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Generate High-Quality Leads Through LinkedIn

5 Strategies to

By Amelie Pinault

If you are like a lot of business owners,

your LinkedIn profile is just sort of sitting

there, with a beautiful profile pic, but with

a less-than-stellar profile that is barely

generating any leads.

Did you know that LinkedIn is 277% more

effective for lead generation than other

social media networks? Or that LinkedIn

makes up more than 50% of all social

traffic to B2B websites & blogs?

Well, thousands of businesses know this

and are leveraging LinkedIn to generate

and convert new leads every single week.

And with the right resource, you can

master LinkedIn for your business success


Table of Contents


I’ve written this short eBook as

a straightforward guide that you

can quickly digest and put into

action to start generating

high-quality leads through


How many business leads did your LinkedIn profile generate last month?

Strategy #1 Optimize Your Profile

Strategy #2 Identify Target Prospects

Strategy #3 Join LinkedIn Groups

Strategy #4 Leverage Paids Ads

Strategy #5 Go Premium

A Faster Option


Generating leads is a vital part of every

business. For your business to grow, you

need paying clients; and to get paying

clients, they need to know you exist and

trust your expertise. However, getting

to the point where you have a constant

stream of clients for your business is not a

walk in the park.

Fortunately, life is easier in this day and

age, and there are many technological

resources you can leverage to grow your

businesses. To give your business the

visibility it needs, putting it on social

media is your surest bet. And, according

to research, over 80% of B2B leads on

social media platforms are sourced from

LinkedIn. This makes LinkedIn the best

social media platform to source for high-

quality leads for your business.

However, generating leads on LinkedIn

takes more than creating an account on

the platform. You have to be intentional

when projecting what your brand

represents, and I understand this can be


To help you manage the

challenges of generating leads

via LinkedIn, I have compiled a

list of five ways you can generate

high-quality leads through the


Optimize Your Profile For Leads To Find You


The first step to generating high-quality

leads on LinkedIn is your profile.

For starters, your profile should be

completely filled out, as that is a direct

indication that you are a serious business

owner. Your profile should answer the

question of what you do in precise terms.

You cannot afford to be vague. Many

people have the attention span of a

goldfish, and won’t waste time trying to

understand the services a vague profile is


For instance, instead of “Lawyer,” you can

use “Brand Protection Lawyer for Coaches

& Online Content Creators.” These are less

vague, and your profile can be found faster

than when you use “Lawyer.”

Also, when filling out your profile,

it is imperative that it is LinkedIn

search optimized; you can achieve this

through the use of keywords. Long-tail

keywords are better for high-quality lead

generations, as they are more specific. So,

for example, instead of “Graphic Designer,”

you can use “Graphic Designer Miami” This

will help targeted leads in Miami to find

you more easily.

However, while keywords are relevant,

it is important not to lump too many of

them on your profile. In a bid to play the

system, many people make the mistake of

using too many keywords on their profiles;

this is not effective and can appear


The final thing to do when optimizing your

profile is to hide the “people also viewed”

section. Typically, this section shows your

competitors, people who do similar things

you do. If their profiles are compelling, you

could lose your prospects. To avoid losing

potential leads like that, you can hide the


Identify Target Prospects and Engage Them


Unless you are selling water, your target

market isn’t everyone. So, you have to

identify your target market. Who are those

your product and services are meant for?

What are their titles? Where are they

located? How large is the company they

work for? When you’ve identified them,

you need to engage them, and show them

how your business can help them.

For instance, if you are a leadership

and management consultant that offers

training, your target prospects should be

decision-makers of organizations that

need your services. It would make sense

to search for HR executives, but you

probably don’t want to work with any

company anywhere in the world. What do

you do then? You can search for people

with filters. Searching with filters reduces

the number of people you get to meet,

thereby providing you with more targeted

quality prospects.

Once you have identified your

prospects, you can request

a connection. Do not send a

connection request without a

personal message attached. It is

indicated as optional, but to set

yourself apart, it is absolutely


Connection Request


I saw your recent post on the

benefits of leadership training for

employees, and I really enjoyed

reading it. I’m a leadership and

management consultant and

found the piece insightful. I’d love

to connect to learn more about

your work and see how we can

collaborate professionally.

Best, XXX

You have only 300 characters, so

be concise and intentional in your

connection message. You can look up your

prospect’s profile and tailor your message


When you’ve connected with a prospect,

try to engage with their content. This

does not mean going on a liking spree

of all their content, but leaving insightful

comments, and thoughtful questions on

their recent posts. Also, on your profile,

put out valuable content that is educative

and informative to your prospects. In

doing this, they will recognize you as

an authority in your field and reach out

to you when they need your services,

without you having to pitch them.

Join LinkedIn Groups Where Targets Hang Out


Joining LinkedIn groups that are relevant

to your industry is a proven way to find

quality prospects. You can even create

your own group, but this takes a lot of

effort to maintain. If you do not have this

luxury, you can join a pre-existing group,

and join the conversation. But make sure

that you join groups where your prospects

are active, and ideally avoid groups filled

with your competitors.

For instance, if you’re a SaaS copywriter,

you shouldn’t join writing groups to look

for leads. Instead, you should join groups

for tech companies and top industry

trends. To find groups, you can run a group

search using industry keywords. You can

read about individual groups when the

search result pops up and connect if they

fit your goals.

Beyond engaging with group members

who are your prospective customers by

posting useful content and comments,

you can also use it to grow your network.

You can leverage it as a great lead-in to

send a personalized connection request to

prospects, thought leaders, and potential

strategic partners in your industry. This

will work especially well if you’ve been

engaging with them in the group.

Leverage Paid Ads To Reach Prospects Outside

Your Connection


LinkedIn Ads offers several options,

including sponsored content, sponsored

InMail, and text ads. But, sponsored

content is particularly great. No matter

how engaging your content is, only

people in your existing network and their

connection can access it. Sponsoring

your content is an excellent option to get

around this limit, and reach out to high-

quality prospects that you do not share

connections with.

You can be extremely specific when

making sponsored content. With the

features like Interest Targeting and Click

Demographics, your sponsored content

can be set up to be published to only

your targeted users. This means that only

a pool of high-quality prospects will see

and interact with your content. And, with

more high-quality prospects seeing and

interacting with your content, more

high-quality leads can be generated for

your business.

Go Premium To Leverage More LinkedIn Features


Using the premium version of LinkedIn

can help you generate high-quality leads,

with unlocked LinkedIn features, like

InMail and Sales Navigator Pro services.

For instance, you can use InMail to send

messages to people out of your network.

This includes people who have viewed

your profile, as a premium account gives

you access to their information. You can

also use the advanced search filters and

other sales tools in Sales Navigator Pro to

find and convert more quality leads. One

more great thing about LinkedIn Premium

is you can cancel at any time.

A Faster Option To Generate

LinkedIn Leads This Month

There’s no doubt that LinkedIn is one of

the best platforms you can leverage to

generate quality leads. All of the strategies

I’ve explained in this guide can help you

get quality leads from LinkedIn. However,

they require a lot of time and effort, and it

may take time before they start to work.

So, you may want to explore an alternative

option, which I’m currently offering to

businesses that want to generate LinkedIn

leads right away. This option, known as

‘Done For You’ LinkedIn Lead Generation,

enables you to get 10+ qualified leads from

LinkedIn monthly without you spending

tons of your time and effort.

With my ‘Done For You’ LinkedIn

Lead Generation Service, you

won’t have to do anything to

get LinkedIn leads. I’ll handle

over 90% of the groundwork of

generating and qualifying high-

quality leads, then send them

straight to your inbox. All you’ll

have to do is close the deal.

Want to learn more about how my “Done For You” LinkedIn Lead Generation Service can help you

get LinkedIn leads faster?

Contact me now to book a

FREE consultation!


[email protected]

Book Directly On My Calendar

I am a sales and lead generation

consultant who has helped business

owners and companies generate over 20

million dollars in sales. I help businesses,

from solo entrepreneurs and startups to

multinational corporations to generate

leads on autopilot, strategically increase

their revenue, and leverage technologies

and resources to create systems that save

a ton of time and money.

With my 12+ years of sales, marketing, and

business strategy experience, you’ll get

tremendous value when you work with me.

However, I stand behind the quality of my

work and provide a 100%

money-back guarantee on all of my

services, which include business coaching,

sales consulting, and done-for-you

LinkedIn lead generation services.

By Your Side

If you’d like to discuss how I can

help your company generate

more leads and get new clients,

click here to book a discovery

call with me.

An Expert