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Gleeson, O'Dea & Co.



Telephone: Dublin 181.

Vol. 5. No. 32. [New Series (a)].

~ ~


Moore & JlcCor1act li1e DIRECT SAILINGS


R~uce fr!Jigbt. account. aad ,.m;. m.u•e trarwt ll:'uea :Z nailiog of thi1 mute. F:~ifi~~~c ap~'i;. ~rat. and

Dowdall and Co., Ltct., 17 Grand Parade, Cork •

Wuth•rill, "ohn, and SoN, D'Oiier Chamben, Dublin.

Burke, John, and co., 75 to n Corporation strNt, .. lflllt.


Current Comment~ I "'ith the newspaper companie• und llurtho~oruew Due Iiley, oged 26 a~d. 21, I which ~r. Cu1~ni.ngham, J!jl a Volun- t und .,·hich belong&d to her. The de­~ ,. the indi1·idunl• conc•med •• d.a>lic- ro<poch~y. were early on l'nday leer officer, directed to be cloo&d, fondant deni&d that she had any claim

-- allg us the circumota.nces warrant. /',!tu·ed under W'{~l. tlt llaUyedmund. were meruhero of the R.I.C. who 1<t on the hou&e. The. Court decid&d that , fiv~ thuusu.nd people were JOHN A.!'>'DERSOX. 1 ht·.~ '"'':" conveyed to Mtd!eton nnd : fiNit rofu .. d to, leave, IUld l,..ft only l the complainant could not claim the

I ·••ent. at a meeting held recently in Chi•f Secretorv's OJiice, d~tutnNl Ill the blll'tnck• u,nlll abo!'! G , alter vpry Jtressmg perau .. ion. l house as hot· property; that she was he Scl!llic- Theatre, Plrwtucket, R.I., .Dublin Castle, Au.(l. 27. u ~ l.ock 1 • wl~en..J.hev were placed .. m u I , • .... • entitled only to support. At another

m furtl1erancp of the 11 llond Drive •t lnliltru·~ lorry, undet a hea.vy- nnl~tnry I he .Ma._yur uf Limerick hal'!! written Uoul't in tJw same district a case of the Irisg :Republic ill the Dlnckstoue We have itolicis&d five n·ord•. i!UIU'd, and sent tQ Oo•k. On:the JOUr· U> Gonernl Sir Neville Macrendy, Gom-,aosault wus heard, a.nd the defendiUlt

Vul!.,y. Senator David J. Walsh ad- Th•J call ut.tention to the f~ct that ney a revolvur l>ull•t ,was dtsch~,;;.r ruOJ.tder. 11f the Englioh Army of Occu- was fin&d 6s . nnd bound over to keep d-tesoed the meeting. lh the •'Onrse of the .t~t ,. made not ojfatnst tltc tht'OI!!!'h .John Buokle~ s heart, k11ling pation m Ireland, a Jetter in which he the penc.,, IIi• "J>eech Senator Walitn said:" The pubhcahon of untnle sta.tementa only hnu m•tuntly, and ent&red the body of desrrib.,. the condnct uf the a.rmed .. .., .,. lrish question io a qneatlon of liberty. hut true statementa. We direct par- hi• hrother, "•bo WI • dll!lgerousl,v fon:et~ in tltat city: " I have read with Bnfore a New Russ District Arbitta-h is uot, it never can Qe, and .never ticulor attention to the threat against \\'uumlt>(1. SuUsaquentl$ a piece or- much intere~t your routine · order tion Cour 011 Thursduy week, &\ will be, a religiqus qq•stion. The indi•i<!uoJ joum~ists. We. l?resul':ll> paper ,."'! hiUld~ to the perents·of the issued to the troup. under your com- which 11..,. llepubliCOll m"!fis~ Irish Protestants ii Ireland will never th• Irtslt Jo~mahsto: A""o"tf'hon ~til boY•· .wln~td . ·'Yonr.~on Jo).,, mand, I donDtwish to be needl.,..Jy presided, the New Roos branch afthe "' lr.•e so long a.• the Irish t.'atholirs tuko appropnnte nchol~ to aeal Wtlh tn !lj"'8' to eseapc from mihtary Ctl8· oifen•ive, but muot question Ute can- I. N. l'ureoters su&d I F Cooney • aloves, uud the Irish Ca.tbolics in thE" threat of "drastic •• treatment uf I t(N):y ttHlny. on flu.• wa.y tcr Cork., ~as dour and aincerity nf tbi: order. In- fm-mer t''c f •"'ta.l') of the hra.nch, lur helll!ld will ne>'er be :lree long as lllember,; of the Press. sho,t. He d.i&d.fro~ wounds. 'Patri~k fe"!'n?oll:Y it •ugg"''t• that looting, re- po-.•ton of premises in MlllJ Str~ the Jrioh Protestant& are sla•eo." . .4- • • • (thts sho~ld be Bartholomew) 1~ alSo tal1ation, and rel)risals ~ave marked Nea Ro••• and wlked that tertain hilli t)ther speakers also spoke at the weet- '!\'h~l~ t.he uu~hoN of thts threat w~~nd&d to t~, shoulde~., Inquue Ill the cundur.t of y<!ur "("!led forces, but : hrougbt Ly Cooney against the Sorie~ tog, ut th~ concluaion of which the to Ir18h Journalist. va.m1~· s~ek tn· Mthtar~ Hospttal, Cork. to such a slight ext<!nl that you ars not he declured not legal· .After a full Chainnan; Mr. John J. Fitzgerald, P"':"611t knowl&dge of ~· domgs of + • definilely aware of IUI_l such conduct 1 !touring of the c'88e, the t:ourt fo~ aruwunced that •uhscriplions amount- t~mr armed forces reaching tb!' out- At tho adjourned' inquest on Messr>. grnve enougl• for opeeilioe attention." that defendant had nut been a te ittg t.o 34, i20 dollars had been received slde wor!d, 1\·e observ-e that m the 1'. Clallcy &lid J .. a·connell.J officers of His worsbiJI then dt!8cribe.s thl · con- ' or the premJSett, 8.11 he daimed, from the different parishes. in the die- <tlr.''<'nt tssue of the. oecrct ,~"S',"n the Iriolt Volunteel'l!, at K~U~turk, th• duct of the "Dluck and Ta.ns, ·· a.nd that he wus not ••ntitled to coml"'. ffi 1 n t wluth Wtder th.<> title of The jury retunted the following verdict:- concludes: "Ao I know tltat your I tinu for rent et•. during the Ia

.... .... + Weeki,) Summary" they circ'!'la-te to "The jUl'~· hove unanimously military authorities haw more than of the hra.nch fro~ 1918 to 1920 'lhe "New < Letter" publilll&d by the the (;un•tallulol') th&r, glonfy the agreed that 'I[Pim O'Connell wao once prov&d llhat they""' the supreme 'I he had been amply compensat;,d

~'rioods of Irish l;)..ooom Washing-, "Dlsck and 'l'uns, ' who-tlt<>y brutally llDd. deuberutely murdered authority, ;vou will not ollege that thio j heill!r ullowed to live on tlte premi ton '"'" that the Senate 9f lteptucky ~n?unc&--111:!> . unda~nt~d. , They by th& military, • nccompenied by is a molter far the palico aut)writies, durutg t,hat tim1· .\ uuwhN of ca '"''"' '- pass•d th& (o!!owing 'T1!80lu- will lfO on With thetr JOb. Tho polic•, at Derrygallon, on. Monday, ~d thn.t you are not ,.ponstble. ~ wet'e OOJOnrn&d.

tion 'l'h•re.fore be it. resolv&d by patrons and merubero of thes~ lllnck August 16, 1920. In the case of wtsh to mako it de.,. that I mak& no • + + tbe Se-na~ uf ..Kentuckv we now ll!Jd Tans &.l"e>, hm\'eTer,. qutte ob- l)fttrick Clanct, death wns caused by appeal, a.nd do nut osk for int.erferenee. We hud tu n }"- rt lu."' wt ~~,sa, .. • •1 ,., our <ymwthy 'for Ireland in Vtously nervo~ about. ~nslt Cunatu- "bo..,onet thrust, as described]>,· the I simply wish to e~ure that you will Dundalk Examiner •· I · unla

'efforts •· its long-cherished ~uln.ry'!'en. T,lt~y expl!"_n \~at the doctOm .• w-., stron,ly condemn the ~ot ~able to i>J~ad tgoorance of a· hat thut the holJjjo u [ a tn1Ul .near Holly d • to enjoy the liber.tieB we enjoy Special Auxih&rv DIVISIOn of the ucliun ol the 'lliJthpy, -more es- 1s taklog place. ITOJII hud l>eeo hru&<m mto ~ ng

. ond it would not be in k!"'Jllng R.I.C.-the. au~r-Black and Tan't- J~Pciolly ., they could ba.v<O~keu l!ll<!!l and 1\ <m of £40 st · " I he pnudpleo a.nd the boaata of will ·~~···. to CDS( Wilen the " ~nwr· deceas&d .lh\·e j/ lh•·) so wan.ted, and. The i'rulee Uepuhllcau eourt Sill ... 1:'hrollg'n the Bjfen"y c f the local \ lu£ h. R'' h· "t republic in the world. to. iencX 18 .Pust nud th¥ o~Lf4nry Jilt t• +'~>JK'c uJ[\ "t 11 us there was no ili o'clock on Molidoy eTening,. hut teer"' thi,. mone~ has been J'e\ t (

w r Jt.l .. ~o.t.hy from .u ,.,W~ .I.\..\ man Ul not to be tbn_L , , 41Jt ~~~~ 1'.: tP.e Crown , .odjourn.ed as tt. mati: . .ol !'C~J)e'(!t .', t· 1 • aud rt' r ·to tl ownur. fir. c1ntN trrr r1 n tll•lltt·d so inu'Ch t ~-.., ~~.- ( tlt~~t~ ~'""' otrl ,, Any '""'Onl!lo th~'""theo pt.emtllj' of tfu• Mr_.. Patk. ~au- t and ~ fi! tl"f' ." d'li it "~ tt tb. \ ,f

\.lu• riro. in peace and in war.'' pJl!er promotion. . It lB urged, thnt the~ ·wM on attnck on the ... • :ne-<lv "lw '\itA •hut o~~·l bv Eng lis! '' r d1d thetr w 'r I produ<·ed an • • • wr1te~ the ubt\Uj:e echtur of the FCCrot ta.ry by deceased. Geuera.l Macrend,¥ milit~rv at Auuo~(.ttll. · ,. 1J'l. .. ~ .. ,_, U»f it sll•"·

1D o.n editmiul ~umment on the sen4 organ. u that tho. 'new pound-a flllid tho.t re-prisnls murder. We · + • • • + sational stories sent out by British day Sers;•~nts'-~. t,he wembero of call upon that officer, Lloyd George, At "· R.,publir!"" Court helil lru.t ,In the • a.~ 011 ~~-inmate ."·ho gave aulh9rities in London ~U~d Duhlin fdr th~ atualtar.v ~moron h.a~.e ileen Bnn1u- La.w, Anthony Carroll-the week 111 l'lnnuktlty Mr .... d Mrs&\ l11rtl• tu »n •lleg1timate ·thild 1n tb& tho purpose 0~ discrediting the Sinn called-aTe Enghohmen. It 1S tru~. Cro"'" Solicitor who Woo nirojd ro Tobin, Ct>hirlarig, daim&d £10 from Galway Workhouoe, Mr. ('remiJI lt'ein organi$ntion, the "Lowell Ma1;1y of ,them are ~nd t~e more credit fnoe a public inquiry nutwithstnnd- Mr. tuul Mr~o>. Holland, Muckros:-~, jn ~ lnsi me_chng o! the (ral"·ay Uuar-(Mn ) Sun," has this to &&y: tot~. The l.ntelhgeuce ~.f the ing the fact thnt 9.n ndjourt~~nt>-ut respect of sluJH.le-ruu~ ~;taternentt; d1ans m~nttnne'l thnt he Tl'jlfll'tcd th ..

Where British gunboats cover <IVery En(rhsh P':"pagundt•l wh<>, while os- wna gronted <>.this request to enoble utter&d on the 2~th of June lost. 'Mr. ~atte1· to the Voluntee..,, who Lad ll'islt ha.rbour, and the Government sunng Ir"h. Const.uhu]orymen t~at the miliU>ry and police to be present P .. W; O'Dono.-an o.ppeured for the smoe tru1 ed the fatltor ond had got un controls the Post Office and the Tele- the now Rpe<-tnl Auxihunes IU'e not rn- -we ro.ll on the•e gentlemen te pltuntiJfo, and Mr. P. J. O'Drioeollllas•urance. from lnm that he would pel gTliph, It i• difficult to see how an.yon~ tended to bo Jli'Cf<"rr~cl abo,·e t~em, f>ring th<" ferpetra:toro of these foul for defendnnts. 'l'_he evidence wlls for t1te week~y maintenanc f th.. in Ireland could negotiate with Gel'- calmly declares there 1S m.ore credit to murders to JUStice. n hao been very fully gone into IUld the Court, mother .. ;a chile! mll.lls in Derlin for a consignment of a m~ber 0~ the foree. i£ . .be be tut r,roved te ihe so.ti•factjon of the jury alt.-r enrofulh· considerinJ> tbe ""'""· • • .•

11l nnd rimmunition.H And, con~ Englishman IS <·huraa?'ten.'>h~ v tho e\'idence at the in'tluest thnt gal'& th~ fnl}mring decisloU ~-'"We .\ tlu~ lR-11,_1 nepublicau ( II I Jude. thi.; Plli>•r: " The British Gc>- • tlu, hullet• u•&d 6y th., murderers at decide that nu •lam! .. -. wtts utte,.d on " Ki:llan1u. ·I' por~nt• were fined 1r

Jl~rument ' Bl're.sting eveor:r lriBhm&l\, Not cnntenl with tlw .manv .. ad- Derrygallon wen• Bot-nosed, which that OC"C.'Mimt. A!f reprds the c:Tiw-gt• ./~ 6d. to j .. Gd. lor ngt I'W ulm~ tl ( 'mppwoed h he active in suPport of the vontag"eli " ,,:Jrich it'i c.:onferred On them iJt n.n infringement of Internatiouol ol the- 4th we find that the :dau- I c.•hildren lt-gulurly In :-tlhool. '1" de-Rt!public, that thus th& 08- hy the H Restoration of Order iu ln•- Law., . der WH...(I proved Rgllinl'it ~ Htutnah faultf'OI \\·.-n· fint>d :) .. rxha I t 4 r

p1nt.lton• of the peOjile will b<> sti.B&d. land Act," the o.rmed fun:"" of Eng- + Hollnnd on thttt date. We usses• the t~rup~ of court tine ul the 1 t•' 1<'-M.~~onwhile the propagandists over here land in Ireland 'coutilfue to. 11 do' their damage at £2 A.nd WE' urdel' o.nd direC't mu_r~totl tfu.t he WIL<:. fin hu 1 .. 1n t 1 u~ " . aaking, • Wbe"" is the Irish R&- hit" from day to day. Our paper is . An interesting sid<>li~hton the work- Utat the £2 lodged in CI!Urt b;v Jitmc• 1l1·thsh Court, und h., hud not I• eo public~' It is not all in Dritiah dun- not large enough to catalogue m dt•- mg of the"' Restorutum of Order in Hollnnd hc pold over to Steplt&B lmed that •u'!', .but the. ••ph fr.,n ,., l•on~;. u ~e outrages c-ommjtted against heln.t~d Att , ls;!iiven in the follow- Tohin'il solir.itor na dnmu~ for suCh ?.ne u.f the ad.Jnd.u•ah~~ JUBtH .... ., "H

..,. the Irish people. '£he special in~ POJ'Iljfraplt, w tlch we clip from sln.nder, said money to lt& h~tnd~d to H ·' ou tc>me five tunes ],.(, , JIH 'J h• propnganda of lieo directAld correopondent of the "Dailf News " " 'ho Kerrymon " of Satuflay last:- St .. hll~n ~l'ohin it no ftl>penl hr JOdged Co.UJ't, ,YoU ·~~ " g:nod 'ljtn• p '

UlfOiMt the lri•lr nation from Duhlin in a me••ag., !rom Hospitui, County ;;.bollo_wing lh• search ·o Mr. Jas. wit un 7 do.y• fi'Om dote uf this ordt)r, herng fined £6. Custle Ita• failed to impress the puhlic Limerick, publish&d ;,.. hie 'paper olinellls lwMus<•, Camp, Castle- und "'" do furlht•r nrder th114 ea<'lt

11 W d d (A t 25th) 11"'1!'"1')', when i•s O'Donnell sta.tes On l:i•tnrdoy, 1.'" " Tlu (••l", 'prruon ef the wnt-ld wtth the morality ~ . e nes oy • . ugus says: she •nw • oold1·er t•·'·'ng the cash hox pnrty do nhide their own l!Otds in tlti"i E " 1 · 11 bl' ( ,r thboe >rno, in the words of the 'Clooc upun the burning of 11 cji,a' uu cas•." "P""''· t •• fir, <•pu lf.•u , ur

l obop of Cork in his letter te t.he mer,r come the murder of a harness- from wbicJI a own o.f £80 was after- + + + in tlte di•hict "'"" lll'ld nt DhlLI·u he J,uudetu H Times," attem.nt to govenl mn..ker unmtd Lynch-and bere. the wlU'df' misSed, the. nrit day the mili- :Mil.llv cue." w~re- dil'lpoRed of nt the fur" tilt- parish mugt:..1ntt·.. .\ [ .r f

'' p-eland "b;v imprisonti:'•nt, by des- evidenc~ ogoinst th& military would :"ry laga!n ·~":!, the. houh-.. ~e- Republican Sessions I wbieh eot laat attended tbl pr • .-.1 ~-J IJMJD, by arson, -by murde-r." .. They he sufficient to convict, I t.hin.k, in o.ny ore eo.vtng, e-IIomcer In c arge m- n·~k in llaJl~·haunis- At the ~lening nnd nrdet WQil keJ•l by t' R. I I I

llY<' therdore, addressed th& follow- impar'lial court. Lynch was taken IJUired il Miss 0' onnell could identif)· uf the Court Mr. ('," ne drew J>tl<m- Joolil·t•, ug threat to tl1e Irish newspapers from llis bed and out of the houoe und the• mnn o.lleg<>d to have looted the to the c8SE of )'atri(.k Jo're<oley an4 Mo>lln \ ' ' Jl, I •

whic' report•d the homing down of a littll' later bis body was lm:Ught monev. She repli&d in the affirmative, .ram.. li<'<'g4\11 for oll"!fed ae ... ult. l'tttk. DNlph~. OtUtlll•t• 'I"' . t • TOlliMt'rit'lll' and the ~hooting down of h8('k. There i" every 'fMllnn to be-lieve nnd. lnoking a.t ih~ men preeent, re- Th.itt t·~ had been adjotrru.ed from 8 1~1.1.~· ' ! tur: on fl,, ;{Oil 'l t n, and the other outrage~ rom- tha.t h~ wa#l killed in m""hlake for Jnnrked tlta.t he wns not nm.ongst them. preYiouK sitting at wl1ich U1e- }' 1 Cotn]\nt .. ,~ II he a P1 1tted by tJJeir 8l'nled~lorce,:- another man of tl~e same llome t;Q(m afterwards, howeYer, another '"""Tt" fined 6. E'Rt'h for non~a.ppear- ll.J·ophy toke two unnfnla, f tur

IT -The a!leulion ol the Irlsh notoriouAly eonnected witlt !Le phy- soldier put in on llp!l@III'BllCS. Miss ftllc~. lie (Mr. Coyne), "·bo was I hu ~~·~~~~ Pt·eviOu• " I I 1 I" "·'4 , (J.dvt'mment hBB been called to the aicnl force- moV"ement wlw left the dis- O'Dowlell nt OU<"e RaJd, 'Tllere js the solicitor for the- ('orupla.inant. said I bt'ell l'nl!-'18lllg tud from llll•t tu hm£· mcreas111g frequency with which mis- trict some time ago. The murdered nuut who took the money.' Th., sol- .that from enquiri .. he had since made I lk•feutLu~t "" • 11 that t 1 • tu'i "a' !.coning •lntements, often. untrue, and man hod lh& reputation of heinlf a d~er iohallegod to have tln;eatened to be !tad learned that !here waa no at- nut for Iuw••lf, _lm) t. I Mtch'!'" m. t.m .. ll cau calculated to nggravo.te pnrt~oulnrly inoffensive fellow, slavJng 8 not er for -accusing him, and her tc.mpt to. ahuw diMre.o,zped to- tile UruJ)Its, 1u \\lho1U ~e\'1!\ ~.lH' pennu•· disotd(.·r and diea:ftc~tion, have ap- at hUI trade to euppori not onlv hiJno.o. l't\)JlY' ~'08, 'Yo\t may shoot me if you Cc)urt. Md. he now nl'lked th~ Court to Rton to tuke "ullt(' hll ht!i own t.}!Tf W.l

1 •<>red in the columns' of certain news- aeU but his old father and tluee Wt•h, hut you ore t.he miUI I saw a·ith remit the fine<~ then impos.d f<>r Con- dri.i - • t .qu·r•. and I ow direct6d by th• moidth oi•ters." the cash box.: 1t io freely rumoured tempt of Court. Th~ l'r••ide~l, alt.-r l<h•~l llrophy •t• .. ··l II It h· did l 't~l ·'ustices to rnll the ol. • • • that thp. soldters, on -their return to cul18ulta.tion "'•itl1 hie: colleague:; on no.t t~ll :lie deft:ndQ.ll~ to f.ik 1 f . turf t (' af r I d th b)' ti At the reoumed in<tuest held .. n Mun- Diorle after th• first, wer• th• Deneb, ~1'eed to "'mit the lines fm luw The ( OurllmJ"" 'cl • fio~ o(

I'OSB re lilt to e 0 1go. ons d 1 ' .. nrohed and th• money fonnd." ·~ • ·•· d f d t a~.t1d lf)lonsiLililies wlli('h are imposed llY eat, the Coroner's Jurv which in- • • • iJ!U)OMed in thie cas~ at the last Court. ull. on we ~ eu an •-I ' law upon thooe ·responsible for the veetigated the •hooting of poor Lynch A f ..._ 'deli h" '·' Tli& hearins of thi.o alld the oth~r .k.1len Dam ph, BaliJ · ra •• WID· n d

JlJJks.tion of ourb stat<>JDent•. retnrned the following verdict:- urtu~r 81 g 'on the wor...,ng eases"'"" then pnteeeded wfth.. AU John Word, I tic• •un• Jla<c. t r 'Vh'l U of the uAct"" is contained in' the . .._ c•••• 11·11.J \l'el'l! aat't.sfnct··~•v all~nx .. A.Ulton fl, ~11 Jul, {tm 1 1 e tey ha.Y& no desire to ploce " Patrick r., llllt ...... unlawfully foll:owlJl·~ ·.-Joseph Cunnt'ngltam, P-- \~v -~ uu W'U 1 I h l lllta<l ·n tb nf I '(' ,_ I h l ,. ••t.tled lw tl·~ Courl . p amou OWII!? ot t ' llet•·nd>a ••

1 e war egl una.., ex- ttoug t roru !tis hmue qn th& night.. ·4ido1Dt the Mount Temple Sinn Fein ~ • • + • • •truck l~er •·•th 11.!

1 rJil


I t• 11

of political <~pinion, or of fair 0! Ang.u•t 4 by mil it~·. then l!fa- Club, and o~e of the presiding ofiicel'!l At th.. llepublicnn Diolrit·~ CJJUrt "'"" fi11•d llhl. c muJJit ut upon cutrent events, their tlon.ed m Ho~JlitaJ, and taken Hbout at the local Repub!t'c•• Tn'buno:l, wht'!e • 1 ·u ' 1, .. ,_ "'·· · I U 11 r %> I ..... d . 't to be I I 200 _ _, b - ~e din the •'""' IIall, Bnllyoaarris, 011 a::. UUDit' '· • y I. on.""""' • d. '" l he·~ 1

ceary ·-v· wt e.outhsideondthere retunoing from the su~rvision ofat llond&\' wrek Nl'\'erul •BSCft "'""' alito T ~ft>'oJIP\ lor th •!leg d lar 0 er ' '' t at a vie" i~t taken wilfully ond h"t~ull•· murdered ],,. ..cublt'chou•e ut Mount emple ~o ·• · ... ~> f I l •L I< h \ th• re•-ted breacltes of th& l•w the 'd 'l'tary ne' tl • v 'd • 1•P'""" of. ron~· 0 ur on uce .,, • u~c.-t &

1 I I r-1 ..... 881 m1 1 • . u 1 wa11 dae to l'e8l e.nce in theo virinit>, was st' on fenannt J')ea.dc'<l. IN !1 to~ t.akJ:r-'! h.n

' 11

c 1

u•ve Jeeu unnmitted hy c•rta.ln shock and hwruotTbagt." caused hv hy what .a.rP deoscrihcd ns four tn neu At a IkpuLlican Court held h&at MttdH, nn kau] 11 1\'.J.S •~~( 1 8

,} tZr I. '\ \\ t;JJlerieJ'"ith, they must 'assume, bullet \\onnd'-'4,'' · in slouch hats, knocked doWn, kicked ~eek in Tb~ Rnw(tt·dilltril't (New ~:ear'" hard work. J•r1.1d n,: and 11 t \t' now ge of their Editors and itt the Rpino, v..nd left unconscious on 088), a \yonum bn:mght au Ul'tion tmg the turr, thut I , , onld nn rw"

'r"r' •'u"eh· ~ The foll~nving report wus publisl1ed t'be roadside. It is stated he has re- n~ainst her Stnt·\11, who had. she 1-~l. llli,tnu.coh turf f•.r him ... H ,18


rid breaches continue, the iit the Du1ly Press on Monday. l'he t'elved penn ent · a1 · • S til I· 1lied h b his h t L il h 1 1

Gnvonmont will not hesitate to deal *port runo:-Two hrothero, Sean a.nd •tf the cu:t~we'r!ptln ~n3;;J:uch:,:: J.,"~~·U;echou•e n·h.;,.., ~hey tili"li~~~ T~. 6<1~8 <tnnet )<f,·uc),.,, "'"' tu..!

.. -The ntanuer m which the r£"presen

tative• of coloninl and fol'<'ign britt .. · in!•~·esl• baTgain ~ith lht Engli• ~uustry uf Fuod 1!4 ~hnwn hy the Sec!retnry, of the Butter nnd_ Cbe~::;e PruduceN Committee; of ·New l',ea hwd wlut, on AU![W\L 27, •ta.ted ·~The Ministry uf lt'nnd l1R#O ll ·l been ''ery HUC• ·e!ilsful In its eiforts to nr­ro.uge u. further hu(lel" cnntrtu • w1t DenmlU'k. The DnueN .osll ·,J. • :'i pe rwt •• · 1 f., Londnn, hut jn the m.ea.n-

• hme 'the Mtuis{ry· dec·linp~ lit .J.,uy a this pric>i• In Hlllland thcv 1\ • Ll~t- t ,..,11 any lmt • • tn England unt 1 tL llin.i~tr\ 1 Jlf1'·plrt ,J to IJ.a\· tbE> tlliU' kE-1 pr11~ ·aiL• ~'-'" 7~~alnud pr ... dul N I .:t\,... ltt't'll uf!ered ',!'.'\.! !ot (X' 'wt (ul the1r hntler up to the ·"thl , · Ja.uuurs. That c•fl'er is now !~m .. • onMidered 1u ~ew i'A'n.lund, hut th, Lundnn t"t'pt't'!if'Otatn·... u1 the p:rn­du<'t'r think tb · it ,, nut likels tlmt tlle_v will Mt'll fur the period toiiJ:~t:~'<lnl Althnurh .Aul'\lrnlinn ln1tter lwfo. Leen

I ' 19:.!0. y 0 u N G I R E L A N D •

-:~~--~~::~~::~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==============::~~==::~~~---3· Atmed A-lb:-Attemptect Mur.' Three hool buildiDv .m Dublin oc 10ft der-llr. 'l'h<!m•• li. ~her, l'•cJ<oJt I ~~~"-'been ..,iud by Jllilitarv for their KN KBEC LAY COLLECE,


Purk, Shinroue, (, 'IJppemry, lo•fl I « ummodntion-Ballymun ·Y.S., In- CAMOUfLACE. CARLOW • lu; be""" at 11.20 I'm. · n the 6th inst. <hie ore Model chools, and the school T,. eomouft•re to ear an Irish •Orlt/inDI Foundalion, 1793

Lr•u;: n his "'', le trom the nrd. •·onnected "uh the Methodist ChlU'Ch Comome mode of En&lisb Material. Under the immediate Pab'onage H At },,,. ,),u1 h~ "'''" m~t by a. Di-itiiS.h d Inchirore '' ~::!e!•~;te~or::edelri~: i::~'!l ~ Lordshi!, the 8ilhoip of Kildart: Ar 1 IJIIItt~u PAtrol, which fired a.t him •• British police cnlletl n· the. houses order to ll:lbiiiiUie EncliM coocsa. Ia Lc1&hlin


without 1\'0J'Iting. When hie brother <•f l'rofeS8or Sto<:k!ev, $nn :Fein AJ. tho ,..,.,,, d<Op;ao .,...oulloee- The College is $ltlllled tine"'· r · weflt to b~L .~& hicy~le to 'o for n de:ml\11 iu ~e Curk ~ Qorporat.ion, ond ~in Arior R~~~ ~~~K c:!m~v;; Carlow on a r~ly woode4 site overt •OkinC,

Munl•r:-)fr .J, · ,., Dun or Bol· wt n• ( ,nr f·Wn Hurht·Ur. ( w.,.x ..

l>fl<•l rite military turned him back M!Ho MacS\nuey , •ter nf the ·Lord English maredal KU .. , Gown iad tbe _BarroY. II IS lurniahed with all modem 1hrl•nf••um..;- tu .. hoot him if he sftrred. M.a.yor of Go:rk, Md threofened to c·om.- Brae made to order. AU wort frlab eQUipment At tbe lntennediate Eumina-

lllftl. \ .. hl1t duod oii tlte tfl't.•h uf t•r ,.,. 1 n Ur1t1 ). policeman ou the

•' n 1 .July 6th. Dunn•• load • IJ •• ~• I • 1 n"' tmhlichouae for " lleagh<r •<riouoly wounded. mnndeer their houses. ·-(Irish Daily ond all '"' p10ud·ol 1!. rions, 1919, this College obtained ll:sl

Mr. T. Dunlea•), Ballaghade,.,n, P ...... ). M. A. RYAN. Pfaces in lre/Qnd in Irish Ullrish Cotnp1J$i-dr tl. J',\u pdicemen who "l'h_' ur I J,nr 1 k d hin1 to drink with d.t-m

II ..,.r, al u.lutiated them and tl•t' t "· ll.o._m, w"' knO<ked unconsciouo MONDAY ~ULY 12th. IIDn •rut Appltt;MatMnuzli<~ as well as b· bi. Hfo• bv • biOI'' of n polic·· Raids• B .. ~ ruili - a r getting two Fint and I Secood in c ~c·,

• fnttllo t•h 1l '\\ tlwtr ff!'\ul-orer,. wull u1.-.1 { J m~ m r },(. "'laop. To a\"md a

Jllarn 1 D·ump leP h·~ dnnk and l\l•bt

mon'"~~ rifl~fl • ' t·oured ·u;& ldhs' ·o·~~d ftatCdul~e ST. KIERAN'S COLLECE, Council University Scholarships llrth b poh<• ._tempte-d t.o blow UJI t' \V tm th "din• d bin • KILKENNY. COLLEO£ RE-OPENS SEPTEMBER;

t.,Jdf' H1 • '' lln••·•l lw .. ne of tiJI' he u"'t 1 f the Drennan. R~k 'tretr-t, u~~vanf: ofeafortvrahOU:""an seare g Examination for' Entrance Scbofarships Tpl~ ...... ~' hK"'6;_• ~laCJog an ,. &Ue,.·•t .. wn C'athalit Chlii'Ch "'"" R•>-< c on Tueeday, 7th September. Sellr)ling~e';~ue from 1,'10 to 1,'41 oo I .:. P' lu' ~nen ( tJil t.-.hl • Leni.ban J

\\ t1 ut IU\d tu anno' him. Dunne dt-'11'\"r urrd I , f.."t't u.\lo..a.}, but tl1e

pu. · 10 • • ·,:bl hun rud.d the IWt k

1 • .•:· • m at 0 • fur<iWy eot......U arul ritided by British ptem · Mofll8rism: ~:..te~1"'" llritiilh mili-1 military on the 8th inot. For Prospectus, etc., apply to for f'rl<;pectus ond Scholarship ••.

t.11 \ tr· ~·itie& n • in prugreaa all o¥eJ On the me da.y hundreds uf THE PRESIDEXT •pply ro ln•lnnd. and barticudes haTe ~n Britioh troojl8 raided tJ,. • .Bellewstown • · TliE RECTOR.

nd • ·oJ.. ut.·l~ fired fuut ,...,1. ·r Clh 111~u ln., body. Dunne died m o

It· mmntt· ...

•·rt tt'd on all the roads leading to t;lt'.., , uur ,~ wl1ilst a race meetiog-wa.s Dubli'!. All vehideo and tra.vell•:rs in. progr'I'S8.

Polrif L; Xelh' hiM lOnlpnwou, ran lt- lus 11.. llll rand w~e fired at Uy th•' ther polioemBn. Dnune hnd no political associati011s. Mlllt&rlm\:-A~ Clonakiltv Wmi:­

r '· Cork, old nnd infi.rm

""' hemg hold ut t.he louronet point and At Caatletownroche 1'.. Cork, •curehod. Similar mihtnry atrocities British militlU'V made' a ru.idni!!ht or~ reported from Belfast, Nenagb, •tie, fordbly entering 1111d senrcbmg ll~<flet.ln, Fermny, elc.-(lrish Daih· lhe rooideoc~• ul th.- Mliming Re­l'r-.) • publicons:-M.,.ro. D . :.'hmnick, :M.

C'lonaiUit~· l'rhnu Council, Co. Cork, ' O'Farrell, ll. J. ()'Sulli•an, Y. O'Sul­IU'Ot.,.ted lli!Ainot the inhuman adinn livM, W. Btoi\'D IL!ld Y. HogiUl. The of I!xitioh military in eTiclmg th& uged military burned ptclun!s of Republicnu p.ah;nt fnrm t)Je workhouse to 1eodera which thc.~v found in the-.. ~

rrm .. Yed from their beds 1 • makt' furtlt4'·r room for the Bt tHih Jll:luan ~lu·;uh Jn Ill' upatiun n" 'h·· \\ orkhon

Br~ J•h •• il1t n ""llll·• thnJqh

mom for the- troo:r. Some- w bo wrl1." hou~MUJ. • <1ippled.and blin , it" otated bad to At Witklm• town Bnlisb p<.l1<~ and

~ •UJrhaJ " .. r J kbtJlL~1· grounds ,..._lZI't)

o~nd ' .uru-d ow.av a Rtopuhlicnn flag ~ u h hnd lu 1<r1 I · t1"t! '"trr tllt" mnm , •1at:tt t,, r nl1·r. f •Jw GWU'dian.t.

I"' wheeled out on heelbano\\· military >aided the b~l'S! P"'""''" <Irisl1 l>nily I' ) u( ll.,..l'll. Haskilvo lrrotlte,.., Jll'l-

SATURDAY, ~ULY 10th. 1 11 iUPn t Unionists. ~

At ll\lllingu, Co. Westmen.tb, llriti•h militan· search all illcoming and outgcnn8' lfllllh h111•l 'h h .l.t' 1 mandeered tho

t ''" \rr. r Hutt>l lJ d 'urtnin ~tr."fot. r rk

\ I' I'• 1 till' Jl<>dfordshirf. R:t I I I t III'T 'r-d. <U Ht1fast fnJm J


Rllids: I · , . ],.., by Bri-u .. ll p1JI and m.ilit Jr.) "·ere cond11t'ted .tU .,,, r 1'1-..rt•r in tht• tJeart'h fo"t Ser-~- ""' Reilh' ... r the British '"'"" ·• 1, • ,, b11 dT~pJw-•wd 11t Anuarb t n

t u.- f. 1, u t l lu• numbt-r ~; f r.1jd 1n "I out a .. • .. tunnh•d nt •·l'N l.OOO lint h f••l" and nuhtan n~ided the

l "~ I If, r T (1'1\,..,ife and lfl. It ..... Lhm·r •• k c•;,, I

R11ids:-llriti•h polic. and military ruided fift~n hoos,.,.. at Dnllvcommon, nellr Tullom...,, Offaly. ·

In Cork, llriti•l• polic ,. uud military rnided upwardo of 20 houses in Mag•­"'"" and College Rood•. A,..._.~Two yowag me-n whose

uameM diet not nppeo.r in tlu~ Press w'\lre urre•l«l at ~-wbridge, Co. Kildare, on

• )lnrge f endea•ourrng to obtain ll.n.IIH.

Mr. l'ntri< k Kell-v was arre!!lod at J .. iwt>rick l!, British police on a 1 har~l' .. { ••ntl "'' ounng tu obtain arms.

Ou.~ person waa .tnf":'!"c·d on the "'n··· of Dubl1n ou a t·barge f being

ahtuud ' lM<IWl.•t•n the hours of 12 ""l"i J.t and 3 a.m. without th• per­

! In• Brit,.h Yilitnry Au-\t p ddal, ft fuLlwu ·. BritP•h mili t r'\'" 1 1 •"<~ tlw l't"!'lldt·h(t• uf Mr. ,J I \ Ur.aunwrc. -n ~he .mu t.. 1 \ Neeno11 ~q ('1 . :tit>

111t , tl1e- ben of l!r. Joh.fl \Jurr.-." .''cr. urn .. t .11 a.t Cor~ by'lfn-: (I Hmnkt• w·u 1 u 1 udt·d nnd •• ;)'()ted • r ,Js n1·litary \n • bnrgt• mnde made 1•\ u, :~J .. h milit•lr~. 4\~.tlu th~nt.

A11'10!1U:1-.Ie• •• J&D~es and Joaepb Courtmattial:-)fr. :l<'rancis Wb11J'o Thomton, Spiddul, Co. Galway, wore ton of Limerick IUld his on Gerald, • T• •to d hy British military on a wru·e tded by military courtmllrtial at la.•r~ 4 r h11-vtng 1n th~ir pOSHl'~Jon ( u:k ou a • hnrJ~te of ha.ving in their

'mmnnitu n ond " unifonn of the IriAh l"--'""t'SSion fir(.>atms and mjJitary eqwp­ll·•puhli<an Army. "" nt Senten<<' of the Court hos not

lfr .• Jnlln O'Rourke, ~1.11<'•'· Oruu,. "t heen promulgated. , ( (,,.(;.\a~. ·w11 ur1~hod by llr. l!frha~l- Conw ~· Patrick

Hnt n,&lltiln on dr.\rg•• "'having SqWlN-, Lunen(k. "'as tl'ied by the u hi" pt"HnLP""'ion armN and ammunition. :nth ('ourl em K t har,;•· of ha.vins Ln

CO&h1rNu1:iat:-:lfr. JamN Worth, IHlSIW wn u t'tllt .. u_ ... " document. \In ·u \ r 1 f al .~ Tivoli ( memo, I :"'4-llll nre not yt>t promulgated. I' J•JK"T 1 "'"" tried by Courtmarlial \lr Edward O'I•1ahel1y, Charleville, • C'n1k un tbtlrFft• t•endea'tl•Urill8' lo <~j Col'k, W;ts •ned by the ~ame Court

(H! lm •· trw un 11 dmrgt'l of having 10 hi.o~ po~es.ttion Armed A-Its:-A • tn:us oaru.•M nn unl...ded re\-olver. ),[.., O'Flahert\·

""a.• fired on loy o. British military who i• n M~ruber of the Irish Ilepub­J'•Itru: whil .. t travelliDg nlong A. Wick.. licun Polic. F· t , was urrt-:Jtttd in the lu'v road rut of protec tiz:tg " 111lwp from a crowd

A Jhiti•h mililo.r• patrol pn88ing of lootero durmg n. !"hour strike m tiJnuJ."h J.~oughrea, r .~ Gnlway, fired ('orlr:. 11 1.-le•~r111n•. Armed A888111ta:-A young wUD ..t

• \1 YO\lJ;t'hul, Co. r.urk, Urit.ish police lltll'tOC, Co. Limerick, \vos set. u~n ond military •61l<Ched all vehicles by lh·t llri 1 i•h policemen on the night

~ 'lt•\Jinll thC' to"'n. The d11v~rs \'fel'e of tht~ 7th inat. The policemen ·worn t·ld Ull 11t the PQint 'f t1te- bayonet. theoir '''"ilian t.lothes nnd we-N' aruted .\t W,11. tl· td Himiltu" .. t•.•r• iw' """"' wiUt rifte-,. The\· riN tlte wan to 11

11:"Tied uut ~t&te, taut• J11 ( l~rthee 11 shrede, u.tad MiUtrritn::-Jkiti~tlr ruilitur' ._.,, ted f1l'"llt hin1 : .. UUtHnt«tuU~Ile:c.:4 with their 1n1t u'• .. , u llu• ltrullf'•"' 1eidlng tt• rifle butt-11,

l'ulluJUot•, ll!foly ll•·• J Ilnh•rly, l I' , ,.. •• h~ld UJ> lit• .1 ll ll'Grud~·. Y~rdran.l. h~ n llnl! h milihu"' )"tr .. l "·bilst nn

\d111 , ( ·I, J,imrrirk, w .. utf1 J·mnl b\' ~~~" ua~· •·• c ,.lt•hrottt \Ia.. ..... u.t Highpurk Jlw ,J, militan nfti" n.nd u llnt•·lr ( ~~~•nth Drum• oodra, Duhl!n- A

1 l.r·fl l'ftirt"l that ht• houMe u.nd lkllther f"1d a u•vnhtr IH lu" head 14 ml~t'" UlUMt 1,.- \'Ul-ltt-d t um· l\ u·biLt.t qu~twnmg hiM authority tu he

1 ·lit'~ hnd 11c.-.·n,, mt, .. ,,,.,.~ • .,.1 hy tfl<, · almJOd. ... I mildRI 11, . T\te 1111"11\1 :-. uf lft .Tnutea nO( he.

Turenuru ll1-ad, Duhlin. were fi~ intQ FRIDAY, .IULY 9th. h,r a lll'iti•h milit~>tl· p~_trol '<bo drow

Raid5: Brit• ~ militnry 111idod Kil­henwu· Ht rOilt', rnslwl, Cu. Tippemry, l1·• l't iden<·t· l•f )h• Eumou O'Dwy,pr,

\lnlluJtt' uf til(' lri11h Natiuuul .\ .,,11 tt1 t• ( u ( lul1'11\ur-ai~ Ra.ilwll\ StD-' 11, ( U \l1 •·· \\'1\'i 11\H'"'tl d h)' U

lru~· hndv .. r lhit ~h tuilit&l')·. who ,, n1l 111 • hn J•t ·vr !it ~:· h .. f all an• mu, ~~~ n1Jd t 'ttM"t ~~.,;:: • r.tllt p,, ...... n 11 • tfi(ltiG, .lr' r" aud J.!U\t~l~ \tt'T'f'

all 1"1 1 uulh t :lll hNI at 1lu (HIIIIl • [

I"' f n ._ "' t Arrest£: llr 0 Dolwrt lle11>,

' , ... r1 1• ~ •. ,J .,t 11t•lflL .. t 1 • ., Jkoitish 1 i!11• , • ..r1 ., . h11tttt· of •, ll1, tm"' :iunda r .. r •l1r lr•<lo Ropublltau f,. ·'"

llr I' Dunlt-n\:\, 1\uii;•Jthntl•·r'l ... n. ~n w111 1o<tl h~; Hrt•• I. pull~.·• 011 .1

lmrlo!''' • I hiving fit•·~Uml' jn hhc po." •• "'11111.

hv tl1e <junr in 1\ motor lorry. The ollly """"''" ltr. Roche •·nn tL•sign for the o.ttq_ck i~ thnt hiH nnow itt ,.Titten in Jri11h O\"tH· the ahop dour.

Murder: llr. Thuma& Feery, uged 70, \Vit' w' de.ul hy Briti~th military ln ld" nwn 1u·•u• at Dnllyc-ontnton, Tu(­IOJuore, Offal~. ou tlte e•ening of tht' 8th 1!1 t 'l1be milit.&u')·. l\·bo w••lt

! .lt ;utll'tl Jn t11f' ,·icinitv ur l ~·r\· ... l1uu~. kn kt·d Mt hU. dui1r d"PmDndlng , t!lw .. auu .\ .. th•· uld mnn u·.,.., about 11 ••P••n tlw J, r th••y th .. l u voll, frt~lll thf'lr ruielll riddling h1 h, h "·i~h hullet~. 1 MJUtari-~' 1 l 1J.I(li('.ully DO IIIH•~

, an Jrt•t nut 1l'" or- int.• DlJ:blin ~v t)u o'rdinal\· '""d' witllOUt l•einlf held liP w'd "l't;r, bed 1'.' m!litary pnrties, wIt, haT rrt•l ted formula.hle hnrhed. w 1t ••

luu:ri• udc.•H oll round the • ttv .,

The rt•idence of ll r. Brndy Killy­her, r.,. Donegal, wu forcibly en­tered lllld. raided b, British militon­dwing IW. ""••nee 'trow h1>me. ·

Jlriti•b militnry conduefed on un­''UTt'-t~t'ul ~nrch on the house of lfr. D. O'Ruutke, NatiO!ml ,cTencher, CMtlM"eo., Oo. Roscommon. -

A British militury pat,-ol held up and st'nnhed a t1>ili>"Y 1min travelling between Cahil and llansha, Co. Tip­perary.

An'llds:-A young man named lf1U'Cn.rthy, uf Rathduff.- Co. West· me&th, w.1 nm>•ted hy British police and militar). :'io chtute ,..._, made ugairuot him.'

:Mr. William MacDonnell, Cork, woa ~UTHted by a Briti•l• milit.trJ p&trol near Killoruey

'l'hltt\ l>t' • 11 ' • • ru'"t d on the &trfo.ets of lluhlw ou a •luu~ ,.r ltt",lug H abroad '• bct"l"tll th~ bt_..UTS • f lt tnidnigbt and :1 • m. without the per­nussomt of tbe Britioh llilit&ry Autlll>-rities. ••

Colll'tmlrtial:- -:M:r. Bernard MeAl­lister, Uenrenttown, Donobate, Co: Dnblin, wna triod by milituv court­muztiol on a • hu.r gt' l f ha.vin8- in his post:~e89ion a ~hot gun of antique pat­tern. Sent~n«• of th<• Ccmrt has not ) d been promulgated.

Armed Ass.utts:-M:t. William MacDonnoll. C01·k, waa shot at by n. British milita:y pntrol while mot.or­cycling to Killarney, Co. Kerry. He had not been cJv.tllenged or warned.

Dtuiug the mid on the· residence of :Mr. O'Neill, (' !let•rYn<oche, Co. Cork, the troope pi"'...! Mr. O'Neill's three 110ns aguinst · e. will and threa­tened to shoot them.

lfotori•t.. JM18oing throulfh Nenagh, Co. Tippernry, nre being, held up by British militnry and !IOIII'Ched a~ the poinl of tbo hayoa9t.



SEPTEMBER 8th. For Terms ap_ply to SL PERIORESS.

l'l!\lc .onnso. .:>..n ce l l i 'O

r mo 1 nCht'1nn. [ Ac ~LAr o F6S"'.1l n iOr -oeroe.a.nn111.1se





Futl r-t-ra tator.

REMEif.lll, tilt II T HO: MATER DATE •


His wonderful story a~ told in his O\\ n speeches. Price IJd. See what Arthur Griffith , about this book.

Striking Portrait of A RCH BISHOP MANNIX in his studf at Raheen, Melbourne. Autographed.

Actual size, 12 x 8; on mount, 17 x 13. Price 1/·A - OBTAINABLE AT ALL A.ENT8.

D. E . WILLIAMS, Wh~lesale Tea Merchants,





UP ban DistPict of Cobb (Formerly Urban District of Queenstown


WHEREAS 111 a duly ~ned Meeting ol the Copncil I !be Lr ·n District of Queena-11 belA! on llle 23nl iJar-<>1 july 1920 a He<oluuon ~• passed thatlhe Queenstown Urbatf1)i&lrict CoUIICa hance their na~ and 1 e and the name ol their district to the Cobh Urban }lr>lnct Council an~ the Cc "h Urban District respectively. •

A NO WHEREAS at a Meeting ol the Cprk County Council held on the 5th day of August, 1920, tbe proposed chanpi ol the names of the said l:r >n District Couaeil and Urban District respe<!lyeJy were ijufy sancnoned bf r •• said County Council.

NOW NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN rllat tiM> names heretolora borne ·> the said Urban· District Council and Urban District resp«~ively sltall be atr­doned and that the said Urban District Council and Urban District &hall !: ··rn hencelonh be known as and called by the names of rhe tobh Urban Dism.: Council and the Cobh Urban District ,_lively.

Dated thlo 6th day of August, 1920.

A. P UA RAGMALLA!GH, Town Cl,r Town Hall, Cobh, Co. Cork.

National Land Bank, Ltd., 14N IRISH BANK WITH AN IRISH PURPOSE •

1.180,000,000 Few pmple in lrellnd realise that chis eoloual amount of money it ;riaJ on dcl'Oe)t Ia che nrloua lr;ab Joint Stoet Baaks ed Post Offteo Savlnp h repteaellte ID« hard.·camed aniop of Irish lod'usn')" .ad .-put~. Ia !I r.aminJ 1o .. ra1cs or imeral ,nd le tarcely usecl to Bnanu compctilo1'8 or the people wbo eamed 11.

:S:'.''ur::•,;!,:ra:,. ~~,.~~a ·~,.":';;"t.';:.l::,'":.,!;·~"t,;·~~~lt# ":ft~ l.oll4 s.u.


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Uoncl Smith G tdoa




~uppoh Home Industries and 6top fmltratiOI


the-t Jf'f'Rflt"lllell• •atl t"1U1Dit· IISf f r tJw ( ltt"f eontDll"'~f'\ uf tJ1

Aacieat Irish Art l11 h • rt llul'l, Hlflt>re1 lht- witbdrawul (Concluded.) • I tile rl u·ud 'n \\'hith .. I 111" nl,ei In the ·splendid Folio copy of the Gos-

'l1te Jrioh R<>pnhlic oalutfs the pels at Copen~en of the 1enrh century, \t~to•nllno Repuhltr \\'I~ "" many of supp ..... IO ha>o been brOUIIttto Denmll'k tl• ""'' tuund pen<•·. lib..rty, and o by Kl111 Canute, the fl&ure of St. Manhew ..... nnd Fatlw1·land,.. ,.tatms: that seated, while 1111other saint .draws back a • 1 ~ did 11,.1 know uf am lr••h ~ cunain, is copied from the Go4pels of Lin-

dialarne while the bonier is in the Ieath pu)oll< and th.ot 1l1i• w•s ol!oooiYe '" c'niUI')' .lltYie. The Gospels of St Chad, tl, • Dr til h ,.., .... ,},•nt"' This t uu .... ·tl nn now in Uchfteld Library, are in tbe Irish 111 n• lum~4· . argurn.e-ut" with the style of tbe eighth century, and •re Yet} uthurl'lt uf t tt• Ir~~~~ .-\~"r" iation, noticeable as havina marginal notes 1n

Jt... ( 1 ;,.r (, mmi o;.ru-... and St•uor Latin. Anglo-.Suon, and 8ncienr British· X ,1, The Ia• ,., inoi•ted on 11,.. the Iauer bein& the oldest specimen of the

ancient Brirish lanauaae now in existence 1ntl•dro~al • I il.., plncl>rd • f th" lro h The ihuminotions are also copied from the fla •. and 4l1 Irisb twtlu.ntlt•., \\'t"lr Lindisfame book. St. Chad~ it is .ltclown. ato.·nl t .. ~· ·-ede '" the ridiC'IllOUJI in- was educated in lrelaod, uuhe School of St JUndion, not alone to &void the- mel· Finian. There are Irish Gospels at that· dent M.•umino o.rrntrr ~rortiono, hom of the eighth century. The Oospels

o ~ r· ·· ol .. Regal are ar Oxford, and the Gos-l.ut 1!"> to maintain l:raJtqailitS to th& pels of Mac0uran1 the smallest and moot memory of Belgrano, resvvill8' to beaurllul known, are in the Archbishop'" thrmseh·e• the corresponding pl'()teet Palace at Lambeth. As Saxon art pro­and the righ.t to take legal ucti•>n be- crossed and became inBuenced by Roman 1.,11, the ('ont-~n.t Authority, whM 0 models the Irish scribes were clually em-

r· played wberner elepnce, harmony of nnm{'rotM grou:r of gentlemen and i:Oiour, and extreme delicacy o11ouch were

nut!. who w•·Jt' stationed on tbe particularly requisite. as in. the bordere and t .. 1path and in the .entre of the ave- initial leuers. Thus, the Psalter of St. nue l1roke through the police c·ordon Auau.stin, said to be from Rome, aod which and advanced, in the midst of joyful resembles in style the maouscript Vi<sil of

Argentina Greets Republic

the ftfth century, in the Vaticon. is framed d~·pi.JU \' and ! h~ero; for the liber:Jt" ill pute Celtic art. On me Continent tJ, 11 our law• hold saered, and to the ilso, the border. of the great manuscripts

ln.Sh indepeodenco• of our rountry whirh .ocere generally confined 10 Irish hands A

ahru\,. 11 J t foreign jmp~itions, Latin copy of the Gospels at Treves, · i•i-

1 and demandiniJ the continuonc·e of dently procluced by one of the establish­

menrs founded by·the Irish upon me Rhine II,. dPmon~trafion with the 11jrh !lllfll is remarkable lor a combioarion of Celtic

\\·,, f.,,(. rt•t• ,,Nt n •.• jl\ of u Lo. 1·r11•·n B• 1 nu .. Aytf'" 'l'be .Argeu-1,ut• J••IU'Dftl~ which is dated .Juu~ 21. loll"''' an lfll~"n~tm description ol th~

'. t•l l.ra 1d in ideont ., the lt, .. h RP­puM· 11 lla~ Tt~(· crn.umstanct-.. un. und n,: hf' incide-nt R"~r it •rf'At

011 .Tnne 20 tire .\

hPlrl ronApicliously alut.t, they Yur- Teutonic, and Franco-Byuntine art. The rounded Dr. Perrazza Naon in li'uch a .borders are Irish whiJe the ftgures are By· nuuuter amidst th& fnt.i>tic appll!.us& of zantine. These illuminated borders ha•e lite spe.tators, \fho ineorporated th .. m- the gliHer and radiance of a setting of ~ph· ·01 with the Irish Assod&t.ion os o. jewels, and are thus admirably suited to

fulfil lhe true object Of all OMiamentarion demunstration of '' DIPI'Ihy, cheering wh~h Mr. Ruskin defines as being "besu­gleefully the Irioh Republic and ita liful in its place, and perfect in its ldropta­h·t·r•· ... ·nlat·'ff"~, that 'they compelled tion to the purpose for which it was em-the ( \'1111111 ~ u:V/Gene-ml Senor Naon ployed." t w ·hdraw cro•t!olleu accompanied Thus, the Irish can he tracked. as it ]., the good-hwnoured conunenb<_ of were, across Earope by their iiiiDllinated .11J th011e 'O'hO mtn......J. the incidelit· foocsteps. They were emphatically the

• ving at the Triumphal An<Jt Witnesses of God, the light-bearers through e Irish column defiled i11 o. compa.t> the dork ages, and, above aU, the faithful

manner, and th•· Irish !lug inclined cuardians and preserves of God's Sacred ~ .... JI m a graceful salute, as I.U'IB the 'Word. A hundred years before Alfred

1, t'Pml•nt. in. homage to her Plder came to Ireland to be educated, and went 1 t r. t be IUltio.naL.ftag, ol the \ r~t••· 1 hack to civilise his native country by the

hue Rcpuhlic. · inowledge helutd acqtrired here, the Cbria-• B.v th<• J>uhlic, tl1e studu!s ou tl1e lian school• of Germany, under the direc­

"'1l.lld uffi• ial •tand, from the balconies lion of Irishmen. had- been founded by. of the ('abildo, lluuicipalit,.v, and the thorlemagne. l'hrough Prance, along the Pnloco· of th<' A.rchhishop, tn pt· .. enc" Rhine, lhrou&h Swit:zerlpnd, Italy, and .f this uct of sincere and expreesiv6 Spain, the IriSh missionaries taught and

ho>nn;.r•• th& ll'i•h Republi<&ll ftaiJ had worked, founding schools and monasteries, 1...: t u once more apJllauded with greater and illuminating by their learning the reray, and l.he column in the Secijon darkest pages of Europesn history. One . rresponding to th& Irish, nn\\' of the great treasures ol the hilperial U-

elled out hv the .Argentine public, brary of Paris is a beautiful Irish copy of ho applauded without ceasing, tbe Latin Gospels. The College or St.

rrived tn tb,at mrumer, now eu.larged Isidore, at Rome, possesses many lrislt fu ... 1t 500 l1b in le:U.gth .. at the manuscripts--one of them a Psalter. fOlic M ,, }Pntn !"I "'i.,11 tu Domiogn, whton• size, wrinen throughout in letters a quar·

•. .. JlUt .,1,1... a.od a.othort' rt·~ ter of an inch long, and which is considered "' • .,·~u111~1 olot1~ ... ~1r the ... \('fJ • tt> be the Rnest of the later works or the t r 11 a· J u u.nd oung ladies who in n I riM school. The celebrated Golden Gos­

u 1 a• t ~ If• 0 c-, ompanied the Irish· pels of Stockholm are of Hiberno-Saxon art '" 1• lu triumphal P"""~!re of the ninth ~entury. This book had a

1 r 1"11 the • ,. • of the wuh:opolt•, singular history. It was stolen from Enc-1 uw p}Q.( l d t t"l selv~ in the ftunt land, and dasappeared for ·ages, but finally r·u\\'. un,d • the ~d.. played the was discovered at Mantua in the seven

1 umol h}·mn, whiclt w~ uc·com... teenth century, and purchased for the Royal 11,,1 .-1 1, over f>,(HIU voit•• with in- Library at Sockholm. St. f'etersburg also 1!• ~tt· 1. 1111•• enthusiasm. JO!Se~s a highly illuminated copy of the

• u. , ... being ctmcluded, Senor Guil Gospels, which was also raken from Prance l• 1 mo A l.u ... :owr.-, delivered a short at the. time t>f the great Revolution, and . 111" '· .,..yiog that. with 1 ruth· could found lis way to the far north. It,. 1 per­

],.. oiJ!irmed that the .Argeutine feet and beautiful specimen of the Irish 1,)" hnd th .. da,· rec·t>gnised tlw style of the eighth century, and the initia.

[r ltl·pu' h1 , inl.'tinudl "' tl• " bad letters can only be compared to those o. J11rL.natf• ,t fr;.wt (ally 1: nome. 11... the Book of Kells. All these lriM manu-

1:! '" nnd 1• u1 .... and thL·) i .".- gra<t"- script GOSpels are, without exception t \ pt f , ' the unusual preten~ COI)ies of St. Jerome's Latin version.

, , f weak Jll' •·" who att.E,nll!J"ted tu Towards the close of the tenth century tlfr tf' thE! authnrst .. f populo.r eo- the. Frankish style of ornamentation 8

rl u .' 11 thnt "''"""cl '"' h o. beautiful blending of the CI85Sicaland the Byzanti'ne f,. mt10n f .Argentint:..lrl'll had almost entirely superseded the beauti: 1 rntl. Jllllllll. He concluded 11itl1 a ful and delicate Celtic art both in England 1 tll ·· ;, • d • rut r f• r the flag nnd tbe and on the Continent, and about the

nntinn that bwl a~i~en, gloriot¥~ ftfteenth century it disappeared even from nd r1 ..... nn the t u ~ of the Repuhli•·nu our own lreland, the country of its origin. ttrrh The .gorgeoutmissals and illuminated Gos­ThP friendship ·of the A.rg&nt.ioe pels, instinct with life,, genius, holy rever­' ton for UJe lrJsb people, l'>f which n once, and patient love, were destined to be

t'E"JUn.rkalJle testiinony wos g1ven nt replaced soon after by the dull mechanism I Helgr11nu ( eutenary. haH itA t·oob of print; while Protestantism used all its r hn('k 4n 1 he ~truggle foJ inrl<'pen- new-found strength to destroy that innate

.1, 11 · r• The- uameR of nrown. Mill,,r, tendency of our nature which seek:atomani­~u.~ ile • O'Brien and O'Higgins wen rest religious fervour, faith and zeal by tu til~ on tlu· Iri~h banner o~~aluting coerty ofrerlnes and sacriftces. The golden­' I nll'm<tr , 1 H"'ternl &!If""'"· bordered holy books, the sculptured "II f"' rnanv Ju .. JUI."n "ho fought in tlw crosses. the jewelled shrines were crushed

n: h .\ u1t-r, ·an w"'' uf ind:ependenc under rhe. heel of Cromwell's Jroopers the , I tl'ldrt·•l t'•' '~''' ba.Te left an in1- majesric and beautiful abbeys \\'ere dese­pt·J ltuMr mPmorv. Their descend- crated and cast down to ruin. while beeide .a1''" \\ho ~ ttled. Ht South Amerirr. them rose the mean and ugly structures af l '"'' di:ttin~tui hed them"elTee in the ij:eformed faith, as if tht annihiliatian ru II'\ r•.,lll In Buenos Ayr•· .. tbe of all beauty were then cons:idered.lo be the J,;r 1lrlul • ttJZ£·1•.. have perpei.uated most acceptable homage wlUch man could

l1t :r lnPrnuH 1 . ., o&ming their ttt.ref't~ offer to the God who created all beauty all•" O'Ilrlt'n, ()'Gorman. Cullen, and filled the human soul to enjoy and Admi1'1ll llruwn, O'Higgins, King manliest the spiritual, mystic, and etornol,

.. f llu ( nghlM, and J,ynrl•, and '(lrohal>ly loveliness of form, and colour, aad sym. l'•tlu•r metry.

\ I• l·r1n


" d J Tho

\ \.

. .. Tla. ( ,lbrd"""" (Co 1\o•n' 1 ( ur , u··l Jff du~ to sit on l'ut· • ' "'ll-"'

:•lJuutn d for A11'eek, •~' lbt" orbitn•lnr" ,J, J•Ul ... l to adJudicate in I he"" •

" o.JYuidably absent. It o• "" ,J a. eoot~~idenble numl...r til

o ' t 1,.. dis~ Of ot the nul • t 11 • I , .. loc~l P""7 Se•Olono l.~nn• n o nr•" pmctically llfDOred. All Jitj. ,:o. ''' I I their c...,. for heuring ~­' ',, I • Arbitration Cour18. where LN il c..wtain to ~t full "--'lt fat ton. . ...... A~ the R<>puhlicnn Court which .at

1.,<1 Thul'lldoy in the Town Hall, W"f!­porl1 o. number of cues were listl'd.


It is manifest thet" such a Tllld ' the Covernment of Ireland undllr I the Crown of Er.gland did inlaid to 1112ke a perpetual separation and en­!"ity betw6Er. the Eft8lish ....s Irish, tnt<ndtng no doubt thet the English I ~hould tn the lind root out the Irish; which the English nQt being able to dO, caused a perpetual war between the nations which continued for 400 1 Md tldd years.

'I'· .T

Rockwell College (C • p.)



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The instigators of the Delf88t pog- ' • A FFY, rom have l>ecome alarmed. The Paris, Saturday. "E1l11oy oflh< lri$1r Republic."

criminal classes, in lVbicb Uelfnst pe~~~s hh~~~ c~~d ~~~~e 0~e~"!k th~ The ~ire,<lclr or "La Libre Parole" in a abounds above any other city, were lines appear and another name will be added long lt'ticle to-day endorses M. Gavan orpnioed for robbery and a:rson, ond to the list of Irish Martyrs. His slow agony Duly's appeal and continues: "A man is have now be'ifun to burn and rob U1e in an English prison has, .however, aroused in extreme danger of de*tb. He runs the property of tbei.J• orlanigers. To- as- univ.ersal indignation. The barbarous and ri~k of his own tru will. I do not ~spute

uncivillsed methods by which England en- here the case of conocience from a Chris­sault and plunder Catholics and those deavours 10 crush tho spirit of liberty in tim point of view that this voluntary re­Prolestants who l't'fuse to lick the feet lrelar.d and exterminate the Irish race is nunciation of life will raise. I only look of Delfn•t plutocracy was gniteful to now exposed before the whole world in all for the moral cause of this sacrifice-the the hireling preso of that city, but it its grim reality. Throughout the long cen- most heroic to which a man can submit.

Pbooe 27111. now bleat• in alarm at the undiscrimi- turies of her blighted domination she has AmongSt his compatriots this man is justly tried in voin to daunt the will or the Irish honoured: as Lord Mayor of Cork he is

nating action of ita proteges. The people, but she has signally failed. fo-day looked upon as one of the moot representa­plutocr&ts of Belfast delibemtely lhe indomitable spin! of Terence Mac live men of his Nation. He associated with created an anerehy iii an eftort to get Swiney has triumphed again. Tho Lord all his heart with the efforts of his fellow-



JfottJn lor Hlr•. rid of their political opponent.~ ond M~yor '!' Cork, in mortal agony in his ' citizens in order to obtain the benefit or the Plo ... 27tlfl Phone 2769. crush the Labour mo•ement. And the pnson, IS a power before which the might lundmental principles of modern public ===::.....-------'-=:::....:= beginning ol fear is creeping into their I of En_giar.d tremb_les. H_e is dying because rig!lt-' All people have a right to self­QIIIft, Jft Clllfr.J, tor B•aluu or Plu••r•. he Will not: penntt a fore1gn government to detenninarion.' lie was declared (suspect,'

heart" that the anarchy may >:et ~>;ennis~ over his country and his person. his house was burcled by English police, flfMING'5 HOTfL, thruten the golden 11od they worship. H1s sacnfice will cry aloud for venll"ance. he was judged and condemned to two

Meanwhile the rest al Ireland applies Many of his comrades have already olfered yean~ in prison by a Courtmartial, no!with-32 GARDINER'S PLACE, DUBLIN. to the little OligareM of Bell81!t the up- their lives for the sam• cause. Many stending the fact that he had not cot11mitted Two mlnr• walt from Gardlacr Strcd'Cb•JMI, argument thev hest uiidersto.nd-the oth~s are.ready to.take. their place. His a single misdememour. To this manifes~

• sacr~fice wdi not be m vam. And yet while tation the Lord Mayor replied by another or T!'llmL

SBLIICr. argument of the pocli!et. The money applauding the r,obillty of tho ma~ who manifestation. By sacrificing himself he

aODBRArB. CONYllNIBNr. of Ireland has been Bowing for years submit$ to a process of slow assassination signifies to the English Government that through the Belfast, Ulster, and Nor- the world stands aghast at the cold brutality Ireland is finniy detennined to achieve her them DBllks into the City of Belfnot, at].d ca_Jcuiat.ed i~~il!erence of a people who liberty at all costs. The English people ..-here it accommodates men who proclaimed us d•~mterestedness on entering can nourish no illusions. When a people GRAND

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tl . . mto a war, as 1f were, for the liberty of such IS rhe Irish are united and resolved .sec'."' Y l~ctte the -~grq!'l, ~d exul~ in small nations. The mask has now been to secure its Independence, it can only be rapme. Fifteen million pounds sterling torn from its face and to-day it stands ex- maintained under the yoke of tyranny by of Irish money ha,ve been Bowing posed before outroged humanity as tile violence. Oar readers. like ourselves, yearly from Yationeliat :rn.Jand into stondard bearer of hypocrisy and tyranny. have been deeply moved in reading the th& pockets of Belfaot distri.hutors of In France, especiallY,, public opinion ~as appeal addressed to M. Millerand by the

Engli h d th f · ooda I been deeply move<! by the torture inHi ted representative of the Irish Republic in 8 an ° er g - n. on the Atst citizen of Cork and many _ Paris. This appeal we endorse and we

l&lld has bee~ butb'essm_g through pressions of sympathy and encouragemenr pray with insistance that the President ol banks and bustuess the b1goted Del- have been received at the Irish Delegation the Council will use his good offices with last which S<>ts the mob <·u the un- he~e. The appeal on his behalf which Mr. tho English Government. If the Lord bigoted Bellast-indiiFerently on the Gnfllth lor.warded to the Heads of Foreign Mayor of Cork dies England, which is

. Catholics •nd on the Pf'Otestant work-· Gop v~rnments hod,only been rec!'lved by the already confronted with grave difficulties • ~· . resident of the French Repubhc when Mr will knOw darker hours than she· ha; 1ngmen who refuse to abase therr man- Gavan Dulfy placed the follow in 1 tter. hitherto imagined." hood. Ireland is not going to cont.inue which appeared in all the Frenc~ :ews~ "Arrested for his political opinions," that folly. There must be no more papers on the following day, betweerr the says ~'La Libert6," 111 man infhct.; upon dealing on th.e part a1 dvilised Ireland ~ands ?I the Frenc_h Prime Minister : himoelf lor the cause of freedom the with the Banks of BoJf88t until the f'l!~ns1e~r le Pres1dent du Conseil. horrible IOrtu(e of hunger. and is dying b b . . . In Vlew of tho grave tragedy tbat is slowly in his prison. A whole Nation ar. an~ In broodcloth not. only wttJI- now being eaacted in London, [ have the follows with anJPiish the ph~ of his

draw thetr attempt to ,-eJmpose the honour, in my ~apacity of representative of agony. Without distinction of opiniop or Teat Acta, but l!lab, so far as they the Elected Government of !be Irish class, the whole COIH1try demands hia may, amends for their offences Against Republic in Paris, to approach the Govern- liberation, and the Minister who could save decency and common justice. There ment of !he. French ~epublic in order to his life refuses .. and adds to his awkward

t be . • bespeak Its 1ntervent1on in the case with gesture an official ' communique.' h is !ll08 no more hnfiLg.~~s WJth those the Government of His Britannic Majesty. well ttnden:tood. however. that nothing-can ;Belfast ilrm• whn ll!bmifW, or P"r- "Mr. Terence MacSwiney Lord Mayor prevent the inevitable from happ•ning. The mitted to he !JIIbmitted. or connived at of the City of Cork and Me~ber of D4il independence of this nation will to-morrow other firms submitting, a religious or a:reann for Mid. Cork, is dying irr Brixron be an historical fact." H Le Populaire de political teet to their employes-until Pr1son, London. Mr. MacSwiney was Nantes" foreshadows the bun~ting up of such time

86 they have ~ade amends deported. from Ireland to EngJand on the British Empire: 41 The Government bas

Th · the 17th IDS!., after sentence by an Efglish already recognised <he independence of _ousands ~ P~P~ have been de- Cournnartial, purporting to convict him on Egypt. The Egyptian patriots, to reach

pnved of the1r livelihood, Thousands tile strength of the seizure in Cork Town this end, had to sfruggie like the Irish. To of women and 'hildren .,.., being Hall of 'seditious' documents; the alleged them also England had opposed a fonnal 11tarved hundreds of homes have been 'court' had no jurisdiction in rhe matter refusal. By perseverance and courage the humed 'out o.t the instigation of men an~'Jintsorjuddpter te

0nt is.:_,01t·d. . h Egyptians won the day. The Irish sb.ail pro • ...., agamst t e outrage also have rheir victory. Their cause is the

whom the Danks in Belfast accommo- inllicted upon Ireland in his person by the same. Has not the principle of self­date out of th& money lent by the English Anny of Occupation, the Lord detennination been admitted? Was it not people of Ireland. :rn.Jend will teach Mayor has refused ail food since the 12th 'continually in Lloyd George's mouth when the din!cton and managers of these in,oL He demands to be released, and he the Empire was in danger? Did he not banks tha.t, il they regard with declared to t~e English !"'litary V.:ho impose it upon the vanqoished peoples?

. •ty ·~- . . assumed the Tight to try h1m that ahve Are there then, ae<ording to him, two equB.IlJWI uw deeds ot theJr clients, or dead, he would quit his prison 'within morals. one for the victors and another for they must try and find other source• one month. The Lord Mayor is 1 dis- 'the victims. If there are, let him have the of supply for the money with which tingu!shed soi~ier of the Irish Repnblic; courage of his convictions and say so. We they hitherto financed the Teot Finns ho,:"lii keep ~1s word. shall then know the value of his fine end their sympa.thiaers. The Engl1sh Hom~ Office, on the other declarations, otherwise let him give Ireland

Tw • b . . 11 band, declares that 1ts Government has her liberty as he has been obliged to give 0 W&nliD!r;" muat e gtv? _to. a ~e!IOrmined to let tho Lord Mayor die. He it to Egypt. Whtther he likes it or not he

who are determ1ned that the VJctimu~a- IS at the point of death. will, sooner or later, be forced to yield. tion of tbnt section of the people of "In bringing these facts to your know- The Irish people who are actuated by the Belfoot who refu.., to. bow the knee to 1edge. Monsieur ie President, I am most fundamental principles of justice can-Plutocracy muot ceiiBe. EVIllY Bellas! ad~ressln~ my~eif: ~rst, to the country not be indefinitely resisted-a people

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1920. Jlrm touting for buoiness in the rest of w_h~Ch cla1m! w1_rh 1us11ce to be the mouth- unile4 in its struggle against the oppressor, p1ece of the pronc1ples of human liberty· a people that has shown so much bravery,

Ire~lllld profosaes, through the mouthsJ ancl, secondly, to tllat great French pe~ so much faith in its future, a people,

T of 1ts travellero, to abhor the dev!!ish which. in other days. has so. often come io finally, who consists of mon like the Lor~ he Lord Mayor of Cork bigotry that ia being indulged. The the aid of Ireland and lor which so many Mayor of Cork, dying of hunger in his majority of theae firma are either oc- of my counrrymen have given lheir Jives prison, cannot be subdued by any Govern-tive]y or puRively engaged in that "h~~never France has been lhreatened. ment no matter how powerful it maY be,"

I ~ gn to P"""' the J..ord Mayor of Crork •till alive, but hi• bonn of life

'"'" numhen>d. llil hu ..,nt greet. of" to hiA foli<IW-prisoners in Cork,

who endure a simi1or agony and face a

sW.1ilnr f••c. Ireland is sod for them,

~ut Irela.nd ill praud of them. They ore peri11hing for l1er in the dawn of that frsedom whiclr the yowlg among

u• shnll ""'' Jri'OW into resplendent day. Through n hundred generntions nf an Ireland redeemed from thaillll and

k y Dell Jlrm h · h 1 Funhermore, I address myself to that "All Ireland io passionately interested in wor ; . • 0 ast • . ~ 1~ 1018 Frtnco which has to-day become the Ally the late of the Lard Mayor of Cork," says genuinely refused to TJctum!l& 11!1 em- of her former enemy, whose Empire she "Le Journal des Debars." but the English ployee or allow them to 1>e victimised saved by her prodigious sacril\ces during Government. notwithstanding the many JVill be refused a permit to trnde. The .the fUeat war, and accordingly, to tho liOlulions has refused him fUICe. _If Lloyd !"'rmit will be iasued fl'Om Bel:last. Fronce WhOSe mere Sll£teSiion to th~ Lon- George. was persuad!d that by energetic Without such a guarani f th firm' don ~overn'!'""' would save the hie of repr<!s~on he could I'•• the Irish problem

ee 0 • e 8 ln lr1sh Patnot. a deftmte solution one could understand his

hon .. ty no BeJf .. t commerc>al travel- "1 understand that the Government of l•teosoning. ail questions of humanity ex-len' •tatemen Is ore to he accepted.. the French Republic has hitherfo hesitated, Cluded. But most certainly ho does not

On the oth&r hBlld, "·e find t.bat in lor reason• of diplomatic etiquette, to imagin~ that coercion will furnish the one or tl\•o io•ta~~ceo firlllJj and h11.8i- reco!tnise the Government of the Re- means of ridding himself lor ever of the D08Rea in other parts ol the North of ,J>~bh_c ol lrei~nd, but I apprehend. that demands. w~ich are supported by a united

I •--d h b . thts. tn no ":'ay md1cates any sJacken1ng of people i It ts only a piflliative. Force in reuuo aTe een contu..;d wtth Bel- hs mterest 1n the lot of that ancient people Itself can resolve nothing: applied brutally

faat, and people ha.-e dechned to trade Of Ireland 10 which the French people is and without discernment it only attenuates with the111. Thio i& a miatalo:e. DelfBAt bound by close community of interests as tile hatreds, and its employment when it

mi•e" lheir memory wil! he treasured. j, the oeat and cen~re of the conspirocy ~eli as by tradition and history. is not directed and moderated by~ political F.ntl'lnnd bAA money, IU1Diea and l<> reimpuoe the Test Acta upon Catho- "I '!eed not tell. you with what fUatelul *Pirit risks to giva the character of sur-

" . . . enthuSiasm I he Irish people. on the eve rendel' to tho concessions which sooner or na<~~•. hut •he h .. not wi1hin her the I " 08 • and J?Ohllcol dte.'":ntero. It 1' 01 its delivery. would welcome a brotherly liter, are inevitable. The ~e of the <lrtue to , nmmaud from ber children ag&<lllll th1a foul COilQI18Cy that the ict by the Government or the French Re- Lord Mayor of Cork has 1 considerable . h 1 d 1 alty th tre gth I tarm~ of Irish Justice i• directed. Out. public designed to suure the liberation of il)'lportance because the moral !acton~ play su< n~e an oy ' nor 8 8 n . ido Dellut, all busineoe finns in Ulster the Lord Mayor or Cork. I need not say a premordial role in national movements. tn hrealc the will of a people who hieh do not actively or paosively sup- !low gladly. the whole lri~ race would hail That is why many English people are rl .. pisc, hor matetinli•ni and pre>erve ~the co 'r t'tl-' t full ~n act which once agam would seal the troubled by tho neaative decision of the

. . . . DBpt w:y are en 1 ~ 0 foyaJty of Franc:e to her m1ssion of liberty Prime Minister.'' r ,. . ., fa1th IQ Ood. om of trade. -.rouch the world and be a reminder to M.M.


Ach '' n! ei!e 16s nir eMir a dhearmhad . di nea-bheachte d'iompuig cuid deona 16-chuir seo amach a bhehh, ba mh6r an 6i& iad chun tcacht suas leis an bhlfrinne mar bl!fodar gairld don fhlrlnne n6 don nl is d6 linn anois atd !lor. Cu!r i gc4s na nithe ar a ncJaoite "dollle-," blodh Is n4r dhdlle lad deirlribh sa ch6ill a bhlod leis an bhlocal un, ina dhiadh san, Unh, do r6ir an eolaia atll agaiM 16 lathir, is rudal iad mlch 161dir don chelmidhe a roinnt le haon rud dd bhluil aiae ina sheamra oibre. Mar dn don Atom, leio. C6 n'ch 16iclir ddinn a ri gur bun-nl do-roinnto an t-atom, ina dhiadh san ti Teofric na nA om eM n.thtanach in obair an chelmidhe is bhl sf nuair a cumadh I Dleudll an n! ceudna 1 ri i dtaobh an mh6illn acus i dtaobh radal eile nir bhain­eamatr leo f6s

Cuir i gcis cad a chiallulon Neat! agus 011 Talscithe an Ni{l? Trllchtfimld air sin ar ball Brl gener,lta at4 ag an bhlisicidhe leis an bhlocal san Near! agus chun na Oil aduert a dheunamh l!br nl m6r a llln nitbe d'Aireomh mar neart. Ciallulon an 011 nA t~an Juighdtl "' meudU ar iomllline an nirt aid gcrulnne abhair (material system) ar bith mara dtucan sl neart do chorpaibh eile n6 mara bhfaghan ~ neart uarha.

"Chun na dil do dheunamh !for (Lodge, "Life and Matter, ' London. Williams and Noraate. d6 a 2, I 905, I. a 21) nl m4r a char san aon •ireamh [taisciU an nirtl nirbe aJ' ch6 dealuithe 6 eMile le solus. teas. luaim, casa tlmpall (rottt!in?), crith. arrin laisteach (elastic srrllft), scaniint lrom-thanigthe (c-avitative separation). orulhana albhlig, gaolmhaireacht cheimidho (chemical affinity). God! cur cuireadh 'teas' in "reamh na neart, nforbh fhEidir a n gurbh lhlor an dl!: agus tamall geairid 6 shin deint! 91osp6ireadrt i dhlobh ce aca ba chcart n6 n6r cheart an 'bheatha • do chur :!&n ilreamh. Deurlinnse gan stad ndr chcart ach Mldir nir miste le daoirHr eile a ri gur cheart: ach is leer san mar shompla chun a lhespeiint ntch g4 a admh4il go bhluil gach saghas nirt llirithe 16s: go bhr.ghlar $igl\seana nua arnach Midi~, q;us .,...,. t4 sai&haean• nua ann, ansan, •g labhairt ao beacht, gur <reamh-lhlor dll taiscirhe an nirt, i gcUaibh 4irithe, U mar a rllitear an dll anois, godl go nochtlar na saighseana nua san, dlreach mar bheadh sl neamh-lhlor (ach le leeth-lh!rinne ilseach inti, leis) I dteoiric na measlnl, d4 mbell pn eolas ar theas n6 gan suim do chur ann " Culmbnlmls ar an bllfocal an 1'1e.arh~Phfrinn.e Aiseach!' An teoi'ric n6 lui! inti ach cuid den lblrlnne agus all! breugach. d4 bhrl sin, mar mblnia iom14il. Midir go bhfuil sf buan•luachmhar mar loath-lnnsint ar an sceul mar alA 66.

B6idir leis. d' dtuigimis brl na dll i dtosach, ni tulglimls cnolche ina llln-iom-14ine I n6, fiu arnh4in, dd dtuigimfs ina headarchastlaocht go leir I. n' luirmeoff cholche I agus nA glacll cholche f. Tar6is a ri gurb e rud le ndeir a !An den amhruis­reacht lld na n-eoluithe nA eadarchufostacht na ndl!the Is eol ddinn do bhdrr eolas nlos cruinne bheith .aa:ainn ar lUI dAtal (afacls" arl• na nilhe as a gceaptar no dllthe seo), deir Sir Oliver !::odge , "Na dlfthe simpll

:.C~,;;'~~m:~i.? e~:~~,:~",f:;h~,:'~b:: tha (bilh .i. existence, world, life) bheilh maoluithe dar radharc de bharr gairbho na meadhon lr6 n-abhfeuchaimls. Nl flrinnl beachta dlithe Kepler, agus dd mbeadh aigo na dAtal (data) go l6ir old againn anois Is ar eigin lheudladh se na dlithe sin do nochal'. Nl llor gur in ubh-lbAinnlbh (ellipses) a ghluaisean plilneud ach l saghas f6-chear­calacha (hypocycloids) agus nl go cruinn 6 leis Mar sin. leis, do dhli an Bhaoigh­eaUaig nil ann ach teach! nlos goire don ceimfocht• lisicidhe. AgWt fiu an gener· ihla dhln Vander Waal ar dhllan Bhaoigh­eallaia nil annach teacht nlos goire don lhlrinne. I bhlurmMr ranna na lisiclochta is 6igean don tsimpllocht g6ille don eadar­chastufocht luath n6 mall , sitid Is, go cinnte, ao ndeirim go raibh na dlfthe simpll llor, agus go bhlullid !lor los. ch6 !Ida's thi!an slad. a&us ni bralttoar a nea-chruin­neas acb le tuillo lfor-nochtachAin. Nuair a claontar i leattaoibh uatha tagaimld suas Jeis an gcllis at4 leis an gc1aona; nf brise a deuntor ar an ndlllgceart ach maolu (n6, at'!"r~) tn! olbriu cd~o sa mbrtis Is ool dd~nn. • .

s~ brl .,, lela an gcuid is m6 den stair chalnte sin n4 nich 16idir rud m6r a thuisg­int nuair a dhinimld dlan-stuldeur ar gach bldlr1n 16 Ieith dd bhluil s6 deunta. An ~ a chalthladh a shaol ao 16ir i gcolll agus go mbeadh eol11 cruinn aige ar gach cr11111n inti nl har an ccoilla bheadh an r-oolas aigc ach .ar na crainn. Chun na coille fheiscint agus a rhulsaint nlor mh6r d6 leuchaint ulrri 6 bhjrr cnulc Chonnaic Kepler dll nid~rtha 4 bhirr cnuic na heolulochta. Thiinlg eoluithe ina dhial& a& scrdd~ gach mlon-nl (na cralnn) ali aa dll agus luaradar ni rtibh cola.• Kepler crulnn ar lad. 04 scrdduloch Kepler na mion-nithe ar dtdis bheadh 56 .oeh6 t6gtha suas leis an obair sin ni feud· fadh ~ an dll a bhainean leo lhoiscint.


Local Taxation -


There in !Ill onlf hundred and llfty-four Poor Lnw Unions adminis­tered by Guardian• and their staffs. Tb .. lltnd• to meet this expenditure are.

l•r· lcled by the County and Coun ly I•·J •!Ugh <:nuncilo. Laat week we

gave smne details of the methods by \Thirh these funds al'e raised. Pr~ pori) •/"'olring, the poor-rate i$ the fund w ti<'h pn..~~B into the bands of th~ local Hoard.. of Guardians. The mnAAitade of these sum• may he judj,Ttl from ~he following figun.s for th~ 1 r~ ending March 31:-

f' f r:'ll'TS FROM REVENUE, 1919.

£ :uo ~" •~pplled b7 Coaniy and

Courlt Borough Council• .; 1,726,901 Jtent. medical oflit.en' residences


O.l'HDlt r the ••1 naou.'' th~w on the streer, on.d "·ho w., too did to emi­grate. We La,·e "'ta.ined~e t'he bending •'Prnigration n ugh no expenditure took place la4 ;~ear, in order to .,.,.n tbv.t eJ~>igri!.llon' was by bo mean~ u.ncono~ted With. the work­hou•e oystem and_ to rbi.J that this item L68 u place in the ~t&. The Wul'k housett l\'ere desfgnf!d. tO tHke nway from the street the. swarms of Jla upero who crowded the· street. of the eitie• nnd towns and kJ!pt the de­struction of our trade g.r:8en in the minds of our people, 'l'h., poor Ia"· unions were designed to <pnceal the manufo~ture of popeno b,y: tbe Engli•b oceupahnn.

More False Hisfqry

"') • Sean Ghall, not along our I • 1 au line•, but. eTen far inlan~ prove that lreLmd and tbe Roman Do­mmlOns knew the ndnntuge of mutual trade relationship. In later timea there WIU!J a lnrl{~ for,eigu banking htL•ineso operated b)r Italian mercbaniB in Duhlin in t I~<> lliddle Ages, and •U<·h operations, invohiug us they did the intricaciea of the foreign e"" dtonge~, could uot l1aTe been ·worked without money ' r without an exten­sive and regular loroign trade. The ~riter never mention~ the had money made in England for« Uculation in Ire· land, nor the steps taken to prohibit the export of Engli•h cuin to Ireland.

In short, it;., e!Jtahlh,hetl hy written recorde that helore ~onnun or Dane landed in Ireland tltore was on an­cient and regular trade between this i".hmd an(l ltrance, Jk.lgium, Britain, Scotlnnd and Italy, a fact of which

-..---. Ute l\'riter o~ u An Economic History'' An Econoanic Hmo.., of Ireland.. y D. A. is quite unconscioU.II.

Cbnri ,\!,.&, The Talbot , Ltd. So .for the early period. The


ICC'• •

trat-Jop u11 nd rle--oocupation ,. ',....( b • 1 r...- rk~ I• not now felt u • harddttp, rather il it the delibar•re choice of Irish prod...,., dictated to th•m b7 obrioua- ;)!' ln,•ry advaut.&;e. \\'h.r Mnd ~'O<XI to d.iA-tmni- oad UIIC:e-rtai.n merket; itl l "'" f onot.b~ near loll Jtaltd rNdy ,, all that h I upplied to 1!

A persun 'tho Wtt M t u ..... rt d nonsen*" • DPither an ·oo m:_ ... t 01 r a hU.toriAtl~ We havo• dealt 1 >I< wit ~ gelle~ P.rinciples ~"nuu :.ated by t:hitl UNC aenhfi< amateur. But · ht .. ,. are tuany • rr .. r of detail T~t~ ' foci!'! · frequentlr llh wrong as the prilll'ipleo or. unfounded. It ia re­g,.,ltable that ••rrlt a book should have been lei loo..-. or that an.- competenl ,..,.der ohould have passed it •· fit '" be prin ed for nn educational firm.

T. OG. llMt1' 11t-.; under the Dispen&atJ' lion.,.,.. AM) . • ••

Sum 'fo:eived from other loen.l

'i.o~ net.. later pertodft ore tno.ted with an equal 4,768 This J,. Q huJ 1 'f'olume of pages. J degree o! ~nco~petence., We p~ss

Tire author in lli• p~ ds for over the mdrgea!•ble. ha•h of. the Insh bodi~"

PaJID 1tt Salet

2,.563 himRelf that 44 it is neces to 8 !~nd 'System wht~h 1~ descnbed as a I C of relief 23,797 I large extent pion-eer worl!:. t it i· lo~:"' 11Dd v~able c~mruunal. •Y•· n olonial Days proclute of "orkbo- not to be hoped that the hoolq(lll not tern ?0 page :j, " 11~ "e proceed to -

form• ln,5881 suffer from de!ech BJ>d omi .. tm>s, hut somethmg m:ore defimte. . • . rt Other r ~~ 31,783

1 that in ''i•>< , 1 the daily uilireasiug T_be questi!'ll of the E~gl"'h Navt- h" foDo~ rng extract taken from import•l1lrt· , 1 the •uhject, lie lnlst• gahan Acts Js the m?st nnportont J1f "The Caae fpr Ireland" hr the Be?!

n .. ,. 1,1!08,400 tJ1at the acruunt here giv.,_ w,ill be of all the. me~s whrch off<'Cted the ll. ll. Eagli•h. The arttde origin-fran, loan1 for b-sildinp 9,762 Talue, not tJlenly to sdholors and stu- econom1~ Jl08.dton .of Jre~a.nd.- The alh- O.pffated 1n t Jr •·Dutte lfiner.

1,818,152 The re,·enue of the year was very

Jpuch gr.•. ter than the year before­Tit~ inr ~ll>e amounted to £230,570. There Wit nenrly twenty per cent, JUnre• me 'lt")' received in revenue, nearlv all .. / it from t)le poor-rate struck "'' the rural districts and the cities. The following is a brief sum­m..-v of the erpendituf\> from revenue of the boardo during the same year:-


Jn .. m.lnt.aAne6 C'• 'It nC m&ir~tenauc:e of bourded·

children C1 t of aU outdoor relief •:x~~r eo:t of d.iltr t ~ehoob lrainttnan of bllild, deal and

dart>b afle) 1d• t• in Wtitotiona and C'O.. of rt lief in ext.em ha&­pataltl

End,. too "'ial.u·!ila td l!llC.IanJ of Otllce1'8 ( · ...-s a11d medal, tok •

£ 701,236

211,120 204,810 ll,&!!a

23,31~ Nil :100 20.i.

dents, Lut to all coocen!O!d in the "·el- DI!"'D~r m whtch tills queotion IS dealt Lon8' l•·f··r• the .,.,,Julio ,. .,. lure ol the cooutry" The writer wtth •• the keynote. The sketch oa wen <Uld" I I Ia d nary' .

· h ··-" ( di' b P· iO of tbeae Acta is totally inade- omen, ' "' n ,....., • r• !'d nng I """' D<e •tu ed at least t e t d · I 'd t th . to flee from theu nat« •t •• ' t· t>Xi~ting auf11..-ities on Irish trade and quae, an !JTe& n~ n•a 1 ea !1 eu nl:'w world. 011t"" of thP fi.nt ·!.mf'r:r;n l'rnnuruit .. lfl('(ore he had .the folly to nature or fur-reachmg destructive con· sett1emeis.t"' ••f t1u Irish'"""' ·,n ' • .•it _do"n ~d writ.· upon,. subject of se<lueo~eotl. Title lco~me~t of !he I land, ~be,.,, ~ith the En li•h (~,_ wluch he digplays u. sn,.,..;•ing lock of wn.t..r ts te on y il Umlllo.hon of mind lies d , L rd B I _g h · f · ~ -r~- . -u·h1r.b steals from out lhe eoTers. In- ft 0 .o t~ore •. ! .~~ 111 ormnhon. ·~ne general- ..tleotment t d f din pi . . tb c~·own iJII'ruo;+•h•·!ol w1th 1mper1sbable of the .uhjo!ct i• based upon 11 false s ea 0

• expoun g or e.x ~lD'!'g . e glory ~ b•ing the first ••.• ! ••• , ... •. in conception <>f Iris!• history The first ecouoJiilc nature of the ~nv•gutioo A ·,& ·h l'bem . 'I cha ter is entitled "Celt· Do.n ond Code the author attempts an apology, 1· D!en< " ere 1

• .'. l'l:'"t Wid re­An:lo-~ormoa " ood d~ t .e th whicil i• rrohnbly unigue e\'IJil in ti1e ~-gJOOB,b. "'"" phrach~dl. Thi•, ''"~ at a 1 t a" n1' • h no m e historv o our countrY a.• writt..n b.Y rme w ;n ot .,. w 1e hod fled from .eos egree e _tgJ ten us on. tl•e s.ull- C I -, t H 't .. all 't ked- persoculiou m Europe perse<uted in Ject_ of eady trade. f The wnter n:~~~ s. ere 1 lS m J s na - turn, tHeir wt-uker brothers. , doe- aot appear to bava any know- . . In Pellns,·lvania., '\ •n Eo 1a.ru1 ledge of the work of~- Green, nor Th!• pertod ~ee n-q melaachol7 New 'ork. Gnd ~e" fpr .. ,~, th!I:ri9h of Dr. GeOI'ge O'Bnen, and bas rtGd~na:, ~13' alle1'Ja~ &GOJewbat b' a set.tled lD n UMnds Ul thf' r.t·~f'l te<eJ!th prohahly neTt'r heonrd of 11. Egan <:oaalde~tion o.t ihe cureum~~, and I c·entury. And u rihutt'd in n(• "Ol J! Kenny, wlru, under the pen-name nf the doaunant. tdt~ of the tim.e. The I mn.nner f. \\drtlo~~ 11! k ' rt• t]\" C n ~ean~Gh~U. Ita~, contri}luted so !Ouch n.uthors or thill lecilla~o~ Wardl,. con-. adopted lund t· r 1t f~t


itid.1 _

wfmmah"u 'II tha earlv and medi..,val aider,.) Utol thoy nn trlilling the hopea den<••. I~ 1()83 Tl n D pen Irish trade. It followS that a 111-rit~ of an inra.nt iado . .tr,. Rather ~b~ ~· Eo.rluf Limeric-k: nn'u l~i:l r~:b~ who hu no kno\\·ledg~ o! commerce l.!J thernttlna • W"11e planners ...... • 1 "·ae uppom {• "ntor r Xew YQJS not equipped to lrt•o~~ of t~nomic&. the pne,.~ aood, even at thl •x_penae af Like Lard H.lltuw. I• -i~ i· Ni In. fad, llr. D .. \_ f'b .rt possesses a looal IUftetln&. lrt-la.nd wna considered. ton hJrLfl .. pt. U~l ~ n. r~~· !. 1 n~md fllllh· w !Uillbtlu.,l uu Mub- olonJ, Ertaland thl mothlr oountry. M b t ll 1 U L .._ ]eot-oft.tif.-lu!~ol.Ll ... i•· .. \- -. Theburdan.ufF~ -o.:t •m""' JmiJi ~~~k~dtl)''ltLO~n~.·~ 1~' .•


18.008 tbrQ11fb tlw._.,. pages we fin that 1t tary, finnnMal nnd <lll)lc 1U· were ..-. 1 I 1 ,., ;th ( Kl ~ J i 188,993 woult re( a. ten.shilling volume to great.. She had to I . ~ it were, the (~IlB ~ • 1tJii t 'a n ~ t

app\L.nntdl · 11 wofkhoua.eA A II other poor r.eJitLf 4spenditure

C' ontradic hll the misstatements which. lhilld of t'ht whole empire, nod if abe lr ~ttl I - L "l t nnr . ill ~ "'h "' Total expenditure on Poor Relief 1,476,-dS nppeo.r Jn it. We ha:ve Jipnce merely \tere serio01l1 weakened, all ,..ould be un- mo es ' I" 11 "' • (lr 'H(U ~tt : Ut

The table io worth careful study. to notio" the followipg: "Not till perllled. The woollen indu•try hod lor tlmt aU ~ 1" 1 e\·ery sn<h !''""'0 '1 or per-There nro other expenses belonjling to about the middle of the -e'IJ!hth century centuriu been the <t"plo of Englond. :!'"• m? 1"'1. tnne t~ ~'j!" and at fl other duties perfonned by Gtuirdinns, does coined money begin to appear in The mere•at.ile marine, tile nursery and tm~~· n:;~ l &T':san u Y ~~~J· " '"' hut for the mo111ent we. coneentmt.e on the Iri~h records. It was ,probably te11en·e df the naVJ, wu nn extremel:r or lf JU g~~n or COD.!K:Ien~"'· ID the l'oor Rl'lief. It will be seen at a introduoed from the Continent " important factor m the defensive oyslem. mat~rs 0,~rt>hgron, throughout all tl"· glance that l•ss 1 ban ball tbe Poor Re- (P· 5). The writer ia evidl!ntly igaorant -n. ... two o«:llpation•, lherefore, must be pThce. ld I , h lief exp£>nditure actually goes to the of the fact thnt money was coined in jecLtously guanled and pl'flerved. from ose 0 ns Jlt .n ltt t .m t of the poor inside in IreJand by Irish. kings_ A reference to c-ompetition. e\'en with~n the Empire. The fiT. & had a d.l~~y 1 h tta• f{'hgl• IL~ workhouses. The octnol amount of lin. Green •s " 'rhe lla.king of Ireland statftlme:n of that ti~ belie'rina: u ih•J' 0 era.n~ fi.D 1 rt, ". ·: L .. now ~H· the coat of mnint.ennnrc- of the poor io- nnd its Undoing" would duzle lfr_ D- did, m the, eB'ecti'l'enea of Stat. act.ion of I the · ,f the t _ou~t!fUI •n side and outside, induding those in A) Chart. On p. 6 the writer argue-s an fosteriaa. end guiding ~tCGnomic develop- 0 t 8 \:eaT JmnaOOwt~J~ rre ed ug other institutions, and hoarded-out fliot Ireland C'Ou}d n6t llave had a. m.ent, aaw no 'at'f'Ct. wrong m repreujng t~e R;eya otJon, 11\t"n frOm f•al" .a children, i.• £958,~80. The coat of larg~ foreign_ trade .• -Y. ''There wu a~y c.._ndoney of Ireland lowaldo ind!'"" I".menck, Cork, W~erford and '!ht .. 'fllnlnriea and rntinnK of officers was constderol1le tntefcourse by sea. wi tnea, to wbto.b !\he would eompete wttb Jnsh c-ouutres fled . u A~r .an.d £303,205, lllld all other Poor ~eliof G"'at J3ritl>(n and the Continent, as Englond, Clld dit<Cting her rather to ~rought •nth them 1'1< longtag, stilled .. xpondifunoo nmount!'d to £183,093. indeed i9 shown, if no other proof thooo, an wbi•h aho "ould Le on uBefuJ 10 l_reland, to be free. [I "'88 they and So that the eoat of administering the existed, bv the numerous •liT· t~rur deecendants wbo helped. to en-Poor Relief to be vory high in journeyo Ot Irish sa.ints. But tbere lrind!e the fires of the llevoluholl, an~ proportion to the cost of maintenance. nre no traoea of ouch large trade be- No authority is quoted for any I pro..,~ before long..,. opportumty o, Roughly opealcing, it appears, as far tween Irelon<l and other countries, as these stotements, whloh are C(uite coo- l»"e!•grng. ~bemoelvea upon the d-.. a.• we con judge from tlrese figures, untlouhtedl'· existed between the trary to the known f!UI< of!ltl J>olmu ".h•cl• bad refused ~ !lllow thnt it costs hnJf.o.-million to adminis. \"Ol'iuus 11nfts uf the .Roman Empire." history. Englund &sHUt't>db bas ne.Ter ilu>tu to liTt"' U\ JK'ftC• m the11 : ~~~.,.

W regar-ded her;e)f .., " Jrt>land's land ter n million in poor relief under the e reeomm•nd the writer to obtoip tL mother." Even il she did, it would · Before the Revolution. worlrl•ou•e sWttem. cop,v of thl' " Irish Year Book"· of make- I he apology wot11e. To pretend

The foll01;.;nlf are the expenses of 10091 und lo 1-end cnrefull;r, the article that the Navi-"on A<t• were- intended hon.rd• in addition to Poor Relief:- on ' Earl;\· Irish Trade,' by Sean 1 h "- __ ,

ll Ghull. in whio h it i• conc1usively or t e " general gooo" '' false and Exf)edes und•r the lfedicol

Chari,iel And Vaceination A.c:t. Expell.Mil uadfr the Lua.atic

Asylum• Act ~ lor roaitrlratioa of birthl,

deatht AD.d marriage~

SuperanouatiaD. ExpenHt ua.der the National

Sohoal Toaeh...., .lot Pa7mut. under the Galwa1 Boa~

pilol Act, 1892 . Pqment.l to other local bodie• Pa.7ment.1 i.rt re1peoi. of borrowed


Other expense•

:1 untrue iu all its snggtastious. They Sdown tbat there arc many trace. of .,·em intended entir•l< fot Eu.lJand',

24JI,776 o large foreign trade between Ireland · 1 · " and tbe Coutinent One fad alone enr1c lment, to ,., w·e to htr alone tl1e

2,200 JIO"ition of mistroso of the seas. disposes .of tl•e 'ontentions of tlt~ Th• Woollen l'mbihition bad not bin"' wnter. Our untiTe 'writers mention "

l!,91V that Greek m.rchants attended the I•> do with the Xnvigntion Act•, and 31,399 · nme lung ultor them. A writer who

faur.uf Cnrtnen in WPrlord, and t~1 DJU:es them up inTerl!il history, and .,.11$ a 'JlN:iol market in that t&ir 101" the reader to a degree of com-

384 tbeforeigum who sold silver ua gold f.lele obfuscation. The \niter •hould ornaments anfj otber prPC'ious stu1Fs. I' 1 li ·· 1 b' 1

4,4-77 We ba.'t"e, moreover, the positive und earn a. Itt e po hca L'ltorv be ore conC'lusite :o~tntt?-ment of Toeitus in the nti~plndng tl1e ord.Pr of even"ts. 1irnt centur,v of the Christiau ara, that One con judga w hai fie tion this

30,968 the porto 01 Jrelnnd were better known writer ill cop~ble nf conc .. iving. Per­IS (538 tn morchout• nnd traders by reaaon. of haps it would be wio•r for D. A. Chart

' he o.bundrnue t.r commerce thM. t~ ta:Ji~~u:t"ft~· p~~ur-c~n~~~ t~l~'~ 340,005 'nf Britain.

Add tho Poor R(llief expenditnre l,-47JJ,d8 On pnge fuur of this aUegecJ. contains a numBer of ,statements • Eronoruif lliJtory , it .it sfated.l '\Vhl(•h con unly lw descrihed as

l'D•hl)- I hot " tllere were nt> to\l'WI ana . colO'!-"'ll.. On p. 108 we ore told lew hlfge villages." Now, i~ 80 hap. that " the loeo of the corn trade Wr.s Jlt'ns that thP famous Pt=le of heen made good by a rl'morkable ex-

F..xpendlturo defrayl\d from ]patUi: For workboll8e buildingw 4,!01 t'nder th• Dispen~~ary

HoU.MI A.c:t, 1879 1,«8 '1 1 · h b t 1 -·· -•t pnri,iun •' the trade in live cattle, ·" ""'u" no, t eo t e moe • e. Y 11·hirh is n,w more than)twelve time<~

S,M7 1n ill<' \lorld, enumeroted in,hi. ""-"' . ~reot as the figure• of 1811." This rraphv no I.... than len ill'ilstrioUII I ~ . ~'-

01'011 Total of npeDd.iture . 1,8211740 Thi~ i~ a very heavy expenditure,

whi<·h proddr-011 a wide. field for reform. 1.'hf' En,:l'lhth poor-law •.lstem was en­i'orTed on our country without tQ I it~ needle and condl tions. The work­l~nu••• were intended for those whom tl1e deotntct.ion of Irioh industries, aa

citie• 'in lreiOlld, three being ~rll:. " er,onom•e ..... tor, for the ~oasump­nd ..,ven inlaod cities· 'l1hia: - tion of the gra&ie,.., the ranch owners,

a.bout the yrar 100 A.D. Tbi.o 11M- nd the familit• of herdsmen. po.-o· of the fiction that Irelobd cdilld On p. 128 we "" told tlaat llave bnd no trade beco.use sbJ ·hod no u Irish •hfpping b •lmost ex.c1uailelt towns to provide a ready 1ll8rke.t~ erou-Channet Tri~th proc:blee ia either.

gain tbe num~r of RomBD coina, not. exported to foreign countriGB, or, if mainly of the Romnn Republie f!!!>llll it is •••I obn•ul, ~"'"",.. throtlllh England

During thf· tew :reat'!IJ hefort: · J i' f!,p TO]ution all r]linkjng .A.Ineri<o.~l that an OJl<'ll hn>ok itb Englt" d only 1uat t•r ( · 1 f" Thus t that T'I"Jitl-.Plltat 'i...,. • 1 1,.. c: o .. 1 .. sought to do 1rho.t · 'w Ir ... t u dom.., to-do.y-to l'lllt l the nq.~ •I , t 1 ht·l ,Ve()ples 1111h thru t .~u • • ~ ar .. u Fronlt:lin, writing" from Loadt"' in 1769, stata'tl. ·~ A.lllre]and h "'LI us:' in favour 1 1 the AmericAn . ·"'h<" I sead you four pamphlets IHJtleu 1n Ire-land, or hy Jnabmen J1ere~ 1n w),,r h you will find •otne e.xc•ll""t "•·U-said things.•'

Three yNu nftPrward8 h~ 'u,)t.od,, wh~rf' 6e. w 11 hoaou h'«l h,· I>Oing allowed to''' n~ a meeting • f tht• Irish Pa.rliault'llt. Writing " little lnU,r to William l•'ra111rliu. h• <'X-

~m::/~!t~'~hot~h~ ~~~~~~ ~i: 'I!:•:h~ If nny Irlah member lr•,ulol I "I'I"'D to lae m our r"untry.'' .E1 .-..nhrott•. ln .. ~\ ufsume ,f thr ltL..,),ph.nt ... ·

:r 1A!:ri~ ~:~.~;;r~n~~~~~~~~!~r~.~ confirm them, ith tht" ~ JW tah• n -that nur grow1ng W4"'iR'hf ruigbt llf" t~ into the ••11le" 0Ter a stretch u{ 160 )tar t1u• !'bode uf Franklin appt~al>~ lf1 11' to kfi'Jl hi" pn.,. nlist', and ft' alrruw uur Wl•iJ:Iat intn tbf\ • .tl1 uf J\l~tit'" (ur lrt"1nnd .

Thut tlu"' patrints ~t( th£.' ("nntin~ntal ( i>lllf1E' !1 rt'rOtllised and ".J'prec.iatal


Col.0.1pr:e ,:'t.c.nn.6.1n 1ntr, co •n CU.·~

~ST. FLANNAN'S, ENNIS). PIANOS 0~~ on8;:0 :csl :o~!~;'~vf'\1::.;: College is an ideal sdtool. .

• u~!'c~~e::~,.i"d:i~e~~V:;:· _Univer· l Preparatory School lor boys, 9·12, luar ~·

We are the only Firm in Ireland who ha1'1' reCeived delinriea ot

eerablished, where boys will learn to speak trllh and French, to epea.k, read, wrlle 2

'¥/.:hSc:iet'lCC or Music tsucht for halt f.Joar every- day.

Re-opens 61h Sepremb(r, 1920. Funher particulani from

An f: U..tur!1n (The Presi4enr)

SC01l t:lR1i;'Oe s~~~M~l~bD·~E~+~~uS:ir~~.L Elementon· and Advt.nced Clauu for

Jir~s~pils: prepared for lnu~rmediate aad A\Arericullltion Examinutiohs.

Kindergarten and JuniOr Cl .. ~a for 11 ~~ :ild s~a'i:s, u:~;;.~\uenrion .. paid

to F':re ~~~~e~~:u:~~~;~ HJ~'0;1rinoipal, MISS L. GAVAN·DUFF'(, M,A.,

Sco1t t:l1'1S'Oe 70 Srephen'a Green Dublin,

'flhO will be al home to pareola every ~:~lng, exCf:pt Saturday, rrom Au&(~;

URSULINE CONVENT, BLICO. Uninnity Soholarships n.c 1"01\ iD lut two yean), In.t.ermedia~e, ~. Pnpila prepllred for lla~laU~n,

(:()mm~ ~1o:, s:r~i~~'.P· Lelii-

Raidential School of Domeslic Science Attached.

Books of Irish Interest. Posr free

•. d.

i;;;"'T:n ~::'rJ:$cnl'ii~l4~~rl~ )7 0

Ma~bJ ••• 13 6 Th1 Gad E. Lrsaghr.. 7 0 U.bow in Ireland. jas, ConnollJ. 4 8 J'4J•s of Tippuary. C. 1. Kletham. 4 0 'fM D)·nantlte Dramm~r. Alice

Tit. ~!!!~,:~dion :E.. oe'iin. J 4 0

c;tephend ~ 2 ~~tSocl~ w;::;if~;~ f;~· c~::!:;;·

Rev, L. M~enna, S.J, " I 6 Mlllt4ry. R11l1 In Ireland. Erttine

Chtlders. 0 8



Tobacco's, Cl8flT•Ues, Chocolates.



Jut nnd wide. Have you worn '" Ita •· !>ocks Hn\"'e you Hen the u tta 11

8~~lf~! !it~ll~H~d "~liTH tWIN~ FOR. 11 Ita " Hosiery it~ made by lrlah (aboul". It i- _good vnhte, lt ia per£C!Ctly made. lt ia Irtlllh thron~h ond througlt. Nec!a more be soW..

\ your dmper• for " Ita 11 gooda BT. tTA'I J<NJTTINC INDUSTRY, ENN-18.

"' 1d your inquiries to FRANK "· H. O'DONNELL,

Eustace Street Buildinaa, DU8.LtN.

1j PI\Y ;roa " llll " mRd&


105 Gulnus



125 Gulne.aa

Tbaao are .veT! mnoh b. low present prices for inrerior inttrumante.

Secondhand Pianoa al~ waya in atock from 88 gu.iaua upwarda.


D. M'Cullough Yon can ace these Lu,trumentl in our New Dublin Show-rooms, now open

26 Parliament St. DVJtLIN.

And at 1 Ho•ard Strllt, Bllfaat.

M. ROCHE, watchmaker, .Jewe~l~r, Sihtenamith

and Opttctan, 80 PATRICK STREET CORK.

En~ngcment and Wedding Rinh._, Wo.tche" Jewellery, <'locka, Wed· ding Pr~ents, Sport~ Pri?.e&; ~V~~:tch and Jewellery Uepnu11 .a l:.-ipeculltty.




John Kivleh an 2 O'Connell St., LIMERICK.

I P. C~~~!!,~~.~ Co. 31 llxcbequer St. Dublin.

I!STABLISHI!D 1894· g ~@l$ji!l§!l®!litj

W. K. CAHILL !Uti ol C.II.UI, 0~ 10 W. Hollaea lbe Pooe.~

~ 22 DAWSON STREET, DUBLIN. Rtpaira and Post Order& a BpeoiaJlt~.


Degan Friday, July 30th, and will run throughout the

month of August. A Crut OpportuniiW' of BICUrina --Cenuine Bat~au~a tra---




Luke Burke --OR--­




·-0-~---d-S-.I--M-d-l---; 1106 Patrick St., Cork. o d an 1 ver e a s, Tara Brooches, lc.c;.



Tara Brooah.


•• COUNTRY. ;;





Han your Hair~cuttina, ,Shavina, and Toilet Wente IIIOndtd to by

.JAMES MALLON Tht omoial Fronaooh B.rblr.

30 EDEN QY. (ntar Liberty Hall), DUBLIN, Old and New Comradu alwaye welcome.


With three genuine Gillette BJadea, ;: :; POit fnt~/8. :: ::



I Capel Street (near Bridge), DUBLIN.

O'NEiLL•s., • -Far Value 1ft-...- •




An :S<!.e"Oe.<~.t Comtutr: t::<l11;'0e Um Ul't\.Co.'O<lr n<i1!'11lnr:.eo., t::eo The Irish National Assurance Company, Limited


Tranut'tl Ljfe, Fire, Lin Stock, Fidelity OuAiantee, Accideot, Bickneu, Motor Car, Pinto Glaaa, a.nd other Auura.ucea .

•to,ooo lnvelfed in Irish TtUitte Stookl u 8eourlty for thl LUI Polioy Holden. •6,0001000 ia drnined out of lroJa.nd yourly in As11urance Premium•. You oan,

b;r tnauring with the Irish National, help to retain thi11 huge aum in Ireland lor the upbuilding ol the Irish Nation. We guarantee tht.t aU our fonds ,..m be lnvutad In lrtland, and ut~ed to help lriah Enterprise.

An Agency with the ffiiSH NATIONAL pa;ra; and we have opening• for 1ome good workers ••••••

lD Maocheater and DiAt.rict our Superintendent. ia:

F. FA.HY, IJl, Mou Lane Eut,


LAWRENCE CASEY, Gonoral 11-.

I ln OlniiKOW our Superinteadeat. II:

SEAN O'COIINOR, •• Jnaram BtrMt, Otucow,

and our DivUrional Manager, MR. BEAN HEALY,

8aml addrNI. 1'111 Company are optnina up other Ctntr• in Elllland and 8ooUand, inoludiftl

London and Lhttrpoat. Liv1 Wlrtt wanted n Aaenta.

TALKING ABOUT IRISH INDUSTRIES does not extend them. Prove your interest in their extension by purchasing a


If you ineet with any difficUlty in being supplied by your Local Agent, write to the Manufacturers:-


,,.honea 371G 6 3717.



OtftGI and Showrooms-58 crand Parade, CORK.


Manufacturetll of Ladi01' Un­derwear. Alk your Draper for the •• Artan Brand.''


SUPPLY. MJ pric:u are righr. Secondhand Cyclea from .£5/10 10 /A/10. Front "'heclt, 16/6 . S.ct wheels, 19/6. Covert, 8h 10/•, J2/·, 15/-, and IS/-. Tube., 3/8, 4/81 1/·, and 1t·. Freewheels, 7/8. Mua-

KAA~b~Jd'N~S ~::··£~}~~C:o ~~t ReCORDS, double aided, 3/·. Needle~~, 21)0 for 1/-. :r ... NEESON,

(fyift ltYf Gnzrnophon• F~Utor, 1114 NORTH KING STREET, DUBLIN.

L. J. Berney • --DEIITAL BURGERY--

33 Westmoreland St., Dublin.

IRISH-MADE GOODS. For Man's Shirts, Hosiery, Caps, Etc,

p.A'Of1A1:S 6 hAllri1uf1.A1n 81\J.m t '"""' 10, ~ u ttfnte.IIC.

SlOP A NA nGAEDHEAL. For Footballo, 18/6, 18}6, 21/-, alld 26/-. }i'ootbnll Doota, ·19/6 and 23/6. Jeney~,

~~c:;.n,2 ~·:do;• 6~/~u~{o~ B~t •. SJ./66 and a/iJ. ~[outh ~rgaot (GcrQlan)

1 1 -,

2/6, 8/8, 4/0, 6/6, and 7Jil. lleloaeono.

Cllnoh II Ql ... on, Stationera, Tobaooonlata, and lnoomt Tax Experts, Churoh View, Navan

McDowell PROTHERS. E•tabltshed 1845

14s 6d R;t~~E 0 • CLOCKS , .. , .......



800K8 publiahed \11. or Telatiug to Ireland,

~~~~u~rg~ 11::r~en!~guJ:e t::~~~~i':b Fiction.

8TATION,RY-The Chenpeat Bonae in

~:!!tin10Pen'!;r~~k:, ei~\v~~en~iua~: :!itt 0~~~f;~1:1~~ ~~~ifse ~~~u!~i!:;thi:: tbey require at the lowest pouible pru1e.

Wo bold a BuJe. Stock of all well-kno•n Pipe•, Cigare, C1garette8, Toba.ccoa, etc.;

~~d~•w:~in:~s~~~tan~0G::Ia~1 an~0:; ~i;::,· s::;~t<:i~ o~!~~ pr::: B~~~=: Photoarapha, .etc.

CaJI or wrlft. Satitfaotion &&&~rant .... One Trial will coaviuoe.

IIMGill Ttl'ml for Lar• Qlllntltl ...

M'QUILLAN'S Sp~el4l olf•r to r~4d~rs of ,, Efr• 06. u

I Gcnnan hollow-g~uod Razor, "The Orba," fully warrauted.

1 Good Strop, brlgbt Ruiogs aud caaY .. blc:t. I $Cict McClinton'• Shaving Soap.

THE LOT 9/~ Post Pr••·

McQuillan, Toot MercMnl ud. CatJ•r,


Patrick Mahon National f"rlnter


,,.hone 603.



Coatunte~ and Suita of Irish materbll to order. Material madtl and TrimmH.

Pri011 moderate, llbtabliahed 1178.

17 WELLINCTON QUAY , Ounn$ 1.e '06.6.ndtrt"D; n6 h-&!p8.6.nn



lrilh Material only Stocked. t LA. ORMOND QUAY, DUBLIN.

-THE IRISH TWEED HOUSE. We have the largc!st varietlL-Qf Indigo Blue

~?;:'~n~.ia~w~e:!de i~do~\~:;t~n~ tert and lri1h Labour exclnaively. Patterns &nd aelf-meuuremeat forma aeot an,....bere. 'CAPEL IT., DUBLIN (Nr, Crattan Bridp)

----<1nol KINC8TOWN-­

.0HN NEUCAN, Proprietor. Ttrmt- Cuh.

AU CIAIMI at work Madt to Onler •




34 PARNELL STREET, DUBLIN. Alpain nNU~ IXIOUted. Eltimat• free.


Auotionatn, Valuators, cau .. , IMep, and Pia 8a~ea~Mra, Fann 1 t PtodUOI Faoton, All,, II


Adverlinment• under thll head IN thWIH fer II tht nte at 1 d. per wanl ; n~tnimuna. 1/·.


mthnce01n CeAfCif'$.o..nn m6-nce6•p :S.,c:o'l'h1.&ta; 6 t. .. tt::

¢onn•rt4 ri4 1 n-..At luAin. t;eo&616 .6R C•d to~~4r £ '09 &fl. fC61"1 tt£1.e.-6u CIIII'CtU.I1 n.e. ll·l•fi~A~drf <'~S .Oll p t~Un.e.t-oe,

~~~~~i'~~~ ~!~,t,4~~~~f6(n~,"~··'·· REl~~l:Tr~rera ;~~~ ~U.~'t:J and KilkeiUiy. frr.h apeaken preferred. !'~~~to:~ft~~'::d':!~ing fuJI parltl,:ult:l. to

IITUATJONS WAHTED. BOOKS writteo;;r, boloocecl .,;~

chD~~. ~~~~ A62, A;~rna~'ire~~Jate ElfPWHil'!lo'T .. Clork or Boolc-k..:r•

quired. b;r.dlam.ialed Teacher, •ic:timiled. W; political ground•. on ollfw. thi~~.e any auitable light -work_. '~lfiL" yOUNG Girl, agod 16, &eeka emplo,..,eot

u ShorthiUld-lypi.e-t.; kno~l~ of ~~~Jll~ references. Apply A66 •

D~A!~n~era~~t~b~er::: ~~j btl:\q_cltea; firlll-cfnl!a referencesj fut worker I "r;:~3'g.~~gnp;OO in Englan • Apply of.B


A DUAGO.-Ueat Hair Work at ea.t. ' l'ru;:ea. Transformationa, Fr1nge. ao.d

Ba1t Lot.tona, Restorers, etc.-17 Street., Dublin. 0. A DRAGO.-EJectrolyais Comples10n TrMt.­Da~:~~~tr~·, Ehrera Dragob


A Uli.!.GO.-Theatrical Sundries ol all on ·;.~'.~.tWoD~·,..;:;es~. f:.~~. ete. i ~., A (;~~f~11~r ~~tuW!e~~s. e•~!f!!~~. ~~~ ln'lh .Manufnrture. Commil'lsion bnaiJ. A!>JIIy AOi }~ire- Og.'' 018. COATES' EMOI!DCAT!DN (lrioh-mado).

Iteruq an,y brand uot bearing lri•lt 'l'rade Mark. XI'



lUke your arransementa in time with


for your Winter Supply ()( Wolfhill Coal.


. Made In IRiand.

a a rd In 11-, tt·, a •t·


Bn one tablet of Celtic Ch<>«!Jate beuuoe n 1o 'l.ri1h. Hake that • teA. H you do not ind it the niceat, moot doliciooai,r­fluoured Chooola.t.e JOtt hive enr tuted, don't. bu7 it agaib. The Celtie flavour clings to the palole.


H i&h--olau conteot1oner


M. CAHILL, E«lestasliC41 WarBllouu,




B~autilul coloured pictureo entirety

produced in Dublin 2s. post free. ISs. per doUD..

Busts of SQme .al lOS. Bllch.


Al.-ro. Ejoooo, .llliddlo AhiN>y St., IDdo

AI~~~- .J Son, 6 aod 6-Afol .. worih Ploce, Molea•orih St. -· &r.u.. C. Porter aad CCJ., 1.23 aad 1J5. Old Lodao Rood.

0«11• U.-n. EUon 0 Cuill aod Co., 95 Patricio s ...... At~ New• Bra., 20 Bowliq 0......

Stroot. Tnllla

.E . .,'Co=r. <ll Aohe Sln>eL Lin.-.

Dowling and McGuinness Jtholtule and Retail Boakllllen, ltalionera.

and Tobaoooni1ta1

1 HAYMARKET, DUBLIN. I ~ Po~r Murphy, 18 Scot.lasld Pla,0111.

I NOIITH FREDERICK ST. lnol OA .. DINER'I ROW, 01 BUN. rtBce 'Phone No. 8; Lairs, 'Phone 2059.

irN: 01ftce, 11 Fact.on~~~tin." ., Laire, 11 Sheep, uwaaaa."





e1ne os G RELAND

Moore & McCor1acl Lilt omECrsA.ILINoe


Gleeson, O'Dea I Co.

I "--Limltotl-

tl A It CHRIBTCHURCtl P!,Ml&o ) ll DUBLUI. 11 11

1 T.Jephoue: Dublin 111.

Vol, 5, No. 33. [New Series (a),].

Current Comments I' followtn~us lie wns J)ub·

l••h ,J lD the London "Dilil:)'" 011 ~~~uy lost :..:.The 'Dailv lfail' learns ·Jip.t, following .the Government'~ tfdi u i · • J•eJ'usal on Friday to release th~ l..ord Mayor of Cork, Aldennan 'l'erenco

.u,Swine;)',•nl ptt'6ent on hi• 26th day huugel'·otriku in :BJ"i:rto11 J oil, his

ioude in ,London addree&f>d an urgent rc t it.iou to the ' Repuhlicnn ' Go;em­meul , y Ireland asking that Al!leJmB!t M.. ~" llley .be released from his oath t~ p •; ,j&.,iQD gi•en ltim tQ take

• " l.u. Sortbcliffe 4as bo8lt

u,tf • role•· ng bis de~ lor~ 1 'I:J\'nt otf Cork's ~ ·re~easf!t J:aii.

1 • \I 111 1 • puttliaheS · this me&.n

h1"1 a dyiug nl&Jl.::.....a lie calculated I .,. t1dditiunnl pain 8lld dis-

' ' rela.tivea.. Siw,ilarly when t ,. L""d MaJ!Ol' ol Cork's predecessor wa,e tn'IU'det·ed·. the. '"' Daily } u was used tli' ·to·,, hio relati'Vllf' by pub•

•h> tDt infamous statemkt tlla.t Lord J I nh .MocCl.Jl"tin Wa.~ 'r mur­dt\1' 't.l 1 ~Sinn Feiu"erS .. '; Perhaps Lorit

rtL l D<· will investi~ othe coin:o ( &1 nc • "' If so, hti will discover, we

sourrea to be one.

) j \ I .. <l;t tb• LoUdon " Mo~ I • '-the orga.n •of Dyeriem o,.nd

l> t L'utJe-j>ubli~bed n slatemeqt a t "' .. bulk ni. the R.r.c. had

'• .. 'd tn u•ign if \he Lord MO.yor

na" ht»> tu1~JM·nd..-tu <•. and •• 1 the ruc:u~rdt.wn Of t6.e

t: ml·l• • ~ •tiP~ .of IreJindc ;NULtllcir

and G<>vemmelit 'will'· bG I gratetul· 11'-;vour. Ex~!~ •k··• prow\lt actio'!.. m 'l'l~w r .. < that the :Lot.d M,o:y01· is J•ucot oi de,th,


~~ '!'. O'CEALLAiGH, "DelegaJe at :two~· Of the • Irish IU!piitlit " .......

1 h corresp~Jitdl.ut of " ll hlt n a Mi.lCUJ,ese j•.mrn:.J.

L1 stetenients on the whlch have heen

J, ted hv \11 D. ll. 'll'alt·•· The Fn,~o~l1 p1urasnn•li~t hides his fali(e:-h u•IC.I l fl"" the pe~-name of

f '\:' , 1 ""'~:· He Qy ,f)ltn t;IU 1'Lrl· UC in bela.nd two

1•11r 1 P :f•utl c:ll·l.!nnumbet1J. This, of~.: cnu 1s ,.,. jJ_, djspuaN. of by quo1.­it1g h l!g,uo td tlt!> el~ctions wlli~ 1 lt ft• ltCt"ll ·l•tld, and "'ltich·prove thnl , 11< !.Jilt~ nr the people are on ,._,ne dt•

..... .. ... ·~·lid <ltetement is that. m..t.,.. n.-lu "' province in.' lrelQild. , •alu.d ioD. o.nd ta.xatio~ are

t • that J,eiiu.ter i' tb"

ul 11 •• • '.~t· ~~~·~;;;;;:;~ ·I R.t I to 'thai. that statement occufiatliim m drewn, would put her

ltk<> proc,ically all the ststemento own 1101i'Be in ordPJ. It does not need ob~ut Jrelo.nd that appenr in tho .news- tho tJCute intelligenre of the Itslian paper mentioned-was a cowardly t•ace to percoi•e thn.t " mo.ssncres and fa.t.6 hood. Member:r of the R.I.C. episodos of' civil war" occu•· under the h ... writlet> to the ll'ish press ,... inspiration 8lld octive instigation of ,.u~iating it., nnd the Unionist Dublin the foreign ag&nts, end th~t the policy • Mail " wrot-e on Monday of an invader must he to stir up strife , venh>g that tiJe R.I.C. hoth at the amongst the inhabitents. Tb~ inhabi· Depot Qnd elsewhere denied and tnnts ,llf Milan, the people of Lom-

1 hardy know better even thun moot strung y reoentod it. The persons who 1tali8lls what foreign occupaliQn insj.ire.l: and the newspapers that means. It is as futile to argue in fa. I ,.;nted the infillnou.. falsehood are the vour of Engli•h rule in 1relnnd ns it " ' nd lh• new~~papeno who pro- "'ould he to argue in favour of tbe ..,.

:.. ndn1itAtion lor the force they thus ~ulllphon of AUAtnan rule in I,om-•1 The Y,eople nf Ireland under- nri>

1 full~· that it is not the members b y. + .., • f • lte R.I.C. who are resj>on&ible for No natiion bas been th .. prey of di ...

d d•· '"lon to do the r,ord Mayor of union and dU.e .. nsiou to the some ex· I,

1 t~nt •• Italy, The nUlllerous divisions

• • which formerlv e>isted enabled ,in. lir ('hri•ten.en, tb& U.S. Presi- vnders to, .seize tl1e country piece-meal,

,J, "' cw•didate of the Labourers' Now, -irollody knuwe better than the ""' Fonner·' Party, in reported to Itnlio.n tbat the unity of his cojllltry I " · """I the following cable to Mr. is ~e best8'uarnntee of ito indepen· ' '' 'd George denee, Dnd that any proposal tn divide

Yon hnve nppalled the 'world by his cuuntl')' into •epara.te st&tes could you•· cnlloJus indi:tl'erence to the only come lrom those who wanted to fleatb th•oe• pf the heroic Lord weaken 8lld per•hope subjlJgate his •l 1\ t r uf Cork. country again. lnvade111 hd.l"e never

The slayers of Joan nf Arc had promoted unity amongst tl1eir •uhject • • such o.s yours; so, too, the peoples tllld they uever will. To divide tlol. utione:rs of Robert Emmet, and and gnTern is their, the old

th htUJgmBJ> of Nathan Hale. R<>mnn )llotto of" Divide et Impel"'l." If the Lloyd George Govern· Partition to their principle.

:u lU not tym.n.nical7 J>rove it by • • + Te-ce MacSwiney and '' La Liguri" del Popolo " ni Genun w.ithdm·wing your e.rmv of ocoupu~ "*'a. .. !-- f th d li()n fi'OW tha •oil of .-..e lrJ'sb ». cou ....... !l copy u e corre•pun en«>

v " W ....,.. to which w., hoTe nlluded. This jour· 1111hl' · ' + + + nal, publishing the reply un (b., suh. l'lls following is a translation of " jeet of Ulo!er (La difliculta dell Ulste,·),

t l""":tolu t~-ent last week by Sean T. refers to u our di.'ltinguislJed friend ~- and oollaborutor, D. M. Hales, Con· O',....,Jinigh, 'l'.D,, to Signor Giolitti, sula.r Agent in Gen!lfl, for Irish Com-

' •e..llulian Premier:- m<>rce." Tho incident. is import&ul, '·Yuur Excellency-! take the as it ohows how ruuch English pro.

libe h of calling your u.ttention to pngauda. tc$tts on " Ulster," or ra.the.r mllttet· llhout wbtch it would seem llolfnst. Tho Italians will be further

lmp«J<ible thut ;you, your Govern· •nlightenl'Cl b,v th• burnings a.nd • " • aud the Italian people ran ,booting• whirh h&ye twn place and

1 1uaun indiff-erent. I refer to the the proofs of H these mo.ssacres and the Lord Mayor of Cork, •pisod"" of ci~l 'War " whlch .h&ve

!1:~:.::r~~ ~-::; route. For particur.,.. ol "-*'- &ad

aaflinge apply:-Dowdall and Ce., Ltd,, 11 .,......

Parade, Cork. Weatherlll, 40hn, Ulll .... .lrOfiar

Chamben, Dublhl. Burke, lohn., and o.., 11 te n

Corporation atnet, ...,.._


lhta.l. ocial 'polio• • I • banks. The l June Oth -Mifhuel Walsh, Cappaqoin, on the ~cene, inquireq • r the wounded Jlloney which tDak"> 'Ulster mare Co. 'Vater.fQl'd. but would get no jnformatioa fi'"Om go , omes from t:.~ , tilt. Now the June 8--Tbouuli :BreU, Drom"-, those in the lorcy. Ut.tcr#hrarwh J'""k th<! S..uth are I Co. Tippet'UlY· · · • Hegarty, who w., •.!l"d 30 ,...,. a !"""A' tb.eir • 11 tonoer It-is ststed by I June 26-Corne~ Crowley, Bantry, Volunteer, but Lynch, who .;.. 22, !"'' Engli~h new •l"'l''' 1>at in one day I 9o. Cork: was not a. follow~r of Sinn Fein." •n.a ornull Wl.•t .. , h·Clnnd town the i July 1-Miss M. Cuunlhane, Limerick And here i• ' the &eC<>U.IIt •opplied large """' nl • •l"t 1< "n-and pounds Cit,y. from General Headqulll'lent • nf the w ..... '1\·ilhd,.a.wn l1um .-...ut accounts Jul,v. 4-RidJru·d Lumley (aged 6(1 llritish Army of Oo,upatioa: tn mstct ha.n.~ und I ferred to the Rean·ros~, Co. Ti_ppe~.. .. A militUv Ion' ("(HI lUDift Wl

l>l'llndu .... r Sou!t,. •t• a:nks. In the July 4-llichuel Slnall, Upperehw~h al'mod ei!Cort ··broke down y•;d•rda t<rn·u uf Clnne~, 111 •h&f{ban, three Co. 'l'1ppera.ry. • nenr Bnllym.oketora, ( o (Hit._ and wa Northern bonklt • ·• n·ed notice July 6-Jnruos Dun no Ferns County atfnc ked by a large pa.r•, , ! mea. Tb

1 thnt huge o.ecou.n:t.a .,. l>e wit.l:Jd.ra.wn Wexford ' ' &Rl·ort dtuT• tlu• u.rtJt kt lliJ off ODe nf qn Septe111her $. •1" ~ney will be J ul~· 8--1'bomas Foory (aged 70) ,.11om "a lril!ed and fou ,.'OIIIIded. tnmofened t.i Sriuth• " hBDks. Tb11s Ballycolll.lllon, King'• Co. ' One nf the wounded hl6 since died. ll '' • l•nr <>I all •v"" that BelfWit July 18-.l&meo Burke, Cork City. Tbore were no militnry •vualti.,." emplQ.Y• a grent •I•·•• ,J cash from Jul.1· 18--,Villihm M<Grath, Cor.k.City. • • + o~ber ]lar<• nf 1,..' ·•~· Blid that its Jttly W~Tobn O'Brien, Cork City. Th .. recf'lll vord.rt of manler J'l>o anegecl wealth '" h,,· ''' ml'ruls self. Julv 21-Daniel McGrath Oorracuma <urdod by ('urnt"'r ' Jurie ill. Irela.Dd "!"'uireil, but that ·• pends finan- 'Cro•s, Co. Cork. ' T!av~ been followed by , ukase from rially on l'uu•bern • t. The Bel- July 21-Jame. Cogo.u, Oldcastle, c.,, the Engli•h Government prohibiting f\lst tJ(tyrult 1-. u .!..t. Te movement Meath. inquf;'Hta in tfm Iri.;l1 counties., The I•rornnted i" • "P !lie •l!ll!'rom of our Julv 29-Patrick Duggan (aged 10) oinioter •igniika.nce of the fact will be l>flopl~. b~tl it ~~ n 1,, ltoiVIlo;• a. very im· n-. Co. Limerick. , lQ>Jtltt'ent to a scandalised wnrld. yr>rta1,1t ,-.~ ,,untm r-ftt '"': ua. provint;r July 29-Thomaa Ranis, Ururee-, 1 :to

that 11 de!><'ndo lftlr!•'· if<Jr 118 fundS Limerick. The nnctnrnal raiding df ).trivate un th" South. July 30-John O'Sullivan Limerick hout"~" thn>11gho~t !,...lund h:v the Eng·

• City. ' llsh a.nned forces which h.o bees r 1lu~ Irisb ,)OuJ'Ill • .Association July 3]-.lame,; Mulcahy, Nh.•ker, 1•u. 1 ried on for t\\'o :J'ea.Tl-J 1'·"01 has deve-

hu del'lined to penai" "' mn1bers to Lime-Jit·k. !Qped uno 'I{'\\ ffon •· Hitherto the !urthe-r submit to Hw 1 .:nih· of' at- .August 8--WHHM\ HArtnett. Emlv. Jwus~ .. t cl1•r \tn£\n w respected, tDnding twice dally ll l)uhtui Ca.otle Co. J,imeri .. k. at least •I n•jf I ;:.. ' lh..., h......., to receh·~ trom U. { of tho Eng- A-egtltl.t 10--Thof!l" .. Farrell,\<-\ Dulllin. ItT(". it>m~ t:J.I~•,.J n Tho h.~ u.-;.es rf li•h Propngando ,. -trio~ nf 14--Po.trick Lynch, irU<!piu,I, ""••·r.olt arhohc • I• ·~ ~"'" thro~ out lihtls on Ireland, " correction Co. Limerick. Tteland Wt't l'llidod lo t " k -a IIJoT of' nny ut tl1e fal&!! illsued from 16-Edword Paget, Lim~ri<k . thew i>oing the '" f 1 •• "" rold, J>u.blin .CMtle 1

J made, eTcn City.. l i\1 IT Pt>l!tl, 1' I not l'r or J.a.u t ""'~h Jlcl • referred Atlg'Ust. l~.Tt>hn O'Connell Derrv , Duhhn, fnr<uo rl U'T I tc• lau\'., df'Hl Tho.t gnllou, Cp. Cork. ' ~ hru r 1 \r II'"'~

l>ll.._.,~:w;;·u.f-1.1,. ' ' k I' slwua IJ.I\~·. t>\-eri lt-1 0 fill! ·pe....Jod, ~("i '( .. nri goM to Dulolin ('..,Ue to l'eCEive tbie Augusb 11-'Andt"'w H,.v.,., Tipp•l'lln disgraL·~ful propngan.du wuic humilia.t- Town. ' "

111· l' ·t \\ t ll.l.lllu:..r ( •• lll\H• : • Hut { ru· '" II, we r~ncv, w•• built of different 1 :nlwr to Lb" malignJWis wlm order their- soldiers u hreak into l'n.tholic • lergymeu.•s boU.!eS durin" the wiclnight lwur

ing. August 20· -1'atrick Kennedv. Arute •. caul, Co. Kerry, ' . . .

Lost wock that instilutiQII issued a fal•i11ed return of ~asualties in Belfast, but thJs \VQ.S OS wo.t~r tmto win.e to its i88ue of another· " official return " in which it deolared tbat the number of civilians lcilled in Ireland from Januo.ry lot, ~919, to August 21st, 1919, was 18, and the number wounded 49. Tbe number of dl"ilians 8lnin in that period by the English armed fui'C<lll in Ireland -exolUHlve of tho.., slain in the Orange dots nnd 111 -e-m· 'With armed men-wn• 51, o.ud the numbe< ~·ounded 562. Rer., are the names of the men 1 womt"H und 'bildren thus done to deutu, and the dl\te of their slaying.

1919. F$111'1tary 12-l'atrick Ga'l'in, Ma.dden~­

town, Co. Kildare. April 6-R<>hert Byrne, ,Limerick City. Apl'il 26-Mk·hnel Walsh, DUJlA'arvan,

Co. W o.terford. June 6-Mathew Murphy, Dundalk,

Oo. Louth. June 29-Patriek Studdert, Ki!kee,

c ... ,clare. August 14 ;Fra.ucis Murphy (aged 11i),

Ginn, Co. Ct-. December 28th-Lawrence Kennedy,

Lucnn, f 'u, Dublin. 1920.

January 20--Michael Daroy, Coora­, cla:re, Co. Clare

}'ehrua.ry 4--Robert O'Dwyer, Lime· rick City.

February 4--~ii-. Helena J obnston, Limerick City.

I•'ehrua.ry 14-Jameo O'Brien, Rath drum, Co. Wicklow.

Murl'h 20-A.lderw"" Thomas Ma.cCur­tuiu, CQI'k City.

March 22-Mio• Ell.en Hendrick, Dub. lin.

March 22-Micha.el Cullen, Dublin. Maroh 29-Jamet~ M...Cartby, Thurle<;,

Co. Tipf>l'rnr;.·. Ma.rl'h 30-Tium'"' Dwyer, :Bouladuff,

In addition, Mr. Pierce McCann, T,D., died from the olfect.. of his iw­priaoll.ment, ond two civilians "W('l"e

killed hy Engliob milituy motor 1 iw gentlemen-in-w lnp; oa Sir Iorrie•. 1 Edttonl Cnntm ,, nrow impooiag th1

J't>ligiou!f k!oil un nN spa.per men E ... ll Dublin Ca n ... " ,. - JIODe "''

An institution that pa.ys uut CJf the r .in itH " wftr"' on ·hf" journalistit' pul.Iil.'" putstJ to L·unceal these fa· tj prt f 4 "" nl1 The- I · · r Herald," on minio:tiiiu 61 to 18 and 662 to 49-i:lli n :- .• :du, 1-.: \n I tuHowillg 8C·

sel!~conl~k.ed t·riminal. Since. th~ l&!lt ''llJt 't tl ,. h•· ... ....., • a.-tivities:-date. Dlentiorwtd. other c-ivilianM JJaYe \n f'1JIIl]IJ':~·nf.! Amtr f ., juuma. been slain. Hero •• boio· Dll Irish I •, nataod ('•pt.. l:du '' F. Weigle. newspa.Iler de8<7"ihe~ the la.telrlt killings '''I 1uwut ll{t 'TUo Chi,lg• Tliltune • of mtore lrik!h ltud 'ru.ite an adventure 111 H.t& .. ·(I

" On Hunda;v afternoon, according 1un·nn.rdH Rttud nttoa. 8!" ,,, "t ted 01 in fnct~ Q.ll;c•ert.uined by 0"\11' Macroom tonu•,!u, fn.cing Chmnllon ~tift! oo thf'!' <'UM"e!iJXmdl"\n t, Ulrt"t" large m()tor lGt·- \ ''" tuw uurdSJ RtJnd, aud w u prepar­rie8 pu.s~ed through Mo.croom at top 1~,: 1 • · l'on.u when ~ rruwdt ~·ho .had opeed. The first and la,qt each cwTiod lutberto heeu w.atc·lnng t~• upemiioa, eight or ten armed uniformed me.n, o.nd su!'denl.r "~'''lVed !he 1de~. that be the middle IOJTy was complete)y 11118ht h• " Pnplol. and t.. u•ure covered in wit.b canvas. They went L- the.mse)TC:'~ u. n1eznbet· 11 tht! mu?:» wards Dalhvuumey' IUld near tl>e I" '·" he<,l and, ~luntly ""ked him ' Cross, a quoJ.ter of n mile from t.he v:il-~ " f, 1n~ rehg1ou Tit A mcn<-an. lage, 1\ltd not vc.·r;..· fnr from the scene (. Ul111~ from u f . . t <. untrt ·. "~ na-of lh• l"eeent futal attack on the mili· lur ' nunpl""""" the laqwry tarv patrol the middle lmTV pulled up w I would not l."' hNirtl '" • l!"rt on .the llid; nf the load and" the oth• rs • f 11' !'·orld out.rndt> lu '\,;rth 1-'*st pa.o .. d Otl, to.king with them the driver t ~n~· 1 ~I' :;·1 r "i .,j ~ •• ....~1 r of the eo•ered wugon. P u• '" 1 un .u ~ ' grup t

u As the motor lav on the sid~ r.f I rolluntJon, U:Dd nnndtalllntl\ "-.Plied. the road it is said childrf>n from th I • I It~•' , I, ••. nu u•h10• n I m

'll • h ' • · · e I Amen<. n. H1.c mlr'":f'1 ~tr ~ll'tl '!'I tljfe gnt er<>d round lt, < urtouo t" 1 1 t " H • ' know whaL "•QII. inside. h ·t • '«' pu ou. c. a ·'!-"1""":'1' n

11 As tlto cmwd grew larger one lttd 1 -aucl "tl\: ~td Cln· 1

•n '),;~ t\sual bad the lemeritv tn Jift the canvas u.nd , -.- - .;nur Muw 1n r: look in. lmmcidiately • a volley rang h~o , f •ulphuro~•. "l'lN .'"' ,'" d~ out, and the ten'lfted .,._d fted in all !o lh,..l•eAl't of wd•t<on~ ( hr<s .,not d'rections. Ut Delftl>ll-ohouled lu• ml~rmgator. 1

" w H rt· t' f B 11 . 'ou mu•t havt• • n!ligion. Whtltthe m. ego. l. uno Jl"e o u ):w .t'Ol't.l't u. C"ln •ian. nrf' yno.-;,t

~okee-m, who. hod come along on a And tl~t• iankt>e. with t ,. bno.,1Jnfl"!l;.,_~ 1ucyde and dismounted, WOd wounded of lris rae found u w . .n: m:.; o.f the O!J the shoulder. He dropped IIIII diffi< ull r., l<'lling L ,., ~"'>~:' tor b1cyole and 1'111 along the fence, but 1 • 1 1 1 h • • he receiva1f two more bullets, which t tat ' "' DIH , • ., nr ... WC' • ""' cr""n."i

killed him. ~~ ~ ,:~1 ~~.' .. lt •.·~·-d • 'H: ~n ~·. • •· nt thi.o moment is sufferingo occurred tb.., II!Celltly in the presence

•1 I !n uu. E~trlish prioon lor his of the army of occllpation.

Co. Tippernry. Apl·il H~T11mos O'Lougblin, Miltown· ' ~!nil"" . C'o. C'lort'.

,. CloRe b~ was the houae Mit hoe I p81

,1,t • ,

Lyndt, tt\' · .t w ho<iif' snnM •' in thr ltl ojflc pnnclples. .... .. ..

I .beseech you to ndd your Engli.b 11ropagandn in Italy and the • t·tful voice and that of vour countries abroad strh-es to impree

6 on

Gov&rtUDent aud people to the vOicell foreign public opinion that the wealtll nf tlte whole ci .. ili .. d Wot'ld, who, of Irel!Uld is in m.ter. The truth i• 111 'I" nnm• of l'mma.nity, demflllds quite tlJe reTer..,, The wealth of Ire­Ibn! i his wan be saved. lund is b:v nu mt'tlJlo confined to Ulster.

' -: J, only crime of which Terence ';l'he ho.olt aooounts prolfll thie. Bnt it M,. 8"· ip.ey. Lord M&yor of Cork, is 111 a. fact that the weultu of lrl>land is ,.,, lt' i• that he i()ves his country, ,diverted northwards, n• a 1·esult of the

.At,ril 14-i)utrit·k Hennt>sqy, Miltown­Malhay, Co. Clare.

,April 14-Thoma• O'Leary, Miltown. Mnlhny, ('o. Cllll'6.

:April 17 -Tbomns Mulholla.nd, Dun­dalk, Co. Loutl>.

pri! 24--l'atrick Dowling, Arklow, Co. Wiokloll.

Moy 18 .lam~• Sntlnders, Limerick City.

.lt.I.C. foreeo, 1t.nd nne tl! whom. M"M'ed 'through the late wnr. Tho only bov at .h;ome, Alit' hael, w na having h•.a whe--n h• henrd the finng, tlJld l'llflhod ont loo the gutc leuding to the road. He was shot one&, and he died tram the wounds lnllioted in t.htea hours.

" It iH ulles,."f"d tbat tJ,, ,;nn_ w ftom n mac·hine-R'UD, and that • JJ .... l'oad 'f'7' turn up "·ith hui)..U..

" nov .r Sltinui(k, c· c' wJu1 , amt


, ---------------------------=y 0 UN G I R E LAN D , ·-_______ &_t_u_rd_oy,, s,.,,t._·ru_l·_·,_ll,2_920_

'<" in futnre. The gentlemen who ; on tbe 30th A[;t, in which com-~ her pap• were free and fall-. "'"-""!•toted that und.,r tbe old regh11o U.e friendli(>~t. ud t1 , '"!rt amicable rela· C~un .. ltap .. "' Lan· .,l"'uT .. eXisted be. lw~·n tlu• Pr-o h· .. !J.IJi aBel Catholic ,·uum1uu~h hcrt..•. and that such a 1Ling u 1..-h~:it.u, intolerance. ::'11 un­known atn1•n1.! t ru;. · · ........ Th., fulluuiua J.."'("ntlemen as.tembled

under the "Union J" in. the Courl­hnu~. Bandon, • u Wedn&Sdn.y ·''eek: 1 h~ ~:.Orl ,.f Bandon. K.l' ot Lt.-Colonel StnJIJ•ml, ~ .... rs. P. S . .tlndy and J. ~1. IIi• k un, R.llo., for the purpo&oo of Iii ~n ... mg Eng)i .. lJ .,.Justioo," but a.• the•no .-a... no business doing the

at tin~ uf tb.. · ·(~ mt·' was a-Ban-duot-d ~ nu- "t I w·tllt•U people" Jn lb.ndom. s 1n • .tl ·r pl ;u es in Ireland, prefer tn La\'t• ju .. t. ~ dealt out to tlnma l1' t Le · • {.mtn' n peop1e. ••

... .. . ·• I nt \'t•n- 11:ou1 : .. ]ea."Fe DlJ case

tn 1lu ('uurt," .. l ... t·n·.=·d a Prot..estant f')E'rJrYDIA.n, wbtl 8Um.tD<:Il.ed tb.ree meD ol a Tuam (' .. qrt for attemptmg to pn. \'Nl 1 him ( D;tting timber on his !ann. -.hidt he h!ld let. to them lor 11 muath;. The Court decroed the land• 1 hr roglltfnl property of the complain­ant. and ordered the defendaats topsy £:/AI expen-. Wben the clergym&D tbaaked the Cuoori, the Pn>sideot told .him it was oul:v n quesb.on nf doing )UNtie • • ......

Lu·t "'""" • young ruan hnrJ:ed itb l1N'.akin~r windows in Proteflltallt

1\bd ratbolif hnU.o;f!S was~ at a Re-pub.­Ji<aD t'ourt bc!.i aL Temp)eport. C-o. l'nY"Ill, fU:"D nu:•tl to seven daya• im-. pr1<40n.ment. A'" bP had hN•n t('n d,a.ya an 'on Ut'.Dlfnt, ~~ 110'<1"~ h\l("ntt.d u • r ... iDJ! o;;r.t'l'"'r'P), cautioned. .....

'fL,. Uusrbt.•nrd R~nhlic:an Court, "'L'' h at l:~!'l.t \\"eek. d1sposrd c•f matty t"Sl.! "· indu.ling .-w,, at the iut&D.<"e til dJt· H .. ·pu.Liir f, r slnnder. At th.., "-Amtt f'nurt, ot the- ouit of the School Atten­•fnn.' ... ~ Oflicer, thirteen ~ta W"ere fintxl fmm 2. ti tu 5.- each for nat com­J•hirojl' \\ ith the ~hnol Attenda""" On!~r,

1 ,, t' bicycles thanked the Court 1 plaiJIIIat rlnim £10 damage• for uamined D•> you think the more person about to be comruittod should ,,nt_i t 1e Yolunteers for the clever man- suc:h .. ta.ull. er& was also a. cross holee in P·l 1 ' the foster the milk would have committed or otU•11111'•'\i ' ·· com~ urr n wl· ~· b the bi'1"cles had been 1 c .L"'t~ b.)' Xo:vnnaglt ag4inst Sullivan for '. ,rot• ' ut" "\ · The Court decided. mit some ut uf '·iol•nc.e> to h 111 ~df o tn .,1 while t.b.e pnsoners told the ' nttempt to ••saul~ with a !~too~& on tn ,<r • de<r<'<• for £4, nnd lOs. a<>li· )Jel'881f i1r to oomo other hodv before }'u, ,J,•n they had no complaint to j snme dntr. There was nloo a. IIUJD· • •'• r'• fees, al•o · '' of Court. Tbitl llt'inlj' oommi111ed. This on on fad don·• mnk' r their treu.tment while in cus- ntOUR by Sallivan ngainat t ·on eluded the husiuesa, and the Court nuthlDif wrong 110 far, but it wvuld be """ f," hrealUng d<>)rn a boundary fen<;• then adjourned. b~tror for bimoelf if ho "' , .. pul unde,

• .. • nt th& mountaill '"''"'""n Gurtafona • • • restraint. The Pn.lident that .A.t the Republican Seesicns bold i.u ond Kells. The!" wn.• a question <>i A Di~tt" t Couot under lille .U.thorit, the pradi<e uader tho old rr[fim<> of

1'uiLIU on the 26th lll1li 27th August, till• rai.ded in tl'fs cnse b~ defendant, nf Dail Eizennn.\\·OR hold in th ;x,.;.. not committing"" iuKnJie person many , ~ ...... weri> dispooed of, the mo•t oad same wno adjouroea peu?in« a Hall, Balt§bnllllio, on Moadoy '"rk, •umo nct of Yioleuce hnd first he<in •enou• being one in whicll Yrs. Mnrv I hearou!l' in a Hilr.her Court. \Ytlh re· the )!J'<!Sidmg o;rhitra.tors baing M.....,... committai wna a mis\nke of the firot Tiem•. , Knodo:atee, 8UJII!D,oned Michl. ferenee tu tbr· &75ault case Sullivan~ ,Jamea Yorri•, M.C.C. d.& the 'hall-) •magnitude. The Couo·l mnde the or-1'""'' for osoault. llr. F. B.. ' p<l6ed be ""' "" Cap~Ot<>IIUKW.taiD awl Pntriolt ~ly. There "'"" a. der •ought and allowed the doctor the '1-I.Jonogil, solidtor, rep•esented th& looking afll•r jlleck. Def~n~ liP- large Attendaa-. of tl11· genetul pub- u•ual lee of .£1 Ia. t'I\D plninnnt ond the defendant was prtlothed tu'ltl issaulted btm wtth a. lie. Xr ... Tnhn Coyne, 1'nvnh~, ... ... + ·ld••ud.•d t.; Yr. P. J. Concannon, •tidr. on the head, ioJW:tiu« some llollyhnuni• (IRlldlord), plaiutifi; Mr. WAtarfood'o lint fu.publicar. Di•-,.,! lltOT. TiernE.'v that on "'oundB. De-ff.llda;at toldl· him .to go and lin: .. Tnbn FurTt. Kno-s ~~ trict Court was held on ~rnesday week. du {>I' Juh drlendunt aN used liec of home and d·d'th•• blood ofi bl.!Doelf. Ballvhnunis, tenantS ·and defendant~~. and, oayo the "E••n•ntr Xewo" having kiliOd hi• geese, .,d se<erely There""" no nfgu~t. Complainant In 'this , ...... whieb """ ndjourned (Waterford), "it,.._, bn-in••-l'kto nnd • ot .md ktcked hel'. Dr. Costello .aid tbNO went to t..hercoveen. "'here he from " I'·,.,"''~ Court, tbeJiointiB pAW.I.oking. It del~ed r, r B11<i grip­b •• ottended l{,.., Tiemev who oeemed "d his W<>und~te....d by ::llr. OTon· sought poo....-,•••on of & bon'•· ·• pro- ped nothing hut facts. It .,.,. no~ to han ,,....,. knOt·bd- ~bout a. good uor, .' henilst. ·~efendut used t~ perl.>. Uid by tl~e tk>fend llt 0 e<>""""'ed ,.·ith hoary, unconventional dl-nl. There woa a , ut ohont H iacheo prenouoly t .. h,. mother a.loout him "·eekly •rnt .,f; - Mr. W. D. Coyne old sta*- aDd 'Art. of Parliament' }011

g on the beclo: of 11u head. To Mr. I complainant I It I!Ppeat'S tho whole uppeared for tht• pla.intilf, Yr. J. that did everyUoing lmt rommand jUB­Concannon-A foil on st<>nes would not trouble ld'boe ilt cOIUlection with tres- F. lloleo for 1 L deleod,p.nt.. . .After a. tioe. WLnt it oougbt to diopense, a.nd 00

.,.., her inqurie•. Lvons said he pas• of n hor<e, Kavaulljfh'" property, verv lengMIMed hearing of tf..,~ did diep81188, .,.,., Ju•tice, not ooked llrs. 'l'ierney if Sh& ki¥ed ,his ou. SulliT8.U'"' .mountain. Il<;fendant th•,' Court ~-tDed to consider ita--a..i- 'Law.' " !fe"ot' and she oaid she would killlnm- clunnod tht> i'fght to lftt.,.& hts Lotoe .ion. WLen the Court reaunied 'the • • self .. ~ w~ll nnd begnn to throw stones there. Aft<or r'*"M· consideration of Presiden~ ga.-.e the decision as fol- In opening the Oourt the President at rum. H;, .truelr. ber a hlow ,-ith a all tbe e<idellle prncl.uced the Court low•:-l•OT the ... uons at~~:ted '<e ha~e said :-"Tb- Court., 118 von 8l8 reaper be had in, and she fe!l ~mp~ on.J:'ntrick Ko.nnlljfh a.~e "! agt<oed that Mno. Forry •• to ri>lain J a"'ar&, been 8t't up .iJa 'ordor to ""*'~"' .-. smoll wall. }'ourteen of bts •t:ol,. m tddthoD to rostl atul sollClb::r.s p• '"~'" st~u af tAe boue. Olld \t>e- have I administer o.beolute jUJttice- between fuwl died. Jame• LvoDB, """ of d.,. fM"•, and hound both parties to the ~gte<tllll thnt, ~"" the altered man ond 111011. Th" formation o{ fendant , .!IBid be KS.W iln. Tierney kill pNC·e for tw•·TT • mnnth."i. enndttion.n the t~mes •. ~ rjfr. these Courta hM been tht" outc )ID9 nf t•u . { the geese. A mau namt'd -.: • • ~o~·ne-. t!ai" la.ndlord, 18 ea.tiUe<l . ..-..n conviction which has lteen OOm& in llanni• n "'"" also !oolo:Dog oo. The A.INIIIJ tit oth•r cu.•eo deul~ with men,,..., ta of 2s. a "'':"k,.and upon. Dail Eire&nn that jaoti"" w not Court adjourned the """"· for !he at· '·:· the Cour' "·ere the folloWUI~ :- tb&t L• •• .t" '"' allowed, tJ.te ~ to he obtained in th& ordina.ry Briwh tendance of Mannioa te gtve Mtdent:e. ( ~Lt-n<IH"4 n R.D.C. v. Eugene Ring, and ~xerCJ..I& tu that pm;ti0 ? of the •~ourts operating in this countrv .• You.

• .. • ll. W O'S•ill, John Sullivan, and prem,_ held by Mn. 0 Bnen •. :Mr. have 'law' enough, for which~ou pay On Tueedav weolt the fir.Jt, JUpnb- Kro. ~obo . O'Sullivan. These Arbitrator He&lY exp,..,..sed thrlwl'c d...,.ly, but Odr bitter <'XJM!'T••n· ~ hM

li• n ('ourt ;...,. held ;, the Temper- "l'h• "'wuuoll&eO inued at the snit of that there woold he no f~J!lher an- !.en that yua c1o not get OilY jwttire uu(•• Hall, Loughrea. Amongst the p.laiutlf£~ kr failure to' man- DO)'f';U<'l', betw.e~n the partle(~ The ~tha.t 'law' and ju~til'e IUt admitlis­'a.14':-. l.J~tiotl'J waa one io which llr. \lU' lrnm th .. n pre~eA. Ritun.te at apphco.t.ton of)~. Moles for 4 ··~'!. wns tend in. the Brii.iab court~ had ceAsed Jame• ).(ulcair, solicitor, '11'88 prooe- Pound La,n.,, •h••)' having h""u ulready refu...,d. The mcrea.96 of rent ."uld· to be oynonymoao t<'rm1. Undff cuted '·~ tLP Republic for, as alleged, twti&d to do '110. It *•• sta.ted tha talr.e place on ~~ ga.l.f .t •.:. ,31st Au- theoe circnmotaa.,.., Dail Eireann, taking • bicycle, the property uf ,. Xoti<es ,..e..., duly •arved <ID the d.,. lfWit. Tb" decoO!on wRA r~r~-.ed with the Govenunent of this rountrv, .,..,, l" milD named McCarthv, trying to retain fendllllt.• and .iDope<:tiolli.• carried out. loud applo.uae. work to -organjoe these (',uri:. aud I ~uu,e, o.nd u~ing threatening ud In t1tret· cuses the mot~ure was 1"e-- think yCYUJ will Admit tbat 1 lr~v h&\'1' .lhu."iT•· language towards Repv.bliean m<ITed, exc-ept io the cnse ,.f Eugene 'I'"'" young girls wel"e rec'tntb' de-- done tbe~ work '"fery w.ellfi 1'f~tl; and PcJic, while diochargin~r their dnti.,., Ring, who~ did not romply with the 1""''•"1 from Gorev hy 'Volunt~i-. It tho.! so far as th- Courts 11,, opera.. Thf. J.t·l~t·f' otlker in , harge gaTe unler. The aehodnnts wrre fined and appe-nrro thnt H<;me time n~ tbe tive not even tlae greate5tt enemv of

tl L h h ordrred to P"'' r ••• mother , .f the girls had ...,moved ,!let th n.- bl' ,..._ ·

dem(' 111 te effect tWit "' eD e ap- •• I ... • .. home> to w~x.fordJ but ~ girl4, \\"hO ah"t .uovpU J.Ciln \,TUYemment hBA boon J•T• , bed llr. Yulcair in connection llo . Jon .\ O'Sullivruo, Caherei- are ,,~ted to be het\v""n 14 011,1 17 e to flad fault with the wny iu v.Jl 'J ·be mntter he thre&tened tu anut wltich jatioe has been adminim~. Inn Sul"""'""ntly the hicy·cle ..,.. • ..,n, issued a Ollmmon• again!rt. Norah yea,., <I ·'Ill'• refu.'led to "' 'lllJ any It ha.• been, administered impartially,

k bo • ¥r Mulcair' h ..._the O'Sollivan, High Street, for )lO!!Sell- her. Upon rep,.....nto.tioa '"' n made the Conrts h&fl> llot been trunomelled :·;; •:r .::'d .,;tnrned ,! ;b:' ;.:oer. •u n nf hll1UI& situote ot High Street. to the Yolunt....r antllori!'r r Wex· by uy of the old re!llridion.• or u•­Tir • 1:'1 trllN .aid that if Mr. llul- It nppear llr>. ll'':lulliva:n let ' 1"' P,.,_ ford, IJ1 ~ 'rl wao '"'nt "'' "PJII•'· ug•·• or -precedenta that lnrg<JI.• con­t ilt' lilt' t Uti4(> 1 .. CuT1" lhP Court and de- r.·ndant ~~li\i ''"'":''"!1' ~~t :~b· ~ bended tlw gill a.nd. llrO' ... ' rl m to trol, in 1118Dy CUt defeat. lastiC'O 1 nd I 1 '·'""it,.., uld probably bile f the h their mother... .. • in the Britioh Courts. You ,.., , .ad ~·KMI di'Pc t .\ pf'BrNttl'f ldr. "'1

11° fK.. '


111 '·A •. 1°'• ~ . •r The y ,")J 101 n ''" i'• n.u 11 al"t- .,_... to be thro"·n oa.t ol 'our lel!'itima•.

ll b h f t!'d • II f'1U' t I . \\"{0(•, N nobce - ria..kta ...... __ ~., the diMt ·o•'r("~ nf some ta~t ~.r .: '·.~, Ulant~1,,~,!1: I:.. au'".... '"'1 tu fft .tuh ;tulna«i ... , eN .u.l 't\: t~to i.t Ku ~~........,. . • "'

A.. ' ...,. thtrf"nt<lnfl.l~tu,,h•f(•ndur;t..,t.ntedRlao J . .lkDjou·'llv \U ... ~lli:tt ~~ h ... u J,.,( hee.o tcaken awav l,. oome- 1 d 't t 1 I the wlu I<• ,,f the 1~1,ge "'m , { 100110, for Jl<'Ople lo11g dead. Wldor conditi< '" , n•• ~·l .t•. The Court decided to im- 1~0 nn ~~~ex e: 1 "'119 8 0 en rom .. _,___ r 1 · l{ d '- entirt>lv difl'erent from the couditicf" >er. A ....._., ''" .or J(>OBSeBsion of pre. .....,.. rotn um on on ov "·eo,. 1 1 • _ •- In h C Jlf"" o m•, d .£1 ]7111. Cd. aud c• ... h. nusCH ..-.ithiu n fortrught vas granted. wh ... n lK" wAA attacked by nw~~ed meu t .at o ~tam tV"'W'Y• t ese ourt.B.

• • + ... w}1ile returning fton:i. Tcomevo.ra. here nnd clsew11ere, 'tt'e- simply profet~s llu ('ourt <oonfirmed the fin ... sug- J.ohn Bruton ountmonod l'a.trick When tl>e matter wo• brought tp the to regulato our justice by one •imple

1( .. , 1 hy the Yolunteel'll in J,cenoing Brnton fill' <"'dling hay and turf IUld notice df Ute, tru.y made ,tandBJ'd-thut i•, th• otondazd of Jus-cu.'"·"'· \i•., !! 6d. flr t offenc . ';11 l•'f'"JIW 'lillllf on. plaintiff's lands, and inquirief\, with the result that sus.. tiee and ·Fair ])t" as bet'1\·een 1aan

· .1d .. ff,·n• P, ond in the ··a f' of par- for un n-de1 t, mo.kl\ up ~be bounden piclon fell on o. man whom' they had nnd man, Wu are not versed in t.1''

t" wlu' n·f•JMt~ t •• accept suulmo11Mt9 ft>n1 ~ It o..ppc'·'" that ta part.ition Of ulreadv tnk.eon into cu.stodv in conuec· technicalities ol. 'law' n.~<J it is under-'; I' < tuw , the 1Dlltter was left in · •I la!>tl wa don<'C<I bv an Engliob tion will> the !Ol'Ceny <•f wntcbetr. He •t<>Od in this COUill:ry, and We will not •I, 1, n•l of the Volunteers. ( <. ( ourt Judi!"' .... m.• re..r. ago, Q.nd denied the char(f". hut on heilllf r.u-,. allow aay ol thoae te.:hnicalities to

• • • oal .,,,J,.r made, hut defendant wa. fully ""·"·1...1 Ute .um of £190, m £10 .,....., our judgment or interfere in un•· T' • llallj gun•H !Upuhlieuu Arhi- nnl •r•h 1rd ,.jth tbe pnrtition. After and .£20 hunk not~•. wrudound in Ute, "'&Y with the "vbicb will he

h '·""Court held i • fir<t •• ln-t rr><I·•>R ad per •mg the orders for lining of hio c11a.t. The baiiiii,C4 of-tho raiocd here." v. .... k. Tbe Court, v. 111tb v;u open tt, J•llr'lt • n arul c-u.n .. •pndeace the Jus- m.oney stoleu tr..1m Yr. llcDoiUl.f'll waa • • • •h .. puhlic. . "4" otu·nd.ed h\' a \"t'M £ r d•.,·acl,..l lh~t they bad nn juris- in chequefl. a.nd these the prisonc'Gde 1.'he only Callie listel was one l'l auml-.·l uf local re&idenb. 1b r.- c:li.cht n o bt•ar ·I.e,,,.,. It wu, they mitted Jl1aviog destroyed. Pending which John Roughan, Ennis";J.·mnu. " 'n"· one COBe listed, which 'O'U "''d u · """ f ,. ·lu• Diotrid Cowl. hio tria tl.e pri•ouer i• detained hy Co. Clu.o, {'ro<:eeded ~nst Simon th.>t uf long...tanding cliopnta be- • • + the Volunteera. Foley, ?duUinO'fat, Co. Kilkenny, f, r tw#<'n ' ,, neighbours. T&.. deci•ion ll1111,..,.. O'Neill, Deeli.s, .ummuned .. the recovery of .£18 damages for al-•·f du ('onrt wu received with e•eTY J ... J \liorri&, auctioneer, Caherciveen, A number of Volunteers, wbi1e 1~9· lrged brench of contract in connection tuko·n ur •ti•IIU'Iion by both parti~,s .. r four ,J "' hone W'ork (mowing) trolling a oertai.u <liotrict in Co. Wex- wit.h th& oale of B!llatta helting. :Mr. on r~n...J, an•l tl•~ proceedingo "'""' rooi•·•nt..d h j>laintift for defendant ford on TueHolnv week. were <·oiled upon D. D. McDunald, Solicitor, Wa.ter­

'"" ul••r.I.J,· fadlitoted hv the people D~ tb<> rata of:IO•. 1\ day. It appeared to deal with a won wbo "'"" reported ford, a.ppeanld for tbo compla-i""''t P'"'"'"'· "·ho unmiotak.:bly signified from tlte. <·vidence that llr. Morris to be oettilllt' fire to his hou..,, On ond the dafendonL wns t·epresenrod by oheor of tloe dto i•ion. At the pRid Mr. O'NeiU's son, Eugene anhal the putrol found th~~ot the man Mr. 1'. R. BulflrY, Solicitor, Wale,... cun•lURion the· PrC' .. ident .,f thn Cour' O'Xf'ill, £3 for the Re"iceR ch•imed, who WM under tb~ influence of drink' ford. After <ff'Ident·e bad bee11 taken (lt"l·n·red au tt-~hl:t• ...... 1n which laP(" _ Pin '1 1·ff .. htM he•mode no hnrgoin l1ad alreocly !'l•t fire tu tlu~ mA'til"l"'R~ lhe Court adjourned in order that the ll•th•d ~h .. }'lf:'t•f•l.- fU ltv ia J~t•a((• and \\ ·h the dr·,l'tulant Tbe rAHirt de- of :hP. hed. Tbe patrol IJUf.'nrbrtl th~· Pr("flident uod utht>r .Ju .. tk~·'i ruight ;t

luaJ)Ut·'1\ .. lud not r~ W.l"•ing tbe,ir dded ' .) ... tui t1u .. c~laim wit1tout :I· aiHI c~notionf'd the tt'. n. 1'hn !!ipet"t. the Lnt(>l in f; week t""lu•rf!r\ 10 )"If. t• .. · q 1 rr.-i ... "·lw:·n •a• h preJnclrt • IWd : • .Jlf'" ed lOs. t'"S:.J~ n~. tf ("JI wrlluhr '' In a f@w mina.b-'4, !he C'ourt, hr,ving in•pPcted tt (' belt 1··.: 1 ,., "''h-. • t .o:•ak in 1lu• • nnn- - "' • ht•U"• "' r. they WE"Tl' fl;.:"biU tlrgtoull" 1ng, .aoa•urded the plnintift.r; tl e £1"i ,, .... II f t;J,rc ialh ... i rtl tbr fruition. C'alJPrciTPen ]~ n.c· v. J'olm Houli... calW. ,-w~ time the ncr UJI nt hnd c·la..irned. uf 11]1 .It' ·r ltrrf'" ,..._. '"' nenr ut bud. r, .. u Killflrgli.n TL: ... WQA n wum- lnc•ked ~HJn ... •·H in, and mu<'h 11f 1h~ fur-. Ut •lc"'t1n.J t11::1t !Lr ""~~"ialla.w "hould 1114"1 1 "~ 11, a·t ··1 11u:" Jllaintiffa for niture \fR 11hP&dy on tirt', tltt• man ll<f , 1 .... rd. .nd •h;1t .f" (M.'nlJlP wou1d tlull dtff'Jul r11 J• IT• hMed caU]p on tlle b rn~·lf ~teing in grD't'e ~r ,,f' •In 1lfliH t1du•r .1 dtt.'\ y.·j. h..rl t.1 I of.• l"t'f'' :n~ ,( [,lh AUJ.:n =t. <'ODtn.l'y to- IH u;o hW11ed alive. Tlw Jllltrol •• 'tt' I. tlH.·•· 1\ftu..ld ·~·'Ill ttuattrl•. ·I p Hr"ul.ot.l n .. nf tl . Cound1. . H. l .... mrtl:t" 1?rnkl'- into the lmu~C.P, and •r• ,.J,. liJfi(.'Jn'fllhat drfendnnt duly ro.u- . nfter conaJdtralJie difticulty ona dnn-

.. ,. ... t1111H<I 1,, 1he Yolunilll'l:ll hut he dj,. ger tln· ft~ n,• extioguifthe<l.· The lin Tbur-da\· ..., t..-..k. n. n.•t•uhli au I ,, ... 1nlc"fl nnd •trt:Jurnl their in'llrut1o mn.n \\',1 tbeu p1oced under ~tmint.

(. uut t' C'ourt 1\ 11 ,. held in lhtt Xt•M' f 11 r!"'• nnd. q~; .. I) ned their rijrht t•t ,. + .. Ru • ,Ji•lrid, ,..1d diApooed of monv "'" rnd lu111. Tloe Conrt der~ded to Ynnv ,.,... w•re diopooed of hJ th& c.o ,~,. Sax .Jq tit·, .... orrupied th',.. ~ltlf"i•"t' u fl:lJ.('Inr 301', and C019tA for the... n.puhlicon Jlett.v se~ffi<mR which KUt:

lw>ll• h, IUld the procerd na'i W'PR' mlr!f1 !''"mc·~t ttl the ~rder and ford~ m tbe .Nr•w Hall,, on ,~1 ..... u ,J in IriMh fent1onf'li d1~eto'"·'·t to the Vount4"ef'!'- ~Nnt-.llfln' wef!k- Tho 1,residing nr-

• • .., Hofnno 1eavrog C .,ur dPfendnnt plnc;t· lntralf)1"' were:· -Me."!IIITS, .Jo\n· T. .\ Repuhlicon Ao·hitration Court •• th~ fin... If.,,,,. 1111 the chair) und l'nhi•k;,

~:!~.~~ ,t!"T~;~-:·~.!i':"'~·· .~~··~;: 1 .• ~;~1.''1c.,~:·~~·r;~: .. ~~·.n;n, ,.,;· ,!~~~:~·,~~~~;., ,?:he;n:~l ~utiir' ,;;,'.j \IOU '" • .a 111 "'• tl muuy litiJ(anh uNIPr " .. "' k1·t•l hJ the Volttntf4•r<'

"'''" an.1., tinn fur htr•pt b nf wa:~ant:Y in tb m.-nv ,,( •·hom w.•n.• on d 1ttr ,_,ithin<

q,• of o '"""• pnr~Jut~ II" plainti ttw \all and it,. approaehe". un J.lth F••laru n., I ... ~). It &fJPf'Rl"f't + + + tlu,t •If·!• rul:•ht rnJrR\Z' rial' 11 w tn \ft•·r th. unhntnT , .• _.,. l1ad 'hea r ..... "n•l fnir, JU ,, wr rillht in l l'r f•Op Ju.. I An u}'plir.,ttnD W":t"'o moulP tu th~ wh. r. 11'1 un.- "' tht" f':lJH f J'l\'1"'11 tl• ht rmart r .. r au un),., I utnntittitrtt Wm .w .... tj,.,. ·' .ulto li""BOi •l'<i1:•\"I•Ted t FiU:b1~Ur-ir,. u( J,._ow, to the ro tk-1 •. l..,. nn tht• ,d .. nf ~uw. UP mil l~llhl\fll ,&,.\)Um, l1~ l,aTina l~n c"f'r "l~o•utmW' uut tlarunul• lwlt• wlu•n ab hfic"'l tn"i.anu ht' Dr. A. ~'mith ll 0 "U l•~ma mtlkt-d. thN"t"lJT ~tplaRbin Ballylmuttil"' di"JM"" ld'T dildric.•t. ·Dr~ th. n ilk oa th. milk<'r. Dof•ndon Smith. wl n ulon1itted thf' ,,..rtiflrnt t)(•(Hi~ D,. fn M)lt nr t'ft11" n. "'aic foT th • ilfh aiUt'rll If tJu•ir W"f f'!libiJtM,

...... Bcfo!" a. Repnhliran (·curt I .,td lnst

week. an ~lehn.ven, ll-r.c. Bridget lfcCa.rth)', r,ekowrn, :tUmm, ·ned .hPr h•hand for asaault. • Thore wn , C""""'·(1U44•. llr. Kin~;,.ton ... n~ '*'d for complainant, nrul ll.. Kennedy, aolicitt,r, ftrr thfl defendant. After heo.rinr evidenct~ at ''I)DRider~ ahl<> length, hu.ohand ,nnd \'I'll<' wer • l'lleh fiDed 6o. and o·n•l•. and hound to tho peoco for t.welve months twu Vnlunt.een being told u" to "'l~• that they behove them..,h-... in nn order! Tnnrlner.

.... ·t

.A gentleman who j, taking up J'rlu

d81ce ia DetTy baa i11•1 bttd on .-:~:. JW•rirnc ("of Oran,::n '"knllur.Jt He ur­ranR'8d to bav• hi runuhup ..... nt fr. U1

Englalld to DeJTy ''io ll.,lfaot. Tlo• other day a C'J'ale, rn whu-ll IH" luul previouly packfd. an uv('nunntf"l nn~t 8ft Unframod picture "' oot)U\"'t'Dir phut -~rapb~t of IMae rAthnli fln6'-l \\,.ered to him. Tn unhul,.. aPpP& . Moe the box -..d q11it" in nrdor hut wbeo opeaed it "" fo11nd tha tloe c>Termut.l bad di••l>fl"•l'<'d o.n<l th~ nlnahle pirta"' h••l hoen hodl

mutilates his prey and one cannot reason- I represent you n

ably abuse him il he uses his paws, but •

~-~ ~tu~M--a~y~.~~~~~r~~-"-'_h~er~l~l,~l9_W __ . __________________________________ ~~Y::O::U~N::G::~I~B==E~L~A::N::D~,~~::-:::~;.:.~~~:-~~~::~~==::::::::~=~~,~·~-~~~~~ " L.d been lUlled in an attack on 1 on•l the Lady Claudia to OBSi&t him C-:..tmiOll (puuled and incredulouo : 1 THE REPUTATION OF ST. ITA'S

llol)<l'c , Police Borra.cks· Erijlence 1n promoting the J>88"0 a.nd welfare -Do you D>ean tc say (pointing 1 ---Ha.IERY--rrndur ... l ot the inquest showed there nf tJt .. diRtriCI of hi& nqministno- open tomb) that _the COrpse rose, hao sp .... d far and wide. Han you 1hH1I

CAMOUfll\(;1:. had been no o.tt4l~k on the barracks. tioa.'" broke opea that tomb and defied you 11 tta,. Boeke? BaYe rotf seen the .. Ita" Evon the officer in charge of the ~'ntries? r~:~:i!~ufk8~6 w~lTB1WxNJ

.,.. ClnD< • c t'o car •n f·. Coeu.une a ':Se d En&lllh Mnc·-, EngSllh Jan forb&de me •"-·r, .~ Cmtumc:e: after the lrit111 I '1:- •n ·a ordet" ro •ublrinuc Eeeliab rood.t~ Ia

lroop• who shot Lunuey admitted nn• p 1 'd ,,__ to ___ , First Romnn:-Tha.t! it, Sir. A Tery FOR ... Ita .. Hoo,·e~ ,.. made by ·~-h d . . h t h _, er Ulp8 vou WU> me '""" you . ff • s· d th •• ~ er • rORS·<>xanuntLtiOD t o. e owy another lhtl& ror.tract from the- ~a.b- senouo a IW', 11', 1llt er e regu• laboW". n it ~ .. toe. It ia perfecli,.

"thonght " there W04 nn attack on ro.-'- lations, Sir; I must report the mado. lt i• ln•h throu~:h and through. the ba.muks. The e-.idene~ of inde- lie omtor for the day-,~~'""' :- matter directly to the- Governor- Noed more be wd. !.::~ A~~v:!·N. dC'cf~~ :C(c):_[: peaden.t "'·itnt-sses o.t the inquest "Our responsibility ill enormous. Seeond Romo.n. :-He- \V&n.ts to restore A• your dnpw for " Ita" goocb. )'I'O'Yf'<l that Lumley wos deliberately In the absence of agreement on any death. Doa't let him, Sir. IT. ITA'8 KNITTINC INDUSTRY, ENNIS.

wtB aot m11ke Iriall Cn11u~e!! r,~ Eq&h mArcrul. Kilta, G9"A'n ud Brit mad~ to order. AU ,. ott I~ a aPCI •II are proud of it _.. h I' nd ili't h m·•ter o· f poli'1'cal or social refo1m, • • • ~- d . . . 11u0L ,\· })() ICe o m ary 0.8 .. t ~y M " • • oea 70IU Ullqwna to

ve th1'0Uifll the town. The Jurv s th& Roman Government is directly l''irst Rorunn:-It may uoL be serious, FRANK J. H. O'DONNELL, 1' ""'a&;-

" We Hnd that Rkflwd Lumlflll - wilfull1 II1IU'CiariKt bw _....... ef IN polio& and lftilial3o ftlf'08So We expre&O our greatest horror "''d indigatioo at lhP tla•ta.rdly oulnlge; aLoo ot the conduct of the poliwaud milita» in firinl{ into a house, wiMI­rnrt any provi)Clltion, where a re opeotaWc WOlll8JI woo being waked. A11• we strongly condemn the Dnb­Ln C .. tle report of the

<-uJTence u a b86elet!s lie, far itti object to g~ve an e-xcuse for a foul and cowudlv mwder." Militwi.,.:-CoUeciors for the Sus-

le.Dance l'=d instituted fqr Irisli· waymen who were being dismiOied ror n.dusing to convey munitions foro tile British Anny of Occupation, were held up at Dun J,aoghaire, Co. Dublin, ry .........! Briti•h policemea,

Briti,lh police in Cork have comman­dt«ed a larg .. U.nement bonae in the cit..

Soldier of the N'orthampton.him Regiment ,eized theo village hall a.nd Pniteo-ta.ot Chur<·h buildin~t• at Tem· pletnoby, Co. Tippel'Rl'Y.

Dublin citv mail van drivero baTe d•cid..J not -to work during Curfe,v !unll'lt. The drivers hold permit• to be abroad, hnt thi• h04 not •ecured tbei" ~fety, RB some of the .driTen haTe hod nanow e!<C<~pes when fired upon by. n.illtarv petrols.

The MRBter infonnoo Y onghol Gua,. .diu•, Cn. Cork, that firur .imldiers I>Ullod down the Sinn Fein flag put up hv the Board. When the porter was patting up aDotb .. r, soldiers tljfain look forcible p0810 ... ion of it, pointing rilleoo &I him, and talcing & lock and cham l>ff a ga.te.

A similar ·incident wes reported to llallow Guardians, where four •oldiers ~n t td l"(>oVOlvers Rt the porter and n inmate. o.nd brokf• sla.tes in remOT·

mg ·I ,. flog.


Rald&: At Emls, ~o. Tippera.ry. British police and military rruded UJ>­..-artls of twenty residences.

.\ large fon:e of Briti•h militnry rnided- the Ennt'leorthv Sinn Fein Club promise•, Co. W..xfonl. The military """'"bed those on the premises nnd re­moved hook• nnd club fittings. Later th•} raided the hoUlles of iive pro­minent Repuhlic!UU'.

In C'lrmghjonhm. Oftnl~· . British pohoo raidPCI for arms up\lardo of twcmtv refrirle-m'4."'~.

Briiuoh rurlitnl) and police raided 111 m.iduight tl~e hOU!oi£"~ of lfeSRnl, Jd. Dwyer, Templeluuhy: J. K<>n~edy and J. Hvnes, llnllinroe, Co. T1pporary. Tho r&ider" otol.- 1<-u fowL. from Mr. Hynes.


(Continued from page 3), 111e that. Wllnt aze you -thinkiug f•f P Answer m('l that. 'ond Rom1U1 :-I'm thiniUng it'• a.n erlnoordinnrv thin~t that e<<>TY eount:rv '''e iJt'cupr ~ms to hf, in· hahit..d esdn•i~ely by l'l'llel~.

11'01 Romun (producmg poper, con­templut>tr•h·) :-It's a pitv that you " -ore not "·Jth V~n,.. yon:li likt• to hear Cnesar ~ s\Jeeell In tho officio! report. (De< aims):­"Sedition hn.~S lJe.e.n lmnished froul •he J.o'o1'1UD, oorruption from tire COJnpu• lt:t.rtius and di•cord from aLe Sennte HU11Be. Justice, e![uily ~d iudns;trv have been re\'hecJ. in the •late; authuritv h118 been given to the mngi~tl"flt.el'i', to the S,nn.t-t-, a.ud solemnity to the Courts of Ju-.tit-e. Virtuouq acts nte hon .. lllti'£>U, '"i( kttd dt.'t"d~ 1u·e punished, the humic],. retopecls the powerful ~ ,,[: •. ut dt~~1diug him; the ~>werful ta.k' pwc·t"dtlnt-e of th~ humble ":1buuf cont~mtiing hinl· Whea.. wt•ll' proTiBions more moderate• in pnt~,. 'Vhen '"'rt> the hlt·sl'ith~ ttf l"'.u c.• more abundant" .\ugu,.,. ~lh Jlf"'IU't• ilifi'Wit'd UTf'T all the.• re-

In of the En•t nnd We I. and all thal hr.l4 lo~•tw,·~·n • •lUtl &ntl North

}•J ~·1"\'t •• ,, ry tmn(>r ,,f the "''']d not• fmna 11l1 dread u( pn'()aton

mc,Jtv.ttl1ull. The dtu .. •f Asa\ ba.t' lu•r•n tr•pturt'fl ~ tlw /»rcJtinn.-1 :u·•· lwt•n LI£ .... ,.J II\ the- IUDlunatv anti f•UI"'tt.lf'r,ati•'n ;,r tlwir UoTt>f· nnl'"', A ud this provin('" in rar· t.Jr ular ll)' h&n IIIlo( Ponttu~ Pllnft•

reopon•ihle for the shaping and •·on- Sir; but ye ,., •. if'this kind of thing I E .. taoo srraer Builllinp, duct of Galilean aftainJ, and ita is allowed to go on it will pnt on DUBLIN. policy must be guided by two end to U •ill 1'07 you to stock " Ita" ...a. aupi2'Jlle considerations-the wel.fam Centurion:-Now, now, I really can't good>. of Galilee and the safety of the rest h th ----------------=--:-:--:--


•••• row 1rranaament• In tiMII witll

of Imperial B<lme ond of the ..-hole - ow e abolition nf death would A S CLARKIN E put en end to warfaze. • •

mpire. Under no pre&8ur&, ex- Firat Romnn :~W..n; Sir, speaking,.,. 1


temal or internal, can it consent to a plain ooldi~r. Sir, l would object I f'OR BEST HOUSI! COALS. father or promote any policy that to working overtime or iighting 314 GT. BRUNS'&'ICK STREET, DUBLIN might iml"'ir the one CJI' imporil the a.fter death.

fGI ·- Wlnt,. &upplr of Wolllrilf c.J.

otlier. The ..-elf- of Galilee de- c.,nturion :-Aw, •of course, by JOTe, pea<l!o ou g<>od (!O~emmenlr-whieh ya.oo, 80 it would!. menn• equal jushce Md opportunity for all, finn administration of the Ia.-..·, prot.,. lion for life and property IUid tbe f1""' de<elopment of t.h& rnuutry' ... intellectual, mnte-riaJ. and ~pirituu1 resources; moral edu<'o ... hou, in fact." Are ye listening? • "At tbe preS..nt time Galilee'• con­

' clition is ouch that any political e>t­periment. tnust involTe the gren~t dallger. If it should satisf~ di•­

' ..,_jf..._ 1 '"", U..,.. Em'/ire wonld he be­lta_\totl; 1f itsboul fail to~atis.f~· dis­llllection, no good and mu<·b borm would he dane. There rl:'mnin~o~, 1 then, the course which duty and in­~1' ,. a.1i!;., dictate-firm eod llanest go~ernruenL under the exiat;. ing Gon•tilution. With that n>­BpoDsibility ,,f the Roman G~>Vern­me-nt neither Persi& nor Africa hns '8tly riwht or, oa we belieTe, any dMire to interfere." rA Voice oritbout cullii, Lazams

- n.nd puses from the twnh, de­opite the attempt of the First Roman to otop him]. ~e•·ond B<lmnn (omnzed) :-And he

" .. dNd and buried t:m- days. • , . . . . I think I'll go away (rising). PI! g<> away oot of thi•.

First BAlmRD :-ADd join th& mOT&­ment, v.·ill ,you P A.h, man, ha."fe senoe, takt. up yer musket and try IUid have some self-respect. It's only a dead Jew. • "n•l Roman (takes up musket and looks. 'at it) :-I'll ask the officer what' thl" u•• of a. thinlf like this whNt~ df'n h i••·H • .. nnot litop thf" tn.UT4."ment. ·Throws it agn.inat wall OJloin.)

l ... t Roman (looking nt it) :-What I You refu•e to •boulder the burdeJJ of 1 ivilisation.

N-cond Roman :-Whnt bas your civi­l.isatinu ever produced to equal this ln<>voment oat from death P

Fi.rst Roman (after a Pam;e, snd­<l!onlv) :-Whnt! Io that the move­mf>nt he wao referring toP The movement in the limbs of the • orpse P Rising from the dead P

s,., ond ·Roman :-The dead ~· risen ! larst Roman :-Well, it this thing

pl'O'Ild.• I'll "'nd in mv resigua.tioo. , • •-ond Roman (•lowly) :-And join

tlH' movement with me? First Roman (!<Com1ully) :-Certa.inly

not l But I'll 8elld in my resigna­tion, hPrnu:w where anv ~ew can rise fron• th~ <lend is no p)ue for a de­ceo t Roman. Wha t• s the use of ol1 my •ervice P If there is to be no more death, tb4."re co.n be no more valour. What'• the use ol discip~ lin¥ P Wba.t's the good of bra. very? 'Wlont hecome.• of fortitod<> nnd man­hood a ,,t) t.'Ven rommon de~ency ~

~·Cfmd HnnmJ1 :-But it is ~plt'udid, ""IJh·nJ ~~1. no more deatl•. hurrah . . . I "·ill nut he afraid now. J will baTe vt>lour, hurrnb, hurra.h.

lir 1 Romnn:-1'11 ReO Pilate about II. t' a damll<!d oerious thing­

{.\ murmur of amaaem.ent. and .. ppl:uJ't, a.. heard from the. dis. lance.)

. · • ond Rnman ~-Oh pleft~e. plelli&, do not ,., .•. Pilnte. be. miglit spoil it.

II" would •tamp out tbe lnbV<'m~mt. (Dandng): ~ 'Su more death!

(EntOI' Centurion). Ce~turiun -\Vha.t's oll thi$ about?

Wl1at hn• happened here P Second Romnu :~No mol"e death r Oea.tnri~nu ugnorjng him and turnmg

In J-,..,tl:-WeUP hr I llon1on (pointing to t .. ml•) :-He

camt· ·•ut ond WeJ}t down to join tl1e )m"('fln~. Sir.

f'4•Uturi•u :-Who nun& out~ F at~Jt Roman l .. tw.nJ•. Sir. rt111ft1.TiOU: \\11\' l'Ol!'<l }I 11\Jt. cbal-

ltll(l d" . Fir 1 RntuatJ ~-U• wa.~~. b111t ho n·­

fnoot~l to , ~~tt111.1J,:~~nn'~_),~":,:~"!t> h~1,1w~~~:

rt•ul• dfoa.l S... uuU R mull\ (4• ultinJtl. ) .-Tht>r.

I~ UIJ UJIJIV t)tonlb!

First B<lman :-They are o.n upsetting, unruly lot in these parts.

Centurion :-W!ut.t the coWl try:· wo.n ts is fum admini•triL!iDn nf the law and l'roteotion of (looking at open tmnb) dellth and J~rivtlte property nnd "~ development of the eoun: irv's intellectual re.AoUJ"CeS, moral eduea.tion, in fact."

l<'imt Roman :-Y· ••r. A.M. D.C.


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ll ,. ,,

----r \\ w lrHrl¥tt. ih hl6 ""'nth-d " EH·u·n$: Mrtuurr~,' t ... u ..

1\, ""hid1 \\~ ftllrtt~ lll part, uf rupt, f tltt: LhJrh"h G1~\'t-l utu•

ntd Jrj~b 111 ltlH al lf1'11KtJlt"l lD )lr O'Br·•n'!t lnOUUf will

l""' ltLI i1 • rt! fur lr: hmt"h tn.

Jr, .. h tl(ti, t•. u!ld, tf t•-n•hm•. H I" uh \Uuh-1 , , •·pLt n J 1 ircw:nstancee that an~ lJm· ftr n ttJnllt"Cted with anv pn­lltnwr m h£"W r d , .. mp before me. 'B.ow-­,.~··1. w1•·.tJ I ,.,.(., • down to tb~ office un l'riday, the fa<· I- whic4 I hoT~ lUSt tatl:'f! \n•n lJtnught before me, o..ud I

tmmedl.1td\' proceeded to write o. ruinutl" JU nhich I ~d that, d t"~l'· I' Mr O'Hrwu. l:.tnng- t)it• prison dnltn'"~ ut iu'l rlJo.fH' "• I, chose to stay In ~ .• u,n laus;tl 'o'r ·-<>nd 1f he,..._ fn'i{_"cl t.~ ulrnllt 1 msdf to auy mediC1\l t•'tttUJinut "n "~ ··· \"eT. any t''f;l u}n~ qutttl' ,. •· b·" which might en-

ru•. ht" would · .,. responsible for, and nut r c lwo·, l..wiU', and a.ppla.u~e). nut. llt tlu· l'itiiiU Lime~ I said I did nu-. t•11nk ,,. ··n L· to permit llr. O'Bri•n ••• rwu h ' uu~ itution for the putp08eo t1f injuring u .. ,. :Mojesty's Government

'laught .. r o.nd app)a.u..,)---6lld I, t1w Pfun•, ga.l"e direction~ th&t, oa Mr. 0' Um" would not allow hilll!lelf to be Utf>ff11 ollh (''\ lllll' I d, the J't"porte JJllde bv Dr l!ull~ ond Dr. BaiT UJIOD Mr. O'Brien "' he1i he WllS in Tullo.more jail shauld be ,•ut dowu at once hy ~l"'' ia1 m('ft8fl¥'e tu the doctor n.t Olon­nu · t, that to t.Ue light of these re-. I"' •. .nd having le4mt what, ~ the

,,II ,,. • f t , docto:no who haL1 t:r:-. '"'"'"! ll O'Brien the comliti~n of

I,· h .... ttb w "'· · L• doctor should ,_.,.t • ~,.,fully w~•,., ll• O'Bri•n. and take l tU"' th.&t ,,., f"' t·ntricity of hiA slwuld m un' wu,· his constitution l.•pi•l~>·•"' And in ordu that th" ful­k••t m<'<l ' J opinion possible should he t .&.kl u on tl1 .. important point, the mt" hlf'lll'·t·r of the PrUon.o; Board 1, .-. 'P" kmtlh con~nt.ed to gu down u•U .~ · · the 1),,, tor of Cloumel p.rison

u doctor in \lhom, 1 mAy say, r have e\"'e-rv reason to believe. thut the Stote has" faithful and efficient S&r· vant (heor, hear)."

11~,... it will be ob•erved that, 88tling """'·r1•• tb • artful artless.aeas of the cou­h· '"' Jl" UOlL'i re1eRnCt~ to tile- Lo-:d Mayur 1llr Thoma.< Se:<ton )-'lfhtt, llB 1t h lppen.d, 1r..., u greatl'r Parliamon­tur: lA thuu him.'M"'f th·t.> Chief Secre-

: m~ \.--~.111~3~%~. ~~~ .. na:t~fic"'~eJ: tu n rdu··•· on ~' port to submit to lnt·•llt·al•·X.liJt 1 .,;m. ~hile be, uol for t: t' fir11t •mw ";t•t up tL plea tbot ''it. I .. ul .... nrd l~ tL It l; t' !H.IUBgt'IUE"ht

u· ht"f 1 ut't"' j.. m my d •• ,,..,n. •1 t ' ·• 1-·,. tt•t, •Y !.!il h.

) I .~il n ,, ~H·plf" I r days afte.r JHt •~, .1tion 'i m)· ~pJy, he wn

u111 kt'•l publicly fu ('~f( ,,.. hi .. fU r t •h·UtPitt 'was, to put it hhmtly. a fahieh01>d, and his dcle11ce o! inJ>. spolll!ibililv was IJrO~ed to be so im­pOOE'IItly at •ar me~ with th& t:rvth tbat be suboequentlv acknowledged he "'·'"' peritonal{y re;po.nsible for the treatment .. f I · ~ pr!s • ·'1!1. in every portit·ular. •

About lh• minutes .• r•c•"Wanls the I ••f li'1U'Iier returned to my cell o.nd 11cf 'We IL1L·• fm.ce you to put on

~~~~ prl~Hfl tlnfh··' · I asked to~ the Ji:"l't'"nor \\Ln appeared to hav~ been t ~~t a,ct ''"' ·i~ the door, for he im:me­liM h h(ll· • M I said, ~I baTe to j

1 t I 1.4 dt t r &ltall be pre...._"*.'nt dur-

1 any 1<11 k uprn met. • He sa.jd, ; I do that: •ou ~ th•

•I·:.. tur. Then,' l, ' yO:t1 will h.a~r 11 lrJ• me- 1,v forct,• or words

bo.t et!ect I placed my back to •h•• further "-oil nf the cell: th1'e8 wor­d1·r- immediately ru,.qhed •• me with ·l1r• chief worder: The fonr seized me, • •I a Tit•lent struggle took place 00.. \\f"t"n n . the. governor standing hf.

llu , t4• t f'e.ded after a Atruggle 1n f\JJJ;t';n~ toll" on m~ hack on the floor, dr: ·~ifr'll:' m~ •h·'·~ .. _,,.,il, m.eonwbile. \\' ••t n 1 w ;a .. tl• ;,. n un('o ma.n placed his ktlPft on my h· ... not, u~ I beli,·~\.:.

rJ .&.ll,\: 'bnf WI(, 3. {11('-S'iUft' tb..Jt t .. '"'•tl me (Jil"'iderable suffering. I ar .• m•·•~rh· I think the chief l\'O.l'·

dt"t ~u,·. • ll.·rl't hurt him.' The prM-1 " · hen ""lued, BDd I struggled

' ' f r•tot a.~u 1 and renewed th& 'U"'f! t•, "bile ll\ (lothe.s were- beiug

t~ rn ufr ont- b~ one. I was then tlung "('(till I hme on the :floor; this t.ime

c•n m.> f.11 L' I eontinued to struggle with nil m)· fc>~-ce, while they were dragging pri•on clothes on mo, a.nd fron1 the atn>ggle and exhaustion I h,., omo "'faint that they bod twie& tu • a1 t· m order to gn·e me a drink of " ' r During this sec<y>d struggle In} •• rengtb wa totally t'Xhausted. I hf' ~ I 1r ~'\"'ent•>r tk order to l1a' · m-v 'm ~ nnd heard taken off, ud I rt-In,... 11" ..... t w hr.;.~ ff'w da.shOA made .tt m • with .l .. "'~'~s. After thn.t I In~' { nn"i• 11 tL ·w-.:. llflcf when I re­( ... fl.,.· ·I found mv monr.b full nr ha.i.J'B, 3n•l "1" I•UJPpt."4l ap on a atool between t• wa'll'l:lf "fio &till held m~· nnn~t

•1: 9 JU hhr'l ne .. er pf"8tnded th1t tl1(' emtr t' It had pur u('d •a• free from doubt and diflicq!t . but the7 had not yet •aid ....,,thin~ rn ~h• dE>bioi~ whieh either' con· ''Htl"'•--d him t1 . ~ Ju wa• wronlt in u;omtir; ao far u l,o had artno or con'rinced him th&t A o~M. 1 <:~ h~o.•~ ~.:nne further .'1

YOUNG IRELAND. • Sept .. mllW' 11, 1920.

The governor "u tl, 'Surely you ing and defaming them for p:ec.1 h \t'.J"' · •njuniug the GoveJ.'JlDl4!1llt ,. the re•i•led enough now :rou knol< it baa the SUJIIl' political motive.., it was ,._ ( biPf Secreiary had to go t'brolljj'h th& to be dune.' I k t1 • •v him, · You <auoe they hu<l .ucc....ded, and be bad form of ordering of his bwn auth.ority knol< little of we '' sou do not kno•< failed, in currving tlle opinion "f the what had been Wl11111f from hlm at the thftlt the •t•UI\'1!1•· ;.• onlv beginning civili•ed worlcf, and even of hi• o11·n expen.., of griovuu• suJl'ering and ' now 'rlte in"'tl\.'ll DlY Qitds ~ free, • countrymen ,..·itb hin.J..: . For, in his human life· .. I wd! , 11 ,. , clothes off again."! own words, "it wQJi not in the intereot I The Tict<J:ry fot his priso'aers oa

"'!" ~ nl•·l'· l>aving followed of humanity, but of politics'' that he Three Points of their resistance \lela,·'"" ll r~ott to t~• door, I in· now thr""' up the ~~p<>nge. The corurl .. te. Unfortunot•ly, til- t""' "t:...u~l tl:tt-\\ uft t e- pr.~o.o clothe~. I tn·owol v.·ns ·~rrung from him in one tuOUH methods so fat· ttncceeded " T.b"-< n!tl••m ,.,,, od. at me ogufu, Md


1 bitter-sweet interjection after , the n~hta of political priB<>nera -"" >tbcr •·Tll,;,;l<• •oolr. pl•""· They -"Tb• truth. undoubtedly, is that, •• . ti=ed to be lt.<ft dopendent u- 1lle

11. nd("(l 10 1•ln mg 011 ... ome of the. I admit, you ha.'"'e.produced som& & 'J.ll• 'un\'•'11~'-'D{ t• of the Govf.lrnmea.t oJ tJl pn; ~: dutl1 ~ ~..,.n, ~tzin.: &.lad ponu:r,,•·~·~t among Y~UJ' own f11l. moment! nnd upon tb~ amount ,._ tu 1 t '"" no. " n all thoo t•m~. In lo"'""' (he was spetiking of Glad· .,t.mco• apprehended, utlltood ''' ..,:.n,; .. n~"'JUf'O{'t' .,f lA..' re .. ;.t~mce th~ cbie.f ~\ont_•"s) (Fcbnw.ry 25th, 1889), aDd hont-~tly writtea 001 in the. ftt:!-flll w n•k- I old them not to mind (.,rcing la.Wr on: u1 have been told oVer and c.~ode i and •~ the Lihentl Homr: B.nle ·~n tit .. l' J4~' .. r Tfnl' t], t·'!'lt • I G.gain. u\-.-r -again th•t thtro is a great tide uf Goverument, during their .eight 'CO..

1~t'1"C!.UI"' '" fn·ut 1ha" the~ again ~t I public. opinion riaing on the &uhj."' t II o.l all but omnipotent JMmer, neglected "•t•·• on mv hp hut continued to hold , lo11l not at all P"'l' to SllJ that tl e either to tb& l'rison Ruleo clear mv "" wliite [ stood ~~·,i·g .gaiD.t j judinou. elfort. of gentlemen: wbo I or tu repeal the infamous c.,.,..,,"" the wall far a .,.,Wderable tim•. So 1 got up ' The National Protest' may Act, the resisto.nce to which broagnt far os 1 • >D .-.limat .. the scene hud by I not hav& prod. uced an effect upon the power "ithin tl\eir reacb, the <OWl.lzy this time In ''<I bali an hour." public mind in oome parts of ,Uie t.n thirty Y"ft''O a.flpr, harrow9<1 '!fith

The game "' o- this time definirely country. I do not doubt it at alL • ·]len thirty year• n.ft&r harrowed with loot. In mv own ........ the i'ejlumtion II quite admit there may be and very the same •pectoclo of thousands of "'"" almost· comical!~· C'omp).,IA>. The lilr.ely is something entirely ju•tifinble ~oung Irishmen brought to de&th'a criminal of Clonm<ljurl, brutulized by in the fe.,Jing which has be•n aroused"' door and beyond, in tbe same proteo~ four rnmlr.ev•, biddoo •rrub the llags !March 13th. 1889). •goinst the lc'•atm~nt uf felono ud nf lul'f cell, df'prh··ed eTttn of his plnnk- !.11 thl6 Wll:t but to lead up 1·) I ,~ mi.,c•·eants l>t>ing inflicted upun ~no. bed f.,r rt'losing, aad threa.t .... ed "·ith •uloc.-rf:Jj!'l' of Milling inn Special ( 10-, whum Eugl1wd, """' the\ •· •nf'l·hhn ral .,. ... traint!i." wa.s a W..v n1ittee- on Plisl.)n R.ult"S to Jt'l\"c lfr. in a.nv Empire except her" own, would da.y. nft,.,....,,ro.J, tmn.sferred to Gtllway Bnlfour "" from :W.. quunilai;. boil ft. th .. heroe• of humon freed,. in a fin;:~.o(.'la .. ~ special train, like a Tl•e ll.'tter of imtnlrtion to Lord 1111-r- \tnr """ then, tM prison rules we- u: IUOiJrn~·ilu on hill tra' att.-ndt-d l>y dnro's Committee lost nothing of jle. a l<it:tt .... of chaos and Yaccillatioo.. u '"'" .... dr1.11 n·ho acted~ his a:ffec. casui~t.ical and e~"ive ~pirit which theo fortunes of politica1 pa.rtiee fla. tionate- \'Ul1·L!, pml was thenceforward had in8pired the rest nf his dt>alinff!J t•Jn'l•, or the fierceness of the pna. trt-nf l "1th un oA~fHut"nn~ of conaiden,. -..ith his Irish uotagonists. The • II•• onenJ resi'ltonre mounts or dies dowa. tion for ow·pe~nn!' hill three modeot question in di,Jiut~ which ,_oy Nor ,, th,e thought 11 con•oling """ 1.!! original domulnd.•. th<> library .,£ the' mattered wae l\•hcth•r political pno- the yt'al' m wloich :E:ngland is preeoUIIjj' locnl Qu&e!J:s College thrown opea for on•,.. we!'<!. to be eln,.sified as such, or 1m- w.ingo with prirl• in her tl'em<>n· llis dele<'l<>tien, and his only •· prison I for poliucol reasons brondt>d "" cri.». dous conquests 1>t the l?ua.rdio.n ugel task " that of "·riti»g a nOYel, ohould nols. In hi• >mrrnnt to Lord Alier- of t.he swoil u~>tiunaltti.,s that tho he be so plooa.ed as 10 writ .. it on dure, lfr. Dulfour .:xpressly forbode· young genenotion ul Sinn Fein ahuuld pnsun fool~cap. How the tr&n@· 1 he Oom.mitttte to inquh·e into .the be ce.rrying on tlu~ir lonely prison f~)l'l]lation !K"ene bad to do '_Vith p~li~'lifica.tion of.pris~nors ~nd .coit&aed strp~gle with ~('lll'L'~l~· o. tta.Qe of the tical opportunox1n INld h<>w little wttb th•m to " fa.rctcal mvestiga.tion w;he- llnhsh sympllthv \<luch struclr. dowa mngnominity, nu>,'l' he judged by tb& ther it wns desirable tu alter the ....W... th~ a•·m of :Ur. B..J:Eour and n~ iluo ~tatt- of miud in which the Governor ns to prison dres.~ n.nd th~ clippiuW. <tf heart~ of hi~ prito~oJWt..; in thfl da}B of

f Gulway (Mr. Mlcbael llurJJh,Y) prison.,..' hair iu the interest. of Olodston•. rt'('t'ived the announcement of my com· •·cieanlineas &lld health.'' · Lord wg. "1 conBulled with my wit.. what Aberdnre's Gommitt.,e in their Report I w~ to •lO'," }H._ told me. " She, .rebuked in o. wa..y not to be mistake.n ' Wharever l•uJ•J••n• !lichoel, don't th .. .Prohlbitiw n<>t.ure of their com· do cything' tllat will tlisgrac•· your wi .. <lOD :

··hildren. God will provide fol' WI in "In the lett.r of tl1e lith April, Rome way of His 0\1'11. • So we made 1889, defining the chnmc~r •I tl• in­tlJl our winds that. if we had tu beg quiry, you stated tlult i~ WI• ""' pro­the world for it. I would not lay o band posed t• refer In the consid.erat(oa ,.f on \ uu It w .... only when lbe escort the QUn~.mittee the cb .. ~nic ahon \Jf urnt't"41 .1• tl til!! -l.ey lwMulM .-.a f'T·$1.'' .... :o '"4{"1•rduu, h..:.,-.·.~"* ,, ... IL·It~>r llln"4·l,•~ me tu treat you with posed motini of•U' offence. T'n e,·er., pt'"'sild~· •·onsidera.tion." this directiou we baTe endeavoured to

Th• game w.,. lust, &Dd, with re- conform, and thnugh we havv. ~n luctan< e b" it .,...;d, Mr. BaHoor, for unnhl<> t .. •llll'g .. t u.ny al.t.rutioll8 in all hi.• engtgiog qualitieB, """" n bad th• exi•ling proctice ultogether, un· lo.o;er. It took him nine months to connected with tl1e general c:.ha.r0ct4r mol<& up hio mind I<> extend hls coli· of the e>ftenceo !or which the impnson· cMSions to oll his prisoners. proceed- ment is inflicted, we make no suggee· inJl' in the meuntirue on the detestable tions or recommendations fowul~d up­prtndple of yielding finJt. in those on. th.e real or suppo.jed motivea t'f the

·l""-'"' tbat " ·l"fo lD.O!Jt likely to a.ttn.ct pnsoners."



lll'ttish military hav., barricaded tlle ...G...!etoclieg S....U. huw. 6.-magJ,.,. ....!

ull vehicles ond tmvellers are· lleing !learcbed. M&ny c....,. of maltreat. ment of trn~llers by. troops have been reported.

Mltitarism:-In Oork there WL'

mu< h militor.v ncthoity on the lOih inst. The Courthouse was OOm.m&Jl­d6el'ed by soldiers, "·ho erected bub&d wire entanglements alld removed the Republica.n llog which hod beeA hoisted tbet'e for sulll6 weeks.

British military Lave establiahed themselves nt J,if£ot·d, Co. Donegal, ud have mounted a machine gWI 011 the Courthouse and onother .n l

of the R.I.C. bBI'l'IICks.

1 ~1h;~l ttt"llfll·n. aud he strove to the The:v &Vl"ll Ro far tnlnsgressed them­lu•t to ·'··.:· • his capitulation by ..,1v.., lljj'ainst llr. Balfaur's roles "" f'H· • th ,,,J ·' l it of oil hon.,t to administer a shatp reprim&Ad for credit. Tu 01\'U t". was o. de· the. "J~rbitra.ry and unequal b1~ ... •,... mand f,,. tlu •·l,l .. !>\t, .ll ... n of pti ... onel"' meut" OC'cordt!d tn Mr. Edwd Ha.r­UI' nr.t1'IJ( tu tl t• nnture unci wntive~ r1ngion, li.P-.• and in their report ad-8

f '''"" offen""· BDd tba it bad car- vened in th .. following te!'1llll ui \ID· TUESDAY, JULY 13th. ried tl.-.• day eT~n in Hri1a.iu. would dicahnn to the pridun Jli:Ot&4ts which I II<<• t ... , .1 J•r· .. ·ed= t plain for lllled to appeal '" the nsibility ,f the Rai•:-At Swords, Co. DuhLn, that iutell&<l • f mon:v facet.•. Ro would Chief Sec~lary in his,v manner. British military. accoml'!'nied h · a fain nrgne I hut •· for th•m...,lves "Whntever ma¥ hav0 been 1!.s orij;irull policemnn, mided the r.:s1dence of Mr -fo< those wlio ~·•re going to mnke intent, this (pnson) dr..., hn.s to.\' long Frn.nk Lawless, REopnblican M.P. fOI' ·he •pee<h•o-the. asked one mea- h .. n nssociul<:d "·'th oil that 1s vile Xonh Dublin. Th" house of Yr. sure of justir•·. and for those who were and <·ontempuble to be assumed by l'helim Colemnn in the locolity gning tn be the clupes of their epeec.bes, lee:aser ofl'endertt wilbout a. sense of de8 was aL'iO raided nud !tO'Brched. nnother m.,> "-that it \\'&8 oil n gnulntion and u shock to the. self·re· Une hund1·ed British soldiers of t R<illiob. whine fnr preferential treu.t- spect wbicb should newr 1>& '""''" .,. Northomptonshire Uo•giment n.ided ment for l'ertain leaden; u becnuAe salilv in:flit'ted." two l1nrinf grounds at Temple-tuohy tl "' were popular, or beca......, thev What the Chief did not Dnli•h military and polioo mided "''"Tl'" gf;lnteelv brought Up." He won1d leave hi.ll Committee free to do me.n.· the re,.iden.ce of Mr. P. Tobin, newl malts tho Honse of C<>rumons ~pe to:. fully in public, he had to do "' h , elected Republiron member of 1 rell).Bl'k.jng· '' l'-.m charged wdh bav· own authority in privat~; but eu( h EnniM·urthy Urhnu Council. ing jested uvor the su:fl'erings ol. the&e cone.;''"'" was wade in the WQllll wo.~ At Killeo~th. Co. Co~k • .British I" people. Sir, I hav& never jested,'! a ond 1n tbe temper of oue who ~ould lke n.nd militDry raided nine hOUBe8. ser1tenr.-" or t w • before he broke out not. gh·e. so m\loh OS a pin without Al'l'at :-llr. lt. Bt•own

1 Killeagh,

again in~,. o ~tntlh • f merriment at the [rouke~g it. His prisone.nJ t•;en· ( o. C'ork, was. al1'flsted ~' on sus­expense of Ill~ pnsouers. which wus not allowed to weQil" tbeir own clothett, piaion u by a. liritisb military patroL • e""ih diotingui•balole from tbe not on U... ground of the di>iinct.i<·n Armed ~lta:-A priost Oil biB rlenBonlm· of the common or B'anlen ..-hie!. civiJ.i,ed mankind coiled for, , way fro~;~~ liM~ 1\'U~ held up by 11 ead. B,. "'~ in one pass»ge l>Ut only if th•ir cloll>es were ""J>eli" Brltisb milit!u'v cordon on Puckstuw plea that " th• management of the •ive enough. A distinction wj>irh Road, Donuyciuuey, Co. Dublin. B prison.(~ in Irelond is not in my power, fu.vmu'Od the l'icb swindle-r and u:- wo !Oo.P.Dl"Cbed nt th& point of tllt: and no DUII'e it'"· 'nnd in another took eluded the honest poor. They were bayonet. '" h.ilnself the •erit of >his claim that nh•ulved from menial 1ll'hton ta8ka, but Pedeotrians at Cnn·ick-on-Suir, Coo. " the. Crimes Ar' prisooei'S hod been only if Utey were o.blo to pay a poor Waterford, wero usoaulted by a British ~ted with extraordinary considem- pri.suner to dis<l1nrg.e- them for them, policeman accom.patn,-iug a. military tion "-the priaunerA in v.·hose. case, in conformity ·with eome obsole~ re- patrol. While- their' bands were held bv the wov, he had fur two Y•""' 10· gulation which "'"" suddenly",....,.,._ nbove their heads in ,...ponse to th& SlAted th&r;, ffiU<t! he no departure from !'<!Cl&d. tn C(>V•r tJoe rptreg,t of thuoe military challenge, the poliCPmall ~ th• 1rentmeot • f tl1e sc.urviHt who ·hlld punished John Moudeville tMked them, strikinlf th•m in •h < riminals. to the point of death for a refusal faceo.

Above all be "'"" lo"-t in surpri11e &t which wo.• nuw discovered to be a In South Leimm po .. el'!l by held th<> deprovit~ of th, Irishmen wbo lejfal one. Finally, the llSSOCiauon up, questioned, searched ~d mat­cunld av<>w that the object of their w1th common-law convieta was given treated by parti<8 of British mililarv agitation with regard to prison treat- up, but the new regulation, it was who patrol the roantry. ment "" of their w b.ole lives was to proda.imed, must deJl8ud wholly UJ" Britisb police fired into a chlll'&­h .. lp tu make the government of their on t be caJirice l1f the Governor BDd the bane full of holiday-run.kers at Killlll'­,.ountry b!l' alien coereionist. imp<>S- Pri!IOn.< lloald. The trut.h, of col1J'8<, nev, Co. K61TV. . Three Indies .,.,... sible. ·• Tt "nut humanity, but poll- "'""· t~Kh<> preoent •lit..r in his letter wounded, one •erioualy. t"-. w'bi<h i• &t rbe root of the whole tn the Aberdare Committ..e "dedin· Murda!' :-The following verdictwM matt•r," he ex~med, in the tone of ing to h.nve anytloing to do with OJI .. turned nt the inquest on Ricbud a N<undali•ed ard•nngel. As if be inquiry eo cin:umscrib&d," pointed Lumley, who"'"" shot dead by British could make a hand.c>DI<" ad<nowledg- out, "th<> two minor points referred military and potire without P1'091lea.­m•nt of their right to be treared as " them (a.nd otbel'1') had been settlt>d tion or wo.rning whilst commg from. a politiral priB<?nere, or mure innoce-ntly eeo.dy h;\' the presHure of puhlio l\'&ke at Holycross, Co. Tipperary, Oli reveal that, >f he IV08 now compelled opiutou." In order to srem " the the morninj!' of July 4th. The Dv.blitt to abandon his o"'ll p'Dlic.y of degmd- great tide of pnblic opinion " which Custle official report ol:>t&d that Lam.


••••nu,c··l. nnd ocl'OIIll it woa rudelr, 1•,.. re ••nt• on the estate .. f Mr. H. A SeriOUS Tht"ng l,<>fl "illc hi•, ,.,,.I, on your ,.n,. • ,,,.\\ lt>d. We want 110 Pupes bent, ' J,. h..nJ.:" D.L., BaUyUo., have pur. •' ·li'IJiuht\. BecauM, 11('· a·•I'§t'.

'nle mil. way •·dm.po.ny, with whom & 1 .riHhl'd tiUO iH 11.""' ut Coole fcn £2-l,DOO. you eoe, tht• Governor takes r..a '•J a

'Qtnt)lnint ltas heeo lodged, will, it is 1j1.'1u~ lttrn, .. oJ AtJ& havt' been nrranged penoual ••Jh·1•~f in the li 'Tt>m-n••u.mad, find little difticulty in locat- h, rl.. .\rbit•ntkm C..urt. the pur. Ia "A .':!orion• Thil\a,'' pmduoetl ot moat. 1ng the "~ntno wh•re the crate ~ed I rJ .. ,,...., lurllling a Oo.ope,..,tive Credit the Abbo~· Theatre, the author of Finlt Roman Yr· Sir. llttont•r•n ~flC •t'f'- t 1 ~..~~~i~· the w ney in oDjune- •• 'l'he EnriJuiJted Trou, .. ,.r .. ''interprets Cont\1.\'ion :~ by Jove, I had 11~"·!\

• .. .. t.un ..-;II the Lo.nd Bank. I fntm •ymp~>thehe olu>ormtion the Iru- forgotten. There ·hould 1-· '"". r bmue weeks· &g<> the EagU.h Go· perialiot mind. We giTe below ••·me vou .on.ll""':d. Shouldn't tl re•

"t·rrunent " advised" the Cunard + • + extrncts from the illlOD.ina.ting r·ouver- l think 1t 1.8 • • • • n·ho t•l- 1~ Company of the " danger to incom- , . . oation of the Fi"'t ll<omnu and tlw C<>n- there • en '•il'' " at Cobb. We commented 'lit 11'1 h of Ind•a to Dy<>nsm ' turion, Wheu Barry yaint...J the '' 1], tuneonthepretendedaatureof I to.lno): thr f,nu ofn.non,-co-operation ll•rn<>lite. n ·IP~ the lkd See, he First Roma,a -{)badiah, :0.•· thio d nger, Cunard steamers bauad 111" m.r>t lhA cbhgab'!"" of tbe pro•ided tl1o·lu ""h tho· habiliml'llto Centuriun:-lllli love. you •" I"'·

L• non-ce>- I 1 ~ '· •·-> .._ th d I da __ , fecUy ri .. Lt; Y<>•. uf u,.... •1 ,... "'.,...' il'Om IVt-rpool iJa the afternoon U Ml'UI. H ~ uet!Cn~ u.v e an 8Tm411 ,f II~ 1 J.ll .WU~ to &'fOb diah, quite tecently r~:ru t"t! lH' l nn .. a.ble to o.pproach the Irish 0088t I. •. nrlun ' Ttmes a..~J foUo,.,·s the htll'IUUI ro}H:th 1t of hlB $tl•nc·nc. reassured author 1.,) ~ '1\ tLe ., at. night. 6-~Dba.rk at Cobb, t. 1 The llll'Tellder uf all tatlt~ of bon fo~ thf'!': h~~u .. U~· the actnr:oJ lD "I•Nt• 114 Ohadiafd· ' and pt"CH·N>d w-t>d again. Act'ordin.g 1 hullor ur honoru.ry oftie~ ·•A ~lOll.., J hiD:J' ottJTed theOlllell'eR Y• , ••

tu the Eugli•h Admioi.stn.tion, it is ~. Snspenaion L,·Ja-wyen~ of lJr&c- m khaki and c >rn<'<l ritleo in place of Fln~t Ro!"lut:-He 8 collllllg up •L·· nl:l' from .!~erica that tllere i• dnn-

1 tiro and ••t.tlem~t ,;f civil ciispu* by ;It'•• ·not 114 onaclronillm, but an , hill, .Sir. , . . . ,

"f'l" There J!-'1 no danger, of rou.nre, pr•":'l' nrlntratton. ~rtn•li(. method. Wien from. the- clUJ. I. Centurton Tlwtt• Jl no. disctphrung r,,,.n Engl1111d. It is sale to appmnch .. : Non-particip~>tion iu Govern- tanee n Voioo called on Lazarus to tte"" dahu l~hal ;ec

11orwta. lor

1 Rvilo

tu Iri•h emigra.nta aboard, Wid to men! hm• · arioe, and ho did, tht>lmperialjst mind • ,..,.,. . w .~n .. ~ •,"' cou•• w'l ! ntet '"• harbour ior the purpose,, ~ .) 110, ott of Gove,!'nment ., hoot. acntelv foreoo.w the awful coDBe-


.. ""11 bun ( tvlhan. , . 11 •• daagerous to approach wtthm by JW:ents quenres to itself if mo•ement among Y.,~r•t ~omon -Ob, don t, do that, Sn. •ight of the coo•t to laud American b n . ·t f _, .. , il I the Deod were not lllaJUped out and Centunoa :- .Well, I don t wnat to~ citillens. • ..,o~ cu ' o rw.UJ'lll.,.. connc s. Order and Deat4 l'e4t<ired :- too 8&9el'<'. But Ju. unpunctuallty

• ... 6. B..!u•~l to D<lcept. ..,y , i'l!il tJr &:eue; 1'he tolJIO. of X...arua 1:o the left deoerTee it. }]v~" befom the ...,., <1r before tbe ,.ilitllry post in or to re- in a wAll ,.-hich """'""" the bo<k of Fint Romou :-Quite right that, Sir,

Eugliol• Administration is&ucd a Ca.« '• off~r aa units for .tJ,e anny the •1.>1<\' obliquely. On the Lintel is 1 bnt b~. ~!gbt t_ake it that you "·ere noti<t.' \, morinet'H that it could not 1pealolly in Turkish .t.-itones now writtt<n '"J.,uacu.-.:,'' and on the- wall demoblltnng bitn, and de.sert.

gua.rtw•t', tlte lri&b coast, it wu 1 irt.., Administered in Tialation of topieal (. toh~alh !fVCll 08 "T:p tbe Centurion :-Yuu don't mean it. The o~ r·mu. .. l> argu;J by the Admiral Su~ I tg(' . Rehel1,. and 11 GiTe them Gadora'' unprincipled l*'ut.. There:':"~ ,,.rintendeut ndvising the Englisu ~; \ 1J:•ol'I>Uc prooeelltion of Swa. are scrawled; tiJctbeoe graffiti a wag molriog the•• Jew• •oldien. · l'oot Office on maritime afl'&irs, that H eft' I .. mnnment, inducing people to bu. added "ap" bernno the name ou <Enter Ohadtnh, th<> Second Rouwat .,.,. dangerolll! at aay time lllld in BllY 1M' •• 1 ~···I with India's own produc- the lomb The foreground i. rocky. ~e<·und .Ruma!' (adil,....,.ing Fiat lolld weo.tbr for le.rp linet'B to enter con. t '"" "'' mDAufactur.... Time s~••n hundred and eigbty-fiTe speokin~r Wlth lll&t:k.ed .Jewiab •• H ... bour. 'l'he Englioh haoe never s J'lt,. publit - asked to H·ur. f7mn the FouJI!Ijag <If the City. co•nl) · Jr •us oo hot! 1

hoen able to guamntee Cork Harbour. from tllking any oervice either ti-ril' or I Centurion (turning u d d.; n I • J~nglnnd doim, to be mistzeos of the militlll'y oud they are .enjoined to avoid F'.i:rst Romou Soldier enters from the ahazply) :-Why an> vou laieP """"• but Ireland claims to be miotl'<'ss all violence." left aud tolt08 up a position as Second Roman (fumbfing to ai•Jh• uf the upprnnd1es t<> the seas. Tho • M.,Jim Outlook" of August oentry by the wall. After looking with haad raioed to forehead< -It

... .. 6. ""·'". ablnlt be sighs and Bit.o down on a mc•t be the distance, Sir; I co1111ted Alexander I. Yorke, Aacoistant Dis- · ''1'1,.. u•e 'of Indian tr""l'" for sup-. .,.,k, a thouenud pace• ttam tbe harracb,

t..·i~t. Attorne~, ~- York Cou.nty, pll0881ou of uationalaepirsttaus stands Fintt Roman:-W<>D. well, twentv a.ud lo aod behold! it v,. longer Wl~t1ng from Pan& 4o the Americnn CC)Ildomned on political a.ud moral :!"'ant dectrut senice ond here I a•nl whan I got llere. Conaul,at Dublin, advises him that it grot1t1ds. Its moral &."Pect is more But it'< & great time in 'the world'• Centarion:-Dou't' Jet this occur . eustomo.ry iu the State of New York cl...,.lr nnd prominently <>xploiued. by h~ory anyway-<>ven if it ian•t in again or_ 7ou ,..iJJ he sent on polioo to permit relativea aad friends of two •ucb great expiJnents of Indinu mme. And here'~ 1he P•PI'r they dat:v fu Oadara. Now, looke_; here! th011e 'onfined in public institutions to t)lollli'.Lt and culture 118 Mahatmn GoD' send round to tell us how great are The"" nre your instructions. D'~ ,;,;t inmatett during the h01U'11 p,.. dlt\ 111\d Dr. Rabindranath T"'ffl'e." the times we're livmg in-I koop it -.eP You""' st&tioaed here'''~ •"ribed, nnd thnt he knows uo legal Mallatma. Gandhi, touching this paint to coMole me (talc ... it from hi• <I!Dt illegal """emhlieo, pe<>ple. !»~<•· re .. on to prevent the wife and 10u. of oaj'8 in .. Young India'' of June 30:- pocket). It'• well to he !ltlpplied ing without permits, s...L•wu.' ,ltLJllllti Lnrkin from -.isiting him in ··'Wbale<er the fate of non-co-oper- with tht> WOI'Id's n"'" hl!lt' in thio •peeche•, and all that kind of ''"ng,

"'' York. Mr. Yorke waa the pr....,_ atiun1 I hope that not a single Indian God-fol'):otten part of the Empire, Gild to report to me at the ettd ,,f , utiug attorney on lw>half of the People "'m vft'er his serviceo for :lleoopo- "The wife of Pilnteo llad a dream." gutml. But if nn•·th nJ! • a '· La.rkin. He mentiou that he would l tJJJ whether for the ·civil or the Well, I wouldn't put it past h~f ..... riou U.tve 0Cfll1'8,> frU\·emt,r

tli\'f% o.dvi~ 1he American Consul in tmi clepartm._ent. We must learn ltd~n·t say wh~llh~dreamt about. Wl .. IJP lu h.· informed ol onrt• r .. Dublin personlllly, " had I been per- tu t lunk •11 ourselvec; fWld ~>Mute 011- Enter Gentmion. t I • r(...,.? mittod •. , make''" cotdetaplated"\Cis•t • r 1'"" ~loyli,el\1 ftncl out Centutitm (Hq,Is CJ.II ·a boy, and he Setond Romnn ""''tching IH• bo:ul

, Tn-innd, hu I W~d 1 tbnl t u trln we mnv nof mnb our. ipe.&."! lh. o 1rl'11:d .: ..,1 t..,l ma2lher). with lbt tulnd trll n·ie'd. r. bn.ndnn my trip to Duhlin by reasoa eelveg instrUments oi injustk"'. Apart Hnl1! Lookey ;,.., .. now' You - lllllute) :·-Will 'W.. pernlit •L• I • f th• dive~sion of the s.a. Baltic (in from tho <(uestion of Khalifut aud now I These are your instructions. ginning of the II]IO<!Ches beru,o r!Jn which I"'"' a passenger) frolU Queen•- from the poiDt of a.bstrnct justice the You are statio.ned. hen to prevent become seditiou•? t '" n t • Liverpool on the occasi011 of English hve uo right to hold :llesc>- illegol assemblies, seditiolll! speech.. Centurion lp=led; After a Po.use I he en!orced debnrkation of His Grnce, potami11. It is no port of our loynlty and all that kind of thing. You emphnticallv) :-There must be n~ Dr . .Manni>:, and further by reaaon of to heiJI the Imperial Government in oeeP Tbe roonruent 'l!lnst be pre- sedition. You two are the- cordon 1he Governlnentol presslll'O to prevent what' i• in plain language daylight vented from spreading. Report•to ••nitaire. There must he no sedi-the extension of my tour to Ireland." tobher:v. U, therefore, we seek civil me at the change of guard. But, tiou. either in thought, ...-. rd or Tllis throws a further light on th<> 01' military eroplc>ylUent in :llesop<J- but, hut. if anything serious occuro deed. ,•tt·ttda of'Euglnnd's peculiar admiuilo- tamia. we do"' for the sake of earning meanwh!le yo.a o.n• to report direot Second Romau:-Bnt how will _., tratic>n. Here we have ou American a livelihood. It io our duty to aee to Pontrus Pilate. I He points out know~ Toga! offic!!r, r:aul<ing similarly to the that that source is not tainted." English director of prosecutions, pre- Dt. Tugol'<', who conceived long ago '<'ented I rom Tisiting Irelaud on official the idea of non-cc>-operation, "'hen he I t•uu toncerowg purely Americon renoun<...l. his• knighthood, /'peaks

I<' 11 1bo English Administro· w:iW equal f<=r·:-


f.t·ntur •1n Wlo.1t' \'"nq duo t bow "'Lia1 edrtwu 1 ~ Tlwn the 110aaeor ,vou 14~rn thto \I('O.ttf·r! IH• yovdvt, and tt'J~•r.

~•ond Uttuuu -,.\\C! But M, ( 't.•nt'ltt"II \"rtw ~hut Ufl. .. ~

J'Urt to rn or t , t ht.• GoYernor. (Jo. '' Sec nd Homan l>nllflll hi• hand ,, L, tJ. Wtlh • alap

} 1r-ot Huua.~n fltJm,f"'g tu s("('rm.d witlt pn1fm1n,J tnnr.•mpt):-Well, you~ ~ 11 t+ umadlt 'l 11a;•. ~'

St ;·ond H•mr11n \'• 'L Hu" "'' I kltO\' f' T f (• pet'C!.If" m ,. w, h.-.... ;r•n •""11 .... -d t n:~, and lwdld nuL t),~ rt' \ttl.Ot t f<e no .\ "c tu lr.rh tl t-f'l'f k:i tl uf J"of-"' • h I no oot' to \IUt•r a w .. rd ~ \"bt.• lhPn J !n-ed om of 'pet" h;

F· r Rolll8<1 ·looking 111 elm~ h '" "·uicb ('e-nturion "'<'nl, and theu eeating bim .... lf , an+ ion"S!t" on a rock with .. sigh ol coutan~:_:.n thrn• 1

to he no osoembly, how can thew 1 .. oedi tious opeechiog P Did Y<> e' .r hear ~ ~~~h without an audienEeo ~ And if th~ll' wJ itoelf, wha· kind of an idiot are \'o that .1e can· t mW o mental not& uf it P Didn't vc hear him tellinlj' y~ that ,.~ are the co •• don I!IBnita.ire f

....... ond Roman:-1• d~~a·r t..Jk OlutL cli8cipline, driO(• 1t •·· guard a tombP

Fm RoiiUUI. It • not oal.l' g•urdm• a huu L ,.. n an•. hut guarding .t~ : ~.t trr• ldlf of the Roman .Em pin!. rr \'t thtnk Imperial Rome is draoid of a corpoe? Our lll'<!flt Emphe t " uothiag, living or dead.

Second Roman ;-Veil, why nre ,., here? '

:l'int RolllJin:-Tu preserye peace and ~t.amp out gad_ition.

St"t'"Ond !loman :-Dut .it·ia lref·:J.u!fit' we aro· hen- that people am -tttwo•

F•Nt Romau (firmly lolld r-o~th.r ora­tOI'ic-•11\') ;-And bec:BOBe they llR

~dlttous we ltn• hare. nd Ruman f with 8ll llT1tahng

!O;ru It) ... u 1 If' etfect D an ._. r:u~ fur r Le cau.~ ~

I H'~t J:,•w:an ~-'fUen-' no exc11. ... t" f·:sr aoyone • fJjr D.Dg to law and ~nl · r Suioelr '"•'11 don't -e • ·u ell ~ •I ~ .. mhli ... ...W•• 11

JM-...•t •.-.c 11:1tf, hla1 k~ua.nlism hkP tb· l fPt: n1 t dr-dri'f"ibiJ in ( o.rn. dntl I t t • ~v nf Cl'iDw :.o d'uiul ing "" r b1 houidrr.)

.~econd Roman Au, bUt eef a mOB. walk& straight he is anoeoted for illegal drilling 1 and if he wolb crooked, for be1ng drunk, and if he J'emaina ltill l.e 1~ a~:~ked to move on. Be iuot before yon sit in judgment.

Jinlt R<JlllllD:-Don't talk nOD.881l!le. Do yuu thiak ju·li•, r·onld hue aay e~t on a. lut uf rebels P Arunrer

(Continued on PlliJe 7).

' on 'l t•t· .. tu Americans interfering • ThP u~e- of mflrcenary troops for • 1 J.,..JIUld, even in tueir own aiiai,.,. utilitarian purposes is degrading to all r •u Eu.glisl1 l1ave. good reason to feo.r porti~ concerned and it grieves my rhe i\t.f'n·e.ntiou of public pryeecutora hen:rt B!lt an Indian to see that mem. m I,, "d. hers of o subject race which hn.s been

+ + + deprived of its right to carry nrms for 011 Septemher 18 the United States il<l "" n self-protection are

M"il Stewmship ('ompany is timed to tlll'Jled into D!fhting outomatoms for ronrm< lll (• i: , new Eurupca.n sr-rvice. the imperialistic aggrnndisemen~ of o. Tbe ~- 01. Panhandle Rtnte is to moke nlrtion "'·hose possessions are alieady

Strengthen the Industrial ==Arm of t he Nation=

tile fil'st round trip from New York, too bm<lensome for ito lnoml integrity 11lling at Cobb tUtd Boulogue, with nnd'~t>hyslcnl strength."

London "' the terminal port . .. .. .. The •otal shipments of li•e stock

! "" li'OI:wd this year to Angnst 28th I ~· ~ached nne million and forty·tw4• hou d, whil:h i• considerably in ex­

tt'"" ,, llL8t year. ..... The l!entnll Donrd of the Co­

"pemtlve r ninn at llanchester hu JtnHSed u ll'>olution "deploring the full~ o.f tht:' Government either to •1 r~·~·: l'cl-nj>erutive creameries in Ire­• nd, , •r bring to justice those respon­t4ible fnr their destruction/' 'l'bis re-111C•]utiol mav be well-intentioned; hut , i• a •lngulllrly ill-worded nnd de­• .• \ document. TheBe croomeries 1 , I -'" npenly destroyed by the un.i.formed Jl'llice o.nd fioldiers of t.he '

1 GevernmenL" The facta have been puhlishE'<I, and have never been de­ni•. To aak the " Goverm:nen t " to pr •I•·• t property which hu been de­"' ovtJ by their own agents ia a cruel J< It~ One might.,. well llBk a tig~er to I' !.<' t o lRmh 88 to invite the " Block n d To.ns '' to protect a crenmery. 1 E· nr Dilllion mem ben of the Union It a"'t be- l'e~· innocent il their com· n\t)fUten~e cn:n he imposed upun by a z~onlution of this character. If the c~ntrol Boord means to protect the croom~rie• they should draft a re•olu­tiun demanding the withdrawal. of the : Govetnment't~ " forees.1rom lreiJ~.tJ.d,

'l'hio would help to otop the burning of the l rto.m~ri~.

:tnterviewed U~· n representntil'e of th•·jDnblin 44 EVening Telegnph , on Wednesdn.•· of lAs! week in reference ' '" th'tt following statement of the Lu1 er:Jt rurreepondent of the "Daily \loti'>-

"Sir H. Greeuwood told me to­day thllt thE! Government decision regiU'IIin g the Lord Mayor of Cork will not be departed from. If the Sinu Fei11era uad been coutent to acce111 a11vthing else than complete ipde1>endence th& Pn>mier's propo­HUIFI fm meeting their leaders would 11ot hov& remained nnnnswered. Tile Premier is still reud.r to meet 'them' A1lould aay Tespons1hle repi'I>­aentn.tiV"e of Sinn Fein come for­ward.'' Mr. Griffith said: "1'1l£re i• here au

obvious effort to m-..nd foreign opinion and to excuse the horror that. is u.eing deliberately enncted in Brix· ton Prison. The suggestion is that the British Gu•ernm•nt proffered the Sino Fein leoder. e•erythiog, except absolute indepeudl'Ul.'e, and received no a~Utwer to their proposal<>. It is quite untrue that any proposals ha..-e lleen received by the elec·ted represen­tativ"" nf the people of Ireln.nd from the Briti.•h Government. As I •aid th....., weeks ago, when lllireann received any such proposals Dnil Eirennn woUld deal wtth them ''

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The Lord Mayor of Cork -Tlie J.ord Moyo•· of Cork o.nd hia teUow-priMJner~ in Cork still lh-e ae 'A:e go tA:• pres11, ulth•mgh before this

_...,_ the hope and deAire of the Government Labouren A.otl purpose• .• '21,60, that the Amhic-spea.king peoples who Water Suppl• .. •. . ~,92

At lut, fragments of the truth about have •uff<"ced under Turkish rul& s. .. eraae ... 966 MeoopotauUa ~:f!;>mitted to appear •hould once more enjoy that .liberty BuriAl Grouod PurpONO ... G6 in the Englilth ress. From th~ "•hich will enable them to build the Uoder tho Local Gov...,meot fragments, it a pears, the English edifice of ci-rilisation and prosperity (A.llolmente ohd Lend Cttlti••· forcea there are m a b~d way-~nch a. "hich oir centuries of trrn=Y and t.ioo) ... 1,923 bad way that the English press 1s call-, miarule have hrought te> rum and dea~ Other Purpooeo ... 4,918 ing for the eva41&tion of the .co!"'~· lo.tion." And in the two yean that •

The truth abOut Mesopotam•a 1s th1s have pax<;(>d this same ~remi<'r of En!f· 84,87 • -the English tll oecuno the support of land's adruini•trntion m lfesopct8lllla ita people in bier \CII.r engaged-once ha• tresW the lfl'llopctamians ,..llo the Turk had beon dri.-en out-to leave acted on hi• warda to like villainieo lfesopoto.mia fJ:Ce. The Turk ws.a with thO><e iinposed on the people of driven out. Tllr English remain~, OJ!. Ireland. The people of Me•opotamia insis""' on A.nd now the Middle East execrates the c<>ntroct-the principle of self- the nnrue of England, and the English determination, they ,declared, muat be in l(esopotamia 1n·e defeated IUld ex­applied. Tb,. Eng\•sh at length ap- posed to tl1e world. peared to agree-theY then set to work No Rnglish. Government bas ~­with l11ibery and cajolery to secure :• a ceeded in ma.kmg England so deapilled mandt<te " !roll). the :Yesopcta.Dlla.ns ond hated throu~rhout the world U the for Engli•h rule to remain. They present En~lish Government haa.cRIIu!•: · foiled. No Engli•h Government has evu

What followed wos kept out of the brought tho Bdtioh Empire so near the English and most of the world-press. nrge of destruction. It ia th.e mcob England cynically refused to 'keep. ~er incompetent ns well as the bo~t solerun pled!f6 !Old accept the deciS!On GoveMUuent England h18 ., pfo­of lfesopcta.min. She arrested, ':"'· duced.

r.risoned, nnd deported l:lesopotamJan eadero-she raided and harried the

people. She s.c1ed in lfesopcta.mia as she is acting in ln!land. Local Taxation --

• " ' Then the .Mesopotamians fell upon

her, and now Me•opctiWiia is with wrath against "I he perjured Eng- JJJ.-RUl!.AL DISTRICT CQIDI­

CILS. The rural district& ore the unite of

Groes Total of all Expenditure G06,412

It ie impcrtont. to uote that the item "Payments in reopect of borrowed money" in<'lude tbe amouota paid by the Local Governm<'nt Board out o the reeidue of tho Exchequer Contri bution nod the Labourers Cottage. Fund directly to the C'ommissioneT'!I o Publio Works and the Irish Land Com mission, respectively, nnd applied ·bv these bodies towords the repapnc:nt ,)f loans obtained by Rural Distnct Coun cils under the Labourers Acts in. pux suance of Section 18 (1) <>f tha Labounors Act of 1906. The swns so applied, as shown loy I he accounts <1f the Rum! District Councils, amounted to £68,262.

IV. The <·ost <>f the upkeep of th

asylums bee increased bY a lies.vy sum and the amount of money required to be furnished from the ratea for llhi purpose is malting a heavy drain on the local public puxoe.

lish." Her arJ!!iOI' have been impotent aga;nst th& otifraged people, and the story oi England's hypocrisy and tyranny in MesopotiWiia is banding all the Middle against her. Eng­lond'a press realises the blunder that has been committed-and is calling in pa.nic for the evacuation of the coun~ ley, which has been the grave of groot empires before, and threatens to be the grave of tl•e British Empire now.

count.y ta.xation. Their total ~um~r OOMlllTI'EES 01' r;uNATIC ABYLOMS. is !To hundred and ten, compnsed 1l1

~y-tbree ndministrntlv.! counties.. The ordinary expe1111eo of a county are provided by me.,• of n rate on each rural dietrict, known 1\11 poor-:ra.te, which the County Council ia em· po\l·ered to make once a year and col­lect in t"o eqWil half-yearly instal­manta. The sumo raised by thill rate form portion of the fund from which

To such straits ha.-& the hypocrites and incompetents who form the G~ vernment of England ~rought tbQir countey. Falsehood, Deceit, Trickery, and brutal "Violence were their wea­pons of Stat..,.n, and Ea•t and West these devil' a weapon• have failed them-

When th~ English enteced Bagdad they issued, on behalf of the Govern­ment of England, a proclamation tba~, excited the ott~ntion of the world, ..and was used by the Engli•h Prol'!go.nda

I-to .>ntrnot , ~ubility of 'l'JD!Pioh' aims with those of Germany. We re­pnblish it in part:-


Since the daya of Balak• your city and your lo.nda have been 1ubj~t to the tyranny of ltra.ngera1 your palaces have faJien iDto Me, yoqr aardeQJI have eunJcen in dNOt .... tioo, aad you forefathen and youraelvea aro&Ded ia hondage.. Your &OIHI have been canied of to wars not of yonr seeking. Your wealth h ... been .tripped from yau. by unjUit men •nd aqundered in distant placea:. Since th& d.,-. of lfidhat the Turka ha1'e talked of reiQnnt, yet do not the niinl and wutel of to-4Jq testily the vanity of tho.e promi~e~? lt ia the wiab not onJy of my KiD& and his people~~, but. it also the Wh of the ar-t. hat.ioua with whom he ia ih alliace, that you lhould proJp(lr, even u in the put~ when your Ianda were fertile, when your anceators gaye to the world literature, acience and ut> aDd when Bagdad City waa one of the wonders. of the world. It ia the hope of Britdh Gove.rnment that the .aspiration• of YOUf phiiOAOphers and writtrs ahaiJ be roa.liaed, llnd that once again the people of Baaded thall doa.riAh, enjoying their wea;lt.h and allba.t.anet ander inatita:· tiona which are in coru:onance with their ..,... cred lawa and rteiad ideu. lfany uoble Arabs have perilbed m tile canse of Arab freedom at t.he banda of those. alien rulers, the Turlu, who opp~ them. Jt ill the d~ -rmination of the Gonrnment of Grea.i Britain and the t')tut Powera allied to Great. Britain that theM noble Arab11 llhould not haTe •offered in •tin. It. is the hope and duire of the 'BTitiah. people and the nationa in nUiance with them that the .Arab race DULy

tiae once more to areatne..,s and reno'4rlt among tho peoplee flf the eatth, and that it ahall bind itallf topther to thi111 end in unity .and concord. People of Bngdad, re01ember that ror 26 gene~ons you suffered under •tran&~;e t7fante wbo have endeavoured io aot one Arab boUle acajust another in Of­

der that thq rnia~t proftt •by their di&Rett· .aion1. That poliey iJ abhorrent to GnMt 'Britain and bet alliM, for there can be neither pMc. nor JB"')eperity where there il enmit, and mi.tttoftmmeot.

Re<eipt. for Year 1919 (lo March 31) ,

Money &\Jpplied by County ond Oouuty Borough CGuncila ~··

From paying po.tienta Dnd private IOUTCE!t • ••

From Itaperial t;a:xes Suma .received from

bodies Other receoipt1

other local



~,695 18,7Ba


:ill conn ty erpendi ture ie defrayed, in- 1 006 756 dodins paymentlt of the money re- Th,e total gross l'ec·eipta therefore quired to meet the demands of rural just e.s;ceeded a million a year. The

County Councils ond City Corporations district council.s for general expen- found most of the mane~, some ninety-in connection with public health. The tb,. per cent. It "ill he noticed that .following are ~culani c4 tbi~ P::r~ 1 .!h& amount cont.l-ibuted by the ~CJ~dituro ,. •:' ~pi~'' .,... ....U,. .... IMeea. th0111o1

•ond, hemg Ieos tbon the very small amount contributed by paying patients and from private sources. The total gross re(lei}Jts tJ1e previous year nmounted to £901,'687. Th& in· creased revenue, therefore, was £105,069, which has heen provided by the Connt.v and Count}' Borough Ci>nn­cils. The rontribuhon from u Im. periol" ta.z-e.s, rea~ from Irish hues,


,Receiptls from Revauut, 1919 (to lfa.rcb £81).

lfoney aupplie<l by County Co11nC!ils 317,806 Rent.Ji of Labourcra' Ctlttage1 .• , 147,238 From Watenvorka ... 12,360 Burial Feea •.• -4,014 Gran~ in aid of roads, etc. •.. 190.

9,069 ::"'.i'f to,.;.,1a,,t:~sa:fdbe r:~try tfi; 10~513 source hns been rendered non-effective

Suna received fTom other local bodiea ·~· •••

Otl1er Rec.iph

--- because there were receip~ from loans 494•180

for £6,100 in. 1918, but there were no loan.• in 1919. So that the English Treasul) took nway with the left hnnd whot it gave with the right.

Th~ mount •upplied by County Councilo waa more than fite thonot&.d in exce~t~ of the previous yea:r.

The following was the expendiJ.ure RF.CEIPTS Jo'RO?tf LOANS. of the past two years com' , 1o

£ mo.rk incrf:"a!'les in tb~ cost o upkeep, Labourers Acta pllrpoau Wat<r Supply , ..

20,723 :U,~=~:~q matter for the payers of local 4,408 2,000 Sew~rage •• , ..•

Burial Oround pUfPo&ea ••.• Onder the Local Oover.nmeot (Al-

lotment. llnd J..and Oultivatiop, !,, Act of 1917) ••

Other UIIIC:'eiptlt operatin~; t\1 Loans

Gl'QM Total of All ReceiPte


1,683 621



Tbf.\ grcr"tt receipts :from rel"~uue •ud loan• iJJ. 1918 wer<> £667,114, "' that 1 he IQI!J Ie<!eipta \rere £14-~,05& ti!!B. The decline in the receipts from reve­nue wru; £1,735; the reooipt8 from loans •how o. di'Jp of £ 141,320. The principal cauoe of this is th(\t the amount lent under the LaboOl'el'!l .A.cts wao less hy twenty thouaand; and the run<>unt lent for .A.llotmenta ana L8l1d Cultiv~<tion i• Ieos by one huodt<!d and twmlty tliOWIQlul.

Th~ following iA un o.cconnt of> the bpenditure from revenlle:-



Expenditure (Yeer end :\larch 31)

Proriliona, neoeNariea and clothing

Medicinee .• Salariea &all W oget Superllnnua.tion Paid to Guardian.t for

mainteuauee of lunatict~ io worklloUHt

Parmenta in l'Mpeet of bouowed money:­

Principal poid o1! Inter•t

Other &ptntn

1919. 1918. £ £

G02,542 526 190 ~.973 4,422

19~,698 H2,869 17.341 19 027


.t0j52i 8'J:,332 34,828 31 225

119,0.6 102,792

---Toto I ExpenditW"e !rom

l'e'f'8RD8 . 1,014,578 806,1 21 Talal from

loaue .. 578 6,1 S7 ---

Groa11 Total 1,010,161 871 3118

The inl're-o.tted ezpenditure is

Lll" rencho.-t our J'(loder'l, be ur some otlter may hove pa!ised heroically away lr<on1 eRI'th lo live for ever in the heart &lid mc•nwry of Ireland. The England hurnnd St. Joan of A.rc at the etoke, the l'nglund that hon~ed the Bl"""od Oliver l'lunkett from 1'yburn Tree, the Jo;nglund that • hoi ned N a­pnloon to the Rock, the England thot J• The peop(j, of :W:eoopota.mia have de-

4'4 nne of ita own sons ~;;oid-never 1 ~iai•elv 8bown that they ~·ill not au1f:er •hawed mercy to a nnqui.hed foe, nor under 'the stran~ tyrant& from Eng­kept o. tTMty when it wao ita interest land, who have attempted and failed to ~nd ito P""'" to break: it, baa not been l-ot one Arab hou•e agninst another in

BAJa.riee • J;luriaJ Grouoda ... 64,281


£143,843. Provillion~. necessaries, and clothing have increo•ed during the yev by .£77 ,3o2. Snlarie• and wages gone up £61,829. It is remark­a'hle that the Lunatic Asylum Com­mittees •hould have been s.hla to in­crease their payment& in respect of borrowed money for principal Md in­~t by no leas than £11.i93. Other expensee ore higher by £16,784. We ~tUSpect that tl1is inLI'flnReds due ma.inl.:r ill the cost of roal, hut tha report a !'il~nt on the ouhject of foe). The A•ylwn Committe .. ho~e apparently ceased to make pa.ymeut• to Boards of Guardian• for the maintenance of luno.tka jn workhousep;. thus saving ~•en or eight thou'lllnd a yeor a.t the expenoe nf the GUIU'dinno.

u • cednlou• penple believ&-&up- Ordezo that they might. profit by. their l>lanled hf a better England. It is the dissen•iono, Thev baTe not only de­om• pi!i•es• England, but gvowo old feared thoae tynuits, but they are rous­

an<l bereft of cunning to see that, ing the "·hole Middle East of Asia when it oloya the Lord Mayor of Cork, jlgainot them -the fa<t which explains

I it willlu>ve espMed itoelf as the W olf the panic in th .. London vreso and t'be !hot •nenac"'• the existenc.e of all teturn of ,. virtuouo de&ire to set 0l"iliooti011. :\[eoopotamin free.

~ under t.he Laboai'Vt !topoiro af OottacM, otc,

l 'Jl('n~ for auuta,. Pul"pp&ee $upenaQnuation. Payment. m 1'8peet or borrowed

money:.-Prinaipal paid off Intercat

~"711\e.J\t!IJ to other )oeal bodia C>ther Jl'..xpentel ....

57,m 44,806 2,2i6

109,263 229,ll78

6,599 31l,182

,t,nl F.-xpenditure frat~~ Reweuu• 661,695

Soturda~· • .S.eplemb6 11, 1920. VOU".G IRELAND.

France and Ireland. in the name of reason we should kill him. ,. NOTAl • bheith ina r~ad6irl (pioneers) don efiuid II the m•n .,f ,\H 1Wd tL, w•·n of Erin; Entland crucifies the Irish people who are I eile, agus obair a bhainfadh (i dtaobh a bec ..... a~ the\' 'n ~~ th nf tll~ Iii· t.' of

- guilty only of refusing to partake of the -- dheacarachta) leis an tart!S' n6 an triu) ('airbre Rigtfada, th.1t • r 1 men Ill glories' of her Empire. Seven c:~turics bliain den chUrsa do dheunamh an cheud of llunster. For upon the •xc n uf

Paris, SaiUJ'dcy. of history has convinced them that they can- Dfuirmig Fresnel dHthe na sc4th6ntul- bhliain. i dtreo. nuair a thiocfadb an tarns a great !&mine wbicb came upon M11D-Thewaveofsympathy for ireland, accom- not count on her generosity, The world ochta (reftection) agus do deimhnigheadh bliain, gurbh uiriste dosna scrfbhneoirleile •ter the deo<"~ndanto of Cairbre Rigb­

panled by a certain amount of hostility for as we know it Is only composed of cash iad le tr~aileacha ch6 !ada's do b~idir 8 a lorg do leanuint. Bheadh iclir read6irf !ada left it, ond one po:1 of them went England, that ia sweeping throuch France <leaks, but, even so ore we going to sup- dheunamh amach, ach ta~is tuille cuardalg ogus Iucht teandna ag loghluim i gcomhnul to Alba, and lbt> other party <teid in

h be d 1 pre&& our scorn lor the tortUrer an~ our sa sceul fuaradh n6 tabhdar lfor ar fad. mar is as an obair a fachtar an lhoghluim. Erin, from whom are t.he Dalraida at at the present m~~nt as .•.n eep y l'dmlration lor those martyrs of an ideal. Brathadh nithe eile sa sceul nir thug Fres- Bheadh cur-le-cMile agus leanuint-as-a- this day. 'fhl')· took ,,,.. .lt<·r· ani resented by the Br~nsh authonhes here. Was there anything nobler in the sanguin- nel It ndeara ogus dO ceartuigheadh an eMile ina lith~id de phlean-dosna l~th6irf in thooe tettitorieo, till the t me of It has been stated that Lord Derby, the ary history olthe Coliseum, or was Stave' teoiric Mara mbeadb an teoiric, Amh, nl ch6 maith leis na scrlbhneoirf-agus i Aedban Mac Gal•l uta, King .f .\II,., British Ambassador, officially informed oil .f'\t~r than MacSwiney, Lord Mayor bhluighfl amach ctiis na nithe eile sin. Sa gceann deich mblian n6 ch6ig mblian ndevg and <•I Aedb Yac .\inm~ K.n of Quai D'Onay that ehher he or. Mr. Gavan r. ,7fi

1t ls·,·n vll·n that politt'cs and oth- In- cheartd, Aqlh, nfor loiteadh an teoiric. T6 measaim co mbeadh ar chumas an ghnith- Erin. And & ccut•· ·" ·<'

1 ~'""" D..... h E 1 h r b R bll _, sl againn Ids dfreach mar a bhl s1 ar dtais scrlbhneora Gaedhilg a chur ar aon srnaoin- those two kings oLou th•ur .!n.c!

KWJ., t e nvoy 0 t e .ns epu . c. t -.: ts trY to smother the cry of an&uish and ch6 fa4a's na r; fbe bunaidh ad. inli. eamh d4r smaoineadh riamh, agus san ch6 that was one uf t i:I thrt~ ra.u~ '1

shoald leave France. M. Mlferand, leanng lite protestation of Ireland," says "Nou- DA dtuigtf ar dblis al!li'astufocht ionta f~in bog ~idh is a cuirlf Fraincis n6 Beurla air which Columt ille <=te to Erin, to to ollend his Englisil Ally, invite<! the Irish \Oilto" of Algiers. "That country asks lor 8 bhl na nithe a chusidh chun na ndlithe agus ch6 soil~ir sin nir dbeacair don make J>\!SC& liM"""" th• men of Erin. representative, with all diplomatic for- the execution of a solemn promise. She dheunamh, nl d6eha go gcuimhneoll ar na ghn6th-l~tb6ir dhea-thurtba-suas ~ thuisg- Erin, from "'hom• tuP Dalrioda at maUries to absem himself from Paris The .SCS.rves her independence. She de~ands dlithe in aon chor mar nf ttirll 16 ndeara int. I gceann chuig mblian ni deirim n6 go Wbeu b& ca!IU! to tJ,.. meeting Col­"Tem,.'" to-night in a .se ·-o111 • 1' com- llle. application of the great princip!e pro- an bhaint a bhl ag na nlthe sin lena eMile. mbeadh leagtha amach againn go daingean mnn, son of Oongellan, accmppo.nied

' nu . tla Claomed by the Entente, of the r~ght of Is !for an rud aduaradh, fad6: d6 mbeadh na prfnsiobail na bhlisladh an Ghaedhilg him, ana Colman "·as requested <o • , .• munique. throws the onus lor thts measure peoples to g<>vern themselves. Thousands uirlisl deich n·uaire nfos cruinne ag Tycbo d' rt!ir ni hea. acb is amhlaidh a bhudb na judrment ),.tween the men or 1-. ''" on the shoalders of rhe British Govemmerft of lrfsllmen have fought in our ranks for ni bheadh Kepler t1i Newton alainn n' prlnsiobail sin 6irilhe suas chugainn as an and Alba.." and insinuates that it would be time enouglr t cause of Right and Justice. To-day they reull6ireacht. Ml-lhortiun d'eoluiocflt obair a bheadh deunta. Mar nf do rt!ir 11lltr The time when the•e Irish colo­to acr when the Government of the United ask payment for their sacriflces and invoke teacht deunac:h ar an uol nuair at• Uirlisl i& is maith Iinne a fh4san teanga ach do ~ir niste went into Scotland is f'Ht -

States had taken the lead a thing wh'ch of Rliht and Justic~ lor which so many of them meadhoin na beolu!ocbra r6-bheacbt. Mar mar is maith 16i 16in acus san d6r n·alndeoin mated about .A.D. W6, u.nd with them • •

1• • dlt:d under lore1gn Hags. But to-day they sin alA an sceul ag ill gceimlocht fhisic- pe aca piartristl sinn n6 a malairt. wont oonuo,_of th.e fllnlily nf Eire, son.

co•n;se. ono.cannot ~nv~&&ge. Accordtng 10 pt no satisfaction. Promises, pieces of each. Ni l~idir do lucftta bunuithe Ieathan TADGH 0 CIANAIN. of Munt'l!anilu&r, from the cuunttY now the tournai m que&tlon the French G<>vem- i:A&per! England denies ber signature. -radharc lh4il ar an sc6im gol6ir agus na known as An !Tint. The first Irish, ment endeavoured to avoid (living publicity i'li<n the Irish people turn to Pran~tbe prfomh-dhlithe bhainean ~i do chumadh ho,·ever1 prybably croso;ed a!,,,,, A~. to Mr. Gavan Dolly's departUre, but an Champion of R1ght, the Herald of .~usttce. Ioise na deichmbacha ~cimals) bheith rt1- 258. 1'nev attained the lordship and En&fish propagando organ published ,. Bu~France turns away .• ~as. who .. there llhada acu. Self-Determination nominal klngsbip of Scotland, bnt an-

Paris, acting on tbe instrUctions of Downing ~~ l~t:; ~~~;La \':;;~ttn:O df,;~;:';~t hh , . . • __ ~~~!.J tifud~~~~=C::~ A=h:f· nev,ill Str·- -·d th It bl' H r~ h • · · h h • · S•n derre le cu•d dent seoul agus ~ mo HOW IRELAND LED THE WORLD b · h 'b t hich -·· .. ~ e e ma er pn . ~c. owever, I( a c apter dealtng ~tt t e massacr~ m thuairim gurb uiriste a bri gener,lta do • t nt tilllo t e tri u e _,.. 11

the present French authonnes may seem Ireland, and our soul ~ troubled. A temble thuisgint agus mar sin nich g' dhom suim 'l'lte first ~ord of a mandate of in• enac·ted on tbl'ln by liPiand. This " " apolagetical or ashamed of this fct. every •ha(.ge ts made out qa1~ us where we are na bpulntl m6ra ann do chur s!os anso. _,_1 the :raising of an nrmi bY land and • .• lover of liberty can only have a denounced as the assasstns of w~e~ and Scuirlad de &o ceann tllDilill ¢ sceul 6 dependence gruted by a pow~-...., also tho pa~·ment of an eiric , •Ju.

cblldren. When I say 'we,' n ts mten- . eod d 11 h nation to a snbject race dates from the King of Ireland. Other authorities prol?un~ c~te~p! lor. tbe ob"':qul~s tionany, because if the English soldiers agus taratng ru e e c ogam. Convention of Drumcat, held in Derry say t.hey paid yearly 7 •hields, 7 !ashton m whtch tt subnuts 10 the dtctatton have IIISS8SSinated, we their friends and Ti m6rAn teurmal nua agus cainteana nua about the year 690, 11Jld was the gift steeds, 7 hondsmen, 7 bondswom<>n, 7 of England. alijes are their accomplices. To-day our . 1 all of the Iriab ~ople. to tbeir Scotch hounds all of the •ame hft!e<i. _\eden.

The following 1 1 M 1.. • G<wernment ond the whole world is asked sa m6ld • 16 agum t serf anso e tam ~· however, who Wll$ the first of the Dal-Martin Senator etter rom . outa to Intervene on behalf of !he Lord Mayor 11U1ith. As an nGaedhilg !~in a bhaineas colony. It is a goodly beritago for 118 radian prmces to sh0'1V any mlll'ked

V , ' ' appeared in tbe "Petit of Cork. Shall we without protesting allow lurmh6r na dteurmaf, ~ sin, do cbuireas "'110 stDlld in the fighting line fm· Ire- ability, doimed independence. and won

ar. him to be aSsassinated also. No, we shall Gaedhilg ar tach siolla. desna locail l..aidne Iwtd to-day to remember that ..-ben we it the yent after he aucceeaed -'11> the "The Lord Mayor of Cork, M. not remain silent before such a crime. We agus Ghr6igise, ech amhiin i gcu na os " untton hnd it in· our ab•olut& throne. In this all the ancient ••~

MacSwiney, is slowly dying in prison a do not wish that t~e blood of the just should bhlocal gur bhain atharu brl dh6ibh le linn po•·er to "ontlil' ue t- !•old the un-'ll- countH ng....,., the Abbe Mo,c Geogbe-1 II h--'- .. iad do ghlaca ~teach sa Bheurla. Nior •• • ~ .. • f · • "- Hi t r martyr ro the Irish cause. All that 18 a, on our ~;, . g~, or wstance, m IWI e .c: ,. •

civilised tn the world and in an immense ~, a Freemason organ_, m ghlacas aon fhocal isteach 6n mBeurla, ach mg Scotch ns onr s.~bject cclony-n&J\ Ireland, says: ••With respect t . tl t'

number of English ~le, revolts at this a \~!n:,,"~~~~l..";ys~n::!d "::"ve~a~l~~ :::'c~;i';;';c;:'o ~~:C~~"':~ ~;:h~\~~~ ::~=ri~h:: •• ~ta:easto ·;~,:~to;; St~nCo'l!~cilt"1!~~~~~mb[: ,7;1:::,~ spechtele. We, French ~ople, cannot lor- proclaim according 'to the gospel of Wilson, do chur air. Chllar uaidh sin nir threigeas replied to their firat demand for in- don it, o.nd the two princoo "' lTai<:d get the unalter~lo Hdehty. of Ireland a• tho right of peoples to Sell-determination. n<ls 'r sinsear agus, go deimhin, nf d6 liom de~•ence neither by ,. refusal nor in pea«'. A<cording 0 one ot the Ill tested ~y her h1~~, and m the &r':"t war Thi• great Council recognised the nations go ndeaghas Ieath ch6 !ada is t~idfs sin ~"' anoient oeeount• it wos C<>lman, son she fum1she~ b.nlhant proofs to which we that uked 10 live. It aven reconstituted the ag glaca focal iasachta 6&ach teangain. P6 by any oct of war, but by inviting nf Congellan, "ho was ordeft!d by ca~.not renuun •pdUJerer;lt. ancient kingdom of Sion" but it was silent cuma in ar ceapadh na riurmal is them to a. Nt'-tional Conferenre to dis- Columcille to pronounce final judg-

Parnell sacrrftced lor. Ireland . and the as 10 the fate of Ireland. Since then the d6cha go ndeurlidh an pthl~th6ir cus• their clnims. mont between th~ nations, others, number of unftlled prom1sea, are fresh tn nltiopal 1ttiment 0~ Ireland has been ex- gur deallrathach le carraigeacha m6ra St. Columcille.came with tbe &<>td> how,....,r, ma.,, 1 •Ul tl was St. Coltllll-our mem"'>: Allow me through the colums alt ! , 10 sacriftce. M. MacSwiney, prbha iJd, Nil telll>eas ogamsa air colonU.ts from Scotlund to be !.heir ad- ern. ]ijlll&elf uho, I• 4Trn " 1 • • of the 'Petit Vm IO ·~r~-~ r· .. tf)tl lll~ .... ~ ~or.-nas~-f(J11f n r.:vll ~-•.-nv,( .. sin., theurmai '\( .. Hlt","'ttlllln t~ ... I[,•J' h.H !10\fl r- on~rni 0 "" I '· m:-td\. m.aJ ,.ymp.tlly'to Ill. MacS'wtney, JOJiis m011101'J, rather than live under British domination. ntch m6r i gcomhnui ar dtdis. M6 !han aid fltl a)>pcol ·f<Jr "the'. freedntil, i)f • Dc.,tllratiuti ·t lud~.,..ud n •. 11""-pe_rhaps, •.nd ro tell ~h~ Enghsh who have and his Cleath will add another martyr to the siad sa teangain lfomhfar ia4 i mbeulaibh smul.l nnhon he .sa.Jd.f.. after acb~.,.. ever this may be tLc follow m~ ]t!· .. UII~ ra1sed the1r \'Olces m h1s favour that .the~ Irish cause. The conftict is such that the daoine agus sa deire beid siad ch6 mfn agus I'-•dgwg th_e materml nrtvantages 'Which 1 are said fo ha\'"e been agreed upon a.t have defended the holy cause of humamty. world cannot remain disinterested without ch6 h6luinn le haon lhocal d6 bhluil inti le the holding of &otlnnd meant to r,..,_ the Convention: "Their .,xpeditions

"We only i~terlere.with the gr~test cir- signifying il!l scorn of justice and of human mile blian-IA sdil agam go mbeid siad i lund: "llut if you w1>uld cherish! and b06tings to be with the men of cu~11on tn .!"" '"!~mal. allatrs of ~. suWering. Tha great war taught us the value bhfad nlos binne n4 cuid desna focail ias- lil~<:rty and leo.rninlf, if you woultf 1 Erin always, for hostings nlwa~ ~ !.ore1gn country, says La l..1b~ Parole,. of strategic considerations. but it could not, achta at6 glatuithe chdcha "Bg cuid desna secure for yoursel~es trn•l'worthy . long to tlie parent stock. Th.eU" trt-

bqt who dares pretend that lnsh aWa1rs however. cause us 10 forget the rights of pidraist! mar lhocail ghlm-Ghaedhille. allies •••.. then break to-day the 1 buteo and gains lind shipping, to be are the sole conc.ern of England. Has not peoples. Ireland ardently desires her in- sboc.kleo thnt have for too long bound ...-ith the men of Alba. And "'bell one every human bema the world over heard dependence. We refuse to believe that Ni hi dteurmal do cbeapa n6 do ghlaca your kinsmen in ~cotlond." Beside I of the men of Erin or Albn sbould the~ of pa1n from Ireland, on Iter knees English genius cannot ftnd a means of 6 theangthacha iasachta at6 deacracht an him as b_e spoke stood Aidun, King of ' come from the East, Dol Riada. tG praymg around the bed. of agony of the organising its proper defense without sreil ddinn, 4mh, ach insn• caintean!t. the Scotch, with his great t'ourt nnd entertnin them whether few ru ' ~ord Mayor of C~k. ThiS "!"n"!rous aflair oppressing its neighbour. Otherwise Eng Beidh orainn, measaim, sompla an Ch~it- delogation, and oppo.•ite him Aodh, o.nd Ute Dul R;,.dn to con~e\' u IS only a cold P?ht•cal 85585SIOa~on. ~l~ly llsb liberalism seems really to be only an innig do leanliint ag r6cht ar nithe deacra son of .tin more, High Ki~ .of Ire!nnd if they require it." . • • drawn out, whach revohs the ama&Jnauon article of exportation. At all events one is dhUinn, agus na cainteaila iasachta do ~urrounc1ec.l by the proYUlcJnl Kmgs King Aedhan for wliose tndepen .. •nd the heart of all those who have any de- inclined to believe it when reading of the Ghoelu focal ar lhocal I~ mar a dheineadh and. He•·~•lit.nry Prine.,. of Ireland with I donee tht> Irish 'national anint .fought eree of sympathy for England. It is, hither· OJOnY of the Lord Mayor of Cork." In selsean co minic. Ag tr6cht ar lheallsdn- 1he1r Courts, llnlong whom were ~0 bard, was one of the first kmgs of to, evi~ent to ev~ry sensible rryan that. E~g~ another arricte 0 La Lanteme," editorally acht agus ar litriocht deinid Iucht g,ach C1iomhthnnn Cean-, King_ of Lelnst.e.r, ; n•hoae o..nointlnJ there i..11 anv reeord, land wtU never trtumph over lrtsh patnonsm states 1 ''The Lord Mayor of Cork is dying, teangan gnAth-abairti d'6s4id ar mhodh I~ 1'ollo.nn, son of .Scannlan, so~ of and be was onomted by St. Colnmcille and sooner of later the independence of Ire- and 8 French journal approves or Lloyd Ieith. Nf m6r duinn tosnu air sin ach ar Cennnlnula.rdh, Klilg of Os1'1Ugbe; himself, who, os Abbot of IoniL and land will be universally recognised To-day George in the name of State reasons. This e"'la go gcumfimfs ar an gcuma san beur- .lf&u!Jmn, son of Aodh Ileannoin, ; fu"St lnil\8~r uf the Foith to Scotland, Lloyd George, deal and dumb, obstinate sentence should be pasted on all the walls !agar n6 tuigfadb duine ar bith nl m6r ddinn Xing nf W c•t :Um.•sl<>r: Finghi~, son I took precedence of . all Scottiob and relentless, assumes the responsibility of France and the ~oet in which such a an obair do dheunamh diaidh ar ndiaidb: 1>f AoJb, son of Crtomhthann, Kmg of BishoJ>•· St. rolumcille WllS appar­for.a political assassination 1f!1d a terrible proposal .;as written with impu~iry ~ould uain do ~hdirr do dhaoine chun tahhl mhaith nil Munster; Criomhthann Deilgneach, entl)' rut ardektt n.dvoc-a.te for the in~ civil war rather than allow h1s country to bo held up to the scorn and ind.gnatson of a bheith acu ar roinnt bheal abairtl a casff King of the South of Ireland i Guaire, dt•pPmlen{'e of no.tions

1 and a..·conling­

have a free neigh hour. On this account it honest men." as a ngntth.chdrsa sara ndeunff an cleas son of rulmnn, from the Kingdom of ta Father D' All on 'a H1Btorv of Ireland must not surprise England to see France "In Prance .. says 11Sithoueues Hav· ceudna ar roinnt eile. T' m6rlln cainteana Clnnn Fin<'hrn<'h, Routh nnd Xo:rth .. The .:\hhot kn~w the diffiCulties with respond not only with human symp1thy to raist.s" uwe begin to speak about Ireland. in llriid againn anois i dtion61aibh comh- Raghnllnd1. ~um of lfndniclh, whl, wuA wiJidl Itt> (Aedhan wu sunounded in the unmerited sulferinp of Ireland, but to If potilics be national or international it cltaisf, etc, n4 tuigfl in aon chor deich liiug of Tun.thn T,tidhiou and of , Jxi, ruledonian pu~:-~e .. sions, t ... 1 ... reel for the latter something like a sentiment will always be the weather coc:k that (urns mbliana 6 shoin. lh"£>ithfnc. Ui Runjn as fur ns Cllal1han. wa." enr1 mpns .. ~ hv powerful t>-1. m ~ of solidarity in the birtemess of a Hogrant to oYOry breeze and t~ere are people who :.Uudhnint ; t'ealh>< h, ••n of l'eDrni'Ch. i ·b .. Northern nnil Southern Pi t· inJustice." In nL'Oeuvrc," M. Gustave adore to-day what theY burned yesterday, D' mh~id den obair seo at4 ar sitU nn ~on of Duhb Dotllra, Kiug of Hreit1t- · and t~t against thP!L!.• , nt uu""" lu• Tory asks if there ever was a more painful although they admirelf it the day before. Ieath tr nd6tltana againn de. Mara mbros- fne l'i Ragballrugh; Cron!!i'alncb I roald newr make beadwa• •f k· · 111 drama that that which is being played at To~-day, as always, we return to our first I tufmfd nf bheidh an Ghaedbil~ ch6 suss- Chinn llug_ha1r, King_ .,f Tir Chon.aill; u ~ilion r •I l""lltl,_.u,. nnd ' t lJ:P this moment in Brixton prison. The death Jove •nd address all our sympathies to Jre--- chun-d4ta is at' an Bearla ano1~ go ceann the two King~o~ of Oirgltiall, • wit, hDl1l}M"rerl h:v a \ ul)' t-r:ilmte- •II~ of MacSwlney risks making the Irish Sea land. We hope she will proftt by the move- mile blian. S~ rud I~ ndeir an nghneas nt Dnimhin, oon of Aon)l'hus, hom C1oc- Irish King· • • His •r• m• "'" an impassible abyss. U England does not Jl\Uit in her favour that is developing all gan an obair 1 bheith • dbeunamh do r~ir har Deru.& to I~~ioundtarn, on Sliobb "''a , onv1ndng, his iufluenct w lh give in she Is opposed to • natlorr that IS the world over to free herself from English ph lean agus 16s gan tora oibre gach scrfbh- Funrd; Aodh, .C•n of Duach Galaall the ('unwntru" wu• 0r ,,t ••I hi.• equally determined Rnd the mult will be domlnllion. The lt1itudc of England oowards neora bhellh le Iii! ag • chl!oscrfbbneoirl ftlllll Fionn~hlirt, on Rlio hh Funid to view, I'""' ailed. AidiUI wa.s d.- lared that the British Empire wiJI be shaken to Poland astonishes us, but this attitude is gan puinn triobl6ide. Nl m6r diiinn ar I the Doinn and veey many oth~r priuces indr~ndtont nnd ll& and his .i' .• ,j,~ ' t1

Its foundations. On the other hand it is not the corollary of that which she practises dtliis locl6ir maith Beurla-Gaedhilge agus nnd nob! .. of Ireland. '!'he re-•ult of their ·idt uttdertuok t,, be ''" ''"' explained how England is so conciliating In Ireland. In delivering Poland she de- gech focal teignldhe d4 bt*llil sa Ghaedhilg the rnnfel't'nre wltich, in tho di.•cus- nllie< •nd friend• os they w~re ''·"" towards Egypt and so cruel with ro monstrates that she was wrong in imprison· ann, pe acu ind~ n6 mlle blian 6 shoin do sion of this and other ~ntioual mat- the I"E')o.til"t!s of the Irish lion 1-.: h.~· Ireland, If the situation Jent itsetr to irony lng Ireland, but her one object is to proftt ceapadh 6, a&us ansan aguisfn a chur a.nach ters, lMted lor 14 mouths:, was, as

1 li'ather O'Dohe1-ty's Hi.'ltorv suy"' nt

we cannot avoid smiling when we think-that by evorything and everybody in order tD gach bliain agus gach """m• nua is abairt airt>udy indicated, tit" grunt of com- the Con~otttiun: ''R&otland • ond her 1he great war In which Britain was the increase her sway throughout the world. 'nua eolulochta n6 leallsolnachta. etc. (dar JliJ!Ie independ•nct> to the Scotti•h Irish Colonists "'"'' the •arne '"Ire­victor. was tou&ht to secure ro the world the Prance has paid dear for this knowledce." ·ceapadh I rith na bliana) do bbcith ann. Ki11g und cohmy, BJld LlK- two king- I land a..<~~ thE' AmenC'un ColoniE'S w··rt~ 1u riaht of peoples to sell-determination. In "Thera is a man dying lor the liberty of .Jir ch6ir do Chumonn. na Scrlbhneoiri agh- dom• thereupon t>nlet'l!d int1> a sole Jon the Briti•h < "' ... "· They gr··~ t' ·nil that right doubtlessly Lloyd George sees Ireland, .. says "Le Merle Blanc,!Y 'tand aidh a thU.irt ar an nf sin . .Mara mbeidh an roveuout h1 1Je nllie..:c ond fritt-nds for and wanted ll1derwndenct• whi h tla• only Jn article lor exportation." France is silent. Is it because l..loyd•George (ocl6ir sin againn ni bheidh puinn teach! le all time. • Iriob t'>'•l•t.'l .l""·nuse · ! h • c 1 n

"Over in Brixton in a cold and lonely Is able to keep your feet cold this winter Ch6ile idir na daoine 1 chuirlid siad ag serf The drcumsiM<es under whi< b tlte 1 and prr•tt,.,.,. · cell • man 1s agonising/' says uLe Camet that you have allowed him to commit this arnitheteignldhe (teicnitdltha)n4aon tors greut Conv~ntiou <'SlUe into being w-e. The "lh• uf the- $!hot C<~n\t:n 1nu do Ia Semaine." '4His crime is to have abomination. Is it. I ask, a question of buan ar a gcul~re. of JM!:f'Uiiar nutional interest, hut the "·aN on thr t 1uk • f tlu n. t" in lk dreamt of liberty and yet we are in the cool? The paternal tel\deme5!1 of France detaH• a"' unfortunately loot in nb-~ond ""'" either tiH long m•>und m 1Wentieth century. During the past lour for oppressed Ireland is in all our hearto, I dteanntaan lhocl6ra nior mh6r an plean "''uritv;. mnny uf the onaioat hi•tories timeo . ailed the Dai ' lid! , llul-years millions of men died lor that Hne word yet. MacSwiney dies and you have done i dtreo nt beodh cuid againn ag duf r6-lhada such 0.. Ke<~.tlng's, }'other O'Dohertv't lagh, <•r in the bill "" h • , PP" •t with which the populace was intoxicated. 110thlng to save him. You are able to save amach ar fad (mar at6imse ~idir), ag trtcht :ll".ff""'• o.nd Columcille'• !iTOs "''· •ide tu fhP Yullagh, .• >!lui F.n srh a There is one lhing, however,-one hundred bim, citizens. England is afraid or you. ar nithe n' fu.ilan Ghacdhilg •balta a d6thin fenng consldtu"nbly in their accounts. "'onJ whr(·h 1n :tnl:'ie111 do'fco nttant times more abominable than this new crime .She has always been afraid o11'.!1•· Uke 16s chun deJcltleiilleo. Do ~iran phlean Frnm a careful pertiBul, bowe,·~r, and politico! " •et11hl~. It r nrr 1n thor of Ens!an.d and 1hat is the silence of all Chriotmas pudding that is one olllltr tradl- san. ba ch61r go dtiocllsuas leis na nithe is cotnpnnaon of the available nntheti· all the oide• of rho lull ,.., .... '' • 11'•1 Governments. That no voice ha been tions. A single cesture from Prance could deacara i ndiadh a ch~ile. · &:an aon obair tieR th~ following fat. tfll ore dearl,y l' . "'·ith \h.e whitt> tton1 uf th R al ond raaied in Paris, Rome, Washington, or •ave Ireland, bur that gesture is no longer • dheunamh an cheud bhliain ach obair tabli.!tlled. e<'cle&luti~l mt mlu•r-ot n thro ' nfl"r• Moocow Is what surpasoes the understand- yootrs You should blush. Frenchmen, lheuatadh an gn'rh-scrtbhneoir a dbeunamh First will• re(fo.rd to the his ton> ul enc·e. nf whom • •t f'nhtm• ille I nought lng of any sane and sensible man. There is when you hear your hymn of liber.ry, y~ gan a Inch inn a ~hleuscadh. Gan aon dabht tho ,<;!cotah Dol R in<hut r olony it io with Mm 1-10, tnclud•nlf 20 B'"hOJ>I'. nothing remarkable in the tact that a tiger National Anthem, being sung by those w ba ch6ir beagin deacarachta a bheith ag •Ia ted in the J>r&fat•• to the Amilia And it • ._, thP l ... t ( tb.o lfl"''&t mutilates his prey and one cannor reason- tepresent you." bainr leis an obair a turN le deunamh dosna " The Dal Riada were those about N..Uoul .\ ... •emhlu .. • f tht> kind to be .ably abuse him II he uses his paws, but M.M -ac:rlbhneoiri is cliste. Ba cheart iad san whom thel'& ""' a • on!A!ntion hefd in

f.· ~---

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Pi~:. hcl:.~.BCf;a!=~. o~:~~:kr::.~ !~d:~w:l~in:Sek~"F.o~uG~:i.~· .!t~ 'llb.ique a .. ort.ment. of Sinn Fem Badge•. J'bg1, Song• (with music), Pina:, Brooohea, Photographa, etc.

0111 .,. wrtt•. BatW•otlort auarantNd. • Ona Trial wiU eoo'rioce.

BP*IIaJ Tenna ror Larp Quantltiu.

Dowling and McGuinness tJhOiua" and Retal: Booklellen, Stationers,

lftd Tobaoconiltl, 1 NORTH FREDERICK ST, ond OARDINEA'I ROW, Dl BLIN.

M'QUILLAN'S Sp11MJ. off•r to r•ad1r1 of "Blr1 0•/'

I Germaa hollow-eround Razor, "The Orba,'' fully warranted.

~ ~d~ ~~~in~~~~~~ :~~:i~g ~~~~aTaa bact.

THE LOT 9/- Poat Pr11.

McQuillan, Tool M•rcllllnt ud (;.s.t.


Patrick Mahon National J»rlnter


'rhone 603,

M. CAHILL, EuU.U...tlcal Warello~Ue,


Beautiful coloured piciUres l'nrirelt produced in Dublin

2s. pool free. ISs. per dozen. Busts ot S<>me at I Os. each.

·--'! -



lrJth Material only Stocked,


THE IRISH TWEED HOUSE. We hue the lo.rgeri. •ariety of Indigo DlDe Senles, lri.Jb Ttreedll end Irish OYertOo.tin.p in Ueland. Suitt made to order by espert cut­ten and Irish Laboirr exciU!i?ely. PattetDI and teJ.f.meuurement forma anywh.M'ft. I CAPEL BT,, DUBLIN (Nr. Grattan Bridp) ~ KINGSTOWN--

~OHN NELIIlAN, Proprietor, Terma-caah.

AU Claaea of Work Made to Order.




34 PARNELL. STREET, OUBLIN. Repafn nutl)' txtoutad. Eatimat11 fNI.


AuationHn, YaJu.tont catta., &hMP, and Pia Sal....,, Farm 11 PrOduoe Faoton, AD., II


Ofllce, 'Pbone No. S; Laint '~one 20o"'9. wu..:La o~. ::t:etonP ~;,. " ' ,

llotunla.y, Septel!lber U 1920.


Adwtrtltementa undtr thll head •ra IIIUP' for at lttt rateet 1d. per word r, If•·


mo~nce01n. ----Ce•rc11lSe•nn m6t~a:6tl' 1)ae'61tse 6 \.u4!Cl

Conu.11t. ""' s"' 1 n-.6..6 Seo&o.~ .. , c-6 tosr•l' £ ·oo .,, fO.a-6 ·btt6'6n4. c~:~•rat•P n• h-r•l'JC•c:otrt •s 1:ru•U. •I" .4-n piln419e, S•o\t.brusto 0 h-40'64 cu•rAn, .d.t \.u1n, ronh •n 20•'6 U ve rhelto•ril •n f:6Sih.•'tc· a pHARMACEUTICAL Cbomi.. requl!oo

woll-f!duent.ed ;,oat.h a11 .a.pprentice-. Appb'. Kerr, Obeuti.t., CJonu.

AGfr~g~r !on~;fes.enT~~.Ir=~ Irish ltfanuraoture. Commission buit. .Apply A67 H Eire Og. 11 018.

co~?.';. :!o=TI.?.~ ~~ Trade Mark. XT


co~,rm:;.~~~a!;c~::..t:~rodp~ or full boo rd. on.



IN THA.Nt;;:SGIVING lo Sl. A.alho11J' for favour received. Pnblicatioll dela7ed.

011. THANKSGIVING to Snored Heart, Onr favo;~dy~~~~~ ~l.o'Q,Ji, Poor Bolila, for


thoe'"O 14Rm4uu 1 nk 4n t:)eAU--1J6rrl C"monn m4oc "014ttm~'OJo .osur btu$''0 nfe An ne"t~ U ·~'1te miuf'C m6r. t92t.l, t -oce•e l)Obotl t140ri1 Cot.unnc•lle 1 n'Ootre • Aft s~s•T'c: seJ.n modoC He.&n, U&CC6l'.n CoUtrt'e Colutmetll~ t ft"'ot,.e ,._ P6r t4ro t tt'5....-6t\.S •S"r .. \.l!tS .. uri'O"'"" •n }MSrc•.

1tl 0ER)[Q1T und ll',-EICH-August 15th,

~~~:! ~\-.;~~~~~· !:~1r.w~.~~: with Nupt.lAJ liMa and mnriuge ceremony in Jm.b, by the Uev. John .M•Shon~. Prea1dent, St. Columb'a Ccll~ge, DeTry,

CUH'hne. 1 ..,;14.--~•ltlftO 61' tfltl!lo-'\...0 bro-ht4J:S, C.t.J~

Tfl•re·uS. ~"""''Jro,"..a ~""l' bJ.r l1.1'6 me..-. 1l\1$rft•JI• 191R. A ¢fiOI'I)e JIO•ftJ.Orili:6 for4J 'Otl4n c:r6CaiJ'6 •tl'·

h loviug memory of Miceal Brady, Cart:ronllltU"keyJ Granurd, who died 11th Sep~mber, 1918. All ye Irish Sainti ADd Mart,-ts pray fol' bim.

Clt<).Ot'l n<l. :sC1l1:S :sCllrst CIIISH Re-Open Monday I september 20th,


Write for ProspeetuB to Hen. See., 19 Ely Place.


Madt in Ireland.

8 o I d In ,, .. , fh 6 &J•


Bn one tablet of Celtic Chocolate beeu.u~Jei it il IJ.riah. Make that & teet. If you do not fmd i~ the nicest, moat deUcio.W,.. flavoured Chocolate you han ever tuted, don't bay il again. Tbe Celtio flavour c1inp to the palale.


Hiah--ol.. conreotionw



K.A A.

Me&arl. Eaaon, Middle A.bbeJ St., ud. Belf ....

Meae.r•. DaWIOD and Son, 5 aDd ft Mole~worih Place, .Moleaworth St.

lelfa•t• Al..u-a. C. Port.r and Oo •• 123 ud 128

Old Lodge &ad. Cono

M-ro. $Mil 0 Cuill aad Co., 95 l'otriok 8-t.

Meun. Nen Br01., 20 ~ G..­Smot.

Tnlooo E. O'Connor, 42 A.lbe St.reeL

Liw1~1 Poler Moupby, 13 Scotland Plaoo •



II Moore & McCor1act lllc

DffiECT SllLINOB • NEW YORK A CORII: • DUBLIN A BELFAR • Reduce fre~bt tu:coa.nta ....t tllllili-

!1 Gleeson, O'Dea & Co. 11 & II CHRISTCHURCH PLACE,

'! --Lheltod--

u " ouaLIN. T.lephoJ•III: Dublin 111.


Vol. 5, No. 36, [New Series (a)]. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1920.

D mise traQsit louoa b' &'l'ailibg4 ~ route. F:_ifl~~c~ppj,.:_ rat.WII DowdaU lind Co., LtC.. ar ..._

Parade, Cwk. Weatherill, ..lohn, and .... ....._

Chamber.. DUblin. Burke, .lahn, and Ge., H ... n

Corporation Strttc, ..,.._


Current Comment~ ! Bl'll\\JII ICIOJne) .• Rt. n~v. Mgl'.l Melbourne, hut """' a Mr • . H-;cly. I jus! ,,..u..,, ~ight look lo Irebud Tt I Hollile, nnd (\\o ·" J> slob lmra ..-:J O'(h:udy (one ot the seC"retartes uf t_he \~h.u endeavoured to ge-t. ceJ·tam ~11111 gt~n~ttlted wttiL tul.ruuch confidence Ltnds 0J lluronesrt Proc.ha.Un,. Lr-n::dL

_.,___ nueting) l'eo.d tt number of upologtes I·~m lP.oclel:) to cumnut outl-ageouH she could look ~o J.truncc, Italy, or u.ny Mr Artlnn Ouffith bas sent the fol- for absence. Cnrdinnl l)ourne s seer~- cr~me~ 111 for th~ ym-pose of ot tl!e otluu.Allles m !he l~te ""''· 11<--, Yt~bmte .. n m Robertst.osu. f K

J 1wllllt messoge to Mr. De Yulern: tory wrote that hl.!oi Emmence wnl:l out llnmg111g them mto the JrU!s ?~Eng- i ferrmg o.go1n to th~ p~omtseli made to drLre, recently recovered 1 !!:*""' l'he English P•·es• UWIOUnce• of lt>wn ~or tile present, IJJld would not ln.nd, JlUU who uug;llt to be m JUll, but I u:ellt?d fit tlU.. bt'gii\U!IIg nf. the WUl', to •·ightlul uwner .. Slllll of £:1-

lhn the Engli•h 'city nt N'e\\co>rile ho buck hefnre 3ntu.rdu~. , The Arch- wlw was let Ollt-d be 11'ere Hardy he !"" f>Ouce. r1>ntmded h1s nudien<:e that the pool behveen Duhlht an4 hu decided' to adopt'Anu> iu the bishop of Adelaid .. (Most ,Rev. P•·· «lul<l eut~• nnd leave Ireland f•:e~ly, Ill""""""! thai Englanol , .. m!<l JII"U<-~ wood. f.h:-vu•t~ted urea of FrWlee~' Thtt Spen<'eo

1 0.1>.), wllile regretting bemg 1!-nd the uoT";r wou14 never Le mobtl.ised l "I' \\hfl.t lt JITt>Uf·l;t•d n. J:er! henno.rty • • •

u.rnlt'd fore t' of England in Ireland wtuble- to be present, wrote;- m order to catch Wm·. I \\US dt·feal<>. d. "Pll, Ueru1a.ny hod \ lnr~to numher of, 41 ~·· n.r& now devusto.tiug I.1L.Jt towns. tn . "~ llllu:&JI be there in s_pirit nnd ahnll bent- Uonhnum • Dr .... Ma.:u soid tltat a te~n.t 1l~u~cliJ 1f1~ Irelan~ ld~ gut l~eium~ u.t P6llitth a_nd fh

ti.DlJJto.JH·es- cf uhoc·JtT-sn1pn'\s1ng t1ly Join m any protest thot may be rundo H Y Ml te tg, o.ble of treatin n:x un n u )rJggun. e I not l.ium Courts beld 1n l'r tl• "ie Rlleged uguinst ~Germany in a"oinltt the indifPUty 1tlld imult offered to . 0 e 11 '? ~p 1 · g 0 mun pl~f·e tho. blaine for the- outrages t:om~ Kildan•, nn Friduy week_ p .. ,. Hn or Turkey ifl 1\rrue~in. h;• Cil'llce by tho G<ovemml!ft• or Engtond." ~~:!,,~rd[.;,';," \';j,~"i/Xbi~l::~·~.~h: dull~ ?f"~ It1-Jimd d thj. .•lu.uJ: , •• ,..,open to the I>Ubli<, cd 1 I· h where our people are helpmg • ..,. ·•

1 l 1 ed B ted edi BI"IJ

0 ... ng 18 IW «?1'8 &n pn U e, '1· lw 1 .. of t},, legal prof·· t n

U ·•Jilel~ss women o.nd ··hildren lru K?r~ treat ! n.» ec no cr ton on thoKG whn ••nt them there.~ • ad'f' ..... In a ca.<~" b• t.. t h . · d . s AIKJlogtt'~ weT!' n'Lw receh·ed from Uu~ llrtttsh Emptte nod the sooner the • + • 1 · tL

0 e s~·st~ulahc estruction .of. tlto llo.qt l(ev. Dr. Barf)· (Archhisbop. men1ber~ ol :Juda ~ Governnient were u l l Ju,v~ 8inned this aftE.'uwon, ~~~:uu ~WUMt ~0 er.f til"'

~ 1 ' tborbho~, and1creame[Je& uf IIol1tu1), IH. Rev. Mgr. Bro,vn, rep]ured, the Letter it would be .for tlie coududed hl:-~ Unu·(', ·•Iluwe u. whule ,!:: u~de io:d~111

'vlnc 1

' 1' !fl: •• ~ .. 101:J~at i~~~c~TS::e of Vics.r-Geueral of Southwu.rk: Mgr. _llriti!-ih EmttirE- in the eyes of the ~ut.ologu6 of f<UD~ hehind I~Uc>. :Uut j~,. t.'UU6~d tu



~~ 1 1,,;t OUI' kindred should ado lliU'loll Brown, of Oxford: and ahou( o. whole worlrl. They had heard a grent '~hether the people ""Y thut J lum• tl1r;m h l>t•in kid< d b <I• th~ de,•nstu.ted to"· us.' pt hiuuhed othel's. A t.,legrum ffmn the de•l .. lu!ut. the fro~dom of the sen~ dur- ••uned u1· not, I stnn<l by JJver.v word 1 hm .. e~ dcfond~nt wo: ord:r<d '

• ...,. ...,. Most Rf.JY, Dr. FogiU'tv (Killnloe) wos tug wu.r time. l:-ugloLIId4 he Reli~ved~ h~ve SJ)Ok..,nt, you .. I wa..<~ a l••·i nmu his pmtion of the { 1 n d (lottlilmh:~d to Sinn Fein" reeei"ed with }Jl"'Olonged oppluuse. It \\'(lH uot gJ'Ctltlv m f .• ,UIU" rof lit•· free- when I left .\llSt"ro.htt, wu] I hope ltl Pll·.Y £5 tnpen r .... ol

,9Jne 0. Pl'nuuuent featm·e in t•end !-- ~um of the Ae~~' lmt theY A4d brought be ~ ft•ea u~nn whe.ry. I you .. I •• lll]un· r:,ucoua i!i,::{: ~:l:~"i J 1 1.1 prptlugnudu.. Aitl•tlting and · fleatJOOtful complimcntH to Th·. Muunix, 1t. hvn1e tct Jnm (laughter). He hnd mnm t~U •lnshmw1 m sp1,te of hPlng an · P

1 wg rnpu.We ot hei._ug construed pei"'\C..'eu.tcd Athnnu,.iu& of om· qay, but. glory the- frpeclom of nPorly all the ·cities in .A..tchln.!lhop."' ' 1 uga.inRt 1« n untmge by Simt , Feip of our Olturch nnd race . .All true Church- I.relancl, aud he wos a freeman of :New .-\ n... td-" • 11 • I l" 1 h nf the 111g

JllllliHU Ut4 m the English lnt'll •PJ)laud bi:t undaunted pdvoeacy of York and,oth~ cities m lhe u.s., and . tt "~JtU l(lt.UI'·"')~l·t ,Hl-'1 ,, t'tll I jt•ll ned fur Q, month. and ~~ a.t once ~··• fiying ttuth nnd liberty. Hope I.loyd George 1a nlthQugh he. did not. wn"Qt to of hng at IJu.tton. ( llrnckuaLt:rosR. ·un

world L.:y England's pro- happy "lfith hiB V11t.icRn prj110ner in Ham- it. hf' urltll·d. liffiitl:-1t luur.hter, he was ¥ond.u.)! .w• •·k. 0!u'nc.>ut. •n.

'I I'

, folf , A.n iuddent of m.ersn\ith.'' actuullv ('huplai.n-General ol. His Ma- l~h nnhtul u.nd poltc• r •ldt'(l 1lu

I H"l'urred last week. Un- • • .. jesty'~'Force", and yet, with the {rt•l" c .. ':aYrthu· t' tunk t I llft.llle.'i I • fti-d man\' similar mf•idents, Uti& TIJeo Bitshop d l,ortsmuutJ1t ""·ho re- dom of ci1••·., und with his o} (

1 8 I

11' Md nll the Looks

immedltLtely c·un•:r:adieted by 1 i ived '\Ill enthm,iustic welcome, re- geuernli~ing, while Ill Engloud' Livet·- docum~~ on tl• J·lrn~l a.nd C'ouc t-11u I Th£ J p _ uuJ i• t. •'1i tu the <K!Cilsion ns one of Ule pout wa5~ out •• hound~. P

1 tl JH

1 Jilt• \\


li ,J th ,1 Nut .. t ( 111 • }•Jnutl•· t ruo~ent13 in his lift!. 1.'his • • I t•tl f~ I hc\\LI ~I '1:t•rkttftllJt.!tl:Medlhe-·1rf.o..c.Hr,. Fu.r•t•tnl l"•·htl \r l lw•nd.

'ltt' l"·t,·,., Trt'•t w"' 1Ur.( tli.'I,W• fl Ut.nm~· tit· ud•lj ;~·rd•t hncr ..... k.··J tWil •,. _ tl 'I' l·c · · .. 1flfl C •1l11 • t :.:r••tl . ft• lwA t f l••·u Catholic pru 1 :p e ntd 0\l"

1 ' I' e ... ldL"n - The Killarw Ut p . h

1 ~u·~·ll.t\ ''''i.'k Nnr-t• Crowt· t· 11 t, lly it tli• \ wJnted lr' ~rive 111 ud eudor t.'tl 11 England '' lu 11 whid1 "'· \\'HI· , ,

1hnt neither Sinu Feiners nor ond J'eS.l'ed, where by o. blun- sheij.WlWted .\nwt r,,!;; llelp $hould be .. f ~~ 11 • • u pt tt 1 ·' ·•·-

,.,,,,. ·OJicerned in tht\ out- Uering liiUJlnke certain poJiticions hlllJ opp led tO 1"') rGnol thell he 'becnm• n after tb• terminniJOJI f tl ( OUl She wus drugged frGm the l!uccoeded only. in signalisiug their troitur ( lil!r l The '"1 WIIS, he 1 1 .1. E

cq tn het· v,iglt attire nnd gagged .awn misconception of the public- mind wus lu),ri<'Dl l'"lt•l., 11 tla not. t~g~c~~~'' ,~!tb"n(f1;s!~t5~;~\: i~~~;1 ,'' 1r· uum. w1iOtook het· nwa.v in a b¥ hringing about the J;"es.tl1ction of ~im~· he htu:l bet>n in E!lg:tt d.l he ~ad no doubt., .J halt,Utg to pre~uwv.e • .

nr. Rerent happenings nrouud hiS Gl'uce's libeJ'(y. •· We are here:·· .. eenl 'IPP!roadcl ... ,l to th& Insh and onle•· .• 111 theil' 01\'11 initni!tLli!t· 1 "ould seem to indicnt" the ~u- continued his Lordship, •· IJish Jl.lld peop 0 11 eu · lit hnd no ruessage to way. l'hc Eflj1'1isb for", in 1

tilt! outra~e on Sur•• Crow<) English-Englisb, wlm are us proud Il·el~dd. II be went '" IrellUid he senrth for llw· Repuloli(•OJI (ourJ • • • Oftlteircountry"o.Siwc ureo!ours; who wm }go there to promote peace, but visited tht Workhouse and tht L

J,., tb~ Englisl1 1'1ess p.ol' !be love their eountzy ""truly as we love when 1e wos kep~ out of lonch with . A l • people hna rhonged since ours-I spe'i..k in the name of both tho • ., who•e opinions lie was supposed Ill ay um. + + • O'Connell uttered tloe•e words Irish o.nd English priosts, because the to shar., he refll8ed t<> say anything On Thor~!., week n ' hundred years BJr'l' ·•As to im·itntions to this reception were sent what.>ver from the Irishman's point of Court ,.. .. , hold t w, I .. tnpidity. it is really becoming to all, irrespe~tive of untiouality" -view. 'fhere would be- people who posed nf nHlll)' , , 1

al · t ; - treut<'<l b)· ber rulers 'I' hal uct uf brigunduge-for he conld woul<l he glad I ""' ewu o word from tl1 It (• litrle t>erem.onv. 1.~he not <·all it anything else-on the high tlu.• Suverei)fn Pnutiif for political pur-

" "' ,. ·"'hich tl1ey pay •e•• hud not t'XIinguisbed the glory of poo••· The moly time they hod m-'' '•'I, I think, ll little too 1 I' ht 1 I' ed b' G fr spP<I fot the I'ope ()r JUl Al'd1hisbop

f h E I. I d t •e lg' t IILI fo u w lS race om wn< wl,~tl tile" tbough~"bhot tJle P"pe " " 111 1 I or t e ng 1• 1 un er- the dny he left AusLrolia. My wislies ' 1·' " " 1t ·It (s1c !). 1.'bE" ·•eourit~r.' fut o.r~, said the Dit;hO)l l)f ~ortsm(ltltlt or un ArclllJ..iB lop could l11 enjoh~d into ,, • •, hegin• the week \\'ith •oUle <turning tnwnrd.• !be Archhillhop) thnt "nymg what would be of help to ' wu~ liP. or otl1er ~ tlte writol'9 are ynu wilt continue- 10 the) ·w'ay you 1ut.Ye the-m. I tespect the Englisl1

' 111 tbot iti!i fol~ehood will be. dis- gone -(o. t·emal•k wflicli W~I:J received peoplt'.'' he 'ftmt on. u I admire t)le • ,., • •d bv 'l'hursdo.y; huj: on l'hurs- with loud und prolonged applause)- Euglisl1 peo]>lc. I v'ulue th.,ir good tl ll~y aJ'f" pl'epm'E"d witb n !Second reto.ining thP love nnd gratitude of tht.. qunlitie!-- ·und the,y many-but if l 1<h will h••t till Rutw·<lau ,vben people, not only of Australia, hut of l ndm\red tlmUI ten_ times us much I 1 tbird f~t cnine<li untl the ·~nglish the whol~ world over. CondudinK, would At.ill re-fu~e to shut my eyeR. to

" 010.,t thinking Englisl1 -swal- hi• Lordship announced thnt nt tho the outrnge• beiug rommitted in Ire­h the •nme unJLbatinr ere- c!Olle ~f the proceedings the following lonol under the B141 of Englund "

Itt 1lv! ftrst, sec>ond 011d third of telegram wtuhl l-,e sent to the Sove- (n.pplauae). lit• was not one who WM 1 , ..... o.nd are- preparE"<l tn com- reJgu Pontiff:- t)rf' lo ~os. lh country, right

II· he ensumg w~ek \-rith llll un- Mot~t Holy Father, the Diahop of PortB- or "·ron«." + • + t "1 appetite for fo.l&ehood... mouth, ConCWM from six diO«ftet !u the Jlt" '''IL>S prepared to do hnnour to

\V thP 1·emaU1" of .Jo~ph .Athy, neiahhourhoocl of London:. •nd over 30tl Eugluod rutd tlli' so long as the • ret>ently rllu t de-ad h:'l· EngliKh priHOe nf th diocese of WB&toi.inater, Sout.h- Erupit& wn~ just and the ftng stood for

1 frlt• ""' ut Oranmore, were being 11'11.rk Portaruouth, and Brentwood, ju8ticei hut would o.uyone stand up n• ed fiD Sunday week to their lnst e.embled 1" Cannon Stree:t Hotc!-1, l.ondon, to nn<l tell him it did Jlot cO\"er the

1•..: plJI(o o detachment o! the SB.llle nl .. l lho An:hbiobop of )!ol!,olll'no an~ lo lltl'tJritiPA and outmges in JreJund • I fur(•efl dispersed the mourners c.-presw t.heir rcgnrd for hia Guice aa a prc- which wade' tlm whole \Vorld stand

t ' L·t-motery \seized tweoh·e bicycles Into whoeu t~l•leudid life is one df t.hc glorie-a aglht~t o.t thtt t.pgedies of Irela.hd at ' nd l'Pc[ ~hot~ mto the air. o( t.he Churth to~Qy, humbly offer to your lh~ Pre-!4ent ntpmeiJ,t P He hnd not

• ..., • Holine111 their dlial nnd loyal obedience and J'E'nd uuvthing more onllous or crue-l M 1 t Rev. D1'. :Mannix, .Archbishop hOmnge aud bel( yo\1r Holiness'• Apostolic tbnn to' n.<tk the J.Jord Mayor of Cork Mt-llu), wo....: accorded n mn.gnifi- Benodiotion." un hi~ deotlt-betl to J)revent murders

1 ~ ··eptioo in London on 'l'hursdoy • • • tlr outrAg~· -for which he is t:Jot re-1 t •, the llitJhops of Port.smoutlt and In ihe cuurse of ltis roply, Dr. ~p<lll:otilJlP-in PJ<'honge for hi~:J life.

• I. wad<: und tlu-.e hundred priest• ~nnh said tho.t truh a meetintr like WJ1nt runkes tb~ thing more soddening t diRtrict. While Irisl1 priest.. thut made aruendfl f~r any indignity n.nd ruot~· atrocious is tiJa.t the Prime

the Dmjority of those present, thJLt had been Jill! upnu hi.11 by the Mini•t•r, or thoB<> w bo are around nd1\'d or "" of tbeir Engli•h English G<Jvemment. "Under thnt him, should oak for a g1Ull'11ll!e& from

u joine-d m the rt"Ception- indignity, diucU aa it is, I remain Wl- tl1e Lord Mayor of Cork while they are took tlu.~ fornl of n vrott>st C'hanged Pn<l nurepentDllt.n !'aid hi8 un.nhle oJ un~g to ~uarantee them~

< the in•ult offered by Eoglnnd Grnc•. JLmid;t a grent outbul'<l of oeh·es tii<Lt there will not be outrage J"ttriotic Arehl.1i'!.bop of :\lt"l· ~lteering. " I have lost no friend lllld 1nurder on their own t~ide.

u • The enthusiMtic r~·eption whoR-e frieudsbip I "l'alut", and I have • • • • 1 ll1"' f}ruce wns wunderlul, a.nd made no enemies hut the enemies nf Referriug to English professians aJK1 ~I 'pi, ·~· Bt. different points of his: m~· country," he ~clnred. l ... nt@r iu .perfurmunces, the Arcbhisho~ of Mel~ .:du . ,bowed iu UJilllistnknble his oudr(J811 tb~ Al'<.'hbi•hop Stud !bore bourne suid :-"No onp woUld pl...,.

1 '"' n the esU!em in whi<·h thP Arch- had 1J..en no lo•• of dignity exropt. on Jill,>• more reliance on the word rtf 11

I "-. "'"·' lwld hy tile priesf& nnd P""• the pul't nf the Elljl.'lisl• Government, Cabil)~t }!inister than tlul;v wonld ou I 1. • tbe London diocese•. l'lu~ nnd he added that if he were" 11o well- the pniuteol l'tll'ehors& they hnd been 1 11111 ""' tuk{'n b~· the l!o~tt Rev. Dr. diapoRe~l Ornngema.n," he would 11ot reachng obout.'' His impression wo..q (nth Portsmouth), u»d there wer~ IUeroly be 111lnwed to enter In•lond, thu~ with .uch peACe a• he hll<\ sug-

' 1 , "'nt the :Most llt>v. :Or. Amigo bnt t~Xms would probably be put. in hi• ge,ted, En1<lnnd. if she obould iind So ut "o>kl and Most Rev. Dr, hundR. If be wel'e not A.rohbisbop o~ het~~olf iu diffirulcy of engaged in a

.... A lorg•· number c , .,t ... w··tt

by n ll~puhl ic n.n ( ourt wh h \VE"dneMtln:v in the \t·" llaU l~nunis. The lit ... nl~ "' • pt ·• •HI­ally repre.sented, ond the- d<>c .. 1 t uJull , , 11 ,

the Cuuri 11\t>IWh .1 ' g;we .... t • hnn , 11ln nant u , 1 11 to nll ronccrncd. lu 1 •t n n ) t: 11,

Alalwpublkou(:'um'fheldlnnuhlin \t""n1 ~"1 1 ?~·

1'ri tHl 'fhursdo.y lnst fmn· men .. "1m had 1'~1.!" tnt

1 11 lU mu "'

heen tlrre:it.ecl •l1• JUt \'11)\18 tiny hv HE"-~ t P' ' pultlicu.n polit "en• h led OJJd ( II[ n lc.r 1 1 victecl of pn'rlHIJJQ-ti•n iJt a sfJil"" t lliUI

1 lit

Lurglru:ies in the • it\•. .t.\11 the parneos, lt '"'' 1 ~ 1

who odruit.ted their lrnilt, "rre t)rde-rt!d 1

'a 11



to he deported fnr pe1·imlie ' fil'"c )"Pitt.. t K 1 to 12 months In addition d1 (14 rr ' tion two of the prisone-114 w. '• 1·. h ~ntenced to hv"h·e Rtrokt>~ nf I · r tt In the poe kf't ttl one- f tlu 11 .. 1 nt"t· the U 1•. fnund n phntu~ .1.1•~ fll •I t

[(loUr. Written (111 t I I k f r t phutogl'&ph V.l'tf' the fotlnwm~ nr~ tiona: "The Rou~ of ])nwn, '''I 1920/" nnd u1.~lw Un)·~ 1 Dut.liu.' ...

A Rt'pnhHt·nn rnut potUf l·e~·nttl.v in Nort1t J.Jongford uutl cle(•idod in ftPHHU o}f Mujm· I •. llopJ>ing Hol"!n•tal, R.E., Deuvraasitm, in u. c·ase in w1tifh John Mr•tr'uinne~t~ nntl Po.tJ·it•k Dultt'l"t;\' sought n declora.ti«tn t'ntitling tltt:>-lll lu ownership of n flll'1n lu J)foJr.H·nAAton. 'l'be CME" had hee-n n· ~ r···od ~. D11i1 Eireann. wbiciL ndvist"d tl1tLt th~ c 1 •• 11 ...

b., dismi"""". 'l'hP Pu.,id•nt 1n ~··­miR"ing the ·lahus put. f• rwvd, •, ,J th-at. the- dt'CJI'tOo • Duil 1 IP lUll 1 1

cjded wjtb tho op1n1on • I • ( .ctt . . The Repuloli<>'• p,.] ~ i• ('., . Kil

kenny hU\'e rt•c:ovcred tnol rt 1 t•od u Major o.ud 'Ml" Iluw.phr •·~ T.uli"·t"' n lut.'ll , a large qua.nt.· ' prup41 \ ~• l h cently st(Jlen fnml + ht m. 'I J ,. 11 u • goods included numy 'f,.lu. 1.!1• •t1 • · • It: RUfh DA ll,. Milve-t-lJlatft<} f t•1tt'f' ~If!", J- tio ver calc~ bllllket. rl<ll'k, I,J.wko~•. li11e·•. di. • etc. The R.ll. olqo P!t\lf'l'efderl in •• snrp Ulll 1 tift• r• ud covering vnlunhlea !it olen from the '~ 1 J ht•l, t 1 111 1 om II•• I 1 mn~ sident>e of Mo.jor W. P Joyoc :-iu n • thtLt &I tUI p1r • ' hi h


Tl ~~" •·''' • I lfll•·u·"t un t /wo;t~ loaue "~• fi d PI H JM."T •·•·ut., but the bor-1'UWl11~ GnVN'Illt'lt'ut .. a..ked tho.t 11 he hnuh•d nn u tlut e \t'&r IIU ... i"', and tbt! ul.t' •·r •"' nnt '''' .. t-ttled.

.. ... + In .uldttum I tt(•l· lll ... l'l.IBdc hi th~

r -• (nl\t'IIU11f'rt' lllttlt•f autlior:l\ h• ht (. r1::w • t!.,. Br't•.JJ onrl lr•·flr\1 '• '•thru('ll\ .1.r.a ·n,-d u j .. lll' kan in .\u,,.,.._ thr· ·•~h J. P. \!"r ... o~n .lnd ( . • tl •U tla• \\'il • t :,t)(t)H)II.OOt) dol .. I 11 • 1 l.,,_,nhlr IU '-t ptt·rul" Tbt• Bn It It fr \o·rnttlllll. It t• , Jtl. lm ... m:ult all lt1r ran f' ,.._, oJil.JJ .. t ll.t>UI tu nte4 t

il •M••a!t;t , hut d·· httub tHt·~tJ m.d.,) t ,, tt· .a 1111 It• than


Wttlt. the ,r .. J~rsion of the not.n•e chief", nnt u. few uf the great hooks that hwl .. cGped the wrer·k r>f tilll6 wrn· &\togt!thel' l018t lu us: many fol­lowed the e1iJed {mtunPR of their , "n« r ; und unt a ft• '" were plncec:l m IUH• • d,Jt• ... ,., ur·h atlwme. lncleed,

it lllB).' 1.~· tltut .1 t• r the- teorminu-tum uf ti~o· ~" .11 1\'ar' of the HeVt!U•

lt•t•Ufll ••J1 1Un, iCH ft•\l I,IDcJ iJUUIP•­

&ib]e \\'t'l't' •he- '''l.mtttlt> l•f the old (, lt"dhl1 litt>tu''Itt" I hat ' "''''" almc.~t ••nJH· I k " ' ( tpur•· ·• perf,., 1 know­t ... lg.; uf thf:l' l.•h.'l'Ua;!t· in at purr'\

\\• IJ li>UI h .~ 1110" f .JU I'"'• 0( hVt.• and lun:,t~r-t tinu"d, ill ut)t•l';iliull t· f'ft• • t if ,r. "'"1diun, tbere 1"" n-Jwon I• r II'< ndor that "' •hould •till b~ in JIH""'' "~lt•h uf u.ny hugJnE-nb of 1he ltlh it.~nt Litf!:J'Utttl'l." dr our co,un.try, how­t•u r •·xh•II81\"P it utu\' ouu• l1ave heen.

P I MUll In iWjlllft

• 11111 •·rnwK tltt• Cr ·~rnt"uto. \'hub t·. J,.t lh F.h,;rlurul IUitl tolMt•n-ht•r••. tll4~ \\ iU 1,.. (muul tu 1Jf' -.;till uf t•r \: largt.• rx .. tf!nt: uud 1f "'r jud,cr tbe '\'&ha. nnd P~"~•Jll r1im1,. 'r theo •triginal lih•mtun•

_______ R_:•.:.h::.:..trda:v. (). t•·• •·• 2, 1920.

_·_,_w_d_ ... _. _u_, to I: !, 1920.------- y 0 UN~ E L, AN 0,

li..ugo • f y, 1""' • He w. uld lUlv~ 1 I he nughh .. ·onuau r. ertended al An'fl&ts:-sinc~ June 26th to-d:-a..:.t---:.-.---------------------


.,,~ r 11 : 1 hud •oujfbt lllld fot!nd IMd the politu ol and ...,ligious iruoti- , 1 I< r f DerT\" ( 1t •n a 1 h8l'8'e 1

.£1Uil,UOO. Ther march.od fully .,,..,j •II ••• ·I• Xpu1u. nnd w1t~ them lo~ I tutoo 1" ul which had not yet wboll;v binng "abnoud'' bet;.,een the hour• 1 '· '" • lo loo 1·· I indiac:riminately

11 HJ 1•• he .1.t1. r n the\\orhreok- ennque:Jb front Englnnd to Ireland, u 12U ·• n: 1 "'' lwt 1 nr~.l!d 00 th:l Ull r.-nt (Jfw•n t,, 'lif:' r:t:tl',l l 1

··1 1 .. m n mgJ1t ~orprtHe; how lu!t rt•o,·ered tl1o t• l'th of tbel)JW.ish in·- 11_ P:m. ond 5 o.w •. _withon.t. the per- rlt~Jtarging \o ,. "'juto pJ.\..t1t• 1 c:-~a· r \, ( nn u( llrP Huudrell I·IJ.:i•t,., ronda1 1 f h B t h !1: 1 .,. J., 111 !he lnuodredth wu1· , 1 """·"~n ,.

1 " n •• m...,to.ry OU• '"

0"" IUld thnndng hand grenades --------------,, .... h~ n kinn • f l.l .. tt•t: fintl Jww ====----====,;·===== tbut1he~ OnE of those arrested was and. Lnf'end.iory lJmnlro~ tnto 1be rinci-

n e I'' pronnu,ut IJI.J~I .. fr ah, who was d I r .. tl huailuuw houf:leS. The p bed ft Ill c kjng \dtq united The hlotd •f CONCILIATION. JUt>J:nher I 1he I n'&•JIJ,•u-u Commit. tlu rwu.viutopulJI>clo•·u•· "nn=dlasted 4 Ill, nml I· lj,Ct'llt' ''II tit•~{ t·nded the h •t un t rd •p.· cl . ts 00

t f h· 1 t f U JJL •t•r, ill•· • C•f th& (ContJOUed from page 3) 1U

1 .r

1111 d 1 eri) 1.1lS. om .. u.nd drunk I1Nr tuJJ 1t'nt.,.: tLto\ i.T the ,, .... ~, 11 r.n·o•. ••"' 1 c O'BJw:1 .. ,-vhu • rm 1

•• , .. ' ' 11

' .. ( • 0 prc:nunent fi11 mioes 'n. titt• I b ~ lwza pro-eld "'.t\ ltu• •nd or nmtJL Mun- •'JIIh•l Hntt .. l polit• and nrilita.r I a;d ... ·ni·~l Jk.n r •·•tn·e nf•reed C•"1dt>d' ftre.mltnv 1111 .. .-~ o\.o;;. the

-ter IU1fii1Ht•tf 1u·~U;:ft'UO.ll'lUt>, hutup" h villagetfEmlv C« x.:ow·c I Jh.IIJLt ~t.nedtot-.c_ufh fn.mthe tl lluf{ lr\ ... \ Itt IH .. 11 tt t .. r .. ,, Ttpper 1r~ m tl.f' •·.ut- honr ui l.t ~ H • ( 7111


" "1"'1 UlT'eSted 11 t' I 11 t Jl'\ \\t•w "'11 • • and forced

1L II\ ,., •r• in Th '<tO• ud 1 r ~m·h liun. 19th inst llr. l11• g n~· .Ef; to~• "~~~ • ntiht~r~· ~rt I ~~ ,pr Lor,.,, a Br fJ"''' tu ~· .:t• k Into the Bnnl:f'" The "" r. a.rul "''tt• ·i ,bJigNl r .,J'"'"' d I and }1, ...... 1 .. (•uh! 1f OJ\d mg _ll lte~hlicon f:la . ( ( .n Y- To\\ ' Hall " , wrecked mih hc,nlbs

u·nh 111 .. (tt u.ldm(' Lund\ ( u •mrn· "1 •, n:tbl f'n I llr R X lsg . I and bur,w ' t 1.- ground. as waa also I• red .u•d tl, n .,, binerv put .;'ut o ( hai~Gll ·, ( tJ:· hi~ bl' Bepu~ean A.cldt ~ tJlt\ Sinn I•'pin Hall, and the Onftt,Tbt 11ro;Jt)I-*OII'"' uf .Yr. lf. Dono.- I Ill (I l'otiJJC•·(' "W ~ ~~,.:lt-d :· r;~Jl '£20(~1

• ( t Draper"~, vuu, nnd Yr. Phelan .were firod iuw. 18th inst. ''' n Bt ••II milita.rv o;..trni ;• " ,, ed ' Othortb of _propert:r wus

1lll'~·· llJII ll IK•licemen entered .. whil .. r. T bb . '"" roy • .,. premu; ... !<('nouoly pub~dauJ•1' ~· Killiuore, (·_c-. ROI;com- Slig:. ~( tng ne8.r \l enuny On., rhunaged b.v .fin• "'e-re ... th~.,& of Messrs. mon, •n•l ·'''"•·k.-d and beat with their I PrGCim=tions Clld Su QEions• -T~hn Durb, J. :"\cohilly, F.W..y. hoi<•M thll'r young men "'lJO "·ere on Hdti•h militan nrcupit'd~ • V"ll.- 0 ~onnorredd Wal~ron: People who !,~j~h"ili\L-e•. Til 1ey !h~n opened ~ Hull u.t Mowttrollins, ( Lim~ri~{: , : 1:.,~"d~Ubera~;l~x!i::f':t t~hafli:'c!t

etr l<'Vo ~er.. •• man nam.u ""d prevflljte<l aU IJtlhlic fnnctious d •- h · 'tb.. Murphy .... " ,.,·ivuoly injured. I r .. m hein 'hel<l there ~~,.. ~-·~ t M!atened WJ death on

A young ~non uomed Sorahan, 'r I lo'ollowufg the procl~mo.tion af Cur- ~;~~;:.·~~."'; ~~ the fire """" to t ·· ~ '"'~111_, •. m .... l1een lOBYeyed to a. t. w lo.w in C'ork tht>. (, mpetent Bl"i- ~ p. pul.'ltn h010p1to! ouffenng. ~om ":o~ds ti•h military uuth<•rit\ baa prohibited I Wh•rn hoUBe;l w ••• nut hom bed or 111fhcted. on him by Dn~1sb m}htary tht holding, or l<llcitig part in meet- hurued the poll~·· •masht'd m.ndo:ws and pdi{'e who fired at lum wh11st. on lDg~, Q.l'l.~emhliP"' or proces.~ioll.:J ~;thin lntl rloon o.nd r1ddled the rooms "'t!h l11" "~~ home fn m .1 .d.ance. They thE' m·.1 . 1 t bed b\' the Curl-ew lm.l1eota. Only au t•ua,.q~~nal honse lD ~tl1ut Jnn• ft• 1 ht> hn.d put up 1hi .. bands Order J • theo whole o( t .,. tuwn (' 1 aped damage in '' .;1 u~ . ., tl•_eir , w.llenge. 'rid~ urder trill affect Hurling and I ! ~ome •u rt_ Y •_1'1 b''"!'if> bear the

nr Jt' '"I troc I" 14 full wor NjUliJ' I. t }<\ '.tltnll mntc. L aod ~l"eml other (J ...:· k ... f r ·- j('" I .. f f ltu!lt·~ ... Young patnl alltlu wuds le•ding t 1 tw outdoor- &.x.tures lllt'll known· .. J,,. ll pulluar"~ Wt"H• town of ( 'ahir, ( o. TippeJ'Ql)·. Pedes- "'rmed Assaur'ts:-.\t 8 p.nt on. 1 It>- d.J"agwed out 't '" .... ) mtl ,.~ •·1r thl"f'­fn:HH tLTt• l1E'ld up anti se.ul"'('h~ 111 lh«- f HJth int~t. two Uri(i8h policemen \'fere t''"'("tJ of I ~,_... .o• In plact· wh(lrt• pt J"ut uf thp ha.)·onet. . olfht. hv unknown per ... ns nt Dunm . j 1!.- tnE"n "' n• Rt•l tu 1M> fonnd th,

D. f. SULliVAN & CO., LTD.

-Tea and Wine Merchants


WHOLESALE O"I.Y , .A wu.tot lorn· fu]~,,r_Drit!rJh militar. I:] miti1 from Tuam, Cu. Gahvay. 0~i, I ltc·!lf·' tl'ITOr ··i t'•f'lr ,,., m~nfolk and

OJUl pohC"P ~t'e't"i thea !18~ ~to u play- 5 a.m. on 1 h. followjn~ monlini-niue r hildren luul • 1111'"'"t~ ,1 tht'JUs(Oh•• .. g_rnund Rl Sk~hl!t'nanuky ·'' hool, <"o. boms oftemorcls-uniformed Uriii•L r------------------------------, 1'tpperur;, wh~u tha rluldren wt•Jt· . .u polir.e, numhermg fr• •u 50 1o,) 100 J)]oy. !u•1:hl't <ll th;·' shot u dcnkey ifL'IUed fum1 thE-ir haTn"Kk." in Tu.a.n{ und It fimJR. n·hich the.v l:ltnied oncl a.ftot·kPd tht- un~Hpt>din~ ·~,.,.,n,

Rrj.!i: Tire ll I 1 ,f l'r oft• .... r • ·! t.ckle.\·. Re-]mbliuw . .:\ lcfernl.,n uf lJ, ( rk ( f JfNJrUh• u, ""'' IJrolttl nt :l J n

un '"'' 18th ·r1• .\ l'r·Tu.l1 uHkt·l und • hlu r ht1 k,. d~t• and p.n .. ft'lt..d tbr lu ""'"· ~\ <it•utrv with®,~,. u ..... ,,,f11•1 w~ .. ru ... !tocl.,t 1hro doc:r, while 1111 nfficer, remlv~r m band. 111magl!d lhtuugh tltf.' Pr. r,., u1's pu.pel'B and ........ bed th<> room•, inchultng the D.JlfN"lllll~fJIR ol I be lndie.ta of t.he luna~ hold.

Hritl11h lnihtur~ -tUld polire O\".(llTUR the TuniU di•tro• I , f ('<:; Gnlwo.v on tile 20th in•t rnidiug '<tllil soarrluog n}'Wnll) .. of Hn hou· .... · . ~

On tluo ""lilt' dut, Britiath militarY und. pu)i,••. &r• ~ uq~.Uhi""'l b.v ILrinou~d I oll', lUll~~~ R"Dd I l&rtht'd fltr .clistrid"" IUUttnd Tt1tlrc•, ('o. Kt•rn In all, SHntt 160 hun..- \\ • ''" KP'trti•.,.J.

Oil lb.• lOt\ in 1. Dwi•b P<Ji<r nmlt••l nnd .,,, '" l~t~d nin.: bou..;.. tt ('urry. ('u. h~u.

On dat 20th 111 t. tlah"-" tntJtur lor ,;, • r ll1111 I• I" lu ~ and mi11tnn ,., c un-.1 IL fl1,.tru t JD ~unla-W t lfa\ n m an 1\lh.•tupf tr ductn\"to1' t&. priMu in whi• h lti•h R"puhli ..,. Polk.~ <'tiJI­flno•l all la'lfl'"'uk""' who had hHn tri<'d lllld "'nt•nu'Ci b1 Hepuhlir.a11 ('uurt• l),.•r 100 Jum...,. w•re for-:~b.'"' 1•11'll and hed. sn tL

hun1ing and wrC'< king tlte ptu}lr' h d

The Late Patrick Lynch, Hospital

l c. );t a r .uad 1 •Jrlt· ·f He l,Jt,,f du~u• 11 u 1luh "I n ll1 m~·l"~ .. 11 ·•I ... 1, ·ul t. · rJt, s.r• ~ 4 and gt uc roue pt•uJtlt• • t It'f'laud 11 It•,.~· t• tl• d•j.-d "•••

UJ'J"•rt it urhh clt>wll"t "'· o.nd ulthongl. I bt•rr oil I' llllffi~t OUS )ll'e<•IOI! f'lllfs of lutt· un tb~ J"'oplr 1 t tlu• ··uUlltr~· gtill ,, •· ft • l tlw..t unr appenl 'vill I of' W1MWt It ,f With ll h'\IP. Npirit tbrougb­<ltl! tJ,. l••lllflh nnd lm!adth nf the land.

Mr. r •. vnch ...... the oul& Olld ah•oluie •upp<ort 1 r hi• ngt'<i r,.tJ,u llild tlo ..... <illlh't , wl.o un• nnw, to UHf' a < • m.mon phrr1 ... "tluu\\D on thto wurld,'"' nud Jt ho, t f tHU~ UtfPih iiUJKllY'• tu ruakt' a:•>Od th.- Ul'\'Jat"'_.I,Jt> lf"l!oo>!'o tlrt"\"' lul\"t• "'I luiiU"II, Jnd. 1111\\1 .. \""t r, lht• duti­cft•'f••hP un u IH ullt•\'"IUh• tht"Jr liui­ft-tiUJ.f"' In lhf' .... f uf mu· JKI\\Pr a.nd It• IH t• 1hi-o aJ'l'-•QI m 1rlt "•t• aJ) 11..­PUilf' tnt· "' ttur n. mma~

.'uhtfllllunM \\ill ll4• ~aefull """' • eiHod h\ ~n\ rf tl1,. undt"r t~nf'd and dul• ...... lf'Cirrt<l

n~,. D. RY.\ ', c; ('., J>r\ollid"11t. JOHN O':fElJ,J, ond liiMIAEJ. '(O'lULJ.(lB , IJ*I.t ~

l'BO W AI.SIJ, Jlllll'., ud J.>A'PRI<'lt O¥AHO

• !(~!&



LADif~' FLBECB WRAPS. 6BNT'S OVBRCOATS. Ladill' and Gent•• lhowerproofs. Perfect in Finilh. Perfect in Quality.

fl :t Plf'ftct in 81)'11. II II


D. E. WILLIAMS, Ltd. Wholesale Tea Merchants,




~180,000,000 Few people In lrelud ret.liH thlt thil eotoe.ul •mounr of money is IJiaJ: oq depOIIt Ia the v•rlou.e frfab Jolat Sroct ~ tad P01t Offlce Sninga Bankt. It repreeeam: the

~~dd~•r:~1;•~'S :: A~':c!a=~~~d~C:. •!f~h~-;:.J.',.~o e:!~~~ li~~ nna of Ut~ ::::;r::• ,:;,.a~,. 'r,.a,'\:·~, .. ,.!,.":~"~~:;:Ju:;~~:o::''::!:.'~;.. H:/fo::Z L<to4BM.t,\_

Current Rates of Interest~ ... ~ Offtce: Canalf AC'CC'WIII ':!'' Sen'ell.f'J' ud .. CaD 3f~ 118 Lt. Lcaoo St .. ·~ OAt: year ~ Mrna~r 1

.. , ... ,.."' <11: Dllblbl. ... Fi•e ,_,. . • Lioall mit' Gof'doe

ean,tq -IJ ol ft<* monpp -.. !-load.


Another 6ael Embarks on Hl.s Own



1 Jl {"'; 'J

]'"-' 61.3

11 • ill J... ,.. .... fr<>m thio tnhle thnl tlu lt11 .tl lJonk I making adVADf f cu, a more lilteral ;~le tho.n before t!·~·

'IItt• u . mtu tl,,1!\Jn 1 ,,.ffpf .. t.. ,., .. 1 ·tle I•Pf".•1 the hund~ they bad ah , "'' Wt•l.. ..u .. ~tltltthly lngJu·t h. ,J h1·1n eauning their breud. 1 nn , u u.J Jn tlu• . a~ • t lnl.nkt' m 1- ult!trJ alo11g I pttt4-~ed l,l~cbwoW lr laaul 'l • i''"l'' rhon • t fw1ds 111- ut lHltto\tn tLenuderg). Tb&' ':Micks" , ... t.•d 1 .. m t .:.,. ht:t tLun lwf, 1t the I ad IM•t-u olso in July last. war. tl~· n,eh, uJ • out .. t", 11 ... Yt'r,\' much I ~~:\I UIJUP Wt>n\·ing wot~ on the op-

rt· 1tt·r 10 '"'oluJue. It i!\ u pc. inl to Ll' I~'~· 1t, hl\nk, lrnol\·n us Hn.dPbauk, nolw('d 11,.~, tltP loana htlvt- rt-.t.<It 1" O\\U~d b~· Mr. Sm:mtnt Dkkson, which Rtttt 11 flt'1 c-ent., nnd lhto.\"l' 'ntNtlf'O wus tlu• lnst Jlla.ce nsited by the Ia ,,,. to..~llt!n h_, m~UII~t twt•ln• per ce-nt. "mush•'' $ltd the menacing "lmr~e.,," durmg 11 • yea.r. The .froti• of the who g.lluntl:v cha....f 80 girl• on !he htmk IUt" tl rt t• higller, u.od l!onday 'QtePk Jll'ior. liUDy d the ·~u daY ,{rn'l uwmn.s ot eight flt'r cent 'f>\·icted" htJ with out~tret.ched arms

It .. t.t The repor· ..... Wt1Ju.• .... 1 f t"\"f'r rb.e> Rh·E."r bridr., gaaing, duwn I, .. l1 ml "tt• u-.:th, uuL w h money Hl ,, · h~ depth posnbl._v pt"t'cting into

hnn. • •UM rt•pr. 1 t~-lt in the future. Fur all that. th~ir fonner t' r. . . -n r ult .. and 'o-w01'kers cared it

ruigh bto 1loo11 . whei-e tlle trout jumped up to Cllt·h tlt· ,h, .. n, fl;\'. 'rhidt s1cimmed th.- \\'alton.


The Pogrom F ut tiler olong 1 • t be hll'ft< h ,...,,.ks nwued hv :Itt· '' Willie 1111d J:.'ooi:Pr, l pri("batd Same .. ·on. uo va.riation Rnlf .• mile> further along "'" the blear h\~Ork.. uf llr. Fred n. Sinton,. nl llunfurd. 'l'be •uuligbtst:reumed dowu Hnd the millo st~ndily rattled on, but nut fnl the u~ttrncised Catholic.


SI••PY little Gilfurd lo.y "t ~lte- end • f the journey. It looked "" if ito dtisf.ns wel'e hu.ving an afterutHm

The big locn] spinning mill • I lJ, ..... t DunUa.r, ll'Ma..-;ter and ( n .. Ltd.. ,rJ,irl<'<\.cm. but withont 250 ( urlwlic"'. 11 w~s he'f'P tht-- Pogt·om nf tl •· lower ha<hes • t the Rol"tor ,um­meuced

I had the •I· T\ ui tltis Pogrom whi<"h 1\ tl~ c.·"-t1·ied Qut with ne-"· nnrl

Ill,• .f." cl.•t• t r1f)l'S) from victims oi <'a<-h of I he wot·k < 011 this pnrt of the Bnnn. Worker, .. t Gilfnrd Mill un !lontlo.y 1no.rnilig, Se]lt'-'nllR•r 6th, on roat bing the gtlt<~S, found their prc>­gl'f'!'u; hnrred hy pickets, who informed them thut the mill was clu$<\d down fo~ th.. dn ,~, N n other information wus vum ltsit.f<'d by the Orange Soviet. nnd no reBIOon advUttt'e-d: lrut no one "¥a..;; nllu1\·ed t<• pu ""· The lllachinen· • · 1 t..d, gmduully ru;sumed its lt•\·•lflt t._ll&, hut. there were no ruinder11 and ..... ~"' bad tu be ~".but off. .\ total

f .ubuut Rno .ih e.ruployed in th~· ,. wurk.. ... and t f ·I::"' ;n:w:nber ahout 250 .\fl (uti~ h1 I'PT}1! t"C•S

'I1 · (,l h t I lonn •· .uioptood II \\' t , t·• ._ Tl't lt"Kall •. I1i .1. .. ':.llul HUt nncl a ptolf""' n 'Ti;·'!•i-..(tl. wluh run.nlaed 'ut t .• Bullydougan, \t} 'h'

)b. Bloin'• hemstitrhing works are o; 1 1 t, f 'fht' ' 1 dt>r wa~ given to cloee down ooul ··omplled with nnd pro­', . ._,, n wW! t.lten Rllgmented hy the l'rot.,.Lunt git·l "mployees. '!.'he Cn.tholic gttls were sent ndrifL The l>nnd nnd it. hooligan ac<ompltlliment, shoultng und yelling, proceeded bru-k • l• ·' ·~ and from thl'Uc& 1" 111<~11 b w ork•

Tht .. ·Pne li •·r· ... descriht'd hv one of ·I· ' ·'lilt who .·.Jt, .. thn.t n iuoli-

nuh. < rT 'l , • theiT head u I •·.' lu k •·rtnnell the workA d · I t' .a J l'tH un. The ]>roprie-tol \It n • • ttnd the- muna,.rer. Yr. ,V, H{-.. u'th• ,.,J them f o.t !r-n;:thy : • 1 ~tl but uti).._.,,., ll~ it Wct· a. • ., .. ('of • r• th \f• .. u...: l'be 1 mwd >~(·attert'd tl.z 1 ugh the work .. and eventually the r ,11 }a II' I \\' :1 Stop}Je(l and. the \H tks • lc»tPd dowu f• l the dil:\'. ln the workR u I·'' o'f 38 Cutbu!i(, e.ud u.bout ~5 Pnlt.f'stuntl4 employt'd. The Catbo­liC"e. employet-.. did not refurn on llw folhndng dn.y when tllt' wc,rk~ oplmed~ und mouy· havf" Je<·eived. nu appliro­tiun, tlu•it lOJ.'Itn"lLn< & cards.

r,A{ RE~C ETOW:s".

Iu tlte hlen<h works d Me .. 'r . W. und I• Uprid IU'd, at Luuren<elown, tllt J\P ' ploc• visited by the J>opout-1 1... the CaUualic "f•rt in .a liUlJority, lur-v 1 • ulKmt .t j 1' • 35 Prnte~tanht, the

'1• 'm,c.; ruoh nr• ,,.t'\1 la·e In the after­noon. "'ht-n the dn:vmen nn ple(·t•wurk !tad !ln1 .. he<l tutd tiud gone. •IH<• th<'y " Itt Ill t IUI~P hiU! "'' •..•• , 11 tllllk. 1'1 ( ltnlit• emvloy.- ,. ,clo• 1bnt thoy w• ~·t• u.-iked :-1inc·e '1 Mign the uNuul dtKunwnt b~· the cwployerR, hut re-­ftVfed. W m·k . " proceeding in thiB finn, Out nunl' nf the eutJJOHq Nll­

J>lo~·ee• have he•n •llow<'d book. Tht> ~victor_.,., dil~cou:rsiug 1

' Av:eet rutL·m · · n":tt pl·ocf'ed€.'d to- Hu.elhtmk W•a,·mfZ Fo.-!ory.1 wber" 80 C't>tholic J(irl,. " .. ,, in a mn.jority uf h\'o to one. The' ugnanul bra."\"'eH•· urdend out the rl.f•ur·elo..• gll'l•, and llr. Dickson ~~:lu"'ed duwu the 1\·o.tkM fo1 the clay. On ~·ul'Mdo.~· murnlnlf the Ca.tboHcA t·e· .. wnt>ci wnrk, and a M.ene oc::eur:red, aud thev, 1u turn. 1 hued the Protest~nt glris. 1'La~ l,ugru~ta we~ sent for to nn .tdja..·cnt "·orb, o.nd n mob of mf'n, arwed with hayonet8 o.ncl r('vul· ve ... lllTived ond put out the rntlcolie emplovl4ett ngnin. RO to Hpeak. a.t the point. ~f th•l10yunt. Wlten the latter otterup!A!d to ohM\' fight revolvers w .. ..., J>r~oent('(] at them, nod omid•t n. de•-

J.t.·l.t14' ""t•tu the fau t~ 1.\ bad lu ' ~ ktted down agam.

Ou'{>ILy-day the l'rotestant employt.H had the J>olic" inside the works t~ J>rD­•··· 1 1bem. Tlte f',>lholio• "·en· !ll'"en iheh· l"llrdlll on this oc~nsion. Tit~ t.rt wry wu. opeo!'ed Oil llon<lny lnst. ll.l)d <·ontinu~• wtth the Pt·utest.11nt em­ljJoyees oncy.


Re, to Gilf•>l'd. On Tuesdny moruing (Eft.ptt>ml""'·' 7th) picket• weTe 11n the , tt• vutnuu-e, and no tad,, l'l wu.ot ultowe-d to 1-tsume. '111t'- gt•nrh·-uuLu w ,.. tqJpNtled tu. He didn't know 'l'he directoi. Yr. Dit kit-, w •• .,,.u fur·. ond arrived~ Hf' wa8 usked wb,· the ('u.tholi'" were a.~·t alluw..d ~nlo the_,., •k~. ood. be rej>lied

Ho didn·• know.'· He skid he w.• pnu • ical~' a stronger. bnrl didu't know wb•t it "·us all about. It utJW be ex­pllrinod tlmt llr. Diclcie is u 1 •cen t w rivo.l.ilt the mill. No paper "~as UJP.n tiont.'d nt this shtge. The Cutholic Mked fm· their Juon&>t, and it wos forth· coming in un hcnlr. .Since, noticf'S. have been JlOflted in lite Cutbblic dib­trict «f II•• tt>'m, •tating that if th& Catholic• sign .the fnnn nutlwrist'd by "the. committee'' the.v <'Oll l'l":iUllle "'ork ip-d~; e~tb .. rwise no work for them.

Around Castle Hill wen loll ab0<1 ai.utJe,...Jv in th" holM> th.u t one day Chrit~hoil .. "'·ill Tet'Ollt'( r Q. text ()j tllcir faith-"Thn.t 1t wns. ordainf.d mo.n •lwuld • um his da.ill ln'Pad by lh•· RWt at f t hls brow:· - Uv the rece-nt Pnj..:l•lli'l •l.f" P.ltt h t t Tlllfylish ltas Letween.500 aDd 600 par­hlbioner:< out nf '\\'Ork. A ft'\\ or tht> younge1 men haT'e futUrcl t tnpttl'nn elllp]uvm•nt in the l!ux lielrls; but 11 l!ogroru has f<>llowed ,,.,.,,.J of them t'V("Il there, and·"' •. 1 turruers, hurl!)· in wunt oi llt.hour, h•ving tu dj,­mi~s them, nrt' froquent..,

About 1,000 Catholic-. employed the Vull•r u£ the- Bann luu·e now :no >(•ork, uor uo pny-dny. A fund hei11g__org8.nis~d b:y his J.,,.lt .. hll'' )llrl Rev. Dr. llulhont: Bishop • t to whom all sub~< r ipf 111n.. wilL kindly I• rwa.nled.

Memorials of the Past

(Jo rom ?tlr. Aubrey •lr \"e>rf' Prt n &

' lnisfail; " Lyri<:o.l ('hi'Qnide ul lr lA

H IUH leut uwluc·rials uf ltf'l tt11l 'rt­inter••-.liug :,, us. h01\' 1uuch uwn F.­

mm&t dtt'V have 1novetl lH the In1llh u n.:n &tll'lit!f dny! ·A ~ ~•d \\tHlth

knoll h•sid•• J,uugh De<g U. all 1lu.t I us 1 ewtnn:i uf Kin corn, tbe pulu t ,

the Mu11Ster lUngH, and home I Bn:w Grea1 But to a t. «·I i" de fifteroth c 1 •ttu~ 1t ruiuS D1t"'l liu'to epoken o h.LugUtlge u-. an1t•lh ·thl ... that in "·hich old t u ... tJt• ha I• 1'\-.d

M<>untjn addt""'" "u•. To cl' l1 , . mu.n, :·•mte or I'" 1 .. ,aut, X. •l •I t

"\ 11•" II· o;ln:.t wu ... a" Ltunlt:u ·• n.u • .,~ .Htm•· ww; to the. • ul 1 ... 1 H r nnd • hron 1ler 'told huw. 1 1 g l~t .. St. Pu.tii,k hnd ~ummc•ut"d Kiug l .. lt: •

hoire- to helie-ve, Nial bud ruled D\1•1 .it Il't"lancl; bow ht' butl heeu tlre i!Oit !. •

ut tb& triJ,.. of Hi-Niol, from "'h 1

t\'t're cl~!'l('t'nded the P1·i.necs ••f T,··~. • nell untl Tyrone, 1\.t whose nome ·!;, chilU.t·en ol Nonnou nollle:J in the- J•.d, the fout· 1 ouuti...- round Dublin t:Teru ble-d ; ho\\~ he hud sent ugainst Bri­t.uin unU Oa,ul •hu"-1' nn.vo.l expedition! still for 'U!-4 J't'(.'Qtaed iu Roman ''fl , bow hi' ltuu lc<~J:u<'ll with liio co '"1• mt-u in f•h otluJ\d, tho I' St•uli who '' 1

th~ Pir '• hnrl agam nnd agam clri~t · hac: k the R<.mmnR hehind tbeir h.:t i wnl11ill tltey loft the land de!ell<••:e., and bow. ot !WI I, he hd fallon n1 -· , in 1 be pQrt of lloulogne, h:v II ,. biUl. 0 uf hi• rfral Eodcy. Jo'rom pnest , woll " bnrd he \<"Ollld hl>ve !Ieard . t the Iri•l• \ uma., King Cnrmac ; boy,· ,, hncl AnN•eedecl 1<~ hiR f~Iher. A.n 2'27 ltclw he ltnd ••tnhli•bed three colleges uue fol "' ur r. une for history, d.nd oru fnr juri•pruuenc<>; ho"· he bnd r<'ducec th~ old llrehnn Lnw into o cO<le · Ito" It« had ns•ombled nt Iris paJuce of. To.ra. hie Lo.rdo nnd ,c hroniders, lUlU cum-1l'unded them lo cul]ect all the ancient anJwl~ of helnnd Ulto a 11eries-tti~ ''Pt-tol~r uf THI'O.i'' l10w Ire hQd ·wr:t. ten n bonk ~·nlled uThe I nstitutiuns ot n. Prin~, ·' and stOred iu it tbt'l civt wiiidom of his time; hOw, in olledienc. to law, he- luul reoign<'d his throne , · hecmning cli'4flgurt>d 1" a wound· ond' how • it wus piou .. I.\ lu:•liPret~ th...t'. ~ ''!reltis clcuth. rhri.tiuuity hod ••orbed lum. and he hud ~o!ne a ht•litTer.

Still more nften would he ba~e h•ard taf., •tf King CormllC'• grand­fllther, Conn of the Hundred F•igbts who ourre<'ded to tile crm<n ut ali lTelund, A .n. 123, und wlw , ... nt Ins! rnmpelled to HUrt·Pnder nne--half oi it to Eugbun Mo..., (Eugene· lhe Hreo.t)

fl1 t 1 llrrJl)f· '" t

1•11 for hlch t

Strengthen the Industrial ==Arm of the Nation=


By buying produ~:ts made in Ireland Y.OU ] help to stop Emigration.




Dowdall, 0' Mahoney & Co., LIMITED,


. ..

osaFy Sunday ~ lbl: lfonth of the Rosary, hu COU\fl

...... a.ud •e all can U!'e our Kl'f'Dt wt-•pan &tw U.ww.ry 1n praying to

Ow _.... et' Perpetual &uooour, aut! to ...._ 4V"&nlllt.ude every ~riflh home Mhould .. • .-ad )umour the P'1ct.urt" of A£oth€'r ttl ~lual Succour. Splendid hu•stmil~ ~ .... of the £11mous picture or Ot11' ......,_ Completely produced in ht~ltu_ul, lr.dh ~ cledacutory hymn by Bnuu n·~ T.O. 1'•·. U.rle, ('.HR.H., ante "'Your l>ieture is JUHt Mplt>ndid. ll ..,. a cotTeCt Qnd nnthentic t'OJIY nml U.,.. .....,~ d.evotioool I lmve sean." Pnn• .,_.,..... rrno 1/t.


J!,u,remo,::::e or E~j~b Mar!~ En1ll1h laws forbade the wearine of Coatumes after the Irish fashlou iD order to IUbatltute English &000•· lo

~~ A.rev~;·kN, dC'J'~~ .~dmocsv-:· wld not tnake Irish Costumes o/ Enellah malarial. Kilrs. Gown and Br,lt made to order. All wort Jrl1h ancl all are proud of it.


YOUNG IRELAND. 8~ttutday, October 2, 1920.

hriggan had fired DIQn~· an Ici.h tow. Ireland and America English pamphlet 81l~., "These " I before. This tim~ it has lit'ed mm" less ond unprincipled men, to prepere

--- the minds of lh~ people lor th~ir vet than on Irish tol\'D. The '1\'eapons that la.tent sclt•me uf independonce incited sent County Cowtcillor Lynch nnd In subotwce and in fact-in her mobs runoi•ting of n few o.bbndoned ll:essr,s. Gibbons o.nd Lawless to their povel'ty, her isolation, in the nlmos1 men,., E't<:., and. .spea.king of the con­graTes haTe encrusted themseiTes with tragic smallness uf her apparent run· veJwl'!i of the Genera.) Congress whieh the blood of It•ish pah·iotistn to no teriol resourres o,gainst her mighty PI'O<'Ioimed America's iudependsnce,

English Pre;s agents said of them otlteJ· eJI'ect thlw to make iEnglond's t>JJem~·-Ireland's cnse to-do.y is ex- they l\'el'e ·•lllen of ba.n.kt'Upt fortunes nnme, as one of·England's chief jow·- n.ctly what America's ('ase ~·as from and disbtmtt!olt principles." There "'· nols says, stink in the nostrils of 1775-1784. So have stated American oftet• oil, hut little originolit~ tn

lol\'s Balbriggan, nod other leal Irish- -from different points of view-of lleiore the Wur ol Indep&ndenc • llllb lllln\ Rolary Beads, post free for 1/3. ~ld ones for 3/l {>O~t frt>t>, ........ togmrnre of Arehbashop :'llu.aau\.

t.a "\.udy, writing hiR powerful mea. QU.r, r•r CNinl, tor B•Uu•• or PI•".,•·

Civili•ation, Even thmtg. b Trim fol-~and English authors when they u rota l't'ess agents' work.

h h f t f L h d G'b · · h fi b · h E Judge Johnson says America •uJfen.>d men s ore t e a e o ync an 1 - A.inenco's "'g t..year g t w1t ng- just 118

Irolnud does, she. ,_88

gov.....,e<.l boos and Law les--t he tyranny that land. And thev odd that one-fourth by '•· ignoront, ropadou,., n'eed;r. stran.­has for 1-enturies made of the- loirest of Ametica's s~Rll onny were Irish- gen .. s~ut from Englaud "ottended i•land in the Atlantic a land of misery m•n! • by needy dependents," 11'110 were ol-

lb ]~land. TI1f' photo ill mounted fLEMING'!! HOTEL, ws .s.t.a .ttoug hnen-fa«'tl ~1per, a.ntl lit the fOot Ul HiR Groct.•'• Dlf'!»~~l'

a.t U t&oimile signature, Si.r.e 17 m· din ~ U i. price t /1 poflt free.. Tl'ndt•

ar~aia. it Awtrali&-the brief atory or cn. llll"eNaua yearR under the So~ftm

.,_ Captain Bryon. This booli allo .«utra\ia.'s great t~ong to Dr.


Tw ,,lu•tel ~ !~-;~acr Street Cluptl1 unmasked Md overthrown. !roland Fm·eigners sometimes think that ways looking lor plunder; they .,...,,..

), .. •ulfen.>d aud endured in the past. !roland's resoun·es hopelessly invari11blr 011 bod tet'UI• with t ,. are people ®<1 <tulll'relling with thtl) no-She •uffers and endures t<Hio.y in the finite for fighting an Empire; and tive Go\'ornment. That was perlut.p.• SIIUCr. .ODBRArB. CONVBNIBN1.

rertoin knmvledge that to-morrow she they counsel c<>mpromise, but here, naturul ol\·mg to the English Gover­will be redeemed. I according to Dr. Franklin, were nor's f1untic effot'tS to keep dmvn Uwr•m: entitled• " Hie Grace... P~t

t!::. -=-.Winey, T.ord 'Inyor of Cork.­~photo of :\lnc~\\·incy otl art. pAper, n lis 9 me., surrounded with ('.f'lt.:iq .......... m tricolour, po~t frN'! ... earh. ......_.. liD, vl'ith tri('olonr ftng1 Antl ...... .r wictory, td. each; \)Oat. free 3d.

GRAND PARADE ~ fll .-inn Fein, hy Pro eSROr Henry.

'PriDe 518 poat freE'. . ~ ....,, by Wm. O'Brien. Poat

. .:::. ~ .... Fanaa i or the Adventurea of C...U R'~an, /Jy ~1. O'Lennain. IJ'he lttory

-.1tJr the t.ChooltlAyA of young 1\.nn • .hb l"publ!f' of 1940 i hall ot aiJ­.-.a. Pnct- t,t post f'rere.

Cigal'ettes n. •.ak.illa ef Ireland anct ·lit Undoi,._, b)

Mno •.rwu. Price U/1 poet free. IRISH MADE

The C"'MMrrl IIB'qul, hy fleumn& O'Kelly I~ ~1 1• riGI!it frf!t, '"*' •• Wtn Boys. Potd. free· t/4.

f"allter ICibn IC..,YCJn·-1• ~~t prie4Jt nf 't f , ~rty, 'I.J\.. ,.Price 6/8 po!tt IFN!

Whelan & Son, 117 Upper Ormond 9uay, Dublin

com.&.s .6..S.6.s --:--Til H DRAWN FOR---


M •-h,. Cold Frame. -·Eft . .... ·-· - o1 (JII} '!'inolo .., ho had from-

n:u:vrr 0 DIO!IUSAI!lll, Rdlt., 'UD&IID Simi F.ta, DI"'@,hedf i ...

B..I51Ul' )I' A(' bE~Ii<jlU, ,T:C., BoyDo \',. , n..,ghoda

'Dto -...,. 'frill take pi""" iD tho

Ms~ -· Ilt<IP.a., •• liOih lllcom· .. !· =,r:: ~d~r.rosiMa:~:~.!:>: • AM. ~ L ~11rphy, Chairman, Louth Go.-.

jo.A.A.j of Jill\ 11 of h. t Jria.b IL

6. ud •ta IO!ltlt. f~. ~ I 'I ~rnd 313 :t:it rree. ~~II ta~;~ p.;~~ 1."0~~':1~ -~J\

ef JH " witH ........ bod.y .-... .ud wh,r-.' eoUIU' nnd cull, 1/-, . n m hr t cott-?n,

Kllllii*8S ._, t es1. ,.. n-platn etaloun t :- J JliU tr·po: · t, a, Or with tr.~f'n,

Li ...r J1.'11oW' 11trape.~, 111 each. r.ora.&~~,-tt;e, Ut·, nod -''Ja. HWfioe aan., best make only, ant ~t free. FMIUIIII Boott, 11Jtr Qltd 13}8 per pair i .. pno.;..w.,. f/• n.tra.

HC8fq and "ow to PI•W' It, written by nn len Tli!G of Colh~KeB n:nd tl1ot~e m

'-'l,.'T' " • ill\l~ttratod. Prire 7d~ ...... Whelan & Son, 17 lJwer Ormond Quay, Dublin

lrisla Ireland Teachers I&OrENlNC OF SCHOOLS. ---..

~MD: SIDt:i nt7W on bands of lntermediate "-"n1l Sl:hool Boob. AU ordcre

• tmt: .._diate attention.

RUtS~At, " •.top" 5<1e'O eo l<1C,


BFacelet Season.

o mllril 1dda to 1he dt1rm .:: •, arm u • ptdty braoeelei. w .. ...,r • baurihd liae or bnreelttl lit ~ cerd, Ia ae~ral •tYlet aad ~.:; prc!tJ b .... l ....... priced • &.& Rld'ter 11)'1ts up to I;J/J.

CARTER BROTHERS, •...,. arut a ..... , at., Dublin.

... P. J. Carroll & Co. Ltd.


II EIN o., .. 104 !lt. Bl'Win'ick ~otl,


AD l.ite.n.r7 com.municationa ahoaJd .. """'-«~ io Tile Edhw.

AJ1 baain... abouJd he adclreMed to 11M Mana .. r.


,., '" ... 17Jipon"" lh.ll·1-t-lt -::: 8"' , u (Jurtulr ... ••. ' '' , u

P~ble in adnACe.


src.~-:'OD ::: g::~ = ::t: 18 In .. rt..... ... 8d. per iaoh. ll6 ln....nioDJ 61. Od, par lach. 5~ Inamiona 41. 6d. per inolt:.

Larav 1paoee pro rata. Special po1ition1 -... Oboquoa aud poat.l onlera ahould M

oro•..t, ud made payable to " Eire Oa."


The Lord Mayor

The Pnchu'1JJI<•• of the Lord :Unytll' of (~ork nnd his fellnw-suf!.-n,..,. ap­Prnoc he.~ (he. miraculous. I•~ or fifty rlays lho:v· survived in their ~w.1• umteJil Only the ronsdousness ol 0:

nul.lo ~·o.u.-c~ • ould haTe exaltPd WE'll to ~Uf h .a ,Jt gr•·• • f indi.fferen('' to bodil:~o· ..,uffp.ring oud ("ll{tunnce. of life under ! be oon•litiuu•. The loTe ond ad mint­linn ~ ,. lheir r·ountn·men .. with tberrr 1n Life " m death.

The Risen Nation

1'hr> ovent• ol the JIO.'<t fort·nigbt have Ull'Ula.!Jkf'd I~nglnnd he-fore the exes of thf:l. wutltl. l•~nr months pn'>t l1er press nnd I'"'P"'IIIDd" have l\'orked­"'l•lv to • ono11ul from tlte .knowltldge <>f (i\'ilisation the meihods: of n-raw•n b('r 11 prr •·ntntl\'1'"' ln Ireli\Dd ha.Te in\'"fl'nted nnfl pnn ti.,••d Still tltey bnpefd that. o ttl tbe ulden time, what they did in !roltwd would be dune tn n lnrner, and thot, ns in the uld•n run~. "'hnt fols..hood ti'"Y will'!'~ Rl>t!u,l Il'elaad would po•s unchallenged intu tl1e world' f<nr. The tol't'h that H.....t tl•o hvmes 111\d l\'orbltQps of Dol-

Six weeks ago ~fe advised our roun- America's c"ond.itions whe-n she fought America. politically and commercially. trytnen tl1ot English policy planned a.rul won, "notwitllshwding, ho-n·- "l would not/' snid the English Lord

ks ehn.tham 0 allow America. to ma.nufac-in the ensuing wee io ro;vnge ever, oil the disadvantages the coun- ture 8

hob" And the'{ did not. und pogrom Il'I!IO)Jd in the hope of tey then laboured under from on nrmy The extel'Dol commeree'o Am..>rica bJ'eoking till' spirit of th& notion. For ignorant of discipline and unskilled in from 1ii3 to 1777 was n million and six )''eeks the ravaging and pog- the arl of w8.1'-witltout a fleet-with- a-half, o.ncl it took u. contury and .... rnmming lute gone on, and the first out llilies-<IJld with nothing. but the half to t.hat, When •he was l'esalt• the "'isea<>res haTe achieved i• lo\·e oi liberty t<> support them " free, in less than a-tl•h·d of that time

it rose to £5,000,000 by 1819. The "'"" that of inspiring nmong claRS"" of •. , • they fought and defeated the with Englnnd cut olf foreign C<>mmn-Irishmen nnd Irishwomen who had for- Rritish Empire. The Empire, by the dities nud home mtWufoct.ure leaped merely !JO)d aloof, utter detestation to way, is referred to by Judge John-an fol'\Va.rd. In sJ!!te of lhe raTagee • the name and methods of EngJnnd. in his " Conunentar,y on the Memoim n.·ar, poverty, and St11ferin3-t content­The second result has .been to unite of Wolfe 1'one " as " her !America'•) went and prosperity •ettled 5o quit!kly

· It h · · f on the people that it was J~JQ)ldl)' ag&J.nst t at country t e opm1on o early, and indeed her only, enemy." boosted ''It i• the ouly Gt&ernment C'iTili•ation. Such is English fm'e- 'l'he wlwle population of A.m,erico. in the "'rid that dlll'es to p1if .....,, sight-su,ch ,. English statesmanship "'as then on~v nbout three millioUB, free!,\· into the ho.nds of all it 1 in 1920. If the lri~h nation could have ours t.o-d4y is oTer four milli.mts, ond, zens." heen destroyed b~· the imprisonment or according ro the some IU'licle by Amet·icn'• opinion of her Imperio! slo,ying of ita~.· ers, the ravaging of ,Jud~ .Johnson, England used exactly neighbom· did not nppenr to .improve

n-- witJt time, foi- at a meetillg in Ru.r-its B.ei<Js, the burning of its t<>wnl!- the suJDe rnetbods to restore "law mony Hall, liew y01

.k, 1825, with the nation would have been de- nnd order" in America. os she i.s try. ,Judge S\vantou in tile- chair, Profes­stroyed 400 ''ell.l's ago, Elizabeth tried ing in Ireland t<>-da.y. For iUBt'l}lce, sor :UcXevin .9nid "•t was. to b& , , it, Qh.,.~.., tried it, OJw,well tried it, .. fi•lds we1·e ravaged by a merciless little short of miraculous that t e William tried it, some of the Georges enemy, uniting in his system of war English Government witlte>at hein8' tri d · Irol d · h all conotro.ined hy any e>:te•·nal danger . e tt. llDd an surnved t em , I he demstation and vengeance of the ur any ,, """' , whatever of · err al to he bailed to-day .vitb admiration savage with the rangr o.nd system of cinumst~•Kes, "·oold du . , o.nd affection .,,. eTery nation in t11e rivilised tn(ticR; but America was 1nll U(t of k.iutluesa t1• Ireolaud llGrld "' I, one that may sla~· in- wtyielding.' And because she \\QS And l.lle:< I• lmed ~ Sodet~· to oodn. dividual pntr .. 1 , hut bites on ,, file wtyielding, de~te her great suJfer. I tl1e ' r,..,. ,!'nd enlighteu':'l na.hon• "\lhe.n at l't h lu "'Uh" t

1 ,, Oldest Na.tJon • th • 't .R hf:.rt G ~.:n the ew tlt 'I the "'ui~Jt.. < f I l ,1

,. mgs, auo er wn er {) o\A.\.Ioe \' r. 11 ,_. , and t 1('-r l. t

oft "West JI .1, .1 1 '""' t ...U.. •L..· .fu: t ~.. •l • ......_ ,. 1

•. W '1'1lnm ... ·u,l f .. 'f t:l" ' lH J Wf'lt ll,,, r .. •llt 1 r fight The 1: ns.:. nfttum] 11• t , u ... •twE'en I f~ '''If .,..j r t

1·1' H "1;01 'f Killolo.· I 'ill ~nnl'JU(I'I) of •heir itw.bilitv nafQolliJ \l" (.lrh ~·luO,l In l785

'Be patirntas well 'firm.· It is 1 ;uhdue 1,, hod nlfered us ever:r:- Lo,rd Sh•ffi•ld said . I lrelanrl lie Dish eudurnuc...,_lrish t·estraint under 1 · k 1 · d d ObJect . to beconte th., mart Clllculated pro,ocatJon jhat has ba.filed t nng we •• "' : exrept 1n epen ~nre. Europe fot tl>e trade in Amet ,. and enraged Irela.nd's enemy. It is We hnvmg deciiU'ed our tnde- which-she well .•ui(ed l>v her w . .,, Irish patience., well as Irish firmness pend&nre, o.nd fully assured of hoing e111 situation . , , , , 'We should that IUU!It gam th& victory thnt will able 1., Kllpport it . . . una.niniuusly look flfi'I\·Kl'd t. tl1e petiod when r , giTe It~ our laud the blesF~ing.s of Free- refu~e~!d to liRten to theh· oHers."' lnntl. ~bnll h~Te ~ttained H much me ., !low IUtd Peace. The destiny of Ireland }[' ht 't t 11 1 . 'It f I ,fgntficunt '!illation tha.n ber p:reser ·• i& now beyond the shoping Qr control llf

1 110 tt >e 1'n en ° re- nud he ahle •,. trnde en as; good a. {Q -of •hose "'ho were her foreign task- lnnd !<>-day? ing to the Western world ns England. Dlasten. J...,)and will •Wipe her Tho American pamphlet wrilel:a of Sh~ .vuuld, ft'llm her situatiqn a.nd ~ future, nnd that futw·e will be a future the time Jove to point oat the d.ifficul- vRDtnjl'e•. <upply Great Britain "' I Pi Peac• and Libertv ~ithin Iter bor- , 10, the.v fought against. Verv. often Ame1·Jcon produce:-tlJe gnin ; I· der, for nil her peQPle. land, by •>~rh a me&rui'P, can nl<

n In t.he repressjon nnd peNecution 'lit'\ r• pt al that .America had t.he ad. rult frc ll.l the I~~; If ( Jl4 •• ~ Bnt T

of ··enturie• tlutt lt't'llllld hll8 endured, vantage f being fnrther from Eng- And the uoh1 .. lord, , ti~>•lful f • ud rmrvived, she had not leorned ln.r1d than w•• .ciP, and her native. offi- bad relo.tionA het~·een l1da1ui a d to appl'ehend tbe true Talue of freedom cials "'"'"· therefore, generally faith- England ·•- before bet"·•.., Amer • her people would l1ave sulfered in ful and lmconilpted by ElllJiire and Eusrland, • ontinlleo "ana how.., r vam. We ba.vs seen in the recent '"lU' ~trong the cledu.ra.tion may o.ppt ,... it oil the profMsed and most of the real lll'd,.·-: the:~· acknowledge also tltat a is dem"n•tra!a.ble tbat an o )I • .. ideals of man hetnwed by soulle!IS foreign nrms already esmhlishe<l ou and entil'l' ••pnrafion between the politicia.ns oncl •tni>id milite:rists. our •hol'et! things wm·e difficult countrie~ "'ould he less pomiciou• 'Ve hnxe seen lfntE'J·inltsm-tl!e trn.e for h't'1o.nd, but in eve!'\~ other n·n.v the interc; .. l~ of GJ't!at R1·itain.'' Anti~hrist-rnised on high 118 th~ god tlte•e ulrl writers Ireland'~ Pmcticall;v for the some reosoll, <lid to he wn~h.ipped hv all peOJJle,o;; of r·Usl' '"' 1.uRt tlte snme as AmeJ•iea's Jo~iab ~'l'lwker, Deun of Glouceet~r. st"ulle; we Jmn' witn"'essfd: tJH~ hrt>rwlt ach·(IC'llte thtt inrle-ptoudtiuc·e of,1 , a uf iha solemn pledges gjTen by the Wl\.'4. "h8t'n~ tl1e-y refui'e to ~uhmit to. ,. rulet'A to the peoples when they led Pnr in•t1111oe, in. Ireland four-fifth• . author!f); und juri•d.iolion .,f the B • them forth to the bloodiest 1111d 'tnoet of tho peopl• ,.,.., united in ll1eir de- tisb leghlnture," and he urges t futile war thut ever disgraced C'h;lisa. J mnnd fut indepeniJenre. ond in friendly treat it.'"~ of 1 ummerce. ... tion, and we hear this breach of fo..ith Ameritn the po~ition!f weore nearly te- wit11 an~· otJ1e-r l'iUVt"rt>ign independ. 1 with the living and the deud extolled 'tole,·· >hould h" intmPdiutely ""~ alii. statesmanship and wisdom before Yt.tlsed it Wll.. the mincrity whi<'h into for England's .sakE'. The WOT' thr· o.ltar of the false god. We witn... made th• majur•" figl1t for th .. ir in- Dean .,,~~···•• that o proclalllll.t •·n tlli ... and 8t't"' tbe C1'88h of all C'iviliq.. dep&ncl•nce.. Dr Franklin says ··ad- should 1 ... i:..~ued 01 to . ut off, ......... tion, the fall of oJl SO<ie~·. as tLe im- dre..... fnmt dif!e .... nt colonies and .. parnte fn>w the British r pending rea~t of the t·onduct of tho.., hreotlted at-dent lo\·ol!y (to England)... pire" tl1e rel,.llio\18 Am•t'k'Ons, ~ h who, hy thell own falsehood, teacl1 !he ' . · he $&)'•, will 80011 tejl@nt and hPI! t , Jlll(lplee that rulers l'!'gard them, not .. , Cn'l'ularH sent out brollt!east hy C'on< he brought hcu:k ''' the ~·protet t 111en l.nade i11 the. image of God, lmt D8 greM" gr,dually }Jrepai-ed the people, a ,,f tlte Httid Empire. For, be , .. animals t~.' ca.jole, to butcher, to h~t- minds fnr indepe1,1.denre, but ('ITen in they will hecome tired of subm.i's~ tra~, It.•. ?ur.~oWiiry !hat to-dacv !" the l'le•sion uf 17i6 the Independent U> "'the tyl'8llnico.l u•ul')lations of ""v!ng Cmhsation from 1ts fall. lt •• l'arty tnet with fiel'<'e opposition lind tltose ••unling, hvpocritit•al Rer.nhli­our <'HUtth-y that llruJ refused to heur • • L ' . (:uns" nud thcs wih 1·uslt for Ep~ and's tl1e mark of the Th!ost on it• fo"'head, 11 18 true 1" say tltey od to figh~ thAt~ prpter•tinn again. and to worahip the Antiehi~t. It i$ ""'" POOJ>le •• well •• the English for England, he admit., ne~·er gi•e• ,

1 _

our ruuntry tha.t beaJ"ii the agony of AmeJlC'a.'" indeP«tdemt. But the thing up she- ha.." t nen 1 ( othPr n~tions~and,in her victory }f'(lo.. gradual winning of separation from }"rene]• provizlce .. Hthe:v neve..r J. '" ur land '~'11 agam give to n betrayed Enll'land cem~nted tll<" home union of on'l. 'f them !ill they '".e"' ' "'I• .,1 nnd dud:racted Europe what 1rela.ndt Americnne. to 1t hv forrt• .,f anna, .. w h f':fl, ,,


gal,. t<> Eurol"' of old-a lomp of pllJ'e , •• _ . 1

ing to l1im, ,J, •·• not tuako for 11• I"" -~111 to guide its ft·,.t along the- n·o.v . l•ro.m.l••6. to lt84 It'""'' A.nw-rJ ·1 laiity 'f 11,.. Empire P1 ... 1., , p....,.,, ~om and Perfection. ,U) million. '" defet1t EngiiWd. We polic;v !hut !:• and thp uti,., r·•er•

Those trbQ Br& .suffmng for Ireland in had pnidin 1119-1 OTrr £2, i60,000 in ad,.oc .• tt'l t. r 1t n,: llw rl l;.pfJiuUJ; tlilil ~rencrn.tion suffe-ring with a nTer-tuation tu England. Sine• then tnt> ,:• '') punr l1 thf'm and in tJ e lJ '\lt cali~olo.tion denied~. fhu'"t' who auf- tn.:r:ation ha.c in~reased per heed from I!Ul' t~•" "ill WIUJtlQcOnte-ha,k~l f~red for her in thepoost. They sulf~n.'<l £1 S.. 10<1. Co £7 H•. m 1918. ""·ou •· J.t• •~•1d ran't hold on th.•, in the hope of J...,land'• oltimate fJIO&. Of C"ouz c J.;nglaud w•s 'l'ery Dllgry -will "' tk out in Ireland u.• did .n dom, ,T<Hiay tho"" who su1fer do oo with Am•ric<> nt the time and she Ameri< j,,_, n tl1e other de lll in the cert~>inty t bu• Ireland, the hurl('() h•r 1~·•1 1'1 ~·· agents at their the n. o • ountzie•' fights have 1: ., ll!llder and light t~f 'h•· world, i• .,._ throat•. Ele1K1-ihing the ,,·ork ut tbe similar. 1Jilrn. Independent•, for (n•tnn< ''• au old H . .P

France and Ireland. Pa(i&, Saturday.

Manifestations of sympathy lor the Lord Mayor of Cork and lor the cause which he so nobly repreaenu. have not been wantina throughout Europe durin& the put month · In Paris a Committee ol Action has been formed to agitate lor his liberation to which M PauJ.Boncour Dep~~ty; aentthc loll"". In& letter · Beln& absent from Paris 1 have only fu<t heard ol your desire. 1 should !eel eternally sony il the prayer you asked of me did not arrive in time to be added to those that at this moment are &oin& up from the whole civili~ univene lor the m.-tyr ol Briaton prison. The voluntary "'""' of the Lord Mayor of Cork illustrates in a moot otrikina fashion the rejection by all governmenl3 of the ri&hts ol peoples to oell determination, the sacred principle of which was consecrated by millions of deaths on the various battle­fields durin& the war " In Barcelona, too, Jut Sunday, a patriotic demonstntion, presided over by the Mayor ol that city, lOOk place at which a resolution was adopted conveying the fraternal greetings of the people ol Catalonia to the Govern­mtnt ol the lrislt Republic. Another resol­ution voted at the same meeting denounced the policy or Lloyd George in relation to Ireland and demanded the immediate re­lea < ol the Lord Mayor of Cork. From C:ortotca another appeal "IS forwarded to

• the British Minilter. sicned by the principal nhabitants ol the island invoking in the

name ol Paoli the friend and proteaee ol England, t~at the doors ol Brixton prison oou!d he th: o open at once to Ireland's

n: .rvr Prom all parl3 of France, Spain, lilly and llclgtum messages of a similar ~arure h;ov ~ n forwarded to the English (.0\ernm nt t•ut all to no effect. At the

ome time the Italian Popular Party which ntrol the second largest croup in rhe

lt11h"n C'hamber hes placed on its pn>­C: amme the r u&nition of the fndependence of Ireland Rc. rr elections amply show thar the Popular P •rtv likely to control 1he J ~ir' d I tilly m the near futur~ Tl!c:1r assumpt11 n f the reins of pOwer will he I tl J •'h pi • .ure b the people of I r.J 1, _ rr. t"'t · ' rtt th r GeneTal Mtcready Tl' ·v • h •t'rc published in the

F n pre. ' e~ .. ere part . 1 a rr ngcd rlar. I prepare foreign opinion •he r. which he 1 ditec~·

rt:un. lf'lt' dim lbr®ghl'n. nd To an' 111 it.Jj' 111AI1 u ~ 1Murd fie J t r Jt~tptine m rhe

o\ m of fk 1J~IIIJOO has broken down Had'~"' pa• heen stopped lor a single day, Ql rad a 1ngl disciplinary punishment ~ e lnftltrcJ the ruthless campaign

null.! !n (.Inti\' cease, but the present r(prc"eni.IIIVr of British power in Ireland or determined that It shall con· ·mue Hith.erto. however, the destruction r the lrl b rchplt and the extermination I the I r 1 J1 r .1 ~,; w -carried our unknown

t the rorld The ·wall olpaper" has been br ken dn"n J, r<>day whit is honest In .t .., m l..t revolt at the atrocities perpe-

1 • J ' th E. lish Government in Ire· ian~ In m, ~iaJrest Di&hts of their im· a IIi'" n Rr111 h propagandists never a 1"lf e.J. to th Gennans afcer rhe burning· ••f Lou~.dn,.. 11troc.itk rhan are actually

1n Nt,ctratod by their own tJ'OOpS '" day under rho shadow or the Unron Jack Never since the Middle Ages · a)J ffLe Martn-, ·• "has such savace brutality been recorded." "Le

• Peril Pari!ien" states that the 11stcriflee ol the Lord Mayor ol Cork is no longer nccc ary to auract the attention of the ,..hole clvilloed world to the martyrdom of lreJat ~ a the savage reprisals carTied out hy members of the Brirish army of occupa­tion ts rn Itself m01'6 than sufficient."

''Writing in "I.e Rappel" ol to-day'a date M Louis Bresses states that

the English have abondoned them· - t\•cs to 1 rul WIT of extenninatlon.

It <t'ems that they hove gone back again In the time or Henry VIII. who SIW no Other mean& ol reducing the Irish than by ma acrina them and replacing them by Encliab. It moy be uked if the British authorilies are slill masrers of the situ•· lion, or if they have not lost their heads They pretend that tho troops and police no IOI\'I<r obey, but It would be truer tn aay thai tho loner only execute too faith· fully a plan that has 1111 Inspiration r11ther in rhe proaroms of Czarist Russia than in the moans authorised by progress and civ· ilisatl6n The measures applied under the name ol reprisals can only hurt those who believe that they can thus Ioree the rest or Irish poople to emiarote In a Stru&&le that baa lasted lor more than seven cen· turles Celtic Ireland has proved that she is capable or maintaining her own. The epi\Odo ol the Lord Mayor ol Cork is a splendid exomplo of their stayinc powers. Uoyd George has ohoeen the wrona .O.d , violence Is always 1 bad argument Glad· 1one obtained better results by remaining

lairhlul to the traditions or Liberal Eng· land"

"freland It such a small countrY." says "L'Eirort National,'" "a country so far from France that only lew of us are acquainted with Its geography, neverrhe·


less the whole world to-day is · d I 1 han Ca . • I with us sutrerinas.. c· "I~ preoccuple nUo more nu."J:erous t the tholtcs. ac lto. no. hEaglaise If a I uid dOgmai follow d h rvt . peoples have lsrer, accordtnJ to them, is nO! lor ltMnodar ehWl hlrntlr rnch ·u ' -d 'n ~ t ~ aaony. or th~s man who is. Ulslermen but for Orangemen. To their I t•h6 triochnuithe MD j mbeur urpm le or J!..:S:, Brrj'~-pr~n. rn the surburbs disadvanhl~e majority rule is bad, to their l·'tOII•rinachta Scoluidlre , l~";"h na opinion • n. F u..,.,~g dby the press, public !advantage II Is excellent." blreitlr drl B<lill•iu <ho lada ~ on un La


rn r11nce " eeply moved by his M M 1 ' 0 b 1 • Df!'ll• martyrdom, and ar the same time by that • ----- . . I ~~~I ~n. '!db ur •an .e ,.,. Ju.op~tbe of hi! country. Here is

1 h . ~r 11 sl('l ~on t"'''lm mlla<htnaUDh.

dying fer his native land and w":.~~ a~ 0 1," NOTAl •r.n, go bbfuil •e .ntlr b m6r ina dbeim-lt may be disputed that ·hit sacriftce i=·~oi • I'*' "n ddunfor ~!Jo!c·h~ mtiine na necessary. ahhouah in my opinion no 1 "ago 1\.e o "'< anunt le-1~ an bbfeaD-death is more 'llorious than that off d _.,..__ .Hun ni e 1 heongal d'aou up 6n the alrar of freedom, Every Pre~~~- xr hi -41'(1 loUt Bit 1 gc6it crutLUn.o.iBi ("\ eliP .Go d.Pimltin, ~ teipithP man shoald know. lor there should be no Ill' Wl ureid at& raite agrunn i dtaobb g 81! ar goc h ·~·ht dnr derneadlr Bl'

doubt en that ~tnt. that the Lord Mayor of Fainne '' Abhair nA fiu ambtiin i gc6ir plu:omh-tlreognr!+C llo . JrEag~il"' do Cork knew wuh whom he had to deal, lin realin uta leo. :S!I deunta • . •lrutdl~e~h g? deu• l lrhfnima '"' ~e did not ao on hunger strike in order to I ndt llnte na oitlre ''" do Ibarra~ telllliOJ' 'jhhfisrctdlre 'il!'· Ina dJrjadb

. release~' he did not ask lor pity from l~th6ir r dtrf'o go dt~igfe..., on hlraint '"'n: m 1• nf •)leasa1ghean na nl

hrs Ylcto~ous enemy; the Lord Mayor I ot& '" u leru• hhfuil plete ogainn dar kb)tean on Eagl"'a le Fnlbllnacht nu adopted thiS, measure. and will employ it .,..,u) ugu• i dtreo go mbeidh bun dO

1" mar ~>tl '" 1' agauur. Bhi

hnttl death rnrerveneo, in the belief that a(rDllln ur • l~ag~mid tuill .. arg6inti •I ~nn,l ngu.• I 8lr lc·•tl•odh n~n· "" is end will hasten the liberation of his llor atti feillhe anion i.e wteir .,; nru!"""' L, ar leadh mOe hlion sorar

country And, yet, it seems stranae to llreolulocbta utt\ inR"Iuighe fe abbar na rlor.~~eodll tnlth_l ar na s,,Juitht>. T& some that there are still people who are llreoluioc lrta. llun no fotha isea e ag mrline " tl'Df:Ot•c "' pb18D4 fe leitll' ~~ady to socriftce themselves lor the n>l i ngach •nghos nbb.U drit frl'rl~ agn• 18 luuuntWt f,. ll'ith lei•, ll:"" rb~rty of th~ir. country. Terence Mac dtiinn a fhei~int ach atiHlroithe- ~i~ I brath IU ~ Pr na- nit he )"" m6 .go hhfuilid

Swtney can diem peaee like those soldiers nthnruitheo mn.r M~e.adh snnm.ana. t na R(•oluJtlutt nr nnQ fltocal ma dtaohb. w.ho succuomb at tbe very momenr when hhlUire, ma.r nduo.irt Lod :r :hctcTI 15 no longer •n doubt. It is in vain lC ... ill eol don mhtl.imeultu!b ·is ~n.i I Tadhg o Cianain.. that E o~d bGec;ce and all the ministers ol •ngba.s •nuim" i& feidir a dheunnmh or the. ng 15 binet endeavour to justify an uon agu isf nn t e1r conduct by !nvoking the superior in· t!ii"Ong cheudnu 1 g<'fnnhnui i da mheid :~~ orter m Jreland i it is in vain a hathoroitar n deubhramb Ie snam&lla his ..... ::.e has proved, by the ,P.n of diUr uirli 1'8 dealrhramh eigin ag K'

1 E ry, th~t, after ~II. he IS only ao da tlro·nn< le nu drr!ile. l• dealrbar.

er~~d0be11~';::' ~ vam that M. Mill· thll£h .. Prlomlt-abh_az n6 · lll!'teria sentative ol the Irish R Dubuf!Jy. the repre. pnuro. na '' alutth"' le Laeteir no

. ep rcan Govern- n-eolorth• ngu.• , deahharthtu!h T~: 10 France to remain in Brussels. ' 1! :m •• na 'l orluitbe leis An snaidhm

1. ~to the ~d Mayor ol Cork there is or &n •romg· rrtr athanJ (ahbar na

1~" ra~e to-day. nor in the whole civ- n-E!olaithe) Ul' Y• il:"lr na n.eoluithe :r... • ..:~~~0: ::le r:,•~ligent man who Ina dlriadlr •an. amh, io m6r ...; most terribl of ' I .th m;r years ~f lhe ,f('Jrt• f ht ttta idir ;aJr •fu•!la . 11~ Do or Civiliuti~ .::rsRi ... ~~t Iter~~ :ICf?r')" It 'I" fu~h6r .nu ~ oluithe, agtLc; do

nd Mi h h . . 51' over r ansm II'Jt .!.rifttotele..L, n.:IH go rvOr.:m.Ql: n.i ~01 ac~e~.:S ~~t~~hll ~,r:;:''" has luiinnl abl·~· da Lbithln fein: il 8,. w111 France should bow .j e so .'ers of hll. A'M •••hlioeh't, gan <·uiudiooht, gan soldier of Ireland-Town belMre ~h"! great non cheann d• rhinntenirl ua D!thine who lor more than a :;e~~e. ~c 7"de~ llle'em•inaut . 1 Jleing). Arh ta lor his country in the ~api:!t s ;,w ~;~ h'c!!lre Ma.-mh!""'llta Han oetei> Mas mense -Empire over which th f1• $10 hhfuil nn t~.J t•·1r o.nnt 01 sers. e sun never t•· ),,,. ht (,,l. .. t•.wt" u) ,. dtilthn lUI

"The phrlomh-obhoir. ·" h fior-bhithin n6 so

1 aa;"Y ol th.e ';or" Mayor of Cork, fiul'·•hul .. taint. Do ern· rur. ocolulthe

;" b{;, so, 11'11:'~ says "Le Courrier clu lrl•ri "'" niorbl flroloir dci ~ ~~ C:rn h be remr be us of the sacrifice .. fhuiru' .. dJ ~ .. ft"ll ·'- hheitb " ~l the lost H~~a~;eh. could not survi':e J-' bbrl ·n, h& .!f ;.! a u nhl life b fall"n h' lS country ended_hls r: ···no.~ unda t" no ~unt11 hhor y /:e ! _g on tS own sword It Unca I"' nf•·r t"JI r 1 nn tf' .. H I

0:.~ tth s:~~~~o~:;;~:r·s a1dversary was tl • lth 1l r tl~. n. t adentfodh 1-Juw

· g o a con.ege of 1 un 1 f1 t hallJ. r .]";:uu1 ~ 1 t r , !':'~ the last clwnptons o J1 11 ~ '

J I• u cause 'hhq'uish d d d . d . I tl .f[ :J a I ll:' If'( k" abandorled rhemelves t~ da~ i:c•m-te r? r . 1lcl dP n I , ··huthr K:l j,J f_uil voluntary death or the Loi: M ~ ~ ""~·ltn .. t Jf: J1 •lt

111fl(' DPnmb~Jo.m18inp

Cork in whose vems Rows Celtic b:Y".J o tl& , hurd lru " nn bpriomltabhar, !uri the conrra seems to herald t oo • on :l•Orfoilll nn ,::u!"' don temn~ He wi~hed1or death d he Ida~ ntlen· gurh .._, nn I 'h··~ ts bun le J.:olt 1J the en~raies of those ':h~ ::c1:i~at~:n:~ "nfll1

t!'l ohhnir thi!i1i( .,Jtu~ Tuigfnr .r. "" ru&id sin go bt.fuil

I· unm JS ..!.hhru nu. scoluithe nios··l(yn·-.· don rud r tuigtnr It> habhar anoJS nil don h .IJZ'1 ~~ «·Nmi(cbt.a 1!4 fl,.u io('hta .._. r It • •lruirt duinn tr· ch le fior-dheuna.i 'I ar rl!1rl1Utt• db(.- l.a-uwa Faid J

1 •t tht .:u t.t.hh • l1 •hn• fi.clrid '·'-~~~u~ vhha11, no l1t•1 • ann, boint na. • mill tl< n lena , l•e•i~. 1 h df"'fl HU"'l

Local Taxation


In addit\on ·l11 '"ll. Countv Bur .. ooglu•. wbose ·ol! ". ~ n week. there o~ t lu t 'l' ),, nugl .. t r I urp: t t HIL"', !\tU ' ~ Dr<.. Pd , Kil-kenny, Cion~, \V, nl Rnd ~· J.:

Their H·• •· ; ·t ft· 11 r•·,·t-nU•• 1cr l9l8 anurunt rn oll to £106,97~.

a.ud 1 he ~l..-pendihu·e • om · ""H' 1•1•

tu £108,094. The lui re•enoe of th~ Urbnn Councils . , nt~arly u111 mil­lion ond fort thou!'tand. and tl1·• <""S

pencliture is nhout t 1 1· m •· In nddj­ticm tu 1hfo rt"! lJllq fl• Ill H •. nue. ·II l"rhan ( tt\!'1• tl r··• tiT~ ru1 '\ ·hillr

t.ho~d 111 llo.J.rl l rml• 1 .o~lh: fr,• !),e 11111" ' ,r f f f If' \\ urking I}, • The urbo.n 1.114:~ hr n n .£!3';1 00 .. '3 't' • t f lh1• t ·•mn l

. n.l.t..

,,...,. .u landS", 1 """t: •• t•

<~1\' •wH·n lhuu"-Und 1 t1 t t• 1:~i t­undPrtakings hr 1 Tt , ·u £51 000 , \ t ct•. II rn •• ~ 1Jt" snid ~··n, r.llh tl1ai ln:obtul '" well pt'(\vided with f'thon ('. 11111 1.... r "ttl r h t..he.v .lrt• 'rr-.ilt\-E"igilt, that 1 ..

in ncldihon 1 .. thr ··It''., 1 .. rou·ghs. ThPreure also 1wrnh . IJ.'l.t T't' n (~om­till ,,.., .. "• whicl1 lu I• • 1r .• uthor1t f' .auJ ao fl ·····1' tllt RW'111 D I

depen_dbnce ol their country and to nx the ttrent1on of the whole civilised world on the shore~ ol Green Erin, to cive a martyr to avenee to a people sensible, devoted and resolved. It is pleasing to us Frenchmen whose motherland has recently given to every country on the &lohe the most lieauti· lui example ol moral resistance which his· tory . has ever recorded, to salute with emotton and profound sympathy the heroic rsesture of Teret>ee MacSwiney who is dying of his· own lree will lor Ireland and

hhunaidh t•otorra o tb ;u h, nior 1 ihe altogether undPr 11 ; fll( ipal ~j •

f,. l~l 1 do "'- 1 luitbP ugns. do l.oc-'ht na , tnruent m fn land (i t,l,, ~ ror human liberty. It

"Did we not read the other day how the Cameron Highlanders, worthy descend· ants ol Cromwell's Ironsides, shot up the town of Queenstown and burned a score of fPapistS1 houses without inquiring whelher lhe Inhabitants were wi!lrin or not." says Marie·Anne De Bover in "La Libre Parole " The reprisals that have taken ploce throw a sincular light on the discipline of the British army. Just im·

ine what would have happened in rhis country if the Dragon had avenged the death ol Lleuteno~t Latour who it will be remembered was ossassinared by the strikers some years ago. Such things would never be permitted in England. where. lor fear ol accidents the policemen are not armed; but Erin Is still a conquered country The rebellion of Ireland is shown to us in a hideous robe but what about the nbollloo of Ulster:, We have too quiekly lorgonen that on tile eve ol the great war civil war organised by the Orangists and Indirectly supported by the anny, was Imminent Why has this province been Jlicwed to stand up against the other three? Solely because it refuses to accepl the authority ol the National Parliament Which was so long promised and was then on the point or beln& accorded It refused because this Parliment would be Catholic In the proportion ol sevenry.ftve per cent A mere notbins when you think ol it. In France there are Catholics who' object to ertoln laws Why have not they a Par·

Jiament to leaislate accerdina to their Ideas? There are also citizens ol the French Republic who are not republicans Why have not they licence to organise lhomoelves into a petty monarchy, or even Into an Empire? Why is it that in all the countries flvln& under a Parliamentary regime, Ulster is the only one beyond tho law of the maJority, Besides, when l say Ol•ter I mean only a little less than hair lhar province, becauae the Proteshlnts are

· . 1r1c~ BlJl t• .at ln . r u.n .wn tnlamh lulf • nJ on •• amb' n. r seuntnr o.nois na "'4. 1"''\1.'1 • ' 1 I • tl n ood uJ1, go mbclidir ~" ra.ihb ~mhabh1LI' .. , go\•emn•~nt while~~ 1 ,, r It , d ~VIruh&il "" Iucht •eimlocbta inrbh- autonomy. ti .. i•idhf' ofnn na l1o.imsire go 16ir ach, Withinlheir IC"Ie•t '•·Jurisditflons Dl~ hhl fOin, i~ leis on dtue.irim I urbWl Di•trict Coun<ils i"' ' .. full ad-dl()monla a ltlrainean tl.r n..a.rgOint). • · t ti. · (I tl ~ I a I l hi '1 . 'th rum ...... ,. fX>WNo m regard to mo.!,. tA'II! ~~~~.fisk 11{h~ tl'~ 1:~r-::o~

61; ~ r.·,. pert4lininr _to puh~C ht·alth, they mgllf' unch 1n0r i dtaobb an Beteir a ttre the 9n.l& m.ting a nth<: '•i"'". and m1• hbt;>-itl• t.tfuu· 1thun I~ gnt h n£ nbh'>Dlha, .• 1 .. , road u.ulhoritlt' . ond ....... su<'h ore ' Jeir If" .. lrlrfoilimld ~a~tuitllc> go euhtled t1> receive o I ", ,. In th~ gTnnl puln~ m( fu~l1 l!hfad o <h~·ch ... pa nn pro~ided lry the Probate Dutie• Act of ··olmth". );1 mtste un me1d seo a, ri. 1888, knoWn ·'"' the )-.... '.•11 1 r De.otb

ut .aon ~ hurua . un. ("0-<~eapa .~In ' Duty Grant. The:r ~~ ,. , ~ ,Ji<~o "hat., ~ h<1nneail 6 a~~•r ~stoteleu~. go known ~ ··~, uupment,. frum t Lf' loc.11 ..owl .. 11 ~u Uhamg)u!'alla.tgb h go~ I! h .,..~~twn uecowtt. in rt ""lw'' , t:1t> <..,.r!­du ~Uift(•tntf" lu.;oht {"oluf()('htu. ue: hal;ID- ur.1 .. puid to their .. uut.II"\ offi(t-r , ... 1tr ,....~, ~· ~n ('O.f·heap.u. hb{ do gl~ath and, fur tl•e promotion f h·• bnical in­•. _<;,eiDnlhf' u laeth1"?11 na n:alch- stnl<'tiou, gr&llts ar.• mnde h• tbem ,11 l'lmltht· Rildf ltot":l!faiU hlu•n o shpm. uid of uppm,·f"c.1 "'( ltente1i b;,· tlte Depart­

ment nf .\j,''li('ll)tur• nnd Technical In· -tnution. i'be amount nllocaled itt 19HJ und•r thio lleocl fnr the count;v borouglta is £24-,000 n yt..•m·. o.ud I• "r <·owlhf!~ and urluut di~tri< t.s £!11,000 t1.


X I •lten.ulon ml nl thai lean ,.,.,;d. enmh loi• nn lrhY.'enllotlnacbt Scoluidhtr, '.. mor Ira nthaith lena Jan de nuruhnidihh nn hEngail•e a tlheuuamlr nmnrb. (•e- l!_urh r ntn ]~ fudo. n.g )urht na hEng~~oil••· ~g noohtadh is " mfniu II c·uid dogruol don Eaglais he. ghnAth l~i umnnu!ndrt. is ainmneoir­vnclrt ( nom•ndat.ure) is c6-cheapuitbe 1m Feall•tlnocllta ••n cl'u•rlid, aguo nl,t l<i 1t;:r f"l ~utt na ndO~ dbi 1ra m lr6r on 41• di prln.;ohOJI io Ill'· \r.uintl no l'koluith• Do gblru: Iucht ~lnc·btnniml• ur dlriodlraoht chueha

osnn. meA.n-..~toi~ana. ~-.ean-.fheallBUn .. ll'ht plr,ganorha m6ra na Greig~ Df!'ll•

•lo tllrein.ntlar di •lirlis ina bhfuil ..,. ha~tacbt. SfP.\rrrlniiJae-.ocht o.,-u.q C.ruin ... •ra , thar h,rr, rh.un n. bhluil de­

tkeogosc Rll Teo!M'tlnadb C'rioot.ul, ogus :P"Rch n..leM&n 0!1 flu reir lani<'O, do t-hOrO ag•1~ d'o11woilt AmOch agus do •·lrur .i,dtirlin l~i• 011 rolsun. na dlreiL•· • aihh sin. thninig diadhll<'ht tb,.ignirlb~ 1n ltEnglni•e Ulf\1S ln.lrhortha lidorti•·

Iu \ on,·luRion it itJ nPC"f''-lloi&rv to a.d.t in l'E'gaJ·U. to the. Town Cc1-n1wis..,.ion~~ that lh two towns, l>,tirBJ·<l nnd Tt!nm, uo r.-1. sure atruc'k, ll.H tht" l'f'\"enue. de­rin!'d fnlm nto.rb>t tolL-. ond I• nt.; 1" t1u11i<'ient to lU~t't • P• ndit.ure. lD ..:\ugnBClo~· o J.lh' \\',t .. not made Cor the xenr, 1918 and 1919, nod in ('ollon • rate wu" r.t made fnr the former y~. In tl.•• ftlJnaining town!!. the rntou;; un frnn1 8d. to Is. 4d. in r leo £. 1'b""~ n ft tll"e for munirjpal purJK' r .. in tl1t• t'l\t'HtV-e.ifbt tOl\"llll \\ hifh Gh.' J t rr. lmn lii:itntfl'l, and '' 1au h '"' thto~fon.• lio.ltle fnr the rut 1 I tl i' ruml distri• '"' in whi( h the-y un .. 11111 tt-"1. The 'In\\n CummiWon81'R have ]lo,wr to hold· mar­ket< o>td friir8 uno! to collect tolls, ond frunt '\hill aourr.e llt•ri\1'• ca }&Jll& porti• uf' thPir "'orldng r\' t-noe.

T Jh Fr, nth book •1f uue he ·u!·'t'cl and lurty-one JJUil' , .. deTc..ted , :Ju. !oiH lu Irish t"C'OU1 IJH• "" T1 ·ud

f the [1 U111 <-Iii uf IU II•UDtr:f t}-.p)a.,

.. "ide uo.d profoWld k:Jwwledge t tj'l' ,_

1-!'T Jpl 11 al I u '' tt 4 ..llld de t l1:'

Ul•• .. • f t 11 ... l'ilaud .a I 1 t ~

•nd tb u I ·11 It i

"ll 0 t~! I t

nODI I< JN l'lo 1 f lrdund.

r •rr

r' r. :...or

' . T.he "nte-r ml:roduc ... h~ ,11. ~ 4 t,

"'oiling the pamphh t f ( ,, hie written in 1850. H I gomg lracl: Su.tDe distance. . The furioo8, nn~ "' spit netic outlmr"'' , f c ~rl.vle 1 take-n n- a sample ,,, 1he Engl.ish , "'', r

.u:t •• 1 f~t• pret~nded English , (' ,. 11:

I h·· ' • • which t re Englisb would l.l. lrr \\ .rrld \o ;,.. • -,.. l Ji, Le had

expl.aiu '"" ., t'1P lt 111 llup<t' and •J, n DJIW&duro:J w • arul 1 ok lot J•l :;; o.nd :.1 1· t:i' ... f'r bad d 11 p .. ,. tn • 2. r.~ t ,. br::i-o. L L ... t r. 1 t 11 u ~1aod $tJfL 1t.,

1 t.. k ff reJit>Te 11"' muer 1 t f r l.J"Je l1od if t' naturn.l ft~ 1 n ntt-r

but •• ltwl uo real know ledge 1 t •ws.­ I r trade. ltllollfl( l'l-"11 indostr:v Blld

1Jl01)es, Which .HI• the T88l .J,jt • h f human umbitio11 and 1·ndeavour. l{e W ,_, fl•Jt llllUJ••:.•Ii' to deal 'Wlt~l ;}H

• t'" ( l bi.d4•T\ a.a.d J (' kne.w litlh '""'' lr'tlJud, and that lit :, w, ·:1-· .. r 1'(1 by ~;tn" taejudi(t• ,Jtt• f,

Ia k f knuwl 1•,· Nobod} , tL< ow,·r u·ould t·unk • '.J 1t '11.:,.:

1~ j,. ol' . .tJI .,1 I bot~ •\ 11'1 }r."l 1 ff l· l ' oa • tui.J ·\ t.' \!. 1 1 • tJ at t r I It • t•Uit ruptu• u"' ttfl•t ·n "t t; tb .l.n }, . l.l.• t l1l nd l1 U&JM;· h"ll ! (•ll ' ,-{ ' ~ltd hi\

I Ulul JJ an r· If I .ll!. • I t" n JUtu u~ 11l1·a \\(f ,,jd~111l 'J•H ul , :ht' t'untlfiNtt u1 l.uroJ.._ •tl r1t~ llt o-•"8lled En.q-ltdt ! k·DS 1.11 .. and

lun e takf'n wide root in c·ouutrt o•••-·r· "'' a.~ . well '' ... nE'arer home~

'I !J, French nuthor t"xpla.iBs it rh d ••I hie; f)bjed i¥ tu d~~l vt·itb tlu •! 11e.s· t: 111 11 ll't\land ~ uh1hty to slwd .,,. 1.' r , wn f·• t. •u tu .. ;,C,ak ~J u•t111~ ( .:trh· •·. he tt • tht• tul t>f'f ''"I""' ~J :!k"I

,d,J• and J. • om}>eft·u' t...~n~ lu~ •• • The "·hole questron 1 ·~re. J, ",.,. ~I t ntt tlJA' t 1 , lr·.,'-

t• 'll:•'· ""lly t puor 1"'1 li tne- rl Iruh nre w nlh and antt-lh"f't •mll";-' frl defident t . ., ,! t tlteir •) ·t flu

Jonul ,-;at~ 1 t·'ll ( ,,,~ "'' In t iJi' Lnol: thr '"r't•r tit•, :-. w t11 '~ tif!'


t lUI"t f f t}w que1tl. II, I . ('1 ££ Ji •tUP •l'lfl

1 ·m·_,' of Ireland. 1u t ntl a ''1'l't h·. !~·nt 'ic lu tlw fjU....-.;1 1110

rar.oed by Carlyle. Thio book ·• to ;,,. followed by Mother m co:urse 'l r-r pa..rution, tn he f'ntitlM "The ·'•·ul 0:1; h·~lond," ~·hi<h "llp~tly inh•nd•'<i to deal with the ellricol oopert f 1lw 1 :. ,.tion.

The gt·nPt.ll , hew.e, J the i.t.,k "l..,! }<. 1· Ulh de rirl tru)• ., • ,._. tollOW"' ThP. 1 t t luq1h•r tlt•.tl-o "1lh J<lltOJ\

and , •. nnomJr ....-.·ug1 •PL. • The a.utho"P r••fut• - the. oi~UTr.t "lf l · ·f l' )ac::k.

f ( lr• .. hllu1 •lf"JM. •. ! i1.tfUNP\ n Englnnd,.. rul , .. ~ " 1 cl :w• · : t •b

t•u• Efl¥lish \\ ho•, I•~ ·k· ·wt.ll would un Ita1L.ltl ~. h) 1 11 huth h"' 10;:::- : per ... u.tdl• bini •h:11 f-.o, , , n~ r\·. h11\ •u no • .. JJtr lt" , lllll ... t bv tL n ~.

I tjUt Ill l' fllj} to t'""t IJ! . ..,ll hPr ia.•·ful r ·t-r1.t to independent-e. nnd o..-er ,., ,,,, ·' The ·'"" a.ppli•- '" Hoi. l.oud. "hi<h hM no all. The snmp a.pplie t•') Deumo.rk. :.;. :r:rRt· landJ ~orwn~: and Sweden ""'(' miJ:lll go n little fnnher and add •hat ·• •h• ground of RCU'·Rutticumcy m r},,, pro­duction or coal, there ,, only .. , ... rouo· 1n io Europe, uut.Ride .. r Bntuin. "hi<h 1"1 ,1~1{' t•J 111 'ide. lhi •. 11 0'11~ In• l.v fl'OlD 11" O\TU , utput 7u ,j tlrr1t ' nu r'l t n: is fif'llnnnv

Th£. 11n·u h • nll: m1 ... 1 t•utmtu• .. tht• ,..U1Jjt.'• 1 u( rn:tl. 1... \\hi h hE" gt\"1."6 Jtf+~·thn~~ 1\;.1 •t hf lli1DJ..""111alh \\c•ll-in· f, rrtt:•l ta tt,•r. ·,,,, ltf'rt I .1\ -..;,•

11 :a~l R l~lf•·r nrt rmnl ' ( l~lanal'5 1 ual-11••hl Ht• r" r' (' fn1 In"• t ·._otit n t llt• f, .. n .. \ Hll{ I i,.:-111 I rotdin,: .. -

1 \\'hut au• tJu• ll•murt t•s 11f Tr('lnr d II l'f111 t

.!. "·Juu lu:an• hn lrt·1ntu1 drawn rt•ln !lit' tit hr or b{'r ('UU)·fit"ltl~'i

:J. ff 1 h~ IUlnoal 'i~ld 1'1'moin• <<>n· · utth di"'JU'f.IJlUttiunot~ to the co.pital,

hc•o(·t • ilRI\'" thi .. munupoly?


URSULINE • CONVENT, 8LICO. Uoinrait7 Scholo.nhipa (14 won io l&at two 1enra), Intermediate, Bank, Pnpila prapftred for Matriculation, CoO\meroe, King'a Schola.1"ihip, Leio~

Iter School of Musio. Residential School of Domestic 8cienc1

Attachad. ·



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,:;ll;:.r~.~~~:d '":!"; oortla.a lrillt Ml'tl"f«lltl .ad Ill lrbA ,,,., b7 KfldlQJ u )'Gilt ot4crs.

Wo CUI MPPb fM •hit. Dnnu, Flt.~w, Baaan., all Bald E41d.PcDaat If lo•at prlca ud but oulhy lor eub. S.114 tor tJD•r Pric• u.r.

W arpfpe Manufaoturera,

26 Parliament St. DUBLIN.


M. ROCHE, watchmaker, .seweller, Silversmith

and Optitian, 80 PATRICK STREET CORK.

~~~r.=en~e:el~rr.wegi~~·fs, H{\!!'ci: :~"! f~!~ir~~Y sn:~:r~Srec~ra~~~~





John Kivlehan 2 O'Connell St., LIMERICK.

P. Conway & Co. Tobacconists,

31 Elx&bequer St. Dublla. J!~TABLISIJI!O 1894·

W. K. CAHILL fLttl ot Clblll, Optldaa ta Hla Holla- Ch Po~.)

22 DAWSON STREET, DUBLIN. Repair~ and POll Orden a &peoiality.


Began Friday, ~uly 30th, and will run t hronghout the

month of August. A Crtat Opportunity of MGurms --Genuine B•rsauq lft---




Han your Hair .. cuttins, &havina, and Toilet Wanta attindtd to by

. d A M E S M A L L 0 N The Offtolal Frons6ch Barber.

31 EDEN QY. (near Libert)' Hall), DU.LIN. Old and NIW Com,..._ alwap w•to;ome,


Witb three genuine Gillette Bladu, Poet,,.. 3/8.



I Capel Street (near Bridge). DUBLIN.


Stud•nb who attend tbc Clu11es of


LEARN TO SPEAK IRISH 1.11 ~ auJK Utey tiTe taught on





214 GT. BRUNSWICK STRERT, DUBLIN. , ... ~.1711.


An 5.6.e'Oe.6.t. Comt.uct: C.6.1S'Oe urn Ul\!\<!.'0.6.r t1.i1J'I1ll1t:.6., ceo The Irish National Assurance Company, Limited

The only Irian Life and Central lnaurance Company controlled and ataft'ed by trlsh lrllandera.

Trananct11 Lite, Endowme•U, . Fire, Aocfdent, Live &took, Motor Car, SloknMI, Plate 01181, Buralary (Pr1vata Houtos), and other Insurance!.

ASSETS o"Ver £60,000; ClAims Pu.ld, £6,000. .£~,000 inveated in Irish Truatee 8tooka u security for the LIFE POLICY


to P~:~a~ft~ t~~~~)'{J~.nds will be INVESTED IN IRELA.YD and paed

u l~:~,;!{~o~aitc:!:S~w::' t:P; l~::;;:r~;:• o.nd Pennan@llt LiYelihood


IN BELFAST. Deopite tho ~t.ortn

for ~~:h •:=~0"~:!,-;:!~n':.~S BRYSON (late of \Vcn:nwood Sc:rubba), wortu

A Ghaedhcala., you c1n help him. Call to our new Office ..t 11 SUSSEX PLACE.

TALKING ABOUT IRISH INDUSTRIES does not extend them. Prove your interest in their extension by purchasing a


If you meet with any difficulty in being supplied by your Local Agent, write to the Manufacturers:~


•rhones 3716 & 3717.


SUPPLY. MJ prttu arc right. Secondhaad 1CJdU lrom £5JI0 to /)1/10. Fronc whcda, 18/8. Bact. -wheels, 19/6. Cover., 8/·. 10/-, 12/-1 15/-, •nd IS/·. Tubes, 3/8, 4/8, 8/~, and 7/-. Frte'a'h«ls, 7/6. Mud-

f:~ot!~cfNiEs <i~::··~}~•Jze:; ~~t RECORDS, double tl~ed. 3J-. l'i_cedlee., lOll tor 1/· .


184 NCO~THn~,'#~ru;?~0E'E{a~.UBuN.


33 Westmoreland St., Dublin.

IRISH-MADE GOOI}S. For Men's Shirts, Hosiery, Caps, Etc,

pA'Of'AtS 6 hAUriluf'Atn sll<ll'tl tt<~.m 10, 1\l'rtltle~c


Cllnoh A GIM&On, Stationers, Tobacooniate, and Income Tax Experte, Church VieW, Navan

McDowell' PROTHERS. f.>lablt.lud 1845



•ooKS publi.hed in or rel4tin&- to Ireland,

~~~ud~o~r~u •• ~:t!:.u!18:r~e c::iE;h Fietion.

STATIONERY-The Cheapest Bona~ iD

~::!i~fop.:,rE:::, .r~w;~ren:au.~ ~Yeto~~':~:no~ ~~~ ~:u!~!~~: Ut., Hquire aL- tlle lowest. possible pr!C8.

We bold a Doge Stock of •II wtll·known Piru, Cigars, Cag~ettes, Toba~, etc. ;

~~~:~·~:l~in:~~:k:,81F .• n~u~J~• a!to:.Z,. ooiqoe aaeortme.ot. of S~nn ~elll B1dae•, Flags, SoPgl (with mnaac), Pmt, Brooclie1, Phctogr•pht, eto.

Clll or write. aatilfaotlon pu~rantMd. One Trial will CODriDoe.

BPMial Ttnnt IDt Lar'P QuantltiM.

Oowling and McGuinness lfhOIUIIt lnd Retail Booksellen, Stationen,

end TabiOCaniats, 1 NORTH fREDERICK ST. and GARDINER'S ROW, Dl BLtN.

M'QUILLAN'S Sp~I11J oiJ•r to r•ad~tl of ~~'Efr• Ow."

l Gorman hollow-grouad Razor, "Tbc Orba," fully warranted.

1 Good Strop1 brla;ht fluiaaa and uaY•t bitt. 1 Stitll McCiwuoo•• Sbavin& Seep.

THE LOT 9/· Po1t Fr11.

McQuillan., Tool lflrtlt.ll!d and Catln,


Patrick Mahon National l"rlnter


'r'hone 603.


f tl(nres /or Bannus, Vestment Cent,... lt any to order. Pic:LuNI. ami

Pi:tlh>r nu,.h BIHSid Oliver Plunket. .\II · urcl1 r uiremE'nb supplied.

M, CAHILL, 9 PARLI.\llE:l\T S'f


STYLE GUARANTEED. lrieh Material oru~.StoekH •


THE IRISH TWEED HOUSE. We b&vo the la11test TUiety of lndi&a Blue

r:'t;!j~~~~~;J.:e:!~e a~d0~\~ereoatti= ten and Irish Labour ezclusive1y.T.\t.el'nl and aelf~meuurement forma sent; ao}'Whare,. e CAPEL ST., DUBLIN (Hr. Grattan Bridll) ~ DUN LAOGHAIRE---

~OHN NELICAN, Proprietor. TlfntS-Cish.

All Cl ..... cf Work Madt to Order.

Phoao 2789. Phoae 2789. MOTORS

SPOT MOTOR CAR co., .llotoro I« Htn.

Pboat 2789 Pllloae 2788.


Auot--., VllluatDI'I, C.ttle, lhNp, and Pll Bal.....,, Farm

u Produce 'Paoton, Ao., "


Salvd&y, Odober 2, 1920.


Advertl.,ntenlt under ttlie head arw tharll•

ror •t the ralt at ld. per word 1 minimum, 1/•.


?lfUN1'11Cll TAIS'fU. I entlu r dhHh cS Co 'lll ~'A blum t.:lGO ~·•oh~

far W'Ch :uln1 each IJ n 10 llnc:Snuthr,.iu t f 'ln.rdt _..., ( P'l

souctTOJt'S \ I t lltit \\ ... t offir.e, Wet~t I hw 1 r..;t t

n!(t, o\pply

Wo\XTI:!D lri h ( 1 1 1 Dublin lo


COU'ES' EMDR.OOATION Clrioh-mado). Refwte.,. &a7 brand no\ IriaJa

Trade Mar~. XY


JH ISH TII:ACHI-.';ll in J::ngluud wauta School in Irelnnd. Cnllege Ttnined and Certi.S.­

cnted. At,ply, Ai2, 11 Eire Og."





lnfomuation from Regiatra

Makt your arrar~~e ... nta in time with


fer rour Winttr auppl~ or WD1fhill COli.



coatum::;.~i:ii:!.:~ ~~:: ;:i'a::a'a~o ordu.

Prloee modarat•. Eatabliehed 1178. 17 WELLINGTON QUAY. Clit()t~ \.e '066nc6•r•& ..,... b-t.,..M



~":to"r.s:! f Dlorn~:~y \\'t; (. ' I t th.,re i • U ,...)\'1 T IJ }'OR. " Ito " II y )Qour ht Jdn

~:!i'· m;~ 1 I~ r I

.• b 10\lr di'Qper for u U1 " ST. ITA'S KHfTTING INDUSTRY, ENNIS

Send your inq13iries

FRANK 4. H. O'DONNELL, Eualace Street Buildinaa,


It. wiU pny you to gooda.

" I Ia " rn


Cilg of Dublil Assamcc Socicll 4 t'PPER O'C(I\:'<"ELL JIIH T

DUBLIN' Liberal tetm~, 11'it·b. r

Book. Now ·Ja your opp rt y patrioti._ m " pnet" I mt n tinue to earu your In·, office when ron can do eq&t' I better, Loth for younclf ar your by joining tho Stnfr of



Made m treland.

Tablet&. 1 •• t .... ,, ..

H E )'OU





~ ...... Euon, 1liddl. Ahbo7 s• .. ..... llelful.

.Meurs. DawsoD aail Soo, fi uu1 8 Moleaworth Plaee, MOte.worth St..

.. lfUtl

.14-o"!d r..r:..u;.:;.d Co., 12.'1 ud lJII

cortu w ...... !WaD 0 Cuill and Oo., 9S Patrick

Stroo~-........ New• Broe., 20 Bo•I.Dtc ar.­, S~not.

Tr.._• B. O'Connot, 42 Aa&e Stree&.

LJ.orpool1 Peter lllllfl'b7, lS Scotland l'laco.

Prinl<d by P•tnck Mabon, 8 Yamhall lito., Dublin. and pnblilthed by the Proprieton, at their Oftiaea, m.i Gb. Bnuaahli B......_. Dublia.

~S$~~~$5~~ u


Gleeson, O'Dea & Co. !!

!lit 4 r• ~~~~::;.;-PLACE, ) I '' DUBLIN. t1 11

f 'l"eJepbc ~ Dublin 111.

VGI, 5. No. 38. [Now Series (~ ],

Current~mment.s J

Au< kltuod Geddes the English I Anobnssnd<u to l ,,. United States~" 'uUlltry wlai,h hos nuw u mercenHle 1 ' iut- nevd.v three- r.uu"' granter thnn th.1t wl, "l' I~tJ!Il·" ", 1. hv GelUllwtY "' tf l:nglnnd • nook.; the world'­"' The Eugli•h E.woos!IQdor '•, ou11a

II I"' 1l t io .1 posJttOUI•· deal wilb thC tU•lll'KQ· Wl"rcontile manne .... 1t dealt 1 I t1c• (rt<" uuu1 ..,, it aeeks another

)I jl d \ cit ill' r given in New rk '' 1 h t 1nr,e/l Stntes Ohamber of

( • m• 't' •t I • IeJ)resentatir-es-of tLe 1 ( '•:~~11! lct·r ' Commecrce. the

"' 1 Awluasaadnr 11' tended and un-mt'd !1111• t•lf wit 1 seeming ;U:Jtnk­

Dc tlt • 1Uiir l•.. he snid, 'lllould 'o·n " I• on the table.. (If this

· t·• d, \ u •t • •• woulcJ be \veJ.l.. I ••tJ w ... 1 oil the other- player

t m.; ... thE" taJ,le m · a sleeveless tu ). 'rh~te wu u. great d.e6ire in u ·lo.nd, 1te !tOid, :i.ut· .L close l10siness

!lilt I til• u t,,.,,\, J the twu <:Jj.Dli·

Hi • '..!, '•t,\ '' 't· added, ' 'lrreeds I' c 11 1 •• mot'her of bostilily. 1

li· . e in I til r opnl< ity nnd iu :ltank.-1 IH"" \ , .. m• 1 ~trm:~gly, m spite ,~ 1 J., 1 diminution of proflt,

•t• belWPen our not= u .. I• in t • long run!' It I ailE"gt ,1 t·" ~. \

l " Ia • Germany the uhju. t u

lilt" tt ot the •• J fit'

lo appe ol, ad misericordi811l, to uu •· • 1 lu , •·; 'buildint s\iPs "' h rcplird to ·h,· the ll'nited S!J!.fos rt tur..· d (:nmbJeorc' .... 'I' he U m..'"'ted

•· b• .1. " do no\ cou~mplate •tt~ 111 r t ti11n out otbel' natiObs

D.l In• shipPing lm& ·lie.~~ On l ;Jt'

, band, I am onl, otatin~ what'' o when I ' tha~ thoqoolicy of tile

n , 1 • Own t•n•l qperute o. fair 1 • t I · vtoda: ... comtnen·t>. We ti•l 'fDUt 1111' t•IJ••,Ugh to t.Okl' I t.a"f1

' • ln1"'111• ' ' A.meiior \\(It' pl•t ~ 1t vt'ill be i'l(''·u. \\'Ill•

1 Ito '1 t upon lu• nhle ... u ,.c '"' t \ • the po11ition fur Eng ..

' IDO\' 1., reali!oled f1'0m tL•· follow.. • leu ~ . lle!ore the war the English

1 :8-Dtile JJUH'ine.. ·wa~ larger thq:n tb(.) rnhine.d wuuu1' 'f ·h· teruninder -ol

.. old, on<l tho hulk of Euglnud'o ID( \1 nM derin'f!, r nt from her a.:x ..

ur itn·i !tnJeJit", h1tt froru the­t 4• 1111ed 1" ~ll'r .. h ps. ('J:l

tu rt ·u • • • J:uJ:hl'i~J mercan-ur In( w ... tl . Gl"rtna.n, and al­• •Jt· German baA onh.,. one ship

F u~, ooul fin Eng~nd regarded I 11)1'~11 Jt !:I'UffiCleDtlY fot•IJOUI

uac r lwr "·aiTant wut 1 ' t tht! t•uw hod les~ tba.n ont-

1 n l·.t• ;t rul h.· \ u" America {ll-0 !.qM ttt r~ 1,, uJ' tlJ.r~, ~d

,.u·<K·n l'atp (1 pro~s will, m IU."OJ' futurf have !hip inr s~.

•• such n • hnlleuge "" England nol ha11 to fnce. for centuries.

u aru onls three c ·~··" ).a.y ·whic~ t 0.11 he met- u«:ceptance, uud tbe

,.,·eful oett~ing dolJ'D of E nglund plact• m tbP" wm·ld !liJmething

k 1l1at pu,. w•l hy Holland l't.>jt'.c-Jtlll wur with AJP,&ricai ot QJ1 J.~l•~ AmPrlt·l.#~ unito''-the 1el'1D.fl '' h ~·ould hr <b" nll·important 1 Thi fi~ ' u1 e England. is 1 ''"""'' l•·r 1 t> ~oud Mber j~

1 ,, " 11 •kr; t•· · J, third Ireb.ud lllUlll 1 ... . rltlf ... Au1kland <••rlclr,, •• English

.. l'Him, ... ~•renu'? promoting an.Jpwgn m Ament·a. m favour of

I•:ugliNh·wnde t~•·:ip:·h· .. { Natiun~. 1\' o year IIJ!• lH rid~Pd the

t LNt!Zl! 4 J Nutiofi,, he­tile J.eoogue nalimhrnled ut tbnt

'' • un AmE-r,i:·an-o.nd, J•" .. tl On tl1e 11th of O<tul•1 1

tu·.·k ·1 •' Pmr •ut!ltl, 1.•· "J ,{

Os y LA


We l1a·d {CJ ,.,. +I• 11 JH• jingle '' Wltut, he asked, • nn be- the 1 dh· l nuJtigalinn I )Our Ministers. I II trfumJlbnuL . • wurd.1 like' I. ... ·.•f!Ut t· _Xa.tintls' I estirn1dc •• the ~ntelll• •·lee ond the 1 saw the heat 1Dinda 1~d nobl~t.diamtc·' "The H))iftc or•1,raye~ •"ill de:fcat

d1slruc.ted us frum ,..Nut· , a re- C'uw·uge ol the l.uirh people pos· I tel· nl y•rUt Emp.J,J·tt ml}Ul.SQned to cunning- or &tUTI. P.ewcr-, 0 G.od linhle pooctt. No Lengue ,,f.\ inn.s ~t'M!te<l-by n !Jritne \1 rn .. · r wlto seek!t I madnes~t, ruorl'hed :into ::>iberian exile, I is strouger tbnn tl1" molice ll tJJe OOit nlnttel'!l I<>~~~~ hoU ~· much os E,pg-~ to t~t·cify t\oeoll witlo the, grotesqu• I ~>r comp•lled to eiek rl'fug'!' stealtlt\l,- I offer. t•eryL~g Thou ••k lor ~ lo.uU does. ~he tlnng thut Dlntlt·t.. fal)le that o. free heln.n(t "nrl.t o. popu-1 m foreign lund~, ·anCf that wtfhout. truil ln.nd'a IRurredion It u. 'l1u' Will. A~ to mp is to ttee this Ell.fdt\nd, this llu.tiun uf une to Eugloufi:l. ten, would oi' churge nontcd-; I snw tlteir Jwme$ capt our 't9illinl!: Nc1·ifioo frtr ottr poopl't Britoiu of ours, placed ai- •the end raifie tl)J on urmy to <lestr )y England·, rnided hy nitrltt, themselves- ·curried I Ma,y we, irt dyihJC, bring gfor7 14 n.: l"'f the war in 0 )}Osition in which. it u rr tbcrt.- be any reAA\>n left in the off to gaol Wtthout n worcf, to liniel; Ni\tne ftnd honour to our oourrlirJ', t.IJat, con deal \'f'it.h its own great jntem~ English )JeOJ'le,'' he. yo:nc:luded, "or ther~ untried, or to ('ODJe before. rour1,.. hn.111 nJwA,Y~t bern fait.hhll tn 'J'hee.. ·wd problem~. without. interierenr" hom an~· relll demre for pence. with b.onour mart111l held fy OHif1.-t'R indifferent to l"l'ly upon 1'1.,.. merq t· 'RJ"tQrn ua, in peoples outsidt". . • • IJ1 flu· Will' a.ud .~rurity: not sucl~. JJ)ulignnnt o.b· ~ridetu:e nt. 1ncapn.ble 1 ,f uhden.1.und~ IMt moruent, for the co~mt!U1CJ'" of we fight for Englund fi.t.,.l. last, and erunllhe~, lmt prOpCJIJal~ Aucb as tng , .. ·bat e,·tdeoct> me&n!", I sa\v yd'Ur our UJQtt;yrad people nnd th" redemption All thl\ time." mnde hy Urigodier-General Cocken1l, censaJ'8h.ip t.t.f work opening of our oountey.

The ~pie of ~merku Dlft.\" nuder· .M.l,., ~·uuld .Ue ~heir ~d~ out _of the lettt'rs a:nd 8UPJl!"l'N~ng •• every. uc~~ '' Uod Han Jreland Cod uTc- bles5 •tond fmm this the En (j,b AmhtJI<Sll- Serhonnuo BlW mto "'h.~elo the~r Go. P"'"'' that ront~1n•d • lomt at hbetl\, 1 aud IIU•rd U,o lrioh ll<p•blic.,., li•e orad dOl·\, presPnt "onsurui!g Ill); t, for no~1amcnt lm~4ed thew. I.11uw nn or'l"""'ed hnd,y t1f .,"lecrel_Im· flonti11b, and be a model ,v:ovurrmen' Q

tht> ~gue of Not: 1111 ~ h~~-et worki-".1!~~rtN hy organllJC'd troth. •ud i 1 le to 111 aa&.io111. llav 8p:a~ und prol'·e P:_g'(tJttrt. wh(UfO tile 1ibftt.Y of t.hc lri!!l- people ekine wnil

• • + JlOJ1 it wos to - m·ge their ~UPJWsed Tlu~e. 0 my God, f9" nt"r aac1 eYer. Inter\'ie-wed hy !Iio;h jo•uualisl .. Jn friends to df~!d.rt ~f violence nnd tht>n Amen."

H.-'ft>lflltt!' tn t11t- speech delivered hy fo bt>b'tl.V them tg T"our Governlllent, "(~trnd<!ll, if ,..... t •lf'tl go iu glorious u Ho.ving '~ible~f;ed all thili 1 I ~· auoceeaion lo tbo wa~ Ute name of rre:

... llrigudicf'.Genernl Cockerill, who is·

th<> U uionist M.l'. for R.oiga.te, and hu apellt near1y 30 years on actiYe militu.ry service, is u nath·e of New­qu~>y, Cornwall, and acted os British ledinical dolega.l& 1" the Hagn .. Con­r...,nce in 1UD1. ...

Whilo ~fr. Lloyd Gourge "'"" SJreak­hig o.t ('nrnul•,·un on Saturduy last on the Huhjt~ct •· reJlusaL~ •• , hi~ tboory uf goYel'tltneut was }leiug ( urried. out loy IJ'" ng•nl~. 'lvioo lourned Kildimo Gctaopernti"t..' Cl'ee.nwry. ~\ ' lt>SS- than llu.,. lorr,·-laad• nf )lo GeotJ<••'• u guairdiuuH nf the ;l!ence" wen~ at wurk en~ 1 hl'l dt•~tb·u.dton of .tlieir sii­teunth t·rt;>unltr~·.

Mr. Ne<'inoon, the woll-kuo"·n E11g: lhoh war cnrlf" "ond~·r11, whose urtic.led too~mU" yt·ur~ age. on "I u1·kish rule. in Anuenia aud olhPr t ouotrie~ ~ Englund wjth virtuous indignnti6n1

JHololi•ljod, on ){ondar, rw apology to tJo,, Tw·~. !Uid on Tu!IOdt>y "" opology tcr ('ari"t Ru11~o~iu, wbOt>e '' nlJomina.­tion~t, ' u. .. lu! ""Y he denuum.'ed o.fter villi! t.o Ru••ia in 1906-6-7 ond 1910. Tlw n"llHOh (11 his anolog.) is not, he stat«, tbat w hot he wi'Q~ of Turkey, oud Dmt.11io was untruf.' or unjustified; but he bu rec•nUy visited Ireland •uod fowod that hio o"'u country, Eng­lulu!, •j, J>orpe!rtlting <OD thi, c<>uutey ull the o.trucitres :(or w1oich be de­nuu!lred tho tbe late 'l'urkish and Ru•-· '\inn Uoveruments. Therefor&, gays Jd.r. Nevin8oo. it doE"9 not: ue.. in DlY muuth, tis u.n Englishmon. tQ. deno\mce tltO!Wo C!OUlttJi •• ...

Addrt'Hrflllg lh• ~rhost' of Uie Czar, .. wlwm ht denounced; Y r. !&vinson !'illY • wrihng in tlte H Dsily Herold uf Lundon -

41 1 nn1 nc..w con:toow that for lllOu~· ~-4'81''1 1 did 'ou gn(ITOU~ wro_ng. Dur­iu.g 111y v ,1,. to ~·our t\\'o great capl-­tolh ond to \·arlou• pnrt,• ot your va.t ilvruinion" in r he 't'll t 1900, 1906, UiO;, and 1010, L witnes•o<l tlo&alu>mi­·aa)lons u! \'Oilr rulo loolh ll,m<>nt~ youP U\\')l \u.:'uplJ und umatng ~he rn<·~ l'UI~ bttrpi y .tJUl)jec. t to. ~·O'U! J?OWer. I sn.n ,Je.w Rubje< I•JLI to blood'1 pogrmnfl with the thlulhllfl(l!' .1ml ns '"i"' tn·~"<-d h~ izo.reo/ntuhlP 1·\·i•l"nff· h.v tll

fel'~d under t. he dtfim!f.ion f ha.L metltod~ hLnd will flmdt m a tongn.e. of flu.mQ of govemmen t 8urh Ot' vours must I tlu·ough t.Jae ••orld od be n .s~gn of J ~ surely he cx~cnt ted b.\· all Lonoura Lie, for ull t.iwe to ue.ry peOple tttruggllhg humnne-, lllld c·ivilitacd },eoples. 1 did to be froo. J.ot tile thonghi- ine:pire ~ oll in. my po~·er to JU't-ven• the ntul IN dymg prayer be an exhorfa. thnmtened nllinnt•e behH!t'JJ you and taou to othn nt\d to OjJT pmple my country 1 protesh-d (and, I t that Q\'eryoue be prepated lo .u.cri&ce think, \t"ith somo efiec1)- ~a.Wst a visit f evory,bina and God "ill • b:lst. redef"tD of our }'lee• ftlae "'' mhol of my rnw1~ our OtutLry." tn • honouru.hle. gl?tlllleos) t<> yom ports. I prol...ted (and nga.iu, I think, with some effl"t t' agaipst vmu Jn rnJIIy 10 t I • H . •r fr tn ~& J!I'OIJO~ \'i'"Jt to this land. 1 ·pro- !iord lfa~·ur 1 f ( nrk, hL.'f t"'JD~Pti m telfted (~c: o vninlyl ogainol tJt; fo<fuf (,ll~k Jni) o•ut the ft>llOWJDg drr

reeoh<" of tta1n ~Nons m hig'lt 11'udn~. nvt l'look yuu u flJt it,.... t


ttlT\' won, ru t dian•, hut J, f ~oilculntt:d p•>l iQto immr~_c t 11

m 17llM ltud (Jwn g"!ud tun people who 1n, Cll.non hroko tlc.

On IYf Co;k ••rrt ·lo frum Brixt.on L1r in ('urk J nil:

01 To m:y Oullt

67th day 1 w:it.h ntt tn tlut people who au tion m iht JH't '

"Oh n1y tu J

h•nd She '

t" ·tny

YOUT iurtesiblo 1\'ill. l1!'d .in our ,tru~lo in ihe ~·iU of (, J and, fort.ifieo-J b.y your oxatn~ unt1 our cotrliduca ito 011e nn~llt'r, we liWnit wlt.Ji l: lnt11 thf tumc prepurod for dcnLh if t1l'cd he,. J

ihe UMUlo or the Jlopublit We ~t·y jbiu '"J'h yolt lu ydUr prft)'er cou!Dlittia~; o~tr 11· pi amd !PUr t1LUSt.!' to t w Qler'ey"

• t (:od

• l'llo t~Uo11·;ng l•o.d.rr 1\j>Jll!!lofOd in llo<> "'~ \ uik .\ml'Uron .. I r S'eoptember

_11) t't1· u{ t1· Ill•' m. 'f thr lrizth Rt­

~ hi I• in tl ft-w w u .1... rlen,oH->hed I ·· prt f{'nc·c.• ' t hu ... r \\ hu tld-f'.ocatb. Ute

I,, .:u"r ~ ~ • · I• ., .. , thn.t it 1)ellRl' 8l'l\" i ' "' fu1 UPJ•re -"'t :t peoplE>M nnywbt,.;

' )lr De \q,j,.•rtlo .. ipt-cially expn""" th<· . •t~•·l.•n•. u1 f!t!'plit:ity of th~ Jhno-

1 -''rut 1 cnncltidut~ l'n:x·~ Hlatement lluH : '' lc• : • : • ..,11~1 l?o· ... itl.,nt he "·;u 1>ul

.l!'tPrt< n in I~ llo•· Lt•tllfUO, oud "'ill thlllo l.uuf • U ,. htNl• •luefttion up lu . ..forC 'U1e

II• iJ U lb& J, W.:'l' • De Yol~rn .d~, lb..-. ·smne ,jev

t I• I\ ,t.! ~hovl~\t') .. a~~:. I f e!~ · • lo • powo•r to lt•lp Ireland ,,..

. tl" 1ilrlp notiuu, ntJU' being up­' J ft 'hitcgtlf IH\I<UD in tJHt

hhl1 fi Tl1P Au au ·• )uuo oditorial

~ ----~--------------------------------~-Y~O~U~N~G~~·~R~E~L~A~N~O~·---­ ------- ______ ~'~.::.o.:..tul-da)•, Octoher 16, 1920

oudltiou in .IJ!eland. Now y·uu will adv£lllt of the sbjp..q ol tl1e United Sto.tef\ bet douht~ due to many en.uA~. It iA I them m lhd part of tl\c cou':lt.ry" and ahip find that eleven of the originalfuur.1 lruil Steamship Company to the. ..Port udv:i~hle to know these cnu~s o.nd to the menh to ea.tconL tnar.keta. teen point& au. whieh the United of Cork~ ''"l•ich, we feel confident will studv tltePl. One rea.•mn to whit"h we • • + States enleled the .,.ar telata in sume lead to n big devotlopment of trade nod are iurlined to nttrilnt!e th<!ir ~to .. '"' All tllis contains n useful headline to way to self.detm:miruotion, and it ~nterc<>ut"" heh\:een Ireland and the ,lwme lWltket. is Ute lack •·• trnd~ us ·IU Ireland. The lonjl' delaY", In$' , I "''as because of this that tlh~ United Americn. · CN"gonisatiou aud l'O·operation umongst fle~~Jh, uud the hnrn~f:lina. re.!)triniun .. nre States entered Ute war, and the We condeDUl the" ll<'tion of the t.b.eu1sel~s. In the Unit-ed ~-tates, tbe tct.Ptmt~est ur.gmucnl-s Jp fnvc ur "f nnn..istit·e was signed on thnt ba.~is llritiM1t Gol"ernnleut authorities ia~ir with ita Kr"t~t !OUtput of u. thousand rlu~ c·on\'N·Hian nf ~he- live -stoO: tl"'de !l.nd uoden.taDcliDg."" t>ruhibitu>n agaiJl>lt American p-en- :milliuw. •w•liu!l', t>mpl<>yinjl' mew~ thAn '"' 11 pncti11g busillHs. If Ireland ud tile oth~r oppr<AAed ji'Or ~.,..,1. entering Co.k Harbour on 200.1100 1·•·• uu•. we find thot *he VB•

aationalitieo win theiT lre<ldom it th~ ~ast-huUlld ~oyage. We l\ljJud rious hmo .. ht• •Of the trode bPe "'h" will be int.m>.tedJ n ·J,e ,..ill he in spite of the League of Na.. &urh probibiti010 no~"" &n i.•ol11ted in- learned lhnt 1t io po•sihle to he oo- • d ...... t 100 <~f the ~ckylll"d (. 0 1 ,.

d f. Arii J ~ hich p · tidt>ut. hut as part of the traditiobalj O]M"mtive a \\•td..l u..~t competit.fte. It ~ fr nn i•t•· ~am<.> "onrce r--~~!: wi~~ CC~nafd:te (',n; re:.:: Engli~ll polil:'y of COIItro] has been ltlGJUt'd that. It it is \Jettpr .to Tit , ...... .,.d DlU'f'Hied of the Wua-olared to be the ,. heart of the nf the ••"'• 11nd P""""DBag ""' ohi!>- oampet• nu Cflllllity. workmoMIIip,. JllJd n-,. ... ...~tho dovelaplHft' of t.rR• IIOCK·

h Am · ping ~xpansion of other n-ations. We ~i?iclualH~· hi8Pd un o. <'ertain. :trend l1til: •r .. s ltlKh •• Chioa«o, OmM and Lea:.gue," cc.c:;ud:_ t! .. anca.n.·· abo reganl it- u part of England's tra... of "hie thnn it Js to rause confusion K&nsu atr, and rn•nr others ,..,.u ft<CJ

In ful'theraoee of thm. C&Dlpit.tgu ln ditioual le:Jll'~~ive f'Conomio IJO.licy in tht~ mind r tht• huyer AfJ to U'ha.t i'i 1hnuaabo\lt t1\e u .. e nock pl'l)d~ittt (nonectiun with tile '-- ( against the de~elopmeut uf Ireland' a good: tostf:!' a.nd_(ood style," to q note wont. At theee centree there c:oucurrentlf

taw and order ~ in Irelaucl, • de- trade oucl •·ommerre, "·hich policy, Loai• A. 'Cool ... !l'e, o·bo writ .. witJ.l deTeloped n •1"tom of l<toclcyarcl morkoto. ' • hwt"ut of tho A..rmy of Ocl."t1Jl8hnn nathletol.-tly pursued, ha..~ Tedaced the tbo authorit)' o-f tL trenRurer of the ta which _produc:en •hip their live .st..a-, 01-te a swnop on a Repu.hli~ Cvnrt po_p~lation of om: c:ouot~~ £rom eig•bt. Un_ited .RhOP Mn('hi!H~·I)' C'urptn·t~tinn. cottt~iJClled ta t."oU\11\i'Mioo men, -who MUtl:e-.. hif'h wu sitting iu Clanun01rt" ou Dllllion!l to four mtllioJ;Lo; -n·ttlun the pa.c;t Thi111 poll<_,. ll&l very tmpurtant nttt:ultc;. nniouals to 1Lie lmyera of tl1e nr1oua ~uulay last. aud lliTested Ju.tth• t•s, se~~ty yeRJ"N. . T_he ·old cus~ im·?ln•d thousa~ds of pnck~ nnd 't'fl thnt the ru~mala are pro-lawyer .... and litigantA:. Am'm.g tho We look to t~e Untted States Ad- di.fl:erent lustR, fn>~humed BCC'orthn(C to pc1·ly fed rmd W'atered pend1ag their !!ale. pnl4nnt~u__i6ken wer~ tho R~_l". }'"utherti ltn.i!lls~tion, aud in pa.rliculnr t,o ~ts the whiU?~ of WJt>o organi~obon~ .A •'3ri:~N mruit:et eovera many ncrea of (arttr\ W llvke- and lf'H-"'t!i. Sh1pp1ng Donrd Department, to tD.818t of fn.dtlne!f. Under tltP ne\V oo--opern.. Jnnd, and ia IJ(illt up into hundreds of smnll lla.gnire a.nd .Smyth, ;olic1tur . u.~~m :ii'et"dom for~t& vessels to enter tive compefitinn ideu. the. taunera, ~hoe t>eons. Tho animal& con•e m cn.rloRd lots

+ • • In~Jh port~, and ,,,.e CU'<.> sure the whole wo.nufft.<·tureJ .. , ~llnksn.le.-s ond re- and Are pkleed iu the pens, wltere t.l1ey a)'e A RepubliciiD Court, sittiu!f in lri.~h pt'<IJIIe will co-c>P!""te. with any tailerM, Um>uffh their nat.ion:U organi- led oud Atered 1 and the boyero of the

Xho~a.stowu, Birr. ~·as B.C't!on. taken b! them m ihts respect, sa.tion, n1eet every· !4en.son to: Rtndy tl!e nriou~ packera, a. weti as !ihippp•~ IIUpp~ " by tho A,rmy of Occn- ns 1t .1s tu the mterests of our country trond of l!tyle, and to estahhsh t'ertom .Jenktl"J, and apeeul:.tora.t ride round on

(l>~fiuo last. week. ~b~t It~ por~ he free .tn n_lJ "!·~)S! ana fun~DlE"Utu} fads OS to what ~bou)d he hon~b11ck from pen to pen aod Dtllke tJt~r • • + 1t 1.11 onr de~ur~ to ma.mta:in du-ect tllter- con.'\ide1ed g0cx(, thus preventmg enor- bid. for th amilMI.s tbat nte oS:er-ed for

Cbnr,rod the robbery ,( £80 u-ut .. l\·ith oll nations." moWJ ~·ast~, particularly in multi- aal•. 1rortb uf plate from u banker in plidh of munpk and of andesirahle The rec:eiph of anim1la at the noek-llovle, two &g)isb er .... ldier' ..-e,... Th..• Duhlin Port and Doob Board mod~lo. Tb..., ore important develop. yarcla ftuctuate pot11 ;, qoaotity h-om brVnght 1""- a H<!JlU~Iioan C-n h&•e adopted a :mlellation tltat •• tl1e mftlt., nncl may be outed l1y our hoot- ~ to do1 IU1d froaJ week t.o ....... At held ~·atly iD Xorth Rt~ommon. lullf!it"'ft fa'-·ilitit"!i given to the mn.nufa<'ture1"11, wb011e ptal.uct. henr t11e ('hfoaao •lotte, in !919, the neeipts of One of the priscn>ers, ..-hen ..,.,...led develoJllllent of trade· bet"""" Itelaad Rtmnp of <ruolih· ratl1er Fbnn l.b& mng1c .. •••11'0<1 Oetwoen llll.I!O.t and JI0.8fJII I·~ the,., admitt-ed his 11ncl A~'ica., a~~d that any restrictibna of •tyle. eAttle a .... k; •·Idle \he .-pta of hog• )'u.ilt, aad i.plicated tbe NCOad liJalt, on fn·'"' entry nf American \'e!I.Sellll into ranged from 67,829 to 300,990 a week. who was eveotually apprehoo.ded. Iri~tJi" ports mu1d 4ave o. l"eJ,Y clisa~troue N1"\' tbot tht> lde:h frt.J mf·~ nre de-:- The ~Alae paoke111 han to do tJ1eir best to l'be Court "exiled ·· one of the pri- efff'ct an the lw"'t interests of tho Toting utten1ion to :the men.t itrdu~, 111Morh tht.'le fluctuating receipts os they .UIII4'1 to .Bel6ast (aftl>T puhl1cly •·ountn _ ·· 'l'hi:t reMJlutien As beyond a descriptitn of th~ Ameriroan tmde enme, to maioket. Tbe jndustry, ther-efore, paradiQg .h.ia through the dit~triet), eeatradictinn. "umethiD.g morn will he nf "orne intare~t. The lm·ge 111 in the ..,ecaljar position of ha.ring no ~on-uqrl. owing .to u'tenualing circum- than po.-~ng a N~Jolu1ion to pW"ker, it is stnted, rl~ not,. fi.~U trol over the nruaunt ttf mw nJaterial that .,.t;u11·t"8., allowed the other off with the ht" dune.. The queRtion .arises 8B to thrqugh wholed.len11 or hrokers. He nm•t be purdtued from day to dlty -and r~men~ of a &oe of £10. All the wl•~tl1er i_t ;. nut JlO'ISible to provide •ellli dhtlrt tn retotler• all over the •·eek t.o ,..eelc, nnd it hRB to oltip ttain-plnte waa raeo:t"ered by the \QIWlh>er~ ltf(·ommodution for passenger vessels Un.ited Star,..., and enon ltos his NWD load• or freah meat to maJ!kets bundnd11 nnd rPStOIIed to tlte banker. ,o that direct r11mmunicat.ion could be delivPJ"Y trnt"b in ,.hicb -goods are rl• of miiOA awn,y 11"ith011t ·knowing ""ha.t pnce

• • • ' .. r .• I,I!N)red fur Amfi"ri(·ans desirous of 1iTered to t.h~ retnil"!1r' door. they nru &oinp; to obtain -.ilen the ROOd• RepubliC8ll Ooarts ha~•· been buoy visiting Dublin. TW. .is a practical ""' nl«matoly oold. 'nlis IIY8!em , t.rp

m and around Sl:ibbereen for the paet C')Ut I u, and ...... Pft.l8tUDe that it is 'l'be mf'tlt iDdtu~tn IN, in moNt cuun- ptrblie etoekyard b'lftl"kettrl however, rt- dt!l 1<'.'~ _ _3"·eebf • llauy ca...c;.e... "·ore di..q. witltiu tJ ~· ~J,fu-.rt" of the 'P· rt lloa..rd tri~. Jdt•rrh o. kKal uae, the buh-her m A 'f'ln snt cub tn1n'ltet for proda~ra, I".,.... ., by these tnunnal.o nf the t dis< u-. , killinl< '" ,f, moot fur the town vic- .....,.. <loorpetition btiJ>p •boui • de&nite JK"'lplP, inelading an important une + • + tualler In E11$1t'la.aad tLe Dut~iaer b; market pr .. (' rrom. day t.o day, and .,here !~rh behad beea listed far hearing b&- The Americ-an Go~n1ment provide, quite .... •pgflltto hurn the man w]W) BeliR I. k •hippesl. COM ehvaya be aore of """ t En!l'lish High Court On g•ln ia aid ,f • ertnin poalo.l lines for th 1 · 1 Ia d u, .,.; tu..U t• 1ho flttl """'• ot their •l•f'lll 11 r1u.• tither hand, uno 1.. ntos'"i •• h&ti I'll." t"i"l•ouragem nt • ~ tMeir uew mer~ '"nwttl, tut In "' n 1 e IC' er wt.t',.,.. r • "tteUd ~ t.o mRTkft I ~1: done by the EngliHb Peth ~ rltru It: r . It . within tke pro- r '"'' ~ ! ' lull U\\'D ler. In the

.J,':ii~i!~b~,f~; ~~r ~ne:,.u, I:·,~:., .. :· ... ;,~~r,~~:Z:t~~~Jt~~: ~A~-~~'~b·~l~ .,.~:~~--~~~~:~·~.:!~ ~·~~-tt nl! ·11h~ peat.. 0 t t."' h\ I' '*LolJif&. IS rnifled WP I Of the'

.. u,J in' rdl"s to f,tu d•t11t1 aad quicken lJu•"'1"-~1{'1J;. ond tw••-fbirds. f UtP ~·on-• • • trade ht·tween the t-n•u coqntries. l!'or · ttl · · U J

Tile L8tton (Co. Monaghan) Repnb. this }JUtpa'le a t~rmiaull port i~ rectuiPed ';uj~t •: ~~i.~a:d_!h~:c:{.!~1.:) ~~~~ lira~ Gourl oat ft.el!Uy nnd disp< ·~ t t 1 · · d d b f all the cases listed. u us :u e, an we see n-o~l!aso-u w y ganisati .. J lh•t·lHJRal:V 011 o. ~ge sc·ale..

_ _ • ''''' Dublin Porl and ~ Boud It woo 1111\inly .. (fuestion of'lu• Dlllly~t Hepubliran Court J.r.ulcl not urge the adi-ontageo of U.tion.

.,, em W edn...Uy ,...,..k and cli•pooed th• :~ pc rt •• o '"'nil-e for tile distrihu-• b n1 I' nn of American mails, and for the

' I ~ 0 Y 0"!' ·:~:.. ll•·d u of wb mn d, ft>r the United A );trgt'l numberof 1 ._.,.. .... ,, .. ~beard 1n t.'i anrl po:!lsiblv f'.•nada~ Autnlia

J,, )10 .HepnldicaD Pettv Sch.."tuf .. ( , 01 . and 1'nth Amerirn. The RUit, a.t 1 h l.Mt eek "Gieu lt<OJ·d "' ~1h •ll"t• 'llr.HIOG, without pre-

H(11h.,-:aaea whad at;n J:·· 11~ 1 ~j,~ jwlict •· r•w •laun .. of 6ohb or other !-ugli ... b CoUJ"ts prel"iou...Jy. 1,111 tlw purt .. • rrmulf' the le1minal c.onaee-1 t gtthllii• diAaatiafied Q ihe ,,H\ ·~ ' 11fJJI_. ft ":' potlf: "'t:;.PI,..!.."'

The huudling ••f ment •- pmbobly the mOHt cliflicnlt of the .rrti~J.s .. hidt It carrrrr haM W deal"" itJ1. ThiA llt'<'l'!I!CI­tated d'" d~ft"lopmr-nt 1Ji ;a. pr-.~r,rti)l DtNJ1,. · f "hi)lping Jlt-n"'h-::ll,Jr me.at4t over JrT•~t diriam-.,.-, ud after marw trials the nudern 1'1'fr;g..rntor car -~ perfect<-cl.

It .Utould JJe, h< rn~ in m.i~nt the -rt"·u" ilf.t1ul i:-t to reh·~te t.l

11:u.- •. rather 11um to freeze ·• ~·

W ·· lwve t•·•·eiTed an iutiuiry from a I~blin dnpery firm a.• to wllether " college t QPA " cun be obtr.i:ined of IriHh ml.ltufaf!tU:re. There nre ¥er:ot few factorit-i of cupi or D.IIY sort. 0£ beodgenr in ;ln!l~~nd, uud thla ilrm hos Iucat~ " me <1f the princiP,.I e:ristil1g f.o< tHJ ;, ...... hut oona.of thrw are willing t<> supply. Nuw, it seems oh"ang& that MUch au.uriirle. gs an Irish 1o.ollege cap, u··b 1 .. n -.uup). iiUng to make, can­not b& ul,w.meU. There is hare a. lock of t·ldt·ll•tiM· vi~iWe, .and we poUiil'lh t.iuJoe few Unes in the hope that 1111 "i'"n'g ltiOJ be found for this branrh:

( 'o1'1"t'~pondenoe frow the Irish To­ho<, lfunufac·ture"' with referenco to •uggeati(>D911lt h•fore th•m b~ the J:?t~hliu l.D. . u. co-ol.'~•tive adver, hsntg, 1111 extenaJve \nndo\V-d.ressing ~C'heme, n. llonu,q; !Y.Stt1'm to- tobac­«;onisb, nnd closPt' cum hination among tl1e finn.,, wo~ rend, nod it was de­dd«l by the CollDcil to pul"sue its in­"' ·nigofions, with a \"Jew to summon­ing n '·onference represl!ntntive- of aU interPI$h, .. .. ..

14tlol'll f'f n Sp!•h-lrish <~ervice of fntit stenruers were read ond noted with intoreat. .. .. ..

It "'" · r@ported at the c..,nncil meet­ing r I · It• Dublin I. D.,.(. thot a certain DulJin ih<llihttion. ·wbirh hod refused t~l C"f n!'lider lhe merits of n.n Iris]l dis­tntt'· ting fluid, whe-n npplied toJ h).' jhe tuanufuclurenJ; wa. ... 110\'f: u,sing 1t

dt f 'te in~nnce crf tl1e .Association. The Duhliu Corporation was also written tu " 1l•e use of imported disinfect1111ts on<! 161'1!"<' qunntitiee of foreign metal )lulioh. A reply from the Supplie• Oommitt.., i• ~tw·nited. .......

011r Plu-ia let.terJ po~terl to us on }'riday, nnd cont.V.iug a .•ummary of iheo r.muntt•ntR of the Freh"l'h Pt'l>ss on En~•h policy in !leland, has not ~n

-eiTed ot our office this week.

The " D. W. Ross " Breed '!:he ted! owing itt pm 1 of the speecl1

deli.-e~ til 1797 hy John Plillpot Cttt­rnn tb df'ftonce of " 'l'lte l 1!'P.:;s 11 news­paper~

''Uut the le\ll"lled gentlemtW is :fu>·-1 beT pl<'oeed !<> iluy thnt the lnlveraeJ' haA_ C'IHil'ged the guverument ''"jth .1he 'net ·Ut'n).,"eUJent. nf infmmeJ·s. T1illl, ll'entlenl6ll, i• nnothc!l" •tnull loeb thnt ',-u ot·e to deny at tbe hazud of yoor - ,J., o11d upon the solemnity of your '"· Yl')u are upon vour oat11a t•J .!Ill.)' ttt ~h~& ~i..·d~r coun"try, that the governmt-nt of Irelnnd uses no su< It ahomil1nhle io!ftrurupnl~ of destruction •• infonuets. Let me ask you lloe­e•tiJ:. ,. hat do you feel, when in my heanng, when m the face of th ·

1Ci.Pne'1·. :'t'01L Ol't" ('alled upun t g-1 \• rdict thut ~\"Cry wo.n of tr . me-~

t"\"l'tl tuRn d you know. by the testi.­"" '1\ r f _\our { wn t"\l' ... h· f}e utter} und ulhulutel:al fnlfl!l/ .~onk not nnw ~.. · ttrcidaW.•ti;m f·tr iiifor-l~~ uumi .. t> of !-if:'erecy, and

r1'--l\1{i WI t't'w,nd; I ·'}lf'ak not ot ~~~""t'; nid wrl'h'he..; wlu1 hefln ... 'ft•'ll ttnmfen·ed n•ow tl>.e. 'table •• th" d,.,:Jr, nnd f1\lm the do<'k to •he pil­lory; l liJlOak of what your uwn eyes ha.1& ••·on, iloy after duy, during· hlle c•om .. ,, of this 'ommi.l:fsion, from lhe h( 1: wl t•r,, you are nnw sitting • th., nmnl)tt" of horrid miscreantl'l, wb~ nck.­"' "'ledl!'hl, upou their oaths, thafl)lty bod roms from the !ieot ... of governmen-t • f "'' the '""" cham ben of the

(',..11 -••hen. th"ey had been wofked.

dclai. or inability ''' odmini•tc!l- 11•- The 1.,u,1 coal output uf lrelancl. for 'h•·. hro11gLt tbe nwtr.f'r10 in dr Jm'·' ,._ .. , . ir uwr92,-414 Lons, as compared lopfure a. tribo.aal 110Lich i nlft .al. ru· with fJ~.fMJI in 1Ul8. T.lse number wxtna:t but. capable a.nd -willing tu l'ln]Jiuul(l m t·oal mines was 886 as u·1tle nny diif'!"nc!" w!ich may or~ .. ••· n~u 1 , 1 t 89:] tlu· precedir!_g year. There

•!JOn, by t~ fM1" of death o.nd the h~ uf •'oDtpeo~tion, ta gi~ evidenr•• agwn•t thotr fellow•; that ~e mild,

Yr. T~. l. Sw1tr President af Swift llr •. J L. J:i"u,l"sitt, x~· ,-o.t:k:, (lent the whele.-1.ome, and the merciful coun-o.nd I 'UIIlpnnJ of Cltimgo, writing for cutting• II<> the Dublin lnduotrial De.- oils of thi• gm·ernment are holden over

:\Republican Court, hetd l.t~· week 1\.1"4, tlwr,-r, .•••• practically no l'nHtlemaine, aatisfactori)J •li·q·"'"'-'ll Ill till' prM.uction of Irish u~S.] during • I n loug list of cases. IH<t ,..,r. The n,.mbel'l! employed

• • • "• •~ •'\t·n pe•·~ous J, ...... and the toWJ l'hu "R.ll." attended u the T r~ti'i(· J' "' •··· u JW"rt> t"'Jdt> of 413 to.ns

l•e (Rugl~h) Petty ,s..,..,.,., CoUJ ~lunda' hut aU cUt · ltud I• n tleolt wttll hy JtepuLli<an TrJI>Un>L The Engli•h County C•·ur' Judgt· 1••>1 a :cimila-r OipP.rient~· '.. . _, •t. f:n ···~k.

..... Wl· m u tuut !11m t. 011uualtu the

I I llhh ntnrn~. nUflll:l the fnur 'H"t k-. C'ndPd Julv 17 ..t 1lu,. TrOll' W('!

find tl UtJ u· fri,m ·Ju-. J.-,.b r~llwnr!'5 lo t 200 '"· H J:;·! II\ {lt;(J Pt"r"Uil.. m­

,J, '''ll 1''111' lll10\\",c n' IL.,.Idt•TOifllt• g .. v, fl· • • n du four \\'t"l•k ... ~nded J1tDe ~1 • f l9l1J. \\ t'fl fl,, · U~(Jlll wa~ G;OOO ~ u~_ ,1•1(1 tht• 11~ nl.rr ,.mplaa~ i81. 1! I' .J\, IJ~ I Ul'•t\rt-k~· OUtJIU{ in 1111'1 • 1 Ill~. -. 111111 1Lrre "PI"'""'

f,, _l, .. h 1:1~111( UUpl •V liiPDt in tho D• •nina- indu•t.ry.

the "ll.unr h~ster Hun.rdia.a'' .Ameritau YehJpwt'nt A.IJ!'Iocia.t.ion .from. tlie the~Je l'Ut8(ombs nf living death, w'here Re!«)Ur"•• nunt"er. tell• tiB thot the the w1~t·h tl•ot 1"• 1· ·ed )" '" u " Arueritat.n Prer~JJ nr~)tet~tinf o~ainst tl•e . . "" '" uun a manJ tes railn•"""o a.t·eft•~~ to. l•w"ld •uclt to- h~ ~· ' till l11• 1.--~ has I" t • t ~ 'HU -n •n ~ pl'uhibiti<>Jl nf the ]}pjtio dmirnlty u~' tme 0 "68 er cnu!le ol their ~XJleuse, and beco.UBc the ogain•t the enery uf the s.s. Panhuudle diasulre, nnd i• then dug ·up n witne• ! railroad• w•re sntillf\ed with tbe tnd!ic ,, ,1,. into C'ork Harbour . .The Coun- . " l• thi• a pit t.ure rreated by a bag­the.v hnd m li•e onimnl•. The packets dl approved of II certain. line of nction •·•dden lancy,·m· is if fad I" Have yol1 were, therefore, ft~tced to build their in the motter heiull"· taken. llr. not Ot'!!n him nfter his resurrection own e<Juipment ... \, o reRult, the large }~awsitt .ole~o sent a ~ amount of from tlanl region of dPatl1 and corru.p.­PlU kt-r!C. and. num:'t· yf t1Je ADlalltt-r ones, im])tortndf f•ommercinl infoMnation, tiun, mo.k., his nppeornnce upon tJ'e s.tiU fiWU their OWB rcfrigei'l.tor <'Ont, whillh bUJUbcni t r the A.s:~-ud.u.ticm moy. tud hie, the- lilin~r inrage of ~e and and ho.Ve ttJ,.n uwn 1r-DnAJ>Orfntinn dtt-- t'UDMUlt nt till• otllces eath. nnrl th~ "Upt'eUle- orbiter , putnwul"'. "hie h .. , t• Utat the <'ut" nTP- • huth ~ huveo vou nnt ruor k-ed wh'en 1 •• propetl,\' r•

111tf·,J, that no ~p- '"" 108t in 1lnlll Kt•utt .. C\-', C'monwrdal t:nt~l. h~ the- •ton».v wml"e of tlu

trau~Jt. t~nt tL~, .:ll kept •.n '~ato~t 1

.. t·utn'•'•' l'•rr thouk{d tlie [ouurill"W.uJht.utlP J•·t h·,l ot Ws u.pproecl1" repaar.andthat •lu·\ lUt~m&lnfauu'!d w ~f 1111 ~l,lin 1 ,P.A.. fur iu.fonnntion llu.,.,. uu 11ut ~n bow tl1e human u iUini,Ol\ nmdibuo ..U.JlPlif.U .... tu the Irish t•attle t'tude heurt I~ ,,.J '" tlh! "'UP~1llD<.'V : hi~

nrftr tht!' i•t osalulltu· .. nf n dead mt-ni l""'•l. l~lth·· undi"'"t·mltled hOmage • '1' ll' lullun· us=- I u rur: h~r deli,olp- 'hwlt•, aud f(ll' t I p liHt nf lritih eXhibi- ~. ,,. ~ lth:tl Lc 11 f r; how his glan< ('. like

~on , 1. t ' pwi·•l•l~ th" ll"·a •··t '"r ut tJp· L.rou• l'nir. H• wonltl Ill' tlt~ hl!'htu~nlf • I h~aveu, -•~·mtd tu wdutr UJ tbl· W• 1ld.. us given a.t fit t ;.·I ultu bent fl• m Jri11h futn,. who·lwve ~·"•' t1tP budy ~ thtt o.ceuscd, and mark hand },, lJr S"·ilt. of the • Hi&' !-J·l•nd1 ageu11t, ww.l wHll whom .. he h 1t for *lle gro'·~. \'fhil~ hiJ,i "t"uice wa.rned l•'u,. Jtl•·r~n·d fH, •HiJel'(\te with the objeet the dt•\"ot~~ WI"Pt...,._h of life u.n.d deotb-

.Tht •nunen111t.y or U1o eou1~try and tha of aiaing lri:dt 1rade. Any iu:forma- o deuth wluch uo mnnC'ence- cw1 "escap~. W'ldOflprtld of tht! hv~ ltoolt .'" tann HUjJjJlied rt1 'the Seol·etui-y, Dubl:iJt no aJ·1 ~lade, n~• lm·(·e reaiHt, no n.nH-dun.,. hAve. brou.gtat. nbout. ~n tnton»~tmg

1 I H .• \.., 12 )Jolt>HWQJth Rh·eet, will 0(. dottt l!l·~t. l'Jler& WD/'1 a.n nntido~

Rlothod of hvo Lock market.lbg, ond ltav~ .1•nt lu linnJoC. 1\t-rrl.t--y. -a. Jltr!>l' M oath !-huJ -even t11nt fon··!CI the•otan pACkerx to deve-lop • • •' + adamantine tha.i.u, that hound t.he in~ motbocJ .. of or;..:~m..,,t cn1 nnd m.arketina An 11pp1icntmn wof' made to the !"~"Khh ,,f rnun f,o Lbe tbJiune of etemnl LIJIIt llh' peru~ ,,, th~ United .... : . ( tt\lruil ltf tht nuhlin l.ILA. hy the Jll"'tH·t', ,., Aolved Ubfl tudteu tn tlu· The .:tr~·· (UKL.rrM bne denlopM .-itllrU Wnmtu" 1ri!Jll Edur:•l :nu IA"II' ... Ut•. 1111'Utl, tlla.t ... !'ttH·~ rr. Ul the informer'"

ll'~"t~o~••~ -.,,y~., lklor..dl.ttimeLhem- SLIJI Frnnl1N. thr•• t·umann~nn uwuth~ t·tu,.tu•ntr• J(WIIlg-. from ber du •ry II W·clt' local .1 It • .till a., .an r u. )uuii,C"nllt•l1lnU "1 Jdo~~L IUu•.lllHC"',. and tbe nppalled a.nd t: .. r .. b tJ .. '·•• ,,~ of U.-e ·~'X' A1r,. 'rat ... nnd tQdu nin:J pr·lld:url ~ffrlKLI.,J,u.rur!un..W.t,.hia·trn"'n lft•l dt1'11!':1dl"-d an ~e lHcMIL> and fu":h"r "t' t It nao;"c- ,,J1oct tu nnnmunicnte with ln lht "<~W'It•lu!t'r uf tb~ n• t~m :-ltund.recLo Of m1~"' fru~ t"he b11t P !fk, I fl' .. I !.It• •• J,r i11111~ .,( tmita._ble g:r .,j.. fo:l QU Jbi l"!Ui!IC{ue- tiotebat, mt~rk.l't• thr hft ~'ttmaJ... a L fird 1· lh• Ul at'· .a -rh.iuna IMII«!flla •ul llluiJped rn .. r r• '11 ·'• t nco('" )U .. tad, 11:ra i .\t tbill \4•1•k' m.:uting d th, ('1 uu- Ili I" • lo ,,, ... l' I; pl·••t along lt··• AtJ.ntu til r•1 lit• Dul~lin Industrial Dc\4(rr I Ulltu.·t .. ult·\\'•t~tl~pedmtb&'•'IPt _._.t. J·J Till•' ulttd Ill WinkL~'· and ••u•n, '"''<~OCI.I' •m jt "'"" Allnomu,.,j •• r Jill· 'Lt'.l('b'''l Dfl tte dPvil has ll(~ot 1 dt-t tUIJ.wnn or tbt IIH• ::r.uimalt- and nl., nnd nut•d 't11•111Uth p;.tlfi.._frht ·m. thai. ~,1.,.11Jii."f :t P~gun~ and ,.,t\' ri'' Ill poyme.ut ur ft ,._Ill on thfo f'UI ott- nunu.•l ,, t f ~I (I . I \'t•Jl ~I) lit t ,., "-'Hlk't'd I lltliU..,' I"' tl;.

I~ •'Cin r.t t fl ~''""~fN. 'er\· ~h••(l mr, 1n1e-1 1111 tlt~l'll r1 _i\1diciaJ•idJ!8.t1 :~~~:~~~~"~~or:,.~;;: m;;' .. ;'~/-:';:h~'l.:~:h:~ front !,;, .. 1\(IW 1.,..11 t•111r~·rl m J~t·l.uul n:q1 ~t 1" h~ mthetf hv the· mwue all.· 11 wt>ulc1 bo bol-Wr to roUect th6 Jive Tl hf'

1-'1" tb

11t ukt,d:U)t '11- P. O'Sht?a, "'Ill." I I muon unutu" f"\tm ~o j-. he pla.-

tour IJ :\' nn e n• t 1e CmmC'il for J1i. ' li!d . uri lit• , 11 ,.,.,J h•• tl••.· ~ut"• ond Htfmnl ill U t \\I ' f,l!lf:h"("T nnd drt II l'ft'UJ'[ , 'Itt' f11.11 ft•J'. (, t i hlt•Hd If hUTJifl~ .,Rf nfi~e.~

- ...-...c-o

"""- -.

Saturday, IJdoLer 16, 1920. V 0 U N G I R E L A N D , --~--- --'---------------- 7

l1ole. !lui we uud~rstand that the •pirit ' I t!Us treaty .• hall he kept with Ulil."

"' And so should all uud~rstn.nd.'' t·eplied Ginkle. " The paper but keepp the promi'"'s I hefor& held ont, a-nd for w hicb I have often receh-ed the com­mand!~ of my royol master.''

" And you, General Ginkle, engage fot• Kin(!' William, that he wjJJ speedily ratify it," l'e•umed the la.wye~.

• · His llaje~ty empowers me to du ,..,. " o.nswereQ Ginkle.

" Come, then," cried Sarstit•ldt •heclcing a sti~ed sigh, " let uo 11'"• n the nurue of God a.nd of our counlr, -in the name of bones.ty nod ! ood faith." ·

" I sign, in that pledge," • (link!.&, hlyj11g tbe peper on the a.dja­t."ent stone, ond1 ~-t l1e knt"'lt, the better to speed his ta•k, attaching his signa,. ture thereto. As be motion•d his other generllls to dra.w near for the t~ame purpose a greot uprour was hea.rd towru-ds the eump. They severally took the pen, however: and Sar•lield nt last rp•e, while. the tumult in­c:reaeed, also approached the stone, and knelt, remarking it was, hy acci­dent, a (rOOd position for the act. He 'l\'08 begmning to write, when Eva :ll'Donnell, haggard and agitated, nln up, crying, 1' Hold your· hnnd, my Lord of J,ucan, and hark a n·ord from me"

'"' A nu~d wom&n.,'' Dr. Dop­ping; u let her lle ~et aside,'' Utough, \Vhile he •poke, he lookod, in .Ugnili.­•·ant alarm, at Colollel IJoyd. Sar,._ field hud glanced up, hut resumed his writing, ttllfl hastily .fini~hed lrili eigne,... ture.

'• Not so mad, either, us he who wjll 11.,rt f'orhl•nr at my request;" cried E-va

• What now? wha.t. now~·· u~k~d :;.u'I"Hfie-ld, udvnncing to her as the c:.ther Iri:<lh nffietm~ ~ubMrril>ecl th-eir name~.

" P(>rhnps you do oot know me, my lortl; yet might; you hn'"e Reen Eva M'Donnoll in the Ca.stle of Dublin."

''• ll'Donnell! I do indeed re­member. Can I do you a •cl'\'iee P''

~' lly lord, vou can; but mt-el­dlOugb it.. brother's We nearlr han~e~ •n it-"f'rve t"Our <'ountry, m:r Lord of

f,uran) SUJfer nut the full signature• to be put to thi:-~ treaty, for/' she .a_cta.ed, in a. close ond hiRsing whi~, • ebateou Rem1ult thi~ m~ent saib '~itb a '''·"P ll•et from Dh1gle Bny to ;Limerick: I \:f06¥d til heJIWd wi_!b lif01, nud, my privb.te need' not broOk­ing 4elay .rhen he touched on the coast, rode !lither since yesl.e<-da.y."

,; .uc.~t no other num sign!" C'ried Snnlield, tuming round to the officers.

u Pro.iHes to the Lord!" said Dr. Dopping, clnppi11g 'his ha.nd on the cfo. ctunent, ·• the lnst name is written hPreon.''

" llighty God I" e:!iclaimed· Sars­field, stampin~, as be instinctively graaped hili swonl, '"' is nll lost, then, ~nd the game in our _v.,ry hand? Hither, gootlemen, bithed"

Tbe Irish officers gathered round hint, and, in vehement whispers, he told the UPW!IIo,

Let us l>ltlk to the town," said .JoL n Grace.

H Y e~," snid another, " the ga.tes Ul'l> still shut, a.nd we cnn hold ~hem w, as we hnve- done."

Ginkle nnd his officets also drew n.Ride, nnd wllispered with ea.C'h other.

"You "~ould break t.his trent.y, even m the !'BJUe. hour 'you sign. it, "D!Y Lord J.~ucan," ;mid Colonel Lloyd.

•• As perfidioutJ Papists eTer did," added the Hi•bop of Meath.

The Irhch offi.cet""A returned angry antl ominous l'!Ct>W Is for the:ee bnme <·la...-ge•-all l•ut S..10Jidd. He •tood uloof frnm theu1, bi" eyes hurled in tl1e •·llrlb. He luo ked around, •• if to take tUI inspiring ·new of the f:'Uuntry, the (1ue~tim1 uf whose ~mbjectioQ. or ind&­peuden< e tugged nt the foundations of his sense of private honnur. He ]lunt~d; ht sighed, quickly a11d ln.­horiou~h: hia forel1eud g.l"l"'v Uloia.t i his ~heek alternutely Jed IUld pnle; while, with the puiut of his •oablwd, he un­( ouatiQu!ily dug ut Ult:' :;1 d on which he stood. Tht• remarks nf Ginkle'• party gruwiaJg )nuder, he •torted sud­drmly. l~tt>ue<l a moment. held him.self TUHJ'8 e(.ert. ~miled llitterl;\·, ant.l turn­mg nn :biK heel fu th• m, ~d:

· Nuv, gentlemen, he nnt "" qnick, nnr ttu )aard "·ith u... You, Colouel Lluyd, I , tner<iful, in porticula.r; fur though •out· <ity d Ikt11· sent ,, ohot in King Jnmett'"l lat.1 . when it w•i. ex­J><'<'tod In koep a !~o•,,ly with him, \'et "'~;hall tin"' freaty ~•un•L Though an nlly'• Beet, l•·,.r·n;: us help enough to hold aU..Jrelund in • ur hnnds, 1..- now ~·ut•·rmll' thl" of the- Shannon, ' et •hnll it •land. Tlwugh our coun­tn he In•! tn n•-thoogh w" l>id fare-

• wPll to her [( r eTe~though she •·x~"~ for ~~~. hut in our ncollections and m­J"cm·. •• n mu.nb tenr glnze.d his t'\'t•

.. vet •hull it' •tnnal. And so. ctu ~vell, gentleme-n. " .. t-- canuot .1,,.

e~en nur ~ -at the 1""ft'e of nttr hunour of that hf"1JIOU1', \\•hiC>lJ. along with our love n'lld e"ffoH" fnT her, nlon..­moke• us worthy Of being tailed her rhildren. Farewell, I ~ay. Keep ,-e your )U\rt Of tbis co•enbnt as well os we keep ours, ond there need• uo ill­hlood h&tween us. Come, brotht-r­soldierA yet fl•rgive me, if I st um hie on a donht. 'l'hey "'ho snsped murh of others ca.n srurce e,·er promise mu£·h for thelllllelvea. Clline, Mis• ll'Dun­Aell-General Uinkle, I mean not :rou. whose fair dealing is erlll~nt through all this matter-but Inland is go­verned at ]Jome, sir, w.ben her masters turn their hacks. Adieu, sir-follow, gentlemen-Miss M~Donnell, with you -God of nations! God of medon• !" ht• ndded, •~ th~y tutn.d a\tay, "wltllt a sore ch1utce is this!'' and he WPJit con>-ulsrrely.

" Genen>l 88lS'fte!d," or!@d E\-n, as the tumult, before heard, and aftet·­words R'One crlf, ll"'PS renewed-" ,;ince }'OU (;QJl no longer fui.tie t\n UlDl for your cO'Imh'y, aid me, &h, aid me, in Hu,·e ruy bl'other! my brother-s ! " Sut-s· field started much in inferest. };n rapidly e:.pla.ine.f that Edmund, 1•••­in!f fol{en into 1he hallcl.• of Ginkle's •oldiero, had been ordered to be shut ; t1tat Jameo M'Donnell, ·rashly and ma.dly tryinjf to r .. <ue hiru, had, of course, but •bared his !ale; llaut E•elyn, pa•sing wit-h her from Lime· rick, had 11own on to the outpost, to gain,. if possible, a momeDt' s deloy, while •he, recognisin11 Sa.rsfiP!d, re­mained to (rave his i.oterce~.sion with Ginkle. Sarslield, havin11 henrd her otorv, durted hock to Ginkle-Jo:~a on­ward.

She ga.ined, with. wild terr<>T, >"'t not h•reft of hope, the spot on \Vhldt her brothers •tood. Edmund IWd Jome• M'Donnell, the fm:mer >lllppu>·ted by Evelyn, were in motion towards a clear Mpuce of groundj a rank of soldiers •tanding behind them. E•elyn, ns he po~...OO. his hand round EdmUlld's waist, smote his fm,hea.d with the other, and ofl'en looked hnck. Eva, Jtncbe<:ked hy the officl'l', ran in tb'roawh the .oldier;, a.nd clasped her arms round her brothers: " Hope, hope!" she "ried­" you must-you shall he saved ! This can U('-Ver be! One moment, officer! OIIJy one ""'"'""' t, till my Leo.!. "'­Lucan--"

While she &puke, Ginklo and Ral'l!­Jiel,d rqde np~ The general. ha.d pleaded, a.'f if for the~liTea of ""twO ~on~J. They were instantly pa-.doned. 'l'he en.suiug !+t'!ene must be imagined.

One condition acccunpunied, how­ever, the grace flo the brothers, namely, thut they should transport themsehes out of Wb~n Eva heard tltis, from the lips of E•t>lyn, her brow fell townrds him--she wns silent. rl'hen ><lie hrigbtened up, and v....-ed, a.a she, had before intimated, to join henae.lf. to her brother's wan1leringg, and own uo other care or duty. Evelyn hoanl her in despair.

Sar.tfield soothed Edmund, promit<­ing to the ~nme t"B..~ with him, and gtve him a commQJld ""·hen h~ Lncon 1egiment should be re-incor­porated on the Continent. All...-a~ now neu.rly o\'er. Limerick opened its gntes to King William; a.nd the nut dny the Io''rench ileet entered the rinr-tbe · ileet only doomed to transport the de­fenders Of Ireland to a Ioreign shore, though it l1ad come tn restore them to tl>eir country. The whole Irish army was reviewed hy William's general .. nnd justices, and solicited to pass into lUR 1errice, the officers the-ir ntnk. About n thou•a.nd did so; many llwu.nnd' more mal'<'hed I<> omloadt fnr Frnnce at i 'urk: the ,..,.t sailed from J,imelidr. It was a ~d :'lC"41!:t", tite.t, "'•rnugt-~ l"nlbarkation. No adieu:'J u-t-re • t hanged with nmnining fri11n'rl~~ f~y the t•mtgraoto-with brotlaPrs, ~!&ten or WlH' li'ri.euds, of e-Ten· se.s &&1. ugc, "xiled thenlseh·e• lt>g<"thet. Tho.)" had olll~ to •land on the d""k• of f""ir' ,,. ,J,, and look a Jon(!' adieu to- their country

Our frh.•nds experienced tla~ .~ •truggle that dsy oeein(!' ~d; nnd HtUUI:' lJrotht~~r-offiren~, Edmund and JnJ.u88 M'Donnell, Eva. EYelp, a.nd.• Carolan. all walk together 16 t-he l'iver'tll edge. One ufter the vrher- bey olepperl into th~ hoat, until it~ In l!;va.·~ tum. 1

· · And. do you, indeed, l~'t MP,

with but this mocking symliOl of an • tt•Jnnl ( "• OtlC• .dO}emoly ufn .at tho altar•·• u.ked E.-elyn, at<-hin11 JH r ann, 11 , hlinded m tf"a,... • JJUL her ftHit tU llt• j. •:.', ahd. h .. !u "ed ll•~r maniage r.n~.

JIJ Y• TOU I n•itft•ri>tJ well, R1"a" • a.sked Edniund · 'God kuo • lll prt• f'l"lC'e wuuld I th~ nu I\ j1 ~ cd nnr ,. ''' llut. tf ,-ou love your h hand 01f0l\ bv bit~~ liiJfl: I should n IMl a brOtlw~ ··r.,.Chri .. t·.J.n ,, ,:a· >·*otltu-­WI~. Examine \our henri • llpml 1our God; and i.f • gre,.t dut;

-why, tl1en, E,.,._ ask Hiw

-tmd £ :· _ ,.-ell, ' lenuncea: llr. W .J ... r -u~hlln you we-ll,. k .. tun n, ( u H• 1 -liD~·il

P01 the day ltefc·r~, ETa had en- ~ r "t•fl t>d hv Di •t t ('ourtmar'•al dently been shUn. m her otern re- hPld ul GaJ,;., , u I th 16th, In 18 80ln~, a-s well by the pleadingtJ. of moutl .. 1111p1 unut"'hl "ith hard la.­E•olyn d8 by her d\~n reBt!ctiono. Now lx>ur • n n, hnrJ.'•' .. f } uring in loia po •he l1e•itAted, her foot still on the • .. "" n dotument •orbidding all iu-hont. The rowen opoke of putting oil. t "t nl'Se with Dr>t polke. Hel' ltuabend j!TII•ped her hand, and Prc~lanultiDfll and s&qlpi'W8i-:­topill<!M, 'llnkeen loy any, the ring on llr• ••h poJic., ltnd mil· .. ...,....) , ",•r linger. Her brothel'!l, not dis- I It ll r a B .. publ ·ll ·, . I ''"u p (lased,. nor, on her oecount, ljA fh·, ( oart 1t .). 4 uwh. Co. '1 .I.M'Ju.n·. on J1..,

~a.w whic-h n'a.\' God . and womnn 23rd u .. t l"llf" alhitr •• .-.. who "t-~t• natu.te ot l~t s~-.,,.~1 her. They •·m- 1 ,mml:r~t•tJt, rh.zf' 1 , r fff'J u· JKlit t J ~rued thet~ st. t•·r;. e~ dung sobb· \1.!"'\\ ,ai.Dly 11,.inted 11 to tlu dliL·, .. mg, and almost shri~king, to them. Ul f I .tru·· I r (Lto tr : .. th31 tht- Brit .It

Th.e boat n·os al)()~t I·• moTe; her hua- _\tf,.ll'llt.\-.. (j1.a•·r4l Jt"ft•tJt\· 11.-d.l"rul Jn band ctulght her iri. lu~ aJ'DlS.. The t.lw HLlf'"' cJ (', .mrut r , hat llf h Arb,_ ~at put off; and now ..,}Jt clung to t . , n Court ., • n• legaL

1~i,·~well, E<a-fare\\·~ll. E~el ·n The llriti • m.lttAI) .out h< 11• u"·ell ('atola.n-fnrew~llJ .)Ire- ( • ~ have. J'r'" lan~1ed WI , ·1~-our )e:mf !'' 'Mi«M" tbe 1n• ·thN ..~~ the mwm·ul {,. hl'al whu:•h "/~ 'o !•o,·•·

' .

rowe<s pull...! luml. Caro~ was on ~-~ held -•t Blackro<k ! ,o]e, '. t·k, Mte IN,utk; all ha.nda hod before been on Sundn!' J nly 25th, ' ........ clhijte'd witb his. Now he struck his A. hurling match, bed ~or tJ.,. ome liU~e lr01p. It was an e<delbporttneous •I;"', has f!l~o been pr~tm•d by II"' ll.lld t<>uchillJr he played. . I •u•lt nuhtary authonhes.

"l'ato.rell, the ashe• ol my iir.t a!ld I Armed ~lts:~Jlriti•h JUtli<enum only lo~!'' Edmund :II' Donnell wa. I ran amok on the 2.'lrd m·• "'the' town beutd to odd;. and tltev were his !f!Bt I of Calh-a, (\, GalwOLy. The outbreak wends partinG' from kls C011D.~. l gan at 2 o.m. with un atta<k on thto

II ~ t i}

oJlt"(' "Jtarewell, Mr. EYelyn," said resideDC(' 'f Bev. ll. Brennan, r c· "

lielt!, graaping his bsnd. "To you, and prominent •upporter of the !io..J , sutb •• yov, we look for the ob<er- Le&g'W!, and Preoidcnt uf the l0• ~~ Tahoe of tbia 1\-eat~· of Limerick, \• hitrntiuu Court•. The attndtens tired n·bit h, if ohroerTed, will give her eriles "'"'vel"lll_ l"olley..e into the willdows (;.( tlu• ~oo!!Oiation of·kuowing th&t Ire- :I, ather ll"muatl• hooae. The polac~ !nml, tbm~gh not a free, j a peacoful then ~- .... k..,J "'' ral <·lh r l•ollB<'•, m­<UlHitry, nnd may gl'O"' to be a happy duding the Sinn Fein Hall, which •• on~." humed to rhe ground with l'n~ ( ( ''l•p

o-. ,., c-. ,.. a ........ ., Pl-.


·'It will "" obsei'Ved, my Lord 'l'uom," TulllU "u recently""' ked hy Lucan, answered :Evelyn. Uritish fi?lice. The ·r'ft•tl'l \\••rt•

32 GARDINI:!R'S PLACB. DUBL'N Tw . .,laatel ....rt rrom GardiMr Stta:f Cbaptl

MT.....,, It was not. strewn wttlt ballets, and OWt.V people

hAd bntn" ''-.('0114'" SBI.BC7 CONVf:l'liii'T

CONCILIATION. (Continued from page 3),

singing. On• th& evening of the 22nd ins~. many young men and women. in­clwlli>g McGmth and llcDmwell, had gathered. Utero "" mu.U. Som& were oitting a.nd .,there ata.nding by the road­side "'ben a motor lot11' coota.ining British trool"' appeared at tbe bend of thl" rc•d. Without the .light•st Watll· ing, • shot was fired !rom the lony. The KRtbenug nt ouc,, sca.ttered. As tJhe lon, cau1e ttearer the soldiers con­tinued to tirt· 11t the :fleeing oung men tUtd w<>wen, IUld lL:Guth nnd YcDon­nell-fell; 1IIOI'tld1Jl ,.ounded. Tb&-mili­l&ly proceeded .m their wa.y, giving no Qs!4iHtullce to tile wOWt.ded rnett. both of whom died in a fe1\· minutes.

.-\.11 t-h• memhers of tbe Ol'l>Wd ho...-e' giveu .,,·iden<-e on oath that no sh<>b were fired ot the lorry, nur w~re the militars }JroTo.ked or molested 111 any way.

..iilurdlr:-llr. Jau1e-"' t o~an. on offi­cer iu the lriflh \ olunteer .... was ahot dend b~· o. I'"' y of British military at 01dnL .. t!t". (~. ll~.dob, on tile • MUng of the ;.!( .. 1 m t.

Some memher-o · f t.he Iri;;h Yl•lna­t~nt, deotailf.d for.polkt'" work, were by tuotor c .rr conve,ing to jail a noted co.ttle-otealer \\'ben they werl" called upon by_ a. party of British military t halt. They igonnred the Ol'der and the mililary opened lire, shooting Cogan dea.d. When Cogan ha.d been killed t-he oth•r Repuhlioan polioo returned the lire of the lT<>oJl!! and brought their i prisoner through tlie militaty lines. 1

Killing by Curf-:-:Mt. Hay, "I, of l'anlf'll PlAce, ( ·:.~JS:, died during the night owing to lack of medit•al ott&tion due to th& Curfew n.awtrictum.R ot 1•r•· nt enfDl"'t'"Pd h'\"' the ' ~ti$4t H11i t .. n .s~.tkoriti~ ID. ~Cork (~tv llr. n., ..... tal<Pn ill at 9.:10, and lhto JI.,..IMi wboa•'tt.ndt"d bim-R ... v. I arlwr ( wil•n '"" l ('. --steU+g tha.t he was dnn~··nuJ .. I\· ill, went intmediatel} fru tbe oe trw.~ I dOC' tor The latter hoa\·­ing nno JWrlllit. c'OUld uot u·Htar~ tnkl th• lu'<'l J-'..ther ( ullinane •ar- 1 n~l h nt•r• )..,) f . tht· Driti~l JMilit•• I

•lWtlu "'"'~ fo; tl1t• , .......... c ~ R doct••r' pe-rmit lrtrt it .1~ •··'•r ..... '"fl llr Ho:v Wed four hm1n .•~<·r

SATURDAY, tiULY 24th. Raids:-llriti•h military raided the

house!~ ucCUJ)ied l·1 Jf~rs. T. Duggan, Tt>wn t'uunrillor: !-. A. Morkan and :r. Wh"1u.u, Q.t f,i.-.uwn•, ( c Waterford. lf~~~MNI, llnrbn, [h1rJian and Whelan Jr .. a.mnngllt th·· " w.Jf '4" I••U._, • .., \\f'rto w·t'('ked durmg ''"'' . t·nt <~.-~·king • f n •. In" ll hv Bnll;;lr rutlitll~ I

In )hUIJ.::.II,.D, ('d \V"o:t""lfurd.. tl,~' ' ( nmuu rt d II •t•l. •l~t.• Ht>\• n ... lun~ 1

\n Jl,,ttol, "r t.l tLt" Tcv.·n II all .,c·u• rn ,J. ~r h-. nnr. h tru .. f "-

I· )~, fl-. It 1'"1, r"lo .. ·u r.1 ded n. · Hi1w 1 t tn Hall 1'1 (; 1~ ·• . wlwn• ' f 1 11 f'IIUR • f tlu ( 1tr Fuutball 3nd Hur

1 lin~ Lf"agur wa .. lot UJl lte]d_

Early on the morning of til& 17th iust. the p~miBeA oJ :\lessrs. 1'. Cunha and Sono, Jrilmullnck, Co. Limerick, u·ere ('' 1m fire hy members of the Driti•h military and police forct·<, who


214 GT. BRUICS'IIICK STREET, DUBL 'I flllq&eu .1711.


REMEMBER '' (Hand Coloured)

GOOD VERSES. GOOD DESIGNS. An American customer w1 It • I 1 Ol>,lrl< r t.hem >er_, unique, the ,t I ha. «' st't'D '

SAMP LE PACKETS, TRADE ON LY, 7/·, 3/9 Poet Free.




LADif~' PLEI:CB WRAPS. 6BNT'S OVflRCOATS. Lad;.' aM Ctnta• Sh~Merproot's. Pwtlc! m FiniaJt. PeriNI iD QuaJity,

II ll Perfeot in 8tJ&e.. ll ll



D. E. WILLIAMS, Ltd. Wholesale Tea Merchants,




1.180,000,000 Pew people ln Ireland rerllse rttaf IItie toloAal amount or rnoae1 lll 'rinc on clepoe:lr I• the variou lrilb Joiat Smell: 8aDU aftd Po.l 0"'" Stvln,e~ Banb. II rcpraall lb1 hud·eal""lled UYiap of lriab iadaatrJ lAd l&ncuJnne h is c-amiDI low rtfet ol lid.-• ._. ill a.raelt ued. 10 HDIDCC coaapctita,. or lllc- people .. bo ume,j tr

!!:f;:~ ,:J,.o-:11 ~.:.~·~,.":';;~:;~ ~~:;'~':t,r:~~i•• fJ:'C l.a4 ~U;.

..... t-oo So..


Current Ratea of lntereat.

"1: M<~ft.IJ'C1'; 41 1 L cnct m1rh Gaf"dt..l

C.1"1'!iac •c:.arit7 of ftrw MOrtpp oa Jaad


Arrests: ·'I'•·n 1""('1 •12t"' \, •• , .... nt"-tt.J I t•U th., fn t>t" til DU.hlin on u 'hargt• of hein~ u Hl.r ... ul •• ~H•h\t"t'n th.t- hoUJ.; uf 12 nudnrght 1Juf :J "ithout tiu ~'~''Ill' 1nn ,,f lheB•• 1~ authu.tila .. _ ;._-----------------------------'


Review Th• Occupaho. of Land in Ireland '" IM

F int H •It or the Nineteenth cent pry. 1 P ( J..-ro~ . li..A ?.~un I

ltnbl ·.d 1


lf P\1(~ • t Ttl IIIIU.'h"l'll ,, I:~ 4JI•' d '• L•1\ tbL .,, . ....,.. 'W' ,_, fu J·J'l3h("1Jl mt o·f"e.lnf"Ut .. 8ll:d C'a-t t r t• .-r \ tf>d ot che • 81 ·. r un t fr ,. • 1· r· w · t.: dr Ten 1 ' t! • ~~ •l ,. jlt'lltbt.ure, the fruit"' • f whicl.t (' II• n l t ttto.-.f' .. I r t.L· ft Pti•·Ul 'r pull Ill II' ··nunt · .. ll!:l liU (' ttle-.1 .. hnd not fulh enjOYed dw:ing tlte 1 ttdt!aodlht·• lt.!ll' .f]and. T,. Tlu- t-,antw' u•· I~-.·~~~· The tt·m. Tl~.t·lril41~flll'tllerwn .. reg,a.rded mad r t.u I I • 'iflt .•·u~ J"' t., knt•W end 1 ';•~,, • ·lu.: londl td wol', not •, n ITH H. labourer wurPztg un tltP our rn1 dt JU II·.· n Thett <~ll", ul I· pro,ide- him w '·lr 111 livelihood, lrQt 1 ln.nct TllU" th.e hume wos clee.rly knit. cou.r..._ ~"'Hill\ otl· r ~J !A:"d of oW' L· _ :.. ''l'lllf" ]lc t ul influenee m t-he I Tlsiit q_U("fh •rl uf ownen. hip was the( l· 1 ht uic• th~; t' onomtc one., b\lt 1t tnunt·. \",•n ~ f: 11 Wf" aTE' told. ree.l-lri!fb 11\lld IJUl· .. tinn. u.ud it Juu:Jl

• u't.u n • fo1111dlltion to hu.jld hnds whidt '"" U\ I of much ~ulue eveutunll,y to hP <<•tiled by the ti'8JIR· tLt• llltiUJJd J l' , 1 · for other ]nupt w~tre _fiveu to 1 '··l ~ f the- full right6 of ~session tQ

I•·• c tuk•• I< ,, · "'', the ul• 1"'''1"'' for lbe k<o nl dlermg them 1' •he apiers by th~ o}ll'ration of the, Jt' l 1 tL !'t" 1~" _ St ul d f1 "ll lUI lll••rt t owl, ,. , tl.n migbt ,.;we-nr la.od ]1UJ'(hnse.

J · nt f t t'"· thtr · t 1,JP1. 1 t~1t'l' he-. IN" - • a tene-mf'ut Tl1e dt• ro•ut· of tL·· furtv-shilliug

llw ', · it- cnKI.. ( t u- · • ,,. uf \\I h lhr derh·ed a profit t ftt lm.ult·r , , ·I llJr'lH {'') 111 f829 os a t t'l" J• 1 11t-J !rw f:-u f'J'-- , f rh 'lht "h•!P ~~: ~tnn t'lf 1 ... •· uf · - tutlwli< Emancipation.

R(tul l'r r· unt ·Lt At -. 1 t f•Tt\ a: f".l ld~t:.. wa~ t 6 In 1 the )'r"r J...a,.·1l·.a.~ pas.sed.e.a--j d 1 II•• 1 • , ... ) 1' rl·~~:a t n I n • un •1 c• .: 0~. the outrary. ' -1 ~ 1g wurkllNI8e8. The JM."ki'-

II':',J 1~;, ·.-fl;.! .. ·nJI'L...J.- tu ;•) It;. ""~ -.WI•~t t l\'u.,putU.pouthol""-dlord.intbe I ''l 1 1 tl •tud •r :•1rft tt-rmmatt• l~ .1. • I"" r-··• fttl ~ ~~ .. o1 hold mg--t , t a&. and under. 1 f 1 u• 'i"t f • f t · f" l't•nal I .a , .. • 11.. f I ;.;. frl"t·lu\lde'r 1 "' I 1.1t.e. Puur La."~ ._\ 1 4 of ISSS. prwctic- I f1

1 I ,J I' .n1\ l lr JhnJ \ I ... , .'1 I "J n" 1 (l't tmell b.. all "'U"'4i the de:a,th WW.TilDt of Zlll\'

).l fbt• tMh-a 'IJi of "riling 'rom ~~·I ( 1 Uflr'! I "i.l UJ"J'eUderiJt:t t~ir un.fortUABte )!~Ut "'htlSe ytl]uatioD. l .- t wr. :l :1 ••un• uu p<;:nt 1 r I "-Y·all•d r "''at JD t·w Em.onc1pati?n W&Jt not u.bove £.t.•· ThU8 the de8J"oo

!lit• f·Hu-h ... L w~ w@re gnulted .\. H-ut •h 1- n ~er~ SU]l?rftottl aP.ces. w~lt· Ol'l't"lera.ted.. from 1838 un-t tl 1 '1r1-.r .l't•tl I.. rut .. 1n t~ South of t lf'" at1•' 1 "'·· 1. ·heve, c1wte un- wards. In 111l m1•l•· fiJ-llll'll Wlth surh ad-; jtL-rtthabl.- Tire l. t ·1~·~1 tft~se ~ l We learn muny impurtnnt !acts of H'llllUtt "' !'' "tdy to underta.h ' h.uld••"" yot~ I• • (nthoh~ l'lnmnqpa- o~r hioto~y b·om' this admirable book tl t .• L uf dealing w1th the ne\f pr(')-~ 1wn deudetl tlt~lt' fatp m a-1~y cn.s€'. on "The O{'CUP"!tion of LUJ.ld_,. We-IK rtw The Lmd 11-.. parcelled. out hecnu.e "huuld be bonte "' m!"d J Jeant the cRu•.,. of the clel\l'llltces ·of 1., •lu.·, J""'rdnturs on .leases for th&t ·hr,,~ fr,..•·I•·U Wtl-t.' the crPahon hnnrdiu~. of emigra\:ion of us .'of

,. '·' I <r "" I"" rene~·a.~le ' hr laudlu~, "'!d when they cea.•ed the luok of ogrictLitural)uogTe&l"?'we , Wtdertakers were !"· I "'' ~ beu pulitK'~l purpose. tlley, for inshwo that the rototio

'tr .th:.' ) !uh·"t.JI' 'i, Pli Cat.boli('s would ), •'t llf'C!'A'Q os u ~t- uf nup~ "'" not ;raetit'l"d in Ireland "t"J • prahiLJted ht l1l 1 •s '11-; real ter c • • •11 t 1111; r .tw. .. a pwush- ou?- ult" , f (') .. h.·t uotil after the vear prur)t· h It 1 •l .... ~r then ~hat_ IJ('t Ult'U' In 1 t tr"" 1"'~ unw •• rd .. tlte l""H~ '!'hie 1 snn•h a remOJ'bbre <• , I ~ In t' <~ode ('dholics '!'IJI landk"u' ~~ tdtod n l t graat leu ,., •<1 W'e learn 1 ho~· the Oheli.<k on

"' U• rt t.. Cur •I' E.vgli.•h '" '' ''V n. and thiS ~"" '"'" KiHinel' Hilil was erected ~ st.Jp the It \\J."' a pree-auhun \\ . "' UJ.u\'f'1;..ull enforCP(I 0.- FamiDe f l&i6.--u noJ u

I',.,. ll •I r -;c 'Irish oWilt'-l'S hum tholi~ d~."u tu uur•n'll times: Tenan-- the -w-rit:r. "nut 0:r,~:£the £amin~11

tU: t J.g l1o.~• k t t>JT property, _And con- Ctl" :.t wtll. or \""C' rh· teaBIJ.CJe5, wen- bnt 1 th tal •, 'ty ol th' "tiW·c·l 'lr Penal ~w ~not tlr-•tt-cl in the· r tnd 'flUs is a v~ Oove;~me.n( u~etile c1a'~~~~his CDlll~

B.t c-o.nvE"rl t1 th~ lrr-.~ mto good Pto.. 1 llt&J.n: tt.t•~t fac1, llflllJrlr, cnrt. mtA I mentis hardl,y conet=t.3

The "Gove-nl­,,. .. ,,1. . bu~ . t. keepm_g them out of i lt.·~.rl a..bil t. 1•:., lb. Uasd '"· '\!'rt-hout nleut of the dn-\" "' knew well wlm.t it lh• proJ•·n• "hteh fonnerly belonged ,. kh•·a·J.edg., , · •he l~gel bea1rinp •I "'"' doin d. 't di.d t ff fro to them or tu their ancestors. The t•r bi~>h.lnnd lu.'lh, it,is not poBsib~ vn~~~·. gJ.;1~,.11; well.O:.e-i;ht:; wi:h i'•nal Luw ".''''' fence.• to keep out to , tmcii!J'1I!and tk hiotorv of thto plllll• 'n.nd plots to e:ttermi te the the former o\lncrs. Th~se under- penocl. In II••• t, 11..,. so-called Oath<>. Ir' h t' Ill! takN knew the objed of the lnw• U. Eaumcipatiou A.c t of 1829 1>11!-v 15 nn•on. "·•· tu keep the people wifh~ut edu- tighl<'ned tJ,,. riwt. in the chain of We le~~~;~~._ that Uu> hoa.r<ling of t .ahoo and \\ 1thout properly m or-dez im.pA~StJd on Ute tenant-s hv the moue-y prenU.led auuJugs-t yearl..v ten­to n1ake them slaves" '(Cta,, so-ealkt r ... tlu~i< Relief Act of i i93. nnt.s (ten~~.nt~ ·'' 'rill) .• wiUf-loeaJil;ed •• Jl, .---"J'U: 1t no \" "t N~cessar_L p. Both Ao10o , ,·r, lepl delu.-:inn.4 a.nd !bnt it "'"'"' uo!t'l~·"'~ to si~ u~y 12). It £ n·11 he saul~ then·!t t> tr-, l"' 1r nnwur, lauu•n. tn th~ laud, as tt wuul~ llle\:Itably re-lla I,. loJ< I• r the~.l'eMll. •• (htpagp~·f,,oatbor•tat,.;thatthP 8ult HI tlitr rent be1ng mtrea~.

' religious. The\ \1 t of li!lll w, pAIISed " with the T'sUJ \\'ao due to tl1e lnndlord'> ngh! v.t • not rl ,:-u .. l tu inct • ...-: Pr ('.. 1 n• ot·uu ,fan f':tclusit"t' Ph•t•• uf clt Ut: .. o1'e't all chtttel~ found on f ·1& 1 n In· d On th ... rontnr,·. tu.t I. 8'h]a11fff' tu benefit the over- tile. te-nemeot, i.JTespective of "i'he tho•' h ,d I '" 'On~ero the l'mlt··••nl• "·b•looing majoritv of tLe poJYU)ation cliUmo of others. Money lenders had mto land-1!18.hb r• &lid it "ell way I e 1 the rom·h•." · U'llfortunatelv- this no • ''rity, and they char~ aceord­dl ,_.t, ••• £ •1 "'•" •f cleTice tu sprpad 1 not ""' f1• u-: well founded' Sir mgh ~ leam thut 11 in a word, l'rnt•· Llll't nt could. been ex~- Rohf.ri p rl. i~ bi"f Ema;ndPu,tion the ' .• tiorW. J?ciucation. system ig_nored • ,, .. I 1n • · '"' ·r lik~ !':"land, whl!lll ~"'" h, .: "' " q'llite diiferent v~rswn ol •· nne J'lll:"Uit for winch lhe,rbildn.n 1 :ul J(t.\ll· ,, \t"t't•· t·eriaJnly not held uf the n•t 1udt' uf the Irish Parlia- were deshne-d-ngnculture. We

We ma-y, therefore, ntt'nt, and ... Leh 11 thnt Pitt had to foret• learn of the- great succe:ts of tbe ~ix­"'"' th•t li • paxticulal' lat<• "'ef\' th1• A.< I tl11u 11g}1 1ty tba """"";,." ,J ·~·n> fa~lll t>ttaehed If the LIU1le Na­

~~nnmu 1ll d ,tt lj lt•1 rather than l'tl· prest~ on the placexnen or nominees.. h"ntll !';rbocll. lrat th1s wos abandoned hg1ou~ w-:Jten the .Bill of 1793 "·as placed ou ""hen lts I'UCC'e~~ hPcame at>parent.

w. have an object in referring t.o the tabfe of lh~ Commons, it is alleged We learn thot the NnlioJ!nl DOIIJ'tl the Penal Lal1' , because Mr. Dardis tlutt La Tmtoho ..-e11t up nnti seized it bought the form at Glusnenn to pre-build8. hi~ ~ ht• ,.. on !lte so-c~lled h tt> tt -up, and staUlped on' it amidst ~l'e- t~aehePS _to give Pf'!I-Ctical instru'"c­C&thoh~ R.ohef .\• t · f 1<93. Th10 tloe plaudits of th .. a.'sernbled. legislo- t10n m agriculture 111 e!emenfar:y

' l\ tmport •t 1•. for wo.• a r told tnr.. Th~ attitude- i~" CJUite consi~tent schoolA1 hut 11!14 t"es~ schools m gene:ra1 at the commencement • Chnpler I. .,.itb the u.•r •h. t ,..""afterwards moh ltad no d~mon•lrahon plot. att~>ehed, nf I 1 hnuk I 1t uf rb\· fu: '·' .... L lin~ freehold. Pitt, the h· c her .. • t.mining WDA usele~s-

nf 'unrs,t,• had I• un·n object in fal"e- We l.a.rn that in 1816 t:h.e "Go'\"era-1' f.! tfH., cl.-•}u .. ar 11 fU.I"Utt"• n the Irish 1 ·•nt " Jtad facilitated the prOf'eR.s of Pnrlinm.-nt 1n • rll"r t,, fkfht the cleJui~1g t'" .th .. b,v the passing of the 1 H r• !J Revolo1 · rt and to uphold t1Jt• f ,. 1 hon Act. nlld thn.t in 1821 o r • nu~h (' · f I .,, 'JI •• t how. he-me WD!-1 inaugurated irr ( u. Cork P vr. "nn•· n Jlf• r uf !u .. tut\ t Qnd lfanatUled by the Sta!a to olle.viatR 1 .. unrullod. I i I\ It lh . !he Act n ••• ondition tltoHe evicted bv emi­" .l'i woro~~ fbnr. •1 I "'· and merely If ·~·in·g them tl l'unoda free of c'b.a.rge. .~n-ed Pitt' .. HlrJl'~ of posiDg uB c. \\ ... e learn ·hn.t State--nided emfgra-pro-Pspi111t, ". 1 JlflJ: tlie suppoTt of tion wn.M a needlcsA expense, "con­··ttl-t&in parhr"' on tf~t C-ontinent. and aidering .that tht' emigrants could humbuggiu~ • •. 1 tnin par• tto!'\ in Ire. hnve ~n lm·tktlfd in Ire lund on por-1111\d. tion of th& 1,425,000 UCJ'es of WllSte

We hi>VE de .. lt nt •ome length with land, \thich could hn~e hPeU impl·oved otu• im:porln.ut <'1"'""1' 11f the fom·- fur tilillge, ur of the 2,330,000 im­•Lilling !11~ h ,)tier. The 11nthUT deals pru,-a.L)p fur p08tun!." Dut Irellllld " th ' ! 1 l ahilit "·ith the various W&A the lnat plnt'e t~ lucate an Irish 1tler lta.du~.o: .llJIIIIj.; .. t \t"bich tht· fam.Hv. Xenrt]u:.le:tM, Ule ltish OC'· 11·· I mrp 1: nt .Jft' 1lu· tenure. of the cupr · Irehmd tn-dav. uJtd tlw~ will lr h I r· tl m . h 1L ,.f rollec•- u)l\'~~·· li«Up~· It, uotil the dity' comes 'II).: r n 1" .. r-r.ltt• and hth ; when there will be no mm~ land.

I. lr-• inl_f . .t.nd clil".•:ons af land; The only <"ritici~m ""P' to. pass t 1 1a1" f•••r~o~ tln.• clea.ra.nces: the on 111 .. l.Mmk. ... tha.t tlre writt>r Htatt"li '·au • t f .tgr Dam onbage; capital fp. 124) that the-re ~n~ no hand·locm and 'te-tlll: u:-cur ; agricolturnl im- wennng in the Routh, the excep­f'rut>ton1t'nt ... und , I !Of'PJteeis:m. tion nf :1 l'man l ottcn trutuufacture ou

There • one mM•h·r whid1 Bhotdd t1te Sunth--weRt 'on.tit. It i.q evident M~t-r 1 ... ln.'lt o J,t ,,1 in <!.sling with tltnt tlw •l'liter i• quite unaware of the 1l ,. fiil\h land IIU~"'"'•ion. The- author iudulftriol hiMtnry of his country in the deal" f\tn;rly "'• 1t 1be fundamental pt•riod with whi(h he- deal~. We cllTt­, nntf'J>tion ,{ 'he lri~h tPnants. He not. lm-n·ever, nttrihule much hlan)e tells "" thot tl•• original d••elle11< of lo hint, ••oing tltat it hu y~t to be the land 11Wthtined a long !rtn1gglt" wrltteu. T1wre wn~. in fn<'t~ u.u ex­cnm1u£>nc-iug in 170!) to wcr> thf' tPn~ive. linen indu~try in the South rights whir·h !Io.,,· rolll!idered innJien. 1 uf lrel~nd\ and it wn• oxtending con­ablf!"-undisturhed po,..soton of the •idernhly Jetw•Pn the :relll'!l 1800 to land ('P~ xii. • Et'it·tinn, io the eye~ 1825, whf'n the l10ttnty on. e-xp~n·t of fheo Iti~h fR-mlH~ wa~. unde::r noeir- c-eased. Tbf're wn.~ olo~u nt this :penod ·urn .. · t'lt .... right p. xh·.). The l&nd- nn P1ten~~.ive ('oUon indWtt.ry outside lord k• roglltded us lUI alien, hotb of m.ur. The writer nlso appenrs to 1,, hirtl1 A-n<1 rttligion. JlO!HW!Rsing bv he unawatt> that Duhlin wo the in­r(ght < f t·onque.•t \That the former. du•triol rapi1al n( Ireland a.l this '. n .. ltftn-d In be l1v ltereditarv period, ru1d thai BeJfast Wfk; ouly a ngbt (p ... 1 The tPna.nt~ nevE"r ,e., ~mall tc wn The lo<'k of indmttriol • ogni8ed tl,.. lan~ord~M c-laim to the hiRtHry tlu~ nnt uftec t t~e -ra1u'7 of ah!!:olute c. nt"rt•h•p nf the land, and. 1l1tt hunk ftnm a land pomt of v1ew. o• m""l A )e., •· only •ignifi.ed that Indet'<l, it is •vid~nf. that tloe WJ"it..r for a rertain periocl th~ rent could not Ita.• n gnp of ngrirultural olloirs, o.nd, I .. Iow~red or inCI't'aoed. On tho, other tomhined with hi• lt>gal knowledge hand the laodlordo outside motor, und re-rd•. n.... 'ircum.tanr•• "·here tenant-right prevailed, would have unitt>d to give tLQ a rttal runtril,u­not rec·ogni~e the right of the tenont tion tu uur knowledge 11n tbe mo11t in any "'"t""f"·• , t:"VPn tv re-muneration diffiMllt Cj\IPIItinn of our time.

Salurda~· o, , .... ,. 16, 1920

The Broken Treaty

(\!rom ·• Tbe Boyue Watter "

.-\.Novel, by .John llunirul,

' I """ ''ouch it," replied the Jfluth, rut.xioualy looking from the walls; lmt. here-~ ~omething impor­tant to \UI 1 r him -a rider who ha!>! jWII gut under •helter of the walls, nnd whom I loiow well, moho imp&tient and troubled •igns to me. Hark! he •·tJtt"t at the gate.'

In o. It•\' " ond~, the Rupporee ran up the- o;ft'JI" of the wall, and "Ll:-.­Jt~~•n~J tl1e ~ oung man.

" Say you so, by Heaven ! Get our meo. who are .in the tu"'Jl readv, then ... Haate, :md let us hav.., a trial for it. Sister, farewell ! f go to free our brother. He iA in the Land• of this Giulcle; who, a hundred times, h08 -sworn his ruin-farewell! farewell~ ..

He disapJtearod; Ev,., slliieking in tf:<rror, and En~lyn, foreseeing the use­le~sneSH1 ot• wmlH!, o:l violencE.>, in such n t'lfl8c, vuinlv urging him. to remain.

• Nn, let· him go-IUid let u.. fol­lm,· !" cried Evu. " Have "•e D4.· frienchi near, to intercede \f'ith thil'l mercile~!4 wun ~ Whert> is ~~field-?''

h In the camp, n·itb Ginlde/'*&a­swered Eveh'll.

" ln tltP carup. Who! camp? Whnt dO... he I here~"

He bas gone out to sign n treaty for the su.rrender of Liruerit'k.'•

·• Surn!'llder :'' screuJUed Eva., start­ing up;" miset.r upon mi'lerv! privtlte an<! publie ruJD logelber l Come, Evelyn, prottct me to this camp; now there ie a double t•ouse whv we should be then--to save u brother, aud a cnuutry I C'ome, I have OJ'guments I<> try for both.. Surrender! Wlw P"

''The di•ap(ll>inhnent of tlie lleet from lt'l"auce--"

"Di•RppointulQDI of the fteet? Come nway. Diqappointment! I have news to mu.tch thnt-,·our tnm, E-vel¥n Ob, denre•t Evelyn I Gocl gr~ni there arjseo here no ne\\" o.nd eter­nal NlUSP for our separation, indeed. Dut ahould injuey come ou EdmMd-­inja:ry in life or proopects-what can n. Wrt"tched ~ister do lmt for eTer .mourn over it, n:r dedicate he-rM>lf for eTer to sootlte it! Be o friend to us, HeoTel1 !" Bhe cried, a. .. , \\·ith El""elyn, .she h~­tened do"'n the wall, wtl\-ing her hand to old Prl••t McDonnell to sn>v by Carolnn'• •ide, "'ho"" b·oubled fenti\J'es told thto torture "'ith whioh Joe heB1'd the nnnowKement of tht" nt"-w misfor .... tune.

While the ('unvet'Aation we J1nve- de­tniled occw~·ed on tho walls of Lime­rick, R,u.,.field a.nd hia coll•agues sat down, iu. Ginkle's tent. to a diru:ier as dainty llS the Bituotion and oll clrcum­stance& would allow. He found, in the Duti>h genen,}, a. pleasing specimen of hit~; ~uunhj·: hlunt, and matter-ol-fn.ct, indeed, hut more courteous and ani­mated than uny of the saJlle nation he had ltefo"' ...,u. A portly, full­hrenoted, middle..,ged mnn. balding him•elf very erect und bluJf, and hi~ loroa<l fn<·e, and wide, thuuglt not dis­ngnoeuhle features, wearing a constant RDJ.ile, !hat almoat approached to a. smil-k. At hio side were other Dutch, Englislo, and l!~·eJt< h office..,., Md Wil­liatn'l4 justi<-t!!"; together with Dr.r Doppin!f and Culonel Llovd.

The 1·epo~t proceeded iu ~good humour o.nd mutuo.l and u tJineereo show of tbut J'espect ond good-•dll. "·hitlt fair loe• ah,•ays pntert.uin fur t>nch other. It wo:s done; humlJ~E>f1>t we-l"e filled, heulths. !t10•ted, nnd hMd• cla.<pl'd in feijow­~bi_p, -whu"e- dutr it hRd a moment be­lore llf'eu lo J:Kllnt the •word at one onutber'.. h~o.-rta. Then, Oeneml GinklP prncoeded to husine.. He led the wIt ole p111r1 from hi~ tent to a spot, nt the •·ounty •ide of Tbomond­hridge, nlmo.qt, it might he said, in sight of lmth orruiM. There, pausing near n ltuge stone, be dr~w out a fair <.·opy of tb& trl'aty of s:urrender, whlC'h hnd h~fore been di•cu•""d and agreed tu. HnYirtg C4.mncd it over, he handed it tv tlw ju~o~til"e~, and, when they had done tending it, to s.,..fteld, saying tllat hP heli.-·etl Lord Lucnn would find it sufti,1ient .for Jwnournble men at any time to '"' • •'JIL and e~~Jpecially ce.lcu ... loted to gi~e t~eeurity in properly, im~ munily for the past, freedow·in reli­gion, eligibilin to political place and rnnk _ In n -u im!_, (~uiet nnd lihertv t the ( atlwlic~ of JJ'Oland. •

sa ... field, h•ving ottQntively perused the docdment, a.Ud thRt iht provision.., to hi111 so talcu)a.ted; a.nd he Jl""""d il In hi• legal advioer, Sir Toby Butler. 'l'he banister g_ove it u re. newed. approval, and banded it round.

H We cannot he certain," added Sir Toby, "th"t with such unusual de­,apab·h, o.nd Atnid RO mu<·h warm dis­t•uasinn, Wt' sliall he o.ble to frame to tbe very letter an imJtr-ument in 1\~hich 1mrne ingeniuuM knave may not pick 1).


, ahwl .... ff, · I r 10. I'•'...' I

Balmez on England

'Jh4 luJ,•I\\'III·r 1 d fnttlt" ,. 11 frnm tlttl •. ttd. (l•uthH lblrut• 'rt'td wnrk. •·Eurnpt-o..u f'1vHi '' .· · l1·um whi<ll ''" CfUOted In '~~··I 'Ill 'Jith·n "i.JI '\enh ·•~-:•~

l'!u•r· Ut EuropE." u uuh·lfl tpln .. :

d,lt' r, 1 htr im.menHe pn\1 ··r .1ud mth I h.· ptct on P(tt·u• tit'

1 .11 JlttJ.tft• "IJkh •)le h Ill 1ft lh I UU) •t t•.;tN• \ Jl II 1,\[,

t Jd,. Ill ••r I 1mf- ~ ..., ful uw tar ,~ aU rm ,., , r tlw ,,. rhl.

L Lit I I U t' ·lu·~~•ith rl-r h u · 1 und ..f .it,, .. \ 1•1

t lh ), f tk ~ f)l,.. I .uf 111 I

mt· 1 INL "~In~-: tlnmgl· al11l, 1 ~ 1 t pc Ia• .1 u~~tl t••ll.rtl•n .. ,,., ·ltit . , I 'l.d I 1: during fl'rtrf 1l ' 1 •.tl j • aon , tJ ... r 1 .. ,t n ... 1n ull rl., · • nuk,·d- t

.... ,. Bud 'JJI!I1' in nll •'"' lr l , .. ,,

t; .. r ,.,,JU.nrr t·cl than ttll tll't tf11 If <.Ill.., I ot '

\ r·l I '~Jt•tl ~~~ the VDJD UUfll{ • Utuh'T 'I hi() Ut •UI h )M-'Jiode, tJu.• l1 "t• .. t JIU.

:on and 1 'II' nw. .. ttl. sordid mtt-11''"t .h .. l:UUU• th••IU"I."l\r'i. la• 1" tou ll•tl<1 11 I guord to ollow the truuhlr "I J· I I ,,. inundatPd other tuUhlrtl" w l:

FRIDAY, .JULY 23nl. Allldt: Parties of Briti•ll milituy

n.lul Jwlit. ~roured tbll!l distri, t around Oldrustl•. Co. Meath, on the 22nd inst. Th~v rnided und .,.,rt'lted 6ftv h<>u .. ,

lai llollvbcun~ nnd Bnllintu'bll<'r, Co., Briti•l• mililluT and polire

• The Raw Material for the Belfast Pogroms.


,; .:!


at l•r~f" ' aJ d ., ......... , ,...j

l'oliu!' U1.1 frtt t­tbn- I..rxe ( ...-ntr ... all ,.......,. nd

~ H F ..

~ i_ =J l;:

• ~· .,.52 • 5.¥>

I'-ll IO.ZJ J.l!J Ut IL"lll 4.!15 ..

Strengthen the Industrial ==Arm of the Nation=

By buying producots made in Ireland you help to stop Emigration.




Dowdall, 0' Mahoney & Co., LIMITED.



DE VALERA I R ISH EFFoR~~ ENTERPRISE ., Democracy or Despotism 1919 thrww in tllia ball wloX:h ••• op«o· PENALISED. --

Early Irish Trade and Commerce At tho JMg ...tell m Croke Porir-April JSth


oily applied by ••- You wiU get thio information in the The hour qf the Pre.•identinl elec- Having relld ::l!r. Chart's misnamod " OUTLINES OF THE INDUSTRIAL lion in the United States draws nenrer, "An Eoonom;c _HistopY of Irellond,': I

HISTORY OF IRELAND." . . think your revoew too gent e _m ots lly John F. U.rke, D.Sc. (Econ.), and tJoe plot concocted on Dowmn~r· •l~ictures. It is. no exaggeration to UnifOMiit;y of London; B. Comm. ~treef ~ome months ago to teJTorise 'say thot tlte o.utlwr is practically ig-National Univ~ity of Ireland; . • . hd.ra . nOrant of Irish. trade and commerce. Fellow of tJ1e Royal Economic the people of INla.ud IUto wJt- WJng Unles}t written sarcMticolly, his pre--Society, Sometime Lecturer jn their demu.nd1 for independence before I faced .\\:oJ'dB, are. nonsense. •f T~e Public Adminiltra~ion ••d Tutorial that date hllll failed. The English outhonloeo gn·en on the footnotes. w_1ll Lecturer in Economies at UniverBity . . , , , serve, to some extent, as a bJbho ..

CoUoga Cork. " Prime lhntsteo• a oratoncal hyoten<R graphy, nnd ntay help those who w;_sh No Iriah School or Hom& should bo Ol'e a. J'tlsult. The effort to teiTOrise to inT~tigate IUOl"e deeply spectal

wit.hout t.hia book. Ireland has sbo"·n England ro tlle periodl-1 or pnrticu1ar hranches of the Pcico (•loth), 3/& net. •tudy." They \<ill do no mch thing.

nd F ALLON BROTHERS, LTD., United Statea and to the world in the Mr. Chart sho"·s no knowledge what-Jt. ta!nedn!ir~th ~f." ~:i:t T":.nd:~\,c;:k~·ll:de THf! SCHOOl .. ~ HOt:SE, 1'6le t1he formerly depicted Turkey, eTel' of first-band sou~s, and, e~~t

fro~~~ '"'-' •electecl co•·hide, lumll·"":"· I DUBLIN and BELFAST. in the referenoe~ to the Reports of tno"- Blitd><d by hand alw•yo k .. .,. ''' Russin and Germany as playing. TltP Deputy Keeper of R~onls, Irelnnd, •h.a';:· npwrior to any ~~rted boll-the r--------------, " • .Ani:Ri" (Bip:h Kinp;) of a.11 footbolle. English Oovemment does not mind which ho hos done no more than casu-

Prioe 17/1...,.. r .... Other grnd•• .~ tlf• l ,..,. ""OUfLA~"E. committing ain-but its consciellce re- ally dip into, and u fe'w stray referenc~s OUMI 11/L '-"''' "' to the Statutes: these represent Ins

ca--c;plendid a1.ock of camana: of W.t tt~ eamouRtgc to .. ·ear •a hilb volts at being f01md out. It has been sole u re11eart"h ,. (1U) n·ork. It wouJd lriah uh, 1/9 and 1/1 p01t. free. Cosu.nne made of English Material. found out beyond explanation. The have IJeen l>etter to have avoided such ~ 1/1 nd 3/3 post fl'ft. ~::!:~·~te~o~~~delri~: r~h~:~ i! torches it put to Balbriggan and Tuam pnltry cita.tiont~~ lor they form a "Fal-~~~~~~f P17~ ~:'!J.:'-b:iJh~ order to aubatirutc En&lisb &ooda. lo Nto.ff'.q armv." We e.:xpect a:J: uew

&0011: aoek of je:seys witb 1,..,. body, ~~ A~"~YkN, d~<fJ:K ._:~moCgW; and Mnllow have lit up its sirUster fen~ wo'rk to add to the 'Valuable i anna-......, aaah, abd white collar and cuffa, 1/• will not mtke lrilllh Costt~mea of tures to the world. tion produced by the labours of llrs. poA free-all in best cotton. En&Hah material. Klltt, Gown aod J. R. Green, Dr. Joyce, and J?r.

]{- ;, - 14teen-pWn colonn, 1/•J Bror mode ro on!c•. All wo•k lriooJo The case of Ireland has now o.ssumed O'llrie.u. Yr. Chart has not studoed if wUh .;a. riripd •t•, or with green, ud all aro proud of tt. a \vorld .. signifi.cance. The vote of a these. l"o]umes to any advantage. •kit. aDd 7ellow •tripetJ, 5/1 eaeh. M. A. RYAN. . hri full . t d . You ore quite correct. ~ir, in statillg

,......._ 111 .. tit·, altd. 11 a. natJon, t ce peace Y regls ere m that thet·e was an Irish coinag~ prior to H....,.-. beot maloe oaly, 1/li""'t free. the ballot-ho:re•, is answered by. the the settlement of Danes, Norse, or •- -. 11 I aDd 13/1 por poiq bullet and the incendiary torch. Were Normon-Fiemislo-l''rench: Keating re-

s-tap ' 1" ...,._ conled the presence of a mint at Cion-H.._ -a How to pray n, written by an G RA N D that ans"·er to be acquiesced in, mo.cnoitte. .._- for ... of Coli- and tho-. in Dema<""'Y must perish and Oivilis.v ' Perhap• no fable has receh·ed such a dWp el \Mmo; iliiiOirnled. Price Jd. phamix-like life as the one that de-puot -- tion dissol-ve. The right of men to ollln'• that the Irish Geels did not coin

Whelan & Son, 17 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin


Suitable for A•tumn and Winter Wear. .....,-., Material for overcoatins.

Wo aqoply Suit ond Dreoa Lengtbo by pol\. Rnclolle 4d • .tampa for Pat.t-erns and Pricat. --8EUMU WARD A co., 11 DOMIII Hom .. span " Tweed Dtpot, Ballythannon.





W'• mu.•fllclunJ Higb-Cht.,.. Ladiea' tffti...., Ccunilolea. Combination•, N~,ele.

"Bet.t..r and c:h•per t.haa any foreign prmenllt.

TJONHSCAL AN ARTAHACH, Arbn Clothina FIGtory, Ltd.,

lf ... pool1 CO A K.

OMoa IIIII 8fKMraamsi-


Sharkey & Tisdall »...,.,... of fnlilitute. lCuncipal


IURYEYORI A ARIITRATOR8. • ....-.. and atripinc ot Ettat11

...... litJ.

wT= ~i~;:n~~d ~.Jh;e~r~~:f J.arir<>ltaro. Add,. u Upper Rathminn, Dublin,

and kii~Ptaderetn, eo. Roaoommon.

have a l"oice in their o"-n government, monev, and that luu-t~r wns tha only

PAR A DE although often. denied, "·as long since form 'at commercial interchMge. In the National ::l!useum in Kildue

esteemed, established and accepted as Street, Dublin, specimens of this na,. axiomatic. The declared object of !lte tive coinage may be seen . The late J.



+ P. J. Carroll & Co. Ltd.


I L-------------~ ••Ein Oa," 304 Gt. Bra..aaW"iek Street,

DabU.. All lft..rary comma.aieatione abonJd Ita

addreued io Thl Ed itor. All lnuia... communications ahaG.Id be

odclcooood 1o Tllo lia-r,


~:r,!;~ly ::· ::: IJJ: ~ ~:--· QUarter.., ... ... 'J' " u Payable iD achaace.


~o~!ti~~an ::: ::: g::~ = :: 18 ln1ertiona •. 51. 8d. pv iaeh. 28 Ineerlionl ••• 51. oa. pv iach. M lntvti!JDI ... 411. 8d. pv incll.

Loqv ._ pno rota. Spoeial pooitloao mo-..

Okoquoo ... poo\ol omJ.n obould loo crotltd, ud made pa,abl• to •• EiN ()a!'


Inte war was to ensw-e to notions the right to au ~xistence whose indepen. dence could olllJ- be circumscribed by the equai right of ethers. Aga.inst that right and against that object,· English policy in It-eland rages to­day, IIJld by that fact makes the struggle of Ireland the defence of all that secures to men and nations per· sonal and na_tionalliberty. If go-vern­went dependent on the vote of the goTernt!d were awept from the world <J~~d suU,.titw..d ~- lwt...,j on force, tloe Darl< Aa-es "•ould, indeed, hav& arrived, and Europe would fall from her l>igb esta.te n.• Asia foil before her.

The issue cannot be e~aded. If the answer to Ireland's thrice-registered vote for freedom is butchery and arson, either butchery and anon or the ~ote must be the basis of govern­ment. The UnHed States will ch00t1e ita Government by tlo& vote in a few weeks. That Government mu•t there­after ""Y whether it will recognise in Civili,.;Mion any gov.emment not de.. riving its autJoority from a like source, but attempting by fire and sword t<> deatroy the sanctuary of Democracy­the ballot-box.

R. G<U-.tin o·e--told the hoary liJ> to the Royal Society <>f Antiquaries, Ireland, and gove it n new !itru·t. Students UU·

veued in uumiRmotics accepted Ills wntds on their fo.ce value. Strangely f!Uough, C?Ur N n tiona! lf useum has no printod guide to its early coins. Uu inquir~·. I ><ns informed that such hod been prepared, hut wa.e not put through the printers' loands. Was the reason for this action to be found in the fact that the l"Xpelt canle to the same con-· clu.iop •• English and Continentalnu­Jnisnontisbl, and the Master of the llint, Londnn, that many o:(, the n)lef[ed!llliah coiy wer realTy minted b.• Iri•h 'Kings, modelle un th(Jse of tlt& A..nglo-Sn.xon dynasts?


Ten yeo.ra ago the present Prime Minister, •peeking at Ea.•t Ham, said: 40 The• money of Ireland counted, their tuxes counted, their soldic:Jrs counted, theio· doll.u-s counted in payment of rent to Irish landlords, but theio· votes would not count unless tlJe.l' "·ere Tory." The English Prime ::II~ister "ns then oppwrlng the English Tories, and he "'as attadriug in hio opeeoh his present masters. He inquired .how th..., people could deny to the -vote of

As for Iriah trade prior to the Danes m· Norsemen, our national antiquities afford uniUlSwernhle evidence. Aa you refer to my hastily wl'itte11essay on the evidences of our early commercial ac~ ti-vity, may I say that it brought me Jetton from ninny countries. Tacitus wrote 1 " ::l!eliljjl odituR portusque per commertin. et negotiotores cogn.iti., This toudoed the pride of Engli•h .cholnu, and Mr. Goddard Orpen chided ::l!rs. Gree11 for o.cceptinl{ the tnm!-~lation in vogu& on the Continent IIJld in England, befor_e the British ,rhola.•tico mobilised to re-punctuate it and so niter the meonhlg. I was then content, and still nm, to read it as great scholars lilo:e O'Dono~IIJI 1\Dd Kuno ::l!ey.,., rend it, that the ports of Ireland wert; l, known to mer­chant• hy reo•on of the abundance of rnmmeJ'C'P thnn tboRe of l)ritain. Re­s:o..rding tl•e extniCt from Juvenol's •' Sat"iJ"e-!-<," I received several pngry lct!•o•., again, I nccepted hjgh nuthot·ity -l<'noncesCJIIe llichel, to men­tion onl.y t11e most p1-ominent-.for the ve1~iotl eite.d. Twist 1.'ntitus os they onay, tl1e vn>of tlout h-ade and trading "1lipR Ti ... ited Qlll' ~acred isle- t.emain~t unohakeu. When Agricola hod sent l1: .. fleet o fur tl~ the Ork.ueys, which ]o,. s.~~loduod, he made prepor<>tions to Rl: ·•<·k, where, he learned .ft·om trarl:ent und ruercl1ants, tl1ere ~·erl" txrelltmt harl>ours.

Protection Badges (IIADE tN IRELAND).






The Lord Mayor of Cork --I "' tiM fnlkt.a am ud tbc .a m .. a., tbe IriRh what the lrh;h claimed. Tn-

t. ~Itt. IWtiaDtc 01 ~=• day, 'tith all the n-eapoiUI and methods

Put ~ k yq;r ahoaldcr• wlleu you heu hfa I tf barbariom, he is a.ttemptiog t<> oup-liOmC! JUt·•ot tl1e vt>t.e of a nation.

, And lirt 7"Ur ho&da; your race 11 honoured more

1 num any num bna bonoGrtd it before ioi Utety whf) br11uaht the bat.t.l..._.H

I «m~ . .---------------., ~ .Aud nat the Uomon who endured the 8amo

Modern Clocks ' Andli~ to the tire and burn~ his better

And an, on defending her right and her existence-, Ireland lto:s become the t.•• t of free nud democratic goveno­ment fur the world. 1'h& next few weeks will ,..., the American election fought and won. llehind the apparent :l88ues liea~ an issue which was AmeriC'B'I jii..I!.U& before--whether g()o. T"rnmen t of the people by the people fur tho peopl& siUlll perish from the earth -whether governments al'<lo to

.oe.xifJt for ]>eop)e-", or peoples lor govern. .. .ment.A. That illaue, when the election h: .. been decided, Ireland, exemplify­$tJg it on her .. wn struggle, will put

W'l! ftlt'C. ltrye ct:lcction or modem a.daf .,..meatal clodl:a tultab1e for .. HaD or Sittin&J"OOm. In hclchl

~ ':,Z r;~n~1t1; ::~~~~~; finil6eJ. Gaanmeed for aceura~,. IIOd ,....hiliry. Each dock anitH ..,_,.. _, hlff.,oura on • f'"lft( Pr\enl.n::~~efromL4:15ro f.-J ...,. .,,

GANTl!l! BROTHERS, 83 Srn GE·,~r's ST. DUBLIN.

I And \ho Kintc kinW liberated him), '\, 1 oenla oa:t.,hinu :MaeSwiney•a faro•.

f' • • t r I 111 hi• breut. t),. Nliion'a ..-ttt,

14it b]' coura~~:e afoU c.n eope \\"h.h tortar~ dnth hd hNackaat raTtagH C ·" •' and b ~..- &o the .. orld nntU J " Le Kirdcd to rt" ('f f.lUr hope, H, t n nmonst~tl unchtT" Ire .- ,.::r-

1 orsm 1 .~eorh· to A meru n and Enr-ope, and

I >\ merirn and EUTOpe will !•"'JJnd.

That llt~nleo.ux, know u to the Roman• •• Durdigaln-then the chief univero~ih uf Gaul-had commercial relations with helnood from the earliest tjmes, i• ••·ku<>wledged by Fl:ench "'holnr•. l referred al•o in that HSay ~ the Ynluuhl& testintouy of Pt·ofessor ijtU-y on the pre-Patrician trade with Gau'I. f\iuce then I luL~e further proof• in :Mr. C:leo. Cofte~'s " Archleological E~idenre foo• the lntereourse of Gaul

ith It-eland in lhe Firat Century," in Joe ~nlunhle l't',..nrches of Zimmer,

d'nd in Kunn ::II•yer'• erudite and sug­~restivQ iu•e!o!otigations. The lnst­nnmod opine. that the Irish " Bor. <lcaux •• o llnrdgal) '1:.11 uncient West .Meath on,.y ha~e OO..n n RetUement of Uauli•h profen01'9. " Intercourae and t•mmert t' hetwe•n Gaul and .. Jreland

Ilad IJ<.No • onstant and regnlar for • ·en. turi•• loef<ore the iiftlt. Again, th., lf:iah W••h ru 1 l•Ut~ide t11at gftoat writ.y

the Celtic world, wltich is on<> of

Saturday, Octouer 16, 1920.

the most remarkable fact• on ancient Celtic .Wotory, so well illu.lmted-tn mention _a st,riking iu"'taure--by the Greek COlDs gJven IJ_., • .A..le.xa.nder in t.he Ea.•t to Celtic ambo.<sndonr, finding their way to Great llritain and becom . .ing the model of its earliest. coinage.'' Knno lleyer did not, at the moment, remember tho.t Greek JUerchonts were nt tlo& Foir of Corman in ancient Ir&­lnnd, nor was he aware of the find of Greek coins of Alexander the Great in our isle.

Long before Danes or English to our land, Ireland "'as well-known on the Colttinent as a rich, fertile, a.nd JJroAperou~o~ country, \tith a salubrious H <'Iimate." .Kuno lfeyer cites the Iriah bi•hop of Fiesole, in Italy, a• a witueso. He might hn"" nddod the testimony of Alfred, King of the Nnr. thumhrian Saxons, who found in the Itelond of 6.'15 " much food, ra.imen.t, gold, •il~er, wheat, health, prosperity, traffic, and citiea "-though there \\·ere " no towns or cities before the English C'ame.'J at~~ our learned pWidits declnre. Dut if the early fame of our Innd bas not yet reached !iris latest his­torian, let me tell him tha} ere we Irnew the blessings of the Higher Cul • tm,, as repl'O!jented by the outland oiBJt that oMained nil its own manufac­tures, finanre, trade. and copune-rce fl'om foreigners, or hy the skill and knowledge of such nlieus settled-in Englund, that t~ven in fnr-nwa.y Arabia, Edri-;iu-.;, the geographer, called our pre-Xorwan Emerald Isle " Irlo.ndah­.Al~Knhirnh,'' "lrelBU.d th~ Grea.t," whilst giving the"mere mea.snremente of England .

I hnl"e no intention of rehearsing the fact., in ony crude essay, but I would n.gain draw attention to the incontro­veo tihle fact tbat the ancient Irish were .• hip-huilole" of no mean nbility. The highe•t living authority on English !'~hipping, noting t.hat there were nine different kinds of Ioish 'ships men­tinned lty Ado.mnan-he might fouud other authorities to odd fom· to this nuruht'r-remarks: u From this it i• perfectly clear thot by 650 .<.D. the Irish load mode oonsidernlJle progrese in the 01 f uf ship ron:qh'udion .•.. It is sufficient to know that the Jrjsh, nhout the time the Norse were begin­ning tn nppenr on tlteir coast, or even earlier, hod Railed to Orkneys, Shet­lands, Faroe~, and Icela.nd.,

Clauruan, the Ramon poet, sang ho'v the lri•h (Soot) seethed the northern wal"es into foam with his da&hing onrs, and bow he mcve{·~l'De, and the deep foamed with l!nstile oar. It must hav" needed l:<~ge ileets to carry the warriots of Niall of thp Nine Hosta.geo and of Dathy to G&ul, and those of Crim.tloan t<> Drit.Un.

As some of th& biggest slalltlers on the Irish people have enonnnted from " section ,f our hostile· archreologioto under this bending, I wish to draw at­tention to a few more facts with re­gard to early Irish ships and shipping. 1 shnll not refer again to our Seo. La" s, nor to the na,·al fight hetween the Iris1o and Danes at Dundalk, celebrated in • Irish saga, nor t<> the s--t King Drinn' • nnnada. In 1049 no fewer than 36 sbjp• from Ireland cam& to a. .. ist King Griffith of Wales against the ·suons, o.ccorrung to 'the Anglo­Saxon Chronicle. , Six yem·s earlier onotloer Wel•h prince, .iElfgnr, ob­ttined 18 •hips, with thorir forces, in IrelllJld, j<>ined his fatltE'r·in-law, Griflitlo, and made " l!'reat slaughter" on the English. I moght odd to these instnnre!i. It is intereNthtg to note tltat Galwt~y, whioh " owed all its •m· portnuc·e .., to th~ N o1·man~Ftn.nce f'• rtl~ment, according to our amusing oc Q('Credit~d hi&t.oriOlllot, IJ in the four~ teenth century, \\'BS known as Gnlwny nf tloe ship• as earlv n• 1164--a geneno.­tion before Henry ·rr. c·ame to :Ireland.

llotthew Pkris hoR n •·mious refer­enre to thito portion-of our •ubject, un­der 126i. When the Welsh were troubling tb.o Eu!l'li•h with " mas­A4cr&, fire, and rap1ne," King Edwo.rd :retmi•d with threats of reprisals by th~ naval ~trt'ugtb uf the Irish at sea; &lld the Wel•h lumished ~·ith n fieet tof galle~··· piraticis armis et vict.uali· bus communitas. 'l'Jn.·~e ·' Irish " wuu..ld, no doubt, reJnesent Sean Ghalls ond Gaels. 'l'he Calendars of Iri•lo Pipe Roll, wbiclo lb-. Chart cites, but has not 1·enlly rood, oltm·d intereoting )l!fo•·mation on Irish •hips and ship­)llng. . Darter was in uae in merumval Ire­lhd e•en mora than in England is ptul>ably true, but not much more. The l1!<'ords Mhow that Portugutose, .'fJ&ni.•h, O'Reilly'• ~rish local coins, SCot•, French. ~·'Iemioh, Italian <>nd English <oinnge formed the comm m­plao .. of excltange.

::l!r. ( hart. •hoold have •turued tJoe lualole oontributwn• of l!r. Mills ana

Dr. II Derry, a credit to hioh sch.Iar­•hip and to Irioh Hi.tocy, hefore he \\Tn~l' hie ~tuft on the .AnJlo-Iti~h


Satur<h>.y, October 16, 1920.

llonors ond their tenant•, and rend th&~ origiulli nuthority, tbe Pip& Roll of Cloyne. For the rest he show& a nohe, bowing ocquomtante with the •hodows of Irish Trade o.nd Commerce .witb I>ortugal, Italy, France, Spntn, Flanders, the Hanso Towns, England, and •bort, with the whole subject. Has he ever heat-d how Ute Scottish Kings made special regulations f-or commet· "cia! intercourse with tl>e Irish of lre­lnnd as Of&inst the Euglish of Ireland P

You, str, sta.te that the Itlliion mer­chnnta were a~ meditl!vol Dublin. Long years ogo, llr. Wood, of the Irish Record Oftlce, informed me th1tt he wo" engRgPd 10 collecting materials on the history of tl1ese mercl>ants. If it ever comes to light, it will &!ford a valuable contribution to meditl!val Iri•h commen·e. He has written hut a few es11nyR on our history, all n.·artby of high pl'bi•e. Until the middle of the fourreenth century Italian merchants were vtrcy ruuch in evidence in Ire-­land. Eveu o. f·ury of 12 such out. landers in Ire and inquired into & cbw·ge oga.inst one of their membera. lle•·e are some of the companies which Uid busineq'i in uur lnnd :-The Fris­cobl!ldi, the Bettieli, the Moul of Florence; the Ricardi and associates of r BIOtlllri, the Spini of Lucca, ond the fiounC'iL·t·o; of ~ienu. 'l1hev were in the prinl'ipul centres of lri;h trade :frt~m Duhlin to Limerirk. The subject is too bi!< to heat of in this brief note.

Dr. ~camuel .Johnston, th& famous lexicographer, was osked why l>e ho.d incorrectly defined o. word. " lgnor­once, sir, pure igno~nce/' retorted the hluff sage. If equally bone•t, llr. ('halt will nnswe1·: "I written this hook in ignorance of tl1e suhject, }lUl'e ignorance, sir.,

Sean Chall.

England's Laws Against Irish Trade

__...,.._ The following list, which is neither

exhaustive no1· fino), gives some idea. of the .Acto of Parliament passed by Englond with lh!> sole object of kill­ing Irish a.nd commerce. She used, of c·onrse, many more ·' e:ffec­tive " and forcible methods, but this list includes sume of her best " Itgal " elforts, ond, it will be noted, only dates down to the time of George III.

The list does not include anv Orders m Cotiilril1 which were nu~eroutt 'on the same lioHitj~·t.; neither does it 'J'O into detnil on the injury done the \'arious trades. For instance, it doe::~ uot explnin thot tobacca:-gl'Owing in Ireland, even for Irish consumption, wn• prohihitecl, nlld the Irish stocks in haucl ""ere adullily destroyed by fire by order of the Euglish Government.

But it gi\"es au ideo. of who~ Eng­land decided may he " legally '· done to a smoU nn lion in her power.

Sheep, Wool, Etc. Prullibite the ex.J)Ortation of ramt, •heep,

OJ' lomb" alive from. Irelond-(8 Elis.l e. 8). Prohibit.. the exportation of shMp-.-ool,

.. ool,.lelhil, mortlinp, abortlinp, yarn made of ,\-QOI, woo1~8oob1 fuUer•a Mrth and follit~&-day from lrelaoti--(12 Car. II , c. 32. 18 and 1-L Car. n., t" 18).

ProhibiU alto the exportation of tobacto pipo..:lo7--{Sect. 8).

Tehllcco pipe-<'lny not to be exported from G1·eot Britni~ into heland-(9 and 10 W. Jll. e. 10, Sect. 2).

Prohibit~~ the exportation of wool, wool· folh1, ,eto., nnd nlso worllted-yaru, woollell· )'Qrn, doth, serge} beys, kertiey•• BftYII,

tl")!f' dtuga.etR, eloth-eerge8, shalloon•, or uther drapery stufF& or woollen mrmuCnc~uret Jrom Irelnud, except to Grent Britain, u by Xo. II.-(5 Geo. II.., r. 21· 10 nnd ll W. Ill., e. IU; ·, Geo 1.. e. 11, Sect. ~1).

Jo:xteu~ t.he &~rohibition to conrlitb, wad­Ji ., or other manufacturea mode of .. ool,

aligl.t17 ftti.tclled o.nd worked together-, ao 11• to be ftCI.uced to wool agam, and to OlAt~ r ~"- and btodl, Rt.ufl'ed with combed wool,

1tiUOI &t for combing· (12 G10. 11., e. 21, ,, ' 9).

The nbov• o>'iclea nnl not to be lnden on board au,. ship bound to ronUgn parta, or he Ioden 01; <.~ied coutwile from one part ur GJ"eat Dritain O.t. Irelo.nd to IU\Obher, without n licence from the commiAt~.ionerllli ot o.fftcer11 of 1l1~ cu"to.r;ns, and security ,;inn 1., land iletordingly-(Sect;. 11).

Naviption .nd Plantations.

Sact1. !.a o.ud lO; 8 and .& A.nn. c. 5r Sect .• 12, 3 at'ld l Ann,· lOj ~ Geo. 1, c. 15, ~- 21 , 8 Geo. J., c. 18, Sect. 22; 4 Geo. D., c. l:)j 4 Geo. m., c. 10, Sect.. 71; 5 Oeo. m., '· 37 Seo•. 4).

Out aU other ltO()da (escept bopa) of t.he gtorih, product, C)r manufacture of the plantetiana, may be lmported from thence lnt.o Ireland, in Britiah ehippiog, whereat the nlnlter and thl'ee--fourthe of the marinel"' are B.rltieh-H Geo. II., c. 15; 7 Geo. m., c. l).

Gooda, t.he product of Europe, cannot ba imJ)Ort.ed into any Dritish plantation, unles11 1hipped iu Grea.t Britain, and cru·ried direet1y from thence in Britiah~built •hipping . . (]G

Car. II., c, 7, Sect. 0; 7 and 8 W, m., c 22, Sect. 2J. ~eept that ~~alt for tha ft.11herie•, hol"llte, Yirlual and linen cloth from Ireland, b7 3 and 4 Ann, c. 8, allC\. 3 Geo. I., c. 21 ; prori•ioua a.nd implement. lot' the fW:terie•. by US Geo. m., c. Sl, Sect. 6; clothing and oceoutreca.ent• fol' the army, by 10 Geo. nr.. o •• 46, and other articles or Iriah manu· rac~ure were permitted £o be oported directly from thenee into the British plan~ t:Ation1, by 18 Geo. m .• c. 00.

Salt. Salt.~ of or from Ireland, not. to be im­

ported jnto Grent Britain, except neceaaRry pro'f'irion• for the ship, or for curing fieh­(2 nnd 8 Ann, e. 14).

Hopi. Bopa not to be imported into ll'eland, U:·

cept frou1 Great Britain only, and of British Jtrowtb. Bops of British growth, QPOrt.ed to Ireland, no~ to draw the dui.y­(9 Au, c. 12, Sect. 27. ; .5 Geo. D'., e. 9; 7 Geo, D., o. 19; 6 Oeo. I., e. 11, Beet. 39).

Eut India Cooda. Wrought •ilb, berl&Ql.a and atutr. mised

'trtth ailk, and herb& moalina o.nd ather calia eon of the m.nufActure elf Pari•, C11iaa1 or F.nat. In~ ure not to be' import.ed into Ire-­land, except from Great 'Britain--5 Geo. 1., .. ll, Sect. 12).

No commodity of the growtb product or mn.nnracture of the East Indies and qther places beyo1hl the Cape Ot Good Hope i11 to be imported into Ire1and, except from Great Britain, in ah.ip11 navigated according bt

In·· .(Oeo. I., c. 21, Sect. 9).

Rum, Spirits and Sugar, Eto, Sugare, panellea, syrups, a.nd malaasea, of

tho growth, product or manufacture of an,. colonie~ m America, and 1'11Dl or spirita of America (dcept" of the growth or mauofu­ o( the British sugar colouiee are not to bo imported into Ireland, ualel& 11lti,pped in Great Britain. in ahipe n.nigated aeoorclini t.o law-(6 Ge<~. ll., <, lS, Sect. 4). Dra.ndy, rwn or ot.her apirita, not to be ex& porled from Ireland on shipa under 100 tona buttla~n---(0 G.a. Ill • .t!t, Sect . .!Jl·

R'!m, sugar, colt'H, or any goo(!•, wbicfi are by law prohibjted to bo imported from Inoland into Great Britain, . .ue not to be exported, or &utered for ex_portation, !rom Ireland to Great Britain-(12 Geo. Ul,, •• 65, Seo•. I).

Rum or eplrita of the British Colonies or JR America, ore uot to be im­ported into Ireland m any ahip under 70 toni bllrl.heu, either from the Colonies ir fron1 Great; foreign braady, or oihor "Pirib, from any other place whnt.&oeYer, are not. to bo imported in ahipe under 100 tons­(Sec. ~. do.).

No part of old aub&idy lD be drawn bAck fo.r 1ny •ugara of the gnnrth, ,produce, or mCUIUfacture of au1 foreign calon,y or plAnLat.ion not under the dominion of hi.l llol ... Y ... hich oball be aported frum o-· Britain to lreland-(12 Geo. ill., e. 60, Sec:t. 6).

GlaM. No atus of any kind or denomination,

other than the ma11ufnoture of Gre-n.t • mn1 be in1ported into Ireland-(19 Geo. H., e. 1~. Seot. 2!).

No gla1111 or any kind may be ex.ported from Ireland, 01 lilid on An)' ho'l"''e, cnrriage or Yeteel. with inten~ to he ~o exported­Sec:>. iO).

Bail-cloth. An additionAl dut.y 'lrns lAid upon all ce:n~

na or uil-cJoth, the maoufacture of lr&o ID.nd. importA!d into OreaL ~oring the ct~ntiuuance of 1\ bounty granted Ul Irela.nd, by au A.t:L of 19 Oeo. II. upon. the espor:"­t.ion of IIG.i1-c1oth from tha.t. kingdom, \"1•., for ••il<lotb of the value cf Ud. per J'&rd and upn.nbl~ 4.d. per yard; of Hid. and un­der lid. per yon!, :ld.-(23 Gen. n., • 22· Sect. 1).

corn. Corn npor~ro rrom Great Britain or lrt·

lanG to the ble of l\111113 {lOt ~ allowed any bool;•r-(5 Goo. Ill., •· so. Sec•. ll).

cambrioka or Lawn~. No cambricka or lawn 'Whn.t.ever to be ex­

ported "'rrom lrclDnd into nny pnrt of G~t Britain until the importation of eambraeb and F,.;,nch huru into Jnrland ehall be pro~ hibited bylaw- (7 ~- m., c. 43• !'-ttrt 'il,

T-Toba«o, t.he. 5UO'*'tb, product, or manu­

facture of Inland, not to be tgXlrted from tht'nt:e to •D1 pltwe u.cupt GrAt Brit.ain­'IP r.~~~ m., SS.. Sect. 2).


By, thelle Acta, the follo'tring ariioles, being the JP'O\\'tb, tmxlllct, or mannf11ct.ure of Dritilfh phmtation m A.friCG, Aai~ or America cnnnot be importfrd or l.nded. m Jr~land, ext"ept they are flnt llnded in Gr8t. Britain, Tia. -SupT, tobaeco, cotton­wool, fndico, tritJaer, tu.tic! or oth.r t}ytinR .. ood, Spedem f)T .Jamau:a 'tfaod, nee, mole~t~te~~, pitch. turpentine, ma•t•.

1arda -'ld \cnrapriU, beaver skin• and other fnrs, copper ore, t"Oiee, pi.r;neuto, C'OCQCL.Uut..., whal• 8nR, naw ailk, hidH a.nd a'k1111, pot land purl-aahes. nnd gum lleflf'ga. (12 Car II . r 18, ~1"'1 18 22 and 23 Crl.r. II : c. 26, ..::, • !·. 10 ~t;nd 11; ': n.nd !':l Williu.m 111 • ~2,

B1 tho book o£ rat. 11nd JUbfiequent. ru, ... 11 aood• importro into OretLt Britain from Ireland unl~ in (Niriien!ar case~ wherCl I,. land , ' r~r-rr•t·-d (Vide No. :Z) nre Uablo to th\ sam~ dut.ie11 ltR the like .,..,.ld"


a~ ch•r~able with 1f ~rtii!CI_ rrom I An foteian p4rt1. 'I1H:! rot1o1nug article~& me,. unpol"ted rrQm lteland but are 111bject 1 dutJ.._ which 1111'\t ll(f,Ual to a prohibition, YU:,

American on Independence

Irish I I. 1 uul •• I "lid f •t dt It. IU ' t~ I

darin I ~ t WL ... t

I dame~u •••I 1 '' uld 1,.._ Woollen doth& £1 12 F 1'-20 ~t,. per 1d. ~ .-Jttl1u ... tl-.n 1 JII•I~ ·lot It·•

Tite folluwmg portion of an I trut uf f.J( t tha .. Ju. J• •: lt' l. 1 • percwt. tiC'Ie-p,uhlishedin tlle.Amet·icau ··JconO- have ht• 0 "'u"nd ntw·,l .. !•'U

dattt' by au Annerican, C. P. dr ,-,.n .~ u 1• 1J. 1 ,J, uuml r-

Woollen 11tuff11 4 9 ~allow candle 1 ~ 1 ~20 c.-oop) I 13 9 S.20

(12 Cor. II., o. 4).


Wjndle there Dll'• ouh ~m f w mant t

4The main excuse pre8eot-doy Eng- thet'e ,111 ''lf<J~ , t•rr t'J~'Ih ,,;nr uf.?'

loud nos for keeping Ireland in "baina although a ., rrual '•' •' I I • -··

i• the theory thu~ the Irish people would have doubled · h· t••tlli_,t •o might slip a dagger into Engltu1d's heart at Home moment of great stlf'""• "lltfm•• Engli .. J1 IJl.u .. l Jt' •

--+---- !IUch BB tbe greut war ju.,t closed. lrelencl it wu~ verJt •le lrml•n f In aimsir Ghalileo bhf dha thuairim 1nn •· nut the Irish wnuJd hove no incen- Jt;den. It w 1 far m Mdt,..t • 1•-.

i dtaobh na grian-chruinne, se sin, an tive to attuc·k Lr injun England if time m ( lu •r.n ~., ... ,,, • ' cdinne beag sin den mlwr-chruinne is mo granted freedom. Tbe, cuuld almost l•· ... nun;;r ~~,In' · tu • Jklt.:'th.

is eol don chine daona: dream 4 r4 gurbh forgit'e tbe p~~at--tlwogh the.}· could cugnJhm vf Lumau 11~1~·~ e In talamh ceanllr na cruinne agus dream not (Ol:f.",..t it-in the -u,· of jn.depen- • In tJ al dark t t " u·n J eiJe 4 r4 gurbh tan ghrian a bhf i gceartlar dence. w.t Jl-i• oud ·Lr ,... 1t 't 1 agusantaJamhaggluaiseacbtinarimpalcho •·Thisetclh•'- tJ'.d'".ln· Dt'n' .. , 1,, '" wa '•lurun ~ .. ". n Jl· Ill'"., maih leis na plailleUdai ele. j\n sisteam the sarue one that Germany adv8Q.C'ed uation c f t • {'oJth, I••·l nd .1

talamh~inneach {geocentric) a tugtar ar an 1fhen she innded Belgiuma • She t r }JC l.!.r \\'111 • wllif'd t t- I

gceud ni dhiobh agus an sistem gian-inn· ('()Old not aoford to leave a possible' ht + lHrnrr.;r .. tl,.. d.1tkt•"t Jl r ', f f.' each (heliocentric) ar an dara ni. An dara tile nrmy on her unprotected flank, • \'t,btd •-auld ·laim .1 fltn ... 1 ''1"' ~ ceann a bhi ag Copernicus agus ag Galileo soid her leaders. I ton w Ja, hod not utLf'd :..~ 1 agus ist ata ag cdch anois. Nf raibh ann ar '~And this infernal idea that mill- ChurdteJt, ' 1 nnl"' and dluis ach m!niu deabharhacb. Bhi Coper- lnr)" neressity' justifies infringing upon Jlouriohed. ll•r 1'" pie nicus dha cheud blian san uaigh nuair a another nation'"' right5 , or dominating and f•ontented. nocht an Brolch4nach, i 1726, an rud ar a. another peopl& hy brute force of anns, "li'omines, wl1 111 , •m-dtugtar seachr4nachr sholuis (aberration has been externally repudio.ted by all guished the ra< • under Br 11,. _ r , of light) agus a dhin se firinne dho-sheunta the civilized peoples of the world. were unknown Het~ i.,.., ,,.,, ult 1 1 den mh!niu deabharhach. Even the best tltinkere omoug the Ger- of prove'! TO!our tn fi •hl!n, . "

Ni bhaclimfd ar dtuis ach Ienir gcruinne man people , ondemn it. 1 gentle:-hear~d Jnd I!""' e I < ,: I fein, an ghrian-chruinne. mar a tugtar uirri "England denied that millta.ry I the nnddle ug~:"' all }. · lt'IX" ot-. I in ainneoin moran grianacha veh ann, An nece88ity gave Germany the right to by '" ll\'f'J"\'. Out "" ID 1 PO~ " "' r r '.., •hrian is inne (no ceartl4rl d4r gcruinM- ,·io1ate Belgium, hut takes the posi- fur ( l't"oitUJI 1 lrelaud tha• .. b, t: ,J t na. Mercurius an pldineud is goire dhi tian that it •·ompels her 1, ftfuse the not (.l't.~JII,'. •n•UJ-" f,, thuld agus gan aon fltreostalui (satellite) leis; Irish the freedom tbot cannot he d~ I hnoh&DJt ,,.., e•t. lo: led lre-WnllS an dara p14ineud is goire dhi agus nied Irela.nd on grounds of incom- laud Without 1' • l....!dmg f dr p • nit freastafui aici; ansa.n tl": an talamb agus petenc-e· t•• govern ber~elfJ nationality, Llood. T~re u t-It'! no mar· f"' ' a fhreastatui, an ghealach; Mars. agus a or- inbeNnt ri ht. 1 J. thf' .. , 1 ui f ru 11 1 r dh6 fhreastalui; crios de phl6in~idlnl (nd, u In 1act, ~ngland's position to- but ··r•n u·t,•r lu;:.r -.nd Mt-t

d'astardidl), Jupiter agus a sheacht bhfre-. ward Ireland UJ not only the some 11 ,. her 11. tlu tr• ,, 4·f J(•r l'

asraluihe; Satharn agus a dheich bhfreu- Germauy took towal'ds Belgium but e:.aont• ,,,. uu llf'tlt"--• 1-. ti1P .. t ~ ... taluihe; Uranus agus cheithre freaStl· nleo that whieh Au~tl'Ia took to," ''~IH1, .. llr111 .. h Qt1'r t!t tl · luihe; Nephln agus aon fhreastalai av•in. Serhia, "' h.ich stnrted. the con1logratkn ful udund ."' .1 t .w .. Jon tP •

Maidir leis an bhlaid ata idir na cuirp tl<at opreo.d all over the world. bloody huntmg s:ound, wub I , t• · neamhdha, ni haon mhaih an milleon mile '"The great world "'or, with ilB tnote, pnt'sl~. _friar .. and nun~ ttu' mar bhun no mar "aon'' tomhais. Nij ag stupefying cost iu human life, trea. gam~ for Entr;"h""1t l1Uf!blluen4 1 '' duine ach comhreamh suas 6na haon godi sures, a:.nd suffering, was fought to de-- tory ~f EnghM1tWt!U m ~relaud Ia• an milleon, no hlirt fe chun a mh~id a munNtmte to tyrants that the self-same hloo<hf!!tt, hlnrkPst h1p ·' 111 11 thuisgint. Ach ni haon mhaih e sa reul- principle that England claims giv.,. mon lnstory. . toireacht. DA mbeadh fahach milltleach her a..right to keep Ireland iu chain•, .UibPUKh ·t ... oh " •k·· mor ann, rear a bheadh ni ba mh6 "' an i1~ 0 t-elic of the po .. t, and that , ivilized ..... tt·r m till I•• tl. In ... 1 r • talamh, ni bheadh i milleon mile sli dho notinna will 00 longer tolerate it. t>me• t looked like- th1 ach turas beag. Nf mor duinn~ "aon., ele uNo' one can deny that. every nation nu:ardtr • an f"U t 1 t 'n do thane chugainn i dtreo na beidh orainn , apable o! ... If-government should ~~~ an p4peur do Hona d'uimbreacha mora •ern ibtelf. I do 11ot belit'n even an lads. Nil an ghrian ach naoi-ndeich·a-do Etlglishwa.n will deoy that •.. lf.vident de mhiUeonaiv acus ooht gceud tri-dheich truth. de mhtltiv mile sli on dtalamh so "Now, the Iriah have clearly de­(92,830.000 mile). Biodh san ina "aod" monstr&ted that iu statesmanship, sin­againn chun na bhfaideana do thomhas, <'erity of purpo11e, steadfastness to agus .tu&liml$ 'on ~ine ait. Seo mar and iJI-8<f:ne>'U 111rhtv in .II tin•• at.a IDSin · ta M.ercurius cheit&re dheichiu o~umo.n. endeavour · Lt!} .JIJ•' surpassed d'aon gn!ine on ngr6in; V1!:nus. breis by nu poople on port h. bheag is 7 ndeichiu d'aon greine 'uaihi; an "But, for the so.k:E· of argument, let talamh. aon aon~gr~ine ambtin us u~~urue something that we know Is (92,830,000 mile); Msrs, aon-grtine go not trn<>-le~ ua assume tha.t the Iri•h leh; Jupiter, os cionn a: cUig d'aonaiv cannot govern themselves, that in that greine; Sabarn, 9 gcinn go leh; Uranus, respec• they are Jik'e certain undvilised naoi geinn deug~ NeptUn, 30 aon gr~ine. tril,es, nnd need a guarrlian, which 18

Is suarach le nt n1 faideall8' san i th& only possible assumption upon gcom6rtas le faideana ere, idir chorpaiv efe ·which :vou , au reasonably predicate a at'a le feiscint. Ni mor duinn an ut-aon" role of' Ireland by n. fareigp._power. san tuas agus uaon'! ele do sbol4har, .i.. •• ~ssnming that the Irish ca.nnot ''aon .. In tsoluis. Siulan solus 186,000 propedy go'"eru them~J'"'es• England's mile sh~ sa tsecund qus ni aharuion san sole claim m the right to govern lre­choic:he. Bien -solus na greine ocht lond r~·~ upon the ridiculous usump­nomatai ag teacht chupinn. Oa bhfeud- tion that she can govern the Irish 11 A traen 1 chur godi an ghrian agus i veh lt'ost. het~ than the IrisL an WITt·rn a siul 60 mile san uair-a-chluig ni sbrois~ themselves. fadh sian ghrian go ceann 175 de bhlian- "I point to England'• re<>ord in I,..._ taiv. In aon r.;ecund av,in do dheunhldh land. If Ireland were people hy m­leus soluis an turas dubalta 6 Londoin go !•nne Hot~tota, insteo.d ot noble a.nd Nua-eabhrac agus \hamais ·ans deich intellectunl men and women, I n-uaire ar lhichid. sole)llnly affirm that the'{ •·ould hove

Pagaimis san mar ata go f6il agus feuch~ nuule n OOtte1· reeord a gove!'nmt?ont aimis an mo grian ata Sll' mhor-chruinne. thu.n ~~a Englnnd m the past se"en Ni fios san d'einne. Da mheid feabhas a ~:en.turlea. • cuirtar 1r rhearaisti reultoireachra isea is "No governmr .. nt that Inshm~.o mo dhiobh a fachtar amach. Ta ciandra.. (nuld inst-ituted, regardless ,r 1 -

cAn no telescc5ip 'lr Mount Wilson. an uature or incompetem·e, could T'' -...hi.~ c:eann fs mo sa domhan agus scatulntoir nc5 ha.we been ... u viciously injw·u ~ to I1E reRect6ir ch~ig dtroi~e ann, agus, no Rds Irish people • the nhsolute mlsgowrn­fos 1 bhleudfar ceann nios mo a dheun- mtonL aud brutBl de~~ }p: 111:f Leland amh. Le hinnil den tson san, agus go hy England. . mor-mor te fc5taireacht (photography), uThat is a fact Inch I. cLnl. .. n~.t "har ac cur leis an eolas ata againn ar _na ouy Eu,:rlisLman I I i ru-Eughsh ..!menw speurhiv. Mar adeir an tAhir Corrie. (on to deny or n ·fuh·. They dare uut C.j. ("The Origin of the Sun and Stars~' t pen· their munths tt• :mswer hut in ''The Month,., Eanair, 19.4): "Marab t lungL• or deny ''" h·utb. for~ have b~t ionann is an tsuil, ni thagan tuirse ar an to hurl their • wu ln:otiutv Into thetr bplata f6taireachta choiche agus dd fhaid teeth to utter!~ wnfouud· them. 1 fagtar nochtuihe (exposed) e isea is mo l~r say jt without iear of succe!l!!tful a chlon se ach an ciandracan a veh pufn.. c~ontradiC"tion a.nd without ony personal te41ha go beacht chun an aon ruda neamh- animosity toward~ Englond,. tl>at t~e dha ldiin i gcom.hnui. I g~iv den gha.stly, nu£"hangmg. tt-uth, tha.t 1n tsaghas san bion gmomh an tsolutS ar shal- all the puge,. of ht!<~tory 1~0 record ainnl airgid an phlata meudahach (cumu- hlo<·kor than thnt nf Englnnd m Ireland lative) agus tareis nochtuihe • mhairean t~ou be found. . naoi no deich n-uaire-a-chluig no nios mo, '"0tb8l natinns hnl"~ l)t'en dommo.ted nuair a bhion an plata oibrihe (no saoh- h:v foreign ormiefl. Belgium .L; a hor­ruihe no develop61ha). chjtar peictiuir de tfhl& re-rent BXUJD]Jle, and yet t .. ~j·u t~~r nebula air n6 feudradh an tsuil_teacht j rime againj;i& n peop!t" fade~ tnto •ug­leis biodh js go mbeadh an t~1Dneal felS- laifirance W htn l'OUJpared " 1tb !'tt"\'•'11 cinte is comhachtll ar bih ag cabhru lei." (·e.nturieR uf heinoa.." mi ~~ ·H·rnmt•nt Jn

De bltarr an ISIOhir mhoiP go leir ata !1"1!la.nd. . . deunta godi so is eol duinn go bhuil tuairim "\"'o :o~ftotlift'f tndu •m··nt u1i ceud mUleon r6iltln. 00 grian. ann, is im·urupeten~ lu mle h-d~ntl. 1Jltllt f~idir don reultoir a n,eiscint ar chuma fn•m any J'll']l t• d< .. ,. "'lJlrh 1 >JI~:o~n. e' ·n. Ni 'don gh~in sea ag11nn mar lutelv d··n\. t'.M 1" mJ,Je- tl1an tl~r s! veh ag :a<ridheamh, ad i1rraig a char simple .. 1111\Dnl ~ ,J ·'·llf"m nt that m ina luighe orainn n6 fuil a tiheid eJe le 1841 thP (li•Jlulotu n f .rr .. I.uuJ fd'J un•r t>igl,t milhun 1 nnd m 1911 1

TADHG 0 CIANA.IN. , Titflt u\PI" f, qf rn 1 •·tt~.


The Gold Chalice PRESENTED TO





WhY can't the Irish be Artistio, too?


XMAS CARD$ i=OR 1920 An: more A..ttistic, more Original end more Irilb than eve:r. ~

Th oil the beAten truck of l!ackne1cd 1bumry.

T , :oml.lino 1.he hic;lae$t ElChlevement. in L ''" Originality, and Genuine Celt.ic At

Tl ' b evttcy wa1 maintain the dignlt.1 of ' monment rmd tbe iepot.ntion of the

Send 11~ at one• tor sample set to­



Luke Burke --FQR--.-




105 Patl'ick St., Col'k,

Books of Irish Interest.

W f •r Whol~snlo term.s to:-



-Tea and Wine Merchants



WARPIPES prJ o e a .... WAAPIPES, aeet quality

nnith, Half•mo~o~nted

In nlckel-tilver 1 orone-a-

&e1JJ, Od. :t oronn-

£7 101, Od, Mounted In Galallth, real hot')', IVor)f end Stiver,

•1'••• Poe;:s.--and paokina, 1/t.

Wr. If'! ac:rual Manllfae­Nft,JI'oiWarplptaandlll

~~~ti.,!~~C!~I~Ir lr~!; oauhrmenc lllld oraiUilntlon cuable ui to •upply theae at m1tth lo.,er pricea than ll bcf11a darft~ lor muc:h lote~dor or foteiDJ made plpcl, by loy Jl~t Rrm, c.aawquently ro• .. m be ICtrllll lllUch Ntler uluc lw ''*' moae)' llld 1\1~ portlq lrW! MlJti(ILCI.I dd lUI '''*- ,,.., hy ldd.IQI - fOIU ank,..

We ua AJIP!r ro• _.hb o~. fh:lta, a....,,.., tiJ. &ud. Eqafpi!UIII If Ions! pricu u:r.d buc criAilllrr for cub. S1ftll. tor P•t Prlel U.t.

D. M'Cullough Warpipt Manufaoturera,

M. ROCHE, WaiGhmaker, ..rewe!l~r. Silveramith

.and Optician, 60 PATRICK STREET CORK.

Ena;:a.xcmcnl and Wedding Rings, Wat.c'he11, Jcwelll'ry, qo<'ka. ~fed-

~~d~ r~~~-~j~~~~~ ~f~~!~rsPr~zespecfnni~~






Kivlehan 2 O'Connell St., LIMERICK.


, P. Conway & Co. Tobacconists,

31 llxclleQuer St. Dublla. ESTABLISHED 1894·


W. K. CAHILL ILit1 of CUIII. Oodc:l1• 1111 Hl1 Hollaa. tb1 PoDI.I

22 DAWSON STREET, DUBLIN. Repaire and Post Orders a &peaillity.


Began Friday, July 30th, and will run throughout the

month ol August. A Opportunity af aecurtn& --Gtnulnt Baraaine ln-­




Have your H•lr-Cutttna, &having, and Toilet Wanta attended to bY

JAMES MALLON Tho omoiDI Fron100h Barber.

31 EDEN QY. (nan Liberty Hall), DUBLIN. Old and New comradN alwaya weloome.


WiLh t.hree genuine Gillette Bladea1 1'011 ,,.. 3/8. . . . .

GERMAN OROWN AND SWORD RAIORS, : • . 15/8 poet frill. • • • •


i Capel Street (near Bridge). DUBLIN.



Costumes and Suits ollrieh material to order. Material made and Trimmed.

Prioe. moderate. Ettablilhed 1171.


ctn:11& 1.e 'Ot•t~dtr'' ....•

URSULINE CONVE~T, ILJCO. Uni.arait1 Schola.rshipt (14. won io Jut two 7eara), Intermediate_, Bank, Pupilt prepared for MatrioUlat.ion, ColiUllerce, King1e Scholarship, Lein·

titer School of .M .. ic.

Residential School of Domestic Science Attaohad.


.O.n ;5.o.e'Oe.o.l ComluCt: U1t;'Oe Urn Utt1\.o.'O.o.r n.&1f1\lnt:.o., Ceo The Irish National Assurance Company, Limited

Tho only trilh Life and General IMuranae Company aontrolltd and ataned by lrlth lralandtn.

Trnnsact.a Lift, Endowment, Fire, Aocldtnt 1 Live 8took, Motor Car, lioknlll, Plate Glaa, Buralary {Private Houses), and othor Insurance~t,

ASSWI'S over £601000; Olaims Paid, £6,000. £20,000 invested m Irish Truatee Stooka 111 Security for the LIFE POLICY


We guariUlteo that all our Funds will be L.'lVF .. STED IN ffiELA:iD and used . to P•omole l!l!SR ENTERPRISE.

.. 1~;~r,;!~cn?.:Jed~~~~~~W~!t t:P ui I!:'!ll!~r;:• and Pprmonent Li•elihood


IN BE~FAST. Detpito the atonn Our Superintendent---SEUMAS BRYSON ( of Wouuwood Sc:rubbe), work;

for lrlth Eoonomio Independence. A Gbaedheala, J'OU ca.u help him. Call to our new Of6cea d 11 SUSSEX PLACE.

TALKING ABOUT IRISH INDUSTRIES does not extend them. Prove your interest in their extension by purchasing a


If you meet with any difficulty in being supplied by your Local Agent, write to the Manufacturers:-


PLEASANTS STREET, DUBLIN. .,.hones 3716 & 3717.


SUPPLY. MJ prices are right. Secondhand C,tlct trom £5/10 ro ~/10. Front wlteets, 16/6.

~)=.~ ~~~~~~od19(:; . c;~~:;, B.Ji&, 1:/~: 1/·, ud 7/-. Frce-.·hcets, 7/6. Mud-

t;'it~b;/~JN~S ~~~··~},soizC:~ '~t ReCQRDS, double aided, 3/-. Needle31, 200 tor 1/·.

T. NEESON, 184 N~~T;n~~~G;t~~ET:4~JBuN.

L. J. Berney --DENTA~ BUR~ERY--

33 Westmoreland St., Dublin.

IRISH-MADE GOODS. For Men's Shirts, Hosiery, Caps, Etc.

p.b.'Ot'.0.15 () mur.&m n~n• uo.m 10, • t1n .- c

SlOP A NA nGAEDHEAL. For Footbnlla, 16/6, 18/6, 21/-, and 26/·. FooLbaU Boou, 19/6 and 23}6. Jerseys, Knicker11, Cnmnna, 4/6, 5(.6, and 6)6: Comog~ 2/6 ond :gfj, Bur ey Dalla, 4/6 ;'ig. W,o, !fa.·~~ e. =~'d·~ ~~~·r:;:JaO:.;:

Ollnah a Gl1110n, Stationers, Tobaooaniets, and lnoame Tax Experts, churc: View, Navan

~T~E!?. ?.,~~ ~! II 14s 6d R~ti~B,;E

' • CLOCKS Poe:taaeld. ~

27 HENRY STREET and 10 S'I'H. Gt. GI!ORGI!'S ST.,


•ooKa Pllbllshed in or relat.iDg to Irelaad,

M'QUILLAN'S SJ1•t:l11.l otl•r to r•lld•ra ot ''BIT• Oe.u

t Germaa hollow-around Rnor, "The Otbe," fully w•rnnred. \ ~:ic: ~~~io~~~!t :~~:i~& •g!.~~one bact.

TH'E LOT 9/· Post Pr••·

McQuillan, Tool M•rch•nl .,.4 Ca&r.


Patrick Mahon National f"rlnter


'Phone 603,


Jo•iguret for BIUJnen, Vestment Oentret, e IUY ddligna lQ order. Pictures nnd Plu•~r Duat.a of Bleiiecl Olinr Plunket,

AU clntrth m)uirementll eupplied.


f.Y: . BO~LER'~ '*-·-=-· ·!! ~ FOR HIGH·CLASS TAI~ORING •.

~ ~~mrEano~TY~FI~utX~EI~: _ lriah Material only Stocked.


THE IRISH TWEED HOUSE. We have tbe lorge.t nriet.y of Indigo Blue Se!J:u, Irish Tweed.- aod Iriah Onrooatinp in Irelllltd. Suit.a mado to order by upert. eut.. tera and Iri•h Labour exelUJi..-ely. Patteros and ae1f·meaaurement forma MD.~ an,.,here. t CAPEl. ST., DUBLIN (Nr. Grattan Bridp)


~OHN NELICAN, Proprietor. Terma--caeh.

All CIUIII of Work Made to Order.


Advertleemtnte undtr thla heed en lharpll tor at the rete ot 1d. per word 1 minimum, 1 J•,


TBANKSOIVl!'\G to Litlle Flo .. er (.,. fa. Your reee.iYed.-.E. O'D.


Tobacc.l'r, CleareUes, Chocolates.

Nowspapers. ------~~------Make JOUr arranstments in time with



far your Winter Supply of Walthill Coal.


baa apreRd for end wide. Ban 1ou wom .. Ita " Sock .. ,? Ha...-e you aeen the " It I ..

~::i! .'~ll!2li1i.fffi~l ~JtfTH tlvm~ FOR. .. Ita " Hoaic,.,- ia made by lrilb labour. It. .1• good nlue. It is perfe;etb. . e .. ;:. 'b.~. u .... ,.b.. ADd through.

A11 yonr draper for " Ita " gooda. ST. ITA'S KNITTING INDUSTRY, ENNIS.

Send 10ur inquiria to


Eustaoe StrNt Buildinp,


n will pay you to l!tock u Ita u made gooda.


Cllg of Dublla lmram Socielg 4 UPPER O'COn'ELL STREET,

DUDLIN. Libernl tUQ\.81 with guaran~ lnterett iD

Book. Now 11 you.r o\•portunity io show 70UJ' patrioti111l1 m a pract1cnt manner. ID17 COD· tiaue to earn your living from a foreign office when you enn do equaOy w-eU~ if not better, both for yOUI'&elf and your country by joinina tba Sid of




Made in Inland.


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ILwz yon tried this exquisite eating cho· colote. Its delicious llavour and splendid qualitv tnab it as deliglitful and whol&­eome for all O<:C&!ilUU!it.



WHOLESALE ACENTB. ~~~~d:~rs~ ae~r~en!'~f~he C:~iE~~ Fiction.

Pbooc 2789. Phoae 2769. Dublln 1

STATIONEAY-Tbe 'Cheapest Honse in

~::!i:.mrop.n!~ r{!,~f .r:lh\v :C:.t':!iu1~ !:i?.t 0~~~=1:0! ~~~if.' h~':!~~!~thl:! they nquire at the low-e1t possible pr1ce.

Pi!:. h~:.:..aC'f;.!~:~. o~~:!aC:~;~~~:.~ ~~d:~·~~~~":sri:,~.D~UG=' .~0~ n~::,• s::;.t(!l~ 0~u~~~ PI:. B!:C:: Photographs, etc.

Call Gr •rite. aatistaction auarutMd. Ou.. Trial wi.U eonrillca.

lpleill T•nn• fer Larp Quanlltiaa.

Oowliog and McGuinness V.thol .... le end Retail 800k18lllrs, St1tionera,

and Tobaooo.uata, I NORTH FREDERICK ST. and GARDINER'S ROW, 01 BLIN.


SPOT MOTOR CAR Ale~~tn. Euon, Middle Abbey St.J a.o4

CO DeUut. • • [ ! M.aul'l. Dan on and Sou, 6 and I

1 ~ _ Moleaworth Place, M.olMworih st. Phoac 2769. &altltl 1

M.otora for Hlr•. Pboao 2789


11 ProduDI f'Htorl, ACI., II


OBlee 1Phooe No. 8; Lajra, 'Phone 20-59. Wire~; O~ce, :!'l'aclort'nDu~lU:,·"

..., Sheep, mblio.

)!-old r..r::'&:J'.d eo .• m ud w Corltt

li.US'ti..Bt'" 0 CUill ud Co., 95 Pat.ick

M.eun. Newe Broe., 20 Bo•luc Grea SLreet.

TraJ .. : E. O'Connor, U .A.ahe St.reel.

iLiverpOOia Poter :Uurpbr, 13 Scotland Plaoo.




Gleeson, O'Dea & Co. --U•I-



1'•1epboae : Dubtln lit. !~

VOl. 5. No. 40. [New Series (a)).

Current Comments --" The liberty lor which we to-day st•i'le is a sacred tlting, inseparably entwined with that spiritual liberty lor wruch the Saviour ol man died, and wbiclt is the inspiration and foundation ol all Just Covernment. Because it is Slllll'8d, and death for it is akin to the Sa:rillce ol Calvary, following far oil, bllt constant to, that Divine example, ill avery ganuatiort our best and llmved have d ied. a- time in our grief we cry out foolish and unthink· ill8 wGrds: • The sa.crince is too great.• Bllt it is because they were our best and btnast they had to die. No ,_ aacriftce would save us. a- ll1f it our struggle is holy, our battle is oanctiHed by their blood, and oiW victory is assured by their martyr. ciom."-Tlll' Lord Mayor of Cork in hi!i iunugural speech~ ....

The soul of J osepb Murphv bas fol­·wed the souls of hi• comrade$;

Michael Fitzgel'llld and Terelld! Ma<-8..-iney. 4 few hours after t:he anounooment of the .death of the

I .ani llayor of <lo)ri<, this hero passed wav in Cork Jail, while the Roslll')' nd I 1 n: rh for the l)ying w~ bein·g

•I• <! t,,. Father FiiHerald. His n w11l the DllD1<>8 of all those

ho a< • died in Ireland' glorious 1 for t 1\t·r remembef_l'd

l d } \" t lt:i b IQ1

'lh I I H (11,1 lthllnl. ... 1 Lfl , ampa.ign of murder, arson, tor­,. sbootintr~ a.nd floggin~s, con­

inu~s all over the ~ountry. Not even tho vi<id imaginations attached to the Rnilish Prnpngan,de. during the wer

~o; HI! "'f Germany could concei'9! atro-" to surpass those beiog committed

1n I r··lond from day to day ~ the lU'med forceo of a Government which employed them t<> denounc~ the Hun and lh.e unspeakable Turk. But the Irish hation stands undaunted and un­afntid, ond will continue to so stand m f •' of the fanaticism and brutality • r debased •nd inhuman foe. .. .

0 MoneL.,· last, a promin•nt Re­·Ubli< on na1ned Michael Rvan, of Cur­

Ill 1!1. near Thur]ee, wbo was suf­ru from poeumonta, was murdered

111 bit1 bed by masked men. who were • !ud ~ kholt;i. Th•· murdered' .man

•• Registrar of the local R&publico.n I ourt. William Glee<~on was taken ro91 ltio hmne on the same ni(!ht and >rntallv murdered. One o£ h1s mnr­' r ·wa.e: hea.rd to sa.y: '' This. is not

t u miUl:· Another of the assassins plied • " He will do; bring him out."

dead bodl· was subsequently found uo varda from his home. ... 'f mas Egan, f>O Y""" of age, resid­• CoMhla, Atheory. waR t.tlt·H

om 1u horue- on ~uncl.i\ 11!,.d1t 1., m• t !)lets, who asked h;m v.l1a1 he

about the late ll!r. I '·'"k lll. l1 " t>-Taylot (B. Galway l.tuolluul bo "n ot dead some time .~o), ul farther o•ked him to go outstde. bo report ays that Tboma.s Egan re-

f tt tl to leaT'e, ond was ehot dea,d. .... In Miltow n-M'alba.y durin!' the

1 < ok-end Cho.rleo Lynch (an old mon aged 7o) was ehot dead in his own yard by the armed forces of England, and 'oung man engaged in bay·

•K ll't "'.1-. wounded ..

( •• fuesday (oct;be;"2o) Mr. Michl. •! a Republican. mem b.,. of the I .- T"oban Council, was taken ' lr lu>me ODd foully murdered bv

u styling themaelves " Englis!t t Service men.'' His bod.v was ord• flung into the Cm·rib by ....

t · Saturda)· night " young UUUl 11111 d,. McCormick "'as fatally ounded by a. rt~volver ohot ~red by

f twu' men who entered his place I uaine88 .in ~orth Brunswick

>r t, Dublin. Dnblin Castle, in onomentintf on the report• that uni­

for ru.: d Ult>n \t'ere reeponsibl~ for the

muo~cr. alhul.e!l too statement "hich, o fe" d"3'• previously, 'it hud i~sued to t~e ~oct that " men, wearing uni­form~ •· holi entered a· hous .. in Dub­)in ol!J) cut oft a girl'• hai~, and p<Jin!s out tloot there are patties going abDut ••_ll.llt,uthorUied to weer British uni­fijr~. ' The murdered man, it ia m­~ting to lecord, was . a xelativ& of tonna- FalTI!Il; who wos shot deod some tim& ajfO by English trooJ>S "'hife he and others were silting arolllld o bonllre lighted in honqur of Artibl>i•lwp ll!annix.

"' 4 • ETidenUy on<> l!irrglish Sunday newo­

paper at leMt has been well posted by Dublin Castle relati~e to the activitie• of " the parties go!llll about uoautho­rised to wear Dritilfh uniforn1," other­wise it would nevet J,a.v,e been al>le to state £hat " a Huut11.XU>pera:ry gang which he (D&lliel Bret'll) headed norm­ally, thoulfh not on this particular • , .1" :Qn. Ut l'esponsi-hle for the m.ur-11""' of Lhe tn·u Dw)lers on Mbnday l>iJI'bl. Tbese wer~> both officers in ~ Repuhlicon arm~·. hut were l!reokeniug U> the ~ause, be­t 111 , • f'onv wed that it is Tt lived wilh their parents !>\."-

~ f&rnJ, and were called out ;dlt·r dar~ oUld ahot dead in the farmyard

Jlr.•en's 11aug, who .,. trying to throw 111spiaeon on the polioe." In

• "' tinn "·ith the )alest Dublin ( H 1f'" communYJ._ue rc he crimes com-

lu. 11' J •u 'u.n­Utltfurm,

t had not heeu issued of; 1l Wnvot· Mo.cCurtin was

murdex·ed. II woUld have saved the " Daile· Moil " and other Engli•h papers much trouble l ....

The English paper that tlJUs refel'8 to Ute Murdel'll o£ th<> two 0'Dwy8J'5 savs in another column:-" N otbing is "easier than to buy o. ~olumo or two in certoin Paris papers. It is a recog­nised part of the revenue of most Fn.nch ne" spa pel'>, the journaliltic code ol honour being very different on the other side ol the Channel from what it is here." We han!. em­pha•i•<'<l the Jaet word.s. "The jour­nulisti< eode- of .honour " in England, we h(Jpe- aud belie'fe, is, indeed, vwy different to lhe journalistic code uf honour in }~n; nil other courl~ tries I .....

Among the placeo de.slroyed by the IU'IDed forces of England d~ng th<> J)tlllt week was the famous Hosiery Foctory at Bandon,' ond th~ Abbey­dunle' li,u:rmers' Creamery tn :Kerry wos burned to th& ground. Hay and other ogri<•ultural products wer& de­stru~·ed in the X= turk district and in Millo\\ n-linlbay hi the armed forces of England. . ..

A young man named Flyun died in Mountjoy Prison on Monday morning. ...

While lkqwem Mass for the soul of Mic bael ]'it.zgernld w aa being oo).,. bmted m the Church of 1\8. Pewr Blld Paul, Cork, on Tuesday, armed English troopa entered and handed a notice to the officiating clergy intimating that not mort! thun one hundred poople would he all1>wed in the funeral proces­sion. ..

The unanjmous pronouncement of tbe Ca~olic hierarchy at lllayuooth is being forwarded by their Lordships, with a covering letter, to ·every Oatholic biShop in the world..

" On a ocale truly appalling have to be reckoned," oa1 their Lordshipa­

" Countlesa tndilicrimina.te raids and am>sta in the dark;n<>es of the ni~ht;

' Prolonged imprisonments with­out trial:

" SaNage 8C.Dtence:; from trihunalo that comma11d and dtttJerve 110 confi­dence;

·• The burning of houses, town halls, factories, creameries, and

•rc:po .fi.e d""truction of industries to pave the wn:v for wont and famine--

~ os LA


by men maddened :..ith plundered drink' and bent on loot;

" The flogging and ma.saacre of civilians-

all perpetrated by the forces of tbe Crown who ha-.e est&bliobed & reign 'of frightfulnCf!s wbicli, for murdering tbe innocent and destroying their pro­JJ<>rty bus a pa.ra.llel onl:~: in tbe aorron of 'l'urklst atrocitiea or Ill ~ CJUtragee attributed to the RM A.nny of Bol-8bevist Rusaia."

" Let us use well fhe all-powerful weapon of pnyer on 'li>'bich He bids uo rely," oonclude their Lordships; "'aud ~o that end the Biohops direct that a Novena, with the usual devotiou, be ;held in the chtll'Ch in preparation for the Feast of the lriolt Saints on the 6th of next November, Dd that while thi• trial laslB the Litany of the Ble••ed Vir!(in, Queell of Peace, be recited a.fu,r the pl'f:noipa.l ll!aas on day• of obligation tu1d every publill. M88s on other days.

" '11hC\' also vecy earaestJ:y recom­m.,nd tbut in every household, along with Ute R<t•ary at night, the same :Litnnv be said, to obtain from the Dh in~ Mercy peoce, U...dom, and •·v~rv hles111ing, apiritua.l a.nd temporal,

r our be)oYed col1Jltry, " Th• lli•hops undacta.loe to ce)&­

brnle Mns, for thi, pUJ11<>&e oa tb& 6th N<>vemher, and th&y request the

1• • • of !J.eland, seclllar 110d regulu:, fnr n tht:"J nr~ free, ~ do likewise.,.,

'l'lte ·, ,., na u on Thursday of the pr ~nt

Mr. Arthur Grilllth made tbe ~ollowing statement to a numbu of Americnu Press re,preaentatives in re­ply to the Britioh Pullamootary .ie­baw:-

The Engli-h Parliament, by .,.&us­ing an inquir,, iQto the atroci~ its Go''l'l'llmcut'.; iu~s are committing in In·lanU. c·un,·ic ts that Government of in~tigatinl-:' and directing them. The attempt of tLt' Eng-Ji1-h Oovernrueut'g spokesmen to l"•t.cnd that these &fro.. cities are "Tt']Jri .. uJ.; '' can deceive no one who h&8 '"'''" in Ireland. Tbe atrocities noll· being perpl•tra.~ in Ireland are part of a •·ukulat•d pla11 made by th& E1J8lillh )lini,trv """"' m.ontha ago ill the v.aia lu•~· oi ·break­ing th<· opirit and wiU of the lrisil. ;nation.

Tho constitutional expression of the will of the Irish nation registered at the Genernl Election of 1918 was met by nn arbitrary <lscree from the Eng­lisb Government d&claring th& duly elected representatives of Irelarul an ill.,gnl body, ond ba.nning the IULtional and politioal organisatiuno which three­!ourths of the P"Qpla of Ireland snp­portod.

A policy of ,.,p..,...;.,n, hosed upon D.Ol turoul ra.ida, ureats und impritwo­mentH, was purauei towards the people'• l'epr-ntativ .. ud tbe poople themselves. Tbe reottaint with which tbis policy wee endured. did not avail to abate its rigours. ud as tim& pused repre><Sion became more brutal, &ad to it wos ,,],],.,] calculaled provocati~IL The 1'11'"' t 1!.11 expOsed and condemned the ~·,· il jHdw~ wa.s ~uppreesed or tluea.teued with suppreR~ion, Public meeting was interdicted, nnd oll the organle means by whic.:h a nation expressee itAe!f was oougbt to be stifled. Political opiee, whose businMB it wna to denounce men for their opinione, and ag.eut:B provoca.­teurtt, "•hose work was to iDst:i.gat.e oat­rage, were scattered thro"8h the counlzy.

Consequences tbal inevitably ll"""ed :from tbe effort~- to ireat the lr.wfully "'8'i•tered vote of the pe<>ple aa & cri:me, and the electors ud their rep,_ta,. tivee oa eri.m..inala, were in turn. used as an excuse before thtt world for th& BB<king of hiab town> and vill.agee, the destruction of ln•h factoriee, ~ meri£'8 and business houses, &e hum­tng of Irish h<>mes, homesteads and barv ... ls, a.nd th• murder of Irish citi­zens, until to-day, throughout th& mnjor part of I reland, a. system of ter­?onsm a.ud d..,truotion ourpBMing anything oll•Jfed against tbe in Belgium in tbe late 'llrar il e<~tab-

lisbed and carried on by the armed forces of the ED8l.i.oh Govenunent.

Under tlti• syatem the following aro being perpatrated :-

(1) Asoassin&tion of Irish citisena. (2) The blll'ning of Irish t,ctori&s,

,_merieo and ha.rveota. (3) raids, arreeto and im-

pri.sonmeo ts. (4) Sacking of v.illagee and towns. (6) Looting of private property. (6) Murderoua aaaaultA on clergy-

men and laymen. (7) Torturing of political prisoners. (8) Stoppage of inq11A>IIl:!t on mur­

dered lri•hmen. (9) Expulsion of workmen from

their employment. (10) Arming of the Orauge rabble

in the North-east of Irelaud, payment of them as police, and incitement of them to outrol!'e upon Catholics and 'l,'roleotaat NahoualistA.

English policy in h!>land hae been for centuries based on th& idea that Ireland's impoverishment was essential to England's prosperity. It is a false idea, hut English state11men so-called have held and continue to bold it. A year ago the English Lord Lieutenant stated in an intervi- with the Press that the<-e were too DlBDY you:ag man in Irelaud, and that it "'"" the policy d. his a ... emment to drive them out ill IrelAnd. Although Enjrland, in the ~st ...,..nty yean, ltM driven crrer lour mi!h611 ]OII01>Ie out of Ireland, she lllill lu•t<r J.or more AI.~..IlJI& extermination. Since iihe bae""l&ir.if this time to force the poop)& out,,abe bas resorted to a policy of murder and the de<~truction of towns, factories, a.nd hr.rveets in an attempt to starve the nntion,

She pr~poses within the next few w&eb to blockade Ireland, and abe further proposes to suppress the news of what is happening in tbe country. Americana, send your preosmen her& to turn on the Jigh t. Under such a smoke-ocroen of calumn)' as that aet up by the Green woods and Cunons last night in tlte English l'o.rliament she plono to murder lhe leaden of the Irish no tioe and choke it into insensi­bility. It. leaden she may marder­the Irish •tioo she CIIJl never con­quer.

While Greenwood wae fuully libel­ling the lriab nation. lost night, ll!r11. O'Dwyer, of Bansha, was standing he­aido the bedies of her two dead boys, dragged ft<am their bods and murdered before here eyes hy English soldiery. To those oendoling with her she suid :

u My two bo,ya, who worked our farm, ...., kiUed without reason or cause. ~hey were shot down prac­tically Defore my eyeo. But let it be oo. We will \_,- it all for Ire­load." Thot is tlte spirit of an Irish mother

70 yean old_ That u the spirit of Ire­lund, and th,e murderous policy of Eng­laud can ne•cr pTevail against it. Our cou.n ll)' is in ngon.)', bu.~ our counb-y hw; heen redeemed, and t)jORe who are aufl'ering or dyilll: lor Wand bow tha.t God is iu Rio Heaven, and that the rcigu of !.w ha"ed upon tbe con­&ent of tit• governed wbi~h has been established in Ireland will never he up­:rooted by the e•orte of the brutal militarism whid• u to-day E ngland.

A peat llleetiag, attended by over 3,000 citioena of Paris, wu held 188t week in the G-t Ball at the Rue Puleaux, und&r the lllltl>ority of th& League of the RiglltA of lien, to ex­.,..... tb" sympathy of Fran"" with Ire­laM. 'l'lte apM)cen iWuded distin­gxu""ed F .... cb publiciala of all pa,<. ties, inrludinx MH~ Henri Guernut, Paul Louis. Man: Ranl{nicr, Lucien Le F oyer, 1111d Fenhnond DaiiiSOn. The followinl( ,..,.olution waa adopted with enthusium :-11 Wr- believe that there will be durahl• lll'a<'e only when right io respected. Tbol in virtue of the principle proclaimed by the Entente, he land bao the right to dispo&e of her­oell and to be gnnt.ed a constitution of her awn choice. We bope that the

Moore & McCor••ct Lin DIRECl SAILINGS


Reduce frm1-tbt accoqot. md Ul­tr:ti~te traM it lollllC& bl &niling •f iltit r(latt. F~~~t~~c~p~~~raiel ud

Oowdalf and Co., Ltd., 11 eraq fta rada• Cork.

WNiherill, .toM , and Sonl, D"otiw Chamblra., Dublin.

eurke, " ohn, and Co., 71 t• 77 corporation BtrMt, ••lfut.


Bnglioh people who care fer x-ce and justice will aid the Irish people in their lelritimate e:lforts to emancipa.te them­selve~. We a1'e convinced that a uni­Yersol Society of Nations, democratic and •trong, will tecogoi&e the rigbte of Ireland and guarDlltee to the minorities of longuage aod religion tbe neceaslll')' liberty." ...

The countie• of Tyrone and Fer­UUUlngh are, by a large majority, in line with tba cuunties of the Sonth, West, aod Euot, and Nortb-•eat, ffH' Irish indepet~dente. ~ et tile pe.rti­tioniot. seek to cot them away and ann(•x t lwm to the lour counties ir. whi' h t lwr(· is a Unionist ma.joritv Altltuuf.!h '1.' runt• has alw&Y'J had a vei-., Jar~,. Huli·T"niuni .. t mo.jori:ty, never­the!\· .... '1\ ront t'oun1"1 OoUncil had hN·n. frmD it., inH.•ptiu;J, in the hands of tlu• "l'uiHni .. t.... The result was nddt•vt>d by gt•rryumutle-rin,:r the area~. Wbt·Jt P rupurtiunul Reprc:,('n­tation wos llt .... tli1h•d, tht• Union1 .. 1

b08ses of T ·, rooe. tn urdt>r to defeat its purpose, •• , ured. witJ, tbe aid of tbe English Local Governmep.t Board in Ireland, a n•·" gorrymand<>ring of the oount, iu th hope of k&eping their boob fixed oon I be nee k of tbe ma­jority. Deopite evety elt:urt, they wen defeat<d at tloe poll•, and f~r the time the ntajority in Tyronl!< < "'" '" power. . - ..

Thio the l1 t<h; • uJd n ~a.c:ll It tr• Jt1·l (' ,,W\

aecluiiiiJ,t' tlu.1 t (• t•.t·t 11 n T1.ui bull won. 1~ •• hi tut"lt'" tnd wh I

person~'un!' Their s{IOk:~ 'in th. :l!;ngJis)i JlarJiOJQCnt otated tb&\' !'1111 pe!'80natin..u wu!ll colossul and a pu"blir scandal. Ele< tion petition• were in­stitutt'f! ond a 1 mpnthetic tribonal appointed t" hear tbOO> . Tbey have been heard, and the tribuna.l has been forced to admit tltUl the electiona were fairly won TfrDDe County Council, therefore, remam• in th hande of tbe majority, a.nd, for tho fi t time in the his tor · of that ~J, one official wbooe .ws &.reo the Tif:wA of the majoritv hM been appofuted. While tb6 minor1h c-outroUed it, no pt"OO()D wh1 viewl( "'ere nnt the "• "'"' of the minority wu ... ever, nn ma.tter how tnru•«:endent. hia merit.,l r~:nuattt·tl • oocupy nny puat. TlLi~ was ITl"'tt·r Unioni~t toloranu• •• . .

In the fight I" keep • ontrl>l • Tyru11e IIy foul tnoan•, tl1e resourC08 oJ. the Engli•h Onve<nment W8l'&

placet! nl lite di•pn•a.l of the Uruvnist Oau<•u . Tu help it, Mr. !ko. Mur­nagh.u>, who hod ··ha.rge ' r the ele<. tions, ~.iuTested lK.'fore the polling and lutlr-o-down of 1 he I ' worker .. were •imilo.rly ooised All hu• failed­i)Tnne Co. I oundl I passed lr<>-the cnntrul of httlt• liqa.e ir: th eontrol nf tl• pt pit. .\n ttu counh. "·hie h u ~ •· urn ly r('J)IJd att­u Ulster I 111 n m. , SClu~ht to b<: fore<'<! undor • nntrol by t h< Pa.r­tuinu lJill. (I the • · 1 t « unta:~ plannrd '" f1>nn the Partition ar a two ure 1, u de<~~ ve mR.jority Sinn Fein nnd twn \l'ould undoubtedly on plehi•<·ile v<>le ag•in•l partiuun. Bu · the f1mul lo •ougbt to be plnyed o~ the wurld of u homogeneous " sis• count~ arr.o, oppOtJed to Irllth inde,. pentlt•nl ·l' 'rlu~ world, ·l·n"t'\'t•r, J'"

w thau the I rickawr politic an belie't'.

Tho " ,.·•11-disposed citi""" whom the Engli•h OovernmeQt pl•u to enroll •• 'polic· ' m the _·,rth .f Ireland have o. grit'T&D( ob~a(h li.)

the " T•rone Henld." ll •m·L f porter Dnd JUt'lt e~f w h 1 kt ~-these wen. "'' · f t h• ' trilling things with w~1t h the h'" lt~. n • f Lishu:m &IDU!Sed t l•t•tn'it. !u• .. tlunl,.r th August disordt•rt~, when C'ath.olir~ voere drivet~ Wholesalt.-.from t!mt \l!llnlJil \ tu ,·o oDd their lwu ... t• rNIUt (>C) h u ht"~ While the- t1luc m " ·a: ,:tnm,: on seve-ntl } mul~,-cJoe u( f'af'Run'" · well dispU~ted r II J tNI " . l re enrolled 1 ' Speciu.l ( 'un 1.1hlt• , and n\.m\ u

tbeKeJ it o.pfN!' 1r wb• wa:rt• c t u

• ...................... .a .. !-.......................... -!_.v_.o_.u_.H .. G~·I•R.aE;ml;aA~H--Dm.· .. ~ .............. ~ .......... ~ ...... ~s~uhud~~·~Y~··t~le·l~l~ ... r ... r •.• l.'f ... t!

,f the '""""'f• outb,..,ak, applied them. .. , h···~ with Ttgour-not toww·d~ tlie e•tablioluuent of pence, but to the prt>­·u~ ulimt uf the , ul Sllvogery for the i<~Uppres!ilon <1f whiclt they ..,ppn•rd to l>n'Oe heen en!U.Ied. Sev&­ral <.'ll8('s arising out uf theiT ' loyol ' enterprise f'llme before a (·uurt held 1 .. 1 week, snd ea< h of the defenc\nnt• ~·.a..-; sentenc-ed to three monl11s' im .. prisonment. with bard ln hour. The '"'·idenr•· •hm.,.ed. that while the puhlir­hcmsee of Catholie "''"" being looted, tbere was .t •·rowd uJ tboUHn.nds on_ thH .. th·ct,' and one 'f the defenda.nh " ..t • rolling a bR.lTel uf porter to-

ordo the llarket Square. 1u another ._ tDPw wt-re · twenty or thirty mtou rolling ba,..,. ton·llrdo I be bridge ; fn another the defendant wna · cn.m·­Jng out .1·~•~ 11f wlli~key • while in otn '' hltr th~ de&.nda.n t w ~" found

sltiJ•ping the sheh-es ·~ hoHles." l"unowing upon the trials aud sen .. teuc·eo, three hundred memheno of the fore 11 nf c Special CunstahleR ' ' ll.l.&t a.ud recflhtned thell· pus-itiQns DR u two­tt•<~1 against the seutenoe~ pnssed on. their friend•.' • The Right to Loot '

tlu!.t " the laU!st demnnd of tile ' Specicol ~onstahles ' of Lisbum und BelfMt! And the"" ore the men who UP du11ged with tlw duty of preeen­'lJ: 1 ;.a .. ~ these ure the men \\'ho have

• n~h' to apply ,..,ligiou• and political· ', • .,.1 t, · ( Qtl10li~; t~e the me.n. 11iho c.nn 1'1'"''>{"1~ arms and ammun1~ tinn without fenr of being raided, or­rt•Hfi•d ,,t ~Jltenr..ed to long terms ·If 1mpn.~.ment; these are the men wlto ""' 11 •lUning example to the wicked

r.eople uf the South lllld w.,st of Ire­n.nd; thr'"(' ue the rbo..qen. few with the prai!4e of whose virtu~· .. tuuu:v _I!_ul· pit• in North-Eost Ulster •iii!r! WeU don~ LiA.bum !,.

+ +. n ... revenue of l.njuud is 48! mil­

••U.Il•• f1tr the year ending :Marth 3111L .. I , - acljuotod to give u,,. ' true ~"<llltri­hutlnn." The Engfuh TreaSlU)< 1 the munf.,; turf'i' ·~f the udjllBtmea"U. 11 .. •ffil1:tl e~t~uuatl\ w ... ~ only r,•rt, .. t""'' milli• n-,o, IU) that our re'"enue W'all Ull·

tl• """'"'l II\' tlw dficUUs oC Whitt" bull ltv au !i"''t .. tlum ..,,;r or Mvt>n rOil­Lit u . . Tiley ilo not. mind un t'-'"' "'"'

f If.,,~ 1hN·ri:ption. At all N·•·nb u-.ld• T'l uf ·• Young Ireland 0 will, •• t • U. t 'that W 0\lf fill&llciOl ~111· · _. Wt<

.... tunn ··d the fl'\"t"ll116 of our 'o)lfl&tf\

at nrnrl\+ forty-niue millious. 1"ht-t· ( :o-t u. to believe tltat 11~~" Lontlt n

lle•url mal>eo ,. dclibentL' und .... sto­ou.,.t,-. JD order tu deceive tb.t· taxpayeJ·-t into hr~liel'.iq t-hat tl1ey Q.n> not .fletn-e4l ..~.,. • 1·-~· tL~ tJ1ev feel. The f.IXf,. hn\·e •;.!U't' •·•"f'tl :uc:feased-a.t least In the r~~~ •!t\". and th~ lmglish collec ··11+'" cu.-" ll \l"ct the of ~·ing h• th ~~U o\'ll'r fi' h m.ilJinU¥ frunt U'i hi \\•a•.

+ ... \V, •-.tttl 11 be··ld ·hotu 1·ac.• h··

I awl • •I nc t pay "*", 11 .t II••

• t1u1 •li n l•'r, ""OWn ··: " now Llc,yd 'ietrr;.~•· uiJjt"lt~ ~.. •• ,~ l'W Jt could 11,1'\.'

I~ .-a t. •• c.IH•uph '' ..... kt w t1 ti•P. •·H~···•,., of the huld·UP

fl( Hr,l,"h ,.iup" in '\"1" York v..·erre di,..,looed by Mr. K. Sisam, ul tbe lmcnn, ltam,. and lud department 11f

tb& Ministry of Food m his nddrt_.Hto lu the l~edera.tion of Grocers' .\,.~•" ia· tioDH l1old on Oetol>et 13. _\, repo1·ted 111 tho "Groce< of IJ<tobel' 16, be lillid

<)w,l • hl t 1•r> Lord 3-fo:)"Qr or Cork'• h1•t

't~o~-., IJ.M ~n. complete hold .. up 1n

\ .. ~J f,, "fin or u:. a l'kJI ~,, Drit.i h J, f •lu h tiJTied thl'l bacon. H• w11" ,Ltd tll .-r th t .,• hold-up "

•t ' W' '·I ;.·JoCk

!loC> ::w. 1:\ t .. e r t , ' I.J oft

q 1•11'•· .t.hto tail e-nd ,,r ''' " t..-k a ~-d \ltt'nt '] u·J "'c ""C that ·11)

"'t"'f"V l1t'm~ m 'x '' .• , difficult Lime" 1l•u • ~· r r":- It m hb '·a:av and .'tt t 11 111111 11· t.hel' kuew thl!t ,·,. t ~If' af. ~t'fol.od ,, ._.., . ., clcnlan IIH , dwt'llmtt but 1!1 II thl! Minntry f, :1 '' • v1 , more Llt.~m tit~~ 1ur r-~.

The· Duhliu Tnc\u•trinl Dt•"·lopm~nt \ ..., .. 1.1tu n 12 llolMwor h :--:nt•t·l, i~ u n~t'11 1 1 . £ ,, • , ll"'Jd··rnl~lt· ntnount t'i r.f,ruMtmn .,•la·uta tu markt ~~ .J,r, 1d. "lut I J"i f tlu• tll.,f14J. ,d I ull '*"I ur • Oj

the p>'obibition of the l'oulumdle St<>te, all uf which poiot out that lD­terfel'e'nce with n pa~~enger '·esse) may he followed by interleren"e with. Awet·ic;an catried comme~·ce betwt'4·D l,..,li>.nd and tile U'nited Stutes, tile ;ulue of which. !.as gruwn vei'Y rapidly within the l815t \ear or twO. li ia; ,.tateel H1ut pal<C181lgel"!l on the Pan­handle :>tate ha•• instrurt..d their h'">'•rs lo go ioto the q~on of pos­.. ugrr ritj'hts. One lead-. thnt feehng em the me.tter among lnPineli.'l men has run ~~'W' high, and nddo ·' The pllOseot toAtrol of the State Depeztment w:ill end on lfnrcb 4tll next, It would prnbobly end "tHmer 1f ••ur National CJf&t•ialj! were subje('! t.o tile •·eec>ll."

.. + + Tho Associa.tiO.u LR also in receipt of

Uuikd Statea Govem.l8CIIlt Commerce repo1'1s denliog. with shipping, iu'dus­lrial, and banking development•, and puinting out whnt ngriculturnl eo. UPel'lltion in Oa.tnrio ha.~ dune fQI' thP. egg ae~l poultry, live atook, C!'l'amery nucl fruit.-gJ'{) Dcpa1 trueuts of ihl: notional .errmomy.

Iu!orntotioo UJ. the cOillWt!l't iaJ utili· .sation nf the waste from slate..qua.rrie& -.·n..• ulHo fwow.onled. It indi<a.IM that point~. di..leml""", JMOtty. bricb, Mlates, tiles,, ilouring. tdash r and moulded good. ha54' !..,.,.. maou­lud.ured from t)H!> daippiags and .. -h, dUdt. A ma<·hine givi~~~g ttnti.rely RO tis factory r~sults for the crus lUng and grinding f the •l.U.. has not yet been diS< ov&red. An<~ther art ide deoJ.e with tJte- utilisatit•U. uf }patlltr l\'&81<!> for heels-

+ .... The UW.lin ln.eillstrial Developmeat

~ftR()(.'iation ltAa I"'PCeived information that c>. good mal-ket en.t. i~> South Afri< a for agricultural w.odunery. and thn.t Iri•h-mad~ .gaois would be very favourably ,..,c.;.-ed., It i• suggested Ileal<oiug io the ngricultural P"P'" publish•il ill Oapetu,.·n, Pretoria ond Hluemf1mtein would bring J"eSUltfa. ond tJ1e .. \ "l't ia.tic•n has written to the linus manufacturing agrioulttu1ll ne-• • snnes gi'"ing .addre........e~ of tlw- papt.rorS !'ffHillfUt!nded. ..

1' tt• :'\ t"W Y vrk • \ tut•rl• ,w'" ,.,. t h~ • Jt .)pJK'Ul~ fi•om ""U"f"lt'"'" IU~!!'o.'iUJ::·

t)u\t ('.tplMtu~nn~, ltommaild' f tbo \bJt'f t'::ttn •tt:ITIL.,UIJI, •• l'euh&udle

whit h loa• r~<.,ntly left tW• JJOI'! "•ith pW!seogers and rnAil..ot fot· tlueen .. town, It-eland, bos reeeivt>d mUers fr« m u'd.r Riate De}JO.ltm~nt not to tcncb a.t tl1at 11ort, hut to pro(·eed to Houlogue, 1 Thas the 1 .rde.rH of the British Adwintlty, forhidding Amer11'lU1 mer· 4 hant BhlpR t•' t nter. certain foraign por 1 Oj• .,1.1 t' JLlt't kly accepted l1y the. A.d­mm1"t101f \•D whi<'h uJtce.putverhal em .. r•hu~ J" upon·· ht."t"tlum of tbe seas:

In 1 !u f,.l" part 1 f the wor)d war (H....,lt Ur litlli did rue slle pleued with . .\ w; l"it·nu mt>rcha.n.t ships and tbelr lawful e .u gueo>, though not n·ithout A merin1-u official protest. X()W, in a t; ~~~~ of u~'~n._JI,J,. peace. freedom of 11w .....,." .. 1s agaln denied uA, and there '" uot Pve-n a protest.

The •· Penltundle Store .. e- the firat t .-~1+• r:t~ .. pus~euger veAsel built iu an Anlerican •hipyard io nearly fifty lt'ellrH. .~he is on·ned by tlte United" Govw-nment. Pusonge~ ohoo.rd bel' who boU(!'ht ticket. in good faith un<ler th .. ,..,pre••ntntion nnd be­li~f tltat thev would h• lcln~ed at th~ Jltill f rork, have in~tnlded their tltun1~,... to !'it-....• if tht"y have any

1 ;:bt, which o an be upheld. ltu... u'INI\e~:;J h.nvf' plftt•ed ·hf'

que-.tion Itt r1•t·· the SL,tt• DeJ)6.1tmeut ~~~~1 tl1 r· rurc d ~1a.fl'., SlnJ'fling Board, l1ut tl1t> I.!' IN l1rdv 1 ... JlfWtrlt ""'· and I •w ft 11l1C'f h&R olfead:\· ~~· ntt·~· ~·d in tht Hrit1 eml .. r,ro:

'l'ht" 1 ·tt ;.Nil rf ntrol •11 thp Ht&Lte De­l 1l 11 '1"11 1 '' t. <"nd , n \f Jr1l1 l nt-~t It wr1uld 1""h ·11 end .. ~,nner ;four nn­tlonnl c•flu·inls "~ t"P suhjN ' tn the ,,.... • all. Will tl1,. liPst ~·t·i~ io Britain'-" umltition 1 I ll't'lla.nd be t h1• ~tnppiug t;.f oll Anw1u IIU l'Urtif'd tomn r·r1·e lu•twf'Pn II -lo~nd nod lht> lT nited Stnt.••"

.\ .. WI;' gu to J1Teli- on TueAdnS, we ~~~ r unable- tn oHht uan.• the funenl olt;lllrff'UU"II'~ f,.,. lbe I.llT'(l llaxor of'

( -uk Tht- daih pupen: w.ll. h~·~ Hl",

·m·lt' infc1t •. 1l.ilm


.!'ion ' m nur • ol11~('rt ~~lit.

ft'A II ' oleo Of lii'OI;Id(iU'OU8 beMuty

l1 "" '•T>· •·ul NlthraJlel

lfnko • k '101''Tl o'et 1 'onnaught111 boglandt, 'troampet it from Gnltimore,

... ,....d •t pm1~tt its worth MJd glory J'tonm Ll'ry'" honu• agt.o '•n!-· rte ;

WW.V(Ir 11 on TarnJ• hillside&, Whera the Croppie& lje 11t rt>rl;

lin·) abu.ll bcnr it~to ocho Henvemmrda 'fiJ be ' Ulnioe<l by the bleet. lt cbimf' on Dells of Shandon • D~UD It 'n•n.blt the old OG.Ir tree.

lt-end it OD • Jltormy ocean, Think 1t b,- the calm blue ~• i

Whtll • tuns to our Creator, Alom and .-.jgb~ on ben.ded knee

ThAnk Him for our men who hungered That Qur linthor may be free.

Terence MacSwiney ----'l,o kuo\-r Terence Mu(~winey wot. tu !.>~ loU... l'he moment you looked into ltiA tleep, dork ~yes-now, lt"t w­J»~y, gazing lovingly on the li'ace of The Mun of S<>rrow• Whom he u·or-­•hipped-you knew that you w..,. !nuking into tbe '*'eo of nn icieali!rt, a dnee.1ner, if 'Nt prefer the word; tht .own1ent you beard ~is voioe- you knew tl&at you were listening to a mun who IUL'Wit ~·hat be liAid-a mM d..termioed to du a mau'a part to"·ards the­•ahou of Iris ideal,, his dreams the iowk-pead,nee of hi• loeloved c·oaatry. Hi• life wna cle.-oted to Ireland; b.- bas gi-ren up that llfe fn~ her -.ake. Others the<e are more qualified than 1 to speak of Tot"l't"nce MacSwiuey'" labourR in the e"'u.•e .,f Ireland's liberty. To them I leave that task. lly poor tribute to llw 1uemor~ of lrelaild's latest -"'Yr ~ltto! J-esuit of only a, fortnight's frieacloobip with him, but tlte circum­Mianc"" ·of that frieudohip oe> tragic tb11t they afford me an excuse for add­ing tuy voice to tlu!Jo voices rai~ed in me...,ry of the dead who died for lr&­laud. In • Olllleetiem with the Vo~ tecr Tm.ining Camp in Wickl«m· ia AU8""t, Wlli, I tlr.t met 'rhomns A.she, Dick Cuieman cutd Pieree lrlcCaa. They met thei.r deatb. in British Prii><IM. On ' The Shalllloa Camp," io Sept-­l~t•r. J finlt met T<f'T'ellce MacSwinf'!V. Dt"< ktod out .• lik.-. them. wit.b a r ro~n CJf gl1 ''). lie lJ.p.; fljllowea hi~ lrri.Te • 1 mrad!Jl'l hl 'L m~tyr· .. g:ra,·e. During hi• lon11 Wet>ks of agonJ, os Te>·ence M .. ·Swmey pn.•oed olong on his n·o.y tcJ OnlvN""y "i' UJ1'Viug his ctoss for lre­lond! ~I ha,;e often gone b&:k Jn memory tr the ,Camp nt Cctosnn Point, and tried to vil'iualifle fhat dal'k coun­tenan('p. in wbirb wP.n· enshrined those wonderful eye" w hi<"h eksed on Mon~ do,y mon1iog IllS! in Brixton Jail to ~n no mm·e-on his torturers. Terence .M~Swiney, when I met him 111 the Sh1111non Camp in 1915, d,..,.sed Ul the Wti!orm of an. officer of the lriah Voluatee,.,., looked every inch • •oldier and w. man-u. ;~~;o}dier 8lld ra. mau of '"hom Oll,\' nation might Uc proud. Teronce lla<'S\\'iney, unijke a few of the yoUll(!'er men in the Camp, took •• ·he lnurint"!Ui of l!lolcliering" very !leriouAl;v from the commencPment of the training, .and tl1at he eventunlly became proficient in thr:: u trnde, u ar art Hf war, the position be snlutequently uttained tu in tlto )lepublirnn Army atnply tt>AtHie~<~. Wlten not in training, Tt>tr'f" Mo.cSwinpy was M big ''a jo,'' ., .. tLe re.'lt of llS! A moment ago I ""id Ice was ewry inch a ooldier-1 mt"un o soldier minus llarrar.k-robm t>x­pr .... int1 .. ond the other accompliRh­mentll that ~Pm to he <"nnsidercd hy 11nmo people xure indiC'o.tion Of tr.l\.t•n ~t< T. renee lluo.~winey

ue,-er mentic.ned the name of God hut rtWt•l"f'otly. n.ud, if my mpmu~· "~·rvr nil" rJ;.r!JI. it WIIR he who ""~""" •'tl :I" nii_htly Tft·itol of the Jlu.,nn m t ht• ~·wnp. Sodnlly. I ( i.u • nt;ut with Te-1-enee llu<'S~·me-J on u fl"w o.-·t.lsL1 11 .. onlv. Ouu· I m~t bim diii I wo.-t ~tUl'Ding io Ct>.1np at night from a fornlhou•<>, n few milr~ away. whel'Q n drmce hod' Ueen given in lwnout of " the soltliPr~ of J no laud.'' He hnd nc)t llet>-11 n t the daure, hut hod been, b.! told me ho.v­mg au 111 l'rt.>Rting ch&,t with a }~nia.n

ilu old nann "!10, l•Y the wu.y. hod m••l tL"i. that d"'" "" w•• 'Q."@rt> out on moncvu,,1" .. nnd' gree.ted u.s in Irish. Ttol•·•u•·lior.·,,m' hod •• u~"~·tM him thru. !llun,J (lUt ho lte \Tn.oo, and had ~· llr tu .. , rk hiiU r in th{' Tl1ot old lllOll, tf lu.• .... ..,till .lli\'"e, will mouru '1! lhr dt ,,,,,d),; ... fnend, and, 1f lit• 1-. tlf'url wa.. ..... urr•h un1 nf the ti1 t •·• J.tl1>t • 111111 ;~<>, h~· 'r .. o; ... ,..~J the Bournt> On unutlu:t ;((·a.~ion I 11.1,1 •• lt·ng 'h•t with T .. renct• l!ac~wint:\ ",.. w ... • \"(."lt".d nluns from W ondlawn t , Gurtt-r n. Tht." 11!•j•'1. t ttf our ••.nT"eJ'Io ~o.tion wa O'Dono-,·tm H "'""·'· ,. the untrunrohle;• whn had diPd four nr ti, .. Wl"ekH pn•vit•u ... h. und hrul lwen lnid to n, '' ttl Oln th 'in. \ rc•ft-r••m t• f mine

to the lmuklet he, Terence linl.Swines hn<l ju.<l w>itlen <thnut that great mo~ 1,, ug b t 11 • na his lip,; An eulogy to his mPmory that would hurn the paper un "l.ri~L eme would attem11t tn n•rite it. 6'DonoYOII Ro:~~n. wns Terence .llncS .. inel ', b"'"· ~ud the suJI'ering• '-•luch b.- ~dured for the """""of Ire-

. loud fill<•d the minti of the man who wo to fo>llo1l· so closely tlte path he

· trod. One ~enteuct~ of O'D•novnn Ros•u'' n relation to the English rh,,t •runttn which Terence l!nt:Swinev laid r o .it .... l'e"i9 t n, hoth in l:is booklet a.nd iu .. rcmwnation ubout hjm, waq his nmnrk: "They can lie like bell." How truly could rereJH'e :\iacSwiney u<t• the"" word, to •wo up the attitncle of tbe En.gli3h Gorm·nment in hiJt own 1"8S('II: Smct• the c~\mp, I met Terence l£otSwme:v a few timei in Dublin-tbe !lr.t cx'caaion heing the..opeuin.g of An D4il; the lu.•t nceRsion heiog in August af tl>i< year, when he was in Dublili Ill comtt'(!t'ion with the Oireachtos. In Uringing tc'l A clos!] tlu;~. life of Terence llarSwiney the l~nglish Governn1ent hM depri<"l'<l I"'lnnd <>f 11. soldier and n. man, hut it hits given us a martyr to lead UN un to victory. " The fools. the fuu)A, the.v have· left us our deod. u

.r. J. B.

Irish Councils f"r Irish Freedom

Tbe fe llowiug e>:tnlt't from a pam­pblt.t just iocmed shows h<>w, at tbe re­cent loc•al electionsJ the country ~gistt.ored a. verdict even stronger tbun at the General Eleption in sup­port of Irish indepencjenc!'e :-

An E::r:amination of these Electio.ue <how• that th& increa.sing support gi~n to th~ Republic~ms was at the t~Lpense af the NationalistB, who have prnl"!icol\y <eased to exist os " sepornte PPJ"ty, and the "Pnionists, whose I~I'C~ntage f 22 in December, 1918, ohriudled to '""" tlmn 12 per Cl'Ut. io .Tune, •I9211. The fact thnt the later EIO<'iinu' were held under a oY•tem of Proporhonnl RPpresentation, designed, :Jccot<liu(!' to tlte Engli•h ''Duily Muil, '' · to crippte. the power of Sinn Fein,'' 1Uake~ th.e~e results an tbe more signJ. .. Htuut nl( \ ..hO\\ that -e~~Ut-tlhe X ortb..e-a,.-f: t nmt>r nf Ulster, hitherto "-gurded "' n. •l:>:ongltOI~ of.. Unionism, '' "l'rY lnrge nun1ber. of people ll·n.ndenvd t.heir allegianc·e h'tJm I niuni'tm to Repnbli~u.nism. Mr. Louis .1. W a ish, o praminent Repuhli­•·nn who headed the list of candidates in I he Hrilb·wouey divi•ion of Antrim Connty, could not hove reoeh•d that position without tbe support of many who bod hitherto been regarded as lJ nionisto, Ollld that tbe sam~ thing happened all m-er mster \• pro~ed bv lln> fa<'t 'hat onl;r 16 of the 42 Boord • ! G~~anlicu••, and onlv 19 of ehc> 55 Di!Ciric t t'ouncils were 'retail•ed hv the 'UJ111<>rt.-nc of th .. English conn.Ction.

Wl>en •he Genenll Election had re­•ulted in the captur~ of uea•·lv th,.­rourtb• cof I he Iruh cun•tituendes by thj> <Uptx·rwr< of the Jrish Republic rlfe Engli,.h press explained tha( th~ t•esult WU8 due, not oo tl•e belief <>f the h-ish peeJple in an independent I"'land hnt to the- fenr of conscription und ·t~ vo.nou" utheor ca.u:e;ee Arising from the wnr. Th., Tllply of th~ lri•h peopls thirtet-n months l&ter, when these sup­i>naed ~•u••• h•d disappeared, W&8 oo pla<-e the udhe....rt. of lri•h Iudepen­•lenc ,. iJJ <·hnrge of the Municipal ('nttnril" throughout 1,rur.fiftlts llf ln."­ltuul, <11111 6\'"t\ 1ntmth~ latt'T R1ill to l>Ut. tlw Re.puhlic-au~ jn l'ontrol of nine-.. I•HtlL'f 'f Tl1e ('ouuty Councils, Rural Dit~ttlt t ('•1Jncils und. &ards •,. Guar· 11 ,•J: ... n11 tn>f'r lTf"'a.nd.

Tbe ne" 'NtE'lll of El.Petion-Pro­IJnrtional ~Pre-sentutios--n.· ,_.. the l'f'­

<ult nf ~ el~tll1111d mnde hv rl>e anti­lri•h P"''• ufter the G~ueroil. Ele< tion. Th«· •• JriRh Tinu~~:· the OTgun llf 'hP Eugli•h fln....V.on in I .. lwtd, slaW t•ditori.,llv

" II~ tb~ GoYenummt re-tdh m­tend~ t? ~ve up to its prograiumta-, ' w11\ ms1st thut oil tl•ese •lettinno

•I rill he decided by l'roportioual Rl'J"~ltatiof\. \., mc,rP bent-fif'rai mPa.."'Uh' ' f rt·•·, n .... t1'U( tion could he ~~H·n lu lrt•land "


Ou )\u~ ~'lth, 1919, the London "Time• '' d•mond•d I hot P.R '•· en­fnan-.1 1h ln•lund, and h\·o 1J11tn'l,"' l.nt 1 tht l~r,,:h .. h JliU'liaruent .u.1 ,., ded t•,•LI••I n.·1ul. andtlnlninedth:tt P.R. "lwulclllt' 111 ·~J"'n·,·m Ireland ··IJh· It w.1 'u:11 ''·\lr 1: .. 1hnt l'e onh· •~.~ til fur tJ,, .. h•,• n11 .. r .. prPvent t1 cop .. tur~ ' 1 th~ lo,:nl ( 'ounC"il" ll'v Sinn l (•in T l' linn( he:4~ GuUdiun •• e r ,Tonuan· 12th, l92tl, stated:

- lluhliu (' 1 lie ltllddenh· di3-'~ Tt•h•d p R tt11 a JOE."QRA \\;he11•!J\ Uw ~um }-,.;,J Mojm·ih wn:uld l"f"

I l vented from 101 ·• nmilrg I s;nn , , u nn•uopdy n.nd Dublin Caat , d~<'ided tu l'lCJ'B.P the- 1 n tire systen uf electing loCo.I go,·t"fui.qg budies i4 f1wour nf a aowpl.ete Mrbeme uf P .. ll.,


Evon though tbe intention of the Englioh Govern wen I was perfectly t }ear to .. ~in.n Fein, thn.t pnTty did not nppw;e th& ~'heme. but ro.ther wel romed it on the g•·ound tbut ths prin­dple wo• juat.


l!r. D• Yulen, •peo.king io.tbe Dub­lin Mansion House on April 9th, 1919, ..ud:-

• • Whether it henetifed m; or not, I W< ultl be iu !11.vuur cif the principle (P.R.) heeoUIIt' it is fouoded on jus­t,,.. w., kuO'W the ol>jtletf<>r w.bich it wos ue~igned. It was [I crooked objeet. Lot us meet it in a Rtraight wo>y, Thot is the lll'iociple guiding us the whole lime. ll•et the crooked hv tihe ot•-aight and thc> straight ,.ill Win.'' The e.uthMA of the clumge, in spite

of l'l'Jl<'«ted demon<!•, reofused to ex­plain tlte complirated system 'to the :&1«-torat•. With the approach of the llunioipo\ Ele<'tions in .January, 1920, 'the ta•k of evlighteuing the "Voteto nod nfficiuls on the intricncies ~f the tlf'W ~;v~tf"m ,-a .. 'f undertaken h: th~ .l'r<>portiorull R~re:rentntion Soeiny, a 't"Oluntary orgaua~atlcln, and in tlils ,,...ffl-k Sinn 1o•l"in ol•ly a..-i.sisted.. to the sa,_;.<e of the Englisl1 l're!IS.


That Sinn Feio, instead of OJ>PO!'­i"l!' a ohoJlt<e decla.redly designed t<> cr1pple its power, •hould willillgly help in its de,·elopment, is more tlHlU ro­mru·kn.hle. "-London "' Daily Mail," .r Muary 6th, 1920.

"Naturplly. reosoo:u>hle men looked to the Government, who had laid the foUAdatione of a sociaJ revoluti n, to "!'I' the job through. Dublin (:..SU., tllooght otl~erwise, and left !.he io.­dige•tible mo•s of l•gKintion t tak• care nf itoelf. laeredible as it may ..,.m, not a •i.ngle pe11ny •·ould be ob­taiaed for the purpos& of ~xplomiug the ~yetem to the \'"otef'8."-t 4 Daily l!ail," 6th .January, 1920.

·· N~itht>or priTate reruoustran "" 110r publil' f'Ould iaduee the >Uthor rilit'" tu "'1 •thl o~ pPnlfY Oif ,, ~ ing "ho.t I' ,R., meo.nt to either nndi­da.tefl cu electers. ·•_u l£an< hester Guo.rdio.n," Jsnua.ry 12th, 1920. SMDOT"H ELECTION 'DESPITE CASTLE.

lu spite of Dublin <;nstle. the 'Elec• t ion waR c-o.nied out ~oothh· a.ud ell'ediveb', and the proporti; > of spoiled vntes was less than 2! pe ceat. over oil Ireland n fact n·hich bean; e:ucllent te•timony to the intelligence of the lrioh voters ond tcJ t'be thotuughne8s of the voluntary ~ ..... ,~;.,~a· tion.!l whirb undo.rtonk tOe w k: c tnUuing the official• 'nnd instr ctiag tl1~ voters


E~en wit I• hs safegunrd of l' .R., the English Government did not feel 'se­cure, and on September 19th, 1919, the ><hole of Jreln.nd """ broken up into ne~· ~le<>toral divisiops, in w hleh the fri~nd~ of u,~ English Gc>""J'llmoot in lrelaud were giv-en the advantage in all doubtful OJ'C!fts. This creation of new t'\Oostituenci~ wAs on-nng"ed with:.. out ron•ultation with the hish people or theiY" repl'eR~ntn.tivel':i. In the Re­vision Courts clnrin~ Odober and ' vemher diHrlosurea were made ., hiC"h ohowrd th"t he ollleial regV.t....tio agtont~ in tht> Nnxth uf Ireland, wh' ' "' •!>poin ted l>ecnuse tl1ey!'"l

t•1 1be Uninni11t Party, had f"h. ·-d. t( ,,, · Ulll I1H <JURlified to "' : r•. lar ~1 '1um .. hf..ts c r ~iun l''ein ,u1d :Na.tu .,Hr~ .. l pro­P<rt_.-holdtr• wlu W<r• thu• di,fran-f hi~ed. c ,,,. huh DAilv ...... October 13th, '\. "ml• r 13th, N •'l'eill­lwr 8th, NO\'ember 26tll 191~

In two eleotornl UJ-ea" predom unntly llt'puhlit·nn-Boyleo. Cu. Ro~C'ummon, and :'ienogh, r ... Tippenll'y-the ele<­tinn vffici"h' refused to t>ttpply nomino... titm ]lO.perA to the Rt""puhliran ·andi· clute... When the mutter was uLieM in the Dul,lin ('uurb; t 11'" J'{ldge })II ...

puned 'onttidl•rntJOn 1 f tbe . LL .. , "' unt t \\",1,. ''o (,I~;> tn ltl1Uted ~ t tu

nununwtu .. n and r .c.• ,.. ,f, · · ., " 1 •

"·ubheld until t 1r ev~nm~ f 1·' poll INTIMIDATION AND AGGRESSION. Tllt'r,no""" ... L~·t :he •~{i

1-"J:It• 1"n ' ·mmJttE'd I \ 1 tw l: s:h (;, ., TIUU~lt( tn •lt£'Ll t'tl ~"'"" U )r"'• I• ~.HI .. , t!u· ·111'1 Fo HI 1 1 1 U! t tht'"l llun' I 11 tf •·n", ~:tad t n timido1 ,. I !1r· .... ''Pt •1t• ... • f thl" Pf'rm • l ·n.n i"r•rh ill frrlutul.

1918, &•pt 20 J·~;1I1T~ Hqou)dic •• ~l P t•

10 Irelund ~<~LI11Jlf'•·· •·~I. Od 1;, !'1m\ h•i 11 n.nd Ht>Jll l•rnu

'I"J:",,ni .atltl!l 1n Tinhlitt ''f'PN' I.


• urd-._,. Ot toheorr.;·:'':O'·~'';.;'~~~~~· an=•••••••-••••-•-•-"f',.;.;;:.,;;;.;,;.;;;..-.-.:,..:.;u-.;:..S=a,-;::a••-••••.,..••••-•~Clllllllll .. _.:m•-.••::a~mo•~""~ -- .. .. 1ion1 and DCiprocal respect. Dut if 1 • • What '" 11 the~ will not pull Ireland for UU.:. yon substitute. a t ouutK·­tion lou.;.clad un the triumph '~1 fltrengtb over we&knesa, you will h&,-,~

:ealoU-'l\' _ and distrust. nnd fear, nnd hal<!, ·and nngend thought•, un o! lloody d••d•, the sure ond never-fn.iJ. ing eil:ecls "' lyrnnny. Give to Ire· lund ht't" own IJa.rliamentt not the pai­linment of '82. That ''"nN a meteClt' light wltirh fla.•hed aeroso tl1e welki11. he deceptin Yapour ... anu.hed .quickly.

Ireland want. a fixed star, hnght OllU lasting, . tho refleeted radiance uod geniol i.nflnence of whic:h may he seen BDd f~lt in a glorious union of Iibert) , happiness nnd peaee. Ilut this it i< ~aid by J,ord Althorjle, will leud to ·' ,eyarat.ioo between GTea.t llritain a.nd Ireland; to the erection of Ireland intu IUl independent state, and thus pn · duce n dismemberment of the E.mpin-. What then? Suppose it should, whu1 is rhe <>D>IBef England.. What righr has Engla.ud, whut dght b.., llJI)

countr:y, to build and peril its sreo.1-u .. s upiJn the sl=ery, t.he degrada­tion, and wretchedne~ of o.nothe1 country? Wh<>r<' is tl1e right? Strip !he case of the dlsguise which amhi· 1·on and pride, and the love of power. and 'the lo:ve of woolth, which the cor­rupt po"",ion• of. the huma.n heart. which the aophistry of, conquero1·~. aud, nnd ~tatesmen. and cow­tienJ, a.nd 1awy81'8 cast n.roWld it, Blltl ..-hat is it? It is thus. A strong man, becnuse he ift strong, enslave .. 1 is brothrr 1uun beNl.USe his brothe1 ma.n is weak. The slo~e. struggles t<• be free, and the eosl&ver lcilJ. him : kills him becanse he struggles to 1~· free.. 11 The offence i• ronk. It Hmells to Henven.

h hath tbe primal eldest. cnrst upon tt, A brother's murder!''

Yet this it-t Briti1dt in·vnsion iu lreluncl •his ts British dmuinion in Ireland, thi• is British legislation in Ireland. P~s the Aot of Union~pass the Act >f Union in violation of every prm­ciple of justice, in violB.tion of ev~ llrUwiple of hononr. in nola.tion of sol<>mn pledges. Pass the . I d of Union hv terror, bv de<eit. by fraud. by hreuCb uf wu;l by ln-ibelj", b~· corn.tpt iun. Pnss the .Act of U o.ion. &Ju\, .. daett4=e t ha:1 lUl.)' ottf'mpt to lle­pt:iJTJlat Ad nf f'ttiun shnU be tleem~l ,,b~llion, nnd tl1en kill, kill, kill thP u.•l)( l ~. Thi~ is British justice in Ire­ltllld, thi.s i~ Ilri~i~h moraJ.i~· i!' Ir.e­lnnd, th1s 1s Br•tr"ll Christronrty m f r..Iond. A Russell once bled ou tlw •mlfold: be J,led iu tlu.>. cnu!le ol , i lwrty. · Mas his hDome be for eveJ e-mhaimed in· the tnemorv of the vir­' •. us and the hmTl'. A Ru.s.U of th<· lilt' l'tlt day support~ po"~er againSt dght, l"'efers Will" to pence. slaughter t 1 jusl!ce. A Ruo;ell uf tlu< prellellt lay tails. <D the meu of. Wuter­!tH• to etoin the la1lrels winch nn" encircle their brows with brothers lood. A Ru. ... ..,n of the present

1.1r tta.lls on the men of Waterloo tu Etteep rn hruthers' Mood the sword~ which so.,.ed England o.nd conquen!d France. Should the battle t~us pro-

ked by England come, 111 tbo.t struggle to the death, Ir<>land may fall. 'l'he nmsP of her song may cease, and the sound of her harp no more be heard. Her cities mo.y he woste~.; her habitotio11• left without man: her fer­tile ... olleys may he left ~osol8te, ~d her green field• moy be< r!IIl-•oued Wllh olood. But •hould the victor:-· belong to Engl8n<l, ~o will the guilt. Th1•

t tic ns ,,f moo nrt> nc t to l1e- Judged ot ,. 1'\"•.·Uts, by su• ' ....... or hy d~ea.t.

Hnd the Iiberti"' 'f ,,,.., •· penshed "•·h Lee. nidtut e.t Tbennop~'I.P, Spar­tan glon w• uld h,,.., bet>u till'> "11om•. Had tilt' ,J.I\-« ••· liare.thon, !'aln1u1~, nd Plute.o,:bPen day"' or J,., .. ,,l m-

• ead of 'f'idory h, (ir~'l .... thf" m •t• r IH~Lf 11fill bft.l'O IIWt 11! hy· the ~~I ,[

m·emon· of demtl. Ht• lyho ,!J,.. m 11 ~ti•·M ' nod Ius country.

a ~ald~e1 and .. tp •• p .. GenUemen of the

here< for -u1y client t I• r ''l u ond your vcJUr children·rt thil ...

nOt here for my!jt'lf; m:v ~ flkki·nng. and must

11, 1,~ 11 u,:u•~lu 1t. httl Wf'lt• I now n c l in~ ou tiH' hrink uf tht> Jtra\·t•

:!IJ•l utfl·nng tt" last w•~rci.: ),{.':'''f,''l~ 11 ~ uu• 1 would ~o.y, ( •

l.!ud fw bunp' ma,\' Ireland- t... r'th(• 1t tt· t~ "'diJ ,u~L Geutlle mr~~, ••Ur I lT\'. a~ (ar uM Ul.. 1 \~ 1~• ' ,, rtf I• t elf 1 , tti r;.~l thl~ •lu\·, -'" t'ttn-

''Jl ut• ~our p.r·t ,,\,,tni"' m.lklll~ !:~~ }ur.d lag,ppv oJ.Ull trl'l'. I I all UP" .;.~ ... 'ou ,·.dr~•• lih('rh·. ll" you ,·tiluP JU"'·

, ''· ,1.., , . .,11 ,,..},It• r•uhti. ~ 11"1. aJO Ydd , .. tlul" ptiMit: ptn,t•, a' ~'t'" tha.lnPd ilic­lun~ th~ tuuutn: llf ''mr 111 an 'H d nf \Ci ur f;ther'~~. I \lill 11JX~n \ OU

J,\ . 'fl\ll' \"Prd.J:ct 11 ( JI('I(Ultln} tf~§ffit!f~~ tn 1 1,ufl·;hu t•' ,·our pu.rt .. IO\\ on I ng l tt•lnrul lwpJ1,\' and frt•t"".

Holding her na a, de•troy

All Yestig'e of her tUUlle-1

Filrgetinl bow 1..,.. heroes' deploy

On Hirrtory' s page, and of. her aneient fame.

Emwtia and Tnro. fl.osl1 in sight, And kinl!"' and qneyns in noble gee­

ture stand, Witl1 hords whose music waked the

•oul's deligllt, And Soinbl who precr<hed to many 1

distant lnnd!

ll'Piand, tire home of m~· ry and l!'aith

1.,hey w~ld subdue to thei,. gr•J'""• sonlid pliiJI;

But •he is faithful to her drea.m till dentlr-

Not her• th& .,....;ngs of the canral Jll(ll.I--

For ber pure eyes throug,b Eurth 's dark n>iJJhl behold

God's opft.ndours, frame.! ••ithin Hi'll Gotee of Gold ! -Rev. J. B. "Dollnrd. Litt.D.

in •• The Cn.nadinn Ft.emaa.,') • lctoher 4th, 1920.

British Atrocities in India

(From Burke's Speech on the 'Impeachment. ot Wnrren Hutings.)

Debi Sing und his instruments snu­pectedJ o.nd in fl few l'Bses .they sus­pected justly, tho.t the country people had p1>rloined from their own est&te8, aud had hidden in secret places in the drcumjarent deoserts, some smnll re~ 'i<•rve of their own grain to maintain tbo!WI•lves during the ·unproductive month" of the yenr, and to leaTe .some hope> for n future season. But the under tyrants knew that the demands uf llr. Hastings would admjt no plen lor deloy, much le8s for s11btra.:tion ul hie bribe, and that!,. would not abate a shiUing of it tu the nnts ,f be w Dnle lutronn roc:e. These hoard.."', 1-eal o1· tm.pposrd, not being discovered J,\ Wt;\lt:lCl"S n.nd jznpr:Uionments, they 1•11 upon the lnst ""'ouroe, 1 he naked hodies of the people. .-l.nd here, m:; lordR, hegon such a scene ol t·ruelties and tortures, as I believ_" no histo<y hns eve1• presented to the indigoaHon uf tbe wos·ld: SUL It .li I nm sures: m the mnet he.rbarous .IJtf'"'• no politic tyr· >Uln:f 1 no fnnatw ~ution, has el'er ,.,.t ,.,x, eeded. Yr. Pn.ttel'SOn. tbt­:.nunuitL"icmf"r appoinu.d f inquim into the t.1tl" of tlte co\lntry, nta.kes his owu apology ond mine fur opening this .. cene of horrors t •• you m the follow ang words "That the punishment inJlicted npon ·lie l"l'"'" both in Rllll8'f'(>re and ))ino.gepore for non-payment. were in m!Uly instnoces 6f'ouch a nature that I would rR.ther wish to drn.w a. veil ovel' 1bem than 8hQCk your feelings by the But that, howe.-er, dis~ nhle the task ma.v be to myoelf, it • uhoolutely ne<e un· for the sake of jnMtict•. humanity, and tb.e hcmour · ( ~ "·rU1116Ut. • ha.t the)' should he e:x­IK, ,.4J, •,, l~o~~ pre;ented in future.·

lh lun!K, tl1t>' · t•g;au hs ". Jlubtf!' n nls round d1•' finge-r• · t tht" un.happ)' fn~,·holder .. nf t!J,.,.. pnwint·-.~ 1 until tlw, ··lung tu nud 1\'ere almt !'01 in<ui­J"'ru•pd with one another; and ·!we t J,.., l1amruer...d "·o•l~:e, of iron he­t \\-een ·l1em until, regardless ul thE' .-rietJ of 1hc "'ttft•Jf'h• they bad bruised tn piE'(('.;, n.nd f(lf t•n•l' ~rippled thoR ponr, hout"f;t. i.nnot•ent, laborious handtt, w h:i< h hud nt-ver been raised to their tnouths hut with n penuric-u~ und "''ant\ prOl>Qrtion ...,f the fruits of their uwn soil; but t}u ~t' fru.its r'de-niE'd to tlu· ". 11 t '• ·f th 1r n11 n t l hal'•~ f11r won· lhtlJJ fidt'1•n ''';l~ J"'-':-.t fur­lll"ltt'\l lb, tn\" tnwn• f1 r uur radtt. "rtl1 ('tuna. nd ht•••rJ >Wnt annually nut. and .-.1tlwut re.ompen,.;;.t", tu pur­"''• f' f,.t 11,. that .Jf•JH.IIP mt'.ll. "1fl1 \\ l11• h y .. ur lnrU •ip ... ond o.JI_tLi" u1t,. d l!uf\, n.lhi all r} ·., C~<tiQtn. hu\·r IK·­r nn 1'\ ('I . du~ int 1 ht•W f(ftef'n :n ln;i

1ll ht•lr ('%))(.'fll't _ 'I u lhOS4." ht•n1 tin•nl :brt.nds that lahuur for 1111r 1H•nt•fit. tht> n•lurn ,1f tlu• Bri t i~lr gm·~muwnt has bu.•n 1 ortl~ nnrl "NIJ:"f'ot. llut 1lu:•r1• & ,,)UI P \\ hrrtt- thP:IW~ I'T1ppJt>d 1nd diS• ah lod luuul" \\ ill n• t '' 1111 n·~i .. tJ• .. .1'1

l "n, when I,..,. IL •· lifted • Heal'en k llfl>~t tlu•ir "1'1 ,..,. ... -4n·"'" Then 1.t'h. r

<lUI withotnnd .,,, h haruls? C!UI the T tmt·r thnt crushed and •!t·~rnned hem? l'owetful iu praye1', let us

at deprecate, a.nd thus endeavour ,, seclt·re ouTHelves from the Vt'ntrennC'e

which. these mMhed and disabled bauds ''"'-' pull dOIW n upon us. lly lo~:ds, it i"' un u.wful 'on.sideration. Let us think of rt.

But t .. pursue llu• melancholy hut nt=ce~~at\ detuil. 1 um next to open to your lorilships "·hat I om hereafter to pro ... e, that tho most substantial &lid leading yeo101.ea, the responsible far­men, the porochinl m.t::!J .. -tJnh .... and t ),j._.[ .. t f villngH, \\"ell" tied two ud two by the legs tngetbt•r; u.nd their tormentor< throlllmg tl>em ,·ith ht>ods dcm nwartltt nver a bar, bent oh tire sole• of !heir feet with ratano, until the nails fell from th"jr toea; ~ theu at.tnoking them at their heW, l1o'l they hung down ward, •• be­fore nt their f•et, they beat them with •t.ich awd other ir!strumenl- of blind fury, until the blood gushed out at their eyes, mouths,. .oad noses.

Not !Junking that the onlino.ry whip11 1md cudgelw., ttveu so adminis-. tPred, Wel'e f(Ufticient, to others (and often also to tLe StUDe, ,.·ho have rruf.,. fered '" I iluw statedl 1hey applied,

.,f ratuu and botn.buo, whiP' of tl1e hrunches of the Bale-Ire<>

-a !Tee full of •harp ond <tron~r tin ms, "·bleb ""r !be skin nnd lae\')"· ate the lle..b far worse than ofdinan· :u·ou.rges.

Fur, oth""', exploring with n searrh­iDg nnd inqui~eit.ive- malice, stimulated hv ou iu.atinle ro.pacity, all the de­viQus paths of natura for l\' hatevN' 1"'

most untriendlJ' to man, they made 1-ods ,,f u. plant highly ronslic IIJid 1 ·'"'I"' 111111... C'alled llechettea, every wound of which festers nnd gangrenes, adds dou bl" and treble to I he present tortua"e-1 leaves a crust of leprous sores upon tile hOlly, aod often .,nds in the destruction of lit& itsell.

At night these poor ;nnocent snf­-lererw, thoae martyrs of 8'nl.l1t·t• and extortion, were brought tnhr dungeons and in the "'t·a. .. on when nnture takPS refuge Ill insensibility from all !he mi.!JeriM aud t·Ll.r'e!'i ~·hieh wait on life, lw\ Wilt• tlu, • trm~ lW'oura~l onJ

•u rl1 fn ·~ku tl1 \\,,tche:i f lw ·. ~i.t h, t~ MI .. and ~vals .• { tul·· meut T:~~." we1·e then led nut tn the "'''\'Nl"> dtptll of winter-which 1here .It ~·~rb1in ~f'ttJ~On!f would be "'t'\·erf\ to UJt\

to the Jndinn, is UW<It severe a.nd al• most intolerabl~tlley were lPd out before tile break of cl;n·. o.nd stiJl' a.nd !jore u"' they u·~~~· witJ1 1 be bruiseB and "pounds of -,he n.ightt \\"l'ft• plunged in­to lfQ.te:>r: aud "-hil!tt their jaws dung tq4"'tller with the cold, and tbeir bodieg "'f'I'e rendered in.tinitel): more ~nsible, tht• Wow a.ud ftlpt•"l wrr..• renP"'ed upm th,•.r 11. tks; t.~ntl iben delivering th~ru ,,,f'r tn sultiJt"f'l, they were N>nt into their fa.nn and Tillages tu diM-ol'et "here .u. f• • handfuls Bf gram might 1'4• fouud c un e-al•'fi, t 1 tn ~'-'l­t ~ ' t ~tome lo11o11 frnm th~· remnants ~~r cumptu:!nOn aud c uur.•.c:e D<' subdued in tholie wb.o bnd rt·ttSun to fear •ba.t their O\lU tum nf torment would ht· ne~t. that they •hould !lllc • .,.d them in 1 hP same tmnlahment, and that their nl"y hjrmnnitv being taken as a proof of their w•aith, would subject them (as it did in muny riioeB subject to some inhuman tortures. After this circuit uf the dny through their plun­dered and ruined \-illaw~. t ht>Y wr•'l" um.a.udtod..! niJh1 In lhf' "--tmc pr ... un wlnJ•Jied H lw!••n' •' their •t~·um '" the .IIHlJrl' 11. and 1t au .. n1•n~ wlnrJwd .1t their lt"lnlllg ,, ; o d tlwn .iM u· a J,, ,, r(' tu pur• LR""'· h, l't"ft~lllj:!' m tl t.

.t ., tilt- r~tlt r:.J 111 11 • 1" •l1 ;, .rtur•~ 11 Cu• t•.,rl,t Du._r-. ·I mt>Uout", insult and t•ltor:uu ru~l1:1 uf l"lt. !t·•t,,., UJld U.l;:a·lla•iOil UPceedecJ To Path • tbr r m t lu• •onu· rlllllld, and tor " lunJZ tnne mnde o.p all 1he \'H I'"'J' uch..,. t f l1f• to tlu ~~· m !'il"r•d•lf' l•i"• t•it.'

But th~r& ;Itt' 1X'NIJ1l"i "hH~ ftlrll•

rould hen: liH'Jr own, a1 (' men w hu n.rP bn:rdened hv "4''') pnins; and tlu.=- mind,

etrengthen~ to'·•·u )1\' t.he 1unnt·nt-. of thf' Uuh, rl~>t''i "1\b ,., .. tronj:t do•ttan•t.• ti.J:':UO!!t It t•lJ:fU"f'Oi."(lf. ~11 f'l\" Wt'h• 05-

!i;J\J}h•cJ nn 1}1(• ,~o)tll of t u~·.r !Oi.J nljlt'lthv ('hildren \\f'tt> ~·,,uJ..:r•l lllm• t t1

dt•::JI 10 tit•• rm 'i('Ut't ,.f tbt•it Tbi-. woa ftf, fn••tl~o:1,. Tlt•· !ton .1nJ th•· fatht-r t-lt• tuJIJrul dt t• t •. .,... .... tber. (u • t fm('r, anfl l1o•h to t .... Kty, ;1·1d 1n tb.a! tuut m , r t~lh t .... ttf•d t .. _7t"ll • 1.

tll• t thr l,j." '\h:1 L ..... J ti tl fat! rr f ... U Upi II 1} t' 'lh, tlid t}u ,Jc 1('

\•)n )J mi .. ,.,J lltf' II "uuntl un•r l lt.l4 k nf tlu• ptrtonl 1 bt" 'in UWftiiJan­c,. Wt>ff• 1 1 u1l,1nt d It .... , ;,;n l•tlt• a , nu·h\. tlmt • '""r)" tntko wh.idt •I d nut (' 1 rucmttt I laP M'UN> •hnul,] "uund nnd lm••nalt tl f' .wntrm.Pnf,. omd affH-­

q ll f'l J \ ltr h, ad IJ· ot'l '("II

la ' I t I th ~}..~t>t:J fr 1.!1 tilt• In'· 1 -.l

~ t 1.1 w .. , ti, .... u h<1 t'"' .

W, t" Nt>tll'll !r• n1·lw Jln"'fftheit· J, ~ ... h.trad ... and .-qfl..ri'(J tbe lli~li1H> flugi­lltttl~ \\'J'OllA'8 1 wlo b t\f'l'f• indeed hlil Ul tftt' hi ttoms nf tJu• dunqeoM, ! II whidr their honour ana !herr liberh w•·r • buried r .. ~l·l wr, ·

T!J,. woruen tln1. .. h. "&lctl 1c t tl1 rr t"f<' ll)· lorda, ,~,. JTt• nnt bt-rl" io

j• ur hlame triP •n .. tthrtlNI .:u d pnjudic1 ~ ' f 11 "h< I r .it 1• , f JN'~Jil4·. r J ,·att'd U1 tfu•·u Uy ., lc. .,~ sut" 'i'i.) •II

f • em "hie IJ no r ol!!IUI '"' Jr 11-• If II o I Whll h llll \H I~JtUd~ ( •h J .. , nu m x•nh uf ru•·n. ur tr·n 11 II IC .,. I• JI.J.\'(• f~t•~·ll MI.Jt- lu nJb f)lt* ~nallt·~: 'liP,... wu Tl1• hunguu 1

( · rl'• u 1MI•II.on·~ UP aU ~ .. Jt.•r!H. .. (

tr '"' r • l ·to,;. •·a. h . :t><lt 1:urn tt1 1a, .. an rn"raria.ble rank, 11,::l•+:~J, a11•l

destriptwnll .. f f'liiJilo' m c : "iu bo-lt one · .• .._,,. ciUlnot h)' meon~ J»L ·" into another. With the Gentn011 c •·T· h\in impuriti~ nr, thc:mgh without tin) guilt ,,f the TXU"ty, infer 1

- ~ of ( .:t"'ft': and \\hen tl.~ highll 1 ... ' ' th.nt of the- Bralnnin, which 1.. ..

not only Mule hut ..... red) •• lost, the :person "h(1 hl;;e,. ' dut" not .. lu1l" down mto Ollt' lower but ,. .. Jl'' • 1hh hto .. wholly ch .,t·n frout all )a4 nM nh. .AU the rt!lations uf life an Jt uoct• diS-"~ h·•·•l His PJiift·nh tnt J. luogt~r lu,. p:trt"'''" hi• w fc• :~ nu longer Hs trift

jrl f f J t'fUf"

WhJ oan't the lrilh be Artletio, too?


XMAI CARDS FOR 1W.W ..... fhey olf t'

!In bantry Th•r -om biDe 'hto

Beauty f)r. m•l•'Y Art..

1 l

n• '



, l1•ot rbiMrrn, no lunJZ'•·r l.r .. ,u· •. IHJ

lrlllJ.."'*r hJ n:•a:nul hi~ ;)~ their .1t•u•r It 1.,. 'M uwiiHl.lJ: far \\oa-.. tha.o , me pltW;p ontlawr', '· mpl tt• ••tt~tmtft. r and univenal f'X1 ommwutauou. It ,,. .a. (l0l1ution '''"•·n f., tou<h him, And be toucheR 11.11~· 'f his ,J.d. .. t .. tt• th•·y ore justified in putting him h• de&lh Contagiou, )eproRy, plague ure not ~n much shunned. ~o honecqt occupation CAll he follo""'d He hee0111es u.n. Hllliohor&, il (which 10 r.rre) he snr­vil't'l\ thnt. mit+ernble deg-radotion.

The7 w •u'"' wr r '1. in thc.o ,i 7 of

Your 1<.-dsbips will not l<<•nder tl.,t 1 h:-. ,. m 11 trnu~ and "PPI.,.. '-'"' dt> IIUL.Il.dtt, • 'llu ~rei with ,.u. h tnrtuh ,., tJu-e,< the "·bolo pr•·lln<P mto despair They aho..udonNl f)u·~r · rt•l~ on "!1' tU••I The 1~ plt' tn A 1 .. cl} would •mH· ti~l out ut ir" ctmfiru..,.; but' •1d" uf ,;.nulu·r!'l Jnv ... ~'4.'o1) t :lt• an·~·nur>i .. f t~e Jll"tl\lD("' and mak·nf.! n 'H• nl clJ"Cum­vnllat~ :l drt1Vf" • n k •b• 1\C.' W'lt"tt "~

lu u h1 r dt .... 8 n·!rf'f 'r1to •hf"· ll til rt.1 1lu.'1r' ll6tl11P ..,.,al .. ul Jotllf

r. tt•d fu I 11.~ tb• 1J .;trt t lot'\ fit j ~,. tit.-. 11 n l\ ild tlatr k•·t, "hi< h. nt•Jw••"­smn hnd '"'·'''•'•'ll through :f. ,m,f ~&IJ·t' lr•.nult It:" t I tit> jungles rullhn ... c1r t t:•· a tl'i'l.:•· f. m the tyranny of Warren llw.·.r:~....,· \o: able long •·•



tl t· tno'lr>r t •nd 1 rrr.:H•t tina. Sind 1 .. at once ,,. ample ut to­

THE •• •





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1.180,000,000 Pew pooplt Ia Jrcl•ad reallae Wt rhil co&.ut •m.ounr of monc, ll I nz 011 depMI.t t. diCI varioua l rilb Iolar Srock Bub ud Poel' Of!k-e. S.n·~~P Rant.. 11 l"t:prne_an rta. twrd-c.raed lat'lop ol ff'llll lai.ary ud 1Cfk111UII'e. h ~ nrDiDC f W MlfCS of urt•,_ •1111 il leratl' liNd ID ftaoce eo~~~peti'IO'm ol me people • ho crl"'Ud t

:.:.~;:• ,:!,:r:,. ':W~~ ~:-:-~;~ 1::::;•rQ!,.m:u;_~~~~',,.. g::,,:: t..ocl-.


• Lr. !...-So .•

llelllltt. Aecnaow

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CattJiq: leC1lriQ' of .,. mort&Qt oo l~lood




flu thr •m•• pttn 1pl~ ud,.,.. tb., ll-------------------------~~~.,

THE OUT·DOINC OF FROUD E. v The Proclamatit n The Gaels ·~la"'d

help the ,J that ,. do,.ncast Every proclaimed traitor every outlawed man, found in Se4an 1 benefactor and an admirer

.., • tells us He cakes much patns to try to prove that

O'Neill was a cow.,.d. this is done by n of the w ... ds of the four M4Ste/S

an<l bo sup,.._ing those of tbe English riter in Book •/ Hlnl'lh, Which he freely ote tn olher connections Here are the pprt I "Tbis o·NeHI was a pru­

dent • • aptain aod a good pver of t or cltar&e upon his enemies "He

h great policy in the wars, that be ns practised with. no mar. more in his rime

He had &ood men occording 10 tbe .,.,.. of ht country. Lord Hamilron cannot !love IUCI of the perturbolion of Elizabeth's Bishop of Meath when he foand Dublin hymning the praiSes of Seaan because of hfs "valiantness. In an address to SeUn, Tad& dull O'Higgins compliments hint lor hill Cuchulainn valour . and O'Donnelly likens o ·Neillto the &"'Illest heroes of Ire­land's put.

Thus from the English scribe 'His like • ., oot a looc lime by the memory of

" Sidney. HoliiUMd. the Lord Chan· cellor _ the Dean of Armngh the Act of Anain -Ill cesuly 10 the richness of L 1ster under hts r .. .zl

Lord Hamilton lS - omprehenshie in his condemnation of Sdian. n his n per-

It'S wn he .... a repulsive char..,-tet The poll&bed ana subtle SpaniSh AmbiiSIIIdor considered him a more honest and booor· able cendeman than the over·dressed nobles of Elizabeth's court. Mary Queen of Scots and the Pope saw him 'O'ith differ­ent eyes from thoae of this scion of the H Ull&rY Houoe of Hamilton. "As far as can be gathered from contemporary chronicles he bad no virtues." l have ahown thar contemporary cbronicles and Lord Hamilton have no intimate acquaint· ance He quotes from English authority in the Book ot Howth a portion only of what 1 said therein in favour of Sdan .and m disfavour But falsiHcation of audtoriries, even printed ones is .a favourite occupa. lion of Lord Halnilton. as those "'o books amply demonstrate

It would be absurd to expect a lair jude· ment from I ot !"'land on the '"'"'est Irishman of die Sixteenth century -a man

ho had no rival in authentic Irish Hisrory. The Fmu M4S1erJ liken him to the Sun God of Irish mytholo&Y-the Hammes ol the Foreigners-Lugh of the Mi&hty Blo"' the MOMs "bo led his people out I~ r .. e.-. ol E Cnll rhe M"" who lilted

the bowed heads •>I his dispirited people towards rhe sun and gave them a new happy, life a renewed, gloriAed spirit The condition of Ulster under Se4an seemed Heaven to his people and to all Ireland. The Four Ma. :ters summarised it 1n two .. r.h Conor Mac Nessa-tbe Goldeu Age of l 'lster Perhaps no man in Irish Hi!­

so kwed ..., Sehn-even on rhe of then English Dublin SUan's

name "' revered Philip O 'Sullivan in Spain meeting the shanet'ed and brolten. '\i Indomitable grandsons and greal·

' r1 of un contempora ;~ col· the trarh from their lips that O'Neill

,. I ed by tbe Irish, Old ond New {;a and IITl Ghaels. " N'ever was such

&ood man sinte Chrisr lived on earth •• rur one wbo knew and loved o•Nein Ill !ij)ite o! the destrUction of Ill Irish

m1terial rtferring to him--{)'Donnelly's aloguim survtving only in a late copy of

what must have betm passed from tongue to toncua lor hundreds of years-his lame lived in lhe hearts of the ever.fahhful 11001>le ollrelond Sir W Fitzwilliam wrote tha1 hi! .. 'sons were creatly belcwed . •. They c.,.ried on their lather'$ tradition for they

• Maltby ond other Englishmen 'The JnO' r venomou.1 and hareful persons of this l•nd to English rule)

The manner in which the School of work repreaenred by the crude, falsifying hand of Lord Hamilton,

he if it -..·ere noc amusing. Sup-po for in~rance, that I wrote of the great*

1 and noblest Englishman in Sixteenth C..111UTJ in lf'eland Sir Henry Sidney not

·h Irish Annalists uw 1tim, but as his '"'letnporary countrymeq de!cribed him,

the blat.'kest portrait dreamed of by SUan's delamou,.. would be lt&hr in authentic com· parison He wa a drunkard. and p glunon. "a a:rear surfelrer in eating and drinking, ,,. declan:s his eulogist In the Book O/ Hlnl'lh. The lrt h called him "Big Henry of the liecr He wa! an oppressor of lhe people .. the commons " When his wife III"'Y. was m Drogheda, his brother-in 119., Sir VI F'tttwilliarns, was writing tc Engl""d that his "goings-on" in Dublin with rho notorious Mrs. lssam. would have J a ua:d even a young man and was the ubjecr of scandal to tbe town and horror

to Fitzwilliam Cort!idering Sir Henry'$ age.' He himself. "he of the m01st h.ablt as given a very bad ch•raoter by his countrymen tn Ireland!. Judi" Jeftreyo went down to eternal infdmy for han 1ng fewer men in England than Sidney hinged, b) the same summary jurisdiction, in Ire .. land Bur Lord Hamilton would not call him .. Bloody Sidney" therefor


His brtther-in-law Sussex. accused him I bein a co.,ard lacking in heart It

was reported in England that his troops ran away and hid themselves in tlte woods when O'Neill was marching to Dundalk. He was a liar-another of his conntry­mcn s charges. His own letters are full of wails against what he styles the ''slan­ders" on his character. That he oppres$ed the pour Palesmen by intolerable cesses and taxations is beyond cavn. His lawless and rawd troops lived at rree quarters· with theit concubines and dogs-we have his own vivid words on the subjecl--in the r...mera houses He did not punish his ttoops I their eoonnities on the ''co:m· mons" of Ireland. He bragged loodly as was hia wont of havin& pr<lCIIn!d the mur­der of Sebn O'Neill. Although an out· ward cbampion of Prptestontiom. he was ready to hand over Encland to the Pope and Spain lor family reaaons, as fully detailed in the Spanish Calendar,

I would not sully tlte pnges of this paper by citing the terrlbfe accusations made by his contompories ngainst RObert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, Qoeen Elizabetlt's bed· fellow. All EurOpe rung with demmcia· tions of his iAfidelitieS and enormities.

II "Elizabethan Jrellnd" is bad, "The Irish Rebellion ol 1641 " is a nightmare. Space only permtts a brief notice. The quantity of original 1118CeriaJ in print alone would hike years to study and digest. A keen huflll!er lor Irish land arose in Eng. land, and the Press was mobilised lor the first time in Engfish H'ISiory to cre111e the nece5$&ry popular mind for war A great stream of broodsidea OT news-sheet poured from .the Puritan Press from 1641 onwards. Nothing eould ""ceecl their malignity l&llinst Ireland. and the wildest and most improbable "atrocitia•• were invented to stir up evil p ... ioos Not until the Puri· tans became realty strong 11id the Royalists Hnd it in their hurts to even attempt to show the other side of the picture. Except Mr. Williams. I know of no one who has uaed them lor Irish History : •the writer quoted from them in the .,United Irish­man" some 17 year;o a&o. These Thomas­son rracts are a mirror olrhe Enalish mind · I the epoch The material In the Histori­cal MSS. Com Reports especiolly tho Ormond Papers, in the publications of l 'I' Gilbert, Prendergast. Re.,, Geo. Hills' Plantation of Ulster--to mention only a few -dord neede<! light. But Lord Hamilton prefers. too ohen, 10 neglect or merely glance at original authorities and ro ous1t to poor compilations The result is dis­astrous for his rcpuration.

The iusti8cati 'n lor the horTO<S the fTish people endu"'d at the hands ol the English dissenters was that the Ulster Catholics began tlte massacres. Lord Hamilton str:nuOtJS1y tries to deh:nd this statement, which has been refured time and again. Samuel M'Skimin's "History of Carrick· lor&US" · 18231 pp 44-6-a book that is noted for ita. accuracy or scbolarship--en­dcavoured to sustain it. in a manner that wtns his Lordship's approval. He cites and quotes characteristially. a pusage on the lsJand McGee massacre of "3,000 men, women. llDd children, Ill innocent flOI'SOIIS, at a hme when nooe of the C.rbolikes of that County was tn Armes or Rebellion. Note that this was the Hrst massacre com­mitted in !"'land of either side Check your authorities is wise advke. Had he done so Lord Hamilton would have dis­covered..lto such words in the u p hliC'ian' Catechism . Having tried ullsUccessfully to !live new

hfe to a long dead fable. Lord Hamilton binerly ~N~ils Lecky lor his searching and philoaophic analysis of the 1641 Deposi­riorrs. Lecky was a very ueat histori,n with a sacred ...._d lor the truth as ho saw it Hi.s Lordship is a violent panisan to whom acmracy and veracity are not subjecto of Iovin& care.


Northern Banking Co. Ltd.

1 h~ r.peort ,,f t • D:\nk, w bid1 hu• '' heodquuh•r n Belf!l:ll, • impor­tant from -:arm~ pohtt!t of Tie\\· I dct no t nppe.ur W h&Te 81.1\ ot tt!l eighty-two lll'IJ.IJ( ;,.., sodtb of ·nublln. nf which there u.rt- th.ree in uur t'HJ Dull'• Brnndt, Gru.fton Street, o.nd the Soathmu Branch. There U<e • 1 ' ' n hrn.nchea in Thtt other hnnc ,j, .... aitua.ted in m..u.r, •·•· ejol tltn11e at :Balbriggll.n, Ballina. num. D«n:le. Dra;y, Dowra.. Drum ..

1, •m ' ·, Elphin, Kello, King>Cour> , Olctla l i to n m,da! ... tou n. Sherc(J(~k ... Sknr e... t r kr · . D. and Virginia .. Tl"'" or . therefore, Jiflet'll hrandte«

tt ... l outlride- of t'lKter. in Du.hlin, llo ot ' • RoocomJDon, tu1d Leitrim. It~ " c ·u~nt ,trt• made up to August 3ht. and lt , .. , llu· r ... 1 .1u•. I•JU 110on tA• ~t. thal llu• '' uhdraw ' which havE' taken plo<•e I.,.,[,( be. refte<>ted in its b.W.noeo. ~d it ''· accordingly. pr&­maton In JUdge tb~ eJfe..ts of I'Ocent dovelopruedl• on ito Mrtunes.

A,.te-'Tn r Endin• Auauat 31, 1'120.

£ ll J (}l_.IJ ..

3. t l

j 916.000 843,000 160,000

21 463,000

IDe r llfo

The 1 1! , ' ""' in the. discounts and w:i­Ttlnl'e , .. Tl"f\ marked. On Augru~t 31, 1919, ·(,.., wl .•t o£fi,17T,OOO. 'file~

rtt no"· m _,,J, doubled. The iOl't .. m•nt• and Tr'"IL<Urv Bills lll'l" dom~ ., £l,IIIH.OOU. ·1 he. !IUIIdry items I £84a,(X)O .n•• es.preeeed as eud(JJ"We­tDt nt . gu.arantH... and coufi.nned 'n•tht, The>Me sundty heU18 ne"', anu appear fur the first time on I he holun< sheet, on both sides, su that they ttr" l!ouk-i:..,ping entries ".hi<: h do not aifE><·t the balance. Premmes Q.l'e"

valued 11p £ll0,000, though no ne"· pnomlses WPrt> r;~tated, to be acqnired dlll'ing tloo• Y'""'-a~ least for n.,w bran· ~beos, the NDly cluwges in this reSJ>e<·t notified in th• Report heing the ~ou­l'ersiun of the- agencies at Dowru. ·N ew• tn"·nonlo, Portgleu~, Sointftelrl, and Rtruhnneo m it, bmnc:>hes.

J~iabilitW. ;.t A.U~tGSt 81, 19".11·

Co.pit.d n It t ndirided l"r Stftff Pand& ' otr• 8undritta


Inc. or Dt-t onr 191f).

£ £ 111 I - , X("l

4.i.OOO + • "' !!8,000 • h, 1,1:)

2,573.000 + 101.000 + i0. %.1. l'(.t

16.!\'12.000 +3.8Is.OOO

21.,4.63,000 ... - . i rnt

Ht.~·• ",. ..,. ll slight cb1Ulge iu tbe J>ruollflt of capital and res<JIIl'!'e$, Hut on Pxamiuation of the. composition nf this Hen•. the ~hauge become<! very remarilobl<.> Ln.•t ytoar the capiU!I o.nd 't 1 \ t~ \Vt'Tf' .. fotlo'n'BJ n.s ~omparM. ~·ith tbj" .\·en1

C•pi&.~~l ruttl R~ ' -Angust al.

lor 1 lo~

£ £ 1919. llllf{).

500,00(1 100,(0(1


1,085,000 I .. --.J

... " • :tplo.nato1J remB.l'ks are- Tlere t•u• "" ' The Ueporr for 1919 sf&tE"d

- · 11 ... me l'ense o1 the capitol bv 100.000 . l,.m • each £2 paid W8.1 uuthO.. rioed by Sp"' ioJ pa .. •ed st an Ertnt­orditJar~· Henerol Meeti"B of the Pr· pneturo 1. .. 1<1 un f>rd July, 1919, and < tmfinutod .,uhsequPnt mt!'E"hog. 50,000 of the S,..,.ll$ have '-' iSSUtld and taken up at .£5 I*'......, payable 10 t1f• lutlf-yenTly instalment.., o£ J::? 10. nn 1•1 S..ptemher, 1919, and £2 10•. ' n l •t llarch, 1920. Instal, ~ • nh t t h~ omU\lnt of £70,000, paid 10 nn' I ( '< aon, ha:re been .added • the R- " .!'und." A quatt~r <>f a million I ' "'• I hf'fr tun•. been taktn up in n•" tt>pl ' ol What h"" become o1 it )oO \ 11 .mf;'l'ftlV lo; t.he-re no sigayi it. left 111 t1 • buloicce sheet, but the ,.,.. p'it.ul amt 1·~~~·yes aTe down ln· five thousand. The ~:tplonotion · n's fol­lowfl . S:el'eJih thousiUid oi tb~ new c.e.pito] wa"' r·u'nied to reserve last YE'&.f. ThHt left """ bundzed .nn<l eighty thouennd, wJUch c•ame in during Se~ tern(.,, und Hardt in•talment•, '!'his baa d "·li'I"'·•Jt d and with it &ve­t lu ~t'-&Tid mun. t J.,. amount Of whi< h 1 bt- c.-; 11 oufl reHeones are clown on tuo • • ar . The Report &a)·s : " The Spe 1.11 J:4 tnt Fund of £185,000 for clepreciat aou c f inl'esbnents hu" been appli..d In the purpooe for which t w !· ITUfrl, ncuuelv th~ writing do·wn

· t u• Inveshueu~4

; . 1hese- having con­tinued their fall, the Direetor • feel tli~JP t• 1111 olri@<'t. in I his fUild ll'IDo.iJI, ing on the Bulo.m• tft~eL11 Tbt"re.­ftlrt! , 1 dear Ula.t investme-nttt to the ' l+h· r f n million and n.. half lmve l~~n realilled nt n ' •~"~t of thE' depredn· tton pmvided, nar1•eh, .£185,000, ond tltat ttU• lo.•• have been covered by thf' iHRUP of Jlt'\\' ca.pito.l. This meanS, in plain languago,. that t.he slutre­buldl"l"f' • mnHPY hnM been used to help to mukE' good the lo~~e-s on the inve5t .... Jnents u10dt> hy the directors. ll'ore-' >ver, •· not ot nil rlco.r that oJI • be 1 ..... ..,.,. lra\t• ltet>n made good yet. T 1u pa.•uu .. ~· .. have beett written up £.Jf• 01 I und this uppean to '\)(' men-ely an i'n­r reued valaotion plllted hy the dil'e(. ' "' on the value of their propertY. The efle< t of this opel'1dion • to iD• ert'lllte their n "f"h in one direction~~' with th~ t•'4Ult thot the depreciotin11 in aaoth<ir dir~ction, nam"ly, the in­TeBtments, i8 tn• extent (Ovenad by ~ honk-keeping device, The manC'PttTre is marked by 8lloth~. A •um nf £& 7M i• < reduc·

t· n rnJ .. t 1'!10tl"

t "lit

lt '" •I t... tlw"3ht lhol tb.. d•• appt'lll"Md.H •· ' u qunrte-r uf a million • money before it could gt>~ 011 the l>olMce..,beet, and the inllatlpn of tile pl"f'Ullst>.!l nee uuot ought 111 hal'E' co~red the BIUik'•l.,...,.. Hut such i• not tile (·ase. 1.' I"' a further sum of £75,000 •l>proprinted from tile year· profit. for tho f.Uipooe of l<riting do"·n tn,·estm~te~. The uet r~olt ia t;lmt iJe. twee.u Gl>plyiug the ,barel!olde,.,.• o u.. in~ttalmtoutH, writiug qp the huilding:o, und wrihng off the profit., the Bank ha.s 111, • t~eded in reduc..·lng ita invest­m~nts l>y .£1,504,000. It appears mrurred tb .. follow10g losses in J><'rf<><ming this pamfnl opera.tion

£ l.o• -of llflf\.8( 250,001 Diminution cf Capitol ~nd R.e-....... up Prf!'tlli~N \'fri\ing down Praflh

... 3S,IJ00 75,j100


l'h~ nott! ""'"' i• higher b:o; 11 hrutd"'d nnd on .. tbou'lllnd. Tbi• is unhealthy, particularly a.t a time when the other hnnb nze reducing 'their paper. The intrin•i<> <ulue of the X orthern 's l'aper •• not illltpi'O•od by the operatiotJS ' whleh \\'f" ha"f''rt'ed.

'1'11(' dt"Jlo~its on. highet' by £.1,818,000, nil nf whi~b have been lent fl.tlt to ('Mtm:ltPrs, together witb a mll­lion tmd a hol.f obUUned from the sole of ., 'irritie•. ""d fmrr lnmdn!d tbfm....and gained by not n!'JU:~·\Vi'l:qt itt' Treoomry Jlill• '"1.;, the~· became due. Ti1e LoKDs. os weo hn-ve Rlro"""" aireRdy, inrreased hy !!6,788,000. The folluw­ing tnhl<o sl(ow• hnw the Brmk·ohtnined Tt• fnnd• to flrum!'t' its Belfn•t ens· tn1Dfrt" :

Set•uriiiea sold , 'J1reoaury Uilh mRtut"Pd Netr J)epo11it .ltoney

UiGI,OIO 400,000


Inrreu.d Accommodation 6,722;..000

•• 5,'7!18,000

There ' • di:II.,...,Dct> of .£66,000. i'hirt eXJ)!-1, pt"rlu\ps, why the Uank had to int'n"o,;e itB note iseue, to provide. further accoDlmodati.on, !<oo that it bas '-u quito lltmble to re­treneb it , po~r liabi!iti... The.., are th~ fact• of the po~ition of the Nor­l>hem Bank. The vital questitrn re­l!iai"" ll"lt~ther f'll'l'~ depn!ct"!!.\iw in it& inl-P~hnt"nfoc conn b& cOvered -mtccesl'l~ fully. Th~ divid•nd• paid were olightly inct-ettsed, hut it doe~ not apJ~nr thn.t tl...,.., were any n•ul profits in face of the heav,v ]o!4~ un dt>]ltt:-l'ia.tion. Th& pnJft.t n.nd loBR poo~ititm Dl&Y he writt:fon oft' 01 nominal. ·

Plea for Irish Patriotism

11:re ~P"Ch or which tbe Following fo11I:1; the concludin.a portion .-u delivered tn th( C0111miuion C:ourt, Green Stirefl, OD tl 26th of lt•y . ......... by Jlobm. Holmf& 10

deferu, of John :Uit<·hel, then on bia l.r

for treuoll·felo'h}"

Deep, det"Jl, deep i• tho guilt of Englund, which by on unprcrroked. and unjust inv•uJiou, obtained domi­nion 111 Troland. oud ot tit .. close o1 ~t~TPU ce.ntu1ie1 of tha.t dominion, ot ibe ,.(,, .. ,. nf 8e,~n 1"8htm'iea of wasting wn.r o~ . wastiltg UJ.w .... s1id still more 'n'll.'itJUg J?UliC)', fl.nd11 it .Dt"t'('BSal'y to maintain tbot do01iuion hy special ('Um~8!HOU!4, !'1. 1h• }Jrosec utitm.8, and militlu-y fo r• • . by the gibbet, by tb& jail, ond h)· tb• •~ ord. I bent much and 1 r£·ad muC"h in praise o! the pr.,.ent c~U..f go•ernor of this coun­tf:l·, of lti. good intention~, his greoa\ nbilltie•, and bU. iinn ,It is neith£'r my pl'avinc·e NQ.:V a.n~· in tl1·1•

praib. I ntu\'6 in n h this I will '". thtH lt>l'<l the heAt ol the • uf iho w'""• 1111d the, hf' c ·ould nut long l' tion lwtween Great Ireland, undn d tt•mmon cro\\·n, ,,) the gihbot, the jail, and the owotd. The laws of eternal ju•til'e forbid it Hnw , ... thi!ct nmnt-djon to be pft' ..,n·ed r B.v justice. By givi.J)g , Irel1>nd her right.., ller rights by no lure, •nd b•r righls by compact'. By gi.,ing tu Irelund her own purlioment Thus the eun.nedion hetween the two cuunbies rnu.v hP preserVed for ages, founded on n community of interest: nnd equality uf right.., m11tuol a.flec.

0<; ... 1 "'~kh- mt"t'·u; ,r'" m I eon ( ntrnl Clul; •uppreAAod.

••• 12-~!litnry and polk· roi<ll'<l h •odr h.·J~ of R-t"pubHran Gnvent­mt•nt 1llltl unt•,ted u.nd hnprisoued .ta.ft.

No". 27 Sinn l~'eiu and llepubliean : }f'ir~t~·~td':1" ~uppre~~Pd tb:ronghout

Dee. 10-Si"" Fein und R.-publicun t ,..dqw.rle!-s ordered to be clo .. d.

De( 12. -Sintl Fei.u. leader" arrested n Duh· 1 and provinces, inc:luding the

rnt 1· oftlw S.F. or.gnnieBtion, and u por ..J wuloout trial. Repuhlimn

eadquuzh r. rn.ided nnd litt·m· 11~ ( t:"' ated.

1920. Jan. 6 ~r. Jame• .J. RO<'J elet­

ion 'Jndidate. nrr .. ted ot 'Bi .. ,· and deport.~. ·

Jan. i-Sinn Fein election bi!Od­<tUat'te: ; raided nnd dooed by militar\' ond p .. Jic.,., '

Jon. o-Motur permit •trikers offer uf r .... onahle ••ltlem•ut rejected bv the Gt,~etnBlC'Jtt, thus pre-venting tla~ use f ~ nr~ to bring elertor~ tn tht' JIO!l.

Jon. 10-Dun Loogh,.ire el~ctoou ruom• raided. Litf.'rl\t\Jl'l> co1Uis<·otod.

Jan 1 to Jon. 15--Sinn ]'em oMdi­<late~· election addre•""" suppr.....J. nil over ul!lnnd.

No I '. ro delivered at Smn Ftrin meet n Depsrtment. Sinn Fein elec­'lon po•tenJ torn down by polkP oll ··- U..llllld.

Preaident De Valera's <11hlod advi<• I u Irish voter held up in &onsit 1\lld lfot delivered.


The tol!owmg En!fli.oh pnpers. un­der the dat"" mentioned, threntenod the Irillh paoJ>le with mtensified mili­tnry retJression if Sinn Fein cn.rti~d a mnjority a.t the. election:-"' Dnih ~nil," J a.nuary 12; 1920 ; " Dull)· XO>Ws" Jonuarv 14 1920· "Dailv lloil/' Jllhll!ll'y "15, i920. ' .


" T11e Irish Municipal Elections," •<lid t ' Daily News " on the 19th .T anua.r " ban put the &publioan• 10 powt"t in nine--t~ths of the. to"·n· •hips outside t"lst<>r." It might Jm,·e Kdded that en.n W m.ter thi SUppor-

l'8 uf English rule in lrelBlld failed t > t-apture flit~· per cent. of the towll· •hips, ond that in foar-fifths of the township• throughout all Ireland "'<'re the....,,-mojoriti<:§.rreturned ogoinst' the ~h•h ~onfteOtton.

llere ore ~ few salient focts thD.t >land <.ut from on analysis of the re­>ult..• of this election:-

Th<> Unionist or pro-English Partv ubtain•d n mojorify on the new1y­('>uncils in oulv 1 of the 12 Ili•h Cities nnd B<·ruughs; in only 25 of the 127 townships throu~thout kiond: in only ~;J of the 47 townohlps throughout Ul-,,.,: m oulv 2 bf the 38 townships hmughout 1.einsl<!r: m non~ of the

1U to~'ll•lliP• throughout Conno.nglit n 11one ul the 32 townships thnmgh­

uut lrh t .. tt•r

The Cross of Cong --(FrDIII the •r lrlab Eooraaiaslical Record.") In tloe ye.., 1822, Dr. Petrie mode u

h•ur ,.. the West of Ireland. He took Ill Cong on the wny. Furnished with " letter of introduction to the Rev. ){o. Prend.,rgo•t, " the Jtu,t mitrod \ubot "f Irelnnd," he called upon him

nud wai courteously and hospitably r&­

<·eived. We shall let Petri~ tell the 1 uricu" incidents of this interview:-

Th~ object of m;r Yisit wu to eee aom& 1 Lat • remaiua -of eutiquity, form.trl;r t.ltt proptTt.J of the abbey, and «tlllm po!t­~on Of its abbot. The nntrable clergy· m 1n ~ved ua a.t the door with ea•;r ~olifllmOJ•. which I'Drmed into cordiali~y on peru1it1R: h.ia friend'• Jetter of introduction • nnd some aeneral converaatio-u, rela-

u to my rillit- to t.bnt unfrequented part 1'' Ireland, faviJ\lred 011 witL .n ai~thi of thut \\ tdartul relic, the Croaa of Coog, Thia r~li(JUDfJ' '1\'RII found bj the Rev. Mr. Preo~ llergaat, P.P., i11 an oaken cheat, kept in a rottaee ••f the to"Nn, where it and other ""' n taint of antiquity ho.d probably been con .. ' led eince the Reformation, or at lt11tt .at.M!queut to the rebellion or 1641. A

~..: 1 portiou o( the Yaluable. thne hiddeu c•cm~ed of deeda of grants of land to tht

bboy, c'ld of lriah lf8S. in •ellam, aplen· clidl1 illuutlnat«<' Tho Abbot, n• h~ con· r .. 51'~> btmg nt. the time ignorant of tJ'e 'alue of c~·h ~mtunll, thought little about them ; nd on going to tJ\8 Contin•nt & otter, to Improve his education. cnrt­lt~wly left them 1n the charge of a young priest, whom he appointed to do hi11 duty during his obrwmce. Ho remnined abroad tlnvon year•, duting which time l1e fouud tlmt the mo1t ancient • and nluable MR. whinh be 11n.w 011 the Continent, appenred t.o re-.emble, but not eqnl\1 in beauty, those be

r tit touhttnhT ~K"fl

nNn Jrnd ltOI'I'Or. on: IUu!: {lh home th • hi d~oty had, d'lr h eb­•c-nr: lO!'t • de.4tzoyed all lbo~ot curiout And VJiunble r&naninJ~:, the oroM e . , !•L 1; A.od thnt. untortwutt•l;r, the Tery bt•nutJ" of the ~~s,c; h11d been n. chief COQIIt f t n d~· Jruction the illiiOtll'llt ;romrg mnn haTing

rut t.hiH'll up to M rat hia bt.«"" 1 W1\1i

thr illurb.iu. ~ rttf'f11 wbicb rl " ron­tai.ned''

Sto fay- fnr the- disc·over\· .t~ t m-.y 1" alled, nf this ptcc u u• ur•icle. l,(•trie'"' nrtirdit •• ,f" nt OD£'t' tlt"tffted lt:ot rart- He;- wtt~ a poor man nnd rould not purchow it ; but lt nE-ve; lo.•t .ight uf 11 and fon~y hoped to 1ft 1t on~ dar depoo1ted in the MU&eurn, which it now adorns, in tln :R?ynl lri•h Aoadem.~ .At length his w !Bht• w•~ realised. In 1849. Petrie wa• w•nt by hi!. frioml, the lat~ Prn­( "" ll•Cul.lajth, tn ('ong, t. purt hue th .. prilt'. It "'"• honght for nne hun­dred I!Wn<NIS, nnd generuasly presented to tho Academy. A small lrut moot 4rl'U\"R.~ illu .. tration nl tL.V. famous ctl> • ,..ill h• found in Wokeman" Ha.ndhook of Irish Antiquiti••· We i~lljejn !be letter-pre .. a.-rription of

1.111 'c rM of C'ot•Jt the- gt'fft of tbe r:a­derny a•on.Je maet trCriki~tg •"It! 1 ~ of t:he dvan~ment wltich the Jrish •rt:ifltm had

Ito in .. •erwl of the art•, ~n gen~rt.l Dlllmlfattuting ekilt prrriota • th al"''i....t o[ U tt Xn~ah. It waa made Rt R011eom· rnvn h,. nAtin Irilhm.n, about tl YHr 1123 m. the refgn of Tllrlourelt Q'('onnor, father of R~rftlr:, th• lMt lrinK o, 11:nd contanta W'hat wne supp:~&f:d to be a piece of th trut 11'0ilS, It! in~~el"iymou 1n Trilh. and LAtin in the trillh otmrec:wr. dj&..

tiuttly recorcl. , , . The omo.ment.! genH'IR,. conr~«t of tracing, and grnte11que mimal.s, fnn011u11:r -c:omlrinet1, and similar m clliiTne­ to the deoora.tious found upon r •) of .tone of about the s.nm.e period A latp. ct'J'•tol, tlmmgh whielt a tJOrlion of the wood which the croa W'D!i formrd to ~enr.hriDe t• ri•iblt. 1 ael m tbe C"t!fttM. tutt'r~ ~eehon.

Thht d~rription, though ace .·u• • .... not 5uftirit>nth· preci~ and e-.sluu .. t " We !'!hall. tbeft.fore, endea.Your tn Sllp­plement it hy partionl""' supplied by Petrie, or •nggeot'l'i by a , u!'Pful in­spec bon of the- eros~- The 'J.ot.··tiobB which nnturnlly present lhemselves an>

tiJ"st. ,\·hut was its. purpose or ni•ject, o.ud ,,;hAt are the e\·tden('es c.r the date t»' hine nt whicft ~~ wt1 e:s:e~ < uted • Secondly, what are the pecu­liar oxcellende. wltkh mark it out o di•tinctiwly Irish, aud a.< u work of high urti•lic• •kill ?. It is must @:rllt:ily­in~t that the ~n•wers to the lint cl.nss ' I que~tion!i ure supplied by the lD• N·riptiob . ., nn the cross itself; one- of thttu runs thus:-+ Ha.c Gtu~ Crus Tlgitar Qu P ~·

Conditur Orbie.

We leoMI froni the Annob ... Jnnis­fnllPn. nt th• ~·....,. 1128 the "~' m which the firt~t GenerBl Cowdl ,.f Ll\terau wo• held, during the pontili­rate uf Pope, that " a bit af th• 'ru• eros• corue !nto Ireland, o.nd wu..~ em~hrined at Roscmnmou '' Tw· luugh o·connor:· The- ·Cl~rOnicwn Scotorum, '' edited by lb-. HPnne.ssY, nt •• D. ll19, registers the -.urue event 111 lhe t'imple hut expre.c;"'i'"e- Bf'n1ence,

'11ho Cro!i!'t of Clui:d in Conno.cht., in tltis yeo,r." Hn far, it i& plain •hat the eln.horote ornaments which lteA.utifv this t·ros~ were the efforts of CatholiC piety nnd •kill to enrich a shrme some­what worthy of enclosing a portion of the h·ue cl'OOS, for wltir.h the m< ,. profoowd vene&'lltion has been enter­ll•iued Ly our Celtic forefathe,.,. No"·· a,: tn thE- date, we gladlv nvuil our· Mel~n ur Dr Stokes' stateiuent -

01 remainin1: inBCriptiOD!il a~ ., lri1h, and gtve the name« of th~ lour penon• un­der .-hoM auperinfenden.ce tbis .(Lrine (or tlae boly relic "'' m"'d,e j til~ fu~t war. lluintl~~b O'Dufl'y. Archbi&hop of Con· nouaht. for ~·hose uae it was i.utended tlle second wos !.lut King, '1\arloug.h t.YCannor, at whose dtRire and e;rpen~ it W(lfl ~xtwtt'd; the third, Donnell O'DUffJ'. wna the btahop whu watched over it.J progr~N tmd the fourth, Madieu 0'Echnn1 wns tlae utist wbo es:ecuted it. Of the lut mentioned •nd mnr moat of thOH fouT men no o\hlt ~ord cllU be faund i no. monumut ia ~ft to tell of l1ill former gneotneflott eave the tsqo.ili.te work that lute. siood for more than aofen Luudred yeara1 bearin& wituNa to the II\IJ'VellOUJ power and delic • skiU of tbe artist I"

Muireadu< h O'Duffy, the ... nior archbikhop, for wbo..~ u~ this <'rot-s was mnde, l\'D:t a Terv illuatriou~ man, '1\·huoe death i• tLu; recorded in the 11 Anno.lH of the Four li a..cners ";.--

" A.D. 1160. lluireadaoh O'Duffy, o bi•ltop pf Connnught, the arch-senior of Ireland in wi~dom, in chastity, in th~ be•tm•nl of silts o.nd food, diod nt Gong on the 16th of May, on. tl1e f••tival of 8t. llrendon, in the aevenl'y-

'Fr m t· il·!!.ah fr

\VIII"(' II"M• tl ,. ~~ nnt mo~~· d.t••l ~wenf_Y·1llou ~' 11 l.t ~. 1t the l·'ngli 1~ mvmuun : u.nd tnorf' l.h .. 'I t 1 01t. the Ahrlll(• "n llf tunllv f'omplrtt'll accord ... in~ t•· thP •• Ann&lfiJ t ltau.f.:! . .-•u • in 1123,. "mJI I' fifh \t olf'" befOfV the ad­vent uf fiPnT 1 JI

.\ tu t ~tr peculiar exlelltmll' uf tlu. fu.muu~ ~oiJJUte. ibt hUh c:hal'a('"· r a.ud II ariJ t1 sk.i.Ut \\'f• ,if( OW,ltt' that OOT

pages w. ~ reu.cll tho.....- "·ho tiM\ pn•l)oo ably ,.,.l!l,m r ever. La, .. on oppor­tunity uf ·1 .. h . UJr tht"ws..·l"t' h\ per­aonal m }w' tu n. lit !H t• a l"\' '' C'II'CL., w•- tr • t will not he out of f.lact• The gt t•t 1l 'hsnu·t r "'!l ~ uf •· 1:o.t h

knD\\' n a• the Irioh School uf Orn nwntatum nzt• to he fou.od n• t oalv ia the treatmen · • .r "'linn,... but \.Js.O iu Irish •tone <·ro • of the oame period whicl• adorn the ruiwo nt lfona.•ter­boiee, Clcmmac-noJsf, ~aru, ond manY other 1ft .. ., of O.O('l&nt monust.eriN. Ii. the oante 'h>.-. Lut of still more ela­borate style of tJrn.u.menta.tion, .aJ'f" to Le ranked the famous YES. known u th& " Douk of Kell•," th• Book of Dnrrm•." the !look of Durham," executed bJ Iri•h n!unh ut Lin­di..tarne, the " Book of Kildue," th" " Bo.ok uf Annagb," ete., •· .• Of •u<h, Weow·ood ''· in his 1

' l'al•·••grBPhia. Sa<ra."' the "t'r t' of lfSR. from ... hidi the fac-similes m U.e ouoDipiUinng piote h<JVe 1>e.m 1-opied 1 in con .function with the "Book of Kell" "), constitute a llil'Tit" of actual pt• w:tf still preservl'd in Ire­liUid, of thP uiste1u·e of a religi<>O> and national !l<hool of art in tlmt coun­try •t a period "·hea tlte teAt of Europe was almm"t invoh·ed iu mental dark:­ne~:~S.

lntric .. te interlacemeubo und ruiuut. elaburntion mav he "'ll"rded, Digb' informs u.s, as the j;jJ)(.'r-iti.J cherocteristi.c of the Irish b(lol. in W!'l work on llediren1l Art,'' coniirms . .t,be opinion of DigLv Wvatt, and tn.lm it n....Is lnlt ~ ll'hin< ,. at our most vala.ohle ~SS., "'tun t tu .. r , or shrines, to JU"t the oame opn<t pervading and dinocting all. Onr gifted countryman, O'Neill, in hi• nlnablt> ... Ol'k, entitled. " }'ine Art• and ('i.vililation of Ancient Ire­land., sa.vJJ:-" Yuious, stvleti of or· nac~ntol ' art p...,nU.ted tbroogh011J Earope. from the age at IUmaiasanre; tbot ;,, Iron> the ...mer port of the funrth tu I bE" fourh"("ntb ceatury: hut duri•J< that thons&Dd ·• "'• th& Iris}j hold the pre-ennnence for every quali~ wbirb t'f"ndeM.I work."' of art excellent. noruelr, grent originolitr llhd fertility of inv.,..tion, wonderful power:o of e:recution, tomhined witlt a profound knowledge .,r the prmciples of art, to "-bicb Wt> rna\' add, a thnrough mas­ter\ of c olour: or chromatic ~:feet. • •

The Victcr Tbron~ tn

i1 a • f tl t. ht ~~ JlnJWUI~:Jh-d

and 8~:-Tlu.•• foUJ::'HIIt': 1 ·, 11 It ld a.DDU&U\ ul

C'lln1J: 1111 It lr; '• fulh·~·· {', ( lart>. ho"" had to •~· ohandont..-d tl1:" veor n­p. hll1l fnrr•· • ' Ht · ·• L null: .;r"\. b. 11-"

''CUJJnllt"lth t·rod I 'I' tullt·• '-' and n•e 1 ncrup 11 r1 rJ tl · (; »ht

A.- Aaavlts:- IIICMdiariem-1-'oliO\\ ••11 th•· di 1 n·r · f the d.t d IHKI,\' nf o. Bnt1 J, rJJd.. In a field at Band• u ( u t rk t\L' ... l..-l!M'ed t han• llt'f n hul ), ,;:nmc.• • f b ... c

0 "'f'd J, lrrJa.nd llillot

mai.l L Time 1·otnn•rlt"" t1u· 11 t"llht r ( · th• Dr t 1 .. t;

fclrt't:' l';lut hl' 1n t 1a t n "rt>tked nud lurn•"l t11 the .rr .. urul t t" lwu.. ... ~ u£ ~~ .J Buddey, llq,ul · r :'1 Ohair nut.u ut tbt" Bandon 'f,," n ( (unw · ~iunt>ht In an t•ftL rt tu !'18ddle tht" &e.

•nd gla.dtkonf'th pul•lit·on moT't"Dll'Dt "ith tht"' murder thr- Brih '' authonfte"' had

Ever1 tJO tb.T triumph, Toirleach I Tyt.nn;r That raYO~ed ih, fait m6.n.bood in it

prilrlo Stat!1ed not 1 7 quencblea spirit, nor

could bow To it brM t tbine all oncbva.Wd Drow

Wbero \ alour la:Jlli a r ut oaf ricto'1, IHathleM bqcmd the- ~e~nog touch of

Time O'Leary Curti1.

Conciliation X II

th<· hod, nf thesoldierremnTt'd t!tEug. Juoul before a puhli< inqa&y would I•· lwlcl and the true ri11 um~hnct•!§ c:f the 1·rimt• be- I'Uhlished.

.\ ,.Jgn of tc·rtor •• · .. , iD Limerick C'i~~· where uuw<·ent ciTiliQ.IIJJ OJ? being dn<l.v attacked and maltreab!d In· DK"'I1· ht•J..., u! the anned Brititdr fo,rr•; At !) .. ·,lock on tht• night ~~~ -tht> 26l1 .. uuw mf'n re •JrDJ r~~r lrou1 r•·£ g uua de­,·ntiutt~ wt-r•• ht>ld up ond K"D.t.C'll b,· t fwm. T!u "1 •. ' tried (i-. ~t'8pe l1t ruuumg mto tlu. hnl' uf liN. R\'.111 Sar .. field .._ lrN·f, trere followed b". h J)ftlic·t· with drawn teTolvers wlu) nu1 tli~·mrr•n~t tho fugitives. f.hreaiened tu .. buo· \It s Ryan. datJghter of llrs.. 1! ,\·au. lli John O'Sbt."a t~o,IH th.ro1n:!

Courtmartilll: \J..,.. P~tr.<·k 8Jid nlf "'' lrit"l•· to William !itreel, and 'Jolon Din•en. uruther , •rere trted by clnogl(ed ont .. the police bu.rr<Wh. courtworliol ut C'ork nn the 27th iust. wl«•ro• lot wu 88\'l>gt>ly .........!ted. Jn on o. charge of attelllJding to disnnn unuther tu·d Mr. J. Xelly wu. fnur Briti~h pnli~men nt Lt>ap, County knnr-ked down by five police-mea wht Cork ~··ntenc.- ('<>urt hao not lwul him witlt their rille butts. ' yet b.-en promulgated. During the I Ju the night of the 25th, Dritio~ trio! tbe p...,.. "'l'"""'ntatives were pnlu·emen en!A!red tho licensed pre. warned by Cllpt Gov('r, who ~ mi<e• nf llr. Kannugh, lfountkeanet, t uted, that if the, puhli~bfld th·· name! autl ' ulNNl tlu• occupants t1• d.ispeme • ~ the ('n•"n • 'neasett. they 11o·ould, untlt·r J,.,-n. 'h 'f being- shot. on tutu .... "' n, be in tl chain ,\t a m .... ,. If of tbe L;-;clt n ... -tl("t upied .. , .(('11 t"<l ltnUI' Huartl on tlu· 28tlt I~ t t'lc

llr l; Breen, Ballyheg, Co. Tip- lln)•·r W~1u p1 J(lcd, complaiued t ~ peMir)l, '"L' triod by C'oanruartiol at ormed 'Bri L•l• poli<r enl<!red the lot Cork on a t •·•rg c,f having in hhl poe-. purat ~ou El~tnr Power Station oo th.­eeAAion a tt-ml vr and ammunition, a ni:;rht of the 24th, and beat ODe- a1 th@­copy of the offidol organ of 1 r IrWt empJ,, ,.. very badly. The Corporo­ Army. and some- •• sedi- tinn 111~L: wntrhmen were held np and tiou. " literature. Sentence c f tbe tlorentrnro 1Uld ~le goiDg to and CourL hu not u hc_~n~l!rumnl~"'B ed frum ''" · k w.-n~ beiing assaulted hv

U.. D. 11ul>on, i!'tWn mailoget •t Briti·· • t •hr" patruJ. Cunugh ( ump, Kildue, Wll!l tried bv Deportationl:-~r. Thom"" Den­coul'j.moriiol nt 'MlU":"t'horo'. Queen's neh.\· who "1 sentenced by courtmar­Oo ou the rharp of hrlving amJDuni~ tinl m Cork tn two years' impri.son­tiun u not under efrective militan con~ mf'nt on o 1 barge of holding up a mili~ trol. It w~· stated n~ the trial tb,.t tar)· !'i•pakh rider, has b.-en deported tbp ommun1hon w~o~; .. .found tn a storef; tu " uuu nod Ecrubbs Prison Lon-tn 'l'rhicl' man~· people other than -ac- _ dun. ,

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The Victor Victim

When in Karch last A.ldel'IIUUl YncCurlin, Lord :Mayor of Cork, ~u murdered b;y &IJ"nts of the English Oov(!rnmont., Alderman lf.~winey was unanimonaly elected by the Cor­poration of Cork to preftide over i.~at ancient. municipality. ~ nccephn.g the office be felt it .,.,.. h10 duty to h1a fellow-citizen• to fill the gap of danger.

u They ND.W in the manner ia whioh the late Lord llayor waa mur­dered " be said, H an attempt to ter .. rify tkm all. Their first duty waa to ouawer that threat in the only fitting manner b7 •h?wing: thelll­..,Jvea unterrifi<'d and JnftexJble for the .,.tahliohment of, the indeJl"D· den"" and integrit;y of their country. He waa more rlooely &S!Iociated than any other with the late Lord Mayor. For that .., .. on be took hia piaNo,


and he thought it was the fitt~g answer to those who struck htm doWll. T» conteet they ~e"!' en­glljled in was nat on tbe1r s1de n. rj,.alrv of vengea:nre, but one of en~ dunnee and it was not they who could i~ftict moot but thn' wh,~ could endure most "•onld conquer.

Lesa tbnn seven months pnssed and the ....,ond Chief l!ngistra te of Cork h111 been .truck down. ~ho ll)8.ll whom the citizens of all p&Jtles com­bined to honour aDd exalt lies de~, as we write, in a foreign prison. But,In his deatll. he is victcr over the enemies of his country'• independence.

Bef...., the world he baa. P"?ved the failure of those who can mft1ct most to defeat tho...oOt> who can su:ft'er most. For two months he haa en~ured agon.y fOJ" lrl!land. His agony IS <>ver-his life is oped. EnglaDd was powerful enough to make his wife a widow und his child an orphan, as she was once powerful tmough to burn J 0\"1 of Arc at the stake. The '<orld yesterday joined to honour Joan of Arc. In e~h succeeding century th~ world w1ll honour Terence lfac8w1ney. .

Two ye8l'11 ago the electors .of Mid­Cork chooe 'l.'erence MacSwmey ns their representative. He is the second of tho elected representatives of the people of Ireland to die in England's prisons. Of tho other 67, 60 h";ve been like him from time to time m­mat.;, of England'• bastilles. It is England'tt ana" er to I~ land's vote. It is EnJtland·~ definnce of D~motrarfy. It is England's repudiation of t 1e plediJ"S she gave to America. to uphold the right of eTery n~>tion to d&­termioe it.! own form of government. Bn~ the issue of the con.ftict between. lllight and Right io in no douht. The men whom the people of lrelnnd cboae a.s their repreoenlatives and lo.wful Government have seen two of their colleagues done to death because tbe_y remained loyal to the mandate of their nation. But though lhey all were to perish tbero 1$ no strength in Eng­lood t~ make the Irish representation waive an iota of its allegtnnce to the. independent Irish Stete set up by the will and vot~ of the people of Irelnnd.

Terence :YacSwiney has died for ln!land, and h.ia death, like his .sincere and nnoelfiah life, will he fruitful lo the country he loved. Pel'80n":i grief for his death is assuaged by th1s fact. No counU)o bas sulfered mqre thnn lnlland-no cOUDtry has been less able to reward devotion to its cause, and no cOUJllry h"" been more -ioaat ... J.,.ed by 1is people and mo!" selfl!"'•lx seM'ed. Men and women gtve the!!'~ for a land in which the 110bletJt Vl!'­

tues are proocrihed by its e~mies ns crime. Before such a. nation there s....,tche• a great &nd noble future. In that future of Freedom and Peru:e the chiJd,...n who slopJl"d their play in Dublin when, on llondny, they heo.rd that the Lord Mayor of Cork was dead, will teach their rhil­dren to revere the memory crf Terence MacSwiney and hi'l comrades, whose loyalty and ourifice made secure the independenre of Ireland. •

.<l.R 'Oe1s uE! so R41D"" .on..,ml

France and Ireland.

Paris, Saturday. The demonstration condemning British

atrocities in Ireland. organised under the 11t1spices of La Ligue des droits de I' Homme, waS' the largest and most enthu­siastic of its kind that has so far taken place in France. NOIWithstanding the capacity of the Hall large crowds had to be tumed fl'ny. M. Marc Sangnier tho popular Depury tor PariS. made a most eloquent and impl!llllioned speech in which lie ori&matiled the methods employed by the English army of f!Ccupalion, and asked rhat civilised humanity step in and encf. oru:e and lor *II, !he reign of terror which tbe Irish people have so long endured and to which they oro subjected to-day. Tho innocent people who, !rom day to day, fall by the hand ol the military assossin and the ruined towns and s~king homesteads which mark the p .... ge of the Black and Tan, forcibly recall to us the descent of the Hun on our own territory and the ruin and datrac1ion which he spread, but there are cruelliee from which we eBCaJl"d-cruelties which no pen cm plctu.r~. nor tongue doacribe whlcll are employed t<Hiay qainst lbe friall lfO'ipfo becauae they wisll to ClifTY 10 ill llllical conclusion the Treaty of Vr:r­saill .. whe~in the principle of sell-deter­mination .,.., sanctiHed. M. Ferdinand Buisoon, rile President or the League: M. Guernlll, Screllry, and M. Paul Louis in

most emphatic language denounced the England's Economic War methods employed by the armed lorces of Englmd. A resolution of sympathy ..Uth Ireland and demanding lor the Irish people the right to dispose of themselves, was passed amidst rhe unbounded enthusiasm or the audience.

Last week also the Executive Committee of the Young Guards of the French Socialist Party unanimously adopted the lollo..;ng resolution :

( I) That the rei&n of oppression andre­prisals installed in Ireland is incompatible with the right ol peoples to self.detennina­tion-a right which was Solemnly recog­nised by Llo)'d George who was England's signatory to the Treaty of Versai_lles. (2) That in the name or lnlernahonal justjce, we most energetically protest against such acts. 3) That we address to the Irish Republicans our fraternal greet­ings and adjure the English proletariat to employ every elfort to liberate politltal prisoners who have been illegally Sfn· tenced, and to secure the emancipatioriof the Irish people.

uThe situation in Ireland," according to 'fLe journal du Peuple," uis that whi~h•no civilised peoplt>-itot even the English­can any longer tolerate. Not a day passes that the regular police, the army and the auxiliary forces of the Crown do not, under the pretext of reprisals, abandon themselves to the work of destruction. After the Belfast riots which were tolerated, if not encouraged. a considerable number of towns and villages have been almost CODl­pletely destroyed by fire or by bombard­ment after having been previously pillaged. If this state of things. continues the south and west of Ireland will soon be reduced to the state ol our devastated depsrtments. You have o~ly to look at the photographs that begin to be published. They recall the war with all its horror. The movement of protestarion is such that the Government endeavours to excuse the conduct of its representatives, but no body any longer believes seriously in the declarations of Lloyd George. The actual situation is his work. The most primitive savagery has been let loose and the most brutal and revolting acts have been committed, U not by the orders. at least by the representa­tives of the British Government. u

''It seems that Lloyd George has now COil· centrated all his enengies against Ireland .. " says "Le journal des Debars." "In his recent speeches he has declared himself irreductible. He rejects absolutely all con­cessions and expresses himself on this subject witb a viol~nce wh~ch J~ no ~ to lilt lntenlions. Tills is muCh more regrettable as he speaks for the Coalition and i& prepared to resort to every means so as to rally to his banner the suffrages of the English people. The system of reprisals which function now in Ireland is the worst or all. It is the duty of responsible Governments to foresee such . mistakes. Mr . Asquith told his audience at Ayr that the system of reprisals in lrelmd could only be compared with those employed by the Germans in Belgium. This comparison makes us shudder. We hope that the Cabinet of London will adopt the necessacy ·measures to destroy this lamentable im­pression.''

The recent Republican Congress held at Ancona, according to the "Secolo1 "

passed a resolution acclaiming the: triumph of the Republican cause in Ireland and con­veyi(Jg the fraternal greetings of their organisation to the Irish confreres. uAt another time this would have been looked upon as a platonic expressjon of sympathy for an ideal,"' it says, "but under present circumstances it has a higher and more far-reaching signification. The Irish question presents itself to the world as an Inter­national and no longer as a British pro. blem. A new fact is the actual existence of the Irish Republic. Ireland possesses 1 democratically elected Parliament called D'il Eireann with 1 Cabinet which is Te­sponsible to it. She has an anny ol volun­teers and a national police. She has her tribunals and judges which are hailed wi.lh joy by the inhabitants. Ireland is in rac.t to-day an ethnic entity-a . united State. Sixty-nine Sinn P~iners were returned at the General Election o!IQIB, ten olwhom were sentenced to death or penal servitude lor IJife, and thirty-seven rnhers w""" arrested, imprisoned and deported without being accused of any specific charge. From this it seems that the official residence of an Irish Republican Dep)lty is an English prison. The English military forces have esrablished a rei&n of terror throughout the country. They plunder destroy and burn towns and villtaes, they assassinate when they cannot ar~st those suspected of hold­inc Republican views; they blockade Irish ports and suppress railway communication with the country towns, and they en­deavour to wipe out local industries and cripple loroi&n commerce. The truth is that they have succeeded in producing a state of anarchy in Ireland in <irder to get a moral sanction to termi01te a state of affairs which is or their own creation."


PART II. In 1770 and 1771 there was acnte

di-lro•ss in lrelllDd, owing to the of work a.nd the high price of corn. in 1778 nnd 1779 there «as plenty o t uru, hut manufactures -n•ere too poo to huv it. u Tbe ~wnsequence was that corn fell lo 80 low a price that the fru.'Dlers in mn.ay places were un able to pay their rents, nnd every where v.•ere under great difficulties.'

In one 1\·ord, whatever naturnl bent"o-­lits God Almighty conferred upon Ire land, Englnnd nullified them o.U by ,.,,IIIJII'IIin){ the people to remain poor nnd idlo-. Then she tried to break their national spirit by giving them , luu ity as JI.IHJM.'r ....

Ff·,11ing that thi..; conclusion of his mi~ h t pn ..... ihlv hurt the feelings of his En~Jj .. !J fJ H'nda, the author qualifies it h\· t•:u JH"·d I v praising the English for .. • pro tf'4 I in,!{ 1

' the linen industry of lt<·laud (we will later exnmine ' this " protection"), which, he said, made great progress from li27-~768, but adds that during that time tillige d ... clined. " Con the his lory of any other fruitful country on the glob~. enjoy ing peace for four score years, a.nd not vi•ited by plagu<> or pestilence produce so many recorded instance• the po,·erty and . 'vretchedness, a.nd the reitemted want ond misery of the lower classes of the people? There 10 no such example in nncient or modern hiitory," concludes this pro-English author. Pointing out that the sucoess of one industry in one districtr ia of no u!e at all 'to a countn·, save to in­tensify tbe misery elsew6ere, he aa.yo, " il rou discourage the people from working up the principaL materials of their country, the bulk of that Jl"ople­must eve-r continue ll:liserahle, the growth of the na.tion will be chec""'4l and the sinews of the state enfeebled. Yet these things,_ he admits, Engla.nd did to Ireland. The sulferings ot the Irish, be says, hav.e been continuous since the time of Queen Anne, al-· though the{· were " surrDunded bv the bounties o Providence and the mea.llij of abundance-.' '

Continuing, he rafen to Engla.nd'"' prohibition on the Iriab cattle trnde as a. " mistake," .and praises the Irish for tb~ energy with which they in­creased th~ir number of sheep, &nd concentrated on the woollen trade, and .d~ ·~ h~ol.,£ood r~.tO~ that this object of indutry was not only left open, but recommended to them." The woollen manufacture wns one of the oldeat in IJ;elnnd, and for Aome time--until it became auc­cessful-w118 left unmolested by the English.

In the fiNt year, however, of the reign of William &nd llary, two Ado were pa;'"'d by .England to secure u register of all the wool exported from heland. There WQ8 no increase in. the lrii!!h manufacture, the author says, to alarm England at the time, and no reason, except national hatred, for the Act introduced in 1697 and pessed in 1699, totally forbidding the Irish trade. It is true the trnde was swadilv advancing in Ireland, hnt not, a• the Engli•b said, enough " to sink the value of lnnda, and tend to th& ruin. of tb& trnde and woollen mnnufactu"'s of England."

The apprehensions of England, be adds, seemK to have nri.:w;en !rom of futul'e rivalcy from Ireland. The Engli•h House of Lords nccordingly asked the Kin~ of Englnnd lo threaten the Irish that if they did not kill thtri~!rt industry theJilBelves, " verv a ... laws" will 'be paesed by 'England

total!)· to prohibit and suppren the same.' · King William, of coo...., in his now historical answer, s&yR he "will toke care to do what their lord­ahips have deoired." The English House of Commono were equally frank in their statement-'' they cannot, without trouble, oboerv• that Ireland, deJl"ndant on, and protected by, Eng­!8Jid .•.. und which i~ so propsr for the linen manufacture, the establish­ment and growth of which tb~re would would he RO enricldng_ to themselves. Md so profitable to ~J(land, •hould of late npply it.sol! l the woollen manufacture, to the great prejudice ~~ the trade uf this kingdom. , .• ;,~ .. The King is further asked to ''Ill_., his " subjects of Ireland to pursue Hi~·. joint intcre•t of both. kingdoms." reply i• e3plicit: " l •hall do all that in me lies to di11<·ourage the woollen trade In Irels.nd • . . • and to pro­mol" the trade of England." The authur here points out that the Eng­lish King reelly " lo.-.d " Irelll.Dd­it was the Enghsh Hou•e of Commona "bo made him kill her trndeo.

Irelnnd had what might be called Home Rule at that time, and we lind the Lord" .J usticee, in their !:.tpeeches on

the first day of ft!& following. seaaion September 1698), recomn1ending tho !in&n IUid hempen industry to Ireland, and the dropping of the woollen, not for any Irish reo.son, but because it " will render th& trad& of king­dom both useful IUid nooessary to England." But th& Irish citizens re­helled. Angry petitions a duty went to the Irish House of Com­mons. The matter was delayed, and on October 2nd a definite threat to the Irish Commons came thllt unle6s they killed the industry more quiekly there \\'ould be con"equences-including the losa of their English King's affection I

On .Jonuory 2nd, 1698, the "'port of 1be Committee of the Whole lions& was about t<> be brought forward when & bill wa& •ent down from the Lords Justices rith orde"' to pasa it. There was strong opposition to the bill, which.- howe"'er, passed, and re-ceived the Engli~h King's assent in Jonuo.ry, 1698. This hill impooed duties equal to a prohihition. on all woollens going out of Jrelond. But it did not sntisf:r the English Parliament, whel'e a "per.­petual law" was made from the 20th June, 1690, prohibiting th& expoJ•ta­tion from Ire laud of all goods made or mixed with wool, &xcept to England and Woles, where prohibited duties already existed ; therefore, Act meant total prohibition.

It is a point worth noting that the grKt snccess which the Irish mode of the wootl&n trud& by which they oo enraged th& English 11Wiufactn.....a """ achieved under great difficulties. For esampl&, the English, while keeping ILD open market .for themselves, hnd always prohibited the Irish from e.x­porting their woollen manu!actun!s to the English colonieB, 01: from export­ing dy& stuJls from there. In spite of t beee nlstrictions, the Irish traders ]tad met and defeated them on their own ground-a fact which Engltllld could not forgive. But at the risk of again seriously hurting those English feelings which he' is trying to guard; Mr. Hutchinson is very strong on this point. The usual way, ]1& says, to pro­mote th& trode of any countcy is to en­ourage her to work up her mate.rinls,

•u e-xpol't \ler manufactures, to .import raw mAterials, and to export none uf her own that 'lh& is able to work up, not to buy whnt she ls capable of oell­tng to others, and to promote th6 arcying trade and sl•ipbuilding. IJe on1inues: •• Institutions counteract

mg tbQIIe mean• must nooessarily t61ld to•11!11tic.rit to wen !mess and nuTr."' and, therefore, the advocates- for •lu' continuon('e of those institutions will i!nd it diJiicult to satisfy the world that such a svotem of policy is either reasonable or "just." Labour, he adds, WWJ cheap, materinle excellent, nnd manufactures eaail.v successful, yet prerunble to the English Act of the lOth and 11th of William III. aflinns that Irish efforts, jf permitted, would ~ sink the value of landsJ '' and ruin

the trad& and manufactu.....s of Eng­land. Tbia our author curtly charac­;erJ.zes os au untruth-unworthy, he so.ys, of th& British Empire; and he •pends many pages pointing out ~at Ireland would never h<> a trade nval to England-in fa<,t, that her success in trade would open out new ground for English capital. Nearly one-half of the sto< k which carried on the foreign !:rude of Ireland in 1672 be­longed to thos& who lived out of Ire­land-the siUUe thing existed in America before· shl' became free­British capitol curri•d on most of her e>,pot1ing und c·oasting trode, arid the same would naturally occur in other rll(t•• subject to England. Any trod~ vhicb succeeded in •ubject Ireland ould be contracted by Bntisb capitnl. • Of w hot Ireland gains, it is ··om­

pnted that one-third centrus. in Great Brit .. in"; also, "probably this country wonld not for many years find &ZlY Jl'l'eat in1lu:J: of wealth,'' and "wha.t­' >Cr wealth might be gained b;v In!­land would he, m every respect, lUI

~'""ession :' Grea.t Britain." The~· "r~. he "'k' why not Jet Irish com·

~ 1 ('• from doinft tJ.B

I Clljlit.aJ-whioh ta.:te.'i on us-and

tb& good nnroe of · ug him at his word,

us w it lc a remarko bly good ttgninst Home Rule unl!t•r

En Hut he anoth&I'­En~rlond c·an olways v~to 11>'0'8 p888ed I•'\" .1 "ul,"'ervient Parliament: there­,;,,.. the Irish will find it n..,&SSary I·• :onciliat& the English hf payi.Og 1 hr·,.. t:»<• promptly. Toe Irish point of vil"\' does not much trouble him. ~ut · · England," he says. ·· has hee~ n great sulfe"'r by this mistaketl policy.••

lclr. Dobbs, 'vriting in 1729, ooay 1bal Ireland h1ad her re~eng&, beta•..., our exiled \\'oollen manufnct~ers fli.n much i111proved , the ma.nufa«tnrea of

l!rance, Germlllly and Spain, 1 a• they r....,.ed bufing English !foods, at a l • to her o many millio·n..!h J:SesideH, adds Mr. Hutchinson, how can you the .Irish ob&y, de facw, when you would have to persistently guord the it• 19 maritime counties? Continu­ing the subject of England's murder­ous •tra.nglehold on Irish trade, he snys that the balunce in favour of Ire­laud on her general trade appears, bl' the Custom Hf>use Returns, to hnv& been, in 1776, £606,190 lis. Otd.; in 1777, £2-1,205 3s. !Otd. ; in 1778, £,'86,384 5s. 7d.; o.nd, taken at s medium of eleven years, from 1 i68 to 1778, both indu.ive, it amounts to the sum of £605,083 7 s. 6d. The sums re­mitted hom Ir...Jand to Great Britain for reot3, interest of money, ~oos1 sal a riea nnd profits of officers nmowJ.ted, u.t the loweet computation, front 1768 to 1773, to £1,100,000 yecu-ly and from 1773, when th& ton­t;ut•i were introduced, from wWch per\()(1 lurge sums '"'ete borrowed from l·:r•,~tllltHf. ihww remittances were C"On-

li•·Ldol: increased, and in 1779 w.ere not less tho.n b&tween £12,000 and £13,000 yearly. " Ireland," says tl1e author, " then po..y.!t to Great Britain dotrble the sun1 that she collects from th& whule worlp in all the trade which Great Britain allows her. It will be ilifficult to find a similar inslnnce in the history of mankind." On this subject, fearing perhaps for the repu­tation of his England, Mr. Hely Hnt­t>binson is much disturbed, and odmlt" that England's oommercial treatment of tlle Irish nation is u repugnant tn the natnral course and order of tl1ings." He points out also thnt the English petitipns for killing the Irish woollen trade were absolutely untrue r"lfarding fads, and that intere•ted traders' opinions should never be taken in such a. matter. For one thing, these petitioll!l asserted thnt the '<oollea trode wo~ only recently intro­duced into Ireland. That was untrue. It wos flourishing in th& time of Edward III. of England. The English tJ·odets further stn ted that th& Eng­lish trade was decaying nnd the poor •tazving; but their trade commi~ •ioners (English Com. Journal, VoL 12, p. 434) give the Jj •• direct to tbia lU'Sf'l'tion, and aaid the English manu­faC'tun• was improving. What, con­ti nnea h& again, could be more unroe­eonahle than the English traders' >'I -ture towards Ireland in 1698, when two petitions were presented from Follaitone'• .old-borough, " atating. n 'singular grievance that they •ufiered from Ireland, by the Irish catching herrin If'! at Waterford and Wexford, t>Dd sending them to the Streigbh!, a.lld thereby forestnlling and ruininjf petitioners' markets; but thea& peti­tioners had the hard l<>t of having mo­hons in their lnvoor rejected." It is to be noted that our author urges none of these things in favour of Ire­lnnd. but that England's conduct nnll;~ in her own interest may lead tc her undoing.

Continuing, be !I&YS the statement mode by the English Parliament ana historians that the linen !:rude was " given. " to Ireland ns an equivalent for the woollen was utterly wrong, and Irrlund nev&r accepted it as snob. As for back as the nlign of the English Queen Elizahetl•. Ireland bad a .good line-n trnde under the protection ur her native- ParliantE"nt, but they of tl1eir o"·n free will let it slid& for the woollen trad& for which they had all !lie mntedals' in Ireland, and which was infinitely more profitable to them. England, therefore, did not, in any wn.y. " give " Irelo.nd the liuen indus­If\'

·I~ 1680 " • posseil tho> At·t alln•·­htg hemp Wld fia.x, " and all the J!TO­duclilllls thereof " to be freely liD· ported into England, but from tbo.t dote until li05 she ga~e no •orl uf as.;i.tnnce to th., Irish linen industry. " In 1699 there was no equi..Uent "114\e~et giv~ for the prohibition of the ..xport of our woollen manufac­tures." This in spite of fact tha.t " the assuranc,. giv&n by hoth Houses of Pnr!iOJllent in England for th& en-1·ourngement of our linen trade were nR strong ~ words could express."

England'• ruethud of lyin_g and sJ>('Oking have not changed wtth the centurit!'IJ. Furthermore. the wooll?Jl tfl\de wn~ the greo.test commercml ... .,., tl1at Ireland po.._• .. sed: the l08s f>f i\. drove thou.•anrl• of manufacturel8 from her ohore6; th& South and West ,..ere so depopulated that one hundred vean after they hod not let recovered :. a ,.....,ioahle number o . inhabitants, and the whole kingdom was reduced teo the greatest pove~ and distress." In 1100 two v-. after England had " given', the<; linen trade to Irelaud, our whole exportetion of linens only unounted li) £ 14,112. llr. Rely Hut­chinson emphuises thnt a lin~n trode c()U!d, under no circumstanc-es, •·om-


penB&t•· for a "<•>allen, which employs far m• '"' hands, and is infl.nitely mo"' pl\lfitable to t),.. J>Ublic and manufac. turen. \l"'" the expui. of linen vou 'Jta(

1 tr..tlh· 'onfined. to Engla.nd, s heo •• conc,..,. .. u,tl ,. of opening du·

Englioh ports in Asia, Afri<a and Americn wn• nothing IEWJ than a fraud, owtng to the restraints put upon exporter' from thence to Ireland. Uettidee, he .~a.ys, the woollen manufac:.,_ tu<<> io pre-eminently fit for Irelnnd, while the li nPn is open to rivalry, since uth~r parts of th& world ar& equally and even more fit for it. RUssia, .8eotlo.nd and }'ranee were acth·e ri~ols to Ireland, Wld, to further iUus­u.alt• England's economic intentions llr. Hutchinson Ray the encourog~ ment of this (linen) trade in England and Scotland hoe 'been long a prin­cipo.J. object te the British l"lfislatu....., and th& nation that encoura.ged us to the undertaking i" now become our rivnl in it." Two British statutes w ,.,.., passed-one laying a duty on the importation of Irish saiJ.doth into Great Britain, llltother giving a bounty on the uportution of British ch"<)uered tlnd stripen lin~n out of Great Britain to Africn, America.,. Spain, Portugal, Oibralter, and th& East Indies. By thes& law•, be sa;vo, the Iris!• soil-doth trade wos taken from ~' and, as Eng­land • ·auld not U!18 it herself, it was g1ven to the Russians, Germans and Dutch; for herself, sht resumed th& ch•cked and striped linen trnde. The bounties on alt other linens, I he author points out, opetated in favour of Eng­land, "" the expense of freight, iiiBlll'­o.nce, commission, et~., from sending the linens from Jnllaod oo England was • ·omputed at 4 per cent., which meant that the Iri<lh received only 8 per c·ent of the premium, and the Eng­li•h 12 per cent, Furthermore, theo& hounhes induced UB tr;t send all our linens to England, from whence f>ther cbuntries were supplied. So much for the encm•ragem&nt glve11 bv the En!f· liab to the linen trade in Ireland, 1n spits of th& most solemn official pro­mises · given in th& name of the Eng­lish nation " that the1 shnll b& always reody to givo it th&lr utmost aaoist· nnce." The hempen m:anulact.nre of IreliUld b.., been •u fllr discouraged I ,. Great Britain that the Irish hn• abandoned it.

He odds that the provinc& of 1'1-h•r lost, i.n two yeanJ, 30,000 of her tn• habitants b:v emigrotion. owing '" English murder of tlleir tradP.

The Out-Doing of Froude

11 Eiiubethaa Ulster, 16/ Hurst aad Blacken. "The J:iah RebellioA t>f 1641,"21 Murray.

These lwo works by lord Ernest Hamil­ton are a.xamples of a class ot pseud~ history 1ha1 we verily boped was dead, in this scienlillc oge. The greal numbers of Calendars ql the historical documeniS o/ the periods trea~ of, published by the Record Olliclf, london, and tile still more copious volumes of tbe Historical Manu­script Commissioners, remove the least shadow of excuse for the perpetuation of ancient fables by' any conscientious writer. But whetber it is lack of energy or absence of honesty which makes historians in Ire­land's scary ignore such evidence, I .know not. Froude has long since been banished from 1he society ol honest chronicleri. ol the Past. Yet it would be a grave injustice to put him in the same category as Lord Ernest Hamihon. The Oxlord Professor did study original documents and when the itch for falsification was not worrying him he threw considentble authentic .light on lhe SJ>Iltious days of the Tudors in England. The publishers ol "Elizabethan Ulster" make rhis large cWm. "The author has nade 1 prolonged study ol his subject and has lll<en lhe crealeSt J)llins with his work many authoriries and Sr.te papers having been consulted and made use of. It will prove informative and deeply interesting to all • " The claim is unjuslifted. There is not the slighlest proof, wirbin the covers of the volume, for such a eulogy. The bock ts a mere political pamphlet, cramful of error. He bas used nothing bur lhe Irish Calendars of State Papers and Carew Calendars sAve in a few minor inslances, and has wholly ignored all other olllclal sources. II be had really studied lhese Calendars and used them with common honestY our complaints would be onuttered. His method is the method ol the rostrum by pncdcally suppressing all inconvenient r..ta to make the worse appear the better reason. The manner or citing his authorities would lead anyone un­IGQIIIinled wilh the oriainaJ documents 10 wholly wrong conclusions.

Both volomea ore <ltorehouses of mil­statemeniS. Far the moment we shall prove tbe 11181ice or this critic:ism by ex­amining tlte opel1in& chiPfe~ ol "Elie-

1be1h1n Ulster for jt 'Vo'outd requ1re several ISSUes of this poper 10 rectily all the breaches of hisrorical truth therein

The openmg sentence, lntroducrory Chapler. says Con Bacl&h visiled Kina Henry Vlll It his English Coort m t 543. con•s 5ubmissioo at Greenwich look pltce on 24th September 1542. and 1he fact was printed in black leiter by Richard Lant Characteristically Lord Hamilton mentions Henry's gills, bot omiiS con·s princely generosity to Garter, ro the College of Arms, to the trumpeters whh other fees according 11to old and ancient custom.·· He addo lhat Seun O"Neill claimed tho! ~la!hew Ferdaragh) was "probably no< Con Baugh's (lie) sona1 all," and then pro­ceeds to misquote Sean·~ opinion Sebn expressed no doubts wMtever on the emer­gence ol lhis adventurer on lhe stage ol Irish Hisrory His acidly san:astic refer­ences to 1he son of AliSOII Roth. the public­ho~ keeper of Drogheda, and Kelly, the smoth of DundtUt, nake as amusing read­ing as anything Dean Swift wrote in lalu dsys. Had Lord Hamillon studied 1he original records, as alleged, he would not have written "that the parentage of Fer­doragh. on the father's side, was a matter of some uncertainty... SeUn could not have been more insistent or more precise as to the antecedents ol this pretender snd the English Government. even when O'Neill was in London, could not gainsay him.

Again we meet Froude, with variations. Ferdorqh , writes this Lordship. "was early murdered by the outra&ed Shane " The Baron, who had tried 10 murder Seisn was killed in an anempt to plunder O'Neill's lsnd he fell inlo an ambush laid far him by lhil great Gael. Elwbeth herself e.~:onerated Sdan from any suges­tion of foul play to this Tudor puppel. The mean and blood·thitsty Earl oJ Sussex, who failed so miserably in answering the accusations of the cultured O'Neill~ before Eliubeth's Privy Council on lhe banks of the Thames, rorgot what he had writreq. to I he Queen on the 161h Jn!y. 156 t In London he declared Seian murdered Fer­doragh, as he ha4 declared by Proclan1a­tion SeAan delended himself, in his customary brillant way. so ellectually that Elizabeth herself appeared salisfied that the Baron was killed wilhin the recognioed rules of war Here JS the letter which Sussex and the Privy Council wrole Queen Elizabelh concerning the death of the Baron ,.,The same night we received leiters lrom Annogh conllnning a report came to us before th.a1 Shar.e O'Neill had auempted the burning of the chun:b tArmagh C.lhedntl, fonified by "'"'' end then garrisoned by h.s soldiers 10 1he horror or the Gaela.<! l'!Sier i end was rt pUlsed with loss of ~1\t:"'S men. The effect of which letters was. that the garrison ._ ith the charge (C.IhednJil perceiving Shane's men Ia pass not lor all much sparkled and over travelled, issued out. and in a skirmish killed lwo ol his best horsemen, the ono called Henry O'Neal who kiUeJ the Baron o{ Dungannon.''

Lord Hamilton is never at a Joss for data even when there are no records to appeal to "Of the Rrst Baron's character we know little," yet r'he was a century ahead of Con Bacagh in cuiiUre and intelligence. Considering there is not w title of evidence -not even a lener of Ferdoragb -to jusrily th..., words

In Con's case we have abundance ~.t docu.monls in which the poor deluded gentleman [ll"ords material enoagh to judge But the oricinal documents and his Lord ship's are not acquain1ed. He should de­vote his talents to Romance. they arc wasted in History His account of Con's subsequent c~reer is mainly myth H.t the aulhor read 1he sad Jeners and bil~r complalnls be wrote on the lolly ol trUSJ· ing <he laith ol the En&lish or the barbarous treatment he and his people were subjected to by Sussex and his troops, he would not have perpe!Ualed such falsehoods No whitewash can make Sussex c1ean hence the endeavour to blackball Coo and to blame Seian lor his misfortunes Wh¥ this long-suffering chieftain was dying in tbe Pale he cursed any ol his posterity "h" should learn 1he Engliolf languoge. ow corn to feed the invaders as he had done or built houses in their manner so 15 to invite the English to sertre in his country

It ia harO to write tamely on such per­Yel!liOM or tbe truth Con "lost flO ti~ ilt getting baok to Dublin and lhe friend" protection of the English Government .. '' He wa brouaht there by English ~ in ourrage of a Government "protection," aDd imprisoned in the house of john Money. Apin Con "had a few good points, and tlllt way in which he deliberalely produced 1 famine among his own peopJe to emphasi1e his hatred of English acricultunl impro­ments, stamps him as the very primiriYf man and very callous tyntnt " Evidence shows 1h11 it wu not Coo but the Earl of Sasse• who burnt the com. destroyed grear collecliona or food. and -itted ~ darions wortby or Alva ... be WIS ~lite very primidve man and very callous tTrant " Con'• leiters and complainiS are In the London Record Olllce. Shirley bas pnnled the letterS of the An:hblaltGp of Annqh, ·• staunch lriond or l!qland, the Harlelu

(Coatinuetl on poge 6).


'1 .. uimhnioo fun:-: Jr r: .... ar" dcar.rud pa 1 earr t 1 1 an rud Aimair Dha .... r .ar ~n .nl bhuiJ diuh-bhalnt ICU )c-

Nualr a chuimhnJd iad ar p4<; .-cumaid siad lomiW&h do r • (objective) ina D·aigne agus 1u t~ _ scrfbhneoiri san earr,id cheudna '&han aiod rud egm mar an bhfar• doibh fein ach gur far a· ge or.:: . -meid doibh e. faraiee ar-·t: .r na n .. na reHJini •cus na cuirp neamhd ,. modh mJih e sm bun an ~o"t:d .. mar go bhi•Ciar gan iireamh reora ata monhimpa1 an c-r the _ rrcus e fan de chruhiochta' ab .. ;u creations) mar na fheachaimid mar n cuspdrfla n duinrr a go bhuil .. gan Ieora Mis ~--,,. se ean teora nil aon cb mhaih r


milleon milfeon mor-chru1nne · - u mor-chrainne teo gur l~dir du r- _ -1 d blteag rli • lheiscint. Ni haon n _ p a ~h~u lc faraiee Acus ni 111.• ~ r. ....!,h A1ms1r a shamhlu fe habhaina ach '- ~- eag mar ta tosach agus deire le gach J1nn

Sara ndcirimid a lhuille mar g niho seo, ba mhaih Jinn a rJ. an: & duinn cuintb.neamb 1 geombnui r, · t aon "ens realc vel .ctuale" a'l. ltt.r .u."" aon r&lachu nea-theoralll8 a\ i ., Dia Rud de ni f~id·r choicbe nea-theoranra a veh aon d6irfriv T l eachtai ~~ thf1~ n sagbas ann imh ach ~·A jad agus a bhfoba I ·•ndaw;.n chomh.atht ~

Mocih ele <hun reuch.aint · an modh f61ufhach uh•er;;tl\c ata tg an muinnr adeir n6ch r. .... , _ t~

SpU agus Aimsir ach m .Ar "·afgT"c. ~) . shroia an modh san an narc an e. smaofnte rranscandiiC'ha r-·ar:~ ... -!"' .:·:t:al Kant, aduairt n.tcb nihe Spis ag", na bhuil taihi aeainn orra, ach n.t .. duinn taihi n4 eolas dfaiJ gan iad gur nihe iad do tharaig ar n. •-g_r. ~ fein; go bhuil aiad c:eanpilte de · I haiheantar iad !'te sin de r e. agus n' bainid .ad 1 T, a..; an-sich l~i! an ·t: ... -ann f ... -ta san bun-os-cionn

u e reult-fhis 1oct:t 'rD ptn: . _ ni mar Spis <'!sp6rba ni-lhu· = ann no ni U.idir don d a dheliJianlb

T ii1 1 oinc rnhetd r ... • im11 maran rucl ltea·spt<:k

aztn fein ~r a,u f mk b. rud fiSt acb ar fad e m fol,ir no ta ·ru em .u .sn mor­chruiMe ata deabharhach ar dt .11 c:gtn leis an ni ar a dtugaimid socru Fir.i .. . 'lrJ is n• beadh ar 'r gcumas a mhfn : ,W~.; an saghas ruda an socru.

bun Is barr 111 <·I imh r ·"'" • duinn Sp.ts a thuisgiDt 1 ,uart ~.;h tll'

f6dir duann an mh6r-chruinac .,~. • o.t

int i gceart Ina dhildb Gan 1 t: ~ L-nh. ta d110ine ann a admhuion a ~ g r.t insna nihe sm a chredean gach r.: J t:1"!· :car doibh 1 dtaobh n211 Mor-e........ ..... a

admhuion £o bhuil Spb ann .~ • " l d e ach "' hadmh6idh Dia -. c anr. <.. ~ tui&i"' L acus tots:: n• tuigid c Jr...:., , {~.;;Jir Do 'leh gan tUs gan dcrTC' .Ma ~ ··.:Jc: n duine I 01 '-irihe gan ~ rhm.,;gint t:1 v-·1 d6 asachhl a chasa le daoine ele f ~ o gcreldid 1 n0ia nJ IUigid- ·IIJUS, "'' • • k" s1n. nfor Dhia In aon chor an Dia I t .. _ mt51 R thuisginr n1 r~dir don ICQf"I:I':U

lheoranta do lhuisglnt

As leabhar 6irihe atalm ag tara... r rulf .:•J go leJr ac;us ba mhaih liom n..J c&J,n

a rift uaim feirr ano1s "i kor da- om aon arg6inli da bhfeaao I ohun a c ruhu dhom go bhuil gach 011 chim 1gu.~ a.. fA~­Im sr 11n dtaohh amuich dem a gr:.: rem ni 16s cbun 1 chM!hu dhom '"' " >m •• :'\c ata1d ~;1ad. Credint g<> bhuil .; ar an dtaobh amuicb d1om mar gn ~J r tn Ec&lais e az:us mar gurh e rud • ~la dhom fein c ·, d6 1J "" e;o "i ·.igllad ... bot .. he ar~6mr: a f:lh.eiJh !tid•- L - .. u d­each a nd6hin chun mo rtslln I) .Jmh "'"" 6 lharla na mairlad ach leah ·dleod blian efe an chuid ts mo :.e nf fiu dhom 16irt le hei.tea.· do r61e1ch Ira's n.t feudfodh ein~c ad do rttuch agus do thuisgint acb Dia Atgn.. lhri-thuiseacb .,. ap<nnc BJodh is ndch tuairim e go tHmireolnn m· anam ar a shon, se mo thuairim I• .iir go bhuil thehre thuile, n6 b6dir roct•• :<:ann in aigne 06. afiUII go bhuil 1rl thu sc flU fisici, I Spis. lf&US cbehre 1huio< r.o niol mo ann go hlarbhfisicl B<!idir le.. p bhuil tuisglnt chehre-tltuise:odl o c1r n-anam •cu• ao bhlanM si lc cbeilt laid a bhlon an t-anam sa cbolainn - da scooild 111 obolann de prhh ulriNe don anam an da 1h.aobh dla ceul IJJelactnf. ao sin an taobh llold tri·t~ de S!o's liU5 au taoblo chehre·lba- ••rhflfislci se ""· chehre thuiae 1110 JuiPe fe cl>elk ID bhun 111 ni tbaloe a chlnlld Nil • tllllid oiD fiCb IUirim I dhialflmt ........... IDKbanaalttllec

Sate New & Kemt Publications POST FII:U

"rtt :o~:!~a"'$~-11~U.8W?n~~~ G~ ' .. : i ~ , ..,QA'h!!!,~~ Per::J:m~ ij'o~~re ... i 10

I ~~~ -~~ tj~~ Hr~:a;,, .. Mrs: .. concan::.oA, -M.A. ~ ag ti~.Pil0: ~~~tuJ:!in S. -~ ltAodh.• j :;

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THE IRISH TWEED HOUS~. We bne ~he l&rptt nriety_ of hdfgo~~~lue ~~~~·~=de ·~do~\~Yen:o:,t -tua a.od lriah Labour uclwiYely."ht and HJf~meuuroment forll\l HD.t anyw C CAPEL IT., DU8LIN (tfr. Grattan Bridl!l


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Gleesol\. O'l>ea & Co.


11 I ou•LIN. U u

!•lepbaue: Oalb1ln ta•·

Vol. 5. No. 44. [lllew 8eTies C•> ].


II Moore & llcCor1ack Uac

DIRECT SAILlNUS • NEW YORK A CORK • DUBLIN A BELFAI1' ltlfdUCII freau::ht acctJ\fnt• .Mill( llllilf1.. mi11e tranait. lollfea bf. ~n.iliCfC .t tWe rout.. F~~i~~~r,=P~J;.! ...._ .u Oowtltll and co., Ud., n ....­

P•radt, Cork. WtatharJII, "Ihn, aNI .... , .......

Chumbera, Dublin. eYrkt, John and co., 111 • Jl

corporation 8tft:lt, .. triKL


C r nt Comm nts Dromore (Co. Ty:rono;), llollymii('·J deny them if I d~. J did T¥>t at-

1 hi•lunen · • l1• " I <ould do ' till' MuTkot l'lar. and the ur e e thom08, Maghcrafelt, and .\[iJJ.troo\ tempt" defence. L..,w ... then or~red I thnt oolf With t l•'l'llli ... ion of the ~e"' l\Oit' Mr. )[vie. c.. . .,.

---- (Co. Cork). "" the domble .. I .~•l)ed the officer'• I \.Biark nnd 1 •• 111 Ireland,'' he I ••d•nt, llirmingbnm 'Distri" ( "''' . . .. .. ... I uttenloon tn the 1,.ft1gn1hes offered me. said; htit her<, " wrv heart of tloe too I.S.D.L. and Mr. D. O'Bria.. IJr

More ,thu.n lhirL_ty Irish !Den, women Eighty or ni11ety people were also in- I '" I loud culled hi•'o!telltion dur\J\g. thio lllritl•h Entpir&. hod· ilpportnniti.... ganU..r of ' tloe Covenby, J and cbildt't!JI Jive "'been ~ed by jured in Croke Park on Stmday. In J·•ent'l'lo to the hrealdng oi my '.bttycle nf.uddTo.sing·~ t i.<•• onol time, o.< noon;v I.S.D.J,, i\Jo Connell, apedi"J! lp\1 :·' • "'·I 1• ·•· 1'• "' =gland suoce "'" rnony more cose• citi>eiiS\ were mur- unci tlo<•, ~norklll!l" •• of !"I cl>1!1nps of •lri•lmit•.i.. -Iriil •· ··~"'' !rnm Ireland the •ru•tifi~e cof 'l'ereuee MacSwiney ••I \\1 •· on J ontlu I.~M~ The naD;IeS uf I derously ottocked and wounded dU1·- turf. 'I Ill!'! onlf MC,centua.ted' nhltte:rs. wa!'f nut u lllf't'O r~utit,('.al matter, hut u his 1 om1'Ude~"~, ~nid Lloyd f , ~ I:Ja, th~sa .don.o '." tlo-u•l (/<91'epor_ted Ill tile ing tloe week. ·Som• of thos& so ·• I wn.< invited I .fight, and had my [question of t c l1o ,.,J, 111 o{ the iadivi- •urn'<>dcd in killing the lOll druly pu]>el .. ) ~U"O.mRs WlluCws.-


wounded ar.e not expected tO reco,•cr. c·ollot tm·n oft, p~, afMr a. se,•cre duo.l tu "I* .1., tl11 trut.b. Out oNh. Tcn•nre Mac:Swiney, -bnt his ul .-:. Father 9ri n, ~· ·o .. ..... - ha.tu.lling, I wus ru\lr8d into-'my-'hotise. Vloyd Gt"\11 ~ II" u mout.U, however, hnutnrtnl, and wm liV"e f&r M.Vr Jt. •

(.taken frox In'. ho:J JU ~wuy and I In odditjon tu tb06e mentioned in I wu• J1Ut tlu'Uug~ •h .. church and out h~ (·uuld llUotf niT 11 t -u. nteanf. 'l'hey "' tlu• •urne \IIJC<tuquerable pmt a fd'olh mw; """\.; b J.S ~ossbolns )0 er- , our last issue as hnving heeD killod l.o~ ngum. On., or tl..,111.en lmggested thnt n e.l .. olr tut • t., the Prcmi•l''s thot uf tho lute Lord '!lf.o.y...- J I, • \\ &r• hurt~ Ju~ · 0 J lll a g · l the armed forces of England during it wa~ illcgnl tQ shoot me ih the .. :~"t· h " dttl' 1 th~ Eouth Africun mu.rtn't.."€1. (·ouarudes that Hlt' Jr ...

M~n ~~~ the preceding wee'k are t11e following; t·loutch, hut he was. uver-.rufed. Twas \Hlt, wlo\on I,. id . "lf llritain con JWoplc would tontinue the iig~ u h Mtch&et..,... a.hon, Patriok Lynctl •tru~'k liglojl~· 011 the hood >everal tinued ll~r 1 · zhtfulno.- against till' finally they wom tlleir freedum, and toe Alfred R~gers, (died on Tuesdny ,,.e!k, us a result of times. One ul tht~ wen put a ;ille l'o Boen•, ,,, r.> ..,ht tloe indignation Iroln.nd'• .horcw. Mr. Connell .. <Uti

, d"'Jn. E~'lio1 hi! . hullet wounds 'recei,·ed on pren"'' my hR<·k and ruslutd me down ~aisle, created, "'"'D lo • to far· ormed Ireland ... shureA. Mr. Collllell urnr<l t <len ln oe "' e pnsoners Sumlt!y night). dealing me n scvf'ro blow Qn the ear hmnonit;<. · tho ld•h peopU. agaillB! any Esoglio.l. to• the hn.n.d~ t1Je tl:rmed 1oJ"Ces of dohn Conry a.ud tare. + P,olitJcol fmrt~·. ··~·in~r that I tb• · Englund l. (nccordiug to ;he " Rnsconuuon " I '""" then h•f alone in the rhw·ch II he.(lue \, lipiodooJl) lond said •u• h "'leuw t oey had all roadoDed lh

James, Colemar, Herald" ul Sa.turdp,·· "'US taken from fur II low •ecimdt!. !l:her returl\ed, and thinj!'o in the l'~ned'Statc. of llriti•h lnUl'd•l' uf Terenc• 'M:wSwi•Of--' & •• Eugene C:ifoll!, Ius home ot Rotltemi~nr l;y th• IIJ1Iled nfte• ,.,.,,.,I tal,... l!D!fnimously de- frig~Hul.d\!M '" Ireland he would coml·ade•. ~~ •• mt!<!ting Clesed ,., I Patrtck H .fi• _ in forc~s of England, ond eh"ot deadl. l•idcd ihnt 1111Pli'L~ was too easy .tJ.. dnuLtl•• .. IJr. Iluw in joil. ulledwu lor the Del!ast 'IJ'I•II

~~nnderl'U 'l thCl home:) Cork .,. • .., deotJ1 for me-. Ot!\_ of them drew h1s \Yorker~, M.nd , l1eers for the 1 uL R•· .. 'ty\. A st' C le In the co\tr!W .of an interview t.bis haynnc.t, and, ru~hwg- at me, ran jt Writing ~m Duenmo. Ayres JJUhlit·, und \lie singing oJ ,..,.

( h d ~u '" x ow h)~' week with the reJ!resentat.ivc nf the pa.•t my •ide. A.n· onli\r eame to take claw Ot·tuh~t 1 ' u corresj>Olident din'• Sung.''

• Ot en m. ••a. . ,, Louisville Coutier," Mr. Griffitll n\e out ol the clnli'l:h into th.- loJ'ry d . O•Netll, 'd mtU.idc. 'fhe drive I got IIIight have sa.kJ :-;undfiY'• lwilliant scene• ut 1:\1.

( r ~~~"j1 't'-:f':;., 'tted b '"'F~r- month• p~t England has heon llll right In w, •eason and I•aw·• l!unpSter Goldeu Jubilee will , au>es , .. ,., • e a~qw . Y '·w1led &Jid ,,._,0.,_. to•·ns a.nd ""l- ••ith friend• n>o>'f> judiciousl:i eh>;fsen, ,, 1 ~ th 1 d "" Enghsh ( o{murtt'l! )P Dubhn, u " ,.. • ~ lout leaning ug n I U.e front part cof never ue : .. rgo ' " o)' e vos crow •

.. ndw• on] .-a~hom~whenhe"!'os loge•iniroland,shotdownlrishpeople U\.,'lorry, dn• only in my lfii'IIS whitlo witn• tlwnllique f .. tivitic~ 'dead On the ~e occllSl~ indiscriminntelv, and even RB!Uts.ei- mll.rt C"unfrontcl , one of the pa.rty a.t tl1 l'ca .,,. .\1 nMten· ..... The.

illl:•ke h lher I a II<'Cond_pfl- noted Irish pri'soners and pol'itical op- rooking fcmt "'' ot I ! ... with hi• It 'R.-publis r. ~·IV caught by the ,. wl 1 l t"ft •ul lcqwtted ponent$. Yesterda3 she repcatt>d fist. my pu.~ JOI\ lr ftom .·om- wind, fiun.ted t nr tilt tall spire uf tb.l•

1 w-o~ shot Amrita8r at J'ones"... Roud in Dublin, lurlnlllc ..:luuch 011 nt1,1 · ol ,.hope und


.f'l"l ('I !? ' , ... _ 'Mifllews,

JGiln Scott (aged HJ, J6refllia.h 0 'L881lf (U l 10), -- O'Dowd, James Burke, --Traynor, Thomas A!f8n, James Teehan, Michul Hogan, William Robinson (aged 11), An unknown man,

•hot dcdd ormed iorce• af Englalld 1 ' Croke PO.Tk, Dublin, while a !oot-Lnll motel w in progrc ... ,.l.

W. H. W6St Barnett, deod ·" Dublin on Monday

lot). Michael O'Reilly (oged 14),

dc·od iu Cnpel Street, Dubl.W). Thomas Lyons (a b•.

h< dead neor We•tport) John McSwiggan:,

and n new borrot was re'R!aleii when liher' ... the body of 1-'ather Griffin "'"" fbund " During the ""' """'h.., Auout 10 !Jeanliful silk<!lo pierced with the lmlle.ts of bet agents. W('~ madP, nnd as taken Sinn h tl. ~ Such .iJ Et.oglwl{ s «·J•I · uot to u • IIJI, w hnno I

. a • olem.n.Jy bl<!$81.-d 1lec t ·r i:~' ~·1.

r' • . d ' 1 r ,: flU ( 1H ta ,J 1

' il hll ' th. ru ' II f"H!rl,L 11'11 f h~ II ol ·rt· tu n low M(J II lo;,o\t t I' , ...

" j 1 ti b h fmti(>Os '' r ~ligiort tn ·1 prisoner; he 11\'' 11' 11' 1' 11 t>l: ...:r·•·•~·llla on Y ~-~ told m ... • Oo to hell.' When about Iro J, eleelnrote. Until•he pTuclttimecl • nnd proscribed the Irish uatiounl, cul- twclv~ ·tn.i}R~ away from Lnme I was turul, and poliHcal (lSSOriuticms and told 1 couJd go, and was put down from Dail Eireonn-th., a .. emblv of the the ION)'· dul~·-elected repreoent&tives ;,r Ireland " When I "'turned howe that even­-the people, dt!!!pit<> groos provoco.iion' ing the lw;t af the f<Jroe.'l had gone. and ··outrnge, refrained. under the During m~ abt~enct tlley l.ia.d eo.ten counsel c r their electecl lenders, h-ow oYe.rything eatable in the hons~, and reprisals ond .,ven from self-delenre- bud Iuken away a leg of mut_ton. ]d;y •uliering in the foitb that not those dothes wer<' trompled upon. Ev..,f­wbo can inflict most, hut thos~ who thiug- <•I value in the house was taken. C'llll eud.ure most. will ultimAtely pre- "In 'lit.' chUl'(h, oll tbe veatments vuil. Y.lld a <hali< t' wPre thrown on the floor

Engllllld t.a.ns tile elected repr .. en- and t111IDpled on. Corpomls apd puri-tath·es of lrclond, Aud. at the ~auu~ fior ,., tnkfl'naway.:dalsdn.pyx.'' time, seeks befoi-e the wm•ld to invest them ,dtb n re.'lpouMibilit· .for :\nhhillhnp Mrumilo:'.,. tour of York·

. l•~t· d•·•J I ,.,..u f 1 1 to the d11U1 o.n.d t~ .. t~cene mrJ!tl im­prenh·e. • . BiglJ Mu"""' in lionow Ble••ed Oliver Plunk<•! forlhe triumph <>f Il'ish lndependenco was celebruted Ly Mgr. Usher, nssisted by l!'o•. Michool Denno and l!'r. TholllllH Dunlou .• ,

•hot cleud in Xlogherofelt

notions agninf;t }ler 0\\:n crimes in Ire- .thiro IU&d La.ncushlre is welding the land. The l'espon~ibilit~ ;. wholly his I) of Ureal lhit11in in solid n.nd pro­England's. Wl>cn th" rein-esent .. tive• il.tulole IUlih with the llish at home. of tho lriJJh p'eupl~ .no lougcr hin- Rpcnkiug t~ au enthusiastic meeting ~n dered b:( hot. armed forceo !row freoly Hullon, the Archbi.•hop soid-we quote

at U.ush and Ufl!temhlmg nnd tonfening. they can from tht' " Duily lndep4,mdent ·~-that .John McCann, l 1 I ]wl)le nnd will Msume responsibility, sn far the other 6oy Cnrdinal Bourn& said

as the lri•h people are concerned, for that in Ireland "the legitimate" Sinn t be mWntcman<.'e of pea :e il.nd ordet·. 14'eiJJ w~.s. h~ understood, keeping .the

Aiterwnnls Mgr. Ushez, in the c·our..• t•! a stirring. uddTess, said· " Some thirty or forly years ago the propbeJs ,f e\'il • • . wett>- very husy telling u• how, b&fore long:, there would h(· no Irish spirit, no Irish r.1 d.itious in Argenth1a . . . ond ira­•tead to-day the spiiit of the race ·is making illelf felt as it never di6 before , ••• tho Irlnndeoes •tand out by tbemsel'fes a di~tinc't ru('e ••.. the wanifestaUons of our heartfelt sympathy with our broth•r Gae6, str11ggling 1\emically in the old ·l!llld for justice llJid freedom, every day moru oothusiMtic. . . • We fool tluilled with a new pride at the thought tl~ott the blood in out vem~ 1·

th~ blood of great IUld. good m0u, o! • and murl~ a..ud her""•· like Olil'er Plunket, like Terence M acSwiney, the indomitable Martyr of Coft(, •. who hn,·e lnid dow.o, or .u, lnying duwnj tlu.•ir li\'1?~ in th& (OU­

turie.s-ulcl struggle fm· ju~ti('(' and tr ....... dom. lrel.,d stands to-day before the world as she nev.,. stoo6 before, Ul\­conquered 111111 1111conquarable, pn testing in truntpt!t tones oga.inst the­cruel foreign domination under "hit h •hP is ~ul£ering-J ru\Mtm~ her de-­finitt- detormin11.tiou '" never reunw1m• h"r inn lienable righl tu nationhood. .•• ,.\ uew em iH , ommeneiog, ... out of the terrible happening• o~ tho ptUtt fow veors, uut. of the significn.nt event!l t1n"w convull'ling the world, a purifi•d and rejuvennt•d hum11.1lily ~bould ewef3& vtctoriou!-1, • • . injus~ ticP u.nd tymnny must disappear. Let IL' hope, then, that Ireland, at la.•t, her shackle.< brnken, her struggle• ended-free and indeJl<'ndent-nu•v he recog:~ti.scd B.DlODJt tltP free uatmn .. " • the world

nllrdered), • Riohanl McKee,

Peadar Clancy, T. c. Clunu, deod Exchange ( urt Dub-

' w·hile i~oners in t 1u hands of I" t ). ..

t 1 } he~- (., _,, which 1 1 u bx L1 asso~~n.s

G•lw bog IWs ,,.., u found. !, hud been shot through the >!nple. !o'olher Griffin lind for lod Olld In>lnnd. I!e hos died for God Jul Irelwtd.1 Hi~ memory will be ever '1• ruhed "·' the IrU.h uation' and his

j 1 ins' uhed on ber scroll • ,[ mru-lli. deutlo forg .. n nell' uond of

' don l>etween til& Cathqlic people m •, th& .vltole Irish people who ore , their couutr,-an<]. the priests il•'' Catholit (burch. .\~we go to

th• Dultlin evening papen nu-' • that 'Me88rs. Richard M·Kee,

1 r Clllli<'V, and T. C. CIWie, lrish nen m Dnhlill Castle, have l""'n dead theu· Tbt> Engli<h offidal on allege m ~ , U.Sl", thni they

I• 1 11•)1; t~t e cu· t• Solu.s nn '' ••• dA n-anam

lu ,. the week the m mod, fot of ol wrought death und do·.truc­

r• n the followjng l.ri ~1 cities, towns 1l' ,.. Limerick, Den• (a!.i,

,,.1 ~· !,u,u do\\11 Cntlio1ic Cliur<lt); South Leitrjm). Cork, Dul>lin,l

... , a111. Killu~t~·. Galway,_ ""' ' Swordo, Clogllaneelr

Dunt • 1 1 New11o·. Knappagl .,

Rev. J K.enued.1·, ( .( , Kill11.11•n•, ·an nn inteniew 't'l'ith n t pondeut of tho "Doily lndependeii\ ' gave tl1e following uctuunt. of his 1r o.~'llwn by tlte armed forcu of l.t ~ t~ u l

The'· VliCJted mv house abont 7.30 ll-m.," laid Fa.tltir Kenneds, "and told Jne they were slxmt ttl Ahoot mt>. 'l'he)' ru•hcd m nho.ut ohe houS<I ""d into' the aucris~· J went upstail' .. to complete my drt!';~Aing. An uffic:c1· nnd a mRu in uniful'l'\1 sena:cbins UlY room. A hook c un huuing u. photn. of the lnfe Most Rev. Dr. O'Dwyt~J• llnd some o1 his lt>tter~ were tak€'n.

4: 1.'hey then tllo.ced .:-~umethiug,

wlnch I tlumgbt 'was u llqn11, iu the contre of the kitchen tloo~. The\' !''en\ out and go.\•enu.•"te tO. clear. I re-moved the veRtment.t and o. fev uther thin.R"' from the '"u , .. 1 into tbe sauctuary, exJN"ding an explosion every minute. 'l'ho piau• '"" n , gnf­focoting with a lOud . · sulphurou• amoke, but nothing rtsU.!ted. The,- re­turned and remn·ed the un.-.t> n tu\' anxiet~·. telling me l wu ... lut k~· Ntd l1ad unrrow (>Srnpe.

Some nf tbe pnrh wtnt thel\ to !tean:·h hou!U;I!i tn the nti~hhourhoOtl. und rwme n:mnined at m l1ouse and un tloe road. 'l'l>ey helped tl!emS<'h·es to hrony . When the IJ''"' . tol partv re­rurued 1 """ enltod cout · to the rood to be shot.ot' Mans ~arge's w • 1 10

heoped upon me, and l aoked to

JK'BC~ in that pert ot Ireland where it !Sinn Fein) hod u chance. " All l can •ay," added Drt Mannix." IS thD.t I •m f!'lnd the ('.p.diual recogn.ioes tbot the"' 1s a legitiinute Sinn Fein, and 1 nm glo.d. mor('O'\"er. to be able to gtve <l~e Cardinal an B80IIJ'BUce that if onl;v what he (the Cardinal) called the legJ· timote Sinn J!'ein-and l don't knd\v arry other Sinn } .. ein-was given a. free hand in Ireland,· tbe-n there would be

l>cnc•. nut merely in part• of Ireland, ml all O\'e:tr it, a.nd, furthermore, not

me.relv peace o,·er:' the land, but there wo~J;ld ht.• lP~s oi~_i11 Ireland than in hi• (the Curd.ino1's) own country­much less crime thnn there is here unw dPt th• 1 ule of the Coalition Go verll· 1nent.'' - ....

Prucet..Ung, the Archbishop repeated "'hat he hnd said elsewhere, that he neither npologi!led nor retmcted ""Y wurd he Loll said. He wos prnud to huvo n1et Mr. De Valera in America, and if the English people only knew the nnpres•iPn the Sinu Fein 'President hnd mnd<• itt the United St.te . they wunfd huve a verv ditierent· view re­gnrdir him. He mentioned that he had h a lfl'eat den! of svmpe.thy ex-tenil<' tQ Wm ou the prohibition ngoin• bU. going to Ireland, not only from (_!athali~ Md Iri~hmen, hut from non-Catholic- und non-Irishmen. Those wloo Jll"'Vented hitn feaTed, ii loe went lot Irelaucl, Joe might ha''' au uppor­hmih of nddn' fe'w hundred

• At St EliJ:Ibeth ·, l hurd1, Fol .. hill,

Co\aentn, Q. Requiem Ala"'A wu!t offen-d "f u :-·uudav. the 21 t, for the Telk"""' u tltt ,.caul ot 'lt.•rc•IH t :M.neS"'·iney and t l1PJ I ll tU.Rr' rs who made tbc to~upremeo .. ll, rifi.c'"' for lrelund".o f·,., do1n. Tl1e < '" ntry llranch of •h• I.f::..D {,.. h'f uh ,1 by the oftiu1h nmrdu.·d 1 "" 1 ~1.-. p. with draped tri-' nlout n •1l1· • 1 he Churclt. In the rn•UJJtlC u I L •• • t llf' w · · held in

'•· injun

At prt.'f:lcn t I • boadon and • t

Wostel'n Railw n ( umpun~· llt

trnc.tors ft.U' the ~ DrlUI.g'e u( tJ&e. J J molls U\'Pl' llu r svstem. fh ( 12

hnv£' a.lrend~· llu• r·u"rriage f.t:ao. (,. du tAl Holyh(•ad, t\ Q.i.:-otan( \\ ,. ilf!lr• • of 2i0 wiles. 'l ho City ·• f Dol in Stll..ftWJl1!.do.t• 1 ( · • ''luu•_r bad ' 1

lrwl•'· n tulln~t· .. f 63. out r' 1l· t \ uf ~ I, 'be wilt 11.:1· n. ~~ k, nNl l , .• I 'I house rhr I· n,.. Oftiu 1•t lll' t I ~t•Het Jll.. .. taJ:tr elevf'n-twt• .,t,. t ·, .. ,,[ tht• Jr.n·

distributee bet"·oen •J. w , ' un ll 111 r I '"''!I TL~ ) tion • 1 po:rcel i)i l.tgt.• a<t rurn,lf ttu.ckeb :uldt 11 to t ~l\'f&,l' l'nol. and. tltr Cbai.rmaa • Dnblih S.l'. (" Rioted ~< •. I thl" En~li:d• p, _ .. m.,,. l'T t.~~Yftl Ia rrfuKfd tn " "' •I•· Compan! • 2

of this ro\·~nur. NDw, the Lnudt~ .a. Nmt1a \V~tern. being a mi2 ~ 'm t•Oll• will ho ill ~ diJI'er<>llt P' '1

und it will he inwreoting to "~t b ·, ~nfurcina; u duiru ta the pa.n···l 1

ve-nue un the l,a..,:~ of tbe fuU ·•:.,. mil.- "' th" distan"'· from L. ·ml• r lluloliu ,.,, Dun Laogh8ID- U >, • • nn·•~< t il mean~ that the r~ \t c po.m "·ill, frum t~o pore•! obtt;in p~JrtDauentlv a undiscl.o.d ~flU 1 f tWf.\nt pel.U"III ilfadditiCD tho •oh•idy. ....

1ort laws of hcieat lrelaad

.. .. J•· r 1 •''"'1, wheu

· 11 i .• ~ ·u· f• r · J, u.t 'n. I{ .d.!•• ol 111• I ')It' 1 'II 1'1·1 11!•

,olo)l! 11 11 1f IdA H,lt .. • MI\'J(plll"

11,, • , . 11 ,,,, h •I dd nul ,J\ 0'111 I \1 lo 11, t l11"'

f al ·I till"; tu.: 'I t

n •\\. ,I •til~ It·

''II Jl lUll(' • II I l II T>• i'' 'I

,. 11 II

.\JUt '' I I I• ,.J •. I I I,,~ .. ' hull·'• , f r~•t· 1

-J•UUb(-~H"i_•I(\Pl lnit'

nd dire-RnP



llf I 1.~ lht I'


t Ill\ I 1 hall It t

t , h h t t" Duk~ tlun r •• 'I. ··ut•· .out

1 ·• { · t •Pf'ttt-d ,, bjm.

n .. r• wl ·h \ ' 1 ,, ,.( '· ' p1 ···1 r I·n t .d ·• ':1 ~~II I ul lr h I I· I

ill \ , r 1 '1'

! tt l '

' lo,t' I

l"'-l' I'll l"i.)r

I J!oo: li I " I I!J I l'l I !'I


· ~ • difk··• l'T• THE IRISH IN EXILE. <rmpatlr.· ·lh ._,.,lat.on t~c ,·or!d ''· •on. ~he (n nnan "' uu· had only mted (11 ·~ , 1 1, :j . hoping L . .tr its r-•wer .,;ill t tend ..... ru

n· )oCitJ,:Jh'·· I ,· ,:-t 11 (l' aliens-the himselt That mpa.1hy has brougt• 1m

P 4'" 11·1<' in 1t .. rJt k-. and the 'T· . ., 1 1~11 nllf~." ad'• )Q~ 1 .. ~~71 ~~,.h~"~tte~~~~~ o!n~:~ n i~~

I 1u u I ' I· IH!nmode- he Ger· W 1-!1.: • -rt fu1 ·Jtc, _ the revolution of America bruu£,tu 1 ... ~

lll'l ,,J,, 1 o otc h~-~~~. I a .. done •o ' almost immediately some relief at~ 7•

"''' 1 '"••n < ··I l1' ,. ~~~·lc )HI~ Ucr• , \ 's Cl\"U I It fs remarkable that a pe·Jple so emin· and lO his kin in America happines l""~ 'w t.1~: 1~~.-.~Jl~

1 , ; :-t~~ldt·~j" o ... (l 1 ill(] ond 11 IJt' •n~lt tu distribute entfy conservative as the lrisb; ~opposed dom and prosperity.

I 1c t (I· J 1 , , t1-. at r11t> to change in anything fundamental either in The Irish in America had entered the

English Propapanda.

u· . . art l tl. I f"' -~ publications Church or State so religious in their en- war 1:, ith one heart, they declared with

r m genutt> thusium so constant in their devotioa to =~~e~:fr ~~:ti~~e~::'" !ei~rpa:!~tr·~ ·1ffo• ~•d •II their Spiritual Head would yet have been oWcre greater than that ollhe native Ameri-

.,\. stirred deeply by every .. e of revoJu- cilns 1n... ~~· ~.:. S. that apart from l:::t

.. to tiona ) f ling in the world. And yet such consideration for the leeJiDp of Car c

1, ,.. ru n is the fact Revolution whether in France Funce and Spain and the:r aid to.\ •-.J The or Russia. 1 sure to call forth a sympatb- we can t ke " • crrtain that Wathinr..

r .. ould hove extended equal rights , all • .Ja· 1,. 1• erlc note rom every Irishman's heart The to Catholcs and non-Catholics, c;--_ - .!:

I • L .. 1 J ptr tell 11,. fw·- cau~ of this strange fact is to be found in Union a.od this complete religious ~qua, '1

0 u 't~ 1,~ IJ wa, f lllt.' :1,., from


the Irishman's nati?nal discontentedness at . ·e. ~ve included m the conscitu~oo ·•"\ j t), u 1 ~<~ 1,. .• •1111• Ju .. (l,r\·mnment home. For well rugh eighllwndred yeDrs rehg!aus _test shall ever be requ1~d "' a

d I · 1 t'·- he has been hoping and endeavouri- to qaaltllcanon '" any olllce or pabltc trust uu 1 ' .In~ '· · t H "11, •:i- • • • • ··•. under rhe Un:rt...J States. ' .,Congress shall

t' J 1 ,J, t • surrom-.ded t hem, that I regam. has treedom. penodJcally bursbng moke no Jaw respecting an establishment of ' rr) ., " h 1•·<1 1hroug}l.out the forth m arms wh~n he thought the hour or reUg)on. or prohtbiting the. free exercise.

r!U 1 • (., 1 11 , ot1ld J,,. shunned Uberty had struck. trtiveUing at other times I thereof:· \nd ~o the Catholic DeJo:garioo Jok,

1 u tune. that , he- , hole the orld spreading the story of his oppres- that ~lilted Ott htm ~Iter !he Re~ubhc was

1.", · . sion and e r ti ll1h · 1 fi d estabhsbed. Waohmston replied , " I ' 1 wou u 1 fu L' u il \t.; them food . n JS ng sy~p y, on Y to n presume that your rellow~itizens 'QO"lll not

that the ttme a! fr~edo~ bad not dawned forget the patriotic pan which rou t< . t yet and then relinng tn sadness to wait in the. accomplishment of their rev .-urion

• ot 'I" \ll:. would at and prepare for rhe time when it would anc! the esrablishment of their govern-. l ( , :1. .f I .. r I J ., I t indeed :orne.. So fat" il has been In Ireland f!lent .. And from the m'!"ent of the ~!'2

•rt•m zt ,. 1 ur- I . , • the trumpet the tear and the smile. Please hshment of that_ Republ!c· when .England Bullet ' 1 f • ::o u.d mde- . . · , lost her power m Amenca. the prospects

I" ,,• n«· • h , un, •. get h· God 11 wtll not be 50 ~am. I ol the Irish, and ol thr Catholic Chrm:h in •·ld to turgn•p t"\ ,-, rmun v, if only 1· f!ie cause of th•s. dasconlen~ and sulfer- Amer'..:a, began ro brigbten . and 1 steady.

they WGIIId show their ill omental rng 15 1? ~ .. "?,"&h1 tn oppre~~~~~~ an~ tyr- stream af emilflnts lram f!Very eo ·untry Chrilltitln feeling by flllaou2.ting FraMe anny· ·~ the Saxon and gurlt, as 11. 11115· but espec~ally from Ireland. began to ftow and Belgium at --!hat their o~·n p~ophesic<l 11 would ~e. Bad .laws armed in. But it was only in '"Black '47 .. that 1 r 1 '•• I w he ru · r.,. '"t' '' .. '· duectly ar ex_renn.Jnanng the I!'Jsh people: that stream grew into one might)' i. v·t,,....; t .!. " <I hcrrible snfrertngs by at kUhng th~rr trade •. 81 s~ng them It ous wave And it Is the descendants of their \\' u .ked Go\'ernment. .and ""t'. •• hom~ or drtvrng them mto _ex de· or, 10 their" these lavished irish exiles that have h811ded

, .. , wei nllow tfw· t>rn ot pence and ~am 10 pover-ty .and slavery at home pro-. their ancestors in lreJand and in British t n them to , ··n<• I . •flit u.t ull ha~p•c;st momenrs, aUowang them to re-I down to them the story or the sufferingS of

good.will lu , ommence. " German v•ded they c~nrrabute t~ the greatness and America that have destroyed the British 8uldien "'"" urgod to consider "·hetber unholy h•ppmess of t~r oppressors. .In attempt at another reconquest under the II , .... worth willie to risk being days of danger throwr~g them somethmg guise or the present League ol Natilkts It killed "·h~u tlr., had notl1ing left to tokeepthemqurct-unnlthedangerp~ will be interesting to notice some ·!he I' •ht fur, and t "a •uggested t1a.t taking !hat somethrng away agtUn' sufferings in '47 of tltase emigrants and tWit lt· .. t '·•W'8e v. n , ruake oft l· or IRVJttng th~m to diSCUSS rhe wa.vs an.d how tbey succeeded in the land qf their r tiT 'I rn~ Rnd ensure tht !'I.a.· h· '"r means of makmg t.hemselves ha~py ~~.their adoption after America gaiued ber nde-,1 • 1 , It ,1 th d f slavery. But all with the same arm: Dear pendenc:e

wa. .un'' ' "' " u ·uc- 4 u animals. 'I have assembled you to advise · P O'G th ! T'l': nnd tln (':1'1·?-•L L..vpuc.r.- • me what ~uce I sh.all dress you. with'; to

.\ · •In• .ah t• tlme. pwd !OJ .nrtad~ which a Cock respondina, 'we don't wanl m abe . ...arnt• .. tl .u \·t•r•~ lnseried !ll to be eaten: is checked by 'you wander r t urn11 1"'-~ quoted tn from the point. • ... (,. unun\ " ~ ·,. l'·' -um Germans m "'" l.l(' belief ho~t 81J I It' WOrld judged •'"HtlXt .u lhl' ilfa )"I IUifer-lumce. Temaia t · ... m to ~ u I)) m t).c- wr:: 11g1 and, Such 1 Qt • cnl.f • t 1 f dal .. ~ · I ·I"'U@'II lhrrt ftUt'l-n,mt'nt, t . , bt l"fl Wfloet" llllk•, ...... J.3tt-:nt~)'9~ ~l 1'--.~o,ta;•ft'u;l"• uaNT" t'-.. nf +hl" ~ w!fo human ro.ce, as Tkou~u~~ and brcte so orlen, still hi"

.-11 """ u 1 11~· ht1d ,. Ire made tlu;~·m. Heaco by Preroca~ivc, Ute ]O'Ile of old, Pel" · ·nnl pn)pugorulo nwong enems Hila turned hl.a ahunder ituo aho\Vtnl of aotd,

... Ll Ht·r ,. rl· .. adout in neutral c·ounh'It..' Whoac atlenr courtthlp wi• •ecuTt ioJs·, , wm · ,wffull.\' 11ursUed, Neutrals Taints by derrecc, and ruin' without nolst.''

11 pn)minent PI "" t ' ''""' in BU.). walk or I ft· wlu • \ ·· w ""'''j likely to tetU'

•: ··nt\ optnun lH rt brought "· 1

1 · 1 f .Jlut. r 11(' i1al inter-rlt I IU ""'i .11;{.T •tl

w. t('> t , • •' Utlrsed. ·~ ..:\. t.;.t'" "'ll,;lP', : I rMem.blin_..

1 Uer1uun ·-ul · .. at10n u .d bennng t•n ,,,. llht 1 ,.!t 'h .• 1 • 1:1c. Kaiser, '"f"a

c. · _ ~P· ... \ 10u..11\ !row 250,000 to .l)O(),()()() • • t'. h "'''kl\' ;,.,..1 "' , di .. tui• ' JU*'~J,•llf!/1•-l, on t}, ·

lt was always the same, open tyranny, thea silent bribery corruption, then open ryranny qein, but always oppression, open or hidden, and aimed at keeping the Irish people in slavery and poverty at home and IS lor as possible everywhere else. This wu. and ts, the cause of aU Ireland's wars, and will continue until the source from whicb they openrte IS stopped up in the land This is the cau50 or the Irishman ·s


C.C.l£0 L!nE • · ON HIS UUSH Y.

t ! .-.L. C 1.. tl.L '•J WAlL AND I'OC.nT

• r11J P·. I c~ I'-• ' J ,.


ht•l ~11cf l,t• m iJJ(IlrU:J "HiD, ft)T

to rt"hu 1111 ·111 figl ·m 1,, 1 r 1Wi~::1. <.l· •l.rc.• 1~ l o~( ; rt'hs;i: ··u U.1i11 m tb.e ndtJ»end•nct: fu: ·In r : f"'l"''t ·~'"t' OWl- Uerman f l1u1.1c tt' These leo'ftets lru• \V ·u t·• nrt \"t' dee:iro for inde- poiotod nut t:m•. the!r" militaty d~euts

. • Wt Jt• u. JIL"t Jt•lltbutu.n for ttf' cnme.s

! Cntyle·• f.R. Moon:. 13 FLE~T STREET, DUBLIN.

MADE IN IRELAND.<t' did w~t t ''"!. they_ ~>t'! them- tlf heiJ hu\emJUe.Jit. One Wl\8 a. little aell'e6 to t reate ' 1 Begmntng · n J.Jenuon on the J;• 1, Ue sure , our ~un A.pril 18, 1018, th<•y •·omposed o I will find you out." · · nutlunaliet JOQ.lnu.l (ul whot t r1t> 1,bt- dirtic- 1 • 1 ull t1tis dirt.\· work would •ull I 'w ftt:J:! ..... h t•thllO\IS ... 1 .~ Ul ... ,.,.l I tn hot\·. J•een don& II' the my-l·damd till :·uplt•l Ill ( r.· h p.,)! ·c.·J~uU>~ lfl S .A. fll' t. wluJSe pn-

.. , ·\ .,tul· 1t • 1Ift~'. n .... eftt·ot-I '· rul UL.~ ;o~'''·'' •• na .11 II ,I tl1·' f llr. D W .B• " .\t4'

I • 1uo .. ml 1 · 1111•• mnn :.r \i.un • hc.r •r''liH : ·r.duc·nJ:, pn'i'

• Hl. tr t'"ttu Ill u , ' -...n 'ountnes


LADles· fLEECEl WRAPS. 6ElNT'S OVERCOATS. Lact&u• and Gtntt' 8Mwtf'Dt00fl, Pwfeat In Flniah. Perfeot tn Quallt,.


DOBI LV AUEo."iT. MR. WILLIAM HORE, CAVENDISH HOUSE. r• ut; ' •oti \lr (•llf'~t \\ tt l' I •

I k d• • J d,·t( r 1>J-J If' pattenc~ lU

111h 1 11 'I ·'J'IolU't>t\ I u·d Jw•1 1 '\' ,(tl fl 1 Jtntntll'l"tJ ,..-----------------------------~

I I \\If ' ill •C:' /lt J , tnl), <It "J"ft tb(' "- ... ih\0(., 1 th•· (t rrm.lll :lit· inoo\'" Natr"onal 11 t. (It' 111nn.\' n tt-.1 .... L ·~ HH• 11f th•· h, t '1·rd c nn n \l"r I · u·fe(l1ed, but it i l>t 11111 1hlt• t" hiut tlutt, '' 1 ln­

l'llt 1Ut t', nnwuK fott.'lg'll worktuen of o , 'rt.tain nation11lity Who \Vt"nt into Ger­

Land Bank, Ltd.,

tmuutc• 11' hll'c·nlih [lp, i1 I-GO tlDd I'll.· ench,nwrning tuld returned each 114-l~'lt. wbidt W1·1• ""'luuU '""" I eyenrng .(bilingual Dones pre•umabl~l u.puLh..- l)f \\'''' l-diiJt 'II' '" Jtruuht d .. • I !iwad·. ;u•ghtklw• I IDle> t • whom PJ:OJ::J..: rn ,(, arhi 1 •I l •·tt tli. tunc .... ro• k··• . ~d. t~ 1 ;~~~r .. ,.,":!l~

11,".: 1 '~.~~~~~!!.1 ,.

~It'll ult "'• .1ncl .. HI Ut''-J•.Iflt~!-.; " 1 lH f Ill t I 11\ A.Ui1" Ut nE"Ulll.l". tlt'""'lt•dt•J , \\ !oo~ tiiUI••rftH•k. tb • dan- S1 IUtbOW, )HI~l'" nUt" l to( litrtllfute

't rk ,,, 1-dbtnhutinn Ill '" ., .. t••"h.od au lit•r-u• .U)' tn ...-1t"1'1c.od

.\.1! t 11 \\U" P111J•Jalt"1 lt"lllf'tl ·. A. I1U1' t' ' ur..,:un:"3.tJnn

ul II Jl oiiHI -t.~•o n•l I h.111111lot lA UI•Uiral

•nnnhw t. 1\'1111 I ••t pos$;all1fn hh rn lurv \\llU[d 1. mlrHtlu•t-d 11\tc Au!tottrt.t• H lUf.tiU\ .. HrJH•ttltlll .. , Wtlb fut1l\C'

rh trw ti1111 • W1·r ruah ..... 1, wt-re 111·

dUh'if II\' th (11"HJlljlUhi'IU I II hU ~UI t• muu!l n "' nJ,. thdt clu .\u~tn1n war ... lllRlhine "n hnp••l .. •h l'ef'ked:,

,uiflll''~"' f11111 '"hia.h rht lic.•t11Utn l'''"'t ,1 It ••1111 .lc.·• ,,d no ll(•nt•fh

' , 1nh•rf it 11.., ,ultl, .. l tu ft f$-rl"'t') I

f.u u I u( t.~ll nt•tl.• 1f'rlUlD ••lnwu .. hunnel lt•ll "I nil ur parhull, npt u

111 n • t1 Jftf r•tdible ftt l11c n, a~~;, fnr in· .. huu • lbt> he uk t \tlr . Xnn~ "tort> 1111 n- ufu ~~" th, fa 1hh with~ bit 11 '''I. \'a.lnal•l• ll'IIINiltftndo matf'riul

1 Pruu J~1t lrno l'lk '" pamphlet rhiP"f"l"(l 1 lundr hn t irtula.ti.CJb ia

U••muun nnd. \n!tlna tlia.n Wtno llrtt i•h pt<~IIAifliUdisr . "


..... ~St..


r ~~;;~~-~-~~"~; .~~~r~t. C.ma1 Accftale . ••

Dopoah .. Call - -"' o.,..,. H ----

.... ~ JfS

eon,tq ~"'..!.~ -

- .. I






lll:'ih.l .. t 011 ' Pitt " f,. t'U lhtt>•i u"' tl hta.rH L offit• uf t 1

11 n.: uf t.he Act t I Englitth dt r~dr'ft' t'Pi'Ut'. u-nd mnn~ ·t. tt.:t•llu·d .. hy which it ""bra."r.,. n1tu1 nt home and abroad OWt"l'l

w 1 .. 1-sctu.•lJt ,I. ·UI The nnthor ul hi.<~ den.tb lu t.bc ~t• a 1 espionage on · lrjah l·u,c 1• .. rt, ampliflc.!( 'Is. )U.s lets\'N lrv .. spednl" Engli~h

Griffith' t');)ll-~ II . L3· lhe addition •·f l\ I clerkli. \ntlw~:. ~lie I -11'1~ of Trozzini, c 11l ntnll\ u nt ,lflt•-... !u.lcllllt 11!. p1 c 11 tl"('hi.LI ~ nn r~<·ent ho.ppe_ningsa itt I an Italia-n ge-ntlom~. 1-esiding in Lou­pondt.>Tn.uC'e 111 pow•-r ·:1 th w •rld 1 tht .\~ '.ul.1Ut. r.t!JIP rlon. liP. took UO,Part bt English J?Oli­

through •.:uWiinr, • rut.:~lt~-~ tuJd mill-~ . Irish l'nat ·• ~hc.uld bt reO.d rlt~. hut hi.ct prtv~te- •·Ol'respondence lt~r:r , untrol1 and t'XI'r• 1'-111,;..:- Jt.. ... "'t·lfi.,.' I·\ , I, • \Vh• wuh tu get. .1. " good n WU:-4 upoued by detedive cler~,, and ,( .. m '·" 1r.-• 'u. 1 111 u.n ••Uio("'JtJing rr,..... Vtt'\\ uf the m1. r "U'orl;iug u the mn· t.h.l:' nome~ of s~me revolutiono.ry ', \\6.1 t't' tu I · ..... .t' k.~·J '· ·' n · n ,]m.t r -.l't :ph .inglDJld fur Lhe put· frtendM \n•re cQpled ond se>nt to .ntu t r. ··rnt.~r th, r• ·., lrH.1Juiuk- 1 t.r k JHiiJ.; ber politiH .. l ..:-u-ru 1he A.usb· ,., aud .Senpulitun GoY.ern

·tr.~ . tld.: l.u~..- 1 h, th~ l · f I •· •1 JD po\\t 1 Ireland. The •Jrt•r meuts hl' tht• English Cuhinet. Tbes n.··sontla. •l·flL It tuwh,u.udtl , t'·l,.nionUun ,. men,wl'"""'''• moulh·r .. {oldlr .. dra \ C\ -t~llggl··~ I Ti't'idb plc:C•Jit'tl m :lr, .... book. Them. familie~t: and. w•·re p~ f~<JJIDg a u·volu-

\\' J &1 11~t .,t; '"'there 111 tl, w ·ld" , .• , -t a· '' ll.. i L Irish peoplt!- elL- tton, Wtl\: .tkt J•r ... ,rnns. cour· ctur-t 1' ff' hr: t.,,, tdotlt' one nation l.:u •m I t1hled th, lrjsh 1 •lOn tc! lrul'Vi'!e- t·u· tinll&d and "h~·' The English '-• ,fa u ·1 ft::l · 1 i..!toll) _add barb&nc~~· .P4.~~~·1I" •• UlJ of llr. I'· t .-s 1t sur- ,.~rnment sul~-que~tlyb as uaualJ de­rt. t•tf . ..1' GJl nation 0.' EngJandJ.; 1 vtVed the t>"Ord, bullet, o.nd ton·h nf 01ed ~load gmlhnt>-~s, ttt he-re,\\, ..

rtt•., '}Iff: .. f Russia, first, t~ugh I u. ('t(l'U"I'll To.dny Enghuui pn.~"" dam~tng ptuuf the-~ .. s':,C!f t t, tt ,.~,.. .. aod cunnmg, hoodtrmkt'd r.ibntc t J tut• oi1Jn-i.val of the l.isl1 nn- EnghJth Lurcltt of Commons iJufnm• into u-• o.lled alliance to champi~n- I toll ~v her fnnofic-al onslaught on our ·••er" then held int<> the <"tUltOIU •

• - 111 tit· f toe~~ dom.i~aot nation's sel· 'M.."'~ J'lo: 11u failure of u Irhth Union- opening letJ.e• "~· 'l~he _English people \ l'll·tthi~!U ID .'' 1• { Httt~J ""u 1"" I lt•l1 t-onfi.of 11nd, ~d th!n• ~m" I"~ nuule u.pptu"ent b; Engltmtl"A wel"e ~nrw.M and mdignnut! b\lt- the

h11 Jll!'' •·d. ruul diBtrJimlt:·• n pa.~-~~~ftrt the iDIIl·1 ·-nt hooihnuked untion doiug11 .in helnnd to~do.y ... .A.uJln .. l Cnmmtttees, uf cout"Re, w·hltE~WU6hed t•hle . m wJudt 1l1e followlhg quenr hsd fut1,.l11 n.'1, YD..liantl~· and ... ufh·red Iris11 J,. ,', •. for se-Yen <'enhnit.>~ J~,'' thf' Govenuuen.t, !ia~ing the 1 ttsl.c. m ou·uJ. Wf" lt Lht• our reade1 ~ to gqr~" ur more than tlte d,ominQ.nt nn.tion £01· •u.~· Mr. Good, ·• a record of the e-f!orl_ wo.a not general. tlu n "''

1 In OIH· atrPIDi•l :- . .dtH• '.ur"'t' 1t ~~ ~ 1~11,1d!~~"' fight- of Brit~h ~tnte~me~ to asae~t, ~end, The yea.'r 1636 is the earliest date •

'''ll ~· nahon " 1<11 11 thnt most 't'Uelly ·•.:. to l~t• :,,,. onl.v dp. nnd cunsolida.t(l 1 hetr authority ·In li·c- ,,. Uich. arn Post Ultic r ~'>\',.tem E"XiRted 1 l·t 1 t<tl tar • ,,•

1,; o!'·n kin blood · l'l···i but r-.t ru&lly r;,t ked, t ~~~~11_. lnntl. ,F'rfnll thtt ~"ord of 9rotnwell tu 'ln Eus-l"itd. ond nlllett.en; '\\'1'1""\• t.Len

ll'-lll· I tt•Hf :L lJnh'11 Sl,...t. blocknded ft~l ,. Jl •• \Htlt utter disre-- thf' bnbes oft oblle-reagh. wnumernhle hnhiluallv opened hv th·· B'ritish h .II I n Independent• ... n f:'t~..d wb,.·Jw,. 1 r'" nu~t}· ally con·pletf'ly •· J,._ll'iruenh ha'''' boon tr:·•d: but sim·e- VE"rnmenl \-fl\o in11i~ded on the ~ 1,.

t ,"' 11 r l t '·'"_mnn~·. ruPl:\ p••r•-11r ~ . tlu• hegin!lin.,. • ~the nineteenth L~ll· rrgk of ,'nrr:ving ti1em. l'h~ EDgli~}. arul •·II hor t" WhA-t nat l'n ·"' . ·L. t 1 I).;. I tun the- !n1ht1tnt.'"nt employed to en- { 11 1nmeut chu·f found this o.n t ~

Who. nahon t, t:unnin~ o.nd the ••"l • 1u• 11u will fit the ruling Po"".t-r hns, \\'0~' nf kl't'piug umtrol over oil t:tu-r .. l 1, l~·k..i.ugm 't"t'i •. IJ> 1 tquired th.rough gft'ed, cun- hfta,o t.('ru~htl"l' ~tup b;v~1t1 ~u- 111 ....... puhlil' a.ud priv&t.4t~ in their '111} fltt'Hd and '1! ulJ ... tJ'IIt"Cf II ·' f f ••t t llf'!<o..'. e~B.VOUI'S der ,t'U 1ltlt• ,,f .the Legtsl8~1Ve t'eQ.lm, l'liurJ{t · ... CrrreApO:ildt"DCt- and

t.ln ul 1vuu' ll tu f.uJ 11 nl. It ,,,f l• •he t 1re- ''folld mto t·om- l n·1 ·1 ~d 1 '.n~·· tn the 1weut1eth 1 bet old ruwul~ thi~ 1..e.' ·nd r•t ~~~-· na· F1.anrr ~·ben rushed and 1,1 .•• 1 11 •· puw. "te-r~ed a league •·f ··e-nlnr.v. StnJJ 1•e-Jn hM stnrck 1bo.t dnuht ·Al,1d the use-nf their O\'fllstolen

l1l .. t.'1hulot m 1870!' ntt •1 , whn-.f" ~··1~ ~ a.nd. purp' 1"t.'. · '""''lUTnt•li •· ·n m the hnnd.q .of lf'•ttn ngoinsl prisoner,s was ;,t contmnn Whnt nnt.on w.l" ' thnt preV"iously how•~\1"1 d~'·er!y dusgulSed, b t4' tl4 i England. 1: '"'' tmd t·onoded ~nth resort ot the dt~teputbble. Governmt: nt

tnn-l uuelb U"ft:l~, domineered Wld I"' 1 11. \t• tlus .selfU;h greedr II"IL·U,. 01::;••. thnt n·ument," forg-e-d m u 'from t-ht< flnrt e!tto.bli~Umeut of. t , (!Jl!U't~'iOd ,r ... owlt neighbour. l~rauce, nlft cruel clum.ixut.nce and l·.ntr:ol. t per1•!d of n.wnkening D~Erncy~ I>o'lt Office. l1i6hme.n, of Ct•ltrse, WPJ fil the JK•ople of l• rnnct• were"' uttel"ly fhe prcponderanco ofthe world· • o:ft'nus """" wrrndtE"<I from Englo.nd • pnl- th~ cbief •ufl'et..,r,. but .,f this ],..,.. downtrodden thlll &\was nO<·essary for which, if 'esto.blished, it b!'comes_,fhe oied .finger• as she marched tn nfter. the !>O"'e1·. ul light to guide 4.D.d ill· greatfi'st. ~o~ monstrous 1 nn;tP ·aftnl~t't Wor--tn 'her own words-to safe- J1ionm tlte eo.l'lie~,t &::tistenc:e c r Eng­spu ... n pure wom1111, Joan uf Arc, in oil humnmty s best and highest m. gnard D~mo~r~~-. e.nd to ~nsure lish pooh! P• i•a.te pel'llon• "•I" pro-lii>e.n,rlng Fra.uc.• .from her oppre~or · u .1 cran<' ~.o gnant tbat .evel':\ that the prmc1ple of government biltited under •u ... er~ pe.nalt.t ~. from

Who-t natton \\as cruel nod bnrbni-ic ('hampwn ~~. true liher \ hy th~ C'On~nt of the- governed ~lwuld ca.rr ing letter,.. or written mesaug('s , ~ 1 , 1 r Illol n have 1 ~~~ .. pore wu- and t 1' ~bould do ll:~ or ~er utmt·"~ prevwl! _lll. f.iood ~as someth1ng to 1 L" fheHe, t)f ('Uurse, would he- 88('Ure 1WI(J, Joe.n 1 \r. imprisoned, u • 1 n·,~rt fr ·Dl nctually taking plntt -.:.H un th1s p~)!Jlt whtcll ~eservett qno· fro:m Governmt>nt spying) and a. pru-jedcd wtd "' .. ·• ,1 1 . l,~ in.l t, ., 1 rnt•nt tRtlon. ·•.If.. l·t· "'1.1.\ :-~. the. wa\r re- ('htmatinn is~ued by the Knglish Queen and finnlls 1 ·n1'-~ at stoke 1o0 t-e-o led Umb1u~m ~ . somt>- _of u.s Eli.J:ol>t'th in 11)90 orden all such an.R--

\Y I oat fJ w,. t ll I unde-t .,,. uh ,, , .. .. a rmHh(';,} philo~Ophy, dJf~ pected pe· ·1111'1 tu he seurched. for and &r •• : db; l . "n • rod• ' and The Great Illusion ! f,. 'ill-: only f: ... .th-: ntool abborre_nt orrealed, u.nd I .... r Ieite•. '"'llt to U.e if• n. ~:..1t ,:1 Nt:lblislted lt"'t'h V:lr"''tM of l:rt~~tnm .. sm 10 that 1h1 Prit- ( -<•undl. ln 1619, wheu the

un thP ,.b_.n- . f e , untl\ f 00 --.-- II.UrtJU!·t: unlike tile German9, ,hnft State poets we-re t4m1porarily held y.p · brc r,:IJ· man~ cen ·II t"' ' .t•~ Irish Unioni•'"· Je \\' 11 1 t l nr~~r been ablt 11 !orm1;1ln.te. a..philo~o- owing to n GoTernment di~ute~ Lon. \\'1 tlth lndi • und lu: (', I r• U!!11 Dublin 'I l1 p, phl(' dtrlt ·ll e II·, the-tr beltefs~, the. ma!.er don merchun~. em petition, \t'ere per~ ~.:·a l.Jt' .. ., and ( lll.lti.U"', t :u·oumged leader ... wtt.-~ 'II'''" I tG realise m\f.ted tt Nend trade letters to Hum-.. ~ ·'l•ur.• .1 t · t(! nul t .... lroc·!. <tJn among _ 1J:Lh•ut.'1.J _, t .t Demoao.tJc 1lt" o; thnt th1~ dtd no I uec·essol'Jly mean they burg and Dt~ep, oil- ('Oudition that when ''"" <YN ~flU m i~m' •f inhabitants, w

1nl 11• fu ... h ReTolution ond nmst obnnd•n I .,rdreomsof A·•·•nol.- reqtt<"HI"d 1 ,, mustoht>w<. till II• • r.lf· .... 11 ::!1 1

&.lt1UjJ.J lbt'Oua-h \ t-'Jll·•" Wu of had Ria<'. On the contrary th_e ~genca and cl88iHtt& .1'" t 1 ·l!~ Eugl\.Q.h Secre-.... ,Jr rtluutht 111ul milifn.i-,v domm.. tJju·eod ttrc \.,. l w puople oi l1"t"land, Gf the-idea of seJf-de~nation aotu.. tn:rit· of ""fr.rt-•. u1d .aJao gl!ttlrliMlt~

,,,,..,, "". "''· '" bleed nnd impoTerish Euglish ln&J"'' '" .:u. after much 1$.- ally_ st~hened their case, ~gh they would cmltllin notlilng··of u poli. the c·ouutry o.nd enrich it&elf r • un- hour, brought ft•rlh •hat Imperiu.l Nntional!Sis of ell ~ .~ ~~nron tical nature. l'he Euglish Gonrn-helJ. vaiJl~ c.'th•u f' l.t'roo..lf, known n .. the" .\1 t of Union. shut~". eyes: to f:!'1S faat. ., 1tl '.lse ment did nut trus~ the English n·ork-

Wha.t l•RlU:m w .... it rh.11 hood\,·inked 't• doubt 1 tl t' •· At: I • 1 UWon," 111•111 ~Ir. <.wu.'l' ~,,nrru, m connectu~u wtth ingnuaLL, nnd the English workers, un-1 :w world tntn the lwLt'r •hat it under- lW Imperialistic IfoJnt 1 f vtew, ''n~ the UnJOnlSm. ,, ar-e a1nud tl1e like the lrir:rh wert! afraid of 1beir nutHP ,,.,,I.. to . ' i·ze. through a moot bar- finest thing English h'•t'll.ft 1 t tllut •• ~bier l•ode,.." will hw;dl)" be- nhl.~ tero, and, "th~1·efore, the spy system I u' W1tr. stoop111g to use pois<nous time eouJcl1 onre-h·t!. Atoll t"'"ents~ 1t In fonnulatto ap~ilo~oph.1c defenf~ wu.::t allnwed it contmue. Owing. ·u~ •. .., 111 furling into subjection the lll- must be 4·unceded. that there Wl\S nnne- f1 the H~lf-·c:h•:t-~1nmation of n portion therE"fnTP. to tbe ol}<;olutp corruption uf It·, rul•· 1t .- ntun ~old peaceable- Dutch f the ·• conJOent of the governed · _ •he lush nnhcn. Even th~ egre- the Post Office, were continuou.~ ( lnn , . ._ tn • 1 nth Afrif•• "·he-n tm- ptJDcipJe about_ ••. Bence-. it WB..s nU flOUS" Mr. ~lnyd George-. as 11!· Good row. re~ugnntions.l and dismiR"'al10 11f r 1 ·t .. n.t uru.l rtnllth of diamonds and tl1e. author .. "' 11 .. helug in1 ncled u w Jttt''!~"' vut JR H.'\r htor pnrt of h1.s hr.oOk h .. Mnsli-~r!'j uf the Post. •

lu w r di < l'.t(l l''ithin ·I, rr 1,, .tl .,J u•· rJ.t·· .\!.1 Eml' t" an· . _dhluut den_)· tlu! self..dPtcimmahon. lu lti-ll lire OJ~nlng uf lette~ 1 1 t r ~ n<t fluur~o;h un INmrcJ .. •u· Jdt,_•o~,:-. .. tn rl~t ~u .. , n· ··lud1 tht'Wt1"dfigU;""fl Fro.uc d Antwerp led to o.<~stron

\ lt .. na.hon u 11 thul on .11 -ount t]JUught \I'~ Pit: I matt" 1n lu"t "·ar t••'t' ·•''"'· n·eant thot Jne"b- c.lUl g .)nu,: li"t f t\l Ul it ruel, r the nwment t I. m .. ·11 "tn m.-n "'''H '••·• t''u ,~.~~~ -.• n R-epuhliMU.t l01Dpl~nt front ~he!ldor If tl.

1 h · tmcnt ht·stcw·ed on , ... own m .. {, ul me: lr.1t tl.01t h1 lilt •. r 1 "'1~ '~t• n, if tie, ,. desire." Tht>- Iri!th Re~bhr ',( \ E'hl< ''· !lut durmg all 1 ll p 11 •• 1 11 .. w.eU ru; c-'her nations, wu~ mt'n of Euglisl. !itatesman dug n }li.t nation 1 lhmten n R.epnblicaf\ J.!('l'lod, t't'Cl't•l 1 ·onunt!.tee~ of the Eng-"''"'("' :ot like-ly tu KUppot1, durmg tIt' under the "\'!1\ Empire hor:: "'tri!'lhed 1 "''llil n j f OtJ'\·-ernment by ~\. lar .. h .. 'l~ HottSP •l Po.rhameut were !1--P~ f 1' I war m the United :--,tn:1·~. the build up. To put an end 1• DPmo. ~er majonl, tl\an that which t)Je put~tt.lfl. to ~n uu~ l't!ad the foreJgn. IS',tltl' In St •• r•- .hat stood f"r thn sel- t" ·~.. I I d t uvernmenl" t f England secured at mai'LM, tutti dia :m. ~ht>- House of L~d!l.

,_-, '"" ..,. ('fO. u. luco&s n re an wa!lt o Ill.,. tile L..t el~ t'on. 8'· Edn·ard olunc entered n. ru. tlcl pro.test ngams1. fto,; 1 1 l\t''.'" ur 1}w negrue~t to tht! • ,... mincl, nn lm)terinl nece~5it;\·. 1u w.s ~ .u. h f h t t lt.nt thn.t l:u .. ·H 1, o.'\\·holly fininte:re"tPd achit'I'Ve that nbjeci wns not a very (taRon hirusc~lf "\Wruld ha.rdl:v sug. t .e !iJ>l'end 0 t ~ tncoJtvemen <us om 11 •1 on, th.·, u ~1 1 unselMhneoc!'l c f tno- di&ic ult jub. With n nou-ropre~euta. t.esb that t; 1· ar··u in England which wiUt, uf courMe, 110 _reault t H·, kept in~·" York harbour u. t·on· tive ns~Ptnhl.v ittiog in Dublin he bttd rpt.un'eJl "Libt>I'al ·· or J_jnbour contli- (!rt.m.\well's ~>urhu.rue~tt could not aidere.ble port " '-" w,.,..hip• under the mot.,rinl •I hand. Fe rthw··.h he elate• should he p~>litiuned olf from the n_ruvlifJ, hut ~1<1 •·ou,olidate thJr J)ofil·

d, ,f onler to r•·i~ rt t, the Pre--ident proc·eeded t 1 mnke that non-:repreRen- "' r of Englund! '"' be nDd the (rl I t.iou 0! tlu• U.~ .0. u.s U spy de~arlmen~ ,. •lc I mh·d Sr.,tt ftt -·~lVI~>" am) or,.~ ~t.. ··n1bh· even more- nou-rept{'- \"'Prrllllent he·· holds in the- J1ullow of and, mh·oduc'l.Dg an .Act to settle

::Ht•· 111 1 "'' tl ..... (tl.ifty, Bmall t 'a·"'' than 1te found it. Engli"'b hi111 hnnd~ ·• tln.nk paritiQn should I~ t!te P•>Mhlp llf ~~~Jtd, 8rotlan~ nnd · "•p • I i 'I'' should taken open t l• '• ~ n~l-• gold, ond English I?"'· enfore<!d IrPinnd. How the world Eugl•nd, ""l''""'b ••· ·•·d the' h>ef ad-

uw · tn: 11:1c; r.. · kr rene'n·ed nttempt rn ,... t Irish lund -the only prl uu muJrt lougb t 11 " • politico.) pltilu- \'llD~age of tht' Pt)~ Office \~u..~ DR n de--t • ' ...... 1he t·, .. :t'd ~bl.t•·~ 1,, .support. Englll1lrl eT"er fulfilled in hu relati« 1 _ • • , " of th ,.., ~to.te.-o~me-n? tee: U'\"e department for .finding out, 1 _I r-. <1t•·"' tha.t ~•·oodlur "'1..\·rr'"'"' with Irelnnd-n·ere beneV"olentl:c \h Good hn." duntt 0 good ~ervi('e n~mng-)et~rs~.:: ~~yda.ngerow.a.nct

\\1 ~ nntu1.r .14.,. ·' that, tnt ~eu- shoWe~ .. 11 those- uVt·ell..dispo!<.ed.'' Ireland ut w 11 1 ~ hi<et expnsun- 0' ~·tck.ed. dei'U~ll:; ugwuf4t the Enghsh. tn through cunnm.g, nn.fbut"'~• penone in the so-called Irish Pnr- Ir"sb ( ,· 1 ~c ., Comwouwcu th. Sub~equent pro .. and t ~di, . .u 11 • t•, 1 btainrd and fur •· lin.ment who agreed tt· M-11 th~ir 1

• 11 :r r H clnm~tious pro~de thot the Engli:tL.

h1l n>h'J:I< points throughout the coUlltrs. To mnb flSSuronce dnubly ' · · · 8t•crctar.t· of ~talr ~bbll alwnys huw 'W•r•ld 'one of the menns whereby to sure, E~gland had previous)~; pri'\"'l Ui· ,.~~~ .. tu 'he lt•tti!"t' entnu~ted rim til•· ottlt'r fut.tltirl,. or servE' ol"' tf!m- ~ruuthe~d 111 blood-or hod attemplecl p Off" E . I h:\' th~ dtizen:ot to tlw Post Offi.C"c-, por. \ ruoans "' ,.,.,),, to exercU.r; he~ to ••nutbel" Jll hlood,.......n those whom it ost tee sptonage ' \ .. l·ecnr.l. \\ ns kept of tbe number po, ., till ·Ill:.. r raft.\ nntion would be !"MHOJ)ahly suspectect Qf De-1nu- ,...._ I uf letter-. OJwnM,. nor 11t th-e' uf tiJ·

v l('fll 111

ID eumplf'"fe qmtrol of the preponder- rrntic idea". So the "Union, between I writer .. , hut iuh.trcepted letters are il'e ... on~e nf the- world'~ ran· material fur Englnnd ond Ireluncl-or rntber tlte Eoglruul's hutr.ed uf .bish citizens ~ qnently l.uude- u.~e of iu S-tate- Cou·e .11 II"Htll\ 1 and liveliho(ld? .\~eendancv PD..l'ty in !~land-become prol"erhial, hut it is u. mistake to sup- I ~pnnde-n<e of the time, ulld we-re r<.and

"W'hut natinn wa ... it th.a.t, fmesH>in9 u.u Al"t B'nt, to cjuote Sir Edwnrd Car~ pose Umt her venom has not been 1 in evitlem·e against the "-'l·iter~. lt 11 ( 1 ·t 1 nnmn.g control and domi- $()n ut another connection. it nel"er e-ctually Berc eo against tbs- peoples of nil WUA nut, hp"'ttl"er,· until the 11inth y_Ppr 1 ~·ould not ~nly eventually he he•·nme a Fa('t as fnr a.q the Irish people othe-r small nutionto in the world who of the- EngliJ;h Queen .Anne18 re1gn tli "• , .. n>il, brmr\1'r cleverly dis- wen• cuucerned.. As 11 mattPr of fact, dared f() de'mund their freedom. thlLt thP right 1t> open privatE- letters I:U'" d. bu' ,.,.,.,.,) nnd oante•led '' that •plendid moaterpiece of Engli•l• IUld •h., ho.• given them-in diluted "'"" horefncedl~· ncknnwlodged h:r the

1 • bf'f . 1 lf1lf · h lr'-'1"' "hP c.-.ll nwdt prt r ... ntrun .. r. r ··enturies to ImpeTiuliltm. ueal'ly o.s beautiful in d08Pa, it , .. true u taste of the uu.. Euglisb Pruolinmeot. TLe Act then

1al r 1 1 t .• ~'"""1.1 ~~ t "" · 't t!u.• nlt"l't t iut~ rn• l'mOUi'f c n.- ',.. .... continual workrn&n~hip ns the one wbirh i~ at hridled frightfulness which is her fa,. pasRed ou the subject states that }lf'r

' n I l u , .... nat ''Ill tn.kf' . 1 1~ tIt" I ft·· r: tttrur•·a-. .. ..-.• t nav~. ~, u -u, hold preN.>nt rerlining gracefully on tLe miliar weo.pon hne. Engli:qh la.bour ROll~ opening and delaying lettel'R In 1 ' t 1

1 d ~'''t 1 t~ ... t!<l 1 ••:. ' ~ flTlJ onde-rilnc m "11..1h•\"t"r struggle •• .Ftatut~ Rook.'' and hardly !<iurp&Ssed meu mikbt noto--t4e methods -to--day tl~ IH1st b,· onler ' f the Secreto.rie.11 of ·I ' tu uclt• n ,,. l1 flll ·I 1 "fl C' witt • ~:Itt ..: Jnlf" .. , .n 1 ~~· :- ln outline- by the one- w-hirh is now used to cru~h Ireland will be used to- State AbRil not he au\Jject to any pen.

~ ~ So. n ~,.. f1 • ar 11

\\'t, 1' nnt11·n '\ ,._ 1r that, in the Pl'f'· weudiog 't: weary "'"''" in tho.t rnotro\-.:: tn ('rush J~,nglifllt lal•our me-n, alty, Thi:-~ .Act of Anne'" had no leRal rk• p. r &on r,., • r ... nl tbe prot .. ting direction, only'd r .. th""" fnr i{ thoy rebel. Troops trained in oulhorit~· in Ireland, but was illegally

1- \f' \ .. 111 lu pt,. 1 ,... and um:te~ting .r:o~ crafty control and whf..,..t• henefft it wo~ drnwn lll,· frightfuhleM her€' w-Ul be ncclimnliHM. ~n/orccd, ft.~ many other English Act~ I .. lYt· u u lhPltt t•tfrLr••D .. f domin•nc•·. luuk the lend 1n forming nnmf"ly, the AMcep.dunc:v Party. Tlie to tJreir '"ork. "·e-re pre,·iou .. to tbe- Irish Declarutlmt U ~" ·~ T 1 t•u.• i .. no- livir1.,: mu11. ullin.nct• with .,flier nationR, regardl~~ pe-cnliar gr()wth whids !f:r. Good de-· the rni<liug nf Post Offi<'e let~ of IndeJ>Cbden<'~, 1782. Thi~ en fore~-

,. n1 kn·,• \\ lw , auld til' 1t of rudal tit or gen.uim~ friendship, till Miftll(\ote8 " Irlsh Uniunjsm "i~ n branch tera by English tr.oops. DoeR ~.V· ment o.~•JWPl'M to been dO~e b,.· u. ' · I ·•• larrn '""It Ifts 11\\n art i1 le on nrutb the pntin• world waR divided nf t'hat Pf\rty· -and k nne 8UppoHP tl1at HI o. new pc.}tr.y !" d~l(logotton of pon·pr fronl t.he EngliR.l.l' r ·l•e · ~ •. , Ireland &.-.iew " into tw<• gi!l1lnlic gronp•, the one try. withering' branch at that. Mr. It i• not. Sinc,t• 'lie fir•t' post ol!ice Bll<!retarie• of State to the- •o-<"nllecl

"• r · h a hi• •I r·••·ent elncidntion .. r IRR" utruOlll to continae itA rrafty Arthur Griffith h"" grnrhically de- was e•l<>bli•h•d in England, i1 ho• Iri•h L01'1l Lieutenunh; and in 1740

r, I& ht

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¥oith t t•lw,d. r 1 "lw ·•· itJh.u ···d 1 t•" pph of milk nnd do.r 1 tod '1 l ouot-; ( l•tnn•th"1·~ tn p .• .-,, ul 1r '"' .... >okifl guidnnt· un th• uhj ... t .

.. d tth ··Tid£>11• ,. ,,.m 1)(> ... nd11lh ••·.ul 11\ tl t Who }!.IT"(' 'VOlCt• Jl\ (1,111 lijt

trtll" future agriculturnl l"'lt ' Tho second portion . I t I •· volume

deoJ wHh I· ishen, whiolt we •hnll, au­icier lntet m u ~•·1'·• u-t~ r.-. , ,


' td, tit


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he • ncences p Jrinll c J ·"' 1

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" Tt- 61 217 t6

The •niCn~ta r -.1ttd for po1hic.ol o~ ill& c tboYe sir ck,, totlllod NINETf.

\ t \RS

...,. ... ,, ~AidCCII ud. ......... -Aflllld .\._ .. lllq ~bn4-atl' Mutckrll ...

~~:r:~:~ J I l


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rw Tot~la no 10 ~ Bl 4l 38 -4to

The aentence8 puscd for polltlcul oHenccs durin& che aboYt slx dlY. totalled cle\'tO: monthe.

A Note on £'s New Poem


The Irish in Exile

C: a • r . ur n" -rr ~land JJr

of their

• enKted in 1683 and wirh•r ei ':u ears th1t is .n 169 I as !ID':•n 1.! tbe. Purittl'lt\ came into pG\it er. all this c..iw 1n toleranr I ';J lation ,. .• , reversed h the ~!Sembi• ol New Yorl< and anotbc:> '"" wa introduced excluding Calholk rrtc • from the prO\' i.oce uoder the eli~ pen •u- eel bit" in liOl all Clllholia ,.c-, depri•ed ot tlm 1 all the elemenuon ngh or ,;lflU, h·;~ Then. a.s DO. IriSh­me., •...-.: rhe v etuna of ' I I

tC' n:at•n 1td on page i

trengthen the Industr·l" ==Arm of t he Nation=

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+ P. J. Carroll & Co. Ltd.


.. l ire o ....

106 Gt. Bnuowi~~~·

~ lit.wv;r OUl.Jiluaioat iont tlt.a•hl 1M •dhouod to Till Edit•.

All ' oommUDJcation1 •heal• IN ~••4 to TIM ltlfYPF,

I UIICRIPT!ON IIATEI. v .. ,,, ... 171' pon "" Halt-rM<~r ... 8/H ., .. Qu&norlr ... ... ' '' .. p_,..w. ta

ADVfltTIIfNI flATU. ~iDlff• e.. Od. per iaek. I hl..ninl 61. id. por boo~.

1!1 lrt••njoaJ ~. 84 • ._. uarlt.. 'l.d lnu."lau 81. Od.. pv lac\. 6i la•• ·~· .c.. IW. pou P9.

Larvu tpaoet pro ra'La, Specaal potHiet anra.

er~:l~ .. a.a ... !.~;:,.bi.rd:' u ~4o1~,!



"Repression-Repression -and More Repression !"

trt Three mr.tntba ago, in our issne of TI 10 fi9W'1 way mairKain t.he dignity of August ~ht, we announc'ed that the

~I'm at .. utJ 11 e reputAtion of the !Jreseut English Government had--. ik~ English Govern111ents of Strafford

a.-&. ·at on01 for hill sample aet to- and (,'J'OmweU OJJd Pitt aud many fHE , • • nuother-decided to · · solve the Irish SIN" FEIN XMAS CARD CO que•tion" by ending the Irish naticm.

tJ:j PEARSE STREEY DUBLIN. 'I PreJl.&U~ntc)ry dcmonstra.tic;JDs had hcen • 111_nde m England and tn Bellaat tn

·u ~ J.Y• · ,\l.,..aer), gmger it up to the point e>f-in the ·onU of n mamber of the English

JUMBLE SALE ' C,,binet ·• .R..P<:efl•ion, Reprei<Sion, ' und more 'RepreBJ~~iun !n and the ~logan

uf .. We want Another cromwell!"' WBfl

A J-foW. Sal~ in aid of the ranth< nf tile ~hriP\r:t"f} Crom the L<mdon gatherings~ 'I...U..urk Gwld of tmd " · ribed on U... banners of Bel.

TltE CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL, lu•t. , TEIJPLE ITREET DUBLIN . The o~ljltnndo_ug fuct •'!out Crom-

. • • well', Iri~h 11nhcy ,. !.hat tt wn• 'be 1 t. ~,: 1~,;t ~~Tn1i[{ ~~t•;, / worst !ai)urp in cen~uries. ,He set out

.a:f c .,.,. .. p.m. to e~ttrpoto t he Irish nabun. -i\vo '"~ .r Clothing J:urniture, Cookin ln~ndred ~nd .Raven~. yeors later the c~ -. .. , will be grta~fu:lly receiv:f Insh. nntwn t~ o. living, potent, nnd .-,: b teft at the lloRpitaJ, or will be fto.m1ng Jorce 10 t.h&· world. And all

Kul. f• widda tbe Cit.y.., .a roceipt of poet- jtq Atupid em•miM can think of by wny

&Daf81lON- 'I'HAEEPENCE. 11f pohey lor dealing with the /net ia

lantel Clocks

G\l'fTER BROTHERS, w.l ~rH. GP.oRoe's Sr. DusuN.

nn imitutiou of CromweU's failure. On t1 •· 2bl of Auguot we wrotll:-

•· The prople of lrela.nd, during the nnt two months, ....., to be tt'\"at()d to intensive provocation, and their leRd~~ are to be, imprittoned nr ol h~I'W 1"' dispooed uf. The I"'' Jll• .. , Ireland will not he go..ded 'intu pla)o·ing their enem~··"' gam&. Tltey will ht' It rt> two months' hence with nulbing ouhttacted from their (·onvlt 1 ion~ 140.\"<' thO 111ft lingering •hr..l .,f l><'l~f that !heR' might he

·nr gnm ,f ltonNty and good loitlt hidd<'lt m lh•· Engli•lt •·hm -.. , ....


I The two months passed. Dming it Ireland was intensiTely dragooned. The •tory of the louxning of homes aud homestea.ds, ,;uages nttd l<l\•ns, and the torturing nn~ murder of men, women and childreu-lS known and p1·esent to the people of lreln.nd -nnd, fortunately, lo ilie peoples of tlte world. J.nd lt·eland wns not conquered. Another month passed. " ReprMsion, Repression," hoving fAiled-" more R6pl'er;sion " came. .Never was la.nd nwre dragooned. Never was failure n\llre absolute. An lri•h Lord l!nyor hos bee11 done to de,.th; Amrits..r hes been repeated in Dublin; and a prie~d of God hw; been foully murdered. And by these things the people of Ireland hove been more pas~ionntels drawn together in devoliou to the nlllionol ideal tbnn they e'"er bo,-e been in their history. "What ma.ttel', though '!of' Erie, deOJ", we fall," is the tlonuglt! in e.ery mind. L .. t week thirt)·-tltree Irish men, Irish wo­men, nod lrisla rhildreo Wt're done to death. None kno" s ~~)u> uex.t ma.y me. But thia all know-that llte IriRh nation cannot die-lhat its hour o~ re!+hrrection bas come. would sho~t-tbey would hlllg-they would , starve this stub­born nation. The people l>nre their breasts to the shot, the boy smilingly ascends the aco:Jfold, the women and children defy the thren.t to make them die of hunger. Ah! if this nation conld ha~e been shot or bonged "" starved to deat.h, England would hov" entombed her centuries ago.

The policy of " Repression, ,Repres­~ion 8nd mo:re Rep1e:5iiion " with which Englsnd last August set out to slay the unslnyobje, wns plsnned to be car­ried on in the dark. That plan mis­carried. The outside world is awar& of what is going on, and England stands in the dock. She wns fond of plncing other countrieo in th" dock­in turn, the Austrian for his conduct in Hungary, the Russian for his con.: duct lD Pola.nd, the Tw·k for his cou­duct in A.tmenio., Dut aga.i.nst none of them was she able to pro~e what to­day the world seeo .IJI"'Ved agojnst her. She is une~U~y, she is uncomfortable. The Pecksnitf of thenntions is e~osed before them. In Europe t<>-<!a.y, Eng­lish profe~;siun, pledge ur oath i!i he­lieved b:v no mnn.

tha-t it Ju1s .. ,.1 itself n. task us impos­sibl& "" I hot of hidmng the waves re­(•ede, it grows Dlorc- ferocious. To its feroc~ lreHw.d will oppose, as her '4Ure slueld. her calm det,rmination nnd1her foith in th .. God Who, when rr~ traced her frontier in the sea, in­srriht><l h~r ('hnMer of Independence. _,._ __

Saturd,.y. !\onmber 27, 1020.

From on • couomic of view tberc fore, there mny almoat be ~>aid to bo two Deumarb, tho one CopenhageD and ~ r larpr pri\ towna being chiefly I -~"Oted to, •hip(lh~ nnd indusn; 1

other, Jutland WJd the iJilands, ho.vir ogriC'Uiture for tl1eir p1•ineipal acttyity ettcb, bon-ever; being dependent Ofl th( other in that tbe ugricultuml indus~ry d( penda on tbe 11hippi11g nnd commt'n'Cil I n.ctivitiea of tho copitnl ror tho iDlport 11n j

Burning the Colleges •maait of , .. '"" m•to•i•to &tld "" - I aupply of manuracc.ured nrticlea, wJriJ~;~ Copenhngen depend• upora the agricultur:IJ

Clogluu1:ee-lv College has been burned communit1 for ite 11upplies of ;~griculturnl ],y tht' rumed fon"eS of England. The 1 produoo. rle."trur.tion of Re&ft.t of learning has The position in Ireland is somtH\ ha.t thu~ began. ~imilot. The town pupultttion, 9.·hic

The College of Cloghaneely was fa- 1~ about the same a• Denma.rk, pr•­mous for its C"Ultivotiun nnd leaching vtdes a market for the flll'Dlen;' }Jf'foo.

of the lri•~ language. That the Ian- duce. B~t the n""!ber of people , . guoge of thts country Hhould be n&wed tb~ lnnd tn Ireland 1S over three mil­with msfnvom· by Ellgland is not sur- lions, so that the howe m..rket 1,

prising. The AUll!nons in Hungary relati~ely Ieos important to us tho und the RuAHians in Poland dis-~ is to the Danes, of 'vhom there ·'' coun>g~d ond penalised the national only 1, 711,000 reoi<ling m the counho langunges of those countries. But the mslricts, as compw·ed with 2,919,624 in heights to "hich they never soared, 1 rural lr<>lond. The gro" th of theurbw, Eniflaud hns now reo<· bed. popul,.tion in Irelv.itd "ould provide "

-:h.H' ~ome- time past Englund':~ armed greater mnl'ket for the. agricultul\11 fc'Jl'ce.s iu certain towns of the Weat products of our countl'y. 'l'hls growth nnd South onrl -fome towns else~·here, depends on the cle,velopment of Ir.isl1 hnve displayed a frantic hatred toward• manufft(•ture., so thnt it is well to hear the lnngunge of the Irish nafion. in mind thot industrial progress can Shopkeeper. in l'rnl<t>, Galway, Tuam, nnd should go baud in bond with tht· Longford and elsewl>ere, whose Irish agricultural devclopftlent of l'rel..ud name~ were written in Iriijh over their it does iD. Denmark. 'rlrere are impor. shop 4uur .. , been threntene~, and ~ant in~?§fries ca.r~ied on by the even n<•ttulted. But the bun.ung of m ~.d~hon to thell' great agricultUl'lll f'loghoneely l'ollege marks msbnctly. atltV!ties. ~angst these industries new epoch. may he men honed mnrgarine the !-ex-

Neither Russian, Austrian, nor Turk._ tile branches, shoes, soap: leather in their eJI'ort• to> force their languages goods, castings and machinery Im· on fllien peoples whom they governed, cement making, and ce1·ta-in sorts f •••r a•('en<le4 to the height of bum- dwry- and agricultural appliances well ing tho <olleges ond schools. That known in Irelcwd. wruo a horhui~m beyond their concep- Ye.:<t to ~culture, D'nuish shipping tion. Englanil has taught them their is !he ptinctpal solll'Ce of incom,e. The infHiority. Dnnish :Uet•cnntile Marine consisted m

The. !<trch that fired Cloghaneely 1914 of 644 steomel'tl, with a gro88 ton• College illuminated anew English nnge of i30,000 tons, of ,vJtioh one­policy in Ireland. Let it :fire those of half wns employed in pUTe!y Da.nislt ~· in It-el..ud ~dto know little or ncith- !Tad~. Thu., Denmark hod provided mg of our nahve tongue to remedy the cons1dero ble tonnage for l1er agricul-fnult. tunl ·exports, a m"tter in which ,

The Trade of the Nations take a lesson frow tills ,•erv pl"'DJ tical siUall nation. Xt:" ,

Small j exports fl;om De=..rk, nnd, of co;,...., nlso the_ tmports, were la.rgely cam l·r lol'elgn vessels hefQt'e the war while I he Dlllliab ma:mto was employed

~ ! o ·a great eo.s::tent in soiling on Io.reign 11,- DENMARK, • barters. Her tonnag•, howe~er, , 1

, . . . I lered se~erely during tlt~ war, and · . 1 ht> penutsuln '!htch JUts ~ut from I redu< ~d to 582,Qllll : .• s: these :. " frnmuJ1~ a.ud. iltvtd'"eS tb~ North Sea Wf-~ t • ~oute extl!ilt. WAde ·gooil , front the Baltrc.lH a.:re& even new c-onstr-uction ofve:t.Sels, pr.incipaJJj· for a. ~mnll nu.twn. It Is only about motot o.ud !llailing -re~se)a. lh• "'"" ol l!unote~ lllld Oonnaught •. It Denmark is dependunt mainly • , nmnlJers n population !'h?ut two-tbtrds Englnud to1 coolsuppli••· 'l'he amount tho! of Ireland. Dut ~t lo a very busy impor!<>d is somewhat •imiln.r te> 'h· uo.hon. lt!i ce~trnl sttuahon ID ~ur. quantities used in Ireland. Her n.or­thern Eun:1}le, .tts rea.dy_ acces~ ~ the m~ .pre-wnr requirements were t~ ~~a. un many au:lts, and tts posttion. on milhon to:rls of _cool aud two milli1 n we hot;ders .. £ the great German con- three hundred thon!l(lJld tons of fe~rnt1on <>f •tales en~bles it to ply practically all from Engl,..d. In. 191li !ID t.•::.:;("rt ;\c- nnd lucn.tll"e. ~e with Denmnrk could only Sf" we one and o. tfs netgh bnurs, h<J;u S~andmavtan nnd half million tons :from Great Britoin, German and the Eug:li.•h a.nd Scots. and a qunrter million fons of , , ,kf

To shield heraalf ' ,. ae<! to th" ' "'orld that her ntro<ities in !l't"lnnd were reprisals for outra.ges committed against armed terce. She J.ied, Her atrocities were a planrted .. _qttempt lu coerco the lriah people inl<> r<>vetoing their vote at the General Election of 1918. To that vcote, peacefully Md constitutionully cast, she replied, not with argument, but. wHh coerch-e pro .. J>lnmutiouq, nut with renson, but with military terroriam. She' banned the peaceful public meeting, the presJJ, the concert the la.nguage clus, the indus­trial exhibition-and eventually, in an 11ccess of tyra!lny unexampled in modern history, de<lared the la"ofully­"lecled repreoentatiTes '<lf Ireland illej!al persons, forcibly prevented thetr public aSBembly, and •et her l>andogs on their track. And now this hypocrite of hypocrot~ , this '·. ra.nt /)f tyra.nto, would seek to c""t respon:li­bility on thooe whom oh& prosccib.,. for some of the evil consequences of her fiendish and futile policv of " Repres­sion, Repression, and ~ mol'e Repre.~· sion I" We proclaim . the WQrlcl tha.t for every dark and' ITagic a<t that ltns recently Iuken plste in thio cmmh-y tho Government. of England is •ulelv ,..,_ spoMihle. H bos outlawed three­fourth• of the Irish peopl~ in I heh own lnnd, and del!bero.tely emh01·ked on

_ Denmark 1• ~·entinlly )lD ngrieul- Thus •be was reduced to about half t~ral _ .... tnte, "htch ha~ attntn~d a. poa1~ her pre-war requirements. This, of ti~n remBl'ka~le ~or _ltB ~c1ency and course, j .. a great mttriction on Danish •kill1~ the organli!D.tton of t~dustry_ on industry nnd her !P'ea.t co-oper&tive t sotl. 1t !)n!souts nn mterestmg system of production . ~llel lor "~ • ounttymen, mo;n.v of The Danish people mnde a real "hom nre dtrecUy mterested 1n the effort to save their trnde by ae:lrlng gume produ<'ts o.nd method.s. of ~e, fuel for their creQ.Uleries and fact('l-u:Jo~. unci aife<•ted b.v her c•ompetJhon LD the from the United Sta.tes Vnriou• enJ 1 J'f>~~mer.v t\X-p~ rt huRiness_. • The £ol. deo.:t·our.t \<rere mude, ,.,."e nre tbld, · lc:m mg • n 1ec•eut desc.npttun of !be secure nlte1nutive , ·u.rgoes · :tt~ , ··ounh from. tit~ ltoJoort on the Post- America during t11e year 1919 r•.,, ~or EcO}lvmlc nnd Industi·ial Situation quantih· obtained from this .. ;u ((.md. 9o!i of 19201 :- nm 1 ni d . n7 0"9 , It L

a policy uf nntion-munler. Tha~ policy hns demonatral>ly foiled: ,.,. it aling• tn lt when it kDow~if : r-w• think o.t all-that u .. pu~uouu.:e 1s mt>telv futil .. nnd fru.ught with bloodshed'.

The eounNe} WI have. tu giv-e to the people of Ireland in Ibis bout of ltteir hitter nnd just ..uger pgninst. Eng· la.nd'o felonious and bloody poli')T Is Ute coun•el the late Lord .Yayor ol Cork gave them in hi& agouy-" Re­member that the victory is not to tlu>Oe ·who co.n in:Bict mo!i.t, hut tn tholi& who co.n endure most." It i8 by C'Plmness

.i~~ 'h.!rnti!h~~ dj~~t\{~~;'011~~:: '~h~ conKpired le> toke her lite, nnd it is by the maintenan<'e of Cahnn(•ss, Re .. Btmint, nnd Discipline that Iroland will, in the near future, h·inruph over tho...., w he> sought to trample her. Ire­land, by the •=ifice and devuliou of ~er pPople in this ge.nPtntiun, has been rosrued frotn th• •••led pci1100 in which England hid her t. r jfelle[11tiOAA from the ken nf the o..tion•. Yestenlny for­gottt'n-to--dav .tthe ,.,. : hf" (' of the "·orld. 1The material might .. r England i• impot.ont to thrust her hock to t.he dungeon ond Real the door agant. I 1 blindly nnd bloodily ~tnt~rglr!i to achieve thiso- u,e lmpuij ..

\ible- \~it dimly 1wgina lu reeogni~

fn 1910 ~nmark 1 d uJ : 01 ~ '" v,""' tlll... , .. ~ , ,

2.921.302 ;mll ~ anper~~iat :e: ~t~o;.~ iu tht Engli~h report thnt. 1h. pr· k'l 0

• I · 1 ~. l uf thts coal u hus heen SO!' , 1 omtt.tts troughly about Mteen l\'hat ''''" th B "ti h '' 1 d "ti thou!l4nd JtQuue mile: eompued ta 32 000 . t e n s • . _n Q nt in the "f Ireland). tho den.ait of,the w,... ore. Informed tltat ~t \\fiS diffi tlr populAtion beina ~ ~ to tbo u!re kilo- 1'; obtain tonnnge- for thJS trade m v : t~ metre. [:. equal to 194 aq · · the 1 .. ~ u • of retmn car;.. •.

the • tU ' mil(!. na cornpG~ "~~!1~:. :: the State&. . Irebtad). ()f t.hie. papn.lation 600 772 r&- •. It f o~ b& undert;.toc d 5idotl in C'op. uti, n, 604.203 j,l tlte' proYin- i) tth. thrs J.4nited supply of Ct • ~ • ial . •• "d l,ill,387 in tho country Th"'h e:tP<>rt t>ade suJ!ere~ ,sev"re!J,

divtn · Thus. of the total popola ion, e total valuo of Dantsli !~port~ a.pptoxhonto)y half Dto ongnJ:ed in ngrt:aJ. 1918 tlle ln~t )'COr for wh1eh tnd ture nncl tho othet· hnlf itt tn:&dll!l, tnuaport figures . "'!'e g,vatlahle) . amounted tu und indu•tr~ 2,500 mtllion kroner, wlule the expc rt~

1'h r to f · were onlv DOO million, ler.Ting nn un-. """ •c0 nrc 0 tnterest, because it favourttl>le balance .o~· 1 GOO million' '" 11enero y supposed the.! agricultural kr c · ' fi dE"ovelopwent cQ.hnot go h d . hand oner. on,·erHng le~e gur~. ·'~ with the llrowth of to;v "i: t ':Ju. t~r~l~ of 18 lu:vner•tQ the £ ..t .. rling 1,...,., to 1,,. by 110 roe us, h a.p- !"million kroner ar" equ!" to £60,000 Denm rk Let uno t. " ca.'!e 10 m round numbers) we urrtTe at the t· If C~J)e;Jbagt>n u~ hc~mp~~ 0hu:~ low~g line nf. c<•miH'rts~n Bet\\ n thou•and• th C'tv of Dub- Daruoh nnd ln•b trodo ln I • ,

lin ohonld haTe a millio~. 1 The other 1918 :•

tu"'"' in Ireland abould hDTe a mi]. lion betwe<t! the'1' .. So that, roughly,

1 on tho Dnrush di.'trthution ut inhabi­': "''• tht• Lllund •hould have tu·n mil­hons 111 tuwn~ und dtie~. nnd th~ bulonu· 10 lht' countrv. But in i 1~ t wt· ho.\'e am url•an popul~tiim ( l ,470,595, •-~ .. tn"·n• of :?,000 nnd UP­wurds 14' • nhnJt to the Census of 1911. ('. nt'• • "rPJ,lntt, we fJUote:-

Dt-nnu•r lTthmd

1m porto. Millioll £

187+ I :Ill

E~ r. 1fi11on ..

The I!J..,p.,!'i of Danitth importS It.· t

n tremendous bala.nro• of 87 milli·'" against Denmark, w·hi)e Irish ·rode tu the aame year te"Teuled a Iorge rrdit

f 27 millions. T he lri"ih exportF~ \ t•r •• miT•• •ban treble !be Doni•h, tb '"h

Jr impu··.; were ele\•1 11 millioiJ.; I.,.

Sa turd<>)', ~ o'·ember :.!7, 19:!0. ------------ Y 0 UN G I R E_L_A_N_D_. ____ _

t)f our~. this was ~~ wnt :reor, a.nd pru·enlly W.'l· the ~ole bacon t:xporl~I.. 'purkling, . 'l'here ~·ou Ito\ Denmork "·as hen.vily hit by tl1e re- i11 ~ortJu:ru .Enropo to--day. Oil illwttlill um of limptd .;tyle, o!J'icliou• irupo•ed by both belli- There I& JUSt nne u1or., , ommoditl throughout uau png... ~ow it ""' gel"ents. ~~,·erthclegs, thete ca.n be ~o w~itb W••. will r~fer. 1'be suhje< t. the Ilith}' nu ~ .. ~,·· dif'e'cth .. of a mili­no douht lhnt the year 1911), when l11e IS m1lk. It •• to-day nLtrw: ting •ome tar~ -owJUaud; IIJ!'IUII it figure., Rre UYo.iloble, u1urot sbQw a Tt•Jy att'*ntion. Ho\\' dot"s Denmark· flihmd !' thO bn1Hing JJimpliC'ih uf reducell oxport hill on accotmt of the Export& of link: Hible pnrables. '

,., ,,,,.. , 't•lt.. til u ... , l1" -<1 II that ho

defic i~tuty of fuel. It is advisn.ble foJ' l''rnn1 Denmark • ., .. rom lTelam.l. Tht llll -t 1'1'\Jt.lite. leclm·e 011 h l1 1!\ to t'tudy the e:ffeds of cut.ling oft' ·ro GertruUtJ. 'J'e~ G. BritQin. Ril\llOJ'Y I <'tltl remewber w ··" giYen by euem-v Ill ont" r 111 t t 11' n

ronl supply from IIJl ogricultUJ·ul ToM, Tolls. :){r, John Molloy, of the Ottomaii ut•e fit·r•·•· urul •twng. W, trmnh) orgnuised ns Denmo.rk is on o. Hl13 l,UOO, L1:mdon, autlrot of ;1 Grummo.r f1•rh•' "crth ''''"''"'I ;.., • J ighly HU~OJ)Crotive b(lSis. lOJ ~ 1,04.1i 15 000 of tbe J 1 i~:Jh Language. He contended 1'he Prnf'c-•~ ·t '" •l '" I

We pro}JOSe now to submit a C'oru- l91~ .t81 u:ooo l'.ith •• "etUth ,,t quotations from Irish j \JJ1.(11t ;>11 '\ .. , und lw h .... porath·e taMe showing the cuurse of 1910 2,88a 12.000 nla.nuscliJrtB, tJJat the ('!e)t.s never 1 uled ,. l'••111 ·II~. 1n :i .. 1 holurl the Dani~h export ttnde in certain 1917 .i.Oi8 12.000 I in ow· laud, rha.t 1he, 111.d the Gaeht 1 tor,· t.lemnndtl IJIIalllu ... t' ut rp mt>n omu10ditif's in which we al'e iute•·ested. (1'o au part~~). I w~re distinct peoples: l!ony populal' Jn. ...,. it u dt•\t •tn r, r ~n ,~., . .,tnP,

8! A nutionn) r:·ompetitor:- 1918 1i,8aj 13,(.1(10 diet& were quoted to show the eon- I 1 , '11 nr IH'" r1t.l .... Jf th n+:, t"

f porte of Livo-«tock and Agriculit~ral I9UJ 2,"-50 13.000 I tempt the Ooel-t hnd for the notion uf !Then h a L1 I f skill«'<~ u:t-t, •· 11'1 Produe4J )luring t.he Ynr 1918. '.rba u ilk c~rted frum DenmKrk o.flinity. To •· rc~ge,. at r·anls i~ t 1 , • .z•· tJuo -">~uu of t

11'" I 1 l of ~·rom ~·rom goe> n,t!Urly ~nhrely to Gerlll&Dy. Irisb dubb<;d" I~ ••lt" m Connat Lt. Mr "!tolar•. ond to fr]I•·T down ·L•

Denmark. Jnhtnd. m~k j .. , of eourae, ··onden~Se<J before )[B.(;~etll htm~~elf wrr .. .,: · I h,ave al- m" •I uf tl1e •·· "·•.. 1'}, t a.. l•ud-H t',. 1 11nobet) 29,201 20,081 h~tng e:zported, hut ~here have- been in t~t¥1Y r~uli.Llked how ~~(~ent I!l~h tr&- 1\•h• tH rk. 1 tJ1P .w H.'l•r'"' 111 ·

ttle ll3,840 i20,119 rectl'nt :feant 1K:·cosi'Qilal uports of d1tto~a 1gnore~J t~e C.eltle Ot"JglU BJld IH t• .. •d 1hem, for Tr u•l'~ .tl.r Butter fton'\) 14,.572 22,795 whole milk. We pl"esuw• tbe milk ex- affiwtae!i 1 thL' Irtsh. We_ nut.)' g'? far- Wlat>u Eoi.n M.a.<.'\. Ill J .. •I .I ng \\ h lfn, 01 2~490 18,9ll ported from Den1nark to Germany 19 ther 1111U ·•1\ •hut · •U' lttJCl~nt wr•l···~. .. kuown t .'" IJ .- pt:'l1 stu-Pork 30 1,.,&47 the whole milk ~urplu.~J, which could \\~hen .they ,....t nbnut tbe geo- dt!ut. he qaoteg c opt.ousl~; lllhen. be Bed A,804 4 979 not be cun\'erled into butter on account graphnul kuo,dedgv_ o th~ worl.d. thal bnngs forih tor<• uoJque h•·· tl.J('PJ he [._. ·120) 2,720,933 8,709,6!JS of the faihu.., o~ !he conlsupply to the come. do~•ntu tl.•e!" m~tin ~-nl!\lgs, vag.,tly lulks of "1\ui~I"'d"", r !ri•h :\tillc (tou-.) .3,895 13,495 Damah e~runel·Jes. Thus England in bad 1t ~t-11 ~e-fiJ'Iltely Ul fhe1r uu.nd$ 1 solll"ct>s. Hod he bBPn •ve:n 'autwusly

'l'hi• ta~le show• rlen.oly !hut in 1918 cutlihg down het· conl exports to Den- thd. t!!e !r1•h we!·e nut of Co;J.tic libeml with tlh\\ <>h~diUlc<, h• wottld the ex}>ol'ta from II'e'laud of every mn.rk. eet free a. supply of milk to reM urtgm. l he. fat:~mnat.Lo~ exeJ'clsec:l hu,•eo sen-ed Iri~h Hutor "' it u~>o "' l item uu this list (which is not seleCted lieve the German fOJiline. Ollserve 0\'et• other" I .. Race. theones ha.s e\'er ll·'•"t H.CI vee] fOI a ~t'IL •a dOn •·r m• H'. "'"\IS) fat exreerlcd the rorresponding that \\ht"IL the Du.uish butter expol"t!!l left we cultl, ltenc.- I ~m Wl&.ble '"' A. ,·er, \\"l·uldl.\' lnsh .\lljt'!'i 1\4, a. export .. ft·om Denmru·k. except horses, rose ib lU19, the expot; .. of milk from atlequa.t~l~· "'·\ mpollw•t· Wtth the w~ltb h. ,::rhl rultund membet f gl'ft.l' , ol-and tre h(~lieve that that item is !iub- Denmark to Germauy fell by a cor- of leanung und t '' dunng to~.pecu.lahons le Iht'rE', infotmecl me 1 .·t Dr ject tn th~ that horses for proportion of he l'111f• "'"' 1• He Bugs, wtth the .Ju_n ,.·. •• Soda! H 1..-tocy ot--lrtland '' remonnb are not imluded in the Irish 'l'het~e focts about the Danish expOit wonderful E'ltt>ta-~, 'r _a Samson, all did more to elevdt educated ••pinion tigut·es. Denm&~·k exported 24,646 trade in agriculturnl commodities will " 1hn theun~t who differ from him. au ·he United Rht' " ·I·· 1 ivilisat.­horoe• to Gernutny in 19!3. The ln.t- be of interest to our countrymen en- ~ r I he .lutklug b~ It• of •· No Dou~t rwn ,f thO' old 1r,.), I 1 1 "bole lib­ter cnuntry, when war 1 ommenced lU gaged in the &llwe trade. We do not und •• F~~nhly


-where Doubt and HIIJ' uf books. J,~()(.1k I 1 1 ··U, 111 ..

19U, appea.u to hnw stripped the present th•se flgw'1!111n lilly uniriendl~· lmprohobihly lu~k "'l!l')"Yh ..... I hn\'e ll•c llrs .. J. n. '""''II utde. f •I .. , "' Dane• of tbeir hor<e-power, the e<tuine spirit. It is clear that Da.n.ish ogn- II<> lo~e. _Th6 ~1rtb c·ertificat_e of the d~n<• <Oller ted •·\ Stun,di;h Hayes

h cultUJ'& has su.ft'ered moat severely lrom Ga-;,1 Is 1 Jll \"'&hd. The "~rd1c1 runs 0'011ldy and Kuno .\11• 1 ~~. J ·te did t-xport ~ risinf to t e enormous figure the eftects of war, and it ,·.still suffer- .. ~ot Pron~d. Leatne<J Su, tlwt the uu uwre thau collect. c' . I. •·. '· ·•d tJ of 95,3!18. n 1915 onlv 257 horse• J b h Cel Rae " were exported to Geuutlu;v, but the ing. We nga.rd Denmark sa an agri- rut 1 t t ,... ilc e. runge u1 ordered form ·It( ... J · r ''8 trade l"e\'iTed, deniers -.ltippmg sixteen l'nHura.l ata.te which it is advisable for 1t 1~ a. common reviewer,"~ habit to uf other Iliah scholars. \ ... , ho"' thousand and thirty-four thousand in us tu •tudy. We cnn l~llrn much from chide au uutbor for not doing what he IW<·•.ssaJ',I' onrl lu;w TDluable "• !hot the yefll'l! 1916 ILnd 1917, 1-ospecth·ely. lho coul'll& of her trade.! Our fortunes had no inten!Jou '" doinl!'. 1 h<>pe I ]><'rformanc-! The butter oxpurts of Denmark were do uot lie \'ery remote, and we are •hall gull.l'd agamst tltot mistake. Hut When )1,·, l!tu.X•ill d,,., hriug In• much helow tM llish, while DaniRh bound io he nifected h~· her J'elntious lmn m n <Jiletnll'ln.. SuppURe yon know wituess to the table., hl', ,, ...... , ~-~~·nnt•ot bacon prQ.( tiea11Y. dis_o.ppeared from with uw• customer&. Ireland and 1 a Tery le~:u·ned mo.u who possesses u.s Daniel O'Connell ( ros.~xarnined.. foreign t~bles. Even hl. beef: our Dt>nwOJ•k nl"e the two principal agp .. of new knowledge1 erudition rrh~, h1 tlunteriug llr. Orpen·,. voung packing houS<)• slightly ex- culturnl stnl•• of Eul'Ope, Wld a. good 1 tha-t be alone hos garnered, and 011 CliiSal' t>ud Silva Cadelica citatio1" , eeded rhe shipping of Danish ineut, understanding between them is certain '·isiiii1g him h• talk.• orsculorly and in t·ould uot have ·. u u; ,kilfuU}· vhich went to _Norwuy principally. to hove important results for both.,. 1yptic words, you will nnderstand my done. Had his \'CI, < a11d ru 1

ln eggs the DaniRh exports were less I~elnnd ~d Denmark are the only no- l'.'onder und be~·ilderm~nt. Within destructi\'(• c flticitlru 1t t. uht· ~ than a third of tlle great supply from !tons which appeo:r to be able !llld CQJD,- tbe co~en uf thts real live book, this 1 ..... r"•- been doc um< nted, ~ • •h·•uld

petent to t.owe to \he :n!'lief of famine- ' hu:mau do<ument. ~~~ •. ·r~ uf .. 1a·~- have shouted "itb '\J. • Eversus­th~:dh~ve before u.• lb.e Danish ,_ strick~n Europ&. .t• far as onr own I ment• thut would alter sorue deeply- lioor~d! tums for 1!)19. They show a further j:Jia.nd con~euw~l. we aze confident rooted opinions and widespre11d views falling ntf, excent 10 regard to butter, tho.t impl'Ovement~ ut our agricultural, ·! ~lediu"·al l1;sb History, ;r aca .,. ..ur ... whicll

1, .... tn th1J·f:..·...,cr thousand to\.s. method~ quite ca.pable of enlarlling ' dited. But 11 • wis.- studen~ of II. .. t..n· .ra~ Ill 1,, J{Pic.u••l , .. ~("

The u-port of eggs 1\"0S slightly iu- the food supplies of Europe to .1 cQU- will ~u c·1·pt t :11• ipsa dixit of any IDo.ri, ha .. h KlJliZ;•Imu t · u' • .J • and "Tl1.e •reued. Ou tJ)e whule,~~l91.9. aidera.ble ext.eut., and ~tis 1·leax. that 1111 mat•"- I•·" t'lil)1"•··a, or profound, I· ... 11 Htll ~ ul{4nl" Ul r•l tt,

C Denmodo_.too. ia.tjUit'(.oapaL~ tlf ~- on pa .. t t•\ent!i:. Authm'i.... $lo"'We rhapt.Pr I H Trw. t ru olll {' nt(ll~!!f .; 1

d1 t~ :aut mllll~ o ' r,..., tn-ery :t'nmt 1 d (' ·~ 1 tLe unfC'ITtuuate e ectc; of •he- "l1'ar on 'II H-tin~ II'J trn e-. · re is roum c:er- stands between l~'act nnd Fiction. Is .llecliwval L,-r,tuhon . f n m 1 l'"alue, DanhJh nm"'iculture: t.uni) 111 1' two o.gricultw-al exputing the Profes~or IJringiu,g to light some , ... ,_.., iall:y fur the h.• id u.ud r-·1· I,J,. t.•J:

o·· Rta.t~s in Ew·ope, nnd when we SS..J that ral'e, precious knowledge, or is he posititm ut un hish (;.w)" , .... , J,~ ..., It i9 netes5~1lJ'Y now to give. some tlte Danes are our competitors, us unM romauciug? 'rhnt is the qn~stion 'dth fuur ( hapterK ulone al•• ,\·or h .... veral

lde-n of what the tn1de of Denmm·k wns queNtionubly they are, we wean whid1 the reader poses himself. I t. two~ the • ""' 111 1 ,, who,. b(,ok. befm·e nnd clu1·iug· the war to make f1i.endly cumpetitor~j, with whom there helitwe he ,.. .tiU saturated with A few minor item!" o!t~ .. ~·1 , ••. t1tention~ ompari•o'n with Ireland for these vitnl uught tu eldst a good undeJ'IIIanding. medirevnl Irish manuscript lore thai he The •.x ,.,,. ur <i• ··k leru'lll11g in Old

periods. The figul't"s: are calrulated to 'l'he Danes were in former centuries the :hinks eveeyhody .knows a's :m.uch, or Ireland ho.s fiX 1"1 iaed the scholarship ihe neaJ••,+ thousnnd tons:- founder..~ qf our cities. The blood of more, o.bout tilt' subjeh. ·han himse-lf uf da~ "ide \lor·ld -\ hibliogr;.phy of

I" 1 of Dut.ter (Thouund Tons}. o\U' citizens is largely Danish. 11Hl.:!le hen("e his oggr&YQtin,w l"et.lcf'rHe as tc. the lef•""t"ll+ l' to th .... ,:.jt.'t would 1 .. !' .. rom From who are no\V our compe&i.tors are sourcetJ. He b•ars U}J long-rooted hjs- 1n all the leo.dittg lau~t · .J).:• ~ of Europe

Oenm.rk. Irt?:land.. de~cended fNm the ancestors af the toric genealogical tl"ft's wiU1 a •·on- well as in the 1·'lng ~~ f the Unitecl To c:.R. To Gerrnzmy. To G.B. merchants \vho. ctUTied on the trade of temptuou.s .c Rotten!" With an run· .;.:tat•·" Roughly. : h"· -~ b whom the

13 2 36 Ireland for centuriH. It is not, gro.ce he plants what he declares to I~ !o• ~..... ' iu .. tc teat 1 r~; I \·e is deve-Jl• ... ~ -13 therefore, aurpriaiug that we should fruitful on4:'" hut.). u have nothing hut loped '';.;" ·1 1 U·.de· ;;ble ~ r te-r"' 1 :26 ~2 progreM in agricultuml trade. hie u,..o.kt-d wo1d-not B .9ht>d of autho- who u •·rpret l-,\. 1 o.~'-' n tt·!'·a · ·t tIt""

16 .)7 37 38 J'eolit)', ,\•e believe thall our advnnce nl~ .~ eltow:t r. thi!i: 0 t Ha.tion f om p., .. ; It l"egard J:t nf'gligible. l"h· .... :917 :n 2"'2 34 iB Fater than \\~e have been led to Dunld lJ.a(.:Firh "~ you question, in dore .. f T&r8U9 ":~ •c- om)'.Wit'<l ·

r· returns s..huw I hat the falling believe, fllld 1\'e rendered the m.Ol'6 vain. He tuutilieH tlSJde the judgments England h~ tG: .. ' ~'lit uned 'h~ I' in tho> Donish exports hos been tonftdent of our future •• o. result Qf of great .cholara like Bishop Reeve' la,..,, tb~ Mricou HadriWI, •hum Jlede

much 1tlore severe t.hnn in uur case. In meoaw·ing oul"Yelvts side bx side with nnd John O'Dtmot"nn, and gives 'ou I eulogise~ ~~~ n mnu Crmcm ,_iter at 191i there wu., more Irish butter tJ>an tluo other •mall nations. ir1steod -ipse dixitl Again I repea.l Ltdinm peritissimua, and Benedi< DnuiHh buttl.'r 1 o~tsnmed in Englnnd. tliot l hove Fnith enough in Eoin Bi:tcop, n XnrthtttJlhn;•n nohlemm1, 'rh 1 f D · h b tt t Ym·Neill to helieT(I' tha.t he hns nut- l'tJUuJly lentlu·d. 'l.he 11

• 1 1or k.••·h e toto I' pnls 0 ums u t. er 0 j ruru·.l•.b.t>d his J>redecesaonf, but Reason ledge whid.1 lu:ul 1.. t n_ lr ·'f •l!o! A.un>lo-

all purt; iJ> 1918 nnly 1Unmm ed to S J T d L " 14,6i2 lou•, 1\'hile the lris~ exports cho ar urne ecturer chide~ >n•. I• it 'RolJlllllce or Foct? Suxons 1· u ... fuuutums u! wisdom in wet"f• 22,i!l6. So that the !l'Ish butter 1'lu:~~- cunsid 1 •lton~ would not weigh In-luml could uo" l1. 'l"t"" hed lu ';" • ttad~ in WU:hnts t 1f 1y per cent grea.ter in deuling- with th& qsoal type of Irish thumhria. Al<JhHm, c • c ~ 1

• JIUfll" tho.n ht"" Ut~tfsh n. ver\· LDiportant ftH t h f I i h H. t R. Eo' :u ·N ·n I History~*' tm·t>-. :rhe:v wPig~hea.vily .,f ~~~~·~' 'fJUl1t~ uf ,._. 1 ·lor"1;'P· r ,,...,. which h,.... nut 'ftern di!l;closed b\ tlle P •-;,• b~ r :. II ltd~:, Yl2 ,'n . ac~ et n.n~ _ptunfully wtth me, because ,, \\h.\' !ih!tuld, .It 'h r ir• '·P'" )f•U:.t.rtm••nt .. t .Agne1llture. So ts1• . 1 ~ u 1 1 an 1 net.. thlj r~ u . n 1 'l uuusunl hook .i') nl udew .. -:tl•' ' • n·'11 lfl f!. .... t • r· u

•. ti ures are awailohle fer 1.1 .. 1 ye,ar, 1 owe tbeo author und the puh~shprs u ve~. u·ud!te ptoneeL I U!ot.• u p&un- ·h~ ... r·oun1 1·, 1.. ..u1 -. BgllhtDn'hbutteruporlslol"" apology fur the ljlllg penod 1 fnllv dthl>en>tel~- w. '""'' '"' d·llll''"" ·" lo.•, JD tl' ··I•

~1 n• 0• / !!d to thirt.v ~ven allowrd 1 • elapse bet,~een tlle receipt her living wntt 1 "well equipped for ..,, t1 .,f l·u~l .nd, '• , k uul Urman

' Jld.l d t Jlj(• f'llh'le the Irish e; t. of the volume n.nd tltiS nutic:e. I mirronng med . ..J val Irish lile un 8 '.u ... "'f••f"' ,,,...,. Dt t II ., • ·nrl tu !'it I\"•

•!'li)U'~Rit t .0li ~v 1 , .

11 thous: !o underwent an npt'ra.tion in hoepiW \ienlifir l., .. r ... I l"t"member reading tht• hord \''uJ,l, •. n • f fbr ltet,··nh lib-

".,.n l e:i ru' ·0 .. ,,.,'" ~ • ~hortly aftt-r the book reached me, and in u lean1ed (it·•ma.n magazine that it rury foJ u I wbo ., t k 1u ltJru • f : h· rn ~ E pnr or llaeo.n tntoUlinwl TonB). long mouths ~ 1·onTalesc·encc pre- w&N di~tn .. -.· tJt for n !'lympotlriR ng lrela. d~ ·11rl ,J lt ... nmlrn,... IJl pupils

F'rvrn D••mwk. ~'rom I.-elalld. vented the re&dtng of even the very flll't•lgner to tPOd tht! J•betol'ic tbnt and tPnt beJ'• .i• .l "'""11 p.r•t rn• eem<

1018 ·ru 0.'8. 'l'o. f",.ermany. To5~·B· ligltte~t literature. When J studied }JrulSe~ for b.i~tturv on the Xationul side l'.·it.Jt shin ng .. t.o n '"! · ·kliug_ c·on-

123 Profeisor llnc'8ei1Ps •· History," 1 and tlte well-dt)cumpnf.ed 9lnnders pf stella.huns, • :· Enth •. 1slil·ally h.e 1 ll4 H:! 48 rei'Ul it frnm cO\"'el· to «~m·er, twic-e over Irelwtd'~ ~11611111!!'1. Should such o. man trn ~ on r .. nul'ln!,• lum · · (, ~· :fhu~llng 1015 11ll g 5l -I knew nut \\'hat to su1 obout it, ·in plnce- tht' ProfeKSm'!t wor\t !iide lJy sidt"' sun ,t:("u •· 1Tbeodore), und ·• tl1e 1Ull1 3 58 juNtlc·e ~t.nd iu eqnit,v. 'Iwo morf" pt>.r- with Yr. ()rpen'"' " Ireland Under tl1e gentle mo011 ·• l Ua•h! ·rd nourWtM 1017 67 45 ttsaltt hl\ove nvt l'l~olvt-d my douiits. lt 'Xnl'ruun!oe," I know what he would sa.v. tbe Anglo-Runn mincl. • Though Th1~ Jri!flt fi.gUI"f!l'l dd not indue tbe is so easy· to be unj'ust to such an ex- 'l1lat l!lY nwn opinion coincides wiih 1'heoUnre of Metklec.l ant·wory - ..

con~idero.hle weight of hams exported position, and veorv tnrd to appraise it EOin llacNeill'"' declnration is beside Wf>Jt' surmuoded by 1 l r ~·d of Irish from Ol11' ports. On the whole, lt will tn cold reason. :Eoin :UacNeill i~ oue the point. A sneer will not remoYe 1\cholu:rs. he \\ .,uld M .11t*"r the\n witb he "eell tbat the Iri•b exl?orts of of tbe soholars in contemporuy the undoubted leltl'lling of hi• adver- ea .. , rending <h•m • 11h !be tusk of l•nco11 iteld weU, while the Dn.rusb trade hol<Wd, who•• oth..- puhli•hed writ- •Ill'\'. In the ab..,nce of n.nth<lritl.,. f.'ammar • •1r 1" · · 1ng them u: '"' cut 11v unP-hal!. In 1!)18 the ings wiU stand tf•· severest te!'ft of the n..~rted ~ fomouH "riter, historY ' with the !1u.rp IT•i 11f • hr<·n~,.., DuniAh wno rodut·ed tu the ruinou' l'ci~ntilic School. Because that io an Rhould be classed n rhetoric, iD the logy .. The fu, t I bt '""'. omrng figure of 2,490 tans, u mere trille, while eotablisbed fa< 1, "Ph.,... of Irish Hi... dehL'It'd "'"' of that word. Were I direct fn•ru Er "· < Plirl n;. "' · o Gn.>ek tb(l' Irish export11 \\'ere 18,911 t()ns. In tory" ama.ze and delight, bewilder l.I.Nl''quajnted with Irish History. ~ere with w h~nowtu-d. D nat,,. "'t·holnr 1919 th& Donisli ho.oon exports fell to and annoy me. ~ ca•t. forth his I blind to lht QJIUWIIg fresh vistas of 'i"•k< ~olumes. E•·" Fn"l h "'"'er· pradi~nl ~xtinef.ion, the shlpmeonts idoo" and f.u f~>, in many· ir. .. ~••n· "'"· our lountn• atorv tlle Professor' ha.q 'tt•· .. t that, \dth all t

1t40lr o1muzing

fnlling tu a mtrP 1·argo of 0.39 ions. witl1nuf fl. ~thred of ··lothing on them: opened up, "' n· i not fam.iliar with "·ork m theulc1g nud m ripturr Th,. exports ,,f bacon nnd hams from this st..-k naked brood is ~ery lively, the high standard r.f rll!id « bolorslup •t•Jd\. and thriT 1" '''""'1 knn" lt•t4tr lreland la~t ~:ear. nrt'ording to the contentinua. "·orlike. In popular Jon- he ha ... exhibited elRewht-re-, I '4bnuld ··f J,iJLil, their, • .,]_., ,,d s:lnn.· "ol:il tbt·it Monthly .~tatemP.nt, wtre 25.402 tonH. gua~. it iR " looking for trnull.le. •• Rhout '· Rht>t(>r!l' 1" To ht· ju~t, these knc•wleds;:. • ·f ( '" ··k \ rt•t <-nt. "<'\'Nt•

uf w-hiCh lJoc·.m moy be tnken n,.t; 'onw You hove 'tt'>E"n a mountain st.rearn pages llere Lectures. and tbeo dtation · r t1 .JII'I''" nU dtJ ·· U tfu 1r •l.n~ f;!Jfuting nine f.enths. The Irish 11p- ]eapinJ.f down tf.., gronite bed· put"t', ,,f nuthon•~~·'< t11 'nudientt>'\ l'.'Ould de- . Contioutd nn rm.,._ 6).


..• Do


" •rr 1'1 -l.h •• r..



. . 'ol



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We eaJI npplJ roa ,.-It~ Dnuu .. Flutet, Buae,.., 1U Baad EcptlpmetU 11 Sowut pric:a ud bell Q111.tltr for c:ull. S••ller Ollf Prln U.t.

D . . M Cullough w arpipe Manufacturer&,

26 Parliament St. DUBLIN.

M. ROCHE, watchmaker, Jewa!l~, Si!veran•lth


Engagt>mt>nt nnd Wedding Rings, Watches, Jewellery, C~ocka, Wed-

~n~ .f~!~i~~ ~~ir;r;:espec1! iit~~



:: ::



John Kivleh an 2 O'Connell St., LIMERICK.

P. Conway & Co. Tobacconists,

31 Bxcbequer St. Dublin. ESTABLI!>HED 1894· ~ @W§&$.$1~§

W. K. CAHILL fL1ta. ol C1IIUI, Optttl• 10 HI• Holla•• dl1 PoP"

22 DAWSON STREET, DUBLIN. Repain afld Poat Ordan a Speciatlty.


FIRST CREAT BALE Began Friday, .July 30th,

lllld wm run throughout the mGnlh of August.

A oraat Opportunity of eeounna --cenulne Barsaina In­




tcave rour H•lr•Cuttins. Shavins, and Toilet Wants attended to by

JAMES MALLON The Offtoial Froncooh Darbn'.

31 EOEH QY. (niiU' Liberty lUll), DUUIN. Okl ancl Hew CDIN'ild .. atwaya •••~.

--8l'ECIAL QFFE!t--

" RAIMAC" SAFETY RAZORS, With three genuine GilJette Bladee, :: ; Pwt fne 3/8. :-: ••

DERMAN CROWN AND SWORD RAZORS, :: :: 6/8 poet frM. :: ::


II Capel Street (near Bridge). DUBLIN.


Tho beat Dieinfeotant obt.inable 111 in lre1Jod.

Support hbme iDdl.lBti'J' by in11jating: on JOUr Obemwt .-applying Baollikil.




An 5.o..e'Oe4t ComtuCt: ~41t'Oe Urn U!tl\4'04r nC.1!'1tint:,.o., t:eo

The Irish National Assurance Company, Limited.

The only ariah Life and General Insurance Company oontrollad and ata"ed by lrl•h lrolanders.

Transacts Lifa, Endowment, Fire, Aoaldent, Live &took, MotOf Car, llokniU, Plate Glasa, Burglary (Private Bo~1111), and other Inaurancea.

.A.SS~oYer £60,000; Claiai1 Paid, £6,000. £20,000 invested iD. lriah &tocka a• SAourity for the LIFE POLICY


We ga.arantee that all our Fonda will be tNVESTID n. IRELAND and tlll8d io promote ffiiSH E.I~TERPRISE. ~

Energetic Gardbeala can built up a Remuoerative and Permanent Linlibood u Iriah National AganU. Writo io tU immediately.


TALKING ABOUT IRISH INDUSTRIES does not extend them. Prove your interest in th)lir extension by purchasing a


If you meet with any difficulty in being supplied by your Local Agent, write to the Manufacturers:-


'.-honea 3716 & 3717i


U.ainraity Soholarahipe (l4 won in Jut two Jeara), Intermediate, Bank, Pupila prepared for .Matriculation, Commerce, King'• Seholllt&hip, Lein~

ater School of Muaio.

Residential School of Domestic Selene• Attached.


SUPPLY. My prices ue righr. Sec:oodhud Cyclea from D/10 to £8/10. Front wheell, 16/6.

M'QUILLAN'S Sp"lal ofl•r to r•adcrs ot "Blra 0•/'

1 Germ•a hollow-crouod Razor, uThe Orbt.," fully warranted.

1 Good Strop, bright fhrlnga and cauna bact. l Stlc:t Mc.Ciinroo'a Shaving Soap.

THE LOT 9/· Post Pr••·

McQuillan, 7oollf•rWnt and Clllllr,


~ ~s~~11~od19(;i .. c;:~r:;. Bftl 1:/e: I :~~J.~~~~~~lr.FrQ.~~o~~~ll !{:e., :i~: ;-------------..;;;:;;:: GRAMOPHONF.S from £5/10 ro £11. RECORDS, double sided, 3/·. Nccd.Jet, axl for 1/·. ·


114 tf6~t.:n~~~GSJ;~~~T:4t:u'BuN.


33 Westmoreland &t., Dublin.

IRISH-MADE GOODS. For Men's Shirts, Hosiery, Caps, Etc.

Patrick Mahon National f"rlnter


,,.hone 603.

All Clerical requirement&, V est.m.ents, Cope-a Omopiet Bana.n, Bo.JS' Soutaonet nod

Saturd&y JS"ovember 2i, 1920


Advwtla•m~nts under thie head ,,. ....,..II fer at tM rate or 1d • .-r word; mlnhnum, 1/•.


A SSOltTED Irish Tricolour llodgeo .. DrooQhu, Ring~!, Cap Badges, etc.'

Xmnlf Corda..; ln }lem.oria.m Cctrd•~- Jato Irish M4rtyra, Trnde eupSUed. Special

~~~;~:~i.h L~s;~r; ~~~e 2~dC!J~~ Bill, Dublin. '

COATES• EMBIIOCA'r!ON (Irah-maclo) • "bad~o~u::k. &DJ brand no\. bf&.ring ".i-:-RELIABLE Al•rmor, 12}6. 8J>t!Cial qualit7,

g~u~~il:.:-63 J.:~;;~ l>ubhn. '


FOil SALE.-Two Sots lriab Wa'Pipeo one Gaelic Cottume, also 1 Guarda Sidt

Ph:'!,i&,~~.ia perfeet condition. Write ••M.,'

Make your •rr•nsementa In time wit ..


for your Winter Supply of Wo.lfhill Coat.

Q.a.l, r•• Cn&ttM., ftJt Bubuss or Pl~a•r•

fLEMING'S HOTfL, 3l GARDfNER•s PLACE, DUBUN. Two ,,t .. tllll w•lt from Gardl~~e-r Suut Cb•pai

Of Tnme.




1•16111011, 27U.

WINTER EGGS PAY. _WiAter Eaa briafe tlte pricea.

!::m~~ar !:;!~ ~hlr:a=~~~t an4e tb~~ They will be! strongly forti.6ed againllt oolci and diUDp w.aUu1r, too. Ovelle Spiee it

~~;:i!~~~ V.ckxe':~ie;.d~ )'altr~/:.~~ r.:~:etJ~~~ m ~~e tf:~~ t:p~~,;: ~~~d 4;~ (po11tuge otl.)

Sold by aU Chemi.ars aod Dealers.

Ovelle Spice Co., Newry.

p.O.'Of\A10 () hAttrtlUf\A1n Sorplices. made by Think of the- nome u ITA." Say it ond !'

M. CAHILL, 9 Pd.RLIAliEXl' ST I l~~'e!~17~U:ee~o~~~t.o0;o::d';....:e~~~ w 11.111) l1dll' I D. 11 01ll'.<\C.

SlOP A NA nGAEDHEAL. For Footballo, 16/6. 18/6, 21/-, •ud 26/·­FootbaU Boote, 19/6 and '!3/_6., Jerti$J•,

~:::~·2 ~o:dn8, a~'1i~le~ n:lfa, 64/61i ftnd 6/6. ~outh Hrgans (German)J 1 ~, 2/6. 8/6, 4/6, 6/6, aud 1f~. Melodeout.

Clinch A GleMOn, Stationara, Tobacooniata, 1nd 1noom1 TU Experts, Churoh View, Navan

McDowell PROTHERS. Establisll<d 1845



•oOKB pobliebed in or relating t.o Ireland,

~t=~in~rg~ a•~~:on~~fguJ:e t,U:~i£~~~ Fiotiou. -

STATIONERY-The Cheapest. Hom1e m

w::~i:!m10P-~1~k~ erc~cla\v:Om~'k~~iu,~~ ='!L0~r~~:o! ~~ifa• ~!;~~~;uti: they require at the loweS poaatble pr1ce.

We hold a H~e St.ock of all weU.kJ:Iown Pipoe, Cigan, Ci.:arett.ea, 'l'obaceo•, lie.;

~~d:~·-r.rll:in;•s~::,·F.o~uG::t~· J:.o~ ooiqa• auortment of Siuo Fein Badges, Flaga, Songt (with music), Plot, DroochNI, Photographs, etc.

can or wrtte. tatial'aotion 111anntted. ODe Trial rill OODYiace.

IPIOlal TlnM lor Larp Quantlliea.

llowliag and McGuinness lfhaiNI .. and Retail Bookeelltrs, ltatioMrt,

and Tobaooonlatl, 1 NORTH FREDERICK ST. 1nd GARDINER'S ROW 1 01 .LIN.

DUBLIN. : us;"i~~:·i:T~:~ H:!~?fro!skl:l~~;:rn!\ Iriah workert iu on ide:ttl lrv.h factory, an

('n)our'N:I Pictures, IJ- and Plaster B1,..-b. 21 .. bccnulie it t. corupehti\·e rn price. You < o£ BleB~ Oliver PJunket. J:t<•t &\'el·ytbing of the " ITA " Brand

(Eolf C'Oflb, CAt , Jumpers, Stockm~

~·~~~~a~ ~PrH1~eO.nO~~lL~rEr~¥A~ s~ ' BOW.LER'S r!l ~~::n~:O':;C:N'1IT _!;~LORIN~: 1

t :: STYLE GUARANTEED: lriah Material only Stocked.


THE IRISH TWEED HOUSE. We have the lugeat ~ariet,. of Indigo Blue Serg01, IrLIIh beed11 ud Irish O~erco~~;ti..o.p in Irelo.nd. Suit.l made to order br e.s.peri eut.- 1 ten and Iriah Labour eselo.sint,.. Pattaros and aetr~mea.•urement rorma sent anywhere. I CAPEL 8T.1 DUBLIN (Nr. Grattan Bridp)


JOHN NELICAN, Proprietor. Tltm&--CIIh.

All CJuua or Work Mada to Ordlt.

Pboae 2789. Phone 2789. MOTORS


Pbaae 2789. llotut• tor Hlr•.

Pbooe 27111.


Auotionnn, Yaluaton, OAtllll,

~Map, and Pia SaJISinen, Farm II ProdUM Faoton, Ao., 11



Help Yourselves by Helpil1& Us.


XMAS CARDS (Hand Coloured)


SAliPLE PACKETS 1" TRADE, 7 •• 3/t P01t Free ..




&leuB~f!:~oa, Middle A.b~y St., uG

lfear11. Da1r1011 and Sou, 6 aud I lloltotworth Placl, Molesworth St.

8elfatta &It ( Porter and Co 52 York

Strftt. «JOI'kl JIM&;~ 0 ClliU and Co •• ll.'i Patrick

Aburt. Newa Bto~., 20 Bowlwc G~ Stnol.


E. O'Co!Uior, d Aabe Stree .. Liverpool a llurph,., 18 Scot!•nd Plaoe,

08ioe, 'Phone No. 8; Lain, 'Phone 2069. Wire•: 08lce, u Factors Dublin."

... Le.ire, u Sheep, 'naWia.'' I

Printed b1 Patrick Mahon, 9 YarnhaU 8\ .. Dublin, and published by tbe -Proprieton at tbtri.r O.IBeee, 2:04. Qt. BruJ&n·ick Str .... Dutw..



l Gleeson, O' Dea & Co. --LI•tt•-

t1 .1. tt CHAliTOHUROH PLACE, 1 11 OU.LIN. It II

.,ltpbooe Dublin 111.

Vol. s. No. 48. [New Series (a) ]. SAT Uli DAY, DECEMBE,R 11, 1920.

Nom & McCor1act Uat llli DIREOI' SAILINGS I • NEW YORK A COIIK t

• DUBLIN A BELFAIT a.dac• frel bt acootllltl .&a• k­mi&e tr&n•it 'OIIeiJ !{. &YaiUng .t ,._ .. rout.. F:if~':cappl,. :!._raNI writ

Dcnrdall and co., Ltd. , 11 ., .. _.: ,.aradt, Co:k.

Waatherill, t~ohn, •n~ ltM, o•ouar Chamber~, Dubhn.

aarhl, JohA, and ce., n •• n ij! Corporation 8trHt, ealtut. }


Current Comments! \.,l,)'dsal •411 reud1 the soulof,uatl<>n\11 aooth~rnation. Thatislligbtof tbe DBeaosin&tionofFather! '"''" •der w. nout rha man. u reprisal con Lurt or chnin the only penct• "e ";n consider If Orif&n, and the tTeo.tment accorded t,, j hit- salar' 1 t-o 't· r 1 tr m rt'~

- tire soul of Ire.Jond. No Empire cnn t~ey nant the pe~e of the rob'!er with otbe~, it w.1 fortunate, perhaps provi thousand to ten thou.•and , , •r . I permnnenUl ••lllMtnnd the accunmla- I Ius p1·e;-, the;< "'ll get lt. We I dential, that n telegram had been sent ... ... ... ti: '",pres~ meAmge. ~?m tion of vengennoc "Lith w,. are piling I hnve begun thi• thing, and we are calling the llithop away suddeQ.iy. In addition f, Jonumcrablt> ra ,J, •

V WitUD.gtou, • '! 4mencau . ssocm Ion up for Eugluu.d, nnd no govermneltt I going tb •'..: it through. For genera- ... + hundred n.rre~t&. have hecn made IlL I f?r I'~* Re<ogm_tion of the I'ush ~pn}l- can go ou permall<!ntly gove:rnmg by tion• all intellect, o.ll effort, all In addition to the outrage on tbe vicinity of Dublin during tbe Jll•<f f• h.o

1" I~p~ned~ts ht""t!a"~r•:•::M tbDt I reprisal, \1 ben that policy of repri$UI. shen~;tlr, in lrelnnd ha• been directed BiRhop nf Killalue tbere ocnxrrcd dur- weeks. Vo.riou• shooting. ·•I , , 1 1n

'ty IS a 0 8" • !· .• •• attemptod to he enfm..,od agamsl a fl'OIIlrls lloiUI'nl purpose to the purpose ing tbe w~ek various acts of violence have taken pl•t•· Another Clnru 11

"'"' ' ~as •tarted a~··~ cnmpalgn ll1 J people of n least eqnlrl capai:ity. uf politJ,' in ""• shape or form. We to Irish prie!lts. On Thursdav of last been lione t death b3 the tu'Tlled • r the 1'nl~ed1 S~ates,*• ~ ~f eng;fe- leadership, nnd•nurng•" 1lr I!JeirowJo hov•, nuue us, heen able to do any week th~ Rev M J Conroi, Parish uftl"lru•n. ·TLi tiru il• Pair• k

lt>lt 1ncu llg 0•8 goo~ ew 1 people. oftheth.r.;.;•"t'wnnttodo,because Priest f Ki~~a..near Westpotl Clant'-''ho \\' htt d~:ndJ "• av n, Ole,·ehmd, C~·~' St. Pn~} 1 • + + in. a. c~nntr~· li~e thi~ n'?body ca.n hu-n was arrested o.t the Parochial hc•:J'>I at '"~":ndrangan, Cnnnt T J TJ l

Jn; ·• ~~nver, Kansts CiJJv, J.nd ~ I Recolllt<t that Englallll has oever attenhon :. h1s own thn >!• while tl1e four 10 J., murruug and taken 1 'L• m1htai\ at Kilc " , u ( ··•• lOU hh·ampilign.,. en heldJreJB...Ild 1 't:rown t··ngt.h, hut questwu ofg-o'ferument remain..110t un- tempOror~ barracb~tWestportQ. ki]~ed ra .pol•t S4r~ 1111 n.n(,J 'J llr t..:u · ~too~ e.:! ~o;. lle~\18~ , f our "'l ,:x,,( ,,. S~e ha.~ settled: Thot Los ~~t to e~d. AU There ore three other priest alst 1u KeJg.Lur. 1n 111 t kt I n.. ' ur

l Br offe~ive pgoinst this m~mtawed her !Jovernmcn .her~ be-. that •ruste md ··uprdlQ' and.rll-:rell'u-, cu!ltudy.....Jbe Rev J J. Ginn, C.C., "~" named J Jl, J 1 tmue!l 1 intensif\', Last • use "'C helped. bt~r· c. uunntmn 1t lated. ru:q\ ., ~ust end. ThiS nation S.T.L.J Drumlina.; Rev. j_ Rodd) ODtFln 1 ut anti J•lm ,, l' 1 l\(.

W< in addition to the customary Wheu W• stopped helpmg ··~: to do mn•t get 0 foJI show. It must get c.c .. Breedog116, Jlqyle; and the Rev I"' desd 81 !I runny J, I • 'II ( I

hoc mg•. hundreds of !ll'l'ests 'll'er• thot. ~er Government abo!J•hed ~1- ~eedou1 I· nrust lr'!t the chnce of P. H Delahunty, C.C., Cullao and Daudon. 'Ih ro , , , Hl-1 u in Duhlin al<.De, and all oTer the rcody.Jn the .;:r! • .. 1 God, ··ollapsed to. h'·}ug. Amll\.'' ,f U1is generat1on are


• + .. 1 the a·l au 1 rv there ~· .~ .. 0 correspom:ling in- the SIQ'll,t '! mtlu. nncl ;h• \\' .. - fur~~ed gomg to pn j tt n chnnC'e. W~ten tht~ molar c:onv?~ing the J,t·1 ,. •

1 ,.. o.n•co'4f 1 _. and Taiding O{'· to fall huck on tltt• pohc\ of r~pruml ., to ;Kilkenny came up wdl• 8 nu.mlie.r 1 t ;rJ Tic" • 1 • i'b6 poli<.':V of !Jt.riking terror, 11 11 -uJ,,I 1 ~ Jtl- for gv~''1'Jtment. 'l'he During t], post week the rai.ds and un~fOlmed men who were repairing a ~oup'led w1t11 ern:tlomic strnngulation, grea~ secret of. o.rgttnlKC'd go\·crmn~nt a.rroRts, the hw·nings .a:nd E!hootings, I cat, ~nd who Hjgnalled f.or SBsi.stanc~

in full , 111 , '" tbi•. tllnt no govel'lllMIItU) m!chme and the well-kuo~·n sympto!Dil of mill- the Rlgnalwa• misunderstood, and two [·nu i:..t" 1 Oll uult's. the flt'f n.le who .ore to:rtsm ond militol"istic despotism have of the uniformed men on the roadside 1o: '·erned suircr tt 1' 1

' n long tmte , ontinued The assault on the Irish were wounded, one of them cr .on Ill~. w botl• II'Ol'ked · h~t 1 "' l1 ll· and sui- nohon reat·hed o high pitch of forv lust Father Deluhuu!l • 'o.ptor evidentlJ•

f )I W[ l(' f it is, oi COUr:. ..

Jir· ' the • 1j1' t j.if \)]· the n •• .) l tl • 11. That, Bnd not

J t • ll wns whic1 bent (1 that t w.. whicl was

f lootL rk tl , 1 u t eralu ""'t.' that

""' ._.l 1 an,} n lJl! p.n.

. .,

" '


I· L


I ' l!IJI

ftl(Jf ~ r


le •><l it. When • ' I f I ,.J do wook. The "·bole ' our BJ>&Ce ·could had tbe wind up. nut hold , s)>l.all pa • .. f h< story of tbe t'H 11L ui l w k. ' 1 t, "the vaPous

(I I Jl I

fall • ' Ill} {I Ttl(k I

n 1 , rul \I u 11 1 t•

lht f 1 '·" tru Dl ufl'ttid ! It I ...

'j\1 141 t Of I ' }

\Vl 1t , t I r I I T Ut

" l t

I I lh

I I I I I I.

measures I • k u • ' un< jhu •• tJ,S or make . 1 11 • God with the

I t 1-" p

rl tltl u.:.•r tll,.. We: t h 11 ,J, 11 f Most

In addihun h Anbur luiffitL, cbroo led 1 tru u 'I !J

1 ' J • p f KiUaloe, or Wllr ,), t t ,,r ttt, armed w•,h re.::.

w ho1n l ~asked and 'l'htt rati'"e

t t' honsek· JN: Miss 1 ,. nw \,,. ·1 .. thr-ee

I t.l tt-'tJ .. h ... w her llll "K t L. door,

<1 , 1-d t} c u · tn. ·'When l ',, iu d r m my r u: u 1 , ht .. ad, · 1 .;a\ Tom get· 11'"'

1 11 ,. -p l thr wa;.,l~ .. • I heard bim 1 ·~ halted .11:- -It~. !Uld 1

11· lnst I • • him- until w found bim dead

t 11 •t: \: 1·! the-he 1 wnh

.• • lle hr .. , , t nil"' c nunt ~. lo'\"E' 1\ll' C.iOtl,

· ... tn H , tind in tl.te ou



t J It ......

1 • t"d slutpea un­w Dder tlH~ ,:; h·

ntH poJtnkiog in

lb. Mntiht>w l1uon.e::\' Wl ,, • ., trow W11lw 1tlt., L< ncloit.

'fh• l ilidloe, hold u , l1·1· th~ <>U><· fHt , • .,. llf the- lf-Dete:l!Jllhtu.hon ••QS'U~, wHl, m tl t.; future, be a

lfU<•• (ul LD comba.tmg • , .. especiolly

ordel" 'and a! and ric

·• uuuited I t•fll },.,!d

Ill&~ Dec·cnt •t 11 1920,

nnlll•·•' ' t"!oo .. ~ wit I I ed lht II tUt· ¥ r.

r,l the P:lute l •• nnly sup '' tlwr.• h nJ ·•• •he ·• lr1

"'•Jll\'tHlll AlbUI,J1," \\'}, h II 11tUUl~ 1 h lh ut 'h~ liJ l1nhies borr

' • wbo lLre ··ompet ·•g ,._r "'Th 1 tv llous&'' Cbmnt>ian Cu!J.

'IhE ,., •• r nh-,aJ..., nre•lS(·eptionolly RJI)tl ol " • " II" N<>hler Belfast

I« t•\ulutlmt ·•' ' ,. '\\ •t undeJ: I Itt r helnnd, und e-Uo.\'

• J 11~· ' u._., I nion in 179!• 111 l'his f•· ture t lf "'' • .lt

hilt• ( n' ford Ha1'1u~l1. arl< I u .. nutl 1 ]I Kated light or

d k pl.1t t• .. J·el:ttl\·e I Suf.On L. l:!itchcll 'onb it L!·c

)( '· l'r d •t·t ,. Xat [J

ill 1. hahl L • I· ·ud·" 1, up • nt hv II •

J f ( w•fSec.· · · ""- 'T' I )r l1 !.1""' in tit< l'hamh

• 1).', \\. J LntHf'UC , tu1: 1 , mt~•· mg <'ho.ptet, oud 1he illmt-

' 1 we n1lorfu,l. " Rundot

1 f UT'P'

~ . 1 t ht ''· 11 ,, iu t I ! Ill the pu\tli•hillg • I I I

'Wlu~lan and Rr n. r" Or • If ""' IV ft •1' f Yet''

kl· ,,. 11 utt ::-.• '' t•appera1

I evtah]p "' inlell:i­('hJ:;;IIJ .... greeting

t. J) Ill all, fmn being uf , mnc.. kind, dnd 1 11•' 'ntirel in

Il .. 1. '!It•• UTe- illsued ut t 1f' reasou­u.hl< ~ ntn ~i3:ptm~e eocl1. In additian

tfu ·· hrHklet:-t, lft ...... , .. Whelan Ln.Tc.~ ~~~ i~~11ed quite mtmhm· eicelle:Dt t' t ( J'Higgi.n"'i, A1. hue «· It Aodh d<• Blacom, nnd M. I· u ll ). ., pnr ( 11h , , £ • bid J I Ul fU{iHht""fi~in.g •'(llUUlJl.'i. W

I I. 1 tion m t'N, mmending ·h • higl1 .. u 1 and t>.

J { n he- ( hr 1 lll .1 , aftl' .. I' )I..,I,,J l{

lm nre t•..~.,·J·J r ( , )If Jr I IJl\M I ODd ,.,.t

11 rpr• ..

Century to Century •

T ,.. t(lfthell.:Dgle,·•·•LostonDu t 1'hc Chnin of Gold u 11 Olrick

1 ~~ad,fia~ ~~f6nt'0;~M~j 5S~a~': 'l' 'I tl ·u.f• of Bauba... ny Danie!

• - n•t. The Talbot PrH~~. ·' Ry l1t ·1 O'Don


h , the htm<h 1 • on: . c •le at n t urtous hour~ all loaded \\' ith the """

difFerent ma.v [,.. the whirh • lu • t&ke their

And t · t'' ume nt t• time when • ' n.. .. also •he theme- of

'• 1wun on the dali.v neu·spaper, , I 1t 1he duilr newspaper ts fQr-

;. ot t w u n·••s the- hook passes on t•1• r .. ! 11 and other limPs. J · t • '' r emmplo, tnke thrN• of

them Stan1lish O'G1·ndy'• · Flight of ·h ! del•, · Da.niel Corker~~ ''Houn.ds ' Buuhn," and Getnld ll'Donova.n. ' ( ·••JH' .'' Tlu· find of f[.H 1 I • I lltundi•h 1 )'Gt·a.l,y'

tmd Jn t ~,..~t· time~ n( ·ould he road bv t h•

lteU.,td ht-\lay· ~h ·,lit owd de h o!dn'1

ar" v ung in ·rid ... tw :on· (f h

·u 1 • le~\dt b "' 1mpr on

I b. d, fr..,dcm·

~ ~ l T

I ml t

' Wt• I\ "t i ,.

p•ul t I'"

runtr, '

.• !1, , ... \ rlr U "" T 11

t t ., U 11Ut fl' l'l1' 1 ilig11ed),


4rcbbi&J~op :Mnlint> GUSTAVE ,JOSEPH, Bishol> of Hr 11

THOMAS LOUIS, Bishop Narnur MARTIN HUBERT, Bi!illOp ·a I AMEDEE .YAR.IE 1 I. 'tanl• n·• 1.

EMILE JEAN, .... ~top (i


The Late Father Griffin 1', t t.. nd c •• u

h L (n qlt • who w ,,. • t· ' • tl t '• (l; l ~tit' II') ,,,. dealt Wl1l h\' hi· :.u, ... Hn. Dt Duh~tt.'. "·hu " •• hed nnuul OJ"at",·rr v.·- Lungb-

r.•., 1

n :-ill 1l ~~ w"·k. flr .... I~uJ'dHhip

'1 ro.mwt allow t l1"' 1 ' Jl• thout •• fpw wnrds conc~rning

r 'eo' d_., ··• hi~ h bns ~l111cked aud ud I• ned '"' only Cn.tholic-. but th<j

hole 't<ilioed W<oJ~d. On Wednes-l~t ~~ f Wt }(lj([ t~. f< ._, lf' llltlltol 11-

11 11 ow· mm-dered I u·a•r (t liftin.

k \\ ' ur f~._•(• ttg· rt!-0 ,.] 1,.. •ltt .. W I O"lD h ·• Wl'h I !•··1td lU

unt t rtain w '' on 1 he iL"'lOn f t' runt- "' Yuu.r pra.~ r r I t'

It .1<1 \\ t:l• · 1, quent o.ud. fL· · \ t J \ our I t!t 1t ,.. lilpdtlty Wt'fl1 UHI t JL~<I her und twr 'm :' lu ~ tood tha • t~t·•'J. t:lH~' Tn· ••

nnt n 1'11~'"' in tbP DiiK•') .. , •1 C'l·•n •rt. 'ho dues not feel the • :v•• · ut JX"-1

l"<OttBl •loss 111 h ;}~ one c~Jr~~:'' ·•nU.'" on the death of a. brother u- m:-· t•l r, I 1U0.3 so.y tlut.t w~ sorru.w 1 "" find. 1w ndettuate e.xpl'ettSlOn 1n w t•l" I fir~• he(·amt' a,~quuinted with F b' 1 Gl'iffin when he eiLterod l!ayl1,(1uth n. bl:ight, niloct"'nt, tnomising boy. I 1 1 ~"n~n ,., h I wnh hNl his • our.-• tJ,,. ·" \1 tr 1 • 1', 111 prnl· ~~1 r hnd • ''"' 1 • ·L·

m to ·ht tk trl I h'e slllulle~t •• Ul ulnr \i I hacl Gl·iflin r f'llnft.>l" I til h:o I IIIIo Jt ~th l \1 ·I D;,:'t I tH tit

It l ( ( III"J[t' II p1 I,. . fo

Ji1 II,- • I ~~~ r.JI\ WI t·k I

s l:Jol~ ' n.ud '* ~ I , J..d bm Dl' !)'}),

np, 1 r·• t 111d I,., ·I t 1uve ., .. ,,J I , I ·h~ 111 11•

I Jll}•'l' 1 j Jl)~ ""1'.1'1"

Alt • he-m knew b ·o h 1 nw ·n fhnsiasb· all l~o·l

c:h·iffiu dic.l His \1 U•1 !1. \1 ,l\. uight , 1~. dny h1 '''11 nt tho .. 1 ·"\: • 1 · t! • .. ,. ~~w.u1itt.ed I·. h , harge, and ... p.·~ tnlh·

whe-n t••JiihlE' t·[liclemic lH tt~l1t .. nr1nw .Jiul•lt .-~~luf .. n into u1;~n _;, 11 nat~. Xo

ond<r tln lM:!' pl£ • Guh\ • · loved llll; nt• Wllld~r th('o JW·•·"' 1 Unto

flulieed l1 ·m! Tltl~ 1100r 111 pBJ I• ulur .uul · ~ littlt lUldren Wf' ~ ~ df ,.l!' ~• rt·u,l 'l'hol·' nt.· tt. 1 ..

, r 11 r him Ul · h(' ' • • k , Ci .• hv• n H· It

:ulh -u ..... t·.t i. .t' 1. alm• .. t 1

( If Jl1lt• j. ~ ' tl " l; 111\.(f '"!rl tlld 1'1 t•.,;lt•,••,l llcl

\.nd .I fl"l' . '' . n • .. •'1 • 111 h m · hr 1 ·

• 1 \' I I ·I ·•tl• 1! 1\ .l o.;,lifl'

It "·1 1 1 ,·:t:r JWd.uh• twi\\.11·,

t h<"t 11 pl1 o1l t•\('t ~ 1 l,,o;.; I 111 1 t• r lu,m· 1lP1l ~. ~· tlu• open • •ftfin uml

\ L I fh.•T 1 · tngedie•

•t·'~ onll-n·itb m• .... ,. ·• ""I'''," EYen .... n.. The Torch of Civilisation murder ul u nr1., ... . .t\li.Res a spf.cial ,'lbucl e\'t•n : .• 'j' on-Ou{holic mind-.,. II " charnc .-..- o.nd Us work have a N ationlllism. -.1• ~"a'ihll··.., fol' tlu.• uu.,,• bigoted t t 6 ht them "'" t" hovt~ mod that u·hen poli. 1 H' c tl~ tt• nud t->1 .• 1 ·"'.l-'""' m n·::rt•tl lur 111 1~ llf OIU f ·Lt It t'" -. l \ · tt1. 1 ·• Ot'ltngemen ·~ -.r1l • ,,bile th prtt''"' t•t<nded Lh d~.'l~ Eve1i t 1tt '- •II ndn:·zr. the 1._.1 '-.u uf I 11 t .~I uJ pr ·• ; and lit UIC \('"

"hich hi• r. I \\ iH tJ , fa t>H •ho tun f built· ur • '' · r t• I u •' t t~ ~ t·

ltn<·- t,1 ln " ,..,,, tc t nnd spn Holl id t thu ... 1 lD ueed. They < a.nnDt nlhhold t/u !I' rr1htt1\' vf admirat f·n o , " lu 1 110

th1 lllBJl\\lul"Willm· t~ra..lltlme:~.• .. ~sed·· Itt' 111 f c tcl, t ... 1

... ,. rifiu• hi1 lift• to: fLc PW'11 U"t~ con- lh·ed m bP~ pu .. that we w tt· 1H.! !t. Jided 1:' I · .. • uw. And sP .IJ)mt.r non- in he to1·pu . that . hod no (".,r)\olu " b.tve tt•ga.rded this crl.Dle fuhu·~-• and :L111 m lu:t. ""'" WE're on ont• upnrt. n {IO'ri-ent. o. horror. ultogotb·•-f IIi"" I' lu~lpl·· .. ~ md feeble

· But Cniholics lun·~ " deeper lll·IJ>eople that 'oul<l not do onything to ttigl1t into.tha men.nmg.a.nd samti1 -. ~~r help our toln o.ud that only ftH the the p1 1••,1hood. We know thRt th• k ind aud ben·' lent,""' •hJt l b. Eng· Pl'l(' .. ' 1 .. unothf"l ( itr I: II ,t! ln .. soul Hijll luak IJr us\\ couldn't livr a.t au. is t t11 Jt~•,1 indelibly with tl1o'> mark ur" tJ1eor "o.1 lh ftrt. 1l the luI!. m (lu i Own prH -'hood. 1'hnt 11. k c f tnt• It 111 1 f I 'lu~· who h 1n I t-r'··- huulh(·pow.•r1• be(. •.l~"R''' 1 u··t·d our ··11111. B.·lt ··t tlu- fp Jt l\'I' U ,,( "' i wl h. t· • It J1

111lw• , ., I 1 no l · n l t' I 'lti Hton t .. 11 And 1 h1 he!)- land ,,.),., lin\\(, 1 ,,. l•t:· f

1 11. t I t !11 \1.1-. tlu• pl •' I ~ .1~ 11 E 1 h 1 u ' .j ._ tr1

, \ku 1h11l '"'h t •· rll•t... Ro.h .• 1 ·llti ·L, ~··l-·L'l •I 1 \•f• \\"l.,f ul lull fll Ptlt I

~h H, '• Tl•


,... P11 .. 1al w•• from Gardiaer, Streer

or Tram~~.


Whr oan•t the lrilh be Arllttia, roa'l



II It ' r f 'J'bey ID •TeTJ ·~ l"loilu npon i1"'<'1 tbemo•ement an t re)tl.t.1 •'f'"JI"Ii like d~.:1tb, and 1• .:-rent vo1c• &rm.

INit-rd wl1tt 11 w t f t~t me::;-,f e.te11)al truth t ,_., It.,,P , .1 J Send IJ• at onot for fullaamplt set t

m J I it f ru 1 llut 1 r ~~t·•·~ J THE • • • k, he"" 1 I t' 11 ko• I" CEO. A, LYONS,

Itt !"f' f' .il< ]_• till U& PEARSE STREET, DUBLIN. " ,, d TAl LORI FOR \ ABTE.


n~ La boUT," by IJanjel Corkery J/4 pod free .

LADIEI' AND DENT'S TAU.DRS,"IIW and luitl ol lrllfl .naterlal to anllf' Metlrial lftl.dt and Trimmed.

''leu IDC:MMratl. Eltabliahld 1r.•.

" The YeDo• Bittern," and other Playa, bt llattiel Cork~, S/4 post free.

17 WELLINCTON QUAY, 6 Ciii'O te 'tN:6Rt

" The L;, and Tijueo ol United Jriehmen." by Dr. :lladdan, betng r&-isa116d. Part I. now ready, 2/9 pori :f.ree.

Luke Burk£.

"Cc·mairle an llhuraig," 11 2 poet bee. " ~n Gh'li!t," 1/2 post bee.

uam RU1S~.6..t,





CORK. ll06 Patrick St., Cork.



IRISH CREAMERY BUTTER Manufactured ia tbe best Butter·ptoductna Diar Jcrt In lrol &' k ;;1'. Pare Pureuriud Sweet Cream, aDder the MOlt tcleatlfl~: o&nd m co:r11 mt'" • .uw.,. uniform io quality. F'nt Prit.e Rolla (lib. aad ilb. a e, ·~ a Spcci•lity. Ptrcd. Po.c Ordera puftcru•IIJ tntnded N

We euaratltU taU .applocs ro our tboUNada ol c:urome 3 we bne done duriaz r-w wiaters. YOU w1n cn·arualtJ be a Cacomer· wh7 aor oo•?




LADII3.S' fl13EC13 WRAPS. 613NT'S OV13RCOATS. L.l:dJM' and Gents' 8"-erproafa. Perfect In Finteh. ,.,,.,, In QUIIitr.




Sl80,000,000 rh~w v:riO:.!: ::.J.rel:r:, = r::~ th.i:t=·~~~:uS!~!;o:;~~· ,,:j,l r:;,:. ~ bard·•raed ••iact of Jrilll lcdun"J utd aarlc:Giruro. It It ura cc lnw or lare.....­•1141 Ill Jarael7 lliCd ro ftuacc I!Oalpedtora of tbe people who e&fDC'J it.

Hafl4r•h at nr )'OD .. ..,. dill WJGnllll n1 t..notnL lrtlu.f .. u1c11 H•1 lo UlabU .. IPm o• tk Jalld d ••liN b)' Up<J IJJII~ tnlll 14. t c• In tu N~u: t. .. 4a..t:.


Ill Lr ........ Sr.,

Current Rates of I ntereat. Curran Accoa• _ .. c.n

" Olle fellt • 1111~1~


c..,~o, -::::r. "' .. ! ..........

'I lo ·'

I( , lo • d . Owing to the awful priva­

tio~ soldien, mostlr of Irish utr lloll, were in a slate ttl half mul • V• Immediately placards were got wt ta uduce the loaylty of these ""'-" It wu sl&l611 that " the affairs • ol lr11lond were then fully settled "; r~c! •t " Cr1!8t Bril&in and Ireland were uritad cs well from interest as fro affection." Even at that time th lr •~~ had hU:sd the cry of "wolf I' ' leo t6n I>d not a single man or lhell' bftray..s the Republican cause.

I l

!. '

lt :.t.l


The Belgian Bishops

Wl' I

,. h"1 m •• Jhl •uTI 't' ' front

11111" I'll


R f•l r. 1' I L I,

! nut ~~' ·},,. t._~ ~r ('h.r t 11 n,· .. ~. wn 1n I. 1 nd th·•t Hf.+l ltllU •. • It ow1 • 1 ,..n t nf' HUI'e, 1h<.> igJJul 111 11t I, that belonging to ( ltrist ' 'l'he nam .. t1u~· Irish missionaru•.. w , 1n 1 MPJ'Ovinginn pt'tiod, 4'' MJ ~t • 'd north ,, Gaul. Rt ( iL ll '• s~ Foolen, St .Yonon and ·'' ~ S Levtnu•, t'• Bishops 'f R, \\ ·II Rt Pledl( hn. ood theoit I II n St O.IF-:• r, .F · idinn 1 i U!

lu• I •lt• pt • 'I.M

'Mort t)mn t 11Ht t o'.J-0

'• I' 'f I tb

lr J w J,;lll.

l'tt' \ i fiflc

( l'l '-; •D

J, tl



'" "' us + \.


lr&land. Ynur pf!UJ'le )IU."V• n•• • ,,1thi ..

~h(l.\o' ]lin·e u light to 11 ' 1 'n\1 "'ht hnve IUf uldetl 1 1 nut\' her<' m t.l\P wmlcl .... ·mt ha:s t I ,, }r.l$tor bE'ell H' .. , • 1

1 ha h1t 1 t 1 " flot·k. heing nen I e-m t w r f\ rtn·r ~ ... 1111g ·Ia r~ \ t

I !?'" nl1111: •heh notio.nul ' ... waking along 11 ith th•:m

1 1 iudopendenc ,. 1- thlf• t I lUI ( 'Wt

~ , { hm't h w 1u!rt t u I· J1 u p •• ... , .. , It the f.rll I h·• ll { fl Jill I I I tl 1\

s,, • uu J•, . in t•u· 1 r 111 I oro the Goorl f. rd; I

knm• 11 ,J .. ap and ~h \ 1• kn<>, :Uo that ('ltQJ"rh •· th< " lr~Jtmd : 1 het ~ twt nnut • ( t t' 1 whiclt, fl'mll hi!ll runnt ,, \ )I•

e~UI~ •• lDn-tQ. whe11, ut •m• "'· I hut deot· H (

11'4 led n 'l'tt.S l1y ~ntbuaioJ;m. ' 1 tht fh 1 11 tell tllem, wiih fint- , ·11

r1• , heit mi.rtnkes Uild t .1

WhiL ' I t IUl'O\"e thnt Ill ¥t h , m1 wuuLl wi11h • kecJ, lw 1 ,j;

1 • p·u- .. t Hght und Jlt>Ut •

Violenae Condemned.

mun1l ugn th!-' Pr .J:t • AU Irr l.ouol • •I "·ituout amh •• u 1

'• l. • uunt m~u "~f . )ndPm r moy h(• rt ... 111 L '"' •

But lw nndPnmed tLt th~ .~om~ t .,.l, and •• hio~h EJJiHc· • rult·tli 'J" • •I• .. mollwnt 'E\'Jth him, th~ r111nl. • lh<· ra.•l he hunuu~rs.. 1he u t \iolem 11f 'vrr kind, "bi«•h ure tlail l'fiiJ)eDted in ,\·our (·ountt-:r~icle~. nnd u you!' c•it.H~Ii. nnd whit•h P\".PJ".V"' lut I" du, t di"'tmlPI u11d nuurt·h.v

Sn<'h o t t •• of thingtc ' tl .,, ··un tinue 'l'he Brit\Jtl1 ( r4' auw~:nt wil• nflt tQiern· it!

. : n.

• ,Ill' lit"

•l t \. t:' nunnent '

' II


j lU


I" I


t, I


d od

11 1 Uiffeu



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By buying produGts made in Ireland you help to stop Emigration.




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what we wtote last 1t"ee1t, 1 hat any •ign of "·•nkecing would only inteusify the etforts of those who de­•ign to crush the Irish nation. It ' evident that the mer~ ntmcur of an alleged ··truce/' which was not ac.· <epred seriously in nny well-informed quarter, and which had, ns for as we ure, no foundatio;n, was-1 in it­sell taken os a sign pf l'l'ell.l<ening. Th.; obootings and burnings of the


Yankee Boy kept Christmas. "FUN BEAMS." (Part 1,), " FUNBEAMS." (Part II.). u A NERD OF BULLS."

:o~~r:.Sbo·~~:a du~~ ~.!{e~:J~~~ ':!de~~ forming a 8plendld meo.n11 of conYeJtrtg

rri:~~ n,:; .W!'h:::fim~lrm muC:.:0:~~ ablo t.tu'~ tb6 OBUal Xmul" canl u thoy are mueh more l•11ting and ust'ful •nd at tb~ t~ome time inexpensi•e. 'fh,.y ud only SCI.

:r"nri!o 'd•l·:t~: ·.r~o~".;:: ~~~ ;~~ ment1ontd an humoroua. They tn11 fit ia. aa ordinoey aUe e.i:l:relope, o.nd the 10 booJr:· let. will be freE! for If-.


I D.,k ROSAitll!". BJ J. Clarence \lang&l'l. n: Aideen'l Grave. By Samuel Jo'erguton..

Jt;och 1/• n••t, br poRt 1 t.

bo:J!::U=JY ool~~~tm:rst~~n~11b:U8~*t. ;:~ furd ,fu· ~~~~- SFJ=:l:b!i ~~ UDC7 printed en't'elope, ready for 1ddre11in".

u Littfe &toriM," A very beautiful collec-tion of sbort ai•·riee in Briau O'H.igginJ' boat sqlo. It ia neatly bound in .I'Pd olotb and would be -rery suitable :a1 a Xmu preacnt. Price 1/11 poat free.

f~D~· i:d ~':f'~ul~r~ti~~~ de1!f:.t!u1 book of hUIDaroua at.ories now

r; ~r~11J!n;ll~ ~~~;i:UdlOi!dFJ: clo'~"~n~;~i~ r~e~yh .=~1o~ull

•~::il:~ !:'edio!Yof~: .. ~!i~: ~~ ta.ina n large Dlllonnt of genmnt l'rilh humour. t/1, J:103i' free I 11.

F~o::n!~ ~=ee BJ ~r;::tu~~~~ bound, 3 a. Poat free :l/10.

Qlon na Mona, By Brian O'Higgina. Poig· nant pon·pieture in story and aketch of a

""'e~fi!C.: ~ t~li~~iahanid 1:f:ftJt,~ ?.!fr do~ binding t 1 e, b:r poat 1/1.

A Child't visit to I hi BteNed &:aorament. A reaJJ:r beGutifal hymn. Words by BriAn

g;r~"Pri!~·/ ... ~ JUU&ic by Joaf!Ph

&Gnp Df tht Sal;nd Hurl. ~v Driao. O'BiQ.oinll. A ot ·at book r rrt. a ~F~ :\1 f ... ~ ~~ tfu \fr; __ ;~-,

r P ~r t'I, .. Yi-- • t 10.

HAfU o1 Gold. By Br~&n IJ'Il New and nnlu• --d edition 'w r-.dy, 'tbtt!!­

re t1t1 :-t miles a.nd · e.ara 'lf anguish m t l k hearty liLU ' r and aigha "'

~,~it h L : ~~·2' ~; lf j ';!:ti"l;t!~e. Fa~~-;.~o~n ;! t7~t hi~~~

and wtiti~g~ of this heroic pr1Mt and fnon'l

r~:!:n~~~~~.B~~~db,Q~~ib =dC~"!r. prink-d. Price &.J·. by post 1/8.

Gainat Bltan't F•nBB, or the Adventure ol CJaran Ryan m thl Irish Republio of 1810. Uy )L (l. t.onu&in. Tbia ia an ~tt'lli nt 11tnry r t I} ~~ ,f l!lr rl stir-

. , 1 , 1·· 1 moral r llt I:~J!,IIt ~

d Ot.ltl :l 10 0· d OV· r 2 '3.

THE DRUID'S CAVE-a slory of myatwv and adventure, by Aodh de Blaoam. Th;. 11 a mapufloent boys' story of fun and adventure, and hotds the ruder's •ntarest from the flnt to the fat pap, There an 11 fufl•pap illuatrationa, pod botd typo and nne cloth cover, with apoc1al cotoured wrapper. It should form a superb Xmu 11ft for tht YOUIIS-prioe 5 '"• by poet I I.

• Tht 811UIIf's i• t:lt"t ry M. u .tt

t··~~~·~r o~,;h? c!:rrt -.. lt~~:~~ !,~m -,~11 '•

t trJV• ' r ' n 1 Jr~ I hll,

( •1Til·: tt• nnd piAnofort ' • r 1/1.

OYr Molher or Perpetual Suooour ia pi II

didly r-eproduced picture of Our t,...Jv I · ,,. ~~l;y produeccl in Irelnnd, an·-t ~', a II . dcdJca.tory hymn by Brian ( l' n' . m• I.D., printed at foot. See 1 • I'

" hill hJIDD and htt .. rt.: nte•l lr .tnd" t ~ . r ( u1le It .. . \

~ " ltl It I

I • 1 •1 ,. r <t t.

Whelan & Son, n Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin

frhe .. Shamrock·· Watch' I

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A folly joweUed Swiss l..o't'er in

atrong Silf"er c

Price £6 lOs.

~~ 1 '


It is W"flll t-o the qoeetion. of utility AI well aa beauty. ADJ' of our Gold llo.Dgle Watch611 com· bine thote requirement., aa we only atook a. reliable quality, Anything elee m a W"atch ia wortbl9as.

G,,NT~RBROS., ' week provide a significant and cynioal E comment on the situntion.' The rn-ir,l

Priou from £9 up,

63 STH. GT, GEORGE'S STRE T. of armed and disguised men with their

~~~~~~~D~U~B~L~I~N~. ~~~~~ face• blackeoed, and tl1eir determined'


attempt to Ret the Bi•hop of Killaloe, 1 \l'IS one f till-" mo.s.t startling events

of the week. The nocturnal visitors were c-ertainly not beot on a truce. The dMtrudion of property in Cork nod other districts nmounted to ut h aq:t at million, and it i ~ not much of o sign of a •rnce to have the petrol (!ll,llg nt work in Curlew hours without moleria.tion or restriction. It- is not a .qgn of a truce- to slay a dozen men 10 various .(l•rls of Ireland. The inter­

"THE PREMIER IRISH ANNUAL" ference •nth our public bo!ll'ds, the raids f1 r books and oceomtts, and the

Ready To-day, 1/6. Per Post 1/11 arrests of the members and staJl's of

I public hodics proceeded at nn aocele-•-sTARTJNG- THB TRAIN." b't ewrn A. Blrmla•b•m .rated .pace ~ast week. Th~e is he-re 'TROUBLESOMB NAnONS," by SuWl L. Mlcebtll. / no ev1denc~ of a. desire to put an end m:.N3:~R R:L~~·~:=J.0"' Bellut fou!U to tbe attack on our people. The sug­

"UON BREWING IN TRB PHOBNIX PARK ... •lth g't~tion of 0. truce Under these circum.-•.Pn"b "'ria. ot p~~:naru ol e.n.t.-ol"'. stnnces resembles a feint of a. bo:xar~ n

'OLD GALWAY LJFB." by Zoe M. c.n.on. mere trick to take us oif our guard, 'TH•~fi~Y~~~J,':!~~NT.!NHoc!~·vt:.:~';:! o as inflict &: deadly blow un-~ Calkn' of B1Ula VcnaUiee. Ftute. a wares

'UUSH PUIASURB GARDB.NS." by 91. l. lA.,._. IIUR1.80ROl'CH GREEN." bt T. P. s.a&n


Gn these matters ,.., believe that few of our <'o-u.otrymen can remain long deceived. The present moment is

WILSON HARTNELL & CO., DUBLIN dearly one for cautions •• tion.. The futun. of Irelond is being settled, not

~~~~~~~..,~~~~==~-~ for a few years, but for centuries, &ye : for ages. We can still afford to wait




P. J. Carroll & Co. Ltd. DUNDALK

.. 1110 .,.. ..

IIW Go. Bnuwiok lfuoot, llwi>U..

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IU .. CRIPTION RATEI, .. .. lil' patti tree.

BJJI u .•• ..• 4/4 ,,

Paye\le i. adnnr.. ADVEIIT!IIN. IIAT£1.

f.Jru.r 1 l .urt1i <il ' '- Dd. p•r htch. e I "ltennu~_a, O"•. \.lei par iat~h.. l1 I • 6s. 811. J•r tu• l., ••~ ""' lit. Ott s-r ••'!'."<t ~~ C. fW per 111 •t.,

l 1., • • .,4-1 •• pu. ra-:a. Special t 1itJu1 ••'r• "' ,'It,. ponaJ ord.-an llumW. \e r • M ._ • ....S.. .,..,.ahl• ,., uz-.,., 0.

a little and to bide our time. Speaking Jut week, Dr. Mannix gave fbis wise advice: " I wish th<>y coul<i n trn•e of God to-morrow, but such o ttoce can only come w.hen .somebody who \'a.8fl entitled to say ~o came fo-r­ward and •aid, 'The cause • t all hlood­•hed ' ended. The~ will be no fur­ther attemt>t to rule the Irish JHlOple hv I reign guns and bnl!ets.' " The olgnal t" end the bloOdshed in Ireland J n t I ~n given. \ 1t"Ord has been pktnh tl ..... I Prto.nd

~ ·J. lood .. ld, ani; Until~ .l "'' r~t 1 spoken. it •" danger JS t I"- Jc l·r w-itt"" .,f & lrJ P

I Tt ••:. ·•d • I• ·n ur peojlle

will 1 1 It' t1 -ro i1• m. 1 .. u wn.rnmg g.llll· t }'l1 t or intrigues. The f u ,

h t Mr. IJoyd George ,. preparing anoth"" edition of the discarded and fantastic " Gel'lJian Plot · · proves that he is still brooding on the old

· sterilities. The futur" will shortly unroll the

objective of the English Cubinet. They 1 bink little of our country. bnt they think much of certain "'H·nt-, which are happening abroad. The wave of '•·• li!lg aroused b · 1 .. martYI'Iiom of Tert·11~ o lfo.cS-w llt'l had "'P-ed like a. tidal "u'-e from ·~ .m t1 •- r.::.n. from Wesl tn East. lt has a1feeted • hole hemisphe"' The "'sult of the sub­lilllc ~ r•U{'•• at Drirton has I~ n

f('.ltt·J •han. can be measured by an7 r ITm r '·umparison. E'"ery d~ evt~ denc ,, f·omes from all parts · f the world. This u·eek we 1 .. •e rece-ived testimon;Y from South .VT•• o. where the official nrjlBtl ··I· tlu: Government l1as tendered ". < and odmirg,. tu1n. It bRa come frcml Italy, now fj!nid in uurca.use, Tbe demonstrntion11 ~~~ lfilan, and the friendlv 01 1lnmn· tiona • ,f the whole Holian l>arliaruent render 1.1 -' week memt1rnhle for nur ompatrit>ts m [>I~, 1. The reception ,( lll'!l. llo.· Swinf" ·1 -. 1,: York'\"'"

l1· magnitude r \\OU · ·r uur• .,. h, tl,

A Q I 11 a·t r E,. o1RO 5 l,ott l·t·r~ 1 t mend• ·~ J'l''"="'n:,

YOUN r.. IREL .. ND I .-r•odonG"··· ••••• , r: dl·~·· \I f\ 1 1 Ito lt'l .;.~·l~t· a• + ... tn nur 1 J

I• ur. En@'land lind. I • ··If ' >f • nted It, the wide~t, w ,.I t:Xh .. ,., and pru-

6ATURDAY1 DECEMBER 11, 1820, l•,n,•d uuthur ·f . '~ th ' 'r lVII Ned world l· , '. r t :qm ~ ~·~1.

The nn>~ O-Dd Juup;h• - f o'lr f 1r I exlending·n~t· 111, • • ··n ''\'(•t\wlu·r•• The Truce I to ehnmpioa uur ....... nnd .'h• Iri•b 1 fJ\teshon ho.11 lt'-4 ' llll• au dl' o tlte - I whole world.

Hunng the week the assault on the It 1 porticulaxly uuf• rtuuate lor 1 h nation eontinued with unabated Enf(land that, nt this juncture, the

'ur The burnings, the shootings, mo•t critkal period of .Anglo-Amerknu t,. rr4-· l~t, jmpritwnwent~ aad depor· rdut!Uil h~.uld have been rend-led 10

t r n '' r·, not lee1 than in the pre. l hP 1-n t~l Stoles. .\m r ·a bu \'i't

, ,.,nk, and, 11r1~ he•hevc ''f"J· tu hlke lwr politic 1 t.I··~I ... JI r1 in ill

,t. vt tLt" HNl~ ... r·f ·· \. Jli il1o.t •lD ' Jl4:nu. f'fllt ment l l•JNJM' It "alii Me·:~ Vtu, 1n .l(t.Jitiln ,, •t.~· ~ mea-~ perbaps, mHc· than 1 fuinci,.t""ll·t• It u , Yr Lloyd Gt• -r~te iJa ~tn- n Monday, Dect'•l ht>- ~!11. rat a "n••

lii·U' • d t:1a! Lt'J Ita~ am.tlu r \'N .• m •·· 1 hen EnglMd l\,1 ' 'h n·l. ltu \' ra ff, Jmnn pit, .. In prepo.rnh•<ll IDit Irish leader ' nrl l,·nting rbf' r

, t . ·, ~~·uld w u u· h:1t b , ,~., '~·· l'r·· 1u"l F t'', 1•ived in • u,.. 1 I ( l•• n t w.a n(•' medii tmg a WMhington t;J •- mmen1 f" the "·ork of

h , indeed, n form I making his C huwt and • 'mutating At u lo put Kflmt' of tlu• ml t the policieti ·I the new ~.~ n111' I u: i· n

h.ul('r .. nt 1 !1o hi 1 INI.t .m 10 \m.erit·on policy will, tn .u t, l~o~• de-th. t·l't 'fl'" "l1 t h ruvt~ hap- h~nnincd lHlrm.ftlly 1,, t ·r(' ~· 1 (·tinn 11£ t~<'(· our la-td u .. t·onfirm the future~~ rt~'.lr:\: of .St•h Jt w1111

that t~n a·. nH ment that was chosen to tlepmo his journal of .Mr. Griffith, nnd to deprive the n~tion of its spokes­lll&ll. One nn eo.sily draw the conclu-

S.tUJ"day DO<eml>er 11, 1!)20

France and Ireland.

"'"n tbo.t the English Government Paris, Saturday !eOJ"O lre!IUld, and ieurs her very much, The •ttilude recently adopted by the n.nd, we hop!, with good reason. I~ is Continental press towards Ireland has c leor, therefor&, thnt we IU'6 ca.usmg caused no little uneasiness in English great emhalTossment, cQ. that, as political and diplomntic circles. Only time goes on, that cmbB.l'J:Qssm.ent is last week the British Ambassador at Madrid not. tlecweoHiog. Unde~ ~ose c1rcum- condescended to illuminate the Spanish ~~~:to.nt-e!ll w' are well &.d:vtsed to con.. press on the Irish question. A few months tinue dC<Jng 111 the future the work 'ago his communications were inserted that hos been HO well done up to the ordinary news, whereas his subs;­preBent, a.nd, in the words of Mr. dised organs are .obliged to give the narr Arthur fioilfitb, to stand fast.'' of their distingui5hed correspondent In

France, too, some months ago EngJish

D bl• ' Am • T d officials unsuccessfully endeavoured to U 18 S er1can ra e counteract Irish propaganda. Certain

........__. venal organs of limited drcuJadon wtn .. l!r. Ge,Jrge \;an Dyne·, American acq~ired for this purpose, but to its cred.

Vice-Con•ul. Duldin, bus presented his be. ot said, the French press, as a whole · c: R t fo s !ember H reJ<l:led with scorn the attempts that were

JOJ:!lmerct epor_ ulr N>j> I bo . de made tO corrupt them. Some of the prm. revtew"' . he ognc tural,. 3 ur an I cipal newspapers sent men of undoubted .port poootw~ here,. and gtves the fo1- ability and of high standing in tbeJ'ourna lowmg piU'I;iculars ?f our trade istic nnd literary world to Irelan . M w.oth th., U01ted ~lnte•.dur'ng t~e past Jacques Marsillac. represented "Le jou1 mne montlt:<i, wh1cb co1~cldes 1Vl~h the I nal/' MM. Jean Vignoud and Henri Be.rand c·ummenc·eme.ut of the, Dt~ect Sei'Vl.ce:-:- 11Le Petit Parisien,'• M. Jules Sauervein . Heg~rdles. nf the dlHiurbed condo- "Le Martin," M. Kessel "Le Journal'des

hons 1n lreiiUld, trade between the Debats " M Maurice Bourgeois "Le Du~lia district and the. United State.• Temps,'" and. M. d'Houres ''LaLiberte du>·m~ tloe qu~r !ndmg Sejl!em~ Those are the men who by their impartialit) 30, 1020, C'OUt.inued lD an enc-ouraglJlg have so irritated Lloyd George that he does JD.Onuer. The total value of exports de- not refrain from describing them as per­ at this 1 ffice for ~~:hipment to the verters of truth and calominators. The United States during that period was English Prime Minister would no doubt 319,935 dollars, us collljlared with have them degrade a noble profession " 143,003 for !lOG !lecond quarter. The most probably have them otherwise recorr­declared expor• • !or the first !line pensed if they placed their pens at the dis­months thus amounted during the en- posal of Dublin Castle, eulogised tile tiro • ... 1918 or 1919 at this consulate. assassins of innocentlrish men and ~·omen Thi.; inctt:• 1 ..... '" dne, to a greo.t extent, and told their readers that the destruction '" tbe new .. r.•n• ,,., u dried~gnun "' of lr!sh rowns and villages. as weU as rhe­trade- which ;~ being worked up in a. burntng of crops and farmsteads, was very Promtsmg w.. . blessing to ~umanity. On1r the lowest .1.

'rhe-re is also a. movement on foot to most_ repulstve.. fCirm ?f ammal lile. ayOtds eHtnhlish a rag hUAiness with the United the htJl\. of day. D1sea'!" and cnm~ 1

State.,, nnd tbe•e shipments !wiped to hatched 1n darkness.. II IS easy to .under­swell l}1e total. Further, a coJlsider- stand why the Enghs~ Government seeks able qu~ntity of "·hiskey was shipped to prevent the truth bemg known re~ardm.: tn Ne\\ Yt>I•k for uaedicinal purp( .. ('·, Ireland, . We reel c~nfldent, however! tpat ·and tb1 d;port,.tion of Irish poplin, by atrackmg the wnters. above mentooneq

1 W•u II• '"' und aerat-ed woter .showed 0 and lh~ French press m ~eneral, Llo f' · r·ovement throughout this ~~~~~~erb~~ ~vc:;~aec:j~ !JJ£aS::1!bove The

pen 1 dt'clnred va}u~ ( ~he Dt• II n that they COUld afford fO despise hi ~~ t~ - II . -I t I c- Dublin I 1!·•t• We have n() doubt. however. but the}' w '' 'm t 1e l mted deal with his remarks in due course and

· d I r•~t leel sure that the f'rerlclr press will


.. .,., ... ... 1.181

5,181 ., 1.050


.... ,_0'71


201 1.~1


Toulfor .fli 'rd38. 9fj~

2...412 2,-'1.2 1.121 1.012 -4..221

.sc~ 3 "' 1a..m ... 4.177

"' 1121 J.lll 1.401 8.41~

1&1..284184),214 4,848 3.203 13.232 3.481 &.~ 11.2-57

·~8.214 1.2.57 tol:m 4,655 .....

515 ...... 3,701 3.708

118:12.230 •. .,.

IU30 4.170 9.i&5

... '" • l1t<la1 tl' .llrt:'• t trade with I ,.. United Sta.te8 •I 1'r~,~ae '-~td ~atJ-tuctorily. The In it I• !·If 1 nt.lhv,~ nf a Ne~· York, ompiUly, operating a freight". vic f' lH•t Ht~n New l·>rk pnd pm1s in lnlnnd, ,t,,' • .I that both the ill word ancl 'Uh\u1·l h\J.I!IHII' ~ hud exceeded b .. l uru puny ' c x' ~e tnlinns1 ,1 - they had wurkecl J)l :1 lrur1e in J, ...... t ha11 • ·eo.1· "-h, h t 1• \ tlwuglrt would t.1kt~ two {I

'tt.· • 1. J H 1 :lllflt' Jl,j,. nt th ure uqtlj t~ "L t .. r

1~ at r . ; gh t I ,. uf u 1•r

·} 1t ·l , t mpor· .. 1 t ,,_. •I ln.r~t •I at Dublin .• •Lti!-t fll• .~:II~ I Jul:y.

\•1~,: 11l • '··l~·mlt~· last amounu-d W11·· ~~ 1 1, r ~: 1talued at £282.7-57 11 liG,O:l7 · n11mal ,.,, hange). Dur­.ng til• u1. ...rjod 1.46:J tons"· l•nJ • \'o.lued .JI 17J,.:_72Q ;t,7l(i,643 dollars,

tr· itJ,;•·r1.a Othf'r .ltrett imp<·rt"', \\hich '11nr. &-Ill not availa.We-, were I.~!G '""• f bru•ley1 l.loO tons of flour 11,:118 ton~ nf whea.t, 1,500,000 foot of itnher tG huxes u£ a.ut-omobile part~,

1 111 ~• nntoniobileA, 100 barrels· uf lultt'J<;utmg nil, 13 cw.• of clocks nnd wat< be )\.~ ' J ._. • f 1 lectrioal n.ppnrn ... t• .. IU>d • r . """ of •hn... The •r•nc l'll 1 ' u~c included automol1i1~'!1,

wot(lr \ t J. , .Jio(T r ulturol impleml.'nts, •:I ttlf''·•hcnt;•n, 1u1. s-t-#e-1, nnd ''· l'" 111 IHI .u tureR. I "'·sand hOl'c

),. l•f\. underwt.t!', ndknittcdgoods. 1 hr 1l11 ' nw t.. am1unt Ill.!" ~~~

: .1·1 t• •. 1 ,, t 1;,.~ r. 220 190 dolLu I ,.! .. ~h; t·f dried

-krn It;sh p~•phn ~ bhk. -v nnd r ~ . .,.

about · W• f-third. f Ia ut Dubli 1

i f, r·, ited :-; Lr,-4 p1 I, (,J, ..

cease to Interest i!sell in Ireland becaus. of the vufglr rankings of an Englist Minister

41The war in lreland," declares "L Bataille,'' uis taking a new tum. Eve members of the Cabinet barricade them· selves In their houses in Engfand. High and solid barriers bnve been erected around Downing Street and the neighbourhood the House of Comn1ons is guarded by a specially armed police Ioree. II is pOssible that in the course of the next few days aU the streets leading to Westminster wit be closed to the public. A member Parliament h11J. even suggested thar pedestri111s visiting that quarter of .. metropolis be carefully searched. It is .regime of terror that tacks no littletof ,,., . ridiculous. It is somewhar e.xtra.ordina that !he Englisb Government should 'I r Itself in, several hundreds of miles fr, the shores of Ireland, being separated It is, from· the latter by the Irish sea, and having at its disposal all the. symbols power to prevent a Sinn F6in invasion, the truth is that it has been hoist on its n..., petard. It feels that it has not organised the systematic destruction of Irish. towns rnd vill~ges and let loose its 'black tans' on a campaign of murder and arson with tmpunity. It has introduced a table reign of terror in Ireland before which all th'e While terrors of Central Eur1 pale into insignincance. Whatever may the result of the struggle, England IS ing, fl>.day the most sanguinary and pugnam page of her history. On p1orrow of the day when she promised right Qf selr-detennination to small no.ri ~ preat Britain has rom up the solemn .. which sh! concluded with the rc;st humanit)' She -will never be pardoned her polic~ in Ireland even if that polic\ • success. After having deliberately r voked an exceptional situation she tl exploited it m order to dominate a smal people, But England is actually in • ., bands of a reao1ionary government which frights not only for privileges but for pr. ciples, and it is lor the victory ot a •ctionary principle that the Couliri<·n Government dlshonours the name of t English people."

"Four members of Dtlil Eireaon w )trested yesterclay in Dublin by .,... J)olice," says ··Bon Soir.'" 11amongst the 1

the acting ·President of rhe Irish public In depriving Ireland of tile linguished services of Mr. Griflltll, ~nglish Prime Minister wisbcs us to bel \ ihat he .has triumphed over the party r 3•

as undertaken the Rght lor the indope ' once of Ireland. But ir is our opi ~at all those arrests that have take, r till only bave one result and '1a1

revave the hatred which is latent in

tart of every Irishman for the Governm at oppresses him. 1t is a mistake t > 1 n~ at the inhabitants of Ireland are div ~.; J ro two sections, If we except one half '

Saturdny, Decem In r 11, 1920.

lster every Irishman 13 a Sinn Fiiner and I • l L.e _ 1t t.u\t nutwnl IJii ,

almost all are republicans. To be a Sinn profout,d HJ,_, . ...,. •JD. Sml1 w1 rt ••

F~iner IS to be a. partisan of the independ- purtont dm·umt-ntt•ould not h. rJ!n 11 J ante of Ireland. Thus the Government 1·· !,,., iolly hy the Hfily ='t"t' ~j. t' tt of Lloyd Geo_rge corrunits one of irsareatest though the- .iniluenc"" 1 f thf· Englh•h .., mistakes if 1t thinks it has finished with knou·n to be rnj ~I poweriul in Yn.ticnn tb~ Irish_ movement. _To annihilate the , ire les, at •~ not 1nupnRmg , hut tlu lrosh nation It mus~ begm b) imprison in& I'Uiohops' letter wo- puhlishecl in full ·he members of O.h! _Eireann .and its min- uucl with hig hend.i11gs on tho front isterS: then the mumcJp&.l. rural and co~nty of. the ·· Osservatore Romano;" counc1!lors, and afterwards . the Proests the official organ .. r th!' Holy See and B1sho~ who hav~ unammously p:o. What did ( Juse SUl1.U'IBe ''"'n.'i the tested agamst the cnme,s ~f the Bnttsh I -•ungth .. · thL edit11Tial comment Governm~nt. ~ad that m ~tself will not il u ltith w" .. 1111 1,r..,lu t1 m the 1• 1 ,.

j~~ic:d ~e~~~~u~ball !~erdJ'sh .P~ople m which ,.,,,Jl1ta j .J •h•· J.t'l'n~ '\ r r •I•• 1 d th S' F~~ r mtllton~ are • t.arg• , made "' llt~' stgnatorJ•• tu : ht:'

=~~~~id b~ r~'!:'lri;h ~C:e~~:· ;o~~~h~ I lt ,,,., ··~·•tn"' the Englisl1 (~, .\,•tllmt>nt \L·orld, will nevertheless survive I It is nor J , 'd '.tdl··.·l upon. : ~·· Engli~h Om·. In-sufHeienr ro arrest four members of the n.~. nl . r.tnt 1, • • 'mpa.rilal ll•t,J r\ Diilwhoaresuspectedolbeingtheleadeno -k.-.1 ,, r lo lr BJShopo, !""d •' the >I the movement. ltisnecessary,lnorder ·••nt• ••rm I· n.: lull\ remmd.E-d them :o achieve success, to suppress also every l ' tli "u~t t ~w1 t•l forget tJ.,.u t'

native because eacq individual Irishman .,, \\ u m.u ~·l ... but should e~ 1 nd hU the soul of a chtef.'' f • •r 1•1· ault~ nel1 1s they had he~ped

''Ireland ·says ula Fra.nce Bordeaux," In ,., lm• for ...,tber oppresM"<l nat lfl ..

'is but a banle Refd, or. U you will. 1 dut111g and_ant.·r tht- wa:r;_. •. flelp of slaughter. To-morrow, if hostilities \g.ut1 this "Me~k tm· '!\tHan 1 rgtHt continue. it will become a charnel ho11se. raturrt ... to dw Ir1sh question. It ,Pt;t~~ Passions have been so stirred that all h"h_.~ 1n full tl1~ ])OWE'rfnllc.tter "' R1"' notions of humaa-ity and clemency seem 1o En1jnenre, Cardinal M.erc.i.eJ• tuad tl1e be banished From day to day, from week othe-r Belgian Bishll-ps w hu have u to week, the intensity of the struggle in· 1 uurageously a.nd "·ith sue h " .. drn

, .creases and exasperates accordingly the .c••·u·J ·"ilh · 1111• out ui o.nsw•·J· tu du opposing puties. The measures of repres- ··p~·.~! nf 1nr•1r Irish',., :n•;1•-. ror nn in· sion have been proved to be inefficacious 'I' I: 1 wlu 1 i , t\t~gr conduf · ' f tht and man.) are convinced that they. haveoaly I Fr,_l:,fJ \ttn~ 1: Otrupa~l'' ,t) 1 served to hasten the success of rhe Sinn IJtt oll I" 1111· FJ!-· i !he . \"" "" Feiners. The Irish race has gaven ample. 1n 'I, l1 qt:. .1· ppeal f• r n. 1 .. 1 t1 'II :-•n proof of its indomitable character Suffer- ,.. :1-. JU" ('f' uf'-. b t•-r, n& exaltsinsteadofdepressingthJspeople. h· •1t ... trr 'nt; The • 0~ I"'H".J'· n. Fi&hlingrorv.hatisundoubtedlytheirright, n. mnnu ,lp:lr \t. ' lh< Ht' I they ~e.fend their clahns with a mystical lj 1 1~'1Ettf•t, and~t·ht ... Jt· •·luliUNlt

ntreP1dlty lt1ssrraugethatLondonhu 11ud Jl t·t• "'ill 'll'''' th hnnl·ro.:t. not yet understood what IS so well known u h I· fl•·lt ... h ( .}h ·w· elsewhere Lloyd Geor~e pla.c~ his lJ., • .atft~ntwn thus ,aJlcU ,, the hu1 confidence In coerct~an notwtthsta~dtng the , r, . r Eng}i .. h methods m Jr, lund ~i::~S ~~ ~'::iti:!:.~~~r~:S~~ • IUU}II t• .:;~!!,Itt ft~llt ~ing ., lf..'"t'tf 1\ -ninist~r~ as its VQin and tumultuous sittings t .•. J tor 111' 1 Jlt·t Jlh' agrunst l'~Uc t~ tr ··~ have shown. abstains from seriously tackl~ mf'udous, 1 dd.. )...-. nn.tu~lly colle:d mg the quesrion. In reality the cause is 1 •_ltt mnny (' Plt'":-.1''1.., d · ~putJn iudged. The domination ol lrelind by' ' h 1 lur I i'tllrJ jJJ -~~ u.nd Jtlo 1111111 EngJand is dead The day when the Cab· I [• r. It• • ttl\' t J:JI fh.··-<' h t\f•

net of London proclaimed the rid,ht of rum lil t 'm uf .ht ··nl lu people tt g(~vem lhemselves it furnished t 111 h.' t tl uncl ' ,

MM I '1 1n" ncJIIe arm ro the Jrish separatists "I d I 1111• 11 '

1: I

The Irish Cause in Italy ' \t 111 II\ mu n r

u 11 ... Ut UJI .. , I. l!J2U. .. ... "Ill t I ... J' l-t 11 11 ,,._. 11 1 It),, \IUJn.ln and p• l•t•~

uu !1 •lu. lr· ,h 1 f I•JII t r t• \ u 11 tIt" 1 .r 1 ~pi r 'It rll • n·h·n· lin r11 ·U l1 n t Jj~) I 1 11 t .. r~·

rlt·r .. d le I , m all 1111 0 I d r flu· lllt' 1' mgR "'" h 3nd wr1 ull ~ ..:: -. di ~ople. . 1 Mihm 1- w l'hho~ JUit• ' ';r.., IJreatlv stimuluted •r'"1.r1 I )r,· '

1• ( 11holic \' 11"

1 .. ~ rc,iult ut Jte, fit to Rnme m ~!.1_:,; Men u:.•t:'l and w .,. attended hy t r ll .. Ewninence Cordiunl Logue \ ··r .. , I UlJ:oo; arrl lJ•:r .. m -.I The . II\(; f

Uld 'n tber ~\.t·thbisht 1 ii und Jk'•k•r' ,1 r :Uanr1, J>e.puty 1 ~1ul}'" r l11ln.nd, together \1 ith the 1 r \lu.1n wb " nne- nf. the leftdt~n~ 1 J.•g I' h Dail Eirennn ""d h 1 • f t t' Popular C'atholi( Pnrh m twcip~ P" hr l>oards ( Irellllld to the Itolillll Pnr: t 'J.r.:;111 r

t 111 t P t(' .. '" II•• , run lla.ur1 a•!OCd . 11 1 ,fe I• ·n•h•r , biH 'HU. tf lllf' mnr:•r,..:l Olif•·r ful tl'l' ~ I•· t ll! 'l1 hi 4


Plunk• ,tf memor 111t" zr.. '~unt 6 h 1.tncl .. .a1 u narknlut• • ···•t 1 .-. gaven llr lie cit rlht'"tl h• n'1 •·nt ,. ~ T t I'(., u h .. t H OrDnd 111 t'lf 1ntl r.U ot <'f

Jln••·l n n\ I n It nr .;• ' I ( ( ... r :>p l •hr re--J nal, 1. .1 r t1,t•ml11·1 uf I. Ir h 1 tl I he Irish Envo:v t • 'w Hr. IJtf•f.II"C H\ nnd tilt' aelegate.~ to I I \' •• ( .. D(o\\ fit" 11., lf1it 1ed on 1 ·t~ lr I

~·l. wh: 1 11 ""·'" .1ttended 1~., '"t.'\:• ~.1 ) I"'"P'~' J nll I I", .... made. firm r llnol!t••l JleNOn~, inl!luding, tu• t •lh't• to c·,1rr 111, throughout n

~ll 111• lr~;h ·colony in Rowt", many ;1u1uu , IUllpBJgn tn f::avow• ,.f iL•• A.mon<uu . ....tuRtra.lian, and Cp..nudian h··h • au L' of I:relnncl until justic~ tu~d \ rr hlli hu,j .. HisliOI~~ tmd ntber dmrch 1ib6rh had heen ~(I( ured I her lang-

c.lignif.lfn ond muny Jto.lin.ns pl'o- !'l\1ffet·wtr people. uinenl 10 Roman ..,tK.:I"iJ . nu:~~:ed n I 1 S.ii·JJfl , n uw.:;t 1·emurkahle l't'u' fir rn polit1<al us well il~ damoqstn,·wn. ·I which ll'f'lnnd \\ll'l dt· ~o• t ,, ~ rr~·le:~:. It .JI•m brought the HJ ,. '" plot:•• m II' Italiun nu rhe hule diplomat wurld ( ll.1tn· .• , u Uetm·it''"· Durm.g lilt.'

r1 Ho 1111 !ho• frp 11=1IL of the. l1.~11 Re- i , 1~. w1 un IIJC" .ttifi.s:nti•ID 01 be •11l•li llll m1, •wu•, and 11111, Ill• ed I r ,,, , H ~·.Ill ~1;;11• ' :.\iuut . n

f"Ul n I • flk!tl~ IU..IU II' I the- II 'I h· .. , ••.•. c... tl the ' n1 f , u iti.!iih .; ·enT•lt• t.U 1 It'll lk- tlt~·t t shoulrl I - all owttr '

.. 1.1 t llt•ll•lw·ndtJl<t• 1) l1 • n w I U!, t>JI Ill, m•l •tt·d •"-:uu. t1c 1• kr 1 ' t l1n·grin ul 111 l,u , I ull \Vhat .tlH ut

\mho. ,,,.. 1 ,. H,)lv "t .. •• •l1f' Iarul ' It lll•:d .ltl't xu 1 ~111h , .. ,. ,f ih~ l"h En tlemll, .. tt,,·,,u" ·J('·i 1

1 !4 1"1'1 ur•tum u •·•I n1m b nn.•JTJ ,f llaur.~.. ··t>rut!-d •-uda flo rho En'-!' ,1, ll'jllt ··I' .t I \ • ·hi tn lw fu·:nt uf dnu

nuld ,,,. ll ., tl deoJ r .. I'll Uhle tu •,1J•tl !1,,. pn!Sl"Ut rrlu-J·• \\.1

"~·port ,., 11"' murders lha.t he bo.d o!CUC ruund of QJ)plnu~e from ' • ~ ~~n1 eeded 111 . ,, tnq; une h.o.lf uf 1he dig- 1f 1lw hu'l"' !htiU 1l1e uppllltJNe gJ'('W

nita.rleR "}}I) ttl"h•nd this ga.thermg to in volume-. a"nd sitdrlenJ;v df!i)\t~h·-. oll wc•ept on intitnhcm of his. hVel' "tlto Chnml)eJ" rose to therr. feel·,

Sinct.~ tho I dat.e t hP It· ish • nuHe l1as shcmhug l"nthlJ~inRtic-nlh, · Evvivn m11de gJ·Pat !4trides m Utmle allrl Ill i'I.t-lundn,' and·· Lrmgfi,, •he In h

, nernl tht•tJugltouf Italy. 'l'he Yer\ !Up~hlir.'' A jo~nnliRt who \\i~ Htl\'", Dr. llu.gon, Redor uf lhe Irish lll'l"l'.t th~ ,..•••nf' SOld be uevrr, m h1 ('nll~gl', 111• J, t no uppurt\1nit~ f \\1'!\h odd H' • '"""1"-' 1enc ·' .. f I 1,.

llnwtnK up- •he remarkollle nnlJn!!t Holillll hH.mbe-r. 1 nu·n r- ~Ufh nn wn mode- hy tlli' viMit 11f .. ,. mnuy .( , ·a h1UW1 ~ • ond 1 1t tt.h "'l''11t" ,., lu lri•h nIt 1-1 n by n.nd the t tber delt oul lcuf"'t l tll\"'1• llf!"f"". on " -.\ •. "t.'l t • tt"-4 111 th(lo I )li-ver Plunket tl'_.,. r. ~;m~ ·)v • unU;'' t'""l vitb tht• m'Jl 1] J1 .I , l{un~ .Uti h~~ dt"alitig With t ttUUtn• rh ' ._.1.11 1• ~ 1 I. •leiU&n 'ld )•t•J, ... t'\ f the fir.,t fight f.<\'' "..l.lf' t I' ' 11~•r rhl\t th ., o)t•lt.f"l" ,.ft.lfr.,U \\'Uiii

3flPl•Ored Ill flH• )ending pll~l ... ID H· ·IDP 11 l4l<'ft* tn\nltt• tn t;,, \\"OJ'k. done- Ia\

Utd iu nnrth('T'al lhtly lA continut.od and •he RM1t•r tl.. Irish ( olleg.• in 11l'"' t SU<If'"' ... fil) rn'""" CDIUflUJg'll 1J.l· ftlf Rome JU ttl:,lh 'Ul,:.f the Jnti-h .. h wany mnntlu~ 1 •• ~n kept gum .. 1 ' l[r prop.uf.ltith nf the I• nRiiJ<.h EmboR.q:'\', HalPti, the JrtMb Consultu (;I T.t ·'· On I Wttll j' t .. the t.'ff011"' r lfr. •be grollnd thn• w•ll prepar•d tlw '"' 0 ('o•nllor~h. '!•·nker of tb~ lri•h ~-~nb uno.niUWliR munifesto of the Irish P.tdunut•uf, tfunu·• l1is I• r..•'TJt 1-1\ in BiabnJlS 1!onto.iuing su(!h ~r.nt• · horg<"~t JtnJ,.


Murder Gf Priests Valley F0rge

The torture. ur ._. t nnd murder r fd!4h t>r • ... 1-l \ the armed forct•'l of 1

~nglnnd under ),, orders of 1 heir 1 utfice-rH ' nnt o llew weapon m the Jwntl.ct of our enemy~. Records from he Ki.xteenth eehtury show that e.ven

1r•lm thn.t clPle effort, were- made tu

ll I"\ It

r· h on. I '" David Wolf, S.J.,

I ·acle<l 'h ' • • and brown into Dublin (" f cltJU~t'(J'I r four \ f lr"

lu nIt: l'~'~~ ap• .J 11

150!1 DruUel O'Duillian, l•rancos-j':' l u 'I \"oughol, IQrlured by soldiers


1 ,::~~ h~~ddo:J~~.:~;~:; !d~ro\;1; sb~~ ~V~~IH Ut I 1 '~ t.o df!llth b.v soldier. \fho were ordered wJtbnut <~1·~ ''"" nut hi 1, •·I u t ·:.I part. ·r ·• leg 1lhtor ... '•

1570 -Dermml Muh:oney ami tw., in tom great 11Jer F1'ttnc1scon.s. rf .Aharlagh) .snv~ c~nntrJ\"t u Sllit

u \ bea1t.en and \\OUnded by English uf hhLnkets and '' kc h.tb. u!d!rl who then beheaded them. j, 11 ' till' \\ h I J"•ll••rl l't

I ,";6 thaddeus Unly. }i'ra.nCI:o;(·an ft·~l ond II I( 1\Y .. , un.k:ed. 11 ~ 1·; ~ed 1 J?!mer k •• "bile \1 ,. ,.d 111 t 1, • V

1 ;l a'n!J I•

UDo· •l. 1 It' llf·d 1~·. Tl ll ... •ti h

1 ·he! • bad told him "". 1 plut n r1 1ft• 11 11 \

'1' •t, f1 1 ord ' Hod rDund his f " I' tl .1nd 'i··k being t 'h I t11t•n: 1 it, the lntr. r wu "·i•ted until he •ku11 was lu'Oken and he hraou nr•hOd and he died.

Another 1mest (""cu.lllr) was huJllr. 167i Iu.v. 'rbomo.s Levo'Qws, c·r

l • ' Bishop Kildare, driven from I I thedrol• . ,., he died on p<>vero unci o. huoted man.

1577 Re' I h··n , c. u \' ( l.t Kin,.-colo-·. hung.

157S Rt. It, •· I' t,.,rk <)'Hely. Hi ·1 p 1[ )I u nnd ReT. C··rnelius (• Hn·' Jonn- t .... 1n~. w._r~ loaded

h b.m 11uJ ~...1 t at .. public prL~n m Limer' k. lt••f1t .11g !-• .li.know­l tl~ t 11• ""F ''1= 1 h t~ur•·n· !o autboJd ,, •. 1 ·'• I'( i .• 1l 1:'" Wt' 1t.· plated on h·• ' k., ht r a.J a.nd fN•t beaten

w ·h l1~,o.u nwt o ho.t their -thigh ;, ·n·' •l··rr hrnkeu, and shnp uun fll·tlll nnd needles 1l•1·1-.t undttr their ''·' 1, They "ere then hanged.

1518- Righi Rev. :Ynudire Gibbon clied 111 pwwn in Cnrk.

157S lli~rhl Rev Edmund Tawner, Jlishnp nf Cork, -lro . kingly tortured iu J•l ~un tUld died nf hiS sufte..r rtc- .. t~-:1&:,·. 1 month-. 1f1• r his ,.11r£'"t

.-,-:, Phel 1\l (t"Haru. r11"91J J .. UJ "'ed alone- m tlu , 11\~t•t lu uu~~t lltt

11 t•rn t 11 d ' ..., U:J t}t•rt•d h l~nJ!II•II

I ~~rr :D';v:'· }~~~ ni~~L!!~~:.,u Eti-mWld • • ·nwntt ... und Donat {r·u,,rt. J'r,, r 1 >lll • t1'lfed tutd r ~l··d J,, lu~·.~ 1 1 ~ddh•r

1-.;•1 1l ,:,t Re T!u·m .. O'Her­lt H h '11 • f R1 ... , · hrowQ lDtP

p1· , u with lr n ·hajns un 1 " ne<k tll1ll le~· tht·n 'depnrted ... , England, win fr• 1,. ' .~~ ··Ouflned in a d•rk cell uud~r TnW'3(" I I London ft' tJITee year ond 64''ft'll nHmths.

15811-ltight Rev Hugh Luke, ur r.ot ,. I Hi~hop of {Jimtrlf'k, thrmvn into tilth~y Cm·k pri u, frum whicb he l'"· cn.ped. Re4 0JTesteU when nrer :r.:t:<t 8hd died Ill pt·IMCUI.

1080-Rev Lnn.retu•(• l!tKlte-, Oliver l'lunket, ,IJl Iri•hman uf gentle birth, nnd Wall n·n W al-h. an Engli•h sol­rh-r, t .,f t t..k. •nd shut by Eng-1,..,·, oonl•l t•r!OI. tlttou 1ms and legs hln­fl • \wen fir ~ l1 lt'"'J tn • . t' different

J1la1 ,. 1S80 p,.,. T , I n- O'Quiellnno.n,

!'tJg• .If• ( 11m, .wtl J[,,gh .Melkeran "''~ fir t torrm('~J J1, •h-. breaking .f the-ir ornHI nnd le..:. unci their fr hurnM tlw, ". Jt• then .~x:. uted.


'• 1 I

.. w Hll:_ H

111 • I .,. n r I


1 '""'~ I t

Jl. d




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l\"ith ~brea I(M~u.ine Gillette BJo.dea, • Poet frM 3/1. • • :



i Capel Street (near Bridge}. DUBLIN.






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fu rour 11()ht., 8upply of W'olfhill ~

A. S, CLARKII" •.OJ! 91!:>1 HQUS. COALS.

.. M\INS\VICK· J [ ~ PUBLl~


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,A \1 t r \t F 'J•,38POitFrll.





" II

llllfaata I

C.-k1" lit



r Euon1 lJ 1d Bellut r• .D.l'l'f'aor,~ aDd lol <JI"OJtb PI

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'/, , • FENCE WIRE • , ,

lj'. W IRI NETTINC , , 1

Gl~son, O'Dea & Co. ') --L·-·- I t1 a II CHRI8TOHUR0tl PLAII, 1 OCfWL IN . II II

T•'• .... Dublin lit.

Vc'. s. No. 48. {New Series (a)''].



lt IIJt

" ~ rr:e," 'I

SATURDAY, OECEftt8ER 25, 1920.

Moore & McCorlick U1e I DIRECT 8AIL1NGB

• NEW YORK A CORK , • DUBLIN & IIELFAIT , Rttdaa. freuzbt aoootuJt:t ...U •ial­a:uN 'rau1it l01• b~ •Tail.fba: .r tiU1 . moW. F~~irm~c:ppt; ~ra~ · .. ~~ Dowdall and '041., Ltt., 11 •ru.a~

• Parade, Co:>k, Wqtherill, .lohn, l ncf .... D'OIIer

OMmbtn , Oublift.

.. ~:p;:~ro'n :w:..r.iitri:n ta n ii\


"' Tlw leodeP 11 the Italian Popular coliJ<• a t L -a cat u·ature ~ud a tra. l'o.r• 1 rai•ed th qucoti<in in the Challl- l'eatv of n <J\ili•ed community-and her of Depuhes nn Nqvemher 14th. I until therto wllB a • nmplete change in llit4 motion, which "'us supported hy RyBtem ltnd in "RJurh such o chaos 1t mute Utan one hundred membel'8, ·read.;' would remain. We. wero. now • 'l'h~> ltaliun Chumher expresses ito I otru1ding, •uid thi• formeo· l'rimc •ympuih)· 1dth LclnnJ 1n )ler•trug~rle )[iui.,tcr of Englund, "like th., oom for sell-dl.\tenoinat.ion and . national 1 mon (•riminal orru.igucd at the bar of emundpa.tluu. o.ntl WJshes her nobl~ the "urlcl 'Keeause 't"e have not got the people u lutnr< ble•oed "ith freedom,, «mrug~ 111 the < u•e of !roland to prae-prospera•' and pca.ce- ' " tire what ",. prc1u l1 t• the other nn

• • • ion~ of the world .. Tht ' York W.>rld ' , • •

vemher 2:ird, c·<,wmenting oo the Dub- Su f • tl~er. n· t'\ tih "lt t" f an lin :hotrOJ, """ • teudenc lu'" •ni ... n h ,,, •• of heart r.n

Tb~ Drit1oh Government 1~ pri- the para I the h ud r of the C,oaljtion. mauilJ r• pomd\1le. It has lost control 'l hcT urt> still 1'1h on their brutal of e\·en at own f, n • • It 1-- inca.p-- pnliC, u ·" 1 111 Inland. arui their able . r~. ntaining prd~~ T_here ,·rq n 1• rm t. r ·ilt •t Jt\ing tlm tez-. net'cr w • lll1 Imperiul Jn•eakdown ttJr ~ 1 1 •·Ia J,·ng u e•·i)nomic blook· D)or~ c lilt • t, than that" itne.'JSed J.b- adt clf ··Jilht•rl tu trorltJf 1 tlu• rnuniry t da,· In lrelond , When incapacity .. , U\ollii•Jt urc ,,,.lJ udvn.nood. r•· •· l.t' 11 h pl'opmtum~ that it is pr(t- "'"'-'"' l1• t.lll'" n !\ llmtu 1 batt brt·c;mtc Yoco.t '"' u t"l'ime it 18 hfgh tjme f,rr a •'l.h• 11 h gr tH and we ltl'e now face Oln'Jlrnmist '· u. 11~nder.' to 'u·t· w11 • •llto vr•· 1"-'' tJ1 tlle (:om-

• • - plete Jlllrnlym$ ~f t i , •:vstcms th~~ot 'I II u { J1 hll}ir Register and Cann- Sel"V{." tlW neea t UVei tb.ree-fourift

diun .F. ,h ns 'JII 'l.'eronto, in its issue of trlu,• ccJmwu.iit. ..\ _stOppage on 'ef Dc<·emliOl' '' such , jtlt• "·,,ul,J involve cdllse-

' Y <JU queu •· tiJat '' ould Itt• m the nature I of .1. uu.t,onu.l d1 ' '' r, B.Dd H'l unfor.

fr tuna1d~ it 1 1 n !>tlhl(• ait t Jt' mo-l ml mrn1 •u ',. l,, I f t11 \ luttn..,

"'' nc• llu I ·n 11 1

t nu that OCl·ABioit. '' ere ou the • •t r t u. ,. to which the-Irish people ba'l"e now become well-'aoous­tomed. 'tht J>rinlt'l Minister and the Chief ,. r•t • hod at firilt denied tho utrodt1t .. , t palliate-d them, 1ht•n pl'omitted t h· \ would Raou be ovft aud Ireland '• n 1 tu peaee if only the GoTernmlll t ''"" ' at liherty to persist with 1b. pnlit The ' reprisals;" however Jrt not • n·r. and they are diognu r · h tlu :British GoTem-

' ·, t lh 1. l r•· ple. The r <· , .. t tl·

w 1> Itt' ' 1'11 .. 1, Cl f lf• H ph: • .\tJ.}, Ill b~ the uni£nnu I •· n nrc among the la.t~t ' :uu1 l the hnrhnruWI method 11 1· r 1•111 that are con­dontd. l!UrhU11J.:• · i . noel, there is good rt:n~un tu 1)t' nt unll;v orgu.d..ised bv """1""' ihlt ··nt of t.b" Govern-nt'ent 'fluJ 1 .. ..,. "'helming ev1· denu, nf the "' Mtemubc· pt-rpet1':tl-tion of .• u( Th• dnih· pres$ ~ th C'l 11 \ "' fulT nf thr· .. t'

iucident..• • I whut more, the AmerJ(·an JltlTH 1 t'lt• lren< h paper-. ond tllnHt n lu:'t J~ur • · 1 n nt•\\ pnpcrM ao full nf them, t· ll. d., MarflHia• u :-.aWier wbu fuu ht witrJ diRtinchfln an thr \\o.t, wUo. wJtut• t-.:1 "itb h' nwJI , '-'" the reenll&' I Get­man fr l-l' full 1 m h,.., ··oontr:v and in Relgiuw. "' d I!•· • s.:·•t~ thot notL ing likt" wlc. t lu All\\' iu helBD.d w., pos•ihl~ ur w. .ttemptod hy the Dun during- tit«. wlnJlt• Hnlt'tl~ c t hostilit •

'l'hE> Ut '"" •·r ~·mttmue~:~ in t ommeut tlau

DL~gpit<" the clE"Iilu~nlte lolMt!h.fH.d~ retailed frum the 1\l'ell..$\l.h Bench wiih th .. nhjoc I or I oncea)ing U'Om the Eng­lisll ~Cip}< U c C'l'llllt.'-8 thot nrc- beinfi commiltecl ~lml JJI b(.)lr name, the 1

trut.b t 1 .. a.:·nuu....r h \pak. out, and, a. .. it hm:umt knuwu ancl it mea.ning is realised. t'• Tohune of protest in Grea.l Britujn 1 Uomul to in£·r ,l"f" In the spee< h whid> l1< dolivtred the other , •• niu~r ( ordil!, Mr. Aaqnitb made n ·n 11 • ti 11 1, ' 1USf> tlte ·oudenc • of hiM t untr mcn und roant:cywnmen "'hetl b k .l r J, , h<.'"rerR "'·ere-alive tn t'hc .)t";':. .. f •he scn.nduluus and

.lunP.ltrO.&Uiplt•d w ic kedn~ss ~ r what wa."' I grnng ' '" m Ireln.nd n t that mc)ment on thv pu.rt · uffit·or 'I the Oovern.m.t"nt 1

whu \\HC' J't" J" 11 tll• ,,, theDl. H the~ wf"r•' nut 1 II 1 it wo~ hecu.use eitheT the1• w. , wilful!) hlind <>r <·ulpahly

Jinditforonl lrclnnd, he •nid, bod lle

Ju h. I ''t~:l w On 1 1 onf" mtl h 1 1h •h lilt fo

r dl "an H·t t "" ·rk · r 11

•I r: n1t •

I >4ff'lll l

::!idc1.1 lt I I

p:roved deCJ I'' ' 1'ur J.t unfer­ent•e llf the men an Dnl)lib. -,. lu•11 thev l'esoh-od I<> ngl>t tn u Jinish, nnd called upon thP public tn • ·ont.inu< tfl ralh to fheir old. A, tt·, '"'' th &ttitude of the ltt.vernml'nt 1t•us unyield-ing', und tlu~ l11 indi<'n' n nrnplt ground for r he belief 1 Llo~-d Oeorgt' and I • 1 '

botJt inside and u1 Ul•• fl will dn Ill! thnt " II> ,, 1•' put4h nmt N 1• ,. 1, n t r 1'his 1 ''It t 11

fw.t tlr 1 lr . 1 .,, I 'i'"ll I tl

' hnnglnlf ul~t~ut cililltitln. ·Tiw :\1" h .. 1 r• I l"~t•tc &pJl"u) II • ·' tnu ,. • {1, tl ~~~ atl a' ~ u. guod dc-ul '~ u t• iuu Hi:- c. nH Jt would lte· t In ·I .,J J nt. mu if the Uuvt'runt~;•nt would n t fl fir'ft move.

•lt. ' t d ih l ·c 111 • nnd

t port '"• of \or-

11 ... uth \

,.,J will 'lh· •~r

lht llllJo It I •OJ.:

' not ''II w a~b t

I f1 Al

t ·, II 1t •

l I 01 I

lu W• .J)d t; r·v QU(

ill lllf'" " I li.kt It H?f Hl21, nu'd w, 1 be

•• 1 l" qm. t ... Our ,~~,,I h 1 l1·t,l II tl \\'J , b ' I 11

1 8lld

:itHUt dt I~\ 1 1 dht!'l' ·it DOl tl1f8·

llon~t, OUr l•••tl'l hntj he·· 1 h:tu--~n.M lo 1.'- burned, and nll llH~· "Jt.~r -"l .b:a.Ve 1heir h unlu, witiL ,],eir 11lt bles JH!UJ· tlJe windoW 11• ,1 t. tl• "' lhe~

\l.b.f.'n alo.r1ued ( o1·k ,.. hunun,g 1 ·' J Jonf

'•• lJ 1 fiddling,.and.JKI~olJI" Uii.r will I 11low •ui

ln n' ud· Dt.d \1..'''" Whtt1 WFlk

Th~ :mJ

'\ • ' mn)· 1 rbh .H i lll II W b n11 U h 11 t I' I

tult und nd1 1 • •JC rmu 111 u ''''i' t·Jith• nd.i-

t 'flu ht•• t mn.rk• .:mt. t ,. 'XJ~·rt h-ud.r nlmt ,,. ul J Wt.

't' !Je h11 t>d "ith (lol' lc ' ,1(11

m l1·•la11ri wheu.• ,.,,. ha\ n• ·o:l1x.f

' ·WI . l!Jt Jl~hl o£ I ,. J3Jif bCRlt monUfni tlu~x will i nd•. d I, nn 1.t'll~ via.hle one .• ,

1'he Import. t ( I , , u t•ll t• uu.J '' 1uil.liona ' ununlh II , 1 "' n.

'liiUlu• for the home 1llll'l lh. tu , I

. ml

'' lllJ U I• I I\ Ju• I 1t•J 'Jit IT I If

·dol pl I 1 • f •· I\ unt •It-· )~nl 1(1• n het· f, IJ lit t ~ rl. nd of h·· u1'gent. need "I n r 1 unh·t k"' I:re-

lnud do••el·•Jlllli: hor t:o•nlneid• the ,,, j, ... ·nt -Snmt.• rnonth!J all'• much

, .,.J.Ju •. wu .. ,.n'l'll tu ,. , 11 o ~ of t lJ rt dtr··lrl~ ond , f tlw } ~'"

c f t· •· Br·tish il 't •nrut·nt' .. (u l ... 1cal N II\· dnnnn · J):~tl:t · uh• r h n n tr I,. , , 11 ltuhtl&t\ 1 f 1 ' :o Hrll .. ,

· "~ "r their 11 '1' nt 11 ..... .P-o t.'l •' nol •t~\cJ••:•nu• . ~ h., tke.n

plott wl rc· H'll to t'u Tip 1lf"\.

•lf1·ld, lt•ttllt t lq.l o~! JJll" •rga-1 "II" Jnode 11 t n on 1,, ha.l£ t thr-omt ar' fo: UH'11 r till' work, of

thr roul, It u·~' ·tR u fm lutj.C't r ··fl. • l't(" ;. tnul •·ool t; 'lit! tltBn th ' difl­dr ow i ~o, th~ Hdtt'"•• Go,·ernn · nt' .-t\11' ~''\ Ju 4'flt•l t lhiR meun$ t},, t tfte­• 1 .. t•t•utl••-t" ut the (Untenta of lri&ll "nlfield• wllich ht>V<> he··n hosed on

the Brit.i h (1, ,.Nnruent' H11TVE' can m• loriier he uc d•l•"''l Defcre oenter­mg into tbe tll'lilll• or 1h8 I U86 J,j nl(~ l't · ·nll •·mP pointd ul into· : ~· t ' ... . ..

lbe Erc:momic (al'C 11 ,1.1; •i h t • De l• huf·nl '· ,\ ,.,)! ,u·• und ecl14 uu·ul J '"'' · ll< \ h..tao .. n·1r, evi tltoll•t ttl II I I• 1 (r lntl 'r.1 ( ••moiitt.·1 I ... t , ur. · ,.,"'1 , u "'''• unfor'mlo I. JHJunknrw .·0~1

Ill 1!(1 II tlu• ,., turtr, }; \ u 1. ···pq .,.,, ~uffi<, .. ~1

1\l\!.{t• n llhl our tual ' .• 1 •• ~'~'' .. dmat•·l "' !80,50G,UOO I tlld I •••• p! !tit• •·" 1 .... "' 110, iO,!H~l 1 r all :!91,!1-lG,OOO •· r .. f 1 oal In Jt· ! nt

'IS(. I fH'~f I Ult "'· th~ J.jt' ghl

lJUllltfd that lu hu.d ut ··pl• ol. s a )USi~ ! "l' hi I 'I uJntum (.J tht onw

1, IIi~ If the, \':UJI UN 1 • ;llfi• J,l 1 thfl ll~ ... ~ .. mnp)ted I" d1e HutiRh (;. •-rn ... went' .. K•'"lu~ • ial ~w·v~~· The . tuol 11 •·l''" ol thr 'fiPP.l'lnt . :tltit·1•1!'1 he •. 'nu.J't·d Li' t:, 11"' th1 'Ul tulult•n '•t'l':.. l1u·ttl "" 1:,- .... o~r 1t, .. t'f.JI.t:t'lll 1tln1Pu 'u•d ,~,.. IO.iJ ...qtJu.-. nule

...... 'Ib, • • lliJMII· r 11ned . 1' tlu• l .. ,·c·

lo I m••nl ,.f ih':' 11 l!~t·ltl ul .. o .,},, ru!d .. '''IH rt fmm }(r ,V,H un 1•,\• a~"d

•·nl !J 111> r _.- 19"20

Murder of Ptiests

rtjlt.: ill

I ·· I u \ 1'. t K

\l,t .. , or •lh. t I I 'Tl . ,,, I '' II

.11 1•• \\ ... I' 1)1

• .lum ·d. l·"t \\ I tr J• lJ• \~ I• t1 1 rl &I ' .• J,·d


'• t•d 1 •JU.Jr •

H, h t4 r ll11l•· r••H• I ·1l P•. 'l• II l

t • I

( lt~'•T;::'I' J'• '\I I

1' JIJV J \t It\ pTI ::'lf 1 1ft1 '

IT 1•11 JUI~J Jl, Jt' I \\" ,(,J.

••· n•·,. • Dublm tlt•al 11 1

l I·~,.,. ;n · 11 ILtl II Ho

r J' f I" 1nu 11,


lflO!J 11117 Bev Jt. ( • . I• r t• t'"•l trL •

Hq,c •t I, n•J

,, f'

An I·Athair &eamUI.

connR6.'0 n6.

< Rl1111111llt;<l'O <111 '• !Sl:C 5110't4.

ple'o)ft f0C41f

-' "'" t m· . un 'l'utnn · • "'f t VC40ft ! : H'lJ nA f· rJ n • • l'O''l!'onn•tr'J fl4 t· f\l '"t ln t'l,\ t •·on mbl1Atn nU.lo'(),

l)o I I •('t61J' ft6 fll •,)lfl rttoll'l ~sur fl6 1 ·fl 1, 6,!; l•'•' o\' ("I :e reo 4~\1(' ni q ._:

· ·<In!'~•' rJ r•Hl ~s &n !;Co1rre so llf•l!;· fi'Ot' ron. 'CA 61""' u. ·' I •r U~·U~ltS •s 114 1l0tt.\I"'tP. '0\ll((t- ,..4()1\U!;.,\'0 l~>tr- n.1. r· rtl,r4ttM.61D 4MOif ~l;Uf r.& C'Jlltlf' On

c:< o rn- snoe,. AS vul ""5 cu•1)•uS""(I te ( um<'l.nn """' Ssot orol tun ClJ,If\ ""' root\• e""""" uo ,..e"n.sttl ntor O'lW""'itnoiS;e 45ur nlnr !;.-(I'Oe•l•roe.

t ..... r- n"' te<~t)AR <~sus cans<~ I ll0. h01J:'1'( -t'A r•tr(' fO.ILlfiU$4"0 lrADAf' 4n l'.onn•t'C4 f( f11l'tlvtS,te so 'f'Uiftft .,JI nlr {' J. r I r fl!l ftn 1,\ I '"'T'f \eAbo\fl ~.- UftCo\ r. fl I 'ri!\ .&nf'Uf •sur bf'l'()

tJ.n lr•r•1' A • •r r~' o~r ttl'\ J!e4rc.._ ,... \ 1, lt-•041' ftU.i1) ,.-ot Ut rA ~0 1.&1brCt'ID­Inl •n fhJ't'Mt'..llr. t)l"m r••"' tr t:"•SJ.•L tf"'•r n• nont.t- ·-u(f" s," •sar •• ~Oc-,.utc• Cf'tOI' •· • n•.nnmne.oo.

.o,n t>Otn ,\11 1 ,;l'OR.C.6.t$-,.u,,..'O fdn , Oft"•'Oft'l lf' CU1' • Cl't•" •P 1)01ftft41U 0~ () (e•LLoc.llR, :.\p1> 1116<~ Col" •'S•· •s ~·"·"• """'¥rn \err 1 '0Co100 •n li'IC ·~ur 4ft rS1'f'4f.. 4U ,.,UftC41 ·~ Uf:6'1' ~I"'•"S•

b 48 111 11\8 'Ot' bU lt:L~ 1 11.~ C••I'O.., pGn eotllli!W11n 1 ll)'ei'Om 1 ,r...,o b"r m".,. ,. bu"'\tt~~<

The Passing Show -



IRISH CREAMERY BUTTER Maauf1ctured fa dle best Buuer-produciac Diltrirt~ ltJ IrelaDd. from Pure Paareurized Sweet Cream, uder the 1n011 .:iendflc and modern metbodl. r\l ... ·n• aeifona bl quality. Fim Priz.e Rolli (J1b. 1ud jib • .ne, altcd or u redl a

~::=~~~ ~:~~~P~C: ~:' ~~~~,·=-~::e:dunll& 'later me urhs u ..c bve done durin& put wiucen. YOU will nauu.tJIJ be • C~et'-WhJ oot aow?




LIDTBS' FLEECB WRAPS. 6BNT'S OVeRCOATS. Ladill' and Qenll' $hOW8rproofl. Plrftot in FiniM. Ptrftol lit QUIIitr.

If If Perrear In str ... If If




Sl80,000,000 few people Ia lrolaad realilt tbal tble eoaa.-1 araouat or moa.., Ia IJia& oe depoek .. die .. rtouo llioh Jolol S- BaJrU .. d PoM Ollb S..lop Boob. II ,._ .... lutd·arsed a.-lap of lrlab iDdunr utd •lf' h la earalq: Jotr raiM of 1-•nd II llrael1 liNd to fiaaacc compllkor. of CU people who •n~ed ic..

~::.:.• ,::.:-:. ':':-..=~ ~·~::-=-:.:~.:... '"i!"iroo :::.:: uullc&

..... "- .... -! , _____ ,_,_ ...... _ ...... _ ...... -··-··.

l Current Ratu of I nterut. -

Dopook .. Clll " o..,.., " n.,.,..,. " .... ,..,. .....

Can7ll1c -=~:..."'..! .. -



·' I

Tales of Hammar




nn(l conrte Gint

''"" The n t rt" no nee<( Qf afHnOitt ~tu.d fort


Oi wnr tltlA the fadnl cmd J, :.t~ turned i11to tyranny.

Sir Dlnid J.Jnd&Ay.


t hl ta r ~'1t .Ioiii(' GOd ,., Cod, And right t wm

r doubt wooJd di Joynlty y,, I .-ould ht

or .u t:rJ>tl.nd dot


wn ..

you ru tbe flllmtr

.liht a.ootbt oil F..n~ilb. nn thut ian't uiru ..

Jame-s R uMell Lowell.


fn 1.11t lut.c:h of lawlen I 11

Slt.o doM no., wm~ liM ,. qJoud 'Imprinted ,.·itb the Jn1perinl · Jnw R~r l1efld blood.)' bt4t uubowec

Their boyiah cmtr"~e •tund" undU.m.a:red Round tl1eir )"'t1D" hentb un ludo, buL thelr

t~pirit.H IC!rcm(! und uunfmid Hltull len,\ llho p«~pt~ up the· di.m ~'hJ.o

highwoy Into the Pt"ce «•f Pe~tce which God hat-b

madCI Cn.rol Uiog


...... Ul'£1 qua}ifl.( I II W1 Ulcl I • · nothing 1 be d<·' • d

, I .n fuU detail lhe !;ou· h , Jf• c •I • nnd hit. p11bli•hed on I'JJ 1 11 IK on the, su\1jt t.

\\ '"n l1 examined the ,'-"lu 'l.j ="~''l.tgh clc · t 1 lll'!4ed that in them \\' 11

~orne ,.t n importo,nt folclings, tLll~ _I r hie It'"' II bL' t'X_pt·~~H(l'd tbe OplD.lOU bo.t o. •' tn<fl"H:oil' in the h•tl

du,e tj til undulation- nl thr 11

1 111 ru 1. he expect(>(l, TiL'llC't ,_ o ' II 0~,000,000 ummu ......

II odm( urem~nt - I •· •t 20 mHeA, ' u r ... tt41 ... •r , .. , (, Yf."rnment' AUf\

uu • l.ult r ti!'tt" then. n ,,. 110 •1u<· 1 u Tbe 1-'-' nom1<. f•t'

1 rr r tho Depm•ment to1ted. \lot• h ,.. 1 I'll that he buto'ed tt~' 1

, ulat. 1" •IIthllt •· fi t. tluo ( oo1 ( · ID• '1\itt(' 1,, .. , \L, 1 n ihe ..,,.,. · ruapgrd \ t.h UU\· mment • .. sun·e)'. In tbft .~&.~· c f ,, Slie~eoniagh diflhl( 1hl·• l , "" ~uo"'n to he mttt utoatt o.nd anv t'stinlnte bused on tl

1 u~t nt'l"eitsnri(y, aS far oR tl1e ndw•l mtentfi 11\ lu fiel<l nte <'OIIl'el·netl, he nrorr•d It ,_ J>r<bable. anrl inderd •"' , 1ikeh t hut t h(t Government· .trvey of II\• ,,•her Irish eonl district

,1uo ; rr t· l'om 1he. lu uh f thut •n '. und tn \"iew r r the f, Jl ;.!'t lila.;

1 t~: the pu:su.mphon •~ tbnt it clot \t D.ll:'i ,.._.,, it is •lear t.IA tlu c 1

. I. ••11 lL.I (1("1)1 ... , t , Jk·mrt ut f rm t he ]It I

1.! ,. .. nppros.unot 'll • · II uo1 r • ut " ' Ireland

All t ,, l 11 un1:dn.rwes , n • 1

tonC!a, tut d ,., sltow the wult n • rp1rxlt I t ha1r1( ade the WUl

1tr. u•l1111 • 1t ul n• l ount• mu ,n.. lu.l(' tt "'' rorcoa t• jon• m1 ~tlh.,,t""\"1ElDl"Y aud st,l•

jugati< n Dnl P"rha.p• the follol~lll!f little iti<•itlenl will throw morp hgl>t

the suhi•• I that nil 'ltat hns <·H·r t•u fl!-1111 ' written on Irtoln.nd'A

, , un• mu w Feo.ring tba.t w•• sb.ouW kn t• u mm~h nbput our nntur.1l '* tt !j, t •• Blue Book containing t-1

, ult r- ~ Tl'll on ~ lh' Iri!1ll coul tp n ·t• • ,. the Irish t < al ( • u 1111 ..

1 wu>l i~ ... u.ed 01 the prcb.ibiti~.-J ,; I r 1:"" .... t Tltl" Ir .. h f'OliTt ' I I I

h { Ill I, 11i••llll the .~UlP l'UU. 1\" I

... , • ,, 1 6d. 1 It i~ undentot 1

• ,,. bu it '"·•- entireh dllf" 1u 1'41 1 tation 1·\ ·l~t> •b, ltuHII\ that hf"e\'idtn<'• w

if ' ·d I , puhli•hed ,, ull

fJll ~ nmJ• • 1 t' 'Delmas l•'rl-rcs and \ 1 t t•UX nf l •• t•lle hu:-~ do·t ided 1 • tuaugw· n. diroct. shipping st-rvh-f' ,., , ." L't'l Burdf"nUX nnd Irish [K•rt

it hoperl l·hnl the lh ; sniliog 11 tok<· plnoo not later lhan -he be­nn t 'PPbruUIJ·. 1'hi."' ( 'ompou.:r

,., t• ~t'Tt'l'81 !ri••lliDf'f.., ur u.huut ,,000 t ,:, .. tmd, m the fir .. i plac•·. onr

ID r uf ttw wIll IM• n.ftectro f

f 1,. .. "' '-'• , lrll·ll: ... i1 the utilisat• 11 JCh rtruttUer It"' •!..:• tn •he t.a•-

..... uf tllitii ntw t nlerpr1 t

~uld p1• hul,l.v ~uf&t.:t It . !II / "/''' '"t"tl 1081J 1.1. Burdenu.x gm ds I f " r { .... ~.

dlf!erttnt Irish por•..,_ thf-,.::. '" mr , omploted b~ pit props for ,(,

, ; 11 on• ol the Jlri.-tol l'lwnnel •11 t ou he rt.-tu1·n v• )'Dg(• < ual would

·unie.rl tn onto r t tl ,. port .. ou tilt \I, n , 1 ·'"' of It w '" nd ...

1allv intended thnt thE • • "Gufou" ,u)d ]eo.~• Bordeaux nn tho hi

.T 1n 11nt'V n~xt, but unfortunntels thi• lh ,lart ul t ,.. likely to he postpone~

, m~ tlw fact thut pit prop.!~: hi\.\"(\

1 1 L"ll cleclure-d sul)je<'t t., uu ,. Jl L t t\. uf :w per ceut ad volorem Uto f1 m 1"' .TmtUUJ')',

l•·r· 11 ,, J '"' will lw frow 100/· t" JJU JW r tuu, l\·bid pric•" compare!' , OlUllbh with the Hl1• .. via. Lit'f"f~

1 I • r G'luog< w. which nn from 1:101 1 , 1111 .• Of ('OU!"Se', dirert aki\,ment

1 earlli that.. t·onRignJJJeol,t; wi 1 he h md.led less, and, therefore, if• .. suh· • t t dt~te-riorntton: · r will also 1..K u

11 .•. f tn exporters und importers to be 1\1 mf-o.sw·e exoctl~· the timE". o1 transit betweon the ~nth nud .h••h 110rt• lllld natuta!ly tlus ruute w 1ll he mucl; more P.xpoditiouR thtm the )'Oundalw>ul wny ..;" Englnn<l.

l ,. Duf>li~ Industrial Dt' lq• mt" .t \ .. , iation have m.url. r• to - .m

puhlisbin~t the followio~r let ~r r. • H ~·ed frnm lions . .Alfred HliUlc u lu l ru l1 ( onsul, unnouncmg ~· 1 .. r .till nnd ,~·elc-ome entertlrt f'

:Yro. n..m••• DJld \ 'wu I Lo. Roc.hPlle. ltPl p t'

m tlu• r ship, "' G.1fsu. u·.p from Botdea.u..s: t1 Duhl cl Junu&r;\· h•'X.l. voith \ ' ~i

J, t. .. , resulta n.reo suftidentlv · "Ul..

nhlt of o. permanent "' f llDVlR'Otinn between 1 h 11• 1 uul Ir "' port . which, fur tht> I.J.. lwr

\ • .. we hove been eudeal"ounug ,., •• IJ,I, I .• hall f""l ~rrotoful h)· nmr cODIUlU1'l.icnting tho.t jnformutum w l1 o-b impurterA interested in tl'nde wcth ~·runre. ond ~ appeal tor \nur kind suppor~ in. latvonr of th1 nl"n "''' ttrp1 t' · ... .

1'he AsMot io.tJoU ruo.qt Jteo.rti~v \l'el c·ume~ the ina.ugurntiou of the t"\ r••. which, ·t .... hoped, will be u. permane-nt fet~ture of Irish t·ommereial life. and w111 rut-t·t with the same pbeouowe.aal ~ut. t t')O'" '' the direct United State!t ~ vu ,. ioaugura1ed twelve monthlio OR"o, the re:ru1~ of which, on the testirnon)· · ·f th~ American Vice-Consul, ha~" "'rp11•oed all e:<peeto.tions.

Tb·· Association will llo glad t" re­t·eive informabon from intending ~hlp.. pel", and appeul• to all inte.....,ted in the development of direct trading ll88i•l tb0 'enterprise in e~ery possibl., way


r d -UI I I~


" GREEN AND GOLD ' Price 6d oct

The r c- •w&Wtioa. fndade • t ltv Coum Phaakctt.





DECEMBER 13111 lo 24111.




Strengthen the Industrial ==Arm of the Nation=

By buying products made in Ireland you help to stop Emigration.




Dowdall, 0' Mahoney & Co., LIMITED.


GOOD GOODS Ohtiltmu •· LadJ of the HDI*," with "~pleu­

did pl~ata of the Viororaous Jrllh at Font.,oy -· BlM 27 inchea by 17-aiAO fine mapzine of intereeting IriAh Xmu read· ing-po1t. free, complete, 1/11. .

11/• superb Brooch (Tara), richly studdod 1.n three colours, beautiful chaste CeltJc

~:~ii~~,-&~fl,.:: ~~~o~d 3c~~~~c;~o~ ~~._,.~ Lt~ed not to tArnish. Entirely Iru~h­iucture.

101• Exquisite Qold•Piated Expandins ar~ ftt1 nnd &nt-.cluas dainty WRtch-formmg o nry pretty and useful Xm811 preteot.

Oold•Piattd Frame, in beautiful p1erced 8oro.l doRI(Otn---eS"ceedmgly at.rong, with nry HC'Ill'e &t:And-made of metal nud h~valy

1:tud o~~~~· .~~~t~~h:.ot,toa,t~~d~b; mt~de or glau meuuromeotl are 51 ~nehea hJ 31, 1ft either oblong or on.l openm~

o:~u:;·.:;::'•~oot!,11~i':h~ ~Y of three ~:old-mounted ~tu.mrocka in m.orblt'-~·''.ery

~::O:t, :~~1ira ~~;e, ~{~ hD~dle11i':f';d wtLb m11.rblo and T11'7 elnborate--pnce

Go~:· "•sham,_ on Gold Bar, witb ~d-­mountNI C'onnemnra mnble sbamroCk-

Q~~/8Wishinl Bone and Coonemara marble ehamrot~k 111 form of broocb-lOJ•,

g~: ~,:;::,!lo'~;:; ~r ~~~!':d chaste dc11i~'ll daintily :faid with ~D· nMlDrn m~~rble of different colonts, fonnmg a NUJU~t·b broorh. Price complete in eilk­hned (:l•U!, 80/··

Bllwet' Claddaah Brooch, with two Connemara nutrblo ,.llver.monnted .. hamtOf'kl-only t /1

Sclvw Tara Brooch, combined "itb tbe CJad­dAStb de ~ of h4·nt. nnd bands-q.uit.e ~, ,, .. , Same de!l•gn •n aotid

H1rp, Wolf Dol and Marble Shamroc*-aU mo\lntfod t'l'ro •nh·er bara-price If•,

Larll SiiVIr lrooctl, wilh Rocutd TGWII1

WoU DOl and Harp, with two ahamrodca and word ' F.nn "--I··.

Solid Gold SWotd Brooch-3i incht'l Ion" &Dd mltud w1th marble in hantl1e--price 31J·, i.,lmllllt brooch in ~ilver, a,e.

Lam Solid Silwer Tan Brooah, beautifully r na1nellcd in l'o\ouf11.-f 1 B.

Cold Tara or cavan BN:IOCh. F.xtro. lo.rp;e

;:::t:t Px~iW,~~~~d ~!~';; ,iom~!t:O:e,d':! algn ~tooth, with larJ~;e gold-mounted Con­n~tnllrn. mnrhle ,.homrCK'k insf!t, complete

~.; lwMl box, u,e.

Whelan & Son, 17 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin

Whr ..,.., tht trith bl Artiltkl, toot


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XMAS BOOK PRESENTS. Poot '""'· canon Sheehan'a &trmorw. Jan pa,b.

ILAhf'll . ••• 13/3 Life or Fr. Doyle, &.I. By Prof.

O'ltnhtlly . •. 11/• HolY Romant. Dy Aodh de Blackham

"iplt.•nc.htl ttt•W rtO't'el • • 1/• Her lrflh Herlta11. )liu Smithllon • 1/1 Towardl the Dawn. Conor GahJta.y . 1/1

The r~~~ndt ~~ ,&~n~t Bt!~:~ Ct'b;

"&n80n." Shnrt 5t.oriea of tbe VolunWcr monment . .• t/1

~~ = ~~:,;;J ~~do~~kJfa:1~: a1• lly 0. Co•kocy 1/1

" l".dltio),a of aU Standilh O'Cimol,y'o Worb. . Eoeb I I

tn Mallow. Dy )£n. Wm. O'Brien. Puper, 2/8; Cloth 3/1

. 'le Boob for'Jle variet1 of

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~nte 61;



ronntry, and boy will be remembe:red the world over. Tire ,..,,. 1020 will be known !'I th• yea.r n·hen Irelund'.s Toice l\'BEI h6ard oflce more in Europe and beyond the •• .... The long silence of ages bas been broken, I he man tlo of ob•curitzy has been rolled oside, und poople~~ now perc•etTe and welco~e !Jur deor la.nd o a stmoger long nuss1ng from tho family of nations. The world has diseoTered U8, a.nd we atMd recog· ni•ed to-day by tbe peuples themselves oeting tltrougli their •·opresentativ..,, their p,..,.s Md their parliaments, !'l'd oflieiol recognition l"' R runtter of tJme and pat.ience.

English poli< ' hns, indeed, taken varioWt and d.- !O])t"I Jh courses. Its latast form is Rn att11<0k upon our prieathood. Many priests have lw>en u~ted, nnd fiv~ at least QJ'e now apparently to ,.,]ehrate thmr Christ­tn.D..s deTotiomt m dunge«?ns-another commentary on the Uhtistianity of the English Government . ){onasteries been m.:ided, nnd .some of the clergy •uhjected to ill-treatment of o. gross cbutJCter. .\ ('IIJlon of Cork diocese wn.<s seized ctnd murdered near Dunmo.nway. He "'"" & most lcind pl"iest, devoted to his parishioners, and the scene of his.lJ*s6~sination ·will long remain to darken the memory of the evil deeds done in the name of Eng­land's occupation. Tb'e young mau Crowley, ••ho •h~ hi• fate, ahd w .. murdered at the •ame bme, will long he remembered a onuther martyr to English usurpahon llany other out­rages have <x:corred dunng the week, and, on the wholt', it has been quit& as fatal M th" preee~ing weeks.

There is no sign of peace; there ha.• been no truce. 'fhere hBb been a con­tinued orgy of blood .. ht"d, violence, terrorism, burnings, ... hootings, rob­beries, and the usual accomponim~n t!i of fire nnd sword. ::ieYer for one in­stant has the Engfish g>'PBP heen re­l~ed. False and ~uiu. nre the deeei>­tive wiles of Engli•h ministers. But the day of peace for Ireland must . ·om e. The long night must p118S. Tbe day of tribulation must end. In spite of tbe surrounding darkness, we .1n• ~uro the dan·n near. Nothing uow ean change, nothing destroy our will w win • complete pes.ce. The plot ' " divide ouz pe< 1>ie hy dangling a false hope ,f peace ba$ !ailed, but n real pea.cP ,, thereby brought very · much nenrer. The English know tlte price of pea<e 1n I .land. They lmew the price that 1 "'""'' demand~, and

Lt_•' W;.WI IM".l • t · cv kn( f~t p.rice h•·\ will •1 \f' t..) ptn

Debasing the Currency England, her ' . 1Vernmeut and her

people, have leazned t-..·o great lessons at our ha.nds, fu l, that her campaign of frightfoln..s ogairut us ha.o re­hounde<i with tenfold violence on her­self-for ua i.t ha• ad<ied more mar­tyro to our shinin~ roll, and ha.otened the Dawn <>f the Day; for her it ha.o hhu·kened her honour a.nd shaken her

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1920. foundnti.,n• in the Council Chamber of the ~ ahou'. Secondly, . the mf• I

PEACE I powerful weapon ·which she used since the thirteenth •<!ntDly against our commerce, D&.DlelyJ the debasing of our coinage she ·" now forced to usc ngnin•t her owu jleople.

This Cbriatmu come• unheralded Tho EngJi,b Hovernmenl have taken by nny of the signa oJ' pea''"· The the English people's goljl; they OJ'e

week ha.o fi.W.hed Jik, ,. ma.ny other now ~roing to take th .. ir silvel'-u de-liOo;ed coinogt· 1s already in cirCula.tion

Wt>t•k .. of the year, with murder, arson, 10 England. Th~ Engli:o~b Gov~rn .. raids, IIJ:TOIOtlo, nnd the other signs oJ' ment •tate the\ ~·ill put ib in genernl the English 0<• llp&tion of our la.nd. circulation. It 1 he heginuin$: uf There tan be no I""'< until the the end. A <irl• •«I roiuage killed

.. , mment 1)f our ,·ountry .. Tested lri~b tradi? ,1 • r 1 11\ntent--a de-

i~:~~ '"T~!:. ::!:7"!~:-: :~:: :::!h~:i~-~:~ldr;~:i:··~wt11~t hall-bee, a• P .... ident Lincoln ..Ud of good. We w ul .wd to America. l:ftoland cannot' bt aa ... '' ThemiUs fQud.~rind:-.lowlv, hut half-free. nation, nor ··an she exist J" tey grind e:A• ·"'·d n~ :-onio.IL" .. half a. nu-iou, or th:re&-quartera, nr Going back ou tlu historv elf Ire-whatever tr . .rbon Jt may be sought tu 1and we lind that amongst tl1e most divide her into. Nntiouhood IS not de- _J)rominent meosUl't'!4 taken by England • nnined hy geometry. m her effort., ft, .. •xtenuinn.te tbe"Irish

'rhe leooero of ow• peopl& an• •till .nation wns her per.istent attempt to the object. of English hol<tility. 1'hose ;<Jebn•• the Irish <•oinage. Tbis nu-1nn whom !hoy could illy bo.nd• have il<hLUgltt she ha• woqed on '" h·om heen impri,wned. Acl·urding to Rome 1210. uf the •vriler• of the English , One o•l the first ad, .. r the Engli•h t:obinet ll!'('l6s. the I ri3h represent&. nvade~ tu thut , . r w . .. to set up hveto~, including :\le.,"''4f:-.;. Arihur 'mintA in 1lu u r h~~f '' "118, and, by Hriftith, T.D.; Eoin YneXPill, T.D. Ro~al edict, Ful'l>id IrL•h C<linago, William. ;;..,., . T.D.; Alderman which we then bad tn universal usage, llicbael StainCOI, T.D.; Eamon Dug· nd "·bicb rhe En11h·~ 1•1 ... 1 waa "in gao, T.D.; Dr. R.oy ... T.D.; Liam de detorioratiun .. r unr r the Englh<h) .RoiRte, T D . l. ,.~ been r,ut into tt-rling mnnP\ rul t 1 our great lOM pwwn m c df'r tu buve '' litl e- Chrut- u'd damallt" •· I· h mont"v wa.*' ot 111 ls tnu ._., r· f'W tt appears, the-y are tbot timP 1'• commnnlv l'UrTe.nt • eTen ,, n~ t., J"~ nd their M"L'Klh of Ct"'"' ·n Englud and in CDlaifil

l1l"1h· and c!CJ1n.-~ f..:4ititv. und''' tbe •• F~\\'Rrd IV. tn 14f7. again for-1•r•' tion crf notorious pro- bad~ lrie~h mon~v in Englund, Wole~ l'hn ;mn mstitultoo knn~·n a th& nnd f'alais, and il11 men o.f Waterionl Ln.2 11!01 ,Gt)\'Prument. .lwere tmprisooed for bringing it to

rt ... ov.e11t. oJ' the ~ ••• which t Bri•tol.' All thi• tim•. and up ra ·d w11l t«•l<ug remembered 1n our to and in•luding E>1~1ioh Elizabeth'•

Satur<lay De Jnl>er 20, J 0

retgn. 1' t" which we '\\•ere rent. "-'08 (ut loa.os in lrelaad f="d "'' e1ve from London 'O'IIS during all the hulf century, ull .,!fu kt!pt deb .. ed at least 11 quarter below foiled to sot up an Irish mint 1 • the Euglish •tando.rd, the object being co>Ddition ol ab•olnte ·onfuoion which that money •hould alwn.;vs be main- existed 18 exemplified by t he EngliBh ta.ined uta lnwer value in Ireland !,han proclamation of 163i, whi<h abolished .Euglu.nd. .A a a. TP"'ult, Irish foreign the 11 title and nome ., .. ( bish money (·rude wo• impeded r the English them· nnd the device oJ' the ha>J>, and pro­sruvos profited hy huying u.t the de- vided tb&t all account" IIJid payment. based price in I n•lnud w•d selling at mooe should be renderod into sterling• the rigb,t price in Jo!nglnnd: Iri•hmen, a.nd m&de in Eng!U.h money; but this too, servmg in the En~rlisb Army of "'"" ·only mount to effect accounts. Hl Occupation, 1vere paid ill the debased I made no change in the value ol b< coin, th~reht saving great expense to actual coins. their Englisli masters. This last pro· During the remainder , f the ~ vc n '. in the J+Jngli.Rl1 Government·~ teenth century, thel'& "·ere three :oUr­estimatlon, prevented Irish rebels ages in use m Ireland-the Ir ~ rt ,­from paying for foreign arm.s and Jam"" I 'a good •tlvor, llnd EW.beth help. debased coiuuge: ~nd, Eugli•h mcne

The English policy was ruost partli.s-. , um!Jit at a lbu·rl lug her value t an tent, and when, for any reason what- bore in Englaud-th~ En!flish •o< ever. money fell on the English u- reign being worth 26/8 m Ir•l&nd change, its Tolue in Ireland was for· lastly, foreign coins ei•·rulated ·with u cihly les.ened •till more, so that Ire- aod valued according to the a.moun ' la.nd's trade wa• compelled to rest on I of precious metal they coutoined. Th . the lucol ftuctuo.tiono of the English Jixing oJ' value by proclamation w coinage. not yet lully in force.

In 1459, Ireland made a stupendous li'iequently, clipped and CO'Dllter-effort to tj>row off the shackle; she set leited money was circulRted by Eng­up a new uatioon.l coinage, a.nd pro- !ish m.orohiiJlts in Irela.nd, and the of>. n.ouncod th.e old coinage Eng· dina.ry tron.sodion~ of e-xchange weN­land intervened with all her force, or- effected through Ule medium of tradee­dered Cork coinero in 1472 to be tried men's tokens. which l1ad hut a local for their lives, and in 1478 directed circulation, a.nd the value of which de­lhe mint to be kept in Dublin alone. pended upon the solvency and ho , 1 She made, however, a '' truce," by of their issuers. which she promised to sand English The new Goverument. u.fter valued coinuge to lreliLDd. She did English Restoration, agam tried not do unythin~r of the kind, twd in reform the Irish cuneno·. Sir Tbos. 1540 introduct'd copper coinage jnto Armstrong was given a patent for , Ireland, nnd forced U..e Irish to use it jssue of satisfactory ,,opper O!!o silver. but. did not make u9e of it i lo· N( -

'l'his wu the money of Henry vm., llueotly, merchants continued to isf,u little lHllter ilion bra.os, not above 4 their own tokens, in spite of illegality oz. tlnc and 8 nllny, though according In 16i2 nnd 1673 furtl1er English pro­' . the indenture they •hould he 8 oz. clamations were is.•ued forbiddin~ fine and i alloy. their nse, but with no eBeot. Th<

Commereial di• fo< the country English trovernment, nlso by I" nnd stiiJ'I'ntion for the poor followed, clamo.tion, IL"ed the struulnrd w. • as Engllllld hoped they would. But nnd value of the most commn there also followed-which she did not foreign coins (see O'Drle.n's "Econ. anlidpnte-& uniou of all Ireland, mio History of Ireland, Seventeen! oven th& Pala joining in, to dema.nd Century "), and 11 patent wa.o a<tuii.U equality • r coinage. Edward VI. o( issued for the establishment of "' England, us n. (~onp,equence, new Trish mint, but. was !lO fllliously l

promise~ and concet!Sions, but the posed by the Eng_li~th as tending • English Privy Council Jirmly refuaed '' deha.oe the English • urrency " t 1 to allow tbe Irish equal ndva.nteges. the p&tent wa.s withdrawn. {l

1'he Engli•h ~uoens, Mag and then decided to er•. t a publio n Eliubeth, continued lh& pohcy of hut this wa.o never done, nnd the still further deba.oing Jri..<h coinage. city of coin continued unahnted durin, All ·I." tim.e monev for !"'land wa.o the reign o~f Charles II. of Engianll stamJ>ed with n hoi-p and mint~ in f'o'!'lllonwealth money, in lact. n­

,Londoo, In 1661, eacll J.2d. in -~"" i1DIIllle4. legal ten(icr m l)'lllftlld. JOll.l< ~.uu.J \\'.l rated .Jt 9d. JU F..ngland, nna alter I t ~as ,f -.routn. lt•d In :EiigraDd-: 4<1. in helliud at 3d. m England, illld Cnunterfeiting nnd fraudulent ,.. els fl't!ighted from Irelnnd were weights also prevailed· hut the Du -· ·un•he,l to ~etze. a.ny Hilvel' money a.nd lin Corporation part.iady t'ltopped Utt• Spo.u.ish !I' ld whioh the Irish might l&tter by griiJlting n. monopoly for tJ pMscsR, u.ud n.rrest its owners. Eng.. making of weights JD Dahlin in 16811 land nga1n m1ttle various promises, but Meantime, the absence of coinage hroke them. !lid ohG .,ver do else? In r-0ntinued ita merciless .trang~hold on 15i7 !he •hiUing sh.rank to Gd. all such effort. Petty goes into d •

The lri•h then. tried to coin. tails nn 1 his subject, which ate • " Spouiflih money for our foreign trade, long f01· repetition here, but he · • Md tn 1586 the English counter- phasizes that the rents to &boent .... manded by an Act forbidding us. payment l•> m&ny English officials, f -!(,. '~ puni.•hrnent woo imposed for tening on debased Irish •·oinage and disobedience. ' Th., embasing of payment o! the Army f Irel~­noin;• Lord -lURtice Perrot de<, a. <"onsiderable portion. . r which W{ls

an do no harm tn Irelnntl, which is stationed in EuglliJid, tltough paid uU out • 1 • rdor." Ireland-still further drained Ir:

Iri.•h hieftains •ummoned to Lon- •·oinage. The rate , f exchange • don had to borrow money from the tween the two countries wns no high • depu1_ ." poor w•re they, and he could 10 per cent. lend tltem l>a•e coin-debnsed to half James II. still further debnsea Ir its value--thereby enabling the d,.. coinage. He raised the Talue of 11 puty to ndd uRurem' h\u•in_eliifi to hia English CUl'J'ency, ca.ncolled the pat.· ~:n. ut'Ker lU'ufi.tA. for tlte mn.king of copper coins. 01l

ll<>hel C<>r)t was Uf(Uln tn fore in estn.blished Royal mints in Dublin ,,1 llle flght; J ... imeric:k was ;1. fellow suf- Limerick. The work of these n,m ... ,, r1•: . arul ('uTnn nnd Gal"·ay-in- was to tssuc a cutTen<.·y ur mixed brru;., f~d, to •p. II lll'll. Ureen, •· bod coin '_land copper ~hillinp ru1d ~ixpences, and henv\ · 1 'te!t hod handl•d over the nnd. later, half-c'roW'OA of the an e ]tee ple t ·u 11'1Ul'el'." uti.xture. Thc• ,. debuRed ~oms ,, •

s :ull • 11er."istently, hw;e ,-oi.nsge legnl tender for debts 1-l anv L'J\1 1

r ,r, <'<l I · Eull'loud held Irelnnd at J.Dd a "ommisoion was given t r , ha.v In (IJUUierclnl progresA, and tWa interchange of good money f r ,J

"" " ' i4 ident or through ignor- '' A further 1 1J4) followed ~f w l

1• ,., I J L •1 •· J'tl~ult of deliberate and half-pennies mode tlf .n miXture , t"'l '. r WM publicly •lated by le&d and tin, and of rown p1c· .. , r , J ,,,1 I • ul• · thot no ct;unb'y coulil '!Vhite mixed metal. The no•t .~ .. l l r 1~t• ·1 "'* that was forced to illt'S£~ ~ .. UC'"'" was thoroughlv and • 1 .. live ·• -: 1•-* I cow and dot attendant f,. debOHe the whole co1~nge

In 1601 1 • monoy w M coined in lu1> 'l'u"''' r • ~ London for the ROle pur­

}loi'ie ( t r u't ulation in Ireln.nd, o.nd an 'lexcbuttj!& ~ ., set up which oll'ered a cnwmi~!(ion un all good money ex· i'ha"ged '· r has&- t:hU. with the ob­jetl .,f <·umpletely clearing t.he coun­l'ry • r1 Rilver 1'he reMUlt, of COUl~1 \\'u thut pn C!ll snared indefinitely un­t·mpl• 'meut intel?1'<1ifl:ed, and ~ople

tarred 1D I be m1d.t of plenty-that ·- lo .. • lri~>'h people ~tiU"Ved.

I 111 ( ~ I of England made lW effort liUprt the bish t•otD.Ilge, hut we

~nd 1" 't r t• t) nn,ry nnd ,..~pieiotL"' l•f " r>~hing English that when, in 1

tiO'l, 1 · -~llf'cl new ~ IVPT • t1ins B.Dd ,.,j.,,,..J ,, n,, •• lhan •hilling, firllt .. 4<1 nd H>en to 3d the people nuld <H•I immediately ~pond· and HI· rd. llu y wero right, fnr the'eJfori.

,.. •• ynly monetary. During the firllt 4tnlf ··f ·lu .. , t( ntt•t•nth century 40 per

eolllll:ry" (O'Brien). tTo he continued).

A CHRISTMAS CREETINC. 0, men on i.he ruu I we .. lute 1ou n,o• eoemy soldiers oro lleftJ' ,

To •ilenoo tlte.,..t'lcome 'f8'd &J.VO you W hoae aou1a rr unsullied by r tAnd your ·ountrymen, "'4'1ded t~ · Aa one tu th~fr •erditt "·ell dar. Thank Ood · · t our glortoWt nation ~ be pro~ ot ber mt' 1 cn1 the r t•'

p. men on • • ru11 •• ..,•u be ·h.l •w 'f)f )'OQ lht" ndl tift II 'It, for Mill']' and JOHpb ... re homelese l .tk~ you on that fir l < l•t, tDULS ,

.f.nd oo.r prayer WtDp 11 wa' up \a H , . ~ying •lratght to th" Ht ut ')f God'• !'». ,

T May Chriat, \J. rv Joaepb und ?~~,,r ~ with all our 11\en on the run' '

R Mo ·


France and Ireland. l of martial law in Ireland would light the i The 1 Hr~ of ''ar A few days agd the Irish Bogus Santa Claus I', - By Brtan na Banban. patriots are alleged to have attacked a band 1

1 of Black and Tans, and the same evening I Paris, Saturday 11~~:;:refu~~~~e~ ci*th:r 1':~!s wo~s ~~~ l.

Dispatches announcing the destruction C~own boasted or a n~~ victory over_ the wonde-dul hn ~~. 'tnd thought he I ,J hn the .J J lt.•r had tlone solUe

f the principal buildings in Cork city last lnoh people. If the Broto~h troopS contonue cuuld ke•p on clomg •loem until the end

eek wer received with a feebn~ o! con-~ such exploits, lrela~d woll cease to be the of tint~. !It •ottld DI.L., the ""'>pie w • e o , prosperous country lt has recently become, "A ,..,. stemauon and horror throughout the and its farms. its factories. and.. its docks ou wlwm be pro< t.ised his a.rts belie.Ye Continent. ThatYpres and Louvain should will no longer be a source of wealth Lloyd that !·~~'• \ .... 11f pu..per ~ere gold coms, have suffered in the midst of war is com- George's predecessors considered Ireland hat ut("n W+>le ma<·hi~e6, tJJat mean-prehensible, however we may condemn the i as an exploitable posse...o:sion and were care f h ,. t'' t '' rdR ~-~~~ ·huifnllit.IJled tdruhtl!S•

. . · ruJ not to attack the wealth producers a. a .c '"811 B '' o u en e 1m destnlcUon or priceless Volumes of ~nc~ent They levied taxes on the: Irish people bur \\t t' .r· I atnd hJt Ju. W.S"' tbt· OllE"

;ore 1nd lrreplacab1e w~k.s or anttqu1ty they refrained from massacrlng them ! nnd nh '' • .air. pL lant )It p• .. t and Ill"' in times of peace. smce the days of Already more than one hundred towns and 1 • 'ru-J'I 1 r I. n 1 nnv 1

~r:~:r~.tlv bne~n:::~~~e:s~e:~n::: ~~~esash~:;ris~e:n ~: ;~e:m:~g t~: t '=·~ j or,U • IlD~ t t.: ::u~g~=to·'~llt overtotheflames. Thepolicyofour•lien day. to-morrow perhaps. D~blin will , .. nd·, 'Lu, ~';n llf n'Hleot•

II. d b , _ d French ,·n uhdergo tbe same fate. The lmh people 1 " 1 1 -·-"' 1 cov.erno~. ?u tne y ~r~ . scorn the Home Rule offered by the ~ . .u~ c 1 t "' 4' 111 •f•t wwln< 1

an mter\ltew wnh a French ,oumaltst some English Government. It is in vain thai mg 11.ud u. !q•n 111~"·" he monthsago.hasnotbeenahered Between the House of Lords shows itself morel n ht:·.pur_ut: nes JW"C

111 l jug·

one and two hun~red thousand y()unc liberal than the liberal Lloyd George.. it f .h' J '"111' . 'u lu li•lp ill: 111 yn""

Irishmen must be expatriated and the (sin vain that the House of Commons adds knon~ ~:~,. •·· .. ,~,, 11 c

1l be~~

est woy of doing so is by destroying amendment arter amendment. Ireland l k 1 1 . Jaod ur . . . . . . has proclaimed herself a Republic she has till !1°" " ulve l'unq"UI$ ~actones and rurnmg mdusrrtes. As tn her Parliament, her tribunals, and her P''•l;\ 11vnl w the" nrld, how my trum· South Africa, after the Boer War, concen- army She will no longer waste ber time 4 t haM sou.nded the. knock-out. hlow tration camps await the women and child.. discussing a so ct11led autonomy. Jt is ''r th "1 ll'bntJ(' 1 J\1! · f peace, JUS( 8 ·"

f lk drl f h · t b uJ f · f d nt\' fouc de l Pel I ( ,. 1 ha.\'e been ren once rhe men o are ven rom 1 err no Y accum • mg rums rom one ~n I~:• Jif de ,1 Ul< t'~ and pl't"SJ-em•loyment hut the English Government of the country to the other or by shooting 1 1 1 1 U , th

,. ·~ • . . . . tnnocenl people that English Government ( t1t un< PT I. nn •, u •~ '\ "'•Ill •

a counted ~~thout rakm_& mto constdera wiH obrain the sympathy of a people deter- 111 *. ond 11 ~.: 1• , t t n_,~ aud•:·rh • non rhe spmt rh_a~ ammat~ Terence mined to be free. The Irish people jlave, l:nl\ ~ 1 1 '" 1ot n _, t•t make i;my a


MacSwine)' the splnt that ammates every al last, understood all they have a right to k 1 ~ Uon m~. mu ' id~ relgd Cork. man and every Irishman worthy of expect from the British Cabinet· ruins n 111 1 1

"'h.•; ,-tc ;_ "0 lers

3111 1 • f 1 'sh and blood " I· r 'ut .. " u. \ t • n-

rhc name Cork is lo-day the cny o n i ,. . , numd. J " J 4• 1 ..... u ll' tu 1 hok~ -nartyrs 1omorrow it wiU be rhe Mecca of Ett~r through _ag_norar:ce or through Ien,r ., • at, • . and abrl od Irish patriots The f;lght for Freedom tho dr·'~e 0~ d,t;c~tVl~g 1~h~rr readers • 1 • uu n m 1' brenkfast taiJe.

. . b d N dl says verur, t e ng IS newspapers • und • 'I Ill • I Jl muke them be· shall con~tnue una ate : ee e~ to say re~ra!n from s:howing the a~rual relations lu '""

1 thnt r , 1 glad tu ht allo,ved. to

rhar Enghsb propag,andtsts have ctrculared ex1st1nc between Great Bnt~in and lr~- bask in the snnbur .. t • f their smile-, , .r the Bishop of Corks letter throughout the land. Lloyd G~rge who •• a splend•d ou<ldle '"' M'lf up 111 II. hollow , , heir world French and Italian theologians, example of a polthcal mountebank which hand crt I·• ilo( l"" , f 'he I•• a t' I bat .1owever do not hesitate to condemn his Swift ~.ably desc~hed in "Galliver's ,J • k' ctho Ripper) bnilt.

. . 1 b d Travels. employs hts talent as orator m ,, W& know w.• kn~o:·'v · said the actto~ and w.e sh~uld ~ertam Y ~ accuse the attempt .of g.iving a false .impreSsion faithfUl OD.M, 'and they ·bowed until )f be1ng antl·cl~n~al ~f we pub~1shed th~ of .the real sttuation to ~he fo_reagn public. 1 , 1 11• 1111.,,, m"Ushed r11 se-ve.rnl remarks of a dtSttngulS~ed foretgn Jesult ThiS ma~er buffoon stigmattses Ireland, •• 111 \"\"'••a. nmong otbt.~>r 1-a.wl. ~ the rheolog.ical blurider made by His the s?'"called ally ~r Gennany, dilates on IIJ IIIII. .. ,, tJ 1 .Juggler .. f1• 4 The

Lordship. the diSOrders r~1gnmg in t~at country.and 111 1 , .11 • ,1H] _

In rimes of peace there ts no retord \'ituperate~ agamst the cnmes co'!U"Itted t tu h • u· ,) ro·t •· 11 hn:\'e 1 . by the lr~sh people, All that •s only "'"' . 1! , hild that );. - •'•-

:.ince the Ja of. Atdla of a great and partia~y true because the facts have only .. ~"1:1 IU\' •! 1-r'''" In . :I island ~ 1 .•

prosperous r\' be•n& ruthlessly desrroyed a soc1al a_nd mor~l value when they are \(lU '"' '~, •·r· 1 . •• 'r. Ll""-t~'n ( \1 lei .._.,. forces which are primordially looked shown wtth thetr e~~•ronme~t. We tul.h•d 1 .. 111 ox. ui .11 whcm all n upon as the &U&rd.ians of peace, but which commonly speak _of CIVIl war m Ireland ~~ nnd u.-1 j la.ums ~.s'' '"~'' .,

I I d I ·at d with terror That, h~wover JS a falsehood There pr u , d Ill • 10 , re ~n are on Y associ e ts a nat1ona1 war· ·a war berween the tin. ·? ull ,~

nd cnme Irish Nlllion and the English Govem~ I, I ,. • t .... far ol II

Writing of the English terror ln Ire.Jand ment This IS not a one~sided statement \ h 1 ·m u t·r·· _,, ouralale t. 1 •

nnthe Havrl EJillr M.. Orbt.infallll.t' ttiSrhl!'wblmhne-fi'Vth. 'We'are-tfte~lOte r ·nr) ll>t• t"ll•lfi tm lc')U}.;~', .ert ''that there is no reason to doubr the in presence of a defensive wa'r for the I11L .. ,r,t -~. ·I, ,, 1 uldn · t e\"en c. mt 111

.i . ti f th Irish eople to re- conquest ~f their libenies b.y the Irish tu -t'i n:t' 1 .\ul'k, and "'' the whul! etermma o~ ? e P. people agamst a government of prey. The 1 · 1 onquer thetr Independence. Does not situation of Ireland is exactly the same, thing, w u< I w ..... to~ ou fn, t a.t ~t••ttf

1 j·· 11 ... 1 It r rh8 purpose of trapping very country on the face of the globe that mutatis mulandi$ as the situation of find I hi· l\'lll8' dust in the- n 1·.. i

• conscious ()f its narionaJity cherish the Czecho-.Siova.k.ia, or of Poland during the b@r trieot]s, be('RlJle an absolute far•~·. same aspirotions. The right of sell-deter- world war. The chiefs of the Entente o.nd bud t<o .,. abondoned. I haTe m'nation may be provisiDllaUy refused to congratulated the Czec:hs because t~ey • • .J up .n ·I o wi.ardl:y a.nd soli soap 1

_ . • • • fought qatnst the Austnans, but the lnsh and· • ha1m r. t . m In t1w k in tl:J•· en­nfenor or semi-CIVIlised races, and that people who fought againsr the British d· .t.\r , make L r see things !r· m n their own interest. but the Irish people. Government who enslaved them were ,

11, , 1,, 1~ • 1 I.3.H' wheedled 11~ 1 •

mO<e highly civilised than their neigh· condemned to the piiiO<y. White became '•t , her, punished her, ours a:-- nobody can seriously pretend blaek a_nd black became white according t ··a t'll"'•l I. 1, d( ne t•vervthlng ;h .. ·

thU they are less fitted to rule themselves to the mt~rests of meso; chiefs.. . Lloyd 1t I' le lo • "' juggler w do. George snll plays mustcaf vanat1ons on 1 1 1 · d

·hao the Poles, the Serbs, or rhe Greeks. this rhing wbich is so simple that even a mt u• ,.w'"' a ID mr tnl 811

>nly English interests or the interests of child could under9tand it if he frankly ~~~~~-11

1 n r, 1 , :oril ,,~r ;~d tho present GoVernment of England, inter. said The Irish people have one enemy , ,,., y pn:··ut .... 1 mu..kt" o.nd t~,Pr~ threat \ene between Ireland and its liberty This whic~ is the British Gove-rnment; the J ·nd thundetmg t rc .. t be ~t .j tu

the rruth again~ which no sophism can e~emJes of that ~ove'!lment are their her isl&Jid l1 m• . . f h' h fnends or at least the1r alhes. By accept-, .• ~ol\ t IHh Ju9t :ome to m:r

prev11l the tru~h1 IR the name. 0 .w tc ing th~m the Irish people were nor traitors knlJ\\ 1~ ·Is:• , t11 i.. l\'ayward ebild, -.~o·c have unc:easmgly demanded J\lstace for ro rherr nation, on the contrary, rhey were 1 .r. Og, hR.-. written to Snnta. Claus, Ireland in this journal In this. also, we good and worthy patriots." I nnd hll.>~ "skt"d hnu to hrinJr her this

11: ln good tompany. A few weeks ago I M M J.nt· ,.f Sonit'-• ut Chri...,tma..'l. She IS

man before 'very head should in· I .~.! 1 .. 111, 1 ,..,, m her idens, helievea cline a man whose name is synonymous


lUI: Sn.nta ( hws 1 ,, saint sent from with 'conscience, Cardinal Mercier, clearly I Trac~tall Ei'r• igas an FriiiC u.~ •• , t d . II "~·11- and geu .. ruu•

I ' np 1 , ( ·m"'tnJll!'f, lU ruemor' of pronounced for Irish independence English ~ .., •. 1 l hr o.tmao Xight long ··~ conservative journals did nor dissimulate I hut wt m Ids t>nlightened lond d the ill humour with which this gesture of Itt Lt < Echos Paris ' l f"tl1ntntmdtu.t~ by filling our the illuslriOIIS P•elate inspired them, and Bhiodh ana thr.chttil idir Eire agus In lllRI lo run lta they <an bold, nnd che) repr01che<l him by saying that his Phrainc fad6, agus anois f~in ceannuighid ( •1ng ·lt'J1 ftt.ward.s b:v meOJts •f anterferenc in what they considered an Geadhil m6ran rudaf de dhtannls na '

1 1 " " f,,r w hi< b "·· ' 1


1n~mal ques.J-n lowered him in gtnertl Fr•ince Nil a fhios ag aoinne 1 n-Eirinn J · - -I rtuuuu"':d , red uo uu cad IS fill a dtagann isteach d'etrraidhe \ '' ~ 1 f 1 r.:. ~ ' .... ~ ur · u me.

'!teem O.rring the War the Germans 6'n bhFrainc I n-aghaidh na bliana ~ I ha<· ho u..:lot r d ...... ing m.\'<o•lf up al"' found Cardinal Mercier waming in rud is cionntach leis sin nd gtn aon llrthaeh • 1 ' nl~ ~11uln f'lttus, ond of ~ •it di&nlty when he refused to sqbmir to farce do bheith ag taisteal idir an dd thir ach ng tl" nnughh 1 hild nt Chti .. tm.~-. Nobody believes that the great Cardinal amh4in long fhatnach a thugann. bfheidjr. '·ith u It wadf' tu repl'e!Sent who.t -..hj took this seep lightly or that he backs up son turas amhiin agus annsan as go br'lh hM ,....,,, , long '"'

1king fur ~d figllt

16!. Ar an adhbhar san, nf folair do'n [ug fnr uon denuuu ing Mtl ktckin~ up tbe lrloh people because they are Catholics. Fhranncath gach aon rud a dhiolann ~ le her heels 1luout. Will you he m\· 1f he .spoke out it was because he belle~ Gaedheal do cttur go Sasana agus ansan 6 lttt..t'ndant .Spritelt on t.hat O('cusicin, nnfl that under the circumstances he could no Shasana go hEirinn. Ach nf h·6 sin an help tuo tu \rtO the glor:y of satisfying longer remain silent. No mote than our. ceann 1s measa de1n sc.!al-is annamh a thi" ht>u.d~tropg ~·uung !ndy wit.h lE""--s selves, the Cardin•l does nor attempt to cheannuigheann Gaedheal earraidhe na I htk,fl -tht" I~ a~~ heen looking tor~" &lorify the attacks thar have been made on Fraince 6. Fhranncach Is amhlaidh a . We. Wlll, llmrter9 l\'& ·wtll,~' they the armed forces of the Crown. But the cheannulgheann !II! 6'n Sasanach iad, agus I wlnood on "'rh nnd lhe II ~•' Juggler n.~pria~ls, such as have taken place at Cork, nl misre a rl.dh go nwbionn profld mhaith 1•rooeeded I·· I· ~u:urt ··ac h one nf have no other precedent that of the aige Selin 04 mbar.'J leis an n~Gaedheal I t· •I'D II tl. J • · 181 r• Ito J,. w..t •· Belgium In 1870 the Prussians did not na h Carraldhe cheannach sa Fhreinc is t t• • bUm towns and villages suspected of har· Saotre go m6 do gheobhadh s6 iad, ogus i rl

ounng F;anc.lirelliS They rook the gee ann t•maill nuatr • chidfeaGh Iucht 1 "".,o; t -.lrn.l precautions to submit their prisoners to a Joingis go mbhfid dhoibh ~- do chuirfidis C•J!" lny wirl.., '" t£1 in llt'r ltt·1J. wat' b .. sfmulaerum or judgment where. as in (re· •nhaigh a~ triall Sill iS an•ll idir Eire agus lllg tht• 1,)1 lDltgl t trO";J1Dlng "u land. the 1 8lack and Tans' and rhe auxil· an Fhrainc, rud do b~arfadh Jocjiste eile rhrnhj.;lt tht" •lll .. huttf'"ft~) window o( ary police have. no such scruples. So much do mhuintir na h Eireann l1• 1 ••I(UII .• 1n•l o~tt ·u.:- t"XJ"K"• tantl.' t•·t the worse if innocent women and children ~ rud fs cearl do Ghaedealaibh a thr '1m n,z ·f . ·.mra ('bu ... of wlwrn ue their victims." dh~1namh n• ean aon phioc de dheantds na .. hr hnd 1 kut tJ .... \f'.1r the priu•lj•o;•

"We had no doubt," writes M. Marui Fraince do ceannach fessta ach amh,in 6 J:lfl • f Sauir •. f{il"t•n only to those Couland In Bon Soir. "but the application Fhrannca<:h, ~ J,., hnd utr.•r>•f mu< h llll.d .vnil'ed


l 'k 'II

-..:: 1:. \

nuu-' 11• J .. 1 '

1 1 ., u• ·tk• ~~l- If l1 ]f 1k. II

t,nnd 'b.,. I .d t li• "Dut 11· 1 t .... 1.

t'iunta!" Th&

IN MEMORIAM. ~o d .. k diehonoured \ · thme A.ltho' t lit mid t Jlll 'l waUA.

The r:1u af t.h,y •ou) • r 1 111.. of nil I"U· tlllblf" 1 u.

1 \t :rour

n .• w. Th;:r aonl'a n;, • •• riHt· R•dempLion M'OUKht 1 nl'

ThJ ~lfold " • :~ 1 1• 1f:.,. A. loriOUII Co I I .\ rumrwt bl.ut 1111"1011 '~u To nw. lhr J.~rm God nd all.


Patsy Patrick on Truce Talk


:!JII ;: iE '§

I I Will


m.&me ni ru.; ===-~=~ mnde 'px.tenel'\"e- altcrat n r f1 ~ 11 Pili and lD t1u.~

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II •11Sllig'·

All the newest and bell books of trish·lreland Interest.

Picturet, framed framed,

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Attache cnea and Leather ooo11s aenerauy.





0\MOUfLACE. 'Tio •• age to wear 10 trlab f'olt'Uifl e of Eogliab Material. !acliab orbade the wurio1 of Coltu the Irish fub1oa Ia ardef to su nute English cooc~J;. Ja the ruiYal, despise eam.ouflaae. M. A. RYAN, CORK .. d COVE,

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Belfqtt ll C l'ur'

"'lr l

and c-o. 95. Patrick

t Bowtuaa Gr-

Printed b7 Patriot Afahoo 8 Yonb&U St.., Dubl u, pubHahed b)' the .hopruton at '' 1r Oflloe-, i04 <•I nr1J.:utru:k street, Dotw..