled Ui in that Ibe agenix. nawapapera of the capital main-

tainfaction of Mr iv flan. Juan Holarei in the Ver 1. ni.. Mty 17 AmrrleiRa and innrheon will be tendered mem. Tney

Set through.rebela ceaae (heir attempted oxiortlona, or, a dincreet on the aubject, how ierriinrv of Tenlc. Mexlrana met in Trlaudly battle ori Hie will leave al 3:10 for California.

ooiirea wia in cmiiiiiaiiQ 01 a minium Tne Callfornlans entertained at San He believed It waa a putt to destroy tbeir they refuae. to land Torce. The Tam-plco

ever, although "El Impgrclal" admita tbe r Jni'ititnciifi. ni ikI Iutia limn the ritv and haaeball riclrt loiUy and ibe nine or weretho 1'ourth inraniry tlreied the Antonio Sunday, and El Paso Is thetr laat r.etriut. arterwud reporting Ha distrucalluailon rrom thin view appetre lo be capture ny revoluti onlktl or Puerto an dlitrlct or Jiichitin. In Oaxaca, whu liad Agut

verflnr upon the critical, particularly Rlan. Santiago licutnlla. Tequila, Hontot rendered rood aervtce in the territory of lara. an all ir Mexlun team, in a stopover en route home. Many or tbe El Hon as an accident.abould Fnaland and Germany Inalat thai the paqoilio. Cinco Minan and Ran Mracoa. all repic unnet 'ten. nuuna rinzi The rrtnilMatid

name, 4

xvka10 0.

crowded withI'asoana who tended the council at Al Llt I American Killed. AT THE -

.United Malea enier actively Into mil in the ntaic of Teptc, and Maacota and Indian. Are Dliirmed. white tuilrurmed navy tuul kliakl-rla- lm will also trnve this morning and P. N. Hall, s mine superintendent who ledroi the malntonam e or law and Amcca ami Anjm. all In the adjoining atete üenrril Palua recently hid orraaion lo artny uiricerx and a larie numtx i or Ihe

111 Join in ine entertainment. a oartv or seventeen refugee- - from Tenlr.order and the protection or the property or or Jalinco where there aro aeveral rich ruine l Meiru i lly and Urlyadler Solare.i Mexican imiiulatlon. Hool iom rrom The Pteirto coast delegation was one of tnd boarded tbe Cetrlana. gave out a Hat of

roieirn naiinnala. gold ntlncn. wia ten In cnimiiaiiil nr the Jucaltecua in wiucb anlpera inly dhl deaitiy work the largest tht Attended the A1lnt conn Americana wno, ne nenevea, nave oeen

To Acoponeti. Teple. it nuw appoartf lhat the aalnt ihr American rorree held hund rll. They wen- riven t great ovation dttr killed. Most were In the virlolly or Teple GRECIANin ii Teple. imii. hi ii i .1 in iai uroera iituii nunn red or rheerintr nstlvea. in their stay and have been accorded ruy.xl They are:Beet autoa, careful drlrera. Phooe &10 Rebel activiiiea In that of the uhn rnnnuanitfil tliRin In datiiuUHCH llin il recoptlon tl each city tbey alopped over Arthur P. Flint or Minneapolis, Minn., who

rountry ace being carried un by Oeun and to accept ine cunsillutlonaUat oatli r rirxl Claak at Tanlra. on in return trip. was captured In Santiago Ixcitcmtls arterLucio Rtnocu and Rafael Ruelna, alnce a eviani e. He filially nerauaded ine in Bv ihr ÁWi lQled ertét leaving La Piirlssltna; Theodore Jones, who

AMERICAN ( ONSt VI nil dlaiifl in allow the rebela lo approach the in n. s.Martin Kmnnnna, a carranoltta chkr, wan Vera i:riu. Mav 17.- - Hi- - rirat rla.h 1... waa imprtaonca lepir; xvinanemDIED IN LONDON LART NIGHT city, a una inem mat iDav wore coinm tween the ronailiutlonaltata nd roreitrner-a- l W. C. Duim, Murrey Thomas, Tom Fer-wounded in the attack The redFROM ATTCK OF HEART DIHEASE. eral genérale are Domingo

on Teple,Kevln. com

to iiMlat in repeUlnf tha coniiuou enemy Tunpiro occurred Prldey nlrht when 11 FIRST CONCERT TO nandez. Otis Hidden, who were Imprisonedfly Ike Aaaoetafed Pivm if Aint'i run ii., it run hip rtoiin. reruree.. or varloua nattonallllea werri ny oonerais jiiatl soienx, reporten 10 De

mandaut of the city or Teple unlit Ha cap it thla ntficxt So arc k hrht nu men to aeek bitter hater of Americans; Roas Moradapssspori permittingLondon. (7 L. oniritha, nR.tMay ture by ueneraln Rlanco and Buelna. and under him until the rebela reached the departure rrom tne port after TODAY AND TOMORROWthe American ronaut-retiera- l at Lon-

don,they had

Antonio del t.adlllo, rormer governor or ciiv and disarmed Ihem (the Indiana boored the Herman aleuner Yptranr.died ituddenly tonight at hit later the Jucaltecoa were sent lo Hrrmo bound BE HELD IN JUNEthe or who la toniate Colima, reported " .' era ' i ll..or heart dlaeaa1. l llo. caniiai .ii Honon, where tw werehe marching from Guadalajara with a large liurln Ibe conference one nr ii,,vnr.n,

Conaul ilrirnthx bail miirereii rrom imprlaonad. but it la reported here that lahallero'a aide uaed "THE BATTLEinauiungor reinforcements with the of word.body hope many or them have klnue vacaped md areI allfbl lllneaa recently, hiti wal meHiirrrupon iptrangaa oiltcer and hUregaining nome or the loat territory: NEWLY ORGANIZED EL PASO SYMPHONY Theatreoontlderad completely convaleacent. iiuiKina ineir way naca 10 tynv mtm wn aide reamed for their di.HoIb but oern WigwamParka' Harnea Found ara. AccordliiK tu. .une hccoumi the rebel calmed by Caballero. ORCHESTRA'S REHEARSAL AT PASO DELIn New YorkHa was bom October Jamen McDonald, an Amaricen reruger ltd nut lrnt t?yHre! and iney miner NORTE WELL ATTENDED.7, lia.. He Mudled law at toe State cvpi in.'. ..i Irrmrtaoiiad him. he fa OF THEhvlto returned from Mexico Cliy .Sunday SOUTHERN LKAOI E. TODAY ONLY JLnlverefty or Iowa and waa admitted nr ihe derectton of ncdarta U now idreported to the military, headquarters herelo th Mr at Indtanapolia. He wat milted by Blanquet and ti ta understood Cratiryiag Improvement Nolrrt In Ensembletoday that he had neen Colunel Mcrag that in order han been taaued by Mlanquet. Slandlog al Ike Club. I I i:UI,KI MAUY Fl 1.1.1 Itappointed coftaui al Liverpool In toot and Tone colorías by Those Wholorn homes at Cordoba. Ruhtoand conaul general at London m tloe. gart'n declarlnf Sularca dlihonoflbly dltchirred Won. LotLPct. Practice Yaattrfay. In IAgulrre. a Cuban stationer who also muí i lie irniy. chaiianoot ,. . 10 io .tu SEXES",Beat atitoa, careful dnvora. Pboaa Bio - turned rrom the capital tola morning. Pill o( Timplre AdnMted. New Orleans ... M .Ml "FREDERICK THE GREAT"

to bin orla nal statement to Gen Interest and enthusiasm Ihe recentlyil. inarticlealWBaufc ii lal" in a new MobiltAdv.) impai today 3 17 .171era) Fruition mat he Mw prívale Parka Fl Paso A Modern Dramatic Masters,iumiir un. rapture or iimuicu uy n Atlanta . II 14 .SOUorganized symphony orchestra waa Tbe Edison Feature In which Mux

intpriaoued in Tejerla and that he beard lutinnaitati and tbe evacuation of that ael Rirnilnrhain , la It .44mucn in evidence yesterday afternoon when Fuller adds to Her laurels

the nhota or Parks' execution. nort bv the federal aarrlaon under com tne members or the splendid musical or-


Children Ory Fl Imparciar this morning nayx that mand or iieti. ifrnaclo Moreloi KaragotvaMebphlaRxhvtlle la 17 .tCM

met In tno ball room or tbe Tomorrow First of the WigwamPresident Wilson in inn rarkt incident The Men. mi paper explalna. however, iba 11 m jen Hotel Po del Norte for rehearsal The MMUsrplece, "A Million Bid." tthe evaruaiion waa mide neeetntary be MoiiiKoinery mm x.iFOR FLETCHER'S seeking another fllmay pretext for a re ciuie or a lack uf amtnuuiHon, wblch the njeeung ws well attended and little tuno MAGNIFICENT

C A S X O R I A newal of hoatlllilea and reitrraten the rarr ion cm d not receive pecante m ran "here I hr H, Tssia)'.. wtfl wasted, the musician fetllnt down to REELSthai neither Huerta tior Bluiqtiei blockadestatement wiy interruption! by land and a Mrmiihta at Birmingham, actual work under Ibe direction of Directorknow anything or the Incident except thai n Amer hii ahina bv lea. McCrcken.nabvllle kl New Orleu.11 waa reported lo them thai an American r.i impatiiai uiriuer ataoris nivi n ubm There wat s sresi improvement In Ibesoldier had beon ahot while trying lo learned thai the rebela received larye haiian ...un at Monitromery.

ensemble and tone coloring noticed and If WONDERFUL CASTaunplien or aimnunltlon from Amcricaii Mlanta l Mobile.override a Mexican ouipost near Tejerla the tbla continues those who are roriunateahlpa anchored In port. BEAUTIFUL GOWNSWould Dtvlde Chihuahua. PACiriC COAST LEAUt'E. enough 10 hear tbe initial concert will en- - BIJOUWill Tt Mr. t..lrl Joy 1 muatcal treat

The or tieneril Huerta lo divide POWERFUL STORYBy thf Asaoctatrt hrttn ('.hiliuilnii uno two rederal lerrttorlea - standing el Ike Club. Francis I. Moore, premier pianist or thlaRuine. H$y IT. tm Italian ko ernmtnt meet na uit i M r oDnnniunn in me main Wen. Loat. Pel. ctty tnd one of ibe younger master or Produced bybit requftaied the t'aiiin lnvenior, título ber or deputies where, contrary to ibe Venice ft I .771 thai Instrument, baa been selected as en

the dHro.rr Of Iho usual eiiMoin, hip qufsnon ia auowro i sen Francisco St of tne soloists Two olbera will be chosen TODAY D. W GRIFFITH f; to .Ui .be onenlv and treely debated. Denulwhiet, rúnpowdtr tbe week.njrg, bjr nwarti ,of nu duringHirpednea bve h'-- n explotiftl from t loin senate



In thedenounceddebate In the

tbe SacramentoI..- - Angele SI

ti ml .133

.477 Th program, which hi been arranged World's Greettast Moving Pic-

turedlaUnct. to iffti nin ioviry in ine Nai Oakland by Mr. Mer.rarkeu. win comprise aeiac "Pathc Director.execuiivi' nroDoaai ano wia auue viior II M .totterrani-a- ii A rtin n lo itio routlitlcina oua in bla itlick. The debaiitir ha proven Portland M N .400 liona from tne worka or Orlet, Pre me. Ileotttú for th tt, it will bé neary for mil there is coiumeriDie inaepenaeni eie laua, St. Saena and Masaenet.lilm to cuiM in aplo.ion at a dltianre meni In ihp chamber and lhat the aovern Tha first concert wlU undoubtedly b

ment does not rare tn thwart free dls XVher Tkey flay Toda If. the Most "Swagger" Pho- -of about It milr tbrourh tbe htiu. given next month, according to presentNo seevMultS.cussion or ibe proposal. games pats or tnos oeaind tne organisation. Weekly fcver MadeTralea rreoa Éie Lula Pelea!.ilea Cliy Ftir apata Tnlna irrlvina; rrom flan Ltua Potoal AMERICAN LEtUl'EBy Jaaoc.nird Pre bnna the newi thai many American Mil DEPREDACIONES YAQI'IS..CAO H SHRDL HHRDLU IjPIMMIíí:M. dents or Hut cliv will leive there, oa

Vara Crua, Nay 17. A latirr rereWad tensibly mr c.oauacoalcoi on a apactal SUsSltf ! the Clubs. Cerca de Ores. Sun le ladlos Ye)! "VITAGRAPB DRAMA' Show Start on the Followingfrom a Brillan rraidem or Maxlco Cliy, train on may v. won. Loat. ITIwhich reached here tonlrht. contained the Althouab ti hi been announced tn tbe Detroit .... IS 8 .704 Qataa Puentes Rba. Schedule: 12:30. 1:50. 3:10.information that Hermana. Brlttah anil capiiai mat raiirom irarnc neiween en Philadelphia IS t .an De la Prensa Asociada. 4:30. 5:$0. 7:10. 8:30 andJipaneae wer tllUtOf off tte delen of tillo ind Sati I.uIn Potosí Is mum. i omimiiil xx axhinrion It II .144 Nótales. Arta.. Mayo 17. Oran numero de "SUM DRAMA"ih roncaniratton mnrtct Tfal ariintv. Ii retular ind tbla nrobablv 9:30 m.cation not p.St. ."Us .. , I II .lit yaquis se nt raudo reuntando en Oros,tue la Haw tuiad. ira. oui" nr the fear or accnuiiie (or the rallura of Vt.:e Coniul New York . II .too Bota., en donde ha cometidoan eiiacs on pt- Bitai ny inn- - Sánala depredaciones.mi mm io arrive nere N. B. The BIJou management waaroroaa. llii- - in aid ui ha iha onlv cuku AltbMther about 7'o Americans hive rer Boston ... 10 . tt .41 El incendio de dos puentes en al ferrocafor aiann in iu mnni, wqirn ta imr lsured with the BraaUlib Ippraiion and clin- . . . ... If IT m rril Sudpaclftco. fuá hecho por ellos, y a exceedingly sorry to cYlamppolnt

COMEwise, quia l nave announcea their inieniiona ureniain Cleveland 1 M .333 dice due ban tenido un epcuentro eon lo 1)1 oaa that cam to ee "Qoodnse EARLYtnt in Mexico. romiliurionallaiaa. matando a diez y ocho Gracious" Saturday nicbt. but thWhy Did CburebtH Utp. the too Wker Tbey Ply Tossy, dS tíos picture was not up to th BIJouMary By the etMCHríoífrf FfVu, l lndsey Oeea to vVaablegton chtrafo al Philadelphia ciento rincueuta yaquta pasaron por No

London, Hty IT -- Umatun er By Ihe Aatocletcd Prrn standard and waa taken off at S ADMISSIONMjven. Detroit Bostontt gales para cañan, para aumentar la guarI hi i r, HI It Mr al Iaci fit thai u.i h. Denver. Colo., May it. -- statin thai he bad p. m , and another program substi-

tutedibaVoop. alt Umaa been urted by cltisena of Colorado to pre-se-St. Louie at New York. nloion y poder evitar cualquier deaorden The BIJou shows-anl- )day looped thid a mono Cleveland tl Waabington. de so operarlos O ta minas.Lreave Home? tbe strike aliuatlon to Prealdeni Wtlaon 10c and 25cplane driven by Oufllive Hamci, the tua Iud re ben Q. idndaey of the Juvenile court Mea de ruatrortMto americano. baR re best every day.

Uait ablator. icii vouigm tor vaahlnaiun i.xo tanas acbeduled yeaterday.) I trcaado a cananee aa i tttstst uliiuia.


hut WoWt eased Ihe Inning vum .SOLDIERS TAKE I Ins pllrlsrr.nfel FADlNfi HOTFI 9 issaaa at Lsag nn.r

Mortimer scored ror the .iuits In thefirth whn he hit to deep h ri r. ine.cir

DOUBLE HEADER nut. In tne last hair the n,tmsde ihelr bid and put three ovci the psn,

PARTMFNT HOVSFSB8BB Soiiila I'unlap duuhled over third but renamedsi aecond while the next tw.. u .re re-tired,GAS COMPANY AMI MNkltaw dray drew pfca. and ih.-- Messon Cable ServiceMa i, I IN SltST 01I m v.l II BV crrv got one of the longest drlvra rvrr hu on.

I HI. I -the Washington Park groom:- oiaking the9TL PA90 mm circuit easily. Woolen rannt-- rur the at Small CostRandall, Wrll upporte. rtaved Invincible, third out.

an i , nin oa xj Poallloa Nash Drapae Parker's Perrealagr I oluuin I. Clacked. The soldiers added mother in the .txth

on a scratch single. Norrtr douhk andI'srker'i .test of Boroe whlh' Itrokaw hld Don't let the ocean separateA TAT B T II II.NKIIAtJ.FF THE LOCK1E the hall. They saldad two mor.- in ihr isat

The Grand Hotel HOTEL McCOY company reprtMented in the El Paso Inning wh. n Pearson alngled to renin- and from business whenCity league i piohably the fastest mm you yourhotel and ATAimanrra Absolutely fireproof. "modern." Murilmer loplirated the bit. Both movedLooatad at the head ot Kl Peer. 8t ID


aggro miHon that has ever played " up on s wild pitch. Hoaklns hli to Woolen abroad. A Western Unionrit aolnretl Isnih oiuta of theCorase Btantan AtresiaMilk and who hesitated sad then threw wild tod.t! the withh'ol'!r,Bi"fful?T n Pioneer Plaaa. 4 ream double-heade- r ParktoEl Tana hatred at Wellington rirst, Pearson (taring and Mortim.,- 12--word Cable Letter or a 24-wo- rdroralshad, rtal and ( r.o. howar baths, 11.10 and up. yesterday afti rnoon and eatabUanad them log home w life taw Isat run ror thr itrr: wttb or wlthaat arl-K- t R J. Phone MM Every roam absolutely outalde. selves in first place. The soldiers diera whin 1b rsrker'abelt. Heart of ettr. Laokle. Mar. took their n aren rivals, the Hio Orami" right.

dropped fly in Week-En- d Cable LetterBankers, inin mum m the second game Ilylaf Hll Inelfrrllir. will keep in close touch withafter a Hani fought sevm inning struggle youThe (lav company made a dying ralh inHOTEL ALBERTA HOTEL ANNEX by a score u r ' io A. The Gaa company tholr hair of tas last Inning when uray things "at home." Theteam prove.) easier In the first half, the economyHOTEL ZEIGER alngled hai-- of first withPASO DEL NORTE Coraar Wast Saa Antonia and Santa iwo on, scoringsoldiers wlmi ilia 9 to 4. btith runner, only to he douhletl off or of service willRat of this form sur-

priseand CoM Running Water. Tel-

ephoneFe ata., oa black tram Alberta.

' t.amrs it., in Well Played. rirat when Mi'sion flaw out lo right on nu-

bilMW Witt bath la Every Room. On bleak wast Hotel Paso alIt and and fastBoth run.i.p. gain' s wer well played and the you. UnsurpassedWith running- w.tor. 1150 and up. Europea Plan. Restaurant, Bat-to- t. Norte. Will open about April 1st, scores him. ui repreeuteil the relativeBlBTlaaertB' NoomUv I.onoh la OrUI Private Dining Room. Open All outside rooms rita private nterlta of lUe táni as they played yester-

dayTHR SKCONII I1AHK. cable service at regular rates.

1I:IS a. m. to 1:1 p. S-O- Sa All Night. Ratee 11.11 to lt.. bath. Steam heat, hot and eald afternoon, rue Baukera put tap a great Tbls w.v s close sad hard rough! atrug-gl-

running water. Special rata tar struggle In the scennd hair of taw double-heade- r rrom ihe time the first bsll wss pitchedth iiiaaw, Mr, b. Tarn Smith. and had Walker Marled the game until the laal man had ' retired st the THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO.

In renter inM- ad of Perkins fOT the llsuk end or i be seventh. The soldiers aetnSHELDON HOTEL Mgr. Phone 1111. ers. tne latter '..uahiv would have been their cra.-- twlrler, Ralldsll, to llic alab. Telephone or inquire at any off tc for the Uenter of Kl Peo Motel Orndorff returned but n was tamr alnlity while th. Banker, depended upon Wole

to take advoinnre or all the, breaks that alagle to bring thetn victory.The Commercial Men's data and located

Up Located la Mart at the etty, tana San get Into )y telegraph withgave the soldiers their victory. Bandsll Hsd Oso Hupparl.conveniently J adato rne or the league depenuMiPark. Ail modern convenience. Tbe rornisr pitched good steady gamerjsjairjui UMUB-c- III III tlliur. Ml IIS.'1to the buelness dl.trlot ot Kl Paso. Special rile, now oa tor the maekaag. them make the county a proposition. Theupon tne outrmiie or iin second atrugglu through.. ni th entire seven Innltiga andBastan Mrn't Luneta Dally SOa and both clubs were out to win, with whilecua. a a. o, nr OBorr, rreiiuonlly In tight plsce, wsa at

Sheldon CBfa. Owner, an Proprletara is siso expeeted to bid ror the bonds, as the result that ihe game was probably the hi. beat in Ihe pinche and at tbebest staged the local diamond this time rineis ii. .11. ..ram ann company or i.mcago. was given support by tbe muiiseason. The hankers, in their effort to behind Inin. Wnlsslsglc was taken 'out bywrest flelorv from the leaders, lised two IB Bankers after tne soldiers bad scored

ntiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniinimiiin service. MA Million Bid," direct from the NEWS IN BRIEF pitchers. ini the soldiera depended uihui thr,-.- rima In lite first two innings andL in ui b.

v'b....... . 4 O t I '.1 WOULD PACIFY ALL MEXICANSwmai.. 4j II S I J 1Mtagraph theater. New York: It is a stoi Adrrtlsemente.) their star iwiner. uniniall, to pull them Brann ,ui to me mound The latter Wanl .4 ii ii ii n o (CnntlniJed From la; 1.)or an ambiiious mother who sold her through. pitched the best game of ihe three, and ' ni- n ib J 18 0 0daughter into marriage with a millionaire Or. Ebert, Dentist. tK-t-l Mill Bid. Big Crowd witnesses hpurt. with 'lean support by his mates would ivrltins. cf 0 II II (I n t lite biithi'rtt nblllly m aitniilti'd by mnstLAMUSEMENTS the girl'a wishes. The sinking or Both games were well attended, the large not Rave he. n scored upon. Woleslsgle Walker, rr von i y ome orean liner Is but one or in.- many L. Brack denutt, an moved to 47 rrowd thorough I. enjoymg the class of was pitching rair bsll when taken nut and lutionaltBi.H here a well aa'by nn

Wulcaiayle. p & a n ii o o o'New Nation.unusual scenes. It was personally selected ririt Bask Bldg. ball orrerrd. the Bank KtnlHd tiieIi game rally or In fact ibe Bsnkers got even belter int. li WalHh. rf i o (I ii I) u obaervem. itubasa, u nrby E. E. Campbell or the El era In Ihe Ibni inning to pull the irame ma than tbelr rivals, bul tbe tstter gave ruminlsalou. h nu uowrtty uu interna I'aso and san Antonio, from the scores or Barlt Prom Torreón. dut of the fire with the score showing then moundsnan better support and this

J. Todd ToiaH ..III 4 K tH III r tnd ojDiatliition w. a novelistreels orre red. McClanuny hu returned from them ihree runs behind and two outs, gave them the game.Torreón where he has been on husmeas '(tiiipany I. AM. R. H 111. A. L. and !n'CbinpMili'd 9rtnlni . August intrip for several day.. held the crowd until ward drove a terrific rirst lanln in. uu. Mon-h- ir :i o o ii ti o RodrliriiRz Is regarded an iin bet utinrnev

"Baltic or ihr Sexes" Tocay. Tke Biiou. liner straight lulu the hands of Hall for The .truggle wss won and lust in the Maltwwaon. :tti on elvU law in Mealco and nerbaps tbn"The Battle of the Sexes" Is the extra Pathe Weekly and Vitarrapli and Seiig Or. Cameron, denuit, sot Bob. Ban. Bldg. the last out of Hu- game, one or the best very first Inning when Perkins In eentei WoMl, r :i V i y i i treatcat Javi'er WxlCM nas irtr irudurerj.dramas will be on the at thespecial attraction at the Grecian today ann program bands rrom Ihe fort furnished music for Ibe Itank.-- drupiied two fairly easy Mall, bi ii i ion Sennr Kliruern w a lawyer nr tiiir niisinensRilou today. The Weekly contains a numtomorrow. This picture telle a atorv. ber or exceptionally Interesting events and

Mn.. Painting company, 204 West San throughout the Bfternoon. chances, ailowmg two scores when clean Pearjwm, ib I u i ;i o n Interests in Mexico, counsel ror rinanelalaround a successful business roan who h.iH Antonio. The frirsl Game. euppon would have blanked Hie soldiers. Mi ii u i'b u o : u o institutions and railmads. Tbe last twoyou should not miss this number.aiways round pride and ioy In the com-pany The Bijou management was exceedingly The first game between the soldiers and He taken oui snd Walker substituted. ParhtT. rr 9 o n n n o have never held political offices or affili-

atedof a loving wire and daughter, but sorry to disappoint those that came to ee aivcihaUnenjoborprlntlngtoPaca ihe team reptcseDllng the Oas company The chango worked well, but came too Draper, rf S t i í with any political parties.suddenly rinds hlmseir eninralled by the "Ooodness Oraeloua" Saturday night, tout Phone 77. (Adv.) found Hoskih on the mound for Uncle late, the two runs which came In on a nanaali. p a u i o v n

Personal Ambitions Are Hlsrarried.advances or a ray young; woman, a siren, errors decided the struggle.Mam's w tule Brokaw orririated rorthe picture was not up to the Bijou stand boyswho lives in the same apartment house. The twslWst uar n. town. Finest goods Piral Tola!; 14 tv 7 51 i t in settling ihe Mexlcln question, thru'the uas boys, rue game, while hard rough! Hankers llrew Blood.ard and was taken orr at 5 p. m. and an st in.- icm. delegate, arcordlnir lo Iheli rrlendi, winSo marked an Influence does she have ojber provram substituted. The-- Bijou throughout, was never In doubt arfer the Both tesma'senred In the rirst, the Bank-er- Runa anil lilla hy innm,-uver him u time progresses that at last Rio ilrainl.' hank i o on i imt be guided by personal amhl turns it

second Inning when the soldiers put three drawing first blood when Hrapn drew--snows only the best day.every Lite Slock Afenl Here. Hiierla of other bul will recinu--lie quite forgets his home ties. The story runs over Uh- pan, taking the lead and paas after the first two to face uahdali Httx i o ii n 3 I - any man.Is enact-- Harry s. Vsn Blyck. trsvellng live slock mend Iho Mings which their independentadvanced tnrougñ many scenes, Company ..: i o o í mThe Rsasreas. holding It easily to the finish. Their op had atruck out. I.yrnsn alngled lo tt am!with the accompanying; notes or New agent for the ssnis Fe system with hetd- - judgment or iin' situation will díctale. They

E. c Hunt, manager "Hunt's Men st pononls threatened )n the firth when they .""lawman ami one tbrough short. Uranu Hila ;York's hiriii lira, bringing in v qusrlers Trlnldsd, Colu.. Is lo El I'sso an' itid to be men inindritl or theincidently Makers," now playing a stock eniriiirrment on a Dusineas inp. Mr. van Sly a was ror put three run over before the third man scoring the first run of Ihe game snd I. y Stiniliiary or. ame- Iiuuiik-- ' pllrlied. hy

of the Meslro i lly bnsine.s menmagnificent scenes In rsmous restaurants at the Empress theater, announces for yesra resident or El I'sso and has many was retired and came within one of tielng o. an taking third on the fill, but Waul Wdlealaprle i :t, by Bmwn r. í i; run-on nil avenue. However, the story ends Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, for Ih irlonds here. the score, bul Ihe boys from Company I ended the Inning by alrlklng out, the. third made, off Wol lairle .1, .rr HlViwn hit- - and others who rear an mvadina

and generallyarmy

would mnfturatehappily but not without stroor ' propertymany first timo In Kl Paso In tabloid form, v. came back wlih one in the next and added victim ror Itsmlsll In tbe InnlliK. apporllonM, off WuleBlajrle :i, orr Brown 4;maxes. It is presented by a wonderfjl aiunnorn :indrreiis. wiih a supuro can John T. Hill, lawyer. Ill II Capíes Bldg. a couple In the last to make It certain Perklos Dropped Two M.' Ones. thrtre-baa- e bit, Itiuinen; alriirk mil. Uy uVatrny ruinmen-e-

smi lanlelsspecially selected cast. It Is considered WoN'slaale 1. h Hrnwn 3; hae on ball, Secretaries iiarriaon spentrlbl after two wereMiss Woldi singled toIncluding Ann El Paso' be the most i'swaafer" photodrama ev-i- lb Terrific lllttlna hy Moreh. several hours nt their desks today, butofHUI, optician Precision. 1:1 Mesa down lor the soldiers in their bsir ami off Hrann 4. n itandaii S; double playa.made. This will be the blfgest dramatic ravonte prima donna; Hunt and Gilbert, by The struggle was featured by ihe terrific i.. .ni announced that no new order tuiliVrklns Parker io leariii t.ynian hi Newman inthemselves; Miss Hurley Ward, the peine batting of Morrh and Mortimer for Ihe sol Hall gave an easy chanco lo re

in Issued arri'cluiK naval militaryevent or the Re .'ii orseason. sure and come Try the new Bsr. You sal th Brann Ran-dallBunaen. wild plirhe, by I, bylittle ingenue; Corey Hunt, Mr. Jack Oski- -r tire Ihe aide, bul be lrup.-- Ibe ball,any. shows start as rollowa: 19:30, , beau T. p. kelsb. Prop. dlers and the general all around play 'of William s. Time inovemenls in Me 1 leo. Secretary Danielsballs.I. 'by

3:10. 4:30. 5:M, 7:10. 8 30 and 0:50. Ad-


and many others, not overlooking our darn-ing

the winners. Morch starred ai the bat In Woldl taking third and Hall second, rear i.i- -'i

late m the day to go sntiih tut hmir - minutes.of trame, Umpire,10c and 95c. dandles. Don't miss Ihls. Hear Mis Call Pomeroy. Phone MIL Choice Hvry this game, getting a single, double, triple sun singled through short uml bulb run ruirtll some speak tnir eugagenients.

Montgomery and auarlel sing "The Ragtlm Mortl iters scored. Morlltuer flew 10 center and Wylle.rlga, backs, baggtg and freight transfer. and home run out of five trips up.Vary Fuller Today. Hriteite From Lucia Delamiclan." mer was a close second with a single. again Perkins dropped the ball, but rarkcr

An exceptionally rood bill Is on at the Here Prosa tiloke. double and home run out of Tour linn s up Tanned for the third out.I. Warren J. 8. Miles, The. soldiers, however, ran wild on the Ilraper failed to Touch tferond.

Wis" wan. today. Mary, fuller, the lady road supervisor ofdainty of the pictures. Is seen in one or Appears at the Unique today In "The Oils county, arrived In JS1 Paso from his bases and tossed off several additional started the second Inning, for m

her greatest trUwjjphs, "Kreqei the 111 Baca." a nrsl rlass "Kerrigan" drama homo at Globe yesterday and registered at scores by their failure to much the bases soldier, after the Hankers bad been blank. d WHERE TO DINEUreal. Site Is ably supported.. by Ben

Also scene of uncle Sam preparing for the Zciger. .Miles will regve lodsy on s on their way around or attempting to in in. if hair by filubig s higi ni front

Wilson and a picked cast. 3 "The Boul or war. All the latest fashions, newt event business trip to Wsshingloo, O. C. stretcli their hits, four being thrown out of tbe plate wnitib rrll afc. llsudall bit

Ifie Desert" is one or those old time and whimsical cartoons drawn by Hy attempting the latter stunt, while two run lo docp center for tbree bases, scoring

excelling-- in thetne, production andayer, in Animated weekly No. lit. "Lu-

cilleDr. Paget. Utntist. Bob. ft Bio. Bldg. ners were called out ror failure to touch draper but was called out rur falling to THJC UKST SUMVAUBAUT

Love" serles No. t will be abown touch second base, llrann wrnt Into pilch AT WHICH TO again lor Old autos made new. toltec. I'hone second. lo FLORENCE CAFE Qnlek Service I .in.-l- Caaaissvtoday Ibc benefit of those who git. st una stage of the game and proceededTornorrow The rirst or the maBterplere (ias "111 pH ll lif to Scire ad rrlvata tsoeihs. r. pulseaid not get s rhsnre to who forceosea It yr.aterdsy. the first to walk Morch was immediatelyDr. Ann Reum, Buckler The as company boys were rrtsas.Bldg., n Lilla Mathews,. ti and Woldl aecond byscore, putting a runner across lu Ihe rirst Team. aa.

Ryan's Dancing Academy. started when he Two rs.t liooDif nays. TBS FOT. Fre.Imported Bear oa draught st the Gem. inning. Uray thingsSelect social nances every Wednes-

day tripled to deep left, with one down, and A rsst double plsy by each team killedand Saturday night. Class les-

sons then beat the throw to the plate when orr all chances lo acore in ihe third in-

ning,every evening 7: SO p. m. Pri-vate

OBITUARY. Messon bit to short. Woolen singled to both, plays being handled fast andlesson by appointment. Pbon right, but Meason wss caught attempting skillfully. Bunaen, whose work around. KTH71I7 OH XJTPiO lODiTir I NOW

Ml. McKfE Mrs. J. D. Mrkln died yenterday to go to third. The soldiers passed up a the flral bag was onn o. tne luaiurea ui n-uda,

11 its ty kjiju v xrv vaJTViaissiia. openafiernoon at her home tw North Florence good chance to score when Moreh started nulled the star play In Ihr fourth

Aurlltuatnm PmvIII.... street. Mrs. Mckle, who had been an In-valid his heavy batting, with a srreamlng drive when he wont up In ihr air with one, hand TasrUMO IS 11KST

Good music, refreshments and 6- - Tor several year., is survived by her to lert for three bases, only to be caught and pulled down a high throw rromceiu donee., every night, g to 11. No son, Clarence a. MrKle. ami three daughters at the attempting to make the circuit Lyman.Irella. the wire or B. M. plateunaasiraoiea. rasa uity usnclng Club a. Williams and the Soldiers rinrhrd II m ITflh. BSI1C asa WAR. PMarlelsrs.the drive.onMisses Lena and Corlnm- MrKle, all or whom the(Adv.) soldiers apparently made gane

reside in El I'aso, and ero with their w .mien rusablei a Urounder. Themother when she passed away. The funeral The soldiers, however, msde good In ihe aafe when they scored a bran- of runs In

eXPECT BETTER TAN PAR. services will he held thin anernoon at 1 second when Mortimer started tblngs with Ihe ririh Inning Mathewson siarled iheo'clock from the Trlntiv Methodist chureh. a drive lo left for two bases, only to bf Inning hy drawing a pass ami Wuldl

Commlsalesera' Csurt Is Opea Bids fsr caught attempting to make third on the tingled lu center. Brann attempted to PAN-AMERICA- N CAFEBalMia Bsa faene MOORE Fitzgerald Moore, t 7i years, catch Mathewson napping ofr second sndTsaay. hit. Hosklhs win given a life when Woolen 14 N. Ill Paao St. Now Under Now afanasamaat.died Sunday morning at to o rlork upenat the both runnersAt the special meeting of the county rumbled hts grounder. Parker ranned for threw wild to center,

bome or his daughter. Mr. Hoy Wolcott, Ihe Inrield close II O'CMH'K M-- l ( I AI. DINNER, BOc.playingcommissioners- court toosy bids will be 03 ihe second out, but Drsper got t single to WllhAustin street. Mr. Moore had long been Ihe pitcher on I Paso's Popular Eatlns Plac tor ladles and Oentlsmea.opened for the munlclpsl building bonds. a resident or El Paso. Funeral services will center, putting two oat. Morch, aner rail-ing

Hall nil a rasl one paalHince last meeting sever! bids. have been be held this mommg at irt o'.iork rrom the to stretch his first hit Into a home which Newman made s nice snip but noi MAR BAJIK CHUN, MAR SHUN, atakaiararued witn the county clerk and the com-missioners

residence or Mrs. Wolcott. with Interment run. drove the ball a little farther tbls In nine to catch tho runner and Maihew rhorie wen.anticipate disposing of the is in Evergreen cemetery. timo and completed the circuit, llosklns sun scored. Hall wss aught off sec

sue st tbls morning's session of the court. and Draper scoring ahead or hltn. snd run down upon sn stteiupu-- doubleThe commissioners are bold log out for Best autoa, careful drivers. Phono Woblt Failed In the Pinch. ateal and Pearson drew a paas. .Newman

a premium and It Is sipetced tbst the bids 10. Ad ver t semen t. Neither team acored again untiltbe rourth threw- wild lo complete a double play and EAT AT 00 TO

Did opened this morning will sll offer some when Hoaklns singled, stole second and retire tbe side on Mortimer's grounder toTlie Neareat and Rest Restaurant PHIL YOUNG'S CAFEWhy Mary thing better par. No bids will be coa went to third on Dunlap's overthrow or short and Wuldl acored.

tbe Rankers atsged . Tnr jour I.tinch. H nr Cold, so allsldered for lass than beaten,par. second. Brokaw got the neat two on Apparently IllK Hilllca kinds Mexican IilabeiChildren I I Alao for thaOtaraTbeCurtlss-Msnnln- Company, an El pggo Cry strikes, but Draper weighed In with a sin a rslly In Ihe last Inning tha. almost gave aliaga 11UI13C Swtlirj celebrated Uoerleln ClDclnnatl Bverbrokerage nrm. is expected to make s bid FOR FLETCHER'S gle, scoring the pt in her Moreh alngled , them victory itokahr beat out an InLeave Home? ror Ibc bonds as Mr. Curtlss advised the hitting sgrely for the third straight time, field hu lo slarl things sue. look secondcommissioners last week I hat be would CASTOR I A and Mathewson walked, rilling the base's when Mathewson threw wild lo first. Wll

Hams Tanned hui Hrann singled ovar .

Lynwn Tanned and the crowd startedhome only m be halted when Newman Pboa. 3O06. Opea Day aa Nlgbcalnslrd lo lert and tiolh runners ri'LIJSAW prlee,' under theto h,r. ,.llt nM,acured ann Newman went all ihe way Brgular Dloaer as Cants froaa asanaaament ..f MBS I.. Dlil.ANKT.third whan Ibe Ibrqw home went I I I P- as- - cnn.clenlleua Aoierle.n lady whopast Woldl with ihe lltilng run oil third gbort Ordera, Noodles, Chop Busr know. Ik. bu.lM.gnd two out. Ward uisue a separate at aod Cklasaa Disks. so. mi lis T. I HO NX isas.tempt to win Ihe gamo but his w liked 304 Ullla St. HI Paao. Tasaa Csffse peesltr.liner went stiaiaht 10 Hall and one or Ibcbeat games or Ibe city league season wasii&vííiAi ended. Tbe score.State Mrs! tiente. BaaaBBBSBHN aaasssaasssssissss

Qaa Co A" n H v 'llallegher. lb 4 1000Uray. lb. ..festón. Jb 4 I I I I

Woolen, as' SILK SHIRTSLiimited Bbneru. IT


rUsh. rT " 0 0 l

Anderson, cf " 'a ' "imnlop. c

Premier Train of trie Southwest Brokaw, p J $3 and $4Tntal, n 7 I I" 'L-- R. H. a... A BUmt AJ.

Compare Our Service and Schedule With Others Morch,Mslbewson.


cSb i

; ;I



EE 'as J

Low Summer tourist fare on Bale May 15 to Sep-tember

Low Summer tourist fares to California on sale June Prn.Mortimer,Ih

rliJ '

'' '

', Arrow Silk Shirts. Just the

30. Final return limit October 31. I to September 30. Final return limit October 3 1 . Harkins, p ) J J J


t t lJ proper thing lor hot Hummer

To Kmum City, $40.65; to St. Louis. $51.65; to ' To Los Angele, $40.00; to San Diego, $40.00; to Total. ' ' days. Many neat patterns toChicago, $57.45, and correpondingly low fares to all San Francisco, $50.00. Low fares to Washington and Runs gnd mis by Innings-- -

I o 0 0 J 0 I-- f'0( CO - pick from.Eastern resort. IU IIOOtOS-- 7

Company I ÍÍMIIS,,Diverse Routes Long Limits Liberal Stopovers lap,



Msthewsoo.uame Two





base bits. Morch. Ory; home runa, Mea

For Pullman Reservations, Schedules, or sonkin- - t.


Mortimer,oui. by Rrokaw

stole bsaes.7. by


Brokaw , offkins I: Has. on bglla. orr

Harktna t: batiera hit. Anderson by Har-

Any Other Information, Ask Una; double playa. Parker to sforllmer.Brokaw I:wlbl pitches, by Hsrklns I, by

Time or game IKICHARl) WARREN, H. D. MrrfilUKc.OR. City Tli Iter Office passed balls. Iiunlsp.

Wylle- -Oeneral Agent City Paeaerujar A nt RutldlBB bom mi. - empire,El Paaw. Tesa El Faaa, Texas 64 - 661 Ne oad baase.

... uramla Ban- k- AB. R. H. P. A. E.BAGGAGE CHECKED FROM HOTELS AND RESIDENCESokahr. as ' - '

vrawu! a"M -

EL PASO MORN1NC TIMES Monday. May 18. 1914.

New York Lomi Tinker' Home Run Soldier. Take a IBaseball Racing Boxing Bowlingto Cincinnati Redi Win for "CU-feb- " Doable Header






MORNING TIMES FQRN CHART999 a 1. Naih, Lady Moonet. surpassing,t. Marlon Ooosby. cloth of Gold, Dr. Cap ILENGTHY STRUGGLE OUT CIRCUIT DRIVE Succeeds Freddie Owen Who f ailed to Make Good men.3. Boots and saddle. He bago. Korfbage.9 9 9 9 4. Best Bib and Tucker, Lenore, Katharine Pimlico Resulta

0. Bu Morosa! Wire lo J At JTsswTHllTfXrA INNINGS RF.QI IRLT) HV rilll HOMK HI BY KM K M so KIM HUM r - Breezy Gossip of the Copper Leaguers ft. WMTrite, Beanet. strong.' PIMLICO. MU., Mar le, ml.. Weather rlear. track faaL Tenth day.

f)H I'll It TO lllll M MM' M." NA-

TIONALSTo victory or hicm.o n mhim s ft Reno, W. W. Clark. Prospect.

ON HOMK UROUNB. 0KB I'll -- Hi He OlTLAWfl. It A FIRST RACE Four and one half rurlonn- - Time :JI ;, :S Startthe riubEBNKST U coa.V atead. naa latnyod all the way. "Preddle Owen has resianed as manatfr-ca- p But with the injection of new blood and Dobaoa Loarfsvl lie. good: won eailly.

Hard Hltlle Win- - for Cardinal, la l.lmr PliuhiirofM Hit Hardrr Thaa ih LmiIi, tain of the Silver city Indians, his life Into the team try piecing; Pitman at the L Nash, Lady Moonet. Edith W. lni)e. Horse. WUl H 4 Mr. Hk lockejf. Odda.Wllk Trollev ll.lgrr In. Inn. II Oulhlla ul Thalr Baae It u at. lag l.irbfd Both reiianstlort taking effect on the twelfth of head, ihey yet have time to coma out of I. Marion Oooabj. Dr. Carmen, Cloth of 1A9 Corslcan lio 4 .. 8' f f 1 Butwell

ui outfield- - New York deals. sprrrl tad Judf-mr- t I rtllril Tlmv the month. the tail umber and cut a swath. oold. 935 Burwood no .. 41 ' f1 9 itrayttiI. Y'andergTtrt. hoots and Saddle Korfhaae. 949 Tla Pin .110 7 .. ts ! ' knifhl4. Lenore. Best hid and ruraer, los in-

valides,91 Frill IM 1 .. ' 41 6 4 TroilerIsAt a me iing of the directors of the rtub, Baseball a finicky thing. Winner to-

day,NATIONAL IH't IHI I.MUK. 7J Star and Oarter Ito t ..I 9 l MccaheyÓI11 Pi from the loser tomorrow, it all goes to showM.n.lln.j ... liV It.l.s

i man. recently aiquted ITT Led 110 a .. e ! ' FordCalifornia statu learue, playlna lort field the useb'ssneaa of doping-- out a winner. a. Wllhite, strong, Benanct.

SOS St. Helane lit) t I S ,. t waulol tar i Won. Pet,Bltadloo lull. o si. 14 for the Indiana, was t to fin the Followers of the concentrators can figure a, General Man hmonl. W. W. Clark. Reno Brandon Belle HO .. I- I I Pickett

Won. nalilrnorfl .700 vacanry Owen, aeon after the nvetinr ao much ground rained and with a hopentisburgh . II si - ... .. .rmatated his reason for glvintr up the man- - that Riser's men keep up their pace and R r apers PI ml lee. 9 motneli paid: Corslcan, straight place 4.00, show 1.00. Burwood, placa

New Tor .. u 33 'tiMiiaiM.iiH .. 1t .r.46 is 1. Hiker, Ida Claire, Louise May. 19.80, ahOW I TU. lie l n, snow goodlead, enough to themafement. "I fatled to a winnina; fiveCincinnati it ..... .. M .',) produce t. Joe knight, Helray, Whisper Belle. Corslcan moved up wlib a ruth In tire ich and waa under restraint at end. BurBrooklyn . . ii Ilronklyn ... 0 ,vi team for Sliver City and I diddered it to a big "igc. I. Bluebeard. Afterglow. Province., wood ran a rood race and finished full of r un. Tie i in away slowly, cto,ed a (aHPhiladelphia ii iiuffsio .. 9 ,4H the best Interest of the team to step nlda 4. Mission, bryndor. Barbrook. ramely. Star and Garter and Bl Helene b oth stopped finally.

and let some one else have a try. am smith paws ware very much In andonee I. Lohengrin, striker, Napa Nick,SL Louis ... KM kanaaa i:iy .. It .n7 ready to go into the fidd behind my in Thursday s game at Silver City, both 6. Hlromboli. Warlock, Spearhead. at c 8ECORD RACE Six furlonrs. Time n :ta 8 5, lilt Start rood; wooCalcero .... ... in .3 iiwiHimh . M and five him the best support Harklns and Harey being used on the 7. Sir caledore. The Parson, Netmaker. r I cleverly. ' .Montón ... I ,119 mound. M'dh pitched a nice gama ss the indei. HorM. Wilt H Va Btr. Fin. Jockey. Odd.

Where They Play Today. score abous. 3 to 9, but the Indiana bunched He hneldaxs tlsa Ileo, M Striker in 9 ri i a ir WsriiWhere They Play Today. KAnMs city at Baltimore. The Concentrators led the srue In hits their hits off Harey ror the winning run. ids Claire. Hiker, Sand Bank. 98t Briar Path .... 107 1 as 9 9 9S Tanlln

New York at Cincinnati 8t l.ouli at liuftalo. the past week with so to the food. Five Jnf Knight, Rstterjr, Betry. 990 Oold Cap 107 I .1" 0 4' I' Si hiillinger. rhiiad-ipti- la at chlrajm chicaro t PUsbura-h-. Of them were home runs. Th-- Dlamrs and How does Horenson make 'am atick In Blue Beard. Feather Duster, Afterglow. (93ft)Scrapper 104 5 t t ll - McTsggart

'Brooklyn al SL UiuU. Indianapolis at Brooklyn. Mission, Kxton, Bryndor. IM Supreme 0 4 ft" 7" 1 51 SnyderSoldiers are next with 18 each, but the that, whicb he rails bis roll, with a faea

990 Ash Can 80 10 8' M 7.1 i p nyanBoston at i'ltt nhurprh. Lady Lightning, scrapper. York Lad.former on it like the head of a bamif is themade them count with two more .910 ul Athmead 13 0 7 4 6" outweiivAr Attoctateé Presa Htromholl, Warlock, Spearhead,p funs. Th Diggers' tills nelted them one conundrum of his teammate a. 904 'Royal Dolly .. 104 0 5 9' i W TaylorHi' tht Aci-t- .! ! Chlrago, May 17. Home runs try Tinker sir Caledore, Tea Knougb. Ctumock. 0 101 Falrbrothertwo base hit and three three has- hits 901 l.'Alrlon 10 10"

ctrtcaro. May n. rhiladnlnliia debated and Mei-- gave, uhlrairo i r to l victory among the aingles. The Indlsns tall the The two runa made by the Soldiers 933 -- Kayderoseros 107 7 91 81 10 ios McCaheyChicago 4 m t in it is hard foiNMI Innlnara over I'lttshurr Uiday. Thn vlalhirs hit list with scalpa hanging to thetr belt. Thursday were both due to home run hits LOlllSVItXB F. NT It II- S. 9W crltco 104 II ll ll ll it Knighttoday. With two men out in the final harder than thn locals, but ran the base pushed over the fence by Captain CampbellInnlnr end a man on ft rat. William: lout poorly Hrore: B. H. E. By fipreial Wr9 to the Time 'Field. t'J miituels paid: Striker, atrsl gbt ta, piare 5.30, Show 4.90. Briar Path,

Loberr fly In allnwlnr lutl-ru- i Pltlaburf 000 010 010 9 11 tHarry4 Torne has ben rhosfn to succeed and Rarey. Louisville, ay., nag ie. FIRST RACE place 5.00, show 4.40. oold Cap, show 1.50. Scratched: Prince Chap.

Herbert Mosely as manager or the Hauls Boning, nu lurionga. striker raced Scrapper Into submission and standing a drive gamely, held Briarlo acore. Maa-p- l and scored Lo-- i Chlrayu 000 003 .Ms 7 0 Hit Diggers Tborne will no doubt fill th" Walkup now has three or Hurley's laat tile Bit ... m 80S B. B. candle Path sere at end. Latter ran a good rap race. Oold Cap weakly ridden would have

rt. Bonrf. n. ii K naileries: Knetier, Harg-e- and Berry; place with much rrrdtl. He understand year's men on his roster, Billy Mack and Mrs. Pell ....1031 88V Lady Moonet been closer up with stronrer ride. Scrap per tired rinally. Ash Csn had a roughPhiladelphia ooo oio 000 010 Í- - 4 tt 9 WalsoO, Hendrlx and Wilson. the gime, is aggressive and well liked by Milan, who arc showing good form in the run wood ...I03 Eustace trip, race s rood one.chicaro ooo ooo ton oio o 9 if a an me member 0r me outer garden, and catcher Hornhuckle. trv7 ii rr reai a 243 Surpassing .club.Batrla Mayer and booln ; Cheney, got (tilth W. ...1081 803 Transmitter 3f. THIRD RACE The Pimlico Nursery Four" and f furlongs. Tim :91 yi,

Judge üheenstro 181 Archery .... Ll l.s 54 Htart anod. won easily.Haniphrlm and liresnahan, Archer. Daly looms as pitching the heat nm Pitman, the new held manager orup game tflO I'sinty Mint .103 9M Nash Wt. BL Sir. Fin. OOP.POOR SUPPORT IS Index. Horse. A H, 4 Jockey.or the week, having nine siriln nuta to the Indians, made 00 change in the lineup 888 Hélice 105si i .mis i; Brooklyn Z credit, only two walks and four hits off hti of the team Thursday. Pitman baa the ex SECOND RACE Purse. Five ftirlonas. (959:The Masquerader Ill 9 Bulwell

By "" A00ociatd Prrtt delivery in a to 0 game. perience to make a winning club ánd If 9tM Mars cattldy 101 9K Marlon Ooosbvlio (989 Trial by Jury 117 1 Davlea114 5 'I in

At. louts. Mo.. May 17. Mi. wild pilch the players will play behind him. Silver 111 In Carman Hurh Hunter 110 (OTj'HIker119 I AIM


tnw or AiuhiHon, y.upiTi with tin- u a y AI HIRDF.I) SCOTT Minn, in Ti l.i formerly with the Boston City Is going to rut a wide swam toe SOtMe


Dudleyof Ooldlto


OalDshoroiiahRhodes 110

if-- 9ftft9ftfl


.....119 4 McTsggartr fit. muí-- . Unlay reulicd in i of thehlttlnr fled Sox, Is now with the Diggers. Blanche rear season. TKlItli HACE Purse. SU furlonra. Coupled.

ft to f victory for ftt. i .mi. over Hrooklyn Held la a strong outfielder, a sure man Ilia. Ills S3414 Klnr Box 105Iiaubert tut Into riirht fli n for a home run Wit HITA I.ANHH ON ST him I'll RECftUIT with the ailck, and only ror a weak wing Robinson, the rast backstop or the 109 r.nrisiopmne M(iOSebaro lot MO.



or showPlace',

mutuelsThe Masquerad,Scrstrhed:

(Parr entry)Bsnqttet,

9.10.Intone,Trial by


in the f Inn Ins. In th Wheat l on II HITN, mi i s DOWN M Min would today be in rast company. leaves the first of the week Tor 308 Korrnare SSI 179 Morrlstown ..lot The Masquersder took the lead when r eady and only toyed wlih his field sll thetlnyled and aUile ihe rent or lila way home IN IMsl It l N MN'. Montgomery of the Southern leaaue, whore 143 nobert Kay .. 98 959 VandergTiri ..108 way. Trial ny Jury ran a good race and f tnlshed ramely. Is tmprovinr- Hiker unarorlnir u aerond run for tlw vlaltom. The concentrators are hitting- the pellet he has a contract for the balance of the Bonne Cháncelos (MOIB. and SaddlelM ished rest. Keymsr quit bsdly.

i in ii ii HACE stake. Five furlonrt.Score H. H- K.Uenvrr Defeated by Omaha Tenth leolnfl

at a .abft clip and have a rieldmg percent season. 9M jerr Roberta . wi (lloiLenore ..100 á I 7 FOURTH RACE "The crlckmore Me morltl steeplechase Handicap." Two andooo a finr.roklyn wo io- f-Wlna for Hlout

age of .30. The dope ahows ihem with 18ft Katharine 0. 98 (170) Lea Invalides 109 Jl one-ba- mllei. Time 4:57 star t rood won driving.CHy Over l.loeuln ;tfL I.OUlft 010 040 (X 5 0 Rally lift hits, 94 runs. 9ft atolón basen, is aacrl As Mstbewson says: "Seeing a dub out 3 Sltr of Nlrhl 981 310 B. H. A Turk t il

Han. nr- - Hohlnton and Snyder, ah. in in s Molnea Vfctorliius at Topeka. fire bits, 31 errors and 13 borne runs since In rront Is the best thing In the world to Corona too 99 Mart Castldy 107 Index. Hone. Wl BL t, Sir Fin. JocKey.son, Waa-ncr-, Mihmutx and Miller. the season opened. shut orr The fact that Iilmity i too rm Rhomb ... ft l Jl ft Kermalh

:, FIFTH HACE Mile. 378 Hat ., ..Ito I 5' 31 9" ScliwetuerWKHIKHN M.I I. the Concentrators got away with an early Handicap. Top..ios . O'flear ... ..111 4 t 41 3l 3 II Ollhertun 98ft l urlona 108i ii oil I. Nrn Yerk I. and from the showing that thestartManager Walkup has the haseball vim. poor 979 Renanet ... ..101 ait solar atar ...ios 965 Bryndown ..115 1 It 4' 4s McAfee

By thr Aétociated Prs Ntandlno of the Cluba. aa well aa that of a soldier of nrle Samuel. club made at this time last season, tenda 171 Wllhite ... ..104 99) I) Steupa ....108 351 Mvsttc Light .139 4 1 is is J HartónCtnrinnatl, ( May 17. Cincinnati nui Won. Lost. Pet. He insists that he is going io put out a to show the other clubs In the league that 917 1. II Adair ..105 Lord MarshalHoK 338 Shannon River 135 9 tt 94 0 4 Allan

betted and outfielded tw York today and Denver 16 10 .ftlft winning team, even though he has to secure they are not invincible. 111 Itoadniaster ,10a 171 Hawthorn ....119mon. ft to t. Mir - iltrhed rxreilenl ball HI. Joseph 14 in .SM major league material to do so. That's the 151 sironr 105 09 mutuels paid: Rhomb, straight 7.70, place 5.00, show 3.70. Top list, piare 98.90,

while Prumme, who a Ur led Tut New York, Hloux City i 1S 19 .WVft Idea that makes baseball. The weather man has made It a bad week SIXTH RACE Selling One mile and one- show 0.40, o'Bear, show 3.40. Scratched T he Prophet..Hiii. inn Rhomb was restrained to last turn or r riii where he moved up gradually and tak-

enwaa bit bard and waa relieved by Wlltae Pes Moines 19 19 .5 for the Copper leajue teams to practice,997 Transp'lallon 95 987 Fellowman ...109 Ing the leading in stretch, had to be rldd out at end. Top Hat much the best, met

In the elrhth inn in k New York atorad Ita WUhlta , 19 14 .409 Tommy Clark, that fleet center "flolder of only two days being- desirable to warm up.999 Dainellla 103 Jablet 110 wuh repeated Interference, finished going r astest. O'Bear outgamed at end.

one run on two baw bit by bencher and Lincoln 19 Ii .444 the Conrentrators, is showing good form cuide Post ..104 'Tom Klnr Latter tired. Shannon River Was eased u p when beaten.a alnyle by Hum. Hcnre It. II. P.. Omaha 10 14 .4(7 both in his halting; and Melding. He Is 'lis again. A young player going well Csrpathla ....104 S55 Oen. Marrhm'ltio 5TÍO-Jt-

fthRACE "The Oxford Handicap." Six rurlongs. Time :91 :40, 1:11 i s.

New York 10 ooo ooo i ft 4 Toprka 11 11 .407 hitting .378 and rielding- m the tune of .90S. and making good, gets bubbles in bis Moat son sc ciirr tot 974 Cloud Chler .110 JCincinnati xi nit ou- ft o s Out or ih times at the plate he haa clouted Miser irnata his men as well as any man soo ITtispet't lot (1IS1W W t:lark .nn start good; won driving.

313 I. O. Weaver loftl iMi Heno Ill Irnlei. Horse. WL SL K B Sir. Fin. Jn. key. tidds.Batterlei: Proinme, Wlltse and Meyeri Where They Play Today. out 18 hits and crossed the rubber wiih as ager ot this or any other league, but they33 Lady Etna ...ltaroea and chirk. many runs. Two or the hits were home have to ramble when he asks them hi, The 941 Robert Brsdley .105 I - 4 4 I' Taplln

Topeka at Des Moines. 341 Issdors 105 5 9' 9-- 91 9-- McCaheyruns, two three base hit and one a two irouble occurred on the practice field PrtWliblta at Hi. Joseph. PIMLICO ENTRIES. 9911 Pllttergold . 94 3 .. 5 51 5 3 McTaggartLeaour. He ta hi fast work day when (iilenwater reruaed to gofioulhern bagger. showing on young ... .114 PMini city at l.lnroln. (9ftriSpringboard 9 .. H. 1 41 Davles

By thr lcoetoled f 'reee Denver at Omaha. trie paths by pilfering five bases. behind the bat to relieve Horenson In 11, versal Wire to I In Timet 941 chucklei .111 4 .. 31 3'1 3'1 6' ButwellAt New orleani -- New Orleana a; Avian batting practice. Such incidents are to bo I'lmllco. Md.. Ma' 14 FIRST RACE 991 Amain .109 8 8' 8' 7' 6'1 Wsrd

. (Eleven nuiihn - No. we stretch our Imagination regretted. The young fellow Is a comer 'tirse. Four and furlonrt .109 7 .. ! 41 6 7 J BrownAt Mobile Mobile 9; Atlanta I. enough but what we figure that Harey If he Would cater to his knitting and drop sand Bank .lull B'l'rh'k Belle 109 .114 ... 7' 7 SmythAt Montgomery Montgomery 9 ; chatt Ht. Josephs Mo.. Mm n -- Wichita out should hsve been the winner. the air caatles. With the valuable exper Star Bird ..109 mi Louise May ..lot .100 9 ..9 s 9 s scnuttinrer

noora to. played SL Joseph In the field lodsy while lenre he would have received with the 97777

ShynessKodM ..109

..IM (93nif(la77u.lker



09 mutuels pld: Robert Brsdley. strsl gtu 94JX), place, sliow 5J0. Issdors,At Memphi Memphis S; Iiirniinrham si on was mil pitching Duffy, a recruit The fans of Silver City seem 10 be some-

whatrlub ihls season be would have been pre SECOND RACE Selling- Handicap, gli fur place 6.30, show ' in. Fllltergold. show 3. 80. Scralched.pomettebleit.

and the visitors made li two atratght. downcast 'ver the ahowlng the In-

dianspared for a good drag- next year. Riser liillKü RobeVl Bradley was restrained to the tt retch, then came fast under punishment

Amerlean Aanoelalloo. Score 11. II F. have made on their getaway from gave him his release yesterday. This leaves 197 Ó u Butter . 07 904 Joe Knight ..105 snd Just got up under s powerful rinlsh. Tsplln outriding bis opponents. IsadoraBy tht ÁMMOflotrd Pre9 Wirhiia 009 oio om - 4 11 I the post. They are great favorites in their Riser with only one avaiiaiiie narastop 303 Han. ry 109 303 Betray 109 ran a good game race. Flltlergold came w till a ruah at end and many have been best,

At Milwaukee -- Milwaukee 6; l.ouiavllle .St. Joseph 100 010 000 9 7 I home town and the fana expected to see Jack Ppwall. who can be put back In 30 Hold. Castle 109 Lord punbar 111 will tío rrom now on. Springboard set r ast pace but hung sllghily In stretch,in- chuckles i good errort.Whltp. ii. 1U5

At rnlumbun- - Columbtih d; kannan city naileries: Scott and oraharn and Hchamr. the team-g-et away with a big lead, in pinch and do effective work. . lllltn RACE- - Selling Handicap. Mile.At St. Paul -- St. Pael 4. lixlianapoll 0 307 Oalet ld 307 Province ,100 71Q SIXTH RACE One mile and sixty yarda. Time :94 .48 1:14 3 5, 1:41At Minneapolis Minneapolis I , Cleveland Ornaba 5; Ilenver 3. vim Centaurl 90 947 Ella Orane .11)11 ' ' 7 1:44 surt erjod: won easily. . li

4. Hy tht Aorlatrd 'rraa Nolll. p .. .... 1 918 venenen .... st 954 ..apt. Elliott .lilt Indas. Horse. WL BL i M At Sir. Fin. Jockey.Harey. p .., .... I 993 Napier W 193 Hlurbeard . ,100INDIANS CLING TOomaha. Neb.. May 17. Omaha defeated (09)Towton Field 110 1 r 1i Butwellnot Free Trade .. S8 los Errendi ,100GOOI hNOOTINti Denver today, ft to t. Tipple, omaha'a new Totals ..34 7 T, I 10 9Hi Afterglow ...100 353 Feath. Dust. .111) 9M Arierglow 98 3 4 4" 9 McCshey

piicher, twirled his first game and per Ftn.RTH RACE Steeplechase vu inn. 980 Palon 9 lit 8 :i" 8 Wardhv InnlnKarellenl Neore Made by Membern ot l.i formed fairly well. Score: B. H. EHeore

'..00150101 0 line quarter nun's 913 Sonny Boy . . 104 1 l'l ! l 4' WolraHllverPaio (iun ii i un Hunael omaha 9v not in ft io 8 TDIRD POSITION Fort bayardcity oooounoo i t 170 Rryndor 140 304 Oarih 147 903 Napier 08 4 ei 51 5" l" Myder

993 Ardelon 104 9 51 I ,4 McTaggtrlllelfihlN Hano. Jas Elton 140 Bay Brook ...147Denver I09 oon 000 3 8 3 Summary of s pitched ByThe regular bi monthly shoot or the K batteries Tipple and Sheattk; Wltte and in- - 8 by Rarey 6 Buns made .Mission 145 978 Cynosure ....147 03 mutuels psld: Towton Field, strslgh t 3.90, place 9.70, show 3.40. Afterglow,

Faso Qun ii. was held yeiterday morn spahr. off Nellls ft, off Harey if. Mils apiminted ins 'Merry Tssk 169 978 Acton 147 place 5.40, show 3.30. Palon, show 3.00.Ins on the siHisi-- lieiirht grounds, and BLOW AND . l ill t. GAME AT Off Nellls 4. off Rarey 3. Two base til in Broaseau 147 Exemplar 148 Towton Field rollowed Sonny Boy closely rirst half then took the lead, and easilyas the weather was the. prcitlesi ao far Hloux t il) 7; Macota ft.

-- II I II CITY RENI LTN IN 8 TO 1 VIC-TORY burleson, Hornhuckle, Moore. Three basa 'neimonl entry. held swsy lo finish. Afterglow moved up with ihe winner and holding on gamely,

1bls year a large crowd r shooters an FOB HOMK TEAM. hlta-- burleson. Stolen bases LaSalle, tlutz, FIFTH RACE Selling. Handicap. Six fur outgamed Paton at end. Sonny Boy retired arter going six rurlongs. Ardelon waslsllora waa H thr ..,. 'in tat I'rrti Deck. Struck out My Burleson 7, by Neliu longs. eased up beaten.present. titlaxy 931 cliff58 son ....109Lincoln, Neb.. May 17. Lincoln and Hloux 6, by Harey I. Rases on balls orr Nellls Edge

mplre by Poor Keiight andTwo the rirst b Hamperedevents scheduled,were, 304 Governor 981 109Thelnt birds rot the upon I trophy, and City played .light ball Tor nine innings to-

dayLack nt Knowledge of Uatne Adds lo 6, off burleson 1. oír Harey 1. Double plays

V94 Holgarían .... 981(í3)Rrrapper(KIYork Lad ....109 7.7(1 SEVENTH

ri .mi.RACE

umn rtrlvln.Four and one bal r rurlongs. Time :93 :48 :64

ritman to (iun, Mroeehan to tJiirtt towith iwo runs apiece, in the tenth IMuual of Pans. St 305 I.. t: b a-Her 305 Water Lady Lightning 109the aerond. aUo or Tor the Rocklen. Wild pitch Hy Rarey (1).rulea trophy. P. c. Thede did the beal Pitcher Kcrogglns weakened and Bluux city bun MornbiM-kh- Time of game, :o. 980 L'ao Travers 109 999 Frank Hudson loo Index. Horse. WL3L K Vs Btr. Fin. Jockey. Odd.ahootlnir of the day, breaking- ?r siraltTht made rive runs, winning 7 to 9. The batting By iOSKi'H I). mm lid- li I'mplre Nixon. 904 Hobnob 109 974 Striker Ill 177 Cello 119 1 .. 9 is 9 I" Pickett

(9S4)Lohengren ..109 93ft Napa Nick ...ll 159 Plant '. 119 9 1" 1 I1of smith and the Melding of MrOrarfigan agenet 3i Wolfewithout his ti nun. in each event. P. W. HiKer City, N. M.. May 17. Silver Oily SIXTH RAGE Mile. Sand Cooney were features. Puree. 179 Energetic .. 107 4 .. 3 3 3U F JohnsonKihk of Denver won also fresent and did tightened her grip on third place In the ;48Warloek H0 Sandbar 110 940 llaherdash 119 7 4 S 4" 4 Fratcbsome mlrhty pretty slHintinr. breaking- u n. h. k. Copper league by derisively defeating Fort 990 spearhead ...1101 53 Stromboll 107 980 Howllnghroo Belle Ill 5 4' 4 5' 5' Alex 1

atrelrbt. mlsalng bis last targed. Tlie scores Lincoln 300 000 000 0 9 6 1 THREE PITCHERS 944 Max. Choice 110 988)Defendiim ....111 975 KlaaUclty ... Ill 1 li 4 s 4' Davlesare as follows. bltiut; :ity 010 I0O 000 ft 7 18 1 Bayard In a one aided and uninteresting 944 Hay OXlrht lioi 107 Runway ......113 Carl Ill c Jackson

Duponi Hercules Halterlait: rogg-in- and Behor; White game here today, k to 1. Burleson, twirl-ing

SEVENTH RACE Selling. Mile.

Trophy. Tropb) anil i.rli. for ibo Indians, was effective at all ?wt Netmaker ... 971 981 The Parson .. 00 13 mutuels psld: Cello, straight 5.30, pi sen 9.70, show 9.40. PlantegeneL place .80,981 Milky Way ,. 17 HI Cannock 90 show 9.50, Energetic, show 0.10. Scratched: i hártense.times, s. in- - waa on the mound for IheIltlr. Suirn. Ildr. broriv EASY FOR HURLEY 907 Tea Enough u. iva suss r.ieannr iimi cello, hard ridden throughout, rinlshed gamely and held Plantaren! tare at end.He- - Moines 9; Topeka ti. Soldier and war) not the only one wlmTtMHlf I 85 I W

can bo charged with the loss of ibe (íASlSIr Saledore Ml 990 Malik ..1 109 Latter allowed great speed, opened a big gap but tired badly. Energetic nnished goingIttnnchaknr ... ti tt " tu !, thr IssOrlatrd Pres.

la four of his teammates helped togame,swell no cooater ssi rirty Five strongest under a weak ride. Haberdash doted a gap.

HuilMi it K5 IK to lies Moines, is., May n. Dai Molnea de he error column. no centaurl .... sslll.l.Flls s I HFM1THEN THEIR HOLD ONInn. I 0 ft l reati'd Topeka in the semnil irama of the I mplre's Kyealght Bad. FIRST PLACE IN COPPER LBAOl'E UV

Jnhnaion 7 v. 7 tb series by a srule nr In ft. DEFEAT OF MANTA RITA.tulwar 0 w ti 'ji Henri. It ll NellH essayed to nttrh s wonderful Ouynup, lb 9 t 0 11 0 ogafne for three Innings, fanning seven sntl Moore, rf 4 0 0 0 Inailon ! ss 5 sil iea Mmnes an mo an i yielding two bll.t during that time. The Mlanrhrirld's Was Star Feature el seibel, if 10 0 10 11YaUl s ft í VI Topeka 013 000 KM 19 0 umpire helped hit retirement In tbo fourth Hilling

0 tIhe Csnte Two Triples and Three Sale McGrever. ss 9 1 1 STATE NATIONALPhillip, 7 S3 4 naileries m ami Falrclmh by his bad eyesight on balls and strikes lilts out ol Five Tripa le Piale. Sorenson, o I 9 1 3 o BANKluí 911 SI su anil ii mu i. Harey. who iroiaccd ,v in the fourth. Johnson, p ...1 I 1 0 0 0nrldi-ar- t ft yt ti ti pitched fine ball, allowing the Silver city Daly, p 3 1 9 0 I o JSOT.VBTjISBCED APRUj, tsti.Johnaon u M e ti Paelllr Coast l.eaflua. aggregation onty three mis. BY E. O. COAN.

The fielding feature or the game waa Santa lilla. N. M., 17. rorced 7May Hurley 00 37Burdlck u si ti At san Iranriscn (MnrnlnK anw) Oak Total u iv CAPITAL,, SURPLUS AND PROFITS (300,000.00Mllisn's rlrrun ralch of hyan'a long drive, Ihe hirsts to use three or their pitchers In lly inningsfirtHiorrr i su u lantl 3; San Kranrlseo 4. t'.rude Work ol Nlsea. an in. to atop them In their mad rusb Santa lilla . . . 104 010 0017vincp i ss i S3 (Afternoon ,sinei Oakland 3; 8an FranThe umpiring of Mr. Nixon win ihe for victory, but all three proved unequal Hurley . ul aw loo s Interest Paid on Savings AccountsaHopple ss a i claco ft. to the task and the visitors strengthened summary time ir.ia. I'mplre llarrod.crudest seen in these parts. He showedJam. "HI ÍWi 1 S3 At l.ns Antreles (Mornlnr rarae) Port lark of knowledge of ihe aame. while lib tneir ir. li upon nrsi piare ny using a Haaes on balls, tiff Kane ; off Johnson : C. R. MORBHEAD, President JOSEPH MAGOFFIN, Vlce-Pr-Maadan u ?t is S4 land s; venue t.. Judgment or bull and strlkea waa wretched. hard fought struggle here lodsy by a score off Nolan 9. Strikeout by Johnaon 1; by

Hall of U to 7. Daly 5: by Weeks 3. Double plays: Mc C. N. BABSETT. OBORQB3 D. KLOItv, Cashier.a lArternoon iraini'i Portland 4; Venice 0 i lie riri muí innings were scorePromi ti ti n At sacratnetito iMomlnr fame) i.os An less. The Indians counted In the third on Kane Proved Easy. Oeever to Ward lo Ouynup; Earthman toMills o st- o it) Bales Vi Sacramento t. hurleson's double to left center. Owens' Tommy Smith sent Harry Kane lo the slab smitn to aircnman. nomo run ward. Three-osa- U J. GILCHRI8T. A eat. start proceedings but the latest addition o.wx 8 PIIJtJUllH uoi: iititi oatqsingle him u third and he gcored onkTar o si o si i rternoon raroo 1.0 Anreles 3; Sacra Wright's bad throw of Banter's grounder. in the Diggers' starr proved easy tor the tuts: aircnman , smith, SorenPrtirculunil. mento s. locals and was taken out in the aecond son, Daly, sacrifice bita: Ward, Moore.

Daublea. Nrllls Key oa Control. Inning and Nolan look his place. The lat-ter

Stolen bates: Blenchtleld. Daly, Clark 9,Shot At. Broke BODV -- III i IN RIVER. The fourth Inning saw the complete piirhed rood ball until the slxtb Inning Horenson.

,TIM . . u pair II subjugation or the Soldiers, Nellls was iby nil. ii lie was taken oul and Weeka finishedon control and the umpire's judgment on the game. LEAUUE.0hcluin is pair 17 No Iraee or Corpse of Trooper Jason TSJLkastrikes and balls waa none too. good. Johnaon Driven From Blab.Paul . IS pair llronnrd Near Hart's Mill rlaturdas Pitman's Nlaahlag Drive. The visitors were Torced to use two Naüon Wide Clean up and Paint-u- p Campaign for 1914

pmdnrrr 19 pair The body of Trooper Zuyer Jastini nf pitchers lo hold Ihelr advantage. Ibe lócala standing ol the auk.Vance . II pair the Thirteenth ravalay. who was drowned MeUeeban and Hyan were given free driving Johnaon from tbe slab In the third Won. Lost. Pet. We will takekin . IS pair .11 In the Rio Orando above Hart's Mill Sat transportation Hurle son fanned and a Inning when they bunched their hits with Beaumont SO II .004 ia now on. pleasure in answering any paint prob-

lemspa ball advanced the runners, uwen some loto playing by the vlaltora and Waco IS II Mil have, quantity needed, quality, color 1urday, has not been recovered. The river ñu. the bases on a flelder'a choice. Pit-man

you may scheme,Ja- - II launa lia afverrd: Ins nmnrc la milium bankTull and la very swin and rlearod the bases with a alasbing scored four runt, all but one or tlelng


the Houaton . . . 91 11 .1(3 etc. Telephone for color card of house and floor andacore. Daly went to the mound In paintsflons with the Laura, Hardware ctiinpaiiy II I believed the body has been carried double to deep center and Nellls made his and Fort Worth 11 .171place at Ibe end or this Innlnrana has oi nad i alpea. corner Telas and considerable distance ttouTi stream. exit, always held the lócala safe therearter. el Galveston . M 17 .485 roof stain.Union sirevla, wiUi a rainpHte line or harey loos up the burden (he though they succeeded In scoring two more Delias 11 10 .441

ktmerai Hardware, whera he will be pleased Beat Koldiera erter Hucklea Died lo LaSalle. lit runs. Austin it it .anHUtoa. careful drivers,lo Bseei Ms old rrlends.-r-(Adv-Phone man scored on laSallo's error. In the Blanrktleld Waa Hitler. San Antonio It TUTTLE PAINT & GLASSi 19. ( Advert laotiKBl) sixth. Singles by Barker and Outs and Star 94 .333 CO.uiaiithfield his bluingstarred at the bat.mi ndd out netted silver City' another. being terrtric throughout tbe entire sfier Where They Play Today.Hhui Out Averted. noon. Out of rive trios in ttte uan ha suc Houston at Waco.

mW A t'TO LINK Sllr.r 35 to Independent Assay Office In he eighth three arrors and Pitman's ceeded In driving four out safe and two orBMuroont at Auitrn.Tjrone, tS; to single across the pan. The Soldiers saved them were triples. Eaton played third baecIxirdaliur, IO llalli oarvaouaNio shut Tor the locals with tbe Oelveaton at Fort Worth.jaw a out in the ninth by Moore's double and also starred

IrroneBllrjr6 0

tit, :U0 p. m.': arrl.e D w. ucaiiT, km. Proprtaaor, and Bsrker'a error. The score: slick, getting a triple and two aingles in Sen Antonio at Dallas.p. ro ; arrl.a Lordabura Jasa ftr CV. )sss aMT:I0 m. Laa.e Tí n nt CITY. Tour trips to the plate. He went throughp. sJgSvljssiiia.Luritabur, auarjl.a (.iTirona 3:

p rattaaa. (aaVea Mee the entire game without havlnr a chance Bp Ssflsot.1 Ware le The TStsMst Banking By Mailp ; .rrtT. aasstjsarss AB. R. H. PO. A. In he field. Ward's home run In the secondtit, l jo i in. (It, off!.-- , at mi' p. 0 asa en. Owens, th .... ....ti 1 8 t t 0 Inning, came with two men on the bases At Waco . h. sr.


at Vendorn.Hotel; phone JO. I.urdahura OaVee and Laboratoi-- r Barker, of .... .,..,-- 8 110 1 and wst really the undoing or Kane. The Waco Ill 11 ST AS EASY TO OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH US AS

laiuT.r.R.T M.bour av. kaa ISaadsss A CMaaaasa a Pitman. It. .... listo acora: Houston 7 ii i THOUGH YOU LIVED NEXT DOOR.M. f, MIIAltl'. Buckles, lb .. ....4 1 4 S 0 0at ssso. mas Santa una AB. R. H. PO. A E naileries orle and Rellly; Edmondaon We 4 east Interest, nompounded twiceGuru, lb 4 0 I 1 i par par .very year. We doKlrcluntli. lb 4 and Kitchen. (Ten Innings.)Deck, rt 4 0 0 8 0 0 Smith, at

,iAt Dallas nui buwlneae under th. depoaritorar guaranty law of th Stat of Texaa. andun. rfliail. as 110-11- Robertson, c .. Dallas are a Guaranty Fund Bank, aa provided by auoh law.Ryan, c 8 1 0 7 0 0 0 19 I

Burleson, p .. 4 18 0 10 Mason.Blanrhfield,

Ifrr an Antonio 0 4 I Oar plan. In addition to being, convenient, I afe, profitable andAUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY Brlstow, cr .... Batterlea: Huenke and Reynolds. Good-

winliberal. Nobody haa ovar load a dollar In a State Bank In Texas.

Total- - 14 0 T 97 Kerlbman. 9b . o ta and Burch. WHITE TODAY FOB OUR FREE BOOKLET, "RANKIN G BY MAIL"PORT BATARP. Eaton, lb 4 At Auatln R. H. (. OR SIMPLY MAIL YOUR DEPOSIT. iAB. R. H. PO. Kane, p e o - o Austin .... 0 0 iAND ACCESSORIES l.asslle. It ..... 4 I Nolan, p 10 EL PASO BANK & TRUST CO.. I 1Hornbtirkle. c I 0 Weeks', p Munsell and Heigh Brandt KlexajJt;sm.bell. tb .. 0 0 and BeltsMoore, lb 1 I Total, 7 ii rr itSSL FASO AUTO RALEA OO. Wright. Ml .... Hurley . R. H. PO. A. At Fort Worth FortWINTON sd: PI tunan. J .. I "0 9 0 3 0 game postponed; rain.

i- - m. MUI. li. It . . o 0 114 USE THE TIMESmi. Mack, rr a t Powell. 3b ... I 1 BiaVUVte cbAra. Ill Tex. (AsL WANT ADS


El Precio de "El Morning Times "Es Gnco Centavos Oro o 20 Centavos Mexicanos-- No Se Pague MasnONOSTICM MCI. TIEMPO.

WuMnirton. Mas t. osta a Texas, COTTEACION DE mptm.i hnnhli.m el lunrs; lluvias lorair, m In partnrlratal: marica. Arspajado. Nuevo M-eneo, m Copper . .ll..SOsH 00

nublado el lunes, probable lluvia en agolfiarnmgiíme.sí Fiat por nina BOVla porción norte: martes, despejado. Arlso Plomo, por 100 libras M.R5 3.sna, probablemente despojado lunes y martea.

' i Zinc por 100 libra D.10S 20

AÑO 34. EL PASO. TEX., LUNES, MAYO 18 DE 1914. PRECIO 5 erapianos de lot ron stttuclonal Istss ae ene

NUEVA VICTORIA crue lodo fi ejército del Norte, Kate, Oeste LAS sdqulsicton de territorio. Pero si hemos dey Centro, ae ei tendera a one tren tree HISTORIAS QUIEN SERA EL Ir a la guerra, qua se entienda laramenley bar A preaidn sobre la capital pera ba-

rrerque lo haremos "en servicio de u humani-uu.-

todo vestirlo da bunrtlamo en el pels. como lo expreso el presídeme Wil-son,DE IMPORTANCIA Con Teplc los constttucionallstee llenen y no por ser punuilosos s causa de

un puerto en el Oeste para Importer toda DE UNAJAPITAN SUCESOR AL FIN? un cereinonisl naval. No adoptaremos un PájJ q Autorizado por U Junta de Sanidad del Hitadoclame na municlonea que faciliten laá opera curso que nvtielva sacrificios que nos i rt" Texas, como Doctores Keglstrados para curarclones de los generales Buelna. Blanco y lleven basta muy lejos. Jh jC Knffrmedadea del Cerebro; Enfermedades Con-jB-

LA CAPITAL OfX TnMITOMO DC TEPIC oto - ron. fC I.C NOTIFICO Qt'E ESTAIA DKCLA-"AK- LA CONFKRI.Mit V( TRATARA urnls Mil tkddsse. tugloMui o Infecclofws de la Sangre; AgotamientoKSTA VA KS MANO DC LOS Msrsilan De Ira e Poro LA c.i i mu V ri'E LLEVADO A "Tenemos dtgaosos, M.ooti soldsdos en el

0 Sistema Nervioso; Insomnio; unPor mas que Maullan esta en manos do FI'KRTO. ejército regular. Que inandarlaiiu.s s Mé aéJaHasssW iflssw

los federales su capture ae espera monten xicot pira capturar los puntos estratégicos nB tratamiento Infalible pnra la Impotencia; Rostataneamente. y acabar cu le guerrs de guerrllas Usssf raelón completa y permanente sin ostlmnlentesEl General Oferesaa lalaraaa ue al Careo El Oral. Obrea-on- , que dirige Es q

Maianllleel nú., informa al Oral, carraña, que aus les Federales Abordaron el - rrrmiiirtt idf. KmpuAe 1a indudableniaiiite surgiría, necesitaríamos de diifiocos Curamos baju gersntta sin pérdida dmore la dudad de Maiatián ae Enlrerhii BarrePaulalloamrale y Caerá al Fio. aviadores y la artillería están haciendo una el "nalrlsk."

y Rolo Quedo Llsre Cusas Llegó imitas por la 1 uera Uhllrarla." Dijo, dos s tres anua para trsnrptilizsr al país, tiempo y Mn operación dolorosa, la Estreches, en muy pocos dfas; seobra mortal y que él estrecha el cerco e Treslrlenir u IN no menos le o.QOO bomb ros y un gasiu enrun pronto la Oortorren, Fístula, Catarro y en muy corto lempopaulatinamente. diarlo de un millón de dólares. o em eriformedudes de ln Vejiga, Kstómago, lllgndo, Fiel, Klftonee, Hydro-

cele,Teipnima Especial para, el Tirites. Mustian es el puerto mié Impórtente dr San francisco, Mayo tentante i. De la Prensa A orlada, esu) lodo las enfermedadea dleMitariau Varicocele) otras enfermedades crOnlcas dol hombre laDuranco, Mayo 1 1. ki Oral. I.uclo Pactrico, en la reglón de Mélico, y au cap-

turaNlnl.ior, de la Reseña Nava! heal Insleaa. Washington Majo ITLos de nuestro ejiHito más que las balas; y des y y mujer.

delegadosmam o telegrafía al cuartel general dar otro puerto de roer a loa cons comandanta del "t:etrlana," lorro sacar su par, del gobi-M- dr Huerta pués de berder millares do vidas y de Hnllcltuinoe especialmente aquellos llamados "casos incurables,"iue otra batalla aanrrlenta ao ha ve-

rificadoatltuclonallatas por el que pueden Importar barco del puerto de ManianlllO, al Ss del noy de ésta nimbo a Niagara



nada)tar un tesoro doble en cantidad que lo que que no han podtdo eer curados por otroa doctorea.

en Teplc, dando por resultado municiones de ruerra de los Estados s paaado, rargado con refugiados, debido a tienen esperansu leí éxito de su mi-sión

hemos erogado en dar el canal de Pansins Fije" cu el n Ti moro del cruarto. llay otros doctnrew en H mismoel desalojo de loa federales do la y de otros países eziranjeros. una maniobra amia, cuando as creta quo ls cual, según se sabe, ea la pacifica

al mundo, tendríamos en nuestras mauus diit. io do nombro rtemrjante Huaque cuarto No. t.del Territorio y la ocupación de el pueblo se preparaba a quemar el buque, clon general de México, v creen míe su

a un pueblo te. sin. sin gratitud por núes C RATI 8 HE HABLA UHPAjtOLla misma por loa conatltuclonallataa. n Mion MEXICANOS. disparando sobre I y dinamitando los mu" viaje no habrá sido on vano. tros sacrifuioa

Teplc eatA situado a muy pocas mi-llas

Ues. plenos delegado comprenden se Cuál es Nuestro Deber? DOCTORES ALEMANESde la costa-de- l Pacifico y es una Lee Supuestos Hu r - ame rl canes que Tlraeaa Asesinatos. dice que el gobierno actual de lasegún

capital "Nuestro deber después oerls darles unde las mas importantes ciudades del Sobre los Merinos. Begun dicen loa refugiados, ruando gobierno establs y ataño a condicionesso mes lesna, esta al raer, y míe ei inerltsble Horas: Dr 8 a. m. a p. m. Domingoa: De S a. m. a 12 m.occidente de la república. De la Prensa Asociada. supo ta captura de Veracrus por loa mari-

nosojue se escoja ni Mjeesor de Huerta. anarquices y nacer lo posible para que el

MesvaNo. Calle NoSimultáneamente coa la ocupación Washington, Mayo 17. Turpén, el puerto de los Kstados Unidos, esto fue tomado pats adquiriera progreso material o intelec-tual,

Cuarto Teplc se Informa la ocupación de tiradores sur americanos, arrestados en como principio de la iruerre: loa mezlcs- -

La Cursilón VHaL lo que serla más difícil que la guerra Al Fronte do "Las Krea" Segundo Puso. El Paso, Terina.Bnn Blas por el Oral. Rafael Buelna Veracruz, por beber disparado ' sobre loa nos estaban altamente indignados, y loa l'ero, .COnreih. n,ii, el muro de Huerta, di y ae neceM.,rian tñoi psra efectuarlo; desy la de Ixculntla, por otro destaca-mento

marinos americanos, se be descubierto que americanos abandonaron sus bogares y co-rrieron;

cese que los delegados raían mes Interesa pués de todo esto, no fallsrian quienes nosrebelde. son mexicanos, habiendo aldo pueato en ab-

solutaerren que, de no bsberlo becho dos en la rue-nn- n vital de mié sucederá acusaran de robo de territorio; y de hech.i,

libertad, siguiendo le míame con-ducta

tul, todos filos nubl ni sido muertos- - después; qué iranirnias Se obtendrán aobn- para compensar el peso del cosió, muchaCapturan Rico Botín. que con lee demás mexicanos de-

tenidosSe refieren también, loa informantea. a l probable eoufiM'arlón de propiedades parte de nuestro puublo querría que fuese el gobierno constituc tonal Isla, por el puerto DK. J. O. J mxStiN Especialista enLos constltuclonallstaa capturaron después de lá ocupación de Vera-cru- mas ríe veinte asesinatos, la mayor parte que hagan los imM(.res constltuclonallstas. ansiado parte o todo el territorio tranqui- de Tamplrn. lia becho necesario el estable-

cimientoenfermedades do señoras y nlAotf.

muchos prisioneros y grandes cantida-des

contra sus compatriotas; pero como no die-r-que protección hulxit contrs 1st condicio IlLSdO. de un consulado en onlvoston. Cura toda dato do enfermedadae nln

de municiones de guerra v boca, ningún dato uoui no se creen esos nes de anarquía, y que clase de gobierno "El hecho de que uno de los partidos de Texas, por lo que el Ural, carranza ha nom-

bradonecesidad de operación. Consultas do

la guarnición federal fué por comple-to

TUXPAN HA CAIDO. díceres. gera estable y que merezca el reconocí México in .i rehusado la mediación, y la al Sr. Juan F. Burns, empleado do Las 8 a 10 a. in. y do i a 6 a. m. Callederrotada y huye a Guadalajara Lu Que Olre el Capitán miento mundial probablu derrota del Otro partido, serán oficinas consulares en esta ciudad, con el Sur Stanton No. 51. Kl Paso, Tex.

perseguida por la caballería constltu-clonallst- a. Se rostirme la Noticia de la Captura del Kl capitán Keaguson. del "Oeneva," dijo: No es Ami ni ii ttrl Ksrludn. causa de que no se alcance el éxito que per csrácter de cónsul en el mencionado puerto, Consultorio en t. Juárez, Calle delPuerto de Tuipaa, Ver. "Zarpamos de San Francisco el si de enero Por otra parle, lo, partidarios de Wilson siguen los mediadores, aunque los esfuerzos il agraciado marchará hoy a su destino. Comercio No. 4 5. Habitación, Cotton

Con Topic m manos de loa De la Prensa Asociada. ultimo y Hryan aseguran lo de éstos pueden producir mucho bien." El Hr. iiiii.ii ha residido en Kl Pao por Ave. 1801, Kl l'umi, Texas.y descargamos nuestro embarque (pie que se vs sy el territorio adyavente libre Washington, Mayo 17. Los cinco llamado en Ouayma. Maullan y San Blas. El t no serit la fulla de saludo a la bao espacio de un ano, cuantío fue obligado por COLEGIO l'ALMi HUE Ingles Ta-quigrafía,de federales, el avance del Oral. Obraron situado entre veracrux y Templen, esta en del actual estibamos listos para levar an-

clasdera, ni las ofensas rnntra este país, sino LUS FILIRtíglEltOS. los nuedtigtet a huir de C. Juárez, bajo pen y Contabilidad. Interna-

dosobre Guadalajara se hart sin dirieullad. manos de los constltuclonallstaa. según lo dunda desempeñaba el pueatode muerte, enrumbo al Norte, pero necesitábanlo ir gran cueuon u. pacim-aclo- de la re bien atsndldo. .i.. N. Oregon.1.a ünlca ciudad de Importancia entre asegura el consul uanade de Veracrus. que agua y provisiones. publics, aseguranil" también qu. las tropas Han Incendiario Varios Puentes del Ferro-

carrilde secretarlo de la Presidencia Municipal. Teier. aá:io. WUhoh, Directora.y San i.uls Potos! es Aguaican

enteadice que. un grupo de españoles que arribo "sa noebe se recibió la noticia de la americanas no se retirarán de Veracruz del Norueato. Desde entonces permanece aqut. ayudando

lay sort aucada el mismo tiempo que en una lancha a veracrus, informan que el loma du Veracrus y los oUcialds do puerto basts que baya gobierne estable en Is ea Llegan noticias si gobernador Fidel Avila .i la Junta revolucionarla, de lu que era SU. NECESITAN frijoles mexicanos decapital de Jalisco. Oral. Astillar con sus hombres hsbian ocu-

padome participaron quo se habla declarado la pitsJ. aceres de que una Tuerza do bandidos, que secretarlo. todas ulasea. Cuarto 31.B del edificioAunque no se han hecho públicos los la ciudad. del Primer Banco Nacional.guerra entro atexleu y los Estados Unidos, ..Uu'rii Sera el Sucesor? se supone son gente de los filibusterosnog negaron el agua y los víveres y nos or Se eree que ai proponer s los delegsdos (uevedo. han quemado varios puentes del UECRKIO PROHIBITIVO. SE COMPRA y vende monedadonaron nos hiciéramos a ta vela; tomamos mexiesnos la cuestión de quién sort ma Perrocarni Noroeste hace poco días, en-

tra do todas clases. I' bordo cuatro reruglados y partimos. a propóalto para sucesor de Muerta, aque Isa estaciones de Santa Pofla y sahi El Gral. t.onále no Quiere míe Circulen & Méxloo Ürukorage Co., No. 813, Edi-ficioNo Habla Aua Suneleate. líos probablementt inslatlrán en que a, nln nal. Aunque el citado general no reclinó tus Huirle-- , federates. Mills. El Paso, Texaa

No teníamos agua suficiente a bordo, y guna iiersona qui' haya ranado prominen-cia

dotallet. se cree que han sido incendia-- ' C. Victoria, Mayo 17. Kl Oral, rabioata era absolutamento necesaria. Decidí militar a haya obelntdo el poder "por daa cinco o seta eslrreturas de madera. Jefe de Ta zona dej Noreste, ezpldld ESCUELA Elemental. Inscripciones

OFICINAS ESPECIALISTAS proceder a un punto cerca de Mansanlllo medio de Is fuerza arbitrarla." como lo Por má que en c. Juárez so rree que ablertaa para niños de ambos sexos,uii circulación dellay llegué al mismo el 2ú de Abril, a cinco anunció Wilson, en su discurso referente los Quevedo merodean con su banda cerca decreto prohibiendo rofosora Normalista titulada en Mé

millas de la bahía. No se encontraba nin-gún

a e le permitirá que em-puñe

de Laa Palomas, no se ha recibido ninguna papel moneda de Huerta en los Estados de xico, I. P, Ciasen do español parabuque de guerra anter'icano. y segui-

moslas riendas del gobierno; esto elimi-

naré,Información de los constlturlonallsta que i iiinaullpas, Cnahull y Nuevo Leon. A adiiltoiv Caile N. El Pasn 806.

Alemanes-Americano- s adelante. El estábamos porsupuesto. a Carranza a Y His. salieron a perseguirlos, desde el sábadoa 18 millas y lods persone que encuentre eulpsblc do LaAB i:aClNAtí DE U G UK KitAde Mansanlllo en las filas constltuclonallstas Ultimo. Los filibusteros se hsn diseminado ,,...,,,...,el peroy transporte tur itcsno hay comerciar con esos billetes, se le multara ;.f.. ,1.. I..."Korrtgsn" con su tripulación armada, je otras personas Idóness, por ejemplo. Luis en diferentes ocasiones, y se piensa que

con Ifiü s IKiOíi, y ce lo confinará en la rár cleuteu batalliia eu México, los muer-tosnos scercó. El comandante labrera, pero qu ia no sera aceptable a que operan cores de la vía dol Noroeste,nos dijo que ' reí por IE. días a mes y medio, segdn la y heridos, las ejocuclones, etc., guerra se habla declarado, y que tenia la facción de Huerta cabrera es gran forman parte do la banda principal. Se gravedad de la falta Una docena, tninaflo do tarjeta postal,Unidos orden de capturar al "Geneva' amigo y consejero de Carranza, se ha han destacado algunas tropas de MSVlerHcomo botín y l ata orden fue impedida en el t uarui solo por 60c. itox 733, Kl l'aao. guerra y a todos los amerlranos a bordo conquistado ls confianza del gobierno de con objeto de bstlr s los quemadores de general d Monterrey, y aprobada por los

como prisioneros. No pudimos escapamos Washington, por sus gestiones Indlrertas puentes.Jefes de armas de piedras Negras, Nuevo COMPKAMtS toda clase de mercan

y el "Korrlgan1" nos llevó a remolque haau ante éste, en ravor de la causa rebelde. l aredo y Monterrey y sancionada por el cía ae México, Paaamos al Cunta.Tenentbs mas practica en la curación de las enfermedades del Mansanlllo. Subieron loa oficiales de puerto También los Rebeldes. SALK A nuil Mil

gobernador del Kstadn. do. RedblmoM toda ciase do Comi-siones.y me sujetaron a un inrrofratorlo. So Alrunns de los delegados mezteann creen U. B. & Mexico tírokeraao Co..pueblo mexicano que ningunos otros especialistas. Nuestra garantía mostraron corteses con todo, pero dieron que se pedirá a los constltuelonallslas nue El Gral. AWIa Parle Hy para Hacerse Cargo

ALOUHON IMPORTADO. No- 813. Edificio Mills, El Paso, la mas fuerte y nuestro trabajo el mas seguro. órdenes de que nadte saliera del barco. vamente que tomen parte en las conTeron de Ñu Nucvfl Puesto.

"Al dal siguiente, (17) el "Cetriana" llegó cías de mediación, o que por medio de la El nrsi. Fidel Avila, nombrsdn Ultima Tildo el que Perteneesl a los Húbdlloa la DOS CUARTOS por eels pesos at mes,y cambié sefisles con el comandante M-

inister;Influenria americana se obtenga su mente gobernador militar en el Eetado de se lew he Entregado. esquina Florence y Novena. Véase

81 Ud. ha perdido la fuerxa de vitalidad, nosotros le devolveremos éste fue informado desde luego que en alguno de los planes que los Chihuahua, marchará de c. Juárez hoy enuleves a Jay P. Knox, Calle Mills 209.

hechos con los Jefes delesa fuersa y vigor viril cuya perdida puede ser el resultado de descul-do- ., no podía comunicarse conmigo, por raxón mediadores sometan. la mañana a bordo de un Tren especial que Por arreglosDR. GUILLERMO lL ELLSWORTH,de que éramos prrslorieros de truerrg. Hoy marchó la drlstraclón meilcena para lo conducirá a u destino, para hacerse constitucionalismo, se han devuelto todos

excesos vicios naturales. Hemos demostrado Especialista en enfernied&dea da tasnuestroy poder Ulbpsraroo Kobre EIIon. Nueva York, en doude permaneoert hasu cargo del gobierno, irá acompañado por los carros de al god mi confiscado a sus due señorita y clrujla. Consultorio, Callesobre estas enfermedades. "El comandante Minister Ioktó colocar-nos

el martes próximo, día en que partirá para miembros de su Fatado Mayor, su plañía nos do la reglón lagunera, cerca de clu San Antonio 434. Teléf. 1412 y 62H.en pequeños botes; estábamos listos Niagara Kails. También el ministro Naón. de empleados y otras personas pertsue cuenta carros que habla eu ciudad Juárez Habitación, 8. HUI oüti. Teléf. 3 4 3.SOMOS LOS NIOO8 ORIGINALES . para escapar en aquellos, cuando llego el de U Argentina, y el embajador la Oams, r lentes al gobierno militar de la vecina se internaron ayer, y den más se esperanacorassdo americano "italelgh." ai diri-girnos

del Brazil, partieron rumbo al Canadá. Los ciudad ser traídos para venderse por sus prop le ' "Ceirlana" se nos hizo ruego de demás delegados saldrán . después. Federico Oonzálea uarza. consejero ju-

rídicotarios eu los mercados del Este. cóm OTTu 5? PÍTaTTa

la proa del vapor mexicano "Pesquelrs." N Vlrron a Bryan. del (ral. Avila, durante la estanciaESPECIALISTAS ALEMANES Pagando ol mas alto precio,--AMERICANOS pero nadie fue herido, otando subimos s Los delegados mexicanos se dirigieron a de este como Jefe de las armaH eu c. Juá-rez, A. N. Lombard), ('alio Sur El Paso,bordo del "Ceirlana" éste marchó junto al la residencia del gccrelsrlo Brysn, dejsndo también le acompañaré a ' hl huahua No. 107, Segundo piso, Cuarto 1."Halelgh." Algunas mina explotaron de sus tarjetas; esta atención rue eorrespon en la misma calidad, y no reemplazará sil

DIODOS los rompeolas y el vapor mexicano "Herré dldR por aquél, pero no hubo encuentro 9r. Hllvetre Terrazas como Secretarlo de COMPRAMOS ORO, plata y cobre enrías" trató de chocsr ai "Cettiajna." Al personal entre ellos, l a secretarla de Re-

lacionesgobierno, seguii se aseguro ayer en Juárez. AVISOS de OCASION cualquier cantidad o condiciona,

rtn el "Geneve" rue dejado en libertad el hsbls mandado preparar habita-ciones

Manuel Bonllls, miembro del gabinete del metales, planeo, a, precipitados, ato.Oficinas: 30 Cavile Mema. El Pateo, Texas. Fronte a la SO del pasado y obtuvimos agua y víveres pare la delegación, pero ésta rehusó finado Presidente Franclscu Madero. " ha Metals Buying & Refining Co.. i Hi

del Ftaletgh." , cortezmente la corléala, e insistid en ero-gs- r sido nombrado por el Oral, carran.a para TAHIFA PARA JLOH ANUNCIOS) San Francisco St.Busque nuestra entrada en el No. 5. Loe demás, doctoree) del mismo Consul eon. Puñal. sus propios gastos. substituir al Sr. Oonzálea 'larra romo con 1.MIK WMS Lili. K. ARMEN DAR1Z Especialista

piso nada tienen que ver con du cetra oficina. Según aseguran pasajeros del "Ceirlana," Obrarán en Conciencia sejero Jurídico. AyudarA-r- sus labores a) palabra, una ves. le eti á'artoa y Enfermedades de Seño-ras.el rOnaul americano Edwards, de Acapulco, Que los delegados de Huerta son perso-

nalcorl. Ornelas, el nuevo Jefe de las armas, 7 pulubras, una ves fx Rucibe ordenes a toda hora del

Altos Números 5 y 6, Kdiflcio Stevens. Se Hable Español. recibió orden de abandonar el pals; pero hábiles, se admite por los constttuclo-nallsts- y resolverá todas las cuestiones de carác-ter

1 Unen al mea si ou día en la Farmacia Rio Grande. Telé habiendo ningún buque disponible, o y por observadores linpsrclsies. internacional que presenten ante las 709 S. Stantony en su .oficina 406.dirigió a Manzanillo y rue llevado a bordo Haba sa, jefe de la comisión, es una auto-ridad

autoridades militare de le" ciudad fronte bl'KnJA It A HA OPORTU.NIUAI) Kl que lima., de UfUina do 10 a :30 y 4 a 6.del "Herrerías," encerrándosele en un ca-

marote,en derechos internsclonsl y constitu-

cional,riza, ti Sr. bonilla no ha lomado ninguna suscribe, lee i'rcsidmite. fia una ioile Teléf. Oficina 604 4; Teléf. Habitacióncon centlcnla de vista Dice se que conocido novelists y cumplido parte activa en la revolución actual, hasta rosa compañía imhiHtrlal, establecida en 6311).

Edwards conservó lods la noche un puflal, Agustín Rodríguez, llénese por el me-jor

hace poco, aunque ha sido un consiltuelo Kansas city, Mo ueceajta un hombre rteporque esperaba un asalto contra su per-sona.

sboffsdo mexicano, especlslmente en uullíis acérrimo. Vino recientemente a ('., negocio, formal, honrado, lntsllqente, INSTRUMENTOS QUIRURGICOS

Establecidos En 1906 Mis tarde fue puesto en libertad. civil, y el aertor K)guero,es abogad. Juárez procedente del Sur, en donde es-

tuvotupa de lomar a su csrgit un pucHto Suspen.sorlos, etc. Mesa 304. Te- -

Dos de los pasajeros del "Ceirlana" dicen de Instituciones flnaurteraa y ferrocarriles. en conferencia con ni (iral. Csrrsnzs importante y lucrativo, que produce buenas -f f.


saber poaltlvsmente de dos extranjeros que Eatos delegados no se guiarán por las am-

bicionesütilidsdis y que es de gran porvenir. No

DE l HERNIA, RECTO, NERVIOS Y fueron muertos en la mina "El Tovar," s personales de Huerta, sino que re-

comendaránORACION POR LA PAZ. se necesita hablar el inglés. Si Ud. se tiB N ECLtilTA tiluero mexluano y


de una flcais en que se profirieron lo que su criterio indepen-diente

procuro d. entrevistarnos, en el constitutionalist a. Herman iilock.Y CRÓNICAS. mueras a los "gringos." Los muertos les suglers o-- lo que dicte la sitúa La Inicia Modista dedicara un Oja a la Hotel Patio del .Norle, cuarto Nro. 803. Call H(ulevard ".. Teléf. 6463.

Las Oficinas Eepeclallatas Más Bien Eejulpadaa C. B. Balley, de New Haven, Conn., y clón. Or acido. JACK hA.NCPil It, No VENDA, coinprs ni cambie usted0. E. William. Inglés. De la Prensa Asoclsds. herramientas de segunda mano niy Má Grandee del Suroeste. Al atracar en Manzanillo, suplióos ipie el Oklahoma cuy, okia.. Mayo 17. En l'i K VIM') hamia una buena vaca lechera. rifles, hasta que sepa mis precios.Ningunos otros doctores de El paso están muelle donde estaba el vapor habla Hido confereii' ia general de la Iglesia Metodista Calle lio-- :wi'j, cerca d la Iglesia Cs Teléfono 4 31. 11. Mohr, 80 & Elpreparados para proporcionar el cuidado y la regado con petróleo y minado u dina-mias.

DECLARACIONES del Sur, en n ofrecerá una oración lolll de a1 Paso. l'aso.atene i dn médica personal, en un alto grado, Cuando se pregunto la causa, los especial i éxito de la conferencia decomo nosotros. Investlguenlo den. Ejerciten oficiales mexicanos contestaron "riólo in-

tentamospaz, partí i arreglo da las diferencias en-

treDE K.NJ una cantina. Ocurran DE VENTA Pollos de sangre, bue-

nosnidos. Holel C II Lawrence, 717 South para la polea. Dirigirá? (endestruir el muelle psra que los México ) Kstados isu buen juicio al escoger a sus doctores lo mismo que harían, en una a W. M. Crcgory. llopdale. N.Kl Paso, i .no 21.americanos no lo uiilieon." aunque Mini-ster

MUY IMPORTANTES El obispo VVilMn sédala el día de iuanaii,itransacción de Importancia. Pocos resistirán la prueba, y nosotros es-tamos

cree que la Intención de '' era lunes como día de orarldn, a Mu de "qu!satisfechos del resultado. Somos los Únicos especialistas de la destruir el "Cetriana todo nuestro pueblo lo observe, y los L1R AÜFk ''""Kad de Heidelberg,

Germany. Enfermedades DE VENTA tipo y cajas usados deciudad que han eetado bastante tiempo en El Paso para establecer eu de los gdilernos mu Tesados,KL I l'HI sun WILLIAM TA IT l'Hh de los nervios y crónicas. Enfermeda-des

imprent.i. oficinas de El Pasoí dónela.. Será fácil establecer la diferencia VIENEN DE 8AN sean llumlnsdos el espíritu de Idosre una coea entre los doc-


por de laa no ño ras, clrujla. Oficina Morning Times.viajeros temporales y los especialistas establecldoa permanente-

menteHKMCANO. psrs que haya paz entre los Estados Unidos 220 Calle San Antonio. (Altos du

Muchos Pero Giros Mexico. COM TRAMOS uro, plata cobra eahabilidad Refugiado! Llegaron; y yDede reconocida y posición. Ardoln. lloras:Se Negaron a Partir. cualquiera cantidad, metalen, plan-chasCerca de siete mil casos tratados aquf sin una solo pérdida a algún De la Prensa ..sodada. he Neeesilarán Tres AAos y Cualroelestoa C M I.VO CONSl'L JOVEN mexicano solicita ocupación de precipitados, etc. Pagamos el

resultado desfavorable. San Diego, Cal., Mayo 17. El monitor mi Hoiasdos psrs ls Pscltlracláa de Jusa Burnv ha sido Nouilirado "ii ul cualquier dase, especialmente en oficina precio mgs alto por todos metales., Nuestro lema: Cura rápida y honorarios razonable "Cheyenne" llegó a ésta, procedente de UCtlro, asegurs- de Ualverdon. mecanógrafo y habla basiante in J oh neon Assay Co., oficina, Sheldoa

Nuestras referencias: Los bancos y los principales hombres de ne-gocios

San OHitnlin, trayendo a bordo S9 rerugla-dos

La renovación de actividad comercial bsjo glee. ft. K. I' Second St. Wi3. Hotel, El l'aao. El Paso. americanos, vecinos de aquel larrlto-rtO- lie la Prensa Asociada.

Horas de oficina: 9 a. m. a 7 p. m. Domingos de 10 a 1. que regresan a su país, por orden di Nueva York, Mayo 17. ex presidenteConsultas Gratis. Recuérdese bien el lugar y el nombre. los cónsules americanos. Treinta ranche v. iii, un H. Taft, did su opinion hoy con res

ros mAs, muchos de ellos noruegos rehu pec to s la situación meilcsns, en un dis-currosaron salir y abandonar aus quemtcori- pronunciado en la Sinagoga Libra,Especialistas Internacionales Entre las personas que reportsn mayores 'durante u etoiiradún de ls mlsms, sobre

Edificio HammeO, sobre la Librería Currana. Ave. Mesa 1 , El Paño, Tea. pérdidas, se encuentra Mra. Ella Johnson, la Paz.quien poséis un rancho de ijow seros, y Aunque antiguo funcionarlo expreadquien tiene veinte hijos y nietos, nscldos pocas " de que la prOiima media-

cióntodos en su propiedad, y dice que no ha lleve a cabo su Inmedlslo proposito,perdido uno sólo de ellos por enfermedad manifesto que u oferta de mediación y suo scc ideóle. aceptación, o mi tricaban un gran paso ha-

cia el arreglo futuro de dificultades inter-nacionales en el Hemisferio Occidental.AZUCAR DE CANA AfJTOMOVkXKfl DE RENTA Ila Poco tCnUislssseo.

no existe en este pelsEl Paso Auto áV Taxi tiene para Agrego que pre-sión una política militar,popular para quealquilar 10 grandes autos de ca-

minosi gobierno no pudiere resistir-- , que el pue-bloUnited y taxis, durante toda la noche está deiermiusdo a todo, hasta laSugar Companies y todo el día. La estación está guerrs, por cumplir su deber, pero que

situada frente al Hotel "Paso del sctuslmeute maninesla poco entusiasmo.LOS MIH'IUS, BINALOA. MEXICO Norte" Calla W. San Antonio Critico en eguids la politics de .Wluion.

No. lia. Teiafonoa I2 j 441. por la syuds que us prestado a los

Participamos a nuestros citen tea, y al pdbooo en genes al, "que"siMA mi Juicio." dijo, no hubiésemos

ásanos abierto ana oficina en El Paso, en el No. 42, First National Influsacla,ejercido tan directa como loBank Building, en el que .sismos a sos órdenes listos pawn atender hemos becho, si tyudsx s uno de los par-

tidos,cualquier pedido que ae nos haca de azúcar j atraíalos, de euros pro-ductos

no estaríamos hoy tan cerca de laIrmelos grandes existencia' aquí. SE COMPRA ORO Inierrenciún y de ls guerra"

He squl algunos de los parraros delY PLATA

Azúcar Cúbica y Granulada en Saco, Marcas "Aguila" en cualquiera forma o can-tidad.

Es Más Fácil rBjtirsr.La amenaza de guerra, entre dos tui-

cionesy 4nainaloaa Precios sin com- gobierno estable, es mucho más

fácil de conjurar, que. con las condicionesen que nos eucontrsjuos con México. Ahí ESTA CERVKZA BENDITAMarca "La Victoria," an Caja, da 34 Litro JOYERIA tenemos que contender con el mal de larevolución; 80 por ciento del pueblo aa ig roa SU EXCELENCIA SIN PARSilberberg Hermano, Dorante y sp alfabeto , tres anos de guerra DE TOOOS ES FAVORITACuarto No. 428 traquina Avenidla Mesa y han arruinado si psii, destruido is Indus-tri- a

y expuesto a iodos los extranjeros s I Vina. Y AMIGA FIEL DEL HOGARFirst National Bank CáUle Texaa grandes violencias y a la destrucción da rasBuilding Frente ai Banco Rio inversiones.


"En un caso sai. una nscion vecina pueda SEO. W. aDMIIO.TKL11PUONK fia Grande. prop tan wn u- - intervenir y ayudar s resta-


ta ley y el orden, y sesear con lasnarqufs, ae por espíritu de conquiata ni


dent to, tip return of Colonel Rooaeveh from South government In futura i th only government that will God, Give Us Peace. Heard on the City Streets.AtTieeiBáXi i

he tolerated In that country. By NORVBI4, KLi-lOT- T "Not auav rases aava Dr., M . VI heard ab Colonel Ilooeevek Itaa not wglted to touch United Dedicated to President Wllaon a Man of Peace. man wondering what had become of the cldfadtrsjd rrj Dar la Mm YaarI. PASO tlMBB COetrAltY latea call before (tvlnt mat aa intimation thai he ex The City of Tampico. Ood. give us peace. The lust of war American mother who eras always so conáxaeraxe " i

has not yet burned souls: the comfort of others and wonderfully tender aiidour they are sola Ik 1'i.stoff ice at El Pass, Texas, aa pects to lead the, Progressive foro In another om The capture of the city of Tampico by th MexicanIE But singed. Thus, while we dimly still nd in her consideration. Well. 1 know where ane isití for the presidency In 1111, and It la evident mat conatltutlonallata give them a gulf seaport the second May see the heights, with heart and will She Uvea In El Paso and I saw her on a Government

real ttmbr bviuimko. m-- aotrm obeuoh tbbet the colonel's next political scheme Involves the Idea lar eat in the republic, and nautrallaea the United Our better serves cry, "Ohe us peace'." 11111 car yesterday (Friday) afternoon at ocioea.Addrsee all wnulHUMlb of attempting to reunite the dlacordant Iiepubllcan ele- - (Hate embargo on the ehipment of arma Into rebel usual at that hour, the car was pretty well flUed

THE MORMIBO Tlff, T. Hod. give us Let hand and tha aisleunder candidato peace. stay the With women who had been shoppingmenia hla own leaderahtp and aa the territory. Which deals but death at the command ere pretty well filled with tired men going nomaof both wings of hla party lead the solid phalanx to The city of Tarn pic da located mile aoutheaat of angry Impulse, sudden hot, from their d.v's labor. Two of these men has mat ,

victory In the next campaign. of Monterey. 1 50 mile due east of Ban Lula Potoal. Too late recalled. Before the blot ven up their seats to two young ladle who were ois- -



BBPaUCBBllTATIVMTribeña Bu Idlag Coincident with the making; public of the Roose- - and Hi mllea north of Vera Crux. It la the ahlpplng smears our fair name. God. give ua peace! cusaing somebody they had met at the Elite Ice cream

Tort. C. gpeelal Agency. the car stoppedcaleago, a. c. Beekwlth Special Ageacr, Trlbw Bul lila velt plana, however, la a significant development from point of the richest oil fields In the world, and strate-


parlors, and It waa on Boulevard thatL Losls, S. c. Beekwlth al.Ag.ocjr, frd Had Baak BMg. God, give us peace. Make us fair minded take on an elderly )ady with one of those sweet.

. the direction of Profeaaor William Howard Taft. who the hlggeat prig ofla hsatha thstTrare ns Afeen i.uiaer EMruiu, r - revolution not our eyes and brain be blinded klndlv feces bearin a close resemblance to mothers.I

AnthortaMc Hssley.

CI it Collector! --O Motcao Millar. Ollla Mai while declaring that he no longer entertains any yet been won by th constitutional forces. By a falae patriotism's glare. Two working men occupying one of the side seats Inton. Kd Laica, will urcas ra. on the prealdanoy, informe Ihe public that he la By din of guns, by cannon s flare. the rear of the car arose simultaneously to oner tne

SXUai UII'TION UTM. ready to taka tba atump In an affort to hold together Texas Hogs Die With Cholera. By greed to kill. God, give us peace! sweet facsfl matron their seats. 'Now you keep your(Br Mail la Adrases) - seats, for I know you are tired, and I'll Just atúsese

aa Bua4ar, east yaar .1... ail that remulna of the grand old party. Swine breeder of Tersas lost 194,400 hogs, valued God, give ua peace-- . God, give us power here.' remonstrated the motner asgaily and

aalSunday,P. indar,


montasnioalha.a I la other word. Profoaaor Taft will not onl oppose at nearly K.000L0ÓO last yaar by dietasa, according In this our nation's testing hour shs waved the two men back to their seats, while éhe

I (ally and Huaaey, ese moots ...A th presidential aaplratlona of Colonel Theodore to a report iaauéd today, by. th census bureau. This To overcome not men by might Ipped In between two women occupying th oppositeVia) Seaday 'lime 014 year V

Koosevelt, but will take the atump against him when But our brute selves desire to fight side seat. 1 fell in love with thst old lsdy then ami(By Carrier) la an average death rat of 75 1,000 head. Laatpar their seatsresumedForgetting Thee. God, give us peace! there, and the two men whoDellv anr Knndav. moatbon the opportunity preaant Itaelf. All of which I' t Ure

' ra year th ratio waa only 4 5 deaths to every 1,000 head, beamed their gratitude."aWmcaw-- h fail lo receirsTSSr impel regolarljrequested to uotirr the bualaaaa office to test snset. Indication of eome stirring tlmea when the next preal- -

and a total of only 112.200 head were lost. God, give us peace. Let stay the hand.


H.iutt, ,.m

(. moo...a.l....

ordfrI., full




letter. dentlal campaign la opened and a further. Indication The Texas death rat la much lower than that (or f so, by gaining a command "We found thst leak In the Jail all right." said

ii a,x I'mi.i l.murf, 'I. HIDSe ...UN.l" an that the split In the Republican party la lure to con-

tinue.conllnafital United States, which I 111 per 1,000 hogs Of aelf, we prove a victory far W. Sheen, the plumber, "after we spent a day

department! Tell operator1 which employe or what depsrt- - More portent than that gained by war searching for It- The city's water meter la all right...... - . mi .... After 10 u. am. Texas ranka seventh with Other state in total num Whose wsks Is death. God, give ua peace! and It's a wonder It did not register more than iao.

aad on Blindara aad holidays tbe following ttoprtarita will ber of envine, and th six Statea that ara ahead of for the water waa passing through the meter all right.fUln.aieit


I 'I rnMM,

nnManager, otaya, national., euor, Bryan Would Continue Shipping Arms. Texas In hog iiroduetlon all hav higher death ratea Ood, give us peace. Who knows, perchance You see, whoever did the plumbing neglected to cut

If tee caerle tails to deileer tbe paper prooipily. ioWy mat tne wincheater Arma company of New iiavn, than this state. The ratio In these state runs from Some Bister nation lifting lance, out the old water works pipes. But It's cut off low.aa traer aar of the above telephone May catch our spirit, pause and heed and I learn that a two days' run shows the Jail conConn., from a patriotic standpoint had refused lo send 5 In Ohio to 25E per 1.000 In Iowa. ofIon upvi n tba ataaulng, eaeraeter The message our Ood-lik- e deed, suming a little more than a dollar's worth of wateror renufcation of aor oerec firm or corporaüon. wblcb may arms and ammunition Into Mexico, and that it stood Th farmers of the nation lost 7,004,10 head of And follow ua Ood, give us peace! per day, whereas last month It averaged l per day.

In lu Mllimai .if The wilt oe gieviy curreeled tioee Ita being brought ta tba attention ut the mea ready to atop such shipment long atro If a raquial had hogs from disease least year. They were valued at nd the wster was not to blame, because it waa aoing

Ubi been mad by the unci States government, 1 a 176,000,000. Columbians to Gather. business on the square. Careless plumbing Is recharge Just aired in Washington, according to the New The greatest gathering of graduates of Columbia sponsible for it per cent of the complaints about the

city's water meters bslng wrong, and In a majority ofBrutal Murder of Sam Parks. Haven There Is general Impression rife that In whenRegister. a fighting ma university Its history will be seen on Msy 29th. case the plumber Is not to blsme. because he Is notSamuel Parka. United Btatca Infantryman In the The Winchester company advlaed Mr. Bryan that it terlal la getting mighty scarce In every portion of the slumnl Of the School qf Mines, meet on Morning-sid- e

authorised to go through a building and correct theHeight to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary ofaervlce of the United State government at Vera Crux, waa reluctant to ship arms anil ammunition Into Mex Mexico. plumbing from the meter to the sewer, and thus in

the founding of that great technical school. Invita-tionswaa affected by aunatroke and wandered across the ico at a time when It felt certain that ultimately ihey have been Issued to all alumni of the university trying to save they lose money and blame the wster

linea Into territory controlled by Huerta'a soldiers. would be used against American soldiers. At the Ham Oeneral Jose Ynes Salaxar told such a straight aad the number of acceptances la larger already than works for It,"

He. wore Ihe uniform of the United State army time, In view of their responsibility to their stockhold forward story to the Santa F jury In hla smuggling tor sny previous celebration at tne university. e,isd

and could not have poaalbly been mlatakan for a apy ers, the officials of the company wrote that they would case that he was promptly acquitted. This disposes of oratebeen made




In charge,of the


the cele-bration

haveN. Y.,


know."I am stuck

says W.on the


and especiallyof Buffalo.

onRecovering from the effecla of the aunatroke after like to be fortified In their refusal to fill the orders his pealtentlsry prospect, but the general will have to

will begin on the night of May 28, with a re El Paso. I find here In El Pso mors than anywhere

ha waa taken Into ruatody by the Mexican aoldlere Of the Carranslatss, which refuaal muat entail serious remain with the other Mexican prisoners interned at ception In the gymnasium followed by a dance.' In else that spirit of free masonry so characteristic of

ha wax tiueai limed aa to the atrength of th American financial loss, by at least a request from the govern-

mentFort WIBgate until peace I establish. In Mexico. the morning of the 29th there will be a convocation ths West. I have been here three days and I find It

very pleasant to have perfect strangers meet you onMurIn the gymnasium at which President Nicholasforcea In Vara Crux. not lu make such shipments. smile and cheery 'good-day- .'the street with a friendly aButler will preside, J. Howard Van Amrlnge. ex- -Secretary Bryan In a recent speech declared Ihe rayEvery patriotic American clilien can realize with New of this patriotic offer reached the war depart-

ment,dean of the college, will present candidates for hon Of course, El Paso has had an Influx of new

what acorn Prívale Samuel Parka must hava refuaed and Secretary Oarrlson Informed the secretary Mexican problem was a legacy handed to President orary degrees, and there will be addresses by Mr. T. people and among them are a number of the kind weWllaon by the Taft administration, and he should have East that class of people who Imaginehave backto dlahonor and degrade the uniform he wore how of flute that, according to the bureau of Intelligence, A. Richard and Mr. Hennlng Jennings.

further and that If Taft adminis-tration

that an air of excluslveness Is the proper thing to imthegon declared In the the Chandlerafternoon the first lecturer Incould have hi life but 25,000 rlflea and 26,000,000he muat have told ihem they rounds of ammunition had the But I was saying, I have enjoyedhad discharged Its plain duty In the beginning foundation will be given by Dr. Leo II. Baekeland; and press public.not the Information they demanded. been shipped into Mexico since the lifting of the em-

bargo,El Paso because everybody here worth while haa been

there would have been such legacy handed down In the evening there will be a banquet at the Waldorf-Astori- anoAnd Samuel Parka, private In the ranka of the and that, In the estimation of Ihe military u-- ih hotel at which well known alulnnl will speak so kind and friendly to me."

to the Wilson administration.United 8tatee Infantry, waa ahot Ilka a dog by thoae or it lea. It would be criminal folly not to fake advan-tage

and at which there will be many novel feature Thefienda and hla body burned. of the Winchester company's offer. committee offered a prise for a poem by an alumnua Mv son. Manuel.", aaya J. A. Escajeda. "is as proud

of Oeneral Victoriano Huerta contlnuea to keep the of .the university, which was awarded to Rhys Car of Frsnk Lyons' victory at Nashville, a tte could pos-siblySecretary Bryan aaya he conaldera the murder Mr Bryan, after satlsfylns. himself that there waa newspaper correspondents guessing as to his inten penter. '09, college, fqr the following-- : be If he himself were the winner of the orator

Private Samuel Parka "a hoatlle act." little danger of the arma and ammunition ahinped tlohs. and sume of the matura being imputed to him COLUMBIA. ical honors, and every El Pasoan should feel proud ofIt la mora than that. It la a diabolically inhuman ucroa the Texas border fu Ulna Into the hands of the Serene upon thy citadel Frank's achievement. He first captured first honorsare utterly unreasonable. Huerta has too often given

act an wot that would be tolerated by no other self Huerta forcea, politely but emphatically declined to Above a city's dark unrest in our high school contest and then went to Nashville,evidence of the fact that he 1 not coward toa war

respecting nation on the face of the earth. make the desired request that such shipments ceas. Holding thy watch Immutable. where he competed with the prise orators of tho unirant the belief that he intends to mske a getaway. On r n vexed, unssddened, undlstressed ; versities of Alabama, Louisiana, North Carolina and

Tin- i i. el peace priae of 150.000 would be but Whether the Winchester company adhered to Ita pur the contrary, there la every' evidence that he Intends Thy chngeles symbol of a creed. Tennessee. It was an Inténtate collegiate conteat ofpoor recompenae for the murder of Private Samuel pose and. i'sncelled Its orders from the Carrunxlstas to face the music and go down with colors flying. Too great for party or for sect, note and the Judges were trained In all the arts ofParka of the United Stalea Infantry. after receiving Mr. Bryan's refusal is not known, al-

thoughTo heal a people in their need oratory and debate. The showing made by Frank'

It la regarded a probable. Lest manhood perish for neglect. yona la a further evidence of the efficiency of ElThe hue and cry raised by our old Amigo, Victo

There are 313.000 Cathollca In Texas, according Paso'a high school from which he graduated nearlyllano Huerta, to the effect that the American govern O mother of a mighty nation two years ago, and he Is not the only El Paso high

to the new 1)14 official Catholio directory, copies of Sheep and Wool Conference. . ment had violated the existing armistice by seising u O guardian of our liberty, school graduate to win first honors for this city Inwhich have Just been received here. Compared with Through changing year and generation oratorical contest. But Frank LyonsThe secretary of agriculture ha Issued a call for lKtbos Island, turns out to be another one of thoseother atatea. Texas ranka fourteenth In number of Thy sons corns ever unto thee. s an exceptionally bright young man."Cathollca. There ara 24,224,(0 Cathollca under the

public conference of persons interested in the shesp misrepresentations Huerta haa been so steadily feed With eager hearts, and quick desireand wool Industry, to be held In Washington Juno 2, ing nut to the Mexican people. The Mexican tenders Beneath ambltlon'a glowing sunprotection of the Stare and Btrtpea. which la an In-

crease"It would be great," said Harry Dow, as he slipped3 and 4 Among the topic suggested by the secretary of 'the lighthouse located on the Island became fright To kind lc at thy quencjirass fire

of nearly 1,000,000 over last year. In the en-

tireThe light with which their race Is un. Into town from Clint last night, driving a machine

United Slates there are 18.518 Catholic priests. m for discussion are the manufacturing value of Ameri encd at ths appearance of some American warships with oil lampa, "If the county, the automobile club andcan wools, the Improvement of farm and ranch meth-ods

and fled. Naval forcea then took charge of the light They leave thee, and sre scattered far the lnterurban railway company would Join In llght- -lncresse of 23 during the past year. One new Cath-

olicof handling wool, the possible 'adaptation of for houae and are maintaining It for the protection of On prairie waste and golden plain, ng the country road from Washington park to West

church waa built In the United Statea every work-

ingAnd where the western mountains are Ysleta. It would give the country wagon and theeign methods to American 'condltlona, the atandard the shipping located In that vicinity, which was cn

day of 1913. The Catholic church of the United They guide the nation's toll and gain; people who drive horses an equal break with the au-

tomobilesIxatln of the woo clip, and the prevention of damage dangered by the auppreaalon of the light.States now number 14.661. There are also 82 seml-narie- a. Deep under earth in torches' glare, carrying locomofi-- e headlights, and I don't

by dogs snd predatory animal. Or where the flaming forges reel, believe It would cost so very much. Of course, theacademies for girlsfor230 colleges boys,The high quality of American wool when prop Monty for Villa and Carranza. Where rings mid furnace roar and flare lights would not be Intended for midnight Joyriders.

and 5.403 parochial achools In the nstlon. Aftproxl-matel- y The clangor of the shaken steel. They don't care If they get their necks broken. Buterly put up', Is generally recognised by our manufac-turers,

New York Evening Post.1. 609,000 young people are receiving Catholic It would put the blinding sesrchlight out of commis-sionInstruction In the United State. but ao little attention la paid to the care oV Charles H. Flli'i. the merchant, whose lifelong Where famine break where plague and 111 snd would prove a great protection to farmers

American wool at ahearlng time, that It usually aelis contact with Bpanlsh-Amerlca- and cloae touch with Reara up Its hundred-heade- d form; returning home in the late evening, and to town peopleall faotlons In Mexico give his opinion weight, declares Where strife has taught mankind to kill,for less than Ita real value, and frequently suffers by who drive down the valley In the afternoon and re-t-

The Alamo Belongs to Texas. that Huerta's downfall is certain and near. And ware unloose their dreadful stormcompurlson with foreign wool. Much home after dark. It would not take many arcpractlcea theaaEver since the Alamo, located In the city of San Mr. Flint believes that never haa the Mexican altua Throughout the great earth's restless length lights to do the business and they could be turned offIndiscriminate sacking of wool regardless of kind or tlon been so near a solution satisfactory to the United Thy sons .are gone, and In their handa at II o'clock during the summer, and at midnightAntonio, but constituting of the people of condition, ths us of improper twine, and the uae of States. He predicts the unqualified success of the Thy lore haa aet a rod of strength during the winter, on account of valley people return-

ingall Texas, hss gotten Into politics it haa bean the bono Insoluble paint for marking aheep, cause really un constitutionalists under Carrañas and ho restoration Wherewith to dominato all land home from the theater."at much bitter contention and controversy. The fight of orderly government In Mexico, both to be hastenedand los Innecessary expense manufacturing, which

has had In effort to restore and by financial aid to the revolutionists. Professor Wilson Mexican War TheGovernor Colquitt an has been variously estimated at from 6 to 20 per cent on People's Forum.Carranza representatives had beenthe old structure and Its surround-ings

In conference In Woodrow Wilson's textbook, "Division and Regloriouspreserve of the original value of the wool, and for which tha with Mr. Flint less than 24- hours before the merchant Publication by the Morning Times of contributionhas union," written in 1892, when he waa prealdent ofIs familiar to all Texana, and Inspired a gen-

eralproduced must pay by being compelled to accept spoil.- Kellcltos .unreal, Carransa'a minister of Princeton university, he described the war of 184( to to this column does not In sny sense imply thst the

determination to remove the Alamo from the finance, left New York Friday night to Join thereduced price. con-stitutionalists 1841 with Mexico. What the historian and schols Idea Advanced or opinions held by the writers are

possibility of future controversia of this kind It a leader and tell him that money for the had to then has Interest In view of theThe damage don the sheep industry by predatory say a peculiar endorsed by the Time.cause would soon be available.way can be found to do It anímala In the western rang state, and by dogs in author's attitude pow. He tells how Taylor took Mon"Heretofore the coantltutlonallsta have been em terey, recent acene of battle between Mexican tuiRecently new controversies have developed In San F. C. HUNNAlf EXPLAINS.the farm states, will be a very Important subject for barrasaed by the influence of the científicos behind tions, and of the capture of the City of Mexico. TheAntonio relating to the Alamo, and like the former Editor El Paso Morning Times. Dear sir: Indiscussion at th conference- In some Western status the Huerta regime with the group of European bank-

ers'Mexicans he desoribes a "á race full of courage your

controversies thsy are exciting much Intereal. A and associated American bankera who financed An Issue of Sunday appeared an article stating that anthe number of predatory anímala appears to be de-

creasing1,spirit and subtlety." extract from the book follows

been submitted the last Mexican loan," Said Mr. Flint. "These bank-ers

Indictment had been returned against Manuel Flores,proposition has to cut a street through "Congress aocepted tho assertion that Mexico had'but in other these pests are lncreaalng Ih Included six In French G. W. Frsnklln and F. C. Hunnam charging them withthe thegroup llanque dethe Alamo plaxa. In deference to sordid commercial begun the war, as convenient, whether true or not, andnplte nl growing settlements, caualng a loss of 10 per Parla et dea Paye-Ba- a and five other Parla establish provided for the expenses of the conflict as for any misrepresentation of title to land sold to one M. H.that haa forth the folIsm, and proposition brought cent of th sheep and Ismbs in some section, pogs menta snd the banks of the German group, Maiaon 8. necessity. A formal declaration of war was resolved Scharf.

lowing ringing proteei from ihe leading women n farm states caus Irregular losaes among flocks of Bellchroeder. Berlin;' the Deutscher bank and the upon on May 13, 1846, before the news of Palo Alto in Justice to my self and the position 1 personallySan Antonio: sheep, amounting In some cases to complete exter- -

Dresdner bank. and Kesaca de la Palma had reached Washlngto took In effecting the sale I feel called upon to explain"Keaolved. Thst we, as members of ths Battle of Having granted a loan to Huerta's government and the president waa authorised to call for 50,000 to my many friends as follows;mlnstlon. There Is nn doubt that the lack of control the loyalty of all these intereal and the American volunteers for one year. Mr M. H. middleFlowers association, do hereby proteat to the mayor Scharf, a aged woman, wellof dogs in farm Mates Is tha principal hindrance to

and council the proposed extension ofgroup aaaoclated with them prevented their making "September 10 to 23 the Americans, by slow and known as the owner of considerable property, whichcity against

eftthe development of the sheep Industry-- In those re loaña to the constitutionalists in opposition. stubborn fighting, took ths strongly fortified city of she statee was acquired within the past tew years byCrocktt strset by cutting tbe park Alamo plaxa glona, and a survey of this situation recently made by "As It become evident that the administration la Monterey, some nineteen miles south" of the Rio trading, called upon me with the expressed desire of

Into two parks. We do this Relieving that such action the department of agriculture, Indlcatea i hat If there the verge of going to war with Huerta, If any ad Grsnde., February tZ and 23, Santa Anna, with trading for Mexico land, and waa shown descriptionswould deatToy the beauty of the park and Interfere were proper control of dog, the sheep population of vanee step Is taken. It Is not too much to believe that force pi opiiblv numbering at least 12,000 men, of several tracts listed In my office, from which waswith the Battle of Flowera, the patriotic celebration the American banker In thla association will follow tacked Taylor's force, which then numbered 5.200, selected the Ponce de Leon tract. This land wasthe farm states could b doubled, without dlapiaclng tbe precedent whloh men like the lata J. P. Morgun the broken plain of Buena Vista, but, falling to gall secured by me from a prominent commission firm ofof Texas' independence, which la th event of the year any other animals on farms. The effect of sych an so consistently followed of making their dealings har any advantage, withdrew to the defense of his capital this city.In the life of San Anton)" We bslleVe that cutting the Increase on the counlry'a meat supply would monlse with national policies. In other the City of Mexico. He had thought to deatroy Tay-

lor I, ss a real estate man. did not knowpark to pleca would be an injury and an offense not In farm atatea words, while the thing Is not accompliahed, It may while he was weak; for In November, 1846, Gen anything aboutaa aheep raisedare princi the title, and In allonly to the cltlsens of San Antonio, but the people of well be expected that financial assistance Is to be ño eral Wlntteld Scott had been appointed to the chief my dealings never In any case

pally as meat producer advise purchasers aa to titles, but havelonger withheld. command In Mexico, to which hla military rank en always ad-visedTexaa," Various agencie have been for some time engaged The Increasing aucees of the constitutionalist titled him. and January had brought a call for the them to employ competent attorneys to psss on

In response In thl same spirit of sordid commar In propaganda work to effect an Improvement in wool and their avowed willingness to give to American and greater part of Taylor's troops to assist the command their titles before closing deals. I did thla In thisclallsm. there la also a proposition to rax th walla handling and sheep huebandry, and this conference Is foreign Interests in North Mexico the protection which In an Invasion of Mexico from Vera Crus, Instance and understand ahe refused to be governed

of the building which Is a part of they need for the prosecution of mining and oil de-velopment

on the coast- The operations in the north ended with accordingly and took the chance of title being good.called by the secretary of agriculture to plans have also been followed by a sharp the bsttle of Buena Vista. "X. ' F. C. HUNNAM.

the original Alamo property and purchased by the such efforts, and give an opportunity for the formula reaction In their favor here and abroad. Huerta is 'General Scott began his operation with a force El Paso. Tex., May 17, 114.stale for preservation, is proposed, ostensibly for park tlon of policies of national scops, which will tend to hemmed in on every aide. Hla exponaos are 8.000,000 of about 12,000 men. He had choaen a hard road toand beaullficatlon purposes. place the sheep and wool Industry on a mora stable pesos a month, and hi Income ha been reduced over the Mexican capital, but the dogged valor and alert The BestDay's Stories.To sfi Intelligent outslds observer It occurs that the basis.

50 per cent by Industrial contraction, loss of territory aagaclty of his men made everything possible. Thesnd our occupation of Vara Crus; railroad and Indus-trial

fleet which carried his troops came to anchor near The Ultima Thuke,city of San Antonio can obtain land for park purposes Much interest haa already been manifested, and s Interests are ssld to be falling away in their sup-port

Vera Crus on March 7, 1847, and on the 27th of the nelsewhere without sacrificing one of th old stons In A preacher waa making a pedeatrlalarge attendance of representative wool grower of him. He la on hi last lega." asme month Vera Crus hsd surrendered, having been excuralon in a wild rural district Inthe walls of the building desired to be rased, and the aheep breeders, manufacturers, and others intereeted Mr. Flint reviewed the military suecas of th con-atltutlonallata

taken without great difficulty. nemara. reeling rather hungry, hethe

lookedweat of

atpeople of Ban Antonio should be given to understand In the sheep Industry, 1 expected. In the last fsw day around Monterey. "In the middle of April began the march of 200 watch to see If It was nearly dinner time, but founSaltillo, Ban toils Potoal, and spoke of the good chance miles northward to ths City of Mexico. On the I 8ththat public sentiment In this Stat demanda th prea-- , The animal husbandry division of the bureau of to capture Tampico. He continued: the watch waa stopped. Just then, happening toScott forced the rough mountain pass of Cerro Gordo.arvatlon of the Alamo and all that pertains to the with a country boy. he asked him:"Whatanimal haa made "With In the attitude of theIndustry educationalan collection of even a alight change On August 10, after a delay caused by fruitless nego-

tiationstime is it, boy?"Alamo In aa nearly Ita' original condition as possible woola and wool fabrica, whloh shows th advantages bankers industrial conditions may be expected to for peace, the City of Mexico waa In eight "Just 1. sir."


II la time for bickerings and wrangling to cease over of proper preparation of wool for market, and market at once. Carraña will be In a position, as he from the height of the Ho Frio mountain Select-ing

"Only 12," said the minister "1 thought Uis. Indeed, today, to Insure protection of foreigners In the weaker side of the city, which lay amidthis glorious heritage of th people ofall Texaa, and a net-work

more."This collection willrequirement be on exhibition the vast territory now controlled by him. of defenses and surrounded on all sidessteps should be taken by tha next stats legislature to by "It never wss more round these parts," aaidduring the conference. "Carrañas realises that It la necessary' to restore marshy ground, which could be grossed only on cause-ways, "Itboy, simply. begin again at 1."remove the cause and prevent the occurrence of such the Industries of the country by proper assurances the Americans alowly, by dint of heroic courage

unseemly exhibitions In future. The Alamo and its and Inducement to the owner of theee Industries and patience, drove the Mexicana from one position .President Wilson again reitérales the fact thatsurroundings belong to all Texaa and publlo sentiment not only that they and their employes will be accorded of defense to another until finally tbe gieat fortress es of Pat- -

In Tax demand tuey be preserved Inviolate.American troop are la Mexico lo help the Mexican full protection In reopening them, but that the pro of Chspultepeo was taken by storm (September II) Patrick O'Rourke had the misfortune one davn to fight them, and that exprassas th general tection will be continued, and that ths titles to ths and the city captured. falling from ths second story of a house Just belliAmerican eenilment. We have no quarrel with the properties will not be questioned at a later date. "The occupation was complete by the 15th. and completed. Mike Flaherty, the foreman, aaw him

Taft and Roosevelt Feud. people of Mexico, and our only desire is that the quar-


"The owners of these Industries will undoubtedly. If there was no further resistance anywhere by the and Immediately called an ambulance, .which lathe plan of the constitutionalists, which now look Mexicans At every point the American troops had course of time arrived. The surgeon gave One atThat the political fight which raged during the among the Mexican people be so adjusted that- - th very hopeful, rate, under the leader heavy odd They moat ofsucceeds, co-o- ne fought against were them toward th still form and said: "He' dead." W

last national campaign between Professor William nation can Immediately enter upon a long era of peace ship of some Important banker, to provide money for only volunteers, and they had fought against a race Pat, who was coming to, heard him and, rtstnHoward Taft and Colonel Theodora ltooseveit haa re. and proapertty .under trie blessings of representative ths needs of the new government. With these mat full of courage, spirit and subtlety. Their success was a anting posture, replied: "You're llar! 1 ain't!.aolved itaelf into a political feud In whloh there will constitutional government. And Incidentally, our tore taken care of, there could be no question as to du to their moral qualities to their steady pluck and Mike waa standing dee by, sad took hold of

the attitude which the President of the United States aelf confidence, their cool Intelligence, their equal en-

dowmentsgently saying; "Lay down, Fat, the doctor knowsbe no terms asked or received, la a development lad- - Mexican iftends should clearly understand thai such wtU Uhe." of patience and dash.' oetxer,-- -


Mondar. May 16. 1914. EL PASO MORNING TIMES

menas with a Man Mm tarty, mm MrsKenneth Oliver five a charmUf I o'clock FATAL ACCIDENTlea ror Mise Olea Adama. The i'ntu-- i For Indigestion. Sour Stomach,Daughters or the coaladerery mat an. I

discussed plana ror the state conventionJnstiW4WttY! which Is to be held here October 17. NEAR DGROFTThis week starts off wall at tbe aortal CJf Distress Afterline, although several reroutes are geuiny Eating- - DigestitDaifkers! ready to leave ror the summer. Today

Mrs. j. n. Kntow will en ser talk the Mon H8. SDNEStVA BONIME Of AVIS llliou N

A onn'i twanism la a vary delicate thine tt rwrj rastre day rlub aad the San Jacinto shooI will rao WAOttN and ALMour instantlyget eat f order-j- uit Hka a delicate of iauañf. ft five thair exhibit. , aMLLnTJ.

naaadras mora than ordinary eat and attention.p,ee

Tuesday the Alia Villa echoot will ft" Tnu certainly Would not suffer the country have (otten relief by the usetheir ouarterlv eihlhlt and program, an I tortures of lndlaeatlon if you knew tt of this harmless remedy. Try It today.TaorotyaiwldMHiwoidar,aaaaaiiliiiiaaiiiiat-oWyfa- In the evening the naurtiters of Erin wl" Otririsls sad fadtyea Arn.r .t tmuin a remedy that would positively re-

lieveGet a package' and take one dose- If

! TmHw pom yf tlx Wlt,MtH , am n anal, ai WaM am assert te frenare rr 0sslng ..I Ledgagive their mentar nmnlhlv aoelal. ID the and our you. "Dlfaatlt" la a It doaa not lv. you Immediate reliefasaadnaas. fanstaeas, basse.!, I of opotH. dasarswesa. and assay others. ler ike fuaaaser daaaea.afternoon the woman's Missionary society certain qulok relief. It will atop In-digestion,

It won't cost you a nanny. Brown'sui me rtrsi presnyierian cnurcn win e- - REGRETS! flour Atomash. Dlatrna af-

terDlfestlt should be In every home Tt

Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription a splendid program. The male ocsew win Mm flaws aeeaM tTsrrespona'ri.i aatln and other stomach u batata Is a certain qttlolt retl.r for Indigestionfive a concert in the evening. Thee m often añas. r.loudcrnri, n. M., May 17- .- word has almost Instantly. We absolutely guar-

antee.prevents distress after rating a

has, asas ta asanas t rasa ah li f aastsi lag tm to aafcrat health The Wednesday neea Craudcrori or satisfaction. meal aad makes tired,a. L. A. club will meet Bat not when titer rsesiv.d at a ratal arel It to alv you entire hearty yourFor asentasen forty It ku bM noorhllj onjai ansalaliWsestyaa. iw with Mrs. Bífera and Mr. Joseph gellmait Uta drnt whim oeoarred nesr Avii sum. days If not we alvo you hack your money. worn out stomach good as aaw. KellyWiimimiL tllawartiia iutaa tediad aiaadtXf'ay regrrt ofToday

krierolVUii. LotTtaUrw- -win entertain the Wednesday anata eiun, a woman fear sao. Jira. Minerva Bourne, or wis. the Thousands of people all ovar the rollard. '

load. W. Trywk..r. look upo. It as a t lostMrs. Tom Lea will be ta hostess Thui's beauty of the hair of vfilm of Iks mlshsp. was rlrtin In aI i a. ra tmJmt f i lt 1 I ' day for the Thursday Sewing rlub. The hr childhood. At Ar service la uaton when s bosrd upon which sho was

franklin acftool will hold their eahlblt and sliilns stiuck a tree. The woman wasFr. PWoVa noK ReAlata rrult. om..h. Ltv.r r.d owil. Miss ora Bradley will entertain the Thnra-d- hurled in the (round sustaininr Injuries ARRESTS FOLLOW CARRANZA RETURNSBridge club. Mrs. OrlfTlth will be the which resultad In death before, medical aid

hostess ror the Merry Ooaslpsrs and in coma ds sunssnsnedtl" ovoning the zenith rlub Will dance Mr. and Mrs. H C. Tsum. Mr. snd Mrsat the K. of ;. hall. Friday Mrs. 11. H 1. sad sav.raj oihara arrived km FIRE AT DEMING FROM ZACATACASStewart will bo the hostess ror the Friday day who will be connected with tbe i.odfnAuction Bridge rlub and the Villa! school nils sea- - n Mr. TSunt will manato tl,uwill oihibit the work or the pupils to i.oare aim Mr. smith win set la clerkinetr mends. nstr. Cnenssssnssssl. TWO WOMEN, OWNER DV MILLINCatV (.ONSTITUTIONALItT CHIKrassaslaa. W. T. Kurds, electrician siso srrtysd Her.' WOVTfl

Saturday will be given to the brides Mfea are mm staelaaali aataasnl wtaa snd win ba In chsrra at the llrht plsnt STORE DESTROYED BY FLAMES. ARE coNorrtoNs tnui in distaictGossip of Society again. Mrs William Wait will entertain this summer. Preparations ror the openina i It WITH AMBON. l URO! i,h W Hit H HK ll.UH.liilor Miss Olen Adams and Miss Ruth Loar in ass si ttamaasn of the ie June 1 will botín al unce.and Miss Oladyi girickland will rive asss'.M. H B. tnrt, who was in c harte or Ihe Oelendanla Both Pronlneat, One tbe Hire EipertS to Establish Pros Islnnal I apllal t

Thererharmlnr affair ror miss Mame Clark. Ladra I asi summer Is in Cloudcrort on r a i mint) orrirlal and the other ..aiioh-le- r H.Ruklle at saltillo i ponare seversl affairs belnr plaono.1 Duilnan el re Peeler el Chnreh. t that Plaer VIB.rasar Deatlef Capture byJhic Sharp, Society Editor for these two charming brldss-elec- t dar A dam e for the bssiarn or the Fourth nr4. tnf the coming week, and also for Mils July celebration wilt be flven at me pa-

vilioni.ena Heap, who will soon, become a bride May by tbe Busmen Men's stso Sv Tmr ííprcif.1 t:orr pono' en t flu t B are fo The TimoThings SocialTelephone 3049 -- o... elation Uaminr, N. M., May .7.Mts. C. H. Heatti Vursaru. ligo . M.t.. Mix n. aen.mRescue Workers to Meat. Tom l itarles, recently spnointed and Mra. Marfaret B. croweli, proprietors canansa returned R tin. rily ibisa memThe rerular meeting or the Reecuo Fort BUm and Country Club oer or Hie OMro county road board, was s' ur tne Heath millinery store, destroyed by by luto rrom Sombrerete. Zacatecas.Workers will be held thil afternoon at O Ihe fire whlcb swept out of existence on where he went yesterday to organise therecent ti.itor lo conault with Ci F antahtO'clock in the parlor or tbe Toara will be a concert at fort nit am ihi and Rrott b. wiuisms, members or lha raid or the lartest business blocks in Dentina: siate snd civil governments or tbe state

A s FHEAK Of KIMiNEBB tOMEWVBM. ware a perfect bower or American beauty cnurcn on sianton and Boulevard. Kvery evening at 7 so by the Fifteenth cavalry committee of the Btiiines Men's sisocls-Hon- ,'isat Sunday mornint, were arrestee! fete or Etceteras. H. wss accompanied en tbe

roses, iweet peal and honeyauckle. The one interested In tins work Is urged to band. Following is Hie program prepared relative to road chanfes in Ibis see yesteruay arternoon ny soenrr nwiynt n trip by hts starr and several members ofI walked toe deck! or Mm prlsoa hip, lame flowing Powers were used on tbe be present. by Chief Musirían Rocco Haste: Hon Mi. her. Mr. Charles mide a per-

sonalsteeas. The women arr cherred wltb ar his csbtni't urn Panfilo :tet.ra. Jefe de lis

I looked In th r.iis ñera aton bad died; table. The guests spent the afternoon In March, "The Oon.1 Ship Mary Ann".Marh-- ninspection or ccriiln roads wltb lbs son. It is (..aimed that tbe fire started in armas of ihe slate or Zacatecas. Oen. Do-

mingofor the bride elect and nrUNUl-DANC- Overture, "Norma" Bellini the Heath store. Arríela, d. las or CuI thought or UM agony, lip to Hp, hemming napkins members or the road committee and with Jer. arms,or the mries they heaved and the prayer many were the loving thoughts and wishes The Paso dal Norta hotel will five Walts. "Ls vmia- - carlo Mon I. M. Pint, road supervisor at Cloudcrort. The complaint in iba cate Is sworn to hy ranto, inri .i. 'ii Miriano Arríela, com

they lifted. ror her ruture that accompanied the dainty a dinner-danc- every Thursday eve Selection, "Alpine KantaaltV Tobani Mr. Charlas instructed Mr. Pass to st one. Miorney itsymond a. nyan, or suver nam mander or the Third Durango. brigade.I Mi Um rhaina that had bound them there. amnios. Mrs. C. N. Barney, who Is noted nlng from T to 11 o'clock. Dinner "Pass the nickels' te Boy befln me work nn the chants In lb. To- - who represents tbe Clerk estate wblab Military Mev.a Arraag.S

And the handeuffa rutted with Wood and for her beaulirul handwork, will embroldor servo,! from T to 9 o'clock No extra oavotte. "Oavolte .. Horro Rests bortan road lo brlnt " up LIHI. Jsmea owned most of the bulldiars destroyed. Mr. Upon his return her. this afternoon than

leers the monogram on the napkins. Those pres-ent-

charge for tabla reservation, which MarcB, "De petit nerrots" Bos canyon o that automobiles can easily make Ityan also represent! the insurance com eral Cirrants made a public autcsneni towere: ahould be made early. Admission, In-

cludingwhich hmi the the effect that he found conditionsThtre'a streak or kladaeea somewhere. o the trip to Cloudcrort rrom Alamotordo. panies issued policies on peace

nten. Meadaroea dinner, it oo. (Adv.) Mrs. Chester P Rsrnett. who spent a few Mr. Puss ma itartad this work and It will property lout in the rire. ful and qul.l in tbe part or tbe stateAnd maybe mere was In those brutal I. amar Davis C. If. Barney dsvs at tbe country club ibis week, hss ba ru,iied to romplstion. Arréate Créete tteavaatlon through which lie iraveraed snd mat be

William Wall H. P. Raynaud Good quality Panama. II. IS. at J returned to Fori Htncork to Join Lieuten-ant

Or. J Odd Hamilton rturn.d rrom F.I Thft fact or the arrest was kept secret expected the enllris'atsle of wouldKenneth Oliver W. Hale'a tit N. Oraajon (Adv.) Bsrnett. Paao I hla for mime time and unen it became known be under constiiiiUousltsi control within aridsy sccompsnl.d by wire.

Maybe, yea maybe, amid this hell Misses They mad. lha trip in their Ford csr. netted no Htiki sensation to Deminr. Mrs. f.w days, w nil.- in Bombrrrete be aror human torture and horror and pain, oten Adams Alice Woirr Mrs. John Waterman and daughter, T. v Dykes snd wire srrlved In Cloud-

crortHeath, one of tbe defendant, l the wife ranged several important aad strategic

Tbe heart or the mailer ihere'a none can Sun Dlion Francos Mayrield Sunshine Miss Elisabeth. Mrs. John B. llurflos and i ridsy from El Paao, where th.y have or Charles K. Heitb, chairman of the county tilintare movements which will b. manEmily Kemp Fuello Berrien Department dauthter. Mi- - Alire r.olladay. leave today been spending the winter months. road board, while Mrs. croweli l wall gurslsd this we.k.

touched tor a moment with thoughts Margaret Young Hilda Bauer ror Hsrllnaen. i. to join colonel Water Mrs p. H. Wsldle is In Alsmorordo known and popular here. She is the dauab Uses noon la Rsltllls.Skin of the man and Captain Hutrins, wno are sta-- t to business mailers. tar of Rev. i. h. Bruce, formerly pastor It hss not been learned now long Gen.

pf hla own who loved him, and then 10 B'aal B'rlth nmed tbsre. The or one or tne local cnurches. Csrrsnt. will remain In. durango, but it Isruitowln are the Ule arrivals ihethese The dance given by the nnai B'rlth last X PASO BRANCH OF THE INTER-

NATIONAL 0at Hornee Reléese aa Cash lond. .tpected ii.- will l.av. frv Haluilo. imstrTesas: I.. Brian. A. it. Chandler, Oliver

hla night was one or the most enjoyable or st v shim : SOCIETY Mrs. A. K. Mill who the wlmer distely lis espiure by Gen. FrsnctscnHe turned In pity and stayed power has spent MOew. K. M. Clouth, Turumclii; Mr. and Tbe women will ba riven a preliminary upThere'a a streak or kindness somewhere. Ihe eeason, and possibly tbe best attended (Edited by Mrs. Edith C. Lane, President.; at tbe Country rlub wltb her daushler. Mra. 0 Itirr- - Mra. I. W. Belk, Msiea- - hearInr before Juntico ,of the Peace c. C. villa, wbich ara. :irransa hopea will tike

lire. ' i or the series now drawing to Its close.'

Mrs. Bertram Johnson, left- - today for her; nr j. o. Hamilton and wire, El Paso. HOSrers. on iin tinv morninr st lo rrhn k place berora wrdaasdsy. or Thuraday atwould addleft thatir only It live but a little hour! Nothing waa undone I Not a Charity, hut home In Helena. Mont. v. M. mouth, siiperaitandsni nr ihe h. Attorney "Ryan, who bar been retained aa ihe latest. .

to the or the and nothingpleasure guests an Interchange of will esiabliah ike isden. i arrancaspecial proserutor by the clerk estate aim prosA d.psrtinent ror the El Peso A Hoilthwestmarred the and happiness1 rood In the hole where there came no

of tbe dancers.perrect harmony Kindly Greeting. Mrs. B. P, Johnson. Mr. Q. H. Eaies. Mrs am system Is in iloudrrofi on husinrs the insurance companies, declares that thn tonal raplla! of the republic In ssitnt..

Uirht. and the Paining on Norton and Mr, hrysdale left thin morn- metiera unn.cled uilb bis depsrlinenl (ate will have at least a dosen witnesses anil remain there until in. constitutions!And I looked where I tie lurrertng went

A Cue or SuaprnsloR.or 't.ood uheer. j Ins to Join their husbands at Fort win Mrs. J w. Belk nr is Tltltlnir to put on the tand. end the caea promises sis bav. finally triumphed ovar all Mil

lark mad. "A or Hie title(Sunahlne commu rste, H. M. The officer-- , of the Twentieth rnends In cloudcrort. Mrs. Belk formerly 10 he one or Hie mont sensstlonal In the nn ico or until irter Muerta resigns and Lives

Case suspension" waaAnd I aaw where they'd tortured tbe old ntcatlona should ho .who are at Fort Wloamte in enars of the Used here. nals of Deminr Aiioroey J. s. Vaurbt han be country. It Is probable Oen. carrinaaor a dainty utile playlet given Saturdaytray men. evening at tbe High school by tbe pupils addressed: Hnnshtno Meilcan refuse ere Mejor W. H. Simona. scon u willlsms has resitn.n as United heen retained for the defense. Meanwhile may leav. ror the scene of the great bat-

tleAnd whipped the back or the mile lad. or the San Jecuto school. The program Dept.. El Paso Sun who Is In command; Captain C. C. smith, stales commissioner at cloudcrort because the women are si liberty under cash bonds to aaaiit Oen. Villa in directing theOh. maybe, It was not so all time; had several vocal and Instrumental solos day Times. Cáptalo W. B. c.raham. captain B. P. John-

son.tbe work confllcis with his politlón as of si. !uo each. slisck, but tbat Ii not sssured.

Oh, maybe came days when his own heart by tbe pupils snd the playlet rotlowed. Lieutenant C. C. Early, Lieutenant II. postmaater. Conteale of Baok Vault linlnlured G.n. Meters will tomorrow rorached THE NOW. D. Mrhultz. Iiientenant L. A. Early, Lieu I. 8. Mills and "W. W wossum nr Weed The bitr vault of the Deminr Natlnnsl ... atecas to get under way soma or the y

There's a streak or kindness somewhere, Soeirli Past aad ruture. M ..I M F. WAAK. tenant hale McUooald end Lieutenant 0. ft. are here on business. bank, destroyed by fire last Sunday, was niovernents ptannad by Gen carrania.yet. The rharm of love is Its the lelllnr Outld. opened at 0 o'clock this morninr end tbeThe forecast ror society events last week Don K simplón is wltb the cloudcrortEven, perhaps, where the vile are staked! waa not very promising, but the weather mat roe with the jrivinr; o Commercial company durint the absence content-- , were found to be uninjured, not

man veas kind and broke the heated spoil The charm of a deed la iu dolnr. tbe Thrre wer many dlnern at trie country or Frank W. Jones on account or sickness. even the vernlah of tbe rillnr cabinet inA streak or kindness that some days here with cool days snd s row showers, ani

t harm of a lire la living-- ub Saturday , all staytns for the on Msy so. when the commencement .ier- - ihe vault waa marred by the intense heat FORIn the reek and revel that crime set up society eagerly grasped tbe opportunity The soul of a thins Is th thought, tbe daño afterward clss or Ihe .itbth trad, rraduatas are held The vault was opened by A. T. Samworth

Must have heaved a ugh and wept tear rharm of the act is the artor. city electrician of El Paao and itfto enjoy a few extra events. Monday was h.r.. Dr. David B Boyd, president or theFor those who were drinking tbe bitter riven to board and camprire meettnrs with The soul of the ran la us truth and the colonel Charles 0. Treat. Third field ar clv. rally or Saw Maaleo, and it. (. Tap-Io- pert, In the preseaoe of President H. Dessert

. rup. ' one or two clubs. how la tts principal factor. ttllery. had an his suests Captain and Mr. oisro county school superintendent. end r.aitUer Kd. Faulke or the bankMaybe some days real the master rose Tuésdsy Mrs. Otis Coles rave 4 cnerin-- ' Geavrvaa Donations. '1V1 oorse T. Barn hart, captain Jonn s. Ham will both deliver eddressea. and i larri crowd of interested spectator or to relieve the afternoon', heat,To rind the tunltght on sail and sea Inr arralr ror Mlas Olen Adams and St. We are sraterul for the following gener round. Captain Y. B. Henneaey, Lleuienani Hslley hss r.iurncd rrom s busln.s. A cheer went up from the crowd when let send347 S4t andThere's always a streak or kindness then, Clement's Otüld and Urn Chanty associa-

tionous donations during 'the week: Weaton'i C. J. Brown. trip to El Psto. tbe run ten is or the veult were found to phone or us

.Whatever the hatreds or men bel rereala. ham and rheest; Nation's, meat installed you a pint or a quart ofmay held meéiints. so thai In tbe mldsi o Mrs. Dr. Frsnk l.ynch will srrlve here be uninjured. T me veult wasBaltimore sun. or pleaaure Ihe society women do not ror- - Cut Price Urocery, liuitcr; It. A ib centa Lieutenant John Ttumipiton entertained rrom F.I Pito and occupy the Koblbert col-

lateten years aro and was provided with an ICE CREAM

get their less fortunate sisters. cash Belgian bakery, cookies Purity - len Adams and Mrs. WHUam Walr. about June I. air apace between lis inner and outer walls.Vlslliaa Ei Paso rrleads. Mrs. J. E. Winner was the hostess bakery, cakes; Aplts market, meat; Sharp - - v n click, cuttodian ror ih. El psso President Kelly announced today that a Vanilla, Strawberry, Chuutakstc,

'Mr. and Mrs. Sam Herskowtti or Okie. Wednesday ror the Wednesday Bridge club Elliott, macaroni F.i Paso Aefinlng Co Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. McCurdy and Miss k Southwestern system, who hss lived St new end modern etructure would at once Mo iii. Nat.home City, accoropenled by their daughter and Mrs. W. F. Sherrield entertslned the lard; Mrs. Leo 1.. Fisher, toys; C. o. D Ruth Mrcurdy were amons tbe diner. the Lodre durint Ihe winter mnntbi, moved take the piece of the burned bank btilldlnirSelma and son Harry, are visiting Mr. and Degree or Pnor with a dellfhtrul high Ococery. fruit; Magnolia bottling works,

Into his horns In the east end of town and that e fine modern veult would be In The Elite Confectionery Co.Mrs. Sam llerskowita or 1090 san Antonio rive and bunco party. In the evening the soda; Lion Grocery, eggs: Mrs. F. Hall sri Brers' ruesii were Mr. and Mn. Friday. stalled. Meanwhile the hank Is dolnr busistreet. Fraternal Brotherhood bad the pleaaure or milk Empire bottling works, soda; Pythian H. C Aubrey and tisorte B. Sharp. ness In temporary querters in the Cham-

bero entertaining Supreme Vice President A. Hlsters, salad and sandwiches; Mr. C. n TO ORGANIZE RESERVE BANK. of commerce buUdtnr-For Miss Adatas, Morgan Duke,' rormerly or Tytor, Tel. Ladd. clothing and nippies; Peyton's, most I i.tiiensni snd Mrs. Ilrnry Mryer

visa o ion Adama was complimented Sa Thursday Mrs. J. W. Lorentsen wit tbe Mra. U. crowrl. t high chair, hosts lo s psrty of friends. ioho M. WyiU te Rep., ..i This Ulslrlrl Beat sulos, careful drtvars. Pbons 110.

urday with a rive o'clock tea at the home hostess ror tbe Thursday Brldfn club, Mra. gelatine rornalarrh, prunes, sosp and rice lAdv.rtlssm.nt,, 17 year, of Oood, Printing anor Mrs. Kenneth D. Oliver. The rooms Vardy Pucketi ror the silent Twelve and Mrs. H. T. Poniford, bed and sprlAff Mr. snd Mra. H. 1. Simmons had as thrlr la important Mcetlnt at Dallas. still doing "Rush Joba"

Mrs. J. M. Stevene tar tbe Marry Oosalpers. El Paso Aefr Iterator Co., tee; I.. E. 0. (uests Mr. and Mra. 8aiv.y or Chtiaro. John M. WyiU or the First National bank win Withdraw r.gsrsl Troops. Don't experiment.Mrs. Herbert Minn entertained with a sugar. Mr. W. E. Hunt, sugar; Western or Ibis city will stop over in Dsllss lodsy Bv th t "ci. il Pres. Stay with Old Friend.rharmlnr luncheon and Mra, J. J. pearre Transfer Co.. valuable and timely service Mr. and Mr,. Harry Poller's ruaats warn to all. ml tne meclln or tlm represents .Trlnldsd, Colo., Mir 17, Proipecti or sn roar

Children Ory no i i ho new board or directora or Iba Mrs. E. Reed, maf ajines, E. B., j ledter Mill Sue mini. Harry Filter sod Prsnk Urea of the firs member banka of this .srly witbdrswsl or the rsdsril troops, snd Elite Bros. Printing Co.Woman's club at her borne to arrange Mary Belle Ketror, sugar. tirsyson or Boston. reserva district st which ccriiricstss of their replacement by state mllllls, formadFOR FLETCHER'S details tar the coming year's work. In Board to Meet. orraniiatlon will be prepared Mr. Wyatt the main point of interest In the strike 110 R. Oregon fit--

G ASTO R the evening the St. clement Social club There will be a meeting "f the board of For Weekaess sad Less of Apaatlts. baa been to the Hbriners convention st At hers today. Permits information asI A bad an enjoyable social, and the kiss man iters Thursday, May at i.m. ad The Old Btsndsrd tsnarsl iirenflhenini Isnts, snd Is en routs home, similar meet to the esiol time snd manner or the endingdanced In their hall. members will please attend. Ionic, OROVE'H TASTELESS chill ' TONIU, nuts win be held la each of lb. twtlv. or nuiiisry orcupstloo was lacking. It was

Mrs. J. I. nrlsroll bad. the Altar society Tas Cara) val. drives out Malaria and builds up ihe ays reserve cines today for the purpose or or suggested that arter lbs stats bad professed Geo.Assayer and Chemist with her Friday afternoon and Mrs, H 8. The Miller achinan :amlal inpany fin. A true tonf and sure Appatlier. ror ramzln ami .lectin directors. Mr. Watt ability lo handle th. situation the war de. D. KendallPotter entertained the Friday club. Mrs. Jiere showed for tbe benefit or our chll adults and children, soc (Adv.) will represent the Pan tint interests or partmrnt might yat wilt ror I report fromW. P. Miner rave a dellrhtrul luncheon and oten me past ween ana wnue me runer El Psso. colonel James to tbe reasibtlliy inthe associations 0. ihe rould have acted e little mote immanti or leaving the dlatrict, and BOI order Ihe MLBailey and Sunaet schools met and in the attendance as a whole ws atisfartory Oet your Bl'.ctrlo rana at the 8. W. r.gulais away until Colonel wis StM MACfsA AVE.ror Shipper, t th epeeter. eihlbltions or the work or Ike and thero will be mure simstiine at too SEEKS RELEASE OF Ele, trie at Mm nine Co., 304 Ban Fran convinced that tbe mllllls oould rope wlihpupils. In the evening the Otmleti .danced nursery as a result of tbe carnival havlnt cisco St. Phon till (Adv.) th. the K or C. lull. Saturday wai well shown In El Paso. They have treated uerilled socially. Miss F.llsabeih Woodson and royally from tbe manager downr. O. Ban Miss Florence Catitean entertained their "fluster." Mrs. Laehtnan's ancient be SPANISH COTTON

wnlskered dog. who while acting as hismistress' protector end mascot, mill foulvLtime to wag a greeting to CONBTmmONALIBTfl ARC NEGOTIATING

Week' attendance wrra former owners or contu- -

Total attendance, ttB; kindergarten. 1M CATT PROPERTY.runabouts, 48; bottle babies, helpers Learn the111 Americans, M; poetUoaa secured. Sf rallare Is Hey Result lavisitors, 1c. Export at Rlspls la Kuro. Vis fsiapl.oMuraery NeeaV tor ele for si Carrasts.Bugar cereals, cornstarcb, rice molasses One-Ste- pbaking powder and fruit.

We endeavor to give the little one constllutlonalist officials ar. .nisursd lastewed fruit with one meal sscb dsy and nogottlUoas with lbs Mpsnish owners orPOTTER HOTEL, orantes, apples or soma bananas with in in.- minions or dollars worth of cotton Jsrflnfl KBother meal. Tbe babies, or course, have scttsd In lbs Laguna district following the

I 'A, - . Sin tu Barbara. California. only the food suited to liny stomach cspturs or Torreón. An srrort i bains HesitationWhen one considers the amount needed m msde lo cisar up tbe question of owner-ship and

r thirty five to rorly-nv- e utile mouth in order tbat tbe product mar beAmerican Plan. Accommodation for One Thousand Guest, each day they will readily understand thai shlpp.d lo the Amsrlran markets, via Jus Jss(9

without dinger or lis BSSSslarge quantities are necessary. r.i, being bald upHILO M. FOTTBR,i Manning Director. in ei raso-- oy court order as was the cas.

Best quail Hsmp Bhspse. $1.(1, wltb severs! shipments made some weeks B TailgOat J. W. Hala', tl N. Oregon. sgn. Whit tompeesatlon the Spaniards at home(Adv.) ar. demanding is condition thai they re

Iras, ihe cotton Is not known.HOTEL ANGELUS SDSOlBl IUm Tbe Intmedlais need or funds by tas coa- - bbbHiHbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! Lbs

mar rata (or rafugasa. Rooms $1 o siltutltinal ts ylven as the prln Book of Instructions- - FREEper weak and up; running not ana rlpsl rasson for the ronstllullonaltiti enPeeled Muscat Grapes cold watsr. elevator servio. (Adv.) tering net'iiiailoni wlih the Rpinlirdi.

II was asM y.aterdsy by Just received (rom the Victor Talking MachineBURN BECOMES CONSUL, or th. constitutions!!!!! bars tail If an rould not be reached with the Company, book of "Three Modern" with SPrepared Iron the finest selection of Muarat Grapes, a large, Mealdsal el K.I fas te Rrpreseal r.ensll apanlinls on i reasonable basis, th cottontiran variety, highly esteemed, thoroughly ripened on the vine. luiieasusss si bstvesvoa. would be shipped to Europe, via Tamplco, pictures of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Cattle and 288

and placed on tbe market there. Tbe dis-tanceUrna obtaining; a natural ewietneaa "and moat delicious flavor. under tne ronstltutloasllst rrom Torreón to Tamaleo Is MO miles. moving picture photographs showing ttepi of thetbrougb the port of Tssspl.o liss man. ItWhile the skins have been oarafuUf removad. the fruit remains astitaisiT ror the autborlii.. to rstaiiiith or sum. son miiri iirmir man rrom Tor-reón dancci with complete instructions for each El Paso.a consular station at (lalveaton. Ts., towhole aad attractive, being peaked In a suitable syrup Itsndl. the Invoicing or Importations at The cotton shipped bare rrom Torreón

We can strongly recommend these peeled Muscat Q rapes to ba mat piar.. General venustlano Carransi bssoBglng to other than Bpsnlib lubjerta Come in and of thishas named Juan V. Burns, an orricsr or ana not arrecien oy in. injunction suits. get a copyaa article of real mailt aad one of the i I nest of deaaart fruits. the constitutionalist consular servir, at Bl has round ready market at good prices,On Pound rut Cans 0c Bacta, IS as Psao. aa consul to oslvsslon. Honor Burns to El Pasd rrom unique booklet. Comeor paw r II OaaasB. win Live Hi puo today for Galveston to buyers nocking all th very soon as

Th7 are also take charge there. great cotton markets or lbs United States.vary suitable, convenient and delicious for Sn9FRUIT Beoor Burns haa resided In El Psso ror you can. We have only a limitedSALAD. the pssl jssar, wlwn be wss rorred to fie.withfrom




HucrtlstasPaao arhen


uenrped EU6ENIC MARRIAGES supply and they won't last long.the lovernment of the city. At that tune. jgggjpE9nor Bums had been secretary or the Will Inaure to this country a healWatson's Groceries city t.iv.rninent. Irlos than he has re-sided

thler and more intelligent "jTamlly ofiu El Psso. assjiong hi tbe revolti-tlonsr- tna ruture" and many a woman, ob-


movsnvrni. Be was swretirr of unfit for marriage ha had

Are Famous for monthstne revoiinionary

and sines uirjunta

establishmentoar for sever

of thesi Her health restored by, tna timely uas W. C. WALZ COMPANYQuality consulate here has been employed in that of Lydta B, Plnkham's Vegetable Corn

i. pound, the most aucoeasful remedy for210412 Tn Street female Ills the world ha ever known 103 South El Pa ft St Open Eveninfs Until 7:00Alisa Ilea Enormous quantities uf root andPBONK8 11 All Nobles havuig autamoblles will meet herbs are used annually In making j

at the (uaton strest depot Monday morn-ing,

this good old fashioned remedy jidMay II, at :, and Moon California no woman who suffers from female

nortasrs asa tames trota uas city. III should lose bop until sha Iw. n. atcssviuuifoa, triad It.

EL PASO MORNING TIMES Monday. My 18. 1914.

TALK to the TOWN Through the TIMESAdvertising Rate Card. Male Help Wanted HtMsltsapinf Riwbu, l or Rent Rooming Ho for Sale For Sale Real Estate Political Announcement!

olioU'S TKANIPBK CSV. 1700 BUYS beat transient rooming bona POR BE1TT. UavsnlsssTiintlXAKHIFIKI) MM ICH STL.VKIIIAI'HLH, loan. ArUt.. 1100 ran. Mine BUT H(aa cob. candles. msoa laei i eiiver It Rl.kt. lo elly; all l.rn i.eda. good ruga, alack New red pressed brick house, nn w.

candidateIB ssdaralgneu. anaounc ooraetva

forI ml per word each I n ser t Vo . lirvYnrs. .sonora, tino gold. Foreman, "asan, as iiorse - Pkeste ie-- of linen: low rent: nn better location la car line; rooms sre large, good rellsr. tbtha offices lisdlcatwi. aee-- ct

t acUoa f1H lents per word oa Hundm. grading . amp .fl N.. a. r. and Second Texaa at Cltf : Worth S.S. more. asera- - I anjap. modem snd never occupied; rent IS. You ttsa tb Uassunia I pa..a--B rent per word each ? in rtlon. rnok. S M , Ma inn.. b and r. POR RE tn bo.iaeaeeplng suite and n R.t.iM house flM loeatlaa. Ml Myrtle: nut horry to get this. See While, with ally


h held July.ti Hon month. . pspered and jour npiHsrt:per newly palatsd:per Teamsters and laborera, railroad work. all aaodern PAJLKX ism.Ho id uketi for leu lhan 3ft cents, a Mew Mr uro, It lb day, free fare.neor-.'.n- w aia. e. -. Aoatin k Marr. Acaats. 804 WE have eome Phone sos a Mess. uf Janata tsf is svny-n- uistnclcaen luttsi the order. liOINO t morel Phone 1004. Odom'e Hsn Antonio St. Pkota 4X0.

All rlalrvoiinl .A. double rile. bargains new In rooming FOR RENT. P. B. PRICE.PALL fe Ml.. 1111 Transfer Co.Hispía, advertlelng .in rla í'led page N San Francisco si Eal. 104.FOII REIT ' IJ- ". room house 3 2 hotof One 4 room house, furnished. In Highland Fr District Attorney:

doable prlc. No cull permuted. open Sunday Morning, II u. limisCKEKPINii r,om. lose tn. hn Mesa. furnished. pply Ml N. CamsMU, mteee. One --room Park, I Block from car line: an. W. W. BR I DOERS.Phone Ml. One 1stre college, rural sued. o uis i net Clerk:ifmi AnvERTIglNQ. WE have the largest rental Mat. which wa Price cat $600.00. Money sleeping porch; vacant June I; HO. J. A.

Legsl advertising at legal rata. NICE, glean honeekrerdDg puhtish every Baaday. Watch tar It as wnne, wttn Essmaker summer and winter. Conty jadaaiBrown. Phone 4927. aso .su us op. ' BAILEY LAND CO..HRI'LAY All gPAils. FOB RENT 2 fiirnlal" SOneeaeepinC The La Salle water roc Phone am Ml Mas. AUMLA POOL.

Opea nal rat, week dar. P" Mrl.oYEns CLEARING HOUSE. Photo 487. II N. Orsgon. Realty Co. Running every Sor Co uaty Altura.:o.liimu wide. caib Insertion, 7ft cast. rooms. .lis, .ua. .i?n New 1st National flank Bldg Heart of the city. TMa la FOR MIE. C W. CBOOM.

ame, andar., a. rnriwn. Man for chicken ranch, WO, room and TWO unfurnished room sht tod phone. Don't read this ir you are sol looking for For Connty Clark:Vt uidlnV di.o ads. per board. Man for ranch work. room sad If a month, w. Hill opportunity. a gasp, or you may get Interested. An ST. B. McCLlNTOCK.

....... I. . ' , board. Meal, an for ofric work. Mo gold FOR II ENT --800 Maxsa. n.t ear your apartment house, all full. I and 3 room For Sbartff:tnt'raevs for large a toenail of dleplar 213 MILL Hi. i" PHOKK UM. LAR'IF rronl singla Keeping looms nished, ITS: aos E. Boulevard, b room wTw. LEWIS apartments, very modern, all for iUBa. P. I. BDWABDaV' .pac or rsaü.rs eunjecx to auruun. 4li Myrtle. flat. I'". I'.'th (round floor. Phone neis wiih terms thai sre just like giving it FarPhone 4444. 108 N. Stanton SWS'. investlgste. nee wins, wun Coaaty Tas I n

HEADING NOT1CBR. TWO or three convenient hotiaekeepint FOR REST -- Large. ItgSta, dry concreta Mill I l lll US,., 0EORUB HUFFMAN.Pura readme matter, aarb Insertion, pal rooms, light and uskt iiinugncu. mi basement, la good location, I 414 N Phone aotVD MM Mess. 1st Csuty las collector:

line. 2S. rente E. Missouri. Orel.n rc IF you want a bargain tn a rooming house "CI. 1. WATBOH.Lócala, per line, ears lo.artloB. U casta. TIP TOP WANTfcD. BUY HER Jsrobs caadlas, jasadl For County KuperlntsmdOA at PubllTWO rurnished hoiisekeeiiing rooms, wlib party to take rooms, i lose in. rent li; rnr quick sale Bight," at Times Csnch No. 9. los School:

Kt. PARO TIMBR CO.. KMPLpTMENT AGENCY. porch. 101 N. Florence tnoflern npflrtmamt bntldlos. Arid re Op Itto; terms. Tens Kt. UlaOJ MTRA St WIHIT.BSPuhllihera El Paao Mnrntni Tima. THE Fci Bll.'. will be less It yriu bur as portuntty, cmf Time. 0 rrmm trsitslent. dsndv: 1700 CggBtys' s county Surveyor;

W Paao. Tex. Waot a obt Need aaj halpt Ifeberg rerrigeralors of I.. ul' A inkier rooms, new, clean ana masas in FOR SALE. j. w. aruscANaa.We furnish help on abort 111 N. Manlon rlloh. Ilr, I money, l?,ism, terms. And doxens or others. Very attractive ü room bungalow, walk For County Treasure Inotice. Wa bonded.era For Rmtt AyattmKi ni. .a .ir.i.i.. Ing distance; one fifth cash, balance month J. D. PONDER. '120 Broadway. Phana 277. sndONE large front housekeeping room Phone MM. aor of us rata, Preclnel A,TIMES BRANCH poreh. sin. wis r Misaonn. raone .etia. BUT HER Jacoba candlea. "aade lut itontsns building sue. close In, priced to 1:Tlmea Uraneh in M HOAHIHV. Mill si:nig tit. ai .ali BSU. 1. kf DkinTLcanVaaa TllltKELOCAL renreftcntallv warned: no large conneetlng rootas, block from P. o. can'tOFFICES log or anlietiinr renuired; good Income furnished, bain adl'.lnlng via K Mia Hesrt of the city, ; Tu r X MA UK. Far JusUca af tha Iwaaa. Ptmsbbeat the l.icstton. glll-- r Ansonio ni. down the valley, for El PasoMO acres Placa t:aotirl. Phone A41S.assured Aooreas national '.o inpersuve ALKXAM'KIA APABTMBNTfl Uummor will hsndie mis win hear inII ton place;Por Uia eonvenirnra of It jpairons Maalir Co., V IW Mardrn Bids.. Washing rat. h I'boDC Da, nronenv. JAMES J. MURPHY.The Time mtinistns immii ornees at Inn. It C. llnl MtKP.KPTNQ room, close in. ressonable. vesiigstton. SS.issi in rssn snn sections extra fine .or coususoia, PrclBet 1:Ul follovrlnt places: 411 N. ainpball. S'ROOM fnrolahari vacant 20tk.

nee cams rjnuB.. note agents, plains land, lotaied on x railroads, ror El DUUINUO MONTO Y A- -Lobby H .11 m. of IK laaaa WA.NTKD.c.ook or girl and nrat-eias- s maid TWO housekeeping rooms. oiy Apif. rnopa

apartmant;waem. , on North ftlde or Plax. orotind Floor. Paso property or vai rey sana. For Cmmlslinir. Product l.

Flu Clfar Htaod corner laxa and ami Janitor. 0& Montana. Rl Paso. Ill ROOM ami POAHPIMi HOUSE. suexsj mess. it. i. Wittsii, ra. xxTn. JAMFJt CLIFFORD.Me A Illgnlsnd llrut . Store. WASTED Fiperlenred. rlaan-rii- l

."Wfi and 3 mom apannMnts; evrrythlTif First rlsss DUce. best or everything, nt ror senator xroai use isiuu firtbIliajhiand Park Est El Pan Drug UOUsr.KKEPtNO ROOMS lo second lo. k fui in '.''! 'fo n. riorrncn. If aioriai xiiatricL,Is right, it.sso. canblgta'trlass propoalllon ; notblnv for s king, price you t'OK ha La. CLAUiyis h. HimsprcxniI Alameda St.: Boulevard north of ktasonlw 'lemplv. 1001 N. KtStora, vol to sell nest Hootn TWO buy this place you will Kono. Overland andBoulevard and Florence

; required. Paao St. ti"tiaikrping rooma. With private 70xiro feet, corner famo For RenreMntatlT of tb lint IDrug Siora. 321 First National Bank Bldg Mr. Bowea-

Dam r. aiiaaoun. rnnne 11.1 Main at. PARK Hitos- V. fllde Plaza. bail street. . heao. (El Faso sad Cnltwrson Coamtl) Imi atN. S. Oreicnu No. T17 Mas .fhn ave, oon feet; ObWant Ids and subRcrlpllonf taken. vatkd Men lo learn i lie barber irada. IIOUN1.KEKPINU rooms ft a p art ment . mlth bat i and ROOMtNa HOUSE. ALHK " H. J KYI.AK

location ror an nouae.He independent. Few weeks completes purrli; Tfry itrsirable for tumnicr. m w. Missouri Si., negt, clean place, rent No.apartment

MagofBa ave. 26 roon For itepreaentattv. or tb 118th IlUtrlet.(Bl Pasois.alllons walling. (Mir graduales rpiallfle.1 For Rent Furnished Room Mundy Ave. af; price sntw, s;nt. tirst payment. flat. 58x200 fMt. Price 11.000. R. F. RORfl

Ccuaty):ror best hile Tools SXB.Jobs. Wages w learning, rtiotic owl, r.titx nnoa.. n& sistn ni. sioSix room house, n. Florence Bt--;Catalogue mailed free Motor Van '. m h hath, bulli tn ritrnl FOR COUNTY CHAIRMAN. T. JL Fsunsar.a feet. Price 14,400; 1,000 cash.Estate Dealers Slven. 608 N OregonReal PTJBNISUBD roomsCollege. Fort Worth, Teta" tim, AlMpp. aranf beda. srreent-- d poi-c- RiMtM ROOMtMa liousi:. u1bo tertaa..

EltEE H. HI HOUMEKI El'INO 1UJ rlow in. I'hoii" i n v. 3 hlorks north of P. o. ; s nest, clesn Two atnryeasy

brick building. No. ml SanHrslatry "' Iessdlsg WF WANT in men each morning, n. nlacc 'renl llott: In first .lass location.1 In free list Tit. Too Realty Co. Antonio, aero as street from court bona.I .lata A aval ta af U Paea. work, N. M. Ire rare. The 'rip Top 190 Broadway Phone H2f i." around. TWu apartmniri to 1ho In Thfl Montana. nan or rooma tn housekeeping suites; price zuxtw net. aiwieiuy antitwuiic a csuuiuatc los

i ininoynicni ni. iironuu ;iv rnon I7 Montana St., faclnr Houaton park, rim gg.aoo. rsriy musí sen at t.nce. B. r. HAMMETT ft. BOH. County Judaa In uunosltlon to AdrianAKUBKflON I'll.I.KR REALTY CO, nrtT. SO CENTRAL! All nutalde rooma; clem, Moniati-- a nuniainrn or i.os Aniteir.- - iai 'i.. ovs, rits nntm.. it .wain tsi. 20414 Texas St sod subject to tin, acUoa ol thaI and '2 Buckler Bldf. .on fortahle new rates I'll rftt and iiwiat Mcirant aparlnienta. Will be .. North Side of Plais. oround Floor. i", ni..! i ni i u psiuiari.ttCAMaTCnS. railroad i. M.. i.ywork, 002U Horshell 0111 San Antonio room partly rurnished: I rull lots KUGENB IIU SI IS MAIIII. and 12; free rare. Howell Lmplnymeiil Booms, rrady fnr un upanry May . 94& and V 3 house, I . Alt HIS.

4ACO. Htjfi ouviinr, nrt door. Ii ROOM ROOMINO HOUSE. Aituro para; astsi. neimr nutry it youatiles Building. Telephone Agency, is Morgan niog COOL, nnventeal room stol foreh ; rlosa 1 herebycut s;t; good location: price 11,100. InOO want tnis fine bargain; terms. announce niyaelf as a candidateIn ; n. sick: hosrd If desire. .hone 4IK".. MiiiM-iii- i' larire apartment. for Tax Asaeasor of El Paao county, ink.BIIOAIUWR a I.E BAIION. ll.r. O, 1), ( OUE H .CO. organisers. down, balance p:iu nil. ill h 'I i

iargtr riospift. ironi ana nam porrn II'. SI. &8. Ject to She Democratic primaries to beBall IftflS. Phut.' Me. PARK BROS. Main Phonesolicitors, agenta wanted permanently FOR REST srge fiirnlsli.-.- front roon i'-.- . ..iiiii iinmedttj.ey. Apply apari bald In July. I in: no a m. Mil tnon 14. rn par cent commission. Phone lbns. eool ii ltd pie sant, lo heslttiy geuUemnti ment So. 3. "The Vlrgmur í6 N. Oregon, H. D. Cansp.Florence I. Nichols. .Stat Manager. sultHlil.' for I ... near Squsr. ir pnonf ib.s.i. Note Granel Location

HITl'HOr. Bl IIL'STER CO.. 21.1 Upson. FOB SALE. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate forHotel Hbrldnn Both I'Boaaa. HFI'ltESKNTATIVKH wanted to vlalt trade IOH ItFNT Furnlahed aparlment, STF.AM. Running Wslcr. Swell. Rms County Surveyor, In onpoatUon to 3. W.ulth ourclgara: aalsrr paid man of sbll LAHCJK Í urnlBli'tl rooma for rent. fin- rooma. bath, norrh. Iminire WEST Mo. l.tHtk. Rent if lease, only BTTS1 NESR 1'BOPTCBTY. Eubank, and aubjact to the actloa of theA. P. COLES a BROS.. Ileal Estate and ll. wrira t'ordeli Cigar Co, Button and upen porrhe.. for AeutN-me- Paying 9 per cent net on 130.000. A cor Democratic primarles R. MONTIJ0.Hij m. iirrgon. mono ibuu. I30t) tl'.wn. Hurry, pnone wi. In tha business district. Uader laaaatnenranre, Murenuuae Block. rbmie IBS. New York, N. Y. n- modern Nevnda ner

I'bone 1MMW ItKAl TlKt lJ.Y ftirnlahfid. un to datr- Attractive terms. For particurara call at y announce myeelf a candidatellOL'til.AM C. K.'U Kl.l.. room apartment; privnt bath; Bleeping 14 Rooma Rent $3.22 my orrice. for the office of Constable. Precinct No,Real Estate, lnaitrance. Milla Bldg Help Wanted Female WA.NTW CuUldP in h i:io." Myrtle. Phone flTM. J AS. J. WATTS, One, El Paao County, subject to tb Demo-

craticfrom room. rhon room oar month. Near Plaza. Mess Ave rbone 154. 104 San Francisco St. PrimarleHAUklKTT SON.Hsmmett

BBlock.r a

Phone 22 WAMTKIi Metiran lady, speaking English, fon MENT- Thoroufnly ni"dt"rn aMFOR BENT Modern apartment. Only I7S0. Terms lo suit YOU. ALWAYS W. J. TEN KTCK.jam full. At this rent, wnsi promtslegch witft aiei'pinjr poron. rttoni ihthin lady one houra young a day, room, wuh nt'&l to bath.prtvat ponli, EXTRA 17 running water everyrooms,HORACE B. STEVENS, rive, times a week. Answer whai do you S4S I'roapeci. :i ItooM Htm rimen t. newlv fnmUhedReal Kstate and Insurance. wish by the month. Mtna- care Times. room, 'classy, rent loa, San Antonio St. near FoT Sale Real EstateTO MENT To irfniieiTtrn. coni front light, nairr and telephone furifltfhed. 014 Trust Bids only 11,900; Vrms lo suit

JAB. J. WATTS, WANTED--coo- or girt snd first class maid room In cIom stoia KnnaMH. SPl NUIIi Mi IN F.Y MAKER. v.private homo,104 San Francisco Bt. I'll. me 4B4 and janitor, tih Montana. Rio urande. rhon1 lu3ri lo rooms Msgorrin, beauiirul house, rine LAND LAND TaAND t

rounds, close In SLASHED TO WOO, easy CASH and balance to lull, will buy a The time lo buy: When land la CHEAP.IRL WANTED ror gen rat housework. Second Han d Goods ÍFRONT iioti .'Ki .n,e rooms, privatr purrh. .nn I big bathrooms. r. nn rtncg, east rrent, oo Virginia nasiSpecial Treatment. coloren girl preferred. Aplly Hi E. Ilto 409 I pHon l'honn 53U7U. 15 rooms, throbbing heart or' Tiuslness Montaos : ground worth tha money UP THE VALLET.

ilrandn St. t UHJHITUHh Ai once. Spot district; RENT 1110. Hern's a chance to 14.250. 8 Aerea Nice house, orchard, vineyard,DR. AUER ....II, af lleldelber. Otnl. WANTED for genersl housework. LARUE front room. "poitA on porch, break casa nam .or




Ma make bio MONEY. Price II.8.V). bul only i rooms, cioea in. on Esst Mo.; lot um alfalfa, w. Only 1700, well worth fl,600.allof'man r). Chronic anil oloretl girl prnrorred. Apply 1115 E. Bio faat and dlniHT; private rainil v 4u3 Pros (oods down, balance very easy out of large to si ley; where on earth can you beat this 30 Acres--1- 8 aerea alfalfa, balance other

WU Mean.Nervous Illnesses. Female I .tacases. Surg peel. Phone urnmire Slore. proms. Investigate this mini, for WW allí THIS WEEK 14.110. crope ; houae, etc. $00 per aere. Í

err Office TA Han Anlnnio SI. (over win throw sni t old furniture awnj when ray OTHER SNAPS, rooming houses snd 6 large rooma, red pressed brick, new 80 Aerea IB aerea heat of alfalfa, otbttrHuurs 10 to 12, .' lo ft Ph. 4S42. WANTED Experienced cook at once, salary RtCBLY

I'bone 570-rurnlAbed

'room, private liorna we are pualtlvely the blgheat payara for hmlness eitsnces. come nr. .htm or priunc. bungalow, cement porcb; Immense screen eropa; every foot In cultivation. 985 per

per ees. only s in laillliy. Apply aecond-han- furniture and houaahold aril Towle, with TIP TIP REALTY Co.. porrn in rear, ossement; in ract, 11 is up-i- n acre.

Educational 10 Montana si Phone MAO. FOR REM 3 mi in j. front rooms Tor clea. El l'asu Nee ana l4e7ond-Han- Atura. mo Broadway, Phone, ooi, automobiles usté in every particular; II you want us 2ft Aerea 18 In alfalfa, balance wheat,or V ycntleniPti; private riimlly M7 Trias. rimo. Mm wo s i.i raio. to give you IsOo for s birthday present, buy oate etc. Thla la aa level as a floor,

WANTED An exaerlenred cook at onre. H rooms; rent ISA . .17110 this beautiful borne ror irou cash snd bal. right of way Santa F main line.I'AI.MOHK COI.LKOE 2 bouaea. farultj good wages. onff In family. Apply to lioniekrepinv rial, in Main hi. Mil, YOUR rUKNITURB for all Ua 10 rooms ; close In I?..' like rent and you will have your present all 1 12! per acre.

of separate boarding departments for Montana. Taw. block north or p. o. Cool rooms ror sum worth. Bnnnea. atovea. all klnda : bent IN rooms; flue piece rj.oou right: NOTICE. 13.700. ii Arrs -- weariT an aeeoea to alfalfa:bora and girls; night t lasses. I. YYtlsoa. mer; Crawford I lata. era, linoleum, lee boxea. Texaa Fura. Co., 'JÚ rooms : fine nlsee I- -.

' Do you want a beauiirul home on Mon-tana?

haa house", cow a. chlekena, mower, raha,Principal. Ulft N. Oregon. Phone THiSI. AN English-speakin- Mexican girl chamttor pat 8 m Paao ('bone 408T. We hsve others Inrgr and smull. ir so, drop In our orrtce od wa toola of every kind, with new farm wagon

niai.i. Apply l no I o a o'. NICREY furnished rooms, modem small caab payment, hafgnce easy. Will tell you all ah. .lit It. ' Only t,UiVt for eeerythlag oa Hie ranch.SPANISH Isaacs f..r men Inscriptions day. week or month, rndome I tlUARANTKE tbe beat nrlrea for secondCREEL, with Our prices on some good hollaing litarc open ('allí. N. II '..N. 80S. ' WANTED Voung Engllsp speaking Mcilran Hotel, .'i overland at. band lollies J. M. cnernm. none wea.

Austin a Marr. Phone s'.r, roroers tvtii psruculsrly Interest you if you DOWN THE VALLET.arlrl for IlKl.l morning.

ROOM Sleeping porcb. fff? Arliona. WANTKli To bur aecond-bao- tools and will take the trouble to ask ns for location 7 Aerea All In cultivation, under dltrhFranrlacoMoney to Loan lrS San St..tuns H MtlllR, :xi Kl Paao Ht. and prices. Only $400.

BUY HER Jacoba' Caadle ; made Uat t:oOL rooma Car ladlea, private family, Business Chancea We srao have sn attractive list of room-ing

vk itouaes. nay harn. eroaa- -summer ratea. Phone 3fllti. BUY HER Jacoha candles. "mad lands fences, laterals, etc.: mainMO.NFY TO LOAN on good security. ulgbt." at Ttmea Branca No. s. loo bouses and valley canal. Í1,100

111.Texaa St. night.' st lima Braocb No. u FOR SALE Nice utile meal market and Bee L. a. oitssaon. wun for the place, with everything.Ktsu.iIii Mortgage Loan loft N. UOTBI BBAUMOKT-t'lea- u.

' Co., cool rooma, Taxaa St. grocery, cheap If taken soon. 1317 East J. H. SMITH k SOU,M ii.: til. tiOc to 41 night 2..'iO toper $fi per week. Missouri St. no Texas Bt Phone ml Tha moat loi porta nt thine la: We ansell nd exchange second bsodWanted jOtjl Milla Ht , blwk eaat of poatoffb e. K HUY,AgentI'RIVATK BANK give the beat of te,rms on all theseLoaaa on fuml tracts,mona; rurnlture. c, L. Krwtn us., lie n. unrtirnlshetl house forlure, planoa. dlainonds, livestock, real ca-íate,

NKWLY furnlahrd bedrooaa, $10. Stanton St. Pboaa 1ST.spartmenl and yon can let the crope pay It out. Ww

A SURE sale or rent s gtsod living Tor the right12.00 DAY ABSOLUTELY Man have aereral otherele. not I ma and sold M HHon rl Phune M18. good propoaltlona, aaI'booe t call at oiir office. Courtaoiia

, l ... ,,o n u 1U ..ooii.iii - o. .'.at, lie, vir WANTED All kinds ol furniture. W people. Howell Realty Co., 18 Morgan Bldg. high aa 800 aerea, but tbese are what weUeatnicnt and mnlideatlsl deullngs extend daga work; opoortnntty for promotion: IIHKIM1. and alngte. 1213 8. Antonio. psy mor for your goods tbsa any firm know to be good 102 Two Rejintlllc Bldg. Phone 1444. experience unnenaaaarr: apare tlBle may ha In tb city. 0S s El Psso. Wesutrs BUY HUB Jacobs candle, "mad I. nt FOR SALE OR TRADE 4 lota, Highland WILLIAMSused. Zlaglar Co. Philadelphia. HOiiM and aleeplug porcb Cor two gentle Kuraltnr Co. Pboaa 14KX. ulgbt," at Tlmea Branch No. It, 100 Park. Will Mil cheap or trade ror atoes MANXIMi, WithWl. always baa plautr of money to laaa men: no raone 44113. Texaa St of groceries and fixtures. 218 B. Btaaton. Tin Ton Realty Co..

on furnltnre. plautta, Uva- stock, dia-monds,

Phone 001. 1K0 Bruadway, El Paao. Tel.Salesman Wanted BEUKOOUU. cheaii, cloae In. Phone HIAR Store Shining Stand 1800eta.; aood notee bought, sold and Lumber and Building Materia Store KM TWO andirbunged. Kee ua whan la need of our swat. cigar ona-bn- lota and bouae, fur-nlahed.eivla..,' Frpillable. Trim Hldg. WAr.TKIitt.-- Mlmman and colletfor; alao a iirncery Store, at Invoice 11,800 FOR RENT OR BALE. for 81.000. Don't buv: It run

i anvasaer. Apply wr 8, Kl Pato 3tw' I'LKAN, nicely furnished rooms 1. in. i i. in toultdiugbill,

uaniaruia. cut tirocery'siore, cash Receipts, per day 171 Some nice bnngalowa in tha for $16. Need tbe money.avsnsaa. i plata bouae

lumber tirade,.hipped eoywbere. Picture Show, Profit KW0 month ILUSO Country club diatrfrt. . room new orick on corner ; basement

For Sale or Ksxhange Long sar guaranteed, See PARE BROS. Lota hi Altura Park, $200 each, on aleeplng poreh, front porcb; $2,800; smalihus Inrooms town for the 3M bend tímate. lndpndatsSitualion Wanted a., uveriana.moaey.

tlx. Laminar company. Lake Chart. L. North Side of the Park, (round Floor. eaay terma. payment, balance $23 nil gaa-- batter, almost new, THE SUTTON REAITT. CO.. ui afthLL. Fbooe 8238.

tMe-W- pr call 3M8 Tularoea. WANTKI l'oaltion aa boaeekeeper by an liiu.MH fourth. .us., block. Phoae :..'..' I1ROCERY STORK FOR SALE Phone 120b. Two República for tuu hclor, meaa or rooiathg Hood location, well established, has 4 liv-

ingBUY BK Jeooba caudles, "uiada last nnuiM not a 14, Ttmea. i. cum, to move! I'll. muí 10M. Odou'a For Sale Miscellaneous rooms, store room; ron l on entire placenbjbt." "ai ' Tltuoa Branch no. v.' ua transfer Co. 17 month with lease. Now we will invoice Legal Notices

Texas si. WANT K O (it aood. all round this plsce to yon. II will Invoice between FOR SA LE Suburban home ; bargain


hoteloWjertlonaBox rare

to leavingTlmee. W. W.



BUREAU FOR SALE- - Soma second bsod tya and 11.400 snd 11.800. We mean business; make an offer. Phone 401 PROPOSALS for Elertrlc Lighting System -KHEIi ltoouilug llouaa 1. 1st Low rates as. . ..." wiuaiai ..uav immmm going to sell RANCH LAND WANTED. Ornee lie not Ouartermaaler. Kl Pauut Tat

-. BUT 1IKU liirnha aiidlet.. "made laal l.H K . etc., bulles' AnartSMUtS I'ltKK See PARI BROS. 1.200 acre good farm land In Oklahoma Hay ill, IM4. Sealetl propossls for the ronAT Mi: - uny o( u ua a Utile nlahi." ni Timea Branch Mo. n, X Bhane. VYKLtOMi: Come around. 101 They sre hsndling the placo. central part of the atate. to trade for tirurtion or sn sddluon lo the electric

prlvat.' mouej. or offlcea ao irruaged Teiaa m N. Htanton. Pbooa 0M.. FOR SALE I'lano, at a bargain. DANDY grocery ror ssle; about i,snn will ranen lana in weat tema or new .Mexico lighting system at Fort Bliss, Tex., will bethat all buelneea la confidential, ad v Fl Psso Traaatar Co. bsndlg. A .areas T. If. Richardson, El Paao, Tex received In litis office until 11 a. m. JuneOKKEKITKn and In DBLMA1I 4i; N.correapondeawr Huatoa. Uot and oolu II, 014. and then opened. Applications rorottrlted. Paeo LeOea BICkNEI.L.paironage Realty ipanlah. lifnnin, French, by the hour; water; free bulbs, rooms XV. 11.00 day; EAST PAYMENTS.i'o Roen FOR RALE- Two bay horses, light aprlag plans, etc.. should he accompanied by a. w Bid. .,. Phone imat.olac. refasaa.... VI akT Ifl.n.. seekly Uoo Pkoa 100. 4 room brick: 1 lots; close In; 85.600wagun unil eel of harness. Csll Coon, certiried check In amount or 110. to insureseLAiRvo am iriHfin tTea vith La Belle in mi- ii no, i Till UOLUEN WBBT, house Wsgon Ysrd, WB BUY AND SELL constitutionalist mm each. Ihelr return. Wm. E. Hunt, capuin.

Fare Creanu. 3iu Tema Phone 3643. We sdvsnce on edobvv on loti; baet ti Paso; Quartermaster U. 8.TYI'l.wnniMi snd currcaDondence in Mrs. Koater. 620 K. Overland. Pb. 4c houselwld currency. money any Corps. Army.FOR lest Ing. 1 sell furniture, to Cerreapondeuc ay.itx); worm a great ueai more.

B. o. it., nun' and sec. organirera, riusnisn. nr any km. or v. or, wamci ta Jul i Not in UUUBK. iloosa cssaiaa. ta. and desirable rsncy goods very cheap; consignmentlicitad.

up. so.4 room new Dunaalov: on lots, soxtto The state of Texaa, County of El Paao.aollrltora. agtmta wanted pennanunlly ;

young Mexican; spaks enough English. STl 001 N. OregoB. N sick rorner sscramcnto and Florida. H. P.; U. & AND MEXICO BROKERAGE CO., iHivernment Hill, $2,800, $800 cash. To the Sheriff or any confiable of saidM rent commission. Phone lAOtt. Flor-eare

n. r.. n raw rsecouo nt. the end or the street car ft allper only a blocks from 811 Mills Hldg Kl Paao, Tag. rooms: new: buut-l- features: or county, Oreietlng:l. nirholf, "iai.- Manager, Aft assistant to bookkeeper, by young man b'AVKTTK HOtlUH. U Mill, 1 . i Idle. II pg to go. Phone 4280-J- . paved afreet; H.jW, on small payment You am hereby commanded lo cauta 'toblock Iron I ti. OUc .be. 41 bet d.i.FOB HA UK AJ' U AUK m PHARMACY. DA tallo uses lyiuiwriicr; reremnce given, sx ana up waeaiy. NORTH STAR lawn hose, real rubber. W WE make real estate loans, down.

' be published in some ndwsnapcr publishedSee CREEL, Phone W75N. Htanton It. M)a k'a t'atarrb Bemedy. r. K. H.. tare Thm-s-.

Ruaran tee It to give saU.factluu. Allan . In the city or Kl Paso, El Pgao County.41 for 15 days' treatment. Motley refuuded MltB FANNIK I KK i K.M1ER will give IIOI.LENBECK HOTEL. 2I4U Texaa Ml Arm. .od Cycle Oa. handle business chances. With Auattn 4: Marr. Texas, once a week for three succcaalvnif not eatfafaettory. Try It. in puullr school branches In uuisioe rootus, run water; summer rates. V vau araat Be RUY. HHLL. or KX weeks .Before the return day hereof, a copy

Cloudrrtirt during vacation; commercialor wk. ; new- luniiugemeat. rbone ...lo FOR SALE Fresno scrapers, slip scrap-era- , rooiuing houses, real estate, CHANGE lmoroved or aalmnroved veal ot the following notice:

block machine, wbeelhsrrow, i he state ur teaam. io anlenient personsbranches also. eacaia or uveatoca. lbii on or write n-Board and Rooms For Rent Uixf urrxtehed Room singletree, 1 bnggy, 1 garden harrow, valley land. List your prop 11. Thorn. oib Tnorava Bia- - au rmao. Tax. lu the estate of the minor. EarloKKIt t; man dcalroa pealtloa; a capable linn, wagon. 1 small drill press, cheap for Judia:

ttOOM AN It BOAR 1. IWI Mrrtlfc i.oosscepcr. cxperleBosa IB practical KOK RENT tine nafurnlsked room .asB Donnelly. Horshor. 410 Mill St. erty with us. I HOT Itiat what vou want. I can fit von The guardian of said estate of sakf ssalems; AI refarence. A "Id out from a noaae ana lor to B. T. Judia, has riled In the eouniv court'"made reas '.' fu tailed W.i Phone I3S6- -u rooms.1IS WANTED To bur aecoad-ban- sndBin Jaroba candlea, laat a in, care Times. tasto W. W. 1K.W1S farm. Tha pnee la right. Aooreas iata of El Paso teOimty. Texaa, his application forulgbt." a., Branch .No. n, 10J. WANTKD -- t'nfurnlahad bouse. Phone o. runs 11. MOHR, SOS ti. Kl Paso St. Vigil. Tularoea, N. M. an ciniKirary guarmatj, togemar

'( a. Ht. KMPLUYMKNT WANTE- D- Have been i. .11 SALE Fresno scrapers, slip scrsp-ers- , 108 N. Stanton wun a final account or tbe itmditlon orpaimaater and auperlnleeidant of labor phon a Misa s usaii tui th. or said minor, whichblock msrhlne. wheelbarrow, applicationi M.AN, int roo ua ; excellent tabla for tor Advsrttsers Iahina, to ala as Acc. cementyears big mining compaute In w ss ii n i. a ww ueaum in.fiiu oral mini.) wilt be heard by the saidsingleiroes. I buggy and harness. I garden county court athoard. Maaon, 31 l'roapaet Ato Mexico. 8paak Kugllah and Rpanlan. II. sdUon Account Want Ad" I Ta Tlroai . b I l n Lviai la. la. Mm a A SACRiriCK next tenn. beeinntnaharrow, dump small dril press. t on the first MonL. Jaimes, ileneral snonld rail ouoo kDd aak ror Mis. flaaal wagon, Owner compelled to leave town,C'NVAI T HOME For Rl.l.u nis laBltvaryt El Psas.LSi.l in which thedad. Sba wtll take las ad I rock air dril, cheap ror rash. Donnelly. must sell taw week two years1 day July, 6U1 day of Julypromptly ovIn urd'-- ui Leap tuy sanitortum full dur VAMEt-B- experienced young msrrlcd lb. .liner. 410 Mill SI. THE NKAL TUATMKNT lease on brick, 13 rooma A. D. 1014. at the court house or aald county u

toa poonn aun aeon you a oin tu tottowina ii" mi It - it. will take a limited insn, position as general grocery clerk In lag morning Aecoonta ara payante oí la now tha resrocnlaed treatmenL for Drink and store, stock fToeerlea, 4 rooms in the ctly of El Paso, Texas, at which timeslliiTHI N bedstead. Phonenumber of cunvaieacenta at and flu buggy harness,per some ranch or habit worltlTer All all perrons interested tn aald minor maycommissary store; out of itay or mat inaaruos. or Drug the proof furnished, all for VBÚ; good loca-tionwaek. My plane tt airlctly first '.iaaa and way. mountainous place urerarred. win WJ. you erant. Writ P. O. Bn al or phone ; rant only 840 per month. appear and contest aald application and

reronini' tutfd hv B MM a laadlhr Dluf all rinal arrount, noulil they desire to dogo snywtaer. oood health. Rererenros. ANTIQUE i il m It II K . Ulttl or aot:. See - Prívate room, aleeplng porche It M. J care Times. For Rent Furnished House . t.roueht from P.rla. prance. farvd wal With Ceaeidy as Nasi.ami tent rotlages Fort Bliss car passes Herein rail not. but have vou befora aaiiiin lining room set. Louis I IV. lowooor alai. IllB RENT 5 loom, roniplelely rurnished Mnutauu. 5315. Waxnted to Buy court on said first day of tbe next termAfuriaa hints. I, in i.landvlew add., block lurt l'bope thcreor Hits writ with your return thereonBHECIAIi pHir.F.s isa all dreaaera ibis week Enipfaya" llllss at line; Phone ;.' WANTKr To boy larfe roomlos bouae. showing how you have executed the same.tu moví tbc oernlbck. louts k Ztnklcr, IIK.LP ht I'l'l.l Kl i Howell arnployuaot rfcaep. apot eeae. faoaie wmu Witness Park Whitman, dark of thetn B. Manlon o To RENT- - A rtirnlstt. it house FOR SALE. county court of El Paaoagency, i, asorgan tog. t'naaa 007 WANTED TO BUT Oood coaú hand County.

Nl ., good hoard, cooil aleuplng For sale rhitkens sad ire box. Khun. motorcycle, coeep. MotorcycM, car 20 aerea on the laternrban, thla Given under iuy hand and seal or saidpor. lia 414 per k. Phone IMJn mm. New American Cafe Time. Ida of Tsleta; good mod-

erncourt at orflre in court hoose this the itthbrick hoaae, with running wa-

ter:day of May. A. i 1944.former location of tb ABartcaa Kllohsa.

WANTLI.-- To dot aeeoDd hud too I a and first riese pumping plsut. "Ana W. PITMAN.Dor'-- : DRK8MMAKINU neatly dose. I'bone 91 H outre for Sale lUCs Baa Antonio St, op May

cWaralad;X, 111.

taaa. u uuuk, mm n. ei paao hi. Will take a small aah payment clerk coumy Court, El Paao. Twaa.Arluma Newly fnrulsbed, bsndsoossiy down or wtll take a house as first (Seal) By C. A HAN PA.tRuilt iHtslltons awaiting; many more than 4 HOOM hrlrk ullage, walking distance spotlessly tie prlvai boetba for Udlaa. payment and give long' time oaPOR Rl. NT Room snd board,- - sllb pri-

vatepay expenass while learning wa .teach Mw terms. This is a idck up. old I r lends cordially luvluxt to sita with Wanted to Rent be la nc?.

Deputy.aleeptng porch ; convalcscenta tDuruugtiiy neon.. mi. culling snd neat sew HI. k M us. SAM WAll. 130 aires on the new psved roadtaken. Pbonc stay". IV. nig. rbone .u' bank To real lare iinfumlatied at 94B per acre. LONCCBAMPS MEETINGtHICan X.I I.ULl.EOK, .til l, psy lát cesta for MslcBU OPENh.

eoninr in.rrn. i loae in. Addreaa u. S8 a is h oo county road this sidepan lras.I'uone 341. 107 s: El Psso St. antes. If offered at one.Iven of Han EUaarlo at $185 per acre; 40Oabo roe. oenerai very.Los! lid Found Autos and Accessonrs acres In alfalfa Prestdeal of France atad Reare seatatiyea at'

I II K Ol Kl N I'lTY rtll.I.EaK tRMY I'tt past card. If sach. aoothvaat corner lota 1 "block Ra) aMy Aman taw spectators.LOST fast "ecu lold hroww fit. and Trts-H- y .wis ana ma your gowas sad asews you LAROKHT fireproof garage la Kl Paao, Hitot, st'colt. While A Co. For Sale U vctock above Maubattaa Hetghta aver

church the now te usase tueiii tr juc a day. lor a. block Del Norte. On Bight and Bp the AeMc4eted Preeaor on Artaona Kt. car. we( M. ll.l. A. limousine eervlc at tourtag looking the rlty and eatlre valley.CSUSeo breaatpla. yld act Hag. Kl Paso I'bone 341. day. Phone 8. Hotel Tu ileal, and Bag .,. ralea Call BT7; pT seal. BUT HSB Jaoaaa landlea. "made Price 8328 each, rash, ParUi May 17. -- The rirsi big meeungReturn to 101S.P.rown HI. or K belt on gage Co. Oarage. be 1 nee long time.DRKSl.KINi st home Ttmea Mo.or by day. Mrs. Dltfht." at Uraanh w.snd fee of tbe season at l.ougrhampsAVrais :u. and rviv. reward MUS BENSON, chiropodist Slav Om of tha today wagParse finesti rosa I none us. sr. COUK to JOB Bo. Saata I'e for Tesaa Rt homes onee-- orid SSVPhoa1111. SOI llarsld Bldg Montaos Kt modern tn re-- s t a tamonaDie throng. Includutg

PY HER Jaretas candle. "made Vast haad car. Pbooa 87. r: specif I son dry la basement,ewry

steam th- king and queen or iHaunarkt and Ibalimes Branch fia Al; Ml DVY cards. 5c tulgbt.' i I a, postTexas Kt

s, AUTO for sale BICKNELL. Phone ;.. II ...s. Setal I. White 41 C. bteat everything to make first-clas- President and Mme. Poincare,home. Only $18.oui. tim' rotte' pool, worth 100,080 franca

LOST bslui'tlsy bigbi. pTaiuituu hmr pin OOLUEN Ragl Cafe - Noodles, chop suary, IfSECOND-HAN-

assroedAUTOMOUlLMa. KV.TN11 MACHINES repaired by Foul OUOM'S TaUaNSFER CO. 8 room bouse on Rio Grande Ht., MP,i0, was won by M. Roedar'a LUt-ma-r

with rate dismosad and .lavo sapphire. (TxtSSSS d tabea, abort orders, dsy snd Itheryou

roadsterwant a hand .utosaatslaa, A Zlskl.r. Phon laKL Deliver U Mfat 84.800. Wtll take va.ant lots aa at 18 to I. Baron EdOKind D. Roths-

child'sor lourla t2USsight; regular dinner Sac ;tg fjj ear, t. Phoaa m part of port-bas- pnce.RMum to Mrs Maritn. The Lorkle Hotel, g. ay, fryKa, writ Musk CATARRH t La 8or m boko. atudbakr WHY SUPFJttt WltH BROADD1 S A I.K RABON Farina. to I, was second, andlib ral reward. Agency. 423 Ka Aatiaata tt Klsi k a " - - IS days traatasaat for BUT HER Jeooba cuAlaa, First National Bank Bldg Prime Mural's Gold Syrup, 71 to 1, tuir.L

IJTrKT Isuwntown. akooday sfteroooa. Auction Sale FOR the largest anap la ant ee11. Satlsla tlou gusrantead or Bsaaay re-funded.

Dlgbt: at Times Branch No. neat r.. .. .aissy Lai H. fl. Duryea's luriar and J. K. Wldeuer asold chain and locket ; moaogram BICKNELL. rana JJX8 At Ward's Pharmacy. uv North Tesaa St Insursace of Ail stlnda. Mont D'Or were unplaced

"A- l. ft. : date below; contents, picture. BUY HER Jassob candlea. "mad LTONS TRANS.FKR CO. Ttm ftlllea pool, worth 7,000 magijaar.rd if rslarncd Is HI M. Kl Pas St. St Tha Braach No, , JO OOOD MOTOR TRI CKS. Safe Below All Others.Storage. araat$18.4D0i. won by Baton Maurice Daat. Saner Mark Indiana.Tuts 208 R Saata Fe.JlaiT II Is i Un tu lili un I an Ti Phoae 878. piarte Sebos. Pet and Poultry Phoa UN. GOINO to movel Phone Boihchlld's Biavolexxa. at io to I. A.Pa... and i.anullllu. brown sun raae. con W. A. Wl U.I A MB. RtOST WAT IsAUNDBT. Phoae 111 Trae afar Co. Pnrteclose, 17 to was secoo t,lac photo, military brushes, mill si Auctloa ftalaa and Cwmmlaaloe nrokee CRACKED or hr.ntm yllnders, alaaslattas t. HOUND BONR. and M. CalUaul'a Mauatiia, 1 lo I. third.. "S on nata, aman mirror, socket rhaln Offlo Pkw l. assMsac Pkoa BS creak or gear cae. Any broke metal WANTED tiood isaiOaad NaUenal cash BUT HER Jacoha candaea.

rtartain braegeis. ate. Reward ror return Office Eslrsnr to catosaa Hide parta of your ser welded aa gtsod a new. alghtT a$ rasar Na. . August Belrooni s Boxanna and H. B. Dtar-y-

so A- r taries, carrier ta. luatorrita. I gall Kvsry tklug st Auctloa or Prima asta. Paso Welding Co. ah. Aédraaa at. d. ceas TUnaav Tasas Ft-- Ardea ra unplaced.

Monday. May 18: 1914. EL PASO'MORNINn TIMES

Times Want Ads Have Proved Their WorthIt's Good Business to Use Them' '. " '' I 'iiil I a a

EL PASO CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY If Mexicans Must Be Killed MONITOR CHEYENNE SILVER STRUCKaocoumain. ajTjrrt.tiAkrrri and caras). Let Mexicans Do the Killing oil RK.HTKKM VKARs

IHUKITUN AUDIT CO. Fhea PATRONIZE one I I Paso Hank stock has de-clared1 15 CHj v.tlossl Buk W4 American restaúrame lor American people, BRINGS REFUGEES NEAR COLUMBUS' its dividend every sixmonths, and the rate or Interestunion reitgurgnu for union people Thcao Tklí la tdtlee Who VliwaLQNUNtCKKK a WICKHTKAIL rioo American restaurants ero union: ef l herir R Mini. Situation rrn, M,npolnl el Us Rual-ncs- paid Its stockholders baa in

BM. Amer Hank mdt 9. O. Uoi 4 silver King :gfe M Sen Antonio at. gfla Heartily Commenda Prealdenl ITIIaea'a Poli t Watchful Waitine creased from ft per ceni to iaAuto cgfe no s. h Pee m. lire lares Cairana aid HI Idraa Mu I Win Belerr I .'. o . .. I I IMS a Ml mil INK IN K SIM ur ns LI MA COfNTV, NEW MEVII 0.



We willpariieutar

be rlad toInThe Bnffei to Broadway ny r mrni oi r.niire paejaeaai ee Baee irnure IK r nllel Brfere tlTHEK 'WHin KS.DII s KYIOVIVi NMAI.I. MIMMi HOOM AMI i retard

youtn this local bank slock

OALTON Addlag Maekleea, We Villi. Vl The Union c.iTe 119 Broadway. Ike Meases Cea Be Allayed. Macs or san oeENTiv CLAIMS ARK BKINQ (f OKI II and lis remarkable dividendSaratoga Lunch Boom 190 H. Atanion SI. record. We deal in New York11 Paso Qyiter and chop House 11a 3.CAKPET1 CLEANED, Stock Exchanre aecurttics.Stanton St. From Hie New York Toat. Thlrli, a Niimbrt ef III' Were Ore Hun. I, per Tea In Trea MermaasaEvcntA course since ha.DU ANO a WRLLBUKNE. Wesion'a Dairy l.iinrli 310 San Antonio si chsrt",, n. knowledge of Hint

pefn rqually prudent. Mr. Nersveglea.. MaluMé le Come um f Moiinlalnk. U'here Alna Are I .1,11 lili- iii. CO., Inc.,nint, whoae inalnlaui- - DomeBelmont N.- Stanlon St. heRMm iDd vacuum carpet clenulug neitaurant 914 tl,i asserts that car Me lice. Htork llrokers.

Success cafe 90 Mills si. nun menca rrom the point of view of ramta's refusal become a party 10 lb"r... nu. in. lirpoirila of Zlae. First NaUanal Hank Hide

PBTBCTtvTr, AUBWflkVI.big hunnrsa. Is conceded to be unsurpassed mediation plan Phane I7i. Et Paa. Tt

BWtNO MACHIN ECin ihe i nited States, believe that tbe pros Commends tslliuiionallsl ( ourse nu thr Aeao. ..ifeg Prefi By I II DAVIS.TUB BEN WII.I.IAMH lietectlvc Aito-- i cm policy of tbe Wilson administra-io- n in "It Would In 'lipid or do r an D4eh, ,1.. M.r IT. - rnin icarranaa tolnreatlgtitlt.u made In civil and criminal MkKT tke eaey running White aid sine Mexico ik ine wisest possible one inlder th anything else he. u would be the Vinerirgns eiriveel here t(nta,v rrpiii Shu ine of the Fred Wledenbvkcases. 010 017 lat nst. tia. id,mw. mmmag. Hard; beat aaeeklnej !a the world fat irrumsiancea. He said much nu. nun an. i lerntoifarolle renal guaranteed. as rmpbatic height or r.iiiv ' him lo ret mixed up iiiinseauiiel.v aiijar.'tn "is clatma tn the Tres Hermanad moun-

tainsiue; ra ully today. More than that, be expressed With tbe ii ..ii the m..ini.r CBeyenti". The ls'rla,''white Bgwi Ni Li i i: orrtcg piumatlati who are about ) miles southwest of Demur, j in which are the camp-- - of Santa Una.the27" B Btenton. ft. I. Btewaet. Act confident opinion that the plan now be gage, m the i, plan. The thing .sine at ih nrgaBt request ..r thu I'ntlej sod about miles nortbweai ur Lohmbun Hanover and Fierro, is.liBM. UMOWN UALLOVVAY. in followed would stales uiar Tenresi'niaiiveii. Thu'. according to exlead forundoubtedly to Ihe constituí out hern or I.natista to part unado Is to fight county, ,ew Mexico. perls, greatly in need orBide Phone AM. an adjustment of ihe the It a nil,. r of iheni Nnrwegla'i deep explorationproblem without OUt.nvn

InslThey weekc itruck8APK AND I.Of'.K EXPERTS. afford io cotnpromt-e- a vein rich In silver and and development. he district liesmoving of American reruaed lu h un. reniAlni J bohlnit. m .1ibe inter-ior-

troops into Indeed, there h ad ihent oreone possible compro t itimttuc K tun TiclNITlB BEPA1BINQ BAKES AND VAULTS opened by sound, no tr ii,.. southern republic. that miirni AiiKing Hi' Iieevleat losera aniung lla... Mrike hasper horseshoe, surrounded bj mountains. y

createdilei ised Wouid littleThat aE. M. MS Myrtle. Pb. 752. drilling. J.' i B. El Paao Si. Phone ttTt W The administration' cherlsbed scheme of be the Mtvii r Mexico, hy which Jhc arrli'lnr rtn tier rheyrnn.- vi Mr. 1:11.1 f'al minina men nave iron.- p. ).,and

weyev 'ma between ihe 10 ranges are xones cm

dikesup hy porphyry in which tin-having Meticana right Johnsnn. if llnileo. N. M..lwenly nienihi mppeiMexicans, wbtle thia constitutional s

Mexico.suuld ii vme or thebe northern numerous ciaimagiven tu matPANIsa LSOOKI Is found under an iron It isnf whoar In mecllgte rgmlli' capping genJI NK OCALstB. country Manda aside waichlng, waiting end were memti.'r. section- hi Ihe same inoiiiitain are some of erally believed Ihat theor uie ' on depoiis ol

IIKKMAN BLOCK A CO.. 306 K. Bool. Pb U0OD METHODS, correct UOguage. Prof hoping inal vlelory will come, lo the ."The roiisin timnallsls n already had refinr part.v the 1110,1 imponant Fine deposita m New ianta lilta will be found m extend wealMAI. Highest prices paid for old braaa, Coosales. Roome lo II. Elite Block in Mr I linl'a estimation. ieon in 'ini roiinjitng with the ncn- we own a 9,0011 acre .anrli near ,n Mexico, Which were worked extensive! v under I (anv er and Humboldt Teak. ongiows Milonlo ilrl Mr .111.1 inolh. of o.irfltl air- -cop par. rubber. booM, bide, ate. Corr. eel. SU more promising. tíficos. The in ow or uslero rrew out w year ar- w hen prices w ere heller withSPANISH i mht Ptlmora College. at San Jour ihe taller loratM in the mmm necintf copper flat, a dtsisnee of

k.1. IKON a L CO., lAua Ma n. uregon. Cicnlirirofl Overreached Themselves. of ihe open ins il ego nations and the ef tains back r an ytientln," said Mr. Johnnc properly shipped about rour carload. three miles. The deepest shaft m thr Han

ADtoolo. Dealers Id scrap Iroa, rubber, "Why should foris to make e nmprnmise and the er r hlyh nnc per week The ear5yAioiTiya: our American, boya be neni on. "W' were just acnintr read In over region is only son feci deep o churncopper hraev Htni. etr Ball 4M0. into that country f" said he. -- if Mexicans forts to make itnproinlse with (tie old harvest 011 mps. when word was receive, caciHnates of line of fine quality drilling exploration has been .r,. tn orILLINOIS IIOTTLK AND .11 NK I'll lime. CITY 81 ON CO.. Ml N. Stanton. Pb. 1347. must he killed, lei do It 11 la regime. And af'' having that lesson, the from the ate department thai we lud

here are also some yold claims in the about this amp rnr a distance or threeKaat Uvrrinud. Phone 1M1. duty that they owe one another." constitutionality re certainly not irolng better ha sanie mountain. ltd Its ipe rating in this region are th

STORAUE AKKHUI'SE. may he surpriting lo those familiar to repeat their tm ske when it comes to "All my iwatity children and randcrtll-or-The Victor Mining; and Smehint rompnaf. Chino t.opper company, the tiencral Klei

Jl W I KB VL PASO TUÜNá; IrACTOKi New ware- - with the long aasoclation of Mr. Flint with diplomatic he go ns w nh the científicos dren were and ralaetl on our ranchethrough Frank k Wyman of Demmt, N. inc campm Kmplre zinc rompan

t A ICUbV cleaned iajc, uialu eurlng true, keuee, aafeet location: eoeltliely lower thai group of strong men of Meilco, known ihe are as children m tn that c intry and I haven t lost oneM has fih-- article! or incorporation at Phelruv Hodge company, calumet A .risnn

warranted cryatale Inc. CaaL Cur Old ,.t... HA! as. -- leniificos." thsi he should now in-cline

their oponem-- huni huí they do know tiroiiarl si hness or accident." Santa F. The company is operailni mine-I- compsny, in ihe colorad'1 Fuel and Ironcold. 10)1 Han aqiudIo. irenver Jeweirjr Cu. to rivnr the causo of the constitu-

tionalist,.how to flyhi Claude 1. i.vant, rormer Iinlted states nee Arteona. rompan) he Phelps bodge company is

v. ah III leaned uc. uialu eprlng fclc, II r K METAL OB19CB The CleiitiMcoa. Including such Armistice Hid Re lHaaairoua. consul at naenada. who was pent somh In r iin- doing large development work on the"At themen the reels. imaniour and pre. in lunrture, an armlattcc on tne t.h- venne to round There Lu iinn mine.crjtiale lac. All work gueeuid two assasn. up and brina-ih- Is great revival of miningAi Ml. 11 111 M : A llKK! enere the ooiild be disatr. fm the constitutional , activity

lear. lienor Jstvelrf Co. ICSIe San ebeet metal of all kli.degreat lawyer ol Mexico, are without refttfT north, said that ihe ma)oriy In Ihe Plnoa Altoa district. New Mexico, dn Itexrhipmrnt st Muuollnn

Anionte Bt. coalrgctora exception upnorter of the old retime, isti. Their arm - keyed tip with Ih1 of those acrivfnc today .wrre tathered from both ntea nr the mountain on the wealen lezaa ni. raooe osou. thtnitrht Of the III the Mogollón district development workbut while enressiuti for tbeni ihe same inj 'i or all these years. n radius two hundred uiilc uiioni s m side the Rnipire ziniflli--company is push on ihe jobttsnti and the berle minea ofMEBCAXTLLE AÜEXC1E. They are ii nthu-ias- and marpersonal regard as of ord, Mr. Flint 'juenttn. Int development work on Hie IcvnlaiplHal ihe Hat," mmpanv ieitma good gradealoLOCAL Ml Ki A li.l. A'. M l. TVPEWB1TKBS. ihai me position in which they now spirit, r these negotiations The II si of refuttci . arming on the chey and iter groups of minea rerently pur of mtlllng Intensiveore orReporta uud rutlnga uí Individúala, find Ibemselvea Is the inevitable result of

w ould deitro, in tit html asm. and the enne in cruss cuttingchasedTYI'blWUITKUo and Office Supply Cu hy the oiiipanv from lieorge H he ein the U0'i taion doneenforced hlh wonVl c tu beingMeinbera of tha National Aeeocla- All makes eold. rented aad repaired. their i map pea sed ippetite Thr Mexican land, nei be dfaaurou to Henn loiinson. Mentha s Vineyard He arte odtes or ulphtdc ureUon of M Agencies. wealth the impetus i hej 1. already trained. t' Masa.; io determine n good point in sink the pro210 Utile st Phone SH2. ainl power. They wanted loo utL Pol, ni. Nnrth Salem. Ind.; lev eloped alld blrk out, im if)''. HAM. Y PATKMAN. posed deep hafi r 'in the surface.Mir, much, said he. -- The. didn't know where aides, If Lacran ca illa were tu ent r 'orte Happ. ew nrk Mrs, v U, ast side Staubc and W right have tatted321323 Herald Bld(. lies beiwcen the Kcnesiinn and iheinto neaitiatton i'ii Huerta, they would JohnsonTAXIDEBAllSt. tu stop ihey have kilhd the goose that' snd dailfhler, Paik. Texas. work on the n nnah

laid ihe golden egg." he nhttl by their 'n off cera, rhe armv Mr. and Mrs. J. F. wet. HainnrlUve. oinocopper company s Hi corro muiej fhr (trad wood Mining rom

PLl alUMln. Me' 1,10 1. I.A.N' BHOS. Pbone70tt. 30V Prl.s.. would not permit u The leaders under Mrs. II j hrialnmn an. five children, andproperties. Work on n'tiinberlog ibe old patty has rut ore hod) No on ihe too foot

The Land Pmhlrm of Mrvlro. haft which raved m recently, is under level good allies or ihe la-

tenHand well exposing1'UK CITY PLUUBINU CO. Batter plumb-lu- g that n Fila M. Johnson and two children, ' Hmleo,

for leaa. Pk. 2104. ttl2 N. Campbell B. All.OKa.And here Mr. Flint howed thai in an-

other"Villa and Car rato i could never have roí N. M. ilarreti, pen I son. M.

way under Ihe managcniMii of William days of april, sl bar1 of gold andir PLUaUJlNO IU1 N. Important particular t6 vlewa of- - tile ten au far, hal the not heen backed hy leieher Work on ihe Ooldeii oiani mine silver bullion anil iw-- and a hair tons niN. U. NATION'S l.Al'lKs .si. its A27J0 to iii will also he commenced Ibis w ee ii

HI. 1'boue 320. order; sou, adtnlnixtrailnn were m vlewa. The prob real wave or pairtoiir proleal arsttisi ibe concentrates were shipped h the 11m"Campbell own aiatarLal ; S10 Unan aulte U rour assay office has been in th-lem which opened Pingreed land holders had raised companygreed or the Ueniiricotf. laalleve ihat a SEVENmaterial, PERlteinudeliug a epeclalty. Ó23 Truat CENT 'l'HONTOWork

PLUMIIBUg-o- uk Tessa. PhoneBids. after rrtnstnlng blind too long to Itg eon irreal patriotic Idea 1, retresented by the Alloa camp The Jim orre Mining and Milling mmptnv

100. guaranteed. sequence was one only to be st tved con-clusively

constitutionalist - ir thev succeed, I be Tyrone hhlpplng High Ores handled .'..'i ton- - id ore in 1- mill in Aprili'AV .ash 'aud ssve money oa your VKTaTRlNARV K 11 tin EONS. by a rearrangement of the wbole have tbat their amcrnmenl will provide lor

J. O. May, h vse. of the Kugenr mine it and shipped over vo Puis of huHlon anduluniblag work. All work guaraateed. srhemc or larid tenure in Mexico lo the ad a new dlvtsfon of ihe land and rr lite .pro-


Tynme camp - lupptnt ore rmitiina ii ii ions of cum entrare-- , n ha- - comI'bone 2Ub. Kl I'aao t'luuiblug Co.. pip b. I'll II HIOUINB Tel. MB. 300 . of LOANS ON FARMS per cent copper with gold and silver valueOreaott Hoapltal for uoraee and doge vantage the peon rlas, That this la the of Ihe people. Moreover, the wis pieted ure for an aerial tramway on"Virginia. the kIsone indispensable rondiiion of an satis-

factorydum gf Pheatdent Wilson's course will have melter. Pascall and Ions roiu the Pacific enily

M MASK11. P. 11A7 Ociarla and 8. AaL ottieome io ihe Mexican tangle the been demonstratcii and the power for irood Waters are alo hippint ere from Ibe amr pun baseil. to the millIKA D C ATTLJC dmmiMt atmn has pet tistently shown tn of the I'ulted states in l.atln America will rnKhiucM in- miun'm ni ítír i.h-- in amp to the pau smelter wlnrii la said

OHOWN ded cattle, h..ra, mulea. tVlNUIlU IVASIHNm. Us attitude toward the class have been treat enhance,! HI RANO MitiriNv HAS l I'll THt io run high in si.i values. David Tul loth MOK OHIIKR --Kimt Cbauled away flee. Pbooe 74 immediately. WAlsir.iV IVIBduwete clean. Vbour .o. back or Huerta. Mr. Flint holds lo the am H Tt'lK OF MENU, I A VAI.11

- umbering hi- - .hri and shipments idhigh grade ore win tic started from'theV. Blot. Jr. Opinion. mu ttabllshed h) Constitutionalists

Would fool driri In the iisj root fhsft Spence MillHave necognled HuerlsWAGON Y ARD. MeP-ni- PnslotlP-e-It is worth noting, however, that he USE TAMPiCO AS Tells Mcrtliiu or Water I ser' rtriving a tunn and developing a large clpal

... ,,.CUIMT llmlSE YVAOiiN YAHli Hay and would have avoided if ponsihle Ihe rnited

I hat Concern Proposes In Invest j'hou body of low yrade )ro his property, one) de tc oil1.uoulib packed uy t'ttger, belt tke globe. giatn. Mil.MYK. Wi. dairy Hid; M IIIA- - states aapdi 0r Hollars In 1 bal olslrici new urv ey ha icen made p the hum

llonaliti Ko.eruiHeiii p,,.ial tve ice Im- - beenTcanerer, atorage, repairing. Pb. i.m the horse focUi heller and eheepnr present etnbarrasMnenl by recog put uito operation lit nearly .ill id tt.r larger

nixing Muerta in ihe pper company for new tracks to he laid ornee or Hie. norllicrnthan nil Uie real, mm and Ml I.LS nrsi instance when tate- ine newbought, sold and boarded. Tltoroualtbind fcihi de facto government received recog BASE OF SUPPLIES Hu TtmrM hfuciiil rorreapenrcnl rroin tin- inth end of the ards at llur Service hceaiie' irtectivi' May

UK.PAI1U.SG. Jeraejr hull fur service, corner overland hltion abroad. Lae mee, m May uv- - ddresalna runuthp along tin- fool or lite Postmaater Pnnciauo Cole of Jnare haOUNB repaired. Allen Arma As C'jcla Co. aim eamppen nia. uot. think It would have heen better If a meet rig or the i lepham Rmie w'atet or the null, and it is money



rniiowiug-- cue or chihuahua


Piesldent Wilson t'sers' rumored ihat the r ohcenirailug bnw willassociationhad followed the preee here saiurdav afternoon, J uar ex, Chihuahua. Madera, ipierrero egill t ii ii THAT IONHTIII TIONAL oil he rnov cd to ast of the null wheredeni which l rederirk the ureal üald was l'reshhnt Kdward I.. Tel son. or the Mi-ssouri

poliil luargo Hants llo)lA', Jtmetie and PanalATMlN'K l TH IT POHTION Or ill H oAtTO STAtjjt LINE. established by the Lord, namely, of "in in CIMITKII. state i.ife rnsurance company, loid live water can flow hv gravity . eliminating Slate or i.oaliutln torreón, Pedro deULUUK TO I'll O UNIX ognlslng the man who, hod the greatest the members hat hi.-- con man v had ihe klhe uenil roc pumping ji. jackliug. las nioiua.s and iesc.

Via Auto. car leaves ARGENTINE, CHILE number of battalions.' if ihat had been grealesi raith m Ihe future ft the valleys president of me chino copper comiany. etale of I.iirauso re pi Imane Force Which Kvacualcd Ihe City under the has just paid a visit of inspection or (he Papasqutaro. canillan, elardena. Kntarioñoiobe dally. Time's boors, ktako reserva done. Muerta mlghi have been led to see Klephant Suite project, a - an Perireeena. cnencáme, Nombre de Ivtos,

liona at Dominion, Hotel, lilobe. . lilla Uie reforms so badly needed in Mexico Tamplco Are fteparted In Hopele evidence of ñus faMll. he geld the com-

panyproperties. The company has. completed Cerdo. '....,. 'ala;io. Mapiim. IlaluinliloValley Auto Stage Line ELEVATED If he hd been patted on the hack In a proposed lo loan thousand of dollars two large drainage ditches lu cttch the de arar'iHa and Puratigo itvIN RANK rriendly way, and matters pul liefore him in the valley al 1 per cent. overflow waters. stale of .acuiecas Somhrereb, an

iiu.uui.1 .Ail. i KKUVlCb! tu- irony aud in s fashion to he umhTatoori Hi the AtMociuttd I'rcts Phe merlina. blch wa- - no by Hanover Mining lllslrlcl. Miguel del Mrxuullal, Mev es. Itlo Urande,uusttsii. HI i.L PASO: by the l.atln mcrlc.n mind. Km." he Vera Lnu, May IT. With T empico occu-

pied.some fanners and husmeas men, (in Shipments or ainc carbonate ores are he saíni Tallo nwl halchtllmll

LL i ABO TO UObWKLU It expected that part or Mexico w ill male of tionori xiigiia Prieta, M.mios,nig regular)) made from Hanov er, iralitAMERICAN added tened with iheDIPLOMATIC "we interestMISSIONS IN earnestly, are now at the point deepen to ihe reuiall Una, In con Aliar.Vie ceaae immediately to he the acene or con Aripe. Cocorti. unipgs, Horiuusillo,uectloa arUk H. t. ea fi. V. It. B. THOSE COL' NT HIES UHM.lii ROM where there cannot he the, alightcM doubt stltutlonalisi operation- - oxcopt fur the pari marks or Mr. Meljjon, who pictured a may count)', new Mexico, and preparations are nanaiiea. Colorada. Magdalena. Moetrautiia.

Dally paaaeusft ssrvice leaving Ifil Paso CATIONS TO EMBASNIES. about Ihe wisdom of the Wilson policy." the port will play as a base for Mippfles future for the valley, dselarinf 11 to be milking Tor the operation of .several copper Naco. ÑacoKarl, Nuvajon. Nogalejt, aniaO s. ul. anu iiiiimi'i i. ,w p. u.. awe Speaks with Aolhorlty. Tbe tovernment has already declare! it u one of lh- favored section- - of Die t'nited' propertlea m ibe same camp. The dlatftft, Ana, Uuyopa and reslug Boawell 7 anu e a as. As for Mr. Flint's claims to speak with dosed port, but should this order be dls ."tales, w here land value- - were toBeat Bound President Ullson signs Ibe Bills and Kelk-1-- ,Weat Bound. retarded and clearance ylven in am pori In crease theauthority of the Mexican question, bis long enormotisl) in nm distsntArrive. lates the Two Soulb AmrriianArrive Diplomats for Tamplco It l not anticipated that

A. M. P. kL Present. connection with l.alln America is ample Huerta will dispute seriously the nthi ofDiture. Speaking of his own company.

Roe well 4 1!. 7:00 guarantee. vAhil. a pariner of W. R. rureltii vessels tu enter. Mr. Nelson vald It hail beeniú:uu.-ll- aj Ploacho 1:40 4:00 Orace Jt co. be (iYkanl'ed pranchea in vir-

tuallyshould Huerta mere u ill he a years ago with a capital of sr,.nnti To

lu .1511:30 Tlanle 1:1ft 3:4ft By rbe A$oclalrd Prr$ all of the south American countries, plenty Tor bis two tunhoais In the tuir to day it has assets to the value of tn,n(ffi.nnoW JU-1-1:0



kLSo 3:30 Wasblna-toi- May 17 --The Amerlnn diplo-raaii- r and at the beginning of the career which do, as tuelndUit Maiamoroi, tlio consillu-tlonalist- and a part or its surplus proposed to

11:10 1:1 Lincoln 11 . S :00 mlrxilons to won for him the title of "Hie father of now have in ihulr pos.sesston loan in the Mesilla valle, at l per rentArrentin and Lhile three ports north or 'era crux. Small1' M. 2.1 H. Bianioa 10 rrtlflta" he consolidated the i ohber f Among ihe other speakers or the dayL.:14 2:3ft capitán 10:W 2:30 m rank lo an embassy rrom a South America. He was at differ


mithtor Tuapan.

land carroeH either at Mala were W. S. I'a1iersMi. vtaie airent for the r "HEART SONGS'1 li - 3lJB Nossl l"i legation uhetr President Wilson, In ibe ent times of '.hill, costa Missouri Mate jfe Nimia r renter. vleSaw 12:43 In Hopeless Position. COUPONI :UO 4 :4i

B:o0 presence of ibe m k.hiiii. and Chilean s Rica and Mcaragua, and ilnce that timo president or ihe w airr ser is social ionTo the weal or Tautpleo the federalslo han ben a hi Soulb .inertcan only and M. It Stevens, of the ir nssocla PThrough fare one way 38.40. lulerma ibe United Hian-s- . Homulo L .am power poli-

tics.are those who evacuated lamptto and they It .NTtD BV

dlate points k cents per tulle Ugnd bag and hduardo Suarez, and a He was a member of ihe International appear to be in a hopeless posllion. Ie non.ease carrier on paaaeuger cara; escena bag parly tr promhNnl orfu ial. slyned thr two conference of the Aniern-a- repuhlies. was trcatlnt klnnt the railroad toward San Mr. 1 renter spoke on the rginl7atlon THIS PAPER TO YOU

on wall can. WIN pas-- 'ii by for that purpo. prominent In ciahtHhing tin- bureau or I. tils Potosí they re confronted by lart' of a f;om isl dub and Mi sievena onThirty minutes for meals eacb way la Aiif-- siirnii.K thn biiu ile prrxident American republics m Washington, and iwn-i'- wnu loc many wewaa nave peen con the rountv latr ftie lair lati'iti, ald

Lirruuw. trolling the rejrion smith and east or cerev Mti", en, needs, the eo prratlon oftu ih- two tíllh American tiplumais, in negotiating the rerippu ity treatyAUTO w 1.1.1. los, ahour half wav to san Luis Putont. aHInand Operators Phone IMP with (he Braiihan ambaxsador. are ihe en with Brazil. tneir rear la u airona íletachment aent for

every rill .cu m onler thai 1h,- i'V kz azz ez mz :vtiv- - no UKiiifr Hiele R...m offices In an Mr. Flint's Intímale F.xperlenee. ward by Pahio iionxales from hi:

I1II1II1..11 in, iv he ni the grealesi 9ru SAClAA. to settle Hi" Mexican Itnbrorlln. When n is recalled what an active pari army holding ampico. The finierais hlstor.v flu Association. whChand saldi Mr. Flint has taken in various parit r the greaiiy reouce.i m nnmner and rarrvmt porab'fl, airead) baa Ihree suceensful rair

"l.ft ni'- say, .ten, temen, how Kratlfvlnr world where hostilities were m progresa. only a ainall amount of ammunition, are to ii- - credit ten acre traei in peen ar HOW TO GET IT ALMOST FREEVlaia TableNevcanberNo. se, AU

ISIS.Uttl a. m, It Is nir Miii it huiilri fall uithtn inv " ' ' he wondered ni Hist fiwlng oeiieveci to nave light fhaiire or escape quired and permanent buildings are grad

(slountsiu Time Only.) tin- - Ihsl Mils long d.'H.T,rfI reoirnUlon of IO bin r.ifii p mal friendship '" prom ConaHlullonHlKI In ( oulrnl Itallv, being provided for the use (,r tin Clip asst anel present aim ooxipesas like ttse above, aSaSaSesB conarataaa.'

int- uní rana and m or your two iiient men mi l oin ide ir tin Mi iicnn luiionalutHWilli this


be in "nirolor. Ibe eon-1- 1 ssoi mn. .ii astas, toearther vrlth oxer special price ml silbar SAc er 6aior!E. r. a B. W. count ríe-- i Abouui have n accorded, it difficulty he ha heen connuli'-- n ihem westward to al Uolb bésetethe line atjks Mavdiaxt thawhich runs fiorn RalllUo south rea prefer. are ass diasJeir ati ..mi Nortn and East Arrive arfords nif great personal pleasure with at different fttavea. of mh ne tot int ions, it io otui ni- - 10 repair ine railroad i'iHsiis s, nr. 1mowNi.11

1 Calif erulau uuwaia our slater republic u ivnn i a familiar ntnry in how from II. M'SlIMi 111 I. XI M 11m p so honor Tamplco to san I. nix Potosí will takeLimitede Ooldeu


Li rsso sswau1:00I M pai

pin and hi- Klad to w i ii with. Mr. Flint purchased esei- - ami inutiitloiii considerable nme. bul with the railroad IN I III- HINNINIVIPPI TIMES BRANCH 9. NAY 18;lbs Weet "hi the prseiit el reuma tan ees when you of uar when the in tiania rebellion hroko from Tamplco to Monte re, m nperailon Bv th tahd fresa


Copper City Special 7 alt am have so Ihourbtfully and rcaciouaiy ofrered out tn Braul and ended-tb- e revnl n with there u noilunt apparent!. trevent run. Minneapolis Minn Ma IT five

4 i. .mien State Limited 2.30 pm in Khow .in rojiunon Interest in the poace neatnc'i and rlpatch. It is remem-bered

ersi onnxala from relnforrtua the ronsti- meinhc ot rtv or nim persons COIIFONS. ,.,i i..i,i,. I:u(Iiiiii Miuoiiaiisis at .Monierey and moving on in plea- - laoiu h were drow u'1 98Cand Secnr, Aertfhieous 'thai Mr Mint who nek'Hlaledrovemniant or America, It Ii wi Saltillo and flan Cuis Point! AND $2.50Kor the North asid East Depart Is todav u in irii Inunch rap led inparuculacly fitting thai this ibinr sbould for the sale of Krfretiiinc and Hraillan rederals Helplessh lil

Bute Umlledi.uciii

3:4Spme:ouam occur. I appreciate your being here very wanhts tn Huaula In the Jatii r, M Is believed tbe rederal- - ar- not in a

Mn M.lhl pi nvei near here he adrallT bemod lo rich Maroon cxrv.r a tern pad In (old, artistic lexiay4 Golden - - much." and ear before i, ..hi the rrnlsei 'oaiiion 10 do anything but eel on tlie de-fensive

dead an- Mi on. jtistinann and lur deelgn, xvxlb 16 rail-p- er portraits of tba worlds most tamoxsa2 calltornuui t either of these (wo cblldn-- and two rtllldi n ofIfM ha weet from '.hill and delivered her In plan against aingsra, and complsse dictionary ol musicalid'- attacks of the John C, nm kin verme.

.i ICvnreea ..... StsOam niPI.OMATlC I ÜNSI LAB APPROPRIATIONS. Japan while thai country and China were combined cousmuthin-jii- iüól'ds l imited ÍHMI dm armies. Tbe only commit nlcat ion from 1'hoae aaved fliickhol;., wife,

S 7 :sftactually at war. In the Spanish Ainerlraii ampien with Ihe 1 nltni stales bv rtll child Weber. retain e

COUFONS 68cbpectol or on and SecareCity pes the $1.50t Copper Bill It mil. ProMdr 11. ,1 hi mn- - Toklu, war. m r. V mi ac ted as ihe n m ride nilal leiefrrafit) is through a riuimi about way of BuckledAND Volume

utwade A El rase IteUrsevd. Berne and Mexico CMy. afent Of the I 'n tied iaten (overmneni 'n na Monterey, communication bv theKle(Beau Pe Bystaam.) Ay (AesAsaeciaied ne(otlatiuns fur the purcbane of war v s to Tdrreon from Monterey The body of J a, tmien Wall bound la plain green Enrlteh Cloth, but without tbe

Prom tbe riolU Arrive Washington, May 17. The iiipiniiiaiir ami tvels and equipment has alreadybeen established. children wi- - biiiirhi gallery of leraoua sincere.ana Mcileo Bxpreas 30 SAI em consular appropriation bill aggreralloe Hneria'a Mehoolmaatar.hlft El Psso Pssnger 8:10 pm s' vtaa paused by Uie house yener There i no reason to believe that Mr. Lawn Mowera aharpentd. Abac Arms A "f hv Mall AeJ.1 IR Eilra for Insured rrei Toattor the North Depart nay. 11 provide, roc llie acquisition or em Flint is laaina my les- - intereii in ibe pre Cycle Co (Adv.)

a i hlcego Paae aualam "HEART SONGS" ssiifti..Kanass Off T;, --o...-e'o Peat Uull s:w m

baoy siten anil bundling in Tokio al lino. ent turmoil amona aim Americana. .n'1 t,-- "In one volume DlSüUp.aa. CIi.mi bvChicago OOO: In Berne. Switzerland, at ,lio.ivxi. and there t K'Hid reasofi t" believe thai he un ron iiienk any one In advance for ja.OBD muele lov.r. Fswr rr. lo complete th honk Evtif .so .a) olnolMIr.Galvaetee, HerrUbers Sao Ai Kmlo B, In Mexico CRy at 98n,ooó. a freah Intercut tn thai he may fairly call heir 'sisinnre.

(Souther n 1c Syatei Inirlinr the debate on the Mexico cily em himnelf a aim Amerh an srhoolmaMter.Prom tbe East Arrive basK.v. ItepreHcntalix.. Wlngo .,r .xrkaii!.a. The Inteniallnnal HrbooN company, whlcn A 111 ra lia han a fence 1.20o nillea

S Sunset rlspreee .... 5 SO pm protested 11 would lie long;a waale of neiney. la do ii a excellent ediKattoual work101 80

the "eel. 10 xo pm "la there any man hi re who believe, we throurbout l.atln AtnerP a repreaenta, Mr.


Bnaaet Limited . 8:30 amare going to need a building in Mexico Flint aaya, bla only preaenjt activity in Mex-

ico,IJBIUO'M . 4 :30 pm cily for inaiiy he asked. but Ihat company, or which he la10 Sunaet Kswrsea . Sopas "We may patch up iicgre now. but in,. director, and of which one or hu buaine.

Per tke Kaat Depart history of Mexico show, chai? Mexico', 'Hill' IS IllaUláasTlllér- II Mil tC-103 Sunaet Limited a 40 am history for t yeara ha been one of nrlfe prealdent, la conlrlbuiina; lo the education Beautiful Doll10 Sunaet

tke WeatEspress .10.110 pm revolution, anarchy and deapotlam. I do or the Mexican people by the rorreapond- Great BigVqr not want war. hope it can becaUfornlaa ..... a 53 am averred: Inn enee i to a tn-et- decree than any

0 Buaset Exprese o:uo pa I am not rhertthlng any llluMon thai we oibec external Influenee, It Is admittedly1UI BUuee 13 pa will Beie permanent peace m Meiico vintii aomeihlnt- to ay that one u treideniere take poaseaiiun of that country. hope Muerta' achoolmaaier. Hut this ia juil 'Teems a Paeule staUweuj. II can be aeerled. but I exerl what Mr Flint doea ay; and he produce irrom tbe Eas- t- Arrive we will have war " the reenrda to ahow thai Vlcmriann Huerta COUPONr. weal Kinross 0 Mi am For Absolute Success5 CsoDOa ftsll 1 S:0Opm Is at the preaent moment taltlnv a cottrabTot tke l.eparl Hperlal American Train in Kntluh at Mr. rilara acbool. And hia FeedMu tkt asocie Ire frees In Raising Chickensr.nnúñ Ball 7:46 am mmiiier of war. oen. Blanquet, - bavtnvl pBSt BprtW " pm Mexico I lly. May I7.- -A sneelsl le.m i apparently enoutrh letaure io perfect MAY 18carry Americana lo Puerto Meilco will leave in French at the same inatttution. "PERFECTION" HEN AND

NATIONAL RAIL WAV Or HfcXIIU. here Qwon May Bi. Brazilian minister hai fiinl f i evrraataI mr Arrtve CHICK FOODlog completed arrangement with the Mr. tint and Oeneralgov CarranxaM are;t)rx i, m Juiru 7 00 b m ' 'ernment today. II I, exponed mat mn frtendi. and lUtawtae be rounta Vtlla and It will produce more Ebbs, heal-thierAinerlraii will leaxe and it I in...,.,,, ,.. other ronatllutionalut lettora who f.o1an photo-rraph- a rhlcke, than any on

AlllWlS Dfvlrrs Lfd-ra- l AM. this will be ihe Igal special American train han in hla oTtleeto tBat clly. The Amenrgna have friends, (ten Felipe Anieles

u veryand


tha market. How to Gat the Anna Belle Dolla Clip ix of theaeIVflvcr, Colo., May 17. Federal aid m ixw pesos 10 ihe American Red Obrefon he reyerta particularly as men or ; .TRY ITt rinrlDf tboui a etlleniH-- nt of u Colo-

radoCross aoclely through Ihe a resillen mm a type rrom wptab Mexico and jnoee who couponi of consecutive dates and present them with

coal miners' airfka ! dealred br wish Mexico well may etpec, much. ThU For Sale By All GrocersloV"Mr.


Anunonihia mttmaiion

ereq ir Preildenttoat rleri

Wlla--Heulhw aten Weather

rrotip know that ihey can count en Mr. 20c at Time Branch 9, 105 Texas Street. If by mail,larerail i linf- - adrice and cu operation hi planiroopa nut aooa be wltbdraivn from ibe Btr lc Xitndattd Pt to enlist t'nited .tutea aid in

any W. D. WISE & CO.reatorinf add 4c for Addressirlke diatrirt. Oorernor Amcnoaa ao an- - washlnsrii.n. May v.i t.s. . peace and order to tbe Mexican republic postage.pifunred htmaelf umlvbt rollowlo upon Monday, lural ahowera eaal Tne.. The rollowed Wholesale and Retailcourae toup this time byin mtrrehanfe of teltífram bettvt, him day fair.i ir and i reai.ieni Wllaon. m wtürh iii- -i Mew Mrttoo: Cloudv Monnav r,,..r,.i,,.

tbe two moat prominent conalliutlonallat Why Did Nary El Pasoeipreaaed a wlah that Colorado locel shower north Dortlnn mn.leadera meets with bla entire approval, Soedt-Feed-Kou- ltry Supplies Morning Times,.arranza dtd wail, be thinks, tohnld be allowed w retulate ita own ably lair. T in tbe occupation of Vera crux after

aequieacaIOB BT. riaill l Ohlbaabna á Ind.

di.'Mculllea wivboui ttm of ibe Ailuoa- Hrubablv fair avu. .. . maktnrpretence .,,.1 EL TEXASi mted 3111.

tie-- ronnal proteat whicb Ma foilowara Leave Home? Phone 11 and 5290 PASO,mlybi well have expected. Carranxa a

" "I

10 EL PASO MOANING TIMES Monday. May 18. 1914.

moment w lifii aallnV In llaalVStn t -A SYMBOLIC DEATH fully tu in i "iii




rendernilba,-- "

inrirv IH1rl Ihnpriwr. anon7? mi edy one wront art by another. Opposine

of hit will 10 do Ihe hit tne will, OPEN ALL NIGHT curreots meet whenever- - e seek to justify.osan ror hla itApcntl'-n- ! our moral delinquencies bv anylhlnf shortven iimn death. Tim burial of our wills raiulK or III. MlnU.. a. rOJad andmío will h reckoned tn lr our denh aport-

i nui anMimi nun. riaar rlr'l daUvar towards ímki ana mm m our HELPhumso hcinm. TrMfyf-.- the UHH It i. a i.roliah who mtík, lrM, ro, Lord Jesus í hritAND RFSURRECTION says. "Ve are to rum Htlrr kaarp sari mu.,dead, and your Ufé la hidul- Jont Mall Ord.ra Wa"n '"t-- i lit i Mid." I i.. in ttiencefnrHi A Honalm etmnt ,,,,, RKLKION OF NTH' TRCTAMENT- -

w sre mi longer" .ounK-i- t human betún on .....mi. . weeM. A. E RYAN & CO.... .. ... .. bin a .New Creature in chritL Thlsl ms. to cum' tlae mwmtKni. 0 laleaiely Practical, aya Rev. Henry Kester

,F" r"'"- w miw Mm mi i our wtm HIT o Iti Mlvirt WIN n miii'iital Tor ShaversHIM. tro pollry ran an is. ... ...... Of Ike Umtth uf HI lemrnlinto r.on will. H,n rsnm follow ed by our bftilnt to -. as Rev. Henry fcester or the Church of St.fiuiiii m oi urn to a new naiuie ranti. no Wllhool ahaMum all varalHalrr flat-lls- a a vi II. Iinurla. B(kar auftw ftral thu be Uernent preached Hundsy on 8L lames' d

Tha pastor nt discussed waled hap .. ..... ... IeF aollari In ttw definition of a true rllfton. He look for For your comfort , do thla: MoistenHapiUm

Importan"- -a mlud

of (benf Con

HrjlM l

KatilWiumi. ,m f.i


Imm. Hcvievlnr the nrlom if ..... K a,o i., mu. u m his text: "Pure religion and undented be-

forenesn with Un.Ona blfoTt BtrOD- -

aietaea. the .)if(..ririi (imnminatidni. he eipiain! ...niiint in aomathtn .... ... Ood and ihe rather la inn to vtali Wipe blade withIhflwhen-i- ihe' are i.ui in harmony wii-- i nv t.oia UM Idea anu Weaber's Ibe fatherless and widows la their afflic-

tion,. 7r hnvinf."irlpliirea. MelihiT nrlnkllna rmr tn turn-- von will h. in .... ... . . selfand to keep one unspotted from it we're""'It In any av be conanlrreil - maj i. t .ii.isiani s Oh, don't mention gladWashington, Ü. i: . it. ttw Lord tbe " :t7. Heworld James 1 Hid:May 17 Ptator iilrmre uf death anil burial. He rallM rtivrs into your to help.

Mu- - II. whose I'ho attention to ttw ran ttiat the ftreea woril nan, M. and u Hla atcward you tn lo "The religion or the New Testament u A I)irllonrv of a hundredin Mimu of Crea baptizo tu the aiaiiiru awr or inn . ..... - diinrr op New Ijooatttoaa an intensely practical rather ASan a theore-

ticalouter usee witn e,

thm not only pre rovei ln,. pluntlna anil that holly tin- fraanii-nla- . do nn .... IIS E. UrcrUnd Street. thing. H Is a life to live ratber Iban beetle.tnt the i. of wortla are uni in the (ireek when Resinol clears fulh Who rlarra lo deal Pilone JSV Quick s. aa esperlence io reel or lo talk about. io. ase, SOc- store i

mans redemption irlnklinr. i.,oiio or ralnlna m tneilnt. " 's - or n.ann. or wraith. "Religion is the result or a man's prac-tical

1 Oil Co 1

huí also ... Un o fully .no the treaker rover every phaae ... ........ 2 N. Broadway. I"lori.uai eiperlenc of the love of Ood, Oldthe in ton r agutí of hl anbjeri l hat n- - lert nn iloiihl llial Dein(."few fern s

from it- - bffinnintr Oiitneralon l the Krrlptural rorni 01 blp-- i pimples Ihe only way to get this experience Isreajrhert Ifldn turn. away bv. I. r. wmiunt througii communion with Ood. Tnts If not

test ..was. "There The paetor itrvolert a little time to IM a matter or accident but of law. We culti-vateupon mh n. of naiitmm an aei forth by the and bl'ckbMdt dl Dlsriisva aiarrlk-- .

rmtrlbnllou to Ike an acquaintance wiiq each other, sofor we are hurii-'- i iiapiKt. ami Di.ripie iiennniination. i,. PIMPLES Worw must we cultívale our sequsintance withWith him. h v hoert that oor limrinie rrlenila are nppear, unsightly complex-Ion- s

Ood. of. know OodW. can. course,hapiii'ii icin, prearhlnr the baptism lauirht try John becoino cit an, cloar.'snd Ri'i J. F. Williams nt trua rir.t R...11.1only

the aa He bts been pleased to reveal HimHapllM. not thethai lik I. haptOto Into ;hrlm .,,..,.hrtata .w. .vr ia. auoject or hlaw a '! op n mu ami that uhlle our baptist rrlenria Inav

vflv-ty- and hair health and inurnlnt. taiareth-. aalf to us. but a perfect revelation wasthe dead ht the llalli r. pi ni. a haie UM the Ulsrlplan beauty ar promot'v hythe re- - lion to ihn World."

1. ,1.1m, Spanish - English nade us In the person or Jesus. Christ,l llM-- and lor hla tail, "taa without love; that kind of love that thinksi.f i allier. yi have eiofihaalzeil ttie symbol ular of Resinol ami the man wltti the religion of our text la

ven vi ue . la'her than the reality onto use Soap an .i, a.....! luuirr rom nUi 0r Bookketepinc Stenogrpft J In touch witbMhe mind or Ood. It la what nol of Ita own, but of 'the thinrs or othretli?Il'llllll W 4 X death. Hie pavtoi rollv lll- - occasional application of Reninol ',omii and ler," jobn h. m Ood would do li is what Ood himseir ers;' love that goes about doing food and

" n'" of life." human I lained IH- - point; ior he 1,1 ..... aii n,r Ointment. Thcsas'Kjthtng, heal-

ingwiiv tint qtniiion. i;in than. u. ... .i R F. DAVIS, Manager did as He walked on earth in the that seeks to do those flutters that wllkten

The paslor called km t, the r' i Jrrtptitres bearlna upon the subjerl. M la ihinir i'oiim out or NManthT- uin tor personable one to be his best and to do his besl.preparations do their work Phone. 1 484-146- 5. Trust Bid. of Jesus Christ. Mlnlsteiin to thethai m- - leu did not read, buried by hap only afo-- we aee i li arly me rnnrnalon In- -i 11, . a or l al.alln lutva a ,,,, ,.1,

poorttsfti Inln waier, or prinkfM u h waler. volveil In the vailoil- - theories ,,r hri.i.W easily, quickly and at little coat, on tin- - Komi; w. learn tiiáa k.umh'. and needy Is reitfinn because it Is an evi-

denceKnowledge or Chrlsl, then. Involves some-thingbut "buriel by baptUm into dcaiti " doro lliat we ran apprerlali- the alnmlii-lt- or a man's willingness tu contradict or a going out of the life Oodward 'hapiixm. hi- declaren, , ;,,;: j of Hie rrlitiiral when even the moat expensive aturoao waa not atnvlalrl. to bts own selfish interests, n keeping ills commandmentsand something

picmre,, of the real i..h-- in Ike Mral aapllvni lato i lirKi cosmetics and complicated "I " inuarea, CCrtalS proule or "It Is not nor pleasant to do of a going out toward our fellow men 'lov-ing

easy these.if for We Histins are tons. use methodspostle tuiptatrv u .,u, trmix points of Huí III eslihllahi il the mm Hut water "beauty treatments" fail. my ore oblrcla or rldlrnli. m tin. one's neighbor aa thyseir. And theand follow Ills Irutructlona. He Is the things, bul the imngs are none. There-fore,

Mew in- fc Tmpi m v,ihni which the napiiain is a ymbolh al ratnnaiioo or aueh to My that aplrlttre or man wja leader. We arts the servants- Tbe test a man's religion la worth to him doing or Ood's will and the loving of one'ssymbol la n mere r..r,.: wiriever ami that Ifnmersion I, the Hrrlp-ioi- sells Resinol irum jaaarisiu was sprrfllly u, aulijrit In. o also wn ara more than neighbors are things that can be cultivated,th real haptum therein i a mean. rorio or baptism, the Every druggist lo anu Irlasays conquerors, Just what it costs htm in effort at wall aspastor then raime, ir ha w.m lhai nipnns e are builders, after tne and that are worth cultivating. We are toher of lh hoi .,r hni, the NewT;rea-Hon- , looslrtereil con In tbe denial of self. The irrellrlous liraKuhj.. presented tn Sop and Ointmen heal and eapininn ..: to defeat tad alíame. To conquer and not build,hui uliopvfi ha i( ii"t i not a Aw H'.inans There the .vpoalle sets rnrtn

erxTT, ,r quest. la brutish. Is centered upon self. The Irreligious man follow oa to know the Lord by obedientMtur , not tj mi'iiiliT of the Ikidv or Hi- - deep or burial with Jeans

ather aiklnaruptlnni, rtupltrhiiiK Tatatantly, and uir aeirrtion ot ine ulare or our lird a Wp must sou, then rcsp. We must plantIs indeed not irreligious but worehlpa htm and lovitig lives. One Can so persistently

i.hrlat. ilif.uah wara l,,,rn ara ncit raJuabJa for dandruff, seraa, buma, rcstni-nr- nao trees lert to human wlidoni and nlilvste. hi willl)aptfx(t In watrr the lime ttiat one gives his heart lo tbe bend will to the of Ood lhat dolnrihla is at onceandrtip iifhieons are the salt and seed or self, QDmmonesta thouKand lim. i i.oio ne is riraoneii bolla, i ate. Fur trial ah- -, free, write ta llnill.lleia ,iome beaulirul. culturnl. noo.i Ood's will eventually becomes a matter ntdead. Ilienn.ThMi ih )t.,wcd thai th real r.iltn as a .ew Beelnol. Dept. Belilmor. Md loin rliy would hive beam rtioarn-o- nethe earlh. Thy will be bulldlnr character and poorest form of !doUUjt To denyl.realnre In In he life, 'second The1st nature.' aa we samenil ihe end or iirne. Thm will say.they himself follow his MastajJ&shaniim i into i jo on and to culti-

vateUrKCa death, sit.mlil thainot into unik in would I Innewness or life and his keepinr with His ciajledwater. Thin pioirresslnf ftir ever, as I bellnve. Ood Is Uie side or Is true of doing fond. The deed of thehaptlBi iaka plan t thf daily i onise almoin he rhainrier religious 1pyfe. Thisalloaellier dirrerenl and mlialon. Bul be rama and fond, and tiod is love, and these elements Oood Mamaritaii was not a studied affair,h om thai l nol the to have 'andof Ihfl uoi hi only way use re-

ligion,dwelt in aiareth In ruinnmrm nr tb in ns will never stagnate. To thestop use but whichpurely a spontaneous art. That

II, eThe

i.hrlstlanpa-t- then eiplalned In what way THE MAN WHO FOUND ultrranee of ihe nronheav. He ahall nr of hem miff mean deterioration. Truth but it is the best way lo preach

at first was, perhaps, painful and irksome,hurled' ItisI

in hagiil.m wiiii railed a azaren.' is ever unroidinif. It is the nature of It to Christ, li is not so much as we talk re-ligion,rises ha, after faithful andto unjk In application persistent,of lifeCASTORIA newness NaUltolel, d so. Why should It stop? Let us all but ss our rellflon influences ourin nillo ihe eunaacraiad nnsiian. Hid ii., qtiratlnn. einrraaea hlf effort, become natural and enjoyable.brliPve In Its liTPal conduct about thatperpetuity. to those, us me are at-

tractedi,e passed nwa ,.1,1 aotlililotia. ..In ,,- anoillil roine be so In all the thtnfs that pertain tofor Infants and Children hlirhtT


i' liiiv kiwii plan' lo 00D IN THE CHURCH rnini a city or aurh .n, RKV. KIIWARD E. f'


Clement'sor repelled."

Calendar. the spiritual lire. In willing to do thenew motive the reth. On anotherhope occaalon It waa aaul. or lovlntwill Ood. and persistent service.,In Use if hfc. mliiK liod'l. dear i lillil. anvioi 'Seari'h Monday. Tuesday snd Wednesday, roga-tionFor Ovar 30 andYear Km. .Mil hi sc

look, ror out or Oklllee arlaetli apeaka of Ibe Uretlng or the Aeas, Taking days. we grow in the knowledge or Ood and ofAlwsyi bun . l f.i,T - Jill I, ihn Ooldmi HM PtftMV J him or un i l RT

no iirnpnet. Thl aplrlt or judrrnn-n- t on ior mi Ten aria Thursday, Ascension day. Service 10 a. m. His son Jesus Christ.''a iierann or berorn trial Is more orthe he Divine iiwi. Tn he t llltlMIW i Ml Mi It III I IVKHKIi till leas rhararterlatlr or hev. Kdw ai d K. iktoley occltplerl the pul

nnFriday, Junto auxiliary, tt07 Arliongevery are. No maiBgnature of v i.hnili.m llllhll III NKMIKfr. Til hkIIMOKH ler how

,.r the basl Kl Taso Piebyterlan church street, p. m.t loir, h oles.

as maelf lowly hla aurroundlnaa manamu i Sunday mornuif. His uibject waa "the. Friday, Woman's Htblp class, i m. The sahbath school or the Piral Presby-terian

mi nut n 'II) ami must not be p.- Treneroii aorlally oatraclaed ir Ire be or the seas." and his ten. Acts"5as???ei l.i a.i be x'.ouhl church will observe Children's Daythai ii iciihot deal The fieneral hrmr uf . rsirrda'- a nor a woman ir sin- be a ST 41. He saidi i with him DO WK KNOW JKNl'H CHRINT? Sunday morning . May (4. The diTerentrniirsp M "Flndlafl nd In Life. Imly. In the inlellrctital norlil a man la lids Is very aptly augfe-.v- or opposinirF - ;: i ür. Che Hok h Hi' Muís i ui M n in, iUi perlrnrrs not lo be diaparavrd limply berause or ciirm-nt- in life, us observe a few classes are preparing for ihe program, and

ialor ihfii huweii mat UimIins iinmoie utrin. Tne harkwoorla ..r IhiiiK--s whleh (nought thla ship Into dls That Is Vital Question. Thinks Reí. Charlea the entire school has been rehearsing Ihe

(in- (ho hun h hl Ii asier Ursi. there waa discontent amonf M. Ote ral reel. songs for the dayt Next Sunday will benot make for ihf Jih At ie Kti In cave 111 a preaident, the ranal path the md theaf?-,-. flfi i!h itil.V passenfer-- . crew. It looks like devoted largely to the interests or thuirci n iiiii-fl- law uitti i.i.i.- -i another and the lailorM bench nil II an-other.

-- uie Rev. Charles S. overstreet or the Firstmrdlalor. u do nnild moriiina; the pmior, reri Jtlce, deihrri'i more pan were desirous of what Is young people. The pastor, Rev. Charles L.not oüfer real alone rresbyterlan cburrh took ror his text Sun-

day.railed "a food lime." and were not senCurea )tlntimatlaiA. 'he third of the Herías of on Mimenl for ilielr u'uknraeei Overstreet. will preach an appropriate

Hlood and havr iheni We are told lhat Shakespeare' u ratre-- r ously concerned about the safety of tbe John 3:17: "This Is life eternal, thatL'oInod and Jiif'KPd ffi'tieral Ihrmr "Clndlnt '" d in Life's Kteiroi.iiod io thHr mind people's" sermon al the morningall lotrt unl end La hut. I'otiidn'i rean and Jubn.Bunvon. one or the ship The captain made the grave mistake they might know Thee, the only true Ood "young

lliniiKll ieu i.hilai, the Fathii hn made i bu parUfiil.-i- then n- sWf servtre, and It la likely that theternal h i r 1 1 c t mi vet V arrangement I mlrhtleat prraebera or the afea, waa a or hstenlnf lo tho crowd Instead or to m and Jesus Christ himself bts son." He youngfor the rhurcn. day mortiitifr was "Th Man Who Found Paul. The crowd Is said to be unsafe on people will have entire charge of the evetptcla hi ta tinker.tifri lew keep trie William t:arey waa a h, ..maker said:r ail for rule the Ood in Hip t:hurrh." IP Id: land as well as at sea. The crowd has nlnrwoman at ilod-rai- hc- -l of Iheir ahiitiv. tu rlrhicon-ne- a of "The He at udled the map or Hie world and "That tiod should manifest himseir isl'ea. rhurrh - the i e Where men sense of responsibility. The Intelligence or Tuesday afternoon the Woman's Mission-

arytne In - fiilfilh-i- in fheru aRontieit over the loat or heathen lands. manifest and natural. We cannotApos- - perfectlylh ii. i.iif- should empecí lo rtnd Do Kverv iMlnir ,n lis unit Is lost In Its Ignorant rabble. society wilt linio their monthly meetOeawajJ taalaai Free. He forr-ei- othrra Ur alt and lake ihtnk or and Uod not mak-In- rit ia drslR-ne- to up n in nut are or boasted utilisation, there a good gracious""' '.peak or .iid. Ms 'hanc't1,1 llH will be' "f-- i nailon Jng. The In charge orOffice: u. nn- r;iirM-tiJi-

Is árlame tice by his agitation or the condition or are many who arc willhif to follow the himself known to His creatures. This programto do more than merelv keen with in (rim Ha pulpit Miss kale ink and she will be aasllted by

' thf itoldcn Hut heathen. The learned sneered at this ;rereaence and conventionalities which are inenlfeidBi'on of Ood we know throufh na-ture,

Hule, lie symtwllc or HIh40S in Villi. Ml., fit. baa rovennnled to passion iilPailinir; lis the rollowlng women: Mrs. A. W. price,aid down bvPlome :uju Klv.. iij, i) or ins intere-i- u, ,i roiiiiiuinlon tablp ipeaks or iiapiist and assured him that when aristoemiir the word. anJ tbe 'word made flesh,'hih rutera. The the Mrs. W.savafes or of Mrs. I.. 1.. Robinson. D, Oelwlller,Divina uiii nu il to drink the nip which love and m.t Ahifliuif,.,1 am ready to aave the brathen He jungles Africa, or tn Jesut. Christ, all of which Is familiarrpsi'iiw. it ia South America and the souih Hacine seas, Mm. F. n. Oarrett, Mrs. C. I.. Overstreet

folhiwer- -r lilhpr pon l for all of Jesus' rouiatsu. burtini-H- of the rhureb swaken in nil woutii do il without iba aid or William have followed, without uuesiion. ihe con enoufh. We know Hod as we see Him In

and others. Miss ophle Gilchrist and Missnearta tin ronaclousti or Mu- cm me pr" Otrey. but he berame the master or many ventionalities which were established by Jesus Christ, a Jeius himsHf said. 'HeBuptlrd TheUllh ÍJirUl O'Neal will .UK Mexican sulos. topics II. .in run-- to languages and la as the rounder men f., ii ii. unt o ruiers in ancient times. that hsth seen Me bath seen the Fathermapire vth nuil niloi alioiir!!il'fr "'oild ho uiih ihf MatiT lo ror ihe arternoon will lie, "Menicu A Prop-

erin InniftKi- all inarts un- of Hod.

or the modern rorelirn missionary enter netr uieas. inererore, are as dark and also.' But the vital question that comesDOCTOR YOUNG I" dn the lUvlrii' u ill8"

Mj.i'""t...cont-e- i

m .........i iiimt"The taxi presmts

veryits- icord of a nun plise. Ferrar pays him this tribute: Tboae rooked as their trails throuirh the forest to ua Is; Do we know Jesus Christ? Hsve Portrayal."

N Kit VI- -, BMIOII, a TO MAC R. who In lhat wilds. Every minister, who has on "tbe The Men's club of the First Hnesbyterlanwhaiever he Kather M.a who day snrrreuvhai fenrland had we aeen Hiw? What does it mean to knowpermit to ruine wpnt Into the hiirrh In the days whole armor of Hod." will fearlessly de church will serve "eals tor women" ntI Hour-- . Daily ft lo G. Knndaf in " mm lh- poum ina own run when JiTusaipm was troubled ni listened sent a cohler lo convert the world' were nounce this spirit or aristocracy which Is Hlm? Instinctively we all feel an interestllooiii ', Clpxru-- i lliilldlnir. hurl..-- hlniself. 4 This ihe direct lineal deacendanta of who their regular monihly gathering Tuesdsynyr la those of 'everlasti''i ed hi hea.nifuliv and wondered and Worshiped. He was a so evident today In the church, the pulpit in that which Jesus speaks as

Over LlKhihndy'a,"imiuisie

water n-- n, rhnre the preacher of rls;hU'oiisne berore thia pvent, sneered In Palestine two thousand years and the press and in public, ofriclal and inr lire.' It was no doubt this Uiat Jesus evening.for. Trina Ht. and A.- - Ktven hiimipir into the hand or aro.' la not this tbeie iiimimr.iraior auhmiiH but he liti(r'd for Hip fnllei posslhlp en carpenter? private lire. u had In mind when He'Ullked about 'giving

hid or the other, nn khla will lo downiPin of the dlvlm- spirit. He went in answer to Nathaniel's question: Attain, the snip fell tnlo trouble in the lire and life abundantly.' But In order to AVILA LEAVER HUH.thev iioiu on one ihun run serrated,

Lordami Ule y hi nlnio la gr l, for whH 'Can there any good thing come out or face

the southor a natural danger, signal. "When have this lire It is necessary to know Him.wtnd blewhim down Into deaih Naxarelh?' sorily." they sel sail. This text tells us that knowledge Is neces-

saryNew Military (Governor el Chihuahua loand it la of Ilia may sppak to people out of the rhun n It was winter season and this soft south

S1UDYpower iiii this one will be raised up to we are surp Hp doe within It. H wnt "It waa simple and yet conclusive wind was a dangerous storm slgnsl. The tn life; that you cannot have one Assume DnUca ol His m th6HUk i HANDhonorthe perrcet lire beyond the veil to m in riant Hfiint and be ua not 'Come and see.' dldn'l want a dts sort south wtnd in the lemptatlona or life, without the other. To know Jesaa Is 1o General Fidel Avila, recently appointedCompetent are ta and


Mharlnir lh- - reaur aenalon none was needed. Our blessed re-

ligionwe all know amnethlnf or Ha allurement. hsve the life, or, as we say, 'the sphMt' of military governor or the state or chihua-

hua,ronataix dvmund. locura the Urearg in-Heaurrertivu. "A wonderful n'vrla'tion rame lo hltn cravoa Investigation. Do aome rind There la hardly a temnfatlon in in- which Jesus. It ,ls well ror us to understand thai will leave Juarez this morning aboard

Üyat'm--StmpI-- ealet and tos!. .oiiiPthinifpaiur


thanlhat thl hapitsm Hp was impresHPil a ppver before wtn fault, saying. 'It la a religion having almost does not come to us with this forerunning the word 'know' as used here has a rar a special train ror Chihuahua rity to takemerely Hip (iohlen altogether " slgnsl. o that we could discern them charge or the state government. He willto do with the realm or raith as than Isii Whtdi .ill- - for nlnnit nm )p hoiini of Ood- It was reNerded ;, be more importatnt meaning ordinarilydanger signals and intellectually and be accompanied by members of hisRut per-

sonal1. .111, Ilea at ihe'aniri.p. Whoever would drink chrlsf (he Saraphlne flowing with holy fire roundallon or nearly morally weather wise. There is scarcely a attached to It In our ordinary speech. It staff, his office force and othersup mu HI ifriiore pr and Its prrferenrfjs-fu- Ihpy Mis hollfti-s- tn tones of all ihe acttrltle or thla lire. The rarmi r wrecked UTe hi the world which was not possesses tremendous significance connected with the Juarez military govern- -

whoever ni oirri-- with uim shall thunder, rryina: 'Holy, holy, holy, la Je sows in ralth. the merchant buya In rami, lured rrotn Its moorings by some sofi, ".Now there are certain standsrds where umitaalso reiirn with Him iiovah. At i.i the wtiole earth Is full the patient takes the remedy or 'the pnv captivating, south wind. by we mey discover whether we know Frederlco rionzalcs Garza, legal ailvtser loif His holhip-- ' hi- y threshold alelan in rum. the puaenger entrusts ins "1-- .ill uie in lo a place where Iho seas Jesus or nol. Here Is one: 'He t"at aalth General Avila during his term or militaryileal h his trpnhpi and from iho lire 10 the safe varrlage or the rallroa.i met, they ran the ship aground." The know Him and keepeth not his word, is roiiiiiiauoer or, josrei win accompany it) m

tola Uldti., ...i tnloa luttitnB to train, ir we did not have ralth In seas hsve many meeting piares lu our lives. ' to chihuahua and vill act In the sameheavi-nl- aftar llrpn mokp mounts nn. fill a liar and the truth is not In him InWhen we yield to evil propensities: allow capacity io General Avila there, senorLONGWELL'S Ins; Hip wholp pinn- with sarredneaa. Th' or somebody we could nut live, nurselvca io be pulled lnu the current of other words, tn know Him we must obey Garza will not replace Sylvestrp Tenazas,TRANSFER whole sipni' ronvrvpd lo the prophet's tihrisiianlty is simple ra'lti. in one wim wrong im iiinauoot when we beirin to lake His voice and keep His commandments. as secretary or siaie, u was said resierdny

Ii. MOHR hum, .ni, muí. a new sense of the while has saved us and Is able In keep tint risks lu wrong doing. When we say, " As He once said lo Ills disciples, 'Ye are by Juarez officials.rk.av. a purity or Hod, whom me rafter he della-hln-

which we have committed lintoHlm agalns! ran lieal ii Ihrnufh that channel," or, "I My disciples. If ye keep My command-ments.'

Manuel Bonilla, a member or the cabinetAiitaaaobllaa. Ilacka, IJrar,. to ail ui.- 'Huh mi,' of lirael, and it that day. Christianity relieves the bodi'y can make it around that reef; I can weather Christ must dominate. He must of the late President Francisco Madero, fitsCut Rate Hardware, Auto iru.p mi to in- and mental condition's or men. It 'hull la that cape; can reach the open sea without be lord and master, (lur wills must be been appointed by General carranza to aidDaifai. Trtaeka Asylums, hoapltala and orphanages. 11 running into the hidden rocks; I cau run as legal advisor to the military orflcltlt ur

Paint anil Glass. Llgbt ".Home very prar ileal results Immedlniely or Hie broufht under His. Without this sover-eignty

and shead toUaavy Haallag. produces the hlglieal type or etvlllxall-t-l- mm port storm." But thero Juarez, succeed Senor Gonzalez Garza. Helonoweti biso, it roni'd tne prophet t s

You is Hie uneiperied change In the current, we cannot know Him, according lo will assist Colonel Ornelas, the new mili-tary0 South K1 run KL rather palnrui or his own Marquis Ito said. will rind Hut re ihe sudden chante or the wind, and the the very words' or the New Testament. eommiiader or the rity. and will also

mndp him ready lo receive the llglon Is al Hie lioitoin or western rlvlllU' ship, so to speak, la lost. Indulfenre whlrh How many or us. then, know Him? 'Our handle all international questions broughtdnisiir cleansiriK thai rami to htm. hroiiirni Inn.' Rut t:hrlstlanlty's crowning dulls our sense or responsibility is a crime wills are ours, wo know not bow, our wills berore. the iiillliary officials of Juarez,by Hip Heraphim in Hie form nr a live hutlon tu Ihe World la spiritual hrlnis in the slfht or Hod. The dally ores lavs are our lo make them Thine.' señor Bonilla has not Citen an active partol salvullon lo a lost race. hare in us Ihe rocks and shoals where lives In ihe present revolution until recently,froni off die "Here another standard, teal: 'He

Custom Dr. Carl Smith uiiar, and prepan-- htm The wbnle world waa lust In the itara. break up like stranded shins, swept there is, or although he hss long been a staunch eonAssay Office lo answer ihe summon nr Hip Lord lo ness or by Hie notion that habitusi sinning is hlaftie-les- that loveih not. knoweth not.' In other aUtutlonallai. He recently came io JuarezCRITCtllCTi' RDPTORK, enter upon Hip utuvquiilns task lo which asln. sinning, and uolhiiif wrong about It. words, we must Hssess the loving spirit of from the south where he had been in con-

ferencel t Ki.t son. IlliOOO, SKIN, I IV1IC The light or' Ihe world Is Jeans.' "

lUUNtCY ihe sent him m m day. ihe seas meet wnen we attempt m rem Christ. There can le no knowledfe or Him with General Carranza.Aaamjrara, Cli.mlala. Matallurdna. AND it wait a tv ipHPiina;. ralmlns reRepreaantatlv for Orav siiii.ut'ia. D18EA.SKS UHmu i it t IhbIsIi received. It was arou--ini- r. RKV. J. uiii it mm MILKY.110 Son I Is, Ht., Room. S37-31- dlalurlunr. but n pointed

M I'atao. T.saaa aTlrat NaUonal Uaink RIdaj. Hip way lo peare. Talked of Ihe ttloafuerar and thr :onqiirsi" mpv. j. wit, omo iuipv 01 wdyiiii Mount!,l uiuai to home by Ihe way or

ttir ero N. St.. ogrupled Ihe pulpit al Ihe Westtot,TIktp is no other was hut this; minster PresHyterlan

He of thechurch yesterday

mornlnf. spoke conqueror andshall ne'er tret slirhl or thu irates or lift ml hip conuuesi, laninr ror ins Ten. munHiit Coffee Finds Its Placeir the waj or the rrosa I nilas.' 8:7. "We are more than conquernraMl re I If ion," says one. 'la mntiral.' throufh Htm that saved us." lh part Mr.

.nol her nays. All re tiflón in lis most vimi Hlley said:BOOST EL PASO pvpresslouBdth

Is di'votion to aonte frest task.' world(ahrlatlanlty




forceofin the

theThe Literary Digest, of March 28. 191 4, quoting the New York World, says :

ara tin... bul Hip utter frlps and holds fospel are the word of Ood, the Holy spiritAnd in', ror In this dlrccUoip alone Ilea, peace. and the surrendered tnesaenser. lo oe aJoin "(oca i ii and ita allied intoxicants appear to beconqueror we must have the tire and spirit

THE EL PASO AD-CLU- B Tin: t htk or UIM ill or the all conquering Christ. Then our con-- . about the cheapest things in the market. They arewill be worth while.

To The Sulieet of Hev. C Bsber of Altura Ihe great Napoleon conquered becauaa seemingly cheaper than whisky, cheaper than beer,his soldiers believed In his ability aa a in effects than coffee."cheaper testproportion to orTORONTO RATE $78.50 rrrNiiytrrian t.hurrh leader; they look on hla spirit and life, itAi thu Altura PreMpyserian rhiuch yes did nol requlru a large army necessarily,terduy hev. W. r. Haber prearhed "Tne but a illon quality army. Quality connta

Waale or wpalih," rrow Ihe luit. Malt, everything, whether it is soldiers, preach-ers

The beat teaching of today is distinctly against the use of coffee, tea and"And they took up of the Trai,-m- or school teacher The two latter are

Texas Pacific "lis that twelve baskets full ' builders or character. Therefore they rouat other drugs, and drug-bearin- g beverages especially among the young. It is wellof



lu iart: 'W haveWe

beenhave possetsinundation.

quality and build on ibe right established that headache, nervousness, indigestion, sleeplessness, and other achesreaourcea. bum-- d The conquest or the world or sin Is be-

foreand desiroyed our roresla. sUiifhierod our the church or uod. We read. "The and pains are commonly caused by coffee drinking.fame, worn out our soil, and lost mum earth la Ihe Lord's and the rulloesn thereor,"NEW YORK AND RETURN $93.15 more of our natural resources. Private "Ye shall fo up and posseta Hie htnd,"fre-- d ha fobbled up the mines, the watpr "The meek shall Inherit the earih." "Knowl-

edge People are becoming alive to this fact and thousands have quit coffee andDiverse route Stopovers allowed. pouer, and fraeped inurh of the heriun shall run lo and fro throughout thewhole earth, and shall triuuudi." "All powerof our rouniry. Koretfuers are buytiif now useupi& given Into my hands, both In Heaven andme lauus anu masjiif s success or farm in where our people have failed and abau sin is an intruder in God's world. II baadon, 'it ii,. farm, we have been too nrodi ii" riifht here, li must be exterminated 11

fat in the use of the bonntle nature has will be done through love and the rightflVPU us teaching of the truth. "Ya are the light or POSTUMWe waste enoufh from our tables to the world. is lit destroys darkness. Mirreeu all the poor. There la enough WasU-.- iiual light will Illuminate the dark nations

Dr. H. A. MMllll'DFIl, Dr. A. lit It in. and corners of the world. "Where sinun petted dots and eats of the city to abounds, arace will much more aboundrwr smrvins puiiu m .mmiahualPi his earth la to be made uaradlac: thUvlllr, is ) Culrrcti Urailuate io in... H., Cullcan aISST

ttur vtirkreou clothes of today nuütes the very tardea of Ood. The sweetest flowersikuu aoiiutton man sipnar in all Hie flory ui earui are yei 10 grow, A food-drin- k.Miioiiinn s apparel. Ttw sen ant arirl belief in Us possibility --God's man and purehiday wrara a rltif that would inake tne "omen mi me ririnr line douvyc m nnDRS. MAGRUDER & BURTON final triumph or the glorious gospel. Allvrtieeu or sheba Kiv.'ti uuii envy, our nsturn has vast until tn private rsrs. In prt our great missionary work has bom arrom Made of whole wheat and a small per cent of molasses, Postum is a rich, fla-

vourshundrednlisJied In Hie oaal one vears.

DENTISTS vsie yachts, and in autonuibttes iü- believe tn less than another hundred years. beverage much resembling high-grad- e Java in taste, but is absolutely freemalnieiiani-- of fashlooable clubs end Hte work will be done. All of the hlaloryI -- tal. sin .1 IMS I rousume uuiltouñ or ttie world worth while, is thaf of men from the coffee-dru- g, caffeine, or any other harmful substance.

mi in. .11 are burned In tobacco. ami women, who rroaaea over uie inouuasipmiinn smoke in Uiy circles not oulv l',l "It Of tlilll.- "

Rrfrrracaav Aak Aiirune. y nioii Clottilnc Co. I'iKli-rneat- Va represeni property loas, but mental an trtfhters

Ml orsay:the world's

"It can begreatest


Let thlatad Postum now comes in two forms:pnyaarai tup litiino ii ;ik thought stick In your mind; ror these areappal

ute spifot.hut. and we are nerveless ato shut off men aua women 01 vipiuh. wu liiinii Regular Postum must be well boiled 15c and 25c the power or Hla lire, death and resur

ii tases a run nation to stand tho reí t ion. conouered the world to Its instrain, wasierutoeaa Is as wicked as mis cipiency. He conquered by kive. His love Instant Postum a soluble form requires no boiling 30c and 50c tins.erliurss. You do not havr to he a 'aiHtrt. at work today Is the greatest moral force inIi is 109 often the ease that the 'bent ns. world. Tbe missionary fruits prove The cost per cup of both kinds is about the same.ATTENTION, CONTRACTORS ante snort' is .... to thp nioral Issue una.of ins philosophy and love permeate all litthe rifht to waste clnfully. some or erature, even secular paiiers are glad to

1 Have Just Received a Car Load of Stock Poorsthe desd rams' ones ara. mi 'dead', as :o pobiiah

loe bindsthe


the brokenor the



fives "There's a Reason" Ior POSTUMle sweel hone of Heaven. His love futidHh' darkest path and brlahtens the saddesthome. This reliftoua philosopher's life andChas. R. Foster & Co love t written la five words. "He went Id GrocersLu W. HOFFECKER sboui doing food." out or hese words by everywhere.

INSURANCE have grown the world - betterinent.hui hnw fain m rnndiifr? The leu mm

thiougtt Him who loved us, abd gave im