ME I f Brii lour Bi 8 Mm! - Capital Area District Library


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Transcript of ME I f Brii lour Bi 8 Mm! - Capital Area District Library


ME I m

f Pfl Wlio are Selling

V C H E A P .

We do not quote prices. Call at our store and we will con-yinceyouwe aro doing just as we advertise.

Brii lour Bi JiiNt <lic .Siliiic. i\H CaHli.

W . M . P E A T T .

L O C A L A N D G E N E R A L N E W S .

Sec notice of colts for slile.

ITaircnt for J.5c limns' tlrti ' ' store.

lit Anie's, aver W i l -. l l tf .

B U S I N E S S D I R E C T O R Y .


DK . .1. 0 . D l l Y I N d , I'llyslclan liad S l l i w i l i Olllce Ili I'ltrkhlli'sl, l i l i iuk. Ki:sl(lei JK . ,1. 0 . D l l Y I N d Olllce Ili I'lirk

c o r n e r nf 0 lill/l KiaiUi .sll'uels, iMason, M l i d i .

Dl t . A . .1. 'P i lOMSO.S ' , I'liy.siclita a l i i l hili'ni'.ili Ullleu over II. .M. W i l l i a m s ' drliL' suil-e

W l tson. Itesliluliee, iMcliolieiT lioiisu.OaksM-eel

/ S i x n U U I C N . M , I)., I lnnii i ipall i lst . Olllce In \X. I'nilir l i l i s i l i . Ki!sl(l(!ili;e, iloDr r resbyler la l i einlreli.


A M . CUMiMIN.S , AlKi l ' aey and tleittisehir lit . Law, O lllceover Klirlilel'S' Illink. iMllsuli.

1" 'r. l l H M A i N S , AlUirmiyai idCoui isulnra l l / lvw, JLl, Olllee liver Klrsl. .Sliite anil H livliii ;s l l l i l ik, M a s o n , iMioli. Monoy lo lolin on L'OOII sueilrll.v.

0~ ~ . ) . l l O O l ) , A t K i n i e y at l.lov. Ollleo iivol' , l i i ' i iwi i l lros ' . shoe store, .Mason, iMIch.

W. WIIAI . I .OiV, Atuirnoy and Coiii isolor at J . l .aw. Ollieo III n a r r o w ll lock, .Mason.

H A R D W A B E . '. TTirrCII i t K A V . M O i X I ) , dealers III (iulierlil

i : l l a n l w a r o , Palms, Oils lmd Kariaer.s' Sup pi les , Wain street, iMa.son.-


J O H N III . '\l l i : i . l i lClt( i l ' ; i i ,Aiiutloiieer. Proper­ty sold at roasoiiahle rates. Hol t , Rl le l i . J l-a!l

H E A L E S T A T E A Q E N f .

/Ti L. O A S ' r K l t l . l i V , l ,o li li ,CoIh;etlo li , l i i s i i ra i ie i V . ani l Iteal ICsllite l l r i ik i i r . Ol l leuovor Wehh'.s STiou Store, Wasoii, iMIeli.

rOll.N' D U N S I I i V C K , Itolil Kstate itiid Loan I AKOlit, iMaili S l . , .south oC pusUiDleu iMiLSoii.

I N S U R A N C E .

J A . l i A l l N l C S , Nul l i fy ami Coiiveylini;er, L o a n . , l i is i irai iee and Ciilleetloii A K O I I I . ' I 'oniado

i i i f i i i raneo a speehdly. Olllce a l resulutiee, J l l i so i i

Ii ^ A l l M K I t S ' M U T U A L KIKIi ; I N S U I t A N C l : Company ot Innhaiii eounty. Hiil'esl, iilieap-

•est ntul liest. h'or l i i ior i i ia l lon write l o O . K . I\lil-. lor , secretary, iMasoti. JVlasoii.

l i . .1. l i i i l l e i i , president,

F I N A N C I A L .

J M . DHKSSI'Mt, o n i e o i i t l . ' a r i a e r s ' l i l t i ik , J l a -, son, J l l c l i . , has money to lo lni. l i i is l i iess

p r o m p t l y aUeiided to.


C K . H K N D K R S O N , I). D . S . , l i f o s . ' s h o e slore, Masi i l i .

Ol l leeoverHrown lillyl

A. ]'. VANDKUSISN, ni';N"riST. Oar l 'ow liloek,I\Ilisoii, A l i c l i .

Olllce III

l) 8 Mm! The M a l l Koii to lroiii

DANSVILLE TO MASON H l i v l i n , ' lioea dl.seolitliiiieil, l l io siihserllier wi l l l i e reaf tor run a vehicle ovor the roail dal ly (.Sun­d a y ani l I 'ourtl i of . luly e.-cceptod) tor Die convey­ance of plisseliKcrs, express and frelKllts, at rea-sou l iblo rates, leaving llali.svllle nt uli ; l i t o'clock ii. n i . , nlid a r r i v i n g nt Iltasoii at or before 10 li. m., a m i re turnl i i j ; nt such t ime encli day as shal l liost promoto tho convoulunco of lho imbl lc .

0150. P . G L Y N N . B n n s v l l l e , MIcU. , Oct. 17. ISllO.

Wil l inni A . l io lLcrofDcl l i i township, liiis been tn'nntetl iiu origin lil jicnsion.

.7iicljicrei'son is l iok l lngcourt iuth is City to-day to finish up tlie work of the January term.

A n exclilmgesliys iM rs. .Iohn .Sniitli is seriously i l l . . This can bc applied to every city in JIlclilKan.

Tlie AV. C. T. U. wil l liold li inenior-ial .service in ineinory of . rs, A . .1, JIiill on Jrridiiy, Feb. iOtli, lit.'i |) in.

The L a d l e s ' A i d .Society of Eden, wi l l meet lit the home o f -Mrs . C, A , l loldeii , AVednesdliy, Veb. J.-itli, ISd.'i,

.School Commissioiier .Ste|iliens was. i l l the city hist 'I'liursdliy. l ie is payiii(f the" schools ot the county li visit.

Ghapiii pliys cash I'or Ji'iirs, .I'clts, •"olilbrv, (iiiine, ' Hiitter luul EgKS.

.Sells Oi l lit" cents. Flour lmd .Salt w;iy down.

rV biirninjr chimney in tlie D l irrnw block illst Tliiirslllly lifteriiooii creliteil CDUsitlerlible excitement, but noal l irm wlis given.

Nexi . week Tuesdliy Is .St. V l i l e i i tiiie'sday. If you have an enemy now is the time to get even lind two cents is the price.

Glilll'les A . Towne of n l i l i i th , forim ly (I resiiieiil, of LlinsiiiH', lilis been lip-jiointcd judH-c-advocate by Gov. Nelson of i\liiiiies()l;li^

E . .1,. ivorlibeck lias sohi his house lilld lol, on Olilc street, klunvli lis the lllilslx'lid hmise, to Clilis. Wyckull ' Coiisideriitioii, .$700.

A l in i i i i l election of olllcers of U . 1' K'. of [}. wi l l take phice next AVednes­dliy cveninf,'', Feb. Il'itli. A large at-telullilice is di'sired.

AV. Jr. Pr l i t t pui'chiiseci A , ]. Jlelim er's Iiouse, situated In tliesoutlielistern plll't of l/lie city, last Moiid l iy. Tl ie price pliid wlis .$l,l'iOO. _

We illive numerous pliclcligcs of glirdcn seeds I'of- free distribution limont,' our subscribei's. The llrst

LastStoiiday tlie4:24 afternoon train south was changed to .'hl7.

0. II. Freeland has the local agency for "Pyth ian ITeadciuarters" at; Chicago during the AVorlc'sFair. .See local notice.

'J', Burcl i , the veteran horse buyer of Hroekport, N . Y., wil l be liei'e next .Saturday. J lc wants business iind gencrlil purjiose liorses this time.

C, AV. KlindalJ of AVcbbervllle. w i l l move io this city next week. He Ims rented the 0. L . Boelio Iiouse on west Maiile street and w i l l cnt,'iige in the boot lind shoe busliie.s.s. A s yet he lias not secured lt location I'or his slore.

conic the lii'st served.


i\l. D. .Skinner of IJllnsing, Is eon teiujilatiiig tiie iireiiarlition of a set of llhstl'lict books covering all jiroperty ' Hint city iimi townslii)).

J.h'o. Andrews of tlie AVilliliuistoii I'lnterfirise, iilis been elected inlijor of the lll'st biitt liliou, tl i ird regiment of Uic uniformed L 0. 0 . K..

Corrcll Giinn's dray liorse died last Thursday niglit. Tlie next dliy lt sub licription iiajjer was jilbssed and money rliLsed to buy lilm another.

The l i t t le six-montli.s-old dliiigliter of Till', iind Mrs, Clillrles lilis been very 111 the jiilst week lmd Is very l i l t l e better !lt this writing.

A ciiimney on the Americiin House burned out early last Jl'rldliy evening I t would have been a bad time I'or lire lis tlie wind \Viis blowing sti'ong,

:\ county orgaiii'/ation of the Ing lilim llfjuor delilci's was iilTected last week AVednesday. I t is conllned mostly to Liinsing, all its olllcers residing there.

AVilllii'd C. l i o w l i r t i i of Meridian 111(1 Miss K i t t i e M i l l e r of. Al l i iedon were married iit the Clilipiiiaii Iiouse lililisiiig, liist week AVednesday by

i iev. L . D. Temple,

AVilliiini O'Connor, Fred .'^hubel and H . D . AVarncr of Lansing, and L . AV.' Ltiikeror Holt , have been di'liwn as . iirors I'or the M l i rc l i term of the United .States court.

, .The M e r r y Comedy tlilit ni.ulu N o w Y o r k n n d L o n d o n

The young people of the Ej iworth league hfivc secured the services of G. \V, Dies, the celebrated violinist , for March .I4tli, More extended noticti wi l l be fflven in the future.

Olias .L. .IBoclio sold his l iouso, ' lot lind barn on Maplestreet htst Saturday to .1). ,P. AVIiitmore. Consideration .$800. jAlr. Boel io took a tclim of horses ind ll colt lis part payment.

Frank E . Pugh, cliiirged w i t h embezzleinent, w liivcd examination ltnd was bound over to the March term of the circuit court. He gave .$500 ball toappe l ir fo r t r i ld,

.Do not fail to hear the tiddrcss of Mr . Dickie , cliiiirman of the Nat ional ' irohlbition committee, lit the court lousc on .Fridiiy evening next, Feb,

lOth. Ladies lire especial y invited.

Prohibition county convention lit the court Iiouse on Friday, Feb. lOtl i , Ohairiulln Dickie w i l l be present and aid 111 the work of the convention, lind addi'ess a meeting in the evening.

Geo, Andrews of Ingham, drew.129 bushels and 24 jiouiids of beans at oiie loiid last Tuesdliy and sold them to .1, E , C o y & C o . He could hlivc drawn more had there been room on the sleigh, . • ,. , ' ,

The jieople's party delegates from Livingston county to the judicial coii-veutloii arc strongly in favor of .Judge E . ff . Person, the present incumbent. H e foriuei'ly resided in that county and tlicy know his worth.

.tiick Forest, better known as "Gravel P i t Jack," while cutt ing stiilks last Fr id l iy , had the fortj linger oC his r igl i t hand.amputated . i i t i the niiddlo jo int . . 'Dr . .Thomson re-amputated- i t further backand i t Is doing a l l r ight.

. N e x t ' ,w(3ck : F r I ci tiy. even ing .-there,' w i l l ,be. anotlier social party at the' r ink4n:Dahsyi l le i ; ;Bi l l , -SOxeiits , i n -p.lnrlinre'.' b f i r s f i ,'• rr i ivn: . T . f M ' n n i T n i . i i i n v -

AVe have received from Jlov, .1. ,\, l.lliriiesof Alleg l i l i , cojiies of the G l i -zettcand .lourual iiubllslicd lit that place. These pltpers contain extrllcts of sermons delivered by iMr, l.iariies llgiiliist opening the World's Fa i r on Sundays,

The denioc.rliticcounty convention to .select 20 delegates tti the coming stlite and j i idlcl l i l conventions and to iioniinate a caiididlite I'or county com mlssloner of .schools will be ii'ekl in tills city Sliturdiiy, Ji'eb. i l ' itli . Sec clill ill linother coliimii,

TIckiier & Diiiishlick is tlie mime of the new Ilrm tli l it wi l l occiijiy the Diinsback building on M l i ln street. Mr, Tlckner has moved liis stock of undertaking goods to the store lmd If is being lltted up font furniture and udert l ikiiig establishment,

To-iuorl'ow (h'ridliy) evening at tlie ojiera Iiouse tliere will be lt wrestling niiitcli between Bob jMiiiiiiinglind Geo Selirlc, M l i i in ing is to throw. .Scarie four times lit cliLcii-ii.s-ciitcii-clin in one iioiir I'or a purse of $i'iO iind door money. Admission 2;") cents.

Keiid Payne & Tyler's new ad.

Horn, this morning to Mr, and Mrs E d . Perr in , a diiughter,

Leroy Bowen lias iiui'clilised the E d . I'Meld tejini, iiaying .$280 for them.

Geo. Turner of U l ini i i ton, Clmadli, is working for M , 0, Inroad In the meat market, .

Regular meetiiigof Friendly Refuge, .Krlday evening, at 7;.'!0, Special business, _

There \vlll be work in tlie tliii 'd degree at tlie •Alasunlc hall next AVed­nesday evening.

A l l notes mid accounts due tlie Ilrm of S, P, Stroud & C o , must be paid bi>-I'ore A p r i l Isl,, ISII.'l, «

The C. L . .S, C. wi l l meet lit Mrs, II. Jj. IClitcliin's on 'Mondliy evening, -Ml members are retiiiested to be present.

Leroy Bowen . took the Nort l in ip tciiiii lis far towai'd home lis Chebto'glin und sold l/iiem. l ie citmc back hist Sliturdiiy night after more M r rioweii and his f l ini i ly l ire iiiucli pleas ed witli their northern home all bein i l l good lie l i lt l i and prospering.

Tiie Imperial L i fe Insurance Com pliliy of Detl 'oit, lilis been I'orced to wind up iiis all'ail'S, owing to tlie liigl delltli rate. Its. business liiis lioen trliiisferred to the National L i f e of Ooilnecbitiiit, and Its policy holder reinsured without medlclil examiiiii tion.

T l i c democratic state coiiveiiti,.on to iioiniiiiito i l clmdldlite for ihssocilite justice of tlie supi'enic court liiid two ciiiididlites I'or regents of the univci'si ty lilis been clilled to meet in Detroit Tucsdily, Feb. 2Stli. Qiider the call ingliai i i county is entitled to 20 dele-gates.

Virginius, by the EdWIn li'erry com puny, was not greeted by ii very Ilirgc luidlence hist Mondliy evening. J l i ' Ferry lis " Y i r g i i i i i i s " , Miss Vii i iZi le as '•Vlrgini l i " and Mr . Harrison lis "Den tlitiJs" toot' their clilirlicters exceed­ingly well ; the blillince of tlic company was not much moi'c than ordiii liry.

Geo. Owen, proprietor of tlie Union Hotel, iJansville, luis i.ssiied invit l i -tioiis I'or il AVlislilngtoii's Bir t l id l iy l.'lirty to be held AVednesdliy evening, Feb. 22d. Music wi l l be ruriii.slicd by Ji'i'ederlck's orchesbrii, irieor in l in-agei's, B. L. D l iyton and Tom Il l incy. B i l l , Including supjier, $J.2i").

The llrst township trelisurer to set­tle wit l i the county trelisurer AViisfi'om Stockbridge. .|Ie settled ilist Tliiii'.s-diiy and returned only $C.OS of state md ccumty tlix, C. A , Holden of Vevay, followed suit the I'ollowiiig Tiiesdii}', l i e I'eturiied $18,00 state ind ciiuiity t lix tluit was a l l non-resi­


Tliere is probitbly no one annual event that comes to our city tluit so many peojile look forward to wi th in­terest and pleasure jis the Ingham County li'lirmei'S' Club baiKjiiet, They :irc idwavs, and in every wiiy, asucccss md a success in every w;iy liiways. The tables, the chairs and tlie pro-gi'limsaro alwiiys f u l l . Tlie committee say t l i l i t the one on tfjj) wi l l be "leader," Secui'c your tickets,

The illness of MLss Al ice Biirnhart, preceptress of our .schools, has, neces­sitated lt cliltngc In the instriictoi'S. Miss Amandit '.Barnhart wi l l Jict as 3i'ecc]3tre,ss, Miss Winnifred Mi l l s wil l lear some of the chisses-taught by

the jiercciiti'css and some by Miss Ai i i i iuda Barnhart. Miss M i l l s is it grliduatc of our schools, has been

ttcnding Alb ion College und as she is iin liccomplislied young lady wi l l give atisfaction to the pupils and jiiitrons.

Miss Al ice Barnlmrt wi l l return as soon its her health w i l l permit and a much-needed rest is taken.

Manager Culver has secured the Fit'/geriilciandl3iglowC6medyCoinpany for l l l iyner opera Iiouse this evening; This ot'gani'/.ation w i l l present a br i l -liitntcomedy entililed "Husband and AVil'c,", which ran '250 nights in London, lind 50 nights at Garden Theatre, New Y o r k . The play ttills. an interesting uid Ingenious story of the rebellion of

number of henpecked husbiipds against the tyranny of their strong-minded wives who have organ i'/.ed a Iciigue'for the genci'td araelioi'iition of husbands' morals. A l l of the scenery, costumes and acces.sories o f ' New York production w i l l be used here.

M i i j . Snook ot the F i r s t regiment,' has resigned his position and accepted the captaincy of his old.command, C o . F, ' of Mason. • The major desired' a' more'active place, htjncc his rdsigna-tibn froni the .field. Col. Tyrol l hits not-as yet becn.offlclally iiotilled of the resignation/ and consequently has not Issued a call.fqr: 'the- regimental .officers to meet and choose a successor to the - major. Upon being 'notl l led' ollicially.of:thC;Vacanc}', i l l ;tlie' field :a'

AVallace A . Dra ler Miss 'Mel.a A . AVil ilims wci'e lilllrried by Rev, day afternoon.

of .Sllginaw, and s of Gi'iiss Lake


Tlie sneak thiefwhostoiet l icbuiralo robe from the M . E . plll'.solilige blu'ii wil l save himself furt.her trouble i'ptiirning the .slime forthwith.


A special meeting of members of the hidles ' l i l i rary iis.sociatiou wil l be held at ii,s rooms tliis evening atseven o'clock. Business of iniportlilice.

Rev, 11. Miii'cy limn{'e~C. H.Bc l i le of Lansing, iii'c liliiong the speakers al: the coming county Sundliy .school con ventioii 1,(1 be held in Mli'soii, jAI'lircli lilld S.

Clins. JCennedy of Gi'iiiid Ledge, by next friend, lilis begun suit ligains Lll using I'or .^l'j.OOO for injuries receiv­ed wliile rifling on a slreid. car last Septem her.

E l v i i i V l inC l i inp, a pupil at our high school, sulVered a severe siu'iiiu of his ankle by slipping on the let .Sunday evening, wliile returning to hisi'oom al'ter bhe lire.

'I^lie Erosophiiiii .society held its I'tigular iiiectiiig Tuesday evening at tiie home of AV. .1, Jrclume. Tliey gave an intei'csting progTaui luul Illtd lt vely lill'gc litteiidliiicc.

Dl', D . L . Gamiiiiii of Dcti'oit, V , S and V . D, , is lit the Hotel l lor to i i . He is .stile lu'oprielor of Oamjiaii's cele-brltted rciricdics I'or the Iiorse—lubri c l i tor l in l i i i entand sure gi'owtli hoof paste, •

•Rev, ; i ' . Holley, a noted evaiigelistof Ohio iiiid Mici i ig lm, will commence union revival services in tlie J l . . E church nextSunda,y, .ircb. 12. Let no ono fliil to come out and hear this eviingelistic leaflet

M i l l s Di'y Goods Go, continue their oiie-tl i ird' oi l slile.on cloaks, and arc olTering all winter goods at cut iiriccs Tliey wllhsell sheeting for lt sliort time iit t l ioir usuiti low prices, from live to seven cent.'5_ptM;_yiird.__

O lirdsai'c out I'or tlie marriage of AValter .S. .'Root of this city, and Laura E . Rltyner of Leslie. Ceremony is to t ltlvc pllicc at tlie residence nf the bride's parents, M r . and Mi'.s.' A .

llayner, at Leslie, next AVednesday evening at seven o'clock.

Jlrs. J l i i ry Ifeacoclc died iit .7'acicson yestei'day morning nf coiisiimption. .She was tlikcn with the grip twoyears tgoaiid never recovered. Her I'emalns

wi l l be brought here for interment. Mrs. Helicocic wlis li sister of MJ'.S, M , A , Beinent and Mrs, A^'erncr Cotton,

The Baptist Y o u n g People's Union cordially invite .you to take a sleigh-ride on Friday eveliing, Feb. 10, ISOa, to tlie liome of Il lirvey 'VVIiippJe, where a .social is to be lield. Conveyances stiirt I'l'oni the stores of .F. AV. AVebb md H a l l & .DuBols from 0 to 7 p, m,

A petition is being circulated among the stiiiervisors of tlie county asking that ! i spcciiU seiision of the board bc held tliis month. The matters to be brought nplire tlic salary of the county treasurer and borrowing of money to tide the county over until another tax time ;i.s hits been the custom I'or .years. The littter m l ittcr needs the attention of tlie board, but lis to the former tliere Is question as to what can be done to remedy the mutter. I t is the duty of the board to llx tiie salaries of lounty olllcers during its October ses­

sion and the (l.xed can not be increased orcliminishcd during the term of olllce.

Last Sunday evening iibout'7:30 an aliirni wtrs given, and our citi'/.eus turned out to find t l i l i t .tiie wooden portion of the Cook block, two doors west of the D I J U I O C U A T olllce, was again on (Ire. T l i c (Ire hiddles were soon on hand lmd with three stream.'? of water speedily extinguished the lliimcs. The smolce was very denlsc, as It was a damp night, making i t a mean (Ire to figlit. The block lias been unoc(;upicd for . several montiis lmd the cause of the (ire is merely conjecture. Incen­diarism, mice and matches,'spontan­eous combustion,^ boy, nilitch and ci­garette, and l ive ashes arc the causes assigned. A good many of our readers have viewed the building and can draw their own conclusions. Block was not much damaged, a portion of t l icslding !ind il hole through the roof being .about all , . Tl iere is no insunince. D u r i n g the progress of the fire the electric l ight current-was turned olT. for: the sitfetyof. the flremcri, 'it beihg extremely luizardous to thro.w wliter or go iiito a bui lding in which there arp elcctric.light;Wlres.,. This is it prc-caiition'thatsti 'duld be! tiilccriiit every flrcvin'^tlie.'everiing.r •vlluman.llfevis wcii:th more ^thaii propierty; - :v; v'

y; i. ; V';, n ; E ; X 614 I o n;; ; .R

i .TiclceiistbDeitroit-anaii'ctui'nat'^ l inViMl'ai 'c ' for ' thc^

" H u s b a n d a n d W i f e , " One of the merriest of satirical come dies, wlileli has a line record of 251 nights in London, and l")0 nights in New York, w i l l boiiresciited iititayner ojiera house this evening by a stron., coiniiany of comedy pla.ver.s, under the maiiiigement of AV. 11. h'ltzgerald iind Charles A . Biglow, The plot is lis I'ol lows: A number of slrongmlnded wives are members of a club clilled "T i ie Tiger L i l i es , " the object of which is tiio complete subjectioii of men They make speeches iiiid hold com mittee meetings while their husbands do the house work, look UJ) the refer ences of the servlilits, and mind the babies. By a frolicsome and more or less Ingenious widow, tlie hushands arc inl;lt(;d ''to be men." They then upon form a rival club cliilell the "D l i i ide l io i i , " lind Invite the adorable widow to sub with tliem, sing tliem, lind join in a friendly game of poker. 'I'lieii' ciubrooni lid loins that of the "Tiger L i l i e s , " wliolofik tlu'ougl the ke.v-liole, and then tliey dl.sciiss divorce|)r(ici\edings. Then bothcliib: are I'liided by the watclifiil police wlio are in ,scar(;li of a glimbliiu,! estliblislimeiit tliat is in reality s i t ­uated on the lloor above. In the last act, llll the pei'soiiliges li|ii)clir in ll police ('(111i't, 'I'lie hiisbandsand wivi are i i r i s i i i i i M ' s and (he fniUcsomc widow is a disinterested witness, whose cliliriiis c liptiv lite the justice, and wliose evidence ilbm'lites the ciitii'e crowd, 'i'lie tatter decllire li truce to hostilities, lind tlie wives consent to surrender the trousers over lifter.

F a r m e r s ' C l u b I n s t i t u t e a i^c l B a n q u Q t , F o b . I 6 a n d 1 7 , 1 8 9 3 .

lOvery prlicblclil I'liriiier within ralliiis of ten miles from this city, will Ilnd himself well (•(impeiislil;cil foi' liis t lmeand iiicoiivonii.'iicc if lie would so ai'i'llnge Ills llll'llirs as to be |ireseiil lit the K l lr l i icrs 'Club liistitute l.u bi held in this city on Thiirsday and t'ri day of next weelc, h'eh. KH.Ii and ,1

We lii'c iliilible lit tliis time to give the pi'tigi'llm complete, but we liave good rellsolis for bciieviiig tlilit exiu'clses tlirmiglioiit wil l he of iiniisulil n ic i i t . The institute wil l opciilitJ0;;«) a. i l l . siilirp, with a brief liddress by Pres. A , I''. AVood, Mayor L , Ilemails wil l deliver tlic welcome ad dress, which wil l bc respoiideu to on belililf of Uie club tiy Vice-President .'Vngiis '.reinplctoii.

Gov. .loliii T . Rich wi l l open tlie m. scssliiii wit i l llll liddress upon "The

mproveiuciit of our Publ ic High w liys." As this siibjf'ct is one ii|ion which several gentlemen of the d l u b Illive very decided views, a discussion of much interest wi l l follow. Durin the institute pli|ierswill lie presented by l ion, .1.11, Koi'sterof Wiliinmstou

rof. Eugene Daven lortof AVoddlliiid formerly of t lu; A g r cultiii'iil College

M r . 0. G. Wheeler of Lansing, wi ' relid ll clil 'cfully jn'ciiared pliper on "l.'lie Workings of the Jlortgage '.I'lix

L l iw Among tlieJ''liriiiei's." Pi'of, Glen C. Lawrence of the Agri

ci i i turli l College, wil l read a paper im liitled, " A Succession of .Fi'uits Tlii 'ouglioiit tiie A'^clir," The com mittet; is pleased to aiinouncc tlilil, without exception evei'y iiilin on the jirngrlim is a practical i'lirmei', and every subject tl'eiited will be from the stliiiilpoiii 'tof the I'armci'.

The evening session is to be given up entirely to the ladies. To .sliy tlilit Jfr.s. E . M'. G. Illiwle.y, JIi's. Anna Cliplc, JIl',s. Pi'of. A . I), l l i i i , Miss M .leiihic Ciow(;s liiid l i t t l e MLss AVhitman lire lim'oiig those who wi l l entertliin, is a gulirlintee tliat the .se.s-sioii wil l be one of unusual- jilcasui'e md prollt.

Friday liftei'iiooii wi l l bc devoted to the blmrjuet, wliich includes a full pi'ogram of toasts and songs. Those wlio have been .so fortunate as to en-oy il fiirmers'club b l t iKiuet , wi t l i all ippurtenances thereunto lieloiigiiig,

need only know the time and jillico to insure their attendance. Good music, uid plenty of it, A. large deleglition

of LiiJising friends is expected to be present,

Tl ie Ingliam County Ifarmei's' Club was oi'gliiii'zed .Ian. 27, 1872, and hav­ing reached tlie years of its majority, purposes to make this event one woi'thy tlie full yetii's of its mnnluiod. For full jiarticulars seepi'ograih whicli m a y b e secured ;it either, i r int i i ig olllce hx the'city, or at the clu J rooms next Saturday.

L o w R a t e s F o r T h e C - A . R , For tliestatc enciimpment atBci i tnn

Harbor, J larcii 7tli, Stli and Otli, the C. & AV, M , and D, , L , & N . .Ry's, wi l l sell excursion tickets at one and one-third lowestl'lire Tickets wil l bcspld Miii'ch.Otli, 7tli lind Stii, good to return Mlirch lOtli. A s k our agent for a circuliir of inl'ormation.

G E O . DiiiIlAvi'iN, 5w4 General Passenger Agent.

B U S I N E S S L O C A L S ,

Dlasolutlon Nolluo. On A i i r l i, 168.1, tlio Ilrm of S. 1'. Stroud &

Co, w i n be (ll.ssolytfil by innti ial consent. I 'lio business wi l l boconUniied b y F . L. S troud. A l l notes nii i l liecnniits duo said i l rm must bo paid before that date, ; .S, r. S r i i o u i ) ,

(iwl) l ^ t. STnouu,

AHA Spun of Oolcs lor Sllle

Coming tour vciirs old. Impilroof M U S . C L . ^ , UiAMONii, veviiy. .

It wil l bo to t lio lHt,«r«st iKhts _

friends) dealriiiK to seotiro quarters at "I'ylhlan Of, the ICniKhts of I 'ytlii lia (their f lunllles and friends) dealriliK to seotiro quarters at " I ' y l h l a n HeiidqHarter.s" dur ing the World 's R i l r , to at onco see or address .

i w p , 0 . I f . FniClCDANl),

- Agent , M a s o n , M i c h .

Ifiinu to Itciit. Sixt,v.slx lmd one-linlf neres , i> i miles south o l

IStoliells Corners. • T h i r t y nerus ot- new- seeding. G o o d r r n l l . Cwaji j i K O N A l i A u u , M a s o n ; ,

i T e x a s sliddio, br idle i ind ' s j i u r s i ' good as. new for .sale. 'IwOp, -, . J . K , M o l C x i o u ' r i U luisvl l lo ' .

^. Vor F l u o X'nrnlturo, V V '' cisallaii''.. -; a 1'. STn()iri)'& aotfa.' • . ;AU IcIndH Of ,£adUorii, •Wlndovr, Soroonii, j;


* < i ' ^ I I H n i C E S T W ' *

€ M D K H m m ? f y Y A M A S H I R O *fi

W h a t C a s h W i U B u y :

20 lbs. GrauuhUed, $ i oo 25 lbs. Hillsdale Flour, - 40 50 lbs. Hilldalc Flour, , 75 Sardines, per bo.v, - 0$ Best Butter, - - - 20 Oil , per gallon, - - 07

Bring your Butter and Eggs and get the CalJh for them.


H . F . T I C K N E R ,


F U N E H f t L I I I H E E T n H . Prompt ntteiitloii given to n i l cal ls , night or i l a j '

Jioarsu liiiil K i i ib id i i i i i iK Iree, .SnlLsfnctiou • Cliiaraliti.'ed. Prices the very lowest,, '

Sliuriiiali Hi i l ldl i ig , opji. Va i i l i iyke ' s S t i idio . Kesldeiieo corner (j and .Soiitli streuls, J\Insaa

n search oi" Clothing and Gents* urnishings

hat the Deep Cut Sale advertised b)' Henderson .& Huntington is'a genuine cut sale and that liigli prices are . ,.|-

the low prices they give on. [••ine Suits and Overcoats are-as­

tonishing to all who see them, and'' proves that they, are giving the people -

, - ' , . . - ' • a f t


~' : ' : ' v - s Jv i iMl

and Ingham County the greatest . i-'fT Dargains ever offered by any clotli-:: ' ' "" ' ing: house; This;'sale has' beeii:a.;-great success 'so lar and.;anyone'^,iii:';;;:i';|^^

eedof a fine suit or overcoat will ' ,/;"|!| 'do:weli to pjurcliase',no#at|y:

-, ^^^^^^.^



M A S O N , M I O U .


Mo Tu We "'ni © G 0 f '2 3 T 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ar ii) & ®

e 0 & (i! &

F I N E I M C K l N l i O F N E W S

ASj F O U N D I N A L L [ P A R T S

T H E W O R L D .


Hei'loiiH \Vie<:K- Moiie .Ml i rs . fllieli. — T l i o l.iifii.vetto I t io t . .—Ti . r r i t i l e tJuHiuilliy at. J . I I I I I I , OII I I I—A . V i i t i o i i i i l l i i i i i n i i i l i n o — 1|SIIII),IIOO I ' i re 111. I ' l i i i r l n .

,si.;iti()ii.s. \viti';c:c Throe Employes of t l m III|v I'oiir niiilly

lliii'l. A, stM 'liiiis anil perlia'js fatal wreeic oe-

I'.iirriiii nil ilii; Mlnhljcaii illvlsiuii of the KItr Koiir. three nillos north nf Ndes, Minli. 'J'liii train, ennslstliiK of one I'reljriil. ear Indeii [jntaloes anil iv r.aboosn. l i r a w i i liy eii:.'iiio li;.':.', wns iiiov-iiid seiilli at a speeil of twenty Iiillos an l i n i i r , when a llnnso on (llie of l l l l i wliiMils of the freli;lit ear iirol<e anil iiirow tlio car and the ealioosn oir llin traelv. At the point where the aeeident liiipiii'iiiKl thorn Is an oiiiljaiiliiiieiit t w i M i t y fent lii^'li, down wliieli the e a b n u s n anil frelttlit ear rolled, tiio stovii in the bitl.iir li|)settiiii; iiiul 1«-nitin ' tho ilebri.-i, wliieii was en tiruly onn-siiiiieil. Atlbetiiiie iliiini worn in the eahiiiisii •liiiiKjs .Seott, eoiuinetnr; ii'reil iSeotI:, i i r a i i e i i K i n , and M'illlaiii I'abner, brali'eiiiaii, all nf iVabitsh,iii(l.,iiiul Kraiik ilaniinoiiil iiiul lleiirv C. rriee, nttor-noys of lii'.iitoii linrlior. h'reil .Seott was sn liailly eiii., briiisoil, ami burned that ho eaniiot i i i o v n In Ins bud. .lames Sooit had Ills i ios i i broliim and tlm bono of his rlKlit let ; fraei.iireil, wliilii raliniir was so brniseil, t iit, anil biiriieil nn the bead that l l i e (kii'lnrssay Im will not roonvnr. The. twii attorneys esonnetl with trilling etttis. ' i ' l ic . i.'iiu'iiio, depi'ivoil of Us trnlii, ran In Nlles .'or iiioillinil assistance, ami thu initioiiis lire now in that jilnet).

ri!11itin1.1; 0 A 0 . s A L T V .

r e n i O i l CoiiKe(|iieii(!i»i or i i U r o k e p Ona JMii in .

IJrhnna. (0.) s|ieelal: Tho ttreatest ealiiiiill.Y lliul ever oeenrred In tills eity lia|iiieii(3d tho other niiiil, wlieti u iiaieral tras explosion oeintrrod In tho botne nf i\lr. .lolin 1). .Shofstall on Kast Ciiiireh slreiiL liy tho esiilosloti his tlatiKhlci', ll yoiinj: woman -li years of nxe, wns hilled, i\lr.*. Clarl;, ajjed liS years, serintiily Itijiired and died n few bnurs biter, and .Mr. Sliofsliill wns badly burned. It was Just rit.'iii o'eloflc wlion tlm whole, elty was sbalten as by an enrihiitiahe, nnd tbo slinelc -A'as imtnedintely lollowod by tho alarm ol (ire. The lireitien went to worlfwilliii will and soon resetiod Jfr. Shofstall front bis fearful position. Ho pointed out where the two women wero burled, nnil In a short timo they worereseiinil, Mr.-s, Clarlt, tlie old lady, was Ib'st brotiKlit out, and then Jllss Kol stall was tllseovorod iiliineil the lieiivv timbers of the and tukon out, ,Slio was inaiKjIud, Her neek was by tiio heavy tlinbors falllti

Inry, F. D. nolnbnusli, Iirnncio lieraldi Trottsiiror, W. il, \Vllsoii. i:.iaftiyetto .Innrnal, i .x-fiovernor (irny was In-dursotl for a eablnet pDsliIoii,

10 .Shof-(lowii by hnlldlin; horribly broken

; aernss II. iiotb eyes woro lltorally lorn from Iter lioaii, while Iter body and fiteo woro a mass of cuts and briilso.i. Site llngored about an boiir before sho died. Mr.s Cbirli's oblbir bono was broken, in ad­dition to internal Injuries, and site also died later. Thn o.vplosinn was eaused hy Kas from a broken tniiln lillltigtlio bonso, and IgiiltliiK from a slove.

l l l . l l A N ii(>i)ii:s

riy 111 t h e A i r i l l A l l n l r e e l l i i l i s .

A terrible easiialty oeenrrod In Syra-eiise, >}. V. Near tho.Slato ptiinp-lioiiso, at the foot of Kiiiorson avenue, a Cen­tral llttdsoti passoii.nnr train, wnst bfliiiid, ran down six men, 'J'lireo wero killed oiitrltjbt ai',tl tlireo injitred. One (lied at tlmliosiiltal, another is dyingand tbo third Isserloiisly hurt, The men woro nil eniplnyed as soiitinii lianils on tho Central lliiilsoti Railroad. Thoy were walking oil the traek. 'It was very eiild, ami till! wind and snnw were blowbij; fiirleiisiy from over the lake. Koroiiiati Maroiiey says that half a inliiitte be­fore thiiy wero run down bo turned to see If a train was eomltif,', but saw none. Very ,slinrtlv afterward he heard an eii!;ltte bell,ami,looking aroitiid. saw thu passenger train bearing down on them. He yelled to tlin moil who were .Inst iilieail nf him and jiiin|ind from the traek. lis lie dill so tho eyiliidor box of tbo oiigliie striielv bim in tbo hips. In a seeiind Ibu other ineii wero Hying tliroitgli the tilr in all direolions.

A i i o t l u n ' ( ins { .-xplnsiini i i i A n d e r s o n , I n d .

Natural gas explnded In the bonso oe-etiplid by l;lys>es ."S. JJnitisoii, at Anilor-.Hiiii, liid. The lioii e was eoinplutely wroeknd nnd live' per. oiis wore serloitslv Itijiireil, i;iys.-es S. llruiisoii is badiv buriied about the limtd, .Mr.s, Hrittisoii was blown tlirniigli a door nnd brnlsoil as well as bnrni'd. .Sho will die. .Sarali iiritiison. II yours old; .Mary iiriitison, aged 7, and Dollle liriiti.-on, aged ;i, wero blown out of tlieir bods and badly burned ahont thoTaeeand legs, A leaky servlee pipe caii-''.".l Hio dlstislor.

( . ' i i i iKliI i l l 11 r n i l i l e r i r n .

Prairie lires havo rnged from five to nine miles north of AK'riiii, ('nl,, destroy­ing a lurt'ii portion of tiio range, ,Mr. Holdon, a newenmer, ,10 ynat's old, was driving a team when tbo lire overtook him, Tho lior,=ns lay down In the Iiro and wero feai'lnlly burned. Had Jlr. Ilulden remained in the wituoii Im might have escaped tiiihiirt, but bis elotbing was almost burned from his body and Ills eyes and faeo are so .badly burned that fears ai'o entortaltied ihat bis sight may be lost.




A n I i i i p a r t l i i l I l e c o r i l o t tho W o r k A c e o n i . p U s l i e d by ' W h o . l l u l i f l O u r I .aw) —llDW tho ' r i m n H U H I Joeu O c c u p l o d D u r h i B tho P a s t Woidc .

A .Ni i l ln imt ( i i i i i i i i i i l t i i e .

Direetor tlenoral Diivlsof tlte World's h'alr, 111 Ills report nil thu elinlera niies-tinii to the eoiinell of adiiilnlstralion, de-elarns tlmt il is absiiliitoly iieeossary for the b'dderal (loverinnont lo tisstitno eoti-trol of the i|uaraiitliin servlee at seaports to Insure imbiie eonlidoiieo In tho elli-eieiiey (if i|iiaraiitlii(i regulations. The ni|inrt snys there is tin likelihood of the

.dl.seasi' lieiiig introdiiced In thu tiierehaii-dise sliippe,! hero for purposes of oxlithi-tiiiii, thn niily sourees of daiigor hniiig iiiiniigrat'ion from (iermaii ports and tiio Imiiiiriatinn of rugs.

'I'lie 1 l.iini.svitto e.iid Niisl ivtt le .Sy.stuiii to Ilo 'fled lip.

'J'he entire r.eiiisvlllo and Kaslu'illo system is likely to bu tied np by it gon-ural strlK'o of the englnonrs and liroiiieii. President .Siiiitli refused to diseiiss tho grliivanee with liraiul Chlof 8argontit and Chief Ar.iliiir of tlm eiigltieors. The

. matter liiis now gone b e y o n d their eoii-trol ami the grleviineo eomtnlttoes will o r d e r tt vote on the advisabilitv of a strike. If it passes by a two-thirds vole u, ({Otiornl tie up will result.

I l l r l l i of : i (.'out O d t i i p i i s . I ' l t t H b t i r g l i special: A inoveinoiit Ison

foot looking to till! formation of it eotn-biiiatioii of all the railroad ena l operators of Weslern Pennsylvania. .Several secret ennferoiiees have boon bold, and it is stilted that Hie owiioi's of lOIJ mines In tills region, rc|iresotitliig fully Sl.'i,-1)011,1100 capital, havo sk'tiiliod thoir lii-teiitloii of . i u i i i i i i g the eomhiiio. Tbo n b i e e t s of tlte trust wiW bo uniformity ol i i r i e i i s , rediietioii of expenses and tbo regitliilioit of the car scrvico.

A lliiil Wroetc .

Ii'rolgbt train No. 7'1 on thorittsbiirgh dtvlsioii of the .Haltiinoro and Ohio ibtil-rotid run into tho roar of an oxtra freight at Williams, oral freiglit car.s. thrown into a creek, and Coiirliietor Noz doctor Diiiilap and Flagman Grimes, of the extra train, wore sl 'htly bttrt iind litreiiiaii Poland, of tho regular tntin, w,i3 scrluusly in.ittrod.

I'a,, wrocklttg sov-Tlie ongino was Riigliioer Walhieo

are missing, Con-

A sriJi'icvDoihs ,s'ritMCi! JH.-iy l i e liiHinfiiniliMl t V i t l l l n n rre i tn l/r l i t .

Clileiiiio s|ieclnl: There is a storm browing In Hin labor sky, which, when It hursts, will cause eoiisloriiatlon In certain (|inirtero t.iatcan .lust new least all'ord to co|io with It. It will albiet the most important btisliinss of the city and make itself felt In evory braiteli of eomineree liavltiif to do with tbo tnnterlal pros|)orlty of tbo city. Kvery wliolesale liouso will fool Its olToet and If allowed to sproad. It will piiralyzo tho very bono and sinow uf Clil-eago's trade. Tliero is a pros|i»et that the most sltipoiidons strike on the rail­roads leading into the city wliluh lias ovor bcnii started may be inattgiiratod within a fortnight, no road belntr left iiiialfoeteit This strike will bo brgiin-Ized and niabitalnod by the switchmen, ovory man so eiiiploynd being now prac­tically pledged lo go Into it and hold out to tho end.

('etijslon o n the rittsl>iirg]i. First section of freight No. 78 left

Lntidoiivllle, Ohio, wtihottt orders and had gone but a short distance whoii the limited crasiifld Into it. lOnghioor D. JI. Poppard and li'lt'oman )Vortliigbergor of the freight train .iiimpod for their lives. I'epnard sustained a broken sliotildor bono and It is fniired otiter and nioro se­rious ln.liirlea. wlileh may eattse liisdeatli. Tho liromaii bad ills loft log broknn and . was badly bruised. 0. iietts, nil eloctrluiaii on the limited, was tiio only person burl nn that train, lie was cut anil bruised about tlm legs, Tho passtongnrs were terrlblv sbaketini), but, lorttiitatoly, no one was hurt so far as has boon beard, lioth onglnos, thn combination smoknr, and baggano-ear of the limited and four freight cars worn wrecked, obstrttctltig the tracks for six hours.

.7iid|i:o . l iKdESoii 's O d i i I I i ' i i i i i t i o i i In D n i i l i t .

Tho a|)iiolntinetit of .liidgo .laeksoii to the .Siipi'eino Iteiioh has spiked the guns of tiio Deinnerats, but a tiiitiiber of Ko-pttblieaiis have trained their artillery nn tho tioniliiatloii, and while It iniiy nscnpo and seenro eenlirmatinn, there Is a enr-taliity of It light. Sniiatnrs Wolenli, 'J'elliir and others will lead the llttbt, but the President lias been assured of Denin-eratlc support which with his frlonds atnoiig the Kepnldieans, will, bo feels sure, enable lilm to win',

Wiints to p 'ollow lliiwiilt. A big political tneotliig was held at

iDssex, Out, the otiter night, to discuss the fiittiro of Canada, Al tbo close of soveri'fl speeelies a vot.n wns taken, and resulted as follows; To remain in statu (1110, III; itideiieiideiico, 1:.'; Imiierial fed­eration, ;i; |iiiliili:al iiiiloii with tho IJiilt.eil .Stales, .11:1. 'i'he few opponents ul aiitiuxiitioii tried to ereiilii a discussion and to prnvniit a l-anot, but their elforts failed eniiipletely. ''J'lin vote Is a fair oxiirossion of the prevailing sentiment.

A Di i id i i i i KnIihiM'.v.

A (hiring robbery was pnrpotrated al

I 'ho I . a w - M i i l i e r a . I l l tho l l o u s o .Monday u v o i i l i i g b i l l s woro

I n t r o d u c e d ns f o l l o w s i H y .Mr, ( . ' i i i iniber-l a f i i : r r o l i l b l U i i K tbo s a l e ot l l i|iiors f r o m " l i i i m b i i i i t s " on the waters of the State, l l y M r . n m l i e y ; A J o i n t r u s o l n t l o n for n c o i i -stltulloiiiLl H i i i o n i l u i e i i t l o o k i n g I n n State, f ' .Hinty a n d t n w a s l i l i i i i l ; r l i « a y sy . i to i i i . H i l l s i intU'od T o o n l a r g o t b o i iowers of tho V I I I i u o l i o a r d ot W i i t e i s i n e e t In Go; ;e-blo C o u i i l y . A K o n c r a l b i l l for u r -K a i i l z a l l o n (i( c n n m ' . n l c s for f u f n l s b l i i g Siis, d c c t r u ) . and c','";e j . i a l H ' i l|i

.Saerainento, Cat, In Wecliorst's .iewelry stern on ".1" street. Ono robber lield np the loiio elerli with a pistol while uii-olhor get away witli six thousand dollars wortli of diamniKi.s. A spoclalor across the street liniilly yolled "slnji thief" as the thieves started away, 'J'he tbief slii|ipeil,sliot at the spectator, but inlssod bim and then escaped, 'J'lin tlilef who secured the two trays of (lianionds also o.scai)Cd with |,bo booty,

M ' l l l M i i h e L e s s I,l(|uor,

Chicago spoeial: A roiluctloiiof seven tliousanil gallons dally .in the finatititv of spirits tnaiiiifaettirod in tlie Caliiniel,, Klvorsldfl ami .Sehufeldt distilleries has been mado. 'J.'lils Is, in addition to tho roductlon of throo thousand gallons made a few days ago, and brings tho total, dally niitptit down to about Iwetity-livo thousand gallons. At Peoria ono dis-tillory has boon shut down and the otil-ptit of tbo others rodncod.

A e e l d u i i t l u a l i l i i i u

The roof in ono of tlio rooms of thn 'J.'hotii|i.son & MeCoy eoal inliie, south of Zaiiosvillo, Ohio, fell upon four minors— Oeorgo Waxlor, Wlllltun llarlman, Glnu'los Winelicll, nnd .liilliis Mason, Waxlor bad bis back broken and died, Tito others will recover.

A g a i n s t A i i n o M t t i d n ,

Hoiidoti special: Tho Pall Jfall (Jn-zotle states that tho tiovertior of Now //oalaiid bns tolegraphed to thu IMarfiiiis ol RIpoii, Secretary of JStato for the colonlos, a strongly worded protest against the annoxatloii of Hawaii by tbo (Jnlt.nd States. No dolinito answer yet boon reinrned hy tho iiniiorlal ROV-

. ftriitnont to tbo Now Zealand eominuni-cation.

T h e L i i t i i y o t t o J t lo t .

As a result of tho grand ,|nry invosti-Ktttlniis into tlio riot at Ijafayntto, Ind., itiwo wnolfs ago', ton bills were returned. J'oltir ,)•. Glaric, City Struct Cotnmisslonor; Plitlil) MeCauioy and Jiart .1. Murphy are indlctod for a conspiracy to eomtnll a, felony, riot, .assault and battery, with intent to murder, and disturbing a pub-Jlc tuoutliig, Tho bond Is S1,000 each.

Tnittni is on tho War-I»ntt i .

Chadron (Nob.) s|)eclal; Two Strikes' band tilled live iiion on the rusorvatloit the other night, and now dofy arrest by tho iiidlan police. 'J.'lie killing took place at lltimpliroy's ranch, near tho month of^Vhitn ClayCreok, limnphrov's ranch is about twenty nillos iiortliwost of l ino Jlidgn, and liftoon .miles west of the \VotitKled Knoo baltlo-grotind ol two years ago, Tlioro was eoiisidin-ahlo skirmishing In that nolgli-borliood during the big ttprisbii.', and sol­diers woro statiotioil at the ranch for somo,time. 'JVo .Striicoa' band was held togotlior, and bus boon very vindlctivo of lato, bnt tho otttbrnak is a surprise. Jmtnodbtioly after sending the above dis­patch tbo correspondent started for tho scono of the trotihlo.

Cai igr l i t t)y i A i l l t i i , ' , ' I t i i i i iN.

'J'ho liouse and contents of Charles l l a y w n o Q , livliiK live inilos soitthoasl of Wayland, Jllcli., wore burned, JMrs. Haywood, In striving to save somo Xurni-Ittro, was eaitght by falling dobrls and croinaled, while her iinsband barely escaped a like fate.

Vei io/i iot i i 'H l i o n l id 11 r y .

J\lr. Clelst, tlio Gorman JHiiistor to Vciieziiola, wlio is also acting as Jlrlllsli JI blister, says that olllelally lie has no information that A'oiioziioia Is to o|ioii the boundary ntiestioii. No JHnistor irom Veiioznoitt has boon natned by'tlin court of St, .James.

A .Snow ,Stl(Io.

A httgn snow slide siriiek a train on tlio Tloiiver a n d l i i o Gr.iiido Jbillroad near '.roltro. Col, Throo ears wero burled front tho tu'iieli and eight persons w o r e sovoroly in,iiired.

JtoiisI.ed . r i l ive .

Jfaracalbo special: 'I'Jio Gitiijira tn-dlans have roasted alive tlireo traders v.'bo wore caught stealing voi-.iig Indian girls for the purpose of selling tboni Into servltitdo.

T i l l ! H I A K K i m . O i T t C A C O .

O A T T r . n - C o m m o n to P r i m e . . , . $.'t,'is

. . p;'.!ilos ro d c c t r l J . a i i d c ' , ' " ; ' ' ^. . j i .w,

c i t ies a n d v l l l i i g e s ; f o r o r S - l l l z u t l o u of i h o t o w n s h i p of (. 'ovliigt:)ii, l l a r a g a C u i m t y ; ro|;oi i l l i ig tho net m a k i n g an a i i n i m l i i p p r o -I i r l a t l o n ofS,'i,Ol)l) for l l m c a r o oC s i c k s o l ­diers In l l n r p o i ' s H o s p i t a l , D e t r o i t , T h o y w i l l bu earod for l i e r e n r t e r n t tho S d d l u i s ' H o m o l l n s p l t a l . A l s o , a b i l l a t o l l O i l i i g l l i u prosunt S t a l e M i l i t a r y l i o a r d , ami co.istd-t u t l n g t b o A i l j u t i i i i l , i j u a r t o r i i i i i s t e r n n d Inspec tor C o i i u r a l n.f s u c h board, 'J'ho .Senalo passed a l i i u l i l y c u l o i t l s t l e c o n c u r ­r e n t r c i o l n l l o i j n|ion th? d e a t h ot tho H o n , ,Iaiiio'3 (j, Uinli ic ' , w h i c h 'ivns i i lso i i i i i i i i l -m o u s l y a d o p t e d by I l i«

H u p r o s o i i t a t l v o S i i m u e r T u o i d n y i i i t r c -d u c u d i n l l i o l . o x l s l a t i i i o a now b i l l rea|i-p o r t i o n i n g i l i o C o i i g r u s s l u i i i i l d i s t r i c t s of tbo S t a t u . I n tho .Senate a e o n c i i r r o i i t r o i o l n t l o i i nskii iR Congress to s u b m i t l o t h u peoplo a c o i i s t l t u t l n i i a l a m o i i d i u o i i t p r o ­v i d i n g f o r the u l e c t k i i i nf U i i l l o d Status fieiiiiturs by the people was l a i d i i p n n tho tnble. T l i o b i l l r u p o a l l n g tbo .Minor oloe-l o r i i l l a w , w h i c h piisi-oil t l io .Soniiti. be fore tho v i i c a t l o i i , was r o p o r t o i i f i i v o r i i b l y by the l l o u s o j u d i c i a r y c o i i i i i i l t t e o , a n d l ias boon m a d e a speei i i l order .

'I'lio .Senate, W e d n o s d i i y , passed the C l u p p b i l l l l .v l i ig the s n i a r l o i of l e g i s l a l o r i at SUOOi a lso a l i l l l l i x l i i g Iho rosiduiioe of por. 0113 i l l t l io State a t s i x m o n t h s l iutoro i i c c o i i i l m ; v o t e r . ! ' f l i o l l o u s o passed tlie Boi ia lo b i l l r o p o a l l i i g tbo .Minor o l o o t o r n l imv passed by the L i i g i s l a t i i r o of 161)1 li.v a veto o f l l t t o S l l . Other b i l l s passed thu H o u s e : a p p r o p r l a t l n i ! ?1,000 f o r u i i c l i nf tho y e a r s ISOll nnd LSIMi for a r e c i i i i i p l l a l I o n of records In llin A d j n l n n t I J o n o r a r s nlliee,

' I ' l i i i r s i l i iy , ,Senatiir .Siiwyor K H V O not lee ot a h i l l to c o i i i p u l n i l r i i l i r n i i d corpnrn. t l i i i i s ddl i iK buslnesJ w l t l i l n the l i i i i i l -s of tho Htati) to g r u n t freo I r a n s i m r l i i t l o n to legls -la tnra . S l a t o i d l l c l a l s . and tbo j u d i c i a r y . It Is p r o l i i i l i l e t h a t this b i l l w i l l b o s i i l i s t l l i i l o d for one of tbo i i n m o r o i i s a n t l - t r o e pass nuiiisiire.s w l i i c l i l i i i v n been uoi lee t l , A h i l l wins i io t l imd by . ' 'eniitnr I ' lorco w h i c h prov ides f n r the sale by tbo .Stale U a i l r o a i l C o n i i n i s s l o n o r of n i l loago books good nn any r a i l r o a d o p e r a t i n g In M I c l i l K a i i , tbo uso to hn ro.strlcled t i tho p i i r c b a s o r of Biieli t i c k e t , T h o p r i c o p r n v l d c d ts S;'0,,')i) fnr l , l lOO-i i i l lo tlclcots, tho ,10 eenia to lio rem b ind l i y tbo C'niiiiulKslniinr a.s a feo for Ills sorvlcos , A b i l l p r o v i d i n g fnr i i i n n l c -Ipni s i i l l ' r i ige for wnnioi i and a . joint i i t l i m pro|io.iliig an a m o n d n i o n t to the f o n -s t l t i i t l c in p r o v i d i n g ' for tbo o s t a b l M i i n O ' i t ot ni l l i i t e r i i i o d l a r y i i n p o l l a t o c o u r t wore n o t i c e d . A n a t t e m p t In r o c o n s l d c r t l i u r o l o by w l i l e l i tho b i l l r o p o a l l n g l l i o M i n o r n l e c l o r a l l a w WIIS pas fod was made b y tho P o i n o c r i i t s , hut Ihu i i i n t l o i i was l i i b l b i l ,

N o l l c o s wore g i v e n In thn Soi iatn f r i d a y of b i l l s i i b o l i d i i i i g d a y s of (iriico, l i x l i i g t l m tax on o.\pro3s coin panics d o i n g bi is lnass In Mlchl ' - 'un a l 11 per cent, ot t l i o l r net e a r i i -iiiL's; p r o v i d i n g for tho r o l i o f . o t t l m S i i -preiiio C o u r t by I n c r e a s i n g t l io i i i i m b o r ot ,IIII1BOS f r n m l lvo 10 t e n ; p r o l i l b i l i i i K toro l ! ; i i ngoii ts of l i i s i i r a n e o c i m i p a n l o s n n l h n r l z c d 10 (in in M l c l i l i j a n f i o i a s o l i c i t i n g l iusl i ioss In t i l l s S t a t e ; a n d a i i i o n d l n g tbo a c t c r e i i t l u ! ! tho iMIclil .naii W o r l d ' s F a i r Commls .s lou. T h e ob jec t ot the bust n a m e d b i l l Is .'•npposod 10 bo the a l i o l -I s i i n m n t n t the presoii t c o m m i s s i o n , i i l t h o i i K l i this c i i n n n t ho d o l l i i l l e l y a s n o r t i i l n o d , as Its nnt l ior . S o n a l o r M c C l l n l e y , r c t i i s o d to t o l l j u s t w h a t Its p r o v i s i i u K aro. T b o l l o u s o pas.iod t h n l i i i i i iboi i t b i l l , n n d o r d o r o d n n l i ives t l ' - ' i i t lon Into tho o l l l d a l c o n d u c t o t SiipU T l i o n i i i s H i l l , nf tbo O i i p l t o l l l i i l l d l i i g and ground. ' ; , wl io Is accused of m a l f o a s -nnce. Oov, l i l c h liii.s a p p r o v e d tho b i l l r o -pni i lb ig tho .Miner o l e c t o r i i l l a w .


I T E I V I S O F I N T E R E S T T O M I C H I -C A N D E R S .

l i n s C J l a i i d y T a r m e r s n i i i d o u I l l u i i d n r — S u i e l d u Ufa T w e l v e - V e a r - O l d H o y — ( i r o s s -m a i i G o e s Uj) l o r L i f e - W o u l d l J u r y Jler U u b e .


A M U L E T H A T R E M E M B E R E D .

& S.!!S (!•') S.fill

ll!ll(in,OOI> r i r u at r e o f l i i . Fil'O brbko qui in tlio warohotiso of tho

Peoria Orapo .Sugar Company, located on tho riverfront i n thu vory heart of tho eity, and before It could bo gotten nndor eonti'ol had dostroyod that bullditig and thoicold'slbrago warohouspof tho Pabst Jirowing Company adjoining. Loss,

, »l.po,0(iO. ' ' ; - ' • . • • ( . A Y i i v i u g J j ady K i l l e d In II Wi'ootc. ' .

A pa'sson.gor train on the Union Paiilfic iroad; was wroekod nuar Boiso Cltyj Idaho,' and Miss liinina iSgiin of Chi' cage. .Wiis 'killed, V Several woro pilnfnlly liijur'oa.' "\ .••^•'^'['ff--"':'-

i l ' c r r i b l u C a s i i a l l y a t , I , l m a , O h i o .

Tlio foil tiro . fainlly of Charles .Mohr, consisting of father,. inoilior, and son; wras asphyxlatod • by gaa'al; Llina, Ohio.

A i y r o o Ut l>lsiifi;ree.

Topoka (Kan.) special: .IndgltiR by prusont Indications, tho Jlcpnhjlcan JJoitse and the Populist House have prac­tically burlod tho hiltchel, as far as open warfare is eoncorned. An agreomoiit is aiinonneod whereby thoy will divide the timo on tlio Iloor from now to tho close of tbo sossion, the Kepublicans mooting in the forenoon and the Populists in tliu afternoon. Tbo I'opnIIsts will follow tbo regular forms ol legislation borc-attor, and bills will be passod without regard to tho Koptiblicans. Only such bills as cannot bo attacked In tho Su-promo Court will bo piissod, and at tho doso of tho sossion apiiroprlallons for tbo exponsos oC the L'oglslaturo find tho State Govorntno'nt and Slate Institutions will bo adopted.

T u r r l l d o H.xplr ts lon.

An explosion which seriously Injtirod fourteen mon took piano at tho Star foundry, a low wooden b'jildiiig at the corner of Washington and IJaMarlinu streets, Worcostor, Mass. Tho mon had flnl'sbod work and thn moulders had gone homo, leaving tho laborors to omjity the stock. T l i o hot slag, struck .tho w.Qt ground and .thn explosion followed, wrooking tho building. Tho fotindrv Is tho lai'gost In the city. Patrick II. Jiidso, night watchman, '115 years old, marrlod, was fatally Injiirod. , All tbeothorswtiro' more or loss sorionsly injtirod. ' '



.'JS.'U ,ao .75

® .1.00 I'D 7.75 Hi) <,75 @ ,I1S & ,.tl •

.:Bii& •llli.'i @ r.,00 & 8,i;o m .011 CD .tt

l!) ,511

;i,'j.'i ;i,F,ii ;i,ii(i

. .117 .III

I n d l i i n i i K d l t o r . i .

H O G S — S h l p p l n p ; Grades ;;.,10 SHEEP—I ' l i l r to Cliolee , W H E A T — N o . e Hpr lng T.i'.'jm OouN—No. •< tt (L'l OA'rs—No. 2 ;n ;/•.") l l V E - N o , 2 52 @ J t u r r E R - O h o t o o Creamery mm ]';ao,s—li'resh 211 id I'OTA'roES—Now, i ier hn (t'l &

I N b l A N A P O L I S , O A T T L E — S h l p p l n i ; l lOdS-r-Cholee L l R l i t S l l E E P — C o m m o n to P r i m o W i i E A ' r - N o , 2 Hod ConN—No. 2 AVlilto O A ' r s - N o , 2 W h i t e

ST. IJOULS. CAOTLE,.. K.IK) H00.S W H E A T — N o . 2 l i e d . us C O R N — N o . 2.. ni O A T S — N o . 'j. .at K Y E — N o . 2 . . ' . 57

C I N O I N X A T f . O.WTLB : It.llQ (<il .1.25 .TtOOS il.tHl (S 7.'i1 SHEEP a.i;0 & B.50 W n E A T - N o . 2 Itod .72 & .711 CORN—No. 2..; 12 (Ll .W O A T S — N o . 2 .Mixed ;nv.((j) .xy. B y E - N o , 2 52 .01

, O M T I t O I T . C A T T L E . , , . . tl.tXl @ t.75 H o a S , , . . . . . . . 11.00 & 7.50 SHEEP 11.1)0 @ 4,50 AVHEAT—No, 2 Jtod 72;i'.Cnl .7il)i CORN-TNO.2 Y o l l o w , , . . , , :.H & .iit O A T S ^ N O , 2 M'blto ; . :)»>i& .;ayi

T O b K D O . ' W n E A T - N o , 2 71, @ C O R N - N n . 2 W h i t e , , . t:i (nl OA'r.s—No. 2 W b l t o .;|5V.@ U V E .5'J "(3)

. . B U F F A L O . , CATTLE—Common to P r i m e ihoo Hous-^l Jos t Or .adoR... , . . . i.m

, W H E . v r — N o , t H a r d . . ' ,HI • • No, 2Itoit 75

: ' I I H . W . M J K I J I I , .\VHEA'r—No.2 S p r i n g , . . . .iin OOKN—No, s. . . . ; ,40 O . w s - N o . 2 .M'hi to . ' , . , . . . , ' , „ , , , , . i l l l l Y E — N o . L , , . . . . . . . . . . 5 0 13ARLEV—No, 2,,, ' , .1111 P O R K — M O B S . ]n,25

/ N K W Y O R K , OA-rrLE ; ;t,50 H o o s , , : . . . . . . . . . , s.oa S H E E P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X O O WiiBA'r—!^o. 2 H o d , : .uv O o i t N - N o . 2 55

,41 .-•m'j .fit

& 5.25 & 8.U0

,(W1 (31 & &

.82 .70

\. .0CJ4 .12 .115 : • ,0l ;

. . 05 ' tail). 75,. 0 0.00

8.25 *;75 . .82 ..60,:

,Stu) T r i e d 1(1 I ' l in i s l i the H o y W h o l l n d F i r e d t i e r ,Stiil)Ie,

"Last siimtnor somo of our boy nnilu drivers askod nio to lot thom off tho no.xt day so thoy could go to a gamo of bai50-ball," snid a Laiekawiinna A'allcy coal operator, "and I told thom thoy could nol{,'o. They fiuit work, however. When tho llro boss wont down tho shaft tho next morning ho found ono of tho mules bi'iiying near thn foot ot the shaft, Sho wns badly burned in tbo lo'ft hip nnd shoulder, an.l tho Iiro boss found the mtilo barn, llfty yards from tho foot of the shaft, had boon sot on flro, J.''an-ny liad yanked hor httllor In MVO, kicked tho door down and ran to tho shaft for air.

That afternoon 1 went down the shaft to soo how Fanny was gntting along. While I wns Ibero thethlrteoii biiso-ball loving yonngslors got tho engineer to let thom down tho shaft. '.I'lioy wanted to soo mo nbont goiny to work In their old piiices tbo iio;ct da.y. Fanny was stiindln,!,' witliout any iialtor on, nnd whon tbo boys spread out in n row to talk to mo tho mule gave agliinoo alontf tho faces, uttered 11 briiy 01' anger nnd mado a vieloits lunge at ibo last boy but two from tho riglit ond of the row. The bida yelled nnd soiittorod, but tbo innio kept after tbo ono sho had picked out, paying no attention to tho others. She chased bim through tlie gangway lo (ho foot ot the shaft in spito of mo, and be­l'oro I eould got to her sho had bltton tlio hoys shoulders till tho blood camo through his ololhlng. Fanny hnd un­doubtedly soon tho boy sot (Ire lo tho barn and sho meant to get pvon, '.l.'hiit was tho llrst timo tho mule Imd boon tho least bit llorco, and her ovidonoo ot tho inoondiiiry was convincing to mo, though X could not uso It against him In court," •

P o r a o n n l r a r i i R i i i p i i s . Jilt, GooDLAXDER is an undertaker

at Fort V/orllL I T IS t-wonty years sinoo .Pasteur be-

6'nn hia notablo oxperlinents in germ culture,

" O O I D A " thinkslhat tho sha.:u-hands, ns she terms it, is tho most vulgar form ot salutation, . .

I'nE present Sponkor of tho House is tho tiiird Mttbroy wlio has served In tho Missouri Legislature, •

I T is snid thnt ills success in various enterprises is malting Scorotary of Wat Elklns one of the wonlthlost men in tho country.

I . ' rom l-'iir und X e a r . TAITJOII JE .VNV , teacher in a school

near Dnnilon, got a black oyo and an all around pounding from a pupil. JennSy is conlbiedlo his bod.

l o E doiilers say (lint if n thaw should come on at Jloni'oo tho snow and ico o n tho river would Hood tho city and prob­ably carry away the bridges. Tlio ice isjno lh!.ck to luuuile.

]'*0R Ui(3 lasl (en years a part ot (he Qubinosoo poslolTIeo assets have eoii-H l s t e d of n lot of 1(1 nnd (HI cent period­ical stamps, •which were loft wlion the town lost Us nowsiiapcr.

H. P. A V i L L i A M . s , fnUior of Jirs. D. C. I'olton, wife of tiio well-known Clioboy-gaii Itimbcrmnn, dlod nt tho ago of 88 yeni's, f r o m (lie ofl'oots ot tin atliick of III grlppo two years ago,

.loitN (Itii'rKR, It young Cliosaning man, is sl(.;k in nliospKiil In Northwest­ern ta'nailn, A iroa fell on bliii, break­ing throe ribs and smashing bis log and foot in a terrible innnnor.

A N attempt was made to burn H. ]•;. J'.timley's resldonoo at Algoimo while the family wero away from liotno, Flro was sinitiltiineously 'started ' In fivo rooms, but failed to do much diiiimgo.

T H E I). M , Fony Seed Coinpiiny, ot ] ) o t r n i t , are iiegotlaHng for the oroetiun ot a seed warelioitso at some point In Chiiflevol.'C Coiinl,v, 'I'ho building will bo used ohiolly for receiving tind ,sorting pons

Mils. .TAME.S SNyoEt:, of ICast.Jordan, who has been treated for insanity, bo-caino suddenly worse and tried to bury Iter bab.y In a snow bank. 'J'ho ohild was foseuod and tho womiin is a raving iniiiilac.

K, 0. J I A L L , a fiirmur, otNa(loau,jre-nominoo (.'onitty, is in jail uliargoil with n-nolly (routing his wil'o. ft Is said (hilt, with inorcury Itj below z o i ' o , ho kicked l i o r out of tho house and then shot at her. '

A't' Kane siding, near jriiiiisli(|no, an ongino jiimpod the (rack, Knglnoor Hhortor wa.'; pinioned to tlte ground and all tbo clothing torn from bis liody, bnt, B t r n n g o to say, ho sustained not tho slightest injury.

N E A R JJiist IJandy fiirinors haven't paid thoir taxes for somo timo. Ihlnk-Itig that wiiuiit would soon go up, enab­ling thom to raise money inoro easily, AVlieat ilidn'tgo UI), and thoy are now paying 3 por cent, for eollocting tiio taxes,

LuaA,s, Jlissn.nkoe Connty, on tho 'J.', A, ifc N, JI. li. Ji,, is booming on rock olin, Tho timber Is squared n n d railed to 'J'oledo, thenco It goes JCngland by way of tho lakes and the St, J awronoo, Tho lllllo station will turn out about '.2,1100,11110 feet this season.

A T Carney, near Jtnnomlnoo, Lanrotz Anderson, 11 Swede, about .10 yeai's ot ago, niarrlod a Hi-yoar-old girl. Soon lifter, on hor complaint Unit she was ill-troatod, her father, .1. P. .Toliiison. took hor homo, Tbo otlior night a ro-voivor bnllotwas sent tliroiigli .lobn-soii's Nvlndow. It passed within a tow Inelios ot a child's bond, Anderson was arrnstod on suspicion.

I N Williains 'J.'owiislilp, Pay County, (ho 12-yoar-oid son of Georgo Schwiiby was missed at breakfast, nnd when Iho moiil was llnishod, tho father nnd older brother wont out to llnd him. .Upon on­toring tho barn, Uie first object thoy saw was tho lltoloss body of Uio boy, snspoiidod from a ratter. '.Pho body was out down and restoratives woro iip-pliod, but to no avail, 'Thoro is no known cause for the suloldo.

riio V o t o In D e t a i l p' J l p a s u r o ,

Tho volo In detail on nntl-opUon bill which passU Tuesday is hero glvoir, liopu romnn, Doniocruts in italic, I'op' suinll oapKuls;

VEAS, lllaokbum Chandler D a v i s J i 'dtou lluninn l i n w l o y IrOii .Mnndorson M o r r i l l J 'ett lKrow Sl ioup ' l o l l e r WatllilU

A l l l B Q l l Carey C u l l o n i y''«i(//.vicr Gnl lbiROr iranst .roHKh Iluiitim Slo.Millan ..Vel'l/mi P e r k i n s S h o i n e m Stouk bridge Vonrlioca

W l l s o n - 1 0 .

Call „

Dubois Fi->|0

H i K g l n s ' " K V L E W l t c h o U PEEt'Eli P r o c t o r F i i n l r o 'J'liniii' W a s h b u r n

;i,>i'i'W Cal lqry DttnhU (llbaon //(nvi.t

ruiih Stewart I17ii/e

••• NAYS.

Camcrou Dawes dorman Jim iln}i,\i (Ark.) J'lilmiir Jlimsoni Virnl


Iliillo)' Colo D i x o n (Iron lIlHUOCk MiU'lwrnon P i a t t Sawyer I'i7a,f

Pairs wero announced botwoon Jfossrs, Carlisle and J'addock, Alrtricli and (ibiay, Jiato nnd Allon, .lonos^Nov.) nnd Saunders, Pasco and Casey, Vance and •\Viiiren.

Tho bill is ono passed by tho House ot lioprosonlatlvos on Juno !), 1,S!12, wiUi various Senate iiinomlnu'nts (lioroto.

Senalor Wolcott, ot Colorado, accord­ing (o a Wasliinglon correspondent, op­posed tlie antl-opHoii bill a s not sanc­tioned tiy the eonstitntloii. as vicious in lirliieipie, eaieitlaled to work injury (o tbo iioople in ^yboRO interest it lo'ofessod lo bo framed. '.I'lio anti-trust law o f a few years ago ought lo bo a lesson (o Soiiutors. That law had been lon.g onottgb in force (0 show -tliat it in no wise iilToclcd prices, Jle did not euro (o discuss the aiioimvly presonted by siteh a silttiitioii. Sonalor Gray, ot J)oliiware, argued; 011 constitu-ilonai groiiiids, n . g n l i i s t tho bill, Jn his opinion the moiusnre would overturn tho Atiierlciin form ot govetnment and throw down evory barrier botweon ab­solute power 1111(1 (ho liberty ot the clli-zen—tho liberty ot cnnlrnet on which civlliziillon, in a b i r g u riioiisttre, dopoiid-od. Seiialnr Jligginsoi" P.olawaro iniidn an argument in favor of tho bill. Ho argiiod that the H y s t e i i t of "fiititro deal­ings" ns priiclieoil in Iho exohnngos was It eontlnontiil and world-wide Interl'er-enco wllh tho liiwof supply and doimind, and that under It tho proiluc.oi'ri ot tho country woro iniido liie sport of those who chose to gantbio In ihoir p r o i l i i e t H , Sen­ator Ilarrls of '.I'ciinessoe nindo a slalo-nient of the reasons wlileh eontrollod hia voto. Jlo regnriled thn nioasuro as piilpiible and admitted fraud on Uio oon-stitiitJon. It would destroy homo r u l o , loeal Holf-govorninent, and tho Inst ves­tige 0? the rosorvo:l rights of (ho Slates, Senalor Vest s p o k o ot the e.eUon of llio House of Jfepi'osoiilaUvos ot tho JHs-sotirl lloglslatuio Instructing Uin J.rnited Stiitos Senator fi-iiin (hat Stato (0 voto for tbo bill and said Ibiil ho protorrcd ills own solf-rospoi'l to imrsoiinl or po-lltloai appbiuso. '.I'liero wns sttnshino in othor places bosldos Wasblnglon Oity; and tho 11 Ir ot tbo priilrios was purer Ihiin that ot the .Soiiato chamber. Ho should Uioroforo \oto agniiist tlio b i l l .

W O R S T O F T H E S E A S O N .


• K l i i o t r l e a l l.'riiKPa.Hs. , •I'liK J5ni'/,il oablo was Inid and put

•in working order In J873. T H E ulxllv Atlanllc! eablo, was,laid' by

the Great EnBtorh in 1S7-1.. , G - i iAMJiE ' s inagnoto-olootrlc muchluo

•was broiighl; to porfctotion in 187,5. • ' ; T H E : .Faraday, built- tor,, cablo'worij,, was iaunohod and llttod.put lu 187-I;,--.:.

I.v, 1875. the. nunibor'ot mossngos In Great Britain'iimountod to 20,000,000'. •

.EijEoinioi'i'Vprovod I to In cor-tain kinds of,-fish hy Gavondieh in 1773.

TnE Legislature ot IHIU enacted a law snbjoeting (ho Michigan Central, Grand Jlivor Valley, JJotrolt, Gi'niul TJiivon Xr, Miiwatikoo, Lako Shoro Ai Michigan, and Jilrin &, ICalamiii'.oo Jiail-roiid Companies, which opornto under spoeini charters, to Uio provisions of tiio law ot J87J, the objoot being to ma­terially incroiiso tho t a x e s to bo paid by thoso companies. Wednesday Attorney Ellis lUod an opinion to tho ot-I'oct that tho now law is fatally dofoct-Ivo, a s tho law ot J871, rotorrocl lo, was ropeiilod. Ho tborotoro Instructed tho Auditor General to accept 'the taxes llgitroil on the basis ot tho spoclal oliar-tor provisions.

B A Y Orrv c a p i t a l i s i B b i i v e bought 12,-01)0,000 foot ol'lumber .it J)ulnth._

MILS. -JAY JltJn.sLEV, of tho Siitilt, wns seriously injui'od, b e i n g lilt In Uio taco with a snowball, which somo foolish kid throw.

T H E Grandvillo Improvement Com­pany l i a s boon orgtini'zed with 11 capital of SlO.flflO.

C A P R u M M i S L L , ot .Elsie, was badly burned about tho face while handling nn iinloadod gun.

J I A O K B I O O E H , aged 25, of Sugar Island, was killed at Cisco. Ho was run over by a train.

TOEHE' .S likely to bo an inOux ot young men into J i o l l a n d , Isabella Coun­ty. Kissing parties nro epidemic thoro.

T O E R E arc 3. ,000,000 ot whltoJlsh eggs at tho Sault halohorios, 100,000 ot salmon trout and 200,000 of brook trout.

'J?HERE is a scarcity ot men in north­ern lumber camps. A Choboygan con­tractor Is looking for JOO men, but can got ono,

. T H E crazo has struck Choboygan, Five prominent girls woro blacking boots, etc.. tor tho eako ot earning $1 f o r thn c h u r o l L

A ii .o i ioL .vR broke into a Eoscommon saloon, nut his hand on a pane of glass and was tracked by his blood to West Branch, whoro ho was arrested.

Anii danger from diphtheria at .tho' Agricultural Coilogo is thought to bo now over. It is two -wooks sinoo tho doath of Mr, McCraoken, and noiio o£ his attondants have oxhlbitcd any signs ot haying contracted tlio dlsoaso. 'They are still in quaranUno nnd will not be roloasod botoro next woolc. >

,TAMES BATIKOFI ' , a West Bay Oity briikonian on the Jliohigan Central, re-colvod fatal Injuries near Algor. Bal-koll is (ho, last ot throo brothors, till ot whom wero klllod at tho same place and ill tho same mnnnori ' , ; ; : , ; , : : • ' . ; • :

. " T H A T more or loss interesting pub-: lloation; tho Legislative Journal, is now a dally.vlsitor at thp Blank oUlde, at the-o x p e n s R (jt the ta.xpayoi'B..; It makes cxcolicnt material for mailing wrappers,' and that is its destiny in, tho .majority, ot printing oracos."', Tiiis .itom;vdr',one'

A J I o w l l n H ; !'.tl-z/,anl Swoops ' J ' l i r o u g l i . N o r t t i w e s t .

A blizzard lias raged nil ovor the North west, and, ace-.irdliig to a into dis-patch from St. I'aui, is still at it. Jio-poris from tho oouutry fttrtltor to Iho northwest are meagor owing lo Uio pro.slration ot tbo wires by Uio storm. J tints moved rnpldly from Denver in a northoiistor.y dirooiion, nceompunied by snow and high wliid.s. At a o'clock 'Tuesday night at JTolcua it; was -IS bo­low /.ero. wlillo nt JJIssoubt, n lIlHo ovor a hiindrod miles north, it was JO degrees above. At tho tortncr pbico thoro was a high wind fi'om tho west. JJissnulii was slmiiilnneously catching a siiiall hnrrioano from . Iho oast. It was ')i bnlow in Holnna at G a. m. Ail tliroiigli Htinlanii, wiUi tho exocplion of ono point, the eold was intense. In J.'ortlund it -.viis ii> above, and In St. Paul J.I, In luiluth it wns (! bolow, Winnipeg 111, and Jaiiidstown !), whilo at Jrorgus J.'alls, Grand Forks, !ind J.i'nrgo il wiia fully twenty degrees warnior, with liigli winds from a dillor-oiit point in each ono ot tho six places, 'Pho snowfall in (Jio Nortiiwost was not onoiigli to canso serious doUys, but tho high winds onusod drifto thai kept back through traihij throo or I'oiir hours, lloports from the lines running nortii to ' tho lakes and oust to Chicago show uniform weather, with high ivlnds, causing tho snow to drift (;nil:o biully,

J.,nto dispatches glvo additional de­tails ot (ho bllzz-ml, wbiob seotns to have boon vory sovoro and general. Finn snow lUis the nir at Eoiison, Jlinn,, and business has been abandoned, thoiighltis not uold thoro. • Matikato reports a bll'zzard howling and temper­ature rapidly falling. A sudden change ot wind at Fergus Falls, Minn., was followed by 11 qiiiuk drop from 10 abovo to 10 bolow zero. Blinding lino anew ut that place has .oompollod a suspen­sion of business, nnd as tho iomporii-turo Is rapidly growing colder much sulforlng is foarod. All trains have been abandoned nt Watortown, S. J)., on account of the storm. 'J.'lio bilzzurd |y. now raging throughout 'Southern Jtlnnesota, and mercury rapidly tall-ing. , , . 1

At 7 o'clock the signalTBorvIco ob­server In St, Paul reported 10 bolow zoi'o. At tho samo l;lme it was 20 bolov; at Pierre, S. ]).; 26 below at Moorlioad, Minn,; 32 bolow at St. Vincent, llinn.", ' nnd Bismarck, N. D.; .10 below at Win­nipeg; and 38 bnlow at lleiona,'Mont, Tho wind nt that hour was blowing from . tun to forty miles an hour In -dliVoront ••. sections. , . • ; • •

Tck'R-rapI i l f l .ISrnvltloa. T H E Ohio .I-Hvor is troo fi'om ico from

sottrco to niouUi. ' •-,, . ' . O ' • • J?.0TJRTEEN' inches of snow has fallen

atTaooma, Wash. T H E Collegialo Instlluto'-at Ottawa,

Ont., buniod. Loss, $iO,00(i. ,• T H E R E ' iiro (Itty cases :;ot;, snmll:p6x',

at Olbvoland, Ohio. • 'Ton,dbdlhs'liuYo occurrod. • V • ,• /;• „•'>,•;•'•.''..'i' . Coii. S I N N .siiofl-; Coi'<v:;'J.'aiiiioi, tho

aotress, for absohtto. divordo.- Tho charges n,rQ riot mado public. , 'FiKE in ,tlio Eugiish Hotor at'-fhdian-apolis • caused li...loss,,'of•; S8.000'.•:'; The

.guests woro tiii'(j'(vii:iiitb a panio.if;.y^^ - T H E ,L'I)Hod' States.;0oiir(;;Bi]8taliis tho - '^ ^


i f

C n / V l ' T I C I t X H - C ( i n t l n i i « i L

There was a dreary liipso of silonoo, but during its reign tbo gleaming, scln-tlllnnt oyo8 of iJoatrIco JJoroer ti id that t]xQ^ owjior -was not itile.

Sho was tlilnking, plotting, preparing to not. Hor quick mind gritspod tho Bltuation readily , tho situation sho had antloipatod, mid wlileli alio hnd como prepared to moot.. She bold tho remedy — g o l d , ' J : O befriend the father of tho man she loved In his dire exiromlty , to B R V O an honored tiiiully iianio from re­proach—would it not win the gratitude ot Uio dolinqiiont son, and griil i t i ido pity, and pity lovo?

Sho had other Ihrnl resources . in ro-Borvo. Slio had prepared plaiis c a l m l y , Bystoinatleally. This was but tho llrst stop. Oh! she oouUl not fall .

She arose and s lolo to tbo door; sho loorod In. 'I'lioro siit (ho sterii-faoed,

• mplaoiiblo li iwyer, the fatal doeumoiitB Bproad out before h i m . Tiioro, loo, wiiii-faeed, wrotol iol , lost, shrank tho

, fatiier ot Haymoud Jfarsball. Sho steiipod boldly across tho thresh­

old ot tlio room. Xot until she liad roaohedtlio (able and her shadow fell a o r o s f l i t d k i lawyer and victim glanoo up, with a vivid start.

"Madaiiil—why " began tho former. "I liavo oomo to purehasu thoso doou-

nien ts." Hor hand pointed to tho pile of notes

and soeiiritles, almost touching thom. In profound wondorinont tho lawyer re­garded hor. "With a gasp of hope, sus­pense, dread. Colonel Atnrshall stared at her veiled I'noe.

"i'ou havo eoino " repented tho lnw,yor, vnguoly .

"To buy thoso dociimonts!" "Why—t do not iiudorstaud—by what

right." "Aro tboy for sale?" Hor voice rang out sharply. "To Colonel Marshall or his author-

l/.od agent, yo. , but (o a stranger " fioati'Ico Miercer turned to tho bo-

wlldoiod Colonel. "I. am no stranger, but a f r i e n d , " she

half-whlsporod In Ids dumfoundod oar. "I camo to save you," and then aloud; 'Colonel Marshall, you authorize mo to act for youV"

Tho hair-stunnod Colonel could only nod liko an automaton.

"Ton tliousiuid dollars is tho amount , I boliovo," went on Boatrlco, ca lmly . "Thoro is tho money. See that it is right."

Sho had flashed a heap of bnnk-notos of largo dcuQmlnatioiiB before tho law­yer's sight Sho took up tho papers on tho table.

"Tbls is the forged $2,000 noto, I

out to tho woman who has saved hie mily from penury and disgrace, for, to 1 Booming, throngli tho agenoy of that

potent drug, you will bo adyiug woman!" < U A i ' x i : i i . \ n i .

A S U U T L E P L O T .

•All Is renily'i" "Evorvlhing.. My housokoepor, whom

wo con trust, will act as nurse and Is iu tho nest room. I will receive tho Mar-shalls when thoy arrive and pavo tho way for you."

"ilako nc inletako!" It was tho afternoon of tho dny succeed­

ing that which had witnessed Boat­rlco Mercer's strange act of gonorosity.

Boatrlco herself, In projiria persona, tho disguiso sho had lillhcrto adopted now abandouoil, lay upon a couch lu one corner of hor sleeping apartment.

Sho wns Jio longer disguised, hut lliero wns a cliango in her from hor ordinary appearance Ihat was most remarkable.

iferfaco looked thin and wretchedly white, hor oyes heavy. As sho lay back on tho pillow, hor labored breathing and hectic chooks seouiod to iiidicato a hot, burning fever.

A hot, burning fover she hnd, but produeod by artllleliil moans. 'This ruthless scliomorhad paused at nothing

'hor fo you after my cruel deception, hat Bho is deai\. A diatuut relative lott mo, a fortune. Tho only roBtltutlon I c^uld ratiko was to aid your father. I nra dy­i n g . The only reward I ask is tliat you take my hand nnd forgive mo for it nil."

Itayiiioud itnrBhi\;i Blood Hko ono In a dream. All tlio past Unshod over his mlpd. This woman had, liidood, wronged lilm, but utill Blio was uotnc-countiiblo for Edna's death. As ho thought of nil sho had dono for his father, ns ho fancied ho roati a noble re­morse in hor words and deeds, a gonor-ous liupnlso drove him forward.

I Ho felt hor burning I'nnd twitch in hia own, Ifo did not doubt, aftor all tho Dootor had said, that sho was a dy­ing wuinnu,

"Vou did rao no wrong except lo tor­ture mo with a passing boilyf in the falthleBsnoBsof the' woman I loved," ho said.

"iror lovo of you!" murmured Be­atrice, fervently, "liaymond, I can toll you now, for I shall soon dio. I was not toblarao for my love, nnd I had not Ed­na's gonl lo nature to onduro iu slionoo. I lovod you so hopelessly, yot so fondly!"

His eyes dlminod with tenrs. Lovo was surely no Bin, even when hopoloss. His groat heart stirred with honest pity.

"loandloin ponce, now," she said, "for your eyes tell mo that I »ui foi'-glveu. IbiymoiiU, good-by—good-by!"

Hor oyes woro raining tears. Oh, actross deft and subtle.! oh, hypoorlto strong and oonlldont! pitting all tho is-Biies of life upon tho frail cast of a die.

She turned her fiieo to the wall, hor sobs causing tho sympathetic Colonel to winoo wllh'Iionest pity. Baymoud


A C H A N G E L S T H E F I K P J .

I T W I L L S O O N B E " U N C L E S A M &. D E M . ' . '

I m m e n s e I n t e r e s t s I n v o l v e d 111 t h e S h i f t o f A d i n h i l s l r u l l o i i s — i V e l i i i i l K . v p e i i i l l l u r u s A m o u n t l o 'I'eii . M i l l i o n s n W e e k , W h l c h -o v e r I 'oIIt lei i l I'iir(.v Is ' ' In t h o C o n e e r i / . "

I looked concerned, ,, ,. , , ,- ,„ ,, .. ; "Con wo do nothing to make hor Imp

to accomplish her ends. '.I'o further hor j ,,iert" Mwko Iho Colonel, deeply al-sebomor, an assumption of mortal ill- I octed "Cm " " ness had been uocessary, and hor worthy coadjutor, Br. SImms, had not ))rovaricatod when ho told her that tbo content.; of the little phial ho luf.l given Iter th • day previous would bring about thn rosiili, sho desired.

These two bad plotted well In unison, and UB ho oiitored Ibe outer room of tbo Biill.o ho a.H.siimed Dint grave, sorious ex­pression of fnoo thnt the average phjui-clan wears wbllo n.ttoiidliig a patient in tho last p.vtromlty.

Ho opened Iho door with warnlr.g nolsolessiiess as Ihore eaiiio a tap llna'i-ly. A servant stood there, two porsons at hlfl side.

"Gentlenmn to soo Miss Leslie, sir," he announcod, withdrew, and Doctor filmins ushorod his two visitors into the room and iiointod to chairs, lils sorious manner evidently surprising them.

Colonel JInrshall wns the one, Ida son Baymond llio other. 'The former was all curiosity and excitement, As to Haymond, as ho sat ga'/.Ing vacantly at tho lloor, his hollow cheeks, iiniinlod eyos and dojeoted bearing gonorally told that the present visit had no inter­est for hi in.

"Doctor .Slmnis!" ejaculated tho Colo-uol. "Why! I came to seo "

"Mlas Leslie'?" "Vos." "Miss Leslie is a dying woman. Colo­

nel Marshall. "What!". With an inorodiilous gasp tlio Colonel

started to his foot. "Ves, she has boon ill for .some time.

1 was siiiuraouod yesterday afternoon, i found hor lovorod, almost delirious. Sho askod luo to reculvo you,"

"Doctor, you amaze mo! 'This strange lady " , ".lias an Iron will oven in doatli. Sho o.vplainod evorythiiig lo mo. Sho

llove'i'" she aald, solocting ono from the many papers, "Colonel Marshall, It Bhall never trouble yon again."

With two twists of hor dainty but Buppio wrists, sho severed tho fatal doc­ument in twain.

"'These othor papers I shall keep for a day or two. Tho amount Is correct?" Bho demanded of tho lawyer. "Colonel Marshall, you aro free from debt and dread aliko. I trust w e nil know how to keep asocrot. I would liko to speak a'fow words to you alone."

Tho lawyer had wilnossod some strange scenes in his professional ca-roor, but tho denouomont of tho present luosplloablo ono left him speechless.

Colonel Marshall, like onu In a dream, lollowod tho woman who had mysto-rlouBly saved him from ruin and dis­honor from tlio room.

Then, realizing tliat ho had boon snatched from tbo brink of a precipice, iio roolcd to a table in tho enter olllco for support, and burst Into tears.

"Woman, angelic dollveror!" ho fairly Bobbod.' "Who sent yon horo? You have saved to mo nil I hold dear on earth. My tears, my prayers shall bo yours till my last breath. I shall teach •my own to rovorenoo you. I shall re­pay you dollar for dollar . What can I Bay, what can I do to acknowledge, to repay this stupendous obligallou that crushes, stuns, mystlllos mey"

"Ono singlo favor." "Namo it—oh! name i!;." "Ask no r,uestions, fool no obligations.

I only ask that to-morrow evening at dusk you come to tho hotel and to tho apartments of Miss Leslie, nnd bring

, your son Baymond with you." She was goiio liken Hash with tho

words. The. Colonel stood staring after hor as if sho woro somo wraith. Els oyoB oloaed and ho swayed like ono In n dream. Ho hastened after her a min­ute later to demand amoroclucid ox.-plaiiatlon of hor strange intercession la

• his bohalf, but when ho reached the btreot, liko the fairy in tho story-books,

• she had disappenred utterly. Boatrlco Mercer had liaBloiiod back to

the hotel. Her face': was flushed, hor '.eyes hopeful, exultant, as she laid aside

: hor wraps. „ ' . ."So far all is well," sho murmurod.

: . conlldfliitiy. "Now for (he most difficult ¥ 0 : - ' > : ' : ; part of'tho plot . " "iij-r^'y- • .When Dr. SInims camo, sho led him to

pv&Vf ^ 8o'"> "hd for over an hour In low, ' earn est tones she oonvorsod with hirn.

,r She told him a l l her plot, all her do-.:, slroB. . . She startled him with hor bold-

fV vi i ;; •':'. Jiosa and shrewdnoas, she dazzled him .'';:^\^-.'--.' "With the promlao of munincent rewards.

' ^ v " ' ^ V h a t a achemel". ho ejaoulnted, ^ ^ Aris ing at last "and all for the lovo of a i'i'i';;&'i-'V. ™ heart Is burled In the grave

ho-/ insists upon seeing .yourself and your son, even in iier dangerous condition. I told hor that tho shojk might kill her, but slio insists."

"Doctor! I am at a perfect loss to understand this lady's romarkablo gon­orosity in my behalf-tho mystery sur­rounding her "

"Hero are tho notes she took yester­day. Sho bade rao destroy them in your prosonco."

"Walt! Don't! I really cannot ac­cept all thoso favors from a stranger."

'The Colonel spoke loo lato. The

I'octcd. "Can I not tell her how grato-! fill I am—how soiiio nrraiigoiiieiit must ] bo made for the repayment of tho ; money advanced?" ! ".She would refuse to enuRlder it," ro-I siionded the Doctor, "But—no! I had bettor not mention It'.,"

"Spoak, Doctor!" .urged tho Colonol, eagerly. "Vou woro about to mako somo s'liggostioii?"

"It concerns your son. 'J'lils morning this poor creatiiro walled her hoart-slck-noss over her levo I'or hini. She cannot aurvivo tho ni.ght, and ,yet I think sho would be Iiitliiitely happy I'or that brief period of timo If sho know that you .forgive nin, geiitlmnoii, my task is too dllllciilt to ooniploto."

"if she know •what?" demanded Bay­mond, softly.

"if you would consent to wod her. Nay, sir, dn not start. A dying chlld'a wish; you need not gratify It, only sho ha.s loft all hor fortune to yon."

"T will never accept it!" dissented Baymond, Indignantly.

"Tho law will make you. This jioor girl's devotion is pitiable. Givo lior your name, ro,iidor hor dying moments happy. It is not iiiiieh to do, for boforo morning you will bo a widower."

'.INio plot -ivaa out;. This was the deft design two clever Hcliomers had phiiinod. Tho uiisuspeoting b'aymond Marshall never dreamed of a now deception.

".Baymond, do it; it will fjuiet talk 'whon nor 'will Is read, I'oor croaturol her devotion is indeed pi t iable , " spoke the Colonel,

Baymond Marshall woman dead and of all of tbo worauu dying nnd his pity for her forlorn liolplossness.

"Wlintdocs It matter!" he murmurod, dejectedly. "My life is gloom—tho fu­ture aimless. If that small ceremony cnn brighten this dying girl's moments, Dootor, I '\yill marry her!"

Tho cloyer actress on tho conch thr i l led wildly, .\tlast, reward; at last, Buccoss! r i o r l i o u r o f triumph had oomo.


lUiieIiIiier,v o l t h e t l o v e n u t i e i i t . '5\'nshlni/tou corrospnmience: •'

fn a very short while tho firm of 'Uiielo Sam .t Bop." will bo dlssolvod. Tho business will still bo condiictod at tho old stand, but new niiinagors will come in and lake tho places of Ihoso now In control. This la tho inlghllost b i i B l i i o s o transfer tho world has over seen. No other nation lias aueli vast Interests, moiisiirod by tlio amount of money or number of people involved. Grimt Britain would bo i t i i exception to this if nii tho operiitloiis of tliat oiiipiro wove mii.Mugod from tho eoniral scat of ,'<overiiiiieiit In London, but (hoy iiro not. 'Tlireo-fourths of Iho oinplro la colonial, under homo rulo, o.Koopt lu cortiiin .matters. '.Phis Is Iho only nation which i.!o."s a "businoss" every your of S.';i)0,00''J,(IOO. Klxaiindo(|uatoeoneoptlon of. a (iiiiii of iiionoy llkn this In your mind, if you cnn. The cliiincos are you can't, The grentost business house bi the Wf.rld, that of tho ArmourB, of Chi­ciigo, handles a million ilollars a week; tho greatest railway syBloin, tho I'oiui-s y h M u l a , including all lines, $H,nil»,(l()() a w'eoi!, I 'liele Sum's Iransactior.s In nillunl expoiidltiircs roai.'h the nstouisli-Ing total of about $111,0110,(111(1 a week. 'This ainoiiiit must iiocossarlly Increase

thought, ot tho his love for hor;

,Tvealth to mel You will help mo? |';f:;^;?'..:'.1.'i"To.tholast!" • ' Irv'i , "Ydu.can givomo the medleino'topro-fifeSii'.'Ji/:duise^the.offoot I doslro. You will: help I W) IV"' '. 'mo carry out tho Imposition?"

••WhdnEay-'.see you-to-i

desire; ;'\A11

dociimonts woro blazing on the hcnrth. Ho was a froo man! A stranger had liberatod liim from all tho llnaiicial cn-tanglomoiits of the iiour.

"Doctor!" ho panted, "tbls mystery is miiddouing. AVho is this lady?"

"Yon will ho surprised when you know. Cnmr; you, too, Mr. Marshall," to Haymoud.

lio advanced to the door of tho sloop-ing-room and tapped lightly. 'Tho iiui'so opened It. Awed, startled. Col. Marshall stood in the oontor of tho iipartmout, gazing dubiously at tho llg-uro lying on tho couch, Its face t jrnod from him.

(JuUoas curious and interested for tho moment, Baymond Marshall looked up, too.

"Miss Leslie has asked mo to explain to you why sho has intorostod herself i n your behalf," spoke tho JJootor, i n calm, measured aceoiits. "Hor aoi; lias boon Olio in n nioasuro of atonomcut, of oom-pcnsatlon for ii wrong dono a membor of your family."

"Ha!" exclaimed the Colonol with a start, "she must bo, tlicn, some relalivo ot tlio wretch who robbed me—who on-coinpassod nio in all this trouble, my former partner!"

"Not at all. Sho simply deceivod a moinbor of your family. Sho is familiar with the troubles ot your son, tvs well as yourself, nnd sho aesiros mo to impart some moiunfnl Information to hlin. Mr. Marsliafl, will you kindly read that article?" ' "

Tho Dootor had handed to Baymond Marshall tho newspaper whioh hnd first setBentrico on tho tvuilof Edna Doano. It chronicled her death at the suow-ladon bridge. So accurately did it de-Bcrlbo Edna and her attire, that,'as Baymond Marshall perused It, with dis­tended eyes and ashen face, he could noi mistake" the trnth. With a wild cry ho sunk to a chair, the paper Uutterlng to tho'IIoor.

"Dondl doadi" hewailod.. "All hope, then, is loatl"

".What may all'this have to do with the lody horo?" began the astounded and inystlllod Colonel MarshaU.

"Much. This ordeal is trying, fatal to her. but she bislsts. Nurse, turn up the lamp. Colonol—Mr. Marsiiall, your bonofaotreas, tho lady who mt kes an atonement for a great wrong, i s — — "

"Bdatrioe Moro(*ii'!" in- surprised accents from tho"Colo-

nol'B Hps, In a gasp of inorodullty from thosd of Baymond Marshall, rang. Ihe namo simultaneously, as the pretended Invalld.turned her wan, features toward them.,':" :'. '"r: •Dying' features thoy. wore,; to all som-

blhnod; ; The Doctor's aft and' liorowh deft noting 'oarrled ovitthd 'Intended effect complololy. '.• . ".. • :•• ; .."Baymond 1she.fluttered, .in,, ii;wqak',' walling voice.'; •" Say .that you .forgive", me..';'!;-did 'vvrdng in deluding ybu;=' 11;

T o o l l u s y for I ' l n i n l t y .

When I bciir men or women at­tr ibut ing ; i liick of success in itny d i ­rection to tbe uiachiniitions ot their enemies, I involiinti iri ly smile at the egotistical as.5crtion. People are in general too much engrossed, each by his own airairs, to make any very ac­tive war iigiiinst each otlicr. .Tealous, envious, rancorous tliey often are, but to wage positive hostilities, they aro for t;ho most part too indiirerent. This pronencss to attribute our mis­chances to enemies is luerciy one of tbe refuges of our self-love. A d ­mit t ing possible e.\-cepbious, i t , may be' said emphatically Ihat we arc none of us anybody's enemy bub our own. Wc are al l , however, our own eneiuies. Tho tongue tliab truly de­tracts from our credit and glory Is our own tongue; the band that most mercilessly despoils us of our proper­ty is our own hand. A l l bhe real murders in this world—that is, apart from the mere commonplace ki l l ings of men and women—are self-murders. Conceit tells us a dllTerent tale, and wc arc too ready to lay on the natter­ing unction. P u t all great successes, all the grander triumphs, w i l l be i n proportion to our .seeing the truth as i t really stiinds; namely, thab the hardest obstacles, the most real dan­gers, l ie i n tho perverse impulses of own uature..

Is tho C o l o n e l V e r a c i o u s ' . '

"I fought a battle once with wooden cannon, and I won it, too," said Cob J. C. Gailor, at the Laclede. "It wns dur­ing the Mexican wnr. I was Bont out from Santa with a scouting party of twenty-four men, and wo' wero headed off near tho Mexican lino by 200 of the most vilialnous-looklng greasers that over.cut a throat or shot a bravo man in tho back. Wo got into a wooded gorge and throw up a breastwork of looso rocks nnd enrth across the mouth of it, I felt sure the Mexicans would make a rush lor ua (hat night under cover of the darkness; and' decided to fix up a surprise for thom.. Wo carried a small chest of tool with us, and In tho outfit wiis. a. long-stemmod ' two-inch augur. We foiled six t.ougn oak troos, sawed off a section of the sterna and tfanaformed thom into cannon. :AVo loaded thom with pistol ballSi and. flint gravel, mounted theih and waited., Just before daylight the Mexicans came. We waited until thoy were within fifty yards, then opened on them lylth ,.ouf :biittory. You hoypr'aaw such'a hustling fe-r tall tlniborln your life.: Artillery wiin}. tho last thlhg.they expected to encounter,' and when tholie wooden cannon.opened oil thorn they acntterod like ahcep."-^ Globd-Dciiuocfat. '.y^' ^ ' v y r ' ' . '

I X H E Bdnbow's llO-bh.guns sonf back^td 'Elswlek' to- bo Bfronglh-eiied.'; Anpthdriiidnstor,; a'.'cy ^ 'Oil "ithdi' Aiisdn; developed av^^

-V lillEAT (lOVEII.N'.ME.S'T lllIKEAIl. as tbo years go by. Not only Is the couiilry growing at a prodigious ratu, but tho fiiii;;tloiia of government aro be­ing extended lo Holds iiiilioard and un-thought of a few years ago.

Ifero Is a city ol' 2utl,0Ul) snula built up wliolly by government. 'Take awny from Wasiiinglon tbo public employ-iiiont nnd thoro would bo llttlo left. Every third family In lowii draws its support from llic Clovorniuent pay-roll ami tho olhor two llvo by supplying the wants of tho llrst. Sland on ono of tlio main thoroiiglifiires of the capital at(!;-15 in the morning nnd you fall to aoo the llirongs of peoido rushing to tlioir work which iiro»proseiit at that hour on tho Btrouts of olhor cities. But j cat two hours later evory sidewalk will bo Irav-orsod by crowds of men and women moving toward tbe doors of the great Government dopartmcnla. Five min­utes after 9 the &troots aro almost de-sorted. Twenty-five hundr'ed people have gone to tholr deskB iu tho 'Treas­ury Dopartinoiit, nearly two thousand 111 the Pension ollico, two thousand In tho big War, Stato and Navy Building, a thousand in tho Interior Department, another thousand In tho Govoriinient Printing OlTlco, and thousands more in tho other departments and burbans.

'Tho visitor to Washington iinds a con­vincing object lesson In the itnmoiislty of his Government, for after ho has mado a tour of tho woll-known dopart-montB and institutions, traversed tholr long corridors and soo/i literal acres of desks and square rods of open lodgers and records, ho sturabloB upon many other Government bureaus in unox-p'octod places. All over tho oityhollnds big buildings rented by Undo Sam and converted into hives tor tiio transaction ot his almost Inllnlte businoss. Scat tercd about each of tho principal de­partments are from three to a dozen rented buildings into whi&li tho buslncas of tho bureau has ovorllown after Illliiig Ibo space originally set apart for i t from collar to garret.

To toll tho truth, tho Govornmpnt I B rapidly outgrowing all of Its quarters nnd many of it's methods. Tho Capitol isn't big enoufili, notwithstanding tho rocont building of a million-dollar nddl-tioii in tho shapo of terrace, nnd adja­cent buildings lire bought or rented by Congress. The Census Offleo, which

nltno^cd has been thrown. 'The rosult Is that it liiiB grown to cuiiibersomo pro-portions. It is unwieldy, and a inovo-mont is on foot to tiiko many of Its burcftUB and organl .o them into a new dopiirtmont to bo cal led the Dopartinent of Comniorco. 'i'iiis would moan a now Cabinet olllcor, nud when Iho olllco is oroatoil and tlUod Us incumbont will find plenty to do.

Tho Keci'otury of the Intorior has \w dor his dirootlon B O many Inigo (Jovorn-ment concerns that he can give little or no attention to any of Uioin. Eacli, Ihorol'oro, beoumos a sort of indopeiui-ont. bureau, iioiniiinlly loiitrolle.l by tho Secretary, but aotuiilly "running wild." 'The tradition and orgaiilzittion ot tho doiiartiiiont nre such that the nominal lioiid becomes little else than a chief clerk. Ho must ationd l o s o much routine business In order to fulllll tiio law, iiiuBt sign H O many lottoi'B and iioiiiinally pass upon so many reports and doeunionta, that his energies aro Bpont hi labor alimmt entirely clerical.

Under snoli circumstaiieos it is inevit­able that more Important duties will bo moro or loan noglocted. While othor oiiiployos lliilsli tlioir work at-1 o'clock Hhiirp and hurry homeward, iho Secre­tary roiiialn.s till 0 or 7, and llioii lakes homo wllh him for o.vaiiilnatloii ami study inattora whioli he should have at-leniloil l o during tho day, liut which It was pliyslcally imposslhlo to ronoli.

Imaglno li^'Ciibliiotollleorslttliig down to his desk, as tho Soorotary of tho In­terior doos every morning, withpigooii-lioles opening before liliii wllh B I IOI I marks na "pensions," "railroads," 'pub­lic lands," "Indians," "census," "pat­ents," "cduoatloii." Each of those titles sigiilllos that a vastdopartnioiit of tho govorniiieiit deiiianils his atloii-llon. '.l'he Pension Olllco pays out money to a million pensioners, in all $l.m,(l()(l,0(ltl a year; the land-nldud railroads in piirtionlnr and all railroads in general nre under tho liispoctloii of the railroad olllco; tho millions of acres of public lands, ngiicultiiral and min­eral, wltli their survoyB, settleiiionts iiiul litigation, form a rospoiislbllity dcllcalo from the luimaii and vast from ovory lit her point of view; !ii7,(l0li,tllMI a year is tho s u m apeiit upon the Jiidliin.s, Ulld tlieorelically all thn survivors ol' the aboriginal Aiiiorleaii raoo are under t'lc fostering caro of llie Secrntiiry ol the inlorlor, 'Tho Patent Ollhio lo a great ileparlnioiit In Itself, and so Io tliu (loiisiis Olllce. Jbit tills is not all.

'.riio Seeretary of the interior has charge of Ihe Geological Survey of the great national parka, of Irrigation of arid lands,of dlBtrlbutloii of funds to ag­ricultural and iiiochnnlcal i;ollegos In the Slates and '.l.'orrilorles, of publlu docu­ments, and of ooruilii hospitals and olooiiiosynary institiilions. Ho alaoox-crciscB certain iiowera and dnlios In roliitlon to Uio 'Terrltorlos of tho United States. And (he Secretary of tho in­terior is a iiiero Inuiian!

As tho (iovornment expands ills evi­dent we must Iiioreiiao tbo number ot our departments and of tholr responsi­ble lieada or Cabinet otlloora. Every ono of the present SecroUtrles ia sadly overworked. A crowd of people I B always waiUiig to soo hlin. A noak f u l l uf letturs and docuinonts romaliifl

B U l l N E D A T T H E S T A K E j

L I T T L E I V I Y R T L E V A N C E ' S H O R ­R I B L E D E A T H A V E N G E D .

H e n r y S m i t h , t h o N e t ; r o I ' l e i i d , T o r t u r e d w i t h l l e i l - I I o t l i n i i K i s (iir I l l s A w l u l C r l n i u — I ' r e p i i v a l l o n a D c l l l i e r u l e l y Mndo n u d ' I ' l iousuni ls T i i l i i ' " W l l l l i i s l ' » r t .

s i n . v i N O I 'wo T i i o i i s A N n L K r r E i i a A B A Y .

W A I T I N G T O S E E T H E S E C K E T A U V .

has hod at times 3,000 omployos In this city, has occupied half a dozen build­ings, Eoattered all about. The Whito Houflo Isn't big enough and will have to bo eu'ittrgod. , ,

Tho Troaaury, which was big' enough for 0-11 the ollloes untlor its control two'.\t.y-five years ago, is now dreadfully croivdod, though bureau after bureau has movod out and f o u n d qufirters elae-whorfl. The Congressional or National Library, now housed in tho Capitol, la ono of ;the.'Btrangost jumbloB of liter­ature and rubbish you. ever saw, with books piled all over the lloors and lllling ovory nook and cranny. ; The finest

-library building in the world' will.' soon bo ready'for its oocupaiicy..; ' : ;• '

,Tp describe for you,evon in the most general and rapid wfiy the great varie.ty of funotions filled by Goyernmdht would, lake pa'ges jnstdad of' cdlumns of type. .Take, for example, .the Department ot :th« Intorldiv- It has of the

untouched. Stenographers and socro-tarios await tho moment when their chief may havo opportunity to dictate letters to tliein. Dopartiiiont assistants have imporlant mattora to consult.with him about, and as ho talks and trios to think the overworked ollielal must per­form tho drudgo'ry of "signing tiio mall," B O Uiat tho wheels may bo kept in mo­tion. An assistant passes the shoots and manipulatea tho blotter, thus saving tho Soorotary a llttlo manual toil. B L . what la iioodod is a subdivision of ever-inoroasing work and roaponslblllty of Govorntnent, ao that tho men wlio are supposed to load and direct may have timo to think.

J . l v o l y C o i i i p e t l t l u j i .

A. man recently offered to carry the mails between Boonsborough and ]v.ecdysvi]lc, M d . , daily, except Sun-d.ay, free of charge. The (Jlstancc between the two towns is about three miles, and the bidder thought that he bid low enough to secure the contra.ct. I t was not awarded to him, however, for another man offeied to do the work for an annual com­pensation of one cent, and to hliri . thc contract was awarded. The man who'OlTered to deliver the mall -free of charge is now wondering why he was not permitted to do so.

H o w ' s Y o u r I ' r o p o r t l o i i ' . '

There arc two ll.vod 'rules for pro­portioning the human form; just two. They arc that eight heads (thab is, skuH lengths), make the total height of the figure and that the invariable center ot the total length of the whole figure should be the front ter­mination of the lowest part of, the pelyia; • ' ' " '

, U i i l i i c l c y J i i i g l n o ,

The Erie's o k l broad gauge , No.' 74 was regarded as'the most unlucky en­gine that ever ran on the roatl. . Iti .was used ia the Susquehanua yards aud is said to have ki l led thirty-nine persons,, inc luding four women and three children. I n addition to this seventy men were crippled by / this engine..: • ' : , - ' ; ' ''''."'"••'•,'.•.,':'••'/

. , . IS luo G r i i s a l u O o o i - f f l i i . . : . .

'Senator i)on Cameron hiis seeded;. 100 acres, of :hls-'Donegalfarmj'iheai'' Marietta, wi th 'Kentucky bliiegrass, whlchhe .believes w i l l do as well on his ground as-it does;: on .

;soll;,whcrc;lt;is'lndig(5npiiS;;;^ 'i-nn'ria TMlf..'' n,,f.f.lf.l«no:'noolf^i»,.'«/»«''

A ' r e r r i l i l e l - i i i i l s l i i u i i n l .

Henry Smith, tho Paris (To.":.) negro who llrsl iilniBed then killiai i-yoiir-ohl .Myrtle Vance, has oxpiatol in part hia invml crliiio by doiitli nt tho stake. Ever since tho perpolration of his awful crliiio tho e i l y a n i l entlr.- Burroiinding country has been In a wild frenzy of o.\-citomeut. When llin nows oiimo that ho had boon captured near Hope, Ark., tliat ho had been identillod Dy B. B. Sturgeon, .lames T. ilieks and ninny olliors of tho Paris soarchlng party, tho city was wild with joy over the iippro-honslon of tho brute, lliindrods of poopio poured Into tho city from tho adjoining country, nnd tho word passoil from lip to lip that tho punlsh-nient of the llend should lit Iho ciiino--tliatdoalh by lire was UioponnltySmith Bliould pity. Tho etirloim nnd .sympa­thetic allko flame on train and wagons, on horse and on foot, to soo If tho frail mind of mind could Uiliik of a way lo annielently ]IIIII1H1I the iiorpntrator oE so terrible a erlino. Whisky ahops wero cloBoil, unruly mobs wore disporseil, Bchools were illaiiiisseil by a procliima-tioii from tho Mayor, and everything waa done in a business-liko iniinuer. 0111-cors saw the fuUllty of nny elTort to qnoll Uie almost rhd,. So Inw waa laid aside, nnd the citizens look into tholr own haiida the liihuman lienst and burned him at tbo stnko. Never before since tlio dnys of Iho Spanish InqulBl-lloii, whon cniely wan liiv.', has thoro been such tcrribie puiilsliiiioiit moted out to nny mini ; but so horrible was tho erline, i i i ' l ts mau'iiltiido so iiihiiiiiaii nnd H O ghastly, tlmt Ihn piinlshliiont iiillictud upon hlin"was iiitiiiltoly smiill in com­parison.

Hewiis brought Uiroiigh '.rexarknnn, ivhoro .'J,llOI) people nwnilod the train, Hii.vions to i-ee ii iiiaii who should ro-eoivo Uio fate of i-:d.Coy. At l l iat i i laoo speeches woro iiiailo by prominent Paris ci t izens, will) nskod thnt llie prisoner bo not molostfld by '.foxarkana. p.'ople, but Uiat the giiar.l be allowed to deliver him up to Uie mitriiged and Indignant eiUzena of I'liris. Arriving In Barla, Uio (rain wns mot by n surging mass ot liiiiiinnity 10,0011 filroiig. The no«ro wns esi.'cirloil through tho oily so Uiat all mighti see the moat iiiliiiinnn mon­ster known In eiirreiit history. Smith wiiH placed iqioii a fjciilVold six foot aquaro and ten foot high, Bociiroly Ijound, wlUiln view of all Ihn beholders.

' I 'orMireU li.v K e d - l l o t I r .niH.

Hero the victim wns tortured for fifty minutes by red-liol Iron brands thrust ngainat his quivering body. Oonimonc-iiig at the foot the brands woro placod ngainst him liieli l y Inch nnUI they woro thrust against the face. Tlion, being apparently dead, keroBcno wns poured upon him, c o t t o i i s i o l hulls placod bo-noath hint and act on'lire. In loss timo than It takes lorolalo It tho torturod man waa waftod beyond tho grave to another llro hotter and more terrible thnii Uie ono just experienced.

Tho ciiiiso cif the crime wns that Hen­ry A'aiico when a deputy policemnn In file of his duty Mas called lo n'r-rest Henry Siullli for being drunk and' disorderly. Tlio-negro waa unruly and Vance wns forced lo use hia club. '.I'ho negro sworo vonKoanoc and sovoral tiiiios asaaiiltod Vance. In his grood for rovongo ho last 'Thursday grabboil up Uio little girl and oomiiiitted tho aB-sault, then tore the child limb from limb. Tho father la prostrated wIUi grief and the mother lies at death's door, but sho lived to see tho slayer of her innocent babe suffer (lie most hor­rible death that could bo coiicolvod.

'The negro I'or a long Unio after start­ing oil thti joiirnoy to Paris did not real­ize hia plight;. At Inat whon told Iio miiat dio by slow torturo ho boggod for protection. What iiroiootion could ho got with thouaands of people Irom Hope to Paris demanding hU life? He waa willing to ho shot nnd ivantod Marshal Shanklln, ot Paris, lo -hoot him. Ho pleaded and writhed'in bodily and raon-tai pain in nntlolpatlon. Scarcely had iho train reached Paris tiinn this torturo oommoncoil. His ciothos woro torn oil plciomoal nnd scattered In tho crowd, poopio catching Uio shrods and putting ihom away ail meinenlos. Tlie chlld'a faUior, hor brollior and two unolea then gaUiorod about tho negro aa ho lay fas t ­ened to the torture platl'orm and thrust tho liot irons into his quivering Ilosh.

Every groan I'roin Uio llend, ovofy contorUon of Ills body, vus ohoorod by the thickly packed orowil of 10,000 poo- . plu. Aft or burning tho foot and logs tho hot Irons woro rolled up and down SmiUi'a stomach, back and arniB. 'Thoii . tho oyos woro burned out and irons woro thrust down his throat. 'The mon of Uio Vance laiiiUy having wreaked vengoauco, the crowd plfod ail k i n d s oi

•combustlblo stuff around the scaffold, poured oil on It and sot it afire. The nosro rolled and wriggled nnd tossed out ot tbo mass only to bo pushed back by the people iioarost him. Hetossod, ; ' out again and was .roped and pulled back. Hiindroda of people turned away, but tho vast crowd sUU looked calmly on.

Every train that camo in wag loaded to its utraoBt capacity, and thoro wore demands at many points for. Bpeclnl trains to bring people to soo tho puniBh- . mont of a llend for an iinpiirallelod crime, and whon tho nows ot tho burn­ing wontp'vor the country liko wlldllro a t ovory country town anvils boomed . forth the announoomeiiii. Gov; Hogg. -telegraphed tho oflioitils at Lamar to. protect tho liogro, Henry Smith, from' mob violence, and aflor hearing of . Smith's fate wired thom to take tho names of tho purtlos principally con- • . corned in the affair for prosecution. '

. ' r i i u r a t o n Is CIioHihi . • . , .

At Lincoln, Nob., on the thirtj'-sov-. onth ballot John-M; Thurston was made tho llopublicari cnuous nominee .for United States Sennlor. ..This : im-uroa • him sixty-t-wo,votes In the Logislaturo,:-live loss than elect.


^ M R . ; 'OiiEVEiJANDMhas sent his :nlti« matum to Congroas on tho silver qnos-tion. It IB : that the 'sIlvor-purohaBlne! n c t m u a t ho rdpddled.or therewin bean extra session; .Speaker Criap wns given ; this informaUoh by:Dop. M; Dlokinson.v.-r-l n hlB.prlvatd onicd..;-„Tho.two men woro ^ i";;. closeted •^fornhJiiJtir . 'duilng w h i c h Mr. ' '

jOrisp'wtistold thatitho wiping out,of ;th'dipfpsent allydr-piirdhase law,waa tho. ;flfat:ibu8liid8a;:to.''whlcl^ Mr, ClevoUDd'.>,


' J. I - - - — •• -•

Jnflkin fifounig Democrat Satereil &t Ihe roatulUce, MuioD, Midi,, aa second'

clais matter.


D e m o c r a t i c S t a t o C o n v e n t i o n . The Democrals of Rflclilfjuii wi l l meet lit .State

^Convention at tho A m l l t o i l u i a , In tlie i;it.v of l)e-•»rolt, on Tuesday, Kelni inry •li, nt PJ o'clock, •tioon, tor the purpose of i io inl imtlnBone canill-date for Associate . lust ico of t l in .Snpianie C'oiiil of M i c h l K a n , ani l two clnulldltlus for UcKcnts of Ihe Univers i ty , and thotraiisl ictlon of s n c h e l i i c r liURint'ss as may iiroporly cumu lieiore tlic con­vent ion , Kac l i counly In the slnte w i l l he eni l -tleit to ono (icii'cnti) tor caeii m voles cast fur g o v e r n o r at thu last Kcaenil eleetlon, and one

•additional ilelCKatu for a fracthni of not Ic^s tlmn 'jm votes, b u l no county sliliil liavo less tli iui two dt'U'tiiUoK i l l the coiiveii lhit i . Under ll io rule loii i ;

-adhered to, ni l (lolcntiies must bu res idenlsof t l i e counties w l i i c l i they reiiresent In i l ie conven­t i o n ,

•The deli'jjntes from elieli cnnL 'rcssioiinl (llstrict 'Vvlll meet in caucus at in o'ciucU a, i n , , on the liiiy pf l l i e convention, nt i|iiartcrs tn be licrenfter rtcsluniitud by l l i o central coininlHce, lo recom-inunii persons for service In ibe orualil/.alhiii uf the coi ivenl ioi i , l i ac l i dlstrlel is e i i l i t l cd lu one vlce-presidonl of I lie convention and owe luciiiber o l t l ie coiniiilttees on ereiieii l lals, periiial ient or-fniillcl i i iuii and order of liii.siiii'Ns and resoliii ions,

A H electors wlio i i i e In sympnll iy with tlie . l)rliid|)le,s expresseii in tlie p a n y ileelarliliou.s

who have volei l in ihu iiltijt with l l ie demoeralle PJirtv, who /liid tlit'diKelvt's i , ; 'si i i) i is of lissocliit-i n g Willi It In l l i f i J tu l i i i 'Mi i i id wliosyniplulil/.e w l l l i Its nrlticl j i lcs, lilliifdif;!! net lierelofore i d e M i l i l e i i W i l l i its par ly iianie, are c o r i ' l l u l l y l l i y l e d to pai -i l c lpa ie In the clniciises for tliu ,'<k".'ll«li Of dele Klill 'S to t h i s convc i i l io i i .

D A . N I H L M . C A . M I ' A U , C'lialrnian. l . ' U A N K II. J l o s r o i i i i , .Seeielary.

I n g l i a m C o u n t y F a r m e r s ' C l u b .

C L U H RooJi. l i 'cb. 4tli. 1893,

President "Wood beliift detiiliied b.v! sickness, culled sided tlirongli the session wl t l i dignity iiiid i ibi l l ty. The c. Wiis upon rescinding it former vote by which the club wus plliced on record us beinn o iposed to State lipproiiria-tion for t le tern lorliry relief of the StateAgricultura Society. Ih'csident Wo'id, In his an-viety tiiat the club slio.lld get right on the tiucstion, sent in his views in writ ing. Among oilier things, he said fairs lire educational in t l iclr nature,, county or State, i l e was surprised to Ilnd well Informed people who did not ap­preciate Mils fact. Hy compliri.'ion, I'lirinei's are often induced to impi'ove their stock and iniicliineryj make a change of seed, etc., often resulting in large financial returns. J<'iirmers who exhibit with at local or county fairs are thus often encouraged to go a step I ' l irtlicrluid show iit the .State full', and often wi th very slitisfactory results. We are pltying three or four hundred tlionsantl dollars annually for ll higher education iu the professions

. A l a i o d o n O r a n g e .

F K I I , 4,18a;}.

Called to order by Overseer K i n g , prayer by cliaiilal n. Upon mo-

D e l n o c r a t l c C o u n t y C o n v e n t i o n , A D c i i i n c r a i l e C o i i i i l v C o i i v e i i l i o i i for l l i eCoi i i i .

t y nf Ingliam, w i l l lie liehl at l l i c Court i iouse In .tlie c i ly of Ma.soii, on

K A T U U O A V , l . ' K U K U A U V '.'Oth, 1803, •jit i 1 o'clock a, i n . , for the of elecl l i ig '.!0 ileieHiites lo reprcsi ' i it snid I 'oiiiily in Ibe Sude Coi ive i i l lou , lo i l l ' lielii litliie A u d i l i i r i i i i i i in Ille « l lyo i l l e l r o i t , |.'ob.'.is, isilll. at I'J (I'eloek, noon, to i ioii i l i iate one candliiaie lor Ass.ieluld .hisllce of till.' Supreme Court of i l in Stiile of .Mlclilu'iiii, t w o l legei i tsor the U i i l v c r s l l y ; lo elect 'JO dele-r i i i i 'S i l l littend Ilie Demoeralle .liidii. 'ial Coiiveii-lioli for l l ie T h i r l l e t l i . i i l i l i c ia l C i r c i i l l . i i i be iicre-: i f l i ' r i t l i i i e i l ; i i inl In pliii'e in noiui i ia i io i i ac l i i i i l l -<lulo hir Ciuinly .Senool (! i i iniii issioiieri ami for the Imiisai ' l i i i i i nf .siiidi oi l ier business ns may Iiroiieiiyi^oiiie beforo the eoiivi ' i i t ioii . • I'^ieli iminiber of l l i u counly coi i ini i i loe wil l seo t h a i ibe lowi is l i lp and ward eoiiiiulttees issue fianciis cal l fur l l i e i r respccilve preciiict.s.

' r i iu imviis i i ips and wards wil l lie e i i i i i l e i l In deleir.'iles In l l ioodnvenihin ns fiilinws.' A i i r e i l i i s 7 Wllcati leld JVIuiedoii I! Wi l l i e Oak l l i i i i k e r l i l i l r< Wii i i l i i i 'S lon De lh i 7 Lansing C i l y — Inglil im 7 I ' irsl ward .Lesll.3 11 Secoiul wl ird . . . I.eroy s Third wlird . . . . l/ieke I! I ' l i i i r lh w a r d . . . L a n s i n g ' I ' o i v i i s l i l p . , . r. i' 'iftli ward M e r i i l h i i i S S ix l i i ward Oii imdaKii li .Masnii— Jitoekiirliige 7 i ' l rst ward Vevay r. Soeoiid w a r d . . .

C . C. ( !AS'riCI!l , l\, Chalr i i ia l i . A . i l l . C i j . i i s i i .vs , Seeri'liic)'.

'I'llicseuiitorilll ilelidlock in Nelii'llskli •was broiieii Illsl, 'i.'iiesdliy. W i l l i l i l i i 'V. A l len , ;i iiopiilisl. ivas elected.

'Wi''; have b e e n expi . 'Cti i ig (o l i c l i i ' T e p i i l i l i c l i M j o i i i ' i i a i s c l l i i i i i t l i e re l ison e g g s lil'e iS c e n t s f ier flo/eii is b e c a u s e

i)f t h e live c e n t s p e r d o z e n duty.

SALAI{II . :S o f s t l i te and other olllcers ai'c liable to bc materially il icrel ised by t h e present republicliii leglsi i i tl irc . N o l . l i i n g wlls s a i d liliout it during Illst fall's (•.limiiaign. Members e l e c t stand jiledged bo ll short lllid liilsiliess l i k e «e.ssioii . W l i i t and set;.

—iliwyers, doctors, college professor.'?, etc,—thia, too, lai'gely iit tlie of the agriculturisis of the .Stlite. l i e was bold to say Miat in his jtidgnieiit agricultural .'jociotio.s, farjners' clubs, institutes, e tc , were of more real pl'licticlii value to the .State than the I'lssiilt (if tills great outlay of the peo­ples' niimcv in the interestof a favored few. It siJunds liad to liear li fliriiier say ' ' i f rliirs cliii 't sujiport themselves let them go down," ITow about all our State InstitutionsV l i e was not only In favor of lild for tlic .State but forcoiiiityand local .societies, if rightly niliiiliged wei'c worth many times tlieir cost to tiie farmers and the country generally. .N'cw York, Ohio, Indlanl lmd Illinois were amoiig the stal.cs tlilit lilld lor mliliy years .'stood beliind

.•MiCMdouATs are gradually getting tlieir rights. The siiiireme court lias Oi'dered thai, li certillclite of eiectiim he gl'liiited In Will i l lui iMlly, Miedetllo-cnil.ic clindiciliti' for clerk in Wliyne county, will) was deliberately coiini.ed ii i i t liy a republiclul liolird of canvliss-c rs.

.. .'.riiii: iMiner law received its death Wow lit the liands of the repiibiiclili legislature Ilist week Wednesday, i.l'liis wlis ex|,iccted hy tiie deniocrlitic •iui;ilil.)ers, but tliey i,uiti'i'eil a vigorinis protest witiioub avliil . Now is the time for the people to do tlieir t i i i i ik-iiig upon this iinporflinl/ iiiiestioii. L e t lis Illive a Iliw under wliicli the peoiile (.•llll vote direct.

. I N t l iel ippointmciitof .lodge Ihiwcll E . .Ilicksoii of 'Tennessee, to succeed

..iiistice Ll iml i i ' , decelised, lis lissociate .justice of l.lie Suiiremc Court of the liiiibed States, President Marri.soli Illis perrormed ;i mlinl.v act. jMaiiyof his lidvisers urged liim to iilinic li repub-liciin for the position, but lie made the selection from ; i judicial iiiid not a jiolibicai view. It Is lm lippointment tliaij gives slitisfactiou to democrats iind rcpubliciins alike.

Tiii<: legislature has had its ju i i l i c t ; the upper peninsula has wined and dined tlic visitors; the papers of that .section have declared tlie trip of the utmost importitiicc to the st;ite, and the pul)lic Illive taken the matter lis

-philo.sophically as could bc expected. J' ow wi l l ' the gentlemen get to work

'and do something, ltnd get tiii'otigh'? 'T lui t Is the burning ciucstion,—State Kepi ib l i can , , Ts not tli Is a 1 i ttiesit vage,

coming from li party pliper'? U is true, nevertheless, that this'c w i l l be about the same as tliose t l iat preceded It. The members go to Lansing wi th good intentions but tliey Hoon wear out,

l lKinintiCANS are at it ag;iin for a fair {?] congressional a ipointnient, A b i l l has been in trot need into l,he House repealing the .stiuawbuck coii-•gressionlil gerr,yiulindci', as they lire plea.sed to cliii it, tlilit lictually gives

• . the democrats one district out of twelve . . 'Leading republicans say this Is the worst gei'r.vmlindci' x'.vcr propos-cd in M ichlgan. Under the .stfuliwhuck gerrymander, that should have given .democrats the ltdviiutiige. If i t wlis li •Kerrymituder, they only elected live outoftwelve. This is t i i c l l i s t liopeof the republicans and they wi l l work it Tor al l there is i i i j t ;

B L i c k l e n ' s A r n i c a S a l v e . T l i c best salve in the world for cuts,

.bruises, sores, ulcers, sidt rheum, fever • isorcs, tetter, clia iped h!inds,cliilb]ains, ;corns, and all sk n eruptions, iuidpos-

imt.-j i t i v e l y cures piles, or no pay. rcqnired. !*.,'<•,.„ ' . - i t isguarantced to give perfect siitis-

l p . ; : . . , : , . -


;• i'villc;'' X(i,\^' . ',. P b y s i o l a i i s G u t d o r i e .

been auHiir lnguit ir remain iroii t i i . ol Uie K.veresI kind for nv..r Ibreii yiiiiia. 'Ihuve-imW

''llie Instthroomioulbs.and - She had,conllniially with _llie best (if phyaioiniift.i-'.• . , ' " ' ' ' Ih 'ni jgl i l llirue bolties each iif Diii.aiii'a 'Irenl fior-, _ TOn Penuih. Utiirlne.T..nlc:and:Dulinni'ii'Oreiit Qnr-

'.viiiair ni(iod,'l.ivur. Stomach and Klilmi.v Ouro,liiid can

tlieii' iigriciiltiii 'lil societieslinliiiciaily lie lllu I'altli in tlic intelligence of the club, wluMi once the iiiatter was under stood, that it would iihiiit itself on the riglit side of tiie ijtu^stion and vote for tiie aid lisked.

]\Ie.ssT.s. Wil l . .Miller, 1!,. .1. Ihillen, L. W . Hlikei'. .1. L. Clark, M . A . Be­inent, .1, H, Dwii ie i l , A r t l i u r .iewett, ' I'of. Liiwreiice, and others, spoki brielly, all favoring the rescinding of the vote.

Tl ie few i'ciuiirks against the resolii-tiiiii seemed to be licllrtless and liojic-less. Tl iemotion Un'cscind was lilially liiliijited ullliiiiiiiously, lifter whicli the flic i'ollowingslilired l.lie slime sup)iiirl,;

lli'iuilml, ' r i i a t t l i e l i i t ; l i i ini Counly l.'nriners' ( ' lull , alliM' c i ircfi i l eniislileral l . in and dlseiisslnn, aro in favor of nu approj ir lalhi i i fi'oiii tlio Slnte t'-i'iisury nf llll i i l i in i l i i l s i i l l iel i ' i i l in relieve lile Sii i le A'grieullnrl i i Sncieiy frniu Ils piv.wnt l lnan.

lal eiiililirl-iissnient.

'I'lie (im!stiiiii for next S l i tunhiy; "Tl ie selection and ti'elitment of .seed for sju'lng crops, w''itii spec.illi I'efei'ence (,(i avoid smut in olits lmd c o i ' i i . " De­cent biiiletliis i.ssiied l.iy the State fle-lilirtmeiit of ligriciilturc make this c|il(ist,l(ill one of great importance to all flirinei'S. The discussion may bc iiilidt,^ wortli i i i l i i iy tliouslinds of dolllil 's 1,(1 the I'lii'inersof liigliaiii county jilone this Iiresent yelir.

The Institute lirrliiigemeiil,s I'oi' l<'..'li. 1(1 and 17 lire iielii'l.v coniiileti^. Tlic priignim will lie one nf iiniisi il i i nicrit. Kvery selit wil l lie lilli.'d next meeting. The jiiiblic invited.

L. II. IvKs, Secretliry.

One F a r e F o r t h e R o u n d T r i p Will bc l.lie I ' i i te via the Gliicago & West Miidiigaii l l y . and Detniit , Laiisiiig & TS'ortlierii 'Ivllill'Oild to l.)(!-troit ( i l l account of the lleiiublicl in Stlite convelition lmd iMIcliigan Gliil i Hliii(|iiet. 'I'ickets wi l l be sold Feb. ii i i i i d 22, g o o d t o return Feb, 22d. ^2

Epi lepsy ( F i t s ) C u r e d . <'or more t l i l l i i ten yel irs I. Iiavebeen

alllicfed wi t i l . Epileptic Fi ts . ] had ti'ieil i n l i i i y I'cmedies J i i i d been p r i i -iiounccd inc i i r l i l i l e . On h'obrulirv, I.Sil2, .1 called upoii .Ui: l lolmaii ,S. Ilumplirey at the Donnelly Ifoiisc in iMlisdii. i i n d al. once ciimmenced treat-i i K u i t , a n d now ai'tcroneyear's I'liitliful b i ' ca t l l i c i i t wit i l closely followed i i i -s tr l ict ions 1 am.s;itisllcd 1 l i m cured.

take grelit piclisul'e in recominend-iiig Dr. liulllphl•l^v to tlie allilcted, for •• know whereof 1 speak,

V c i ' y respectfully, C, : P , AVKST, Dlmsville, M i c h .

Real E s t a t e T r a n s f e r s . Tlie following transfers have lieen

I'ccorded in tlie'oirice of the Eegister of Deeds I'or Ingham county, for the week ending Feb. 4tii, where consid­eration is .$.'100 01'over: , Miir . i lml l H. Il i imsey to Hiizabci l i l l n n i ,

I. ' t T , l i lk n, Itiimsey's Michigan A v e . add, i . n i i s i i i g ' . . , 5 r.00

'I'lioiiiiis ICrluis.etal . , to l' 'redln!iiid H , Gnl i r , 17 lie on 11 w 14 of sec 4, Li insing '2000

K o n l i m i i i d (lniir to 'I'liomas Krn l is , et n i , , n l n f li ik '.a, i . a i i s i l lg 1,',I10

Wi l l l au i I C C a d y i n OelesUiio l l l l d r e t l i , pt . nf i i l k I'i. I . l ins i i ig 1,71

. lol in ( i . Selih's, el a l . , tn Annli .^liiry Uai i -ai ' i ' . pt of blk »i, Llinsinu' liiOO

W i l U n m liutters, e l a l . , to Kredcrick Tl io-i i in i i , b lk 17 and l.s, Itiisli , HuUur nnd Sparrow's add, Lansing goo

Lawrcnei ! I'rleo lmd wife lo W l l l i i i m L , IS. Di i i i l ia in , w i i ; o r l o l 1, blk 10. Lans ing . . . . 1200

Frederick 'I'hoiiiaii l o . j i i i i i i K. l ledford, lot •i ,blk ' J , I\lorrlson's sub, Lansing 700

F r e d M . Al.sdorf tn Horton Longyear , .HSr i i s of w « rds of lot 1. Iilk '.!.|3, Lmis lng UM

l l o r t o i i Kred M. A l s i l o r f , Into, blk s;i, Lansing 7500

Lansing I.iiiiiiier (In. In Oiiy W. IJeiivx. lol-s II, 7 , .1, H, 10nnd 11, i i lk i. Dowiier^s sub, I.aiislii,

sickness for tlie benellt of the organ fund. Ti ie progrlim w;is then taken upas follows: T h l k - u i U a i i c e i 'r".'. ' T i l l k - S l i o i i l d Kiirniers ' Wives V i s i t the

District SchoolH'.' ."^Irs.D. Saiulcrs ' I 'aik- 'riie Dul l A X Uoum 1 pvio Music :,M''f',''' }}• E s s a y - I I e w Is tliu tlrlmge tienellclitl to lis

Muiiibers' . ' Mrs. ,S, U, Ivliig .Select Ueadlng- ' i - l iere is no ril i . 'e I.Ike

Home W m . A . O h l s Lively discu.ssion followed each topic

as prestiiited, and everyone pronounced It the best ineotiiig for montlis. The lecturer asked those present if they re­ceived any instruction from the topics presented at the Pomona Graiigc, It was responded to from every jiart of the hull, und we could see tluit the .seiKl had lodged on lerti le soil. "We wil l all look forward to the next Po­mona Grange and wi l l be better pi'e-riared to receive her. The following wi l l be tltc pi'ogt'um Saturday evening, Feb. l l t l i : T a l h - K l c m o n l i i r y .Sdeneo A.'r. Steven

V V M . A . O L D S , Lecturer Alaledon (ji'luige,

Ca'n't be beaten I Mr , .1. C . W i t t i g Blue jMoiiml, III,, writes : " t have used .Salvation Oil with wonderful success I'or inllliinniatory rlieumatlsm in my foot. I t cannot Ijc beat."

S c h o o l R e p o r t . The following is the report for the

iiiontii ending h'cb. ad, ISO.'l, ot dis trict Ko. 2, Stockbridge, Tliose mark ed with a stiirliave not been libsent tliose marked with a dagger have not been t l irdy; tliose marked wi th ijotii neither libscnt nor t l i rdy: X n . enrolled Ilist of Ihe i n o i i l l i No. lit tardy marks Avel'age dl i l lv ai iei idniiei i Wif, Per ccaL of ntlendaiiee Ollli •• Vl.sltors dni ' lng the month

' K l r a e e Cnniernn, * t N e l l i e Kl i icni i t , t i i r i i e i. 'liieoul, •lAlvlt l l o w c l l , ' t . V a t nines , '•t. l i i i i i i i lc n i n e s , ' t i C a U o i\oons,* tKsUicr M i l l e r , •tl ' ' iimiie .McKli izie , » t l ) . Hurt iMcIi inzle, * t .MeiTi l l I'l'oeUir. * t l ' ;dward I'roelor, *tCS)ias, I 'roclnr, •ti.;iiiinli I'roelor, *+Krnlo I'roctiir, * t W i l i i i o n l Iti'cves, * t i . ;n i ia Iteevi'S. • K i n y W o l v i ' r i n i i H.oltlu Wolvurton, * t W e r t Vai ibi lren, Koy Irish Chiir I r i s l i . W i x i i ' U K . n ( IKHU, Teacher.

'i'hc following is tlic report in d l trict No . (i, Delhi, for tlie month com inencing .Ian. 'M and ending Feb. ;)d ISO;!: •I'liliil miiniier enrolled Average dally altciidaiice I'l'r cent, of nileiii laiicu , iio

A d a ' r i i o r l i i i i i i '.I:!, . lesslu T l iorburn l.'raiit ninesO.'i, (Iny Thorlmrn iW, KI I IKM' Warl ie ld til, Orli Wiiri luhl Oil, K l i l e i i Wait 89, Maiidie l la i icoek sr., f lnldle i iaucock Oil, iMIilnle l.'ifer »2, Alex , Walton, Hert llollev111, M i l o I'r.vor 07, Dee i i i i i i i ird so, A s a I'ryor iK, W i l l i e l inncoek K7, l r ; i ' r i ior l i i i r i i llll, l';iincr I ' lynr M , A l v l i l i Kifer .S8, (,;iirrle ilanenok ,S'.l, Wal ler Wl ir i lei i l !K.

CiHACii M . L v o . N , ':i,'eaclier.

The following is the I'oli of honor in No, .'I, Inghluii, for the month ending Feb, ;!. Those iiiiirked w i t h

I star have not been absolit, those marked witli a dagger not tardy; both stiir and dagger iiidiclite iicither ibseiib nor tardiness:

••tKriiostl iarl lelt , '•Cliarles I la inia , •lOliaries VIeiiry. t l . eni ianlW'al lnn, lOr l l i i l a i i t l c lL , t l t o b e r l Vieary, '•IWalter Vieary ,

J i l L L A P A I f P L E T T , Tc l tCiier

and If

S t r e n g t h a n d H e a l t h If you lire not feeling sti'ong

heliltiiy,. ti'y .Riectric ,B ttei's. gri|)pe lias left you weak and weai'y use Electric Bitters. This remedy lets dii'cctiy on liver, stiomacli lind kidneys, gently liiding tliose organs tn pei'forni t l iclr functions. If you are illiicted with sick headache, .you v/ill Ilnd speedy and penuJincnt relief by t l ik ingElectr icBi t tcrs . One tr ia l w i l l convince you that this is the remedy you need. Large bottles only .OOc ; i t •"• M . •Willilmis,' Mason, lind F . M I'ield's, Dansville, drug stores.

.English SjJiivin L i n i m e n t removes iird.sol'tor calloused lumps and blem

ishesfrom liorses, bloodsplivins,curbs plliits, swcene.y, ring-bone, .stilies, prliins, all swollen tlirolits, coughs,

etc. Siive ¥)0 by use of one i M t t l e Wiirninted the most wonderful bloiii isli cure ever known. Sold by II, M Williams, druggist, Miison. 14yl

A S e w i n g M a c h i n e F r e e . A SCj sewing luaelilne w i i l c l i we sell at .?ll.OD

to .«i'.';i.(io wi l l lio placed In yonr homo to use with out cost n i o a c cent to you. Send th is lidver. tisemcnt with liddress to-dliy t o A r . v A i i Mi . ' 0 ,Co. Dept. U , IC, Clileligo, III,

- ,. - IBOOO I'.cnllunin I'ollok tn neujanil i i I'. Slierwnod,

s 14 of n !4 of s 0 l-f of sen 32, Wheatlleld am 1 Bci i jni i i i i i K. Sherwood lo l i e i l lamln I'ollok,

parcel of land (lu 11 w .".i of n w K of seo '.iO, l i ig l i i i in fjOO

K i l l i i i l i . nlii'lioiir. by i i t lorney, to A l e x a n ­der C. Woleott and Orlando A . Wortmai i , property i l l Lansing coo

F r a n k N ' . ' i ' l i n i e r U i lletsey Wiit fol , pi ot n o i ^ o f n w '4 of sec 1(1, W l i i l e O i i k . . . . ' . . . aiO

.Sehiiyicr 1'. Seager, by iieirs, lo M l l i o t lud-soi i , lot 1'.', hik r . i , except 038 ft. Lansing looo

Lansing Improvement Co . to Eugene A . ai,.-wi!. lofJO, blk 12, and l o t s , blk 10, on L n n R l n g l i n p r n v e m e n t C o . add ;. 400

1!. C . ( ir iswold to Kred .AL Alsdorf , p t o f lot 1, blk '.'.ill. L i ins ing : inoo

Smith Dliuh'ls in Kandal l L . tlailey, lots 1 ' to 11, blk 178, and other lands In Lansing rM

B. L , RosECiUNCE, Eegister,

L a G r i p p e , , During the pi'evalcnce of the grippe

the past sea.sons it was a noticeable fact that those who depended ripon Dr, King's New Discovei'y, not only had a speedy i'ecovor.y, biit cscaned i i l l of the troublesome after c11'ects'.'of tlie malady. This remedy seems to rliuve a peculiar power . in , clFecting rapid onl.y Incases of la grippe, but in al l diseases of throat,, chest and 'lungs,,and.;,h!is cured diseases of a.'Sthiria and hay fever oriongst<anding. Try i t and be- convinced. , I t iwon't disappoint.. Free" 'trial bottles i i t . i r . " " " 1 ; , Mason, i in^

S t r o n g W i t n e s s e s

A m o n g the thousands of testimoni ills of cures by D r , Miles ' New Heart Cure, is that of Nathan AllLson's, well-known citizen of Glen Jlock, ,Pa.| who I'or yelirs hlid shortness of breath, .sleeplessness, pain iu left side, shoul­der, siuotheringspells, etc. ; one bottle of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure and one box of Nerve and Liver P i l l s cured l i im. Peter .liictiuet, .Slilem, N . .L, is linother witness, who for twenty years sull'ered with heart disease, was pro­nounced incurable by pli,ysici!ins, death .stared him in the face, could not l ie down for fear Of smothering to death. Immediately after using the New Cure lie felt better and could lie down and sleep idl night, and is now a well man. The New Cure is .sold, also free hook, by LongyciirPi'os, '

. V e r y M u c h S u r p r i s e d , I liavii lieun allllcti'd with neuralgia fni nenriytwo

years, having Irlrd phyalcianu and ali liiiiiwii rem­edies, bul found no pernianniil relief i i i i t l i I tried a liotlle of nuilaiii's Oreat Guruiaii Liniment audit p i r e mn instant and permanent relloL 25 cents per bdllle. signed, A. II.SNCM.i Uamllion, Mich. , Apri l l l . i f i n . C o r s n l e b y O . W . I l K l H l o a d . l S o n ,


M e a t M a r k e t Cowdery Block, south side Maple

'. . • Street, ,Mason. ' •

Fresi) B e e f Pork , Veal , Mutto


R o l l o f H o n o r The following pupils have been

neither absent nor tardy during tUe month of.lanuary, 18113: Total enrolled to data UO No. belonging at close of n m n l l i . . lU8 N o . now cnrolhneiits for the month 27 N o . cases ot tardiness 35 No. nulthor nbseut nor tardy KiS N o . of visitors -IB

i i K i i i s c H O O L - A l i c o Hari ihart . Wi i l t c r A l m o n d . 0 race Ilateinnri, IMlt l i Hl irber,

F rank l la temai i , Miuulu l iarber, Miiude C r u m b , ( lay CiLstorlln, C l a r a Coman, K l l l o Dooli t l le , Stella DcCainp, I'red Kai isun, K d d l e l.Temliig, I lertl ia Funson. f/cw Oansley, Hurt (I ' rcwi, K d n n (iolieen, K l v a t iarr lso i i , Ciiu'cnco ( ircen, Lue l la mil, . lei inio Harper , A l i a I l l i l i a r d , Olive l l i i n n i i , Winnie Ives, Madge I r i sh , Orhi I.asenhy, I 'earl l.aiigley, A r l l i n r Laycoclt, Lucius . l l l i l s , K d w i i i .Meeeh, L n l i i .May, (Irace Melton, Winnie Nel i i s , null Near, Mai i lo ItaUilioiie, ( iny Jtityiiiond, Oer-irtide Ititynionil, Unbliliis Unyner, .luseph l i n b l n -soii , Mcrelu Kobin.son, Irene H i u l l l i , M a r y Tln i i i i -soii , . Iol in'ri iomsoii , Iteit True , Sadie V n i i O s l r a i i i l , Kiioi i V l i i ig l i i i , Wel l lnglmi Vai iCainp, Engeiie Wiir l lehl , K a r l Vniing, SImiluy Carr , Cliurle.s Koler.

Number belonging, 80. 'I'otal of above, .'.o. n i i i i r r i i ( l U A i i i ' . - M i i o M i l l e r ,

.foslo IJlitcmliii, Maggie l i canmoi i l , M c i i z o C a d y , Kanii le F i t c h , Li l i ia t i l l n w c , A d a L y o n , C l a r a Moore, Kaye I'almcr, l.'loreiico I ' l i l l cr , Hert Parker , N e l l l u ' r c n i p l e t o n , iU'Ssie Wcl ib ,

Numbor belonging, % , Total ot iibovo, 1'.', o j t A M M A H u i t r ' r — M a e Mni is l lehl ,

Slel la Cross, l l l i inc l i Cr i t le i i i le i i , .Maiidle Free., laud, M a i n e ( ircen, Madge l lor/oi i , l l e r i h a H o w a r d , M v r l l o L incoln , .lessle Lewis , Florence Mrlui,S|)rny Mnyliee , . l i l l la .Minar, .Miidge Itliodes,

iii^iwarl, Nel t le ' I ' l iori i i ir i i , lUii i iel i Vander -

Makes an every-day convenience of an old-time luxury. Pure and wholesome Prepared with scrupulous care. Highest award at all Pure Food Expositions. Each package makes two large,pies. Avoid imitations—and inisist on having the

NONE SUCH brand, • MERRELL & SOUI.n, Svrncnse. N . V .

I t ' . l i iddio (iregory, ( ieorgu

' M a y , Fred

.le.sslii cook, H a r r y Cliple, l l i i i i l l n g l i u i , L a s e n l i y , Ueaniu r l i r k u r , . l o h i i n l u Hipilurs.

^ ' u l i l b e r beloliginir, lid. 'i'otal o f a b o v e , '.'2. i N ' r E R M K l i L V r i s n u p ' T — K i i i i i i i i O r i i l l i i n .

n m m a l iea i i i i ioni , Diivl i l C l i r i swel l , . lestlii (il|. bert, l i i l ey Lyon, Mabel Lasenliy, A r n o l l Moody, Verii le O l l n , F loyd Perr in , l i i a ' l e i i i | i l e l o n , . l i i l l n i i U r y .

.Number beloiigliig, '10. 'i'oild nf iiliovu, 10. HKUOSi) p j t i M A i t v — O l i v e iM. C l l l i .

lU'i 'tie Drown, Clenova flrctloa, Claiido I lo i ise l , i.'aiinie H o w a r d , Florence Coy, Charlie l i rced, Clare Neely, Oscar Hiisl i , ,Mary Uigg, Nel l ie Acl<er, A i i i i i e 'I 'emiiielon, Cora ,loiies, , (ol i i i i i le F'owier, AVIlbur .Soiilliwick, iMiir i i ioCnri ' ler .

Number beliitigiiig, . | l . 'I'otai o f liliovc, iti. K i n s T I ' I I L M A H V — C a r r i e 15. ' i ' l iyhir .

ICiirl Lyni i , , lesso Ill i ldwin, l i i i la i i I ' emiinr l i iy , Florence n(!iiiiiiiy, Jtliniile l in ldwit i , i i r i i co Hal l , Mabel I 'lersoii, lUiirray SIroii i l , Waldeii ier U r y , Dii imlu Wyehoir, Charley l.'razel.

.Vo, bolniigliig, .pj. 'I'oial of above, II. SiCCONI) W A I l l ) .

i N ' r K i i M E n i A T i c i i i t i ' A i t T j i K . N r — M a m i e Jllne.H, .lay Fie lds , Cl i l i r luyt ;n i i i ig l ia i i . Frnest I 'nrker,

V i l l a Dl ivis , L i l l l o C a i i a g h i i i i , V i v i a .Swan, ( Dey, |.:ilii Swan, Lewie iloello, Clyde Hoelin, Oliver l l l i r r i s , Victor S ins .

N n . beloiighig, i. 'I'ollii of ai i i ivu, PJ. p i t i . M A l t v i i i c i ' T . — . i e . s s i e L , l i o l i d .

Sadie A i u s d i l l , Frank A i i i s i l i l l , l l i i l i e r t Uoife, Fltye S w i l l , Kdl th S i l l s , Otto F i l i ck .

No. belonging, 'i'i. Tu lnl of lihove, l i .

W . . ) . JIcKoNJi:, Supt.

W h y S h o u l d 1 Not have conlldence in tluiL which has done me lt world of good"? If you had suirered yelti's wit l i liver coiii i i ll i int an(1 got ci'ired b.\' usiiigSii 1 pliiir Bittei's, would not you 1,00 have eontldeiicl! in tliem •? .1, 11. N A S H , Hotel Wintlirop, Btiston.

M i l e s ' N o r v o a n d L i v e r P I H s , A c t Oi l it new principle—reguliitliig

the liver and bowels tlirongli the nerves. A, new discovery. Dr, Miles '

ills speedily cure biioiisness, liad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Qiicfiuliicd I'or men, women, children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 25 oents. Samples free, atLongyear Bros.

l i l l I

L O O K f o r t h o O w l a n d M o o n b r a n d .

G i L L E T T ' S

It w i l l make BETTER B R E A D t h a n y o u h a v o e v e r m a d e b e f o r o .

POOR BREAD generally means POOR YEAST

POOR rEAST always r.waiis POOR BREAD

Look for llio Owl nnd Moon. .U your Oroetr'i.

M A S O N M A R K E T S .

OoiTiMitwil ( i v o r y T l u i r s d a y i i i i i n i l n g ,

a u i i K ,

WIIi'lAT, ii . i . l , Ni l , li, per bushel W U EAT, White, No. I, per linshei WII EAT, While, Nn. l ! , per bushel W H E A T , Rejected ItVIS OATS, per bnsiii.i CORN, shelled, per hnndroil

{0, nil (To (Tli

(TS m


Tn the Price of Custom-Mlide


S i s - A T -

O t O V E l l SKEI), perbiiaiiel .. .II OIKTaT '.J.''. T I M O T H Y SEED, perbiisliol I WKTiW 'i^

onoomiuia ANP ranvisioss. SA LT, Simiiiaw, per barrel (ft\\ 0(1 1I|.;\,NS. Uiiiilek.'.l. per bushel 1 'H'M 110 POTATOES, per bushel 0 FLOUR, per UIU leiunils 'i (infnl'2 10 BUCICWHEAT T L O U U , per 100 peuiids (fivi .'.O KdClS, Eredh, per dozen ffl) 2r. BUTTER ISlTO L A R P , per pound ' !& U ' A P P L E S , Ihieil, per piiuail (d J PKAOUira , Orind, pi.r pound niSj H'

1.1 vi ; sTooii MBAT. C A T T L E , per 1110 peiind 2 ii»®l '«> IIKf.b'. liM.saeii. per iWI piinnds .| 00 IIO0-, per mil p.innd 1 fiOfio? (Ill I'O I l l i , l)...s«eil, per IW) pounds 8 lilvTijU (III 11 •..M'^, perpuniid RCl 10 SI!Oi;i.l)EIIS, per iwnnil ifii C H I C K E N S , Bless.d per piiiind Sft) i l l an UHi E.V.^, Live, per piiiiM.I (Td T U R K E Y S , Live, per piiiind loifi) T U R K E Y S . Dreased.periionnd IfO

lIUIl.niNn MATl'.lllAl.. W A T E R ' L I M E , (Ti)! OALCINEI) P L A S T E R per barrel ffi'i f.O PLASTERINO IIAIU, perl.iisiiei & lio HIIINfiLES, perllimisami,.../ 0(KiT.:i 7.'. L I M E , Good, prr barrel H ,7n L A T H , p e r M feet 1 •'il®'> ''O

It will pay you to place your orders at once.


J . N . S M I T H .

MICHIGAN f T E N T R A L " The Niagara Falls Route."

• OVTUWASn. Uaaon Jackaon

SiiiOa.m. 0:10

«i'18 a.ra, 10:40

3:17 p.m. 10:08 p.m 4:10 11:40

Ohicago il:!!5 p.m i:llO p.m. 0:60 a, 111. 7:ri.'< u.iu

Detroit ll;ri2ft.m. 0:00 p.m. n:4lipin 7:10 a.m

St.Thoniaa tflag.lfalia.

8H0 p.m. 7:10

lU:4fi p.m, 2:14 n.m.

10:4An. m 12:46 pm 2:14 4:13 p.m

MOETHWAUD. U W i ) l if i . ' ia.m. 10:60a.m, 6:30p.m. 0;65p.m Lanaing... . 6:26 11:12 6:66 10:1B Owoaao 0:02 12:00 7; t t . ' . DayOlty. . . 8:U0 4:36 p.m, 9:25 U n a l n g Qbi i lwi i i . . . • (1:66 Aco'n Mackinaw. 0:40p.m. 1:00am 7:2ip m .

M . J . MOUBAI, TIckot Agent,


, O . W RuaaLis , Onn! Pass, and Ticket A gt.


notl i ing now wlieu wc state tbut It pays to eugago i l l a permiiiiciit, iiioal healthy and pleaauut buai-U M S , tliut returns a jirolit for every diiv'a work. Such ia the bualueaa we oiler tlie working clasa. W c teiioh tbcm how to miiko money rapidly, ana giuiriiulce every ono who followa our Inatructlona falt l i fully lhc making of 8300 .00 ft m o n t h .

livery ono who takes hold n o w and works wi l l auroly and speedily iuorenBU their earnings; tliere can be no nuesliou about it; others now at worlc are i loi i ig It, uud you, render, can do Uie aume. Ti l ls Is tlie beat paying bualncaa that you have ever had Ihe cimhco lo aeoure. Y o u w i l l mnke a crave iiilstako i f you full lo give It a t r i a l at oiico. If yougniap the aituntlon, and act quiokly, you Will directly Iiud yourself in a most proapcroua bualiiesa, at wli lch you can surely make and save large auma of money. The rcaulta of only a few hours' work w i l l ol len oqiiiil a weeU'a wages. Wl ic lher you are old or young , man or woman, it makes no dllTercnoo, — do aa we tell you, iii id sue cesa w i l l meet you at l l io very s l u r l , Neliber experience or eapitiil iiccessiiry. '1 hose who work for ua i i ro rewarded, AVIiy not write to-duy lor full particulars, free :•• K . C. AhhKS & C O . ,

' B o x N o , 4!40, A u g u u t i i , Mo,

LIi.8 IGrAIs B L A N K S

P A Y l I T Y L E R ' S l l L a t t U R M S T D E E ^ ^ ^ F Offers for Siilo Y o u n g s ta l l ions , roady l o r track or stud, b y

• » l - „ > . l « „ « O m Sire of Grace Napoleon 2:ui^, and 21 oti ierai and of 8 slres^and 10 mis NapOlBOn ZU/ d a m s o f r,0, i u c l n d h i g 2 y e a r l l n g s . In the l ist ,

• iu: i l .„« 0 0 0 1 Son nt nourhon AVlikos, dam by A b d n l l a h 15, s i r o o f Townsond OnnieWllKBS O i b I Chief 2:27. Edwyne2 : l l0 .

ontgo inery 3 5 i 2 ' - ' ^ ' ^ ' ' ' ' ' " " ' * ^ ' ° ' ' ° ' ' ' " ^ ^ o u t o f i i a n i s b y : •.

rSSlibSCkS 2 4 8 0 * ' ^ ^ ' - ' * * ° ' ereencops (4) 2:2l^: ' iand0 race w i n n e r s , , > '

Si'ro of n'obort K y s i l y k 2:i3!4, and o' others,, A l s o , mares arid

_ _ miles by;,^ ; •.; y^-.'' ; :

• ,1,1 inootSonoVNutwood'ooo.sireof L n c i d i a r t a j.)^^ others, dam. by

UtalWOOd- I U o Z 3 A l m o n t 3 3 , slrfl .of^AVo.stinont2:13Mimd,50 others, i » i ^ « f l U I S l A I O I ^ ' 2 : 3 3 , siro of L o u 0 , 2;28H.: son of J^ouls Napoleon ' 207, .and- V a m i y )OrgB:IVIllO:.ldla!rtlii!e8,:dpotc^s^^^^^ ; < ,;

I t Is a n ntrroeabla L a x a t l v o f o r tho B o w e l s ; c a n bo mado Into a T e a f o r use In ono m i n u t e . I'rIco 25o., fiOo. a n d 8 1 . ( 1 0 per paol toga " i M t f * A U EloaUDt T O I L E T P O W D K K

9 H V fortboToetbondOroatb—£Sa. For Sale by Longyear Bros,'

Quikrdlkii Sttle, ny virtno of ellconoo tome granted, on Ibe 27lli

day of December, 1803, by O M . W , HristuI, Judite o f Probate of Ihe county of liiKhain,«nd Slate of Wicl i l -nan, I shall sell at public auction, ou the I - l t b d n y M n r o h i IS l l . ' i , at one o'clock lu (heaflernoon. Kt t l iu front doorof.the court houso, lu the city of Maaon, in Bald county, al l Ihe rltihl, (ille and Inloreit of Ray Uakin, a minor, iu and to certain real oatalo ill •aid counly, deicrihwl as the part of the norlhweat fractloualquarter of aectioii ava(ri); Ihe north pari of tho northoMt fractional quarter (j) ) ofeactfon. l l x (0); Ihe northeast part uf the norUiweat fraction­al quarter (H) of aeo a l l (ll), ail in township four (4), iiurlli of ranite two (2) east, containing aiieut lliree liuiidreil and eiRhly live acres (l)8.S)of laud, also tho outhweat (jiiarter III Ibe northeail quarter olsectfon

llilrty.four (31),in township tiiree ('I), north of range two {'i) eaat, coiitaiidiiK forty acres of l aud; that land east of Ihe county ditch, being the west one-half (1<1) of the northwest fractional ipiarter OA) ol section No. ttt'onty (20), In township two ('2) north of rauge l»'o (2) east coulaluing iiboutsUly (Oil) aeria uf land, all 01 said lands being In tho county nf Ingham, nnd Slalu of MichlKan, liigiitlier with all of aaid ininer'a right, title and Inlerfst 111 and to a l l nf Iho tieraiMial estate of John 11. Daklii , dcci'iisod, as ono of thu Iieirs nt law of said deceased.

ELNORA DAItIN', Oimrdhin of said lliiy Dakl i i , a minor,.

Daled January 2lld, IHOll, 4w7

O n l u r o r r u b l l o u t l o i i . SUln of MiolilKiui, circiiIl ronrt for county o f

IiiHlmm—(ri clianuct-y. Lt^win 0. UVIjli,comiiI»ltj(ttit, VH, A<IH Tiiylur und ICIIr*ii I.nvn, i|i*l'iinil<i»tD.

K<)t{ci) IH liorudy glvoii, lliitl tiy \irtm niiil iu \n\T-HUiiiico of nn ordiii' iiiiil ilocruu mmln lu tliu nhuvit en-titli'il ctiUHd, nuit (liilcil (M) till) 2(1 (Illy of .fuuit,. \Bit2, I Hhnll Ht'll lit jMiblic luictinn tn (liu )ii(;))(>nl hUldor, nt tho rriiiii lloor of tlm court IIIHIHI*, !n tlio city of M M o r i . l u oulil cunnty nf IUCIIAUI, on S i i l t i n l n y , t l i o 135111 (tuy o f I f o b r u i i r y , A . 1>. i K O a , nt nlnuo'clock in till) lor(>noon,uU, or HO miicti thoroof ' UN nmy 1)0 necui<Hiiry til rnlH(> till'autmint iliio lo tho Hulil conit>tHtniiiit for jirluctiml, intoMiHt, and cimlH ln> lliiKfliinaii, of llio follnwtiiK ilcftuilhi'd jiurcol of Iniul i o w i t : T h n norlli thirty (!10) acri>H of lho Houth-ciiHt ([Ufirtiir (H 0 14) ofHoctioii iiuuihor twonty (2U) hi'townHhlj) two (2) north of run^o two (2) WCHI, IUKIIIUIIcounty, Klinhlguii.

IJdlt'd .Ifinuiiry l l l l ) . lJ«i);i, 2w7 n A l i I l I 8 IC, T H O M A S ,

Oircoit Oourl ConiintHHJonor for Inehiiu) county, MicYi. LAWTON T . IISMANH. Bollcltor for Ooniiilivlntuit.

G u i i r d l i i i ) S i i l n . ny virttift of A IfcoKNo (» mo f^ntiilod, on thoUHth

(liiyof Dccoinbur, 1H112, hy Oi-nrKo IUIHIOI. juiiKo of (irolmti' of tito cKUoty of IUKI»"'» "t'Ho of Micl i i^i i i i . I Hlmll Holl III. puhllo iiui'llon on lliti l l t l i ( lay <»i' F* ihriMtr .v, IfifJ.'l, itMO o'cloclc iu Mxt foro* iiiion. Ill tint hiiuth utiBl oornitr of thn Honth-uiiHt qiinr-tor of (litt 'iMitli-ouftt <|tiitr(iir ofHccifiiii .'M in Um towii ' Nhl|)of Whltu Oiik i l l ttnitl county, nil tho riKht, titliv rtnii Inturt'fti of HtiUl minor, in iiiul in cmdiin r<ml OHtiito to Hulil i:onrily,il(«Hcrilii'il HHihoHoiiili-niHt iiuiir-ttT'jf tho Moiitlifiihl (lunrtiTof llio niirtli-wi'sf ijuur-turof icctjon ihlrly-tuiir (.HI),' towriHhitt two north of rariK" two oiinf, (W'liUo Oul;} IitRhnni cniinly, Mlchl -f;un. MHII li iiiiii <|Ui(i'(i>r IIIICII'HI In lUYy tilphi nuruH of liinil in tho Htuith wi*Ht ijuttrlor of Hccllon twonty-olKlit ('iS) lyiiiL! ui 'M norili of thn Hotith 30 ucrtiH of Hiilil qiiuriiT miothiri, nxocplinK twoiily-nlno ftcriiH oil' lliu oiiHt iMul of Hiiiil fifiy'CiKliI iicrca liori'to-foro iloitiloil hy Slopliitn Iluvncr to 8nriih ItuynDr, holiiK of Hitiil inlnor'ti Intiircitl in lliu ri<al fHtuto ownoil I'ly Sti'iiliori i lt iyncrnt thn Ijuio <ii hiH lUmth, iinil Hitunti'ii In thn tnwurthip ol Whilo Oiik, luKham cuiiiily, MIchlKun. IIOItACIC W I L K U U ,

nuiirilliin itf Huiii l iurr Wilhnr, u minor. Dttti'd DcoiMiihiT'J8,1811-2 . r)2w1

Donuilt liiiviuK I'oun nnidu In thu condltlonR of n ciTtulii mortKiiK''iii'i 'lo Willfnm A . hi l incr nnd Aiimndii I'niiuur, liiH U'lfo, tn Unhnccii l'iitmt>r, diitml Novi-mUi>r2:til, A . 0., 1K88, iiml rucordod in tlio oflico of Iho i'('|;tHti-r nf diTilH f o r l h o county nf Iiighnm iinil N U i l o uf Mii.-hlt:(U), on iho -llh duy of .Iimuttry,-'

V. 1)., 1889, III cifflit nVhifil; n. ni. In llhor TI o f mort-KtitfOH on |>it|;u MM On which mort^nffo thorn in ohiiniod I o hn duo ut tlio dalitof IIIIH nnllcn thu Hum

f flvo hiindn'd nnd t w o i i l y und 711-100 . d o l h i r u , und n^iltornny l'i.'i> of twnnty>l)vo dolhirn, providi'd for

in Htiid niort^iiK''Hiid n o HIIH or iirocueditig .ut Inw tmvinif boon iiiwlilulrd to n c i u ' n r lho inuiioy flur.uroil hy tiiiid riiortK'igt, or iiny purt thnn'ol ; n o w thoroluro h y r l r i n o n i I h o pnn'or o l wile nmlnluod in lho wild ninrl^uKn n n d lli« Htuluhi in HUOII CHH(I inudo AUd f»riivUi('ii, imiU'.fi ih hnrrhy f:ivoii that on K r U J a y * Mio 'MM\ (llty (It M j i r c l i , A . V, ISO.'J, at ton

*(ilon|{ In (ho (uviituxift, 1 t-hn\l |tl^\^ iii pnhlio anclfoii to tho hiKho.*'! h l i l d u r , at tho front ilonr nf tho court hoiiHo id thu City uf »Vu«on, In HuidconMr n f i i i K h i i m , (tliul h i ' h i K » plii(;i* uhnn- lho r i rmi t niuit for lho coiintv o f I ri^liiiui IH holdun) (hi! prnniiHifM dcKcribcd i l l Hitid mortguf^n or HD nnioh ihurouf UH may bo riuci'HKury to |mv tho n m o u i i l duo on nafd irjortgnKo Willi tn-von pnr rnnt. IntcrchI loKcthor with fiii ut-turni'y'rt fnc n f l w n n l y f l v n dollarn, cnvnnuntnd for lliwrnln. Thn pri'UilHDK tmlnu di>ncrjhnd In 'onld nioriKU^o UK ull (hat rorluln plrco or purcci, of Innd Hjiuati'il III t i l l ' i i i w i i H l i l p of Vi'vny, In ihv county o f r r i ^ h a m anil Hliito of M irhlgan and dnHcrihod UH w i i ; Tho nuHt hnlf of l h o caflthutf nf tlio iiortlm'UHt ipmrtor o l Hi'ction niinihur twunty-Jlru (25) ronlalnih>: f o r t y (•!(> nnrcHiuoro or IOHH.

Ditlfil Iiocninhor 21Mh.l6I)2 r»2wi:t IlKHKlJOrV PAIiMICU, Mortgagoo,

h A W T o N T . IlKaiANB. Attorney for MortKamio.

O h i t n o o r y . t i i l o , SInle of Micliigan—Tile circuit court rerttiocoiihty

of Ingham — I n chancery, David Whitney. J r . , tnisli'e, cunipialiinnl, va. John Crimes, Mary Crimea, Wililain |f. Atkinaon, Howard WIeat and Kate M . Mklnsdii , defendants. Notice le hereby given, that

iu pursuance of a decree made hy said court in siiid ithoveentitled caiiso upon Ihn l l l i i day of,Niiveiiiber. .\, 1). 1802,1 sliall sell at public auclioii or vendue, to the hlKhesi bidder, on r r l i l i i y , t l i o 2 7 t l i i l n v ot J u n i i u r y , A. D. 1803, al eleven o'clock In Uie'foro-nooii of aaid day. nt Iho west (fronl)iloiir of thn court hnuae, in tho eity of Mason, in said counly, tho prem­ises described lu aaid decree, v i z : Thn wiulb half (s Yj) of the east liall (e y^) of lho north east quarter (no ^ ) , and sixty-seven and oiie'-half aurea oir tiie uortli end of the east hall (e^) of tlie sonl^i-east quarter (ao J<f), all in section ti i lrl j .one (31) l o town foiirCl), north nt raiino two (2) oast in Tnghnm county and .'4iato of .Mlchliian,

Dated December 13,180'.!. JOIINCSQUIKIta,

Circuit Ooiirt Cainniissiouar for liiKhani Co., MIci i . KKKNA & fnauTNiiu, Detroit, 9tich., 60w7 Solicitors for ('oiiipiainant. The iijjovo salo is hereby adjourned until F r u l n y ^

I ' o b r u i i r y ll, 1803 , al the sauio hour ami place, imrauant to sections 0740 and 0700 lloweli'aAnnutalotl Slalulesof Micliittaii.

Bated January 27,1803 J O H N O. 8QUIEUS.

Ks-Circuit Court Conimlsslniior, rniihnni Co., MIcb. KKCNA j : binnTNr.u, Detroit, M i d i . ; . :'.

' Solicitors for OoinphiinanL:

Notice is hereby given, thai hy virtue of two write ^ ufOcri facias issued out of the circuit court for the cnintv of Ingliam In favor nf Squiro '1', Harvey ani l Harvey V. Harvey, of llie ilrm ol ."quire T , Dnrvey A Sen, and David M , Amlierg, against Iho >oods and . cliatteU and real oslalo of E U K C U O L , Wright , in snid ciiiiuly. In ino directed and delivered, I did DM the ' loth day of September and tlie 2nUi day uf September, .A. D 1802, levy upon and lako all Uio riitht, UtloanO lnl..riist of Ihe said Eugene L . Wright In and to tljo following described real estale, tliapte to aay a l l thai . certain real eslatn: Thn noith half (U) o f t M i northeast q i i a i t e r ( X ) Id section numhiT rfllteu (16), township nnmhor two (2), no'rlb'of range two ('3) , ' east, Whlto Oak, Ingbnin county, Michigan! A l l of . . which I shall oxpoae for sale at public auction or von- » ,: duo to the hicho ' l bidder nt tho'front door of th« court bouse i l l the city of Mason, that being ono o f tho phices of holding tlio circuit court for tho county of Tnehani, ou lho G t h i l n y u f i r n i i i m r y , A . D., 1803 , at two o'clock in the aftornoon. ,

Dalod this23d day of November, A . D. 1802; , 47«7- O . E , PVDDOOK.iShorllf. ; ' Tbo above aalo la hereby ndjoarnod until January. •

13lh, at two o'clock p . m ,,1803, , ,.• ' . i t V DatodJan. 0, 1803,• : - - .., ..l^^'

.0 . K. PADDOOK, Itx.Bhcrin'. The above sain la hereby adjourned until February.

Silth, at two n'jiock p,,m,il893, •!„. ,- f.^,,.',-,' Dalod .Inn, 13Ui,,1803. ,, ' i , ; , , - ; ;>,.'::;•.'.!•

' O. K, PADDOOK. Ex-SherllT

I I A M X C n ,'WIUo-awalte workers every W W M I N I C L U whnrn for,; 'BnSPP/fl• PHOTO-(UtAPHS of lho WOULD j l ' tlie gi'eatcst hoolc on c iu ' th ; ' : I » U CnO'C oosting «ioo,noo;, retai l at ?')2C, v» , I J P I t r r J l " i ^ s h o r l n s t a l l m e n t s i n i a m m o U i ,/j' . 1

,y lllnatrated c irculars n n d t e i n i s i' * l Iron; dal ly out nitovcrl .ooovolnme.s, . A g o n t s w l l d '

f l S P H O i g G . R f t P H S I g t : OS, cleared .?7]1. in 0 d a y s : : M I » S , E o s m A D A M S ; ;

S S I o ^ W M L O ; ,|i L y o n s , N . Y . , $10110 7hours;ahoDanmi'ninnu-ypii^;,^^^^^^^^^^ llcenfcoiii,nt()jiJySLpOi.ilionkR_on_.p^^^^^

Burnham & Co.] mi 1

F o r 2 5 D a y s .

Your Folks and Our Folks. E d , W. r-owfl Is lu tlie c i ty .

J . C. Stiulcrs was In Uiat i lug yesterday,,

M U s IU« Kaynor spent SimdiiT In I/tsllo,

a. F , Tlokuer spent Sunday lu \Vobber>llle,

, Geo, C l a r k was homo from L a n s l i i i ; over .Sun-I day.

, (leo. S m i t h and wife ot Lesl ie , aro v l s l i b i i ' l u I this city.

, ^ Miss J l an io Henderson Is v l s l l l n g relatives i n I Lansl i iK.

Rlns. C . a . I luui lngton was i n LansluK Inst J lomlay .

T h e L o w e s t PricBS E i ' e r L , . „ j ^ ; , j i . c i m o o t u n s m g , w a s m i h e o n y i a s t

K n o w n o n D o m e s t i c s . | , o : c . ™ i i . w . . . s i n D e t t ' o u t h o f o r o p a , - t o f

, W . (1. Jlntveroft of i Jai isvlUe, was In llio olty yeslerilay.



O O O M MOULDING Viu-d W l d o .Soft I ' lnlsh Hleuchod Sl icct lui ;

/ wor th 80, sale prloo A. J.OOO yds luo Hleuiiheil Sheeting, sale prlco

Tx)n^dalo l l leaelicd .Shooting, sale j i r l c e . . . . l ionsdalo Cambric , jN'orth 12KO1 «aloprice. . 9,000 yards yard wldo Unbloaelieil Slicetliiir,

wor th o'Au, sale prlco 6,000yards KIne Heavy Y a r d W i d e Sliect-

Ing, svurtli SKo and tie, salo price Co




WIDE BLEACHED SHEETING "it Inch l l loaohti l i ' l l low Case Col to i i , worth

la/ic, .side pi'lco " •10 Inch Hloacliod I'lllow Case Cotton, worth

Ifie, .sale p r l c o . . . . . •10 Inuh ll leacliod I ' l l low Case Cotton, worth

iKc, sale prlco '. il^Ac m Inch Illeaclied I'lllow Case Cotton, worth

too, B i i l o iirlce He M 2 yariLs wldo ll leuched .Slicetlng, wor l l i

CMC, sale prlco l8iHc 3 4 liiif yils wldo llleacliod Sheeting, wortli

/I iSc. salo in-lce SOj e # iO-1 yds wide llloiiollod Sl iool l i ig , worth

aOo, .sale prlco '."iWo

,r, N . .Si i i l lh nwiilc a business tr ip to L i ins ing j 'st IMonday. '

J l i s sGraee D a r l i n g begun work lu the register's | olllce lust Monday.

0 . .M. McLut ighlhi of Y p s l l a i i t l , wns In this I I olty last .Siittirday.

Clia.H, T. Vi'Uatx of Lans ing , was in tho city j Sunday and Klonday,

MlBS Knio l luecl i , a Li inslug .school lo inl ier , | speat aunday,wllU her i w c n i s .

„„ I M r . aud M r s . (leo. W. llrLstol are vis i t ing Ilieir | ™ I daiighlor, M r s . K. U . h;ilell in C'arii.




The Fair will rule the Dry Goods M.arket No matter what the Loss iiiay be! The great Closing Sale Of Dry Goods and Millinery

- A T -

WIOE UNBLEACHED SHEETING too •Ifl Inch Unli leacl icd P i l l o w Oaso C o t t o n . . . .

M yards wldo Uiibleaeliod .Slieotliig, sale jirlco

yards wldo Uiihloaeliod Sheeting, finlo |irieu

10-1 yards wldo Uiihleaelied Hlieetliig, sale iirico t'Oe



TICKING B o a v y l'"oiillior ' I ' idi lng, k'liaraiilood to hold

foal hers, wortl i iSe, .salo price IDc E x t r a Qiialli .y Heavy Koiitliev ' r i ck ing ,

worth LSo, .sale prleu IliKo 1,(K10 yards Ai i ioskc i ig A . (!. A . Feidhor

'J'loKliig, w o r l l i '.'Oo, salo price 131'jC

'' COTTON FLANNEL H e a v y (Cotton I ' laiinel, worth sc, sale prlco -IMo l.WO yards K x i r a Heavy Cotton l ' ' laniiel,

worth li'/ju, sail! jirlcu 7?,ie H e a v y Shaker I ' lai i i iel , w o r l l i too, salo iirlce fic 25 pieces Heavy Fleeced Oii t l i ig F l a n n e l . . . ayfi |

GINGHAMS ^2,000 yards Dross Gl i igl iauis . Kla i i i iard

Checks and iJrcss Hlylcs, wor l l i so

PRINTS C.OOO yards I 'rlnls (l lress Stylos) .salo prlco. TlosUJuii l l ty t lorni i i i i l i i i l lgo llhio I ' r l n l s . . 80 pieces yard wldo IJross (.;OOI1S,.MI1O prlco

SHIRTINGS •i Heavy Indigo l i l i io S l i l r l i i igs , sale l u ' i o e . . .

CARPET WARP 1,000 lbs. Peerless White War|i, sale iirice . I'eorliiss Colored Carjiet War|i Nel l Ke ie l i i in i spent Sunday In Lai is lng, as the guest of Sllss K a l o U n d e r l i l l l .

M r . and M r s . C. W. l iaudal l of Wcbbervll le, j were In the city the fore |iart of the week.

0 . W . Hals lead was culled In A i l r l i i i i Iho hitler | part of week by the of i l ls iiiotlier.

•I. IL Dwlnell ami l i iotl ier from New Vork Slato I visited auotlier brother near l iat i in l i a i i l d s last week.

1. nnnlo rahcll of Stockbridgo, and Orra I l o a l d i i l Les l ie , woro guests i l l C . K. l i a l l ' s over Hiiii i lay.

M r s . II. K. r i i l l o r and Iwo i i l i ihirei i l o l l last Tiiosiliiy for McCoy, Oregon, to visit l ior i i ioUior, Mrs . Hhliiloy.

I\lr. and M r s . ,1. W . Liino of l<:aliiii Itaiilds, spent .Siiiiiliiy 111 the c l ly its guests of tho faaii ly

I of Chas. Owen.

A . II. Caslei ' l ln of Lai is l i ig , visited ills |)iii'eiits tho foro |iarl of this week. Ho has iioeii a llttlo under thu wcidher .

. M I S , C . \ V . Vi inSlyko was called in 'I 'oiiawaiiilii , N . Y . , yosterilay, by Uio Illness <if hor ii intlior, who Is not cxi iuclci l lo l lvo l i i i l a fuw days.

Stockbridgo H i i n i E h . H i l l of Mason, vls l lod Ills ImiUier A i l d i i last M o n d a y , — M r s , Kri i i ik l''oreo has re l i i r i i i ' i l Irom Mason whoro sho lias lioeii vis i t ing fric'iiiis.

First door south of Postollice, Mason.

Is still going on. Prices nowhere. Goods must \se closed rcgrtrdless of Cost or Value by the first of April ,

• as a change is contemplated, Don't hesit.ntc but pur­chase your

Dry Goods and Millinery - A T -

T H E Miiple .SLrcelj;.

JIason. ' A L L H A D A F R O N T S E A T . "

S i x t h A n n u a l M o o t i n e o f t h o I n f c h a m C o u n t y D o r a o c r a t C o r r o s p o n c l e n t u '

A s H O c i a t i o n .




Geo. AriKild ol' WllllanisLon. lias been i,'ninlc(l origiiiiil pension.

The spccliil scssldii (if the botird iil' supervisors lllls been called for it'cb. 2-1 l,h.

Wni . If. Cliiric ciimc ii i i to l,lic D K M -( l O i i A ' P (illlcc to-day for the llrst, Lime since ib has been iiiider flic prcsciib inaiiiitreiiienlj, nearly three iiiiil oiic-liiilf years.

The aimtiiil clectloii of Mie \'. Sf. C. L . took place last cveninKi olllcers were cliiiscti as follows; I 'nisidi'iit, A. .1. Hul l ;viee|)rcsidcnl., W. .1. .MeKunc, scerclary, A . .1. I i i i i l ; treiistircr, W. K LcvereU/. Twelve new iiieiiibci's jciiiicd.

OliiLS. ¥ . Biibte, the Leslie lawvcr, Icl'b liist .Satiii'dny n i i i i i . The "Ui;-1 itthliciin of blniL VIIIIIKC .says there

"Lors who would V ( l l J V 1'"''' '""i''^''<»i'' ' ''' '1'

fi( j J I I ciijoyal(iokiibliiiiL_


D E T l ^ O I T , J A N . a, isiia,

L A N S I N G 4 N O R T H E R N R , R

TO IlKTaillT.

Mast. a 111 a III ||i III |i III p 111

Leave Lansing « •JIl 11 2.1

1) i)Si'»a li.'i 11 a.'i|*.'i an

.1 'JIl (I •n,

7 fill Ilia.')

niDM ItLTItUlT. went. a III a 111 p III" -p 111' p III

Leave Ditii'ell Arrive Lan .iiiii; . . . .

7 -h'l to III

1(1 f,,'-. 2 t.'i

•1 110 * ; i IS

fi (III s to

0 O.'I

a 'js

TO OUA.NU a*r i i i« .

.IJV Laasliiu. ..10 .|0 am ".'I .|6 pin R 'JS pni A r d n RapidB.12 K pm •ri_2,'i pin lllJlOjiio^

raosi nuASn aAPiiii!,

Lv Od llaplds, 7 10 am *t 2,1 pni fi -10 pni A r Lansing.,, tl OB am *a O.'i pin 7 .17 |Mn


L v Lansing 10 .|0 a in 2 1,1 u in S 10 p ni A r Lunsiiig 8 20 a 111 ,'l 20 p ai 7 '17 p in

^ P a r l o r oais ,111 all tralim to (Iraiid Rapids and ' ou express trains to Diitniit,

Direol eonnectioiis at Howell dniiclloii nn morning train for Toiedo, and nt lletroit with all lines for tha East and. South and wllh slenuiers for Clevelanil. A t Howard City for Upper Penlasnia and Ihe Norlli-yiM, At Qrand Rapids wllh Ihe

OIIIOAQO .t WKST M I O I i l O A N R Y . for nanloii Harbor, St, Joseph. Mnakeiton, Big Rapids, I

'Ludlngion. Manistee, Tpivnrsu City, Oharlevolx j and Petoskov.

1/ Tho favorite linn loral l points in Wostern Michigan. I . Trains leave Orainl Rapids 1

AV. I i . Cl i tr l : & ,Snii, proprietors of I Llic Chirk ilousc, liiivc iilnced Lite scr- ( vices, I'or Lhc seiisiiit of .iSIKl, of Llioir sLiillloti OloLhier (iri!17 iiL.$iri.OO. Ti l ls I is ill kce|iiiiK'with the horse owners of many purLlons of the coiinLry, ns Lilc sei'Vices of iinlliy of Llie besL sLiillloiis have been liiilLerlally reduced. This is LliebcsL bred stallion in i\rielilff(in sLandiiiy; aL this low fee. AVril.c I'lirl cards.

Marrlaffe L i c e n s e s . The followhiff licenses have been

11,'raiitcd since our l.-isL rcporL: N a i i i u a i i d lloslileiicii . Ago.

I . Ioli i inloI 'roii l i ir , Oltoinos LM N e l l i e (loveit. l l i i t l i is •lacoti M e i z k e r , Lansing •js A n n a K r a i i h l , Delroi t L'O

I Fred 0. I 'liiekney, Lansing ; i , -I bi i l i i A . I lessloi , La i i s ing 21

D o K o v G n ' s First Wal tz . Uv. Iteginiild dc Koveii , Lliecoiniios-

Icrof ".llobin l i o o d " and oLltcr comic opci'iis, who is now aLLriicfciii|f so nmcli

'iiLLcnLlon In Llie iiiiislciil world, lias wrlLLen his lli'sL scL of IndepcndenL walL'y;e.s, wliieli The Ladies' .lloine .Toiirnal w i l l publish in its next issue.

The iiniiual Kiitlioi'liiK of Llic above iLs.sociaLii)ii W i i s held aLLhe lIoLel Don­nelly in LhlselLy lasL.SiiHtrday. These meetings ai'epi'owint,' in interosL every year and Llicre w.'is an aLtendance of over .'10. A f L c r c a l l to order by Presi-deiiL llimclljci'i, 'cr Llie following pro-groiii was rendered: iMiisic, - - - Mr.s. A . L. ItiLse, organist

I'i'iiyer. l iol l Cal l of Coi'i'osjiondonl.s.

Woliioiiio Ailitress, - - - W . L . Clark Itesi so, - - - iMrs. M . K. Oshorno l l l s i o r y i i f I ' r i i i l l i ig . - - - A . T . Slovens

?iliisie. I 'ractloal Siiggeslloiis to Cnrrespnniients,

,1110. I l l i iuilborger Coriiis|)iiiiilenl's Hiity to ll io r i i l i l i o a n d I'ress,

Hi.sciissioii led by t l . \V. l i r o w e r i i i i d M . li. Park .Hong, . . . . Cliauiicey V^'alt Is This Association Worth Us Cost', ' A .

llani|iiet Soiii ; . OUIt IIAWiUItT SO.VI! KOlt '0.1.

^Vl•tlloll on an oiniity s loi i iaol i , and white |m|ior, wi th a s l i i l i iioiioil and a i i l i c i p a l i i i i i . 'I'o be snug Will i thu S|iirll anil tho i i i i i lerstai i i l i i ig also.

A l r - " y l uld iMiiii i ' l /Hi ; . ' ' .Miolher your has waxed nnd waiiod.

The ninnihs liavi.' ciiiiio and gonn; Our aii i ioll lus, i i i i ic l i l l k i ; l l io suuio. '

' I 'o-ilayiiri! i i i i i i iher O N U . TliiMi pass along ilio l i i i i i i and lieef.

I' •laloos, boileil and niasliei l , Alaska salmoii niul oolii tungiio,

M o s i a n y t l i l i i g but l ias l i . We aro a. Ji/ilycrinvil indood,

'I'lie reii.siin's ii lalii as day; Ai io lhor great hlg meal's In sight,

A n d mi l a com lo |ia.v. Tlion iiiiiir IIS out a eiiji of tea,

Or eiill'ee lo our las le ; We ' l l dr ink the lioattli o f C t i i r k & Knse,

W h o i i i i i s l l u l l 11)1 l l i u " p i i s l u . " Ves, we're in luck anil no ni ls l i iko,

'I'lii'ii " C l i a r g o " a l furious rates; H i l l wlien we ii i l l t the dining Iiall ,

Lot's leavo llio chairs and plates. Pass ii|) l l io caltc, wl i l io , sinmgo and gold,

loo croaiii and ciiooolato. All i ice plo, liaiiaiiiis and ii i ixeil m i l s .

We ' l l gorge and trust to fate. ,11 • * ii. 4

'I'he day Is done, l l io victory's won, 'I'ho tiE.MOcitA'r's on to|i;

W e ' l l koe|i l l tlicro through foul and fair . A n d novor " let hor Hop. "

T l io i i hero's my i iei icl l , |ia|ior, pen, A n d liure's my heart aud w i l l ,

I ' ll uso itiom al l to gloiiii itio news, 'I'tio DE.MOciiA'r III nil.

•roAS'i's. A . '1". Slovens, 'rnastiiiastor.

i N f i i i A . M C o u . N T V Di iMOCitA'r , 11. W . U o l l a i u l 'I'his lo Us the Day of Days nf a l l the Year ,

M r s . .1. H . ICoeney Local CJorresiiondotieo, V i i l i i ah le Only Wl io i i

' I ' r i i l l i f i i i , - - - . ) . It. I 'ol ler A f t e r a bounteous feast t l ic eorres-

liondciiLs iijjain ii.ssemblcd in Llic par­lor and iroceeded Lo Llie clecLion o' olUcci's, Gr. W. IJrewerofNorLli Leslie, waa clioscn temporary secretary; M . E . .Park of Jiolt, pi'csidenL; Jilrs. J . B. Kceiiey ot Eaton liapids, vice presi­dent; Mrs. T. Blakely of Mason, per-iniineiiLsecrctfiry; c.xeeiiLive cominlt-Lcc—L. J l . Ives of ivrason, 0. C. Con­verse of Eden, and MhssMaggiii L i n d ­say of Ma.son. A voLe of Lliiuiks was given the I'cLiringprcsidenL, M r . l i i m -elberger. The new president, Mr .



For Information nnil f roo nnnilhook wrlto to „MUNN A CO., Stil UIIOAUWAY, NKW Youir . Oidont bureau for flocurinft ralonta In Amerlcn. Mvery patent taken out by iis la brouRlit beforo tho puhllo tiyanotioo glvou froo of ohurgo In thu

^miiiu ^mmm LnreoBtcirculation o fanrBciont l f lopopor ln tho world. Splendidly IIIUBtratod. No Uitoliliioot man oliould bo without It. Wookly. S'J.on a yoari »1.60alx montlia. Address M u N N Ic C0« I ' U B u s n K u s , a « l i lroadway.Now York c i t y .

1. n. MEM, T[e Place Where I P


* K''','') 'C v,}'^ ^' othtHs,wno wish to oximmo t !i I. Dv..('^l."i) this pnpor.of obtnln ottimatos

.m i t l ^ ' | ^ ^ ^ v , , •< viw-n m C<ilcfl,;o, will find it on filo at



Hi£liGSl Prices Paiil for HiflGs aud Pills M A P L E S T U E B O ? , M / r ^ O W .

desiring to advance i n Kraiiu, and olhers to bocoino touchers,

- „ ttltond t lw N o r m a l l lni i t . n f thu (Iraiid Rapids (,Mioli.)I3usinu,sa C o l -luno. i o r i m r t i c u l i i r a . addromi A . li. I ' A l t l S I i .

P a l a c e i e a t i a r f c e f !

w i l l lo»i noiieot In popularily while under the ' inanagerannlol llspinseni nroprielors.

They always keep the Very Choiceat of A l l Kind a

F r K s h ^ S a l t M ^ t s , P O I I I . T R y A N D O A M K .

Casli for Hides and Pelte

lno i i i i l i ; in i ' ! i ! !ndo|nhH al, hij N^'wspaiior .\Avcr tlHln; A|;enoy ot 1. VW. A V K f ? * S o « . wr luiMioflTiod liSrlm:

r i l ^ L M . ' S ' f f i f ^ l l K s p o t e i i i g l i l y of Lhe success of lot. I l i i lUia toec i i r redheforo l i iger - t l i c llSSOClaLlon. RosolutlOllS WCI'C

Oolng north 7 .'10 a ui aolnKae i i l l i 8 00 a in 1 2,1 pin

fi a,1 p ni 5 afi p m * l l lis piu I

•Every day. Otiinr trains week daya only. OEO. D K H A V E N . G e u ' l I W r A j ' t ,

Orand Raplda. Mich .

pleasure so i i t l n i c l l v e , no sorrow so lu-ofound, but that wo calculate. If over so l i t t i e - w h e r o wo wl l l got the next meal . A u d so. In hiilliiriig tlio I 'ort Street t l i i lon Station In Detroit , tirovlsion was iiiadc for the fiatlstaclloii of the .sloiiiaoh; l l iure-for ovory facility In tho (linliig-rooin,

lior removal from our midst , wo mourn for onu wlio was. In every way, worthy our respect and regard.

A vote of thanks wtts unanimously given Messrs. Clark and ilosc I'or their generous and sumptuous dinner.

For securing the greatest number of A m C K N T k i i c i i eu , p i in iry , e t c , Is of the most subscribers, W. F . Potter received the

D i N ^ J h i t n i o d e n i . a i i d t l ieniater ia is . i i sed.of (ipgi; prize; .L Ti. Pottcr, second, and Mrs. A . ,T. WilletL, th ird. the best the market alford.s. 'I'ho

nianagonioii l rcoogulzos that tho

Biol: noadaoho and rollovoall tho tronbles loot* doat to a, blUoua Btata of tho B7stem, suoh aa

.Dizzlnooa, Mausoa, DrowslDosB, Clatreau aftOC . c i i t lng. Pa in i n tho SIdo, lea. Whilo their moiift

' yomtclcablo euccoes has boon ahowu i n oui log

.'Soaaaolie, yoi Oartot'a U t t l o L l v o r FIIU u * Batially valaablo i n OouBtlpatlon, curlngandpcO

"Trcatiui: t l i is imuoyingcotaplalutiWhlla they alaa 'corroetnlldloordoraotthoBtoBiach .stlmultttotha l iver and zogulato tho bowols. i ivon U thoy only

. cnrcd

gruat'buikiiftravelcih-'coniii^^^^^ A l l departed for their homes in a those of iiiodet'ate moans for l l io i n v f i i l m n o r l I ' o c l i n L f I I I L ' I I I V l i n n n r n d reason Unit who have iiimlor- i ° i , ' ato means composo tho great bulk foi t'lic kindness received from Lhe of the i iomi ia i ion . A dinner atw) genial and lhanly editors of the I N G -<' iCr"at 'V ; ' . J K ' ' [ i l ° i ; n e ^ o / ' ' ? f ! ' J l " ^ ' ^ B O U N T Y D E M O C K A T . requirements which the manage- , „ , „ , ^ ^ _ m c u l obliges M r . W a r n e r (who has S e v e r e K i d n e y T r o u b l i s a n d D y s -leased Uto rosiaurant) lo s i i i iply. p e p s i a C u r e d .

i M ! ' i i i ! ] p ' l i ' l i ; ' ^ l l ^ « i ; ireelini^ grateful to D r . numpl irey return 'from l ieiror^ Wishing to sliow my appreciiition yourself a pleasant t r ip by going (if his greiiL ski l l , and perhaps being both ways via the Hetrolt , l . a i i : ' - ' • "

H O L M A N S . H U M P H R E Y ,

Consult ing F H Y s i G m N J - ^ - A N D -

« . ^ S O r e E f l T I N G S u R G e o N : -

L A T E O F L O N D O N , K N G L A N l ) .

Jias confined his professional liihors almost o.xcliisivoly to Ohio, ludimia. iin(l.]\Iielii|rnn for the past four years, and inoro particularly to Southern Mlclilgnn for the past two years. ][o has visited this eonnty regularly every four ; v c e k 8 during that time and IniB treated and cured moro long stiuiding and dinicnlt cases than would seem iiosaible lor any doctor to cure; Indeed he cures after all other methods but his havo failed. There is scarce a neighborhood in your county whoro some hopeless invalid has not been snatched almost from tho grave hy tho wondorl'nl Intuitive skill of this great English Specialist.,

Address lor Soiithorn Michigan, Northern Ohio and Indiana,

DR. HOLMftN S, HUMFfiReY N o . rid B r o a d St . , H i l l s d a l e , M i c h .

m not fail to see him, F B B E OF CIIAKGB F O R C O N S U L T A T I O N , at his ue.xt visit in your city.

LANSING, Wednesday, PEBRUAEY 15. MASON, Tliursday, FEBRUARY 16.

T H O U S A N D S O F M E N all over tho country aro hoing slowly bled to death year after year owing to tho vital fluids passing oil with the urino (water). They feel all run down, (Iraggod out anil whipped of oiiergy and am­bition, but are all iineoiiscious of whoro tbo truo of their troiiblo lies. Soekiug reliof from the family docloi', thoy are treated for BilllouBuesa, DyspopBla, Ifoarl Trouhlos or flhouuniUsiii and Kldnoy J3l3oasc, but to no purpose Thoy try patent nostrums, but these disappoint them. These sulferers may bo of all ages, from mere hoys to ad­vanced life, but the majority aro middle aged married men who have worked day and night as yon.might say for years and years. If such will come to me, bringing a bottle of their urine, I will show them tlio cititso of their trouble.

DR. l l O L M A N S. I I U M P M R E Y S ' TIIE.A.TISE TO J IUN will bo sent free of charge to any .MAN who will pay express charges wh"en the book arrives at lils e-vjiress ofllcc. This book will not be sent tkriiut/h t/ie mail. It muy be had of the 'Doctor during any of his monthly visits in your county seat or other city where he stops.

••'i l

L a G i ' l p p o , C a t a r r h , C a t i i r r h i i l B r o i i c h i t i . s , P r i m a r y C o i i . s i i i n p t i o i i , C a t a r r l i o f t l i c S t o m ­a c h , B o w e l s , K i d n e y s a n d B h i d d o r , B c c t a l DLscascs , H o a r t T r o u b l e s , K l i c u m a t i s m a n d N e u ­r a l g i a , Diseases o f W o m e n , a n d E v e r y F o r m ol" SIcin Dl.sea.scs, o f the B r a i n a n d N e r v o u s S y s t e m , B l o o d a n d L y m p h a t i c s a l l ra j i i r t ly C u r e d b y the D o c t o r ' s S p c c i l i c M e d i c i n e s .

Below wo give a few ijnportant cures made during the past six months, only such as oifor their tostiiiKniy volun­tarily, and only a small per cent of these are accepted for publication. Bend what they say and write them' for the facta lu dotftil. Those statements -will appear from time to time to keep tho facta of-tho Doctor's wonderful success in the liands of the afliicted.

both ways via the Hetro & Nor th i i rn . G E O . D I O H A V H N " General Passenger Agent,

. anslng l A V K K


' •lAclmthoywouUbonlmoatprleolesatathoflowM ; .-.M'Bu'fer f rom thia dlntrosslng complaint! bat f ortU'> t,aii aatiilrthoirQoodueiiadooa uotondbere.andthooa

T'Wiionnootry Ihom w l l l and thoso llttlo pi l ls valu* Ohio h i 00 l u o n y w a that thoy w i l l not bo w l l i l i n i ; to do without thorn. B u t after alliUck boad

: (Su t'no huno 6{ no many UTOS that hnra Is wbon ..'Avomakoourgrcat.boaat. O i i r p i l l a c u r o i t w l i l l o

l M . ' c l ! i i i r o do not. Cai'ter'u.Lilllo L l v o r PUlaaro very amall and

I t V v n r v oBBy to t i k o . , Ono or two pll la miiUoa doao. ; ,J;.,!rhoy nro utriatly vcgotablo aud do not gripo.ot

jn -r(n,'l«ithy theirgonHoaoUon ploaaoall wh9 II.t ; 'adui, . . Invlr. laat25coul9; ' f lvofor$I. Sold ' Ijj-druijsiotaovovyv/toib, o r o o n t h y m a t l . ^ •

'Oiii7ERmm6mE CO.. Now Vork. &?,^ALlPJLLi::SMALI.MSE. SMALL PRICE

T r y Dullam's .Great !Crerman'15 cent

R h e u m a t i s m C u r e d In a D a y . "Myst ic Cure" for RhcumaLism and

Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to3 diiys. ILs action upon the system Is remark­able and mysterious. I t removes at once the cause and Lhe disease imme­diately disappears. The first dose greatly beiielits, 75 cents. Sold and guaranteed by II. M . Wil l iams, drug­gist, Mason. <l4w2(i '

A G r e a t B e n e f a c t o r "E(!lucators arc certainly the great­

est benefactors of the race, and after reading Dr . F r a n k l i n ' M i l e s ' popular works, wo cannot liel]) declaring. l i l m to be among the mostentertalningand educating of authors." — Now Y o r k D a i l y . . . l i e is not a stranger to our readers, as his advertisements appear in our columns in every issue, c a l l i n g attention to the fact that his elegant work on Nervous and Heart Diseases Is clistributcd free by our enterprising druggists, Longyear .Bros. T r i a l bot­tles of Dr. ' Miles ' .Nervine are given away, also book bf tcstirnoiiials show­i n g that it : Is. uncQualed .for nervous' prostration, lieadaehc,:poor: memory, dizziness, sleeplessness, neuralgia, hys-, t.ovin :Ilf.C'-nriiloTiQV'.: .

the means of convincing others what •the D r . .is capable of doing, I malcc tlic followingstivtcment: . F o r a long time past I have been alllicted wi th disease-vif the k idneys .and serious stomach trouble, accompanied wi th al l their distressing symptoms. I had tried niiiny remedies but to l i t t le pur-losc. I went to Di ' . Humphrey iit the lotel in Owo.sso* and at once commenc­

ed a course of treatment. I/inn en­tirely cui'ed and know from experience that D r . ITolman S. Humphrey is all he claims to be.'

FiUNK. A . RiCHAiiBS, Owosso.Micli, .Or, Hnmplii'cy's ne.vt v is i t in Mason

wi l l be Thursday, Feb. IGth, at the Donnelly House. :.

c i n n a m o n as an Ant i sept i c . , " N o l iv ing germ of disease can resist the antiseptic power of essence of cinnamon I'or more than a few hours," is the conclusion announcedby- M . ' Chamberland as tho result of prolong-,ed research .and cxpcrimenf th M . Pasteur's laboratory. , I t is ,, to destroy raicrobes.iis cilcctively, ' If riot, as- rapidly, lis (Corrosive .:Sublnnate. Even the,:scent :of i t is-fatal 'to mi ­crobes, • and M . , Cliamberland says 'a decoction ! of -.cinnamon should' 'be

A n o t h e r M a d e H a j i p y , B e c a n s o C u r e d . For years I havo suffered with very sorious d l s c R s e of

tho kiilnoys, bladder and prostate gland, aud had be­come 10 bad that I was forced to draw my water with a catheter always and so irritable was tho bladder that I had to draw tbo water K V K U Y noun, DAY A N D NIOIIT. This oonatant Irritation brought on abcess of the prostate gland, which becaino chronic and discharged constantly, and -which would often lay mo up for weeks at a time. No ono knows what I suilorod from the foul condition I was in. My llvor aud stomach became ao much involved that I coulii neither eat nor digest anything. I went to Dr. Holman 8. Humphrey at tho hotoLin OWOSBO, whon I had not sat up four hours in aa many months. I only went to please my family, as I-hiid no faith I ' could be

1 helped, and firmly believed I vyould bo in my grave in less than six months. Now, however, after six MONTUS

j of Dr. Humphrey's treatment I am ao well I consider further attention as wholly unnecessary. Dr. Humphrey has dono moro for lhe thiiu I ever thought was in the po^ver of man to do—more than lie over promised. I can paas my water without drawing it, sloop well nights with­out getting up and ahi taking solid comfort. Are you afliicted? Write me for particulars of my great deliver­ance from a most dreadful condition.'


. , West Haven, Mich.

And Stiir A n o t h e r . For the past eight years Thave.been. afDctod with a se­

vere case ot Dropsy, extending a l l over my bodyand suoti shortness of breath' I could scarcely got lip or down ataira. I weighed over 200 pounds, and W a s a burden to

:my8nlf.. I went to Dr. Humphrey at tho hotel in Ionia,. ' fully believing that, if I could' see some great specialist

from tho city Loould bo. cured. ' Thij' Doctor has,; dpuo

Avondors for me. In the short space of two months my dropsy is rapidly leaving mo aud I am certain I wlll get entirely well; I feel l ike a new woman and go about my work most aa well as ovor. Mits., CI.AHIBA B K A C I I .

The above statement is l i toraliy true. A V M . A. B K . * , C U , lonla, Mich.

Five years ago I was stricken with apoplo.\y, whicli made me well uigh helpless, and whick passing oiT left my right side paralyzed to such nn extent I could not lift my arm or do more than hobble around with a cane. During thla time I had apolla of severe vomiting wi th complete loss of appetite. I partially recovered from thia attack, but while driving ehlckons from niy garden was taken with another aeiznre which made me so help-leas that 1 have been only able to get about with tho greatest diiliculty. I employed tho'best doctors I could'. iini., Six diilorent ones worked over with mo little or no benellt, until last spring I (jailed upon Dr. Holman S: Humphrey, at tho hotel in Ionia, and commenced treat­inent with him,. Four weeks afterwards I walked from niy house to town, a mile and a half, and back, which I had not done for two years, during which time I could not even hobble to tho road which runs, by my hoiise. I have regained the use of myself al l over, go whore I pleaso,'' all alone, and walk all I have, a mind to. I oat woll, sloop well,'and am a live old man again, whereas before I was worse tbiin 'dead. Before taking Dr. Holman Si Hnmphrey's treatinent my bowels 'dlil not move for a week or more at a time, r Now r"am regular as a clock,' and I tako ploasuro in urging tho allliote'd to; seo'.Dr. Humphroy au^ be cured. ' E . C. EiiiLLiw,

I had suffered for.yeara.wlthaoriouB.deafness: tarrh, • Dr. Hiiinplirey,cured nio.; ., ' .•

R E V . IiiA B . O A B D , Hillsdale, M i d i . , 1 ''"^^i '^mS:MmmMM^i^

^" '- • ' ' ' ^ '• • ' ' ' ' •• •III I'II'H'.WMBB'MIM ••• I I ' M I B i i iBi- i irni^i ii ••• •••'I'.'ii ••nljiiii IIII'IMI ii •'• 1. ii •' ' ' *' ' ' " ' • • ^ '•' '••'*• •' ''••'••V Si- .-'.••--.r.l.p''.^^l^^

• . 'V. ' . ' -V-"


M . V S O N , M I C H .

T f i n Fronch have a new torpedo boat wli ici i has made 24. (10 Icnots per hoiii'. W h a t Is this country doing to match her!'

W H A T miilies tho bicycle popular with many, ricli and pooi', is t lmt af­ter trying to ride on ouc they feel they are better oil .

B U S I N E S S men who receive a good many letters every day w i l l be re­lieved when the stamp collector's de­mand for the new Columbian picture gallery is .satlslled.

B O T H wit and u n d c f s t a n d i n g are

t r i f les W i t l i o u t i n t e g r i t y , ' i ' l i o i g ­n o r a n t jiea.siiiit w i t h o u t f a u l t is greater t h a n the phi losopher w i t h m a n y . "Wliat is g e n i u s or courage w i t l i o u t a lieii'rt?

t e r f r o i n a dis tance , perhapis, but it wpuld s c c n i t h a t the - t e r m is n o t l o o H t i o i i g . I l l s p o s i t i o n m i g h t e v e n bo c a l l e d d i s t r e s s i n g .

llnssi.v has concluded that female convicts on t h e way to •Siberia shall no longer b e flog. ; ' 'ed, but in of evincing unseemly displeasure .shall b e half starved Inslcad. 'i'his I.i re­garded o v e r there as an linnicnse con­cession t o t h e demands of humanity. Wliether or not the woiiuni consider it such can hardly b e i L s c e r t a l n o u , as they wil l lie apt to die on t h e way, whereas some of tlieni were I'oriucrly unfortunate enough to survive.


H O W I T C H A N G E D T H E V A L U E O F P R O D U C E .

T l i c F i n a l Sii i ieesii cif u i i I n t e r o s t l i i t ; Kx-p o r l m e i i t I K J ' l i l In . I c i i p i i n l y l l o w i u s e l l i n I 'ro,|iictor Is Uni ler ( ;u l i i| ; T r l i i l Itir K u m B K l l u i f .

" W o M K N a r c g r o w i n g fa t ter , broader and i i iore g e n e r a l l y h e a l t h y . " T h i s is the o p i n i o n of t h a t e.vceilent judge, Georgo (ill j\li i i ir ier, the n i i i i i whose .society p i c t u r e s havo l o n g been t h e chie f c h a r m of L o n d o n P d n c U .

F A T I I K U ]\I()LI.I.\(IHII, the fiiiiious falth-ciirist, was reputed to he worth mlllion.s. l i i s driit l i levculs the fact that bis estate wil l hardly pay the debts upon it. f t docs not iiiwavs do to believe a iiiiiii is as v/ealthy as re­port claims Iiini i.o be.

I T IS with some dirtldcncc that we recur to tho subject of the value of the foot. t)iir e.vciise Is the extreme­ly varied cstiiiiates put uiion i t hy (diiiiiiaiits and juries in niiiiieroiis re­cent cases of accident, l u one in-stiirice a man got (i cents damages af­ter l i i iving lost sevcriill toes; in aii-otlicr he received from an onllelng jury no less than .^-liO lor a single toe. l int now comes forward a iicr-son who asks * 100,000 damages for the less of his two feet.

A J i i s s i o x A i t v and his wife who had spout years in safety a m o n g tlio savages of .'Vl'ricii, were recmtly s a n d ­bagged and rohhed in Oiiiiiba. When recovered they w i l l doiilitlcss return to Afr i ca witl i pronounced views us to o u r modern civilIziitioii.

S U I T lias lieen iiroiight by a Mem-])his woman against a, railway com­pany, the allegation being that while she wus aslce|i in a I'liUiiian car a male employe, spyiii.';' her feet, that had strayed from between the cur­tains, did then and there give the pinlc tootsies an unlawful s(]iiecze. There cdii lie no for such rude­ness, and yet a liiird-hcaded jury may liold the ^volllan as in a ineasiire to blaiue. AYIicii she went to lied i t v/iis certainly a part of tlic duty she owed society 1,0 take her foct with her. A t any rate, the aisle of a I 'ullii ian car is uu place I'ora liecl-aiid-toeexhibition.

L o N D O M Trut l i lecciitly contained .some poetry about .Mr. (ioiild. 'J'he papers of thi.s,coiiuti'y were, i n cer­t a i n cases, iilmosb ahiisivo in t h o i r coinmonts upon tl iclato lln:iiicier,,lnib none of them went to such an extent. The most hostile drew the l i n o a t poetry.

A Mi.ssinNAiiV latidy retnrncd from Africa , after years among tho heathen, where his skin had re­mained wliolc, and upon reaching Omaha was hit and badly wounded with asiiiKlbatr. I l ls yearning to be back among the comparatively gentle savages is only natural.

•C0X01JICS.SMA.V CocKUHLL of Texas, w.os wounded in a light during tho war of tlic rebollioii. I'ccently ho had trouble with his throat, and on being operated uiion by his doctor was cosily rclicvod of a minnic bullet, which had worked its way upwards from bhe original wound.

Tnhl Chicago Board of Education has decided to uive tho pi'cforciicc in einijluyliig female touchers to maids and widov.'s and lias liarrcd from coiiipotitiuii for place women with chi ldic i i iincler '2 years old. Jfcro's an oppcrtiinity I'or a frenzied .shriek on tliu part of tlic people who, ap-parcdtly, have nothing todo b u t c r i t i -cisc t l ic conduct of tlio Hoard, ' A l -bcib, thfl decision, while on its face it looks liko a disconragoiiicnt of mar­riage and matrimony, is a most sensi­ble one. I t wil l come pretty hard on sonic husbands whose wives have hitherto supported I hem, bub tho harder tlic lictter In this regard,

TriK wife of a Los Anijelos man set forth his worthlcssiicss in a long com­plaint. Immediately he committed a felony .snilicieiit to land him in jai l . He intended this as evidence of a broken heart, but tiic public, nob al­ways sentimental to a maudlin de­gree, accepted i t as sustaining tho complaint.

A T a meeting of anarchists in Spain a proposition to bathe in blood was greeted wi th vociferous enthusiasm. There is .sonietliing in the idea not wholly bad. The bath is certainly to be commended, and if a reasonable compromise as to the llu id can be reached, anarchy w i l l hardly know it­self after one treatment.

Ih- i t is true that a (';onnan savant has discevcred a moans of disinfect­ing rivci'.s, reservoirs of drinldi ig wa­ter and oven scwel's, liy means of tho passage of an clcctriccurrent through them, ; i long step wil l have been made toward advancing the longevity of the human race. Cases of infection l iko that which caused such wide­spread mourning in Hamburg last year would become almosv, iinpossible. The deadly well v/liich often scattcr.s typhoid through a v.'holc village would bo purified at once. And \yholc dis­tricts which now sii/l'er from poison­ing, could be rendered more habitable forthwith. H u n t up the German scicntislr, and let us know exactly what his claims arc worth.

Tim World's F a i r contract? al ready made call for buildings and landscape iniproveinents costing $12,-303,52-1.65. The fair ready to open wiircost$20,000,000, according to the latest estimate. Tt is evident that even Jay Gould couldn't have fitted Tip more than four or Ave World's Fairs without having to borrow a few millions from his many loving friends.

AsroTiiKi: superstition has gone. A n Englishman thought that by drinking human blood, fresh and .'warm, he would be invested w i t h su­pernatural powers and able to defy earthly environment. Y e t the au­thorities seemed to have no dll l lculty i n hanging him, and his earthly en­vironment Is more entailed than bo-fore ,

W i i i L H Edmund Biis.scll has been spreading the tenets of a benign and boautcolis idiocy in the West his wife has been as actively engaged in smothei'ing the Eastern intellect. SIic advocates among other things fully as .sane the process of fal l ing down stairs as a means of grace and a chaser of dul l care. ,Shc says that Edmund docs this almost every day, and by this unconsciously -she gives the public a ray of hope. .Some blessed time the lliglity Edmunfl may grow too ambitious for mere stairs and try an elevator vi'cllor a ten-story building. Almost any city in the land would be wi l l ing to risk mussing its coblile-stoncs for the sake of hear-inir the cheering report of Edmund's impact upon them. A n d tho con­scientious reporter wri t ing of the episode would omit tho usual unpleas­ant detail about brains being spat­tered over the.scene.

K i i r m e r I ' ln i io j f i i i i ' s .MIIK:I I ! I l a n i , Once upon a time (and this is no

fake story) there lived, and st i l l lives. In Hodgson, Aroostook County, Maine, u man by the name of Patr ick Einnegan.

]\lr. irinncgan is not (i politician, as might be inferred from his name, but a farmer; and a reinarkablc one in some respects.. I t is oonshlercd tho acme of sticcesss in farming to make two blades of grass grow where one grew before li'iirmer Einnegiiii could do more; he could harvest tliree bushels of jiotatfies where one had grown. '.Phis strange result was not due to any peculiarity of soil, but en­tirely to iocation.

J:'art ol ' l i ls farm was on one side of the imaginary line between the United .States and Canada aud part on tho otlicr side. This iiiiagliiai'y and apinirently harmless line was a constant source of trouble and an­noyance to him, as i t has always been to Uncle •Sam—es|)cclally sinco Mc-Xin iey iiiagnilled its i i i i i K i r t a u c c . Tho farm aiiiuials, and oven the farm hands, could uot be made to under­stand the iiu|)ortaiiceof tills invisible line, iiiid would not treat It with jiropcr respect. Jilr. l-'innegan liad Icarnod, since he been |)aying taxes in twocoiintries, the imjiortaiice of that l i n e Jlo knew that it was a sin for t l ic American side of his farm to have dealings with tiie Citiiadiaii side. Ie was a writl.mi law that the two ends of his farm should in no way recognize each other. Jn fact th'c United States ("lovcriiinciit liad olllcers j iatrolling that line to sec t h a t i ioti i ing of value passed between the two ends of t i l ls and other fariiis s imilarly situated.

llegardless of coiise(iueiices and of the fact that they were cheap jirovin-cial aniiiiiils on one side and valuable farm iiniinais on the other, above as­sociating wi th their pauper selves, the slieci), hogs, cattle, and horses would, nevertheless, persist in snulg-giing themselves back and forth the line. ,Still greater trouble was caused when colts, calves, lambs, pigs, e tc , born on the provincial eiui of t h e farm, innocently following their careless moWaer.s, would attempt to bcceine subjects of the great United States without the payment of duty. Of cotirse, our Government could not tolerate such reckless abuse of its rights, privileges, and laws, and the great 'J.''rcasury Department, in sev­eral famous decisions, init its foot down on all such proceedings. Those decisions have had to bo revised sev­eral times to cover all possible coiii-binationsoC circumstances of domes­tic itnimals that stray into foreign lands when about to become luothcrs. I t is now safe to say t h a i a calf horn on tho Canadian end of Mr. Ji'lnne-gan's farm is expatriated, tiiough its parents are cletirly American.

Since 1890 M r. iriniicgan's hens, and turkeys have proven them­selves unworthy subjects of Uncle Sam. Keeping up their old habits they would walk, Ily or swim into Uanadii to lay pauper eggs, and per­haps hatch pauper chickens or go.s-lings, when these processes could just as well have occurred on onr own free and valuable soil. M r . Einnegan was put to endless annoyance trying to get back the di.sgraced barn-yard fowls without attracting the atten­tion of the onicials patroll ing the boundary l ine between the two coun­tries.

tatoes, to Jlr . .Einnegan, to be deliv­ered ab the cheap end of the barn. The charge is then made that Mr. Finiiegan would smuggle the jiotatoes worth 40 cents per bushel to the dear end of the barn, whore they wore worth U.'i cents per bushel. Tlie (iov-crninent olllclals discredit the whole story of the iiiagic barn, and say that it is only a kind of sinuggilngthat Is being .systematically, conducted along the Maine border. They say that i t is easy tosmugglc there, because there are but oiglit ollicors for 200 miles of houiidary. If the jury decides against Mr . .Klnnegaii, and convicts li im of the awfiil criiiie of moving pi'odiico from one end of his barn to the other, he may be incarcerated for several months and have a whole year's pi'ollts cnnllscatcd.

Oub of respect for an adminlsti'a-tioii that has been discai'ded, the moral that could be drawn fcoin this true story is omitted.

close of this enlightened nineteenlb century, see (It to donate several liundreii inl l l ioi is of dollars to the few hundred sugar jiroducers 0) Louisiana; but, 5Ii'. 'Wiley, we thinli the probabilities are that the .Fifty-th ird Qongress wil l do nothing of tiie k ind. We think It will not entirely ni^glcct the Interest of its (io,000,000 coiisitiuers as its predcct.'ssors liavt done,


L ,' T H E American Duchess o£ Marl -.•.vborough has deeded to her stepson, '. ' the .new'Duke a l l her share i n the

-castlo of the late u n m o u r n e d . T h i s ;<'y:act is regarded as thoughtful, bub as

•.yr :th'e p would havo taken possession. of the property anyway, the principal

yl effect.seems'to bo his deprivation of ;^'phej;pleasurc ofdoling. . It in. the un-

Be'utlorininly way so natural to him.' ;

, A coLORADO'crhhinal being under "i i isentenco pf death', and ;.likely;,| ,tp^he

T h o I ' l i n n t ' t l o o f ( l ie S o u t h .

The graceful j:,a!metto, thao grows so profusely in the lower tier of tho Southern States, has recently become a factor ' In the Industries of the South, for its wood^is hard enough to qarve and its fiber is strong enough to make excellent cordiigc and a use­ful suhstituie I'or sponges. I n .'/ack-sonvillc a fmitory has been started for the purpose of maiving brushes and brooms of the liber, and else­where sink brushes are being made of the wood, half of whose thickness is being converted Into bristl ing points. The young leaves of the tree make a salad that the people are beginning to appreciate, and the taste of it' is likened to that of chesthiits.r Boars' knew about io long|bofoi'(5' the pcoolo did, a n d ' i t Is a favorite article of die t amonsr. them, ' 'the black bears cliriibing the .trees and,browsing.011 thofresh'^hooiis'as ''eagerly' ^^^^ they. browse'i3n;'waterinpl(i^ -''

.\ J sp ju j vmcjn:' ai: b'Jbbrri. creatt soino .achicVbi:fgneiitnoss;|'>^8^ !; 'SQ11; ;whl8ky;at.l05ceriteja?gla:3^to

A t last, after many sleepless nights, M r , Elnnegaii devised a scheme that might possibly save h im much trouble, and perhaps even re­ward him for past trouble and ex­pense H c w o u l d build a barn on the dlvidinR l ine and keep the Canadian farm animals and products in the provincial end of it and tho genuine American animals and products In the American end. 'J?he success of the scheme was beyond Jfr. irinne-gan's raostsanguinccxpectatlons. I t had a magical elTect on production. N o t only did the .soil become more fertile, but products garnered in that barn continued to increase lu quan­tity. For every huiidred bushels of oats or barrels of potatoes harvested aud put into that barn the proprie­tor could take oub and sell two or three hundred bushels or barrels. Horses led through that barn might add $25 or even SuO to their value

Tho barn had proved a bonanza to its owner, who was enjoying such un­precedented prosperity as to arouse feelings of jealousy in the breasts of his neighbors and suspicions of fraud in tho minds of Uncle Sam's patrol­men.

The final .success of the experiment is now put l u jeopardy because M r . Einnegan is undergoing a tr ia l for smuggling potatoes across the border l i n e I t i s ' c la imed, and indeed is nob denied, that farmers in this country prefer to purchase, their seed potatoes from Canada. ;They think this the best means oC avoiding rot and ot se­curing an early crop. Hence there is considerable demimd i n the U n i t e d •States, even when our potato crop is fair, - for New. Brun.swick and Nova Scotia potatoes. This demand con­tinues in spite of the 25,'cents per bushel duty placed- on potatoes .by our late 'jVm. McKinloy , .Tr. Of

•course'the duty makes pro vl ncial pp-. tatoes"wiirth 25 cents less.than when transported to the :Uriited' States. •

These indisputable-facts, .'co'tipled w i t h the fact that Mr..- Elnnegan has unUoubtiJdly been;:sellirig',';700,dr,800, barrelsiof 'potatoes iiJth'tiiigh' It'c • has raised.hu1}:,,3(io;';ha,Y&^^ ra i i tage (if;ibyf ^ ;tho:;lJpnier|\whc^ i l l i i v d i ' h v f t sn l f l ' ' ' r i r r i

8uK:ar U o u i i l l c s i i r i i l D u l l e s .

Wllletb Gray's •Statistical Sti,'.'ar Trade .loiiriinl of ,'lan. II) prints a let­ter from J l r . 11. W. Wiley, chemist In the JJepartiiient of Agriculture, to the Secretary of Agriculture, on the subject of sugar bounties. J lr . W i ­ley says:

'".l.'lie present actual cost of the pro­duction of beet, c.aiio and sorgliiini sugar in tlic United States is almost the same I'or e v e r y variety, and is perliaps a. trille over four cents per pound, '.['he market value of the raw sugiir so pi'oiliiced is about three cents a pound, deducting the freights. If, tlici'cforc, sugar remiiins on the tree list, and the bounty is removed, it ivould the prodiK ' crs in this country a net loss of one cent a jioii iKl on every pound of sugar made, 'l.'he immediate resii ltof such a policy would lie the closing of every sugar house in the United States, and the utter destriicti(/ii of the sugar indus­try.

"If the bounty is removed a diiliy should he placod on sugar of abmit one and one-half cents, in order tliab the manul'actiirc may he iirolltiiblc.

"It is notdill lculb lo foresee tlmt in from ten to llft,ceii years, tlie time appointed by the law I'or (ihc coiitinii-atioii of bhe bounty, tlio cost of sugar production In this country would be .so-red need as to render jiossible tlie iiiaiiiifacture of sugar at a, jirollb without nny protection whatever; but In tlio present status of t,hc industry such a coi.'stituiiiatioii i.s impossible at once.

"Tl ic sugar industry of the country, therefore, depends for its existence upon the wisdom of Congress in deal­ing wit l i the subject"

h'or iOO years t h e iirotectod lndu.s-tries have been asking for a few more years of governmental aid to enable them to stand alone. A n d all this time tlicy have been iiSAlng I'ol', and obtaining, only temporarily, of course, higher and higher duties. Duties of from 5 to 10 jier cent liave been mul­tiplied h y i n , 15 or 20. Mr. Wiley must liiivc been a poor student of hbstoryifhe really thinks that iiny protected infant industry wil l ever be quite ready to leave olT its pap.

But, aside from the unwarranted promises, what a state of alfaii's is re­vealed by tills letter. A n industry half a century old, that has received during tiie past t l i i r ty years directly and indirectly over $100,000,000 .as a gratuity i'or iirodiicing what has sold for perhaps .5200,000,000 cannot con­tinue its existence, it is said, unless aided by a bounty of ,'{.'! per cent, of the selling price of the product This beggar, aftor pocketing its many mi l l ­ions of ill-gotten gifts, now shows its appreciation by brazenly asking the United States to compel its (J5,000,000 of people to go down in tlicir pockets, during the next ten or flfteon years, to the ex1;ent of from $150,000,000 .to $500,000,000, for the bcnelltof this great beggar indtistry-^that is, of the BOO or 700 growers of cane, sorghum and beets, who now get the .IHO,000,-000 or ,$12,000,000 a yc;ir bounty,

What, now, aro .•-•onic of the evil consequences of trying to stimulate an industry here that would probably thrive about as well without stimu­lants?

In the llrst place, protection has in­creased tbe cost of sugar during the last twenty years alioiit 75 per cent 'Phis, besides adding several dollars a year to the coat of l iv ing for the average family, has crippled and pre­vented or destroyed many important industries. The canning industry alone, i f i t had had cheap sugars, would now be lifty times as great as the whole sugar producing industry. 'The United States has unrivaled fa­cilities for producing vegetables, fruits, corn, llsh, meat, ete, and should supply the world wi th canned goods. W i t h b i g and prosperous can­neries In a l l parts of this country, o u r farmers would have certain and reliable markets for surplus products now wasted; Many crops now often sold at a loss would then yield large pro/Its, and farmers would be pros­perous where .they arc now on their way to the poorhoiiscr-not GOO or 700 farmers merely, but several m i l l ­ions of ithcm. England now is the' ponter of supply of canned gotids.for t h e whole world, because^Germany and France have been paying heavy bounties on sugar produced and cx' ported, and h e r canners have had free sugar, glass and t i n .

The .European cou'ntrles now p'ay about $45,000,000 a year to encourage t h e exportation of sugar, \and to en­able outside, countries to get sugar bolbw.thC: actual co§t of production. England, irioro sensible than t h e TTnltiO.d S t a t o s . ' flnf>S n o t r n . f n s n tf^ a c -

S e l l l n i ; (?or(IuKe in lCi i| ;hind.

The Cordage 'J'radft.iournal, of iTan. 15, reiiriiits a couple of letters from "('"airplay," of London, which Indl catc that the National Cordage C a , ol the United States, is making bids foi i'Jngllsh trade anil that the l.iritisli manuractiirers are getting scared. It appears that cordage, twine, etc., ari! made Just as clicaply on one side of the At lant i c us mi the other side but t i iat the Nat ional Cordage Co. (trust), because of Its great caii it i i l , can buy its raw iiiiitcrials—lieiii)), jute. Max, etc.—1(1 much hotter advantage; that i.s, as one of the correspondents piili-it, the Cordage Co. "hits adojited ad-vaiilagcods means of .si]ue(;zing better value out of the lieailien Chinee or sonic other fellow in the .Pli i l lpii l i ios."

Conditions have not iiiaterlnlly clian'^'cd since J l cKlnley left an aver­age duty of about 2 cents ]ier pound on rope, twli ie , etc. There was then no jiisti'ca.soii for leavlngany dutyon cordiige 'Pl iooi i ly apparent reason, j iistilled by the fact thnt the trust lias since iiiiidc. Iiig coiiti'ibiitioiis tu the Pepubiicau ciiiiipiiign corruption fuiid.s, is tl iat tlic 'iNathuial Cordage C e would th(>rol)y be giiai'iiiiteed the nioiiopoly of the .Aiiicricaii iiiarlcet, to extort iiiirciisnnalile prollts from the AiiuTicai i coii.'-'iiinei's. 'I'liis the trust liasdoiie. In 1SS-S and, 1 SSI) the aver­age dilVerencc in tlic prices of niaiii l i i ; i i id i i ianil i i cordage was l.S-l cents ])er pound. Since ISSi) the diirei'cnco lias averaged over .'I ceil Is.

'Pliat the trust is i i iaki i ig unusual iU'iillts is cieiir. Jt has been paying a (livideiid ot 10 j i e rcent on its com­mon and S ])er cent on its [ircl'crred stock, while i t lias been paying ex­orbitant jirices I'or now plants, nearly half of which it holds idle, besides paying big sums ($200,000 In one case) to outside iiiaiiufiictiirers of cordage and of cordage miicliincry to keep'tlieir plants clewed, '.riie price of its stock indicates great jirof-its. Its coiiiinoii stock sold in 181)1 from 7;i:; to 104. A t tiic end of 1S02 it was (iiioted a t ' 138, iiiul Jan. 20, iSO.'i, at 143^ Jll December 1S!I2. the trust voted to increase its capital from !iii5,000,(l00 l;o $25,000,000 both for the jiiirjinse ot milking its div i ­dends look smaller and to make its stock a better suhjoct for speculation in ^Viill street, 'll'lie reason why the extra stock has nut been issued, so rumor says, is because the large hold­ers arc wait ing until they can bul l the stock tn tho highest pessible polnt--150 if passible—so that the common stock, after i t is watered, w i l l .sell I'or about 100.

And this is the kind of an industry that McKin iey believed in fostering wi th protective tarilTs! '.I'hls is ouo of his proteges! i f the iiextCongrcss carries out the wil l of the people i t w i l l remove al l of the duty on cord­age bel'ore next July.

T H E S E N A T E A N D H O U S E . !

W O R K O F O U R N A T I O N A L L A W -

' M A K E ' R S .

V . . . . N o t o i i or , ;Currci i t .Evcnt» ._

..-/JAMiss-^tDAMPiiijLTi'/Pos'tmastoi'.'G , 'erai'ln"Pierce's.-Oablnet, dled'at.Philiil-i-i-vfew •dioiphiii.;^;; v '-'J:,.; >• ;'•: \'¥::fH0-''MI:i;'l^^:^^\;0! i;s IN:fi'fire;:-nitKew'iYorlC'-M^ Salmon i J h d hei\ two cliildrori;vVbrQ.fatal^j'i' ly burned. ^ ' . "

:,::''-'AN:'unk'n'owu m'an wiis.foiind.'mi ^ ^ ^ •ftt J6'n'esyille,Mhd.',, havlng'be'eniltornllj'.';;.!'.. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ',.cut,tp'pie(:ps.wlth;.a:kiiifo;;^;;viJ^^

^mM^f^^^^^'^^^f'^^^^ m!>:mm§mm¥m

U n i t e d states,'does not rctiise to ac--copt: cheap' sugar..but,', lihrptigh,the 'Eui-ppciiri beiin.tics, receives' a'gift of {aboiit $10,000,600;a year'onhersiigars and..l)iiilds;. 'upv%C;Industrics^^ dri yea'-ou t ,01 .;the{Coh ti ne II tal-i'^ itritis.' ::'f,She i then' suppl l e s t h o • fciol i sh

L a s t Y e a r for 'Prusts-

No two years hiivo been as prolific of trusts as tbo.sooti891 and 1802. 'The advantages of the Mclvinlcy l a r i f l law to trusts aro just begin­ning to be appreciated hy many in­dustries, and though that trust-pro­tecting measure has only six months or a year longer to run, yet new trusts are forming as rapidly as ever to get what bencllts can be derived from the tag-end of. M'clvinleyisiu. 'The Iron Age of •ian. iO mentions some ot the trusts now forming or just completed in Its l i n e I t says:

"Consolidation seems bound to be­come tlie wntchwoi'd in many de­partments of industry. Sessions have been held in Chicago by the wire rod and wire maniitacturcrs, at which a representative of the largest wire plant presided, and a S t Louis pro­ducer acted as Secretary. 'The meet­ings arc over, and further negotia­tions w i l l he carried on by cor-responence , 5 0 1 0 0 of the cut nail manufacturers east of the Alleghany mountains arc also talking of closer relations, 'l'he brass and copper mak­ers arc .said to be near the successful issue of their negotiations, and a cop­per wire consolhlation is well ad­vanced toward its consummation. The Western cast-iron pipe i'ouudi'ies arc to meet to-day."

T h e M-hlsIcy T i i x .

Should increased revenues be need-, ed i t is going to be very hard to sup­ply them. Thevyhisky, which seemed to oiler so simple a remedy, has bccu rendered unavailable by the whisky milkers, who, in hope ot prollt, have manufactured so largely that . a ' lull two or three years' supply w i l l be in bond before any additional tax can take cllect. Whisky cannot yield ad­ditional revenue, therefore, for two years to come Coffee and tea, which arc altogcthcir iinpdrted, and raw sugar, of which (Ivo-sixths is im­ported, are ideal subjects of reVcnue-tariir taxation; but no Congress w i l l restore the tax on these unt i l the people shall have been reconciled to a, small Increasc.Jn consideration of a t a r i l l change giving them cheaDcr clothing and blankets. - I n view of these conditions the minds ot a l l the Democratic leaders seem more and more turning ,to a graduiited tax 011 large incbines' as. a source,of more r e v e n u e — N . Y , .World. /

rroooc<lInE;H oC ( I iu N o m i t n m i d H o u s e o l Stop i ' t iKuiiIal lvuK — l i i i p n r l i i n t A l u u N i i r e H U l B O i i s s o i l uiuI A e l u i l L ' p n i i — C l a t o f t i l e l l i i s i i i o a s .

T h o Nntlnnol S o l u n u . M o n d a y S o n a i o r t . 'baud .or h r o u s l i t t h o

H a w a i i a n i i n r a t l o n f o r w a r d as a. d l s t l n o -l i v e l y A m e r i c a n l-.-iuu. Ily a r e s o l u t i o n w h i c h hu I n l r i i d i i e e d In tho .Senato ho call.s u p o n tho I ' res lde i i t to e n i o r Into n c f f o U a -t l o n w l l h the I ' r o v l n e l u l ( lovorninont -s o f Iho l a t o k i n g d o m of l l a w i i l l f o " l l i o a i l i u l s -Blon o f the i K l a i i d as a t o r r l l o r y of ! h o U n l l o d S la len . i\lr. C h a n d l e r b a d h o p e d for tho l i n i u o t l l a i o c o i i s l d o r a t h m o f t b o r u s o l u l h i i i . b u t S e i i i i U i r W l i l t o I n t o r p o s e d an o l i j o c t l o i i . a n d u n d e r tbo rt i los tho r o s o -I n t l o n w e n t ovor .

I ' h n . S n i a i o K O I r i d T u e s d n y of t h o l o K l s -I t t l l v o Incubus u n d e r w h b d i It h a s l a b o r e d s i n c e thn l l r - i l d a y of the session. T h o a n l l -o p t l o a bin r e a c h e d i h u point a t w h i c h vo l InK be - 'a i i a t 11: IT. |... : in. T h o l l r s t vott i was o n tho i i i u o n d i i i o i i t o l l ' e r o d l iy M r . VIIaH (Wis. ) tn Ihu Cieorcn s n b s u t i i t o . a n d t l i c i t i n e n d i u e n t ivns ru ,|oclud—yoas I ' l ; n a y s , to. T b e n tho t ieor( ;u .snhsl I t n t u . Itself iviiii re . iuct .ed—yeas , H i ! n a y s . .'it. A n d l l m i l l y Ih'o h i l l was passeil b y a vote o f 40 lo Ul) T I K U ' O wore ninny m e n i b e r s of tbo H o u s e of Uaprosentai tvo . s , u l l l i i u H a inio . s l a s n i a n y of Ibuni as i h e r o were .'•'uniilors, i i r o s e n t In tho Senate c l i a n i h e r d i i i d u K tho v c l . n ' a n d t h u l i r e l l i n l n i i r y dlseus - i loii of the b i l l . n n d . the d e o p e s l I ineres t was u i i i i i l f u s l o d In t h o proeeedlni !S as w e l l o n l l i o l loor as In tbo c r o w d e d Rul ler los . H e i i r e s u n l a t l v o I l e A r -inoni l (Mo. 1 p u t u l i l t l o sp lee . l u l o t t m p r o -eee.UuKs of tho I to i iso b y l u n k l i r , ' a n a t ­t a c k n p n n the e l v l l - : j e r v l e u law. '.riioii a c i i n l r o v e r s y ns l o Ihe l l u i u o e r a c y ot M r . ICnbw C r e i i n ) a n d M r . I l l a n d (.Mo.) o i i t o r -l i t l n e d the l l o n s o for v.wblle. ' i b o I loi is t i ro.'Jumod. In e o n i n i l l t e o o f t h e w b n i o , tho c n n . v l d o r a t l o n ot I b o s n n d r y c i v i l a p i i r o p r l n -l l o n b i l l . Ti l l . ' e n i i i n i l l t e u tbon r u l n r n e d l o I h i i i i o c l l o n r e l u l i v e l o i i u b l l e b u l l d l i i K S ,

'I'hu ( . i r t i n c u t l o u b i l l wus the l i r s t ot the (.'onural h i l l s to c o m e heforo l l m . ' ^ o n a l o Wedno .sday, a n d It was passod a f l u r a r n i b o r l i i t o r e . s i h e ' rtlsenssbni o n i h o siil),leet ot c o n s t f o n l t l e n . l l o n s . T h e a r m y i i p i i r o p r l a -l l o n b i l l was l.lKui l i i k u n u p n n d Wa.s i iassod w i t h l i n t a s l i u j l o n i n e i i d i u u n t — I n e r e u s l n i ; t h e i n o n l l i l y p a y of sergcninls ot t b o a r m y , Tbi^ I l l s l r l e t o f C ' o l n i i i l i l a b i l l earnd ne.vt In o r d e r . A l l the e o i n i n l t t e o n i n e u d i i i o n i s worn ;ii,-rei !d In, e x c e p t o n o I h a t Wiis ro .^erved for - i i c l l i i n T l iur . - iday look ing ' to I l i e o r e e l b n i of n S.'iOO.OIIO i n u -n l e l p a l I n i l l d l n i ! In W u s b i i i - l o i i e l l y , T b u n t t e u l l o n ot t b e l l o n s o wns centered u p o n o i i n Item o f Ibe s r . n d r y c i v i l a p p r o p . r l a t l o n b i l l , '.Pbat i i e i n was ono a p p r n p r l a l l n i ; ,'.lll,n00,(llhl for e i i r rybi f , ' on Iho c o n t r a c t s a l -r e i i d y e i i l e r o d I n i o for t b o I n i p r o v u -ine i i t uf rlver.-i i i i i d harhor . j . 'I'lio j i i r l - d l c l l o n n l n u t b n r l t y o f t l i u t . 'o inni l t teu o n A p p r o p r l n l l o n s was e a l l e d Into (|Uos. t i o n . I t wns e o u t o n d e d H i n t the i tppro|irt-i i t l o n s s h o u l d h a v e heon repm-tud l.o i h o c o n i u i l t l o o on l inrhnr .s , h i l l n l l l i o m h M r . l l o l i n a n was f o r e m o s t of Ihoso who m a d o t h i s e u n l o n t l o n n a a l i i s t Iho power o f t h o c n n i u i K t u o of w h i c h b o was c h n l r n i a u , I l i i i t c o m n i l l l e o c i iniu o u t v i c t o r i o u s i i i i d tho Item wns dec ided l.o l.o a p r n p o r o n o . W l t l i -n i i t t lna l ly aetln.i ; o n t h e b i l l t b o I ln i ise a d -J o i i r n o d .

T h i i i s i a y m o r n l i i K tho i i i i t l - o p t i o n b i l l w a s tbo e o n l o r o f In tbo l l o n s o , 'J'ho n u p o n e u t s o f t h e lo;,' wero o n t b o a l o r t , aud t h o l u s t i i n t H i n t M r . l l a l c l i m a d o bis inot ion for tho eoi i foronco , M r . I l y n u i n , of I n d l i m n , was i i d d r o i s l n i , ' t h e S p c a k o r , w i t h a p o i n t of ordur , t h a t tha Sonnto nnioiidiMOiii .s ' inus t l i r s t bo c o u -s l d o r e d In e o n i n i l l t e o o f tho •wliolii, . l o h n H a v e n p o r t and tho b'oderul e l e c t i o n l a w s t h e n o c e i u i l o d thu a t l o n t l o u of tho l i o u s o , n r o i i K h t f o r w a r d b y a n a n i e n d i u o n t oll 'orod b y Mr , t ' l t c l i . o f N o w V o r k . t o t b o s n n d r y i d v l l b i l l , l l i i r o v l d o s H i n t h o r o u f t o r n o i i u r t n f n n y m o n e y u p i i r o p r t a l o d l o p a y a n y foes to t h u U i i t l o d Statea conunteslnnor .s, inar.shals, o r c l e r k s s l i i i H l)u used fnr a n y w a r r a n t Is-Biied o r arro .st m a d o i i i i d o r tho !aiy< r b l a t -Ing to t l io c l o c l l o i i ot i n u i n b e r . i o f iinlo.'^s tho p r o s e c u t i o n has heon eoinuioi iood i i p o n a sworn e . o n i p l i i l n l s u l t l n i , ' f o r l h thn f a c t s c o n s t l l n l l n i ; t h o oll 'enso a n d a l l o j i i n i ; l l i o i n to b e w l i h i n t h o p e r s o n a l I tnowiedKo o f tbo a l l l a n l . T h e i i i u e n d i i i u n t was (Ini i l ly aurood to, J7U to J7. T h o l i ' l l c b a i n o n d i n e n t was uKreod i o ~ - y o a B l 8 1 . n a y s 80. •Tho b i l l was H i s n passud. W l t b t b o e x c o i i t l o i i of one h o u r In tho e a r l y p a r t of tbo d a y , and a l l t t l o lon .! ;er t l i i i o i n the o v u i i l i i K . the d a y ' s sess ion o t tho .Sonatu was h e l d b n h i n d c losed doors. I t waa passed In i l i O ' C o t i s l d o r i i t l o n o t tbo (.'roiicli a n d S w e d i s h o x t r a d l t l o n tre i i t los . M r . O i i r -l l s l o ' s res lK 'nat lo i i as S n n a l o r f r o m J i u n -l u c k y w'.is prosontod. T h e D i s t r i c t a p p r o -p r b i t l o n b i l l was l i i k o n up, c o n s i d e r e d , a n d passed.

F r i d a y tho S p c a k o r l a i d hoforu tho H O U H B t h o P r o s U l o n t ' s incssanu r o l a t l v o to i .bo , bond t r a n s i t o v o r O a n a d b i n roads . K o -f o r r e d . '.I.'lio d o l l c l o n c v a p p r o p r l n t l o n b i l l w a s pas.sod a n d the I n d i a n i i p p r o p r h i t l o n b i l l was i n p n r l u d . T b o l l o n s o Ihon p a i d t r i b u t o l o tbo •nioiuory nf tho l a t e i i u p r o s o n l a l l v o C r a l v . of I ' o n n s y l v u n l u , a n d a d j o u r n e d . 'I h u q u o i i l l o n of tbo r e p e a l ot Iho S h o r n i n n act, o r a t Iniist. o f - tho s u s p o i i s l o n nt tho s i l v e r b u l ­l i o n p u r c h a s e p r o v i s i o n ot It, was i i n -o x p o c t o d l y p r n c l i i l l a t o d o n tho Son­a t u by M r . 'Te l ler (Hop C o l o r a d o , l l u tnadu tho p r e s o n t a i l o i i ' o f somo p o t l l l o n s on tho s u b j e c t t b o o c c a -s l D . i f o r l a n n c b l n s o u t Into i i d i s c u s ­s i o n o f tho ivl iolo i i u e s t l o n . a n d o.vpresaod h i s c o n l l d o n t a s s n r a n c o t h a t Mio ropoiH o t t h o S h o r i n i i i i a c t w a s not a u i o i i i ; tho p o s s i ­b i l i t i e s of tho p r o s o n t session. A t ! l p. n i . t h o business o f tho .Senato was s i i spendod In o r d e r t h a t l i l t Inu' t r l h u t o s i n l R h t bo m a d o to tho n io inory of Iho la to .Sunalor U a r b o u r , o t V l r K l n l i i . K n l o n l o s o t tl in dead S o i i a l o r w e r o p r o n o u n c e d b y Messrs . B i i n i o l s , J l n n -d o r s o i i . l . ' a u l U n o r , G a l l l n g e r , P l u i t . . i l U I , I H s c o c k , and l l u n t o n , M r , H a r b o u r ' s s n c -cos=ior In tho Semite . T h e u s u a l r e s o l u ­t i o n s woro aRreod to. a n d the So i ia to , as a f u r t l i o r m a r k of respect (o tho i n o n i o r / o t ' M r . Barb- .uir , a d j o u r n o d .

T u r k e y Tak'es 11 s t e p l . ' o r w i i r d . :

The Siillan of Turkey, has made a vigorous break through tho trammel.s of national tradition and has given tho order that 'Turkey shall take a place in tho march of civilization. Ho h,is ' granted concosslnns for Iho oonstruo-tion of long railways which will opon up his territory, to the oast,, the north and the aonth, all having their .termi­ni at Constantinople. One road Is to run to Pamaanus, and another, the 'Tigris and Euphrates Hallway,. to tho Persian Gulf. ' ., , . :


O . v K l c r s unci . A r t n i o h v l T o o t l i .

irs ' -'-•'•' :'--;-'';;i1

l a •-•'y^^-m


A dentist ot Athena, Ga., has .'at Uls, • ' "Wl oflloe a curiosity in j,hc >vay of pya'tors and artitlolal teeth. The tooth had evi­dently been lostby someone on board a ship or someono who had been drowned.;, 'The. oysters ha.d, formed .around the ,,. teotli and the formation is perfect'.' ,A. .•..b4!. ;r]ij .'Irodglng'bbat found tho'shclpwith' th'«.;' teeth attached, and tho man who. fotihd, • '-i,' ' them sold,theni for $20.; .The.Smlthsoii-^':v Ian Institution lanow .sooking-;tos.pur,-,^.;',/.^';..-

i'ehase them, nnd offers ii'gooa;i)rleOr:i ' 1^

: Wis read 'Of burning brick in A s i a In cii 'cularlcilns, thd:last stages (;onslst>; ing- ot covering the .kilns and arches ;vith ' heavy vfelt•i.kept: very moist', rcallycreating.steam instead of flame;


I ••(

Daliymon, s t o c k m e n , lirerj'-stablo mon n n d lionio-eiit'mon iinito in sitviiiK l h a t no B R c h l i o r s o nnd ealHo liniment "as Snlviillon Oil lia.w over lio;m put upon Iho mni'kol. It s l i o i i l d ho kept at. nverv utuhlo u u d s t o c k ynrd in the land, t',5ois,

] ' ]VI ! I !V0NE'K fanillv wns ideli at somo timo before lio came into it.

A J.ONG I'liOCKHaiON •of diflonsos start from a torpid liver nnd ini-ipttro blood, ilr, ]'iorcc',s Golden Jludiciil ]5is-covury cures every ono of thom. It pmvnts 'tliojii, too, Tako it, as you otigbt, when you feel tho lirst syniploms (Inngunr, loss of np-Ijotito, dullne.s.s, depression) nnd you'll save joursolf from something serious.

In huildinp up iicedcil flesh nnd strength, .nnd to ])nrily nnd eiiridi tlio blood, notliius linn nqunl tbo " Discovery," It invigonitoa tho liver nnd Iddnoys, iiromotcs nil Ibo bodily functions, and hriiiKs back lieiiHli and vigor. For Dyspeiwiii, " Liver Coniiiliiint," l l i l l o t i s -nivis, nnd all .Scrofiiloiis, Sliin, nnd Bcalp His. «n8os, it is t i l l ) only remedy that's f/iifD-iiud'ed to bonoflt or c i i r B , in every cuse, or tho nionoy is refunded

Alioiit Ciitnrrb. No matter what you'vo trlod and found wanting, you (.'an lio cured with Df, Siigc's Catarrh Ibmiedy, Tho |iro-prietors of this iiiodicino iigreo to euro you, or thoy'Ji jiiiy you $.500 iu casb,

Y O U ' V l ' S P 0 8 L E 0

i i

we mean your wuteii.nfeanse yonilitiii'v have pioin r toiit.s, Mow would roll lilie to beeonie a wntehniaker? W'e can tetieii yoii lli<> trad'* In onr bo.ill. and iiirnirdi you all lllli initl. iit'ee;.hatV. tlonli iiiut iiiol. . .|l.i.'>. Tluu'e loots |».i'e iiietiirn) M'llhoill the hoolU'osl at wlietesule 't.lll. We also |.,'neti lio.i' to do plallllk', Kitdlni!, ell'. All 111 tile lieiili. 'liiiil.s are lli' jewiiters' I on Is. nut t'tniap i nihil. A yreiii u|i|,iirl unity for iirnlliiible elm l'i.\ iiient, U'li'i-tiiiiaters iiiiik>' Ini,' money. Wilt tieseiii Lyexiire. H on i ipl. of pi'lee, Jl.'tli.oriii.'iii 0.0 ll. ivtieri..*l iiiM'oiiip:iiile!i Ihe onler, llleltlt;e L'lUn•vv•lttl It.llei-sul iminiry. ttei'.M. N sue-)'l,Y (.to., tliiporlei'rt iiliil Wlioli'MiIer.. Snritlitllutd, O.

Olti People. _ A gonlilemiui who wns sliowing mo n

l i terary ])aj)or wliieli lio l iad wri t ien in a vory clear, b o l d Imml, r e m a r k o i l ;

" I iilwnys ivrito vory ilistitietly, lhat I may linvo no dilllintlty i n rt^iuliiig m y inai i i iser ipl when o l d ago conies upon m e , "

Ifo was tlioii b o r u o r i n g on 70. .An­oll ior very vigorous o l d genlldmnn, aged 77, wlic was at t|io bead of a largo i m b l i s l i i n g eslabiislittieiit, was cxjilain-

, i n g to a f r iend the enornions nmoitnt (jf

-"Oi'k !i'j.wsi!t <'!'rv'.:^-b O ' c i ! i u l - 0 ' ' l i y i Tito fi'iojut r e m a r k e d t h a i ii imtsl lo l l n p o n h i m .surlotthly at his " O h , n o , " ho r n p l i e i l ; " I don't feel it now, but 1 e.\-peet I sl ial l do so in after l i f o ! " I

.1 cannot voneli for llio I r n t l i o f t l i n f o l l o w i n g nneedolos, l int they may serve io "point ii m o r a l and n'llorii "a ta lc . " I

J n tho old eoaeliing days, when a < eoacli stojjped nn one ottiiision tocliattgo ! horses, one of (lie ])a,sscngofS struiiod nlong a g i v e n litno and was snrjirisoil to soo an old niiiii ni l t i i ig nnilor (lie bedgo eryi i ig . In iinswer to n i|neslion ns to tbo eatisij of lii.s grief, he .rejdicd tliat his father had been beating i i im. T i i o pnsseiigor, wlio thongbt the father of an o ld man l iko tlinl bo a curiosity worth seeing, asked li im to dike h i m to liis father. T b o o l d imiii led hint to a c'otlngo, wlioro a very old man wius s l i m d i n g lit the gnta, looking v c y angry.

"Is tliis y o u r s o n ? " lie asked. " Y e s , " rc)ilii!d tlio o l d man, grttniy. "Ill ) tells me y o u iiave boon lioatin,'?

l i i m , " .snid tlie passoiigm'. " Y e s , und im <l"iii.'rves boating, tho

y o u n g rii.-^eii!, for Im bits beini throwing uLiitii.'s at his grai i i l fut l i i i r ! "

I liiivu lipiifd of iiiiotlier old iiinn nnd bis wife, both of wlimii iia:l reiiclied tho venerable iige of 1(11). '.l.'liey bad tiiree daiiglitors, tho yoimgi'st of wliom died r .nm.irricd, at l im ngo of l'l. 'i 'lm old woniiin was qiiitii inconsolnblc on iic-ciftiut of tlieir in ' ii))nriib!e loss. T h e youngest dii i igl i t rr hnd evidently lioen Iter jiet, for after their retiirii I'riitii tlie futieriil slio said to hor Jiusljand, aiuiii nor .soils and tears :

'.'I alwiiys teilt then, . lohn, that wo sl iould never renr tlmt (.•Iiiid."

RO Y A L B A K I N G P O W D E R , imparts that pecul-

. iar li^rhtness, sweetness, and llavor noticed iu the

finest food,''and whicli expert pastry cooks declare is

not obtainable by the use of any other raising agent.

O r ^ B ] B > I > i f J O Y ® Both tlie niethof] and results when Syrup of Figa is tnkou; it is pleasant and ref'resliiiig to tho tiLstc, nnd acta

fontly yet promptly on tiio Kidneys, liver and Bowels, cleantics the sys­

tom oflTecttially, dispels coldo, Iicad-achea nud levers and ctiren h&bitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro-dtic(2d, plensing to the taste and ac-ccptahlo to tlio Jtomach, prompt in ita action and truly beneficial in its efl'ecta, prepared only from the most hcjilthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qiialitiGs commend it to all and ILIVO made it tho moot popular remedy known.

Syrup of Figs is for sale in EOc and SI bottles hy all leading drug­gists. Any reliablo druggist who may not have it on hand will pro­cure it promptly for any one who

. wishes to try it. Do not accept any Bubstittito.



rnl i l i t 'd l and (.'overiintent Townshijis \ f u l l towiLsliip, uncording lo tho

U n i t o d iSlates t lovorninout land s u r voy, is si.x miles Hiiniirb and contaijis thirty-si.\- seetioiis, 'I'liis is often called a "Coiigressioi ial townsl i ip , " somutiines It "(jloveriinient townsbij i . " A l o n g tlio b o r d e r of Inrgo lakes and nnviguljlo r i y ers, and jmrl iouiar ly no.xt to •State boundaries , fruetional Congressional townsliips lire common, P o r purposes of towiLsiii]) <,'ovornnienfc, fraotionn' townships are in many (iascs lutilod witli ad.joining towiisiiijis, or two i'ull townships may bo j o i n e d under ono town organisation. In other cases three or more Ooii',>ressionai towtisliipa oi-gnnizo under one or two pol i t i ca l town governtnoiit.s, a c c o r d i n g to tho con-venionoo and wishes of a majority of tha inhabitants.

'I'lie I'nts.v.

I'eople siityerlng from iialsy are now said to derive beiii'lit from railway jour­neys, nnd, o n the pi'liicl|)ln of like eur-liig lll;e, the greater the slnilcing the more coiiipleto the cure, l.'or the uso of patients acertalii doctor has Itivoiitod an oseiilatliig chair, in wlilcli tlioso aOllcted with the terrible, disisaso niav be rocked and raet'od in a most alarmbig maniior. Aiiotlior liealth-givitig apiiaratiis tu it yibralliig helmet, applied to the head by a nninbei'of metallic strips, to which a tremhting motion is imparted by an eloe-trie tiioter in the crown of the lielniot. and we are assured that It gives relief to siill'erors from nervous liuadacbes by In-diieliig biasilude and sleepiness.

It Curoa Oolda.Congha.Soro Throat,Croup,Infla«n. (a,Whooping Couirh, Bronchitis and Aathmi. A certain cure for Coaswmption in first atigoa, nnd « euro relief in ailvanoad ata ea, Uao at ones. Tou will 860 the e.tccllnnt flifoet aftsr taUini; tho Orstdoae, Sold by dealora every whoro, larso bottles CO cenb and $1,00,

llv'V''. ','-' ' , "



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Maydepend npon tlio way yon treat llie warn-Incs which nature d i v e s , A few bottles of

S . S . S . taken at the proper tiiuo may insure R o e d liealth f o r a yearortwo. rhoreforeactatoiice. lorit

; S m PORT ANT that nature be assisted at tho right t l m c H never (ails to relieve tlie system of iin-S purities, and is an c N c e l l e u t tonic also,"

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i»rtiricitcsin commendation of tlm great curative proportios contained in Swift'.s Specific (S, S, S.) It is certainly one of the best tonics 1 over used.

" J O H N W . DANiiit., A m l e r s o n , S . C . " Treatiso on blood and s k i n diseases mailed (rcc.

S W F T S P E C I F I C CO. , Atlauta-.Gn,

( t o i i i p t i ' t c l y I Jpronte i l . H o w ni iniy remedies Micro are whlol i merely

relieve w l l l i o i i t i iprool i i i ! . ' disease. 'I'lie eoii-triiat w i t h s t e r l l m ; meilleUieii whiuh snob pal ­l ia t ives all'ord, not on ly enl ia i iec i the d ign i ty of the forii ior, but serves to eiiiphiudze the f o l l y or ei i ipl i iyl i iK ) ialf-wny iiiciiaiires wlioii t l ioronii l i ones nro avi i i lable . A marked i i i -stanoe of t l i i i Is the oO'cet, ou the one hand, of Hoste t tcr ' s Stoiiineli Hitters In oases of el i l l ls and fever and hl l lo iui rei i i l t tent , and on the other of or i l iu i i ry rcmoilles in maladies of this type. By l l io l i l l t e r s , malar ia l compla in t In evory Htaue, and of tlio most mal ignant typo aro cnmplotely . 'oiKiucred and lose i h e l r i io l i . npuii the s.vsleiii. 'I'ticy are rarelv. It over, dis-loiliiod by the ordinary resniirco.'j of i i icdiuinc, all l iniiu' l i their i iyuiptoi i is iiniy Hiintii '- itiouiibly be i i i l l l n a t e d i l i r m i K l i Kueli means, 'J. ho same holds t'ooil of i i idl irost loi i , h l l io i isnoss . kl i lnev eoinplalnt , r l i e i i i i i i i l l s i i i , nervouHuesa, aud de-b l i i t y . Dy the n i i t e r s they are cured whoa imiiiy reiiieilios f a i l .

Royal Baking Powder is shown a pure crcam-of-

tartar powder, the highest of all i a leavening strength.

—U. S. Government Food P.cporl.

Royal Baking 'Powder is superior i n purity,

strength, and wholesoinencss to any other powder

whicli I have e x a m i n e d . — N e w Yorh State Analyst.

Deiitlis I'nini .)oy, rriiiii. or (JideL Yu read In Livy lhat when llaniilhal

bad vai;i|iilslie(l the lininiiiis inthnbattln or (,'aiinie two women, seeing their sons, whom they had snpiinsed (iimd, return in good health, died liiitnediately from o.\-cossivi) joy.

A I't'enchman who linil by elianeo )iasse(l over a narrow iiliiiik lying across a doop unrge iu the dtii'lc, on viewing tho s|inl tile iie.vt (lay fell dinvii dead wlillo conteiii|ilalliig the dangers of the previ­ous iiluiit.

j\loiitagtie relates tbo ease of a (lerinaii nobleiiiaii who died of excessive grief on diseoverlng that bis son bad boon killed in battle, "Uo stood," saysiMontagiie, like a stock, with tils eyes d.ved on tho

corpse till the vehetiieiicy of his sorrov/ havimr overwhulinod his vital spirits, iio sank stone dead on the ground,"

A tiross Iti'oiieli.

"Are tho WIcksns poohlc of relino-nieiit','" ,

"A'o, 'J'lioy Clime (o my house to ditto the othor night iiii a verbal liivllailon." —I'nck.

lllne lKMii'd 'a C'lihtlo,

Ii'ow are aware of tho oxlstotico of thn veritable liliiobeard's castle. Yet a rn-ceiit writer assiii-os ns that this Is iiidood situated a mile or two beyond Inter-lalten, on a leiioly, well-shaded moun­tain road, U|ion looking u|i the wooded hillside, just at a bend in tho lane, one sees the ruins of an old castle. Only iiioss-covored walls now ratiitilii, wblch aro the Iiaiiiits of bats, birds, and In­sects, but tho stately coltiinns indlcalo Its oarly grandeur. Many doubt that siieb a eliaractor as liluuboard ever lived, but ill that purtioii of tho world thustory is believed and told by the tiativiis, iiiiili Olio reading fancies be sees Fatiinit's sister at the tower window, an.\!ously awaiting soiiiu sign of iter protector.

I n i p o r t i i n t to I''1OMII.V J 'eoplo. \Vn h a v e n o l i e u d a pago ar t le lu i n tho

J los ton G l o b e on redne i i iH w e i g l i t a l a voi'y s m a l l o.V|ioiise, I I w i l l p a y onr readers lo s e n d t w o - c e n t s l n m i i for a copy l o l l e t l n a C l r e u h i t l n i . ' L i b r a r y , 311 l i . \ViishiiiL.'ton Btroot, C h l e i i g o . J i t

J ' ivl i 'e i i io I ' o v e r t y .

"liow poor is the family nnxt door?" "Well, thoy keeii six dogs and the man of the house writes poetry."—.Judge,

C o u ^ l i . s ' t i i K l tlo.-if.sciiflN.s.—'I'lio Irrl-tnllon wliieli induees eoiiKliing iniinedlalel.v relieved by ime of "lirnwn's JlroiwIiUU U'rovhe.i." .Sold only in bo.vus.

WiiE.v a man dies, and his kin arngbid of it, tlicy say hu is "hellor olT."

nT.S^Att I'ltfiHtopped (ren liy Or. ICIinn's <ifo:it Norvo Kostoior. No Fits alter llrst day's iiRo, Mar­velous euros, 'treatiseand S! no trie liolttii Ireu Ui F l l cases. Send to Ur. lilliie. SKIl Arcii St., I'liila, I'tt.

Ill Winter.

A wot pig pon in winter is a dilliciilty which m.iny farmers droiid, and there Is a loss In wulylit of the pigs wlion the pen s not dry. Jlako a strong Iloor ol poles, and have the lliior raised a fool or two iibovo thu Invol of thu ground surface. Upon tho poles put a foot or two of straw and loaves, adding moro leaves to tho Iliior dully. In a short time thu llttor will bn well packed down on the poles, making an iixeellont pen, which will bn always dry as tlinspaeo botweon thn polos of the Iloor will permit tho walor irom rains to Mow tliroitgli.

,soii,i,'s (>r 11 I'liuit. Most pnoplo do not know a plant has

ungs, but It has, and its Itings aro In its leaves. J3xaiitlnedtIiroiti,'li aliigh power iiilcroscopo every leaf will show tlioii-ands upon lliotisands of opetilngs, in-

linitoly small, of eonrso, but each iiro-ided wltli Hps which, in many s|)ccics,

aro eoiilltitially opening and closing.

Jp 11 hadn't boon for thn gossips, thoro would bo no history.



My doctor »ays It acts Bcntty ou tho stoiiincli, liver and Iddnoys. and Isnple.vsant luxaUvo, 'This drtnic lu mado from hertis, and ts prepared tor uso as easily an ten. Itlaoatled

All ilrii|H;l,U «tll a ll Ms "ini »1 f r * " ! " ! ! " . !f >'".i.i '•""•l f* II, ien.1 y»ur Mm' lor > ftn. ii.ui|.l«. l.««-'< .tnislb MuiUnln" uo,,. It., Iioitf 1, fS'l. .Inr, lu 01.1" H bi limlUij, llili !• u,c». iu>. Mdna Oa.VrUl^l', WOOPWAUU, l.«tlor, .V. Y. T

Uliie-Myeit Oreiit Hreii.

Among great mon of tJie world blue ovus have always proilomlnatcd. Soc­rates, SbakS|ieiiro, Jjoeke, Diieon, Mil­ton, Goethe, h'ranklln. Napoleon, and lioiiaii all had blue eyes, Tito uyes of Jtisinarek, Gliulstoiie, lluxlcv, Virchow, and Jbtcbiier are also of this color, and all the prestdents of tho IJnltad States except Geti. Harrison nnjnvod tlte samo eeriilaii color as to tltclr optics,

JM III ell ing or 'J'cetli.

IJuntislssay that tho greatest difli-cnliy tiioy moot with in their work Is tbo inateliing of false loetli with tbo natural teeth of thoir luistoinors. Tho tooth lactorios supply dentists with rings upon which are strung thin metal bars, each carrying a uiiitli at its ofitroniity. Thoro aro twenty-live of those sample tenth, that run all the way from nearly wlitto to a shade that is almost olive.

Wniit 11 ri(il,iiro n! jfonr Future Unilmnd or Wife rnKii.', if you do, send Btallip tor postaKO lo Oilliill.t C<i., 51 0 Avu., tdileuKo, i l l .

I : J P A 1 T J ' ? - ' " ' ! ' ^ IN T H E wJaRLoij

D O N 0 T B E D E 0 E I V E D " < . with Pastes, Bnamols,- aiid Paints which: slain the hands, injure tlio iron, and bum rod. ,Tlio Rising.Sun Stovo Polish is Bril­liant, Odorless, Dunililo, and tho con-Buniorpays for no, tm or glass package With ovory purcliaao. i HAS AN ANNUAL SALE OF 3 , 0 0 0 TONSal

'I'lie Only 'J'

Sister—What! Do you mean to siiy yon have oiigaL'ed yoitrsclt to that .Hollo Blondio, and intend to bring that horrid thing into thu family?

lirothor—.|Jorrid thing! I hoard you loll hoi'yoii lov'.'d Iter dearly.

"filth! Yon never hoard ino toll any one."—Now York Weekly.

Ki'tMRMRER that ill Gavllcld'J'oa yon havo an imliiiliiii: romudy fnr iiidlgosllon. sick hoadauho nnd ovory attending ill that an iibiisod stoiniiiili cim make yoi|. suffer. Evory druggist soils it; 25c, OUc, and $L

It .Sbontd Ho Kiieoiiriijted. '

Chinamen should bo nncouragcd In their desire, to loarn baseball. It teaches thom to ihaku Iioinc-runs.—Texas Slft-Ings. • -. ; . ' '

• \ V E I K ' LtTNOS ARE S'l'IlENOTHESED, PleU-, risyj'ains ruliovod, and Aathnintlc symp­toms subdued by Dr. D. Jriyno'sExpoiitorant, asovorolgn i-emodv for aU Coughs nud Colds. I • ' •' :,• • . •' : ' ; VVitK.'f an old boy toils a young boy a tough story,.ho tells him It is - a .Sunday school stoij

" F i r s t X i i i id iiiiln.s i n m y hack and ohost, then fa int feell i iK at the stomach, and whoa 1 w o u l d eat, the l i rs t taste wou ld make i i i e d e a t l i l y s i e k , O t course, 1 ran down rapid­ly , and lost pounil.s. M y w i f e and I'ninlly wore i i iueh alarmed, and 1 ex­pected my s lay on earth w o u l d be short. B u t a fr iend advised mo to tnko Hood's S i i rs i ipar i l la , imil, Rooti m y appetite umuel back, l a t e heart i ly wi t l i - i nut illntres.<:i, gained two pounds a week, I took s potties o f Hood 's S'ar-sapar l l l a and never felt better i l l m y lite, 'I'o-

S a r s a -p a r i l l a

day I am onreil and I KIVB tn Hood's Si irsapa­r l l l a the whole praise of It." 0, C, A U K B , gro-eti', Oaiilstoo,, N , Y.

C. Abiir,

ITOtHJ'.S l 'ILr,S euro .Nausea, Sick Hiiiuiacho. InillKestloii. BillonsaoHs, Sold by all dnixKlsts,

E i r s

mum when oiuilied Into th: noslrllii wilt bo ab­sorbed oiro(jt«all.v. eleanstuK tiin tiead dl oatoridinl virus, euiis-inir iKalthy aeoredoiih. Itallnyu liitlaniniition, pratootsthomonitiruiii fi'om additional colds, eomplotoly heals the" Boroa, and resloio, Kenso of tasto aou KinolL

TRY T H E CUnii'. Apartioio Is niipllodlnto each nostrU and la agree,

nblo, PHco.tOceniK atUriiUKlBta orby matt. . ULY JJltOriiEI!S,50 ffarreu Street. HewYorlc.

m osKivoly CtlKl:., with V u K o t a U l o Jto>n(}dius. ilavo

.. _ _ eurnd many thonaiind cases prououiicod ttopelefis. From tlrat doso syiiiii-toniH rapidly disappear, aud in ten d,'i,vH nt least two-tlitrds ut all symptoms are reiuovod. IIUOK ot testintoiiliilH of iiiini(ml<iiiu vurua seat f K l ' : ! ! : ,

Ten Days Treatment Furn shell Free liy Mall, DR.U. It GREEIi i SDKS, SPECIALISTS,ATlANTA.CEOnCIA

I M S ?

.: OnroR Oun.inmptlon, Coaffhs, Cronp, Soro XliToat.. SoU by all DiugKists on a Guarantee./ Fora lamo Side, Back or Cheat Shlloh'o Parous

'Plutorwillfilvogreatgatitfactioa,—33 ogata,' ,:

I i y o u a r e t r o u b l e d w i t h a

s l i g h t c o l d , g e t r i d o f i t a t

o n c e . D o n o t d e l a y , d e l a y s

a r e d a n g e r o u s . W e c a n c u r e

y o u f o r n o t h i n g i f y o u w i l l d o

a s w e a s k . W r i t e y o u r a d ­

d r e s s o n a p o s t a l • c a r d a n d

s e n d i t t o t h e S V L Y A N R E M -

EDv C o . , P e o r i a , 111., a n d t h e y

w i l l s e n d y o u f r e e b y r e t u r n

m a i l a t r i a l b o t d e o f R e i d ' s

G e r m a n C o u g h a n d K i d n e y

C u r e , W e w a n t y o u t o t r y i t

b e c a u s e w e k n o w i t w i l l d o

y o u g o o d .



Tho \VABA.SH RAIIJUOAB has placed on sale low rate single and round trip tickets to all principal P.iclllc coast points, giving a wide cholco of ronlos both going and returning, with an ox-troine return limit of Nino Months. Stop-ovors aro granted at pleasure on round trip tickets wost of St, .Louis and tho Missouri Blvor, and by lakint: tho WABASH but ono change of cars is nec­essary to roach Los Angolos, San Fran­cisco, San DIogo, Sacranionto and Port­land, Ore. Romumbor tho WABASH Is tho pooplos favorito routo and is tho only lino.running'magnilicont free Roolinlng Chair Cars and.Palace Sleepers In all throtigh fast trains to SU Louis, Kansas CIty.andi Omaha. For Rates, routes, maps, and gon oral I n format lo n, cal 1 u pon; or adi ress any of tho undormontiohcd Passongcr Agonts of thn Wabash System.

R. 0 . BUTLER; n . P. A „ Detroit,.Mloh, F. H . i n i S T R A M , C , V.A., Plttabure, P P. E. DOMBAUGH, P . it'lVA., 't 'olodo, O: R. 0 , THOMPTON, P . i t T, A " -J. IIALDEnMAN,..M, P, A

A S c r a i i t o i i , P a . , M a n S a y s : myo m i . 0. V. mown's isou


CURED ME ill lesii than one neek.


PILES i t Is worth S,-. imr pot Oi miy MiRorcr."

ilenry eoles, 11 f. Suumill Avo., i-ereiitoii, I a.. D i ' i . "II 'III.'. 2f. flit'. l)ria:ali.l«'orl)ynialt. .I.Otlison Jii'mvii:.ti orand St.. Ji'iHey Oily, .N. , , Send lor tmuU ou Cure ot Diseaso by iltrlial Kcmedtes, ,LA'A.ti'.-J.'..

Ciirea Ueiuitliwition, Jie;,loif< eoiniileiimi, Sana uociors' Hills. Samptotrvu. 0*ariEuri '» :Aeo. ,3WV.' . i5ihSl . .N.>,

DROGRESSrVE E U C H R E . V ,senit moileo 10 JouN SKILVSTIAK, O.'r..\, C. £ r. It. R., Chiciiuu, unit rei'etve, postaKO pat| itlekeat (leekof eards.voii everlianitted. TEN (.' per piiel:, postasu ttainii.H, for one or ninny.

H. L , thn •Ls-rs

p* Successfully Pros<;otites Claims. g LutuJl'rlnoiiml ExAintiier U.S, l^eiitilou liunmu, 13yra lu lant >var, ISaitludlcathisohUuiti, ally olucu.

I had been troubled five months with Dy.spepsia. I had a fullness after eating:, and a heavy load in the pit of my stomach. Sometimes,a, j | deathly sickness would overtake m, I w n s working- for Thpnma Meriv3iU'y,Prue;gist,AlleBhciiyCjt)V

Pa„in °,V " ' ' ' V f ^ f " - ' .seven years. I used August hlpwer for two weeks; . I Wai J.'ieyed^f all , | trouble. I can ;io\\' eaf things T dared not touch before, .1 Ifave .' gained twenty pounds since iiiy re- • covery. J. D. Cox, Allegheny, Pa. (D •

It is now apparent (0 the Directors of the World's Columbian Exposition lhat millions of people will be denied the pleasure of becoming the possessors of »

World's Fair

77/6' Official Simvcnir

of Ike Great Exposilioii—•

The extraordinary and growing' demand for Ihese Coins, and (he de­sire on the part of the Direclors that equal opirarliiiiilics may be afl'orded for their purchase, have made it necessary to enlarge (he ciianncls of distribution. To relieve tliem-selves of some responsibility, (he Diieclors have invited '


Throughout the Nation (0 iiiiiie with the Banks in placing Columbian Half-Dollars on sale. This is done that the masses of the people, and those living at remote points, may be afforded the best possible opportunity to obtain the Coins.


of SOUVENIR COINS will be those who are earliest in seizing upon these new advantages.

$ f i o , o o o W a s P a i d F o r T h e F i r s t C o i n

They are all alike, the issue is limited, and time must eiihancii their The price is One Dollar each.

H O W T O G E T T H E C O I N S :

Go'to your nearest merchant or banker, as they are likely to have If you cannot procure them in this way, seiiti direct to us, ordering

not less than Five Coins, and remitting One Dollar for each Coin ordered. Send instructions how to ship the Coins and they will be sent free

of expense. Remit by registered letter, or send express or post-office money order, or bank draft to

T r e a s u r e r W o r l d ' s C o l u m b i a n E x p o s i t i o n , C h i c a g o , 111.



R E V , H , P , C A R S O N , S c o t l a n d , D a k . , s a y s :

" T w o b o t t l e s o f H a l l ' s C a t a r r h C u r e c o m p l e t e ­

l y c u r e d m y l i t t l e g i r l , "

W . H , G R i r F i N , " J a c k s o n , M i c h i g a n , w r i t e s :

" S u f f e r e d w i t h C a t a r r h f o r f i f t e e n y e a r s , H a l l ' s

C a t a r r l i C u r e c u r e d m e . "

Ai . i i i ' j t a 'bcKci i , W e s t T o l e d o , O h i o , s a y s :

" H a l l ' s C a t a r r h C u r e s a v e d m y l i f e , "

C O N D U C T O R E . D . L O O M I S , D e t r o i t " , M i c h , ,

s a y s : " T h e e f f e c t o f H a l l ' s C a t a r r h C u r e i s ^

w o n d e r f u l . "

E . A . R O O D , T o l e d o , O h i o , s a y s : " H a l l ' s

C a t a r r h C u r e c u r e d m y w i f e o f c a t a r r h fifl;een

y e a r s a g o a n d s h e h a s h a d n o r e t u r n o f i t . I t ' s

a s u r e c u r e . "

E . B , W A L T H A L L SC C O . , D r u g g i s t s , H o r s e

C a v e , K y . , s a y : " H a l l ' s C a t a r r h C u r e c u r e s

e v e r y o n e t h a t t a k e s i t , "

J . A . J O H N S O N , M e d i n a , N , Y . , s a y s :

" H a l l ' s C a t a r r h C u r e c u r e d m e , "

M A N U F A C T U R K D H Y ^

F, J. C H E N E Y & CO,, T O L E D O , 0,

Testimonials sent free. Sold by Druggists.

75 cents per bottle.

m •.•:::-m

Po. .Ohio.

Fort Wayno. inil.

a. D. MAXFIELDi, D . P . A. F. C H A N D L E R . ' O . P . i T ,

201 Clark St., ClilottB llanajoUo. i l St. Louis, Mo,

0 nt nd

YESYODGflN'""'™'' I iniir name to Uu. I^rt WayuOi-Iiid,

• ••-til

R O O T , B A R K M O blossom Tlio noetlitonioeh, Ltrer, Kidney aailDlaod Ramcdr. Patna la Ruck aad Limbs, Tired, uroKifad Out.Ttervoua FoellnR. Dgblllty and Lav Vliallty ttutchly Cured an veil I U Dyspenita, Constipation, Steepleeani as, Doaa, Ktieainaifsm or Catarrh, Samjito Free f or t.

AOKN'1'8 l»AII> W E E K L Y S A L A K Y . ree for ataju a. orCntai'i-li. Samjiti

- J'AIW W E E K L Y l^lliox twonioilUlll'aupptx I I S«nt liy mftU or At mnit t>ntc, SOe." one month's supply I I tl.u. Try It nnd Bo Woll, ROOTi BARK & BLOaSONI, Newark, N. J.

P l t n ' A T J S S A N I ' J ' A I U U M for liidloi, IBDl. Hoiuol provldiKl,

- . EstaWishcil iJ)i,'riiAyi.:ii,Fort,Wayne,lr,d.

, Oonaumptlviia anil peoplo I ] uho hnvo vreak lunes or Asth- j I nia, should uso I'lao's Ouro for | ] Consumpllon. It hnsi cured | I thniiiiumlai. it has notiujar'' I ad uno. It Is not bad 10 tuko. 11tlsiho beateoushoyrup. •

Sold ovoryT?hon). aSc. v

i RIPANS I AmKwAv the stoniaeli. fy tho blODdt uru luiu uuu ouuubuui the beat medicine liuotra for bllloua; a iiuowntorbllloua-a.; .';>~i>vi'i|'l

, dJr(ln5P«h foul* ,:;;',:'S?(*Bl noiiUil a 6 p r c o a t o B . o ; , ' v,.,.iU%l hnrl nnnmlnvlnn ft ',l...Mll

icra, cnustlniition, , ireatli, bcadnot-o.meiib

patn.fiil dtircstlon. bad comntoxion.f \ ;'.'..V\s;[;iJ:l and nit diieasoii caused liy failure off •.••.i,'V;,\t,/i|

I ^»iiw tho Btoninch, Brer or hoirola to po .x.'.'' . ''''.xl fttorin their nropor fuiioMons, Persona irlTen to over-f • v' Ofatiaic are linnetltod by uttini; oue.after each 'neni.T y^y^l *rrlce,a2i sample, 150. Atliniitdsta, oracnt bj ronll,Tvv.'.'..';.»i,' I ni l ' iNS OIIISMlOAL CO., 10 ifprueo St., How YorlJ, J

I 'UET' i ' iKSTiiooKEri ia i f f ia ' •.m.^i^ffjS^^ , i^vEuiniify'Kii.- r PSEia ,i<2»isSS«t\, CRiuiip KM flirt. ' byoz, and lb. *' OnoCentapkg.

. UP. If rnrc: O/itup. Piir«,to(. 1,000,000 oitraa. noaiitinii Ilhutrnted Oatalonuo rrno,.. U. II. BUUMWAV, lt.ielil'ar.1, i l l . ~

irriilnHloMlbi amoalb, Itaria.

tfentaient Cliy |inai. fi0Stu lK»liiia»t'(lty.|«ae;eJ^.*^V;^'p,.itiSI » •-'.* lUiw phyiMiui), > ' "«iFy. ' . " l ! ' ( r\^. / / l 'W's ' Thonnindi curej.i' S'nil ln»lAinpil • .\i,ilM'Jjj,'7 ;('',Us,

_ _ . . . . l^sNYnKl^•nt.'IK.•nlllll•^opt,,4.•'-;,«^^^^^^

•Moyiolcox" ;s "qPlioutoi^ O h l o u

Whon ;.Wrltli»irctj>';]AtI^



^ A r C o r i ' n s p o i i i l o n u i ' n l i o i i I i l r o n n l i l l i l H i i l U c e a 11 I ' u u a i l i i y o f u i i o l i ivueii.—aiwt n o l Ititiir

. l U i i M W x i t i i u i i i l i i y l u i i r i i l u i ; .


F E L T D I S T R I C T . i - ' K i i . ti, L S l l l ) .

i)i\ GJi'euii Of ^iilsun, wiis here on 'Rusiiioss Iltst. woelc—70. W. I-' ULSI, ?tK<'oil Iiorse Ilistweclv.—C. C l i r v e r l i i i d

•\yll'o of Alii iedoii , visited friends in t i l ls v ic lni iy lust S;iturdli.v.—Jl. O, Potter ( i f Le.sile, sjient .Siiiiflli.v witl i Ills plirents here.—.Iliiiius K i i l i i i f o f t h i s i i l l lei . , hlis been Krlilileil ! i iieiisioii. —.Miss .leiiiiie llijile.v of Ijoslie, wlis the ! ,Miesi,(if ^ i i s s .Millie I'rl.'stoii l i few (Ili.vs liist weelc^

Tr,v Diillliiii'.s Grelit Oeriiinii 15 cent L i v e r .I'ills. -IO' In c l id i p.-tcklii,^', nt nlilstelul & .Son's.

N O R T H E A S T A U R E L I U S . Mr. lmd J\rrs. Kdd. .Stevens visited

i l l Hewitt Illst Siiiidliy.—!Miss h'loi'li l l i i l sewiis lidiiie <ivi;r SiiiHll i .v.—(led. (Dwl'ii o f Ijcslie, is visi t i i i i ; lit .Ili.v Illilse's tills weelc—Clirds lire out I'or the. (Ililice lit the .North lieslh' hotel, ficxt |i"rldliv iiiffht.—.Mr. lliid .Mrs. Wi l i i l i i i i divni, ' visitell lit Mi'.s. .1. II. fi'ri'jrg'sIlist week.—I''. .7. CiKp^ is c.v-(leeted iioiiiu this weelc I'or li sliort vJ.-iit.

H O L T . Tlie Llidies' A l i l .Societ.v nftl ie j\r, K

di i i i ' c l i wil l meet with ^ l•.s, W. II. Ijott on .Slitiil'dli.v, l''ol). l l t l i .—The hdvs lilld (,'irlsof tJie vliili^n! lmd vlci i i i -Cy'will illive ll bo.\- .soldlil lit i'lirk'.s l ill l l wii .Slitiirdliy eveiiiiiK. ^Vo Inive not I'lillrlled I'or wlilit heiiellt.—Quite li iiulillier from this plllce ll!i\'e been llt-ti'iiiliiio; the teiii|ierlliice lectui'es lind the illiistrlitlolis nt tlie oporli house in Lmisinif diirliii^f tiic jilist wecif. The cjUlirtettc music liy the siiigei's fi'oiu liiiiliiH'o luids very uiiieli to tliu interest Ili' tiie iiieetiii!,'s liiui lulilvcs tlieiii vei'y plelisiiiit luul |iriilitlil)ie.

W E S T A L A I E D O N . •Mrs. W . A . Afeitoii is visi t i i i i ; Iier

.•sister, Mi's. .loiii's, lit IJliiioiirlllle.—10, .10. Goelii'lllli' liiid wife of iMiciiijfliii (ieiiter, lire ifiiiists lit .lolm Ijiiidslly's. —Olie dliy Ilist weelc Chlis. i'ieree sllp-

.lied luul fell, fi'licturiuK Ills riglit sclip-iiili lmd (itlierwise iiiiuriii), ' i i iiiiseif.— W . A, iMeitoii sllirted I'or liiill'lilo ,S;ii,-urd.'iy witi l li cliriolul of sheep.—Ijlist .Siimilly l''rliiik SteiiilioH'wus kicked hy a. Iiorse ou iil.s left iciice, iii.iiiriii},' ii .severely if not scrimisly.--Mrs. ijiiciiiflli P i i i l i ips iilis rented Mi's. P. i->. J'ierce's terienieiit lioii.-ie linll will occupy i t «Kin,—.1. (I. Uider .liiifl wife spent ll t\\\\ dllys Ilist week' in ijliiisiiij,' lmd l liiuided the flirniei's' institute.

Highest of all in Leavening Power,—Latest U , S. Gov't Report.

Try Eul l i im's Great German 15 cent Liver Pi l ls , -10 in clicli iili'cklitfO, iit l ll i lstciid i t Soii's.JMlisoiL

A L A I E D O N C E N T E R . The Im.x .socilil t l il i t was to liiive been

liti^evi ICing'.s, Pel), 1, wil l be .Satur­diiy evenluK, Keb. J8. A l l ai'c invited. —.Slierin. iloyle lilis hired out to work for li'red i lunlkio, Jlo gets $i'l per nioiith.—.Krcd .lones, foniierly of this iliice, lilis opened li hlirher shop nnd iincli r o o m in Okemos.—Trliinpslii'e

tretliiiL' (piite bold in this vlcinit.v.— T. A . Stephens Is visltint' the schools In this towiij

S O U T H L E R O Y . Horn, to IMr, lmd iMr.s, Hert Ollklc.v, .son, welK'ht lbs.—Mrs. U'ellii

MeMiiiaii is .sick with the (^^rippe.—Mli. Itirdof Ijiiiisiuf,', i svls i t i i iK lit Curtis lleliihim's.—There wil l Ije li clike lmd coll'oe.sdcilii lit l'"rlink l.'eri'y'.s AVediie dliy eveiiini,' of this week.—Geo, .Spliiildiii},'is Oil the sick l ist .—Oti .Pliilll|is of Mi.ssoiiri, is visitiiit,' lit Clidy'.s.—JO. RrMifuii'e of J',ilinslii{,', wlis it tills place doint,' Inisiiitws last week iiitl |)iit up lit Geo. J'Ciiif,''?'.

S O U T H I N G H A M & B U N K E R H I L l , Ji'i'iit. 7, JSIKi,

The minor clilkli 'eii nf the Ilitc "\Yiii P i i rr illive been gnintcd a iionsion,— Myrtle Jtlirr, formerly of this iiliice now nf Muri'iiy, Keh, , reiiorts liei'.sclf sii irerii i ! , 'witli Iltprri jpe, lind the iner (Uii'y 21) degrees be ow zero.—.Illuies niliicely spent .Sundliy with the I'liinily of liis l)i'otli(!r-iii-lliw, Jiiigii li,oyce of .Stoekiiriduu.—Another old Iliiid i i il ir l lilis pllssed liwliy. The old log lioiisi fur mluiy yclii's "the i't^sideiiee, of lOli.iliii I'otter liiis heen torn down. iMliliyof the iielKliborswill recall mliny plelislmt evenings spelit wi t l i i i i its homelike wlill.s, crlickliiK ^wliliiuts imd tellin},' y l l l ' l is . l.UhV.N'ilS H C d T L A N O .

O N O N D A G A . The Union .Sundliy .School Conven­

tion wlis liiilfl lit Kiimeyviiie I'eccntly. - - T h e Odd h'ellows lilld a bliliiillet lit the lillll ilist Thursdliy evening. Tliere w l i s ipi i te l i lliilnber fl'oiu Springplirt .ili'.l elsewliei'e.—Mrs. P. V l i l i l l iperh l i s hw.n quite sick with scilitic rlieuinli-

• f.isiii .—Mr. Clieney liiifl wife of Mlisoii, recently visited llt 1'. Vl i i iRl j ier 's .— A, club dlmce lit tlie ii lili last h'ridliy evening lis iisulil .—Mrs. Dr. Avery's I'litlier spent .Sundliy with tiieiii .—T. .Jell'i'i(!S of Mt. I'lclii^lilit, wlis in town Jilst wi'dk.—.'\ eliieken pie socilil wil l be held lit the liliil Wedlie.sdny even-ihg.—'Pile stockholders received a notice last week to pliy up for the Breinlitetl ereliilicl'y.

W H I T E O A K . Miss lOtliel Granger i.s lioiiie I'roiii

nelir Grlind iiapids, to stliy during lier iratliei''s iiiiiess.—Ilei'e we lire ligliin, pencil ill lilmd iiftei' linothei'gi'iiiirl i i i i -nill i l bliii(|uet with new r e . s u l u t i o i L s . — The oy•iter .social wlis not ilirgely llt-tended illst .h^ridliy evening, on liccoiiiit «)T stormy weather.—Ciilis'. Ivelsie ex­pects to move plll't of Ilis goods to .Tosco thi.s weilk.—Mi'.s. "W'ln. Morgliii liif t l i ispllice, Isslowly recovering fi'oiii typlioifi f eve i ' , -A very well attended .•tiid interesting I', nf 1, inoetiiig wlis lield lit tlie l i l l l l i iLD l insvi l lc , .Sliturdliy evening. The deloglite fi'oiii tiie stlite Diee t i i ig , 1. Sweeney, glive us li grlind repiii't. Jliisiness nf imiiortimce wil l tie done lit the next regiillir niectiiig Milit wil l interest every member.—.1.

'IX. Potti 'r frnln J:'iiie Llilce, is home on liccountnf i l l l ioii lt l i .

N O R T H L E S L I E J l . 31', Cliiupbell and wife have rc-

fciirned from tlieil' visit lit JClillimli'/.oo, —jAll's. (lOO. \. .lones iilis been given up by tiie doctoi's lis incurliiilc. She

•j:>j now kept liiive ijy iii.icctioiis, lis notliing illin bc kept on lierstoniiicli .— Wert . r . Jh'ewer luul his inotlier lire among i'elatlves tills side of Dcti'oit. —.•Vnotlier I'arlncrs' society is started lip, Clilled the N.atioiial Indiistrinl Lcligiie of the United .States. ,T.t wil l cost the fiirnicrs lr iot of money, then file like i l l l Other I'lirnicrs' organi'/,li-fcions. J''arniers do not, cliii not and w i l l not liling togctlioi', so tlioy must ••llll eventually hang separate '/Inanci-all.y.—Prank Oakley of White Olik, W i i s ll recent guest at G. W . Jirewer's. — G . M.iin.son ltnd wil'e of West Leslie, recently visited lit Eobcrt 13ill's.— L u s t Sundliy W . W . Oliasc was 74 .Vclii'sold. Mis relatives f r o m Vcv l iy tiiid otlicr places llll ipi ly .surprised him 1;o remind him of li s birtlidliy,

S i O U T H E A S T V E V A Y A N D L E S L I E . Pint, 7tli, 189;5.

.rt Inok.s as' though tlic beautiful sleighing would bc no iiioi'c. A heavy rl i in Sunday ii ightand all day Mondliy, erf which a great many flirmors will be vei'yglud as tlierc lire so many wells clr.y, wliicli mlikcs it very inconvenient

, to cure i'or stock as sonte liavo to drliw water riui te a distiince.-Glias.Gardincr

:and i'ainily arc moving back to their former lionic from Lansing.—Oarric a n d Noi'li Jndson have a new organ,—

• .About 40 neigliboi 's and friends of M , A . .Pilood and wife walked into t l ic lr

V Iionio liist Wednesday evening .and ••pleasantly surprised them, Tl iecvon-. i n g was spent in social cliat by the old

•and games by t h e .young, after which ••a sumptuous repast was servecl and at

. a liite hour the com lany dispersed -i-with the bost,Avlshos of t l i e liouscliold,

•; r~Ahonly dauglittjriu'i'ivcdatPrl jd]3c-' C a m p ' s the l l r s t of last ,wock.- :We, its

- correspondents,- iippre'ciate thccourtO'^ sies extotided to us a t the bauqiietlast Saturdu.)' ,l),y our generous editors and,

•tjieh' estimable: wivcsi iat id to • - wlio' were'uriableito- atten'd;'you kiiow i'-tlnf. wli'ii-. vrin miccnr1'''fnf.i\vft-"Tvnrli fits'.

Mlii'.s' Xevl idl i ,

D A N S V I L L E . l''Hi!. 7, J.SO.'l.

awcroftlind wil'onf lieiio re visit ing reliitives lind

lends hei'o. They ielive bei'c nc.xl: h'i'idliy.—Tiieo. IlolViiilin lmd wil'e vis­ited litSiiephei'd, Jslibelill county, over .Sundliy, llrriving lioiiie .Mniidiiy.-.Tno, West shipped 2dl'i line siieep fi'om ]\ia s o n for LUiirliio hist Slitiii'dliy. Jie wimt witil tlieiii.—10. .N. Cliliclwick of . ' \ i i i i l i , Gl'litiot eoniitv, visited in town Mnnclliy lllid 'IPuesdliy.—The ]\i. JO cl i i i i 'Cl i wi l l c D m i n e n c e aserlesof iiicet-ings tills week, with lissistlince fl'oni libi'olul. The lili])tist society closed its meetings Sundliy evciiiiig.—Tlie W . 0. T. G. wil l meet witl i Mi's. T. AV. Lliinb, Tliur.sday n f this week at two o'clockin tliclil'tcrnoon.-TOnocliSiuitli, llll old pioneer of AVIiite Olik, but late of I'ViwIerviiic, died Ilist SliiiUi'day of li disciiseof the kidiic.ys.—A, grist mil l meeting wlis clilled for Tuesdiiy even­ing to talk wit l i a mini wlio wliiits to l i i i t i i mill in here, ITopc it wil l mli terllili/.e this time.

A . .lieci'S wns in Oliicllind cnimtyll ist week on business,—C, \\. Sti'oud of Mason, is in town looking up lli'o in-sui'l incc—Wc regret vei'y miicli that wc were unlible to litteiiti tiie l)liiii|iiet. — A , coinmittee wlis lippointetl last night in reglii'd to ti iegrist m i l l . W i l l wi'itc plirticullirs next w e e k . - T h e iuitclicr's horses rliii liwiiy yesterda.y, doing no diimligc.—IMr.s. l,v. .r. Tmly 'is s t i l l very sick. Ts''oiioi)v.

Ivlirl's Clover iloot, the new Blood .l?iirillcr, gives froslincss and clciirncss to the coiniilexioii and euros constijia-i.inii ?j'-ii.... .'•inc.. luul $1.00. .Sold by tioii . 2l")C., .'iOc, Longyclir JJros.

B U N K E R H I L L C E N T E R , Jl'uii. 7, isi);i.

Wel l , we 've met and plirted oncc m o r e . Another l ink lilis been lidded to the golden c h a i n t h a t binds tlic iniblisiici's of the J ) K M O C K A T and its correspondents togctiier. The lilind of dclitli has bceii laid on one of our number during the past year. We met our gi 'liy-iuiii 'ed brothers and sis-ters; wc met our young bi'Othci's ;ind sisters, some of w h o m ' w e may never meet again, but a l l arc determined t h a t having gained the conlldence of the publLshers, we w i l l ever strive to prove ourselves worthy of the! r esteem. —Dipl l ther i l i i s reported in the eastern part of our town. Jrour cll,ses lire re­ported i n the I'ainily of Tlios, Dulfy, liltliougli thci 'c is atju'csent no danger feai'cd as a l l arc doing well ,—Ed. Perry is s t i l l very sick,—Several of our peo-])lc wi l l move to 'Battle Greek this spring,—G. P . Bitiley litis a I'ock well , r -Our postmaster is sull'oring wi th rheumatism.—Ben. Jfoiland w i l l work for his undo, D . P . n o l l l i i i d of AVliitc Oiik, this summer,—Ji'rlink Ifollarid w i l l work the flirin of Morris DcCanip Of this place.—Prcd Holland w i l l work for C, S. Y o u n g of White Oak, and G. W . Holland f o r W . D . Clilise & Co., nurserymen, of Geneva, N , Y , , , tind t h e i N o n A j i C O U N T Y J)j5.>iociiA'r, and i n 'the d i t c h e s , and bc on hand at t l ic next banquet iind get tho llrst prize. —1). P . Hol land Of W h i t e Oak, visited his bi'otliei', G. W., last AVodnesdiiy.— The many friends of W m . Johnston w i l l bo pletiscd to learn that he lias opened a hardware store i n Leslie. We wtsh l i im success.—There w i l l he a l a w suit before .Tustice of t h e Peace G . W . Holland, Peb. 13th. C. T , Mc-Corncy vs. J , C. Ewers.—Mrs, J . W . Ifue enjoyed a visit f r o m her sister, M'l's. Maursch of Jackson.—Oh my I Don' t tell a n y o n e . . Frank Haynes is married,—The Marks g i r l s w i l l b u i l d an addition to their barn in the spring, — E d . Perry s t a r t e d to-day for A n n A r -boi' , to be treated at tho^ niodiclil u n i ­vers i ty .—.LW. N u c h a s sent three of his C h i l d r e n , Lucy, Kat ie and Mary, to the Lutl ie i ' i in .school at Jackson.

WItlliminljeronowes'tivrtnlielul,, I: .To gain ft prize, tho tkllnB.s sprolul.

•\, , We will got there; (lou't you forget, • •, ,"\Ve'wlU not lose It.we .slioiilrt'bst.'''•

;,Socleartlie;trnok,keepooolaudstbaily,,. • 'Gotontthoway;hero'slloiigh'lincl Heady.'

T r y Dtilliiiii 's Great German 2't cent Cough Cure at Hlilstclid_& Son's.

N O R T H D E L H I , J''iCii, 7, J8!)3,

Ji'red Iviieriiim, wlio has lieen AVooc] couiitiy,01ii(i, I'orseverlil inonths, clime home last Ji'riday,—JJCWIS l^ick grlif went to Vauderhilt , (Jtsogo coiiii t y , last Pridliy with l i pair of drlift lioi'ses, l i e had •sold them to his nephew at A'linderbilt.—Simon l l ie l i l and J'liinily spent Sundliy with friends in i^liiisiiig.—.Joliii lliinelborgiu', lis liiictldiieiM', will s e l l liv(.5 stock' I'or I ' e te r Kelisoner, four miles yvest of •jlilisiiig, Oil 'I'liursdliy, .Kebrlilii'y 2.'!, at

one ti'iiloek p, in,—'I ' l ie l''llrliiers' A l " liiice wil l give an entertliinnient lit t h e A'ortli seliool house next Sliturdliy I 'Ve i i ing .—AVi i i . Davie is lit worlc for Hub. jNoi'tli this wintei'.

S O U T H D E L H I . jMi's. M little Conic of .A und ins, is

siieiuliiig this week at W m . Cook'.s.— The Aliilinee Lodge has jinstpoiied ll-.s eiitertainment foi' nu iiidelliiite time. No fiirtlii.'r iiolice wil l be given unti l it is ready.—Thlinks to Clark iSl. liose for the liliiiiiiiet illst Slitui-day. —The .voling people of Holt, iiilide .Klirliest LJnderwood of All i iedon, a very iilelisliiit surprise last week VVetl-iiesday niglit. Tliei'e wei'e two .sleigh kinds and all had a vci'y plea.sant time. —A plirtv was given to Geo. Owen lliifi Oiie Price last Tiiiirsdliy niglit. A l l had ll good time.—One week from J''ri-dliy night the liigli school at Unit wil l diseiLss the siliiject ''.limilnci'l, That edtirlitloii is of more use to liil inkind tliliii money," wit l i Chas, Clilipiiian, allirmliidve, lind lOliriiest l.iiirgess, ileg-lil.ive. A lltel'liry program wi l l also he given. .'Vii invited.—LastTiie.sday evening tiie (iiiestioii, "./I',, That woinlin lias more iiilhieiice over iiilin tlmn monej'," was decided in favor of the iieglitive.—'l.'lie Latter Gay Saints have closed their meetings.'— Mrs,

sic lleli of Ciiarlotta, who lills been visiting friends lmd relatives lit ITolt, retiiriied home last .Satiii'day.—The JC, 0. T, M. lire iii l iking prepai'litlons fur an eiitertaiiiment.

N O R T H E A S T A L A I E D O N . Ji'Kn. l-), J,Si).'l.

j\rore I'll ill lmd ice. Look well tn your shoeing.— Minervli Wii l i l i ius lilis I'etiiriieii fi'om an cxtendod visit in Osvo.sso.—Mrs. Jl'. D. Carr is visi t ing her son Cliry at INUocostli. — Cliai'les Swartout lind family of Carson City, trc visiting friends here.—Mcsdames

L. and E . Osborne visited friends iielir Laingsbiirgl l ist week,—iXorman Cook lilia gone to Stei'ling to spend a few weeks with his daugliter, Mi's, M . lv. Campbell.—B.P.AVlidc and family have moved in the iioiisc wit l i N u c l .ilimes, —Mrs. li ' , D. Carr ehtertliiiied the L . A . S. last wcclc. lieccipts, $3.00.—Tlic corres|X)ndonts of the Di!;.M0C'it..\T fared siinipttioiisiy at the J,iotel J^oiiiielly in Mason last .Saturdny, it ijciiig tiieir sixth linniiltl banquet.—W. il. Mat­thews is iionio I'or a few days from Benton Harbor, wlierohe is cai'ivlissiiig I'oi' tile T. and M. Society of tlic S. D. A . clmrcli.—M'it. Jlnworth nf Wi l l iani -stoii, lilid 'N'etlie jAGIier of Alliiedon, were mliri'icd last U^idiicsdiiy lmd ln'C now spending a few days with friends iitJ^littlc Creek. AVe extend congratii-latinns.—A wee bit of li IlLss arrived it the liome of 'Mr. nnd Jifrs. AVill J'ow-

elsnii last 'Wediicsdily, li'cb. Jst. She wciglicd .just J.'M ounces.

B e g i n n i n g S a t u r d a y , J a n . 2 8 t h a n d E n d i n g F e b . 2 8 t h .

Having (decided to remodel our store and increase our capacity, and it being necessary for us to re­move our entire stock to another building, while having the change made, and having also found that our stock must be reduced befoi-e moving, we take pleasure in giving you, one and all,

T o buy Clothing (at almost your own price) ever offered in Ingham county.

A N E L E G A N T L I N E O F S U I T S A N D O V E R C O A T S That imist go at one-half their value. We have about 50 Suits that formerly sold at , 7,50, $8 and $g each. Our price duiing this .sale only $5.00 each. Come early and secure these bargains before the sizes ;ire iji^okcn,

W E H A V E A L A R G E R S T O C K O F U N D E R W E A R ,* and in Than wc ever h.itl lit this time of year, and it must be sold, as we cannot afford to move it;

this department especially, if you do not need for present use, it will pay to buy for future wear.

O U R N E C K W E A R . M U F F L E R S , W I N T E R C A P S , A n d in fact, Kveiytliing in our Gents' Fui'nishing Department was never moi-e complete than at the pi-esent time. We have an immense line of

O V E R A L L S , L I N E D J A C K E T S , H U N T I N G J A C K E T S a n d L E A T H E R C O A T S , And our stock of TRUNKS and VALISES is the largest in the city.

A L S O T H E L A R G E S T D E A L E R S I N R O B E S A N D H O R S E B L A N K E T S In the County, and our stock is nearly as complete as when we started in the winleiv


AVe shall endeavor tn make this one of the Gi'eatcst Benellt .Sales ever held in tliis part of the State, and it w i l l to vnur interest to come early and seeiii'e some nf the Bai'galns we shall oll'er. Remcnibor that everything w i l l bc

sold a't ONID-QUAIITIOR Oh'P fi'oin our regular price. Very Truly Yours,

R R d z The Largest JJealcrs in Clothing In Ingliam County

E D E N . ' This is nice welitlicr I'or business,

ind the wood ciittci^sareimpi'ovingit. —Mi'S. il. A . Ji'liy is quite sick with tlic grippe. Miss Anna Shaw is lit-tendilig to the house work during Mi-s. jray's i l lness,— M'l's. Geo. J'U Smitli is quite .sick at this wri t ing.

W c had tho ])lclisure of .shaking hands with our brother correspondent of Aurelius, last Tuesday. Jle regrets very much that lie cnuld not attend our bliuquot last Satui'day, • Yes, of dl the da.ys of this year, t l i l it was the

d l i y . - A V . M . .Boll'e savs he is getting thatco l the got of AVill H o l t nelirly broken. He thinks he w i l l make a vliluliblc horso.—M.'r. and Mrs, E d d . Opdyke's .youngest daughter isdlinger-ously i l l wi t l i tiic typhoid fever. Dr . Green is litteiiding l ier , -Mi .ss Clai-a Sanders, who lias been very sick, is not recovering very l ' i ist . - -Bil lyHolt makes the boys ride beliind now. He, lias the steed that can .pliss t l i cn i ,—A. R. AVctzcl is doing a lively business w i t h his wood and'blacksmith sliop.s, he liavhig Mr . Wells as bil icksmitli . The people seem to think a good deal of such a hoi'scsliocr at this season of the yoar, Last Tuesday lie iiiii lcd ori 75 alono. B i l l y sa.ys let them come.— Rev. Pay of Alb idn, is holding revival meetings here lit present. L e t the good work go on.—Mirs. AVellman is doing nicely with her broken arm, which she received some time ago.— Prank Eolfe made us a Jlylng visit last Pr idi iy . He has recently moved to the Capital Ci ty .—It looks iis If P.iy & Coll ler were st iU doi ng a 11 vely btisi ncss from the way tliey have to got there. They say tjierc is 116 rest for the wick­ed.—This town is blessed w i t h drum­mers. Only eight last Monday,—P, .L Hodges is doing a lively biisincss w i t h his pumps and egg crates,' H e w i l l get there if anyone can,—Mr. and Mi's. Edd. 'Rolfe spout Saturdiiy and Siin-d.iy withfr ie iKls in the Garden. AVe learn they l ike t h e i r . n e w homo in .Tackson very much.—Mrs. A . : G. Marlchuin Json the sick• list , aLso.her daughter, Stella.— Myrti Wood is teaching a very successful school this winter. She lias many friends in this vicinity.—Sam, JBooth, has recently pttrchiisod I'our acres of t i inberof Chas. Eolfo..' " . _ . _ . _ ; j _ - _ S s r A L t . ' H ^

Every one giveis it t l ichighest praise.-..H..Gradel, druggist. Walnut i i n d : A l l i ­son: Sts. ' , ' :Cincuiiiatl, '0.,-sii,vs this of his trade':', -','1 ,:sell,'iiiy ' share ,of iDr;

,a^iill!s Cc)ugh::Syrup arid my lev

( N G H A I V I A N D V E V A Y . 10. Vnimg has been ((uite sack tiie

past week with the g r i p i i e , - A cli i ld by the nlinie of Bcckei', from iMlbson, was interred in tlie Hawley cemetery last Tliui'.Hda,y.—h'l'iink 'Williams wil l soon go tn Detroit, where he will work lit the insuraiice business wit l i •rsr. .'V.Sherwood.-]\ruoi'e l luntexpects tn build a new resideiiceon ills hitlier's I'lirm,,lust east of Etchell 's. Darwin Ilowcs, across the way will I'eiiiodel ills residence,—Pedi'o parties lire in nrder at lOtcliell's, the last one lieliig held at Levi Swan's. Oysters lmd ntlier I'el'resliments were served.— Marcus Blond and wife were pleasant­ly siii'iu'ised AVednesdliy evening, by tlieir friends and neigiilMi's.—'That's right, Hert, lflarge wood pile is niie of the tilings needl'ul to keep iioiice iu the l'aniii.y.—We wisli to thank iM.essrs. Clark and weiiavedoncsevei'lii tiiiies before, I'oi' the kindness they nilinifest elicli yeartowartis their coi'-respondents, liiso M r . and Mrs. Don­nelly for the bouiitiful banquetsproad before ii.s, which wc all did liiiiple .iustice to.—James Blakely went to Stockbridge last .Sliturday to meet his daligliter, Anna, wlio has lieen at Gladwin, in the northern part of the state, keeping house I'or her bi'nthei', Geo., the plisi, . year . -A . plea.sant sur­priso was given Harvey Curtis P r i ­dliy evening. Alt l ioi igh tlie niglit was lt stnrm'y one, a Ilirgeci'owd was in at-teiidlinco. A U N T iS'Aiuiv.

N O R T H W E S T A U R E L I U S , ji'Ki!. li, :isi)3.

The correspondents wiio wei'c libscnt from tlie blintiuet missed li vel'y plclis-ant cntertliinmcnt, as your iiunibie .servant can tcstil'y,—The last cold snap did considci'liblc damage in this place by fi'eezmg canned friiit, plants, e tc Mrs. 10. Morse and 0. Morse had about 300 cans of choice fruit fi'ozen. They wei'o all in one cel­lar.—Jfrs. J . B. Ivecney had about JOO cans of fruit frozen. L wi l l give my mode of treatment: 1 loosened the tops and took olV tlie rubber.s, then set the cans in a boilei' of cold water up to about an inch of the top (:is the water wil l by heating), then lielit-cd tiic wliter to a boiling heat, let boll 13 minutes, and fastened the tops lis usual in canning. You cannot detect any dilTerence in the fruit from that which lias not been frozen, with the exception of pears, wliich .1 t l i ink be­come a l i t t le mealy.—Misses Pliebe, Sarah and .Tsiibclle Keency are quite badly lilllicted wi th wliooiiing cough. Phcbe iind Sarltli have to stay home from school, which, to them, is another sore allliction.—The mumps lire just lici'oss the river from this v ic in i ty ,—A Ilidy from Oiiio was tiirougli this vic in­ity recently in quest of Iier husband, Sho found him in the person of E d . El lsworth. AVe extend congratulations if they are in order.

A U R E L I U S . M r . and Mrs. L e v i Swan of Ingham,

were tlie guests of Mi ' , and Mrs . Eugene Thayer last Saturdiiy.—Mrs. J . AV. Freeman returned home last Tuesday from ./liclcson, where she has been visit ing I'or the plist ten days, called tlierc by the sickness of l ier SOU, J . J . Prceman, who is considered out Of danger at this date—Every­body should remember the invitation to attend the .social at Ployd Eorl i -beck's, Fr iday evening of this wcckv T a k c a l o i i d l i i i d let us luive a good time. Fr ied Ciikes iind colTco is the order Of the day,—Ed. Slaglit's liousc came very near burning last week Saturday. I t caught in the shingles around tlie stovepipe, and burned a large place Only for tlie assistance Of neighbors i t would have .been in ashes n a very short t i m e — J . D . .Swart was called to Waterloo, to see his brother, Geo., who is quite sick. H e returned Tuesday, and reports h im much better.—E, Gibson ishome visit­ing his parents and schoolmates.. H e is at Grand Eiipids on a street- car, where hevhas held his position ; two years and has a steady job iis long as he wtiiits i t . •There is always a place J'or honest young meri ,to fill.—.1.', J.' l^ider^has bought- tlio D r . Ohllnger property bri' . :A'Vcst': ,Malri,street.—A. .D,'Barnes returnecl last week from a t r ip to 'Buffalo, wJicre -he.. Juts been w i t h a'sKlpment ot,f .atlanibs;-Ii ' .ving

Sliiloh's Vital izer iswhl i t .you need for d,vspepsili, torpid iiver, yellow skin or kidney trniible i t is guaranteed to give you satisl'actioii. Jl'rice "l'lC. Sold by Loligyoiir Ih'os. 2

S T O C K B R I D G E , Got your vlileiitines ready.—Mrs,

Seward'of .Ilickson, spent part of last woekat A . Heliuiiiont's.—Twonty were blipti'/.ed lit the M . JO. cliiii'ch one week ago Sundliy, seven last Sunday, luul li liiimber imu'c wi l l be bliptized next Sunday. There were two ba itized at tlielOpi.scoplil ciiurch last Sum ay even­ing, '.riicrc has been a wniuierfui re­vival at tills place during thcpast I'our weeks by 10vlinj,'clist l i r l idt . 'Mr, B. left for Ilis liome in Il 'lint Monday, wit l i heliltli very much i i i ipaired,— AVm. ,11. Haicer and .son of Darien, ' N . Y., lu'o spending a I'ew weeks with his bi'otlier lind sister, JOd. nalcoraiid jMrsl \[. Tlii ire.—Will. May iiiili JL T^aniels lii'o liiippyover t l ic l i rr ivl i lof ill ellcli 'fliiiiii.y,—A White Olik farmer di'ewli lolid of wood to our town, lt distance of eight or ten miles, two horses. Contciits of .sleigh fii coi'd.s.— Afoiit. Sliimdei's lias opened li blirber shop lu op]ii)sitioii to .1. Hinos.—ifrs . J3lirrottof Gl'cgol'y, wlis in town ilist woekcan vli.ssing I'or plushes.—Quartci'-ly meeting at the M , 10. cliui'cliTiext .Satui'dayaiidSiindli.y.—Tiieliighscliool now has a line libi'lil'y of ciioico reading matter.—I\Irs. AV. B . Gild l i r t was in .IliCksoii Si i turd l iy.—M. DuBois now occupies tiie .1. Bcnter house in Bi'oolv-lyn.—Mrs. JT. V. Snyder is st i l l lame, cliuscd by a flill on the ice a I'ew weeks ;igo.—Clia.s, J,toso h'lis the mlitcrilii on the ground I'or a large blii'u which lie wi l l erect this spring.—Mrs. Ji'. li'di'cc is at home again al'ter spending a few weeks witJi friends at Mason.—Oi'iingo Ifopkinsof •I'liclcson, has been vis i t i l ig friends licre the past week.—There was a good turnout at the jiound social lit Rev. E , L . Moon's .Slitul'dity evening. — A largo niimljcr in tills vicinity arc liiiving .sore throat, .something liicc quinsy, wli icl i seems to bo epidemic.— Myrt le Beomlin returned Iiomc from A n n Arboi', Saturday, where she has visited friends the past I'ortnigiit.— Tl ie icy wlilks the Ili'st of the week made uiiviglition very dlll lcult for pedestrians. . .ScimzYcmcz.s,

H a r n e s s a n d Buerev- F r e e O f f e r . .

A SiO set of liariiDss for only S1,D5, A SlOO top buggy for only SlO.Tu, You oali e.xainliie our goods at your place beforo paying onecent. Send for Illustrated catalogiio giving prlce.s to oolisilnv ers tliat are less tlilin retail doiUors aetiild cost. Send address and tills advertisement to A L V A U MA.vui'AC' Co., Oept, K, K., Chicago, 111,

W I L L I A M S T O N . The family o f l l e v , .L G, IMcDoiiald,

pastor Of the J.lliptist church, iilive ar­rived and are' at tlioir new iionie on Middle street.— A . 0, .I'ell'ei'.son has loft for Chicago, wlicro lie has liceeiit-ed it position wi th i'). 0. l.'almeter, a bi'ccder of trott ing hoi 'ses,-L. Brlid-ley lil isletsed the Shaftsbiil 'g llniiring mil l and talces po.sse.ssion inimciiiatel,y. — L , Case lias .so far rocovei'od from lilsscvei-o illness as to have ciilirgc of Ills store—Jfrs, .Potter aiitl childi'en Of Lai is i i ig , liave been the guests of her motiier, Mrs, DlivcAVilson, I'or tlio past week,—Edwin ' guessed the nearest to tlie numbor of peas and belins in the jar lit .loc Wiiit 's , imd took the gold wlitcli,—'J'he ni<is(|iiei';idc skiitc at the opera .Saturday evening, was woll attended.—Tlio in-I'liiit child of M r . ltnd Mrs. M. Herron died Sunday, Jj'ob. .''i.--Jacob Shank• lias been vci'y sick with drojisy and heart troulilc—JNTr. Hennii ig of Chi* cago, is expected lierc' to buy the groiind where the mi l l burned, for an electric ])llin_t;

"Thc""greatcst worm destroyer on e i r t l i is .Dullam's Great German AVonn Lozengers, only 25 cents per box. Ji'or sale by i la lstead & Son.

D o n ' t G e t I m p o s e d U p o n Is a (jooit luolio to follow in buyliitfaiaediclneaH woi , aa in ovefylliiiifr oiae. By Iho'iinlversal salisIaoiion it bas given HIIII by tlio many r laarkable.inr.s it liaa accomplished. Diiiiain's Iireat lieiiiiaa Ul.e.ii. Liver, Stoaiacli anil ICidney Uure baspriivou Itself iiMi.i|uaicd tor liiilldiui; up and cieaiiaiii}; your ayslein an.i for all diseases arising from Impure liloud. Do nut eKpori-niont ivith an iiuiieani uf or untried artieie wlilcli yoll aro told is aa good, bul be aura lo get llallain'a. All druggists keep it. 31 a botUe.

Iforaale by llalalead .t Son, Mason,and 1'. il.irioid Dansville.

Oldosland Strongest Slafo and Savings Bank in the City,

C A P I T A L , $75,000. Piealdonl

Yioe-Prosidenl Oaabici

M , D, aU ,m 'HK'l 'ON.. , . L.O.WKDU J . M . D H E S S E U , , , , '

interest Paid on Time Certificates of Deposit


A J u s t i c e Of t h e P e a c e S a y s . Hon. .Tolm Neliley, justice of the

peace and ex-member of the House of Ecpi'oscntativcs from Mci'odith, N . H . , was for twelve years a terrible sulfcrcr with I'lieumatism. He says: 1 cannot obtain any medicine which doos mc .so rauchgoodlisyourSulphurBitters, and I th ink it is trho best medicine niiide.

,Wliy the

B o w o n the J a s . Boss F i l l e d W a t c h C a s e s , m a d e b y the K e y s t o n e 'SVatch Case C o m ­p a n y , P h i l a d e l p h i a . I t pro-: tects the W a t c h frbin the pick,-pocket, and prevents i t f rom dropping . C a n o n l y be h a d v/ith cases stamped

, •with this trade mark. .

. S o l d , wi thout extra charge • ,for this bow (ring), : t h r o u g h ' :' AVatch dealers:only . ' ' / ; : ';-".' ''X

nirootora—D. P. Whitmoro, L. 0. Wohb, J. K Kbner, Qoo. W, nriatoi, n, M, Williams, Uarpot . Reed,5I,D.Ciinttertou,J, M.Droaaor.O, G, llunUng.^.-ou.

J t i e Best and Purest Medicine E V E R M A D E .

" i J ' T ^ It will drive tito Humor from yourl ' • ^ B y s t o m , a n d niliko your Kklnj !

c l e a n a n d e i n o n t h , . ThosoK I'linplos uud inotchodK

r your bcautyS ctl by iinpuroB

. . w h i c h m a r a r o cauBCtI . .

b l o o i l , a n d c a n . b o l T O i i i o v o d I n n E l i o r t

t l i i i c , . l f y o u a r c o • "A o „ - ^ w l B o a n d use 'V

'it o'*\^'6, > > » v t b o g r o a t s

smnil—oniya toa- spoonful. J" ' " buBt:niid nicdlcino. yon;WlUlio sacisiioe. ;; "W'ev; r^-'jt.'. , Got it oi your 15r.ugglstj ^ ;;J;?'' ,;<(

D O N ' T W A r r ^ i C E T IT AT.6KOK?^^U'.'' If yon nro snfforTiiK from Kid-^V^'ii,'.: [

noy.insciso,, nnd wish to'live'to^Bk'.'^Al-. ._ loiii ago,,uao.-suLiTiuu iiin"rEas.jw:h'^;tI |Tlidy' noycr falUtp,.euro,.'.';'-jVi.,:;:jaj'tgytjJ g ^