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and MMrlbutrdYnunUr,

Tlmra' 19,362mmttx. miuii. f Jag0 Jtorniriij April Avrrnitr,

Dally 13,451SO Daja' llanta.

OrpporsTivrr. per oi

l3.cntfi4.ltHvtm April AvfrSM for Sondara,

anc.utxi. Dato.....:,:.rr in u ñ.na.k Banda; 17,060










TO BE TRIED FOR SEDITION TO COME THUGHMediator) Are Greatly Kaeouraged wiih King George Saw Part af the Engagement Left Las Cruces Last Friday at Neon and Spanish Ambassador complains nf Ihr De-

mandthe Developments of Yesterday Rapid Frosa Palace window at Outbreak of the la Believed to Have Sought Refuge Over ot SM Per Bale Asked For DeliveryProgress Expected. Battle. lae la Old Mexico. Of Torreón Lotion.


Bv the Aaaootated Presa By the Aaaociatei Fría By pedal Wire to The Timet Bv the A naociaint "real ENGINEERS. General Mama Said to Have Abandoned Great Quantítíe of Sup-

plies,Washington, May ft The constitution-

alistsLondon, May si. An attempt by militant Las cruras, N. M., May Si The bodies Washington. May it. That the machinery

are preparing to send a representa lurrragettes to present a petition to King of Mrs. M. A. Molina and her of the Mexican mediation conference is Including the Major Portion of His Ammunition Owingtive to Niegan Fails to confer with tbe Oeorr e at Buck loa; nam palace resulted in daughter. Ermlna, were found Wednesday working smoothly was the full extent or BUILDINGS MAY BE DESTROYED to Rigidity of Cenaorship, Only the Briefest Possible StatementSouth American mediators who are the fiercest battle in tbe history of tbe mili-

tantevening burlad In a pit under the noor

to rettle toe Mexican problem. movement at the very gatas to tbe. or the warehouse or the Molina home in the information on ihe progress of media Regarding the Results of tho Conflict Are Permitted to ComeThis will be done with the distinct un-derstanding

palace today. Garrield. v M. Luis Sanchez, brother-in-la- Hon announced today tn official circles, Mutrl, Said to Hav 8,li,4 All Avallablr Through to the Border Much Speculation aa to tho Next Morethat the la to The thousands of onlookers suffered al-

mostDn,mll In Ihr Cltjr ConotilullonallMarepresentative; ahertrror Mrs. Molina, and a deputy The American delegates, 11 was known, Be thafive Information as to O enera! Carranza' as much as tbe fighters, as the people made the gruesome discovery. 'communcated the results of last night's Aril, Near Vera Cruz. to Be Made by General Vflla QuereUro Believed to

purposes, without committing the eonsti were In a biasing aun for two hours look-ing

Both the mother and daughter had been consultation with the mediators to' Wash Point to Which the Fedérala Will Retreattu Hon all sis to any plan for the pacification for an attack, which eventually came murdered, ibeir skulls having been crushed ington. By RUBfcHT H. Ml It RAYor Mexico that the mediators may deter from a totally unexpected quarter. with an ax or hammer, but no trace or Secretary Bryan conferred with the pres (Slafr Correspondent New York World andmine upon. mo ponce precautions had been directed the Instrument was round. Tha mother Times Associated Press.idem during the day, and a message of KI Paso Morning 1. By theJose Vasconcelos, at Montreal on a toward repelling assault from the direcnow an was struck on the left temple, while the instruction later was sent to Justice Lamar Vers crux. Mexico. May .(Copyright, of the21. Official confirmationParedón. Coah.. Mexico, Mayfinancial mission for General Carrmnsa, ts tion of Westminster, where the suffragettes Indaughter's head had been crushed rrom and Mr. Lahmann. the Ameikan delegates 1914, by Press Publishing company, Ptewunderstood to be the roan chosen to tro had advertised they would form a parade. received herethe top. Nothing concerning its purport was dis-

closed.York World.)- - Jose Maria Lozano, who un-

it)capture of Saltillo by constitutionalist forces. was

to Niagara Palla- - It waa said tonight Instead, a small body, known, because of The bodies ware found in a pit which Monday last was minister of communi-cations

under Maas abandonedfederals General largearrive within the next few their militant The a quanthere; record, as "gun women of the had been dug benegth the wooden floor in Hueria's cabinet. Is today a pris-onerdaya. Women's Social and Political union, burat of the ware bouse which Is a part of and Although no statement concerning lb

In the hands of ihe dictator, his Sit tity of provisions and a major portion of the ammunition held byThe question of taking this step has rrora a private realdence on Hyde Park president's view or ihe situation was

which adjoins the Molina home. After the tempts 10 escape from Ihe doomed ' thebeen the subject or several Informal con-ferences

corner and forced their way through the bodies had been placed In the grave the authorised! U naa Indicated that he having been rolled ilm second lime. garrison.between representatives of the archway at tbe top of constitution mu be murderer rilled It with gravel and adobe well pleased with developments. No news hag been received here of entrance into Saltillo of the

constitutionalists and of the Washington fore tbe small squad, or police on duly ers in touch wiih ihe situation made 11 Tried to iei Awaymud and replaced the wooden flooring, constitutionalist forces.officials, and It ts understood that General there could resist thorn. plain that he is determined that the en urn l.oxano, aceordlng to a report brought hytotally obliterating all traces or an egeavi-tto-

Carranza-ha- (riven his consent. Weaaea Headed " Mexican question must be solved and lhal arrivals upon today's trains from MeUcoAnother Carranza Invitation.

by Emaaellae. no half way measures or compromises will city, o.! 10 slip out of the capital by COriHMI-:- i IHIIM IIIIIIMH . hero Any that the enure military activityIt Was reported tonight on reliable au-

thorityHeaded by Mrs. Pankhursl and Miss Syl Relentless Search far BadTes- be acceptable. automobile Monday nigh', lie lutd planned 1 ot lona !i Coiwul Hot o. I will be transferred lo south central Mex-

ico,that another invitation may be sent via rank hurst, the flying squad of womeu When sherirr Lucero visited the sceneMr. Bryah later In the day had con lo board the Vera crux train at way sta MumuIs received a dlnnats'lt Irtei and that an ronsiuutionallst forces will

to Carranza by the mediators to take for swept down Constitution hill toward Buck or the tragedy last Saturday after the ference with John mil and, an American lion without rtrst going through the for-mality

I ml. no- ü. Llórenle, illreiior-gemer- begin limiiedlalcly la rouverge on Mexicomal part In the mediation proceedings. ingham palace, bat when hair way along Might or Molina, he made a thorough search re sent alive or the constitutionalists. or handing in his resignation Ills of the (imNtltutlonaliat coixMuiar aerv- - city. Tuey do not believe thai tho federals

Government officials here have urgod they met the moat hated enemy or the rr the home and surroundings shd. though repGeneral Huerta Will Resign. plans were betrayed to Huerta, wig) put his dated at ChthuaJma, In whirl) in who fled from HaltHIo will make a aland

that the presence of a representative or militants in the person or Inspector Riley, unable to rind Uiem, was convinced that Despite conflicting reports regarding tho secret police, upou Hie'scent will) a view naid dint newa .reretved there auttcd at Han I.uls Potosí, which is already being

the constitutionalists would greatly aid tn wno naa charge or the suffragette detail at the bodies were hidden there. Board rioors resignation or General Huerta, assurance toward apprehending him. Peicciives l.l ihti Cawttvalu Avu'IIRÍinI Snl- - besieged by thousand of const lu Hon allstbringlmy about a solution, of the Mexican the Scotland Yard police headquarter a. were taken up and partitions removed and urevalkd oKit-la- oirclai that Huerta caught. Up wiih the rugltlve minister, at tlllo durlnar Wednnadav. and at :SO under uencrgl Muerto carrera

inquestion, hreiat-- Urjan. John i.ind ana The shock or the combat was short, but finally ail material in the warehouse was had Disced himself unreservedly tn the Tapcpam, thirty kllbintter from tha capi-talliarla ' a. ttoiurla.1. an attorney rot the sharp, and resulted in tha. arrest of many lakea out and the floor removed, finding hands of his delegates at Niagara Palls, and. on the Mexican national railroad, and lunwuii wfrettter'ljj liuaapa of eaierni

ronstltutionaiuu, bald a conference lata women, who tfietnaetvca used Hubs with a, no trace of an cxravatiou, the sheriff brought him hack to the capital 10 ne im Ken or lJorettter Next Big Baliieel Uueretari.If as a last reon, tney tuina army bagan.last, necessary,fairly rood swing, which betrayed long ordered flooded with And rhured In the Hnntlagd military pHatm.tmlay and tonight Governor Llhd met Senor the piara '4ir woald be round able to ultimately tlltl not hsv from what Hourrr the In jucreieco, capital 01 uie nine 01 inelYqutoi, the constitutionalists' confidential training closed up for several daya. his rerircfnetit, although on ron A Second Allempl. formation regarding- the renorted Hal-

tHIosame ngfm, will probably be the scene of

agent here. Later señor z uñaran, a mem Emmellne and Others Arrested. Method til Locstlag Orate. ni '" ' A on Tuesday morning l.orano was set free, evacuation waa received by the the next in haute or Mexico, and whichher or the Carranza cabinet, now in Wash The rostí way had Just been, sprinkled with The sherirr rigtirad that if there had been While the mediation negotiations were though urtder surveillance, and last night he official nf Chihuahua, but that Ihey uiil decide (he fate of Huerta end hismiriun. ftendr Urqutdl and Mr. Douglas wetar and many mounted policemen were recent excavation that the action or tha developing today, the conatltutiontllst n attempted another getaway, which restiito-- were fully oonvliioed of Ita at- - in Hie opinion or huberto V. Pes-

quiera,had a long conference. thrown. Their comrades- on foot rolled water in settling Into the ground would was vigorously in progress. Señor in his being laken back to ihe city, where, hentlHty. carranza's dlplomalh: agent;with them In the mod, but eventually the leave a deprtsalon. In this he was correct. ubaran. lene raí carranzas wasnuixiou it is said, he will lie tro-- for edllton. nu In Mexico tit) Consul llnfael E. Muaqulz and

Mrsi Steps, Are Successful strength or policemen told and in a row Wednesday, when Deputy Sheriff sanehex representative, received an orrinal It Is regarded as hoi unlikely if With Ihe pvacuatloii of Salilllo by Iho oonstttutiaiiaJisi military orricuis orÑinga ra Falls, One. May ft The three mlnutes mofe than lit ihe death penalty will he Im-

posed,Juarez, south or Ban I.ulsthirty women. Includ-

ingarrived to reaume the search, he found a .announcing the evacuation or sal found ru y federal forces, constitutionalist officials vnereiero is

South American mediators let it be known Mrs. PajuthuraV were arrested, while depression in the adobe, and afser working tillo, it, gave no details concerning as Huerta Is In a towering rage Potosí, and the key to iho City or Mexicoiool gh i (hat ri rat step a Jo ward eff e ettn g the others had been scattered into small Tor some thirty minuten removed a suffi-

cientretreating garrison, aailmatcd at some of Iho duplicity practiced by l.oiano, from Ihe north.

a bl partisan agreement between tbe United groups. wliom Huerta brought from obscurity Twice before in Mewranamount or the earth and gravel áictb but It was believed here that tha up history Quere-ter-

stalea and the Huerta government have fcne group, headed by Miss Sylvia Pank-hurst,

disclose tho reel of the dead women. reiteráis wre retreating on en Lula Po-

tosí,and. placed in position i profit richly GENrHUERTA puts has been the pigre where revolutions

met with success. reached a point almost serosa the Coropers Jury Arruses ajusband. whither ihe federals who evacuated through Ihe opportunities afforded as head have been brought lo an nut, and I believe,The points they now will seek an agree drive rrom the palace, where mounted po-

liceunderstood 10 of the department of rominutnV atlons. thai the pretext revolution will end InThe and Tuxpan weredeputy discontinued his labors at Tamplcomenl on an: surrounded the women and placed Mlas Why Huerta Is Sore. that place,", said Consul MumiuIi yester-

day.A derintle understanding or provisional Sylvia and several of her eomradea in' thiswho

point and telephoned sheriff Lucero, be making their way.Lozano Is probably ihe weggesl and the UP A BIG BLUFF "It was at yuereiero that Maximilian'shastened to the m automoscene an Small Farce at Tamplcogovernment to be established tn Mexico custody. most ronleuiptdile figure in iho Huerta war rama tu nu end and he was cxeruted,bile. Later Justice of th Peace Nicanor forre which rapcity as h successor to the present regime. The crowd was so dense that the attempts The ronstltuiionallst cabinet. I mil recently In- as a compau and H was also the scene nr Ihe ending or

A guarantee that Internal reforms will or the clear Apodara and Dr. Bonar. or Hatch, were tured Tamplco, has withdrawn, except for "police to the drive was with-out

Ion of the dictator in many dunking ami the iflinous "Hiree years' warbe put Into operation success iintll recourse was had summoned and the bodies ere removed a small irarrlsnn. and Is hurrying by rail Mi l t H HIS HMili. KHIKNI.S fcV

to lie altemolWhen these, two queattons are settled water sprinkling carta, which ruined

rrom the hole In which they had been road back to Monterey to participate in rovsierlng hoiiM It Is believedTKH CiPITl. IT WIU. BK OVKH HIS Mum im ni in ii uin fttinn.

many burled. ed lo awn.v from lluerla to avoid be irrii isis here r,i yesterday after Hieyiiuertihe arennral campaign against DK HI IIODY(continued on Paga 5.) (Continued on Page a.) involved Hie ui' ialoi low nunromink In ncelved the news of !( caplure of Sal-

tilloThe This willJustice of ihe peace at once sum strongholds in central Mexico

II Is ihl- that hurt lluerla inosi thai the movement nf troops lo themoned a Jury from among the men in the be accelerated by ihe unexpectedly earlynol mind Ihe Absence of l.oxan llllirl t ShIcI Hie DIHnlor In Drunken Spec. south would begin immediately. HeraugnwithoutBusiness neighborhood and an imjuest was held federal retirement Trora Saltilloas he reel' ihr slight which .Otilio si .iii of 'o I'll Into Hands of apallslas or (he terrible destruction done to the ulMen Heed Adclub Appeal The Jury returned a verdín that Ihe attempting to derenri that place. nf the Kud.

the tempted to put upon him by deserilng linn sit nu Im in Beginning road connecting saltillo with Han Luis Po-

los),women had nunc 10 their death as the re The consiiiuiionalist campaign on

Ult or being "truck oil the heads with pacific coast seemed also to b making In his hour of trouble. iicrunsitating possibly months nf workFor Funds to Advertise El Paso some blunt instrument and charged that progress. Pirt of General obregon' nalhuad.H Mined HU IN KMKIliON. in reslorp It for (rain service, Ilia's armyM. A. Molina, husband and father, was force was reported advancing agalnnl Unit from Mexico city nniay say that indent New Work World and will be iransporled 1.1 han I.uls Polo si byguilty of Ihe deed Guadalajara today and metal dispatches tunnel and bridge on iho railroad i so Morning Times. j (rain, from Saltillo lo Monterey and thence

Growing oiMirtion That Organization Mem nn B rod near and Will Furnish lxng Molina lied last tríela. to the navy department reported heavy between the roan and the caottsl dm hern in, May 81 (Copyright. lOli. ! lo Tamplco, and from Tamplco ihey will

Needed Publicity For Thim Molina left Las cruces last I'rld'av at noon volley firing at Matatlan and an artillery thorough! mined by expert army engl iihiishiug Company, New VorK be sent in Han I.uls Potosí over tho sameCity and Tributary Territory "On to Toronto" In an automobile, In of rutilo taken hy lionera! Zaragoza s federalsgoing ihe dlrenion of (Continued on Page I.) beers, who have disposed charges dy Wmld ir Villa or his Yaifkee mendsi uiMi i. rowing, and Only B5O0 of Deedred Amount la Yet to Be Raised-M-any Ki Paso. Whether or not he ever arrived namlte so vieioatlrally arid have so con wish h ruler Mexico cuy they will have when ihey cvsciiated T ample

Donations and Plndare in that city or crossed Into Mexico between In the expected halite at uueretero. ronof Loyal Support Received by Committee nected them up by electric wire. that many rirsr to fight their way in and step Intohere and ihere has not been learned, but It that enltre(hesiMutlotialUi (trricialsYcnterday an Reanlt of Wednesday'-- , Meet! at Use miles of iii' mad may be destroyed Him natloiu palace over my dead pony sayrig is believed that he took refuge in Mexico ur force commanded by Ocneral Villa, the

in imoti iinu. Mrs. Molina and her daughter disap-peared EL PASO DIRECTOR Ultaneoul hy 'he simple process of press Tills was lunat of Heneral nueria s troops of northeastern Mexico commanded

on March rl. Molina gave out the lng a buii'ni speerh at h' banquet he gave on Monday by Ueberal Pablo 'ionzales, I.uls Caballero,news that his family had gone to visit Mi Ursino HI) night lo Ii s general alaff at Sylvaln'a res Jesus Carranza and other chlers, tho Xi.ODO

Much encouragement Is being received the federals evacuated Chihuahua. Generalfriends and relatives in El I'sso. Two It Is asserted thai Huerta Is seizing, every Uurani. hen he reported that he would troops commanded hy ueneral Alvaro

by lae members or tha m Paso Adclub, in small children remained with Molina He REGIONAL BANK pound of o mulle he con find, and on not return noi rice, but would remain to ami other commanders or the westnueria was usea as a paca animal on the OFtold his mends thai his wife was ron J roasi will be brought together lo stuckihetheir efforta to raise tbe fund for the "on long hike across the desert to OJInaga. He llnually asklns: him ror monev and thailiJ Monday In- look 117 boxes oT explo ihe bitter ml (he Toronto" trip, rrom the business men carried tbe bedding and other equipment sun would soon return noiue. slve from ie irsmways comtiauy lu IheMade (.onairs Drink. (uadalajara to Be Attacked.or this city. This ts the result of the oi a refugee lamuy in tno caravan. At eighBorir Suspicion Aroused LtKATWJ IN THIS city. What use ne is niaking or intends

The mo- humorous feature of the llepurls of uitlliary nporation along thegrowing conviction that this organisation "jmaga ne waa uiuuen to carry water Finally friend and neighbors of ths BRANCH SMMC TO WW. making or mi particular seizure is prob when Huerta Insisted that w est roast which passed through heremeans business In Us plans for exploiting from the mo Grande to the haltlerield and

Mollnas grew alarmed and made complaint CfTV AND aansaas 1 na lematlcai. h ii tie idea firmly prevails Inneral Mediando (iouzales, a teetotal yesterday lo Ueneral carranza staled lhal

to District Judge E. L. Medler, expressing PLACE ON BOARD. mm if compelled lo evacúale General nbregon was mistilng military op-

erationthe MexicoPass City, at tha convention or Asso-ciated

citywhen the Tederals evacuated tbe pon and the belief and a hou or ihe old une arme. uencraithai. Mrs. Molina and the girl thai Ihe Hint, k Uuadatajaraml Huerta will try lo blow so 011Adclubs of America, which will b the national Hp inecrossed to Presidio, Texas, General i.inale. w in was president duringHuerta nau oeeu muraereu. ine two children who and (he campaign to clean up Uie slate orbald at tbe Canadian city next month. carried his master bedding across the aere with Molina were neglected and this Dallas Meeting Completes orgamaunn up the puhli h Hidings and leave tne city Porfirio uta, interregnum, should drink Jalisco could begin within a Tew days.When the business men read In yester-day's

river to the prison camp. He waa ahlpped loo was taken up with tbe judge. Judge Work and Pagers llave Been rorwaroea as nearly a vreclv as is possible for him cognac, with lie- resi 01 uie sian. General Obregoti said in Die report thatMorning Times the account or the íu r.i raso ana purrnssea ny the Adclub. Medlar ordered Molina to appear before lo Comptroller el Ibe Curreaey. to do. (onzah-- HP-- un- ruse or caning loum.v he had ordered Ueneral ilurblde, General

meeting or tbe Admen bald at tbe Shel-don The

him and after adminlahlng him thai he must All sorts or urn 'hand se conllpuc to nefur gin, hut secretly filled Ids glass wun General liarael Huelna, Ueneral

hotel, at whlcb plana were formu-lated

Adclub baa already raised li.óoo ror care for bis children allowed him to go. seized by government sgmis. euner for use Huerta pretended not to notice ine I. m ío Illanco. Ueneral benjamin Oil andthe Toronto trip and desires to lncreaae Sheriff Lucero n Paso will not onlv be represented In water. hlniwas notfor advertising thla aatlafted with by tbe governmeni ihey sre or lo bo when all tho Ueneral Juan Cabral to co operate withextensivelycity tne amount to .mo and. since tbe bual Molina's explanation and with tbe assistance the eleventh regional reserve district with which lo replenish tne trick, bul ai Ihe moment In Ihe proposed attack 011 Guadalajara. Theat Toronto, many or them realised that at gold tor cash wnti their glasses lo pledge hUat District Attorney w. H. Hamilton bsnker will others raised whleh will beness men have taken an Increased Interest he a branch bank, but an Ki Paso atxi.imn gallons total number r troops ,last an organisation has been formed in i made Huerta exchequer Nearly (hem snd askeda health he stoppedin the welfare of the club, they believe thorough Investigation or the siso serve on the bosrd or uireriors, ac-

cordingrrom the brought togelher will be over vi.rtiO.weekPaso capable of undertaking tbe long ne-

glected that by the rtrst or the month this desireMr. Hamilton croaa examined to J. O. Meltary, vice president of

or alcohol were laken ist what his tipple was. As soon as ohregon caiures Uuadatajaratask of informing tha outside world Aiolina but the Mexican reiterated hts state representative, or stiaups, kuhn a t., a No Cln Uoes- he Intends to push eastward toward Mexlro

or tbe many advantages this city and thewill be realised. eme more meeting of aieut that his wife and daughter were vis-

itingthe First National bank, and Kdgar Kagaer, firm or Amerl an .11, liners. fionxales replied. "Uin." Whereupon, City and Join with Ueneral Villa, who will

the club will be held at which the final In El of the same institution, who rePaso and Hamilton released euhterbliiL the north.Again lu fromSuspendedPals moveHio Orando valley offer to capital and tbe El Huerta said, "l et me taste It." Havliuarrangements for the Toronto will be There was no direct evidence rrom Hallas, where theyhomeaeekers. Several business men. here trip on which the turned yesterday El Pals, the organ uf the Catholic party taken a he announced Uie deception Cook lor KHHmen.mane. man could be held. The day lollowing went several days ago 10 attend tne organt hitherto

sip As soon as the news or the evacuation orsupportedtofore have been heavy subscribers to tbe Molina Of Mexico, which has lo the others, whereupon, amid rosrs orleft suddenly snd this brought sbout John M Wyalt, vice presi Saltillo was received here yesterday,budget fund of the Chamber of Commerce The 100,000 greenbacks which the dele the search or the Molina home, which tinn meeting.hank of thla Muerta editorially under compulsion, was laughler, lluerla compelled ihe teetotaller agents telegraphed to Ueneral

yesterday sent checks to the aecretary of gates will carry with them to Toronto are In Uie rinding or the bodies. dent or the First Nationaldid supprcssHd again yes lay, whim ts tne in drink a powerful old cognac with tho Francisco villa asking for news of Amer-

icanine Attciuo to ne uaeo in tne publicity cam now being printed. On these greenbacks Bodies Carefully Hidden. itv also attended the meeting, but second time the puini anon na mi nu,.- -whole siaff. Consul John II. silllman or Saltillo,

paign- -are printed "S66 days of Sunshine.-- ' ad It Is believed that Molina murdered bis not sign the dorument which crested, the pressed under roiopnision winun two While this banquet was in full swing. who had been arrested and Imprisoned by

El Paeo, Ihe Aire and daughter and hid their bodies ror institution. Hie federal forces In thai city and whose"U' feet that the business men appre vertlslng- city or perpetual Pallas months. The only newspapers now pet Cabinet Minister l ozano was secretly leav-ingsunsmne. on ine oiner side Is several days, giving time to dig the pit the in Mexico City are Vera treatment has caused Ihe slate departmentrials our efforts in advertising El Paso at printed under his warehouse floor. The Ten men signed necessary papers milled lo bo published the capital In 1he direction or

at Washington much concern during the" ki raso, ine rass uotrt Pass El Paso.' ware McNary and Kayaer being among El Impan ui and iel independíenla, the lat-

terniher ministers were prethe Toronto convention. said M. P, Car- - house is situated on a narrow strip of Messrs, Cms, and I wo last few days. So far1 no reply has been

lock, aecretary of the dub yesterday. San Francisco has secured the 1015 con Savel and, when the excavation was made, them. The oilier eight bankers repreaented strictly s government organ. paring 10 get away when theti; Intended received to the message. Constitutionalist"Many of them have cent in donations to ventlon or the Admen, or has been pledged evidently carried adobe mud from Oklahoma, muisiana and Texas banks. Msas lu Unit- resignation and night were, preyenied by are anxious to clear Ihe silllman incidentthe club and have pledged their support, tne convention, ana ine ki pasoans are 0 1 nearoy noie ana mixed It with gravel. Beabt tn Nomínale Directors It was discovered today that arrange-menl- ihe recapture of Lozano. which haa bean brought on by the federalsaying that they believe that more good mg to make an effort at Toronto to eecure making

overeaa thick piaster, with which he Following receipt, or word that the re are being made to permit General Oulet But I nrasv in an effort to complicate Ihe situation be-

tweenwin be accomplished for El Paso rrom an the pledge of as many of the delegates as replaced.ine noaies.

NoThe flooring waa care-

fully aerve hank had been organised the romp Ouatavo Maas, who was commandant or The refuge train from the interior to-

daythe United States and Mexico.

advertising standpoint by the Adclub than possible IO gO tO K risen by way OT KI PaSO put in ny tne murderer,lining to the grave was

the trailer of currency In Washington will for-

wardVera i;rux at th u of ihe landing or brought eleven Americans, nine othernor were ABE DKD.Mil PERSON H

any other organisation. They realise anat next summer and to obtain a atop-ove- r UÁKiie piaceo in noxea. Both were slothed nominating blanka to each bank In American marines, and who fled without rotvlgners and twenly-rou- r natives, whoprivilege riere. Tuey will be promised witn Uwa win name a resistance, lo leave Urn country the. capital quiet but alarmed byin the paat this city has been deprived or the exception or shoes, which had the district snd rnpgs orrerlng report Anuther Nay Ule an ResuH of Murder and

the publicity that rightly belonged to it. royal entertainment during their slay here . wuriiui nrrii rrmovea srier the murder senialive to be known as the "elector" of through the purl of vera Crua to rind ra-fias

the rumors or ihe impending fall or San Hulclde on Mlaneseia raras.The same publicity has brought wonderful Fvery oeiegaie to ine Toronto conven Mr. Selgado and lilas Man Seisrsut.. the bank. The various banks In the dla on some foreign ship in the haaW on I'olosl, Saltillo. Zacatecas and Uuad.v H v the A ocle fid Preteresulta for San Diego, Loa Angeles, and tion mil wear Me si can aombreros and brother and sister of Mra. Molina, of El Miel will he grouped Into three divisions, Heneral Mass is held in such general, al lajara and Uie reiorted retreat or .the Thief niver Falla. Minn . May .'l. Fourother cltlea of the west other native toga whlcb will make them of



miss Molina,woman,



nin. 1. fl and I, and each group will name a though measurably unwarranted execration remnant or Tamplco redefal garrison persona are dead and another Is expectedThe Mexican burro that will be given to conspicuous among (he multitude in the thla morning with the two small children rlasa a director and a class n director. by the Mexican public, that Huerta la through the lluasleca region closely fol-

lowedto die as lbs result or a murder and sui-cidethe school girl of Toronto who writes the convention city, hi boon a bearing the who were deserted toy Molina when he They will he grouped according to their forced to consider him as a serious handi-

caphy Hie Tamplco and Tuxpan rebels si the rami or o. K. Olson, thirty

beat aaaay on El Pane and Us resources words "El Paeo will be worn,' Aside ried from Las cruces. rAii Haitian nn upon bis own iMipuktrity. II u be In the direction of Jalapa and Puebla, onewhomiles north or


thetoday.Alson home,



will be eblpped to the Canadian city within from the greenbacks and the burro, tbe When ihey arrived In niñeen tha bodies Seven hundred and thlrly-lhre- banks Iteved he has derided 10 permit Haas lo weeks march distant.' shootingappeared

Tour women, later committed sui-cidetaw next few days. Tbe Toronto World, Adclub inainbera wiu carry with them as were u 1 un i over

'that10 iiieni. are repreaented m the regional bank, whlcb ahandou the country to avoid a court Puebla In Danger. by shooting himself while being dIt la alleged

which la to conduct this campaign for the many copies or ine new cnasnher or com girl, recently confidedrrmlna. the murdered will have a capitalization or vbjiwxo. martial, which seems to be ihe only Japala's strong federal garrison was by a posse. Tbe dead:

EI Psao Adclub writes that much interest merce booklet as they are able to secure biii "i i vino! m irivwigrave


lived At the cotmiletiAu of the bualness aes hv nutans tit which to SSlUfy popu therefore reinforced laat Tuesday by S.JOO M I.DDWIH LARSON.will bankers lar clamor, It is said lhat no ubstscj will nu o "io 1.1.1 aiui "in oin 1, M'l'ii Mft9. LOUIS "Ii. -1- 1waa manifested by the school children In These be carefully distributed when near the Molina heme tn Oerfield, and is aion Monday mgtu the vistilng

ita announcement of the con teat. The they are calculated to do the most good aleo said to have written lo an aunt In El were grVen a banquet In Die Adolphus be raised by the American government here Puebla Is surrounded by Xapatlstas and MISS INflA OLSON.

World la already devoting much apace to and are ei pec tad to prove a most valuabi raso tailing ner 01 tne marges. Bhe ex hotel in Dallas and during thla function to permit Mssa to pass "through the eity 011 Its fall is imminent. A bailie has ragedMrs.LOUIS


at whose home the tragedyfeature. n rested her iniMUlon of reuortlnr tlx mil brief address, asking bis way to a foreign vessel, if he derides Hiere aluce yesterday and news or Ha

the burro cantea I. Mr McNsry made a occurred probably waa fatally wounded.General Huerta, iba nansa inflicted en Literature describing the wonders or the tar


lolite aumoriuas


theshe was never that El Paso and the m raso uiHirui ie upon that courae. i apliulsiiun at any moment would not Ollsuul's wife was a daughter or Mr. and

tie burro, has a history. Ha Is Hke any Rio Grande valley will, be rurniahed the of Ihe iterenget away watrhr.ii eye rapraaeatad by a direcbir. The other Cea silt ut loe all sts Are Active. cause surprise, though it might create con Mrs. oison, rrom whom he hsd separated.

Miner Mexican burro but has played a delegates by the Water Users' aeeoetauou This, relsttaes believe, caused the lather bankers assured Mr. Mc.lary that Indications biereaae daily that the eon-- ( stemstion, as it would presage lost the jealousy is said to nave causea tas. romlnent tesa m n umuaueu en rege s.; would be Continued en fsfa Two.) end of HuensJim wsa noar. OISa

EL PASO MORNING TIMES Friday. May 22, BBeea i .Mi m

en king (ieorte flood at window

BANDITS CAPTURE watching lha prflpar aliona to defend htmKesinL SENATOR ROOT from the attentlona of the women, the e

preaented a deserted appearance.POL-- A notice inaoector aawi inai wnen Mra.

ANOTHER AMERICAN Pankhurnt waa arrented ha carried her ln- -

alde the park gate and she ahouied: "That

SENATE la rlghi Arrest nte at the gatea of the pal-ace.HOLDS Tell the king "

BWIMtM uriiiitii BT MUMtaA COM

ni AT PgABSOTg fx nnisoNtn in CwMSTiri MONtl QgJJCATK

BBBaBBBBak HtMis or qifvubj ami. HILL 0T RK AMI ISJItiiVEN MrT ATTKN thin roa rivr. M wtthl-lavKot- V TO I HI- CUNPEBENCE NOW.

Orilla o Aiilrtar. Wale Orrurred Near rtm tiaj m tJtarTHn.v trrr.M. rat B oat ecratchae. Senda IS By Ikf A' inlrd Prrst oléala Itiere,, Meaur. Hate iire.ri I MPIIIIN III M atain and aVifSr marke Niagara Palls, nt.. May SI. After ame.t NMIIlea H, to limbo. BiUafSbacfc long confereme participated in by ihe

South American mediators . and thebright new look. Wipe fS delersies, the former declinad'.ilherf hultiic, an employ of ihe Madera KEEN LED THE APPLAUSE with damp cloth and to

Mexicanany what would be their attitudestops itching Company, Ltd., at pearon, t.hlh.. han bee r. One. PollaKrnbbina; towards a rcprcseirutlye of the const-

itutionalist,Don't take a chance on loaning your household

raptured and la being held a primmer by B with grain of wood. aid th be en route hereit), mío. i., beftdtf. notr otonia iiar i iff not atni noon it tm. wan the A Dictionary of a from Montreal Thla question was the goods and furniture to friends or storing them ina cor dint so me anarren received hero URKT Tt TAV TRIHI II TO Bl HI I vMVgV handredotharnaea fM subject of a discussion which beganinstantly rrom Faron Th capture or t gttNATIMI TJI( with every bottle. shortly art. it p. m and lasted until some damp cellar while you are away on yourImítele, occurred an he wan en ronw front M KI Iflc. 23c, 3a- -all .tere.. fS a m li is net generally believedPearaon to (ilonia Jnafer in the mea B . here that the ronstltullonallst repre-

sentativesummer vacation. The only safe way is to have

moment Re.inol Otntment nairf- which told of the ouirajre, no reaaon THE HAY PAUNCEFOTE TREATY win admitted 10 the con-ferenceTHE aqv itching akin, Ote itching a (riven frtr fh- action and no dtmaml J 42 N. BdwT, N. Y. fM

at this stage of the proceeding. them stored in our big sanitary storage warehouse,topi and Boiling Wgiae. Witktfce man


lafor random.

Aioariran It lien Pro. id. - in ii In the (. r tba) pMeatna where will be safe from dust and vermin.aid of Rctinol R"p, it quickly remore an and an Canal Ihrre Hteall k No Prtferentlal ir Mr a.eonceios, our agent in they rats,II trace, of ectetba. raah, teller, employed aa a latmnarv enflnr. t th) canads. goci to Niagara Palls a re-

portedPearnon Treatment. Call 2166 and will further in-

formationplan we givepimrle. or other tormenting, tin in the press pTspaches." said you any

AiiiTlrafi .nul Thoman D. Pdunrda or"iglitlr eruption, leaviftg the akin cle.r Mr pesquera last night, "he wffl go

M healthy. It U equally effective (orJuarez




i- ny fit the cap-ture

Hi Iter if. ' PrrtnfUxd.

KINO GEORGE SEES BATTLE simply as s looker on in Venice,' an and rates on storage.Wasliington, May fi -- Menai'-r observer- nothing more."re, boil., barn, red, rough hand,, Hi. mailer lo the deparimrnl it (continued Prom Page one.)

dandruff end memlrer or the roreign relatiuttapilot. W aahinvtonftaaiael la ao n..rl v Th arroat or Hulhte la almilar to ilie aaaVnJtlae, lield Ihe aeuata in rapt attention of the iiv gowns of the fashionable

tli at it ra. be Mit on atpmed ur- - detention or Jainea Hkouaen by tlx- handlt ror rive hours totlay, peaklnn in support women nperiatofS. This caused the police REBELS SEND ONE DELEGATE COMMERCIAL STORAGEtaeae wltaaajt attreeug uadua at uaunn. lant U' h Hkounen wan taken into in- of Ibe administration hill to repeal Ihe tolla to lose fien popularity with the crowd,lUatnol baa bam ia,fflad by deetae lor If hllla in the aatne manner an Inithle but exemption clause, of li e Pamiina canal law. which up to that moment had cheeredreare. Alldr.aat.ta a4 KealiMl ilitnml Mm waa reietned Wedneadav Meiattva ha An the Mew York senator sat down. Senator them. the mediator-- ii waa said, propose to bnnr LOWEST RATES IN EL PASOayl lnO).anl JUa.nol Snap .V, Po, k n democratic flor leader, the ap,r,. been mi. to aet into direct roinnmnh Police Paree DesMuaeed. about an afrrement between tbe Unite!at fr, rila to 4ti .1. Fleeted, Belli plause rrom Ihe floor In which tha specieHon Skouen and have not learneduitri noate. Bid. Beware of laadeea " .ubMiaueM." Several mcmbera of the house of com-

monsstates and ihf Huerta government,

of id. detalla of nl treatment at the hands Ujrs in the gallerlea joined itii'iii. among (he spectators denounced the to ohiatti the acquiescence' by the WITH BEST FACILITIESThe burilen or th" npeeclt an to proveof iti. handlt- - police for not adhering to their promise to consiitiitionalim throurn separatethat the treaty provided treat the women with gentleness. The pothat the treatment accorded b the United lice rehired lhat the terrific attack of Ihe t ontideiit i eRallslloa.Htates lo its own rliiiens-l- the uae or the

WOMAN SLAIN BY MONSTER ROOSEVELT HOLDS I'anama ranal muni he ihe ,m. as the militant had left them no other Hlerfta-live- . infiir. in brier, are the alms or ther de Cama or Brasil We Make ofor all mediator. a Specialtytin rrom treaimeni to be accorded Hie i nuensgon yet j nations For two hours after the conclusion or the wax ronfldent toi.lffht they would be ial

to kill the daughter anil mother in the Senator Hfoi asserted that ihe l'nifd main battle the police were engajp-- in Ised Packing and Crating Goodshop that he would ave htmnHr rr PARTY CONFERENCE -- tale, nluay had iri-de- on thla broad hreakiun up mall groups of women who Tlx mediators learned from the Americanpnn n the charge that would have piinciple of equality, and Inninted that th had over the surrounding district deleft-Hit- in a conference late today thatbeen prererred against him by The rasmilles were not numerous, con-indernianding of Ib tu y NVioi'', j the waihington rovernmetit had approve:!

Former We heel NuperlaleaSeal Hoate. John Hay and Theodoif Hooneveit, nlttliiB i( n few broken heeds, but much the luiirne t,r procedure outlined last niaritTen years km Molina a In charge nf nrritt pi w- - tnt .imipikii i tut ihe Amero ana who le aotlate the ireaiy harm was done to the uniforms or the po lo Justice Lamar and Frederick W.

the l.l OI i. hit- - holdlntr otrtn s IH..M TIIK. tTLANTIC TO lhat tii'. iNim i... on in the on lice and to gowns of the women. mann. roverlna. It la understood, the conthe office of sufyerrnlendetfv for thro THK r 1 II H

ventlon i: the broad equaiuy wliich hat At no time were more tnan a couple ol aldT;iimn firm of all, of the aertea of El Paso Storagebrilliantyearn. He in reputed to he a niarkod m riran dtplortiary hundred women engaged Iti Ihe battle. inc growing out or the arrestman. About 8 yearn nv lie wenti" uarriaM arm empanad a email school Colonrl' Old Nrlshbnm Msn Indulflc Amerlean lioastnl Kvemplloa. die opposed io ni. in was a force of 1.&00 ramiiuo of the American ami liter eaUnHshed of UrlromlDfl mm Hack to Hln police. wtni- - it in realised that the United Statea ronera roer TakiiiK up the apetciflc queiion of etemprhandita alora. Later im piireim-- n verai Home

Hon or American roantw vessels. Hie llin kuiKliam palace resembled morn a wit) iieinand reparation ror Ihe Tamplco Warehouse8mall larme, hut deed recorded m lha mibllUniion center than the peaceful home and fmbsequent incidents. It Is believedsaid iho lawsepator of mt granting tliincounty fttsrft'l offiee show that ah or Mo ilf "" 4aoclv fed Prent f royally. here that substitution for Huerta or a newIm - property was deeded lo iiai Oaytar May, May tl. Thai mom imporuni

exemption violated the equniity guaranb dTwo ambulance corps found plenty to do government, capable of observing interIMaeee of El Paso, in Marrh. The properly by the treaty. Thla was luje, he argii'd.

inriuded a atore. three farms and Hid pollllral ronferem e in ' which tolouel herauae no real coastwise irade of the with rases of raintlnfg among the apecla-tors- . nationalto Ihr Washington

obllgatlunagovernment.would be acceptable

9 S. Santa Fe Street Phone 2166Molina home. han fin. the clonenoonevelt partw Ipaled United states could paas through thla fanal,HfiteriptlAa of Kunllhe. or ihe campglrn of ioit, waa held at Sara-mor- i .mat mile 4 aw iy and consequently, what King reora Views Proceeding. PuryoMa ef Caalerenee.

With ihe exception of a few minutes, The ft'lcctlon nf Ihe bluejacket incidentMolina a hunt wi year or aye. Ha Hill loin triii it hrou niii together the law did wan to eieiupt a class ofIn medium sized, rather fine looking and rcprenrnletlven nf ew York, Pennsylvania American oversea irade wiihoui at the same at Tamplco aa the starting point ror thean excellent dresser. He han lark hair time exempting ihe like nvcr trade or dlscuaslnn la In line with the emphaalAand piercing Mark eye He in a name and "hln, In which matea the colonel real Hrtta.ui. whiiii has bn plseed by Ihe ni ilmim -

Husnia. Mexln, and otheral'iv win do hln ha Meat ri arm in k oh fallMeiiran hut wat- educated at Jesuit cola Uve or the conference.lejre in East Teiaa t ihe'moeting.- wcrt Rt- V. PerkliH countries. on purpoaea Minister .Naon were summoned by Mr. Tonight the medlatora and the American

Although Ihe search mr him In being kept or Hew York, chair man or the etertitlva Meaale Aoalo.l Arhllration. iLÜü UNIQUE TODAYtonight

Ambuaaadorin this


(iama, talkingpointed

Informallytu the Suares. The conNrenre lasted nearly an and Mexican delégales were the guest

lip It la believed he In In Mes Ico and hid ronunillae or the I oareaaive parly; utrford ihe senator said that ho wan voiina ror hour, it was generally understood tho or Martui Burrell, Canadian minister orfart iin irmlnr of or-

iginallhat urriccaI'inchol. pmrrfanh candidate lor t natnr goodapprehension in doubtrut. Meghan auth repeal now berause in the Judgment of roredure mappfd out by the mediator agriculture, who orrictal dinnerorillea will ha asked to look for him, it n from I'ennnylvania. and E. A. Van alken best able to judge ihe would '! u i.t r aud Phillips Hmallrr ly waa made and the present me gave an

uld. hura; or l'hlladrlpli.t, one ot ihe forcrnuat not vole to arbitrate Hiesenate diation had for lis principal object the had Ih'.-i- aproved at Washington. to the distinguished visitors.

in me arrair- - or ine party in inai dispute In averting of war between Mexico and thealate. nirm or wrong." he said, " if we da

There outfit to lc (nc Jaw book. ride United Slates. Mr. Da (ama did notjuni tlila in our favor and refune in arhl "THE TRIUMPH OF MIND"In P.very any of Ihe details of the mediators I'MTKO STATES WKATHEH Bl'REAU IIAILY BULLETIN.derived irate, are dlrr(iiifd and dMhouored In Three Heele. talk wiih the American of Mexican deleg-

ate-.,inf pin.- - Tor colonel Hooeevtdia campalKh We bai e repudtatecl our own principles. Observations Taken at 8 p. in., 75lh Meridian Time, May 21, 1911.A I'nychuloKieal Melodrnma of the but Indicated lhat Uie effort waa oihe Atlantic to the Pacini nnntild Nowtrip from e any nena tor who vutei arainst Pieclpl

ERUPTIONS ON or (tuopieii. hi lour win taan u former repeal lake me responsibility of leadlnjr Future. Don't Kali to Se This. hrlnir about a satisfactory underMandiUH Temperature . Wind - UHotiprenident inlu almunt every nial or the hla country into thai position ir Ford istorllnf Here Saturday between the Huerta government an the Lowest Velocity last Iunion. every linlted Slaten Later the mm prog-ran-t Highest last Stall' of hirer per hours.

YOUR FACE OR BODY Thin decision was readied when i.olone! constituent of ndne was looMnr rorward "NEIGHBORS" renpectlng the solution of the Maklcan At 8 p.m. today- night, weather. Hon. hour, inches.Hoosevelt nent unrd lo (o ver nor II ram to lower rreight 'ratea, would not no, lead problem will be submitted to the consti-

tutionalistsAbilene Alt ?g 4 cloudy K 8 .at

Johnnon hu rtinnlna male in iwlff that he mv country. Had l in my aould all lite We Run Them First. if such a conree seems Amarillo AS 74 M. PI. Cldy. SK 6 .111

Dry. molat, m el y tetter, all forma of wan aotnr to Califoinia ne.t Tall to mump nailon haired lauaht in mv nuth. t would Atlanta 78 81 on Uoudv ?IW 4 .oil

ecttma or Mlu rhcniu. pimplen and oilier me mate ror mm in iiiü campaifti ror re not do It " pedlenl. Poise. Idaho (Si 84 r.8 cloudy S fi .onelection. Such s solution, lliough agreed upon first Boston wt fie w (iotidv i .onhhouldfrupttonn ninv from bumom, which may

ImNot Await Protest only by the I'niled States and the Hueria Chicago 8(i R rVi liotldv SW II .00Penayivanla. Heb cither Inberttnd adviaed the tor acqiiired through tilledAfler olonel Roonevelt had talked with stalea ahould not government, alao would have the moral clurinnatl 80 hi M rt. cldy. w 4 .no

úefectue dlguaUon and aaalmllatlun. Wait fur llin nations id Ihe world to Theatre 4uiiver ! 70 hti Haiti W in ,Wthi iiroaTnalve leaders he dictated a Wigwam support of all central and South' AmerlranU'si exanllon, because the 74 80 61 clear sw ia .nn- -tinite1To treat thene rtupUnna with drying wliicb wai interpreitHl aa indtcailng coiuitrtas. whlcii liave openly given Ihelrmedicinen n ii t., that, m one atete ut leant, lie mil canv .o.. - n i un- aeep-- r or na(nwn approval to the medáeiitMi Idee. (ninth. Minn M U' f ear NNY ?..SI

ihe fight Into the rankn of the Hrptihllran and art on Ha own Judgment Will Not Aaawer (.erreara. EL PASO 8 7 60 Clear K 11 .(

Ank our dt tigglnt fir llood'n ama party by appealing to tin member to Ig-nore

wiihoui wairiuif for protests. ir lie waa "THE MASTER ROGUE" No present intention in entertained tnal ves ton 74 74 Pt. Cldy. SE 18 .00Havre. Mont n8 W nt Pt. Cldy. K s .nothen- pant amliailnua and aS with thperilla, Ii lielpn the ayelen) dlnrhargn the am n io me uiicrpreiation of ihe treaty A Two-ltee- ! Knlem featur-

ingDie of OeneralProgreanivei. in Htaternent wan made with ho Special, mediators answering Car Jiirksonsllle 70 78. M clear M: 4 ,ishuinora, and improve ihe iigeHt)oii and a paiticular reference to ihe nituallon In If

said, be would not favor exemption even Ucorge M Iford In a dual role. range's last communication, in which lie Little Bock 78 Iti 84 PL Cldy. K 4 'annlndlaiion M goes to the of dls- Primnylvanta, where rnenator I'nnrone la op Ureal MHiaiu gave in consent, because mqolrt-- whst the eiact runctlons or his Los Angelea A4 M It4 Cloudy S fn .noeaaen Oct it today. poned in hlii fight for re election by Air. Ihe question was broader than Mm rtahts "THE SAVING PRESENCE" repreacntallve would be and w hat Nashville 80 H4 .V Clear W 4 (Ml

Pipe hot. or Great pritaln. New Orleans 74 80 m cloudy SK s .nowould be discussed. In view or the"Crlaen come up" colonel Rnoaevell said, In conclusion, Mr Horn Mtd he would High ('latin Blograph Drama. aneptance by Ihe tnlted staf New York 84 80 tw Cloudy W 4 .00

"when H In Hie duty of all good rltlaanA venture to say Mini h.a. omaha Ti 78 fr cjenr N Ifi .no

lo alnk party difference and stand up ennobled and sweetened Haturtlay JOHN BUNNY in a and Oeneral Huerta of lite tender of good Phoenix 08 104 AA Clear NW li .00aaalnnt riagcaut wruiirdoint In public life lercourse. He Two-Re- rl Comedy. office without making any inquiries., the Hapid cuy, s. D m at 89 Cloudy N a .08or egalnnt io11rlen fnial lo the' welfare or called upon his Tellow mediators did not reel that H would have Hoswell .. SO 83 M Pt. Cldy. SK 10 .on

Don't Wait for the nation at home and lo the honor of the to meet their duly hi their country in "Tho Other Half or the been dlscreol on their part lo have re-

vealedMl. Louis 82 ft ' Clear fSW - a .on

nat Ion abroad. A II ir c)0 triu . ihouUI Ihe same bia and n..hie ..,ini ..... ....... Kundajrtheir plana to the constitutionalists Salt Lake city 74 86 M cloudy SW A on

ntand logethrr without regard ki pact party lity haitinei his Note," a General Film Company in advance or the conference. Snn Antonio 70 74 fifi Rain L 4 ?.8differences. nwaterplccw san Frenrisco sd rj vo clear W 14 .noExperience to Stands rim ....i Cammunlralloo

Hecognlzlng tbe Importance of the con Sania Ke 66 7 Mi PI, cldy. si, IA .00"I have confidence in the inlearrlty or .. ,u T""1 Restored. Miti'in.-i- t in any plan looking to the faille 74 7 .. clear N 18 .mi

the rank and rile or ihe ttepubllcan party Parle I'ana. Te of lslco, the mediator. b Washington 7 88 ' M clear NW I .00

Teach You and lhat the will nupport Mr. rinchoi." inimical ion helwMay

Hi HaPI,

,.iTrame com Heve thetr first duly Is lo dissolve ihe Wichita, kun 76 80 6i PI. Cldy. W 6 .til

altill( and I atric r... differences between the United State and m log 104 64 Clear S ie .011

Woman rmmi'iii may uot be baned on loniKbt, '"'" Mexico which nilglK have plunged the iwo

to Save immon símic. but nhe la lean inclined to An order dlreittnr the suminary exeru. I CLUt countries into war. Even if ihe mediatormake her tHt uialler than her necklaie viU .. i?l ,,"r; ""' ""Uh' THE are unsuccessful In their efforts In securehan sil- used to he Ihe lit led iates lo Htlr "ptanrc by ihe conatllullonallats or their

nL, 5" TritíUi 'nionstrations" was plans for a nw provisional go rmmeniSometlnief. hear tuwa people cay: Negraswas signed h

today R order TODAY in Mexico they believe ihelr labors will not"If I had only maved my money LAZANO'S LIFE IS IN BANGER slliullonallnl commander

llenera) Pablo m, "n 18th Reel ha been in vain In that they w in ha ve bPPOfigg1 would now have thouaande of prevented a resumption of boatllllles with

((.'out inued Fruro Page One.) the United States. AreUaalleJrarHaaaVlM. Mearalgtaa, luíanla, Weawa'a Acaeaaea1dollar,' or "My lllneaa and lona

SMOOTH WORK OUR MUTUAL CoaatHiiUonallal MIMtajr Campaign. Illa, Neaaaeu, aaalkal "S..IW HeOollow..g Ovrr ledulneac.of position will require years of niituttouali-- are preparing to join issue

IN MEDIATION The mediators ar1 watching w ith clone UN.SURPASSt D FOR THE FAINS WOMEN ONLY KNOW

hard work to pay bark what 1 with the red erais in pursuance of a dell from li interest the military campaign or the con AT ALL IIHt l.t.lSTS l N tttjANTITV UKSIRKIItm IfSaGIRL stiiuiionallsts and ate in hopes that they P. S. U. For and ikin D

Had to borrow." The experience tine plan io rapture Cordova, Orliaba, Ja rni' nt ituayinw twolapa and Puebla. Prom the steamship Yu "till ImlHingPartIt' porta win bo able to present a derinlia plan

may be valuable but It la not catan yesterday countttuiiouallata were Tr for the reconciliation or all facllnna in

profitable. landed at t;hac,helacaa, thirty kllomeurr)IMpliiuatlr ItrirliiBairajla. FOOTPRINTS OF MOZART Mexico befor ihe invading army rrom theiiipioniaiio itrvrlofimMtt of th. day north succeeds In the Mexicansouth or era trui As near as can he as menacing

Time will not find you wlahtna; certainly, they reine from Tampion. TheyXfrrlaiiil'i.n

a rfptirt rr..m th- - Brlllah ron.ul at Two-Ree- l Special rapltal Itself CANNONADING. RAPID FIRERS AND MAUSERSrutvignri.that you had naved If you atart were well equipped with ammunition, lhi ml rtplaa,migrii atly ruitirri in The new government would I" of sum

today. The experience of horses and food supplies, and Immediately Spanishiuki a rrom th chsrscter as would attempt a systematn- Torreón doubtless broke window Weaniliaa. atupon landing sei out across the country In

aili.r in Nr. Bryan for tho solutlon or tbe agrarian question and other many pane.aavlng money la a the direction or Jalapei'"ThTs action gives iiiiriim

gond uiriioathi rnn.iiintimiaiiat

nr ihr i niifd statu in In points or Internal dissension which hae have a warehouse full of all sizes, also carload plateauthorlil.tigreat teacher. Open an ac-

countcolor to ihe report fllat the constitution lo bred revolution and mado tho raising or birrancpi til a hair r,.r ihr daltvary or aonw armies a rompsrstlvely easy task. glasses just in.allstn. who remained in Tamplco only 'Ukwith thla bank today. It ai.0ni.it00 avnrth .il rollón cnnriaralMenough to e.tUdish the rival government, BIJOU The mediators are encouraged hy the

means that your aavlnge will be are pursuing the rednraln wlto, under lieu -- Urwllrra.Iruni hpanl.h groaara at Torreón, ano fact that the Mexican delegates have rull PAINT aSc GLASS CO.amfe all the lime and Immediate-

lyeral Xaragoia, ev acuaicd that port and Mr

powers to act on all queatlons arrecilug TUTTLEstruck south.

Bryan proinl'aad Iho Bpanlah amha, the Internal as well aa international peaceavailable when you need

111 nimpiitv Mailers.ailtir to .lo .mi hr rnultl ror Ihf Mpaniah TODAY of their country. The reeling prevails lhat

money. tollón man, i, rontplaja that ihr ran lha Mexican executive hae practically placedThe laktng of the town, named above by ARTHUR JOHNSONthe ronatltuttonallsia will not only open up

MHII ot UO pn hair ItentaAdad by llrnrral in the solution or the problem. Involving Ma

4 cotntminlcattou between Vera CPU and ihei arraiua rm thr ronriaralFtf rollón la pro "BEHIND the FOOTLIGHTS" own elimination, ir necessary, In ihe henilcent paid savingsper on

will tankhlblilyr, sinrr inr roiion almady i plrdgeit Of tus asenta, but It simpliry the of an on moo mu lla valurt lo i, mk. for rer of Mexican Deleaatee.$1.00 tarta an account American army, should H heroine neceeaery "CUPID VERSUS MONEY"a.lvanrra niatltt lo otrovr cüali culllva- The mediators had their first opportunity10 advance toward Mexico fílty it would

also mi off Huerta' s meann or escape 10lion.

. Vltaerrapri Heleaar. Featuring Nor-ma

early today to leant the character of the COOL PLACES!WkerraBoulH ill I Miaaragrr held by the Mexican commlasloners.any port on the east coast, as possession Talmudge, Koae Tapley, Van powertim atat ... i,,, in baa pul lia inarhtri but until disclosed by Ihe coherence. Itof Cordova would give the rebels control Dyke Brooke and l.eot'r tnlo lion to dUcovitr lb. wher Delanay.

of the railway line to Puerto de Mexico. probably win not be known exactly under PLEASURE PLACES!Puebla In Danger. tKiula anil .11 balng of a prraon wnat condition Oeneral Huerta wilt aa a inaaaenfftr lor Admiral In fact, the medlatoraBank k Trust CO. Arrlvala today from Puebla say lhat rlly would prerer that

is but very lightly rtrrlsoncd and that itKlrlrhrr, who tiiaappaarod morr than a Iba reurrment or Huerta ahould come aa Summer Tourist Round Trip Ratea Now in Effect' tott a ago from ihe port of Vera criu. a spontaneous and voluntary move on his

Just Below the P. O.Isnumbers,

being surroundedwho announced

by Kspailsiastheir Intent

greattons Prca dunatrhna daaeMbtd ihn man aa El Paso's Favorite part so that It could be accepted as a Points in the North. East and Southeast

thea filipino nataa attaadant. iieraonally ract and leave berore tbe mediation com-

mitteeof attacking place tomorrow. When lo iht aiimlral. Today word ihe of Via.the train bearing fugitives from Puebla to ram. question arriving at a com-

monio thr, atair ttrpartnwmt that thla mcaaao-gar- , under standlnf or agreement on theAplaaco, where it ronnects with the Vera art-- Laving Vara criu. had kind or government to whichpro-- . the LnttedCrut train on the Mexican National rail The Boston Ideali. (o ihr rettaral headquarter, not far States would reel able to accord recogni-tion,way. rear hod Zsratelro yesterday they diaiant ami reported lo Oeneral Maaa, th. in this coonetitioo the ract that tberound a battle in progreaa between the red-

arais federal roininander there et tbe lime. see. Huerta government came luto being aa a Texas Pacificend Zapatiaias. AHer being haltedfor several hours the engineer look ad relary líamela rabiad lo Admiral Klcteber Opera Company provisional administration pending an elec-

tionUnlay for further detalla. will afford an opportunity ror hevantage of a lull in the righting to run past Nothing further had been heard rrom ihr Mexican dictator to retire in a dlgnirtedtoe town. mlaalng vtrr r.onaul Btlllman or Orderly Three Weelu' Special Engage-

mentmanner and In accordance with what would Through Sleeper El Paso to Chicago

Parka. Starting seem to him a final accession.Aaelher Train f tlalligeea. Saaeath Progreaa Made.

Children Th. Bratlllen mtntater In Metiro i.tiy Soil) tbe Mexican and American reprt- -Ory reponen mat a train of no refugee, len Sunday Night at 8:15 seiiaauira axprraara encouragement overafsa Bis rOt FLETCHER'S lletlro t.ity yatterday for Puerto Mexico, wne appeared to them amooih progress

Señor. i:ardtiaa alao Informed the depart thue rar. The mediators hgve been chiefly. CASTO R I A meneTibai be ta ta roaelaat . a unleaiion In the Romantic Laughing ir hanging Ideas and getting the viewpoint

with the Brlilah at Tuktla Succeaa or tbe delegates. They will continue tn 'Outlerrea, the rapnal or Un- átale or in this manner until a point Is reached wbero Dr. M. A. MAUKIDKR. Dr. A. BURTON,

TO LOVERS OF GOOD COFFEE apai, regardhig the datanilon of ihe Amei benefits might come from a full confer Gradúate LobísyUIt. ., CoUess Graduate Iovls.Ule, t uUrg.Iran niniih, al fonala He alas added lhai "Fra Diavolo" ear such as was inaugurated at the flrat li, Kf,Irrtperator Brand SnilUti la areuaad of murder, but thai bl. rocinal session yesterday. 1MIfaintly la at liberty and receiving bind 80c Tbe session with the Mexican delegatestreatment. Everything poaaiin- - to aeeur. Pricege 25c, 36c, early today wss bald at tbe request or

I lb. Can. Met b. Cm $1.00 toe relcaae or the prisoner was being done. Use mediators, but lit coo reren re in tbe DRS. MAGRUDER & BURTONSeat Go on Sal Tomorrow aria moon with tbe Americana came aboutNo Batter Codec at Any Price. hraeirr Vea Need a Ueaerel Taalr Take Morning at 10 o'Clock at the aa a rouii of a formal call by the latter DENTISTSGreve'e. on Mtnlater buarex, to wbom the AmericanThe OM Mantiar. l Orove'a Taateleaa rhlll Bos Office of the delegate, had not yel paid their raspeéis

Co. Undor.U Tóate la equally valuaba, aa a Oeoeral Toatc, on account or hie late arrival here.Levy Grocery All Oth ara beeauae It eonuina tbe well known loale Crawford Theatre The American commlasloners incidentallyproperilea or yt'l.MNi and IRON. Drtroa told Minister suarex that tney bad received --Aa Anion.. Uadoa Clothing Co. Pal.runlli TJa

BOS-SO-S 204-20- 6out Malaria, eurleBea Blood. But Ida up tbe word from President Wilson since the teikE. Overlnnd St. Whole SyeUBB. Ma. - last night tod wganSnr Pt ama and

Friday. May 22. 1914. EL PASO MORNING TIMES


all shout every


meta of rood It Is

BY STORM ARRIVE Sale of Rich Cut GlassTELLS MMBMMT WILTON lsnn asked lo bnv. Mora especially MILK golden ktvik I'll n AND CALI-lT-

TION BY rEattUML, and Mil k PRODUCTS, for no food la fornun pi i i II. PASO

Hat springs Llvsc Batistas Wake Vn reel COLORADO COAL 9TB IKK 18 NECESSAKV more easily contaminated and rendered temia y m.m LAI.unfit for food than milk.Young Again.

e cheerful, hesluirul, rull of pure blood i.lndsey will 0 Vara and I Pa"..enoers Ihrlr Pralae f Traltits Agree TBK PIBLIC HI A BtGaTT TO KNOW Crown and I for CourteousHI and vl(or. and don't fool with calomel aeavor ta Gal Baakelellsr iplnyea

Or any violent cathartic. Arbitration. that the dairy supplying It with MILK Treatment hnr mi itiorkade.It a CLEAN bAlñV-- that It is operatedworld's ramouatheIf have been toyou andbj people who love good cows

health resort, you know ail anoui hut Hi Ike Awcialt Prats take s keen personal interest In every After being i i, hi for more than nriySPHiMis LIVBR BUTTONS, for they ar Washington. May it. Intervention by the detail, and woo are Juat as desirous to hours by Moods i washouts In the vt- -

prescribe) there by phyildana for ebronle to rorce an agreement deliver to their customers good MILK 0M II H aatck headache', federal government as to' It on their own nun or Haitian fei., train no. 8. thoconstipation, clogged liver, between mine owners and miners In the they are gal TMHS MOJRNHNG AT 10:00lack or tablet. Golden sute hn Puo kupset stomach, bllllousnesa, appe Colorado coal fields was urged on Presi-


ed of the Eltite, malaria and sallow and pimply akin Wilson today by Judge Ben B. 1 Southwestern lm lulled Into the Union

U you are not feeling- as rull or energy of Denver and a delegation or Colo-


TBK PUBLIC BAB A BSOgtT TO KNOW depot vest'-- iiv iin.'i'i.t.i.ii a. so o'clock A Big Event 200 Pfieces ñu theand ambition as you should, If you ara run women. that the eewt ara healthy that they are Olote I y rollnwing ii was the Caftfomtan.down, need a rood tonic, want to eat It wss Indicated that the president wss cleaned dally-tb- at the manure It duo hero Wednesday tnorntor 6:W Lot Hone Keserwed Honegad free bowels from erery hauled out and not allowed to seenhearty, your willing to do everything within his power

mulata in iba corrals nal the MILK Is o'clock, whirh in also been held up inpartiere of poisonous waste and las. gel g

to bring peace In Colorado, but that he be-

lievedkept covered from riles. end dust until tin viclnin i Ualharl ami polnta In New Sent O. HX Ho Phone Ordeirsbox or lltue cnocoisie costea nu i the state should solve the difficulty. It It carried Into the creamery that It Mexico, timer on the ftofik .IUn.t .

pumas LIVER buttons rrom sny arug If possible. It at onot refrigerated (not lust cooled) and El ra $nuthwetern linea that weregist today. Judge Llndsey announced he bad planned snd bottled by a clean machina, not delayed b ihe lieay ruin arrived aeverjl Fffledl Hone DeMverediTake one each nlgiit ror a week, their to go to New York later this week, with dirty banda that the botUei ara pre-

viouslyhours lauv

dally action Is blissful, gentle and sure his osrtv or women, and make an errort to sterilised with boiling water Paiseniri aboard the 0 olden Stale lim-

itedThey are simply splendidly Joyful, and see John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and urge hltn andmilk

againIs covered

with sleaxnwith crushed

that lbsIce

bottleduntil and ahrornlan wero loud in their weeks ago we literally stirred El Paso to the quick with a sale of Cut

Iter try them you'll say so. Honey dirrerenns pralie at lh- treatmenl accorded TWOyou to submit to arbitration or the delivered to you. they wereMack ir you gran't satisfied. For tree between the mine operators and strikers. by the ratlu ay einployea and crews of Today Friday we again seek your attention with news thatsample write Hot Springs Chemlcgl Co., eitsjeu the trains during the lime weretheycivilHe asserted wsr practically THE PUBLIC BAH A BJOtTT TO KNOW promises to create even a greater sensation.Mot Springs'. Ark. In Colorado. Thej received every courtesy poi- -

Hot spring's I.lver Buttong are for sale President Wilson Is understood to nave thattiungs



a dairy,mora


Insureall these

you sible and were sniilleii with bountirtii Although the total number of pieces is large two hundred yet the quanti-ty

by Kelly k Pollard and druggists every told the delegates that ha was deeply con-

cernedgood, clean milk. meals d r he ne they were ma-

rooned.where. over the Colorado situation and had of certain individual articles is limited. Therefore, we ure early


the dangerplan or


He wasfederal



Jamestin-l. ii.iNirner,

iifien stalennc ur

huntedthe pass'nfrerv

thai left Many lots will undoubtedly sell out early, and ii will not be possible tothink, however, that the slate had It with that tbll dairy siso supplies CERTI-

FIEDchicado hunda) ami whs due to arrive them.MILK for babies and sick duplicate

in Us to settle the strike without yuur here Tuesday afternoon, said: "When weNINE DEGREES ARE furtherpowerfederal inerference.

people. reached hallinri a terrific rain storm was Each article of Cut Glass offered is a gem of its kind, being richly and deeplyVisit the other dslrtel, then visit ours sweeping ihat section of Texas, insnd Judge for yourself. ract It resemble a c dune. The tracks cut and possessing high brilliancy.

TO BE CONFERRED and bridges mi tin- itnck Island CONDITIONS OF THIS SAUK None of these will be reserved or sentPREDICTS RAPID washed out an u as impossible forihe train to No orders filled. None delivered. of each articleE DAIRY proi ed. The passengers wero C. O. D. phone Only onePASO all made romroiliable on board the train,

COMMKM HIK l BXEBCISK8 AT NEW where mesls we re minishcd without cost sold to each customer. The assortment .includes :

MEXICO AGRICl'LTTRAL COLLEGE TO RISE IN VALUES "Sboo-fl- irai Its were laid around Ui

BE HELD NEXT WEEK. COMPANY worst of the and large m -Inch Olory Trnys. Khnrl Htrni"f section men ail enters and mechani

Flower Vaafs. Wutor IMtchcra. Cream kwere, ni service to thopressed repairBecretary of Htale Antonio Lucero to De W Ml I'ltrhera, Hugar Howls, Hon Hon 1PHOENIX NAN DECLARES LAMI linea. They ked day and night andliver Address to Grsduales Meeting af MLLA VALLEY WILL SOON BE WORTH we were mi i without any lu niHhf-- with hamllcs. Relian Olshes. IOld Students' Association. AT LBAKT $500 PER ACRE. convenience b the loss of Urn." Hureau Trays. Mayonnaise Howls.

The sinrm v. h wept over the v Ictnlt; 1 Napplea, Hon Hon IMahet on alanda, I

By Timet Special Correapon&ent Ilemonstrales His Faith hi Future by CHICAGO WOMAN of Dalhaii was r the worst In recent 1 Sjioon Tray, Plates und 7 Inch Bowls, fMejilla Park, v M May The twenty Valuable Properly In La Tures years. It did pi Ininage to the railroai I Your cholee I

first annual commencement or tbe New Tramlines, crops an eh properties.and District.AdlolnlngMexico college of Agriculture and Me the ock Island system was practicallychanlc Arts beita. with the baccalaureate SHOT AND ROBBED at a staudsiill for more than nriy hour's.sermon on Monday next and end with the By Time Special Corrfpandent Trains going casi and west being unable o Women's House Dresses, Special at 55cgraduation day program. Thursday, 'lav 4W. Las cruces. N. M May 1 J. H. lllRilnn. get through.5tne degrees will be conferred, seven or a resident of Pboenlx, Ariz., is in Hi MRS. MARY E. FLAVKLLE VICTIM On Sale Today In the Basementthem bachoior'A and two masters. Cer .

Cruces on a brier business trip. Mr. it k Ito it it ON PASSENGER TRAIN Rrruner tlutrnicnt Lightensllflcates will be issued to thirty studeut.--

the of ITALY. Hy the Ataoruitnl i'rm lot of women's good quality Percale House Dresses, in sn ipes andfor completing courses of undergrgduaie don is enthusiastic over prospecta Washington, May 91. -- Hcfugcc hav AFINEgrade and shorter length than the regular the valley and became so Impressed with been brought nut or Mexico so rapidly H checks Made with long sleeves; collar and culls trimmed with plaincollege course. Secretary of the possibilities of the land under the Ele-


Believed lo Have Been shot by an Italian the past weeks innt Hear Admiral Had gerState Antonio Lucero will deliver the ad White rraln Was Running Through a at Vera Cruz cabled the navy department material of contrasting color. While they last Friday, C CButte project that he purchased sev-

eraldress to the graduating classes. The pro Tunnel. tonight that he now "considered probahl W3Cgram for the week follows: pieces or valuable property as well as that the service of chartered' steamers may your choice of the lot .

Sunday. some valley land- - Mr. Hlrdon was here By the Aanociated Preaa be dispensed with and any further refugell:0o a. in., baccalaureate service; ser last year and thoroughly Investigated land Florence, Italy, May l. -An American accommodated by the naval ships "

moa by Rev. C. w Campbell of Las Cruces; values at that time. He has seen the won-

derfulwoman, Mrs. Mary E. Flavelle, or Chicago, Reports Troni Admiral Mayo rrom Tarn Kemnantis off White andl Colored Wash (Goods7:80 p, m.. Joint meeting or Y. M. C. A. development of. the country around according to a police Identiricatton, wis pico tonight said that quiet prc ailed In

and Y. W. C. A. Phoenix rollowlng the completion or tne found lu a dying condition in Ihe com that cliy and several Americans had len On Sale at About Mall PriceTuesday. Roosevelt dam project and predicts even partment of a train when It arrived at Tamplco ror the Panuro oil Meld. The con-ditions

Today8:00 p. m., graduating exercises or pre-

paratorygreater results rrom the Elephant Butte Arexzo today. there are repldly assuming normal usual, feature Remnants in White and Colored Washdepartment. project. The woman had been shot through 'he proportions, he said. The admiral alito FRIDAY, as we our

Wednesday. Looks for Soaring prices. right temple. In a poekrt under her skirt announced that he had been orrictally not Sect ions. Some particularly attractive pieces just enough for10:00 a. m., meeting or the board of 'Any man." said Mr. Hlgdon, "who owns a pocketbook was found with a letter today by General Gonzales, t lint theregen is. forty or fity acres of valley land five years credit Tor $1,3O0 rrom a Chicago bank, l a l.ahara lighthouse was again In service. suits, skirts or dresses, in Crepes, Ratines, Crochet Weaves, l.inens, etc. All

S.JO p. m., senior class day exercises rrom now will be independent. Land that which had tteen cashed In part. No hand8:00 p. in Alumni' banquet (by Invitation, does not compare wllh yours Is now sell baggage, ticket or letters were found, bu. AlevaDdrr Elected Moderator. marked at about HALE PRICE.

at gymnasium.) ing in the Halt River valley at 9500 per a bagage label with the name "Mrs. By the A HMOrintrd PreThursday. acre and priees are constantly soarinn. was picked up and on the seat lay ciiicagu. May vi. Rev. Maltland Ale an We also offer at about Half I'rice, Remnants of Silks, Dress

10:00 a. m.. commencement exercises, ad believe that thousands or homnseekers visiting rard bearing the name "Miss der. pastor of the First Preshyleriandress by Antonio Lucero, secretary or the will riock into these valleys Just as soon Blanche Marie Harcpurt" with bloody Tin churrh of 1'IUslmrgh, was chosen modera-

torGoods, l.aces, Embroideries, Ribbons, Veilings and Curtain

siaie or !ew Mexico. ncla Sam begins to deliver water. ger prints. The woman's handbag wa of I:1'. Hi general assembly of ihe Pres Materials.8:30 p. in annual meeting of Old Stu and land that Is now valued at $100 per round later alongside the track. byterian churci in the imited states bydents- association. acre will readily sell for two or more per t the hospital the woman was sum - acclamation today. BROWN NATURAL LINEN SHEER RATINE MIXTURES4:00 p. in., annual Alumni business meet acre." rlently revived to say she bad taken theing. Baeka Eallh YVItb Cask. train at r lorence and was alone in the COMMENCEMENT AT. MARATHON (i inches wide guaranteed all pure They come in grey, pink, blue, laven-

der8:30 p. m., senior promenade. Mr. Hlgdon is backing his faith in the compartment. Her assailant, she said, was

valley with his money. He recently pur-

chasedyoung Italian who entered the compart Creditable Program Rendered by Students linen; an excellent fabric for street some striped, others plain. Ideal

49c ICE CREAM SOIIA SPECIAL. a quarter of a block near the Cath-olic

ment and shot her, and then robbed her. ol High school. forhousedresses, dresses, children's summer outer WoStunt S CONFECTIONERY. She said she was of In Las Cruces from J. F. Bon- - sixty years age and. By Timrg NpcctWiI Corren pendent

Perrert Order Inham, and on Wednesday bought the Gon-

zalesmarried. Krforta to extract the bullet wero Marathon. Texas. May 91- .- the com-

mencementclonics, etc. i Mir regular zoc seller. place this lot on sale today, buy asTamplco. unsuccessful and tonight Mrs. Flavelle Tellproperty at Canal and Churrh streets. exercises or the Marathon High

By the Ateooiated Prea He bas also acquired title to some cnoice Into a state of coma. school were held Friday evennitr al ihe Limit 10 yards to a customer. much as you want at, 1Tamplco, May SI. Perfect order Is be valley land near this city. According to the train orflclals th" wo skating rink, which waa henutirutly deco-

rated17c van! idiCing maintained In Tamplco. The Today yard aat,consli Three new cottages are being erected In man occupied the rompartment alone. In ror the occasion Polled plants and




theManymost the Palmer addition. City water malni the next compartment wss a man of about the class colors, while and green, were

former residents of Tamplco are returning. were recently extended to the addition. thirty. He did not act suspiciously, but used in profusion An excellent programPermission is being granted the oil men to The Morris Freudenthal residence on Las at Arezzo was observed to leave tin- train was lender. ,i by ihe puptl tnid their work Superior Assortment of Practical and Serviceableproceed up me river to tnc oil camps. Cruces avenue Is now completed and the from the wrong side. He carried a valtae. reflected the greatest credit, tiul only upon

Freudenthal family will move at once, It Is supposed the crime occurred in themselves, but upon their teachers. TheWAIVES EXTRADITION. ovtorlni Alfalfa. the tunnel which lies Jnst outside of graduation address was made by Mrs. SUMMER FLOOR COVERINGSHundreds of tons or new alfalfa are be-

ingArezzo. It was alongside tho tracks Eugenia Wector. and was a powerful ex

Man Arrested Here In Connection Wllh shipped to El Paso and other Texas this point that the valise and a pair or hortation to the younfc pcnpie standingBlsbee Murder does to Arizona Today. points. The hay cr ip waa a little late women's gloves, stained with blood, were upon life's threshold to make the most Curtains and Curtain MaterialsExtradition will ne waived by W. W on account of a short cold spell a cou-

pleround. of their opportunities and not to stand

Kermeen , now confined In the city Jal or weeks aso. Most or the formers Idly by and wait for greatness to be thrust UGS of wool, grass and fibre lo me et every requirement of the city orwho is wanted at Hiabee, in are storing their first cut as it Is usually STORM AT ALlMOt.onnO.Arte, connec upon them. country home, in all the desirable weaves and colorings, are in stock. Fortion with the mysterious death of r. K. free rrom any weeds. All large growersHarrell or that place. A deputy sheriff have storage sheds and they find It profit-

ableLong Bridge on Clondcrofl Huart Struck

successfulThe term






publicmost Friday and Saturday's selling we offer some extra special values that will

from Blsbee arrived last evening and will to hold each season's crop until after by Lightning and Hurued.schools of Marathon and the andprincipal

take Kenneen to that place this morning the following January. The old crop has By Time Special Correbpnndeui teachers have been warmly cnmu'atiilatcd make it worth your while to invcsligat e.where be will be given a preliminary Just been sold ror sr. per ton while th Alamorurdo, n. m., May .'l During upon the excellent results or their workhearing. new cut Is selling for sn per ton. fierce electrical storm which swept this this year. Al Ihe last meeting or the RAG RUGS In the "Old Tyme

The accused man was arrested Wednes considerable interest Is being manifested section this afternoon a Ininv wooden bridgeday afternoon at the Hotel Qrndorff, by In the election lo be held ihls fall. Dona on Die Sacramento Mountain railroad wns school board the entire teaching staff was lit ami Miss" effects.

re elected for the ensuingcity detectives, upon telegraphic requeat Ana county will elect two state represen-

tativesstruck by lightning and burned, putting

year.!lxl2 sie, values $7.50

from Chief of Police Watklns or Blsbee and the sute will elect a congress tho road to Cloudcrofl out ol commission. Misses Laura Mansfield and Adle Lemons, $!l.50who asked tbat tho man be arrested ir man and corporation commissioner. Railroad orriclals estimate ihat 1,100 ties of Sanderson, were Marathon visitors Frl lixll size, $1.50 values $3.75lorated In re Kenneen refused to discuss Major Llewellyn and P. Moreno, Repub will he required to crib up a temoraiy day to attend the c.iiiuiienremen. exercises IMx.ll! Dour Mais, 45c values 30cihe case yesterday, further than to say llrans, represented this county In the state structure, a construction train carrying of Ihe Marathon IIikIi schoolthat he was Innocent of ihe crime and tnat legislature in 19 and 1013. The wnw a Dig rorce nr men and a larire quantity Mrs. Musgravea, r ilaymond. was the COLONIAL RAG RUGShe could establish an alibi. crals, since the split in the republican of material III be rushed to Ihe scene week-en- guest of her daughter, Mrs. H. have number "f unusually beauparty and with the lielp or a Democratic tomorrow morning and the road will h Roberta.

agoverner. are out arter the Jobs and prom reopened ai the earliest possible rnomeat. Mr. and Mrs. Lachanre, of Fort Clark nuil large size Colonial Rag Rugslae a lively campaign. It Is said that J. H. The sunn was severe all over this sec with and floral bord-

er-"are the guests of Mrs. achunce's parents. plain centersPaxton, state shalrman of the Democratic Don but no damage, beyond ihe burning Mr. and Mrs. John, will probably make the race. Othe or the bridge, has been reported Made of new cretonnes in

Iw mor rats who are conaldered possibili Mrs. Lucían Hut rill rem rued Wednesdayt.iM c.lwrs.

ties for the nominations are: Joseph Hen BECKER MURDER CASE. from San Antonio, where she has beennett. Anthony; W. 8. Gilliam. Mesilla Park; usltlug her daughters, Misses l.ouana and c .Iter them Friday and Satur-da-

C. Frenger, Las cruces, and Francis K. Kate oí Former New York Police Lleiitrnant Marlon, who are attending Lady of ;ii v;reat reductions. ii

Lester. Mesilla Park. The Republicans will In Heads of Jury. the Lake In ihat city andtxl " size, $27.5(1 value $21.50 CURTAIN SPECIALS $1.00 $1.25probably nominate Major Llewellyn, A. J. By the A $ ovia ted Vr Mrs. I'eier Balnes and little sou, or SanFountain. Jose Lucero, Lee Elliott or w. New York. May 91.- - The Jury which is to der son, are the gueals or Mrs. Mames par 9x12 ize, $24.50 value . $19.50 Swiss Curtains, plain 'r fieured, with ruf- -

W. Cox. cetveddetermine

the plotwhether

that resultedCharles


the murdercon cuts, Mr. and Mrs. I. O. benmger. !)xl2 size, $15.00 value $12.00 lied or ilat border. Si cial, per pair 89c

GERMAN MINING MAN KILLED.or Herman Rosenthal the u ill Misses Anna Smith and Josephine Lyon, i size, $21.011 value . . $16.50 $1.50 and $1.75 values $1.25have the case in Its hands before noon teachers or the Marathon school, lrt forlomorrow. their homes In lu Alpine Sunday, their In size, élH.ili) value . $14.25 CURTAIN SCRIMS At savings. Our

Richard t Shot b Mexican R.ncllt Near The last testimony was taken this morn 25c seller . 18citis having expired. il size, $10.50 value .$ 8.00 regularOurlca. Sonora. ing and Becker's chief counsel deliveredBy ihe Áatociateé 'n u his argument to the Jury. Late tonight Miss Frances Mitchell, or Sanderson, Is DELTOX GRASS RUG- S- 36c and 10c Scrim al . 29c

itougias. Aria., May Richard urban, District Attorney Whitman completed the uesi or Mr. and Mrs. carduer. CREX ANDmining man of German birth, but be presentation or his argument favoring the ynn. or Alpine, was here Friday At extra special prices. COUCH HAMMOCKS Let us show you

conviction of the former police lieutenant lo attend Me- commencement Couch Hammocks. Sold withlieved to be an American citizen, was shot in the first degree. eveuimr ex the new orand killed Wednesday by a Mexican bandit Justice Barry will charge the Jury to-

morrowercise. 9x12 sie at. $6.95 without frame.

at ciaborg's camp, near Ourlca, Sonora, morning. Km, nail and daughter. Miss Alice $5.958x10 size ataccording lo Oeorge F. Cooper, an Ameri left Monday for Deming. N. M.. where they FULL LINE OF BABY Atcan, who arrived here today. HORSE THIEVES ARE ACTIVE. will i"i ihe summer v ith reisiives (jxi) sir ai $3.75 most reasonable prices.

Cooper said he was with urban at tht They will stop over a rew days In El Paao ;(lx)0 mi Ii size at . 85c We make and hang all grades of and had a narrow escape hlmseir. Tweaty-Sl- i Head at Horses Have Been with Mrs. kimbatFs daughter, Mrs. ByronAccordlna; to bla story, they bad rone to Taken la Vlrlalty or Valentlae. Lee. 27x5 inch size at . 65c liest material, workmanship, and prices

the camp, which had been Idle ror some Speoial Wire ta The Time Tom Musgravea, or Alpine. Is the guest WOOL AND FIBRE RUGS All sizes and guaranteed. I'hoiie us and estimate manUrns, intending 10 dismantle It and take Austin Tex., 91. or his sister. Mrs. H. hoberts, this weekMay hanger Captainthe store to Piacuxari. They found a Mex-

icanJohn R. Hughes today advised the adjutant Mr. ami Mrs, Dick Arnold were ihe week;- colors al special prices. will call.

In possession, sitting In a house with general that horse thieves had been operat-ing

end puesta ui sir, ana sirs, rnwa rifle across his knee. A Mexican boy through the section of the border Mr. W. J Mdniyre lert Thursday rorwith the party went to spend the night with country in the neighborhood or valentine her home m Austin, aMer a Pleasant visitthe man, and was seen no more. Cooper and Lobo. wllh relative, here continue the sale of Women'sbelieved the boy was killed also. Thieves crossed the river near re-

centlyMr. and Mr Kart Parker are in rrom the We

The next morning the Americans, who and secured twenty six horses rrom Kendrlck ranch, spending a few daya with $1.95had camped several hundred yarda distant one ranchman. Mrs. Wilheim Sample Low Shoes, with new lotsrrom the house, heard a number or anota According to captain Hughes, it will lake Professor and Mr- - Mitchell, of Warwickand went to inveatlrate. When they trot several months for the country to be attended ih' i exercises here added. Regular $3.50, $4.U0 and $5.UU valnear the house i.rban feu dead wllh a bul cleared up or undesirable characters and Friday eveninglet In his head. petty ihlerlnr and robbery controlled. Wooster Beaudrox. or Valentine, was the Choice, aWhy Did Mary Cooper reported the affair to Charles guest or his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos ues pairMontague, United States consular agent at Great Trolling stallion Mes. Beaudrox, Friday.cananea, wno said be would take It up By the Aae4mc4 Pram Billy Burke, of l angtry. visited Mendswiui tne state department Lexlnrkn, hy.. May 91. Word reached here this week..Leave Home? here today from Russia or the death there A. V. Lemons is in rrom ihe Combs Attend the Complete Lines

NARBOWLY EftCAPED DEATH. or Billy Burke. 9;0i the third fastest ranch visiting his. mother.ironing staiiion in the world. Biliv hurke Mrs. W. T. Huniham anuí daughter. Miss BALL GAME (Me of New

Mix Men In Jeopardy la Blhee Mine When by Silent Brook crystal's Laal, waa five Nena, are In rrom their cítisos mountainlln Wells Cave la. yeara old and bred by J, i arover, or ranch, guests of Mrs. Hurnham'g daughter, Sunday for the White Footwear

By Special Wire to Tha Time Georgetown, Ky. He waa sold to parties Mrs. Todd. TGeo. D. Kendall Blsbee, Arla., May 91. Six men wgre in nuasia lor a price 01 9UjyjOO. Benefit of the -burled to the knees oftoday when a mass

Make GlSMM nunitreos 01 ions or ore fell from a Hit or course Wilson's cabinet la split on Adclub BSigMAUEA aV 1 aáCaaaaggsa

tHMwm FaU. gins leasing slope and drove throuarh the war operations, notwithstanding the Children Orr- -fifty root floor 10 a drift below. The men dentals. Ii Is almost Impossible to rind v..m umma Arm, an equal number or men who win irMi FOR FLETCHER'SWho ran to a back well escaped the main on anything these day, unless Ú la Utafail, and except for brulaea were unhurt. 'IIIUICI UI1IIC. CAST O R I A

EL PASO MORNING TIMES Friday, May 22. 1914.

Baseball Tig-- Dttve Racing Kentucky Oak at Golf AO Americans Out BowlingPlank From Mound Louitville Today of British Tourney



By special win it ru rt Hv Sprdal Wirt lo Tht Til""I.OUHSVILI.F. Y.. Ifey t. mi, Weather clsr; track fast. JOHVMi: FVFRS. I.ONO A LIB STAR, JENNINGSPIMLICO. Ml) May SI ivu w earner clear trees CREW TAKE FIRST OT IM PASSES PROVE COSTLY IN Dill IIFRs'374 ""'" RACK Illñc! On mile. Time 7m. it. 1:11 1:41 I I Start rood: Pl.AYsl PBilMt-vrai- rsar in defeat PORTANT SERIES BEFORE BIGGEST BATTLE STAGED AT OMAHA, WITB

drlvlnr 367 FIHST BACK Purse lour and one hilf fiiri ni. TUni .73, .41 55 7 5. OF FORMFB TIAMMATES. CBOWII OF THE SEASON. TIPPLE BTABJIING.stirl rair; wnn e IV.

IfKIci Horn. WHL At hit, pin Jockey,, jr.dd. atr. Kin.WL sv 4 S N Jockey. odda.9t UlUt Bean .101 t 71 I' I' ! I laylor 7 lo I indei. Hurae riralea Take Phillies Inln amp. Utillr While Sos. Galas Well Arala. Take Flrat Denver strrnt theaa Lets at F.tpease o! I'lIBs Dryad .104 I 4' s f Hflli 17 In 10 'Herbare . tío t

5,.... 3

i is1 3' !

OsvhmAlea Reda ( enlliiue oa VlelartMl Way, With From Red Soi While New Yerk Dawns St. Moines, wan SL laseph Bs Wkaalnf

71 prlncea Janice . .104 t f t M 3' M t lu I 777 Dlallltislnn . nono 4 .. V 8' 3' J'4 Taplin i. lam- - Loalno '" Busftsa' Cannula. i ni a and i in lie i - sun Clink. t rem i,ieoia Bateas

707 Transit IIS I I ik S 4 4' Marin. 73 lo n 776 Thrillim 7 .. :.' r.'i 5" 44 Barns77 Cliff Mild .100 I 4 f r.' Mull i; to i MS kopje 4" 5

Old tm Star ol l ote 110 0 l ! Butwell NATIONAL UtASIJE. ABJERICAN LEAGUE. WESTERN LEAGUE.MTrump .10 7 7 7 M Nolan luí in I 7" 7 4 Ryanno 3 a"30 1 ransportation . .IM I 7' 71 II 7 II lu 171 sandbankft' 'l 6' 7 allananin (hum .IM 4 3' b' ' - kevlll, ;i to in 114 Nl. Helens . tin V

7' s " slsndlng ol the Cluhe. Standing at Ike Clubs. Standing of Ik Clubs.Itu I McCilwy- Marknex .101 t .. t. Glutei 151 10 I 141

CelebritySorrento .

. u' ' Woire Won. Lost. PCL Won. Lost. Pet. Woo. Loat. PeLI in in .. io in io to Schuitlnsor Plltaburrb IS I .OW Detroit tl 10 .077 Denver 90 to .MTMutual Metalpaid: Bean, piare is to 4, show 7 to 5. Dryad, place even, show 3 Hi 3. ttt White

J mil ' enow 43 lo 80 Scratched Bob Hanaley. New York tl 0 .100 Washinrton 1T It .107 St. Joaepb IS 10 .Sal. little Bean, runnthr lo his beat form, opened a rood lead paaam the half but olipled. IS lllllloel. llarbase icassall Imryi atralrht 4.10, place ISO, u u .i 17 tt .OS, Philadelphia 14 it .too sioui city is , 13 .tit

tired finally and lust lasted. Dryad, away alowly. closed a lilt yap and tlnlshtfir ihoW II I" .Ill.llluslon,breaker

lil n imened, anovvrood aaD



mowField eafe throuilioilt. Brooklyn 17 tl .100 SI. "ni . II II .tig Dei Moines It' 14 .117

with a rush, waa beet. Janiee rlosed a food tap early but ralierrd after n.,h... ,B,,i,imil could new-- ret to winner. Thrill beat of SI. Louis IS .LU New York II 13 .100 Lincoln : II u .411relttnr Id leader. Transit a fair rice, clirr Maid done early

hálameniaiiiu inn




puriuit I'lilladrlplua II 11 Boalon It II .tit Wlchlt tl tl .tossecond bace Keiiinr- ii i:5Ti Clip aro II 17 'Ideas-.- . II IS .Oa limaba II to ,4Mruilonrs Time n i 47, 5. mart rood.375 1 sar. SK. USD HACK- - sellln. Mill and n yards. Time .73 f-- l, :4S t-- till Boston I 17 Cleveland S 10 .tto Topeka 11 70


vO i ll I 6. 1:46 I 5. Slarl rood, won eallly.Index. Hora. Wt. It. H sir Fin. Jockey. odda.

Hides, llora. Wl. al V Sir, fin Jockey. Odda. Where They Ply Today Where They Play Today. hrre They play Tly.ÍÍ Motim klve t 7 I' i" ! in to to Of. S'l ? I'l I'l Callahan New York st SI Detroit at Philadelphia. Topek at Omaha.101 Uncle Hart loo 4 ft 7' Turner a to I 313 ft av ,i

730 Yellow Fyes 103 I'l II 7' Wolte nl inctnnatl. Chlcaro at Boslon. Wichita at Sioux city.Sit Cash on Delivery 10 3 a" SI 31 3i Neylon .17 lo InAl Bloch 110 f, té-- :,l 41 ll m i, Í7 lo VI 117 Frank Hudson 106 4 4 i" 3 Mrfarrart Philadelphia al Plttaburrh. St. Louis at Waahfnrton. Lincoln at 81. Joseph.

MS I.. II Adair no a 7' 7' r, Waidron m to i 707 Hood Hay 100 31 31 ji 4 McCahey Huston at Chlciro. Cleveland it New York. Denver al Dea Moines.371 Msrla t 01 I 31 41 5" t. laimtlllck I. to t.70. ovellow Eyea. pUcitrilarlit 0 7.', piac 1.30.SftS Itlarh Street 101 a M 8' 7 I'ernry 75 I o I It mtilueli paid: luinway. Bu th 4aoeifllrf Prett By Iht Attorttleit prett By Iht Attociated Prttt371 London 101 Hi ' .11 pi a1 Demude 7a show mutuels sold. . May .'I. --Boston won the flratlo tl.ady where h took the lead Philadelphia, May 71 The Omh. fteb . 71.' Runway followed Yellow l yes eloacK lo Ule íur lun. blneal crowd My Tipple pitched mas- -300 firoevenor 107 II 3 a s a1 Kenirh 76 to In of the aenea from chlcaro todayihereartw. Yellow Eyea bowed rood speed and riniabed rame of ihe seaaon al a baseball terly ball aralnat herewith a rii-- b and held away ram here aaw Topeka thla after-

noonnafrv lot 7 .. I"' ins no tn i amdl tit lo I iii ihe Johnnie3 to i undue Evert,777 Anna Heed lot tl .. ll II II II Mn.aba field ramely tiiourh urinr Frank Hudson ooiramed Hood Hay at end. Detroit defeat Philadelphia today 0 10 4. and Omaha had no trouble in Wln-

nlnr.who made his .ii debut ae nptaln of The visitor drove Plank off the rubber In 3 to 0. Clarke kept the hita wellBACK Purse, one and one elrhlh mile- - Time :73 7 3, :il 1:13 S I.Muluela paid kiva, place 101 to 70, abo a; to 70. Hart. pla . it io 4, show lea THIRD the Manors aralti-- t hla former teanimatea, the second Innlnr. His succeatort, Shawkey acatlered except tn the rourth Innlnr. bul

7 10 r. Cash. how 4 lo 5. Scratched Dalnlv Mini, Armor, campeón, Darlnn t 30 I 6, 1:63 4 6. Hlarl rood, won drlvinr walked and scored on Maranvllla'a triple. ami covaleakie. were both taken out In Omaha scored twice on bises on balls.klva, nkiv well, was I. nilled Into the. lesd and under rood handllnr, lout did last. Indei. Hora. , Wt. sl A Vt ft Sir. Fin. Jockey" Bre.nalisll raiirht Maranvllle ofr third base, the third Innlnr Score: r. h. at.

Inch' Han forced Hie laaiie all the way i on Delivery, away slowly, closed a 770 rffllitay .11 :i i1 r r i' ii srhiitunrer but Zimmerman rumbled ihe throw and A delegation from Shamokln. Pa., Omaha 000 111 OO- '-J s .tpre-sentedtap and flnlahcd solus raalesl. Al Bloch s not- rare, l ady ondon ami Maria C i3nft)Bravr ctimrdr ...IIS i s' 7i S' S" lapnn Maranvllle scored. 4'covaleakie with 000 000 0000done early (iroivenor broke slowly and wan outrun Ihroufhoui '.HHTiefendiim ...103 .' 5" 4 :t 3" 3" Butwell a diamond locket Topeka 1

3:ts The Hovflrnor . ..... ... IH ii 3' l 3' l" 4" 4" Callahan Boston'- - other run waa made on Gowdy'a and sirunk with a bouquet, while Burns, Batteries Tipple and Crosby; Clarke aofl

376 Tiintii HACK Gentleman' cup lie mile. Time n. I I t, l ift, HI. a ' :i:i3'Spearn,-a- p t 4 6"' 6" I." Kttlaht double. Tyler's sinrle and Ever' aicrlflce a Philadelphia boy, received a diamond Rapps.had, won driving 3ia,'Humlliiitlon i'i ft r, ft Divlea fly in Un- fifth Innlnr. Chlcaro'a run was scarf pin. It brtnr hit flrat rame hare as Summary Two-bas- e bits. Clancy, Tlpphs,

Index. Horae Wt. St H sir, yin, Jockey, odda. Ihe result of Bresnihan'a walk and major learucr. Burns hit a bom run Double playa, McQee 10 French. SiruckCoupled. 77 muluela paid Holldsv. atralrht 10.60, place 4.10, ahow S70. Brave Cheney's triple In ibe fourth. drhe into the icn field bleichera In hit out. by Tipple 5, by Clark 4. Baaes onPalma I VI 3 I t 74 7" I" Hor 17 lo 3 cunarfler. 3.60, show 7.:i". Defendniu allow 7 Hrratrhed: Tornhlll. Mías i av-

300 Oalley Hlave IM t, 3" 3" I II 7 keene II In 5place The acore: R, H. E. first time at bat. Dane. 011 nppte 4. orr Clarke 3. umpires,

373 Hanly tin a 4 4 3 3 3" Thompson II to I niurn.Hulldiy waa rushed lo inb front an selltnr a fast pace, held away thrnufhoiit, Boslon 700 010 000 3 S 1 Score ' Uaslon and Stockdale.

340 Cloud Chirr lii I 71 7" 4" 4' 4" Comba ft4 lo 10 allhouab linns al end Brave cunardrr forced the Issue all Hie wiy. Defendum. Chiras.. 000 100 000 I I 1 E(tolden Treasure 150 4 M 5" r. 5' Bred 7ft lo 10 oulrun early, riulahed roln faeteal. tun era beaten off. Raiii-rie- Tyler and Oowdy; Cheney, Detroit lis 001

rsjcJai is SI. Joesh I; Llieeln 5.41 Outlan 0 ft ft 0 6 ft Welerson ftl lo 10 Smith and Brernahin. Philadelphia 004 000 0004 0 I By the Attoctattd Prtttfui HTII HACE- - steeplechase. Two and one fourth miles. Tim 4:75. startr7il Two base bita Schmidt, Oowdy. Three

biseBatteries: covaleakie. Cavet and stanire. st. Joseph, mo.. May work

Mutoele paid: Palma, piare yi to to. show it to to. slave, piare I to v, show' Ml" won eaallv. on the baaea by thehi. Plank, Shawkey, lócala today causedMai am tile Cheney. Hill Off Brassier, Pennock and3 to 10. ii mil v. show 3 to 8. Withdrawn: Calrium. indei. Wt St. H u H Sir. Fin Jockey uddt.Palma raced cloud chief Into snhmlaalnn and ttandtnr a rtriie oulramed nallev Horse. Cheney. 8 in 7 Innlnri: ofr Smith, none In Schanr- me ueicat 01 tne Antelopes. Four nm- -

Aleve under rood handllnr. Oalley slave waa alnn well handled, appeared eertaln fS Rally nay ..lit i Í1 ru i' I' ! Allen 7 nn, ii- Double play Maranvllle to e hila kavanaurh, l 3 tan re, were scored In the firth Innlna; on two.h3lwinner an elrliih nut hut faltered some finally Hanly finished . n ir rn cloud '.'73 Itryndor til s 71





O'Brien Schmidt Bates on billa Off Tyler, I; off Schanr. Home run Burns. Hlls Ofr Cova-leakie,

and two base on balls. Score; r. h. g.. Ill 3 3'


Robl. Neville .136 S3 4' 4 ' l" Holmes Cheney. 7. Struck out By Chelwy. 1; by 7 In 7 Innlnra; off Cant, 7 In St.Lincoln , 070 100 00 4 11 t

314 Slmondale ..160 4 41 I' 6 6 6 J. Hitter Tyler, :' Umpires klem and Han. 13 Innlnra: orr Plank. 4 in I s Innlnra; Joaeph 000 147 or 8177 lOI.BTH BACBSellinit Mile and one aliteenth. Time si. 41, t il l l. I 37 off naileries -c- ooney, smith andJ' Shawkey, 4 in Innlnr: orr Breatler, 1 Meyer, r;

14ft. Start bad; easilywon .18 muluela paid Bally llav atralrht 4 30, place 7.30, show s.10. Bryndnl. place Piratea. I; Phillies, X In 7 I Inninrs: orr Pennock, I In I Inninrs. Bell and Schanr.

Inder Horae wt. St. H sir Fin Jockay. odds 7.30. ahow 7.IU syosseii. ahow s.10. fleratrhed: Baybrook, Top Hal. Merry raak. By thr .4 asodafed Double play kavanaurh, Buah and Rum. Summary-Thr- ee base hit. Miller. Tara.Í373)Jatiiea Dockerv lio l t s i is in. union S3 i" w Ilally Bay. fenrlnr boldly, showed moat apeed throiirhnut and always held hla

Pa.Prett Base on balls Ofr covaleskle. 1 ofr Breas-b--

baae hits, Mullen, Patterson. Foi, McGam- -!UI inh. im 10 7 I" It S" V" V I inn k 73 In field safe. Bryndor Torced the laaue all the way and was eaally best or othera. Mayer

May 71 Pltlsburrh hit7. siruck out By Covaleakie, t: by ran. in, nine ptaya, Brition 10 R. Waiasjn

I I 4' 41 II 3' :H uherl fair and Alexander hard today and won377 Wander . II In Syoaelt a race. to Paiterton; will lo R. Watson.337 Bnntie I. ham e IO 7 ft A i Í.I t" lo i the openinr rame rrom Philadelphia. 0 io Cavet, I; by Plank, l; by Brealer, 7; by Hit, ofr

FIKTII M:K-'neml- le. Time .1 f - 8. :R t 15 t: Htar rood; 7. Pennock, 1. Umpires Dineen nd Connolly. Cooney 7. siruck out. Bell 1, cooney 4..'. Harmonno Star of Haliuhe lo 3" :i :i" 4' Taylor a: lo I 371 kept to Philadelphia hits seal Bases on balls, orr Bell 7. off340 Proaperl 104 ft 5" 51 5 ft' ft Martin lo I won eswily. tered. Alexander replaced Mayer In Ihea

Falcada - tod 1 1 I b 1 7 Marco 77 to index Horse Wt. St S g Htr. Ftn. J key Odd i. slsllr Score: p. H. While Sas, I; Red 81, 2. off Smith 7. Umpire, Haskell.700 Hold Color 104 3 71 7' 7" 7" B Waldl oil 117 h. 330 Arnrrlow. ....toi t 4 aa 5 ii il Nrcahey I'hlladeiphia loo mo non 7 111 0 Bv fne A.ttocitetl Prett

MiHuels paid Porkery, place 7 lo 10. ahow 11 10 to. Furlonf. place Í lo Tit,, Ml CllP. I'!'....101

tos 3"i



tt S133

833 riltsburrb 107 003 001 15 0 Boslon. May 71. Chlcaro won Ihe flrat Bv the Attociated

si, ,11, nivPrett

a an, .1,0. e

show 31 to 70. Wander, show 5 lo I Srratched; Hanrerfleld. 317 Spriutmss Ballerles Mayer. Alexander and Dooln; rame of the series rrom Boston today I to Sloui. ... 03 I 3' 4 MrTnrrart City. Ia May tl.-T- heIts Busier localsUJames Dockery wis restrained behind Furlona first sis fnrlohts.' "took Hie lead Harmon and Gibson. 7. The battlnr or chase, who made rour a rally In the staredwhen readv and drew out at end. Fnrlonr set a ram early pace and htlbr on well at mutuel" paid: ATterrlow, slralrht piare 9M. col Aihineade. piare í.30 Two base hits Dooln. Mitchell. Glhaon. bus. one a triple, in four times at bat, and llrhlesl

slxib and broke up theend. Wander ran his rare Bonne chance, oulrun 10 the stretch, rinlahod ralrly well, iiiMiuels. 'irrsirhi'd: l.ady hanklii. Three-bas- hita- - l.udertia, knnetchy. Mitch-

ell,of Demltl. rirured larrrly In the Wblte Score:

rame thla year, wlnnlnr, 0 ,,10 7star or Danube stopped rinally. Arrfr.Ti(iw u' nit r4iiainf((i off the fast early osre. movfil un enterlnc stretrh mis Off Sox victory. Bern pitched a

a.Mayer, u in 513 inninrs; masterly ram, ?louxand held Col. Aslum-iid- care at end. ran III- - rae, sprlnriimís quit badly after off Alexander. 3 In 7 7 3 Inninrs. xcept In the sixth Innlnr. when alnrlea

City 001 004 or 0' li

07a FIFTH IIA(;E Salllnt. Five furlotltaT Time :M. 17. t ISO. Stall food; Won s;iilnr fast sli ruripnrs. ' Bases on Wichita 010 000 100--7 0 I" drlvlna. balls (irr Mayer. 7: orr Harmon. 7. struck hy Cady and Hooper, an error by Demmltt. Batteries Oaaner and rrl.n- i,i,i,.. ...

Indfa. Horse. Wt St H ft Sir! Mo lockey. odds. 372 HIX1II HACK-Kl- ve and one Imlf fnrlonr Time :Í3 :4ft í S. Start rood; out By Mayec, l; hy Alexander, 1; by and Bent's wild pitch, rave Boalon Ha only Jones.Harmon, 3. runs.m ftailopltif. Umpires Rlrler and Emslle. Smnm.ev Tnn.h.... hit. . .UPlHarae .105 a i 1 Connolly 77 lo 111 Hcore: -- v. vsn u..., aula,

- l.ady Barhary .im 1 t v I Molt 3 to ln1e Hiris WJ si H tj"'"- Jorjtey. Oddi. Csllahan, Henry, Fllxslmmoiu. Three-bas-

(347, Maraaret D ,106 .. 1 ! Taylor 0 lo in ftft Msster Joe .. oo fi a V 1 Schuttlnrer Reds, 8; Dodgers, 4. R. H. E. hit, Lejeune. Double playa, Nlcholaon to331 kaiberlne U .10!, 4 .. .. 31 4' Keoh It to J 7.tKMerrtret Mets .. 07 I M fll 'l Ford Br 'ne Attoclalnl Prett chlcaro ono 103 0015 g 1 Maddox to ocha; Lejeuuo to Smlih. Umpire.Dark Flower ..loo 3 51 51 I' Martin 3ft lo 1 Ml MHssrleta . . 98 t ft" 4" '' 3 Hysn Cincinnati. May 71- - Ramn bad one bad Boalon 000 007 0001 7 I Parent.Amtrda Lawrence 1 7" 7" 6" mini eo to t 33t The Parson . . o o 0 M I" I Hlnphy tnnmr today, when the cincinnaiia ecored Batteries Bans. Russell and Behalk. Jonn-aon- ,

117 ilerlrnde B inn si fti 7 Mevlon o lo I !?rW Mltinehare in.. c i:alluimtt seven Leonard and cady.runs and dereated llenier IV..Ambroalal ..inn i - a I sic'uabe 46 lo 334 Mtlsy Wiy . 07 3 Í" 7" 8J ft1 McCahey The aerondBrooklyn, 8 10 4. Two baa hlls Scott, Schalk. Three-bas-

ai.n..- -. a

Innlnr theByII ' 7' 71 '.flliiphfll proved Brooklyn's Attociated PrettItM Hcarsdale Ml II hitaMutuels paid Fllltree. place a:! to 70, show 10 v. Barbary, place 113 n. 4, show iftl Mrety W ft I' i i" ia .Mc Tarrart Baron In Ihls Innlnr rlvlnr rour Cady. Chaae. Doinmlii. HHa orr Bern. Des Moines, la.. May33 10 711. Maraaret. ahow to 7. VIH Trentaaoldi , 97 111 .. i" ml I0 i ral basea on balls., which, with rour hita,

0 In 6 13 Inninrs. orr Busaell, 1 in 7 13 pltchlnr proved loo much for the BooaierFlllaree racod Into a lead but had to be ridden out to stall orr Lady inn Innlnra. orr Johnson, 8 In 8 Innlnra; orffood 3ta Farmer Joe .

iftl.107 3' 3 0 lit Kraserh netted the locals seven runs. Alter thai today, Denver wlnnlnr by a score of 6 to 1bary. Fatter raced like A rood' one, broke slowly, hut closed a tremendous yap and Testify .. If7 4 V II It ii Irvlnr Raros piirhed rood ball Ames, wl Leonard, in innlnr. Double plavs

Would have won In another stride. Min us ret D. tired badly, kaiberlne H. a fair Tor Cincinnati W.a taken ... ..... started.. Weaver and Alcock; Chase, Weaver and Des Molnta 000 100 4'race l iehl. IS unit ii Masier Joe, airalrlt 3.30, place 3.uu, show ; 60. Marre peered that Chaae. Baaea on Baila Off Benx, 1; orr unver ooo- -l a

ret Mels, piare fcío, uliou M. Ossarlela. fhow 3.Í0. srratrhed. I'nnress iLogn, Cincinnati hid the rame won 000 110 0I3- -O 15

T7Q SIXTH RACE Selllni. On mile. Time 74 15, :6 13 si 3 5. sun Dunrtra. ooMui went on tne mound.Ruasen. I; prr Leonard, I. struck out By Baitcrles-Morrl- dre and Shaw; Harrlnr-io-

rood, won drlvlns. Master Joe fnllouni Mcetv closely to the streirh and llien drew out at end lo The Score:. p ff Eenx. tr; oy Jonnaon. t; By Leonard, 7. and Spahr.

Tm1iirofa'e- 'eTlTIi roCkay - iTjtila. win ralloplnr Margarei Mels rinlshed remely. ossirleta roed a rap. ame or the Brooklyn 000 001 710 4 7 7

Umplrea Chill and Shorldan. Summary-Two-- baa hit. Barbour, Cea- -

T ÍÍ p V Parson. inrlnnall : . Sldv. noteti.e 11....... " 7333 Nash M07 5 übert 7TTo"an .070 000 10x 8 8 0 - mn, Durreti. Base376 clasonelle 110 6 3' si SI 31 Feeney vi to 5 i:tiT naileries -- Raron and o. Miller. Erwln-Ames-

Senatora, 5; Browns, 4. on baila. Morrldre 1. Harrlnrton 3. siruck357 Bushy Head 107 4 4' 3 J May Inn 14 lo I 070 BBVENTH ItA' l. on e mile. Time :U 40 1:11 .V Slart Rowan and Clark. By the AttocAatrd Prett out. bv- Haarlrin w

a ...t

n.iiiorionu - I .4..

10ft 31 4 I' ! 4' 3 lo I mod; won iliuiha1 Plav. Hahn .. DOUBI0.173 I'ebeto 7 keoan Three base Clark, Washinrton. May con In .ath.w !100 3 7 s 6' 3 5' Maritai 7 to hiul-"- rr "--377 oveland and Barr.tinued HaAmea. 7 wt its aireakin 4 today by taklnr373 naden! Boy 106 1 ft ft' 6' ' ft' llooney II) to III Innlnra: orr Rowan, 5 InH5 t i if1 I" 1 Troxler inninrs Bases tne first rame or the aerlea with St. Louison balla-- orrtoo 0 0 7' Taylor 10 lo Raron.795 harineóse 7 5 4'4 4 7;í iom Hancock 1Ú9 6 7 It M.larrrt orr 3 to L In the end or the nlnlh with the PACIFIC COAST1107 leoaraiie 104 a 1 71 7 B" i.oiinolly 333 o I

3:M Hittlrt Hi vt ft 3h 3' S 3" la han Ames, 7: off Rowan. 4. struck out LEAGUE.7' 7' B' B1 7 Turner 76 to R) Raron. 7: score 4 lo 4 and two out, Moetler on sec777 l'i im i n. 107 7 3o7 hi I y Hankm 110 10 Ul " ( &'t - rasrhe by Amea. 7; by Rowan, 4

'Aíá mil Mal W7 ft 10 71 5l 3l f. Itinphy mplres orth and Byron. . ond, atañed lor third and scored when Slaatdlng of Ihe Cluba.Mutuels paid Nalh, place S3 lo SO. show to to lalonellr, place 3 to a. 'show 303 Henry Hutchinson 118 ft 4 V 1 ft klrtrht Warea threw- wild. Wnn. Lost. Prr.I to a Head, shnw 61 tn 70. Beratrbed. Isabelle, valle rti: Miss clnia 110 3 I' pt - 8" 7 McCahey mdlnala, I; Giants, 1 Washinrton had lied the acore In the ser VenicNash, showiiia aiwid speed throughout, sel a fast pare all the way and was amina KM (lolden 107 I S'l Rl 0 fl' "t itvan enth when Beumrardner forced In a run. Bn .;Frnclsco .

.WI4Wl 78thraway at end. c.laionette Torced the lasue a II the wav and untrained Bushy Head at wt 105 4 3" in ft' 7t w Cral Kmoviotrtt Prttt score Los ' Anieles . .

71 .571

end. I.oveland quiinallani Boy oulrun tll the ay. 303 W'aterlad 106 7 8l Wh 10 10 in SrhulllnverSt. inula. May 7I.-- SI. Louis, ihrourh Sacremento

75 73 .71sharp haae runnlnr and timely hlttinr .77 75 .468

nnn SEVENTH Mile and one Oueenlh. Time SI 7 5, :4 13mutuels paid ll asson. stralrm 7' "' sic iHerraioe pun .,i...... .

lora se' St. Louis 107 100 0004 7 I Portland 10 74 . 441JQaJ 4 6.jjn 7i6. t it start rood, won drit UK f :. :m. a.H.w i .ii itatiery, snow i.i". hrrairnen: ra- - r- - cured in ihe first three inninrs and won wasninrion 700 too 1015 8 7 Oakland i 71 :m

Inrles Horse, Wl. SI. la Fin Jockey. Kids. lUnion u h naved in hehliid Miss Velina lu ihe stretch uhere he took tm lesil ........ i."a . invinriuie aner theBatteries Baumrardnrr and

313 Spindle . 10 4 ! II Waldloll 17 In 10 hut timi io be ridden out st end. Tom Hancock muvfd up K'adually and rinlshed ro-

inrinnlnr unill ibe scvenlh

open-inr srnew; Hoeiiiinr ami Henry. Where They Play Today.

700 Dilatory I0S '. ti 71 llooney m inn pe i. Mattery raced forwardly ihroiirhout and m s rame finish, The score: Two base hlts-Pr- att. Moeller. Three base San Francisco at Los Anreles.Ill Leopold 107 r. .11 II Turner New York hi 1111- - nr Wollman. 4 In 3 I' Oakland300 ','000 100 4110 Carpelhla 107 3 Í.I ' Deroftde st- "uls

- (none out In fourth) ; off Baumrardner, 4 Venire al Sacremento.173 The nrader 107 '.' r." 1a Im to lil BOWLING SCORES. Memorial Day. Lew uasser. rirlit fan and Batteries Fromme.

001 040 71- 1- 17 a In 0. Double playa Austin to Pratt to300 Bnlinle Flnise 10ft evlon tr, to I race promoter, of this city, haa been con Demaree. Wlltse and Leary. Shotten to l.eary. Baae ballsnn - Yesterday's Games.7 Oberl mi 10 I l.ean; Uoak. Salleenil 7 ft" and Snyder310 John 0. Weaker aldcrinr the adtisabllliy or promottnf a

Two-ba- tiff Weiltnan, '.'; off Baumrardner, 4. orf At Los AnrelesMutuels paid spindle, place 17 to 70. show II lo 711 Dilatory, piare 107 lo 5. I AIMS now im, AMI ATHLBTIC II I ll

race meetlnr acroae lite river aotne lime Maree. Home run-B- rk. Hlle-- Off

Ilurrltis. Berk iioenimr. 3. sicurk out By Wellman. 3 San Franrlaroahow 70 lo to. Leopold. 1.I10W to 70. Scratched w W. Clark. Sam Hlrsrb. in June Mr. uasser says that he has al-

ready In 4 Innlnra; orrFromme by Baumrardner. 7: by Boehllnr. I I'm Lob Anreles

Spindle moved up last al half and laklur the lead, held sway Ihrourbnul nils laki'n tin- matter up with a number Deenaree, 4 In I 7 3 pires O'Loitrhlln.and Hlldebrand. Al Sacramento-Ven- iceinnlnra: ofr

Inry raced forwardly and made a rill flnllh. Leopold raced well, same ror car SlajIdlNS el Ihe Duck Pis Leasuea. or ow nera or raclnr cara who have lam Wllise. 4 In t Inninrs; orrDoak. 4 In I Inninrs Sacramentopatina The Oradcr quit badly Carina Leasue. ried llieir willlnrneaa lo enter their Doutle pi,y,B,rk Yankees, ; Naps. 2. ...10 Al San FranciscoHurrlu tonn Won. Loal. IM Forfeits of tino will be requited Miller: Stock to Meyer PnrlfludBu the AttociatedBeariwr lo McLean, Prett ...Brian I .'St the Baaea on Balls-- orr Hif all entrmll to Insure slaiunr of

be In Hie lead the nest lime they and the I I Ml --Doak. 4: Off- .iii,,,,. a., .... Nw York, May 71. New York won tne Oakland ... nlink Ihtlr ears. Mr. uasser will make rurlher "ii aviiise. tGOSSIP OF first or HaBREEZY Struck out-- By rame series rrom Cleveland toSnldlera tneel. The Bankers will boot, II tl Doak. I; byup Plulpult :'I'J ,n an... nn lit- - ror the meellur the Wlltse, by Large Meilcaa Appropriation.5 10 7. Collamorewith the Telephone train aim 17 '"" Sallee, I. Umplrea-Eaa-on day was hit freely In thecompany cs It tndCaü.bcrTHE CITY LEAGUE i rew- days. Oulrlcy. ihe Ay fee .v., nil,-.- press

peel to land a victor) alibunrh In no way llolmea 13 .377. early Innlnra. locals wlnnlnr the rame Washinrton, May 71. A special e.3,-,.ni- )

dtaeottntlnv the abilily of tttelr rivali Inwler ' s l& ''' TEXAS LEAGUE.ny scorinr tnree runa in tne third Innlnr-rishe- appropriation bill deelfned...aor! TO) AMACTION CLOSED. chiefly in propiirhed fora atronr New York.rameIk t.i auendtnc Of the Mueller 0 I .173 vide runda 10 meet past andCook waa knocked out In the seventh when expected army

U expeled sundty Mficnuxin at Willi There promises lo be qulle a abakeiip Hutfnrd 0 13 'I heeds lo Mines School Properly J uraed ' lull- - a pitched ball hit him In ihe back, but beexpenditures on account of Mexico up to

tlivlun rk Id mi Hie rugulir doublA- - emolí Hie toeiotier of the Hunker. Smeller Leasue. liter by Former Ownrra. Won. Loal. Pel. rontinued piayinr- June 30 next, waa pasted today by theIt li Mated that seeral new Tarea will tic Team Won. loal I'd Waco 70 housebelr uf Ui City kwuf hlef Inttreii 4 .7 handier or Cummerre reprcanntailves 13 .got scoreII Beaumontseen in action m m rMinua) ueaiuik" in llouraton ...toaierdiy moriilnr binded J. J. Mundy a 14 .tn R. 11. Ecenters In the tiin1 btwern llw holdlers crimson. All the teams in the lesaue ar-- i koenlt S " "" Houston

rheek ror aa.isst, and he in turn presented 77 .57 Clei eland 000 101 OOOI 8 7of Cuiupuiy i nd ih Tlnis avareraUon, sln'iiKthenlnr and promise bcller sport lor tenner 1" '7- Fori Worth 71litem with a deed tor ihe Fl Paso Mlllliry 17 .511 New York 113 (JO 00 6 7which ha on U last lltrre ramea anJ the real or the season. Abboll I" '"' nalveelun . . IS tl Independent Assay Officeblllldlnr. near Fort Hllal, which .bl e. Mllcben and Basswi u no playtni a rood baaeball a Dallaa 17will be converted into the school or Mines, 71 .441 Icr: Flaher and Ooaaell.any club In Hie letfue. harlll Brann. wltose work nn the mould smeller Duek fin Lessor ri.- hamber or Commerce wilt present the

Auslln 10 77 .tc hila Lajole, Peckenpaurh.D ViI( 7, PtonrVHo,

lloiirslott team Sanwas one of the reiturra or Ibc rami- last Minnii,. .13 71 .1713 Hartiell. Three base bit WaJan. aft... 73 84 deed In In .in S. II. Worrell, who will have Bases onThe iiientber of the Adrlub are boostlnr II. nil .lullSunday svith ibc Soldier., will likely or ... 7 17 tiarro of lite school and who repreaenied baila Off Flabar, 3; ofr Collamore, I. siruckthe double header tiunday and already re-

portFralnsent thearalnst Telephone boya tilla today.sun Hi' alate or mu by Fltbcr. 3, by Colanwr. by... 14 100 7- - Texas in the Iransactloll- p. o. bo. .bavlnr U1 ovvr 300 tickets. A r"dl) Ilarl Oalveslon at hallasday. Laat aunday waa Bi ami's first up-- ,

lie Mitchell. I. Hits Off ColleniorA, 7 In 7: oftaimers or ihe check war Robenportion of the receipts Sunday will tro 10 pcarance on the mound here and Beaumont at Wlro.a repltl krakauer. Miu bell o lit i. Umpires Earan and Evan.preildeni or the or101 140- - ChamberISO AlUhelp swell the hind uf Hon or the rorm be displayed laal week Totals ,,. Houston at Auatln.the Adi luí and the members are maktnr win make the Bankers inlrhly bard lo trun. kocnir lear- n- TIs. oinmerce; yach White, clulrman of Ihe Sin Amonto at Fort Worth.

EL PaVaO. TDtl.strenuous efforts to insure a banner A-

ttendance.Herberi. the best or the Telephone etarr, kocmr 70 M 7-4- !J Inidret rund trustees, and Wlncheater Beat autos, caiatful driver Pboa US.w ill, probably oppose him on the muund- Vandctnoer 71 71 1- 7- .'II ' oolcy. aecretary or ihe budfet fund. Mr. Al balita (Advert! aeiuent)

l.oderholm St I o- n- .in Mundy. trustee ol Ihe property, represented Hallas n. H. Eibc owners or the tl Military Inaaiuie llalveston . L SOUTHERN LEAGUE. Assayer andTHe Soldiers, with ftnn rri on rtrtt .The Bankers. In young Bunion, have one Chemistplace In the standinfT are roinr into itt or the tuoal proiulaliia players uncovered Tolals m 71W 74- 0- ill in ihe transaction. Dr. Worrell, who has JSímrSí s?"d.y' Er"" d Meneree' ati. .una HourHon-4- ; bih same, n been In El Paso ror some lime, will be al SUadlBf the Club.ajame Sunday fully ronrhjent of dlsposlnr r in tin y parts In some time, nn work won,

Al ' O. . CAMUUNimal. Hart tit. Hie head or Iho School uf Mines and will Auailn B. Won. LoeL Pettheir stront rivals, the Times acvrcrstion. around the flret base, while rrude lu sputa; Its): hlrh Auatln H. E. New OrleansThe Soldiers wilt probably depend upon waa easily one or the leadlnr features of Abbott team TIs open me insiliutton in September. Annual Houston 0 I 0 73 it .57.7 Rltt.ataUktt tea,

Harkuis to throw the ta over, while Bill the double header laat Sunday. He has yet Baker TO 103 71 - .'7,7 iii mum. ma or nan will be pani ror a Hatter lea Halm and Hairh3 II 0 chaltanoor

Mobile70 it Wt Paeo a i,


u Ova-

Orchard . tn Use best shape he has shown lo learn how to shin ins fret, but handles Abbott SI 00 To m period of ten ycara by the chamber or Allan. Napier and , 7 11

this saaaon, la down for duty for the Times. hlmaeir like I natural rtrai bueman and Ulaon H 77 su i omitiere. nua rund in- - been pledred At Ft. Wonh-- Fi.Birminrhanl 11 17

Thla should prove s rstutnr contast,' fully la eaally the class or the learuc in inby the business men of the city. Worth-- Atlanta n ff

tip to the standard set by the company position Total! til 7S 73- 4- 1MI atan látanla .1Nashville n

fame last Sunday. unci ony Ha. BuBrchr""' "a 'MV üraon ndMontromery 15 n

w.iin the II 34 7- - S'l. AKUOIV8 l ii M 1. iom HI M. nil in- - t rtunp. whose work his in -- n AlThe members of the Rio Orsnde Bank especially good ever since Inc learue alad Fenner ..; vi 87 ti-n- Jn. rain. nw auto Lisnc

tcant. In no way disheartened by their eo, wilt aratn handle in.- indicator In Schuyler 10 10 1- 0- 71) McCoy Lace I hsniplonahlparleaai (aaaselaU Where The, Pkay Today. Tyrooe, U; te Lordaburr


Cltillrlast Sunday It the hands of the tunea. What little unpleasantness that de-

velopedUn fie i ..... ii.i, i jvas At kanati City

Memphis al Montrotury. Leaves Stiver City 4 30 n rrlvaSoldiers, are folna ahead and promise that last Sunday has all been rurrultea TOUIa S43 Ml 73- 1- 747 ew York. May It. Billy Murray al Call kansaa Clly NaahviH at Birminrham-Chattanoor-

tf the Times will only take the ntenint-- i and all playera admit iliai a belter Point! won. Abbott I, Fenner I: hira im ma deleated II McCoy of Brooklyn, who Cleveland "' J at Mobile.nun Baker too; hlfh toiat. Fenner 767. At Milwaukee- - Atlanta at New Orlean arrive Tyrone 3:80 p m .iii. t3Jof Dtwle Sam's team into camp they will ror the position would be hard to nod. fame. claims the middbjweirht chirnplonshlp, in Milwaukee Al New OrleansHe keopa the reme roinr and is nrht on The Broadway Bol.l ; í" "a bout today rirht wat: I Indianapolis . .lewlop of every play, and furthermore, rivet BattTlea charred, lit Tea (Ad.) . office at Vendóme llotíl. m'So,?At au. in. ,Minneapolishit derision, instantly. Hurriur luatcb. wlUi Murrty roroins the a . .. At Mobil, layover C Hatij: j?1'Ct you appreciate. "Reliability tn si l l li CARNIVAL I li rirhttnr thniufliuut. Both men were badly Columbua Mobile .1

The Has punished, eacb baalnr closed rlfhl eye cheltanooaaCompany irrrrraiion At st. Paul-- it.and tintbusiness, thebring your PHatlnf to"Job " "I rumy naatnt company are ached-uk- Caaaer ally State AulmoSlle Marea al Pkul At MutUloroery

"ush Factory to perform Saturday afternoon. Bom Juarer traek Nasi Moalh. l ni le J,,e Cannon Aanounrra . Louisville . Montromerytesina will lie i . on, ,i Press Mernphlput forth their

Dlis Bros. Printing Co. positionnd each

In thela


aironfestto better


lis lbSlsce

El FasoRolwrt




thai theor


was mideill.. May





other.seem to be made to eoantet with Birminrham

At Blrmlnrttam H. MOHRat present This orrantiBltun hut decided to call ofr tha Joseph o. cannon of his candidacy for NaahvlU Cut RateIll & Oresfla m. reme win be called at 4 o'clock, while (lied automobile Hardware,prop races toil were to me conrresuMMl nomlnauoh In the tirhw ma i rem Dtinuay is sel for 7.30. have been n probably la rood UUnr luat the Beet uto, cereful driver. PaintI tared try to club t Juan on i" nib Illlnol disrrtcv world doesn't lull you. Phoa and Glass.111. tAdvertuseinenL)

ina1fta"a1lS7illi inn if táiÜtí-&dái- '.ná 'Íbi 'jiiitSiHB

friday. May 22. 1914. EL PASO MORNING TIMES



Tr'.RHtl-IN- u IN IN i ni II I II ROUND.or EL PA90 Terriers id Rrliri. hu is, nil Hal I, Rut Ten tmerlrans Orlnhmlli Slartrd. hill Oaly NOTICErnrmrr Hunch I heirs la Seller Kffeil Tw . .11 as Far as rotu-ii- r.ukiIBarfed ana r i,,, wis. ni Win in AfdBtt II I rum Nlarl.

'KRERU, IEAG11. Ad fe uiird PressTHE LOCKE HOTEL McC OY ssntiwirn, Kng.. way si.- - - narii-- , v.

The Grand Hotel Slstnllnn i.l the Hubs. llvans. or rhlcago- - and llarolii w ofTOTEX AND APARTMKNT8 Absolutely fireproof. "modern." Won. Ut. PC. Toledo, nhlo, IB two survivors of IheSI Straight 1 p from lepl located at tha head of SI Paao St Ralllmore . '

7 .71s ten Anieru-a- Htmpriitors in the nInrd. mndtra ind Corner Milla aad Stanton Str.staDD- -

i" 'UK' hotel. Beautifully on tha Pioneer Plana, 4 roorrfc with St. Louis s 19 Mt amalen anir Caaniplonflhlp. were ellmlfnrnlnhed clean and aanl HI Paao. T shower bath. 60 and up. Chicago it 14. ...17 nsied I11 ihe fourth round lodsy. and as s Cloudcroft Cottagerstary; with or without prl- - Every room absolutely outatd. Brooklyn n 11 .law ronsequinre there Is much Jlilillatlunver. bath. Heart of cUy. R. J. Lockla, Mgr. Phone I4M 13 S ..Vmi among the rnllowers of ihe nrliisii player.

Murrain' 11 11 a, a B. ",. arlan.'. teotch player, olio

Kansas dti u in rtefeaieii 1. vans, played better golf Imlay

HOTEL with Arthur Johnson and Lottie Brisco in IMttsburgii 10 7 .a?J man ayer iiefore and his 31 for the rii.iHOTEL ZEIGER the cast, is a. strange story that will please nine hoii - hroke sll reeoriis for the course- tickets the of $5.00 will be salePASO DEL NORTE everyone. Plenty of exciting snd novel Wherr The Plsy Today. There was no raull to find wllh the Round trip at season rate on

Bl Pmo'i Ml111on Dollar Ham Hot and Cold Running Water. Tel-

ephonescenes make thl s an exceptionally good Kansas i:u.v ;ii Hrouklyn. sains - played by the former wesiern to Cloudcroft May and daily thereafter.

Rata with bath 12.00 aad up. la Every Room. production. "CmiM Versus Money, 81.Chlraiin

Lotll. al I'lllsblllgh. open eh uupion. boi nas not Inspireii Final return limit September 30th.hi Halltninre. and hisVitagraph picture, with Norma Taimada was Ineiitahle. MsrPsrisneWith running water, f 1.60 and up. European Plan. Restaurs nt. Buf-fet.

Van Dyke Brooke, nose Tapley and Leo al imrralo. was five up al the turn and he won I up Schedule Until June litMerchant Noonday Lunch Id Grill Private Dining Room Open Delaney in the nd (L p. play 4:32cast. Is a gem. Undoubtedly Lv. El Paso, No. 2 p. m.MlSS a. m. to jjjj p. , Mo All Might. Rata ll.oo to n ot). the best program to he found today. Bv the A.- 'ill. Prrm In. tin same between liarnld Weber anil..11... May ill. (.iiunn gol away to dpt. ' ' II K. Hutchison, or the rovsl and Ar. Alamogordo. No. 2 6:55 p.m.

"Our Mutual C.lrl" rer Ian bad start lay, four lilts, two passes and otielem .lub. Bt. Andrews, the Scotch Lv Alamogordo following morning 7:30 a. m.SHELDON Don't miss the 18th reel of "Our Mutual "ii. pi nina liirano two runs in man pi. ed better anil stesdler golf anil 10:20HOTEL Hie first Ar. Cloudcroft a. m.Olrl." It will be shown today at the innin llial. however. won on his aierlis by a up ami 4 10 tint Center of Kl Paao Hotel rndoritf held the vi.ii.u-- , I.. II11 hits Willi. ... i -urecian. this reel t mil or heart interest Cloudcroft was nevermore beautiful than at present.

Th Commercial Men's House Margaret is back In New York and so Is tally and lislnrn re won. S to 3.

toUp Located In heart of tha city, facing San .Hmiii'sn. .liiiii v iniercsiMlg miliars Score: R. H. K TODAY'S BaXCCTIONS.

data and located oonvenlently Jacinta Park. All modern coa ven I en ceo. happen In this reel Margaret spends the liulllmore onsoooor s 11 GARNETT KING, General Passenger Agentto tha business district of El Paao. Special rataa now an for tha uranor. evening seeing the famous musical comedy '.hlcago .si 000 000 a 7 i Seksrldsu Loulsi Hie

Uualneas Men's Imaoh Dally Mo ( HAM 4A.O.D1 OROIT, stars, Mlzzl Halo ami Charle Menkm. in Rallarles uinni an. nn. ..'li. Hendrlv .,! t Mary nn k.'Oulde Post, lllllows.. Bed .r Roses.Sheldon Oat. Owners and Proprietors. their latest hit In "Sari." Just like seeing Wilson. Whims. Alksnel.

3. San J..n, Main-- . Bermiulian.a l big show. Don't ralas HI Come early.Rrhris in; lirrlrrs S. 4. Brnn wing, chrlslophlne. ilrarllls

I Ae Aaanviatr.l Presa0. Venfiieo, Brlnghursl. Hob Henslcy.Ryan's Trancing Academy. . J. B lloblnson. Oakland.Select "octal nancea every Wednes-

dayPlttlBtirgh. M.i si. si. Louis and I'iiis I'ajsrolla.

7. lieu.. Beulsh s. Vsrensand Saturday night. Class lea-so- burgh hu ihe hall haul today, theevening? 7:30 Pri-

vatehowever, hunrhmL llietr hits and wlnnlnirevory p. m.STATE NATIONAL BANK 2610.

lepsons by appointment Phoneforin to

ealraA. Twenty

hasr,nine sare

made.hits, sit or ihem 1. Man nn

DotiMinK. imide

Loulsillle.Post, Hortense. SILK SHIRTSScore: R. M

Í. Bed ..r Roses, lea Invslldes. Ilengro.i ;s r iii.isii i:d APRII ihhi. :l. Uorl. m. San Jnn. Manrc., Auditorium Pavilion. LOUIS I0Í ...... i u

Good music, refreehments and & - I'litshiirah 1104 402 ixioio 15 n1. Brniuewing, i:hrisui,.hlnc. Oypsy 1.01

CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PIU H ITS $200,000.00 cent dances every night, 8 to It. No Hatterii's Kaiici'iT. Herbert and Lliainy- - ass

Interest Paid on Savings Accounts undesirables.Adv.)

Pass City Dancing C'kib man; Adams an.l tt


ft. i.banksRen,,.

B Hobloson, Oaklsnd. Mack B. ,11 $3 and $4Bullen. Hooslrrs :.. Reultk s, sersnaiaC. R. MORBHEAD, President JOSEPH MAGOFFIN, Vlce-Pr- By the AttociaUtl PressC. N. BA8SBTT, GEORGE D. FLOR Y, Cashier. iiurralu. May ii Pitcher Anderson sc. .red I.

Schnefrtaii PlmlleeCell,..YSLETA arty Lsprleiotn, ptile.CONSTABLE ihe winning run in the teinh today by I. Ash ran. Miss Monirms. sua. a,.,.L. J. GILCHRIST, Aant. Caahlar. hllllnr to (lien center after HIhIf hail sin Irishgled. Score: Cientleman, Psion, Hello or HrvnR. n tt.

Hurfaio ..: 310 001 ocia io 11 1Mfur. Arrow Silk Shirts. Just the4 flirt sail. Mm. mm.. Malaga.CATCHES MEXICANS Indlatinnolls ;ioo ow rsNi 115 11 n S.

hull, ii. s m Anderson and Ulair;Scrapper, Royal Holly, Hill Slrram lor hotMoseley muí liarulen.

ft. Vorti llng, York Lad. MonrrleL proper thing summerSUSPICIOUS PAIR. Mini Mi n HV II Reaper-Plmll- ro. neat toPat ters 8:

Bydays. Many patternsBardcirtg By Mail SCHMIDT, ill Nil TO HI i MlllMNi. Tiptops Lady Capricious. i:eito. iinn,.,,..

CARGO NT SOTOI. IN SUITCASES. thr ....... if, 'res, " Moments, Montcalm, Cannock,JUST AS EAST TO OPEN A 8AVING8 ACCOUNT WITH US AS Riooklyn, N. v., May SI I'sikar.l held """" '"hHetuan, Belle or Brvn Mswr

pick from.Brooklyn lo five nils tiulay snil Kails is TesTHOUGH YOU LIVED NEXT DOOR. Prisoners N'ow Languish In Kl Paso Coual) F.nough.

We pay 4 per cent Interest, compounded twlco every year. We do lall to .Await the Onlrome of Imesllge-llo-CIBjr

Hie fourth,won. In i. I.aritle was hit hard in I. OuQcoiton, old sail. Garthscore: h. h. K. r.

bualneaa under the depoltorguaranty law of the Stat of Texan, and by Customs Authorities. Kansas Lily nno on lis- - 13 3 ft.HHIlodeiing,

siesm, Hoy.i Holly, ic, Enough,are a Guaranty Fund Bank, aa provided by gush law. Brooklyn non hoi 010 s 5 1

York Lad. Moncrier.

Qur plan. In addition to being convenient, la eafe, profitable aad Bjr.Time Special Correspondent Hnllorles Packard and Laslerly; l.arille. PIHLICOliberal. Nobody haa ever lost a dollar in a State Bank in Tex. Ysleta, Texas, May St. Two natives of r.hapiiell anil Land. ENTRIES.

WRITE TODAY POR OUR FREE BOOKLET, "BANKING BY MAIL" Old Mexico are languishing in the El Past By neclal Wire lo Tac rimesrounty Jail awaiting the outcome or an I'linlico. M,i. May ... kihsOR SMI PI. M ML YOUR DEPOSIT. Investlgailon by the inlted Slates rus master at Kl Paso and in charge of the our and f ion,,,,, mtorn house orricers to determine whether litrt miss construction work, called Tor I7l llusllc Maid.EL PASO BANK & TRUST CO., El Paso, Texas mi

or not they smuggled across the border bids yeslerday Tor the construe Hon uf i lair bun... jRl iVi;twenty four boiUes or sotol. The plight more orricers' quarlers at Hie posl, which " ' L' "'.'. .?? .. 107

of the men Is directly due to. the vigilance will include nuances lor both commisM Hurao ini

m 34 tello . )3of constable Wucrschmldt or tills place. sioned and nun commissioned orricers. Tun SECOND HACEScllnirhis reputation as a capable conductor in-

sureswiiii. awaiting a train ihe other day the buildings will cosí abotil M.300 each. IB) half rurlonas Five and ono- -

giiiiiimmiiiiinmiiiiiiinniiiiiiiHiiiiiiB an ensemble much above the average, attention of Ihe constable was attracted by quarlers will lié or II10 same plan as Iho r.n nig iimn . IIKI Miss Momentsthe nervous anions of the two Mexicans other new quarters rur orricers being erei.i-e- 113

What Do Yn Know Mexicans are not nervous as a rule and al the posl. Mi Scarlet l.etler ni.v m sit., t í' If?I AMUSEMENTS I about the triumph of mind? Which tf the constable decided to iiivpi lígate Cues Kstlmalcs are being prepared by Captain Húngara . .. iu;i 317 shlllalah 'the two forces have done more toward Honing the men elicited a number of con Hunt rot- tho construction or roads andbringing about the realization of clvillz:t rilctlng statements, and tly roixtable pur walks around Fori llllss. The work will 33 MSÍSIIB. ill 5 586,17 ' 5

.J tton. Improving the conditions of man, sued tho Investigation further by exainln cost several thousand dollars. THlliD HACK-seli- Blcíp.lADVEKTIBKMBNT) brawn and brain? Brain, you say. Most Ing the sut i case carried by one of the ... in mm John J. Pershing, commander al 0m1 people do, including ourselves. Brawn, or Mexicans. It was round to contain Kurt Hilss. Is coiiilucllng dally Inspeen-.n- Sí 7,r", f;m'u- "5!'"''1 nlleinsn ira, WHERE TO DINEinn toner, win always be an Important rae Quarts of sotol, a fiery beverage much tn or various divisions or tho troops ststlonnd Mawr oa i:i.v,.Paion nrj

El Paso's Favorite. tor In carrying on the world's work, but it favor south of the Rio Grande. The second st Kl i'aso, Port miss and along ihn river J!" t'."!"" ,Bov ' 100 " ' n1 A.limeatie 1117

Tlw Boston Ideal Opera company will dc is the mind of man that Is the vital roroe case, carried by the other man, yielded front. iher Duster I03

In the evolution or the human race. Mind the same contents. The constable d Major Alonzo r.ray. Inspector-aenera- l or iuiiimiilean

nai.r. ateaniecnsse Two mile. rn bust KKSTADaAjfTwelcome Warnermore (han when they make their 131! 131, nil s.n icwill always triumph over matter. Here is the men and their cargo or rirrwater, the southern dcinirltuenl. Is at In 1111 Ml Malaga . ... ml gji iiunroimn'! " AT WHICH TO BAT.riritl appearance at the Crawford theater a tremendous three-re- melodrama, "The hurried them to LI Paso and turned ihem city Inspecllng Hie troops stationed here 3(M Carili I3

130 FLORENCE CAFE Quick Servias, l unch CSBSSSSunday in- - tii. for no musical stock todav Triumph or Mind," produced by the Small over to the ruslom authorities.. Th'- pris-

oners,He will lesve In a day or two on an In fifth RACK Selling si, furlongs. said Privas Bawtha. lNvpaAs

enjoys such a tiifrh reputation for real on eys, that deals directly along this line of were later moved lo ihe county Jail. spection tour of Hie border imsts west of m Tea Enough, ml J3:i iiemarkiililelertatnment. Mi lil nw there la nn In thi El Paso. larrfHiiill stream. OS ;nn iinyal Hoiiv too Tessas .The hour or starting has been changed play to carry Hie spectator Into any deep

In I' si In Olrln atloa. a.'.o Homlira . .. wg aw 11 r Busier Taw fot. pisa.rrom 8:30 to 9:15 sharp to enable those waters of psychology. Bui, on Ihe other

A meeting or Hie committees in charge 33S Scrapper . . 1001 3113 Heseh sandwho live In Highland I'ark to get homo hHtid. if. is going 10 make you ilit'ik a nil

nf the plans for the July i ' Hebration was SIXTH RACE Selling Handicapearly. held last night at whtrh greatest In furlongs

Miss Nellie Andrews Is the present primaasidethrills

fromwith the





blc terest and enthusiasm in ihe promised S.313

salonN'o.ielllia .. 1ISlli:in,M..ii.

07' 331 IIc.lf

lernnr imIDS NEW SILVER GRILL Kdonna soprano and this charming little lauy celebration wn manifemcii. The rinanceIt tells. See this at the Unique today. 311 lloyal Holly. I0ll 33S Yolk I. ad ishas a most enviable reputation In the world committee reported it so ullected rrom

or music. The youngest one or the rauious The Wigwam Program. Ysleta people, with several large donations 1.01 ISMl.LK ENTRIES. ST1SII 1IINU IS BESTAndrews family, who made ihe Andrews promised by ouisld partlc. it was de tas Oassi IsUssi,Georire Helford will beopera company a household word from

seen al ihe i cided to advertise tlic event unh display By Hpc. oil II Ire lo Thr Time,coast to roast, she Is credited with belna fesltlre.


today in a two-re- advertisements in the i i vn- - papers, the Spanish - English Louisville. Ky.. May SS. FIIIST HACK WAS, of the very ftest singing prima donnas

Master Rogue," In which ne advertisement's to be prepared Just Bookkeeping - Stenograpii) sellliiir Mile andnow berore toe public, while Henri Ounso.i,

playi a dual rule. There will also be a soon aa the program Is dertmieiy decided 11.1 lllllows II . . Curdle I"

ihe tenor, Is heralded as being the best inRlngraph drama. "The Saving Presence." upon. George Horrman lias been appointed R. F. DAVIS, Manager 318 Hortense .. U.'it SM Nannie MrDee Hii

that line that baa aver hereTomorrow John Runny, Kale Price and chairman or the committee on public 3.MI Iridescence .. nr. 344 Mary Ann K. HOappeared with Flora rinch In a Iwo-re- comedy. Phone. 1484-146- 8. Trust Bid. 340 Mllde Posl. . IOS! PAN-AMERIC- AN CAFEthis company. Miss Arloine Andrews is a speakers and a number of pmminent citi RECOMI HACE Selling. Five rnriiuigshandsome zens of west Texas aae expected to deliveryoung contralto, whose press Arthur Johnso Today. 3ft:i Ciuiiuiatirelta 871 lyKIIHeil of Hoses ins N. El Paao Bt. Now Opon Under Maw adnsinenL,Inotices are most glowing, while W. P. The addresses. A eoinramee on sports was 1) Mkauel ... 101 33S les Invalides nalRijou will showQtilienberry and Miss kittle Oebler are mi

an excellent pro-gram appointed which will have ctmrge of the S7D Whims WOI 300 sunset l "i IS otJIXM-- HinxiiAI, mjfrKR, toe.

looking after the character parts. Mr. Chai. oftoday. In which will appear num-

ber various events of that chara Among Flf.'h I'sylon 1041 Detigre . . I I'aao'a Psapslar Dating Place (or Lavdl and Oeotlamaa.I). Haxelrlgg is the musical director and

popular and talented players. the sports will he roping and bionro bust 3T.I White Crown I0.M Jd Alt BAItSC CHUN, MAR SHUN. Managers."Behind the Footlights," In two parti. Ing stunts and several of the best known DOCTOR YOUNG TIIIHIi HACE Selling, su furlongs. . I'll. .11c tSTS.riders in thec parts have aln ady slgnl M.HM s, BLOOD, STOMACH.

- mall. .h ..Ml SM (lahrle .

ir. i.. um Mint. 111 3M Marlre ...fled their Intention of competing for the I lours mi y S to ; Sunday 8 to 12. I4H He .... lOlll 337 Kluir Hni ..prises. Altogeitu r Ihe progres made lliua Room 9, Stevens Building, SM A Wi.i'Ii.wmmiI llll Murkier .AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY far and Ihe enthusiasm manned id fully Over I.lgbtbody's, SM Batumi - W3! Diirlon . ... EAT ATwarrants the prediction that on July Cor. Texas Bt. and Mesa Av. 3SS Mi. SI reel U7d PHIL YOUNG'S CAFEYsleta will entertain the largest crowd li ill II H V keiilurky Oaks. Mile and The Newest and Best Restaurantthe long history of the ancient village. for jour Lunch, Hot or Told, sn4 ftll

AND ACCESSORIES Warning to Speeders. Irllle.i en. e in:, sral Brsckl Hello IIS Club House Cafe kinds nf M' il. un Dlsbc. Alto Mr thCssiisrltiii Hi! SM Lady Errant, lis. fi'leurati-i- l MorJtln i'lncliinatl BftrTuesday night two speeding cars side

STUDY SHORTHAND - LsVal'i s nil 337 Oraniia lis Prank Hoy and Ilob Gao. Iropn. and Rdtffwood Whisky. 217 SouthNa., mmmm00nk0li000ijtQm0H swiped and had lo be pried apart on tie S37 Chrlsinpiiine 1. .:!:.. dp. t Love . II 109 Kouth Kl Paaw Ht, Kl Pajo Ht. BKN 8WEÍENKY,3 Prp.

county mail a short distance fntin Ytlcta. Competent atenosTaphsrs ar la r lorln IIS, M II.. I. Mi II . IIEL PASO AUTO SALES CO. The otimben were remoiifl ana the earn constant demand. tha Uragg SB Lady IIS, SI5 Hi nil- - 111WINTON SIX J. R. Johnson, Jr., Mgr hit the grave L for LI Paso before the of System Simplest, easiest and beaL Camden culi y

fleers could rearh tho FIFTH HACK Handicap. Sli71 N. Ochas St. Tai. scene. There is rurl.ings. PÁTROMXK the newlili 3A5 Brick ley iki: (31 Yengliee .. M and Nlgh(considerable complaint of Joy riders from HboD 3005. Opea Omj arret. mii iafk,ISIS. Hob lleii-lc- ni 31H Hack ...Kl Paso speeding over the roads In ibis Hay M HUMAN I AM. UDdr theSfta Lady Pandilla 8.1 Sol Hrliiithursl .. HIS wh- -r tiaaJltr prtsre,vicinity and an effort Is to be made, lo SIXTH HA' 1. Selling, sis furlongs. BMulir ItiiDr 3S Cnti rum min.irm-- nt of MHH I acapture some or the offenders who are 4 Salvus un :u M 11 Eubsnks in 12 to S p. sa. roimclenlloiii Atnrrl;an lady Kbglikely to receive the limit of the law. TVS Calcium km s5 Merrick ill ftktftrt Orders, Noodle, Chop Kuej linews tha baslaeas.Í3NJL The Infant son of itev. and Mrs. Fuller SM Bilk Day l is 34! OSklSRd . Hi inU ' IIIUtEMtS 104 Mill', ST. PHONE 1IW.

died Tuesday night. tela Bid, .Tr l iiion Clatblag Co. rail Oeorge siull im ms j b Roiiinion 11 20fl Mills St. Kl I'W, TIM Coffre s Fpn InllyThe Ysleta, schools have closed after at, Pajot-ti- iL' 3ft Armor 113

uuuhuaiiy sureesmu term. SEVENTH raí L- - Ki lling. Mile snd one--mart The Rio Orande is out of banks slaleenlh.sonOS" and has IM Serenata ... r.3 Veren. IOSalready caused considerable damage in Dr.. Che Hok 433 Surpassina ' L. H. Adair 10this vicinity. The road between Ysleta 940 Cloud Chirr lie. Hull s. ... ionand Socorro It washed out in several C'lllSiESB Bee i:nuiHeno logplaces and the bottom lands are deep rUYSICIAMunder water. For a time at leaal there la Rett autos, careful ilrlfere. Phone IllOTHIS PAPER TO YOU no danger of Invasion from Mexico or of Cores Rhsusistlsai. (Adv. jfilibustering expeditions passing over from Blood Pulsos sad Z Peeled Muscat Grapesthis side. sil Internal and Es Koulhurotrrn Urslhrr Forerant.

lernsl Diseases By the Amaociutrd t'fARMY PROMOTIONS ANNOUNCED.

Spaelal trstasats vafhinir('n. May vl weal Tcias: Tartlylor womau at Mod-era- t cloudy Friday and Halurday. Prepared from the selection of Muscat Orapea, a large,

Officers Wall awa I El Psso AmonoFees. IVew Mexico and Arlxona Ff Friday and 3j firm Variety, highly esteemed, thoroughly ripened on the vine,Cs....l..ll.n V. probably baturday.ino-- r Aaianrril In lirsdr. thUa obtaining a natural awaetnaaa and most delloloua flavor.HOW TO GET IT ALMOST FREE In Ihe omclal list or promotions of army

ta Aataal. bavtd Woldalntkl died at Handlsnelil, While the skhis have bean carefully removed, tha fruit remainsofficers announced yesterday by Ihe war Phonest Mtaa.. Saturday morninr There la no

i I ' out aad prenent six coupon like the above, bearing department the names of m.ny officers2 10

eatabllahtiicnt in sandlsriald, and 3B whole mnd attractive, being packed in a suitable syrup.'daten, together with our apes-l- a I price or Sc. Book are well known In this city were Included roads were no bad arier aevere itortns, Jkej We run strongly recommend theae peeled Muscat Orapea to be

on dbnptay at tho Among the promotions snnouncrd was thattoat an uaderuker'K wanon Iruin a nearby an article of real merit and one of the flneat of deaaert could not reach iim place where Um

uf colonel George II. Morgan, in command dead man lay. Mo lht corpae was placed One Pound Flat Gana 30o (Cach. or tS.Ü& per Doaen Cana,TIMES BRANCH 9, MAY 22, 1914 of ibe Fifteenth cavalry gt Fort Bliss, from on Ihe back seat or an automobile, and twn tef TUtky are also very suitable, convenient and dellcloua for

iieuiensni colonel w colonel. of the frtenda of ihit rainlly aupporied thi: ' KRUIT HA la A I Hcsptsln i w. Kobbe. who wss ausrier rernalna in a ride lo ihe underuker. The r- -iih-- l of the Twenty-secon- Inraniry lelesrapb aayt the tight or the corpae rid-6 SSr 68c ""r JLSO Volume st El Paw two years ago, has been Inr alona- the count ry roads in an automopromoted lo a majority snd trsnsferred K) bile atartled persons who rfaw it. Tbee

one inismry. must be soinethinr uncanny about such a Watson's GroceriesI We bound .in plain green Englich cloth, but without th Artillery sa Twelg-T- i Mil uni-on

vision.portrait gallery or famous singers. orders rrom Lieutenant colonel wh

Ham Kenley commanding the Slith Field ICE I.HKAM HOO MTKCIAL.5cIT by Mall Add 15c Kilaa for Insured Parcel Posa. aruiiery si ti fsso, um enure artiliei-- AJtUOIN'H HIMI. .in Are Famous for QualityI regiment went on s hike yosterdsv inoro

"HKART SONGS" The song book with a soul! 400 or the e lag. The morning hike covered twenty !wo Almost any woman ran be a lovely char 210-21- 2 Texas Streetshe baa everything- condhVaeter aa lont asof the world in one volume of 60U page. Choaen by nines. in, enure equipment of the rami in wayr. say Anna Carisou. iat well as Ihe reguuenial heedauarieM sesiisej - i.ii'i.ii'a i nsssssas IlllikWU S4S420,000 music lover. Four yean to complete the book. Vvery line with iii. pwple's plans, bliia rouf asj, ss ''' mm 9 sowss lasen along.lung a gem. of melody. . teoua and awet to Utose who persist InMsg Balldlag si Fori Buss. stlrkini- pins into her Is what tests lue

LsptsJu William E. Hunt, depot ijuarlci mettle.'uiA-- i., i ., . i'.

EL PASO MORNING TIMES Friday. Mar 22. 1914.

Proposed Naval Reserve. In XCemoriam. Poison Mexterna Put in Cigarettes. Heard on the City Streets, mgTha Navy league of tha United States holds thst Of Samuel Parka 2th Regiment, II. 8. A Baltimore Sun. As cioudcroft la El Paso's roof garden." says

Published Every !' In Ibe Voir by ths country should have a naval reserve of st least renumbered millions mourn for thee and thine: The Mexican woman who gave one of the American Garnetl King, assistant to th general traffic managerw.v ram Tinr-- . soldiers at Vara Crux poisoned excited of the El Psso 4fc Southwestern, "our people wilt bea cigarette Jias(0,000 man. It estimates that such a navsl reserve Thou who rouldst bravely smile when bid to die:Izslered IB IM Postónica al El I'I to. T. ss second rlsss Nor quailed In front of fateful discussion among medical men aa to the nature of Interested In knowing that cioudcroft I going to have

null mailer. could ba organised and maintained at a very small firing line Its existence thla At theWhen brooding Death the the eubtle poison which, inserted in tobacco, will drive th banner season of year.souls of braveITS: n iun UFFICSB: relative coat and would be an aoononilcal preparation man try.

the smoker almost crazy. Dr. F. Letoy Sllvcy of New Shreveport meeting of the Southwestern Traffic asso-ciation,Ttlg TIMBgSIJlLPIrtO. Ml tO SOUTH OHEOO 8TWtT of the this month, I arranged to have th T. P.. for the emergency of war. Gone art thou, comrade, from our vearnlnr alrht: York was opinion that it was Mariguana, a pe

of wild hemp. and O. H. roada conduct a Cioudcroft campaign thisw Address all roininiinirsilon to desEvery of the No carnate formgreat naval power with the exception more thy shall e'er he seenTBI HgnWlWO TIMES. El. PtHO, TSaAS. By distant kin But William B, Hale In a letter to the New York year. The T. a P. will put on a $20 round-tri- p rateor comradesUnited Htatee has a wall organized naval reserve.of

In lifs's fight Times states that mariguana la used aa haaheeah. from Dallas to Cioudcroft and the Q. H. will give theThough veils mystery fatathy still screen.England, Germany, Japan and other military powere bhang and gunga ara used In tha orient, while Mexi same rat from San Antonio, and connecting linesInclude In their naval reserve honorably dux harged No flowered itrave thy sacred dust shrine. cans have clubs of mariguana, who gather to smoke will give a round-tri- p fare of 2 cents per mile to Dallas

RBI'llESENTATIVEg may somewhat In th and San Antonio. The Texas Pacific is running aPORCION ADVEHTISINU the hemp faahlon of Chinea opiumman from the service and tha seamen of their mar-cha- io mark tn- - spot that drank thy brave life's wine:(lew York. S. a Bedrwiib penal Agency, Tribune BuildingYet smokers, who ravel In th dream and Illusions It pro- ad. of Cioudcroft In Ita magazine and the, O. ,H--lTribuna building matin. A has been toward securing never more shall carnate bonds confinetakenatapChicago, H. a Beckwiih special Arene, also advertising It. I called on the ticket agenta at

Hi. i (mi" H. C. Beckwlih spl. Agency, Ird Nat l Bank Hid. The soul that s aiured In thy heart and mln.Traveling Agents l.uiher Barnard, Charles F. eturpny, naval reserva in a recant bill passed by congress The herb probably used, according to Mr. Hale, Dalles, Fort Worth, Houston, Waco, Austin Vnd SanC C. Hanley, Ricardo Moreno. whereby th state naval militia which now lode Not vat the laureled tomb or mound of

Is a species of Datura stramonium, the familiar James-town

Antonio and they gave me th Impression that thereAvthoMied Cliy luillcclors 11. Morrn Miller. Ollla Mellon, l,on IB

areen or Jlmaon weed that grow freely In this country. will be heavy travel to Cioudcroft this year, as theM Leigh. Will orchard. men are subjsot to th call of the president Proclaims ihe sacred spot where thou didst die: "It Is both narcotic an 1 poisonous," Mr. Hale saya people are all going to California next year. Con-

siderabletime of war for service either within or without tha Yet gone thy soul on wings of morning's aheen,SUBSCRIPTION MATES. It is widely spread ovar tha earth, Including our re Improvement are being made at Coudcroft(By Mall In Advance) country and for such a Urn aa th president may deem mat unatram ami smiled when-deat- drew nigh public. In many different specie; Is used as a remedy and It will open for the season the first day of June.

nsily and Sunday, one year necessary. Not for asthma; la known by many different names; and, Theee people will all stop over In El Paso going andDally and Sunday, all months 4.M vainly hath thy youthful course been spent.Dally and Sunday, three month t.iw There ara now nearly S3, 00 enlisted men in th cor vainly spilled tny llfeblood on the olaln:

curiously enough, la used In Hindostán by Jealous coming."Iaily and Sunday, one month .7 women for tha same purposes as their Mexican sister,navy. For the first tima In many years a full iuotJ With nation's history is thy bravo lit blent.The Sunday Tunes, one year too viz., to causa their lovers to loa their minds. In Hin-

dostánThey were discussing the capacity of differentmy name Immortal gravan tn her fame.of enlistments was recently secured so thst there lacarrier) robbers mix It in candy, in Just tha proportions kind of people for enjoyment. Tha discussion wasDally and Sunday, one month " at present a waiting list. Secretary Daniels Is to be And though our hearts are aad for soldier lad

cause os rcosts, and give the sweetmeat to the in started by a lawyer who said he did not believe thesubscriber who rail to recelviTtheir paper regularly are mates of a house and then rob it at their leisure.congratulated on his succMsful efforta to make th wmo nravei di. rt by assassin's cruel blow. late Fitzgerald Moore had gotten a day's real enjoy-

mentrequested to notify the business office to that arfeet. "The seeds I and mixed InOlve postónica addrets In full, inriudioi county and mate. navy popular, through tha public recognition gained Yet In our heart of hearta we ara o glad

are, believe, poundedIf used

out of hla fortune; that In hi youth he workedRemit registered letter. io reel brave tobacco, when used in a cigarette, and thus. like a slave to accumulate, refusing himself any lux-

uryby money order, draft or for the navy aa an educational Institution thy heart flow to quench our wo. Insanityseveral times, dementia. The form ofcausa or comfort and that he his old guardinglines OIOOROB W. spent agewith four trunk D1THRIDQE.Phone 6060. orlvats branch exchange A war with a first-clas- s would necessitate so induced la generally, that of melancholic Idiocy,

connecting til department.- - leu operator which employe or power .l Paso, Texas. May It, 114. his fortune, denying himself even a comfortable roomwnai department you wish snd ronnrruons win oe maun calling Into active servio the reserve fleet. Whlla with the head drooping; sometimes violent madness In which! to live and allowing himself only one suit ofAfter 10 m. and ufternoons and holidays ihe fol-

lowingis caused, and the persons, so Inflicted die quickly.p. on Sunday It la recognised that our revenue cutter aervlo would clothes a year. "Some people," said Otis Coles, "have

departments will answer direct. Mexico's Foreign Commerce. The dried leaves when smoked, seem to be narcotic no capacity for the enjoyment of the luxuries dt life.K0J1 Manairi now. Editorial and Iteporlers In case of a war with a firat-clas- s power he of vtflu only, though too prolonged use, I am told, causes In-

sanity.SomeIt Is men find pleasure only In making andInteresting to not, aa proof of the vitality of moneyww. society Ed. and Bus. Mrr. a I Adv. and are. uepta for which Isscout and other Tha the toloachl,auxiliary aervlce, nevertheless, actlv principle ofnotify the republic of Mexico, that In spit of the disturbance do not know how to spend It. Dr. B. M. Woraham telleIf the carrier falls to deliver the paper promptly,

ai over apy of the above telephonea. the government should have In reserve at least 60,000 in normal conditions the foreign commerce of thebrother to the Jlmaon weed," la more violent in us ei- - an enlightening story of an old man in Oklahoma whofect, and owing to the heat of the climate, and the

Readers of the Murnln Times leavlna the cltv for the sea men for the reserve fleet and many extra auxiliaries country haa been to no appreciable extent affected, mlnarala of than datura. owned an humble home on a few acres of poor land.tide, mountains or rural reeorts, or for Europe, are reminded called for-- by the emergency of a war with a first- - and that In fact from the figura of Mexico's fiscal "This

tha soil, strongerI have been told,

ourmucn usea Finally, the farm waa discovered to be in the center

thai they cut have the rimes sent to them direct ii mall Tor year ending June 30, 1918 (for th year 1912-1M- Itspoison is, so vary of an oil field and the old man sold his farm for over

any rind desired days, weeks or months. Subscriptions class power. by Mexican women, whom Jealousy or revenge hasforeign commerce was the largest In Its history. half a million dollars, and a neighbor asked him:mav be riven to newsdealer or sent to the Tlmrs t.ircuiaiioii provoked; and often by Mexican men to get rid of a(epartment. or any branch office, through ihe mall. Addresses From 6.000 to 7.000 men are honorably discharged Details, aa Juat furnished by Director Oeneral Bar-

rett rival."wvn. Brown, what are you going to do with all your

win be changed as often aa desired, subscription rates are from the navy each year and naval officers estimate of the union can now be given to money? Me and the old. woman,' he drawled, 'wuzas printed above. lhat fully 76 per cent of these men would be glad l substantiate this statement. For example, the ntire thlnkln' we mought go to town and board awhile.'

Any erroneous reflections upon the standing, character or foreign trade of Mexico, both exports and imports, Obelisk Has Spring Fever. Now, living at a boarding house in town was that oldreturn to the In case of nationalrapuiatlon of any person, firm or rorporation, which may navy extremity. amounted in 1912-191- 3 to $28,083,977 (note, that all farmer's Idea of having a frolic and enjoying theappear in the columns of The Times, win be pladly corrected course, many have settled down to new occupation figures are given In the United ututos gold dollar), New York Sun. sweet comforts of life."upon us being brought to the attention of ttie management knoll Inand have assumed family and other responsibilities While In tha corresponding period of the previous year, Cleopatra' Needle, which stands on a f

which might prevent them In liny event from again it amounted to 1240,326.719. If the exports are con-sidered

Central park between the Metropolitan museum of art "I read with Interest this morning," says Col. S. B.ThfflReal Problem in Mexico. separately, It will be found that there Is an en-couraging

and the reservoir, Is receiving a new treatment for one Haggart, former city building Inspector, "what Mr.enllstlnK. but unquestionably a largo proportion of the the resultfever. AsIncrease of ita periodlo attacks of springIn that movement, the total quan-tity

Kneezell had to say about the building of the presentIn the effort that la being ruede lo pacify Mexico honorably discharged men should be kept on exported being 11 1.0, 202, 808, against $148.814,664. so the scientists say, of erosion due to climatic condl court house. On my tirst visit to El Paso I dancedta bring about peace end tranquility with the passing serve list, reporting annually to the navy department, and that even compared with 110-111- 1 sf gain was lions, tho helroglyphlcs threatened recently to become In thla court house. It was In May or June, 1888, andsnonn. In reports for 1112-1(1- 3 Mexico used 897. aa Illegible aa tney are untranaiatanic oy didii persona. Itheir whereabouts, health and availability, so that In came here to attend a Knights Tomplar conclave.of the Huerta administration. It la recognized that the Is being given by Dr. wiuuim816,109, and this too was above Ihe amount In the The new treatment Thecase of war euch men could be quickly called people here were very proud of their new courtreal problem that confronta the paclflera la íhe land

upon for. previous year, although th former year, 1910-191- 1 Kuckro. chemist of tho Metropolitan mueum. Dr. house. The Sheldon waa just being completed amiservice in the reserve fleet, on transports and other ware higher by a vary small amount Kuckro believes that' the method, which ho and Dr.queatlon the taking of Ihe Mexican domain out of the part of it waa fixed up to accommodate visiting Temnaval auxiliarles, many of which muet. of course, be The lntarest In such figures can be continued by James KeltiD. geologist ot Columbia university, discov plara There were very few houses north of thehands of the few and Ita dletrlbutton among the many certain to statues which are exposedisstudying the character of tha goods Imported to ered, preservebut sup-

plytemporarily employed by the department. Southern Pacific tracks and the town did not look to

And ii that event la accomplished Mexico will con the needs of the people of Maxlco. For example to unfavorable weather conditions. haveIf 26,000 honorably discharged men of the service a population of 6,000. I liked El Paso thenIn leather goods, which doea not Include ahoes and The shaft was brought to New York from Egypt intlnue the abiding placa of political Intrigues and petty and I came here to live because ot Its magnificentt.ow in civil life could for a modest sum, for Instance such manufactured articles, the country required al 1881 and during the first 21 years of Its residence here climate.raroluttone. If I had remained In East Texas I would10 a year per man. be enrolled as a part of "the naval most $3,600.000 worth of goods; In textile fabrics, of more than half a ton scaled off. The obelisk waa the not be alive today. Our people do not advertise their .Ask the average follower of General Francisco cotton, wool and silk, the big total of close to $13, gift of Ismail Pasha, khedive of Egypt. William Hreserve. It would be economicalan Investment for the climate as It should be advertised, for it Is one of ourVilla what he la flithllng for, and the will tell y 000.000 was reached; of maohlnery and tools there Vanderbllt paid the expenses of getting the enart nere,

government. In, addition to th naval militia and the greatest assets." Colonel Haggart la 82 years old and"The Plan of Kan Lula rotos!." ami the plan of Hun waa an Importation of over $12,000,000. In the mat about $100,000. is vigorous and a picture of good health.naval reserve, which would Include honorably dis ter of the source of theae Importations It can be statedI. ole Potoal stripped of Ita superfluous verbiage Is a acharged men from th service, there would be en-

rolledthat, aa uaual, the United States furnished relatively Perpetual Revolutionist.promise of land for the landleaa and hornea for ihe seamen from the American merchant marine. the largest amount, Its goods sent to Mexico, over Zapata, I understand," saya W. S. McMath. "that the Los

homeless. Aak the follower of Zapata for what he la $18,000,000 being more than equal to ihe sum sent by San Antonio Light. Angeles Chamber of Commerce Is sending a trade exAlthough the t'rilted8tatee has hut a small tonnage cursion into Arizona thiscontending In South Mexico, and ha will top you the Great Britain, Germany, France and 8paln, in fact, Emiliano Zapata, who is threatening to take tne week. They have nineof shipping engaged In foreign trade. If the total ton than all Europe put together. Argentina, in South City of, Mexico, la the moat feared of Mexican bandits coaches loaded with boosters and are coming to El

restoration of the landa to the people the taking of nage of the coastwise shipping and lakewlse shipping America, haa Increased Its trade with Mexico decid and revolutionary loaders, a bandit by choice and raso s very aoors to solicit business. The excursion-iststhe land from thoae who have unjuetly acquired It is also Included, the United States la tha. second mari-


edly during the past year, sending to that country ita highly skilled in the art of guerilla warfare. Five will be In Blsbee, Douglas and Tucson Friday andand Ita bestowal upon the people. The agrarian prob-

lemfood products Juet as it has begun to send them to th feet eight inches tall, with broad shouders, slender Saturday of thla week and Mr. Oarnett King has gone

la the problem of Mexico, and it will continuepower In the world, and probably1Tux more en-

gineers,United States. hips and legs bowed from a life spent In the saddle to lucson to personally conduct the party aver the

firemen and ordinary seamen to draw upon In the matter of exports, it la remarkable' that, ac he has flashing dark eyes that are conetantly roving El Paso a Southwestern line. Our El Paso Jobbersthe problem until It la aettled rtghl. than any other country outside of Groat Itrltaln cording to the tables from which the about, a hooked nose, small ears, high cheekbones, and manufacturers may make up their minds thatIllustrative of the pacifying Influence of land A first-clas- s war would necessitate the us of a union gives this information, industry in general kept flowing blaok mustache and perfect teeth. His fea they must make an aggressive fight to hold the busi

on tha turbulent soula comprlalng the Mexi number on with hut small Influence against it during the pe tures are Intensified by straight, wiry, purple-blac- k ness of Arizona, for Los Angeles Is sore over thovery large of collleracan revolutionary army, It may be mentioned thattransport) scouts, sup riod in question. Th amount of gold exported fell hair. Inroads El Paso haa made on her trade In Sonora andply ships and other naval auxiliaries, and In preparing from $24,040,000 to $19.000,000. On tha other hand Zapata seldom smiles. His exterior la inscrutable western Arizona ano ner jobbers are golg to makefollowing the capture of Matamoros In tha state of for the emergency of war the potential possibilities copper exports Increaaed to over $18,000,000 where It and keenly alert. He shrugs his shoulders and makes a long and determined effort to capture the trade of

Tarnaullpas. the catate of Felix Diaz, umountlng to of the American seamen engaged in coast and lake had been less thsn $17,000,000 the year before. Cof gestures with his hands that suggest a boulevardier o( all of Arizona, and they are arguing that as the bank73,000 acres and located in that state was conflacated ahlpplng fee and rubber dropped, but chicle (chewing gum in Parle, and he speaks perfect Spanish. A natural lead ing commission of the government has attached Arl- -as a part of the naval reserve should not be gredlent). hides and henequén (fiber material) In him although their sona to the Los Angeles regional district itand dlatrlbutod In small traots among the followers of er, his followers obey implicitly, meansOeneral Lucio nianco, who captured Matamoros. No

overlooked. In other words, It haa been suggested creased. Tobacco and vanilla Increased In export faithfulness Is due more to fear of the man than to that Arizona ahould naturally be grouped with Losthat the United States should have a naval reserve quantity, but sugar and straw hats fall off. While any love ha Inspires. The people ot his country adore Angeles for commercial purposes. El Paso wants to

sooner did the soldiers find themselves In possession of approximately 60,000 men, Including the present tHese variations can be marked, the total exporta ad Zapata. ba up and doing."of the coveted small acreage of land than they laid 8,000 of the naval militia, soma 16,000 honorably dis vanced satisfactorily. The countries taking these First of all. a picturesque bandit, who loves the tédown their arma, refusing to fight any more and de-

claringproduct of Mexico occupy th same relative positions. life of adventure he leada reclines at ease In a moun 'I am Juat sending back to Clifton." sava Donutv

they had obtained what they were fightingcharged men from the United States navy, and th The United States stands easily first, for It received tain fastness after a tremendous meal and picks his County Auditor McSain, "a blind Mexican who waabalance, 17,000, taken from our American merchant $110,017,000, nearly three-quarte- of the total ex teeth with the point of a hunting knife 12 Inches long sent here by the Mexican consul at Clifton. The blindfor. It became necessary to move Oeneral Blanco to marine It has been estimated that such a" naval re-

serveportatlon, but Oreat Britain, Germany and France while one of his men soothes hla ear with a song, Za man says tnat while he Is a native of Mexico he has

the west coaat country, where he was given a naw should not coat th government over a million follow with quantities sufficient to preserve a comfort pata will In the next moment, perhaps, leap into the resided 20 years' In the United States and has beencommand. abl balance of trade. saddle and speed away like the wind on some new ex working for years in Arizona, and it Is no doubt Aridollars a year and If that be the case, It would surely zona's business to take care of him. But the MexicanAnd so It will be with all the fighting forces now pedition.

be economical preparation for the emergency of war. Fighting by Telegraph and Cable. For all his apparent good humor and the tolerant consul, failing to get the man into any of Arizona'sIn the field. They will ba ready to lay down thegr charitable Institutions, sentaire he assumes with hla men, ugly stories are told him to El Pso, tellingarma and accept peace If that peace brings with It tha Fort Worth of his cruelty. Those who stand in his way feel the him he would be taken care of by this county In Itslight to have and own a home. Apparently this fact "Turning the Rascals Out." It this country is not In the thick of a d heavy weight of his hand. Woe iu tho wealthy ranch hospital. Í am sorry for the blind man, but the tax-payerswar with Mexico within a week It will certainly not of El Paso underarela underntood In the mediation proceedings which are Postmaster er who refuses tribute to him, and he levies tribute as no obllgatlona to takeOeneral Burleson has, by direction of be the fault of Richard Harding Davis and other care of him, so Judge Eylar instructedhe goes. Strange and unusual will be the punish me to sendnow being held with the object of pacifying all Mexico Ihe president, appointed 23,317 postmasters sine hi equally heated and belligerent newapaper and noma ment meted out to the rancher who refuses to pay him baok to Clifton. I turned him over to Chief Davisfor It Is announced that the plans of the mediators sine correspondents who have penetrated the Mexi of the police departmentInduotlon Into office. Of theae, 6.171 have been of Some nve been- shot, others terribly tortured until who took the man to thocontemplate the distribution of lands among the the presidential grade and 18,146 of the fourth laaa.

can arcanum and bearded Huerta In his lair. Consid-ering death came as a relief. Zapata ts feared because he Mexican consul here, but not being' provided withthe fact that Mr. Davla waa In .the Mexican funds for such theneither children. He is ruth purposes, consul couldhomeless of Mexico. spares women nor more only donateThere were, at the beginning of the year, In the capital and interior of that country a few days only, less than Pancho Villa and revele In sacking a city $6 from his own purse to defray the man s expensesConditions In Mexico are the same conditions that Uplted Btatea, Alaska. Porto Illco and Hawaii 8,610 It seems Incredible, on the one hand, that he should destroying sll he and his men can not use. back to Arizona"

have been met and fought over In other portions if presidential poatofflc and 48.930 fourlh class poat- - have 'made discoveries as to conditions far more ex Though accused of being a mere brigand withoutthe world all through the pages of history. Ae Home offlces. or a grand total of 67.640

tensive than the government at Washington has been any sense of right or any Ideas of government, Zapata, The Day's Best to make; or. on 'he other hand, It seems Inhad her long struggle between the landholders and the nevertheless, has positive views of his own about theEarly In the new administration announcement credible that the government should have known of political situation in Mexico. He fought Dlas before A Wife's Puzxcc,people, ending. In the ruin of Italy and Western civil-

isation.was made lhat all presidential such conditions without having an army on the marchpoatmasters appointed the Madero revolution, denouncing him a a tyrant A woman out in Bratenahl says that the bestMexico has found heraelf confronting a'elm-lla- r by the proceeding administration would be permitted for the Mexican capital long ago. and oppressor of the common people. Madero had she ever had left her good Job to get married.

cookTheproblem. The squatter rights of the peona have lo aerve out their terms and lhat no removals exoept

At various limes during the past few months sen not been long In the presidential chair before Zapata cook's new husband didn't turn out to be euch a herosation..! have been sent out thatreports Americansbeen forced to give way to the avarice and legalised for turned on him. Madero had failed to dlvld the land aa he waa expected to be. and the cookconduct cameimproper backor Incapacity would be made. In large numbers were held as prisoners Incommuni tocupidity of the nation's great landlorda. among the peons and those who had fought In the coniiue ner irouruea to ner former mistress.A concurrent cado and perhaps executed by Huerta'e andannouncement declared that sátrapathe depart called himrevolution. Zapata a faithless traitor to ties a pretty good husband,Russia was a nation of serfs until modern finance Janizaries, and In practically instance later and ma'am," she saideveryment would require every postmaater to give to tha the people, and Madero never was able to suppress "but he licks me so often I can't hardly stand no'furnished a method for their liberation and there was conduct of hi office his individual attention for eight

official advices showed they were alive and safe, him. He haa fought Huerta from the day that general more." itand free to thstr to coast ifcreated a nation of and Independent hours This

pursue way or border, seized the government and his federal soldiers never "Why don't you have htm arreatedT"daily. requirement haa been not to theirrigidly en peacefulpursue customary vocation onsmall land proprietors. The land waaetransfcrred to forced. Mexican soil.

have been able to get a firm hold on the states where "I've been thinking of that. But I rot a in,. sUU.

the ownership of the serfs, who were required to pay Fourth-clas- s With a fratricidal war rending Mexico in all direcZapata's band roams and can't wash no more, and how would I ve ea

postmsatershlps are being filled by A newspaper correspondent who followed Zapata the money tq pay his fine if he waa pinched?" Tfor It In Installments extending over a period of thirty competitive examinations conductsd the civil

tions, sporadlu acta of violence and cruelty toward to hla lair In the mountains and sought an Interview a a aby aervyears The number of tha lots of land thus distributed lce.aliena resident In the country might be expected to with him writes of his arrival at the rebel camp. Seaected Bits.happen, and such outrages and violations of the ruleawaa mora than 1,00,000 and the principal charged as snown by the above figures, tha postmaster and usages of civilised lands, have happened in iso faces




gaaed sharplyto meet


ourIt waa



The late Frederick Townsend Martin . . the naw proprietors waa nearly $600. 000. (mo. general haa within a period of 14 months, performed lated cases, and are properly the subject of present Zapata.

describing to, a New York reporter hla adventures Inin Russia It waa not to delay and future Investigation by our own and other gov-

ernments" me i.oimon sunns. qnecessary payment to the task of conducting tha selection and appointment Interested-

'Hello, Tuerto, who Is that 7' he asked tn a sharp "Slum butcher shops," he said, "aretha former for voice. very Interest-ing,landlorda thirty years by the former of postmasters at 60 par cant of all presidential office But stories sent out that Mexican Jalla ara tilled " Good evening, chief. Thla laespecially on a Saturday night, when the Sundayaarfa Payments mad fast a pemil driver whowere aa aa their claims and 87 per cent out of all fourth-clas- s offices. with Americans who are unable to communicate with haa come to see our little band of cutthroats, aa he

meat is being bought.war adjudicated. In the bonde of the Ituaalan gov in accomplishing this it has been necessary for their friends or their home government, that the fate called ua laat September,' said the guide.

"Onoe in the New Cut I stopped before a dreadfulcrrtmem. resting upon Its general credit. The entire Die postmaater general and his first assistant, Mr.

nf many is unknown, that they are tortured for the "Sanara gazed Intently at me, then held out hilooting


stuffof meat. There was a platter of particu-larly calledamusement of their savage and murdered selected bits.'keepers Theseprocesa In spite of some errors and loases, hand. selectedwas carried

through without bloodshed and withoutRoper, to confer personally with hundreds of people to make a Huerta holiday, should evidently be takes " 'Hallo, young man. You are quite a beardless

bite the bntcher waa offering to an old lady for three-pence,materia In regard to presidential appointment, and th reault with a good deal of sail. Buoh Inflamed enlarge-ments

youth to suggest the decapitation of Bmlllaao Zapata.but ehe

'instated that this was too high,

shock to the general economlo system. on conditions that bad enough, in fact "Tak a for tuppence, then.'attained In adjusting differences and harmonising the are But I suppose you will get wiser aa the years go by. said the butoher.The settlement of the agrarian problem In Ire are well calculated to precipítate actual war on an Coma over and eat.' " Beet selected bita, a platterful for tuppence Youfactlona In order to aecure appointment tn tha Inter- - can't do betterland, which has been brought about through the wlp extended scale at a time when tha beat energies and Spanking of the political situation In Mexico. Za-

pata' '

nor that.'ofeat the efficiency of th eervlce Is notable. the ion,t know'' 'd thewisest counsel of several natlona are being ex old lady. 'Itsiid: "Perhaps it Is true that seems ratherlag out pf the big landlords and the acquirement of my knowledge of MBsWerted to prevent such a calamity. Is I knowpolitic meager. nothing of stealing from Willaman farm by the peasantry has bean followed by It Is not supposed, of course, that Mr. Davis, or the poor, to enrich those already possessed of

ye give a penny for 'eml'some of the moat rapid development the world has The Texas Press Association. any other American writer on Mexican outrages, has than they know what to do with. That seams to me


"BU1I th old lady hesitated.ever witnessed, and Ireland la rapidly becoming a Thursday. Friday and Saturday, June It, It and 10

a deliberate purpoae to bring oa a war with all the ba the aim and end of politic tn this country. My"'Here.' said the butcher, 'here, hang it, ma'amI'll turn backhorrors Inseparable therefrom, but their extreme view my while you pinch 'em.' "idea of la thegovernment employment ofof suchcountry great prosperity under the meas-

uresnaw system are the data for th annual meeting of th Texas dressed In such lurid color and widely circulated are. aa will conduce to the greatest happiness a a a

Or. Umetrlo da la Oaraa, head of the neutral party Presa association. Th convention will be held In to say the least, a serious obatructlon to President Wll any deviation from this ldsa la, in my osSnlqn. tyrannyand The Right Store.

that has been endeavoring to bring about In Wichita th oil son and the mediator in their efforta to find a solu-tion

The talkpeace Falla, and gaa center of Texaa. Fro and I am opposed to tyranny. For 30 years my people topio turned to tha nativas of the cloverllaslos. has suggested that a peace congress be formed reporta over various sections of tha state, this mast-


without further resort to armed foro or addl-Uon- ware bent beneath that yoke; every morning I looked sons the other night, when Congressman Joseph Tand that It should, among other things, -- consider the la going to be a record breaker. Every on in Military


of Ufa.have recently estimated that the



apple of revolution, but It aeemed It would JohnaonHint line.

of South Dakota became reminiscent alongreform of the land lava consulting foreign experts Texas wants to go to Wichita and see th oil and gaa project of complete occupation and control of Mexico Zapata waa bitter In hla denunciation of Dlas and Some tima ago, he said. Uncle Hiram, who 'livedand experience If necessary, but acting in tha matter wall of Elact ra and Petrolla. Wichita Falla is pro- - would coat this country ovar two billions of dollars

'Madero, bitter as he Is now against Huerta. "Oh, about five miles farther out than the Cross Roadaon their own Independent Initiative." paring to receive In great form, al d haa laid out a

In money. How many thousands of soldier' live how 1 hate them!" h declared. "It I have to burn want to tha coanty seal to buy some tarred rope andCertainly, there la aa opportunity Just now for a very elaborate entertainment for the newspaper gang obnJectunYr,

might be added to this Mil of expensesknow this

of courseofis and atsal and kill to let them know and feel my to get wise upon the política of the day. Finally Hirambut all sensible man part hatred of them and their I shall burn became hungry and rambled Intoacts, and steal thagreat work In Mexico, and it la to ba hoped that men They will feast, joy ride, give bathing, flatting and the sacrifice would ba great. Consequently even the and kill!" "Say, little gal," said he, addressing

nearesta ñr...

atore.will present themselves who are capable of dealing fresh water air. Lake Wichita, the largest body of men who are ready and willing to ba counted among saleswoman,

."Jes gimme ten cents' worth o' dn.A

J UUIUi.- -.

with tha existing situation. thoae "with their back to th field and their feet an' crackers."will befreah water tn Texaa, covered with boats for The committee appointed by Governor Hunt to In-

vestigateto the foe." should hesitate long and think wall be-fore

"You have evidently madethe Texas Preas gang plunging tha lees hot blooded of their fallow conditions at the Ariaonk state reform school smiling response of thea mistake, sir," waa the

Farmers' union officiate In Texas havs started out An elaborate program haa been arranged for the citizens Into the calamities of war, while thoae who haa filed a report which completely exonerates the goods store."saleswoman. "Thle la a drv

to fight ths political preachers of Texas, and it prom occasion, including papera by some of the best known eount on doing all their fighting by telegraph and superintendent of that Institution from tha charges Then I'm la the right pew. all right."is ta become on of th most Interesting scrap ever editors of the and the indications cable should try to wait until tha Mexican situation rejoined Uncle Hiram. "Ifpromptly

stale, there'sare good for a made by the ateta auditor, which were of a very sen anything drier thanla composed, and than Span their campaign aad slay dried beatWitnessed ia the Stat an' crackers. I hain'tmost success! ul nevermeeting. until the last unarmed peace parleylat expires. sational c.hararasr and mads nubile several weeks ago. yet chewed on

Friday. May 22, 19M. EL PASO MORNING TIMES

AfterIce course

the needleswas servad.

ware laid sway a coollnrWOULD SIT DOWN HISS WEBSTER If You Eat You Need Digestit

MlsslsasryA most delightful

Society Eatsocial

rialsedmee un of the The New Relief for Indigestion

Woman's Missionary society of Trinity T GET IIP MAKES REPLYSooner or later 70a will be In of Methodist held Tuesday afteryear churchwrong every organ was it has been stated that more than eign:y on file in our ofrlce are proof. You canbody. It i well known fact that over 96 of allnickneoioo noon st the home of Mrs. L. W. McCrom-me- n

try It for yourself without any rlak ir itare causad bv alimenta of the diirentive omana If ven ham The rooms were rrsgrsnt with pink million people in the t nited fUatas ara vic-

tims ralla to five you abaolute satisfaction yourthealiahest suspicion that your stomach requires treatment, snd white sweet peas snd carnations, the TOOK HERNANDEZ CHIMIRI-- t mom of some form of indigaatton. TIk

money will be returned. Brown's Digestitdon't delay a moment. Little ills soon grow Into serious Jila.

carriedsame pink


Inwhitto rrrresbmenls

color schemeof

beinglee And This Lady Would Do a MOTHKR


THE hum. s KKD-E- Amerlrauto eat. The


do notta



enoughIs a little

harmless.tablet easy



and ab-

solutelybetrhlnr. Indigestion and dyspepul..DR. PIERCE'S cream and cske. During the sfiernoon Little Work snd Have to

gas,almost instantly, stops food fermentation,gopunch was served by Mrs. J. l Ely Upon Matlvr Ptml CIM lo Her Alinitioi. h ItM IMgestlt Is tbe new relief tt ha been prevents dtstresa aner eating and mm

entering the house each guest wss pre-

sented to Bed for Hour Puliré, muí rtmally Nlltrd h ,i utd round rertatn, quirk and iennanent rem-edy.

dyspepsia. You need it even though yoiGolden anMedical Discovery with s card, fashioned In the shspe Jut PriibaCla Officer lirinnis (.our. Thousands oT iwopli' have fnunl re-

liefsre not slrft II aids digestion and gtvrs you

of s Msy basket, upon which wss written from its uee. Their own statements all the lumrlahment. Velly a Pollard.soon rights the wrong. It helps the stomach digest the food and manu-facture

"Msy .oniest Mrs. Don Smith wss thenourishing blood. It has a tonic effect and soon enables the fortunste winner or the prits In this con Editor Ll xiii Mornlnf Tlrii-- '

stomach and heart to perform their functions in a natural, healthy lest Included In the program or the after-noon

Columbia. Tenn. Mn. Jessie Dear Hlr TM Tlmea offruintbls iti irnius .'ar-

rie, are. The elder child ts betkar off where sent to Colorado by the secretary of Isb.r,a Minmunteltiuii Uimanner, without any outside aid. ere violin solos ny Maria Romagny. Sharp, of this town, says: 1 was with lo the twu chiliiim-

rKr-- n

Mr. she i, atiti none or ths iiiree have any de pont Ibe afternoon in an inspection tripAs Dr. Pierce's OoMea Medical Discovery contains neither alcohol nor Mrs. w. D. Howe snd Mrs. Robert Lander. a suflerrr from womanly troubles Rnieiu li'Tfiandvi. Thla la ck'nriy tiiit,.i-,- sire io re i urn lo their mother. The young io various mining camps. They wcjp or

aareotiea ta ara is as reaction. For over forty years it has stood the test of both All three were srcompaaled by Mrs. I. J.aa a crnu-is- of the I Imvc hail cr two instinctively know dial their condi-

tioncompahled by nfTletala or the r o losado Fuel

ase sad abase and Is today the reateat remedy of Its kind in the world. Dula Pesrce. A plsno duet by Misses Mary and for five yenrs. and it got me d6wn looklnr iftar ibe rhtldrenpari

lu n-m

ha heen bettered. so, the court k Iron rotnpany and ihe Victor Americanaow. Take it home today. Sold by Medicina Dealers in liquid or tablet form, or Ruth keeling, a reading by Miss Arms n u I

has salilso I could not do of my am not urpriaad at auch crltlrtm, how bo. a Jury has kald so and all nf Fuel company. Before Inspecting thisend hoe to Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel. Buffalo, N. Y., for a trial baa. Weeks and s plsno 0I0 by MUM Mary any

tin Tiers of the city and count w ho know campa, the mediators held conferences .nhave done MnreNsfa work. U'ould have He in bed ever, nothing mywere also Ihe enjoyable num-bers

tosmong appoUitin.nt an probation mi- thai hn anything shout ihe rase say the same. If Trimdtwl with representatives or strikerslaea pmgt. detk boaad t. sat on the program. nearly all the time. When I would met viiii Mra. Eran's approval. I am imi It were a mutter that had been dispoaed of and coal operators.

n r. Mct.rummen wss assisted in en sure it be ny me personally, upon my own personalT. ait down, couldn't without Huiild poaalblf to pleaive Mra.tertaining the guests by Mesaames J. 1., get up liidgmaot and without the eutlon orEly. s. s. Blrchrirld, H. L. uraham, 1. P. i'Kn. I.K matter how much i nila;hi en Jam. If. Laurie, han severed hta connec-

tionspulling at something to help me. l'' i nicer, iiura and ihe Judgment of aItubersion dearor do so. I would not, or course, with the I .nirle Hardwareand L. J. Troitl. companyand there beJury court, might some

iiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiniHiiiiininiiimiiiii c "I would do a little work, and think tit ftaffestlnr that possibly Mrs.i Urn as to w hcther I had erred in

quesmy und has opened a store, corner Texas and

Ladles' AM Mel. KrasVa uiiire to procure the eppointmiMt. itantnn streets, with a complete line crMu Al.l i.r ,tu Mamas ,..,ui ru have to go to bed for an hour. n bed anylhin. to do With thla JihlgtiKiit. general Hardware, where he will he pleased

Honsl matter. Hut U mirht be peninent to t No Peronul Keeling. io meet his old friends. (Adv.)church met yesterday with Mra W. "I would have those awfulGossip of A. Hawkins ll un- - IrnrinM. th.1i Mra. Eran ha. on nnmemus As I have ssld. the condition of theseSociety sfter which a social hour wss enjoyed. trembly spells, and a swimming in nterfared with my work by, bring' ehtldlea was rirsl brought to my attentionhead. I surely felt that 1 had log hsicaa corpus ttroceedlnga in what by the police department, so II cannot bemy teems t me an effort to undo wbat I lu..r. and B. 11... Will Meet. that I have been actuated by spite againstrather be dead than be in my done In all good eonarinre. any one in taking them into eustody. TheirTne Phllalhea sin! classes nf the FAYWOODcondition. la t.r Children, condition waa deplorable, and surely noJulia A. Sharp, Society Editor Trinity Methodist rhumb will be enter

tained Mrs. ran. In thla rase, appears in be muiice or any kind prompted ine to do astonight st the home of Miss Bi rd "I finally wrote to the Ladies' repres ting the mother of the children lu I did. What possible motive could havecerguson, mo norm ei raso street. Hot0 Advisory Department of the Chat qnestiiM The work that I have done ha had In this matter except that I was actu-ated

SpringsTelephone 3649 Thursday not be In the intereat of the mother, hut by pity for the children and a denlroBridge.,10 iiiursuay nruiR--

Pnslpoaed.ruin meeting has tanooga Medicine Co., and they ta the ntereat of tbe children. M.v em to do my duly as pronation ofrirert1

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII llllllllillllltlllllMlllllllllllllle! been postponed until eaturdsy morning, advied me to try Cardui, the ploym impOKfri upon mo the lank of Such cases cannot be tried in ihe news-- I The Cure for SCIATICAwhen Miss Lillian i:,le will entertain st looking arter dependent and neglected rhll apers. ' Micro sre matters of evidenceher home. 1131 Hast Boulevsrd. woman s tome, for my trouble!. dren, a I look arter whluh the rannot Themparents only when newspaperi print.TUB MEMORY OF MAY. and If It had burst upon them they would and all forms of Rheu-

matismall have joined in the refrain I am sure. 1 did and now am sound and by so ung I have reason to believe J can an- matters which even the jury knew

PEOPLE 11 hill ABOUT. then i banarit the children. This I have nothing about about; but there u enough,1 am bo triad that iv bad a day Ths windows admitted toe cool breases snj well of all trouble. The sec and done in numerous instances,, t hope mat l ihe, condition or ihe children at the time 1

Omn wttb ttve maroory or the May; sil seemed In nappy vein. The besqUfully Mr. anil Mrs. J W. Harris have returned ond bottle helped much am nhi heartless who ta round theni wa as bad sh it could possiblys woman wantonlydecorated tables sdded lo the etiarm of the from me toSo fine and sweet that It mirtit have s three tnnnilis' visit In New Orleans DR. I F. ML'RRAT.teartmr children from their mothers' he. Their condition at this ilmo ss goodseemed scene snd the flowers save ofr their snd Ceorgis snd are st home st ttTS Als that I didn t have to go to bed ResidentclrcunistsnceH will rhystctan.h of. Murebreast permitA Paradise that the heart had dreamed, ss u 10 sdd to the slresdy cliarruMx mogordo street.With love on her silver stairs or llvnt sir of rood fellowship, among the diner, any more. NutUled b Police. attnot be u. T. C. McDKRMOTT,All In her glory and trace were:

leftA. C. Rhodes or north El Paao atceel

I certainly teel that I Hrrlui is Periini me to ay Uiat my attention wss An Attempt tn Hinder. Proprietor.To lean and to lift with her tender flow Doctora and Mesdstnes In Wew


for s visit unit relatives first railed to these two children u the. I write this because ol the ettidtf I at-

temptToe mighty thronrs that are here below. L. 0. Wltlituspeon 11. M. Worshsm worth its weight in gold to every police depirtntent. It was in Februai I that has been made during a numberü. B. Caluan Dr. Ida t: Hlshop found of months to harrasn tne in the dNchsrgbMrs. T. B. Winter uf Doualas. Ariz., ar suffering woman. tnem on the sidewalk, huddled under Fay wood Hot Springs

1 am so trltfd for the one sweet day A. S. Cochrane Hr. H. P. Heady rived last night rrnm Austin. Tes., where an old red blanket trying lo keep w arm. of my duties. Fur a long time have Ig-

noredThat broutbt ma the green of a memoried J. A. Pickett she has been vlsuing friends atyl relstlves If you, lady reader, suffer from They were shivering cold. They wcru liun It. Now I want those to whom myMay Messrs. and Mesdames i,u win 00 tira gueni lor a lew uayn 01 of the ailments (try vi, i nicesaively dirty and covered wlih mtlo complains to know the truth. do . New Mexicoto common to

A day so sweet that It helped me rind Wllllaui Walt Vance Stewart her lister. Mra 11. T. While, of, Bus Monany

Uce. They ware motherlesi and hoinéWs not object to riiendly criticism and co op-

eration.A cleaner heart and a rieaner mind. B. L. Ferrar W. L. Tuuley tens street. women, try Cardui. lb e ery senaa that tho . word Implies. I invita it. ' But I have. had naAnd an upward 11 it in it or all my will P. S. Atnss J. L. Dyer For than 50 Cardui look them in charge and left my grard ai rrlendly criticism from Mrs. Kgan no co-

operation.L. Ross Mr. snd Mrs. N. licildofl and children and more years MRS.) EMMATo the open vision or peak and hill, P. Wells Brown J. the i'lsce where the mother waa supnosed WKBHTEII.Mr. and Mrs. M. Ooldoft snd children will

nd a gTowlnf better and reeling kind. Ernst Hermes H. S. Potter leave in a raw days Tur Ucean Park, Cat. hat been used with entire aatia-facti- to reside, with instructions Tor her to t all Probation orricer.And darlna; more as I took my place - U. Humphreys C. II. Ulbson Arier spending several months there they by hundreds of thousand on me. She did not come. looked ror her El Paso. Tex May 80, 1014. KENII.WOHTH IN.With the mighty thrones or the teeming t:. M. Whitaker A. u. Horton win make a tour of the rosst resorts, re-

turningIn many places, and waited for her until It. Ysleta, Texas.

race. C. H. Klnley W. 8. Crumble home about Oct. 1. of weak and ailing women. It o'cloek st night several times, ying to 8c ICE CRKIM WHlA HPKI'.IAI.. Dlaner Parties and BsnqnetaOtis coles W. T. Sullivan her, ARIIIHVS HIMKI HUM lit. (tven Special Attention.will surely help too. seo in tbe meantime, the case wasyou,

I Mesdames Roy Bsrnum, county auditor, returned brought before Judge Mylar, arting as Large, eool dfnltifr r'totn and rrtotn fnram to glad that the sunbeams playJ. NsUuna-Morr- M. H. McNsmte yesterday morning from Atlanta. Ua, and Juvenile Judge. Me made a u m. iv dm Mrlbr Miitlalnrs Maks Insprrtlon. dnnrlns A.'rnniinodattoiis tor a few

Over the hills or this memoried May; venusuano t.arrania W. H. WeMOO nlher southern cities, which were visited nv the 4saoriil d JYess select hoarders. Tisana Vsleta Na. S.poaltlon or the matter. Pitially. after someFor the spring come back, for the girt ofThomas Nettle Moble, by the El Pssu Shrlners. eastern corresponden is in the Pass city Trinidad. .in May 21. w. It rarl.'v Ysleta Tes.urevson weeks, the mother sppesred. The rand waglee; and lslr.. thn two strikenow. HywlI'red WlUlsms J. A. dice then regularly tried before a Jury. TheThat I have lived once more to see Mr. snd Mrs. Oeorge W. Phillips, of Yesterday afternoon J. A. ofHumphrey,Ueorae C. Barnhsrt l. McDsnlsl jury round that the mother was not a fitThat vision or Paradise open there Douglss. Aril., sre spending s few days the Chicago Kiamlner, arrived in the cltyilrambllnf or tn have charge of theAnd love coma down on the gleaming stair In El raso, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. and Is a guest at Ihe I'aso del Norte. He

proper personchildren, and Ihelrthey were given over toTo cast her blossoms for you and me, McClellan Edith Bslrd Harry Swain. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips are Intends renminlng in this city for several present ustodians. The matter was thenAnd soothe our néarts or their troubled en route home from Fort worth, where

Hilda dauer Anne Haines days watching developments around San taken before Judge Naglo, who granted acare, to attend the funeral orcalled' they were Luis Potosí.Annette Schmltt Ruby stone writ of habeas and the matter iAnd help us be better and stronger mh Mr. Phillips' uncle. E. B. Smith. "Tim" Turner.corpus,

Thurmond Associated PressCam .Marina corre-spondent,

Anns an now pending In his court.Because of the memory or Nay again. Kthel Brown Msrlon Cslnsn o who has been In New York for (lave Other Children Away. GIFTSlaoiells spring; alarla Uarrard Mrs. O. H. Aiken will lente Sunday for the past month, arrived yesterday and Is It la unnecessary to dlacua Mrs. Herr Nuptials.Julia Carranza Edna Hlrshmger Austin to attend the commencement exer-

cisesstopping at the Sheldon. Mr, Turner la a nandes. Sufftco It to say she has alreadyThe wedding or Archie N. O'Rear or El or the Tecas Slate university. Mrs. rormer El PasoAureus Ssllnss Vlrrlnls csrransa newspaper man, being a given away three of her children. One ofPaso, and Miss Oladys Snyder of Ellis, Alberw Aiken's dsughter, Miss violet. Is one or former member of theEiiiabcth Howard Heep editorial slarr or them, a girl of 10, I hsv located In theKan., was celebrated recently in the laiitr Alice WuilT the graduates this yesr. The Times and for sometime In charge of custody of llamón Aldercte in this city. Hecity, A touch or romance was added to the Mrs. C. O. Treat o - the local bureau or tbeColonel snd Associated Prsa. ho took the child out ofssysoccasion aa It was the twenty-fourt- h an-

niversarypure pliy, FOR GRADUATESPudge Peyton F. Edwards, who wss takenand Mesdames Mr. Turner will remain In El Pasocaptains to coveror the marriage of the bride's 111 while In Houston Monday nlgbl, la because she orten came to hla bouse and

father add mother. The bride was a pop-ular

W. E. Hunt J. H. comomuch Improved, according to telegrams re- the Mexican situation from this city. J. C. begged for something to eat and a placu tn

Ellis and will be M. Bonlfscs A. Llpplncott Hoyle, of the Chicago office or the Asso-ciated

society favorite In cetvea oy ma son, nnentt rey ton I r.o sleep, l .understand that still another childwetcomed In Kl Paso. The wedding was l ieutenant snd Mrs. w. . Hensley. wards, yesterday. An- attach nr scute In-

digestionPreaa. who relieved Christ Haggarty of Mra. Hernandei is in i i I'aao, but have ThanNo Gift Morea brilliant arralr and the gins were many Major Wllllsm n. Sample. Is believed to hsve csused Judge here, will leave Saturday for Monterey. He been unable to locate him. Another child Appropriate

and beautiful. Mr. and Mra. O'Rear ar-

rivedcsptslns Edwsrds' Indisposition. will he the second A. P. man at the front, is In .ew Mexico, I am this city last Sunday after spend-

ingM. L. crununeas J. N. Plckerlnr Mr. schreiner being already In tbe vicinitytheir at some or the scenic The two younger children, or whom I

resorts Inhoneymoon

Colorado, and will be at home A. J. Oreer A. W. jornalad PICKED UP IN of Saltillo. look charge, are very young, about 3 andafter June rirst to their (Tienda. A. c. Knowles J. K. Dsvis r. c Parka, or tbe Chicago office of the 5 years of age. They are now clean and GOOD BOOKSLieutenants HOTEL LOBBIES I'nlted Press, who has been covering the well clothed and well red. which they wereDinner Dance Well Attended- Alexander surles W. N. Modlsetta Mexican situation from El Paso roi the not berore, and I am proud to be able to

W. W. yordon J. L. Collins past (wo months, lert yesterday for Chi-

cagosay tbst 1 wss Urn instrument thst broughtDespite the warm evening the dlnncr-danc- e

W. L. Bslley V. V. arwin With El Paso the center or news or the sbout thisat the Paso del Horle last night seem H. E. 11. Hoyle A. L. r. sands Mexico conflicts, wsr correspondents rep-


change.Ha Had Her Chance.

(C'HfrOI, DAYS, 60ced to be as popular as ever with the dan-

cing0. the big esstrrn newspapers conItuaaell MY i.i n fsCMOOI, DAYS. 0c and l.3oreels prlving a seven passenger Chalmers tour-

ingMrs. Kgan status that the petition or Mrs.crowd. It may be that aoclety Messrs. tinue to flock here to keep in touch with

that the parting or the ways has bea Tinker Rejph Wlngo the front. There sre mors man a doten car, O. 11. Wesllake and party, of Los Hernandez asks that ahe be given an op QIRI. I. II 1H M I S. l Mland Angeles, arrived in this city yentirday en portunlty to care for her own children. Myreached fof several months to come f". Hubert V. si nirtii daYh,W. H, Judd i'esquelrs ta.oo

much of the coot eve-

ningsroute 10 the Atlantic coast They are sto0-pln- answer lo this Is that she has already hudthey are making as uuiiiher E. K.Leasing

as possible. However It may be. J. M. Williamson HSrmsnKyan

craves ror a brief stay at the Sheldon. The this opportunity. I have Mated in w hat MY OOIitiEOB RKCDRD. fl.KOband to party reports the Borderland In good con-

ditioncondition found them. Bui Mrs. Kkshthat same happy crowd waa on r.rlcrj Vernieiiolm Bornnort s III ii II. FKLIXtW DAYS, I1.1B

enjoy ihe dinner and the music. One ex-

pected1.. 11. Huberts H.

HenryJ. Clifford For Hairy Growths ror touring despite the heavy recent seeros to think that the mother Is entitled to

old familiar strains of ' rains. the children because she in their mothertheto bear w. A. Allen 1'sae Ksmp Fssoe, Neck or Arms"The Bame Old Crowd' at any moment Hilly Bruwn Alberto Blslr

on She Is not. such Is not Ihe policy of the Books in Cloth and Leather Book inA. H. Peterx, a cattleman, law and la not In accordance with the dlr Binding, Set,Allen Ursnbllng D. H. wstsoa haa Teturned rrotn a meetimr or cattlemen tales or humanity. The best interest of the(Helpsjb Beautv '

of at Kansaa City. He reports the markets child is the first consideration of tin law Leather Writing Deck and Pads.Progress club Daace Enjoyable. keep a small, original pu. huge powtalile and firm and a htg demand for cattle. and of civilization.

Tne dance glveu tu tne members of the dered delaione on your dreuungChildren Bellrr Off.fii ugly, hairy growth. on cn.n,

Progress club last night wss s very hsppy Up or cheek, make enough ,'aste with a W. H. Neel, of Douglas, a well known These children are better off where theysrrstr. The clubruuma are situated above rattle buyer or that vicinity, spendingUtile of the powder and water to rover CURRAN'S BOOK STOREwe dust and auioku of tne city, wnere uie the hairy surfiire thoroughly. Apply and several days lu the city on business. He

wide upeu wiuuuwi smuit the rresn inuun-lai- In two or three minuten ruh It off and is registered at ihe Sheldon. Childrenbreeius and tne ruoms are sun ex the halra will rorpe with It. After doing Cryclusive. Tue deep red coloring 01 me this, waah the skin to remove ihe re i. R. Galusha. t inted Statea deputy mar- FOR FLETCHER'S 108 Mesa Avenuewalls and tbe ra-- furnlshinga lit general malnlng delaione and It will he left clear shsl of Albuquerque, is spending severallend an sir of elegance mat enhanced tue and free from blemish. Be sure to get days In the nv on huatnesa. He Is stop-

ping CASTO R I Athe Paao delat Norte.Then tnascene. beautifully gowned isdles, genuine music snd merry cbstter or tbe guestsall conspired tu mase a gala, night. Dane R. S. Crelghton. or Nogales, la a ruest

at the Paso del wss enjoyed in tna ballroom snd cardsin the other rooms. Punch wss served CANDY SPECIAL D. J Vent, or Carrlxozo. Is ms-ut-, r.rbetween tbe dances. Among ths guests

the Hotel Mm oy.present were:Messrs. snd Mesdames ON OCR

J. A. Sweet, of isa. Henee iianM..c. a Hlrsch s. FrsudenthslN.

MesdamesSolomon L. H. Goldstein PERSIAN KISSES at the McCoy. The Victrola brings to you

V H. Ns nf nmisrlas la msjasaS st..I. Blumenthsl M. Coblenu Made of Nougate ud recaníMisses-E- dna

Hotel Sheldon. all the latest dance musicMalinas Eleanor Mstblss 25c THE LB. Mrs. H. Tead nf Mints V . 1stQrsce Mayer Hose ooodmsn ' is,sCVeral llnvn In lilla rllv u.,,. , T




LevyMerkln SATURDAY ONLY at the Sheldon. The Tango, Maxixc, Turkey Trot, Hesitation, Boston, One Step,

Roste rtordwsld l.ens Jscobs A. B. l ewis nr nuit.u. all in the Victor list of danceseims Zelgler Harmah Bonsm The Elite Confectionery Co. guest at ths Sltsldon.Is and Two Step are represented

BeckyMen. Levy

Ooldsteln StellaHose Aronson

Ooodmsn music and the selections are those now most in demandotto Evsns. or Alsmorordo. Is rssisurarMessrs. at the aneldon. in circles.M. Bser Msurlce Schwsru dancing

A Irving Block Jake Fsurmsn I'nUl James, si,,nrr of Socorro counr. You'll thoroughly enjoy dancing to this splendid music,Sidney Mayer Have Klein Chas. R. Foster & Co M Memo, Is realm, red at tos HotJ,rv Joe




Zeiser and with a Victrola in your home it is a pleasure you can

New I.L.

HsssPurvln Joe

I. WeissBlsugrund ssr anua ,T. Itfitjeii innlnU)n, of Columbus. 1 M indulge in whenever and as often as you wish.

is resi.iered st ths Zalrsr.Arthurliarles


PosenerKlein Stop in and hear some of the latest dance music on the Victrola and


Long S. Blumenthsl :d Lscbmsn pins0. A.

st Hielelshsw,

.eifcr.of Pima, Arli., is stoo you'll readily understand why home dancing is so popular.

LONGWELL'S TRANSFER Victrolis $15 to $200. Victors $10 to $100. Easy terms can heMrs. Les Eetertales Best quality Hemp Shapes. It :, at J WMrs. Tom entertsthed the Thursday Hate's, tío M. oron. (Ad.) arranged to suit your convenience.

Point Embroidery club yesterday st her home. Vkssss, 1The guests of the rlub were, Mrs. Wllllsm Islmi iISis. SJaarksv Uvasy. Oood nuailiy Psnsmss, VI t, at j wc.Qrsves, Mrs. W. Benton, Mra E. W. Aa gsjsjiaji Tracks Hale's, tie V iireKnn - (Adv.)Esrl snd Miss Myrtle Colemsn. It wss thelast meeting until srter ins summer months LagkS aad Saaavj U.ullag.

We have just received a have passed. After tbe work wss laid SB ICC :keah ODA NPKI 1AL.sslds s dainty tee course wss served AHDOIN H (:0.KE,TIOa:iT.

reil new Soft Collar Coyeies Pícele. Mautbwesleni Postnsstfra.few of the . Wsshlna-ton- . May II. A. E.Last Sunday s members Oonsslss wasThe "Redman," a fine tbe Coyote Club enjoyed a rids through OPEN ALL NIGHT wii) appi'inir.1 e,auiiwawr Bl nllSTlo

the suburbs snd surrounding acountry, me ' 'i,, mi, .in. Duainmaurarefreshing lunch wss enjoyed st sundownlong point collar, that will near the dam st tbe Smelter. The club isaaipumtaiu

Judson Moores, Mohswk;anticipating another picnic soon st white's Melsnrton Wal-lers- ,

be winner this Spur, wnere iney enjoyed their initial pic gtorall: Y'orsa W. Martin. Parker-Prsn-a summer. ale last spring. A. E. RYAN & CO. W. Akin. I'sorls.Senator (ultierson lodsy introduced a

W. C. T. V. Will Meet. Mil sppropriatmir st.Mu.wm for s nw tYou'll wear them if you Tbe Woman's Christian Temperance bulldliK al llallas.union IU meat today st 3 p in st the

see them. v. vv- central rooms. 11 will he the reg-ular

Best satos, careful crrrwra. Phone lta. "W. Clr VALZ COMPAINYmeeting snd probably tbe last oae (Adsertlaemenl.,until the hot weather la over. All mam.bars snd friends are requested 10 be Dr. Carl Smith IlINNl .t .. . He.-;-. 103 South El Paso Street Open Evenings Until 6:30present.

The Paao dsl Norte hotel will srltra .lust received from the Victor Talklnf Machine Company, book of "Three Modern Dances," withRUPTURK, RLOOD, SKJN, UTKR

Mrs. Griffith esles. bVIMIEX AND K' "VV1a dinner-danc- e every Thursday eve-ning

flue pictures ol Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle and 3s moving picture photoajrapha showln stepsfrom 7 to 11 o'clook. Dinner Come In and (at a copy.of the dances, with complete Instructions for each step.Mrs. H. r. arirrith wss the hostess yes Dl served from 7 to t o'clock. No extraterdsy for Use Merry Oosslpers. The guests charge for table reservation, whloh

vof the rlub were Miss Oxell Stevens. MISS should be made early. Admission,Margaret Moore sad Miss Minnie Msy Jolly dinner. l. 00. - (Adv.)


EL PASO MORNING TIMES Friday. May 22. 114.

POTTER HOTELSanta Barbara, California.


American Plan Accommodation for One Thousand Guests.MIDX) M POTTER. Manaflnr Director.

TBI HI M I Til.I Ml Bthatto HI.. " Oat

May ni iiiirbt. eat on ni.M at T naHunleetn, and you will want to alar allauuti'ier. French end Southern cooulu,;

Sumii tanwa. nuimmKDama, porenaa. ara rw-w- ., uw Kellogg'smar garden. entiaae rara unir

Both pbonea. Itatea reaonable,

PLAN NOW YOUR SUMNER DESTINATION AntRead the Announcement of the Leading Hotels, Apartment Houses, Health and Beach Resorts THEH Wrat

ALLISONRevéala St..'

Aaajeta- -.

on the Pacific Coast and Make Early Reservations. Literature and Further Information by Writingrooroa









pot!. PasieDirect, or at Free Information Bureau at Branch 9 of the Morning limes. itoreaMra. Nan

-- Walklnaand WVatlnke



Proprietor.and Central

to banka.t'arka.

Demand the Jar with

.Spend anf 'n joyable Summer at the Svasré- -III srill.HH.I.. the "Rattle Cap"HotelViRGINIA Loa Ancrln,

KM South Grand Ave. the only genuineNew fireproof hotel. Cool-pa- t

LONG BEACH hotel la the city. All Makes Anta DisappearIII nil) I uiitalde rooma, each withprivate batb. per

OCEAN fíARK, CAL.. --, CALIFORNIA day and up. Special aum-nic- r fail.ratea ny week.

KOI'TIIKaN CALIFORNIA' NKWKMT SBAHIDB HOTKI..Merrltt-Jonc- Hotel la hllllt of atael anil "iicri-t.-- abartliitelr HteeU Corwrete, 25c1" rltfhl In the center or ill iiuniaemmit, of Ocean Park, MarbleVenire anrt Hanta Monica, Ita Ituallnn helug; nn. nf the moat baaatl-fti- l A I IS ) I i L'TKI jY BBRNARO APARTMBNTS.

on the :, CI ooaat. Jmt 40 minute.' ride froth Loe Angclea. I IKKlMtOOl isas u-- t sd "... Iaa Aagelea. Cal. At Grocers and DruggistsKuronean plan. Ratee from ft. Wl Crown Hill car to Hiiel, ten minuten'

FKKI.Y AMI MONTHLY MUM KB. RATKS. Welle far B.nklet ik i int. ii nil tunnel. Wood atonennil Kiierlal Kate. W. n C'aa.a .nil ward Meraddrn, Munrn. Am'Ticaa Flan. Accommodations at iika ; large clothex preaeaa ; mlrrora

length of doora; ebaolutely modern :400 M tiente. 2 and 9 room apartmenta; 20 to $35! COOL SEA BREEZES - SURF BATHING per month ; rented by day, week orH HURF lHATIUNG directly In front of Hotel IS ANGELES. CAL. month.

Private Jresa1na moms for uae of arueata.HteeL Concrete. Mnrhle. partlrtpailng In the Los .Angeles-Phoeni-Long Beach Sanitarium Oam-ln- tennis, yachting, flahlng, motoring, Abeariotelr rireproi.f. CADILLAC HOTBL.

tawarare arc expected lo enter In the Kl

B.tlle La it,., h. Cel. hornería' k riding; ami driving. 18hole golf tlpened December laat. Bftli rooma, all S. Mala St.. L Angclee. rare. Letters from several offree, plan. Abundant rawlll-tle- with prlTte hatb. Conrenlent to all thetve driver! bsve been received- - by Mr.for reat. recreallon end health links, the nportleat in the Went. Write for polnla. M.'BorEAN PLAN; RATES 100 nice, clean, Quiet oufelde rooma.shout thenl.iin rllat .ylte'ii FROM $1.00. Modern, aud very reaionable ratee. Rinebart making Inquine rse,

Health lectnrea. Iteat eijulpncl eli rntee hih! reservation. Hill .t. Brt. Fourth and Fifth. Close to theater! and all beach cara. Two cara that are among the first toand merh.nU-.- l Swedlab depart F. M DtafMICK. Leaaee and Manaaer. Tranefer to any cure going aonth on be entered are the "Beaver Bullet," s

tnenla on HelraUflr matbooV KRKI Al'TO BUI MEETS ALL Main St. (Jet off at Tenth In front of racing car owned by Charlen P. Keeae, ofHume comfortM. Vnrlou, Indoor enter TRAINS. hotel. Write for ratea and Informa-tlon- . Beaver nil- Pa., and a car owned by :.(ultímenla, iiuidoor tllveralmia F. D. WOOD, Prop. h. of Qlfton. Ariz. The own-

ersannum r límate. Write for fold Afear the Breakers Edge Thnmpeonhave written forof these machinesT nnd ratea Vi. Hay lllanpeen, Mm

concerning the race and sayord Inn Fuller Golden Apartments SHATTO APARTMENTS that they Intend entering their cars.Engstrum Apartments In ihe rurrent issue of ihe Motor Ase. a

VIS Blxal Mt.. UK ghetto St., Lea Aagelea picture of the "Beaver Bullet" was pubfl weat rt ii street. DEL MAR Laa Aagalea, Cal. lished. It Is especially designed tor roadlet AruHca' Km h loam Ma Dewatewa Modern apartment, high elevation, beatCheerful aerrlce. together with our rocín and will undoubtedly figure promiApartment Hetal. COMBINING OCEAN, MOUNTAIN AND VALLEY nervier. Private hatha. Prívale phone

pletitUd location and moderate prices, In room. Hetween Mth and nently In running over mountain andFire Minute Pmm Broadway. Write to (1. WHbraham. Manager, for Illnatrated Booklet and everyM

Jay Beautifully apella our aucceaa. ftevealh street rer lines. Hrlle for desert ir it fsces the atarters tape. Mr.apart !nrnta, taatefaU furn.ahf1 Nl'M'IAfe -- Mill it BAT KS HOOD CKTI I JULY FIltfrT. reservations. , that he will the hereKeene ship carwith Tlt'w tu and alegan. Ap-point

Het agnlai'd the cooleat and moat delightful apot FUH ALT AGES along the ssysment nnrl aerrlce that vattafy the The fluuat and aafeat bathing beach. Large, beautiful tepid iwo or three weeks prior to the race ta

meat refined ta te. Hoof (arden, aun piiMi... L'lieguuled aurf and pier flaking. Cbampluuahlp Teonla Conrta and all nave It tuned up to become accrualntedparlor, ballroom, gentlemen's elub other out .'iixi Indoor plraaurea. Itegulitr dam'ea. Aak any one wbo baa ever THE' STRATFORD APABTkfJENTS, with the road. .roonii, beautiful lobby, IVrfert Ten been In Htrntford Inn about the nnaurnnnaed table and Weat Slatb aad BurllagtM,tllatlng, aUam beating and flltatred wa-ter

npkc'IAI. NOT You can leave Kl Paao via H. 1'. at Q:Q0 a. m. today and Laa Aatgelca. INTEREST IN ROAD RACE.t:O.NCERT AT oit BLISS.erautme throughout. en In v Un- roo bjegee tomorrow from Hie porrbea of Sirntfoni Ina at 111:28 noon. Two block! from Weatlake. Rllllarda.

children. All President Itinrhsrt Receiving Many InPBHFRCT HOTKI. HKRVICE. Playground! for outilde fifteenth Cavalry Band to Play This Eve,No eilrn charge for waahlng dtahaa, rooma. Comroaudtng !lte. Mudern qulrics from Noted Drltera. ni nil Commencing at 7:99.

dally clean to a of apartment!. Ga!, elet-trl- llghta,apartment!, Already many Inquiries are belug re A concert will be given by the Firteemhgaa, electricity or uae of ball-room

HtlNTLBT APART ME NTH, hatha, Sir. light, aunablite, tennla ceived Robert II.for parttea. Downtown yat Ite7 Wetrt Third St., La Angclee. Cal. court, garage. by Hinchan, president-o- cavalry band this evening at Fort Bliss,awnj from the downtown no lea. Ilouaekeopliig apartment!. Summer ratee. New con-

cretethe Kl Paso Auto club, concerning the conimeneing at 7:30. The following excel-- ,

building; two Maeehger elevatora. Every room tOO ROOM ADDITION NOW UNDIRCONSTRUCTIUNcoming Kl road race, which lent prograip lias been announced h

uu outilde room. Well ventilated. Cool porchea. will he run off this falL Two owners Director and; Chief Musician Boceo liestaiIMahea waahed ; hetla made. Teunla eourta. Free have already signified ihetr Intention of Mgrehet' cheer ihe &üi Inrm,,r.parage. Ten mtnutea' walk to Third and Broadway. entering their machines and Mr. Hlueharites Apartments S40 to S1O0 a month. is confident that ihe entry list thla year Overture "Slavonic Melodies'' (hingelHotel Walls "Soldiers' Songs" TinPbonea: 1010S; Main M4. will include about tbirty-flv- e cars. select lon-'- Spanish Airs". . . .Meyerellen

Aside from the local drivers or note who one-Ste- "Beaux Ksprlts" Tuning! nsparticipated In the Inaugural running of Intermezto "Then. Itousevelt".Lu(gt Rests

jLOsS jAGaTJ-aT- S taSaBBaasI Iff Dollar 1this derby event last fsll several race March "Wsldmere" Losey

AXTABADO HOTEL i e Pbpolar I pilots of nstlonal fame are expected to300 HOOalS M BATHS IjO! Angelea I I Priced I participate. Rarney Oldfleld, the pioneer Get Electric Fana at the B. W.

speed king; Teddy Tetxlaff. Cooper, Daw-son

Electric te Machine Co., 304 Ban Fran-cisco

Kvery modern ai'i'ommndatlon for comfort of gueata. (Overlooking Weatlake rsrk and others who have heretofore been Bt. Phone IMS. (Adv.).ri from center of city. SelectRAT KH Roe ma wltheat hat b. $I.M, 9M and $!.. mloulea

dlatrlct. Boautlfnl boating andL.Lak. .kkk liSSiisiiil hmbii with bath, i. mi., fZ.M mmd flaking 1,1 pnfk. Bxtraordlnary Induce-ment-

' for 1914 au mnjer vlaltora. American FREE .INFORMATIONJ. JJ.JJJ ' i our Splendid Cafe; popular prlcea. Cloae to ur Knropean plan. Make a note of thla ad.teres, theaters aud beach car linfa. Hotel and rates wllr surely be sutiafac-tury- . Bureau at Times Branch Nine, 105 Texas street. All infor-

mation,W. B. Corain. Owner and Mjnager.

I .re llnllaaay. Prealdeat. Oee. A. CeHlae, Sec. A Trema. rates, railway time tables and literature about theadvertisers on this page may be had upon calling at Branch


SBMtWUBBr AMFR ICANNine, or telephone 5050 and ask for Branch Nine.

!M Hmi. Pre AaU Baa. Make your vacation a profitable one this Summer biPLAN itjpP PLAN

II ATES taking a course at the only practical Mechanical School

H.oo and V. i fIiBfHSIBl "I in Southern California. Automobile repairing and driv. iltoILM SI.S0i.ISI P.,... i 2IV,...

7S.1.SSWith Bath 91.M Ml Dp. ing on can; electrical, civil enginreritiR, sur WilhlLlb With Hath With Bath WltkBatkLob Aaujelee, Gad. veying. Koom and board while learning, rositmns se-

cured.St.SOMU IJ.50l.S5 I SZ.Ut.S4 1.1)0 u 17

Satisfsction guaranteed. Write for catalogue, free aoc a up pan dayNATIONAL SCHOOL OP ENGINEERING, 2HO-1- WSST TTH. LOB ANGELES NATICK HOUSE Going to California?

t saaawfeirlM '9M ic& Absolutely Fireproof HOTEL ALHAMBRA and ANNEXt. It HA N It LA. Manaser. Sit North Broadway. LOS ANGBLKS. CAL.

ftfí Every Modern Convenience HOTBL, KurrMani ANN KX. "Apartaaaal..' iii t (' ft. BrMidwar'.attrartlvr .larra and Ihratm. LOW Sl'MMKH RATFS.

iinrrt'ti' ' luaa I unatruvuuii.Hui'ial rmiora and BaU Roam, Single and double apartmenta, complete Then ThenPacific. Everyi iviTlooklnn thi

facility of Location, Bervlco. Comfort, Kqulpment HOTEL DAGMAR In ever.v detail. I'rlvata hatha, pbonea.etc. Walking dlatance to all tbeotera,

anil Luxury, oppoalte Hotel Virginia. Mncnolla 840 So. Hope St Los Ahoeixs.Cal ahupa and rhurebea. Bummer rates if ow on.ii nil Ucean. B. K. Durkec, Mgr.


ess W. nth nt., Laa Aawatea, rsd. Ratcliff Apartmenta 111 Oran.f M.. La Aaarlea. Tal.n il ti new mid modern. Beat dls l.OO Weat 5th St IjOs Angeles

. hlsb-rlaa- baantifullr furolab.dIrlet. rrlvatu hatha, hot and .Infl. and doubls houatfkMplDg apart-

menta.cold water, i n,, abady Dor'b. All Cool, comfortable apart incuts. High Btanliif porcbM. Auiuapiui.nt the theaimrtmeuta cool. aiid large kltcbena. No and alghtly, near Westlakn District. hall. Baantlrul roof Pool-room.Wiiikhiii dlatauce t abopplng center. Klarator. WalklUK dlataoee tonol of -- ara, yot half bloek from four Hlngh apartmenta, 0 KlUl Mis huatn.a. Wat Lak.up crater or park.Huí and ivraehcity s all eara. Kinrua Humphrey, Manager. Summer rare,.Pboifa Weat 10V

Best BestIBB - US y aiMSISlH

ST ,abb"bb. AaW rnjma

Are You Going Golden State LimitediW LOS ANGELES. CALA

er. I ..nnil and Mala atrerta. Premier Train of the Southwest, Kakaaeaa rtaau


ANGELESPlan to California? Leave El Paso 2:Q0 p. m., Arrive Los Angeles 2:40 p. m.

K. L. ruTTIS CO. Rooms with Bath from $2.60C. U. hiiannr. Maaaaar. Hoomi without Bath from... $1. 60 Only train reaching Los Angeles in the afternoon in time

WEEKLY BUMMER RATES to enable to reach the beaches before night.youO. C. Lroomls Harry LoomlaHprlng Street, at Fourth SUNSET ROUTE HSK5 Limit



Fare on sale daily, June I to September 30.

HOTEL O VI ATT VIIKA1 1 H mmmmm-m-m DAILYCvswer no aad tlawee Sta.. HOT SPRlNOaTaV HOTBL,

Laa Aagelea. Arrawbeaa Springe r o.. For Fares, Pullman Reservations,ha. (saiftwata, A aalig&t 6:53 . ni. the Californian 6:00 p. m. the Sunset Expressi o.ii and corafortahla, without as ul idcasuiv rrsort for rest

travaguMce. With every modera SOd rorrestloD. Altttudu Schedules, or Any OtherCentral lucstitm. Quick, 2,000 fert. Beautiful moan-tat- 10:15 the Sunset Limited ..txurteoua aerrlce. trails. Various moun-

tainp. m.

The Ideal Hoate af SSM Taarlat. aporta. Water aad Information, Askepxelal

atearate to


day attdgueata.

up. VeryAi

mud radioplan.


Ameri-can dairy, This b the Route That Will Gve You the Service That You Pay For

Kolutely fireproof, c A. Haffaaaa. chhkea ranch and vega-tabl- e 'I'roprlaior:



WARREN,Aenl. '


Planner Aent.AMD KUriJHH... SjrgV AMD RBTUIUr. .SjTtV AMD BKTOIXM S9UV Kl Paao. T.xaa Kl Paso. Tesas

- .'v - . '

Acacia Arms Apartment BY THEHOTBL



On Sale Daily From June 1st to Sept. 30th-Li- mit Ofct. 3 Id ROBERTS-BANNE3- R

Ticket OlTleeHI il.ltlNt.

Carmer Tenth svod Alvaro, HIOHT ON THK Of KAN I HO NT. CHrLaa A ágela. CM. Near all tba beach amuaauienta. Burf Office Phooes S4 BAftlLiberal Stop Oven Enroute City Ticket No. 206 N. OregonNew. tuedare brtek t. iidlng. faaav hatbiug dlreetly In froyt of hotel. Juat

iouahle Weatlake realdenca dlatrlct. opened. V.urnpean plan. Batea frumSuuiLuer rntarti


Wllablremonlh and

9Ut.up. 91.



and aeaaua rafe. Baggage Checked from Hotel and ResidenceCar. Otaaaa Fraart aad Uadlef Ara.

El Precio de "El Morning Times "Es Cinco Centavos Oro o 20 Centavos Mexicanos-- No Se Pague MasraoNomcM on. ram u ' cotí ación de mktalks.'fv tf( '

1 ', ,

1 e 5 1



Autorlsadoa por La Junta de Sanidad del KatadoTERMINA CON LA MEDIATIONTODA Texas, como Doctorea Registrados para curar

Fníermedadea del Cerebro; Enfermedades Con-tagiosas o Infecciosa de la Sangre; Agotamiento

OttRKGON l'n H m CfM R i.on kkokraLKk mí r.NC- -IHCSTE CON M.WM ui o rb tildad del Hlstema Nervioso; Insomnio; unHUM IRKS M ti t n mu .A i M'll M MINAX SN tVt P0TOM 0M0 L08mm MKXini DK TAMPIIO. tratamiento Infalible para lAMmpotencla; Restau-

rar lón completa y permanente sin estimulan teadaftortos. Curamos bajo garantía sin pérdida deVilla por el Ni. ron lllre L'.i.iM Cooperará Kl l inl.-- i Ulano Pide los Bueno Oficio-d- e

tiempo v sin operación dolorosa, la Estreches, en pocos dtae: semuyal .mi-, i íi'- Iriirrá fl Triunfo los i Isáot I 'nidos para que ( arranalifllnimn Acepte 13 en Ve de Pe. oran pronto la Gonorrea, Fístula, Catarro y en muy corto tiempo

enfermedades de In Vejiga. Estómago, Hígado, I'lel. Klflonea. Hydro-cele,Con la etji i"ii de Saltillo, los ronsii De la Pre ia Aaoclada. Varicocele y otras enfermedadea crónicas del hombre y la mujer.

lucionaltMHH h (Turan que tas nuevas Washin. un, Mayo ft Rn loa circuios Solicita moa especialmente aquelloa llamados "casos Incurables, '

dadea milit e en el con la que no han podido ser curadoa por otros doctores.oficiales amtneió que loda maquinariairo de le lili que un movimiento Ftjcae en el n limero del cuarto. Hay otros doctoren en el mismode la coi 'c renda de mediación se muevegeneral se em. ciiden 'Mediatamente so rdlfldo de nombre semejante. Ruaque cuarto No. t.bre la dudad k Mexico. No croen que fádlmeui CX)N8irLT.8 GRATIS 8E HARI. F.NPAftOLloa federal-dan

' de Saltillo pite Los de rados comunicaron el resultado,deteiu i n san uis Potosí, ciudad de la Coi ulla de anoche hecha por los

que esta nten.1 va sillada por los rebel medladoi a la t asa Rlanca. Después de DOCTORES ALEMANESdea, al man del Ural mía Torres- la conn liria del presidente ron el se

sino que trata? ai de continuar su marehs cretarlo ryan se enviaron nuevas instrur-lo- i lloras: De 8 a. m. a p. m. Donilngim: De R a, m. a 13 m.haría el 9ur clones a delegados americanos, sin qeu Cuarto No. . Calle Meaa No. .'on

Otra rr aepa a naturaleza de dichas Ordene. Al Frente de "1 Krepu" Segunde rtwi. Kl Paao, Tevaa.

Wilson Coaoplacldn.(íuerétam. apital del i atado del mismonombre, sen probablemente el escenarlo uo se ha autorizado ninguna dede otra gran l a II a une decidirá de la del presidente, se dice, que estásueno de Hu- i'i'i su gobierno, en opinion complac io con el desarrollo de los aren-is- .

del 3r. Robe rt PeMiuelra. del cónsul teclinlen. Loa ubservadot-- ó la sltuá DfiMIMOI KZ AND CO.Muzqula de ion. qii intiman con el presidenta, maníy de REINA EN TAMP1C0 COMIÍHMTAS.Juárez, cnirrétai encuentra situada en fteatau ie él está determinado a que toda He (ambla toda ríase dr dinero mevlrsno.VjQk Y AMIGA FIEL. DFX HOGAR la parte sur de ii l uis Potos! y es la la cues-qu- m mexicana debe ser resuelta y Fl ral National hank Building, oficina No.llave para la enn a la capital, nli unas medias medidas ni nüigun fill, lei ."Tul

! t PIDALA UD ! I compruMu o sera aceptable.GEO.W. MIJO l.n qur lee Mazqtil. Kl mas tarde estijxo en con- ABSOLUTO ORDEN DR. JO. Jon bsp ' taluia en enfer"Dos veces (.to 'aro ha sido el ferenciu John ind medáde i de eÓo niños (.nía lodacon uncon y represen-

tanteLA TOMAN US PERSONAS DE BUEN GUSTO 221 So K.o.o. St. en que las re ve "lies han llegado a su d los claae de nfcfllK tUiles sin necesidad dIL PASO. TEXAS fin y eren (pie oyente revolución ler-s- Vi'n las negociaciones de mediación LA RVlci 'CION DK P t CO Kl.V.i.K operación. onsultaa di s a lu a ni y deminará también lugar," dijo el ron- - van en prograso. continua de manera TODO TEMOR R o' K LAR PROr IMtMHt N 4 a ft p. i i. alio ur i anion No .na, isul MtlxqilIZ ac tueretaro fue el tér-- - gorosa la rampana constltucloOallstá. H HI I RAN l'aso. Tex Consultorio n i Juárez, Cali-mino del imperii Maxinuiano, an donde Sr. .libarán recibió un mensaje del rnl del Comen ir. liatx tai ion, Cntuni

americanos y mexicano- fiipn-- huéspedes fue ejecutado. bien en donde concluyo Carranza anunciándole la evacuación de ve 1003, i l'a- -. guerrn llama, de los 'Tres Afta La I'lania dr I inpleados duanalr. ,e Orde Martin Burrel) ministro canadiense de saltillo Aunque no se dsn detalles de laagrego. fianla. el tjitnerrlo Transa y los latiere' BK NKlIaMITA iniiiedlaiaiueun un burro, dwAgricultura, qua ofreció un banquete a loa evacu' ion so cree que los lr,o fedéraleslos constJiucioifctiisias que recibieron la r.vhm bler1us buen aspecto, macho, en buena salud, dodlfltlngUldoa tenant se retiraron a San Lula Potosí, hacia dondeEspecialistas a noticia de is captura de Saltillo manifes-taron

cusiro s seis ados, so prefiere, nn colorlos federaleshacen su camino lambí1!! queel hacia claro y debe ser manso Preséntense dtque movimiento el Sur co-

menzará.oNo Haben que Actitud evacu;ii on Tainplco y ruxpan. De la Prensa VsocisdA.

Tenemos más práctica en la curación de las De la rrenaa Asociada. Inmediatamente Debido a la te-

rrible ' ta Campana Tamplco. Muyo Mi. via Browns ille, Mayo rijan se si Oerenie d Anodos. Mr. carlock.Cooperan adestrucción hecha a la linea une de la While House. Kl Paso, Te.enfermedades del pueblo mexicano que nin-

gunosNiagara Kails. Mayo :i iej da una


Los on Atliuclonal islas que capturaron .'i .Retardado en su trasmlsh n ttoeSan Potosí, losa Con Luis rebelotros especialistas. larra conreranda, enire, mediadores y de-

latadoTamil c han sido retirados, menos una qua el Ural. Zaragoza y lodo el cuerpo de ;ksita i n XKSTIDPi HAHJKI 1.1des del Oral. illa tendrán verlfb armexicano, los primen, declina quepuequefia guarnición, y violentamente iropaa que se nn de Tamplco, eva i'.i m Ad club d rentar o cornsu viaje otro camino. Pe saltillo las

NUESTRA GARANTI.. ES I MAS roo manifestar cual nenia u actitud ame elserán

porenviadas han regresado a Monterrey para que tomen ruaron ayer la pt dilación de Panuco, sin piar di litio han os llplcos, hechostropas tren

FtTKRTK Y NUESTRO TRABAJO ES EL repreacnslante de loa runlllu lona! tatasde

a Monterrey porpartlrlptn en la campada del centro de Mé destruir propiedades de ninguna dase, sun de un Olor brillante tamaños .w y lu.y este punto a Tamplro y de este puertoque viene de Montreal. Kata cuestión fu' íleo contra Huerta. Lalo se precipitará se levaron indas las muías, caballos y inri jase u veas' a M ai loch, tierenitf aoMAS SEGURO. a san Lula Potosí, por la munta ruta (píosujeta a discusión que principió rieade las por la evacuación mesperada de altillo por i: añado disponiMe Mi uncí de la Wl i.slgulO el Oral al Tam-

plro.It p. m . y se extendió hasta la i oh a. m .aragoza evacuarlos federales. se piensa pueden tratar e cric (pie his tropas del (ral aragoa

Si Ud. ha perdido la fuerza de vitalidad noso Este rsrual está intarto y las tropas qu" n i t HAH oli'HIl N1DAD-- L1St cree que el representante de luí consti de resistir en ría parto de lu república. stán escasas de municiones; pero lamhieti üiihtros le devolveremos esa fuerza y vls;or viril cuya tuclnnaltstas no sera admitido en él se podrán mover sin Inguna dificultad

l a campaña ronsttludonaltsta de la costa asíante ganado pars poder llegar a su Mi- iibc. Vice Presidenta tie una podperdida puede acr el resultado de descuidos, excesos y vicio naturales. en que se vendrán loa procedimien-

to!Cincuenta Mil Hombrea. del (leste también parece que continua en .lino Habiendo llevado los federales ro-- i.ompaftla Jndusirlal. esioblcrbia cu

Hemos demostrado nuestro poder sobre estas en Cerra edads. de la conferencia. Los constituclonallslas dicen que la gran progrcao Parte de las fuerzas del oral. na ssllda Intempestiva y de algunos día kanas ny. Mo necesita un hombre debatalla de (jueréiaro la llevarán a cabo las Obregón. se dice, que avanzan sobre Oua s consiliucionuli-ia- s no liaran por prrae nrgndns. formal, hunraUo, Inlelluenir, ar -

SOMOS IXS ftNICOS ORIGINALES I'M A m l A EMPRESAfuerzas del Norte del (Irak Villa, de los dalajara. y los despachos oficiales del de irlos y caps df tomar a su cai go un puestogenerales caballero. JesOs carranza y otros parlamento de Marina nianlflcatati que :n No n MiMiun i emor Importante y lucrativo, gue protlucH buenas

IonJefes; mientras que laa del Oral, obregón, fuerte roteo se ha rea i si rad en Man vacuarlóii e panuco aleja utilidades y que a dn gran porvenir. No



Retirá Un,000 en total, en unión de los demás co tlán y un encuentro de artillería en Iluay cerca de qi la propiedad e Necesita hahiar el ingles. i ,, sey mandantes que operan en el Oeste, llega procura I'd. entrevistarnos,rellene en,mas. los dos puertos que aun puedan sei b'slruldas p.

Se asegura que el tira) carranza ha orde rán a tistnpo para tomar parte en- la misma Hotel Paso del Norte, cuarto Nro.Oficinas: 206 Calle Meaa, El Paso, Texaa. Frente a la "Kim." nado a los comandantes del Estado de Vera-cru- batalla.

Huerta. trai h se piensa ipie muy pro (lio seDANClUblt.

Bneaque numtra entrada en el No. ft. Loe demás doctorea del mlaxno que inauguren lniud latamente una 'líos aeoaleelsn lentos. pred can (b nue los trabajos

Ohregón Contra Jalisco. Dos areniecimiento diplomáticos llegaron Solo por la presenciapiso nada tienen que ver con nuestra ofldna. campana rontra los general'1 Rublo Nava Los informes ciu facultad de Heidelberg, Oct,estaque pasaron por hoy ti anuncio del cónsul británica, de- ronstlludonaltsias, que están patrullando yg, HUtRrrete. PeAa y demaa federales que se en-

cuentranmany- Knfermedadea da loadade para el Oral, carranza dicen que Tamplco, sobre que ios eextranjerus ponían las calles, se sabe que i auipico na om

H- - Números ft y 6, Edificio Stevens. Se Habla Español. en Tejerla. Córdoba y oíros puntos. nerwna y crónicaa. KiiienneoaUea on lanral. obregon está emprendledo la ram regrcaar ron ronf lanza a sus trabajos de blado de autoridades. Loa talleres estánUONHUIr-A- GRATIS. para evitar que provoquen a los americanos pafta del tiente de tal manera que le a.hra los campos de petróleo, y las representa abiertos, el comercio transa sus negocios

señores, rlrujta. iflclna .'.'"'-- j calle 3aha fin de hacerlos entrar en una guerra. el camino a traVés de todo el Estado de clones del embalado! Miaño, mu. Mr. rom de costumbre y un perfecto orden se tt)

Antonio.(5. 9 5.

'.Altos de Ardoln.) Horas: De

El UraL Cándido Agullar. que altora tatá Jalisco, ha ia atacar a Ouadalajara; lo qu-- Bryan, para qur mterpualeran au bue mantiene. No se ha registrado ningúnen Tuxpan, puerto xtnt fue ocupado re sé UcvarA a su debido término dentro de nos oficios para que los ronlltuclonallatas arréalo de simpatizadores federales. DH. JUAN M. CORTADA, Sur R tan ton No.ricntemente, ha' recibido órdenea para que muy pocos días. El Oral. Obregon nn au aceptaran $tr por paca fin de que entre I n Orden Abaoluio M4. r.Spei lallsta etl cnfemeilades de So

de los marinos en Tampico. Aunque se con todas sus fuerzas salga a batir a los Informe dire que ha ordenado a los ge-

néraleguaran el algodt'kn confiscado, de un valor Comparativamente un pequeño grup de floras. lujos, COIIcoa, Debllhiad, Palpita

se perldrá una reparación federales so encuentran en las cerca Btieina, Blanco. Cabral, Dlétiez, de los 130PRIMEROS PASOS comprende que qua de 180,000,000; en vez por paca imoíi se rellene en la Mudad p.iía maní l'IÓII SofocHcbni Kspeclflciipor e.sloa y loa subsecuentes Incidentes, se nías' de Veracrux. La marcha hacia el Bur I turbe. y mil que qpoperen con él a la que pide el (ral. carranza ner el orden. Kl Oral, caballero ha dldojtada Karanilzado. cure nehumati agudoeree que la sustlcidn de Huerta, por un deberá hacerse por tierra, debido a la falta loma de Ouadalajara a la campana du los fundonarlos maniriestan que la re seguridades al almlranle Muyo de que aiá o T ni y toifa dase de dolores.nuevo goblernoá capaz de cumplir sua obli-gaciones

da ferrocarriles en aquelal región, en una Jalisco. El total de tropas que podrán re-

unirpresentación de los constltuclonallstaa fa resuelto mantener un absoluto orden ya

EN EL ARREGLO internacionales, serla aceptable dlataiicia de cerca de M millas. estos comandantes será de no menos grandemente la solución uei pro-

blemaa porteger las jnopledades de los extran-jeros.

9K NECESITA Himediaiamenie un burro, debuen buenamacho, en salud, dea Estados Unidos. También se ordenará i(ue otras tropas sal-

gande ja .000 hombres mexicano. Kl secretario Bryan. John aspecto,

El ministro De Oama puntualuó que, al a auxiliar a Axuilar en su campana ron-tra

Tan pronto como se efeciue la captura Llnd y Charles K. Dougla-- , abogado de los Los const llur lona listas om i rulando o"cuatro a neis ano. e prefiere un color

ofrecer su buenos oficios, en un princi-pio

Rublo rfavarrete y demás generales ré- la capital de Jaflsrn el oral (ihregón consiitucionsllaias. tuvieron una ronfern-cí- las averias de cartonero "Vara-crin-

claro y debe ser manso Preséntense o diLAH (AIIANTIAS PARA LAS RKKORWAS fue evitar una guerra entre los Estados esirerhará au cerco sobre la ciudad de Mé-

xico,y después, rlalió al !r. t rquidi,

reparary una inspección de ojos ha dado

lijan se (érenle de Anuncios de la WhituKl leíHouse. Paso,INTKItlORICH oí t DERERAN nii u- -( en donde encontrará al oral, villa de los constltuclonaltstas.Unidos y Mexico. Ningunos detalles de las representante por resollado saber que dicho cañonero

LUECO EN PRACTICA. planeas mu ios aeiegados americanos y MI EnTOH L pon IAflR que ya se habrá movido del Norte. Más tarde el Pr. ubarán. L'rquldi y luo no tiene serlas descomposturas OH. J. ti. JOHNS! N Kspeclalista enmexiranoa se han dejado entrever; pero se glas tuvieron una larga eonfarcndg. la planta de empleados de la aduana enfermedades de seflorus y niño

l os Constituí lonallstat Envían un e sane que todo tiende a traer una buena Llegan más detallrs del desastre 0 bis Fe-


NO SERA I V HORPRCáJA so ha organizado por completo. n fuerte Cura toda de enfermedades sina la Coofsrenrla para Informar Inteligencia entre las dos naciones. en Paredón. LAH PROI'OMCIONKH. destacamento de tropas ha salido para Mon necosldud de operación. Consultas de

s los Mediadores. Reconociendo la Importancia de los Que las mismas tropas de Huerta se amo terrey y las Tuerzas que permanecen m s u lu ii. in do 4 a ti a. m. Calloen el problema de la paci-


He la Prensa Asociada unen en la capital mexlcsaa. Definidas se Hacen a bis Delegados e puerto olo son auNclentes para Sur Ktanton Nt. bIK. Kl Paso, Tezít Más dediles delion de México, el deber de los media Washington. MayoDe la Prensa Asociada. por los Mrdlaibirrv ualqilter ata(o- que se Intente mnit l i 'onsullni lo en V Juárez. 'alie delhe la Prensa Aaoclada. conflicto federales onstlltirlonalüventre i

dores es solucionar las dtricultrdes entre yVerarrux, Mayo t. No sorprenderá ui De la Prensa' sodada. Tamplro Comercio No. 46. Habitación. Cotton

Masara Falls, Mayo íl Los trea media-dores

los (los pajsea que pueden llevarlos a la tas en Paredón, que culminó en las eje-le vanlamiento en el mismo ejercito que se Niagara Palls. Mayo 51. los mediadores Ave ido;!. K Ito, Texas.

dejaron entrever hoy guerra. Aun al tos mediadores no tienen rurlones al por mayor de oficiales federa-les, encuentra en la capital, según lo que dl sur amero anos, en una informal coiiferen PIKIll a EHT aHENáADO

loa primeros pasos, hacia el doble arre-- se recibieron hoy cu el uarb generallo- - delegadoa de Huerta, trataron CULKUlu I'ALMOKlfi Tu

quiKrafla,que .Mío en sua esfuerzos para ronsegulr la ronstlturionaiisias. los refugiados que llogan hoy de la ciudad da ron Ingles,

entre los Kslados Unidos y el aceptaran de loa consilluclonallsias en pus de los de México. Los cMrsnjeros esperan la repe de saber la manera general de pensar deKl (.ral .Unas I ir sierrada por llurrta por y Cuiiiabilldad. Interna-

dode Muerta, han tenido el mejor Los agentes del (ral Carrana, radicado snores ios bien tí íi N.planes de un nuevo troblernn provisional tielón de laa escenas que se registraron el los ri presentante mexicanos, no Haber Hecho Resistencia- Oregon.éilto. en Méxlen. alia labores no serian en vano. n esta rapltal. sin embargo, no han reci mes de Febrero del ano anterior, l os mis varios provéelos para la aoludón al pro t Teléf. 3430. lé. WllHoii, Directora.

bido confirmación referente a lo re le grama Kapecial para el rimesahora de buscar ninguna'puntos tratani.os que porque hablan evitado la renovación de la moa refugiado dicen que solo falta un Jefe blema" mexicano hasta !; COMl'HA volidoi Lozano, nioiieilainformes sobre que el (ral. illa iia due Veracrn. lao yp&ra un arreglo son: hostilidades loa Estados valor la los mediado reí oguleron los mismos proron Unidos. .suficiente para ponerse a ra del dictador, do lodu rluaea. U. S.intela-enrl- de rldo su camparía sobre saltillo hasta que el los ruimiro, Imj es prisioneroUna definitiva un gobierno edimienio.1 lomaron anoche conprovisional para ser establecido en la ciu-


Los mediadores están observando de ferrocarril entre Paredón y esta dudad aea beza del movimiento. La mencionada tralaneo

(pieléanos. No se polio inn habiendo fracasado en su segunda evasion & México iirokerage Co., No. tu, tidi-fbl- o

del eren que la sustitución de Huerta, por un reconstruido.( lón rontra Huerta completamente loma delegados

de u capital, temiendo raer ron Hueria. Mili Kl i'aao. México como sucesor presente en las calles de la capital. gimas opiniones formales, sino los inediay llenen esperanzas de que preaenten un El serretario luyan y ln demás funcio cuerpo Logado lemiH que fuera sentenciado aleí n hipotéticos pata KSCUICLA Elemental.ugu paaoaa capital esta llena de partidarios de doi Inscripciones

do las reformas Inte-riores

pian definitivo de reconciliación para to nario del depariamento de lado no hl unf ile nor esto por segunda vez iraiót na queCarranza 'y iratan de impedir que Huerta y trace rt eg lo embrogllo mexicano y abiertas pum nlbu do ambosdas las facciones, antes de la Inva-

siónque rieron cementarlos sobre las san-

guinariasde fugaiM1deberán ser puestas en practica. ninguno" ronoi leuden la de los delegados me I'rofesora Normalista titulada ensus seciisf-e- evapen oe la ciudad. Huerta,dH ejérriio riel Norte amenace la Maas se te haCuando estas dos cuestiones estén de ejecuciones de la baMiia de Pa i.ral l. F.itcann Ciatos de espm'iulen unión de sus ministros, se asegura que paru

ámenlo los mediadores se proponen traer misma rápita). redón, mto se dio rreqiio al inlonue muestán bajo una estrecha vigilancia por los P, oposiciones lo Mniii,, por no babel puesto ninguna ia en adultos. Calle Kl l'aso sob.

un arreg-l- entre los Estados L'nldos y el El nuevo gobierno aérla de (al raracier Oral. Villa.. más urde confirmado en las noconstltuclonallstaa. Propo-- o definidas se han hecho a Veraci li uando e deweiubartpie de los

ticias los lonalihtas americano- -- olo una aimulada corle uiai L.AH KtíCKNAS Ubi LA UtKKKAde Huerta. que intentarla una solution sistemática de por americanos y ate quedice loa al renuncia sena nueva que próximala cueatlón agraria y otros puntos de las esiahleddus aqul-

menie se presentará, por unr de los máa ..ii boy pai a barrerlas al c i haul para satisfacer el clamor pti l'"otog ralis uctuulea de las másUn fan un Re pre sentante. dlsenrlnnea Interiores que han motivado la i embajador ntaho nsiló hoy si departa ardientes sostenedores de Huerta, por Que loa delegad' tnex léanos. Kn efecto, uno hilen. batallaa en Máxlcu, los muer- -

loslie la Prensa Asociada. revolución y levantado ejércitos de manera mentó de Estado para discutir la sltuacldn,rldo Moheno. de los pt lie ,il - infembios ib- la confe Se loo en planes definitivos por y heridos, las ejucucluties, etc, etc.

Mag-ar- Falla. Mayo, ft. Inmediatamente tan fácil la cual puede hacer surgir las amenazas de renda expnpasar

opinión de (pie podrían heldes para 'aptuinr córdoba, rizaba, L'na docena, tamufiu üo tarjóla poaLaJ,loa consiliucionalisia1 rontra los españoles lapa y l'u' bla Ksto es para p.rtar aolo por tuc. liux iHl I'aao. rerlblrae los despartios de la prensa en Los mediadores eonoren ya el rararter varios - antes de que un compara

que se dice que loa constltuclonallstaa tie-nen

de los poderes que traen los delegados de México Nt: I'l SILBON ti. IMRI.AttVO deflI.M dan fuera sometido a una reitrada a Muerta

la intención de enviar un represén-tame

mexicanos, pero las condiciones bajo las El embajador Juano manifestó qu' r.n-- i formaly

coiisid ion por ambos lados, Los apnsfBs ae ungregan obre pue COMI'itAMoM toda clase de mercan- -

aquí, loa trea mediadores estuvie-ron

cuales se retirará Huerta no serán roño deraba lu situación mexicana, desde lo Kl prealdente y el secretarlo ruraunJt-a-Kl ministro le hi rireaxiua describid las bla, qu ia mal guarnicionada. traían ' Liua ic México. ,, .. ilI Contad-

o-en conferencie, poco antes de la me-

diacldas, probablemenu! sino hasta la confe-rencia.

de vista de loa eapaTioles en México. io ron cun la comisión. informales - i, - ya relebradas como apiurai la ciudad Keclblinoa toda das) de Comi-sionen.noche, para discutir esie nuevo Los mediadores epseran que el ((imple i ámenle amenaante. De la Prensa Asociada. "pláie a o "conversa' iones" di L tí. Ai México Urokciaao Co..

Implesl O tNO KK Kl lili l O Nu hi t. ládlflciu Mills, El l'aau. Tax.retiro de Huerta sea espontáneo y volunta Washington, Mayo íft.-- Ll presidenta y el riendo que lo l.;e se habla perseguido ha

Los delegados mexicanos que supieron rio. y asi areptado romo un hecho, loa Slíil V. tRHN ser retarlo Bryan estuvieron hoy en romunl-- bla sido pi ni iiienh1 pata guiar e yArrollado la "ida de Lntli CUAUTOH por ai.'la pean, ar me

de las intenciones de los roustttuclonallslas mediadores tendrían la rueatlón de un co-

mana' ion directa con las negociar iones de me-

diacióntraer el la mediación Innlend cr en

esquina r'luieiii-- y Novena, veaspara enviar un representante se reunieron arreglo solamente sobre la ralidad del (eorye :srolher l rn Iluranflo y arum que te llevan en Niagara talla. hr dá n Primer Psso Huerta l'rrflrló


Tlme- - a J.ij 1". lviiux, Lallc Milla -- U'J.también en conferencia con los mediado-res.

gobierno que podrían reconocer loa Es pans Ci al i arrana Tan pronto rnme llegó ei presidente Wll-so- Kl primer paso 4i glo ríe U difoUl Telegrama Especial psrsEstuvieron en una larga sesión, des-

puéslados Unidos. Esto darla oportunidad a i la oficina presidencial, arnlió el m tadea entre iei. lado" nidos Vers-ruz- , Mayo .i Lo refugiados que Ul: UUIULb'llMU U. tíLLtíWOHTH,

de la media noche. Huerta de retirarse, de manera digna, y de Kl hr (eoi'ge Caro the ra, ágeme eaecial cretarlo Bryan. Kl alambre telegráfico dló hoy con ii- - ai ioin s tenidas poi llegan boy dicen pie Jose Maria oí ano. bsueclallata un enlerliiedudea de laaLos representantes americanos expusie acuerdo con lo que para 41 serla una suce del departamento de Katado, cerra de toa

puesto en conecclón con la asa Blanca y los' medladoi- - delegados mexi uno de los ministros más íntimos de Huer senurus y ulrujla. CunauUurio. Callaron anoche, antea que todo, la serle de alón final. conatltucionaliatas, informó ayer que se en

la nía ríe la conferencia, comenzó a traba la. trató de huir de 'a capital para buscar an Anlunlu 21. TeliM. lili y . nIncidentes que culminaron con el arresto Esta noche loa mediadores y delgados contralla en unión del Oral, carranza en Do

jar mmed latamente y varios mensajes secanos.

a seion enn- mediadores y los protección bajo la bandera americana en .. 8. ill sub. Teléf. orango. Probablemente nrr.mpHAará al prl VerS'lu'cambiaron ture ei prestarme wnson y sus una hoia v omer Jefe hata Torre..n y más tarde irá con isgados mexicanos Lozano salló hasla tn Juan eoiijuiat atl

roiiilionados. ámar y l.ehmsnn ronclusión elEmilio

lente de la comisiónél saltillo, cuando se establezca el pr abordar un tren pero laa go en zulo, psrs V U M f U u ll II I) i I A 1 A

provisional en aquela dudad. a.s oas en la conferencia de paz es Habasa, dijopolicía lo arrestó y Huerta ordeno que fueraamblamos ideal I'lLuiiili' el altuni B,u preuto.tán procediendo fácilmente," dijo el secre-

tarioNoadros meiab internado en la prisión de an

de t tado. y conseguirnos 'on ei ios punió de vista regresado e A. N. Lumbardl, Calle bur l.l l'asu.lia-- 1 h no e nos ha su Hago No 1Ü7. f itau, Cuarto 1.

uando ti ejecutivo y el secretario Bryan de cada unodefinitiva un Se dlre que todo los toneles del caminoparaAZUCAR DE CANA AUTOMOVILES DE RENTA principiaron su conferencia ya hablan lle-


gerldo ninguna" de fierro del Mexicano estftn minados y que CUMHKAMciU uku, piala y cobra en

El Paso Auto o Taxi tiene para varios comunicados de los delegadoa arreglo finalo ue no sabia cuAnias lfiliecdo con alambres se narsu esia cumuuie, caulldad o cundlelOQes,

baba--americano- - durante la noche anterior. Es-


Kl Hr.H il mininos las nmiic producten instales, iilaucnaa, preulpllados. alo.30 de -, se tendrían paraalquilar grandes autos ca-


roiininir ados se referían a las sugestio-nes

aesionea má do la total deslrur ción de la vía Metala Uuyini Helming Co.. lilty taxis, durante toda la boche hechas por ios mediadores para seguir celebrar la 'confer plena y

"Kl País," órgano calóh. o, por segunda ban t luí.. ..... dt.United Sugar Companies y todo el día. la estación está los de la conferencia y las vez ha sido suspendido. Solo ae permite laNKCRáS,situada frents al Hotel "l'aso del ideas preliminares sobre las cuales pusdé KN NKIlHáN publicación de "El fmparrial" y "Kl In INSTKUMGNTub slUlKL'UUICÜS

Huapeilaunos. etc. Mesa ..ul lo-le- fIX8 MM'IIIS. SINALOA, MIAU o Norte" Calla W. San Antonio basarse el primer intercambio de las propo-siciones

dependiente," órganos de Huerta.Después de Inlrlur so a anee psrs ajmiar 181 4042.No. Teléfonos 62 y 449 de pal.

Si UTS! lll naiiHirw.BU N10C1C81TA .un. mexicano yPartidpajnoc m nuestros ctlentea, 7 l púbUon en general, qae KBTARAN HKPRKNENTAliOR. De la Prensa Asociadíi cunelltuclunullatu.. l'luck.

hamos abierto una ofldna en Kl Paso, en el' No. Mi, First National i'.aa Ti x. Msvo .'1 M r rn . Cali Boulevard 305.' Tolíf. 6153.Bank Butldlnf, en el qua estamos a sus órdenes listos para alendar Los Conslllurlonailslas Siempre Aotnbrsn us claco Murgula, que obligo


regresóevacuar a los federales AVISOS de OCASION NO VUNUA, compre ni oambla ustadcualquier pedido que as nos haga de asacar alcohol, de cuyos pro-ductos

un ComUlonade en Niagarahoy a Piedras Negras, después ti am-gia- herramientas ds segunda mano niteneanoa grandes existencias aquí. SE COMPRA ORO De la Prensa Asociada.

Si. Los eonslltuelona un avance general para auxiliar al Oral. rlflss, hasta que sepa mis precios.Washington. MayoVilla, en el ataque de saltillo. Sus fuerza Teléfono 431. u. alohr. 301 a SIY PLATA listas se preparan para enviar un represen-

tantehombre, la mayor parte de TARIFA PAKA IOH ANUNCIO Caso.

Azúcar Cúbica y Granulada en Saco, Marcas "Aguila" en cualquiera forma o. can a Niagara ralis, a fin de conferenciarlosllagan

cualesa SflW

estln en Monclova. I. scon los medisdores sur americanos, que oa I palabra, una vas le COMPRAMOS tHo. pista y robre en cusí-uui-

y "Sinaloa" tidad. Precios sin com-petencia.

un tratando de arreglar la cueatlón mexi 7 iialabraai uua ... oc i'Sntidtii cundiclonsa. metales,cana. Ksio se hará bajo la inteligencia da linea al mas plani lla,, precipitados, sic. - .MetaU Buyins

solo dará una informa i:o.. vtu I'rsnrUno St., 'el representante k lirltiilns muAlcohol Marca "La Victoria," en Cajas de 34 Litro JOYERIA

queción acerca de loa propósitos del Oral. Ce HFl. 1 AHMKNDARIZ KMTIllUI rn l'irlo.rrania, sin emrar loa constltuclonallstaa en v hrifnnenstle Bsfloras, nertlM ortif UE VüNTA Upo y cajas uaadus da

Silberbern Herruano. ningún proyc rto para la pacificación ae we a toda hora del dta en la Karmarla Ido Imprenta. oncinaa da Kl

Cuarto No. 428 Eaquina Avenida Meea y vi. o romo el que los mediadores M hai - TfW. 700 y fn mi 'Hu ma . sua M i mus Tlmea.ion " Horsi d mi i. ma d 10 a II ai yprop ue a lo. CoMi-KAMo- oro, plata y cobra aaCalle Texaa José Vasconcelos, que ahora está ei , a 1 Tfltt Oflrln "Vm. Tflíf HalilUclllll cunlqulera cantidad, metales, plan-ili-First National Bank Building Frente el Banco Rio Montreal, en una misión del Oral. Carranza Uli. prucii.ltudoa, ato. Pagamos al

Grand. en punto a finanzas, sabe será la personaril NECESITA uns inurharha rn la Av. precio rcaa alto por todoa metales.

i i l l riiuM au ir a Niagara Falls. Be dijo. ftOfrtd- - para itoiomci no Si. ri"t ra 1 nía- Johnson Assay Co., oficina, VhsldaaosU noche que arribará a au destino den nanas o dtiputs de lu tres, su Its urdes. Uotal. Kl I'aao, Texas.tro. da muy pocos día

10 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Friday. Mar 22. 1914.

r THE IDEAL CIGAR LIGHTER THE WORKINGMAN'S FRIEND --By Gokfterg.- , luht. 1914. ha- R. r.

9BRHerr' C 1 ' y. fill Amy,-':- . wm A M6e 3 foK)

'. .


io To BALL" GRouMfoi amk c S2a&-S"W-


(co exfecr ,G tip mc He ejcroobs rht Hb in pt?osTtm " TeRTO eWM-.RM- FALLS Ki VAlAlTeC's UAkiN rxxiv, Otmc isi r - A " lT .STARTS- " ewv WVJ . V. I O Ht - I M ( O PlPfe fUlNfVreT3. HKiALLY"b(?0?S 6LKbe OF GRASS CD- - GRASS GRoiajS UNTIL IT TICKLES SoFT-SHe- U. CRAS CJ) 0NbRllF"0.' MW HlM LAOGK-K- e PALLS "TO ' VLATToftM CL) MOMIUG SfftlMG C tOWMUJARb AWb PulkV STRJAJ(C'(M) nMHICH OPGVJS BOX fo AMb EUEAseS P1RGPLY CP) - flSeVlX THINKING PlCTUfce OF CPSKJbLG (&) IS zkhl TWIMG


TALK to the TOWN Through the TIMESAdvertising Kate Card.

Idai imllnl for an.KWi'ra to Tlmra rlavined Housekeeping Rooms For Rent Furnished Rooms Rooming Houses for Sale For Rent Houses Political Announcements

I., p. (Adverttaament.CLAB8I FlKll LINKHS. for hf:nt by paiu unos. t it.MslIKU rooms. Hud N Oregon ODUM'S TRANSFER CO.1 cent per word earn Insertion. I: K. rth side, a neat, clean place; worth the DellTer ir Right. i iiiticisii.upu, auouunoa eorealrea

A. H Mima (. room houss, fumiahnd 980 iriiBiir I i.iuT u.tiiui.'u l'l'i.i Mi mi aa candldatea for the officesIV, cents it word indicate! aub-Je- ctno Hunuaj. .. money. You will say so. Price 99,800: Phone K-- i.5 cente per word earn 7 Insertion . M w M. A. riioiii' ii rurnlahed 10(l HKAII. lllg free Hit. Tip Top Keslty Co.. fl.MNi first payraent. to tha of the prttM-rle-afl ir line i'ii moutb. M. A. L. rial, ruinlslied, Virginia :. iai llroadwiiy. pbona 0377. Come around. rnone ow. rAita. ntui. it& main si. FHKE PANTi. to be held July 25, mi. ad rwaptci.No ax) taken for mil nuu, and II M. ICi 1). Dal, riirulatiotl, Mundy 9& London Woolen Mills;

rash uiosi accompany tii order. I'm lr Near Meiho t:o, flat, rurnl.Hbeil. W. Ilntilevsrd Set) SO CENTRAL,! All on ta Me roumi; cieao. HOTEL. 917 San Antonio St. rfot- Juuga iaf iba a'orty-ilra- c DlatritAll clairvoyant uda iluuole rula. II N. W. rial, ruinlslidil, block u. or p. ou.Turiahi,' ; pen- inn rntea. i n. Heart of the ellv. You can't beat the CourtiUlaplay advprtlatng no page H'il N- -t n.Miii flat, tinrurnliilied i ooili. Ilnrabell Hooina. S11H "ao Antonio location. No better In town. Does s rine KOUn-noo- bungalow, completely i' n i it i f u"

double price. No cuta pertnllLed. HlHIIIIli .. IS. I. in' mi Itouae. imfurntshs rt '..Mil CI. KAN, cool room. Kennard, i.m'-- N. Ore irsnsient business. Price ,3.500; 11,000 first with sleeping porch and use of Por DUtrlct Attorney:li Call at orne ror UK. gon. payment, balance monthly. chickens; must bu rented June t for 6 W. W. Ii It 1 0 BUS.LHOAL .(I'U RMMM. mxirhmlty BUY in.Ii Jacoba candía, "made laat see I'Altk tiltlis.. sole Agents. months or longer; must give good refer-

ences. ot Ulatrtct Clark:Legal adterllalug at legal ratas. ' lij ii i.m nliibt," at Tlmns Branch No. 9. 105 H'MiHKk tKPINfl and bedrooms. 507 Mesa. Block N. of P. o. Crawford Theater Bldg. Phone 6251) J. 3311 Montana. J. A Ü8CAJBDA,ii. P. ii. Texaa 8L IS III KIM ROOMIMO HOUSE. OolNO to Cloudcroft? Houble cot- - r'or County Judge:' DISPLAY All BPA:iC. I' I'. B. CtMU. HKDMOOMS. CLOSE IN, CHEAP. houses,Open flat rata, week dujra, per luck, f: 11 II P. J JOINO to moval I'taono 1054. Odomi PAYETTK lUNlMH, 913 MILLS. Ph. ITJ9. 5 blocks north of oosmrrice: eaat rront: ten houses; season 93& to 9300, or A it a n smr.

colunia wide eacb lnaerllon. 75 nun. P '.tp .'ml Saddle Tranafer Co. good location; rents well; SFOO down, bal hv tho month: being- taken rauldlv: act tor County Attorney:Haine, Bunoaye. tiai-- uiacrtlon, K cnta. l. t. NICK, large, airy rooms, with board, 995 ance monthly, price ,uwi. quickly. Phone cm J before Monday, or C W. UUOOM.Htaoding dtaplajr ada, par loch par nr. iiajy H' ii hi pi.M, rooms, rlose in. 601 Mesa. a month. 611 Montana. Phone 4871-J- . Hlork N. of P. O. PAHK BHOS. IIS Main St. anurcss noi 7, i.iouucroti. v n. Vor County Clark:

month, sill. 51). K. ii s n Phone 4V5L Hoom and sleeping porch for two gentle-men; FOR KENT.

HI. 11. klWI.1 WTAr--a-AMI HOUSE.Contracta for large sinounta ot dlaplsy k. p. n. c. TWO no slrk; close In. Phone 4409. HllAltlllNO Por SharUIiandunfuanMiited rooms, light phone,ad rcadera anb)ect to dlscouo'.. First class, swell, fit ror a kins-- : ,1.930. o room house, close in on Manhattan St.. 940. apaca or K. II. II. It. 919w, a nth 30n HUI St. P- - J.KHEE PANTS. Don't rail to gee this bargain. o room nouse on Wyoming si aag IDWA1DS.

READINd NOT 1(7578. il.ü.W.II.


Ii. NICK housekeeping room. Oil E. Mlasourl. London Wooloa Milla. I'bone PAHK BROS. IIS Main St. WEST TEXAS REALTY CO.. iror Countyh KOkoif

Tax Aaaaaaor:Pora tacb luaertlon. par 917 San Antonio St. Phone lili. 308 Mesa Ave. uiiaauiHnudlog matter, I. II. II. mm K A. (JHIOOS haa rine room for Hrht Ill ROOM HOOMINI1 HOUSE Por County Tax Collector:25llos, rants. II. Ii. II. P. liouwek'-fpinr- ; rery cheap; Mesilla, Nv M HOTEL DKLMAH, 417 N. Stanton Hot and V Missouri St.: nest, clean nlsce: go.U) WE bare the largest rental Hat, which waInasrtlon, 15 canta. VTlelab .Incala, lino, earh WA1WS.per II. II. V. oulil walvr; free baths all hours; rooms 1976 first payment, balance gto month. piibllab every Sunday. Watch tor It PerJ. K. II. W. A. PHONT housekeeping rooms, prlvste porch. 50c to 91 day; 19 up weekly. Phone toao. PAHK BHOS.. and call oa up. Caaatf SuoarlnittdgMs tut PnKita.

FX I'AHO TIMKH O., Sckooiatw. t. Aoy phone S997-J- . On North aide of Plasa Crawford Bldg.Pnbllabera El Paa i Morning Tlmsa, Mm. hlncry House W. s. DOWNTOWN housekeeping- - and furnished The La Salle Realty Co. UCSM IfTBl B unvvrt MmV. Psso, Texss I.. W. Poll HENT--Fiv- e room moihTn cottage for rooms, courthouse Block, San Antonio HOTEL. 318, 81V, 320 New lit National Bank Bldg. Por Couuty Surveyor:

L. A C. lhn season at Cloudcrtift. Phone 535. All transient business: irood location: Phone 26o. le W. KL'ilANKS.long lease; nicely furnished; II ,800. Look PorMoiSEkEKPlNu rooms, tleaplnt porcn. TO ME NT- - To healthy gentlemen, cool front County Xreaeurar:inia over. FOR RENT New 4 room bungalow; closeTIMES BRANCH Male Kelp Wanted Plume 4951 5497. room In private home; close In. 901 W. See PAHK BHOS.. In; 930. Por

a. v. MrvnuMLM.J uaUca wlRio (jralidi-- . Phone 1095. lite Pama v rauiuctTWO furnished housekeeping rooms, with Rooming House Dealers. MACON REALTY CO., Place li T v

OFFICES ( AMP rook, M . f7l mo atwl Bharprnor, porcn. ws n. r lorunre. LAltoE, cool, front room; vine covered 8 rooma: rent SSC. .ITfin496 Mills Bldg. Phone &S79. ' I. U- DEA V ER.mine, m day. Sertlnu Ii. M.. 975 HSKPO. rooma. Campbell Apis., 6 Mega. porch1 slao modern side room. 55 month. 10 rooma ; close la 9700 WILL BUILD OARAGE. pica's 0 tU lM um9Por the cunvcnleace or its jmroni n.; Am $3 day iirk mini, city, II. Phone 10 rooma: floe nlace g'nñn I will build a garage on Mills St. to suitnulnuiiti titoch ofncei at Hrnliff iranir laborers. . Brtrli mould-;t-r- s TWO r 8Tha Ttiiiei day. nicety furnished housekeeping it rooms; fine place $2.500 tenant. J. A. Buckler. Phone 0071. - ei. auurnx, jUi folluwinr ' and riirri. Aril Waltreaa, Aril., 9. i "( uní vi .i min'iouri. rnone min NICELY furnished room; private home. we nave otners, large and blush, on r couauioie, i'raelnct i;

Lubby Hotel Meto?; 10t Th It; Teamtrand r Moulder,

aud .sonora (MejUran).

ONE large front bouaekerpinr room andPhone 670. man caan payment, naiance easy. FOR rent Isarge, ltgn, dry concrete PorEltte Cifir Stuiti corner leiu ami railroad work, porrh, 915. 916 E. Missouri. Phone 541tt. NICELY furnished rooms, modern con-veniences,

UnEEL, Wlt& basement, In good location, at 414 N. Commissioner, Precinct Atwiiro. ai. 7a freeM.Pi Ave.; HitfiiiBiid Druff Btor. tiny, rare. day, week or monih. Vendóme. Analln a Marr. Phone 5075 Oregon SL esmaaca v i.itt U11U.Ilifhland Ftfk at El 1'tso Urui KALL k MITCHELL, "l.OrSKKKKPlNU ROOMS in aacoDd Mm Ü

Hotel. 31 v overland SLPor Senator from tha Twaty-0ftf- c I

Btort, 1911 AlimKili St.; IioulevariJ 903 San in .. ., su Eat. 1904. orto oí MaaoMic rempia. iwi n. hi IF you want a bargain in a rooming house WANTED. io nal uiatnct.Drug Blort, boulevard and Florence Paao St HooM sleeping porch. 917 Arliona. pnone dxsb. Reliable party to take lease on naw, vsauLi d. iiiJiJBi'KTU.U. 0 rooms, rlose In. rent Ik): for milck sale. modern apartment building. Address Op-

portunity,bor UepresanUUvo of tha list 1'lstrlct,

ad and UOUKKKI&RPINU roouia Ut) N. Oraon. cool, rooms for ladles, private family; . irruís. care Tlmea. T. Urs,orltÍ"Want inbHrrlptlom taken. KMIi.nYLHS' CLEARINO HOUSE. summer rates Phone 3901. 0 room, transient, dsndv: I70O rash. O a a. j ix.ii.AK.Situations Wanted HOTEL BKAl'MONT M rooms, new, clean and makes the For RcpreaenUUra of the HSU UUtrlot.

WANTKIi v ornsruental Iron workers; Clean, cool rooms, money; 111,000; tttm.v Anil doxens or other. Business Chancesw an rook. n. M :v to 91 per nlgbt. 92.A0 to 95 per weakno r a i woman Bit. Krtl.l.L. r luni.ñia.BUY lieu Jacobs raodlea, "made last .'ontt Mills Hi block ofReel Estate Dealers rook, ADiona, 946. r. k to.; woman, tiouse night." at Tluiea Branch No. 9, 105eaat postofflce. PbOU. S338. FOB SALE Nice little meat market and FOR COD NTT CHAIRMAN. T. A. FalTvy.

work. iiy, no ot. king, bookkecuar and Trxaa St. 1IHK1ML nuil (ingle. 1215 H. Antonio. grocery, cheap If taken soon. 1317 EastRegistry mt tha ladina'i)o(traihT, male or female, clVy; lady GREAT PROFITS Missouri St.KataU Aaenta of El Ibb. leuogranher, illy; baker Tor El Paso. WANTED By reliable lady, position as HIOROOMS, (heap, cloaa In. Phona eAannouncements.

EMPLOYERS' CLEARING HOUSE. )M,tiaekeeper for widower, bachelor or 4S1. nunnlng water each room (IT of them) MUTTON leg, loin and chops, 1Hc pound;ANDKItHdN KII.LKK KKALTY CO, Phono i&o. Mills uidg. rooming house, write W. R., care Times. San Antonio St., near Trust bldg. RENT stew, :c. pound. U. S. Market. i UViOauy iniuo-ij- it a a i t"Miatl lw4 '1 sint 2 Mm kler Bldg. CLEAN, nicely furnished rooma. 519 N. ONLY 9K- Must sell. 91.300. but small pay County Judge la oppoaltlan to Adrian

WANTED Hy liuelllgent woman with one Kanaus. ment down, balance from profits. Neat THE NEAL 3 DAY TREATMENT -- ., aau SUUjW.1 IO IÜ0 1CUOU UX gAIHT1N A M AH it TIP TOP child, position si housekeeper or com and classy; money maker. See this. Is now the rcrognued treatment for Drink Uemucrullc prluiarlea.Paplva Ih.1M.liig Telephone WIU) pan on. prefer leaving city. V., rare Times. HKaT

E. In town for th money. 3Ju snap, downtown; iuu down or Drug habit the world over. All proof ElMiENF. L. HARRIS.

IIItUAI'PI S & l.K ItAltO.N, EMPLOYUbNT AGBMCT. loxiTloN wanted as ehaurfeur and me swings It. SEE THIS. Low rent; lease. you want. Write P. o. Bos 201 or phone 1 hereby announce uiyaeif aa a candidatei:. cocm; io inure? Phone 1004. Odoiu's LOOK! M rooms, rent only nr., Mesa 6101 orchanic; would prefer Job in country; best for Pax Aaaeaaor of El Paao county, sub-jectWant a Job? Need Tranafer jusi aiwve naza: aran, vourhelp? Co. ownany or government references. 500 Texas. Phone OARAGE A bargain. best business to the IXmocratlc primaries to bem: i i .ni m; a lii.Aiit n,- mtt. We furnlsli bélp on abort terms. Hurry! Phone 901. Doing

999. in town. Best town In New Mexico. ili in July, 1914.THE GOLDEN QuickWEST,ñutiré. Wa bunded. l uxurious y charming WE.ST MO.ara room.,, 'BIM ItOZ MClil m tit i n . Mr Foster. sale. Answer W. W. W., care Times. H. P. Camp.120 Bmndway. I'bone 9TT. 520 R. Overland. Ph. 40,12. Steam, rtinnlnr water. LOOK! SENT 949:Hotel Hhfldnn. i. Pon KXPKNSKS- Husiler wants work ofWAM M' ' (ink in girl am! tlral lass inald any kind; can do olflce work. A. k care JOIINHON HOUSE Uouie cooklua on lease: 930U down. JCST WHAT YOU WANT. BUSINESS CHANCES. I hereby annouoce myaelf a candidate few

L P. COLES & ItltitH,, Hfiil Katata and itiHl Times. 971 Mil orrn No alek. tu hi uiooy ume-- i Rt'iiuiuti nai gaum. Cigar store 9650 County Surveyor, Io oppoalUon to J. W.jninitur. tinI II 1'iti. i. Hi Itloak. I'll lWY Montana. Plioiie gol for auto to call and show you Cigar store shining parlor 9900 Eubank, uud subject to tha action of tbaHIKE PANTS. man and PAYETTE ttuous. SIS MUH u ami no trouble. Pricea advance soon. Grocery store; cash receipts per day....7& democratic primarles. R. wife;IrOL'til.AS ('. ( KOVVULL, London Woolen Mills, block rrom P. O 6UC. fbc. SI par day TIP TOP REALTY CO., ISO Broadway. smrc at aboutfamiliar urocery invoice; 91,500Real Ratnte. Initiirani-- XtH Milla Bids man with office work or anv iv u.i up weekly. I hereby ana'iocv myeaU a caadldatohan Antonio t. Picture show, clearing 9ouo inonin 94J&0bookkeoping, correspohiti ore. for tha office of Con ta I. la. Precinct No,B. F. II MM! a HON, PIMM class inarbinial, 94.99 day. ptin haslng. atr.; wire as mld or coaipan-iou- ; MU K HOTEL. J144 Texaa St. For Kct i Ap4MTtments nun. pare mhos. ii& Mam si One, El Pnao County, subject to tha Demo-

craticllntninstt Itin. k Pbone 2'il fumín' skimmer, 94 day. ik objectioij to leavtav city or going outside rooma, run. water; slimmer ratea ; unfurnished house for Primarle.lloaaler on ranch. E- loo, cara Times. d. or wk. ; new management. Phone 5740. BUY HER Jacoba eaadleal "asada aat apartment

W. J. TEN BTCK.HORACE II HTEVKNH, man, t.i tiay. cook, N. M 910 week. at Tlmea Uranck s iuo sale or vent; a good living for the rightHeal Kutiite and luauranoe. Mi ti to work in Now Moilco. 9175 day. Man Ductor wsius lucsiion: would pay ror in Teias


w, people. Howell Really Co., IS Morgan Rldg.(r i audi uork. Ilowull Kiuployiueul rormallon or Dressmakingacceptable pracllee. nu realJ AH J WATTH, Agt'iicy. in Moi iran Hlilg. eslate. Address. Iioclor, care Times. ALEXANDRIA APART MB NTS Sum m ot CONFECTIONERY, cold drink, ice cream For Sale Miscellaneous194 San Praurlaco BL Pbona A4. UltüKKMAKINO neatly done. Pbona ratea. Phone 6424. parlur; also living rooms; good location;Mt i fON leg. loin and chops, isfce pound, ,MISS FAMMK I FF: TEAOBH will give In cheap ' in owner has other business; FOR SALE Household goods,Special Treatment. tew. 7Vjc poiimC V. S. Market. Hlructlon in inibllc school hrain hes in I'liKSSMAklNO done cheap. Pilone MIU. 900 E. HoU LEVARI) apartment, 930. cheap for cash. Address Owner, care Times. horse and buggy; mustpiano,

be soldauto-

mobile, atWA.NTKD Asslslsnl iMokkininer Tor brant'bea


during vacaUon: cununercisi liHESsMAKINQ al homo or by day. MraI'lHKlO DVia. FOR SALE Rooming house, to rooms: once. 1408 E. overland. Pnone 1999,

IID 4I1CD (I of ii. ni- ihr. u.Vila flULII Ueruiany). C Ii r n n I r and

ledger and other clerlcsl work, ..i os. i none OSSS W . TWO and 3 room apartments; everything lunchroom Ui tonncctlon; separately orNervous Hueaaea, IVinale tutu or wiiiiisn. iiiual ue rsst snil scctlrstc. VArtTF:U"liy exiierlenced young msrned furnished. 706 N. Florence. together; location and business goou. FurUlseaaes, Surg 11., csre Tun-- . msn, imsition as general grocery clerk in THE QUEEN CITY roixEii dashnu, terms write hox cm, Miami, Arix.ary. Offlre ban Antonio St. (over some inn, h or commissary store; out oi ut, snd fita your goivna aud showa ran FURNISHED apartment, with bath and POR BALE Soma eooud Hand type aadArdoln's). Hours to to IV, 9 to ft. Ph. V4i WANTED Maid or Janitor ror apartment way, inoiiitlslnous place prererred. Will how to make tbem for 50c a day. lOf a porch; very desirable for summer. 700 WANTED Partner, at once, for general ex-- i tases El Paao Morulas Tlmea Offloe.

bouse. Apply VIS MotllAlls. anywbeie. Oood health. Hererences. i.l raao. i'bone i;.w' munuy Ave, 'i and Imi.orl business lo beEducational fu M. J csre Tintes. llshed In New Orleans, La.; partner must

WANTED An ai tsllnr on Inn. v and furnished apartment, large sleep be thoroughly qualified to assutno office MUTTON loinAuction .i..ix- tint oorrh. Phosoeci Ave. Krv at HI7 N leg, and chops, mc pound:SPANISH claaava for men. Inscriptions men's sulla; none btil sxperlcnrcd Oregon. Phone 1Mb and financial duties in connection there-with stew, ?.,. pound. U. a. MarkalT

are open. Calle N. El Paao S00. need apply; aslsry tit per week Io Lost and Found BUY HHB Jacoba candhxa, "made Ust and Uivest 91.009 to 9? ,000 cash In thebegin. Write II. II. Hart. Proprietor or uigui, si xtiues uranch no. w. FOR RENT Furnished' ground floor apart-

ment,business trade to De conducted in Eu FOH leaving, l sell rurnlture, household

Money to Loan Model Cleaners snd Tailors, Douglsa. Arts. I.OBT Bet ween 10M brows. Ot and Trio-it- Tease 81. 710 N. Virginia. Inquire mi Wyo-ming.

rope, south and central America and West and desirable fancy goods very cheap;Indies; other to travel inpartner connec-tion

corner Sacramento andeburcb Florida,or on lbs Arlaoua St. osr, a H. P.;PRIVATE BANK Loans Young msn Willi some espsrl- - rauiao breaalpla, eettlag. W. A. Mil. MA MB, 'with business; a good business al-

readyonly bRx'ks rrom the end of tha street car

tura, planoa. dlanionda,money on furnl or bsndlliig paper stuck and paper Itetura to 101S Brown 81. or Skeitou A Auction Bales uud Couimlaaloa Broker. FOR RENT Flat, has bath, built in furni established. unless you can meet line. It pays to go. Plume 49SB-J- .llvaatock, real ea ture, disappear ang beds, screened porch; of this advertisementculler. Kl Paso Printing Co. Payne Amis Co. and psoalTe Office Phone 091. Residence Pboae toBu. requirements pleasetata, ate. Oood reward.notas bouxnt and aold Office: Entrance. to Capíes Hldg. close In. Phona i.w;- do not reply. Address a ti, care Tiroes. FOR BALE auto; good runnlagPhone ua r call at our offli. t.ourteous WANTF.P-M- en to learn the bsrber Irsdo. BUT HER Jaoobe caadlas, --mad. Ual Bell Every thing at Auction or Private Bala order; Phone 1001 J.treatmeut and confideiitbil Ueulliiirs extend-

ed.lie Independent, lew uoekn complete. lluiea lllaucb FREE PANTS. RUY Util Jarona candiaa. "mad Instnight.- - No.80.! Two Hepubllus Hldu. I'in.n.- Itn Positions walling our graduales quslilled Tesas HI.

St U, 109 London WiHilen Ullla, olght, at Tlmea Branch No. 0. ISO NORTH STAR lawn hoae. real ra b bar. Waror best Ii7 San Antonio St Texaa m. it iojob,. Vsges while Irsrning. Tools guarantee give aauaiacUoa.WE always have ulcuty of money w luaa given. Catalogue mailed LOST smsll brown dog. Hrward ir 1 y pewriters Arms and Cycta Co.on furniture, pianos, live Block, Barber College. Fort

rrea. Molerlumed

re. TWO apartments to lease in The Montana. DANDY grocery for sale; about 9i,x wUlto ta N. Kansas.etc.; good notee housht. aold and Worth, Tessa. Al I. makes Mil.!, rented and renalred. Sun 017 Montana St., faring Houstou park. Tba uanuia. WANTED To buy second band tools ÉSSSa han In naalatat 3 a... An Anirrirsn baker, at the Pure "SI sun. lay. May 10, between last n for all nischlnes: renalra for all Montana Is a miniature of Los Angeles' 1st BICKNELL. t oa. H. MOHR, 80 8. El Paso SL

ervitS. KQtl able. 514 té Trust Bldf. Food Bakery, nt San Antonio. Paso and canuitllu, brown suit case, con-taining

nisrlilneA. Dealers ror Hoysl standard. U0 est and most elegant apartments. Will be Phone 6SS9- -FOR SALE Fresnophotos, military brushes, Initial aan M.i xniieu xypewrner ui.. pootie awvj. ready for occupancy May &. 94ft aud 966. scrspera, slip scrap

Personal WANTi:D-- good vitlcsnlier; muat be so I " on back, small mirror, locket chain, Son owner, next door. AT TIMES any of oa eouA uaa a little era, cement block machine, wheelbarrowbcr, reliable--

.Apply Hoy. wa N. Kansss. curiam brackets, etc. Howard ror FiTtaMsal priraie money, our omcea aa nrrangea singletrees, t buggy and harness. 1 gardenreturn I'NFUHNISHED, larga 6 room apartment, t bat all bualaaaa la confidential. 1 Ads harrow, I dump wagon, t small dril pressCLAIRVOYANT readings free with La Bella TEAMSTKH8. railroad work. R. M II 7 lo A. T. tartas. Carrier a. Posiofflca. noMiNouEi a co., large closets, front and back porcn; patronage solicited. El Paao Loan 4k Realty 1 rock air dril, cheap for cash. Donnellyfare crraws 9l0vTeias. Pbone 9S49. Slid W; rree rare. Howell Employment Brokera. possession Immediately. Apply apart-

mentIO., HOUZO eWU TWO tWpilOllCa OlOg. Horseshoer. 410 Mills gf.Agency, t, Morgan Bldg. Pes Stock aad Poultry ALL KINDS OF MEXICAN MONEY No. 3. "The Virginia' llld N. oreVuii,LADIES rrlvate party will loan you FXCHANOED. or phone IKS. WE BCT AND BELL conaUtutlonallat

jeoasg po your diamonds. Jewelry or any TEAM8TEHS. railroad work, ft. M gin FIFTY while leghorn chickens rvr First National Bank Building, Office No. II. r!rney. Wa advance money or anytopa tecurlty in sums from 95 up, and, you snd W; rree rare. Howell KnuMoymesi Loma Tere Ranch, Box MX. Telephone inoi. rom Rat NT Modem 4 room apart meet, cooaigumeni io ua. l orntapondeuce aocan pay naca waouy. tioom jux wo lie Agency, it Morgan Bldg. with aleeplag porch. Pbona 0179, UcltadLpublii Hldg Phona 1444. OBOUND BONK. U. B. AM' jalEMCO BROKERAGE CO., ODOMS ' CO.

b. P. O. D..tCome and sou. oreanliera. For Rent Furnished Houses Fraaa ground bone for your chlckena fl For Sala or Exchange Iramen Wanted oi asma niug bi fsao. Tai. OaUvarPhone

It1064- -


Udtors, agents waniid perinauenUy; 50 Iba. for Jr. MeMlekla'a Grocery, sou Bsq BUY HKU Jaoobe cenóle, "utsda U.I FOR SALE The cteanaet and heat moneyDOT CWl OUI14HHBB1UII. I'IHMie IUUS. MOI OnCe t ItiHi.MS. bath and large sleeping porch: Antonio St Phone fita nignt," at Tlmea tsrancn no. v.

WANTED Two ladies' capable of calling on making rooming houaa In the city. Ad LAWN MOWKHa sharpened. Allen Arras l

I. Nichols, SUte Manager. new house, all modern conveniences and Texaa Ht a business; must be hustlers; salary or drees H E . cara Tlmea. SCY if Kit jsoobe asadlas.romplelely furulslud; will lease till For coimuisalou. Alamo Tira Co., 41V MyrtleOct 1 Sala Uvartock nlgbt," at Tlmea BranchSALE AT WARD'S No.KOH PHARMACY, 000 WANTED netvieur horse, medium sue. In Ave. H for Bt.r m. Btanism hl, Hiacka Catarrh Hamedy. Sale Texasexi'hange for saddle horse. El PaaoSI for IS, day a' treatment. Money refuudtd 1U.AI tipiil rumiskad seven-roo- bunga-

low,jf:bhf:y milk cow and heifer for sale, do FREK PANTS. LTON8co.if not aatlafactory. Try it. wiih sleeping porch: all hardwood nilver si. Phone Mrs printing London Woolen Mills. 4- - ROOM brick cottage, walking distance Safe Bloraii..


CO.aa aon urnua. Thia la nir-- n All Others.Moor 917 Antonio SLand huillín rixtitres: will exchange

references.Nu F. Jersey cow for sale, very cheap, son San

BICKNELL. Phone ISM.Phone usa. Texas.Musical Phone 693. BIOBT WAT LAUNIIBY. Photo HENT-- A d furnished house. FOR SAI milk cows, onWAl.TKH DA VIS, piano tracker; u moulb; Fur and leaeasy BUY HSR Jacoba" cusías: asaoe WAKTBD Ooodbog.. Phone HELPotu.s. r&osM asta. ,.SUf"ZuU saS"0"""' """" Cblaeee d ta bee, abort orders, ssy sad PPL1HD. Howall Employme relatar; asaiuignt, regular susses sec. zin s. B rase. U Morgan Blag. Phona 097, rJaaas fo- - cask

& - EL PASO MORNINT. TIMES r liilS .t'.r'tOl 11

Times Want Ads Have Proved Their WorthIt's Good Business to Use ThemEL PASO CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY Special NoUcea J51 EaUte For Sale RmJ buu THF STIH.K MARKHTNew American Cafe nAIHi .lN finil.1 im- .i room hn k imuM,

ACCOUNTANT. Mh flrrtrlc Itrhti fend bath toIHIHSTON AUDIT CO. former locstlon of the Amaricen Kitchen, MAVFIRI I, s tl, A HUM. CONtlBTBPATRONIZE 103 Ran Antonio tit ntktia liar 2. 1B14. halanrr . irrm CU1 SI 13 ' .iviim Ctgy Hatiooxl Bank Bids. American restaurants for American people; rtrr ft I INewly furnished, handsomely decorated; p, m. in or aelllnr mmingfymjffdUWQi m mu, i n umm orunloa restaúrame for union people. Theac BALI.,.... Rubt.rt.aa nocks for their HUiNUNBI'KBB WICKkteaU. ?, uss.i. neaa prlrate bootlii ror lauiae. home; la; market value.bbbi

4. Amar. Bank nidg P. O. Ba aa AmericanSilver King

restaurantstafe-s- o


union:Antonio 31.

Old frlende cordially Invited to dine with aak. an offer toraT snni b mnsi.T. Now abosti nr minina slok? IAuto cafe-- no 8. ii Pato SL " BAM VYAH. IToprletor " eenaiaa, "made last Would It not be beller to soilTradlnaAPnlttq eCMIMtta. ni.t. . Hurhij tha rer i asía ttnltll rhe dead wbatThe CADILLAC tatHNia ror theyBuffet 109 "Broadway. limousine aervlce at touring "rBCI' Ko- -

The Tax.. St. too cash and baltnrt to tult. ni and MtlasMfy of PrutesMonal t:tiarsi ter. will brint and put ihe proréedslMLTON a.m, Martines ni Ullla Union Care 112 Broadway. cur riHo.s. fall 877 ; 83 per hour. bur 8 Na QbjIsI Kiparts.Saratoga Lunch Boom 120 8. Stanton St brtek. eeat front, oa Vlrauila aaat into dividend paytna semrttlcd1 IEl Paso oysier and chop Mouse III 8. "us BKNsohf, rhlrenodlat end face spa Inrsterf ' A RANCH, Montana; irouaB I wortk tka none: Owe sarvlew la Tree.

Slanion St, clallst. am Herald Bldg. Phona 884. near ln.,,,1 m.ei..lual waier the ... ,nt..t Vea t nrlKs HDU BANO WtCLLBOKNK. Weston's Dairy Lunch sao san Antonio St. A it my DAY post cards, 8c enoh. . C

'"' " ""-- la Bl

4 rooms, riot In. On Fast Mo lot uní New York. May ft. A rfs- nonary trend. StocksManning

and Bond-v-

i Inr .

Heimnnt Restaurant N. Stanton St. íírl.rn"pfr,,,V'"1 ' ' ' alley; on earth can you beat tbltHiteam and vacuum carpet cleaning. P.Surceai cafe ma Mills St.

. Scott, White A Co. lor aguo eashT this WKhk 84.000. Whlrh bei'Silio more nronnun. 1,1 in im.- final I mm Natiunal Hank miildlar, HRKWiNii MACHINK8 repaired by Foutt BM wjsjw a "MIHW large to, .tug. red prtaaetl brick, new deshnas. ntarked the ruur-- . ..r imin' i av El Paso, Tex.

DBTBCTIVB AOBNCtBS. bungalow PiMin 97.retneni porch; Iramentt erratarniMi atCHiKO. " r rnooa liutv erattnns in the stork markn Trsdlnjr WaaTUR BKN YV .1,1 a MM Datectlv Amn. porra in tear, basement, in ra, i. it It up

BUTTON leg, loin and chops. UHo pound; in ilaie in particular; If want ssrsiti Mitsn snd obviously pmreidinnsl.Investigation made In civil and criminal MKNT the easy running White and Stan-dard '"S M.I KY eierjr ynu u

. ficlorsto ins you 1408 for birthday inrlud.'d tne Nri Msven Incaca. sin. sit 1st Nat. Ilk. mng. Ph. una. : best maeiilun la lha world for intuitu, t s. attract. x present. Buyra iw. rl JV, . 'room hounr. ibis bean rul Bane for giuu etsb tau Lai 'winwaai, 'fie uncrrtain sis'u- - tr Mismuy



ma' n ink orrtcB Wll SlFt'Elt WITH CATARBHt Try ny or iM,tfor Pto pm.i like rent nul you will btve your present all ouri Pacific afTalrs and a furih.-- r risk in

23A R, Mantón. M. I. Btewart. A at Slack h Remedy 18 .lavs' treatment for nghl; Nm I..Í. ItiTOO. roreiirn akrhanira lo the htrnest iiniiiaiionsUKH. UHOWN QALLOWAI. 8ttl kill1. F .,i?,Unl""0,, tuaranleed or money re SOD Mii Do you waat a betutinu bom on Mon in seven year. Paao ""ni ir m l.l

Bide rboae CM. ... luuuutl'f, WV OU11B rhoni IO ttnar ir so. drop in our otnet tnd wa Koreitm tenerai news also maK rr ranBAKB A.N41 MICK iVCPBBTS. Wanton. will tell you gll gbout IL Hon. advlren rrom Parla ralllna; renewed

s" Out pints no goma good building alte silcnti. .11 10 ihe arute rinanclal (ondinons tl Taso Amelfrr Uholatlntissails and VAULTd opened by sound, no 1 loom '"nf-o- t room of that icorreuodrr.n.g i renifi nally, , romera ii interest if jruling m u. fj Paso si. rnone i wj vv Wanted to Rent - ...... jUlI ttenar r1Urry ptritcuitriy you you Bar silver, M"4r.R. M Lopex, 948 Myrtle. Ph. 7M. ti UBI will itke is trouble to ttk at for Kseguoai crop mwa was more rm 0111 saini in the Ptf lead. S.fW."ense thai needed fains fallana pro over nri of

jink UBA1.B. 8PAMMU A.BMONS RELIABLE rnuplc would like ctra of s J W BIB, W in htvt an ttmetive llt or room the iniddir west ftrrhuHural ofntors. WireLead

bars. 13.07.Ing nousit and alley landa. the dav brotsfht arlous rumors rotaTd

U undonc (is 1;,

II K KM AN BLOCK A CO., a K Boul. Pk. ..oot) MBTUOD8. correct language ProtW By phyaletaaj ihÍ SIS1 k11"'". J compUitd; Mrmi Bee I. a. araaaon. with thk; the Wabash and Rork lland rourranOonaalea. Booma n il. KUta Block. yuung modern fur-

nished nation plans. Waety Aiersaes.MM. Highest prlcaa paid for old braga, J. H. SMITH a SON,copper, runner bona, kldea, etc. Corr. aal. SPANISH taught. Palaaora College, 811 rare


must bu Tint cltts. 100'Teias at. rhont I The lural inonf,,v market hardened sllfhl p.ivai! wlJ- - Smf,lr' 'M,u,"N. Oregon. l'. There was iransfer or mrranry lo iher.l. 1'AMO IBON h MKT AL CO., lata e... Piririr coasl. but no fold exports. "ppe'r, t3.tM.

Amonio. Dealers la acrap Iron, rubber, STCTN I AIN IIS. AdrerlltersPHONB Mlb.s i LASSiriKO Bonds ylettled in sympathy wlih renewedectiner. braaa. tonta, etc Ball 4W0. wishing to place ao "Accom. In hocka depresiilnn Island. Misaourl Paodallan AdT' ln ln,nlnAccount Wsnt l' f'r. - The

ILLINOIS BOT 11.1 A MU JUNK CO., 100S CITY SKIN CO., St N. Stanton. Ph. 1247 Iboald call 8080 Led ask for Mine Clss.lTlrass Firsl payiiiooi un Ihmis. rifle and western Maryland .., Tuial

Jales. $1Kaat Overland. Phona IH41. fled. She win promptly take Ike ad orar Legal Notice kI'.ixb;!, THE (iKAIN MARKHTOKAl.t WAHKllOl KK. tbe phone and aecd you a bill the follow rOOm PriM-- ,,athfv,1 Inta a(M ,..,

Ing Nek, tTOo. lTOCK MMthCImorning. Accounto are payable on w" iimiiinjuv h.i.k tiL, PASO TBUNK .Saw ware-house,

lav of first Insertion It, (Km SHKHIH-'- SAI F.

liiitUbU cleaned bUc, utalu pringa Due. safest loes. tun, poaltlraly lower 4 ronni rrjini í Inn t irtn riAnm n .... Tha ftitv- - (r Texati. Uounty oí Kl Pann: :ieais ttotk LIU. "LaS..VWLwarranted cryutaia Ibc. Ctaa for 44 ratea. Bell 1084. BUY BEIt Jacotia caadlea, made laat montí. ' By vi'iua or un Alias isiund B tht ui u ,1 trrn AfiR BIIABM HI

gold. IM Ran Antonio. Ueuver Jewelry CO. night at Times Branch No o. 108 out of un Honorablf County court M Kl New York. Msy 9tgal l M l. A l. MUHXe at. 'ifl doxn. :i r n itioin Ptaro t'.onniy, Trxs. on lha mm day of Msy,WATCHr.8 cleaned rattc, uialu sunn;, auc, .000 A. D. iv by ih- - rierli ihcrt-o- in tlw rae AvricitlTuraJ lea

cryautla 15c. Alt work guaranteed tare a si k i hLlAL w uttSkb ueoera. of NntlitniM Ainerleanr" rfXm Cnniii ni w im ima lty Hank of Kl .'so, Trias.sheet of all alada, Board and Rooma " ' r iirri tBryea ra enera Jewelry Cas, 22014 u maul contractora Dratere ina- versus '.orga No. .viun, soil to me. u aaa fists u in,11 Texas St Phona 849b. Ainrriran canAntonio Rt.

BUY HEB Jacobs candles, "made laatWHI 11. I'M Hr.ALTY (JO. a inneinr. nirei u .1 and tKitvered, will I hi preferred i Hrre Hut Utile I kangeg.

Mi io sail wimin th hniir prMrrihrdb hm proreiMinii.jmr. Phon tw Amerlctnulght. s'. Times car andBranch No. lofl Koundry Ml'J.Ml III AN Til. it AUr.Nt.IK8. by l.s for Sherirf'i hvf, on lha nrm BTetas Aiiierloaii AKi rrnta. St DAIUi.iIVs ..nun .... J.suctnlfa Crea,C'jrirrjcw t HtlMls Tuesdnv ,iun. mi, beuiK 11."LOCAL MBBCANTILB AULNCY. itmrlran Ire Securities l.llli am, SI., .,, loinxaloM rintsh inoit .'nil da uf said month, harorn tht 1lT, r ' ' rr'U'l "I SHIIsasCLklAN, ourl glCo.Ikl'bA'UITLUb aud Office Supply tileaaant excellent table AmericanHeporta and ratings of individúala, roomej Ml features, la.l Llnsed ebrtska. win,boiird. aaler IteallllK tdant. Isrge llousr or or said Kl i'aso 111 tita ."4 .n.,, .,,,.,,a. CountyMembers of the National Aetocla-tio- All mekea sold, rented and icpalred. Ma.suii, 323 Prospect Ave Ameriran'l.opi moi lite Í1ÜI .' Willie, ,own win naBoiiu,,' at nit otntln, clfi ,rl of l ro, tun ilisnelleililu Milla St. Phone HS2. Ctiy ra. esa, th foUtiwiaa; rjt. XiiiTiran lilaiof Mercantile Aaencles. BOOM VS. BOAHI' mil MYBTI F.. llarlita. gas. etc i, h (i.ani. balsin l pr.iMrtv. to wit ttnitlns; sod Herinuis

UAHKY I'AI MAN. Mgr., 6 yeart. All it,- - rlfhi, till". Intrrosi and felsiaia orHerald Bldg. Mi l; rooms, goo.l lioard. Icenltis Atneriran fusrsr Rafimn ttitrket in, '.'u,V una',,setTAJUOBBMtBT. rd I a,k. ,,,,""' 1" brick, corner lot the ikTriulnnl. nrori Ksiis, in and inpiirrlics: Im week. Phiino Anierlrsn Tel Tel it..i ,, 1.;per laj. and aight. i,,,', T.,T,lf ";,l"Vlr. Close m on ,, Alllonin -- 1.; Colt 11." ,,'ii' id lu Fha u'' liii liiiivr', 111 l.l kFLUMJUBA. M- I.LI. LAN KliOS. Phono ;uo aOU Frisco. tt.lxio. carli Ameritan Toliso nu v t, itixis, ,,,,,; : ,"halancn fO) i,,íáíNVM LtfOKNT HOME For Ti hi:iir;iiLOSlS tin per nmnlh. Ktffhiv i ur Ih iiovi i ninfttt Hill Addition Anaconda '

nil CITY PLUMBING CO. Better plumb-ing

In order in kfttp my fuanitori un full dur-in-i room hrlrk. lug. line shade trees, nice lo ttir lly or Kl Pso, lxsi. Atrhi-Mi-

Mlninr cr. 9S eume varied ir. ,.,,. , . ";for lea.. Ph. 2104. 812 N. Campbell St. i.iini tKl svKoauNs. the null will t.ik limiifd lawn,


i.nes. elr a beatllirill LevifBi on, on tio ti ti day of May. a n.. to prererreii.sure

heartshur 7k,,-

i.iuih,.i .millibar .r ionvftl("rrnu tu o,, san .ninllln St.; art iihi. inn ji ma nr in)', ir-at wieitifa and 110 pnr nroi'riy iinorirs utrii, in Miami. ."'- -' a,,vu. a. a. uitiUlNn lei. w aud Coast l.nn. N. K. NATION'S PLUMBING AS I N. orenou. Hospital tar hurtas and doge ,wook. My pUrn sirlrUy firt rUss and. cash

4gioo. balance I. r and 8 years. sattsr s juilgriifui sniouniltut o 1- .- m, i tin

...... M ri ', thiíi. , ""'"rabia emem b irteCampbell hi. Phona 220. rerfininin(ltd by KI I'hui'h Iradinr phy mom brick. yarda, wilit lawn and with intsrrst thmron from lh Ulh day or Bethlehem 0',

M. UAHLU, l. 118; ; octavia ami b. .11,1 .irlan. I'rlvaii' rptun. nloriiing- porches tri es, nulhousc.. etc it uiwm, on (.all Miy. ivi, at the rate of to ptr rem nor ftroOtklytiSleel

lratiil 41 waeiraiid me hard winter an,t'HONTO PLUMBBH&-JU-S 'Xexaa. l'hous nd irni rotuirft. lurt BU;- - pttsi-- furnia . I.i h it i.'.issi; gutai coh, balan, e antmni in ravor uT tht city nailonsl hank,Rlpid thai, geeoralnrll. Ihe imsauTllll "f iluoa. wore guaranteeo. door. I'hoiift tStjRi. latí miinili. nd no is or suit naoian raririr M t Jt.ll.per .r,,,, ,., es,,e,l ,', ,,,

WINDOW mi. nifal rlbrick.PAY ASH and aave money oa your ,iertltlng slrlclly uivrn under my tiarut, this 7th dav of liesaposke 88 St i&XJr.l 1? ."'.'".."?? -CONVAI.EMCLNTg and "Iwork. All work na.M t.ij- - s iw cieeu. Hooms and aleenlnx on N. El I'aso St., a Imely liltie lnune May. A. P.. 1f KNPhoue

plumbingKl Paso Plumbing

guaranteed.Co., .mi 8.

porches; home cooking, $10 -- eek. 1U3I for particular people, on lot ajistitfi; only I'KYTON J F.nWAIU-S- . Shirtff.:hleafo ü Western .. iatk wuuid otrsei. ai ,. , ,r, .',,.' ,";,';'ih. Arisona. It íh niancl Park .600, half hlraro. MilvvsuK.f and flt.Virginia. car. Ph. 49rBI cash, balance years. n N S DOOli, iwputT Paol !,,',Jrt Aa.OJS.AIlD And 4o others, down low iiicasro and Nm unn-ster- as tsoo forp. i LUUH I HULsb WAUOiH AHlt Hay aUid


ItKNT- -


porch;and tionrrt


or, house, and lot. or as high as Ifa.tsri. Sei .nloradoonsolldaled

fuñí an.) Iron 7S. gns Ihsl urinal, reí ",,'',DBAD CATTU. k atih MUM i k, iuu dairy leed; NJTA-LtíNfc- , Mis", I llonC ttSll .k

eral or these rme homes we ran Hade for NEWS IN BRiEF orn PrortnrKca. Idis "J eutaigeil iliiln.i, rgenImproved valley lands come in and letLile liorai; lucd, IkhIpi- auü i hCftprr usdead horses, mules, IX'lAUSrecattle, srmw rill MlKlaaaMynu our list, or phone (tot and tAd.ertiseincnis. IMui till tlit) u si. huMbi.s aim MUL1-..- wehauled away free. Pbune 74 Immediately.

lil'i Profeuional will call for ynu, that yon tuay thivsitgne Denver and Kin ursnde II". risis tirukr slisi nil . .V. Slot, Jr. houirhi, aim .i

NANNINll ., (Mil IAMS. Dr. Ebert, neniist. its ?ta prararrnt R)', ler weather ',. .ruwi.i., .,,'..,Ji'isvy bull fur jjcrviif. i.ornci; vKciiííuü Mills Bldf.and LftiupDoll Sts. I'uunu ".i REI10EE6, AnUTIO with tiii Top rtositj company, Beruritir, ... 11 as lain, will ,,.,. ;,.

lib Broadws) EI Paso, Tek.' Try ins naw Bar. You sat uMl

I'o 1st prertTi'-t- iuitrt ue niirnuil in in,


coons packed by Celger, belt the globe. A pit lure at Kuiittiuii in a united state. MEXICAN LI S.IM.S i n II ACHES, LAS CRUCEfcese 1. F. kelsli. Prop. l0 9d us

i e.k, nut u j " .v , . :n"'Transfer, storage, repairing. Ph. 4 volUlliflflr nullum,, audi an M'.cnl piucts Hie Iicm Icrxl talent tn the United siatrt SUITABLE FOR SI HD1V ISH IN. enersl tlertrh 1471 . lusinx prlrej were , "'hav printed int Uie rectSDl trouble mini iim i,r past I'tperlcnce In interns In the town of i as cruces, joining two

Call Pomaroy. l'iiona MU. Chotea tlTsri ireai Northern phiBKPA1B.INO. surten, i.s old siurr, and doesn't revrai the urinal work: lin fern nr cost unlll rlalnili additions. Prlre on good terms or rlfi, hacks, barirave snd rrelrfht Uaasfar. real Northtrii 1. Si; wiiesi ...

modest middle aired pread lif daa de-veloped

ennecien aaainsl Hie rtjMihlt.- .,r Medio will trade for Improved El Paso property illlnni, inirtl uu urn ,.s. .. 'UUNS repaired. Allen Arma A Cycle Co. in the piping timet, or peace. 1st your losses with their representative JAY F. kNllX. itstr I nr i ii c i onvrnMnn. InhTi.r.ntujrh Mel I4'n "als ,. ' ' "

c. ii. Mcisinaiii, room s: "i Mills St. till f'i I't I'urssiielrioii holed p,onc 813. Tha '.hainhi-- r or comnif re hsa bren "... .sdEl Paso; hours. 10 a. m. to :t p. in. VlHI-- hv llirt m..i . .est. ..r Interim ion nl Harvi-sh'- 105k,coast main i, frico, (,,-.- ' Sertirlty Blrig., t- nrsi inc-- Mariiin phi. ..AUTO hT Alt I. INK. Autos and Accesgortra los Anxdcs. Itcrcrenic. Trusi buys a new r, room bungalow, east frontt Kl rnmi p'Hiiis sn far east sa Kuri Internniiunal l'aprr " "i ut.,,on car line, gas, electric rlktures A hesu Worth and Sao Antmiiu lm.i irramwland Satlngs Hank, AttRcics. til. Ini'TnaunnsI Pumpiifut iKime. i ror the Tenas siaic ronventloti the LIVKHIUCB MHKt.l. .

Via Auto, ear letrnvei LABUK8T fireproof garage In LI i'aao. 1 inly kki rash, balance monlhli I'aiifhters ornf Untied kansas city Houtliern ...onrrdsrary. rhilull' dully, 't ime it Hour. Auno reaerva block wtt liel Norte. Open ulgbt aud 84!slO.

will heroti Pinion u ',,1 I nri kk, . 1. ....held in Kl 1',liona at bomloloa UotaL tílob. UUa day. Phoue 878. Hotel Taxlcab aud bag plant,


bungalow, batrmenl. healing v on nriober f7. vi-and I.ehlfh Valley IW'k (B.v BBtrltl wire l u'm,H

Lloe. Co, Oarage. Moors, eereeneii porch, i. (,Valler Ani iSLac guge auu nasnviue ill',Help Wanted remxtie bullí in bookcases, buriel, atrlcity modarli: Minn., jst. P and auli mtt. M . ... ,COMK to mb Mo. Hanta rv for aecond south front on Rio (irande SI.. HVsi cash, Autos painifd. tn. Thone 8tt. Missouri. kan-.S-IH win Ml, Il k.. vta t 11'.AUiaVirVin li.xta.A wkaWM ami TetasWANTEtk t:ook !". l "lils.UUsSWLLL X( L.U AMO: baud cars. Phone H78. nr tml flrtl-clta- t Intld balance your uwn terms. National .tun Mai Xrt su srrk "1

BL i'Anu TO BOSWELU AUTO lor sale. Hlt:k.NEI.I.. I'liollc 538. 4It.NO. Dr. Paa-e- Ueniist, Rob. tt Ban. Bldg. Nailonal lead .......... ,e

,iunlliyiirtts. In.

nul Is tiuuil extwtia lllll.Via Roanrell'Carrlaoao mail Una, Id a Olltl. for general housework., riHiin liiiugtlou on Momma St., 4.1 by Hll.,lll 84 .1. .1 11a. u I'"

aviaji.siuewith J.. 1'. It b. V. U H. OMvllAM' AUTOUOUILBH. colored glil preferred. Apply hit, e. Rio

140 feci; glassed In alccplng porch. Look Or. Anns Ileum, buckler km -- Lilia, tew ork Canlral mtMeeetpis. a.jnn. ineimiins itsi

Daily paaaaugar aarvlca luavlug Ki Tato If yoo want a ecoud-ban- automobile, Orande St. II tills today We can arrange terms. Wfw York, untarlo and Western.. veai qnalliv IIHiatl.v e,,i,i,. ilars.--8 a. Di. and ( iitUuiu 12.46 p. ui. l,t uv either roadsur or touring car, Svxa) to SOME Li ITS. Nnrfnlk muí .. ,CJ1 '"" " leerá, .s.v ,,,klitRI. Oeneral bonsewi.rk; Block M. El I'aso ! hits aixa ... Id suioi iiiMi' new. Tolttc, Phona t. t"4i), li.ikors. ik4j..,s:lug UoBWuli i . ana in. trajo, write or ate RObEUOHO, tttudebakar mull understtnil i. North American ... rows, as,...'West bound- - Dtat Bound. Axency, 422 boD Antonio BL some English, (.all nig n Kl Pa..o. Block K7. Esst El Paso. 3 lots. . . . .agoo each Northern Tut, ".'SI ';'",', " "u ,u""'

Bloek tej. East Rl Hldlsnd In Kl 110', as ... j tit... ...... .Arrive Paso, tola .... .W0 eadi Atlarnrjs Pssn. I'a, If U'.ilFOR the largeat in auto WAN ror temporary Ihiusc Block stL BevTetu, ,,.r,: sisy .anap an sag .;r. ta-

tuési, East El I'aso. i lota tJTf, ea, it John H. Ilnwsrd and J m caldwtll. well Pennsylvania .

Boawell 7:00 BICKNELL. Phone S'.'ob. keeping position, xomi wages, no la, in Block East El I'aso. :t lots Mil, rlieei) itcrnni-- . :i , in,.is4lK..8485 each known sttorneys or Mld.lsml, Ok., in s tiaarnopinaredry; references tequlreil. Mrs. Itakcr B ock oai- - HiddiiiK loti lii- J.iiVWii ño l'lcacho 1:40 4.0U 14. Altura, lots iiutLGOOD MOTOR TRUCKH. Phone íüm,. lilockg ggw e.cli Kl Paso n ni m ti'i'ii c uní court .oí rjllaburtTi. c, c. and tic L. ...... .', i.tiiil. 11 i. '. .111; IB 11:80 1:15 1:48 18. Alitirt. 3 lots ttgu IMtiflaura-- -

Snuer H. Hanta Fe. each ivii appaal. ll;a8 Baado i: M Phone 878. Pierre Kcbop. WANTED- - Middle aged while woman ror Block 46. Alexander, nei.aj on I.'i'sscd ileel cr ,. 'Si wuikw

.., gis,..,, j.. ,,;,,:"P. at. position, liiuisckcctier ainl cook for .Meat Ave 84JI0 I nilmin cirfaintly The swellest Palaro, ...oar an fawn. Finest roods11:10 1:U0 Lincoln 11:30 3:00 BL'ICk Al'TO FOR SALE, or three; references. Apply 407 N. camp, for rent. Hesdlhif Jat ihe Gem.P.M. Ft. Hututon 10 :10 s passenger, 4 cylinder, new lop, new bell. in rooma, f.lirr st trono ifpubllr Iron ahd ail net, kansas tu, Lltttlaak.

12:15 2 M CapitaA 10:00 j:3o tires, m rondltlon: easy terms or trade. J rooms, bungalow, tint crntoent inn a;, m H rrs rrlr J. Miirtrtrrii fir,,I JU-- - 3:85 Nogal 9 MO ..:o Pltono ribt. I'Aitk inn is. us Main st. WANTEIt A compelent white girl to do ti rooms, bungalow', n st Autos painted and varnished 90, phons I'u.k

I"J ('Ilaland Co

( 8411,

?:uu 4:4: Carriloto w 1:11 coukliix and itencisl hiiiiscwork Apply 1 rooms, bungalow, oro st ibntt in, '.". Iti.r'i.eLiV- ,1V !!. Bee.p.1.1 Paao AUTOS FOR SALE. Nil. :il dim. l.clv. s ..... - 4 rooms, Missouri SI. gti iHi

prelerrsd IS i,e... T. ..".' "A- '", n.tfM.4a.Through fare one way 88.40. Interuis-dltt- e Ford, asrj 4 ii. i, in Missouri st 8Vk

polola 8 canta per utile. Hand bag-gage

Maxwell, iso WANTED Norseglrl. rrom ft unlll 1. Ap II I1NI8HEI1.klutz Hu. Collsgf leshosrjl Ah me

carrier on paaaoager cara ; excese bag Rui' so an ply i.ivx v r. i as, i rimins. prosperi Aves m Si hwabe nt iiin tt it Vapey im prcn.rrr'd

Prime aleets'. T'L,re.1Maxwell, ta:, no Bank k Trust ha mid tn John nía wht rrir III slnx.l .mi le..malt cara. passenxer 'i company neeifcagv ou t.N Fnglish Mexican rooma, calirornta SI SIM..,,, ".'sjieakingThirty mluutea for meate etch wa la lUll'idas ti passenger too xirl cbarnber-ititlil-4 Huero " 7r, iaj kltitz. tin" four-roo- rottis;a on Hit jo her Pacificrooms, st

Ltrruogo, Mnlorryrle gj Apply rite Lockie.ANDEItSON llll.ER REALTY Co

at tsi hre street 'inn house 11 hutu on lots I Ho preferred san....uutn.rn ,iw.. W.tyjeg. ,',','w,'. JJ'Sg.

W ANTEO. and hlc.rk Kssi l.l I'lllir . f t' III, II, mis. w,..sn3ii, slueker.U08WELL AUTO 14 Buckler V. ni. Pato sddliton m.iand Operators Pbooe 18 Two rotdalers, abuut Imrsepuwér For Sale Real Lttate Bldg Phone ui. conslrir-- 4U. n Bl .040. Hsw kins brother a Teias und Pl- trh ,. 1.' hulls, 8Mi,, P,Vrili '

ulon Part r If nhreii to mi .r. a. r :arts TRI'ST BLUO. PltnNk ritWJ. tit'S;nllat"l Hit xsle.mifd Siaiea Huhtifr & et ...ik. ....'.T. "." ' '"aiiy i

A RAROAIN.I (JOT Just wh.t you want. can fit you U,'hTS. T

..ICS bl.kllON HAIL IV A I Hup. 9). in first class condition, ruliy out from a house and lot to 180 acre BMIcAI.N. John T Hill, lawyer. Sit 19 capíes Dlda. liltediHi

Sllae Slef, its .VM)fSf,5)l cvacs. a&tj.tMAI. 1 A it 11. 'Uiilpped; ownet wstils larx'T car anil will farm. The price la right. Addreaa Lula '.si acres of islley land on llllcriir all '.oppr

prrrerred KIM, Ikl..... a a.s81 Vigil. Titlarosn. N. M. ban. y miles this side uf mil, the or Precision, 491 Mesa. ttVk,

Tluie Table Ko. 8. BKectlee Ultl a. ... ell a Iitrxaltl Alllles V tl, care 'limes. sues in alralls.sleta f. npiiclsn Viiaiola '.sridina n u

Wahash r, lv Ihr Aitocimtcti irtnnNovember IS. IX It. BARUAI.NS. i.i il M, to move 7 Pboue loot. Odom'a good, new O rouin Ibiick residence, modemi L M rrk. nas to in larkeiM.i;.4BM0 hw'pia. n.noo,

tktouatala Time Ouly Transfer Co. running denust, mo-e- d 'O Ol ffPI'M-t-l or Sale- - I 'tf:llaitu Iruck. 8l7á: (.sit water, bath, en i'spumping plane flaw Kirtt ISstlons) Bank Bldr o to M.i j aim ........dilac (make good truck,. f75; nlo iihi- - t ROOMS, hath soil large sleeping pnrrri, signed i.i itntiet goiernmeiit dllch 10 n..i,iV.m, imat'lj. SH JOSí--A 8. W. n naxateoa.K. P. inrcyrtc. new tires, sen, t t ,,,it will It'rimaboul all modern Improvements . block take hmisc or sumo good lols ortlrers Elrrled.Kuwlfni Mir r,llli(huiise IIrrom North and l.aal - Arrive. kiinu as new, glisi Seldon :, passenger üo '.allfornla' SI on Illicit land overlooking as Mrst payment ami give long timo

iriu1 Califo rulan b u am horsepower, guild condtlioti call for clly. Dnii'l miss this chance, i:..vj, atsy on balance. Prtre. ftl.8txi. By Tim- Hiierint ('orrttpnnérnt W heellnp nrul l ike l.rle 1. title-- Iterelpis, ,. darkel strailv I,.t i. o Idea Mate Lluiltod 1JMI pn Maker, at tttn Machliio t;o. I'd. iw. terms. I'hnne ;,sg. IIROADDI n A EE BARON Sandernoii. k. Msy ft Al the refular '.runo ' itpi'i'i 11

I l u. on,, an l.l Paao Local Tun pas ío fio Ftrsi National Rank Bldg or ".H(i'leron ChapKT Nti. tlW, f W Ilka I'll ?. s.ri ; aim feeinrs, r,

rrout the West ONE a passenger 34 iKirsepower automo WANTED- - contpelent while girl in do Real Estate and Insurance. ' trder r the mif-r- Star, held laal even ii-- . sli.l lull,.,., "SJanimClllikllllr o u.hiir,, I. .. . . J . I .nni.. loiai ssn - rorapodal 7:45 bile, stfon. Jli:t Madera day, tío, :;:"' SiríeTOd,.k. copper City am Si... Phone 1058. Ing. tin- i' li" use nfrtrara, in serve ror ,!"T"

4 (.olden nut Limited Huiupui No. 34 Palms ourl. between r, ami 7 p. m. h- - ensiiinir vesi were elernvl Worthy ge

U Mall and Bxpraas 4 ;00 pui CBACKElt or broken cylinders, aluminum NortllM; DOWN Just patron, w v. loiifir; worthy rnalroa, Mtn lllNINti BTUCkB MARkr.r itutths. .:., .!... ,p,i;" ñr ,

b'or the North and Kaat Liepart crank or gear cases. Any broken metal move in anil payMyrtle Allm, tnsiroii, Iollte

8 El Local h:ou am parta of your car welded as good a uew lights; i.oi.line sleeping

s o luuage, nam. eieiirti Skvasje. Mrs. TIJHe Vonua;. ireas Il losliin Ulnin. t orroN m u 1,1 i2:48 El Peau Welding Co. porch; reined, o.oui, thuolden Btau Limited pm

HAWKINS RHUS urer, Mr. M Msnkainer, ondnriresa. Hu i ' "i 't Presst CaliCnrnian 4.Jipui Miss Msv Stjiti-l- - oris if r.,ndtif-irasi- , Dosion, MSV ÍI. . Nr "rl lollunVer ta Watt Second Hand Goodt For ouick SAI. I. on Bliss. 40x1m. 17m. Miss Ethel Hodkin AllOtlfll lata nil tht la.oi uiriii l'r..,s8 klall and Lxpreea 8:40 asa HAWklNS BROS. Amslfamaied Copper ,Wrk. May n , ,um (.,riI Ooldeu HUte Limited 3:00pm ion ltfT-.e- w 1 .inr. lead and Smeltmt t5 ai a net m r n, ,,, ,rJ"jmerlcanroom ,,,,

tipeclal 7:45 i, n, lit Ml ,, a . i i' A. uuce, strut UN MliN TANA - Ltld'i' i onlrurlUn, J rerl ,reserl brick Dr. Cameron. " IU9 Rob Ban MidiCity pm nrv. House,Copper on ear line; roomscash paiu for luiuauta gnu nuosenni hiiiivaldUH. the yuallty" hfimen ,r l.l reliar, motlernare large, good t alumM ami Arnonagooue ui all kluu I'hon ituo. ateat F'awj. lninntsneiii (Hit water, tul ni-

gnd never orrupled; rent Aulfls painifd rind varnished, wn Ph. m. calumet and Hrri uta nul. ni siS,,.aU area 4k Bl rna ltaUread. tSfc. You i,,,,-- i burry to get litis (fJ7r oruuure aw atase bowerniure, baili; har dwood rinors; rui ..(Mania he ayatoaa.) iitu one 4 room house, entennlalfurnisli.n. )t)K O Pasam Is

UI lutuw jrwur old (uraUura Lcuiont iiurtli, ui- hathrtrtiMi, rold air l ark block rrom ear line $111lllgblgnd taatsarlewt Beer on drsught at tha Gem, copper Maiife tun. Co

Prospering Ihrougk Traukle Inthe North Arrive tuvajr wa sliafi. minor ' slatlre.From dour riniiiied in while viirs- Kaal Bullea Mine ,jone room copwa ara ifOaUtvaly tbe uljfitvát largepaara tor III'- eottage. riirnlaned.auk) Mexico kstprees 10:ouaJU l. hi' H .i.. I lit KM INJIMt HOII. ranklln M.i II Miller,rORKHIaccood'liatid furulturt aud ileeplng formerly a .e .lentPaao Passenger 8:10 buuaafeoid artl-cle- betirr, Uw purer. vaeanl June t, gen 4a orLIMb pm c is in.jtrii inure, lerms.Kl lao New easy , .... liranby consolidate buttwcund-liau- ortngemdü nowFor the Borth liepart Htora. in sicri iinainv, mod- - making Ins huma tl Kl

MO Ksnssa City 4V Chicago l ass. b:H0am VUonm 34til 400 ts Kl I'aio. tioermnent ('.ini Uul dilllhinsl Resstin dreenaIsla

cananea 'f.dlv.,.. " I'm., is enlliuslastlr over the prutperllvUI Chlctge Fat Mali o .ou m btLL VOUU KUilNiiLUaV tor mU u. TWO auil f lots and bousa, fur Why Tlmhrr Mnmld He Protri-le-


i.alia(coppen m hi, ii eiiy now enjoy, He tpeni ytt

wuttth. Itauflaa, U kind; baat- forulslied.

.&. Np.mSfur Il.tKJO.

ii,eUun'l buy; It rents Ay V'liries HpBvial ' nindtnt l ake copper 4 t ia lenlay In Heauinnnl on hualnets and tn

Harrlaaurg A ban Aeleele Mb. ITbultuiu, Ice twiea. Teaaa Furn. money. H. frietiiis he .inert mat i i last, isUelveetoa, Bar. Co.. n ni k Mm : denilHr fflatioii a salle copper eajoylngiwclflc iM Kl 0VT. " " uu ""-"- r; nasaioeni, 4u an uniirei eilruleil uf(Bontbern Bgttaea.) H. Paao. 1'bc.ut T VK uf Miami era imiaperlly. somepuri'h. frout batWeon the s nl humua, nr vet') copper


the Kaatkipreea 8:30

Arrive. I Ut'AKANTLU tbe ieel tirteaa fur mlooú Um CM I is. ,. .. 1 '.porrb a.Sflí.; bu, mi

table msttt'i m tiii vni, and its crop- Mohawk 'J nfntetlun


is sltriniiiriime war in

i.,Mexlru.anilines in con

V pm baud ilotbea. j. il CbernU. 1'bunatoM. BICKNELL. Pbone 8288. by or Nevada consolidated uau101 Bunaet Limited 10 roo pm proiluclnir pow r -

Nlplasth Mines ai? "Barenily Hie mldters al l.l Pa,o wtieFrom tha Weet WANl'i.I To buy afcoud-bao- tools and "OK HA LB. WAMT TO

corn. Is in uvM'i-- jual Kmeti by North Bulle paid otf." sai.l Mr Miller, "ami gjavoral uas102 Bunat Limited 8:80 am tfuoa. H Mull it, is. Kl Paso Ht. IBgUa feL corner overland aad Catan 40 arres In alfalfa, located

TBAÜE tbe depsrloii'ut of hi The depart North I sk- reuulred lu meet the pajroll. Most of that1 ca III o rulan j. 4 30 pm btll street, cbeen wxirr

near noswali maní, iheirfonv mh the us, or varl ld tmmlnlon i', money wat speni in II I'aso. mil it ,..10 Bunaet Expreea .aiupm ÜUV HKU Jaotrbs caotflaa. naila laat iJ?! 7l "thu ave rsis 1.10 feel; fin. will

periiuaitrsii- - for i.i


on Hagerman canal! oua metlMMlt to intiodu-'- the hu-

mus"scola hualiteas liuni. The clly la gruwlng rapidly

Ber tbe East DepaiL olvbt," at iiuj.a liraacb No. u. luft as apartmeol bouee. right properly PricedIntl. lha soil. Vulnry and iiuw has twelve joblilng liuuses.

102 Bunaet Limited ..... a.ta.ig. Tfiaa Kt. B- í tlagofnn ave., 26 room M HIcllAlltlSON. tiperts or th' run-..- service uie shannonw "Utny ur the rich Mexican, who ht.e

10 Bunaet Bxgreaa 10 .OO pm Bat 88x308 fM P,c, ,g.oTiO. uneiiur rome out or their uwn coiialrv ire makingWest W. til .. auil rubuugt LuuO M; 587 Two llepiiblKt. Phone 84. Uw soils of ihe v. iioin ' tiuniry, and par .'s,

For th r,"o". N Klereac St. It.tnatnirnts la kl Itaao. lot"""i?- - offurnliuic, C. KrwU ss U lb Ü. . a : superior and Hosloii Mln them arev i 8:81 at) Kluulun Pbooe 117. ,

48 feat, price 84. tub; 11.000 ease, Itjvou want to BUY, BELL ur tltularly or Uiq sou hi. ha 0 tosl snd are Iririi.ii tiulhllng rine homes suil ruin or them isa Bunaet ualano eaag terms. loslnr limiwnie ainonuu of thli iouki or hull, Mux haaiitirm8:U0pm Two s ssitssse. 'ww V uuiaprovao V. í Hineli , Her ami Mln a theatre."

ioi buBtat Lluiltd 10:Ugm vt A.s i i i ah kind, of luraliure. Wa storr brick building. No. 818 Baa eetat or livestock. Call on or writ3 oil fertility IhrouKli rurest rires. which io prefrrred Kl Mr. Miller think kl Paau l. Ihe he.t mylar more for your gouda tltaa suj firm x?uu trr" MM" "urt 0,,, H Thornr filli Tliorua Bldg.. El Paao tpptrently dn little mi.,) ttate dauisft. but OUtl con Mil dated


nn earth, and wtll return there inertly.Texas A raellas Rati w... In Lbe city Zuft H. Bl Paao, Westers B. P. nAMMBTT rob the soli of arriimulaiPmi or humus. In C'tkh Copper co Bl, Beaumont Pnlerprlse,

A Co. I'boae 14S2.From the kSaet Arrive. ewv xeaaa at. SNAP! SNAP! many parla of the south land Is betnjr rlcar Wlnotia rasi u .11.. - SNAP! Waiverlna aivthatnegtjubo(prliitiri(toPaga.ed Tor farmlnt. snd whfra .u-- forest lan-- m,b Cannon Wall 8:50 Wanted to Bay 3 BOOM bouse, partly furnished; 9 full lols. Buiiu atiu Mi;rior rhone 7T0. (Adv.)pm 4 ROUP. haa not been (here la 1ara;... Iks. papart, mum park; tin. htirry ir vou BRICK .burned, a per-

i. Cannon Ball . . . 7:46 am Instanlaneout water beater. 04 want una fine btrggtaj tirmg LOT si SOI'TII FHOtT enlate or vesreiablf inaiter, tu pro kits! I llti. til Sj Sllll I.St Past Expraaa . .0;3puj Mew ail Phone Ua7-J- . HICk'NEI.1. BLOCK I HUM i JAilNTo SCHOOL vldea considerable fertility. and konil ie ,11. -- i Hire le IBt Tlmrs t t J

Ill It H wanted Immediately ; nui-- l bePhone 188 PAVEU STIItKT , lure. Moreover. Una 'nil hsa a an'si r l.rlek, Bltaee.!

NATIONAL BAILHAV OB MEXICO liHiktng taalc, liealiby and beiween 4good

and EASY PAÍMUNTS. prick gj.gno' eftpaclty to absorb and retain htolature, tsbee. Arli , May it chino, ttx, .iv Custom OfficeLeave Arrive 8 years old; llgbl color preferred, and must '1 ''"'"'; lota, dote In;

WOO FIRST PAYMK'NT and Ihus It lass likely to he washed and 'Jth: Denn, s. lnapirallun. let.,; u,u m! AaaayH.6t.'uareg 8.80 a. m Juaret 7:00 p. m Be genii, call or tddreat M. P carlotk. BALANCE Mb .MONTH sTullled under hbavy rains, Inr trrae. re ahaituvk. VI1,, Tiaxvipali, 8Vk. CHxTCUlCTT jt ncHtiljSo.N,

Adv. Mr. The Whin House, tl I'aso, Tex. 4 room adobe; on 8 El PaaoBAHTY MIST SELI ona. leavinf out or account the damawe to Aaa.yere, Chemlata.1'AHk Metallurclata,W.lisj; worth inor" BHOb tavTil. 8SABBKT8.a greatLumber and Buiidtne: Material WANTED flood ruing cabinet, reasonable. 4 riKitu new bungalov;

deal Phone ote. North Hide or hut atandlns; timber, ihe department's authori Rspreaentatlvaa for Ore Shipperon 8 lotg, lotleo lias am agreed thai fire should he risrldlI uoin: isso. (lovernrrstnl Hill; 8f.8W, $UK New Yerk Metal II Ban ream Uoo St.LCalxOktl Ail kuUttlag lTftr't csxb fOR -- Air new W room spsrtment kept out or woodlands.bouse bills thlgped aagwaer. WA.VTKD---T- bny or lata luiereat In8 rooms, new; all built In liouse; rine. nxii and rloso In; rents In

tig le J.sedglsd rag Kl Paao. Tesas...

, ,n i, s l l,,i, Im . ...... I .. lt 00 n, Ptyman" I. MM tl.ota. vos - a o i piatit sir ooiSf. summer as well as wtntor. Will sajl ror Vrf --Copper xletdy. tputehsnlewl .., , ..tatuante. Iadaaat what ann July, lll.drgtBit.lgu.- housa cose throw in two: w " ' swwsw t on ii II no- corner lotsttva laathst en anear. Lett Charlee. Le. r4etr llafrlgeratlug Engineers, also See CREEL. p worth H000 and the rurntture for quick Tin firm; tpot, JmSUbm.AsBovlslbin Kteaui Buglaeara. Hav With AutUa Msrr sale, half raah. Address P., cara Times ran quiei ti

bad more tbau 10 ears' experience 8(relter etty tl I6.064jr itsFor Rent Unf urnithed Room Tboroughlr eompeteat and energetic and Weaber'scan get tint beat results (rota both men FOB BCNT OB FOB BALK. New at atlirrBAIJI.F'OB RENT One unfurnlsked room: and mechknerg. Will UBINEBtS PROPBBTT lit, "" gaaorifd Brvaago augwber. Lo-cation

Kome aire bunaaleerat faralsaed rueat. Pkoa 68M VV. eouthweat prelerred. Addreaa A Counlrj tlub dlatrletUt ta I'ajlos; 0 ur reut urt ..u 000. A car aw York. May tl.-- Bgr silver Drugstoretre.VI. Hare. 1118 Laland Ave. llmi.iow 'r.. Ixita la Altura Park, B890

hhst in tha bualness district, t'ndsr lasun, Muleta doltara, tHM.vara, oa Attractl. tartua. ror particulars call atWANTEO To bug aeoood band my off t 3 Kl Baa MtUI.too la aad.. ., . Matlcta taratBi, at."lTONolis. SI I AUH WMssvasss, mm o, ai i'aao at. J 3 WATTJL w Mtikaa gold. aSt. B'aL"'3rLPhooa oa 104 saa Frsaclaco BL Mexiran pesos (Bi Paso buying price) 43c: '. " . . r.s.: .. ..t ur . ... a

ay, etijt'-- Imú

2L EL PASO MORNING TIMES Friday. May 22. 1914.

if vV

"Month-En- d Corset Sale Continuo Today' BIRTHS RECORDEDBenefit Adchib Ball Game at Washington Ball Park, Sunday


.T H KCIl'S aETOMT Of SOARD O nimia tus rstAi. snowIM. BV I Hi.y MAJORITY

l"'"' OraMtktBne Prm Hi., Imr JaMAKE !" Iirlvlaa Vealele rrom OnrliMYOUPsDOLLAKS to KM Antonio on Kttaaa Smlsn omcra;oney ordinance was adopted

DO DODDLE DUTy TODAY hv mo city council yesterday morninirroruiatina trantc on Kanaaa afreet, be

san Antonio and Overland ilraetsIbreafter drivers or vehicles or any kindwhich ro north on this atreat tn order toRegular $3.50 rech Han Antonio street will be fined notJens than 910 nor more than $H. The purpose or ihe ordinance la to leaaen th"danrT to pedeatrlans who croaa kansaWashable Dresses $2.75 atreet (roma; eaat. there belna; no sidewalkand ith a bulldlnt riuab aalnst thesiripi rnili, ihey are unable in see vehiclecoming Many accidenta have been narrowly averted.

A special irrouptnit of New Airy Washah Drest"- - made Births Bseeed Deatfea.

of fnncy crepes In Dolly V rilen, Klornl, Btripcd mi i'olka Durmr Hie week many more births thandeaths were recorded, dually, the weekly

Tmt effecta. All trfrrfirtcd with dsinty Isce snd viiai roi ord la Just the reverae, there beinitwfth soft silk girdles In msteh. N- tunl find many more aeawis man liirths recorded

Fifty hables wera born and but deaihüflounce lit y leu. and overy wanton" harto whn- and -were reported, ala of ihe deaths belna

blank represented. Ilearulnr 13,50 valúen On 7C non residents."PaVa-- P The health department report rtlrloedsale mm an extraordinary pedal Today Mnly i

that an even 100 cases or contarious dtease waa now belnr treated In the casos developing; durina the weekwere measles, tl; scarlet fever, 7; smallSpecials in Notions pox. ?, and chicken pox, S.

The city sanitary Inspectors condemnedI Or rnir Full V Kxtrn lanrge munds of meat, 147 pounds of rruit5c 2cCount IMn. Toilnv M Hair New. and veie tables, one whole cow carcass and

six whole hor earcasaes.n. U hi HiMikn Ilk IndewtruiilMe6c 5c PetlUaas Granted.anil t t ni .jo I'm- - I'aril The following- petitions were ranted

fu- Papers (.immI or Itoicw In Mhli Paso del orle hotel, to build a3c 6cSafety Pins. Timíh Hair Mm house for a moving1 picture machine onroof of hotel; Paso del Norte hotel, forpermission to put a ventilating flue onoutside of buJIdtnf ; Humphrey Tire a Supply company, to install gasoline service

Thrift Specials in Accessories station at 3if Texas street; Walter F. WHDay Ham, for permission to retain feed shedsat Alameda avenue; w Coolcy et al., We extend the hand of warm fellowship X RrJfor better water facilities In sunset Ra

$1.25 NII K IJSlj; KKTK 7o-- Fine nilk lisle U.V FIBHF SILK ROOT IIOKF IBe - niuhla Heirbts; hawkers' permlla to Jesu Ramos to who raises the pure beer flag. I flribbed venta tn hit,- only Plain silk halo lisle i opa a ml nhown In Mark and and V fttandley and 30 daya' leave of ab-


79c lan only. Kxtra Hpeciiil Today, tho to Dr. V. C. i amhi city chernlst..topa Bummer my lea. Totfny, each. 16cpair , PetlUaas Referred. The brewing industry is one of the greatest H Hi:p T1 $I,hT 1 N DKRM I'HlilNN 95 Uno table Petitions received and referred to theNFS H.(:.' MIIV HI.OI one hlR assort merit

of Gowns, Comhtnatlona, rrlncoas Slips, Ch mise, committee on streets and $rade were: J.if now at y lea made f rials ton Cloth In all white F. Kdrar et al., for city to put in newDrawers and Cornet Covera with laro anil om- -

anrt white with rulmed t r in niinu. brolrtoi t rim minas. Grout Valueacurb and sidewalk on north side or Mis

68c y souri street, connecting avenue!' .rr va ues T nía earn ...... 95c SP5B5V IIToday, each. nion Bank k Trust company, to erect The beer drinkine nations are among

Don't Forget, The Month-En- d Sale of Corsets Continues Today Autopedestal


company,on sidewalk;

to installBorderland

gasoline the strongest. jjlWith Greater Values Than Ever. service tank; Br Paso Qas company, lo Install rasollne tank.

Thoae referred to the sanitary rommlttee afford take chances withNo one can to Í!m liiffiBalwere produce houses io prohibit certainparties selling Trulls and vegetables fromthe doors of train cars in which fruit Ishipped; Harry power et al.. for sewer to

lot i. block . East El Paso, and TexasPioneer Phone Produce company relative io ordinance I That's why the light bottle is condemned.

reatlng wholesale poultry district, etcPlaza 4580The petition



Tatea.0. Merchant I It is insufficient protection from light fHSi''í I

."The Store of Service' for a refund of taxes was referred to the Itaxation committee; that of Ben Escajeda which starts decay even in pure beer. nJkwi'ii ror a street arc t at Firth and stho Kl I'neo district, aleo a nninhor or pic-ture!

Commerce ha- written Herretary AndrewTornillo street, io the poiire committee-

PICTURES LAND OF showing tho construction work the W Heefo aayina that a larao exhibit willlhat or the Western Netal Manufacturing

branded "ScMite?"tn build additioncompany, lo ractory t.iroo- -jElephant BuMe dam, irrtiratinn scenes, pic bo hent bore fiorn Iiemlna of products ÉJbvolures of tho orchard, flolrta of alfalfa, cat-li- mown in tho Mimbren valley. Mr. Holtbuilding, io ihe building committee, ana

ranrtio ami irarrton trurk vlawi, aked that heminr lie aiven aufflrlent apa:e that or residents on Ange street, between

SMILING PLENTY IfartiiiR artilla on I ha rotulrurtlon work In the :hainbor of commerce exhibit hall Montana and Rio urande, ror larger wateror tho Rlephani Bulte dam ami what Hi for iho display, a rerpio! which has ben mains, to the waler committee.MmpkBllOii win nioan to iho itio tirando irranloit. Thin display will be an elaboran Ordered to Build Nldewalk.valley, olio of tho moM Interi'tUns; of thi one, ontalnlnN oxhihit of practically every J. J. Connors, cliy park commissioner,

TIM E Mt l H DFVnTKH l Vl'is KM1HK many on thin aubjarl, wan wrltton by E. J. pnidiirt aiown in that valley. , reponed $1 .01 35 as the amount of tnoISM K HI UllM IrS UrMHIPII.E '(--' Unldw in, projoot rnirln'cr of iho fovorn

momTho local Chamber of commerce has af pay roll or his department for April. Edith

VAI.I K ni itiu i.ttWUf reclamation aervlce. It. Haaaelt, ranred to nave stailntlca or Kl Paso pub-lished

(iraliam Coyne, chy librarian, reportensn of iho Rlftphanl Bulle Watr in the H. 0. nun k Co. rate book. runds on hand May amdunilna to 6rM .'Mi. 111ptirl unit In Itr 'i I armrrt 1'iera' .it .n ha an artlrle on th-- Tho KoiithwcMeni Portland Cement com Qeorge Harper reported collections by the cam- -With Cum file I bin I Elephant Butte lisia dam ami Hm r it lure, of tho valley, u ini pany Is havlna- - a larao artlatlc exhlbtl garbage department at Ii Hesohi

lionsHr I nrth In llhivimlril rthlri. Normal) M Walkor of Paan ronirlptite placed lit the cxhil)ltlMtt hall of ihe were adopted requiring ?o property

ii vory intereHtinjr atury on Fafmlnf VtMr her or cnomioi r owners In the city to build sain'n luaraiiler." . 'J-- , má

Advantage- - of Hie Mlo 'rand'' vallc 1c ha hi. of Hinlllnc nl' iity, perfect Mm neat autoa. careful drivers. Phone, VITAL RECORD.iitintOM-- fcci - aie pirtiir-- hi a miliihoi and cinnai at the Vdtle a of tho Jttn 1.1$. ( rent plihltrailoii!- ropie f ulm h tin.' lirande are leacrllmi " Tna K.artb." fa e Beerpli lured at no of Hie Rrcateat airriciiHiiral ME VE RE NTIIRII in MtH'NTAIMt. Mrtha,boon roronod ni Ihli rilv .n ib.

ritirion in ho oniitf wisi. -- The Kartlt" SM.CAho To I.uta J. salgado and wifepnblishsd In ihe -- nia railroad al-- ad. .ni' vallo s lirrioer Beporls lVlndow of Ranger city. April fi. a girl.wtiii a guarantee. i ii riiiiiiion r r hi. him i and, hero v can make sialloa Nkallered b Hall. ESCOBAR To Jose Escobar and wire, top That Made Milwaukee Famous.devote rom l lite . .ill- of tbopart;- ako ii piirrliatn; mina tract. tt f imrs tipcctal Currri)onilrnt East Wyoming street. May 1, a girl.loo tirando in Un m New Mo tiro atltl t. rrlbei Kl I'nsn rl Bllaa ClouikTOft. N. M., May fl. Poresi Su

The run. ni ..r tho rm and Navy pervlsor .R. Y Halthlas. stationed In Ihi Heaths.- cVmi ordora solicited fr anupt l from any eountlen or subdivisión of any counties tn Texn.i where Iho qualified voters"oiadalupe mountalus.ti in ranriii'o piihliratlon, reports one of th VILLA- Guillermo it. Villa, aged 19

utna a htj uiiroitna ailh'le on i'.i-- worst nan siorms in xi'ars in that section years. II041, s, stanlon street. May it. hereof have by a majority ote determined that the sale of IntoxicatlnR llquora shall bo prohibited therein.CASTORIA iitnl I of i lili.-- , .nrih. nti plrlurea of Ihla week. All iho canyons were flooded kurlal In Concordia catholic cemetery.tho riot, urin ofrirtT niaiiouoii horc. tin and the hall lit many place was ihre Fl I.LER . in ran i son or J. E. Fuller and

For Infanta and Children troo).- m imp .in honh pnli'd and :il re t deep on the ground, some of tho wire, Ysleta. Texas, May 18. burial in lesson Brolherc. from Midland, appolleos steam launrtrv i al., suit on account; on house on the Ysleta road, known as the'hill N. .ui tin- enure lasiie or Ihla pub dones being as largo as Ihe proverbl Cvorgreen cemetery. niniion fur a rehearing. trial. Lone siar Inn."

tn Use For Over 30 Year oi at n ni li i' o li'il to i' tlnw Pax i nen s egg. every window In the ranger Mr, tilga kohlbotir v Awbrey A sem The state instituted proceedings againstyf n.l tin' "I I'll-- , nriio rami, ni.lh. r nation uas shattered by the storm. Marriage License. e et a)., from Kl Paso, motions ror re Justice Court.uwan muí jfr ,m ,nu. I. n ni al, ,. m an Mrs M. I,. Hcoii of Wood died In Cloud SHARP-K- MKRSON Earl P. Sharp o l learlnir by Awbrey A Semple and Sam Jamos J. Murphy, Judge. Ihla roadhouso m the grounds that fl was

erofl Monday, following an operation. Mr Poarl Kiumernon. rih. appellees. Bradley, charged with burglary; being conducted as a disorderly house.tatrnature oí ar B holt .r tho homlna hambor of Krnll had been in r health for years A. iTIedciiblooin V. J I., McAfe. i.i the grand Jury In the? sum ot where liquor was unlawfully dispensed

sun pn sic tans decided that an opersiton fnun Kl Paso, appelle ' jnutlon for s n and uiiere women of the underworld werewas tin- only possible means of saving her N THE COURTS. hearing. allowed to congregate. The name of tfe

Las lire. The shock, however, proved H. M. Msplo vs. P. B. Siimii, from Kl Justice Court. club under the charier of which the madCruces, mil' h for the weakened condition of the Court of Civil Appaala Paso, appellant r moiion for a rebearina-- . house, was operated Is the MontezumaLORETTO New Mexico patient and she succumbed after being re (Jamaa n. Harper, rht.r Jusiiir; j. y. Thomas l Pryor Anno v, a rati so. (E. H. McCUntock, Judge.) Mutual Benefll association. The charier

inoed from tho table. Mrkenxle and i F. Illprina, isaori-at- from Kl Paso, motions Tor rehearing hv Hoffeeker vs. O. H. k S. A. Rl wss s traftsfnrred one. It being White and family of Fort riiss jusllrra.) Thomas D. Pryor, trustee, and Indlvldu suit ror damagos ror Itsa; nwa. that it was originally granted lo a social

ACADEMY arrived Monday and have taken one or Mrs .Motion, üubtnlttrd ally. W- ti. Jolly vs. H. W hesron. suit on organization In Austin. Tulcy and GowanÁ M A. Tlltnn'a collages for the summer. Edna "t. Anderson vs. Inreda Laundry Affirmed. note Tor IM.W. riled. sought to have tho temporary writ

The weather continues cool and pleasant roinpany et aJ., from Harria, appriiani's Souihwcrticrit Casualty Insurance com Charle P. Stevens vs. George Lesser, and after bearing the evidence theand ihe days are ideal for the summer million ror a rehaarlnt. pany vs. Herman Henterman. rnuu Heeves. distress urciceodings; hied. Jury returned a verdict perpetuating the

si tors. II. R. Stevens el a), vs. oalveslon. and Remamioii. baríes E. Ash vs. Mck iiereaer, sun writ restraining the proprietors rrom con-ducting4 San Antonio llallaay rumpany. Texas a Paclflr Railway coinpany v labor Tor sg7.7T; filed. the road house under Ihe guise or a

i.r.AKs KwTvre to sisters. rrnm Kl Paao. appriianis mntinn ror rr- - Martin Broihors. from Ector. mutual benefit association.hearlns. intervennrs motion ror a Building Permits.

Will ni l air lona Filfa lor Subinllted,nadar Probatr and appeiiee'a moinm for rebssr-in- r E. C. Uood vs. i. B. Smith, from Mid J W Qlbbs, lo build brick dwelling,Vvalrrdaj la l m al rl ht I. block Golden Hill; $00.

John iiurr.i. rn tiled rerVnlly whiir Texas a Parinr llallaay rompany vs. land.H. Hutchinson M. D. Murray, from Luis Acanno. lo build kn adobe, lot 11,Emilia i aluna In aiiartinrm on Sonih irrnila El Paso. block 47. Magoffin sddltlon; 4u.

to build frame garage,t:harle Pawedorr.slraal. m hl will, wlilrli was E. G. Trimble vs. W. W. Tudcer. fromrtlrri fur irnbair yasiardty, hi, four DID THE WORK Harris. iftti Roufevsrd;

Rlebard rorke vs. New Era Oravei &alalirj ilunild rqually dlvldr hla ralalr and Grew Straaa on Stoat toad. Bealty Transfera,I1"' "i f irwin. Maty E. IHralllila. ihould Development company, from IndFittMHieiii riprulrir allhoul bund National Surety company vs. Uavid (.astle Altura Really company to C. A. and M.

All of tho him construction rompany. from HarrU. II. i'holps. lots is and 10, block 17. Alturarr,ida in Ctlirornlt. Yos can'l trow airona by merely exerThe Mutual lire insurance com Park; i50. April 2h.stateT llw uirr nnd rhlld of hla drraasrd tains- You musi have rood the kind

broibrr. Ooorar pany vs. i.ouis aeiiner. rrom Harris a. n. McMath et ux. to W. C. Ellis, serHurray, and lo hla brolbrr. you can dlteit and assimilate.Kdwird Darr.y. (I aacb. and no mora, waa Washington county stale nana i Ceo tions 9. II. is and is. block sn, public

DUUIIIU AJU DAT HHOOL TOM IIIRLf. Irri The rnilra i nlets iba rood you ett It dlietted Ii trai hank k Trust company et al. from school lands: ge.ton. October la. 1913.aataia, withn.ll for It, rnm.tlr U . tne icpUl CBHOS attraction.. hnaltbj l.d.n. tr IM adds to the burden the dlrettlve organs Harris. A. G. McMath et us. to W. C. Kilts, aectlnn nfTÍ. (j, i, i.t ba dlvldadtn. OVMnmiMw of rlt; IMn. u Ulnni .pot (or Aondonaj MMIip aro fl aqna.lyand oanlppoo wftu all aoodrrn ImproTomonts. Boaottfñl gronnd. nfforé ooor, llw r.iur alaieri. Mary r Doollltlr. have naturally lo carry. Thlt often nieana Trinity k Brazos Valley Railway com Hons I, c and 7. block tl. public school

farllltr (or tS.nt l.aaila. Paronta and (nardlana will find ill. moat daotmolo Mina rani..-- . Matrix Joitnuon and Lila a nervous breakdown. pany va. Morns iieany. rrom Harris. lands; gtJOfi October 1ft. 1913.jjoTllnrlo. (or Uoroaak, la .,alraX U toll not aal and roftood rattara. airliey. Mlrr Iba namr of In, aislar Matt, ladr Western rnlon letrgrapn company vs . W. C. Ellis lo W. 8. Esaei. sacUons 5.

About a year ago." writes aFor aartlouto.a aafdlaaj, HOT HER sul'EBloa Mina rariirr. Lnirray had wrlllrn "Who had aulle a aerloua nervous breakdown ocnevleve chllson, from Harris. A and 7. block 9t, public school lands;is nun Krcd M. Bishop vs. lan A. Japtiet, from other considerations and WJJOO. March 30tnarrird to a man wboan ñama I reused, as I believed, by overwork andrannui rrcan. from Harris. W. C. Ellis to W. 9. Essex, sections i.

I alio suffered untold miseryII In atnurally hallaiad thai J. Durfrv

worry.dyspepsia J. M Sloan ts. Sadie Morris Gilnxiro, 11, ii and 13. block 90, public acbool lands

trn an ratate or ronsldarable vataa, larrr-i- from Harris. .,'- - Msy IK. For Absolute Successin r.i raan miurnuai rrai ratal,. rirat 1 gtve up my position, then I H. M. fieviqsnn et ux.. et al. to Mrs. Cif you want to enjoy peaceful tried lo find a remedy ror my iruuui", rtllrlv lourlh lllstrlel t oorl T. Low, lots aa snd 37. block St. Ersnklln In Raising Chickens Feed

i mi i in us with i iRRiNi methina thai would make ska wan ana (Dan M. Jackson, 'Judged Heights; 1300.

do that airona, aomethtna to rest my tired atom W. I.. Tuley and V, K. oowan. sppnrs-t- Highlands itealiy company to Hy . An "PERFECTION" HEN ANDrest, something your Gaaa la DuraBo aa a hprrlal Jllaeiaai l nun ach and build up my worn-ou- t nerves and lion hsve temporary injunction dis derson, lots l. 9. 3 and 4, block 9, High-landboieranarnt. brain. solved: Injunction made permanent. Park;, aaeo. May 0. CHICK POOD

conscience approves tletiriii' i i anilliiTH. aiicrial aa.'tit of tlio I tried one kind ol medicine arter tn Patty Johnson, charged with murder; of George W. clary et u lo Robert It will produce mora EeXSS, heal-thier

Kyle et ux.. lots 3 and 94. block 41. Govalalu tl' l .11 Inn in nun Ihe riil.sllliillnn,l..l. but seemed to help me,. trial.oiheo nothing chirks, than foodernment Hill; 37. March To. any orProtect wife and children with life nas joined i.eneral enuatiauo i:arranxa ayour a insur-

ancechange or the market.I main a mend aunesled Eoriv District Court. W. J. Mccormick et si. to Orandriewvmt.j i'uiwiu, accoruinp lo mes-



SURANCEreceived bere yesterday rrora Mr. fond and recommended Orape-SuU- . With (A. m Walthall, Judge.) Realty company, north an feet of lois 17, TRY ITcarathera. He did not slate what caused inn. or nn faith in II. I tried a pactare Flick UePcder o. J. It. Milla et al., suit ta, r.i. to snd 91. block 7, Grandvlew;

COMPANY, and do it now. Tomor-ro- w his mission in Garranie. lie win probably That waa eight months aro ana i navelo recover ipossesalon of autoniobll and tai. May 14. For Sale By All Grocermium to torreón unlay Willi ueneral never been without ii since. filed.It is sacred CS? aequestratlon ;may never come. your duty. fi l OUT Orrania. who baa planned lo return on tin "Ortpe-Nu- did the worm. II. helped Thomas Bailey vs. George Look, suit rot-


Phone '5 1 1 for rates. Protection guaranteed. date. Mr. Darolhera will remain with the me grow strong and well. Orape Nuts put accounting; ou trial. W. D. WISE & CO.t arrania parly and acconpahy li to sal new lire into me. bum up my wnote sya Verélet at Jury asaltes Perpetual theinto. lent and made another woman oi me: fisreelsl Ulstrtet Canirt. AfsJast l.oae Mar lan. Wholesale and Retail

(M. Nagle, Judge-- ' After remaining out over night, the JuryThe Two Republics Life Insurance Co. Pluaakrrs' Kaaaalaalloa Saiuréa.v ame given by poaium Co.. Battle GrnekM. W. Brown vs. jeans VHlallia et a., In the Tblray-foairt- dlatrirt court yester-

day Seads Feed Poultry SuppliesRoad lo WatlvlUa." UW. T. MaJaae. city piumbhuy inspecior Mich. Head "The Ire spa as lo try title suit; on. trial. morning brought In s verdict perpetuTwo Republics Ufa Building, El Paso, Tex. stinounrr, mat tbe citmtnaiiqn or maste pkgt. "There's t reason." atlng tne injunction against P. P. Gowan l OS If. Stanfotl Ctxthoahaa a a

plumbers ana JounieynMn will be held Suae raaat Iba abato letter? A new on. Gsmaly Ceari. and W. U Tukty, whlcn had been letuprarilySaturday an moon at o'clock tor sistc atpoar. troaa tlata la tlsaa. Tbay ara tea (J. m heaver, presiding.) granted by Judge Dan M. Jackson, 11 and 5290

alan, irtee, tU run ai auasi El Paso Lumber company vs. Troy restraining ibem front conducting a guest