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Fibergramme Vol.36 No. 6 Fibergramme Vol.36 No. 6

Weavers of Orlando

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Temporary Meeting Place A Word from Our President

We have a new temporary meeting place for the first half of 2014.

Winter Park Towers meeting room. 1111 LakemontAve Winter Park, FL 32792

The November 2013 meeting will be at our current location at the Old Train Depot in Mount Dora.

The December 2013 meeting will be our holiday party at the Howard Johnsons Plaza Hotel in Altamonte.

The January 2014 meeting will be at the Winter Park Towers.

We hope by the second halfof 2014 we'll be back in a permanent location.

WoO Calendar 2013

Weavers of Orlando meets at 10:00am the J rd Saturday of the month at the Chamber of Commerce Train Depot in beautiful downtown Mount Dora.

November 16- Auction to Benefit the WoO 75th Anniversary Celebration

December - Holiday Luncheon

January - "Twill Challenge"

February-Towel Workshop with Tracy Kaestner

March - WoO Annual Picnic

April - Tips, Tools & Techniques

Everyone enjoyed Diane Click's Double Weave (or is it Doubleweave?) workshop. This newsletter includes a draft for Doubleweave Fins that I promised to share with you, plus a scan of some sample fabric. Unfortunately, the scan is two-dimentional. I tried turning down the corners of the fins, so you can get a feel for what the fabric looks like. I think it still needs more explanation.

The background warp is green on the left, pink on the right and blue in the middle. The fabric is plain weave. The fins are the bits that are double weave. The warp for the fins is yellow, so the only place there is a double layer of fabric is where the yellow warp is. These fins are extra flaps of fabric that are attached at their left side to the background fabric, and open on the right side. The bottom section of the sample has green weft and the fins are woven with the same picks per inch as the back ground fabric. The top section has pink weft and the fins are woven with twice as many picks per inch as the background fabric. I thought this would make the fins ruffle, but I would need many more picks per inch for the fins to make that happen. I would also need a separate warp beam for the yellow warp as the take up would be different That's why the pink sample is so short Tension issues.

Here's the path of the green we~ Start with the shuttle on the right, and press treadle 9. Throw the shuttle across the pink section and take it out of the shed. Treadle 4, and pass the shuttle to the right across the rightmost yellow fin only. Treadle 8 and pass the shuttle to the left across the yellow fin and the blue section and take the shuttle out of the shed. Treadle 2 and pass the shuttle to the right across the leftmost yellow fin only. Treadle 7 and pass the shuttle to the left across the leftmost yellow fin and across the green section. Your shuttle will now be hanging out of the left selvedge. Treadle 6 and pass the shuttle from left to right This weaves plainweave across the background fabric and ignors the fins. Repeat This makes so much more sense when you have a loom in front of you warped to this threading.

In a nutshell, if you think of the fins as standing up from the fabric, here's what you do. You weave across the background until you get to a fin. Then you go up and down the fin and then across the next bit of background. Then up and down another fin and across the fabric. Then you return across only the back of the fabric.

Happy Weaving! Berna

. Welcome New Members Betty J . Dawson (352) 383-3739 2026 Lamplight Circle Mount Dora, FL 32757 (no email) Betty sews a great deal but is new to weavmg and looking forward to learning.

Mimi Smith (941) 966-913 1 9787 Knightsbridge Circle Sarasota, FL 34238 [email protected]

Mimi is moving to Mount Dora after the first of the year. She is a long time weaver and teacher and has been an active member and past president of the Manasota guild. We look forward to her contributions here in the future .

(please add these to your directory)

WANTED We will be having our door prize raffle again at the Holiday Luncheon and are looking for donations for this raffle. Do you have a nice cone or skein of yarn, a weaving book, or something nice that would make a good door prize that you would like to donate. If so, please bring it to the November meeting and give to Joy Bergman. If you have any questions, please email Joy at [email protected] This raffle brings money into our treasury to support your Guild. Thanks.

President VP (Programs 2013) 2nd VP (Programs 2014) Secretary Treasurer

Berna Lowenstein Cyndy Landers Mary Schmutte Paula Baker Julie Zimmerman

Demonstrations Bev T avel Historian Mary Burns Hospitality Jamie LaMoreaux Librarian Joy Bergman Guild Email Alice Ann Ferderber Holiday Sale Celia Leedy

Membership Notes Our condolences and love to Sandy Lazarus on the recent passing of her husband David. She wants all to know how much she appreciates everyone's thoughts and prayers. It was good to see her at the workshop.


Dues are Due Our new membership year begins in January and dues must be received by January 15th to guarantee you are included in the new Directory distributed in February. The form is attached to this issue of the Fibergramme. Dues are $25 annually ($35 for a family) and checks should be made out to W.O.O. and mailed (or given) to Marilyn Frew.

Plan now to celebrate with your Weavers of Orlando family. We will have our Holiday Luncheon at the Howard Johnson's Plaza rn Altamonte Springs again this year on December 14th

. You will have your choice of entrees and this year you will have your choice of desserts. The Holiday Registration form with all the details is included in this newsletter.

Don't Forget Remember to download the scholarship application at the end of this newsletter and fill it out. .. you may win a free workshop in 2014! The drawing will be at the Holiday luncheon. Jamie LaMoreaux won the drawing last year and just used it to attend Diane 's doubleweave workshop for free!

Thanks to Our Movers

Our library and equipment have been moved to a single large storage unit. Please join me in thanking Joy and Jim Bergman, Beverly and Lee Tave!, and Audrey and Carl Smith for doing this huge job!!!

Thank You! Berna Lowenstein

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Membership Newsletter Publicity Samples & Exchanges Web Mistress

Thanks to Our "Realtors"

I'd like to thank Edie and Bob for getting us this meeting space. I'd also like to thank Mary Schmutte, Joy Bergman, Beverly Tavel, Celia Leedy, Sandy Lazarus, and all the guild members who have spent time checking out potential meeting places.

Thank you all! ~ Berna Lowenstein

(407) 658-3372 (407) 380-0930 (352) 589-1949 (352) 729-2556 (407) 599-7560

Marilyn Frew Jennifer Williams Mary Ann Gilbert Pat Iverson Martina Kosloff

Advisor to the Board and immediate Past President...Cynthia Starr

Tidbits and More The Perfect Towel Workshop Library Corner

Don't miss your chance to spend 3 days with Tracy Kaestner from Lone Star Loom Room to learn the finer points of weaving towels. This is a great way to spend 3 days with fellow fiber buddies and learn from a nationally known instructor.

There are 4 openings in the "Perfect Towel Workshop" with Tracy Kaestner to be held February 14, 15, & 16, 2014

The following is Tracy's description of the workshop:

What's a perfect towel? It' s a beautiful functional towel that serves your needs. After weavmg hundreds of towels Tracy has put together a handout detailing exactly what makes the perfect towel perfect! Topics covered are fiber, sett, size, structure, design and more. Tracy will share her personal collection of wonderful towels woven by ari assortment of wonderful weavers to illustrate her handout. The workshop is set up round robin style, participants will leave with samples of each towel and enough warp left to weave a full towel to keep.

**Materials fee - $50, includes the handout, drafts for all of the warps in the workshop and a kit with the yarns needed for your warp and weft. Each warp will be long enough for samples for the class plus 1 or 2 finished towels for you to keep. Each weaver will need to wind their warp and come with their loom dressed.

Maximum - 18 students

Kits - A draft, instructions and warp yarn will be provided by the instructor one month prior to the workshop.

Thanks to:

Diane Click, Jody Cosby, and Sharran Fish (one of our former members) for donating a book to our library in Kay Martin ' s memory. One of Kay' s passions in weaving was card weaving (tablet weaving). The book is a Finnish book with English translations:

Omenaisia ja Revonnenia Soumaliaisia Lautanauhoja (Appleseis and Fox Noses: Finnish Tabletwoven Bands). The instructions are clear and easy to understand. The color photographs make it easy to see how the pattern will look. Thanks again ladies. ~Joy Bergman, Librarian

As you all know by now we have to leave Mt. Dora because of renovations. Yep, that means our Library wi11 be moved again.

It is hard to find a location that will let us bring our fabulous Library into our meeting space. The Library is going to be put into a storage unit, but have no fear. I am going to have a system to pick up the books you want and bring them to the Guild meeting.

So, how do you find a book that you want if you can ' t browse the shelves? On our website go to the Members Only Page - our Library is listed there in two lists. The first list is by category. Suppose you' re looking for a book on Double Weave, just check the Double Weave category and see what we have. If you know an author you 're looking for but don ' t know the book subject, go to the Alpha/Combined listing. Everything is li sted by author in alphabetical order.

The Library has been inventoried and new lists will be on the website soon.

I will also have "Books of the Month". I will go through the Library and select books that I think you will want to check out and bring them to the meeting.

I will have a hard copy of the Library List at meetings and you can browse through it and let me know which books you want for next month. Or you can email me ([email protected]) and I will bring the books. I will let you know via email the deadline to request a book using the email method.

We are very fortunate to have such an intensive Library and we want you to use it. There are many other, larger Guilds that are envious of our Library.

It' s your Library so please take advantage of it.

If you have any questions, please email me or give me a call. Thanks,

Joy Bergman, Librarian

Woo Meeting Minutes September 21, 2013

MEETING: September meeting called to order by Pres. Berna Lowenstein. Berna motioned that the minutes from the August meeting be approved as written in the newsletter, seconded by Marilyn Frew, voted and approved. Membership Chair Marilyn Frew introduced guests: Betty Dawson (joined), Bob John, Pam Gregory, Barb Jackson and Jennifer Stidman. VP/Program Chair Cyndy Landers: Two part program today: Holiday Sale Committee and chair caner John Matthews. October Double Weave workshop with Diane Click. November will be the fundraiser for our 75 th Anniversary (2017). We want items that are finished or a nice piece of weaving equipment you want to donate. Items not sold will be returned to the owner. A form is required for submitting items which will be read at the auction to describe it. This is not like our usual auction. Diane Click gave brief update on the Double Weave workshop, answering questions about the materials list. 2nd VP/ 2014 Program Chair Mary Schmutte: Still openings for some 2014 programs. There will be a "Twill Challenge" in January for newsletter samples due at the end of 2014. February will be the towel workshop with Tracy Kaestner, expected total price of workshop is approximately $120. March will be the picnic, April will bring tips, tools & techniques for the program - help is needed for this showing your favorite technique or "shortcut". October will be a Painted Warp workshop with Kathrin Weber (aka: Blazing Shuttles) from North Carolina. Secretary Paula Baker is absent, Joy Bergman will take minutes. Treasurer not present. Pres. Lowenstein said all is well with our treasury. Demonstrations/F1WG - Beverly Tavel: UCF display/demo coming up next month. Mennella Museum is set for February. Still up in the air are demos at Pioneer Art Settlement in Barberville and Clermont demo. Gloria Corbet mentioned a demo on Nov. 9th at Bushnell, their Florida Folk History/ Music Festival. Florida Tropical Weavers(FTWG) , our State Guild, will have its annual Conference March 13 - 16, 2014. Check website for information. Historian Mary Burns not present. Hospitality Chair Jamie LaMoreaux: It was her birthday so she brought cupcakes to share. Librarian Joy Bergman: Books donated by Jud Martin & Bob Lewis/Edie Sanders available for donation. Joy thanked Ann Nunnally for stepping in to take care of the library last month. Newsletter Editor Jennifer Williams: newsletter is on website. Publicity Chair Mary Ann Gilbert: nothing to report. Samples/Exchanges Pat Iverson: We will have a napkin exchange. Everyone will use the same yarn, same natural color for warp and you will give everyone some of your weft color to weave a napkin for you. This way you will have a set of napkins that match in color but with different patterns. Will do in groups of 6 or 8, depending on how many sign up. More details in Oct. Webmistress Martina Kosloff not present. Holiday Sale Committee: Celia Leedy talked about price tags/hang tags, more to come in program. Also said "e­bursts" instead of flyers sometimes are more beneficial, Chamber of Commerce uses them. We need someone to design a page for our "e-bursts". Dates for the Holiday Sale are Friday & Saturday, December 6 & 7. Check in or items will be from 1:00 to 3:00p.m. on Thursday, December 5th

. Nominating Committee: Cynthia Starr, Diane Click, Ann Nunnally: Cynthia said we are looking for a new 2nd VP and Treasurer. If you're interested please talk to someone on the committee. It's a great way to get involved with your Guild. SHOW AND TELL: Sandy Lazarus had some lovely towels, Cynthia Starr is into knitting socks and took some classes recently in Georgia and showed off some of her gorgeous beaded necklaces. Judy Smathers had a beaut:ifiµ king size quilt along with a small quilt. Pat Klotter showed the handwoven "pocket" closure she made for a tote bag and a sampler done on her Rigid Heddie loom. Joy Bergman had a bamboo scarf woven in Huck and a 1ibbon woven lei she learned to weave on her Hawaiian trip. Linda Lee Malone, who teaches special education children, is applying for grants for her class. Diane Click had a "paper towel replacer" - a smalJ handwoven towel from Korea. Jennifer Williams had some inkle weaving. Carol Maier is selling her home and will be having a yarn sale next month at her house during our workshop weekend. Guest Jennifer Stidham showed a design pattern she created for the Oklahoma State Fair in the form of a towel. Meeting adjourned for short break before the program. ~Respectfully Submitted, Joy Bergman In absence of Secretary Paula Baker Quote f or lhe M eeting: "There are no stupid queslions- ii 's only somelhing you haven 't learned yel. "

PROGRAMS: Holiday Sale Committee: Celia Leedy, Cynthia Starr, Judy Smathers, Mary Schmutte. Contact these people if you have any questions about the Holiday Sale. Check in will be on Thursday Dec. 5th from 1 :00 - 3 :00p.m. The Sale is Friday & Saturday, December 6 & ?'h. The prices will be on separate "hang tags". This will enable the purchaser to use the personal tag with the fiber content and care instructions to remain with the item if they want to give it as a gift. A tag with the fiber content and care instructions are required and should be put on your personal tag or card with the item. There is a $20 entry fee to participate. The Guild takes a small percentage of the cost of your item, depending on if you're a member who works the sale, doesn' t work the sale, or aren't a member. Members are required to work a 4 hour shift. There will also be a judging committee within the Sale Committee to make sure there aren' t multiples of an item by one person displayed at one time. Items will also be judged to make sure they are properly finished and suitable for sale. We want a range of prices for sale, and also would like natural fibers - liiniting synthetic fibers.

Chair Caner John Matthews talked about different types of caning and reeds used. He had several pictures of completed items. He also does classes in chair caning.


Dues year is January 1 - December 31, dues are collected from November 1 and are past due January 15. Membership directory goes to press in January with paid members listed as of January 15th




----------------------- --

Address -------------------------

City _________ State ___ _ Zip ______ _

Telephone __________ _ Cell # ----------

E-Mail Address ----------------------

Please make any corrections in your address, phone numberls or email so that we can keep our records up to date. Any time you have a change, please be sure to notify the membership chair who will see to it that all of the guild records are kept up to date.

INDIVIDUAL $25.00 __ FAMILY $35.00 --Please make checks payable to: WEAVERS OF ORLANDO

Mail to: Marilyn Frew, Membership Chair 507 Fernandina St NW

Palm Bay, Fl. 32907

Areas of interest. please mark all that apply:






Congratulations on joining our group this year!


Join us on Saturday, December 14th, for our annual Weavers of Orlando Holiday Party

to celebrate the season. We will gather at 11 :00a.m. and eat at 12:00 noon. Mark your calendar, send in your reservation, and come enjoy a day of fun and friendship with your weaving family. Spouses and adult guests are always welcome.

Our Holiday Luncheon will be at the Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel, 230 W. State Rd. 436, Altamonte Springs, FL. 32714. It is just west of 1-4. There is a Walgreen's Pharmacy at the corner.

Once again we have two choices of entrees. This year our meat entree is Chicken with Lemon Sauce (gluten free) and seasonal vegetables. Our vegetarian entree will be Stuffed Peppers (stuffed with mushrooms & asparagus) with seasonal vegetables. Both sound yummy and come with a tossed salad. As usual coffee, tea, and ice water is included. This Year we will also have two dessert choices: chocolate cheesecake or fresh fruit cup.



As usual we will have our popular "Brown Bag" gift exchange. The rules are simple: the item must be hand made, but it doesn't have to be made by you. It can be an ornament for the body, home, loom, car, or whatever. The gift can be wrapped, but it must be inside a brown paper grocery bag. Don't forget to include a card with your name so the recipient knows who it is from. The exchange is always a highlight of the party.

Once again we're planning on our door prize drawings - tickets will be $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. All money goes to our treasury. This is a great way to support your Guild and get something nice for yourself.

Strut your stuff! This is the time to come all decked out in your latest handwoven and/or hand beaded creation. Let's party in style! Celebrate our friendship and love of fiber!



Please mark your entree selection and return with your check for the proper amount.


Send to: Joy Ber;pman, PO Box 88, Deleon Springs, Fl 32130 DEADLINE: DECEMBER 2" , 2013. $14.00 PER PERSON (Members & Guests)

Your Name --------------Chicken With Lemon Sauce (meat entree) # ___ @ $14.00 = $ ____ _ Stuffed Pepper (vegetarian) # @ $14.00 = $ ____ _

TOTAL $ ___ _

DESSERT CHOICES : Chocolate Cheesecake ___ or Fresh Fruit Cup ___ _

P.S. Please DO NOT include this with your 8ues renewal, this year a separate check must be written. Thanks.



The purpose of the Guild as stated in its Constitution is to stimulate interest in the weaving arts. Working toward this goal , the Guild has established an annual Workshop Scholarship for guild members named in honor of the late Elizabeth TerLouw, our Guild mentor for many years. This scholarship shall be for tuition to one of the Guild's three­day workshops. Rules established by the Executive Board governing this scholarship are:

1. You must be a member in good standing of the Guild to apply.

2. The Scholarship will be for full workshop fee (tuition) only.

3. An application fonn will be printed in the FIBERGRAMME. Applications shall be submitted to the President. A winning name will be drawn at random at the annual Holiday Party in December for a workshop for the coming year.

4. Member may choose from one workshop in the calendar year. (If you have already signed up for an upcoming workshop, you may have your deposit refunded or you may apply the Scholarship to another workshop). If you do not receive a Scholarship, you may apply again. If you do receive a Scholarship, you must wait at least one year before applying again. You have eighteen months from the date your Scholarship is awarded in which to use it. This will allow the recipient to reschedule in the event the workshop is cancelled , or the recipient could not attend due to his/her illness, or a death in the immediate family.

It is the intent of the Executive Board that the recipient of the Scholarship actively share with Guild members what he/she has learned. Recipient will be required to weave samples of their draft for the newsletter, giving the draft, type of yarn used and a brief evaluation of the workshop. If it is not appropriate to weave samples due to the type of workshop. The recipient shall then write an article for the FIBERGRAMME or shall present a program at a Guild meeting within one year of the scholarship.



I am a member in good standing of Weavers of Orlando and understand that this scholarship is for tuition only. I understand my obligations to the Guild in return for winning this scholarship.

Date --------Member's name (Please print)


Signature Phone# or email address I I


c \weave11\doub e2 wov We~ve Typt> Balanced 10 Treadles

Pro1oct Double weave Fi1s by Berna Lowerste,n Date. F et>ruary 13 1999

Set :ne yellow fins at 20 epi ·oo But they s,t on top Of t.")o base fabnc that 1s 20 ep . So the areas w1!h tho ! ns are actually 40 epi

I be ,eve this wlll be a bett8' ttvead,ng and troadl og because you can pull lhe shuttle ou of ttie sned between wide aroas of warps You do not riave to pus.Ii the s e oe~en w..rp tr.reads A so th s lends 1bef tow der fabflc

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