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Balancing in the Playing Field:Perception of Both Men and Women Sports

Reporters onGender Equity in Philippine Print Sports





Analou C. De VeraJerica V. dela Cruz

Rachele Cherrie May S. Echevarria





This chapter provides an overview of the study. It contains the

following; Background of the Study, Rationale, Statement of the

Problem, Theoretical Framework, Conceptual and Operational

Framework, Hypotheses and Assumption of the Study, Scope and

Limitations of the Study, Significance of the Study and lastly,

the Definition of terms.


Equality is one of the essential human rights. The issue on

gender balance has long been a subject of debate and is

considered as one of the challenges both male and female

journalists is experiencing- resisting the common stereotypes

reflected by the cultural norm.

Gender Equality is defined as “the concept that all human beings, both men

and women, are free to develop their personal abilities and make choices without the

limitations set by stereotypes, rigid gender roles and prejudices. Gender equality means

that the different behaviour, aspirations and needs of women and men are considered

valued and favoured equally (Geneva ILO Manual, 2005, pg. 48).”

The fixed images rooted in the cultural context of every region

has deeply established prejudices and biases that pose as a great

challenge in every journalists and the media itself

(International Federation of Journalists, 2009).

Historically speaking, journalism is traditionally a male

dominated field, particularly in the world of sports. Since

sports is highly viewed as a field for masculines with its

content primarily focuses on the interests of the male, it is

said that this field is largely been preserved “for men, about men

and by men” (Toro, 2005). But through the years, with the attempt

of breaking the barriers of gender biases, women start to be seen

on this male dominated field of journalism.

The considerable growth and involvement of female journalists on

the athletics field has guaranteed them a spot in the field of

sports media. But because of social stereotypes in women, female

journalists is continued to be challenged.

The Philippines have a long history of adapting a patriarchy

system as influence by various colonizers in the past. In the

workplace, men are typically in charge or hold the highest

authority over women.

The country is still struggling to close the gender gap in the

workplace and achieve gender equity that leads to equality of

both men and women in the so called “male dominated field,”

particularly in the world of sports journalism.

Gender Equity is described as “Gender equity means fairness of treatment for

women and men, according to their respective needs. This may include equal treatment

or treatment that is different but which is considered equivalent in terms of rights,

benefits, obligations and opportunities (Geneva, 2005, pg. 48).”

This study was pursued by the researchers to add to the growing

research about the gender equity in sports journalism.

Cast within the framework of Stand Point Theory, this

quantitative study will explore the perceptions of sports

journalists on the issue of gender equity in the Philippine

sports print media, with the help of the three major broadsheets

namely; the Philippine Daily Inquirer, Philippine Star and Manila

Bulletin, wherein the researchers will get the participants for

this study.

Background of the Study

The study will particularly focus into the perception on gender

equity on Philippine Print Industry in Sports Journalism.

Gender Equity is the set of actions and resources equally

distributed to both genders, male and female. This helps to

provide opportunities to the individuals and ensures everyone to

achieve social, psychological and physical benefits.

Achieving Gender Equity is needed to have a sustainable

development. All individuals have their own gender roles yet due

to gender-based disparities glass-ceiling effect exist. One of these

disparities is income disparity which is linked to job

stratification. Glass-ceiling effect is considered an invisible

but real barrier through which the next level of advancement can

be seen. It implies that gender or other disadvantages are

stronger at the top of the hierarchy than at lower levels and

that these disadvantages become worse later in a person’s career.

Moreover, Philippine Sports Print industry is a form of writing

that reports on sporting topics and games. It is an essential

element in news media organization. Sports writing is one of the

difficult fields when it comes to the journalistic writing yet it

has always been the hottest, next to the news which is the most

important.  A kind of reporting that begins from the blast of

victory up to the throes of defeat, sports stories are all about

the all-too human drama of competition and courage.

Sports is definitely an athletics thing and it was obvious that

is was dominated by male. This study will discuss weather sport

journalism especially when it comes in print industry are also

dominated by male or it just that male journalist suits best for

this kind of job.

There will be three broadsheets where the researchers will get

the participants. The broadsheets are all based in Metro Manila;

Manila Bulletin, Philippine Daily Inquirer and Philippine Star,

for these are the top broadsheets in the Philippines.

The Manila Bulletin

The Manila Bulletin was first established as The Manila Daily

Bulletin from 1906 to September 23, 1972 and the Bulletin Today

from November 22, 1972 to March 10, 1986.

It is known as the Philippines' largest broadsheet newspaper when

it comes to circulation, which was followed by the Philippine

Daily Inquirer and Philippine Star. It bills itself as "The

Philippines' Leading National Newspaper", also as its official


The Philippine Daily Inquirer

Philippine Daily Inquirer is undeniably now the country’s most

widely read newspaper. With over 2.7 million nationwide readers

daily, it enjoys a market share of over 50% and tops the

readership surveys.

The PDI started its publication with less than P1 million as its

seed money. Its prime issue had been published on December 9,

1985 wherein it sold 30,000 copies.

The Philippine Star

The Philippine Star was the front runner newspaper of the Star

Group of Publications. It is owned and published by Philstar

Daily Inc. The STAR's journalistic principle is anchored on the

Biblical motto, Truth Shall Prevail.

The veteran journalists Max Soliven, Betty Go-Belmonte, and Art

Borjal founded The Philippine STAR on 28 July 1986 which is a few

months after the EDSA Revolution that overturn the strongman

Ferdinand Marcos and propelled Corazon Aquino to the Philippine


The said newspapers can give the researchers the current state of

the Philippine Print Industry among the gender equity when it

comes to sports journalism.

Rationale of the Study

The study’s main objective is; to determine the perception of

both male and female sports reporters on gender equity in the

field of Philippine Print Sports Journalism in this contemporary


In association with the main objective stated, the following sub-

objectives shall also be covered:

1. To figure out the profile of the sport journalist in terms


a. Gender

b. Education

c. Age

2. To find-out the hiring practices of the three broadsheet

companies for their reporters working in their sports


3. To identify the qualifications of the three broadsheet

companies when it comes in hiring a sports reporter.

4. To find out the differences in assignment opportunities

given between male and female journalist in the sports

departments of the three broadsheet companies.

5. To determine if there is discernment among male and female

sports journalists in terms of:

a. Sports beat assignments

b. Incentives and benefits

c. Promotions

d. Tenure

6. To assess the effect of the perception of the sports

journalists in the Print Media Journalism.

Statement of the Problem

The researchers shall determine the views of sports journalists,

whether the existence of gender equality in the field of sports

Journalism in the Philippines in this contemporary society is

occurring or not.

Hence, this research study has formulated the main problem: What

are the perceptions of both male and female journalists on the

gender equality in the Philippine print sports journalism.

In association with the main problem, the following sub problems

shall also be examined:

1. What are the total numbers of sports journalists, both male

and female, working in the respective sports department of

the three broadsheet companies?

2. What are the hiring practices and qualifications observed by

the three broadsheet companies in employing sports


3. How does work or assignment opportunities differ from male

and female sports journalists?

4. What are the experiences of both male and female sports

journalists in covering sports related assignments or


5. How the perception of the sports journalists about gender

equality affects the Philippine sports journalism industry?

Theoretical Framework

The Theoretical Framework linked to this study is the Stand Point

Theory. This theory explains the ideas of both the dominant and

the dominated occupy perspectives; the dominated are much more

successfully placed to achieve a standpoint. According to this

approach, the mass media are controlled by the dominant class in

society which uses it as a vehicle for exerting control over the

rest of society.

Standpoint Theory was conceived by the sociologist and feminist

Dorothy Smith who defined the idea as “what one knows is affected

by where one stands (one’s subject position) in society.” She

argued that the only way that we can see the world around us is

through one lens and that is out standpoint.” She breaks this

theory’s definition down into three parts: there is no objective

knowledge, no two people have the same exact view, and we should

not take our personal standpoint for granted. She conceived this

theory due to her personal experiences in sociology as the

discipline was created by white, middle-class, males who only saw

their own relevance in society. She argued that their failure to

realize that they were creating a masculine discipline made the

field bias as it excluded women and their standpoints. (Soc

Theory; Departm ent of Sociology, Occidental College)

Smith proposed that there is no such objective knowledge, for

that each person has their own perceptions about things.

Perceptions that happened to came between the material of

experiences, power of society, which afterwards serves as the

effects of power relations on the production of knowledge.

Another was Nancy Hartsock who defined the theory as "At bottom

feminism is a mode of analysis, a method of approaching life and

politics, rather than a set of political conclusions about the

oppression of women" (1981, 35). The power of feminist method,

she asserts, grows out of the fact that it enables us to connect

everyday life with the analysis of the social institutions that

shape that life (36). "The concept of a standpoint rests on the

fact that there are some perspectives on society from which,

however well-intentioned one may be, the real relations of humans

with each other and with the natural world are not visible.”

(Chicago Journals; Truth and Method: Feminist Standpoint Theory

Revisited of Susan Hekman)

This theory highlights the tension inherent in her concept of

reality- in a sense widening the fault line in that concept.

Hartsock appeals to object-relation theory; an offshoot of

psychoanalytic theory that emphasizes interpersonal relations,

primarily in the family and especially between mother and child

in which used to explain the difference between the male and

female experiences of the world. (Chicago Journals; Truth and

Method: Feminist Standpoint Theory Revisited of Susan Hekman)

Therefore, the Stand Point Theory distributes how one’s

perception can change the perspective of another person in which

later can affects the society and resulted as a dynasty of a

particular party.

Objective KnowledgePower of the Society

Production of Knowledge

Personal PerceptionContrasting ViewsTraditionDynasty

Object-relation Reality

Through this theory, this study can have a square deal on

understanding the gender imbalance among Philippine Print

Industry specifically on sports journalism.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1: Conceptual Paradigm

The conceptual framework was based on the combined understanding

of the researchers on the Stand Point Theory of Dorothy Smith and

Nancy Hartsock. That according to Smith Objective Knowledge;

instead it’s either Personal Perception or the Contrasting View,

no two people have the same exact view, and that personal

standpoint shouldn’t take for granted.

Hence, the Power of the Society refers to the tradition and

current dynasty of the place; the existence of the distribution

of power and influence, how a particular governing party ripens

and became a dynasty after a period of time.

Finally, the barrier between Object-relation Theory which happens

to be a hold back of a person to someone’s perception and upon

the identification of reality, the reality wherein someone or a

particular group already became the dominant, it is the product

of knowledge.

The three states in the Conceptual Paradigm lead the researches

on how they can unbiasedly categories and balance the perception

of both men and women sports reporters regarding gender equity in

sports print media.

Hypothesis of the Study

This section provides the tentative answers of the researchers

that can arise in the research.

Null Hypothesis

The existence of gender equality is not observed in the

Philippine print sports Journalism.

Alternative Hypothesis

The existence of gender equality is observed in the Philippine

print sports Journalism.

Significance of the Study

This section substantiates the purpose of the study to various

recipients who could possibly benefit from it. The researchers

found this study significant for the following reasons;

1. It will help the Philippine Sports Print Industry in

determining the perceived views of sports journalists on the

issue of gender equity in the field of sports journalism in

the Philippines.

2. The result of this study will also help raise the awareness

of sports print media organizations to further improve the

work environment of sports reporters that is beneficial to

both sexes.

3. The views of the respondents will provide a glimpse on the

current situation of both women and men reporters working in

the sports department of the Philippine print media.

4. The result of this study could provide a concrete picture to

aspiring sports journalists on what to expect when entering

the world of Philippine Sports Journalism, since this study

elaborates the state of equality and the work experiences of

both gender.

5. This study shall also serve as a future reference for

researchers who would also want to delve in the issue of

equity circling in the sports journalism in the Philippines

in accordance to the perceptions of sports reporters.

6. And finally, this study shall serve as awareness for

different news organization in the country when it comes in

pursuing the equality in the field of sports reporting.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study falls under Philippine Sports Journalism and mainly

focuses on the perception of both men and women sports reporters

on the issue of gender equity in the field of sports journalism.

It shall cover journalism practitioners, specifically editors,

columnists and reporters from the following newspaper broadsheet

companies located in Metro Manila namely; The Philippine Daily

Inquirer, The Philippine Star and Manila Bulletin.

This research study shall only involve the Philippine Print

Media. Issues on work ethics and the credibility of male and

female reporters are no longer included in the scope of the study

but rather, the researchers decided to include these subject

matters in the recommendation part for future studies.

Definition of Terms

Gender. Refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors,

activities and attributes that a given society considers

appropriate for men and women.

Gender Equity. Refers to the fairness and justice in the

distribution of benefits and responsibilities between women and


Stereotype. Refers to the fixed image of a person or group.

Glass-ceiling Effect. Refers to as a political term used to

describe "the unseen, yet unbreakable barrier that keeps

minorities and women from rising to the upper rungs of the

corporate ladder, regardless of their qualifications or


Gender Bias. Refers to the uneven treatment among male and female

in a particular organization. A. Coercive Control. Refers to the

power in using a force in gaining compliance. B. Consensual

Control. Refers to the decision of one’s perception that is based

on general agreement among all members of a group.

Sports Reporters. Refers to the people who were assigned to cover

and have a write-up about a particular sports event.

Sports Journalism. Refers to a form of writing that reports on

sporting topics and games.

Sports Beats. Refers to as the assigned task among sports


Incentives and Benefits. Refers to as a reward offered for a

greater effort and increased productivity.

Promotion. Refers to as a advancement in rank or position.

Tenure. Refers to as the period or term granted to an employee,

usually after a probationary period, indicating that the position

or employment is permanent.

Objective Knowledge. Refers to as area of knowledge that refers

to that type of information that is considered factual.

Object Relations Theory. Refers to as a psychoanalytic

psychology, the process of developing a psyche in relation to

others in the environment during childhood.