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R 2,G72. N E W A R K , N . J . , F R ID A Y , A P R IL 29, 1 8 ()2 .-T K N IMAGES. |IM IIC E T W O c e n t s ]

Edition.W IE if i .Oman Korderotuiif AaMoltid on

the S t m t a t Bed B&nh.


LlMlwOfarrell, m D vm viile, F oaad Lyluc Vno^DBoiotu ftud W ith H#r flkull Cri»ti«d lH«ion the PAT^Metit la F rodt a f a Reil- d« Mce OB B rid |o Avaano—No Cltt* to tha 4 A m l|« q i W ti* . IB Ja F b o a ^ t , la o b ta d • » * lha* « a « la Ifco F a aaw wloa of Iho

I 'n rortaaata WoouBn-^Ught llopaa for H er RoaoTorj*

' i f . y .



M .J.

J)0 »-mft*w o -■1 . -Ford tnASS

;i? 8b o i.

B pK i.l n iap u tcb to lb« N rwh.* *Rku Ba s k , A pril M .-A n iu rtlrr w .* »l-

t r m p t« lb ,r o lu t a lg lit *ud the ru.-.wi l> liuf- II i Uf thepu llw . Tile vlet Im 1 .1 J u ie P'arrell, . i i n n iD .n ied t r l ib wom an wbo h u been In tlila cm iutry iibwii Uneen yenrw 8 l» l i nhoiit tw enty-eight yearn old. For about four yenm ahe baa been em ployed a . a domcKlIo by M illard F. Cornwell, o f Brood atreel, wbo eu* gaged her a t M ount V ernon.

Mra. Corniwell baa been aw ay ftoni home fo r aerernl aRsika for her beattli, Ih iring tbia period Llaale baa been a)H’iidll>g her evening, a t John ^ r b 'e l l ’a. In W eal lied Ilnnh, Hbe left H r. C oniw eiri aa naual b u t ulglit to go to th e b o m e o fth e MoNnila. Hhe wa«acroinp»' nled aa fa r a i Bugera A Wallliig'a earring. Holairy, on M .ple . m i n e , by Mary la-yduu, w ho worlta Air th e faintly o f Jame)iCia<|>er, J&'. Tbia waa a little a fle r g o'eluelt.

Tba women M pam tad a t IbocornnrorH apte •wvenue and M onnionlli atreel. I.laaieai (lart- 1ng aald, " Mary, I ’m afra id logo luimenlum' ■, there a re ao m any IrnnitM around.” Mary re­plied biugblogly, "U b, I gueaa they w on't dia- tu rb you.”

A tainarter paat S o ’eloek Iba bleeding and onoonaoluna body of IJzale b'arrell waa found b y W U lta o i f . i r n y In f ru n to t blitaouae on H rld fo a n n u e , F tiyalo tauaw etaaeat ftiraiul th ay o n itg v n q w a w a a opneoywl to Abnim Tteeber’* hoiiae on th e aam e atreet. By her Hide they found an Iron awludt rod about * if btrwn Inehea long a n d o n . and a quarter Incbea bbtok, w |tb which tb* niurderoui bkiwa

^ r e thought to have beau Infilcied. Ttala waa w k M poaaetalon o f by ttd> poltoe.

I b a t t r l 'a hwid waa crtMbwl In. There ware tw a deen gaabea an d h e r b ra in waa expiaiad. rtne blow bad been a tn ick In the bark of the

i**«<td »®d tba o tb a r on tU» righ t aide. Her U aok Qurly h a ir waa aatu rated w ith blood. T he w om andld not regain couaclouanMa, ami th ia m orn ing early ahe waa tnken to the Long Branch Moapital. T he ph]-elrlana do not th in k ahe wlU live.

The polio , hunted a ll n ig h t long for thcM - u ea ln , bu t tb e ir labonte were frullleae. The only elne th ey have I . th e Iron rod which w .” P r o h ^ ly ta k e n from Hie m llm ad leu than IMl y a rd . aw ay. Cyraneua Henaatt, wbo llv * near Krey’B, oaya he hwtrd a woman aenwm aboiik th e tim e the aaaatilt waa committed, aad.dordtlBg ou t o f h i . window aaw a man n ia down the .tre e t tow ard the railroad.

I t waa d tuovared th la toon iQ g th a t the nn fo n n n a te wom an bad IBB wrapped up In a

f paper w hich Wa. tiieked In her boKiin. l i ie phyatelaiu Ihmid th e paper, b a t tba money w u talM lng, a n d II la now though t the rob- tir ry waa the luullve for th e aiaault. There w aanothing to Indicate th a t an y a ttem pt bad been n o d e to outtuge th e girl.

Hlaa A nnie Van W |Ilk i^ • •ohool-t.acb.r on Oaklubd itrae t, waa a lruck from behind a e v rm n ig h t, ago n u r her home and quite aeriqaialy h u rt. The n ilH .ii waa nevrr dia­ls) Vered. -----------------, ----- ---------


'A W lla .H Ml th e |H ae H Ivaree Cb m T u m iF ro m H u .b a a d to W ife.

T a a k to s , A pril Id ^ M a re teatlm ony was taken yeeterday lii the divorce of Mra. Will­iam Itlceogaloet her huaham l. Dr. W illiam liliy, a p n m lu e n t phyalc lano f Ib laclly , lie- rore Npeelal MgMw XJtvI'T. nultllM{l. ThU .oiit la one Vif Um iPM t WMatloaigl.dlToflb eaaea now lo ln f on tn IkI.e llyv Ytie teidP niony yeaterday waa a aiirprlae to everybody, aa Km iua IfaTTey, w ho waa one of the cblcr w llneuea for Dr, Hlce, waa plaerd on Iba a land and gove valuable rvideuce for Mm. Wee. Tlie wom an waa formerly enipinyed n . a dumeatic In Dr. B lre’a himai.|io]d. A t n Winner h i-a iin g ab . tiwtitled lhal aha had ole aerved no Irap ro p rle tln lietw w n Dr. Hlce and Mra, M atlack, who a ppe.ra aa a oo.riapiin<lent In A he bill which Mra. Uica ho* brought agalnat her hiiaband.

At the hearing yi-aterday the witnesa .w ore th a t her fo rm er teallm ony waa untrue, and th a t I t waa of a oegatlva Inateod nr a poaillva na tu re , bho a lio g a ra rv iden rs yu le rd ay acaualng th e d oo to ra tld th e Matlock woman o f Im proprletlea, W hen aakMl why alie had teatlfled falaely .h e eiouaed bemclf by uiylng th e thought Mm. Hlce aa had M the doctor, and .h e d idn ’t care to becoma mixed u p ln th . C M , Bince her ArM teatlm ony th e b .a become convlDCed th a t Mr*. Bice t i th e eg- g r le n d party , and .h e now laatlAad In order to do h er juatice. ^___________

MJB irntO M O H EC K |A V E I> RIM .

A iW agro M u rd e re r R aaged^ P rononacadM end, 0 u t Mow Vvry HWah A live.

H akiim to s , U tu ., A pril 1W.—Cnleiuan B lackburn, a n c tin , atanda withim t rival fo , th e atrengt h o f b i t neck. On April iU be w ot hanged for wllh m u rd er a t Phyetta, and la re­ported to d a y aide to walU around hla rouiii aud-eoaverae will) frleuda.

Xfler banging for Ih li1 y tp lnnlet and Melng pronounced dead by three of the local p h y ilc l.n t, B lack b u rn ', w ippond re m .tp . were lu rned over to relative* IPr Interm rnt, ■who reaide In F ran k lin (Xwnly, a dlMaore uf lUliHy-flve m ile , overt^e -i" ■' WHite li^the flnnilv, burying jp o i in d a f ’c tcb fh g oh tlie Inilu^ bl tp e e ^ n «a* w r d , Tlie top of the coffin w a . rem oved and the .uppow d ourpae w nt found to tn brM thlng.

A local phy .l« ltn w a . a t one* anmmonwl, and after tr ra l in e n t tb* patient wn. pAe iinuneed o u t o f danger, l ie waa hanged by the new ayatem abd w g. Jerked upfn ity Mx fte t w ith a th ree foot drop.

a b a n d o n e u r t h k h c h e w .T he ro to m a e k ta a ia b a a t 4 « irg * InaV f

W rack ed a t A tlan lle City. At la .vtic City , A pril The aide-wheel

gleuinboat CAoife fA avy, la low of a tng go. tng down the oo*M yw tarday anem oan, .p ran g a leak oppoalte t i n Hea View Kieniv ■lun H o u u , filled rap id ly and aetiled atrtero.

t h e tug b rought tbp . tn im b n tt « . near t i n ■bore a . pdmlble, tw ung In r abonl, and lieocbed her. T he cap talb and oraw were I hen ta k e n olT and the M aamkoat w a. lull to Iht fate, Hhe Ilea In. ab o u t thIrtjNieven fret w ater, a mile an d g bg lf «IT .bore, on t b , ou ter bar, t a d I . (oat going to Dleeea.

The boat w a. b u ilt III B ^ k t y n In 1M4 and hod been nied a . a p e w a g M .tra m er on the Fulomoc River. Sbg waa o f UO Ion . burden, Betore her deck .went u n d artlg p la la QaaklU and a llfe « iv lp t emw attem ptad to board her, h u t found tneiy ediiid ni>L owing to the heavy h b ___________.

H a r t la a CoW alon W ith BlayeltatA Special Mtoputch to th e Nkwa.

P iA ikriEL D , A pril ■ .—Mm. Bowen, of lo la n d avenue, N .lherw pod,w a.dB n|vm nalr Injured while d riv ing on Sonlh avamui MM n ^ i b y a eolllklon w ith tw o bleyellMa wb# h J I neglected to lig h t tb e ir tanteriM. M ra Bowcn.wM d a .h ed vIolM tly to the ground, and w n. plckbd ug ra llb r ln f from l^ u ry to the brain . She Wad uneonaM nu. all n ight a i the home o f Dnmey W . H yde .nn WtaMland avenue, T o d g y her oonditinu 1 . bu t (lightly Improved. The U ayeU il. rM ap«t aerloua tm Jury, b u t tb a ir a K h ln e a were wivekwi. On* of the n m n r * th e M m * o f M’hitebead from 'VVeeUMd. Tit* o thn r I t nnKnawa.

T lxlng Mg tiM Y raM danV . k n m m rt H am e.Special to Urn n v R g tiia K M n.

D'Al’R MAY, A pril n ,-n f r e td e i i t R a r t ln * ’. KVeh-tabted Cape M a^ 'PMnt cottage I . b , l h | very m uch em lm lU ah^ o n u h le and In by th* p a in te n an d p ap er-h aeg W . a r t . Mm. H u r t . '

H 'lC ID E O F A TO eX U W IF E .

Mr*. O nlM H ia. L o ck . H e tae tf In a B oont mad T h en E n d . H er fdW.

El-auUkTH, A pril 'JB.-M n. rm n iin c D g. bowiMi, tm ly daughter o f Judge I 'layton, dir ('he«lgM ^^in„ coram itled lu lrldg yealerday a n e ra m n t i l l e r m ldeuce, .0 . Ifriaid atree^ thla. OH}', byaendliig a b n lln ghM iigh bM) biglii w ith a revolver, Hlie w ai Ihe wife og F ran k U Mubiwqne, a young naval arcblteel fruiu W aahliigtoii, who, Bir a while, wa* tuperlu teuden t o f the drafting departm en t a t th e .httiyW d of H, u Mourn A mioa ixiipppay her*. Re-wartfhad nlmat g year ago, an d I . now w ith lb* PMmaylvanU ItatlM ad OtHp p anyaa ataaridillHe* in l i .J e rw y C U yoinak lie I t Hbtai tblrty-N va yenm old and a la with waa about iw enty-nlhe. Tlie.¥ have Iweii iu»r- rli-d th ree yrar* end la m e lo IliU elty from Clirater, They were popular and moved In good aeelety. They have Ig o U jg^ umragail two ymgw, I lie igher « |g muiith*.

Mra, tlubomiiie had been riepnnwed In apir. II*, but U kierdny illum ing waa iiuuauiilly chei-rful lA cii ahu bade giaid-bye to her hua- bund before he atarted for Jerw-y City. The aervunta did nut niillce aiiyllitng .IraD fi'In her nelloiia. Hhe re ttm l to her n a im u p alulra In th e Hncnnam , tak ing her tw o eliltilreii along. Huoii alM* Ihe report of a plalol raiiK I h r u i i^ til* huuae and the aerviinti ruahial to Mia, Dnbnwine'a diair, whieli they full ml lucked. They haikud III ill* Window ■ml wiw the ir young in latna* ly ing oo th e iliair, while l i t . children were In Ihe b*A

Uoe ul III* W rvania riuw led In througli III. window and Piiiud a bulint hole In Mra. iMw hoaqiie’a feHuhead, and lawlde her lay a re­volver w ith oiiy chnm ber dlmbacged.

Hhe wa* atlll alive, but umainakHta, nnd ex­pired hefitre n ptiy tlclahurrlvcil. In lierm uin waa found u leUeraddr.-aaial to her linahuud, Ita eontenta could not be l•■arlled.

I t La Kuid th a t muiiii yenra liefore h e r iiiar- rlgge .Mra. llnliuaiiiie analulmHl a aev en In jury l<i bar head by . fall, um t lhal t l tim e , a l l .h a d been ru lber fllkhty. She an d h*r hoaliMud have alwnya, ao ftirna know n. Lad u happy llfr, nod he waa Ktiinn<”i when the and iicw'a WHi luipiirted Ui him a t the alullou by a friend, oil hla a rriv a l home laal evening. ll« thiHW h l.u iiiia w ildly In Ihe a ir, nnd e*. clalnitng, “ My tiu d I” fell backw ard Inlu h i. friend’, am ia,____ ______________

HALO»S-KKKHKK.*« P liS le H K n .

Two H en tVhu Hohl on Hiiuduy F liard and Sen t to Ja il ,

jKMgY I'lTV, A pril n k -J u d g e l,lpp lne 4 U, of th e lln d ao n tm in ly Ckiuit of O H nm oa Pim a, y ra tenU y aeiiteiiced tw o aaham-keep. • r a to th e iieolteiiilnry fur Ibree ipoulha an d fined llieiii |Fii) each for Belling liquor on Sun­day. The moil were John MeKeon and Thutnaa Furey . In paming ■aotena., J u d g . Lippi noott uilil I n p a r t :

T hrira fU c In IntoxioalUig liquor In every elTlltaed laiuiil ry I. under au iu . degree o f re­al riel Ion, lYir rraaon a t ti l l , tim e 1. 1(10 well underaliiod lo need any M atemeut o f It. Hulu uiid dem uraltxalloo, both Individually and colleellTely, na a com m unity (nllow the m irra trtc ted traflSi tn m u i| c rlm a . of every o a lo re a re lh e reoiilt prliielpally uf Ihle iraltle. in h e r e la any Irtilli n l a ll ip w hat ihoae acenaed uf crim e here aay.ltiur-tiflha of Ilirm are lu-rv laHUnac of Ih r n«i or luhniae of Inloxlcatlng Ih ioon . TheH lale In Ha Irglaln- tlve pulley haaatwHyji reatrlcted thhi traffle. I t iiaafroiii Ihe itra t d a y a o r iu exialetice fur-

TAUMQ OUT TER D tf i ) .• " f f i l e * o t C entgat

bidden (bt^frMfUt*onMunday.Kn IxKiMlnturv Umi duri'U Uj n*p*«l lhb» l«t-

t^r c»r H, ThfiM W ofthiaNUU li lbkbUu»liy Hnd

lu till!* (Nbuuty. Th^ro b« rtoiwinltutbrnN. i>fH i>f Im niiiilt }nirp(Wfl uf wolch iH IU Ummib wbo UwbltuwdyarHaiitty violate u iw aua tti ib le ldfrom p itn lilim ^nt for luch violwtlouHi The ruurty ko lu r s i I su i eoucornrd^ ^ li«ve thr»i6 TiolHtlunt of tbd law iUoiUit tw severely p im lihsd . The has ih er if h t to sAk, fp drm »nd, tb m the oAlceni im>rn to ejceoute t \vi b wh mIisU d<» 1 belr duty Jn Ih li mwtier, Tliwt the l% isnrntor o f the PlfWN w ith s l l th e |s»wer uf the H i ^ behind him. shsU U ke such steiM In th is county an th |in eud s t once tbiH uolsw fut s lid deiiiorsU lElng t n ^ c on H unday ; so d lu tbU perform* ance o f a n ty th is (O tirt h s t the rlgni, under th e ape<>lie F<*wwvqfirmKl npon a s bysiAU liter ^ d e iosud Lbst tbo uolloe snU iarU leeof tlH» whole ro u n ty , ana th e Gimnd J u ry uf th is county , a id to th e fUU . ex­ten t o f the power conmrred upon them by IsWa I f th is aHton be taken , thiatrs ittc w ill cease e i uace, eud: eueU .puniidi- m «nt lmpof»^d uuoii tlmse who ere fuA ty htrvr s deterrent eBivt fh the Aiture.


the work, h e r w elUkDovwwftiimetM tssbBliil dlaplayed In th ack t^g F g D h w .o a in b ln a tto n i and ^ r e « , (ia ig iili A iw y v , mteddlug th e ImprQifM ifrl*, w jli have tb* h w a p je a d y fe y l ia A k a ju ^ aam m unn- kmpauu by tb* m iddle o f b u y , o r oven earIleY IfneoaM ory. I t l .o ta te i l th a t M raH arrlaon

/ will no t delay her n d u rn tn Cape H a y M i i t U bM iet

T b e P r W m th i . a i i m S r h o iM W l a R ^ t S . f i | n l n | | i i g lio u n v c m lS a t M S lB tv r '" ™ * “ '

TYie re n ia rk . of Judgi> I,lpplneott and th* •everily o f th e aenleiice have created eon- a tcruatlop a i^ong beoraliap keeper.,

rB R M N A N D W A * ^ , TU IM t> r .

Tb B . U b a ra tw l Tia-niorniw A fte r M aarly E ig h t Y e a r .’ Im griH W m eat.

P is a MiN«, A pril a . —A lte r nearly e igh t y e u n of liupM uB m ent, (.’onvlet Fardlnatid W ard la Sniahlng np h i . work In the p rin ting departm en t o f the Slate P rlu m preparatory 1 0 leaving lo-inurrow, lie having eerred car. III. te rm . W ard h a . not yat e iw H n t.4 to m ake an y ata lenieut to re p o rtm , an d l i .pend ing hi*loot day in prlw>n going Ihnm gb hla u .n ai m ullne.

W hen be r r t lre . to hla cell to-night be w ilt dlacard h i . n m v ic t garb Ibr good, a u d to-m or­row m orning will don a n a w a u lto f Motbr* w birh I* a lw ay . flimlalMd by tb* s ta te to a ronv let when he la about to leave th e priaon alter having H-ryed hi* term. W ardw lU al«o reeelve the luuo l allowance o f m ouey fro iu the Sliile.

W arden Ilrow h m id louiay th a t W grd d id not appear to be worried .b u n t th e ehancM of h it being rm rm ie d a . M on a . he WM releamd on th e Indictm ent* which a r e n a |r pend log agalnat h im . The W ardea a lto M id th a t he d id n ’t know tln ttan y o f W p rd '.fr ien d . would be a t th e p r l.u a tounurrow lo oongratulal* h im on regain ing hla freedom. W ard w ill leave Sing Sing on a I ra in In the fbrenoon and will go d irec t to CVmneetlcut, where hla elgbt- ycHi-old H>n la a t wliool.

W ard will And m any change , w hen ho cornea out. I I I . devoted will), hM rt-brokau a t Ii Ih dlagraccrdled three yeataago. F rom tb* ” Y'oung Kapntenn o f Flnanoei"wbo*e every word W allJiree t barkened to, he h a t boconie u cipher. H it old partner, Flah, atlll Uvea In re tirem ent. W ard I t atlll young, being only thirty-four, an d Ip the prim e of h ealth and vigor,

J A T .ifttlr iM r W iVit A^ MAUAtOAMr

H e l*ntttliaaea th * U Pa*a ;i=^ W h ite Onha U n a to r WO,00*.

Ri. P a»o,.T*x ., A pril ■ .—O neof th e la rg M t and m oat Im portan t rallriMd deal* In th* hi*, lory o f Rl IM*o w a . conaiiininated yeaterday, and Jny Oottld brcanic the ow ner o f w h a t It know n aa th e E l h a o an d W hite (JakaH olS road.

A t a little befbre noon Judge B. V. Dovla pnwcDted to D latrlct A ttorney Falvey th e De­port o f Charlea D avit, receiver o f th eK aiu n * C ity ,K lF o ao an d M eilcaii lU llrobd Com pany (W hite Daka), ahowlng th e w le o f th a t road to J a y Uould, o f New York, for th e aum uf kV.OOO, an d aaklng th a t th e aal* be opniov«d by the Conrt. A fter ra rehd e ia m ln a tk ia of the repo rt an d b ea rln f of evldcitee, ahowlng th a t the pelce agraed upun wa* a fa ir coin pan- aation for the rpad, | t i right* and frascblaiaq the .a le wa* approved by llic Judge, and th* road bevamo th e property of Mr. G-mld,

a - ' ..M.—H en ry PhttU p* A eaw M d'of K w ihen lan ian t.Special n iapa ieb to tb eN n w o .

Pi.A iw riR i.n, A pril % ,-U en ry ft. Pbltlipa, conftdeatlal itlcrk for R. W , Bloe AIM., grooera In N orth Plainfield , w al to-day held fo rth * tiran d .tnry by J patlM f ro th y on th e ohaag* of em beuH rm entfrom hla rw ptoyera. H e wa* am w led a t N ew ark yealenU y w hite vialtlog relative*. Only a flaw day* ggo the f ln n dl*> covered PtalU I^’a duplicity, w blah tbayolalm faaa ex tended over a oonalderable p trlod , They can no t atete th e am oun t o f h laa teab Inga, b u t any H 1. la iig . A w ordlug to tb* evidence P hilllpa would atgb* tefge oullaik Ilona, tu rn In o a ly a p o r tlo ii an d pocket th« real. '

New T .r ie ty e f FU h O teoerevad.Special to th e EvkirnfO N iw *.

Ca p * May , A pril ■ e-O n a .l n m ar* ta lk ing a lw u t a nowlyuUaeovend v arie ty n f flab. They are fiiund oaly In d tep watcri apd m u 4 be cau g h t th o n If oamgbt a t all.. On th e c o ^ aoulh of 0 »pe M ay 0 Oovel ne t bo* been aufrocufiilly liked to flah th r them In deepw ater. The ne t 1* (Im ply annk to th e bottom an d operated th e re by |«ad *nd*eorb line* a*me way they a r t iiMd In Murtlow w ater. The new flah la a b ao t tba ate* o f « a InsM and of agoelteni tab te qnaltty .

T o Im pS ava AhMbW F te to t FaalU tiM - Special to tb* K v n t b a R sw o,

W ABHritOTOK, A pril a ^ l f l a t ^ i n J i a y MMoy Seyholl, Foatoffla*InapaatorIn A o ig a o tif lta Franclm o, wUI baw l t V * Mt r ■■ a t i t e to InapeetU M M tial a iw W ^or Algjtltm f t h m huod rad mllM o f tite A W b o n te W w e e W aeoeaatty been w lth o a t pottdBKW f im m o , an d th e re q a e a ta a f tb eaalm oaw om ien b a v . canted dlrecllon* to be aant to Inapootor Say. ' It to aae w b i t n a n b . doBAjtaf t t e l r

T b* Seofch M th e TlMiiRtrs F lm

pHii.AnKi.FHlA, A pril S’--T h e efarch fa r tticv le llp iao f the fi-n tn il Theatre Hr* a t T o 'r lie k tu la nioi^dpg. Upon tb .I bat tlie bodle. won Id bp found ciuM to w hprt t be a t t t l r | ^ on the rlgbb leading up from ‘ re a r of tbll H ag . w a. te n te d , w ork w as " t l th a t puliil. Tlie rear wall o f th e Iheatre and tb* .1111 higher wall o f tlie nm ni building being Ibsw leulugly over the workm en great aantloii Wa. nvem aarFbi ilIgg laganH ud th* baaeof UterthMlre *at|,lrte . I t .h o a ld h*Hhafcea dqwn iipou tb eo n iw d q f a m Inburlig a t Ite laiae. A fter tw o lio iin ahd a bnlf o f abid, lahorluiia work tin] ai‘nrclicra bed the iiiclun- ('holy u tla rac llou uf uiieoverliig p a rt uf a body,

H alf an Uotir'a m ore work bronglit llic body (Niiiipb'iely Into view, hut the etiarred nnd hlaekciuHl niaae u f fle«li bom au llltic likcni'-a to * h u being Hint It could not he Slid w lieflier It waa n inuu or woman. M ule m ure tim n tlie tru n k uf the budy wa* h'fl. The head w«a gone, both iimw were biirucil oil' to Ihe elbowa *11(1 lHi|h hga lo above the kuea*. All thec lo th lpg m a h n m e d away. M'han the w yrkm en attem pted lo rn l-« tbe Irunk the baked flinh rani* away In Ihclrliam la, The uUiioal c a te waa iteeMpary to ptetM ii the body from tevakliig open whi-n It tt*a nilMSt, lint It Yfa* Dmilly d*> pisited In lh o w aitingftofliti w llhont aulfer' In* fu rther nn itlla tlua . Itenenlh the apot W'lier* th e body lay w«a Ihund aome burn t plcrin of clothing, nnd p s itn id ln g from the pl|eil-up brti’ka wna a n arm , A few mlm itee' rapid work HCrved to allow lliut Ih c a rio wai coiiucclcd w ith u iHHiy and tho work ufnii- covrrlii* It waa psa-ecdtHl w ith. The Imdy of the Aral of the unrurluan tc people found wna taken lu eatah lkhm eut uf I b* tteraner'a un- dcrluker, whore It wna roiiiul tu b e th a t of a Wiiiiian. I 'k illiln f foil lid briiealh U wa* hleiitiflcd hy tlie wnrdnilic woman u f the I hem re aa th n l of Mra. Flora lo re lln ,

Aa fuat a- the laMUea a re removed they will be taken In oliarge hy th e I Virmier, and w|ivn a l l th e inlaeliig mctjiliera of the compiiiiy arc found Iheir friemla will ho glveu Iheir Liodlei for Uurlut. (leurge S. Tliatuber, who Wiu In Ihe niidlenre Mild wlio waa reported nainlaa- iog, ml lim ed to hla huiua late l*>t night.

R nongtiof th* ruin* o f Ih* T<tei*tbnlldlng have la-'U removed to a llow * purtlaleXMiidii- uliuu tu tot uhuki o f thq praaarauui. Tho ■Wilhlceellingof the riHini In wbleb ao tnueh depamtence waa placed In th e uvenl of Juat anch an a rc ld m t th a t ha* oeciirred were fuiiiid to have lieeu cnielied lu by the falling building: Two of IbepniNM i are eomplelely carvrad by debrla, an d It te frured th a t they are damaged beyond repair. The I b ird prea. WM* nut ao mni'h d iu iagad , aud m ay ixiaalbly be lit to uae again. The twu dcatroyBd pmoavi (Viat y c:,UUtt apiece. ___


P raean tlona T ak en A galoat a M ay Day U u tb re a k —P u re ig n e ri T lireate iie it.

P a k i*, April Though the aiitbortllea have s 'peatediy aald th a t no trouble w«a un- lle lp a lcd 'ln Ihia c ity , they are iievertliclea* tak in g Ihe ipoet exlenalve precnutloua tu r«- preae any diaordera oii May Day. In oddl- lln n tu the regular (u rr« ila tlooed In I’a r l i the gurriaoii baa becq rutuforoed hy the Third Iluanpra and tlio N in th Dragoun^. Six regi­ment* o f cavalry atatjoued n e a rb y Ib ee lty will be held in readtopH to a ta rt a t once for Faria on receipt o f algiml. On Sunday, In order th a t not a loom ant will he IohI If Ibetr aenlcea a re requ lrad ,the liorteauf th* cavalry will he kept middled and bridled from day­break. The m en will alao be equipped, and .a toon aa ” buote and naddlea " It aoumled th e n g liu e u ta will he ready to gallop low tiriv- ever they nn* 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 10 1 1 0 0 .

After to n ig h t all the truojw will be eouflned In th e ir barracka to nw all ordera. Every man will be ready Air la a tan l aervtee. T beir a rm . will be plleil, an d « k Ii aoldler will carry thir- le ep iau tk cK u fb a llc a rtrtd tea . All tb e uiibllo bnlldinga and tnuoum euia w ill lie g u a r o ^ by aoldler* placed a t Intervaia, white o tb e n will be eoueraled to prevent th e ir direct contaiA w ith tlie crowd u n til It bncaanaary, Tqi I’rafrel o f P olin ', In an Inlerylew lo-day, ifh he felt n iu tid i'u t th a t M ay Day will quietly.

T h a palina inafle aweahev ra id npon hom mo c c ^ le d by A iiarchiate to-day, btu It ha* notH B lM N iaiaM pubHa tuiw m aay bacu Vfrre arreated. ' . -

The m an eatra <# tb * large Rngllali and Am eriran ahopa near tlie Uraiid iita>ra Huiiae have reeelyod tbreatenUig leHcm declaring th a t every bonae th a t la no t French will ba blown up. The'Ciim iuunial and revolution­ary groupe condem n th e May Day diaplayao* the work uf (term aii SurlallatB, declaring th a t the la tte r arc pure rearflun ltia . The NFJtd da JWrlt to-day'publlahea w hat pnrportato he an Interview w ith the Anarehlat* who eaiiaed Iheexplualou a t M. V er)’a reatenront. In tbta Interview tho Anarclilate a re m ade to aay th a t eiplualoiia wlU boglu again to a Am- nlghl-

t'onalderable exclteioeut, not nnm ixed w ith Indignation agalnat the pullea, bM been canted a t DUon, eapilal of the Ijeparim ent of Cote d'Ur, by a n a ttem p t th a t Waa m ad* to blow up tb a to w n hall. I t i t coiuidefeil to b . a rem arkable Mate o f alfotra w hen Auarcblat* can approach a inppuand-lodH'.cttrefuIly- guarded public building, arrange the e x p ^ tlvea, act the fium un Are and then m ake th e ir ear»p* w llhniit being aeen by the gnarda a t a n f p a rt o f tb* pTaendlug*.

The exploaion d id little drnngge and nobody waa Injured, blit the people of tbe tow n any th a t tliia waa I n no lueaturii d ue to tb e polloe.

A t Fonrmlce, tlie aeene laxt year of tho rioting, wlieu the ao ld icn fired nVuu tbe crowd, killing m any o f them , Mhy Day premlara tu pamofTquIidly. The w orking people proptwe to bold a dlaplay a t th e eometery In which tho v ic tim , of laal yaar a n burled, bu t tliey h a v . pnelponed tlm lr dam unalrktlou uutUM onday, M a y i .

T iiiim m iivy.E itim & te d a t A b o u t | | 0 , 0 0 0 L a ss

T b u L a s t T s i r .-+


A M iirh Siujill#i‘ EalliiMit* Tk»ii fAMt Y»ar Ait Kli^tUM lU ysiM M i | Mun«y to ] |« Hp#nt « q |lr l( lf« » tete ApyroprlqUEHis fa r Ui« AmiIuw J«H Bull41iif**

U ii by th r FUulUfa oftliH Fjuw'i ro iiu ry Ibmnl of liulUtTM Ihiit vrli^ii 1 hi‘ buUKK for tht' ivquln^ m n its uf tb rn m u ty Ih mmle up m 'xt Yr«H>k ii wlU br roupd Ibut Ujp lux levy wtU bi' tMi OUU k*nH thiLii UiHt yi ur. wtU becsrrlvil uvef from ia few oftlift spiiroprlalloiiN far imfU'iil yvsr, s iu l wMIp hu iin'n*tiH4> in tb « n in ii l l) | uf.Mori)9 o f th c ro im tyluARutumM |M Hhilri(Mkt* i)v ttif) Mpproprijillt^iiH fuf itru iH uvu t Improvriiu'Uts w ill U f lighter.

T bS 4‘HilnLHU« for tho n m ilng yiwr (IromIbH vg|i«>UM ulUi'i.ilH ami {iiHtUiilloUH of llio A-uttaty w ni not W n<<TlV4’«l by Uk' Einanci'* UovidiIH(H4 iinlll JiiMt U'kkTY* tiir uicfilnK of UMi<#)nMillt4.*t'oil iu‘Kt Kriduy nniTtmuii, Imt Ih r momiN*nt of lilt'I’OEmiiiltM' hove » pn'Uy liiOroiigU kimwlfdgto u f Ihn cxmiiiy^sItniUKlHi HtlHirs s o d it In imsmIcbLc to innko h rlow* iHitiniulo* I hakrmsn DrJonK^'liuM *‘X4iiiilnril In to tin* niutlrT mul hMCktb’ui^lvd wliul wll) pnjUabl.v tn- in liiH YHrtmiN di‘^Nirtim'nlH. ikimrnnt ofllip tux U-vy iHHl year wuh Hiiil Mr. LH*Jonjfa lh lu lp4 tluLt it will bt* unxNuuvry tu h'vy utiiX of only | i i 0,0fau ti ibiHynur. TIih suinH hi tanl yi'Ar's liudgtH nnd tlu>M«< eMtiiimli-tl for liilH y«’tki‘qrt* hIiowu in Iho fultovrlng lu b li ':

IiuHt Y<'«'r^ 'IVx l# v y ,K m rt E'Xiw'nMHH...........%.ImII diHlinrM'iiM'iiN..... il«,0(A)EiiilU'iilliiry J>iMburMte

.............. ..........CAiiiuiy iiHyfiitii dl.te* 'x. biirM^im'iilH................ -Ki.OllO■falH qryiuui dltimnMi-

in»‘iJlH........................... ’"iiUlW>'rwlioUi»*ni* Ht*rk ia-n

nnd HHlnritH ut Uo«d Ihswd (.ulmniMiuu-HM.-...... ........................ MJMO

AalsiirH of nninTy oftl-ivm ............................... H.IWO

Uorunvrs snd iiiidi’r 'Is ltv w ......................... 1-000

KlnJiiotiM.... .......... fiO.OUilHtsUouery.*................... 2 .uuilJm lf'xlng....... a.............AdvtMtiviuBHtid p rin t­

ing ......-......................... .'AiOi|]4'ldf‘llt4l|H, Mdllh'l'M*

buriRlH Slid luliutiHs-II90UH..........................

W snb 'b i in iu^uorpoii iM farosionwnr iHindH.Infonmt on rosd buiuls

T h li Yi‘nr'M

9 VLiJimliO.UlU


b jm

lo a nlt,UUI



I. ',«Mui.UUlII. aaiO.UIH



lliiaiiuo.uu- j m




T h e W om an to W hom H o W aa E ag ag edTake* tb a W ttneaa M aud,

M *t,»oriiftii.. A k-T he tria l o f Fred- erlclt BMievTlreihfng, afieg ^ lljh itn * , iSIr ih e m n rd e ro f b it w ifr a t W liidtar, a in lrarb o f Mhibourne, wna continued tn th e Centntl C rim inal (Yiurt here to-duy. Tbe priaoner w oiallen t and (lowYienal. Several w lln^pea were called by the prooeentlon, and they a ll teatlfled tu qnarrehi th a t had occurred be­tw een Deeming and b i t with while tj|ey ware living a t W lndaor. lYie moat Inlereatlng wit. neaa, hoirtvev, wa* Miaa K ate Ronntevell, the young lady to w hom Deeming, who hpd then aeeumed tbe nam e o f Swanatou, WM engaged lo be m arried , an d w lw wna upon th e point of Joining h im lb th e SouUiern Croja gold flelda when he waa arraated.

The coartnm m , aa on every oerturton when Deeming haa born arraigned, f la t crowded. T h e n haa never bo tn a trial In thia e tty th a t hoe excited aueli. Intemw popular Intereat, and everybody la dealroua p f once a t leaM goalng upon tlie priaoner. W hen Mlaa BDunaevall w ent Into the wltpriM box th e audicntw leaim l fb rv an l In cx p erian cy to haar every word. She narrated the a lo ry o f bow ah* m at Deem­ing on a ateam er bound Ibr Sydney, and how flnalty aUe accepted Iba propotol of marrlog* he n u d e to her, a ll o f w hich boa been liaftite reported lo the** diapdtebe*.

Throughout her ey ldeoot Hlaa BonnacT.1l .poke of Deeming politely an d iiniTaeiit hilly, though th e n It every rcaaoii to believe th a t bad ah* m arried h im the , too, when Deeming bad tired o f her, would have m et her death a t hla handA Mlaa Honnaevcll deelaied th a t Deemlng'a m aniw r tow ard her bod atwaya been coftrtaotia an d k ind . A num ber of tel- tcra w ritten to her b y Deeming were hadded to hey lor |(teatlllcatlon,

----------------O a t O lr vrith a U gfat Seata***.

Special to th e E v n r t i ia NsW*.R l iia d k t h , A pril IkT-In tb* Union

County CoBTt her* 1o-dar Fatriak Cartey, aged eighteen, an d w ho waa oonvtaled .o t highw ay robbery a n d oaaanlt m an oA m f , got off w ith th e ligh t artitetui* of flv . m oattia In tbe county )*>l. K waa tttppoaaff th a t th e prionwar w onid be teoteaofrl to a ftvO' y ra r te rm la B la tt Priaon, b u t U)e Oquri eiv plained In a t It being the flyat plBmo* clanv- easy waa decided npop by th e Jodgea In hop*

th a t tb e young m an will refbtm . I f c o n v ic t^ again of any o flbn tehe w ill f t t i h e f b l l pen­a lty which tew w JtbhflllfragR tilm th la tlm ei HI* m other wa* oVftrioyed a t hi* lucky t e cape, m— . .— ♦ ' -■

CMpteite a f a I te a t* BOffte.Special DIapateb to (b* N ssra.

B v au aew o ii, A pril S e - f k * little tow n of B lv en ld a wa* t t t i w a Into a tU te o f fnteiiia excitem ent yeiM eday b f the appaarano* over th e village of an Im m cnee eaglA Pbter lla fkaa

bronght h im to tlM earth . H e w aaiecured only afjlfeA i n C fli^ a t. Sevj

i r a i 0 t % ^ l b eagk

Aayliim. new wing......J*U building.................rim rtbuiiiin....................E na 'lluiiiiud repulraof

liridgra.........................Ui'lBiIra to ciHinty

roada............................Ournm t expuiiHi>H of

Uuad IluariJ...............Uotinly apreiai rood

to* ................................

f.wi,T)tt MmjrioThe ealinm ie for court cxpcniea Ibl* year It

lees th an It waa teat yiwr becauae of an iincx- peudad bulancu. Mr. iN'Jonge eatliuate* tlic je ll e ipeuata a t 11,000 m ure I hla year, beiauae (vlIU rhe new a ^ g to th e ja il build ing It la e ip e c le d ih a l m ure prlaoiu'ia will b« kept there—p rlao n ersu fa clusa ihu l uf la te have been taken to tbe Petillenflory becauae of lack of acoum mudatlona u t the ja il, Tbeae additional p rlso n e n will reqn ira th* pur- ebaa* of m ore fuud and the eiupluyuieot uf m ore kerpera.■ L e tt year thaeella lu th e new wing of the pen llaada ry tr ire f tiru ia h c d a o d thia year a p a rt u t th* appropria tion wjU be used It) pay for a d riven well th a t la now being m ade a n d fur a new

If LgrMant of leweragc. The tewuge of the peul- ” ten liory Ii now dlipoeed o f on th . Irrigolhm

plan, 1 1 1 ( 1 a large p a rt of It flilwa Info a bruok Wiat rpua Itjrough Jb e pen lteu tla ry groniid* and on tow ard rk ldw etl there b u n e e n tom e cpidplglnt abou t thia, *nd the plan the biaird n p t r baa lii m in d I t one rctmm-mairidad hy th e Wut* b o a rd ufH ealth . I t la propofusl to pompthe aewoge ayaleiii In to la n k ., aeparalcsl the llnids from th* aollda and uae the la tter aa a fertlllxer. I t la (vdlinBlMl th a t th e driven well will coat a liout I 2JM) an d the new aewage ■yah-iii frum td.OUO to ta,000.

Are Too P otted f7b be (boroUffbly jKMfnI oti Ike real f»Ma

rnuelref, you OKtrf centith tbe rant eifote mfr, to fbe ‘'.Veic*”—Mjierfci/lp on fTednardopa ami Shterdogl.

IIROTHEE AOAINST BROTHER.A n I i |t e r e t t ln f W ill C ate In tb * M orrla

C ounty O rp h an s ' Court.Special to th* KviM iKu N tw a.

.MuHgtaTuws, A pril A (pivlnl tgaalon of the M onia County O rphan*' Court, Judge Child paratdlng, wo* held a t M orriatown yea- terday to ta k e teatlm ony In a n InteraatlDg contealed will oaae. D tetrlct-A tlom ey YF, W, Cutler and Itounaellor V reeland appeared on behalf o f th e coMteatant* and tba defrndgot wo* repreaetited by Cuunaellori M ablon and H enry C, Pitney , J r .

W hen Rdwhfd Bolalhlu died a t hla home In Mudlauu In Igft be hequeatbed to (w h of Ilia a l l lona, V incent, M ark, lo u la , Alfred, FM- ward and A m ity , a* legacy o f ateiu t (IAlW. loiula died la i t J an u a ry , and a will m aking b it bro lber A l f r ^ b i t eule legate* waa anb* m u ted lo Surrogate Ullleii, o f Morrla (Ymnty fur probate. The o th e r b ro th e r, a re eonteat Ing Ihe will, c lhlm lilg th a t IohiI* wna of nn* aoiind m tiid when the w ilt wo* executed, aud th a t Alfred exarw d a n undue Inllueiuxi over the deeeaaed.

T he flrat w llneat In the enae wa* VIce-Chaii' te lln r Bltuey, o f HdlTlabiwn, who teetllleil th a t tliv will o f Lonla RoMblii had been drawn n p V b te i In tho presencviYif Frederick Ds Muft, Mnce decenanl, ab o u t tw en ty-tya yeara ago. 'file d(K 'ument nam ed A Ifiwl llutalbln B* Mile legntev, T lie ' n ex t wftnrea exam ined waa Kdward Bolalhln, a b ro ther of tliede . reoned mid one of Ihe contestanta o f the will. Kdward, w ho rtsddiw a t n a d te lo e , tratlBed th a t h it bro ther h ad been u ftM ilo m ind from hi* (Ix lli yiwr, a t w hich ag* he had a n a lteek uf acartet frvar, w hicb ad to trd hla neu tra l foe- nttlea 1* t a iu b a n tg lc p l t i n t he waa incom petent to tronaaet bua lpeu and waa cuiupriled tn rely upon oUieia. Alfred B olts lilon, ano ther brother, and tbe defrndant In the CB*e, when called upon Ihe w ltaaaanland la id he reeogniaed th* w lllaa tba no* which hla hrotlier bad luul d raw n up by VhvMIhui. rellor I ’llnoy Jdfre U, law. The wltiHwa a c knowledgad th a t abortly a fter fxmla placed the docum ent lu b i t poHeoaiup for anfr keep­ing.


Tk* Yaulli-u l i i ip r o r rm e n t AeMwUllua I* im lng K xi-elleat lYork.

Rarly In Fehninry a iiioveineut was atarlHl by a num ber o f F rank lin '* prom inent rltltcoa and huetinga wcr.' held a t Ihe hoiKM of •ohin o f UieolUii'iia. TlH'y hod luvh'W tkelm pnive- meiit of the town a t large, and the InlereHi manlfralial frum Ilia f ln t In the movement w aasogreat th a t th e cinlia became enthUH-d witb the Idea* uilvaiiiva iiiiil weekly liieelliigs were held a t Ihe hunar of the F ranklin Club, at first inslu ly P>r tb* Inatruclloii uf tlw mcmlier*. Among tlio lh cm w del sited were: "Iicwnalill’ llo v am u ien l and W but Form of Town Uiivem m em W ould Prove Meat Sat- lalhi'tory nod Bendllelal lo the Tow nab Ip at lar ' Till' buruiigh ayalem was dlacuas'il, t t - . — waa flually iks'ldMl th a t a great deal mure bad to 1h' ieurnisl of the bepaflta of “ boriHigb" form o f govm im enl before It wuiiltl meet w llb favor In F'rnnklln. Tlie eii- { lliuslaaui waa au grisil I h a t It Was decided to . hold H ims'lliig 1 1 1 th e P a rk SehiHiI Hulldlng ! and Invite Ihe public. The lUM'IIng waa held | on March Hand wo. lurgaly ullt'iiiled. 1

The (itijivt of the meeltug, >u sIiiUhI, wna tu fiirm ail im provem ent aass 'ln ilnu and tu peisimUaeltlaeiui lu Im pioye llieir pnijwiiy, make biwua. p lan t Insw, duw l to muk.' alli'uetlve the |n r k , and Hie gtSHiinlaalsHil the railway *1 1 1 1 1 0 0 *. T he piojeet m et with Iniiiii'dtete npprovul, Iteiiiarit* wen- niade by .Mnnni. W illiam II. IhmnliiHiu, K. F. tbi-s- flird, .lame* It, U «y, Dr. tl. 11. Phllhawer, I>r. II. D. White, Jo h n Uu*l*y, Dr. Tliuma* E. SBlIcrtliwiilie, A. II . Is irk lh and nmiiyulheni. The n s n ll uf tlila m eellug w asihe orgaiiliing o rilie Viinlloo lin jirovenieiit AaiaH'latluii. AI Hie next m is'llng the fulliiwlng'iiuined geutle- men We re eleeliHl as oflliSTs i

Prealdeiil, W’. II. Boardtiinn; vlee-pis'sl- ileut, J . Huger K lngsliind; arcrelury, I-- F. Ilsssford; l ie a tn r tr . W'llson II. K l.r-iead ; itlalriel liiaiss'lom, Juvepb W’lilki-r, Mr. Iliioii, tiaorge 11. Sayne, It. II. Desltln, FI.‘Ariiinnl. .luliii II. W hite, (I. B. I ’hllliuner. .M. D.. II. C. Iluiiiier, II. H. Palin'. David Jenkins. Siiiiiiii'l Itujijs'r, II. A. t'onuu liy , Alexmid.'r II. B]aliu]i,

A. Stisinia, steplieti P. Vns'laiid, .llimea II. Iltlj', 1'. S. Ik-Wiilfe, TIninilia

(l.sirge II. I'lilstuii, Jaisdi Kleralenn, .lala'C F'reeiuiiii. .A. A. I'ticiiiitii: lus|ss 'tu rge , H urry Weutbi'i'li.v, II. li. White. U ,D ., Ju h it tlUHhv, K. U, I'llloii, Wlll- liim U. W illiford, A. II. Van Riper, M, D.,

harlea H. Van Dewiiter, Josi'pli Kliigsliiini, Jr., llo tvard FA gar; K ieeutlve ixinimllteiq Jacob Klarateoit, JiUiii Itusby, A)rx II. Bb-hup, J. Roger K ingalam t, Jam es H- Hay, Xlowurd Edgar, W. II. Iksirdm an.

Th* Out Ira o f lliv lusia etiirs me to rsillis't duel and all muiieya fiuiii Ihe rraissulve dls- Irleta, mill to use tlielV Infliieins' wllli tin- n .ld e iita luaoalnt lu iwrr.vliig uni tlienl>jeiils of I Us aaouelatloii. The I'XS'iillve e.iinmlMet' will liubt iiiMilInta un Hie lirst Tileaduy of every m outh, and u fic iir r lf dei'iinsl en s 'd l. eul, when report* fnnii the liis|iei'lura will he reeelved aud acted u |am . The lulliirlie* of 1 11* aatiiclaUuii la ulS 'udy ahowti In IbeUn- pnived ap |iearaiir« o f the town. No nmre nnighlly ash-iie«|ie u r garlsige plies H reaei'ii; the a lns'ls have a I'letinT and te'iiler ii|i|H'ar. anco; the ru t hies* (lest met Ipti of aliafle Isva ha* been m ode ntinoet a I'rlnie, and the ls'(U»flts lo lie derivisl by tiiilhsl ai'lloii mad* plainer lu varluoa waya.

Taken on th e whole, Hie assiM'liillmi, iil- HioiigU young, has iiiiide rapid al rides iiinl bna heefliuc (Hie o f th e fhetors In home gov- eram ent lu F rn n k lln Township. Tba iirguiil- ttttm n la know n ns the J uhHis' Iniiiruvcm riil Aiskxtiatiun.

(tnatey* T bebin i), o f H adlaon, and a roualn of tbe Bolaln blnA WHIlled th a t he had kndwn tbe tewtator a ll fat* llfrtim o, and ftirreveral yenra bad acted In Uwcapaatlty of bl* bualBeea mattegqr, Ha tte le d th a t bl* eonaln Ixmla waa of frebte Intellaet. The witnraa tre t I Bed th a t laiul* w u toWLy unfit, m aiitelty, tn tronaaet buatneU, a n d Waa poa*e*a*d o f a m an ia for calling lu taw ycra to ( X ^ l iw haal neat document*. E dw ard It. Tkehnud, b ro ther of Oualav* and eonaln to th* Botiln. h in t, teatlfled th a t for a fow y n tn be managed th e builoea* a l la in of h it ooualn Lonla. both before a a d a fte r Alfred Bolslbln bad them In ch arg t. Oh one occaaion the wltiMM aaM . A lf r ^ rem arked ; "A m ity robbed me of $UM t, and I will do th* aam* with I«u]*,n ThU (ta lem en t m ade by tb* witneaa raua*d U n d tf r a d a n t to ria* lo tb* eouriroom and a tranao tu ty deny b av log inad t an y aneh rem artr. Tb* Witneaa onntlnued hi* teatlm ony by aayjng th a t hla cousin Dmila wa* m entally miaotuid, and ahortly brihre h it dearth aald th a t bk would no t leave A llied one rent; hav ing ev ld n itly forgotten the will Ih hia brtrther'a paaaeatlon, w hich had be ta draw n np a n d a tg iu d d q u a rte r of a oanltirr prevloua,

Mr. Theband aald be h ad la tte ri lit b it pots aeariou flrpm Loult denouncing Alfred, H* alao aald th a t d uring th* Interim of hla occiP pal Ion a* buainM t m anager for b it frebte' m inded ooualn ab o u t lUJUn hod d t a a i ^ r e d . Dr. Qroy, a t p rean rt a phyairtan of Raal Orange, teetUted tba* h* rewldad a t Modlaon prevIcHU to IH f aaMI waa th e flim llyjabyatelan o fitb e Bolriblaa. l i tn fa w w ia auffarar from ehronle B right’a dlauftaa, and after a n a tteak o f aoarlat fover w hen be w m a amall child, had a iw ay i appeared to ha e f •e b te m iad , flaw eral oUwc w ltm eiM teatlfled to tb* laaM eniet.

Two b ro tba raq r tb tdeoeeaad, V lm w ataiid M ark, a n now reridenta o fM Lonla, Mo. Aa the ir tm tim ony la needed before th e eoie can b a oeM afo sJfttearflM id a 'te uoaiiMi on lo f a xinfit up

n u « n M .^ u k « th

ih o n l l io o rn l

t w o MOltr*...


BRIDES OF AN APRIL OAT.T h* llrew ev-lln iiiphvvy Niiptla1t—We*l-

ilinga III N ew ark and Etaewher*.The I'lin ivli o f Ihe Holy Coinmunlun, Biuilli

Orange, wa* th e scinik o f 11 Urge anil brillUiiil wisiding Inst n igh t. Mlaa Alice Humphrey, da tighlerofJam na II. Ifumpbrey, MulUraliaiii lliin tln g Hrewar, bo th reatdeuteof IkM ploite, were the prInMpal*.

The lim e net ftir th e eereinoiiy waa *:S0 o'elia'k, h u t liefore tlu it hour llicclim vh wna filled w ith frleud* »nd relativea of H ieom - troclb ig parties, wbft are gm enilly kimwii and |a ip« la#‘liT th e Ornngea, laqssiaHckis «f isitina, friw aand poHail plmita, artlatleally «r- r a n g ^ a d d ik l to th e beauty uf Ihvcluin 'li'a hilcrlor,

'llie (v rem oay waa pcrflirmeil by the Rev. Ih tgan ilu lircw ricr, isTlor irf IhccU'ireb, ac­cording to th e ragnlar Kpltnipallaii rllnal. Pnxaiiwiluual an d raeeeslonal am nhers were is'iiilered on Hie organ during Hie eiilmms' and exit o filie b rida l jmrty.

.Mlaa Niiniile Hiitiiplirey, a alater o f Hie briilc, net I'd its m aki o f IlMte’r. * nd In furl her HH('ndam;(> iifH iutltebrid* wan' Hieae brlileo- m nlda: Hlssea .MoIh'I Blani'hnrd, Clara Brewer, H ester Oakley, Maud Kiilbflelacli, Isalwlla Oaniiiiiiiin end Kiillierlne Wltletls.

The brtdi''a rsisliiine wiia of heavy white (S iriledallk, trim m ed with old point l«er. ,A g ird le o f priirlaeiMHn'b'd her walal, and the liasiely Ib iw lng alecvca of M r giiwii a c re bnuuil a t th e wr|g< Im iidlof iriirla. She wore a tulle veil aud im rled lo her liiiiiil a liirge lHiiii)net o f ainrguerltea. The hrldi's- niiilda w iin itlrem eauf pink elilnii allk, wilU Kiilvei-iiiut rlbliuu*, cu t with nmiid (sinsig.'S nnd di'm l-tm liis, tluneliea of iiilgnuiii lli' weri' eiirrlisl by thew young liiilb'a, wlillc Hie tiiiild of huiioreH iTb'ila boinpielo l pink rows iiiiil wore a gray c re |S 'd o chine giiwoor Hieiaiiiu. s ly lra a lb* hrliiesiiialits’ dn'sava.

The griHim wa* nceoiiiiqiiiled l" the a llo r h) Ida best IIUIII, Lloyd MeKliii iiurrlsuii, mid

AGBiTDcmoontlc A lderaes Not D tipoM ilfli

lfsk« Conotnlong,

ALDERMAN F i m W i O N t ’S U L T W A T v d

H e W ill I . a l i t on B *lng A llow ed to KaqaM III* Next U o e a* . lu .p e r to r —M r. H arei lig a n aaya Ihe " H y a te r y la HUH Du*l a o h ed "—R eady to D larnaa Soda W ateftj b a t Nat I’u tllica—DIaaaUM botlen Wltl.1 Ihe T rea liu en t A m ird e d A lderuuuai Ly u*li.

li t l i TU g iT T .

Rubblna end H um * U nable tu Htny W ith r i t ts l in m u n i a t W atdiuaun’a,

Flixalniinuua cunvluecd two luiirc hoxcra a t W aidn iau ii 'aT heatre hu t uigbt Hint IhetiU ottered to any one who will atay Iwelvi'iiiln- nte* w ith h im cun uol he won. alHiimgli tbe champion, prutiiises no t lo knock uiiL Ida opponent. An R ugllib puglllat with a rnsjisl, who In the |ia*t m ade a gresl allowing wlMi Ted P ritchard , tbe KDgHKheliainplon.aaaaycd tbo fra t last n igh t. I t whs Tlioiiiaa HiiblHns, who la ( |x fret tw u a n d a half lin 'liis tall and weigh* MOponoda.

tteftiretbe bm it Itulilitna mild Hull tie was nt Klblu*a (hirden tw o wreka ago lo iii.s'l .llin Hall, hut th a t H all refused, bi'l lev Ing him lo be a " ringer." II* aald th a t he wna aallafleil tu liave Fltx try h is b isl.

ThiitlrM piiBcJi Fttaaim nionslnnilisi w asiin the Jaw. The tOngllehinaii'a tiaed went buck and Ma free fliialied. He held hi* righ t a t If able to do dam age when he got the iipisir- Inulty. FltiH ltiim ou* worked Hrnnnd him earcfully, sbn iH ng Old Ihe left wlHi aceuriiey every few iiilunles. The Kiigllshiiian Isicheil aw ay, but aiiccecffed in cmiiitering fcvi'ral times, Kllridinnioiia gut home » riglil-hnlid blow JusI before I hue wna called and llubliliis reeled Into the acenes. *

Une gind, h a rd piineb la Hie Wind eatisisl the FjigllahinHn tu wine* luthewsHiud ruuud. The ehanipluu jabbed h im wllb Ida gtaol left aevcnil Hiiie*. Tb* th ird ruuud vroa abort and awed. F Itialuiinuua walked over liilo Ihe Hred m an'* co m er and sent his left.iiuihe o tber'a jaw nnd neck twice. Kiibblna tlircw up hla hands an d qu it.

“ You're a holler ts ix r i th an Pritchard,” said he, shak ing h a n d s ; "1 girl euungli,”

FlU stininons h ad a w alkover with Thomas Ilnrns, frum tb e " Iruubound Itlatrlct,” al the niHlInee. H um s q u it after Hiree ruiiiids. Oliee Ite fell iiuder a ligh t punch.

A big blit will he ^ r r n lo-nlghl. J im m y Carroll,the ftiiuona lightw eight,FllS ihnuiuns's tra iner and m anogn ', w ill dun the glovts w ith I'liarlle Korluii, Ih* re tina l lightweight cbaui- plon. The Ix iim broHicrs, masout buxars, weighing forly-flve an d nfty-lwu pounds, will meet, and F llx slm n ionaw m boiannuk iiow ii entered by Ctnirlle N orton , riiarlte Puff,who Is anxious for a n o lh e r bunt with Pflialm- raona, m ay also be oceom m udsled.

The m anager* o f Fllssitiim oua and H all agreed In New Y ork laal n ight th a t lb* pogH- Isla ahuuld ligh t lu Noveiulwr ur DeouuilHir, I f . club w ill offer the purie.

_ — — _ * — 'TO A ID L E A T H E R WUKKRIW.

N ew arkera tu R ais* M aiiay for Ike H trlkars In. H tU ranke* . .

’T hen were a nu m b er of tlie lueinlwrt of t he K sse iT ^ e a tlo D iic I lp re s e n ta ta tu e e tl t ig In the 1V.b. T, U ,,IlaU , oorner o f M arket .m i Mulberry a lred a , la s t night. The ulijert of tbe gathering w ot todnvhm means of aaalallng the strik ing In n iie r t and curriers u f Mil­waukee. Tlie p rinc ipa l speaker w i t Itan ry A. lieckm eyer, Who aald tlio t all wogeworkem were In a y m p a tb y w lfh tlieatrikcra In Ih t West. The m en b ad for tb lr lw n weeka been able lo get along w itb d n t litip, hut now th*y were aaklng I ha w m w earuara of th* country fo aa*lat them 1 1 1 Ih e ir tight, Mr. Um kineyrr spoke a t aome Iriig lh , and a t the conulualoii (xplulned th a n a tu re U fa boycoll.

Une of Ib r M ilwaukco (Irlkara waa pteaent and oddrlMUHl tbo meeting, telling of Ihe Imiible w hich «xl*ted tm nng th* leather- worker* and exp ln ln lng th a t Ih* cause waa t n attem pt on th a portc if the bcaitea to «ul tba wage* t(» low. A dalegate from Chicago oa ted th a t (v e ry oe* give aonuilhlng to a id the atrlkcra, aa a dateat would mean a big *et- tuck lu th* labor movcmciil.

tieorge B yhin a*kcd llm t iMllecHont b* taken up tn the teal her ilinps of llil* city. Six men who w ere preaenl, reprraenting oa m a n y : Ihctorlio, prointoed to aollclt money to d a y . ' All of Ihe m oney w ill b* sent tu Ueorge Byrun and be will fiaw ard I t to MHwauluw.

J. E v an , III* aecrotary uf Ihe FtsteniUon of lolHir, a|K)k* agalnat (trike*. He said he had been lu several of them , and he would alw uyt advlM men to keep out of tbemi If piawible. I t seemed, lfow ever,.th*t th e m en In Mil- wankee m u tt h av e good grounds for at r i king, and he suggested th a t balp be ettettdad to them . A oom m ltlM WM then appotuted tu tala* ftinda,------ — — . ,...1-.-,—


J .b n F a t ly CaUM* L o t. o f T r .u b l.- -A M rogg te w llb n i s B ro lh .r ,

' MTien Jo h n Fo*ly, o f M ala atreet, Spring- field, a foreinaii for Cjuntractur John S. Wood­ruff, arrived a t b l . bam* teat b igh t *nd *.kwl h it wlA for b te Utnobook, ah* wot unable fo And It. Ttala angered Foely, wtiu aoruaed b it wlfr of tfrlng nogllgant. Site ren n ted h it a llrgatlon t an d b« attem pted to tir ik * bar. Hr*. Feely e*ca[Md an d her huaband then begMi to dentollab the kitchen frirnl- td re an d household artlclv*. Mra. Feely trh tam e w u n g e r to the roaidepoe uf Ifoely'a parente Art b rip . Barney, a younger hrotlier of the m arried m ao . a rrived but found tala brother John .lU liw near tha ealranoe to b it haute arm ed w ith a a aXA Barney tanttoualy apjpraarhid |) |a IfroUitr an d grabbed lb . a** a n a threw I t In to a clatern naorby. '

A a tiw n te tlten anaited betwaea tba broth- era. Mra. YV'IJIIamTompklWiYeely'i mother- in-law, hod now a rriv ed and tbe oatlHed lb BtrwjMwetUli h*r tpo-ih-lBW. A lter ^ h a d been aiibdued and hla bro ther departed Feely

Rfeilllaci, en Threat-

jhoft io 'a (aw

tlif' fotiowiiix uHlirrM; Ita'iijiimlii livnr.Y Hii'c'li' WiirtlmT, Wllnuiu il«*nr.v I'lir- jtvMM, I ’o lv rr t IJivwrr.'nu-^KUMv F. Ifnnuilin’y, ruliliiH JlH iry ij«ttin>iiiiinRrrlv Thi'lirlJi* WHN g lvfii »Miiy by luTfuthtT,Janii'N 11. Iluiuplirf.v.

Aftvr ihi'tviM'iiMMiy » wawin’M n1t l h’ uf fbu brlUi-'H fetiliT-r, oil IllUifi-v iaimmI hMul, At wliU'U rtlxml '.W itiiediN wvrx'

.Mr. iiiiU Mn*. lirt-u'cr wUI nmtcH (Ii4>lr imiut' ill Hdulli Oraniri'. TIu* 3'iimiK iiHiph- U'll Huittiv n lflit (III tmlHoil H it tirlftm ir*, lArjkawrtuiMi iiii4 W<i44*rA UAilrtmili»|i II lAtxldinff UMir*

.1 , !*nr!<Pr Wli»Wflrl Htuwu jAiui Aftw'rfWull wvrt' r«» Uav<’ a iiw l jui Ufthf*h*. bill lliry lUd iKil M'fvi*, (HI kooiHint- of Ts Us Xpt'lrV ib'Htli. YhiiHi yiHiiiK U)»<ii w«rti wHU iitiii

Ihi' rnlul HCi liln it (Hriirrcii. -AtioMit'r iikiMT RilIH ioajtfM'Hr I\ir1 bi« niiHutUimI h<- liad A It'f broken In i‘7uiiiplii|c from Gif' G rund (ViMrtl TlH'ttltH lirf In l'bNA4i'1l»b>u uu W«iinrMlM>‘ niitlii.

MIm K^mi* U, Gnrtlli (limRilllT uf Tli4HMluf*<G flili, uf K7 Mvrht'i kI ifW, wim nmirliHl tu

A, UditiiRu a( oVIU’lt iifl!r>ri)Ocm. ThiMH-rvinotiy wmn {it'rrurinMl nl (h f n'Mlilfiicr o f (lit* lirldfj'n |uin tdi( by Hi'V.JiFs Hhillp Krtifs TlM»*ii)uin’i tM'"! i»*n wi re FrtHl»rb’k U. ]*t«kmiuif iMiii TlM'udiHv 1- Grrt ii.Tlif sMlMRt J fu ji lf Mbii iilKFlf I a’Ii*mini HftfU AH brldfumnUIx. Mr. nml Mi^. iiHiiimii lif t far W nubinduu Ainl |»uliitii

Aftfr i l if rw^irtliiiiaMIm F m iu Uiki* d n n y ld fru f UmiIm u ijiM if

thlMeity, WHA m iirrli'd lu UiiNtAVu <uf Hlutiinflrld, iftMt tilxlit At Uir liuiiif nf Un' briiiA'i parwitti, HI7 HaIuioiK nVnnqf, lln- Ki-V- | , ,Mr. lU'IK Jubn'M Isiilkirfnn i'b iirfb , |unifiiiUii9 s A n h n r uuu^ n bnillifr uf th f brblf, WAN Im'hI niuHv Hint Tt'clib'r n iln wiih iirlifaAitinid. n wt'tifilnif r4i*f|niuu tin*omiplH folArtMl on liif lr wftbllhK iil |i. n o IlH ir rrtiirJi Uh'J will iiiAki' iUuuiMllflAi Hn'ir boiofv

MIm HaIiIhu, d iingh tfr nf IMrt'lfk u'Hriuii, of MunIclAlr.wiM iimrrU4lto |^ii»ifX MHiiirry, uf NfW Vurk, yi'Ktfrdtiy murnliiK in tlif C lm rrli of tli4' iuiimuHilulf rutiff|iUun, .Moni* fittir, KfV. Xmidl udlflttUnc. A

.................................... Ill ‘

II wii» rrv>ortoii AUnit y m irn i ty nnd t lm tl iif IVHiiMTAtic AiUfrriifif hiid Cfinir UM All mid tim t aU ofttrm would bdllIlUsl At Ibf -Mny iiuA'GikKoflHjmiuont'iHiiifliM^ Ttif iiH'd wiku Wfff nel4<floU a moiilb hkh niiu'Ux to (miocm'n'A UrimtillrAn olT1«Thulilrr# a re lui iifurtT to tiif lr po«lti4>n>« tim n th ry W fn'uij tlif tilxlil Ilf tiw* 4'nu4*iiN, m»w4*Vfr# T lif AUlfrnifii A h 'kMII At iMlilM UV4T t)i« ktuliitinrntN, Hiid .Mr. Kltx^liimiuhN, who liiild^

< lli4' kry to Ibf Nlttlntbxi, Mli'iutfAHlIy rffuM*A j lie ('4»mdli4il4‘4i- I lf itH4lHtM4in b f ln f pcrmlttoil^

ti) riHIIlf fbf lj|4'fh>A' IllNpi'l’tur.Mr, FURNlmnninn waMiiilfrvlfW4‘d yrntfrdAjh

by (I NkWa n iK irtrr, luid for th r flnil linn tdiu'f tUf dfudkA'k tH'xaii b f f-KplHlm'd hli

" I mu DOW Hcrvliif m y Uilnl tnrni • Hi'tfiiOi Wiini Aidi'rm uii." mild bf. Lmv^ ui'ViT ikud uny Ap|NJkitiiufnu 4>ni>ml niCa xim( II CAU iml 1m' truUifiilly naIiI Itmt 1 Akkod fi>y th rup jjiih iU Jifittu f Uu* liu»i»mHnr tiXwiM'kH or twu itiuDihN iH'fuiv liif ('Hiirnn. W ih f u|i|joinlm fiil \» tfiulfriMl in r 1 wMI iiAm»

' 3i r

u num for Hu- laislilun wlui lio* hot y rl baeifr mcuHoiii'd. l l r u 'l l l lie u credllslile num in rw and will serve Hie pnliHc lu Ite Is-al liiterralsavII la iiiil fur Ilic n'Ksun tliut I iilijcci pertomej ■illy lo E. k PrUv, J r ., tor Ilic isMlIhin, C kiuiw iioHilug alniut llu 'iiiu ii. It la iHvailMg I w ant Ihe ajijailirt incut fur one of my frlemla-e I ahull ilci'linc lo vote fur an y of the caiicnrij udnilue.* niiHl iny m qiirsi la com plltd wllb,'* '

M r.llarrlg(Ui, H r U rm is 'iattc leadar In Uliv’ Cuniirll, who Isch a lr in sn o f H iccuurns, wudIII an cxnssllugly plcitsuul f r u a r of m lwA w I n i wi ll till* inoriilug.

"W ill Ihe AhICMiu'ii appidnl the ancccaaovfo to Ihe llejiiihllcan uflhs'lMilderadl Ibelr uexg iiK sdingf' I r WHS aaked.

.Mr. Ilrrrlgun rCflis'icd * mumuuti UicnialdT ■■Ir Ihla Is uii liilervicw , Ultidly liiiule me a d saying Hml despite all rcjsirla to Ihe isine Irury, Hie myatery I* no nearer solntlon.''

“ M ilt .viiii Insist upon liie appoln lm eiit n r .lam es Fli'iiiliig us aeuli'r o f wcIgUI* ani£ iiicssurcNV” cskrtl Ihe rciairler.

'' W hen Ihe u |i|s .lu liuciita ore lliiaily tnnda I do nut pnqsisi' I hot * Mr. llu r rig u n ’ a lia lt MH'iiTT' lies than h is f r i r (ilvlshm nf thu pulrenage," rcplted H ieTw alfth W arder, w ltii cniphiisls. Tlien tbe .tiderm an added r' ” Y oung Mian, IF I cun liirurni yuii as In tfau, lnlrlciicl(s( of Hie nninuructiirc and sale nf* Mulu wider, I will be j l.'iiM'il to do so, lint If [ su.v any inmi' abou t Hils .M ihrinanic h its |, ness,youIIm l Hie jinldl|i will know aaniuu l*

Hun wo* held a t the brliic’s hoiun bisl night,* - -

M arris ta irn mad N alghberlog F la res .Whmi W111l.niM«ww*rt,of Somitiiu.dlwl he

left a will m ak ing lilt sou Jubu Ida ’"dc hgalH . tu tb e sniii uf YJI.nOn. Tw u'ilaiightcra who had eiiibrius-d ttie Hihiimii fiilHi wcrc Ignored for H i.t iwason. The will ru a -sn ls m illed for pnilm lu lu Itnrrugalc IHIteii, of Murrta I'liun ly . and was (sniti'slcd b>'Ilic (fas issisi-d'a (Iniightera, wla> elslm iil Hml Iheirb ro ther Ju tiu liad niidnly liiflueins'd tb . l r hH iof to dloowp theqi. Vesltniny. In t h . grpiuina’ O unn , Judge Child raniteN'il a dm elsloii III liivor of tliewntesIniilH, lu render­ing the dis'lsluii tt|fl (kiurt d. icamcisl the da* ri'iidunt lu scallilng leruiK.acriialiig hiui, as sliuwn by th e evidence ■nlinjiiicd, of being gulll,v III' groHi mlarenrewntatloiis, u ndu ly Infliii'ni'liig an d prejndleing lbs m ind of Hie li'Slulur iiiiil o th e r uiiderlianil jiniceedlligs. The verdlei asreiH loredconipelatliedefeiidant to pay all iswl* o f th e iiuulcst, ami ipakus lilui lialile III any e rlm lnu l pruonedlnga hla slstnr* d.'siro In lake again st lilfii.

John .Mcrrell, Hiu horse thief arrested by [k 'lis 'tlve liubbln*, waa arrslgtiril before .Inilge Child In th e Morrla IXmnty Hnuri a t Morriatown y n d erd ay ufterniain und pleaded H im *nil, Tbo prlssKier was ariiteni'iHl lo a Iw 'uycars term o f tinprisuiiiucnl In Hie Treo- loii kihIi' I’rlson.

Hi'V, W. \V. Mnffett will is'ctipy lha pnlplt o f th e M orristown M, E. Churcii next Sunday evening.

N. H. Rlli'liiqi, o f Buonlon, a laemtsir of Ihe M orris Cuiinty bur, has ftilly rwsivervd frum tlw d iiw o f"H o u g h on RaU" wblck b . oo- eidantatly .w allow ed w hll.pertak lug of sum s hom iny lu w hich th e polisiu had been lu liad . Ilia little d aughter, w buolso ate some of llni fisHl, la a lao out n f dungiT.

A new coimell to be known as Morriatown I'oniiell, <>. C. A. M„ bua Iss-n osganlscil In M orristown,

The last cn ta ria lm u en tu f the aeaHun uf Ihe W in ter A m iiaem cul Assuclalluii, uf kiorrls. tow n, will he g iven In IU« l.yi'aqiaU».mgrrow night. M argaret Atiilhcrwlll appear ftrsl In

Nance O h ltlfld” and th e n .lu “ Tbs Isivo Clmsc." T he proceeda will b* donated to thn H unim er Shelter Home.

W ill him H nlftird has beeh appointed n ais'clal pnlleeuiau and will nmtiiMln order and pruHs'l th e n lnp iiv snu Ihc M urritiuwn U(fts> Bull UmuimIs the eniiilug wsison.

A fiiiKlof 1100 Inia been laistsl liiwurd Hin e rre ttoh o f a miialfl alaitd In thu Alor- rhdowii .F t r k . On pleasant evenlnga IsiUi bunds lake tu rn s In dlstvinnlng nmate, an d llio prnjs’aed pavilion will ho liir tliclr uc- eommiHinltOn. As Ibsliauds jsirronu w ith- out charge, m uch to Hie adlQralhrii of thu e lllseus th em o v eu iep t on foot lo build thu innslcvflluud ahonid be tuctmafttl.

T here have been UlO new booka added to th e M orristown LIbnir.v.

T tinuiim m l m cullng Of tha raulica’ Auxil­ia ry of th e Y’onitg Man's Cbrlstlan Assoohi- Hon will be held hi Ihe parlort of Ihc assisdu- tlou bu ild ing on Thursday ttflermsm uf next week a t g o’clock. IJlIlccrs will be elected an d liu p o r lan t liuslneas uliaiidcd lo.

The a n n iv e rsa ry of thirbnitle of HjioHsylva- u la , fought M ay Id, IWH, will hs oeM iraled a t M orristow n qn Tliurailay, May I'L hy a re­union o f th e F ifteeiilti lligiiui'iit, N. J.V iilun- le en . The eelebratlon will take pluee In A. T. A. T orbert Fnat’a rooms, li. A . IC

A flh n ro h W o* a t P la in fltid Kuded. Speetal lo tb e EVKHWO NgWo,

PhattiYiKLD, A pril ■ .-T w o of the Baptist churcbe* lit th ia c ity , tha MiiUnt Olivo an d1 1 1* liu n ian u a l, have f o r a long lim e Isien In upeuw rrtu re . T he Inimaiiiict I s a i p r

IIIT he Inimaiiiict Is a ip llt from

III* M oiinl Olive JIaptlat, th* reanll nf foes liuna l dlaaentluna tim uig the members o f th e eongregalloa | a n d til* paator of the new cliureb 1. the furiuer paator of Hi* MimnI Ultve. R itte r penonalltloa h av . frequently Ixteu Indulged lu openly botwaeu tbe nieiu- bera o f th e tw o (wngregatlupa, D iirlog tbo l u t few weeka Rvangellit M nrpby lioa been taborlDg jn th e rom m nultr and w ith aneh good efftict th a t now Uw paatora am i issjple ot tho tw u ebujrcba. hgva agreed to

■ ' ’ — i(| even eonteipplaie auiiloo of^tli* tw o f t ib e r to rlvni tocleffes, Tliore moat eo thualostte for Ihc pnipnsnl eou- aolldatlon hgva (wUed a pulilla uploo owellng for n ex t S unday , a t which Plans for uq o ig an lH tlo ii will probably be enheted.

T h o m as O lw all flpelr B arted .The fauera l tervliw* ot Thomoa Olwall

Speir, o f tk iu lh Uranga, w ere bold Ihla u iu ria lug from U teU burah o fth e Holy cohimimliHi, w hich la b u t a ahort dlslaiioe from the hom * o f th e parent* o f tbo dead athlete. The aoN vicct were begim a t lOriA o’etocK, and a t th a t tlq if lth e p re tty tvy-coverad edlHoe waa well fllled w ith frlenda o f th* bereaved frm lly , am ong w hom w e n o u u y college o u m pu tloo t o f young Speir’a.

The pall bearer, were thoee ita led in yeatefr d ay ’s Nxwg. Tbe Rev. Ucidtiiifa Brew ster, p a u to ro fth e Holy com m unlan Chureh, eon- du ried th e tervleea, which w art vary Jm- po tlng . T be floral tribntea were mm seraa* and bandaom*. Th* burial woa m ode In (jlreenwood Qemeteify.

A n B a g ta . Ju m p a (ha T roeh.IxwomoUv* igik on the Delaware. Looko-

w a n n a tn d W eetarn Railroad, left the ra ils opp(M lte4lM JM M kIM M I l f | t A UH nt ikIA.oiHoriL All f t s lb o l^ d Uflluaqran '

yed u f t i i i l ; ®‘q J ^ ‘a i ^ . q t*

irallaa,T,Ths gngll

Alil.-rnn'ii llurgi-sscrMiod El) have ii-e<t> every efliirt to have M ayor ilii) neaeppolnh F n ilcrh 'k Nnluii, nf Ihc Kiflh Wufdi to H>w inperin ti iidency nf the A lni-lmnsi', whicit pisdHini wsa ps-ently m udi vocnnl by Hia dm ili nf Stephen II. Wll-sni. ’.'lie M ayor luiw iliTlIncd lo Inlcrfi rc, unit Ylra. Wllaou IsslIlK In rherge a t Hi.- .Almshraiic, 'tu iln o r has Ite IliHl Mr. Nolan, who was i|ic iiuminew for Ilia pusIHon, will tic g iven n p laa i b j ■>«* llnard nf Strts'l and U 'ah 'r 1'uminlssloi.s. M r,, ttnrgcsscf, however, wliint si'cn n d a y nr tw o. ago, said he wnnid inily lake Mr. Niiian'w im iiieuffihe elate w hen liistriicti'd hy hhr. iiy dusu.

Anolher A ldhrtnaii was si-cu said lliklr a great m laluki'w as tiioue by Ihe Aldenncia when Ih eag rm I In Hir M piailnlinmi of Clly' CuiniM-l liiiliil, Asslsliinl 1'll.v riHint.1 Mui'v) D niisM .I'hy Allnriiey |S'iiip".-.v.T»* IIm-Hv iF' Clark and I hy c le rk ii'Citnnnr. .All of th o uppohitmenls, he said, should have b iro r m ade a t ogi' huue,

" Ikm 'l qiiute m e," aiild a tfrm isT stk - .Alder,, m ini lo Ih r repm-ler, " hu t .vim will huye Ite righl Ifyoti say Ihiil th e teislllons wllllie flllfsL at Ihc next inM'llhg. 'Tliare luay he somar rlmnges In lha elate, hill the uffiee* Will h* fllled,”

Itlsg iv e u o iitliy o lh e r A lderm en th a t uno- ](s(s all Ih'iiiiblieHiiH he m ade to w alk thW' plank nntie will go.

''T here Is a nice selo>me on fool lo re la lm certain favored ones.” lliey any, ■' but wp sHII have winicthlng lo say. Certelia pisiplH balk It iijam Hiem*»dve* lo prevenlF Alderm an Lynch frum gelH og a pusIHou U r which he wo* reniniinem ied by ftntrteeifr AUlerimvi. Theoii people will ftiidlhatLyD cfo has m any ft'icnd* yet. It* was iu rtis ( || down for a in .n who waa fo r .'in ir ly a Itepnblletii, bu t wiio b*sjrtinie g Dsuiuerat as toon aa IhofH deof v le lo ryand patronage giving powar^ Ho wa* Iteiklng ou t fur nund ier one. Isil* am, |oM,jdc are willing lo be HepnblU'gn* oc Dem-s (s-nila under the sam e elreunisUinees. Soinp o f US don’t esre w hether o r not w« are ro - tfiriied to Connell. We have some righUB yet, liuwever. The le g is la tu re can'tedeprive us of nutnhuod o r prevent n* (ten d s Ing un dignity. There la enuugh manluioilr und digiilly left lu CBiiiie us tu pesont plalite wrongs. Tliern la au d i a th ing ns p r in c ip le a iiiU iis h u in a u to rw c n l niijnat treutm ciit-’v

SlfllHgs fro m kom nilt.Major Aekepiuun and Freeholder Hradhirdb

Jones, who were Ihtow n ou t of their earrlagw a t Ihc West S um m it S la llnn on TuetdaFi n igh t were more scrhm sly Injured Ihan^dp first rcpirtcd. Major A ckerm an was scvrrelF bruised ulaml the face and laaly, and In ju re ^ Inicnially. Yfr. Jimc" iiud h is slmuldcr digs' lis'Atcd, nnd also snslalifttd severe Uituroal lira Juries. He Will be unable lo a r t us tlraniM Jn ry n is ii for the May te rm of emfrt wbl«|g o|i«ua (111 Tuesday u e il .

Hiirhig tbe lost few ilay'a g large uUUibeF o f ismple have visited SnintnU end'-uvorhiE lo select houacs u n d Issird for Hie auinm cf. The proaiH-el Is very briglil. n* a large m im , her nf ivmiius have already town secu red ..

Henry I,. Nayles will vitcole Ibe house now oernplcd by him on Hie boulevard, on Mups' day.

A horse and n trrtege owned by Mlchoak Kreslln, of Hernunlsvllle, which w as ate loelual n lew weeks ago, w in be sold th lsa fte eriKsm by Conalulde M eftraih for thoainoniifl due J. n . Alurtln for s tab ling and keeping.

A. I \ Uiveman an d fam ily left &>r LTuelpe nntl Inst night, w here they will rea ld . ptm ifts ucutly . _________ _

H .lu rday F . l r g a d C older.The W eather Ih ireaupreitlo ts fa ir and mneM

colder waMlipr ftir New Jeiwey tieiuorrows Norlhwesierly w ln d s ,^ _______ _

C I T Y H iB W f l N O T K Iit .

On May II the Riaievlllc A. A. Will teiidev ft d inner fo their bowling touui a t A llen 's res- tan ran l. ,

Tbe Newark flaw era C lub h o t arranged Itg give n I'oinpllm eutery lan tern slide exhib te tlon Ht Asaoetetloii Hull, H ay >.

Henry Srhuper, aged fliriy-twn yrar*, w ho Ooiidnels Hie bar a l lb* CplMit S ta te H ideL was tem porarily com m itted tn the InaoftW asylum by Judge Copfon lost nIgbL

Isnilsn Hudden, o f 7 7 Fepulngfon atreet^ w ot arralgpeit before Ju d g e Hays* lost nigfai ehaiged by bar huaband, Rugaiie RiiddeB, w ith drunkeuneiu an d d isorderly eaudoct.. The woniaii prom laed to do better and Ih p Judge discharged her.

The new ball of th* N ew ark Tnrnvarein, ob IM und IM W illiam etneri, Will geded leg ttd tom orrow . Th* Uiutl arraDgcmant* for th P eiercfara were m ode h u t n igh t ( t g m ee tln r o f th e building eom m lllea In H e n a lo i’l H g |l, lIMSprIiigfleld avem ie. A concert aodgyii»* nasHc exhibition will be held Sunday, g n lo a i Instrum ental onneeri gad ball oo MoodOy.

The Iksird of f'Insien F raebo lden odJourntA yeaterday tflem non utilll M ay k elMlaft biialuesaof Hit tlaual y ra r was ih* faaohitloA m entioned In yeistenlay'* N ftw i and the gdut" Uon o fa reaolulfoii focoD alruu tuam atlh rtd to over Nnanau street. Orange. The- Fitiancfr Committee requested th a t lb* budget* bw mode u p by th * various o ther commlUM t.

The memlwra o f tb* M w lym rtan ltad Hoethft oomp of tbe F raternal Legion m et t s Hm uat'g Oourt s tree t U*U Ita t n lg b i *pd d*oJd*4 to bold inateliatfoa axerelae* <m May U. Th* arrangem ents a re to be mod* hy Soloiuoa Oury, Albln R»noh an d U enry Wit*. Semre ta ry Charles B anroann reported tha t tbft cam p has forty-one m em bera. Addraaoes were made hy Freatdent August M eter,' . Uhqrlet Seeltnunq gud F ro n t W lanif r. Th*aa Bd W o n a l offieq*'Witte elected: fo M t, ManryWItil) Inside w w h , <J«nrge HofltngflAiOUte aide fB teh , A. iSpwagShai,_____ ^




Qabler PiapoSThere Are More Pianos in Newark and Vicinity of This Make Aione Than of Any Other One Maker.

A Record of thia kind is beyond question the greatest recommendation that can be published concerning the 'feood qualities of these Pianos and the favorwith which they are held by purchasers.

t ________________________________ ____ _


to t pwiVr of ton«. elMtloltr, « r taw b M u d b eM itg ra ffliiW i. T he jrhaT *ftnr«qM b,M dwt.iBdM d, » ■nrf dMdT*

'•bl* ia*tnun«nt.Respectfully jaOTt,

PBANK&DBA.EB, PmStiDr of Mnilo, «ndOrgMiMaf O ru f t

Baptiit Cbnioli.The QobW PUno I jiwcbaMd of jaa

■MM fooi jroan i(0 h u glTOU thoroocb ■iiiifbotiM, both H to lit tone ta d tad )HtbiitiK>tleail,lteweeria(powerf, being nfter k m p m if coiwtont nee mM O d M BflWe

0. WBMHAlf SMITH, T n tm a t of Haile, OrganM of Jowlah

T e n ] ^ Newark, u d OrganM and Moaieol Director of St. JaniM’i Cbnreh, Naw York CU7 .I am r t t j happy to add my teatimonUl

M to tba merit! of tbe Otaler ft Bro. Plaaoa. I oonSdir them moat aseelln t InatnuMiibL Tiie tooeb and tone are a ll thaioaabedMlied, androkeerftaUjr oona- mand them to partial dadrlag to imnbaae aSiil'clMiiilaoo.

Y oantm ly,W nU A M 0. CABL,

rrolkmor of U oill and Organtit of the “ OldFlmt" PrMbytwian Cburvb, New York.

I bare tned and placed upon the Oabler ft Bro. Piaaoi for a numbw of ream, and hare alwaye foond them, u well aa the one that 1 bave trom you, to be very itrong and durable Initnimeati.

FRANK L. SBALY,Protlmor of Muile and O ig a i^ of the

North Reformed Obnreb, Newark.

I have Med and taught upon tbe Emeet Oabler ft Bio. Fianoe for tbe past ilz yean with the greateitiatlifketiini. They are, Indeed, ezoeUent iMtrumenta. (Their ■weetneiB, brlUanoy u d evennea of tone, together with their elaiUclty of touch, make them moet dedrabU initnimenta for both m w lolu u d amateur.) I c u oheertaUy recommend them to all pereooi In w u t of a good pUuso.

Youn truly,FRED C. BADHANN,

Profomor of Hm Io, Director of the Park CoMcmtoiT of Hollo, Newark, u d Organiit of Cbureb of the Redeemer.

I havew w du BrneitOibler ABro. Up­right P tu o for itn years, with greet la t^ footlon. I cordially endorse them for their good quaUtlse of tonob, tone and durability.

DAVID LYON,Profomor of Muiio and Organiit.

I have need u d taught upon tbe Emeft Oabler ft Bro. Pianos for the pact ten yean, u d have always found them a very luperlor inatrument. For durability, rlcb- neei of tone, elaitlotty of tonoh u d enpe- rlor workmanihlp, 1 eoniider tbe Qabler oniurpamable. MAX BRAUN,Profemor of Moilc u d Organlm of R o m -

vitle H. E. Church.I t li with pleaeure I add my endone-

ment to the mperlor qualltiei of the Em eit Oabler ft Bro. Plano I purobaied from you. For dorablUty, riehnen of tone, elaitlctty of touch u d artliUe work- manahip, I acknowledge them ea almply perfect. Younu roipeotfoUy,

CTFOBMAN SMITH, Profeaur of Muila and O rgulat Firet

P r ^ y t e r l u Church, Flalnfleld, N. J,I t gives me great pleanre to teatliV to

the excellenoe of tbe Oabler P lu o . They have three good qualltlea to recommend to all in need of a good Inetrument, via.: The tone ii good, the action durabtei u d the eiaei ^ o n g u d well made.

Youn ilncerdy,D. O'CONNOR,

ProfiMor ofMoaic u d O rg u ia t of Bt PlM’tChurch.The Emeat Oabler P lu o which we pW'

chased firom you kai been is nee during the peat fuir yean. It has given entlTe•fttilwOtlOBL

Heepectfally, etc.,^ I S r n ^ OF CHARITY.

The " Oabler Upright” which I have In oonaUatuaa, I find aauperlor inatmment, ponemlng a iweet, singing tone. Its pUsp ble, ekatto tonoh la worUiy of remark.

Reepectfolly,A. J. HOLLYWOOD,

Profomor of Mualo u d Organist of BL Jamea'a R om u Catholic Church, New­ark.

Slnoe the EmeM Oabler A Bro. Pianos have been before the public, I have had ample opportonltlee durfog my profoe- atonal engagement! to Judge of their merlte. Iknowofnopiaiiothatmrpaaaea the Oabler In volnme and iweetaam of tone, ilmtloitv of tonoh and durabiUty. InaUreapeetatheyare a luperior instru­ment, ReapeetfoUy, eto.,

EDWARD I8SLEB, Profomor of Mnalc.

The Oabler fUno booght of you glvea entire aaUafooUan. I have need the Oabler make of laatnmenbi In my home for

' about twonty-Ave yean, but the Improve- mente shown In the preawt piano seem remarkable indeed.

■ Yoon very respeetfoUy,JAMES a HOLHER

The Oabler ft Bro. P iuoa which have come under my obeervatlon are well de­serving of the many flattering tMttmonlala whieb they have received, aa the tone la remarkable for its rare parenem and ilng- Ing qualities, which is ao seldom attained in the pkno. Tbe tooch is exquisite, u - iwering all the requirements of tiie player. They are truly e leg u t Inatimenta.

Youn truly,J. O. B. HARRISON,

Profomor of Muiio u d Organist of St.Mark’i Cbunh, Orange, N. J .

The Ernest Qabler ft Bro. Upright P lu o I purohmed of you gives i>erfoot aeHafoo- tlon, and I consider It a i good u Initru- ment w la made. 1 have owned a Bteln- wav Piano for yean, and I comldir the Qabler P lu o that you sold me equal, if not nperior, to it in every reipeot

ALEX. T. BENEDICT, Formerly Director of Mmdo, Third Preiby-

te riuC lum b .

I take pleeaure In saying that we have und a Qabler ft Bro. Piano at Mualo Hall for nm e time past, u d find It glvei ratiro eatie&ctloiL

Youn truly,Q EO . F . K IN G S L E Y , S ec’y .

O iuge, N. J.

I t g ivm m e g n a t p leasu re to r e c o m m u d th e O a b le r P l u o . F o r aw ee tiieaa even- uem , an d vo lum e o f to n e u d a lia tic ity o f to u ch , In foot, a v e ry th ln g t h e t r e n d e n a p l u o p e rfe c t In th e h ig h e s t d eg ree , th e y h a v e n o lu p e rlo r . i t alforda m e g ie s t p le aau rs u d m tlifao tlo n to p lay o n th e p l u o I purohaaed o f you. H w m o r e l u a e i t tb e b e t te r I Uke i t F o r five y e a n o r m o re 1 h av e h a d in o o n a ta n t aea a O ab ler P ia n o , an d h a v e aeen u d p lay ed u p o n m u y in p r iv a te u d o n pub llo ooaaaiona, u d th e y , M w e ll aa m y o w n , h a v e Invari- Vbly g iven u t l r e istlafoB tton .

Y o u n , e tc .,C . M . K A 8E .

T h e O ab le r P l u o pu ro h aaed o f y o u by tb e W aitfle id ly o e n m bee, he th e p a r t tw o years , b e en aaed b y m a n y o f t b a b e r t a i i t - i i ta foom N ew Y o rk , B ro ok lyn , e tc ., an d ia in v a riab ly p ro n o o n o ed u e X o a llu t In- r t r u m e n t In m a k liig en g ag a m e o ti, m n- shfisM a re p a r t le n la r ln d em an d in g th a t th e y ibaU be fu rn ish ed w ith a g ^ p ian o , an d ia DO Inatsnae h a v e th e y b e u d teap- p o in ted elnoe th e G a td e r w ae p laced l a L yoeom H aU . W e a v e perfocU y ae tlified w ith o u r puroheae.

R eepec tfo lly y o u n ,J A M E S L . M IL L E R ,

T ree a u rw o f W eetfleld Lyceum .

BELOW IS PUBLISHED A PARTIAL LIS T OF PURCHASERS OF GABLER PIANOS FROM T H E S. D. LAUTER COM PANY:C hurch of the Nedaetner, elly .F irst Betorined Cbnicli, c ity.

. t tt Jam es 's S C 8ohool, c ity.C hataM Club, city.Casino M niiw rchor, city.Concordia B lngliit Boclety, e lty .JeO bTsonlu Club, elty .N ew ark ta>d|e No. U , B P 0 E, c ity ,Newton Btreet publto ttcbool, c ity .Ladim ’ A uxiliary, Y U C A , e lty .OOlcen orU w U b Beg N M, ulty.W VInM Ot’s Academy, city .HlrtMs of C harity, W M Iehaers Behool, city.Bt B aru ab u ’e Hoepltal, c ity .Itoutb Trulb H reet Publlo ttcbool, city, 8 tM lobael’s Y M A .e lty .ThUteeutb Avenue Public Mcbool, city .Y M 0 A. Clluton street, (Ij city .O range Club, Oraugo, N J .S t M ark’s tWwol, W 0 ^ m g ^ N J .F lu k U n D ll Heboot, E ast Orange, N J .Orenge Lodge, B P O E, Oraoge, N J . a ie n Ridge Club, Olen Eldge, N J .V erona Publte Hchool, V erona, N J .Ht Tberena School, Aoninilt, N J .I.yceum H all, W nU leld, M J .HI Patrick’s Cliurcta, K Jersey et, E lisabeth , 't tle lan o f Bt. DumInJe, Babvray.A dam s, H r F, t t Broad st.A xtell, 0 U, ST Em m et sL A llen, H n H O, T E lm sk Anderson. IIH , t a H dtb i t .A xtell, IC , IH Llnrulu eve.A tterbury , W V, Astor st.Aetiey, Mrs W m C, tlB H igh i t .Baum enu, F 0,15 H - '*Burgewi, K A (I>. IH H rut« it,A ialr, Andrew, 17 Fillm ore sU llu rkhurii, W H, a i H Nil M.

tl tU S tli lLVornenutDD, II , liM H unterdon at.BrelntluUl, Dr II II, 7W H igh sL Jlrelnt iiHlI. R Hehcr, 7 H W b i t . B o y n lo n .C B .m N M hat.-Bfi-k, K, M Wuverly pi.Brown, P A, MISIU live.Beurdlct, A T, 153 M oumooth sL S e o rd ic t,)'] K, llHheriDHo uve.Benedict, J 1’, uie lilgb st.Balloy, H E. iti5 IJUIelon ave.Benson, Mtss O rr le , tlT U nluu st,

. B elttulrr, A L 33 MurUui si,Jlenocti, tv II, 34 E m ia i'ts t.Boetam, A, HW Koutb 7th st.Brysou, Mm KllsHlictb, HZ rttuue sU Morrie, C M, 37 Woulb llAh sU Bentsob, Cluu, H Boston st.B urns, A nna, IH \<1 urns si.B reunen, Mn> Michael M, It;) Faieeta a re . Burns, J K, UK Halsey st.B urch, Miss K lom irc L, IH Fnlton st.Bowers, Jam es, 51 N orth 7lh at.B urns, J . ZTJ WasblngUm sk llronkflrid, Mrs L J , 7 W akeinsn avs.Bootb, Miss B, aB tV ushlngtuq sk B rennan, MIm M, 115 Polk sk B roeklr, John, 155 Hurarncr ave,B rady, Mrs R. 65 QuHman sk Bafaeoek, A L, 16 Nelson plane.B arnar, MIm A B, 1U3 N orth «lli sk B aU ,M rsB E .55F ,lm ak B raun, Max, Z5 W averly place, t A nnitr, J C, Z07 Orange sk Ch Itteudon, (9 D, IIMI iarslile xk tM frler.C C , M H lllsk Callao, Ttaos, 123 Tlchenor st.(kirt, W m, 15U Bouth O rsnge ave,< Tawion, C C, 78 Halsey sk Chropbell, D T, 61 Broad eU (Ampbell, W m F, 34t Prluce st,C lark, L A, ga Miller ak i;heatle J 0 , 10 Cllftou ave,C foapm u, B W, Kl TIehcuor it ,Cope, J rtu i, 87 UUi ave.

' Iforberry, M rs M, II Belleville ave,Coulou, H A , 86 W akem au uvc.Cook, (leo W , III) Pennsy lvan ia avci C rtnrtber, O E, 125 Hherman nve.O arberry, Mrs E, 676 Marfcol sk Cnmiulugs, Jos, Avon ave.Castle, Fred, Bloomfleld an d M t Prospect

■ves.C a r lry ,T ( ! ,3 e iB u k s k

noDlon, O r . M l O atllde sk Uonlon, R F, 35 JantM sk C layton, M rs F E, 15 a in to o ik Choate, C N, S Heoond av i.Crowley, T F, 6 Gray sk CK inlcy, E , 108 Lalbyette sk Cam pbell, J W m, l l W alou t sk C la tt , F I I , 11 Miller sk Cox, T H , 521 H olberry sk O aonelly .J 0,305 Bonk sk Catteo, Rev W M K, 35 Brnoe sk Ooplay, E m m aO , 73 F uurib ave.Cohen, Adolph, eor M arket an d Laarrenoe its . C ra w IM , Jdmee, l i t Hummer ave,Doreraus, H M, 173 M t Proepert ave.Deogler, Mrs A, t a H noterdon sk D unn , M n H O, IS Ooort i t .D uaham , D U, 310 Clinton ave.D udley, F A, 180 N Heveuth skDu n u d , Miss H E, CH W ashington sk ■Dougherty, Mrs H , 06 M ulberry skDecker, J a i W , 3S EIgbtta aveD elaney, M E, 313 H igh ikDoyle, Mn C ,a Jay ikDtxon, W , 181 H igh skD aubans, M n H W , 12 W a k e m u ave.D urand , M n A M, 25 F ran k lin sk D sv ld sra , John, 70 P srk pt. *D unbam , MIsf Ktia, 172 W alnu t sk D orem us, A L, 123 M oum iiuth sk D arby, Miss C F, 22 Baldwin sk Dolan, Mrs A, 67 Monroe i t .D librow , Mrs C, M5 M ulberry sk D unn, MIsa A N .7I H l l th s k Dreyftias, D, 318 Court sk ' m , Do|if, Carrie^lTlH P rim e sk D urham , A T A F P. 76 N esbitt s t Duffiird, F rau k L , 56 Hhcrluaii a re .De M ott, WUllam H, 768 H igh sk Kaglea, Eugene, 234 N 61 li sk E dgar, F H , 46 Nrlsoii pi.Elsele, A A, M Clay s(.Kble, W ill lam, 52 Nrisun pi.E llis, M rs E, 21 ila la ry sk FBrIe, Miss .B A, J'i6 Clliitou uve.Epeteln. L, ‘21 Rowland sk g vEm m e, U rnry F, 26 .Nrwark sk Killers, U F., 18 MamhuU at.Engetberger, F, 215ft7lh st.F a ltou tc , 1 B, 42 FBat K inney sk Fay, Eugene, 80 M arket st.F elt, A T ,W CJay si.Ferguson, W U'246,tj Bellevillenve.F inn , Miss K, 117 Madlison sk Flaher, Mrs C, U6 Joliuwm uve,F airbanks, Benjamin, 23 Nichols sk F inney, M n tt It, ;II4 Hummer ave.Flood, Mrs Aimlu, 811 A radcm y sk F rench, 1 H, 02 Culler st.KILsalmmuns, P J , 16 Frederick ak, John , 101 A itneduet sk F a rm er, 5 In Em m a F, 15 W 'akeman ave. Fnsiuuin, W J , Id Congress st,Ford, Mrs I t . H, Tib s t B)id.7lb a v a Fox, Mrs James, 218 New sk FltsO cratd, Miss Jennie B, 162 Brunswlcfc*k U atcbell, A N, 304 Bussex uve,(la rrab rau k C h a rle s,37 Avon a re tleppcrt, Hugo, 07 H am burg pk llltford , J A, ID P ark pk (Irlggs, Jo h n , 56 Tlchenor sk Core, Miss BM, 316 Hummer a v a Urey, Mrs M A, 20 W srw ick sk Grosbung, 11 H, 2iU<3lutun avo.G reey, A rihur, 127 N H lh st.G rselher, Frederick, 161 la tay e lte ik Griswold, F E t.W W righ t st.G eery ,» W , 64 Kow’vmq uve.H u rd , Mrs H, 751 Broad sk llarrlsoai, M n H F, B rieutnall pi and Nuns

m it It.Haloes, E H, 275 ITane st.H opkins, Mils Bay, 171 P lane sk H adley, W 2(5 6th aee. *Hayes, L M, 7 Avon ave.H atneld, K K, 51 G llletle pi.Hollywood, A J , 73 C ourt sk lliitch lns, W’lllard C, 412 H l « h sk H m ,L A ,68B B roudsk H elm , John <1,147 Elm sk


Uerter, Adam, 42 Barclay sk H ugbion, Mrs V P, «I3 Broad kj. U adley, Ueurge F, UW W righ t st.

R um m ell, Mrs R, 16 Ferry sk Hay, TIrs E C, 3 tl 16lh ave.H aliua, D r FI, 41 Bank sk Hervey, D E, 123 H uutcla lr av6>Howson, t C, 17 K earuy sk Holmes, A B, 627 Broud sk HIgble. Hamtiel, 40 Fulton ak Habersang. F , 58 H ow ard sk H arris, M K , II Essex sk H aydon, D r J<SKpli H , 446 Illgb Ik Itausallng, M It, 231 M ulberry sk H ays, Jam ea 1, KM Clinton ave.Heller, M n A J , 115 l l lo to n ave.H ill, W illiam , ITth uve aud Bergen sk Huherle, H n A, 457 Hpringfleld ave, Holmes, Mrs L .76 (Ireou st,Herpes, F J , D4 W ashington sk H uinnton , Mrs I J s i le G, 34 Nelson pL Hughes, A, 173 larikyetU sk Halsey, C, KDFi T hird ave.H eath, Jo lm Jam ea, 140 M ulberry rt. Hough, Mra. Kate, 566 Broad sk Illingw orth. J , 56 F ork pk Isalrr, FMward, 8 Sussex pve.Isslcr, Mtki FImmm S3 Nelson pL Jagger, M n 1, A, 74 WTckllRb sk Jaisiba, H n 1 M, 78 Bunk ak %Jae<ines, M n M A, 62 W |atnut sk Janouviuus, W T, 27 M iller sk Joseph, M n H, 162 Hpringfleld uvA Jou rdan , M n L, 46 Astnr st.Jailcuiskl, Miss, W l;)th uve.Jucobson, MrsH.ZUl HcIIovlUo uve.Jockes, Angiisk 10 M IIKmsk Kaso, C M, 15 W arren st,Kearney, M n I), 16 H oyt ak K lirh n ir , P. II Hpringfleld uva Keller. M n <’.7.1 l.'lth ave. 7King, M n C M .67 Bellvllle ova Kennard , M H , 7i)2 Broad sk K linger, Miss U, 86 Union sk K lem m , M iss FJ, 54 Halsey sk Kearney, Mrs F), 66 Bergen ak King, Froderlek, 257 Halsey ak- Kiel A Hnmuel, 26 Htiile ak KelsowsUcr, G, H igh Ik K nnenbergor, Mrs C, 415 H igh ak Kinsey, Mrs F , 124 Jam es sk Knowles, Franels W , 44 N 7th sk I silig, Mon H enry , 566 B road st.Is(llus, Mrs W in, ilW Hninm eruvA kyoii, David, l«l KDtIi s i, N Y. l.lues.H D .S G Ilh 'ttop l.Isiehiilwruh, A. 211 L ittleton ave. l,ln x ,3 In A, 116 W rlg litsk Linder, H, 2D0 Ib-rgen sk klUlefleld, J A,77 llbsim fleld UVA Isiwsoii, George, 57 Crawford ak ku iddeke , U ;i#U Bergen st..Meldriiiu, W illiam 11, IW Newton sk F ltlK K A, isii Hummer uvA Mtvire, J N, 13 llrleiiinuti pk MeClay, Miss M FI, 67 Union ik M arlin, P H. 225H 12lh sk .Ma^h, Rdim ind, 141 N 4lh at.M elssui, Firs K E, 121 N 3d sk M arlin, T K. 734 H igh sk Macdonald, MJ,36J4 Nolaoii pi,Morrell, J W, lOW BroatS sk Maher, 11 J , 37 F; K inney sk M urray, C C, 391 W arren sk M arlin, Tboinua, 52 Hum m er uvA Meagher) F in H F, 113 Hnm intl sk Flodller, F in H W , Freem an sk M artin, Mrs A, 277 M arket sk Maher, M n I., 160 Ftorris ave.Ftarlln, W illiam , 46 IMrelay sk Muller, M A, 4.'il Brotul st,F IcU uglilln , M n M, 34 C huinbenH , FkCee, ISinlel, 164 Ih la y e tle sk M oeklrr, M rs C, # tD ehm ond sk M uudy, Mrs A R, 67 L lnroln avA Moore, IV lcr J , 58 Astor sk Flurphy, J A, 142 Flonroe sk Morris, A 11G, 541 I5tli uve,M cGovern, Miss N , 110 M orris uve. Miller, C harka W , 55 W righ t Sk McGuire, Ja in m J , 16 Nelson pk Mayo, M n. R, 81 lUeiioker i t .Melsger, ITiarles, OTl W arn m ik Fuller, M n. Horace E, 100 Grehard sk Nedingcr, M n F. M, 504a W 'asbliigtoa ik Ncsbitf, i l n L F , 121 Pacific sk

Nugent, Miss Rose, 187 B um m lt rt.N. J . Pbonograpb Oo, 86 Oraoge sk Osborn, Charles, 123 Orange sk O’Crowley, B J , 11 B arnet ak Oury, H, H Sualon skO'Dimncll, W U, M ulberry and W alnut Its. OrUnann, M n U A, Wl Veaey sk Oliver, H n C O. U)2 U tb ave.O’Brien, M ra E, 55 Colden f k O’U innar, M n E m m a F, 145 W arren ik Ogden, Bldncy N , 307 BeUevlIle avA (P ltctlly , H , 146 Polk ak IHiIlard, J r, ElIXabetb aVA Plum e, G e o ^ C, 103 T hird avA IlDasler, CharieA 366 H 7tb st.I’reasler, George H , 116 Ferry sk IF.-anon, Thom as, 11 M yrtle nvA F lau l, U, IT G run t sk ITca, It, 131 F a lrm o o n tav A Pem berton, H II, 516 Bummer avA Pfeifer, Jo h n , 847 W arren sk IFibllg, Miss IdA 54 Union sk Perry , W illiam P, 16 M iller sk p aste r, H n A J , 2M H Tth sk parsons, E W , 81 Oolurabla sk Priestler, Adolpb, 21* N Mh tk Iforker, D r t.'lmrlet B, 136 Bpraol sk P lunk » n P J , 119 Union ak PeterA Miss M innie L, 46 H alsey Ik ITeObrle, Mrs M ary, 565-Hlgh sk Porter, J G nivr, 46 M ate it.Koas, Jan ies F , 175 O rehard ak llum ell, Fllaa Belle, 410 Plane sk ItubertA i i t a W illiam M, III H in ton avA Rotilnsoo, J E, 431 W alnu t sk Illndell, John , 17 M ilford ave.Uadel, Ju b a , M Jto a th Grange c—11ohe{lsun, Mrs J . I t E lm sk Runyon, O F),» Chealout sk Rothe, M w I , 26 M ulberry pi,B j no, M n M F, Ml Badger avA Hasher, John, 40 Bleecker sk R iviere, F , 28 L iberty at.Reeve, Mlae L C, 3 A tlan tle sk Itudden, Mrs 0 , 524 Grange s k ^H uuiraetl, J , 37 Frellnghuyseu avA H o g rn , M lia A L 415 W aslilufton sk R uduk Mrs A, 4 « W ashington sk lllu rdau , M K, 334 E lm sk Koeser, A ,» M ambnrg pi.Rholuebelm er, M n E lisabeth, tl2 Aqueduct sk Reeve, K ,M, *2 W arren pi.H tnlth , 0 W enham , 41 Hprnee ak Bealy, F r in k L, 188 W ashington sk B m ltb , C Form an , 312 Elm sk B tarrs, M n E F,, 39 Rector sk Hlewark J H , M Fulton sk Hm ith, M n F H , J r , W6 Broad sk Hheets, D r A F , IW Broad st.Kpinning, Miss J F, 141W Kinney sk Binne, Thom paon, ID E lm sk Hniytb, J WTlaon, 14 Hill sk Bhaw, Thom as, 65 P ark sk Hnutiley, M n A W , 856 Hummer aVA HehwariA W H, M lUdgrwood avA Hrallb, M n A, *46 M ulberry ak Mayre, M n H N , 65 Oriental ak Hmitli, MIsa Joale, 802 O nnge sk Hpcar, J a s «, III Oaralde sk H lulslen, F U, 66 la fa y e lte sk t^un lnn , M n A, 1#7 Centml aVA Htewart, F in H B , 67 Nichols ak H m ith, M n H ,S5fW den at.Hqnire, Mias 1 ,31 Nelaon pi,Hbiwey, Miss FJ, IW B m id sk Hehm ldt, Louls, 88 Row land sk H eharriiifhauw n, Aug, IW lla ttib u il pi.B o n nick, W m, 71 Penuliigton st.Hchnelder, MIsa L A, 186 Ferry sk Behuelder, M ary A, 50 A rlington ft.H eU s .A .3 l9 B 7 th lkHehncllbacher, H enry , assttonlh O ran fr ave.Hpangenthal. A, 47 B ank skMehlusA B, 829 W asbington lUH m hh, H n E H, 38 Bterllug skHeeley, TbeioBA M Central avAFU'hwabaclier, JoA M» Academy akToom ey, Rev F a lber, W aliaee pi.Teeltng, M n C, 15 Dmaale avA Thuwleaa, O M, 310 F irst sk T h ro sse lk J E , » Broad sk T nisdell, (Tuts OjJ65 G a n ld l sk Taylor, V H J . i i b N T U is k

TuniaoB, Edw ard, 17 U neuin ave.ThoraaA Jos B, 50 Btertlng Ik TroA B C, 64 W alnu t sk TrippA J E, 348 N 7tb sk T o p tam , Mrs M J , *7 N Y avA Tom s, M n H H, 481 M ulberry rt.T Itu a M n B M .S N elsuap l.Thnm , Mra R, 165 Folk ak Thelry, P an t L V, 171 Mt Prospect aVA Thom pson, Mrs E C, 517 Orange sk Teague, Utw, 84 Cntler ik T b o r ta rn , Mrs L, 844 M t F tea ian t avA TravlA M n A F, 56 Aeadem y sk IT ngner, Adolph, Ml M ulberry Sk Vanderpool, Howard, 413 I lln tn n avA V allette, Mrs J F., 166 C linton aVA V reeland, H n J E, 153 Omnge sk V ernek C w W , Jam es an d B urnet MaVoorhees, Blewart H , 158 Broad sk Vandenburg, George J , 0 liemoD sk V anderbilt, Alloe II, 1 » Btooa ik W ard , John D, 270 Ogden ek W e lA M n O ,8 H N T th a t.W eber, M n j , 37 O rchard skW ard, Mra NeUle, 156 4tb aVAW ebbr, Ctuu 8,287 8 6tb ikW beelaa, H n B B, IVnn ave and Em m el iW m iA M n M B, « 7 Hummer aVAW bItA w B, 166 H hnterdon skWooley, W m , 10 N assau sk . 'W IrU , Rim, 551 H igh sk W otterA ChrlA 18 M ale st. *W elsler, Ed, 177 Bruen sk W lnnns, Chas H , 278 N Mh sk W ise, E B , » O rchard sk W rllt, Mrs M ary, ZB H ank 'sk W all, Mrs H A, 62 T aylor st.W oodall, Jo h n J , ZOdgassau sk W eaver, M n A ^ 30 Colum bia sk W est, ZImri, J r , 72 U tb aVA W brli, 0 C, 2 W P a rk sk W ay, Em m a, 73 Court sk Yule, J a s U , *3 H illside uVA Yuoger, 11,473 Clinton aVA

HARRISON, N J .Anton, M A, 804 N orth 4lh st.Bowen, M n N B, 303 J o h n ik llurns, Mm John, 480 HeOond st. la n ie y , E J , 123 Crass sk (.gmdun, John , 300 Houlh 4ih sk tIoatollA J.foO D avis sk Devaney, Mrs A, 155 G ran t ave,Idxun, Hngb, 406 D aria avA Dwyer, J , 810 Je iaey ak Dwyer, W , 612 W n ih u u sk Iturrisuu , W J , 418 Jersey sk H auser, I., 52 W ashington sk Hickey, M, z lO llauillton sk H u n u ian , F; M Davis ave.Kemp, L H, Bergen ave.Lynch, F in C,» Hebdoo st.Lyons, H iss N , 400 G ran t ave. lAwlesA Miss N, 511 Ila rrlsn n nvA M artin, M n John, 16 President sk MetvmaJll, K F , Davis ave.M ulligan, H n J J , 46 lU rriso n aVA M nsgtave, A, ZIOGrant aVA N w ton , I'eter, W W asbington avA C O onnor, Joseph 0 , 215 Slli sk O’Connor, Jam es A, 315 5th sk P b l1 llpA M rsM ,S 86N 5th ik *IFipper, Mrs P, 11* H arrison ova Reilly, M n L, 427 W illiam sk KelUy, Mrs Luke, 427 W lUlam i k Klee, K J i 115 H arrison aVA R lordan, P, 9 U N 5 th sk Hudden, H n B, 800 N nth sk B lnpson , M rs FT, 222 H alnl Itod sk V an Em bnrgb, P, 780 U airlspn b t a V an Volfcmiboigh, 1 H , U7 N ;ltl) sk W alsh , M n Ellon, 415 W a m o sk W arnnek, W illiam , IIT 3d a t WlUwlm, W H , 45 W ashington s k

T H E O B A N O E S .d tf am s, M n K K , V ra tp te l sk Augell, A, 36 H u n n ave.AndetaiKi. V K, EUlot pJ.A rm llage, M n J H, F a rit avn,Berie, K A, 81 Hleuben sk Brodcsser, M ax, Valley road,Bow en, M n C W , H alstead s t

Balbaab, A rth u r , 60 Glebe ik Brown, J Crosby.B aldw tn, F H, 117 W atnn t sk C raiier, C. M, Hoolh OrongA Condik M rs U , 116 W Ullam rt.Oondlt, TbeA 0 K im ak Callon, Rev F s ib e r. Orange Valley.Coiey, J , H Forest sk Cnme, M tai E U , 673 W illiam r t.C arrington, M n F H, 86 W alnu t ak Claril, H 0 , 2 6 H um m n sk Davhi, J P , 1* B arnett s k Dough ta rty , MIsa M ary, 85 W illiam s k D avsnpork A H , 40 Cary st.F,verU, E C, Bpringdate avA FMwards, J A, U1 W alnu t r t .Farley, H E, 81 Huseex avA F ille r , George, 17* N P a rk sk Fraoeke, George, 163 D ay sk F ran k , CbarlCA 03 WestooU sk Ford, H r |M H, r t H ab lead sk F ran k lin U s t r te t Hetaool.FUiod, M n M. 52 F reem an s k n iu m .E B , 18 N Maple avA a Olio, D r F A , 471 M ain Ik G a rn tt , T hom as F , 27 E Day sk Haag, Mrs J B, M ain sk H u b l^ M rs A P, Hnyder sk H a r ir .F E , 146 Main sk llcdden , L O, H Maple avA H enisirie t, M K, 13 Jones sk lllgblA W illiam L 7i Hussei nvA Hucbiier, O E, 58 B Grove sk H agan, M ary 0 ,7 W aU sw sk K insey, J II , 4*H A rlingtonavA K lu n 'e y , E W, 4 H u rlb u rt ik K earney, Jam es t i . 246 Glenwnod aVA Lev, M rs M ary. O Valley sk Miller, M n A . ZriM slU sk MeUalt, W illiam J , W estO rangA McDonald, H n 11,33 Valley sk H u rray , M n M, L um ber sk M cCheiucy, L K, 1271 Jnooln avA B ay , Miss H 1 ,66 W ard sk ttogers, M n F J , 38 W illiam sk Reas, K A , Hertlond sk Halmon, A B C , Boutb OrangA HtulUi, George H , Booth Orauge.BIgfiugi, Miss B E. 34 Oakland aVA M ew art, H n J ll. Fourteen th sk Hoverel. W M, Hpringdale ave.Hm llh, Miss U E . 3 Baaex aVA Hberinan, M n George, 24 Valley rood,Hmllh, M n L I . *431’a rk ave.T h eO ran te Club, Prospori sk Thom peon, B A, 412 Central avA Volk, MIsa Lena, 853 M ain sk W ard , M A , 70 Bnyder sk W ehttor, Chaa T,« W citoott sk Week Xlmrl, Idewellyn P a rk .WIlWHt, P H, Prospeci ternuo.

ELIZABETH, N. J.Attgnx. M n Job W , 44 Held sk Arxl, M n M B, 7 Reid sk Bnwu, Miss M, 581 A dam s avA B aker, R p , 12 W Jereey st.Covell, Mias A F’„ 421 IV lnlty |d , llm n r, A B, M68 H G rand sk Dugan, M J , Oto Monroe sva Davis, F H , 243 F ran k lin it.K okenon, W illiam , 20 H Hpring ik F’rollcb, M n A. 1106 M orris ave.Flshbough, H iss K M, us Bruadvoy.G riU n, George, 538 Broad ik UlllMpIc, John, 37 T liltd sk Hootoy, H C, 187 T rin ity pi. lATehtnd, W r , ITT M adison avA loggrvn , J R, 1125 H am pton pi.Luster, M n K A, UW E G rand sk ImvIOA J J , 1*1 Livingston st.H o rb a rt, J , lU I KUaabeth avA P s tk W H , 148 Hpring Ik Pleptn, F F , 346 W G rand sk R etail, Miss Jounie H , 154 W all sk , E lliabetb-

-H isitb . U W, 842 W estto ln iter ave. T o tk Y (D ,3 IR eed sk U lrieb, I s m Ia M orris ave.

HlfoCELLANEOVS.AdaniA J L, BlooinBeld.Daub, Daniel L. 141 W sih ltig to a svA

Held.Orluishaw, MIsa K, M oam flrtd. UalUnan, T, BtoomflehL H askell, B, Sloamlleid.K agy, J F, Bloorolleld.Kelly, W . Bloomfleld.H adhsm , M n Robert, Bloomfleld. M itchell, H n S , Bloomlield.P lnalnger, U W , Bloomfleld.Ramiscb, H n M, Bloomfleld.Rossean, H enry, Bloomfleld.Boblnsou, H iss I E. Moomfleld.W hite, D r W H , BtoomOeld.Badgiey, A B, M eatclalr. ,Courier, Hiss Ida , F ton trU lt.( la rk , M n C C, H antolatr.Fox, M n H M, M ontolair.Greener, J K, M ontclair, la sk o m , E dw in H, 483 Bloomfleld avA

elalr.Nelderhauaer, E, M ontclair.Iloldnson, M n A M, M ontelatr,Htwlar, A C, Monlclulr.Underhill, W W, M ontclair.V an B runt, F C, M ontclair. W llsoU|CA, Irv ington,4 Vigan, H K Irv lngioo.Drake, N , Irv lnginn.Drake. )f8 ,Irv rn g to n .Mandevllle, Miss Theodora, Irv Ing tM , M illard, C, u n ion ave. Irv lugtou. lYmle, d am n , Irv ington, ian ip b e tl. M n ^ R ahw ay.■'srpenter, D F, R ahw ay,

elly, W I{;B ahw ay.

1161 W aahlngton sk 'l lIa in iK o u iri-

CarpKelly, W li;H ah w ay ,Hheldon, F' L R ahw ay,Thorpe,Y P, Rahw ay.Callaghan, P, FiankU n.Gellwl. M, F rank lin .Ha Itb ri, r i F, F ran k lin .Hleams, M n C J , F rank lin , „Hatlertbwalte, Mrs J H , F rankU a.B lawitk MIsa A L, Belleville.Barnard, CharieA MUevRlA Haggerty, F , BcllevlUe,Campbell, J . J r . BeUevlIlA Bowden, A haldwell. ta iin lB , A th ld w ell. lo ftu s, M ra W m , (M dwelL Hny<ier, A A, Ca WvreU.M urray, John, Catdwell,W llllamA N J , Veron*.Brennan, Ellen, Hnm m lk CoOby, Nellie, B atnm ik cn ih m an , Wm C, Hnmralk FIverdell, Mloa ( t e a F J ln m m lk Moody, Mra Helene H, Hnmmlk k lu im k tu rick , R K , Hum m lk Moore, Wm, HDmmlt.M illington, E J , Hnm m lk F ta y a e .F J, ilad lson .(K dtra,L M , Basking RIdgA B ake?M iss K J , Ml(Tbnrti:K Itchell. M 1). M lllbum .Kettles, Jas , M lllburn.Bird, H n ChoA A riington,Qolburn, F (7, A rtln iton .Joralem on, Miss l O I , L yndbtinA Ffonslmon, H ti i M, Hnm m ik Ming, W m K, Bnaelle.Peck, D r E 0 . M orristown.Havage, J G, Morrintown.Carm en, Wm, Menlo P a rk .FurcA M N, Menlo Park .Hllllwell, Miss M, Menlo P u k .K inney, Jisi B, Horoervllle, HM6> H tater,T M .l*lallineld.Hllfaer, L A J . Hoboken.Khrileh, K J , Jersey (n ty .

m k ,i ln H W ,P a iy » J c . s jaH H n D H ,G m d e lk

G ttihiie, F F .J t i i i te - Atwood, Mrs L K , BayonnA Clair, H A, KImorADarby, D L, Faiiwood. fH erm an, M n B, O arterit.

Hetiri'enla ra, T J . ^ ™ l j n . M Y.Crear, Miss HKronlieira, I f n A M, N w York City,G ordon, DV J F , U b ln ^ W , N V. tttA WlVltam H , D uekport U n ^ n g , U , iBaillvank H H . N e ^ n p o r t , Mssa Dickerson, D, M o o n tT ah ih N J,

U n tl A inbo/.O lIn tinD tU n W lU lb «t*K«W

H ^iu * ^D to n avA Jersey CHflIte lih ls ,

M iller, M n Fhnnm, M orristown.H ehenek.JB , M e t u e ^ .T hrom alvM rs Jos, Maplewood,Terrill, J H . Kahway.W slsher, John. VoKsburg.W'.>W, David, l^ 'ab ju b .ln d . ^Ve((aaee,M ni A. Rutherford,(Ionian, M n M, C halham .IXsoombui, Mrs A U, W asblngtoa, D Ct .

N E W S , F l i lD A Y , A P H lL 2^* 1892.

IVOT[(’B-»*fnfc««liiiit f t i r a r tk la s |« tk« r N r.l^ 'a m t t t iBTftrUMr ^ w*iA f«r Ii b i I*

iTAirihfl« lie fv aa i« vrlllli* Apr »«o1i«Re a^vfirtls^iMfiiiC will hn r r ra lv r i l «v«r

lh»»« MMC Ipp B«llMr«I B vejia,


t^wK?:FITLMAN PORftkaCTLKMANN P1.A<'K.m v.yjiA u ift.

>AltHKR WANTKH XOXrt p i T KMWT* >p|umii«n4i ii|>|>l>'. J{. £. idNYUKU, TA4 Brotul

TTr>A K i;ii-A (KMU) MAl TO WORS §011 Otvad i.ihl vuCho calcp.


flK «T 'iJhl

PAHB?:u WANTKrv n m « A T u a j)A Y a n d>«umla5'. B7THUKNUUMT. 1



M i-xp W ju r r tS f i^ i

Hm in iw oK VVI

WANTKD, A i*IKL KOEWBI- nil.biiwi>wart. IIVARKKTttT. i

Hou«>;w o u k


4ilHl. WAKTRn FOR OCK- work- M I ’LANKlir. I

Al>114i ANU (1|1U>4 WANTRIP I ’ll |)0 Ill 'llno\\" work Ibr im at huPii*; fl lo p p*r wwrii

niinf (M* canTioin\

U i'MPANV, 4 IJb*:rty

Nully rw iiainUnf <w caniroMOg: »iul »if-a»ldnww*<l riirvlota*. ra 'llO MAXI'KAI'TI’RINU'

Buison, M«MiM.‘hU'

rKUATilHH KXPFlUKWrKIl OPKRATOHfl on niMtrtMiH'n'ii nmvw hmillrw iiioi*: •Uady

Work awl pKxl wa*r*t A. HFUMLKK, *10 BrWMl* Wft>'. Krw York, *•»()l

Ol'KlUTMHH-KXi'T-JRIKXrKU OPKlIATl^l* on (HirTta: uImo *ih1 i»<4( rwr, flOMOvr mmI vjuunV ^Ult HMJ «»n4 pa»'wir<>|>.

Invrw t l i »ARKlpNn„4U««l«»r. *7q



•:it iHl\P>i IIIRU4 WAJitklD, KXI*£R[<IP hfM M iT HT.

>nv -A (OliORKTl ROY TO WAtT OH >iut)U-. ojM?n oyMfTnand make kinopolf trnorally

> «-ru1. MAIN HT. OiungW. I•A’ANTED, A IKlV TO FEKIl |»H>>W

'omi hvlptfrt up typn. CHAil Ol'l*fcL*fl HONH*

IH'rleiKXHl c»hlu» t.fltil«linr. ApplyA. II. (y>l.iK, In itor«, s n Bmwt pL


H-ltt \Vr»t tti _____________________ ^l?tiYW WAKTEll TO 8KI.I* "TOWN TAUC" .1 W u rd n y . 3MKAHKKT»<T\_______

Briy WANTKn. APVJ.Y 1« I>SVRINOK!KJiUAVac.,ont, lluwariiak I*

^ 1A Mr\KY >TXlS|IKR -WANTKI),«ili/ l I .K n K WANI’KII A YOUNO MAN »>>R \ 111011*8 fimiioliinp: tuusrt I«vp ra^ivm’e*.J U .li.E i’?<TWN.'5C Market »l./ lOAniM AN-HINOLK MAN PUKFERKhil) \ forctrUiilry. tlORDAIIHT. 1

ClflLLmTOR AND aOKNT WANTF9 ; MVHT RliuUhlwlKJ. Ahdy MarkrlHL. 1<4>. hTElN.I

I yRIVKR-WANTKII, A 81N0LK MAN MJIO 'nit) lalifftboiotiyli (Hr* of lUcJit iliivliiR hofM*; tviVriMU'u for aoUriety ami Bi'liural tiuknK'.U'r fV'

,N "l. TRI'MJTs U ., «»qulrrit. l l tx ^ bt.

Call upcm JOHN

I^ A l’Klt I rnM‘0.

ITa KTKD. XF-AT ^ l o work r u n rtnwiahiJtvr. TTt UMf Orangv M.^ I to K KITTKHH AND I'KKPARKRh W A S T ^H i ■ '^atJOIlNHliiV « MVUl’UY'M. U ikpiIu a t

-WANT-i jT A HOU K RH A NI) WAHlI KUW<lUA SHrHmtMH ataP tirr* iM oiiw, aUo wiuiltep

..................NiatY.fMwoman. l4i;N liAl.'i 4 If UarkrI M. 90qriiu iM M r.iw w a ^ t ^ iT k x p k u ie x o k u

1 waliUrlmmm*tawoKAN(lEWT; oun* oibrr

CHAMCWlfieX w .m age<iii VH

iKt nwm>: u n fM m a M ^

n o i;F ? r * ■ r if r .H is a a l t ,


THRBK c u rr^ ia ia i* r Ml*. «•<* owdartlojt Rii iw «» • e d ^ n t ' ^, w»l«r«wi«r«reooowtlaim. A lllD ^ n K p u r.

Iwiulra ^lUtO^'N A K i i u a t l l o i i n ,

m n n u d xMm*!»AF "nvo

; iU » i [wn.1, w l Mrijr ■ min IRhb Hectrto c * n ; prtw j

I/TTh on (IRKKN-Wnof) ■ »m’ nluiiiH ' wulk

a n m io A it

4 TKS-IUKIM HOVKF. WITH lAjT A » v < ,1 0 « l« l « HtKVUl. MS b» bW lht^ A «uftirH M JOHN J. DEVINK,

<4lMMntoii te,


149 (lARHinV f<T... lOMortaiooMSiiintJibt* (brtwn iunUlM . •loo, Hi«l door. April 1st; uppar ttam , I W ^

......... ... RT„

I f f O M * ANQ l ^ .

I I^ ir T i j^ f h ( k/bHuviiifw. **


im o a h a ) j>k At ..Iritan d ihM Room; 7 ta a m i W " '^ dlaiirlT.

Wi'KNTIlAD AVK., umr ruldati lU, aiuali bout* ot f vou«y»:May I.


bu ItUiUfi*

Nrwirti,m ________ _________U ? r FHUU MAY 1^

t i l nkranflald ava., 10 roonia. aH IraoOi., ItBi Tti* ahnva far <Mm or two AmAlMO.IMM B8lSL‘vLUoav*.F4fvtm»i»adtiath,iillln)pa.49L

ImiUiro of ownrr,!« UKEEKVII-T-K AVF.

1>I.ANKpT., 4» v o v n I.AHh K JM-I uruvemottla i «qi»tr»]ly lookt*^ $ nvaU iiKnllr adulu. 7*r

1> I 1 r

akiMElw dartlHitati Ble«4Kor 81.

A M. K £ u l y . h |

IM HT,4 t t IM.KAHANT n'RM lHlIED inoma ; Nuiiablo ftjr IIkIu liiHurkot'iHug.

n*Mi LMf

ITo to rent In Tlonovllle, to roontA all mod*

f|inrMMKR»-WAKTKI>, FUWT<'LAHS TBtM- I m rn ; alnu iTapmreron nilllliK'r)'.


rlrraamaking. «LppTtrMCi4 waM and skirt haiul*; steady rniplo>ym< lit^y^A idrr

Nu. 1 H'I'EYRKNApply al IN ST.. Kast nmn«a.

W I-TT NlTtHK w a n t e d . APFIY AT OK tlfTofm t. M A\ II. HKWJLD, JltM i!*™ »t,


'ED.______________ . lYOt'XliMKXr.(»wi riignt vors. with oxiM-rlrnM* on jpiH aiwl Mlvar

Jewelry. ............. * ■ * ' * ‘1.^NU!lAVF.n« WANTE r^ne eiignt vors. with oximT

UKK,V1->1 A hTI.IAX'KH, W WrIdwI it, I

M wim _____ ^ j _

* KHVLOYIUCNT n A in icD .

HlklK UKElMlH BY A YlUlNfl MAN l»», sIluatPni ma b«a»k keeper^ shipping or entry ckrk, or at any kind of wrllluf. AiM|Ma CElCKK, Box

H, News odice. ktq

Hi»f>K*KKEPiXn—IKXW OPKNKltCLtlHED, landed, ftatamoitK MMaiv olvargra

rniionaUla, A ddfoi J. >k U Mwrf Ma

lA WAXTR ty r t rAKN a TlfXDK AT ilM BRirrE NT.

1^N^lft,^VF.n w a n t e d H iH VKKMil ET.U^jon gold wntchnuKM Addraaa PlUKlll)->M

W A TriirA K EW .. « UwreiujHat 7f»ci

T,^|ltHT-f|.ASK DtlKKEU AND l»UUHllKR WBided fur bmrtin work. Im|iilm of UuMKIt A

I'O , 'JTT 1‘iuviale M. I

1 1A'lTK.IW -


WHKKJ.KIl * KFMKKIJ, MtLl.KU anU N. 3. ]l. K. AVK

1 I AHNl-W, FITTKHM WA.NTKH, AI‘I'J.V TO1 I !■:. K ni'A'K A M)S, M M*'liunlc M. Wlr

M a n a o k k w a n t k p . a im k ip , h q pa h knlHi'.- nuulwPT fur *rl b«.lnww, wPUHtiH.|]|.*pl-

U1 III llivcIL t^nltluii limy, p'hl.Tl and tHiitltalily : n.t risk. F. O. POX 4:6, OnAWf. N-1. Stir


M MTt a 1. IVOkKH, W lilm St

MO N. J. K. n, AVE.

rKN--WANTKn?]MKN ATNKWAKK KHKKT , workera ««i tin

aiHl Ratvanlaad Iniii. **4

IkATKNT EEATIfEH KINIHIIKH WANTKD- I A IhonnikPly Hkllled llnlaher of pnleiit Iculhor,

etthpri’niforaWa ntoek. lawarurfl hv nlarjr»» Uimdnff ^NUio'rn} must undpratawi all dPialM of the pTooa»«. Hepllew a lU l>e cMjmldert jiriTalP, and must be wilt Ht umf> to U.C. W «t Newlon at, KnMon, MaM. _ _ _ _ _ _1 > A IaNTKRH-WANTKT), 4 lim;8K'PAJNTKRH. .1 UViK)LPH BRUJCrr, 07 urphard at., Dlown- flclrt. ___ tnq

a . w .Y>AmTKRH WANTED AT OJ^CK. 1 M.AWiI .AHUM, 124 Jobnaton nva„ Kearny.


. VOIOT, n W*at 1

I >r.UM HER-FlIlBT-CIiAHH Ptt'M BE R WANT-ed. t aJI this evening at



Y >UI.InH Kit—CAPABI.EOP TAKlNOtTIA Witt .1 of twiliiUilnRileMrUuent, Silver Mild fowl. JIAT> UKN NW*.l‘0.,M lsthave.atidTaemhM .,city. 1^ALI->1MAN WANTED - HALAHY KHUM ^ s i a r t : pertuanont plane. BROW'N BRON. <.X) Nurapr>'»fien, lUa-heater, N. Y. 7*d

llu n iH ,« rS WaHhlngton M.

lJU V , - - -I )i'4iria‘iiter; la^it n*ft*renoejrlv

O il ^ midf lAMHIK.H, BiHiK KEHl’EK UKNTl.KMAN i 4*>t s|>eakln«r and wrIlUiir Uermau, KnaMib, KreiH'li, exleualv# I’omuierrlal experivnee, seeks IMwltWm Uiofftee, wholaiMlaKouie i f ftu'tory : Arat' vla.*v n-lWreuvea ; piodaiate Mlafy. Atldiraa iA] lliMMKHrlAL, Box U,Newanffl<»,i'HlAClIMAN HAN WANIN WITKATIUN A8 ^ lYiai'liman, Kiigllsh ; wlfO mould amlit Inbutiae-work. H. l\, U1 Muimavw., Eaatonuuie.


•fill man, wtllFnc W. W., HMMiUfleiist.

A NifT. ctiKNitB p u w ON a(»«> ;v iu .« A .V .S , lUlW U ; « « " •Hr iliJlB locrt.

jJ,UiH H*UB-

BH04V ST.—House, M roomik •« tmpRWsmeale, ii*e,CUKTOS 4VK. -Houw, teowiertous ftwH, *U

...................................— lu.taouw, It roomt, elliBueoveiusatt, sIsU k u a >wi

B * a ,I .g \lIJ J ! —_____ ______ AVK-iBipiB.eiiieals, only *6.0in.


I^MtS SA(.R OR TO ,I'RT-TW04riT»HY_^_|l• »H(i' I1IHU.P, M,io, exteiwlim 16, » ">™ *:M u , l l « ; tour silnntM (Fnn depot | ftolt snd e l i j^ liw k w.1 swt lAMrm weter, fowl wmK»iu!lrips| 1 1 ^ H m *ija» down, W»w» pu e ju rU M m 6

KoBiitlnSiittsofUA^UlIKl. Ml Ainu, aKfiwom- l evA. tUuni SeW. •

p O R B A U -JM Johumo s .p , M, t If lllekle eve., K iltL - _]A( Briiuunt svfc, up«r Atol™ * • _

Wt AddrsMjt. p .frrT U C , tHW elM itel

1NOR MAtB -*«»C A SM «f yOrlTO'o e w lio m * ltJiV »tv toT te)tom (tt« .pO ee |t« .

o rw : » HI tout tot t i l t syesr. I«*M t >u> IxiHder. JUH.N H Dl’tW . tor. OrteeW .e s d o p i ta m . .......... ............. , ™ .

OUBliyi JfOR PAKU- SKW AMK. IIOH*VILLR ! end R ui Onngt.

T•m oonvenleneea, ftirflOjier moullt.

liou«8M T nxilua (Ui a(M par inontli.wtUi I aod i rooiun, all moderu wuveoletKta,

iHvuMrtli.Apply lo M w . < iKKBV, m Broad at.

Al __ __________^* 4 HuaevUMav<\i m wvrnlBfer j v I Khrr-"

44TKTIENDUBT. « lUlOllH. liauuJrr«r


n v ) i.Krr I 4

Km»M MAY I, THE urpoHY AND _ aatrnahm hrk-k honaa N«. Mi Wuahtiiftia) at,

cuuUlriUur 1& nmnui and all logtrov rmaiUa; aultabla fur realauraut or hiHntlurbuosa L^mt mwuiiahle. Applrdol H.lTU.TW BRlKltM eRtuadPt 17k

HANUHOMK NEW BHU-'K l im ’MfCH,St, 11 nwiuA all Iniprvvamcma;

SIO-2*: lit, Vh-iiMant avr, II rooms ail im- pravemmie; a)sr> |K'< AlUinTie, a nMicns, Improve* Mefila. WM. TITl’K ’itleiHntafdyH. Milf|V 1 J.Kf THE rOMMODIOrd BHIt’K W K l, l-llng No.HM Rroiul h(.,lK‘ta‘tvii Kalr and Htvon

84a., 14 room*! I itptlimtniuud 81liaf Improvetfienia, y ta i)ermlt8 apply l»t J. ll. MENA9H, it Aiadi'inyI t_______ _______ _________________

UtTUHY BIU4 K •vary imsleni roo-

rfH ) hvn - 1 ft.V« Jauiaa

DKT-ir RVJT'OR KT- koilsu ixMilaltdUtf U roiMUi«

iieiifV, Memu 1u-:\t ; Ir loer to food leiuuit

Broad St.

flH I.J k t ............... .. ____tenieinv, Meaiu ; In pt*rPw't order; large lo t,

' uit K N. BUND A 0>., W S7ii

riM l u r r -TH K llWELMHCi Nik M AC'ADXMY.1 bL, III UratnJaaMonlt'r, all Iniprovi uieptai iigaaea

Sinn ImnietltiiliAy. Apply to DR. TU 'H EN uR, 37 Aoadpuijret ___ Mrr p n L>rr iu k s e , a Tinovrt, am a q i i*> I Hiio4«4.; on* ifilnnte to ru ri; fin. Alwi tipper

part of M PLANKHT. Hiqr i v i h f :4t -T if e T iih E K + rm itv tiutthe n o .i 103 tiiiiion avi-. vwnrr of Tlionma etc nine

1>UIN1KUHT.. W 1*0 I.KT, TWO OU TUUEE ale* rooms hi private h<aMf.

(jrouiiui In pHvatu lUmlly; ouavetdeiit bu cam U4%R reaaonab^. I4q

KorR NMT-: TeABIlE RlWMH liHiuln*

114 JlARTt.AYWT.

^MILASD Uut'blC, « rU N T 0N . ^

1 > ANK KT , M HOOD BOARD ANIV CIIKI*N l i f tIftil rooina: table biaird.

KAUOK rUuKT U<M>M KOH KikhI boani : ball). *Sr

tlUHE IX)M- Tin

TIOHK XT., M 1 IwUli alcuNe,1iiJnlHiuor.

Mr _ ^7718)51 n m b k n t vi RNiaHED o n v n *liftim iilii'U .eneknre nioiu ; pUMiant Ibr doctor

or mItlliieT.v : al^oulloT pkuiis (brireidlenn'U, (Vout; fliP4-<4aaakwailoo; bathatvd|»a. (>iliai TTp &2K BROAD HT.


UVtVKKV l*r*. 7- TO I.KT. F4>ril HANDDOMK Odf<»r*iiMl n omxaitd haiUroom.fWt allloqwiva- menV); tkw a stiuUl ftmtll) iuil>. Is

STIRUN4I RT, M n ) I.WT, KI.AT. FIRHT lU*iir, * tw4UK *wd repair: will rrpl kfW to fTTpoiaiWe Muilly. Apply W'M. T. PLlMK* TO


llA N K HT.* 1« ___.H one (If two gnillemeu

Bo a r d n u i y o i:no i.adu*fbUs. f t I'AltEHT., OrsiiKe.

Bro a d HT.. m* winoi.e or i^in it w t in ortKHu*. wUhi hoani; Uiipmvi<meiUR tpwirak

( iKNTltK HT.. 3* IIANDhOMR RDOMH; KX- evlh'iit hoard; aiau table bosnl 4*p

m :A H A STS3q

HT.e in BOAUDJ-.IW WANTWi*.......- - S-W

/ItiJe lM U IA HT, *l-noAlU»,\ nsMUe furiitnhed or unfkru1d»eil; all Impl-s./ l O U ’MUIA WT.* in I \ Hlngie or double rooms.V»AHT PARK ftT.. 34 HEiONlvsTORY ADrjeove: also ntri*r rooms to rant, w lihlaardi gen*

tleuieii and wivas preftiiwl. _____ rJr

h^AHT I'.IHK trr., *1 KUHNlHlIKD LAItuK ifnint nioin to let, with or wlthiHillaiard; om- TMtP'twa, to man and wt|k or two KMlIt'men. Mq

Broad at., aarond door.

I jO i r n i h t., «* TWO PliKAKANT ROOMH TO r*let In privato hjnllyiXHivenKat In bniwe and •taamoaru; bom*('omlbrta. I7rfl'm ilK K WtDMH TO l.KTs INQUIRE IN

1 tiKlX’KRY MTURK, eoroer iam raand Bofrten aiA ________ Tg

, * 6 P B . * r , , B . v r r t i K p a r t OF UoUDf to Rmall Oimlly; flA Inquire at

H r ___ I* KDM HT.»W TO LtTT, 4 rnNNMTTINO



' twaMlfiJeatre^Bwlox M, Newiofltoe. • ; _________ *

i t RANT HT., V PLKAhANT Full* F>t>ung 5 )en nr maa and wifr, idl nniveiiWnrt*-; alao labia boahU Mr

ff^llOMAftHT., iM-TULI-rr,I f -------- '

flU niK N O B AT.J - ............ .. ............ .......... -I rooms, anroml wa^r; tmmedlale piwawaPm.


46 tnri 46’. ]f Ifti a t. M n st i n : %l Sst. *16. Rni«tM..nwrnsllsvUH-Kn., M 6*4,6 nwni, an*

batb s.xtra fliKM IHH44l'U ^M V lX A ak|room iK fa^ i i t . |32;

fiat, pX•n A Ii4na at., 8 roema, tmph*., ftk Hprtng tl 4 4 Tooina, linpto.* fU.


HiiiiJig at, i tooma* fJD,Hlnrelu *' • - - -

nou««IO nK>ni», 1 1 1 mirfcm toon. | hu,ii\ »inH.|.rov™ .iit.; i hni.w !<►

HOIIMS wltlHtt'0 flauieHeh flat liar all modern JAMW* 1 m i i a i h . 4« umauM. mmrosivanlenoe*; iw w ; bow rented (brfM 2pe*iiim im ;

drlviT or um«ftil man, wtlifng In do Huy kind of j «*■ work. Addn'wW. W.. I* 4X1181011 St. 1 RIVRIVKR MAN WANTM H m A TIO N A« I/d r iv e r or mu-fiii mull; f(sal worker ; oo objpo Hull pi uutiitry. 4i JsKNTZ AVK*. 1

INNyiNEER WA.NTH FliittMANian' FQ |^ Vllon: erfXTt flreajaii wHb hani or noft «wl; lilglv hiai-d MuiomaUc enaiues. Otis elovalor*

WorlliliiKhm iniiii|w; Ilnu-cUw Ikicnse ami gRt-adge refrn iKVrt, 32 yearn* exiM'rieiKi*.Al r AiWrcfw A. K., Box L, News offiiw.^ N iilN K K R WA.’W HflTATIONj 4)Frireforeiaxw : llrejiawt aod thoiDiirtiy eompetenL EDWARD mrKEJtSON* tS2 JIallliUy a t, Jenwyaty . Mr

iOr f4 .l^

> d ___f F YOU AHK 1/)OKINO FOR AN IN VMfTJ^-NT l l t i nwl «Mai* I bare it frwn ^ ‘J*will pay you lo In v a a tl^ . W. i . lliCKMAN*Real fextate aiMl BualulNia Kxidiaiiife, “ .....av4L, Harrlaon, N. J,

Apply to RW.OKERl^W Bftxd It.. Newartt, N. J.

llarrlaun I


’lirlliW -lV MT., »4 M T^4» NHARDY NEW V \ hnuww to null ; 1 nsHue amJ Iwih : modem luv

pTOVemonlii, IiU|idn*3Ti) Al'ADF'MY 8T. Mr

Out o f Town.Yll/VIM FIEI.D lim 'hK TO EFT, 8EVEX I ironm*: *12 |8T tiiniilh. UEO. Dv.VflHK., nanHnMd St., .Newark. 7srrxOH HKNT-s

lore til NawuTk i t , u*ed mi hakary, fIT.HvilevtUr Ituusa I ruoma, ft1.Htoii* at* 4 roQtna, watirr, ll.

VBKD L. FtAIHN.47g lU B nsu la t^

t.W KmtMMAY I, A KI.AT OFTfRKiHM,1 all light with all liufuruvementn, cm sacontl

dour, at IM I'uion at, bidween Lafkyi'U* and HAvn : wlililn l mlimieif walk of Markvi and Fetrr Kt. Mtailons; retererire required. IXIVOHTY A O01 Jkl>. alb Iroail M.. Itoom i................. ...............iqrpO l.K T NO\\«m Y o rn t'lTANt’Ks tlK.U.TJr- 1 fUl apartmeiits. only leu and twelve dollars, heat

water, tmprovenH'Mii, no nu^aqulioea, and railroad fkretPcwma a dav uMimtulatloit Idpn Kldgr ave., UoKlclalr. TEBlIri A TAVU H tdciml. M nivM air^

M) * l.Frr-KLFXiANTLY KtNiHHKD KIX- _ room IIhI", with allnjodera Iniprownamta, liMlla

ftirulsheil by tbn owiht; c'ouveuletii lu Rapid Tran* sit an<l 4llutoh aviTiiie *hts; rent low to giKid ten- aiiK. luqiilre of J4 )H N4‘. EIHEIaK, Nn.M

/IR O V R >IT., Kt RKAR IWRTHOVHW- A X itoarU fm a n an i^ ito ^V l l ‘» H V r./* V TWOvWORKlltO OIHIi* OR I 1 lucii (mtt And gousl board and pkHaant rtMimn. l

l X " t 5 - ^ ^ W 0 (O H N liT I^ NKWI.V irulshHl ro4«u* with board; also tatjln

and i H n i t e r a . ______ _ Mw

M' v I.hkh' r y ST.. BH-yl BKIfilBB BOOM with U.«nl tor two m«n. _____ ^

7 « L V K4'HBt8aKl> *BOBT RIMrM.WITa bMr.1, lill Imup’YpmM’Uii 6lsn luUle bosnlsuil


ORrilABI>ST.,l6 rt.f;AXANT 6TH1NT pOOM ■ikl *<«to to« ^•s^6•U*‘lw•»:.lW)Ol<■ on«ft»H.I66

1 JKNNIKflTOW (rr., a -B o n ilB , MTITH OOrJTt X busnl. tot «snU«n«o. _________

f i ' l l s r , . « - I K W BOABSKBS W iU TK Il! _ u nu« nionwrmtw . ■___ "6p -

xKVKCTit HT., toi r J p rn B is i fK n rounu to l.t, with ur wittusut Imthl, hy

t io l 'I 'H MiVKhiTIt HT., , , , ,“ room, to Srt. with ur wittusut Imthl, hy t (IrruiHii himlly Iti t p r l t t t . houHi. _**£r iiA i itK b o a u d k jw m a n it :i)*a t h Ha m k

. Hi.; rea>*onable prlcc'W

44New«t., brIHc hoofle, etereti'nwms, mixIerR Ib - pTOVen^enta fbr aale or rent.

46 NSW •#, hrWt hosiw. slsvtm raomii, n o d sn Im- pn)ir«cu*nta, Ibr irenL h

Brick atable.betwaeo WalmR and Krankllu atf.. fmir alnfte, Mro box ataUa, M f rooBa upirtaln, fbx ernt

Inquire at FIDKMTY COMPANY,4| f n i Broad at.

I.AKE Htir.tIVOXit. N. J.

The haud.v>D)e ''4.ildiirr''I'uttagi*, tN'HilllftiUy fur- hilled, near ItutH Hie*(]ln.

Tlifl pieuy "Duniup*^ (Vdiage, beautifully fur* ntsluHl, alsu Jkear Jiuiel Ur^liL


/ - l l l l f , WASTH MITI-.ATIIIN AH f'HAMBER- \ j% 3 . 5 ( W ) i \ f maid ami waklnaa. UBACWtDKMY HT, I ------— . —F tOVERNl>4H-tiKRMAN LADY ftPFiAKINO iT Frehchand ?;nglb<h tliiently di‘Slf*a position m gjwemi'eM; highest n'frreuce. W’tlle to MJHH UOUJH4 }fMIDT, 27 H*Hith Teidh FtotBvllle. IHq

MAf’IUNIHT AND TfHiLMAKER. T'HKD TO small and ctone work; want* poaltlnii; gond

nTerenoeA AddrfB rt. T., IW MaAetiis 1XTURHE-A YOVNO (JlR t WlHlIES A HIT- j \ uallim as nunie out the Htv. Call M W)1.*TU FOCBTKFlNTif hT„ Ruaeville, from 1 to I P. H. 1

KTURHK — tSlTI'ATlON WAITED BY A coloredglri Duraaora lady’a^aUI.


fJlTUATrON WASTED IIY YOUNO MAN AH nricrk* ixilUwtur or a»lHtai*tt8»ok*keepet,ly«iri‘ newspaper lefcrenof. AddffB “ AIjHIA* * & » D, News rini<v. Ir p w n y o u n o ladifw dfj*ir k pohitton I In bUirc. Addrcwi* StoUhR wag», W. IK* B4>x N,

Ne«ea ontocs ____________________________

WATCHMAN A HITCATIUN AH W'ATCH- maii. a mlddloagod man, with good refcreBoe.

Addrew TIIFX), Box H, SeM oflBoe. 1^ A I aKHMKN WANTi^D. TWO KITIHT-<‘LAHS ^ t^ e a n ien ; salary or RomODMon; refervnrefetvnceM


work and a steel splndlo grinder dfwtrearitua- Addrc>>« HPINDLE, Jtox I), Newsomre. I

^ inV T,ll

lOl.UT'lYlR -WANTED, AN EXl*ERlKNrKD HuilverttHeincul aoUcUor. AdtUiM AD, Box

New* 4>mco. ____________ fl7r

X’ HKFUL MAN W’ANTBD* A WNflLtt MAN ■ to attend to gard«n<hor«efi and mw, out of ilia. - ■ • -

ainre.referciMta nsiulred. SB* PLANK BT., m


FOR TfUC rNITKD STATIW aldft-htMtted, mnnarrled men, ItetweeuW ANTED

Army, a ........tlH'ages of2i mid iDvoam, good pay. raUoos, ctotb' tog anil medical attendaixie. Apnitnuita mtMt be pre^Mred toftiriitah Mtlafbctory evMenoe a* to agO: ctuu'acier aud Uablt*. Apply a t _

27A MARK HT HT.. Newark. K. J.


, ______ - EXPKRIKNCKO KXAklNERH,Joliient, Atrip atretcheia and ftoasm t pennan-

enl work and good wagrtx Apply at once, THE FOV, HAUMON a l UADWlCK O0.,Htate*taod Bnemin pi., Brooklyn, N. Y. ______ ________ ^

W~ A Vrl3V -A VmJNH M AN. IT TO 20 V EABB who ftnderMands the grocery bust new; moat

be capable of taking cam or home and siMwk lier- nian. A. H. »CHAAK, corner Belrnom and HpDng- Jlrtdavea. I


aide to give stoMlfor temponkry work : If satlslbctore may bo

^ ■ poly a t omw NEWARKl« North canal a t




M. M. MILLER, AUCTIONKKR*Will aell a t 1« o'clock A. M..

The eontento of a Astory and baaement houaa. on ap- uouat of paxtiaa toaving Uu city, tha luUowlAg pmperty, rix.;

PailnrHuliy ohenvaadptuA : lana MtmM. Cen- tre Tablaa, Fancy and Easy Chaln,;itockei*, Rattan dOn K n frav lm Plctuxan. BrltsahMCt, Body B niaa^ OirRMX|Hta1raP4 HaR dra, MoqiMrtk* dOi*, FWay liOtUifo, UmtotMfl. ExtepMSu Table, MaIiW <ki4il#s, Croakary aad OMiawa?*; t Abk Bed •'Ujto* P'dilaK" bed, Oak Wardrtibr, Walnut Bed Hulto, Aply tbrpeto. Toilet Ware, Clocks, ReWgerator, WlreHafr^Htovee, alMbekttcbebaddtatmdrFirtaraUiand LdOl other arUcim, qU la gtKkt order.f[lq M. M. HILLER, AiKtkiiieer.

B inrn A FRAME HOUHF, OF • on Arch sk; water, gaa healer;

lot Mil* I FASn ran remain. __M WM. A. BIRD A NON. 77* Bmad M.

Ii>N(l BR,\N<’ir, N. J.

A 2* -atpry frame hniiae, holBOxMO, wlib aiable, on

f |R I l.hT FOVn lUKlMH 4IN KIIIHT FWM)|l. 1 wilh largeRitto room himI l■l04R* and hall, at N

HlunmneUl 8ve.;Riath4iun>,T morns, 2Bn(Vatral eve,l'4ir tiartliiJlamoiii|a7 H. CANAL BT. _7l*nrpiH .V rr ■I'nNVENJKNT AI’AHTMKNIM H)R 1 xiiiRll ftiinttlej*. at a, 10 and l l Ms«cx aU. ana block

fr«jni Blued; can beneenoll1l)v[nl■««■WI _____________ J .H .M KEKKR.« 0 R m4Ml aL .

10 T.l’H’ — UPPER riiO tm IN NEW’ s s - »U*rv frame boneo, * rfsmi.s and Mstiiuiui ilatloii:

rent llik IW MUHBKX AVK.* iDutauu ami If'vkrr. l lsriR I LET-NICKLV'FIHINIHIIKD FRONT Ai*- 1 cove nsim; itiifumlsbi>4 room; InipruVA

nonto tlMAItHHALUrMmrllroad- I4e


H A LK -O trr OF

riV ) LET UPi'Kll PART OK IIOUHK m 1 fU. F. L. llEDliLt, Nu. I UUlalde aVA. aecond

Apply hr door fVnm A vim ave. IBf

Kiaal OraJkfbt^ O R 8A1.E-'

At E4MtOrsiifa,hoiuM 11 rental, grouuda n.'txlMi within Ave aalnutea of Drove SU D ^ d , lAittO-

Hoaea* A nM»o% grounds SMidl, wllblu alx mls- vteeirfUrirraHL Defot, price fZAto.

Rooae.T rooma, Ko. < Chapel at,, Orangis

win exchange a ll-mooi for a A-mom house. Heuaea of ail deacrIpUnua to let, Apidy to

M. n. WAfsLACE,Uy Grove st, opp. depot, fikat Orange.


F o r 8ALli-RBA«0»ARLK; TKBMH KASY I a pteUy. neat plade of six aorea* In Madiauo; good uxnd; good bDudlngiaod fbnoM;ilhanrRii<lfriiU

Imea. FoTbaUk'Vlani,WlouD.8.rAUH(avenlug>, t l N O B T ^ f ^ BT.« Bait Ofiuge. « r


I cheap In Arlington, W^J-iFwjd location.TWO OOOD _________cheap In ArllngtoiL W. J.: rwsl location. Apply

to owner, a LiBRBT L. TIFLIN, boraa dealcMSt

J. WAJin HMi rn . Ibxinti 9 and V, 80li Itroed sk* _____________ Newark* N. J .


V -T o I.l-n'. r SIDNEY PL.• bathroom, parlor floor u d bwaemrat, tor

aaittU fiuntly only.

A KABKClIANrE W R UKALTH-HKKKEHH- laigp suuuy muu) and attic room. In private

hnii*R‘ : adjMvnt to Llt-wi'llyn l*ark amt iiraugi^ RapM Tianiflt m rs : bcetiiihil ouUook ; M iM*r monib ftirnlNbed, MJki uafiirniahcd. Jmiulm al tanulnua of can, Wvjit Oraiigi', iu laiidyaioiro. Mr

A t WoOIb*IDE-TO IJ3T,A6CH1->ITKU AVI-L.ulte block from horws cars and depot, & biMiuiiful

rooms, range, tohe, etc.; only flS ;ier tiiuiilU. J. W. jaRALEMO!N, Washington and Grafton avea. Ar

A" i *ARTMKN1>1 THREE WXIMrt ANDBATII, nltvly itapcr4’d ,|l0 ; ftidr rooms and bRib.juei

newly papered, |12: sinks in kltrherji; n J l al once. Mr 14A PENNHYLVANIA AVK.

toHwFUUNIBUisU) HUCJli.s ibr light houackivpliig; water. tor

flN ) I.KT FIVE NR*R lltHiMK 33 NEIi«>N 1 ut., with all Imprvvcmrnto; rt'UifSlL inquire 23 KL-' * 'L^riN PL.

4.X1H. BANK AND Hl'M- 1

Clark at,

f lR i L E T ^ FLKAMANT BOtiMH FUR A PMAt.Ii I CaniUy ; rcul cheap.

MIT s mrnDLET-fOKBROfiaiH, AIJisO SFURNIHIIKD I monia Inquire 71 BKXLKVILLK AVK, cyir.


1. huuae; water, sewer aiid good oeUur.Sr 880 HOT TH T K ^ J J KT


riv o Li-rr-tX)WER u a u t u f ss n e w mt. , aio T 7 rooms, inquire 44 MVLHKHItV HT. ffq

riRJLICT-4 HtlOMK IN"$X)irORI>EB 11.1

r iR l LET' 1 fl«)or.

................................. .. . MHyiND KfXX)ILnlonnt Ingnire A4 UNION HT- __ 1

A HLIMITON KT..1..................

Central ay*., Newark. N. J. 7»alHtnoe1lAiieoa«s '

P ARK LOTH FOB BALK-LOVBI.Y BITJ-Fi;very low prtoee ; c a ^ or crolUj Umw are tovewt-

menta yielding tco p ^ cent, aad upward. Apply quhdtly toB W . GICCTY.TOBroadal , ePx

H M lT lt tT A T lI i ' W A M T li^ r '’

H' ' V i^E^W A N TE D TO rY T ltO U K K Viitt gboutttjono, aahiirt dMance from ebaatnut or

Emiuet Ht. Depola Hemt partk-ukra toJ0HNJ.DK\'1N1S,

4lr gl Clinton id.

A RLlNtlTUN HT« le-KURNlBUKD JVKIMH fitr light toHiHPkneptug. tM

llA L D W IN HT., IM-FJ.ATOF FIVIC BOOMK ; iJi«ni,otodrrato;.ail buprownaou.

k r k n a u r n ttud cMloeDcePi

A'2)EMAKB FOR BUBi- :y to ttwproperty ..

anil rapid UanaR aaa created rboomtoKoae* ▼me and lEe Otangeto I f you have any teal estate to iaU and a*a«t a aulokpafchaier aeod deecrlpHon to JOHN J. DEVINE, ggiB toii i t , Roomat. tta



r a o i t

iylub.U'fKin WOBKINO m .

HKLP ’W A N T K a-F K M A IJiS .^' ' 4 '^W A N TE I>. liKNRKAL (l»> HofsKWOUK j \ .K i r in (brrlly»trt munlryi slw) Iwo hors (ht ths rrsmiTT who urt sorurtunira to Ihrm worit. Ap- T.l,r u> Mtut. BTEVENH, Koiplnymoul A»eury, S« itroiul bL ___________ t

V —WANTHD. CDOKS AND OENKRAl- .boiiwworfc gIrlA whtts tuul unhitpri, tat city sndrounlry. Apply r t sm s st 66* BROAD HT.

DimystMAK- 601

...A’NRnOKKR'B 8ALIC-D. C. HIOUINH _ fKii n\ public UH'tIuQ on Kridsy^ April 06 IMS, »4 W A. ¥ „ .4 Bslmroom, S4T M » r k » ls U uip rsdsoniud ptedj|s6i cnusWlnf of iHsmtMKls, wi*(*m jw ptry »ml oil hltul. of iwrumol prop*rty. By order of J OH W MUHTUS. Fsu nhisher, 63 AosHseiy i*J6»




rlA2iO, KTU


Brick boDSS. 6 rooou, sU Impro.MMals, BaMy loosMd.AUHC4B,OOH. BKOAB A(*D DOMBARCTT STS.

A pa runout, 6 rooiiu, Usaua Utat, elo.ator, Janitor’* (Otvhjo, tto.B ltAlX OFPIC'K l » BUILDIjra, NO. im BBOAO

"T'Good Utht, stsam hoat.jsBlIoi'i isrrliots, otc.; isnt Isw.

46 A’n jU T ’n O HT, BEAR DoftBABDY. Casey bouss, sisht room*, *!l ItDproTstuuta, new

I tfceoUCun;i' • - •-■ -

D. C. UIOtUNH, AocUoassr, tB

■nRarT hItHl.j .a B A c m a D K R ,

So. im Broad «. Katiaocie Hs, 4 AosAwny at.

TkONKim WAKTKD OH CO J.J10 JAMXH BOWKJUJ * a t . sml Bunimll *(«.

CORHBTH. ooraof BlI s ^ r

/ 4AKVAW4KRB-WANTllD.FrVKIDl»y CAN- A VBiweni for iK“w vohiltstlnni *<R6_a*.*1^10^’h;enil pay to lilfht pafllea. lAR a t the Do. A BT BOOMH, .77 RmiUl Hi.

■IC« q

k-tASVAHHEIt-A OnOD LADY CAHVAHHKR ( waiilwl to aiJIctt owtsni; KOtal aalaly. AiWl " CANVAISS, Hoc O, New* oWee._____________/ tHAMHKRMAJl)ANI>WAITRBH8WAKTliD4. at ASlfLAND JtOUWK 61 t ’llhUm « tT i OOK-WAHTBP, BKLIABl.K WOMAN TO A emk, wasli and Iron Ibr nnall tamlly ; niiiat (Ive l i^ l of relhn'nis aad ha tvlllld* to fo anort dlatajtcs In country ; bhuse ho* all modem Impirnsrnenta AdtttwM P. o. BOX 164, Newark.______ _______»8q7 louHpTim ^^Kxm iipjivE^A k’lnera un coraeta ttHd'WaiaP CtJWtPrr tx)„ *14 Nnrket at

twill Ml) at aaltsnwni. No. M7 MARKET BT.

(t dooti below Mnlhsiry),

on ttatfuday (TO-MOBROW) at M trcloDk,

Rkwant Parlor Holla Id Riw. HroeatoUs, and Hllk Plush, Oak, Walnut a » l Cherry Bsdnawi Hulta, sla- eaiil Frenw i“talc Her MIrron, Oak and Walnut sideboard, aqunm and psmd Kitemdon Tahlea

— --------- "a, itfasa Badateada and

, X WOODBIDE, HBAB HOMK CAB AND LBaUroad BtathHi-No. e North Gad tstraoe, f wwa, aB tatih.lM. North Bnd terrace, T

n a n s , all UBp, ^ t d N a if Wmthn>pM,^tnuaa, all Imp., ftxao. Klveraldsand Oranon avsa. Queen Anne ooltan, 13 ruoma, latfs frouDde and liable. J.WJOBALEMnN.’A'aihiiMtouandOtaltan ay*.


BocmNOTST.,*-HorHK,'riEN BOOMHiitoT lad ooM wntsi aad (aa InininBIJAH RKBLA,

TtU nihseryit

rdnliui dndra, PnldlOK Bede,CrUt. BooksaaM, Umka Hallsum^W ardnibaa Bed- rtnada,, Bureaus Waatudarala, (^ilnauuleraa, 8 eoou HDUarc Plauua, rosewood gBica and ed w Lounjfea, Couchen, Walnuntnd Onk O n tr . TaW—, Arm and Nurso Rnekera, Oil PmlaUrufa, KryrrarlnK*,


BOTDKN NT,. Sta-MfrOBY UOUBK, 1* ROOMH, and lot MklWatnaiihlai tot lals. »<l

Ci in r r o N b t ., i» - to l b t , d o o t k u roomb;1 ■■ ■ ........... “ ' '■ ^ ' "

[ati a t ihs UKUaABTE Up

BurlA IkjCka. IW . 4b (4. and 1 »hi*aris*lM i chluu, Rt'tlideiatuia. Hlovea, Maitrsmao, PlBa’ *pnn«i, Crtakery, sic,, sic.

At 11 o'clonb sharp. W new and aecoudAland Oar- gi Data In Velrei. Anueela and 1 octalna, olkSolh, N«

...a ll Improvementa 1 well (adapted to boarding' house or pralksslonsl hnalnoiai alw >d door,*rooma,6dOrrduuilsh fnanOsof __

h TiciSSm a b d * 00., II aiw on I t

I allKH-AWAKKR WAKTKrt-IN PnNNSCl’ION 1 /wIili (Imcy store; room rent Iras. AOdreai 7VIX IDS, U ltle yalla, N. J.___________ , <7r

.t T hp>«h m a k in (>-a hood w a is t h a n d J Jwunled a l ’J7 tIKNTMG HT.k U H L WANTED, A (URL TO T K N D / BAK- AJ( o i j ; can’t go hotua nhjhu; must have terermwe. I nM AnKETHT.k 1 in i , WANTED TO LKABHDBKSSMAXINO. v » IS ADAMS H’r.k 1 IBU6-WANTfJ>, KXPKIUfcNCKD 0114LS A . hj work o n . wrlatbandt, and nsskband Inmen. KI’N LADNimY, JTIti Market 6t

e ln Velret, Aruseela anil ingvalna, OlkAoin, Ctmalna, PortterHi, al*., .1*. A gosil ciiaae*

(hr t«rgaln* I




Near NSiry it.,


k l lR lN WANTKD ATHOGRrd ftPO.St, PTS-tH X:* 610UBIS AVK, near South O rao^ ave.

H a t nw itS iK iu i w a n t e d a ’Tn p i i BLUM ST.

Are manulhclnflnf ahades of all ilaas, no matlaihow'imaU or largs your window* ars, and aell Men*

atduitsry pikca. _______ _________

I ADnSKTBYOtm XBW PATENT DOUBUD- k*IMIng niTlIng comb ftr curtliw baagi and *1X111 ■hit hair: Mic* U oaMs. MaauacMnd acMhr by

HAD AHK WjftiTKRVKliT, Hair Di— tug Ih tatI * O l HEWOUK-WANTSD. PON ’tH K OOCN- Uabmiit, 2U 'Wanhhjijluo at., dlj-. 1 I t r y , Piolntantgtrl or houaoworfc; nniatbagood iiianciu huma and :rood pay.Boa jr, Kewa mBce.

Ltry, PiolcMantglTl orilnjrle woman for *I nook and lamidrentj pen

Additea cot'OTBY,


H m-RSWnRK-WANTBD, OOOD, (»MPf> lout Demmn or f rlah girl In email IkffiUy 1 mnit beiKwl aniohllgliig. OaU 74 BUHTH AKIJNUTON

NT., bknt Orangs,

L ADirar a n d cniLDBiDCn s t r a w , l b d - hom, laofl and all kind* of kutcy hatam im d

over Into the elegant now aprliw Minpre a* A U. HJENKUAMIt,SMWaMilngtaa i t , betM arllatami Bauk. 7«g

V fOCSKWOUK-WANTUD, A COM J Ik in tor general hoiia'work J mud koi uuokA Call at 864 BHOAl), In the syenlug, I4rT tOCHKW’ORK-WANTKD, A COMPlmtNT 1 I Pruleetant woman (hr gerairal houiwwork In a

tmilly of* adults. 47 WAKKMAN AVK.


lioac atamp ...................... .,,Station y, » raey a iy Ilelghta, N. 1.f Jremowd frotn rhre and arm at their botMS; em

cltw' atamp ftir circular. Aildir*** M W lOCIK,164

MIDWIPK- laADlPJt, a d v ic e o i v b n p b k k conddentla] trealrontt: *0 yeanf saperlewa doctor In attendanoa. 176 tvMSHIC AVH,, outwr Of

Y layySi bouri.1 U IP . M. 4«

H OltHKWORK 15 or 16 yeaia,

«wielilii)| or injning.

tt'ANTKlt, A OBIIMA N OTBK la hrin aJong bi fahuaework; iw


H OWKWO KK-OIRL 11 oh it THAIlfl to uaairt i ii general h<Hj>wwi^l amall ■kilSly,

good home. IM NOli’rU PlXTH flr.tK^lW OjiK-V'AKTW ), OIRt, FOR O M - aral downntnlTa work, al*o halPgeswn g irt Ad-

drew K , Nevanidlor. OraiHC. i tr

H OLHKWORK-PIRL WANTED TO IW OJOT.era! hnneework fcr a apmll IbmUy al 43 NORTH

BKVKKTHHT,, HoaeyUle_____________T roC H K W oax - sth o n o n k a t o ir l ,1 1 wanted a t 17 H tL IN ll BT. t i r gnondhoui*. wotl^

H OUSEWOBK-WA^KD, a OlHL >"OR iiKN- _ aral houaewaik; tlarmao prulbmd. 6* NEW


.. lUawkataj iT iP A ’PIlICI

i«»ed In all the 6......^ W H t lw i^ n e a r l

PO I.ITICA L,DKLUIATKB O t n siU C aiUHTY ’TO le itq S a u Htala LVotnnillaa. hf{l In ’Timr-

m M K ____ .1 lha Beppbik - . -

ton on April 37, wlU nual on



to elect two memhera la ttis ReeubHcan M alt Qua- mittvs

3AME8 la HAMmlnnan aw si C ou ty



■T.TOUHIi^HK-ClIRL WAN' 1 Icare rif chlldrsn aud do light 1 f i r IH HoiWK

Wa n t e d 1 0 t a k ehouanssik. HEVEH’TH ffr.

. ______ , pBOTEerrANT_ I girl, general houeswork,

Mr 3* WiagT KINNEV W.

K OUSEWllllK-WAN’rED, «1»L POtt OKN- ere) huiucwork; Uirw adnita In ftmiHr.

1 1760IA'VKBHT.

■ * '* ! S * R w o iw m .,^ IH K CliJ^.l'lDNTB.

A'TI. ANTIC CITY, N .J.ON tMm o u ea n e b o x t .

HEA WA’IE R y ^ p IN.^mRiEMIBE lU . lw m A 'ta D itM ik E T ib .I l i l iM T lE ^


H o u h e w o r k - o ib l w a n t e deraliiuUMwork. W a t * ) KANT

P C * 4 P M » .


TTOUHKWOnk.l l g l

■w a n t e d , a o o o d iHtb o k o" E W I^[irl «>r general IwnasiaKiLgaH JLEW NT,

H OUHKWOHK-41IRL WOTTED TO A6MHP at light hiiMS— k . t ' a l i a '^ a i U M T . Ik

- m '

^ F H u w n M U U U|TA B »lH O N VAN DU VNfK'

Bl’BVXYOH a n d D B A L H ltm H 8 A iy ea t* E ^

hrm nw ove^hlioaM taF ldlU y ’ InC k.kqdlR g, WtBltOADIIT„siee6]i[faMr.

Q O T T'ABE HOeWM ’TO LE T -7* Ctontdg ■!., 4 loomi............ .. l i 14

'ft. 940qn44« to., 4 ifromx............................ 19 04AJ40 ttraKlfc* iMWe H M » Hu mnpfti7(gvft.,14

ta il bfttb MMllAmMlrr.wtrb.ft]l ImpniVftingBli. *■;, M. i>oi— ’ "" 's r iBUjftlrft I I . ! QDKMi'H.J


t*4 QiUluaaat., 14 moms all Imp*......—W ^t'aaUngkxi •L, 3 room*, all imp*.....

BpiRi at, I morns water. IH Ig b s t ,* ----------” ’“

By E. E. BOND A nX.TIl Bread *■ --------------- ” ”» ® 400..................... WS

. , moms all hups.... ...— — .... .. 49Drue I t ,* rooms water........— — TO

'm m iaa m., » moou, all Imps-------- ------ . . . 1 *1 ML n reean t are., II moms all Impa . .. .... .. 4HTkdieDoc n ., I rooim, water.............. lie

.PLATS TO Lurr.OrenI at, * maoss all Imps Janitor....,

suiting it.* • rooma, gU t i m ................... . 174tfolb«rryflt,4 rooiitoiJJ onsto-a................. ^Waal Park it.. T foocua, aU isit«............................M4biiC Kknitoy 9 ti I looiaa, *11 Imp*....... . M

FuU pofttcniiin *qi1 pcrnltR *t oar oAoe.U, Sb BOND A CO,^

» m w

131.Inquire *t


HANDSOME FIiOOM, 8 HOOMS ; AU* Ml m u u OT. 78p


To l k tlntphtvemfnt«a

rp O laOThI Urbim._______ __ ___________________f r ^ 'D NlUKLYFI?IlNIHHKD ROOMH TOLLTj Ji 8iiiglporb^th«»f, In aprlvn

14 CllBHTNUT HT.> near Broiul,



___________ AVK,, IM -T^V^ i.KNTLK_ men have NiarU *imI jiiiauiaDt firunt nwin

*Uu t*bto ^rpW O flFNTT.KMKN UAN UF Ail-OMMODA

uxl wiU) b ^ n l to prlvnlr ftuiilijr; konw AitdroM UKNTUifl., Ito* U, S«'I


WARUKN n r . 44 ikll l(upmv8B)8iita.

rvNwrm fn* mtiliiic li i t l«

U>U IklTTlTNliI I S ' ith (ivtipr>*,a

V-U»*'iAibln*k BOYrLKIL>t«M

horwN Mid WaxoiMs U rtnlto.

rt*TA‘Utfr uiitii I

Ri rrM Fit Kinip u r nitolng * iiiri biiElorvtt «|nn‘hi 4ih Wgi

\*vt ■ubl *l uiit'«>. Aiqdy Rl ^ OT.

r.^OH HALF OLD-kMl'AlUrlHHIuJr ^. blind ami di^r ituflnnap, a

rbbior) ; *1mi 11ji> kmul. of aakliv*, bllifd*, KitiuUllmf. **:Ml work, cU-.. ifc.; 8MNwftflt horM«.'On*' tli.iiKk'4iw4c, ibtoO dHi|||tfi| wWx tomti'wia hUukt'ii. nilaM. nmt a trMklnwi JOHLPII M. HMll'll, Net!Alt, N .L ^

HALK ■ <104111 PAYIKtlhoiipp-; partly ftimlMhiwjj; gibog muiDai

imd «l X hargAt)): imixt Iti^suhiAt mk8>;i wfih ieosH. sAUtinyai H. 1|., Ikix K, Nfwald '»R

cm fvflWnuC .

i^ALKr-HKVFHAi. HlV)l{l.:s AM> frem 4to tu 4MUU. W. J. iiU:>K)


ItarrtMiu, N- J-

U i NhMITU f*lH)l* l-VH WALK I-SQUini MRH. GAi'aVNA.W ilmvanlto toq

n tiTKI. IN’ VKItMONT. NOW IlDlMI A mliliuK buiiliMuM; km rout; la rf Iimom* : h*tt«' iiifttor>'Ntdlliig ivtmvnf*; irtqH rliitiUy l•4l MonilnMrF■

I tmhl'/FKr.UKUai’ n i.. \»V JUvan.rouiic

IrKVHKAM. ur^NFllJTtnNKRY AND flU A ll nUMft tor Mio ; gmto mUh4 ; rri)l I'liiwiK

T3*| Iw )f A i .N . < irunift. ■ ii1>IIOT4i4iUAPH(iA].LKU\ FiHtHAl.KDOlNIi

giKMlhUMio>8K, iWHURTNfJPIK.r.Ti AVK T4q - :U AI .< K IN W ll HA leK, l» HOUTII HT,; t.H r>U) July 1. __________ mUALtHLV FOR l^^4UiltKn i'Jp K liAVHi llHT*48 Ki-rn-atl jt u u k F im rr. v a n u v . ivk 4 iui.a i i . w it hPlniulHSi altl krll r1tf«n If 7*;«l(t nl imW; Aolftf gim! Nixtoiwii Apply .Wt Hltn.H 1*1


dWaiiif oni8ini*tital Inv*. vhii’vHlmitihnt>'iiol roMM *( tlM> Nw> arit Nantory, I'liotou ave.. near k n iiliia nfltajdi)TraunU autJ HruaiUt. nHliwua iqflvfftlS HFIUIKR HT. Ml

- - . ru F A P AT FRKn IKiHFlrH Mt'Mv HToiltt, xii Market at. t

l»AKH nni'MI llKlHFlrH MtY>ARN FOR HAT.KH’ltl.APa CT mtOAHST., J aif ninvvft Immmllati'ti.



Wtll Molt FLom of too himifd didil vbnirrtMiudai « lUiui In lone cNie luuiUml (iothr^. Apply

H, A, Ni»R IX)N»I r; Ai’oclvmy to

Ho il k h n in h a l k , livJiojiHK maiSm n glioltor Mint KA-hitPOP npHiht iHilkT. TIIF. Vt'LK

UAVlIINK <Xi,. M Ktglni M. Mr



l-'nR HALF. 3 HOU. TOP Ktkim llflOAUHl'


I A R«)Aim FriiaMHHi:i) mwiirH, OTr*A r \ /line lUiplil Tw»xto IM PLANK HT. 7*o


ANTJ^.D-TAIILK RnAHD JfOH uKijTLK man atnl wlfln 1« vlHulty ot TlMllevUto aod

BluomtleUl avw. Aililrna 1 I’HVHlC leiN, to u M.NrWftftigtv.

HlHlNKrW NGTICKS.iilrYCLFHRKPAIRKD WMILH YOU l>i:t)i*«p*quk-k*fttM. noviiiv .tol Rlgb*


l^lAltHflNTFR jnilBfJTti,

»4. lulilUloua. uHemtlutia, niuili NlitrucM, store flfrlng, liihlmn I'Z wwk, elf.


to Atlantp'to

C^ABPKTH ULKANKI'* m a rk AND LAID.Hvnd poatol to KXIJ/lUlOlt I'll Al K CAININO

UO., 8 Tkncnar ave. i»r 348 R IL ava. ITjlNUBAVlMut HKNKWm FAINTINGH RK- rjatored. and gnat r«viiH ttotu In pruolt'lfthlnn,«(

UARY A KRNNyH, A'd llrovt I t

IHfiR riN K MU.LINRRV. AT IA>W P U irW 'g o to No, 8 WKHhTKU irr., upp. lUoun)U«'kl

•Vft, ____ fc

HATK-l.A!)IEH*ANn4jKNTH' llA m O F ALla k l^A dOno (War equal to llift oM rr-llp-

l>l« hat blMich^rye 11. I lUTCJlU N'SON* U4 BhimI ■L Mk


Apply ai ITf

Wa r d ht„ » -T f» j .k t . ntcklyI ■ntahad rtKima fbr light bounfkeepitig.


Ba n k *4T.* aii- to u r r , f u t . • boomh :rftntmadnnto; Impmvr^itapta Kir

B iSttb^TIaLK AVK, 24-4 FFUNIhHKD romnK lo let. AOii________ _____ 100 FURNIHHKD FRONT'or bw'-k, 4>t hade room fbr Benitoman or rm i]^ 1


E B0ADOT.,IPI7-T0LFT. NJtATFUnNIHllKD room, on arrond Hoot, with uae of hath trrma

tormuOrfato. Ittgftirft J.YVKIHH, paooad floor.

Bro a d ht., « s- n k a t l y f u iu m h k k drooms to tot, 1


ClLlNTON AVK- FIKOT FI/KHi f>F NO. » I t r idx 1000)8 uoarLtiHibelU aw .; nuxiern tuiurove- nta; rViittSD. Apply 74 BUKIBWIMID AVK na

/ lOLVUBIA HT., la -rU H N ia iiia ) ROOMH FOR }|fht houHkqr^uKt np. Ur

ClorTAOR HT., l i -SFfCOND FLOOR TO LKT {4 4dl improvrotonU. Appljr on prrrataw. 4tp

(-FT'RIflSIIED FRONT ROOM 87Pt io r n T HT.. - -

two geattoman; modem t-oiiTenlemv%

C HAWt'ORD HT., 49w-9 ItUOUS AND LAUN- r t^ to tot. NK)

t lAflT DARK BTe ^furQlai)ad rooms.

1I--TO LOT, ONKOHlVt'O 79p

rURNIWIKD K(X)M8 VOH It h o u ^rap ln g t rnau mkI wifr oitl^. tfr

X^LM HT., 19 Jililghr -

WUTiTJFFFa OT., i » ‘T0 LKT* 4 OB T NirK rooma; m il Tvaaonahto; all tmpfpvrmrntii. <Ur

ira, 104.109 A rlUyrtiM St* NVwark, N. J. Tftlsf beme 773. U m t la mo Klali>. Lx-lted rni»uia. rtauoa and ftirtiiMire cantfiiUy boxadjmd ippail

I AnjIQd’ FINK PONtlOLA KtU. ft>4f. HRNHK*JbmiAii.flUU. ljadlw')>prrakw,Doi)fulaabutloUr

ll. FnmMl, iVjagn-aB, tor. Tgadk-H' flueikoiirolM kid Uxfbrd ties, w . Men's l^ lo v a a liand i^nirrMa dmw

___ ton,Tai\ AlHHUK rntm i-; m Man**

I’naiffr'ia, Mm*a Tiewfd liwu ami i^ im aa , i

Mlawa’ iamimwear,,biiitoB. |i . Ihiva' 1ht( WM. J. Mi KlNNKY 14.* iiaar Wtillun M.


«>N, No-NW Broad rt. Wd■ lirH im iT OTh

tV newly deouratrd, Improvaxpeuia.

1Q TIJ AVK, 40-TO I.KT* MAY 1. FI HOT* 4|gtK)r, 4 rtjoma; liaih and *H Impruvpmonta. 4rr

........... .... _____ . . ALL IM- proveniriita. Apply to U J^. Ji. HUALLKY,

134 Verkrt «** tip-ataira_________ Wp1* |T H AVK, lOl-HKOONII FLOOR:.» jp - - - -.S.6* SS *,.

<Ss I I AND 41% TM'O FJsATH, FOUR LAJU4K •I? I I rooma: atallotiftTy tuba. *—ToH, 430 HMfb for. Acadrmy.

Innufrr of JANl-« p

$ 5^ M JIU . CCiXmKII FAMILY, *RUOME raqlllre m RACII’IC WT, 64.1

a t .4 r e n w E K K -yocH iMHJMscoMPLiirrB S I!?T .t)U (lirh i>u»koep lng . 114 VANHDBK 8T„J. C, I jfc j nlie Hlathni,______________________4n

BOOTMN, n . A ’TH, BTC., W ANTED,S.«ik¥.V'j-ukkWWS -.,,-,rW--'w*.kVW»WWS.- k.’v’, .'v’-»V ■ - -~Skvse

N KWLV HAHHIKII w u p l e w a n t trooma for Ugtit hvu#rke^liy.

1 Addreaa CARFFTT, Box F, Ni^wa oBVcft.

KT4>RKH* IkOFTH* ETC., TO LET.1 ^wkeftlXlM '1*0 LET-PHUDFNTI AL RUlLJk I J ln g ; k*« loctolou:ftfth floor opnoelU: 4*k!vaU)ia

................. ^ - >lri.KAHR!NGTON,


MArCORKAClf HATCHKIAt, pOckrlbiNdui, tnaaooi' Uafli hnipi lead tmnkanf ntir nwii nunttifccture;

Im taljlu i proinply Kttftmkd to- *to I hkoAD HT.. opjKWiia Waohingtoii

Park. ___

IkiM4H--Fii|t H.VJ.K A TIHHI'M'OIIRHKD /hlni'k MUtl tK)i, atomt u; niumliHulit ; p:loa

WA n m S tm tS HT. IHT I.AKOK FIM»NT Adilro-* IlOX toS.i*mUU)m.upipKim, fuuiUlKHl, willi iMNinl, auiuid tluur

small fliniliy. *1

.’inR HAI.L \ nH*1fAlU»H^)N .4 nnySTON Prifiiq hot ^ r ‘AMiHti tail ami 4a>|m‘b

i-MklHg, to toJ^l rtMidliUM), Apply at M Til HID AVK tiftqK


tA O It HA1.I-; - ..F in\v 1'nll oruildn 'vcjaiiil 4t'l-;\TRK.H‘l

R1T4 iiKiiT^ r r n io x . n x - Inrva, pboU, hontft am] WNipm; toriiiN May, la -

qutre tftl < )raiifv si. 7ftrJ.'ulHOLLa Ra HH WlMKl I’RHK

York (11y. 14Ri

Ii^FHNrTl'RK AND <’ATO’!-TH FnR haLK* ' till of bur iiruMt-ift rar|M*l\ *4^/ oIumb ; haiL ; nllk piUMh juirliir M tll.fif; i-listnber suit, wanlHdw.itbl fvtfuafiiit iaHle,48; OMik Htovft*lulrror,; rrfrinvrau>r* |£.8o.


K KTTI.K l**)m HALF- t^ lH ’KR 4Ul/im .Vi| kHUi'. In gmsl ifntiT, flto haltom* uss : will ootor IM itoM'E) ludi-d. Amily toJ*. U. Mti'AOK, 30i Dton>

w-n.Kl av«'„ lUmnnni'M* N. '.3k|

o :VKN FDllHAr.h; MdXhVKLoven ; ilr*t rlfwm In pvitv itappri


i. Iiinuirr at iMuurfl at.*

mrni'r iN'niilrwbm. Tip

O IHMN-J^m»ALlC, rA lU /jlum oA N WITH IlHtupb Ad<trf7i«4’MUrAN, Rug W,.Nvwtofflca.t

1>r ANn >•) UPKIDIIT PtANfj; A NO.I ll) rrf>r?' rrMi>‘4i : lli>uaHrliMndinbJ ’mafear: i^afr

raiitod;wltla4ulatiiMu-rtoCH. AddrwM toq KNOf.AND, linx i \ Fvoning Newtt

1* >IAN<) OM.S* ♦ImTI'TNK LAlVlTvKlTtKrF- light. In |a<rfrct iinler; a real barpulb- Addr*sg

l\. W., box D, Lveulug N4*wjx _ « qniHHALl:, HANINmiUK TllMHfintHs

I, bml KngllMl) 197 A‘ ^DK.M V HT.s«r

S lKiWt'ASf: h’OR HALK VKUY t'Ht;Al'6 ▲ tlra-fbnt c m tnHal wtuimlrum 1 19 MAHKOT ^..011/.

mYPK>vnn*KR ‘F on mai*!-; r k m in o t o nl tapi»\4-rUi;r,f9j; tojote UDi, JAUl-M HT. t>lf




Nawarh, N, J.

TelfptiOBe 404________Ewtahllshwl ItoAiCKNII’ HliiN a n d FRKHDU PAINTINO,

^phuUigrupiiofa' backafumtos •ir«'orat|oiMi, JNt|le^ hanglyg, »to.;aend prFUL HARMRHg 144 l ^ f l f Ht. *7bf pHKHTANDAKD OTKAJd UAKPOT UKATINU

1 itiHniviny. UEhhE A WILHOK, Frope., olfl^184 Market al.^r;C .-PIAN 4JH AND OlU+ANH TT^NKD. HK i fltialPHl, reHtraup, tone reatopHl, «iu.; laUafho

Hon guaranteed. leave your nrdarr al Iftif U IU HH IB n I'NTH, « l Market W.

niKl main hall. Apply Room 9, lUrjbe BtiihlliiK. iV|

«k.s -IM ^ —*e,v -daw'W'WW' dsu**jfloon to toi, with Imprnviunenta; rent flu, In-

quire oo prftmtaea. _____________ _____78f

PjURMOUNT AVK..:___________ _____ IW - FOUR LABORrftoias.likebouneirvuUowtoaoiaUfltiiillye «7r

F L A T -« THIRTRKNTIt a v r , JTOT ABOVEHlghata, acy^nd fl'Kir, I ruoina and huth: alliai,

provewents; condtttfJTi fltvu^Mas rrat reaaonablr. Apply on pruM M w hi|6p II sL

DRXK KOOM ’ro LET IS THE OLD nATUlI- sjn Polloe Court, W Harrlaon nys W, 1.

HICKMAN, M lln ir lw n sv s ■


Dock to rent for riniralnu*. Apply a t offlee of KNICKKBBOCEKK ICE <».,

llo _________ Eikrt of Centre a t

F inwT EtXKHl OP PArrOBY a s i w i p l e n t y of llgliti hunt MHl r w aaires: Msam to tult lenairtialw UUlS'ld duur'fruuL Apirty IW MI L

nEBRY WT. _________ _____________ 61(1OESTLKMKN’K HTABLB 'TO

*lqH m irw r., 7<(7' _le t largo, .ulmhle fbr * ur 4 hoTSew

OPTO WITH PtlWKH AND STl h e a t .

■J l LAT TO0 LET-ON HEC(3NDyiOf>B,263 UCI^ _ berry *(., u n r Id’aluut at. *ht l•lge Cklm light rooms with eitn* loom thonre; .11 ImproveincnH and In brM cundltlnm Apply on premUaw or loJ. WIHrlAHONH, 7alBnSd*S 140

L)*IV NO. I OIWTRAL AVK.! I Biub1*LF l a t TOrooma i

NEWARK ____________________________isL A T TO~,CT. # LAWlEHOOMK r on alrwrt; impiOTeniciin; pelci* | l s »t 61 Mi'll-

rooma and lM*k', *U hnpnn-nu'Hl.. Inuuire CAltWri’ DTOBl'XWinrnad’rt. I*p

BAY M, ( Pen*. *Ts euq

’- ^ l * r , tgeoosii e u a iB >(.AT, « New Yprfcsw-) s o o m s R w T l’AmiiiNH, IH

N. I. IL E SSP. 43rt

IriLATN-TO U fK B EA im PCL PI.ATfl ; mX ' and SI (g» IgiMb, SOetJ cuOlu ll«ut, W1 mixlore

' % hS K aod steU* canaitok, laultur’a "OBS mlDIrtN* wMk Dm. Morris

Bread AtrOCHK TO iE T-E B O K MAY 1, TO I OB I LunU las Ihs l i » lowsratortaatdths prlnRs rsm DCS 106 BpruOB at., tom doom from High i W

rooms bsiddBi hath and laundry, sU Imprevemsais.M s nag aad truoi M s with Itnace Nw law*.__«*h Im ulw 4M WAMIUNOTON BT.

H ottheh t o h

» THIIEK48TORT BBICK___hnos M, wirw * Bnamt ave. and Math ah: * mla-nlMi walk from latinad idatkn or slsctnc oum «eb I nonWilrelhreom and all hspreromentai W pSf m o B a T r. VAMDEKHOiiy, 3W Bread si, MbT T O W S reT O LET, BBICK DWKI.UNO Jn.lM uas NO. f t Sumnili M.; I rooin* bssidss bsth- resBi u id oaHaet A ta a n a » oOwr sonTenJennki Iminedlala poaHWdoa. Asnly la MAECini f .w a r d , ro o a M r PrudswliirKulldlng. t*r

Hi o h W h i m t o l o t . Ne w TWowTOHi brkit I non* *nd hath, all ImjiOT*-


H OCBE t o l o t - no . lU OOBI.B OT.l BIXm s ^ R n M a d loom* l dry cellar! good well on

BT* ^ ; r. tor

T T O IW E -^ L O T , «» RALSKY iT ., ERtCK

i i i ? r w & ‘i s r ^ i r e ' } i m i ^ ^l u r i m s t -

O m a n ) BENI’- .H'MMBE6MIII.. larlck.tRMnsaH layBSIW Apply w o w iw .ii l ia y. DOj>D,glHlread *t

tN O V SH TO LOT-«3 EMMlff OT.'. THREE- C lsto ry and astsnaloa! b n s ta s balR, h**4w,

isTS&saWrOClIETO LET-* EOOI(»,«f TENTH WABO, X l a a ^ a t hs*w ta n i real gredwhls ts g ^ tansM. laga lreatU B U lO T . 74rX TOTliEOf' « ROOMS AND flTOEE-EKMT H»


X ?

- n tM m X T O L O T t ia u g u p » « n . t ju u . i M; n p ro T S B e n ts I t BANK OT.w rti.- * b a t b r o o k E t . - n o m E • nocniE^ j S « « “ i S i T V r ' W - l i . t r ^l ^ I y a p p ly 6 » >■ W.OEKIlY.fc B r e P d i h . ^

■ A i r iT c^T o

fjsproveo; aervtoca 11 aud ttamxj * CO., 7*11

k fttatlon. Apfly to R ^ BUND 7q

LOT,fi ROOMB AND BATH, AM£ muirevr ‘ --------- —and ifttst from tSinh

revenMnlai dour opsnors mwklug lubt’s ’ rboxfli. 71 HILLSIDE A VX, hiSr hbjelt

dintou tvs._____ _____________________________ i i 2

F LATR-TO LET. I NLATS, 6 ItOOMN EACII, gB l" |li;»W ™ niiihn l* . hftwwn Wsahlngton

and Halsey. Inquire a E HUWtlT, U Hiddea

INoim jL e ik s * jo iif r . 'W iT H CITY w a t e b I' l^ iuper Dioni'li. c u ia l ^

isr IIAAVKlTTNa pwA HUACY, Hrit’lc CtmrUb.

X M nnt iiiu iiT jioojMLiOVR liIUllT JIOOJW W 1 • WATKR. (JAtt K .wM I*... -U..-,..- gs-.i „ J. IL poMMKIt-8Br

X^RONT F fl'ftt tuns, qulro M A

«0()M, lilhsrAlllS, T llJB T V -n tr* fi-st long. HstdimK tto 00*. MuHwry, Ere

C-1 BANT BT., *7 -I 'C ^IB IIK D BOOM Tl. i S ?I to lady or aantleinau; two blscka flrsm M. aud

E Dcpol, \ .... I............................ ............. .. VBBT

rooini; n'citrUiUig locook with! iMie raugo: water li(lha klichsn: nStf 8mad at, *

g-lllK EN HT., M -FimNIHinBl, TM'O \E rflw ra

U At«KYOT„4*-TW(il1r»(.YIItTrNU FRON* Mutoa to tot 1 Mwly furt)l<iilied.' 97q

H iAltHBY ate rent. n a i______ ............... _ FUBNIRHE#rooms one very plssnsnl.larga front reua. lipM a r k e t ot., » i- n ic e l y:

HJ-OBBIB AVK., OT-TOLar..I'OW lNOOJ#. JyjLwBb cll7 ureter, |7 ; 6 rnonuLfi. .p*

MCLBEBRY* Ot ., iare-FU»HIH1IE» BOOH0 for ligbt hnUKktaplng: sH (rlcld i mad tM wUbonly. ' . ^ *

MULBEKIIY 1ST, Nk-TO I.KT, EOl’ll LA* n ■ ■ ' '■ '_ -_ roum slu tnivatshoins near all dapois lo

aanlly wiihnut chtldrea, c 'i

ML'LBEKHV ST., WlP-Er.AT TO LOT, KW R ^ rooms to adults inquire on p rm lie s A

tr |» a « ta J i

j r t km to a

Eir ’A V K .T M riv M S K E iio iSrtont7«fta(»i»totMuw hinJae. » ^nqlMhi J. i ;v < lt,7 f y b m y ^r r AVKsa 9*--9 ftOOJUi

small teinlly. ihllsKUMiN PL., 39 -FLOOR OF i4kll IsBffoiqiuftSili; naat lIlKh and Market

'■fe LK*,'a VEBY D M tlL

I ftOOMR; R j m s U l lA N y id M ri r i 'o R i R f f l B jlandMjarket. tt|i

k bam and iu»j'ttobogj


r- iie ii; 'H ,4 f A jn iu................ ‘US

K e w w ., EE 16)1(0 LdWTK r o H N im a * itE B aiudpE vaisM nttr.

VJCOT,, in -E Q U r ,B l |lk u ( H T X u i} ^

New building; pxueJtoDt llfbt all aruuDd: moderate: elovaturs.

WMlilngion Witoon.



OFFICiEH TO LICT ^1N IIROAH OT., ,NKAR Ibe roatolltoe. Kppiy to .lAUKB L. UAVa, T4t>


P LFM OT.. 9»-HA1jOON qilli -

TO BKNT. IN-qiilre370ACAD>JtV HT ____________

KrH>MH TO LOT, WITH POWKK; ALL IU- prvvementa; srellllgUted. No. M ^UD IN O T OT. Inquire uifemnD^r. 43*

UAIiOOK TO KJ-;NT o r Ft/Jl HJLK, WITH----- «.rrr«^« ... ..................- 1-----ny.

tnrua* UBR* UILTONp S3 Oraub ave*, Kmi-top

•TO LOT. A LAROSl iHKD AND HTA- btoiii Allantlcat.* auliabto A r oarpentar, blaek-

tjH K Dr^blaiii Allantlcat.* _ . _ .mutth, waggn bJuder, ate. A. riHTf^R*418 Broad sL 1

8TABLS TO UOT FOR P<nm HCJHaRH-WULIi nmt ftalta ae]torai«: hayloR ami wa«ntt r ^ : lft)vranL A,ppiy oor. OilANulCaad n jlH T htb. I

STARLR-TO TaKT. ivrar AaUa, shed anil n m , fl3 pei

_ s h(.iw4ian W4OT. r UudJMUi. I


’arran and New. lao


A^ 'rrK N T T f)N . PAinTJ-RNEFJJlNtl MONitV-- ^,914. ^8,flue iuiinMl oa hovsehuM flmillitre

in wiUitHit tvmuval; poelUvaly tongeab lUuu

C' 'ii; jAwret ralea; Hfiiellv conflilanTlnl: mript re- le, oldeat eeutblMiiel, aaiy revnyaiftnle, prompt

attontloi): nxifiey (n twelve hJHiin' nuttoft; oih'D eveidirga. KKRRe 4M B ro^ a t . ___________ Ifto


V'^ imicAT ornpiiAY o r (’ARutAona, s tT i i ’ ItOARlH. FAN4-V TlbAPH,

niHl a varU'd MJMortmi'nt nI BVHiMiw w aoon h , n \ n . N i ^

and Htabto uiensOH of aU kiMto at very km prteas al our narvrounk-s

21. a , V, and 37 niviH io.v OT., rqiptwlP* MorrH and Ivetof u. J(, HaUoa.

_____________ (MihKX A m.DD.___________ KfA LBKNTKTJl'UN WllOLi-iPAJsL AND HR> A h lait dealer 111 flnto'LuH hiirwm, A large etook of toNHiHw* drought ami WiWk to^rset always on hand. liolehlHUM, N<ml I'lwNTUAL .AVtf.,f!liysAll idfH'k as fetiirva»eifNl Ilf eaah reftuukwl.________


J, M .tirt.N hv*orV H ,Dlvlatort Ki.,

ftAto^^nt tol)., L and W. It It. Tle|»ot,Bu4urla«* Fhaebint,, I4iickawa,ro, RrmifB

htuuiq tnuehf'M. by guud luaktMn, AU In pvrfl>^ mofw. ,i|Enfnd order. lj>n‘ pr(






MANAOlCnHjEnwaan KAWoitic, 'J. V. DffirrvTmri.F.ak

(lARIUAOL>4 T'DR HPHJNd TIIAUK fH A It ■'UJIUR}-; aw Marfcoi farm wngitDa,

IMWN WHguna, cailM'iiler and ulumb«‘ro‘ wiigu<ui;alaQ ^♦■rlages nf all xliwts (spwialty;, Wfuroiw Ibr any liiirpiMW taUU tu unliT. 4By|A<JllBAJiE- HOHHK r i \ MKifHXT RAJtOAIJr r lutbevityi Dtj ll-'b. young, MHOPl, cbimky, Cuu* tettaii Jet WiK'k horeejeoMt oe rver |!w) nliMuiimllM ago; twat traveller; MiUaltto gf«v«rynMR* nilUnnnn. farniliig, foiitlty nr aikf Reuvrol bnalaew puriraae ; warnmteiJ every wwy : iahsIc'a irtto, Ap> |n, • prU'sitf aUhle 381 I'La NR HT. Xlil* Is a baV gain.____________ 1

ton HALF. IIKNTLKMAN'H RNTIRT. FAM- ilymiUllitaJKebiiK'klim-w, Uvftly,at>ui)daad ime;

1 Iwu-nralMl'eiwtjsinu buy [Virk pl>aflori, I ntdeAftr hnirgVi robr.i, btapiketM,e hipe, ete.; all U>u abuva lam : no ivirttoalafjirkv, but a ilMftod hargaln. .■ ddrreik PrifVATK. lipt H, uNaws nltlc*. ^ |


lEdwin M. ttoVMUka, *j. Wamo W(M>i>ai.'rgp iFawaap N. f*a4wr.. iTlftKMAN LiCItIJiACH*

uartouK T.ahk,TIVKHr fiANU.Wil.Liail K. LXR,40H?f P. CfJWTHtU.U,JOMH K. OWINSTKI.I.,CHAALKP H. rigAltAW, __________

f if t k Iw TriovsA N i) rx>LLa rm totnveat In botuh and mortfagw on r»o0 arrtirUy;

no boouauf coairniwikouIRmVVJ.ttn B. JAfKMnN,

900 aiUJAl)HT.p‘Olvl»e lltillriing,___ _ Mp Nowark, S.

M” "T)NJcT ’D» u ja n on hovhkhold f i k m tute, plaoua, urirtuis aial i>ePHH)al property 'artoh-

<i4ij removal; partiHi hnnorMlv diMlt wHb, aiullain malf4‘ rerayntontH by ■—.-i—— . -----rtjrkOyconfl'boiUal. (‘rtltroem S* ?> Broad a t

aldroitoia; alt hualmitoi t , W. 1-UAWFOKU,


Oa perauiiul pn>periy, pianos, organs arxl fUrnltora In bae* No reauival- (kJl nr adrireM P. r . 81^ WAltliH* Iio4»m 9, No. 191 Harkai au, vr No. ift Csfiarat, day uruN^nltif. 7Bu

Ft) il

.auitabtoInquire at

TO lo a n on B om y a n dBpetceiit., In mihm

now art no mnHMbrm fhal__ _BLACiC, Ooun-

N. J* Ttoft>

acal Arpftrtodft to Mit the nom . .ftummlaaiop coftTgod. t4.0to lo ivan nn chattel loorLgiiMLaauma to aulL k DWARDH. i ........ .■^o^at-tow, 749 Rroad gj.* Newark, phone No* tor* _ ___4^ 1 ^ lo a n on ]»u n d a n dip J .lH /s \n /\rm o rli t iM M *1 4 m*d eiwrowiL

j^TABLtt TO LOT FOB TWO OR T B R E l DO Cbadwl^ ave. Inquire 94 WILJJAM

*»qT0B »*

H '





7»m t » BBOAD RT.

Bt o r k to l e t s e a b n e w p e n n r v l v a -uls RAllrusd tliiBoii Ave. dlsUuu; ren rhwM

ram , dnigglal, sbqrimiKsr, psUiM h^ iUsBhTnic,«» Brosdas


ir grom , dnifir 1*1, HiMuuKsr, ■14*, at tay hannre. . Apply is Ik F. S. PUiHIH


6*rSHUfinwd: uOlktilsjbr snybiartnm Apply

UH. ’ncilitK O R , N s V Aosdemy *1.OXUBB TO LKT-#1IITABLK FOB BJISI- f r u g a l *71 Msttiel id. Apply 601MAHKKT WT.61nUTOBK-M KEW BT,, K EX ^TIg f r ^ , depth 70 A. Isu|ulre4*MUI.BK.

. IIAIINK * H BBirirr. ISq

OTORK TOJ.ET : OOIID UHjATION FOB B A ^ f r b « T f '.* m TlriBTKKNTH ATj!., risgbell.Wr

OtW RETO LM T.W rmTW OBI H iilfifn* , rtlAkLMONTAVK,

w r m TWO BOOM*, in

^T O B E TO LOT, n taJNTON (ETJ BENT U)W. lO Inautn M s IS Ms

aO O M B A M D ST A LtA T O L O T^^

BUMMIT -STOB* TO LKA14K, locslHl: HprlM ■ ■ ■

ApiHy to P.drtd ave,, y, BumffllL

(HiNTBALLY ■Its MolevanP

" 9■OLOT-BTOIIEAND BAHiaiENT.WJWAjlH- . lugionst.! M perm ooib. iMpiln wM. FILK- (tiiSiN, 41 HsMwIn i t *H

r n o lmt- b t o b e a n d s noomb,X 1 luoutn M UNION NT.

lo «utw and tor paitoda in laiii rtteborfownrBOa'«UH NOR ifUdMlWION -------------neresewry paper" rareftiUy unqiare*!. FlU<.h*, t:aausUoegf-lgw. 16 Brssd at.


k3Ca l t v j>: a l l]. CUAR A.

»k4 * 0 f t rrW A RD T/JANED DX FirUNITimK

Q uo Ftouvai: prompt, pritalA rellaUe, tow

For malk- v k r y fTiie^p, a oood voitm il)f}i 4i>, ItuiIuiv* u oguii ahM M>1 urttanu'

tor iTtib'hef, gpMvr or any HalitWi»nlni-'-!!4.Jt. V. m K D '^rA lU eK Jto llaJ«T«e ____

1;^nU h a l f CRFAP- a WKLirmtKD KKJ«I Uk'k> DiuiT* klml nl)d gHUtf, Ibr ImIuV Of <‘blL

rtreo'auar It) tl)e ruunlry. Tw AllLlKOITJN AVK., ItoaL kiinuijo*. IViCIlM TCRK THIR’K FOR HALE, NRARliV r new. w mFiT(»y m \ IMI I AT AUtTW."i- -

Every Tt^l^DAY wul FRIDAY thmuahmU m iOAU A. M., at U N !•.AT KAHT KUN r

^>4TAJILK, t'lai imOAD rrr. ■

Tlire* io flvr- fwl.iwt" nf Wii^U-ni at '’<yhlila 1 4kbio a klr.Df eKiHul-hitrul 7bireM4 ruUiUiIi' tor Mf pufiXsBtkii* JlorneM and CaerPurw* 9>»ilvurt fruiuoU |H)l4i<a to hr enid rut i MnintmlntJ iit uiirtldii oru.4 prIvHtoiiala. Chargna 44 pt'X hmd atal 9 m ou pwr day keep.

MORKHorw A anN H Y , HiuH-ritMon to aluhu w, JUorrki-

Telephone 417* pm

riktoa, «My repaytoaota; opimBAD a i g M B r e U l .l£i 1 K a n d v f w a r d t o loan o r f v h n lJPA i)tu re . Msk* penniuil apiilliwllon to 171 MICHAEL KANE,I* BorgeosL


lularnatluoal Fatant OAus OAR'INKB A 00,^

764-766 RBOADST,Oppnalts WW Fnmantli), N.-waih, N. J.

Ths Istgrei Palesl 0*06 In the Hlsle, Patsnla aolloltid. TreOnearks IgbeD aw) Copyrtghta aw cur^ . _____p A T E l « » - ___

FUKDKtUCKC. FBAKIOW l,(hirtwaaor I^Campball A Co,

GLOBE BvitDlNCI. IMEBOADRT._______________ Kontna aaand W.

PATEN’lll-DKAKK A 00.,SoUcllon of Aineilcan atul Fntwiga Pattnls

Attorneys tn psient cues hsfore ths LL IS Cnurls M echaoWand Ufirirlrel Krulnren aiul K iporls OwHidtatlon £m, im BUOADST, Tha nlilret m- tahllshwl hoiHC in Ihs Hltle. 'Fweniirrtlvg rsuW sre

tsaesL Osnasn tpokan._________ ___________

W ARTItll.T l lU JA B D AND 1*000 TABLES BOUGHT, X>Kl4 and sxuhangsd. W. LVDLOW, « MoreWOOUl It.g-IABrOTS-WANTEUTO VysupUa and reirlg.n.iuis.


tTIUKEBTFBICESPAIDFOH UAnM,MKTAM IXaDd hoillM! onlsn pmniirtly attsfidsrt to. *rs AA«DS FBOELn’Il, llio-iw N sw u t at.

M i l k b o o t k w a n t e d .Eot Y, Navra offloe.

ADDHKWI H. 4L, «t>

OOLD. WLVKR A M i k MAitTlNitlBBlarkvtal



W ANTKIV-AUQOMMFLANT B N i^ a iV ' My Molulay and Tuftsday atov h T F b . b I v *


J U U im t*

H oehk FUU HAf.K fu r AHii WILL R iryone of the tl oeei Batnilv or hiiMnt w maree lu tli*

cUy: "belaftyMrsulil, iBv b^i* waiub* U'JIiKHind.'i; iHillante fdrffrucf'ryniiiW, mliknow), biiU'her* bakar, oravhiMliu-MtiDirTKtww; aha coat laar pm* euLDwnur niun niootlu aguj ahe will bo wag- fanbifl every way ammil mid kind, tn Htngfe ur dtfubtotbtriHva; aoldiMily on tumoiiak of m flo ftlM money: flvedoyg' iKal toiv«*i uurk. Appiv gi I _______ _______ HAI/XJI^Ito Inline aft

H miHF AT A RATiaATN' FOR rA5ri^NTb:ft uiMi bulkier; al«« alt-y<itr.old llambk'tpniMi iiibro. 1A'< lifitida high; fMrlyuUi'r; chd roiuJ U-n

milfttanbour; aultmmUyor auygmtftfat buaiMftva niii j()M«a: warnuirHil lu i-vt'ry wuy; aland wlihuul tying, Hiid Wii' mn>t llmirt iteraun run drh'* h«r. roll atHllOl*,*) Fatrau, reaj'Njd Rwiad at.______I

n ORfrK -ynjl HsVLKi DaM AtAUH'NT OF« ■ • ..........................................__ Hulvlng puru^'rahip, .vuntqf bka'ky buiR h'Mva

aud maraa* langlug In wrr> b tu 'D yeatli nid, weigh frou) MiMo LiB8u luunda: Oieyoli will hu wurrouM every way* and miv trial all/HvatLaod on in>t*ral ntIViriftfliftiiL Apply 74 t:p [T lU L

Hultublw tor ulipuriHwre; rtr1vera,ieialoe.« aud wurif fanraea; g fldr trial olvein in narb aad every one. MiCHAbUd OTIXULU, City ton Hprlngflehl ave,_______ _________

HORHKH KFOT fDN'HTANTLY ON HAND aiMl HultHbtu tor alipurjNwre; Art vers, leiain* rurk fanraea; a fldr trial otvein m norh a...,

lie.______ ________________________________

UORWr, WAflON a KI> FOBaaluuhMp: mitat be anld Ihlawaek. Apply 74

FOrNDHVj)f B7 yiC K ULHBT. __

H 4JIU4K FOR RALtt, A 4«4HiD WtlUK-JT^iRHB, mupeand iwnwiaof hKDiewH'Ueap.

______ aiBHAINOT.. Kwtomnd*^.-W Adim --nNK-HOHAVy IHH.*r l/MIIKR

I » l. _ haRa. ha: order flehl. O n l W T. W B^“i^



Forty smooth chnnkajualarflvadi atKt wUi bftftftM alyoui ttWD prtoaa

AkiD 140 ftktra heavy hofsiM, roaiiy utetad teans^ aevfml elDM luutod uwrUga totumi and rome 4m9

PONY-FOR HALF, A NK'B, OTYUMhlTONy J ‘aato ibr aliulTtn Uflve: abio guud. toiiul wurk*

hDrae niMp Ifaolii a l anoft. inmilro nf I H. WOXFi TO Warraii ■<■ ■

P ONY 1-XiHHALK A RTlAOK H fim iAN D l»piy-, wJtbk^w^imd^uhlWren’aitoguirL A g

fwark-— l*bny, V . - p ly i? iTA<*UgOT.,o r r s n L W * m uRKYH. i^gro

BIHifm-Ji. CAUTRpi^gfrwBty wwl ftKimM wa^»m* jkw anti 4^bd>

ftir aato O L l^ U I w u VO., foul of Olg^

TO RURt'irA9l£, A ' jqiigV fliraltqia truck to carry 4.0m pcMMHtaj .* . *-*-*•—LglvlngprlwmuviSft in iiK«d uhJer. Addroaa, glvlngPrico*.nmw u» m VfMlTlnttf.lJ* AfHogltm.

ttALF. n flsMiJy

N jiiW A ItK K V I i V U • K E W S , F R I D A Y * A P R I L U U ,;d o m i n g N t t u 0 .

O A I L Y . I X O I P T ■ U N D A Y S ,IT T DI n ^ Rtfs PibllshlD Gonpuy,

At No. 6f* BROAD STREET, Howark, N. J .

tJ U a ra l a t tM IM-CUHt« w w iM aa t »ia/f<r.l

d a a t , b o t h* a t ^ f c M l u t o;V««tl 9 f t i u , oo m m ttte* Id fra aeew . m> iA> -•d u ty , a n d I t •o en u p ro ttab la t t ia t b e re- IVaina fhom tmlling th a n t o ( r t h r r Im t t b e ; ■hall n iah UiinR* by a uuq> w h ltew aab lng re p o r t. I t rea lly n e rn u ia i If " t h e rh ild ra n o f d» rk iie«»*re w taer th a n th e 'ch ild ren o f l l f h t . ” , _

T h e " B ig F o u r” o f New H aven , C onn., h a re b een re lieved from reeponiiibtU ty In co n n ec tio n w ith th e c o rru p t re n io re l o f th re e fa lth lh l c ity offlclaU w h o bad op-

Oelivered b y c a n ie r i in u w p a rt of New- j poeed m b a p p ro p rla tlo n o f pu b lic frinda.» . i , H » tri»n , Kearny. Summit, i T h e m a tte r w aa m ad* o f pub lic In tem nt

I t

Ilk, T he O rangeu , „• leHeiville, Montclair, Bloomfield, and all

n * ie l* e rin r tow naMill aubieriptioni, f ire dollart a year. «

liffr cent* a month, poata** frea. .Si<m|e copiaa, tw o eenta. Oalivered by cam ara in Nawark, tan canta a weak.

Ordinary adYeitiaementa. ten eenta t line,pgrtta.

Advertieementa under heada of W anted, To Let, For Sal*. Peraooal, etc., on* cent a word, but no charga Itia than ten cent* each iniertion.

F E ID A Y , A P R IL W, 1880.

U K RAIalC IN THK T U C K O F COAL.T h e Ino rtaae In th e p ric e o f ooal, w U oh

w ee y ce te rd ay decided opoB by th e B e * - e ra a n U u eo ite ageo la, wlU Ihll hearlaM opoB hotieeludd ao nam nen . T h e ooni- b ine ra te e fo r M ay, “ free o n b o a rd ," b a re been Incr enaed fimm fAH) to |A1B for i t o r e i fro m fA V to SAW fo r eh ea b in t; from IS.7S to SAW fo r eg g , nnd from fA 8 S to fATS fo r b ro k en ooal. T h e " i t e tu n eiaea," b u rn ed In fko- lor lee a n d la ig a bnDtUiigi, h a r e n o t b een eub jeo ted to U u b e a ry ad ran o * ■ a d * o n th e i to r e ooel, beoeneB M tumlii* o n e o a e lo a o b e o a e d fo re D o h p n rp o eeeen d It I* deatrebl* to k e ep It m i o f com peti­tion . A l r e e d y t tb e r id e iit th a t th e ooal com bine m ean* bnMnea*. T h e m en w ho e ip e n d e d m oney a n d tim e a nd lab o r to fo rm th e tm a t d id n o t w o rk and M hem * fo r tb e lr h ea lth . T h e y w e n t Into th e d e a l w ith th e ex p ec ta tio n o f big p roflt, an d th ia p ro flt th e y m ean to g e t

In P h llad a lp h U a m eater la hearin g InMImony in proceeding* over a b ill in ■ q u ity f lM tn ^ e L ycom ing O onuty C ourt,

eaealltng th e P h lled e lp h la an d B ead- l l f lenae*. Y eaterday ba ex am in ed aome e f th e offleera o f th e L eh ig h V alley Coal u d N a rlg a tlo n C om pany, e n d aA ei le tU n g from th em in fo n n a tio n th a te re ry - tiody In te ree ted In th e coal m in in g u d la r ry in g n lraady poeiem ed , n d lo n m ed th e ■ k in g o f fo r th e r taetim ony to M ay Ml In th ia S ta te n o th in g w h a t- a re r h a e been don* to in terfrire w ith th e com U ne. T h a t ite ao- llnw h a d b een lUegal w n t eonfem ed by th e p reeea taU on an d peaaege o f th e b ill w a ee o m m o d a t* th e tm a t b y ne tting aMde taw* o f th e B tata. O f eonrea th e to le ra ­tion w b lo h w lnfci n t o o a tem ptaon* de- Sane* a n d dieobedlence a t law * acoom - pifoiM* th a ta m e pnrpo** ae th e le l f t nrela * * 1 8 1 1 1 m id* o f thoea ftn l- ftan. T il* gam bler* o f O ntteofanrg, for M a a te e , Had I t qu ite a i p lew H at u d peoA tabta to o a rry o n tb a ir b iu iaeea While th e y a re p ro tec ted from th e law ae Ikey w ould And It If th e lawn w h ich th e y le n tin n a lly b re a k an d defy h ad b e an re ­pented In th e ir faitereet. In d eed , th e i r no- tion d n iin g th e k e te e H io n o f th e Legieln- k ire a b o w t th a t in th e ir op in ion e p ec lil m n e n n lty i* m ore n la n b le to th e m th a n a ■hare l a gn u em l p rir ile g ee w onld be.

W ith tb c ooal eom blne n u t t e r i wDI t i t m neh th e earn* w ay. I f n o re a l effo rt b e m ade to p un ieb an d b rin g to a n n u l it* rM a tio n o f th e law* th e tm a t w ill b e J n i t ■ w e ll off w t f a l l l a w * w h lf lh l tb a d d le - ebeyed o r w m Ukaly to And p roA t In b n a k ln g h a d b ean e x p m ife d fro m th a I ta tn te book*.

O f o o u M le a a e a o r n o le a a e e th a p r tc e o f M ai la ra i le d heonnae tb o ee w h o h a r e th e p o w e r e x e ro k * i t Aa lo n g aa th e y a tand tegntlM r th e y m ig h t aocom pllah t b ^ enda th o u g h e v e ry fo rm al bond o f n a h m am ong th em w e re d k w re re d . ifflt tb a t k no le a - m w h y th e o A k ia k o f t t e S ta te , tb ro u g h t s d tS b m o e o r fo ro ritiim , *honU k n d neqn k eeen ce t o th e open deAaao* o f k w * tu ie te d to o n rb tb e m onopolkU c ten d en - s k a a n d p o w e n o f It* ra ilro ad co rp o ra -

im m a nr WlillU UtKominAtioas Hide Testordar by fie-

pnblicaiu of T hn* Statoa.

I under aide o f I he ahaft. B m ek i Ib W .tllia ed th e b jM u n c '

The tw ifirt* te e oew ilae** a p n e a ewiKiy. IlH ynantw aa p o m p ty a rn t hi la ll. Brooka, Uradabaw. l lu r t t , W IDIanu and Oomceyi are alao Id Jail, and wamanta a n o u t i i r tbe a r m ! id 1‘h lllp M an d a and M oan Brown. At in iiliil(h t b u t n lrh tA frM Ic ro w iI waa atm ut the Jail, and Ihi-rr wrn< Ibm U a m ade o f a wboleaale iynchlna.

A DOUBLE lYMCHINB IN TENNESSEE, t k f n k ** m in in t f . i i t o f k a n c k .

TM B NBW M IH lN Tim TO FRANCK.T . J e f lb n o n CooUdge, th e M aaaachneetta

n tlU o n a lre , w h o h ee been n o m in a ted to ■neoeed W h lte k w R eid aa M iu k te r to F rn n ee , k iH ie o f th a a e r a r e b l n k in poU- ik a w h o m a y b e deacrlbed ■ m ogw um pa r e u n e d . I n U M , w h en lo ta o f H epnbll- anae, M iiie o f th e m o ld oham piona and rn r t ta b le n e n to r io f th e ir p e i iy , ab an d o n ed It* o a n d id a te an d cam e o n t for C leveland’* tk e t ic a i , M r, OooUdge to o k a d U h re n t tra n k . A Ufo-long D em o cra t an d th e g rea t- g randw m a t T hom aa JeA brton b im aetf, h e a b ea d o n e d b k p a rty , jo in e d th e R epnbll- *eM a n d w o rk ed h a rd fo r B k in e ’t eleo- ItOD. B ta w e th a t t im e h e h a ta te a d i ly e n p - p o r te d B ep n b M ean can d ld a te ian d h e e e o n - M b n te d la rg e ly to o am p e lg a fond*. I t k •Gam ely n e c e w ty to w y t h a t h e to a w a rm perw m nl fr ien d a n d p r o f o i i e i t o b e a a e a r a e k ad m ire r o f M r. B k in e ’i.

T h e aea l o f new e o n n ir te to p ro v e rb ia l, an d th e r e to th e b ie t o f a o th o i i ty a n d p re o e d en t f i» g iv ing to k b o r e r i , w h o ta rd ily e n te r th e p a itto a a v in ey ard , re - w e id i w h ic h w ould b e lib e ra l fo r tboee w h o h a d b o rn e a ll th e h e a t s a d b u rd en o f m a n y daye. L o ta o f o ld B epobltosn* w ould Jhave u k e d to b e M intoter to F ran c e , And y e t it- tn e y h av e b een g o o d poUtice nnd good poU ey to e n c o o n g e p cetib le proeely- tix tn g o f in A a e n tk l D em ocrat* , by g iv ing to t h k Ic o n o o n v ert o f U M naoh n poeiUon o f d ig n ity a n d honor.

O ld B epnbtioeo* n eed n o t e n te r ta in a n y )ta loaB f e e l i n g G enerally i t 1* found th a t th e re a re n o t en o u g h olBot* to go i ro n u d , b u t i t to aaf* t o w y t h a t i f M r, W aln e a n d F ren lden t B a n to m i ab o a ld de- M n to rem o v e a n tb e ertotoereM e D em o- e ra ta w h o chan g ed poUUcie for^love o f th e p re e e n t B ec ra ta ir o f S ta te in UAt, th e y eceild do I t w ith o u t ex h au e tin g th e re - noo roe t o f th e d ip lom atic eervloe, p e rh ap a e v e n w ith o u t go ing b eyond tb e Amt-okae m lttiona.^____________________

T H E CKNNin BVBRAK INQVIBT. T h e H onae reaolu tion t o invee tigate t h e

Oenena Office to p igeon-holed in th e Cenana C o m m ittee room , a n d th e re to no indhjn- t io n t h a t I t wUl ever g e t onL F o r a lx long n n d w eary w eek* th e m a tte r hae been a lu m b e iin g , b u t S u p e rin ten d en t P o r te r h a a n o t b een doing any e x tra a m o u n t o f nnoinolence, on th e c o n tr i ry he h ae b een " h o it i in g > 'to a g re a t e x te n t

A ll th a t hae b een acoom pltobad by th e C en u ia Com m U tee to tb e dectoton tb a t M ti-com aiiU iee o f Ave to go In to d e ta lk nbbuld be ap po in ted by C hairm an W ilcox n n d oerUAed b y h im to th e H on ie fo r np- p to v a L B a t M r. W iloox torn done n o th in g o f tb o k i n d , a n d n e th e o o m m itte e can n o t g e t to g e th e r w ith o u t b e in g c a lk d by h im th e m do n ’t a p p e a r to b e an y m e th o d o f •om pelU ng h im to n o t

I t k one o f th e jw c n lk r feotore* o f t h k c a te th a t a D em ooratio m ^ o r l ty in th e H ooee doe* n o t fee l a b k to h an d le a n a l- k g e d re c re an t R epnblloan , th o u g h th e of- Ibneee c h arg ed ag a in e t h im n re o f a p o lit­ic a l n a t n r ^ R ep reeen ta tive A ld e tio a , w h o Ulfeofiiaed th e o rig in a l rtto lu U o n , re - fo w d t e ta r v e on th e oommM tea a n d R ep re ­een ta tiv e E n loe, a ek n tit-h o u n d w h ere

. o u rm p tio n k oonoem ed , h d low ed euit,' e aeb o f th eee m en a l l e g i ^ t h a t th e b a l-

an e* o f tb e o om m ittee w e re " to o friend ly to P o r te r .”

U e e e m e tb a to f th e A lte e e m em bere o f j- t ih e o om m ittee fe a r te e n a re n n d e r obliga-

~ I to S u p e rin ten d en t P o r ta r fo r th a ap - p a to tn iei i t o f tb e tr pereonal friend* to

, a n d a* a oon iequence n o th in g b u t a 'e w a ik la g re p o r t cou ld be e x p

l O lia tm a n W i to *

by th e p a tio n a ] a rra ig n m en t o f th e " R ig F o u r " b e fo re th e B oard o f A ld e rm en in eoaaeqaenic* o f a p e titio n idgtted by 3,300 c ltk e n a . A t a m a tte r o f c o u n e to m e U w yer* h a d to be dragged In to th e m a tte r, an d o o e o f th e m , a d d read n g tb e B o ard , o f A ld e rm e n , ea id ; “ And n o w ,g e n tle m e n , d o n o t le t a m o o ite r p e titio n indunnoe yon. W e a ll know how lu c h p ap ere a re m ad e u p . D o n o t be InH uenced b y a m o v e m e n t th a t k led by In d lv ld n ak w ho h a v e g o n e ab road , and , a f te r a p ro lo n g ed v k i t In fo re ig n Und«, h ave re tu rn e d h o m e w ith th e ir h a ir p a rte d in tb e m id d le , po in ted toea on tb e lr ■hoes, a n d o therw iM aSbeted In a p ee c h ." I t w o u ld be In te ree ting to le a m how een- to ra l h a i r partin g * an d po in ted to ed iihoea c an h e co n n ec ted w ith euch a c o n d itio n ae " d th e rw to e adbeted In ep eecb ,” b u t I t aeem * t h a t th e aatu te co u n ie l reck o n ed aafely on th e g u llib ility o f th e B oard o f A ld e n n e n fo r h e w ound u p w ith th e re ­m a rk , " W e w a n t on ly t ru e A m erlcan t h e re ,” T h e “ B ig F o u r ," o f N ew H aven , w e re , a n d a re , c iv k oA kdak, w h o m th e B o ard o f A lderm en cou ld rem ove , b u t by a v o te o f U to 1 1 i t w aa decided th a t theee pereona ih o u ld re tid n c o n tro l o f c e r ta in p u b lic p o o ttion i, In o th e r w ord* th e " r i n g ” m ad e i t apparen t^ th a t i t con­tro l le d oven th e official ju ry . I t i t a eo iry fe e t t h a t th a earn* k in d o f " r in g " bonl- a em k w id eep read in th e land .

T b e R ep u b lican S ta te O onvenU on o f N ew Y 'ork ■eem* to have feU ed to laltoQr a n y b o d y . T hom ae C. P la t t wa* on h an d , b a t d lic re e tly k e p t h im aelf u n d er cover, a n d m o o ced ed in p re v e n tin g th e d e leg a ­tio n fro m b e in g " ine truc ted " fo r Iliir- rleon . I n fac t, I f th e u n liw tructed dele­ga te* k n o w tb e lr b tu in em th e y a re b y tbto tim e a w a re th a t B laine an d n o t lla rr to o n k th e ch o ice o f th e N ew Y o rk R epubU - oana. A t i f to e m p b a ak e t h k m a tte r , W h l te k w R eid , Juet re tu rn e d fro m hi* F r e n c h m k e lo n , a lluded to P rea ideu t H a i r k o n aa " t h a t safe, e tu rdy , honeat, g r e a t b ig m a n u n d e r hto g r e n d h th e r ’a h a t, an d th e n ep o k e o f th e ex-P enney lvanU n , a n d p re e e n t M aine m an a* " th e p reeen t S eerM ary , t h e m a tc h lM B t i ln e ." I t k Im poeM ble to m toundem tand th e to n e o f each r e m a rk * ; th e " g re n d fa th e r ” w hoee h a t k m ade •o m u c h o f d id n o t eerve m an y m on th* a* P rex id e n t, an d d id n o t do a n y th in g In t t a t p a r lo d to im prea* hto m em o ry on th e A m e ric a n peop le . O f oouree nobody e x p ec ta th a t C hounoey M. D epew w ill a t ­ta in t h e n o m in a tio n a t H in n eap o lto , b u t, in t h e g e n e ra l b re a k u p w h ich leen)* im ­m in e n t H k tm poaelbte to p re d ic t w h a t m ey b e t h e outcom e. A nyhow , fro m tb e onU ook a t p reeen t p re ten led , i t la doub t- fo l i f H a rriao n w ilt be th e n o m in ee o f th e n e x t H epub lioan N ationa l C onven tion .

T h e B in g h am to n R e p u h ik a n , w h ich to n o t t h e liveU eet k in d o f n Jo u rn a l, haa ro u te d ita e lf lufflc iently to re m a rk th a t “ C k v e k n d to abow lng re m a rk a b le v ita lity fo r a m a n w h o w ae d ead In F e b ru a ry and a f te rw a rd k ille d in R hode la la n d ." T h e P h i la d e lp h ia Ib lag ro p h , w h ic h to ra iled “ In d e p e n d en t-R ep u b lic a n ,'’ b u t w h ich to m o re angely RepubU con th a n m an y o th e r eh ea ta w h ic h do n o t h y p h e n a te th e i r p ro - e llv ttie* , eaye th a t " In d ia n a ’* p ra fe ren o e fo r C lev e lan d p rac tica lly ineurea h la nom ­in a tio n a t C hicago n e x t J u n e , unleee aom e u n fo reeeen e v en t o f g re e t ilg n iS ea n c e an d im p o tta a c e oeeura.’’ T b to e e e n w to b e th e tre n d o f e en tim en t o il o v e r th e c o u n try , a n d I t re a lly look* ae I f th e n o m in a tio n o f G ro v e r C leveland by acc lam a tio n w ill be tb e e o le bueineaH o f tb e C h icag o conven- t io n . ,

I t to m id t b a t R ich ard C ro k e r , t h e T am ­m a n y boea, hae o rd e red tb e m an w h o re ­c en tly d toU nguiibed h tm aelf b y m a k in g a b la c k g u a rd apeech in th e N ew Y o rk Ae- eem b ly , to re tig n th e R ig h th D to tiio t le a d e re liip . A ppeal* a n d ex p lan a tio n * h a v e b e e n In vain. T h e b ig bom

■aid to be d e te rm in ed , an d It c re d ita b le to h im th a t b e

l a T h e T am m an y leader* a re n o t aa a > m e n em in en tly A tted to ah ln e aa Sun-

dayn tehool e u perln tenden ta , b u t th e re a re deg ree* In a ll th ing*, an d H r . C ro k e r d o te w e ll to fo rce o u t o f a p ro m in e n t p lace a fe llo w w h o baa given mich db icrcd ltab le p ro o f o f h la ta c k o f decency,

C n le m F ran c e ahall And m eana to a tem - ly a n d effectually pun lah Its d ynam iter* p e o p le w h o I n t e ^ to vtolt t h i t co u n try n e x t sn m in e r w ill be lik e ly to ch an g e th e ir m tnda. I t need to be eeid th a tg o o d A m er- Ic sM g o t o P a r k w hen th e y d ie , b u t few o f th e m h a v e an y deeire to ^ e w h en th e y g o t o P arte .— ^ --------- ——

I t m ig h t n o t be a bad id ea to try to aolve t h a t vexaU oua conv ic t k b o r p ro b lem by te a c h in g lo n g , te rm m en th e p lum ber* ’ n o b le a r t a n d p u tt in g thc iir to w ,j i^ in th e B ta te P r to o n . ___________

T h e M a rk e t C om m ittee o f th e C om m on C onnolt a t h u t appear* to h av e d tocovered t h a t t h e w ay to g e t m ore m oney o u t o f th e ■tend* to to ra lte tb e re n t Of th*m .

R e e e n t event* in Perl* a re a lm o rt o a k n - k t e d t o m a k e peop le beHeve t h a t J u d g e L y n o h t o n o t i u o h a b a d i o r t o f a j u r i a t .

T h e G o v e rn o r Mid A tto rn ey -G en era l o re le t t in g th e ra tlro ad com bine aevarely a lo n e . ___________ _ _____

P r e i ld e n t H a rrk o n aeem* to be g e ttin g k v l i h p r a l n and few in a tn ic ted dejegatea .

T * n N c fro a i .Xlniag tin fo r R alib e rr anil AmuuiU on Two Vonnx W oaaon The I’rru ld rB t u f tiir N etlonal I J b ra ry Aaae- c la llon ArrratiHl for K iu ti«aal*n irn t..H ie Wnrdi'T’era o f li t . H ill A r m to d an d Can* Ic ia T b e lr O rim a—Tb* Naw M lnlatar ta F ra n ra .

The New York Ib-publLcana In cnnvFiillon a t -klliBiiy ym ttrdny rlncliHl Hruatur Frank HlartWk.Ttiolniw Piatt, dliaunccy M. De­pew and W arner Miller to ba delegatOHil- larg* to ttic .Mlnnrapolla oonventieu, w ith there n lteriiatoa; Daniel II. UeMlllaD, of Buf­falo ; George f . Uuel, of Roehealer; J . F. Park- b u n t o f Ibith, and W. K Weed, o f Ifotadam. Tbe eonim ittee alM reported the name* o f JI. W . ttag e ,o rlth aea , and I.H elifn u n , of New York r u y , to be elietura-at-forte. Tbe dele­gate* will go to the NnllunnI oonvanUon un- Tlielrueleil.

■' In till* rupceu of Ihla A dm ln ltfra tlon wa reeogDliKi the eimanmmali* ab ility of PnnI- den t lin rrieon and I be wladom and aagaelty o f hi* Cabinet, and mpei'lally of bla chief Calilnel oflleer, Jamee tl. Itlaliie, whoae *1 0 1 1 1 * hold upon and lutlumb* retnilona w ith tbe maniiHeiueiit of pulille a llb lrl have been of buillug beuellt to Ilia Amerlean people. We conU ally endtin*' tbe vlguroua deelarM loo of P ree ld rn t llarrlH in made In tJia c tiy of A Ibnny In favor of an boneal dollar, an d we eom m em l llepiibllowt m enibart of O ontnaa for b o rin g negured the defeat of a free aliver bill, the eilhet of vb leb would have been to derange valnaa. Im pair eon traet obtigatlonii, reduce the pay of labor and drbaae the our- reney. The people muat continue lo look to the Hepnbilean party to m a in ta in tbe good n U lb o ftlie nation In alUmattera offloance, pledged na It la to keep any do lla r bearing the B tam p o ftb e Vnllad Statea a t p a r w ith gold, and to repel the aaaauUa of th e reekleea ad- y n a tM «d free and unlim ited coinage of aU- yer."

A t th e Ttepiibllenn Hlale eonTenUon a t Cleveland, ()., yeaterday, the following nom- tnntlona were made i Haninel l l . Taylor, of U rbana,forH oeretaryofM lata; JudgeW llUam A. Hpear, o f Trumbull County, an d J. F. H iirkrt, of llaneoek, for Mupreme Court Judge* ; Jualah Allen, of Alltena Count}-, for Clerk o f the Snpreine C ourt; JE. I* l.ybarger, of Coahoelon, for rarinber o f the Board of Public W orke; Prealdenllnl Klectora, ei-Con- grrwunnn Ixirenio Danforth an d Myrick T. Herrick,

A t tbe Mlaaourt Republloen fttate Convan- tloii nt .leffrraon City yeaterday tbe committee «n reaalulioua r*}mr(ed a platform which waa um iiiim ouaiy adopted. I t ehdoraea the ad­m in latrntlon of Mr. Harriaon and "apeelaily commend* the foreign policy, 1 0 aneeeeafolly ■ml ab ly eondiieted by th a t dial Lngulahed ■l■(4'*lIuln, Jam ra IJ, nU lue." The delegate* were inatriielad for UarrlHin.

M ajor W illiam W arner, ex-Congreeaman foom the Kanaa* City diatrlet, waa miral Dated for (lovem or amidat great applanae and waa eleelcd by aeclamatlon.



A C om plim ent la Com pany,From th e FWteraon la b o r RUndarU.

Tbe Faaaali; Dotly JVawa and tb e NnwAnx EvnyiN U N K w eb av ew irco n tra lu la tlan a on tlie ir Im proved appearance. They a re newey an d ably-w ritten paper*.

P E R S O N A l i T

WiTAOW, theaon-tu-lew of ITcaldeid Orevy, who dlaappeapnl from polltle* after the nesn- dal rained by tha aule of danomtluna, haa re- ■ppeatrod an d propoaea to be elected M ayor of Lioehea.

QKMxnAL O. Wi dow n, th e flm t Vnllcd Blutea tSenatsT Iowa aeut to U 'uahlngton, la liv ing In ih ibuipia a t the advanced age of eigbly-cight year*. He waa Cllley’a aecuud In the fa ta l duel wilb uravea in UNI.

O oixinsL Bobkiit u . IxaKiuu>r,i, tell* a W aatilngtoi} reporter th a t be h a* n o trea< la new apaper for three roontha, TM litera ture w hich ba* occupied bla exdiinive atien ttou a il th ia tim e relates to ancient nay tha.

BxNATon KAMtON had Urat one ion and th en an o th e r for private secretary In W aaty tngton . Tbe aecond one look* ao m uch Ilka th e Aral th a t moat people fhtt to dlaoover the ■ubaUinUoh, Thr M nalor'a oldeat eon la now praotlclng law in Ashcvllie.

U xoaox W . C1ULH* and h la party o f plea*. ureaeekara leava Philadelphia M onday for t h t l r W eatem trip . Their Itinerary embraoea Kanaaa City, M o,; Denver, Colorado Kprtnga an d Olenwood,l.iol.; Halt fjoke City, U tah ; Han Fraiiclaoa, H uulerey, H anta Crita, Han Joae, Banta Barbara, I am Augele*, Han Mego, Paaodana and Yuaemlte, Cal.; Ito rlb tndand Uallaa, U ra.; Tacoma, and Naattle, W aah.: V ictoria, B. C. i Yellowatoiie I 'a rk , Horn, luid MlnneapoUa and rtt. Paul. M inn, Thu tourlala will eover aluigether 10,im mllaa. They will paaa th rough aevantean Htatea, oue T erritory wad one P ro rtne*. _ ______

N o othar Saiaaparlll* baa th a m erit by w hich tiond ’a naraaperliia hits n o n aiich a a rm ho ld upon the nniddi ncc of th e pehtde.

fill n ih tr coniOliHa llw u n iio m y and Hltvjigth wlihm main, " lOu Ikne* tine ik .llu r" true irllly 0 1 liijuii'iiHiti'ai|mi-ilni.

.Niiutlier laww-ssKillic connim atlo-j.nropor- tlijiiiu id priHSK* nideii nuiki- iiood 'e B anc- jn riU ap eeu U arto Itaeir.

C ap tu rud and Hlnng Up A fte r Aa-U H ltlng Two Young tillrla.

lew Bruce, a toll keeper In U oodlrtivllte, te a tnllea from Nashville, T ron., on the HI I ahiIb branch of the io iiliv llle and Nashville road, died abiHit a rooulh ago, leaving a wife an d daughter, Menia, sgi-d rmeen. Wednea- day n ight a ronaln of Henia, M ary Rruer, spent the n ight with her, and one or tw o o ther wonieu were thercailtlng u p w llli aa lek child.

A bout 10 n'chiek two negroes broke Into tbe hmliir, and a lle r nibbing two rooine earn* Into th r room where tbe girl* were In bed. Tbe negroe* |io t out tb* light and each aelacd one uf the gtrla, who screamed and struggled u n til they were overimwered. Tlie women ailt-lng iu th e n ex t room Were frlghlened and ran tor help, the uenreat biHiw' being ha lf a mile aw ay. Wiieu tliey giA bnrk th e uegroea had A«i.

H enrehat once was InatUuted, and a t day­ligh t yeslerday every niiin lu and around tIoodletavlUe WUiiou tbe hunt. Ffve'iHgroe*_ were eaptoretl nnd taken before the girls for Idenlini-atton. tine proved a n alibi. Henry tirtxMU-d waa Identllleil nnd buDged lo a tree. Tbe o th e r Ihrec were sent lo Jail to aw ait do- re lnpm cn ti. BrOire be died Henry U rliia rd confeiw d hla crime and im pllcalrd Mw-k H arper, bnt the girla were too excited to po*!- lively Identify Harper a t tbe tim e, tm u r l i - aard'R liwly waa pliiiiiHl a card, “ Death to the m ail who cuta tb li body down beforti mid- night.-’

Ikdecllve Morton, of tlie lainlavilte and Naalivllle HallroHil, pnn-nred a team and atiirled for N aihvlllaw tth K pU U rU rard ,Jahn tirtaxard aud Mack Harper. They were pnr- ■ued by tb e mob and overtaken a aliurt dlo- tance from tuwu. Johu Clarke, wlio wo* driv ing the team, drove faster, bu t the mob fln-d on the party, wounding M orton and Clarke. They then caplured the thro* na- gnw*. took them back to town, and thenoe m ile ou t OU the creek where H enry U riiaard wa* h ngtng. They then threw th e ropoi acroHi a IImb aud taaiili-d th e iuicrnF« toward the braiirbe*. They huligod only H arper aud te n t th v o ther two iuNasiivlll*.

KMnEXyi.KI) CITV rC N D f.

A rra a t o f Prafaaaar I.liiderfoll, F r a i l d n t o f th e N atlnnal IJb ra ry A atoelatlM .

P rn frsw r A. K. I.lnderfall, ottheM tiwaiikaai Public l.lbrury, has been arreaUd uU a charge of nmliexr.llng (lily fund*. He adm it* having takenIt.tno , and Iheam onnttinta *ay tb* do- falcatlon will ammmUo 1.1,000 at leaaU

Profoonor Undnrfelt is Ifrealdent uf the Xfo tioua l t.llirary A anclatlon, and la a noted V ulapiik Mcholar. He went to Milwaukee in ion, and up to IIMI wea jirofeasor In the M ark­ham Acudeiu.v. In that year tbe Public J.lbrary Assik-IuIIou we* fornied and he Waa m ade lih rtrlkn and eern-tary. HI* work In th e ;Mi*ltion has been of n nahm - to make him ran k uniung the foremoat bibllupblle* In Ihe country,

A lew yi-ar* ago It waa dlacovcred tba t Pm- fesw r liliiderfelt had nut turned over Hime tlJklU received hy him In hnea, bu t lie ex- plaiuetl th a t the luoiiey liad becu reeelvod In siiukll ainnuuta and he had not bad tim e lo check them up. He aoou alter tn r n ^ o v a r th eau iu iin t called fur and bla Integrity cun- tinned imchailenged when a tow week* ago th e aecrclury of the Hclmol Hoard was found lo have entbexihal tkl,000. An expert an. coun lan t w t* net at work checking up the vartona clly department*. I'eaterday Ihla ac­coun tan t Informed Mayor Hoinera, of Mll- waukee, th a t he had found a defblcallou aiuounU ng to 80,000, a t laoat, in Prufesaor I.ln- derfolt’a aooonnia.

I t waa shown th a t from 1MH to moo the prulkaaor had carried an a ayiUmtatlc plan of robbing tb e oily by pocketing am ount* ah lowcd h im hy ordara to pay bllta fo r forolgn book* an d periodical*, and tiien preheating tbe bill* a second time. Ha presented a Mil for MHg, Which waa allowed and paid, the money going no fttrther th an I.ludarfltlt'a pocket. On Augiiat U, IMG, th* Sam* blU, w ith a frw artlclea added, waa prsaentad knd allowed.

He waa called before the Board o f Truataa* and M ayor Homers yoalerday and naked to exp la in . He adm itted hla guilt, ao d said h* bud already conlkaned to on* o f the board, W IIttam Plunklnlon, bu t had ao t m ea- tloned bow tb* nwncy ryoa takao, and Mr, I 'lan k lu to n thought It waa a m laappivprla- tlm i of fines ston*. lie was g rm tly shocked a t t l i e lm tb , Profraaor U nderfo lt was taken to the t.-eutral IfollceHtatloa and locked up. W hen seen there he would say nothing except th a t Ihe money had gone for living ex­pense*. Aa fitros can Be leam ed he lived p la in ly w ith h is with snd four children,

Nom ething A bou t T . Je« rra« B CooUdg*, W ho W as tlf ltil R aeeu tly a t fg m ae ra t.

T. JefilinaD roolldge, o f M imaekuaett*, who** nom ination a t U tnloter to France w ai o rn t to Ihe Heual* y n te rd a y hy ffrenidant H arriaon, Is a grand nephew of tb e th ird P reo id i-n to ftlie U nlln l M ateo,who**naan*- sake be la, a n d a realdeut o f Mancbaatefrby- theJSea. l ie la liberally adnealed, a good U n < |u la t,an d ap n tran a rtta e* rU . A t p resent b« la engaged in banking, bnt w as for m any years a m anufac tum - o a a targe scale In Isiwell and Istw irnce.

Jll* political afflllalloB* bad been w itb tbe Demoeratic party uiilll lie befam e aallafied from Preeident tle v e tan d 'i fainoua meaaage of IN? th a t th e DcmOcrallc party w as bound tow ard free trade. HInee then he haa acted w ith th e R epuhllcani. H e baa never held any public offlre, niilcM bla appo tn tm eal aa one of tbe U nited M atea dalagale* to th e Paa-Am «rl- ean llongreM m ay he roualdered one.

In aepara tlng from tbe Dtnaoeratlo p a rty It Is liite rta tlog to note th a t be d id no t carry w ith h im a t least one m em ber o f hi* buntly , T. JeOhrson (Yiolldge, J r .,, th e founder and first aecreiary o f Ilio Young Men’s Demooratle (dub o f MaiMarbuartta. Mr. ro o lld f* la n o t relaled to Jtepre*rntatlve Uoutldg*.

-#— —M ILRA N K FIO R T * A D C R I.

1 F ren e h m a n W ho C rlU elsad tk a F a s - H am ow e M eatlog la W ean d ed ,

From Bruaaela come* th* announcem ent U u t there baa been aootlier duel a* a sequel of Ihe Fox-Rorrowe meetlug. C'ommente la cluhe, oafo* a n d public plaeea generally h ave not been restricted, and os a re a a l tn t th e varied cororaenta a duel look ploo* W edneeday evening between H arry Vane H llb an k to d a F renchm an who** nam e haa n o t y e t been dlviilged.

This much-, however, la know n, A duel oc­curred a t a place d le tan t abou t tw o mite* from Of tend. The cause o f tb e a f lb jr araa a rem ark mmle h y llie F renchm an re ta rd in g (he chanu-te ro f the Fax-H om nre m eeting, Tlie F renchm an was wounded In th e hip. W hether tbe wound wo* acrluua or n o t la ao t known.

Tb* enllr* m a ile r has been k e p t n pto- fotiod secret, iirlm-lpala, scctinda an d tb* ftw o thers o f th e duelling party hn ld lng aloof from onlaldera. The c h u n c te r of the weapons used, th e points o f th e cartcL and. In Ihet, •very tb log pertain ing to tbe m eeting aerma lo h a v e been carefully kept from public ol> tervntloD,

lo iter advices concerulug tbe due] ibow th a t the F renebm au’a woiiqd la o f a very danger- ona character. The wcoponi naed were the legulBlIon dui-ling platola, and tb e duel waa fought a t a distance o^tw elve paeaa.

The Wounded m an wa* tak en aboard a steam yacht lying off Oalend. an d la balng carefully a ttended by fricndi w buw fre aw ait­ing tb c rnauU of tb e meetlug, Htnoe then no th ing has lieen learned as to hla condition. Mr. M llbaok escaped w ithout In jury . HI* secimd* were M estn. Ic a trau g ean d Fournier.


An A e tre ia B rings Holt fo r A h a o d n a n e n t Agmlnst H e r A lleged H usban il.

W ith a view to establishing the fact th a t she I t the wlfo of Barclay B . W arbu iion , a luH haa been begun In the Suprem e C ourt a t New Y'ork on behalf of Father W arburton tor

•eporatlon from h im on the ground of abandonm ent and folture to support,

Mrs. W arbiirton . as the calls bcnwlf. Is the daughter o f Hcl In* Deforo, th e actress, oper­atic a ln g e ran d anthoreas, who died February R, law. Mr. W arburton la th e son o f C barlct 1-1. W arbu rton , the publisher o f th e Pbllo- dclpbla XveptHff n trg ra p h and la now to ld to be engaged on th a t paper a t a a a la ry o r tlie per week. H e was formerly the eecretary of H enry K. Dlxcy, aud la ter the m anager o f th* com pany In which Mr. D liey appeared a* the alar.

Mrv. W arburton alleges th e was m arried to W arburton May » , INH, and lived w ith him n n tll D crtinber lit IHII, when be abandoned ber, and aluce tlien he has neglected to pro­vide for her support. They first beoanw ao- qna in ted w heu tb e wa* w ith Dlxcy'* com. paiiy. They lived tugc lbcros mnit au d wife, be Introductug her os sueh.

Hhe left tb e stage an d tliey v lillod (Ulcago and Kan Fraurtscu. H taeurgedBoetemM ilal num iage, b u t he dem urred, urg ing th a t h li Ikiber would dlaluberlt h im . T han they llTod In Jloeloii, and M ttr H ilt hadeoeiied her. A m otion will shortly be m ade to com­pel h im to pay uilmcmy pending th e su lk

------------ « --# ...—" ———

s n i K H E Y . T O t T I N G N .

D uring th e post weeks thevtallon-bouaeann the Pennsy lvan ia Kallroad a t M onmouth Jim etlon , Plalutboroiigb, Friiieeton Junction an d Law rence were enicred and tcverol valu­able article* o f baggage a r t misviug.

Tbe oafa In th e ofiiee of llan iel A. Clarkson, a lum ber d e a ltr of I’ennlngtoii, was blown open early y ea iH d ty m orning by burglars and HIT, tn tu n from it. The aafr was wrecked aud a Bcwly-fitleil offlee badly dam aged.

J am e i L ake, a farm er living a t Ptesaant Y’allay, com m itted 'suicide yealenlay by ahuotlng h tn u e lf In Ihe bead w ith a n vo lvar. He waa a lity -flve years old. ttla su p p o aed th a t he waa 1 naane. A fow weeks ago h t m ja- te r iu u ilj dlsappenred from bla home.

The U u d io n Caunty Precholdera m et In Jer- say Clly la i t evanlug and m ade u m e appoin t­m ents. Dr. W illiam W. V arlck and Dr. C, Holme* H cN tlll ware tppoliiled m em beta of Ihe O u iily Board of H ealth to r a t e r n of th ree year*. Dr. V arick tnoueedt D r. Isomard J . (iordon. Dr. M eNilll tneoeda himself. Hugh Dugan waa rsappolhled Gounty Col- laclor for tw o years a t a aalary o f gfAM-a year. He la raqu ired to give a bond o f gaopjioo. Jatnea F . C annon was reappointed Cannty B uperlntendent a t a salary o f 18,000 a year. The lerfo la live years.

Pfotoiemr I W e n ’a no to rN lH ti 'la a ao a n -e o fg rv a t m niH llcatlD atobls follow taarhera In Yale U nlvenlty . They earm ot prevent tlw pnldlealtoa of htananaenaei ttor eon they prevevil th e us* o f hla aesdem le lltls and eoimeetloo to give It weight, alBee b* wo* detailed from tb e United Males Arm y, o s lb* ap}illr*tionuf th aun lvera lly , to a r t as Pro- foaour o f M llllaiy Nrlenea and Tactlea, I t should be said , by tbe way, th a t hla etikteney a* an l iu ln ie to r Ithc Inlnialoo o f prophaey lain hla lecture* being strlrCly pmhlbiti-d) la qulle equal lo b la ahaurdlly aa g-propbet, and hla pcratmal charocterlitiot a n a ttegather lovely.

MARRIA8ES.UciXU'QAU.-UllATON.-(-haitt*gleima Me-

Ikmndl, of BellevlUr, N.J., toMha Name Hay IlMina, ef Newark. Of Rav, Jk, Heady, at tiildtaiii cfbiWe.

DEATHIoBU1IGRMIK]|. -On rrt4AjriDor«lf«t A p H IU K ,

UTe'etort. MMldraiy, FnMrlcfc Maifu— r. amd1 1 rMin • iifumtbit ffiiMl t i k^m Iymkik)fci» reepertlblly lavlted toatuikl ib i fitnMml fYoai hli moUi^r'B mMviMffi, No. M XMrurk Rimt. on

lU r 1, JaUrm tallnfUf*mooBi OeawWiTs

aU O X t.-f> l April HsjfidrattM«r joba r . aari Rom* riR«ientFbitiv«i t n i f r i « ^ ai»wiRWt#UUy loYlted to «U«tKlth« fliamJ tttm bkiiMimiU' PNHtooop, StL Heaih tvYYatfa tortet, oa MbT *1 At A. ILpto M. ItdM of Uma'«(%iinAt«oniRr (if Or«mr* Md Ura^MiaNa, wb*f»a

U iia of RfiqRtofR wUi to olhnNl |br tbs mioto of hU touL lattoBMiU la Uw OBOwtorr tb* Hapulrbri.

n tS illfM O N bs-O a AMliai. lIKvCiUbbria* F ill'•iRunOba, ai«(l 70 jrFafffi. itelRtlYto aixl friradffi are kiadJiy lav lM to •lirad ttoAuMnd frore Uiu rari' itoiwaofber •tottr4iislaw, Mits Aaa tltnUMUMM,Na. tf Ifoeb Btrevt, ua Ittobi'. April to. al M l A* If*» t o i t Patrksk'iCburfb, w b m a Itlgli IU m «f 11^ qalcm alll Im Ibr tto rtpoit of bar iMk !»■ tonafbt to tb# Oiawt«rf ofUMltup mpultbta.

VAXjTKa-Aprtl t7. IM , AditirT.,«ett«f Katoabd Nto tola Adolf IL X. P ^ k . FuMtal m v Iono at hto toto roridfuco, No. I7t boauiitr syww , to iatardar, April K a t» P. M. ffiiiil fricfMti and thotouatoin of PliU K w ru tAdf* No. I M K. of ^ uotoftlod. latoratootto FilnaoitatO iat ~

UART.*At OfMM. OM Wodi IT, H a n r Cv lU n . n o of Mu. T. A YObto bf d fb PoJtoral MrrtoN ot tho bl« Btothor, Ito AMto AprOM,*tlMIAvM,

HOLKY^-At W adlOntojj, « A p ^ K

dBMfM,April A. wbootor. 17 to MtodiBco of

Bioteor, ito Atom itrott, Oiaaio, oa iatardigrg latoruomt to Oremwuod.

Tbatobr «.UoJor. HotottYii bad btoadb arora- •WCtMlT to ■ ' 'itoT

rSIotob wlR to oiltoibdito

torlttd to ationd tto fbnoiBl jrom hli totolao^ Wklto Mroot, lit l:to oN-toek Im top Wbra

April to ; Tlibiwe to m. JntaK CliQRb, vbof* a

Joomh Hoorr Jdaittoiid. 94 yooro. IPuaoral •om rot will to b«li] ot to r U u mdiiew*» No. «■ iWopd N. J^gontotorday, April lA

ttoibpOboofhIbWuL ibBMBODt toSleibbD'BCtoBv*ry-VAlWIsANlX-Oa April to, tofob Ibbb, wHb of

•111 ot to r I>w-vvvm Obmn, Jha*«iroyi N. J<e UU ••■itllXfgtT, dRjyiM ■**i M b t l P ’ M* RrtobYot aad friondi or* rmpccirfUty Ibfltods iDiorfttCDt to ArtlactaB l>dMtoi7.

NOON.->Oa AprU V, Joha J. Noon. lUtoUroi bmlfriradiK^tbeUmilya oloo tlio HtoAnUtonr Aa- ■ortotlovi, ar*8 tovtlYd to attmd tto ftinffiial from tho re«toonoe<rfhli brothcMa4iWg Mr. Patrick Rurivs Nn. tor WffiiTfa otrret, oa N o ta r^ . April to ot I to A. X-. to Ht. Jonrph'N Ctoirrh, Yrtoro ■ IlMrh Mom of RwiutOdi vtit lie ofRiied fhrttoo lepoitMbLioouL lotoniieut In Mt. Joha'o

PAXTON.-At Fmaklin, N. J.. April to, IM Builolltovioii,«i«dN yeaiffi add B avonlhc. Itoto tlYMJUMlfHiendNore rrepertftiDy tovilod to ittond ibefimeTul frwn the r*etilen<N> rvf hU Ron-ln-low. JOMpb tWmrte, on Knuklla arertot, a M F .M .o n buadky, May 1 , lo tbe Retormtri llkorrfa, o lM bP. “ ■ IbBoloi ----------------------M. iDtetioeaili onned Church Cameterp.

TAYl/)R,-Ob April tos at blR to«M BrooklytiL, Mrpben J. Toylor. mwI 94 YOore T nmbttui 4 dayi, feaaofibolbte Jorod V.oaa Joae Taylor. Pciner^ Nrrkca will to bold at (be rretdence w hla hrixher. Mr. WiUliua P. Taylor. No. to Wehotor ■troet. lu ihbi eltyaODKiimioy. M V t. IM blS toP .M s Ho1m Iy«« oim! friendt of tAo Aualiy. oUo neaitocf of OrionUl lioctoe sNo. I I , p. ood A. M., on kindly laYltod to ab toh£ In tem o e ila MLMooiootCometvry.

wnrl*lA>CS.-Oa April to, MB, AAor Xtwood, ooa bf Jbtob I t and Jiao If. U’UUoaw, NMtiTbo a t III* dually, aloii the drato of BewoN A PblUlpR aud Wotto A tbmpbril and ih^btoplo/M , u a iwpioct* fblly IbYitbd. Faoeial on Hoturaoy o r ^ a i at 7 o 'c lw , Itom to Bowload tomt.

Mr m b r r s o f FHIL KKABNYLOnOKSM K&lchta of llabor.tob requreted to alieud tbo ^iMial ofour loto brottafr, Adolf Fulrk, fton hit

Mto wildtbct, ITS itoluiieT oYtaiie, oa ttotnrday, ^ tdoy. M, JAMtto A. •t'lroUTKN, noportff. 1

DMtM C ib ib u hi Novbvlt Ta-dmy by■ btT O fN itttu Life Iju . C!*.

Prom. Amt.Kltm Ktrbj, todi Btoairilekl ,b& f7S M...........‘'liUfiaaa .......... ' “ -Wp). B. TID WlUlatnM... «1Q0Aunte l laUNbeiTy. IS Norfolk .bS to ObFroobHaotoOto Mouth Hnrwtt It..........M to i)0ALLAN La MAMbXTT, Puptn

Oor. Ilrobd u d XarkotMu. T U lt C O H rA N T fl NtoWABK O F F tc e


H . C. tT R O H U 4 M9.g


r iO H A t BtKlUXM

A n r n n c A ix Y a r r a n o e d a t

n h o r t Nonttoetol BROAD err. TELKPBONRm.


t o B O l a ^ A t o i i rPraetlml Ondortbkm u d Emhaluiom. OOeoaad

Worbroomb, No, 13 Bridfi Hi MoiwtoOtOby aad Moffne, No. I t Jumfo «t; oro totrodbetar bOTblliii tb CwkMH and FtmfaAtaib ot mtaood pitoeb. K«b^---------- ------ . ----------------- . -------.— juUOQbliOi

.. j Au Chib

Ihf oot offomblMUoaoooriRitomM.------------'ondrooriiriii ..................hilly MdlHted. Telephone No liW.

omblMUoao to pvt up priOM n. we are maklnc meHol ntei R u to time vud dutonoa O

E. • . WOOONUrF,

trNDKB^-XXKIbOttfb bad ReiddefKe, Ml BROAD iT.,

Next door Mow KYriHito Nowi ofltob tM flitPfVHNMl attendance day «od

TeUpImn No. tob

UUrtRUCTlON.eWNShfov-vv - . v v . •-is ie aMyViWNJNeVw-vs'

BebooliaXWARX a c a d em y .

ttitaalUNH or' ^w tloa .

hundn-dtb ymr epenca MwMnber tl. ' - - III aH-aoycolwaenrariaD-

l-ataluauea ii|ieaa^ n A. FAHllAND. Msad MatUr.

8UOItTHA.ND AND TVPKWR|-nNH SI1IOOI.oftba Wcoa.n*B (hrialkn Aiaoclatlon, 1*4 Court

*L; tarmsnnstante. Apaly ataolMelfomiMollA. h ., or oAor lo laaclMr.

____________ I. f. ggNNKpy.M W rlaktal.

ST K K o u H A r a v AKh T v p ilw iu 'n N u laufkt evenUigt by oomaMrot atmagmabtr; las son* privsl*; la iw mofarat*. at 1 1 JI1SMjHnkl.l>

AYR _ ______ aly




N agrve t In .1*11 fo r M ivJU artiar, T hraa la o f LynaUaig.

E igh t negroe* are now In th e ja ll a t Cheater Town, Del., and they have oonfUaed to the m u rd e r of Dr. J. n, BlU a t daybreak on Bun- day m orning last. I t will be lemembarod th a t th e doctor was called to a case In tbe n ig h t H e bade b is wlfo goodJiye and klaeed hla two- num l ha’-old baby gIfL Tbe n ex t teen of him we* w ben h i t body was found doubled u p In Urn bottom of tala road ca rt In hla yard, tb* b o n e having come bom* and tbe bead of the doctor being fastened between onaoftheabatta an d a n Iron brace;

A fter a a adjournm ent o f tb e (knoaer'a J n iy yeaterday JntbunHaynBrvl,B colored boy four­teen y e a n old, who u y a h t wo* p reoen tat tho m urder, bu t dltl^1ulml a ll eompllolty in It, m ade Ihla ooofotalon t

" I an d Charles Brooks, F letchar Wllllama, Perry Bradahaw, Henry H u rtt, Charles Em ory, Frla Ifomegyi and Hoaea Brown ware leaving town tngetlier, I did not know of an y arrangeinent lo kill nnybiHly, and don 't hnovr th a t any wns made bcliirehand, but w hen Dr. Hill came abiug In hla dog curt F id d le r Wllliaroa ami Charle* Drooki caught Ib e lio rfaaD d itiq ip ed lt, Ckmegya he ld tb* h o n e .

'- Charlie Brooki atruck tb* doctor with a atone and Fletcher W llliaw t cu t hla th roa t w ith a peekri-knifo. Dr. H ill M l, but did n o t say anything, WbUe Comegya bald tb* htitM W UIlaiaa foned tb # mwa'e heed

the UgR M if Uf .MM

A ereeiD o f ta r ta r baking poio f a ll la laavenlng a trengtn .- ____M a t t h t m m t n t fb o d Rrport.ROT AX Ba k ik u p ow nxx do., UM W all 5t,,N .T.




Forlemnd!onii|leii f t like Tbem.We Giuuitee Tlitii Is Qsiliti,In linihctin,Is Fisliion,IiS^lt, . 'Is Fit.

$I0«^$20,ImliaMBilltor, m, ill ft tis Inti St

M uile.

Cl rOBMAN nilITU,................ ..........—y.Mndie n : BI.N wr.


P JtOFXtirKm M. MpKiftc, m OBANOK wr., UOR.Bread a t, girt* Itiaoa* un lb* aluw, vMla, a

dolln; alia vocal eulluM; bigbrat ren Utnnaa m*>bed* ---------------- * -

O R K M A K tK a .

-I .A D ilN OF NEWABK^OAN NOW__ >learn ilraawnaklng bare aaf save Ik* cipenaauf goliig to Naw Y eit. A ackaal has bMB <«*uad uislceuie aunvrvINeB of Ik* MatlvwaU CDHpaoy

who wlak I t boisMa Italeliui drate-dokav*. Tba McDvwtU drefUai aucklae kot aa- uaiaaded *B chafla and agOama F * " ' ' laakhai, dla tvery foim Bad aavaa

Itfonowiarary as Ibsrdftkt of

oar tiai* Bad te w M a a d li used byBUIMItBdiM uonaaB In New York. I f yen era gohw to bar* a lyetaai wby not gat Ike beat, ik* eoilfst to Ittm nnd nKMtianU to nte. Call tod InviwUgata Laitani liny and evening. CuKIna ojiit etitnf a apeclalty. Breech of IfcaMcUOWMl,. HI HcvedM. Ma

TA Y Idliw N Y tTE M ^N PlJC AND ADA e c i in l* mvivu tnagkt IMweafe; Itdlttwlik- tng w bveome tbonmgk t* antclnat dronaunlUng u « l d eon a t to t icEm P Bnnd at.: wt tooP weryiUeg enuwclad with lb* tnda; gin* young la It (*> « and tjMfht to cut, XL mokt tod d n ^ , tadoUInvUtd to e tll; adat afvvvjlBgl oh-------^ti-------paper pattoraa M. 11 CRBUTIi; a*i Bread at, h re*^ (dTartoFa mTw . Uth A. New Y «k. IM

F fiUrrCLAIM , _____________Taytoi'a tystam tkoeougUy kuiilit

PiaMfoCVTTtKO n tkoeougUy I dky Bud evenli

n c p o w i by

1petont taachen; „ __ __ _______ .taahkmaiil* dnasmakliit. M. LVUciT MS I

I, tgaM for *11 lha Onngti, mooa ilalr. BiuHk af UM W tstllth A ,

ttoOiaage, , and Hcuclalr. York


ST. VINCBNTB INDUHTBIAL WHOOL, « W*llnt*(il;driea«nltiat by tb* Flatherayil

anetoow and evmlng ctaaw ; dn buttswholtdaad femfiy itwiag a t naa

O UITU MADB.IH TItN LATIWr BTYLK, gU* rWpiparfcetniguarioitoiid. M flA N E g T . *


IAOUND-THB MOBNHtU, (DBn I S I uWAD' and Hatfctt at*., a punt coMoInlng --------

Ownar con kav* atm* by ----------"

■^xpuND-A M A M tin iim iR ,KgT.

' havvmmabyiM T irt n rrcR , o w n r bp r n t l e g p r e p e ^ i y . ^ ^


FT.■T O nt-O N BKLLKVlLLk AYR OB I J a t , a pin wItb an nnebor quelsa aultoblt

ILLk AYR OB JtBOAD ■iKbor of psoii* aad a M*-

M av aA A /U X W A B D -N O (S ’T x n b * n h in o fta r i w orn* A

■V UtoW# •■■ *avtaw»

IDTHOTHICXT, avvau* toNow.

Nareaibw 11. UN - ay tu t US'




!' rLl ......Pnil-rlctnr and MmiBgrrI. lA. M. .Mi i IMXiN. lli-sldi'iil .Yltiiiiigtr IThe Only Prominent Theatre in Newarh

THIM WKKK, Ma t INKF nATt'JlDAVjF ind Time Her. of tbc

DIGBI BELL OPERA COIP'TbuiiiM . 1 rli»r, HA>nir]i o f th(^ «#*#Qn*a trri*»Uiit Km-n-w,

TAK AND TARTARID ts b ; BeH u d E x c E p tlo aa i C ast.

Mny a—A WKKK W ITH WK Ydi’pli’triil b.T Wv»‘ii* iiN t..jrijA MAUf.n









A P R IL 23 d ,




P L A C E O P B U S I N E S S .


Thursday, Friday and Saturday.M A T IN E E S A T U R D A Y .

Ur»nd Hpecltti’u lur rroilaioHon uf NTKKLhl W AC*K AYK’R M A riTK lin KC'V:.

Paul Kauvar.A Bom anllc, Heroic n in llllslurlciit Flay. The

G randett Theum of .Mmlcrit T im e .

E D W A U l ) L . H N . \ D K I tBiiil aMiipcrlor Coinpnny. Flfly .\u ,r I Hurler. CBrIoads of Hpccial Ms-iiery, Mei-honlcul l-il'- fei-U, Cosliimct, etc.N a it W oek-vH AN IW Ar'IIHfor TMK SEA."

w ALDMANN'g NEWARK oeERa HOUSE.F kkii WAi.nnxNri.,.. r.

Week (fcinm rnelng MiMuliii, April BOB k it k -s im m o m h -m

A th le tic an d V a n d cr illr Coiiipuiiy.N. II, Hob FltzsIimiioiiK. jiiiddic-ociabl

cliBiiiplon of the world nnd licaw -w cioiit cham pion o f Ireland, w-lll meet bUhhiim is during the weds, for in h iir only. Tliciiittii- B xcin rn tw lllguaru iikc in fo rle it tU m iir.M r. F ltislm inons dis-s not m n-iiolnt i.u-h eomcr. Jam es F.l'amilliCX-rlinitiBSiin llglit-welghi ol the World, w ht nl.oi icir-l, nil umicr., in n friendly set-to. N e il «i.r.h IHLI.V I.l-xri-:il'ii HHIWHOW.

fN U A .V D OFEHA l ln r o K . Mntlm-.-. Him- t T d n y , T hurrdey iimi HcIm-tln.-. This .vi--k .ilSWO.Y-GG-MDllA WK In llic -l.M iIA V M -tlE C A lllllE Il.- ' Ncxl week “GcUyMluir;;.-* .May I, Is’iiefit Miin-iis I., Wnnl I’ll.-!, ii. .V. II.

K ,\(i'({in<i>-fi.

- ...... .ig B anks—tl.l I 'c n t .- -.len iner .lam ern . k c h n y lrr fnim Fninklln -ire-l. New York, Tuesday., T lnirsdnys,.suiidiiy., Si-jn, TIekets ■old by Eric nnd I'eiinr.viviiiiln rnmls. Hniidavr take rcnnt.v-lTiiidu.j:tT, Eric T::;i trains. HhU.tackle, rrfn 'ilinieida. n . w r t i x .

p i t - N U - FAKTII-X ( AN h a m : IIOATw, r swings, ineiry-gu-miinds, -uiiin iniinch, n .Jd n g sn d liatiilngnl VcrnitM IsiUc. Gronndr free. loi|U ln'nM mtAM l'IHik.VeroiM ,N..l.wi[i

H . E . B A I L E Y ,P O R K P A C K E R ,Cutter and Curer of Fine Provision r.

Al>ffioJiilflly l*ure ijvrd b fp«*lA!!y» AVf prI«t to tbe M bolrM le Tnuli*.



Street and W aterCOMMISSIOHERS.


UninrpaM«<l for of flaYor.Mil* by atl llTstsOlJiAn grurKTK lhrott§rhutit thA cItY a&d Rtftto. Ijvnjr fllctAnno i l l and 106 Sv ORAN^K AVK.,

ForUtAnno {«‘U'iih(»lliP MH4.Newark, N. J.


MaMwAu'i P lnuou lloddJeSp C ilrn 'i J lUQi ftbd Jvi I Q lof«r (^ rd la l.H avpberrj OordUl,

M»U'v o a t f ’akev.Huay'v A tw iaethy RSMUlto KlpperYd H errlnifs Kltmon KiuldS#M.

l.liUG' Juice, MuiintAlia i>piw,

. . . . . .®.?TY..*f!'T****“ * * * * " 'BTBKMr PAVlNG-AiUNM XNT

nfo rbaarU ta H M Ie tI* k r^ g lre re that o n ■■- MSsiMtitug« atl,th* awBtn or tU M load* tad nM iMato ptcalltily b iM M h r tk* parfoMM

auV riiFriU Eier.M ylTutotvtaw to Htwji

VMShere Fsaatodvuala avvaa* toNiro Jtareylaltoaad

as, totosuvia F ........ ............—p-a* AMPV ,•F nw (wiewifnril C n ia to--- 3bCo«i7(?uto UFttMir

of Ktow _____ _bFA em iireto to vriUw,

->jflvdvtoid iito.A iirii5IVN (At NYtPM MriMH

vlbrNOtorii -mriSto

•OOTK HTBr " ftsmFsaaaytvBHa ovtaatto

, A ’’lM "iueiusiaa*Bm tlikpW *flaag,wUUM a■atsatrsuHn.A U psnam inli

baud b**m osM 'toXDNXMDAVTs t i r . M..M ik t

Attontlon of wnt«r conxuuierH Ii cftlleti to the foUowlum ino- (lOBM nude mid adopted hy tbe Board, to take effect Immedi­ately :

I d eoBtequauca o f the large Increase in tbc tuleraat aooount to be paid by tlw Hoard on acoonut e f tba coat, o t tlwYww w ater supply abou t to be pu l ID oparalloa by tb a city, and tiM coaaequw t nccaaalty for tba Jloard tooare- fully utllla* every source o f revenue In order to n ia ln ta la tb* low water rents a nd rbaige* aow pa id by watar coDiiuman In tbee tl.vo t N ew aU aa eompared w llbthoa* paid by watar cODaomera In c ib rr large etiles, Ihe standing eonunlH at u f tbe Ip ia irtravn l o f W ater re- *p*e(iUliy raoMMienda to tlw B oard the fob lowing rhanpa* to h« m ade a nd adoptad in the ebargea and pracllcea o f Ibe Board lu anpp ly lug w ater to coDsnmen, to w it:

Una—All w ater reals, excapt for measnrail w ater, shall be due and payable aam l-annually la advance, on llw first day* o f H ay anjl No­vem ber. •

T w o-ftem ltoannai wnlar reato paid during inonlha «d Jim * o r D acem tnr after aame ■ball bacoma dua, a penalty o f one a m o u n t o f bill ahall be added a o d eollccted,

T hne-H em baD uaal w ater rent* paid daring knonlha o f Ju ly or Jan u a ry id le r aame ahall becotn* due, a penally o f tw o per c e n t on a m o u n t o f btll shall b* addad am i ooll« ted .

F o u r-B ea l-an n u a l w atar reats paid during moaitba o f August o r February a fte r oameahall baeom* due, a penalty of, four per cenl. oa a m o u n t o t bUl ataMl be added a nd collactad.

F ive—I d a ll eeam of noo-payinent o f teiinl- an n u al w atar rgata before tbe flrat day of Au- gaat and February reapectlvely, tb e supply of w at*r abnll b* tm m edlataly tu m ad aff from tb a pranUatB on whlob a u c b a rrea n a ra em l- an n n a t w ater ren t re iaa la unpaid , aad will n o t be tn m ad oa again till (he Aitl am ount of w ater ran t a ad penaltiH a re paid, Tbasataga. la tlaaa aad ebaufm ahall n o t app ly to man*- nrad w ater reobi.

I t w ill ba n roramry In order lo extend th* ■barge to November, to m ake th e bills for aavaa m onths Instead of a lx m optba, ao th a t w hile tbe aaeemmenta m ay not be itwreaaed th e UUa w ill appear larger.

Tb* board wao bereafler requires all Ike. toriaa and m ater In a** to mcBaurc th e ir con- n im p tlo n by matere of potlegn ap

K d ln h u r^ Uatmcal, Glasgow Peas Meal, Heel aud D irk Ham .

tbem , t hma meters to be set on o r bMoni Ap I w here oaaaaaed talea are pa id h) tb a t date.

TbeOM Um illeennllepartraiaiiitof W aterftifo |

, „ following ah o rra n ta to b e p a ld b :

th e r reootnmand th a t all the** perm lta be de-( i a r e n w e y r '------ ----------— — - - -

- - - - - , L - ■seeoiv lo w ltiF l r 5 3 r o r w o f water w ith a hoa* a n a

p r in a la m S lto tte lW fo a t.o rn n d e r ......■ A o fii—n i r aa* e r w ater with

a premlaea o r lot l a r p r than

O rd e rs by l i i l P ro n ip tly D e l l i e r e l

Wm.Mungle,70Bell«vmeAve.Afeots for Anchor Lins S. S. Co.$150 A LOT,

)1G Cast, Bilaace $1 a Week,AT IIAY\Tn.ORNE HKIGHTS.W atch for tlw grant itUplaT ad veiiU ciam t

InH atnrday 'alM ue, Only a fow le f t , '

Mapa and circulars.

W . H . M O F F I T T ,


On A. CAHII.L,(Furm arly with E. Q. FalUinte A CoJ


COALWholesale and Retail


1 3 3 FIRST STREETTelephone No. lOU. N ewark, N. J.

w tth a

[oire on D m m b e r U , 18H, a a d th a t Use following ahidl b e th e water

> be paid by cosMunwra naliig foraprlukllng parposaaeacE

w ater w ith a tioae o a_____ vrprthonfo]'a n d n o t exeecdlag SluKD foel


o n aion

T b l rd -F o r ua t of water w itb aooraer premlaea o r ioL....... ............... . to 00F o u rth —For us* o f vrat«r w llh a hose on

la ige plot* or promiasa special la tea m ay be

‘ ^ p ^ t y ^ l ^ v e Tk>llaiawm belm poa*4

(itia rgm a n d panaltlea a r t paid.BNOa RUMTOK,

m CleVh a f th e B ea rd .

«1 A WEEK.There In no etopt tb# tide of

bnpm ntlO coatluiiee. We bnve » few left, onlyi l 50, $aOO,«90O • hYt, on tonnn

SlOCitl, i t iu c t l i i f i f t .

LKGAL NOTIUKS.rTtO MICH AMI. IM>rKN,IIK.SnV McAl.lglWN---------------— ........................ . .. . ^ . . . . . . . JHI Hcieiii)lowk PaWpfc (kinuiilugs, Mr*. Mk-hai-l

flituiY MrAlniilYii tif I l d ’Mouii, Mynl, P itricit rummiuica «ivl Th>»mAt hiuilii. adBiliiU- m to r of Ji«ary or uii'tr hrtrR,dfiYto>wt, K teu tn n , KUtilvIetreiGn or hvow iw fuofAkrtoftoitd u n i imfjiiImhp Mltuafril In tlm chy ofNim 'ark, In ib^ cqiiniy of JdRMx and 8tot« i»r Xyw jFrvvyi lukiwji m 1^4 on Mork 19S. aaNhown on « raip n b ra r il to Itoport b'o. to, ntwt by thvOuRimtoHdOVra ib rtb e adluetmvnt (ftireavd m . ■Mimmto III the rtiy of Newitrk. sjuI dvrixibYil ah IblUiWffii Beiflnnlfw ftt tb f wMtorlY (Tyriifr un th# wentony ftoe of a nvw vtiYPt GAUi-d JiruFD Mrwt, rixl>*Hilfbt AivimQth of tba aouihptiy alilR uf Hfemtl* ton t l t i ^ M Mihl rii;^t huH tnH’ii fxtomitH] ovpr Uiu «iMt«riy rid** o f (liv HAllnwl VYeitue, miti o^jm tJi« iaM ooriKHT rqoMlnR lUOiig Hntpit titi«FiiMnirh40iUiv n e w 4! m to o in wont (hirty lhL>m« iMirtii to iaffteVH to mlautre wni olffliiy-Hvc n>«$; ihriire norih 44 dvtrere 40 mtovMri ihlriy iVhI ; uifduv

iS tojieSie ^ ftwi toThk« ihAwf UiAt on thf twelfth iiny of Murrtj,

IWI.Al A iHibdh' Mje of wditjmmilwNt, in immiArwe oflbvpEoeflatonfofnn nrt hlRktittiK prupHiiy tomto idly Fbitiledi “ An mgI noiireniitiK rha nsenlHiHl cf>U«:i|Dii«r irmirMEivior imimlri taum, MMAonratA mivt wvk<r retov ur witlFf rantx tn of ihla Htoto Aud lni|XAlisir Aitd lovyJnx u liu , umvnt AM) Iton In iMi Aial ImloMi uf Miiuh urraAritAra vMt to riifonw Uie luiyiuriU iJu’mLitjHl to nrovTtlfl tof thviAieoflAmlKriiUlwM tofttlure loxulloGi mkI vaiMWiYiit, PMtod Mffireh to.ltol.niift ttriiti (Itttrebij 1 putt’hwwi HMkl 1aim1#i tnm\ iltGlOMgWkAG * inin-iuMTui NMUl lAIMM mWI UK»

irriltotuf (tall rityof Nvwvrk ihc Hom iif inft (h tt In puiNtajkitre uf tlu« prinididlnaA RMimdtr mmI byvtYUtffiof tti« pmvjvtoito ■

9imM ACt Alld Uu »i»l»i»l«IWIliHllfdreU».Hirilill*TItoftoanwArtYby ibp Kawi tinmiy nn:ul«-kMHr,


N K W iU lK E V E K IN C r K E W 8 , P E T P A Y , A P U T T /20, 1892 .

. A PLM POK COOPERATION. Thf- S n i i f ..«<■, .

•m th e towMB* ^ u r« tlo n .U ««ii Appldedliwt n l(h t l>y tlin Houlli Or-

%a$n VIUm c Trujcttrrrt In ^ iib4>u4 w ith Ua« o f e iU b H ih lo f ft dupOMl

^rorkft OD pro |ierty Iti M lllburn nwiiod by ib«. '«IIUc«i dM plte th r pruiMtu of ilw MlUburn [Towtiiiblp atiUiorltifft. A n o rd ln an n 'to o m i-

. ft lUftln Mw«r from Ui6 InicnecUun of taart'h i trw t w ith Konlh Oruiffe ftvemse to

■ belonging to the vllUge ta ttwtownMhIp llU lbnrn, wm* 1utruduc<Hi by Truatea WilU

K, All«u, chulrtufto of ib« O rdlim oM ommltleo. The ordluftnoe Wftt ifftd ftud or*

I to ■ mcond rcftding,A eoBimunlKudun from the MIIIUurnlHi'wn*

kblptkrnimltteCf wftrnlug the Huutki Omngft TUiteMthAt M illburn iuteuded bringing thb nutter to Ibr courta, wfta odbrftd by U r, Allen, ^atunim nyiiig the ooram nnlrftilna w m m opy of tlM eeirenige bill pmaed by the Iftat

rlolftturo. Tltf oommunicfttUjnwfta ordered Sled in d the blit will kio published In th e plTIrlftl pftper o ftb e vlllnge.

Mr. Allen dressed th e bciArtl in referenoe J to the letter fruin ib e U lllbn rn Township Committee, He m id th e bourd bad born aw ftrt of UUlburD*! In tentions for ft long time, end the ooinm unlofttlun presented no m s o n s why Houth Orftnge should no t dum p lU sewftgeon the W oodruff fiinu.

A resolution requesUng M Ulbam to show rrawms why ijouth Ontog* shcnald no t ftVftU llseif of the opportunity o f using Its property la MUlbam a* « NW igo-dlipoM l w orks w u IMMsed.

Truiteg A rthur C. Bftbson, e b a lrn u n o f th e liinwerftfe Goaimlttee, preoented ft reftolutlon ftothorlslng th e ebftlrmftn o f the com m ittee to iQftke ft proposition to th e M illhurn Town­ship (toramlUee w ith ft view to ftrrftnglnglbr 4ti-ojNr»tlon In ftewege dlapom l by the tw o muulclpftlltles. The resolution w m adopt­ed, The proposition U m i fo rth la th e reeoiu* tlon as fbUowit

Honih Offtiife to ftfree to filter enofa sewage as may be delivered a t the disposal lands by cltlsens of M lllburn npoQ te rm s w h ld i siw ll plaoe tb e c U lu iu o f H lU btini, w ho m ay con­nect with the sewerSt upon an equality as to expense of diipoiftt, w ith theeStlsensofH outb Oraago who tnay' connect w ith th e eewem, each to pay In proportion to q u an tity deliv­ered.

The saiiitar3'cond ition o f the disposal landsto be under the lutiervlsJon of two Inspectors, one to beappol nied by the autborltlee of bou th Orange village, m u| noe by the aiithorllhw of Mlllburn Township, and to be n fu la te d by

' ■■ ‘ rto rs nm y from tim e tothe ev en t of disagree*

such rules as the Inspurtors m ay from Urns to In ihtlnw* agree upein

nient, the Htale Board of H ealth be called upon to decide tbe question subm itted. Its dee'lsion to be hlndlog on thu au lhorltles of both niun Id pull Ik'S.

I t was decided to send a copy o f the resolu­tion to the M lllburn Tow nship Committee. '

A uditarA loxandcr Robertson preeeiittKt a i slfttemeot of the financial condition of the village. Tbs balance sheet shows a nom inal surplus of assets over liab ilities o f |:ht,410.77f which, Mr. Robertson said , us the village has never been eaguged In any buslniws from which a profit wiM realised , could only have been p it^uoed by a continuous systetn of levying upon th e e ltiien s a larger am oun t of taxes than was necessary to m eet the ex­penses. H e said th is was dem onstrated by tb e Ikct th a t of th is su rp lu s •12 ,lJiJl consisted of a r re a n o f taxes, sonie o f m ore th an ten yiwrs’ standing. On th is po in t Mr. Robertson ■aid*

** I t is respectfully subm itted th a t tlie cli^ euiuttances suggest th e expediency of adopt­ing some m ethod o f oollectlog fu to rs taxes which wilt te rm ina te w hat seems to be a t least OB unbusinesslike proceduir.^*

The A uditor's e ta tem en t showed th a t the peroentsfeofcollertlcm s o f taxes o f im t was nlaety-fbur as again st elghty-elgbt per cent, o f the taxes of IfiBO, th e inercaite being due to special efibris p u t fo rth by R obert A. Hallldy, the Village Treasurer.

Folke Justice Jo h n O’RWlly reported four arreets, and M arshal o f Rilkso H enry T. Trcnchard reported th a t no fines bud boon ('ollected. 8. A. Fronch com m unicated th a t the vlllege owed h im tbe sum of for re- IHtlrlDf the oiocks In uee by tbe local pcdljue, and that th e b ill was due over alx m onths. I t was ordered |juld.

Treasumr Robert A, l la lild y preecnted h is m onthly report an d asked th a t notes HI and 142, thlllag due on A pril 21, be renew ed; also (b a t the village fu rn ish bonds so th a t be, the T reasurer, conld ob ta in th e license money from the County Otork, The requeate were granted.

Charles J . B arrett, snperlateD dent and col­lector of the w ater departm en t, reported th a t the total receipts for th e m o n th of March were|iltt0,48.

The village property In M lllburn and Rprlng* field was, on Mr, Babson's m otion, rented to John W oodrufffor one y ear a t 980 per m o n th .

Mr. Taylor's m o ln tlo n U> recnmiDend John O'Reilly, Br,, for tb e office o f Police Justice was kwt. The ord inance re ia tlng to tb e guard- In g o fn ilro a d erosoingi w as a lte re d s u o s to alibci croaUngs passed by electrlo oars, A resolution ofihrlDg 91D0 rew ard for th e a rres t and ooartetlon o f th# ra n d -y i who destroyed monuments in Uw Volley B treet Oemstcry was passed.__________ ____________


COmilBaiONEB OELKERS OBJECTS• - - • . - ' - — r . \7 .

Jm 4 u d 9iU.r)r lU ariiivl.allaB .A t tb a SIM ttiic of the fin.r<t o f EdueMtloti*.

O bnunlttwOn n u n a e Ui^ n lfh l , i lm ln n a li O f lk m #x|nvt<iHl hi* optnlon rrcH rdlBfth* rm euti^ciloiiof tU«K>mmlttw In mnMiMlup tiH* budfet tor t i l . ]TMr. t i r . O l k . r . , who la rbalriiinu of t b . n u u u l t tw , tMd lieen HI b>r •OYWil inootba itfid kMt Blkhl Attended hla l in t n in t ln i of tli« com m ittee th i . jr» r .

After m iliu f the m eetln f to order be r<« quMtnd Mr. H .r k to pre*lde. The Mlxth W .rd c r thOD took tlie floar u d m rapU lned th a t the tlSiOn placed In Urn badwet for tbe parebBH of a .011001 i l tc In tb e fteeond W ard wiu a lu e lm tx p n d i tu r r . Th« ward, he la id , w a . in no aoeil o f a « b o o l ; nn ldenee. were b d n , chanced In to bualuni. p b u r . an d people n e n m o r l a . Into ih .o u te r w ard ., T br In w n n e c Htrect Hohnol, w hich la but a little d la taaiv fhom the Hecond W ard He.hnol, w ai little m ore th an h a lf ftllad, an d Mr. th'lkera oonteiuled th a t there w a. atupte m om Id t l u t Kkool mid In t h . W aablnitton Htreetttchnol (br th e Hcoond W ard ebltdren. He explained th a t be w a. n o t o p taw od to the n ee tlo n of mhool balld lnfa, b u t he w a. dr^ elded lr oppoMKl lo potting th em up In Incall- tie , where they were nntabw 'lu tety neceaMry. He contended tb a t tbe loeellty In th e vicin ity of th e tto u tb T enth Htrairt behool had liaen .ll(h led , end th a t thore w a. no t .ufnclent •ehool eecom inodiitlon. there.

Then beeom plalned th a t the ttlaryofU oper- In tendnntof Krectloo and Ri-palra W illiam M. Freem an .b o u ld have been tnerea.ed a monlta ago, when tbe .a la r le . o f Hnperlnlen- dent B eriinger and fteeretnrlM Bryce and Hburta were rahwd. Mr. Freem an, Mr. Oel- kem ro n tlnu« t, waadciirrTlDgof ea irmcheon- •Ideratlan a . the o tberi, Mr, B arrliiic t'a akl- t r y wa* Incrrew d from H,II00 to tS/W . Mecra- la ry Ilryee '. fmmCidnOtofMOl>,aod A cIM ant Hecretary Hhiirta’. rn>mH,#)0to 11,(0). Ineoii- eluding b li ipeech, Mr. Oelkera aakeil the Keo- re lary to record h im tn tbe m inute* a* oppoa- Ingbo th m eaeum .

Hcveral of tbe C om m lntoncra nniioniieed th a t they were under tbe tiopreM lon th a t Mr. Frecm an 'i .a la ry wa* Inereaaed a year ago, b u t on looking over tb e book* no roeord to th a t etihet could be found.

Daniel Hweeney wo* appolitlcd a . a clerk In the oftlce o f tb e board a t a H la ry of t9 ll per year.

Tb* R epair. Com m ittee contraeleil wHh W alter P. Dttnn tv do the p lum bing work a t the Miller S treet Idchool lo r ftO, Tbe eout ruet for biyliig nagging on w hool properllM aa* awarded lo KIley B rn tb en . I t wa« decided to cull for b id . for fu rn l.h ln g gin**.

M D hM ol TM l‘AHK.1. .—


Vha V.ites..ll*wvlirtta.i. ar.lha.rU i;. aliTW a«. -n««'M v* **--

From fhn Mi>nni<iiith Ih n n a ral.Alfred F. Walcott, the now h e a d o f tho

Mnninoutb I’ark AmociaUiHi, okproawa g re a t coDfldfinoe In the b e lie f t h a t Ufa au- tbnrttlea of H u a m o u th C o u n ty d o n o t m ean to put themaelve* a t a l l o u t o f th e w ay in reg a rd to the v io la tio n o f law a t Monmouth Park next aummer. He m ay have had a o u ra n co * A ^ m l i r e i^ n k lb t e penon. to that effect, b u t w e a re n o t ready to believe t h a t he con tro lg th e m a­chinery o f Jualloe here a* tlM m tlM fe- menta of O loucceter a n d ( lu t te n b u f f a p ­pear to do in C am d en a n d Hudmin, If ourpuhllo authorltUw here alt down and tamrly allow onr lawa to be trampled upon by Mr. W'alcotl and hla omoelate*, beoaiw Monai((uUi Park happen* to be a Kort of upper enn t gunbiinf oon- cerii a* compared with Qlouoeetor and Guttenburg, although eriually demoralis­ing In it* liifluenom, we are Inellned to think that they will hear from the rtnrdy yeomanry of Monmouth, who have not yet forgotten the tradition* of their revo­lutionary ancentora, and a n not ready to allow the gamblers and poolaallers of Now York and Philadelphia to come here and de^ our law. mtd oitr courts with Im­punity.

Bnt the mtyt rnmarkable utterance of Mr. Prcaldrnt Walcott 1* that Monmonth County hiM been impoverished by the elo»- Ing of the park last ■eaaon. The natural Inference (Vom this remark ii, that either Mr. WalooU is a fool Of el*e he believe, the m t of the world are fools. Except in the immediate nirroundings of the park we doubt v e^ much whether the fhrmlng or bualnew Intcreeta of the county have noticed that ft was closed, so far as boM- ne*a wn* concerned, unless it ws* In the fict that there were fewer barinea* fklluroa, fewer embeolemeuta by trusted employca and fewer homes robb^ to swell the gain) of the gamblem who ply their trade at Monmouth Park.

From Uie B lm ieen tli IVotiiry.Jahannam,tbe word used by Mohanimo-

dans Ibr hell when U la not ipoken of a* al-nar or the Are, the eommon term In the Koran and Traditions, is, of oourse, taken flWB th* Jewish Gteblnnom, or southern valley ofjernealem, named after .ome un­lucky ancient ownsr or inhabitant. The retention of the final letter shows it did not reach Isbuu via Christiastty. Iblls, on the eontrary, of whom hereafter seem* derived ftom the Christians, though Hhoitan la a form of the Hebrew satan. In books of Persian theology hell h known as Dosakb. After a general bodily reaurrecUon, in which Mohammed agreee with Parsec, Christlau end Jew—and InilMa on It with unwearied Iteration— there will be a genaral dasoent into hell. “ There la none of you but shall dweend

Fnini I/tiiS(in Tltl-ltll.'.On one occasion Justlee HauMy was

on circuit at Exeter for the Aeslse*. One morning he left his lodging* early for a elroll, and, finding that he bad plenty of lime on hi. hands before th* oourt asKm- bled, he turned into a haiidreaeei’s shop for the purpose of getting shaved and genm lly trimmed up. Cimtomcr* being scar# at tbat early hour, there was only one ualsUnt prracut In thespiac*.

When tbe Judge e n t e ^ tbe man Jumped up with a lw lty and bowed him Into the nperaling-chair with all a barber's suave polltenem. Having lathered hla dUt- tinguiahed customer's fkce and stropped his raior with more than ordinary vigor, be oomnienced to attack the Judicial Wuh- ble. But he hadn't gone far In b it work before he suddenly pmised, with one band

RRO.Uv U.MnKV, .■otw .vNn U FJiT F.VltlC


into bell,” says Mary; “ this with your > on the Judge’s nose and the other waving

• d i n t h . P en m a B ’’ DrBW. bb A ppreeiB-tlve A ndlenee t a iBsUtaSe H a ll

Tbe andlenee th a t heard “ J lra th e Pen­m an " played a t In s titu te H all la st n igh t w o. deeply Interested from f tn t to la s t T ha t I* th e htfhcM praise tb a t c an be given am a teu r , who undertake euch a powerful, each an ex­acting play. Tb* etage lU ailon was prcwirvcd throughout, an d th e te lling po in ts fn w hich tb e play abound t w ere all given due ibrea.

The o u t w hich ddw rve. H irh entnm enda- tlon for ft. acting waa as ftd io w i: Jo sw . /la /- t tm , Ororge J . K irw a n ; Im U Pendeal, (fenrge P , K ealy ; B a rm JiarffiitU , M art J . K in g ; O q d a ts AedKwd, M arry J . K ing ; D r. Brt/ff- wise, A lexander T, B e t l ly ; Zeret B rttin v u r /, Wl lllam U . B elaod ; jrrffitrf)^, F ran k D evlin; OkepgsHc, Joseph D a n n ; if r s . Jtolshm, H is . Koie M arkcy; A pne. HatiOm, H iss Msggle Je^uch; Lady ihm asnnhe. Mils A nnis Bfown IVHtrr, and Zody CAjgMhme, Mlm H ay liose caray . H arry J . k W <*■* riage m anager, and to hi* care and In telligent work os n teh the ease an d emouthneea o f tb e m ovem ent of tbe play bore sufltclent testim ony.

DponMlss M arkcy devolved a largo part, and th a t the heaviest, of th e w ork. Hhe d id ft in a m anner th a t add* new tiietre to a repu­ta tion already b rig h t In am a teu r theatrloahi, A s Aaron i lm i/r id t H (r t . J , K ing ' WS. e l- oellent. H arry K tng a* Captain Hedwooci wae decidedly (dever, a nd bad the audience w ith him from th e outset, an d tieo tge P. U ra ly wae very good as ZeiMi Parrtuai, ^ y l n g the p a rj with d ign ity a n d feeling, Qeorge K IP wad played tb e title ro le In a n aoccplahle m anner. H lie H aggle lAynch w a. an exceed­in g ly artless an d a ttra c llv e Aim»» XaUUm, In fu t , tbe cu tire cast acqn lucd themHtlve. a . n o o tb rr cast ho* duneou th e n m e . tu g t iB a loDg tlnic.

s' * -------------* ■ >P e r th e J ta llaB H I i Mb b .

Th* Young I’oople’s Hoelety o f <!!hrlMian X udeavor o f tbe P a rk P tc b y le r la n Chnreh gave on enterta liim nut lu the Hunduy-echool vooroi last n ig h t tb r the benefit of th e Ita lian UlislaD on lllv e r street. There were m ore people than seats, and tba evening of song a n d reeltatlons wa* enjoyed Iiy all. Jere M. Cobb recited a num la-r o f humcrouiC ecleo- tlons, tbe Ju lie tte u id (VIeste G lradot played a p iano w)lo. M aster H enri Q lradot pwribrnied on the violin an d Miss Fam elta Plske and Mrs. Uraoe M arsh sang a duet. T hs second p a rt o f th e prognuuoiu wo. under tb e direction of W illiam W oodruff am i w>ui called the H nnw nophonc. The v a rlo u l noUw o f the scale were represented by youug men and women, who sang college gteos and other songs In a n ueneptable m anner.

^ U t E N B U R GH &~CO .'

IS $8 RIGHT 7Those double and twist

Cheviot Suits for Men have become broken in sizes. No more of the goods left, nor luiy more to be had. ^ een selling right along at $io— to­morrow |8.

SPRING O V E R C O A T S - $12 will buy one of those hand­some wide-wale Whip Cords. They are not $i2 coats in any­thing but price—so much bet­ter than the average overcoat that you ^ o u ld pay same money for msewhere.

To get one o f those genuine $ i6 Mackintosh Storm’ Coats for $ io you will have to come to-morrow, as th» special offer closes at 1 1 o'clock to-morrow night.

& CO.,

"T H K T m .A ()K U FFK N .”

An E xcep tionally F lcaa lng E n te r ta in m en t a t th e C hurch o f th e K edeem er.

HI xty persons look p a ri In th e opcn itla of “ The Village ttucon," w hich was sung la»l Digbt a t the C hurch o f tho Kcdecmcr bcihrr tut uudlrnce w hich titled every scut In llie m ain body of th e build ing aud gallery. Am ong th e ad o lsts were the Mioses Maroli, Potter, N eum an, F lynn , Elvcrson, aud Mmsrs. Bmlth, liudd. Hear *od Hyrue. Their sim ple Init m cbollous songs were well reu- dcred , as were alMi all th e d n e ti and triua.

Theeborvs, oDmpoaed o f m ilkm aid*, farm ­er's boys and villagers, showed evidenee of careful tra lu lng , and m ade qu ite an attraettve Picture in th e ir tan tostio eostutuea, th<' brllllaQc.r of w b irh wa* enbunced by the ray* from a cak in m ligh t throw n on th e stage.

W lth th ecx eep tlo D o f a hod b reak in the second port, when th* aud iracc was kept walling while one of tbe singers left the stage to h u n t up ano ther w hs hilled to t«s|s)nd to his eue, the perfhrimuiec ra n sm oothly, and was a su ew u from ann m ateu rlsh standpoint.

■* P a u l K a a r o r ” a t J a c o b s ’s T hea t r*.nievic M seknye’sftvemct m osterplcee,‘'I ’nul

K aitvar,” produced by Kugene Robinson's cum pany, was greeted by a large audience a t Jaeobs's T heatre last nIgliL Thu splendid dram atic s ituations which abound In the p lay furnished th e principals w ith rare c]>- portunltles for d isp lay ing th e ir skill. Tlie French Heign o f Terror la the them e I he play­w right used In b is construction of “ Paul K auvar.” The posalbltlUes aud d ldteuttles o f the task have been happily adjusted, and the result Is highly plasslng. The A ra l A'wuvar o f Edw ard I.. Buader Is a forcible and dnlshed im personation. Miss Roselle K nott w as a ooDHicntlous and suc­cessful ZUniM de Jlenusionr. The duplicity of the Aforquii de r o u i , Im petw naled by E. K, Bpencer, wo* exasperating enough to m ake th a t aatagon lsm against h im a real eom pUnwnt to h is work, ZSMWpke AUMn, entrusted to Daniel K elly, wa* on eflbettve com edy part. As A'ansetle,' H iss Ivan llll wa* p re tty and wholly engo^ng , though hav ing b u t UtUe to do. The Ctirroe was a s vlU lanous an d at>- borren l as an y typical A narch ist Is su ppoud tu b e . T h e p ^ o n n a h e e ^11 be repealed to ­night, to -m onow afte rnM n an d to-aaoriBw ni^U ______ _ _______

F ro m g ou th O ra a g sDr, ’W illiam 'J. bhand lcr's barn od H llllgan

plaoe, South Orange, waa to ta lly destroyed by Ore la st nlgnt. The flames V e re first dis­covered by Mrs. Chandler, who was seated In tb e d ln lw ro o ra o rh e r residence. Dr-Cbandlcr and h ll douiciltc t rushed to th e barn and saved tvro ho n es, a eow, several wagons and a lot o f hamesa. The volunteer fire dep art­m ent w e n qu ick ly on the stw oeaud by urgent work they got the bloxe under control v h th in tw enty m inutes and prevented th e Ore tTum ■preadlDg to o ther buildings, Tbe b am waa located near a num ber o f line dwellings and ifttab laae had no t been theeked • serious conflagoratlon w ould have resulted. Heverul tonsDfbay w ereeo n * u m « |lan d th e hMsIa ea- Umuted a t titO.

Tbe K pw oitb I.e*gao o f tb e M ethodist Rpls- eopal Cbuioh oi ttou lh Orange gave a a iu inu t last night,

Daniel H and held an op en ln g a th lsn ew hotel In liaatb Orange k s t night.

Jerem iah Boyd, of S ou th Orange, has re- tam ed home ftvJm Bellevue H ospital, New Tfork,where he wa*confined to r several week*

W illiam F. Allen, o f Scotland Mreet, Houth Oraiige, has sold bis rasidenne to W illiam Bohall, o f New 'York, to r |iei,00lli R. C. Brown­ing bos purebaaed B . F. F in lay 's brick reap deuce on H artto rd road, S outh Orange. The price paid woe tllJHO.

Tbe trustees o f ttohool P Istrio t 2g of Bouth Orange organtned last n ig h t by elooting Nor­m an K. B urgbardt chairm an a n d H enry L illy d istric t clerk.

Th* dog race arranged to eome o ff a t Valla- hnrg to-m orrow oftenioon hks been postponed u n til H ay T an d h, when It w ill tak e place on th e gnranda o f the K earny A tblelto Olub. Kntrle* will clooe on M ay 2.

N eg lee ted H e r Mek Boy.W hen Mrs, A lice Farley , of 170 M arket

street, was brviight before Judge Hayes, chaiyed w ith d runkenness, sh« begged the Judge to let her go home to attend a slcli child. A wom an who was In the court In- tormed. th e Judge th a t Mr*. F arley liad no sick ch ild a t home. Mrs. Farley, who has been arrested tor druukennes* three tlm ra w ith in ton. duy% wo* com m itted to Jail tor th ir ty days. John Farley , I he w om an's twe1ve-yeaiw>ld son, Is very sick w ith pneu­m onia a t tb e C ity HospItaL The m other was neglecting h e r iKiy and nctghburs bad him le o lto tb e h o iip iia ] ou w ediuaday .'

----- -------- t— -—B a rg la rs a t G len lU dg*.

The Tesldenca o f Dr, J , Alton Osmnn, the Newark -dentist, a t Oten Hldko, was eutenMl by burglars u s W ednesday night, Tbe thieves secured b u t little booty* Two other places In the im m ediate v lolntty were tam pered w ith, b u t the tuanu idera w e n frlghtoued aw ay by the berjU ir alarin .


A n A ftlilsvit W ith T h is totnry W ould Get th e R ew ard F ro m O elrlcbs.

New Zealniul Herald.A desperate fight between a man and a

abark occurred recently In Manukau Har­bor. Henry Jacobeon, who is employed at the North Manuktu Heads os beacon lightkecper, waa out in his boot about six rolios down Hie harbor when It was ntnick by a oquall and swamped and the oocu- pant left in the water. Jocubsoo dived and endeavoredte relieve the ballast, bnt without succevs, He then grasped an oar, and, bring a good swimmer, struck out for land, but OB a strung Ude waa running howos swept down tbe harbor a distance of throe milea. At that point he waa at­tacked by a large shark, which grabbed at his hand, lie protected himself, however, with tho oar, which he tried to ram down the shark’s throat-

Tbe fish then mode a circle around him, and renewed the attack. By this time, however, Jacobson had hU sheatbknife drawn, and desperately stabbed the shark, ripping its side open, so that tbe water became red with blood. A fhrther attack was mode, when Jacobson again stabbed the monster near the toil, and It swam away. At that time a boat came in sight, aud Jacobson, exhausted, won hauled into the hoot, haying been in the water two hour* and thirty minutes.


A fy n ir* ! Q u eris t G ot a n A nsw er T hat A s tan is h n l Hlau.

From the W ashlugtou Htar.The guileles man who asked this fooUsfa

question got this answer from a woman. Having kept a statistical account for one year, she gave th^ result as follows:

“ Number of lunches put u p , 1,167; meals ordered, 963; desserts m ^ e , 172; lamps filled, 326; rooms dusted. 2,2GB; time* dressed children, 789; visits re­ceived, BBT; visits paid, 167; books read, 88; papers read, G53; s t o i^ read aloud, 2 U ; game* played, 82B; church service* attended, 125; ortioleB mended, 1,236; articles of clothing made, 120; fancy articlea made, 56; le tten written, boon In musie, 20J; hours in Sunday- saJuol work^BOB; lu»rs in gardening, 46; sick days, 44; amnsementa attended, 10,

“ BesIdeiUie above Innned two ohiF dren through measles, twloe cleaned every nook and oomer of my house, put up ssv enty-five Jon of pickles and preserves, made seven tripe to the dentist’s, dyed Easter eggs, polished silver and spent seven days in helping nurse a friend who was ill, besides the thousand and one duties too smali to be mentioned, yet taking time to perform.’’

17ow we hope that moa is not he can try it himself.

Lwrd is a decided decree." The pious will he delivered, but the wioked will be left therein kneeling.

In al-HUr it is written, “ Jahannam hath seven gates; to every gate of them a dis­tinct portion.” Out of this small text Mohammedan eoolesiasUo*, fbltowingthe Migions and the Jews, have constructed seven stories of hdl, one below auother, designed for the reception of so many dlffhrlng companies of the damned. Tbe uppermost layer of these stories is called Jahannam, a particular name for this story, and a general name for hell. This oompsrtment la fbr wicked Mohamme­dans only, or the people of the unity.These, after being punished aocordlng to their demerits, wilt be finally released and their partloular hell deafroyed; the next Lathn, or tbe Flamer, fai for the Chria- tlana; the third, Hntamah, or the Smash­er, for the Jo w*; tbe fourth, Ba’lr, or the Btoxer, forth* Bablsnt; the fifth, Bokar, or the Scorcher, for tbe Magians; the sixth, Jahlm, or the Burner, for the Idola- ton, and the seventh, Hawiyoh, or the Abyss, the nndermost, the wont, for tho hypocrites. This is c ^ e d Dork Asfkl, or tbe Profoundest Degree.

These seven hells are also taken from the Jews. BImeon ben Yochid, In the second volume of the “ Zofasr,” after say­ing that once in this world there w/tt no l i ^ of evil, because it was enclosed in a ring of iron and set iu a hole In the great deep, odds that during all this time tbe fire of bell was extlnguislied and burned not at all. But when the Inst of evil re­turned to its plaoe the wicked of tbe world began to grow warm theresvltb, and the fire of hell began to be rekindled, for, os Rabbi Hlmeon explains, the fire of bell Is only brought into being force of the Inst of evil fn tbe wicked. By thi* It i* kept bnming day and night and is not quenched. He goes on to say that there are seven door* in hell and seven habi­tations, ^


A C lergym en W ho W as I'lirouseloiisly a Sm uggler o f tollver.

From tb r P h lladrlph la llissirtl.The rector of one of the most fashion­

able churches In Philadelphia tells this amusing story at his own expense. During a visit to England a year or so ago his mother, who lives there, asked him to take bock to this country a small silver teasel and some spoons, which were family heir- j form.” looms and which she wished to give her The following is told of Sir Henry Haw- nuuried daughter iu New York. The kins, who, rightly or wrongly, has the good rector snid that he could only do so reputation of being a severe Judge, nnd Is on condition that he dcolared the articles consequently more dreaded than beloved and paid the duty on them, but woman- i by the criminal classes. Sir Henry, sals

the rssor poinfiilly near Sir Henry's throat.“ Blessed If I don't think,” said the

barber, “ that you’re th* old oove what gave me five years at Winchester,"

The Judge's feelings may be better imagined than dcecribed, but he merely replied with what ooolnem he could oum- moD to his aid:

“ I don’t know, my good follow; I have abad memory forfoces.”

However, the man wentonihavlng, and Justice Hanlsty congratulated himself Ihst tbe ex-ooDvlol didn't bear malloe. This nneoslness of mind come a little too soon. After the shave the Judge, with chor- scterlstto determination, decided fr> carry out his original programme and have his hair cut os well. To his horror, the bar- | ber hod no sooner exchanged the raxorfor i hi* icisaor* than hi* lock* began to fall in | a perfect •bower on the floor. I

“ Hold on, man, hold on 1” exclaimod | tbe Judge, “ I only want a trim up, 1 tell yon; don't cut it eo abort.”

“ Cut it tliort be blowed,” replied the barber, slicing away triumphantly; " you didn't cut It short when you give me five year In the stone Jug. This Is the prison crop you've got to have, old man, as sure as a gun, so you'd best take It kindly.”

A Judge was Journeying np to the North of England in a fast t i^ n , which, after leaving London, did not atop till it came to Rugby, The oiiiy other occupant of the carriage was a well-dressed and apparent­ly gentlemanly man, who took no notice of tbe Judge till the train hod left the ter­minus. Then the man came over, and, seating himself opposito the Judge, poured out a torrent of foul-mouthed abuse and threats sgoinst the latter for having sent him to penal servitude for mining some years before. The Judge waited till the man paused for breath, and then said very ({uietly ;

“ My dear air, don't you think It’s rather bod form t o talk shop in private life f Ah, you don’t think sol Very well, then, let us relate some of our mutual experienees.I have no doubt that I shall And yours a great deal more entertaining than you will mine."

The follow waa so nonplussed by the Judge's fearless good humor that he quieted down and sctuslly did expatiate upon some of the incidents in bis career. Probably be never saw the nice point of satire In a Judge appealing) toaoonvlet he had sentenced on a question of “ bod

n m i fon snuiDiv o u .

Regular. Bsturday.lH »r Bolts.................................. fs'. h r.

l'j»t It(s>ks, per rtosen..........lOc. per do*. 7c.WlreHcn-w Hooks, per do* ..ISr. per do*. lOv,Padlocks, iM li...........................10c, each to .

Putlcya, Cecil.....- .......... ......Sc, 4c.

lAilley Itgok*, I ft>r......... . Sc. I tor 4c.HtocI lU U 'hcts, w arran ted ..............................t v , SOc.

IWiils.......................... 1-to'-Flothnllnes, per yard........ . lo. per yard V .Cissl Itoil*. Jspmincrt............................... 3V. lUc.Wash K e ttle s ...........................*V. lUc.O v all.x W ash ho llers ....................................?l,«l 77c.

Dust I’Hii*.............................................................Ilk'. 7c.

Tlirce-lioop G«k P a lls . ........... 17c,

B room s...................................... .ItV,

Hinull l'edarTulM ,l*t quality..Sac,

J.', Fiilvi I - i l W ringer.....

WushlHwrds.............................. 3(lc,

Berut) llrualins........ ............._...IOc,

move Brushes..................... ......10c,

Whllott'HsU Brushes................ i i r .

W hisk llnHiina..........................lOc,

Palm B rushes......... ................. tv.I "uris-1 MwcciSTS.............. I s i tuHlssdl's o f tlrsTid Iliifjrht.. 4*-“

Regular. Haturdsyg

Ftssss M sls....... .. ABc.W ire JIal*................................ -OSo,

lies ■le,' 48*.

• l.iT

7 cIBe.




All in Our BasementFor Saturday Only.


P I N T , Q I I A L T T Y

like, hi* mother would not .hear of Uncle Sam's benefiting by her gift to her daugh­ter snd so she continued to plead with her son to stlU the whisperings of his con- BCtenoe and do this little bit of smuggling even at tbe cost of a fib. It was all in vain, however, and when the worthy man bade her goodbye tbe gave him * motherly scolding about bh nndutiful treatment of ber and hoped he would oome to so regard his refhstl and repent it os he ought.

Safely landed in New York, and at the resldenoe of hts sister, he accepted her of- for to unpack his luggage for him, and was

completely overcome with astonish­ment u s b e was a t finding a teapot in one at blsboots, a sugar-bowl In another; and the balance Of the teaset and a dozen or so of spoons hidden in the pockets of his clothes. And by tbe next moll come a let­ter from hi* mother, which was filled with gleefol mirth at bis expense. Bat when­ever the good man hears the foshionable dn of petty smuggling mentioned he qnlv- era at the thought of what a dreadfhl time he might have had if the Customs In­spector bad diaoovered that silver.

-------------- 4--------------ABOUT UOOMEKANUS.


Our Spring Topconb woutdo’t be anything if they weren’t elp; gant. I ’hey make yon see in the shape, in the linings, in the tail­oring, that they are Hot meant to leok like other Topcoats. And they don't. If you want a silk- iined Topcoat—|i4 to $y>- If not, $io'to $10.

But arc our Spring Suits the same? They are. Indeed, it wouldn't pay us to make them of imported cloths if we didn't get them up a<i perfectly as merchant tailors. You'll please youimelf very well for $15 to $25. Or, you may pay f t o or $jo, but you can't pay a cent more than tlie lowest manufectutm’ prldps.

MMSHALUm8 0 7 ,M 9 .8 U ,a U f tN i^ 8 t .

B laoinfle ld u d M on tcla ir .M ontclair Hook an d L adder ( ’om pony I

have undorsed I 'h lllp K eller, J r ., to r Chief of the Fire Dvpurttucnt.

toivcn m cm lvni o f Dloomfleld Connell, Royiil Arcanum , a ttended an enterta inm ent nlvcn by the F ast Orange Council, a t Com­monwealth H all la st n ig h t aod bod a royal gtKid time.

Dr. A. D orm an, o f New H aven, (tonn,, wtU apeak In th e M ethodist church, Mont­clair, on Hnnday night, tak in g to r fair subject, “ The BflhcU of A leotaol' U pon Mind and Body."

The Bloomfield Ijnsc hall n ine wilt play the K sst Oraugs High Hclity)] team on the grounds of the Glen Ridge D ating Clnb KKnorrow aftcrniKM;.

Miss Belle B ushnell, w ho bos been visiting friend* In WfttsoMlng, re tu rned to her home St QuUir.r,,Fta., th is m onilng.

A kiietliil meetUig o f th e Bloomfield Town­ship Cnnimll tee w ill be held to-night to settlc u p with T ax Colb'otiir M arr. .

The scml-annaiil m eeting o f th e Montclair Clirlstliui Endeavor Un|riu was held In the M ethodist church, M wifclalr, hwt n ight. The sessinu wns n;)rncd w ith a servliw of song. Tills wiis'folKiwea hy an address o f welcome by Rev. Joseph A, Owens, iiestor of tbe church. Rev. F ran k J . (loodwin, o f th s (Urn HIdgn C ongrtgatlnnal.O barch , then d ^ livcred an ivddrvss to itie m em heiffoh the work to lie iuvum pllsbcd by tiHi younger eln- nieiiL Miss Kva O nnrter sang n solo which WHS wcU nviilved, Iluv, O. H, Joneo, pastor of Hie WoodslUs Heforiitod C hurch, Newark, sildreescd the in iv tin g on the soh jert :v“ W hy the Young lAsiple W iould A ttend th e Wednes­day Evening Pniycr-mccI lugs, an d W hy the Young I’copto's Bocicfy Is More Htietwssful Than O ther OrganIznIIons o f H lnillor Charsc- t e r t " J . A- Hiindfont tolliiwcd w itii “ Prophe- oles of the ('onvcnlioii.’' The mecltug wn* t> ro u |h tto ac |is ie by n conseerntlon uteeUng led by PMWard 1 1 . Sim dtord.

Over 200 peoplensw 'inbled In th e M ontclair '0|K>ra 11 misc lost n ig h t to w ltn em acsk e walk; Among those In ntU 'iidance were several Ont- tenlnirg s(s)rts,w1io wore righ t a t home "pick- lug the w liu ten ." Thu M iintelair colored linnd fttriilshed th e tnuslc. E igh t couples par- llcliutlcd 111 the w alk. Tho result was o s to l lows i jy in t, 'ITiomas Jaykson nnd Mis* Clara i l l l t ; breend, J o h n V ofam nnd M in Msggle ThompMin; third,M Iephen V alen tincand Miss A iiu aT a lb e i. ' A lthough there w as some dls- satlsIkiiliHi to thoannauneeiT ieut am ong thoIrd.O utlenlm rg s|iorbi, the decision p ieva llr insit suni wo* realised to r th e y m ia g men's reodliig-iSsmi of I he Union CsHored w p tls t cluirvC, under wh'sie auspices I he walk wotgiven. A lte r tbe aw lk Uts uolored people la t down to supper. . ^ ________ _


A C lergym an W1h> H a d No B irth d ay An- n lv e rta ry fiavew Years,

From HI, N icholas Magnxinc,A Scottish (dergyman who died ntaxly

thirty year* ago, Mr. Lelshman, of KlU' rt)**, used to tell that he hod onto been •even yesn without » birthday. The statement puzzled meet who beard H. They could see that, if he trad been bom on February W, he would have no birth' day extopt in a leap year. But leap year oomes onto In fow jpesn, aod this oe- ounnta for a gap of three years only; their Hnt thought would therefore naturally be Ural the old sun , who in foot was fond of a harmless jest, WM somehow Jesting obont the seven. There wm , however, no joke or trick in hi* aseertlon. At the present time tifore can be very fow, I f 'l h ^ ore any, e(ho havo this ,tate to ’teU of them­selves, for one who con ton it must have hesn ]^m on February 28, at fesot ninety- six ynsi* fiffo . But a atmilw line of mialnc iWis lanaw soon to.jhNDnb

Tbe solution of the puzzle U to be fonni in the foot, which doee not appear to ba very widely knows, tha t the year 1861 wm not • leap year, and IBOO will not be. The Februsry of the prennt year hod twenty- nine dtyi, but in ell tbe sevia yean inter­vening betWMn UH obd 1B84, m well m In the u ree between IMS and MS, that month WW has* only twoty-elght.

•''wee-— . —™—-7-™-™--------“Ml'.*baUfo,ws

BeteatUle E x perim en t* U e m n e itra te T h a t T hey Con B e H ad.

From the Rvenliig W isconsin.Incidentally to his investigations respect­

ing flying machine*. Secretory Langley, of tbe Smltbsonhut iMtltnte, hsa been mak­ing some most interesting experiments with boomerangi. He recently hod mode to order a number of ideal b<»merangti, based m to shape upon mathematical prin­ciples. Ordinary boomerangs, such os ore employed by the natives of Australia, wooW not servo. There ore fifty of them in tbe National Museum, nranufootured for actual use In the land of the kangaroo, but not one in the lot will do what the typical boomerang Is advertised to d o - nomely, return to tbe thrower. These boomerangs of Professor Langley’s do re­turn, One of his assistants. Professor Otis T. Mason, the fomons anthropologist, has attained such expertnes* through prac­tising wiUi them that, although a small man, he con throw them 100 yard.*, and they will eome bock to his feetevery time.

How did the “ black fellows” of Aus­tralis, lowest of savages In the ecraie of humanity, discover such a principle os that of the boomerang 7 Doubtlem by ac­cident. Theyhavefoundtheweaponuse- ftil for killing ducks .and other water fowl on the marshes, wherd*mlssile* thrown were not seslly remvered, ^ ' T WM struck, the stick fell with It, and the banter oonld wade In and recover both. OtberWiM the boomerang come back and was rtody ft>r another shot.

^ — ^ 11 > — '■ '■ ~F p n lg n S tndcnl* In A m erica .

From th e Pennsylvanian .W c know th a t every y iu r m any Aincrlcnnn

go Blirood to s tudy, hut wc scarcely a|iprcnlato tba streng th o f tltc cu rran t setting th is vruy, A n cxam in atlu u of recent u n lv n n lty calu- liigue* show* th a t prucilcally every civlllxid nation In tli« w orld Isrcprcscnlcd by students now In A m erica. In u singlH great tustitu- lion, the rnlveV sIty o f I ’cnnsylviinla, there or* U ndent* from twcnty-elghi forclgu iv,nn- tries, Tho M ossecbuselts InHtltiite of Tech- uolngy alone shows Ktadciits of eighteen natlonaltllc*. eevciitnm arc rapresenh'd In tli* U nlvatiR y of Ualltornls, fifteen in both H ar­vard an d Yale, toartecn a t D irn d l nnd Michi­gan, ten a t Princeton, nine a t Lelilgb a nd two each In Brown and Wesleyan, Even remuto countrtee lik e Japan send m any stiidcnts here, Yale having th is y « ir seven Ja iw n o c studsnls, tho U niversity of Pennsylvania six, Cornsll five, U orvan l fmir snd m any o ther colt(qtes one e r two. OnrcKV'llcnt professional crmncaaTe th e a ttraction to m ost o f t lx w torelgners, th e U nlveralty of Pennsylvania inedleal and dental schools showing hM lsy soveaty-Ave ftrrelgu studenis, chiefly Euto- pcahs.

W omen w ith pole, colorless Dices, w ho fhclreak an d discouraged, will receive both ipcii-sl and iHidlly vigor by using FartcFs Iron

ITIIs, Which am m ade tor the blood, nerves

well known, U In private life on ardent! follower of the turf, and when more ' sertoM busineee permitn, seldom fails to attend Newnrarket races-

On one occasion he was returning from a meeting on the classic heath, amt hod entered a railway carriage at tbe station for the piirpom of returning to town. Three underirable-Iooklng follow-possen- gers followed him In, and 8tr Henry wa* thinking of changing his (rarriage when* fourth man, who w m also on the point of entering, stored hard at the Judge, got book on the platform, and, oddreeolng his companions, sold:

“ Come, get out of that boyw—a nice warm shop that is you’ve got into. Do yon know who that * mug ’ is you were go­ing to lake on TP

“ 'Who is It, Bill T” Mked one of the men M they d e o r^ out of tho compartment

“ Why, 'Orkins, to be sure—a proper sort o f 'm u g ’that to try our game on, ehT”

Sir Henry in the meanwhile, lapgblng in his sleeve, hod recognized tbe man who hod m ov^ the others oITm a man be hod sentenced at the Old Bailey for card- sharping In railway trains. The others, not knowing him, hod marked him down OS * “ mug ” or “ flat" on whom to prac­tise. The Judge’s reputation probably saved him from annoyance.

le r tls s 'F in e Dongtihi Klrt lltiH onnl Bools, sll styles aud size, w orth Eton, iit

$ts40wtsAdIcA' K rrnch FinlMlitnl Klit

Boritn, n rw r)h1 ixiputur NtvU'H. b iire At

$ 2 .4 fKMlHKHt'ATid rh lld ro trx PrniJHn Kill Mniid'

nowAd Writ I'uteui lAMitliei’ Tip 8|»rtiiKh«'f| itulinnnil Hootty

HiR«i JI <0 'it HlXlMl to lO'^i



For which ws htvs mad* pries* for To-nArrow that can not fall to t i i l l further


SHOE DEPARTITT.VfAl <‘Alf Hiittnnfrl And Hhodtn

i^ctiily nm tk iinti kihhI iUHiik, Aiiifl U tu Ai InbivuIh Al

$ 1 *12:1 .

M rn’* Calf liHiiditrwtHt W«'lt Rhoet. redureG frorii it}

* 3 .2 5 .«Men's Hood Q im llly V csl Calf Shoes, lo o s*

ari(J I'(ingress, redheed fnirn SI.ID to$ 1.10.

Men's F inest (jalf H sndsew ctl Hbora, a n y style, reduced from H .ts to

* 3 .75.

DRAPERY SCARFS,Best (luatlty China Silk, with painted tmltlng silk end.

39 Gents EacLlU giilur price...................40 cent*.

ZEPHYR WOOL,One special lot, food slindcs.

And ouiiupleiU)ii.'-Adv.A P0CIA I. NOTU'IWe

Sw eat BMIy T e a lo r Nerves, Mtrength and Sleep,

Yon .wont ebeolulely nothing else. Itc i* beverage, nervine, s lecpglvrr. A boon to weak, nervous, sleepknu oni«. T iy i t you. Small, IGc.; large; Me. Does not a lte r usual dally routine. A t Druiglsts* Dc|iut, IB Nsw street, c ity , o r by muil.

H arba r* ’ I l r h an d R lngw iinu.Tbe disease gm erully but wroiighilly known

* Barbers’ ite b , also R lofw onn, are bolb eiired la a fow (Jays by Dr. Cbrlonl, ID Academy strest, npeutira, wh<ve a convlueiug tria l of th e rennviy may be had free of charge irom B A. M .to 7 P , H. week d a y s ; lluudays I ______

PfetBro* oihI P ie tu r* F ram es.Bring us the picturei you wish to hav*

ftom ed. W* have the lu m e t and dneotaa- sortm ent of nunildlnc* In toe m ale, cud a t the lowesl urtoca “ U eauutoaa lu sverytU ox,” jd l^y ;.a r tW mat*rls l* rty y * KmnyTsS

' M ated b y I t . B . C oehron, d rugg ist, L oa- caatcr, Fb. H ave guaraiileed overllD Iwule* o f Biirdoek Blued Bitter* for dyspepsia, sour stom oeb, b ilious a tbudu , liver and kidneytronbleT^' _________

■ sw e w M d J tn I t o M a r SEsleeM* 031 f s r


To-morrow morning, from 9 to la, 1 will sell those elegant styles of All-wool Boys’ Suits, 4 to 14 years, including an indigo blue, at

S 2 .9 8 .R E A L V A L U f- $4.50.



4 Cents a Lap.*Regular price. 5 (Viii*.

S A TU R D A Y’ S M M - O F F E R I N G !1 I’ouiiii Hnliiic’u Htiir Mixcvl.............. ................................. ..........lUceiitM1 I’oiind Fruit Hmi Hotm................................. ................................ 551I cent»'1 I’dunrt Floriila T>ni|»i.....................................................................3 3 (‘cutat I’ohikI Ch(toiihttc t rcuMi I)ro|w............ ......................................... Ifl s’«ota*1 I’niind Molassca Peft[H'rni)iits,..,,.............................................. . 13 centmI I’uuiid American Mixed................................................................ H centM








$10 GASH.Do not delay. (!nm* any day. On Kunday,

Hppcial Eihlbltlan DiU', the great BuildingisA Hal atfto, aqeo, awo.

Terms tlO (iHaU.Uabmee $ 1.00 • Week,


W. E MOFFITT,S O d B r a ft C lS t .


CARRIAGE,stained in oak, body snd gear; uphot-

ttsfsd in sstine, with silk plush roll,---- SA T tm D A Y ONLY-----


One of thfl Chioago World's Fair Albums w ill be given every piirchasBr of PAIRBANK'S OOTTOLENE, tbe new shortening, during the exh ib it now in progress, Main Aisle, junction of Halsey and New Street Entrance. Cook­ing w ith "Cottolene” all day.




so to BO per cent, below Broad S tree te r New York ( i t y price*. E v e ry p a ir gnarin leeffi-.iA


COR- AlU LBER K t"ikSa

laxxM IN

k J U tv to d k r u V « k B m !!«■■ i B aw a k roU aok Mm4 BtgM ChaMMoan

'V u i* fa n a il ln f In th a T ldn lly ofiW K llkHXavDao««,Oiaa(a,lwd b li » l>x th» ■ertam i o f a woman Ban Um d ln r l lo o o f Itaynnlda toi^

I ran 1o lb<* **1* and mot Mra, Cllafloa of Ik ru tek Klrcet. who waa fnw tljrBlit-iM liUliat ahe bad boon attarluKl

iln a a k D o w n iimii, (ml had frl|bt<iuod him ^ be t wnmniH- Bhe la id th a t ho waa

A rt fiml toll liiohea ta ll, had a Ilfh t ^ ^ h a and imro a ilio rt ooat. B h o w aaaot i i f honm w inm Um m an aoaoMad bar., G Ya8aW p.f"a*hman Ihr F raa b W. Bald- L o f V alkp r i>iad, Waat O ra n (^ waa walk-

V alky n » d a lam t 10 o ’clock laat and aa ho waa fa a a la t Koraat itroal

»)Mii accwlod him . They dem anded I ba thould ylTO Ihcm hia n onoy . Ha had

Pi k a »“ d *u*a thP™ Uiat. Tha men da- t d a r e d th a t h« aiti«> bava m ore, and ' f » ^ a d him down. Tlmy Old not, bowaaer,'B k ik in u fh h it ckHlilDiormoleM h ltn rar tb ar ,' A bout llm tim e (loorfa L i'ont, coaclB

n a n for Jow yh t'am pbell, of Vallay and 'W alker iw U , wnt a lto attacked by th r m ta , who robbed him of w hat little mrmey Im Ii and bi-at him (leveTcly. Tim nibhcrlea h ad not beau laportod to tha Weal Oran»a holloa tb it innm ini,

LaoftHtaw OnunrU *3, Rayal A rm noin. of Baat O n ^ a held »o an terta lnm en l In (*m»- hUMiwmith Hall b u t n lfh t in cclebraUoo

' Jta tenth anniveraary. The hall waa lllled w ith t jM m bara and their flirn d a The peoaram ma i^Vil*e(T!»ci.conal»U'd of luatrum enlal qnar-

t la a b y the ideal itm cert fm npony , tonita rtP e Bnmtwiek MaU- UuartcIW . rH-JIatmiu

. lewlle UoHln, U lla d t by Mlia Allla.„ j(h a rd . harp mlo by H. ***‘'^*|*"*'"•*!'•

M^xopliou* dw^ hy H» t ‘. 4 n d Mim bwbis »j* .|tocklcm and addreaaaa hy J . F rank Fort M t k H u B d u ia l F ea tu rrao f the O rder, a ^ by E I W Orand Kcfent a B. HrOowell. of Brook-

• W o n “ Tha Boyal A reaum a." Huring ih# ; iM arm ltakm the rom ibera of the ' Ballad Into an anle-foom a n d ra a t R«««nt

Charlaa (Harr waa pmaenled by th a t ^ n e l l ‘krUh a P a rt Regent't badge aet wMh dia-

anda, valued a t more than IdOd. The p r a glatlon tpeecb waa m ade by Paat Orand

lU ie n t Metiowell. Tha affair waa a o o » ’ him a lurprlae to Mr. B tarr an d It waa ■ flB len lty th a t ha lotm dw orda to reapond.

M r, B tarr waa th e regent of th a to n a - ••t laet year, and throngh hla m f l lo M (bialodga mada lu greateat gain In u a tu h a r ' iJBlp I& ori0 ytATe

The Hart Orange Board of H ealth m et l a * Bight, bu t trauiuu'ied llllle bualnaaa

'The Roy. A. B. Kendig, th e naw p a ito ro f C tlaary li . E. Churtih, Ksat Orange, and h it wllk ware tendarod a reception by the oongre gatton b u t night. U w aa held In th e chapel an d waa largmy altendad by m em bera

T b e |m eu 't gyoinartlo clae* of tlie Young Man'a Cbritllao Awoclallnn of Oraiiga held tta gim nei w w prtttloa far aaeorlallon recorda taal night. OumpatlUva work waa done on th a parallel bnra, ho iiton ta l b a n and h o ru a ad with dumbliellM and Ind ian olulie. There were three )udgea but the reaulta will not be announced iinUI Uemorniw night, when a

maaeUc C ihlbltlua will ba given In Uuala

C o r . N o w .


MATTRESSES,Eiuisior, Hfisk, FIbn, jtpanese Htlr,


Have Toar Bedding Hade New where it will be done righ t for TEN CENTS PER POUND. New Ticks Fnniished.

The concert given In tlie ehapel of Hlllelda rreakyterian Ubureb, Orange Vallay. laat Bight, by tha Cohunbla foUege tllae, Baivio and Handnllii eluba waa a u in d ed by an an-

GloakandSuitDeptVaIum In Idulled' Jacket!

and Caiieii.'We are aelllng ou t o u r en tire alock a t aw ay-ddtrn prior*. W o give a few quota- tlona, Ittw lll pay you well to give u t a call.

LtHU cB* A l l - w o o l J a c k e t d ,

U ko out, In black a n d oolnred oinlh, hound loama, ta ilo r m ade, uaually void at H , to-morrow ag.OS,

l i

tau b tang a m atching tong, “ The cannibal Idyle," “ Iterolnueeni* of I he Mouth," “ They K iuad ," “ Silently They Bl««l A w ay " and " Onlambta Medley." The Banjo CTob p U y e^ “ aw d o ile ta ," “ Colutobia BebotUaobe ” and

Vallay." The M andolin Clab played tk a l a l t i t a n from “ O avallarla B unionna,” “Xodta du B a l" an d “ Evening Blar,”,from *YtM haUHr." Mr. W alker and tha (Bee

^ |R B bM ng"F u ib I)cB iC toud t A w ay." Plaeh fd iam h er waa encored. The wmoerl waa given

BBdar the auaptceg of the tad l« i'A ld Hoclety, an d It netted o v e r tm Ibr tb e fu n la h ln g fund ,(»heehurob.I McCanta Mtewart, of New York, will teature

WB “ n n y Maying! uf F unny People " In Cal- ^ Y a rr Bapll!l Chun'h, Enat Orange, to-olglit.

j l l w Alloc M. Franklin will a lio give bumuiv and dram atio readi agi.

The Uavld A. Boll Battery o f Orange Will I hold a tneelliu In Parklnaun A A lbrrtaen 'i ' , Waafalngtcn etreet, Uenlght, to reor-clM**** ^be earning oamiwlgn.I The Young latdiea’ A uklllary of the Orange * 'W. G T . f . will g tveaooneert In Union H all

I ’iimalghC M ill Am y W ard M urray will ping,’ Mlaa U liy Wood, of New York, will give reol-

tatlOBi; M lu Thorp will play the violin and the Banjo Club o f o range will play,

Tbe funeral of Jo h a Snyder, o f Orange, Wbo died Tiieaday morning, took ptaee from

' U a late realdetwe a t i u’ekaek yeeletday after-

Ybunpriww aftorhoon the baae ball team of ",J|g(M iknse Alhletlo Club will play l u Aral ” n a M o f the acaion on th e oval, lie oppuneiiU

W D f the New Y'ork A thlette Plnb. Th« ^!:;GhBiigeclub will play Ita opening game on He ^ iB ew ground!, oom er o f Idncoln and Central

avem icf, agalnet tbe Aeinea, o f B ioohlyn.iW aat Orange W an will play Iho llow-

s rd s , o f Newark, a t Valley toad and P a rk w w nne.

Ulan Drummond M, O. H. G , o f Orange, gave w eo iee rt au4 dance In the Ucrman-KnglUb

; Mekort Hall la it night. Boftiro the affair the m en ihen held a tho rt parade <m Main atreat, headed by bagplpefc The program m e of the eoaoert cDn«!»led of B cd rli alra on hagplpea hy Mr. Mar-I kinuld. irlu by MeaHra, MlUar, Bodgera and Young, (Oiiga by i , Itltcblc, Mre. Scott, J , U Millar, Mra. Mitchell. tllM lirifKin. Mr, Young, W. Baxter, Mr, H unter, Menteh d aaew by W. Unthrle, and hum om u* rcclta- Mona by D. W. tlordim . The wmourt ctaaed w ith tbe aliiging o f" Auld la u g Myne" by the wadlehee. The flimr wua then eh-arrd fl.r danolng. Ou the order were aevcral Meoteb daneea.

The Weat Orange T ow nib lp Uommlltee will m eet lo-nigbt.t AaeUtant laepeotor Charlea Ballonwood, of th e F lrat Brigiule, will Inapect the Third

, nattalloD , of Orange, on M onday evening, U ay k .

The tmateoa o f Behool D latriel 89, o f Weat Orange, have eleoled Jo h n df Kenney aa dla-

, t r le t clerk and Oeorge U. Stajm aa eliatrm an, The Central Preabytertan Churah of Orange

haa ro-elroted Benjam in Dougina. J r ., H , M urray R ichm ond And Ctaartea K. Enalgn aa truateea Ibr th ree y e an . The new board of truateea hna eleeled C, O. Alftird aa prealdeni, G K. Eualgu aa treaaurer and Ben­jam in Douglaa, J r . aa aeorctary.

Jatitca Neaglc, o f Orange, la o n t with a chal­lenge 1 0 ru n Jum aa Ularkaua a th taa-m lle race [or a putw ofl.'ift _

A Ukaaoa for a n E aeoathm .From tbe Detroit F m Preaa:

Mr. De Uunntbe, The U ovem or »f Senegal, la In a dlterama. He haa aeveral ertialnala on hla haiida aw aiting rap ita l ponlalim ent. MTitn hla workman tried to putU m galUutIue La order they ftiund th a t, owing to Ita long diauec, It waa In a vecy bad way, and It broke down oota pletnly during a “ reheam aW Then th e Oovemor hwked a round fbr a n ckw utton- rr , and w u ld And no one w ho would volun­teer to work the deteetiva m achine, He baa w ritten to tbe Oohuilal offtce In Purla, requeat- Ing the loan of an exu-uttooer who know* hla

r liualueii., amt o f a w rll regulutod gulllotlue . 'The under aceretary of the n ilonlei did not

happen to bava a aupuly of Uic valuable com- nKMiltlciaou hand, and applied to the M inuter

' u t JuMtlce. I t 1* expt'clod th a t one uf the ua- ’ alatiiiil exetuitlonem In 1‘n r li and the urcmnl

tieal gnlllotlpa In atook will be alitppcd to Benepal.

L a d io s C lo th C a p e s ,

J . C . ( D e C i i r i l y & e o

593 AND 693 BROAD S T R EET .


1 9 6 ,1 9 8 SprioAfleld A n .TO-M ORROW ! TO-MORROW !

W a w IH poiiinwhf© to yoeupy *oo **■**'**•*** ^ * ^ '* ^ ^ . ,? " * .?],;IUQ mniurn fHct t<i cKir pruiH^Dt «U«r«i(. i*ommemomt<’ iUh «vriit w© w ill durlA f tb© wo«k, com m cni'lns Muuday, M ay 2, fotluwUijf Im npiius;

WALLPAPER, WALLPAPER,Nnw rnitf<*rni, a t 4e. p«ir roili f 6M. (l4>!d I'uppr, hamlinni© dmlKn^. 5©. p« r m ile Hio h «frw.ta or<At>id Kwl>oiHwd Vapf/, ro ll.ThcM prlecM hold (tiod only for fillM M EE K .


« inohea long, p lo lti In bock, Modlcl col- iar edged w ith allk tinea and allk cord and M ea l, rof. prloa H76, lo-m oridw M -M .

Chiltlreu's AlCwooI Jackets,In navy blue^llhgltt buHontand anchor ortkaraanU on tb© collar, tlsc K and 14 y«atw» tisually i^ld at to-morrow TSe.

F a n c y G oods S p e c ia ls .Isd ie e ' g-bhlton length Bnede Mmianuetalre

Kid (llovea In fiincy ahadea, tana, light g ray t an d bbichi, reg. prtee |1 AO, a t • I . I S |» lr .

Hpeclallot Ilf iC A (). a n d W . B. Uorieta la w hite and drab (allghtly Heronda), reg. prloe 75e, and f l , to-roorniw on ly k*«. a pair.

Man’a Tack a nd Vour-liyJutnil Beaclk, vary taieat coloring,, K*. goodi, a t ago. fwrh.

latdiea’ Fancy Bitrah a n d Ih ln a MIk Tie*, wlOb F a tn l de Ire lande lace, a ll c o lo n , reg- price THOu fbf SBe, each.

D ry Goods S p e c ia ls .84-ln4 R liPk F a ille F n n ra lao , aop trlq r

uuaUly, ararrunteil pure a llk a n d to wear, ad- Tortlwn by " th e n a> a g r ta t bargain a t Al.ll,


BIGsm A m

TO-MORROW!A big business is what we

want, and not big proiita. W ill prove it to you if you come to­morrow,

175 pairs of our regular $3.00 Panta at $1.75. Only one pat­tern in this lot, but they are hummers. A neat plaid, auit- able for any gentleman to wear.

Spring Overcoats— we'll let them go at $6.go for the choice. Regular price $10, $ia, $13.50. W e mean to close out a lot of Spring Overcoats to-morrow if price will do it.




Tard-ildi Fnit of iDoa ud DitAAt iDcbor IssllBS,

7;^ e. yard.All day, If they laat,

P. ft F. Kid GIotu.Aa tbe m an u tb e tu ren ot (he above Olovea

refUae to l i t na hav* a ny m ore, c icep t we aell them tha aame aa tb a lr o th e r agent In tb ia city , we ehall eell w hat we h a v k SO palra, all ilaaa. In Urey, Tan and Black, a t

N5c. pair.hold by tlieir nitacr agent II.tK, and w t g u a r­

antee every pe ir o r m oney refiinrlcd. OET THEM BEFUHKTUEY A llE UDNK.

Coniu,12 3 p a in lu W bltc AQd Drab,

4tte. p a ir.O ur regular TSo. qua lity .

Fringed Shadea, 2 culora, m ounted on ep ring roller*. prvHlIy decorated, a t gSc, e a« h .Fancy fringed one diillar l.liicn Mhadea, a ll coiom, now a t 79c. each.F.leganl line nf decoralcd Opaque Bbadee, hnw a t 9S«.H iillandB hade*, m ounted on ,beet rotter*. Ip e .THliME I’UIUJSH A ltE ONLY FOB TH IB W EEK ,I 'herry C urta in Fnlce, with complete bran* trim m ing*, l*c . complete.PnllKhed I*olcfi, w ith complete net of fancy trim m ing* , i»» Woitd I ’oipe, w ith I r lm m lu n to m a tch , uompleie, 99c,Very Bn* ig u o trim m ing* and Pollahod Ikile, complete, 39c.The II n o t »ct n f Cnrtaln I’olc FI uluree, com plete, a t 09c.Hraee Veatlbuli' fbKtlng.9 l-*e. per fool.C herry Enam eled Pfetnre Mnulflityr. * l-Se-.Jw r f9®‘ \ - ,THEtfK P R IC W AHK MOOD FOR THIH W E E K ONLY,All Color* I 'a lu t, In 1 Ih, bote*, lOo, p e r lb . .

T H E f a i r .S T E I N & B l i A O ,

1 9 6 . 1 9 a 2 0 0 S P R I N G F I E L D A V E .

6 8 7 B road

75 Estlisli Boicoats,H alM locd w ith *llk, In Tan and Black ontyj

$ 4 .9 8W urth

lUsts’ RtitefS,tn T an and Bluf,lmnd*oinciy trim mod


Sedd all over a t t l . n a

190 piece*

Dnss Glojlim s,S>^e. yard.

Our regular PJ^o- quality .

l.M All-wool

Blick ChaTlDt Rtaten,$ 1.9 8 .R rgnlar $3.M.

lOD All-wool

CliiTlot Riifers,In Tan, Gray and Blue, w ith jiearl bultona,

$ 9 .4 9 .Jtaduoad from $&.0CL

l a All-wool H lio d CbaTloU, well modo^

W o rih

(juaraatAMt Foit-black,

17 cts.,W orth ao eh

Cash or Credit.

T h e N e w s ■ •3 0 , 0 0 0 CIRCULATIOK

our priiw only 99c. e yard.H-lncb Prin ted Ind ia .ullk, rholoeet dealgna

tnd eolortaf*. veay beet qua lity , real value I, one drcHi ^ t t e r n only to caou cuatomer, a t

S 9 c .a yard.All on r 79c, B lack All-wool H en rie tta Cloth

a t 99r- a yard.k tln ch Wool Cheviot Hultlnga, aum m er

weight, ebuliv aty le* aud coloring*, 49c. value, a t d ie .a yard.

Hiiperlor iiiiallty All-wool Twilled Llam a Bulltnga In nJl the leading ahadea, rdg. price S k '.a t 4Se. a yard.

89-Uich W wd lln n rte tla , very flee tw ill, all co lon end bhKik.reg- prloe !>e., a t 3Se, g yard.

Balance nf ,14 Tricid tilotba In d a rkiy» and bnrwn only

W l-c.iapdijev) - ’- 'yard , o r lull di |S,7.'t,at i l .* 9 .

m an ufaetureF* price ver Hold lean th a n TAe.. a t *kc. a

pa tte rn o f 9 yard*, worth

DAVID STRAUS,S3S-MM7 Irotii St., cor. Now.



F a ta l nrgloci Ih a 111 tio th o rt of piiloltl©. Tho cuutK'HiupmH'H of aknow n lo nood irpeu tiu f.way Hyrup curnM u f*i>U4b promptly.Hold b)' hU d ra luri ou a j^uaroabM w utliilJbioUof).—Adv ___

A womou wbo li wruU, bm 'oQ s nod »l6B|> lew, oml wbo hiu» cold haadii and Iw t, i-au liut fe rlu p d o c t Hko a well penum. t'arU'r'n inm A tU f-^jualim the clri’ulotluUi remore uervuuuiew and give vtreujfiU and re«i.-AdT.


l l t a d U uee little g ti l i wbo were a tta ck e d w ith obitlhB te K C 'Z E M A o r Blood T m ob le , w hich a t

A n t reaeovWcd te g t , b u t aoOD p*W to yellow bltvter*. e u a a o f th em q a tfa large. Oh* o fth o child rcB d li'd iVnn tb« effaeM o t it, b u t we got Bw ift’k Speciilc and gave to tbe o ther tw o and they eogn uot well. K. g, B. forced o n t th e tiMaon prom ptly . T he enrg wok w onderfbl.

J . I). K A lltR , U a rlh av llle , Idi.

S q Q b ia no equal S>r Children. I t > p . P . re lieves the e y a ten p ig in p tly ,

nod ateuits n a tu re in developing the c liild’e health . Out T rea tiaem ailed free. H W IFT H P liC lF IO 0 0 . , A tlan ta , Oa.



Houaekeepera.'attention I* called to thia re­m arkab le ufft'r.




MEN'S FURNISIINO DEP'T.A>t£' spring Neckw$ar, Tecks

and Four-in-hands at each.

Four-ply All-linen Collars, all the lAkst styles, l c. each, 2 for ^5^.

Four-ply All-hnen Luffs, i^c. and 2V- pair.

Suspenders, Handkerchiefs Half-hose in great variety, at lowest prices.

An Elegant assortment ofI G r S AND BOTS’ OGTIRG SHIRTS.

40c. to Ss-75“ Our Own Ma^e" White

Dress Shirts at pgc., 65c., / each.'

{Special price by the half- dozen.)

Guaranteed to be the best that can be produced for the price.

In Alen's Underxocar sve have all weights, and at prices that will suit every one.

726,727, 729 BROADST.‘

Id Brancli of sdBtltloi jltldi bst- ttr mills for tbe stedy Aim it tbu DomtsUc Science. It U t Gne tCv eompllsboent to kiei bei to Bike jood breed, end ei efteelly deilrtkle one to knot koi to niike dood eelfee. n Is entirely practtcable to tire coffee |ood eiery time It if Bade, ud like lost otber tbiigf, ii perfectly euy wbtn yoo knot bow. “Ton c&n1 mike t silk perse ont ot i sof’i ear,” neither can yen make fteod coffee fithoQi dood naterlal; and that brinds ns to the polat of this notice, which Is, thit it Is onr tpeelnl hnsl- ness and constant care to hare always in stock the choicest coffee that can he proenred, and to snpply onr pa 111-113 MAEEET ST., irons with It In the way that best

BERRY & CO.,pavopite Clothiog Co.,


N O . 2 5 8 M A R K E T S T R E E T .

HpeoiAl B a rg a in n fo r O p e n i n g D a y . W e a r e th e lo w e s t-p rlc e 4 a n t i in u H t r e l ia b le

Giothing Gredit House in N ew ark lO u r p rlc e g a r e l o w a n d o u r g o o d n a r e a ll r e l i a b l e .

c a ll f o r a n ia a p e c t lo n o f s to c k .W e i n v i t e a

8 5 8 U a r k a t S t r e e t , F o r m e r l y JA 68 .

B E R R Y & CO.,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ C A SH O B C B B P r r j

The Lrnderi o f N ew ark lai salts thei.


M c M f l N O S B R O S , ,F T J B N I T V B E A N D C A B P B T 8,

2 3 4 r I V I a r k e t S t r e e t .COME AND CONTMCE YOCEBELF THAT WE HAVE

BEDROOM SUITSo f tk « olgwwal gtook, tha b n t p i l t t r n * , (h t la rg ttt v irie ty In t N City o f N e w a r m

PARLOR SUITSfl’e in thg m o d M t H alro leU i to Hm l l i i f t t o v c r - i tu fg d

o h c o i t f to m . c i T f n | t d in sii(«, e n o a t ta rg e w i l l - v m li l i te i l end w il l - l lg kB ro o ttg lK . O n t h ijn d ra d tM



a O F T H E S E C O U P O N S

• i . « oKaallUei you to 1 voJnnw of wld«>

tnarx ln ©diiioDOf


elegantly bound In a itch alM eiutb, w o f ibMM uQHpuiw a n d n will MilItte you to rcueive 3 vol- unie* ouch luonih.

an bvaggnaC

New W ate r Supply C ontaiuluatioiia,Ib lAr AUhov of Me A'riet i

B in—An article appeared In the N.'wark >4illvrttMT mi Mondny tn regard tn ou r water aupply wrIImn by liitereated p u rlin , who had goneuver Ibc work*. They R purted Ibiit they had found everything In fltwt-elam order ex­cept a Dulaanee that exlalcd a t (he bridge Jn*t tielow NewfonmUiHUl, a t M». Wlae'a plaw. T hat tbe people mo»t Intereotad m ay know Jii*t wbut tbe u u lu n o a eam lat* of, 1 will Mate th a t Mr, Wlae ha* a barn , wbieb It a k o goon- pled a* liab le for five hor»e*, th e m an nre from

' the sam e being throw n at th e rear, the wa*b from which eraptle* Into tbe Mrrum. Juat below th e Imrn la a w a ter clooct th a t Mr. Whi* told ih# w rita r they never hod to clean, *•, In tim e o f freabet, It wn* fluihed out by the high wu(er, Ofoonrw , If we did not know ol meta thing* exU tlng It would not bo 1 0 had, B nt w hen we do know them to exiitt It would oeem th a t eonie *le|w thould b« devlaed to »m*<ly ttw m , oepoelally o a l t la expected we a re tn buvo pu rew ati’r, ond Ood only know* we have got to pay enough for It, and , pm y, le t ua have i t aa pnre 0 . jHwdble. By giv ing th ia notlee th rongh your paper, Juat a t th ia tim e When the water la to b e l i im e d o v o r ta tb* e lty , yoo wlU very tnuob oblige a taxjwiyer o f th e aam a

Yuui* reapoctfuUy,.1. W . OOLMtan, UT Qaralde itm et.

S . Be-Tbea* tblog* a re r ig h t along the pub. llo ip u d ; iliay do no t have to be tiun lad Ibr,

* Tb* B boineit G ot.J /ja a h o M re g lrr lw * «a/e” o r '“ ft i n "

o r « « m la jpunjtmm gr W rvni etta it, tw a vein y ta a iw a M i m o«|*t aftbotad (n <A« " *Yaaw'« "

A New Shoe [ndorsedBy Otw 20,000 Ladiss in Bostoo.

f - T U B -

IDJSSTJkMF m i l k e u glove. KXPANUn w llh every

r m otion of tbe I'wtl, llin* P glviugaolld u lM FtiH T .V Alwiivs retail!* 11* uhaiw..

I’JtF.V BNTb KlK iiml tvl'l /I'ft, I* i-quiil In t npiH'iiranea lo th e very r ineluw.

1 R K U FV F3iO ir.ix .B on- I ftna.'/lnuftTmd I tre rlF tw .

, line w idth narrow er n worn. .

' 1-AUIKA dewirmg nI ^ /tp lf tk . l 'nqjbrlnftie I " and /ho'eMedAoe (ban any I c they have ever worn, \y , iliould try the

\ k I ’ri'feetloB A d jn a tab le ,

C(>xnotii>ATF.n B iio r Co M amif’ra, Lynn, Maw.

F o rS ale In N ewark by Herman H ole, gw Miirkei »t.; H. H eym an.

21V230 M prluglhld avc.l U. llorunlelii, 4TJ B road »L ____

A re now *howl ng the largeat an d beat oworted lino of I.3AITHIN U ever *«;n by tb o jm p le of Newark tor Men, Yonth*. Hoy* andjChlldren, a t price* (hut will aatonfth you. Theae good* are nil ont on the la tw t approved pa tlen w an d ara (>l I AH A NTBim TO FIT, ** tbay ar* mad* by AI Tailor* only.



Hnw iim T^vir l««t tsirn o u t? Did It rhAnifc itiiiolar? I f UpTRY CB.

O u r $ 2 H a tI* guaranteed to never change, and we have lliera In all th e new atvlee and dllh-pout •hade*. Our-Young Men'* H a l a t • t.X can’t be heat.

1(0 One Is Complete l it l io n t a Keektie,TVe have them In ru lB , Teek*, FouM n-

banda end Aarota, onr own dealgna, a t 90c. Thia line we lead the trad e on.

DRESS SHIRTS.Wo arc oHIwlug the lurgeat aaonrlm eul ever

lO, tl.® . Ulalu. P, K ., Plaited and Kiii-

$150 A LOT,$10 Gisli, Btlance $i a Wn I,

A T H A W T H O R N E H E IG H T S .

W aich Ibr th e g rea t dftp lay advertl*«meBt In B atu rday 'i laaue. Only a R v left.

Mape a n d cireulara.

W. H. MOPFITT, 'MO b r o a d u t .


WHAT SORT-OF-----Clothes Do You Wear?

Well, th* FACT that w* iBld S.OOO ygrd* in four wetki i|i« tk i votvmii. wpntflnd tn ol4 pgltira is th* «m theuMud ra«U yeu m»y*«l*st ftoin.

SIDEBOARDS.A m*gnMo«nt ■rriy, pltdad lid* 1»y ild«, In all woadi. Frio*! ftom $10.00 upw*r4h

BEDDING. -\^9 i r * th* tii iy funiHiiM'.h*iw« In th* «lty that minufaotur* th ilr own htdding in ^

th it hM s r*H«v«Ung mishlH f»r •tanm dr*nlng f*ith*ra. W* will n iik t * v * l H ilr Mtlly*H9* «t lOe. * |nund, or mak* jip any kind * f W iFreiiei or B*4| yoH »*y n**< to y*np w*« ordtp.

W* wU) ohtwrftilly thow you through our building, whithir you buy or n*1 Elavitop I* fv*ry Moor. . -’ft

Been,broldcred Boaoma.a t!1 J5 .

Hold th roughout Newark

N^B.^J>nr a!«rk being all new, la later thou •howu ehwwbere.

l l b i i i i a i i i i i


111 and 113 I to k E t St,Cor. tVaalilngton, S rw u rk , N. J ,

A. EarMiSKKi.nan. — 13. FrnTH.

$ 1 A W l i K K .T l t e v e in n o u i « p ; t u e t itt o o f

b u y e r * n t lll t io a t lm iB i . W e l i u v e » f « w t o f t , « t» iy

$160, $20(1, $260 1 lot,’•JJUMH ltd r.dHII, BALA-NUK


Wfttoh ft»r Ihr* ircikl dtfpiay uilv^iU w m ont In KtitiirtljiY^*

l l a p t emu clrtmiutii*

W t t H. M O FFIUT,109 ERUAP tn.

A C A R DTo ttie TorDors of Newark.

The unrteralgned would tak e Iho liberty of Informing the T n rp cm o f th e c ity of Newark tlmt he; la prepared to fnm lah tlicm with coinpli'lo Oiiini* a t;v e ry rraaonable prioea, or any art left uewoaary fur th a t purpuae.

S. Heyman,goa-HS ■ T B o f u r i E U ) a y s .

Spring Suits for men of onr own miuin&ctnre rfmge in price from 112 to $25. Between these two figures yon wijl be sure to find exactly the rtyle, quality, pattern and fit that yon prefisr.


807.809, on ami 813 Inad Si.

$150 A LOT,$10 Cisli, Baluce $11 f Nt,

A T H A W T H O R N E H B I O H T g .

W atch for th e great dlaplay advertlaanM itt In H alurday'a iHue. Only a lew left.

Map* an d n lrcu lan .

I lL U il 9. lOFf IHa

t l O . O O ........................ t l . O O d o w n A n d l M -00 w e « k t F !e a o . o o .......................$ » .0 0 d o w n a n d $ 1.00 w e e h l ^$ 50 , 0 0 . . . ................ $ 5.00 d o w n a u d $ 1.00 w e e b l F$ T S . O O ...................... * T .5 0 d o w n a n d $ 1.50 w e o k l F$100.00 ....,... $10.00 down and $ 1.50 w eeU f

R I C M A N U S B R O S . ;Fumltur#, G«rp*ti, Matting, 0Uol*th, Lln«t«uin, Rang*! and KiUhin Dt*Mlll,

Rtfrigarttor*, Saby Cirrlagai, Eto.,

2 3 4 M ilR K E T S T R E E T . Changes Id Prices

- A T -

SGHEUER’8.W e ara pleaeed to Inlhrm Inur patron* an d

tbe publle th a t we h av* reduced th* price* o f tbe M low lag article* i

Very B*gt'BI*ln Cream ery Butler, 27o Ih. Very B eit M laaeauta Fancy Bateul F lour,

p ff |$$3t.New Freucta Pnm ee, 9ca 9 ib i. lie ,New O u m u ta , 9e„ 4 lb*. 13n,<N*w jCv*ponit*d A prlm ta, n*,. 1 Ib a S e , N*w Unoeatel Itaftin*, 9c., 9 lb*. 23c.Routh Ckrollaa n iee, 7e., 4 Iba 39o,I lb, yalii aiw rted j*uy, arc.

$ 1 A w « : i :k .There 1* no ntop*; the tid* «fi

iHiyeragtlll oonttaue*. W * lu!r$! a low left, only


$156, $200, $200 t lot,TERMS n o CA «tt, BALANCEWEEiC,


W elch fhr the great dlgplay a d v q rtite ip fa b Id B aturday’i leine.

M ain a nd circular*.

W. H. M O FFITT,8 0 0 B r o ^ Bt.^HOUBROOIC

P r in t in g ICOMPANY.

T a x "N EW S,”

N KW AR K F R ID A Y , A P R D i 29, 1892.-“ PAGEfl 7 TO 10.i W H flB E IJ GfliilfeteInMcfaalh ltitb««enlrvar tilt* Uibl**, In whltfH tiiHiIBKHft OF TVV WOOI>B.

Silvar TruWd from the Mine to the Bland Dollur.


■•W th» M ntal la W ork ml and How tha f C o la , a n Htnii*k O ff-K tab o ra ta Trasan- I t lu n i A kat»*t IT aata v r T h aft-liu w arriil I M aclilna t and U eiicata gcalaa.

» '» " « ^ m'HlJ aHllln tp iaK » ttf Io n aar’OtMt'jJWw. tea JN vafinnigb b i'tm cn Itu* jiarpiinaloular

m iA P f O IW IP t.lN K .

troni tbe Ptallndnlpbla Praaa. ,'O n eeav a liit> ftll,a r U located th e a o rk in *

llbagluB 1)1 a praoUcal way. tb a ll la IrlTan and fhllow M beaelna o r p a j itreak a [be ore t i hoisted to tb e auriboa by niBobln-

> if a rich rom pany la operating I t : 1( not,Sy bumi or mule power. Tbe ore le taken to

. the s tam p mill and in ie lU r, where tbe crash- 'ing and separating tak e place, Frequently the ore le ehlpped tbouanude of mllea to sm ettliif rumaoea where 11 la reduced and nio Into bricks o r bars.

T h e m ln lln Phlindetphia rcoclees coneli.'n- lu eu U o re lK cr bricks drum Umaba, Kansas City, Newark (Edw ard Balbacb A Son), iqita. b u rga jid Cbicago. Tbaaealleer bricks weigh about eeyenty pounds each, and , roughly estf- niated, a re w orth 11,010 each. The esprese oorapanles deliver th em to the m int, where they are stored n n lli ready for the minting pniorss.

The United States H in t In th is city la th s pa ten t In stitu tion o f Its k ind I tA b e United States. In an old account b o o k ^ f 17W the sum of seven shillings and six pence was cred­ited to the sale o f som e old m aterial In tbe building which occupied tlie site of the flint m in t, and th is am oun t Mr. Rlltcnhousc, dU rector o f the m in t, ordered should be laid out for punch, to be d ru n k in connection w ith tbe ceremony o f laying th e foundation stone, w hich was accordingly done on JulySl.lTSS. The first coins struck In th e m in t were half dimes. In October, ITW.

There arc toA ay abou t 3300,1100,0(1(1 worth ol gold and silver bullion and coin stored In the vau lts o f the m in t. This bullion Is lu the shaiie of bricks, |»,0ll0,oi)0 w orth of silver brleks lielng stored d irectly under tbe Ite tiiiida end portleo ou the Ohesimit street front. The gold Is stored on the first floor In iimssive Are a nd burg lar proof safes. All told there are 6.1,011(1 bars, o r 1,11711 tons of silver In the run Its.

The greatest precautions are taken by the IJuvi*riiinisit In protr'Ctlng Us treasure. Up l i i lh e w e s le n d o f th e secoiid floor Corridor, near Iheen lrunce to the assay otflec. Is a rack m i« l w llhHprlngfleld rtfles, Kouclet'n wutch- liieii, fully arm ed, an d In charge of Capialn Joritan , a re scattered through the building every nW iU Upon every vau lt door there are two loelc% The coiiihinallun of one Is held by tb s en sh n ian , who represents the Buperln- tcudeiit. Colonel Hosbysbcll, and the o ther ism ibluution is In tho p o s s y d iin j^ a repre­sentative o f tho Unltml ttOSeatjoVetkimcnt. Thus tt Is Impomlbie m r any vault to be u|S*ned unless both eusUMiatis arc present.

W hen silver In bu lk Is brought to the m in t It Is s tored to th e bullion vaults aucl taken out as required b y the chief mclter. Every bar o f silver o r gold ts slum ped s o tb a t l t l s puaslblcto Identify tho concern front which it was purchaoed. tV om tbe edge of two sides ofFhe bar or b iick there are chipped small pieces, w eigbiag abou t one-quarter of an ounce, w hich a re tak en to || i e assay depart­m ent and tcetod.

The first p ro q m In th e development of a dollar Is wibnessed in the melting-room at the m lnt,ngrlin ,v-looklng place, where turnaoes flash and glow a n d roar and where tiny Biiarks rise In fiery siiowsrs tow ard the heavy vaulted roof. To pro tect hie hands from the hot m etal every w orkm an here wears great big carpet gloves, covered on th e outside with canvas, aud looking fbr all th e world like box­ing m itten a

The floor o f th is room Is covered with an Iron grating In honeycom b pattern, which acts as a false floor a n d a scraper to clean otf any particles o f precious m etal that may ad here to the soles ut tb e shoes o f the workmen. Ever;' n igh t Ib is g ra ting U lined and the d irt from the cem ent floor below I t tw ept up and h iiriied in a funiace a n d the precious residue saved. Nilver and gold to tbe value of about tail Is dally gathered from th is refuse. Tbe employes In thin room change their clothing ou com ing to w ork, an d every a l l m onths or so the shop elothca, caps, gloves, and boots and shoes are burned. The am ount of m etal fnnnd In each su it varies from half an ounce to one and a ha lf ounces. The vsine of the Hweepliqpi in th e m in t a re w orth ftom FCMHU to t2H,oeo a nnually ..

Tlui sitvsr Is m elted In eruclblss .which a n set In hiruaces and banked around with gb.wlng coals, Futch oruulhle will bold alHHit !l,S0D ounces o f m etal, which Is melted In h to t of fruiu 1,600 In 3,3011 degrees Intensity. W hen the silver Is placed In these crucibles the top of the m e l t^ niass Is covered w ith charcoal, to p revent I t from oxidising by con­tac t w ith tlie atm osphere.

A ladle holding ab o u t' l^venty ounces of Diolteu silver Is used to em pty the crucibles. Uy a quick tu rn o f h is w rist the man on whom* Ib is d u ty devolves throws aside the charcoal, portions o f w hich fly upward In a cloud of sparks, lifts a lodlefUl of the m etal an d , m aking a h a lf tu rn to tlie left, pours I t Into m oulds, where It lak esth sfltrm of ingots, weighing abou t th trty-flvs ounces each. Each m ouid Is so copstructed of ■h'cl th a t It can be taken ap art lii a n Instant. Tbe liigiA Is then throw n upon a lung table, the mould Is greased w ith lard , Cistened together again and Is ready for ano ther pouring. Tbe bias­ing h o t bars on th e table a rc seised with a p a ir o f tongs by ano ther workman and plunged Into a b a th o f w ater and sulphuric a d d , w bsre th sy are cooled.

They are now taken to a second table,w hen they a re stam ped w ith th e num ber of the m elt by a m an w ho does tb s work by band w ith the aid o f a num ber o f steel stam ps dnd a ham m er. A pow erful p a ir of shears, o|>. crated by m achtnery, bites ofT tbe rongb upper end o f each Ingot, a fter which It ts passed to ^ tb e fliers, who file otf tbe rough edges. The ta ilings In th e flier’s box am onnt in value to ftom liu to t iw a day. The lufoH are now sm ooth, w h ile bom, about twelve Inches long, ha lf an Inch th ick , and from one to two and a h a lf Inches In breadth.

B u t they a re no t pure silver. They a n coin sliver, which m eans th a t in every 1,00(1 ounces there a re WO ounces of silver and 100 ounces of copper. The la tte r Is th e only alloy, beyond a traoe o f silver In th e gold, allowed. The Oov- e rn m sn tte s tlh ro o lu Silver dem ands tlia t Ik

. ih a ll nol'fhll below 817 onnies of silver lu the 1,000 ounces of metpl, nor more than 108. The usual rang* Is between m n and #» parts o f pure stiver In the 1,000 parts , the reiualader being copper,

* eyglous th ing sh o u t th e casting of these^ silver Ihgots Is th a t a piece o f m rtal’ takcn from tb e o sn ti* o f one of them wlU in th e assay show a h igher pereentHIc of tl Iver than a piece chipped from th e side. The cooling Is rceponsible for th is ; the aegregation of tlis snelal causes It to beuome liner In th s centre th an on the edgee. I t follows, thstefore, th a t every silver coin has purer m®lal In tlu> ecu- i n th a n on the sdges, although a tlraak of flneness runs a t tom e p o in t from edgt to sdga o f the coin.

T b s In g M hav ing been teilcd In tb s ssnsy ofjlce, to ascerta in w hether th e alloy and tbe silver ariA n proper p roparU an-and If they s r s not they a re Im m sdisM iy is tun ied to the erucih lesand m elted over again—the Ingots a re transfkrrsd to th o rolling-room, B ete th ey are pu t th rough a eet o f rmis, and tbe Ingots a n rolled o u t, then p u t In a fUrnaee and a n ­nealed to render them less brittle. The silver strips name c u t of tbU onoeol Ing pvwsss look- lug like no tb tng to m uch as a lot of d irty lim plron In a rolling mtlL After U ieyhavs been nU ed to a p roper degree o f tbtekuess the strips, which a re now of tbe w idth neoessary to m ake a dtlver dollar, a re earrled to a very edd-lonklng maiUilne. Tbe operator takes

* one end o f t s tr ip o f silver a n d sUoks It be­tween a p aJ r o f ro lls; th s r e ts a ) a r ,a lo l ta n d

- th e s trip Is shoved back Into the w orkm an's hand, w ith i ^ n t an loch and a hsif of th s n d flatlim e^ trim m ed and rounded.

The neoMsIty of IW l la tte r prooees Is seen a m oment la te r a t tb s drew bench. There ore tour of tlicse In the rollIng-TOom, and they re ­semble long tables a t one end of which Is oil Iron box locured to th s table. In this steel •ox a n fitted tw o email perpendicular eteel s y lln d e n o r rolls, which a re Just the dUdanoe ip a rt th a t the th lckneH of the strip Is re- lu irsd to be. A sm all, movable cturloge, which le carried along ss required by an end-

, [tttrr-fww sw sto tath ru s t th rough between Hit* jierpyni rolls, at)d by a n su lo n u tlc m ovem ent a t the sam e tim e estebes im the endless chain and drags the ellver riblxm Ihnaagli, Tlie object of th is Is to " even o u t" the silver bond, oihcr- wise It would be thin and th ick In spots, end some people would get m ure m etal la llieir do llsre th an oiliecs.

McratolUle there has iHwn no th ing sng- gestlve oircoln u fth e realm In the proeessee descrllied ; ihe next opcrsilon gives th e dollar a definite shape. U Is tlu- cu llin g insrhiue.I t coDSlsU o f a vertical steel punch, working In a round hole o r m alrix . In a solid strel bed below. T hs niolloii of th e pouch Is In iin itsd by au eoeciitrlc wheel. Kctsliig a s trip o f Ihe s liver w ith b is left band, the operator thn isU U under the cutter, and os It apiicars ou the o ther side grasps li w ith b is r igh t hand. The m otion of the jiunch Is very rapid, and there U ao o n ttu u o n sc IlD k afo o ln dropping Into a box below as the innrlilnc w orks w ith un­ceasing R f u larlty . Tbe cu|>sclly of Ihe cutter in operation on quarter dollars, by actual count, Is seventy-two quarters In tcu seconds.

G reat sk ill Is d cm andcd 'n r the m an who operates th is. Any unsteady m ovem ent of the operato r's hand, any Ikllure to move the s trip In unison with the action o f tho punch, results lu a beautiful array of creacenls, three- quarle r-rouud and half-cut colas, alt of which m ust bo melted over again,

Tho n ex t process reveals a sec re t; betrays ra th e r a popular delusion. H is w hat Is known os p u ttin g a milled edge on th e planchcts. The general pubile regard th e eurrugated •d g eso f dlmea nud quartere a n d lialf-dollan as th a ''m u lin g " o n the culn. N ot to. Tbe m illing Is sim ply the raised edge on the piece; the corrugation Is w hat Is know n sa the " reed ­ing ." The rallied edge ts p u to re h y » very sim ple, but sm art little m sch ln s operated by a young lady. The em bryo coin o r planchcts, as they are culled, a re fed Into th e m achine by the handful through an u p righ t oylliider. The p lanchcts drop into a groove In a rapid- revolving wheel. The d istance between this wheel o r d isk and tlie slxo of tha m achine 1s a trifle lets th an the diam eter o f tb e colB, so In tbe revolu tion , beibce the plouchet la dropped lu lo a box below, the edges a re fhiccd up, thus form ing th e m illed edge.

A ll tlicH embryotlo coins a re os blank as y o u r hat. There Is none of the g litter an d softness abou t them th a t Is so conspicuous In tbe Onlshed piece. The sllvoc Is ox IditedA»d tt Is neoessary to Im part to It som ething of beau ty heihre the flnsl stroke Is given, which will m ake Us lhc« good w herever It g o t w llh in th e boundary of your Uncle Bsmuel’s N ational domain- Tbe round, m illed d lsksara now taken by the lhousond In wooden hoxre to a storeroom I ii the rear of the coining apart- m en t. The atm osphere Is tilled w ith queer odors a u d Is w hite w ith steam an d the vapor ot acids.

One side o f th is odoriferous a p a rtm en t is n r. eupicd w ith three great vats, o r U nks, the stxco f h a lf a hogshead and reserobllng It lu appearance. A nother side 1s tak en up by a fnrnuee fed w ith wood, w here th e plancbela o re subjected to still an o th e r annea ling p n t cess. A big receptacle, tb e atre and ih ap e of an overgrown dish washing pan . Is heeled red- hot and in to It lstbrnwn|l,UllOandtberum a<-e doors a re closed. W hen the h e a t has done Us w o rk —Olid It Is necessary to keep stlirliig thesu dollars In thed ls lijian a lm ostcon tlnu- o lly—th e contents o f th s n*oeptocle are tuiabli*d with a great olsUer In to a copjs'r vessel, which Is lifted by block and tarkle, en d dropped in to one oftlie a rid vaU . lu a few m inu tes the d irty balf-flDlshed coins a re

: d um ped o u t shining. The acid has eaten : aw ay a ll the blackness. Then th ey a re throw n

In to a revnlT)ii|( cylinder fltted w ltlA assw ood s liav lng i Iroin which they emerge b right and dry .

Once m ore are they tru n d led bock Ih but­tered and disreputuble-looklug wooden boxes to tb e coInlng-room. I t Is w orth w hile n o tir in g th a t a ll tbe boxes lu w hich coin o r half* lliilshcd sliver pieces are trucked from one ap a r tm e n t to another have th a t sam e sppearv anoe, w orn, splintered and disreputable. I t Is a s tf th e ir condition was a source ol pleasure to th em ; as m uch as saying to tb s glUterlng treasu re which they carry a ro u n d : “ You th in k you’re awfUl pretty , bulf If It w asn 't tor us stou t, old d irty d u lf rn yon couldn 't be w ha t you a re ," and It’s true.

in a large, a iry room, w ith w hite walls and spotloss floors, where th e w hirl of wheels and th e steady stroke o f great coining m achines m ak e a busy hum , tbe sliver an d gold and copper and nickel circulating m edium s are s tn ic k o tf and prtsed In to shape. The Phila­de lph ia H in t works up only gold an d silver. Copper a n d nickel pieces to r th e cents and h a lf lUmre a n furnished by con trac t by a New E ngland Arm all read y to r th s Impres­sion o f th e dies.

Before a poln is itruok there a re tak en w hat a re know n as proof Im pressions o f Uw dies. T h is la dons in a sm all sem i-subterranean ap a r tm e n t In th s southw est corner of the bu ild ing to which th e v isiting public 1s not ad m itted . The proof and m edal press—for G overnm ent m sdali a re also s truck off In g re a t profueton—Is of the k in d th a t w as l in t need In th e old Mint,

I t Is worked by lever s n d screw and hand pow er, an d though tb e prooess Is slow and the m ach inery antiquated , ye t a blow o f 360 tons presBUra can he struck w ith It. Medals oi^ dered by Oongrest o r by th e departm ents a t W aih liig ton a re s truck here, Tbe foui^lnch G ran t m edal of 1661, w ith a very high me­dallion, tb e largest ever m ode lu a govern­m e n t m in t, cam e from tide press, an d betore It w as completed th e m edallion side required fifty blows o f th e press to b ring I t n p properly.

A fter tbe proofloolni h a re been struck snd found satisfactory, lb s w ork o f co in ing pro­ceeds, Tbe dies are m ade o f cas t steel, hartl- eaed. An a genem i th in g th e life of a die ts abou t tw o weekA after w hich i t le discarded an d a new one substituted.

The dlo-praeem, o r coining m achtnes, are short, squat, and ponderous-tooklng a flU n , b u t they w ork with tnarvrihm s precision and accuracy. Heated on a ch a ir beside each one of theee Is a woman, who supplies th e ma- ch ine w ith th e shining plancbete by m eans of a n u p rig h t hollow cylinder. The weight of th e m etal pieces above forces tbe bottom piece In to the clutches o f a p a ir o f antomaUc steel a rm s which move It torw ard under the die. One blow stam ps th e Im pression ourthe o l^ e rse au d reverse sldee, a n d finishes tbe coin by g iving tt the corrugated, or, as I t Is popularly m isnam ed, m illed edge. Tbe next m ovem ent catehee ano ther bo ttom coin, and as I t Is pnshed torWard to tb e d ts tbe ta rns action clutches the finished one, oaRies It for­w ard and drops It down a u luollned plane Into a receptacle beneath.

T heooln tng m achine w hich strikes off the dollars Id m aking th e Im pren lon delivers on the m etal a blow of HDJIOQ ponods. The mar chine which stam ps the half-dollare exerts a

fireseureof HOJXO pounds; th a t for the eoln- ng h f quarters, 140,060 pounds. Oents are

coined a t th e ra teqf IX a m in u te a n d quarters H bperm inute. In h and llngbosem eta leo lns— Copper or nickel—tbe operatives w ear buck­sk in gloves, qs otherwise there m igh t b s dan­ger o f poUonlug th e ir hands by ednU ct w ith tbe m etal.

There Is no tthM U ghtestebanee for s ta lin g , to r detection o f the guilty one would toUow

jr lU ilu tw snty-tour lioura, and , If tb e am ount w ere chntlderable, w ith in ofle h ou r from the perfietraUon o f the crim e. Indeed a n Investl- g a tlo n o fth u workJugs o t the M int conveys tb e im pression th a t weighing, checking, and k saay lng are the m ost Im portan t, ns being the

frequent processes, In the m anuH irtun o fo lr ta lllo currency.

In th e south end of the oolnlng room stands a hugq p a ir of soa|es, Its bar and balancing m ach inery protected by gloss. I t has a capacity to r any weight, from tb e one flve- hnndreiU h p a rt of a n ouncs u p to 13,30(1 ounces.

The slightest gathering o f d n s t on s ilb sr of tb e g tea t pans lu the In d u c e aflhete i u (Ml-

As It was lapoastUe to sH about tbs camp Art, ws soon scmgbt our blanksts.I avallsd myssif of ihe doss oompanj which tbs unpleeaantnsa of the day oont- pelled to sxUaot IVom Jssamore tome description of the life led by tka "ctnls- en ,” to wbiclt cJsbb bs bslonffsd. I knew In (ensrel wbst a onlser was and wbat he did, but t nsvsr beftirs had It H( out In detail by ona of them.

A eraixer Is the modem nptsssntativs of ths oounrar da boll, «r ranisri of the wood, who roamed thaas wilds doring the days Duluth and LaVsrandrya wsra lords of the forest and Plear-de*4ya and the French Air tradere w en dominant In tha New World; Jint with this dllferenoe that tha oonreurs da hols ware outlaws. The erntaer is a reputable oitlsen. The busi­ness of the cmissrt is to look up lend either fer Umber or mineral. They call no msh master, but hire themselves for s time to any one who stands In nsed of their service. A msh has houcht, or con­templates buying, a oertoln sacUon of land in a certain town and range, and be wants to know what thera Is on it, bow much timber, etc. I t le an easy thing for the owner to mark the spot on the map, but ho would feu ottcrly were he to attempt to idenUfy it in the heart of tha forest and to find the four stokes plaotsd, perhaps, long ego by the Government surveyors to Identify its corners.

If the owner be s wise man he does not undertake the journey, but retains a cruis­er to do It for him. 'The orniser Is a ipan (generally of American or Kngllsh descent) eduoatod, but hardened to wonderftil en­durance by a life of constant tramping in the forests. He receivee his InstruoUans and starts out. Bummer or winter, It makes no diirorenca to him. Sometimes he travels alone, but more generally hai a partner. If tbe expediUon be in summer they provide themeelves with a Ught and. well-pitched birch canoe, laden with their ‘ chuck,” or provieioiia, generally floor, bacon and canned goods, coffee, tto, etc., their blankets, keWes and feying-panx, their axes and a small A-tcnt, snd pui^ off. Their coone leads them through lakeland over streams, with frequent portages, un­til they reach the vicinity of the locus in quo. When they have piddled u near ua water cummunicaUon permits they land, cache their canoe and Such proviilotis as they cannot carry, stow the remainder In their pack-bags, carried on their backs by a b r t ^ stn p passing around the fore­heads, and axe in hand aet ont through the wood, steering by compass to the desired spot, which they IdenUty by finding (often after most laborious search) the corner stakes placed by the surveyors, and on which are marked the town, range and section.

Now the real buslneae of the journey commences. Every foot of the land is pac ed over, every stick of Umber oarefoUy noted, and an accurate estimate mode of the qusnUty of lumber in feet, contalaed on the tract. This done, their work Is ac- Dompllahed and they return. The winter Journey is more arduous. The lakes and riven ore now ice-bound, and tbe birch canoe is exchanged for the toboggan and inowahoe. Over the froien I^ e s they daag their tobt^gon loaded with theirsup- plies, until the forest Is again reached. Tbe cruiser now m aku up a pack, weigh­ing from sixty to eighty pounds, cont^n- ing the small tent, one kettle, one frying pan, his blankets and proviaioiu. Hla companion, if be has one, Is aimllarly weighted, and together they pass Into the woods. Jonnieyliig through |tha tangled forests Is terribly exhsusUng work, snd especially when one is w eight^ with sixty pounds of baggage, and is on snowshoes, The underbrush Is almost inpenetrsble ; the windfalls and accumulations of fallen trees a n enoountersd at nearly every step.

A fell is a matter for more consequence than a stumble in summer time, for the unhappy craiser before he can raoover himself, must slip his pack, snd perhaps his Snowshoes, before he omi rtruggle to hlx feet In this wxy the march is made until about 1 o’clock in the afternoon, at which time tbs-forest la already gloomy in the shndo w of approaching night. The cruiser now selects a sultabls spot for a comp, throws down bis pack and having o le a ^ away tbe snow builds s large and gsneroui lira. Ha cooks his meal, smokes his pipe, and Uien removes tbe firs to anotoer plooa, pitches his tent over Its former bWl, and rolled in bis blankets goes to sleep on the warm ashes. Ordin­arily a craiser will travel from twelve to sizteen miles a day, alther In summer or winter, and os that distance is small even to the ontinarlly vigorous product of cito life, one wlU b ^ n to appreciate the dilfl-

tounes which reduce tne travel of these men of iron endnrance to so smalt a space. They pay of a cruiser varies from s bare Uvliiig to about |S,OOOayear, depending, M In other walks of life, on each msn^a skllL intalligeaoe and indnatiy. From fS to to a dag la the usual range of wages.— Vermillim tn k t (AfltHs.) tWespondenne Fbr ret and Ntrsom. ^

A n a H a th aw a y 's C o ttag s Bold.From the Iiondoa News.

A nn H atnaw ay’s cottage fbr £3,000 Is a good b a ira tn fb r th e se U er, a n d th is Is the price a t w hich the preolotts relio has Just bean disposed of to the Shakespeare trastees. Tbe m a tte r was p o t to th em in th s u u a l way. They bod b u t a few days in w hich to m ake up tb e ir m inds, and those m inds, no doubt, were haun ted by visions of tb s cottags on Its way to America, o r to H adam e Tusaand't, F ifty y e a n hence. If prices Inersass a t th e ir present rate. It will seem a b e tte r bargain lo r th e buy­er th an It does to d a y . In s t now it looks like one tbonsond fbr bricks au d m ortar and the rest fbr th a obm m odlty know n as Indefthabie eharm . B ut, econom ically e m k ln g , la r ity m a ^ be taken a s a n e lem ent ogpae, a nd there la bu t oue A nn U a tb aw ay 's eoU ats ou th is p la n e t T he v en d erh o s pndlled largely by tbe unearned increm ent, and there he Is w ith­in b is r ig h t I f the orig inal oceupant o f the ootloge could ooUM to life again and learn th e price o f Iter m odeet h ^ t ta t io u In the eomo* w hat delusive f lg u m o f o u r tim e, she would probably reoelve a shack o f astonishm ent th a t wAnId k ill her off once m ore. Nevertheless, tb e thought t h a t on one single n lght—moon- llg h to r otherwise—a oertain young fellow

............... 1 1 w t very

■the In-

From AU the Year Hound.I hava said that one’s moods and fenciea

may be coerced Into harness, and to turned to practical account 1 must be pereonal in proof of this.

Hoind of my lady IMends think, 1 be­lieve, that It is ai easy for me to evolve pagee of magailne print from my brain as it Is for them to unreal ootton. They ore much In error. At times it Is ts hard oe digging In froian ground, snd sometlmet cutting sfsiiist Iron is nothing to I t But one learns after s while, when the brain has Its fits of obstinacy, not to fret snd feme, declaim against the uni- verst, oast dark looki at the Innocent babe in his cot, and to on. When theee momenta arise, tha judicious man lights bit pipe, or goes a long walk—no matter whether ten or a hundred miles—or singe a song, or makes s table, ur thinks of his next Hiaonie banquet, end leaves the brain to sulk Itself out.

One may also do better tUU. After a little peretvertnee and oloee itody of cerebral phenomena, ona may really make capital out of tkla very obstinacy and ap­parent sterility, which seemed to mensoe one with ruin In the extinction of one’s abilities for work. How T you ssk.

Wall, in this way. You Isorn at length not to prcto your brain, much egaiust Us will, to continue to wind frirtb those ohap- tere of the eeneatlonal novel, for which MesRs. Print A Paper have promised you s thousand pounds. It toms dull snd re- frisae to bring your hero, Sir Lsuncelot, out of that difflculty of his with the ten or twelve Uona In s dignified snd raUonsl way. Very good I But,'on tho other hand, It is In admirable trim for a sonnet on "A Walk in a Uravayord at the Witching Hour," an elegy on “ Tha Death of aTnme Cat," or a ballad about “ An Overfull Stomach." Common sense, then, bids you

le tt of the uncongenial task, and set It to work npon what It feels able to do.

Thus, In time, one finds the way to have as many strings to ons’s literary bow as tbere are moods and humors for tbe ani­mated human corporation. This is good in a multitude of ways. Soma of them are so patent that they need not be indieatnd —the pecuniary profit, for instance. In­stead of indulging In delirious vtelomi of ruin or insanity—Swift's fency about be­ginning to decay at the top, liked a tree blasted by lightning, being especially fond of bothering onq—this mood may then be turned to excellent account by writing a shilling “ horrible" of the most awfel kind. Thus you not only chime in with noturel thereby transforming your discord Into a harmony, but you work off your bad humor and dyspepsia very advant­ageously.

1 am Inclined to think that by this method of life the literary man realty en­larges and develops hla personality to the utmost possible degree.

R Timely Topic.



A n highly ooraplimenting us upon the exoepttoiul fit aad lhahloa, kod th i dainty patterns shown in our eno^ moue Spring Stock of Basinew and Bpsbb Suits, We appreciate th e ir ooni- pllments more, beoauie they come from men who buy their clothes froin us and know w hat they ore talking about

M S IM L & BALL,» 0 7 , 8(M>, 8 1 t, 8 i a ItruMil S tre e t .

' X i . w

1 l U L i n yTPixI*11H\

A m

John Heath.\ 'A


1 4 0 M U L B E R R Y 8 T . ,Between Mcrlianlc mid .Market Hie,


from H tralford used to Walt outside 1f o r a s la b lo f s c e r i a ln young girl, Is

th e whole £3,003. W e end, liierefore, . iig aslo n ish td a t Mr. Thom iisou’B m od-

erstiun , as probably be Is himself,--------1--------- a-------------- —


re w « « re ■■■■■wpvrewrewwww' v o w n i A t t o m A a b o x ."

U ^ .ms t t s t of a g iu tb s s - ;

cate needle.“ H ave yon a v isiting soed f ') asked Chief

W eigher Palm er o f one p f tb s tls lto re yeeter- g lay . The card Was produced

|w >, nbout tqfcone-three-han--dredtb p a rt of an onnee,” s a jA ie expert, deft­ly Imlauclug tbe fn g lle b it o H ard b o ard in h li palm . He loeied I t In to one o f tbe big m cbsl pans, where b u t a m om ent before SIdlOO worth o f q u a rte rs hod been weighed, and , placing a b it o f a lum inum wire In th e o ther |w n point­ed triu m p h an tly to tb s . slender nsedle tb o t quivered for a m om ent a n d th en cam e to rest o n a poin t th a t m arked a perfect balance.

"Nome visiting cards w eigh ona-flve-hun- d red th o f a n ounce, b u t yours Is a trifle hoavicrr,” he said,

The nne-flve-hunitredth o f a n ounce weight lx n o t Infinitesimal by a n y meaim. t t i i of o lnm tnum and apparently as festber.

B u t tb e dslioate ad ju stm en t o f tfaese big sesles, Which stand s ix feet o r m ore in height. Is left for In tbe shade by th e wonderftil per- f t iF p a n o m o fth e sc a lre ln th e asiaylniM'Oom. A ssayerE okfeld t gave one illux tratlon which served to show the m arvellous delicacy of tlMie wonderful bits o f m ecbanlsm . Tbe okps on o n s piUr o t scales were show n to be evenly balanced. Bem oving one o f thm n and paw­ing It three lim es over s w h ite p ap er lurfttee he n p lo c sd It, and tb s ased Ji in s tan tly tsd t- esited th a t th e untouched c up w as th e besvier o f th e two. The flm l one bod lost enaagb by friction o n the paper to m ake tb e lore visible In tb s balaiioe.

I f a pleas o f pspre th s a lls o f half apoetage s tam p bs welgbsd BaSt ftiUy a n d th en rs- m ovsd, and a lead pens]] m a rk m ad s acrore It, tb s sCalss will Im m ediately Indloats th a t tb e paper has gained som ething In weight, even though th a t so m eth li^ b s aoltalng bu t tb e tnflnlteslnsal partloles o f plapabsgo left by tb s pencil on th s paper.

Tfasss SBsIre CM weigh tbseB s-tbres-thon- sasto to p s r t o f a gm tn tro y weight.

Upfin tb s Isigs soalss In lb s e o ln ln f room tbSrfliilsbed d o llan arewwiadted s n d sdJustsd. A s sl^ighlts pstfeetlsn III iM c M lslta t)na ll■ ' ~ h fld ss is m s so las .M il weigh su ifeuy

I b s a v y a n d tb s " ‘ M IU B ttM :

Tbe llg h tu in |s trik M ,b u t i t docs not boycott.A fool’s advice Is belter t l ia n s knave's; It

Is a t least stneors.Rome people who never n tu r h th sn k s are

alw ays borrowing trouble-M oderation Is th s silken string runn ing

tbrookh th s pearl cbaltt o f a ll virtues,W hile lookltig o u t for great qpporttm ltles

ws a n a p t to £rt li t t le ones s lip Uirongh o u r grasp.

" A play upon Words,” as th e Amman said as he th ru s t b is hose In to a bookssller's shop to pu t ou t th e flames.

T bs m an who a lw ays agrees w ith you m ay bs a p leasant ooraponlon, b n t when you sront odvhM go to some o tw sise .

W hen a b row n-bairsd m an begins to grow gray b s Is Ally ysare o ld ; w bsn his h a ir be­gins to grow bbiqk h e Is s ix ty ,—Tasat Bi/Ungt.

L a d le s 'W ho Sew or do housework w ill And ” LsAiiSKLLa On. Bshk ” a deligh tfu l a rtlo ls fur Instantly soft- m in t the sk in an d a llay ing roughuess; acts a t unee, W ksh app lied srtes In qu io k ly ; need n o t be w ashed o ff nor oovered up. Its nse does n o i interfere w ith th e hsndling of tlie finest rthbonA sllka o r satlnA W lltnotgreose no r soil anyth ing , 33c. an d t i ,30a t Druggists; large else p repaid by express for tUO.

E . H. WeOs, J s n s y City, N. J .

Oo«g D l n e t t » W « a k Spots.Is)U of people In decline a re being neto red

by Wxi.LS's H i a i .t u RiuiaWEn, I t goes direct to w eak 1 p ^ Try Ih 11X3 a t Drug- gists.

Bongb on Oonis, Salve end n s s te rs . Tin Box, 10c,

HAndAome F o a to re sa re of no avail I t th e nose is red, oompisxton cloudy, Skin A parsa groined o r dotted w ith Pirn piss, B M obsi o r rreek lse , idcA vnu-bs Ou. BA 1.x,the great b tau tlflsr,w ilt im outh and ctear tiss m ost o anay tog sk in or complexion,

Ives a rosy tinge, a health fu l glow sn d freeb- sM Bsevsnls teodMiey to W rinklss, A fsipg r w rih e rin g 'p f th e d tlii, d ry ing np o r the

_esb. 33c-iSatl.3B a t D r q i i t i t e ; utigB slss prepaid by express for U A ' B .? . W ills, J srs ty City.

Bough on Tootbasbs. QIv m In iian t teUrf, Ue,


T hey a re N earer th e flro u n d and U eve MmIb Greikt IMscotvHbb**

From Cassell’B MaicatAne.It is sold in the West that no scienUfle

man ever mode on Important discovery of miners! or metsl. This Is undoubtedly not true, bnt If It were it provM how equal all tbe chances sre for wealth In the mines, for ss the mineni say, “ You can’t see very for into the ground.”

It is a tingnlor foot that several discov­eries of diamonds in South Afrioa snd In Southern States wprs mode by children, who, of oonree, had no notion ss to what thpy were, but whose sharp syes, being nearer to tbe earth, and fresher than those of grown people, detected what the grown folks had never seen, although the precious stones may have loin In sight and been trodden under their very feet day after day.

At DysortviUe, N. C., a boy found a stone of oonsideritole rise near a spring to which be had gone to draw water, and being a *' pretty trick," as he called it, he pat tt Into his pocket to.-play with.

I t was the dtecovety of s diamond in the hands of a couple of Dutch ehUdreii named Van NIskIrk, In Qriqualand, West, by s trader that led to the development of the diamond fields of South Africa. The fatharofthaohitdren laughed at the no­tion that Uie stone sould be of any vsine, and gave It to the trader, who took it to a settlement aud bod a test mode of It, with therssult of saoertalulnf that It was a twenty-twO-osrat disnoiid.

The stone was sold for fS!,600, snd It Is only felr to say that the trader went bock and gave Van Nleklrk half of the money to nse in the edneatlon of his children. Oddly enough, but ons other diamond was ever found In the neighborhood that had produced this large specimen.

The grevehi of tiie Veal Blvor were after­ward washed, however, with fUr results, and tbe finding of more of the oryslala in mnd wells of s lint led to tbe development of the greet Been, Himberly snd Du Toils Pan minea, the most productive and valu- able in the world. _________

A TUBTLEH AOR,Fifty Tears Known to Have I'aited Over

This ons’s Head.From the Fh llsdelph ia Bullellii.

A dead tortie, a turtle with a history, was found on Sunday at tha foot of Aldei^ man Donnelly’s yard, 416 East King street, ■ays a Ismoaster paper. There Is en au­thentic record that this partiouter turtle was mors than fifty y ssn old. He has been an Inmate of the yard as for back ss Alderman Donnelly’s rscoUectlon goes, and old people in ths nsighborbood say they knew him or beard of his presence tbere when the property wes owned by the Rodgers femlly. As regularly ss the flrat warm days of spring came around the turtle would smerfo to the sorlhce of tbe ground, and thereafter he would be seen until lata in tite fell. For the past ten yean the Donnelly household has witched these appearancss with muclT interest, end the tortie became known to tha whole neighborhood.

Several yaatt ago a board w « placed at the side of on iron trough at the foot of the yard, and up this Inclined plane the turtle orawled each morping to get a drink of water. One time he fell in end nearly drowned. Never afterward

'Would ha go to the trough. He then made daily vliibs to tha hydrant in tha front part of the yard, and after quenching his t h m be would drag him­self slowly to tha other end of the lot. He was last teen late in the fall, and when this qiring esune and hs did not appear, a search was mode for him. He was found among s lot of stones, tin osns, etc., dead. Hs was surrounded on eil sides by s bar­rier, and It Is probable that he crawled Into the place and was overcome by the cold beftire he burrowed Into tbe earth. S tam tlon and eoid caused his death. Whas found be wm standing In an almost perpondloulor poslUon, with his bead be­tween two stones. _____ _

H is T y p ew rite r W o rried H im,F rom the W sshliutton Btor.

T he following InolOent is w ritten of a play- wiright d ic ta ting one of his am hlllous elforte to a p re tty typew riter;

" If you speak during that period,’’ began the author.» I wilt—

"A period a f te r ’ th a t ’1” th s ty p ew rite r In-

" N o ,n o —the word 'psrto il.’ ' I will k ill you.’ "

" I always get so lnWn*sted. Is this a com- edyT"

“ Yes. ‘ H ood, spare m e—spare me— " “ Yon m ust no t call me H and,”•' No, p o ; the e b o rn d e r speaks. Msod Is the

g irl ip the ploy, you know.- W here was I t ”“ You wore s t ‘ spare me.’ ’*“ Goes down on M s kneea In b rsekrts.”"O n h l ik n e e s f ’“ l a m w riting th isoom edy ,m iss. Kneel la

b rnekets."‘Yes. What’s he got hts knees In btackeu

for T Brofcsa, 1 suppose."“ W h e to n y o u d o ln g t I.<etmeSFe. N,

no, Fnt th a t ssatenee In brackets. Knler servan t. Bervont—‘ Never bare I seen nothing like that be-^-"

" Anjrtblngi of co n n s r"“ I 'm wrtUng th is piece."" T h a t’s bad g ram m ar, yon know.”“ Yss, 1 know. F n t dow n Just w bat I say.

< M aud, lock a t— ” ’“ B lrl Ob, 1 forgot. Yes. ’ L ookat—“ In bimeksti. (leorgs looks a t servant and

Ihnhse—“ Fsrtodr'

No. A nd sbokM h is h sad— <’ «" W ho sh ak s i b is head—Georgs o r tb s sew

v s n t r

S j ^ P I A l l O ST O lT fF llK iC S JL IT YB C O D B 1 1 A .T S ] X > m Z 0 B S


flitilMiuF'Trl tsAnllMlhk.

llOFiftli An., 6or. I6tli StreitB B W r O R X C tT T .

Deposit CompaDyW ill R e m o v e Its F in a n c ia l a n d T p d st D e p a r tm e n t

To its neiv orflca in tha

P r d d e n t ia l B d i ld in g . o n F r id a y , A p r il 29, 1892,

On and after which (iate all buBlnaaa connected with thaae departments iwill be traneactsd in the new office.

The Title and Safe Deposit Departments will remain in their present quarters.

Deposits received and two per cent, interest allowed upon all balances of $500 and over, subject to oheok att eight



That I will give s Mixed Mstlreii, valued at t4.00, amt s Woven Wire lid Sprlngi valued st H.OO, with every Bedroom Suit lold. Seventy-flvs BadrtMin tulti, •II an ons floor, not two ilixe, ronulng in price from t300 down i« low ae |l&<

Parlor Suits.Ono hiiiiflnHj |*f»rlor Htiita.nH nn rtnv not (wi> u llkr, In itiv^rlAigM nf priiRliJUiu.H, Hllk Tn^M'wir.v nfiil Rnn’ivifHt'. ninje|:iu Iti |irlcN* fTiHii tliiHii tvR lt>w UR K‘

Carpets. iviJuS?AKNisYs0} jjitfKVKnr Tn^w'iilry RnnuielfM

yunl niilyAir AH*\vam>1 liigmlu ( urpet,

yurd only «Or.AT of Hixly Rru«H(*lR ritrjR't, l-X'r

yurduiAly il.iKf,


£ £» rALr.KTl TO THK


_______ IF TOU SUFFERo u i PetjIUly, WinhTK?5TTTCSBlRI!r9lttd, or Lohuovi fi« t n K * rdeuFfe, w rlt# u* fa>t our pft m p t il«i (m ailed fr^eii, 1rA«tlag im aU urluluf

Mattings.J u i t r w ’liVKHl~iCl0 4 vlr<‘f'x<hf Fnni’y Mallinjr,

.................................. paI ( ■

Refrigerators.xtir diffbnoii nmnuAtfrIurfa nf i l l

tlu* luli'Ki liniim vi'd aty!ftA,nll «l rwlAtprd l>rliT*R. UtMMi rp r lifh l Rt'frlirvralDr oDlf

Children's Carriages.irti> riitlilrrirH rarrlnvrei, all tiHliinad

iirltx’R. (JahmI t'bha'R Currlam only

Portland RangeaI mu»l cMUift**! {bat !ji nil m y M prrlwwfc

nolhiiiK liSR htPl|H'd tiiy m nre tradf^ai A>l tt»nHintATfrlt lh«I r am ifliiat mur«

nuii.'h HR ili4» ath'mi>l ttpMHintATfrlt Ihn INirtlaml R « u ^ , and I liuw (lian 111 tlifr TaMveitiod KaiK'y M ailing }>t*r ynmAvnly lAc

Oilcloth, Linoleum, Folding Beda, Sideboards, Dining-Rotn Chairs, Eitension Tables, Lounges and Coaches in Great Variety, all at Eed,uced Prices.

T K B M S :75c. Down nnd TBr. \Vi*ekly....... .........-.....................................On flrt.00 Worthy D o w n Olid " ’Ic, W iv U ly ......................... O n 25.00 W o r th|4.UU Down mid fl.lNl W ti’klv............................................. On 50.00 W urthfO.00 Down, and W.i'i W ixkly......................................................... On 7*5.00 W orth18,00 Down nnd $1.25 W w ltly......................................................... On HH.OO W orth

(12.U0 Down mid il.Ol) Weekly.........................................................On 1BO.OO W orthIlfl.OO Down and ?2*00 W itU y ..................................................... ...Ou 200.00 W orth


whii’h, if np|................. .. 1 ]ra<l Up I jkW utl«nupnr, ipImiinHA ^ (.^ouiampllony

Inm ntty , aVAil li Prem ature Uravti.The Km'etllc! M edldnr la aA>IU by all Umg"

EliU atfJ.0D i)er tPAahiMce, o r hU pfu'kasrea fur feoo. u r wul be aeol by r“ -"’ * --oeipt (if muhnSTg aiul tS P w ith every lihUO order « u aen re o r moTU‘y refundAK).

A ddreat GRAV MFJDlClNE CO,, Buflhlo, Hv Y,

On aeoount o f (xpunterA lla we h a re adopted th e yellow w niuper the only grm iine,

Huldln KewufV, M. J.. by CllAH.IIA U BU, (Mjr. IbYnMl uiid Market atrretH.


N EA R f l a n k STBEKT, N EH A K K . N. 3

DOIiDSS U T iM C MLoobI end Internal Treetmtnh

In n rd rr to etaro cu tarrh It la n m ’wsary to a llay the liiflaruiiiitHuti o f th e Irrlialed nsetii" braui*ifl w ith a iMKHhhix appIleAtltm, eleana* Uie bvad of the p iu n ln g mUcuu* and hual tliedliiciiarging ulcenta F a r c^pld iji ib e head and hiiaal (MLtarrh D oddi'a loral iiieiit duea thla wltJiAMii the a id o t anulf} duudatw u r funiw. If tha dfaeaae haa exteiidua dawtuvurd, allketliig ihe brunclilat tu U a or lunga, d i c t i o n ancfblood, th e intorual treat­m ent buth remiPVfa ftvim aji’item the menuiered poiauiL,and bylla building-up nruuertlea atMiau na tu re In rtatorlng tbe im M irtuf imt Hend for<nir tKjnk treating im eu W rh


CHwwp* I H id CtoMft.”*• Oh I f i t M t o iMUg

TKH, MILBULIN A CU, p r u p r l r lm lluttklo,

£. Y, Hold In Kewarlt.N J n b y aiA ltJxK H W. KNK, D ru i^ iit, JM M arket 1^ , N awark, N .J.



106 and K)8 Mulberry S t,


“ A MOB AFTER SHOES I”Tluil’e whflt wi'iiri'lmving iliilly. Thew’ ru t prim’s drew the thrunga^

Buy now. We Iwkc nil tlu* risks for sniiill gulim, while you get large gitlns with- no risks ut ull. It 's your oiiee-u-week eliuiiee tosiive. JUitd the drives foFi UiIm w eek:W omen’s Kerge (k>ngreH.H, all sines, itt......................................................... S S C ta ..W oiuun's Beige Fox lotee and iloiigress, ut......................................... ...... tU) o tg .|W omen's Doiigolu Biittoii, u gtssl stioe, ul............................................... S 9 Ctfl* |W omen’s Dongola Tip Button, ut............................................................... $ 1 .1 9 lW omen's Cloth 7’op I’nlent Irf'ullierTlp Btitton, ul...............................W omen’s Fine French Kid Hlus's, ull slyles, u t ....................................... Mti.iiSiM en's (knigresM and tniee, ull solid, u t........................................................ 9 8 ots-1Men’s Fine Hufl' Congress uiid IjUt'i*, a t......... .................. ......................... $1 .19 'Men's t2.00 Bhoe, In Jqiw or CoiigivsH, a t................... .............................. $ I ,4 SMen’s 12.50 Ctdf Hewed Hlns's, ull styles, a t.............................................. $ 9 .1 0AH of our 13.00 {'alf Hlusis this week ut....................... ............................ $ 2 .0 9Misses' Hhoes ul.................................................. H7c„ UHe., $1.;}S. $ 1 .8 0

Away Below Uegtilur l*i'loi*s.’S\'hlle in Boys’ Hh(s*s we have ft sjs’elul this vvi'ek, in (tOU |«»|rs

of l.qiee Bhues, Hires II to 2, und 3 to T>, ut................................ (tOc. a n d 79c.Kegiilur [priee al.OO. Don't Miss Huch a Prlxe.

OUB FAMOUS KNtH'KAUoUTS «l USe, HTII.I. LUAD TIIK VA.V, WHILE IN DMBIti SHGIWWEtiAN FIT THE HoY OUT IN AN Y HTYLE To KIT THK LEANEST I*Ot'K»R IkXiK. Anulher I-arSH luvuU'eorUiiMellbllilri-ii'aJ'iiti'm lj*uthHrTlKHKfltigHrelii,6tut,aaytoli, atflOr. * '

Hundreds of other kinds till cut to u little more tliuu half.


5 T M A R K E T S T R E E T , C O R . P L A N E .!167 larket Street, Heir Broad. 665 Broad Street, Cor. Oranfe.

CUREfliek IlHdsclwsixl reUne all tbe iroabtre Istil- (tent to a bilious Ms m v t lbs ■fetem.surii as Dittiiiere, N aum . Drovriiareu. Dtetrere iftsT sating, Fain in U s SiU«, fee. white their moat remafxaMs tucocM hs* bam obows Id curing

SICKStodseb*. yet Cunn's Liras I.ivts PiLfs ore oquollr valuoijte la OonaUjiallnii. rurlag and prerm tlng this Mtnoylag ooniplolDt. vhite they alio oorrect oil dteoriten ol um ttomach, itimulato Uw llnr and ragiilaig tha bowote. tn n U they oSiy auiw

HEADAHm they isaxld to oIsimi priMlaai to fetes who lufllsr from this dlvtfaialat eanipMiiti but fortiuat«y ibdr goodmsi doos w* md tore, and tbore who once try them wUl fold " eilttte^IJstslosbislnioinsaywsfeUial

r wDI oot to vIUh to do wUMiit Itou. aflsrsUitektoiiir


torefewhsror gllk cure Mvrt make oar greoi white otbore do not.

(UsrsawLmu Utbi Pius an very tman Mdmyaaiytolato: 0 » or two piUa make • desa Tbsy sre otrictly vegeMliteand de BM grille to purgo, but by tlwir gentte isUos ptemasUWMiisa Iharn. InvIsteatOBoants; Ite fo ril. floidaiaijaheie. toiwtbysislL

u m i m u e m M , n * Tel,

DAT INfetiCnON c u n for Ml

3 0 , 0 0 0 .


- - BUTiJiil.(

2 8 ® -Best Elgin Creamery,

Fine Kew Dairy Butter, 25®-

THK PA I, AUK TW fW enniY (il.ASH KltoNT,

766 iDd 740 Broad St. aod 107 larket St., KifUk, B. J.UBS MAIN ST„ OHANUK, N. J .

Lyon & Son’s Brewing Co.'s


On draught Friday, A p ril 29thi>AND DAYS FOLLOWING.

' ’■■tote J

f /

•SfEWABK EV EN IN G NEW S. FR ID A Y , A P R Il. 29, 1892.

1 8 t« 7 of tba Return of tbo Long;- loet Sailor.


A ttu rr «f th« P aor M d o f th « * • -» f Wwi *f tha Mm WIium Comlaf Maaat Ika B raak ln f Up a t V tu i l r TIa.. Tka Ta«rant IVho W aU bad <ba to tta g a hvM tha Soad .h la .

Tta« taa w ai Tolling l<« low and iiioiiutomHiT • a v c t KpOB th a ..■•niU, Ulll<-wlilln ntiHid. d a r t tau tliig rapidly a rti"» Ih f broad blue ifcfj boroa along by th a flrrt wind likob lrd r. rtia alllagr. In th a t iw rto f tha vallay whk'b ilopad toward the ix ran , waa warm lug ilw lf In the auDihlnT,

Ulglit a t the antranca atood I ln‘ liouaa of Ilia MaTilB>l.cTC»f)ua«. al«na, o n th a rd g o of tiw rM d. n w t . U ia .n ia ltd w rlliiig n r a tl.h c r- man, w ith clay w all, and llm lahad roof ndorntd w ith bliia Irii. A g a rd ru , al"Hit aa b lgaaahandhcrah lar. In w hirli graw onion., Mbbigaa. pamlay and rhaTril, lay In a afiiiaro bafara tba door. A hedgo iw lo tc d It along tha road.

TIM m an waa oot It.b ing a n d tha wlfa, In front of the b u t, waa mandl ng I ha m «ha« of a bogabrow n nat airatcliad upon tha w all llk«

^aa Ininaanaa ap ld .r 'a wab, A girl o f fonrtnrn, at tba entranos o f Hm g a rd rn , a ra lrd In a rtrav-bulUim rh a tr, Iram-d liai'ltw anl and n p fo r ta d ag a in .! tb a gala, w a . m ending Haas, tba lln rn of th e imor, a lready patehed aad mendod. A nother girl, a year younger, bald tn bar a rm . a wary tm all Inlbnt, mid Ion- lOMabd ipoachtea., and aooup lau r you n g iten af two and three y ear ., . lu in g on the ground, w eraplayinf aw kw ardly and c u t ln g band- full of d ir t In earn o ther’ijbee*.

No one ipoke, but th e baby, which the girl wai ttrlT lng to put to ileep, waa wibbtng eon- tiououily In a b iln t , aharp lllUo lonr. A ra t 'w ii do ting upon tba window leilge; and bloomlog glllltlowera a t tba Ibot o f the wall wort ally* With a b u llin g nation of Ittm.

T bag trt, who w ai Mwing a t Ih eg n ir, .ud- ten ly railed o iitt

" M amma P'Tba m other an.w ered s “ W bat'i the m alb-r w ith you V “ There I ta l . again!”They had been n n ra .y t ln iy nioriiliig be-

eauie a m an wa* pm w itng am niid th e liouw, in old m an who had the a ir of a licggar. Ih»y bad men him aa they aeeoni|w nted the la lber la b li boat to em hark . lie w ar w aled O D tbaadgeof the d iteb <ippo.lte ih e ir gule, T b ^ when they liad re lum ed from I ho ilrand , tbay bad illll fotind liltn there, look­ing a t tha boute.

Ua wem ad 111 and eery wretched. Ilo had not i t l r ^ for m ore th a n a n h o u r ; then , nee- lug tb a t b t w a t regarded a . a nmlofaelor, bo had arlien and gona aw ay, lim ping.

But lOon tbey had 1 0 0 0 h im re tu rn w ith h i . •low and weary itep ;a n d h r had again aeatnl blniMlC, a trifle fu rther off th l i lim e, a i If to w atebtbem .

Tbo m other and g lrl i w ere afra id . The nMiUicr waa eapoclally worried lieeauea iho Wat o f a tim id nature, and her Imuhand. .LaeiaqiM, would no t re tu rn fru m lb c iea until aJgbUill.

H if tau ib an d ,a iw « b aT * la ld , w a . nam ed L ir ta q o i; t h t w a i oatlod M arlin, and they bad b a p tin d tbem the M arti n-LoTeiiquM. n i l WM Um naWHi: I l e r S m m arriage bad bMO with a laUor of the nam e ol M artin , who W M torery lum m er to N ew raundland to et>- lage la ood flihlug,

A ttar tw o y aario f wedded lllb ih e h ad hom e b l n a littio daugblor and ih a w a i ib u rlly to l i r e b irth to a so tb e r ch ild w hen th e tciocI on wbleb wag bar bu iband , th e Daux-Boeum, a th ieo-m alt bark from Jlleppo, d liappearad .

No th tlttg i bad OTor been leoateed o f I t ;, OOM of the u a iin a rg who had m anned It ro- ' In n o d i tbe ghlp w a t tb e ie lo ie oonaldered

o a t With a ll m board.. M ipa M artin aw aited b a r b u ib a n d Ibr ten yoan , ra ilin g her tw o etalldrcu w ith g n a t i l f lo n l ty ; then , a t th e wag a itro n g and b ia ity woman, a ftib erm an of tb e d iitr lc t,

, t a r e a in i , a widower w ith a ion , dem anded ' bar In m arriage. Bbe wedded h im an d bore

b lH tw o eb lld rcn In th r ro yeara,Tbey Itred totlaom ely an d laboiiouily .

Bread w ai d ear and m eat atm oat unknow n In tbe lr dwetllng. They oeeaalnoally got In debt lo tba baker In w in ter d u ring the m outbiuC galea N eeirtbeleia , tbe little uuei got uUmg well. F e o p lo ia ld ;

” Tbo M urtln-Lereaqnga a re atout-bearted M k a Mmo. M arlin l i i tu rd y a n d Lere«iW taai n o t b li equal a t lU hlog."

Tbe g irl g lu ing a t th e gate leeum ed ;“ 11a leem i to know u a H e I t peiliape

(DIM beggar from H prerllle a A uieboee."But tbe ino tber m ade no m i iu k e about

him . Ho, no, h i d id n ’t belong to tb e d litr le t, a * t w a i i u r e l

A i be lU rred no m ore tb n n n itaV e and ■ lad b tie y e i obetlnately up o n th e b o u ie o f tbe M artlo-Ieireequni, Mmei M artin grew lUrlnni, an d fear rendering her b rave, .h e K lied a iboTet and w ent o u t In fro n t of tbe |n le .■ “ W hat are you doing there f cried ib e to the yagabond.

He iw ponded In a h o a n e e o le e ;“ I 'm tak ing tbe freib a ir I tto e i th a t h u rt

fo u T "“ W by do you poet yon rie lf like a tpjr In

front o f m y bonioT”n>e m an rep lied ;” I ’m harm ing nobody, l i It a g a ln it tbe

law to l i t dow n along 1 he road T ”Finding no an iw er ready, ih e re turned to

t ^ eablD.The day paw ed ilow ly . Tow ard noon tbe

m an yanlitaed. B ut be w ent by again abou t I o ’eloek. H e w ai leen no m ore th a t evening,

Heveique re turned a t n lgh tlU I. They to ld b l n abou t th e in truder. H e o un rluded :

’■ It’l tom e Idler o r lom ebody w ith a ip lte a g a ln it Ui I”

And be w ent to bed w ith o u t uneM lneie, while b li w ife th o u g h t on ly o f th e prow ler wbo bad ita red a t her to atraagely .

W hen d a y daw ned It w aa blow ing a gale and th e la llo r, teeing tb a t he eould n o t go o u t ou th e ocean, helped b i t wlM In m ending b li ueti.

Toward S o'clock tb e c ld e itd a i ifh le r .a M ar­lin , wbo h ad been o u t to buy bread, cam e In DU a run, w ith a frighteneil look, a n d c ried :

“ M am m a, b e 'i back agpln t”Tbe m o ther w ai .la r tle d a n d , pale a< death,

laid to her b u ib a n d :“ Oo out, Leveique, and te ll h im b e ra u itn 't

watch u i 1 0 , becam e It l e t i m e wild And Leveique, a ta llia llo rw ltlU a n n M l fu«e,

thick red beard, blue-black ey e i end lu av y iieck, alw ayi dreiaed In woollen e lo tlin fur Ibarof wind and ra in o u t a t oea, tm uqu llly went b u t and approacbed tb o prow ler.

A nd tbey began a converia tlan .Tbe m o ther and cbildrou, au v io u . and

trem bling, watched them from a dlilunce.Buddeuly Ihe unknow n nroeo am t camo to

tbe houie w ith Levciqur.Mme. M artin recoiled In terror, H er b u i­

band la id to h e r :“ a iv e b lm .um e bread an d a glnie of cider.

He b i iu ’t bad any th ing U> e a t ilnco day bo- lu n y e ite rd ay .”

And the tw o m en e n le m l llie dwelling, foHowed by the wife and c h lld m i. Tim va­gran t ta t down and began lo cat, h i. bead bent bcneiilh ail tbe cyci w hich wero w atch­ing him,

Tbe m other .lan d in g , ita re d a t t d m ; Ilte two big girl., the M arlin ., w ith Ihclr luu'k. ig a ln it the door, uno ho ld ing the baby, planted the ir grei'dy g a te Ufiou h im mid the two young ilen , aculed am ong th e a.Iic* lo Ihe Are place, .topped playing w ith the lion pot, a . If alw) lo m n lcm pla te the (rtranger.

teveiquo, having tak en a chair, dem andedOf h im :

I “ Bo yon com . from lur aw uy, eu t ”“ 1 came iioni C c tW

On foot t ”*' y« i, on foot. W hen one haa no m oury

pne rau it walk.”■' W here are you going I ”“ I th a n atop here.”“ Oo yon know an y one In lUli locality f "” Maybe *0 1"T bey w ere il|riil. l le a le alowlv, nMlmiigh

be w alfam lihed , and d ra n k a inoiilbrnl of ride r after each Idle of beeud. H I. fate waa worn, w rink in l an d h o llow ; be laciuod to bave .uffered greatly,

lev e iq u e ludden ly a*kcd h im :" W bat’i your nam e?”Tbo m an replied w ith o u t lin in g h l i noee;” My nam e’. M arlin ,”A Itiango quiver .hook th e wife. Hlietmik

a i le p a« If to tee Um viqraiwnd iieanT and i lo o d ln f r 'o n to fh lm with, banging a rm . and apeu m oulh. Xo one h roko tbo .ilenec, L tveique finally m u in e d -.

*• Are you from heref”Tbe m an a n iw ered ;“ 1 am from here.”A nd a i be a t la i t ra iled Iili head. Ibe wlfe’i

(( , *yei and b l i m et und ivmalncU lliod u i» n •acta other'll.

A n d ib e u ld euddenly In a changed voice, trh k b woe low a n d q u iv e rin g :

“ A te yon m y h lubtind ff 'B an itlou la ted .lo w ly :" Yei, l i ’i m e r

•get, who k i f ^ twelve ytarg,: V allu rlam d ^ . An B ngllih iraveller rne-, eiu d ju* and brought nie to OMte, And here' I a m ! "i .Mme. M artin w ai w ieplug. h i r fiice lo b rr' IIWOII.

lev eu iu r u lle red :“ W h a t am I to do now f"M arlin dem an d ed :“ .Vre you her bn.bandl T" leveaque an iw rred 1 " Ym, It'imel”They Inokedal each other and were illenl. Then, M artin, gaalng a t Ibe children In a.

circle around him , de.lgnalcd ib i two big g irl , w ith a m otion o f b l. head.

■■ ,\re they mlneT” le v n q i i r l a id :“ They a te y n iim r’

, l ie did not a r l - - ; he did not kim th e m ; be nien-lv H id ;

" lion iJ Irn th o w big they a re !” levew ine re ta-alrd :“ W liiitani 1 lo d o :" '

■ M arlin, la 'rpli-ieil, knew no t w halU iiny . F inally be m ade a d iv 'l.bai:

" 1 will do a . yon like. I don’t w l.b lo wrong ymi. lin t » '* vevaM ou. all th e m m e on ae- eiainl o flh e lioniir. I Iiavc tw o ch ild ren , yon have Hirre—let each lake III. own. The wife, yon nee, lielongi to tail h of n*. 1 am will! ag lo p le a u you J bu t the hou.e, th a t ', m ine, leelng th a t iny Ikther left It lo me, th a t 1 wa* born la It and th a n lie notary h a . tb e |aiper»!"

Mine, M artin w ai .1111 .nhblng In berapron. The two big g lrli Imd ap|irgaehed in d were looking a t llie lr falbcr wllh itq iilelnde.

Ho hud lln l.h rd ruling. He M id In h li tu rn ;

“ W bot am I lo do T” levriMiiie g o tan Idea:“ l e t ’, go to Ihe e iire ; lie’ll decide for in .” M artin arow , and n i h r advani'cd toward

b l. wife iho threw berH lf upon hie bvaom, m hhlDg;

".My h iiib an d 'i here I M arllu , m y poor M artin, you're here I"

And .h e held h im tn her a rm i, luddenly overcome by a brcuih of tba pa il, by a grM t m ill of reincm brannei w hich recalled her youth and b rr l in t care .w ..

M arlin, affecled him ielf, klHvd her niam her cap. Tbe two children In Ibe fireplaea began lo bowl In ch o ru i on bearing Iheir niolber weep, a n d the baby. In tb e a rm i of the M-eond of I be M artini, clam ored In 1 ib a rp voice like a falie rtfr.

leveaqne ilood by, walling.“ rom o," aald be, “ wc m in t gel tlilu g i .blp-

iliape!"M arlin left iila wife and, Bl he glani'ed a t

b l. two dunghten , iheir m other Mid to th e m : “ At Iraal, k lH your fa th e r!"They appm acheil .Im uilanem iily , with d ry

e y r.,iu to n i.h ed and nmnrwhal afraid , And be kiwaat them one after the o ther U|a»n both cheek* w ith a m uring *maek. 'fMineelng the uuktiown appniaeh the lathy ullered ineh plerelng M-iram. th a t It w ai nearly taken with TOnvnl.lon*.

Tlnm Ihe two m en w ent oiH logelher.A . lliry wen; |iu ..liig 111 fm nl of Ibe Cafe dll

O nnioi ri'C. Ie v ii« |iie a .k e il;“ H hallw c gu 111 und lake a d ropu fuon ir-

t b l n g f’’ T hat .n l l i me,” declared M artin.They went In, ra t down In the yet empty

mom and l.'v erque c ried :" K ill rh le ig , two g lriae l of b randy and let

It he good I .Marlin lini eorne In ck , Martli^ wlfofri bii.baiid, yon know , M arlin of the Ih'iiidlO 'ur*, who w ai hwt f

And the fat and ruddy Inn-kccpcr, Ihe glaue* In one hand and Ihe bollle In the other, cnnio forward and dem anded w ith a tranquil a ir ;

“ Ab I *o U’* you. M artin, e b f" M artin ankwored;“ H ‘i m e 1”

The Laag-B«gt*«ted M unam ent lo Her Newery Uace H ere la Fragrei*.

From lb. t'entury Mogailne.TtaoM wbo remembared Uary Wuh-

Ingtob'iappearanca iDthn later yean of her life dawriba bar panon oa being of medium alia and well propertionad, the dignity of bearing, tha erect carriage, giving lumalblng of lUtallneai tu bar pretence, while her featuree were regular end itrangly marked, her brow fine, and brr eyei a clear blue.

No onthenUe portrait of Mary Waih- Ington It known; It b a family tradition that In the deitnictlon of Wakefield by fire the family portraite wove loot. Colonel 0. W. r , Cuatli woe qiieatloned aa to hi. knowledge on the lubject, and replied by letter to Colonel Lewb W, Waihington that “ there wa* no pietoro preicrvcd of tbe mother of the chief," and thii haa been alwayi the belief of her denceiidant..

At Fredcrickiburg, on the day of the fl]n«ral,all buainpet waa aitapcndcd, and, though the Auguat atin ehnne hot, ckwiI . of ritiuua Oom town nnd the country around “ thronged 8L George'l ('hurcli

where the Impreaelve Ameral aer- vlcoof the Proteetadt Kplacopal t'hnriii of America waa conducted bythe Rev. Thomaa Thornton, her pantor." And then, borne reverently in licr cofflii hr etrong men, the mortal remain! of Mnry Waahtngton were conveyed lothe ipot aha had choaen for her burial, fol- lowad by a long procemlon.

t’olonel Cuftui, Hr. Ikwalng and other w iitanhare emphoaiied the tran.iniltcd acoonnta of her death, telling how “ clefr gyiaen throughout the land apoke elo- quently from tbelr pulplta nf the honored dead, while membert of CongrcM and many private citltena wore the uiual badge of moumtiig In reepect to her mem­ory." In a long letter to hia aUter—re­cently given in Ford’a publication—Waah- Ington ipeaka religiously and tenderly of their mother'a death and her Christian character.

For many years her grave remained un­marked. About tbe year 1830 there waa a plan proposed to remove the remalna and to place tbem in a vault under the Presby­terian Churob, but to this the Washington family poelttvely reftised to consent, Many other angfcatlona and proposals were made, but nothing waa done, until at last, in 1838, the lion. Hilaa E. Burrows, of New York, olTered to raise a monument at his private expense. The corner-stone was laid with imposing ceremonies by tlic Prcaident of the United Hlates, General Andrew Jackson, In tbe presence of the relatives, many dtatinguisbed guests and a luge concourse of people.

Unfortunately, when the monument was almost completed, the generous donorf meeting wllh sudden and severe reverse of fortune, was unable to finish the work of ilsclng the obelisk upon Its handsome tase. Iloplng to rally from hia financial prostration, Hr. Rurrowa requested the committee to wait awhile until he could have tha work finished, but not long after­ward he died, before recovering anything of his fortune.

G tir i»B Ma v p a iu n t .

Then dlaagreements arose regarding the ' and the shaft lay prone upon t'

ground, alowly diainte^atlng, for nearly

l 4 a k No I’a r t l ia r .U ta d t qf /amiliet trtkm g Souirt U I H , t r jia t t

or ronar, nerd iwt tttk Jarihtr than tk* “ y m ’t " real rifcife e^amnr. WtdHttdag's sad AUfardoy. art tpteieU m l ttSait dsgr-


^ t y years, until tbe women of the coun. t n rallied to tbe roacuo, ns they did for hlinnit VemoD and the Mary Washington Monument AiMxilation, organlied a few yean ago and now wcceaBlnlly working, will beioro long complete their mtriotk; plan, and perfectly restore u e now mutilated monument.

r H e d id no t s tir , cou tin iiiiig lo eb tw tala bread.

lAToaqns, moro lurprlaad than moved, •taram crod;

" U lty o u , M a rlin f 'T r t other merely nepealed:

. “ T » , l t ' i i n a P ’AMtbaaaecnd hbaband dsmandadt

f to ® wbeiie# do you o oD iif”

A WnaUngton Wamaa Kiplalni That Tee Mnrh Condor Wonid Not Work.

From the Waifalnaton Btsr.“ Pqople talk about the wlckedne« of

Uoa, bnt I would like to know how thay wonid be got along without in polite aoei' ety,” laid a woman of faahlon. “ Insgiaa for a moment aa aftenwmn ooU, for e>am- pie, where both hoeteaa and visitor bad oonaeientlotialy made np their mind to apeak with entire fraaknea and trnthfril- neaa.

“ Figuretoyonieelftbe mistrea of the houae la the act of entering the drawing­room. Instead of rashlng imptiUTely for­ward aad graqrlng the vtiitar'i hand with a pleasant smile and words esprailve of plessure qt seeing her, the simply a y t :

“ <Yon ugly old thing, why oa earth have you oome to bother me with a call this afternoon T*

“ ‘ Blmply for the take of getting through ^ t h an unpleasant duty,’ replia tb« caller. * I b o p ^ very eamertly that I should not find you at home.’

“ ‘ If I had had any notion that yon were coming, 1 sbouhl have told the maid to aay that I wm not receiving,' returns the hoatesa. ‘ What a horrid, unbecoming gown you have on.’

“ ’Such a remark coming ftom a woman so notoriously badly dreawd os yourself seems rather absurd,’ rejoins the vlsltOT.

“At about tbat point in the conversation the restraints of poUtenem are altogether dispensed with, and clapper-clawing and balr-pnlling follow.

“ Certainly it would not be possible to conduct affiUrs on such a basis. The con­ditions of ctviUxed life ere in a high degree orUflolal, and we ore all of ns oompelled by circumstances over which we hive no control to act paito very much as if we were on the stage, instead of being our real leivea. Few of us realiie the fket, think, but every pemon does aclueilyae- Bume e certain role in the world. The only people who are altogether their natural aclves ore savages.

“ I hpve known a good many persona who m ^ e it a point to be particularly !fraufc, deeming it a virtue, and going so far as to boast of it. They would not hes­itate to say disagreeable thinga, implying that so long aa they were true there could be no haifrn tn uttering them. Such peo­ple do not realise that tbey acting In imitation of savages. After ^mostimportant difference between tbe savage and the civilised Individual I!m Id the fitet that the latter exercises a restraint upon the natural impulses. I t is always the moat natural impulse to tell the truth. A falie- imod r '.^ ‘ttoa conitraint by fear of other motives.

“ Certainly nothing can be more omel and calciitatcd to Injure than a brutal truth often is. Aecordlngiy there can be no objection to the employment of harm leas deceptions when they contribute to t>cople's happlncm. Hence, in polite so­ciety people are continually saying things which are untrue. A very amusing thing occurred to a lady of my acquaintance the other day which will serve to Illustrate the point.

“ She went tu call at tiie houae of aoine people whom she know but slightly. The mold coming to the door informed her that the mistress of the mansion and her daughter a’ero not at liome. Mo she left her cards and was starting to deacend the stepa wlicn a man's arm was thrust out from the parlor window, and the liand at­tached to the arm detained her. At the same time a grufl' voice said:

“ ‘My pretty young woman. Who are youf

“ My friend at once comprehended that It was the old General, the father of the family, who had thus made her pauae. Hheknew his reputation for gruff and well- meant rudoneaa, but replied, mentioning her nauie and saying that she was sorry to have found h s wifu and daughter not at lioiiie,

“ Who says they are not at home?” de­manded the General, poking his grluilcd head ovit of the window.

“ ‘The maid no informed me at tbe door,’ said iny friend.

‘ TVs a d — d lie I' exclaimed the General. ‘They arc both of Uicra upstairs at this finoinviit. Come into the houae and I will havo them down In a Jiffy- Tha lar.y women are lounging on t ^ bod and read­ing novels.’“ ' Oil, I pray yon, do nothing of the klndl” protcHted my friend, quite aghast. ‘ I will come again some other day."

“ ‘No, 1 insist upon your coming in noil I’ declared the General; and, in fiset, he obliged her to come Into the bouse, in­structing the niold to tell tboae ladies to come straight down to the drawing-room.

“ So, after about twenty minutes tbe wife and daughter made their unwilling appearence, aa you may imagine, to the extreme embarraasment of all parties con­cerned, with tbe exception of tbe old Gen­eral, who referred with glee to tbe safioeat hahad In this pH iloal^ lasfeiaBiv tsoqr-


One nf Lnadan’i Ancient naokitorts Dm u « 1 tn D e s tm e tla n .

f mm the Philadelphia Telegraph.The small shop under the Holborn gate­

way of Gray's Inn, London, which it Just been deeided to do away with, has h ^ a long lifo and a notable one. The gateway was made some time at the end of the six­teenth century, and the shop waa soon, afterward taken by a man whose name waa a living refUtoHon of the aaylng of hia great eontamporary. He waa a bookaeller and hia nomnwas Tomes. He published the filet edition of Baeon’e “ Two Bookes

tbe Profleienoe and Advancement of Leaning" tUOfi), and Wilson’s “ The Commendation of Cookes and Cocke fighting; wherein is showed t!)st Cocke fightllif was before tbe doming ol Christ “ (UOT). The morality of this book may be doubted; the wisdom of its publicstiop is beyond question. Within a few doors of Tomes’! shop wss a cockpit, whose fre- qnenten would be doubtless not unwill­ing, at a small outlay, to show themselves devotees of so ancient and honorable a pastime.

Jacob Tonaon, famous as the publisher of Dryden and Pope, eatablished what is laid to have been the first English publish­ing business (in the modern sense of tbe word) under the gateway in the Gray’s-inn road- He afterward took the shop which Is now to be pulled down. He It was whom Pope complimented (rolrablle dictui) as “ Genial Jacob," and whom Dryden pil­loried In a triplet beginning “ With leering look, boll-fkoed and foeekled fair." Ton- aott’a first shop was lo later years occupied by Thomas Osborne, the purchaser of the Harlelan Library. Oslmmo is better known perhaps as eqjoylng the by no meant unique distinction of having .been thrashed by Dr. Johnson. Unfortunately, tbs shop Itself can not claim renown os having been tbe field of battle. For the doctor Is a t pstna to be precise upon the matter: “ Sir, he waa Impertinent to me, and I beat him. But it was not in his •hop; it was in my own chamber,"

But, in spite of this, the neighborhood would foniiah more than one ihrlne for worship to the literary pilgrim. Whether it be Tonson, Insolent to Dryden, complais­ant to Pope, and particularly “ close " to both; or Johnson viaiUng the tins of the fathen upon the luokleas Otborne; or any of the many letter lights that must have visited the place and gosslppvd and bought and bargained within itswails—each fancy it suffletent to make ns regret its di%truc- tion. I Since tbe year 1824, or thereabouts, the shop has been occupied by a succislo'u of news agents, and is the particular haunt of tbe local qaidnunce who gather there the newa and goaeip of ihe day. I tia ''"? . of the last and least known of the literary landmarks of London. s

------------------------- -— .> B« A le r t a n d A live.

Tht alert wna orlivrlfer* Afe rrol eetale “Malt ” diHi " To M " in the “ .Vcw*,” The lire tNflii olutipt •(KdlH Ihe “ A'cu i'* ” rcql «(a(f Qdt, ________

LKAr TK.iH FAIlfi,

X V / ' L f

I T I S C O l I l I l l f i Y O D ! m\

The Man in the Moonweald bt happltr If b« ceuld bava a auppljr ol

o » i FragranI

and Soothing

Blackwell’s Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco

For over twenty-five years the standard smoking tobacco of the world.To“day More Popular than Ever.

To have a good smoke anytime and every time it is only necessary to get Bull Durham. It is ail good find always good.




IN THE SPRINGIf so, your Blood must be impure. Cleanse the

\ Blood and System with

BURDOCK R LOOD R it t e r s .Bkrvili.x, Slieh., A pril m,

Mensk.0. I'oHTtii Mii.di'BN' & t'n./VarXiM—I write that you may kimw Ihe good 1 have received from Ihi

BlTiDOCK III.OOD BITrHW-i. [ am now on the ninth Imttleol your wonderful BiUero. iind lunvt euu^! 1 have received prompt cure of a longstaiKliog disease— KUliOKULA. I haveu.ed dollar alter dnllai's worth ol m«licines aud received00 relief, but the third hnitle of B. B. B. i found gteiit rest. I Ijave rIbo lued three Irottlea of Hcriuk k I’ii.ijj ; they are the brat medicine I ever took. ! can not praise (hem loo highly. I iioowe my whole life to tbem. and tan recommend them to every living eoul that ts ulllicted with that ilreadfnl disease, SCKOi'UL.V.1 waa ufliicled with lumps as large as an ej® in my right aide, and large lumps oumv ihroitl, tmd my limtm were covered with a liuruing and itching riah, which very Brestlv annoyed' me when near the warm stove. 1 had spent n grimt deal of monev) tryinq to get relief, and coiiaulted ths beet medicnl treutment in the Bint*, lint nil in tain ; they did mo no good whnteyer, and I had about given up, when I tlnmsht 1 would try your medicines, and, thank God, they have cured me. I am a well woman t)-dav. Vour ever true friend and well tvishet,

MILS. CHAS.IlUr TON. Betyille, St. Cliiir Co., Michigan.

Jfwa, Lettto ifu tU Irv la the wile u( Mr. W. S. Huntley of Cortland, X. Y., a well kuown carpenter and builder. Her iranlt Btatemcnt below gives only lb* abiolah) truth concerning her lllnes* and maryclou* recovery by Uw nIU of Hood’s fiarsaparlila. Bheaayi;” C. 1. Hood tt Co., Imwell, Moj». :

" Wear Hlrj; Twelvo yeura ago I began to have hemorrhage* and tour your* ago becBia* SO low Uiat the physician* told me

There Wa* No Hope ^and I thould toon die. I could nut he moved from my bed. Under my face were napkliit continually reddened with blood from my mouth. 1 caaltt eat nMhtng nnd hud no action of 111* bowels for a week. The doctor* ■aid the cause wo> ulcert In tli« stunuicli. At tht* time my mother sbUI shu wanted to make one mors irbil, and asked II I would tab* Hood's Sarsaparilla. 1 told her it would be

A Waste of Moneybut llbdbig It would comfortber, I began tak­ing It. in a few daya the bloating began fa> lubside, I seemed to feet a little stronger, but tliougfat It only fancy. 1 was so weak I eould only take ten drops of Karssparllta at first ill two weeks I was able to *it up a Jew minutes every day. In a m»utl> I «m U walk aoron Ihe r f . One day I asked wimt timy were to have tor dinner, and said I wanted soineUiing hearty. My mother was so bnppy abo cried. It was lbsFirst Time I had Felt Hun­

gry for Two Yeara ‘I kept ou witli Hood's SarssiiarllUiond in fix mouths was os well as ever iu my life. It Is now four years sinco I recovered, and I



luiYB not nor anyliemonim»e. If over a huEiau boinff tluuikfd the {;o4m1 liurd Oil boDdod knoe.4 U wa.41. Iknow Uiat iio^ ’9 and tliit■tone, uiHiiieiiUoiiably flsYcd m j Isife***

MMftra. 8*wror A the well knowndrugglitiof C-ortlaod.MfthAt Mri.Huntlaj "1| « hlgliif rcfipectod Ud;; tior abUemOQt of what

Hood'% SarsaparillalU i doDs far tier li worthjr the blgLoat coaA- dsnee.^* U cnmTs F il ls cui;o U v e r lUss

HAS NO SUPERIOR'W i th o y s t e r s i t In a n I t iro in *

p a r a b l e b e v e r a g e .

l .e tM llu g r e s t a i i r n i t t a s e l l i t .

T r y t h e “ O h I H a n i e s t e o A . H a l t ' a i t i l H a l f .

A n Wardi f e S O N ,

Sole Agents*.


Showing th« inersass in our Pruerlptlon Dspsrtmsnt in ths Isit thrst y tii

From Jan. t, 1889, to Dec. 31,1889, - - 12,409.From Jan. 1,1890, to Dec. 31,1890, - - 15,153.

Or 2,744 more than the year before.From Jan. 1,1891, to Dec. 31,1891, - - 18,388.Or 3,235 prescriptions more than ihe preceding year.

THE REmNS WHY:I. All irn'MiiptiniiH ure ivii)i|Miunileii for one-half the price charged by

other tlruaglalB.Ii. 'I’ney are prejaiisvi frtmi tlie Iteet dniga and purent chemicals tlio

inurket nflords, oiitalnctl from Um iiKist retiDwiieil pliarmadcutical cbeuilsts of both Eui-oi* and Amcricu, niicIi os Merck, of Darmstadt, tk'herring, Dletrlcli, Br;ulbb, Potvew &*\Velghtiiiuu, Park llavlndt Co., Klllliiga, Clapp diCo., Merrell, yhnrpA Dotime, Win. W arner & Co., Wm. H. SchtetTclm, Upjolm, etc. k

I I I . ,\11 prcvuirlptimis arc (V)m]ionnii(Nt bYthrec thoroughly eompetent prexcrlptloii clerk!*, who arc In constmit attendaiu’c.

IW Alt piVKCriptioiw requirlii;; more Umii 15 minutes tu prejiare ars delivered free of chnrgo by mir deliv ery wngon.

A WORD TO TSE PUSLIC REGARDIRG PATEKT lEDIClRES.Ah ilte public is well awni'e, we liave iK'eti selling jiateiil medkinea at cut

ratefi nince tlie iail of. 1883, o r tongsr than any othsr firug s ta rt In the city. For years we Im ve udvertlued every spring and fall a large price list tlirough the fending newHiiajK’rs, Gum making tlie public fwniliar wUli thedlflerence In prlcea'bctweeii us and other Htoive. A« it will take up too much apace in a iicwupapcr to have a complele price 11*1 piibllslied, and an the public at large know we arc nclling an low, if not lower, then any other drug store in ilie Pity, all we w ant to nay here i* ; TImt no matter what any dniggiat aliould advcrlliw in regard lo prices of I’a teu t Mi'diciiiea, “ we are there every tim e." •

NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE A SPRING MEDICINE!Menk'-* SurcaiiarilUi, lull ditucv f<ir ■'‘lUe. Il la highly reromiueiideil,

'riioiiHands of lailtica have been nohl. i t Is w itliouta doubt the bent bliaal im’dleine known. ,

Kurlliemioiv, we reeoniiiieud a few I 'J lK k C lllP T IO J iS W H IC H W K K N O W , thmiigli unr ex|K‘riemv. to lx* reliable:

Ask for H. UlliHHl, for coughs and eolds, lutarwiiess and all aftectlons of the throat and lungs, 2.'tc, and ,)Uc. ia!i’ tiottle,

Aak for It. Si.>'>0| a eiin’ for riienniatiKui. Having lieen useil by a glvat numlH’ro f aidlvi era inm ireity , we safely .cun reeaninieiid theuaiue. Priee fxk'. a Ixdtle,

We Imvo for chililren It. Rl.'riii, an unfailing reiuetiy for eaughs, colda, croup nnd all IliroiU trmibleH that they arc subject to. Give it a trial. 115c.JHT liottlc,

Kimilson of Cml Liver Oil witli H.v|Kiphosphites, fiOc. jut p ln tbo ttle ; 4-V. without bottle. Pure J(oi wegi«ii t'od Liver Oil, per p in t bottle, 25c.; w ithout iKittle’JOc.

Jt.87li00,forgcntlei)ien oiily.a safe aud sixvdy cure for all bladder troubles.All above iiirntloacU medlcln'ra are put up weekly and therefore always fresh and

rellabl**.We carry n large nssorlinent of Trusses and Unndagos at very moderole prices.......................... - -

. '.per uiiiice. la foci.overrtbiux usually kepilustore at cat prices.Trfple’Kii

8jtIdkp*, lUibiK'r UchhIs, Tollrt Articles, Wuftps ■nd Periumcry* Ths very iCtM, lie’k. |)cr uiiiice. lb Auri, everythior u*tiBUy Mepilu ■ dn^claiu drugD o n ’ t fo r g e t th e n a m e an d*addrests. -A U y o u h a v e to r e m e m b e r — *, MENK, THE DRUGGIST,

1 0 0 M A R K E T OTRfclBT,Telephone S2.

O p p o H ite W a s h i n g t o n S t r e e t ,open All Day Huuday.


$250,000W O R T H O F


Th* Way Jtt whieh Voniig Men Ar* Chsper- tm parlies.

From tbe Xo# York Time*.Borne of the leap year partio* seein to

have been carried on or ofi' with excep­tional apirlt. I t bos been laughable, for Instance, tbs way in which the men have insisted upon bring chsperoned, and young women have called in carriages lo accom­pany gay bochelon, who were carofoity protected by their mulhers, to the scene of featlviticA

One inveterate Joker gave perhaps a bint to the bellea Of tho sort of chaperons that would bo most acceptable when he came Into the parlor lo receive his fair escort, followed by an elderly aunt who is deaf ss a poet and Is, besidus, nliiiost blind, This same man was wrapped In a white opera cloak ent with an ahsurb resem­blance to a dress suit ulster; be carried a bouquet of flowers and wore a band of ribbon and bow on his hair.

When he appeared from Ihe droming- Toom after laying aside his ambiguous wrap, it was seen that tbe sleeves of hts coot had been taken out and dhow sleovos of pinkiilk andltt;e suhstltiited, whieh, met by long pink kid glove*, effeduslly “ brightened" his toilet ami added to his nondescript appearance. At another leap year party, held just before Lent began,- the young women danced the cotillon with white silk cniih hats under tlicir arms.

At the some olTiilr « young footman in cap and apron did duty la the men'a drraii- Ing room, which wss, besldea, plcntlhilly provided with powder and ronga boxes, hairpins, a tray of bonbons and oggremivo bottles of oologne and extracts. When the ladies doffed their outside gear the actual maid wore with her regulation petUcoatsa livery Jacket and vest and oorried a whisk broom so a sort of bodge of olfiee. The room Was bereft of its usual feminine frip­peries, and in their plaoewsrasuggestlvely Sit out tobMOD, pipes and ‘

Your druggist does not spread his Rasters or gela­tin; pills. He knows.that such work is better done *\i a factory.

Some try to make an Emul­sion of cod-liver o il; but they cannot make one like Scott’s Emulsion—they’ll find it O ut some day.

There is no secret in what it is ■ made o f: tliere is a knack in making it. That knack is Scott's Emulsion.

There is a b o o k on c a r k - FUL LIVING that you ought to read. Shall we send it ? Free,

BowM«,i;iitraB& ij.Soiiiii jih Avmus,K»ir Y«k. ‘Yotu- drunkt keep. Sism’s Kmulflo,] ol c<Hl.|inr

•U—oil dnUiiu svefywtwrc tl*. |t.

OU ought lo SCO our assortment of Boys’ Suits at tfiJiO. Turn'em Inside out slid

look at the trlminlng, end sce'tbe work- mansblp. You ought to see 'em fitted to your Boy, You ought to see Just ho w much money there is to be saved, There's saving money in more ways than one. First, the saving Is lb pres­ent purchase price; next, In the extra good wear^luoger service. ,

We've lota of SlylUh Suits for Little Boys. Our own designs; peculiar fit­tings. The Little Iteefcr*, Little ^u - Bve, Little Double-Hreasled. Fricee tp' you arejustaboutlbeiaraeiia ordinary dealen pay for them. We ask niobu- lecturers' prices only.

M arshall & Ball,

m , to t, 811, t i l BSOtD SItEEt.


2Sto SO M (U . Low T U My io r Hoi il i TnilG.

Bill Carriages, Raages, Refrigeraion,Mattings, OUclotbs, Liooleais and

Almost EnrjtRing for Hoisekeeplng.

IfYouK n ew

How good a Suit we are selling for

8 4 . 0 0You would “eaU’bou ’’ loone while they Iasi.

Onr 80.00 Hulls are reinforced In tbe seat and knees, and are tbe beet 80.00 Hulls in Newark to-dny.

The latest designs tuOTAK BHIIIT WAISTS lu slock.

We make Glasses that fit We have splendid fe- cilities* for teiiting sight and making Spectacles and Eyeglasses to order. We can supply you with any form of Spectacles or Eyeglasses that you ma.y wish. Iiyes tested free of pharge.

J. Kendall Smith,Graduate N. Y. School

of Optics,663 Broad Strait.

.................................. . IM... . I






Jersey City, N. J.

N E W A R K , N . J .


Fateraou, X. J.TIloHMYRTLE AVXHUi;

Brooklyn, N. Y.


«A1 B R O A D g T R B E T .

About May 1 Petty wlltopenaj’barmiwy la the new Prudential Bullillng with a supply of the beet Uruge, Perfumec, Csndlex, Cigars, Toilet Bequlslt«t,Brushe*, Hoop, etc. A prominent featnr* wilt b! a fine soda water apparatus with a eap^ly for a large business, Tbe Prudcallol and downtown slores will be condueted on re­liable and careful butliieu prluGlpllfe low prices for tbs best goods aait esxnpMMt aud obliging attaodoDta.

Don't waste your time and moneyBy looking hround in otherstoresfor your shoeA, where you have to hay 25 per cent, more for the goods than you can U||uy fresh and reliable goods, where you know it, of us, Examine our stock first before you buy any of your shoes or oxfords.

Don’t pass thisRDDOticed.

There is moiiey IR i t for yon.

t o n can hoy three pairs of

shoes of os for ; f h a ty o o haYe I to pay for tv o

pairse lse ih ere .

Ijidica'KInc Dong<ile,butlon lOdlfferept styles,tin and plato ! all wldllie, uiily * 1 .1)8.

fstdlre’ line IhMigtilu, but Inn, 8 different slylos, smootb ' Iniiuer kiIc, tip and plain; Ihe brat in tbe world for tbe money, lunl.v«l.4P.i Ml****’ Kxiru High Cut, billion, patent Upe, i Umn U to I1 only *1.38.I Clilld'* UxIniUlgli fm.tlps, slies3i;io lll’k,only tPf*I ‘The name, 8 loA only *Io.

MIetee’ FIhe Ihingula, button. |>atentt1p,bee1aad epriugbeel sikc- 11 to'1, only PHc.

Child's Fine Dongota, button, fmtent Upe, slsis 8J{ to 10|{ only 14c. ■-

Child’s Flue Dongplq, biillon, patent tips, slin g,t{ to 18H, only line. *

i'‘li1 lit's Fine Dongota, Imtlou, sprlngheel, patent tipi, slsee i lo 8, only sOc.

Ilcrit*'fine Calf Khoe*, onr own make, inioOth Inner eote*, doogola top, Upped Hid plain, loco and eongress, only *1.08.

nente' Fine Drnie Hboee, lace and congret., i Ipped aud plain, our own nuike, only *t >49.

Boye' IIlRb Cut tsuwShoee, dongolatop, alt leather, sisesfijt toS,'i;, only »»e.

Child's IHih Counter for weak ankles, springhcels, button, ■Ises 810 7, only I3c„ regular price tl jtJ,

Child’s High Counter* for weak ankles, button and la«i ehw.'s, size* bio i, only »9e., regiilar price 81.

G en ts’ Velvet Hllppcre, patent leather book, all sixss, only 49e.

lodIM’ Fine Dongota. patent Up*. Oxford Ties, ominlfrBb paleiil Iralher trimmed, C to K width*, only *1.34,

Tsidlea Flue Ifongols, patent tips, Oxford, only IWe. ladles’ Fins Dongola Oxford Ties, alias ^ to 7, only TfOj^

IMo e o n n « e tlo u w ith a u y o th e r s to re l a id ty .

J . .

n m j n nuuiUluM I HitiLff.

Scholars at Work on Another Trana- latlOD oftheSeriptnrei


o u « of tho H trou( B ollcloui fiUM Coa W W eh o n Hold to HaTO No P ro p e r Pljaco lo tho B ook..H ow Profeooor U o u p t a n d UU A u ltta n U W ilt Dloldo tho W ork .

Tborew llI be aotiiethliir r(!ei>niblliic o len- b tio a autoog the la ity npnri the appearuiico

lo f th e n e w tra n o k lto n u f lb e ttc rip tu m , to bo Iknow n u th e Am erican Bible. Pitilbooor IP i u I }lBQpt, the noted Memltlc ocholor, of I John* H opklneUniTcnilty, BnUlmore, who l»' t o ed it t t e work, ha* a « l |n o d to hliniielftbe

I o f BBook o f EoeleolaatCN, and to thoao who a re fam iliar w ith tb lo -o n e of tho brut-known portion* of the Blhln>Uie r lia n c n ma<le will be nothing law (ban Btartllug. Tbo iln.'iigth and beauty o f tlio wlae king*! word* are brought out, b u t rcligioin oenllmcnl l*con- •plcuou* by it* aboencr. Kur one of th e earll- e*t precept* o f plou* teacberi, *acred am ong tb e inemorle* o f olUldhood—“ Rem ember now tuy Creator In th e day* o f thy y o n th "—wo •hall look In vain . H ere I* the *png from tbe h im b Terae of tb e eleventh chapter to the cod a* It will appear;B ut rejoice, 0 youth , in tby cblldhoial.And let th y h eart oboerlbee in the* day* of tby

inanbood;W alk 1b th e way* o f tb y heart,And In the t ig h t of th ine cyn ,B an ltb moroeenew from tby heart,Bill keep away evil from thy lle*h,Por cblldbood and m anhood are fleeting, Rem em ber thee well In tbe day* o f tb y vigor, Ere there come tbe day* e f evil,A nd the y e a n draw nigh In w hich tbou w ilt aay I h a re no pleaaure, Kre 1* darkened the ami, and tbe light of the

day .A nd the m oon, and th e ilani,A nd the cloud* re tu rn afler the rain,W hen tbe keeper* of tbe boute tremble,A nd th e m en o f power bend them ielye*;1'he g rind ing m aid* ceaee A nd the ladlea th a t look ou t tbcougb the la t­

tice* are d a rk en ed ;The door* are abut toward the atreet,He rlaelh a t the voice of the bird*,A nd all the danghter* ofaong are brought low. He Is afraid of th a t which la high.And feuraare In I bo way;T be a lm o n d tre e bloaHomctli,The loeiiat craw letb along w ith dlfflculty,The capet'-berry breakelli up.Tile a ltvereord 1* anappcd aannderp The golden bowl rrub lud In,Tbe bucket a t tho well ah Ivorcd,And th e wheel breakelh down a t Ibe pit.M an la going to hi* eternal hoaae,And the m ournera go about In the atreet. V anity of vau lt ln>, aulth Eecleabilea,All la vanity , and alt th a t la coming la vanity ,

Tbe ala ooncliiding vena-* of th e book aa found In the uu(bor]r,ed voivlon, and which contain am ong o tb e rtb ln g a tbe Injunction, " Ei-ar (tod niid keep Hla oonmiandmenta, fo r Ihl* Is th e whole du ty of m an," are om itted entirely . All tbe religtoua aentl- iiienU which In lh e K ing Jam es trau tla tlon a re th roughout Interwoven with phlloaophy Ibe moat epicurean, Profeawr l la u p t n g a rd a a* Interpolat Iona In direct oppodllon to tbe leaching of Keclealastea and evidently writ- tell to weaken tho force of the au thor's word*. " The couelualon o f the whole m atte r ’’ Is not " fear Ood am t keep El* com m andm ents," b u t " am use yoiiraotf white you are young and try to be in good tplrit*. Do w hat you fret inclined to and enjoy w hat please* your eye. Be no b e n u it o r oaoetle, bu t do not ru in y ou r health ." The opening verse* o f th e quotation given form tho basis o f tb e well- know n tte n n a n students'song, “ U andeam us Jg ltu r," w hich w a s originally a penltentla King o f tw o atansa*. The word “ w ell," which Erofbasor H aupt substitute* for “ (hw- a lo r," he Interpret* a* moaning " tho m other of thy child ren," and relbra to a sim ilar Idea in Proverbs v., IS-IS; “ D rink w ater out of th in e own cistern, and ninnhig w ater out of Dilne own well, an shall Illy fountain* be dla- persed abroad, rivers of w aters In the atreeta. them be only th lno own and not stranger* w ith thee, so s liiitltby fountain be biesaed and thou ib a lt have Joy of lhaw lfo o f tb y youth."

Profasaor HaupVs assistant. Dr. Chrlalopber , •ayd*Johnson

“ The autburlsed venilon. In spile o f l u m ateblrss beauty, la obscure and unintelllgl. ble. Three centuries of study, w ith v astly I tuproved and m ure scletttlflc nietboda o f re- keareb, have greatly advanced ourknbw ledge o f tbe original tongues, and, moreover, the language of th e E lliabethan period is now too arebalc to be easily understood by the overage reader. Yet m ost people are so tain lllar w ith the authorised version, as m any memorlea a re uaaoetaled w ith it, th a t any a ltera tion seem* tlltie aliort o f a sacrilege. Indeed, there are nut a few who v irtually a ttribu te to tbe autborteisl version th e a u th o rllj of fnsplnw lion . la rg e ly , liowever, th is feeling ia due to Ihe obscurity o f the language, which lends It­self easily to a varie ty of in lerpretaltons and Invests U ieofl-qiiotedfcst* with a mysterious and oraetilar character espeelally a ttractive to m any m ind*.

“ The revised version 1* an unsatlslkctory compromise. I t m akes. Indeed, Hcertatn Im- ]im vem enta; b u t a t the same tim e BBlowlng closely tho m odel o f the authorised version, and , endeavoring to introduce os few changes as possible, It preservna tbe archaic character w hich rradera the la lter ao obscure. B at th e sacrednras o f the Bible by no means depends upon the obscurity o f Its language, no r doe* a proper reverence for It necesaltate tbe em ploy­m en t of any arelialo dlsgulae. The tranalalors o f the revised version lay stress upon the tsc i th a t th e version o f 1611 Is an English cJaisic, lin t th e s tudy o f English and the study of th e Bible a re w idely d llftren t things. The revised version, tlierefbre, baa not been and can never be a success. On the one band, It n n never supeniede th e authorised version, which will alw ays hold Its own,'both fbr devotional read­ing and Ibr liturg ical purposes. On th e o ther hand , It does no t a ttem p t to ollbr a new trons- lut^on, rem oving tbe dlfficnltle* o f tbe older version, and th u s rendering the Bible Intelli­gible to m odem renders.

“ The proposed new American Bible, w hich Witt contain bo th th e Old a nd the New T e tu -iiients, together w ith the apocrypha and tho

Tould competeliseudepigraplia, If, indeed. It slioul w ith any of the version* now In use, w ill eventually siipersede, not tho authorised b u t th e revised version. Tbo authorised vertton should be supplem ented by a traosla tlon o f Itpi Bible Ip m odern Plngllsh, prepared w ith to e help o f advanced Hebrew and Qreek scholarship, and lllu itra ted by the ligh t shed «m th is rem arkable book by the ^ v a n u e s m ade In recent yram In tb e Helds' of O rientat history and arcbsenlogy and the h igher c riti­cism.

"T h e higher criticism o f the Bible has re ­ceived m uch unm erited abuse from those who do n o t fully eom prehend Its nature and scope. I t Is, however, m erely the exercise of the reasoning fkcuUiea w ith which m an ha* been endowed by the Creator. Ageumbor o f dis- tlognlihed scholar* all over tbe world aro now engaged In tb e literary studyTof th e B ib le; but, obviously, all critical Inveatiga- tlon bipcomes an Im possibility If the book be eonitidersd as verbally Inspired. The object of th e b igber crlUctim Is, therefore, to a ep an te tbe everlasting Inspligd - suhstanee a n d qiifUteesence o f the Bible from later ad- d itto n ia n d Interpolations, and to assign to each book in the sacred wyltlngs its proper place In tb e derclopm ont of .the Choacn I ’eo- ple.”

In addition to embodying the results of arcbsmlogtcol an d critical research. It' Is ueoesiary to snpply a hlsloricol- background. Tbe prophetical books, for example, as well as moat of tbe Psalms, eon hardly be fully appreciated w ltbon t an aocurate knowledge o f ibeir unthorsblp, object and date, and th e historical eircum atanees which garo rioo to them . Tho pew Am erican Bible proposes to anppty a ll th is loform atlan.

I t Is, o f oourse. Impossible tu r one m an to undertake a w ork o f this character. Pro­fessor U aupti therrforo, decided to assign

, i N T a jE B A B B A uoica. , - -A n E ie illd g W indm ill E x p arleaM W U ch

O ccu rred t a a Negro.P rom All III* Y ear R ound .

B team p o w e r t i be ing g radua lly Infro- duced in to t h e su g ar m ills, b u t th e ialand t i ttiU w e lt s tu d d ed w ith wlDdmlU% w h k h p leasing ly d ivers ify th e m onotonous as­p e c t o f th e o v e t-v itltlrs to d e o u n tiy . In ­deed , w ith so o o n lta n t a p o w er a s t b s tra d e w ind , m o s t o f th e w o rk o f th is Ihv- o red lan d c an be p e rfo rm ed a lm o st.ft« e o f cort. I f you n e e d w a te r y o n h av e M ly to s in k a w ell a n d e re c t a wrlndmlU o v e r It, w h ich w ill k e e p y o u r recervolia Rill. T h e co ra l ro c k la t o porooa th a t th e re la no such th in g a s s l iv e r In th e w hole island . T h e w ho le ra in lU l s in k s th ro u g h tb e eoll to fo rm u n d e rg ro u n d stream s, w h ich dls- eb a rg e th e ir coploua floode below th e eur- faco o f th e sea. W ell-m ak ing p rc s e n li easy c o n d itio n s h e ro . *

Borne cu rio u s s to rie s a tta ch to *e w indm ills, i ^ d one o f th e moat n o te w o rth y ' inc iden ts in ooniiccU on w ith th em o ccu rred Huite recen tly . A t a m ill k n o w n sa St. ( ic o rg e ’e, o n M ay 21, IW l, th e m en in e t- ten d an ee w ere sh o rten in g eail; o n e m an d id n o t le t g o h is ho ld soon enough , an dw as c a rried a lo ft by tb e g ro a t forty-five ‘ ■ h ad a ll h ie w ilefoo t sail. H e fo rtu n a te ly a b o u t h im , a n d m anaged to g e t h is fee t ro u n d a b a r o f th e sa il a n d to bo ld o n to th e one above. In th is position he w as c a rrie d ro u n d , th e m ill revo lv ing w ith in c reased rap id ity , o s th e m a n w hose d u ty I t w as to f c ^ i t h ad ru sh e d o u t a t th e firs t a la rm ,

A c ry w as ra ised to c h o k e th e ro lle rs w ith cone, a n d so s to p th e m i l l ; th is w as done a t t h e im m in e n t r isk o f b re a k in g som e o f th e m ach in ery , end so re leasing th e Bsila a lto g e th e r . A fte r ^ c o m p le te rev o lu tio n s th e m ill w as s topped , fa irly ch o k ed b y th e bund les o f cane tb r n i t Into Its Jaw s, le av in g th e s s l l , to w h ich tb e R u n • till c lung , u p p e rm c e t, an d h e n in e ty fee t flrom th e g ro u n d . W ith m a tve llons n e rv e , o r ra th e r la c k o f ne rves, h e p ro ceed ed to c lim b dow n th a t pei^ouS la d d e r and re ach ed th e g ro u n d w ith o u t eselstanoe, A n easy ca lcu la tio n w ill show he h a d tra v ­e lled c lose on 000 y a rd s In h is a e r ia l Jo u r­ney , a n d h a l f th e d istance w ith h is h e ad dow nw ard . P ro b ab ly n o t a w h ite m an liv in g cou ld h a v e h e ld o n u n d er th e c tr- c u n u ta n ce s , b u t th e neg ro , w h e n u n fe t­te red by b (» ta , is os l ^ e ae a m o nkey , and h od b e o n ly a to ll, w ou ld be a fo rm id a­b le c o m p e tito r to one in th e c lim b ing line.


SuiBa J 'o ln te ra In F a t Nuvlces on a F a r W ith Old Voyagers.

From tho Philadelphia Call.H e re a re som e in te re s tin g fac ta th a t

p rc ip e c tlv e v isito rs to E u ro p e th is com ing sum m er w ilt find i t h a n d y to c u to u t and tre a su re u p fo r th e tim e a t sea' w h e n th e y w a n t to a p p e a r w ell booked s s o ld tou rists on m a tte rs o f tra n s a tlan tic trave l.

T h e first s te a m sh ip th a t croasod tb e A t­lan tic w as tb e Savannah , in ISIB, I t to o k th a t a n c ie n t vessel tw enty-five days to m a k e th e voysge. I t w as n o t u n til IStO th a t a re g u la r lin e o f tran eaU an tlc s tesm ien w as e stab lish ed b y tb e B ritish a n d A m eri­c an R oyal M ail a n d S team P a c k e t Com­pany .

A k n o t is 6,080 fe e t long. T h e d is tan ce from N ew Y o rk to U v e rp o o l is 8,084 n au ­tic a l m ile s b y th e n o r th e rn tra c k a n d 8,188 by th e e o u th e m tra c k . T h e fo rm er o o u n e ta ta k e n b y v esse ls b o u n d fo r th is p o r t ; tb e la t te r b y v esK la bou n d fo r L iverpoo l. F w m L iv erp o o l to N ew Y o rk th e dis- tannes a re re ep ec tf iilly 3,036an d 3,100 milee. In e e tlm a tln g reco rds , th e po in ts ta k e n on e ith e r s ide a re S an d y H o o k en d H a o n t’s R ock , Q ueenstow n h a rb o r. T h e l i n t lig h t e i g h t h on th e B ritish coeat is th e B oll, C ow en d C alf, I re la n d , a n d on th e A m eri­can c o as t e i th e r N a n tu c k e t o r F ire Is land .

T h e la rg e s t p sasen g er s team sh ip s In eom m iselon a re th e lia te r sh lpe C ity o f N ew Y o rk a n d C ity o f P a ris , each h av in g 10,4fil to n s d isp lacem en t. T h e a tesnw h ip h a v in g th e la rg e s t eccom m odationa for cab in paesengere is th e C u n ard er E trn r ia , w h ich c an ca rry (ISO. T h e longeat s team ­sh ip is th e T en to n lc , 505 feet. T h e g re a t­e s t d ay r u n re c o rd is 516 m ilea. A b ig steainafaip b u m s a b o u t th re e h u n d re d tone o f cog l d a ily , a n d th e a v e rsg e e x p en e e tifm voyage to U v e rp o o l and re tu rn ia |7S,000 / o r a v e n e l l ik e t h e T en ton lc . A first- claas s team ab ip o f one o f tb e g re a t l in e t costs n e s r iy fS!;00a,O(IO.

T h e a i i o r t e t t C u t.1/ you hart real eelfte “^ r tale " nr “ to le t"

o r iniNt to jnireScue o r let real oan /b id the lehote market nifleeted In lh e " Jvstoi’s "adverlleiny cofam ns.


A B sm a rk a b le A dd ition to tho FhUadel- p h la Zoologleal O ardons.

From tbe Pbllaile lpbla Times.T h e h o m e d ecreon ler reach ed th e Zoo

y este rd ay a n d h e num ifestty w a n te d h is co n te m p o ra rie s to k n o w it, fo r h e Is th e on ly h o m e d eo ream er in th is p a r t o f th e oon- t ln e n t, a s fisr a i is k n o w n am ong th e beet- in fo rm ed loDal o ro lth o lo g lits . O nly th e m ild-loofcing r h e a seem ed to recogn ise th esound . Bhe s j ^ th e scream er a re oeni-

I v R e n h ad sh e h e a rd th e

each boolcof th e Bible to one distinguished scholar; so th e Old 'm istaiucn t, Ikir oiam plc, h a s been en tn is tcd to twcnly-fnur of the m ost com petent speclaltits In th is bnutcb e f lesearcli in Atnorics, Kiiglaiid an d tien n au y , and a num ber the moet dis­t in g u is h ^ •obolats have agreed to tranelato th e Q dnoan oontrlhutlon* Into EngHsli. T he A m erican H ebraists who have cnosented to lak e p a r t la Ibe work a r e : Profhssor W , H. H arper, p resident o f the Ghtense Cnlver- a lly , w ho w in share the harden of ed itorial ra tpon ilb llity«Q d translate Zceharlah ; Pro- feseor 0 , F. M osm, th e learned Andover exegete, who w ill render Jndges; Professor K H . Joy, th e d istinguished H arvard proft*»or, w ho w ilt In u u ta ts H seklel; Franels Brown, ed ito r o f th e g re a t new Hebrew dictionary, w ho 1* m vparing a transla tion o r Joel j Dr, J . F , MoCurfly, o f Toronto tlnlvnrslty , w ho will epntributo a transla tion o f M l» h ; llubok-k o k will be rendetM byW ard j_ed lfo r ^ t h o Bow

nereiiaorof ProB*-F ro l

a n d I to ^ w l i l be rendered by the fbm aui Bri ow York.

o fM o r E . L. C u r tla 'tb e _______ _____ ___

C. A. Briggs, o tB ew

T o e W e n s a Dabieet.FreiA Boston (jburier.

Mrs. H tm a M e rs—“ I was very m oeh tak en Bp. w ith t h e — " ■ le a r t ’t

p a trio ts , a n d tre m e n d o n i a b rie k o r w bieUe in th e fkFolT h e ig h ts o f t h e A ndes o r a lo n g th e b a n k s o f th e A m azon.

T h e h o m e d scream er, o r k aam lo h i, w h ich is acien tiflcally d en o m in a ted P a la - m od la c o m n ta , is • ^ u t h A m erioan b ird a b o u t th e size o f a tu rk e y an d n o t dtsaim l- la r in its g e n e ra l ap p ea ra n c e , sav e th a t i t p re sen ts on a sp e c t o f ferocity w h o lly fat* c ig n to th e s ta te lie s t k in g ev e r s tro d ea N ew E n g lan d b a rn y ard .^ T h e h o m e d sc ream er Is so k n o w n be­cause h e h aa a h o rn o n th e to p o f h is h ead an d oan sc ream lik e a e team yrhisUe. T b e sp ec im en w h ic h re a ch e d th e Zoo re cen tly is a m ale , a b o u t tw o y e a n - haa p a le y e llow ey es an d a pa lp ab ly belU geren t te m p e r.

T h e sc rea m e r h a s th a t sh rie k , o r w h is tle , w h ich so e tlr red u p tb e an im ale to serv e es a 's ta r t te r fo r p a n th e rs , ocelo ts, pum aa a n d o th e r on im ala o f h is lUUive wUdA ' I t la a lso a w a rn in g to sn ak es an d boa-oon- s tric to rs , o f w h ic h h e is th e natuim t en ­em y. H e fig h ts th e boa^constricto r a n d th e p y th o n a n d fo rm s a v e ry fo rm idab le an tagcm lit t o th o se den izens o f th e S o u th A m erioan forests.

T h e m oet re m a rk a b le th in g s o b o n t th is b ird a re th e sp u rs w h ich you see p ro tm d - Ing fro m th e e lbow s « f b b w ings a n d th es h a rp apeo r o r h o rn e x te n d iu |r fro m th e t o p o f o la h ead . T h ese a re n is n a tu ra lw eapons o f ofibnee an d defenee , a n d h e uses th e m w ith m arveU ons elTeet w h e n en­g ag ed in a n e n co u n ter .

A H ln e r W ith a H istory .From th e Cli Icago T ribnor,

Among tbo m iners here (Cripple Creek) I found a m ail who has a record th a t he doe* Rot acem to be proud of, allhongh h* doe* not deny hi* IdcnUty. Vale Blmpson. o f M onu­ment, is now a t w ork In aquaw Gulch. This bare stMtement doe* not Indicate m uch u n til H It know n th a t Blmpeon Was a tn u te d m em­ber of Q oantrell’s gang th a t bn rned law renoe an d killed so m any uon-comhaiant* a t th a ttim e. Hlmpton ^ o n e of four brothers, two ofwhom served In Ih e Union Army and two In llio Oenfoderato servlee. D uring a brief ta lk Klinpoon Hald he w as n g u la r iy In th em lllta ry service o f th e South, and th a t w hile on tb e raid to Lawrence he wee under tho dlsclpltne th a t would have forfolted h is life bad he re­fused to obey o rd e ti th a t terrible day. He udnitUed t tk ln g active p a rt In tbedcstruo- tlon o f the tow n, biit den led tlis l bn had fired a sho t du ring the day . H e'destrod to forget th a t tim e In fils lllV.'Uid was re luc tan t to ta lk abou t It. H e d id no t know w hat had become o f h is leader, and d id no t care. H e was now a ptotoehil and orderly citlaen of CMorado, ben t only on gaining a portion of th ^ w cak h rririited toexlM a t Cripple (keek.

I U S E D t o s u f fe r a w fu l w ith in d i- jjre stio n b u l l har<V l y e v e r h a v e i t

n o w ”—T h a t m a n s t o p p e d

e a t i n g c o m m o n o a t*

e n e o f t h e p a l n f n l 4i»< o r d e r s th a t p r e y ^ O R

fado foe fao% w a t t e t h e

You dan Use Them I

l l g w ru in tito taaepepi w ftfcm -y * w f,BMki you old before your tlaia.

O e tw e li; That's the w ay to l e s t w A Ctare fo e tnm hias and aOeMBle fo e t k »•it you, with Hr. Plerot'a FavorHs Fl» •erm fom . I t 's a n a r a a f e e d ra n e d y fog *ii^'1~'f~itinikniima rlrreiiiniiili. •ad disMets peeuUer to women.

Itrag u laU sao d p so B o ta iaU foe propet fom ^ns, improves digestian, esrifoN the blood, dispels aebts and peine, mdb mufoolv and nerTpumem, b rh v n fre fo -tag sleep, end n s to rse ..................ebengfo . I t 's a poiserfniwoU e s aterihe, toole end __ __jib in g vigor and strength to the enure

I t s n bwitimato m t r N r f n ^ e n d foe •a fp eno fo r women's a ilm aite , so eer< fo il', k l its effects th a t i t can ba gum rait' I r r J t I f i t d o s a tt hesirft o r c u n , fo m ms mm, yos keen y o u r --------

WHAT TO EA Tis a difficult problem with many people becsusc but few articles of food agree with them. The doctor 8ays

AVOID GREASEand the result is unpalata* ble food. The reason the physician objects to grease is because lard is tbe article most used, and every phy« sician knows that ho^ lard in any shape is unhealthy and indigestible;

Every one interested in pure and healthful food hails with joy the new product

COnOLENEwhich is composed of pure cottonseed oil and pure beef suet— nothing else—-not even salt. It is betur than either lard or butter for all cooking purposes, and one pound of Cottolene will do as much as two pounds of lard or butter, and it costs less than either.

Every housekeeper that tries Cottolene will find in it just what she wants.

Beware of imitations—gel the geniune of your grocef.N. K .F A IR B A N K & C a .

CHICAQO, M 4 136 N. DglawawAv*., H i IIr. 1 PmtfRM Exghanf*, N. Y.

M 5 D A P

Haaltlifal, Agraaabla, Claaniinfs. Ouzes

O kA ppad K a ad S iW e a itd e , B a r iM ,X te . B e m or e s a n d F n v a u t e D a a d y u lL

WIITE RUSSIll SOlP.Speetally Adapted for Use in H u d W atw.

a teeasL , New York,

OrV lC R OF T H B BOARD OF ABHUHIHJCNT s a t Revtshia of Tss m , C h r U a U -M tiln

Mth u a r io r t b eO w n efA psssi, In IseW silw i »f * ls I ■ d T C v is I to e fT a u

P (!> •* • n a rk .)

• & •


T he abM e b rand o f R id Gkive* Ibr eale by

H c w i n & m iISO to 100 M A B K B T NT.

W E A K N E S S O FQ aloU f# Th w oogh lr, i*'or«v#r

^ M new i■f<lentlflo motl


Thm*m t t ir mn iumI iK itert Inn]by o n e firm IaaI h a n a n y liir

O ne o r fw nKnuiii.

I 'lT i r g\U V I-:im KK M KN TA .

OVKK'h OF ’l i u ; KOAKD OK 1*TUKCT AND W»«;r LbamihPdmicni <>r ih« t'liy of Nrwurk.

N kwaQKsN -J-, A|iril tHftl, Hm M propotnlAmlll bem yivM l At Ui Ik oHli'r uutli

t o\*lud( K M. of tbe Dilnl (lay uf M iykAK, fbr lh« p^rfVimuim'CMv th i •ntvt'iwcrvtork of tlktclly ofNrAArk jwrfsnJIng to the ftplkowtng:

M'FXIFlCATIOffN.For Ihe iTDiovnl of Mh«c mriI nfThl rh>m

thentruf'lfl of ihf Hty of NVwark*CouDty of aimI H U trof Ni'tk J t w r . for liie term o f iiol haa thiku flii*e r«Ani nor mtprn Uimi ten i*«Ank In mvoM- ADCe wIUl tbe pn>v|«hNMdf a run lrart to ho niiiiroved by th<» ItOHrd ufHtroei Msd Wolcr Uonmil»iluDen of Ui* city of NrwAilc.

FlrMlr-Wb«iievf>r iho word tirood li nurd U dhoU roYPr All tho puhtlc avoquoa oireeta mnd mlloyn In tb e d ty lln itu

Hocood*“tn Ihe oxerutlnn of thin oontnrU oU MhMq CATbAve And ofikk ooUoctetl by the oonlTATtor or oontmeturo RhAtJ be rtwoved to the ilumpUw ]>Ucet prurhted by the Boerd ofHtreKAtwl\^^tcr ’om inlntohen or the Ueaernl aunerltiftiMtcui of

W orkeofU dbonh).W biBrrfT Ui4' flentrAl SuperinleiideDt of Work*

itiAll In wrtiiiiA ao onler, the contntetor or o0DirAo> Ion MhAlk depoeU AohM to nu lo Aay auAhmi kot4 hiiMli or plAcet n Bxr aa It moy bo tefAlly permlwihlo 10 to *Vi

In c»io the eontioctor or oohUneton deelre to r»move the niAterlAl collected by ecotrA, dumpiRff pUhcee Alohi the wAter front will be dentenAieu by lb * .< te w ^ Hupe rlotendeot of Worke.

Tblrd—A lU be Aidmi, BWdiAte And o& I tiu li be oolkected Aod rrmoved otioe In eoch dny tn aU Uio otnetAQ^thA city, Huridajr« ta d lc«Ak boUdayA ox*ctpted.

Fourt]r\Hmh->Whef)«ver Ihe contenu nf Any Tonerln jt recepUu’kee fhatl be epUled upon Uie ekdewokkAs fUK te n Ahd oarrlAffe waye, the d riven of eoaveader WAfone or oarti ebali lake Mp or m lb o r iho MBie, or oAUAA tbe Aaaie to batakeaupo r f a th e r ^ andjplAced In oarte or wacoqh ; m ch cart or w aton Ahail be pn> vided with A ehijvel and broom to p n b e r up a u e e and g a r te g e w li^ v e r AptUed or eoattered upou tbo iklewatka f uttcre and t'arrlAfe waya.

Aelife.Bari>ateaJMl oITU rolterted aball b* removed In waler-lUrbt veliUrloeof uulfomironAtruc- tlon, eeciirely ttiverud: and they muet be f) riven and manafiNl Ml tha t nuue of Ihetrcoiilenta iha ltlb il or leak or xplll tberciytmt. Kac'h vehicle Khali have Ibe natno of the I’unlm ctar (Minted Ibdltcu, anil becDTiepinnm»ly hihI reaulariy miinbered.

HIxth-The wacuitA ufoHt «h«|| be oovered arM) pe^Ih'tJy tItfbL, tbe lup coverinf to be o f wood or iron,

“ piece from front to rear end ofwith rkUre-plei'e from front to rear end of amron, witb llde htutced lo ridce-ptece opening on each e ^ , eecurely (katennl, NO Uiat no refuee m atter eiialt beeralterod upon tbe Atrvele while being renn>v^. If ewrta are uaed Ihry Nhall be equal to ^ FlaiuljpkD‘A l^ te u t ttanltary iHimpi'iurtA," tbe oontm etorto ftl^ nlata the tleuend HRui>HrlpteodeDt w ltbdtaw lng of wagQQi pronoeed to be need, whkih Rbalt be appMvoil In writing by eald Hu|K>rlnleudent before vonairuo- lion*

foivetith-lo caie Ibn •raven ftr material la ro- moved tn icowe the cunimrtor Ia aUo requenUMl to Mtato price per cubk- yard for ibe re&Mival thereby of Hi reel dirt plareil upon nurb Hcowf by tbectiy amt to be dumped by the conlmclor Oh Che dumpltu groondi* deidgouUHl

‘ V-Alt the*KIgtatn -aTI the above w'oik lo be done in ftlrtcl onfonconfonuHy with ilie rulea and reguiacionA and under

tbe AUpervlaion uf Urn Board of B ireetaod Walor CommlHHiODerH aikI to ibelr i^tlabwtkm.

K liiih-U n tbe fldlure upon Uie part of aay oon- tractor to comply wllb the term i of n ld contract, or who Hball ■ub'let any of tbe dutlea pertaM ng tbero' to, then tbe lald board Hball have the right to a a n o l^ c o n tra c t after tweuty-fbor houn ' wrUum DoUce,

Teuih—Coatraclor to gtve nUMketory lecurity fbr tbe pArforntance of tbe eunuract, and Idlum u board may ...................aball be Accobipahled by a jm ro e n t of aurctlee in untal form, that, If iontract be a w a r '

deem advliable, and each Ud

.................. - awarded to tbe bid­der. euch perHoua will beoom« Miretlve for Iti fhiLb* ftklpetformanoe by theeonirecUng pariiea.

H evenlb—Tbe board rrautvea the right to rtfee aiyr and all bJna

By dlrrcUuD of the Board e f Street and Water OommlAilonen of the d ty of Newark.

UliARlsRft MARAIT,Ifei OeoermlBuperlnteikdeutof WoriCA.

“V rO TICB o r INTENTION - BOARD OF Street la d W ater i»mmlAAloiMiw—Public No-

tloe Ja hereby given tha t it li the intentioii of the Board of Htreefr and W ater CretimiaHloiiurM of the d ty of Newark, uuder and by virtue of provieionA of ib« act entitled "An act to revlae aind amead the charter of the chy of Newark," approved March 11,1157. and HuppMiueniA Ibereio, and tbe act ere* aung the B o ^ uf Mtreet and W ater i.'oramiMikOMite

roved March 2e,iatJ, toof th e d ty of Newark, approv< order and eaoAF tbe openfiit of

HUNTKHDON V«t r e e t .from Bpiingdeid avenue fo Heventeetiib aveniM. In

d e r r e w l t - ............ * *.....................aM

law creetlDg l h e ^ « r d of h(m V a : ^ 'W ^ e r Com-

mr-weueem w , s:.,. s^ ai a«S SSV aSSeSV*arcordarce With the map ok l i e tn the C-lty flurvey------

e q ^ e e , UU, as L W aier

ur'e offleu, and cauied to be made by the aaijidoaere to lay out ilreetH, avtnuM

d ty of Newark, u ^ re v e d of March IIlb Ibe


. ?4treH end WatcM'4Mumle4UHH*ra. Kubik ivuilce h hereby given that ti h tbe Inieutluu of tin* Ihiard of Hireetand Water l^jtnmleiloriere nf the tiU ol Newark, uiMfor and by virtue »f j>ruvl»toiM of the arten tiued '^A nart in revl>4' ami ameiMl tbecbarier of (he d ty of NVaark,''eppmvL-d March 11, lUoT, and tbe luppiemeoii tkereio. and tbe at t rrrating Ihe Boanl of Htrcet and Water <\)(nniM<nter« nf (be d iy of Newark., apfuuved Uarvh t l . iiei, to oriler aod oauee tbe paving nf

HAKVEY BTBKirr,from BellevIUe avenue io the cwRirriy curb line of Mt. lltw eant avenue,with genuiim Trinklad lake AAplialtum; togeiber with all the appurtenancoA necC'.*Aar7 In complete the — '

Nuch peremrt ae may ohlect tbereto, are nraiieeled ........ ....... ............................................... leom ceofto prreent their In writing a t tbeibe Board of Mtreet aud Water t-XmimlrisUineni. on or liHbre theex]dnitkinof teadaya from the dale of tbUnodci^

By direction of the Board of Sireet and Water-...... . ......... orNvw -Co&imlAskHien of |bc cUy of Nvwark,UHAHI.I>< MAnHft.

(icneral Mu)wrinU‘tHlcut of Wurfca Newark, N. J., April t i , SIo

X T ‘«'U-K IM KNTIO.V HOAKD OVAN Mtreet and Water ( ’niiimlHilooere. Public imv tkelA lw ieby given tha t It b the Inicntton of the Hoard of KlrcetAiid Water of (hecity of Newark, under and by > IrlueornrovlalouH of the act e n ltU i'd A n act to revlae imfl amend (be 1-liArlerof (Im> rtty of N rnnrk," apimtcid Man'll II, 107. und the' 5Ji|i|ticuiemH ilifivta, ami tbe ai't I'rt-aK lug the HfMrtl iifHinH'tami Water OmirntMtUHieni ofitM' d ly of Newark, approved Man.'h IhuI, Id or­der ano mnae tlH>coiuiiruriiiHi n fa iiliwH.‘wer lu

MKVFNTII A V K *\n ; ANDCIHAY HTHKFrT.In Seventh avenue, rrom Nurlli 'Tlilrleenlh rtrt'ct to (.trey Mm'i, aud In ilray rireci, frumMtn-euUt avenue to Orange airnrL, the part In Huveiitb avenue la be 15lochw Id diameter, amt the ra r t In OnQ' atreet to be 13 InchAa; togythrr wtUi all theappuricuam'eA nee*ereary to contplet* the mme.

Su4% peramiH aa may aided thereto are remiented to preaeiil (lieir ofaJecUotM In wrilliur at (be omco oi Ihe lloerd of Mtreet and Water Comnilinioiicfa on or before tbe expinilluu of ten dayn from (be dale ot ttalA notice.

By dim-iKia of ibe Buariiof Mirem and Water CouimlAMoiiersof (be d ly of Newark.

l'[|AHt*F>i MAllMH, Oeiieral Hu^rluteiulent ufW urka

N«wark, N. J., April 40

NO nU K 05 ' INT5:N'TinN BdAltD oF Mtreet and Water OommUalunerH-- Ihibllc notlee

lA hereby given that it la theliiteullon of (be Boanlof Mtreet amt W ater OommlaAkinera of tbe city of

of IbeNewark, under aud by virtue of prevlalonH aci antltled ^ An act to revlae and auiend tbe charrerof (be city of Newark," i^iprovrd M anii II, IA 7, andthe aupiileineota Iberelo, and the act creating ttie Board of Mtreet and W ater CVnnaalMioiicrH of (be(Hty of Newark, Auprorad March a , iMd, to urdor Mid oaiiae the oiwnfiig of

MOUTH MtXTH ferHRbT.from apolnl aboiil throabundn.'daialfiny foetNoulh*eiiy itam the aoulberly Hue of T a elfrh avenue to T i l r — ....... - --------Thirteenth avenue, in aacordiiiiHv with the Nurveypained upon by the t'amiuua I'numH) May 30, b and In ancordaBce with the prevlrkma or tbe law creating the Board of Mifoet Hhil Water tMimnla-aloD anoftha city of Newark, aniroved Uan'b Sa,

itnetiito.l l i l , aad the aeveml Hupplenienta 8udi penama am miur oMect thereto ure requoated

to preaaul their obleiiknui In writing a t (be offreo of Ibe Board of Mtreot and W'ater t'ornmliiiloneni, on or before th t expijratlou of urn dayx from tbe dale oftbiA DOtkW.

By direction of the Board of Ntreet and Water (\iinmbfoloiUTN of tho Hly nf Nevrark.

Newark. N. J., April :i , Ixkj.rUABUCH MABMTI,

21m General Muperintemient of Wiirka

No t ic e o k in t f -n t io .n h o a u d o r Mirwt and' Water ( ‘rninnLa»lnner«. -Piibllc no- doe la hereby given lU alH Iaihe liitendun of die

Board of Ml reel aiat Water Cnaimlmlitnere of ihe clly of JNcwarli, under and hy virtue of provlaloBiuif tbeacteutitliNl “An act In mrlae ami amciHl tbe charter of ib? cliy ot Nenarki" approv4<l March 11,1057, and the Mipptvmcnli Ibcrvlo.and tbe mi. crcatlug the Hoard ofHlrei’t aihI WnterCammleeiun* e n of (lie i'lty of Newark, approved Marrb ai, iw i, to order aud iwure tln> ijavlng of

VAN HUHKN MTJIKKT.from Ferry H tnii to Walnut hIii'CI, with oblong granite blocka; tofcther with aJl tb« appurieiiaiH'vA Dervwuiry lo complele ibe name.

Muci] pvranni m may objeci ibcreio. are m|ui»ilcd to nreHi-nt Uidr ofatH llouN In <n rlUtuc iit tliv ollhw oflne Board of Htrect and Water CuinnitoAloucrH, on or before the tixpiratloii of teu ilayi from tbo data of dila notliNs

Bydlrtvilim of the Board ol Hlrcol and Water Ooi^laNloneni of the city of Newark.


Newark, N. J ., April(lenerai MuperisiAiKleut of Worka

' ^ w :. too

OF INTKNTION ~ BOARD OKN o t u :kUlreat and W ater Uoumklaiiinheni, Puhllc not^-e

Bu«dla hereby fflvAD tha t U ia tb« InientUm of tbe of street and W ater CommlMlouer* of thn of Newark, under and by virtue of provbtlonaof tbe act ADtlUed " An ac t to rw lee and amertd tbe

AnMa . .>A*vw. >v „ . ^ ... ghN O R D lN A N rr: T o KrfOYlUK^FYiR TH F

iV re tM l uf ail o rd lm oreo r die Oty of Newark. endUeU "A d ordlnaure u> pruvkk' for Bo: fwrvlng oa

•HOADMTllKFrr,fMtu O orrm eur atn-cit (o Harvey Klreet," pained Match to. IKI. Aiki api^roviNl March It. t«wi.

Be U onlatncd bv the Board o( mreet and W ater (^nnml.ttfoiwr!i of Ihe city of Newark, an riiUowi:

1. Thai an onlltuutoe of ihe d ty of New­ark, rntliied ** An ontinanre w provide for the pav­ing of Broad btre»bfromooeerneurMre«i to Harvey tirtwi,;’ March to, uwi, and ap|>reved M a ^____ _ ____ ____________II. Itei, ne ami tbe aald onllnMH’e la hi^rifov venealed.

MMikm 1 Tbat (bla tmllnaurc aUaU take v lm i tok-mediately,

ram ed April II, l l to. s . ^ as . JA K B9 6M1T1I,JH.,

Fret Ment of the Board of tiiivei and Waier Lpoiiiu^ AlonrfH

KNOB RUNYON,Clerk Of Ihe Board of htreet and W ater Commit-

alonenkApproved April to, t to t


X rO T lC K OF INTKNTTUN I n Mtreet and W alar OnauuiuKinetN -

BOAIU> OF____- l*iiiilk‘ notice

le beruby given tha t It fa Ute hib>ndon of Ibn Hoard of Mtreet and W ater CXHuQilaaliHH'n of Ihc Hiy of Newark, undegand by virtue of pnreiaionMnfiiicafOl eoMded ^ An act to revla./ and atneml iht> cluirtcr of (hpolty of Newark," approved Man‘h II, IMAT.aiiid (be mipiilemcutH therein, ami (hi* artinvallng the B («nlof Mtnwt aud W ater tVmiiuUatonen or the Hty of Newartk, approved Mari'b to, LMl, tu order and uauae the opt'inii/i of

MOIIKIH AVHNriC,#toszi(ssac* JR V t Jis,from a point two liunrtn^ and thirty foct eight liichni BMithiHriy (Vom lliMkouthcriy 11ih> of TUIrtefuUi ave*ituc to Mouth thruiige Nvettutv In (HtYiritniHV: with a limp on flic tn the City Murveyor'H offlec, and I'lamHlto bo oualc by tbo t'onuuliitdom‘r« to lay onl Mirveavi tiure and nquarce In th c r iiy of Newark,aupntvn iifM anhai, ipeos tukd tbe law rtfa lln g th e JiuHrilof

|N K .N .\«Y l,V A .'nA BAIiaKLiAD

by tbe Interlock lug twitch aa “ f" M r^o n ly un notice u» April to, IM^ tralUH wllUrave

tOAD -TtUe-dTANbI ' s r a s s ;

erd ralltauy of Anwrii'u.dbUiek ilptoliqfvtem

. . aicMiL Od non aftetjatsisa JOS, ii.iun wlllMave MAfkrt HtPiet KtoUMkNewark, a t follouH;

ni.S7 As kC.. foNt line* with Pullman Vetilbule Ihu^ Jor ami Sleeping (km, lUUly for Plltd>urg, ( ^mnabuk rievflaiKl and Mb ixjule. daily «t<ept wdurday mChkHgo WKl Tniedta

f lk to A. M .,ibe pentwylvanla limllM, run^oead ’ ........................ ■ wing a « lexcliMlvely iM Pullman, Vettibule J>i«wlAg

Htaterooai. M)*H‘pliig, DIniuc, nmoklttg and Ohm _ tlou ra n , preaentliig flnanrial repufK idenograpberiand typewrltera, bathrooiaa for buUi eeiea, IfedleK n v i^ barber fehop, library and all Ibe ounverdeuMiof homeandofthiL L^biwl by MatlonaryaiMt mov­able elwirU' lltfhta. AiTivee Pllbiburf F, ^Mune day. and (Inrlniiatl Ato A. M., IndlaaaJMMlli A. K., aixt ChluagohU A. M. next day^

f *to V. L orn and (IndhBatl, wlUi PulJaman V ^lbube Weeping tiart and Dining O an M Clnrinnaii and IM. Isoula Yretibuk" HtnnkiDf tkii ami Veetlbule Fawwigvr ()oacb to Mb isoule and Dining Oar Newark to Alioona. aod Rlcbmoad m Hi. Lrmia

f l t o P. M,—Tbe Columbian Expren , PattgiMVeatlbule Sleeping, Dlnlug, Miuoklng and Pe«T>«tyi- vanla K allnw i VeaUbale Paaieurer (ktocheeNew York to Arrivea lu Uhlce«n»3.t5 p. 1iv>xtiUy.

fAfcOP. I- ____ —. - , ____ ____lihulti Mlerplng (kini and Druliig Car to lifiUadtlphla dally,* ■ .................. ‘

I t. W'eatorn Expreia, with PuUrain Vtib -rp ln g t’a n a a d Diulug Ukr to Ifohedtlphla

/,Air n t ^ i r g , (MlongoAIttclimatUml Nt. Luola, dally oxcentMaturday for Cle\'rland, Tolriiu, WIU-

laort. nocbceter, BuRhIo ahd Nlaftiw t'alla*lani .. - lafkiw Iwith Thillni

except Maliiitlay P _ . .. .Ifor UalUmore, Wathiugiuti aad the Mouth. 1147,

nmaort, Rocbcater, BuR f lito P . li- 'Pacific Ktpretg(,wlih IhilInMa V

huiuMhiepingtkiira, dally for IHibOmig, f h l c ^ 'I'uledo, dally except Maluntay for ctevelaiKi

«-vr RMuuiiKrn-, nMiMu^iuii a m Mir e mms. iasW,e.«, ! .» , «.A7 A. M. (lim ited K iprim , PulK luau VtwUbule 1‘urior CtPM, Vretibule ItoiaenferUm'hee and Dining Chr, lUto A. U.): 4,55. V, M. cm Mttftdav. 1147. t.4«. UTAto and k.5A. M.: 4.KW and P. M. For Baltlnkura

Htireii Hirtt W ater CominlretotierH of Ihe I'ity i>T New­ark. a|>i>n>led M airb tMMe and ibe eeveraltup- pleuientM (herein.

durb peraone a i may oUect (hereto are remieeied lopreeeni lluMrofoixiunui in writing at llu'oRliw irfTU>e Board urK treetand Water riunimlMloneni on or bi'foretbeexpltwiUin uf leu daya frouj tbe dale of tbbi notice;

Hy (Ilm-iioiL of the Board of Mtreet and Water CiHuini'<eUhiere of t he d iy of Newark.

NewariXeN,!., April i l , 1W1 tom-rilARI.iOit MAUMH.

rhMieral Muperiulendeut uf Wurica

KOTiCtt o k - . ,H ireetand W ater


charter ot the city (M Newark/* approved March 11, 1157, and (be lupplctaeuta Iberelo, and the act civalibg the Board or H tm i and Water t'ornmia iionerto fttaeC liyo f N eaarlr, approved Marrb to UWL iQ ordar aod cauee the conainicUon of a lavlve (Itj Inch pipe aewef In

f a ir m o u n t a v e n u e ,from Bank nrev t to TbirteeuEb aveiiue: IcgeUier with all (be appuneuauree niirninarj to cwmplele the oame.

Much peraoDi an mayoUecttbcretoaivrequeated to p rm a t tbe lr oblectloM m writiog at the oMee ufthe Board of Htraet and Water t'omoili^tiHra, on or before tha eapiratlou of tan daya from (be date of tblB

Hy dlrecilon of (he Board of Bireet and Water Cumm M oDen of the eUy uf Newark.

CTIAULICB MAUMH, Deaaral baperinlendeot of W orka

Newark, N. J., April 25. INK 2So


mlwteneia of the c4(y of Newaik, March to, l i n , aod tbe oeverijL aundeiitfita

aporoYed. - . ,- i iM )ta thereto.

Buck p e n o u M loa f otd«ct thereto I n requMtedto preeent tbeir obfoctlona in writing g l (he ofBre the Buard of Street and Water UomnilMilotieri. on or before the expiration of tea days from tbe dale of tbbiDotloe.

By directioa of the Board of HireeC and WaterOoiDDilreloDeri of tbe rity of Newark,J ...

MENC ured.

t h a teaiiD ot ta ll u n le o s tb e eoM 1* hnyond h u m a n a id . Y ou thei Im- n toT ed th e t i n t 4 aF , n e l a benelU c r e r r d a y ; soon k n o w you i^ M -lri Ir in s a tn o n s m e n In D oay, m t iia a n d h e a rt . D ra in e a n d looses ended . E v e ry

. obstac le t o h a p p y m a r ­r ie d lift! rem oved . N erv e foree, w ill, e n e r iy , b ra in pow er, W hen Osllliut o r lo s t, o re re s to red b y th is Ire a tm e n t. V ic tim * o l s ^ s c s a n d e x o s s tn* ro-jla lm y o iir m a n h o o d Iel_____Boflbr*fn>mft»lly,over- Worfc.lH h e a lth ,re g a in j o u r v ig o r I D o n 't nesp a lr, ev e n If in th e

.’t he d l s h e ^ n e d If q a a c k si t s to ie e . ------------ ......................................have nmhod yon. Is;! n show you th a t modi- oal K h’jiee and buslnees honor still e x is t ; Here go hand In hand. IVrite for oor b o o k , w ith expfauiatlons end 8/000 tetereneee u>csiired patients.

K B IK M E U IC A L CD ., B C F F A L O , M. T .

E L Y ’S

Creai Bid e o a o e e ih a

d llay s F e ta e n d la iaafase tlew ,

H eole Ike •o re s ,

■eeeeeaOYeete• u d f im l l .

T H l T H K C IP E . A p e rtte te iz o p p lh

sgnw dh le . F r ie s 00

“ k l '

H tsa tk , N. J ., April 21, IN2.CHARLRH MARSH,

SOcn (lenecal flapertnlcDdriil of W orka

N o t ic eStreet and W*4tchroi ............

Public ootloe la berw y given lhat It la tbelntan-

. _ OP INTENTION.-BOARD OFS liw tand Watchpoiumbwluneni.

tloa of tha Board uf Mtrrct aud W ater (.X>tnaUiMlune n o f th e e liy of Newark, under aiMt by virtue of provlaloDiof ibaocieutlLM ** An act lo revise andamend the charter of ibe d ly of Newark,** approved__J .A.. ................................March II, 1167, and tbe KppVmerua thereto, and the ac t creatlof tbe Board of m m t and W ater Cuiuiuln-

lereof tneotty of Newark, approviMl M airh to,-------------- At------ .. R.rionereafi . . ____________ _Mly to order and oauae tbe gtadlng M>d rurhliig uf

MOHKIB AVKNUFr,from Central avenue to Cuodit wlreei, together w]ih all the appuTtenaiiou jNcreoary to completa the

Such penona aa may object thereto are remwited to preaent tbev objertfomi In writing a t tbe otflee ofihe Board offlireet aod Water f'utninijMlottoreou or before tbe explrellon of ten days from tba date of tfala boUoe.

Bydlrecdon of itae Board of Bireet and Water OommlNionera of the d ly of Newark.

Ke^Mik, N. J., April 21, UKL ^CHARLES MARSH.

24tn Genofal httperintendent of Worka.

' \ r i m C K DP INTENTION - BOARD OF i N S tm t and Water OooiiiiimEonen.^l*ublio noiioe !■ hereby given tha t It U th t iutentlon of the Board oA Btrett ai»d Water f'ommlarionera of tbe City of Newark, um ltr and by virtue of provia IMU of th t act emitlad ** An act to revlaa and amend th t rharter of the d ty of Ntwarfc,'* approved March 11.1557, and tbe tuM lemebta thereto, and tbe act creating tbe Board o rs ire t t and V/ater Commlmlon-

o f ih t r l ty e f Newark, approved M arch to IM ,to DRier and cauae the paving of

RRUEN ^B E E T ,from Bait Mechanic atreet to Kim atrewt, with ob- JonggrtA llth iock t; to fe lb trw ltb all th t appurte- nanom anremary to o oap le tt the tam t.

Much ptreoiM a t may object thereto are requrnttrl topreaaniibtlrobieotUHxalii writing at th t ruBceof the Boam df Bireet and M 'attr (miioilialaner* on or before tbe tx p ln tk m of tan daya from (be date of (b it notice.

By dlrecUnn of ibo Board of Btreet and Water CommiaaloDeri of the d ty of Ntwarl^

C H A R L dl MABBlf, Renrral BdperintendAt of Workt.

Nefrark, N. ^^A prll to, IW:. too

N o t ic e o f ik t 'En t io n . h o a r d o #H tnet and W ater Curomlielonere-Publlc notUt

M hereby glvan ibat it M tbe intention Of the IbwMl of M reet.and W ater (.nnmilMlonert of tiwi city uf Newark, uoder and by virtue of ppoviglona of tU« act entliled'*An act to revise and amend the d ia rttv of Ihe d ty of Newark,"approved M ardi 11,1867,and tbe supplements thereto, and ihe act creating the Board of Btreet and Water I'onitnlwlonert or the d ty of Newark, appsoveU March to iw i,to order

THIRTKENTH AVENUE, fro n ^ring lle ld avenue to Morrle avenue, to hepaved w H hobloagfnio iit blocks,together w ithal! Ihe tfrpurtonanrea iwocssary toomniitete the

persou a t may ot^ect tbereto are requretod tu t ib tir (fojedlont In writing at tbe uflice oftopiresnt . . ................ ....... ______________

lha Board of Btreetatid Water C^nimlsaloutn ou or btoHit the expIrM lonof ton dayi from the date of IhM ooUoe.

By direction o f tbe Dm M of Btihei end Water ComTnlwIoftBtt of tbe d ty of Newark.

CIIAKT.KM MARATT._ General Superiutendeut of Work*.Newark, H. J ., A ^ i 11 IMS. S7m

No t ic e o k i n t e n t i o n - b o a r d okBireet ahd W ater ('rantnlM loncra-rnbllc

itoUoe hi hereby ftven tha t It la t1» lotenllon of 1 lie "B4r«t an ‘Board of S tm t and Water Comuibw^nen of tbe

olty of Newark. tinder and by virtue of provlitoBJi of the act entitled ** An adi to revLae and amend tbe charter of the city of Newark,*' approved March 11, 1817, and the MEmementii th«Mo, ami th t act cirat ifig the Board uTBireetaDd Water UommlsBkmeri of tbe city of Newark, approved March tol*VI, to order and raoae a twelve tL2) inch pipe sewer to be oonatnictod In

OAMDJE^ b t r e e ta pidotnbout 100 fret south or 'Bank s tm t Ig

ThirtrealbavenuMogetborwltb all the appwrton- aiMM neuccBiary to complei^ the same.

Such penone aa may oblecl thereto are roqiieetod to prreentUielrotdeottonNiu w riting a t the olhoe uf tha Roaidofriteretand Water Uununirelunere on or before the expiration of ton dare from tho date of thta notice.

By direction of the Board ofMtrMland Water Gom- ealeriDften of the d ty nf Newark.

• OliARLRBMARAIT. General HoneADtendeat of Works.

k l MNewark, V . J., April t o ! too

N 1tlTlCE OK INTENTION - BOARD OK Btreetmid Water CPBUDhaionetw,- Kuldto notice

Is hereby f lv e n th a tR fottw iatemiQR of ihe Board ofBtrott and W ater CommlnKlonen of ibe d ty ofNewark, under and by Vlrtwi ofprovlMofla of the a ri rnd lM * 'A anctto rev iN aiM la ineod the tduirierofthe d ty of Newark, approved March II, 1M7, andthe suppHwtenlB lh e ^ ,a n d the act urrering tbe Boaid e f Htraet and w ater Commlsalonen w 'd ty e f N r e ^ , a n p f ^ March to U»1, to order and came the paving of

THOMAS BTRKET,ninton ovenuo to PetiMylvaoja avenue, frtmi

rugb to cutb, and frwm l^eoiMytTaaiaavenaetoNew Jfereey RaUrand aranar.oaeacfa ride of the hoiM-----s HWS aTsretw, u« HHCU l»i fiiv wvr**<«r t r s ^ M erseka wies tSe s i c ^ l o a or on . IbM M SKh sMs of uil« in c k or tn c ln . wItb zsnnliie TtlO- Wsd i y o ta lls liaun ( • • M . r u lu is n tuo tg e iu .

-- --------------, --------,— ta .is K iaS nA e«sM n ss n s , o & ^ tlM m a s » noumtHl

lo p T u m ttM ro U erilo n s In n riilsg s t tlis offln. of Iks BoshI or H tn tt sad Water llnm nlsatensn on or k tS m u s .xeliatlon or ten d> ,s item Um d s u of U ls Hollos.

n r dmeH*a of Uw JIaeid oi e tie r i sad W ster Ootnm W d a n s *)' Uis lUy of Nswsrii.

I.'MARMCS k a r r i i ,OeoeFsl uigcnnM ndsnt e f Worin,

X «w aric,ir.J.,A vittis,m i. m t

iheBoardefi. t r iT h n a w U lr i t a iO o a n a ________Olty Halls from the th ird WednNfotyth t thiad Vndaaoday |« Maps IM ,

have All


third reading. *fbe uudemlsn^ bsreby cer- Uty that an ordtuanre wm read aMcuikd liiireat a meeting of the Board of Mtrwt and Water ikHninla. riootn on WedneedaymApril 87, IMVand duly ordered to a third reading, provtoing for tbe following Im- provemeoi, v ia

The coutmM'ttoti of a eewer in MT. K R U S P »rr AVENUK AND ABiNtiTON

A YEN UK,In M t Pfuspect avenue, from Mt. Kruspecl jUuce to

'...... ........... ----- ----- fr -Berkeley avenue, aod bi Ablugiun avenue, m m Ml. Kreepect avenue lo Parker strevt; fruaiMi. PriMtebecl pJaor tu Berkeley evemie tu be an egg slianed urick Mwer SOxto-tnrh dlameter'i In the clear, ana InAbiogtoR avenue, frimt Ml. Pruatwiui avenue'tu IV r

Ml. Fro^rect uvvimo tokef street: ibv part from - .......... „Clllton avenue tu be an Jx Inch pipe lewer, utid the balam-e a iMiK-h pipt* rewer.

Held newer to liaveall the appurtetiancre uetTiwary to i'ommnte name.

Dated AprilJAM FXHM ITIi, J k.,

Prenldent <^the Board of ntrrei and Water t'uiamis- rionent.

ENOS RUNVUN,7r ricrk .


uanue of Uie city of Newark, emtiled ** Au ordi­nance to pruvldi’ for the utving of

KKXNlN(n>>N ITTREET,frren Broad atreet to Mulberry ■tract," paretMl Nte vember 7, liiO, and atmtoved NovembHr 11, lHbi>.

He It ordalnod, by the Board of Hireei aml WaterConimlMtouen uf the city of Newark, u follows i

HectlOD 1. That an isTdlnani’e of Itiecltyof New* ark.entiihNl^Aiiortrioance lo provldeforlbepiiv- iQgofppnnlngtonetreM effom Broad Mtreet in Mnl-^ rry p a s ^ IgUiWjand approv^

urdluanoe IsNuveiuber It, tsko, be and tbe hereby rejmed^l.

'rbe foregidng ordloaocB was nwU onoc at a meel-liw ofu ie Hoard ofKiroet tmil Water CooimlMtonerso f t ’ • - - ...............................tbe d ty of Newark, on 'Tuesday. April IV, im , and wan duly orderad to second reading.

Dated Neawrk, N. J., April 33.18HK S m RUNYON,

Clark of the Board of Street and W ster Comialsriou- era. : 7n

KU BUC N tm CE^^BD IN A N U K OHDEHEU to third readlog. The undersigned hereby tU atau ordliiatK'a was read a neouad tlnM ir a

meeting of the Hoard nrm nataiK l Waler t'mnmle- slonen, on Tmwday. April M, H9S. (uid duly ordered to third reading, providing for ibu following Im­provement, via. i


from Broad S tm t(o Naw JerMy Railroad avenue,wllb (be axoenifon of tba croeetng of D r^ a rd street, a'lih genuine l*rlnido<l sheet aspbaitiim.

Dated April t o ISKLJAM EHHMITJf.Ja.,

Preetdenl of tha Board of hireei and Water Cora talmlouern.

KaNOH hUNVON,6r Cterlf,

N O TICE-O RDIN A NCE ORDERED to a third reading. Tho-uudemtg'K'd hereby cer-

ll f r tb a i an ojrdhuuMM WM nwd a M-uud tlm u a ta meeiltw of the Board ofniruet and w ste r Om m lw slowera, on l'u5aday, April to, lisri, and duly ordertwfto a third rradliig, provtolng for Ibe following Ira provenimt, vli-:

Tbe paving o fGRANT HTRKJCT,

from Rrnad airect to Hpriug iiieet, with genuliM 'I'rlnldad sheet asphaltum.

Dated April 3 , 18M.JAM E8 HMITH, J a ,

Preekfont of the Board of HIreet and w ate r Cora- mbudolien..


P U flU l! S O T lt 'R -O m ilX A M ’K OniJKllKU to a th ird nddlng. Tba uxiiicniigned hereby cer> llfr tba t an ordlnanoe was read a seunrui iliuo at a

m eetlagof (he Board of Htrect snd Waler ()r»inmlM- slouers, on Tuoaday, April to 18^ end duly urderHi to a third reading, provhUng for tbe following im­provement, via.'.

Tba r e p a v i ^ ^ASniNOTON PLACK,

from Bread stfeet to WasbingtoD street, wllb gen­uine Trinklad sbaet aspbaUuni.

Dated April to, 18K.JAMM8FtMITir,Jn.,

rrrslden t of tba Board of Btrvot aud Water Uominla alonart. *

EKOfl RUNYON,4f i-lprk.1 3 U B U C NOTlCR-ORDisVANt'K (IHDKRKD X to a third reading. Tbe uiMlerrigiioil h r r e ^ cer*tify tba t aa ordinance WM read a second lime a t a ruetUngof the Board of Mtrept siul NV'ater Com m it ■UHieruonTueaday. A p riito K to and dniyord«>n-a to a third ruadlng, providing for tbo foUowlng Im- proveiuflnt, v ia :

Tbo pavtjig nfORIENTAL HTRKKT.

frem RcUavIlla avenuo to the oa^terly side nf Mt. P leasant.Ivcnoe, w ith ganulM Trinidad sbeotaa-phahuni.

Dated April to. 18K.JAMRHBMirif, Jb„

prerident of tha Btwrd of Htreel and Water Comnila riouere.

ENOB RUNYON.t r t (le rk .

EYVBtsIC NOTJCK^-OHDlNANCE ORDRHRD X te a th in l raaiRng. Theundaia]gnMlborebycer< U ry ih ata iio rd lnano tw asraada aeoond tlmo a t a maM LogofrisBRoaidofiilrcoiand Water Unmiula-rinners an Tnoiday, April to, twa* and dufy ordertMl lo a ib lrd reading, providing for tbe following Impruveiitebt, Vk.t

TharefiavlDg ofJAMRHHTRBEr,

from Wasblngtoo street tu the wast ride of Barnet Mreet witb genulM Trinldiwl sheet aimbalium, and from tbe west Hide of Pam et stnsB to High etreatwith oblong jrratiite biocka

............ rll 2-------Dated April to, UI3.JAMPN SMITH. Ja,,

P m ldent o f tha Board of Bireet and Water Cora' miaslcMient.

EK 08 RUNYON,i t Clerks

P UBLIC NOTIC’E-OHDiNANCr: ORDERED te a third foadtm. Tba iiiMlers%iiad hereby oar* llfrr ilu tan o rd in an ce t w read a second Um« a( a

meating of tbe Boaid o f Mreet and \Y aur Ckimmls- ■lonera, on Toeaday, April totb, U to and dniy in ^ n x l to a tb tn l readlpk, ptovidlng Are follow- IngjmptDvetnenl, vls.i


from Bread streat lo t>ential aveoire, wllb gapoIzM Trinidad riiael ar^pluy tu rn .,

Dated April t o DBAJAMES H M lTH eJi.. „

Prreklant of tha Boaid of Street aud W ater O o » mlarittasra.

ENOS RUNYON,i r (le rk .

n a

.......... Jhcre. IMbllcnoUce!■ benfoy given tha i R Is the Inlvatlon of the Hoard ofH treeiand W'ater ikkrapiliwtuflers of ibe r l t r nt Newark, under and by virtue of proviaUMia or ihe a rt rnlfripd ** An act to revbw ami ameuil tb f d w r ler of tbp city of Newark,** approved March 11, IW ,atMl tbe Kupplenrenu itie-reiu, aivd tbe act rrvatlog

rd o fritreri and W aierl'nm m lM hrneraofihethe Hoaicity of Newark, approved Mart‘U to, ISfil, teo rder and CMMU the coriMinwlkm o fa plpeaewer la CENTRAL AVKNUK AND KOUTU BEVENTU

HTUKKT,In Central avenoe. from Mciotb Pixtb street U> PotUh rievrnth atreet, aiul la Houth Hevrnth.slTeel, from(^ i tr a l avenuo to Turelflh avenue; ihn jw r t lu i1|m-. ^.avenueaDd Miuib Neveuiti eireol, freniCentral avenue tu Klevanth avenue, to Ih< IS iiwhiw Mtameivr (he renUiliKier to be 13 liM'hre: Imielhcr wllb all Itae ap|iurteiuuui-» nweanery to vopipli'te the aaine.

Kgch iienmitaM nuiyobjiei't UmtoIo art' requeativl lopi-ew'iil ibelr olUertioiiM In aritlitg at the ufltre nf Ibr HtMud uf re rad sihI Wates Coinmlrelimem, on or tM'fure |M exidralton of U*u (tej-v from tbe date uf ihlR notkr.

Hy d lm tlnn of Uar Ilnanl of rttreet aud Water CuumilMiiluuefe o ftb e ciiy ufNrwurk.

t'H A U L l> MARSH.Genend retpcritih'ndi'Ul uf W'urk*.

Newirtt, N. J „ April ■*, W i « o

X T iy n C E OF INTKNTIO.V.- HOARDi > J .............................................

OFrtInH'l and W ater t^mimiwIntK'ri.

hibiU! n<»(ki> Is hereby given Uml li la the fnteb- Hon of tlte Doanl nf H ired and Water CoaimtaaliHi- erN uftbec ltyor Newark, mulef and by virtue of previsM iM orHieatteuUljetl ^ A iiai't tu revlM ami Hinond the cliuner of ibv rltv uf N ewark,” appruvcrl MArt^h 11, iWT.aiKl theeuM ncinetitelheretn,and the aciiTM ilng (he nttardofHtnH'laml Watortominbi-■l«_merv uf the i.'lty of Newark, ujipruvoil March 35,

ler ami niuiH'IhiHitieTiutg of HOUTll HKVENTH M'ntKKT,

im . to onler ami niuiH' the ntienutgHOUTll HKVENTH hrri_____

from Hnutb Orange nvcnuetu FunrtecuUi avenue, inacvonlaiusi with (he luapa on hie lu (be City Hurt veyoKs oflltv, hmI reuneTni to be made h.v tho Com.mlwMunenito lay 'Wl streets, avenure aiul MiUHive intbe d ty of Newark, aiipruved nf M ank Ai, IMH, ami the law creating the JvwrO of Htreet ami Water ('uni-pMsainuentof iho d ty u f Newark, approved March 'll irei, anil the wverB] simplempnls tUeri'tu.

Hucb per«ui»sM mayolgoct tberetn are ivqueateitto preacut Ih d r ob]m lnni la writ lug at the nfllce of tbe Board ofHtreet aud W ater thiruEulariniH-ra oii nr before Hie explratlun of ten days from ibiMlato id* this noUi'e.

By dlrei'tlon nf (be Board of Htrvtl and WalerCoiumijadoueni of the city of Newark.

Newark, N. j . , April 21, isP:.CHAHLKH MAttHir,

tieueral Htipi'rliitendvnt of Worka

No n C K OK INTKETION HOARD OF Bireet and Water tiointul«siom»x—Public iio-

bereby given of the Buard of Htnwt and

(bat It Im Uie liitentluii Water CoBimiNskHii-

eraufihfl city of Newark, under and hy viciuanf uf tbe act eriLlthKl p w-t tu rev Inc andprovlriona ............. . - _____ _______

amcial the charter uf the I'iiy of Newark." approvedMarch II, 15Ti7. and the eupplemnuis ibeM o,and

il of HIreet and WaterIbe act creallng tho llownl(XimmloslonerM irf ilre rily uf Newaik, aiijiroved

Kt<...... “Marcii to IMl, to urder aiuf iwuw Hue repavlnlr of PAHK PLAl'K.

from North IMiial street Ui Its imriherly lermtmm, with genuine Trinblad ],ake M phaihuu; lugetfaer wUh all Hie s^j^rtirtrtiaiicM uwruBiury tir ciifqptett tbeaanM*.

Hueb persons aa may nb)ect thereto are recanted lo prtwenlllieir ubjee-tloTui In a'rtMng al the oMre utIlls Hoaro urm reet ami waMrrQiamMaUiiu'fw mi ur lieforethe expiration of te-n days from lUedate of thUnollou.

By dlroctlon of the Hoard of Mtreet and Water Cuminlisloueraof lb s city uf Newark,

(1UAKLEH MARHHNswark, N. J , AprYlto,

Heueral Hupvrluncodeat of W orka■ ■■ ife. .ItSl

No t ic e o k i n t s s t t h nMtreet and Walem^iUiniMalonen.

HOARD UK................. Puhlk* lurtkY*

la hereby given llial U Is the Intention of the IhsirtI aTHCieet arei W ater iLniailsatonera of Uie Hiy of Newark, uniie^’and by vIrUut of provtsbiiM nf fim act entitwil ''A u iu -l io n'Vihe ana moeiHl Ho* rliar- te ro fthecH y of jSewarh,'’ approved .^an 'b 11. laV?,end ibo Nipppleinpiibt thereto, aod llu- act crcullmr, aiiu lilt- iH'i i-n-uullg(he HuanJ of Htreot mui Water CiMiimlMloilera oithe city of Newark, approval M anii to, teui order and cmiiw

(iODI.D AVKNDR,from W arren rireel bi the city llrre, to Ire istvetl with ireiiulneTrliihlail alicet uNpballiini. Togoilier wIlli alt tba uppuru'oaia'es m^Yweary to i-otnpteie the same.

Hm'b jicntonaa* may oldect thereto are rKoieatecI to preaciil Ibelr ob|H'tu)ns In writing a t Ibe odh*e of the Ibwnl ofHtreet ami Water ('ummlaafoneni. on pr before lbs expiratiuit of ten daya fnim ihcd a teu fHilanullce.

By d lr ^ lo n of ibe Hoard of HIreet aitd WateriVouinlerionerM uf the city of Newark.

Newark, N. J., April S|, 1MRLCKAULKM MAH81L

Tim General Kuperiiilrndcnl nl Worka.

X fO T H 'K OF INTKNTKJN Htreet and W'ater Cvmunimlnnem

BOARD UK Ruhlk' noik-e

Is IwrfTbv given tha t It ia tbe imeiillun uftbeHuaM I and vl'ater f'ummlwilonera of thp city of

Newark, nuder and by virtue of proviriorvn of IheofHlreel

act vntltkd, “ An m-t (orevlaeandHnn-iuUhecliar- ter of the city of N ew ark/' a|d>n>vHl March ll . iKt7, and tlis Bupplemetite iberelo, and Hie act creating the Hoard or Kireet and Water CV;mntiealt>nera <n Hiacliy of Newark, appruvud Martii to. ln l , t o o ^ (lar and oaune

n f r i n g f i e l d a v e n u e ,from nelmpiii avenus to Murria avenue, to be re­paved wllb tfohmg granlle blui'k on each ri«l« of Iliano. ............................... ■ - ■oiW! car trarkx^uHh Ihe ssi.'eiHlon of on« foot In wkitb oMtaWe of each track, tugeHiwr wllb all the appurtenauwa uwY-wuiry to cimiplete m e MMne,

Him n iKTMiDa aa maV o fa^ t'tlie re ioare »Miiieated to pnweut tlrelr cfojraifnrai in wriUiigal the olbce ofthe Board of H trtet and Water Ouinmlteionura, on or

■ ofbefore Hie explratlou of ten days IVuin tha date ihia oo1b».

liy direction of Uia tlm nl nf Htrta*t and Water Uoiomlkialonom of the cliy uf Nowatk.• Newark, N. April 31, IM3.

t.TlARLPX MARKir.33m General MuperiJitendeut of Worka

buly.I.Si K., I.For rhitedflphla, Kxprrea. 11(7, f.kl, TAu, Ato, EC,

t.37, V5M. .10.35 Uinited Kxpre•i^ Kullman VestiteiMl*arlor (V n , VeatitiuLe 1‘towiigitr IViarhaH and Dlte IngUar^l.toA. U.i |3.«,<^LHA5&.AtoATT, A33and1k3u K. M. On Hnnday, li t? , 0.«i,5A7, E to n x i A. M .:ltoAM ,A-37,Attaiidf.lUK. M.

Kur Trenton, 13,47.5.41,7.U1,7AQ, All, A57. HtT, t.51. floJB Umited Exprma, Pullman Vestibule Ihulor( \hh, Vretibiile ItoMenger UMcbssaod D tn lng iy rs

*................................................. • ". ____ , ....... indav, i:

IA 7,».raiuno.31 A. M.; 4.M,An,l

n .to a m llt.4 5 ^ . M.; It4«, U L 3-to AtoA37.1.a«,AtosmJM5P,_M.................Hnadeky,

ir,AlM-*L5Jitijid8.IU P. M.

Kur Attatillc (Ity , l i t P. M. week-^ta}^ W'llR Tbrmtgb Day Coach and Pullman Huffot Pmriar t^ ra

For Isomt Rrancb, Eiberon, A iM ty Farit, o ceai Grave, Mfvrlng U k s, Hra Girl, t^ s s ^ u a fo l■otnlPleaaaiii and polnia on tba New^York and l4w t ...................................... ......................... B raMHranch KaUruad. km , kto A. M., U 5 cLobg JMper!al>,4.(>l, &J5 P. M. daily, excapt Hunday. Og Monday,KLU A. M. and &M P. N. D onuta tepalCFSillUMJj SSSSMT mit 4HIM as«« F. . t-SW ■Ocean finive or Aabury Park on Buuday.

For Hmtou, wittauut rhaaga. 1141P. M. weak day^ lAAP. M. dally.

For Brooklyn, N. Y .-A ll through trains DoDofcd at Jemey City wllb boats uf " Brooklyn Anttex," afl (taming direH transfor to and frvnn Kiilton alraati avohling Uoubla frrriaga aod RMimay arruoa tba d ly .

FORNKW YORK.Ispara M arket mreet Htailoii, 5.15,5.47, AOfofl-toEto

7.^b.7.l^7-tor45, Ato Alu, AlH. k to 5.U. A41.M7, *.14.5ja,5.t4,ft.50, lOsUe, UU5, 10.44, K.4S, ItAt, lUT, IL to thU A. M.; 13.10,1130, InO,, l i 0 , l M , l t o llU,l4N,3.U,Ate, L.’M, 4.lS,4AH,Ato 4AS, A4fl, C.b\S.IS, 0J3, Q.50, LAB, 7.05, 7.1L 7.43, 7.55, LtM, lAO. L th to.04, MOO P. M., and 13.0T utghl. Huiulcu' tralm , LI5, A47,LUIt,t-l) bl-to Ihtn. 1J-0I A. M.,ixrtk I.Ci, 3.<e!, 150, 15.1, IST, 4.0U, ia>,5.4«, M.31.7.W. T to 7.3k, T.4U, 5.W, L U S.37,10.00, iU.M P. M. HUD night. 'D night.

Iswve I'en tre Htreet Hlatlbn, LW, L1&, (US, IM t 7.17.7.«t,L31,A45,H47,10.05, lOJM, UM A. V.; H tt , ira .'LU l.L toA tofl-to fl-to 7.55, W E t o10.U7 ami 10.53 p. M. week t( a ^

Leave i'lieaUtirt HtrertHiatkin. 5.11 L55.110, >-to 7<17.7.43,7*tok-i)7tJLto 5.41, L ll, LIS. «A|, lOJO,

tO.41, 10157, llA S, ll.riU A. U . ; l l to M lAft, 118, 3-to L lf. VA , 4.]fl,4.U, 5-55. 5.31. L4A, L U 3 ,I^ L45, 7.05. 7.W, 0.t7, 5.1?, UKOO, t0.4« P. T*r. Il<dnight. Hiiwiav, LUO,^5i> 5.M, 10.SA, laST, R-M A. sM.: t l t o 1147. 1«1, .1.H5M, 4Jto LAL 5.40, Ll5,Ls’i6, Mil, 7.33, A30, L to 5.55, 10.55 ami 11,«5.40, Ll5,Ls’i6, Mil, 7.33, A30, L to I

I'eiWTa Kramet mreel Htnlfoti, BA4, L(M,A94, L.to7.4U, L to A to L to 5.15, Lto 5.50,10.34, t0..W and ll.4i A. M.. l l t o 1.31, 1.53, Lit, Lto. LU, 4.13, AM, LSI, Lt3,7.37,7.4A,5i4,iitolUMP. M.: 1101 Olj'LC, 7.37,7.4A, l i t , S tolU 44P.M .: 1101 O lfbt Mute (lay,4M, H.U, Lto5JO. 1031,11.45 A. M .: llAD, 13.4L I t o 1.55, L44,13LLM,4JU,4A4sL4t, k \ k 5 ^ , 7.11* s .2 l,5 .«aitd I1A4P. M.

m )sM MAHKFrr PTRKEI’ w a t i o n For KUialieth and Huhway, L ll, tjoa, 7-tl, 7.IBl 141,

L40,JL45,11.45 A .M .; ILU, I.3H. Llk, 401,5.35,^45,Lto4.M,3,OU,OJO,5.45, foV, m , L07. 1.15. IAS, M l, fj*?( 7JS, LUa. L4*, I0.4A l U l X ^ j ^ W'»>-**■ r.wi. iHesT, shiu, vi-M, h u , iv-Yn, iz^i e , m., Men*.13.17 ami 1147 night. Huitday, 13.47, L4t, Lafl,*>34, KLlLlIkU, 11.S3A. M .m k 'l, ImII, LIB, 415,4.34,5.04 L ^ru(i^7 .U , 7-55,5.01, L H 5.00, 5Je^ tOiMaM

Fur kjiiud>etb,155.6.MlA.M.,]S.M ami flJflP. M. week-days.

For New BrunawtekJ147,A.4L7-00,7A(ML3T,5A«.MI and 11.45 A. M.: 1144,, LBS, 5.35, i t o W EM, M E Lto5-31.7.M.5.50aiid 10.41 P.M. Hatlday, 1L47. M E 5.57, t.!M ami RUI A. M.| t l t o L55, kriU, 7J5, iMiO ami H.SII P. M .

Fur WumlhrUlga and l¥ rth Aluliuy, ESI, trad 10.45 A. M.; 6JE0-m jwd 7.07 P. M..and 1117 n l^ it. On NundayL LE15 aad 11.11 A. M.I L30 aiMl 10.UU K. M.

For P enh Ambuy uoly.LlI, IE4S A. M.; LOEA-to 0.01,7,UT. and IL17 P. M. Muudaym ll.Bl A. M. a i^10.U0 P. M

Fire bkuti Mmstone,7,Q0 A. M.; )l« l,S>»kbd AJ5 r . M., dally, e io i i l Huuday,

Fur Kingston amt Rm ky HUI, 7-50 A. M. and 5A5P. >t., dally, ekcviMKIiiiHbiy.

..........itni: 'Ml i

_ . ..JHUl. _________ _6.77 H. Humlay, UO l^ M.

Fire Phi , .. .........A. M .,am lL toL '^S .77P . M. Huiala;

Ksutoii and Relvkdere, 7.90,11,35 inlay, (h» P. M.

¥i>r Isanibertvllke, 7.5U, ILE A. M .,L tE 3-54 and

Kur FJemlngtoti., 11.35 A. M., and LM P. 1C, dally except Honday. *

Fur Primvimi, 7.Jlo, BA7, J1.4A A. M.} 1.71, t-ll, 3*9 and 7.4a P. M., dally. exi-cptHuiHlay.

For Hurdeutown, Hurlingion and l^amden, and 11.45 A. M.; t . to is a ami n.43 P, M., dally, axcvpimimlay. On Humlay, 10.51 A. M.

Fi ............ ......................Fur Kreehuld, Fartuliigdale, Manoaqmui aod Mug Girl, via .Munimstih Junebun, TAU and 11.45 A.M.. and lAii l*. M., week days. Fur Frrebold uaiy, LuiP M., week days.

NKW YORK TO NEWARK.T-'iir Newark, 5.00. LIXM.ASE4U, 7.UU,'to 7-40, B.IO,

Lfo, o.ln, iii.iu, to.»i. I1.DU. lUll. n i b A. M.; 13-15aud l'i.»UniMm: l.iMM.IL I.«k LiU, 3.5U, 3.00, LTD,4.tu, 4>m 4'to4.lU ,4to .Viu, Llo, Lfo, B.W, 5.40. L to fl.W,LIU,6.3U, L.1U.L4U, 7-UU: 7.30, B.lbl, 5.15, lEIE D to II.4.1P. .It. ami ILI5 iJiMriLglil. Homlay iraliM, E lk M.0il,5.liu, IU.UU, lOtoi. 11.110, H.3U A. M.I ILOJ UUon. 1130,1.WI, 3 011, 3.4 1, Lim, 4.UU, 4.10, LllU. 5.13, 445,430, 0.4.-1,7.110. 7.10,7toS .U II,L IEL4, I1.00P. M. amt 13.1** nikiulglit.

KurriirtberlDfnrinatloTisee t1nii»-tabl(>a. to be had! a itb e lh 'k e l offli’es. Tickets Ibr all polnis ufi IVrmsyWaiila Ralimml and couarctiorM and bertbfo smtlunsaml lakgipuft*i‘he(-ksat tire <YHnpauy^ioiBcau No. 7W Rrtswl Hireei, or at ticket umce at M arkit Hlreel HLuHoii.

C K A m K PUllll.Generwl Manager J. R. WUtJDs General l*asaHiiger Agwnt.

liJlDfNO llAlliROADMYHTKM - ""i r

Dnretahla lu cinHil Aprils, 15I&

Trabis leave viaCKNTHAL HAlLHOAU (IF NEW J n M E T .

from Hnmd uiel Ferry Mt. HUktluna,(tar I'blladaiuUla, llhltlmoreaikd tYasbluftoo.

Ki»-al Rhie Line.For riiUadelphla and 7'rvMlun, ~M, 0.05, KMI5 A.M4

i t o L'to 4.0C C05, L.J0, 7 to l l .« P. H. Huudaya. Wto 10,3.5 A. M ‘ I .to 4.50, k m P. Me

For ^fjnK>reai>d WaahliigkMi, 5.0E ILTfi A. M.t iiulayil to E to 5 4 » , ll.toP . H. MmulayN, 5.05, la U A. M i

I t o 4.5*1 P. .M. Parlor can UU day tn io L k la a ^ a n on night imlnL

7.17 A. M. for Main Line N. J . C. Dlv., HeUilahctg, Allentown, MaiR'bCtiunk,ster ^ 6 5 A.^M. for Main l*lne, N. J. C. THv., IjOke aupab

wllnfttig, H l |^ Bridge Draucli. AHairioh'n, R«iMlin& N Wllkesbarre. Hcraiitoii, W U ttainm rt, t*otiavlUe, Maaaauy IXty, Baatwry, aio, :h onacb New York ami wllloDLiiMKirt-

Taiuaooa, and tbruugl

1.05 P. M. for Main N. J. C. Dlv., Dak* HopaLcujig, litxb Hriitgr Brsncb, AllentowD, Maiuitl aiunk,^ lu*adtiig, Harrisburg, Taniaqtus, Banburyand Wd]lams|K>rt.eli'.

4.37 P. M., way Ibr Mala Tslns N. J. C. Dlv^ High Bridge Branch, J4tke Hupabaiog, Kastun, toi>UiiV Uein, AHeiitowi], Mauch cbuuk, WlIketdMTra, B erue

I^O T K 'K OP INTE.VT10N - BOARD OFi l Hlreel and Water rumiiiliirioners. - l^ihllc nu-

rfoi • • •tico Is hereby givm that It Is tbe Inmniton of the lh«rd o f H^vicL and Wnter t'onimlwduiivhi uf tliociiy of *N>wj|rk, under and by virtue of provisions of llieacl rJidReil “ An acd tn revlae and ameml UiecliarleroftTiecity ofN ew ark,’' nppn^vHi March U, 16 7, aud the siir«k>inenUi thereto, and the pud c ira t^ ingihe H uanlof Hireetand WatertXnnnilmluireiw nr lire th y of Newark, approved MarcU to, 1*bi , to uidcf atidcauwttMi itavliwuf ^

GtjuvKd.Nfnrn RTiMiK'if from Hnmd at reel to My. Pleasant avemie, with gen- ulna Triiddied i4ikc atphakuin i nwHthHr with all likoapinittHnanoes rkon^ssary lo coniplela ibosame.

Hueb pernoiui as may object tlif-reto are requcHli-d lo preseni their obJiTiloui In writing a t the 0911*0 <if Ibe Board of Hi reel aud M'alcr Commisaionerti <m ur U tforetbeexplniliunor ten dayi from tbo dateuf Ibis nolice.

By direction of itin Hoard ni fttreet and W atar Dotuililirtiuireni uf the city uf Newark.

UHARi.iCH MARKFT, Oencml Hupi'rlntetiderit uf W rekiL

Newark. S , 3„ April t o 1403. 27o

Um ami Tuniaiiua,5.50 M.. Main Line N .J .r . Dlv., Ftodon, A lla»

town, Rewditw. HarrUburgand MaucU Chunk.7.STI A. M.. (hr Flaston, twUilebetn and AUaniJiin, twuilebetn and AUaniJWi}. 7.50 A. M., lAs, 7 'to ll.^V P. U., oxtvpl Haliintey

night, via Fhlltoeiphta, rurHuribury, l,«wlalHirg and WllliantsiiorL minihu;iu.uiP. M.

ftoiHiays T.'jo A. M., way for MaucU chunk , I'amiK liiftaud WilllaiUMiH)rt; kjo A, M.. way for Hooiaik. vllW ; 5.03 A. M., nre HuiiiervllJu; LAO A, M., Way tm Dunelteu ; la U A. M., for Hoinervllle ; 11.45 A. to ,way for Dunullau ; IJOF, H., way for Illgb Jlridgu Hranch, Jteadltig, UaninUirg. Maitch (.'hunk a i ^ PuUavllJe I 'LIA V. M„ way for Hnmeyvllle ; 4.10 i \ M.;way forHourervlltoand rlemlngton ; L40K, M., forMaiiuli ChunksRemilbgand llarrlshurgi S.Q5P.M, ri#Plal»fli.*ld Aid Humid llrt>uk ; 7.20 P, M,, way Ib r Dunetleo ; 5.75 P.M., way fgr HumerviJle ' way torHirtuervilte.

m :to ,

.NEWARK AND KUTUHETit RRANCH. Traliui leave Hnwd Htreat HUitIuu for KUKabetE

and RoacUe at ILIA, Lki F^bwlrelhjmrt only, M7, T.lri, t- t t KJIuitrelbporl only, AtoB.U 0.igi except Ro- Mile, L to IkOk KLto lt.0.t, 11.^ A. M.; 1115, l.UfoXEL L3D, 2..iU, 5-to 4-01 4.37, L0.'i, &.to, LlOe 7A5, 0.4U, to to 11-Su 1*. M. NimilayS] 7.k), 8.4(1, 5 ^ 5 . t o lO to 11.45 A. M.; LtO, l.Y>, L to i h , 4.10,4.50,5.40, EOE Eto7 Jk F. to

For Plalnfl4hl,tr.l5,7.l7,7AD,L55,5JlA, to t o U . t A. M.L 1.«i, 1 J6* L-Vh 3 to Am,,m i, 5.50, Llg. 7. IE 7.56,5.40. lO lE ll-ltt P.M. ^

For Homerrlile, E15.7.17, t-to mA5, 11.2i A. H. l.OE l^L to 4 .3 7 r^ ‘0E130,6AI,«.lj, 7>to L40, IfolE ll!3

Passage Tickets and Drafts for all parts of Europe.

Martin R. Dennis & Co.C STA B U SH ED 1 8 4 S . s

774 BROAD ST., near Market S t

Cabin, Intermediate and Sleerjgc Tick­ets at lowest New York Rates on all lines 6f Ocean Steamers. _ -

Money sent to Great Britain - and Ireland, und all parts of Europe.

Alt kinds of Foreign money exchanger!. * Bill* ol Exchange and Letters ol Credit issued through Drexel. Morgan & Co., or Brown Brothers & Co.

Passnorta obtained

ERIE EAILWAY.r rA IIO N , FOURTH a v e n u e a n o f a w a i c


Daavg Newark for Patonon—8.30,___ lO tt-LtoTtoW ^M.l iV m L H 3.47.4AI, BJfo EDO, e.E5, 7Xft EOT, 1E45 P. M. bod xt3JU A. t o HUDdnys 5A5 A. i t and U H

’ ’nesw n u k i w ^ H e m r t . - S J A a ia as3; T.n,

AW ,AU,Hl.gtP.lf.

Lrava W.41 A.If. KuDday, P.M.

YORtoE10.E4T.H1. i, LQE1E45 V. EOE E55,1E40

l/rnvaN aw York, Dbunlrere iE~E4l, Y.tB, EiE ElO, U JO A. LW, E15, EIE EW. kSt, kid, E3E 7.10, l i t o lEOO r . M. l.uo P. M. Saturday o n ly ; Buoduy M5, 1105 A. U ti E1E kka, iJfK iO.15 P- M.

(fomwcuac tn lb i iniva Nowarir aa folldwnr For

twndiur u n R. Uu QnMl T n a k Neinita JW R..M.


'n a k ICsBcsiaHtre

Fur Klemlforion, 7*t7, EU A. 1.05,4.OT. E30P, M, For Perth Amboy, II.E5, 4,73, 11.35 A* M.; IJJl, 4AXL

i » , E60, 7.SS P. V . Huitdayi, 9.l» A, H .\4.10 P.M. Fur Atliuiik: UkgblMmli and FiYrehold vlg Maiw-

wan, ll.L> A. M.; 1.S5, 437, 6.15 F, M. Huitdaya. Knrehok^LtftA. M.I 4.10 P.M.Bxs'ept I

Fur Krd Rank, Dong lirom h, Ocran Grovo, M&. k t i , 11.35 A. JJ. 1A5 Had Hank ualy ; 402. EIS P. t o Humlaya axirept to Ocean Grava , VAKl A* M.; 4 lu p,

For Toma Rlv'er, BaniegAf Fkrl( knd Bikrttegat, EH A. M.I 1.30,4.03 K t o •

For VinclMd aud BridfcteD, 1J6 P. U .Fur Ukewood. EIS A. to ; 1A5,40S p, t o Nu Hunday iruiM.Fur AUttiitte iniy, U a P. to

NKWABK AND .VKW YOBIC.Fraoi Droail nod Ferry HtnM Mtatkma—A i * 55.

E50,6.10, E40,7.00, 7.SE 7.40. LOO. E2E E4d,L40, iyj». 10.», 1U.40,11.00,1140 i . to ; i t S M diaAS i m 1.30,2.00, LBO. 3.00, U E 43XL EU. 445, E lE k k S m k'JB, UM. «4E 7,15.745, E90, 5.5E laJft, H.ICI?. M. iLtiE I14U night. HUndnyo—7.00. Ew, Lw, IOlOE U jjo A.t o ; llOOSl.; 1.00.140, LOO. LW,4Abk aos,».w, lam , ii.oe^ixw p. mT ^ ....

I.eave New York from foot of Lflwity n raa t^ A t 1*10, Ls>, Ain, Ml. Asiv au, mo, u £

J* Trsln* leave slpovesiaUoiiTl*LRU IU U VALLKY RAILROAD

fbrMul t . n A.

imwk Niossrs FsU* sod Uie WeekH,: 7.W R.H. euDdiers, AOS rTxFor liWOCHi, TJX), A. K.; IMU, MO, AM, AU, T Jt

‘‘vJ?’ AW. R OD A. M.; A (» x « F- H.lair SethlcluHii,Atlentoirn sad R hicIi Cliaiik,T.QA

For polDts in Uu Mshwuy cosl rezloB at US A,U.,lI:m4j»KSL Mundsrs, AWL ILW A. M.J J r W iJSM M m , Rttsiou aM EniiaU ia, A » A. lAt

7JS P. M. tundiur* (txMRt BeruUsU,For X lm tn , A » A. K.; lU I, TJSP,1C, ____g OOjp g|

A. A. MCLEOD, C O. HAHOOCK,proFt A a e u .M ’yr, Oen. F —

$10 CASEDo n o t delay , some any Hey. On B andars Bpeeiol K xM bttlon Dsy, the n e a t B ulld iM

Lot tSale, aUH), • « » , m e .Terms 510 Cash.

B a l R u c e 5 1 . 0 0 e W e e f c .Hawthorne Heights liK A T fijU nJC


m w w w w .

■ N I J W a K K E V T 3 X I \ < i N E W S . F K I 1 ^ Y . ^ ‘B ; L 2 9 . 1 8 9 2 .

Amateura Who W ill Box] Dwpita the A. A. U.


\ Tr*P-*b«>t«ri Win Mfiitr K¥fiit« *l I—ElvttFMlde K prlnU m In lh« Cro*«- r ChJiviptonNtilp*—Th* Il<>wYUle'»

m B o w lin t Taurnam aiiit * 'O lh«r•Mt BvenU of IntcrM t,

K J»flt*lthit«nain* th* dl«qu*ll(lt*tlon "f by tb« MrtrMpcillliui AsMicliitlnn cif

Alhktl<! Uukin, iH*rly KOeu- f.W-tSrtM 1MIT« l>«n m »lv«) by Uie MobIranA.

: tuunuuiirut to lx* hvid In CaWonlmv. F«Ut.ll»tl, Iwflmilii* to-niorrow n lih t and

^Id tos Uuuday nlKht. Tbn local cluba bav# ^'Ibijniiili il getieromly, and tba boat m m of ’ a * Kiiitiira HUt* baT>|«ntond In tbs (uur

In tbs llfi-pound class, tbs Australian “ fyslulw." J. McNIobol, of lbs West End A. A . Is plilM agatnat the BrlgUton A, a “ rsBher," Mike Mutroy, and tbs redoubUbl* Mike Sheridan, of the a iiito n A. I'. Sam XaadeTlilo, lbs Ashland A. C. colored mpre> amiative, Is also a formldabls man In this


In t h n t r e i i l i i i i ' i i l o f N » w ilC '» t« r r l i , C a t a r r b n l l i o r e T l i r o u t , l i n l f t r g f s l T o n s iU , H o rn K y o s , D ia e a s M o f th is KjAt, l>isi>nM<‘H o f t h e K a r r D**" en tieb o f t h e N o s e , H a y P e y e r , C a - l u r r l i a l D e a t i i m s , N e i i r a l i r l i t a n d H e i td H c l ie , D ls e i is e s o f t h e 8 c a l |> , D U e iw e s t h e H k li i , H s lt K h e i im , C a r b u n c l e s , F e lo n s , B o l ls , O ld C h r o n i c S o re s , A b i io r i i ia l V, n i w t h # o f t h e f l e m t n t i d F a c e , a l l IM s- n a s e s o f t h e F e e t , H a n d s , T o e N a l l s , F t n i i e r N a i ls , I n c l u d i n g B i r t h m a r k s o f a l l k i n d s , e t c . , e t c . , U n o w iK * rn w n e iil)y l o c a t e d I n N e w a r k , a n d h a s l in e O F F I C E a n d P A R I X t I t s a t

837 Broad Street,


trewti tem§ fat or iutto^in a ip iiitr, otir-io O taHupoonful of tha r; tu t up part of an oeioii, a efoto of garlic, a f*» hturo! or ba/ kavo* ; ynifs in part of a

coloff root atoo half a tarrot o f tk tl»***- »*«/* toup otoekani wator. Lot ik it M l for an hour, thon otrain and add capon and chopped Sardolltn and a fow tiicoi of fomon.



W. W'eUh, lb s young “ J o h n I*" of tlis Non- jMtuU K, C., who WHS OMtcnlly dstlm ad by JstTT Hurnslt, Is un lrrsd In th e Im pound olsss with suob herd tallturs u K Elstm sn, of tbe CMutans; Jo h n Mitchell, of the Down- Unriis of th is city, s a d Georgs Bchuberl, of tb enp le lm sho A. t'.

A raeellng which w ill p ro te a n siIrsctlon I s the IS-pound cIs m w ill be between

-"C b n e k " Connors an d W illiam Goss. They h a ta n e t faetore, and tbe A shland man made a giwd tbow lng against Connors. M Ike H ar­ris, of tbe Clintone, and H . Uugbee, of the d ack ao n A area lfo ag o u d pair.

In the lii-pound ebiaa th e k ing card 1s Jake t i l s , of the N ational A. C.. wboee Agtate a t the aseent W ndom eand P ark A C . tournam enta aiw lAll nnu 'intsirvd. D an CK eefr, of the W est Ends, and J lra Multivan, o f tbe Jack- aona, are ulso am ong the heavyweights,

W hal, w ith the pruspwU of good finishes In a ll thrw<clsasus,a deciding ngh i krtwevn Owen Karli-y sm l Jerry Jlunictt, anotUcr BMetliig between Henry Martlnsoif end ••ruddy" H iarncy, end tw o battles roysl, tb e Moblcau A. C. have arranged a a(st-< lBMpirgrrStiihie.

Kotlowlng a re th e bill entrica i One-hundr«t-and-afl«’n-l*>uiid('lan—Fred­

erick H eani, Esse* A. C ; J . McSmbol, West End A. A.; Ham H andev illcsud T. Gilchrist, A shland A. C-; A. Hulllvan and W . Butler, N ational A. C,; Dick Connors and H ugh O'Neill, MoolUsh-AntcrIcaii A. Mike Mill- toy , Brighton A- C.; W illiam N ugm l, Itate A. c ., 1‘alecsou; Philip Cuagrove, Institute A.C. ; Will tarn Wniiley, Mohican A. C; Con Doimivuu, Eilward Huey and W. Sli'- U m sld ' Nonpareil A. t’.; Mike lawlnr, K. O't’oiinor, J. Norton, C, Young, R. Koss and MlksSberldan, Clipper A, C.; J . Mhagipat, J. I ta itli u id J. Sullivan, Meehan A-0-; Michael Jr Hartnett, Cable A. (1; William ML George, Frederick Coluu, John Mahon and Dan M at tery, Qrnnlte A C.: D. Keating, K. Irwin andD. Mull I van, Jackson A, C.

Une-bundied-and-twenty-flve-paand Class—W, W elib, Nonpareil A. C.; J . Roach, S ta r A.I. ’.; Duve O 'laa ry , llan o v sr A. C.; J , Barney, Orchard A. C.; El. LIstm an, J . McGrath andJ . G'ISrIcn, (.'Union A C.; II, W’clss, J. Bmith and W illiam Wllaon, Jackson A. C.; John W i x ^ John Young and J . Craig, Nullonal A. George Hchubert, Kplelmann A C.;I.. GassiT, CimrUa Peaker and Tim Git- rh rls t, Ashland A. John MItcbell and CharleaHhiinm er, Downtown A. C., N ew ark ; Jam es (Julnn, Billy Je in i, George Connors and Jam es Dec. Downtown A C„ New Y o rk ; I t M urphy, W ayne A C.; H arry B attenhall, Central A. C.; Peter Kearney, Essex A. C.

Oiie-hnndrHl-and-thlrlydlve-pouiid Claei— George (" (Im ck ” ) tvmnors, Thom as Casey. J u n e s llu g h ia and (kn rge Tlarm un, Down­tow n A. 0., New Y ork; John Runny, Down­town A C . N ew ark ; Mike Dempecy, Brook­lyn A. C ; 'it''. T. Hinllh and'W Itllem Goee, A shland A. C .# EMward Crowley, F. Hurm.v Slid M. Hughes, Jackson A- C.l Je r ry Hulllvan and Mike H arris, (Jiiitou A. C.g 0 . .Bowman and Dan Donovan, Nonpareil A 0.', John J. Ron an. Hiar A. c.', Joseph Dally, A storia A C-iUeorge Berger, Mohican A. c.

One Hundred-and-fnrty-flvO'poimd D a is—. J a k s P its, N ational A.<>; W illiam D. Lewis

and Dan O'Keefe, W est End A. 'A .; Gemgs Arlington. Bssex A. U; John Sm ith, Downtown A. C., Now Y o rk ! Mike Moss, Ikjwhtown 0., Newark ; Ik Kehoe, Ihilm ettn A C,; Frederick Rarth, Koulb Hide A. C.; Billy Dnvts and H ike Hughea, Clinton A C.; J im Sullivan, W illiam Davis and F. Crowell, Jackson A C.; Jam as Uocney and Fntrick M urphy, S ta r A. C.

A ustin Ulbhons, o f Paterson, yesterday signed th e articles of agreem ent fbr his flsUo encounter with S tan to n Abbott, of I-oudoii, lEngland, fo ra purse of £1110; Gibbons m ade tw o slight eliangee In tbe egreement, one fhang ing tb c tlg h tln g weight lim it from nine c toneslx to nine slone e igh t pounds. I f the Nniluimt Club will agree to Glhlions's propo- eltlon th e m atch can he considered mudo, as 1 1 )1- a rtid c s arc signed an d vrllneescd, and Richard K . Fox forwarded them to Euglaud yesterday.

Tli* to u m sm en to n the old stanottng grounds o f the Jersey City H elghls Gun Club, a t M arion, opened favorably yestm lay . t^ulte a num ber of m arksm en were present, among whom were M ajor K. Hcber Bricntnail, W'lll- Inm B, HrJmrt an d ( ’haries M. Hodden, of th is c ity ; N'cef Apgar, o f Plaliideld; Jam ea I . Htnlth, of H arkP its tow n ; W illiam Sigler, ofM ontcInlr; K. D. Miller, of Hprlngdeld, and F ran k ('lass, of Pine Brook.

AH th e event* of the day were a t blue rook targets, an d a brisk westerly wind blew them abuiil In very crm tlo ftisbion, m aking iiilsscs freqticMl. The w-orcs nuule w ere:

F irst shoot. Ten 'Dirgi't*—Brlentnalt, W. S m ith ,S ig ler and H obart, Id; Drake, >.

Second shoot, Ftfuvu Targyts—Col 11ns and Sigler, IS; Miller, M,

T hird Shoot, Ten Targets—Miller, Brient- nail, H obart, R rnntlngham and SIgter, 10; rolllnu, So|s!r and D rake, 0.

Fourth Hhool, Tw enty T u rg eli-H o b art,l» ; Apgar, Sigler and Miller, I*. ■

Fifth Shout. FHteen Targets—B ranitngbam and Hobart, 1&; Hrplntnall and Agigiir, H.

S ix th Shoot, Tell Targets—Coilins, ktkiar, B ran tingham ,W , S m ith , Jones, llarry, Blau- vcll, J r ., J, L, Sm ith, t^h llc . Miller a nd Hlf-

F l w t F l o o r , U p*tnJPH , F r o u t i n f

o u U r o ju l S t r e e t ,

Dr. Kimbell is now on his seventh month in his sixth snccessfhl visit to Newark dnring the past 25 years,

Toths Editor of Iha News: D earSI^-D r.E K Imbell ha* cured me of chronic catsrrh and thrisittroubles,aud i can highly recommend hi m lo all Who are troubled with like d lse ^ '. FRANK VAN IKlBKN. uphoUti'irr and dec­orator, KYi Uosovllle avenue, city, with Meath A Drake. ____

f r o m MRsToTw . COFFIN. _ NjtwAHk, Feb. 'A I**®-

To the Edim rof the Nkws: (inirSIC 'D r. L. Kimbell lias cured mo of llelili* ecwma, which hw liei'u Isrtherlng me very luurm for years. I I'sn highly riw,mmeua him lo all who a n troubted with this terrible dlscvwe.

MIW.G. W.t'OKFIN, in North Fourth street

Newark, N. J-I>r. KlmhcH ean refer to roc In regard to

curingcttUirrhal sore throat.. I am eumd In seven treatm euta JOHN MCCARTHY.

Hi Bruen street, city.

Prom £ . Frank Buutllller, bora and raised In Newark.

To the Fklltor of the News; fiear * lr - I tave hev-n cured of nasal and hruiiehlal catarrh byDr. L. Kimbell In H treatment*._____

il. FRANK BUliTILI.IEH.W Uecker itrset, city.

To th# Editor of tbs NKW*r Dear Sir—I have luflbred from sore imse, sore curs and acne and pimples on iny ftHW and have been cured by the use of Dr. Klmbell's E x te t^ l Remedies, which Icbves no stain on tbe skin.


TotheKrtluir of the Nkws; Dear Sir—Dr, L. Kimbell has surccsshill.r removed Ova mohw from my lace. M Its. K. PETERS,

47i t.'entrul uveime, city.To th# Editor of thtN ew s; Dear S lr - I luf-

freed nine years wlthwire eyes, nai«l catarrta, and hud a deep ulceratvd old sore on one of my legs. Dr. L. KlmlJcll has cured me.


TotbeEdltaroftbsN kW S; Dear sir-A fte r auffrring three j'cari from nasal and bron­chial c ^ r r b In Its worst fenn, 1 have been thoroughly cured by Dr. L. Kimbell in thirty, one troatiueuth

MISS MINNIE KEM.MER,W Menwr street, city.

To the Kdltorof iheNnvr*; D carS lr-m , I„ Kimbell has cured Umalls In m ytbroat that were as large as an Elngllsb waihui,

YnuTs very truly,JOHN W. TOMPKINS, elty.

Dr. I* Kimbell can lefrr to m* aM bt imy evMsfully feuiovlng wens from the head.

RICH ARM TOATS,M Jefferson street, Orange, N. J.

FROM AN e m in e n t LAWYER OF . NEWARK.

I can recommend Dr. L. Kimbell for the core of all feet diseases.


I tam Indebted faeyong computatloti to Dr. K im bell for removing the cause o f offentlve

t h ................ ....

f I u V a >,

S- -I-* S.c-.CJ


& tliSO.FROM 9 K ’LL SELL I i i

f i 8 - i n e h

Cm l i i DiasY,All pure ll^ ru , excellent value .........

it-lnch, gisid for sun and rain, IsW. isii^ mtou fnim c, fiiiicy crook, long ineliil handli's. Kcguhir priiv IIJW, a l ............

A Dollar or Two Less on the Price of


ALSO FOR SHALL HEN. -I Newest of popu lar gsttlerns, finest w orkm anship , #qual lo any

tUkMl ValuaIn Newark.


SH O R T PAH TS s u n s ,Twixpleoe, well made, la test spring cBbrts,H e g . W o r t h .‘ 8 . 5 0 .



AT 39c. PAIR.For new patterns, slsc* 4 to H, value SOc. well m ade an d good m aterial.

AT 68c. PAIR.For all wool pantUg wlif) patent walftU ImnO, fliifMlH'i) hcuthk. rIxfm A t o l l , i-druu Hiiy Karini'tu ipiiiji(jr In N ewark for fl.lX

ABIC DRIVE ON REEFERSFor b tiy io f from 3fij to n y e a r to f Rfe. N om ore d rtirab le trnrtwcht Iti obtainable. M> have Hh euuriiiiuuiMiiisoHtnfiPty Aiul to place tlie ir KUiiny good pO'ltiiM l>efi>re o u r iHitronig b a te laid ou r en tire ituck In to »


SATURDAYBlack CAulot Ratfar Jackals,Shawl colUr, horn buttons, value|S.T>,

S aturday , _

$2.73All-ioot Tan Raafar Jackals,Lap iwama, flap pnekeft. pearl buttoiUi

regular prU'o 16.60. natiirdayg

$4.39Diagonal Tan Raafars,In two dJfl>Tt*nl ehtnl*^ no trhen lla rt

pearl bull(aan,Talue 97.00, Haturday,

$5.98Black Fine Clay Diafona! Raafars,J » ‘ket#i, mix rowii of fd teh ltig nn eutTg

regular prlee 98.W. I^lurd iiy ,

$6.93Ladles' A lt'foot Cloth Capas,* ' ok ft

ft> 'i

$5.49Hisses' Tan fo o l Reefer Jackets,Three flap poeketsi. notch roUar. 13 to

10 yearig value AAOO. ^Unurday.

4U iiaebPN long, embp>Ulered boa^k ntid cullur, regular to.W. Saturday,



$ 1 .7 8 .Worth •«.«>.

LO TS A TNo. 2,

$ 8 .8 3 .Worth W.OO.


$ 3 .6 3 .'Wurth S4.DO.


$ 4 .1 8 ,W urtii • .i .o a .

The above npportuiully il a grantl one for making the moneyvoaTlaag between the prlcei we quote and tbe aelual worth m each garment.


Hisses' All'Voot Tan Reefers,Four to 12 ycurs, sulia-a collar and

brass buttons, reguaf Itjkl. Hatur- dsy,$2.29

Ladies' Cardinal Silk Snrali Waists,Flailed back. Jabot front, value I&.4II.


ISLOffPMCEANOK?It Is, if Qci] Giis l i It

W o ’I l G i v o Y o u H o t l iW e ’l l ( l i v e y< n iFuiiry Hlrl|ieil PuruHul* and ('linngc-

nble Ibulii I'srasols, riouk IihikIIc* and silk (nsis'l, In ull fuslilumihle #J AQ shades, worth $1.7.1, for.......................

W e ’ll ( l i v e Y o u

98c.Batlu I*araiols, niilurni huinllcs, very

stylish, ccrti, rardliml, htoini, iv)yul bl'tie, etc., worthll.'Jk...........................

W e ’l l « l v e Y e l lFine Satin Parasols, wllh di-ep black

lu<-e tluuneo and ribbon Isiwy, nslurul handle* and paragon irunie, ull e# QA colors; sold elsewhere for Fi.............. gpUrOg

Ladles' Mhirt of flue fancy strl licit eregiou abitli, pJslted fi\mt ond bock, high full sliicve».ull color*, value TJe. Wpmdal prlee......................



( I t


IjAdl4*K' lIN'.sKttncy Hr«|Jo|A»H| luul hmiv lurgA’ nnw»rtiiu*iit of jh’W

MyUi, ttt...............................................Hllk. iJauxe KnibroUlrrt'il^ In all IIh*

iMftdlug ('4)torH, wiArlli ;l6c., fit..............

Lftdlofi’ InUlolK, nil tlnm, lurjp‘ IHlerrvKUleir3.>.......... ..................................

Mrn’i Wlillu Haiidkcrrhli*I>, <>xtna huavy Hud flni% full Kicf:*, value iii‘. kjavb, at 6 for...... ...................................

LADIRS' RECKWEAKHllk RpTfiT Hmrfr, every new aliade,

Ittf^ trlmiiH'd, valm^ aTm.............

Alik (’hlffon riaetfuipt, wllh Inri'Irfan- iiihvg and liK'tM'ullur, all tha value 50c.......................................... .....

HEW VEILIIIGS.The newest and lies! only. Giir line of

plain and fancy Tuxedo Velllnjfls very large. Lace Bordered \ elli from........................................................




I what an elegant UoyV I Hult we eitn wl! you In

■Ingleor double breaeted for your boyM, ( rom 4 lu id, iiiude of dark or light L'hevfal, a t...... ........ .......

whetlaer you can find a tietpTaiuiurtiuejil luKlU HuitHfor the Utile open u4Wi»ttrc»bowln^. Our pricea n rean low i»h.........




whul bmjBebM^fdcnscttti >H'II you nn AILwihH Blitiiiacor Brown i 'heviitt IlH'feryWith gftt hiiUntiM, fur 1h)}’h It to S yt^um, a t ...

what fitber h(HO«e can eell you Hn All-Wnoi Bliu* Tricot Cloth Hult, l«uaniiiU*c(L fwu cnU»r mid HlHiohiPdy all wool, for boyH, •! tu H, a t.........

If tJicre In a Clnlhfng or i by fhNMlK I IrfiiM' In IhlM <‘Uy lliAAi cniu Khow you iiM tmiiiy HtyfcK InlliouM* Hulle UN wc can. (fur prlw^ are ftinii..............






Tlie areiUest valuen ever nffrrrd on fiale TO*IIROW. 'MO All new goods In new colons.




nenplratton beneath the arms and ut the fret. MlHHJKNNIKL.UUliNKll,elty.


DB. L. KIMBELL cured my fret In one trealinent of irouhlesome corns Jll years ago. Dr. Kimbell Is ii sdenUflc mau olid knows more about curing feet troubles than all tbe ehlrnpisIlBts In America. 1 paid lilmtIOfur removing G corns and It was money well In­vested. WILLIAM B, GUILD,

, Of Gut Id A Luui, latwyers,





THE DAILY FREIE ZKITUNU.I recommend lir. L. Kimbell for curing In-

growlug nulls, bunions, corns, removl nguolc* Ind wart* of the face. J OHN L. KUHEH.

D r . K lH tb F l l ’ii n e w s t e a m A t o m - l e e r w orkM w G m ie r s In t h e c u r e

N o fiu l a n i l B r o n c h i a l C a t a r r h . T r y I t .

I l l s C h a r t r e s a r e m o d e r a t e f o r n i l c u r e s . l> r . K i m b e l l h a s p r a c ­t i c e d I l ls s p e c i a l t y i n N e w Y o r k C i ty s i n c e 18511, n n d l in s ]»nic- t i c e d I n t h i s c l |y u t t i i l e r v a l s s i n c e 1 8 0 0 .

$ l . » 8 vWorth a t .a s .

$ 8 . 1 6 .tvorth as.TS.

$ 8 .3 0 ,M Orth as.OK.

$8.60,WurtU •S.4H,


Little Children'* Coats, tun, csihmare, guimp und ribbon trimmed, salivn lined, fancy plaids, same style trim, SS-IS, worth fh®. (, worth

Fancy Gingham Onamp Dresae*,*slf trimmed, new design, only site.Gingham Hi;h<«1 Dresaes, handsome plaids, white pique greichen w atit end cuflk, braid

trimmed, etc., t lo U years, worth fl.To and *2J», S l.09 and SI.19.

C h i l d r e n ’s F a n c y P l a i d S c h o o l U r e s s e s ,8 - y e a r , 1 0 - y e n r , l ‘J - y e a r , t 4 . y e a r ,

$3.10. $3.60, $3.00, $4.80.Misses’ Reefer Jackets of navy, melton. double-brca.v1ed, roll collar, full length and per-

feet su ing , H, IS ond li) years, Ihir big value td.llOJai-krt,


Children's Reefers, extra special, Russian blouse back, double breasted, with ten glR bus tons, roll collar, etc,, made from navy ebevlot wule, n-g. price tS.(fi.

F o r To-morrow O nly at S3.75*Minuet* Nowiunrketa, flne bniadeloath, mlUtary cap«, roll notch collar, ftelT-fafflngt and

our I1U.00 Ifioder in uavy, iigUt or inedluiu lau.

Special To-morrow Si7.45.Onr line of Children's WM);e Dresses is composed of the

newest and most ezclnsive styles, and are positively not to be fonnd elsewhere. Perfect Fitting and Low Prices— their best points.

O f Mens and Boys’ Spring Clothing!B E G I N S T O - M O R K O W ( 8 A T K B O A Y ) M O R N I N G , A T

128 Mulberry Street, cor. of Market Street, Newark, N. J.B I G G E S T C I jO T M IN G F A I L t J B E O N R E C O R D . O V E R # 3 5 0 , 0 0 0 W O R T H O F E L E G A N T S P R I N G C L O T H IN G F R O M T H E L A T E F I R M O F B R O O K S , W A B B E N & Y O U N G , O P B R O A D W A Y , N E W Y O R K , H A H B P IE N SP^N T H E R E T O B E S O L D A T O N C E , B Y O R D E R O P T H E C R E D I T O R S . T h is e n t tw irtock, com plete a n d iw w ly-m tule S p rin g C lo th in g , eonglatlng o f th e F IN F iS T S U IT S , T O P C O A T S a n d T R O U S E R S ever plactvi on dale an y w h ere ia A m erica , 1* to be Im m ed ia te ly eacrlfloed regard lem o f « j« t o r v a lu e , a n d w ill a l l be sold p t re ta il, w ith o u t a n y reserve, a t

Thirty-three (33) Cents on the Dollar T

|pf,Hcvi’iiih ftlioot, Fifteen TargeU-^Mlller, 16 f

BrpI ut nail. Oil! lUNg H obart, Urunt I iiglutui and Hlglor, It,

Klghtli l> n TargPtA—Hobart^ LUidsIcy, J . Hlauvelt,and Fox# B; Apunr^ Hofier lutd Furry# H;

CaptiUn Jnuoa, Juukuon and n a a i ,7 ; CullinN. Munuiiig iiiHl ItigguU, 6. ThuiY wuro twoulfieruvcniH In which liofwirt Linda#

.loy lii^l In one 1h8UinL>e uud Al>giirand Miller la ancitber,

A |>ria<* uf Vj VIM oHi'n'O by tbu mauago- mi-nl to ibP hcavleKt num and $>io the light­est niRn, eiirb to shiNit in all the above ovi>nU to quHlIfy, Jo h n Ulggott, of Uockawu.Vt jffoved to In' tJiP hciiviuHt m an, ami BUiuvelL Jr., o fF berry JlUl, N. J., tlio llghUNit.

I t wtu* nil o tld a y for bam tmil menyiNitere day, tliere bslng no lAtognegaiuee,

The Jtmlor and arn lor ubampioiiRhlpA of the Jn' kIIohuI Fnioa-oouiitry AiwociHllon will be decided a t i lo r r la I*RikHiHnorn>w aftermNiii, the Junior riu’e to be oaUed atlko\diK!k. The JURiiif dlMtaune will be 5ve mlU« and tbe ■eivtor oigbl mlkjfl, The fnlliiwlng Is the team o f the Klvoraldo Athletlu Chib : E. W. r ia r - ■on, A, D.Tom^ikius, F . H. Harriatm, Thomoji J iunw . n , lUuRieii, V. Hu*m, II. W. Parker, II. M’Hiklelmfrer. W. J . L ln lb tn , U. .1, KiK-her, H . T. Bolton, )•'. A. Cadti, A. ij. Cratery J , K. Kvhm , W. M orton, J . K. Clarksod.

A aprlng bowling tonnm m eiit ban been arranged by the Roiw^TlIie A. A., Which will lie a iUt Ing cloae to a Kenson of unusual oc tlf• tty . The p r l ^ to be given are valued a t 6360. Tbuy Will liegW etito the team s ami Ind lvh l iiitis iiniJking the li)ghi‘8tvcoros. The toorno- lu en t tiegtiis UBxt Monday and IftMla<im wi’ek. The (IrNl flve-man team ij r iu U valued a t $10 and I’oiiHlfltMor ou uak canp.w'Ub five rL^ulatloi: ballo. TUe oilier Utuo prii&e is k silve^|ll«ted i(.w tillHier, vafiii-d a t fJO, which w'llt be • warded u> l ha team m aking the seoi^ud high •St »«wre. 'J'lie Individual* ncores arv to be Diode in th e hendd^ln gatm*. Tlie fltwt !■ a diam ond pin, valued ntirsi; theM*cutid, a 125 k in p i tbe th ird , a d«coruU*d toilet aet; the fo u r th ,a net. of JMekuiiH's wnrka; the flfib, a >farknito«li coat; the Hlxili, a Milk umbrella Uiu tovunth, i\ pair of russet sboeN; the eighth, 3 box of iinjHirU'd clgkFK, aud tlie ninth, a ton o f cfxil. TImi first goes to the Imwler

. m aking tlie five b igbe it iicorei during the , wi«4'k and Uie wHsmrt to the next bighosl, and

liitbiH order unU lull have been dlkpumai of. T h r UuMVllio As AwVlU uutcom|>ete fur tbe

. prlww.Tbe annual meeting of the Elvemide A. r . , .

' Will be held nex t M onday night a t the club- Tlie Hamn oflleani who a t vre«ent

the uffuirN uf lUe club Will proliably be" gwdtoated w ith ibu exception of tbo (WptsUu.

ffe, it ffl Hold, will bo sui'oeeded by W llilam l 'Tf LIninan,

' i ' TheltiM erllle Im risidet will open the Ikioe ^oball senum Dll the finscvtlln gruundi. Fifth . ferimiic ttiid N orth 'I'wciflh sicect, to-mofrow .|M]|rtAl’, M. 'n icnutm shig Icsm will be Uie

T. Ihwc Hull I Mub. Th*l«tlertfl* will be frit B mscI bikI X. llotlilUs fur the Roseville Iran-

.Bud ulmKwy u n d lM Iro g su for the O.


Dr.KImbclt solicit* the worst coses of every­th ing mciiUoiKsI, luvluiling INGROWING NAIIM, ITI'IIIN G E('/,EMA, O LIK 'H ltO SIU M Glim; .ICNE. I’lMFU-M AND ULAt'K- HE.VDH OF THE F.Al^E.

L. Ss PLAUT &707 to 721 B R O A D S T R E R T .

» «________________

A remedy furnlslu'd by Dr. Kimbell that will cure exoc—lvc porsitlrullnn,-tiildcd ami blistered feet »ud the worst cAsesid' bud odor of the fis't and arinpllN. Try lu

(Dr. L. Kimbell It recomtncjidcd by eminent liysk'lnns. Drs. Wltltain u'Goriiisu and F. L Manilevtn#always revommcmled Dr. Klin-

liell for I he cure of a ll dl-cusis of Hie poor feet, aud -coi'eg of aH er physicians (n New­ark too uuiiierotis to mentiou ami thousands of ladhs and gemlcmen In Newark ivs orn- nieud Dr. KluiGe.ll for the cure of feet trouble.

Dr. Ktrabcll's " Remedy'' will enre alt ronia and excreseenew of the feet without eiiUlnr The same " Remedy ” drives away ull war! from the bunds and Itngcrs and no trace tu be seen where the wart once grew. The prh>e of this vuluable (Itcmedyl Is L .tia u d Ida bulDe.TRY IX, ■ ____

DR. KIMBlCLL'B great "EXTERNAL REMEDY " foracuc,pimple*and bluekheada of the face never hills lo eure the worst ease*.TThe Jprire of this never-falling remedy Istd,^ K, IT and tlO a battle. It has cured tbuu- sauds. Try lU

N. a -U T T E R R 'TO IWt ANHWEKEDm u s t c o n t a in a TWO-UENT HTAMF.

The beat time for ladles to eall Is afternoon*, gentlemea forenoon and evenings.

A "VAI.UABLF. c a t a r r h REMEDY,” forntshed by DR. KIMBELL, for i—iple liv­ing out uf the city, thst Will euro Nasal t'aturrh, IfeoneUlal Calarrh and Nire Throdt.Kvery onu ran use IL Dll. ICIMHELIi FUR- N w rih * A HALF GAlJajN OF HIH "CATARRH IIEMK,DY," tV l'm A MAGIC Al'OM IXER, for gib; and a quart and an ■ A tom lierfortS—wttb full dlirsdiuus now to use II, to people who will wmie to tbe ollloe only. It cures hiird oases. TRY IT.IITIIEIHE ARE CAHE« OK CATAARH THAT ARK INCURABLKi Where the hone* of the head and nose have not become ufr erased, or rotten, DR. KIMBELL enii xuaraii- rolleUia Abaol lee a cure. Dr. K. tssncwssfully Irvatlug from go to *0 patIcuU every day.

Dr. KIMBF.LL'a treatments are without a purtlcle of pull), and It only takes live or s li minutes lo trout each patlenL


DR.* KIMUKT.LgIvf* aeven treatment* for KoMii or Sronchlat ('atarrh* or Uatarrhai Hur«Throat fur IIO, and cumi sonm* during tbuM ■eveu treoltuLMiUiv A tingle trratnu’ntflsilO*



NKWAH,K N .J,AMZI DOD». . . . . EreMdent. Asaets (Market Value) Jan. 1, lMS.44S,9l»,J7g 09 Llabilltlea, N. Y. and Mam. Btan-

dard.,............. ..........................(10Burplus............................................ 8A«,7«IHMurpiu* by funner N, Y. Standard

{Am- Ex. t k per cent. Heaervel 0,180,000 00 lleUta Abaolutaly Nnn-lbrfsItaliU A ltar

tecond T asr.lit CAOB or lofpHK. the Policy Is cottrueoxp

—A ND'.. .

DISPLAY IIt’s one of the privileges

of very young men to wear clothes a little more dressy and a little smarter than would be quite appropriate tbr middle-aged gentle­men. Among Our Spring Suits for young men will be found at from $10 to $15 Just about the correct things, made by us espe­cially to meet the demands of youth.

c*.hi* M n r of doifneti innw-

------ pOU, 8 * n r

IK KOBfk as long a* Its value w111 pay for; or If preferred, * l*Sld-up Policy for Its full value U issued III exchaiigo.

Alter the second year Pollcte* are iKcoiwTKSTADLK, except aaagni net Intriitlunal fraud; arul oJI rrrtrtrfloiu us lo rethlrtiw, (raesl or oo- nipttlUm art remowL

Caaii L oam are made to the extent of l» per cent, of the reaerve value, where valid as- elgntueoU of the I’oUolw con be niadb as ogP l a t ^ security.

Loaacs paid Immedlatsly upon completlou aud approval of proofr.

A REMEDY FIIUNWIIRD that will ouro Enlargeil Tunslli of the Throat. EVEIFY ONE CAN UWK IT.,

O fH c e I l o i i r a —W fittk D a y i t , 9 A . M . t o 0 P . M . 8 i in d a y » , 1 0 A . M . t o 8 P . M . M o n e fty * . ’t l m n i - tlayH H n il K a t i i r d a y i |I tll 9 P . M . I C io n i iU U U o a n n d ^ m l iw t l o p


O rie n ta l R ags, E m b ro id e rie s an d D raperies, R a re G em s, A rtis tic Pot*

of tli ukJa

.L i t l ..807,800, 811 and 813 BROAD ST.

a Few of the Manf Bargains.kten'r Tmood Coot, ^ring Suito................... $ 4 . 3 5 worth S it SOMtn'o Silk Soil Spring Onreoatt................... 5 , 7 5 warf* 14-00klon'n Cutaway vkgpoal D rtti Suitn........... 8 . 5 0 wortA ITSOklen o Scotch Ckorlot Sack Suit*................... l i .S f i worth' 13.S0Clogant Silk-linod Sri/ieo 4/otrf*....................1 0 .7 5 worth 28.00fmportod Fancy WontodtuHt.,,........ .. 0 . 5 0 wo/TA Sp.MOouilo-irtattod Choriot Suitt........................ 8 . 0 0 worth fSSOStttin~linod ^ring Top Coat*......................... 7 . 5 0 worth 20.00Mon't Silk i f u t / Frock Suita........................ 0 .7 5 worth tS.SOFinoat Widt Sfah D rm Suitt........................ 8 . 5 0 worth 22.00Indigo Oyo iluo Clofh Suita............ .............. 7 . 3 5 woef* tS.OO

■kfon'a ill-wool Caaiimara Fania................ . . . . A l . 4 8 worth $3.TtMon’a Fancy Stripo Wontod Panta.,,........... . 2 .55vi»«rtA 6.00

3 . 7 5 worth S.OO

notMm'a Finoit Silk Stripa Panta........ .Soya' Silk SfiMad Caaaimara Panta...........Soya’ Imp. Cng, Diagonal Suita................Soya' Oanuina CMiot Suita....,..............Moya' Franch Tricot Droaa Suita...............S M y Suita for Young Mon......................Styliah foutha’ Spring Orartoata....,...,.Mon'a “ Sawthorno " Choriot Suita...... ...Man'a 0. i:S , Flannal Suita........ ...........

4 . 0 8 leorM 10.00 .’1 ,5 0 worffl 7.00 5 . 0 0 worth 12.00 0 , 5 0 worth 10.005 . 7 5 worth 14.008 . 7 5 worth23.00 0 . 3 5 worth 18.00

And Thousands of Other WonderM Bargains, Not Here Mentioned, all Selling a t One-third Their Actual Value.

M ■ j r P * U SF" t 27im i* a itr ic tly (fr.miine Rankrupt Rale, the Goods arn the M nesf andO t m m j * b M n r n • S M If* America, and thru are noUl a t ** Bankrupt Priors," JTfiar it»Mi tm i f f Km I f f i J Mm f l w mind, this tflrm hm faU rd, nnd d id not pnu One ntnfflr rent fo r t f iU

t ir r Rtirck. and that’s why « ha* brrn sent here in he to ld jo r whatever m w ilt b rim . Price* are O ne -m rd the Prteescharffesi cltcwhcre/or poorer goods than these. IM iH Miss this ^ e . R wont fast Iona Rwruthintt MU ao m rpri»lngl!i/aot. You rah i'ome. a hundred mVrs and you 'll be amp ym >a,d.Rain or Rhine. N e ^ m in d thesveaf^r. This is withoul dauht fhe arm tesl ' o F i ^ &QthwgJor a Rangthat has ever been offered to the people, o f Mets Jerse// and surroundings. Rou t O a if . pame a i Onre. fa m e in and Look You need iw t bug. I t costs nothing to eramim the stork. I ’ohte Ratenmen wUt show gou arouwl. K ^ r t n g ones wiU take the hint. M a g not a moment i f gou mlue gour moneg. amie as soon as gou oan. ffnme Vall. Remember thai Kvergthing in sold at M c e s named and cxaaktg as advertised Lewi, a iid e ^ /v / M d (» f^ ir tf i nnU fA and Warranted as re^sen ted . or gour montu w ill be eheeiffuHg rr.turned. M A h A NO M L S lA h h . L U U h % R L A R G r R E X o W ISB M lfu iK B R Y A 7 * A % . A Rede o f surh e ^ o M in a r i , m y tg n l l^has never faJfeen place In this entire cotfntrg before, a n d wiU not happen again. A ohanre togetsuoh R arga im for a im t tnone^ oeours but once in a Iffelime.

Genuine Bankrupt Sale of SPBIH6 C LO TH IH G !128-130 MOlbepry Street,Look for Lafgo Red Signi. Car Fan Allowed

to all IMng out of town. Open EseningM untn 8:30. Saturday night until 11:30. Don't miss it. Come at once and come early.

Cor. Marht St.. One Hack Botow Brow! Sh,NEWARK, N. J.

I T Y O U $FA1UT €MI04> €HaO T II1» , and eare to imitc your havd- earned Botlaro beside*, then DOJr*T W lSS T H I S C H A N U IL


_ ISUlyMuffemra-KO BREAK­ING IN. Flne«oflUudre*ied kid

Fit like aHF.AMLIW shoe*, glove. nUTTONK, U.OOi HPRINU k: Ki


.'ally appreoLated by martyr* with Bumons.^rbior Invtuld

_ _ Koet AT BIGHT.F .H. FE8HIWK»*ff6 Bfuad 8t,, Newark, W,d*

“ T h e r e I* N o t t i l n * M i t e I s M t l i e r , ”But DOST

Pay too mnch for It.



3Q .Q Q 0.


IPII AIX rVBPSBM.Try u , aud sae tf w* don’t pIohM

and save you moOMr.

. $10 CASEDo not delay, ram# any day. On Runday,

Hparial Exlilblllon Dar, the great Bnlldlng Lot iMie, a to o , axoa, t w o .

T « m u $ 1 0 O aR b . $B a ln u c e $ 1 . 0 0 a W e e k .





HARRISON t EOAET*a will dad u n r *ia» a fkll lls* >r


ra U am iaa* my a t a e b u d egfH laaS i

80 Cl

•St f?X« l',?T-fl’.‘’»'''.-

X ’i ji r'j-

fc ,C J i t , V ^ . j-,1"* « *s -■4<i,«»V riS*- -* 'i'^;

« j '^4

'sjai-i^ater.'^' i'‘iS *

A '

tKUMBER 2,672. NEWARK, N. J., FIUDAA', A1»JUL 1892.-'I EN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS^’'1' ■ ' # 1

Third Edition.

k Woman KturderoDsly A m a l t e d on tba/Street a t Bed Bank.


g tr ic iu K o r A T o i iK o w i r r .

U . 4 . F a m ill, ■ D o m c .tlr , F o u n d Onconaolomi a n d W ith H e r Hktill C tn .h e d 111 uu tlio Povpinonl lu F ro n t o f n Rrnt-. doncri on B rU I|o A¥ena«»!No Clno to Uio A M »tU nl W liu, U U T)HHi«lit, ^ tlM iirod • W H int WM la tiM FM W M ion o f 1 1 1 * F n ro rtu n n te W om an—S ligh t H o p e , for

: l lo r B vooverr—T b ra e A r r a i t . on Nua- plolon.

U n * SnhoH ina la ic k . H o r u l f la a B oom a .i l T hen liiid i H o . li l t .-

El.lg**KTU. A pril SB.—Mr*. OuMlIne Un. bneijua, only ilaugh trr o f Judge n a y to n , of Chokter, Fi'iiu., om itn ltted »iikli)o |n-« tenliij BRrraoon o th e r rN ldeure, 6W Ilfoad i t root, (hi* city , b y rru d ln g a liullot th rough her h ra ta w lth a re ro lver. She was Hio w lfro f F rank U Uuhu«)Hr, a yoiiug naT*l nrehlli'Ot front Wnuhliigtoii, who, for a while, wa» •uperliitenileot of the drafting departm en t a t the ahipyard of M, U Moore A Hon* tXnnpftny hera, U« reilfuiid ahonl a year ago, an d to now w ith the Pehniylvantii Hallroad A im .

T A K I N G O U T T H E D E A D .

pHii]rH«ftD»rfUltMlln lUJ«rMy CUirnfflot.He *• - ....................“

Hpcrlal DtNpKtchito the N kwa.Ilt:D llAKK, A|vrU A nmrdPF at-

hf rohV’t uiict the ruime \n biif-fRng the poUr«. The vlrl Im Is Kairf*!!, »n \iumurrlnil triRh woman who Uak In this cwintry nhout flfl(*rn ymnt. Hhr i« about iwrnty-^lglityptiniatd. For about four ycuni Mho haM boon otnployfKl un a domintlc by M lllu r'l K. PornwoUf of ISroAd atroot^who cn-

Jtd. bor at Mount Vornan.Mm. (k»rnweU haa been aw ay from home

tum oToralwooka for h e rh e a tlh . ItuririK thin period IjM ie hen been afvemling her eveningii a t John MeKell'ai tn Went Hed B ank. She le ft Mr. OomwpU'i an unnal la«t u lgh t to go to th e home of the MeNeilM, fthe wnHoeoonipa* Hied as far as Itogera A W allln i'n rarrhm n Cuetory, on Maple avenue, by Mury wh6 works for the fninlly o f diiitien t'<K)|K'r, J r . This was a little a fter tM>Vlc»ck.

The wouu'U sepanded a t therorm *r orM aple l^ 'pnue and. M onmouth LlRxloat iHirl-ihg Mkld, Mary, I ’m afm ld1tigoliom eu)i»nc; th^^eoaTesomnnytrampMarYiuiid.'* Mary rc phed lauKhlngly, “ Uh, I f u e u th e y won’t dlH- Iwrb you,"

A t quarte r pa*t ft o 'e lo rk th e blecHlIng mid uncouHOloui body of L lrsle Furndl wuh found b y WtlUam P. In fto n t o f bU houni' on Rjridfe aTenue. Fh.vMiclans wero sen t Cur nml th e y o u u w om an WHH oonreyed to A bram t>ecker’s house on the Kaiue street. Uy her aide they found an Irtizi awlU'b rod abou t eighteen Inehes long a n d one and a quarter Inches tb iek , w ith whlrJi th e m urderm ia blows • r e thought to have been Intllcted. T his was tak en tTUsaciiuilon o tb y thepoUee.

The gtrl's howl wan cnw hoil In . There wem tw o deep gasbea and Iter b ra in was expuaed. ^)ne blow Imd been struok in the buck of th»* h ead and th e o ther o n th e righ t side* H er blaek curly h a irw a s s a tu ra h ^ w ith blood. The w om aadld no t regain eoiiMelousneiia. am i Ih ti inojrhlhf <‘a rly she was taken to the Ixmg B ranch U osp ita t The physlciaos do nut th in k she wiil live.

Cyreneus Bennett, w ho Ryea near Frey*s, •ay s he beard a wonutfi sen^niu about the tim e the ussau it waa eommlibHl, an d looking out of his w indow anw a man ru n down !iie street to w ard th e rultroml.

It WAS dlscoveri'd th is morDing th a t Ihe m dbrtuisate wepmii b ad !tk) w nippi‘d up in a paper which was tuck'Ml lu her b<ir*om. The ptayslclsns found the paper, b u t th e money was m halng, and iv is now th o u g h t the m1>> bery was the n toU vofbr the ohmauU, 1'here was nothing to lo 'B cale th a t any a ttem p t hud been m ade t o o a a ^ e th e girl.

Aiukl* W inkle, a seboobteflcherOB Uaklaod itgvet, was s im e k from U-hlml sevenU nights ago n ear h e r Uunic aud quite eerioosty h ’jy t. The ruffian was never dia* coT crsd. *

Tb# polioe b a te a r rn te d th ree m en to><lny on su iplekm t ^ t they ware the asNuUanU of I j in ie rf.rrcll. The ^ I c e refuse lo glv© any Inforrnr.tlon regard ing thoae men, and tlie ir naaaaa a re not yet khown.

uboqt thirty-five years old and bis wife was about iwemy-nine. They havshcen m a^ rlcd th p 'i 'y m n and eauieto this city from ChOHler. They were popular and movt?<llii go4Kl ws-lHy. They have two boys, one aged two years, the nther sU monitia

Mra. Dubreupw hail been d tp n w d In spir­its, but ywlcrtluy morning was uuusmilly cluvrful whrn she bode grjtHl-bye to her bus- bund beft»re he flrart<^ for Jersey City. The ■ervuiits did not nuth'e anything strange in her actions. 8he retired to hvr room up stalra In the BfUTnoon, taking her two clilldn^u along. Ktsm after the rc|)orl of a pistol rang thriHigU the house and the wrviinU ruslm ltoM n.Duboaque's door, which ll« y found locked* They looked Ut tfes wlnitoW and saw their young misUMi lythg o uUm fl<Mir, while tbe chlldrBB were In the bed.

O ncoftheservaatarraw ledln through the window and fotind a bullet hole In U n . IxHiquc'H (brehead, and bcatde her lay a r ^ Tolvcr with one ehintuber diteharged«

Hbe was ctiU alive, but uneooahMis, and ex­pired Is-fore a phytkiau arrived. In her room was found a letter addrrsitcd to her husband. Its coutt'nts could TJOt be learned.

It IS said that some years before her m ar­riage Mn. DtilHWque sustalncil a severe inlmry to her lw«d by a fall, and that a t Uiiies she bad been nUbfw flighty. f*he and lier buabaudhavealw aya,itofera«kuow n. l»d a happy lllb, ami In’ was Mtuniied when the sad news was lintmiiod to him at Uy,e statloii by a friend* on Ids arrival home last evenlug. He threw bit arms wildly in the air, and ex- clnlinlng, “ My God 1" Ibll backward Into lila frie tu rsa rm s.


Two Men tVho H<kl(l oq ftiiiiday F in e d mid Sent to tfall.

J frsf.v City , A pril 29.—Judge L lppliiro tt, of the IJmIsoii ( ^ m i y Court of Common Pleas, yiwh*nluy sentenced tw o saloon-keep- e r s to lh e |K’nlteuUary for thre<* m on ths and fliwHl theiug^Xieorb for solltug liquor ouB uu- ilay. Tho uieu were .Tohn M cK w u an d TlK>imiN Fnrey. In puwlng wntcni'c, Judge M ppiucott said In p o r t:

ThctralTle In In toxicating liquor In everyclvUlw<l country Is under som e d«'grE‘« of ro- Hlrlctlon, The miHOU ni th is tim e Is loo welluiuhTsfoTKl tn herd uny stA tfineiit of it* Ituln and deninrailsatlon, both Individually m id colicctivuly, iw a couim nuliy follow the unrcstrleted tPttfflo In ru iu ; Crimea ofeverv iiatun^ a rc (he reaplt principally of th is trullic. j r t h e n 'I h uiiy tru th u l all In w hatihOJM* aw'UsL’d of cfipie tiere swy. fmir-tlflhs of (hem ar»‘ hero ts'caiise of the uh« o r m isuse of |np>xlcaUuK tiquom. The 8 la lc lu its Icglsla- j live |Milicy hiiaulwaya rcMlrlcfcd th is tn if lio . ' i t has fruin the ilrHt daya tti Its exlntenoa for­bidden ttie trullU' on Hundny.

No IvCKlsliktun’ bus <htnil t4» rr |»e«l th is lat- t»T enactm ent, or even m odify it. Thi- sla tu ie law 'of tills Htnlc Is hablum tly and detlan tly violated In tb ls » m uty . Tlwre nre hero orgaulr.utlons, one of (he m ain imrpuMw of wblch is to protect tbosr w'ho huhitnally und deilantly violate the law und to shield them from punlabnicnt for such violations. The t'o u ti, HO far as I am coiirrm ed, be­lieve these vluimioua of tlw law slnaild be severely puiiish<‘d . The Court lias the righ t hi ask. to dem and, th a t ttic oinicers sworn to execute the lawm shall do the ir ilu ly In tilts nuittcr. T hat the PnwtMMiIor of th« Pieiis with all tbc itower of the Ktntcl>eh1iM iilm. shiill lak e such sh'ps In th is county ua shall end iUoticiMhis uiiiawftil and deinoml- IriUig trurhe <iu i^imday ; and In ih is paTfortii- nufs 'o f duly th is ( 'ou rt has the righ t, under the Hpei'lfle pfiVfcri’onft'rred upon ns h y s ta l-

T h c Aewirb for th s B ad lcs o f Msf C en tra l T h e a tre F ir* Vlqllius llcg»tn.

FiiirAincL.iuiiA, A pril 2ft,-The starcdi to r the v le tln iso f thaC rn tm lT hen lre lira began n t 7 o’cloek th is moraUig. T jain the belief th a t the bodies would lw> Ibmid close to Whff* the stHlrway on the rig h t leading up from the rea r of Uio stage was loeated. work was begun atU jn t point. T heirarw w ftn fthe thH itr© and Uin still hlKher wall of tho 7\irtc* bulldlug being (hrcftU'nlngly over the workm en great cautlou was nccewiary in digging a round tUabasi.' onbeth< ’at re Willi,M Ushoold hasIgUondown uijpn ib e crowd o f la la irli^ a t Ita bas*'. After two hours and a half, of slow, lalwrlous work the searchers had th e m elan­choly satlsfticlloa of nncoverlug part of a body*

Xlaif an hour's nm ra w ork b rought I he hotly ctmiplctPly Into view, but the dm rred and blackened imios of flesh boro so lUtlc likeness t o a bnnum being th a t It could not be liild whether It was a m an or woman. L ittle m ore than tho tru n k of the IhmI / was left. The head was gone, bgCb a rim ware burned olT to tho cIIhjws nod b<Ttli W * to above the kucps. All the clothing >viiibunied aw ay. ’Whi‘H itio w orkm an attcm pn-d u> traits the (rank tho b a k td rsnut away luthe ir ttaiidH* The ul most e a in r n s neosamry lo prevent tho body from bfeiiktng opeu when II wM raised, bu t i t van flimtiT de- IHisIted In the w aitingoofllti w ithout suffer­ing ftirtlier luuUiaUotL llsnsidh th e spot w hew tlie body Uy was found some bu rn t pieces o f clothing, and pro truding from th e piled-up bricks wiw BD arm . A fe w m in u le s ' rap id work served show th a t the a rm was counrclwl with a body ami the work o fuu - covering It was proeoetlcil w ith. The body of tbc flrv t of the unfortunate jsHjple found was tak ea lo eHlabllihiuuul of the tx>runar’s uu- de rtaksf, w here i t w astound V>bo th u to f a womati. ( ’lath ing fuurul beneath it was Identified by the wardrobe w<unau o f th e th^'atre o s lb a ln f Mrs, Flm n Tjtirclln. ^

As fust AH the btMllHi are reinovcd they will be taken lu ctianp^ by the (kironcr, aud when all the misslug m rm b m n f Um L'ompaay are found their friends will l»e given their bodies forburlnL Get>rgo H. Thatcher, who was Jii the Audience am i who woe reporlod os m iss­ing, re turned to biM huinc late ta^t n ig h t

Enough of tho ru in s of the Ftinrs Im Idlug have been removed to allow a partial exnm ln- jUlon tn be m ade of the preMironni, The duublti is’lllug Of the romn lu which so m uch i deficndeiK.w was placin! in tho event of Just such an occldout Uiut has oeciirrt'd was found toh ttvebci'n crushed In by the f«lllii!X building. Two of the pn**M“‘H are enniplelely covTiT'cl by debris, and It Is fenc'd th a t thej* are danuigt'd beyond reimir. The th ird press was not so much daraugcd, and may possibly be flt to use again. Thi' two destroyed presses cost 142,UK) iH>l4S'c.

T hew arch rorlsx lles was stopjted n t noon because of the danger th a t the uvcrhanglng walls m ight fall on tb s suarchers. Tln^sc will be taken dowu a t once nml the scurch re­sumed.

Thotmts Acheron, aged Ihlrty-sev^'n years, who WiW burned while m aking his cHcniM' from the burning IhcHire, died ttKlay a t the IVunsylvunin Hospital, Aehewm is the HthI oflhoKc M'Veri’ly burned to die, AIIImhikIi several others rur ill a diiugcrtms coudltlou, It Is Udleved tiicy w III all ni'over.

The a rm thill was um'overed was found to be unattached to n b rs ly . ’tt'hellier It wa** th a t o f a m a n o r a vronuiucoulduol be to ld from Its bu rn t condition. The pruprietora of five o f the U»nil thi*afres have rx - t*<uded the use of tlu 'lr bousea to Mr, Gltn>on' for a iMoiefU for the rHimpany aud attaches o f his thcntix’. The otter will b* aeeiqitcd and the heuetti will ptskhably 1m> held on Sahinliiy wvi'k a t ihu t ’hSHtnul SliSM'l Op< i'a llmiw.

T he m em liers o f th e rtltferciit ism ipuh les phkV inghere now io ive 0 t1i‘red llu-lrservleeH Hiui a n iiu d sT of business m en have sign llled iJie ir lu len tio ii o f LX>ntritMttlng.

i m M M M U R D E R E R D E E M I N G ’S T R I A L

Estimated at About 180,000 Less Thau liast T a t r .


A Murb guiallar KHlIiuaM Than I.a’-I Tear to r FJeotioa £xpaBf«s-L*aa Muury to Ha Spent ou BKtlgwa AppTuprlatJuBs fur tha Asylum HTliif and daU im ltdiog.

It isexpertctl by (U* FInatio* (\>mm11ic* of (he Efw* r<mnty Ihianl of (.*lMw»en Free­holders that wlM-n the biulgct for tho retjulr*- iiicnts <d the county is m ath'up tiexl wiw k it will be found that the lax levy will ptifXiO less thau lu' t year. I*urgo balauce* will lie carried overt from a few of I bo appropriations for tba prf'sent year* and while an UieniuBe in lUo running ex|iens« of some oftheriH inty luatUutions ii iintlclpated* tbs approprlAl Ions tor parnmiirhl Improvements will be tigbUr.

n*e eHtlmuti’s fur the etmilng y(wr from lh« various oflleUls Aud Instltuthms of the county will not U '^H‘clv<H| by the Finance (’otomllles until JuhI Iwfore the meeting of theooiiiiuUlccon next Friday aflerniJon, Imt the members of tlip iHiuinilltw have a pretty thOfOUgh kinmli'dga uf tlit> county’s financial nfrulrH and it Is ihwsI- bl« to ninke ii close estimate, Clmlrtnan Do Jotssetms cxitmlnird into the matmr aud boa BBlculatwl what win probably be needi-d

*ln tho various deisLrtmenta, The amtmnt of the tax levy last year wri IWiWt, and Mr. iHi Jongu thinks that U will be n«e«o«ary t*i levy a tux of iinty about | 4hO,000 oq the Cinmty this year. Th* sums tn last year’a budget and tlirYsocHilmnted for this year are shown in tho followliiK hiblo:

Ijist Year'a Tax

(Ymrt expenses.......... .1Jiill dtHlmrvmeiils.....IS'tdleiitlury insburH*'-

ments.............. ........County asylum dls-

bursenii'iiiH............ .btntu asylum disUursu-

menls.......................FriH'holdi'rs' srrvUi#.jLud salaries of Ut>ail Hoard (tommi«s}cin-ria,..*.........................

HiElartcK uf cuuiily otn- eers..........................

rurout;rs aiul under­takers.......*.... ..........

Kh'clloQs.....................Stationery,...........- ....Indexing.....................AdviTlIsingand pilnt-

Ing............................IneideivlHlH, hoIiIIitm’

burials and

»,0QQ 1ft.(KU

Tills Year’s EsUniate. I ftO.OliO







.'lOO kOU)

JHHUIK............................\Viin,li-l)t In lieu of |sdl lnp-n*st onw ur IkhkIh, Interest on rrsid tsm di

iilo, in domaud that the^j^loe authorities of

GAV£ F A U E TFJfT lM O N r,

tho whule county, and the Grand Jury of (his county, aid to tho full ex­tent of the p*»wer eonferred upon tiiem bylaw, If this action be taken, this

A .’^ tn s a s fa tb a K lcelU roroe Case Turns Trans Hwbaaid to Wife*

TaxstroN, April More testimony was '*lakea yesterday io thedJvorw of Mrs. AVlll-

lara lUcc against her busbarid. Dr. tVilllam Rica, aprotpIniBt pUyRtciaD of th is city, be­fore Ppecial Master Levi T, IIivtiDulB. Tkia suit Is one of the roost sensutlomil divorce cases DOW going oh lu tblsciiy* The testl- inoDy yHWrday wo* a surprise lo ever,vln sly, as Um m ailarvey, who was one ,of the chief wLIo t m for Dr. Klee, was piaci'd ou Ibe ‘rfnnd and gave valuable wldein'c for Mrs. nice. The wowau was rornierly euipioywl as H domestic in Dr. UJee's hous<diold* At u former hwirlngshc b ‘S(itled llwt she had ob­served no Jinproprlettra be1w<M*n pr, Klee and Mrs. Matku'k, who appeanas aeo.r4‘S|smdent In the bill which Mrs* Hlrq boa breutght ugs I nst her husband. »

At the bearing yesterday Ih* witness twora that her foriuev uwtlniouy wiui uuUuv. and that It was of a m’gatlve liislm dof a 1)i>s1Uvq nature. Him also gave cvlih-nce yesterday amifilngtheO^irtornnd the Matluek woman of fmpropriettes. When iisked why she had testllled falw'ly «he cxcuswl hwwplf by saying

thought Mn. TUoa a« bad as the drxUor, Aind she didn't. car« to l>ocoroeinixednpiii the case. Hlneo her Arst tosilinouy sh* has t>ecomo cemviowd (hut Mrs. lUee in Ihe ag­grieved party, and she uow tcstUlcsI In order to doheriiistice,

im ifle will <raHt- At oiHv, a tid su eh punish- “ ■ liltmvnt ]mp4Mi**d upon those who aro guilty will

liuvii u deterrent Mr<K‘t lu the fuUire.The rem arks of Judge Llpplneolt- and the

severity of I he lentemro have cn 'a lcd eou- sternutlon am ong Ihecrshop kee{M>rx.

f b b u in Am > w a k u *s t i m b VP.


.Vm'liuii, iiiiW « ,1*111 ■■htillUInK,,CiHirlliuuiu'.....................Knvtluii uiitl r.'liuiTfifrf

........................l^')*lir* to niiiiily

nmd*..............................C’nrp 'U t . ‘ipnjfc'H « f

II.hhI IV.ini.............., \.u iity ipn 'l* i n»ud

141X........ ...................... ..



I. 'i.WO A'l.oll)I I, «»






H I8 0 >'G NBCK SAVKIt H n t .A B»|To M nrd»rw Itan fn V Fro»oonr*4

Ilfliul. H iittinw V*T, Mitch AUv«.Harhistok, Ml**., April a . —(Jotoniso

Bl*ekbum, r m^ni, Kfand* wII1h>ii7 rival Pir the •trriittli »l hi* nn'Ic. Op April XI hr MR* liRoird for wlfr mnriler al Fnyrtle, »ml to rr* ;iJortrd IimIaf ahl* to walk around hi* room and eonvpmr with frlrodi.

Aficr hnnking for thliiy-alx ntlmit** nod tjflng pronoun wd d<*id hythre* of the loral phyitrlan*, Blackhurp’* *nppt*r<l remain* were tu rn ^ o v e r tofelotlvc* for intrmumt, who rmlde In Franklin Ckmnly, a dtotono* ot tblrty^To irlle*overland, M'hllo nti route to tho tonjlly burying ground a orntlolilng ou th* inildeof thecoflla wo* hoard. The tr»p o f thovoflln wM removed aud (he luppcwed corpae waa found to b* breatblug.

A loeal phyalelan wiw k( « n e eumiooued, and *ner irealinm t the patient wa* pro­nounced out of danger. H e wa* hangwl by the new *i stem and wa* Jerked upflilly sU foet with a three ltx>t drop.

To B* IJbera led To<iuur»w Aflnr N eu ly KIghI Year*’ linprliuinuient.

S isa HiNn. April ai.—After nearly etghl yi’ur* of ini[irl»oiiurnt, Couviet Ferdinand Ward NfliilKblng up hi* work In the printing dr|iarlmejil of Ihe Htala Frlpon preparator)’ to leaving tieiwirrow, he having nerved out hi* term. Wnnl hu* not yet roniwnted to iimke any aliitemcnt to reporter*, and la apeudlng hi* ln*t duy In prtoon going through hi* uaiial rontina.

YVben lie retire* tohi* ceil t*>nlght he will discard his convict garb fbr good, and to-mor­row morning will don a n a w iu lt of elotbe* which to alwavw fiimUhed by the Ktale to a convict when he lanhout to b-nve Ihe nrinon after having served Iti* Wtiu. Ward will also receive Ihv usual allowunoe of money from llie Ktalc.

’Warden Urown wild to-day th a t M'ard did nolapp-nr lo Im worrli'd about the chance* of hi* being rcarrcaleil a* stKfn a* he woareleaerd oiillie ludlclment*Which arendw peodlng against lilin. The Warden aim Raid th a t he illdn’t know that any of Ward'* friend* would beat the prison to-morrow to congratulale him on regaining bla freedom. Mviril will leave Ming Ming on a Yraln In the ftireuoon and will go direct 10 C-onncctlcul, where UlaelghP year-old son t* nt nclionl.

Ward will find ninny ehangee when Im comeAOUl. Ills devoted wife,lu-urt-brokcnat III* disgrace, dlial lliree yean ago. From the “ Young .NaiKjlivm ot Kliiance," whose every word Wall at reel harkened to, tie ha* becoiae aelpher, 111* old pniincr, Flab, still live* In retirement. Ward 1* still young, being only thirty-four, and lu th e prime of heallband vigor.

F reca iitto n s T ak en A gainst a M ay D ay U n tb reak —F o re lg u e n T lire a te iie d .

rAKia, April as.—Though tho authorllle* have ri'peatedly said that 110 trouble was an- tleliaited In this clly, tliey am nevcrtlicles* taking the mostexlenalve premul Ions lo re­press any disorder* on May Kay. In addll lloulo the regular fiirreRfatioiieil In Furls Ihe gRrrlson has been relivfrreed by the Third llUMSan aud tho Ninth Uraguons. MU regl- montaor cavalry Motioned nenr by llicelly will N bold In rcadlncM to start a t oiiiw bir Faria on receipt of signal. On Miinday, lu order that util a luomeut will lie lust If their servlies are rcunlred, the horscH of the eavalry wlllla-kcpt HaiUlled end bridled froni day­break. 'llte men will also lie t-tjulpp-d, and a* soon as " Issits and saddles " la sounded the n-glmcnt* wlH lie ready togullopto wlierc- evertUey a n »iiromtinial.

After bsulght all the troop* wlII be con(1 ned In t heir barrack* to awa It order*. Flvery man will lie ready for instant aervler. Their arms will be piled, and each suhller will curry tbir- trci] isicketa of ball earl ridge*. All the public building* and moiuimetil* Will be g u a rd e d by soldier* placed a t lutervals, while other* wilt be coiieeiiled to prevent their direct eontaol with the crowd until It limsieasary. The Prefect uf Pulloe, In an interview to-day. Raid he felt roulldeDl that May Day will puaa quietly.

The [Millce made another raid upon house*

ABANOONKD B 1 H F » CBE'W.Tha Potomac M eam lwat Goorga t«av y

YViarkcd a t Atlanths City.A tLAimc Ctry, April Se.-Tha atde-wbeel

steamboat tieofteiisavy, In tow of a tug go­ing dowu the roost yvsterday afternoon, •prang a leak opposite the Hea 'View Kaenr- ■lon House, filled mpidiy and sallied astern.

The tug brought the staamhont as near the shore as possible, swung her almul, and beaehed her. The captAln and crew were then taken nlT and the s tn m b o s t was left to bee fate. She lies In about thlrU-seven fret of water, a mile and » half off tboro, on tbs outer bar, and to fast going to pleoes.

The bout was built In Brooklyn In ISM and had been used as a passenger iteam er on the Potomac Klver. Bbs WA* of gift tons burden, Bcfrre her deck WfSOl oilder Oaptain Gasklll and a ItfeaavlBg ««w attam ptsd to board hsr, but Ibund they oould not, awing to Uu heavy sea._________ . __

dAT GOTTI4) UUY'g A BAU.BOAD.Be PuiThasa* th* El Paso end W blta Oaks

U n a for •SO.OOO.Er. Paso, Tc*., April 2S,—One of tho largMt

eud most linportant ralinmd deals in the bla- tory of El lYiso wot roiisiiimnated yesterday, and Jay Gould became the off ner of w hat Is known as the El Paso and While Oaks Hatl- road.

At a little belbra noon Judge B. V. Davis presented to DIstrlet Attorney Knlvey tbe re­port of Uiarlm UavU, reotlver of the Kansas City, El Patoohd Hcxloan Uallrood Company (White Oaks), showing tho sale of tha t road to Jay Oould, o f New York, fur U u sum of ki0,000, and asking that the >aJs be approved by the Onurt. Aftor careful examination of the report aud bearing of evidence, showing tha t tbe price re e d upon was a iklr conipcu- •atiob Ibr the food, Its rights and frauchlaes, the sale was approved by the Judge, and tbe road hecamathe p io p ^ y of Mr, Gould.

oeenpied by Anarclilstalo-iUy, bill II has not ■ I now mauy men wereyet been made public

arrested.The mansgeM o t the largo English and

American shops ncor the Omiul Opera Itousc have received threatening Idler* declaring that every house that I* not French will bo blown up. The Com mini 1st and revolution­ary gmu|i* condemn the May Day displays as tbe work nf German ft«rtall»ls, declarlugdhat the latter aw pure reactlonlsi*. ThoFy-Aorte fGrii Ill-day publishes what piirporlsto be an Interview with the Anarcbhita wh<> caused the explosion a t M. Very'* rcilaiirant. In thi* Inti'rvlcw Ihe .Yuareiilsts arc made to *ay that explosion* will lagln ogulu to a fort­night,

1 'oiisldemble excitement, not iininixed with Indignalbm agaliut ' Ihe iHilb'C, haa lieeii eaused atUlJou, capital nflUe llepartlucntol Cole d'Or, by an attcia]>t that waa made to blow up the town hull. It I* conslderisl to be a remarkable state of affkirs when Anarchist* can approach a mippoRCd-fo-bfrcnrefulty- gimriled piiblle building, arrange the rxido- Blves, set the (uses on (Ire and then make Ihi-lr escape wltlioul being •nen by the guard* at any part of the pmcecdlags.

The explosion did little damage and nobody was Injured,'but the people uf tbe town say thad this wa* In no mwsiire due to tbe pollec.

A t Fourmtos, the scene last year, of the

gV«.7l«The CRiliiiate for ronrt ciiienai'* Ihl* y i* r 1*

lies timu It was lust yHir because of a n u n e i- is ndisl latlatiis'. Sir. IS'-lomte iwtiiiuilc* (hu jnit rvis-nscs a t f [.nil iiKm- th is year, liecanse w ith the new wing lo ibe Jail hiillilliig It la cxiss'lcil llia t more prisoners will lie kc|H Iheri'-prisoners of a class th a t of lal* have bss'ii taken lo the IS 'iiltciitlnry levausc of lock of nccoiuinortat Ions al llie JuH. Tliesi- addlllonul prisoners will risiu lrc the piiirs chase of more food and tlic em ploym ent of more keeper*.

Ijw lycartbeW 'lls tn Ihe new wing of Ibe prullcnllary were fiirnlsbcd and th is yi-ur a iw rt of the approprlallon will he iiiasi lo pay for a driven w ill th a t I* now being mad* *iid fur a new «y*tem of sewemge. The w w ag- " f th e p rn l- ti'iitlary Is now dispoBi'd of o ii th e Irrlgfltlon plan, and a large part of It How* In to a bivsik Hull nuts Ibrongh the pm iltcn tlary ground* and on toward Caldwell. There ha* been som* (Siiiipluint about tills, and Ihe plan th e la u n l now ha* In m ind la on* rocoiu- laended > by the Htalo B oard ofJlcaltb. l i I* p r o i w d to pum pI he sewage Hystem Into lank*, w 'parale the H nldsfriim thesu lldsand use th e iu llr ra * a fertllliier. I t 1* eHtltiisled th a t Ihe ilrlvcu well will rnst nhmit tf.Uli) an d the new w'wagu ■ysteiu from gl,0au to IA,l)n).

The tuiiulngexpeniesof Ihe Cimnly A sylum for the Insaneaiuauiit toalKnit|l(D,UUba year, bu t till! liiBtltutluu 1* to a birge degree w ik KiipiKinhiK. aud i t Is though t th a t Ihe eounty will liuve to appm prb ile only ei'i,flOO till* year, lletweeo Kl’i.OiiO and pli,niu ha* been received during the past year from th e Klalc appropria tion , palleul* ' lamrd and o ther •ource* and la now In tbe hand* of the County Collector. This Sinn wilt go tow ard the *iipport of the liislltu- lUm next year. The receipt* thl* year liave las'ti a llllie m ote ih a u lust year, h a t the rnnnliig expense* will be larger,a* then: are now nlxiiit fifty m ore patient* In the Inslllnlloii than iher* were la st year.

When g'fi.lXIO wa* appropriated for election* last year 11 w.ui h i an tic ipation ul thnuew elivllon syticiu, s o d th a OMt of ronductlng eleotlou* upon th a t plan wa* not known. E n tire ly loo iniieli money waa appropria ted ,It Is themglit by Mr, De .Tong* th a t, though an cxlra clivUon will he held n ex t *|>rlkg, an apprnprlutluu of IIAOOO w ill be sufliclent.

'riicapproiirlatlim tor advertising and p rin t­ing will lie Increased from g W Io kt,How'llf. la- .loiigc say*, on account o t Ihe act ton of tlie hoard 1 11 ordering th e piihlicatlon of th e pise is'cdliig* of the board m t be Journal a t ten cents It line. Mr, Ue Jutige estim ate* th a t Item of expenditure a t about gj,i0n.

TIm Wonmn tn ITlioiu H* Was Cngaged Takes the YVlInrs* Htaiid*

Mri.iimiBRg, April •Ja.-Tlic trial ofKred- ertok Halley las-mlng, ilia* WHliaou, fur the murder of Ills wife a t Windsor, a auliurb of Meibonrne, wii* r»milrnu*l In lb# Central Crlinlual Oonrt licra v>-day. Th* primmer was alien! and downoait. Wevend witneiwi'* wen# called by Ihe proseentlon, and they all te«tlfl«l h> quarrel* that bail ues'urnst be- twi-eii Ik'emliig and his wife while they wee* llvlugat ^'liiUaor. Thuuioat lnlert**1 ing wtb ness, however, waa Ylls* Kate Itounsi'vell, the young loito to whom Iwrming, who liad Iheu •»unH*l the nameofHwsmslon, wa* engaged to lie married, inid who was ni«m the point of piliilng him In Uie Montheni Cron* gold field* when he wa* arei'st<*l.

The ^•ourlroonl, n* on every wxsulon when IHvming ha* Uvn urrHlgni-rl, a n * erowded. There hiui never bi*’n a trial In tbls ell.v th a t has eirlti-d •itch liilmiae popular liib'rest, and everybody ladrsl roil* of once a t li-*al guiliig n|)Oii th e prlsoiier. When Ml** Itmuisevell w ent into the wlliiea* box the audleue* leaned forward In eijieetaney to hear every wont. Wie imriated the story of ImW she met lleeui- Ing nil a steamer bound hir Hydney, and how flnulty ah* ais-epted Ihe pni|K>sul of marriage he made to her, all of which haa beeu before rejtorlel In (he** dlsimtelie*.

Throufhimt Imr evldanee MIsa Hoiiiiaevetl •pokrofUaetalngpidltaly and unre**ntfully, tkviigh !h«t» to every m*»on to b*ltov* that Imd she mnrrint him she, t<*i, wlieu Ueemlii* liiui tired of her, would have met her deulli a tlilsim uda Mis* Koiinscvell declared that Ueeiulng's mauner toward her had always been courteous slid kind. A number of lel- ter* wriltcii to her by Di>cmtiig were banded to her for lilentlHeatlon.

One oflhe letters to Uaadeil: *■ F rarers Gold Fields. Hoiit hern Closa, I’e rtb , February A” The aeeiiscd writes alfridlunalely, ami e<m- llnne*; “ I had oue o fiiiy Nig* slolen from the enbln nt Adelaide with f IHU. 1 exprel« l a letter blit did lint get one a t Adidiilde. l a m nut negligent lu w riting bu t lung to hear from you and gel your photo. It * III be eoiii- isiiiy f'lr me. On niy arriva l here 1 |n il an advsrUsentent Into Hie iiewstM isr aud got SU H|i|*iliilnieiit as m anagingeiigi- IIWT to the boiilhern Crois mine al fti |"T wivk (with a honscj (br Ihe first six tiuinltis, and afterward al tH | s t week," He then gives her dlns'llona bow she run reach the idaeo and urges her to eome. " If yon only i-aro for me," he eoiitlnuisi, “ aa I care for yon you will not stay a day longer, bu t have by the first mull. I » IU hove a home ready for you and everylhing arranged for our m arrisge on yoiir a rriva l." He asks If they are h i he loarrieil, why alimild they not be hnsbuud and wife a t once, und aihl*. " For I biti'iid lo nm keenoiigh money In Iwo yixirs to lake a trip hi Kngluml."

The lost letler wss ns follows:Mv Ukah Tuiwv—I got your M ter, and

was pleaw'd lo hear you were well and bad got your pbnlo Ittken,”

Ife gives furilier dliw-llnns as lo Ibe trip, and urges her mil lo mind i‘V|*‘iiw so long as shelsispiiirnrlntile. It Is slgm-d " Your ever hivliignnd streeltouule Baron."

Mr. Mlrxyhfeldt, wbo tti‘ivHii|iaiili d lleem- lug a t the Ume be was iirn'slisl, fnmi I'eOii, West Auslmlla to Melbourne, w aslte ni xt willies* enllisl. He waa subjirli-d to a si-vere (froas-examinatliin. eounsel for the prisoner trying to ellelt from him whether Deeming had displayed ntiy signs of liiwinlty on Ihe voyage. The wllmii*stated, however, that In hliopinluu Deeming wa* isTfeelly ««ne, and hIs teslliiioiiy was in iiowlso slmkeii hy the etfhrla of Deem log's counsel.

nitllTHKH AGAINST B B t lT im .luterestliig YVIII C ass In Ihe H arris

rouiity OrpHftiiiii* Court*in Ihl' KvF?8*!fft N kwm.

All AGElIil SO Fill-Hominmiwit, April BL -A si»vlal session

of the .Morris ('oiinty OrpImiiH' I'ourt, Judge n illd pn-sidlng, was held a t .Morristown yes- tenlay lo take tcsllinony In an Inlercstlug eoiihvl«l will case. Dlslrlel-Atlorney V , W. O itleram tcounsi'llor Vrei laad apfr'nnd on behalf of the eonicslaiits und Ihe defendant was represented by t'oim wllors Mshlun aud Henry r . lUney, Jr.

WbsB Edwaixl Bolslblii died at his borne In Modlsoii lu tori he heqiienllH-d loeueli of hl« •lx SODS, Vlm-cut, Mark. Isiuls, Alfred, Eil- watd aad Atiilly, a legacy of about inouti. tsmis died hist January , and k will making his hroHier Alflvd III" sole hwahv wo* sills milled lo Kurrogale Gillen, of .Morris •la1lll,v, for proiaite. Tb* othiw hrotheis are eonU'Sl- lof the will, elalmlhg that Isiul* was of uii- •ound mind when tbe will wa* eieeufrd, and Mini Alfred excried au undue liUliiem-i-over the diveawil.

Tlic flr>1 Willies* lu the ease was Vlee-Cham eellor Ihliioy, of Morrlslowii, who h'slllled Hint the will of Isiul* Ihilalblli liad b*en drawn Iiphy him In Ihe pm sm oaef Fn'derlek De Mult, slniv divdiiseil, alsint Iwaoty-five ycaro ago. The diH'aiiieiil uniinHl Alfred Holslliln a* sole liitatis'. The next wlioess examined was Edward Holslblii, a brother of Ibe ib-. reased and one of (beism tesuiiitoof Ibe will. Edward, who rvaldc* at Mudlaan, b'sllfied that his brother hbdl'ren of feabtoiiilnd from bit sixth year, a t whlebagi- b# bad an athu-k ofseariel frver, whlchanis'iedhls nielilal fac. ulth's to soeb an extent Unit Im was Ineompeleiit lo transact business and was eompelKd lo rely upoiPotliers. Alfred Holsl- blti, aiiolber brollwr, and Ihe delWidaut In Ihe esse, when rnlleil lijsm the wlliii'ss-slund •aid he riH-ognlscd the wltlao th rone which his brother had Imd drawn iipby Vlee-Chnii- eellor Ihtney June lA 1« 7, Thi‘ wHlaess ae- kuuwledgi'd Hint shiirily after Isiuls placed Ihe dociimcut In hi* possesalou fiir safa keep-

Democratic Aldermon Not DlipoM d tO' Make CoDoeNiou,


lla Will luslst on B e ia f AUowad to Na th* Next Ue»o*o Insp*etor~MT, Hbt< ligan Hoy* Uio *‘ My*t«ry to Mill ®n*sulv*d "-H eady to Dtoeos* Soda W ater bu t Not PoUtle*-Dtssottafc*Uoa VTItto the T rea tm ra t Arcorded A ider Lyurli*

II wM rrportffd BlxHit y©*Urdit IliRltlm Ivm orrM lc Alilermen hod com* lo ■Ii merwtiH'ut Bmt Uia-t bU offlewi v n u ld niiitl ttt tu r May rocellnf of fomm onOtM iacU, The mcii who were petected b m ottth iffo h>' Ih r Di'miwnitio A lderm en iQ raucu# !p ■m‘<s‘«Ml Ih’iMibllCBU ofH«*hnld©ri * r# no in im T to llif lr poultlon* ttiBQ U icf



THE, PKNMIGN IIEFIEK INGt'lllV ,Cuiuinlsslaner Uaiini Nut I'reseiit a l To­

day's Mflellug o f ibe f'oium ltlee. YVAaillRilTOR, April XI.—Tie* I'eiislon ilfllcp

Invesligttllon waa resumed loeluy very quietly after Ihe stormy elo** of the last meeting. Cvimrolssloner Baum was not present, though It w as imdershsid be would again appeiw.

Ibipresrntallve Enkie rend a leltsr from Cbarlea A, Do Asuaud, ssbo la eliarged b,v Commissioner liaiim wllb having ism uialedanother De Ariiiiud III order lo seeiin' u !«‘ii- aloii. Tbe lelli rdenh 'J that Ihe wriler hud ever persoualeil or needed lo iiersouiite any uueulsa tuisriire a |s-iiGou. Ue Wrote Ihul be bad applied for a pension In his own Is-- half, a suruplalu appoliiled to delai hed ser­vice ua a inenits-rof I he Fifth Missouri Vobiii- lirra by General Frenionl and iiaioed Gcnerul Gran1,,Yilinlral Foote and ollignia* jierwms who bud ixHutueiideil bis servhs'.

By a uilstnke uf tbe Goveruinent offloers they had eoufuiuided him wllUaiiolher Di" Arnaml und by reason of tbeir mistake bud wrongfully a>v>’*>'d him of |i«rsoiuilliig au- olheruioii. He declared tlmi fomiulssloner Bamukiiew Ihe cliarge wa* untrue ami iih leged tliat Ibe rejection of Ills etaliii and bis prosecullon was due to no mnlle* ou tbe |« r t of fviimnlssloner Baum, lieeause be (De Arnaiidl bad refused to an-eiitV),0W,th* Beimle Mllliury t ’oiiim llt'v bad agreed lo allow him os puyiiieni for a claim of Kj0,(I01) he had against Gw Goverii- meiil, DeAriiaiid wrote that he Imdiiisin- iniet with Gelieml Ilaiiro by which heagriisl (opuy General Huiim fifty pi-r nml. of the claim Ifallowed, and Mr. Kauin wiinlcrt him to accept the 15,00(1 otfrreil.

Gnstnve Thehniid, of Madison, nnd aeniialii of the Itolslhlns, ti'stllleil that he had kliowu Ihe tastsinr alt tils llfrilnie, and forseviTal yesrs had aeteil In theea|iiu-ltyof his business iiiuiiager. lie sinteil tlmt bis cousin Isuils wssof feeble Inu-llei'l. Tbe Witness Uvllfied Hull iouls was lolally iiiillt, menially, to Inmsnrt hiisiness, and was possessed of a iniiiila fon-allliig In lawyers turxunilne husl- Iii'r* (bs'iimenls. Edward B. Tbelsnid, n lirotheruf Gustavo add oouaiii to tb* Bulsl- hlns, tesllfiiul Hull frr a few yi'ar* lie iniinagi'd tbe hiislmsw aftnti* of his eoiisln Ismls, both Is-fon' and after Alfewl Bolslbln had tliein In elinrge. Gn one oei'aslim III* wllness said AlfVeil remarked: “ Amlly roblu'd me of IIU.IHI, ami 1 will do the Hnitie with Isuils." This sluleuiriit inwlo by the witnesseuusi'd Ihe defendant to rise lu Ihe eourtissim and si reniiously deny Imvliig made liny siieli remark. Tin- witness00111111111-11 his u-slliiion.v by nnylng Uml ills cniishi Ismls was menially iiiisouiid, and sliorlly Is-hire hi* drolli said that he wonhl not leave A'fn'd one i-eni, Imvlng evidently ftirgotlen the will In his bnilher's (sisai-sslon, whleh hull Is-eii drawn iipaiiil slgui d a quarter of a wiilury previous,

Mr. Tbehuiid sold he had letteta lu his pus- si'sslmi fisiiu lAJiil* ib-noiiueliig Alfrrsi. He also said tlmt during the InU-rlm of his oeeii. ixilhm us biislneo* manager for hi* fi-ehle- mludril ivinsln about lUi.OOO bsul dtsapfs-arisl. Dr. Gray, al pnvs'nt a pbyilelan of FAst Grange, H-stllb-d I bat be tusUlwl at Madison previous to Wi7 and was Mie family physician of (he H-Hslhln*. Ismls was a sufferer from ehtonle Hriglifl Jlwaae, and after an altoek of srarli’I fever when liu was asniall etilld, liinlalwii.vs appeared to be of fiv-hli- mind, m-v- i nil otlier WllOi-e-e-s n-alllhsllolliesuineeftis-l.

Two hrikhersof ilmdis-eusi'd, Vtneeiil end Murk, are now residents otW. Isml*. Mo. As iheir h'sGiirony Is needetl la-fnni Gie rose ivin 1«- wtGed. Judge rhllrt, upon a*r-vine 111 of counsel uu bulb sides, npisilliieil Gordon FUi riniiii ns a coininlssloner 10 visit HI, lAuls and lake Ibe di-iHislilon* nf bolh bniGiers. It was Gieii agm vl liulweeii (knirt and eoiiii- sel to adjourn thi- coss' unltlThursday.JnueX

wero on Ibe night of tbn canon*, howavore The Aldermen are still al odds over tha ap- polnlineiils, and Mr. Fltsslmmoos, who hold* tho key to the slliialinn, steadftwtly re fuss* In N- Coiiclllateil. He Insists ou being permlUedl to name Hie l.lceuse Inspector.

Mr.KBssImiiioii* wualnlcrvlewod yeatertaE by a Nitwa reporter, and for tha first tlnia since tbe di-udlock began be eiptoioed bWpiMltloIl,

** I am now arrr ln f m j tbirff tonn u fe Hcvenlb Ward Alderman," said he. “ I havw never bail any appolntroenta otfrred mA khd- B can not be Irutliftilly said th a t I asked f r r the npimintment of Ihe Uninae Inspeetor *lc weeks or two mouths before the caucui. I f the apiwliilmelit 1* leuderod me 1 will oam ^ a man for the position who ha* wot yet bWH mentioned. He will he aeredllable oomlneW and will serve the public lo lla best interests. It to not for Ihe reason that I object person* ally lo K, Is I'rlce, Jr., for tho poaltloo. I know nothing about the man. Ittobecausw [ want tbeapisilnlnienl fiironeof m y friends,I shall dei'Uu* to vol* frr any of the cauciip nom Ineea u ntll my request to eompltod w llb ,-

Mr. Harrlgan, Hi* DemoeraHo toarie* tn tb* fVmiu’il, who la rhiilrmaii of th« CBUOUBg WBW III an eioeedtngly pleasant franM of ■ In * when sien this morning.

“ Will the Aldermen appoint the auooeiaoe*- tn the Kepubtlran oltlcediotders a t Ibalr n c ib ue-i-tlngf" he was asked.

Mr. Harrlgan refieebsl a moment, tbSH ■ Id f “ If Hill to an Interview, kindly quote me a# snylug that diwplie all report* to th* oon* I rary, I he myslery I" no nearer lolullna.’*

“ Will you Inelsl upoo the appotntm ent of James Fli'iolng as Healer ot W elghli an il Measiirest" aski*d the reporter.

“ WIh-u tbe appotnunenta are flnally m ad* I do uol pru|Ksw that ‘ Mr. U arrig an ' aballi siTiire lews than hi* f rir division of thopnlrotiage," replied the Twelfth W arder, wltlk emphasis. Tbna tbe Alderman added r

MHR. DKACON I.BAVIW FBANfE.all* Eesred Helng aiibpcsnaed as a Wit­

ness a t H er iliistiaud-s Trial.(IHssHg. April 'Jfi. -Mr*. Isw 'uu, wife of

l-jlwaril Barker DeaAin, whose relatbiiia with ,M. Alh-llle led lo Hie slasitliig of III* iHlIer by Mr. Dem'iin at Ibe Hotel Hpleiidlite Htfanin-S, Ims left Fmnee In onb-r lo avoid tbe posslbllltv 0/ t-elng subpienaed lieu witness at lb* trial of ber hiisbaiid on tb* eliuriieof iiiHiisIuiigltter, which will liegih on May XI.

Mr, Is-iieon, It will la- remembered. 1* now ul lltierly oil ball. I'bf 1 'onrt of Arraignment bus Iseiie-l a warrani for tils arrest In onler lo com pel Ills epis-araiiiMi for trial a t Ihe Assises Ilf the MariGinc Alps on Ibe day lived. In view of bis pi'esenl relivise, bow- ver, be will nut isTifn-sie t , but be iiitisl surrender lo the sulliorltbx live days befrre Gie day wl for hls trial.


tluting, when thesoldlen fired Upon Hiecrowil,I ’ ' ................. “ ------------

Henry PhlUlp* Aeoasml o f Ite b e o a lam e n t.Bpoelal D ispatch to th e Nkwa.

^ a iH n k b D , A pril iK—U eiity H. Fhllllps, confidential c lerk for R. W« lUoo ft On.t g ro n rs In N orth Plainfield, was U nlay held for the Grand J a ry by Jnsttce C m b y on tb e charge of em besslenieat from h ls arapluyere. l ie waa arrested a t N ewark yeetaiday w hile vUlUng reintivee. Only a frw day* ago th e firm dl»-

H o r t ta a Colltotow W ith Bloyeltol*. BjpeclaiDIspatcb to the Nawa.

P iA iK n E tD , A pril » . - M ia . Bowen, of Leland avenue, NetberwoDd.was dangerouily Injured while d riv ing on Bontb avenue last n ig h tb y aco llla lo D w ith tw o WnyoHsto who had neglected to lig h t th e ir lantern*. Mrs, Bowen wa* dashad vio lently to th e ground, andw aap teked u p •u tlhrlng from In ju ry to tbe brain, Bbewaa uncimsoloua a ll n ig h t a t th e hem* o f Dnreay W . H yde, on W oodland avenqA Tcpday h e r condition to bu t ■tightly Improved. The blcyeltoto escaped iKrtous In­ju ry , hut theirxnacblnaa were wrecked. One o f tbe men gave th e h a n a o f W hitehead from WtatflaUL T h co tb o rta im k n o w n -

roveied Phillip*’* duplicity , w hich they claim DM extended over a omialderabto period.

llllng (Deny of them. May Day proinlee* lo pass off quietly, -The working'people proiKwe to hold a d Isplay a t the ceftietery In which the victims of lari year are burled, but they have poslpoudj tbeir danionsttnllou uutU Uimday, ilny 2.

Madrid, April 3S,—The secret plottlugs of the Anurchlila to make tronblo on May Day In Barcelona received a severe blow to-day. proclamations coached In th* must vtolrnt language bad been steaBhlly distoiboled by the Workingmen's Aaaoclatlon tlirougb tbe workshops of that city and theta were followed by an out and out Anarohlit nionl- festo calling upon the workingmen to rtoe and wipe out capltaltsta and employers of all kinds. Tbe authorities were assailed with every Imaginabla epithet, and w eredrfln ito do their worst. Nothing, It waa declared, could prevallagalnet the wurkingmeo If they would rise euuiasto, aud they were oallad nuio to oseert llieir inauhood.

The police were apprised o t the eitolenee of

TUeyekn not state the alnoncrtiif tllsateaV Inga, but say It to large. Aooordlng to th * evldenoo Phillips would m ake large oollec- Hone, turn lu only a purtion and pocket the rest. •

Got Off With a td g h t BeaUaca. Bpeotat (0 tha E v am iia Newr.

Klixabcxu, April In tbe Union County Court here kn-day Pntriek Carlcy, aged clghteeo, and who -was ronvlctcd of highway robbery and aeaault on an otficer, got off with Uie light eentenoeof fire wonthg In the county Jail. I t was auppOMd th a t the prlaoncr would.bemntrnced to a five, year tenu In Htata Prison, but th* Oonit ex- plalood that U being tha first ofibmw clem­ency was decided upon by tho Judges In hope that the young man will nfbrm . If convicted agalally wMVYras'H lainutoB wascape. Q ..... iSfT a

New Variety Of Ttoh Dtooovered.Bpectal to tbe Kten iiio Nmva.

Cap* Ma t , April %-d>>nsi men are talking about a ncwly-dtocovered variety o f fish. They are frnnd only In deep water, and ranst be caught tbere If caught a t all, Un tbe coast Bontb of Capo May a novel net ha* been nio. ceisiully uiiirt to fish for them In deep water. Tbe not I* limply sunk to tbe boltom and operated there by lead and oork JlDes the tame way they are ueod lu ahallow water. Tbe new flab to about Ihe *i*e of tea trout and uf excellent table qnatlt^.

TTie police were apprised o t the e ililen ee of the m anU tato a n d they acted prom ptly. Every w orklngm eo's club In the city wa* •um aindM l by- polln* and a m jd Wo* thati m ads npoa th e flosapanf s of the otuhrooins. The rem it was ih * capture of a large n um her of Anarchists, who will lose their liberty u n til a fter May Day a t least. Among tlie prlsonera was Vincente Lorenso, an ta tlm ate friend o f Kavachol, tho Pari* Anarchtst, an d tb* leader o tth e Barcelona A narchlils.

M em bers * f th e N ationa l A ito c la llo n In keislon a t B a ltim o re .

BAbTiKonfi, A p r i l T h e an n u a l m eeting o fth e Notional Civil Hervloe Beforin Iwogue has brought to Hits city a representative liody o fis-rhap*Ihem ost dlsHugulshcd clU sonsof th e country, who couerrn themselve* with the purification aud perfretiun o f the Civil Herrico. Among the la te r a rriva l* are Carl Hchurs, Becrclary of Ibe In terio r under President G rant; Sam uel Bowles, editor o /th e Npringfleld Jlrputiffcan; W 'lillaw Potto, of New York, secretary o f th e N atloual Isxigiie; Kdward W , W inter, o f U onnantow n, I'H,; C. L. PattiD and Fklward Bell, New Y ork; Gisirgo HeAvory, Jersey C lly ; Joseph I’nrrish, H . W, llarioe, F. I.. Slddons, C, 0. Moss, P b lladelpb la; W . U . IH-Iocasse, Bos­ton ; Archlhald M ontgomery, F. Stowardson, Philadelphia, and Charles Theodore Hnssell, Boston.

The first general business eeu lon o f Ih*Ix-ngue w ss held thl* fiirenuun In tb e parlors of tbe Lyceum Tbcativ. The papers read were a* follows; "The A pplication o f tbe BeformPystom to ou r Public Isitsirew ," by (.Tiarlca Theodore Rumicll, J r ., o f Messachu- setts; “Th* IMetmasters; M ethod nf AppoInU menl; Term and Tenure," by It. F rancis Wood.

George W illiam Curtis was re-elrotod presi­den t of the National liOagu* w ith g rea t eu- tliuslasm and en tire uoaol m lty . The read lag Ofthe paperi and the u y ln g o f fine th ings of Mr. Curtis befrre and after hls re-election en- gaged tbe attention of th e delegate* th rough ou t the flist session. Tha eecond an d last let- ■inn will be bald th is olM nioon,

A Ohnreb W ar a t F la ^ fie lil lUided. Bpci'l*l lo Hie EV kkinil Nnws.

1'I.AiNrir.i.U, A pril 'J#.~Two o f the Huptlst cliiirctaMi In th is city, tbe M ount G llvcaud the Iiiiiiiauual. have for a long lliuc Iss'ii lu open warfare. The Ituuianuel Ih a split from llie M ount Gltve Ibipllst, tbe resu lt of fiic- tlonnl dlsM-iislona aitiniig Hie menilier* of the ciingregalloii; niid the piiHlor o f the new chun-li lx the form er pastor of tlie Mount olive. Hitter |H-rHonalltlcs have frtsjucally been liiiliilged 1 11 ojs-uly betueeu tlie ineiii- b en of Hie tw o coiigrigatluus. During the lust few wis-k* Evangelist M urphy bos been Inhorliig In Ihe com m unity and with such giHHl em et th a t now the tstshini and peojili: ol the tw o charobes have agreed to work 1 11 barim iuy and even contemplute a iiiilou of the tw o h itherto rival locleMi-s, Tbosn m ini enthusiastic for the pmpoiH’il ron- solldutloii have called a public uulou ineetliig fur iie.xt Spiiiluy, a l which plniis for an uigsulraf Ion will proliahly be pHecled.

The New ro inpany to Tab* 4 harge.The nrnMigciuenls helw tvu the lludels and

Ibecupllallsts who oblaliieil Ihj-opllou |iii the Nrwurli and Houlb Grunge iiorse railroad have bis'ii snllsfactorlt.v nm iplctcd nnd the risid Will pass Ink ' the iiiiiid* if lilt- new coiujiaiiy lietjiorrow. I'lie iijillon w ill be foriiuill.v cliiscil

th.-niiiid the m-w ooniiHiiiy will lake ehargit ofiilfnlrs on Fiiiirtay moriiliig. The dlris'lor* if the new eiim |iaiiy hnvo dwldeil to r im llie i-iirs hy Iheoverbeod ebctrlu syslcui as «siu us ijOHsIhlc. They do ho t approve of Hie slur- agi- hal lery sysG-iii. _________ _

finiallpox to Hahobeii.JKHHKT Crrv, A pril a*.—John Di-ueke, pro-

prlslor nf th e b arber shop on the ground lioor o fllin teue ineu t hunse, TS YVoshlngtoii street, Ifohukeo. was fru u d to-day to he sunbrliif from Biniillpui u f a v iru len t type. He was priiuiplly removed to the pest-house al Snake Hill. Deneke's shop wa* polroiilscd hy prom ­inent cltln-ii* and Hie knowledge th a t he wa* suffering from *inall|xix ereated w idespread constcruatlnu. T b e lw o frm llic s which lived In the house w ith the l>-n*k« were;v*cclii*t»-d and the preuilae* were Ihuilgatcd by the couuly hn illb ofilclato, '

A ttem ptad fiulelde o f a Je rse y in a a .Pkovidescii, I t. I., A pril A m su b*-

tlcved Itom paper* found on bis person to be W alter K ktalns, o f Clayton, N. J-, waa frnnd on Ihe ilree t last n ig h t lu an Intoxicated con­dition w ith n bulle t wound In tbe left side. The wound Is though t to have been self- in filc ted from a twcnly-two-enllhro revolver. He was taken to Uw bospltal. He will pruh- ahly recover. ____


To Im prove A laabon P o s ta l F as llltto s ,Hpectal to Um R m ilto Newa

WAeBmmM,Aiwllll.-Eariy In Hay Major Beyboll, Foatoflloe Inipectcg la charg* as San Franctoou, will leave that city frr a trip to Inspect tbe poetel eerrlce of Aliaka, Fifteen bundred miles of the Alaskan osoat have of necessity been without peetofnee* hitherto, and tha requeets of tbe aalmon-cannet* have canted dlrwtlons to be sent to Inspoctor Boy- bolt to see what eau be done, for their oonve-

. . . ^ '1 ' ■‘Eft.'kagInW *

■ Ito t l lx V I

T he J u ry In th e 14h«l Case A w ards th e MMIstox n a ,g o o D aaaagea

BoaTOX, AprU Wc-TIm Jury In tb e libel su it Inst Ituted by tb* Bev. M r. Down* a g a ln it tb a om eert o( hlg frrnM r oburcb decided f r r tbe m in ister th is tn o rn lo i, aw arding h im tUkOOO dll mage*. Ho sued (hr mfiOO.

Mr. Downs had been compelled to give np h ls charge In oonaequenee o f chanfee o f Im­m orality . , ____

Th* Keystwto Bank Invearigatloa.W asiiixotom, A pril S8.—The B aokiug to d

Currency OommlUeu of the House haa found dlfllcnlly each day In accurhig a quorum to conduct the Keystone N ational B ank InveatF gatlnn, the technical character o f th e Inquiry and the fact th a t th e Billur* line been investi­gated heretofore wUb a great dealxrf thoroogh- ness, tending to lesien Interest t t It, eo th a t to-day the cotnialUee, on m otion o l Bspre- tatlve W alker, adoptad a rosuluHon niakiDg six mcmheri a quorum for the purposes of the fiivcsUgatlon. tYmtrollcr ta c c y ’s e ia m ln a- tion was continued and be p u t IneTldenc* th* telegtaphle and m all corresprmdeoee bstwean the offleo of w ltnret an d E x a m lix r Drew and Keystone B ank offlrere* before a n d a fte r tbe failure o fth e iL yston* B ank.

Two ft. F t O. C. A gents A rre s iril.N kw Y'ouk, A pril M.—Agent* W illiam Finn

and Kilward J . Bt-ckcr, of the Boclety for Hie Prevention of Cruelly to Children, Wi-re ar- rrslcd last n ight on a cliarge o fa tlcm p tlug to blackm ail the proprietors uf disorderly bouses, Thpy were brought hefrrs Kniierlnlendent Byrnes th is m orning haadcnflHt tn tw o nfll- cers and later n-ruamlcd to tbe Essex M arket Court, w lrtre lhey w ereb rid h r exam ination th is aftcrnooii, Both deny tbe charge.

Commodore Gerry, president of the flocicty forth* Prevention o f Cruelty to Children gave ou t a statem ent to ihe reporter* th is morning to the etfrot th a t the accused agents have been f r r m any years In th e em ploy of the society and have borne a good repuUHon. The society will m ake a full Investigation, and If sattofled th a t the ofllccr* a re guilty will proseoul* them to the fullcet ex tent o fthe law.

Fixing Up th * FM M ftmit's H a m a e r B are* .Bprclal lo tb* E v z n u a Mawa,

CAPk m a t , A pril W c-P N ildeat H arrtooa’i ■evemgabled Gggio M ay P o in t uoUag* to balDi

given d irection a t to the rfraraeter ol the work, her welLknown artlstin taste* being displayed la th* chokw o f color, noinbi nallune W HtBganK fM inA lIklvyer.w bntosS itiertn- tendlng the Improvement*, w ill have th e ! m ippt t a s e iu a iu ia l l pbltd on tlieouhijgl bone* rw a ttlW I l i d to ^ u l s h o d sidliimW n f t tow nkS ft ib M N* i ia k a U e m p M•utaMtakym*tiaUUa«niay,or4vrNC*dtt<g * ‘■ - D e e a S w ^ l S m r t l t i i a t ... .............

O a p to n * r a L a rg * EagI*.Special Dlepateb to tba Ngwa.

BVKhiNOToir, A pril an—The little tow n of R lvcntde was throw n in to a s ta te of Intonsa excitement yeetarday by tb e appearance over the Tlllago of an Immenee eagle. Peter tiafrier finally w onndedlbe big hied In tb a w ing an d brought h im to lb* eartb . H e waaeeonrcd Ofily aftw • H en* oonhaW, t t o r g ^ pergpna positively iuaeri tbist tb e iefil* m ad* a n tl-

............. " ‘ ‘dri*•U e m p te d to

. iw n y a c ^ U o fia r M w V * th e bird ,hn tifiV iltloii.

Driving for Dead Horses.The Imcllc* of Ihri-o dead borw-s liavn been

I 111 ril'd II mol ig a lot of debris lu tlisriu r of uiiiioii'a fiirlilturB atoo-, since Tiicaduy's

fire. .Mr. Ahroiis, who remove* dnid uiilmalH for Hu- Ibsird of Mtr«'t mid WatcrCoiniitlHslotuir*. went there lo remove till- ciiiv-iiiiscs, but fruud Hie way liHi hravtly liUK'kiidi'd. Heath Gfllccr IsiUlliach ordered Ihc n-iiiovni of the laalte* to-day, and work- iiit-ii are iioweiigiigml lit removing Ihe ruliis.II Ih exiHH-tcd that the earcaHSes will be cx- Irleateii lute this nfteniiioii.

"Y o u u g iu * n , if I can liifurm yon os to tb*' liilrli-acjcs o f th e m anufactu re a n d sale o f soduw aler. i w ill be picaied to do so, b u t If D la y any more abou t th is A ldrrm anlo buale ness, you and the publlo will know a s m u ck as I do u iy sc if”

A ldcnneu Hnrgeescr am i have used every rlTorl to have M ayor H oynes appoln* Frederick Nolan, uf the F ifth W ard , to thw supi-rlutendency o f tlie A lm shouse, whleh. piwltlnn was pcccntly m ade v acan t by tbw death of Htepben It. W ilson. The M ayor haft d irliu ed to liiU-rfrrc, and Mrs. W ilson to i l i l t In charge a t the Almshouse. R um or bas It tlm t H r. N uian, who was th e caucus nomlnew hir She position, will b* gl-ven a plao* b y thw Board oftH treet and W ater C ofam lm lonais, Mr. Biirgcsscr, however, w hen a em a day o f tw o ago, said he would only ta k a Mr, N o lan 'k mime o tf the slat* when Instructed by h im hp do so.

A nother A lderm an who was ssan sa id th a t a g rea t m istake was m ade by tb * A tdavfneawhen tlicy agreed to file appo iritm ent o f UUy fViuiiHcl Guild, A ssistant Clly Couneel Mao- ilomild.CIty A ttorney Ik 'n rpsey ,T ax Hecatver r ie rk and C lly Clerk O'l'emnor, All o f th * apisilu ln ients, hu said, a b iu ld have bees m ade a t o u t tl me,

“ D on't qnote m e,” said a D rm ocratlo Alder* n ioo to th e rcprwtsr, “ b u t yon i ^ l l have lb right If you sav tliiitllie i*» ltlons m il be filled. Al the nex t meeting. There m a y b« som* clmngi-s lu the slalo, b u t Uw ofOoea WlU b* flllisl."

I t l s g lv c u ou t by Ollier A lderm en th a t niK less alt Beimiiliraiis be m ade to w a lk tbft plunk none will go,

“ There Is n nice scheme on fro t to re ta in ccrtnlii favored ones," tlu-y aay , “ b u t w* aGIt have sonicGiliig Ur say , Cbvtala. IHsipIfl tiHik H upou thcrosslvee to preTeng- A ldcnnaii Lynch from getting a poeltloo t®- H'hleli h« was ri-ooiimicnded by frurtaeft Aldi-riiieii. These iH-ople will f ln d lh a tI .y o c fr huH Iiiiiiiy fricud* yet. He w as tu rn e d down for a luau w ho waa foreiniTly a Hepubllcan, h u t who ,bee cuine » D-inis-ral a* toon a i th e tld * of vli'iorv nnd in lro n a te giv ing pow er flowed- liiwiird the Ih-mis-rallo side of th e houas. Ill- was lisrkliig out bir m iiohcr 0 0 *. Lota o f iw 'iile are wIllTug to be H epubllcans o r l>cra- iH'rals under the sam e clrciim slanoes. ftomw of us d o n 't ivtiv whi-ther o r n u t W« are rs* Inrued lo ibuucU . We have som e right*' yi-t, however, Tlie Is ig ls taG ire faJan ’tdeprive us nf ninnhiKAl o r prevent us atand- Itig on d ignity . There to enough m aaJhpid m id d ig n lly left I0 cause u* to renenl plain wroiigH. Tliere Is such a th in g as p rin c ip le Olid It Ih hiiinan to resent u n ju s t trea tm en t,"

CrC'I.F. t.F.AODE P l.A H i.

_a . ---------Dined on PluDked Miad.

The Biiuiial planUod ahml dltiiicr o f the FIhIiIioiic Club w as held al Gtoiiccsu-r yi-sicis day Olid a lively tim e woo spi-ut by llie pleos- uri’-seekUig clly ofilcials. A fter Ihe d ln iirr siM-tehea wero m ade by Ytuyor Haynes and " .lak e Gic llo rber," s lid Inter the entlrt' isiriy went to the rucetrncli and lost considerable nioin-y Upping “ sure things."

C.ITV N K W S NO'PKS.The Newark Com cra U n b has erninged lo

give a con ip iln icn tary lan larn slide t-ihlhl- tlmi a t A ssoclatlun H all, M ay d.

Henry Mclieper, aged frriy-lw n years, who co iid tic ta thebar a t IhS Hnlled Btate Hotel, wc* leni|iim irily w m im ltted to the Insane osylnin by Judgu Coulou lust night.

Patrick (kwiiey, o fill .VInoeut s ired , was a r ­rested laol u ig h t charged w ith ostauUIng Jam es l lc a ry , o f 4S hchool slrei-t. Judge IlnycseolruuB ted tb* p rlioucr Id default uf ball.

Hcsldents o f ItoseviBc, who are ciislomst* of Charles Bebwer, a m ilkm an, o f *J7S Fifth avenue, have com plalued to the pnJIce tha t thieves arc slen llng Ih* m ilk left In bottle* by Bchwer n t au early h o u r In Ibe m orning.

lo u ls a B udden, o f 77 Pennington street.

P rcp a ra llo iis H oilcr W ay f*c th * Coastoff C en tury H un,

•At lust Might's nus-ting o f th e Busineift Men’s Cycle Uwgne reports were read from the nveing committiw regarding tb e cen tury ru n lo bi‘ held oil Moy Id. H illy entrie* hav# uln-ady Isvn rwH-'lveU, _ ond ,11,509 w orih o f prises doiiiiU-d. The first prlza w H lb e a plieuiiiallc-tiped wbiK'l. w orth 1170; th* seoe olid, a gold wnti'h, worth 170; th ird , a pa ir o f gold sliTVcbiittouRset w tlli d liu n o n d n jb u r tb ,, o gold ring. O ther prixes will ouastot of suit* of clothing, gfild-lieaded canes, tfhibrellas, cb*-ka article* of fiiru ltur* au d mleceiJauy. Fur Ihe liest acUiul lim e a s ilver cup will lift given nnd for the club huvlug the m ost sure v lv o rsa s llk banner. Th* cinb h av in g tbft most nuinbi-r of prise winner* w ill receive a M 'tn flb c l-Incyclojiai-dta B rltann loa. I t waft re(M)ried th a t si-vernl m em bers w ent ovsr Die coiirso from Philade lph ia to New­ark und loi-olcd cross-rood* an dturns. HIgns will be p u t up ah the u m is lo diri-ct the riders. S . P .P ria l, n ll lo ro f th p K’hrrt, w ill be th e bondleapper. Entries bavels-i-n nswlved from Pfallodelphlfr w ilin ing lon , Trenton, Now lla v e o , IlorU ordr HprlnKli 'l l Kiifl Hoiton.

It was dccldi-d w jo b i tb e lf to g n e o f Am*l» lean W heelm an and to build on •x teoalim tft thl) cliibhuuao UD P ark plooe.



was arrolgiicd before Judge Hayes lost n ight charged by her husband , Eugene Hiiddcn,

Yfas tb* Dwk*’s Borsa PoU onedf lAWDON, April » .~T be Duke of Wret-

mlDslcr haa telegraphed that hls hors* Onne, tlu) sciAtoblng of -wtaleh from tbe sutrire frr the raoe fur the Two Tbouisuid G ulneu waa onnounoed yesterday owUig to a audden flt of ilekiWH, la better. Ho adds that thereto do doubt whatever that Ormewoa foully and dcUlwralcly poisoned a week ago last Wednesday. Grroe, It will be remem­bered, wae a hot fiavoril* frr ibe Two Thona- and OoliMaa and tbe Derby, and the Duke of W utm lnstrr'e statemeat has ninaed the greatm lacontlou lu sporting circle*.

Dne de M eniy . M llbank’a A ntagonist. 1>A«^ A fijl Bftw know n th a t MU-

bofik** o n ta f^ i i f t tn tiw dual IbugM Wednos-

wllb dm ukfim css and disorderly oonilnct. The woman promised to do bettor aud the Judge dlK-liargfd her.

D runkennew and therelslng of a disturb, anco In several saloons lu Ixiek street tbls morning led bi th* arrest ot John Hchaffer, aged thirty-five years, of g rrin il slreet. Th* prisoner will lie given a clianee lo explain hi* conduct to Judge ('onion to-utght,

Mrs.Oollls, of Morristown, ilcllvcrsd * lec­ture on “ The Hussisn (Jncsllon,” n( the open­ing,of the new parish house ortB. JuBMe’s Church, last uight. AfUr the tocliir* there wss music and rcfreihmeats, Tbs building was foruuTly the mission ou Clark street and was moved to It* present poaIHun back of the cbtircli lost full.

The new hall of the Newark Turnvereln, al IIHand IM W illiam street, will hededicaled to-morrow. The final armngciuenta fur th* exercises were mode last night at a meeting of the build lug comiiiltlee In Henning’s Hall, ®0 Hprlfi'gfli'ld avenue. A concert and gym­nastic vxIilbIHim will be held Hiinitay, und an Instrumental concert nnd hall on Monday.

The Board of Chosen Frw holden a(|Journcd ycilenlay afternoon until May ft The closing business of Ihe llseal year wae tbe resointfoii moottoned I* yeaterdny'a Now* and the adop­tion ot a rcsuluUun to oonatruet a iiuall bridge over Nassau street, Oraoie. Tbe Finance Committee requested that tbe budgets bp made up by Ibe various other comml^tass.

Intcn-stlng oocounta of tb* worklDgs of tbe order known hs tbe Knights of Honor were given by Hupreme Dictator Hamuel Klutx and other epeukcra a t a meeting of Ceutennial

, Tsidfe held Joel a lfU . Vtoltow wer* pn-awjt )in A lpha,’ Atlas, Enterprise, C o to m t^

dojf PW* D u i ' d e U t o t b o u g k U h k t l h eeasawf n o e n * trorn T h U N t t e W l l l b tod kp:

Its recstted .iM frin rtqd ifi

Hudson, luigomar, Northera,Oft^rd,,Valley okd M 'etnm pka ludge*. Tb* ounm lU ei' ou

Tu In sp ec t th e P ip e U n * .About a lialf-doxen m em bers o f th e jo in t

conim lticcoii the proponed celebration o f tba new w ater supply w ent to th e w otor works th is m orning w llb Engineer Jaoobesn. Among them w en M ayor llay n o i, ComilsMaUnirni lla r lu n and H alm aud aevarol A lderm en. They left on the kill) tra in f r r J a n e y City a t th e M arket Htrect Depot o t tb e P tn iisy lT an l* Itallrisid. President H m itb a n d Dr. H endry, o t the Hoard o f Htreet aud W ate r Oommlw slotiers, were not lu the p a rty . Tb* A ldsrm ea and I ’ommiM lonars, a fte r im ipeoU nf th a works, will report to th e ir reapeetlv* bodies -ji

G **rg* T b n tw a B rie k .George Rapp, oged tw elve years , o f 100 Bonk

slA-ct, w asuasIsH iigaw otnsu on B an k s tre s l to move her fr rn ilu r* yeste rday afternoon. Because a box which be was carry ing was too heavy young Rapp lightened b t i load by throw ing a brick covered w ith eorpot o u t o t • window Into the street. Tb* mlaelle I tn ick an Ita lian ffoipmn un tb a h*ad,'lnfUetlng a severe wound. Patro lm an C hristie orrm ted th e boy, bu t a t lb* w om an cou ld ho t be fuimd Judge Iluyesd ischarged h im .

T h ree HulU fo r Damogr**.Hnll* against Ihe Delaware, L oekaw anna

and W estern Railroad have b o m liHUtuWd by th ree of th e (icreona tn ju rad o a tb * algb*of February 17' by a etreet car b e iiif n i a Into

'ib i^ JS o b a ld Lby * tra in . Tbe p la ln tlS i a re J o b s 1 o f 'i« Broome street, whos* r ig h t leg w as in­jured ; Annio Barkley, o f M Ogd»o atrseL w hp

' a l InJurtea, a n d Beiitoreceived severe Inlernal B. Wolfe, of gS Fasaalo etree*, wbo sotfrred from shock. Each sum tor gllMKIO dftai*B#a

“ f ro c k lu lU sIkH i ” Bird a l j _ t ^ n u r a b ^ ^ la k '

galnrday Fair add Colder,The Weather Buremi predtots frlr and wuclt

colder weather f r r New Joreey to-morrcnia,. 7 Northwesterly winds. w ,;

The range of temperat ure tor the post tsicn- ty-foar hours, a o c o ^ a g to tho reoaeRkepI hy ChallM Harldegeo A Oo., MS Brand Mgpaa, tot g A . « 5 M»i SA .« .,« r> i »A -M ,M P t aM q W ;

1(1 p u t are to Whet neitt Tbuinday h lg a t



Qabler PiapoSThere Are More Pianos in Newark and Vicinity of This Make Aione Than of Any Other One Maker.

A Eeoord of this kind is beyond question the greatest i-eoommendation that can be published oonoeming the good qualities o f these Pianos and the favorwith w hich they are held by purchasers.


miiimmonil Ibr porl^ of ton«, tlaattcUy of togebaadbaautir ofllnlilh TiieybaTa ffw oqiMla, Hid ara, iadoed, a j t r j dealr- •U a inatnuncnt.

RoapeotftiU; yonn, FRANK E. DRAKE,

gioOwor ofMiuio, andOifaiiMorOraiica Baptlft Church.TbaOablar Plano I purehaaad of ym

MOM ft»r yean a«o baa gitran tborongb aatlihotlon, both aa to Iti tone and tonob, and laol bat not leaat, ita wearing powera, balng nftar four yean’ oonatut um aa good aa new.

a WENIIAH SMITH, froftaaor of Mode, Organist of Jewish

Temple, Newark, and OrganJat and Moaioal Director of St. Jamea's Cbarob, New York City.

1 have need and played upon the Qabler A Bro, Pianos for a Dumber of yean, and hare always found them, as well aa the one that I have ftom you, to be very Btronf and dniable Inatruments.

FRANK L. BEALY,Profemor of Mualc and Organist of the

North Reformed Church, Newark.

I am very happy to add my teaUmonlal M to the merita of the Q ^ler A Bro. Plaooi. 1 oonrider them moat excellent iaatrnmenti. The touch and tone are ril that can he daiired, and I cheerflilly oom- mend them to partlea dealring to f^ h a e a a IlnMaaa piano.

Youra truly,WILUAM 0. CARL,

P roftmor of Muric and Organlat of the “ Old Flrit”- Presbyterian Cburoh, New York.

I have used and tanght upon the Ernest Gablef A Bro. Planoa for the past six years with the greatest satisfaction. They arc, Indeed, excellent instniments. (Their ■weetnesa, brilianoy and evenness of tone, together with their elasticity of touch, make them most desirable Insteaments for both musician and amateur.) I can obeerfbUy recommend them to all persons in want of a good piano.

Yours truly,FRED C. BAUMANN,

Profhsaor of Music, Dlroctor of the Park Conservatory of Music, Newark, and Organist of Church of the Redeemer.

I have used and taught upon the Ernest Qabler A Bro. Planoa for the past ten years, and have always found them a very superior liAtrument. For durability, rich- nesB of tone, elasticity of touch and supe­rior workmanship, 1 consider the Qabler uusurpaisable. MAX BRAUN,Professor of Music an d Organist of Rose­

ville M. E. Church.It is with pleasure I add my endorse­

ment to the Baperlor qualities of ths Ernest Qabler A Bro. Plano I purchased from you. For durability, richness of tone, elasticity of touch and artistic work­manship, I acknowledge them as simply perfect Yours, respecthilty,

C. FORMAN SMITH, Professor of Music and Organist First

Presbyterian Church, PlaioSeld, N. J.

The ** OaWer Upright ” which 1 have in oonslaiit use, 1 find a superior instrument, powearing a sweet, ringing tone. Its pUa- bla, elaatio teach is worthy of remark.

ReepectfoUy,A. J. HOLLYWOOD,

Professor of Music and Organist of fit James’s Roman Cathotio Church, New­ark.

It give* me great pleasure to tesOCy to the excellence of the Qabler Piano. They

I have used an Ernest Qabler A Bro. Up­right Piano for six years, with great salis- foction. 1 cordially endorse them for their good qualiUes of touch, tono and durabiUty.

DAVID LYON,Froftmor of Music and Organist

have three good qualities to recommend to all in need of a good Instrument, vix.: Thotone is good, the action durableland the cases strong and well made.

Yours sincerelj;,b . O’CONNOR,

Professor ofMusicandOrganistofBt Plus’s Church.The Ernest Qabler Piano which we pui^

chased from you has been in use during the past four years. I t has given entire satisfaction.


Since the Ernest Qabler A Bro. Pianos have been before the public, I have bad ample opportunities during my profea- rionsl eugsgemenU to Judge of their merits. I know of no piano that surpasses the Qabler In volume sod sweetness of tone, elasticity of touch and durability. In all respeets they are a superior Instru­ment. RespectIHiUy, etc.,

EDWARD IHHLEB, Professor ofHusic.

The Qabler A Bro. Pianos which have come under my observation are well de- servlng of the many flattering testimonials which they have received, as the tono remarkable for its rare pureness and ring­ing qualities, which is so seldom attrined in the piano. The touch is exquisite, an­swering all the requirements of the player. They are tnily elegant Instruments.

Yours truly,J. O. B. HARRISON,

Professor of Music and Organist of S t Mark’s Church, Orange, N. J .

The Erneet Qabler A Bro. Upright Plano I purchased of you gives perfect satisfac­tion, and I consider it as good an Instru­ment as is made. I have owned a Btein- way Plano for years, and I consider the Qsbler Plano that you sold me equal, if not Buparior, to it in every respect

ALEX. T, BENEDICT, Formerly Director of Music, Third Preaby^

terian Church.The Qabler Piano bought of you gives

entire satisfaction. 1 have used the Uri>ler make of Initrumento in niy home for about twenty-five years, but the improve­ments shown in ths present piano seem remarkable indeed.

Yours very respectfully,- JAMES S. HOLMES.

I take plesaurs In saying that we have used a Qabler A Bro. Plano at Murio Hall for some time past, and find it givee entire saUsfkcUon.

Yours truly,G E O . P . K IN G S L E Y , Beo’y.

Orange, N. J,

I t givee me great pleasure to recommend the Qabler Plano. For sweetneas, even­ness, and volume of tone and elastiolty of touch, In fact, everything that renders a piano perfect in the highestdegree, they have no superior. I t affords me great pleasure and aatiafaotion to play on the piano I purchased of yon. The more I use it the better I like it. For five years or more 1 hme bad in constant use a Qabler Piano, and have seen and p l^ed upon many In private and on publlo occasions, and they, as well as my own, have Invari­ably given entire satisfaction.

Yours, etc.,C. M. KABE.

Ths Qabler Piano purchased of yea by the Westfleld Lyceum has, in the past two years, been used by many of the berie art­ists from New York, Brooklyn, eto., and is invariably pronounced an excellent in­strument. In making engsgements, nn- riciana are particular in demanding that they shall be frimished with a good piano, and In no instance have they been disap­pointed since the Okbler wae plaeed hi Lyceum HaU. We are perfectly aaUrileil with our purchase.

EespeotfttUy yours,JAMES L. MILLER,

Treasurer of Westfield Lyoeom.

BELOW IS PUBLISHED ft PftRTIftL LIST OF PURCHftSERS OF GftBLER PIftNOS FROM T H E S. 0. LftUTER M M P J jJ J jChurch of ths ttedeeiDer, etty.F i r i i B etom ed Chuwh, city. m Jam es's K C Hehool, c ity.C h ata tri a u b , city.COfluo H w nnenhor, city.Ctonoordia ttinflng bnclety, city, Jeflbieonlau d u b , c ity .Newark Lodgs No. II, B P O B. city, Nswten Street Pnblle Hrhool, city . la d le s ’ A uxiliary, Y H C A, city ,Ofiteers of the Hh Beg N U, city,M Vlnoent's Academy, city.ff is te n afC hgrlty, Bt M ichael’s School, city.S t B a n s b s s 's H ospital, city .p o n th Tenth Street Poblto School, city.M tX lebaet’a Y H A .e l ty ;T h irteen th Avenue Publlo School, city,

' Y M 0 A, CUnton s tm t . (« city.O rangs Club, Orange, N J .S t M ark’s sobaol, W Orange. N J.P n a k l ln M s Scbucl, F a s t Orange, N J . OTSDge tjodge, B P 0 E , Orange, N J.Q lcn Bidge Club, Cllen Ridge, M J.V erona Publlo Sctiool, Verona, N J ,Ht T beiew Bcbool, Sum m it, N J , fLyos^m UaU. WesUteld, N J . t i t F a tiiok ’s church , E Jersey st, Elisabeth. S ls te n of Bt. Dominic, Kabwuy.A dam s, Mr F, S) Broad st,A its l l , C D, n Em m et si,AUea, Mrs M 0 ,7 Elm st.Andeiwm, H S, 3(H B ttth sU A xtall, IC , IM U dcoIo a re .AUsTfaury, W F , » A stor ri.AsUey, Mrs W ra C ,« » H igh st,B aum ann, F C, U High at,Burgass, K A (J), IM BrUos sL Alsdr, Andrew, 17 Fillm om st,B arkbom , W H ,» l B U h sL Brown, SM , <6 B 17th st.Bom einann, U , Itit H unterdon st, B rsin tnall, Dr H l i , 707 HIgb sL B crintuall, H Heber, 7 H «th i t ,Boynton, C B, ini N 61b st.Beck, E, M Wuverly pi.Brown, P A, *11.7th ave.Benedict, A T, IXi M onmouth st.B sasdiet, E E, U Bberm an avs.BsoBdlct, JP ,3 7 « H !g h st. teU ey , a E, gU LIttlslou a v a Benson, Miss O arria U7 U nlou st,Belltal re, A L, 83 M orton st.Bennett, W U , S> E m m et st,Boebm, A, 666 Sooth Ttb sU Bryson, Mrs E lla b e lh , lU Stone iL Borrle, 0 H, 87 South lOth st,Bsalscb, Cbss, I t Boston st.B om s, A nna, l i t A dam s st.B icnnan, Mr* Michael U . I ts P s su le av*. B urns, J E, UB Halsey a t B urch, Miss Florence L, M Fulton st. Bowers, Jataes,61 N orth 7th i t B urns, J , Y73 W ashington s t Breokfietd, M rs L J , 7 W okem an avs. Booth, H ilt B, SU W ushlngton s t B rennan, Hiss M, 115 Polk s t Brockle, John, 166 Buiumer a v a B rady, Mrs R, A Q uitm an i t Babcock, A L, 18 Nelson plane,B arnes, Mias A B, 168 N orth 6th s t B a U ,M r iB E ,t6 E lm s t Bsann, Max, Sa W averly place.C annlir, 3 C ,gn Orange i t Cbitlsodon, S D, ise Uarslde i t C urrier,C 0,17 H ill s t Oallan, Thoi, W Tlchenor i t ,,Cort, W m, ISO South Orange a v a Claurson, 0 0,70 Halsey i t O unpbell, D T, 81 B road s t Cam pbill, W m F , SU P iinos i t C ia rk ,L A ,U H lU e rs t C bsatls J 0,'SO Clifton a v a

B Wi 60 'ftchenor s t Oops, John, 0 7 18th a v a

‘O srbarry , Mrs M, 01 Belleville av a OonloD, M A, W W akem an ave.Onuk, Uao W , liO Penney Ivanta a v a Cbowtber, O % 128 Bberm an ave, C b rtw rry ,M n E ,S 7 « H ark u ts t . Cowm lngs, J o a Avon a re .Oastle, F r ^ Bloomfleld and H t

avoi.C nrtay .T 0,200 B ank I t


Conlon, O r , 2ta Oarslda s t (U nion, R P, 85 Jam es i t C layton, M rs F E, 86 tlln to n ri.Chuate, C N, a Beoond a v a Crowley. T F, 0 Oray i t Crossley, E , 1(B laM yetts i t (Jampbell, J W m. 16 W alnut a t ( la rk , F 11,11 Miller s t Cox, T H , 521 M ulberry s t Connelly, J U, 605 Bank s t Callen, Rev B’ N R. 25 Bruce s t Coplay, E m m aO ,78 Fourth ave.Cohen, Adolph, cor M arket and Ijswrenee s ta C'rawtbrd, Jam es, 111 Bummer ave.D o m n u a H SI, 178 M t Prospect a v a Dengler, Mrs A, 700 H unterdon s t D unn, Mm « O ,» (tourt s t D unham , D H , 260 ( lln lo n a v a Dudley, F A, 100 N Heventh a t D um nd, SIlw H K, f i t Vr aablngton I t D ougherty, SfVs M, 08 Mulberry e t D erker, Jas W, 8S Eighth ave Delaney, M E, 612 High s t Doyle, M rs (T.8H Jay s t Dixon, W , SOI High s t im n h w n . Sirs B W , 12 W akem an ave, D u ra n a g ^ ra A Si, 25 F rank lin s t D avidson, John, 70 P srk pi.D unham , i l l s i E tta. 172 W ulndt i t Doremuif, A Ivl26 .Monmouth s t D arby, Mlia C F, 22 Baldwin s t Dolan, Mrs A, 67 Monroe st.Dlsbrow, M rs (', 865 Mulberry a t D unn, Miss A N , 71H m u s t DreylUsa. D, M Oourt s t D ope Carrie, ITlJs Prince a t D urham , A T A F P, 78 N esbitt s t D uttord, F ran k L, WHherman a v a De M ott, W illiam B, 760 H igh a t Eagles, Eugene, 2M N Ulli s t E dgar, F M, M Nelson pi.Elsele, A A, 96 Clay s t Ebie, n lt l la m , 62 Nelson pi.Kills, M™ E , 21 Halsey s t tlarle . Miss .M A, 256 CUnton a v a E pstein, L, 21 Rowland a t Em m a, H enry F ,» Newark s t Khlers, H E, JO Marshull s t Engelberger, F , 215 B 7tb s t Fnltoute, J ^ 49 FAst K inney i t F ay , Eugene, 00 M arket s t P elt, A T, 84 Clay at.Ferguson, W L, 248ts Belleville ave,P tn n , Miss K, 117 SUdlson st.F isher, Mrs C, 148 Johnson ave.F a irb an k s , B ^ a m ln , 28 Nichols s t F inney , Mrs B ^ 814 Bummer a v a F lood, Mrs Annie, 811 Academy a t F rench , I H , 60 Cutler s t F H sslm m oua P J. 16 Frederick s t F ricke , John, 101 Aqueduct i t F a rm er, Mrs Em m a P, 15 W akem an a v a F reem an, W J , 00 Congress s t F ord , Mrs II . tbTth s t and Tth a v a Fox, Mrs Jam ca 210 New s t F itzG erald, H lia Jennie B, 182 Brunswick s t U atebell, A N, a04 Hiissex avr.O a rra b ra n t Charlea, 85 Avon ava (Je p p ert Hugo, 67 H am burg pi.ODford, J A, 601’ark pi.Griggs, John , 66 Tlchenor I t Gore, M ill BM, 810 Hummer a v a G rey, Mrs M A, 20 W arwick s t Uroshong, H H , 250 CllnUm iCi'a G rccy, A rthur, 12PN ll lh s t G raetber, Frederick, 181 Lafayette i t Griswold, F BIOS W rig h t s t Oeery, 8 W, M Hosevlllo ava H u rd , Mrs B, 761 Brood s t U a r r is o a M rs B F, B ilentoall pi and Hum-

m l t I tH aines, K B, 276 Plane s t H opkins, Miss Bay, 171 P lans s t H adley , W C, 275 Olh a v a Hayes, L H , 7 Avon are .Hatfield, U F„ 61 Gillette pi.Holly w(wd, A J , 78 Court i t H utchins, W illard C, 412 8 lOtb i t H ill, L A , HO Broad s t H elm , John G, 147 Elm i tH orte r, A dam , 42 Barclay i t H ughson, Mrs T P, 078 Broad a t

«y, Ueuige F , lIN W right st.

Hm nnictl, Mrs It, 16 Ferry s t lla y , b lrs E 34.118lb »vc.Haines, Hr E, 41 Biink st.Ilcrvey, H E, 126 Jlon telair a v a Hewsi'U, T C, 17 Kriirliy s t Holmes, A B, a 7 B n u d st.Iligble, Bumuet, til Fulton s t llabcrsattg , F , 6(1 Howard s t H arris , M K, H Fhoex s t H aydon, D rJosriph II, 448H igh i t llnuHsllng, M H, ItM Mulberry s t Iluya, Jam es L, IM Clinton ave.Heller, 6Irs A J . 115 Clinton ave.H ill, W illiam , 17th ave aud Bergen s t H aberle, JIrs A, 457 Bprlngdeld a v a llulines, Mrs L, 60 Green s t Herpes, F J , 471 W ashington i t H am ilton , Mrs Llzsle (4, 94 Nelson pL Hughes, A, 176 L sM y ettes t Halsey, C. T l^rd ave.H eath . John Jam es, 140 M ulberry s t Hough, b ira Kate, 688 Broad e t Hltngwortfa, J , 56 P ark pi.Issler, hklward, 8 Bussex a v a Issler, Miss Em m a. 82 Nelson pL Jogger, Mrs I, A, 71 W lck llflb s t Jatruba Mrs I M, 79 Bank s t Jacques, Mrs 61 A, 68 W alnut s t Jancovluits, W T. 27 Miller a t .Joscplr, Mrs H , 169 Bprluglleld n v a Juurdaii, Mrs h , 48 Astor A.Jadem skI, M iss,8918th avs.Jom hsuu, Mrs 8.361 Belleville a v a Jockes, Aiignot, 10 Mlllon a t Kose, C M, 15 W orren si. j ” Kearney, Mrs U. 16 H oyt s t Y Klrclm cr, P, I)Sprlngtleld a v a Keller, Mrs C, 7518th nve.King, M rsC M.67 J lc llv llleava K eiiuard, M M, 762 Bnwd s t K linger, bliss B, 18 Union a t K leinm . Miss K, M Mnlecy a t Kearney, Mrs K, 60 Bergen s t King, Frcdcrlek, 3B7 Hulsey o t K loli, Bumnel, 268UIC s t Krisewetler, U, H igh s t Kurzenberger, Mrs C, 419 H igh s t K Insey, Mrs F, 121 Jumca s t Knowles, F rancis W , 44 N 7lh s t lAng, Hun H enry, DOS Brood s t lojIlUB, Mrs W,m, 100 K um racr o v a Lyon, Dovid, 103 E Olh st, N Y. l,luea,H D ,601llsU cpl.Uwhnborgb, A, 211 LUIleton a v a L ina Mrs A, 149 W right s t Linder, H. 206 Bergen at. lilttlefleld, J A, 7 7 Bloomfleld a v a lAWHon, George, Crawford s t Lueddeke, L S08 Bergen el.M ddruro, V/lUlom 11, 100 Newton s t billli, E A, 189 Hummer av*.Moore, J N, 13 B rientnall pi.McClay, M ill M K, K7 Union i t M artin, V H, 'M68 1211r at*M nish, Edm und, 141 N 4th s t McLoun, Mrs K E, 121N 8d i t eb U rtln ,T F ,7 M H lg U st Jloodonald. 8 J , Nelson ph MorreU, J W , lOM.Brosd s t M ohsr, U J . 67 E K luusy s t M urray, 0 C, 301 W arren i t blartiD, Thomas, 52 Buiiimer a v a bleagber, blrs 8 F, 118 S um m it s t Moeller, Mrs H W, Freem an s t M artin, Mrs A, 277 M arket s t btnher, M rsL 18* M orris a v a M artin, W illiam , 48 Barclay s t Mnller, M A, 451 Broad i t .M cU ughlln . Mrs M, 84 Cbam hers ri. MoQee, Daniel, 164 Lafayette s t btocklor, Mrs C ,« K tchm ond s t M undy, Mrs A B, in L incoln a v a Moore, Peter J , 68 Astor st.M urphy, J A, 142 M onroe s t M orriaA U O ,84418th»ve.MeGovern, Miss N, 110 M orrti a v a bl lller, Charles W , 65 W righ t I t MoGuire, Jam es J , ISNelson jd.Muyo, M ra U, 01 Blecoker s t Hetsger, Ohnries, 871 W arren s t bllller, Mrs. Horace K, 106 O rchard s t Nedinger. Mrs E b t 6« a W ashington s t

.............. ,1241 " ■Nesbiti, M n L F , 124 Paulflo s t

Nugent, Miss Rose, IBT H um m lt i t N. J . Phimogroph Oo, IB Orange i t Osliorn. Charles, 122 Orange e t O’Crowley, K J , U B urnet s t Oury, 8,11 Boslnu a tO’Donnell, W H , M ulberry an d W alnu t s ta Ortniunn, Mrs G A, W1 Veeey s t U ltrer, Mrs C 0 ,10213th a v a O'Brleu, M rs E, 55 Colden i t o ’Conuor, Mrs Em m a F, 145 W arren s t Ogden, Hldney N, 207 Belleville a v a O’JUUlly, H. 146 Polk s t Pollard, J F, Ellnobelh av*.Plum e, George C, Kti T h ird a v a I’reisler, Charles, 286 8 7lh s t Preseler, George H , 118 F e rry i t I-earson, Thomas, 42 M yrtle a v a P lau t,G , 17 G rant s t I*lez, a , 1*1 Fairm ount a v a I’em berlon, 8 II, IS* Bum m er » v a Ifelfer, John, 3fl W arren s t poh llf . Miss Ida, 94 Union a t pe rry , W illiam P, 18 M iller i t Pdster, Mrs A J . 294 8 7th s t Parsons, E W, 61 C olum bia s t IbrlcsUer, A driph, 213 N *th s t I’arkor, Dr Charles B, 18* Hpruot a t n a u l , Mrs P J , H* Union s tIV Ien, M ill M innie L, 46 H a ls s y s t v Pieflerle, Mrs M ary, 696 H ig h s t I ’ortcr, J Grove, 48 Hlale st.Hews, Jam es P, 175 O rchard a t Kmwell, bllH Belle, 410 P lans a t Koberts, M ra WIlUara M. 116 Clinton a v a Hoblnson, J E 421 W aln u t s t Uludell, John, 17 Milford ove.

, HoUel, Johp, 3 » 80“ *" Orange a v a _Rots-rlMm, Mrs J . *9 E lm s t Ilunyon, O E, 36 (ihestniit I t Ilotbe, Mrs L, 29 M ulberry pi.Kyuo, Mrs bl F, 181 Badger a v a Rasher, John. 46 Bleccker s t Riviere, F, 29 Liberty a t Reeve, Hiss L C, 8 AtlnnUc s t Rudden, Mrs 0 , UM Orange a t Hummell, J , *7 FreU pghuysen a v a Rogers, MliS A L 4i6 W ashington s t Itadut, Mrs A, 48* W ashington s t Rlonlan,ME*REI™»^Racier, A, W K am hnrg pi.Rheluebetmer, b ln Etixaboth, IB Aqueduct s t Reeve, E M, 82 W arren pi.Bmlth, C W enham , 41 Spruce s t Bealy, F rank L, S*9 W ashington i t Bmlth, C Form an, 212 Kim i t Htarrs, Mrs K E, 29 Hector s t S lew arl.J 11.84 F u U o n s t Sm ith, Mra F U, J r , 976 Brood a t Sheeta Dr A » ; *66 B road I t Bplnnlng, Mias J F, 141W K inney * t Btone, Thompson, 99 E lm i t Hmytb, 3 Wilson, 14 liUI i t Hbaw, Tboniai. 66 P a rk s t Smalley, Mrs A W , 355 Bum m er a v a Behw arla W M, M lUdgewood a v a SmUb, Mrs A, 948 H u lherry s t H ayra Mrs U N, <5 O riental i t Bmlth, Miss Jorie, 801 O rongi i t Hpoar, Jos 8,1*7 O arild* s t Slulzlen, F 0, W U fc y e tt* s t Bcanlan, Mrs A, 167 C entral a v a Stewart, Mrs I I R , 67 N ichols s t Bmlth, Mrs H, 65 Colden i t Hqulro, Miss 1 ,26 N elion pi.Blowoy, Miss E, 197 B road I t B ebm ldt Loula *• R ow land s t Hchanrlnihauacn, Aug, BM H am burg pL Bonnlek, Wm, 7* P eunlng ton s t Bcbnelder, Miss L A , 1 » F e ity f t Schneider, M ary A , 60 A rlington f t Bella A, 243 H 7th s tBchuellboohir, H sn ry , 225 South O rnni* » v a Bpangenthal, A, 47 B ank s t Schloii, B ,» » W ashington s t Smlili, Mrs E B ,» S tertin* s t Seeley, Thomas, 96 C entral a v a Schwaboeber, Jos, 14* Academy s t Toomey, Rev F a ther, W allace p t Tccllng, Mrs 0,15 Pw saio » v a Thowlcss, 0 « , *40 F ir s t s t ThrasMll, J B, n Rriku) rt- Trusdell. CUsi G J6 5 (la rs ld l f t T a y to r , iY H J ,* 7 N T th i t

Tunlsou, Edward, 47 Lincoln a v a Thommt, Jos 8,56 SlerllTig s t T n ta E C, 81 W alnut s t T r1p iie ,JK . 946 N 7 lb s t Topham , Mrs M J , 97 N Y a v a Tome, .Mrs M H, 4*5 M ulberry i t T Itu a M rs E M ,23 Nelson pi.T hum , M rs K, 106 Pulk st.T helry , Paul I, V, 171 Ml 1‘rospecl * v aThom pson, Mrs K C, 517 Uraugo i tTesgue, Geu, 94 Cutler i tT borburu , Mrs U 244 Mt P leasant a v aT ravis, Mrs A F, 6* Academy s tlinge re r. Adolph, 881 M ulberry i tVahderpool, Howard, 412 Clinton a v aV ollclte , M rs J K 25* a ln to n a v aV reeland, Mrs J F., 153 Orange i tV e rn e t Geo W , Jam es and B uruq t s ta VVcwrbcci, Hics'ttrt H, 856 Brood i tV ondenburg, George J , 9 tism an s tV anderb ilt, Alice H, 136 Stone i tW ard , Jo h n D, 379 Ogden s tW eis, Mrs 0 , 25* N7Hi a tW eber, Mra J , 27 Orchard a tW ard , Mm Nellie, 155 4th a v aW ebhe, Choi H, 207 8 6th s tW heelan, Mrs R E, Penn av* an d E m ne* iW lllla M rs M 8, *77 Hummer a v aW hile , W B, 1*6 H unterdon s tW ootey, W m , 10 Nassau i tW lr ta 'V m . 561 H Ig h s tW o llen , n i r i i , 18 HUte I tW elsler, Ed, 177 Bruen i t ’ 'W loons, ChoH U, 278 N 6th r t. ^W ise, K B, it* Orchard i tW r i t t Mrs Mary, 2*5 Bonk s tW alt, Mrs s A, 63 Taylor a tW oodall, Jo h n J , 26 Nassau i tW eaver, Mrs A U, 80 OolumbU a tW e s t iSlmrt, J r , TJ l*th a v aW erls ,C C ,2 W P a r k i tW ay, E m m a, 73 Oourt s tYale, Jo s H , 6* HllUide a v aYauger, H , 473 a iu to n a v a ^

H A R B I 8 0 N , K J .A nton, M A, 604 North t th s t B ow era Mrs N B, D62 Jo h n st.B u rn t, Mra John, 449 Deoond s t C arney, E J , 128 Croes s t Condon, John , 809 South 4Ui f t Ooetello, J ,2 0 0 Ir tv li it.D evaney, Mt* A, 155 U ront a v a D ixon, H ugh, 408 Davis a v a Dwyer, J , *16 Jersey i t Dwyer, W ,812W m iam St H arrison , W J , 418 Jersey i t H auser, L, 62 W ashington i t H ickey, M, 319 lU m llton i t U orsm an , E, 501 Davis a v a ■Kemp, L B , Bergen av a Lyuob, M rs C. 8* Uebdeo i t Lyotw, MISS N, 400 O rout a v a L aw lesa Miss N, 619 H arrison a v a M artin , Mrs John, 18 President i t McDonald, E F , Davti a v a U ulUgan, Mrs J J , 48 H arrison » v a M usgrava A, MOGraut a v a N orton , Peter, 88 WoiblngtOD » v a O'Connor, Jocepb 0,315 Sth f t O'Oonnor, Jam es A, 2t5 Sth i t P b llllp i, Mrs M, 52* N Sth I t

popper, Mrs P, 119 H arrison a v a KetUy, Mrs U 427 W illiam I t RclUy, M n Luke, 427 W llllam i t B ioa E J , 116 UarrIaoD a v aB lo rd a D ,P ,2 n N H h i t B uddso, Mrs B, 900 N 6lb s t S im pson, Mrs E, ZD H am ilton s t V an K ubnrgh , F, 790 H arrison a v a V an Volkenburgb, IH , 107 N 4tb s t W olih , M n Ellen, 415 W arren a t W ornoek, W illiam, BIT 2d i t W Ubelm , W H , 41 W ashington i t

T H E O R A N G E S . A dam s. Mrs E K , P ru ipsct i t .Angell, A , 38 Mudd uva A nderion, F E, E lliot td.Arm ltoge, Mrs J H , P ark a v a , B e r ia F A ,f l« le u b « n s t B rodcsier. Max, Volley rood.Bowsrs, Mrs C W, Halstead i t

Balbnch, A rthu r, 88 Glebe e t Brown, J Crosby.Baldwin, F H , 137 W alnu t i t Crozler, 0 . M, South O ranga C u n d it Mrs H , 1« W illiam e t C o n d lt Theo, 9 Elm i t Collan, Rev Father, Orange Volley. C osey.J, S 2 F o r « t i t Crane, Miss K U, 47* Wl llU m I t Carrington, Mrs F 8,36 W aln u t s t ( 'lu rk , U 0 , 30 Sum m it s tDavla J P>19Rd7uritstD oughlerty, Mis* Sfory, *8 W illiam a t Davenport, A 11,49 Cary st.Everts, E 0 , Springdale »ve,Edwards, J A, 131 W alnu t i t Forley, M E, 81 Huisex a v a Fuller, George, 179 N P ark a t Froucke, George, IS* Day a t F ran k , Charles, 33 W estcott i t Ford, Mrs M B, *3 lU U teod a t F rank lin D istrict School.Flood, Mrs M, 62 Freem an s t F llro a E B, 16 N Maple o v a GUe, Dr F A, 471 Main s t G a rre tt Thom as F , 27 E Day i t H aag, Mrs J B, M ain s t H u b b a M rs A P, Snyder s t UarflT, F K, 14* M ain s t UcddsD, L 0 , S Maple a v a H em itre e t M E, 12 Jones a t Uigble, W illiam L, 71 Sussex a v a H uebner, Q |i , 6* 8 G rq ;e i t Hugun, M ary 0 , 7 W allace s t U n s f y , I H , 4* 8 Art Ington a v a Kingsley, E W, 4 H u rlb u rt i t Kearney, Jam es K, 24* Olsnwood a v a low, Mrs blary, 22 V alley i t M iller, Mrs A, 2TJ M ain I t M cG olt W IHtom J , w e s t O ranga McDonald, Mrs H . 2* V alU y a t H u rray , M n M, L um ber s t MoCbesney, L E , 127 U n co lu a v a Ray, Mies H I , 85 W ard i t H o g ert Hr* F J , 3* W illiam s t Ih )sa H A ,8 c o U an d s t Kolmou, A B O , South Oimng*.Bm lth, Osorg* H , Sooth Orange. S ln ln g a Miss 8 K. *4 O akland o v a S tew art, Mrs J B, F ou rteen th s t Soveiri, W M, Bprtngdale a re .Bm lth, Mis* M B, 9 E « « ii av*. Sherm an, M n George, *4 Valley rood. S m ith , M n L 1 ,212 Pork a v a T he Orange Club, Prospect i t T h o » p « m , B A, 412 C entral * v a Volk, MIh Lena, 366 M ain I t W ard , M A , 70 Snyder i t W ebster, Chos 1 ,69 W eitoott a t WB*t Ylinrt. Ue»«l>y“W ilKia, P B, Proap«ol U rrao a

Adams, J L, Bloomfleld.Daub, Daniel L, H i W ashington ave, Blaoirtt

Held.Grim sbaw, Sfiss E , BtoomlhSd,H allloon, T, Bloomfleld.H askell, B, Bloomfleld,Hogy, J F , Bloomfleld.Kelly, W , JBIooinfletd.H udlson, M n Robert, Bloomfleld. kiltchell, Mrs B, Bloomfleld.Plnnlnger, H W , Bloomfleld.Kamisch, Hr* 51, Bloomfleld.Rotweau, H enry, Bloomfleld.Robinson, Miss I E , B loom fleia W hite, Dr W H, Bloomfleld.Bodgley, A 8 , Hontoloir.Courter, H iss I d a M ontclair, a a r k , M n 0 C, M ontclair.Fox, Mra H M, M ontclair.Greener, J U , M ontclair. Iaskom ,E dw tnH ,46*B loam fletd a v a Horik

clalr.Ncldcrhauser, E, M ontclair.Robinson, Mrs A M, Montololr,Sluder, A C, Montclair.U nderhill, W W. M ontcUlr.V sn Brunt, F C, M ontclair.W lls o a j; A, Irv in x to a Cogah, n ^ I r v ln ^ m ,J , R E, - ' -Drake, N, Irvington.Drake, M 8, trvQuiton. klandevtlle, 5tlw T heodora Irv ln g to a e iilta rd .C , u n io n a v a Irvington. Poole, jainee, Irv ington.Campbe Carncale

A , R ahw ay,____R ahw ay.

Kelly, W M Railway.Sheldon, r t . , Rahw ay. , » Thorpe, J P, lU hw ay. ‘Callagban, P, F rank lin .Gelbri, M, F rank lin .8 a l ^ , If F, F rank lin .Mtearna, M rs 0 J . F rank lin . H atlerihw alts, Mrs J H , F n n k U s . B lew itt MIm A L, B ellevlllaO IU W IV .. « l l » r t ..w .B arnard , C harlea BellevlUa H aggerty, F , Belfeville.I <am|d)eli; J , J r . B ellivlU a Bowden, A CaldwelLCannlff. A Ckldwril.In n m , M rs W m . CaldwelLBnyder, A A ,O ildw elt,u s . T . T . 1.&M FVnl^lrtSilTM iT i T o y , John, pridwelL W tlltam a N J , y e r ^ .Brennan, Ellen, H am m lt Coflky, Kellie, H um m lt Cushm an. W in C, S a m ra lt Kverdeli, Hla* Clara F, S u m m it

E L I Z A B E T H , N . J .

A ngus. Mrs Job W , 44 R eid i t A rzl, Mrs M B,T Reid s tBreen, Miss M, 864 A dam s a v a B aker, R P , 93 W Jersey i t .OOToll, M ill A B, 421 T rin ity pLcrone, A B, 108* E G rand f t Dugan, H J , 649 Monroe a v a D av la F H , 24* F ran k lin i t .E ckenoo , W illiam , 20 8 Spring S t Frolloh, Mr* A, 306 M orris a v a F libbougb , Mil* E M, 109 Broodway,Grtflln, George, 588 Brood s t GUIsspla John, 27 T h ird s t Boolsy, H 0,867 T rin ity pL Loveland, W F, 177 M adison a v a L a f t r a a J B. 1 I» H am pton pi.L urter, Mra E A «H» B U v lM , J J , IH U v ln g ito k I t H o rtu tr t J , IIM E l li tb e tb a v a p » t t H , 148 Spring I t.P e p l a F P , 241W G rand s tR c isn , Miss Jenn ie M, 144 W all s t , E llzsbeth-

R ^ L W m B, 678 N Brood I t Hlnon, Georg* W ,» Minli*™ a v a sm Iu L H w , *4* W ratmliM ler a v a TottrLD>riK*ed*t Ulrich, Ism la ?*urrli ov*.Von D uier. 0.1067 W illiam I t W alker, U W . 1151 W ashington i t

Kvcrdeii. HIM c w m r , Buuimiik Moody, Mr« U «leni A, Hammlti.JvgtnjUJi esAfli *aasa*»*e 11M unnklUriok, R K , S u m m it Moore, W m J lu m m lt M lU lngton.E J . B u m m it Frayne, y I, hUdleon.

Kltcbell, M D, MlUburn.___ il, H U . H inouruKetUes, J o a M lllburn.Bird, Mrs CbM, Arlington. Colburn, F C, Arilngton. Jo ra lem o a K Ih K M, LyndJo ra lem o a tYlis k If, L yndhatlL M oniimon, HIM M, S u m m it Ming, W m E, ItoM lla P w k , Dr E 0 , M orriitown.____ , ffj U, IiriU._______Havsge, J G. H prilstow n.

WmVMento Park.Carmen, Wm, Memo rar Fore*. M N, Menlo Pork.Force ,» N, menio e w a . Bllllweil, rflM M J te n to f t r i f .Kinney,’joe R, Scnnervltia Sbder, F M, rtolnfleid. Bllber, L A J. Hoboken: Khrileh, A 3, Jerser Oil Cnmk, Mrs H Wji‘i*i- Choee, Mrs D H. Omdi(iuthr'le, P P, N u tle r. Atwood, Mrs 1, K, B ayonnaClair, U . Darby, D Herm an D avla J Cropeey,

K lm oraan w o ed .

i ,H n & C a r l^

Crear, MIS* R B s r t J m k Cltj^N sw JIfo rk a iy .

iding, Irt.

Crear, mis* m i Kronbelm , Mn G ^ n n .D r J r UU, Wnilamj B uillT ont H LDlckcriHm. D, Jg rm m jM o r, w j .D av la Mra J A j S ^ X n ^ E G l ln n o a l in Obril* B ,27l w llSUt il,N *W

York. _ n n , m iH e lg W .

Miller. Mr* K m in a M orrlitow aBohsnek, J B, Hetuehen.

avaJsrMF OMr

K r o S i l l M iriiaM ap iew o o d . " ■■ J H , H r tw a rTerrtll, J H ,H l* w a y .W etsher, Jobn^yatfiburg .Wolf. David, \ ty r tS h .I o d .Yereonoa M n A Ruthertbed. ContanTMr* M, Chaibato.Draoombui, M n A U, W aihlugtoa, 0 C.



N B W A K K K V E N I N U N E W S / F K I D A Y , A F K I L l ! l ) , 1 8 9 2 . 8

h lT U J K ^ T r im l tv t »4r«rt1»l«c U ML* | \V m mai»( luvurlabEr b« | m 1cI U r In Bi*

^#aer>oNHU w ill b s BiirkBei fer ■■eli.B^YrTtlM itirnt w ill r r re lT rd #Ter

ki«l«»b«d« tJ tfc p i ibwiB *eiu b r BBib#r-

[’HEFULMAN FVrtUKMLUMAN ' I 'l.A rE 1 : 1 i ’hlJJU* KT._

ItBEJt WANTED - Nn.'^K JU T KIltKT- .1 r.uvfaii u;. K KNV9KI4, 7M Brottd

T?rKKIl -A tf(»nn ACAN TO WOBSC A/AiNK i bi« iul aud uu4»6 cuki*.

41 MAIlKirTHT.; t<wliir.,UbJ tt WASTED AT liN i’K, FlUrtT- iis,-. Ijurbrr. VJ H‘ )‘-KVllJ.E AVK. tftqMBKH W'ANTED Foil HATURDAY ANDtnJay. 87 Tli. UhXOlt WT. i

luUKUiWANTPD KuU 8ATUKUAY AND iiiitliy. M W n.LlA K bT. I

l l ^ l u « « 'W » r k , i l HAIVKKVVr. < '' •

■j jnt't-KW nllK

»B A I. KUTATK r< klt H A M C -riTY .

i i lm . WANTKtl BO* OKU;cniUiouwatirk. TIiANB HT, I

'fO DO OT'A1 AHIh> AND n iK I> W A N Ti:i' j ni’WH nrk frr homt*: #s »vr* |p»‘ r.-. -

ft(idtv«Me(l ruvrlo^. W UO HANI JAtTM llNt* ( OJUl'AN’V, 4 l.lofrty HoBlOOi Miwwrtt^-MtA ________ ____


tvnrk HfHl ir»Hl A. Wl*iMn.K, 810 **4**Jway, Nfw York.

fw o orf H>bi ivu i t M Mtil nMnna; ftDpn>\‘«inefttii,

Ju^t.lHCuperBmiun.VliqWN * BCTfLKKlNOKK,

;w Brawl Ik

I illl



OTfc«BM« B . r#...* ----- - - --Oil uJmiuwI nf»r, flo-w-rUiera. Hi MAllKKT MT.. 4th rtqor.


vkuatohh a n d haktkhm w a n t e d UN IK HULTIl UKANOK AVK, •rcol^

TIIKBK fOTTAQlOlHer Ml#, wirh rontalniiiq irtx nwmii and KiFfrellAT, w»l4*r Olid apwpr ruiivcl Iohm. All in gogd raiMlr*

PrkT.|ftiUOPi JWnm4WiK^tAiumm, lu>)aira

anO W N A HCliUWINUER, llm 74b Hraad i t

»tNAP TWO IXYTH ON OllKh:NWfK>D KVi'.; Airart twvecL muI omy * w mliiulra’ walk

from fltfctrk: iMT*; prlof |i uno ftir hiMh.^ 'JO H N J. DKVINK.

a ainlon «t


B OV A fOT/UO:!! BOY TO if.'s T ’ ll ‘O'*

WAIT ON- . vi»i**fsnid lUbk# bluweJf gfe»pr»lly

U -rkll. .■•:‘4HAl.S'BT..Uraiir*, ____________ 1........... A Bo7 ”t O FKKD IMll-:^

und h#)p up t>‘po> l i lA i t UDTEL'B HONW,BOV • WAN*'rKD, und h#)p M'x! WvHiti.


1>A1*KR BOXFH OlHIJ* W A Sri-u, ISbAI I-.^-1 eiicwJ. iKBrM M lTST. ____________4 5^lEWKU WANTKD, n e a t QVD’K HKWKfl ^U> work" with drnwuLUekvf. ^8 EIUIITU A \ K. imirOnugtwN. *LI ID»K ErlTV.HN AM> l’TU:i*AUKHM WANTED H at JUHM40N A M I"UI'liY rt. Llm'om ft. 0*PtJTAKCTIKKAAND WAHHMUWOM 4 N WANT- ^ ( hI. lirbl-rlnw' blRin-lMi'nt at m w . alw '»'MheE woinm Kl"N lAUNDKV. 270* MarkulHl.nnilKM KUH - W'ANTKD, KXFKlUtlNUED

I w'ftiM irliuiMeniPiaHUUASOEHT.; dou#iiwHi uiM'iy- ___

A t k n b iio m H o r s j ; w i t h ia)T m x ik fVri. lorutPd Ml HuMvlIDi •¥«.; nth be boUfht fbr^,:4J0.



. « OAtCnPK^^T.tionvruf 10 n«>iuii."i)IUl)tA Ibrtwn ; poNMft-iton, nnt fliatr. April lot; ut>pr( IkMiw. Hiif L

l«UAK«lDli NT.,Srwl end third ilin>nt: 7 ruoipe; p^Kwanu lum»> dinifiy.

iK t KNTUAL AVK,rnwrCutOau Ml., !diuUlht>uMor V raoaie: iiuwwilni Hey 1.

niA N K l.lN H. OLD*4.K f 7-Jl flKOAD NT.. N'Hirert.


M '.,‘tJD F uriT ’l AUOlt IM-^ |iruvjiniciiU{ m itn lly hH.'Med t Hiudl Ik m ^

1>M"M KT., *4 Pl.FAhAMT V rllM sU K D r>HUuii; f'liluihlt' furUtfht hoUM*k#»'pU>|.

|> n IM I';H sT .. TO LKT. TWO Oil TlUiKKnkoe rdonu lu (irtvab> hintM.


118 nirmnnpM are., 10 roomi. ell ImbtA. po.The ahttre B»r otw or two fkiuitiea.1M.<« UeUovkUe av«.,«iuum'an(HNithtiU<n)pu.,pi

He Inquire oroworr, Ul DKLI.tri'lLl.K A^’ K

aM> LETIloti-an to ri‘nt In BowviJIe, 10 roOioM, all mud-

*rn ciinr^'iitriuv', fi«Uou^i-iT riHmuL II . ,Kliitn with 0 anil 6 nxiiuo, tUl iiiodrru i«aveiiittivr«l,

fl.rpDHT nioiith. f LI and |*;o ]H>r iiiunth.


47xlbl iWt; luabt'houabt a la kiw flirura.JOHN J, DEV INK.

Zi tllulimlL

I JJMliinlHy. 251 M A UK K"!' kT.l > i m n K H If 'Y WANTFilJ.1>HJ> ------- -

APPLYKIKi iFIta.D’A V t, OOt. llowonl tL

WANTKD, AN EX*<1A :!J N KT FINISH KR—w A.’s * w-i-'. iKirH'iHwil cabln«-ttnJ'*lior,_ Apply tn

A. a UOLK, lu slurr, Broad ftt.WASTED A YODNU MAN JTjU

luttu'i f.imbtilnp'imirf lin>-e refriwtiop.1 11. a Kl'KTKlN, xy MurkM UL^ ItiACllMAN^HlXOLK MAN PRKFKUHED

S2(E nA H Si’, I

^ Il KUK

fliKtMMKHB -W'ANTED, FTK?»T*rLASB TUIM- I oloo hiilirover on iidlUiirry.

tar T. FKIKJ»ENBE140, llABrooil Rt.

T lfA lH T AND WKIKT M drwwmakliii:. e*prrh‘iMry| wnlxt and

bandil ttoody t*inpl»ynMnt Mr________ ............. ......... ...............................Y f l - T Nl'IlPK W'ANTKD, APPLY AT >> fiivaflML H.C. H, IiEl«lL[t,77CoP0nM

nANl>H’ w a n t e d , ■ Rklri

Apply *iN o,lbT K niK N HTm KoetOrancw.

iH-twerniJ niid 10 A. M. Mr

C f.ipcuumr)-,

^ fuYuUhtHm'i, Apply HJ AlurkHHL, Uip. irt FIN.I -J -WANTED. A HINDLK


. . . . . . . . . BY^'a '^YOVNO Ma N "(20i,10# b*»ok ki-#p#r, »blp|duit«r/n!rvelwk,

lu’xtauy kind i»f wpttlnf. AddreM UlBKltk,BOUK-KKiTTllt

MAN HO im take th(i]t>u|h uir4 of lUtlil 'irlvlntf

— H, Newji ufTliw. Wq

jp O il BALiC-

BHOAD Bt.-^nouM, U raama, all lanproreoarnlA II.WI.

eUPfTON A V *.^Il0UM. hrowuMoiie front, oU lmi>roTi*n>ruti, aiohle, at a iMraalu.

DEU-EVHJ.K AvK. llrU i bouif,U rootna, all Uiiprovemeiita, ooly t JXXi.


Ill muuUt.Apply toB. W'.UKKKY.TWnnMul »L,

Iq or r>t U<>~ villeave., in e\ enlhit.r|M l L E T -

T ian :N 'yH ^T . is iu x )n aluuulreiH

FRANK C.WTT.LCOX,Mr . (too JOKIADHT.fl^O LKT- FHOM MAY I, TUF. iJ^TORY AND J axU'iiaton brlrV. houtit. No. M Waalvirurloii «t.,

ronUinliiJi 15 raemut and all bupruvrmi'Ula : auitable fbr rfelaurwm or lAianllnH'hoUA;; rriit raaaoiudil4>. Apply to CH ARLKH RHIKli,»« Braod <1. »7k

IIANDBU-MK NKW BHICK llOCHRM,u#« Hi.. 11 rouma, ail ImpuivcnitHiuii

ttO-SU ML Pli*Qi»iit aw., U ru<»ivi»!, " *-

£ vriTM .tN KT., ML n» i/n -rtuH iti pii\ato Uuiilly;U‘?:n' fwtiM'inabkr-

FT,1 la llli oloosv, UtinUlour.

,KT, J FCIlNlHllKD qivemetit lu mn^


(fnt'R M i'K I.AROK mJOM> Inquire

114 H.^ncLAYKT.

"I >(KiM l a^liritldoHi. jtiM»lanai' riHmi(ir iiiUdiM r\ Hrd<iaM iiM'aUiQ 77p

l-Vm RENT KCHNIHIFD OR I N’ fur dtN-inr

(Ii*‘r r'n.iliil dir in'iiliMUOU, IVoul; ItoUiaiidiM. thillat




OYDNKY PL. 7 - TO l.KT. I < »rR IIA NDHOMK ^iD w ralM r<<oii.ibruJ baihruom, |IA| ail Improve luixiiii Ibr u ftiUHiI Atniily uiUy. latj'lTKl.lNO HT., M TO l.KT, FIAT, FIRST ^riuiir, 4 rt»iMu>i (hnnl n'^ialr : ''111 rent low to fMIHiulJbt. hmlll,-. Apply W «. t . PM'MK, TB Braad M.. arroad door ITb' TWO PLKAHAXT llOtiMK TO

hi prlrar** fiiimlly; I'oiiveulvnt to Imiiw* and gUbiiamn; boniftcoiultirta. 17rl jOI-TII k1\, « ^l»*t '

noA R D IN U .i,*## wrTlA 1

Rlit'iX raL ______V KHLAND HuUkK. R l UNTON.A

»..riODD BOARD AND CHKEIL fill rootuN : table beard. 5(hi


Ha n k h t . -one »r two vrailriheu ; p .mmI iMiurd ; hwlR

LAllUK FI^j NT RiiUMFliU rir

R D IR M H O F lN IW n N in W li

( ' •‘i_ _____

t:v.H m itii .iN ti pxi'ABr.iwir'iBiTT r o u•ttUe.wiib h i u n r i ' M , i i i c i n d l n i r twii

liMi-,)... auti Wiu! «iir«. u»ji’*lli»-r wdih an wi^Wllb*'|route. Addnw^ RolTLKU, Box B, Ni-wioAbaa Ut

HlTl^llFU M fnP FOR HAI K RAPnAJN|ilolitif a nkr bn*iitt'H*:"foen !■ 4rh Wanlrmu-A

lyOABD FOR Vlil'ND TADU->li IIDHK CXlM< JiA nla. II PARK>T,t.D»im«. 7«-iIIUOAD KT.,I J i

( i F.NTHK Xl\, 28(«llful buard; alao tablo board.

A MiLUMHlA XI., 81-DOARm PI.FArtA.NT V iMOOi, ftmiWifd or oiifliniWhed : all impia. &A)jpO U 'M B lA !fr., 10 -BOARDSU.H M ANTED*

.................VMl rtlNUMl DU f'^NNKlTINH^>unl wlUi btwjnl; ImpruvbmenU ; cfiitnJ. 4 ^


alTifle or double rooQiAL^AKT PARK frr., «

aiw» ul her nx»pirlbriad.F/i AkT I'AHK irr., M p p -m v im to ltv

alMulher roomi to rent, wlUi board;(leiuwi aud wlvaI.XAhT p a r k KT., 81 FI'RNISHKD LAttUK I jfrimt n"Mii lu Dr, with or wUhmil lM»*r<l; nui- vaaleuf^ii, to nuut aixl wifr or two fi'in lemen. Uq

l i :

bt‘ al iMU'*- Apply hI & FKHHV ST, MP

INI III rtAl.K IJI.D UvrAHIilrtlULn BAAH, MiMikl and rir-n- -v pj*;.hii>r wuh ollmA

chliH>rv ; til:40 Mie etuf'k ui i*a«hee. IdlodH, duona ruoulmna. n'mll work, »to..«tc,; h,-vt u aoiHl,work bnrini. lOio doiihlr'iru'-i:, iXir'W Rliti(k< (nirka.", with banuiwt, blanketM. r'dH-, i^lidaliNHt sl.^U Calk * or odii»•» JWKPU IL BHITII, li at., N e ^ark, N. J. ________ • _______ l#^

I.XOR rtAT.k IKKID PAVINU nOAMDTNfK houjv: putlly funil'hi*d; raowm fer Mrltlni

aixl Qj a tiariralM; nuMt Ih* pIiI a t niu»>; clie<i|> n>tiL wUb leMe. Aihlrt'y.a IL IL, Dos Ni w« oilliv. I

I.WiR HAI.K—s e v e r a l SIVIRFS AND HA* ‘ ' liMn, fnmi ftu W I..UO. w. J. HirliMA!», Ileal F.-tale and IluxInenH KKi'lumfn, id lUrilaun

ave., llarrlu'-n. N, J. I^ ^CS>MITU^ s iy iP _.Ft»R SALK

Its. (iAVNNA' UA lloward *LI.NaVIRR


A btiord If dortrad ftirfohllknaan, i opjuinimliy rxiniofillnary.1 ■nHKn“7KEJ,m :U .t t \ ) . Now Haven. Cmm.Box M, Ni'aaofUce,

/ I RANT XV., I t y

l>OOrv KKl*PlNO—BOOKS OPENED, CUWED,J l|HKiiml,ttatetneuM, ahe«^ rW*.: ehargea

T."X0R SALK OR TO I.ET-*TlAfM»TOB1 AND X attic « * » , #klen"l‘*n |8xl8 fret, I > lot WxilO; tour oihintrti fonn depot: fhili and ahoda tre»‘M, welt and liateni wtin r. fowl eurrouiKlin^j tvrii-''NdXiO, 1 1 ^ down, botanee on m ortfaM ats jier cent Inqiiire of RA WvKL MOORK, 807 Uwoiii* Held are., Bloomrtekl. *p W R aA L K -

J.0 I Johnaon a ra . U xllt.L*rtUlllaldenve,,S0kltt.1 At Belmont are., near AlplOeat-

Mr AddroM K. D. TUITLIC, S31 WglautM

ri8 0 LET Jl kW JHiuen

2&IVS&J Ml PlrUDMUfc .. (\jwi.|n, I.IJ ,III I ■prcivrmenta ; aH ' Arlnntlr, ft rnoiav tmpnive- 1 sir menu. WM. T IT l's. yt L»n\banly al. I*ii ■

......... UftOMrt TO l.KT. TNUUIRK TNirik 'KHY rtTOHK, corner Jaoien and IkiyxV'ii

r|M niEK

'1 iKHiHP to amaii tkmlly; fiA Inquire atII KLM HT.

fflU LFTr- THK CT)MMODIfR'K RRICK DWEL X. Unit No.KMi llrn;i>l‘•t .iMdWMiii Fair ai>d Ucnn MIL, 14 fooma, H^rUnmiHand other miprueMiuMiU For perinlta apply lo J. JL MKNAfHl. tHAi'iulemy bU______ _r in » LST-47 RIKTOR KT., tH lim Y RUlCK X hrrtiMiouuUdniiqc 1 1 ruuiua; every modeni C9(v-

Teidei't'e. aimini Inwr i Id ii*‘rf^'l o rarr; tarm* h»t; rent low tofOoil tniianL K U- JUiND A ixL, Tii Brood aL ifn

riH ciiK N im MT., a&- TivLvrr. h c o n n i-xtitno 1 TiKitnx, NrtHnvd floifr; Immediate iwwwwlun. I


wfi-n iiit for anlirlcD' und geiMral ehiirwliT re* ^ «ujjiiw-1. Cklt upon JOHN U. TRUWlSLI., 800 reoaonable. Addreaa J. V-P-Box L,New*offl<T.ita‘ ’ | > uy! ^,^wA^"m‘ w “ i-KAnx a' ttiadk a t

I l.-anH iiler i !».« R.frrfn<» .rivrti. ______1 n»ll ur .d ilm a IM TintTK ST.

WANTKD, TWn Vm:X<l .'1 KV r.ii;! i>ngmvi'rit, wWl ..ii.'rlriin ' on *nl.l .nil

Jowi'lrj-. RKKVnj A ntl.I.riK'KS, 50 WuUnit »t, 1T vnhHAVKK WAWTKD tUB VKnAlICKl.t.t A.mi jpilll w.tch.’...*.. AiWn« W.V'lVllL’AHKW , Wl-B'vrwiw.l, V5q

1,. msT-iT.AKs n f5 'K i;a a n d p o u H in cn wnnind linnK. ..urlL luiiulroof KO.MKft A

I'lV, JTTI'UMllOBt. >




/1AKIIIEH. JPXlKKEhPrB OKNTLKMAN I />! aL«okIn< wrltlDf (leruwri, hnflleb.ViviK’h, extHiMive eomoierrlai ex|>eripnef. iW'lw piadlliiii In oftli’e, wbiikjaale bimop Of ftictory;d»t- ctaaa refrrvuwa ; moderato Malar) I Addrem0»q LVtMMERCrAL,lkjx JJ News office.riOACltM AN-MAN WANT’S MlTVATION Aft X. (*«XK'liniaFi, MPklUh wife would aa lKt In house* work, u, C., 131 MuilB .ve .. lArt D r M iR e .___ 1

UmVKn MAN WANTS StTl'ATIOV AS rtrli i-r nr 11. 1-ful ni.n, wIlllBB m do uiy kind of

work. Addrtaa ’U", W., II CojiMlen nt. I

F 'i» i'ho iiM K T rh^tii'im T M ,B.W ; will w n lftw tin . >««. A n l^ »»»■ Hin. to own.r.udlioild.t.dOUN'M . D IN S , cor- 1aa4 Ofden ata. __ _ _ _ . ^

HOlSKS MmSALli- KKWAKK. «0»l£Vn.l.B .and l::aal Oraiife. ,

Ilouaea 10 riHiinii, all modern convenlencrM, rroin H.ftno upward. _

NewtuRW.I roomi, mi>d»ni Boom with two diiU; « o ti *«l hM iJi

n)iiv.nt.D0« ; now; now m it« l ft>r|«!T»i uiuutn; fcr HJOO. ^ J,jq 7ltIBni.ldrt-.*.w .r1t,^.

•7D-T1IK 1)WK.l.US()Nt).»> Al'AtiKMA'iiipruvemhiiUi; |*iawaeDJL TU'HKNim, nTO LJ'

iL, 111 dr^t^-ic :iordi‘r, lUl bu|^>ruvemeiitN;jMi tlon tmmwlliiU'ly. Apply to “ ' .............Aeodnoy n.

NFW HOVfiK. 8 lirtOMH, IM A tJfKAlan uiiiHT


APPLY Tl>K KW'k & rtON. M Mechanic sl______^

-a I ANAcIKH-WASTKD, A UDOl), sqrA R KJy 1 urtluB tnaiMdrrr ftir art bualneea, with aomll capi­tal to itivettt.; iMrsUion cttxy. feitlcel nod prbfltifUily ; tni rUk. F. U. BUX 4:&* Oraiife. N. J. fftr




M >’X_WANTED, m e n ATNKWAIlKrtllEFrr MBTAL WUUKB,50]£lm 8Ll worken ou iln

and faJvaiiiied Iran, ____________ 8*q

1>ATI1NT I.EATUER FTNIKJIER WANTKD- \ IhornUtflily rkllW ftnUliHr of patent IcKthcr.

either (wlfur aide aPa-k, Uwanud by a iunc‘ laiiiihiR in-rn; mnal nndeiwtandnil detafUufihe procifM.

Ill p! ••, w ill tw prlvale. and muat la? neiil• *’ ' ; h XLs TED, « W rtt Newton at..

Dr iv e r m a n w a n t s h jt c a t io .n as drtvf-r of useful m an; food worker ; nu tloii PMvuDtry. 41 LENl'Z AVK *

FlNUJXKICR WA.NTft PJ-iRMANF.NT P<1W* jiUiti; e»iN‘rt flreiuau with hard or «oft coal; hiitli civeed HUloinntU't'uNiff eiuflin*. Otla<'U*vai(ir,

Worlliljitfton pmiipe ; dnu-claw lloeiuw and fUl-eoftrefiTau«w ; 22 >f*ars' exiiertetuv,Hr AddrvwA. R.,BoxL,NewMOiace.

WANTS STTVATTON ; R » .T OF ■* ' ‘ 1 Ihonuufhly wrapeteW.

ix'» Holliday au, Jer^y

ul oivu' to U. U iVt'iuii, Mam.T |AI^''^ERH-W^^NTRn,4 HOTISE-PAl.STKRS.X RUDOLPH BRUmT, 87 Urcbonl at, ..........1m !d.


>;xNmN___in'h'rvni'W ; liceiiNcd ttnd ihonm

EDWARD DK'KKltSON .......... ’Kiiy/ - . n i l . WANTS SITl A TinS AS tHAMBEIl; tlniBUl lind waUTON. CallktO AI’AD5:MV s T __1/ 1 riVKItN'KSS-tlLHMAJS LADY srKAKINO Vri-Vncti.iiil tliil'ntlyd»lmi inwIUon i» pivi-ni.™; lil«li».t mfi n'ncp. Writ* to JllSH UOl.DSt'lIMim', i7 S.)UUI T.lllll .1 . RrawTlII.. .Xt

USED TO *ood 1

V v o r ARE lOOKlN-O TOR AM IN'V5»T1IENT. . ---- ‘Tlabd upwarna; It•. J. IIICKMAN,

'i »1F Y

In r will

i Miaia'l have U frara | l ^ aod u p^arta : It nay you to InveatlfOta. w . J. lltCXMAN,

Real Estate and RnRlnaaa Excboofc, n HarrUun •va., HarrlaoO. N. J.

AT ONCa 124 Jobtuton ava., Kearny.



C. A. VOIOT, 3S Wei.t 1

MACllINIftT AND TfiOLMAKKR,■unall and ckvw w urk: warilH {kmIUoii

rvtfn rM-iw. Artdn*« S. T., DtO Market Mt.

T>T,VMRKH-nRST-CLASi§ PLVMBKH WANT cd. IhleevenlnK at _ _

] m w a b k in o t o n a \ tl

1 >LI:MBEBK .W.4NTED. « PLUMUKBH. 3. Y.X HOt'Oir, OJ2 Washington at ____1

I MJl.TsHRIl CArARLKOFTAKlNacUARtiE f T iu>hahlng lU'uartjnenL sliver and sold. HAY*

IfEN JlFU. ( u , Sixlh ave. ami Tnelftb at., city. I4JALt>lMAN w a n t e d SALARY FROM ^ s ta r t l fwrinanent phuvL BROWN BROS. (’O,, Kiira»*r>’nM*ii. Ji<K‘he*ter, N. Y‘. 74dL-AT.ESMf lN -WANTFID. TWO FlUftT-OLAffl ^radi'Miu' u : aalory oreominiwdon: rererencen.


A YOrNH SJlRL WlSHI-^l A. HIT* IN imtjon a* nurxe oot the city. <'all <»4 SOVTJI Ffil'IlTKE-NTII ST., ll l•eviUe from 2 to 5 P. M. I

>” TiHrtK - SITUATION WANTED BY A I raltirvd gin» nurao or n lady’i* niftW.J *» » /.^ntnU iU 'V fc(Wll SB liUl'NSWlCK HT.

tilTEATION WANTKD HV yOVNO MAN AS I^clcrk. rollMtor or Msl.t.iU brioli-to»p<r, S vftii.’ nMvapawr reftrenoe. AdfUtMi •* ALPHA,’ Boi D, ~"ewa oiTlfe. IrilW O VOIC'D LADIKS DESIRE POSITION 1 liiAturt'. Addrene, Btutiuf wag»*a, W, rt., Box N,

NertToflloi'. III^ATCIIM AN A H m ’ATlON AS WATCII- W man, a rnlddle-weed rnan, wUh good reArem-a.

Addn-a'i’llEO, B«>x B, Newi Qfllce- ________ION CHEMI.LK

erlndcilk)x D, »WB olhee.

44 Nmw at., hrick bcuae. elevan raoms, modern la* pruTementa, Ibr rale or rant.

4ft New at, brick hooia. eleven rooma, moderQ Im* provMnMBto, Ibr reiiL

Brick atable.belwaen ^'alniit and Franklin aU., ftnir alugtr. two box atalla, fbur roooia upalalra, for

InquIrt *t riD ELITY 03MSAN V.711 iiro*l

BUYS A FRAME HOI'SK OF * raema on Arrh au; water, gaa beater;

fijkn can ramaln.WM. A, JtlHD A HON. 77t Broad >1.

8 : i . r ) 0 0Ii>l3ftx06

riw> LETX dui-tet.: one inimite lu cura; fllk

pert ut M ............rf lO r e n t -TDK THHEK4<T<ittV HnUSK Nu. i prj riiMnu av*'.. 'Y Mier of Tluinioa !>L; ulna

rouuia, bulb, biuiulry, oil luiprov,*iMuiitx; clmL’c lo> cntloii. neur Lmi-dti I’u rk ; kuk’w jai"d. Apply m JAMFR L. irAVH.741 BraadM.

T lfU B E Y ST.. 94-lft TWO NEARLY NK>V Tv bouMHi to i v n l 7 rioiUK and ImiU ; moderu irn-

provemeuta. Inquire 270 AIMDE.M\ sT. Wr

Oiil o f Town.Tjr/KIMFTEI.D 1IIR"E TMJ JlBniodat.. Ne^un

., _ PLEASANT IMUIM.S V\\H yoniUT iMcii or won and wife, oU ixmveuieiuva i

alMo Ukbie bcacl-

L 7 UuhT., t". HKAR

bnl lor a ffuailrfluiti.OOrKTHDl-SK-

T T R IH rtP. JM TRX» WORKING OIRU* OR i 1 lui^n iwo And good beard ood ptoaaaiit rwanA. IT l I I J . NT., 21 -TWO <<1NN»..TINU. NEWLY;1 I flinilxlitiuand dlmierik

TOUIUA, wlUi buordi akat table boanl*Rl


I^IOK R K .v r-


S » a t O m n fe t

F 'OR HA1.E-

WPAVER AND rLTTEftw u ^ a n d a ateel^^jnine grinder dea^re^slUifr

tlun. AmSr'iui ftPlNDl.

SLtl.irlTfrtl -WANTED, A34 uiivcrllm’uiebt euUcUor.

Newa cfllt*.

k x p k r ie k u e dA ddlt« AD, Box U,



Tv sefitl m a n - w a n t e d , a b in o l e m a nUl attend 10 garden, hnnea and cow, out i>f ilio

( iiy ; raferyncea req u lr^ S8* Pi»ANK t*T., lt» an.rc. _______________l***

r A N'lKD vr\n THK UNITED HTATI-a / Ar:j»Ti >U>ln-hoiited, tmioarrled uien, Iwlwran

tlii‘ a?;. •: o r :i arul » yearn, good pe>, ratloua. cloth* I: : :id uicdbMl utlendoncr. Apodmau oiuat bepiY-jHircrl to (UmtsN aatJafketory evideooe ae to ago,ctiuoicU'tMiMl UaWiJv J^uplyal

575 MAKKET rtt.. Newark, N. J.n v a n t e d EXpKlUKNrED KKAMINEIW.

XT kjinei>.Mr1paif»‘tiqi*»ra wid floeaefa; permon- em Vkiirk Kiid jowyl wap**. Apply at onn*, THK J'<iV, llABMfiN A t ’HADW'Ick CO., Htote OA and Jhierutu p!., J{r<K>kl>'iii N. A*. _____ ______ ___E?n\rA N T J:D --A A'OUNU MAN. 17 TO 20 A’KAlW,

vV *ho understand* the tHK-ery hualnem: imiat lie *if taklnecarauf hurac and apenk Ue^iivaii, A. Ik 8C1IAAF, corner Belinwil and rtpring- fl.'ldavpa. ___ I■tirOOIFTl'HNKH—WANTED A HOOD MAN W fnr lciiip<jrary work: If aaUalhctoiT *na>‘ bo

able t''c1'*c p‘l«n»dv job. Apply at once NEWARK WtKjD WOHKTNO 142 Worth CanalvL I

H P n .r W ANTKU-FEM ALKH, _____*^4'"-W ANTED, UKNKRAL (aOl IfOl'rtEWORK ,;Vaif'rlB for city ami (vntntry: alao two boys for the cotiniTV alio ate wruainiuHl tolknnw ork. A p i>l3- (u MitB. ttTEVKNtl, Kmpioyraent Agency, SM lirOiid jit. * I

V -W ANTED. COOKS AND OKNERAL .bouaaaprk girUh white V ii S?l?5rt: tBr andcmmtry. Ajtply at eoceaiw l BROAD BT. 1

te and < b a tW l




« . M. MILLER, AUCriONKEE,WUt eell at 10 o'clock A. M.,

The rontante of* l-atory and baecmant bouae. on to <XHiiB of porUoa leaving the d ty , the toliowUig property, vl*.:

PuloP Suit, cherry and pluab ; targe XlrroTO, Cen­tre Tublaa, Fancy aud Jiuiy Cbalra,!Hockert, Hatton da, Engravlngo, Plciuree, Brksa-bno, Body Brtiaaali (ArpetAHtalro^ Hall do,, M oqtie^ dn,, FUacy Lounge, Uandood. Exteulon TotUe, Dlnlug ChainsCrockery and Olaaawore, 7 Oak Red Bulta, Foldkag* bed, Uak Wordrube, Walnut Bed Suita, 3-ply C^rpeta, Tidlel Ware, Clock*, Rcfrlgciator, Wlraftoft!, fttoveo, allthekUrheuAndlMindry uteiMlHaud 1,000 oLber arUcUo, nil In guod order.93q M. M. MILLER, AbcUoneer.

1>AWNRR<1KF.R’B h alk- d . r . HtOUINfl will *e)l Hi pniilU* omilun en Friday, April 'bl,

IK9t,at 111 A. M., al naleiruom, 2I7 Market sL, all un- iX'deunieO p le d ^ , cooaUillug uf dlnmondA watchea, lewi-lry ami all kinds of 1'4‘raonal pi’Ojiert.y, By onler of JOHN NUR’i'ON. IVwiibroker. 82 Academy wUWo



At Koal Orange, houae It roomx. grout^i OT'i-tllO, wilblo five mimite* of Drove w, De|¥}|, 4fi,000.

Hnuae, ft mom*, ground* UxlM, wBblu ilx min­ute* of urove BL Depot, prli.’e f^wo.

noDae,T rooma, Ko. 8 Chapel it., Orange, price 11.3011.

Will exchange a 11-raom for a i-roiym bonne. Honnea bfoU deacrlpBoiui tu leL Apply to

M, R. WALI.ACB!,llq , Prove nL, opp. depot, boat Orangl,


F or HALE-RKAftONABLK : TERMS E.tRV ;A nretly, neat pUtce of alx octea, in MadlMin;

good land; g o ^ boHdlngaaod fbonea; HbadcAiidlVuR trrao. For parikiilani, call wi D. B. CAiiR .evcnliix), B1 NORTH14TU HT., lk*t Orange. 48r

A rllngtoD.U nLIiIN G liOTR FOR PALI

cheap In Arllhgton, N. J.; good liK'atloD. Apply • ...... . " '" ‘LIN. bonw dealer,


r p w o GOOD _______X cheap In Arllhgtfui, N. J.; good

to owner, ALBERT L TIFLIN, honw dealer, Oealnl nvc., Newark, N. J.

M Ueallaneoufl.

Pa r k lotb rv»R b a l k - l o v e l y b it r h ;very low prtcea ; coah or credit; Iheao are InvMiV

Bienia ylekdlug ten per cent, and upward. Apidy quickly tort. W. OKERY, 780 Broad *L 41a


Tli# bandft?>me <*01dncr"'CoUagr, beauilfuHy fu^ niabed, near Hotel BraaliJi.

The pretty “ Dunlap" f’ Boga, braullfdUy fl» nlahad, al.'Mj unor lluUd Rraniiu.



A 2' ..Httify fraiii** houae, kK WiJOft, with ataldc. Ob Qidniqpi av« .,p^ ,^

4ft and 44^ lllch ftL,Dt flaM t?: M flat, lift.Hru^ «L. near RellavUlc av»., M flaL I routna and

baih, extra lliHsI^ ^ .4.H RnmU aL, IM Oat, I rotuua, *, M flat, I td

f la i.l»«il Al|dtic at, I ruoma, lmpt«.. flA Hpring at., I raoiiHi, impta, |IA SpDiWJd., 4 IXMillusf'Ja Ktorc 10 Newark *L. uwql aa iwkery, fiT.Ileneville lli»n«e ft ntom*. |17. biona at, 4 raoma, water. M.

F r e d l f ijo h n .47g 4AS Rn'inl a l^r i 'O LET FROM MAY 1, A FLAT OF7ROnS4S.

f all IlgUl, with oil luipravcnH’iuta. on aeoond flour, at 121 rimm *L, hctWHui UftiyvtW and Grran : wUhIa 5 mluulc*’ walk uf Market and Ferry Ht. Ktallon.i: n*(bn*tn"c required DOUGHTY A MO\ LlLftlU HrwliL, lbM»mA _____ ___ IdrftO I.L T N O \rs Y O rn UHANCE; ITEALTir-

I fill aivirlnmin*. only ti‘ii aiMl Iwclvedidlans hiwl water. UnprureniciiUs m* muMiultoe*,and rwUrcMnl (kreioceiiu a 4lnv aimtmilaUon. Glen Ridce ave.. Miinldttlr. TI’RIW A TAVUiH, depuV, Mnuhbilr..Hj

to l.KT EI.IXIANTLY FINISHED HIX- _ TfKtin Hut', With all moilcmlmprovHiieiit*, liali*

flutibdied by thn owner: I’lmvculeiit ti» lUpkl Tran- ait and niniun avmue rpra j rani litw to goml ten­ant!-, Inquiraof J iiUNC. ElSELE.No.M_* V’—r p o Lin' j x m i ro o m s on f ir s t f u k h lI with large allIc room and cl(M>t and hall, nl 14

RUionifl' W avc.;al>io bimfie, 7 rmun*. tftOOrtitrai ftve Ki.ri>*rUrulanM»lJ 17 A CANAL ST. 71inf I'in I.LT CtiNVKNIENT APARTMENTS >ViR

I inmll fnndlle*,at H, iOond I'J EoMk at, on* block from ibood ; taui bu Mteu uu premiraa, fl7l______________J, H. MKKK ER, ftUO BroiHl a | ^

. i.> rr -U P P E R r i ^ R i n n e w 2 ',-eUirv franie hi>u»i'. I rt»um« and ocvoinmudaUuu;

rani fli. IM roChrtKX AVK., JluUaou and H.-<‘ki'i-.

Mt-FURNISHKD ROOM wUb bioird fur iwu luau. Tito

-^jur.B K H K y, HT.,

TU KLY KUH.VIHHICD FKtiNT ROOM. WITH ” 1, all Impmvomrtiia: al»> tabto board and

TO MT. PLK.IHA NT AVK, BJrI S boaftl, dinner*.

OItrlrARDHT.,I^ p i .k a s a n t f r o n t n<N>MHiid board fUr twofMitle<imn; hnoie«ainfl>naMq


iMBtfd, ftjr gooitome n _I J L U M » n \a FKW BOABIIKBH WANTED1 term* :uprm* mnderatrt.JOVrU SKVENTH HT-,^n>,jin*tolct, with or w“ ’

family lu a privaie THHim.fPABT.K BDARDEIW WANTED AT 3S RANK

O U V n i rtJ*.vj':?iin n»., W — JTRNtsHkTt l^ro^jin* to let, with uf wUhouf W ril, b) ttcrtiuni


Ii'ECItK.ftV, <4«ira fur aoJe

tV»^KK»•TH^,^rKUY AND n tU R; k'u<'*l -'tniid ; reiiLch-ikp.


I lJluriKiUAPIliiALLEUY I'OUSAUiiDulNG ipiod huslnak*t 1 .1:1 sP R IN iiriE A w - ?4q

SA UWiN FOR HA LK. 118 HOl’*lTI MT.: T.1CEN»«IIii>jiiL>'i. top

»■- UAVHI B sr.4iFerry«l.^T tiR K n U T I’. CANDY. UJE CRKAM, WITH ^ n x n iii; will hpII cheap If hM nt om*-; dnlng gnudbiialmv^i .Xp|»ly iUb>.\ 1> ^ i'._________^

rO K S.VLK.V LL SdlHN a n d SI/.KSOF F ltriT , s IIADK

i 1 ainl onmmentol treroi, vlnr .stirulftwrfaivl rowwi al tb»Newark Nurw'ry, cliuu^n ave.. near n-rmlnut (il Raiilil Tmnatt ami RruudaL rv-l'^rH, IMlIoaMl BKHMKNST.



Hi.; rewMinKble prli'i*^AVE

I2rinn T\v<l ilKNTLI->

aauitfruiii riHim *.twq

fpillK TEK N TH - I men nui havt board aiul in*

a1*o lfcb1eb*>erd. ____ ____________________r r w o CIENTLEMFN c a n h e ACf' '*M>IODA J tod with giNHl boani In urlvai* tan ll);; boino

enihfbrta. A'ldieai CEXTllAL, Box U, lice.

Newri nf- Hr


IftJ T.ARi.K VHONTWa r r e n ht.. 4i-BOARDKUs

nil Iropmveineid*. ^AtrAHllIN<*TtJN MT, -

furiiitheO, with board, aecund dunr; amall fcnilly. ___________ toCi 4 c u t BfUllD rURNlsHED

H rllne Hapk!TranaU. I.Nl l‘i,ANEST. 7fto

Ai’ply loi . WARD M siirn,

Iluopoa 8 and u, mu Rr<md hL.Ncwwrk, N. J.


w^VtbathrMjiii, lairlur door and boacmciil, for a auiull ftiniily only. i2o

\RARE CHANCE IDR IfE.t LTII-.«EEKKHS- l.argH Buuny riuni and attic mom. in prlvatH

hi'UH! : mlJmH'nt to M'-wclljii Ihirk ami nraiice Rapid Tianell caiw 1 letuiHflil oulloi'k : ii |wT niunih furuUhtHlj 1 ^ 1 .unfiirnlahed. Inquire at toriuluua of cant, wcKt orauxe, in c-.uii\]y Mum, ‘Sr

A T W«M>lJMDK-TO l,ET,»rirT-STF.R AVE, iVoiteliUK’k from horaet^arsnml tlep<d. ■» >*Cttmlhil ruoiriH, raiiKc, tuim. cic.; cmly |15 luimtU. J. W. JORALEMON, Wiwhlrarton and Oraflnn aveo. fir

r p oI. I




■ BOAUD w a n t e d .

W^ ANTED-TARLK BOARD FOR ORNTLK man and wifa In vicluRy of Ik'lhivlllc and

Bloumlleld avva. A'ldreaa 1 ______ PHYSU'IAN, Rn* M. New*ofli»*e.

V# - -iiVi< neimi uK) iinfiirnlaht-d mtiui;

incnra 11 .M.VUSllArA.H near Rrootl.


T*ARN KiR ?-a LK: CHEAP Xjirmoved ImmwSlaleiy.


Will aell nf the fimdt>d debt water bendi;wlUitig In luHuonabuudrvadnIliNS. AiqWy

JL A. NUM l'oNi1 Si Ai .iih'juyat

For ^ a l e . iJ iU o R si; .m a n n in g idler null home njuiirlit bntlcr, THE VI'LK

MAClIl.NE Cti., Ill V:itkltii *L torHo il k r1.0-

ROLL Tty?1 Kr»« HAl.F.X.xt;hca|). Itoum LH.H. na> llltoAlJ Kl'.IV K ift-K olt MALI;. AI /I

ROoW*. Ni:i>tJN Inquire L"J

f p o i.jrr rp i 'E it p a r t ok h o u s e «o k i.mI St F. L BKDKLL,Nu,l UlUalde ave., ws-und

ilo«r duni Avon ave.r i n i l.KT FIVE NICE I pi., wtlli all luipruviuuenta; tvntgAi.

NKl>oN PL. ____________r i m i.h rr-3 p l e a s a n t nofiM s F tj i ia s m a u

I liimllv ; rcui cU f^. tX>K. BANK AND sV.MMITS'IK____________r n t i i.PT-dORft ROOMS, a i><|j 2 f c r M s h k d I rfiunra Inquire Tl RKLLI5\ n^LE AVE., cor (’lark at.__________________

m L K T -4 UtKIMS IN f«K)D f>RDER ; NKW houBc; wutor, aawer ami gtn>d ccR*r.

Mr__________________ ftW WIUTH TENTH S T ^:T THREE COSKY Rf«>MS. KKa)ND

i^BAlJiW lN, near WuMlilugiun Ml. ft4q


LET-IXJWEll PART OK 22 NEW bT., ft riHituM. liiciulra 44 MFLItKIlRV ST. fCt|

A p a r t m e n t s - t h r e e Juki.Ms AND BATH.nli^clv jiaiM'nHt, |I0 : fiittr ami limh.Juat

newly iwpcred, |12: ^Inki In kto'hena: coll at nrm*. t i t H!l', PENNSYLVANIA AVK.

RLlNtJTON ST.. li*-FL'RNIMUED ROOMS kfbr light liouw’kccjilng ; water. fttw

iV to r light iKHiOPkeejilng.TIALDWIN ST.,l3+-Kr..ATOF FIVE ROOMS : llr fm t modrratt: al! hupruvemanio. Inquire at ito. i

r e a l e m t a t b w a k t e d «

n'"'’”‘'o w £ ^ W A ^ A lin i'S E FORobcHitll.ouQ, naburt UAtojircc fram Cbeatbui ur

Emmet Ht. Deputa beud panicuUra toJOJIK J. DEVINE,

4Sr stcU B um at


AT dhkkhm ak*Mr

l> r m i« ia w > n t t :d o n r o M i * . . a i>p i ,Y X » lo JAMIH BOWKRU * CO, ooroer Blaeckft and rtumuiRalH. ______ ^r a n VAWICB«-WANTJ!1>. rrVTI! LA Py CAJJ- L for iiHW initilkmUon; wlU *t »ltfht ;_]lb-

»nil luiy 10 rlKlil [»fti™. lAII »CUf» POWESTW! A H f HOOW H, sn Bb * iI m. iOq

/ 1 A (KKUI I,APT rAf»VA«.ER \ »»nli‘il to oolirti ortlerfi i *nwl MUuy. Addn*« C'A NVAt»>, Box (1, News oBIW._________ 1/ tUAUUKHMAlt) AND WAITRSHH WANTKD V - ot akHIj.VND 110PSK, 83 tuinton Bt. 1/-iDOK-WANTRIl, KUI.IABI.K WOMAN TO I rogi:, w«»h mid Iron tor bijibII toiully ; inu»l ||lv* hint uf nifrn'iK'd •ml be wllHod lo *» »6[)rt dl«t»o« 111 tiiuiilrr 1 lioiae liM »11 niodcru linpii>«nwiiH. AddtwH r . O. IKfX 164, Nuw»rt, Kiq/ f 11RMfrrn- KXI-BlllKNCF.n HTITCHKIW AND 1 luliii rs on oonol* mid widiiii« fli» -DitLdAETU AIjUSBT CO, i n Murki't >1.________________ ISp1 \1ll-3WMAKK,ll WANTED-IN CONNKCTION 1 .FwlU! t'liuuy Ktu«; rooni reut fr«j. Addrwi

]«1X li», UUHT^IIn N. J , ______*itt \llKrWMAKlNO-A OOOD WAI8TJ J kIwmited MaTCKNTRKsT.


THKRB is qUlTIE A REMAND TOK BISI- ncoa u d fHlwnoe prop«rty In Uio deutw of Uin

citr nnd rnpid Unfnd( Bn* erwtod n boom In Utw*- vlUt nivi tb i Onagm I f you tuve nny rad winM to k II uid wnnt n nuIckWiBihnner wnd daorliiUou luJO HN I. DEVINE, aCllnUKl rt., lUioiu a »2*


D. r , HIUOINE AncUnnenr,

Iwlll Mill nt alMranm, No. M7 MARKET ST.

(I doon brtow Mulberry),

on Sntuidny (TO-MORBOW) n t )» o’clodk,

jannuit r»rtor Mnlu In Run. pmnilollr, nnd Blllt Cluth, Onk, tvnii.u! nml rh rrry Balrouni Hul^, r ia mint I'r«pcli Pint* Pli r Mimirn, onk nnd Hldrlwiilfi, wunni mid umiibI KiU-nidon TnblMt Pliiliiy Chnlog KoMln* HocIh, Rnuw Bed«l»d« nnd fTilt. ItooknisM, Drskn, Hnllninnd*, 'nrdroliM, n«l-



BMcIc boue, • roenu, nU Inum vasaati, dHly kwnud.ALDINECOIt- BUnAP AND lAJMBABDV STS.

AiwrfiDriit, 8 nxiou, n eu n bnnt, rlgTntor.lnnliur't aarvlce, etc.SMALL O rriCK IN BUILDIKO, NO. 7to BROAD

ftT.Good light, atoam bato, JonltoP* aarvlOM, ato; rtni


Coopy biHioe. dffbl raoma, all Improvemanti, tiew ^umUug ibvouguout beat mnltary kind, prn J ^ BACIIELLKR,

No. 7to Brooil nta _______ Eatrano# yo. 4 Aeodem yat

A t v o o d h id e . n e a r h o r h e c a r a n dRoUrood hlatton-No. f North End ten-ace, 7

raotno, oU Imp., M NA U North Bnd torrane, r rooma, ail imp., TOto. No.9TWimhnptL,7n>oiiat, all trap., fS2.ll6. Rlverrideand Oraflun

Ba n k s t ., ayv-t g i.irr* f l a t ,* r o o m s ;ram moderate; linprovetnenla. S2r

BKLLi•:^TJ.LK rX!iTi.« to l#L

AVI-a, FI RMbHEJ) 6i^

............... , .. EURNIHIIED FRONThack, or btsk room fur gemtoiuiui ur a>uptu- 1B LK

ur IROADHT.,«ft7 -TO LirT, NKAT FUUNiHllKl) nM>ni, on aecuud floor, with ueu of hath

moderate. Itaqiilre J, WWss, oK'tmd floor.,

Br o a d ht., raoq|n lo let.



f c h m h h e dI


tdrailM, Hnn-aiiM, Waaluftauiln, Cblnbuulerem, IrtQtuini platHift, rtW'wood 4|taf« Wrt ..iIjOUtigra, I'nncboa, WalnuCanil flak Oentra TahlAfmnmi Niirw Itncbprs till llitiulnini, Ewnnvlnn, I-Awin, 1 W, & (t. iind 1 SliiKBt M W ^ m*-chlne, ItflfUrmtoin, Stnvw, MalltaM*. iTuowi, Hyrlnp, Crowaty, rtc., etc.

At It D’clftrlt ihntp, fO new a id woond-hnnd Otf,

Ktn in Vrlviit, HrtnneWaid ln*t«tiit, Uilelolh.ler t 'u ^ 8 lu ^ u n le r« , elc., etc. A food ebnnot

torbargniiin I

Lilnllrowl hUlton-Jfo, » Nnrtb End tenner, T nun, nil Imp.. JIA Nto It

tDomi. Ml Imp.oil tiup.i fS«.4v. n.iremur auu e>iiuuju MirM-inAiior .HUMP. I! ronine. hn»e proundu *nd rlnble, ♦«. 3 ,W JUUALEMON. Wnmlnsfon luidOinflon nvii. ton

1 tfitfiuWOT ST., » - IIOITSE TEN BtwilNi IIOT J tnnd cold vrnier uid gnn. IndUln E l J AW BKRLA, 78 Mulberry «L____________ M*

B~ OYDKN ST., M6-ANTORV HOUSE W BOOM", end lot !SxU» nlnotnUa, fo taJe.________ ‘31s

C“ iM lrro N ST., l»-TO UW , HODPE H HOOMSt /Mt koiprnventena; irell inunpicd to tnienllii^'

bduiir nr protM mud btulnena; nlno U flgar, t munu,Nm rdinnitt. Inqolrcof __top H .K IN N A B D * CO., M Clinton tt.

ClLINTOS AVK.-FIRST KI/HiR f)F NO. 353: ,e it roObiMii*»r EllwbeRi eve.; iiii.iem liiiiirove

meuta; m itfM . Apply Iw JllIKiEWtXlP AVK BeOLUMDtA ST., 18-KI'RNlSllEO KOOMW TOR Ittht hiHUKkwplidl. E< up. J ilt

(^lO rT A tlK ST.,19 -HI'XnNP rI.'YUt TO LET : .>nll Improrenuntii. Apply uii piTiiiliieA 8lp

/1 0 C R T # r.. DU -EUBNIWIIEP ITIONT' ROOM " -/tor two (feiiUemen: nindent niuiTtilenees. 8rp

''I1 flnnr.

1riM l Ll-.T TIIRKK R'MHdS. SFXIiND FLtXJlL Itfil-tilonuL iDqnIre 94 UNI«JN ST- ______i

G I,?:T lIANDsqiVE FLODR.ft UOUMft; t\Lt. liiipr(iYrm»*nln. ftfti IIIGII ST. ?ftp

TJTCYCl.l-lftUFFAIRKD M'lULK VOU WAIT, X X(.;ii*'ftp, quli k, line. JlUVKY, tol High. 4« |

£ lARFENTl R jm iRlNri, 1 ^ uddUltinKr iiilcnitlona, hmlk |■UinRLl . more filling, cwblucl

work. I'U'.llbLNltY k n ig h t ,

Sn Aiiaiiiic m.' iARUJ=rrs CTiK.tNrD. M.\DK .tNI) LAID.

\ heiwl itoftlol to 1-XCJ- iHlDlt CllAUlCAlMNi*I tl.. H TU'liciiur a\ f. or Mft H. IL avn.___________ i

IANtiRAVlANtiS UKNKWKD, PAINTIaNHS KJ> \Mom1, and grr>al mliictUin* In i>r(»uf ctciilogo, al

CA RY A K KN N Y'H 422 linoul rt. Mif

1AOR FINK MILMNKRY, AT t/lW riUCJX,' ai> to bu . a WJtltoTlUl ST.i upp. Blouliioeid

ave.______ ________ ______ __________ ^

H a ts LAmMS'ANDGKN'TS’ llA'i'rt.OFAI.L klrxK doiie over cq‘uil t*» new, at (he nid t»'IIb- bleIxaL bJcoibury. U. HD'rtT£lNi:giN, Dnwd



......................................... iTHHlMUGlIimKDblock n»ul Ian. nutto. nlM»ul Ik niiihtlu old ; [iriiw

f*AV AdilrMo: ihHC *H>»nth4>niiiira. I

110R S.ALi; A n i c i | \ m v » a \ .♦ imYNTDN " FrrftH-lliot air fnrruiiii, 2U4iK‘n iKkt »ixi to-lnvh

utAlog, lu good i.'undluua. Api'U' at A4 TlllIiD AVK. Wkt

1AOU HAl.E BTTi Ml irs HTHGX. MX- ' lurtw, toola, lion>a and wiiguij; ti niiA f>.ay. lo*

qnlra II! (irwiiiii at. 79rij i im h a m : h u lls raf. i! w ih k : i’Hic rr ton-, l^uior o u d r '. 'J a u d a t lIM 'ilLsT., NflWVark Lily. . UU

I^ftCRNITURF AND ('AllPl-rrs HHl SALK, ’ bn trf rtm* Rruoti-l*" cariK'i.d, very I’lniap; liajl*. . .. . miier

tirmnn. 33 NEI/IOS 1*1.


T _________________________

TWON’ln a .Y FViRMBHEn niKlMS TOT.hT, elinrle r.rfnnellier. Ill e private hmiee. Ajpply nt ZlflirWTWD'rsT .. n « r no eid. _______ n r

Wa r d s t„ n -TO i .e i ', .m c k l y FVIi- nielied rmime tor llnht hoileelipeplun-___ S3rICKl.lKKU HT.. l » Tt) l . f X 8 OR 3 NICK ruoiim; tent nuennithle i Ml Imtimveniente. 8tr


STuRAtlF WARFHDl’SK,btt, 104, led Arllngltm al.. Newark, N. J. Telephone 7?:l ij^rgcM In iliw htati'. lookisl nKiiii"* PU and niralluraoireridly boxed andohlppetl.


■land, f? ; »llk rdn^h p trjnr ?*uH, ?24 : i;l»«iiiiier Null,

f ; wnslralwA, i ln ; InMc.fil; nKik fttova,; uilrnir, Id.-k) J tcftbp'raUir,

M AVn.IiI.^M HT............. ..................... iVil'l’EU t ’Ur.MRIXGketlK In ffiMMi ordB't, for hult»'ra' ura ; w lllcnlor iH down lullr .Aiij'ly lo F U. M'C.ABh. 3(lt Ulen- W'lifKl uviHUMitiii'i'lil, N. J. bk]£ XVFN FURSAI.I:, Ml HTiN];L FOUTAnUi I foveri; lln«i-rla« In cv* rv i-caravt, liwjiUra tvl THIUiHrtKI.i.'s MuDKIeRAKbeRV, lUOrHianl«Le

iNimir 1 vnuluntoii. Tip.....- ARUHlUlbiAN W ll i l<IRf»AN, Ibiv W, Nvwaufflre.l

1>IANU •FOIl'^Al K. I'PHItJHT r4A.NU;ANUl In ever)- r»**qiH*i: IkmahiU*. I'olla'il.* maker; vra:lH

ranb’il, will awlot aatu-rinw*. AdiJr»%.i m \ KNGl.AND* !k'.\ C, J-:\<>nlng

IJIANU t'NLY »1W; FINK LAUu E s IjSECP- rlgln, Iti i>erf'vl order: ft PI"*! bar:»iii. Addn-ia

it. W., Uo\ D. Lvmiiiig Ni'Wit. _ Oiiq

1>Flb*- FUH SALE, HANlJStiMK THullDl UD* hied Fiu:!!y| i mu ‘lUTpnpN. M ‘.\ DKM V sT.;?ir

^IIUWCASI'. I'liR SAI.i; VKRY UULAF, A ^llre-lbot uieliii irliiiiuingM.


OJhiAN- HiR SALK U mop". Ad'lrif

Jlmllon, ll.ftO. IrOdtin' opera toe, Ikiuirjla, laiiton. 1 .01111**’ Vnim'll. ('ongrara. fthr. I,atlb

iHingitla kill UAfbrd lino, Tto. and ■ ‘ -wear,

rrae, fthr. [.aillea' Hoc Men'i (kirUnvan lorad

-IIT IIIUHT ST., to- Tty LKT, SKVKN MGUMS, v \ Tlfwiv dcticiratod. bijproveuianio. H. B. JACK-

SON, No, Mft Rnaul ftUj . j .r . MAY 1, FIRST

flour, 4 rianni; ham and all ImpmveBnHiUA 4i'r10 T H AVK. 10 Tt> J.lio

10 T H AVK., iwJ-rtlCCOeND FLOOR I AM^ IM* f IliruveiUL'jiUL Apply tn UJ:X>. 11. SMALLKV,

124 Market at, uiwitalra_____________________1 1 AND l i t TWO FleATS, JH>UH LAlbJK

o i l nwimaj Miatlonao' luqulre of JANI­TOR. CJOHlghat.. cor. Aegdeno'. ________ Mp

HMALle C<iLOUFeD FAMILY, I R(X>MR t ^ Q luqinra 1X1 1‘ACIFIC ST._________ B4qfcLTl K i \ W fCKK-Flirn HijOMHWlWPJ.KTK •5>4-««)Ufi*rliniiiw!t«*|ilhg. 114 VANHORN ST., j:c..ljifliyetto Station. *______


I'niunrcm dn'W n)itk>«, txlra tluv li>r ouiatuer , | iT a Men'siww«lliu'eaiMMbnirreai»,|l. Buy?’

buUuu.lL Ihiya’la<'«'<l, 75c. MUto-a'bnttoml.V, Al WM. J. Mi KlSNKV'R HKDK mXJUK. 87ft nana Bt^mrarWUllwiiNle^ LM

MAt rU R M ACK — SATCHKIjM, puckflboukft, maaoiia' tool ttoga and Imnkaof mir own ummilbctn re;

rHjmIfJng nromply aUendrsl lo. 5lft HilUAD ul'., uiqiOdlto Waoblnglou l»grlf.



Ko. 72 a icuii a Nic s t .,

NtjharktN. J.

ri^yFKWIHTF.II ‘u^l l -iy|H:wrUer. i'At; lo l«L

lu MARKICT sT..cRy.SALK. IIKMINMTUNU l' J a m k s s T. Pir

fnllAWFORD X l \ 41- dr>' lo It'U


t?AHT PARK HI'., J^JIr-jrui-uUliad rooma.



X ’ LM NT., 10 FUHNTSIIFD RHOMH JrAllght honft<^kra)ilng; man and wife only.XPLM HT., lai AND S5S~TW<> DF>*lHAMLK J jf lo o n in le t, with Impravameuta: rwui |t0. In* quire on prentlnto. 7Sr

FAIRMOUNT AVK, IM -|i* tR 'R JiABGK rootuj*, nlcebouM; n u t luw to nmuR Ikmily. i Tr


NKWLY MAllRIKD tHUPLE WANT I ruuma ft»r light htHiwkwin*-

AddnHwCARPET, Jlox P, Neww offlea.

KTGKKft. l .D r r f t , KTCe, TO LFTf.1 vI'^K-UODM To I.LT-PHUDKNTIAL BUILD I .^Ing; lifat Inratlunand main hall. Apply Jtuum 0. iilubn Diilld'ttg.

fifth flour, oimoallfl etovawni to D. ilAnUTN(lTf)N


DFSK ROOM Ti* LKT IN TfIKOLD HAIUII- m>n Pntioc Cmm, % Horrlaun ave. W.

lllf■K.^LA^, *» HarriMm ave.

Telephone 404 M'KMC sluN ANU

FAtfthllfthrtl IWl^ FHKHIk* PAINTING,

^idiot'acfiiidn'ra’ liackgrauJidM, ileairatloiui, untcr- 4t4glng. tU.;ju‘nd p*jetaL IIa HMEH, 140 Pa^llc

57britJIliSTANDARD STKAM CAHPU1' ilKATlNUI Cumpaiij, I1J>SE A WlLNiN, Pruiia.,

IM Market M. tndaw*^r,-PIANOS AND ORGA?CH TCNKD. UK i OiwlS'd, reeiruug, tmiA rMlort>d, eU'.; aatlafku

lurnguamnleed. Jjyive your urderaal lf,k__________ OEUlUiE Hi:Nl*s. aw Market at.

llOKSRrt, <;.iKIUAtlKN, KTC.a IJIIKAT d is p l a y fiF CAftmAOI-jH, QLTK.*

i V R(lARIM. FANCY TllAPH,uiul a V'HrUsl arxburtmeiR of

m sTNF-SSWAOONH. H VUNKSH and Mable uieiwilla at all kiiHla at very low prieaa atf'ur 'larcpniinB,

21. 2 1 , T, and 77 mviKlOV sT . nppualU' MnrrU Hlid Fleu'T It. II. Slalimi.

UijUK.N 8% Jj^rUD. _______Jd lA LUFIt'l L. nP L IN \^IO L F>\L K ANDIllF

Inll diftlerlii Ii‘ip'1 A largeetuck n(buBiium, dm n^it and work horwHl alway* on bund, Soli HUbl<-% N'm. to .Ct CKN l'tU L AVK,city. All itork aft fepr«wento<l or caah raflmdcfl.________J^AUGAJNS


DlvWon at.,adjoctnl toll.. Kanrt W. R. R. IVpat.

RngflMi, pluiehinN. Hiirraya. Ilnckawa.v*, Rsvnf^ hain\ OfMS'lu'a, by ginsl luukera. All lu perLH-l order. f,ow prii'*'^ -Min/ u n m A G iv p u n r p r in g t u .i d i : »*u.yiI OiaiBli; Sto Marker iL Farm wugnna, hu^Fniviawiunma, cimeMitor and cnetliffe^ tif all Klii'la (eptHinlty,-.

FINAMCIAL.— piit(Kia*i bidlt hi order.

{duiula-ni* wMgoiift; oiaa Woguna ftrf iti>v

F LAT -AI TniRTRENTR AVR, JirRT ATtOVE lligh hL, •ot'onil IbHvr, R momH and badt; idi liii prnveinciita: coiKUtUitt llrtto^aas rani raanouablo.

Aunty uu uruttloos ur in aYmlBir to l-Sa a c f . b o k

38p U Rts-lar Nt.


Mo. 73 <BiiiiM« i t . I tm nu....... ...............- .....- >3 18)B«. 8(1 0»r«M» «., 8 rnomn......................... >3 03

Alan flntolnii nouM No. IM MC Pro.)W*l ITC., 13 ' nom l uul bnUi nnd Innndry, with nil Itnpnvymenta-

^nnuire It. M. DOJiMMUH, f t nigh »l.

01 Iltl^W ANTED, A firUL TO TBiiU A BAK- te ry ; enn'tgobuuuntgbln; m«tlij.»pt*ftren™. I 41 MARKET ST.


( .1 luMforg on* wriotiandi and a«*l r LArNDRV, 77P4 Market I t





GJ MORHJH AVE, tienrUouUi Ornugnnve.[RIN w a n t e d AT iWIFBTK *00,-71, *™-4M



IIISEWOBK-WANTED, TOR THE OOUK- ■ ■ - ■ -■ ■ -------- - ,r TOWmli¥« ; per-

Addnai COUNTRY,X I try, pixit<wt*ntglri of aliitflfi woman for genarml liouei‘work; mufttbftiooiloook ' — ' — 'Tuanent bumuosd .TMd ftoy* ^Uux i'» "iftwn ofllce. ft*q

and laiindreoa;

i c ; iEWORK

lent liernian or Iriflh jpjWAirrBD, (Kyoto, com pk-

Irl In «m«1MkmJLv; muftl____________ _ , - - . iiD-rhi* neat and obligliig. C»U U KOttTU AEUNGTONbT.f XVtotOrango.


WANTED, A (.iOMl»I?rRNT...................lions^work; m i«t km(Ml! Hi W4 JtKOAD, Itt IbS ftflhliig.

Y IOHHEA^"nRK• - .X 'l girl fnrgciiunil lions^work ; mnxt ksow bow u»




' K«ir Eertjr I t ,

A lt mnnu&Muiiiw aludw of nil nliiM. iio RUUtr taow minii or inrt* your wlodown nra, nnd h U Uwm

nl toctory prlrtn. ___


D By K. ». BOND A 00., T*1 Broad Quitmftiiftt,, 10 noma, all Impa................ - .... Mgtff WoAhbiflou oL, • rooma, all lmpa..,......8n*.n...» 100M Bruoii at, ft roouaa, w<a«r..,r...n*......nn..M..»n.»«.... IK431 nigh at. • rtkonu. all Impa..... . ^•I Oonu&ens M., ft foomA waiar.^..,........ ...........7S1fliThonuiatt,l roomaall tmpa........... . IMTO ML Piaoiooiava.. 18 roomA alt Imps..... ........ 4MII TIcbaiwr iL, I roonM, hutar.-d.^.,.:....... . IN

FLA1« TO LICT.titoot fts, ft rotona, oU impo, ^ l lo r . ...... .. flTftBroad IL, ft tooma, all Impo..... .......M a r k e t f t roonto, all lta |ii........ .

I ADIKH. TRY OUR NKW PATJCNT DOUBlnB* Alidlrur curling ounab fbrcotlinf bojiga and iHort

aide hair: pric« lo raato, Maaufocturad a o l^ by MADAMR WHHTKRVHIiT, Knir DwilUw wab* Uabmafll, 2U Waablugton vL, eliy. Nk

L ADTEB* a n d CniLDREN^ STRAW, LEG* boro, lone and «U klmU nf Omn}’ haUprwud oTftf into Uie etftiaiit new miring ftbafift at J, iL

UCHUGAN'kkTiilWafthlQftOB atn bcL UaHtoiand Bank. 7Bg

LADIBR c a n h a v e Hj:pKKFLtR)V» HAIR raiuovod

itp - - ___Jerwy City Heigbta, N. J.

'raitiovod ftoai fluf and arm at tUt>l hum w; en* fbr dravtlar. Add:I'icac fttaotj

Sliiilitb 3,MRS. LOiriKn

fatnliy t>f 8 «duU>'. 47 WA AVE*OrSEWOllK WANTKD. A tJOMPKTFNT

Dlft 41

-V>help _____14 \V11X1AM HT.

*1 T ' -_J I iTiiw’KUot wnniiftn tor g^era l huiuwwork In afatnliy t>f 8 aduUh. 4TWAk J ^ A N

iV^nrlil yimr^Uheli

I JugftL; Itouro, 1 loft P. M.

IOUSKWOR K-WANTED, A (IlCRMAW GIHL. IIR nr ifl yinro, u h e lp a io « in houaework; nu

washing OP Ironing* 14 VvlIXlAM s r . JOt-HEWfItlK f i lm , 13 o n It YEA IW w a ^ 5

Mt Injn'rirfnl hmwpworn; ----IM SftmTH h ix t h bt .

ftinidl fkmllK - IH (hI In oaelNt ti

ifixtd hbim», __________ ________1 1 OllBEwSllK'-W.VKTKW. O in i. TOlToEK- J I .fa t downninir. nork, n l« nnlf-tniwn *tn. Ad- diTO Ii., Ni!W8 iillli J, oraiiAi.______ .*7

H OLHKWOBK-OTRr, WANt'EI) TO TO MNh eml hCTW'wnrk tor • nunll Ikinlly n» 4J NORTII

BEVENTUrri'., l l o i i M l l l e . _______ »...................... .............. NEAT fllRLLwniiWd nt Bt MI1J.KR HT. tor fFnemI hciunr


. ' ■ ■ - ■ “

H ouHxwom e-W ANTED, a o i r i . t o r o e n -and bnutinroiiii Omuulu ymtomd S3 NEW


H OUHtIWOnX-OIRI, WANTED TO TAKE cniv nl cliildren tutd do llfht buuarwork,


H miAKWIlRK - WANTED, (111, mHinnl hmsnrri '



i iuiUMWork { tbrtM adiUlM In flimll:m o u \S i» NT.


A OOOD, STBONO Lf'jLutrl fiiranui'nil liiiinrm rk U N NEW ftl'. t

1 YTOUNKW OM -UIRI, W.lNTllO TO AMHT ' X J s ' lWdluiiAcwork. Onll I t THOMAS HT.

ruUUNl 3IO.A ffiXIfi WOMAN

MIDWlYlf-l.ADIhA, ADVICE GIVEN FHBK;cuolidentlHitraatmeiit; 30 years' axperletm

doctor hi atlmdaupe., 178 0USSKX AVS., ourner of

TTNION STRAW If AT BLJiACH RRY--IA D: I J fttraw bale nreftMNt In til iba leadlitg abftl«a. WTr.PAT11JCK^IMltaW rt*. w ar bell tower.



DBLlftUTKS UF KBSRX COUNTY TO .1 the H^iuhllf'nn Htntn CnnvmUSu, held In Tnn-

ton on ADfll JT, will nu<.t nt. - iMONDAY, MAY 2, nt 8 P. M.,nt Ih* HKPDBU-


Ul Biwt two meinbfi. lo the RepalillflinBlnioOnni- toU m

2 A in » L. BAYS, (Imlrtonn Kwni County DelqtOTlOn.

SIIM IIBK B IW O R n ,r j lH E C lu iT O N T E -






linn niranvtd bD oUcs ta VldtlUr Tlllo U>. buUdlnc,

711 BROAD BT„ •soond floor.

w i r r i H O t o '^laASMAKEM- UlnON NO. 131.

Fall partlculani and pannlta at our offlee.K. fe. BOND A CO.,

g» 7tl Broad flUn O V S R TO L rr-F H O II m a y l, to l or l jtl.l^ lll«ftn the two towtr gUirlak of tha prtrtkta rao* I^Doa lOR Spruce i t i tour doom ftoui Ulifli \ 1ft rooma, boltdft* bath and laundry, all Improveuianta iUftn n a r and flrom tota. with temicw » r laivtu _

luiulra 4Cg WAHiIlN(J*rt>y tfT.

H OUSWl TO LKT-ft TnBIEtHTOnY BRICK huoMO, corner StMoex ave. and Mxib ttni ft lulo- utra* walk llrom railroad iiiatloii'or alectrio oarti

eagb I rtM^miUmlbmoTn arid all ImpravamcQti; MO PT nwhlb. P. VAyitERHOUFt 2ftft Brood M. Mb

HO rS K -T O LET, BRICK DWiei.UNOb(HM«, So. M 8vmbill nt.; ft roomi bealdea boUi-

rnom and oellar; flimitoft and other oonvetilenoni; immediate pcweeialoa. Apply to MABCUB Ja. WARD, room f t t PnidenUar&Dltdlog. ftftP

131LAT TO LKl’ K SBXXlKII VLOOR,W2 ' iierry ei., n^ar Walnut at., hIz Urge »

MUI^ Kira lldtil

pofun*, wlih' extra rooni 'ftixive; all lniprav**nF-nm Biirl lu lienl I'lmditiDU. Apply on premlmw or Ui .1. WISH AcK>NH,7ii4Hroadai. ito

LKT- NO. 0 CKKTR.41. AVK., ft _ TtKunx and t* th ; all Impm'i'incnia Inqnlra NKWA UK CAllPin’ KTOaX; flU llrtOMl *L DipTNLAT TOr 1


J J ir 1 iV, , , , #nn.i«V3AV*nv. iyn-ii >, i- n ■. l\' S','' on Htrect; Improvemenla; prtcu flH, at ftl Ml It-

RAY el.,


N. j .R .R .a v « 4&I

I ' ami ra rtn romjto, every toum Hftlit, iD miKliTn tmpravcmftwta, bollft and eWm raruel4*a, jamtoSe lervtocfl; oHuaicd out mlimte'a walk rrum Mnrruand nwexBnMMlSt.fllatlou. Apply to JL K A tX)., 791 I t ______7|t

INLATrt-TOLKT.ft ROOMS AND RATH, ALL ? lmptov<>mante: door openero, Rpeakhig lunee

and letter tMxra. Tl U luX lD K A Vk, half bW> k tllnton ave. 4iq


DuL'k to rent tor excurelooa. Apply at ofTliw of KNICKJwBBOCKKR ICK (XJ.,

Iln Foot oj CentrajrtnY^llUST FI/»On OFFAfTOHY SlXlto; PLKNTY r of llglrti front tuwl mar ac*wi; iieam to witteiuiiit; alrt> lIxJA, 3d dour fruuL RKKHY ST.

Apply BUft Ml'L- ftig

L Irk, largo, silitahlf flirft ur4 horepft. Vtq



rNew building; axcellcnt light all around; rent

modcrulc; fk'S'atnm.4ft LAWRENCE BT.

Waftlilngton W’lleon, _____

O fV lh iH TO LETI' ON the Pnilollltie*

Bniatl a t

ItRUAl) ST. NRAR Apply to JTMfcil 1* UAYB.7«



KfHlMH TO LI7r, W ITH }*UWJ:iC; ALL IM- pruvemaota: well ilfhtod. No* 21 BuCjHINdT

BT. Inquire ofnnguii*rr. _ 42*

Ha JiOo N 'T o h 1‘:n t o n f o r n * l r , w it hUxturua MJm HII/TON, tH Uraul uve., Kila^

iiy. _________4JTIED -Tn Lfrr, A LARGE BHICD AND STA- n id e lu Atlantic iU, oiiltable tor car|»enlar, blaob- uniUi, waguu buUdtf, «tc. A* PlB'JPOHiftU Rmadat. 1

4 'n ’ksTlD N .FA im FA N EK D ISO MoNKY- fTfti inaned no hOuaelMdsI fiirnliura

lit UM- wllbnAL muuval; poaltlvaly Loiigeet ttum given; Inwcni rotfa; utrlcfly conflilpniiftl; nioel ra- Uahlc. oldrat ratahlMhmL e«ay rapayuiemo, prampl alliiilktu: motii-T lu (waIt* huuin' noklcq; n|>cn Bvwilngi. JCl-:fift,i'r4 Hroad Hi. _ 8**“ iRANKLIN SAVrslIH INSTITUTION,

113 miOAD ST.

JOHN* M. OW1SNELI-, UrMldent



lAURHAl.K IIUHHK tT‘1 In ilii't-Uy: rtvjit li, yi


MAXA(IER-'<!EnWAHbKtvorax, (jKOSua Lank, IlKSMir LaV(i, Wil.LiftW H. I.KAJiilis r . roKTRSLU JflllS M.GWJJCUIUt CriAtu.>aS. (toaiiAU,

■J. V. DtvrL'.’THAn xa, KuWAku L. C(»M(uk, llf-.Hfti.hT RtkWto, ;Knwl>r li, iMU'nLAft,J. Wautj \V>MiUtti:rr,j:uU-AKXi nS. Ol4Sr,

(HKMUAS l.KlinflAC h.

1NI.ATR-TO LET. 8 ELATB. S ROGMB ItAClt, ■ ilJ to 313 i a> Mnliinn Iwm, Iwtivwii U unliliwtim nnd Hnlmgr. Iniiulfe R, B. I lE W m ', 13 Mnldjii


InOlfR ROOUM TO LET, w m i CITY’ WATER, ' 3 1 ,W per monm, Onll hi Hr IIAWKINKS l-UAirsiACY, llrlik cliurdh.


,YODR I.IUHT ROOMB YG IJBT -WATKli, (US nnd bny *liido«. Cnll nt J . ........... ... “RN'M, TO JEflkmin 8t.

M. HOMMKK' » r

F miNT ROOM, Ui-H'l-AllW, fl«t loiif. MngiuinM

hlllru MAYO,

TllIRTY-TOl'S ihir. Mulburr}'. En.


H ig h BT., 13-TO u t r ,hrh* bnk^ ■ -----““

mrnini innt NON, m Broi

dVSB*TO LET-NO. I8n OOBtJI HT,: ntwly DiihibM niomi | dry '

£ r r f n » S S M ^ ^HT.

EW TWOSTORT Sfh, ill thinhivn.

GE * TfCHE atn

__________ s ixocttnr; jrnnd null on irrrd t rent 310 per

■■ HMODTII. « iU 1109

H ODSE-TD l e t , 803 KAtEEYST.,Iiotiae, nil Imprayrawnta, 13 monn. In npnrt- W wviHilaliaUHi. iH tnirtJEA N TAOK. tIS

r i RANT MT.. 27 -TORNIlUKD ROOM TO LET I BIO lady oc fwitleuuui; iwa bluckh ftoiu M. nud E DeiiA________________________ I/T R E K N ST., »-E t:llItlM llE tl, TWO VKUt \Tl nliv rtKitmiiirelTUpliit to «iok vs UU; lnr»e rnnji.; Wntrr liiJIiB klulii'ii i ni-nr Jlnind

H Arj?KV8T„4»- TwbmS.NISCTfSO PROMT roonw to le t ; newly fHnilvli*d. KijA liliY Ml' 383-APAUTUEM I'M 1 MODKR- nto tvnu M, a lACKiklN, IM linwiknt. 73m

MAHKkrr ST.. 58U NICELY■........... ............ ...... ....... I'THNISllBOToom% one Tory pleneniit, tnrao rronl mom. 13p

imnlo Mnrkettl.

____ _____ ST-TOLKT. FOI’RHOOIW.wUb L-Ity wnter, 31; 4 rooiun, 38- 3tr


OTAULK TO LET TOR l^UIU HORSBS-WILL O ren t eiirtln seiinmin; bnyloft nnd wn|nm h n n i; low rent. Apply oor. ORANUEnud EIltHrMTN. 1

diTAW.E -TO LET,D itulli, hllihi IIIMI ywrrf., ..ST., nenr lliidnoti, betwinm Wnrreu und Niw.

TWfkMTORY MTAIII.K, 7 rd,3l2pernif>iilh, ISCONDIT

Hill Wnrreu und New, He

_____ . . . l.KT TOR TWO o n TRRianloneionChBdwIOknve, Inqiitrs 8t RTLLIAM

8T. _____________ UH

CvTABLE t o CmIIoi

S '


Bm (‘K BTOltE, NO. ftl7 BROAD ST., NOW 00-



78m 780 BROAD ST. NEAR NEw ' i-ENNH'S'I.VA-i jw u K T O L ir r .................. -

n u la hallraod cilnUm Ave. rttalton; rare cbauoa tor grocer, drtigaliit, ftboepmker, paUitftbop, iixuuia-arwi, or «iy buftltwao, Apply I* ____ ^Uk F. B. FU»HINIfi,«Tl Brood it.


,W43.8 TO LKT, WO, n ACADEMY PTs near Broad i ouiwblttor atiyhwiuftft"* Apply M

DIL T1CUKN<‘>R. No- 27 Academy I tQTOHK TO 1*ET-SUITABLE FORSnawi; 5T8 Market iPL APPLv 40* MARKET BT.ftifl

g ,


IM Emmet nt, brMf, 3 leomn, nil Impla, 31*' An^y to owner, tlBO. F . DODD,ftlft ||rw _ A

_________ HT., 196-FUKNiHHliD ROOMHtor tight howkerplng'; aU pboMi mu>onlv. Bk’Mu i .b k u r y tor r • ■

wito only

House to LkT*-« emmet bt.: TjmEE*Kiary aud axtroidaii 11 roonia, bath,___ b«ai«r,

n ooMETO Lirr-.* b o o m s . i n t e n t h w ariun line or kerte rmiw i rent iiMMleiwtn Is ( «

tunnl, InvilientM EU sM T. Ml

M ri.m!RIlVHT.,l!B-TOI,KT, TOl'RLARttE nxmiA In prlvnto heuiie, nnnr nil driniM, t . ^

' Ikmily wlUinut eblldren. 3ltLET, KODE

HOTOBOF3 BOOMSSNDWOHE-BI’IKT 310 iier month, tmiiitre oo u n pfemtnea, 13 Beum

, Mic h a e l KANE. __________ l i p

H od b e t o l o t n c o u f t m m n . ; a l l im -,imv8TneDtB, 40 B A N E ST ILprovomente, ______

SAYBROOK i t ^ I l O t m f t I BOOMSv r a I SAY.nnd hpUi I nU tnodorn ouaveulenotn) ever-

liwkliic Hmtniy IMik. Tot perwltn nnd nnr- tlnuInnnupiyisS. W .tiEK BY .W Brand n l . 1 ^ nrk, M .ir ME

s g - a f i S i f i a - f i m ;

H # T , fB O SPatT AVK, 31-K n'B OR E tO H t JV lrooaS to Mt: rrn t tenmnS*]*; OeW hiniNc.Mjr JwlOtre J. l tYElt.74 EigliUl OTn.

Mt . FROmPRCT AVK. 34-4 TIWWH: RENT low to a Bknall fiuully. ObU at ft RA NK X \. ftftr

XTKlJVlN PL., »-FIdOOR OF ftOROnOOMfl; ..K jUL lipprovauiiBpla; near High Olid Market. 4ftp

i f i a r t t i i i p L ift^TO Licr, a v e r y dkwui- N id;to oarn«r fiiA il« fooate, bath and ftioraroo#; JllnffleaBd Hgtittooma. p o


Itl^a PfivatoflMDUyn _ ftlp

p 17ft-TO y j m I W 4fiB L>U O A. ,J jUsw- .‘-b 1.

CSTOnK -U NKW HT.. WKXT TO HAUWE *P c ^ T ^ P ^ ^tjTORKTO LikT I GOOD UKiATION FOH R ^ H herTli, 1 1» TlIlRTICKWTn AVk., ffag hrlLWr

11IAVK FtFTKKS TUOUHAXD IKILLATtH TO Ijiv'oatlabnniDabd morttoWM uB good •enjrUy4

Uu bouiuur ixjmjulwhin.bCnUYleKR R JACKftnw.

boobiw adht..Qlnhe l ! u l W l ? i g . _ ^ ____Nuwark. N; J*^

M*" ’ ONKVTU lifiAN ON MDU«FHUU> FCItNI- tura, platujP. nriroiiR and pnroonhl praii^Ety ftrlUi- t*Tnoval ; pnrtin' hrmnrahly dealt wtin, and wi^v Tcpiiyinciif" ‘ ■ ■-••*-* *-“ •—-‘-

Rtrlc'tly uriunimUfti.Kiom3,T»)lrt4<i«*Ty^UNEV LDANKDUu per*)nj»l pn»pcr1y, planoa,- nrgina atwl tortiltora In we. Wo removal, la ij or addrfaa f. (i. Elv WARDH, Kmm ft, Wo, Iftl Markwt atno ur No. IV r cflarat.dayorawuiDg. 7*ib

TO- U)AN ON bond a n dcciii,. In numft

tto kinua

IMUfciiiraiUH I iy7344m«mOil F. W. CRAWFUltD,

8 1 5 ( M ) 0 ( ) o ^ S ^ ^ ^UMl tor ptiiod* to mill tbi* boirbwtr;UMl tor ptiii oumniljniuu chaniiMl,

In euton to m lt DWARDR HJ.ACK,Courj* N. J. T«l»

ai.UA to loan on i-iiatiel loorl*gage In euton to «Ht. >:i)WARDR H..................

749 Bruml it., Newark, plioue Wo. 407. _______t£t l f U \ n n n l o a n OW’ BOWD a n d

t fmortgnffa a t 4 and ftperotm^In ouma oDd tor pe*^oda i« "bit ibe b i^ w iT ; NO BflNUH NOll CUKMIHHION I J lALTED; ALL nweiwftry iwprn caratoll^ ClIAM. A.

HUaU-Wr BAR(L4rW,V3iiiiipf,iMT}'U t?ljifuky, Lftn-

leMeu IM h1a»”k ho r^ ! prerani nwiier ftimnlive usoiitliii ago; Jket irav»llt*r: viitlable MrtMwi-yniiiii, milkman, rkrmUig, family ur any biialncm

1 aort^intcfl evi*ry way: wrab'ii i 'lal. -t|v fily prlvule «labh< I'LAWK KI. 'JbU la a bar* gain. I

I.-lort HAr^K flKNTI.KMAN'rt KNTIDK FAM- l1y<ntifli;la)T''blw'k Imrv!, lively, noiiml and irue;

I m-(>3N>atc<l'viiUuisLuu bqi iv«rk iiUavtuu, 1 hrn-vy •lile-lmr hugf>', two raia hi'.rnr'v, rnbc', i*iinkpw^whljM, ric,; all Iheabitve ut^arly new; uu mrtitniar iirh i'. hilt a iti>< UU-d bargain. Aildr<:*w PlUVA'l'K, KOg 11* NflWHCiflU‘6 . _____________ 1

Iflfill HALK- VKUV I^IIKAP, A ilOGD YOir?ifn ' Inttlnmi wagfiii mill M>t gf liarui'^H.-auiatila

fl)r hnl-h'^r. gn-M'CT nr fthv Htht hn!»h«*aft. Inquire at ll^V. [miL'rtKl-ARI.K. l:ki UaUey at. ElklA u ii halk (’riKAp a \vK \Arim y.ii kkn*

flreu’f! uac In toe o'unirj*,Koat 1 ininga. .



»»4W. 7a JUmTtJNrtT.we a r l y

IMJ JUUbftH AT AUUilON'-Evury TCli3>iDAV arul KltfDAY thn>)iXhoiit thB

year at luilb ft. il„ at UIIKAT KAM’i-.UN HI’AIILK. &3b in to AD HT.

Thrra lo rtve ciirloiida 3>f VVe U- JL»i- ki M m le; alao a lot nf anTmti-bikhd J [oraei, ^U)irthlr• Pir ult jlUfiKaoftA Hnrw** uiM rurrlagfai b‘C«*iv<-r! frmmiU |iulnta In be anlil on riiijinil.vilou ut .iiuiwn oruf |irtYatcwUa cliaivva ftl (x-r haul and ftu rania pot day kH'pe

MORKifnim ± griw riY , HiiaH-.-wora to Jubu IV. Burrla

THcpbniip 417. : nWhWILL BUY

I B iW fl. 8HkFEICK, rwBoeUor^law. __^ u p w a r d Lo a n e d o n KUR.Nin'iiK:

no rantoval: prqnipr. private, reliable, low liu-a, aooy rapaym«nta; open ^eflingw ft&o KEUlt, WBrt>a<lE.

AND ITW AlUlTtl LOAN ON FtnUfl- liire. Melee pr^iuat apidUwUim to

MU BA Ei. B AN K. U Bergen E*

A .


lulemtUoiin] Pnlenl OflIsie,IIAKT.SEB * fXI„

748 734 SBOADHT.,Oppoille new Pnidioltnl, N**nik, N, }.

-nie ln«e« Fntent Ofllnn In lb . Stni., Intniiti aoheiied. T ndonnrki, Ubrbi nnd Umydybia to- C U P h l . __________ ___________|>ATliNY»“

I'llKDERICKC. KRAK.VTZEL, ■MK-osaiur kl (WnpIMll d Cu.

OLOBE BVILDINO,8 BROA D HT. ______ J^B in 38 nod 37.

tJY'OBHTO LBl'.W ITII TWO ROOMS, IN NKW ISbulldln*. Ill fikl.MONT AVM, 73in

STORE TO i r r , a o w n t o n iw .) b e n t l o w .Iiunlm NO. 30s __________________TO



.JldenWdj HprlnfSeld «v» ' Apjily to P. KRI.LV, Bttmml

avB.^ oppoilCENTRALLY ilto boulavard'

To I , r r -NTOBE AND BA HEM pTi^W A HH - liininn bL: TO per moalb, Inqulw WM. IILK-

INOTON, UBnWwIo.nt. ___ 3*4IJXO lOTrNIDRK AHti 1 RllOMS. __

Insuimfrt ONION ST.WITH TOWBB,W K LI.tjonT K D F L o o n a w i t h po w e r ,

ml V iri i t iSw m u. s u m m it WORKS, IM SnmniHeLWownrtt. K .J . , a

JJATENTS-DRAKE * 0 0 ., _MolUltors of Auierkon nnd Fortlfn PnKm**.

llurneya In potent unwe betom the 1 . », Onurlii. Meebniiienl nml Wi'ctrlpnl KriBlneefn nnd Expertn. Ctonnultnilm. Bee. 7» BUOAl) »T. Ttie nlileet io- tnblSbedboueelntboStnte. 'IVeuiydivn yinr* on-CIItotoS —J o!lw2iTO-oi22TO-i--TOl-ss --M-«*—■*TOSTO»M*08


Bil l ia r d a n d i*o o l t a r l k b b o u g h t ,uuldi aud axebangad. W. LUDLOW. “ —MuQ*


HOB-s K F o n H A M v ^ __ ___one or tiie ilnrat Ihmily nr luMinem marm hi thft

city ; ebc la a ytarM old. 16% tiniaD lililu wcigb-* ti;4 tiuimda; Miiiulde torsrtiH'rrynuiBiUitlkjmu!. biivhcr. 1iok*r,orttny buflni*«il:urtiiMiMi; nha-rtM ber iufta* ejitownur ft-gi.) iiiuo uitmlbii ago; nbc will be war- ^ rarih>d every* way ainml uml kind, U\ alngle ur ” double hiiriu'M; told niUy on io.x'otiiU of [uwft of tbP moRoy; bve daya* trial h> u>«iy|orK. Aiipiy at 1____ HjffxK)N. tto Plano t l .^

n OHaK AT A BAHflAlN FOR i»Am’KKTKB auoJ hiiilder: uI<m tii-yvar-4iMl Jlaiabh-tonlaa nii>ra,i.7M brifid high: (kafCndiiT; ciui nnui ten

mllr«Hii biiiir I 41111 fiunliy or any a«*n*ral btuinew punN«ra; wurrameti In 3 vi'r> way; eUuid wlUi‘>ut tyihri HiKl Dm* llmid |*i*raf4ii i-Bti drive ligr. (Yill atHKuP. to Fair wt., n ar nA HraailM.__________ t

n UllMK FDit KAI.K, ON A10JUNT U¥ DIH* anlvJi»g piiTUicTRldEi, ysninnf Mru-ky hulh Imru-e Hiid iimrea ranging in ngi* ft to fi rimni utd.weigb

fnnn hOfi in l.wu iHiumlH: Ibcy ail will be warrauivd every way, and fair trlnl allowed, and no lUwra] oftor latoaadn Ap|»ly7ftCliUNTRALAVB.________ 1

UOllHEH K KPr (G.NwTANTIjV ON HAND and eultiihh* lur nil ]>iiiioi«*m; ilrlVtira, buidufM aiut Work huraee; afldr Irlul given to fwch and

•very nivc. MlCilAI*;L BriiA'UKEi, Oily ItoCn Hjfflngneld ava. l-l

H ORWK, w a g o n a n d IIAFINKHK VV)R wklevhcap; imnd he iMtld IhlaweelL Apply 24 FOUNHUY or *7 'lUJD^LN^T. _ 2fir

Fl>n HALE, A GOOD WORK UiiKHKl,“I |ia w K


cvaipo nnd Iwomd* fifharm-tn* rhemim MAIN HT., KnrturaAgv.

Jvimna. hay n. order | baiYalli, tieid.

itii;:, u ln riguing: tarira box r Uria fl&Ou. T, H. WTfA^uX, btoomj


m BROAD 8 T , Nft^WAHK, S , J.

Forty rmootib obuiikn JUAt arrived, and will ba lolfl at your uwn piiowk

Alao IDO extra bfavy horwTA, many maled bwinaMverol ulciae watud (.wtrEagt icunw, mat mhi« fltfft ■tappara

FOB kajjc, A m c i^ a ry i .w H K)N Yitor a lady to ' ‘ ..................... ‘

•datr ac

lARPJClB-W AKTEUTO lit ' Y M3XX)ND-M AND nniprunndnlrlitimiofn, 38 W11.L1AMST. 1

H IOHKHT I-HICBB P.UI) to r BAIIB.UKTAIS and bDttkn; unlarn prnmiMly Btii>THlr>(l In. HO AAROli niO E L llill, 18H73 Nrwark 81.

MILK BODTB WANTKIA ADURbaiH N, f ., Ron Y, NpW8 nftlex*. Mp

/ n L P OQLD, MILVEtt AND JKWKI.BY' V/boUftit. MARTIN, IN M nitetak Eutmutvon Hnlonp a t _____________»PtirA N T K D -A UOOD DOtl, ANY BRRKU AW W nil Momlnj-mu' * .. .. -

HONI),T44U(oa08bMoDdnr nnd IXiMNln)- nlUr 11. D. B.

faoiM-rbraplIanbto iirIvB: nlno koiKl, blind viorfc

onco. Inouiiv ofB. W DU, i n Wnrrtn « .

_________ A BL.A0K MHrrLANOwlth'linriijyi mol cblldien’niikiwrl. A gPOSY TOR SALE

pony, wltb Imriiw. ply 17 KAitl.K wT,, Nrwnrk,tlVlNDLia*. SVIIRKYM, BtlOfllliN, CARTS, R r ' ’<»0' nml oxpnwi w»»..D*, now niiU ^ ; h1- hnul, flir wJk. oLIVElt MJiXi. UU., ftMtbl C ^

r r l t t 'C K - WANTKD TO I-L'Rt'HASK, A Xnlimln ftimtnipa intrk to n n r 8,TO poumViI

iiili.t bo in loll'd iir,li*r. .Yddr**-.-, wlvliitf I'ooo,TOOW. WIllTMELff, Arllnotan, W. J,

To o n s a n d h o r s k - tob s a l e , i bnnYT plnilbrm troik, 8« iy *> cnrrr M o st plniftTiu coni WiuEon. 1 ilnuilrlTlim

^ .S n n iW iA r lo d y i« i lr tn ; nbn b n n o s tm a OBTk OMVRR MVO. COm ^ ■ " "

N K W A H I C K V J C U lN C i N E W S , F l t l D A Y . A l ’ IU E i ; ! l . 1 S 0 2 .

m u v mOJULT, IX O t P T tU N D A Y ii

IT n »

EniitB Is is PabllsliiDj Conpa&j,At No. 844 BROAD STREET,

I f o w o r k ) 14, X.[JKKrid *i Hit « t t tm M tm meutr.

Dollvorod byctrriort in tnypirt of Nswn irk, Tho Oringot, Hwriion, Keirny, Summit, Billivilla, Montdiir. Bloomfiild, md ill floifftiboring to nn*.

Mail wMcriptioni, fivo dollir* » y*w, or fifty eonti I month, Mstigo f'4*. Smgio cople*, two eontf, Dotworcd by cirnon m Niwiik, tin cinti i wiek,

Ordintiy idvirtinininti, tin cinti i (ini,

**Advirtl»ements under he»d« of Winted, To Let, For Sill, Penonil, etc., one cent I word, but no ehirgi lew thin tin centi each Iniortion. ____ __________

F B ID A Y . A P R IL 29, 1H92.

tB K R A UB IN T H E PB IC K o r COAL.T b e In o reu e in th e p ric e o f coel, w hich

WM y e i te rd iy d ecided u p o n by th e E a it- a rn lA th n c i te i f e n U , w ill ta ll b e cv le it epon b o u ieh o ld ooD m m en . T h e com ­bine re t ie fo r M »y, “ free on b o a rd ,” have been inereeaed fro m |1 9 0 to |4 .id fo r Move; from §8.88 to |3 .90 fo r c h ee tn u t; IVom 13.75 to *3.90 fo r egg , and Rron *585 to *8.75 fo r b roken c o a l T he “ ile a m aiaee,” b n m e d In fac- tortM and la rg e b n lld in g i, have no t been aab jec tad to th e heavy advance m ade on th e i to v e co a l, becaoae bitum in- o u aco a tean b e need fo r m c h pn rpoee i and It la d e ilrab le to k e e p i t o u t o f com petl- doD. A lre a d y J t ia e v id e n t th a t tb e coal tom bine m eana b u iin e e a T b e m en w ho ex pended m o n ey a n d tim e an d labo r lo form t h t tm e t d id n o t w o rk an d u h e m a fo r th e ir h e a l th . T h ey w r n t in to the deal w ith th e e x p ec ta tio n o f big profit, and th ia p ro f it th e y m ean to g e t

In P h lla d tip h ia a m aa te r la hearin g ia ttim ony in p ro caed ln g a over a bill in iq a lty f iM in t h e L y co m in g O ounty C ourt, lo d am tlling . th e P h ilad e lp h ia a n d Read* iDg toeHW. Y e a te r d ^ h e exam ined w m e • f th e ollleera o f t h e L eh ig h V alley Coal u d N av ig a tio n C om pany , a n d a f te r to ttin g from th e m in fo rm atio n th a t every­body In te re ite d in tb e co a l m in ing and •arry lng a lre a d y poow m ed, ad jou rned th e ^ M n g o f f t i r th e r tea tlm ony to M ay M. In th i* S ta te n o th in g w hat- r r e r baa b e e n d o n e to in te rfe re w ith th e oom blne . T h a t iU ao- don h ad b een illeg a l w aa oonfeaw d by (ha p m e n ta t io n an d pam age o f th e b ill M aoeom m odato th e t m r t by le t t iu g aeide law i o f th e 8 t ^ . O f course th e to le ra- tlon w h ich w in k i a t con tem ptoovu de- la n e e an d d lio b ed len ee o f la w i accom - pUihM th e aam e p u rp o se aa tb e le llb a ra te le t t in g aalde o f th o ie atal- atea. T h e g a m b le n o f O uU enburg , fo r h u taaee , find i t q u ite an p le a san t and p ro fitab le to c a r ry o n th e ir buainem w hile th e y a r e p ro te c te d from th e law aa they w ould find i t I f th e law a w h ich th e y •en tlnua lly b re a k a n d defy had been re ­pealed in th e ir In te rea t. In d eed , th e ir ac­tion d a rin g th e la s t aem lou o f th e Leglala- hure riiowa th a t in th e i r o p in io n ip e d a t Im m unity ia m o re v a lu ab le to th e m th a n a ■bare in g e n era l p rlvU egn i w ou ld be.

W ith th e ooal eo m b in e m a tte rs w ill be m uch th e m m e w ay . I f n o re a l effo rt be m ade to p n n iih a n d b r in g to a n en d IU violation o f th e la w i t h e t r u a tw i l l b e ju a t u w ell off aa i f a l l la w i w h ich I t h ad dia- abeyed o r w aa lik e ly to find p ro fit In break ing h a d b e e n ex p n n g ed fro n t th e Ita tu te books.

O f ooniae leaaae o r n o leaaes th e p rice o f aoal ia ra ised beeao se th o se w h o h av e th e pow er e x e r o ln it. Ae lo n g m th e y s tan d to ffe th ir th e y m ig h t aocom pU ih th e ir enda though e v e ry fo rm al b o n d o f u n io n am ong them w ere d lieev ered . B u t t h a t l i no rear ion w hy th e ofllolala o f th e S ta te , th ro u g h tndlffarenoe o r fitvarltlam , ahonld le n d aogoiesoence to th e o pen defiance o f law s anaoted to c u rb th e m onopo lis tic ten d en - Bles and p o w e ia o f lU ra ilro ad co rpo ra-

d en t, b u t h a a d m lu th a t rcv c ra l o f th e

k# ra -fraiM from calling th em to g e th e r Icat th ey ih a ll ruah th in g s by a m a p w h itew ash ing rep o rt. I t re a lly icem n as if " th e ch ild ren o f da rk u ea i a re w iser th a n th e ch ild ren o f lig h t."

T h e “ B ig F o u r" o f N ew H aven , C onn., have b een re lieved from reeponsih ility In conn ec tio n w ith th e c o rru p t rem oval o f th re e fa ith fu l c ity ofilcials w ho had o p ­posed m isapp rop rla tioD o f pub lic fum la T h e n u t t e r waa m ade o f pub lic Interest by th e p e rso n al a r ra ig n m e n t o f th e “ B ig F o u r” before th e ISoard o f A lderm en in oonseqnenoe o f a p e titio n signed by 3,200 citizens. As a m a tte r o f course som e law y ers hod to be d ragged In to th e m a tte r, u n d o n e o f th e m , addrussing th e B oard , o f A lderm en , sa id : “ And now , gen tlem en , do n o t le t a m onater p e tilh in influence yon. W e a ll k n o w h u w su c b imixTS are m ad e up . D o n o t be Influenced by a

^m ovem ent th a t Is led by Individuals w ho b a r e gone ab road , and , a f ic r a p ro longed vW t in fo reign lam ls, have re tu rn ed borne w itb th e ir h a ir p a rted in th e m idd le , po in ted to r i on th e ir ■hoes, an d o the rw ise affected in sp eech .” I t w ould be in te re s tin g to le srn how cen- to ra l h a ir p a rtin g s anS p o in ted to ed shoes can b e connected sritb such a cond ition as “ o the rw ise affected ia ap eech ,” b u t 11 •e s m i th a t tb e ee lu te courvsel reckoned safely cm tb e gu llib ility o f th e B oard o f A lderm en fo r be w ound u p w ith th e re ­m ark , “ W e w a n t on ly tru e A m ericans h e re ." T h e " Big F o u r ," o f N ew H aven, w ere , and a re , clvlo o ificia lt, w h o m tb e B oard o f A lderm en oould rem ove, b n t by a vo te o f 13 to 11 It w ss decided th a t these persons sh o u ld re la iu co n tro l o f ce r ta in pnb llo positions , in o th e r w ords tb s " r i n g " m ad e i t a p p a re n t th a t i t con­tro lled ev en th e official Ju ry . I t is a sorry f r e t t h a t th e sam e k in d o f “ rin g " b u s i ­ness is w id ts p re a d In th e laud.

T h e R epub lican H tate C o nven tion o f N ew Y o rk s e e u u to leave failed to aoUsiy anybody. T h o m as C. P la t t w as on hand , b n t d iscree tly k e p t lilnuw lf u n d e r cover, an d sn cceed ed in p rev en tin g th e delega­tio n from be ing “ in s lr i ie te d " fu r U ar- rlfon . In fac t, If th e u n in slru c led d e le ­ga tes know th e ir business th e y a re by th is tim e a w are th a t B laine and n u t H arrison is tb e cho ice o f tUo New Y o rk R ep u b li­c a n s A s i f to rm p h o s lrs th is m a tte r, W hlte liiw R eid , Just re tu rn e d from b is F ren c h m ission, a lluded to P res id en t H arriso n as “ th a t safe, s tu rd y , honest, g re a t b ig m an n n d cr h la g m iid fa tb e r’s h a t, and th e n sp o k e o f th e ex-P ennsy lvan ian , and p re sen t M aine m an os “ th e p re sen t S ecre ta ry , th e m a tch less B laine.” I t is Im p a a ib ls to m lsunderstnud th e to n e o f such r e m a r k s ; th e “ g ra n d fa th e r " w hoso h a t is m ade so m uch o f did not serve m an y n io n th s as P res id en t, an d did n o t do an y th in g in th a t period to Im prem h is m em ory on th e A m erican peop le . O f coum e nobody ex p ec ts th a t C hanncey M. D spew w ill at­ta in th e no m in a tio n a t M inneapolis, b u t, in th e gen era l b reak u p w blcb seem s im ­m in e n t i t Is Im possib le to p re d ic t w h a t m ay be th e ctutcome. A nyhow , from th e ou tlo o k a t p re sen t p resen ted , I t is doubt- flil I f H arriso n w ill be th e nom inee o f th e n e x t B epub llcan N a tio n a l ( 'onven llon .

T h e B ingham ton R epubffron , w h ich is n o t th e live lie st k in d o f a jo u rn a l, has roused its e lf sufficiently to re m a rk th a t “ C leveland is show ing re m a rk a b le v ita lity fo r a m an w h o w aa d ead In F eb ru a ry an d a f te rw a rd k ille d In Itb o d e Is la n d .” T h e P h ilad e lp h ia TetegropA, w h ich is ca lled “ In d e p en d en t-R ep u b lic an ," b u t w h ich is m o re sagely R epub lican th o n m any o th e r sh ee ts w h ich do n o t h y p h e n a te th e ir p ro ­cliv ities , says th a t “ In d ia n a ’s p re fe ren ce fb r C leveland p rac tic a lly in sares his nom ­in a tio n a t C hicago n e x t J u n e , unless som e unforeseen e v e n t o f g re a t s ign ificance an d Im p o rtan ce ocoiirs,” T h ls ie e m s to b e t f a e t re n d o f sen tim en t a ll o v e r th e c o u n try , a n d i t reM ly lo o k s aa i f th e n o m ln a tto n o f Q ro v er C leveland by n o c lan ia tian w ill be th e so le business o f th e C h icago conven ­tion .

T H E N EW MINIMTEK TO rR A K C E .T , J e f fu n o n CooU dge, th e M ia a o h u s e lta

m illionaire , w h o h a s b een n o m in a ted to tueoeed W h lto law R eid os M ln itte r to F ranoe , l i o n e o f th o s e ra re b ird s in poll- Uee w ho m a y b e d esc rib ed es m ugw um ps reversed . I n U U , w h e n lo ts o f R ep n b ll- Bsns, som e o f th e m o ld cham pions an d v e riteb le n e sto rs o f th e i r p a rty , ab andoned Ita c an d id a te a n d cam e o u t fo r C leveland 's slec tlon , M r. CooUdge to o k a d iffe ren t b a c k . A Ufo-!ong D e m o cra t s n d th e g rea t- i r s n d s o n o f T h o m as Jeflb rson h im self, h e aban d o n ed h i t p a r ty , Jo in ed th e Republi- aans an d w o rk e d fo r B la in e ’s e lec­tion . Binoe t h a t t im e h e h a s s tead ily snp- p o iie d R epnbU oan can d id a te s s n d hae con-

' t r ib n ted la rg e ly t o c am p aig n ftm da. I t is M aroaly n s c e s ta ry to say th a t h e is a w arm p e rso n a l fidend a n d profoasee to b e an ea rn es t a d m ire r o f H r . B la in e 'a

T b e s ea l o f n e w oonverU Is p ro v e rb ia l, end th e re is t h e b e s t o f su tb o r tty a n d p re ced en t fo r g iv in g to lab o re rs , w h o ta rd ily e n te r t h e p a rtis a n v ineyard , r e ­w ards w h ic h w o u ld be lib e rs i fo r th o se w ho h a d b o rn e a l l th e h e a t a nd b u rd en o f m any d a y a L o ts Of o ld R epubllcana w ould h a v e l ik e d to b e 'M in iste r to F ran o e , a n d y e t i t m a y h a v e b e e n good poUtlos an d good po licy to en o o u rsg e poaiib le prosely- Uxing o f in fiuenU el D em ocrats, b y g iv ing to th is Iona c o n v e r t o f 1884 such a p osition o f d ig n ity a n d h o n o r.

O ld R epnbU oaos n e e d n o t e n te r ta in any jealous fee ling !. D enerally i t Is found th a t th e re a re n o t en o u g h offices to go a round , b u t I t Is sa fe to say t h a t i f M r. B laine a n d F reM dent H a rriso n shou ld de- s irs to rem o v e e ll th e e rls to c ia tio D sm o- o re ts w h o o h in g o d po litice fo r love o f th e p r te e n t B ooretary o f S ta te in 1881, th e y cou ld do i t w ith o u t exhansU ng th e r e ­sources o f th e d lp lo m a tio serv ice , p e rh ap s even w ith o u t g o in g beyond th e flrst-clsss tslasionse

I t i f Bsld th a t R ich a rd C ro k e r, tb e T am ­m an y boss, h a s o rd e red tb e m an w ho re­c en tly d laU ngnlshed h im se lf by m a k in g a b lack g u ard sp eech in tb e N ew Y o rk A s­sem bly , to re s ig n th e F ,!ghth D ls trie t le sd e rsb ip . A p p eals an d ex p lan a tio n s h a v e b een in vain . T h e b ig boss is sa id to be d e te rm in ed , an d i t Is c red itab le to h im th a t h e is . T h e T am m an y lead ers a re n o t as a olaaa m en em in e n tly f itted to stilne as Bun- d ay eo h o o l su p e r in ten d en ts , b u t th e re a re degrees In a ll th in g s , a n d M r. C ro k e r does w ell to fo rce o u t o f a p ro m in en t p lace a feU o w w h o has g iven such d isc red ltsb ls p ro o f o f h is lack o f decency .

U nless F ra n c e sh a ll find m ean s to s te rn ­ly an d effoctusUy p u n iA its d y n am ite rs p eo p le w ho in te n d to v is it th a t c o u n try n e x t su m m er w ill be lik e ly to ch an g e th e ir m inds. I t used to be said th a t good A m e r­icans go to P a ris w h en th e y d ie , b n t few o f th e m h av e any desire to d ie w h en th e y go to P a ris . ________

I t m ig h t n o t b e a b ad id e s to try to solve th a t vexatious conv ic t la b o r p rob lem by te ach in g lo n g te rm m en th e p lu m b ers’ nob le a r t an d p u ttin g th e m to w o rk in th e B tute P riso n .

< T h e M a rk e t C o m m ittee o f th e C om m on ConneU a t la s t ap p ea rs to h av e d iscovered th a t th e w ay to g e t m ore m oney o u t o f th e s tan d s Is to raise th e r e n t o f them .

OFNoininatiom If«!« T«t«rdt j b ; Rfr

pnbUcans of Tlir«a Statfifi.


Two F p fo r R obbery ftniiA nri*iiU on Two Y «nn|; tVomnii — Th* Fr#»lL]^nl o f Nnttniuhl le lb ra r j Amu-ria tlo n A rrra tttl for Kuib«isluD i^tit—Tb« N iirdrrfirB o f Hr* HtU A rr^B trd a n J Con* IrM T lir ir € 'r l» * -T h e It*w M lnU U r to Franooi

Thf; » w York Rr|iubll<iiu« In poijVfiitlon al AUhuiv* Fm ukIllMttM-li/rh.miJiH r . PInll, ai»*uu<’*>y M.]»-w anil W arnrr M ilk r lo bo df*bnaU*Mit- larfo tu Uh' ronTf^ntluOs wUlilhrH4‘ alloriu iti4! liaiiUd H. MrMillAUf uF Huf' falo ; i t» w \ \ Hurl, i if Rorbif^il**f; J- K. l*ork- Lurwtof Hull}, ami W. M. of FoMdam.T(h'o<iiinnlil4'4^alMi ri'|jorl(Hl lU ntm nu^of 11.

Haijr, of Itlnu'B, au4 I. ofYork rby» to Iw *ftifm will KOto tbe N ationul t'OhVi'utIun urnliiNrnirii-tl.

•• Jii Ihi* NH<VT N of tUin A dm lnW rallon we ri'OiAKJilxi- ihi* ulilllly ofili'iil i ln r rl^ iu uml tlin wiNtImn uiiO i>r hiN ru ijim 't, «iui of i*i« Ldiif'f4'abiiiM oibiNT, .liim m ii. Hbilm't liohl u|H>n miU lijlLina!i- rHatUma w ltb lbo

nf piibJir uiriilri iiava ofliiNthix iM-niitl lu Ibe Aiiu'rienn fMople, W Mirdinlly *’mliir»M-llu* vljcoroua lif^lAration nf Fivaltlrrit llarrlNoii mad)* In Ibn Hty nf A itm n}'in fuviir of an Jioiiett <loliur, and wv roimvM'Ud lU'pnbUi-Hu no'ni1>eni o f ( onKrrMi forlm vluif M'Cim'd Ibn derm i of u frcrNllTLT bill, th<* ♦•IfWit of whlcU wonlil bnvt* loili raiiKe^ainMi, Itniialr iHinlrarttibllKutlnnH,

th a p a y o f Jubor uiid 1 ln'<*ur-n iif'y. The |K*oplr iiniiit <*ontlime lo look to the liepiiblfcrtii |w rty to nm ln ta lu tlirKooU fH H hoftlie natluii In alMrnail*‘rH oflitiarir**, p M fN l att It Ja to ki!«’p any Uoilar b(i*rlnf the B lu iu p o fib e t'u lte d HUti'n a t par with gold, and lo li'p^l tb e aMaiilla T>f tint rrrkleM ad- TUN’a te flo f^ f 'e am l tinMtuUeU colmma of hII-TLT.”

A t tiie Republican RIatc ooiivriitlnn at yi-^tenlay, tbi* following imui^

Inalloni w«*re inmliM Hamncl II. Taylor, of l'rlia iia ,fljr Wwr»*1apyofHtnta; William A. Hpefir, of T rum bull ( ‘o u n ty , ami J . K. H urkrt, of JtimetM^k, fur ttuiirnme JndU4*H; Jualali A bei\,n f AtheiiN Comity, for c lerk of the hupr4‘iiii! Court 1 Js. 1*ytKirger, of fONbiM'lou, fiif inemiier o f th e Hoard of Ihiblio WotUn; FrenldenllHl KleeUif*. eg-(On- Kniuinmu Jsuruiiao H anfortb an d M yriokT. lliT rh 'k .

A tlheM lM m url Ropnbilean Ktale ronvet!* tfiiu a t .lefttinMYTi 4*lty yt*frli'rda>’ ibvroiumUlei' uu roonlutloui ropurlarl a platfiirm which wan uuKiiluiouMly adopted, l i endnmi'a Ibe ad« in ln te tra tlou Mr, Ilarrlooii am i “ ppcHally rout^iendP the Fi»relgfi p<»lley, wnm i'eM fidly and<u«hly rnudiuleil by th a t dlPHngul^hed

-laineH 4.1, ItliilTie.* * The dekiralea **ere lii'«lnu-lud fixr iLurrleuii.

M ajor Wllliuiii W arner, pg-<A)ngrf«tnian ryoTo the Koumin 4Tty dU trlet, wm* nuiplimteU ror4}ovm ioriim ldH igniht D|ipUiiKe audw aa idui'lod by wivlamnllou.

• ------TW O M HHt4»M M N C H K D .

Hoon i ap tn re il huU Hliiug I 'p A fter Al- Raiiltlng Two IHrU.

J-aeHruee, a toll k4H»i>er in UoodIrUvIlle, tfn nillea from Nju^hvllle, Tcon., oil the K4. liOiilM hraiH'h of (lie IsonlhTilla am t NiihIivIIIi' rood, died about a m onth ago, leaving a wife and daughter, Heiilu, aged nfli'en. WeilnHe day n ight a coiixin of Henia, Mary Jlntce, apent the hlglil wlih licr, ami one or two o th e r wumeQ were thereallllDg up with a nick ohilfl.

About tooVlork two negroeabroke in lo th e houM>,aiid after robbing two roome eamo Into the room where the A rU were In bed. The nefcnTea po t oul the l lg U nn d eaeh ael»Ml one of the glrtH, Who a e r t-a n ^ and struggied until Itiey were OTPrp<iwere4l The wooien ftlUluf In th e nex t n>om were frlgbtennd and ran far help, tti4* near<'f>t h u iw btdng h a lf a loUe aw ay. W hen they itM2k th e uegrw ^had HimI.

I Ht*nrch a t oiiceWM loM ltuted, and alday*I ligh t yeelerday ever>' m an in nud around

tkHMllatavllle wneon the hu n t. F ive negron were m plured, ami taken before ih e g ir t i for IdenlHteaUun. One proved an alibi. Henry O rlrxard wai IdenMfti'd nod luiDged to a tree. The o ther thriw wen* eeut to Jail to aw nit da- Tehipiuenti. Before he died U enry (Irlr.tard eoufefMHHl bta crime and implleuted Mack H n rjw , bn l the g lrli were too excited to poet- llvcly idenllfy H arper a t th e tim e. 4m O rlt xard'M boily waa pinned a card , ^ Heath to tbe mim who cu ti tb l i body dow n beforo told* night.'*

Delecfiva M otion, o f the Irf>ulsvlUe and Nnalivlile HHllroAd, proeured a team and Dtarlod fur N omIitJlie w ith E ph Urlxiuird, John l i r l j r a rd and Mack H arper. They were pur- i u e d b y th f mob a nd overtaken a short dit- tnnee from town, Jo h n Clarke, who wa« driv ing tbe team, drove fa tter, bu t the mob flred on tbe party , w ounding M unoo and Clarke. They then captured th e three ne> Iroca, took them back to tow n, an d tbenoe a mllo out on Ibe ereck w here H enry G r liu rd w ai hanging. They th e n threw tbe ropeg aeroMA lim b and hauled tbe niMfroet towardIhe hm nehet. They hanged only H a r......... 'u h t tu e other tw o lo Naunvllle.

n n d era ld cu f thechafL Hrooka tbA i turned---- * t**** -sgfctl..- .1

AsMjWrro waa prom pry Ont* -vu i*oi, -’Mtswi**, - Bra<iiiiaw. ilu rU , w illlam iand4k>rD egyi are aloo lo jail, an d w arrant* a re o n t for tbe arreat ot Fh I M anda and Momw Hrown. At in h ln ig h U a ia n ig h la g re a te ro w d w ai about iheJali,Anrt tlierE4 were ihreaU m ade of a wbolMBle lyorh liig . ^

THK y v .v t Mi:<|MTKIl TO FUANCC.

Nuinrthing AlMint Ts Je ire r ta B Ceolldfeg tVh<» tVai F u tl l K eeru tly a H em oerat,

T. (kJoUdge, o f MamiacbuMetti,wboee nom lim tion a* MinlaLer to France waa •ent h) tbe K^'uate yeoterduy by Prealdeut U arrl^m , I* a g rand ueplicw of tlfo th ird PrcMldciil uf the t 'n l W Hloleo, wIkhw name- oake lie la, und a realdent of Maneheater«by- th o -i^ . He U libernlly edurtUMl, a good IlnqulNlfUiul a jMtIron of the arU . A t ]>n'oent he l4 engaged In Irnnklng, but who; fo rm ally yeara a nm nufiienirer <m a large oealo In liOWi'llruid fsiiwrenee.

Hie }>»]IUcal Afflllathmi had been w ith the IVinoeratle iw rty u jilll he h<x‘aiue witiafled fmru F n a lJe til O velnnrl'N fanmua infNOHge o f l ^ that tb«i JVuifieratle parly waa bound townni free t mil*', Rlnee th ru he Ikw KeU*d w 11 li the Ib'puti Iteaiia. ] te baa never h d d any ]tulLll< odU^', imleaM hi« appoin t nieut &■ one of the Cnlted Htrtlee dek>gale« Ut the lYka*Amerl* m il 4 limy he minddertMt one.

In aeparatlng from the l>einocratlc party It In liklereMlng 4o imU> th a t he did not carry willi hImntleaM i one m n iitte ro f hl<i fam ily,T. Jellerwm l'«>olhlge, J r ., Ihe fnmi<li*r a n d ' flrut iw re tu ry o f th e Young Men'* DpimM'rallc (')iibor .Mjmeiu'lMiaettN. jMr. Cixdldge la not rtdultnl to ItepreNeutnUve CoollUgr,


A Fren riiiitn it W ho C 'rllleiaed Ilia Fox- l1k»rrowe M eeting la W outideil,

From Hru-wtii oomeR th e annoiineem eat Ihut there hnit l»ei n n nuther duel tm n aequel of I he Ftix-Burftiwe iiu^etl ng. < '4»in iticiiU In eluba, rnftw and public plooea gt-neratly have not bH'D reatrh'ted, and oa a re a i i l to f th e varied l•umlnl•ull( a duel took pluee Wednenday evening l^rtwecn H arry Vane M llbauk an d a Frt'iiehiimii whuoe nam e baa nu t ye l been Ulriilgid,

ThJa luuoli, however, l i kniiw n. A duel oc- rurretl a t a piiu*e d liiu n t atMuitlwu mllen fnun ihiteuil. T hecam ieo f th e a flh ir w ai a rem ark iu»de hy (he PTen^hman rpgurdlng the ch iinu lertif the Fux-lh>rrowe iiiertlug. The Krunehtiiau waa wounded In the hip. W hether the wound wun itTioiU u rn o t U not known.

The en llre niaM rr haa l»een kept a pro- fouud Ne<*n-t, p rliu ’l|iMtM, KefNindM und the few idherft wf th i‘ duelling p a rty holding aUtof from ovKuldor*. The eliarm 'ler of the W4*n]x)na nw‘d, the ]N»liite o f the 4'artel, Add, lu foct,! everything ]iertAlnlng to the me*‘tlug aekuiiM lohttve b ftu t^rMfiilly kcjtt from publJcob- eervAllnu,'

liAter advleea concerning th e duel nhow that ttieKr^iichm uu'e.woim d Jao f a vi>ry danger* ouN eharaoter. 'fb e WHipona uaed were the regulation dm ding plaiolK, and tlie d n e lw a i fought Hi a dlNtaniv of twelve pace*.

The wounded m an wae taken aboard a ateam ya«dii ly ing orTOUltmi, uud ii lieing earefLdly allendi'^l hy frleudx w how ereaw alt- iDf tbe reeuU of tiH! meeting. Hlnce then nothing liUH iHt’ii learned a* to hU spudlllo ii. Mr. Milhnuk eoenped w ithout lujitry* 111* pwcoiiUm were MeaHta. l..e»1 rH nteaiid Fuiifnier,

. — •--------HATH SIIK IH MBS. W A R R l KTOX.

Ao Aelre4« Urluj^M Huit fo r A baudonnien l AgaiiiNt H e r A lleged U iiaband.

W tlhn vi(iw lo eatahlifthlug the fact th a t Hhe U the wife o f Barclay H. W arburtou, a ault banhoen l>egiin lu the Hupreme Court a t New York on heimlf o f K.ellier W arburtoii for a ae)iuratloii from him on the ground of alkAUdmitmmt and failure to support.

Mm. W nrhurtuu, aa *bv culU herMlf, It tba daughter of Selina Delaru, tb e Mdriw.*!. oi>er- atlc tdngcr and au th o rf nji, who died February !3, Mr. W arbuH on It th e aon of C'liarlea K. W arburinii, th e puhllflber o f the rhila* delpbla K m iu p Tel^yroph and la now la id U) bo etigaged on th a t paper a t a «ataryori]2& per week. H e Wrp form erly tlm aerrelary of Henry K. Dlxey. nuU la te r the m anager of tbe eomiHiny lu widch Mr. Dl&ey ap}>eared aa tbe Atar,

Mn*. ’W arbiirlon allege* tho waa m arried to W arburton M ay 2b, UftlO, and lived w ith hlii u n til Leeeiobor ID, ItDl, when b o abundonr her, and altM.*e ih#n he ha» neglected to pro­vide for tier tu p p o rl. They flrMt beoame ao- qualtiled w hen she waa w lih H lxey 't eom- pany. They lived titg c ih c raam an and wife, hetD troduclng h e raaeu ch ,

Hbe left th e >«t4*ge and th ey vlaltad Chicago and San Francleoii. Hho urged a cerem onial marrhige, bu t he dem urred , urging th a t b it flithcr would d U ln h rr lt h im . Then they lived In Hoelon, an d k ftcr th l t ha di.werted her. A m otion will kfaortly be m ade to com­pel him to pay a tlnm ny pendlug th eau lt.

T u tie ii U T h in g Vale Out.

Id jo w f " T 'learher* In Yale rn lv e rx lty . They rannol prevent the pnbiteutiqn of hlni ; norcan they p revent the up>‘Of hlK noudciitlr iit!< and poniuvtiun to g ive ll. weliihi. 4)ik«' Ik- u it- detailed from the U nited hiiUcn Vrtny, on lUe appJlcttMoiHif the UTilveraUy, to iu*t jw fennor of M ilitary Seh 'iue nud Tuctli*^. li NhiKild bu M id. hy the way. ilm t IiIh Hlleh'ncy aaan In tiruo to r (tho fntruahm nf propUnev into III* ieotiirca being s tric tly prohihltisl) In quiteC4]ual to hla uhNiirdliy kn a prnplu'l. imd hla pcraonal cbaraitcrlNtica are allngctUer lovely.


M ARRIAGES.MrDOVOAld. •HKAl’OX, -4'lmrlw HtPVfM •Wi'-

InkwmIL. of H*'llevltk. N. J . la MIin NVILli* Mhv llralim, of Neaark, h> lu^v, |) r Hnuly, Nt riMidf'JM'tt tff brWe,

D EA T H S.PTtlU^-K'^KH. -On rrWdyinurtilng. April », IMC.

»t 7 ii'i’liN'k, JiiJililPul.v, Fml»'fU*k Htirai' -4‘r.17 ve in R MioiUhiBiul 'J.i iUy«. M<‘'lA4lvmHn<i are reH^H'thilly Invited tiMitti'tid Ui><-funeral innn hlN Ukolht r'f Nu. la >‘MVNrk onhiiinUir. May I, lio r i.a ilP . M. Juterm<‘nUii Fdlr* moaat Cemetery.

tTRAOlK. rm April «n. imrJ, .iNinr^ 11. elilentmo of jD h u r.a u d iUNie CfiiaU’ Iti-laliveR him) frleiiil^ ore m pertfu lly InvUed lu ntU'iid tbe funeral fiuni hlMpareulN’ r*<Nirten<M>. No, •*;( Mrtinli HeventU NUttei. on MOIMU.V, May 1, A M., tn ^t. Ho: - <jf r.inui'H4’hiirrh, cnriwr nf Drunxe lUnl Hray ulnfln, where a lllKh Mom ul Jteqiilein will Ije oflenNl fur Hie rt'iKiee of hlH MMil. Jiileruient lu tbe tVuiHery uf tbe Uuly Mepnb'hrf.

FlTfXlMMONH; -4)A Ai»fllTI.l*«,r’aUiarlrie>‘1»*. •luiiiiunN, a (iit 70 yennL ileUtlveN uml frU'niU lire kliKlly Invited luatlinol IhePnierul fmin the re'i- UeiH'VOfher Blnier-lu-lMW, Meo. Aun KiiMtliniudii-*. No. 41 liorlc Nlreel, oil Frt4la.v, April ',!l), at 7:^ A. .M.,(u Kt. Pairlok'* Chun h, where H Hlgli Mom of lUe qulem will bn olfered for (he repooeuf bermul. lu- teruientlu Ute Ceusriery ufUie Holy HeptiU-hre.

FAJ/'K.--April 27. INki, Ailolf'L'.,aon of Xalewnd tUe lni« AUulf 14. K h’ltli'k. fUneral Hervh’t’A hi hlR late mal^tetire, No. tTBrliiinmer avenue, on Hatnnlay, Aprtian, >11:10 M. KelHtlvex amt rrieiulKanil UrnDieiiibenor Phi) Kearuy No. *Vii K.i>f U.,ara Invlled. Interment in h'airmumiU Vinetery.

HAflT. At tinmge. N .J., on Wedm-wlay, ,\prlJ iiurry Jiari. mu* of Mrt, T. A. Wlieeli^r, 17

yean of ago. r'lmend aervlive at tlie n’etilern'e of tilN lUoUier, Its Ahlan alnH’l, (irange.on : ahirduy, AprUkJ,at UI:3U A. U. Julemieut at «Jn'euwno<l.

nOUKV,- -At Weaf Dninge, N. J„ on April 2a, TimotPy H. Holey. KeiHtlveN ami tViendN are re- apeeiiUlly luvfied lo aHaad the tbiterwi liUi tat# rtaldeniT, White ntreeU at D:aHA'lu'k Friday uioriir Inx, April 2a ; theure to Ml, Juhn’aE'himii, wliere a Hulrinulllgb MmtN of Rei)utein will b** ufferei) for Die n^NMeiMhlaioul, fbleraieut iuftt. John'a4.'eiu- elfry.

MATVlT.ANB.-Oa April 94. Surah JaiiC, wir*4 nf JtMeob tfeiirv f larNlaiKl, ID .I'mrx. Kuiu-ml>er>‘|ii'eN will lie liehJ at her iNie n-AlUeiwi', >u. ■ni-j Heruwl NtTvel. I», N. J., nil Whlui'ilii)*, A)irll :w, |wr*,Ntlp. J4. lU-lailveN aiKl frlemlN ure r4-4tN-«'i- Uitly luviud. lulcrmeut In Ariluaioit t ehieleo ,

NOCiN, Htt April 27. JuliU J. NiVin. ItelnDves amt frtendHlit tbelamiJy, uIno itie liutttiilHlierN'An- MM'lallon, are liivltiHl to itteiid the fuiteml from the lyalilenre of JitN iTTMJier lu lavr, Mr. I’»(rl4‘k Jturn^ No. SH7 MiTi'n Nireei, ou Nnliinlay. Aiii'it m. »t N'.:iO A. Mm 4o Ml. JoAqili'M i 'Uuri'Ji. where a lllah MwNMiif Heqnlem w ill be otfer*d fiirtlie ri'lNiw uf bbi aunt, iiitenueiil 111 Ml. Jolm’a < 'eineiery.

PAXTON.-At Frnukhu, N. J„ Ai*rll 2*. !?rt2, Daniel Pa Stull, ogl'd 00 yeon oihI a iiionttiN, Hetn- tlveNHuri frlendHare reeiNN'ifUlty liivlteki Pi attend the fUueml from ILie ut blB Niii-lu-Iuw,juarjikMeorle, on Franklin avemie, at 1'. M-401 Miinday. May 1. lu Die tteibmuil chureL, at2:.l0i'. M. lutenuMitlu HeiorujiHl Cliurvh Ccim-lery.

TAYLOK.- On April 2(1. lit bli* liouie In l)n>ok]yu. NU'phen J. Tovlor. ogYNt S4 yenrM 7 uinnIbH -4 4ht,VN. Ruiiof tbelote'janift V. and iaue Tiiylor. Fuiienil aervIoH .1’* ’ be tielit ut till'reHidi’Ui'H of liiN }irnili«Mr. WIHInii) V. Tayjnr. N'o. Wi-ljalerBtret i, to ihUi idle, ( lu HuioJay. May J, 1W2, at 2:3d i'. .M. Iti-luINt'Nt lual frterutfi of the fauilly, mIno members of orleiUal, TtMlge .Xi M. F. ami A- M ..areklnilly tnvitHi luol- teivd. luteruiKUt lu Mt. Titoiaunt t.Vun lery.

WlhUAMM. On April **. 1«92, Aaher Flwiidt, Kmuf J ni'isIi H. and Jniie M. Wim.iEUH, KelntlveNnfHie ftiiwMi, ale*'IIM'(tfum i>f 11 ewe-* A Tlilllljm iiii<lVV«(ta A i'ampliell and tbrtr etU|i(4jye(i, qre ne>|>ei-l- fiiDy lavlled. Fniieral on Saiuniay evening ut7 Cclork, fruui 32 lUswiarnt tdr«‘et.

M k m h k r s ok r m r , k k a i i w t o i w o -:!'.'^.Miilghia of Honor, are to alti-uil ili*-

funeral aftriir iMie krtfilter. Adolf Fuk’k. tVont )iN I late realdence, ITH Summer uveiiiH', mi sutimlay, ut tljlhlT. M. JAMIX A. hCTQJl’TKN. Uepurter. I |

l>eath CUIm a l*«ld {n N ew ark T u -d a j by M etrupolllHki U fe Ina. Co.

Prem. Amt.Flleu Klrhv, 702 Bloomfield aw ,..- ,........... li-i U *Wui. W. Tlilmaii, WUliHiii et....................... in 4U no

, Annie Jlaiintief^, 12 Norlolk a t..................n'i 2U (lOFrank AoatK, 442 South Se-ven Ji nt............ a'v 24 IDAIsLAN is. BASSKTr, Hupt.,

t'or. BiviAd and Market Sit. THW COMPANVM NKWAKK O FFH K

Wllils Rl’HOVKMAY 1 TO m , 134 AND 137 MAHKKT ST.. COtt ilXl-SKY, wrATK BA.\KlXti Cn.’S mJM.DIXll,


H .'(T



f7.0K A r HFMliNR

a u t is t ic * lltt a h « a n u f .t> a t
















H i MAKKKT NT., M ; . \B 1 BKOA-D

Ml’. H- V. U lN i'^ n .... P ropdafo r and Si.oL M. MIUIT4JN,.........Uffialdeut >

The Only Prominent Theatre in NiTltlM WICKK. M ATINKE HATURDA

Tlim -Ili-re uf tlie

DIGBI BEIL OPERA COMUiidpr th(r iiiRuss-int'nt of H arry A .klii

XhuJim- W- l*rl«,r. H rtu ru of th* Nvanxi’a firro tea t B u o m .,

TAR AND TARTADkb; Bell ind Exceptlonil Us

May 2 - A W EEK W ITH NKAKEnPE-V aailPiili-ti’J b3- the s r l l . t , j r i j A MARI<Ol

I, I, J A w m 'Thursday, Friday and Saturdays

M ATINEE SATURDAY.UrauU H ptfiuculur P roduction of KTEFLE


Paul Kauvar.A UoumuMc, Ih ru lo an d llia to r lo a l Play. Tha

HriDidnitThciim uf Mod«ro Tlrotw.

K D W A K D L . S N A D E l tand a S u i’icrlor Com pany, Fifty A ux tlia rio . I'nrlomlM of N|if4rhtl Kw nery, Mechanical W-fwlH, (Nwtumt'a, c tr.Next wt-e'k •‘ llA N H d A4TUJKA THK HEA.”

W ALDMANN'4 NCWARK O ^R A HOUSE.F rkd W'a lFMa n n , Matiagcr.

W t'vk c<Mniui'iiclng M uuilay, April 19*4 n o l i FITKStUMO.HH'n

Alli1«4tlft wimI \ a n d av ille Com pany.N, It. Uitb FHrAliuuiunw, middlc>wfifhl

t'hiiiupUm uf the wiiirlU nud hcavy-wciglil i^hnuiplon of irt'laiid, ’wHl m rr'i all-coincr* during tho wet^k, for poiniM oniv. Thamau> Hgi’iiu-nl will g im runu^ to fu rfe lt ll.iUOlfMr. FHr.^diiiimma doea iioi out>i>oinl onch comer. .1HTIH14 l’’.rnrn»U,cx*<'lmjDpion light-weight nt I In* wotM. will ftliMV iiH'4-t nil »*oinerw In a frli’hillL Mei-lo, N ext week BIl.IaY' LESTER'S HJil KMIJW.

I f (lay.IlirCHK. M alluco Mou-

. ----- . I liuraday imd >4ulurdav. ThlwweelttitJ-W oN-iln-M oirAW Iv III th e «^rNRlAN MAIL CAHRJKK.'’ N rx t week “ CettyBburtf." May 4. iK-JU’fU Murriui l . W ard Puat, H. A. It.

EXIT RMIONN.FM iiug Httiiio- 11.3 O ntA - H leaiuer slawie*

B, s<'hn.v!er from Fritnk iln >tr«et, Nuw Y'urk, ■J'uewla.VH, Thur.Hdnya.Muudaya, li:20. TlckCta HYilil hy Frli' and IV tuu^'ivanla riMufu. Rundayn U ke IVmiKylvjiuia u:f7, Kria IralJw. Balt, tackle, relreahnieulN. HANCOX.

P K 'M C P A K T IIX TAX HAVK BOATH,NwingK, iiM'iry-g4>-rr4iiarl«, Hteam launch,

rlHhJtiff mill halhlngo-t W m im lA kc . Hrouiuta fn»L 1 n*tulr«* of 111 H.\ M 4 VP >K, Vefmia,N.J.tibi


Cutter and Curer of Fine ProTfslomi.Ab.ohm-Jy I 'u re laird a .p e c i s i t j , W eester

lu tha W tioU 'atl.T rada.SU1.K rxot-RiXTox

TB R CENSUS B U B E A t IN Q U m T .T h e H ouse re so lu tio n to InT estigsta th e

OssBua Office Is p igeon -ho led in th e Census C om inlU ee room , e n d th e re Is no Ind ica­tio n t h s t i t w ill ev e r g e t o u t. F o r six long n n d w e e ry w e ek s t h e n u t t e r h a s b een s lum bering , b n t S u p e rin ten d e n t P o r te r h s s n o t b een d o in g s n r . e x t r s sm o u n t o f som nolenoe, o n th e co n tra ry h e h a s b een “ b u stlin g ” to a g re a t ex ten t.

A ll th a t h a s b een accom plished by th e C eoM s O om m lU ee is. th e deeisiun t h a t a Bub-oom m lttee o f five to go In to d e ta ils th e u ld b e a p p o in te d by C hairm an W ilcox an d certified b y h im to tb e H ouse fo r ap- p ro raL B u t M r. W U eox has done n o th in g o f th e k ind , M>d aa tb e oom m itte* can n o t g e t to g e th e r w ith o u t b e in g called by h im th e re d o n 't a p p e a r to be an y m e th o d o f OompeUlng h im to a c t .

- 11 Is one o f tb e p e cu lia r fea tu res o f th iscase th a t a D em o cra tla m a jo rity in th e H ouse does n o t fo s l a b ls to hand le a n a l­leged re c re a n t R epnbllcim , th o u g h tb e o f­fences c h a rg e d ag a in s t h im a re o f a poUt- io s l n a tu re . B ep n e e n ta tlT e A ldetson , w h o in tro d u o ed th e o rig in a l resolu tion , re­fused to a e rv e o n th e o o m m ltte e a n d B e p re - sen la tlv e B n lo e , a a leuth-boujid w here co rru p tio n is o o ace rn ad , follow ed su it, • a s h o f th e se m e n aU egIng th a t th e bal­ance o f tb e o o n u n ltte e w v e ” too friend ly to P o r te r ."

I t seem s t h a t o f t h e f l f le tn m em bers o f t h e o o m m lttee fo n rto en a re u n d ^ obtlga- Ilona to S u p e rin ten d e n t P o r te r fo r th e a p ­p o in tm e n t o f th e ir p e iso n a l frlcndH tu office, a n d US a oonsettueuce u o lh tn g h u t a W bitew eabing re p o r t could b e expected . J tfrieB n o t a tip eae t h g f .C h a irm an W U eax p m i m

R epen t e re n ts in P a ris a re a lm o s t oalou- la te d to m a fc e peop le h e l le r s th a t J u d g e L y n ch Is n o t su ch a b a d so rt o f a ju r is t.

T h e QovninoT a n d A tto rney -O enera t a re le t t in g th e laU road oom olne severelya l o n e . ___________ ___

P re s id e n t H arriso n seem s to be g e ttin g lav ish p ra ise and few in s tru c ted d e lsg a te a

A C om pllm ant In CompnnysFrom thA PAtrraoii Labor Rtandard.

Tbf Paaaato Do^ty A>v« and Itav ygwAitw EVBcnNO N rwr bavk ou r oonprntulatIona otx (Belr im proved appo6raa<». They are neway aud ihly*wr1tt«n papervs

P E R S O N A I - u

W i MOH. the itun-lD-iaW of P r u Ident Q rery , who ( l lu p p ra m l from [loltllr* after t lie ereu- Mal ralaeO by the sale of dseonitlune, h a . re­appeared and prupuM<a to be elected M ayor of Lwhert.

GcttxuAi. 0 . W. J o s f* , the rtrsl V nlled P la te . Keiiatur Iowa ju-nt to tt'u.taliigtem, la llv ln i Ifi'lJubm iiie a t th e advitw ed of olghty-elsht y e an . U« w a. CiHey'i second lu th e fatal duel with fln tre* Id IMT.

(tot-uxtl. BoiiEHT U. ItoiKUaou, tells WashiDgUm reporter that hu has not read a newspaper for three raomhs. The literature which has occupied bis eaclustve uUcnlluo all this time relates to ancient myl Im.

BstSAVon H.r<so]l had Ural one son and then another for p riva te secretary In W ash­ington. The second one looks so tmieft like the t i n t th a t m ost people fail to d lw o T erlh e substitution. The Henalur's uldest sou is now praetletng law lu Asheville.

teaoHtiX W. CiUMxi and his party of pleas- nre-seekera jw ve PhlladelpU t. M undsy fur the ir W estern trip . Their 11 Inerory eiubrneca Kansas City, Mo.; Dt-iiver, Colorado Hpringa and Olenwood, Cot.; Halt l a k e City, U ta h ; Mon Eraiielsoo, M onterey, Huula Crus, Han Jose. Hanta Barhors, 1st. .\ngeles, Han lllegu, Pasadena wid Yosemlte, Cal.; I*nrtland and Dalles, tirs ,; Taeoiua sn d tteiittle, W a.b .i Victoria, B. c . ( Yellowatuiie Turk, Mon., and U luiuapulls and UL 1*huI. M inn. Thu touiists will cover altogMhsr 10,170 miles. They will puss ttamogn s sn n te e n HtatM, one Territory and one ProTlne. . _____________

No etbor ibivaiiisrU li i t u tbe m erit by which Hood's S u ru p srllla h a t wuu sueh a (Inn hold npoti the ciuifldenn of the people,I No o ther 1‘omliliit'ii tlie .et-unoniy and

sirenglli u iiloii iiiiikd - lilODtMs (tiio H ollar" irnso iily of Ho-hi’h ri;,eA,n,arllta,

N oo iher nw <-mxtilnsllou, pfop*>r-(Inn anil prisso,. iriilen liutka Hood’. Oanw- purlUa iieuullar ttf tieelf.



A rrv st o f P ro fe tto r I .ln d e rfe lt, F rss ld en t o f th e N ational L ib ra ry A tsoelatlon .

Prnfresor A. K. LInrterfelt, of the Milwaukee rn b llo L ibrary, bas been o rreited ou a ebarge of embexr.tlng city foods, l ie adm ita h a rin g tak en Si,Odd, and the Boeountauts say the de- laleatloii trill am ount to gl-dOO a t In s t.

Prolhssor I.liiderfelt le P rosldent of the Na­tional l ib ra ry Amoclalloti, and Is a noted Volapnk seboler. He w ent lo MllwaukM In 1878, and up to 1881) was professor In tbe Mark­ham Academy. In th a t year the Public L ibrary Asaoolatlon was formed and he was m ade Jllinirlan and seerclnry. H is work In th e pCHiltlnn bas been nf a natiirn to make him ran k among theXoromoat btbllnphlles In Ibeoonntry .

\ letv years ago It was d lseorerad th a t Pro­fessor lilndertelt hud not tu rned o rc r some tl,8ll0 received by h im In tinea,,b lit he ex- p lu tn ^ that the Inonay liad been mwlved la im a ll am onnls and be had no t had tim e to cheek them up . He soon after turned o rar the am oun t called for and h la Integrity con- tiniieil unehallengad w hen a few weeks ago th e SMiretary of the Hchool B<«rd was found to h a re embesrled 130,001). A n e jp e r t ae- eoun tan t was aet a t w ork ehacking up Ibe ra rto u s c ity depart m en ta Tfestorday this ac­co u n tan t Infonuod M ayor Hontets, ut SUP waukee. th a t be had found a defalcation am ounting to 83.000, a t leaat, In ITofesior Lin- derfOlt'a aoconnu.

I t was tbow n th a t from 1883 to 1800 the profetaor had carried on a sy item atle plan nf robbing th e nlty by pocketing am ouata al­lowed h im by orders to pay b ills Ibr foreign book! a n d perlodleale, and then presenting the bills a sseond tim e. He presented a bill for IW , which was allowed and paid, the money going no fo r tb rr th en Linderfelt's pocket. On August 18, 1890, tb e same bill, w ith a fow arttolea added, waa preeented and allowed.

H e waa called before the Board of Trosteei and M ayor Homers yesterday and asked to explain . He adm itted h la guilt, aud said he had already confoesed lo One of the board, W illiam Flaukln ton , bu t had not man- tinned how the money w a t taken , and Mr. Plankin tofi Uiought It was a mlsappropiia- tbm of flnee alone. l ie was greatly shocked a l the tru th , I'rofoeaor L lnderfelt was taken to the Central I’ollc^B tatlon an d locked np W hen seen there he would say noth ing except th a t Ihe money had gone for llrlng n - peiisee. As for as can be learned he llred p la in ly w ith hie w IfoanA four children.

J E R H E V J O T T I N G S .

During the past weeks ihestatlon-honseson tbe I’cn iisy iv tn la K allroad a t M onmouth .limetlon, Flatnsborongta, Princeton Junction and Jaw rence were entered and several valu­able articles of baggage ore mloi lug.

The safe In th e ofn<wy>f Daniel A. Clerksou, a lum ber dealer of Pennington, was blown open early yesterday m orning hy burglars and |l£ j tak en from It. The t t f e w as wrecked a u d a newly-Otted office badly damaged.

Jam es I« k e . a farm er liv ing a t P leasant Valley, com niltted aillolde yesterday by shooting talmeelf In Ihe head w ith a revotver. B e was s lity -n v e years old. I t is supposed th a t be was Insane, A Ikw weeks agabem ys- tertonily disappeared from hla home.

Tlie H udson County Freeholders m et In Jem My City last evening an d m ade some appoint­ment*. Ur. W illiam W , Y arlck and Dr. C. Hotmea MvNslU were appoin ted raemtters of Ibe County Board of H ealth for a term of three y e a n . Dr. V artek tuoceeds Dr. Isronard J . Uordon. D r. McNeill snccedj Jilioself, Ilngh Dugan w as reappointed County Col­lector for two years a t a salary o f $1,800 a year. He Is n q u lre d to gtve a bond of $800,000. Jam es F. O annon was reappointed Connty Superin tendent a t a sa la ry o f $3,000 a year. The term le live years.



I'rsrttrsI Undertakers and Emhalmers. Office snd Wamnoma No. 13 Bridge sL; ManuAuiciy and Morgue, No. 8* Jstnes M.; arc Inlroduclna norcluet InUaskctsand Piimlahlngsatretlitced prlrm. Keep- ing out ofcomblnstlnns m put up prices sad ccntrul our btulntas. we are uiakliiif special rates tor tiFArses ami ensetaes ss to time end dalauce. OsUs mpeev- hiUy solldicd. Jt-clcplicne No^iw._______ ______


UNHEItTAKEB,Office and Riwldcoee.tHa llliOAD BT„

Next door below Kvenln* News offlea peisonal attendance day sud nlslit.Vel>phQM£40sl2Si _____

AMOlUtHly P u r*.A (irMtn-4if I4 r l4 r b^Hing now4l«r. n ig b M i ' kU la tM Ventne i t r 0Dgth.^L<U«M Unitt4

4* (7ot*trnmtfn( FiMd ^i^fport,~ “ 18

^Lat€*t^ *U la tM Ventne it tesngtl Met Ootwrmaeal JukuI ttroo iTAL Bakinci FowsxuLfo., 108 W alle t. Jf.T .


T B * HlU-INlte O f D«l. B H -IsE ig h t N egroes In J a i l fa r th e M urder.

T h rea ts o f Lynehlng,E ight negroes a re now In tbe Jail a t Chester

Town, Del., and they have confosspd lo Ihe m urder of Dr. J . U. H ill o t d s y b m k on Bun- day m orning last. I t wlU be remenfbered that ih e doctor was oalled to a cone In the night. He hade h is wife good-bye an d klioed hlatwo- m ontbs'-old baby girl. Tbe nex t aeon of him was when bis body w as found doubled up In tbe bottom o t b is road ca rt In his yard, tbe horse having come hom e a n d tbe head of the doctor being fastened between one of the ib a lti an d an Iron brace.

A lter an adjournm ent of the Coroner’s Jury yesterday J ia b u a Bayim'rd, a colored boy four­teen years old, who says he was present a t the m urder, but dlw lairos a ll complicity In It, m ade th is oonfeaslon:

" I and Charlee Brooke, F letcher W llllamit P erry llrad ihaw , H enry U nrtt, Charlee Em ory, Frta Comegya a w l Hoses Brown were leaylug town together. 1 did not knoiv of an y arrangeinenl to kill nnyliody, and don’t know that uiiy was mnile heforetiuml, but when Dr. Hill cam* ahmg In his deg curt I'TcIcbcr W illiams and Charles Brooks caught the horse aud stopped It. tximegys bsld the borae.

i.'liarlle Brooks s tru ck th e doelor wllb a stone and Fletcher W illiam s c u t b li th rost w ith a pocket-knife. Dr, H ill .foil, hu t did n o te a g t iy lb ln g . W hile Oomegyi held tbs kSnsV U llBM S fe




EWAIUC ACADEMY.bunrtwdth opfnwJ 31,

IML TboroUKh pivfiiiriDon fuTMD' ci>l)uKetjrRclcti- ttfle Mhodl or for tmtlaeM life. l'ataif«i)«i iipcm Mp- pUeailoiL

________ _ R . A. F A R R A X D .JI^ Mafrter.

8HOimiAXD AM) TVPKWKITING M ItfX>L of tUe Women't rSrinilan AMwcUlltm, KMt-oiirl bL; t>rai> modenitR. Apply >t ecbool Drim 9 to 12 A.

U., ot i ^ r to tMclktr.n u ______ I. C. KFXNKDY. M XV'ri«h( M. J

iT E N O O B A P H Y AJ«D TYPEWRITIN44 evenlnga by roinr^teiit MenofirApber; ]i>>-

loiifl prlT»t«i termi modemif. *1 H BLCk/MITFXD AV it _ _ _


»btudk> HI KI.M


dolliOl *1«> voo l eultiir*; hlgUeet refuroooe*; b««t a«nniM9 ineibGsd*: BnervMfruArAntrRfl. »J*


A -L A D ira OV NKWABK t^4N XOW •l#*rQ rtreksnuDcinf hpi* 0D(1 mvn- the f>?i{M'Ti:4e

oftoUttloN^w Yott. A whool liM been u|ivned unuer Dit nipervlulon of Uie McDowr'U Cnmiifluy for Uioab wno wlnh 4o become llivt-cIaiM utv«i»* makrni Tlie McDowtill (Irafllns mrdmie baa lul-

CrasdKl all chart* and BQiutreiL I t folUiiwa every ihloo, fit* every form and^ navp* fonMIflhs ot ’our time a&d trouble and l> uwd hy >31 Dip Ipadlng

jouaw In New Y'ork. I f y<M >co tfolnjt lo have a ByBtam why not the beslv the Po/ireAt to Icaro and most rapid to uae. InvcNtliate. LetAontliay amf evening. CUUlnK and fllillW 41 epedilty, Brnnoh of the McDOWBUj. m Broad at______ Wa

A -TAYliOR’R KY'RTKM-PIMPLK AND AC- •curate Ryetem taught flntweeJc; ladlenw'lfU*

inf to becoiM thormuh In llnt-clwo dreMniaklug ahonld call a t onr eoiool, ISt Ilruad nt.: wh tfiarb averhhlnf connecitod vldth the trade; f lm young air 14 taken and touihl to cut. fit, mallg and draiw, aud tUflial"Ctaa0 ilDTBhtng ; leneona day orereDliig; all Invited to call; alM fl^lrmabte drwmieklnf and paper paUerae. U. E. C'lIRISTIE, m Broad ut., onwch of T>yloPA Mew York. I4a

F fRFrr-CtaAMI DBKB(K?tjrriNO R cnoo i.; Tayfor'fl pyaMija thoroughly taught by ixiui-

Ktent toachen; 4Uiy and evenlna; claoepa; alao ihtonable dreewmaklnir H* LYNCH, SW Main

■L.) OimniOs agent for aU tho OrangeA BlcKimfiald and ifooim lr. Branch of lOt 14th bl, NewYork, 68b

ST. VISCENT8 IXDl'ftTRIAL FClIOOTs, « Wallace pl>:dreaacuiUJig hy the Flpnbereyetom

•taiii^t; alleroooii and evening pMam*n; d r« » mailjic, boUMt-holee and IhinUy eewing al naaon* ablepnoea.F@r Hen and Tonn$ Men We Make Tbem.We Gnarantee Tliein In Quality,In Hannfactnre,In Fasbion,In Style,In Fit

$ I 0 ^ $ 2 0 .

Marshall & BallSOT, 809, 81U813Brot0 3t

Sr m MADK IK THF LATEST RTYLE. |4.«0 ap; perfoct fit fuariidwsti. 374 1*1*AKfc WT. 9(



and Market ato., a puree nuitalnlng money. Owner can hava mine by proving jiniperi.v.I QulW NEWARK 8T.


have BUM hy provuig properly.J44 BOWERY ET,

T H I 3 B O A K D O P



A l tp i i i io i i o f w i t t p r c o n s i i m P D i

ia u a l l r d t o t l io f o l lo w ii i j r m « - t io i iH i i iH ile a n d a d o p t e d l i j t h o

H o a r d , t o t a k e c f l o c t in im e tU -

a t o l y :Fn of ibf'Tftrjfc IncHww* In tbfi

jntcr(*et m.'trouut to \n> |>iUl by Ihu Board on aMiount of the coat nf tbonew water Rupply abou t to be pu t In oiK^rutlon by iDh cUy^ and tboronjk"Diieut ncfcjwlly for Ihe Hoard tocare- fully u ttllw every w»urco of revenue in order to ina ln ta lu the low w ater rciita and oharfea now paid by water ronentnera In tike city of N ewark on com ired w ith thoae paid hy water coneutnen In other large pUie>r Fbe Blandlng rommlgtL^ of Iho p e jia rtm en t of W ater fo- fipeclAilly nHHjmmcmli lo tho Board th« fol- lawlng changee to bo mode nnd adopted In the chnrifpa aiid praclloci of the Hiiard in aupply- Ing woter tocotwnmciTi, to w it;

OnO’-'All waUT rcntB, except for incaRured water* shall fx 'dncand iiayableaem l'ftnnually In advance, ou the Slrat days of May und No* vem ber.

T w o '^ tn le o n n n a t w ater renhapaW dnr!::# tilonllQJi Of Jn o e o r Lvi’ember after aame abatl bccxiiioe due, a pcimUy of o a r ijei-ccnt.on am oun t of bill ahuU added and collected.

Tbn>e—HcmlHiQnikal a 'at«r rent# paid during m onth! of Jkily or Jan u a ry aftcr«am cahall become due, a penalty o f tw o i»cr cent, on am oun t of btU flhAll be added and nnliccted.

F o iir- ’ m l 'o n n u a l w ater reiHa ijald U urln | m onths of Auguet o r February aneraam esbaU become due, a penalty of four per cent, on am oun t o f bill shall be added and collei'.icd,

Flve-'-In ail enacs of non*payment o f semi­an n u al w ater rents Ikcfbre tbe Rrst day o f Au­gust and Fobruary respectively* the Kupply 0 / w ater shall be Im m ediately turund off firom tho premlMS on which >uch arrears of »cml- annual w ater ren t rem ain unpaid, tuid will not bo turned dn a ^ l n till th e R1II am ount of w ater ren t and pcnaltlep are pold. T b eu regu­lations and churBW shall ho t apply to raeai^ u red water renw.

I t will be necessary In order to extend Ibe ohargo to November, to iimke the blllH for neveu m onths Instead of six m onlhs, a o th ^ while the iYescK*«mcnts m ay no t be Increaaad the bill* wlU apiM'ar larger.

The b(»fvrd u bo Jirrcafler rernilre* a h file* torloa and m o tc rln use to measur-'! Ihetr con- sum ption by meters o f ixittorn appruved by them , th w ' ini'ii-rs to be set on or iMTore A pril 1 where aMU'HHcd mU-H a n ' piDil to that date.

Tiie (Jomml tb v on rv‘]» rtin en t of W ater h l^ th e r reeowmend th a tu ll thoeo piTmlla Nxle*

Unturpaaiied for 4lellcacy o f flavor. For sa lu b y a ll flrst-daas grocer* tb ruugbodt th a 1 city and Htalc. lAkur dU taao* teicpbo;ir W4* lei and 108 H, ORAM 3E AVK.. Newark, N. J* I


M cEwan'i K lnnon llad d lc i,(.'aim 's Jam s and JaiUus,Ginger i.'ordAl. llasuberry Cordial.

HcoU’m O at Takaa,Gray** A bernethy Blsoultfo Klppcrud H errings,F in n o a H addiea.

Lim e Juice,M ountain Dew,K d in b u i^ OattneaLGlasgow Feas Meal, llM f an d Pork Ham*

Orders by Mill 'Promptly Deliiirti;

Wm.Mungle,7S Bellevilla Ave>

Agents for Anchor Line S. S. Ga S

$150 A LOT, -$lil Casb, BaliBce $1 a leek,A T I I A W T I l b l l N E H E I G H T S .

W atch for th e great tllsp la r sd v e r tlse m n t in SsturilaT’s Issue, O alTufovrlefl.

Maps an d circulars.


Tout- o s 'BEKLBVu .L k a v e . JM-, ■ ■

_________________ OR RKOADpin with an ttuchur ot tiearls and a to^'Tssskraffiii'si'eii. ..a

D 4 rsKRWARD -NO GT’lCwnoNH A8K KI>, iP T i / lb r return of wrrterloCIIAS.ilKATJl,Wl barren aU ^<1

CITY ADVKUTlHKMBNTfl,i J O im i BTliKKT^PilLVlN4J--AHlAKSSM KBT ^forbcDcAu. Notice Is herriiy glvci], that aiioe- iwwment upon ail the owners or all the lands and

intato pm llarlF bcueltteit by the paVlag ofBOUTH HTHKliT, _ ^

from PcDDaylvanlaaveiuie to New Jerasy Rauraad avenue, acoonllikg to the provlelous of an onibMnc* ut the city of Newark, eultUed an ordlnaaoe to pro- vUs for paving of

W)UTH BTRICKT, fton PenDiylvanla avcntie to New Jersey IwlRNid avenuR, appnn'Ml Nofemher lb IMN};

Haa Men prepared uy the uDderHigned CommtR* slmera, a p p l ie d by theCIrnulttburt of the ihxiiuy of li^seiTo make said oMCMmenta, aod that a roi>nrt byacerilfleste la writlnf, with an anximrMiiyBV map AfMl acbcdolev ataowiiig the MvanJ saseMmeiiUi

' the savaral ownara uwnillarty benefited aa_____ Jd, has been dep^ tedu i the oAoe of IM Wty4Jterh of the cdiy of Newark* for oaamloation by tbs partlee laterwited thcrt'ln.

Bald aseeawmsoicomprlasa all lota, trads aiMl pai oeln of latMt and rml sstala llabis to ba aasoMM a afom M , Isdqg OB both iddea of

1404’TH k t rKRT,flrom Pvaneylvaola aveaae to New Jm ey Ralirnad

V iv.A "lot** fvpreeeete an endrs plot of land, wholhor larrn or smsll.

AUperwHisinlienatad In lakl anSMaiaent maybe beard b(^r»aaidOomn>ladoBert,Mi _ WKDKBBHAV, THJi ^LEVRMTa: DAY OVat 3 F. M., at the OM matliio£tf • RNdi* No. a (third AoovV<8tgrHal},

Dated April 31$ UO.

oiared♦»>oxiHih' on IhH^MiilHT81, IW l.und th a t ihervaftor the fullowluff ahaU b* ihe water charges d r n m ta to la* pa ld ny consum ers using w ater w ith a ht>an for sp rink ling purpuacs each

O. A. CAHILL,(Forrasrly w ith R. O, Fsllnn te * Co.)

D E A L E ll IN

COALWholesale'and Retail


133 FIRST STREETTelephone No* 1011 Newark* N, J,

fcaoov. to w it!l.‘lraV Fi^r iiaa nf ifnfor Wlih n jim o pn i

pr4?mlaca |fi nv t try IfD ft*p|,nfTimlcr..... 'in doHiKV(md*»Kor uaa of w ab'r w ith a hoar vti

n nr lot larger than ^'ixiflOraeta undnutcxcuH^ilngfiUxmOhvt................ . 10 00Tljilrd—For use of w ater w ith a hose on a

mrnt^f p rc in iw ao rlo t ................ 10 00F o u rth —Knr uac o f Water With a h riw a n

large plota o r premlaea ipeclal mtea may be and chargiHL

A penalty of Mve Pollare will be Imposed for use of w ater w ith a linee w ithout a proper perm it therefor; an d tb e w ater supply of the premlfwa where mteh hoae ahall be so unlaw* fully used ahall ba tu rned off until perm it charges aud pcnnltlea arc iHitd.

K A O S U U N Y O X ,071 C le rk o f th e B eard ,

$1 A WEEK.There lu no «top; the tide of

biiyeni ntlll ('(mtluueK. We have a few left, only

« 1 A 0 , S a O O , $ 2 0 0a lot, on termu

$ 10 Ctsli, Baluet $ 1 a ltd.M 'steh for th s g re s t Alsplsy sdvsrtlM m ont

Id a iiturds,v’s liuup.MAfoa AND UUICULAJW.



TO MIOHAKLlWJtllfijr.HKNRV VcAhDOWN ur Mrlailiwn. Patrick Oumaluoat Michael

ihrtiHi, n n . Urnry MoAlduwu or McKidtHai, Mrs. iwihch i*Qinnii)i|rt aiat TiuiaMM'IDuala alimui** trstor of IJciiiy McAldowii* dMjsatsd, or tbclr hairs, fievlMVA, execiitors, admlalat rato«a ot aedgas, aa owacrMifalol ofloud and premtaes sltusled In fob t'liy of Newark, in the ouunty of Ifoarx and Utatoof New jHtYwy, known as IqiSon Uoik IN. m Nkown un a tn u annextid to Report No. U, filed byiha fJommlasUi'iiers for the adlnatmeni of taaes aod aa aBmmrnta In tha rUy of Ntrwarit and daardbad aa follGwsi Beghuiidg a t the wastorlycornaroatba wiwtarly akleof a now atraat oaJlad Bnienitraet,

fitot soiUh of Uta aoutherly aids ctf ifsnill- toti stroei, os aald street hM ^uex iem lcd ovartlu. saiitatly side of tha KaUroa^avan^ aud Axitn thaaald uonwr ninnlPM akmg Rtmh Areet snath 40 da- gi»M4l mLnuto* w$at thirty fort; thence norUi4d degrres M minutes weM olghly-dva foetlthanca tionii43 degruM 4«roinutaa east thirty foot; theaoe Mnitb 4s degraea W mlnutas east elgbty-aire foet t# the beginulbg.

'I'aku buiiut* 4bat on tb^ twelfth day^of IHCaich,'n public sals of MUdjiremliiw, id ^muaaoa ofthaprovlslofiioran art aifortlhg piopatty Ih lald city entitled I “ An act coiawnilng tlia aaC^ mentand coiieotioii of arnMinmteof unpaid tox«a, wsessnni'nui and wuu>r ratw or water rnnUi to dHtes of this t4l«iwaud lm}>oaliu|: and lavylog a tia , asaai^ roent and lien In Uuu ofoi Jnstaad of snub anaaraias sad to tnhirco Uia payment ibvreoL anil to pcoiwa for Ills asla of laade auhtento*! lo fotuia toaailoii atHl aawaameiit,’' pawed IfnMh ao, ISH, aad the s n ^ * ' menta tharetu, 1 purchased said lands from tba (tomutr^'iJer or Uui oltyof Nasmrti forUMBum4rf M IO . and fbat In perwiaiwa^ foaM aoM lM taken by nto undittr and by vtrtua of taapMvWanaofaaid act ami tbs wpplaeaaatBiNiatei, p i order baa heaa made by the HSw.v Dsimfo O r w O iMdil In tbe rltyof Nawark, la m ljnniay, directing ymt t« show ra«B». If i bvfoN add uoitrt cm 1M tooLbr ~ aaat, at tauo'uloek In Nu a daed. sbmild not ba 'Mfoas %

tljjroflfswpk -----






^ . . 4> *ar• a tha ia w a fv Dkapoiuil QufUJoii.

I t wMdvoided liu t night by the Bonth Or VIUaC« TruitMHi to go ah««d wUb

of atUkblUbltkg H a'woffo dUtHMal orka on property In Mlllbum OTvoed by tha IUo|«, d«aplC« tbe proteaU of tlu^ MlUburn owDihlp auihorillM. An urtUnuDce to con- ,rurt n m ain aewer from Un; InWnfortton of

orcb atreet wUb Bmith O rangeareuuoto da belonging to the village In the townahip MUlburo. waa lutrodiiml by TruaU'e Wlh-

F. Allan, olmlrtnau of tbo Ordliittuce mlttee. Tha ordinance w u raad end o ^

to e aeoond rredUig.eommunleetlon from the M111bnrnTi>wn<

pCommittee, warning Ihe H<mU* Orunge atM athat Mlllbum Intemled Urtngtog tha tier to the eonrU, wna ofb-rrd by Mr. Allen,

ocompeayltig the <h)mmuQlcBtlmk waa a P7 Of tlie arwerafo bill by the IohI

iaUture. Tbecoinmunlrallnn wai ordered and the bill will bo publlniied l a th e

lal papar of the village./Mr. Allen addreaaed the board in reference

to the letter from the MlUbnni Towuablp Committee, He aaid the boonl had been a v a ra 'o f IflUburn'a Intenlioai fot a long time, and the eommunlcaUmi prwomted no reaaona why Soath Orange pihould not dum p 111 aewaft on the Woodruff form.

A reaolutiou requeatlng Mlllbum to ahow Ttaaooi why South Orange ahould not avail i t^ lf of the opportunity of unlng lui property In U llibnra m a aewage^lipoaal worka woa paiaed.

Traibae Artlinr O. Babaoo, cbalrman of the Bewerage Committee, pireented a reaoluUoa authorlaing th e chairman of the committee to m akcn propoaltioD to the Millburn Town- ahlp Committee with a view to arranging for C(H>pemtlon tn eewage dlapcmal by the two menlolpalltlee. The reaolutiou wae adopts ed. The propoaltlon U aet forth in the reaolu- tlon aa fbUowa j

pHd and Salary UlHertiiiliititioii.At the ntwtliiif of the B^iard of Kdiimlkm'i

OomiiilUeeun FlntiiuH' laei night, i'halrinan D eikm pgpiTsaiHl liie opinion ri‘garilljki recent aclion of Iho coinnilUoo In iimMngnp the budget for the ymr. Mr. 0*‘lkei>, who !■ ebfttrmmi of the wmriilltee, had Ihvu ill for to'veral inonlbs aiul lu*t night tilti'mltHl hl<4 lirrt lueeilug of ihecHwnnilib'e tliia y< ar.

A Her eiilUng tlio nn.*ft!ng to ord*r he re- 4|U*«|pd Mr. t-lwrk U* iunt-Hlde. Tin- Hixih WiiTder then tfK»k the and com plained Mint the 118,000 phu'i'd lu the bmlgid for the p a r rh a w o fa iie h o o la lle la the fV'cmid Wnrd WiUi n necU'fni espeiidlliiiv, Tt>e ward, lu* snid, waa tu no need of u i‘i'HUlrnoeMwere being ehftTjgM Into IjW ui’sh plo<'<‘ii an d peojde wefu m oving luto theonlev wariN. The law H 'iuv Sclnml, which htU uUtUo d lrtam ^ from the Ht-eoiid W ord rti Iuh.I, waa Utile more than half fllJcd, ftiul Mr. Oelkora ctniiemUd th a t Ihen^ untple r<K>ui In th a t Mchool and In the W ueblngtou Hlrect t 'hiK>l i'i>r llie m-i*«rtiil Wiird r h lh l r m K eexp la ined tlm t hewfle not oppow^d to ihe t ert'ctlon of ach(MTl biilldliigfi, Init he wiiH,ile

BRIDES OP a n APRIL DAT,. T.,.-. !>■ ... ^ 1 - .......■-*

, - -«■ -lUugn lu Pfew ^ra and K U ew here.

The I ’luireU of the Holy ( 'onim iinhiii, HoutU Qniugi-. \no« the Mvne of a large au<l b rillian t

; vreddloK h ^ l night. Mlaa Alice H um pbrey . daughter t»f l[, H um phrey, and tirab amH unting lin 'w er, U»tb ri*Kldetit^ of th a t place, wen- th e prlnelpalri.

Tho tim e w t for the ceremoDy w ai oVhjek, liut bi'fiire Ihiit Umir tlw cliiireb waa Ailed w ith filemlH and rehitlv^w o f tUe enti* iraeth ig inuilee, who are jp'nerall.v know n und lu the (»raiigiw. E>ecorationa nfjHiluis, ri-rii^anit putfetl plaide, nrllaUcally af- moKfih :tild< ■! lu ihe U 'auty of the chtm 'h 'a Ulterior.

TIm' e -j. rneMiy wna jvrrurm ed by tha Kcv. Ih‘iijuni)n BrewHler, r t ' lu r of tb ee lu irch , ac- 4‘onlUig to Ihe n-i'iilar Kplxeotvillan rilim l. I'rvKTjv^lonal am i nnH—cliinul num beni wem rentiered on Hie orgsm during the cntrum 'o and exit of I lie itrtilal |H)My.

MU* Nunule lU iiu]'hr*y, n nUler o f Ihe bride. aeU'd n* nmId of honor, and In fu r th er iiKeniljuiee Hie ijrlde werv lUein* brldoa- la a ld ': Mi«r « . Muhel Itlaiichurd, ( ’lura

PotiVc tlcutcnilat^abW *Qcorge B r^oner wa« arrtwletl at rimm on the

charge of aaw n ltlng Mr*. Kllxalx-th ih Ho»c, w ho llvM 111 a n o ldnlw otyciilbH U lie "caatle** Oil Hailger avenue., Tlw houti*, a rl^kiHy old ufThlr, U ocenphd by a mimlx'P of ]MHiplc who am retvulfPd Ui'pny llllle if any rent. On Tiiraday n igh t Mr. Kow* went to On* K>n»rlU Precinct biuI auld Unit lie wtintrd tw m iien arreali'il for a aw ilillu t hU Will-, hut he wo» »o d runk Ibnt iwi ertnh’iice wan plm*cil In Ida gtnieiiw*ntH lunl he w n« put out.

ThnrwdMO hiorning Mm. KnaovIrtlliHl ibe itu -tlim and cxbUdUMl n {iHlr of very b la rk eyca■ .................... iJittl

8<mtb O range to agree to filter auch aewage•iTvt.............................aa m ay ba delivered a t the dupoaal laudM hv rltlaeof o f M Ulbam upon tenua w hich ahull plaoatbecttlaebaofM U IbQ rn, who m ay con­nect w ttti th e aewera,. upon ao eqaaU tv a a to eapenae of dlapoaal, w ith the eltlEnnaof HoutUO a a g e w ho m ay connect w ith the lowera,eaehto____j pay la proportion to q u an tity deliv­e r .

The a an lta ry condition of the dlapoaal landa to be under th e autHrvlulon o f tw o Inapoctora,beaupeione to be appoin ted by the autborltlea of Houtb Orange village, and one by the au tborltlee of>flllbum Tuwhahtp. and to l>6 regulated byaueh rule# aa tha loapcctora m ay from tim e to

In f ‘ ‘ “tlina agreeLtneH

upon. In the event o f disagree, m ent, the Ktato Hoard of Health to be called upon to decide the quCRtlon aubmlttod^ Ita dcclalno to he b inding ou the autborlLlea of both manlcIpaUUaa.

I t w as decided to tend a copy o f the reeola* tlon to th a I f lU bum Townahlp C om m ittee,

A uditor A lexander Hobertaou preaeuted n ala teiuent o f th e tlnanelal condition o f th e village. The balance sheet ibowa a n om ina l au rp lu so f asaataover liabllUJea of 128,416.77, which, Mr. RoberUoQ sald ,aa the vtllagc has lever boen engaged in auy bualnMS from

w hich a profit waa realised, could on ly have been produced by a contlmioua ayRtcm of levying upon th e cltlEena a larger a m o u n t of taxes th a n w as necesiary to mc«( th e ex- peneee. Ho said th is wan dem nnatratod by th e fact th a t o f th is a u rp lu i|l2 ,137.01 conalated of a rrea rs o f taxes, oome of m ore th a n ten y e a n ' siand lng . On th is point Mr. Uobortoon said I

** I t la respect hilly subm itted th a t th e elr-

ddedly opiKwed to piitllnit them up In Uh'uII Ties where I hey mn* nut nlMVTluh’ly nee<^-tnry. He conteath'd thiit tiu* loeikUiy In tin* vU*inlL3' of theKouth Tenth sirc'ct MchiK)l hud Iwi-u alighted, ami that there was not auindent achogl acomuinudatlons theri*.

Then howiiiplAlnedthnl thcNAleryorHujier- Intendentof Krecdon and Ih'iJolrs M'nilam M. Freeman should have heeu incraaseda month ago, when tlie isalarlesof BupiTinten- deut Burrlnger and Kecr«*lnrlea Kryee and Hhurts Vera raised. Mr. i-Tocmau, Mr. 0<*l- kum oontlnued, was deserving of as luucb eon- alderatlon os the others. Mr. Uarrinier's sal­ary was Ihcreitsetl from f8,(100 to gl,r)00, Hccrr- tary Hryce^s ^ m | 24)OOto92,ROOi,aQd Aaslataut Hecretary Shurls's from II .800 to 81,800. In con­cluding his speech, Mr. Oalkers asked the Hc<v retary to record him la the minutes aa oppos­ing both measures.

l^Veral of the Commlsaloncrs announced that they were under the Impresaton thaf Mr. FrremaD'B salary was Increased a year ago, but on looking over the books no record to that cfli'Ct could be found.

Daniel Bweeney was appointed os a clerk In the office of the board at a salary of 1312 per year.

The Repairs Committee contracted with Walter P, Dunn to do the plumlilnf work at the MlHof Htreei Hchool tor 170. The contnu-l for laying flagging on schtjol properties was awarded to Riley UrotlierH. It was decided to call for bids for furnishing glass.

Her Ikee wnsolhcrwlM* bruised, HhesiHd uu M onday n ight ih*i»nre Ito 'm u ram l Kaimiel HUvker, J r ,, visited her bousr, aslU ey were In Ihehuh it o f doing, while ber hushnnd w*iks away. D uring lUe eveuing they Ihrevr her down ami ntteiU|ii<‘(l an Hiaiiutt ou h»'r. Ih*- fore they went, how ever,!liry gave her a w>- verc beating. H erbaltch-d feet) vtvs otTereil In ovldemv. The .lU'-Hec look her etHuplalnl, and th is iiiMin IJeu trim ut Valkb* arresTeii

P'urly In February a movem enl vo^ sfefted by a mmilXT of F raukU nV prom inen tcUIecus uiul mei'tlugs were held hi tho tiouirs of wune ortUvcItlsruH. Thcyhmi In vlewlliclmprove^ uicnt of Ihc town a t large, and th e Inh itist miiulfesii^l rr*>ii) the ilrst lu th a m ovmneut was mV gri'nl tliitl theelubv bceHiim enthuse*! with tin-lihvwi ailvniin tl and wr*’kly m<*eilngs were held at lhehuii«cor Hu- F rau k tln Club, a t Aral m ain ly for the iu s tn ie tlou of the membt'rM, .Aimmg ibe tlu lU'** «.l« tialcU were; ‘•Township novom m enr mul W hal Forni of Town (bivernineiil Would Prtm» Mom hku- Isfiictory an d HeneileUi i*i the Tow nship a tlarge.'* The borough system wa* iUHeuwM*d,and It w as dua lly decided ihut u great deul luoro hud to be IcuriU'd o f (he bcueAU of

Uiroiigli ” Pwtn of gt>tcrntn»’n t b* A>rc It would m*-ct w ith favor In F rank lin . Tlie an* thusiasm waa so gD'at Uiat It w as decldr'd to htild a m eellug iil the I'nrk B -IuhA Hnltdlng nnd Invite th e public. The ims Hiig was held


cum stanoea suggest t be expcdlcQcy o f adopt- tug soma m ethod of oollcctlng future taxeswhich will term inate what Scema to bo at least ah unbusltumsllka prou*dure,‘'

Tha AudltoFa atatoment showed th a t tho peroentageofcollDeilouaDf Lax*m of wiis Btnety-fburos Hgnlnst eighty-eight per cent, of the taxes of IHMl. the Increase betug due to special efforts put f*>rth by Uobcirt A. Haltldy, Ibc VIHugc Treasurer.

Police Justice John OTllctly reported four arrrsM. and MandiKl of Police Ifrn ry T. Trencbard reported that no flnea ba*1 bo<-n iviliccled, w. A. French comnumlcated that the village owed him the sum of I5.I5 for re­pairing (he clocks In use by tha l^sral police, and lhat Tha bill was due over six mouths. I t was ordered paid.

Treasurer Robert A. Hallldy presented his monthly report and sske*l that notes I tl and ]12, falllrig due on April 24, ho renewed; also that the vUluge furnish Ixinds so th a t he, | he T irasurer, could obtain thn llcrnse money from the County Clerk. The requeats were grunted.

O iarlrs J, Rnrrett, aupcrlntcndent and rol- 1e*'tor of the water df-paritaeul, reported th a t the total receipts fof tho month of March were gjatifl, •

The vl I loge profierty i n Millburn and Hprlng- fleld WAS. on Mr. BaImoii'h raollnn, rented to John Woodruff for one year atfett per m onth.

Mr. TayloFs resolution to rooominend John D'HHIly. Hr., tor the nffice nf Pol joe Justice was lost. The ordinance relating to the goard- Jug of railroad cmtalngs was altered oi> a« to affect oroaainga passed by electric cars. A TMOintloQ offering 1100 reward tor the arrest and conviction of the vandals whodestrr»yed monuments In the Valley Btrcet Cemetery waa passed.


«*Jlm th e P en m an '* Dtmwa a n A p p re c ia ­tiv e A udience to la s t ltu to H a ll.

The audience th a t heard **Jim the P en­m an '* played a t Institu te H all lust n ig h t w ia deeply Intereidcd ffom Aral to lost. T h a t la the h lgh re t praise th a t can be given am ateu rs who u n d e rtak e such a powerffil, such a n ex- actiD f p lay . The stage Illusion waa preserved th roughout, and the telMug point# In wfaleh ihe p lay abounds wereoU given duetoroe.

The cast w h ich deaervra such oorom enda- ticMi tor ita ac tin g was as follows r Jam es/fa f- sfon, Geoqfe J , ICIrwan; JjtHit TVrrfvaf, Oenrge P .H e a ly ; Hftron Har^ftkil, 3 Iart J> K in g ; tbp to fn Jferfitwd, H a r iy J , K ing ; D r, pettif- tr-fer, A le.taiider T. Kellly ; Lord Dreltnoourt^ W illiam H , Betaad ; ATefAerdp, F ran k D ev lin ; r/urpsfone, Joseph D onn; J frt. itofetoa, Mlea llo aeM ark n y ; A fftm Jlalttonf Mlaa M aggie L ypeh ; IxHtoDwnscombe.Mlis A nnie B niw n Potter, a n d Dodv CAqMtoae, M lu M ay Roan Carey. H a rry J . K ing waa stage m anager, an d to h l te a re a n d lo te l l lg e n t w ork a# such th e e aaean d amootbnooa o fth e m ovem ent of Ibe play bore sufficleiit testim ony.

Upon Miss M arkey devolved a U rge pa rt, and th a t th e heaviest, of the w ork. Hhe did I t In a m anner th a t adds new tuatre to a repu­ta tion a lready b rig h t In am ateur theatiioals. A a floren JfartfthU M art. J . K ing w aa ex- celleut. H a rry K ing oa iZcd«c*pod waadecidedly elever, and bad the audience w ith , h im from th e on(aet,'ond George P . H ealy w as very good as Louit j o y i n g th ep a rt w ith d ign ity a tid feeling. George K lr- wan p layed th e title role in an acceptable m anner. Mlsa Moggie Lynch wa« a n exceed­ing ly artleaa and attractlvn A g tm Jtofeton. In fact, the en tire cast acquitted theraaelvee aa no o th e r c as t baa doneon the sam e stage in a long tim e, *-

Neworkers to Itoisr Money for (he Htrlkers la Milwaukee.

There were a number of Iho members of Ihe Essex Trades Counrll present aba meeting In the W. C. T. U. Hall, corner of Miirkct on«l Mulberry streets, la<»t night. The ol»Jcet of tr\e gathering was to devise means of osslstl ug the striking Uitmeri amt curriers of MIJ- waokee. Tho prlncl])al speaker was Jletiry A. Bcckmeyer, who said that all wagewt^rkem weretn syin)*athy with thestrikerii In the West. The men hud ton thirteen week** been able to get along without help, hot now they were asking tho wAgo-cumefs of the country to assist them In their fight. Mr. ntvkmcycr spoke a t Home length, and at the eouduslun explained the tiatiire of a boycott.

One of the Milwaukee sirlkers wna present and Aildreswed the nvi*eting, toiling of the trouble which existed among the leuthcr- wurkerw and explaining thrut the eansewiis nn at tempt nn the part of (he bOKscH to *'nt the wagea too low. A delegate from t hlcago aikM that every one giveoomelhlng t*> aid lh*t Mlrlkerti, as a defeat would ukuu a big act- ba*ik In the labor movement.

(ri*orge Byrr>a asked that collections Ik; taken up In the leather Kluiiiti of ibis 4'ity. 8 tx men who were pr<»itiut, n.-pn-w’iitlng as many fu<'torbw, promised to Kollclt imaiey today. All of the moJv*-y will be sent lo Chsirge Ityroli and be will forward It to .M[lwuuke»*.

J. Evarn, the sts-Rdary nf the Fedcrallonof lAhor, Bj)oke ogalnat strikes. He said h r had been In several of th4>ni. uhi he wuiihl aiwnys advlri* men to keep outofthem , if jk\ssII>1c. I t Msimed, liowovcr, (hut tlie men In Mil­waukee inuat have gisnl gntnnda for airlklug, and he suggeated that help he exh-nded to them. A comiuiltoe waa then appointed to ralhe funds.

j llrrwer, Il'-skT Oiikliy, Maud KalbUrlwh,I IjMilK'Uti ('uuiiiiHnn an*t Katherine M'MIHIm.! 1’lie unde's Ci^stuinr wna of heavy white • corded silk, trimmed whh *»ld i*olnt tai*e. A

gjnlh'ttl |warisciu*lli-h-d her waUl, aiul the UMtscly tlmvin? kits-v s <»f lilr gown w*-re U>umi Al the wrist with bandaof iv-arls, Mie wor»'nuille v*’ll nud <-arrh'd In her band a Inme lionqaet of murgiierltes. The brldeo- miiMs wore drcsjK's of jdnk china silk, w ith sulver-TUid rlhUms, cut with round tsirsagea nnd deinl-tmliis. Hunches of iiiigumieHe were carried by thew> ymtiig Indies, while the maid fjf lioiiur ntrrled a lM)nqiu-t of pink n w s and worcu^ruy I'n-is-de i-hiitr gown of the some style iw the brbUwiJiahls’ dressi'K,

Tbegr«K»iii was m'foini^anlcd 1" the altorby hlKlK'st nmn, LU»yd M*-Klm OarrUon, and tin- following UahcTs; lu-njamln Carpenler, Henry Htc-le Wnrdm-r. William ll in r j’ Fur- iu sa, I'olvert Brewer, Therxlore F. Humphrey, (\dllus ItllkK and ]I*‘ury l.athR>p OlHwrt. The bride Was given away by hor father, Jatuon II. Humphrey.

Ato r tha ccrciuonj* rccc|>tlon was held a t (he residence of (he hrldc*s father, on Ridge­wood r«md, a t which about 300 gueata were prewnt. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilrrwer will make their boiue 111 i^ouih Orange. The young couple left N>uth Umnge lust latgliL uti t h e t r a i n ou lh e la-la ware, liiieknwftnna and Wtwlorn Railroad un a Hhorl wedding tour.

J. IHirker Dwld, 8 tcwarl Bniwn and Albert M’all were lo have acred oa u*hen*, but they dill not serve, on hih-ouiR of T. O. H|M»lr's (lealh. Tius«<* young men were with him when the fatal ucvldcnt 4)ccurred. Another usher fulled to apitcar for tho reason th a t be had a Ui( lii-uken lu cscuplng from (he Grand O n ira l Theatre fire In Fhlladulphla on ■Wcdni*k(lo.y night,

MIkn UomcU. Gertib daughter of Theodore Oerth, of 87 Market street, was married to Clmries A*. Ix htnan a t 5mI0 o'clock yesterday afteriiotm. Tin- ceremony waa performed a t the resldrinno of tho bride's parents by Rev. Dr. 1‘hlllp Krug. The grcaim's best men were Fi'eilerh’k K. Iji-lirjian and Tlu-mloro J, Gerth. Tlie 5I1.-4W'S Jciude Heltcrle and LIr.xle lyh- mau acted us bridesmaids. Mr. uiid Mrs. I / ’hnmu h-ft for Washington and point# iiKMiUi after Use r*:v4‘ptlou.

Miss Freda 01 to, da Ugh tor of Ismls Otto, of t 1ilK4-ily, was married to Gustave Kaemseh, 4d Rhsuntleld, hist u lghtn^lho hom enf the hrhie's parents, 187 |t*'lmf>nii avenue, the Rev. Mr. Ill-lb, of Ht. Jnhu'K Lutln-ran Church, 4»lll4‘iutlnc. A rthur Otto, n l>roth4'!r of (he bride, wai-* lic> t tnaii, iitwl Ti-4:hli‘r Olio wiw brUii-*tnoi«l. A llrr a w<'Jdhm nvci»ti4>ii the ri>u|iU< hlartod <»n ila-lr wi-dilirig trip. On thi'lr n-iitrii they will make lUoomtield tb d r iiona-.

MNs Knldua, daugliUTof Palrlck O'Rrlen, of l'•nll'lul ,^v'.-lH married loDntrlck McGurry, <*f New’ York, y«-sf4‘i*d«y tiuivnlliK In Hie Clinreh of the Iminaciiliih-<‘4>nccpllui», .Mout- 4-lalr, Itev, Fiilher Slclidl oflli-liiling. .A re*'*’])- tlon was held al flic bride’s home hurt night.

llrfiincr. Ilrlm im l him hlilltiK In >!»• f'x'oinl | „„ g . ,„ i wa, Ini^.ly altmiili’il,iilury«r«l.iill.lliijc<m Wnv..rly|il«.'>-. | xh.'ol.U'Ctof tin' niiHdlug, OS-iaied, was to

Hi-.'iim'rlmi.rH.'mnOn>lnll«on U ir„ , im ijmvfiiinit a.«H-l4Hlim mid toraatoM., uiily >i.«|,.rdi.y h a w ., triad l.-fon- | i.njmive thnir pm t»rt> .

make lawns, plant tnvw, fitiwerH, and to nmk4the Court 4 if (quarter 84’hhIouis 4hu« rliarito *>femfe’sxicmeiit. The Jury aiNiultteil him as Uw’a#*h<»wu in ih e trial that the dlrti-i'ctu'»* **f money cxlsllng belwet'ii him iumI tli4> 4suu- plaliiant was the re»uH of a hiir***’ trade ttU4j the cauiw for a rivtlaction. lie was qrrestist last summer 111 C4>mp#uy with two others in }SMS4-H»%i4m of « wagiMi-load of railroad Iron, spikiw, i-tc., whh'h wo# later Ideniltlcd' as praj*erty stolen from Ibu Ix-high Valley Ihdlrtmil. He U a cripple. Judge J’relstd ImiuhI the warmnl for the arrest nf the woman's ossallcinl# yeNterday morning and the warrHiits were phioed in the hands of M 'arrant OffieerJai-kes to serve. The ofllcer ■at Ibrtmghout the trial and left theeourt-nxim fui* a few momeuti while Hu* Jury waiout. Ik'forc the offii'er returned the Jtiry gave a verdict and Rrenm-r hastoned away.


Are Ton rnsteil T7b 6« thorouffMft poulnl on the rm l eetatei mnrket^t/omivuttooneuU the real eetate mie, in the " iyeiiU ”~-#jfpsclaUF ^ Wedneetiaift and tkUurdrti/s,

F o r the ItaUan Mission*^Th# Young People’# Society of rb rle tlon

Endeavor of the Park Presbyterian Church gave on entertainm ent In the Sunday-«cbool (rooms l i l t night for the benefit of the Italian MIm Iob on River etrret. There were more people than Mat#, and the'evening of iioug and repltattons wa# enjoyed by nil. Jere M. Cobb recited a number of humerous teleo- tloni, the Mine# Juliette and Celeste Ulradot playM O piano solo, Mnstor'Hcuii Glrndot peribnaed on ibe v{4)Uq and Miss Psritella F like and Mrs. Groce Marsh Rang a duet. The seoond part of the pn^ram m o w«4 under the dlreetlon of William Woodruff and was callod the Hnmanuphonc. The various notes of tb# fe^l# were represented by young men and women, who sang college gteee and other fongi In an acceptable manner.


18 88 RIGHT 7Those double and twist

Cheviot Suits for Men have become broken In sizes. No more of the goods left, nor Sny more fo be had. Been selling right along at $ io —to­morrow $8.

SPR IN G O VERCO ATS— f i u will buy one of those hand­some wide-wale Whip Cords. They are not f u coats in any­thing but price—so much bet­ter than the average overcoat that you would pay same money for elsewhere.

To get one of those genuine f i 6 Mackintosh Storm Coats for f i o you will have to come to-morrow, as this special offer closes at 1 1 o’clock to-morrow

I; night

" P a u l Kanvisr" a t J a 4!‘nb<s Thcalr#>.BLcelc 31aokaye'sflT«-oct mast*rpl<w.'‘I*aul

Kaiivar,** produced by Eugen# Rotrtnson^s company, was greeted by a larg« audience at JooolM's Theatre lost night The Kplundld dramatic Kituatlou# which obotyid In tho play furnished the principals with rare op- ))ortunltiea for dlnplaylng their tklll. The French Kelicn of Terror Is the theme thepLo)'- wHgbt used In h li constnicUon of "I 'au l Kauvar.” Tlio posalhlllttoH and difficulties of the task have lMH*n happily adjusted, and the result is highly plmulng. The Paul Kauvar of Edward L. Snadcr Is a forcible and fltilslicd Impersonation. Mins Kotelle Knntt was a ransclcntioiis and suc­cessful Diane tie Peaufnmt^ The duplicity iff the Aforttufe (is Fcrv.t, lrapcrs4>nated by FI, H. Hpenoer, was exnKi»erating enough to luako that antagonism against him a real ixjmpllnifnt to his work. Dodotphe PottUf entrusted to Daniel Kelly, was an eflbctlre nomedy pail. As KanneUft Miss Ivenllli was pn-Uy and wholly engofldg, though having but little to do. T^c Oirroc was as vllllunmis and ab­horrent as any typical Anarchist Is stipiKVHid to be. The performanoe will bv raixuifod liv night, to-morrow oRernoou and lo-niorrow night.

Thomas d w e ll Speir lltiried.The fhneral service# of Tboroos Otwell

Rpelr, offJoulh Orange, were held this morn- Ing from the Church of the Holy Coruniunlon, which U but a short distance from the home of the parent# of the dead athlete. The ser­vice# were begun a t 10:a> o'cloex, and a t that time the pretty 1vy-<'Ovcr4>d edifice was well filled with H'lends of the bercAved faioily, among whom wero many oolleg# t^mpaalons of yoang Bpelr*B.

Tho pall bearers were those stated In yeste^ dayTKoww. The Rev. Benjamin Brewster, pastorofthe Holy Ooinmunlon t7burch, con­ducted the services, which were .very Im­posing. The fforol trlbiitra were numerous and hADdjrnme. The burial was mode In Greimwood Cemetery.

Nagfeetsd Her Hick Hoy. ^Wl»#D Mr*. Alloa Farley, oS 470 Markei-

ftroet, was brought before Judge Hayes,ohaiged with ctrunkemiose, she bogged the Judge to let her go home to uUeua a sickchild. A woman whd was In the court 1u' fbrmed the Judge th a t Mrs. h'arley bod no ■Ick child a t home. Mrs. Farley, who has bc^D arrratod for drunkenness three times within ten days, was committed to Jail for th irty day#. John Farley, ffie woman’s tweive-year-oid #on, I# very sick with pnou monfa at the City Hospital. Tho mother was neglecting her boy aud oelghborH hod him sent to the hospital on M'etfiket^dAy,

TIVO MORE linXFKH H A lf TO ftlUT.Uiibblns uiid ItnniK I'liahto to Stay W ith

FItEsImmoiiR a t Waldmami's*l’’ilEfiinjnnmH eouVluetd iwo more boxers at

M'iildmenn’sTlvatri'' la^t night lim t tlH'$'i0 orienil io any one M ho will hUiy twelve min­utes with him can not bo won, although tho cliaiiiploii promises not to km vk nut his oppotirnl. .4n KnglUli puglll'*! with n record, w lm in the post mtide a good showing with Ted Drllrliiinl.1 lie Engll»ihrhntnp1on,CHsaytsJ the tout last night. I t M’Oh Thomas Robbins, who 1h six fe4.*l two and a half lU4jheH tall and welgha iK»umIs.

Befure the bout Itotihlns said that he was a t NlMo'sGarden two weeks sgo to meet Jim Hall, but (hat llal! reftiaed, ItHlevIng him to be H ring'T." He said tha t ho was eatlsfled to have ^’l(r try his bcHl.

The llrsf piini h FltEMimmons landed was on tho jaw. 1 ho Kngllfta man's bend went back and his fact' (lushed. Hr held his right as If ab leu n lo ilajimge when he gut the oppor­tunity. FItEHiimnons worked around him carefully, sh4Mdlug *ail ibe left with aeeimicy every few nlinl1l4■4. The Ktigllshman bucked away, but sueieedcd in conntertng several times. FltEHliit)n*ms got ti4piiie a right-hand blow just biffore Dine was railed and Itobbliis reeled Into the w-rnes.

Olio good, hard piiiieh In the wind caused the Khgltsbinau to wtneo liilhesivond round. The elmmplon Jahlied htiii with hisgoodleft several times. T!m* third roiiml wm short and sweet. FUKhlniinous walknd over Into the tlirtl nmik's corner uud sent his left on tho other’s JHW and neck twice. Itobblna threw up Ills huadKitnd i|nll.

“ You're A heifer boxer Ihao Pritchard,’ said hr, shaking hands; “ I gid enough.”

Filxslmmons had a walkover with Tbnmos RurtiK, from 1h<* '• fi'uolxmnd plstrlctj” iit the jnniltii’e. liurns 4|u ll ailer three rounds. Onec Jio fell under u light puuch.

A hlg bill will lie glV4!ii lo-nlgbi. Jim m y ('arroll.Uicfammis light weight,Fitzsimmons's trainer And manager, will don the gloves with Charlie Norton, the rctlrc4t lightweight cham­pion. The Piinn brollierfl, mosoot boxers, weighing forty-five and fifty-two pounds, will miH't, and Kitrsfmmnuswillhoxanunknown

P re p a ra th m s U nder W ay fo r th e C levelandDemniistratlon--tJueMtloQ of Fireworks*The executive comnilttoe of the >>spx

Coun ty LH^mocracy will meet a t 2IOMurk>'t street to-tiigbt to m ake dual arrangeuicnt# forthoClcvelnm l massmcetlDg to4>e held In the Grand Gjs ru House M onday n ight. W ord wai» ro(VlV4?d from W astilngton trwluy th a t (VingresHinaik rudm us, who bad » eonferanee w ith W. H. M cKnm lu Jersey CUy a fi‘w dMj s ago, hill eecured tw'o spi'akers o f N ational repiitailou for the m eetlnf. Tlic.v are (Vm- grtsMiiiaii Micimel D. H arter, of Ohio, anci CoiigitHUirnaii McKenna.

F#. WhlU’huMl said to a N fws reporter iOKtay th a t sikmh |i4>s will also be iimde by ('ougressm an W illiam L. W ilson, of West V irg in ia; Robert Adraln, ITesident of the New Jersey (Senate; George II . Yeam sn. 4jf Morris C o un ty ; Preston btevenson, of HerKcn t'oun ty , a nd probably CUarlos H. W lutleid, of U inison County.

Frofensor N lrkols's Iita»<s band of fift<v»n piece# ami th eo n rh estrao f the G rand OjierA House were engaged k^day for the Odosloii and arrangi^'inents have Itern m ode w ith a Jersey City firm fnr a Rmnd disp lay of fire­works. Tw enty thouKund cards ronlHiiilug ('ti’VelHnd's p icture and the anuiiuru'i'- m ent o f tli4ii in<-4't1iig nti' Iwlug p rin ted by the local orgHUlxatlou and the Cleveland Democratic State .yswieluUon, m uler who#; ausplt'ea the deinoustratinu Is g4iltoti up. Invitatlfrtis have also he<m M'itt lo tlio Ji>c] P arker Ansoclutlon and thoJetter- sonlan I'iub.

I t is said by sornq (hat Hie firew orks'fea­tu re of the nipTildg will have to beellm l- tialed.fiA tho authorities will not perm it tho display. Thu Royden striM't horror ku ickc il ou t such d isplays In (Idscity .

uttrHctlve th 4* fiark, and (he grimnds about the railway slatlons. The priijoct met wKh luimeitlate approval. Remurlu wero made bv Messrs. William H. lUiaribuHU, V). F. itaKA- ford.JiunrsU . H ay ,D r G. B. Phllhower. Dr. H. D. White, John Hustoy, Dr. Thomas R KattertbM’alte, A. H. I.nrkln ami many others. The result 4>f this luoellng waslhe orgivnlilng of the YantJeo Improviunent AsAoelalhm. At the next the (btlowing-uauuHl geiitUv-men wen- elrotid a# officeni:

Prc'hldeiit, W. J(, BoHnlmaii; vUs*-pre*l- dciit, J . ^ g e r Klngsland; seerebiry, K. K. Rasstord; treasurer, Wllsnii H. Ku-rstead; district Inspectors, Joseph Walker, Mr. Dunn, Cieorge 11. llayoe, H. II. Un^klii, K. Armani, John H. W'hlte, (*. B. Phllhower, M, D., II. C. Bunner, II. G. PnIne, David Jenkins. Mkiimel Hopper, 11. A. tvimnolly, Alexander H.lIlKhop, D. A* rttearns, Htephen P. Vrii-Uunl, James R. Hay, T. b, DoWolfe, Thomas H. Brown, George H. Patston, Jueol) Klerstmd. JaN*x Freeman, A. A, tninim ii; liiHi.s'rtors-al-lftrge,, Harry W ralherby, H. D. White, M. D.. John llusby, R. U. TllUm, M'lll- lam II. WhliloriJ, A. JL Van Rli>er, M. D., C'harlps B, Van Dewater, JuiM'ph Kingslond, Jr., IHoward FMgar; ex»*cullvo omnmMU^e, Jacob Klerstvad, John Rushy, Alex It. Ulsliop* J. Roger Kingsland, James U, liay , Howard Edgnr, W. If. Boardnmri,

The duties of the lns|>eidops are to collect dues and all iiKmeys from the roe poet Ive dl»- Irlcts, and to uao their Influence with the riitldents touKsIsi iu carry ing out the objects of Die HHSis'latluh, Tliecxocutire I'nimnittee* Will iiold mootlngi on iho llrst I'uotMluy of every month, and offeiw-rlf deemed cxismH- ehl.M'bi n reports from tho inspiN’tors will l>e h'4‘4dvisi ami w-ted u|xm. Tho Infiuem-e of the HsiHK-iatlou Is already shown In the Im- provml HppiW.rane# of the town. No itior4‘ uusigbtly asli-hi'aps or garbage plkw arcMtcn; the sln-els have u cleaner uml n4>aUT iipisar^ Miu-e; theruIhlcMii flcstruetlon of shadti tr4.H.-tt lm<4 bi'Hii niaile almnst a crime, and tho iK ticlUs to be derived by uiilted ni-tUm mode plainer In various ways,

Takim on the whole, the AKMrv'liirinn, al- lUoUgh young, has made rapid strldCMand Ims iKJCome ivne of lb4i faelnra In h4>me gov- 4'rnniejit In Franklin Township. The 4irKaiif- xatlon Is known a# thu Yanth» improvement Association.

COAL GKTTfNO HtOHER.Increased Rates to Dealers and a Higher

Retail iU le Expected.The FAStern anlliraojlcagents met In New

Y4»rk yesterday mul dechb'd to a4lvttn4-© the prU*® ofcoaMweiity-ftve ct*nla p<‘r^ rn ss Pm, This Increase Is tor stove and ehcJtuuU Kgg crjat has bocD advaiu-ed llfh^n cents and broken coni ten cimt#. The advance has not been announrod lo ihc d«*»lers in this city yet, but they expect to receive W4>rd by Monday. The advani^egoes Intoefl'etd on May 1, but Iho dcirters say they do notexp4K‘tto raise tlio price to otinsumers next month, os there Is so much competition In the spring.

At the office of the New Jcfney Coal Kx- changc the secretary, t'hartes B. C'oeuint, salil he under»to*>d the price of cool had been ad­vanced to dealers, but he had received no otflclsl tiotltlcalloti of IL He said It was very dItllcuUto say w hat would be done on a«> count of the Incrcam*, but he did not think there would t>e any Immediate advance to 4fonsumerfl. A rm-ctlug will be held early next m4mth a t which the p rlc« will be de­cided UlHJtl.

A prominent coal dealer anJd that he knew only whut he saw lu the papers about the af[- vanca In New York, Iled iil not think tbere- (ftllcra there would Incrcnso the price# during May, and tho Newark rate# would U* dlllcr- cnl from those In New York, but he<>ou!d U4it tell what they would be. He saidlf the M'bole- saie d<-aler« conllmied to Increase the prlros the retailers in Newark would have to follow suit. Bhonld the prlecs bo raised It will not b« tlllJtini-, hesald, and there would be an advanceot only twenty-five ociits a ton.

Ln4>klng for a Mnlmeil f( orse.Colonel F. H, hiilM-ards, lu cnmjjauy wllh a

lactnijerof the itoclety for Iho I'rovcnil4>n 4ff Cruelty to Animals, visited iho Italian fiuur- l4*rs In llurriiKm yesterday afli-rnmni lu Kf-arehof an eniacliiWMl horse which had rc- cetiUy be4*n driven to a Junk wagon by an Italian. The resld4-nee of Dai rniin was lo rated by the riH-ordsnl llic city I bill. The hum Was absent and the horse w'lwi ilciiil, c»r a t least llmlM'uslho Information m clvcd. Thelhkllans swjirmi'd Into (hi-yard mi'l were very uui'iisy. They loikf^l U|kmi the visit nf the two men with s4i'*|iirian, Anbmio Cjiko was Ihe (kflHuler, and It U'HH Jillt-ger! of him, by an Italian who Hpikn fair KligHsh. ihal he had inel with uti oi'cldeiiL by wlih'li lie had biH-U hlliuled.

Caught by a Nawilust Game.Mr«. I’hllip llemmous, of 8 t'rawforl street.

rei«)rted lo Iho jsilicc at hendinmricrs tliG nf- k'ruoor} tha t a nmn rcpreM-ntlng liiiiiHeir as an agent of the O-ntre Marki'l Tea Cntn)H«ny had sold her two l^i4'ka l.lM, alUglhg that they onntttlU4-d two }>oimds each nf cnfli-e au<) sugar. The woman paid him fifty 4’<'ntH, but ut'^m opening the pai'kagcashc found Itn-mto cuntalu d irt and sawdUhU


entered by Gliurllc Norton. <'liarllePalT,who Is anxious fnr unothcr bout with Kltudtn-monp, m ay also be w-commodated.

Tlie nianagers 4if Kllxslmmons aud H allsgrei'd lu New York last n ight th a t (U cpuglf 1st# #1 .................. .......................................__ should figh4 In November o r Dcoember,Ifa c lub will otter the puroo.

^ «<THI£ \ 1JXAGE

Burglar# a i Gtoa Bldg#.The i^ldeiieo of Dr. J, Allen Ostxmn, the

Newark dentist, a t .Oleu Ridge, wa# e n to i^ by burglar# on WAdoesday dlght. The thUves w.v'ured but little booty. Two other places In the Immediate vicinity were tampered with, but the marauders were frlgtuguod away by the burglar alarm.


O u r S p rin g Top<;oats w o u ld n ’t b e M iy th ing i f th ey w e re n 't e le­g a n t. T h e y m »ke you see in th e shape , in th e lin ings, in th e ta il­o r in g , th a t th ey are n o t m e a n t to lo o k lik e o th e r T o p co a ts . A n d th e y d o n 't . I f you w a n t a silk- lin ed T o p c o a t— ( j 4 to (g o . I f n o t , t i o to g io .

B u t a re o u r S p ring S u its the sa m e? T h e y are. In d e e d , it w o u ld n ’t p iy us to m ake th e m o f im p o rte d c lo ths if w e d i d n 't g e t th e m u p as perfectly u m e rc h a n t ta ilo rs . Y ou’ll please yourse lf v e ry well for g i j t o | j 5 . O r, you m ay p ay f lo or f 3 0 , b u t you c a n ’t p ay a c e n t m ore th a n th e low est n u n u la c tu te n ’ pricee.


An Ex4’cptlonwlly ricaH ug K alcrtalnm ent at Ihe Cliaroli of (be Redeem er.

KIxty perHouMtcH>k part in the operatta of ** The ViUofic Queed;” W’hich was sung lost ^ Ig h la t the Church of the lt4>d^mci: before uu undlVnce which filled every seat lu the main l^ody of ibo building' and gallery, Anunig the soloist# wore tho Mlssea Marsh, Folter, Nrm nan, Flynn, Eiversou, nnd M<‘Hfirs. Hniilhj Dodd, Di«r and nyrao. Their Bimpte but niolixllou# songs were well ren- den*d, us were uIno 811 the duct# nud trlo#>

The 4.*h4>rus, composed of milkmaids, farm­er's boyK Hiid vlliugcrs, showed evidetuw of curt'ful train lug, uml made quite an attractive ph’turo ill their fhntastio costumes, the bijlllluncy of which w ns cnboncMl by Iho ray# from a calcium light thrown on the stage.

M'jtb tho exception of a bad break In the ipArt, when tho audience wna Ke{A

watt fug while (?ne of the ilngcr# left, the stage to bunt up anolhcr who failed to respuud to his cue, the pcrfom ance ran sinofrthly, and was a ifum'ss from an amateurish slandpolut.

Morton ^ r e e t Alamnl,Bienger Hull w'liii the scene of an entertain­

ment lost night given by the Morton Etreot School Alumni to a large audience. The Artua Zither Society played, many happy se» IMIoas and the Oriole QuArlettc #anf. Tlie slnRcr# wera Ijeonard Goi'rcn, William Gatto- brunt, John and Jonypti Kaaftnnim and the MSsiios Carrie Jaeger and Kmily Kinmerich, Adolph Miwuiman and Sebald Jacobs. Krn Brothers gave mustoal rendltlouii aud Alfred J. Young lunda bumomu# ndilrcMoii. Danc­ing fullowod HieenterlalnmoDt.

M ore W o rk f6r F irem en .A s ta b lo ln th # rea r of JO, ISaud H B oyden

wa# alm ost to ta lly destroyed by t|re h u t nlghri The loot wo# aVN). The building wus ow'DcU by B. Carlo, The cause of th e fire Is unknow n. '

Knglne i.'oinpuny S put o u t a bonfire on the premises o f the Hlmon Company, In in k man- nfOoturerB a t S t. Charles a nd K om orn atreeu, yesterday.

The dep artm en t were called atTSHprlugfield avenue yesterday aftornoon by a fill## a la rm of lire.

W in Fix Uie Valnatloiti.The t1 mo for th e m aking o f eiatem enta of

th e value of peraonol property an d real estate to Urn T ax CommjMloners, ho# e x i t e d and th e OomnilMloner# have p lo T ^ valuatloa# upon th e propertle# o f per- aoni who foiled to m ake a etatemeDt ow to tho ir wortlu F rom noar untH H oy 90 the Tax (jom mlsvloiiert will i i i o s a Oonrt of Appeal# to hear com plaint# of peraon# who clalu i to be 6xoe##ively aavnaed.

An Engine J'ump# the Trsok^Ijocomotlve lOd, on tho Delaware, Xncka*

w annaand We«iern Ballruad* left the rail# opiMwlte the South Orange Depot laet night at 5s4J o'clock. All wisitbQOQd train# were de­layed until 7 o’clock, when the locomaUve WM got ou the rails again. Ttie driving- wheels w'cre derailed. Thr> engine betonged to Conductor ” Gus” Reed's Orange e g p rw train. The accident otirouted the atteatton of eevemib!

T h e W h l iU ia g Ceon’#** HHde $«]r# Tlireateneil to Kilt Her.

Mr*. Mary Ellrabeth Brook#,i^olorcd,whose maiden name was Crawford, appllnd to Juilgc Frclsel,of the Fourth O lm lnel Court, last night, for the arrest of her h usbaiid, wh^ 11 ves a t 181 Eighth avroup, She said he had threateued to bill her. M n Bnxiki wo# directed to consult with Judge Conlon. This morning she stated her cose to the latter, but failed to convince him that her wlihe# should be compiled with. Her huatiand's name i# Jacob Brooks, more familiarly known an ” The Whistling (3oon ” and ** Banjo Jake.” He malnlAin# himself by buujo-play- iug und whistling, Ahbut a month ago hr bad Judge Preltel perform the ceremony unllfng hlmV^hls aocuser,

A few week# before this event, however, he and another young woman bod preeanted tbrmselvcM beihre the Judge and asked lo he married. The magistrate was obliged to make another date for the nuptial because be hod not tho neiimwary blanks.

From Mrs. Brooks’s tolk on the Bubject, divorce prooeodiugs are likely to (ullow.

HATTEBH WANT HMD WAGEfi*He Haoda4tA New iehedu le of Rates to

to One Firm .There are Indfi’nllons of (rouble In the hai-

thop of Ferry ft Napier, cornur of Union and Market attect#. Tha uwn in the various do- partmeut# of the idiop will to-<luy present their schedule of price# for the next six months. The employe# of the iuak inf de- partmeut will demand an ineraoseon ce^rtoin giudra of gootls. I t la liiideritood ihut the firm willnot grant any advanoe In the prh'cs, and that If they do not tho men will otrlko 4m Monday. The membera of the firm and the employe# dooJded iont November to fix a sch4 ukM>f wages every six months. A bill of price# h u# been arranged by the men afUff careful con- sidrratloOf and they s#y that (heir demands are not unreuaooable.

A t toe offioflof the firm a Nxwa reporter wo# told the prloN o#lted by the men bad not been received yet, and the firm had heard of no deajre on the part of the employes tor au Increase in their pay.

A Nuisance Case Tried.Tlie stilt of the BOhrd of Ih'iUlh against

JotKib H, Dawnon fnr maintaining a niilnantr a t his tannery nn llalsey strort was trlinMn thcH<H»on«l J)lntrbd()ourtlo-<lay. Itwiweom- plalned th a t a pipe leadIngfrom thn tannery cmlited oflensfve liquid# Into an o<ijoin1iig yard, to thn detrirneut of public In-ulib. Judge Gllhrsjly, of KUwib'’th, heard thn e iw and rCMcrved hU dr<‘bloit.

A W lfp-beater Goes to .Tall.Martin Dimnenker, ii saloon-keeiwr of Boyd

and IJvIngHtoii slrroU, witscominlllod to jalt 111 (Icruutt of bull by Judge PrelMt-l laMtnigbl for txatlng^il* wife .vestenlay atoTiKKui with a chair. The woman wkb severely bruised.


$ 2.98.REAL VALUE $4.30.




Fined fo r (^nn^lnf C ancnlod W«a|Mn., Eufene Smith, ot 29 Augimta i< m l , fluur-

l.h » l n revolTor ta a wilmo on SprlngHfild nT.nue h u t n ltb t. Wh«a bo l.f t th . phu» Oflloer Wollkrth p ined him undrr nrr»it lor carry ln t concenlwl winpons, Judgn fined him tin, under the lew which innkM bla ol&noe n mlndemeanor.

Women with pnle, eolorfm* Iiiceti, who frelI dlfleouraged, will receive l)0#h meu-

. tiweak a n d _____ .................... ..tal and bodily vigor by lining ('urter’s Iron IMlls, which are mode tor ihu blood, oervci^ and compiexlOD.-^Adv,

NFSCIAL NOTIL'Ki.Sweet Metly Tea to r Nerves* iltrength and

Nleep.You want ahnohitely nothlog H#e. I t U

beverage, uervlne, #lee|>.glV47r, A boon to weak, nervous, sloeplceM ones- Try it you. Hiunli, large, Ak*. Ikies not alter uhuuI dally routine. At DrugglH#* 8d Newstreet, city* or by moil.

Barber#’ Itch and Ringworm.The dlwaro genoruUy teit wroagfuHy known

as Harbera' Itch, also Klngwunn, are both cured In a few. days by Dr. L*arlunl, 10Academy stfeet, upstairs* where a convincing trial of tho remidy maybe had f w of chargely ma _^qin > A. H. to T R M. woek d»>'< i Bundny." i( o lR U .

F lo tar* . nnd Flcturn F ra m ...Brin* u . th . plotum you wl.h P> haT.

banud . Wo b a n the lariod aud flnMtkiweat prleea -Uoductloni lu eVvrythliu.- I tid lix , artl.U 'laaterlali. Uary A ICouJuTEa Broad ■1 utrHt.

wrtmenlof moiildlnii lu the Btate.and at theIM U i..................... • "laterli

k c .. fu aof Burdoek Blood lllUen for dy*p«Hla, wm

.lomacb, bUloM Btlaeki, and kldne;

Mated by H. B. Coehrau, d ro n l.* , f Jin- eaiter, Fa. U an naranteedonr WD

' - ' -------oodB Il





F A B n iC S , A N D W IL l. P L E A S E



in Kei hrscT.

KEV. ^N p Wl-Sf I'AltK wTitEirrs.

m i

Refiilar. Saturday., Kegular, Saturday,Door ikjlt#,., .... . 4K% 3r. ThriH-hoop Oak Palta...... ...ITo. UOi

Coat Hooke, per doeen... Brooms........ .................... . t l a .iWirsHcrew Hook#, per firtR„.ISr. prr fin#. lOc. Stuall Cedar T ula,lit quality dfo. 4.7a,

Padlorks, each....... .... ...... 10(% each He. J ' , Unlvema! Wringer..... . . . c .a •I.ST 1Pullrye, <*oh.................. ...... 50a 4r. WiiahlHHirda...................... ....air. Ifie.

#ia. 7«w

Htrol tlntchrW, warranted....Pin, aoce Htovs Bru#b<*t....... . .... tOe. Te.V.19ae. Whitawaah Bniihea........ lOr*

ClolhnUnee, per yard.... ...... lo. per y a rd ' Je. Whf«k Brooms................. ... 1(V\

Coal llrxlJie Ja]tannc4L..., lOr. I*alnt Hruihei................... To, 1Wa-'h Ketlloa................ ..... 5V. Ifir. I'ar|jet Sweeper-..............

Hlewll'auf u raud liapUli |ll.M • i . » IOval IX Waah Bollera... .....11.09 77c. CdNXN# Milt#..,............. . 43cs

Duet Paiia..... .................. ......UK\ Tr. WIro Mat#.......... .............. ■1e.

$10 CASE

To-morrow morning, from g to 13, I will B e ll those elegant styles of All-wool Boys' Suits, 4 to 14 years, including an indigo blue, at

]>A ¥IS


745 and 747 BR04B STREET,N E A R ACAD EM Y S T R E E T , (P F

All in Our BasementFor Saturday Only.


Do Dot delnr, come uuy day. On Sunday, Hpet'lul Ezhlbltlon U ^ , Ihe ^ m t Bulldluif Lot Sale, BlSd, aiOO, • * id.

T«riu» #10 4;asU.Valance $ 1.00 a Weelc.




---- OE-

F I N T E Q T J A T . I T YFor whioh we have made prkxt for To-morrow that can not fbll to atm further


SHOE DEPARTlffT.Jifirtlos’ F in e TVitipr>)n KM H uito iied Rfsits, |

a ll tityk'N a n d #]»<, w nrlb hl )M.4Ua

Boys’ Vral Calf Kimrvuf’fl and faced Hhovs, iilcoiy in e d c a n d gotHl nitlnic* i l l# 11 to AS> A liurgaiu Mt

Ladlrs' French FlTil'*hci1 Kid lliiltt^ned lliNjlit, new mul (HipitlHr slylci-, Imvr b*'fu g l tii, Hi

MIsNCN'Hnd r i i l ld r c u 's I’cri-len KUI TluiuJ- stevH-d Widl. rHl4')il- Iteullicf 1'tp ('Jiriiighf'ci Ihillom-il Bisitii,

Kizi-H: I lo j, Siros R’-j to ifiv.;,

• t.u T .Sires fl to R,

iii.-n .

• t .4P*

Men’s Calf HHntBf-wcil Welt Shoe#, irdaced troiii la.liA to

nBf-vrcil W

nllly \> a 1 lift'd frnin$ 1. 10.

'. i f llnndini (.1

Merrs Ooo4l Qim]1ly \ 'p a 1 fa lf Shoe#, laisedHMil rcingri'nM, K’diifrid from H.IH lo

M en's F in e s t r # l f H niu lssw ed Shoo#, a n ystyle, r4'i1in’4'4j from Gi

DRAPERY SCARFS,n e s t q u a lity C h in a S ilk , w ith jia ln tc il h n ltln if tillk rn d .

39 Cents Each.Regular p rlee................40 irciila.

ZEPHYR WOOL,One special lot, good shades,

4 Cents a Lap.Regular price.............. ,.,5 renu.

SATURDAY’S CAHDY OFFERIRG!I i’ llfth tif '. Hlar Mixr-l..................................................................... lO ccu M1 I’miiid Fruit Kon Hon........................................................ ......................23 ceu to1 I’ouinl Florida l)ro|K*........................... ............ .................................-........ 2 3 c e n ts1 I’otind Chocolate Cream [tmim............... .................................................13 c e n ts1 Found Molwiaw Ppiipcnulnta....................................................................13 c e n ts1 Found American Mlxt-tl..................................................................... . H c e n ts


CARRIAGE,stained,in oak, body and a«*r; uphol-

itered In aatine, with illk pluth roll,----- K A T im iU Y U NLV —



One of the Chicago W orld's Fair Albums w ill be given e v ^ imrchaser of FAIRBANK'S COTTOLENE, the new shortening, during tha exhibit now in progress, Main Aisle, junction of Halsey and New Street Entrance, Cook­ing w ith “ Cottolene ” all day.



800 B re a d S t .. C 4- , S • 'ijl/ -JT

B A N IH T K U ’S,J O lI N N T O N & M V K F H Y ’S ,M cXKILL’tt,O L J l O W N M A K E ,W . L. 1M>U(AKAN,N O N E B E T T E R .A N Y T H I N G I N

so to tto per tent, bcluw Broad or New Y'ork City pricea Every pair aoatanleod.

Shoes.236 Market Street



■M fW --


K «*ck*4 Down by Fb 0 t|i*d»-Wo««».1 0 * o’clock l*«t n l« lil c b k w w n w

: ^ * » B d n r , wbll* i» tro lllim In the Tlclnlty of : i4i U lth lk u d and E i ic i a » » n u « , O nnye, bad b li

MlantloB altractod by the ic rca iin of • woman fMiu the dlreclion o f B eynolditer-

iwoo. Ho Tan In ib c apol and m et U ia. Cbarleo C llntor, o f Borwick olteot, wbo wao yreatly Bfltated. She .a id Uutt abe bad boon attacked by a n unknow n m an, b u tb ad frifb ten ed blm off by ber K ifam ., fiho aald Uiat bo wao •b o u t llTo fret leu iHchM ta ll, had a light ■inataehc and worn a abort coat, flbo waa on her w ay borne w lion the m an aoooetcd her. i p . C. Vcoabir, cNiar'baiaii for F rank W. Bald* w in. of W alker ro« l, Weal Orange, wae w alk­ing a lo u t Valley road about 10 o’clock laat n ig h t and a . be wae paaelitg Voreet atreet th ree m en acroeted hint. They dem auded th a t he ehould give tbein hie money. He had t u n , and gave them that. The m en de­clared tb a t ho muel. h aee m ore, and ktbxiked him down. They did not, how erer, gd through hie clothing orraoleat him further. About the eamc tim e Oeorge Lyon*, coaem m ua for Joeeph pt’ell, of t alley and W alker ruade, wae aleo attacked by th ree m en, who robbed blm of w bat little m oney be had and beat him eevertly. Tlic robbcrlee

, had no t bcon reported to tlM W eal Orange police thie m orning.

Longfidlow Council OT, Royal A reanom , o f Bhat Orange, held an en lerU lnm en t Id Com- monwekltb H ail laet n igh t In celebm tlon iie lu ten th annlrereary . The hell wae (Hied w ith membere and their friend.. The program m e o f eiercleiw coueleted of inetruaien tu l quar- te tU sb y the Ideal rtm eert Company, eonga by the Bnmewlck Mala ttiia rtelte , r e c l t a H ^ by J . U nlle Uoaeln, ballade by Mtw Allle B lanchard, harp eok> by H. C- Meckleni, harp andeuxophoDCduel by II. C .an d MiMfleaela Meoklein and addreeeee by J . I’'™ "*“ Thehoclal Koatureeof the O rd e r,' and ^ Peat G rand Begent B, B. McDowell, of Brook­lyn, on “ The Boyal A rcanum .” D uring Ibe tutermlealon th e m embere o f the cooncll were •nJled Into an ante-rooin a o d Paet Hegarit Cbartee H tarrwae preeented by th e Council w ith a Pa.1 llegcufe badge a rt w ith d la . aoD da, ra lued a t more th an T h e p r*•eu ta tlon ipeech wa* m ade by I’aet Urauo B egent McDowell. The a llk lr waa a com- pla te aurprlaa to M r.H la rran d l tw » a w tw dllBculty th a t be found w ord , to y e e ^ n d . Mr. Mlarr wae the regent o f the (J u n - o>I laat year, and th rough h u eienjum a th e lodge m ad e lti greatcetgaln la m em bki“ ab lp In one year.

The Eaet Orange Board o f H ealth mot ia i t


IQB a i a H k

C o r . I N T e w .



n igh t, but t ra n u c te d little buelnen .The Her. A. B. Kettdlg, the tww p a itn r of

c a lv a ry M. K. Church. lA el Orange, and hie wife were tendered a reception by the congre­gation laat night. I t wae held In the chapel • u d wae largely a ttended by membere.

The Imen'e gyiunaetlo claaa of th e Yourig^ M en’e Cbriatlan AenoclaUun of Orange held 1 1 1 annuel eon ipe tltl« i for atcoclatton recorde laat n ig h t OompetlUve w ork wa* done on th e parallel bare, ho rlion tal bara and horee and w ith dutnbbelli and Ind ian club*. There were three Judgve bu t the reeulte will not be announced un til to-m orrow night, when a gym naetlcexlilh ltlon will be f lT tn la Muaio H all.

The concert given In the chapel of Hlllelde Ptrebylerlan Church, Oraage Valley, laat Bight, by the Columbia College Glee, Banjo and Mandolin olube waa attended by an au­dience that hllcd the building. The Uli-e Club u n g a m a rc b ln g Ming, " The Cannibal Idyle," “ IlCRiiniicenue of the South," “ They Kliied.’* “ Wlrntly They Steal A w ay” and “ Coluiabta Medley." The Banjo Club played "Oondollmi,” ■’Oolnmbla BebotUaebe ” and “ l a «w Valley.” The Mandnl In Club played tha Interoiao from ’’ Ckvallerla Huitlcana,"“ Loo la du H a l" and “ Kvcnlng S ta r,’’.from " Taaobauaer.” H r. W alker and th e Glee C lu b ia n t“ l>u*hnenl Cloud! A w ay." Each m iniber wa* encored. The concert waa given under the au.plcca of the laullea’Ald Society, and it netted over CM) for tbe furnlablug fund oftbeoburcta.). MeCanU Stewart, of New York, will lecture on “ Fim iiy Saj'liigs of Kunny People ’’ In Cal­v a ry B uptl.t ClitiiTh, Eaal Orange, to-night. Hlaa Alice M. F rank lin w lllalao give humur- ooa and dram atic reading..

The David A. Boll Battery of Orange will hold a meeting to ParklnMin d Allrertwm'. olBoi, Wa.hlngCrii .treet, to-night, to reor- gan lte for the coming campaign.

The young I-adlea’ A iixlllary of Ihc Orange W . 0. T. U. will g lveaconcert In Union H all Uenlghl. >I1« Ainy W ard M urray will aliig, Mlai Lilly Wood, of Now York, will give reci­tation* ; M in Thorp will play th* violin and tbe Baidu Club of Oranga will play.

The funeral of John Snyder, of Oranga, who d W Tuesday m orning, took plane from hla la te retldeuoa a t 3 o’clock ynU 'rday after­noon.

Th-morrow afternoon th e H ue ball team of tbeO range .dlhletlu Club will play I t . f tr .t game of th e neaaon on tbe oval. I t. oppuncnl* being tba New York A lbletle Club. Tha Orange club will play lU ojienlng gam e oo Ita IKW ground*, corner of Lincoln an d Central avenue*, again .! the Acmes, of Brooklyn. T heW eet Orange Stars will play tb e How­ard*, of Newark, a t t ’allcy road and P a rk avenue.

Clan Drum m ond «1,0. S. C., of Orange, gave a conoert and dance In the itcrroaii-K ngll.h Beboul Hell last night. Before thi- an 'air the m em ber, held a short iwradp on M aln itreet, headed by hagpliaw. The pm gm m ineor the concert oon .t.ted o f tk-olch n lr . on bagpipe, by Mr. M wDunuld, Uto by Meerr*. M illar, Ifodgcr* a nd Young, iviiig. by J. Blloble, Mr*. Bcott, J . I - M illar, Mr*. Mlli'licll, Mlwi GrUren. M r. Young, W, Baxter, .Mr, H unter, Hcilch dan ce , by W, G utlirle, and humoroti* rw lla . tlona by U. W . GonUm, The enneert idoaed w ith tbe »Uiglng o f " .\n ld I ang Sync” by Ihc audience. The floor wa* then cleared for dancing, o n the order were acvcral Scutch dance*.

T be W est Orange T ow uihlp CominlUee will m eet to-olght.I A aalnan l Im peclor (T ia rl« Battonwood, of th e P i n t Brigade, will tnipcct the T h ird B attalion, o f Oranga, on M onday evening, H ay 3.

T ha trustee* o f School D istrict 3», o f W est Orange, have elected Jo h n J . K enucy a* die- tr ic t clerk and George B. S tag ! a* chairm an .

T he Central P m b y ta r ian Church of Orange ha* re-elected B enjam in Dougla*. J r ., H . M urray E lchm ond and C harle t K, Kn»iBD Batnirtee*tor throe ycara. The new tHMfd of truttcc* liaa elected C. G. Alford a i president, C. K. Kn«lgn a* ttw isurer and Ben- ja tm n Dougla., J r . a* •rcrciary .

Jam es Neagie, o f Orange, is o u t wiHt a ebat- Icnge to ru n Jam aa Clarkson athrea-m lle race to r a purae oflfiO. ___________

A C haaca fo r a n B xacutiun F rom Ibe Detroit Free Pree* ;-* U r. De Inm othe, Iba G overnor o f Senegal, I* In a dljcm m a. H e ha* several c rlm lnali on hi* h a n d , aw aiting capital puniihm cnt. W han hi* w orkm en tried to put tho gutUutIue In order tliey found th a t, owing to It* long dIsUM), It wa* In a very bad way, and It broka dow neum pletely d u rin g a “ rehearsal.” Then tb a Governor looked uroim d for an execution­er, aud could find no on* who w ould volun­tee r to work tho defective m achine. He has written. l4i tbe Ooloulat nfllne lu Far!., requrol- Ing the loan of an executluncr who kuuw* lit* busliHS., a itd of a Well regulated .guillotine Tbe under secretary of the colonic* did not

. bapueu to have a *upply of the v altialilo oum- mmillle* on hand; and nut)Bed to tb a M inister o f Justice. I t U expeotod th ill one of th e a .- .IMaut cxeciilloncra In P u r l, and Ihcrei-ond lH»t gullluUua lu stock w ill be ihlpiw d to Urltcgal.



MATTRESSES,Straw, Eicelslor, Husk, Fibre, Japuese fialr,


Hava Yonr Bedding Made New wbere it will be done right for TEN CENTS PER POUND. New Ticks Fflrnisbed.

J .G .tD e G iird y & C o593 AND 693 BROAD S TR EET.

B »




Sir ValUM In Ladles’ Jackots Htid Capes.

We a n selling out our entire itoek at away-dnwn price*. We give a few quota­tion*. I t will pay you well to give ue a call.1/idles’ AU'WOol Jackets,IJke rut. In black and colored cloth, bound .cams, tailor made, usually sold at t>, to-morrow Ba-es.

Ladies’ Cloth Capes.L a d i e s ’ A l l - w o o l C l o t k C a p e s ,

do Inches long, plalU In back, Medtel oob IftT pdg«d w ith nl1k floM Rnd Kllk rord And

ref. prlo* •6.7fi> t4><moiTuw Aa.TA.

C lilld reu ’s A ll-w o o l J a c k e t s ,In navy blue, with gilt button* and anchor ornamcnls on tho collar, .Ire 8 and ID year., uiually aold a t tl.UO, to-morrow Tdc.

Fancy Goods Speciakladle.* Mnilton length Bnerte Moutquetalra

Kid Glove, m fancy shades, Ian., light gray, and black*, n-g. price tiJW, al S I. 19 pair.

Hiwclal lot of It. A G. and W. 11. tnrset* In white and drab (.lightly aemud*), reg. price 75c. and II, to-morrow only BBc. a pair.

Men'. Tack and Vuttr-ln-band Bcurf., very latest coloring*, (iOe. goods, a t hto. each.

Lakes’ Fancy Burah and China Bilk Tie*, with I’olnt dn Irolande lace, all color*, reg. price Tuc., fur SUe. each.

Dry Goods Specials.M-loeb Bleck raU le F nnca lse , superior

qnallly , w arrauled pur* s ilk an d to wror, ad- vsrtisM by other* a* a g rea t bargain a t 11.11, onr iirtiv only #Sc. a yard .

IH-lneh P rin ted In d ia Bilk, choicest design* and colortngH, very best quality , real value 11, one ilros* p a tte rn on ly to each customer, a t fl»c. a .varil. , , . .

All our 15c. B lai'k AH-wool U enrIetU Cloth a t kOc. a yard,

to-lncb Wool C heviot Bulling*, sum m er weight, choice style* an d cutorliigi, Vie. value, ut k lc . a yard.

Huperlor ciuattlv All-wool Twilled L lam a Suitings In all the leading shade*, reg. price 9bc. a t l e r . a yard .

as-lneh Wool K eorle tta , very floe tw ill, all oolors and b1uck,rei. price *Uc,, a t Site, a yard.

Balance or St Wool Tricot ('loth* In darkravsaiid brown on ly , m anuracturer'a price1)^., and never sold lee* th an 75c„ a t Stm. a


STEIN & BLAU,1 9 6 ,1 9 8 Springfield Ave.TO-M ORROW ! TO-MORROW I ,

We will rom nience to oocupy n ex t store, HO. *00 S P B I N O F I^ D AVfc, an ad d lllo iin f l.liW square IH t to ou r prew-wit . to re a Tu eom niem orutc thl* event w* will aell during the week, com m encing Mouday, M ay 2, tollowUig apeclal bargalna 1 _


1 5783 Broad Street.

SATUESiY BIG BATgaI IS I9 to 12 Only.

A big business is what want, and not big profits. Will prove it to you if you come to­morrow.

175 pairs of our regular $3.00 Pants at $1.75. Only one pat­tern in this lot, but they are hummers. A neat plaid, suit­able for any gentleman to wear.

Spring Overcoats— we'll let them go at $6.90 for the choice. Regular price $10, $12, $13.50. We mean to close out a lot of Spring Overcoats to-morrow if price will do it.


Tard-fide Froit of Loom lod . DilAbt Anchor lasltns,

7yie, y a r d .All day , If they last,

P. 4 P. Kid Giores. •A l tbe tnaiitifilcturori ol the above Olovee

refuse to le t u« have any murcy saoept we leU them the eatno m the ir o ther egpnt to tUU city, we Rhall iH l w ha t we have. oOO p tir f , oU ■jaee, Id Uray, I ^ n and Black, a t

75 EoAlisb Boxcoats,Uatf-llned with *Uk, In Tun and Black oalyJ

« 4 . » S jitiJiaJ

85c . p a i r .Bold by th e ir o ther agent , and wa guar-

antcc every polr o r nione.v refunded. GET TH K H BISW k ETHKY A ltE GONK.

Conots.U6 p a in In W btte and Drab,46 c . p a i r .

Onr regular 75c. quality .

W orth 1

Misses' Reelers,In T an aud Blue, handsom ely trim m ed w “ hi


Bold all over a t tl-H S

In AU-woul M ixed Chavlota, srell mado,

150 piece*

Dress GlnAbuns, $ 1.98,8 ^ c . y a r d .Our regular quality.

W orth c u q ^

150 All-wool

Black Cheilot Reefers,$ 1.9 8 .Kcfulmr

IQO AU-vool

CbeYiot Reefers,In Tan, G ray a n d Blue, w ith pearl buttooa,

$ 8 .4 0 .Reduced from 95-00.

G naraotaod FaiUblack,

17 cts.,Worth 30 f

New patterna. a t *0 . p e r roll, » o*. f t ------------------------------

797 BROAD STREET. Cash or Credit.per roU*old Paper, handiHunf dpslfua, 6c. pci

Rich cfn«U of Oold Embtwkca Paper. i-«c. p er rolU Thera prlcM ^ I d good oaiy tor THib W E£K.

WINDOW SHADES. WINDOW SHADES,F rlrigM HliaJew, lu o u n tM o n ^ p r i t ig rollerw, p re t t i ly deoorat^<*i a t 95c. e a c h .Fancy fringed one doli&r Ijlncti Hhaow, aU t-olorw, i ‘Klcgant line of dt'ournted tipnnuo Uhado«, now a t 6M«. KollaiHl Hhadw, ujounted on bert rolKri. 19c. Tlll->iK FHU EH AKK o n l y KOH TlUtt WEKK.

, now a t T6e. eocli.slcga

fc arberry Curialu Pidf*e with cuoipTcte broia trlm m lngi, complete. PoUrlicd wUh <*oniplcte wt of fancy trlmmJngH, 19c.Awb Wood ToIcsn, with ir lin m ti^ to match, complete, Wc,Very Hrje npun trimmings and PoUwbed l*olc, complete. 89c.The fliTcrt «»l oftTirteln Pole FIxtAiTci* complete, ut 6Be.

BERRY & CO.*pavorite Clothing Co.,


FroM vctUhule Itodlng, si L tc . jwr foot.('herry KnariiehKl Picture MouIuIitr, 51 l-«c. per foot. __ t h e b e riU t'EB ARE GOOD FOH THIS \S ELK G SIA ,

- a t THEIB NEW STAND-------

All Colon Faint, In 1 lb, boim , 10c. per lb.

THE f a ir .& B I aR O ,

1 9 6 * 1 9 8 * 2 0 0 S P R I I V G F I E L D A V E .STEIH

T h e N e w s <3 0 ,0 0 0 C IR C IILA T IO K

prirta t •9os I

yard, or full drew iHilU ris of & yairli, worth •3.70* a t 81.45.

DAVID STRAUS.S39-637 B road S t„ oor. New,


MEN’S FDRNISHING DEP'T.New Spring Neckwear, Tecks

and Four-in-hands at 4^c. each.

Four-ply All-linen Collars, all the latest styles, i^c. each, 2 fo r 2yc.

Four-My All-lmen Cuffs, i$c, ana 2 cc. pair.

Suspenders, Handkerchiefs Half-hose in great variety, at lowest prices.

A h Elegant assortment o f


U1-U3 MARKET ST.,The I /» d e n of Newark In

6 8 7 B ro idRo braoch of edacation yields bet­

ter resalts for the study tlioD it than Domestic ScieDce. I t is a fine ac­complishment to know h o i to make good bread, and an equally desirable one to know bov to make tood coffee. It is entirely practicable to hare coffee good every time it is made, and like most other thinffs, is perfectly easy when yon know ho f. **Ion can’t make a silk parse ont of a so i 's ear," neither can yon make (ood coffee flthont good m aterial; and that brings os to tbe point ol this notice, which is, that it is oor special bnsl- ness and constant care to have always in stock the choicest coffee that can be procured, and to sopply oor pa­trons with it in tbe way that best soils them.

T . M. WARD.

N O . 2 S 8 M A R K E T S T R E E T .S p e c ia l B a r g a i u s f o r O p e n i n g D a y . \V © a r e t h e l o w e s t - p r i c e d

a u d m u s t r e l i a b l e

Clothing Credit House in N ew ark!O u r p r i c e s a r e lo w a n d o u r g o o d s a r e a l l r e l i a b l e . W e I n v i te a

c a l l f o r a n I n s p e c t i o n o f s t o c k .

ViiXiH n<rfl()Ct iM tt UIUb nhortof waileide. Th« CtiUstMiAunxccM of a uegLnx'Um] <’old am too Widl ianoM'B !o jifwd rcpeniInK. 9r. Wotnr# Nor­way Wyrup cunai a cough promptly. Kulil hy all dealori uu a guaruatoee of »aitHhu> lion.—Adv^_____ _ *

A woman wbo Is w«nlc. nervous and stc«|> kCM, and wbo has cold himds am i feet, run not frc|*and oet Uko a w«’ll person. Curb r's Iron PlllH equalise the rlrculaiion, reiuovo uervouuaews amt give strerngth and ivau^Adv*



Double Table Damasl;,IN lengths rilOM 1 YARD TO 4 VAHDS, WILL BK BOl.I) 'FULLY

50 PER CENT.BEtjOW r e a l VALrE.

BouMkeepora* aticntton in rsllsd lo thitro-luarkuble oflbr.SEE OTHER BARGAINS, PAGE S.


GIRLS.I lud tltr«« little git I*

wbo were attnckeil with obstinnte K CZK M A nr Blood Trouble, which at

tlret rcseniblrd heat, bnt anon grew to yellow blisters, aonool' them qaite large.

.One of the children died from the effocia tH it, but we got RwitY* Bpet'iilc and gave to the o^er two and they noon cot woll. R. B.l9, forced, nut the poiaon pcomptlv. The cure wae wonderfhl.

J. P. KAINR, Marlbavitle, Ia . has no rqnai for Children. I t relievea tbe ivstem promptly,

and nature ih dereloping tb*child’* hfalth. Onr Treatlee mailed free. SWIFT Sl’KCirtC CO., Atlanta, Ga.

s. s. s.:


—AWD- $ 1 . 6 0EnUtle* you to 1 volume of wide-

margin edition of


eleirantly bonnd In a rich illk rlolb. ai of throe ooupon* and t i « lit entitle you to rtixtlve li vol- umni each iuuutta.

W a f f i f u a " - — •

Mew Water Supply Co«taBilnaUonB,Jb Ihe xettor a) (A* A>«v

Hia—An iirticle apprarod In tbe Newark AdreHlitr on Monday In n-gard to our water supply wriittm by Interroted parltro, who had goiMover the works. They repurtadihat they bad found everything In (InUdnss order «x- (vpt a uulsanee that existed a t the hrldge Just below Newfoundland, a t Mr. Wlae'i ulaoe. That the people mo«t Interested may know Just what the uiiiaanoe ronslst* of, I will state that Mr. Wtae haa a barn, which 1* also onou. pled as atable for flvo bone*, t be mamire from the **1110 tx-lng throw n a t the rear, the wa»h from which riaptle* Into the tlream. Just bi-luw the bunt I* a water cloeet that Mr. Wife told th e writer they never had to clean, aa, In time of fteshrl, tt wa* lluihed out by the high water. Of coiirNC, If we did not kuow ol *uch Ihlugs existing It would not tie *o bad. Bnt when we do know them to exist It would seem that some itep* should be devised lu remedy them, upeulally as It la extieided we are to have pure water, and God only knovrs we have got to pay enough for It, and, pray, let ua have It aa pure

possible. By giving this notice through your papi'i, Juit a t this time when tbe water li In he turned Over to tbe olty, you will very much oblige a taxpayer of the same.

Y'onn respectfully,J . W. UOLBKAll, U7 Garilde street.

N. B,—Tbiae thing* are right along the pub­lic toad; they do not have to be hunted for,

.foc. to $S-75 each.Our Own Make" While Dress Shirts at ^^c., 6^c., / each.

{Special price by ihe half­doze nl)

Guaranteed lode the best that can be produced fo r 'th e price. ,

In M ens Undenvear we have all weights, and at prices that will suit every one.

776,727, 729 BROID ST.

A New Shoe [ndorsedBy Over 20,000 Ladies in BostOB.

-T H B -

r a m O N iU IISTA BlV .PITS Itke a glove.

. KVFASD* wltb every r! motion of the foot, thu*

giving solid i 'OMFgKT. r Alwavs relHluallsihapc-

I’UKVKNTS dii«(pnc«* p, Olid ro/d/erf. I* equal In S BpiaMrunro lo the very r fliieat imikes. fi KMLTFVpyt Oim*. Bim-C fcms.T'emJrrondrii'rdi.'rof., One width narrower

it worn,K LADIItS desiring a 2 more AfpHj/i, fbaderfoWs * mid Dwrutfs fiter t nni! any O lliey have ever worn, ’/, slumld try the

Are now showing Ihelargcst andbe*t nasorted line of GtiGTIIINGever seen by Iheneopleof Newark for Men, Youths, Boy* and Children, a t prioro th a t will astonish you. These goods are all cut on tho latest approved patterns and aro Gl'AH A NTEED TO n T , a* they are made by Al Talloncmiy,


HATSTHnw <Ud 7our loot b i t tam outT Did it

change kti color? If io,TAV U8.

O u r $ 2 H a tiNfuaraBtiNvd td w r n rhiaffey and wc hav« fhfm In all 9 ‘a atylc* and dlfTcrouV

I $hadf«. Our Vounf Hen^a Hat at |l*25 cau^t bo brat. i

Ko One 1$ Cemplete Vithoat a liecktle.5Ve have them In Ihillk, Teeks, KouP-ln-

hands and Aseots, our own designs, a t 50c. TbU line we hsad the trade on.

$150 A LOT,$10 Casb, B alaiic: | l a WceE

ATHAW'raOBNE HEIGHTS.M’nteh for the great display advertisement

In Haturdny’* Issue. Only a few leA

Map* aud circular*.W . Ht M O F P IT T ,SOOBBOAPHT.*

WHAT SORTi.siiOF'*-’

PerfecGon Arljnslahle.CosaoMPATKD Hiioe Co

Manuf’rs, Lynn, Maas. For Mole In Newark hy

Herman llol*. iSM Market «l.; R Heyman, SI5-XJD Hpringtield ave.; IL Ikiruitelii, 4TJ Broad st.

Tba MhayUst c a t.JT'PW5ai»realetf«ISV/oreats" ei> "fo lsf"

or teoaf Ut puraSan or.lof .'reaf eiliue, peaeiia

Iyliul a t wM* marhu rgJkcM In lAt “ ffsiss’* "

$1 A W K K K .

D R E S S SH IR T S.We are oth-rlng the largest assortment ever ■eii, a l ILM. Plain, P. K., Plnlted and Em­

broidered Bosoms. Bold Uironghout Newark a t 91 .H5.

N. II.—Ourstoek being all new, Is later than shown ebewbere.

P o k s Do You Weal?

2 S 8 M a r l^ e t S t r e e t , F o r m e r l y 2 0 3 .


M cM R N O S B R O S .,F U B N IX U B E A N D C A B P E T S ,


BEDROOM SUITSof th* elganeit ttook, th* bait p itterni, the largett variety In th* city e f Ntwirkw

PARLOR SUITSfrem the modeet Haircloth to th* finest ov*r-*tiiir*d Brocitelle. One hundred tW

ohooe* from, errsnged In alilee, on one lerfie well-ventilated end well-ll|ht*4floor.

CARPETS.Yoi|Well, tho FACT that wo eold 6,000 yarda In four week* epeaki ^lumat,

wont find in old pattern in th* one thouaind roll* you may teleot from.

SIDEBOARDS.A msBolfloent array, placed elds by side, In 11 woodi. Price* from $10.00 upwardq

BEDDING.W* ere th* only furniture houae In the olty thet manufiotur* theirbwn bedding *n4

that hat a renovating maohina for steam dressing fcether*. We will mike ovep Hair Mettr***** » * ' — ■‘ lOr make up any kind of Msttre**** or B*d<| you may naed to your own order.

W* will ohesrflilly show you through our building, whether you buy or no^ Elevator to every floor.


in and 113 Market St,Cor. WMhlngton, Newark, N. J.

A.'KHt'UE5gEI.DKa. -— 1). F pb th .


spring Suits for men of onr own mannfactnre range in price from 112 to $25. Between these two figures yon will be sure to find exactly the style, quality, pattern and fit that yon prefer,


807, 809, 811 and 813 Broad St

T$ 1 0 . 0 0 .................. $ 1 . 0 0 d o w n a u d $ 1 .0 0 w e e k ly f l$ 2 5 . 0 0 . . . ..............$ 3 . 0 0 d o w n n n d $ 1 .0 0 w e « k 1 ^$ 5 0 . 0 0 ..................$ .1 .0 0 d o w n n o d $ 1 .0 0 w e e k l y$ 7 5 . 0 0 .................0 7 . 5 0 d o w n te n d $ 1 .5 0 w e n k l

■ $10 0 .0 0 .......$10 .0 0 d o w n a u d $ 1.50 week! $

MCMANUS BROS.,Furniture, Oerpeti, Matting, Oilcloth, Linoleum, Range* and Kitchen Uteinlla,

Refrigerator*, Reby Carriegee, Eto.,


Changes in Prices-A T -

b u y e r ^ N tlU c o n t l u ^ . W e U a v o TO tfiC TUffiRrS Of NCf ftflt, a f e w le f tg o i i l j

$160. $200, $250 a lot,ON "’ERMS no OANir, B.VLANCE


Watch for lb* groat dlspla; advertltentrnt tu Satiinlav’a Irouc.

Mapa ana clirulurs.


Tlir imilcrslgned vroiild lake the liberty of Infurntlng the Turnoraof the city at Newark that b«;ii prepared to furnish them with compk’ie Ouint* ai;v*ry roa»oiiatile prloct, or any article necrosary for tbat purpose.

8. Heyman,' VSqp ■t-y fi- »t


B o a -au V B U lG n s U )'i I

$150 A LOT;$1(1 Casli, B a l m $1 it M ,


Wfttcbfor Ihe great flisplay advcrllifiBient lo tIatnrUay’a tame. Only a few left.

Map* anilelroalart.

f UiLMI H. lOFFin.

SCHEUER’8.We are pleased to Inform lour patron* end

the pabllc that we have nduvcd tha prleea of the foltowlog article! i

Vary Beat Klgin Craameiy Butter, ffo lb. Very BeM Mlnneaota Fancy Patent Flour,

IS.iSqperbbl. .New French Prune*, 9c., 9 lb*. »c.New Currant*, Sc., 4 lbs. Hie.-New Kvaporaied AprteaUi, IBe., 1 Ibi. ISe,New Mneoatel naliliw, Be., I lb*, kic.Routb OiPOllaa Klee, To., 4 Ihi. 96a,0 lb. Fall* aaaorted Jelly, zro.

8 .8CHEUER,7 3 0 B rofifi S tre e t .

$1 A W £ i :k .T h e r e la n o i t o p ; t h e t i d e o f i

b(iT4>rii n t l l l c o n t i n u e s . W e h « Y $ ‘ u f e w l e f t , o n ly

$160, $200, $2S0*a lot,ON TERMS |W CASH, BALANCE

W £E±.

W aleh for the great display adverllroraMfo In Hoturday’* bwiie. ^

Mapa auu etroulara.

W . H. M OFFITT,800 Broad st,


P r i n t i n g


l u u m i u i U i



\SilTBr Tweed Ihm the Mine to the Bland Dollar.


lh« M rlttl ift W o rk fd i i id H ow th* C oliit o ra KCruek O ff-K lolioriit* P r e c in - UoB> AcBlBit W oaU o r T I» f t- l* o « c r ru l B U eh luo t Hnd UellcaUi S c a lri.

V rsm th« I'bltadoIpblB Pm ii.Ouee a ?eln of allvcr 1» t in w orkln*

Df I t b ^ l n i In a p rarlliiil wiiy, A abaft U OrlTCD anil followatbe vtliiB n r pay atroaha,Ib e ore la bolaUtd to Iho aiirihre bym aolilii- rry, If a rlcb com inny la o |iera tliic R : If not, i)y hand or luulo ixiwor. The ore la tnkeii to Ulio alam p m il la n d aioeltiT, where th e m iab-

I n g uhd aein ratlug tnke p lare. Frefiiuu lly 'Ib u ore la ahtpped tliouannda of nillea to ’•m eltin g furnaeea where R la red need an d run anil} brieke or bnra.

The iiilu l in I’lillndelphla rerelvea rutiKlgn-. %nenU/)f a llre r brh'ka from O niaba, Kaiiana C ity , Newark fK/dward Halbaeli A Run), I’llta- b u rg an d t'h leag o . Theae a llre r brlnka weigh • b o u t aereiity ponndaeaeh. an d ,ro u g h ly eatl- n a t n l , are w orth tl,0n> enrh. Tim ekprraa n n o p an lead e lle e r theni to tlm inlllt, where th ey a re atored nn tlt ready fur the inliilh ig j Jinu’eaa.

T h a l 'n lle il RIatea Mint In Ihia e ily la th e .lairent tnatlliillim of lla kind In the I'tilti'd nttatea. In nii old aeeoimi liook nf IWJ llu* • n m o f aeven ahlilliiga nndalx iKoieewaa erirt- d te d to th e aule of aunie old lunti rlal In Iho Ibu lld inxw hirh oeeiipled th e a tten f Ihefln it 4 u ln t ,a n d Ihla am ount H r. llItteiiliunM), dl. beeto r of the m int, o rdered ahonid he laid out fo r punrli, to be d ru n k iu enuiieetlon w llh llie vereinony of lay ing the foundiillon atone, 'w hlehw aa aeeordingly done on Ju ly HI, ITirj. The ftrat eolni alru rk in the m in t were h a lf

ellir,e«. Id fietulwr, i m I 'I 'b ereare liH lay about fJdO.Onn.llOfl worth ol c o ld and silver hnlllou and eoln atored hi the VHiilla of th e m int, Tlila litiHlnii la In the bim pe of hrleki,,nw,(U) worth o f silver brhdia being atored dlreetly u n d er the rie lu n d a and portlro on the t'lii’nliull anvet Vmnl. Tbe gold la atored on the llrat diair In unaaalve lire and hurglnr pnaif wifea. All to ld T herenre 55,000hara, o r l,il7UU>uHiif silver In tb e vaults.

T he greatest preeanllona a re lukeu h y llie T iovem m eut In pmti'etliig lla In iisiire. I ’p I n th e treat end of the aeisind flisir eorrldor, inenr the entm nre to the uhui.v olllie, la ii mek dllled wIlhMprlngfleld rlllea, Foiirtien wiileh- 'm en, fully arm ed, and In ehiirge nffiiiiliilti Jo rd a n , are aeiittend IhniUKli the liulldliig every night, t'pon every viuiH diair there are tw o ioeka. The laiinblniitlon of one la held h r The enalodlaii, who tepresi’iits the Siua-rlii- te iidonl, f'olonel Hoaliyslii'H, noil I he o ther eom hlnatlint ta In the taosi-aaiim iifn rep n '- aa'idatlva of the t'liili-d KliiFes tlovertiinent. Thus It la iiniaiaallile for iiny viiiilt to la ojieded iihleaa both enatoillniia nre present.

W hen silver hi bnik la hrouglil In the m in t d tia a lo re d In the hnllloe. viiiilla iinil tiitieii j •lilt ns requireil by the elilef melt, r. Kvi-ry j tm ro f illver or gold la Kliiiii)a'd soltiiil It la ja issjh ie to Identify (he eoiieiTn fm ln ii hleli 'll was pUTtdlusl'd. I'm lll the edge o rilvo slilea aif the bar or hrlek there mv ehl|iiaal sm all Iiliees, weighing ulnuit oiiiM inarler o f nil •iiiiiee, whieh nre luken lo llie iissuy tlejairl. uieiil anil tested.

The (Irsl priaavis in the ilevelopnieiil of n dotlHr Is witnessed In llie inelling-riaini a 1 Hie m in i, agrln iy-lhoklng plnis’, uhe iv riii'mi<-ea Ttiisli nnd glow nntl nm r anil whi-i’e liny H iairkarlsr In llery showers toivanl. Mu’ lim ey Vaulted riKif, To prolH'1 Ills hands rrolli Hie h o t m etal every w orkm an here wian-s great lilg rurfM’t glovi’s, eoveivd on I he onl-.lilr u iMi a ’aiiYiis, mill lixiking for all Hie woelil like la,.v> Ing milieus.

The llfair of th is n s ,m is eoven-d wIMian Iron grating In hoiieyisimh juitlern. wlileh Hela as a false lliKrr mill a seinisw to eleiin olf Huy lairlleles of pna-tous iiu-inl tliid iiiiiy ad liere lo llipanlia o l th e shiHS. of tin- nnrliiiii n. Kvery iijghl this gm ilng is llfleil ami Hie d lil from Hieretiieid door la-low Is swep! n p n n d burned 111 a fiironei’and Hie pria’Ioiis nsiitlu,, anved, M llverand giilil lo ih e v a ln e iif n laait K*l la ilnlly gnlliervd from th is ridnsi'. The employes In fills rtaim eliiinge tlieir eloihtiig un i'utiiliig (o work, and every six iimntlis or S-.I the sJiop elolhi's, eiips. glovm, nnd Isaits • l id s^^oeaare iuirnerl, T lm nnim inl of m etal tb n n d jn eu eh su it v a rim fro m ha lf an oiniia- tu o n e 'a n d a Iw lf omiei'a. Tlie vnlue o f llie sweepliigf In the m in t lire w orth femn tSI.dai to $115,(1110 aiinimlly.

The silver Is iiie lte j In erneihles whieli are net In luniaeen and Iniilo 'il nrmiiid wlili glowing eonls, Kgeh enielhle will hold ahniil 5..500 m nieeaof m etel, whieh Is mellial In heiit Ilf Ihm i l.tlOn to 2,«i* di-gria* hitetisity. W hen tlie sliver Is pliusHi In tlu-seemelhlisi th e lop of the nielusl mass isn > v en stw h h cliansial, to prevent 11 fniiii oxlillsliig by ism- tu e t w ith till- atinnspliere.

A ladle holding iihoiit iM-vetily omiees of m olten lilver is usa-d to en ip ly the erin-lliles. By u quiek tu rn of Ills wrist Hie muu on w hom th is duty devolves throw s aside the eliureonl, |>oftn)na o f wbleh tly upw anl lii weloud o f sparks, liriaii Imlh-ful o f theiiie tiil ab d , m aking a Iv lf I o rb lo th e left, [suirs It In to m onids, where It liikea l he fornt of Ingots, weighing alHUit thtrly-llve oums's n ieh. Knell Inoiild laao iaa is trne te iliifs tis 'lihH l It run lie taken ap art In an Instant. Tlie Ingot Is then th row n u|ion a long table, tin- nimild Is grPaaed w ith lard, fiisteiii-il tofti-llier again an d la ready forniiiUla'i pmirlng. Thehlii?.- la g hot bare on the table a re w-lxed with a p a ir of tonga hy ano ther w orkm an anil plangod Into a ha th o f w ater an d anlphurie acid, where they are euole,!.

They a re now taken to a ts-e<iiid tahle.whepe th ey are atamped with the mniila-r o f Hia m e lt by a m an who does th e work by hiiod w itb th e a ld o fa iu u u lK -ro f steel stam pa ainl a hammer*. A powerful in ir of aliefim, iqe prated by m aehlnery, hlp-a n ir the rough uppere iid of eneli Ingot, after ivliieli It Is ptuHOd to the lllera, who file o ft the rnugli edgea. The tailings in the filer's box iiniom it In value to from $50 to $100 ii Uny. The Ingola a ra now amooth, white Imrs, a tam t twelve Inehaa king, ha lf an Inch Ihlek, and fW>m oua to two and a ha lf Ineliea In hnaiilHi.

B ut they are not pure silver. They are eoln Bilver, whieh m eans Hint In every 1,1X10 oiiimsvi there a re 000 ouneea of stiver and WO imiiees of ooppar. The laUer la the only alloy, beyond n trace o f silver In the gold, allowed. .The H nr ernm enl teat fill roll! silver dem ands th a t It Bhall nut fall below omiees of silver In Hie 1,000 ouueca of m etal, nor nuire Ikau OOd. The u»it*l range la l«-lween HOH'-t and iWI (parts o f pur# a ltfe r In th e 1(000 purta, the rw iialndar batne aapper.

■A ourlm u th ing about the easting of these allverlogota Is Hint a pltssi of nietiit taken from the eentre of one of them will In th e assay show a higher pereeiitago of silver Ihnii a ptaee ehlp|ied from Hie aide. T he eoolliig I* reaponalble for th is ; the aegregatlim of the m etal («liB*a It In become fluer In the eentre th a n on the edgea. I t follows, ihereftire. th a t aver}’ silver eoln bus purer m etal Hi the ocn- tro than on thn edges, allhongh a streak of flneniMS run* a t some po in t from edge to edge o f tbeoo la .

Ingou b av h w been tested In the assay dJBce, to aaoertain w hetlu-rthe alloy a n d th e silver ore In proper p ro p o rtlo n rd n d If they o n not they are Im niedltttcty retiiriiod to the crudM es and m elted over again—the Ihguta a re tn iiiah .'rrrd io the ro lltng .room . Here they • ro p u t through a net o f mils, nnd the ingot* a re rolled out, then pu t In a .nirnaoa and an­nealed to m nder them losa brittle. The allvcr strips come ou t of th is ODneullng procesa look­ing like noth ing so m neh as a lot o f d irty hooplron In a ml ling m ill. A fter they have been mllod tn a proper degrw o f thickneaa th e strips, wbleh a re now o f tlw w id th ncoetaary to m ake a sliver dollar, a re ra rr led to a very oddstouking mneblna. T he operator lake* one eud of a s trip of illv e r an d stick* It bc- tw o e n « p a lra f m ils ; there Is u Jar, a Jolt and tb e atrip Is slioviid back Into the w orkm an 's batitl, w ith about a ll Inch and a h a lf a t th e end flattened, trim m ed and niuudMl,

The n tsM ilty of lb I* la tte r process Is aeen a m om ent tater S t tbe dm w bench. There a re four o f Ibeae In tb e rolling-room, a n d they re- eoiuhle long table* a t one end o f w hich I* a n Im n te x secured to tbo tabic. In th is eteel box are f l tM tw o sm all perpendicular steel cylinders o r toll*, which a re Just the distance ap a rt Sliat th e thtekness of th s s trip la ra* qulred la be. A amall, movable carriage,

catchM the th in end of the silver 'a trip os It la Ih ru st Ibroogh between th e perpm tdkular ro llt, an d by an sutouiatic m ovem ent a t the lam a tim e retches im the eadlet* chain and dreg* the silver rlhhrtu Ibrough. The BhJ«.l of t h It IH lo “ even o u t" the sliver biiad, ot her- wise It would be th in and th k k In spots, am t som e people would get more m elul lu the ir do lla rs tlian o tbera

Heretofore there he* been no th ing aitg- g n ltv e of eoln of the tra lm In th e pmeevuii-a deacrlbed; the next operalton give* Ihe dollar a dcfliiilesliiipe. I t la Hie eiiHliig maehliie.I t conabitaufB verllral steel punch, w orking In a round hole or m atrix , lu a solid otcel linl ta'hiw. The niiilinn of the iiiiui-li la Im partial by a n eecenlrlc wheel. BeTiIng a a trip of tlia allvcr w ith hla left hnnil. the opcmRir thruata It under th e cutler, and as It siipcareou th e ol her aide grna|ia It with hi* right hand. Tlie n iollun Ilf Uie laiiieli la very rapid, and there iH acotiH iiiiouaellnfcnfrolo dro^nilng In to a box below aa the machliie w orks w ith mi- c realn treg u lar ily . The eniwelty of the n itti- r In n p i^ tk in on quarter dnlhira, hy actual count, la aen-nlyd wo quarter* In leu aecoiiila.

G reat aklll Is deiiiqiiilcd of the m an who ftperiilea this. Aliy iinatendy nwiveiiieiit of the iqieralor’* haiiil, any failure to m ove the s trip III iinlaou wHli llin ni-tliHi o f Hie punch, reaulls 111 II hrauHfal arm y of crean-nt*, th n v - quarli-r-round and Imlfwiit coin*, a ll of w hich niiiat he melted over again.

The nex t prorcaa revealaa aecrel; betrays ra lh c ru piqmltirdcUialon, I tlaw h a t Isknow n aa putlliq; a iuIIIihI lalge on the pinneheta. Tbe gene rat piihllo n g a rd th e corrugated edges I l f dlniiai aud quarters and half-dollara a a ih e "nHI11ng"nn Hie coin, Nol so. T he m illing laalnqily the raised nige on the piece; the eorrugalloiilaw hiil 1« known iia lh e“ recd- Ing." The mllh'il edge la (iiil on by a very aliiqile. but ainurt llUle mneliliie iipm iteil hy a young lady. The em bryo coin o r planeliets, a* they iireealled, a re fill Into th em eeh ln eh y Hie luimirtil tVniiigh an uprigh t eyltiidi r. The plniu'heta drop Into a groove In a ra |dd- reviilviug wheel. The dlaiaiiee helw w u thie wheel o r disk and tlw aisc of the m nehlne la a trlHe li-aathaii the dIaiiiHer of Hie eoln, so tn th e revolution, before the planchet I* dm pped in lo n box lielow, t he edgea are forced up, th u a funn ing th e milted edge.

All Iheao emhryiitle eolna a re ns black s* y o u r hat. There la none oT Ihe g lltie ra n d aoftiieas alxHit them th a t la an eonaplcuuu* In Ihi’ Uiilaliivl plivj. The silver laoxidlseil.iiiidII 1* iiiw.vanr.v to liu(Mirt 1 11 It aoiiielhlng of hi'niity ta-fori- the (Inal a lm ke la given, wlilch Will iiiiihe lla fiiec g«*id w herever It goi-a wlHiln the hoiinihir.v I l f your t'lielp rtauiitel'a Nillloiisl dom ain. The niiiiid, iiillled d lakau te now taken by Ihe 111011-1111111 In wiaaleti hoaiw lu ll atoreriaim hi the rear o f lliceoliilngniairl- iiieiil. The aliniMpliere I* flilial w ith q iiie r ixliira uiid la w hite with ateaui and Hie vuiatr ol ni’ida.

One aide of tlilandorirem iia a |u irtm en t la lo-. eiiidial wllli three gient viits, o r tanka, the a lu -o f lialfti liogata-od nnd r tw m h lliig ll In B(>|HVirmiie. AnoHiiT aide la taken up hy a fliriiiiie fi. ,1 w ith wihmI, where th e plaiieliets are eiihjivled to aim amUlier anuenlliig pro- I’t-H*. A big n-iv'|itaele, th e alae and ahu|ie o f nil iivergmw ii diali wtiahliig [mii, I* lientcd ri-d- iiiil mill liilo it la lhmwntl.lXXIaml Hiefiiriiiu'e iliaira are eloaiMt, W hen the lieiit liaa done lla Work—nnd II ta neccaanry to keep atli'rliig thi-n- ilollara hi Hu-illali|ain iiliiioat eiuitliiii. a lly —Hie eonteiila of the rrei-ptiu'le art' fiiiiildiat wlHi II g m il H aller In to u eop|K-r veaael, whieh I* Hflial tiy Idis'k nnd taekle, imd ilrop|H>d Inlo one Ilf Hie Held vala. In a few iiihiidi'M Hie ilirt.v liHir-niilahial i-oluaiiri- lllllli|a’ll mil alllliillg. The Held lui* eillell IIway lill Ihe hltiekiii'sa. Then tlieyure ttim w ii Into a ri.volvhig e>-||iiiler ttlli-il W'llh haHMW’isHl ahuvliigx Iniiii whieli lliey emerge liright anil dry.

iiiiiv more an* Hie.v Iruiidli-il liaek In Inil- lerivl null dlKri'initiihle-liMikiiig wiaaleii taise*I II Hie ivdiilug-naiin. It I* w orth while iio- tlelug Hull all Hie hoxi-a In wlileli eoln o rliiim Hiilalied allviT (ilivi’a are Iriieked fniin one upiirHiieiit lOHiiolher hiiv* Hull su iiieaiitaur-iiiiee. worn,-.(illiileri’il and illvrepiiluhle. It laHI if Hii'lrmuiUHoii wiian aonnv ot (ili’Haiire lo H ieu i; a* mneh sa a.a.vlng to Hie g littering liT ii'iiiv whieh they eurry urouiiil; “ Yon lliink >oii‘re awful (irelty, hill If It u'uviTt for 1 1a Mont, olil d irty duttiTH yon iHiiildiTt l-e whiil .voii mv," ami It's true.

In n large, airy nam i, with ivliite walla and h|* iHi '*.n tliair.v, where Hu- w hirl of wliivla mid Hie alreitly alnike of great eoliiliig inaelihH-a iiiiike a hu.*y hum, the sliver and gold mill eiqiper niiil iilekel e in iiliillng iiiedliimM are atriiek oirHiul p n w il Into a|ia(>e. The I’lillu- ilellihla .Mint works up onl,v gohl ami silver, t'np(>in-mill liieki'l (ih-ees h ir Itie eenis uiid ha lf dlinivi nre (tirnlslieil hy coiilm el by 11 New Knglmid nrm alj ivady for th e Imiirew- alon of 1 1 1C dies.

Before a niln la atm ek there are taken wlinl are known aa pnsif inipnvalona o f the dhe*. Till* la .done In a amiill w-iul-piihlerruneun a ia irln ie iit In tta* aonllinval w iruer o f th e hiiilillng to whieh Hie vlalllng pnhllr la not luluillhal. The ptiHif pud meiliil piras—for lliiyem nieiil iiieilala are iitao sirtiek off in g rea t Im ifnatou-I* of the k ind Ilml wu* tirst iiseil 111 Ihe old 511 lit.

i t I* worked by lever and M-ri.w and hand pttwer.'mid thoiigli Hie (irtav#* taslow mid the iiiaeliinery anHi|iinIi‘i i , ,v e la blow of 2$) Iona (irpsaure can Is- striiek wllli It, MiHlalaoc- ilereil by <'oiigri-** or hy Iho ile)oirluieiiU lit tViislduglon are slrtii'k here. Tin- fonr-liieli tlm til aieiliH of lath, with a very h igh 1 1 10 - dnlHuii, Hie Iunp-s1 ever iiimle' III agoverii- inen t m ini, inine fmiu Ihla (in-ss, and Is-fore It wiiHeoiupii'ti'i] Ihe iiii-iliilllon slih- reiiniri-il llf tj hlnwaoCHie priv-a lo lirtiig It tip propi-rlj .

After the iiroofwolna have lavii s ln ick and foimd aiiHafiii-lor.e, the w ork o feo ln liig S>n> ei Vila. The dies are iiiude o f cast steel, liurd- eiied. A sa general Hiliig the life of a dh- la BiHiat tw o wivka, after wlileli i t I* d lsnirdial and H new uiieaniiallHttt-d.

The dle-pn-HHes, o r coining m nehlnre, are s lio it, squat, and (suideniaa-liHikiiig ntliilra, hu t they work with inarvellmis iiret-lahm nnd luviimcy. Realeil on a chair Is-aldi-each one of these ta a w iiiumicwlm wipiillea llu- mor ch ine wllli thealila lng plmieheta hy iiu’u u a o f an upright liollnw i-ylliidi-r. T he weight of the inelul (divi-a iitiiive fom si th e bottom pleiv Into Hie ehitelii-* Ilf a p a tro f BUtoiiisl ln sh v l arm* wlileli move It forwnril under 1 hi- dlc. Dm-blow'*laiiJ}Js the liii(ire**liui uii tb e idivi-r*!- uUil ivvrrac slili-*, and fliilahea th e en in h y giving It tin- eorrugateil,or, oa It la IKqinlarly mlaimini'd, liiltli-d iHlgi-. Ttu- nex t niiiveini’iit ealehi-a hiioHiit boHoiu eoln, and

plore W ild T im b er L ead .A s i t WM impoHsIbla to i l t a b o u t th e

cam p Are, w o soon oought o u r b la n k o ta I availed m yself o f th e clooo c o m p an y twhich th e unpleoasotneM o f th e d ay com ­pe lled to e x tra c t from Jesam o re som e d esc rip tio n o f th e life led b y th e “ eraio- ere,** to w hich c la si he b e lo h fa d . J k n e w in ^ n e r a l w h s t a o rn tser w as a n d w h a t h e d id , b u t I never before h a d i t a e t o u t in d e ta il by o ne o f them .

A c ru ise r la th e m o d ern lep reaen tsH v e o f th e co u reu r du bo lt, o r ra iig e fs o f th e w ood , w ho roam ed th e se w llda d u rin g th e days D u lu th and L aV eren d ry e w e re lord* o f th e fo rest and F leur-de-ly* a n d th e F re n c h fttr tradera w e re d o m in a n t In th a N ew W o r ld ; b u t w ith th is d ifference th a t th e oonreucs du bote w ore outlaw *. T h e c ru iae r l i a repu tab le c lttaen . ■ T h e buel- neae o f th e cniisera is to lo o k up land e i th e r for tim b e r o r m in e ra l. T h e y c a ll n o m ao niaotcr, b u t h ire thnmiieVvea f o r a t im e to any one w ho Mand* in n eed o f th e i r service. A m an h a s lio u g h t, o r coii- tcm pla tc* buying, a c e r ta in occtlon o f lan d In a c erta in to ^ n and ranfte , a n d he w an ta to k n o w w h a t th e re i» o n H, how m uch tim b e r, e tc . I t i* an easy th in g fo r th e o w n e r to m a rk th e sp o t on th e m ap , b u t he w ould fall u tte rly w e re he to a tte m p t to iden tify i t in th e h e a r t o f th e fo reo t an d to h n d th e four s tak e s p la n te d , p e rh ap s , lo n g ago by th e Q o v em m en l su rveyo rs to Iden tify it* corners.

I f th e ow ner be a w ise m an he does n o t u n d e rta k e th e Journey, b u t r e ta in s a eritl*- e r to do 11 for lilm. T h e c ru ise r la a m an (generally o f A m erican o r Knglbih deaoeiit) ^ u o H lc d , b lit h a rd en ed to w o n d e rfu l e n ­d u ran ce by a life o f e o n a tan t t ra m p in g In th e fureita. H e receives h is In s tru c tio n s an d s ta r ts out. S u m m er o r w in te r, i t m ake* n o difference to h in i. H om etim es h e tra v e ls alone, bu t m o re g e n y a l ly h a s a p a r tn e r . Tf th e ex p ed itio n bo in su m m e r th e y provide tb e n is ek e * w ith a l ig h t and w e ll-p itched b irch can o e , lad en w ith th e ir “ ch u ck ," o r provisions, g e n e rs lly flour, bacon an d csnnetl goods, coffee, te a , e tc ., th e ir b lanketa, k e ttle s an d fry ing -pans, th e ir exes and a sm all A -te iit ,a u d push off. T h e ir couree lead* th em th ro u g h la k e sa n d o v e r stream s, w ith fre q u e n t p o rta g e s , u n ­t i l th e y reach th e v ic in ity o f th e locus in quo. W hen th ey have p ad d led as n e a r a* w a te r eam iunnicatlon p e rm its th e y la n d , c ach e tlie ir canoe an d such provtsio iia os tlie y can n o t carry , stow th e rem a in d e r In th e ir pack-lings, c arried o n th e i r b a ck s b y a b road s trap passing a ro u n d th e fo re ­heads, an d axe in h an d s e t o u t th ro u g h th e w ood , s teering by com paoe to th e d e e ire d s p o t, w hich tliey iden tify by find ing (o ften a f te r m ust laborious sean -h i tb e c o rn e r s tak e s p laced by th e eurveyors, an d on w h ich a re m a rk ed tb e to w n , ran g e an d section .

Now tlie real business o f th e jo u rn ey com ineucea. E v ery fo o t o f tb e land i* pneed over, every s lick o f tin ilie r oarefiilly no ted , and an oeciiruto e s tim a te m ade o f th e q u an tity o f iiim lier in fee t, co n ta in ed on th e t r a c t T h is done , th e ir w o rk is a c - eo rap lished and th e y re tu rn . T h e w in te r Jo iin iey is niore a rduous. T lie lak e s and rive rs a re now iee-bniiinl, am i tlie liircli c an o e is excliauged for th e toboggan an d suowHhoe. Uver tile fru re ii lak e s tliey d a a g th e ir Hiboggan loodi-d w itli th e irs u p - p iles , u n til tlie fo res t is ag a in reached . T h e c ru iser now m akes u p a pack , w e ig h ­in g from six ty to e ig h ty (lOiiinls, c o n ta in ­in g tb e sinull te n t, one k e lt ic , one fry in g p a n , b is b lankets an d prov isions. H is eom pan ion , i f he has one, is siiiiilariy w elg litcd , and to g e th e r th e y pas* in to llie woodA Joum e.ylng th ro u g h th e tan g led forest# Is te rrib ly e x h au s tin g w o rk , an d espeeiaily w iien one is w e ig h ted wUli six ty p ounds o f baggage, and is on siiuwsli ta-s.

A n e i i r r t h a t W o rk in g A gainst 1 0 * TW'' v llaa tlo u I t lu lu r la a t .

From All the V rer Iloiinil.I h ave sa id t h a t o n e ’s m ood* a n d fancies

m ay be c o a ree d In to h o m am , an d ao tu rn ed to p rac tic a l a cco u n t, I m o rt h« porsonal in p ro o f o f th la

Borne o f m y lady IVienda th in k , I be­lieve , th a t i t Is a s easy fo r m a to e v o lie pages o f m agar.tne p r in t from m y b ra iu aa i t is for th e m to u n re e l co tto n . T h e y a re m u ch in e rro r . A tU m e a i t is a* h a rd a a d ig g in g in froseii g ro u n d , an d aom etin ies c u ttin g against Iron is n o th in g to it. B u t on e le a ru i a f to r a w hile , w h en th e b ra iu hag it* fits o f obsdinaoy, n o t to f r e t an d fum e, d c ila id i againat th o uni- vorae, o a s t d a rk looks a t th e in n o cen t babe In hla co t, an d an on . W h en these m om enU a rise , th e jad lc loua m a n liglita h U p ip e ,o r g o r s a lo n g w a lk —no m a tte r w h e th e r te n o r a h u n d red m iles—o r sings a song, o r m akes a ta iile , o r th in k s o f his n e x t M aaonio b a n q u e t, an d leave* tlie b ra in to su lk Itse lf o u t.

O ne m ay also do b e t te r s till. A fte r a li t t le p e rsev e ra n re an d close study o f c e reb ra l p h e a o in e u a ,o n e m ay really m ak e c a p i ta l o u t o f th is v-ery obsllnoey an d a p ­p a re n t s td rillty , w h ich aeom ed to m enace one w ith ru in In i h e ex tin c tio n o f o n e ’s ab llltiM fo r w o rk , ^ w t you ask .

W ell, In th is w ay . Y o u lea rn a t len g th n o t to p re s s y ou r b ra iu , m ueb against its w ill, to eoiMIsiiie U ^ l n d fo rth th o se chap- t e n o f th e seiuw lllN nl povol, fu r w hieh M essn . P r in t & P ^ r have p rom ised you a th o u san d pouiidiC I t tu rn s du ll and re- fhsea to b r in g y o u r h e ro , Blr la iuueelo t, out o f th a t difficulty o f hi* w ith th e ten o r tw elve lions iu a dignlfii-d and ra tio n a l Way. V ery good 1 B u t, o n th e o th e r han d . I t la In ad m irab le t r im fo r a so n n et on “ A W alk lu a H ra re y a rd a t th e W itch ing H o u r,” an e l i ^ o n •' T h e D eath o f a T am e C a t,” o r a b ^ lo d a b o u t “ A n Overfttll B tom aeh .” C om m on sense , th e n , bids ytiu ease It o f th e iineongen ial ta sk , and s e t It to w ork u p o n w h a t l i feels ab le to do.

T h u s, lu tim e , one tlud* th e w ay lo have as m any s trin g s to o n e ’* lilem ry how ss th e re a re u iouds a n d hnm ore fo r th e an i­m a ted tm n isn co rp o ra tio n . T h is Is gm id In a m u ltitu d e o f w ays. Som e o f th em a re so p a te n t t l ia t th e y n e ed n o t b e Ind icated —th e p ecu n iary p ro fit, fo r lfts tan ce . In ­s tead o f Indu lg ing in d e lirio u s visions o f ru in o r in san ity -B w if t’s fancy ab o u t be­g in n in g to decay a t tb e to p , lik ed a tre e b la sted by lig h tn in g , b e in g especially fond o f b o llie rln g one—th is m ood m ay th e n lie tu rn e d to e x ce llen t a cc o u n t by w ritin g a sh illin g “ h o r r ib le ” o f th e m ost aw ful k in d . T h i l l you n o t o n ly eb in ie in w ith n a tu re , th e re b y tra n s fo rm in g y o u r diacord in to a lia rinony , liu t you w o rk off your bud h u m o r am i d y sp ep sia very ad v siil- ageousiy.

I am inc lined to th in k th a t liy lliis nietlim l o f l i f e th e lllerar)* m an rea lly e n ­la rges and develops hi* p e rso n ality Ui tlie iitn iisit posslbie degree.

R Tim ely Topic.



Are highly cora|iUmiiutiDg us upon the exceptional fit and Ihshloii, and the dainty patlerus ahown in onr enor­mous Spring Stock of Business and Dress Suits. We appreciate their com­pliments more, beianse they come from men who Imy their clothes from us and know wliat they are talking about.

MARSHALL k BALL,8 0 7 , K O I), H i t , K i n H n m t l W r c H .

K H 'T H M Is |>:YI>X

Tli«<y N«*»r«»r th e (Aniuml ituil lluve M tiilr ( i r e a t Iliiiruvtrie>»

Frmij ( uKKoH'M MuKHVlno.I t ia naid In th e W est th a t no scicntiBc

m an ev er m ad e un im p o r ta n t d iscovery o f m in e ra l o r m e ta l. T b la Is undoub t4-dIy no t tn ie , b u t if It w e re It p roves how equal all th e e liances a r^ fo r w e a lth in th e iiiinc.s, fo r OB th e m in e rs say , “ Y ou c an ’I see very fa r in to tb e g round .

I t ia a s in g u la r fa c t th a t severol discov- 1 erics o f d iam o n d s In Koutli A frica and in

H outliern S ta te s w ere m ade by ch ild ren ,I w ho, o f course, liail no no tion ns to w iia t ' t h e y w ere , bu t w lio s e s h a rp e.ves, being I n e a re r to th e e a r th ,a n d fre sh e r tlia n those I t i f g row n (leople , d e te c te d w ha t llie grow n ' foilcs had n e v e rse e n ,a lth o u g h th e p recious

John Heath.


. Deposit CornpanyWill Remove Its PinaDcial iDd Trtist Department

To its new office in the

PrUdenllal on Friday, April



MrrAlQliii* niiU sMul‘lli-1

On a n d after which date all buelness connected with these departments will he transacted in the new ollice.

The Title and Safe Deposit Departments will remain In their present quarters.

Deposits received and two per cent, interest allowed upon all balances of $300 and over, eubject to chaolc atB ig h t .

DEPOSITS OVER Sl.000,000..

B e d r o o m S u i t s .POSITIVELT TH E LAST WEEK

T h a t I will g lw • M la .il M iM res i, M luaff i t U .O O , .n d i W flv in W iw I m I t ^ n g . valued a t $ 4 .0 0 , w ith ev ary B td ro e m Suit lo ld . O a v iB ty -n v . B a d r o tm t a w , all on o n e f lo o r , n o t tw o a l ik t , ra n g in g In p rioe fro m $ 1 0 0 d o w n M low • * $1$.

T h e underbrush is a lm o a t fii()e iie tr* h le ; I n ia y h av e la in In s ig h t and beenth e w indfalls and accu im tlatio iis o f fa lic ii I tro d d e n u n d e r th e ir v e ry fee t day a f te r day. tre e s n re encoun tered a t n early ev ery s tep . | U vso rtv llle , N . C ., a boy found a

A fall I* a m a tte r for m o re coim eqtience 1 o f co n sid e rab le olxe n e a r a sp rin g totlia ii a stum ble in nnm iiier tim e , for th e j i,o ho d g o n e to draw w a te r , an du n h ap p y c ru iser b e fo re he can reco v er 1 ^ t r i c k ,” a s he called it, hehim self, m ust s lip h is p o ck , a n d pe rliap* ] p „ t i t in to h is p o c k e t to p lay w ith , hi* snowshoes. ta-fore h e can s tru g g le to j ( dinoovery o f a d iam ond inb is feet. In th is w ay th e m a rc h in m ade b an d s o f a co u p le o f D u tch ch ild ren u n til abon t 4 o ’clock in th e o f te n iM m a t Vw) N ie k lrk , lu a riq u a liu id , W est,w h ich tim e th e fo res t Is a lre ad y gitid iny b y o l r s d e r t h a t led to th e dev e lo p m en t o f

» PIANOS„ f o r _______ _TO N FSr^atf/l"lL ITY

i l O D S D U - A - T K l P R I O E 1 3 u ! T n m s R iD itn i) .

ESDORSF.D nv l e a d in g AkTlSlU.C*ti)*(MlblM MifKlMtha,

n o Fifth Ave., cor. 16th Streal,'n e w TOBK CITY.

P a r l o r S u its .(hit* lim idn fl Tartitr Muttsftll «tini)t (wiiiillhis liMNivt-rlKijiHorhllk TiiiwHtrv Mini miiKlnti Injirln* VviMilowii lut A(aw mk

C a rp e ts . rn ir j '> iT * rm W KKK A»II.V* , \H>rr*i iiliMvMof Tupttfiry HrtepiMi’tH'ttriK-t

VJirtl only Atlv.liiRrulii r a rp r t .H - r

niTtV KMPV,fil> pitN'in nf JAinly ItrMfiKt'lH ('HriH'?,

yun l iinily 41 *ihp*

M a t t i n g s .nfi'lviul -JUIO pNvwtijrKrtnov Muitliin,

KiikmI JHuUJiiK M»T yum only lAf*

R e f r i g e r a t o r s .Atmu* wt* dlffrp^nl tn iim iftiH ur« o f »tl

tl)i« latent imnruVfKl Miylnu$n » i h*duir<l hrlgypN. troud V |ir if b t iM Tlfoimlor niily •4.07*

C h ild r e n s C a r r i a g e s .IW ciillUrt'ii’" ttarrlMM*, a ll a t red

prices. Good Child'* Carrlaga

P o r t la n d R a n g e s .1 imiptconfisui t h a t In all m yextsT tance

iioHilng has helped m y t io te in td eaa II, Ill 'l l as the a ttem p t to counterfeit the I'lirlland Itange, a n d 1 nm sailing m ore iiow Ilian In the tall.I'lirlland Hong


™ IP YOU SUFFER \»UH iN'lilllly. W tn iT u rl^^n n iT y 'm rr^ ln U . h r ■

foroiirim niulili't |'ui- ■

in'i'. wliU'h, If lUiilciifO, U'uil t«) of

Oilcloth, Linoleum, Folding Beds, Sideboards, Dining-Room Chairs, Extension Tables, Lounges and Conches in Great Variety, all at Reduced Prices.

T K n M S :7-5e. Down and Toe. W.-eklv.................................. ; ....................On

Ihitvii uml 7.M-, \ \ i r k ly ..................................................—.-On W orthW.isi Doivii Mini $l,d(i Weekly................................................On 5?'22Kt.tal ItoM ii and Wix-kly................................................... ' '" 'i l l lJiH.Ol! Down nnd l l . i 'i Weekly.........................................

$l”.tal Down mid |l.■■>d Down mid Weekly....................................


...........On ISO.OO W orth...On auo.oo W orth

in th e sliodow o f ap jtrooe liing n i g h t ' T lie c ru iaer now aeierb i a su itab le sp<it fo r a oo jup , th row * dbw n b is p ock a n d liav ing e l e o ^ a w ay tb e snow ta iilds a la rg e and generous fire. H e cooks bto m ea t, sm o k es nt* p ipe, and tlien rem oves th e fire to a n o th e r place, p itch e s h is t e n t o v e r it* fo rm er bed , am i ro lled tn h is b lanket* goes to sleep on th e w arm antics. O rd in ­a rily a cru iser w ill trav e l from tw e lv e to s ix toeu mile* a day , e i th e r in su m m e r o r w in te r, and os th a t dintaiH-e is sm all even to th e o rd ina rily v igorous p ro d u c t o f c ity life , one w ill begin to a p p re c ia te tlie dlfli- c iiltles w hich redone th e tra v e l o f th e se m en o f iron en d u ran ce to so sm all a space. T h e y pay o f a c ru ise r varic* from a bo re liv ing to a b o u t (3,0110 a y e a r , dcpeiid lug , as In o th e r w alk* o f life, on each m an s ik il l , IntelUgence an d Industr)-. F ro m (3 to |f i a day 1* th e usual ran g e o f w age*.— Fem itiftan halite (Afiiin.) C orrfepondencf F b re it a n d hitream.

u s i l l* pidlicU fiirwunl lo Hic illc IhiiKatne HCtlon clitnilH-stiic lliil,ln*l one, currli-K it fof- si-iin1 ftiii] Jriqw II ilowii ati luciiiicil p lane in to n rtccliinrii- l*-iiciilb.

'flic coining nioclillie which strike* off Ihe dollars In ninkingHi* liiipresslou liclivcrs on tils Iiictiil a hlow Ilf liHO.OIIO Isiiinils. T he m a­chine wlileli s taiii|isthn linir-ilolliirs exerts a pn-ssiireof IMtl.nin ponnils; Hint for tlie coin­ing of q u n r tm , HO.IBO poiimls. ( ’eiiW a re c o lim tn l the n itcof llO am liiu tam id quurtei;* 80 per iiitaulc. In lm iu lllng tiasem etaico liis— copperoE iilck fl- tlie o(icniHvc» wear bta-k- sk in gloves, nsolherw istrthere m ight he dnii- gcr o f polmmllig tlieir hand* by contact w itli th e metal.

There Is not tlie sllghtegl.elionceforstenlliig, for detect bin o t Hie guilty one would follow w ith in tw rnty-fiw r honrs, mid, if tin- em o u n t wereeonsiderehle. wlHilii one hour fro m th e perpe lm tlnno rtliecrliiii'. Iiidewl mi liivcsH- g n llo n o fth e working* of. Hie .Mint eoiivey* theIm presnlon th a t wi-fgliing, cheeking, a n V

|flfo i. ati*iw i« in »»*[aw.****M »n « w'W K S i n i l A M n i u A M X .* *

OBMiyiiig ere the lnost lui(iortniit, os hehig tlie m ost frog iieut proe«wii(,ia the n ianh tactu rc o f uietalllo eiirreney.

In ihe Boiitli eud of the coining room stan d s hnge is ilr o f sonles, it* her en d hnlanelug

machlncr.v protected by g la sa I t h a s a capoelt.v for any weight, from the otM fivc- hnudraU tb p e rt o f a n oimoe up to ‘M,(I00 oaneea. .

Tbe aitglitest gathering o f d u st on e ith e r of th e great |nn* lu the balance atfocts lla deli­cate hhedie.

“ Have you a visiting card?” a sk ed f 'h lc f W eigher FalmeT o t one o f th e vleltoia yretefr day . The curd wo* prodiiccil.

This will weigh abont the one-three-hnn- d red th p a rt o f an ounce,” ■ ald th ee ip e rt, deft­ly ba lanelngjhe fragile b it of cardtKinrd jn b l i jMliii. l ie tossed i t Into one o f the big m e ta l pans, vdiereliul a m om ent before w orth o f quarter* hod been welglied, and , placing a h it o f alu in lunm wire in tile oilier |n n p o in t­ed trtnm phanU y to the ilen d er needle th a t quivered for a m om ent and then come lo real on a point th a t m arked a perfoct bainnec,

“ Home vKItlng oarde weigh onn-Ovr-hnn- d red lh o f an ounce, bu t youre la a trifle heavier," lie said.

The one-Bve-hundrodtli of a n mines w eight fiao tlnfln llesIn iH l by any m eans. I t t* o f a lum inum and apparently a t ligh t oa a fratber.

B n l th e dellrete ad ju ilin en t o f thM o big scale*, whieli s tand d x feet ortaaore in height, 1* left ta r In the shads by tb s wonderful pcfr fom unce* (if the scale* In the assaying-room . A stayer Ilohfoldt gave on e lllu s trs tio a w hich served to show the m arvello iu delicacy of tb e ie wonderful hlUcd m eehtn iam . The cup* o n o iiep a^o fM -tle sw erea lin w n to B * evenly balanrsil. Rsm oviug one o f them n n d paaa- Ing it three t la e * over a w hite p ap er tn rtaoe be n p laeed it, and the needle iB atantly Ind i­cated th a t the untouched cup w ot th e heavier o f the two. The flret one hod hMt enough by friction (Ml tbe paper to m ake tb* iuea v la lb l. in the balencc,

I fa p le M o C m p e r th e itx e a f h a lf apo etag e • tam p be weighod earein lly ggia then re­moved, ohd a lead pencil tn a rk m ade aoron* It, th e scale* will Im m ediately Indicate th a t tb e paper haa gained u iM U iU it ba weight, even though th a t •an a th ln g b a Bothlng bu t th a ln llnU e*liiiat|iartlelet o f plum bago le ft by th a penell on the paper.

Theteicaiet con weigh the Mg-thlMdhou- Mndtli poHaf ggratn txoy w e l ^

U p m tA l teipg Nftlpi IntlMeDlnlngKMnD thafliaUINi dKpre fliWWeJghM end ggjusted.

Abu H athaw ay '* t 'u t ta g e Hold.Kmiii ilic Ismtloii Ni-w*.

Ann tlnllm way's coltagi- (lir f-XOntV is u good timxel II for I he teller, nnd tills Is the (irli-e at w bleh Hie prtvious relic linsjnst ls-<-nills|ssii-d oftoHn-HlnliCslienni IrastM-s, The iiiullcr WHS pul lo Hieiu ill H ietisunl way. Tln-y liml h u t a fi-w day* In whieli to innkn up the ir m inds, end those inlnds, no donhl, werq iiuiintr,! by rts im it iiftlie eoHiige un Its way tn Aincrien, o r tn tludnine T iisshihI’s. Fifty ywir* iiciice, if p riirs Incmisi- n l th e ir presi-iit rate, It will (s-eiii n Iwtier haignin ftir tlie buy­e r ttien it dis-s tiHlsy. .lust now it looks like one Hiuusend for bricks end m o ria r niid the rest for the cniitiriixtliy know n ns liidetlnnhle cliuriii. But. ctsm nnilcnlly siK sklug, ra rity limy be Inkeii a* nn eteinciit o f lite, an d tlicn! Is but one Ami liHtliBWuy's ro tlage on till* 1 (linnet. Tbe venitcr Ims (iriiflleil largely by tlM- uiH-arned InciviiiPiit, mid Hn-re be Is wlHi- lii his right, If tiic original a -c iipan t o f tlie euttage could come to life ugiim an d in m i ttie 'price of her modest habttalion in the soiiuv w hat delusive flg u m o f (n ir t line, sb« would (iroligply receive a shock o f nstoiilsli m eiit Hint would kill lier off onr-c more. Nevertheless, tlie Ihinight that, on one single n ig h t- lu o u ii-U ghlor oHierwlse—ft c erta f- ------- /p-llowfrom HI ratfiinl used lu w elt outside th a t very cottage fo r a sight of a ccrtalu young girl. I* w orth th e whole £.1,000. We end, then-fore, by lietng astonlsheil n t Mr. Thom pson’s taod- cralloii,H* prulM^ly he Is himself.

W I T A N I ) W I S D O M .

The llghtulDgstrlbe*,blit Udnes not boycott, A fool's advire is holler Ihun a k n a v e 's ; it

Is a t least sincere.Homo people who never re tu rn tliattk* a r t

alway* borrowing tmiihic.Mudemtion I* the silken s irin g m n n lu g

through tbe pearl ctialii of all virtues.IVblle looking out for greet oiiportuiilllre

we are ap t to let Ultle oue* gllp th rough our gra*p.

“ A pley upon words,” OS (he fircinen ea(d IS he th rust h it hose Into a boukselU-r's shop to put out the flumes,

t l ic innn who alw ays agrees w ith yon m ay he a plnisaot ooinpnnloii, h u t when you w ant advice go to tom e one,else.

W hen a brown-hatred m en ta-g lnslo grow gray he Itf lfly year* o ld ; wlieii hi* h a ir l»- glua to grow black he 1* six ty ,—ifrx(« fr^inpo-

I sa d le ii W l t o H ewor do hniistwork will find “ LKAt’HKi.t.ic Oil Ba i-s " B dcllghtpil uHiele for insHunly soft- e n liig th s ik ln an d a lla y in f roughness ; iwta a t once. W hen applied dries in q u ick ly ; need nol be wosheil off nor covered up. I ts u«* doe* not Interfrre w llh tho hniidllng o f Ihe fliiest ribbons, silks o r satins. W ill not grease nor soli snythm g. dOe. nnd *I.M at Hrugglsts; large site pn-paiu by exprewi for II.® .

K. ft, Weils, Jersey City, N. J.

6 o « f l D i r e c t t o W e a k S|>oM>liOts o f people III decline a re being reotored

by Wells '* H kai.t ii KkNEWEn. I t gore d fr c c l to m a k apo ta Try it. fl-Od i t Drug-gUts.

Rough on Corn*, ft*1re i n d Floatcri. T lu Box, JOc.

th e d iam o n d fields o f Etootii A frica , T h e fa th e r o f th e c h ild re n letighesl a t th e no­tio n th a t th e s to n e co u ld be o f an y value, an d gave It to t h e t ra d e r , w h o to o k I t h i a a e ttlem en t an d h ad a te s t m ode o f it, w llh tb e re s u lt o f o aee rla in in g th a t I t w as a tw e n tj'- tw o -ca ra t d iam o n d . ,

T h e s to n e w na lo ld for (2,51)0, aud I t is on ly fa ir to say t h a t th e tra d e r w en t Inw-k a n d jfa v e V a n N ie k irk h a lf o f th e m oney to use in th e ed u ca tio n o f hi* ch ild ren . O ddly en o u g h , b u t o n e o th e r d iam ond won ev er found in th e nelghhorbiHMl th a t hod p ro d u ced th is la rg e (pec liuen .

T h e g rav e ls o f th e V oal R iver w e re a f te r­w ard w ash ed , h o w ev er, w ith fa ir resu lta, a n d th e find ing o f m o re o f th e c ty sta la in m ud w alla o f a b u l le d to th e d ev e lo p m en t o f tb e g re a t B oers, K im b e rly an d D u T oita P a n m ines, th e m ost p ro d u e tlv o an d valu ­ab le in th o w o rld . _

A TlUtTI.K ta AOK.

Fifty Y ear* K now n to H ave Fussed O ver T his O ne 's M ead.

From the Ph iladelph ia IliillcHu.A d ead tu r t le , a tu r t le w ith a h isto ry ,

w as found on S u n d ay a t th e foot o f A iders m an D o n n e lly 's y a rd , 418 E a s t K in g s tre e t, says a L anca iite r p a p e r . T h e re i* a n au- th e a t ie re c o rd t h a t th is p a rtic u la r tu r t le w as m o re th a n fifty yeara old. H e has b een a n In m a te o f th e y a rd os ta r b ack os A ld e rm an D onneU y 'a reco ltectjpn goes, a n d o ld p eo p le In t h e neighborhood aay th e y k n e w h im o r b e a rd o f h la presence th e re w h en th e p ro p e r ty w as ow ned by th e R odgere tam ily . A s re ip ilarly as tb e fin* w a rm day* o f S p ring eam e a round th e tu r t le w o u ld ettllsige to th e su rtace o f tho g ro u n d , an d th e re a f te r - he w ould be seen u n ^ l la te in th e ta ll. F o r tb e p o st ton yeara th e D o n n e lly b ousebo ld has w atobed th e se ap p ea ran ce* w ith m uch Ih te re sC an d th e t t t ^ e becam e k n o w n to tlie -w hole n e ig h b o rh o o d .

^ v e r a l years ag o a boa rd wo* p laced a t th e a ide o f a n i ro n tro u g h a t th e fo o t o f th e y a rd , a n d n p th is inollned p lan e th e tu r t le c ra w led e o c t f m o rn ing to g e t a d r in k o f w a te r . O ne tim e h e IhU in a n d n e a r ly d ro w n ed . N ever a f te rw a rd W ould b e g o to th e tro u g h . H e th e n m ode d a lly v is its to th e h y d ra n t !g th e f ro n t p a r t o f th e y a rd , an d a f te r q n e n cb ln g h is th i r s t be w ould d ra g h im ­s e lf ilo w ly to th e o th e r end o f th e lo t. H e w ae laa t aeen la te in th e fall, au d w h en th is s p rin g n am e a n d he d id n o t ap p ea r , a sea rc h w a i m a d e fo r h im . H e w as found a m o n g a lo t o f s tones , tin can*, e tc ., dead . H e w ea s n m u n d e d on a il side# h y a b a r­r ie r , a n d i t ia p ro b a b le th a t h e e raw led In to th e p la c e an d w as overcom e by th e cold b e fo re h e b u rro w ed In to th e ea r th . S ta rv a th m a n d co ld caused hi* d ea th . W h e n fo u n d h e w as aU n d in g In a n a lm ost p e rp e n d ic u la r p o s itio n , w ith b is h e ad be ­tw e en Iw o j to u M ___________ _■

Hi* T y p e w rite r W o rried H tai.P ram tlic W ashingtou Htar.. Tho followlUg Incident 1« w ritten of a play­w righ t alotatlBg one o f hi* om bitlou* elRirta to a p re tty ty p e w rite r :

" i f you speak d u rin g th a t period," began Ih ea iith o r, " 1 w ill— "

" A period a fte r ‘ th a t ’t " tlic typew riter In- tem ip icd .

" N o ,n o - t l i« word 'period .' ‘ I will kill yon.’”

" I alw ays get lo Intercsicd. U th ta a o o m - e d y t"

"Y t* . ‘ M sod, spare m i^ sp e rc " Yon m ost no l call m e Maiul."“ No, no r the eliaraoter speaks. M aud la tlie

girl In p lay , you know . M 'b e re w a a lt”“ You were a t ' spare roc.'"" Goes dow n on hi* kucre In htackeU ,” “ O n h l i k n e r e r“ I a m w riting th is comedy, mlM. K n se iin rackotiL"

bhliMMiteU Iri'ikliUK D1A »>E ili!4i*HKeH tii'W uifiNiMi ytiii1 !»rnl IhUtKi-i'v'UoDK o r MV**r Uidutft'iii'i'. If lUiilciicO, U'uil t«) Ijtwf* '

f)hlilD*KK (H' 4 bAJA«4$U)|MU(il,liiMinlt'v, nnd h iNi'itixtim* Hntvf.

\ri'iHi‘ltii' (h utlil h.v nil c In| h Alt V jkl iMtrkaK)', or kIx Jni’I ’MNI, iir Mill In‘ Mciit Itv niHtI tMi n**

w'l'/l!' WE GUARHTEEiirnrf‘ or

Aitiii-ww «K'.\V MKM< INK «■••** UntruU),N. Y. (

Oil ofTHnnih-rri'IlH wi* Imvi* iulo||tti'AltlM* yrllow wniDfM'r, U tronly Kfinilin-.

Hold In NaWuPK, N, .1 .. li.v 4 H.\H. | |u [ ( / r I I .U T d t, i^>r. itml

AMOS H. VAN HORN,7 « M .^ IIK K T H T llK E T ,

NKAH FI..4N F ST IlK rT . N R W A R R , N . t

s o n C l T A R l f ML ocal and In te rn a l T re a tm e n t.

Ill >T1«• Id rurt* ratiirrli II Ik iu‘<*fMmiry Id i aIIuv th r liitlHiiimntliTliDf i Iil* Irrlttiifil :hrHiiPH m ltU 5 MKDtliliiK u|tpHnitlDi», c’lt'unNt IhelMHid of Uii* uluifltluK uiKH'ugK foKK’ri'llonH, ! Hint hrtil thf’ dlM-liurnuig ultH-rH, For <-oid In ' Ihf'lienUiiml hUKiilnitiirrli EKxldK'M UM-itllmLi” j livrllt clncK t t ih whhuiii tlu* idil of roiiMF. «luiU'l..?»upr funH*!*. If Iho GIwawh tiiii* cxti'nilril , UmviiWAtril. Uit" l)n>u<‘hial hibt'H 4ir |hniM;K, 0 lj(t*Ktiu}) lAmlliUMM], tliiK IrtTM

■ ‘ iTn ■ .........•ut turth rt'inovtutrm ii Hiv Kywli'in tlu'Koul- i pulMiU,Hiirl liyitK •

itHKlMiK imUifi' th f(*!<hihiiif jiDjMifrtMf piirfK.un>ti ]

Ha-till for tmrlHMtk imiHrifc onni'iHriii. K<w- TKH. M n .K rU S * n j „ tiroprtHftrK, Hurt«hi, N .y . Huhl in .\('WHrk*N.J.,hy \ \ \MKNK, l*rugitl’*1y 1*1 M«i'kii Nl., Na-wark, N..I.




106 and 108 Mulberry St.,COR. U .IN TO X KT.

“ A MOB AFTER SHOES I”r i m l ’s wliHl Wi-Hri- Im v liig n lm o s t ilu lly . T ln -sc c u t p r ie w d r a w t h e Ih ro n g u .

I tiiy n o w . \Vi- liikc u li (ill- rinkn fo r hiihiII gn liis , w lille y o u g e t la rg e g a tn ii w i th iKi ris k s lit n il. i r * y o u r ( i in f -u -w c c k i-lm iHv to nave. H cm l th n d r iv e * f o r

I I i Ih wi-i-k :W niiii-ii'H Mi-rgi- C iiiigriw^, a l l hl*tta, ............................................................................ M c t e .W o n it- ii 's S e rg e F o x I.u ee iiliil (.'oiigreaK, ............................................................... 8 3 C te .W iiiile ii 'a D o iigo lu H littii l l , a g tau l (*ln'C, » l ............................................................. t t u .W o m e n 's D ullgolft T ip H llU o ti, l i t .......................................................-...................... $ 1 . 1 0W oM ieii’n C k itli T u p I 'u l e u t la -u l l ie r T i |i H u U n ti, a t . . . ................................... $ 1 . 6 0W n ln e ii '# F in e l'’ re lie h K id H lioen, n il s ty le# , u t ........................................ .... .. $11,11.1M eii 'n ('ongi'citH iiu d Fittce, a l l w illd , a t .................................................. ................... 4*8 c to .M e ii 'a F in e H iill 'l 'm ig re w t m id Is te e , n l .................................................................... $ 1 . 1 0M eii 'n |2.(KI Hhin-, in l . a e e o r t .'nllgresH, u t ............. .......................................... . $ 1 . ^ 3M e n ’# (L’-'id f i d f N»-wed HIkk-h, n il n ly le s , u l ............. ............................................. $ 2 . 1 0A ll o f friir (It.Od t 'u l f HluH'ti th i# w e e k u t ................................................................. 8 2 . 6 0M Ih-h-h' r 'iio e s 1 1 1 ............................................................... (L T c.. K T c ., 0 8 c . , $ 1 . . ) 6 , $ 1 . 6 0

, A w a y I te lo w lle g ii la r I ’ritv s .W h i le In B ov* ' Klioi-s w e h u v e u six-elul t i l l s wiH-k, lu 3(8» |w lr#

u f IsflA*** MilWK, niw*** 11 lo 2 aii«l if to 5, n t ................ -........ lC d IIIMI 7HC* r"IU‘j<u1a r fhOU. M IhhHucIi a r r l« * .

f«'M FiV K iirn K \i» rK A liA )n 'H i*t hhc. WTilfl* liKAli TIIK VAN, W HILK IN DRESS H M O l'>rw V i'1 N Id-'I' I.N ANY KrVI.KTO KIT T H E L K A N W F tt'K E T --lltiuK Anoliier l*irge Invoice of Itawc ( 'hlliirt-n’* Fsli-nt l-eiilhi-r Tip Hprilig Heel*, o to*, a t ' **e. i i lo l t .a tS n r .

l lu i i i l r i 'd * o f o th e r kiiidK a l l c u l to a l i t t l e m u re l l im i h a lf .


37 MARKET STREET. COR. FLAKE.,UT Iirtlt M , Riu Iml. W Imil SMI, Cw. Oni(i.

H ta i id f lo m e F e a t i i r e i iare o fno avail If the nose Is red, complexion efoiidy, »k!n eo etieg raln ed o r dotted w ith PImpire, Blotche* o r freckle*, LaAir*au<* (H tH A in ,the gteatheautlfter,w ill stoootb andelear tbe moat anitoylnc akin a t complexion, give* a rosy ling*, a healthful glow a nd fresh- iMis. prevent* tendeticy to W rinkle*, Ageing o r w ftbe rln f of tb e sk ip , d ^ in g up o f th»

nkie*,:lp, d ry ing Uf

flesh. U n a n d tlJ ie a t D ruggist*; large sis*

' * ^ " " ’' ” * ^ i m . U . . J . r e e , a t , .Bough on Toothache. C llv tainstant relief, lie .

S k i n H n m o n ,irmplc*, Flesh WerniL Bing W«m, Trttir, ■ ‘ "■ “ ------ -^ U lj^ ln a ,! '

braek—“ Ye*. What’*begothliknee* In brockeu

forf Broken, I auppoee."e What are you doing $ I.ot me see. No, no,

no. Pul that sentem-c In bnu-heU. Enter aervant-Hervant-'Never have t *een nothing like that be— ”

“ Anything,of oouresf"“ I'm wrUtng this plree."“That’s hod grammar, you know,"“ Yes, I know. Pul down Just what I say.

‘M ood, look a t — ’ "“ •Irt Oh, Ifosgot. Yea ‘Itookat—“ tn brackst*. Oeorie look* at servant and

shaheo— ”•'Period $"" No. And shakes his head-—"“ Whosimkaalils betd-Oeorga or the eep

vtatT"“ o m wg I jo lirc ta w t* ."* 01 1 K( oiwklui tto iim m t's bsod, doeta’t

CUREiiuk t!oi.dAcb$ ind r«li$r« All tli» troublN Ind- dent to « billoiks xitto of th$ iyBt4mi. Mi?h DiMliMstf, NmuMA. UrowtlDBM. PlttiwM After MtiAf, Pain in the £Md$. Ac. Wbile their inoit iwnarJchbli aKOCcii bAt bton iiiowit la curing

SICKReidsche, yet C sa n a 's l- irn a f-ivte fiGA are equatl,v vilusbls In roestlpatlDB. curing sod pcevsntingtalsaitaaylag complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomscli, •tlmiilato the liver and regulai* th» bowel*. Xven If they ooly cured

HEADAetie they wraitd he alranst prteeless to tho*a who suffer from this iltsiresting complaint i but fortunately their gcodnese 3cm not end here, and tliose who o o « try them will And these little pills vsliisble In to manv way* Hist they will not be wilUng to do witaout them But altar all link b**d

ACREh I be bans of so many lire* that here Is where we make our greet bcoN. Our pllla c u n it while other* do not.

uxatraa'i IsTTLa hivaa T\um are very soiatl aadveryeasy to tak* . One or two plUa make a do**. Tny ora strictly vegetable and do aet gripe o r purge, but by their grelle action ahws all who use them. In vlaw attA cents; I r e for d . Sold everywhere, or sent by tnaU.

t u m u t H H i n . , vttr Tak.


28® *Best Elgin Creamery,

Fine New Dairy Butter,


738 ind 740 Broad St. aod i07 larktt St., Itftrt, I. d.S 9 » n A l X S T ,. O R A K U E . N . .1.

Lyon & Sons Brewing Co.’s


On ih u g h t Friday, A pril 29th}AND DAfS FQLLQWm.

DAY INdBOTION CDRK for all I contaglmi* d itw se t of tbe u rin a ry or- rgan*. I to p a ld for a cose w hich Ib is

rem edy cannot cure. D. K IB K , l i ) | J UnngD street. Newark, N. j . H ours i I * t o 9 evenings! gundays 19 t o ) P. U . i



THifMEST * K E Y W i S r C H M . \WH9LESALikltErA&iA A R W W i



in tm ii H n n . n n m

A U U b t U U f l [rj*-

the Story of the Betnrn of the Long* loet Sailor.


A ttm r j « f th* Poor on< o f tho QuUt K*- of Ibo H m W hoM Cominf

Mcoat Uio D rooU nc Up o f Poinlljr Tloh Th« V ofrant Wko W otchwl tho CotUf* tram tlio Boodoldr.

Th« woo roUIn* iU low lUtd m onolononi w orm upou the win<U. U l t l i w litu elmidi w«ra pow lo t roptdiy ocruor tUa brood blua •kjr, boma along by tho d a r t w ind lllta blrda.T ha Ttllaga, In th a t port i>f ilia ro llry which gloped toward tha oaeoti, waa wanDlng lu c lf l a Um B uuhlne,

R ight a t tbo rntraiw a flood Ihe linu»e o f tha Ifartln-LaTattinat, alone, on Ih ead g r of the ro ad , U waa tb a im a lld w a n iD g o f adaher- ff.*", w ith d a y walla an d l hutched roof adorned with bin* t r ia A garden, abou t aa b ig aa a handkerrhlef. In w hich grew onlona cabhafoa, paraley and cb errll, lay In a aqoato hcthio tha door. A hedge eoidoaed 11 along tire m ad,

Tha m all waa m it flahtng an d th e wife, In front ofliie hut, waa m endl ng th e m eahei (rf a boge brown nni etretetaed upon the wall like a n tmmanac aplder'i wch, A g irl o f (burtneo, a t the entrance of the garden , aeoted In a atraw-bottom chair, loandd Iw 'k w ard and anppnrtod agalnat tbo gate , w aa m ending linen, tha linen of the poor, a lread y patched and mended. Another g irl, a year younger, held In h e ra rm a a re r y am all Inihnt, motlpn- leaa and apcocbleaa, and a cou|ile of youpgitera o f two and three yeari, f it t in g un the ground, were playing aw kw ardly an d caating hand- fnia of d irt In each o ther'a Ihcra.

S o ooa apoke, bu t the baby, w hich the girl waa a trtring to put to alecp, w aa wibbing con- tlnuonaly In a iklnt, abarp little tone. A cat w a i doling upon the w indow ledge; and blooming glllldnwera a t th e foot o f Ihe wall were alive w ith a hnaalng nation o f fllcii.

ThegtrlrW ho waa aew lng a t tlioga te .aud- den ly called nut 1

’‘ K a m B ia r The m other an»w ered:" W hat’a the niaUer w ith you T’ e There he la again rThey bad been unaaay alnee m orn ing be-

eauae a mao waa prow ling a round the tiouae, an oM m an who had th e a ir o f a beggar. T hey had aren bim m Ibey aceom panlrd the gather to bla boat to em bark , l i e waa atated on th e edge of Ihe d itch oppoalte Ihclr gale. Then, when they had rr tu rn e d from the ■Irand, they bad eUll found h im there, look­ing a t the bouM.

He aeemed 111 a nd very wrotchod. H e had p o t atlrred Ibr m om th an an h o u r; then , mo- ing th a t he waa regarded aa a m alefactor, be bad arlaen and gone aw ay, lim ping.

But eoon they had aeen b ln i re tu rn w ith hla a h n ran d weary a tc p ;ao d he had again acatwl blmtell^ a trlflu h irth e r off tb la tim e, aa If to w atch them.

The m other and glrla w ere afraid. The m other waa eapeclally w orried becaunc ahe waa o f a tim id na tu re , an d her hiinband, lAvaaqne, would not re tu rn from tboaca uiilll nightfall.

H er huihand, oa we have aald, waa nam ed lATeaque; alie waa called M artin , and they had baptlacd them the M artlii-Lernaquea. Thia waa the reaaon: H er firat m arriage bad been w ith a tailor of llie nam e ol M arllii, who w en terery aum m erto Newfoundland to en­gage In cod dahlng.

Altar taroym raof wedded lllhahe bad borne h im a little daughter and ahe waa ahortly 1« give birth to another ch ild w hen the aeatpl on which waa her bn tband , th a Heut-tkeura, a Ih ree-m ut bark from Iileppo, dim ppeared.

No tldlnga had ever been rneelred o f i t ; nona of the niarlnera who liad m anned It re­turned ; the th ip waa thureforu coiuldered o a t w ith alt on board. •

Mmc. Martin aw alled h e r li lahand for ten yeora, mialng her two ch ild ren w ith great diflioulty s then, aa ahe waa a atrong and hearty woman, a ilaherm aii o f the dlalrlet, Laveaqua, a w iduwrr w ith a ann. demunded her In m arriage, tshe wedded btm and b o n hi m tw o children In lb ree yearn.

They lived lollwimely an d lahorlouidy. Bread waa dear and m ea la lm o at unknow n In th e ir dwelling. Theyooraalonally g o tln d e b t to the baker In w in ter d u rin g th e m ontha of galea. Nevertbolraa, tbo little onca got along well. Paopte a a ld :

"T h e Harttu-[.cveBque« a re atoitl-heartad IMka. Mine. M artin la a tu rd y and Leveaena baa no t tala equal a t tiablug.'*

Th* girl anting a t th e gate ream ned : o Ho aeeina to know ua. H e la parhmpa

aome btggar froiq EprevUle o r A u a e b w .’'But the m other m ade no mUiUike about

h im . No, no, be d id n 't belong to th e dlatrtet, th a t was aure I

Aa be atlrred no mCH« th a n a a tak e and B a ^ h la e y e a obatinalely upon th e liouaeof th e M artln-ljcvraqnea, M ine. M artin grew fhrtoua, and fear rendering h e r hrave, ahe oeiaed a Hbovcl and w ent o u t lo fro u t of the gate.

e M 'hat are you doing th e re f " cried ahe to th e vagalioiid.

He reapiiiided In a hoarae vo lee ;“ I 'm taking tbo freah a i r 1 luiea th a t tin ii

j r o o t”" W hy do you poal y o u rse lf like a apy In

fro n t of ray honaef ”The m an replied ;" I 'm harm ing noliody. la I t agalnat the

law to all down along th e road f "Finding no answ er ready , ahe returned to

. th e cabin.T boday poaacd alowly. Tow ard noon tlie

m an vanltlicd. Hut he w en t by, nguln nlioul 9 o'clock. He waa aiwn no m ure th a t evening,

laveaque returned a t olghlfb]l. They told h im about the In truder. Ho n m c lu d c d :

“ II 'a some Idler o r suiucbudy w ith a spite ag a in s t ua I"

And he went lo bed w ith o u t iineasinesa, w hile hla wife th o u g h t o n ly o f th e prow ler w ho bad stared a t h e r an alrangely.

W hen day daw ned I t was tdow ing a ga)e and the sailor, M rtng th a t he could not go ou t on th e ocean, helped h la with In iiieiidlug lila nets.

Toward 9 o'clock th e |4 d e s td a u g h te r .a Map- tin , who bod lieen ou t to buy bread , cam e In on a run , witli a frightened took, and cried i

“ M amm a, he 's back again P*The m other waa s ta r tled a n d , pglv aa death,

Mid to her h u sb an d :“ iJoiout, Levewiue, a n d tell h im he m u stn 't

w a k * u t so, because It acta roe w ild."And Levcaqne,utoll s a llo rw ilh ta n n rd race,v

th ick red beard, blue-black eyes and heavy nqck, atwaya droaaed In woollen chdhea for fea ro f wind and ra in o u t a t sea, Im uqullly w ent but and appnsii'beil th e prowler.

A nd they began a conversallon .Tha m other and ch ild ren , anxious and

trem bling, watcheil th em from a dlalence.Haddqnly the unknow n ariMP an d cam e to

th e house willi lievesque.Wme, M artin recoiled In te rro r . H er hut-

band aald to h e r :“ Qtve him some b read an d a glass of elder.

H e hasn’t had an y th in g to e a t since dny be­fore yesterday."

A nd tbe tw o m en en tered th e dwelling, followed by Ihe wife an d nhildrcii. The va ­g ran t sat down an d began to eat, h la head bent hrnealh aH th e eyes w h ich were watch­ing him.

The m olher a laodlng , a la red a t h im ; the itro big glrla, the M artins, w ith th e ir bocks against tbe door, one ho ld ing th e baby, planted their greedy gaae upon h im and the tw o youngtlers, seated am ong th e ashes In tb e tire place, Btopped p lay in g w ith the Iron pot, as If also to con tem plate th e stranger.

’ Laveaque, having ta k e n a ch a ir, dem anded ( r fh h n ;

“ Ho yon eoio* from far aw ay , eh T"" 1 earns from t'e tte .”“ f)D RlotT”" Yes, on ibot. W hen one haa no money

one m ust walk.”“ Where are you going 1”" 1 shall atop hen-."" 1 ) 0 you know an y one tn th is Incaltty T"" Maybe ao I"They were silent. He a te slowly, allbougli

be was Ihiolshcd, and d ra n k a m outtifnl of elder alter each hite o f h rrad . I lls face waa worn, wrinkled and h o llo w ; he aeemed lo have autTeted g n a tly . "

Isivsaque suddenly asked h im :*' W hat's your n am ef” .Tbe m an replied w ith o u t llr ilng b it nosei “ My nam e's M artin .”A strange qu iver abook th e with. She took

a step aa if to see tb e vagabond n earer and ftood In front o f hi m w ith hanging arnia and open m outh. No one b roke the alienee. Leveaqne finally ream ned i

“ Are you from heroT”Tbe m an anaw creil:” I am from here.”And aa he a t la s t rataod h la head , tbe wlfri’a

gyea and bla m et a n d rem ained tlaed upon aaehotberAi.

And she aald sudden ly In a changed voice, w hich waa low and qu ivering t

” A te yon m y hualrand V H a articulated slow ly:" Yea, It’s me P'

' H e did not s tir , oon tlnu lng to chew hla broad.

Levewiue, m ore aurprlacd th e n moved, glainm ered;

‘‘ la l ly o u , M nrtlnT”The other merely repeated i ."Yea, ll 'em e l"And the sooond buaband d em an d ed :“ From wbanoe d o you ooincf”The fltal related I

KB tbaoeoatafA IM oa, The vcaael foun- T h n e of tit, Floard , V atinel and me

U n a ^ N o b sw A u a V M fn yeart. ph-ard.■ ^ A n BnglUh trivellap

I hiqf a t* d b Jb ro u g h t m e to i'ette, .And here I an iP '

Mine. M artin was wceplug, her Ihre In ber iiprnn,

IcTcwiuc iid c rc d ;" W hat Bin 1 to do now f Merlin dcmamled i ” Am you her hiisliand f" javesque sn tw en ’d ;'■ Yea, It’s me P'They looked a t each other and were allcnl, Ttirn, M artin, ga ting a t the children In a

circle around him , dialgnsted the tw o big glrla with a m otlou o f lilt head.

"A re they m ln e l” *IsTCaquc a a ld :" They a re yours P'He did not a ria* ; he d id not k Isa th e m ; ho

merely s a id ;" Hon DIcu I how big they are P'Is-vcsque repculcil:" W h a ta m I lo doT "M artin, perplexed, knew not w hat to say.

Finally ha m ade a decision;" I will d o aay m i like. 1 don't wish to wrong

you. But It’a vexatious all tlie sniiicon m - count of the house. 1 have two c lilhircn, .vmi liavethree—let each lake his own. The wife, you tee, belimga to boih of us. I am w itling to please y o u ; bu t th e hmiac, lluit'a mine, seeing th a t ray father loft It to n n , Ihst I waa liurn 1 n It and th a t tb e notary lias 1 1 » papers I"

Mme. M artin w iaallll soldilng In her apron. Tho two big glrla had appnau hed and were looking a t Ibelr father w ith liuiulrtiule.

He had llnlabed eating. Ho said In tali tu rn ;

“ W hat am I to d o r ' levesque got an 1d m i " I r t 'a go to th e cu re ; he'll deci de for Ma.” M artin arose, and aa be ad vanned Inward

tall w lft abc threw hcrtelf ui)on hla Iwaoin, sobbing:

"M y bnaband’a bore I M artin, m y poor M artin, ymi'r* here P'

And th e held nlin tn Iter arm s, suddenly overcome by a breedh of tbe |suil. by a great rush at reiaetabraneea which reealh-d her youth and her tlrat careaaca.

M artin, aflbcted hlinaelf, kissed ber utsn i her rap. The tw o ehlldren In the tlreposee began lo howl In rliorna on bearing th e ir m olher wi-ep,and the baby. In Ihe a rm s of the second of tbe M artina, clamured in a abarp voice like a false fllb,

laveaquctlood by, walling." Come,” aald h e ," wo must get th ings ahlp-

ahapet”M arlin left hla wife and, aa h r glaiieed a t

tala two daughlera, th e ir mollier aald lo them t " A t least, k i l l your tklhcrP’They approachi-d almullHiiemisly, w ith d ry

eyes, aatoiilahrd and aomewliat afraid. And lie kliaed them one a fter the o ther u]s>ii botli rheeka w ith a nm alng amack. On wv-lng the unknow n approach the liahy u ttered aueli piercing acrearaa th a t It waa uearly taken with uonvutalona.

Then tlie two m en went out together.Aa they were passing In front of tbe Oath do

Commeree, Levesque a sk ed ;"Htaailwo go In and take a drop o f some-

th ing 1 "" 'i j ia t su its me,” declared M arlin.Tlicy went In, s a t down In the yet em pty

room and Is -v e^u e crie il:" Bh I Uhlool, two glasses of brandy an d let

Itbo good I M arlin bus eutne liack, M artin wife's husband, you kumv, M artin of lliu Heux-Hreura, who waa hwl P’

And the fat and ruddy Inn-keeper, tho glasses III one band and the Imttle In Ihe other, came forward and Uemauded w ith a tranquil a ir;

" A h ! ao It's you, M artin, eh t"M artin answ ered:“ It’s m e !”

(IKV n r M Ai:r*asAJi'r.

Look No F a rtlie r .Asads of families scrtfng lum tft la Iff. nrfla lt

or reoros, need not seek /arlA rr thtin the "A'ewi’i ” reol etfalc cofwmns. U'er/iicahiy's and dblardapt ore spcrtnl rrot csfolr ifatps.

lo n e - . . - . a. II. Mwa' aa/""M er’'Memory Once M ora 1 1 1 P rng reaa .

Friiiii the r , n1ur.v .MagHilhc.Thooo who remembered Mary W tah-:

inifton’a appearance tn the later yearn of her life describe her person aa bein* of medinin sire and well projmrUoned, the dignity of bearing, the erect carriage, Kivlitg euinrlhing of atatellneoa to her presence, while her fealiirea were regular nnd strongly marked, her brow lino, and her eyee a clear blue.

No authentic portrait of Mary Waah- {nglon ii known; it la a IkmUy tradition that ill the deatnicUon of Wakefield by fire the family jmrtraita were loet Colonel (1. W. F. Cuatii wae ()ue*tloned as to hla knowledge on the aubject, and replied by letter to (inlunel Lewie W. Waahington that “ there waa no picture preeerv^of the mother of the chief," and this has been always tbe belief of her doecendants.

At Frederic kaburg, on the day of tho IVmeral, all buaincia waa suspended, and, | though the August aun ihone hot, crowds ' of citiien* from town and tho country j around “ thronged Ht. tleorge’i Church i

where the tmpreaetve funeral aer~ vice of the Proteatant Kpiaeopal Church of America )' waa conducted bythe itec. ThomnaThornlmi, her paotor.” And then, borne reverently in hercoflln by atrong nu-n, the mortal remains of Mary Washington were conveyed lo the spot ahe had choecn i'or her burial, fol­lowed by a long proceaeion.

Colonel Cuatua, Hr. Luaalng and other wrltere have eniphaalred the transmitted accounta of her death, telling how “ cler­gymen throughout the land epoke elo­quently firom their pulpits of the honored dead, while memberi of Congreaa and many private eltiiena wore the usual badge of mourning in reipeot to her mem­ory," In a long letter to hla gtater—re­cently given tn Ford’s publication—Waah- logton apeaki relfgiuualy and tenderly of their mother’s death and her Chrletlaii character.

For many years her grave rerosdned on- marked. About the year 11130 there wai a plan propoied to remove the remains and to place them in a vault under the Freaby- toriaii Church, hut to this the Waahington family positively refriBcd to coneent. Many other Huggeationa and propoaala were made, but nothing waa done, until at taat, in 183 the Hon. HiUta F. Burruwi, of New York, otTered to raise a monument a t bli private ckpenae. Tbe comerelone was laid with Impoalng ceremoolei by tbe ITeaident of tho United Htatee, Oeneral Andrew Jsekaon, In the' presence of the relatives, many distinguished guesta and a large concourse of people.

Unfortunately, when tlie monument waa almost completed, the generoua donor, meeting with sudden and aevere reverse of fortune, was unable to finish the work of placing the obelisk upon Ita handsome boae. Hoping to rally from bta financial prostration, Mr. Burrows requested the committee to watt awhile until he could havo the work finished, but not long after­ward he died, before recovering anything of his fortune.

Then disB^ements arose regarding the matter and the shaft lay prone upon the. ground, slowly diHtntegrating, for nearly Hixt.v veara, until the women of the eonn- tw rallied lo the rescue, os they did for Mount Vernon and the Mary Washington Monument Association, ormuiUed a few years am and now successfully working, will before long complete their patriotic plan, and perfectly rcutore the now iniiliialed monmnent.

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For over twenty-five yean the standard smoking tobaco of the world.To-day More Popular than Ever.

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_________ :__________________ __


A tR iah tag taa W om an K iplaliiv T h a t T iki Mu rh C an d o r W ould Not W ork .

From tb s W aih ln itn n Hlar.“ P eop le ta lk ab o u t th e w ickednese o f

Ilea, b u t I w ou ld lik e to k n o w h o w th e y would be g o t a long w ith o u t In p o lite aocl- e ty ,” said a w om an o f Ikahlon. “ Im a g in e for a m om en t a a a fte rnoon call, fo r e x am ­ple, w here b o th bewteM and v is ito r h a d oonacientlouily m ade u p th e ir m in d tn speak w ith e n tire frankness an d I ru th fu t- ness.

" F ig u r e t o you rse lf th e m istress o f th e house In tb e s o t o f en te rin g th e d raw in g ­room . In s te ad o f ru sh ing Im puteively for­w ard ao d grsB plog th e v isito r’s h a n d w ith a p leasan t sm lls an d w ords ex p re ss iv e o f p leasu re a t see in g b e r , she s im p ly d a y s ;

“ ‘ You h g ly old th in g , w hy o n e a r th have you com e tn b o th e r m e w ith a call th is a f te rn o o n T*

" ‘ S im p ly fb r tb e s sak e o f g e ttin g th ro u g h w ith a n u n p lea san t d u ty ,’ rep lie s th e caller. ‘ I h o p ^ very ea rn e s tly th a t I shou ld n o t find you a t hom e.’

“ ' I f I h ad had any n o tio n t h a t you w ere com ing , 1 shou ld h ave to ld th e m aid to say th a t I w as n o t receiv ing ,’ r e to rn s th e hootess. ‘ W h a t a h o rrid , u n b eco m in g gow n you h a v e o n .’

“ ‘Bnch a re m a rk com ing from a w om an BO n o to riously bad ly drem ed a s y o u rse lf seem s r a th e r a b su rd ,’ re jo in s th e v is ito r.

“ A t a b o u t t h a t p o in t in tb e co n v en ia lio n th e re s tra in ta o f po liteness a re a lto g e th e r dlspenaed w ith , an d c lap p er-c law in g an d ha lr-puIllng follow.

" C erta in ly I t w ould n o t b e pooalble to conduct aflkirs on such a baata. T h e co n ­d itions o f c iv illied life a re In a h ig h d eg re e artiflela l, an d w e a re a ll o f ua co m p e lled by o ironm stances o v e r w h ich w e h av e n o con tro l to a c t p a rts very m uch aa i f w e Were on th e stage, instead o f b e in g o u r rea l selves. F ew o f us rea lise t h e fac t, I th in k , b u t e v e ry person d m * ae tu a lly oe- aume a c e r ta in ro le In th e w orld . T h e on ly peop le w h o a re a lto g e th e r th e ir n a tu ra l setvee a re savages.

“ I havo k n o w n 'a good m any persona w ho m ad e I t a p o in t to be p a r tic u la r ly frwnk, d eem in g i t a v irtu e , an d g o in g so fa r as to b o ast o f iU T h ey w ould n o t hes­ita te to say d isagreeab le th U g a , im p ly in g th a t so lo n g a s th e y w ere t ru e th e re could he n o h a m in u tte r in g th em . S uch peo ­p le 40 n o t re a llie th a t th e y a re a c t in g In im ltalloB o f sav ag ea A fte r a ll, th e m ost Im p o rtan t d ifference betw een th e savage and th e c iv ilised Individual lies in th e fa c t th a t th g la t te r ex errises a re s tra in t upo n th e na liira i Im pnlaes. I t Is a lw ays t h e m ee t n a tu ra l im pulse to te ll th e tr i itb . A false­hood slgnlflee c o n stra in t by fe a r o f o th e r m otives.

“ C erta in ly n o th in g can be m o re r rn e l and ca lcu la ted to in ju re th a n a b ru la l tru th o ften la. A ccordingly th e r e can be no ob jec tion to th e em p lo y m en t o f b a rm - lem ^ e p t l o n s w h en th ey c o n tr ib u te to p eo p le ’s happ iness. H ence, in p o lite so­c ie ty peo p le a re co n tin u a lly say in g th in g s w h ich a re u n tru e . A very am u sin g th in g ooourred to a lad y o f m y a cq u a in ta n c e tb e o th e r d ay w h ic h w ill se rv e to i llu s tra te th e p o in t.

“ S h e w e n t to call a t th e house o f som e peop le w h o m sh e knew b u t s lig h tly . T h e m aid com ing to th e d oo r in fo rm e d h e r th a t ih e m la tieas o f th e m a tu ln n an d h e r d au g h te r w e re n o t a t h om e . S o s h e le f t h e r ca rd s a n d w as s ta r tin g to d escen d th e s tep s w h en a m a n 's a rm w aa th r u s t o u t from ih e p a r lo r w indow , an d tb e h an d a t ­ta ch ed to tb e a rm de ta ined h e r. A t th e sam e tim e a grulT voice s a id ;

“ ‘M y p re tty young w om an , w h o a re y o u t ’

" M y fr ien d a t once co m p reh en d ed th a t i t w as th e o ld O eneral, th e fa th e r o f th e fam ily, w h o b ad th u s m ade h e r pause, f ib ek n ew h is rep u ta tio n for g ru ff an d w ell- m e a n t rudeness, b u t rep lied , m en tio n in g h e r n am e a n d saying Ib a t sh e w aa so rry to have found b is w ife and d a u g h te r n o t a t hom e.

“ W h e says th e y a re n o t a t h o m eT " de­m anded th e G eneral, p o k in g h is g rliz lcd head o u t o f th e w indow .

“ ‘ T h e m aid so Inform ed m e a t th e do o r,’ •aid m y friend ,

“ I t 's a d — d lie F exclaim ed th e G eneral. ‘T h e y a re b o th o f th e m n p e ta lrs a t th is m om ent. Com e in to th e bouse a n d I w ill have th e m dow n In a JiOy. T h e lasy w om en a re lo u n g in g on th e b ed a n d read ­ing novels,'“ ‘ Oh, I p ray y o ii, do n o th in g o f t h e k in d l" p ro tes ted m y friend , q u ite a g h a s t. ‘ 1 w ill com e again eome o th e r d a y .’'

“ 'N o , I in s is t upon y o u r c o m in g in now F declared th e O en era l; a n d , in fac t, he ob liged h e r to com e in to th e house, In­s tru c tin g th e m a id to te ll th o se lad les to oom e B ti^ g h t dow n to th e d raw in g -ro o m ,

“ Soj a f te r a b o u t tw e n ty m in u te s tb e w ife an d d a u g h te r m ade th e ir u n w illin g a p p ea ran ce , aa yo u m ay im ag in e , to tb e ex trem e em barraasm en t o f a ll p a r t ie s con- earned , w ith th e exoepU on o f th o o ld G en­eral, w ho re fe rred w ith g lee to t h e suooeai h e h a d tn t h i s p a r t lo n lv In s tan ce , in oor-





IN THE SPRINGIf 80, your Blood must be impure. Cleanse the

Blood and System with

B URDOCK B LOOD B ITTERS.BnviLi.E, Mich., April I ’i,

Unsm>.*FoeTCR Mit.noBN A Co. ,IV ar iffrs— 1 w rite th a t y o n m ay know th e good I h ave rece iv ed from tn s

BURDOCK BliO O D B IT T K R ii, I am now on th e n in th b o ttle o f y o u r w onderfu l liilters, and m u s t oonfeas I have reoelved p r o m ^ en re o f a lo n g e ta n d iitg d isease— HCKOFULA. I h a re av id d o lla r a l te r dollnr’r « o r t h o l in e d id n e s a n d received no re lle t b u t tb e th u d b o tt le o f B. B. B - 1 found g re a t rest. I have also used three b o ttle s o f B u iid o c k P i l u i ; th ey a re th e best m ed ic in e I ev er took . I can not D «lse th e m too h ig h ly . I do ow e m y w hole life to th em , a n d can recom m end them to every liv in g eonl th a t Is afflicted w ith th a t d read fh l disease, SC R O FU LA . I was afflicted w ith lu m p s aa la rge as a u egg in m y r ig h t side, and la rg e lu m p s oo m v th rosi, and m y lim ha w rre ooveied w ith a b u m tn g and itc h in g rash , w hich very grcAtiy annoyed m e w hen n e a r th e w arm stove. 1 hu d s p e n t a g re s t d e a l of money try in g to g e t re lie f, a n d txm sn lted the best m edical t re a lm e n t in th e Btate, b u t uil in vain ; th ey d id m e no good w halerer, an d I h ad a b o u t g iven u p , w hen I thought I w ould t r y y o u r m a d id n es , and , th a n k God, th e y h ave cu red m e . I am 1 well wom ao to -day . Y our ever tru e fr ien d and w ell w isher,

,MRS. CHA8.HUT TON, Berville, Bt. Clair Ca, Michlgsn.

n f 1.nii4li,n‘H A n c ie n t H m illilnreM IhH iiiied In l l e e t r u c t ln u .

From the riillH(iiT)>iilH'gi'icynipb.T h e em ail ab o p under th e H o lb o rn g a te ­

w ay o f G ra y 's In n , L ondon , w h ic h i t Ju st l>een decided In do aw ay w ith , h a s a loug life and a n o tab le one. T h e g a tew ay w as m ad e som e tim e a t th e e n d o f th e slx- t r e n th c en tu ry , and tb e s h o p w a s soon a f te rw a rd ta k e n by a m an w h o se n am e w ee a liv ing re fn ta tln n n f th e say in g o f h is g re a t co n tem p o ra ry . H e w aa a b o o k se lle r and h is n am e w as T om es. H e p u b lish ed th e firs t ed itio n o f B acon’s “ T w o B ookes on th e P ro fic leoce an d A d v a n ce m e n t o f I .* a m in g " (lfl05), an d W ilso n ’s “ T h e C o m m en d atio n o f C ockes an d C ocke- f ig h tin g ; w h ere in Is sh o w ed t h a t C ocke- fig h tin g w as before th e co m in g o f C h r is t” llaOT). T h e m o ra lity o f th is boo k m ay be d o u b te d ; th e w isdom o f i ts p u b lic a tio n is beyond question . W ith in a few d o o rs o f T o m es 'e sh o p w as a ro c k p it, w hnee fre­q u e n te rs w ould he doubtleaa n o t u n w ill­in g , a t a sm all ou tlay , to sh o w them eelvea devo tees o f so an c ien t a n d h o n o ra b le a p astln ie .

Jacob Tonsnn, famous as the publisher of Dryden and Pope, established what is said to have been tlie first RngUsh publish­ing business | in the modern sense of the word) under the gateway in the Gray’s-inn rood. He afterward took the shop which is now to be pulled down. He it was whom Pope complimented (mirabiic dletn I| as “ Genial Jacob," and whom Dryden pil­loried In a triplet beginning “ With leering look, bull-faced and flrcckled fhlr." Ton- son’s first shop was in later years occupied by Thomas Osborne, the purchaser of the Harleian IJbrary. Osborne is better known perhaps as enjoying the by no means unique distinction of having been thrashed l>y Dr. Johnson. Unfortunately, the shop itself csji not claim renown as having been the field nf battle. For the doctor is at pains to be precise upon the matter: " Hir, he was Impertinent to me, and 1 best him. Rut it was not in his shop; it was in my own ohamber."

Rut, in spile of this, the neighborhood would frirnish more than one shrine for worship to the literary pilgrim. Whether H be Tonson, insolent to Dryden, complais­ant to Pope, and particularly “ close” to troth; or Johnson visiting the sins of the fathers upon the luckless Osborne; or any of the many leaser lighto that must have visited the place and goseipped and bought and bargained within its walls—each fancy

! is sufficient to make us regret its destruc­tion. Hince the year 1824, or thereabouts, the shop has been occupied by a sucession of news agents, and is the particular haunt of the local quidnuncs who gather there the news and gossip of the day. It is one of the last and least known of the literary landmarks of Irondon.

JtrM. hetUe Zfwistlev 4 Is the wile of Mr. V . g. HuoUeyot CortUnd, N. Y., a w tll known oirpenter and bulhler. Her trank stateinent below gives only tho abeoluto tru th ooncrralng her Illness and marvelous reeovery by tbe aid o< Hood's Sarsaparilla Hhs says:"C. I. Hood A Co.. Lowell, Mass.;

"D esrH lrs: Twelre yesrs ig o 1 began to have liemorrhages and tour years ago becama so low that Ihe phystelaaa told me

Thera Wm No Hopo *and I should aooa die, I could not he moved born my bed. Under my face were napkins eontlnually reddened with blood from my mouth. 1 e w i d e a l i tM U a g and had no actlou of the bowels foraw eek. The doctors said tlie cause waa ulcers Iti the stomach. A t this time my mother aald she wanted to make oue more trial, and asked If 1 would take Hood's Barsaporllla. 1 told her i t would be

A Waste of Moneyhu t finding It would comfort her, 1 began tak­ing i t In a few days tlie bloatlsg began to suhilde, t seemed to feel a little stronger, but thought It only fancy. 1 was so weak I ruuld only take ton drops of KarsapHTilla a t lirst. in two weeks I was able to sU up a few ininutes yrery day. In a dkiuUi I c m M w a lk a c n o a Hie r i s s a . (hie day I asked » bat they were to iiave for ilinuer, S lid said I wanted something hearty. My mother was so happy she criru. I tw a s tha

FtratTime I had Felt Hun­gry for Two Yeare

I keptoD wlUi Hood’s HursaiiarillamKllur’y montlis was as well as ever In my life. I t is now tour yesis since I rocovered, and I have not had a ib y 's sickness since, nor any hemorrhage. Ifeverahunuuibeliig thankcd the good Lord on beaded Knees It was I. I know t in t Hood's Marsaparllla and that alone, imquesttonabty Itav ad wsy l , l t e . ”

Msurs, ftswyer A ileiibiiist, the well kaowa dinggltU ofCntlud, cay that Mn. Huntley "Is aldgbly racpecladiady; her stateinent o f what

Hood’s SarsaparillaB u doiis for boT ii worthy tbs hlglasfl conA- 4*tics/' H ood’s P ills f^ore l iT s r lUa*


H A S N O S U P E R I O RW l t u o y s t e r * i t 1 * a u i n c o m ­

p a r a b l e b c T o r a g e .

f j e a d l i i K r M l a u r a u t * n e l l i t .

T r y t b e “ O l d H o m e a t e a d ”

H a l f a n d H a l f .


Showing th« inoreat* In our PitMrlption Dopiriment In tho last throo yi

From Jan. 1 ,1S89, to Dec. 31,1889, - - 12,409,From Jan. 1, 1890, /o Dec. 31.1890, - - 15,153.

Or 2.744 more than the year before.From Jan. 1,1891, to Dec. 31.1891, - - 18.388.Or 3,235 prescriptions more than the preceding year.

THE REASONS WHY:I. Alt prcaerlptlimB are oonipoumied for one-liotf tho price cluirgcd by

Ollier drtimbile.II. They are prejmred from ihe best tlrugn nnd purest ehenilcali Lho

m arket aftbrits, oiitniitud from tbe moat renowned nlutmiaveullivl chenilsti of tiotl) Kurope and Atuerii'a, such as Merck, or Dnnudtndt, Hclierrllig, Dietrich, Hqulhb, Poweru A Wctghlnuiu, Piirk IMvls & tlo., BflltngN Ulaiip A t ’o., Merrcll, rihnrp A Dohme, W m. Wunier A Co., Wm. H . HchicffeUii, Dpjohti, etc.

I I I . All prcscripllons are tvimjiouiidoil liy throe (horouKhty competent pim 'rlptlcm derks, who tire In eondhtiil uttendanco.

IV. All preHcriptiotiH ro(|ulriiig more than 13 m inutes to prepare a n delivered free of charge by our delivery wugun.

I WORD TO THE PUBLIC REGARDIRG PJITEHT lEDIGIXGS.A« the public la well aware, wo have been suiting pA tentniedldueaat cut

nites nince the fall of 1883, o r longer thsn any other drug itora in the city. For veare w« havo ailvertlaed every spring and fall a large price list through the Leading newH|iaperH, thua making the ptiblio frimlllar w ith the difYerenco hi prioea between un and other HtoroH. A* it will take, up too m uch apace hi a iicwspujx'r to hnve a complete price Hut puhllHheil, and aa th e public a t large know we ore Helling oh low, if not lower, than any other drug Htore In the d ty , all we w ant to wiy here in : That no matter w hat any liruggiat diould ndvertlHC lit regurti'to priceH of Patent Mtslldiiea, “ we arc there every lime.”

NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE A SPRING H ED IG IN E!Meiik’g Karsuiiarilla, 100 doaea for SOe. I t la highly rtaiommemled.

ThousaiidH of ItottluM have been xold. I t la without u doubt tlie beat blood m edidne kiniwii.

Furtliennorc, we n-ooimnend n few P K E M C R 1P T 10N 8 W H IC H W K K N O W , through our expi-rietiee, to lie rdialile;

Ask for 11. likOOO, for ixiugliH and txtlda, houraciii'ss and all afl'cctlon* of the throat uiid luiiga, 2,30. luid .lOe. |ter bottle.

Ask for H. HlSflO, n cure for rheunmtlam. Hnving been uaod by a great numlier of wufferere In our d ty , we «ofdy enii reeonmiend Ihe aatue, Prlisj 60e. a Ixittle.

We huvii for ehildren H. SI‘>40, an unfrililng renudy for eotigha. eoltls, croup and nil thniut troubles that they nre subjeet to. Give It a trial, 2.3a jier Imttle.

Kmulaon of t'lxl L iver Oil w ith Hyjrophoapliltoa, 50c, per pint liottlu; 45c. w ithout Isittle. I’lire Norweginii t ’od Liver Oil, jicr p in t Isittle, 25c.; w ithout Imttle 2<k'.

H, HTIltKI,for gentlemen only,a anfe und s|xqsly cure for nil bladder troubles.All above iiK-olloiusl u in llelnrii a re jn il li)i w rekly uiid lliereforc a lw ays f m h and

reliable.W e curry a large u w o rtm en t of Thiksch ond a t very m oderate prlero,

AluoHpoiigea. Hyrltige*. riiiblaT Uistd*. Toilet A rtlrlev tas iiju a iid t’erru inery . The very Triple K xlraels, ^'s‘. |HT ouiiee. Ill litel, everylliliig usiiuily kep t in u flndrclaM drug

lit itiit |>rU'i%

D o n ’t iorf?et tli© n a m e und a d d re s s , y o u Im vo to r e m e m b e r—


100 MAIIKET 8TKEKT,Telephone ‘JW.

O p p o s i t e W a s h i n g t o n S t r e e t sripi'ii AU bu y H oliday.

Aaron Ward& S O N - ,

S o l e A g e n t s .


$250,000W O R T H O P


iKoting w h at be callsd a 'fa ta la in a Iradsnqy tlM i We w «r|'«aFturad tg n a y - ( lo f tM iM d ’ ia tb « tad iM D f U a fhniilir."

l ie A lert unit A live.Thf a tfrt moH nfhrrtOix At* rro t r ila tf " fn r

,qnt« " oart " 7>> M " fii Oir “ .Vntu." Thf life _ oJieaye eltMlIee thr " -Vcier'J ” real etUUa

aiit, M— ----------- ;------------ --.M-l-.,I.KAI* VFAR FADS.

T he W ay tn w h trh Young M en A re C haper- oned a t V arllee ,

From the Now York Time*,Homo o f th o le ap yesx p a r tie s seem to

h av e b een c a rrie d on o r off w ith e ic o p - tio n a l sp ir it , i t h a s been la u g h a b le , for Instance, t h e way in w h ich th e m en have insisted u p o n h e in g c h ap e ro n e d , an d young w om en h a v e called in c a rr ia g e s to occom - fiany gay hocholors, w h o w ere carefrilly p ro tec ted b y th e ir m o th e rs , to th e scene o f festiv ities.

O ne In v e te ra te J o k e r g av e p e rh a p s a h in t to th o Iro llesof tho s o r t o f c h ap o ro n s th a t w ould b e m ost a c c e p ta b le w h en he cam e in to th e p a rlo r to re ce iv e h is fa ir e sco rt, fo llow ed by an e ld e r ly a u n t w h o is d e a f as a p o s t and is, ,bcsldcs, a lm o s t blind. T h is sam e m an w as w ra p p e d In a w hite o p e ra c lo ak c u t w ith a n abHiirb resem ­b lance to a dress su it u l s te r ; h e c a rr ie d a Irouquet o f flow ers sn d w o re a b and o f riblron s n d bow on h is h a ir .

'W hen he a p p ea red fro m th o dresalng- room a f te r lay ing aside h is am biguous w ra p , i t w as seen th a t t h e s leeves o f his c o a t hod b e en tak en o u t a n d e lbow sleeves o f p in k s ilk an d lace su b s titu ted , w h ich , m o t b y lo n g p in k k id g loves, effectually “ b r ig h te n e d ” h is to ile t a n d ad d ed to his n o n d esc rip t a ppeuranoe , A t a n o th e r leap y e a r p a rty , he ld Just iie fo re l . e n t began, tb e y o u n g w om en d an ced th o cotillon w ith w h ite s ilk c ru sh h o ts tin d e r th e ir orroa.

A t th e som e affair a y o u n g fo o tm an in c a p and a p ro n d id du ly in th e m e n ’s dreso- Ing room , w h ich w as, besides, pienU frilly p ro v id ed w ith pow der a n d ro u g e boxes, h a irp in s , a tray o f b o n b o n s a n d aggressive botU es o f co logne an d ex trao to , W h en tb e lad les doffed th e ir ou ts ide g e a r th e oc tua t m a id w o re w ith h e r re g u la tio n p e tt ic o a ta a live ry ja c k e t an d v est a n d c a r r ie d a w hisk b ro o m aa a s o rt o f bodge o f office, T b e ro o m w as b e re f t o f its u su a l fem in in e fr ip ­p e rie s , an d in th e ir p lace w e re suggestively M t o u t tobooco, p ip e s a n d c ig a rs , w ith d e ­c an te rs o f ooguao an d a h a g a f iu to y bow l l^ la d w ith o lo v e a .

Your dru ^ist does not spread his Rasters or greJa- tine-coat his pills. He knows .that such work is better done Jn a factory.

Some try to make an Emul­sion of cod-liver oil: but they cannot make one like Scott’s Emulsion—they’ll find it out some day. '

There is no secret in what it is made of; there is a knack in making it That knack is Scott’s Emulsion,

There is a book on c a r e ­f u l LIVING that you ought to read. Shall we send it ? Frpe.

S e a n k Bow»i, Chvmivii, i j i Smiih 51I1 Avniut,N«v York*

Your dnifcgiit let«p» ScouV Lfouhion o( uod-Um «U-wtU drugii*^ oTvrywhen do* |t.

IfYou Knew

How goud a Huit wn arc iKlIluf tor

8 4 . 0 0You would “ catch on " t o one wiiile they laal-

Uur *'<.00 K ult. n re reinforced In the neat utad knoce, and are tho bcet|3JI0 Units lu Newark lo.duy,

The Utost designs In STAR BIllKT WAIB:^ lu slock,

boys’I lothingPARLOR,

841 BUOAD STltKKT,0pp. Newark and K«w York R. R. Uspot.

n u ought to see onrositort m en t of Beys’

Hu Us a t tO.OO. T urn ’em Inside ou t and

look s t t be Itlnuo lng , mid see the w ork­

m anship. You ought to see 'em fitted

to your H<>y, You ought lo see Just

how m ticli m oney there Is to be saved.

There's saving m oney In inoro ways

th an one. F irst, the Having is In pres­

en t purchase p rice ; nex t, In tbe extra

good weor—longer service.

W e've lots o f H tylish Hulls tor Little

Boya Our ow n designs; peculiar fit­

tings. The iJ I tle Herfere, l i t t l e Zou­

ave, Ijltlie Double-Breasted. Prices to

y im are j uiR abou t the sam e as o rd inary

deuiors |iuy to r them , Wo oak m anu­

facturers' price* nnly.


2S105O I t U . L o v m T I i i J y i f i e r l o i M i i t l g M

Mattiogs, O ilclo tlis, LiDoleaius andAlmost EverytliiiiA for Honseloeplol.


Marshall & Ball,

*07, *09, i l l , 813 BROAD STREET,

218 ami 220 HARKET STREET,

We make Glasses that fit We have splendid fa­cilities for testing .sight and making Spectacles and Eyeglasses to order. We can supply you with any form of Spectacles or Eyeglasses that you may wish. Eyes tested free of charge.

J. Kendall Smitli,Graduate N. Y . School

of Optics,663 Broad Street



St t i NKW ARJt AVF-NUE, Jersey City, N. 4.

MEWAItK, N. J,B A A N C H s t o n e s ;

2 1s Ma i n MTiiF.ET, I'utorion, N. J.

to M MYRTLE A 'V E N tia ^ Brooklyn, N. Y.

Don’t waste your time and moneyBy looking around in other stores for your shoes, where you have to pay 25 per cent, more for the goods than you can buy fresh and reliable goods, where you know It, of us. Examine our stock first before you buy'any of your shoes or oxfords.

la d lc s 'F ln e lyuigcla.bui i«n lod llte rcn t BlyleSitleaiid Plata all wifiths, only • ! .« * .

Ijid les’ Fine lloiignia, biitinn, t d ltlhrenl stylM, im o o lk lim ner aolc. lip and plain ; the lw*l lu the w orld to r th a moaejr, only « t . 49.

Mlimia’ K xtra High Cut, only a i-a * .

button, pa ten t Ups, sixes U U I

Airout M ay 1 Petty will open a Phorm sey In tho uew P rudcu tlal B uilding w ltb a supply o f th e h a t Drugs, Perfumes, O snd ln , U g a n , Toilet ItoqiiisllM, Brushes, Heup, etc. A prom inent toolurs will be a fine soda w ater apparatu s w ith a eatstolty tor a large bunlness. Tbo I’rudeo tta l and downtown s tu m w tll be condnoted on ro- llablo an d eareful b u s ln ad prinvlplee, tow prioea to r the b a t guode au d co m p e to it and obllglog atteudaiil*. - - .

Don’t pass this unnoticed.

ThoN is money in i t for yon.

Ton oan bay three pairs of shoes of ns for f h a t yon have

to pay for t i o pairs

elsovhere.JTo eonnection w ith any other store In eitjjr.

t'hUdis K glra High Cul„ Ups, sloes !IJ41« Kfioi ***.Tho name, 5 toil, only S ir .Mlaoce' F ine Dongola, button, pateBUlp,heel andsprlngbeel

siren II tog, only 9Bc>i.Yillri’sFInoItongola, button, p a ten t tip s , s l i « IJ i to I t 'ji

only Tge.t.'b lld 'i F ine Dongola, button, p a ten t tips, siscs gU to 1D!4.

only U9e.Child’s Fine Dongola, button, sprlogheel, pa ten t Ups, slot* I

to H, only 59e.( te n ts 'f in jC a lf Hhnes, ou r own m ake, sm ooth tuner so lti.

dongnlH top, tipped and plain, iocs a n d congreso, only 8 1 .9 *.Gcnta’ F ine D reu Hboes, io n oud congress, tipped u sd plolti.

our ow n matte, only 81.49. ”Boys' I Itgta Cut Lace Bbocs, dongola top, a ll leather, sliea 2U

to 8J4, only 9*o. ^C hild 's High Onuiiter for weak ankles, iprlngHecIs, buUun.

slsca 8 toT,Dii7y18e., regular p r l c e l l J i ^C hild’s High O innters to r weak onkles, bu ttoo and Isoa

Bbaes, s ise s ‘i to It, only 89c., regular price i t ,Uenls’ Velvet Hlippert, p a ten t Icalher bock, a lt sliee, on ly d le s 'F in e Itongoln, patent Ups, Ostord Ties, seamless.-

pa ten t loalher trim m ed, C to E w tdtbs, on ly 81.9d. ^ .la d le s F ine Dongola, paten t Ups, Oxford, on ly B8 e.Ixul.les' Fine Dongobt Uxtord Ties, else* lo 7, on ly Tde.

E . I t . P E T T Y ,---------------- ' ------------

-M I diffiti'':'



If f ilB lC ilMeholan at Work os Another Trasa-

UtloB of the Scriptnrea.,


• f lb * M ron( K rU tlou t l ’« u a « r i ilch aira Halil to Hava Ko I*r«p»r

1‘laaa la tb a B ooh—llnw P raraiito r l la u p t I H li A u la U n li W ill D ivide Iba W ork .

^ 'ba rew lll be lom eth liit n'M‘m b llu (a eeii' o ag m o o ftta e le ltyupon the apt>eami)ne

I 'tlM n a a tra n a lu llu n o rtb e Hcrlplurea, to b a lanrn as lha American Bible. I’rufMwor u l H aupt, tbo noted Heiulllc icbolnr, of >hni Hopkina V ulrcnilty. Ikiltlmorp, P'bu la I ed it tbo work, baa oaalifucd lo h ln iH 'lftbe

X »kof ilcolcalaatca, and lo Ihoae w b o ara halU ar w ltb Ih la -oue of the boal-known W tiona of the Bible—the clian |ca m ade will

n o lb ln i leia th an atnrtllnf. The a tre n p ii ,rtd beauty of the wine k in f 'a worda are ^ > u |h t out, bu t rellfloua Beullm int la coiv

'aplcuoua by lU abaenn. For one of the earll- eat prtoepla of ploua troeberwi auered nmooR th e memorlea of ehlldhood—'■ R em m ihcr now i l iy t- re a to r ln th e daya of th y youth " -w e ahatl took In vain. Hero la the aim« fbnii the n I nib Tone of I ho eleventh chaidcr to the end Ml It will appear;But rojolee, O youth, In thy childhood,And lo ti by heart cheer thee In the diiyaof th y

m anhood;W alk In the waya of thy bearl,And Id the alght of Ihlue eyea,

'Banlah moroaenOM from thy hm rt,But keep aw ay evil from thy Itorfb.Kor childhood and manhood are ttcrIlnE. nem om ber thee well In the daya of th y v lfo r, Era there come the daya of evil.And the y e a n draw lllRh

' 1 1 1 w hich thou w ilt aay I have no pliaanre.E re la darkened the tun, and the light o f the

da.v,A nd tlie moon, and Ib r alani,•\nd th e viouda re iurn after the rain.W hen the keepera of the lioute to inhle,A nd Ihe m en o f power bend tbciiutclvoa:The Rrlndlhg nialda ccam A nd the ladiea Hint liaik out through the lab

ticca a re da rkened ;The doura a re shut toward Ihc atrecl.He rltc th a t the voUa of the Idrde,•Vnd all the datiRlilcm of K. ing arc lirooglit low. H i la afraid of th a t which la high,And frara are In Ihe w ay;Tlie alm ond ln<o blmMomcth,The locuatcraw 'lrth along wltb dllllcully.The caper-berry b n n k e th up.The ailver ooid la ■napia'd aitnndcr,The golden howl cruehod hi.The bucket a t Ihe well rhlveOKl.And th e whiwl hreakclh down a t the pit.Man la going lo hla etcnini huuN',A n d ib e niouniersgnalK iiit In thcatrccl. A'anlly o rvanlllca, w llli bivlcalalin.All la van ity , and all that Ik cuinliigla vanity ,

Tbe alk concluding verMwof the book a t fhund In Ihe autborlied venlon, and which contain among other tliliigH the Injnnctinn, " F e a r tlod and keep Ilia ronimundiUcnle, fo r th la la the whole duty of m an ,” a rc om llled entirely. All the rrllgluua w nll- m enta which In the King Jnm ea tinnalallon ace Ibroiighonl Interwoven w ith pblliMopliy the mOKtcpIeiiroan, I'tofiaiior H aupt regarda HI Interpohitlons In dlnvd opiaialtlon to the teaching o f KiTlealaatce and cvtdeirlly w rit­ten to w eaken the force of tlie a iitho r’a worda. " Th* conrlaito ii of Ihc whole n iu llcr " 1» not " fear God and keep HU comniandmeiUa," b u t “ am uae yourself while you are young and try to be lli good epirlta. Ito w hat you feel Inclined lo and en |oy w hat pleaaea your eye. Be no herm it or anerllc, bu t lio not ru in y ou r health ." The opening verwa o f the quotation given form the haala o f th e well- know n Germ an albdenta' aoiig, “ Gaudeam ua Ig llu r .f ' wfalcM wn a originally a iw ullentla Miag o f tw o a ta n u s . The word " well,” w hich Pmfieuor Haupl RobHlflutaii for " t 'n ^ a to r," he Inlerprela aa meunlng “ th e mol her of thy children ," and referato aa lm lla r Idea In tbvyverbe v.. IMS; “ lir tnk w ater out of Ih laeo w n Cdetern.and running w ater out of Ih ine ownwc'etl,Wo Khali thy fmiiitalna Ix'dl»- jieTwed abroad, i t vers'of wub>rs In tJie at reels.1.el them be ont.v Ihlue own and not. si rangers w ith thee, sd shall thy founlaln be bbvised an d th o u ib a lt have Joy o f th e wllh of th y yonih.”

Profeaser H anpt's asslKtaul, Dr. C hristopher Johnson, skys

“ The authorised version, In spile of Us m atchless beauty, Isobscuire and unliitcltlgl- hte. Three eenliirli'S of Htudy, with v astly Im proved and more Adcntltle m ethods o f n ‘- Bckycb, have grenlly advanced our knowledge o f the original tongues, and , moreover, th e Isngiiage of th e Kllsuhethsii iwriud Is now too a n ’bale to be casl ly ii nderalood by I he average reader. Yet most iieoplearc so fnm lllur with I he au tho rised version, an m any incm niies are assoelated w ith I t , th a t any a lte ra tion seems little short o fa sacrilege. Iiideeil, there a re not a few who v irtually a ltrlh u le lo the au thorised version the a n lh o rlty o f insplrw- tlon. Isifgely, however, th is feeling Is due to theohaeurlty o f the tangnage. which lends It­self easily to av arle ly of in terp reta tions and Invests the ofl-qurited texts w ith a ni.vsteiious and orai'u lar character esiHxlally a ttrac tive ID m any m inds.

“ The revised version Is an iinsHlIsflU'tory compromtse. I t makes, Indisat, ^certain Im- provefneut* j hu t a t the same tim e following closely the ' model of the authorlu<d version, and , endeavoring to Introduce as few changes as possible. It preserves the archaic cbiinu-ter which renders the latter so obseure. Itul the ■acrednesa of the Bible by no means depends upon th e obscurity of Its language, no r does a proper reverence for It neeesallate Ihe em ploy­m ent o f any archaic disguise. The transla to rs o f the revised veralon lay s trw s upon the fact th a t the version tW 1611 Is an English classle, b u t th e study of English and th e atiidy of tbe Bible a re widely diflbrent things. The revised version, thoremro, has not been and can never beasueceas. Un the one hand, It can novar superaodethe authorised veiston, w hich will alw ays bold lla uwn, both tor devotloim l rkad- Ing and for IUiirglraI.pur|s»es, tin th e oUier hand . It doaa not a ttem pt to o tfrr a new trana- latloo, removing Ihe diflieultleanf the older version, and thus rendering th e Bible Intelli­gible to m odem readers.

“ Tbe propoaed new American Bible, whidh wilt uontaln both the Old apd the >'ow Tisita- m rnU , together with the apocrypha and the pseddcplgrapha. If, Indeed, I t shunld eum pele w ith any o f the versions now In use, w ill eventually supersede, not tbe authorised h u t the revised versloo. The authorised version should be lapplem cnted by n tran s la tlan of th e Bible In nnrdern English, prepnrnd w ith the help o f advanecd Hebrew and Greek ■ehnlanklp, and 1 1 10 0 11x1 11x1 by the ligh t sned on Ui Ib rem arkable book by the adVaniTo m ade In ipeent years In the ttelds of O riental h isto ry and arehssology and the h igher c riti­cism,

“ The higher criltcism of the Bible lias re­ceived m uch unm crlledabuse from Ihiwcwho do no t fully comprehend Us lu tu re and scope. I t Is, however, incRiy the excrctsu of tbw reasooing fscultlea with which m an has been endowed by the Creator, A num ber o f dls- llngulitaed echolars all over the w orld a re now engifled In th e literary study o f tb e B ible; b u t, obviously, all critical Investiga­tion becomes an Impossllilllly If th e book be considered as verbally Inspired. Tlie object o f th e higher crittclim is, therefore, to separata the everbtsling Inspired substance and qnlnlesoenre of tbe Bible Dom la te r ad- dttlona and Interpolations, and to assign to ra d s M o k In the sacred w ritings lie proper plare In tb e devetopmenl of the Chosen i W pta.”

In. add ition to embodying the reeulta of aRhwsdOgltal and critical reeearch, i t Is neoesaary to supply a historical background. Tbe prophetliml hooka, Air exam ple, ns well aa m oat of tb e Bsalma, can Im rdly bo hilly appreciated w ithout an acvurele knowledge Of tbe ir authorship, object and dote, a n d tho hlstorlrul ctrcumsbinces which gave rise to tbe'iq. ^ e hew American Bible propoacs to supply all th is Inforinatlon

I t Is, o f course, IrapoNitble Air one m an to undertake a work of th is character. Pro- A*saor H aupt, therefore, divided to nsalgo aaeti boc^ o f the BIbIt to one dlstlniiulahad scho lar! •» th* ^>d Tm taidcnt, Air exam ple, bos been entrusted lo twenty-four of the raoet eompotent speclallsls in th is b ranch o f ressoR b In Amcriea, E ngland and G erm any, and a num ber of tho roost dlw tlngulibed scbolara have agreed to tran s la te tb e O erm an contrlbuttaus Into EnglUh. The A m etioan H ebraists who have consented to tak e p a rt In the work ore t Professor W. R, H arper, preeldent of the Ohlongo Unlver. ■Ity, who will share tbe burden of ed itoria l raapooslhlllty and translnle ygietaarlab ; Pro- fesaor 0 , K. Hoore, the learned A ndover •xegete, who wilt render Judges; Prafhsaor E. H . Joy , th e distinguished H arvard proAtsaar, w ho will traosla te Eseklet; Francis Urqwn,

I. odlU frof the gRwt new Hebrew dictionary, harbo Is preparing a transla tlono f J o e l ; Ur. J.

; F . M cCurdy, o f Toronto D n lv m lty , who will ! oontributo a Iranstalhm o f U le a b ; llab ak - ' k u k will be re n d e r^ by Fretesaor W. H. ■ W ard, ed llpr of the New York Jndepi’tutnit.

■ o r E. I k C u rtia Ihc succ««sor o f rroAsi.

-- - » — mJSr- - -' - -IJf T B E IIARHAUDE*. • ~ " c y

>%B klxeltlug W indm ill E sp a rle iu a W hich I U oeurrvd to a E eg ra .

From All Ihe Year Hound.Steam power Is being gradually Intro |

duced into tho tugar miUa, but tho inland is atiil woU otuddod with windmilli, which pleadngly dlveroi^ tho monotonoua as- poct of the over-callivatod country. In­deed, with »o constant a power aa tho trade wind, most of the work of this fav­ored land can be porfnnned almoet free of cost. If you need water you have only to sink a well end erect a windmill over it, which will keep your reaervolni ftiU. The coral rock la so porous that there is no auoh thing la a river in the whole island. The whole lUnfall sinks through the soil to form underground streams, which dis­charge their oopious Hoods below the aur- Ihce of the sea. Well-making preeeuti easy conditions here.

Borne curious stories attach to tii se windmitla, and one ofthe most noteworthy* incidents in connection with them occurred quite recently. At a mill known as 8 t George’s, on May 21, Iggl, the men in at­tendance were ahortenlng soil; one man did not let go his hold soon enough, and was carried aloft iy the great forty-Bvo foot Bail. He fortunately had all his wits about him, and managed to get his feet rounda bar ofthe sail sndto boldontothe one above. In this poeltion he was carried round, the mill revolving with Increased rapidity, os th e 'n ^ whose duty it was to feed It had rushed out at the first alarm.

A cry was rnised to choke therollert with cane, and so stop tbe m ill; this was done at the imminent risk of lireaking some of the machinery, and so releasing tbe sails altogether. After six complete revolutions the mill was stopped, fairly choked by the bundlec of cane thrust Into Its Jaws, leaving thesall,towhlch the man stilt clung, uppermost, and he ninety feet from the ground. With marvellous nerve, or rather lack of nerves, he proceeded to climb down that pemous ladder and reached the ground without assistance. An easy calculation will show ho had trav- e l l^ close on HOD yards in bis aerial jour­ney, a m f ^ l f the distance with his head downward.^Trobably not a white roan living could have held on under the cir­cumstances, but tho negro, when unfet­tered by boots, is as agile as a monkey, and had ha nnly a tail, would be a formida­ble competitor to one in the climbing line.


Home P o in te rs to P n t Npvices on a I ’s r W ith Old A 'oyagori.

From the Philadelphia (’all.Here ore some interesting foots that

proepective visitors to Europe this coming summer will find it handy to cutout and treasure up for the time at sea tvhen they want to appear well booked as oid tourists OR matters of transatlantic travel.

The first steamship that crossed the At­lantic was tbe Savannah, in 1819. It took that ancient vessel twenty-five days to make the voyage. It was not until 1840 that a regular line of transatlantic steamers was established by the British and Ameri­can Royal Mail and Bteam Packet Com­pany.

A knot is 6,080 feet long. The distance from New York to Liverpool is 3,061 nau­tical mile* by the northern track and 3,130 by the southern track. The former course ts taken hy vessels bound for this port; tho latter by vessels bound for Liverpool. From Liverpool to New York the dis­tances are respectfully 3,688 and 3,100 miles. In estimating records, the points taken on either side are Bandy Hook and Dount's Rock, Qneenstawn harbor. The first light sighted on the British coast is tbe Bull, Cow and Calf, Ireland, and on the Ameri­can coast either Nantucket or Fire Island.

The largest psssenger steamships In commlsstott are the sister ships City of New York and City of Paris, each having in,M9 tons dispIacemenL The a^m ship having the largest accommodations for cabin passengers is the Cunarder Etruria, which can carry HO. The longest steam­ship is the Teutonic, 866 feet. The great­est day run record Is 618 miles. A big steamship bums about three hundred tons of eosd dirily, smd the average expense of a voyage to IJverpoo) and return is (75,000 for a vessel like the Teatonic. A first- clan steamship of one of the great lines costs nearly (2,000,000.

Fsttsss-Mr murk— srwy ons of the p a in fu l dl*. o rd e rs - that p rey upon wenm. Thg* fads tbs w aste th e

figure, rein ths twnpn, wiOwr yon Ms make you old before your tisaa

(let well; That'a the m.r to kxA waft Cure the tro iil^ aed anments that hn ost ymi, wlHi llr. J>ierreV Favorite P»» srrtjiUon. It's a (pinronfccd remedy fog all tbe dcilrotn weidiucKies, tiiTsngetneafcit and dliwnnex {wiiliar yi wraiieji.

It regulates and ])nwint« all thS prop* fuDctkioK, improves ibgestiun, enricbet tbe Idixxl, diipi'ls acbixi and t>^ne, met- awholy and ncrrousiien, briig^ nitres^ ing sleep, and resiorta health nnd nivngth. It's a powerfiil general, as Well os utoHue. tonic and nervine, iiiH tarring vigor and strength to tha enUm gyHt rm.

11 s•nb one fur woman's ailments, an 1 „ toil In its effects that it can be pnarsn> jr, t If It doeen’t benefit or euro, ig

mT osas, you havo your tnoMy h a ^

T l■ •' • --v,gM3B<c.a«s»ai—saR- i swna. . - - t —>». tJUTISE

I U l l w a l l w W ■ i l i S I I l *> Mnvl ut«1 W'Kii’i CmimlBloiH-rK. - 1’nWli iioUiv /VirmsT of sn onlin«h.-.. ..7 Ih,. ,7t# JTNwkH:,

a legitim ate n in ficfse— and th s 0 0 0 fo r

WHAT TO EATis a difficult problem with many people because but few articles of food agree with them. Tlie doctor says

AVOID GREASEand the result is unpalata­ble food. The reason the physician objects to grease is because lard is the article most used, and every phy­sician knows that hog lard in any shape is unhealthy and indigestible.

Every one interested in pure and healthful food hails with joy the new product

GOTTOLENEwhich is composed of pure cottonseed oil and pure beef suet— nothing else— not even salt. It is ^r//rrthait either lard or butter for all cooking purposes, and one pound of Cottolcne will do as much as two pounds of lard or butter, and it costs

■ less than cither.F.very housekeeper that

tries Cottolcne will find in it just what she wants.

Beware of imitations—get the geniune of your grocer.N. K. FA IRBAN KS CO.,

CHICAGO, and 138 H . O s l a w a r s A * * ., Phlla .

Produoa Exahawga, N. V.


S H IN E.|creen;theuhbrellaman.

T lio a r I 'nn iM iU tu r WKsiTOs adv^rtlMHlby uiii^ firm luAt KiinOuv for

Oiu* o f (ShM'itV lHtncii[nKs


OrK K ’K OV T liK H tU linO K HTUKf-T ASU \V«ier CXjQimlmlum'rw uf tiH* liiy of NVwnrk.

NhWARKv N. •!., Aprii iHtl itnHWMQli will W nHXiVPtl iit tbU offltH* uiiUI

S d'clDOk 1*. )f. of Tuentlay, ItiH Ibinl itny of Mh/ liM, Mr Ihe perflurnuuu'M of tli«i noAyf'igct-r work of UM city of Nrwark itrvuriUiif to iiiu foUowlimi

Hl'hX’lHt'ATIONM.For the miHFval «»f nAhHA, imrlmfe Ahd nfUil fW>m

UirMrartJi of ibe fHy Of XfWArk, t>«imy of tiHl Klule of New Jmie.r. Mr Ihe terjii of not lev* limn five yHATk nor niorM lun len yaarw In iwvnnt- Hmv a llh tb« pnivlAkHM of a be Mojirut'edby Uiv Hoartl urHire^i and Water L'ctmtoiMluiicni of the I’lty o f Senwrk.

Flint'W hriM vef the word btrerUhi turd It «hAU rover m\\ iht* public RvenuM, atneU Atwl ullpya In ih r cily llndii.

Hrunml In Ihe exm illon of th ^ rontnirts all aabM, ffartMjce anil o(Ml rolMdrd by Uw ooninwior or coQtmotnn Nhall bn reuiovad lo tUa tluniiilnf pttCM provided by the Board of NtjrtiAiaihl \ \a lv f

or Ihe Lleiwrat HuperlQt«udi‘iil, of Worka ofaald board.

Whenever the Oeni>ral Buperintendeat of Work* AballlnwrlUitir no onler,the contractor nroomnio* tore aball deimalt aabe* (n All In any auiUm laiida nr plMim ao fiiraa It ukay be kfaUjr permlMable •0 lodo.

In cafe the contractor nr ('ontracton dNiro to re* move {he mutcrlal rotlrvlrd by aoowii, dum|ilnj(

Glacfa alone tb r water ftvmt wiU 1| b denlfxiatou by le General Bo|>er1ntendent of Worka Third—All the wdiHv, (larbace and oflUl aball be

rolleedeil and reonnvrd ouce In ea(*b day to all tho ■treeta of the city, Buixlaya and lecal ^UUa> a u * oejited.

Fourth—W henever the conieniii of any vewebi or receptackw Hhalt be aplUed upon Uie alilcwalka, aut- 1 era Hud rarrburi! wayN, Uie drlvera of acavenser vraJiviu or rwrta aball taUte up or gather Ihe aame, or cautM* tbeMDiv U) be UkcinJiiorgalliered and placed hi <wrta or wwmioin ; earU <mrt or wagiHi ahull be pro- vfdeil wUb a ^ o v f l and brunm to Kalher upaAhm and gartNigc whenever GiUlrd or atwUerud ujV>u tbe akl*wvaika, Ruttem anct carrLuge waya.

F inb - Aabert, gartwKeand nflU n>necie<l Rball be remtW'ed in w ater-light veblrltnof uulMriin'miHinto- tloii, uecnrely ti iv en il; and they muat be driven alHl itumagfH] an that irntte of their coutPitta ihail Mil or leak or Hplll lhfn*from. 1* 41 vebh'le nbull have the name of the i-oiil motor }iaiMle<l tbareuu, aud iw ronapiiiionNly uiul reguLarly unruberrd.

Birth The WHgtnm nawi Hliatl he covered anil iver-

ta hrrvhy ;rUen 0ml II Ihe liiU’iitlna of the lloant of street Hiul WnU‘f fummlarioiHrs o* ibe rhy irf Newark, iimler and by virtue of i>mvW«ua of tho (M’teumiHl - All art lo revioc atxlamemi iliei'hurter of Umj rtiy of Newark.”ajipmvwl Miin‘h ll. IH47, uml the NujudmniMitJi then to, aihl Hie act tYealIng Iho Board o( Blivet atwl WRtprt'ominUduneni nf tha city Ilf Newark, ui'ppiveU March H| IPI» to onlor and niMe the mvliig ofIIAIIVKY HTnEKT,frtun BellevUb) avenoe to Ihv eartrrly euib U«a ftf Mt. i'leoMint ai'i’iiui'. vvifli geuulite 'liinhbHt JAke aapliHiiiiui ; hiuftlicr with all tio' HjipiirtehaJiivn uesvw^ry tortunplv-te tlir anmo.

Hui’h |M*pu»UKtiamny ii1 )kh”1 lUereto.ari’ re<^eati*il l4i imwrtit iheir objet’iloiui In w ritim: at llo- onlt's* uf the lUfiRPl til BitwtaiHl Water Oimmbwloneni. on or tM fnn« ihvc.vidmiionU from ibo dale uf IhU iBnihi’.

lly diivs’Bon Of liii* TJohpI of htn>ev aod AS'aler t'oumdjuUjni'ra of Ihe rlly of Newark.

rUAitlxh>4 MAltBM, tlriii’Tai Bii|Haln(i'ndenl of>Vurka.

Newark. N. J.. AimII 'iV IWi. THoIXTKNTION JitiAmi i>V

ami Water t'oiimitwdiONTa. Jhibllr imf- lire ia hereby KivenlliiilU la il>e Inleuthni of Ihe jkiurti uf Htvi t unit \t'a ler Umimlmlmiera of the t-tiy of Nennrk, uiMler and by vlrum of im rtidnna uf Oe* act I'nlUUil'• Am act to revlM' luid aim-nd tlie

N 'OTU'K. I ifHtPi’l I

H iartero f tlieclty of Xt-wark.” approve*! Mawh 11, lifctT, ami Iho «Hi'lr>hMdA thep4 u, Hint Die m t rnwl- tng Ihe Ikwird iirAtriNd hiuI \V«u*r rtUOMilrietonera uf

__________ JeidUlril Auonlliwm v tn provtil"! ftir llo- iiav ln io f j by the tntorlookliiK-m

UKilAG Hi HKI-rt. i “ I HU»iUiw*4y4in in.lfrom tioveiwMr atteel to ilarvoi' a»rre|.“ paated Malrh txHi, ami apimiveil Mtin-li :U, IM1.

IV> it ordaluetf !>v the HiinnI n| and Water('■unmtlwiooem of ihe eltv tirNewafk.aAMUtm*:

Hocllon I. Tlwl un oNlnatuv of Ute chy of New­ark, etitithd " .An ordhMiti'- lu provide flir Ihe pav­ing uf HohuI »tnvt, frumivtivi-rm-iii hlretd ijarvey alrwiq” >«a^nt Muri-U Ji, Iwd, aiel ai>|»rovwlMarch 11, IM01.1e-‘ and the wld »>hlluarrC>-iNlierrtnr n <fnlr-d.

Srt iiMifi. ■i'huUhl’* onlluRiMV Nriall (akeeilUi Un-iiniilMhdy.

Jhbixwst April 19k iNirl.fAMF>'v\ii rif. JH.,

f'nahlent of Ibu Uuonl of?dn**t and Wati'M ouiiuw-fclitnrrv

FNOH urSYilN ,I'lerk of |he Ihtartl uf Htre*l WaU-i

AlillMTHApprovi'tl Apnl L-.1, IhX'.

i:. HAYNiXVln .Mil) or.

N'ln U T ; UF lNTKN'rit>NHirt'otaiid Wat4>r LVunml^muTN

K I R K l B

n fM or K. I k C u rtla Urn miomomi t.llartM r at^ Ynte, v j l t tnuuiU te Erplianlati,

rroa o x H arn e i _______________ ____ _______ana Iteih will be tendered tor the faravug Dr. C. A. Briggo, of Hjgv ToA._______

Toe W arn a tM^art.From Booton Otmiier.

Kia. MlxmoUdfo—“fwtwTerjr mueli token t j wlthtld i p t i d r t lopoon ^teaw niln’,

pxL.T.Ao^t a a a l j ^ k Bw

T h e ilh o r te e t Ctif«I f *nr« r r a t fMotr " j e r «U« ” o r “ /» I r l"

o r irroit <» p u rtiu u r or Irt ren t tHate, 1/m m n fin d tAo rrlutir m itr tr l rtfifofed <* We " S o to s 'i" ttdierUting cotiiii™. ^ ______


A R em ark aB te AddlUoii to th e F h tt id e t- {.hta kaologteat Ctanlene.

Frem tb e Philadelphia Time*.The horned icreamer reached the Zoo

yeaterday and he manifeetly wanted his contemporarieii to know it, for he ie the o n ly horned Roreamer in thlspartoftheoon- tlnent, aa far as to known among the beet- informed local ornithologiaUi. Only the mild-looktng rhea seemed to recognise the sound. She and the screamer are oom- patriots, and often 'bod she heard the tremendous ebriek or whistle In the far-off beighto of the Andes or along tbe banks of the Amaxon.

The horned screamer, or kaamlohi, which is aoientiflcally denominated Pala- media oornuta, to a South American bird abouAtbe else of a turkey and not dissimi­lar in its general appearance, save that it presento an aspect of ferocity wholly for­eign to the stateliest king that ever strode a New England barnyard

The horned screamer to lo known be- bas a horn on the top of his bead and can scream like a steam wbtoUe. The specimen which reached the Zoo recently to a male, about two years old, has pale yellow eyea and a palpably belligerent temper.

'The acreamer hot that shriek, or whistle, which so stirred up the animals to serve as a startler for panthers, ocelots, pumas and other oalmato of his native wilds. It Is abo a Warning to snakes and bea-oon- ■trlctori, of which be is tbe natural en­emy. He fights tbe boa-constrictor and tbe python and forms a very formidable anla^nlst to UioM deniiens of the Bouth American fofiksta.

The moat pearx-’'- ^ * (k'"3- ;VY*thiB jlrd are the spurs whlchyou see protrud- ng from the mbows of his wings and the

sharp wear or horn eitendlng from the top of bis head. These are Us natural weapons of offrnoa and defence, and he uses them with marvellous effect when en­gaged in an encounter.

A M iner W ith a H lito ry .From th e OblcBco Tribune.

A m ons tbe nifnoni here (Crl|iple Creek) I fo u n d s m an who h n sa reeo rd th a t he does n o t seem to be proud of, although he dues not deny hla Identity . Vale BIropeon. of Monu­m ent, Is now a t w ork in Hqusw Gulch. This hare s ta tem en t does no t Indicate m uch until It Is know n th a t Blmpoon was a trusted mem­ber of Q uan tie tl’s gang th a t burned Lawrence and killed so m any nanssroibataiits a t th a t lim e. Hlmpson 1s one of four brothers, two of w hom served lu tbe L'niun A rm y and two In tbe ODnAidcrhte service. During a brief talk Hlmpson Huldhe was regularly Inttacm lllbiry service o f the Houtli, end th a t w hile on the ra id to Lawrence he was under th e dlsrlplliiu th a t would have forfeited h is llf r had lie «'• fused to obey o rd en th a t terrible day. He ad m itted tek ln g active iia rt In th e dcslruv- tlon o f the town, b u t denied th a t ho hud Hred a shot d iirlhg the day. Ha dsslrad to ib n e f th a t tim e In his lim, and was re luclani to ta lk abou t It. H e did no t know w hat had become o f h is leader, and d id not rare. Ilu was now a peaceful and orderly oltlscn of UohmHlo, ben t only on gaining a porllou of tn e w ealth reputed to exist atC rIppte Ureek.


Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing.O uraa

O b a p p o d H a n d s ,W o u n d s , B u rn e ,B to .

B o m o v e s a n d P r e v e n ts D andru ff^

WHITE RUPIAH SOAP.Specially Adapted lor Use In Hard Water.

With rWi^plKT' mini ftORl tn rtHir pn(t uf ivaic*iti, Vk'lth lldfi iiliiKivl to rlitRP'iihN'i' o[M‘iihiit Hld«>,•HK-tnyl)'fWitvtiwi, Ml liudt ivirf'TlMe mitllMr Mbitll Ih* aivlt^rH u|KMi lliA JiinM’lM wlilk* iM’hix rvniovHil. If r»rt« nrr \mtnl ttiey tv* to “ FUatfaii'A PBtPXii BiiniMiry iHimtii'itrUi,'' tlie enntnu-tor ut fUr- niitbi Ibe G^npral BUiAerlnteitiJetiK wlUi dniwinif gf M proiMiMN! to bf tiw i, wlilcta Rhull he uptiruviNl fn wntUitf by uukl Bupt-rtuicmieui buibra outMlruo- Uoii.

Ht's pnlft—In cM t tb^ nven ffe r {dAMrtftl ta m m u \o i in RTuw'M Uu‘m nirm iur In ul40 u>itHlu prkv iicr cul^lr yunl for the reniiivai ihfruhy of •triN’t ilirt jib im l nfKin mull ntu'vs by tbe city uni! lo b« (lunj|>Ml hy ilio tA>ntruL>(or oa (be tluniiiliiff grvmdA ilMlftMtivl.

FUffhib ’ All tht* Rbuvc work lo be done lb ntrli’t ci>nft>riiilly wiili i hi' niUfi rrifuIttUiMii Rnd miflfr Ihc Kiiiici'vblun uf Uie HuritI uf htrevt aiKl >Vulvr L'uiiiniliMioucmiKHl tu tbeir HRlGrticlloii.

N iulh Un Ihu fttUiire tbe tMrt of shy cun- tractor bi funibJy with Ihe icniiR or » la ronfmrt, or u'hu toball Mub-let any of the dutlee p«rUliiliu( lliciv- \»\ then tbe Mltl ImGnl aIhUI bRvo the rleht lu annultUouomriR'lRflvTUfUlyfour bwira' w ntlen liollre.

Tenth -O^btructor to fflvn aiitlabi'tor>’ eecurlty for tbe wrfonnHUcf of tbe rviUtnui, (u»d In nucli wim «■ inc boftnl nuBv deem lulvunbte, rihI iMch bl<l ebakil be HrcuMiimnlol by MXivcmeiii uf aurctli^ In iiMiiil flirni, tluLt, ifcunlnict he MWMnled to the Md- <1<T, MUi'l) pemMiH will iKiroim' eurvtleii fur itn QiUli- fill pcrfurmNnc*' hy the cuntraolliiit partlfft.

Kleventb—Tbo hounl ruiMrveii U19 right to rr]i«Miy tJQdnli biON.

Uj’ dlreotiuii of the Hoard of Htreet Rud W ater CommiMiriuners uf the chv of Nenmrk.

i >1AltMlf.Mn Geneiml Huperinbendeut uf WurkR.

V ‘ >TIC1C <}¥ INTENTION - BOABD OF a\ KireM Rbd W»t«r Onnmbwlenero-PuWlo No- tl«R tfl hereby' (rlvtn th t l it U thv lotenthui uf Ihe HorM of Htreei and Wkter Ccminlwlooeni of the eliy of Nswerlc, uiHter end hy vl rtue of i»n>vlRhmR of Iho RTt entUied **An eel lo r rr tte enU emeiHt Iho rh^rter of the oUr of NewRrIt,'* Rptwoved Merrh 11, IM7, ewl euppUnicntf Iherrtu, r H IheRCl I'rt*- Rtiiuc the HoRrtJ of Klrwt Riwl W eter (.ominlMhlonerR of the city of Newark. HppmviHl Blercb IH, 1391, to

LUlg of

IIk' d iv o f Newark. Rli|truviMl MRn’h > , IfeH, to or­der aihI miiBe the (iMMinwthm u f« it!|w* >wvtcr lit

HKVKN'TH AYKNl’K A N im U A Y BTUKKr,In H**veii(h RvetuM*. from Nutili Tlnrteeiilb street lo

eirael, mu! liiG rei Rtrfel.fMiuHevemh *veime ti>!>re»itfeelrcel, (he |Miri In Kexpnih Rvenue tu be jwhsM in dtenieleT, Rml Ihe imri Ul iliuy fitreet (u In- 12 iMvhin: lOKcilier wUh Rll th« appurteiiRiicea tiec- t'Mmry hniHiiplele the Mine.

K«4’h (HTMiftH HM t»Ry uldn'l thereto «re rt*o iirt»l<*»! tu prewL'inl (heir iitdeeilim^ 111 wrtihiir et the orlh’c ut the Huurd of Blrret RiiU Wetcr t^immlMbinen im lieftin' tho c.Yplntloii of u>ii iluyiviYiim thoiUiUiul th b notice.

Hy cIlret-hoB 4if ihe Boanl <»f HIreet ■ml lAater C'umulR8iuoer« of the cily uf .Newurk.

( llA n u ^ * MAllKll, (Jerwrwl KuiiertulHuUiil of Work*.

Newark. X .J„ April «f>

iNTHNTtON BGAHU (IF i \m n w l» n r t Water ('ummli»kMiien t»uhlic noUtv

ben^iy fiven that It Ih the (utentton o fthe Uoatil nfKtrect aiMl W.m«r C^mmlioUmen of the rUv of Newark, Uuder mid by virtue of provlMlonn of the Rrt enUtleil ” An w t to revtae ami atneiul the charter orUw rt(y of Newurk,” ajiprovad Match 11,1R37, atnl the MippienieiitR thereto, and Uie act creatliur the IkMurt or Btreet anil Water <’iwnmltaluNi’m uf the rtty uf Newark, auproved Mandi SR, I t t l , U) order owl ORUM the oiteitfntf uf

WII TH SIXTH HTItKl’T . frfuna pnint ahimt three hmxlml and tiny foe! viuth-

, fn>m the RoMtheriy line of TweIfrh arem ic lu Ttiirirt'm h avenue. In RiHtJulam-c with theonrvi v liMiTil miiin by ihu I'oum't! May SMR7a,Olid in mvonluncc' with Uto phkvli nmii uf thi- law creatine (lie Hounl nf Htreet mvmI Walur Cummla- RlunerHuf the cliy of Newnrlc. apnruviil Man'h 2R, 19RI, anil the itcvcml niijiplejvientH

Such pcrMUiR aRinny iHileci iheri'tuan*rutmenlctl tr>|inw>nt ttii'lr uhjcrtkiiiN In wrldii^Ht (lo*onl>'« of (lie Hoartl gf Klreet uihI Water CummlMih'mTe, on or hcforc Ilu- eApIrallim o ften Oayti fruni, (be date of lhl« nullrts

By dlrccllon of the ttoiml of Htreet ami Waler 4'oitmitvloiN'rM oflliei'lty of Newark,

Newark, N. J,, April 21,1NU2.r i m i i . i - x m a u b h ,

21in rtciMrmlHMperlutciHlcot of WurkR.

X T 'H T t'K OF INTKNTIU.N HoAHh OF j N Sfreet ami Water ConiTulwaluMerH, Ihihllc luy llce iH liereby i^vcn th a t l th l l i e hticniloii uf the Jk iantnf Street utut Water IViiiiiiilMtoloucra uf the city uf|Ncwark. iimter ami by virtue ufpruvWuiiR «*f thea4‘tentl(lett "An acI to h'viie Hint atiiemi (lio charier uf the city n( Newark,” appm^i**! March It, IK.>7, ami (be MUfiplemeitta then'to, amt Uie hcI

tbe thoirrt nf wn-ci MDit Water ( 'sjuiiuImhIisii- em uf the ('liy uf Newark, appruvtti M airh ‘> , tMJI, U) order ami mitric the iiavliiM of

VAN li t HKN STHKVrr,from Ferry Rtn-i’t to Walnut nth'et, with oblotia RraiiUe bUtekH; towetUer with all (be npiMirtvnaiwin aeiN^ntwr)' iu cuniplete liie Mime.

Miu h jH'rwMiii a« may utiJiH-t Niei’eto, are rmiurtotwl(u prcM’iu ihclr iddi<ctionH Itj wrUhiK o( the ofUocuf luc JWunI of Htn<ct am! Water CuiiiiulwIunerTt, un or befon> the etpirMtnmuf U-it dayi from Uie datu afUilR noUce.

UydlnHilim of the Boant o( siroi*i and Water ('omiutoalonenKif Ihe city of Newark,

t'MAltJsKs MAIVSH, (Jenerol HuperiiitL-mlcnl of Wnrke.

Newark. N. J,, April SS. fw . 2Rt>

V 'A N H

rtty corder add eoune thO'upenljig oi

MUNTKRnoN sTRicirr.from bprlngOeld avemie (oaieTeiitertilb avemie, InoiTnrdaPoe with the map on file In (be t l l j ’ HUrv«)‘- oF r un«H, and caueed (u ha mode by (be Coitunf*- elonera ip toy out atreeia, avenuoR and M^uarea In the

P rrritfB rurii.)

• & V •


u n i

li ty uf Novrarlt, appnyved of Morcb M, im , and tbe law oreeUng tba Boanl of KIreet and W ater cinro- mlwtonen. of tbo city of Nowirk, an ru v ed Maroli 2r, ttk l. and tha leveral RupptemoniR thereto.

Fiioli perootiR tB URA.v object (hereto ara requoated tn preoeDt the ir objortimiii In » rillnjr a t tbe ofniw of Ihc EkMird uf Ktroat and Water (,'omDtlRaluiier», on nr before (be explTnllon of led A a^ from the rtoie of tblB itoUoe.

Hy dIm'tIuD of the Hnnrd of Hlreet and W ater ('iinnnMonerR o fth e city of Newark.

No^'ork, N. J., Ajn'li 21t IWZ.I ’MARLlfrl UAHSir,

2dm Heneml HutwrliKendedl of Wurko.


UTrt'K t»F INTKsNTIoN lM»AJtl» MF . Htrout nnd Water rumiiiliMtnniin. I’tihllcnoMi'e

In lierehy ^ InU’iilInti of (lie Huairtuf Hin'ct and ^^Rtcr (omntlwluucri of tU ecllyof Newark, under ami by virtue of pruvIeliHiv o fthe a rt curiUed "A n act lu revlou and amend Ihr ciiiitp'r of the (dly of Newark,” apimiviil March 11, lXt7. and tbe RupplmocTilR Ihcu-tu, nivd the a rt criwiLiig (he Hoard 01 Slrcei unU Wafer (VimRiiKK ■luheiwof iheCily of Newark, upputved Man h 3R, URd, 1(1 order ami cmiuw tbe conatruetJon of a twelve il2)IwU pl]*e ocwcrln

FA Iim cH ’NT AViiN! r„ ftuno Bank Mreef lo Tblrteenih *vein»e; tuficiher with ti l tbe appuvlentnceii tAceaaary iu isvnMdele the Mine.

iRnch pemuni oa may uhJrct tlieretn are rcdoeetcil tu preoent their ubtecUopH Id wrltlnjr at toe oRIcu uf The ^>ard of street and Water Onmnjl^duncivou or tMiforv the expiration of t(m diyoBiitn ibe ita tau f thiH notice.

Jiy iMrwtiOh uf the Boar! nf H liw t aud W aler OommiiwIonerB of (he d ly uf Nenark.r'HAni.KH MAK>iH.

neneroJ ftiiineriBtcndeui of W orkaN ew ark .N .J.. April IM AB 22u

X r i r n c B o r in t k n t io n . - b o a r diN Htrcetand W ater Coaimtealoiiem.

Public notice iM hereby given (hat It Ih (be Inten­tion of Ibe Board of stree t at»d Water runimtifieiou- cm o rth arlljr of Newark, under and by v irluuof pruvifdotii of (beoct eniUled ** A noct to revbwpnd amend the charter of the <itv of N ew arkai>provad Marrb 11, IM7, and Uie ocppleniehtH therelo. ami I he act creating the Hoard of sireetand W aler ('ommlo- ■Inneraoftneclty of Newark, approved Mkreh 2H, 1M>L tu ofdcr aiHi caune the amdlna and curtiliit; of

MORUJH A YKNUE,from ('entnU aveiiiH' loOondll ilrert, loRether with nil Ihe apptirt«Daiu'«i twccKUiry to cmupicie tbe uinie.

Such pemuoa aa mavoMect (burelir are reuui'Rl-ed lopreM iHthetrobJei’lmDainwrKiiif a t theom oe of the Hoard of Htreet atki Water ('oinmwalnnerR on or before Tbe e^cplratkm of Um da}w from the date of IhtN inAloe.

Rydlrecuon o f tbe Board of Htreat and W ater CbiDmlMbMiepi o f the city of Newark.

Newark. N. J., April sT. mi :HAHL]'X m a r s h ,

C4ni OeiierU (uuporljiieiHleniof Wofkv.


The Hbovo bnind of Kid Glovea for Male by

n r a k n ,10 0 tu 1 0 5 M A U K E T ST .

W E A K N E S S O fQulckl],, Thorougfal^,


X TOTICK o f I NTEXTION - BOA R D OF iN mruM and Water(.'oiumiMlonem.-Public nuttce la brreby clvon tha t It la (he Intenitun of ilie IklpTil of stree t and W ater I'cmmbedoiMirN of the Cily of Newark, tiodar aod by vlrtuo of provl* k>na nf tha mA eittitled ” An act to revlee and Atneiul the charier <tf (be cily of Newark,'* approved March H.18A7. and thOfiRii^lemeRiH tb«rt(Q,aiid (h« act (‘roatliMr the Boara arh traal and Water Oanmilaaion- e n uf the d ty of NedMrk.ijHirttved H o re b a , II8I, ufordef oDd cauoe the pavlbf of

BBLKN OTRJBET,fromKoot M erhanlc eipoelto Elm otreet. with ob- lohf uraolto hlockn; lovMberwiib olUbe apptirto oanc«a ueceeear)' t*) complete tha oomo.

Horb perooivi m n u y ^ e c t thereto are raqncatcd lopTeaehttbctro(d(irt>iMiRlii w rirlrva libh aflicouf (he Board of threat ojul \^'aler Cotumlanluatn on or before (be explratton of ten daya from the daio of thin notice.

By dlroolloit of Ihe Board »f fltreet and W ater CummlBOkwien of tbe cUy of Newark.C'UARUiMMARHH

aenem l frunerlntendcnt of Wurka.Noirark, K. J., April IROt ' Mn

IyUBLK' NUTII'E DltlllNANt'i: (iRHKltKD to a third reodUia, Tbe uudentlxnod bareby cer­

tify ihoi an nrd!nam» WM rea<1 a iteiTontl time ■( a lunotlncof the Board <if Nireetand Water t 'otnmlw otooeraon W**dneeday,Aprit27, lH9£,ai>d duly uuleml lo a third reading, providltut f«r ibe following Im­provement, vK;

Tbeconitruetkan ofaeewer In MT. PRflHFWT AVI-Jfl K AND ABINdTON

a v e n h f ;in ML PrORpect avenu*. from ML Pronpeel (iloce (o Berkeley avenue, amt In AhItitri'Ui avenue, truni Ml. Pn»|>eci avenue lu Parker Ntre"(; from .ML I'tiw*- IMH'I place to Berkeley avemte to lie mm ciuebaiie<l brick Mkweemr'io-ltH-h dlauieterH lu the clear, ami In A h lti^u uvamie, from Mt. rrueiM>ciA\enuc Mi ]*ar ker Htreet: ihe part frum Mi. PrtwpHi oveniiMu rilMull avenue to he an Ik lnrhplpo newer, hIkI Umj bMluiKW a liVliH'li pipe newer.

hnki hewer |o lioveu]] Lbe appurlecumTw iif'cenNary lu (Yimplela Mune.

Dated April 2H, IftK..TAHRS KMITII, Jn.,

FiTwideiit uf (be Uuurd ufHUvel and Wiilert'uuuub- ■lomms

KNOti JIUNYOS,7r I ’lcrk.

j V itatKV uf tile ctly of Newark, eiilltlud nanck'’ lu provide for the (wvlUK uf

PKNNiNrtTrisN KniKhTI’, from RnoMl ntreet tu Mulberry atreei,'* pa-vNHl No* vcmiwr 7, llWU.anrl apiirovd NuveinlHT H, iRtlO-

He it untniiird, hy the Board of Mtreei uikI Wulcr I 'ojimilwtonerH of Iho cUy of Newark, bm nilluwn:

HiwtliiMl. That an i.rtllnance uf the city of New­ark, eiiUtlcd Ail onllnaniw lu nruvUlu fur the |wv- iMmjnfonnlmrioimtreeL ftmn Hmorl Kirtv't In Mul­berry alreel." puMMiHl Nov«anbrr7.lN|i(t BiMl Hppruved November 11, IMW, he and the niIiI uollnuuoe b hereby re|wwkMl.

' All onH*

HOAHII (»Fl*ull!u- MOllCl'

1(4 hereby uivcu itiaU t In lh«< Imeniiou r>f Mu- iMiunl of Mriv*! (uul Water ('uniitil'-*liiiu w i>r ilu- cU> uf Newark. uiMlcruiul (>y virtue of |ifuvl>»ioh'« of ihcm’t enUiMvl " An iw't tu ret Iw- mw1 nmciul iti»* rhatter nl thecUy uf N'cwnrk,” appiuvsil M«nli II, iv.7.rtin| (he jaiputcuienln lliuivln, niui (he lU-l creailiiu Uu> iknuil nf >lrtV't atril W ater rniuuil««l»iu'n 01 Tha city uf Ns-iuirk, BpprovutI March 2>i, iRhi, lo urikr aix'l cuUM i!ic4ii>niimi| uf

MrtlUM'* AVKM F,friMu a imliiilMu tiUridrt<d uiulllilrty fii trljrlithKiliea Mmlhcrly from Ibc onullicrly lirmuf Thlrtiiciith a\s- nui> IU !4ihiUi t»ratbfr tivcuue, lu aciMnUm-st wllh u iiuip uit till- in the l i ly Hurvev or'-s unii-i-, umt 4-HU--"4l In U* inatle by tlic i yminlf-iuiieo* tu l«y out MlPi tH. iivi'iimfi Miul jiqUMPeM Id t lu- idly «*f Sewurk, uppnw eil uf March RL l^id, and the law cm iiliiv tti«> ikuml uf Ftii-cl and Waler tVmiml-o'ltUM'r* uf U10 city ..f New­ark, uppnivrd March 2a, INUI, atul ib>- MVcrolBU|e pii-uii-iile thereto.

linch pefwmi o-h may obj«'t ihcrmo are tu p m e n t Iheir ubjiaiiuiih In KritlUH al ihi-nill'i' tliu tkvinl ufHlres l am! W ater CummlriMlniii'ni uu nr liedire the cxplrulujii uf ten tlMyn frum tbu delu of lIiIm DuLk-e,

Hy illm ikm uf the IkMrii uf street oml Wuter Cuminvwiiiii-rH4if th»'4-|ty uf Newark.

New-Hi'k, N. Js, April 21, 1»in 2(1mrliA H I.IX MAH.Hir,

Urtiernl Mu)H-iiiilrtii|<*iil ufW urkL

o f in t k n ’H o n iu ia u i* o f Mlreel Riitl Wali'r OmunibsMioucn, l^lh]U'nullcu

ta herrhy iplven Uial It In (he liilemiuii uf Ihe Hoanl ofSlreei hikI Water (imniulHnlunerM uf the d iy n| Nawark, under and by virlue uf pruviNlunti or ihe net entitled ** A n oci tu nM ln' am! « iiihiu1 (he char­ter of tiMi city 4if New'ark." Mppruved MatcU ll, titt7, aud the Jtupnleinenti (lu-ivlu, and ih<' m'I 4-realliu; the RiHinl of Strvei luo) Waler ('ummlaelnuerR uriltc d ly uf Newark, H|iproye«l Murt-h 2R, IMH, tounler Riid 1-Hiih- lluM'mifitnMiltoii of a luiM-M-wer fei( l.NTUAL AVKSTK ANH w n TII MKVK.NTlI

HTUKPT.In fen ira l Mvetiue, from rvtuih Hlxlh ■*lri‘ct tuHuiitli heveulb tolfcel, uial !li S*iuih Kaveulh ntrci'l, irum reu iral aveiiiiMu Tai-inb avenue ; the iM rtlhiVu- tnd avenue ami Sunlit N-ve;HJi «4trrei, ftiuii iTuiral Mveiiuv to Kleveuth avenue, lulie tAluchm dknneter llie remulmlcr IU 1m- 12 Ihi'heei Imceiner wltb all Ihe appnrtehMiu'CH nuiTMwry la cuniplcto the nauir.

Knell |>erwMiftan may idijii'l lln-i'etu aie nYiuimtiiril (ap n w n t llieir uti)tHil<mjt In wrllhiR Ml Die unli*e uf III" IhMihl of KiTwiaml WnU'r 1 'ommliwkinvni. unur iM'Pur** Um* e.\tilr»llou uf ivu (InyRfrumllu'flaleaf ihtu nullec.

Hy lUriH'tlan uf (lie Ituiinl uf Mirret apil Water CumiiiLvakineni of tbe lily uf New urk.

r n .^KM-o M U isd . tieiHTiil M(|>ei1 nleudenl ijf Wurk^

NrwiiTk, N. J., April 2.1, Ke/i. ntu

NTim tTC l»F IXTKNTlrtN, HUARH o F I Hln*rt alul W ater runiiiilft"liaierx.

Public nuilrt'h bcti'liy Mlveii ibal ll in ihe Inti-ii-(Imiufllie Ikmrti orNtr«t.*t mul Wnti-r fouimwaloii ernuMhi-i lly uf Newnrk, iiiuler ami by vlriue uf pni\ Ixlunn ur ttui 04-1 eiiiiiJed " lu n-vl-M- nnilHiiiei)4| ihechiirter uftlu- d ly of New urk,” appriKeil Murch 11 , IRilt, untl the nupiilemenlN ile-it'lo. aiiiHhi- Hi'l 4'reMtliiD (he Himr I uf Hireet Hiul W ulertumiiii^ ■Kim-r-4 of ilie city of Newark, ii|ir>t-ovi*4l MardiP*U1, to urdcr HtuI chun' 1 1n- oihuiUih of

w ii'T ir k k v k .n t ji NTiii:i-ri‘. frum Souilitnunae au-liuu tu FrmrliHaiDi HVenue, In (MV-urdniiiv wllh the ma|M oa tile lu the city sur- veyur'n allbr,am i i’iMImmI ll ttd>e mM4le li> ilivUuii. mlHHluiienitu lay 4iai Mirc«l.'4, iivetiiieH mihI Mp>Hrv» hi Ilu-eitj uf Newark. Mnpn>C4-*l of .Mnn'li-H. I'ivt. ami llie law t'hvillUk the Ikwictl iirh>tr«i>l amt WiiterCuni mitoriloiH-rt of iheclityor Neiviiik, uiiur4ivis(| Man*h *>. i»4iil, Hiid iiicN-veml snuplrtumm (hciv-io.

Hin-h ]H-p«4niMaft limy iih^i't llicrelo an* rTftjlieitiftl to nn*(4ehi |lu*lr 4ibjectlr»iw lu wrluiiii »l theolHrt! of the Ituarrl uf KtirnT uml Water t'iam al‘«biuens, <>n or before ihe e.vplratiun uf icu (Ih.vh Irtnn tlicilaU-uf thift ntilliY*.

Hy illn iitnn uf Uh- llunfil of Htreet atul Water C'UMunlhftluucrft of tin- city of Newark.

Nvw-ark, N. J., ,\prU 2I. l>i»2n iA H f.E H MAIIHII,

(]ciH-ml Kiiperhitcnib'Ul uf \S tak<.

>T(iTU'K (IF INTKNTMtN HOAIlh n p I ami Wau-r i'ommlMMUiiiprs. Piihllc im

lk\! k hereby irivcii Ihai IV 1h tin- liileiitiou uf lt]C Iknirit uf Mni-l aud W ater rurum<'«>loii- em ufthu d ly »ir .Newark, nn4lcr a id by vlnm of pttjvlftiuiw iir t(n-art entitled "An hcI »o reviM- ami fcmeikd the d ia ip T o fth i' cily of N cuark,” approved Mardi 1 1 . lN-‘i7, m d tlu* ftiinideiuenln lhcr<'1u, hidI the act ereMllu* Du- IbwinI uf Stiyel ami > 'ul»*r runimiHRinuen of lh<- i-ltv of Ncw'itrk. appnxn t March 28, pibl, tu ardiT a id I'anie tlm re|mvtu4 of

PARK PhAri';.fovm Narih l^iwH Ktrcft to Km iiortUcrty 1crmlrul^ Tvllh Kcmilli^ Triuldoit fmke MM|i|iHllinn; KmaUier <fi*lth mII Die appurtcimuoi m-iv-wary tu i-t'oiplcle the onnie.

Sm h jtcrftoiift «♦» may 4i1dccl llN-refo arc ra<anMvtol lo preoeul llti-ir uhjeclluns In wrlliiijK at tin- otltre of Ihe H4mnl ofHirei-t and WjticrrutinulHMiuiH'rF, on ur tieforcthe cxpirHlIun of leii daya fruiu the ilali* nf thlHnoiUv.

My tlliY ’ilftn of (ho Moanl uf Htreet wnd Waler CuuunUid*>ni-rA uf tin- cliy of Newark.

I HARLi-J* MAHHir. (letierai hn|H‘rtiilcwtleu( of W'urkK

N ew ark,N .J., April 2i.ur.rj. aon

'V ^ r i 'IP K OF IN T F M 'roN IplAUh OF i a Hth*el and W aU-r t'-omnilMbuicrft. Fnbllr nut h i' tu bpreiiy kIvcu ihai. It In Ihe hitefitinn of Um' Ikatfd nfHfroet ami W iurr roumaiwIoncrM nl ibc d iy of Newark. uiKler ami by v lrtnr uf ur4’vi«lou-4 of ilm ■cl cliDlIrvI "Anw-V lo rev|iii'arinHiimuiUhci‘hnr- h r ufllic d ly nf Newark.” appruvetl March II,and the Rtipplt'iimuls. iht-iv-ici, lud ilu* iu-t. co-imiiK Ihc Hoant of Htreet ami WuP-r t ‘oiuU]lrinloiier,or (he 4dty uf Newark, u|ipmvc<l 31iin h 2R. iiVl, tu 4jn1«-r ami mnwo

O O rU i AVKNUF.from W'arreu utrcr-r tJ( tiic d ly lha*. lu he jiai it1 n llh ireMUila*Trinidad iiluvt UMpluiltmii, TuHetlier wlili all Ihu Mppiirteimiavd tieoiWNiry tu couiiilete iho HHinc.

Hii<-h |M4rv)tiM i(M niay uhjii-t Hu-is-lo arr-T4'(hIe lcJ topiTVH'ut liuirohJift-tlunH In wrilliiK at lliendlt'e of the Hoard ofHinvt and W'alcr ('uTumlaftioucrK. un («r iH-fliro the evplratfou of ten daya fnjm Ilu-dale uf tide nutiro,

By dlri’i’Don of the IPoird of Kireel mipI WbIci O aiimKiiuiieito uf Ibf cllv <tf N4-w'Hrk.

NewiUk, N. 21, (>*ir2.rlfA M thlS MARHM,

in n rtcncml Hiiiicrhitcmleni u|'W«>rkR.

A pril 2<>, IMf,!, (raliiB wUi Ufve-^; Newark. »»-< RilU-Ws ; ,

fll.2T A. .M.. Li.'vi.lluc, with IhiUruati Vcwtlhul# IbUH | . Inraod Khv-pitm r,it>4. dally A>r IdiMibarv. Ontuiubuft, | \ ( ’Jevelatkil and nt. Isnul-^iUlly cXi^ept Hotorttoy for1 LTlhVtfUanil IViIlftto.

f 10.? A. M . the i'ciiiksylvonta llmluvt, m m pow l I exclusively of I’allmau, Ve*iltraU- IHJaw la# aod \ HUIcr>M>u>. liiuhu, Minukluy im l lAeofkw

I1(»n pfi-M-uiluii [imininid repuru. ftfrooirapbcnI niMlt.viM^wrttcr''. Udiiruumft fl>r boHi iiexMa, tedUiR*! inidd, hikttM>n«hup, lUmiry and all threonverrieimro, 4,f liiauc mikI ulthY-. Lijtiiiisl lr,» rinUoiiafy»nd moy-

ahle i-U irlc IU;ldri. Arrixi-ft 11Uabur>t P. Vs ftHinc lUy, Mini t'lmlhimtl uRi .A. M., ImilaaapulUi n.«) A. M..R«d CliMm{ul».ViA. M. ncrmliiy.

I P. .M. (ftl. l.oni« Hiul t'Lliduiutl, with PulU I h u u i\Cftllhule Hhvpiutt n ir t amt Ihniuji tkuo to I t'ludm m il Oml Si. IaIUIh. S’rftUliUle Huv»klli(f (Jlf

ami Vi -iihnh- Pa M-iikcer ftnen lu HL l,o(itn. aikit ■ hmtua (>(( Niiwark u> .ttiuunu, uud illchnumd to

HI. l,oit.ft.f2.2d I*. M. The |• lhlrIl(iUul K.xpni'a. Pullman

V«e||(udcHi-fiilnK. lUulax, Hmuklto' au4| IVtitwyh x-fliila Itallnvvil V4i»illhal4' I'a-wv-inp-r CuachcH friutk New Vurk (•( I'hWaNu. Arrives lu ChlcMtfui.lA P. V

- iH'.xtdnv.! ffi i’. M. Weetern I'Aureec, with Pulltnau Yen*

tiMiie hUvuuw t 'Mta an4t Dhilinr tko- to i'hlbMlciphl4 dully.fur Piiutbunt, I'hir^i^w.rinduhullnml Hi Jsoulo. 4l£ill)'4-v4ft'pt Hrtunlay for ( ’h-xdutHl. TuUiiu. WIIH tainmHirl. Ito-hi-ter, IliillUluami Nlofiara Fwibi.

f a a ip . w J*iu-til4' FApri-ri*. wUh Pulinmn Vi-tdh lHih>Hl«vi)Pn{ rare, dally fur iHttsliuru, I'hlcucoamtTulcilit, tlallj' l•\4ft-i»l .Sntiml«y pir ncvduJUi.

Fur itatllnorv. WRahtUHiOU ami Uic .-SHitb, llrik rift, i i > ! \ 7 A. M. ■himiiiftl Fxpreaft. Puw niun tcMTiiMilc PMlrior (an*. V^DImiIi IViocnget ii(»L'hi-»4 and llliilittf I'ur, Id W A.M.j. 2-Vi, 4.Mk a.;d atul U.3U 1*. M. tm hiiudav, ii^7. n.w, ftA7 A. M.: i h \ a,27 ami k l i P. II. I'Vr Balllmwrt only. 1 2» P. M. ^

For IddlAdetublii, K iph -x'. 12.47. S.tft. T.aii. A-.V R .ITg •.VT.U.S-t, , lu.',ii l.limtcill*artur nuH. Vi-aidiuie FiLftorri*.'r I'uHclu'ft wial turn Ui*'dat ', A. M.; I24ii. I.2H,-2,.i.s i--(. * V.. ‘•-.-JamiHAU P, M, (Ml HmMlM>, rl-ff. H.W. 8A7, ®.21 lU.iM A. M.; 4.2-1. 4.'»V,.V27.)4,IJ MiaJ W"JI P, M,

Fur Trent, ai. 12.47. fl,Vi. 7.i«. T.4U,, « .‘»7, #.2T.U..>, to,Vi l.luiKwl PuHltnui Vi-ftlllmie Pari*#

nut*. V4-MUhuk'l'»cft4aiavV I'umi hi-e hiiiI l ‘lnlu« ( Vr',lt.2SHivd M.: IJ.V., !.2k, l i i . 2.->, .L2K i.(tt,l-2a,H27,7.aM,»».t2,amlH V ir. .M. Hiimlay,«.«, M.,v;,k.2? and IO.SI M.; 4.21, fF*,-VaiS‘ .toV 1.32 tuoi U SO P M.

Fur AtlaUlU' iHy. 2l*i P. M. wcek-4!ai'R. wUh ThmUKh !••>■ t'louh and hiU uun MuITl-1 Parkif tVn*.

Fur Ison* RmucU, FJi*enin. Akhiiry IVrv,o»v>an tiruvp, K|irlui{ lMkk\ HCa lilri, Hauanyuau, fodnfc IMmumoI- aiHl ptdiiw on Dili New York ami loinc Jlram'h JiaUrtwd, S-W, A. M., l.Hi d .uuf Hraitrh »iii*clal.,4.iH, i .« F , M. ilaily, ex<x‘pt Hnnday. Oh Humbty. toU A- M. and a.3R P. M. tK iwilalupak Ik-uun Ufovr or Aidoiry JNifk‘Ul Huiirta.t.

F4JI Hunt-m,'without cliMinn'. liW P- M- (layRgfih.% P. M- 4liilly.

F«ir1tn>ukbn. N. V. All ilmHiijh Iralna i»tmcrl a[ jH si‘y n i y wIDi imuUur " llrouklyii Annex," ar* fonlltuj illrw’l (raiwfcr lu ami fruni li'ulkm mreew avuldlux duubii' frrrUui amt JiiUrtV'y o*‘riiaa tlM

l-XmNKW YimK.l4«vc 3t lirket HI rnd snauiri, 1 lo, a. t7, it.iki, a (2, n v \

7, Uii,7.1A.T.a>,7.4.V aim, alo, mm,, a:w, a U a i J , VIH,V.2U,V.HK- '('- I'MK). 111.44. )U.4R, I DO. IMT,I1..VI, 11 W A. M.-. liHi. lJ.i l, l.uA, r x l--ld, 1 .Vi.2.Pt, 2.VI, 2.4h, 2.V., :Ll!», iL.lli. 4,!», 4.iia,‘‘-u:i, 5.S3, V4»«, li.n*,

u.X fl NMJ.'W, ,: 42,7..VI, 4-(lM. M.iRis y.22,IM.iH. lO.AU F. M . ami 12.07 nIgilL Hundoy iralDM, TIR, .V47. x.ri>. K.uu. o.:i&, h u e m.iiu. ]u.4a. u.uu, u.;d A. at-, 13.SJ. 1..T2, lu2. 2.k\ a.'27. 4 IR». *f.flu.-V4(k 4i 21. T.iw. 7.311,,a(»v 8.34, ».27s lafri, Ift-to V- M., isanuiahl.

i'lHttrt' Hlreid SUilluu, am , Al-N a41. 7.114* 7.17, 7.18, a3l, aki, VST,, |0.Vi, M ; 12.*Li. itoi, 2.01, a.i*':. 1.22. -voli, .VII. a,Ai,, 7..'>3i R.32. k.24*KI.U7 Hial la.'ia P. St, week llayii.

Ijchvc I'lutoriiiii HiiYNimutkui, 3.12. (110. a v ,li.'Hs 7 12, 7 43. 7.*'itt, M«7. V-T, 8 41, al.v W. H U>, Ul.V. lu ll, iu.r>7, II..11 11..V1 A. M.: i.tfi 1-23. i .;a.Il,k2.2(. S.IR, :kw. 4 hi,4..»t. 4.V4. «.il2,\ 7.0R. T.“», 7.48, a27, «.IH. fo-i'd, I0.4U P. M.: Fi'li nUhi. hiiniiav, auTi.ft.’ifl. ti.aua.M'. |o.-*, lo-to. l l .« A. M.t 12-47, i.->, 2.40. o iiA-Vi, k;is, 4.;ri..-J (a.f.J8,a-tH, 7.1(4, 7.'22.8.*, P.21, U.w, 10.24 a n i ll l .u P. M . •.

Isi'uve l-immei Mtn-d HlalUui, .VM. 0.00, b.-!, a-H 7.4U, M.«J. a2.V>*.:ia. W.lJ,y.-KI,k.-iO, I'l.lft. ld.:.v mihI 11.44 A. « , 13.23. 121. I..V1. 2.11, 2.2:1. a,ll. 412, Um, 6.20, a l 2, T.T7, T.Irt. »<.2t, y.W, IU.41 I', M.; I2.'d lilullL Nin- ilHv,H.<Et,,a'i>.ii.'ki, iu.21. ll.La A. X .: 12.v>, 12.H, 1.27s v..ri. 2.44, a- i.a.H. O), 4.:>4A4i. Oita, aiM. 7.14. 14.24, aa iu n d 11 >‘ri

n i l 1 .M M A UK 1 “i‘ H'1‘11 i-:K"r ht a n ( > nFor FhxalH-ih and Hahwny. 7.i>i. ;A M l,

0.lik lO.Li, ll-4> .A. 12.1R. l-V, l.W. -JUk, 3.'2R, 0.48,4.*>, 4.3ri, .'Mio, m. 6. 1U. M.07., a32 ,a iL»47v 7.07. 7-'Vi. ’'•02, kir:, H.42, la»8. li..1l p. M.,iua( 12 17 and 13.47 lilBhi. Humuii. 12.1?. R.IV, 8.VI,V.»4, HI la. iu.:ii, ii .a t A. M.;I2.:m, i.-i\ 2.W. .1 1 .1, 4JH,KOft, .V.tu.:.U\ 7.18,7.2.J, 8.1(2, 82H, Foil. 11.40, lO.OO, llA4* aou U..i7 I*. M.

Fur F.i1/iihc(h.n.,V,l,!J..’A .\. M , 12.40 aud i«18 I*. M, W sH'k rliiVft.

Fur New HruiiMih k.l' 7.uo,7.:»isR.?i7,14.40.fl.*R ftlld ll.-ri A. M - 12.48. 1 ■2!', 2..W. V.», l.-V*.4.lkse,#>, 5.-Aii. 37. a i 2.T..W, ILluatiil ly.l8 p . l l . HiimbijL I147di.4ttj8, r>7. lUlKUd III U A. 11.: 12.r;s [..Lt, 1,30* 7.K, 9.UU and

P. .M.I 'ijr WiftHlhi’lds'c MU<! Perth AruUn *R.31, RJMaiidl

lu.l.'i .\. 11.; -U»i. 4.114, 4.a.H, ,’).:m.«,oi anti 7.07 P. M,* Hiiil I2.i7 iditiU. tin Kiindiiyit, 10.13 HtiU It-Vt A. >Li a,,40aiMl PMfii P. ,M.

F u rlT rlh Amlkiy .aHydi.a!, liUe .A. M.; 3 ne, 4..T% Mill.7.07 aiu] l2 .i7P .lt. hitiaUjM, A. M. and Ul.Ki P. M

Fur FjiHl ,M 1|lfttuiii-, 7.m M-l 12.16, ;i.3kan*l A30 p. M.. doily. c.xiv|il HjuMlay.

F>»r KtiU48ton uml JdN-ky Hill, 7.>VI A. M. andaJBp. .M..ilalli,c*rt'|dKunila^.

Ft*r piililljwhury, I'^triuii oml HHvldere, 7,ao. tl.3S A. M..«m1 2.a\ 0.24, a*7 p. M. HundHi. P. M,

F<»r l,Hiii(Hir(vd1e, 7..'iii, 4I.'3U A. M.,'lAV3.24 Hh'l fl.27 P. .M. Hdmlay. f>.:w P. M.

Ftir Fh-mlnvtun. r..V), ll.'JU A. M-, ami ACHMCt dully w.xceiii Hiiiiduy,

Ftir PrlucHton. 7.IH. 8.S7, 11 Ai A. M.; 1.a,*2.W. .VJl Mild 7.1k* I’. M..dolly, i-kci-jit Hiimlay,

Fur llunlriiUiwn* Iturlliutkin uiidCRnirlcn, R.2>aial li.Fi A. M.: I.2», 2.:tH HUd 8.12 1’. M., dally, cAtTiA HinirUy. (in Htimlay, lo 11 A- M

Fur Frt-i-huld. pHrmlnydalc, Mar*iiM>dian uud t4lrt* via M'liniiuiiili .tuuclli.iu* 7.Vi Mini U.4AA. IL. ■ml 4.SI P. M., week lUyv Fur Fnt-buld oilly* 6.04 J*. M„ wM‘k iioy*».

SKW YtiRK 11 > NFWAHK.Fur Newark, S,0o.b.oU,8 To.«,|u, T.'U. 7.ah, 7.40,,

A2ld,*a4u, 10,10. luJoJt.w . 11.10, ll.w A. M.i IIUI ural I2JR1 immih 1 I.W, l,fo, UKi, IHi, 2..W, ,, 1.3«, 4.181,4.10,, t.Ai. 4.-i0, .'«UU, -Vlo, 6.30. .lAI. -'*.40. .VflO,ii.iNi, am . H.2U, a;ai.o.-tu,7.i*«, n.iu).h i .'., io.ia,, M.I1 1‘.-M. Miol I2l.‘i uddulklX- Hiin<lji> tralrm* (U-’s HtMl.V'N*. lO.iMi. ta.iu, II.INI. II ill) A. M.: ]2.<iu iiunn, 1110 * I.INI, 1.40,2.141. 2.-M, 4.4m, 4.01, 4.10. -VlNi. .Yl.'i, A.4'sA:V, M.Fi, 7.UU, 7..1U, 7.4.'i, a<Rl, 8,.’l0s O-UO* k..t0, hUA, lUW t'. M. uml I l i a inldnlKhi.

Fur fiiriher hifuniiulltm H-c Mmi*-tithle«, lu be hod Ml the ih-ket ulllii’to. Tli'ketH hiT oH (Milnla nn lh« lo-nimylvoida Hoilniod Hivl iyjiiuccDuim amt harDiNg

lui’iH and isuntMRt- cliw Ln mI the i-omiiony’to uflIi-Mu N<i.;jqi hiiHul -irt-ui* m at lickvl uIIUti a t Uark«t HlnuLHlullun.

VIV Htnv‘1 Ntut Wnter Oimnilohlmipra Ihiblie iiulice lb hen*t»y iciv^n iliol M lo Ibc livtcniluii uf tin- Ihnird uf ,Sln*cl mid Wolcr CumuilHHloucrn uf Hie cltv uf Newark. umU-f and by virtue uf pruvlslmmur llic Hcl cntlilHl. ” ATt tu rcvbw-Hill] anicml Hie I (mr

Th* Siregiiln* uoUnsnre ws* niMl onre s i » mrel- n-r uf thc-Hy of Niiwsfk," spiit.ivi.l M»rcli n . iw , lug uf Uu. uf Httwt Slid tt'sw r i»m ir|l»l™ iur. " ■ ........... - ..................... .......... ......................u fth c rU v uf N'pivark, oit TtK’Rday, April IV* |80'2, and woM dulv ordered to stcoiHl r ^ l iu f .

IMMl Nex 'orlc. sN. J., April 32, In(f2.KNOH Itt^NVON,

Clrrk of tho JkoiRl of fitr«et and Water ( 'unutilmiun- ern. 27ii

JKTKNTIOsN.-. I40ARD OF B t i ^ a n d WHtor ComnM aiiftni Public notkw

la litToby given titat It la the imenUon of Uie Huaid erf Hireei aod W ater Com m M unrm of the rity u f Newark. uM er and by virtue nfprovhdun* of Die iM.'t en tlU ^ '^ A h act to revlee and unneml the rharturof tbe d ly uf Kewark.^^uitpruvrd March li.lM 7.aml tku MpnlemeniH lbenrio*Hnd the act i.-rcalhiK (he Board uf iRrvei and Water tyirmulMlonere of (he city (rf Kuwurk* uiiptriwd March 26, IIVI. to urdor

tkfi I

i>'orever Cnrwdu iMriV nerftvtod

w'lentlllc m ethod tlikt cuiiunt foil unkwR tho (.viMi la U'yuHd butiUkQ ulU. You Ein<proved the d n t dity* ft'e! 18 benefit every dti.v; M>on know yi>ur- M'Jf» kliiK um ons men In body, m ln tf and b(«r(. Dnilnu tuid

eilded. Every ohattido to lu p p y innr* ried Ufii rt'inoA’ed. Nerve forue* wlU, eiiCFny* hm ln power* when fltlllnjK Of kiat, » rr realorctf by th is treitlaient, Vletlmvof iU>U8oa and exteMoea re­claim your iiiuiilioodi BufikirufroiH folly,over^ work, 1 11 lieiiltb. r m l r i your vJforl iJwn'l d4*H|Htlr, even If in the

JuatNtitseMs Ih m lb e tUahriii^ncd If (iiuMiku have robbed you, lic t u i nhow you th a t meal- lull M'leiic^i wild huMlneoR hojinratHlokJat; here mu b»m l kn hand . WidUfor«»if liook* wilh ciplAinMIona tiad proofii. nfarcacen to ciiivil iiatlentn.

K H IK MI>:UICAr. CO.g B U FF A L O , N« T .

• TH IR TEEN TH AVENUE* from Hprlivfiekl MVeiiue to Morris avenue* to be |Miv^ with oblong kiwnlte hloi'ks, tu*;ether wliu ail lbe appdrteiwmvHiHveeeary tocninpictu tlioMamc*

tlom penNftMaa may uigt'ct thereto an* rvqtMmud (u prvMeni Uielr o4d«riloiui In writing at Rhi uiflc-a of Iho Board of Huvet and Water (VimmlMHlcmem un or before the ekplnU onof ten dayn frutn iho dale uf tbki DOtioa

By direction of the Hoard of Htreet end H ale r Cu(uDilBBhMien» of the d ty of.Newark.

t.;HAHLt> MAIWT,Oenerol Huiiertutendunt of Workk

Newark* N* L* April 2 1* IWl. 2Tin

■n ;

P imUC! NOTH’E- riRHINANVE OHlTEHEri lo third readliig. The nndentfiied hereby cef-

tliy tha t an ordlnaiHw wok mad a «H«md (InieR ta mu8t4iig of Ihc Hoanl ufHtnwt and Water Ouumlrt- Rlouen, on TuHndoy* April 3fl, HW2. aiul'dnly nrtlercd to third reoitlng, pruMdliig for the foltuwljik !m- provciaent, vix.:

The paving ofTlFUKsNOR MTRFFT.

from Rmod street to Netv Jersey ilallruod avenue, a lib the escentlnn of the croeslnu nf Orchard Kireel, wilii geu'ilnf TrinhiHil shuePtuqibaltum.

Jtoted April jAMts4MMrnr* JK*.President nf Uie Board of Htreet uml Wali'r Cuni-

lulwduiierM.ENOH HUNYON,

dr ( ‘fork.OltDlNANX'E ORDFRIin

Tim tjiidrniignud hen-hy eer-P i ; iu , i r NfFi’iOK-In a ihirtl retwHug. . .. . .

tlfV that an ortlliuuue wuK read n hci-i^ ilinc s t a m o lin g of the Board ufHtreet Slid WKWrCTiuntilv •loner?*, on Toeartay; April 3il, IW* snd duly orderwl tu a Ihinl rrodluK* pruvidliig for Uta folUiwing Im- prtiveuwni* sit.:

Thoijavliigof ^rtRAxNT RTRKKT,

from Broad streci to Hpriilg street, with geimlnc TriMlilad sheet ocphaUiim.

ilatcd April 2», }RV2*JAMEH HMITM. .iR ,

PiTMldeiit uf Die Buani of Hliiet sud Water f’rnn- julRKicincrt.

KNOB rtt'NYON,5r flcrk .

Hiid the Miifjoli-mfiilft kht-n'lu.ami llu- Du* Ifciard ui Hirin-t und W ater I’uMiujtKftluMc

ttcl cr*-u1lngof

wjtpniviftl Mim-h > , INlI, Uvnr-

Ca ta h r H

U SED to suffer awful' with *indi- j^estion but 1 hard­ly ever have it

now"—That man stopped

eating common . oat­meal in order to


B L ¥«S

Cream BaU n a s M ill*

g w a l Pron a g u ,A lla * . P a fa aaA l a l a r o i a a t i a a ,

l l« a h lAe H*r**,_ Umoroaih* fieaMaal T ^ l* ''

' a a l U ncll.

TBY THEI’UHK.A is w pitntf Intocanb nosW t and to

agi-*wblc. I’rlo^CO canto W Itragg ltto i byiiiBU/regi.t^'d,n<«nu.

KLVinv/riti’iMM.wwOt Wureeo at., Mew t o r k . ‘

: OK INTENTION - BOARD OF _ , Htrret and Wsier t^Mmntasluuers.-Ifoblki notice Ii hereby given that It In the Intention of the Hoard of fMreei and Water Ikimnilieiionvr/i or (ho utly of Newark, uiKkir and hy vlrlur of provisions of itoeactsatllM** Anoct (0 revise and smriwl the efaarter of lha> oUr of Newark*” l 1pr v<Hf Hanrli ll, 1467, and the sup^m ehts therelo, and tbo act crati ing tlie Board orwreetond Water (’otomlsoloueri of the d ly of Newark, ip ^ v e d Man-h so, IMM, to order and cmaoe a twelve (12) Inuh pipe eower to be coustnictodlb

CAMDKxV HTltKKT.from a pdotabnut ICO fhot MKUlh of Itonk struct to ThlrteoattapavenM, to c h e r wltb oil the spyurtou- anom i ir r s u ry to cnniplcic the nurh'.

..... . “--wmsM may obket thcfctu are renneotedIheir objiecttoiialuwrtihkgnt tbo ufllce of

Ibe Board of AtTvetatMl Water rnriimlwioiieni on ur before Ihe Mplnttlon (rften do}* fn»in the date of thliiiotiev.

By direvtkm ofthe BoerdofHlreetandWaterCom- nladoQ«r« of tlie Uiy of Newiirk

litAHLbN(leneral HaperinteDdeui of Works.

Newark. N*J., April u*1WL aio

I^OTic’R OF I n t e n t io n - h o a r d okHtreet and Water ODm(blKiloners.- -lhibllc notluo

is hireby given that It la the liiteiiilon of the Hoard of Pnreet and Water Oofnmlcvkmcrs of the city of Newark, under and hy vfru» orprovlBknw ofthe act entiftod ” An act to m loe and oinesMl the charter of Ibe <my of Newark, angrroved Uoivh U, 18 7, oikd the eupptaments ttien'to, and the set em tlju[ the Hoard of HUoet and W'ater (NnnmlsRlonem erf the ctly of Nrwivk* approved Mart'll 20, iwt, to order ondootiia tbe Pa^'ing of

TltONAH HTBET7T,from nintoQ avenue to PeniwylVMnla avenoe, from eurb to mrb, and from I^uhaylvaule avenue to Nchv Jerney Railroad avenue, on each sMeof (he horse cor irsdi or trockR, with the earejitloa (rfone fool on

’W h side of seldiracfc or tracks, with senulne Trio- MedlAke oephattuaii togother with all the appuf' tensDcei ttouMiary to ftHupiste the sime.

flneb peiRObs oa may ohlacr tlmretu ere reqimeted to pneent ibelT obfeirtiuna In wrlUttgaltUcufitucof tbe Hoard of Mroet and Wotor (\nnmlsstoMraon nr bedirethetxpiratUm of tea days from the ddte of th Ir floMciR,

tly <pecUou of the Hoard of 44tKot orgl Water Cbdunissleitom of the city'of Newark.

CHAKliRt i f AHHU* Heaend Huperintendentof Worke.

Newark, N. 1., April ta, l i t i Ao

i ; . ‘'M x H iit’e u R u m l o tw iT "lialwBlHapnfaniiloB ftir M p tig tlia In curl.

[‘VOliw Ittr* ikakilriUuKr l-fiMWandMcto.

|Q n w w H y iw* rfil

T p U R lJC N iyriU K -OltD lN AN CK (HlDhltKD 1 tu a third mtdlng. Tlu* imik-odjouNl Ijcrpliy ct‘r* lliy Dial an onlliyvuuf wus read a sci-ond Urnc at a m evtingof tlie Rnerrl of Htrrct snd WulHrlunimltl- Stoners, uo TiicMiay* April 2R, 1W2* ami duly unlcn-d to a third reading, pruvkiing for tbu folluwing lin- proveniriit, vit,:

The n*i»avlna ofWAHiiiNrmjy Fr.At-K.from Rrood street to WuMlilrwlou sircrt, wltb gen- ulneTrlnlclsrl shcMdoindiaJIupi.

Ualed April 2«* IMti.JAMl'tHHMITir. JR„

Ifrrsldcntofthe Donrd o fS im la tid WaUTtkimiiils. sluhera.

KNDM RUNYON.4f I'lcrk.

PUHJilU NOTR K-(tllDlNANCK ORDLltKD to a third n«adl|ig. 'IIm' uuUereljtri*ftl Ucrcity tur-

tlty thill an urdlnahti- Was rrwl a sctYUKl tlnm a t a niectingof tho IPierdof Htrecl ami Water l.^numLv sloncrHon'ruiYMtHy, A|iril2R, 10*2, and duiy ordcnvl lu a lh ird ri«vliu|{, pnividiog Air tbo fulluwing ini- uruveoicui* vis-:

'fbii paving ufflHTKNTAb MTHKHT,

from Rellcvlllc avenue tu the iia«uerly side of Ml. | U*MNuiit avi-mm, mUIi gcniilne Trinidad sheet ah- nlmlUmi.

Uahrf At?r1l» ..lAMhXKMini, J r.,

Pnwktenl of Ibe Buonl ofrilreci ami W ater UonimU- stooers.

Hr Ul&fk.

I pUHLlD NOTIUK-fJHDfNAXtT: nitPKHKD to a tiilrtl nswllug, Tlni iiiHiersIgiicd bcrdiy *fr-

lifytluttanurdlnancew m irm U o scrtuoi tluku a t u nnw tingorthc Hoanlof HlfV*‘tHml Waler t'ommto slottera on 'rueaduy, April 2U, IMr2, aiul duly urdert'd lo a ib ln l reading, pruvhhug for ibu following im- prove(uaeni* \is.i

The rvpavtng of _ja m k m h t h k c t ,

from Waaliingtun streett« the wwrt side o f Runtet n rvel wllii gmoltw 'I'rloldwl ilieet Mpliaiuim, ainl from lb*> west sltlu of Hurnctsireei 10 High alrsel with oblniig gmnite blocks.

Dated A pril» , IMQ.JA M m hM lT H .JB ,,

P m klent uf the Uoerd of Htreei and W ater Cum- toM ooera.

KNOB RUNYON,jjf i'lcrk.

1 JUHIJC NOTU'B ltHToNAN(*K OUDERKD to e third reading. The tindemlgnerl lieiebyciefr

lllVtbAtaTMirdtnaikvi was read a serMind time a l a liioHlng ofllie Hoard tif Htreet and Water OMumls- Ktunrro, nd Tuesday, April Tnth, IWS. and duly ordered lo a third readlDg, provUlUig for tbo foUuw-

Iherdy of Newark, dor and 10101?* a v k n f f .fmoi Rciriuiiit avenue lu Morris avciiur, lu l*e rc- tHiu'd w11h I’hliing graitlh* blia-k riucu,-h mIiIc uf Die Imra- (*fir tTwrkk, M’ltb Ihc exieiniun uf um-foot In wIdDi iHiP<idp of iw li (rw'b, (ugHJer wllhaHtliu apimrtoiuiMrca nn-cwsiry tu (viinpietc I In- same.

Much H.H may uhleci Dien 10 arc rfftpifftlcdtu pn<m-iii Uv'lr oliliM-ttuns IN w rltluR at Ihc ufrii'c nf (Ik- Huard of Ktri'H and Vl'alcr Oimmlasluiiprs, uu ur ta-fi>Tc the mpiratluu of ten da>it fr<nu DtKduU'uf llllfi JHitlll*.

By fllrccllnn of (he Hounl of ami W'uU-r4'unimi»e’ioncr-<or lln- city of SHutirk.

NvWiirk, N, J-, April 21,1402.1 nA K i.i‘>* M.ut.^ir.

2*2111 Ociicml HutK*rtnti.'ndcm <if Works.

NOTIUK fiF INTKNTKiN BOA HI) OF Hirrft-l mid W ah'f ('umiiiJimlniiere. I'uldlc lai-

tlivi Is herehy given Dia( It Is the Inu-utieu of (he Hoanl uf hln\-l snd \V»H i rurmiiisaumers uf tie- lily uf Newark, muler and by virtue i,f jirtjvlhlun" of Diencletilltlfd “ Ati »o.-l to n*vlw ami aniHid De charter uf the city uf Newntk,” piipnived Mart-li ll, MdT, und JJie ini))|iieumnu thi-rulu,'auil Die act erciil ing Ihe Board uf Mtr'*ct uud Waler rummls-imiter'of the «'l43* of Ncwurk, HppfuviHl Miirt-h.28, iijnrtU'r kufU-ttUW’ llti- I’acliiguf

td r i 'V K H M v n i HTitKKT, from Hrofwl street tu Ml- Fli-«>mui.aveum , wlrh gi-ti’ nine '['rtiiUlad laikc MSpInDlimi; li>Ktdle r wllli nil (he H]ipiirtHhuiK-i’ft iiecewurx lu eutii|de|i> Die Mime.

Hindi jwnvms OH may uhjrti 1lK*n-lo un- nijlieH|*t| to prewiil DietruliiecllOJm in writing at theolUec of (ho IWwnl uf HWw* a n i 'r',-. Jrl* . . ; ‘ , tu r Is'fon-Ihc e.rplrulluLi of D*U d a ) i friMii tlK* rluie uf tills tiullrt*.

By iliTw-timi o f th e Hoard ol Mrcet uml W alsr Coiumhiiom-rsor the cily of Ni wsrk.

I IIAHJ-Ks M.4IIHII. ({(•iieral Hu;»er1nlirudeiir uf St orks

Newark, N. J., April i». iviri 27u


r l1 ,K K o n i l l , M ail,,;....1. IL \V(HH.,1ivrn'rKl AM.ot-


'J jlli.Uitili- III I'lTl.'l Ajirtl ^ IWI

ItuMmiinn'eniPiit. vll.; TI4* riifwvl

Orr iC K OF THK SOARU OF Ato<8 MnMF.NT u d Hm-Won of Th m . Cily Hnll -Nollre. Court of AHtoAl. In x w d u n n wlui *u n t of the

LnUHilun at Itali Hlute tlie UoenI of A««*-nmit uiiS MerWeii oT T u n e trill ,11 u Coun of A i>p«.l AtiM r tram Un thin) WodimitoTIn A*rU to tke Um3 Wednadur In Mny, IMU. •vriyduy Vrei • A. JL U K IL, when Mrttonto- toreUM-too ••• to* anoilnl npoo nrblidi tiny havo

H H l., UHreritoa o u itw , Im nad*. All e b d j rw t ie * tout tola ll toe anir Um* to


irspavlngotW AriHINOTON HTHKET*

frYini Brood sirw l to (^foral avenue, with getiultto TrioMod ahvst RopliolUitii. >

Dated April 21, ItK .JAMKN HMITH, J r..

Kresklent uf Uio Board pfHUoet aivt W ater Cona-mba^iers. KKI4H UDSYON,

Ir tle rk .


3 0

I’aisaKC Tickets anti Drafts for all partsof Kuropc.

Martin R. Dennis & Co.eSTABLISHEO 1848. •

774 BROAD ST., near Market S t

Cabin. Internicdiatf ami .Steer,ige Tick- cH. at ldWMt Hv-vf. York RiiU:s Pn >11 lines of OaMii SteaiiuTs, *

Money sent to (Ireat Britain ami Ireland, and all parts of Kiiroite.

All kinds of Koreign money escliaiiged. *Uni» of K*fhanf;e and Letters ol

Credit issued throtijfli Drkxf.!., Mokcan & Co., or Brown Bro ihk.ks & Co.

Passnorts old-lined

ERIE RAILWAY.ITATIOH, f o u r t h a v enue and PAtiAIC

>TREtr,NKWAHK ASl> I'ATKItWON,Tj.uye Nowark fhr t'jiU'nioli ll-Xl, T-dh, !().!» A.

H,; eiU , IS4, JAT, J.M, AM, AUO, a.» , T.m XW, W At F, M. uuit xI'Ali A. it . Mumluy, #.-3 A. M. und UAt, M0i 7.1*. 9M, m i l I'. M.Leavo t*uti}iairfi for Sowark AlW, fl,is, llita, T.-T. 7.WOI.D,».». 10.011. U.»S A. M.; I .a , S,!l,7A»!liUii I’/M. UW. «JO. IttM A. M.; l.liaJu.xia. v. M.NKWAIIK A.m Nt;W VllliK,

leave Neeraflt li-OO. aili. 7.!M, 7A1,, la c i A .»!.: t« .o M .o i, 'i» ,c .f t aai,iui,i.(u*, lu a ti '. t l . «uoillo',7J4,».u«. 11.10 A. JI,ii«J,tl.0*.A6J,M).«l r. M.

laravi; Now York, C'tialnbcre Id. 0.iu. T.IA Ala,».no, A. M.; Alio, AIM.U .7.00. aas,, asa, 7.90,10.1a, fiOO V. H. V.UU'. H. Haiun'0,01, 15.00 A. M.l MOOiO, 1.011,10,1.

( Viiinivdttix Intim lH*v« SCewatX aa Ihlloae: to r lha, lley Kipnvw, A,V5 A. M. Mliuiliia T.'JC A. M.; Vretlbiilo Umluitl, teavo Newark l.vl K M. HuiKlay 5.07 1-. D.: ciramt Truuk Kipreaa, leave Newark o.Sa P. .N. nuuday 1 .C0 p, St.i olok' K ram a, tw o* Newark 4W P ,« . m nday, IMH K

Tnilii' h*rive viat ’FN rilA i. lUJl.l'.OA ll i»F M'.W .UuHhET,

Ifuiii llpiad Hiid Fcri*>' M. lullfMit*, fur I'tiltodi’liiJdu. HH<Diliur4-alvl WasUlugUdi. .

licrVMl Hliie l.IttP.Fop FlilUidcMihla uml Tn iilou, T.-H', A .M.I

}.!4A, 2.211, l.<r2, .VtLl, 7AVll.'2.l P. M. V.f>3i*Ui.V, A. M.; 4,.V», 8.11ft P. .'t.

Fur lUliimnrc aud WnsliiiixDm, l>i(V‘i, ll.'lo A. M,; l.ile\XWi,R.(Vi. II.ViiF, M. ft-uuilu>s. MIA. iuu:i A. M.J l.:ii,, S.3H. I.ifii F. M. I'urlurcoi lUiHbty Iraliw. HloajKerft (HI (liKlil liiilii-4.

7.17 A. M. Ihr Main i,inn S .J.tM H v., Belhielietfo Alleiituwu, MtiiK-U

oS. A. .M. fur .Msiii, .M. J . r . Hlr., laukr UupaV lYiiiK, fllKli Bridac Bi-Hiicti. Aitciilowu, UrtKluig, llitrrlshut^, Wilke-ilsirri-, iftcruiduii, WliHaiiu}Hit'k Thiiimhuh. l’(diftviiic, ?u,iiism)y rp v , Snrdmry, cto*, and DiruiigIk L'uie-h New YurV wiirl WlllamaiHirt-

l.u*» I'. M, fur Main Lliie, N. J. r . Idv., loike HulXiln cutig, IHgh Hrifiye Hraiii'h, Alistitnwu. .Maiich t'lcjiik. lU-mlliig, IlnrhAliiirg, Tmumpui* iftUhbiuy ami WillUiiiift|Niri,cii-.

1-27 1'. M.* wny for Muin Uiie N. J. r . Olv.. U l|h KrMgu Hmrn-li* foikc Hiipdlrtiru, Kaatoii. iWthl^ Item, AtteiiiowN, MMich Fliuuk, Wllhc^tMirrp, Hurate luM him! Tan>Mi|Uik.

Vid F. M., Muih 1.1m- tV. .1. ('. hiv,, FAStun. AUci>> tuwM, Ucadliu,;. i[Hrrihhurif mih1 Mauch ( ‘liumk-

7.i!'r A. M., fur Ijiftloii, H<-thlcbMU.Hud Anenluwn. 7iin A. M,. l.t .,7 .A ll.2'i 1'. M„ <-xt‘«|rt Mawrrlii/

uiillD. vIh FlillmlrliihlN. fur Hu iit>ury, Ivcw ishurg aud IS illlumhiMjrt- HiniilHyHH.iw I', RJ.

rHiiiifoya7.20 A. M , wii) fur Maiu-h ('hunk, 1'aiiu^ ■piti Hud WlihitoJuuHtrt 19.1U ,1. M - way for Huuier* \(llc iW.Oft A. M., foTHf)iu'-rvllln:(4.liU A. M., way fitT Ininr-Jlcti; I4J.1F> A. M., fur HoiuicrvUli-; il.A'i A. M., WH>-fur iHjHeili'U ,l. |u r . M.. wny for IHuh Brldjm HrniK'li, Ili-Hilhiii, Ihiri'l4,iiri;. MUik'h Chunk and PiitHvllle*-2..I1' H. M , wiiy for isuiiiervillc ; 4 lu F. M., way rurrtuiijervUli-HiKl Vlcmltigtouj A 4ul'. M-i for .Mjmi-ii chnnk, ik'iuhnu tihd HnrHfdilirK ; I*. Ai.* fur l^htliiitHd itiKl Uoiiiid tlriiukoi T.'.li r . ,vi.. uay fur LiMritlh'u 1 F , 'I . wKy luriiomi'i'S lUv . .11.,way for p-uiiicrvlili.

M-iUAHbi AMI KJ-lZA'HK'ni HHANCII. TfuiUft leuM- llhied hlji-i‘1 HUdDen'lur NlFiUFPth

aiirl Uitnellc ut <>.r<0 FlrfjdN-ititeH't iml>, 7.17, 7 -111.R. 22 FII/jdH Di|itirl uiilv. s,.Vf u.ijTi i-rce|n Hu* welie, r .r ., 1U.U.L lu.t'i. ii,ii.>, ii.2i A. M.; iJ-i.’i. ;w, 2.2u,'2,iu..k:iY,^.:^J,.^u., .v;w. .V-V'. 4.rh 7.!.'..S. IH.,, II.2> 1‘. .M. Mlllds.Vft. 7.20. 8,iu. V.lM. R A

tu.'» A., I.V». J.20, UO, 4.‘f0, a-4u,0.(%* III.2111'. M,

Fur nHiiiriel.l.ii,i,-,.7.l>-7-‘jii, s..Vk,»U'. lO.iiikll.9 A. .M.; Mb'.'i., ,L-V», l.uj, 1..S7, .)-it>.i.-ai.'KiA0.l-V 7.14* 7.a.i, 8.411. tu.l,'., II.i'. I'. M

FurSuiiM-nmp.ii.lV M7.8..VX litofi, 11.2.. A. M.; I.uV l.iLV 2.0U. 4.:17. •'i.H'f, .'kliu, Hi Will-lo, 7.2,‘i* MU, HUj. tt.'2>F . -M .

p’ur l-'li'mlimluiu 7.17, R-V. A. M.: I.n\ -U7. 4.SU I*. M. For I’l-rth .Irnhoi', O.l.',, s.'22- A. .M.; I2l.ji, 1.1(2,

4.ay,4..Vi.ti.l JeT.W P M-Mnidnys. !i.H> A. JI.;4.Ul F..'l.FurADuidlc llltflihiiiilft mid I'rtft luild Via Mum*

wan, 8.22, ll.2ii A. .M.; l.AV l."-7, li-l’i r . W. UUUdaj-a, .•MrjTt Kn-i-liold, IMki A. M.: 4,ni I’. M.

Fur Krtl Hank, fnim; Hmm-h, (S-cuii Uitjvr, rlo., 8.22;il.2f A. M. Vi% Hwl itonk milv : 4.d::,8.lR V. M. iSumlaya caiv-iU tu Un-nii Htovu *V.(V( A. M.l l.ll< F* -M.

Fur'liiiiis Diver, Itortickfii itork und Itorucgal, ».JI A. M.; l.Ai, 1.1(2 l». M.

I•'ur V'lm-lHtid and llTldu>-luti. F- M. l-'ur I Jikcwmsl, N.22 A. M.; 4.02 1'. .M.NuHmidsy irulii)^Fur AltonDc city. 1' M.

NKWAHK A-Ml SI'AV YrtltK.Kami liruad mid lY-rrv Nnvei Hiutluiift- At -V20*

i..'S),(k'Ji,(»i* 7,211, T.40. 8,iJII. (i.Jl, 8.4U, 0.1*1,3.20, n.m, ni'iu. la ji, lu.5u, n.uM,ll.:4u a . M.; I'iowM.; liiw, MSI, ].:4(i. 2.(iu.‘2.;tn,.1.uii,ll.Hi,4.iM>,\.VI.'», V40.d.i»* U2II-(4.411. U.-Vi, 7.IU, 7-'iii, H.2II,U.10-U.V|, Hl3A. 11,'Jk F. St.i 12.16. i'2.4*i rilglll. HUm>!s>8 7.h0. 8.U0, O.uu. IO.II0, M.tri X. M.; 12.111 M,; Mu, t-to. 2.0n,2.4iU, 4.0U, &.0U,ii4J0,7.UO*H. 4«), V-iHe htOit, i 1.141,12.0U P. M.

lyeavc New York fnHtt ftsd uf l.lhariv hiivet A t ;tn. S.IH1,, T.IM1, Il-v T.3Uf 8.(Ni, 0.1->, 8.40, MO, U.IV

ti..1U, 10.00. m.lOa, il.M A. .\1.; I'J.IIUM.; 12-TO,I. I4I, !-nu,2,ai, ’i!v\ H.iiu, .i.:k\ VM. 4.20. 4.W. m o , j ,2r,G. to. fL.V7, O.IM, 0,22,8.11}, 7.10, 7.-K1, Kill, lM4i, V.4A, lU.Jd, It.I.V 12.(0 P. M. Handuys 7.10, R.iO, V.iO. HKOIl, il.06 A. -M.i.l'iou M,; Uo, 2-0(1. 2.00, 4.ou, kVUi,0.iO.0.9U*7.ti(k l.(A',fo(i( to.00, ItvO. ijaug 4 k .

TPHiiL-i li'uvu idHivtt station viaVAI.J.F^ HAiLltOAfr

for llutfriln, N|H»;an( F ath und Di«< VVvfttY 4.2(1 A. M,iT,fiO l'.!i( ritniduyft, fl.lO V. H.

FurRiihton. M.; 12281. 2.3o, Mo,A.1^ 7e49I*. M. Hundny»*Kiiu. IMO A. M.: .LiWr .to F. M.

Fur BetbtelivuiiAIUmbFwriMUd Mnudi fliunk.'.dd, A211 A. M.; 12-iRi, 4.1.0, n.l-n, ?.to I'. M. Huuduyp*H,t4u* IJ-OU A. M..; a.W, R.1N) F. M.

For Ji«alrion*vJi» A. il.: 12A0,4.«»*7.»UMJ. ku i. days, 82M, 11.UU A. M.; h.ho F. M.

Fur frdntR In the Malmimy i-ual n-gtou at 8.'2d .Y* Mm I21W1, 4 .tnK M. HUiiilHyH.J1.U0, ll.Ud A.M.

Fur WlikOifoarre, PUtstuii atul JtoruutuN.KVO A. M.|; ViAK 4.0D, Trto P. M. Nimluya lexcopt (4i-ram(mi, 8.0U V, M.

l-'ur Ktuilra, A2d A. M.; 12.30, 7. ^ P. M. UumlayiHli.tol'. 31.A. A. Mi LKOn, C. t(. IIASOX'K.

rrva 'l (fi (len. M’yr.________ (Ivn. I*aas. AeeBt*,..

$10 CASE........ ........................ . iHihunnay,

HimHul KshlblUuii liii>’, tliu (ren t UulliUllg' la jt Hale. *111(1, •dlKl, *dfto.

TertiiN (no Ctuili.Uiiluuep $ 1.00 H Week.

chaoka, PHitoix tM to »ll 1 nlliWi liiW**lllfflrr!f’

lineW. E MOD


JE-mu rsDi

B ^ - o a t Amateurs Who W ill Box Despite the A. A. U,


Tr«pHitvDol<r« V iln H»ny E ven t! itt K ^rlo ii—Rlvermlde fiprlnlerA In th e Crunii-' covntrjr ChjiinpionBlii|>i-«The Roftevllle*! Hpribg Howling T ouriie inen t -«O ther C vrre iit VvenU o f liiUremt*

iT H E

N olw lthtU ndlii* lUo dl«(HiilUlr«lloii iif b o s e » by Ib i M i-tn'tw ltun A»orli*ll»‘i <>f UuiAiB»U-ur Atlilellc Vnlim. i i« r )y ItOen-

have been by Ihe Moblcan A.f t.'. A>f Itb lodrnauH’titto bP bptil lb t'alfdonlm i 'r » r l i )I»H, l»'*ltin1ni{ tn-tnorrow night and wuUbg Sluudny night. The local flub* have

'm po in lw J gcnpron»l,v. and lln* !><><t men of the Kiuplni BWlo have ellU’irU lu the four

/claMea.f In the llVponnd cl««a, the A nU rallan “ o e lo u e ," J . Mi NIrhol, of the Weat Knd A. A., le r illed agaliu t the BrIgtaUm A. C. “ rueher," Mike M ulroy,and the redoubtable Mike Kbcridan, of the O ln ton A. f . Ham M andfvlile.thP Aehland A. 0. colored ri'rre- eenlallve, le abio a forialdable m an In tb it claea.

W. Weleh, the young " John I»" o f the Non­pareil A, who wa« recently defraled by Jerry Itom elt, la rn lered lu tbe liVpound daae w ith eueb bard h l t lm aa K I.latiiiao, of the Climonat .lolm Mitchell, o f l l i i Down towne of thia rity, and U eorta Uebubert, of tbe Hplelmnnu A.

A m eetln i which will prove en a ll reel loo Id th e UNpound eleaa will bo between ‘•C buek’’ C o n n o ra an d ‘W llllem Ooea. They have fnel belhre, and the A ahtand m an made a good ahowlng agalnat tVitmora,' M ike H a r rie, of the CUnlona, and M. JIugbet, of the Jeckeona, ere alao a good pair.

In the 145-pound cloaa the king card le Jake Pita, of tbe National A .C , wbuar flghle a t tbe reoeiit V rn d o iu rin d Park A. r . lournam enia are well renieniliered. Dan O’Keefe, o f the W eet Knda, and Jim Hulllvan, o f th e Jack, eona, are alao among the beavy welghia.

W hat, with the proapecia o f good llnlahee In all three elaaaca, a deciding ligh t between Owen Farley and Jerry Baruetl, another meeting betwnen Henry M ertlneon end “ Paddy" Keuruey, an d tw o battlee royal,

'th e Mobloau A. C. have arranged a SraUlaea pro tram m e.

Following are the Ihll en trleo ; One-hiindred-and-HItefn-pound Claea—Fred­

erick Hearn, taee* A. C.’, J . McNlehol, Went Knd A. A,; Ham Mandevlltc and T. Gllebrtet. Aahland A. C.; A, Hulllvan an d W . Butler, N ational A. C ; DIek Connora and Hugh O’Netll. HcutlUb-Amerlran A. Mike Mnl- roy, Brighton A. C.J w illiam Nugent, Ital* A. C., Futereno; Philip Coegrore, Jnettlu lc A.

W illiam Htmiley, Mnhlean A. ( ’,; Con Donovan, Kdwnrd Ilney and W. Me- Donald' Nonpareil A. C.; Mike I*wh>r, F . O'Oonnor, J, Norton, C. Young, B, Boee and Mike Mhcrldan, n ip p e r A. C.; J . Hhappal, J. Mniilh and J . Hulllvan, Meelian A, C. j M ldiael F. H artnell. Cable A. C .; W illiam HI, Oeorge, Frederick Colaen, John Mahon an d Dan Wat- tery, Granite A. C.; D. Keating, It. Irw in and U, Hulllvan, Jackwin A. CL

Ouediundred-and-twentydlTe'POilnd Claea— W . Welih, Nonpareil A. C.; J , Iloach, Htar A. C.! Dave O'tieary, Hanover A. C.j J . Barney, Orrhnrd A. C.; K. M alm en, J . MeOrath andJ . O’Brien, C lIntnnA . C,i H, Welee, J . Hmllh and W illiam Wllenn, Jaekaon A. C.; John M'uoda, Aihn Y'ouiig and J . Craig, N ational

C,; George Hcdiuljert, Hplelmann A, C„; U Gaaaer, Charlea Broker and Tim Oll- rb rlat, Aahland A. C,; John MItoliell and Charlea Hhliiimer, Downtown A, C., N ew ark ; Jam ea (Julnn, Billy Jema, George Uonnon and J a m n Ree, Downtown A. C„ New Y o rk ;K. M urphy, W ayne A, C.; H arry Batteraball Central A. Peter Kearney, EaaeX A. C.

ODe-hundM -and-thlrly-flve-pound Claea— Geoica r Chuck ") connora, T b o n u a Cbaey, Jam ea Hughea and George H arm on, Down­tow n A. C^ New Y ork; John tu n n y , Down­tow n A. C., N ew ark; Mike Dempaey, Brook, lyn A. C ; W . T. (bnllh and W illiam Ooea, Aahland A. C.; Bdw ard tSowley, F. M urray and M. Hughea, Jaekaon A. C,i Je rry Hulllvan an d MikeH arria, Clinton A. 0 . LBowman and Dan Domivnn, Nonpareil A. C,; Jo h n J . Rnnan, Htar A. C.; Joaeph Dally, Aatorla A, C,; George Merger, Mnhlean A. C.

One Hundred-and-mrty-flTe-pound Cloaa— J a k e Pita, N ational A. C.; W llltam D. Lewia and Dan O’Kceht, W ^ Knd A, A.; George Arllngloo. Kaeeg A. CJo h n Hmlth, Downtown A. 1'., New t ^ r k ; Mike Mnea, Downtown A. C„ Newark ;

' n . Ketane, Palm etlo A. C,; Frederick B arth,

RIOW HED SFECULISTin t l i « t r e a t m e n t o f N n a a t C a t a r r h , C a t a r r b a ) S o r e T l i r a a t , E n la r g e d T u n s ilJ i , S o r e E y e s , UlHeaHea o f t h e E y e , D l i t e a g e a o f t h e E a r . D U - e a s e s o f t h e NfHte, H a y F e v e r , C a ­t a r r h a l D e a t u e s k , N e u r a l g i a a n d H e M l a e l i e , D U e n a e n o f t l i e 8<»i|> , OlHfMUiea o f t b e S k in , S a l t R h c i i i n , C a r b u n e l e a , F e lo n a , I tn tU , O ltl C h r o n i c S a tren , A b i io r n ia l G r o w th e o f t h e H e a d a n d F a c e , a l l l>lg« e « a e « o f t h e F e e t , I l a u d a , T o e NailM , F i n g e r N a l l f , I n c lu d in g B i r t l i m a r k a o f a l l k in d a , e t c . , e t c . , Ik n o w i t c n i m o e u t l y lo ea tfN l I n K e w a r k , a n d h a s t i n e O F F I C E a n d P A B I X H I S a t

837 Broad Street,F i r s t F l i m r , U p a ta l r S i F r o n t i n g

o n U r o a d S t r e e t ,

Dr. Eimboll is now on his seventh month in his sixth sncceesfhl visit to Newark during the past 25 years.


Bfottn i t m fat or bultor in a opidor, otir in a tablnpoontnl of fhur; cut up part of an onion, a dofO of garlio, a font laurti or bof toaroo; $raU « part of a eoltry root, oltoJialf a carrot a fom ctorw. w*»/» 0HP»r* ! add^oup sfoetr and trator. Lot thi$ boit for an hour, than oiratn and add capon and chopped Sardolton and a font tlicoo of tomon.



ffleamillTEI! b (flIliSOFROM 9 TO i l lN M MORNING WE’LL SELL

O S - ii ic h

C m l i M D i S , x M C 'All pure lln rn .p iee l lent value......... .......

:H-lncli, gond fbr min an d ra in , licet par­agon fram e, Oiney en iu k , long metal baiidleii. H ^ u la r price th iu , a t ............

To the F.dllor of the N aw a: Dear HIr—Dr. t„ Klinladl tma curl'd m e of chronic catarrh and thrr)ftttr(Hihlea,and I cau highly reouminemi h im to all who are troiihird wllIi like diHaae. FRANK V AN IKiHEN, upholatererand dee- orntor^lOB KoaevllU} avenur,c ity , w ith Henlli

FROM MBh7o W. COFFIN.NKWAgg. Feh, 'Jt, VWi.

To the F jtllo r of the N aw a: ik a rH Ir—Dr. D KImhell haa cun-d mo o f llehing enem a, w hich baa been bothering me very much for yrora. I can highly rccuminciin him to all Who are truublM f with thU lerrihle diaroae,

MHH.G. W, COFFIN, an N orth Fourth a trtel Newark, N. J ,

Dr, KImlwll ran refer to me tn regard to curing caln rrlm liu rv thrnal. I nm cured In ■even Ircatmv-alfc JOHN Mi’CAKTlIY,

ll.'i Brui'u alreet, city.

From K F ran k Boutllller, boru and relied In Newark,

To th e E d ito r of the Ncwi; Dear H lr- I have l>een cured of uaaal and bronchial catarrh by Dr. L. K iw bell In H Irentmcnta.

K .F1W N K B O l'T lU .lFB ,M Hecker itreet, city.

To th e Fklllor of the N awa; Dear H lr-I have aum Trd tTum aore noea, m re euni and


ALSO FOR SMALL MEN.N ew o t of populHr pHlfPrns, ftiiril workmiioklrip, rq u a l to any

IfuOu value iu >'4m ark .


SHORT PANTS SUITS,Tiro»|vlcrt’, well made, lalesl spring effoet*,

T ieg . W o r th 8 3 .5 0 .



A Dollar or Two Less on the Price of


SATURDAYBlack ChsTlot Reefer Jaetets,Himwl collar, born buUotitg v a lu e ^ 7 1 .


$2.73All-wool Tan Reefer Jackets,Lap flap iw 'keu, pearl buttomi,

regular ]>rlce S aturday,

$4.39DiaAonal Tan Reefers,In tWH d lirrren l sbades, notrli enUar,

pt'url butiim s,value 17.00. IHuturday,

$5.98Black Fine Clar Diagonal Reefers,

I Jrtt'gftSv a l l row! o f Mtitchlng on cuff, rcjjfuhfcT prU-e Haturday,

tunc and plm plp! on m yfA rrnm l have been I fH O A - . T h A T T iA T o y c . r A I K .eiiird by th e uM t

Etemedlea, w hich leaveii no tta ln on the skin. MIHH AliMIKA BEitTUOLF, cUy.

i m p i u )v r "y o v r l o o k h .T o th eF k llto r o f the N rwki Hear Hir-'-lvr.

fro Kliiibell haa RucccMtully removed flve moloa trota m y U ct, MltH. k . Fh^'KltH.

47A Central aveoucg d ty .

T o th e E dJIorof theN cw a! Dear H lr-I mf- fered n ine yearn withaisrei eyes, namil catarrh, and had a dm p iilceratod old sore on uiio of nty lega. Dfa L, KlmbeU haa cured inc,

CHAH, F. lUtJUARlW* cUy,

To th e E d ito r of tbe Nkwh : Dear Sir—After kiiffeiinE th rea years from nasal and br^m- filial c a ta rrh In Its woret form, 1 have been Uionrughly cured b j Dr. L.Klinbcll Ih thi/ty* one treatm cala

m m MZNME KKMMKIV 49 Mercer lircet, city.

To th e K d ito ro f tbeNKW^: DoarHlf—Pr, la. KimheU h a t cured tonalla In ray throat that were aa large aa an Kncllth wiUnut,

\nurii very triil.v,JOHN W. TOMPKIE^ ri, city,

Dr. I g K lm bell can refhr to me about iuO" oeufUlly rem oving w eni from the head.

RICHARD COAtH,96 Jeflbrwm itreet, Orange, N. J,


T can reodmmend Dr. L. Ktrobell for tbe cure vf a ll ftkd laoaaef. _


For now patterns. SIM’s 4 to 1 1 , vnluc well m ad f and good imiK rtal.

AT 68c. PAIR.Ktir nil wool pants, w ith waist-litHid, rinhkied MJamsi si/es 1 to l |, ihjuhI Ui usiy garnient aclUng lu N ew ark for fl.UU,

$6.93Ladlesa'Atl-wool Clotli Capes,40 liudirrN long, f'mhr<iiili’rer1 N e k a o d

I 'li^ /fgularHUH. Hntunliiy,


A BIG DRIVE ON REEFERSFor boys of fmsn to 8 years of agr. N o m ore dertlrnhle jjarm ent !« obtainable. Wo hnve a n eno'rmouit usaoriiiu'nt, und to plaev th e ir m any good |Kiliita before our patrons, have laid o iir cntJrv tiloek ^ l o


# 1 . 7 3 .

M'oiih sg .aa .


# 2 . 8 3 .

W orth » 3 .oo.


# 3 . 6 3 .

W orth »4JSO.


# 4 . 1 3 ,

W orth SSiOO.

The Hbove nppnrtunlly lA narand one for m ak ing th e inouey-wving bctweCTi the prlooa ire quote a nd tlio actual w orth of each garm ent.

tkHsth Hide A. C.; Billy Davla and Mike llu g h i’s, Clinton A. (f.; J im HalUTan^ W illiam D avti and Kv CruwelL Jaekaon A , C.; Jam ei Rooney and Patrick M urphy, Hlar A. C,

Auatln (iibbotia, of Pateraon, yetderday algruKl the articles nf agreem ent Ibr hik flktlc em’o u n ie r w ith H tanton AhbotL o f London, JCngland, forapnriM o f £16(X Oibbuns m ade tw o Hllght ehaugea Id the agreem ent, one Ohangiqg fhedgh ting weight lim it from nine atone alx to nine atone eight pound!. I f the N allonal Club will agree to U lbbona'i propo- alilon the m aW hran befonaldnred m ade, th e artlclPN are algned and w U neuod, and A lchard K . Fox forwardtnl them to EngUnd yaaterday,

The Umrnament on the old ihoof log ground! o f th e Jeraey City H eight! Oun Club, nt M arion, o}>ened favorably yealvrday, Cjuite

> n um ber of m arksm en were preei’n t, among w hom were Major R. Huber B rlentnall, Will lam R. Hobart and Q iarlea M. Medden, of 1hi» H ty ; Neaf Apgar, o f P lainfield ; Jam ra L . HtnlLh,of lTackeit«town: WlhiAiri Higlcr. o fM o u m la tr; f l D. Miller, of SprIngOeld, and F ran k Claae, of Pine Brook.

Ail tbe evenU of the dnyw ere a t blue roek target*, an d a brisk westerly w ind blew them abou t In very crratlo JbsliWm, m aking mlaaee freq uent. The Hcorea mode w ere:

F irs t Slioot, Ten Targets—Wrlentna II, W. Hmlth, H^fler and Hobart, 10; Drake, 9.

Hecoad Hhoot, Flficen 'ParipeU—C ollin i and Bigler, 16; Miller. U.

Third Hh<KH, Ten TargetJ^-M lller, Brlenl- nall, Hubarif B rautlnghara a n d Bigler, 1 0 ; Cotlfn», HttperTnd Drake, 0.

■ Fourth Hlioot, Twenty Turgela—H obart, 30; Apgar. HIgler and Milter, Id.

Kinh Hhuot. KlReen Targets—R rahllngham and Hoburt, 15; ftreintimll and Apgnr, IL

HIxth Hli(H)I, Ten Target!—COUins, A|)gar, Bm nllnglm ni, W, Hhrilh, Jnni’#*, IMrry, jtlau- vH t. J r ., J . L. Hmllhi W hite, Miller and Higo ker, 9

Heventh Hhnol, Fifteen Targets—Miller, 15; Rh^imsmll, Cullius, H obart,B rantliii^ham and tilgler, l i

EigUtb Shout, Ten Targets—BmnttnghnTis, Hulmri, ].Jndt>ley, J . I j. sm ith , Hlnuvrlt, Jr., and Kox, »; .\israr, So|>er and Psrry , H l^rake, CHpiuih J oiioh, .Tackson and CImm, 7 ; {‘ullltiM, Mahnliig iind fllggr>i1,5, There u'cre tw o niuvr events hs which Holwrl and LlnOs- ley tltnl In <hio Insmui'e and Ai>gar and Miller iu another.

A prUe o f 95 w ot nflared by the jnanHge> n irn i to the tim vicsi m an and IQ to the tight eM man, nu:h toshuot In all the ulaivoevcnli to (tufltiiy. violin IlliOfott. of RiK'kftway, proved to l« Ihi' heaviest iriAti, and Blauvelt, J r ., u ft'h e rry Hill, N. •!.. Hh* lightest.

U W Hsnnoffdiiy for itnse hatl men y n te r ' day, Ihcre being no League gam e!.

The Junior kiul Mcnlor eham ploiiships of the N ational ( rOHM-c duiYtry AsstK'latlon will he decided at Morris ]'iirk|to>njnrrow anernooii, the Jitiiior nice to Im* called nt 3 oVUn'k. The Jnnlor dlsianec will lie five tu lW and the w n lor eight niih’H, The following It Ihe teuin a f th e Ulversidn AtUlellc C lub : hL W. l^ar- Son, A. D. Tom pkins, V. H, H arrison , Thom as ' Jam es, H. JlkKHh’s, V. Stern, H. W, Parker, H. W luklehoffer, W. J , IJu ib an , II. J . K ck’Iht , H .T . RoitiMi), F. A. t'lidlr., A. t . Crater, J . K. Kvaus, W. MorUiti, J. C larkson,

A spring bowling tm m m rm vu h w been Hi rabfcd by the ItoseTlIle A, A., which will be a fli ting close lu asewson of unusual aeilv- Ity , The prjzi’s t<i be given nre valiUMl a t kijO. They will Is? given to the leains and Individ* unit* nm hliig the hIghoMt scotcit. The tourm^^ m en t iM’glns next M on day and loaU one week. The Arsl flvi>iti«ii team prixe Is valued a t #10 aht{eunhlslsnraiLuttkciUM'.wl| regulation ball!. The oUier prJxoU a vilver^piatcd tee pitcher, valued uL |2D, which will be awttrdet) to the leum m aking the second high* est wrorr. The liidtvlduut scores are to be m ade ih the head-pfu game. The fiiwt I s a dluHiond pin, vnlticd u t |7 5 ; the second, a Lam|); the th ird , u dt.'<’brated toilet set; the fourth, a set of Dickenses w ork!; tbe fifth, a MNH'kintosheoat; the six th , a silk urabrella; f he ifO\ eru ti.a pa ir of rm uet shoes; i he eighth, a Iku of Impfirted olgant, and th e ninth, a ton o f ('Oftl- Tho f lr it prloe goen to the howler m aking the five highest w/>rf% during the wi«^k and the second lo the nex t highest, and til (his order im tll all have been disposed of. The nosevllle A, A. will uo t compete for tho

prizes.The anmui! m eeting o f th e Riverside A. C.,

will lui held n ex t M onday n ig h t a t tbe dub- hiMue. 1 'he w m e oftlcora who n t prrsieiit govern the affairs of the eiiih will probably re-ck*ctf.Kl wKh the nxeepthm o f ihe captain. He i t Is Mid, will be luooeeded by Will lam J . Linihitu.

Tluj HoeevlUe Ironside! will open the iHice bull Wflson oti the Ibmevllle grounds, Fifth avcDUc und N orth Twelfth atreet, to>niorrow atil:4AP, M. Theopjaialng team will L>e the

^ O. N. T. llaeiB i.; 'I i ib , The batteries will be IJtMrel and A. Iludifus for the Roseville Iron*

t. eiUes, and Cluiiuoy Hiid 1'. Brogan for Ihu U.

I am Indebted bejong com putation to Dr. K linbfJl for rcinoviog the muse of of^hilve



p vn id re tinn livDrotli Ih v a rta ia n d a t the (Het. M IaH JE N N lE L .H O B N E H ,«lljr.


DR, I . K IM BK U , cured iny fret In nne Icro tincn t o f troublewime coma J5> can ■«'>. i)r. K lm bell la a K’lentinc m an and knowa m ore abcnit cu iinc fret trouble* th an all the ehlru|iodU ta In Amerlea. I ra id him till for n w o v ln * 6 corn* and It wa* money well In- veated. WILLIAM IL OLIM ),

Of Guild A Lm o, l^awyera.


FROM T H E a d v e r t i s i n g MANAGER OF T H E DAILY NEWH.




1 reeom m eiid Dr. D Klmbell Ibr rurlm j In- (ro w ln i lu ll* , bunion*, corn*, remoTlii* molet k nd w a rn of the M«e. JOHN L. KlISER.

D r . K i n i b e l l ’ii n e w s t e a m A to m - l e e r w o r k s w o n d e r s in t h e c u r e o f N n s a i n n d U r o n c h la l C a ta r r h . T r y i t . ____

H t s C h a r t r e s a r e m m l e r a te f o r a l l c u r e s . D r . K lm b e l l h a u p r a c ­t i c e d b i s s p e c i a l t y In N e w Y o r k C i ty hIiic c 1 8 5 0 , . a n d l i a s p r a c ­t i c e d 111 t i l l s c i ty a t l i i te rv u lk s in c e 1 8 0 0 .


Dr.Klinix^ll nollclt! the worsi Mutre of I'very* th ing monlhmed, lucindhig lNUIh»WIN<J NAlliB, j n n iN t* K(7jKM.\, o l d l^flH oN If wmi-JS, A l'N R AND lUtAL’K'llEADH OF TH E FA(.:K,

A reraudy ftimixhwl by Dr. KlmbuU that w in tmrv exrrsalvf* iiersplmtlnn, scuhlvd and h llilrre ii P’Di and Uiv worst caori of had odor i ofU ic ft’f l und arm pits. Try 1L

Dr. L. Klralo’ll is rw’om m t'udrd by I'm lnrnt nhvsh'lanM, Dnt, WlMiiiUk OHiormHU niul F. il. M undevilk’ nlwnys m tunm fiidct.l Dr. Kim* Iwl! ft>r th(* cure nf nil dlspiup! trf thajsH ir fw’t, und « ‘orc* of o ther nhy*lrl»n»In New­a rk tiK) iiumcrtraH t o m t i t Ion und ihousandv of ludlrH and gcuth'mcii In Newark rtt'orn- m cnd Dr. KImhell fur tho curv t»f U^t tTuul>U‘.

Dti K lnthoirti “ Rpincily '* will cu raall t*or)i8 and 4’xrrva<T4*ncr'« of thfl fcot wKhcuil cu tilng. Tho wimp “ Hcmcdy ” drives away all w um from (he hands umd Ih ig m und uo Iraoo to 1m srvn w herr tho wart tmec grt-w. The price of ihtM vutuabfo ilicmcdy] ls#i,9(Jaiid |5u huitlv, THY IT.

#1.68 ,W orth «k.4S.

# 2 . 1 6 ,W orth a s .1 3 .

# 2 . 3 6 ,W urth an-vs.

#2.66 ,AVorth •3 .4 8 .

Misses' TaD Wool Reefer Jaciets,T hret'R ap pot'kets. nnlch coUnr, l3 lo

16 years, vnUre 9o.(D. riaiiirday,

$3.98Misses' All-vool Tan Reefers,F our lo 13

hraait buti day ,

year*, s q u o n enlUir and tons, rogtw t3.iM l a^atur*

$2.29Ladies' Gardinil Silt Sarali Waists,r ia lte d b a rk , Jabol fritat, TnJue 95.49.

B aturdsy ,


IS I M p m M O W ?W e ’ll G ivG Y o u B o th

W e ’ll G iv e Y o uF anry Htripfd Pura»ol» and n ian eo -

nbla Katin PHraanl*, i-roiik hundlr* and «llk la u rl, la all fu litunuh ia • ! Sh ■hadca, w orth |l ," j, fo r„ ........................ ( f l . n r

W c ’II G iv e Y o nHalln Paraaol*, iiAttiral hand1ro,«Fr>‘

*)yll*h, ecra, rardliial, brown, royal O O blue, etc., worth |l.iW.................. ***•

W c ’H G iv # Y o uFine Hatlo J'^nwols. wllli dtH^plilack

lace IluuD(H.Miud ribbon bows.nHturiil bundles and ixiragtvn frume, all # 3 0 6 Golort; io ld riiew here for #1..................i#Iij»09

Ijid les’ 8hir1 W alsls of fine fancy striped pfepon Moth, plftlfcd frim t an d bnrk , lilgli ftill slecvn, all colors, f Qa value T5c. riiw iul price..... ........ ..........


lAdlra* ISr. Fancy Mcallopcd and hem- elltcbcrt, larKC aa-iorlmcnt o f new Id ln elylce, a t .................................................... ‘ “ k*

Bilk Obuw Embroidered, tn a ll the lending color*, worth 3uc., a t ................

fjidic*’ In tlla li , all linen, l>raiiliriil iBrsi’ letter l ‘,/-ln,, heni*lUi'hr.l, j a . re g u ia ra v ................................................

J len ’a W hite ItandkcrebleDi, eatA . heavy nod floe, full *l*e, vuhic Ik-. QE. inch, B t« for............................................. ««*'■

LADIES' HECKWEAR.Silk Uerfpr Hcflff''. rvery new shade, 9 !*

lucetrlTum td, v a h ^ .10ci, At.................. UUvi

Silk Chiffon PJaMnn!, with lure trim - inlng and kpcp4)llar,nll the shades, QQp value oOc....................................................

HEW YEILIHGS.The netvrol and he«( only. Our line nf

plain and tancy T uicdo VcHJiig 1* very large. la co Bordered Vella nn* trom ..................... ...... ................................



NOTICE.m whnt an elpgant Boys'

MiiU U'v can sell you In jlk A / \ alngleordoublebreafltMl V I f 1 1 1 / for ymir lN>ys, from 4 to ^IL iim dr of dark o r ligh t U l t i l U V Cheviot, a t ...................... . ^

SEE whplher you ran ftml aI ter assort mPtit In K lit

Huit^ for ili« lIMh' onps nn we Are showing. Our p rk T sa rf ok low ......

Cl?6 wh(M’Uwh At honae IipiUIp ns ran

Hlonso or Bruwti Cheviot iCe<<fl‘r,w lthgllt bulluni, for U }y!3to6ym n(,al...



The grriktett valnea ever ofTbprd on sale TO*HOWf All new good! la Dew color!.

wimt other housn can N*ll yim an AlLwtMil Itiur Tricnt G oth Kull, gnHnintr<Kl fost color ami iibsoltitcly all wool, for boy 1 , 4 to 14, a t ......... .

If there l! A Clothing or Goods Itousr In thU

rlrj,' th a t <‘iin bhow you as m any sty Irs in Blouse Nulls iiM we ran. <Uir prl(‘(’s are from..... ..........




M e W h i r t e r & W H s o n159 to 165 MARKET STREET, I7EAR CORNER BROAD STREET.

t.U lle rb llilr i’n’* Uont*, Ian, enahm ere, ( iiim p and ribbon trim m ed, enlw ii lined, fancy plalde, aanie Htyia trim , •!£ .!’*, w orth Tl.iO. • k . 6 U, w orth FDB.

Funny Olnghnm tliiam p Dreiwes,eeif trim m ed, jiew draign.only *9e.GinghamBehoolTtre«*e«, haiiileom epintd*. w hite pique gretebcn w slet and cuff*,braid

trim m ed , eU-,, e to H year*, w orth }1.7o and KUK), •l.UU und •1.10.

Cliltclrcii’8 Ftincy I’ lalA Scbtxil Drcsnci,8 -ycar, 10-ycar, 13-ycar, 14-ycar,

# . 3 . 1 6 . # 3 . 6 6 , # 3 . 6 8 , # 4 . 3 6 .

MlitCi* Hovfrr .liipkols of navy, m elton. dmihlM ireastcd, roll collar, full length and per* fact Alt lug, U, IQ and IH years* Our big value flLUO Jacket,

b ’o r T o -m o rro w a t S ‘3 .4 8 .A THtH'BAND OTHKIW KUUALI.Y AH CHEAP.

rb lld re u 'i hprfcrs, spcrlal, UuANian Moiiiic liapk, dmible brcaided, w ith ten gill bui- lOH!, ro ll collar, etc., m ade from navy chuvlot wale, rcg. price |5.4u.

b ’o r T o -n io ii’o w O n ly a t S 3 .75 .Misses’ Newrmftrkrts, flue hrnndploiitb, m U ltary cai>o, roll notch collar, self-fheing! and

ou r 910 .0 0 leader in imvy, light ur inedtunY tan .

S p e c ia l T o -m o rro \y S 7 .4 5 .*Our Line of Children’s White Dresses is composed, of the

newest and most exclnsive styles, and are positively not to be found elsewhere. Perfect Fitting and Low Prices— their best points.

L. S. PLAUT & CO.707 to 721 B R O A I l H T R I^ K T .

DR. KIMBELL'H „ _UU.MEDY " rorueue. plm pb’* and bliuikhend*

greul ■' p;XTF.HNAL .. pimple* and bliuikhend*

of the fuee never fall* to cure tbe worat ea-e*. Tbe Jiriee of till* never-lalUiig remedy I**!, $a, m, 17 mid 110 a buttle. It ha* cured tboii- aanu*. T ry It,


The bw t tim e for ladlroloi'nlll**nertioon*, gentlem en furoociuti und evening*.

A "V A I.U AnLF: rA T A B im REMEDY," A trn l.bcd by Dr , KIMRELI,, lo r |H-ople llv- lug o u l o f the elty, tliul will cure Nn-nl C nturrb , R m n eb laK m arrh null sore Throal. Every one can n*c It. DR. KIMHELL F t ’lt- N IS H B t A 11.41,F GALIXIN OF HIK ■‘CATARRH REMEDY,’’ W’l ’rH A MAGIC A IG M l/jE R , for 110; and a qtiart and uti A tom Ircr for 85—With Rill dlreotlou* now to use It, to itroplc who will cgine to the ullice only. I t cure* hard co»c*. 'n lY IT.

IIT H E R E ARK U.4HEH OF CATAAItH TH A T A RE IN Cl’RARl.E. W hen' tlie bones of the head mid none have not bccoiiio iie- crow'd, o r rotleiCHR. KIMHELL eim guaraii- liH‘ a cu re. Dr. K . 1* »iiefc**fu lly treat lug li oui kU U> 40 pa tien t* every day.

Dr. KIMHER.L’H treatm enta nre w ithout a lurtiriH o f pain, und Itoiily take* flvu or a ll liilm itro to trea t each pallcut.


DU. KIMHELL give* aeven treatment* for Na*ul o r Rronelilul Catarrh, or tViiarrhalBrire ’Thnait fur 81(1, and eui'T* Heona during tlioac •even (reatinont*. A aliigle Ireatm eut fleV).

A REMEDY F l’RNIBHEl) that will Hire Kniargeil TonalU of Ihe Throal. EVERY ONE CAN UBE IT.



N K W A lLK N .JaA M /i n o n n , * ' - * ■■ rr«4Khi«nt.AsM^ts u\fnrkei VmUioi Jan . 1,1M92..flK,[i»),278 (K> Itluhilliirs, N. V* Hiiri MaKs. ii tnn*

danS ...............................................iVW,4Hfl onKurpNis............................. - .... ........... S,54o,7U!i 05»urp lns by formr-f N. Y. staudHrel

lAm. iM’f i ’Onl. Hojk-vv^ i /i.liff.Ono <Tji ’oUvto! Ab»i»iiilvl,v >*4in*fiii‘rviialrie AJWv

V*tAr.I k TASK 0 # i*Ai^Kih<» l*4)llvy Is roNTiNPi<n

IN poRcga^ long us Its vaIlU 'will {wy fo r; or irprrfl>ritHi,a 1*aUi'ti|i Pol Ivy for lUtmll value le isMiuHt Ul I’xclmngt'e

AfUT Ihe wK’ond ym r PoIUI 'h iiti> Ixrox- TKaT.4 m*K,i’Xfi-ptii«agaiiH(i infont ioiml rcmul; <fNf/ »U reiHi ii'lhtu (i< tm ri'jtUlKncte travel w' oo> CMiHT/lcwt (ire rniioiwf.

r.^Kir IjOAiwure m ade (o tlm rxfout of TiO per •:*rnl. itnUf* iv^PryG Y’ahir, wlu’re valid a^* 8lgimfoiriN nf the ifollcleiM'au be luado os uB* luleral wvmlt.v.

1 /jHsiw piitd iin tn f^ lak ly npiw comj>k1 loQ an d appri»v(il of protifM.

D ISP L A Y !it’s one of the privileges

of very young men to wear clothes a little more dressy and a little smarter than would be quite appropriate for middle-aged gentle­men. Among our Spring Suits for young men will be found at from $10 to $15 Just about the correct things, made by us espe­cially to meet the demands of youth.

Of Men's and Boys’ Spring Clothing!B E G I N S T O -M O K R O W ^ S A T U R D A Y ) M O R N I N G , A T

128 Mulberry Street, cor. of Market Street, Newark, N. J.H IG G K H T C I* O T H IN G F A I L U R E O N R E C O R D . O V E R $ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 W O R T H O F E L E G A N T H F R I N G C I A I T H I N G F R O M T H E L A T E F I R M O F B R O O K S , W A R R E N A Y O U N G , O P B K O A D W 'A Y , N E W Y O R K , H A S B E E N S E N T H E R E T O B E S O L D A T O N C E , B Y O R D E R O F T H E C R E D I T O R S , T h is e n tire stock , c o m p ie t r a n d n e w ly m a d e S p rin g C lo th ing , co n a is tln g o f th e F IN E S T S U IT S , T O P C O A TS a n d T R O U S E R S ever p laced o n aale a n y w h e re in A m erica, U to be Im m e d ia te ly encT illcetl regurdtewi o f coat o r v a lu e , a n d w ill a ll he nold a t re ta il, w i th o u t a n y reserve, a t

Thirty-three (33) Cents on the Dollar TRead Carefully a Few of the Many Bargains. -Mtn't Ttnod Cbm . Spring Suito..........Mon o Siik Soil Spring Ororeoato..........Mon'o Cutaway Diagonal Droit Suito...Mtn't Scotch Chariot Sad Suito...........Elegant Sifk-tined Prince Slberte..........Imported Fancy IFar»f»rf Suid...............Double-breaeted Cheriot Suite........ .Satin-lined ibring Top Coate.......... .......Men't Silk Hictd Frock Suite..,,.........Fineet Wide Walt Drtto Suite..........Indigo Dyo Blue Cloth Suite...................

. $ 4 .2 A worth ttS.SO

. A .7 A worth 14.C0 . O .A O worth ir.SQ . 5 .2 f f worth I3.SD . 1 0 .7 B worth 28.00 . 0 . 0 0 irwM 2S.OO . 8 . 0 0 trerlA fS.SO . 7 .A O worth' 20.00 . 6 .7 A worth to.SO . H .ffO worth 22.00 . 7 . 2 5 worth 1S.00

Mtn't ill-wool Dattimtrt Fante............Ifwi'* Fancy Stripe Woraied Panti........Mtn't Fineet Silk Stripe Pante.......................Boyt' Silk Mined Cattimtre ftuifi...... .Boye' Imp, Eng. Diagonal Suite.......................Beye' Oenulne Chenot Suite.,................Boye' French Tricot Drtee Suite....................

Ouite fOr Young Hen.............................Btyf/eh Touthe' Spring 9r«rcMif8...................MeiLe “ Hawthorne " Choriot Suite.................Hen'e D. 4. H, FlKnnel Suite...................... .

$ 1 . 4 8 worM tS.TS 2 . 5 5 worth 5.00 0 . 2 5 worth 7.B02 . 7 5 iraffA B.00 4 . 0 8 werth 10.00 .3 .5 0 irwM 7.00 5 . 0 0 werth 12.00 6 . 5 0 fhorth 18.005 . 7 5 worth U.OO8 . 7 5 worth 23.00 6 . 2 5 worth 1S.09

And Thousands of Other WonderM Bargains, Not Here Mentioned, all'Selling at One-third Their Actual Value.

fw 'mm mm mm mm w\ 0 " M% B Thi»i*artru;Hu(itcnuli\rIlanknnitH(iff,thrGMde(trr,thrFlnettandU U n K Bm BUf I # X # / £ftt, in Atiirrira, and theg arc »old at " Bankrupt FriorM." Brar iieI t f c I I I Im I I I U Mm I I a wiiitd.thieMrmliaa/aUrAl.anddldnotyiai/onr.einfilrixid/orthieBn*

lire Stork, and fAafe v'hy it Art* b» n unit Acre fo Itr evtd/or whatever it willhriiig. Prirrn arc Onr-Third the Priret charged cleeu’hrre for poorer goode than Iheer. TJoii'f Mm thin riale. Jt Hirni lout long. Bvrruthhig wilt go rmtmncomca hundr^ iniiee andmn’U Iw iiiiwfg rrjjaid.

- .. ._ ff^uiewithmitdoM (he OreateetOppartnnifu to grt F\m Clothing far n Bong

807,809,811 and 813 BROAD ST.

'ca muee mm gown or. miwiiBn in or S'hinr. Never miiid thnwcailicr. Thiei* without douAf f Ae t/reateet Opfwrtnnifi/ to grt Finn Clor/irtf Affk ci'cr 6fc« oj'crrrf fo fAe peopte 0/ — ,o.. m i. . irBook Pot* Rffti not bill/ It roetn nothing to eyomine fAr «foe*, Polite Balemien will nhowj/ou around, JCiimniiig onre'wiU takr (hr hint, hrlrv/not a moment if gon ralnr gour money, f'bme ae eoon m ytm can. Come hwc f l r f of all. Bemewbrr II,at tBerything in nold at Pricce named and exaeOy an advertm-d Bach and rnvry arlMe mid in Onai^ antrrd and WoironfPEl a* rnfrecf^ntcd. or j/owr aa-t ^lA hh AO MIATAAA. /vOCmIV B B A linK BED ,\'IffXK B O O K FOR X.I8 MULBERRY STREET. A Sate of twh rj:lrnordmar}l magnitude Art* nri’cr takrn place in tbk enllrc otiHnfyy before, and will not happen again. A chance togcimich Bargainefor a HtUe ntonr^ oficure bid oucc in a lifetime.

Genuine Bankrupt Sale of SPRING CLOTHING I128-130 Mulberry Street,Look for Large Bed Signs. Car Fan Allowed

to all liking out of town. Open Ennings unfit 8:30. Saturday night until 11:30. Don’t mita it. Conte at once and come oarly,

Car, Harktt St„ On* Bhek Below Broad St.,


earned O ollars beside*, then DOlSnC B118S T H IS CHAJfCK.

,Mi>aU : bhi curaa uf dMlhM* are ro-olMlylo Oil. Navar

O fllc fl H o u r s —W e 6 k D a y s , O A . M . t o 6 F . U . H iin ila y a , 1 0 A . M . t o 5 P . M . M o u d a y a , T l i i i r a - d a y t H iid S a t u r d a y s t i l l 0 P . M . C o n s u l t a U o u a n d c ju u u t u a t l u n ftMi


Oriental Hugs, Embroideries and Draperies, Hare Gems, Artistic I’ot- Itry , Curios of ali lo rti,


iTu liftrty Kiiltbrer* -N O HRK/VK- 'INO IN. Fliicw iflitm iriw iiil k id KKAMLKKM *hrwH. Fit Ilka d Bitivo. B r n ’oNB. , l a c i ;, K.(n; HFRING KIDkil, |2,«x Fully upprreliittvl by inartyra with lluntnn*, Curna or Invalid

^ „ F’a.ilATHKtliT.FJiM m aK .W i HriiiiJ Ht., Kowiirk, N. J.

“ T lio r e iK N o t l i iu g L ik e I * e a t h e r , ”But DON'T

, I’ny too n in th tor It.


$10 C A S EDo no t d*lay, poma any day . On (tunday, juwliil Kkblbltinn Dnv, tho groat BuUdJug

Lui Huh), •ISO, • a m . vuo .