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s mobern l anguage series





H . C. O. HUSS

Em u Paom son o r Mom LA NGUAGE S mwcr rou Um m -

n r

B OSTON , U . S.A .




BY D. C. Hu m Ch



h f f



INENT feature of this R eader consists in the

stress laid upon the study of E nglish-Ge rman cognates as

afie cted by the ope ration of G r imm’s L aw. In viewof

the great difi culty whichthe studen t of Ge rman en coun

te rs in acquir ing a vocabulary, e ve ry possible help should

be extended to him in this direction , and n o thing pro ves

so helpful as an early fam iliar ity withthat great phon eticlawin the light ofwhichwe see throughthe disguise as

sumed in the course o f time by thousands o f wo rds, andrecogn ize the ir o rigin , kin ship and mean ing. The following historical exposition of G rimm

’s L aw, however, though

strictly confin ed to its leading features, and adapted to the

wan ts of the young, is in tended m o re fo r refe ren ce than

fo r regular study, the latte r be ing by n o mean s indispe n

sable to the end in view, i.e . to enable the learne r to rec

ogn ize cognates. This e nd will be reached by simply

showing him the final results o f the ope ration o f the“ L aw” with abundan t illustration s. L et n o o n e think

that this is beyon d the grasp of the juven ile m ind. If the

teache r starts from the fam iliar fact that the M of many

E nglishwo rds has b ecom e 11 in the n egro dialect, as, e .g. ,

in dam for them, and then states that precisely the sam e

co rrespo nden ce exists between E nglish11: and G e rman (1,

an y childwill at once understand the formula ti: b and



b e able to tran slate at sight the sentence bahenQomen

”and all o ther sim ilar examples. This simpleway

of proceeding is obse rved throughout the en tire Introduc

tion .

The illustrations of the Introduction may profitably be

taken up as soon as the studen t is fam iliar with the de

clen sion of n ouns, the mean ing of the most common preposition s, and the first two tenses of baben and fein . Towardthe end of eachpe riod, after the sterner drill in grammar ,

when a change in the subject se em s desirable , the in

structor may give out som e formula of con son an tal corre

Spondence and, right then and there ,make his pupils applyit to the se ntence s inwhichit is exemplified. Hewilln oticethat they are in tere sted and stimulated because the ir rea

son ing faculties are called in to play ; that they are greatlye ncouraged by d iscove ring the close resemblan ce betweenG e rm an and the ir own tongue ; finally, that they rapidly

increase the ir vocabulary, since the mean ing of awordonce recogn ized as a cognate is indelibly fixed on the

memo ry. Bywhat o the r means can so great advantages

be secured ?

The usual objection raised against an early study of

cognate s, that a numbe r of them have diverged in mean ing,is met hy

r the an swe r that such cases are m erely the ex

ceptions to the rule . Besides, there is a very bright side to

this diffe rentiation in mean ing inasmuchas it follows logical line s, so that the re is n early always an obvious rela

tion be tween two diffe ren tiated m ean ings, as, e .g., betweendeer and i ier. This logical relation facilitates men tal

asso ciation , so helpful in re tain ing the mean ing of many

wo rdswhich, b e ing quite dissim ilar to the ir equivalen ts asto soun d,would otherwise be hard to retain . To remem


be r, e .g., that file: means an imal is hard for eve rybodyexcept for him who conn e cts file]:with deer. This asso

ciating of ideas, this logical bridge -building, as itwe re, isat the same time valuable in afiording good mental train

ing as well as an insight in to the life and growtho f lan

guage in gene ral.

The text of the Introduction con tains not merely a

sprinkling of cogn ates, but is made up of cognates solely

and exclusively, so that the re is not a single word in itwhichthe beginne r should not decipher, if he only uses hiswits. If this is impressed on him from the starthewill notlookto the teache r for assistancewhile translating at sight,but rely en tirely upon his own resources.

N ot un til the illustration s of a given formula have been

discussed in class should the student be required to read


over at home with a viewto the preparation of a

more fluen t translation , fo r without sucha previous dis

cassion hewould, in all probability, consult the dictionaryfor a number ofwo rds in stead of reason ing them out by

an e ffort of his own , thus losing all the real benefit of the


Althoughthe chapter o n cognates holds the prominent

place of an in troduction, all subsequen t connected prose

is in eve ry respect independen t of it, so that the In troduc

tion may be taken up at any late r stage , o r even be e n

tit ely om itted without the rest be ing the least afie cted

the reby.

The text of the R eader prope r is to be treated in

the o rdinary way, i.e . to be prepared at home with the

aid of the N otes and the Vocabulary. It presupposes n o

othe r grammatic train ing than in the de clension s and

the weakconjugation , there be ing strong reason s for the


un iversal demand that reading should be started early in

the course . A s to the fo rms of the strong conjugation

occurr ing in the text, helphas been furn ished in the V ocab

ulary, yet fo r the first half o f the prose text only, because ,

beyond that, the studen t is supposed to kn owhis “ irregu

lar ve rbs,”o r at least to be sufficien tly fam iliar with the

theo ry of the ir fo rmation as to kn owhowto consult the

list o f strong verbswhen n ecessary.

E ach of the earlier and sho rte r prose selections is fol

lowed by a list of the mo re obvious n ewcogn ates in the

o rde r of the ir o ccurrence . It is recomm ended that eachbe

discussed in class.

The poetical selection s have be en graded as strictly as

those in prose , but witha n ewstart, and that from so lowa level that a numbe r of them may be read very early in

the course .

M y thanks are due to my colleague , Professo rJ. P. Hos

kin s, fo r reading my manuscriptwithhelpful care .

H . H .

PR INCETON , N .J., September 1 900 .





$306 gufibafliplcl .

Sober ?Rabc

t e bcidyelbcne 8 ittcDonor Ember antbet QBartburgGlue trodcnc finttoort

Bmetfinfinahmen‘Dottor game Baubcrrttt(Eta Silmtcripmd)(Ehrlid; miibrt am ldngftentheoric unb ‘Brarifib aa‘Bferb nub bet iBoIfDue ga brodyene {mfeilen“

g)cr 8mmim iBrm men .

uberltftetfiber ?Btatapfel .

fiber tinge ©dydferiunge .

fiber t(etnc ?IftronomQrtappt

2530“nub bet 3m!”5m Sildenhnielgeug5m fitnbumfibdpenSDiemags bet ©treicbbblgetmeblid; geteiltfib er preufiiid n ‘Bfifffiber Emolfunb bet Weald)Qie SZBege bet i

'BoriebnugSDer tingemichterSDer Silttet nub bet 93mins l bfimmen nub bet QiebSaber finbet feinen EmelfterSanbgtafWorth0011 fiefien


met mmantttterShot nub feta bummerfl )“ angelthie t garhimlangeS oltor ?(Ilmtfienb .

fib er flBettlaufgunmen hem {mien nub bent°

Ssel .

SDicE rfiubnng bee lBoraeuane .wit @eid;td;tc bout netaca St d

Siber ©otbbanm

fins 6 6,111c SugcnbQuetbc Bcftagt busDraft!©pttdpm6rtet



1 . fl atwa remacbttteb2. i nfangsmout

’id) faftncrgagen

3 . Qtn stdnenbaum ftebt ctnlam4. b eta, melt! fictg, lei aid)t benommen


5 . $ 11 bill mic cine SBIume .

6. fleiie gicht bard) meta (53m in

7. fib er ®dmetterling tit in Me 310i: nerltebt .

fietbenrbeleiu9. 23a mid) ein $ 69Ieiumfir


1 0. micmile QBafierroie1 1 . (Einfcbr



1 2. SDer gate Stamemb.

1 3 . M ignon

1 4. 5 t aerbromem mingleln1 5 . 2m m1 6. t tbnlg .

1 7. She Smabcbcn ans bet Srembe1 8. fiber Winger1 9. SDaé Gaylofiam Meet

20. Sb icGrenabtet e

21 . fi t bofinung22. fib er

28. 2111 mememutter 8 . Qelne24.

‘Dte S&acbt um 9mmN orm



b eine


b elne


$cinc©nethe8 01mm©cibcl


r tbenblanbseine©®ma .




1 . R elation o f Ge rm an to E nglish

There is a close kinship between Ge rman and E ng

lish, o r, more accurately speaking, the Anglo -Saxon

e lemen t in E nglish, as will appear from a sho rt surveyo f the ir respective ped igrees.

1 . The I ndo -E umpean fam ily of languages, to whichE nglish and G e rman as younge r membe rs belo ng, con

sists o f te n branches : Indic, Pe rsian, Armen ian, G reek,I talic, Alban ian , Ke ltic, Baltic, Slavic and German ic, all

o fwhicho riginated from a comm on paren t-speech, called

the Indo - European (also the Indo—Ge rman ic o r Aryan ).

a. The Indo - E uropean language has no t come down to na in

written re cords, but has partly been re constructed by scho lars

who , comparing the ten languages mentioned and finding ce rtain

characte ristics common to all o f them , naturally attributed these

comm on fu tures to the parent-language , a part of whose grammaran d dictionary they thus resto red.

z . German ic, in turn , which like Indo - European has

partly been re constructed, becam e the pare n t- spe ech o f

Ou the purpose of this Introduction and the way it is intended to be used, see


Gothic, Scandinavian , L ow-German and H igh-German .

Only the last two com e in to conside ration he re .

a. The statemen t that Ge rman ic becam e the parent-speech of

H igh-Ge rman and Low-Ge rm an implies that the re was a time

when the common ancesto rs o f the H igh-Ge rman and Low-Ge rman

b ranches dwelt togethe r , fo rm ing on e commun ity and speaking a

un ifo rm language . If it did no t remain un ifo rm afte r the ir

separation , the reason is because difierences in climate , surround

ings, occupations , social and po litical conditions, e tc., caused in

it difieren tiations ultimately resulting in the fo rmation of twoseparate dialects, distinguished as H zig/z- Gem an and L o'w-Gem an ,

which o riginally we re m erely geographical te rms, Low-Ge rman

be ing confin ed to the lowlands of no rthe rn G e rmany, whileH igh-German occupied the m oun tainous cen tral and southe rn

Ge rmany.

The Anglo -Saxons, who in the fifth century began

to se ttle in E ngland, came from n o rthern Ge rmany

and spoke L ow- Ge rman , while “Ge rman”

prope r is a

H igh-Ge rman diale ct, so that the kinship be tweenG e rman and E nglish, through


Anglo -Saxon , is indeed a

very close one . A s a natural co n sequence , they have incommon many words of German ic o rigin . Suchwordsare called “


2 . G rimm's L aw

1 . The chief difference between Indo - European and

German ic con sists in a set of changes affecting the

so - called explosive con sonan ts o r stops. The alphabe t

of the Indo - European languages o riginally con tain ed

n ine of these ; three being den tal 1,dd

, J threelabial—p, M , b and three guttural k, gfi, g.

a. The I: in the case o f d}: M , g}: was uttered separately, dd,

e .g., sounding as in godhead.


According to an othe r principle of division , three of

the n in e stops t, p , k are vo iceless, the ir utte r

an ce no t being accompan ied by the vib ration of the

vo cal chords ; three db , M , g}: are aspirated,

an d three d,b, g are vo iced. Thus :

Voice!“ Aspirated VoicedDen tal Stops t d}: o r M d

Labial Stops p M o r pl: b

Guttural Stops k g}: o r kl: g

2 . N ow, comparing Indo - European words with the

co rre sponding German ic fo rms, we observe the remark

able phenome non that they regularly differ as to their

staps. To Indo - Rum pean (Sanskrit) M ratar,“brothe r,

e .g . , corresponds Ge rman ic (Gothic) broMar, the aspirated

labial M having been displaced by the vo iced labial b,

and the vo iceless dental t by the aspirated den tal M ,

that is to say, the stop of an Indo - European wo rd is

in the co rresponding German ic on e regularly displaced

by an othe r stop of the same class.

The o rder strictly obse rved throughout this displac

ing o r shifting process is that vo iceless stops be com e

aspirated, aspirated vo iced, and vo iced vo iceless, a

rotatio n whichhas be en illustrated thus :



xii mm onuc'


This. phonetic phen omeno n of the shifting,

of stops

in the o rder m entioned goes by the nam e of “G rimm’s

Law,” so called afte r its fo rmulator, the philologist

Jacob G rimm (1 7853 . By the ope ration of Grimm

’s L aw, Germanic, to

which it was confin ed, became differen tiated from all

the othe r Indo - European languages. N ow, amon g the

four Ge rman ic branches enum erated above 1 . z)H igh-G e rman occupies a sim ilarly isolated position , a

second shifting of stops having taken place in it, and

in it alone. To Ge rman ic (Go thic) broMar,“brothe r,

e .g., cor responds H igh-German pm odar, the vo iced labial

6 having been displaced by the voice less l‘

ab ial p, and

the aspirated de n tal M by the vo iced den tal J. Thissecond shifting set in at the beginn ing of the seven th

cen tury.

4. The two succe ssive shifts men tioned will nowbecon side red m o re in detail.

If G rimm’s L awhad n o exceptions, then to

Labial Gun.“

Indo -European t a d p pl: 6 k M 3“

would answe r Ge rm’tc ih d t pl: 6 p kfi g k

and H igh-German d 1 lb 6 p pl: g k kk

ye t exception s do exist, the most importan t on es be ing

the followinga. Indo - E uropean p becam e the spirant f (instead of the as

pirate p11) in Ge rman ic, and this f remain ed unchanged in H igh

G e rman .

6. Indo -E uropean k be came the spirant 5 (instead of the as

pirate M ) in Ge rman ic, and this b remained unchanged in High

German .

rum cn on xiii

c. Germanic t becan e b or : (inateed of the u pirate M) in

d. Ge rman ic 9 becom e pf or f (instead of the aspirate pit) in

High-Ge rman .

Taking the se . modifications into accoun t, we get the

following table :Labhl Gnttnt ll

To Indo -E uropean I M d p pkb 5 él g

answe r Ge rman ic M d t f é p k g k

and H igh-German d t ts or : f p pf or f I: k M or fifi

Sin ce L ow-German did not participate to any marked

exte n t in the second shift, and since E nglish, throughAnglo -Saxon , is a Low-Ge rman idiom (5 1 . the refo re

the E nglish consonan tal system, in general, co in cides

withthat of the German ic in the above table ,while Ge rman , be ing a High-Ge rman diale ct, shares the latte r

’s con

so nan ts, though re tain ing Ge rman ic b, g and kunaltered.

He nce the real consonantal co rresponde nce s between Ge rman and E nglishare as follows :

Denn l Labial Guttural

To E nglish M d : f b p kg b

answer Ge rman b t aor flsurd) f l) pfor f 5 9 5

3 . M ino r Diffe re n ces » b e twe e n Cogn ates

While some cognate s are perfe ctly alike , as finger

ginger, lum d bani) , arm ‘llrm,the great major ity difie r

more o r less in spelling. The m inor difie ren ces are

the following :

J. In a numbe r of cognate s n o thing difie rs but the

vowe ls ; e .g. , breast firuft, flair mar .


a. The vowel correspondences showso great a variety that to

treat them by way o f rule and example would prove rather

bewilde ring than helpful. They will, in every case , easily be ih

ferred from the consonants and the con text.

2 . Some cognates having a final e in E nglishlackit in

German and vice versa ; e .g.,lzouse gang, end (Snbe.

3 . The le tte r I) is often a me re o rthographic device to

indicate that the preceding vowel is long, and is then to

be disregarded ; e .g., 6 01m son .


N B .—The text of all the following exe rcises is made up

elusively of cognates, and any studen t fam iliar with the gram

matical requirem ents m en tioned in the preface , page IV , is ex

pe cted to translate it without con sulting the dictionary.

1 . iber ‘R ing ift runb. 2. fi e fielber fmhim 6 01m m

grim. 3 . SBringe bie 8ampe. 4. 3d) bfite cine 513mm nub

cine 816k in bet mile. 5 . 28h: baben 8& 1!a in 223mm.

6. $aft bu é cbilleré QBette? 7. 3d) Ierne cine éBaIIabe Don

(Sinethe. 8. (5 3 iii cine ‘Dleile non bier nad) bet 8um.

9. 3d; finbe meinen 6 t nicbt. 10.writ bu ben QBinb?28h: baben t minb. 1 1 . g ichii bu bag runbe Weft?ift ein QBefpenneft. 12. $abt ibr finnget ? $ ier ift ?Butterunb 23m ffir aIIe. 1 3 . 3d) babe ein 6 oh unb neun

6 tiible. 14. SBringe ben $ammet unb bie geile. 1 5 . imeingunb iiiwub unb Iabm.

4 . Conson an tal Diffe re n ce s b e twe e n Co gn ate s

The great majo r ity o f cognates differ as to the ir con

sonants. In some case s the d iffe rence is ve ry slight, a

simple con son an t me re ly be ing doubled ; e .g., man 911mm,


grass (8mm; but in othe rs the consonan ts diffe r materially,

an d that e spe cially in con sequen ce of the ope ration of

G r imm’s L aw The chief corresponden ces result

ing from the same will nowbe set forth in detail and


5 . Co rr espo n d e nce . am on g the De n tal:

A cco rding to the table o n page xiii the den tal corre

sponde n ce s are : th b ; d t ; t 3 o r f (surd). Sin ce 3,

when doubled, is spelled g, and the sib ilan t f surd is

o fte n written fi, fi o r B, the complete fo rmulas are as

follows :1 . th b, Compare M ing and Qing.

a. The most common exceptions are jaMer flat“ ; moMer

mutter ; weaMe r 18am ; Mom and taulenb.

z . d = t (tt). Compare drank and tranf ; god and


a. Ge rman t, in a fewwords, is accompanied by I) ; e .g., door

Ether ; dale I bal.6. A fte r n and som etimes also afte r I Ge rman ic d maintained

itself in Ge rman ; e .g ., Iawd Qanb ; gold (5 0m

3 . t = 3, 3, 11, f}, 6, E xamples : tin Binn ; net 9183 ;water imafier ; nut mug; out ans.

a. In ce rtain comb inations Ge rman ic t.

remains unaltered in

G erman ; these are tr, ft, ft and tht. E xamples : true tteu ; of t oft ;kaste mil; m iglzt Smaét.N OTE . Of the wo rds bo rrowed from othe r languages only

those were affected by G rimm’s Lawthat found the ir way into

G e rman be fo re the H igh-Ge rman shifting 2 . 3) se t in . Thus,Lat. tegula,



” was conve rted in to Siegel, while Lat. templmn ,“ temple ,” owing to late introduction , main tained its 1 in I emptl.



ffi b and d : t (ti) ,

1 . mic (i rbe iii ein ?Blanet. 2. Stalien ift bet Garten(Europas. 3 .

sJIItc Qinben baben bide E tdmme. 4.

‘meineSBriiber finb beibe bIonb. 5 . 290mm 6hmeinen 6 t cine

minute baIten ? 6. sawiht 0



t’ 7. 3d) fanb beinenfiling unter meinem SBett. 8. Siber Qiamant iii ber battefteunb teuerfte 6 tein. 9.

‘Dlein (Siiittel ift non e er . 10. i )a

EBfir bat cine bide mat. 1 1 .

sJIIIer guten Qinge finbbrei. 12. 3 111 ‘monat Qluguft geben mir nad) bem morben.

1 3 . Emeine uniform ift gran unb mi. 14. {Rofen babenfiornen.

= 3r Br fit fir 3

1 5 . ift au beifi bier in bet 6 0mm, IafiunB ins $au§

geben. 16. $ 161: iii ein Bmeig mitamblf illofen. 17. 8 ringe

$ 013, bus getter gebt nus. 18. illeid)’

mir ben manner

unb bie Sange. 19. Qafien €>ie bag (Silas nicbt fallen.

20. QBit baben EButter mit unb obne 6 013. 21 . 3m gtfinmDmnibus figea amei ?Berfonen. 22. flBifien 6hbie ‘Ramen

her 310b sllpoftel? 23 . (Siriifsen é ic aIIe meine Greunbe.24. 3d) babe einen gilabut fur ben flBinter . 25 . Emirbeigen unfer mus mit beifiem QBafier. 26. 3m ‘

Bart iftgin 301mm: ?lBoIf.

M ixed E xamples o f Dental Co rrespondences

27. 28h imbeu ‘Dlifiiontire au ben lbeiben. 28. 280 5

beaten 6 ie non biefen ?Berlen ? 36) finbe fie au tenet .

29. flBas bitten 6k fill: mein $t unb meinen (Batten ?

30. SDiefet Siting iii 3a meit filr beinen ginger . 3 1 . Sci)winbe einen illofenameig um beineu nut. 32. flBifien 6h,


duction is ‘Bfuttb (from Lat. pondus) pound,while Wage (from Lat.

plaga) plague is o ne o f late introduction .


v= 5 °r f

1 . 5903 g ilhet ift tin ‘metall. 2. 30) blitz cine 27100110:line 000 cine <90th: im 580th 3 . 6 01mbu bie 810mmim Dfen ? 4. Sbic l fel unb ‘

Bflaumen finhin bet ‘Bfarme

fiber hem getter . 5 . Wlein (8105 iii 0015 0011. 6. g enben

g it ein s434000 filfefiet 00 meine sJIbrefie. 7. fi e geigen

firthreif. 8. ?ZBir pfliiden 31010 1 000 Bilieu. 9. tour

bus QBeib 2100016. 10. $ 00 ?Bruber , nbtt id) , but 006

$iebet ; id) bofie. bu bift mohl. 1 1 . (Siieb mir cine $am ol1

000 biefem feinen 6 000. 12. fi e (806 1106 finhQlffeu unb

Ieben in sllfrifa. 1 3 . é ichii bu ben ?Raben fiber 005 8e

biipfen ?

7. M ix e d E xam ple s of De n tal an d L ab ial

Co rre spon d e n ce s

1 .wider alte ‘Dlann iii 5 1010 000 taub. $05 0 1 mitg fibminb? main, morbminb. 3 . 30) fpinne, unb meine

SBriibet meben. 4. 5905 $003 mat iiilI, unb afle fihi’


maren meit ofien. 5 . i8m meiner mustbiir fmb fieben6 tufen . 6. (Sieh

in hen (Batten unb pfliidc eta 0001? rotemolten ; bann fiet) , ohbu bie blaue i80kfinbeft. 7. 22803

flit cine ?Bflanae iii bag? (5 5 iii ?Bfefictminge. 8. $ 0 muBtbag 130m“ f01ten, b0mt gebt es in hie Qfinung. 9.

itchift fein llbeI. 10. ZBergieb beinen 89inben. 1 1 .

bofie, bag 6 ie uns nicbt bergefien. 1 2. SDer bafen ift amei?Jleilen bon bier . 1 3 . iDieB iii bet

Bfab 0 00) Dem

fall. 14. SDer 6 000 mar 70 tief, bahwit his 00 bis Rniee


batin maten mufitm. 1 5 . 3 10 fl ier iiiwhim unb W013.

16. 81 h hen QBintet baben mir gate, bide ?mlamdntel.1 7. SDer beutfcbe E tubent ift ein mean!) 000 grofsen 6000010 00 Iangen

szltlfeifcn . 18. Qie mobren baben bide Bipp m

unb Bungen. 19. (Sin R ilogramm iii ameis4341101) . 20. Sim

Qiebe ftablen meine heften Rleiber . 21 . ?ZBir Ieben nicht,um 30 efien ; wit eficn, um 30 Ieben . 22. 280m:fmhtief. 23 . Qer QIpfel ffiflt nithi meit 00m é tamm.

24. QIIte fiiebe roftet mm.

8. Co rr eapon d e n cea am o n g the Gutturals

The guttural co rresponden ces exhibited in the table on

p. xiii are : 6 I) ; g : g ; 6 f. He re seve ral restriction s

are to b e made .

1 . To Ge rm an ic 6 remain ed un changed in

E n glishand Ge rman on ly when in itial; e .g.,6and

When medial o r final, it was e ithe r dropped in E ng

lish, as in ten germ, s6oe Gcbul), o r else it became

36, as in In G e rman it is e ither silen t, as

in gebn ten , rot) roug6, o r it has be com e d) , as in 6 icbtsz

g6t, 5 06) It is n eve r found afte r iv ; cf. 106m

an d menu, w6z’

te and weifi.

2 . To g : g. Ge rman ic g main tained itself in E ng

lish only at the begin n ing of words, though even there

it became y in a fewcase s ; e .g., yam (80m . M edially

an d finally it was gradually reduced to a sem ivoweland then blended withthe preceding vowel in to a diph

thong, in which it figures as y , z'

o r 10 . Examples : may

mag ; rain megen ; f owl Qiogel.To the Ge rman sufiix - ig corresponds E nglish -


e.g., rosy tofig.


3 . To 6 f. Ge rman ic 6 appears in E nglishmostlyas 6, 5 , £6

,le ss freque n tly as £6 o r 6 6. In G e rman it

figure s as f, cf, d) . He n ce the comple te fo rmula is

6,c,(6, £6, 66 f, cf, d) . E xamples : keel Riel, clear

flat , $ 166 6 tod, M in t(? inn,Mate}; Sbad) , 6006

stretdz, 6 trecfe.

a. Ge rman ic 6: appears in E nglish as x ; in G erman , as dfi;e .g., wax madflen.

6. Ge rman ic 5 6 becam e 36 in E nglish and id) in Ge rman ;

1 5 5 6

W ith these modifications taken in to con sideration

formulas are as follows :gh= br tai

g : Y! i, W = g;k, c, ck, ch, tch f, d, d),


1 . 590 hage merben her flBinter iii m in.

2. 6 0W bu be0 megenbogen ? 3 .

‘Der 280; film biefe $hgeliii taut) fteinig. 4. $0100 6 0 ei0e0 Ieichten gr00e06 t0fi 30 einem magenmantel? 5 . 213000 gehen 6 0 000)

baufe? 6. 6 a0m 6 0 mir alleé, was 6 0 fiber mei0e0

920600: bfiren. 7. 30) will mein ‘

Biano 000) $0010t

fenben, iii hie gracbt bod) ? 8. 2q 80000 folgt oft EZBeinen .

9. $00ge nid)i alIeB 00 ei0 e0 Silagel. 10. 9310t gebt00r illedfi. 1 1 . Qie 6 i0g000e1 fliegm im $erbft 0 00) bcm6 00m.

6, a, £6,(6, 106 f, cf, 0)

x Chi ; sfi= id) .

12. 53303 Slidjt tommi 000 bar 6 00m . 1 3 .

‘Die fiibel iii005 2300) her 14. 6 01r0te9 mar bet meifefte 000


01 00 6 001100 . 1 5 . 3 0 00001 Rlofter 1100 fiber 00000 121110060 16. 930 6 000 1: 110161 00 2130160 17. 110005112000 101001 (550130 00 5 3 1065 . 18. 51130 1000 0 06133 060 1 10 330 50 0 ; 006700 6 010 100 gebe0 1011: 00631100600 . 19. 110013 6 600100691: 171 00 5 21300 . 20. 211010

0 00 1 1000 nor morgen 211111100 0 161 tommen. 21 . 5801:

0000 10 600 5 iii cine 6 010 11001. 22. 36 000 cine 300

Ier6e {100m 23 . $ 0 3 101 010110 010 ‘R eft 00 5 2111005 .

24. Qluf 3306 0000 1: 9060 iii 010 6 1016061. 25 . 500

10611 0e10e0 28000 ? $013 111 er . 26. 3 11100 6 0 00006 00 mit 9 0000 . 27. $310 1010 Rafiee 1001011 00 5 s1 001100 .

28. 6 0 53010 011 100600 110 6 110e0 . 29. $0100 6 0 0171103 1010 000 210110 0 ? 30. 600901: 111 010 befie 906.

3 1 . $ 00 00 10061 6 0000 . 32. 210i {Regen folgt 6 onnens

1600 . 33 . 2810 511061 000 010 90000 man.

9 . S om e Co rr e sp on d e n ce s outsid e o f G rimm 's L aw

1 . To s pre ced ing o n e of the co nsonan ts l,m, n or

1 0 co rre sponds id) . E xample s : sling 6 6Iinge ; smear

f6100re0 ; m ufi'

f6000fe0 ; swell 760 0100 .

2 . To in itial y , in a fewwords, co rresponds j; e .g.,

year 3 001 .


1 . $ 0 8065 111 16100 . 2.

‘Der s2101 1610100 010 00 5

0er $000. 3 . 5330 6 60 12000 fliegen raid) . 4. 3 10 $016

T1110 010 000 iunge 6 610000 5 . 3 01 5113100 13 1001 0100 00310100 001: 10 01 0100 6 61001me0 . 6. ift 0 161 meife,

gegen 0m 6 11 001 30 16101010 00 . 7. 61305 01061 ibr bier ?511311: 160 0100 Rupfer . 8. fiber 6 60100 {6101001 000

60100110 . 9. 0 001 $ 0005 $010 171 ein 5806 ffir 3 009


000 9111. 1 0. 9130 001011 , 0061105 3 000 006 6 6100000

30 90000 . 1 1 . 60 1 000 mar 3 001000001 10 10119 0001 0001

1 001 11600 3 06.

1 0. M ix e d E xam ple s to 3 - 9


1 . 65 111 1011, 1011 00000 9101010100. 2. 9130 101 000

00 301101 0001 3 065 000 0010 9101100 . 3 . 910100110 1111 016 000 1006119. 4. 590 91001000 mar 010 0 91 0130 1000 1160

3 1010 . 5 . 6 6100000 000 9101 100900 1100 9106000100001 .

6. fiber 510101 11 0111 00 5 010010 90100000 930601 . 7. 11001 0

3 10990 111 91000001130 01. 8. 6 01 6 0001 01 00110 0100 1009530000 10 001 006100 6 60 1101 . 9. 51301 5811601 001 0100010 6 1001 00 5 000 3 011 5101 15 005 6 1 01100 . 1 0. 6 00

60901 1610009 010 001 1905 6 61001 1 fiber 910010 000 600.

1 1 . 51010 16109 01000 5800001 911101 101. 12. 5905 6 1 00

005 91110110 1 5 111 001 001 1 0600 6 0110 005 6 010 5 01101 5 .

1 3 . 6 01 6 6101 111 001: 581 0001 005 1 0005 . 14. $01 3 0006 60101 3 1100 9 0101 10010 . 1 5 . 6 01 91309 111101 00 $0100 006000 6 090100010 111 1009 000 10110 19. 16. 9311 90000 011

30 3 011 006 0010 6 11 000 10 5 9300. 17. 5905 9130100 111

10 1101 , 0011 0100 00 6 0100 001 0010 6 1 000 0000 1000 .

1 8. 5001 53 10110001 0 1101 109116 0111 01001 $ 0601 00 5 .

19. $ 0 98060 001 065 980 11090. 20. 6 0 6 60109910110110000 10 1111101 91061. 21 . 9305 31 01091 001 111 1001 300091110000 006 911110 1 0061. 22. 5001 91105 01111011 1000 1018101100 11011.


23 . 930 3 1061 001: 3 01000 1109000 001° 6 0000110001 9009.

24. 610 6 6111 0111 00 1 9110100 111 10 6 161. 25 . 9106 00061100 1010011 00 3 101. 26. 9305 58101 001 3 1160 111 1011.


27. 98100 16 161011 , 10061 01 1111 5 10011 1 00. 28.

161001 31 1 930011 1001 01 1 6 1011 1. 29. 6 1 1 6000 1600001006 3 111910 . 30. 9911 111111 1 0 0011 1 1 51001 0111 000

931 01. 3 1 . 9911 10 9106001 11 1 101 1 10 511001 6 6110 006 01 16 1001. 32. 6 110 0101 6 111 1 110 91110011 $ 1 0 . 33 . 3 001111 1 $ 1 101 1100 3101 1000011 1 6 6011 . 34. 6 05 51010 1 1 111005 6 6111 01 1 92811111 . 3 5 . 36 1600 010 91100011 10 011660111 1 . 36. 9111 101 66001 1100 000 01100 1 10 510105 1101 1 .

37. 9811 00010 600016001 000 95 0111 000 601 0 . 38. 3 113111 100111 10161. 39. 93305 1111 3 101 10 0011 00 001 01 10 101

601? 40. 11011 1 1 60111 100010 0 161 001 99111109 011 1 11 10 .

41 . 991110 6 011 1 001 005 3 1101 1 000 10061 00 5 91 001 6 0191 .42. 6 11 6 091 11110 011 1 0110, 006 011 910611 1100 11101.43 . 6 1 1 3 1 011 160011 010 931100310 . 44. 6 11 6 101 11 01061011 9330161 111 11.

3 .

45 . 3 0 01 10 6 01 00016 111 110 910611901000 111. 46. 6 1111101 1010 910110 1006110 001 01 1 01 101 . 47. 9911 1010010

6 011 100010 3001 6 6011111. 48. 6 11 6 1 00910 101010 10 00 5

01 10 1000 1910 6 11010 . 49. 6 1 1 601 101 1 0110031 6 000 10000 6 0101. 5 0. 93305 111 01 1 3 011 001 6 105 1000 0 ?5 1 . 91311 010610 3 10161 0 000 6 116110 00 5 3 100 , 000

931000 10 00 5 51 0011 1 . 5 2. 6 1 1 5106 00111 93100010610 .

5 3 . 6 1 1 9801111 161101 005 6 1 01 10 010 6 0110110 . 5 4. 610

931000 51010111116 101111 1101 91101 1. 5 5 . 91305 1111 31161

0001 0 6 11 ? 91011 000 51010110 . 5 6. 91311 1100 001 1119,

00010 6 10 1 10 10 11 11610 6 1 00 1? 5 7. 6 1 1 0111 911000 1001

00091 19 000 00 11 10 1 6 0001 10 91 001 1 10011. 5 8. $ 111 10 11011110 6 011 001 011 6 60 111 1 10010 . 5 9. 95 11 01 11610 10 11

01 1 6 1 11610016101 . 60. 6 05 3 101 1 9101 00 5 ; 01 1091

5100110 , 0111 111 1 101 6 60011 1. 61 . 6 110 10 11 010 6010 10 1 1 ,16 10111 1 1010 91091 1 10 010 600 10101110 1610910 . 62. 6 0


fanait bie geile unb bie Bange nicht finben ? $afl bu imQellet geiucbt? 63 . ?Det 9m iii bag Ieicbtefte material ffité cbmimmgiirtel. 64. (8011) unb g ilhet lag in gtofien

$aufen in bet @totte. 65 . Sbic glut tam fiber ? tacbt, unbhie Slot mat gtofi. 66. 5905 28001 {ant in germ g efunben .

67. fl ex ift mein mug, treten G ie ein unb feien é ie millstommen.


68. $amburg ift cine beutfcbe $afenftaht an bet morbfeefiifte. 69. ?Det $tfifibent griifite mit bet 3mm, mir

fcbmaugen hie fifite. 70. 3 11 auferem mufeum fannft buaIIe i iere unb 286ml feben. 71 . 3 a bet menaget ie mat

ein SBfir ; man gab ibm $ nuig, unb er Iegfte ibn mit feinerrauben Bunge raid) auf. 72.

‘BIeine i aubm {tub is gabm,

bag fie mir auf bie 6 6mm: fliegen unb has gutter auB her

$anhpiden. 73 . 2q hem $erhmat fein gem , bod) hieQlfcbe mat heifi. 74. ?R it mufifcbalen farm man Icicbt gettermacben. 75 . meme fidnbe finb falt unhfteif, bringen 6 3:mir beige?) flBafier nub ©cife. 76. 233i: fcblafen nicbt nad)hem Emittagefien, bod) geben mit Iange bot SDIittemacbt 311éBett. 77. ift bier in beifi, baB tfii d) finnherte flerben .

78. Eat”

; 11115 in hen E cbatten unter hen Gieben unb iBudmt

gebcn. 79. SDet ?JtiiIIet mill alIeB QBafier int I na! nad)feiner mfible Ieiten. 80. i Benn bie iRot am gtfifiten, ift(Siotteé $ ilfe am ndtbfteu.

5 .

81 . Sbic ?Rudn mat mbenfibmara, bod) fouhen mit hen‘lBeg burd) bie ?Ruinen . 82. SDer é tubent fang : n3mfiiblen Qefiet fig

id; bier . 83 . GM fucbft heinen g toct?Git Iebnt um i bfitpfoften. 84. fla é ie ausgeben, bet s

gefien 6k hie fiberfcbube nicht, eé regnet unb hie 6 truism

finb fcbliipfrig. 85 . 215i: batten amei meantiere nor auferem

Dr o i d

1 . Das Sufibaufpiel

23a: tfirfifcbe (Skfanbte in Bonbonwar cinit unter Den

8ufcbauem bei einem Iebbaften gufiballfpiel. SDieé mar

ibm etmaé Stews} nub ct folgte bem Gpiel mit grofiem

3 ntetefic. 9118 mi borfiber mar, fragte ibn fain ?Begleitet :

921 m, mass benfen ©ie nom gufibaflfpiel?“ ?Det (Se:

fanbte anhnottete: "?sd) bin nod) in Smeifel batfibet ;2flit

ein ©pieI {chant eB mix: ein bificben 3a bieI unb fiit cine

g dfladfl 5awenig.

Cognates 1 . 8118. 2. (adanhte. 3 . Iebbaft. 4. bieé.

6. folgte. 6. grofi. 7. e6. 8. m 6. 9. beaten. 1 0. bariibet.

1 1 . bi Jen. 1 2. an.

2 . Der R abe

fiber ?Rabe bemerfte, but; her ?IbIer breifiig boIIe Stage“

fiber feinen Qiem brfitete. "Hub baber fommt eé offen=xo

bat ,“fagte er, "bahbie finngen bee l leté fo {turf unb


befifebenb finb. (55m! bass mill id) and) tbun.

“ nub

feitbem brfitet bet ?Rabe mirflid) breifiig boIIe i age fiber

feinen C&iem , abet er fest trosbem nut elenbe ?Raben in

bie QBeIt.

Cognates : 1 . iRaBe. 2. Bemetfte. 3 . bob. 4. Doll. 5 . t ag.

6. fiber. 7. Git. 8. brfitete. 9. tommt. 1 0. fagte. 1 1 . bie811mm.

1 2. gut. 1 3 . bass. 14. than. 1 5 . feat.

3 . Qin e befdzeiben e B itte

5 (Sin iunger 232mm tncmberte auf bet ftaubigen Barth,

ftrafie. 9116 ibn eirt {war in feinem Smugen einholte, mat

eB fein 2181111d and) fabren 3a ffinnen. (Sit gtfifite alfol

ben fiem t bfiffid) unb fagte, art hen 218mm tretenb, an

ibm: £56) mare 3 1mm febr banfbar, menu @ie meinen

mocf bié gut niicbften g tabt mitnehmen women.

“ fib er

®err antmortete : " ibaé mill id) gem tbun, abet mic o Ien

6 ie ibn balm wieberbefommen ? “ "D, menu bet 91m!


sfmen g orge macbt,“crmiberte bet 6 dw“, "in“ BIeiBe“

id) gang gem Darin.

“ fiber fim I(id)elte unb bfinete ibm

hen ?IBagcnfcbIag.

Cognates 1 . Eanbftraise. 2. tifinnen. 3 . grufite. 4. an.

6. tretenb. 6. baufbar. 7. ntidfit. 8 . S tabt. 9. bann. 1 0. é orge.

1 1 . macbt. 1 2. borin. 1 3 . [fidpelm


4 . Dottor t amer auf betwat tburg imortar Butbet fag in feinem gimmet auf bet 28611 5 t

nub fibetfegte bie ?Bibel. Qaé mar hem Eleufel gar nicht

recbt, nub er tam, baB beifige 21a au ftfiren ; 016 et

abet 5 811 202mm (Siotteé beriucben moIIte, ergtiff bicier fain

flintenfafi nub mar? eé ibm’cm ben Qopi. 9206) beute

geigt man Sutheré g tube unb hen 65mm, auf meld)em er

311 figen p egte, and) bie g teIIe an bet 28mm, muffin hie

Sl ime geflogena ift.

Cognates l . auf. 2. fats. 3 . simmer. 4. i eufel. 6. Tam.

6. beilig. 7. erutti . 8. itintenfafi. 9. 6mm. 1 1 .men.

1 2. ggflnseu.

5 . t in e tr od en e un twou

21a einem beifien 6 0mmertage ging ein Gbelmann in

feinen (Sarten unb fat) hen (Sjfirtner, bet feinen germ

nicht fommen“ bfirte, im Girafe unter einem. EBaum Iiegen

nub in hen bIauen gimmel fdmuen. 801169 rief bet

fiat : "1311 fauler iBurfcbe Iiegft bier, anftatt 3a arbeiten ?

bu berbienft nicht, bafi bid) bie 6 0mm befcbeint. “ ?Der

(Manet anhnortete : "SDasSweiB id), unb beébalb babe id)

mid) in ben g chatten gelegt .

Cognates : 1 . heifs. 2. 6 0mmertag. 3 . (M rtner. 4. mm.

5 . 8mm. 6. Iiegen. 7. 5 1cm. 8. bier. 9. anitatt. 1 0. 6 0am.

1 1 . Befcbeint. 1 2. weifi. 1 3 . g chatten. 1 4. gelegt.


6 . swei Zlum ahm en

9113 Rfinig ?yriebrid) QBiIbeIm I . cinit int iBurf fpaaieren

ging, trat ein iunger Emana 5a ibm unb bat {bu um cine

g teIIe. "21809“ finb g ie fragte bet Rfinig. "21113


“antinortete bet


{yremba "SDaB bebaute icb,

s fagte bet Qfinig, "bean aIIe SBerliner tangent nicbté.

3 ci) bitte um (intfcbulbigung, M ajeftiit,“ermiberte

her Qiafinet , es gicht QIuBnabmen ; icf) ie ft fenne


"6 0 ? nub met firth benn l biefe amei ?“


bet fibnig. ”SDie cine,“ mat hie 21111111011 , " ift S



o M ajeftfit, nub bie anbete bin idy‘ Qet 96mg Iacbte

betalid) fiber hué feltene Qompliment, fanb ®efaflen an

hem getsecfien jungen M ann unb gemfibrte fein ©eiud).

7. Dottor San ity sauberfl tt

2113 Sboft : gauft, bet groBe Baubetet , cinit but t!) bie

®t mfien non Sleipaig ging, tam er an ein QBittBbauB, mo

mehrere ein grofieé $03 cuss hem QeIIet auf hie

®na§e 311 bringen batten. Gt beobacbtete fie cine ?IBeiIe

unb fagte 3a feinen ?B egleitem : "28kungefcbidt biefe Saute

bei ihrer QIrbeit finb! mas aIIeé fi’

nmte2 iaa bequem ein

eingiger tbun.

“ i3a QBirt bBrte biefi unb fagte: "518mm

?sw‘ hué {gag aIlein beraufibringt, in“fd nnfe id) 6116) ben28cm, bet Darin ift.

“ SDa ftieg“{gauft fogleicf) in bat fieIIer


111111111, fegte 11d) 11111 006 8113, 1011: 11 111 e111 SBferb, 11110 rittl

cg 311111 (531111111110 1 aller 8uic1)a11e1: 111110116 11 111 011 6 11 1130

8 . 12111 R ichter fpruch

810 e1 911011111 ftritten 01111 1110001 1 11111 cine 911111. "6k

91001 1 1 111 be1r cine, ,,0e1111 111) babe fie 311erft gc:

"91e111 , fie gebfirt fd)1:1e bet anbete, ,,0e1111

111; babe fie aufgeboben.

“2s111t 111111 11 fie e111e11 grfifieren

51 110110 1 , bett 6 11 3 1 311 enticbeiben. 5331 1: 11111 1: 10911111) 011311

Em it, fteIIte 1111) 3mifc1)e11 011 0e10e11 QBibeflacbet, fnacfte 01e

911111 11110 101 11 11) 311111 11111e11 : " ibiefe 6 1001e gebfirt 011 ,bex111 011 bait 01e 91115 3116111 gefebcn ;

“ 001 11111 311111 tedfien :

"11110 bieie 011 gebfirt 011 , 01211 11 011 01111 01e 9111§ 11111305

110111 11. 23m flewbebaIte 1d) 1111: 0e11 9111111erfpr1111) .Cogn ates 1 . 9111B. 2. 3 . Beihe. 4. Ci dnle.

5 . 0111 11 111. 6. bar red11e. 7. bebaue.

9 . 121mm 11161111 1 am [an giten s

(5 111 11 11 11 1 1: ©013ba11e1 11e11 11 115 ?B erieben fe111e 9131 111

einen tiefen 31118 fallen. $ 11 {einet 9101 Bat at 31113gott, fie 111111 101e0e1 311 berfcbafieu, 11110 fiebe, 01a ?IBeIIen

teiIten 11110 0er 8111§gott ftieg‘auf 11110 1)1e11


g010ene ?Igt 1 1111101 , 01e°9111113te 1111 6 01111e1111cbt.


0113 1 01111 1 11 0911 1 1 . 011111101 11 11 01 1 93101111 ,

006 111 111 9301 0111 100 10112 01 1 (55 011 1111111 11110

01 0101181111 1 11101 1 111 9111 01 1 0111 "3 11 111 0018

”006 111 111 00 10 11110 311111 01 1111 1111101 1 111011 11 01 1

5 (55 011, 0 110 011 1311101 11111 1 111 1 1 1 1111 111 11 911 1. 111

1 111 00 011 91101111 11 1 11019 11110 110111 111 1 111 91101 11 01 13

1001111 13. $01 1 (55011 001 1 1111 010: "3 10 1101 , 003 011 101 11100111 ; 001 11111 111111 111 3111 931 100110119 011 911 11 0111

6111 01101 1 1 1 1001300111 1 , 011 0011011 001 11 , 1110 11 1111 9111

to 00111011110 111 01 11 {111111 10111 11 11110 001 01 11 8111119011 11 111

$1111 . $01 1 1 1 11011 11 1011011 11111 111111 90101 11 1 11 911 1

11110 11 0911 : "3 11 111 0013, 1111 111 ”80 , 006 111

01 1111011 11 01 1 93201111 11110 111 1 1111 110011 911 1 19 011

$0110 0011010 01113; 001 1 01 1 13111139011 1 111: $ 11 111911, 11110

1 5 3111 6 11 011 101111 011 00111 9131 11010 {101111 11110

01 1110100110 111 01 1 6 1111 .

Cognates 1 . 11111. 2. 1111. 3 . 9201. 4. 11101 . 5 . 011 11.

6. 6 00 111 1111101. 7. 9801 1. 8. 500111. 9. 01 1 1. 1 0. $1111.1 1 . 111 1011. 1 2. 111911. 1 3 . 9101 11.

1 0 . 1 111 0 1 11 11 110 91 0 5 16

9311 93201111 011 111 11 1 11111 1 1111 931 1 10m111111119 11110 011 11 1111

1101 1 9321111 1 11110 953191 , 1110 001 01 1 59001 311 11011131 11 . 92010101191 1 20100111 1 111 11111 1111191 11110191 9120116:

9811 0111191 11 01 1 52015 1590113 1 1111010 1 111 1 6 101 111 011 , 001111


1 2 . Das yer br ochen e aufeifen

Gin Qiauer ging mit {einem 6 05m mad) bet 6mm.

6M) , i bomaé ,“

iprad) e): untermegé, "ha Iiegt ein €tfid

non einem fiufeifen, beb’eé auf unb itetf

’eé ein.

Md) , ?Bater,“

ermiberte bet Heine i bomafi, ,,ein €tficf

s aIteé (Eifenl— mer with fid) bawm bfiden !“ fba bob


eé bet Qiater felbft auf unb Mob eé in bie3 i afcbe. Sm

niicbften $1)t berfaufte er eé hem é cbmieb ffit ffinfSBfetmige

unb faufte Qirfcfym fi'

u' has (85e .

zsam gingenweitet . fi e 6 0m“: fdfien fem:heifi; meitunb bteit faben fie fein fiaué, feinen SBaum nnb feine

Queue. i bomafi berfcbmadfiete Beinahe nor Sburft nub

fonnte bem 23am: nut mitwtfibe folgen. SDa IieB biefer

mic burd) 8ufaII cine Qirfcfx fallen.

‘I bomaé bob fie be

gierig auf unb ftecfte fie in hen Emunb. 93nd) einigen

g cbt itten lickher Qiater mieber cine Qirfdyz fallen, unb“l bomaé bficfte fid) ebenfo {dwell banad). 6 0 Iiefi ifm

bet 23am mad) unb nad) aIIe Qirféen aufheben. 9116

i bomaé bie Iegte beraebrt batte, tnanbte‘ fid) fain 58am

um unb iprad) : b&tteft5 ba bid) ein einaigeé M al

um bag gufeifen gebficft, fo bfitteft ba bid) nicht fi’


um bie Qirfcben 5 11 bi’

tcfen gebtaudfi.“

Cognates l . aerbrodjeu. 2. untermegé. 3 . babe eé auf.

4. é cbmieb. 5 .‘Bfemtig. 6. m it. 7. breit. 8. SDutft.

9. ebenfo.


1 3 . Der Sachs {m B r un n en

9111 einem beifien i age tam her 280“an einen SBn mnen,

bet gmei (fimet batte. 28cm bet cine oben mar, in ma

bet anbet e unten. QHB bet QBoIf in hen SBrunnen binabfal),eri cfte ct tief unten ben sum in hem einen Canter } SDa

fragte ct ibn : "EIBaQ macbft bu bean

“ ba unten ? “ fiber

Iiitige {fucbé antmm'

tete : ”Bieber Wealth, bier unten ift eé

berrlid) ; etftené ift eB bfibfd) ffibI, unb baxmwimmelt bafiQBafler non ben fetteften {fifebem {wit bu8 ?Ippetit, fo fegebid) in ben unhem C&imet nub fomm mit berab.

fb iefet berlodenben GEinIabung fonnte bet QBoIf nitmiberfteben ; ct ftoIperte baffig in ben Grimer unb fubr

binab. llntetbefien ffieg bet unbere (i imet in Die fifibe ;

fobaIb ar oben mar , fprang bet 31mm beraué unb Iief“

Iacbenb banon. ibem QBoIf abet ging eB fcblecbt, clé hie

SBauem famen unb EBafi’

er aiebenwomen.

1 4 . fiber tiftet

(fin Qianat vergrub aué 3mmnor6 Sbieben cine gumme

(35e 7 in feinem (55 arten. (fin Slacbbar, bet eé bemerft

batte, grabs fie aué. 2116 her Gigentfimet feinen 66mgbcrmifite, fieI fain ?Berbacbt fogleid) auf biefen macbbar.

(Sir ging aIfo9311 ibm unb fagte : 8m m, id) babe


mirl nad) unb nad) taufenb Smart” gefpart nub bie fialfte

banon in meinem («Siarten bergtaben. 921 m bin M) an

félfiffig, 05 id) bie anbere gfilfte and) bortbin bringen foII;mué ratet Sshr mir ? “ fiber SDieb riet ibm bringenb, bias?

5 5 11 tbun nub bradfiea in bet niicbften gtacbt hie geftotflenen

ffinfbuubert 2mm! gang, {till wieber an ihren Dft gatticf,in bet fidjeten (Ermartung, Bulb ein taufenb bafelbft

finben. 921 m bolte bet sQ‘Sauer gefcbminb feinen g chag, unbaIé ct ibn gablte, fehlte fein SBfennig.

Cognates l . mieb. 2. 6 1mm . 3 . filadfimn 4. bermifite.5 . fieI. 6. gefvart. 7. fifilfte. 8. 06. 9. brachte. 1 0. 92mm.

1 1 . geftoblen. 1 2. gimme. 1 3 . feblte.

1 5 . Der B ratapfel

Qafontaine p egte ieben flbenb‘ einen Qiratapfel 311 efien.

Giamal mutbe ct auB feinem Bimmet gerufen unb Iegte

feinen QIpfeI auf ben Qaminfimé. QBfibrenb feiner QIbmefens

beit fam cin guter 3m m?) i116 simmer, hen QIpfeI nub

vergebrte ibn. ?Ilé Slafontaine aurficffam nub feinen ?IpfeI

nicbt fanb, rief er in erffinftelter Qq regung: "2180 ift bet

?Ipfel aufhem Qaminfimfi bingefommen ? 3 d) batte ?Irfenif

bineingetban, um bie ?Ratten 5 11 bcrgiften. "um®immeIB

wiIIen, icf) bin vergiftet !“ tief ba bet (Shit, 5 11 i obe er=

fcbrocfcn, "fdficfe {dwell gum 9Ir3t!“

"Sieber {frettnbx‘

fagte bet fb icbtet [fid)elnb, "baubige bid) ; id) erirmet e


mid) eBen , baf; id) bie6maI betgcfien babe , (Sift hinein=

autbun .

Cognates 1 . ?Ipfel. 2. efien . 3 . matte. 4.waft. 5 . Slob.

6. bergefie n.

1 6 . Der tluge S chdferiun ge

Sm fiebenlabrigen fifieg raubte ein ruffifcfyzr 6 01bat

einem 6 cbfifetiungen1ein g dmf non bet QBeibe. fin lief

bet Rnabe gum Dberften be6 ?Itegiment6 nub bat ibn untet

i brfinen um feinen Qidftanb. fib er Dberft ttfiftete ibn unb

fagte : "28mm bu hen 6 01baten bemu6finben fannft, foIIft

ba bein 66mgemifiwieberbcfommen.

“"218mm id) 11m

iebe,“berficberte bet 23mm) , "10 will id) ibn fcbon

2 mieber


“ fib er Dberft lief; ba6 megiment antteten. 9116

e6 aufgefteIItwar, ging bet finabe hinter hie (Siliebet unb

beiul) hie Beute non hinten. "GEL“fpracf) bet Dberft, "70

mitft bu hen SDieb nicbt finben ; auf bent ?Rficfen ficht"

einer mie bet anbet e au6. Qer, hen id) fucbe,“bet

fegte bet finabe, "7011 anber6 an6ichen.

“ Gr gingweiterunb geigte em icf) aufhen fccbften 912mm im britten ©1iebe.

fiier, fim Dberft,“rief er , " biet babe id) hen ibieb.

(Sr 5 09 ein ©tfic1 ?Rotftein cu6 bet Slafdje unb fubr“

fort : "6mm ©ie, gym Dberft, hiermit aeidmenwit unfere6d)afe ; id) babe hem ®nIbaten 5 einen @tric1) binten aufben mot! bamit gemacbt, um {1m mieberauerfexmen,

6 unb


bier iii bet "28 mm !“

fagte bet Dbetft, "bet

(finfafl {ft einen SDufatenl inert.“ "211m met with mir

hen fibufaten geben ? “ fragte bet finabe. 59a Dberft Iadfie

unb iprad) : SCI) , bu 6 6mm !“ llnb er 309 feine ?Bflrie

5 unb gaB ibm ba6 (35 01bftiicf.

fib er 6 01t mufite feine SBeute natfirfid) mieber berau6

geben, nub bet éBurfcf) ging mit feinem g djaf unb feinem

Sbufaten gIfidIid) nub aufrieben nacI) fiaufe.

Cognates l . {iebenifibrig 2. raubte. 3 . luffen. 4. fit ter.

5 . iucben. 6. Der fachite. 7. motitein. 8. fitrid). 9. avg.

1 0. ?Beute.

1 7. act t(ein e n itron om

SDet franafififdye 91aturforf®er (Saffenbiwar fcbonz a16

e iner Quabe ein ganget" Qlfttonom. t ftcmb

‘ex um

M ittemacbt auf, ttat an6C

{gcnfter unb beobachtete ben

21110111) hie 6mm . 3m 911m non fichen Ssabren

mar er eine6 215 enb65 mit feinen 6pie11ameraben in einem

(35mm , nub e6° entftanb unter ihnen ein ©treit fiber: hie

fi emegung be6 9320nbe6 unb bet 233018311 . Sb ic anbcrn

®naben behaupteten, bafi bet 21110111) fid) bewege" unb bie233mm ftififtéinben,wiibtenb bet Heine $ eter bet entgegewgefegten Emeinung mat . firm; aIIer (Sittinbe, bie ct an

ffibrte, fonnte et fie nicbt fibergeugen. BuIcgt ffibrte er

fie unter einen ?Baum unb geigte ibnen, mic her éDtonb

amiicben benielben Bmeigcn ftebcns i cb, mobrcnb hie


9153011cn norubergogen. 3 t betftummte aIIer QBibetfpwd) ,nub bet e ine ?Iftrmwm feierte feinen erften miffenicbaft


Hebert i riumpb.

1 8 . Gr tappt

(521mm Qiauer l murbe ein SBferb geftobIen. EBaIb barauf1am er auf einen iRofimmft, bet in einer entfernten 6 tabt s

abgebalten murbe, unb 101) e6 bafe ft in ben Q&nben

eine6 {frembm Gcbnell ergrifi er ben Sfigel be6 SBferbe6

unb rief fo Iaut, bafi a11e llmftebenben e6 bbren mufiten :

"$Da6 ift mein ?Bieth, borige 280c ift e6 mix: geftoblen

morben !“ 2 fiber {frembe fagte wbig: "?sbr in t cud),

guter 8-mwh; ba6 SBferb gebbrt mir, 11111) M) babe


fcbon Iange; e6 ift offenbar bent eurigen nut febr fibnlicb.

59a [ flewl bet 58mm: bem i iere“ Beihe fingen mit belt

Qfinben 311 nub fagte : 28a m e6 mirffid) fcbon Iange

euer ift, fo mfifit 3brr miffen, auf me1c1)em ?Iuge e6wubift.

“ fb e'c ?IRann ermiberte: "92q Dew111111211 . "65 cm,

bat; 3bt’

6 nicht wigt!“ fagte bet 28mm. id) babe

mid; mm: neriprocben,“berfegte bet anbere, ,,ic1) meinte,

auf bem rechten.

“ 911 m bedte bet ?Bauer bie 21ugen be6

?Bfetbe6 mieber auf unb rief : "3 t ift e6 Hat , bafi Sshtein Sb ieb unb Sfxgnet feib; e6 ift auf feinem ?Iuge

i nb.

Sb ic llmftebenben Iad)ten unb riefen : "(Sfrtappfl ertappt

unb bet 9811211 betfcbmanb im ®cbriinge.


1 9 . net wolf un b bet such;fb er QBolf batte belt $uc1)6 bei fid),

1unb ma6 bet flBoIf

moIIte, ba6 mufite bet $ucb6 tbun, meiI ar bet {cbmiidyfte

war, unb bet C

{§11c1)6 mare gem belt 35 mm 106 gemorben.

2116 fie ciumaI miteinanber bard) ben QBaIb gingen, fptacf)5 her QBoIf: {cbaff

’mir m 62 311 freflen, nhet id)

freffe bid) fewer !“ fber 3uch6 antivortete: ?scf) meifieinen imam , her 3 but geicblacbtet, unb ba6 geiaIgene $1eifc1)Iiegt in einem $03 in feinem QeIIer. 58a iprad) bet

?IBOIf: 81mm mid) gIeicf) bin !“ 513116 mill itfj,


bet 8mm unb geigte ibm bie 6 c1)Iic1)e, auf benen fie

ea icI) in hen fieIIer geIcmgten. f8a mm: m m {5&1c int

fiberflufi, unb bet SIBDIf macbte fid) gIeicf; an bie ?IrBeit

unb bacbte : " ?sd) 136m“nicbt auf. bi6 ba6 {gafi Ieet ift

fiber $ucb6 Iiefg fic1)’6 and; gut icbmeden, lief abet oft

hem Bod) , bard; melcbe6 fie gefommen maren, unb net s

fuchte, ob iein Beib nod) fdmaI genug mar, burdnus

fdfliipfenfi fbarfibet munberte fid) bet QBolf unb fragte

"Eiebet fag’mir, warum rennft bu fo bin unb

bet unb {pringft binau6 unb herein ? “ " ?sd) muf; bod)6

fcbcn, ob jemanb fommt,“antwortete bet Siftige. fba

Iobte ibn her 2530“11111) frafi waiter.

Sn licf) 1am bet 913mm,bet hen 536m non be6 {gadfieéi

6 1ati ia gebbtt batte, in hen fieIIet . met $uc1)6, mic

er {1m fab, idfliipfte in einem 9111 bard) ba6 80d), bet


auf bcn $ 176) hen EBq g, hie Qiauem mit ihren ‘Bfetbcn

{cbaute e6 cu, 1ac1)te unb {Iatfdfie nor greube in Die

ganbe, mic fid) bie e inen 2Befcn barauf bin unb bet

bewegten. i3a aIte Elfiefe abet macbte cin fem: emfte6

5 (Seficbt unb iprad) : 211m Qinb, id) Bitte bid) , ba6 ift

fain 6pie13eug; baut bet Qianarl fain 21cferfe1b nicht, in

baben wit bier oben nicht6 5a effen ; geI)’alfo gIeicI)

unb trag’aIIe6 wieber an belt nfimIicben 28111 5 aurficf, mo


6 genommen bait.“ 58a meinte bie QIeine, e6 half

ibr abet nicht6, fie mufite body.

2 1 . Das Qin bum c’


Sn bet netgangenen 22mm, in ergiiblt bet 211mm, glittid; bard) bie flare Suit Suhien6, unb fpiegeIte mid) in but

28cIIen be6 ®ange6. 58a biipfte au6 bem fb icficbt nabe

um 6mm ein fiinbumfibcben, Icicbt mic cine (Siaadle, fcbfin

mic (531m. Sb ie bom igen Sianen aerrifien hie g anbalen,banned) fcbritt fie raid) normiirt6. 6khielt cine brennenbe

Sampe in bet 35 mm, unb id) fonnte beutIicI) ba6 friicbe 23m

in hen rofigen {fingem erfennen, hie fie 3a einem é cbirm"

fiber hie {flamme mfilbte. 6k niibette {id} hem 31am,

fegte bie Sampe auf ba6 28afier, unb fie gfitt babinr‘ Die

{51amme fladcrte, a16 moIItc‘s fie ed bfcben, abet fie i cb

bod) brennen , unb bie fdfivaraen Icucbtenben 21ugcn be6

Smfibcbcn6 foIgten ibr mit feeIenboIIem 2311613. (03kmufite,


bafi, 11m m hie 80mm fottbrcmntc, {010119 fie ibt mit

hen 2Iugen foIgen 10mm, ibt (Sjeliebter nod) Iebte crIofd)fie abet frfiber, 70 mar er tot. Gie {ant anf bie Quiet

unb Betete. Sieben i131: im (Girafe regte fief) cine é dflange,

fie bacbte abet nut an 58:01pm unb ihren SBu’


llnb fiche, bie 80mmbrannte unb flammte, nub "er Iebt!“

jubelte fie ; unb "er Icht bafite c6l 0011 ben 23a

Mei:er, ex: Iebt 1“

2 2 . Die fi tage bet S tr eid métyet

@6 mar ciumaI ein 23111111 é neicbbfilaer, hie watettaufin orbentfid) ft013 auf {1m bobe ©er1unft, berm bie m


{yicbtq 0011 her fie fleine $015c1)en warm , batte cinit 016

bobet unb fat): aItet EBaum {m 2811 10 geftanben. 3t

Iagen fie in einer atmfeligen Rfidye gwifd nn einem aIten

genergwg nub einem bertofteten eifem en flopf, unb biefen

eraiifflten fie butt {brat Sugcnb. "21c1) ,‘

mie gang unber6 1 5

mar e6,“

fagten fie, "016 mil: nod) im gri'

men 23aIaft

unfere6 2§ater6 wohnten ! $seben Women nub 211mm)

tranfenwit SDiamanttbee, 0063 mar bet Stan ben ganaen

Slag batten mix 6 0nnenfcbein, menu bie 6 0mm ichien,unb aIIe 236ge1 fangen un6 ihre beitan Sieber 0013. 21116) 20

fonnte iebermann feben, bagwit in guten 23crbaltnifien

warm , helm bie meiften unberen ?Bfiume mat en nut im

6 00mm: Befleibet, wit abet batten 232itte1 5a gri’



51111001 11 01111) 1111 2811116 . Sbocf) , 0121111 0111 e11111101

10111 0e1 $013000e1 , 11110 unic1 e 80111110 101110e 5c11111111e1 1.

51301 011101 11c 6 10111 111 erbielt einen 001011 e1)1 e110011011

23105 016 15 01101111011 0111 e111e111 91 0110 1 , 110111110011 é dfifi,

5 006 01e 2Be11 umfegelt; 01e 81veige 011e1 10111 0 1 0110016=

1000111, 11110 1011 baben 111111 006 211111, 0e111 geme111e11 18011

21101 011503111100 1 ; 10 {1110 1011 001 11101110 1 Sleute 01e1 1)e1

111 010 5111101 gefommen.

2 3 . R ebtidzgeteilt

(1 111 2301101 , 001 febr fcbfine 2311 110 1 gecmtet batte, 1100111

1 0 einen 510100011, 11111 fie fe1110111 germ 5 11 111 111111111. 2116

er 00e1 311111 é dylofie 006111111111 10111 , 111152 1011 0e1 $0111 :

{1120111 111101 c1)e1: ci1t, 016 1116 er 11111 10111 1 c01111;

5 11 1e11e11 , 1006 0e1 ®err 111111 1111 01a 2311 110 1 fcbcnfen

1011100 fib er 9m : 1001 fiber 010 2111f111e1 11'

01111e11 0e6

1 5 230mm fe111 e1 f1 e111, 11110 11111 1111) 001111101 311 geigen, 1010e1 1e

e1 1011 0111, 11111 cine (55111111 311 111110 1 . 51301 28011e1 101 011)

©111 1 , 100111 8111 11111 e111e11 gang; 11c1'

0110e1 e11 ®efaIIe11

e1 10eife11 , in 11111 ffinfaig 21111011111 01c 0111 0e11 2111111011

ge11e11 . “8 (551m 101c éBitte 111101 1 011011 be1t {301 1 11 111101

20 10e111g, 11110 e1 1101 11111 cine (531 11111 11110 211111 e1 31'

11)11e 0e1

23011131 , 1010 06 10111 11111 0c111 i bfitfteber 019011151 11 1001 ,

11110 003 et 10111 010 fifilfte 0011 01 111 01 11111 0100 1 babe,‘

1006 but 111111 geben 1011100 Sbet 15 1 1 1 1011110 11011


0011 90 1011 61111011 006 230001 11 11110 1100 00111<110111110001

91010 10100 100010010100100 100100031000319 0013001011 . 6 001

230001 0001: 01 1100 01 10100 10111110.

24 . Der 0000 11110110 91111

3 1 1001 10 001: 6 1 000 0110910, 10 01000 011011 6 0100100=

0100 101 901101001, 000006 10 5801 1111 010001 3090000 000 010 s

2811 106000101 30 0010000 , 0 111 30 10000 , 1006 10100 6 0100100

001 1 11 10000 . (5311111 11 01 01: 01000 6 0100100 , 001 100101

11 001 000 100 0111100, 1011301110100 .

l 5901 90019 1100012 010

153111100009 00 . 2116 01 000101 110, 000 001 65010110 901 30

0101 006900, 10910 01 30 10111 : 51011101 00, 0030 1 0101

0003 00111 6 010 11101 010 ; 1010 010011 00 001111 006

01 101001 10 001 011001 0 11111 1010001 21110110,0010 01 000110011 5111111 111 01106 "23306 111

006, 001 01 0001100 11 0910 1011 001 510019. 5906

10110 10 011 11101 00 19090010 001 5100101 00,

100 11101140110 561010 210 11001 1 010010 0011 fibnig

0 00 0101 11009101 1901 ; 01 01 009 10 0011 6 01001011 0110 1 0010

0 101, 016 1001 010101 006 (55 000100 116 011011001 10. 6 0 001 0

009010 1 001 6 01001, 001 10010 01106, 1006 30 001 :

10010116 111, 06 111 10 7 105 1


170 100011 ; 10030

3 01 0000 10, 3001

230110101, 0100 11110101 00 6 110011111190 ! 010 111 001 10011, 110011

11110 00111119 309 01 1011100 6 11001 006 001 600100 1

0 110 301910 00111 5101119 01110 001301 00 5111090. 51310101


11 1000 21110110 0 0021 100101 901 00 000 9109

101910010 1 09 01 9109 001 5801001, 006 000 006

21119101001 10110 001 0001 510019 30 1 11101 000 0011 1 100 . 9116

5 06 00190110111 1001 , 1 111 001 900 19 10091010 001 000 00.

6 00010 01 000 51001 1 1 0000 000 901101 0 01 1 00691100010

00111 , 001001 01 1001 000 1010010 910 0001000 , 001 001 30 :

11 0100 , 000 10911 30 100101 10101 1 0010 10 6 0001

000 10109’

0010010 910 00 10000 010 0001 00 51301

6 01001 1 1101 01, 10010 110 0011 100 1 11 000 11 101001 10:

" 1110, 9110111101, 1001 001 101110 10 006 1000 ? 211010

51001 1 1 00 00 10101 00 100 000001 00 011 0111

{11 103

1011 01 011 000 9001 51306 1001 0

000 1111 10010 00001 00 010 11 1111001 931001 10 1 91 10 111 11 , 0011

001 201000 0111 01 01 01 00011000 2111111 1001 001 53090 91 :

1000110 . (01 10910 010 10000 00 01 0 6 000191 111, 0111110

30 10 101010101 000 1 101: £1100“l 0000 , 10000 16 0101 000016

11 10 1000 , 10 01090 0110 001 101100101 001 5111010 00011100

000 90000 , 000 01 1 100 6 001 1111090 30 10013 1100

11000, 1011 01 000 6 0001 001 00631001, 111 010 011090 000

10013. 5200 10010 01 1 0110 {11 10 0 110 101 30 1000,

00 001 110011 1011 1110 000 01 00011000 213


2 5 . 1101 10 0 11 0 1 10 111 1 211 1 11110

6 01 3006 01 300110 0100101 01 10 28011 000 001 6 101 10

006 9310010011 , 11 10 6 101 1001110 1001 10101 1 110010 , 000

0100 0111011 $3111 9001 00000 , 001 110 001 1001 30 01001110 .

6 0 00 11001 1010 001 253011: "200011 10 001 1 10 11101 011100

201001000 30 10000 0010010, 10 10011101 000 001 100 106:

1000 10 011 101 00 001 8006,

00130101900 1100 30 0111 , 000 10 10111 011 01010

5901 518011 1101111 110 1100301119 010 , 000 001 3006

01 0011 100 001 010 21119, 0004 001 3091 1 0110 6 090 9109.

8001 11 1001 110 0111 1 0091000111 1 6 01001. 3 11 006 010

11 0910 01 1 211011. 0011001 11 11 001 3006,111 01001 6 01100 1001 010 1101001 911000,

001 30 1 60010 "3 11 006 010 "911 10 ,

006 10111 0111601001 600110 1001 01 1 3 0901 , 010

23000011110107 001 0001 91110100 , 000 006 3 09001 11101 00 001

6 0110. 500 101 00 001 3006 30 10 211011: 6 100, 001 1

1001011 010 9110010, 001 010 01001 00 10690000 , 10 0001

10111 1010 10 01010 1 00011

6 01 28011 9109 0011 001 010 9310111000 106. 9001

30901 , 016 01 100 010110110, 00010: 66 111 10001 , 000 1011 1110 90901 9010000 10910 00 , 000 1000 0001 28011006 601 01 106 6 01101. 5131 1 28011 001 309 006 6 01101

9011101119, 000 1100 01 110 0 101 101 0010118000 9109 001 5


1001 16; 00 900 1001 001 $0901 011 3100110 5300009. 8 11

8 1011 001 010 000 6001 11 3 000 1 00110 0001 $091 1 30 530100;

00 309 01011 1 11 10 0100106 3 0900101101 000 900 1001 11016

000 1 0016 010 0001 $1001 , 000 01 , 1101 1 000 1101 1 0101000,

5 10 11 6 10001 30 0010 3006 30 10011101.

"91011 , 8 1 0001 101 00 001 3006, 0111 00

0111 0001 20100101 11 101 119 0011001 1010

001 8 1011, 91 00 000’

10 01 11 010 6 101 10 006 81001000

0 101 001 90110111. 61 11 00001 01 01000 6 1001 000 001 6001101

000 011161 010 110 , 00 1109 0111 1 11006 106 6 01101, 006 001

0110 9003 1 011001100 90110011 ; 001 001 01106 01 0 000 110 1001

10 010 6 1001, 00 1109 01116 2 001 010 511010 1010 8 110 000

100901100111 1 , 000 016 10 9003 0000 1001 , 008309 01 0100

010010 2111000 006 0010 531 10, 000111 001 01 10 001 10 10 106

901010900 , 000 10 00111 000 101 110900 900110000 0101 0.

“4 8 0

101 00 001 $006 3010 83 011: 00 , 1006 00 1111 1 10

81 0010006 000 10010 100 006.

2 6 . 3 10 1131 00 01 1 0 01 11 00 11 9

61011 00110 10 101900010 6 1 0 01 : 30 00110 01100 10

010 101 0001100 1180100 001 11 1 1, 000 016 10 1010 10 21061009

1000, 1 101 10 001 101111 . 6 0 001 5 110 0111 1 10 8 0910111 1

001 , 001 110 1111 01000 611901 6 01106 006900. 61 01 0010

0110 911101110 006 01 01 810101 10 0111 8111 160006, 100 01 1

8311 1 0116 1101 90 1 00100001 . 6 1 10910, 01 0001 00010 1 1000


11100111 100 01010111100 6 101 11 , 000 1 1 1 111: "6001 00 110 1

100010 000 610191 0 . 6 01 230001 1001 01 191111 1, 001 001 1001 0

01 0001 6 0100 90000101 10 30 1010 101 01110 000 0101 230100

9090000 30 1010001 231 101 1010 . 110 111 001 21100 101006

5 900106 110001 01 1 2301 01 10 10 010 00 6000, 000 001 231 000

01 1091 1001 2800111000. 3 1001 510000 1001 110 001 3091 0 16

9100 000 1011100 100101010 23011 1 000 21101111 900101 001

00010 01 100010 111 1000 3001 $0111 001 6111 1 0 . 5901 0 10

1010 1191, 6 10101100, 000 101 01 00001100 011 28091 011 2301 s


2 7 . 3 1 1 1 1 1191 8 10111 1 1

610 1 01001 1111000 00111 1 10 1 6 1 101001011 , 101 100 10 010

5600 010910001 1001 , 001 101 1 0. 6 1 100010 101000 2301 1011

001000 1 000 001101 00 0001 001 11000 310001 110 1 2301000009000 00001 1 1 500 1001 0010 010 90111 000 001 11001

1 5 211000 6 010 6 010 0001 10 90100000 , 0106

10001 10 010101 4 0010 61900 1010 6 0

101 00 1 1 0111 0101 001101 10 231101 01016 001 11000 211000 16

000 01006 90100 6 010111006. 51001 00001 1 0100105000 1 111

11 0011016 6 01101, 0001 001 , 10011 01 11 10 6 1 10 101001 1 00110;

20 0000 1011 001 110 1 1 1001 , 006 10110 110 0010 31 1900 . 6 1

300110 006 6 010 000 00010600 101001100 901010100 0 00,

1011 01 010 11 0000 31001 1 001 010 01 1 101 0010 1 230100000901 10910 100010. 101 00 1 1 0101 001,

1001 00 019101110 001000001 1 211101 1 10 01 01 6 001 , 100 11001


001 1 00 1 11101000001 1 1 217101 1 001 10 ; 101 0001 0110 100011

0100 91001 00191 11 100 1 000 001 0 00001 1 1 91101 1 281 1000009

1000 001 00691 000101 10 . 51006 111 9003 10 001 9 100009;

10 00010

5001 001 1100 310001 0091900 011 11001 11 , 000 01 006

213011010 90000 10 01 1091 , 1011 1 1 16 90100000 0001 . 2110

6001 1010 10 111 001 01 0 21310111 . 51131101 011100010 000

011 1 001 101 11 223100001009; 01 1 0100, 0013 001000011 1 211101 1

110900001 91 100110 11 110 , 011 0001 1 1 , 000 1 1 01016 00000

900 010 0100 0000. 11091 911011 1 , 011 010 601 1101011

006 1 10 10 000 010 1011010 6 11100009 016 0001 1 0 30 1000 10

10110 , 91 1112 010 6 000 10 00 : 61 11013 00100 101 1 91061091

11 11 1 110 00101001 00 000 1001 011 1 001 101910010 9106101 00

"21310 11 011 1 10 1 000 1 00 001000001 1 20101 1 01 1 101 00 , 01 1

0001 1 0 001 1 001 110 913001010 0111 11001000001 1 1 511101 1 ges

100010 001, 10 1000 006 6 1 10 016 110111 10 0101 006 0001 :

1100 1110 , 001 10 11006 01 1 01 111 1 1 1 10 91101 001. 6 0 ,

101 1101 1 3 1 1000, 0 1011011 0110 006 6 1 10, 10 11016 00 ges

100000 0011, 101101 1 301 1101 000 00001111 16, 016 01 1 1001011,

10 1 1001 001 11000000001 1 1 211101 1 01 1 101 10 001. 1100

100131 1 , 3001 00011 0 110 101 00100, 101 1, 010,

016 01 1 100 191 01 101 10 1, 001 01 10 1 00100001 1 1 20101 1

6 0 101 00 01 1 11110111 , 000 0001 1 01100 16.


2 8 . 1 11 1 11 11 1 1 1 11 110 01 1 £0100

501 1 9111101 280111 1 000 6001 0 1 111 010 16 6 0916 10 001

101 11010 2811111 . 6 0 001 11 1 1 0100110 010 110911006 6 1 :

11000 , 006 006 010 11 00000 601001 30 10100100 10100 .

00011 1 1 , 01 001101 9100001 010 10 9101100=

5 010 000 01 101 10910 1091110 000 01 1 601001.

9116 01 0011 000 6109009 01 1 111010 01 1 0101 00111 , 110011

000 311111 10 1110 2131010, 0000110 110 000 100001 11 106

6 1010, 0100 011 100111001 0 110910 010 16 91 100111910 801010

0110110 1001 1 0191910 . 6 11111 109 101 901001 0111 111101

00900101 10 6010091 , 10 1101 110 1000 001 1010 10 8010

901000010 00111 . D00 1 1 10 10 91090001101 30 30901 0 , 1010009280111 1 1110 60101 1 1 000 10109 0111 010 101 9101111010 6 11 010011 1 6010091 01 0 9001 00.

2116 001 80101 110 000 011 10101001 10 3010010 11 1011

100, 01000 1 1 110, 01 01111 1001, 100111 111 011 0110001 , 111 01111

010 8010 000 00011 110 11 101 10 5111 1101 . 6 0011 10010101 100

11 00 1 1 30 01 01 100900 001000 000 11 111 1 1001 011 $000.

2300 000 00 01100 1 1 1100101 00 11 1011 6 0111 000 101911

1001 1010 010 $000 001 1 011010 , 10901 10 000 6 11 111.

581 1 21111101 01 001020 00 01001 1 1 1 3 001 0 101 0011191 0

80001 30 , 001 1 101011 01011 0101010100100 000 01 10010 1101 10 10 001 0001100 9200100. 600110 0001 00101000 1 1 6 100

1001 0 00 01 10 101 000 230101 1000 000 01 10100, 00010

30 100301101 1 0 . 6 010 10 90 110 , 11 1010 8010 10 9000011 1 1


0111300 0010 1 0 , 0001 1010 6011101 1001110 003 571 101 10 1110

60111 0010 1001 1 0 , 0091010 280111 1 00001 1110 , 10 0111 101000

8000 001, 000 10 010011 110 011101 1 0110110010 , 011010

0030 1 01100 . 2113 003 60111 110 0010 8000 1 0 1111 0 10, 1 1000

01 1 8 010 1 010 100903 110900013 (55001 1111, 1101 00911110 001 s

6 11 000 001 000 00, 11000 0000 001 1111 1 11111, 100 0101

60111 1100100119 0010 000 1101 311 1110 100110 103 211101 1 .

517100 00110 01113 0001 60111 00319111010 000 0010100,

003 1010 3211 1 0013000001 1 0 . 6000 1001 01 1 80100 0001

60111 0 000, 00 01 1 1110 100 011 91 011, 01 0111111 000 1 100101

0111 11 1 0 10 9111910 30 1010010 01 1 1 0 1 10001 000 011 1001.

2 9 . Das Gid mar n dzen'

11 0 0 001 3 100

6310 9100101 00110 010 30001 13 (5310001 0000 , 003 1 1 1011

9101110 10111 1 10 000 0001 011 10 1110 101 810101 11 00000 0001

80000 11 11 01 1 001100110 1110. (533 1001 011 003 11 10 1 10

90119 001 0032000 111 1101 10 00 571001 000 {5001101 010001.

2100 001 1 00110 1 3 11 100 8011 30 101 10910 , 000111 1010010

01 1 1 0 10 010 0000 000 1 100101 10901 1 10001 £10010 , 011

911 001 10 011 $001 1001 , 001 010 01 1 111 00111 1 1001 . 9113

011 2810 101 1001 , 1109313 00 , 110 9111111 003 2801 9 30

000 10 , 000 0030 00110 1 3 110 010 21101110101 1110 13 001 1 0

00301 10000 . 28100 1 1 000003 111010 211011 00 010 2110911

0109, 110111 1 10 003 2 11 1000 0111 1010010 2801 9 31011010 000

8000 1 0 , 003 03 00101 1 , 001 000 010 10101 1000 1101 00, 30s


10mm1 091 1 0111 00111 , 010 71001 010001, 0000 00 0101 91011

1010001 01 1 00 101 000 10100111 10 011 9101110101 010 1 10 ,l100

13 110 0000 1 10 001 11 11111003 1001 10 13 910011091 1 301 101:

010011 . 0101 0111 11910 03 3091010 01 0 651 000 30 11 1011

5 10011 1 10 2311 000110011, 000 003 9109210 30

3 0 1 10 1 1 110111 1 10 91001 1001 1 10 58110 10 003 8101011 1 ,

100 003 0110001 001 0 1000011 , 000 10110 0 00 01 01 91011

013 91010 1 1 3 , 001 110 010 6010111 1 301 90111 30 00100 .

911113 3 109 101 11111110 60101, 000 01 1 $ 110 00111 1101 1 010

90111 90010001 1 1, 10 100 10m 0 101 1 11003 9003 110 11 1001 11 103

001111 1 1 1001 0. 9113 1 1 0010 110 0111 01 1 0000 10 011 91011:

10101 0 00 0001 6 0101101 100911 , 11100 11 001 003 (5310:

001 0010 , 000 011103 1110 00031 001 10001 100, 10

01 10 10 000 23000100 , 000 1 1 1 10 10 91 1110010 601 11 003:


c3 010191011110 1 1 100010 001 000301 1 1 0 00 1001 103

81100101 , 013 001 $ 110, 01 1 100 1001 10 10 001 11 , 0010 30 104

$10111 1 010003101 009. 6 110 11091011 1001111 000 901001

10 0111101 91090001111 01 1 910011000101 0010011010 , 001 100

11110 0010 .

$ 0 10 010110 2301 1011 100100 003 (1 10001 001 0 100011 10

011 900310 6 1001 01 1000 1, 000 11001 01000 1001 , 1001 11 101

91011001 1009 30 010010 .


3 0 . 3 0001 1111001 10111011 211 011101

9101 100101 1 911110 001 10 91001000 001000 10 1010 0011 10 001 8000110 003 001 1 0 000

1 (9 , 01111 0 6 000 1 110 1101019101 9101011 0

2 00100 . 23010001 1 3 001 911101 1 , 001 0000 000

001 110 101 1 11101 30101190100101 10 1001 , 010011 010 2111 100100

0 00 0018 0111 , 013 10 1 101 3 911019103 001 11 10 1 10 81011001

1001 , 010 9100101 00 . 2811 100110 , 000 13 11 01 110, 00010 1010 0001 1191 0 1001 . $011 11011 10010 1 1 6 1000 11 01 000

30 1101 1109 1010 9100101 10 000 2810 101. D000 1010 10 231 1=

01 00 9003 30 001 001910 , 10910 1 1 , 1001 10411 003 910011 1

001000, 000 1 1 1010 10 991 11111 91100010 0001 ; 000 01113

10 001 281 11 11001 010 111000 , 000 1001 100111 01 0110 0101

01010 1900 001 111 1100 . 1001 11 1 1 1010 001 1 010 00110 010 001311011, 10 10010101 110 30010 1 1 2301 00 110 10

931001 91 11 111 1 109. 9113 1011 1 10 11 0100 , 1 101011 1 1 110 001000 11000 101 0001110 91090001111 0011 101 001 010 010 11 1=

111000 ,0111 01 01 91111100 00 11 10 10 931001 9011001, 011 1 1010

1 000 1 100010 , 003 1001 11 10 1 3001010011101 . 10911

01 1 1 000 61 , 1 10 911 1 11101 001 1310110011 ; 001 10000

6 11 , 00 6 11 1001 1 103 01 101 109006 30 100010

0101, 00 10 100010 001 1 11 0010 11 , 013 10 10 110 001 1 10 101

101010 (35 19001 100. 91000101 10 0110 1 10 101019 000

10 110 101 6 11000 10 1 10011 00111 , 1001 11 10, 30 1 1 11 00 1 101 1 3100110, 01000 1110110 6 100 000 101001 231 011. 231 1 2301

010011 1 10 1 101 31 , 910109111190 231 1019009 10 11 01 1 $ 001 , 013


00 01 1 10 0 311090 0011000011 , 000 11 0110 003 9100101 00.

$ 0 11100 10 11 0111901 , 000 0111 1010001 01111 1 10 (531 1019.

53001 11091 10 00 , 01 1 10 10 30111910 (55090 1 1 01 01101 30 0 100110

000 11012000 01110 9109010 01 1 110011 001 100 003 ; 01 1

5 9301 010010 01010100 101 31 , 00911 10 100 01101 0 930100900910 11 01 1 $ 000 000 001 11 1 10 0110 01 1 100 6 1000. 9100 001=

10010 10 3 0111 1310110 ; 001 9301 100 10 11 1001 1 103 91090,

013 00 1 1 01 1 10 1 6 1 011 001 10 1010, 000 1001 10 110 0 101.

91100 010 103 110 10 1 10 031 1100000 ! 9811001 001 000014 10

0111 111 011 301010 10 10 000 1101 0110100011 001 100 003 ; 01 1

5801 001 101 10 0111 001001001 1 1 6 10010011, 000 31001 0111

010010 ©1 011, 001 011010 010901 0101 00110, 0111 011 8011009

30 1 0001 0 . 9111 100 91011 09009 10003 000 911100 11 30

911100 10; 6 1000 000 {110 110 100011 1100 10 1 01001 91011 10

0001 1 10191 00; 0111 11 10110 01 1 6010 1 10 000 01 1 6 111 0

00110011 ! (00 0 01101 010010 10 301101 000 101 1101 00 9301 10000

00110000 000 01 100000 , 000 10 1011 1110 01 1 1000 91101111 1 91 :

10001 0 00110.

3 1 . t an bgrai mer it!

930101 5300091 01106 93101 10 010010 010 9101 1 10 11 6 01001,

011 1001 11013 10001 901101001 000 00111 100001 (35 010 10

001 71 0100, 000 000 1001 1010 6 010 901 109. 910 0 1000110 010 0001 1 0 6 0100100 0 101, 100 1 1 010 911 101001 001 :

11 11911 , 000 109100 01103 0001 800091 0110 . $801 5300091 01

101 00: $003 10111 10 0010 90009 1 11001 00 0 00 013 03


bard), Big» fie in Die g chagfammer famen, mo hué

in groficn baufen lag. SDer Sanbgraf grifflbinein, (116

moIIte er cine ganbbofi einftecfen ; bet g olbat abet , clé

er bass fat) , gab ibm brei tficbtige Dbrfeigen unb fpracb:

Weinem gniibigen {ffirften barfft bu nicbté nehmen, Dem

mufi man treu fain. “ "921m, fei nut“nicht bfife,

iprad) bet SBetteImarm, ,,id) babe ja8nod) nicbté ge



rauf gingen fie aufammen nacf) {gaufe unb fci efen

miebct , bis es? flag murbe ; ba gab bet e olbat hem

{Betflet 5a effen unb 311 trinfen unb'

nod) etwaé ($5e

baau unb fagte: "28a m MB 311 (abe ift, {o fomm nut

getroft mieber 5 11 mir, betteln ioflft bu nicht. “

fiber Slanbgrafabet ging in fein 6 6mg, 30g4hen BinaewfitteI aué unb Iegte {cine ffirftlicben fileibet cu. $Darauf

lief; er hen Golbaten bot fie!) tommen unb fragte ibn,

mic on {M} {o itima fleiben ffinnte nub met: ibm has

(85e bagu giibe. 3 c!) nub meine {5mm miifien’

fi mit

?Irbeiten nerbienen,“antwortete bet g olbat. ,,l er baB

bringt in bid nicht ein,“ ipracf) bet Sanbgraf, ,,bu mufit

etlvaB anfierbem baben.

“ Que gab6abet bet g olbat

nicbt 311 . QM flame!) bet Slanbgraf ea icI) : £ 6) gIaube,

bu gebft irr meine g chagfammet , unb menu id) babei bin,gicbft ba mix: Dbrfeigen.

“ QBie haé bet g olbat bfirte.

fieI er nor 6 67mm gut Grbe bin. SDet Sanbgraf abet

lief; ibn non feinen ?Bebienten aufbeben, unb ale ct miebet


311 {id} gefommen mar nub um (Sinabe Bat, fagte ct 311

ibm : "QBeiI bu bass fi olb nicbt angerfibrt bait, 10willid) bit clIeB bergeben , nub meiI id) febe, bafi ba


gegen mid) bift, {0 mill id) fi’wbid) forgen,“ nub gab

ibm cine gate g teIIe autet feinert fb ienem .

3 2 . Der S chwam ' itter

i )a fin gog non iBtabant mar geftorben, obne mfimv

Iicbe (aben 5a binterfafien, batte aim in einer llrhmbe

beftimmt, bafi fein Saab bet ©er5 09in nub feiner i ocbtet

anfallen iolIte. ?IIIein fein EBrubet , bet fibergog non

Garbfen , macbte geltenb, bafi nad) beutfcbem SRecbte bass to

Sanb auf feine flBeiber forterben ffinne, nub bemficbtigte

fid) beefelben.

“fi e garangin Befdflofi baber, bei hem

Qfinig 311 flagen, unb aIB baIb barauf fifinig fiarll einen

$Reicb3tag 311 Sleumagen am SRbein bieIt, tam fie mit ihrer

i ocbter babin unb begehrte 9mm. ?Iud) bet g adfien: 1 5

bergog erfdfien, um fit!) 5 1! tecbtferfigen. fi fibtenb nun

bie finaogin ibte Wage in bet ?Berfammlung borbramte,icfmute bet 96mg guffiflig burd) ein genfter unb erblidte

einen meifien 6 6mm , bet tam auf bem Sibein babers

gefdfivommen2nub 5 09 an einet fiIbcm en Rette, bie hell 20

i inate, ein g cffifilein nad) fitf) . Sn bem g cffifimbte ein

fdJIafenber mitten Qer g chwan fteuerte mic ein gefcbicfter

Geemamt unb bracbte fein g chiff am? (Sieftabe.


fiber a ig nub bet gauge fiof nemunbettel fit!) bfidflid}fiber biefeB feltiame (Ereignié ; jebcrmcum netgafi hie filage


{ytauen nub lief binab ams liter. Unterbefien mar bet

SRitter ermadfiunb aw? bet iBarfe geffiegen. QarI empfing5 ibn mit ffirftlicben (ibren nub nabm ibn bei bet

fianh,um ibn nad) bet 58mg 311 ffibten ; bod) ebe bet ?Ritter

bem Rfinig folgte, fptad) er 3x1 bem 231ml: "Stun fcbmimm

beinen QBeg2aurficf, Iieber édfim n, menu id) beinet miebet

behari, mill id; bid) rufen.

“ llnb iogIeicI) fcbmamm bet

(fi tment mit bem gfiifilein wieber hinweg.

Sebamann fdmute ben fremben Qiaft neugierig cu; Rat!

ffibtte ibn in Die $ etfammlung unb miesz8 ibm einen SBIag

untet hen gfirften cu, mfibrenb er fe ft feinen I bton

mieber einnahm.

Qie {geraogin non ?Brabant fegte nun ihre filage fort,

unb bernad) betteibigte fid) bet {Jeraog non g adflm Bus

1t erbot er fid) , ffit fein 91t 311 ffimpfeu, unb forbette,

bafi bie {octaogin ibm einen (Siegner italIen foIIe, um bass

ihrige 5a bcmiibren. matfiber ericbraf fie, bemt ct mar

ein unvetgleimliéer .{3e , gegen ben, mic fie ffirdfiete, nie’

manb in hie g cbranfen treten mfirbe. ?Bergebené {chaute

fie fiberaII im g aale umber ; niemanb erbot {id}. 6 6901!

triumphierte bet ftolae $er30g, unb bie 6mmbet {maoginfcbien io boffmmgéloé, bag ihre i ocbtet in i bré


men cues

brad), aIB p i d) unermartete {fife tam: bet ?Ritter, hen

bet g chwan gebracht batte, erhob fid) unb gelobte, ibt


Rfimpfer 311 fain. g ogleid) tiiftete man ficb auf beiben

g eiten 5 11m 6mm, unb nad) einem Iangen unb beifien

Qantpfe mar bet ea icb auf Geitenl bee g cbmans

rittetss. g ain Qiegner Derlor bus Beben, unb hie Qaaogin

tam miebet in hen 58mg ibress Sanbeé.

‘Danfbarfeit 5

trug2 fie ibremwetter bie {aanb ihrer i ocbtet an, unb

gr mums fie and) freubig cu, jebod) nut nntet bet

23cbingung, bafi fie ibn niemalé fragen ioIIe, mobet er

gefommen unb meldws fein fi efcblecffi iei, berm fonft

mfifiten fie fid) t'



f33m: {gergog nnb hie fibergogin Iebten febr gliicflicf) mits

einanber , bod) mcbt unb mehr btiicfte eB bie junge 81 cm,bafi fie nicht mufite, met ibt (55cmabI mar, unb ea id)

that fie an ibn bie netbotene ?yrage. fib er tRitter erfcbrat

nub fptacf) : "921m bait bu fe ft uniet (Sfificf gerftbrt nub

mid) am It'

mgften gefeben.

“ Qie {geraogin bereute bie

St age bitter nub bat ibn um iBeraeibung; {cine Qicnfts

mannen fielen ibm 311 gfifien unb Eaten film, an bleiben,bod) umfonft; er waffnete fid) , unb clé er reifefertig mar,fiche ba tam bet 6 d)wan mit bemfe en g dfifflein

gefcbmommen, bass ibn box: Subren gebracht batte. QDa

ffifite bet SRitter {cine Qinber, nabm l fdfieb non feinet

(55emabfin unb fegnete aIIeQ ?BOIE; bamt trat er ins? g dfifi,

fubt5ab unb febrte nimmer miebet.


3 3 . char nub iein Qamm er

iii bet Qonnetgott bet beibnifcben (Siermanen.

Gr iff emig jung nub fcbfin unb hon bobcat QBucbé. ?Iu

Rfirperfraft fifiertrifft er aIIe 65mm . Ginen ?Riefen fann

ct mit Eloise: {fauft nieberfcblagen. ifit unb trinft 1 m

5 mfifiig, iii Ieibenicbaftfid) nub bat b&ufige 8omanffiIIe.

g einen QBagen aieben amei siegenbficfc; ffibrt etl mid)

mit mfieInben mfibem bard) bie QBoIfen babin, in Ijfitelt

bie mienfcben hué iRoIIen bee ib oxmeré. Qen {Miafeben

fie, menu er feinen Qammer wirft. SDieiet fiammet ift

cine furchtbare QBaffe bet ftarfe (Sjott trifft bamit unfebls

bar nub mit bernidjtenbet QBirfung. morauf baé ®eicbo§immer wither non ie ft in feine Qanb auwcffebrt. 6 1»

lung i bor feinen Qammer fcbmingen farm, braucben fid)bie (Sjfittex: nor feinem geinb 3a ffircbten, berm ct befcbiigt

fie aIIe; obne bell fiammet abet warm fie macbtlofi nub

in grflfiter (Siefabt .

Stun gefcbat) eB in einer bunHen Slacbt, ale ?Uyn

idflief, bag her ERieienffinigz i brgm fit!) in bie (Sibtters

burg einfdflid) nub ben gamma raubte. 9116 i bm: aufs

macbte unb feine QBaffe bermifite, fannte fain 80m feine

($ren5 en, nub arwanbte {H} an Sofi, hen Iiffigen {5mmgott, um Slat. Bofi, beffen $ erbad3t iogleid) auf ben

SRiefenfflnig fieI, flog nad) SRiefenbeim nub fanb ibn aufeinem fiftgel figenb. fbet Rfinig fragte ibn : ,,QBie ftebt



11111 hen Qiflttern ? “ Sufi (111111 011 111 : "93211 ben 656111 11 1


é fci mm; baltft bu 1 5 01 13 gamma berborgen ?“

Eltocfen antwortete bet Slide : "36; babe ibn ctbt Weilen

tief m i ter bet C&rbe berborgen, unb nicmanb foII ibn

miebetetmerben, auger menu er mir 81 cm 31111 SBraut s

giebt.“$t ega mat bie Iicblidye 65611111 bet 3 1113111111 1111b

6 cbfinbeit; 51 5 1 13111 batte fie cinit 111 bet QBobnung bet

(55 1mm: gefeben nub mar 111 Eiebe 311 ibr entbrannt.

Bofi febrte 11111 51 5 1 191113 ?Intmort 5 11 1"

t aurficf. ?Beibe

gingen 5 11 $tega, nub i 5 01: forberte fie obne meitereé auf,

Qirautfleibet anauIegen unb 11111 15 111 11 11 11) ?Rieienbeim 5 11

fabren . SDocI) {frega geriet fiber biefe 811111 11a 111 801 11

unb mutete fo ffitdfierfid) , bafibie Gifittetbafle erbebte.‘Da

bielten Die 6561111 91111, 11111) einet bet meifeften riet, 111 1111

{01111 $ 601: 1113 grewbetfieiben 111th mic cine 58mm

gefcbmiicft 311111 ?Rieienffinig fdficfen. QInfcmgé ftriiubte {id}bet mannbafte Elbor gegen cine ifieibm ofie, 1113 abet Slofi

ibn mawte, bat; bie §Riefe11 bulb in Qlfenbeim2 mobnen

mfitben , menu bet {gamma nicht gurfidfame, milligte er

ein. 2711111 Iegte 111 1111 ibm briiutficbeé 53111 11 1 11 11 11 . 9111171;

11011 mtbf 111 1111 15 111 hué $1101 ; 11111 ben {galé Iegte 111 1111

ibm {gregaé funfelnbeé auf bie 231 1111 beftete

111 11 11 ibm grofie 231 0515 1111 . QBeiberrocf mufite 15 111

fiber bie finiee faIIen, ein @cI)Ififie unb an feinem (Sjfirtel

fiirren 111thein ®dfleiet ibm baa éaupt betbfiIIen. Slofi

berfieibete $111) 11 16 Smagb, 111111 111111 fpannten fie hie 81ege11=


bbcfe cu, beffiegeu hen 381191 11 111111 fubren 1111 11) 1111eie11=


q1 .31 1 1 eiche miefenffinig tfiftete 111 11 111 1 1 31mm: 1 111

i inaenbeB finchaeitémabl. 9116 111 1111 111 km reidy5 geidmfidten gene bei £1115 1: fafi, geigte 1 001 , 11111 13 er

Ieiften 10111111 . (831 afi 111111 11 ganaen Debian, ad)1 Sadfie

11111) aIIeQ 11131 éBacfmerf, 1111c 1 13 1111 Die 81 11 111 11 [11111111 1111

11 111 , 1 1 111 11 111 111111 11a111 111 1 1 531131 Ema. $Da1 116e1 111 1 s

munberte 1111) 11 111 2811 1 111111 "280 but man je cine

1 0 231 11111 10 hungrig geieben unb 1 111 21711111131 11 , bag 10 11111

effen 111111 11 11111 11 9161 1 bie fcfiIaue 2171111311 , 1111

11161 11 i 5 01 iafi, 1 1 1111111 1 111: "6 1 11 ad)1 Stagen bat 31 1 1111

gegefien, {0 111 0313 ?Berlangen 11 11g fie 11 1111) 11111111 11:

23116 fd)111e1d)elte Dem berIiebten miefen , 11111) er

1 5 [11111 11 111 11 6 15 1111111 feiner 231 11111 12111 1nen1g, bocb 1 1 115 1 0111 11

111 1115 11 er 1 111 1 11 gemaltigen 6 115 1 116111111 113 11111 11; 1111 gauge

41311111 , 111111 1112ar auérief: 28111 11111 11111) gregué ?Iugen

10 931111) 111111113fie fp1 1


1be11 $c11c1 .

“ 58 011)

11 11 111 1 11111 11 11111 111 bet fcbIaue 53011: "6 1 11 11 15 1 Stagen bat

20 {51 1911 111191 gefcblafen, 10 91 031 13 211 1 1111191 11 tr11g fie 11 1111)

miefenbeim, beébalb 111111 1b1 e 111191 11 10 1 01 11111

3 11 biefem ?Iugenblicfe 11 1114 hie 6 15 1111711 1 bee 91111111

111111136 1111 , 11111) biefer 1 1ef 15 1 311 : 11111 111111

Qammer , meine 281 11111 311 weihen, Ieg’11m 111 1 50111 111 111

2 5 ben 6 15 013 111111 11116 1111 9111 111 1 11 her 6 11111115


2811 1111 111111 {91 1111 an 11 11 111911 : 1 116 111 1 11

11111 1111 11 11 111111111, D116 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 SDiener . $ 1 1 Qies

1111 11 11 11 1111 1111 15 11 , 11 5 11111 111111111 91 11 11111 : 50116 111 1111

11 111 111111 1 11 1 1 11 11 11115 1111 115 11 15 116 651 11 1111 1 5 11 111 ,

5 11 111 1 1 15 111 111193, 11111 1 1 111911 1 1 111131 11 311 11 111 111 flames

1 111 1 11 : "Sb enftl 1 1115 ! 1 1111 1 331 111 1 11 1 13 11 1116; 16 915 1


11116 115 1115 1, 1 1 5a1 9111191, 115 11 111 1 1 1 1 52311 11 111 1 11

111 11 111 311 51 1 1 1 1 1 115 1 1 111 11 , 11111 111 1 311 1111 11 1 1111 911 1 11115 1

5 1111 111 ; 1 1 11111311 11 111 1 111 15 . 21811 11 111111 11 11 1111 1 1 6 113111111

1 0 5 1 1 1 11 191 1 , {1113 111 1 2811 111 1 111111 81 1 011 11 11 : 1 116 111

111 1 331 111 1 1 1111 11 11 1115 11115 1 111111 1 , 1111

18 11 11 11 fa911 11 11 1 1 1 : 59116 111 1 1 1 231 1 1 11 1 11

111 11311 1 1111 1 1 1 1 1 1111 6 15 11111 1 11 11111 1191 11, 111 1 111 1 $ 1 1 1

{11911 311 111 331 111 1 , 1 1 {1 111 11111 1 9111111 31 191 11 11111 1 1111 11 ,

1 5 11 116 1 111 111 111: 16 11 1 1 1 1 11111 11115 3 1 11111 1 111 111 . 231 1 5811111 1

31 5 hie 6 15 11111 1 1111 , 11 11311 11115 1, 11 11 1 1 1115 5 1111 11311 1111 ,

11111 311 1115 111 111 1 2811 311 1131 1 9: "9115 , 115 11 1 1111 1

115311 111 1 $ 1 1 1 1 116 5 1 1 11 , 1 111 1 1 911113 1 1 111111 11 : 1 1

11 1 13 16; 111111 11 1 13 1 1 111115 , 11 1 1 1 116 (55 1111

20 $ 11 11 11 1 1 1 1 111 581 1111 111111 {15 1 1 111115 111 93, 111111 11 gab

111 111 591 111 1: 1 1111 11 21331111, 1111 1 11114 5 1 1 1111631111 111111 1 11 . 11811

1 1 111111 1 1 111131 11 11 11 1 , 91111 111 1 1 15 111 11 111 1 11 1 , 311111 1111 1 1 1

3111 1111, fie 5 11111 11 11116 65 111 91111 5 11 11 , {11 11 1 1111 11 16 11 111 1

91 1 11 11 11111 1 5 1 191 691 11 11 11111 15 111 1 111 1 115 11 1 1 1 6 111 1 111 1

2 5 1111311, 11 1 1111 11; fig 11115 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 1111 . 6 11 31 1911 11 15 111

111115 1111 6 11 111 , 11 0 11116 1 1 1111 111 1119. 58 1111111 11 11 1


1 1 1 131 111 1 31 11 11 1 1 1 , ging 11 111 1 1 5 1111 111 , 11 5 11 1115 1 11 1 1 11

1 1115 11111 11 1 1 15 : 111111 11 111 115 11 11 111 1 11 231115 1

11115 1 11 , 11 1 1 1 6 (55 1 11 15 1111 1 11111 11 015 1 1 1 11111111

2311 11 1 1 111 1 1 11 0 11 1 , 11111 311 5 1 1 1 11 , 1 5 1 1 1 ibotto1 111 151111 5 1 11 115 11 . SD1 1 115 1119 11 111 915 1 5 1 15 1 111, 5 11 1111 11 5 111 s

11 11 5 1 1 11111 11115 11 1 1 11 6515111 15 1 5 11 . 9116 1 1 15 11 11115 1

911 115 11111 1 11 11 111111 , 11 1 1 15 1 1 : ,,SDu 5 111 1 1 15

1 1 1 1 111 11111

111 1 131 SDa 911 115 11 1 1 1 1111 £311 11 , 1 1 11 111 1 91 11 1 11 1,

11 1 1 113 1 11111 5 1 5 11 1 116 11111 1 111: "2311 2011 11 11 11 1113

911111 31 11111 1 1 1 331 111 1 211111 1111 111 1 1 11 11311 1 11 , 11 1 1 1 6

6 1 11 11 9, 11 1 11 1 5 1 1 11115 1, 91111 5 11 11 5 1 111 , 5 1 11 111

1 1 11 5 1 11 1 11 6 1 111 11 1 11 1 5 111 231 11 5 1 1 1 1 11111 11 1 1 1

1 111 5 1 1 115 1 111 1 11711 11 11.

3 6 . 9 1 1 10 1 1 1 11 11 1 711 1115 1 11 bem 3 1 11 11 11 11 1 1 1 111 3 91 1

11 1 1 1 11 1 1111 111 115 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 191 1 111 1 1 1 5 1 1 5 11:

31 11, g1 1 1 1 1 1 16 1 1 1 231115 11 1 131 1 5 1115 11 . 52311 6 1 1111 1 11 1 1

91 11 1 11 1 111 15 11111 1 1 1 aufgegangen, 1 1 1 11531111 91119 11 1115 115 1 1

1 11 6 11 11 1 11 , 1 11 531 1 15 1 1 11 1191 11 111 1 1 1 531111, 1 11 2311 11 1 11

11 1 1 1 1 11 1 111 1 1 111 231115 11 1 131 1 , 1 111 1 11 81 1111 911191 11 111 15 1 1 11

6 1 1 1 11 16111 11 1 1 1 111 15 1 1 1 5111 15 1 ; 1111 3, 1 111 111 1 1 1111 11 1 1

1 1 19111191 11111 1 1 1 $1 11 1 1115 .

$31 1 3 1 1 1 111 111 1 1 1 11 111 1 1 $ 5 1 1 , 5 1 111 1 11 911 1111 115 1 1

1 11 1 1 1 1 1 91115 11 1 1 11 11111 11 1 g 1 111 811 1 15 1 11 111 1 1 11 2121 191 1

11 1111 5 11 1 111211 gut

811111 11 115 11 15 1 1 16 1111 3 1311 1 1 1 111 5 1 11


g onntagmorgen fingen fann. fbabeil fie! ibm auf ciumaI

cin, er ffinne. mfibrenb feine {gran hie fiinbet mfiicbe unb

anafige, ein bifidmt im {felbe fpaaieren unb febea, mic {cine

mfiben ftfinben. iDicfe ?Riiben warm namlid) nabe Bei

5 feinem {aaufeg er pflegte mit feiner gamifie babon 5 11

effen, unb beébalb fa!) er fie 016 Die feinigen an. Gr

macbte aIfo bie Tibiir hinter fid) 311 unb fdflug hen ifiegnad) bem 8e ein.

(i t mar nod) nicht meit Dom fiaufe, aIé ar hem fiafen

lo begegncte, bet in fibulicben («Befdfiften auégcgangen Ivar,

niimlid) um feinen ROM 31! beichen. 9116 her 3 gel hen

{aafen fat), bot cv ibm einen freua icben guten ?morgen.

fb er fiafe abet , bet nacb feiner QSeife ein gar noruebmer

$err mar unb fcbrecflid) bachmfitig baau, ermiberte befi

1 5 3 geIé (Situfi nicht, fonbem nahm cine babe SDlicne an unb

fagte: , fommt e?» berm, bafiba fo frat) um M orgen

im $e berumliiufit?“ 3 cl) gebe fpaaieren,

“fagte bet

Sgel. gpaaieren ?“ Iacbte bet {aah ,,mid) hi

mft, ba

ffinnteft beine éBeine 5a befieren ibingen gebraucben.

“ mieie

20 911100011 netbrofi ben figel fiber aIIe EDlafien, helm aIIeé

fann ex: bertragen, nut feinen 6pm auf {cine 28cm, meiI

fie non SRatur frumm finh. bilbeft bit mobl2ein ,

ermiberte bet Sgel, ,,baB bu mit beinen Iangen 2Beinen

mcbt auéricbten fannft?“ 59a?» benf

’id) aflerbingé,


2 5 her fiafe. mun, beriucben mir’é,“ fprad) bet SgeI, ,,icf)

mette,menuwit Iaufen, fo Iaufe it!) hit vorbei.“


ift I&cberficf) , ba mit beinen hummen ?Beincn betfegte bet

fiaie, ,,bocf) meinetroegenl mag eé iein, menu bu 10 films

grofie Suit bait. QBaé gilt hie QBette?“ C&inen golbenen

Eouiébor unb cine glafcbe 6 69mm,

“fagte bet 39d . " ?Ins

genommen,“2 iprad) bet fink, ,,fdflag

"ein unb bann fanm’

é 5

gleid) Ioégebcn .

,,SRein, {o grofie (file but 03 nicbt,“


bet Sgel; ,,crft mill id) nad) Qaufe gcben unb ein

bificben frfibftficfen. 3 11 einer balben e tunbe bin id) aufhem sJSIaQe.“ fba muf ging bet figel fort, bean bet {mic

batte nicbtfi bagegen.

llntem egé bacbte bet 39d bei fid) : fiafe berlfifit

fitf) auf feine Iangen ?B eine, abet id) mill ibn fdwn friegen.

(Er hi'

mft fid) ein bomebmet 55 m 311 fain, ift abet nut

ein bummer fled , unb beaublen mufi ct bocb.

“ 9113 mm

bet Sgef nae!) banktam, fagte ct au feinet gran : ”gran,

aid) bid) eilig cu. ba mufit mit iu8 8 e binauss.“


giebt eé benn ? “ fragte bie {5mm "36; babe mit hem

fiafen um einen golbenen Souiébor unb cine {filab e

6 d)a gemettgt, id) mil! mit ibm um hie QBctte Iaufen,

unb bu foIIft babei ieiu.

“"fiber, mein Iicbet Emann,“

icbtie ba beg figelé 81 cm, ,,baft bu ben sB erftanb bctIoren ?

flBie fannft bumithemQafen um bicQBette Iaufen moflen

,,fialt hen Munb, flBeib,“fagte bet 39d , " bass iii meine

6acbe ; mafi betftebft bu hon SDZfinnetgeicbaften ! Watid),

aid) bid) an nub fomm mit.“ iolIte beé figelé gran

macben ? 6kmutate foIgen, fie mod)te5 o Ien ober nicbt.


9113 fie nun miteinanber untcrmegé maren, inrath bet

SsgeI 311 feiner gran aIfo : "Stun pafiauf, maé id) bit fage.

6 ia) , auf bent Iangen 21cm: bort o enwit unfew?IBettsIaufmacben. fiber {Me I&uft in bet einen

(surche unb id)

5 in bet unbem , unb bom obem C&nbe fangen mix: an 311

Ianim 911m bait bu weiter nicbté 5 11 than, (116 bid) bieruntcn in bie 3 1mm311 fteIIen ; menu bann bet {mic ans

fommt, 10 rufi'

t bu ibm 5 11 : bin {cbon ba.

fbamitl maven fie Beim 91cm: angelangt ; bet 39d geigteI o feiner “

(gran ihren ?Blag unb ging bann bcn 21cm hinauf.$113 er oben anfam, war bet fiafe idmu ha. ,,Qamt eé

Ioégeben ?“ fragte bet fiafe. antwortete bet


ertig bean !“ llnb 3u91eid; fteIIte fitf) jebet in

{cine {51min fib er fiafe 361mm 31nd , brei !“unb

1 5 flog mic ein g turmminb {cine gutcbe bimmter. fib er ?sgel

abet Iief nut ungcfiibt brei g dnitte, bann budte ex: {id} in

bie 3mmnichet unb blieb rubig figea.

9113 mm bet fiaie in boIIem Bauf unten anfam, t icf

ibm bee Sgewgran 5 11 : bin {chum bu!“ fib er ®afe

zo ftugte unb berwunberte fief) nicht wenig, berm ct meinte,

es mare bet 39d feIBft, meiI, mic iebermamt weifi, beefigelé {gran gerabe fo mic 932mm aufifiebt; er bacbte

(1110, has gebe nidfimit recbten SDingen 5 11 unb rief t ,,SRocf)

einmal c aufen.2aurfid !

“ llnb fort flog et mieber mic

2 5 her Gmrmwinb. fbcé SigeIé gran abet i eb rubig auf

11mm Wage. 2113 mm bet fiaie oben anfam, rief ibm


be: 3 9d 311 : bin fdwn ha!“ Gianaauger fid) nor

(i ifer fdnie bet Qafe : einmal gelaufen !“ 20211:


“ 1anttvortete bet 39d , ,,meinettnegen fo oft (113 bu

Suit buff.“ fba lief bet {mic breiunbfiebgigmaI, unb her

3921 bielt”es immer mit ibm auB. fiebeémaI, menu bet 5

fiafe oben obet unten antam, fagte bet 3 9d obet {cine

5} t " ?sd) bin fdwn ha!“

811m bierunbfiebgigftenmaI abet tam bet {cafe nicht mebr

an has (abe. Emitten auf hem 21cm {wrate ct ant (5 115 6,bafi $ 11“ flof; ibm ans bent fiafie, unb at Web tot aufhem ?BIage. fiber 3 ge1 abet nahm hen gemonnenen Bouiébox: unb hie {flaicbe g dmapé unb ging mit feiner {5um


tgt nad) bank. Gait jenet Beit ift eé feinem Qafen

miebet eingefaflen, mit einem ?sgeI um bie QBette 311 Iaufm

3 7. me Gran bung bes pon ellan s

23m: etwa ameibunbert Sabren Iebte in SBerfin ein

l otbefiergebfife Stamens fifitfidm. SDicier mat ein

fleifiiget iunger imam! unb arbeitete oft his in bie fpfite

Slacbt an feinem fiberbe, mo er fcbmeIaenb unb focbenb

a11er1ei fieflucbe macbte. i’Bie b iele anhere Seute an inner

Beit, fo batte and; er bie 3 1m, bafi eé mbgfid) fei, cuss

gang, gemfibnficben SDZetaIIen 65011) 311 macben. QBie ein

tvenig fiefe ben ffifien Gjetftenfaft in beraufcbenbeé ?Bier

ummanb dn 1mm, 10 , glaubte man aIIgemein, fei eé


mfigficf) , aw, 3mmRupfe; u. f. w. in (55 0113 5 11 m g

manbeIn , menu man nut cine .%1fiffigfeit erfinben 16mm,me1c1)e in ihrer QBirfung bet fibefe fibnlid) ware. 23mm

biefet eifrig gefucbten g ubftana erwartete man angleid),

s bafi fie bie unf®fi§bare Qraft befige, jebe Qranfbeit 3a

beilen unb aIIe Wenfcben i icicf) 5 11 macben.

66 mar befibaIb gang natfirfid) , bag SBfitticbet alas

fipotbefet fie!) biel SDEi’

tbe gab; bass grofie SBrobIem 5a

Ibfen, unb 33165 116) biefi eé in bet macbbatfcbaft, et babe

I o hie QBunberfubftang, mirffid) etfunben. E iefeé (Siem cbt Det’

Breitete fid) {cbneII bard) bie gauge g tabt unb erreidyte

and) ben fiof. fiber 96mg braucbte bamaIé gerabe b ie1

(sjelb, benn er Iiefi grofie, fcb’

dne (sjebiiube enridfien ; mas

mfire ibm qIfo ertnunfcbtet gemefen, (1 13 einen SUtenfcben inIS {cine @ema1t 5 11 befommen, bet ibm auf Qommanbo 65012)

macben ffinnte. (Er gab babet hen ?Befelfl, man foIIe hen

QIt befer SBbttid)er ergreifen unb 3a ibm btingen. 811m

(85 1m! erfubr eB éBbtticber, e1)e bie 6 01baten unfamen, bie

ibn fangen women, unb entflof) fibet hie (Sireme nad)

zo é adfien. QIIIein feine 31mmnfigte ibm nicbté, benn fawnmat er in ©ac1fien anget

ommen, aIQ ibn bet éBeberrfcber

biefeé Sunbeé, Qurffirft magnit bet ©tarfe, mad) mu ssben ,

feiner fiauptftabt, bringen Iiefiunb ebenfaIIB berIangte, bagat (550111 ffir ibn anfertige. SBfitticber gab 71d) bier aIIe er=

2 5 benfiicbe Mube, irgenb etmaé berborgubringen, moburd) er

bass $ cr1angen beB flurfiirften beft iebigen fbnnte, es? gelang


3 8 . Die G eidzidzte van bem tteinen mud

3 11 micfia, meiner lichen $ aterftabt,wobnte ein 20211 11 11;

hen man ben f(einen Emmi biefi. (Err mar 11111: brei 1113

bier {51151 bod) 111111 batte aufierbem cine fonbetbare GjaffaIt,

benn fein Sleib, in e ixi 111111 aierIid; er and) wait, mufite5 einen fiopi tragen, bieI grfifier 111thbidet C1I3 bet Qopfanberet Seute. Cir mobnte gang; aIIein in einem grofien

5 11 113 , bemt ct Iiefite bie 61117amfeit, 111111 11113 bcmfelben

Gitunbe 91113 et aIIe biet 280191311 11111: ciumaI, 11111) 5 11111 1:

immer ben (i‘rften be3 imonat3 , 11113 . fDe3 215m pflegte

t o ar auf {einem platteit fb acbe auf 111111 ab 5 11 geben ; non bet

6 1mm C1113 2 fdfien e3 abet , 1113 Iiefe 11111: fein grofiet

fiopi auf bem Sbacbe umber. SCI) nub meine flamemben

maren bbfe SBuben, hie jebermamt gem necften ;8 babet

mar e3 aIIemaI ein {anuptfpafi ffit 11113 , menu bet e ine

Is £12111! au3ging. 2811 berfammeltcn 11113 am Girtften jebe3

932011 1113 1101: feinem ©1 113 unb warteten, 1113 et beran31am.

28a m bamt bie Elbfit aufging 111111 guerft bet grofie Ropfmit bem nod) grfifieren 51 111 1111 11 berau3311c1te nub bann

ba3 fibrige fifirpercben nadfioIgte, angetban mit einem

zo abgefcbabten Wantekben, weiten SBeia eibem unb einem

breiten GiiitteI, an melcbem ein Ianget fb olcb hing, 10 11mg,bafiman 111t wufite, 011 911111! an hem $00c nhet her

58 0c 11 11 fi nd itat‘

menu er in heran3trat, ba ertfinte

bie Quit non auferem miIben (Seicbrei, 11111: marfen unfere


211115 111 111 1111 babe 111111 111 11 5 11 11 11111 1011 11 111

591 1 111 1111 21111111 11 1111 111 11311 11113 11111 ernftbaftem Qopfs

111111 11 111111 91119 11111 1a11gfa111 1 11 6 191 1111 11 1111 ©11a§1

11111 11 11 ; 1111 11 11 115 1111 111 1 1 11111 111 11 81mm ,

” benn 1 1 batte

131 061 , 1111 111‘Bantofieht 1111 , 11111

3 111) 1111 g1= 5


‘ 2811 5111 11111 11 11111 11 11 1111) 111111 fd)1 11 11 : "8111111 1 1

21111111, 1111111 1

6 0 batten 11111 fdmn oft 1111111 1 11 6 1mg gehabt, 11111)

5 11 111 1 111 1 1 6 191111111 111 1113 111) 13 gefteben 111) 111111 bet

{15 11111 111111 11011 11 111 11 , 111 1111 111) 5 1113111 111 11 111 111 1 11 213211 1111 1 0

oft am 911111111 115 1 11 , 1111 11 1 111111 111 11 111 111) {013111 11011

5 11111 11 11111 1111 131 0131 11 SBantofieIn, fo bafi 1 1 1)111f11 1. 23113

111111 11111 bfldfit 11115 1 1 1111) 1101 , 11111 1 11113 811131 11 verging

11111 , 1113 111) 111115 111 111113 211111 1 3 3311113 5ngebe1t

631 ging 11 11 11111) 11111 1111 111111 11111 11 1 111 191 81 11 11111 111. 3 11) 1 5

1 1 1 111 1111 111111) 5 111 11 1 1111 ©a11311)111 111111 fab 11m 11111 111 1

berau310111 1111 11 , 11011 1111 111 1 111 Qiater 111 1311 111 1, 111 1 11m

1 1 1111 111; 1111 111 1 fianb 1111 11 1111) 1111 111 1 $ 5 111 111111 1

1 1111 11 2811111111ge11 11011 111111 berabfcbiebete. 9111 11) bem 211111:

11191111 11 11a1)111 111111) 111 1 111 98 1111 1 1101 111111 1111 11 11) 111 20

1 1 11111 111 $ 011 1 : $ 11 bait, 11111 111) 111 11 91111 11 8311111

gefcbimpft. 3 11) 113111 1111 11 111 1 65 1115 115 11 1 1 5 11011 11 , 11 1111

1111 1111 1111111 bu 111 111113

93 1 1 231111 1 111 3 111 111 1 11 21111111, 111 1 1 131 1111111) 21121111 11 1)

biefi, 10 1111 111 231111 1 , 111 111 1 111 angefebener, 11 111 1 2 5

111 1111 1 2131111111 111 9111 1111. (151 11 1111 11111111 5 1 {0 11111 111111


1 101001 013 jet5t 11 10 6 05 0 . 6 11110 100011 1 1 11115 1 1005 1

11 15 10 , 101 11 1 1 11 10 1 1 8101 1913111011 115 00111 , 110 5 01 1=

0 015 111fiig11 5 05 1 1 11 10 1 (531 5 11 5 110 11. 9113 1 1 5 15 5 1115 1101 5

1105 5 10 111 10 1 0 51111111 01 10 110 5 110 101111 0 5 5 111 1111111 5 , 1013110

5 5 11 5 01 110 9111 1900 5 110 5 10 01 10 10 3 110 5 1 11 003 5 101 ©0011

1111 5 1 11 110 15 111 , 10 5 11 981 11 5 100035091 5 10 110 5 11 10 65 11111

5 11 11115 1 0 . $131 1 111 10 1 $20 11 00 11001 11 11 , 1 1 11 1 115 011 1 1 111 :

11 1 1111, 110 5 5 01 001 001 5 10 910 5 115 {1 111 13 6 1111 1

1001 05 1 1 1 10 151 05 1 1 110 5 {101 111 513200 11 g1 10 111 11 , 5 05 1 1

1105 110 5 11 5111 15 11 0115 1 ; 5 015 10115 11 1115 5 121111 5 11 5 1 111 101

1 1 {15 11111 0 5 , 1003 5 11 1ang 1001 00 5 5 01; 5 000 5 11 511115 11

00 . 9111 5 1 1 281 111 11 5 015 110 5 1 1 11 1 1 0 115 13 ; 5 05 1 1 1110

{00 5 1 1 5 01 1 1 910505 , 1011 1 1 11 015 5 1 1111 5 11 11 5 102 111 ; 5 11

111 05 1 51 01 5 00 , 5 1 1 5 1 1 111 (35 111 11 1, 5 11 10 11110 18 1 10 11115 1 1 ,

5 03 5 111111 911160 11 115 10 , 01113 5 113 110 5 (531 5 1111111 , 5 11 1 1 11 11;

5 1 111 getragen. $ 10 100910 390115 1110 13 930111 3 111 1111 1 1

10 5 1 11 (35 111 11 1, ergriff 110 6 15 1115 1 0 11115 1011 05 11 11 5 11013

$ 5 01 1 5 1 1 6 105 1 5 10003 .


{11 115 1115 1000 5 1 1 11 1 1 5 10 30115 1 0 flag in 5 1 1 11111 11

5 015 11 10 (55 10 11 50 1105 10 . 95310 11 1 1 1 10 10

6 15 1 1 5 10 0111 5 1 1 (331 5 1 101 6 000 10115 1111 9115 1 1 0 105 , 10

5 011 1 1 15 11 0111 110 5 111 1111 15 0 5 11 1115 , 101 (55 1005 10 , 5 05

1 1 1115 10 5 1 11 115 5 01110 581010 00 110 01 1 1000 5 1 10 101 1 5 1 ; 1051 1 10 5 11 5 11 9110111 1 1 101 1 5010115 1 1 131110 5 10 05 11

110 1 0 6 11 115 110 01 1 1 0 , 10 1 1111 1 1 0011 11 1 115 1111 1 (5 1 1001 11101;

5 01 0111‘

5 0 , 5 1 1111 1 1 5 015 11 , 10 110 8005 1 1 1005 g110010110 50


11 10. 215 1 1 015 ! 1101 6 1095 115 11 01 1 115 1000 5 10 111 5 1 1 91115 1 ,110 5 11111 01150 5 015 1 1 100 11 11 15 0 1110 1 231115 191111 1105 1110

111 1 1 1 2111091 11 , 5 05 11 1115 0015 101 20115 1 5 1 1 6 111 5 1115 10

5 1110 5 1 , 100 5 11 31 1115 11 5 13 31 15 13 111111 11115191 9105 1 0091001 1 0 11115 5 11 5 01 11 (51 5 1 1110 211015 11091 1 . 2113 1 1 10 5 101 1

$ 091 01 191 5 103 91 1 1 111 1001 , 100 1 15 01 5 11 211111, 00 5 115 00

01 1 5 10 1 111 111 11 , 1110 (55 11111 5 11 110 5 1 11 , 013 11 001 5 1 1111 11

513091 111 110 1 91 05 1 6 105 1 10111. 211115 1 110 5 5 0091 191000 5 1 1 11 1 1 5 0 1 15 1111 1 6 1105 1 11015 5 11 0115 11 0 , 05 1 1

0 11910 5 3 5 1101 11 1115 15 01 1101 1 5 111 , 0119105 3 1 111 0100 ,

1011 1 1 1115 00191111 111 5 0111 : " 51111011 2111111, 100101 5 1 1 1 10 ,

15 005 11 101 110 5 1 115’

5 115(111 115 0011 91 1 05 1 1011 5 1 1 1 1 15 1 115 011115 119 00 110101

91 05 10 , 115 5 111 11 15 003 5 10001, 5 0 5 1101 11 1115 1 10 3 101111 ,

1 101 0111 $1 00 115 01111 5 11 0113 110 5 1 111 11111 1011111 110910 5 1 1

6 1101111 1 :

3 5 1 211015 5 01 11 , 5 1 1 5 11 !

6 11015 1 111 5 1 1 25 1 15/80911115 1001 5 1 5 11 $ 5 111 5 13 15 011113 000 10010 91 5 1101 1,

110 5 2010 11 105 01111 15 00 5 1 00 5 51015 10 5 10 1 1015 00910 . (611

1100 5 110191 2109105 11111 10 8101 111 1, 05 1 1 5 1 1 (1 10 105 009

5 1 1 31 011 10191 11 10111 , 10 5 1115 05 1 1 105 11 11 1115 1 10 15 11 500 5 9109 111 5 03 $003 . $ 11 0111 31 011 105 15 11 1111s

11 1 110 5 1115 00 1105 11 0911 , 1003 1 1 100111 . 5D0 0011001 11 11

5 1 1 111 10 1 $ 1011 : 5 011 10111 5 1 1 01000 5 11 5 110101 58 1 1 1

1 1091 10 5 10 , 00 5 101 11 115 91 05 10 5 11091 1 5 05 1 , 5 111 115 0015



“ S'

bic ?IIte Iacbte unb fpracf) : QBober tommit

bu benn, mein g unnb? SDie gauge g tabtweifi, bag it!)nut {Junbe unb Ragen einlabe.

“ 33a erafiblte ibr bet

fleine EUtucf, mic hart es?» ibm mid) feineé >Bater§ i oh

5 er‘

gangen 1 iei, unb Bat fie, ibn nut beute mit ihren 905m

fpeifen 311 Iafien. Sbic 81 cm, meIcIJe hie treubergige

afiq ng beg fileinen rfibrte, ctIaubte ibm, ibr (Sjaft 5 11

fein, unb gab ibm reicbfid) 311 effen unb 3a trinfen. weer gefiittigt mat , Betrachtete fie ibn Iange unb fagte bann :

fileinet SIRucf, bleibe bei mir in meinem fb ienft, bu foIIft

wenig QIrbcit baben unb gut gebaIten metben.

“ ?Der fleine

What, bem bet flagenbtei gut gefcbmecft batte,wiIIigte mitc

{sreuben ein unb murbe aIfo bet ?Bebiente her great

l angi. (Sir batte einen Ieichten, abet ionberbaren fi enft.

{gran ?Ibanai batte m’

imfid) fecbé flagen, biefen mufite

9.72mi jeben Smorgen hen SBc; ffimmen unb mit ffiftficben

C5 aIben eimeiben ; menu bie {gran auéging,~mu§te er auf

hie finger! acbtgeben ; menu fie frafgen, mufite ct ibnen bie

g dfixfidn borlegeu, unb nacbtss mufite ct fie auf feibene

Qifien Iegen unb in iamtene fb cden einbiiIIen. Qlufaetbem

warm and) einige fleina fiunbe im gums, hie er bebienert

mufite, bocf) murben mit biefcn nicht {0 Dick llmftiinbe

gcmacbt mic mit ben Ragen, melcbe §}rau l abai mie ibre

eigenen Qinber hielt.

?Infcmgé gefieI eé Dem f(einen Wind febr gut in feinet

g tefiung, unb er glaubte fcbon , fein (Siliicf gefunbcn 311


baben, helm er batte immer germg 3a efien nub wenig

311 arbeiten, unb bie aIte gran fcbien gang aufrieben mit

iIJm 3a fain . Qlflein bulb foIIte ct erfabten, bafi fein (Sifiid

in bidet QBeIt non [anger 23mm ift, unb Da mn warm in

feinem gall bie Ragen fcbulb. SDiefe fingen baIb cu, fit!) 5

fdfiecbt 3a betragen. QBemt ihre ©errin auBgegangen mat ,

fprangen fie mic befeffen in hen Bimmm t umbet , marfen

alleé burcbeinanber nub aerbracben mancbeé foftbate (Siefcbitr,bass ibnen inn QBeg ftanb ; menu fie abet bie {gran hie

Streppe berauffommen bfirten, frocben fie awifcben iIJteQifi


en, unb menu fie eintrat, tbaten fie, 06 nicbtss

gefcbeben mare. Sb ic ?yrau l abai geriet harm in 80m ,

menu fie ibtaBimmer in fold)“ unotbmmg fab, unb fcbaIt

ben fleinen SDIucf; unb mic Iaut er and) feine unfdmlb

beteuerte, glaubte fie ibrcn faIfcIJen flagca, Die in unfcbulbigauéfaben, mebt ale ibrem treuen SDienet .

58a ficine 502116war febr traurig, alas erwebt unb mebr3m fiberaeugung tam, bat; er fein ®Iiicf [Jiet bod) nicbt

gefunben babe, unb fafite ben (Entfcfflufi, ben SDienft bet

gran ?(babai 5 11 berIafien .

‘E a er abet avé C&fabrung

mufite, mic fdflecbt man obne (55 e reift, {o beicfflofi er ,

Den Qobu, hen ibm {cine 53m m bcriprocben, abet nie ges

geben batte, fict) auf irgenb cine ?Irt 5 11 bericbafien. 921m

beinah fid) im Qaufe bet ?ytan fibanai ein Simmet , bag

immer berfcblofien mar, unb befien finnereé ct nie gefeben

batter. Sb od) batte er hie {gran oft barin rumorcn gen'



unb jegt fie! ibm ein, bag ihre é dfiige Darin betftecft fein

{finntem fDiefe fim utung befcbiiftigte ibn Slag unb Slacbt,

unb er batte feinen anbern QBunfd), aIB ciumaI in hides?

gebeimniébolle Simmer 5 11 fommen.

5 a gefcfml) es? eineé Wiargené ,‘

aIé Stan fibabai awgégangen mar, bafi ibn ciné bet fifinbéen, befien Giunft

er fit!) bard) aIIerIei BieBeébienfte in bobem (55mmertvorben

batte, an feinen weiten ?Beinfleibem aupfte unb {id} ges

b&rbete, mic menu What ibm foIgen iolIte. 202m! ging mit

1 0 ibm, unb fiche, bag bfind en ffibrte ibn in bie g dflafs

tummer bet gran QIbabgi nub bot cine fieine Elbfit , hie

er nie 5 1mm: bemerft batte. 6kmar bulb ofien. fbaé

fifinbcben ging fiber hie Gcffivelle, 2mm: foIgte ibm, nub

mic grog mar {cine<

(st eam, aIfi er {id} in bem (55m m!)

1 5 befanb, has fcbon {o Iange baB 8ieI {einer QBfinfcbe mat !‘

611 fucbte in aIIen (i dea, 05 ct nidyt (85e char 3 11mm

entbecfen ffinnte, fanb abet nicbtss. (536 gab nut aIte

RIeiber unb munbetfid) geformte (Sjefafie. (S' iné bidet

Giefdfirre 309 {cine befonbere Qlufmerffamfeit auf fid). (536

20 mar non M itall, unb fcbbne giguren warm barauf anés

gefcbnitten. 611 bob eé aufunb brebte eé nad) alien Geiten.

915 817, 0 g cbrecfen ! 611 : batte nicbt bemerft, bag efi einen

SDedeI batte, bet nut Ieicbt barauf mbte. ?Det ?Decfel fieI

beta!) unb aetbracf) in taufenb é tfide.

2 5 flange ftanb bet Heine mind but ©cbrecfen IebImS. Segt

mat fein g dfidfal entfdfieben, jegt mufite er entflieben,


Sb ic ‘Bax afieln freuten ibn ungemein, berm er berfpracf)

fid) mit 91t icht biel hon ihnen ; ba er abet febr miibe

mar , fd flief er trog feinet {gurube baIb ein. 53m i mam

ericbien ibmhué Iiebe fibfinbcben, meld yé ibm im {Janie bet

5 {5mm ?(babai iv bilfreid) gemefen war unb iprad) 311 ibm:,,Bieber Smucf, bu berftebft hen ($cbraud) bet EBantofieIn

nod) nicbt noIIfommen. 2536 111 bu bid) breimaI auf hem

flbiag bemmbrebft, iv tunnit bu binffiegen,wobin bumiIIft;unb mit hem g tficfcben tunnit bu g dfiige finbcn, berm mo

1 0 (SinIb bergraben Iiegt, ba wirb £3 breimaI auf Die GErbe

flopfen, unb beil g ilhet ameimal.

(6 0 trfiumte bet fleine éDZucf. QIIB er emacbte, bacbte

er fiber henwunberbaren Straum nad) unb befcblofi, aIBbaIb

einen QBawd) 5 11 macbcn. (5x 5 0g aIfo hie ‘Bantoffeln cu,

1 5 brente fid) brcimaI auf hemwiag bewm unb miinfcbte

fit!) in hie ndcbfte grofie 6mm, unb fiebe, bie 23antoffeln

whetten fogIeicI) hinauf in hie Suit, Iiefen mit QBinbeéeiIebard) bie QBoIfen, unb ebe bet tleine Emucf re


cbt mufite,

mic ibm gefcbaf),2 Befanb ct fid) fcbon auf einem grofien

zo Smarftplag, mo biele éBuben aufgefcblagen warm unb 1m:

gablige SDEenfcben gefcbfiftig bin unb bet Iiefen. 611 : hes

bacbte mm emftlicf), mas ccwobla tbun ffinnte, um fid)etmaé 65e berbienen. 8mm: batte er ein g tfibcbcn,

baé ibm berbotgene g ame anaeigte, abet mo foflte er gleicf)2 5 einen ?Blag finben, mo Gintb abet g ilbet bergraben mat ?

(i nblicf) fieIen ibm feine ‘Bantofieln ein. "g oflte eé nicht


mfigfid) fein, mir mit bieien mein fiBwt an berbienen

bacbte er , unb befdflofi, einen Qienft aIsB g chneflliiufer311 fucben. llnb ba er ermarten burfte, bafi bet fifinig

folcbe Qienfte um beften beaublen mfirbe, fo ging er nad)

hem fbniglidjen SBd aft 311m flufieber bet g flanen unb but 5

ibm ieine SDienfte clé ffiniglicber fBote an. fib er Qlufiebet

mag ibn mit Den ?Iugen bum fiopf bias 5 11 belt gufien unb

fpracf) bfibnifcf) : QBie, mit beinen furgen SBeimben millit

bu ffinigficbet ©cbneIIIaufet merben ? fort mit bit ! fi'


Mart en babe id) feine 8cit.“ QIbet bet Heine EDZucf bet s

ficherte ibn, bag ct fein 92cm: iei , unb erbot ficf) fogar,mit hem g cbneflften um hie {Bette 5 11 Iaufen. SDaé tam

bem Qlufiebet fibetauss [ficherficb nor, aIIein er Iacbte nicbt,

fonbem nabm cine ernftbafte M im e cm unb befabl ibm,

fid) flit hen QIbenb 5 11 einem QBettIauf bereit 3a balten.

91nd) fi'

tbrte ar ibn in bie Qfidwunb forgte bafi'tr, bafi er

genug 5 11 effen nub 311 trinfen betam. Qierauf eilte er 5am

Qfinig unb erafiblte ibm non bem fleinen Eomifcben Smcnfcben

unb feinem sllnerbieten. fib er 96mg mat ein q tiger gen ,

babel: gefieI cf» ibm mom, baf; bet finffeber bet ©Hanen bie

(Sielegenbeit ergriffen unb hen Smerg 5 11 einem g pafi be:

Ijalten babe, unb er befahl ibm, auf einet grofien QBiefe

bintet hem g dflofi hie nfitigen ?Inftalten 5 11 hem Debuts

ftebenben QBettIauf 5 11 ficfien. g einen ?Bringen unb ?Btin

aefiinnen nerffinbete er , mass rt feltenefi ©dmufpiel fie

bieien fibenb babenwfirben. Qieie fagten eB wieber ih'



Qienern, unb aIé bet fibenb bcrantam, mar aIIeé in ges

fpannter (Sitmartung unb eilte nacf) bet Efiiefe, mo Gjerfifte

aufgefcblagen maren, um hen grofiiprecberiicben Smerg Iaufen

311 feben.

5 6 061111) bet fifinig mit feiner gamifie auf hem Gertift

smug genommen batte, trat bet fleine 932m! beraué aufhie flBiefe unb machte nor feiner EUtaieftfit cine fiberaué

aietlicbe SBerbeugung. ZBei biefem ?Inbfid entftanb nllge=

meine fieitetfeit untet hen ?Inmeienben, berm cine folcbe

xc gigur batte man nod) nie gefeben. fib er fleine Rfirpet mit

hem miicbtigen fiopi, has EDIiintecen nub bie weiten éBeins

fleiber, bet Iange 500c in hem breiten Qfirtel, bie e incn

gfificben in ben weiten ?Runwffeln min ! eB mar 3a

broIIig angufeben ; unb bass moflte ein 6®nefllfiufet fein !

1 5 Qet e ine 2mm abet macbte fid) nicbté aué hem GieIiid)

tet bet 8nfcbauet . 2q fein g tfidd nn geftfigt, ftanb ct

mit flBfirbe nub 6 to15 in feinen s,Bantoffeln unb etmattete

feinen (Siegner.

wet ?q febet bet é flaben [Jatte nacf) 5mm eigenem

20 28111116) ben beften Qfiufer auégefucbt. micier trot mm

beraué, fteIIte fie!) neben hen gmetg, auf ben cv berficbtlid)

bembfab, unb beibe warteten auf bafi 8eid)en. i n Matte

?Brinaefiin QImaraa, mic esS auégemacbt mar, mit ihremE dfleier , unb im ?Iugenbficf flogcn hie beiben g djnelllfiufet

2 5 fiber bie QBiefe babin/é iegeégemifi, mic

ber Heine 5mm! mar, beeilte er fit!)


im ? Infang butdyaué nicht, fonbem lief; abficbtfid) feinen

(55691181? cinen grofien Qiorfprung gewinnen, harm abet iagte

er ibm auf feinem $antofielfubm ctt nad). QM murbe hie

Qntfetnung amifcben ibm unb feinem (Siegnet aufebenbé

fleiner nub Heiner ; iegt boIte cv ibn ein, jegt fiberbolte

er ibn, iegt ftanb at can Sid e unb atmete fo whig, ansb&tte er einen 6pa5 iergang gemacbt, mfibrenb bet anbet e

nod) , nod) Quft fcbnappenb, baberlief. QSerwunbetung nub6m m feffeIten einige flugenblicfe bie Bufcbauet , hie hem

QBettIauf mit atemlofet é pamumg gefolgt warm aIé abet

bet Qfinig auetft in Die fifinbe flatfcbte, ba iaucbate hie

k nge, unb aIIe riefen : ,,fiocbl Iebe bet Heine SDtud, bet

6 iege'

c im flBettIauf

fl an batte hen fleinen £02116 unterbefien betbeigebracbt;ct marf fid) not ban fibnig nieber nub iprad) : "(Swizzmiicbtigfter fifinig, id) babe bier nut cine fleine ?Brobe

meinet Runft gegeben, moIIe nun geftatten, bat; man mir

cine é teIIe autet beinen B&ufem gebefl fiber Qfinig abet

anttvortete gnfibig: ,,ERein, Iiebet Wtucf, bu foIIft mein

Seiblfiufer unb immer um meine ‘Befion fein ; jfibrIicI) foIIft

bu bunbert (Sjolbftficfe 013 Qobn erhalten, unb an bet

Stafel meinet eriten m m foIIft bu fpeifen.

$swgIaubte 2mm! gang, feft, enblid) bass (SIM gefan=

ben 5 1: baben , baB er in Iange iucbte, nub mat ftflblid)nub moblgemut in feinem geraen. Gein neueB ?Imt mat

gang, nad) feinem (Siefcbmacf, unb er erwarb fid) febr baIb


bass $ ertrauen beé Qi’

migé in 10 bobem (Srabe, bag bieier

ibn 5 11 feinen bringenbften unb gebeimften ®enbungen ge=

Brauchte , bie er ffimtlicf) mit grfifiter ®enauigfeit nub 1 m

begreiflicber 6 cbneIIe beforgte. 6 0 ftieg er immet l bfibet

s in bet fbniglicben (Sinnft.


snfolgebefien murben bie anbem Qiener beB Rfinigs

neibifcf) unb eiferiiidjtig nub gaben ficf) aIIe erbenflicbe

Smitty , ibm 311 idwben. 6k berIeumbeten ibn unb {pan

nen ? mtriguen gegen ibn. ?IRucf, beficn QBacbfamfeit nicbté

babon entging, famt nicht auf ?Rady: baau battc er ein

5 11 gutee fibers nein, auf ?DZitteI nub EIBege bacbte er,

fitf) {ftcunbe auB feinen geinbau 3a macben. Sba fieI ibm

fein g tfibcben ein, hué er in feinem ©Ificfe gang betgefi'


batte. 228mm er g cbiige ffinbe, bacbte ct , unb mit hen

5 m m teilte, mfirben fie ibm gemifi geneigter merben.

Stun batte er fcbon oft gebfirt, bafibet 23am bee jegigen

fibnigé bieIe feinet g cbfige an berfdfiebenen Drten bergwbelt babe , ale bet $einb fein Saab iiberfaIIen ;

2 man fagte

cud) , bag er geftorben fe'

obne fein Giebcimnié feinem

g obn mitteilen gu ffinnen. Sbaber nahm 2172116 non nun

an immet fain ©tficfcben it: in bet Qoffmmg, einmaI

bass (55 1m! 311 baben, an einem folcben Drt borbeiaugeben.

(fines 2165:a ffibrte ibn bet 8ufaII in einen entIegenen

i eil bee» ©cbtofigartené, unb p i cf) ffiblte ex: hué ©tfib=

chm in feiner Spauhaucfen unb beutIicI) breimaI gegen ben

Qioben MIagen. bacbte er, 309 icbneII feinen


$30c bemué, machte Beicben in hie nficbften SBaume unb

ging mieber in bag g cblofi gurficf; bort bericbaffte ct fitf)einen g paten unb wartete bie Slacbt 3a feinem llnter=

nebmen ab. g obalb c Q {fill im Gdflofie mar, idylid)er binaufi unb fing an 311 graben. madman cv ein paar

g tunben im g dfiveifie feineé QIngcficbté gegmben batte,

itiefi ar p i d) ,auf etmaé garteé, bass mic (i ifen flung.

Qt grub emfiger nub batte baIb einen eifetnen $ ettel blofis

geIrgt ; aIB cv ibn aufbob, fanb cv hammer einen grofien

$ opf mit Giolbfti'

tcfen angeffiflt. (Sir gitterte nor greube

nub (i n egung; abet feine fdfivacben flrme maren aid)t ims

ftanbe, Den {chrom a flopf 3a beben, unb fo ftccfte er boa

hem (Solbe, fonieI ex: tragen fonnte, in feine SZafcben unb

feinen (Sjfirtel, unb and) fein EDIfintec en ffiflte cv bamit;

13mm bebecfte cv baé ubrige miebet forgffiltig mit (Sirbe

unb id flid) nad) feinem 8immer, mo er hué (Sjolb unter

hen fiifien ieinefi g opbaé bcrftecfte.

?(IB bet fleine Mind fid) im Qidig fo bieIen GoIbeB

fat) , fing er, um fid) gteumbe 5a macben, iogIeicI) an,

eé mit grofiet grcigebigfeit auéauteilcn. ElRan fann fie!)abet Ieicbt benfen, mic grofi bass finfieben mar , melting er

baburcf) erregte, unb mic {dwell er fe ft in ben fcblimms

ften Slierbadfi tommen mufite. Qafi er gang, mitteIIoQ in

hie ©tabt gefommen, mar aIIgemcin befannt, mober, fragte

man qIfo, bat cv (


mf einmaI all bieé fib er 6 cbag=

meifter , bet felbft bier unb ba einen Girifi in Die f'



Iiebe Qafie 311 than pflegte, ging gum 96mg, erafiblte ibmmm hen (So bauéteiIungen beé fleinen Smut! unb erregt

febr baIb feinen ?Berbacbt, bafiWind auf irgenb cine 9113

bafi (85e aué bet é cbagfammet geftoblen babe. fbet

5 fifinig gab babet hen ?Befebl, aIIe 6 cIJritte beB fleineuWind fcbarf 3a Beobacbten, um ilm mo mbgfid) auf bet

Elbat 3a ertappen. 2116 mm 9.72mi in einer finitem Stacbt

hen 6 paten nahm unb in hen 65mm fdflid) , um neuen

581mm non feinem 6 cljage 5a bolen, folgten ibm non

to weitem bie QBacBen, bom g cbagmeiftet angeffibrt, unb int

?Iugenbficfe, mo er has Giolb ans? bem flopf in fein

M&ntelcben Iegen moflte, fielen fie fiber ilJn bet , Buabenibn unb ffibrten ibn nor ben 96mg. fi efer berbbtte

ibn obne $ er5ug. 9.72mi batte ben flopf nebft bem 6pm

1 5 unb hem EDIiintecen boll (55 01131 km bie ?yiifie bee fibnigé

gefegt. wet g djagmeiftet fagte ané, ex: babe mit feinen

flBadxn hen Bwerg fiberrafcbt, aIB cv gerabe im 23cgtiff

gemefen fei, biefen flopf in hie (him 311 betgraben. 23a:

fleine 202m! beteuerte {cine unfcbulb unb berficbette ben

3 0 Qfinig, cv babe hen 6 6mg im (85mm entbecft unb ben

i opf nicbt eins , fonbem nuggegraben.


?IIIe l vefenben [atbten Iaut fiber bide Qlufirebe, bet

96mg abet , nufé bfidfite erafimt fiber bie bermeintlicbe

3recbbeit bee Btnergé, rief ausS' flBie, (amber ! bu millit

zs beinen fibnig fo bumm unb {cbfinblicb beli’

xgen, nachbembu ibn beftobten bait? 6®a5meiften id) forbm bid) auf,


nicht mebr 3a ffircbten brauchte ; bod) lange foIIte fein (551116

nicht bauem , helm bet Rbnig Iiefi ibn 001: fit!) fommen nub

{mad} at: ibm : i303 Seben babe id) bit beflpromen , abet

nicht hie greibeit, unb bu bleibft ffir immer in hem Stuart,

5 menu bu min nicht geftebft, mic ba eé mbglid) machit, f0

{dwell an Iaufen .

“ $ 0 erfcbraf bet Heine 912116 1100 Des

tanute fcbneII, bat; {cine gauge Qunft in belt s,Bantoffeln

liege, bod) Iehrte ex: 0011 Rbnig nicht bafi Giebeimnié 0011 bent

Hmbreben auf 0001 216105 . $ 011 bet Steugiet getrieben,


ipfte bet fifinig felhit in Die sEantoffeln, um hie 25 min

5a macben, unb fogIeicI) fegten fie fit!) in ?Bemegung nub

riffen ibn mit fit!) fort, 10 bafier mic unfinnig im (85011 011

umberiagte. t mofite er unbalten, founte abet nicht,weiI ar nicht mufite, mic man bie sEantoffeln 311m 6 teben

Brat e ; 1100 her Heine Sfllucf, bet fid) bieie e ine ?Ratbe

nicht berfagen founte, baIf ibm nicht, fonbern Iacbte fid)i116 gfiuftcben unb lief; ibn Iaufen unb Iaufen, his ex: atemIoé

unb obnlnfiwfig nieberfieL 91193 et mieber 311 fit!) tam,

mar er {cbrecflicb aufgebracht fiber 2mm megen beé 6 tteicbé,bent er ibm gefpieIt batte. ,,Sd) babe bit {freibeit nub

Seben 0crfpr0®en,“

fagte er grimmig , "abet innerbalb 310b6 tunben mufgt bu mein Saab betlafi


en, fouit Iafle id) bid)auffniipfen. fibrit bu?

“ SDieB mar fein Iegteé £8011 ; hiesEcmtoffeln 1010 006 6 tabcben bebielt ex: uni) Iiefi beibefi in

ieine 6 cba§fammer tragen.

6 0 um 016 je manbcrtc bcr Heine Mud 5 111: 6 tabt bins


0115 . $ 018 Gjeben 1011101: 10111 $001 fauer, 11110 er bermifite

feine $15011t0fie111 110111 111 3100. 811111 651111! 1001 013 nicbt meit

0113 5 111: Girenae ; 111 £00111 0d)t 6 t11110e11 batte er fie fibers

fcbritten. er fit!) hungrig fiibIte, fat) e1:fid) 11011) 00003

311 effen 11111 11110 erblicfte nicbtweit 00111 2809 cine Gimppe s

geigenbdume, bie {cb'


ne reife trugen. ?B egierig

p ficfte ct einige 000011 , Iiefi fidfi gut {101110601 11110 ging

001111 0 11 0011 1100011 11111 {11111011 $ 11t 5 11 101100 1 .

91001: mic grofi 1001: {0111 6 10mm , 0193 er 1111 280m: 1011101100 1 C!) amei gewalfige 901 011 11110 cine bide, Iange Stafe

berunftaltet 6 0111011 ?Iugen nicht trauenb, griff et

mit be1t ®0110e11 01 11 Daren, 11110 mirffid) , fie 1001 011

fiber cine 00100 (631111 10119. i mitloé Iief er 0111 980601

011i 11110 00, 110111 0110111 berfolgte 1011 fein 6 d)atten mit 0011

(fieléobren 11110 001 Iangen mafe. D mare id) nie ges

rief er 0113 11110 muf f fit!) in 001? $ er3mciflungnie0e1: 0 11f 0011 9101011 , enticbtofien, fit!) alter 6 peife 5 11

enthalten 11110 10 0011 $ 00 5 11 inchen. Giliicffidmmeife

1001: er iebod) 0011 feinem [01131 11 Warfdx{0 111 1100, 005 1011

0010 ffifiet 6 d)I0f umfing 11110 1011 0He11 3 111111110: bergefien


2103 e1: 0111 folgenben 1010190 1 wieber erwachte 11110 0He§

11011) e11111101 fiberlegte, £0111 er 5 11 00111 ERefuItate, 00fi$1111:


fterben 001i) cine geffibrficbe 6 01m101, 11110 beM106, ftatt 0effen 5 11 ftfibftiicfen ; 11110 00 10111 010 {Geigen

0011 320g 001001: gut gefcbmecft batten, boIte ct fid) 00111


00101100 280001 0100 3100110 21101 1100 . 910100001 01 110 90

901100 00110, 9109 01 1010001 00 000 $ 010, 001 311 11 10100 ,11110 1001 001101 0101 1010 65 11111, 016 01 000101 110, 000 010 00

11000111000 61016001 00 001 1101000000 1001 00 11110 00 10 006

5 211061000 10100 001 190 9101 11100 (55011011 1010001 00900 0010100

00110! $ 0 101: 900 06 01100001 001 0 1 0 0 (1 1 1101 009: 0011

0001 011100 $01gen00001 00110 01 010 10090 91010 000 010

61016001 00 0010011000 , 000 001 9100110 00110 100 9000111.

031010 6010011009 1001010 1001 00000110 31 0000, 016 1010

1 0 01001110 0101101, 1010 01 000 000 110000111000 90019 00111 0100

10000, 001 100 101001 5110111011010 0110 101006 800001 110006

001 0001 00110, 000 01 001101011, 010 (0010900000 311 0000000 .

(1 1 011111110 01000 90 100 5801 1 01 000 100010 001 001000 6 00010

000 1001 10 10 006 53000 90 1011, 006 01 01 11 01000 $ 09 001 5

1 5 001 001 101100 00110. 3 0 0001 011100 6 10011000 , 001 1010011006

01 1010 , 0101010 01 1110 001 10 00001 0 9101001 9003 0 111011011110000 01 110100, 10 001 1101001, 1010001 10 001 6 1001, 100 10001

90019 10001110.

66 1001 901 000 010 3 001 063011, 100 1 0110 301900 0 01020 516111116) 101100 1001 00 ; 2111011 10010 1110 00001 0111 0111001

90101000 301900 00101 010 00001 00 9801 100101 001 0001

51001 006 2110101106, 100 001 911100001011101 101000 1119111000

2300011 101 010 100 1911100 1 0101 01090100100 0110910. (531

00110 0 010 01101 10090 001 1 90101100 , 016 01 000 901000=

z 5 01011101 1011 11110 11001 000 $01 0010001 1101 01100 100. 5810101

0101101 10 1001111100 006901101110 111301 00 , 000 016 1010 21090


001 2110 116 110000 {5019011 1101, 11 0910 01 10910110 0010 0001

5131 016 000 100110 000 900900 9010. 23000 11001 900 01

000101000 010001 6 110000 000 9109 1001101 , 001: 110100 2111011

0001 1101110 1010 (55010 10 010 1 01100 000 1001010 1110 90s

11010100 00000 .

2116 06 211111109 1001 , 10010 1110 010 1001911100 $0011110

301 51 0101. 2301 90019 1001 001 1 90101 530000, 00 000

11 001 10 11 0010 001100 21000111 000 10010 101000 9111000=

10011101 001 100001 00000 65009 100900 101001 90100 911100;016 010101 0001 000 010 1100000 , 01010000000 801900

00110000 1100, 00 0011100 010 011900101006 210! 0001 21100008

001 210 100100000 . 1 011, 1010 00001111110 1 101 001

90019, 00 0111 010 900901: 901 1 000 001=

010011 00101 0 0010110 27111 010100 23 01 100 101110

01 0111 0190001 $000 010 $0900 00 101001 5010101 006.

3 0001 2131 109 000 1000 231 10301110 001010 91001, 010 15 01000100

000 010 2305101 0 001 0100, 010 1101 1900 0011110 01 001 101000

0190000 1 01101 000 009000 , 0111 91 011001 23000900 0100 0010001 00001 0 90 c


230101 , 1010 1000001 1110 00 1 101 0010100101 010 2131 10301110 21010190 . 21110 10000 0011 90019 01 :

11000 1 00 , 0000 0090000 1 0 £301 00 010900 1001 001 90010,

000 0100 10090, 01110 21010 309 1110 11001 1010 9100 001=

00101 . 210 10 1110 101011 0011 010101011 110 00 101 01000001 1011

6 100000 000 6 101 01100 , 0000 0110 1011100 006 6 10111101

006 900196.


2801 001101 0101 000 6 101 01100 006 $0106! 11011110

10910110 0010 01100 211 5 100 001 6 1001 ; 110 100100 000100=

100110, 001 01000100 21311100 000 2111110 1 00 , 0001 010 £301 00

000 010 210100 0110000 .

5 001 10 1010010 2301 11011 000 011001 011101 1 110101 1001 ,

01 1000 10, 000 06 1001 8011 101, 5 0 0000010 . (531 100110 11101011 0001 1 006 000 801900 90101100 6 010 01000 210 509, 1010

1002 010 6 01001 100 11 0900 ; 010 100901 2301 1 000 810900:

0001 00 0011000010 010 600110009. 23111 010001 6 0111000

1 0 0011 {501900 01 110100 01 101 10019111000 21301011 000 001 016

11 001001 211 5 1 10100 $1110 00 . 21010096 00001 01 00 10100

210115 000 1001 , 016 01 0001 0001 110101100 001 5131 105 00 0100

80190 50 01100 900 000 001100 2301 00 000 21010 00001 1000111100019 101 101 10, 00 10010 101011 001 90019 2301 11 0000 5 0

1 5 0001 1000001001 00 11 001000 211 5 1, 000 01 1001 10 100 10 10100

6 100010010101 000 101 010: $01 1 2301101 , 1100 0110

010100 6 10000; 100011 (10 10, 1006 06 00 10 101, 06 1011 (63010

9010001 1 1001000 , 10000 301 01110 000 0101001 11001010001100

000 2306 1001 10130 2310111 10 000 1301 00 006

20 1101000 211011, 0000 01 00110 001 000 01 1100 231111 10100

23001011010 000 0000 00001 00 10 1010 6 10111000 9010000 .

(1 1 9109 0 00 10091001 10 0001 6 001 0 10001 , 016 10000 01

1110 011006 00610 1000 1001110; 10001 0001 1001 01 00 10100

23001011010 9010010100 , 10 1101110110 01 9011010100 010010 , 01

2 5 91 111 1010 6 1001000 , 1 10 101000 10111000 2301 1 001 00 1100

501910 0001 01 11000 100 900 19 006 1000100100010 65011101


101006 001 11000000 6 100001001016. "6 1 0010101 1 10101 , 00 1 11 000 6 100110 0111 1100001 100011, 010101 016

10001001010010 6 11 010 010 211109011011, 010 00 110911. 6 10

1001 00 000 010 21010 101111 00 00001100 , 001011 110 01101100101 01 10001 0 00 000 1101000 2110 11.

1 2116 001 110100 211011, 5 1001 001 010 810019, 0010 101011

0001 90019 101 101001 , 10 90101 01000 00110, 01 0010 01 1110

1100011 001 0001 210100 001 010 , 1011011010 1110 10011 1009 000

1001 101 00101100 21090001111 0011101000000 .

6 0110010 1001 001 110100 2310 11 0101 10 91 00010 211001:

11000, 0001 0101001 , 0000 01 001 010101 010 2110011000 . (531

111 001 10 61 1001 009 010 1001101 2110110 901001000 000 001=

01001, 10000 0010 1010 210001 06 011006 0011011000 111, 00100

6 01000001009 0101 10 001 016 001000 60011.

6 00111 110100 01010 230101 10100 61 5001009. 3 10 501910

0011 1101190 21000 0001 10 010 1 0006 23011 09011 90900 000

1101000 211011, 000 01010 230101 01 1100 1011 010 6 11 010, 010

01 1011 509000101 00110. 21101000 900101 0000 01 500110 110

010 1000001 001 00 6 101111010 006 1101000 21100006, 000 1011

901000000 100 1100 000 001 100 100 , 101009 01 10010.

3 9 . 1301 6 01000 11 01

6 06 6 010 010, 10 100110001 00101 0 6 011011010 0091001, 100

1001 0101010 000 0010101 0 006. 210 000 9010010100 21300

000 , 001 00 0105 1900 6 1001011 010 0001 001911010 53000101 100


01100100 , 1100000 51001 11001010 6 01100 , 010 6 000101 011 000

010 9101001 101 001, 001 10010001 0100 61010901 23100 90’

100000 00110. 6 10 611110 006 81010101 6 00001 010 100901 ,

1011 010100 6 10100110100 905 101 101 61110 010 , 000 00 0001

s 6110 10000 001 001 100 00151100100 5 1001 900000 000 01100

5 10011 3 001 00 .

6 01 6 10000 0101010 0001 01001 11010101 1900 6 10110 006

601 001106 2100061000 10015 10 10015000 006 11010010 8egis

100 ; 001 61 0000 0001 010010 1110, 006 01001 0000110111900

1 0 8001 010 900111001 501 50 5 10000 . 6 01 2301101090 0100$1006,001 6101000100101 $010 5 .

801001100 00000 010 900000 101 0 90010 10 010 $000

000 01111100 1000100119 000 0001 9001100100 30 01101 , 00 1 1010011006 010 3110900 101001000 010= 000 301

1 5 6 01 100 109 90100001 6 00000110010 001 6 000100 000001100 ,000 1010 5001 0000 0111110 010 0111000001 00100001 5 100910 006 6 100101 51010101 001 001000 0000009600000 . 21000100 6 10000 1000100 010 211 0100 11000 000 000

010 61100100 11011000 00010 1010 010 60001100 00 000

20 6 1000100010011000 01 00000 101 6 01 100 . 801 21000051010101

100 001 601 0101110 001 6 01101 0001 010

900000 5 01 80 101 000 8001 0 00001 11 001 1001 00 , 000 010

6 01010000961001 11000 01100 , 10 000 001 6 01101 1110 50

10001 8011 000 101 01 210 1001000011 0001 5 00900 000 101

z5 6 1 010005 0001 100000 100 10.

"00001001“00110 011006 6 011001101 06 1000 016


100001 111006, 000 00010 111 1100 00 50 001 01110 00 2

901101001 10001 016 010 63011001 . 6 100, 1010 01 006 0111

000 3 1101001 001 0 1010 11 000 010 3111901 0001. $001 10110

01 110 91010 001 10000010 000 001 006 110000 016 611, 1011

5 010010 9001960100101 00901000 000 010 001 6 01000101 0010001

301 11110900 10110 101 00 0010 5 000 10010.

60001 1 00 0011 006“

6 10 900000 11 0100 006 3001101 000 10000 0001 90101

0010. 3 0 10011010 6 0900 00 10100111 006 01100000 9101000

010 53011 000 001 1010000 10010116 001 601 100010001 . 3 001

100100 101 6 0000 5 101 10 01 010 1110111001 0 001 00001001 , 000

010 0010011 6011101 1001 100 01119 5 0 101 00 6 111001 0 5 01 1111.

6 0 00000 1011 006 11111101 10 {3006 10100111

900101 0000 5 0 000 5 01910 001 006 6 10100100.

9106 0001 6 10100100 001 006 1 0910 010 91 11006 91016, 006

10006 501000006 000 11109 5 0 1 6 0110 01000 .

"6111 10910 00105 000 1 100 110 010 610900.

91010 , 006 111 010 1000110 01006, 1000001:

906 6101000 , 000 1011 1010100

1100 006 211016 100 100 1101 101 000 11 100 51110 000 8100190

10 11 6 101101 0 000 6 111100 . 6 10 6 0110 006 81010101 6 001=

1010000, 010 21280000 1011000 , 0 00 0100 00100101 000 61016

00110 0011109 010 1100000000 900000 .

1 101 $006 000 5 09 000 101001 111 0000000

£10105 11111 1110 101 1. "3 001 1010011 006


6 10 010000000 6 01110000 100100 110 000 101011 006

01000001 000 01100100 000 900000 01000 6100. 6 0s

01 0000 0110110 006 6 00000 1101 0010 006 6 11101 0010 001

61010000010 000 010110 1001000 9010000 9109011 001 006

61006, 000 006 0001 61006 1110900 6 101 00101000 000 5

01 00 000000 301 000 , 000 91 11006, 11 00106 6 01 0010 101009

110 001 010 0001001100 6 1001010. 6 1 0000 0001 10 000

81001900 1101101 100 11090000 60901 10 101010101 0000 30001=

1101001 0 , 000 0111100 000 91000 101 00900 101119 0010 010

6 111100.

3 001 1101010 110 001 65010, 5 1011000 000 6 100101011

0110110 06 1010 30001 10010 , 000 00116 1 00010 1010010 6 0:

1001 100 50 : "6001 10 10 10 16“

6 10 0011 0100 0100 63010101010, 10 001 00 611110 010 010

501001 6 0001 11000. 21001 006 1001 1010 901000011001 1 5

6 0001 ; 006 1001 001 610000100001 , 000 0001 $006 10 011

90001 1 00110, 001 6 0001 0111 000 90100000 6 101101 0 . 6 10

900000 1100000 1101 1 001 6 100000 .

6 0 11 01 010 1011 0001 6 1010 01 010 810019 001001 , 0 101

910001 016 010 01 011001 1906 9100, 0001 0 101 0111100119 000 20

01011111019, 1010 010 8100190 9010000 110 1100, 1000010 101001

000 5 101 1110 9010010100 . 61 11 09 01000 91 11000 6100 101

000 01000 6 01000101 , 000 010 001000 900000 1000100 ,

1000 110 001 110 001100 .

6 01 810019 11 01 010 0001 601 1110 001 1100 001 001910 2 5

110. 001 5 00001 10 61 10 501110 001 1 1 0111 101 011 61 s


101 00 01 , 000 000 001000 10111 006 28090:

111111 00 101 0000100

101 010 10006 10 11 110001901 6 1101010. 1100 0164

0010 11101 10 001 81001 9 010 91001010 001 00 , 006 1001 101105

5 10010 000 010 10 01000 90100000 811901.

0 101, 10000 10 10010 5 00911110, 0001

$006 100 001 0116 101 6 01101. 21310001 00 11109 006 800001=

01010 111 010 $000, 0000 1001 1 06 000 9001 501 1111 000

1 00010 1011 1110900001 610000 10 000 211010 010010 . 610

1000100001 6 01010101 1109 016 215091001101 001 006. 210100100101 1000010 10006 000 9001 5 01 1111 000 100101000 90100:

1 0000 00101 0001 6 01000001 110000 ; 0000 001 101 01 6 0001

000 31 0000 006 0001 6 01101.

6 06 1001 010 10111901 21111. $006 100 10 11001 000 1011

101 6 01101, 016 00 01 11011 01006 0101106 010 901000010

6 100 10001 0 0101 110 00110. 218000 01 001 00 001010, 00001 000

1 001 01001 6 10000 00101 601 001106 210006 9010015 1

0 00 001 0001 6 01101 6010900 15 1001 90511101 1 0000, 100010

01 101000 . 6 01 110100 6001111000 10 0001 1111 500 3 011000

1001 010 1101111001 9101101 601000 901001000 1011 901101 000

6100101, 601001 1 000 6 0101001 00 . 6 0 1109 01 010 0010000 800001 10010.

3 001 01000 1010 91001010 010 110011006 6 01010001 . 6 01

253010 100100 1101. 11100 010 0001 601 11090, 000 11100

000 11101101 0101100 001 010001 10101 10 01 0000 60100. 6 00 10

3000011 1000100 000 000 6 111 1000 , 001 001 000 6 1 00100100


"5816 5001 (5501000001 11101011 10010 161 00 10 90000 0111

0001 00101900 0001 010 . 6 0 1110911 001 006 100100 5131010

000 1 111011 101 1 , 001 010 S131 10 5 01110 50 01 10100 . 30 0001

01100 50 1011, 1011110110 000 £80001 000 1101110 0111 0110

5 601000 0011 9010000 28101101 . 6 000 1001110 1010 001

6 01101 , 000 00 1001 06 m11 001 001 1 1101011

101 00 0006 10101 110, 000 10010 000 {51 0000

001 001 0000. 28000 5 1001 01000 000 000101000 6 1 0010

00000 , 10 9001 01 901010 10 61 11111009. 6 01 6 1 0001 1001

010 01 0000111001 . 6 001’00 1 00 1010.

6 000 0000 010 5100000 010 910110 101 06 980100101 0106 0010 00 10000100 110 0001 6 01110101 50 .

(55 10900 010 6 100010 001 5100000 10 (53111111009? 3 0.

0006 100100 010 6 10101 000 1100 1010 5110010102 0010 000

910000 6101000 10010 11 0000 . 0010 5 0001 , 001 101 6 1 0010

000 6501000001 9010011011 00110, 100100 1010 5801 10901 .

4 0 . 210 9 5 1111 1101 5 3 11 00110

6011101 00110 10 101001c2109000 1011 01101 101 010000

011100 000 6010101 19101100 50 10010100 000 0161001100 10901

91100901 000 (53010001 009 50 101000 . 6 0001 1001 10100

6 110101009 011 90010111, 10 06 900 11301 10000 , 100 01 00

011001 , 10901 00 110 101011 000 1010001 6 10101001 010 5 1001=

10110. 2116 01 110 0100101 1010001 10 01001 101000 511 1116


001000, 1010011001 1001 011006 900 5 11000001 10106. 61 01 s

01011 10 6100000101 0010 010 6011 010 60101 006 80105 19.

6 01 10 1001 0100 1011001 0 1010000 6 1 10110100 0111 10011001101

6 111101 01, 0100 010111011100 900100111100 01006 101001 810001

000 0101 601 11 0116 000 5 1001 6 00100 000 5 1001 001 1 00 , 5

010 1001 001119 000010001 1001 00 . 6 10 006 60101 009101=

100000 6 1 1010 01011100 1001 1000 6 001 000 00100110111100

6 010 00001 1109 1111 000 6 10101 006. 6011101 1001 00001 11 00 1 11001 01010 g21001 1000009, 000 010 10010001 110100

111 1000 00110 0100 91 000 6511 1009, 0000 110 1 101010 101000 1 0

90100 10000 6101 1010001 001 000 001 1100 10m 00006 6 01011=

001 11 0000 0010 010 6 010100011, 000 10100 6 101009 00 :

90100900 00110, 006 01100010 600 101 001 500 101001 9101100

5 0 110000 . 6310 911111110 01 110 100110, 000 1010 9000000

10100 6 11mm009 1001 , 0100111 006 010001 6 1 101,l 000 01 1 5

0010 016 00 0100 {11 000010 101 100. 9100 61 10000009 006

1111 5110 0100110000 6 01000106 1001 1 01 101 1

610 101006 6 010001 111 0111 910001 0 6 01000009 016

001 10010 6 011011 001 61011, 010 010 5 190 11100 60 110001:

91109 1111 1001000 11 1100 61100 100 . 1100 10000 10 006 20

0 00 1001101 00110190 000 0111 00010, 000 10 001 63011

010110101 10001 10100 811 101 1100, 010 0110 000010001 110000

0 00 110 1100 10020110 50 100000 , 000 010110101 10 000001 1

0 00 01001 6001 00 , 10000 0110 01010 6 1000 1000 10090

001 10011 111, 0100 01010 210000100 109001 0 00 0111 000 101 2 5

6 1 000 6010000 000 6 01000001 009 5 0111, 0000 , 100100


60001 110, 11 000 10 0110 0101006 6 10101001 0106 000 0015

10000 1010 0111 6 011 000 10010010 011 001 100

60111016 11110010 001 110 01 111111. 6 011 01 100 1106:

90101 0000 , 1100 10001 016 000001 1 3 001 0 001 1101100 , 000

5 000 00010 111 01 001 810000960100 1 016 000 11000

6 01106.

4 1 . 0 00100 0011 091 009 0 1 0 101

1116 100901 1171000 000 01 010005 10005 19 3 001 00 0101010

6 00100 0100 21100001009 0010 006 10000

6 010 91090, 901101, 010 100101 11000 6000001100 001 910101

50 001001100 , 101001910 10 6 011 001009 001 000010100 31015

100 , 001 10001900 00000 , 001 10010100 6 1 11000, 001 101 0000 :

000 6 01900 000 001 006 001 $01 00 101100000 010000

6 0190, 000 100101 016 10 10010 10 1001 001 6300110, 2010101

50 1001000 .

30 1000001 10“ 10 01 50011 012 0010 1 00100

11101 006 3101106, 001 10 0101901 6 1010 000 601101 000900 101 0111 , 000 1 010001 6301000900010 50 10 6011 00100111,

101 6 000001101 01091011010. 6 0 11109 10 1011 001 0110

630010 1010001 001, 10100 6 0900110000 10111 019 000000100

50 100000 . 80101119 00110 10 010 100006 6010000101101

10 001 110100 {1000, 000 111 0001“ 910900011110 11 01‘

006 0001 11011100 6 1 0000 0101001 6 0010 910101001 00100165

00001 110 001001 : 10 101110 010106 111101101 0090100011 10


4 2 . 5 111 10 1061 101

1 . 9801 91 1091, 1000 000 93 10900 .

2. 5110000 111 6 11001 , 6010 01900 111 6 010.

3 . 93211 0001 1301 10 001 {3000 1010 101 0100

900 5 0 8000.

4. 980000 00000 £301 00 .

610001 000 9201 1 00 1 0000 010 980010011.

6100 {3000 100101 010 00001 0.

9810 010 9110011, 10 001 8000 .

610 9101 1 10110 01001 11 0900 016 110000oo



10900 .

9. 66 111 0101 01106 6 010 1006 9100 5 1

1 0. 93101 {10000 010000 0010 010 6000.

1 1 . 110 101 000 9801100 10 00 0100 000100.

1 2. 9801 0 1016 10091, 9010100 1 0 1016.

1 3 . 9106 01016 10110 01016.

14. 9301106 6 1110 100, 6 01106 6 11mm .

1 5 . 931010 6 11 0100 101100 010 6100.

1 6. 6 1 0 0 60100100 01001 101000 6 0010101 .

1 7. 9101 01 101 61100 .

1 8. 93101 6 0101 01 000 100019 980110.

1 9. 9106 000 910900 , 006 0010 6 100 .

20. 9810 00 10 11 , 10 10 011 .

21 . $0010 1 01, 10 01900 101.

22. 610 9001 000 106 9100 1000 1 006 80001 .


23 . 610 6001 1109 10 001 $000 111 001101 016 0100 60000

001 00m 6 000.

24. 6 0109000011 01001 931000.

25 . 9801 501001 1001, 1001 010 001100 .

26. 950001 111 110 101011 001 000110.

27 0000101 1010 10 1 001 0001 $011.

28. 9101 1000 1 1010 6 0001.

29. 9801 01 11 1010011, 010011 01 11.

3 0. 210001 111 101006 6 101106 6001100.

3 1 . 59001 9101000 111 01106 1 010 .

32. 9301101 1101 001 101000 016 1101 001 1000.

6 010 600000 10110 0100 1109.

34. 9111500101 111 00901000.

3 5 . 9806 530060011 0101 101 01, 101 0 1 ©0 116 01010101 10001 .

36. 1100119 10 001 000 61011101 .

37. 911010 $1000 001001000 000 931 01.

3 8. 3 1 1 00 111 010010110.

39. 6100 1000 010 11000 0 101 110 6 011 100100.

40. 930190000 111 1010101 016 001 9011011 .

41 . 90000011 91001, 1001 91010 91001.

42. 91010 10010 0101 00 0111001 6 09 010001.

43 . 80900 00000 101 50 930100.

44. 9800 0 010 $1000 001301 0001 {1006 111, 100 5 00 010


45 . 1100001 111 001 98011 53000 .

46. 6100199009 111 01101 801101 9101009.


47 610 90106 6 01011100 111 010 1001106 91000111100 .

48. 91110 81000 1 01101 0 101.

49. 6 11 0090 001 1 00 1 09101 00 0101 10090.

5 0. 6 00 930001 01 10001 0100 00 000 31 00100 .

5 1 . 9806 10 00 1000101, 910001 10 00 901 0 .

5 2. 610001 9010001100 6 001 11001 10 00 0 101 106 61001.

5 3 . 610 931 00001 9111 01016 10 1010 010 930101 10000.

5 4. 3 0 91 0001 010 9101, 10 00001 6 011.

5 5 . 6 1010 000 91010 9010111 110 901 0 .

5 6. 81000 000 9100001 , 1 010’0001 000 8000 0 101 010 .

5 7. 9801 010 801101 010001 10111, 0100 001 001 00 101 1100

601 0110 00100900 .

5 8. 81000 000 9301 110110 9000 101100 0000 10 $000.

4 3 . 210001 19 111 00

1 . 6 10 90011 111 1009, 006 80000 10 1 5 .

2 . 6 10 61 1001 009 111 010 00110 60010, 0001 000 010

10001 110.

3 . 6 01 9101 11 10001 010 93100100 , 000 001 6101 001 000

6 001 001111 .

4. 6 06 910006 00110009 111 001 3 0091109, 010 006

3 110911096 001 61000 .

5 . 6 10 901001 1101100 $01000 1100 010 00001000 100 301000.

6. 6 06 6 11111 10000 1011 , 006 11091011 11101 006.


61 1100m1 000 01001 51301010,51310 101 0 101 01101900 1000(5 10 1001 1100 1010019000 11 0001 11101 111 00000001 801100 10000.

£1 1

001 3, 01010 $01 3, 101 0 101 00110010100 ,1100 01 11 090 0010 (55010111.910001 81001109 910111

130 1 1111,

211306 001 2610101 011 2 900 0010100 .

1100 1010 0101 111 011 900110000 !1100 1010 1000 111 0 00 010 29011 !1100 01010 $01 3, 1006 011 90111111,211106, 01106 001 111 011 1101100 !

5 0 1 11 0

3311 0111 1010 0100 231111006 0 0010 000 1000 000 1 010 ;

30 1000" 010 00 , 1100 2113000101

6 010101 0111‘ 106 001 3

sD111 016 011 10 010 0000091016 $0001 011 1090053 01000, 001; (8011 010 01001106 0 1 010 1100 1000 0 00 0010.

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8 . 5 01000 1 05 1010

6 00010 11000"010 211061010 11000 ,

211061010 0111 001111101 8 10 11109 1100

8101 01 100011 06 000 311 1000 ,1011 010100 81 011000 .

211061010 , 211061010 , 211061010

211061010 0111 001 5301000 .

£ 11000" 101 00 : 30 01 000 010,91061010 0111 001 1101000 !211061010 101 00 : 30 11000 010,511011 011 01019 000111 00 1010,1100 10 0 101 101000 .

211061010 , 111061010 , 211061010 1 01,

211061010 0111 001 001000 .

1100 001 101100 110000 01 00’6" 211061010 001 001 1101000 ;

0 110 0 00 1100,

1010 2800"000910,

91111111 06 0000 1010011 .

211061010 , 211061010 , 111061010 1 01,

2110610111 0111 001 001000 .

9 . 111011 11 1011 0111 130910111 1001”

913000 10 010 28091010

1100 000 31001 811191010


10 311 011 ;0001 0 101 10110 1010 ,



0 0 0 100


2010 10 91010110011 000 011 ,

$ 10 10 0002 1m 6 0101 001 011 ,

1100 1 00’

0111 011 .

98000 10 01 100000 10119110 10 011010 .

66‘ 0019001 1010’

6 11100’

10 001 91001,6 0 0101 10010 001 3 01 100011100 00 0106 03 011 0111 0101 1001011001015 1010 001 3 901001111.

0 0 1 1 5 1 10 0

1 0 . 9 10 11 1110 1110 110111 010

3110 111110 9801101 1 0106 10191 006 0001 0101100 6 00,

$310 10110100 91101101 311101 0 ,3101 81010 111 10013 1010 6 0000.

6 0 91031 001 911000 0001 011010019111 ‘ 1011100 9010000 6 0010 ,6 1031 0110 10100 6 11 00100

3 0 101 00 6003 010010 .

3 01 9801101 0 10 010 201111005 11 01101

7010 1001301 6 01000 ;

(61 11091 10 1113, 10 10110,1100 100111 010 9510010 00 .

(5 1 11091 10 1113, 10 10110,1100 10111 110 6 10900


D 93111010, 100130 20111100,11001111 011 006 8100 001 11000 ? 0m m



1 1 . G10 10111

9801 010001 21311 10 10110001 01110,l

$ 0“ 1001 10 1110911 30(5 10 9010001 210101 1001 1010 6 0110110 010010 100900 21110.

(5 5 1001 001 911105111110100010 ,

93 01 0010 10111301 11011 000 11 110010 6 00001

530 1 01 1010 10001 900 1101 01.

(19 1010 00 10 1010 91 11006 $006{13101 1010100101010910 (5501106 10 101 00900 11 01 000 0101100 6 00101161100 100900 001 005 00110.

30 1000 010 28011 311 111301 9100’

91111 1001000 , 91 11000 93101100 ;51301 2811 1, 01

“ 001110 101011 1010 31121111 1010010 1110100 6 001100 .

91110 11 091’

10 000 001 6 01110191011,$ 0 101111011

01 000 211310101.650109001 101 01 01103011

{7500 001 2110 1 301 015 31110 (3310101 1

1 2 . 9 01 90 10 210 10 01 00

30 0011’

01000 5100101 0000 ,

021000 001101 0 00 0 11.

$ 10 171 010 1001 10109 31110 6 11 0110,(5 1 9109 00 01011101 6 0110

3 0 91010010 6 01 111 000 i 101."

11 01 0 11 0


3 0 000100 100001 001 5101 000010110 231 111 ;

(19 11111 31 001 3 019 000 11001 100 010 3 1111.1100011 00 09 10001?

580010 1 $ 0010(8001 110101 2809 1 D 980101 , 103


0 0 0 100

1 4 . 9 0 5 301 01 00110110 3 111910111

3 0 010010 1110100 (81 0000590 9001 010 211110100 1 00,

8100110 111 001 101000000,i 310 001 1 901000001 001.

6 10 001 0111 3 1 011 001 101 0000 ,@00 0111 111109 00001,

6 10 001 010 1 1 011’

9001 0000 ,211010 2111091010 101 009 00131001.

30 m001’

019 6 010101000 1 0110028011 10 010 28011 0100119,1100 110900 1110100 2801100 ,1100 9000 000 $009 30 $0119.

30 01001’

019 11101101 111090028001

“ 10 010 01111190 601001,1101 111110 3 01101 110900

3 10 3 010 001 01101101 21001.

$00 10 009 23111011 00 90000 ,30 10013 0 101, 1009 10 10111

30 10001’

001 11001100 1101000,530 001 0100101 11111.

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1 5 . ( 01 0101

30 10013 0101, 1009 1011 09 00000 100 ,l

2303 10 10 11 0111 19 010610 21101000 009 01100 801100 ,9309“ 1001011 ‘ 0111 0101 0119 0001 6 100.

$ 10 8011 111 11101, 1100 09 0001011,

1100 1 11019 111031 001 1110010 ;6 01 6 10101 009 2301909 1001011

301 21000010000010010 .

1310 1000110 3 110911 00 113013301 1 0000 ‘

1000001001 ,

301 9010009 6010010100 011301,6 10 11110011 101 9010009 3 001 .

6 10 11110 011 09 11111 901000001 81010010,1100 11091 010 8100 00001

$ 09 001 0100 1000001 100106 010011190

9300 6 011101 101 1101000 6011106191 0111 09

’0111 10110010 2800;

61 10001 0 101 010 301100 1 1110,61 100111 0 111 0100111 10 010

30 910000, 010 2801100 001 101109002110 6000 6 011101 000 51000 ;1100 009 001 1011 101 010 6 109003310 801 0101 901000 .

5 0 1 11 0



1 6 . 6 1 11011 191

2801 1 01101 10 10111 00 10 21001 1100 28100?69 111 001 230101 1011 1010010 51100 ;6 1 001 000 1100000 10001

210 bem 211 10 ,

6 1 1031 100 11001 , 01 01111 100 1001 10 .

211010 6 000 , 1009“ 011911 011 10 0009 0010 601101?

6 10011, 230101 , 00 000 61 110019 0 101?2300 61 10010019 0111 111 00

000 6 010011?6 000 , 09 111 010 210001111 011.

5811 110009 81100, 101010 , 900 11111 11111 16 01 10000 6 01010 10101

10 1011 011 ;

011010 23100100 1100 00 0001 6 11 000;2110100 211111101 001 10 000 9111000

“ 6010000.

230101 , 10010 230101 , 000 001 011 011 0101,2809 61 100100 19 1011 10110 001 101 101?6 01 1 0019, 010100 1 0019, 10010 $1 100 ;3 0 0111 1 00 231111101 0 11101011 001 28100.

2811111, 101001 110000, 00 0111 0111 9000 ?2110100 200101 101100 010 1001 100 1000 ;2110100 200101 11101 00 000 0 110111000 2101001100 1010900 000 100300 1100 110900 010

211010 230101 , 10010 230101 , 000 110011 011 0101 001 161 1100199 200101 001 01111010 0 1 1?211010 6 000 , 10010 6 000 , 10 100

09 90000 , 169 1001000 010 01100 2801000 10 91 00 .


1100 101110 100001 0100 6000,230111 3 1 11010, 1000111 231111000 0119 ;

2301 3 11091109 000 001 6 1 019 0111 6 1000,610 10001

19109 00100011 000 £1009.

2811110100100 1001 00 0110 60110 ;51300 00010 110 010 1100000

59010 1 01010 110 001 6 00008 00110,

6 01 58100100 01101 1000110 05 111 1 1 10 1

1 8 . 9 01 5 1111901

2809 001" 10 01 00000 001 0010 22001 ,

2809 001 001 231 11010“1001100 ?

800 000 601009 001 110101 01 001°

3 01 6 0010 1010001001100 !2301 510019 001 23090 [101


6 01 510000 1001 , 001 510019 1 1018001 0111


001 010 000 211100 1

6 091 11001“1010 1011 , 0010 $01 1 0 ,

6091 1101 101 , 10000 5900100 !28010

91 01001 0110 0101 ! 6 101 0 001 6 101 0 !

2801 100001 101 0 21010 00 ?

3 10 6 001 0011 231 001 1100 1001 1 11010116 011001, 210900 , 0110 ; 0101 111 0 101 3 011,6 10 11000000

1030 01 90000 .

5901 6 00901 0102111900 010 ,

1100 1011191 2 10 001100 3 0000 ;

5910 2111101 1000100 01 11119 01 010 ,

1100 10 000 6 000 010 6 00000 .


2301 510019, 0001 009 8100 901101,8100, 100 30 001 00 1111 1010 60101,6100 901000 110110 00100 .

6 10 901000 110110 9100 10 11 0101,2310 110110 9100 000 21111010 ,

2301 001 00 11100010 2109011016 01 3 011100 800300 1111111010 ;6 100 110 0001 31 003101 , 000 00 0011,1100 100 100 11 00

1 010 901000 8011

3 11 00001 0 801100 11 0900 .

30 11090, 1010 001 230901 11091,6 01 10 000 81001900 1000001 ;2309 8100, 009 009 001 810010 01 1091,3 11 8000 , 001 1 010110 100001.6 00

“ 001 1 10 0111011 , 0111’10 0109

800 10 11 000 001100 230001 2801098

3 0 110 1 001 6 0100 1 01000 .

61 1001 100 01 11 001 100 0119

D 6 1 00 1 0011 111001 8000 !D 10001

“ 0010 0000091001100 6009,280 009 111 110100 6 000 !

0110 10001, 10 000 11 00 0110,1100 000 101 6 011 10 1001 10 , 019 103 111 010100 221 1101 0110 00010.

a “7




1 9 . 9 0 5 5 0111013 0 111 211001 0

9011 00 009 6 0100 9010000 ,6 09 0000 6 0100 001 211001 ?6 01000 1100 1 0119 1000002310 2801100 01 11001 001 .

69 010010 110 0 10001 001900

3 0 010 10109011101 0 3 1111,69 m00te 111 0000 000 1101900

3 0 001 2100001001100 6 101.


10 09 9010000 ,2109 0000 6 0100 010 2110011100 000 211000 001 11001 1100001100 210001 10011 11m0er.

2301 28100 000009 211001 09 2801100 ,

6 0000 110 11 11000 11 1009?2301 0001011 00 0119 00000 {1011006 01100 2 0 110

9910 281000, 010 280900 0110

80900 10 110101610001 1110901100 009 001 ©0110

001 1 10 0111 6010000 30 .

6 00011 011 0000 90000$ 00 1100 19 1100 10106 01 1 0100 21100101 280000 ,6 01 9010000 11 1 0000 6 11 001?


2809 1001 1 0110 213010, 1009 1001 1 1010 9 100,30 11 090 10011 6 01 100900 ;

800 110 00110101

9000 , 100110 110 00091 19 1100,211010 901101 , 01010 901101 90100900 !

6010001’10 11 , 6 1 0001 , 0100 6 111

2800 11 10 1001 1101000 100100,

6 0 0 101111 010100 80100 000 3 1 0011 010 10 11,

6 091 00’

0110 10 3 1 0011 0109 6 100.

5809 601 00 11 003 001 1 0100 6 000

6 01111 00 0019 $01 3 0111 10900 ;5910 3 11010 9100 10 11 10 010 0000,1100 9111 1

0111 001 000 580900 .

10111 10 110900 000 001000 11111,2810 0100 110 6 1 000,

6 19 01011 10 001 0 90000009001001100 1010001 11001 1110110 6011 000.

6 000 1 01101 111010 9 01101 10001211001 01010 6 1 00.

6 101’6 01001 101 1111 1 00 000 011000

6 000 11019’

10 9010011001 001 001 009 0001 6 1 00,

2100 901101 , 000 901101 30 1011000 1“

8 0 1 11 0

2 1 . 1110 11011110 0 9

69 1 0000 000 1100 10 00 010 211001000 0101

2300 001101 0 1110111900 6 0900 ;2100 010010 9100111000 , 90100000 81016 1001 0100 110 1 00000

“000 10900 .

6 10 28011 10110 011 000 10110 1010001 111119,6 00 001 2110010 00111 110 0101 6 01001101 009.


6 10 00110009 11101 1 100 1119 80000 010 ,

6 10 0011101101 1 000 11 00110011 900000 ,

6 00 3 11091109 101101 101 800001 10010 ,6 10 10110 0111 0001 6 1 019 0101 0091 0000 ;6 000 001011001 01 101 6 1 000 000 10 11000 8001,2100 001 6 1 000 0110031 01 — 010 00110009 001.

69 111 1010 1001 01 , 1001010010001 28000 ,61 30091 101 60011 00 009 3 001 00 .

3 01 001 300 1110001 09 100 1 110 00

80 10091 6 01101 01 1100 1011 90001 00 ,

1100 1009 010 10 001 0 6 1110 010 101 101,$ 03 9 339101 010 00110000 6 0010 0 101.

5 101 1 1

2 2 . 1301 5 1101101

6 09 2801101 009 2801101 1010011,610 3 11001 100001 00 ,6 00 000 0001 210901 1 0000011,9 1101 019 009 001 3 01000 .

1100 1010 01 1101 000 1010 01 100101,010 3 101 0m001 ;

2109 0001 001009100 2801101 1 00101610 1000109 28010 001 001 .

6 10 1009 30 1001 , 110 101 00 30 1001100111 00 100100 6 1 01

21111 211001000 1010 000 211001000 1111

0111001 10 3 00099101?210, 10001011 00 , 3 1101010 1116 0 1000119 001 0010 6 1 000,580 1110911 001 00 101 , 1010 00 0111,1100 101110011 01 11




110 010 11000 6 0000 0101,$ 01 211000 110 0101 110 211001 ?51001 1 10011000101000 101 60110121101 0000011 100001 001 ?80111 010 001 11010 01100101 0101,2309 10001001 11010 21100 ?80111 010 0010 01900 21090110121101 001 10

6 09 2801101 009 2801101 1010011,21001

’1001 000 0011100 3 03 ;

6 010 001 3 100091 1001 10 1000100190011,

2810 001 001 81001100 (31 03.6 10 101 00 30 1001 , 110 1009 30 1001 ;230 001 100 9010000

0010 309 110 100 , 0010 1001 01 010 ,1100 10010 0 101 10001 901000 .

6 0 0 100

2 3 . 210 10 010 0 2110 1 101


30 9010000 1, 000 11001 1 001 000 30 11 0900 ,211010 6 100 111 000 010 0111000 1101 1 000 31100 ;28000 101011 001 110019 0111 109 2101110 11100,30 1011100 0101 010 210900 010001 1010900.

6 00, 11000 21101101 , 01100 10111 109002810 0100119 000 10010 1101301 21101 110 011100,3 0 001001 10119 111000 , 11 00100 2111006191 0111 0110 011 010 000101001109 3 0900 .


2 4 . 9 10 10 00 1 0 10 3 110111

69 01 0011 010 2101 1010 8 000010011,2810 6 01001 1901111 1 000 28090001 011

,,80m 210010 , 30 10 210010 , 3um 00011000 210010 !2801 10111 009 6 11 010 09 01110181001 8 0101 1000, 010911 1 0019 1010 ,

3011 11001 000 11 00 010 28001 001 210010 1

8 0 10 000001 0001000 30111“09 100011,

1100 01101 210900 0110100 0011.8 01 0001100 3 11091109 11 0mm 00 1101 18 01011m1 010 800009m01 1.

8100 8 0101 1000, m0911 1 0019 1010 ,

3 011 11001 000 11 00 010 28001 001 210010 1

2101 011111 01 10 009 010101019280 1010 001000 0 10001 10000 ,1100 101001 1 mit 1101301 110m01091011

210010 , 0101011 000110, 1010 meine 8 1011 1“

8100 8 0101 1000, 100911 1 0019 1010 ,3 011 11001 000 11 00 010 28001 001 210010 1

1100 00‘ me1n 001 3 1m $ 000 01 101,2811 11 00 000 b1um 010 28011001 0 101.21010 1010 00 2801101 00100 3 101,3 11 58001101000 10

“00 001000010 1.

8100 8 0101 1000, m0911 1 0019 1010 ,3 011 11001 000 11 00 010 28001 010 210010 1


010 6 1 00100 8 101 000 911101,2100 0100 3 0011 000 500900 31001,1100 0 00 010 211m 010 8 11010 100001,8 011 111 1010 28011001 0010008100 8 0101 1000, m0911 1 0019 1010 ,3011 11001 000 11 00 010 28001 001 210010 1

8 01 6 01001 01 100111, 010 28090 1 100 1,6 10 300000 11011010 10 00m 28100.

8um 210010 , 3um 210010 , 3um 00011000 210010 12811 0110 1001100 011101 1010 18100 8 0101 1000, m0911 1 0019 1010 ,3011 11001 000 11 00 010 28001 001 210010 1

5 0 0 0 11 0 0 00 1 90 :

1 10 N OTE S (P. 44

Page 4.

1 . beau ve ry commonly accompan ies questions, and may b e rende red

in a numbe r ofways, diffe ring acco rding to the tone and character

o f the questio n ; he re , I won der .

2 . ffiuute, a po ten tial subjunctive .

3 . ia, he re a m odal adve rbwiththe fo rce of why.

4. 3 1m(End). In Dr . Faust’s tim e , i .e . the 1 6thcentury, the second

pe rson pluralwas used in polite address ; the Min ! pe rson plural,©te, did not come into use befo re the beginn ing of the 1 8thcentury.

5 . fa, cf. page 2,note 2 .

6. {ties flinch, see binabfteigen. M ost ve rbs having an adverb or

a preposition fo r a prefix are separable when fin ite in fo rm and

part of a principal clause the prefix, then , stands at the end ofthe clause.

Page 5 .

l . t itt binatlé, see binaustetten. Cf. page 4, note 6.

2 . aufgebobeu, see aufheben. In separable ve rbs, the gas of the pastparticiple com es between the prefix and the ve rb , cx, more

prope rly speaking, the prefix keeps its place b efo re the ve rb in

the past participle .

3. fibrlid)wfibtt am I&ugfteu, lit., “honest lasts longest,” is a proverbthe n earest approachtowhichis Hon esgf is Me bestpolicy .

4. ftieg uuf, see auffteigen.

5 . hielt empor, se e emporbalten.

6. bit is no t a relative'

he re (the o rde r not be ing transposed), but is ademonstrative . This use of the dem onstrative in place o f the

E nglish relative is common in colloquial speech and simplenarrative.

Page 6.

1 . Sit bieé bciue M ? fDieB (or hides) and baB, the neute r singular

fo rm s of the dem onstratives bidet and her, are used regardless of

the gende r o r numbe r of a predicate noun o r pronoun .

z . tcudjte mun ,se e nutettaucben.

3. bradyte herauf, see berdufbrtngen.

4. buh'é, fo r babe es. The apostrophe indicates the suppression of

r . NOTES 1 1 1

one o r m ore letters which are usually written. In the great

majo rity of cases the suppre ssed le tte r is an e.

5 . i n 9a”,dative depending on anbfingen.

Page 7.

1 . fnmmeu, cf. page 3, no te 4.

z. helm,of. page 4, n ote i .

3. {alien cu, see anieben.

4. trat heron ,see bewortreten.

5 . gab ans, see ansgeben.

6. {tit body. When no t beginn ing the clause , body is ve ry often not

directly adversative,but used me rely fo r emphasis and to be

rendered in a great manyways, difie ring acco rding to the context.He re it emphasizes the request ; trans]. please look.

7. cinawl(pronounce cimnal’) is often used m erely to give the dictiona colloquial o r fam iliar tone and then frequen tly has no prope requivalent in E nglish. He re it may be rendered byjust.

8. taunt: balms, see baoontenuen.

Page 8.

I . eiu6 th! Gifeu, apiece qf iron . After noun s of measure ,

we ight, numbe r and quan tity the substantive , as a rule , is no

longe r put in the partitive genitive , but treated as in apposition .

z. hob auf, se e aufheben.

3. in hie zuilhe, in to b i: pocket. The defin ite article is used instead

o f the possessive adjectivewhen the re can be n o doubt as to the

possesso r ; so especiallywithnouns indicating parts of the body,dress, property and relationship.

4 munite ma, see ummenbeu.

5 . b&tteft bu {o bfittefthit. A co nditio n aswellas a con clusion con

trary to fact are put in the subjunctive .—Fo r io, cf. page 2 , note 2 .

Page 9.

x. it! hem till“! 63t ,in on e of Me buckets .

z. M IG beam ? wizat in theworld 1? Cf. page 4, note I .

3 fjufl bu menu bu baft. Fo rwent!withtransposed o rde r, inversion

without menu is muchm o re gen e rally substituted than in E nglish,where this usage is lim ited to past tenses, as “had I known it,”whereas in Ge rman it extends to the presen t tense aswell.

1 12 N OTES (P. 10- 12

4. fain I’M ,see binabfabtcn.

5 . lief batma, see babontaufeu.

6. ?;t nor, f ear qf. N o te the use of the preposition but withall

7. 6 1mm : Ge ,cf. page 8, no te 1 .

8. grub m 8, see ausgraben.

9. alfo, of. page 2 , note 1 .

Page 1 0 .

1 . a ir, dative of interest.

2 . taufenb W . War! when den oting currency remains in the

singular after a numeral. In value it is equal to a quarte r of a

dollar .

3. btadpte guru ,see guritdbriugcn.

4. iebett am », an accusative of timewhen .

Page 1 1 .

1 . (Siam eafiferitmseu, a dative of separation,f rom a sbepke rd-boy .

z. fdwu,witha future tense , deno tes confident expectation .,,Sd) mill

tbn idyoumtebeterfennen,” 1 71 r ecogn ize Mm f ast enougk.

3. fiebt eué, see ansieben. What is anieben ?

4. fain futt, see fortfabteu.

5 . Dent Gotham,of. page 3, note 2 .

6. wiebemtertm eu. In separable ve rbs the 311 of the infinitive comesbe tween prefix and verb . This 311 is to be disregarded in consultingthe vocabulary.

Page 1 2 .

1 . eiueuQulatm,an accusative of value ,

”depending on the adjoe

tive mart.

z. fdwu, even .

3 . sunset , here f ullykdgzd.

4. ftuub auf, see auffteben.

5 . tinesawn ,one even ing , a gen itive of time. Indefin ite time , as

a rule , belongs to the gen itive ; defin ite tim e , to the accusative.

6. CB eutftaub ein Gheif, a dispute arose , o r “ere arm: 0 JW . 60

beginn ing a clausewitha regular logical subject has, as a rule , a

merely introducto ry fun ction and is, then , not translated, unless“there ” be conside red an equivalent.

1 14 NOTE S [P. 16 48

dispense with the infin itive of a ve rb of motion . Cf. “murder

will out.”2 . ital“! Illicit, stuckf art; lit. ? Cf. page 3, note 4.

3. {dying tot, se e totfcblagen.

4. b it eBwfire ; accoun t fo r the subjunctive . Cf. page 1 2 , note 7.

5 . hitch ftelmt, here stopped, as in most othe r cases ; not remained


6. Rweé, cf. page 1 , n ote i .

7. uebme unit, see mitnehmen.8. mir, dati ve of in te rest.

9. liefautfid, see guriidiaufen.

1 0 . was, colloquially fo r etwae. 6 0 etwas (etwas io) 6 cbfiuee, anytlu

ng so beautiful. Cf. page 1, no te 1 .

Page 1 6.

1 . [unither 8mm,cf. page 9, line 3.

2 . {hr hie e unbaleu, cf. page 3, no te 2 .

3 . 3a eiuem 6mm ,so a: to make a screen .

4. glitt balm (see babingieiten), glided along . Qabin, as separable

prefix, o ften loses its o riginal demonstrative fo rce contain ed in

Do, and then , like bin, simply denotes steady motion away fromthe speakerwithout any defin ite direction .

5 . aIBwnute fie ale menu fie mollte. Cf. page 9, note 3.

Page 1 7.

I . 138, impersonal. Qt Iehti ballte ¢6 wither, fie liver ! echoed bad .

2 . haB, cf. page 6, note i .

Page 1 8.

r . heutt end) ! (end), dative), tl u‘

nkof it !

2 . lief; tilt, see einlafl'


3 . [afgtmi: 365m ,1 mm g iven me. A n infinitive depending on


en may have a passive mean ing. Sucha phrase as Iafit mitt

geben is ab ridged from Iafit jemuahmil: geben, let some one give

m e .

” W ith the suppression of jemuah(i.e . the object o f MM!and the subject of geben) the infin itive assum ed its passivem ean ing.

4. babe accoun t fo r mode and tense . Cf. page 1 2 , no te 7.

P. 19- 21 1 NOTES 1 1 5

r mitautrinleu, dr inkwit/i kin: mit, as separable prefix, denotes

compan ion ship o r participation .

2. mam an, se e aunebmen.

3. body, certainly. Cf. page 7, no te 6.

4. lbuuteft, po ten tial subjunctive , y ou nuggfit.

5 . fl) bare beau, listen tlzm .

6. an oertaufeu iii, can be sold. A n infin itivewith311 in connection

withfetahas the value of an infin itive passive .

7. ia, he re , modal adve rbwiththe fo rce of y ou kn ow.

8. moan ? f or wkat ? The in te rrogative mo (b efo re vowels mot) isfreely combined withpreposition s, and the adve rb ial compoundresulting from it is often rende red by the co rresponding E nglishpreposition and an in te rrogative pronoun . The same too o r mot

may also represent a relative pronoun .

9. bamit,witb Merewords.

Page 20 .

1 . fat; M gut alt, tooka good lookat; fid), a dative of interest,hasno translatable fo rce .

2. twinM al; nod), before expressions o f quantity o r numbe r, de

no tes addition ; nod) einmal, the refore, literally m eans, one m o re

tim e ,”i .e . on ce m or e .

3. her aIte fifib, old Fr itz. Prope r names preceded by an adjectivereceive the defin ite article . {iris is abridged from {friebrid b

Frede ric. fDet cite grit}was the n ickname of Frederic the G reat,King of Prussia.

4 mm hm ,well tlzm .

5 . an QM; with, turn to wood ; note the idiomatic use of the prepositiou 311withmerbcn.

Page 2 1 .

t . id]mute, more emphatic than moute id).a. ban (pronounce ba

au), to tlzat en d. Cf. page 1 , note 2.

3. tnmm am ,just com e .

4. ben, by sol id , an adve rb ial accusative .

5 . mute, cf. page 1 5 , no te I .

6. bafiwin erft eiuerwerben, (flat is going to be one (by and

1 1 6 N OTE S [P. n -m

adverb erft emphasizes the idea of more or less distant futurityimplied in mcrben.

7. Diea peifiinte, tfie double -oarr eled gun , an accusative abm lute , i.e.

onewithout direct gove rnme nt. In translating, supply with or


8. lief}{id} {Qu eue cf. page 1 8, no te 3.

Page 22 .

r . i eB niacin, see binetnbiaien.2 . mir's mir CB ; CB, impe rsonal, someth

ng .

3 . ha 30g er. A n inve rted principal clause ,when preceded by a subo rdinate one (or an adve rb ial expression) deno ting tim e o r place ,is often in troduced by the particle ha,whichm e rely resumes the

latte r and is not translated.

4. mate, a subjunctive of “un reality

; bafi id) beinabc tot Iiegen g¢.

blieben mfit‘e, Mat 1 cam e n ear being lef t dead on tfie spot, the ideabe ing : that I should have di ed but fo r a little .

5 . [wt bar, see barbicten.

Page 23 .

r . hetrfdjtc; the verb is in the singular because its two subjects?Irmut unbmot are taken toge ther as one conception .

2 . Brim fi esgelpm ,in going away . A ny infin itive may be used as a

ve rbal n eute r noun and rece ive the article .

3. branute an, see anbtennen.

4. gahibm hen e ofitt unit, gave him son to gowild kin .

Page 24.

r . banked Mart, cf. page 1 0 , note 2 .

2 . [ant bafiergegaugeu (from babetgeben), came walking along . N ote

the idiomatic use of the past, instead of the prese nt, participlewithlommen to denote e ithe r the manne r of motion , cx, mo re rarely, an

action accompanying the m o tion.

3. biefiwith? m l)! iein, tl u‘: it is, I suppose. The future denotesprobability ; mob! m erely emphasizes the latter.

4. uimm attriitf, se e guriidnebmen.

5 . macbte eiu frfiblidies Gefitfit, Iookea'

pleau a’, happy .

6. badyte trad], see m cbbmlen.

7. e8, cf. page 1 2 , note 6.

1 18 NOTES (P.M

Page 30 .

1 . fins an, see antangen.

2 . fie! m ,se e ausfaIIen.

3 . man bent: tidy,fm t imag ine .

4. uabm aufamm ,see guiammennebmcn.

5 . Sanbgraf, L an dg mw, a highe r title than the simple Qtaf,“count,

and approaching in rank that of “duke .

”Se ve ral provinces of

the old Ge rman empire we re ruled by a Landgrave. N owadaysthis title no longer exists.

Page 3 1 .

1 . p g an, see anatebm.

2 . (118mfire er, cf. page 8, note 5 ; page 9, note 3.

3 . char, here no t adversative , but fo rm ing the transition to

cative statem en t, now(you mustknow).4. magic r oot.

5 . {praugeu auf, se e aufiprtngen.

6. 16m m ,an Optative subjunctive .

7. Die, demonstrative , to be pro nouncedwithemphasis.8. thateu auf, see aufthun.

Page 32 .

1 grifiniacin, see hintingreifeu.

2 . 11111 , emphasizing the entreaty.

3 . ia, don’ty ou see I?

4. 303 t ,see ausgiebcn.

5 .

Page 33 .

1 . 931119Rarl, I(ing' cu rler

,a fictitious pe rsonage.

z. tum babergefdymmmeu, cf. page 24, note 2 .

Page 34.

1 . nertnnnberteM . For the singular, cf. page 23 , note 1 .

2 . beiuen 28m,cf. page 2 1 , note 4.

3 . wiCB an, see unweiieu.Page 3 5 .

1 . aufe cu“ ,on Me side ; ©citen is an old dative singular of g ate,

P . 35 -401 NOTES 1 19

whichlike other fem inine nouns ending in cwas formerly declin ed in the singular.

tu g on, see antragcu.

nalm eu, see aunebmen.mifiteufie fit!) tram s, ueywould fiave topart m

tb eaekotber ,’

Mbe ing reciprocal.

fair ab, see abfabreu.

fan“ 0 0 0 " bh' see M MW mffiuig, king of the gian ts . The giantswere most dangerous

en emies of the gods. They lived in a distant, inhospitable landbeyond the ocean.

Page 37.

1 . gar, here a contraction of 311 tiller.

2 . afcnlpehll, A sahe im (from $8,“god,

”and beim,

“home the dwelling of the gods, the Olympus of Teutonic mythology.

Page 38.

1 . brei M . Most masculine and n eute r nouns of m easure stand'


the singular afte r a num eral.

2 . intent, of. page 29, no te 4.

3. mid) 3M ,fo r mid) bfinft tfi, it seems to me . The subject 23 may

be suppressed in most impersonal phraseswhen inverted or trans


4. trat tin, see eintreten.

5 . Bar, the goddesswho presides over marriages.

Page 39.

1 . m i gn bfdplnnge, M idgumfisespent, the monste rwhichin Teutonicmythology en circles M idgard, i.e . the inhabited earth, surroundedby the ocean ,whose furious convulsions the restless se rpent causes.

2 . 301! o o o M ,see M tbgebm

3 rifi ab, see abretficu.

Page 40 .

1 . 3mm £8, an impersonal phrase , tlzerewas a tug.

2. wire, of. page 22 , no te 4.

120 N OTES

3 m atte 11111, see ummenben.

4 a dative of interest, lit.“ forhm emn

Page 41 .

1 . in 1 1118, sucha one.

2 . mo M 11 M1 111), colloquially for 11301 111, in wi p’


3 . 6 5 61 111111111, rooste r . The figure o f a rooster used to be ve ry com

m o n on the frontispiece of prim e rs.

4. 9 01101 1 1, ahumorous colloquialism fo r 1113111c 131 01 18, Doctor trade.

5 . 11111 111111 gebeifzeu morbeuwar , as I n fiad been told to. Ou the

om ission of the subject £8, cf . page 38, note 3 .

6. gcboftert (from bohem), a strictly fam iliar expres sion , docto r ed.

7. 111 5 4 1 1111 11wages mripauueu, M m Am e: put to 4z‘

s cam'


(o r bam essel ).

8. {111011 1 1 1111, all ngkt.

9. hie 6 1 1 11 . Proper nam es may take the definite article . ©1 1 11 is

an ab ridgm ent of Margarete ; cf. Maggy.

1 0 . 111111}11111, of. page 1 5 , note 1 ; page 1 9, note 1 .

Page 42 .

1 . benft end), cf.,page 1 8, no te 1 .

2 . 26 32111 11118 fdfletbt, itwillg o kardwitfi as.

3 . b it 1 : i111) fielfeu iollte,wfiat to do ; fid; is dative.4 1 111111111, here,f or a momen t.

Page 43 .

1 . I an sure.

2 . 111 111111 111, cf. page 28, no te 1 .

3. {o 3111 11113 in [11111 1119 nez'

tfier bette r n orworse.

Page 44.

1 . bahti, while doing so.

2 . 100111, itwould seem .

Page 45 .

1 . mciuctmegen, here, as f ar as I cm concerned ; f or all I care. Theusual mean ing of mcinettvegen is o n my account,

”111 1 111 (with

excrem ent ct) be ing the gen itive singular of the pe rsonal pronoun .

2 . “ 91 110111111“ (for 16 111 angeuommeu, it is agr eed.

122 NOTES ~ [P. 52 -01

Page1 . 11111131: 1115 311 5 1 11011, kn ewwhat to do o r flowto r emedy .

2 . 311 1f1, cf. page 1 9, no te 6.

3 . 5 11111 5 11111113, cf. page 28, n o te 4.

4. herauf 311, towards it. Cf. page 5 1 , note 5 .

Page 5 3 .

1 . ia,“why.

Page 5 4.

1 . 1111: 5 111 1 18 111111 1 1 3111131 11 {1 1,wizat a ban ! time he dad bad.

Page 5 7.

1 . 115 1113 101,would kill. The indicative is used i nstead of

subjunctlve to express absolute ce rtainty.

2 . 11 1111 2111 111 1111 111 , not anotfierjoum ey .

3. mt , herq f rom .

4. hana, n ot fill fl ea.

Page 5 8.

1 . in fi e case of silver .

2 . 1111: 15 111 MM wdat fiappm edwAim .

3 ' W M, Po3W y °

Page 61 .

1 . 5“ JHurrahf or tbc J

Page 62 .

1 . 111111181 5 35 813, kigfier an d 3 111111 1 1 witha comparative

n o tes a steady climax.

2 . 115 811 11111 11, cf. page 5 1 , note 4.

1 . boll 6 015 . Afte r boll, nouns without adjuncts no longer take a

gen itive ending.

P. 117- 72] NOTE S 1 23

2 . 1111111 ei1ts , {11111 1 1 11 11 11831 31 11 111 11 (fo r 1111111 eingegmben, 7011111 1 11 cussn ot bur ied , but dug out. The suppression o f a compo nent

comm on to two o r m o re closely co nn ected compounds is indicatedb y a hyphen .

Page 67.

9 11161 1 111; 1111 31 11111 1 11 ! an optative subjunctive , 0 Mat I /zad n ever

5 2m bor n ! The pas t participle 31 1101 1 11 is ve ry comm only used

with11 111 instead of 1111 1 111 11.

Qangerfi, a gen itive o f cause .

Page 69.

1 . 5 81, he re , in .

2 . gut , to cap £11 : climax .

3 . bentW nbe, an idiomatic use of the singular instead of the plural.

Page 70 .

1 . 1 1 111 11118 1 1 11 81 131 11 91 13111 11 (3 1 11 1 . Fo r this wo rd- order, cf.

page 49, n o te 2 .

2 . 1012 15 11, sad : as.

Page 71 .

1 . het b11 105 1111. The pe rsonal pronoun of the first o r second pe rsonmay be repeated afte r a relative refe rr ing to it, and the verb then

naturally agreeswithit.

Page 72 .

1 . 6 1111 11 11118 911 1108, thewell-known R oman histo rian ,whose “ L ives

of Illustrious G ene rals iswidely used in Ge rm an schoo ls as o ne

o f the first Latin text- books.

2 . c111=nub anfiflogeu, cf. page 64, no te 2 .

3 . 1115211 11115 115 111111211, on e o f the many se t rhym ing phrases, sitMe r e

and m eat away .

4. her $ 0110: 6 15 1a961113wc1, D octo r Scklagm tzwez’. Obse rve the use

o f the defin ite articlewithtitles. 6 15 11191 111310 1 1 is a prope r nam emade up of 115 103 and 1 111311 11 1,

“smash in two cf. “Dr. B irch.

5 . 15 1' 3 1 815 811, tlm

r doings, 515 1 1 15 811 be ing an infin itive used sub

stan tive ly. Se e V ocabulary.

6. Qauuibal, on e of Co rn elius N epos’s illustrious gen erals.

1 24 NOTE S [P . 73.- 79

15 11110 15 1111 1011111 11, m ight Iwwdon e . The participle of a m odal

auxiliary,when construed withan infin itive , has the fo rm o f an

infin itive ;

Page 73 .

I 5 015 , in deed.

2 . fa111 11 5 11, looked on . What is (11111 111 11 and 11 11311 111 11 ?

3 . her m e rely resum es the dem onstrative con tained in 10 1 1 , fie wlw,and is not to be translated .

4. 311 5 111111, see acbtgeben.

5 . 11118 111 5 1 1 110113 5 8001 , Mer e sometb ing in stor e f or m .

Page 74.

1 . 01 1 1 1111 91111 1, M ayd ay , o ne o f the sign ifican t dates in folklo re .

2 . ha, on t/u'

: day .

3 . 11111 {1111 11 11 11111,we ar e play ing a part in ii . Cf. page 1 9, no te 1 .

4. 001 1061 18 ! com e along !

Page 75 .

1 . 5 11111 1 01 111 6 111111111 5 1 1 001 , f orthfrom befiin d tlze'

tn mk.

Page 76.

1 . 111115 001 1 1111 1“ 6 111115 1 , but an [ mur agw111 “as lately as an


honrago .

Page 77.

1 . $ 11 1111 11, accusative o f Qatw.2 . 115 10111 bid) ! an elliptical phrase , transl.wait,y ou’

11 co tekit.

Page 78.

1 . 5 1 11? D11, m o re emphatic than heuf’.2 . 9131311 111, little born , i .e . Pegasus, thewinged ho rse of the Muses.

Page 79.

1 . The le tte r refe rred to was written by Schiller to Frau von W ohl

zogen o n June 7, 1 784.

1111) frcutett fid) 1131 111 11 11 111 1 1 11.

126 N OTE S (P. as-m

Page 89.

1 . lliug'bium ,

see biuausmngcu.

2 . id) lafi’fie grfifien, I send hr my gr eetings; lit. ? Cf. page 1 8,

no te 3 .

3 . wfifit' id) gm ,1 M ould like to kn ow.

Page 90 .

1 . 6a!) tin Snub’. The grammatical rules on wo rd-o rde r are not

always strictly obse rved in po e try,where inve rsion is no t uncom

m ouly used instead o f the n o rmal o rde r and vice versa. finab’


fo r Sungling, y outh.

2 . Qeibeu, cf. page 3 5 , no te 1 .

3. mar, supply cs ; the om ission of the pe rsonal prbnoun is quite

common in poe try.

4. mnrgeufdyflu f reshand beautiful.

5 . magma rot. In po e try an attributive adjective often follows itsn oun , inwhichcase it remains undeclined.

6. 9mm; the om ission of the article is no t very common even in

po e try.


’3 baé.

8. int ; the grammatical gende rwould require tbm

9.we!) nub QM), in terjections used as nouns.

1 o. alibi“,archaic fo r bier.

Page 91 .

1 . Bill id) glth!) menu id) gIeid) bin (cf. page 9, no te aIMougk

I am .

2 . body, still, o ften used as an adve rsative after concessive clauses

3 . etwadwu tfm’ ermadye. The use of than as an auxiliary is con

fin ed to the language of the people .

4. CB, cf. page 1 2 , no te 6.

5 . an bid) gebenft, fo r an bid) bentt o r heiner gebentt.6. alt, befo re the defin ite article o r a pronoun , may be left unde


heifet freifi, - et be ing the old ending. thoughquite common in

poetry even now.

8. int Giant”, cf. page 23, note 2 .

P. NOTE S 1 27

Page 92 .

1 . m uhem ilb, ci . page 90 , note 5 .

2 . i a, cf. page 2 2 , no te 3.

3 . wet it!) an Gaite, an idiomatic phrase , Iwas a guest.4. eingelelmt eingefebrt, ci . page 91 , no te 7.

5 . ct , redundan t.

6. in gleidpm 6mmnub wit]: equalpace . On e of the rhym ingcouple ts inwhichGe rman abounds .

Page 93 .

1 . tam gefingen, cf. page 24, note 2 .

2 . £8, impe rsonal. In tran slating, the phrase es bat ibn meagerifien isbest turn ed passively : liewas car r ied away .

3. d B 30613? GIG menu e8 mare. Cf. page 8, no te 5 , and page 9,no te 3.

4. win; supply .the subject.

5 . betweil, wl u'le , m uchless common than mfibrenb.6. M ignon is the nam e of a little Italian girl,who had been stolen by

a troop of rope—dance rs and taken to Ge rmany,whe re W ilhelmM e iste r , the chief characte r in Go e the ’s W ilhelm M e iste rs Lehr

jahre ,”rescued he r. It is he , he r pro tecto r, whom M ignon ad

dresses in singing this beautiful song, expressive of he r hom esick

n ess fo r Italy. The first stanza, in a maste rly mann e r, describes

Italy ; the second, a typical Italian villa, adorned with statues ;

the third, the journ ey hom e across the A lps.

7. g ob sDtaugeu, poe tical fo r goIbene Drangen.

8. wofil, Iwon der .

9. hué Gemini), clmmber , apartmen t, the singular standing fo r theplural.

Page 94.

1 . Qer $ 1.1 1a 8m ,tb e brood q/ dragum . In poetry 9. gen itive very

often pre cedes the wo rd on whichit depends ; the latte r then , if anoun , loses its article .

2 . wont, m odal adverb comm on in poetry, especially in ballads, andm ostly connectedwitha ve rb of motion , to which it usually addsthe idea of fre e and easy movemen t. In a number of cases,

howeve r, it is scarcely m o re than an expletive .

128 NOTES (P. M

Page 95 .

1 . was full CB fiebeuteu (fo r the mo re grammaticalwas efihebeutenw/zat it m ean s ; lit.,

“what it is to m ean .

2 . M B, redundant.

3 . inmmtmi: nidyt auB bent 6 13m,will n ot leave my m in d.

4. hurt nben, up yon der , i.e . o n the so -called Lo reley rocko n the right

bankof the Rhin e n ear St. Goat .

5 . babei, cf. page 5 1 , no te 2 .

6. Web bei SDleIobie.

7. e6, impe rsonal. Ci . page 93, note 2 .

Page 96.

1 . Grufiuig, fo r (315 101119, E (f -king . In wr iting this ballad, Go ethe

drewfrom Dan ishsources. Grifonig is a m istaken re nde ring of

Dan ishelle rkonge ,whichis the sam e as elvekonge and m ean s“king

o f the elves.

2 . 100111, he re ,fim {y.

3 . was, colloquially fo rwanna ? w/zy ?4. mam!) often remains undeclined, especially befo re attributive

adje ctives.

5 . giuheu, In po e try the n eute r e nding- e€ of attributive adjectives

is o ften suppressed. ©fiIben is archaic fo r goIben.

6. sin, separable prefix belonging to wiegen and tanaen aswell as tofingen.

Page 97.

1 . Set” Qetbee),whicho riginallywas a partitive gen itive of Seth,“harm , and co nn ected on ly with expressio ns of quan tity, as

bid , geuug, etc., becam e ste reo typed in the course of tim e and is

n owused withthe indefin ite article as if itwe re a nom inative.

(Sin Qeibeé than, to do harm .

Page 98.

1 . (53h! iebet iebet, the use of the indefinite article be ing Optional.2 . bodyname fit!) cit! but gf a couple appr oacfied . mod)

do es n o t n ecessarily cause inve rsion , but is quite commonly fol

lowed by the n ormal o rde r . A h inve rsion afte r bod), the refore,may imply a condition . Cf. page 9, no te 3.

1 30 N OTES [P. 103-ms

Page 1 03 .

1 . 3awas Scflcm 311 m m fiefictcm. Cf. page 1 , no te 1 .

2 . bafi, of. page 73, n o te 3 .

3. id“fit!) empor, n ice: an d pam .

4. was cf. page 96, note 3 .

5 .'6, cf. page 90 , no te 7.

6. erft, deno ting a climax, more titan ever before.

Page 1 04

I . {0 febufudyténnu, swelledwit}: sucklong ing .

2 . hawar ’B um filmgefdnben, Men itwas all ove r withhim .

3 . es an ticipates the n ext infin itive clause and is no t to be translated.

Page 1 06.

1 . 1125 , cf. page 96, note 5 .

2 . hard) audt CB, a Mn’

llpasse: taranga.

3 . S lau’n >BIaucn, bluem u , really an infin itive (blauen,“be blue

used substan tively.

4. 05 , fo r on eid), altlzougk.

5 . in often accompan ies an obvious reason given fo r a previous statemen t and has, then , the fo rce of sin ce.


ab-reifgen, rtfiab, abgerifien, tr .,

tear ofi,wring o ff.

ber, 4 8, 4639 heel.

uh-Meufllid), adj, ho rr id, abom inable .

?(Il-fdjieb, bet , - e, departure ,leave , farewell. From abicbebben, depart.

ab-fdylageu, idJIug ab, abgeidflagen,sap. tr . , strike of .

ab—fdmeibeu, idmttt ab, abgeidynitsten, tn , cut of .

afi-fttbf - Iid), adj, in tentional.


ber—Iidy, adj; sundered from ,

extrao rdinary.

ab-ftebeu, sap. in tr . withL, ftanbab,abgeftanben, stand off, desist.

11 5 -tenants, sap . tr .,wipe ofi, dry .

almarten, sap . tr .,wait fo r.ub-medpfeln, sap . inns, alte rnate .

l -wefeu-beit, hie, w., absence .

From ab, off, an d meien, to be ,an old infin itive of tfie part. gen


ad), z'

n te fyi, ah! ohl alas l

adyt, mam , e ight.


gehen (auf), gab acht, acht geegeben, give heed to ; atte nd to ,

watch; gieb acbt, mark my

wo rds.


bert, mam , eight hundred.

fidmen, mm , (cry ad), ah), groan .

fitter, bet,- 8, fidet , (cultivated)

field, acre .

acter- felb, baa, - er, (cultiy ated) field.

ables, bet ,—8, eagle . Compd . ofabet chef, noble)an d ‘llar,eagle .

fl), z’

n te ryi, ah!3011 adj, similar, like .

an, aafi. an d prom , all,

every;cues, rqfem

ng to pe r son s, everyone , all; aue Stage, every day ;

alle b ier QBodmt einmal, once a

mon th.


,d ay , alone ; conj., but.

alle-mal, adu , every tim e .


,to be sure , ce rtainly ;

- btngsf or $Dinge.

nutt - Iei'

,adj. (faded ), a ll so rts

of ; lit., of every kind, Iei be ingorgi nalbr af an . n oun , m ean ing


auer -liebft’

,M 91, most lovely,

charm ing.


,aafi., m ost beautiful

of all.


,adu , all the tim e

, al



,adj, common to all,

unive rsal, gen eral.

nu-wii’feub, adj., 31 1-knowing.

SDottorflamifienb Docto rKnowall.

aII-an, adu , altoge ther too .



,adu , (altogethe r) too

soo n .



,adu , (altogether) too


sum , plan , the Alps.

019, conj, as, whe n ; in the ca

pacity o f, as ; wit)! in ver ted

order , as if ; af te r a comparative

or auber, than ; nichtfi (118, no thing but ; (118 05 or menu, as ii ,as though.


,adu , instan tly, at once.


alto, adu , thus ; con} , so , then ,the refore , acco rdingly. Compd.

of alland in.

alt (filter, filtefl), aq’fi, old, o lden ,

ancien t.

filter, has, 4 , age, old age .

alter-tunt, bus, an tiquity.


um an hem.

amt, bafi, firmer, oflice , employm en t, function .

eu, pr ep .wit]; dat. or au x, on , at,

by ; along , against ; to ; ih; sap .

mi -Beten, up. ln , ado re.

cu-bietett, bot an, angeboten, tn ,

ofie r .

an-Blitf, bet , 011 -look, sight.

un-BKitten, sap. ln , lookat, eye .

un—Brennen, brannte an, ange s

brannt, ln , set on fire.

un-benleu, bafi,~ 8, m emo ry.

From ou, ou, and benten, think.

unbet aclj. and indef . prom ,

other .

inherit, tn , make other, change.

anheré, adu , o the rwise, difie ren tly ; also used preda

cat‘lwly as

ad}; differen t.

auberé-mo-Ipin, adu , elsewhere.

as- er -Bieten, bus,—6, o ffe r .

att- er- fenn-uug, ble, w., re cogn i

tion .

an-fallen, fieI an, angefallen, ta ,

fall upon , attack.

an-fang, bet, 4 ,- f6ngc, begin

n i ng.

au-fangen, fing an, angefangen,tr ., begin .

1 35

au-fuugé, in the beginn ing, at

first. A dv. g m. of finfang.

aufafien, sep . se ize (on), takehold of.

eu-fett- igen, sap. ln , make , manu

facture .

eu-fillyren, sap. m , lead on , head

©rfinbe allege reasons.

un-ffiuen, sap. tn , nll.


ge—fauen, pastpar t. of anfallen.

angel, bet,- 6, angle , fish-hook.

angel-haten, bet,—s, fish-hook.

angels , tn , angle for, book.

fiuael-fdynut , biz, - id)niite, fishing

atme-febeu, part. aclf., lo oked up

to , distinguished. From ans

ieben, lookat.


ge-fitbt, bus, - et , face ,

coun tenance ; im©dmaifse ieinefi- 6, by the sweat o f his b row.


ge-than, pastpar t. of anthan.

aumeifeu, grlff an, angegrifien,tn , attack; set about.

augft, hie, fiugfte, anxiety ; es

withmtr angft, I growanxious,I begin to feel afraid.

fingft M l, auxious, tim id.

From ?Ingft.un-baben, sap . tn , have on , Ijalteu, hielt an, angebalten,tn , hold 011 , stop ; in tr u, halt,stop.

au-hiiugen (einem etmaS), b&ngteor hing eu, angebfingt, fastenou, attach.

eu-llagen, sap . ln , accuse .

cu-tommen, tam an, angelommen,z’

n tr .wit}: i., come , arrive .


fid) cu-filubett, sep., announce on e’s


au-tilnb- igen, sep. 0 , announ ce ,

eu—Iangen, sap. in”. mi“ L, arrive .

an -lafi, bet , - fl'

e6, 46W, occas ion .

un-legeu, sap. ln , lay on ; take

aim ; put on (clo thes).

un-nehmen, nabm cu, angenom

men, tr ., take on, accept ; as

sum e .

ult- tfillrt tt, sap. ta , touch.

uu-ia)afieu, sap . an , ge t, procure .

cu- fdyauen, sap . tu , lookat, gaze


cu-felnu, ta!) cu, angeicben, m ,

lo okat ; conside r .

au- foatmen, sap . tu , put to , harness, hitchup.

fiu-ftalt, bit ,w.,- cn, preparation .


, pr ep . will: gm . or z'

njia .

wit}; 311 , instead o f.

eu-tienen, sap . ta , make , pursue .

flu-flell-uug, hie,w., appo in tm ent,

situation .

eu—ftofien, ftiefieu, angeftofien, 0 ,

pushagainst, nudge .

fiu-ftrenguug, btc,w., e ffort.

uu-tlmn, that cu, angetban, tn ,

put on ; angetban mtt, attired


ant i“, bafi, 4 8,- e, face , visage ,

coun tenance .

fiu-trng, her, - triige, o ffer ,

proposal. From antragen, pro

pose .

cu-tragen, tmg an, angetragen, m ,

o ffe r, propose .

cu-treten, tmt an, angetretch,intr . with L, tread on , take

one’s place, drawup .

aut-m rt, bit,w.,word in return,

answe r.aut-worteu, m (dat. of para ), ahswer ; auf, reply to . Fm

autumn .

an- ber-traueu, sep. 0 , en trust.

un-m ifen, mics eu, angemleien,tn , assign .

eu-wefenb, part. adji, present.m tile old infin . meien, to be.

SDie finmefenben, those present.

au-wefen-Iyeit, bit, w., presence.From anmeiznb.


aeigen, up. m , indicate.


aieljen, 309 an, angegogcn, sr,

drawou, put on ; dress ; fid)dress one ’s self.

btl’, ‘ (Qgs ”

3118’s dre“ ,

attire , suit. From anaiebm.


afiuben, sap. m , kindle .

amt, bet, 4 , i ota, apple .

apfeI-bamn, bet, ~ bfiume,apple

- tree .


mué, bet ,

aphorism .


ler, bet, 4 , apothe


fct -

ge bilfe, her, apoth

e cary’s assistan t.


,bet, appetite.


adj” exciting the

appetite , inviting.

l il’

, bet, 4 ,—e, April.

ambet, bet, 4 , Arabian .


B- ifcb, aq’i., Arabic, A rabian .

arbeit, bie,w.,wo rk.


aufrifi, pr et. of aufrctfien.

uuf-idylagen, idflug auf, aufgeid flm

gen, tr ., put up, pitch, e re ct,

o pen .

auf-fdjliefieu, {chlofi auf, aufge=

idflofien, ln , unlock.

fluf-feben, bus, 4 , up-looking,

se nsation .

auf-feb-cr, bet, 4 ,o verseer .

auf-fetzen, sq) . tr ., set up, put ou,

se rve up .

auf-fpringen, iprang auf, cuige

ipwngen, in tr . with L, spring

or jump up ; start up ; fly open .

uuf- itchen, ft’

anb auf, aufgeftanben,in tr .withL, stand up, get up,

rise .

auf-fteigen, ftteg auf, aufgefttegen,in tr .withL, go up, rise , arise .

unf-ftellett, sap . tn , se t up, drawup.

anf-tautben, sap. in tr .withi com e

up, em e rge .

uuf-tbnn, that anf, aufgetban, tn ,

Open ; fit!) open .

auf-trageu, ttug auf, aufgetragen,tn , se rve up (a dish).

auf-tretmen, sap. ir ., rip up or

Open .

auf-madyen, up. in tr . with i ,

fiui-watt-ung, Ne,w., attendan ce ;

{cine mathen, pay o ne’s t e



thlen, sap . tn , pay down(mon ey) ; lay on (blows).

flags, bus, 4 ,—n, eye ; cc fie!

mit lnfl I caught sight of it.

augen-blict, bet,

- e, m om en t

?Iugnft, 4 , Augustus .

aué , p rep .withdat., out of, from ,

thro ugh; adu , over , to the end ;sap . accen ted prefix.

auB—ht ethen, brad) ans, auegebros

chen, iri tr . withL, break out ;

in i hriinen burst in to tears.

uné-breiten, sap . tr ., spread out.auB-btiiden, sq ) . ir ., express.

fichanfi- ein-an’

bet - thuu, that ans:

einanber,aueetnanbergethan, part,open .

nué- er -feheu, eriahans, auseflehen,tn , choo se , markout, se lect.

eué-fallen, fie! ans, auegefallen,in tr . with L, fall out ; pass,thrust, lunge .

uue iiihren, sap . tr .,execute .

nué-hicaca, flog ans, auegeflogen,in tr .withi , fly out.

uufigab, pm . qf auegeben.

ané—gehen, gab ans, ausgegehcn,tr ., give out ; spend ; fit!) fitt ,pretend to be .


gehen, gtng ans, ausgegangen,in tr .withL, go out ; proce ed or

com e from .


graben, grub ans, anagegras

hen, tr ., dig out.

aué -halten, hielt ans, ausgehalten,tn , hold out, stand.

m e lathett, sap . tr ., laughat, ridi

cule , de ride .

cuG- legeu, sap. ta , lay out,in te r

pret.mné-macheu, sap. tn , make out,

agree upon .

finé-nahwe, bie, w., exception.

From auenehmen, take out.


5 113 - 11 5 0, bit, w excuse , sub ter

fuge .

unfi- teifien, rtfi ans, auegerifien,in tr .,

run away.

auB- tithteu, sap . tr ., accomplish.

auétief, pm . qf auswfen.

uuB-rttfeu, rtef ans, auegetufen,tr ., call out, exclaim .

fid) auS-rnhen, sap” rest.

cué—thitta, sap . tn , fit out, equip.

anB-fuge, hie, statem ent, deposition . From ausfagcn.

m uses, sap . ir ., say out, say,


aufi-fihueihen, ichnitt ans, ausge.ichnitten, tu , cut out.

uué -feheu, {ahans, ausgeiehm , er

fieht ans, sum , look.

aufzer, prep .withdat , out of, outside of, beside conjl, except ;aufier mean, unless.

M n“ ,d ay. outer ; baa finfiere,

the exter ior, appearance .

unher -bem'

,adu , apart from that,



eut-Iith, aafi., extra

o rdinary ; adu , extremely.

M ivredyen,wrathans, aueges

iprochen, tn , speakout, express.

auB' im r bets“ (ogs WWW,

judgm en t, sentence. From (1118s

{prechemauB—ftt lmt, up. in , set out, exhib it.

auéitiefi, pr ef. qf aq toBen.

unB-ftofien, fiteisans, auegeftofien,tr ., thrust out, utte r .

euQ-fttedeu, sap . tr ., stretchout.

aus-fuchen, sap. tr ., seekout, pick

out, select.


uttB-teileu, sap. tr ., deal out, dis

tribute .

uuB-trinlen, trant ans, auegetrun

fen, m , drink out, drain , quafi.

21116- 11033, bet,—e, way

out .

auB-aahleu, sap. m , coun t out.


attB-aichen, 303 0116, auegegogen,

tr ., pull out, take ofi (clo thes) ;in tr .withL, go out.

$31, bit, elm, axe ; t is ex t ras

sen t.

3 47

fled), bet , 8 6m, beck,b rook.

flatteu-ftteich, bet , —e, blowon the che ek.

$ atf-mert, has, pas try.

hath, adu , soon.

bulbs, archait f or bulb.

sau-fpiel, has, -p1aying.

flash, bae, ?Biinber, band,ribbon .

aaffi , anxious, afraid ; 68

withmir I growanxious.861 , bet,w., bear .

8arfe, bie,w., bark.

aafjl, gruff.

Satt, bet , SBiirte, heard .

but, baten,pret. qf bitten.

finite”, tr ., cultivate , till ; grow;build.

Smut, bet , 4 or - n,—n, peasan t,

farm e r . From batten.

8 0am,bet , Winnie, tree ;

beam .

fid) bfiameu, rear


he insep. unaccm ted prq/ix, onginally bet, by ; makes in tr .

ve rbs tr .

be-hnfiht, part. adj, bushy .

E ether, bet , 4 , beaker, goblet.

hebathte, pr et. of bebenien.

$ e-barf, bet, want, neces

sat ies, supply.

bebarf, fires. of beb’


be-haueru, ln , regret.

he-bedcn, tr ., cover.

be-beufen, bebachte, hcbacht, ir .,

thinkabout or upon , conside r .

be-bettteu, tr sign ify, m ean .

he-beuteub, art. atljl, sign ificant,conside rable .

he—bieuen, tr .,wait upon .

8 e-bicat n oun , inflected as aaff"

(man) se rvant. A con traction ofE ebienea se rving.

8 e-bing-ung, ble,w., condition .

he-biltfeu, bebutfte, bebutft, ich, erbehari (withgem ), stand in n eed

o f.

fid) he- eileu, b e in a hurry.

befahl, part. of befehlen.

befanb, pr et. qf befinben.

E e-fehl, bet , —c, command,

o rder .

be-fehlen, befahl, befohlen, tr .withdat. of pen , command, o rde r .

he-fehIB-hah-er-tflh, aaff., commanding, impe rious.

ftchBe-fmben, befanb, befunben,find o ne

’s self, to be.

he-ftagett, tr ., consult.

he-ft eien, tr ,, free , rid.

fie-ft ieb- igen, tn , appease , satisfy.

LFrom griebe, peace .

rule r,

hegatnt, pm . of beginneu.


acanea (with in tr .withL,m e e t ; lit., run against. Fromgegen.

E e-

geht , bet an d baé, 4 , wish,desire .


achten, tu , desire , askfo r.


gier—ig, aaf/Z, eage r .


giunca, begann, hegonnen, tn ,

begin .


gleiten, tn , accompany.

$ e-

gleit- er, bet, 4 ,

compan ion .


gruhen, hcgmh, hegrahen, sr .,


?Be grifi, bet , concep

tion ; im feta, be o n the

po in t of. [light.

S e-hagen, baB, 4 ,enjoym en t, de

he-halten, behielt, behalten, bu heshfiltft, tr ., ke ep.

hehfiltft, pr es. qf hehaltm .

be-haupten, tr ., asse rt, m aintain .

$ e~hanpt-nng, bit, w., asse rtion,

asseve ration .

fie-hetrfth-cr, bet , 4 ,

m aste r .

he-hilten (nor with ta , pre

se rve , guard, ke ep.

bet, pr ep .with dat., by , at, n ear ;at the house o f with; sap . ac

cen ted prefix .

beib ad]y both; beibcfi, the o ne

and the o the r.

$ ci-iafl, bet , applause , ap

proval. From beifallcn, fall inwithin opin io n .

bei- toutaten (with do t ), tam bet,

beigeiommen, in tr .withi , comeby , ge t at.


hefchlofi, pm . of bcidfltefien.

he-fchreihen, beichrteb, beichrteben,tr .

, describe .

he-fchiitzett, tn , protect. From

é chut}.8 e-fthiiur, bet, 4 , pro tecto, beichmor, hcichmoren,tn , swear to , confirm by oath.

he-feheu, beiah, beichen, tr ., look

at, exam ine , inspect.he-feI- igeu, tr ., make happy, bless ;beieltgcnb, blissful. From felig,happy.


eu, part. 4 491, possessed,mad. From hefihen.

he-heuett, tn , vanquish.

8 em}, ber, 4 8, possession .

he-fiheu, betah, beieficn, tn , sit

upon , po ssess.

S e-iih- er, bet , 4 , possesso r,p roprie to r .

he-fonber aafj.,—fonbere, adu , especially.

he-forgen, ir ., attend to , execute ,

pe rfo rm .

behet , ml}; better ; compar . of gut.

heft atlj., best ; superl. of gut.

heftuuben, first. of heftchen.

he-ftehett, beftanb, beftanben, tr . ,

stand ; in tr ., auf, stand by,persist ih ; in, consist in .

Be-ftehlen, beftahI, beftohlen, ta ,

steal from , rob .

he-fteigett, beftieg, befttegen, tr .,

m ount.

he-ftellett, tn , till, cultivate .

heftieg, befttegen, pr et. of befteigen.

Be-ftiutmeu, ir. or inm , decree

destin e for. m otion ,

he-fttafen, m , punish.

lle-fflirat, par t. adj, d ismayed.

bet, 4 , visit. From


be-ftuheu, tr ., visit. Cf . inchen ,seekfo r .

be-titubea, tr ., deafen , stun .

heten, ism s, pray.

be-teueru, tn , afiirm , pro test.he-trachten, tn , lookat.

S e-tracht-uug, bie, w., con templation , reflection .

fit!) he-tmgeu, hetrug, hettagcn,conduct one

’s self ; fid) id flecht

m isbehave .

E e-trageu, ba8, 4 , conduct, be

havio r.

he-tteteu, hettat, hettetett, ct he,tritt, tr ., tread upon , set foo t on,en te r .

he-triihen, ir ., trouble , afflict,

grieve .

has, 4 11, bed .

E etteI-mauu, bet, —Ieute,beggar.

Betteltt, in tr ., beg ; gchett, go a


Setti-et , bet, 4 ,beggar.

hengen, tr ., bow, depress.

8 n u, bie, booty .

he- twr, t onj., before .

bebor-itchen, tum , stand befote ,impend.

be-milbrett, tn , establishas true ,

prove , showby trial. From

maht , true.he-megen, tr ., move , stir, agitate ;

fi t!) m ove .

$ e-weg-ung, bte, w.,


movemen t ; fit!) in item,


Be-wirfett, tn , cause , produce .

be-mhneu, tn , inhab it, glwell in .

fie-wunber-uug, bit, adm iration .


aahlen, tn , pay.

he-aiehen, bcgog, begogen, tn , pro

cure , impo rt. 11.

he-awingen, hegmang, beamungen, auf (einemtr ., subdue .

8 ibehhie,w., B ible .

$ 10 16, bit,w., bee .

S in ,bee, 4 , beer .

bitten, hot, geboten, tn , b id, ofie r .

bitten, tr ., fo rm , constitute .

bin, p r es. qf feta.

hiubett, banb, gebunben, tr ., bind.

fi n e, bit,w., pear .

1118, pr ep .withacc., to , as far as ;

till, un til; qften com bin edwithan or 311 ; t onj., till, un til.

hifi, pr’

et. qf beifien.

$ if3—(heu, bus, dim in . qf 9b ih, b it ;tin bifidwn, a little .

bift, pr es. qf iein.

5 13 adu , on ce in a While ,nowand then , at tim es. an d fifiben,

bit,w., request.

bitten, bat, gebeten, tr ., beg, ask;um, askfo r .

hitter, adji, b itter .

fid) hlfihen, swell, be inflated or

puffed up .

5 10111, aq’i., b right, shin ing, blank.

8 1a“, bee, SBItittet , blade ,leaf.

blfitt-em ,tr ., turn ove r the leaves.

Fromfilm , ba8, 4 8, blue , azure .

blan, anti, blue .

8 1d ,b08, lead.

h(eihen, hlteb, geblieben, ismwithL, stay, rem ain ; babel blieb £8,

there the matte r rested.

ha , 4 ,look, glance .

mitten, in tr ., look.

blich, f ret. qf bleibenh(inb, d ay , blind ;

?Iuge), blind ih.

bliufeu, in tr ., blink; gleam £8

blinft, the re is a gleam .

Shh, her, 4 8, 4 ,lightn ing.

BIiQeu, in tr .,flash, sparkle , glitter.

i Q-fthnell, adj” as quickas light

n ing.

humb, aabi , blond, light-haired.

Blah, aaf/Z, bare , naked ; m e re .

blofi- legen, sap . tr ., lay bare .

B(fihen, in tr ., bloom , blossom ,


8 1mm , bie,w., flower .

S lut, bus, blood.

8m“, bit,w., blossom , blow.

blntett, in tr ., bleed.

B(ut- ig, adj, bloody

?Boben, bet , 4 ,

bottom , ground.

?Bogen, bet, 4 , bow, curve .

1368, 4 and 8 3k,boat.

$ 0111, bet , 4 , board .

8 311s, bie,w., purse .

1138, bfiie,aaff. , bad,wicked ; angry.

bot, pm . q teten.

bet ,w., m essenge r .

B rabant, a f ormerduchy in the N etherlan ds.

brad), pr et. of brechen.


brachte, pret. of bringen.

8 11 1111110, B rahma, on e of the

de ities of the I n dian Trimur ti

o r tr iad .

8 1m m, ber, 4 8, 58 111111112, burn ing,fire , confiagration . [B rantL ]

brannte, pm . of brennen.

$ rat-ahfel, bet , 4 , 4mm,baked

apple .

$ tauth-hnr -teit, bit, usefulness.

From braud nn, use .

Brauchen, tr ., use ; n eed.

Imam,brown , dark-haired.

hraufen, ium ,roar.

$ raut, bte, fi tlinte, be tro thed.

[B ride ]?Brfiuti-gam,

bet , 4 , 4 ,betro thed .

[B ridegroom ]8 raut-fleib, has, 4 r, bridal

robe .

[Itfiut- lid), atljl, bridal. From8 1am.

bravo, in te r) ; bravo ! well done !From Ital.

btflhttt, brad), gehrochen, er bricht,tr ., break, pick.

8 rd , bet , 4 ,b ro th, pap.

ba it, adj, broad.

htemtett, brannte, gebrannt, tr . amt

in tr . , burn .

htcnnenb, part. aayl, burning,

glowing, brillian t.fifief, bet , lette r . [B rief .]firief-tafthe, bie,w., pocket-bo ok.

firille, bit,w., spectacles.

htingen, brachte,gebracht, tr .,bring,

get, take , put ; 311m ©tehenstop ; tim, deprive o i .

fin ithe, bit,w., breach.



(Safiel, Cassel, the capital qf the

f orm e r electorate qf Hessia, m

a portion of Prussia.

Shine, baa, 4 , China.


f- iich, adj. Chinese .


ne, bit,w., lemon.

93m , ba8, 4 , bread , living.

$ ri'

ufe, bit,w., bridge .

Smut , bet, 4 ,SB t iibet, brother.

5 11mm ,in tr ., roar .

Smnnenf bet , 4 , well.8 11 111, bie, ?B t iifte, breast, ches t.fimft-fthilb, has, 4 1 , tho rax.

?Bmft, breast, an d


ble,w., brood .

Britten (fiber with in tr .,

brood ; puzzle ove r, po re o n .

her,w., boy, urchin .

8 nd), has, book.

fifuher-Brett, Me, 4 8, 4 1 , bookshelf

, (open) bo okcase .

fifidfic, bit,w., musket, r ifle .

findrmeiaen, bet, 4 , buck-wheat.fid) Batten, stoop.

fififi- ling, bet, 4 , 4 ,bow. F rom

bitden, bow.

3 1th, ble,w., booth.

$ 1110 ,ba8, 4 , bundle . Fm

the stem qf btnben.

hunt, variegated, gay-co lo red,

8 1mg, bte,w., castle . From barges,shelte r.

8 nrfch(e), bet,w., lad.

8um,ber, 4 8, iB iiiche, bush.


hat -auf'

,adm , thereupon, on it ;

afte rwards.

fichbar-bieten, bot bar, bargehoten,presen t on e ’

s self.

hlrfft, fires. of bfitfm.

bat -filhten, sep . tn , lead fo rward.

hat - in’

,adv there in , in it.

bur-uath’, adu , the reafter, afte r

it or that.

bar—reithen, up. tn , reach fo rth,tende r.

bat - ii'

ber, adu , thereover, ove r itor that ; at it ; conce rn ing it,

abo ut it.


,adu , therefo re , for it or

that. Cf .page 1 , n ote 2 .

bl t -utt’

tet , adu , thereunder ,unde r it.

has, see

,adu , there .

bah, eonj., that.

Qauet , bit, duration .

bauern, in tr ., las t, endure .

Quan ta, bet , 4 , thumb .


,adw, thereof, of it or

them ; sep. aeeetstea’prqfix , m ean

ing away, ofi .

banou'-eileu, sap. in tr . with L,

hasten away.

bubon’-fliegen, flog banon, banana

geflogen, in tr .withL, fly away.

haunti -Ianfeu, Itei babon, battens

gelaufeu, intr .withi., run away,0 3 .

banon’-tenueu, rannte banon, ba=

nongerannt, in tr .withL, run o ff.



,adu , thereto, to it or that

fo r it or that ; in addition, he

sides. Cf . page 1 , n ote 2 .

$ 25 01”te, bie,w., debate .

Qcac, hie, w., cove r, cove t‘let,

ce iling.

Qed- el, bet , cover, lid.

butch, tr ., cove r ; spread (a table) ;deck.

wages, bet, 4 ,swo rd. [Dag

gen ]beta, poss. tug}. an d pr om , thy,thine .

beiu bet , bit, ba8 befitting poss.

pr om , thine .

bemutB-bofl, aq'i., humble , sub

m issive .

beaten, bachtt , gebacht, tr . , think,imagine , conce ive ; cm, withaee ., thinko f.

beam,eon} , fo r ; adu , then . For

bean in question s, if . page 4,n ote 1 .

beneath, adw, neverthe less. o rig»inally banu nod), even then .

her, hie, ba8, def . art., the ;lmb suchand such dem onstr .

prom , this, that, he ; rel.prom ,

who ,which.

5 2th, aq'i., seve re.

ber-ieu-ige,hie-ien-tsc,heB-ien-ige,demonstr . act}. and prom , he ,that, that one. —jenig f rat»ien yon .

ber- iel’he, bte-fel

’be, baB-fel

'he,demonstr . adj. and prom , the

sam e ; he , she , it.

beB—halh, adu , the refore.


en, gen . of the r el. or dm onstr .

pron . bet , whose ; o f this or


beaten, in tr ., po int at or to .


5 2111 adj, plain , distinct.

bentfth, adj , Ge rman .

Qeutfth- lunb, ba8, 4 , Ge rm any.

Qeut-ung, bit ,w., in te rpre tation .


, bet,w., d iamond .

Qiamauf -thee, bet, 4 , diamond


bid), at e . qf bu, thee .

fbitht-et , bet , 4 , po et.ib idyter

- be-tuf, bet, call to

be a po e t.QiCht- tmg, bie,w., poetry.

bid , aah; thick, fat.

93111- 11111, has, 4 , 4 , thicket.

bid—fflPf- ig, atlj., b ig-headed.

with, her, 4 8, 4 , thief .

hieneu, in tr ., serve .

Qien- er, bet, 4 , (man ) se rvan t.

Qienft, 1361 , 4 8, 4 , se rvice ; place .

From btenen.

Qiettft- tttntttt, bet, 4 11 , vas


bie8 biefe8 ; see bitter.bitter , bieie, blefeis, dem on str . 0471»this ; dem on str .prom , this on e ,

the latte r .

bieB-mul, adv this time .

$ 1113, has, 4 , thing ; £8

geht nicht 11111 rechten i bmgen 311,the re is som e thingwrong, the reiswitchcraft in it.hit, dat. of bu, to thee .

bod), eonj. an d adu , though, but,

ye t,however ; n eve r thele ss , afte rall, all the sam e . Its m ean ings

as emphatic particle are given

in the N o tes.

‘Dottot , bet, 4 ,- o

te11, doctor,

physician .


bet, 4 , dagge r.‘Dottttet , bet, 4 , thunder .

2901111 131 4 1 , bet, 4 , thunderer .


gott, her, 4 8, god of

thunder .

Qonnet -hau, bet, thunderpeal.

bonnetn, in ti t , thunder .

happen, atlj., double ; 1 is exer escen t.

‘Dotf, baa, SD'

dtfet, village .

[Thorp .]bom - ig, aah; thorny .

hart, adu , the re , yonde r .

bort-hitt', adu , thithe r, there .‘Drathe, bet,w., dragon

fib rego'

tter, bet, 4 ,

goon .

btang, pret. of bringen.

brfingen, tr ., urge .

brauhett, adm , without, o ut, outside , out of doo rs. From but,

there , and aufien, out.

btthen, tr ., turn , turn about.

bt ti, mam , three .

bt ti- it’

ihr- ia, aa’

f., of three years,thre e -

year-o ld .

btei-mal, three time s.

btei-mal-tg, awl, repeated threetim es .

bteitt- ithattett, sep. in tr ., lo ok;mutig cas t valian t glances.

bretn harem.

btei-fzig, mam , thirty . [Saxony ,

$ re8ben, 4 , Dresden , capital ofmm battn.

btingen, brang, gebrungen, in tr .

withL, throng, gush ill(withace . press, urge .


btittgcnh, part. aah; urgen t ;11 11 , advise stro ngly.

btitt mun . third .

britten-mal, 311111, for the thirdtim e .

britt- fl tfi, adu , thirdly.

hrohen (con traction of or ig. bat s

ohm), adw, there above , up

there .

btoheu (with threaten .

brou-lg, aal , droll, funny.

brittle: batitber.

brfitteu, tr ., weigh upon , wo rry,depress.

01 11111 batum.

1111, pers. prom , thou.

ftd) batten, duck, stoop, crouch.


tett, bet, 4 , ducat, a

silver or gold coin , jr st issued

by pn’

aees hear ing the title ofDuke . Its f aee -value was

bumm (1111111111ct , biimmft), aafi.,stupid ; hammes Beug, non

sense ; bummer R1 1 1, simple ton ,foo l. [Dumb .]

bumhf, aq’

iq muffled, dull.

buntel, aah; dark, gloomy.

hunteltt, im'r ., growdark, darken .

bfinfett (witham ), seem ; t8 bfinft

methinks, it se ems to

m e ; fid) fancy on e’s self.

prep. with aee., through,by ; owing to ; sep . and in sep .

prefix, accen ted and unaccen ted .

butthmw', adu , throughout ;nicht, no t at all.


gen, butchbtang, butch:brungen, tr ., pen etrate .

burdreiu—att’bet -wetfett, marf

gemorfen, tr ., se t pe ll-m ell.butdy

-fthliipfen, sep. in tr . with i.,slip through.


bett, burdfithnttt, butch,ichnttten, tn , cut through, cut.

butdj-fitht- ig, aafi, transluce n t.

biitfett, butftt, gtburft, id) barf,mod. awn , be allowed to , may,

can .

fl irt , aq'

i., dry,withe red.

Qurft, her, 4 8, thirst.hiiftet , aqi., gloomy, dark.

(Ebbe, bit, ebb .

d im ,adv., just, just now.

ebeu-talIB, adu , in like case , like

wise .

chett-fo, adu , just ao , just as .

6 1h», bat, 4 , echo.

echt, genuine .

5 15C, bit,w., edge , co rne r .

ebel, aaf , noble .

QheI-hof, bet , - h6fc, n obleman

’s mansion , m ano r -house .

Gbehmamt, bet , - Itutt,nobleman .

Che, eonj., before , ere .

eh-et , adv. (eompar . qf the, ere) ,soon er ; nidn 018 5 18, n o t un


G5" , bit,w., hono r.

05 1 1 11, tr ., hono r.

t en-tteua, bus, 4 3, 4 , cross of


05 11 114 011, hono rable .

eht -et -biet- ig, adj, respectful.

1 5 0

e111- 1't1f1e11, r1fi1 111, e111gerlfiet1, tr .,

tear down .

81113 , mam , o n e ; see £111.

2111 alon e , so litary, re

tired .

(5 111-fawn“, bit, so litude .

ein-fthlafen, ithltcf 1 111, eingeithlasfen, in tr .with1 , fall asleep .

ein-fthlagen, ithtug tin, etngeidflas

gen, tr ., strike into or take (a


fid) titt-fdfleithett, ichltd) tin, e111=

geithlid nn,withL, steal into.

e1ttfthl11h, pret. qf einfchleithcn.

ein—fingen, fang 1 111, e1ngeiunge11,tn , sing to sleep.

cinit, adu , once , once upon a

tim e , som e day.

e111-fttdet1, sep . tr ., stick ih, put

in o n e’s pocket.

fid) ein-ftellett, sep ., make o n e ’s ap

pearan ce .

ein-tuttatn, sep. tr ., dance to sle ep.

ein-tunthttt, sep . in tr ., plunge ih,sink.

eintraten, pret. of 1 11111 1 11 11 .

ein-treteu ttat tttt, etngetreten,

in tr .with f., tread ih, step ih,en te r.

eln- tniegttt, sep. tr ., rockto sleep.

ein-wiutgeu, sep . m tr . , consen t to ,

agree . From 281111 .elnaeltt, adj, single , isolated.

1 1115 13, aaji ., only , one , single .

11118, 4 6, ice .

6 111 11, 1111 8, 4 , iron .

(5 111 1145 111 , b1e,w., iron door .

1 11-m t, adj” iron .

cif- ig, adj, icy.


eltnb, m ise rable ,‘wre tched

(Elenbet lwretchl(Elf, bet ,w., elf.

(Elle, bte,w., ell, cub it ; yard.

Giteru, plan , parents. Compar .

of 11 11, old . [E lders.]euth n ti bef or e f., 6] assim il

ation in sep . unat t en ted p r efix .

euthfanb, pret. of empfinben.

euth- fattgttt, empfing, empfangcn,tr ., rece ive .

euth-flubett, tmpfanb, cmpftmbcn,tr ., fe el.

1 1111111113, pr et. of cmpfangen.

cathu", adv. an d sep . accen ted

pr efix , up, upward.

empor’-hlide11, sep. in tr ., lo ok up.


m t, tr ., rouse to indigna

tion .

emhof -hulteu, hielt empot , emporgehalten, tr ., hold up.

emf-is, assiduous, diligen t.

Gabe, baa, 4 ,—11, end ; 11 111

finally, at last ; 311 fain, beall gone .

enb- 1gett, tr . an d in tr ., end, huish.

1 1111- 11111, adu , finally, at last.

From (311 111 , end .

(Saga,bet , 4 , angel.

ent in sep. unat t en ted prefixwiththe f orce qf fo rth, from , out,

away, or den oting o r igin , b egin

n ing, rem oval, deprivatio n .

(int-hehr -nug, btc,w., privatio n .

past par t. of entbtens


ent—hrenneu, enthranntt , enthrannt,in tr . withf., begin to burn , be

com e inflam ed.


9111- 5 815811, ix , discover, reveal.

(5 111- 5 2641110, hit, discove ry.

tttt- im ten, tr ., remove , ke ep ofi ;

fid) move away, depar t.From fern, far.

eut-fm t, part. 4491, distant.

(5 111 -11 1 114 113, hit, distance .

81 1 11, far .

ent-fuehett, entfloh, entflohen, in tr .withf., flee away, escape , run

cut- gegett, prep. with pr ecedingdat., against, toward, to m e e t ;

sep. accen ted prefix .

ent-aegtn-hliheu, sep. in tr . with

dat. of pers., flashtoward.


ge-febt, part. tut]; Oppo

site .

ettt-aegen-tnmtttett, tam entgegen,

cntgegengelommen, in tr . with i.and dat. qf


pe rs., come to m e e t.

Cltt-fltfltlt-wil’fcu, sep . in tr ., work

against, react.

81114 2311211, ir . amt in tr ., gainsay,reply.

eut-gehett, entging, tntgangen,

in tr .withL, escape .

fid) eut-halten, 1 1115 11 11, enthalten(with. gem ), abstain from .

cnthufiafiftifth, awl, enthusiastic.

cnt-legett, atti , rem o te , se cluded ;

lit., lying far o ff.

(5 111 bit, w., compen

cation .

ent-ftheibett, tn , decide .

entfthiebett,pastpart. of entftheiben.

fit!) ent-fthliefien, entfchlofs, 1 111s


en, resolve , make up o ne’s

m ind.

1 5 1

cut-Mlnfleu, part. de te r

m ined.

Gut-fdflufi, bet, ~ fies, - id)Iitfic, re

solution . From cntfcbliefien.

Gut-fdmlb—ig-ung, hie, w., excuse ,

pardon .

Gut-feeeu, bafi, ho rro r , terro r.

eut 4412, ho rrible , te r

rible .

ent-feet, part. ac}; frightened,dismayed.

eut-itchen, entflaub, cntftanben, ir .withL, arise .

eutftaub, pm . of entftebm.

eutfiwei', adm, in two ; in

1 be ing excresceri t).

eut-ameiflfpriugeu, fprang entamei,entgmetgcipwngen, spring or

b reak in two.

er, om , he .

cv inn ) . anaccen ted pr efix , akin

to ans, out from ; in ten sifies Me

m ean ing of tlze verb or add: to

it Me idea qf'

origi n , beg in n ing ,tran sition , completion , success.

”4111 11211, build, e rect.(91 5 2, her, he ir.

cv-bebeu, inm , trem ble , shake.fid) er-bietm , erbot, erboten, o ffe r

(one ’s se lf).er -bucen, tr ., catch sight of, se e .

crlmt, f r et. of erbieten.

Grh—ftfld, bafi, ~ e, he irloom .

(531 5 0, bit,w. , earth, ground.

er-bent-lid), £1471, conceivable.From beaten.

6 1311 bit ,w., te rrestrialglobe .

Gr- eig-nié, baa,

- ffe8, - fie, event,occurrence .


er-fahreu, erfuhr, erfabren, ta , ex

pe r ience , learn , find out.

cv-fabreu, part. adj” expe rienced .

Qr -fabr -uug, Me, expe rience .

cv—finbeu, etfanb, etfunbeu, ir .,

find out, inven t.

(sr-finb-uug, hie,w., inven tion .

(5314013, bet , - e, suc ten, tn , please , gratify ; er,fteut (fiber), pleased, delighted.

cr-ffiuen, ir ., fulfil ; fid) com e

true, b e fulfilled .

Gr-ffiu-uug, hie, w., fulfilment ;

in geben, com e true .

ergangen, pastpar t. qf'



gebeu, a ging, ergangen, in tr .

wit}: L, go fo rth; eG ergebt 11111 ,I fare .


geeen, see erg'


erging, pm“. of ergeben.

fid) et -

gfibeu, enjoy one’s self.

cr—greifm ,ergrifi, crgrifien, tn ,

gripe , se ize , take .

crgrifi, pref. of ergteifen.

cr-balten, etbieIt, etbalten, tn , te

ce ive , obtain, prese rve , ke ep ;fit!) 001 , prese rve on es


from .

er-beben, erhob, erhoben, tn , heave

up, raise ; fid) rise .

et -beueu (ans), in tr a, appear, b ecome eviden t (from ).

ethic“, pm . qf erhalten.

erhob, pret. qf'


erboben, pastpart. qf erbeben

fid) er -twmt, t (an witlz tn ,

rem ind ; ftd) remember.

Qr - iuuer-ung, Ne, w., remem

b rance , recollection.

cv-feuneu, ertannte, ertannt, tr . and


uir .,recogn ize, know, discern ,

perce ive , se e , discove fliireu, in , make clear, explain ;declare . From flat, clear .

(Er- flfir -uug, bit, w., explanation .

See “mite“.cv- fiiuft-elu, fe ign, affect. F romfinnft, art.

er-Iafieu, ertiefi, erlafien, tn , let go ,

rem it.

er- Iaubm (witfi pe rmit.

erIiefg, pref. of etIafl'


er-lfifdyen, crIoid), erIoiQen, in tr .

wz’tkL, be extinguished, go out.

214“C11, tu , loose , de live r, releas e .

(Er- ifif-er, bet ,—6, delive re r .

er-matten, in tr .witfi L, growtiredor weary.

Graft, bet ,—e8, earnestness, gravity ; £6 ift 11111 I am in ear

nest.craft, aayl, earnest, se rious ; stern .

eruft—baft, aaff., earnest, grave .

eruft acyl, earnest ; adu , in

good earn est.m um ,

tn , grow, gathe, ln , excite, cause , arouse.

(Sr - teg-ung, hie,w., excitem en t.

er- reidyen, tn , reach.

er- ridyten, tu , se t upright, e rect.

sr—faufen, erioff, erioficn, in truwitfiL, be drown ed.

er- ifiufeu, ir ., drown .

er-fdyauen, ericbofi, ericbonm (arz'

n tr . i resound .

1 5 4

fallen, tn , fell.

faIfd), aq’

fl, false .


lie, bie, w., family . F rom

Lat. fam il ia.

fanb, pm . of finben.

fangen, flag, gefangen, catch, capture . Cf . fang .

811 1 112, Me, color.8116, bafi, 4126, gfifiet, vat, barrel.From fafien, hold.

fafleu, ir ., se ize , grasp, hold, take ;fid) collecton e

’s self, reco ve r ;

fid) 2111 ©erg take heart.

gamma, bit, com po sure ; 21112111

bie rauben, put o ne out o f

coun tenan ce , disconce rt o n e .

faft, adu , almost.

font, adj , lazy.

811 1111, bit, 8611112, fist, hand .

{vanit-dyen, bus, - 8, dm tz'

n . qgauft ; ftd) 1118 gfiuftd nn Iacben,laughin on e

’s sle eve .

fedmu, fodyt, gefochten, z'

uir . , fight,fence .

gemter -pnfitur, bie, w., fen cing

posture , guard.

8211111 111111, bie, 4 1mm, o f

fen cing, fen cing.

825 21 , bit,w., feather, pe n

$eber-balt-et , bet , —3,holder .

825 21412111,M6, 4 8, plumage .

[Feather ! clothing .]

f2b1211 , t’

rttr . , fail, be m issing.

f2121 - iid), adj, solemn .


11, ir ., celeb rate . [flg- tre e .

fieigeu-baum,bet , —biiume,

f2111, ad/Z, fine , pretty, delicate,dain ty.


821111 , 1121 , —e, enemy, oppo nen t. [Fiend .]

821115 111,Me, - 11211, (female) en emy.

[Fiend .]84211 , MB, —21 , field .

$218, bet , - ien, —ien, ro ck; lesscomm on Man {521m8211231, bet, - 8, rock.

{relfeu- rifi, baa, - e, rocky

3211211- 1011113, 1112, 4 11611112, rockywall.82111122, baé, - B, window. (Lat.fin estrm]


11, atg/Z, far, distant.

321 112, bit,w., fat ness, distan ce .

fert- ia, aay” ready ; merbenmtt,

get along with. From $05 1 1,ffibrtig, ready to start.


2111 , tn , fetter ; keep spell


feit, fast, firm , solid.

?yeftfl efana. her, - ifinoe.festal song.

feftuabm, pm . of feftuebmen.

feit 11211111211, feftnabm, fcftgenoms

111211, tn , se ize, arrest.


t, aq’fi, fat.

“111111, aci fi, m o ist, damp.

feudyt-ner -llfirt, tran sfigured bym o isture ; has feucht-oet -Hfitte

8 111 11, the m o ist transfigured


getter, baa, - 6, fire .


gott, her, 4 6, god of fire .

{vener- idyeiu, bet , —6, light of a



aeug, baa,~ e, tinde r



0 8111112, hie,w., pin e .

811111211- 1111 11111, bet, —baume,pin e - tree .

fici, fielen, pr et. qf'


hie,w., figure .

11111 211, fanb, gefunben, tr ., find,m ee twith.

8110 -21 , bet ,—6, finder .

finh- is, adj, ingen ious, cleve r.

From fiubcn, find in ven t.

8111321 , bet , - 6, finger.

{1111121 3 d eifi, dark.

811112, bit,w., feint.

her, - 28,- e, fish.

8ii111-21 , bet, —6, fisherman .

8113 1- 12111, MG, - 8, dimm . if

flatf21 11, in ir ., flicker .

8111 1111112, hie,w., flame .

flammeu, in tr ., flame , burn


811111 112, bic,w., flask, bo ttle .

flattern, in”.withL, flutter .

fledmu, floét, geflocbten, ir ., plait,


112111 11 ir ., implo re .

baa,- es, flesh, m eat.

fleifi- ig, aafi” in dustrious , diligen t.

811232, bie,w., fly .

fli2g211, flog, gtflogen, in tr .withL,fly .

flob, geflohen, in tr .withL,

flicfieu, flof}, geflofien, in tr .withL,flow.

3 111112, bie,w., musket. [Flint ]

1 5 5

flofi, f ret. of ffiefsen.

bit, w., flight. From


811134 1, bet , —1 , wing. Cf .

fliegen, 81113, aight.

81113- 12111 (f r om iglfigellein), 11116,—B, dim in . of 8111321.

81111 , bit,w., plain , fie lds .

8111fi, 1121 , 4126, 8111111 , rive r.

From the stem of fliefgcn, flow.


3011, her, —28, rive r

god .

8111fi- 13- f211, bic,w., fluid, liquid.

81111, hie,w., flood ,wate r, waves ;tide .

fodyteu, pm . of fednen.

80132,hie,w., sequel consequen ce ;

in bet subsequen tly, afte r


fn13211, with dat. an d L, follow,obey ; respond to (an in vitap


8011111 112, bit,w., fountain , jet.

f01 b21 11, tr ., demand.

801 1121 41113, hie,w., demand.

f01 111211 , in , form ,shape .

fntt, adv. an d up . accen ted prefix ,

forth; on , con tin uously ; o ff,


701 11 1 3 111112, pm . of fortbrenuen.

iott- 111 2111te11, brannte fort, fortgebrannt, in tr ., con tinue to burn .

fort-crben, in tr ., be handed downor descend (by inhe ritan ce ).

fort-fa111 2n, fubr fort, fortgefabren,in tr ., co n tinue , proce ed.

iott-flie3211 , flog fort, fortgeflogen,itttr .withf., fly away.

1111 141111 211, sep . tr ., take along.


fofl -

gcbeu, sing fort, fortgegangcn,intr .wit}: L, go away.


gingen, pm . of fottgeben.

fid) fort-madyen, sep .,m ake o ff,

take one ’s self away.

fort- reifzeu, 1 1f3 fort, fortgerifien,tn , carry along.

fnrt- reiten, ritt fort, fortgeritten,intr .wit]: L, ride away.

fntt-feteu, sep . ir . , continue.

fo1 t- 111313111, sep . ix ,roll along.

fnrt-aieben, 303 fort, fortgeaogen,tn , drag or pull along.

3 1 1131 , bie, questio n .

f1 113 1 11, tn , ask, inquire.

has, —8, France .


i- iid), aaf/l, French. From(

61 0113011 , Fren chman .

f1 af1, f ret. of frefien.

5 1 1111, bit,w. , lady, m istress, M rs.,

woman ,wife .

3 1 161- 111 11, Me, barefacedness,

insolence .

f1 1 1, any; free , at large .

81 1 111,—B, Freyja, Teuton icgoddes:of y outfi an d beauqy.

81 1 11 1 5 431 1 11, hie,w., libe rality.

81 1 1- 5 1 11, bit,w., freedom ,libe rty.

f1 el11b, adj, strange .

81 1 111b n oun inflected as adj,

strange r.

3 1 1 111111 , big fo re ign country ; (1 116bet from abroad .


eu, ftafs, gefrefi'

en, ta , eat

(said of animals) ; fid) 1 011stufi one

’s self full.

81 1 11111 , bit,w., joy, pleasure .

f1 1 111 1 -ft1 111111 11b, par t. adj, beam


ft eub- 1g, 114/Z, joyful, joyous.

fre11e1t, tn , make glad, pleas e ;fid) be glad, rejoice.81 1 111111, bet , —e, friend ;

1 111 non, fond of.

81 1 111111 111, bte,- 1te11 , (female)

friend .

freunb- Iid), 11492, friendly , kind.

31 1 11 111 11, bet , —8, peace.- 1


friere11, fret , gefroren, 1‘

n tr ., feel

cold ; zmperan , 16 fr1ett Ifeel cold.

ft ifd), fresh, lively, gay,

m e rry.

ft ob, adj., glad, joyful, happy.

f1 31J joyful, che e rful,happyf1 0111111 , 11471, pious, brave .

81 111111, bie, fruit.

f1 111), adj. an d adu ,early ; 1110191 11

to -m o rrowmorning ; ft iibet,soo n e r .

81 115 - 11113, bet ,—6, spring.

81 1111- 111198- 111 11, bafl, song

o f spring.

“111111111 11, tn , breakfast.


5 1 11- is, adu , early, be times.

8111118, her, - 1 8, game, fox.

{id}“11111 11 , feel.811111 11111 11, has, 4161 111 1 ,

f11111 1 11, tu , lead, co nduct, take ;carry o n ; einen ©1013 make

a thrust. 811111 1 1 , D1 1 , guide.f11111 11, tn , au.

ffinf, mum , five .

f1111f- 11 , bet, bie, bafi, mam , fifth.

fi11ti- 111111 mam , twentyfive .


ftd) 314111131 11, have patien ce ,wait(patien tly).

3 1 1 13111 1, part. ac}; suitable .

6 1411111 , bie,w., dange r .

(1412, dange rous. From6 1711 111 .

6 14611141 , bet ,w., com rade , com

pan ion . From fabren, travel.3 1411 111 11, gefiel, 3 1fau1 11 , er 3 1fiillt,wit}: dat , please ; lit., fall in(withone ’s taste).

6 1411111 11, 111 1 ,—6, pleasure , favo r ;finben an, take a fancy to .

3 1ffiut, pr es. cf gefallen.

3 1—fa1131 11, past par t. of fangen ;

111 11111 1 11 , se ize .

6 14671, ha ,—1 8, —1 , vessel. From


ett, hold.

3 1411131 11, pastpart. of 311 31 11 .

3 141 1 31 11, pastpar t. of frefien.

31-f1111111 11, po stpart. of finben.

3 1 31 111 11, po stpa r t. 4 3 1 5 1 ep. wit}: aux, again st,

toward, to .

6 1 31 114111111 , 111 1 , 416111 1 ,object.

31 31 11411 11 1 5 prep.wit}: dat , usuallyplaced af ter 111 : n oun , opposite ,over against.

31 3131 11, past. par t. of efien.

bet,—6, oppon en t.

3 1411 1111 , “ 91 , secre t, private . From©1 111»home .

6 1411 11114118, bafi,—fl


18,- fi


1 , secret.

See 31 5 1 1111.

31- 111 1111

- 1118- 11011, mysterious.

See 3131 1111 .

31411 1711 11, pastpan'. of 111 131 11.

3 1 111 11, 31113, 3 13111131 11, in tr . wz’tlz

f. , go, m o ve , walk, march ;impe rsq 1 8 31 111 111 11 3111, I am

we ll o ff ; 1 8 31bt 111 11: fdflecbt, Ifare ill, it goes hardwithm e .

6 1411 111, 11116, howling .

6 e41fife, bet ,w., assistan t. F rom

beIfen, help .

113 8, - 1 , b rain .

6 14131 , D116, audience . Fro”:

115 1 1 11 , hear .

31415 1 1 11, in tr .wit}: dat., belong to .

6 1 1f1 1’

, bet ,—6, foam .

6 1 1ft, her, - 16, m ind ; ghost.

3140111111 1 11, pastpart. qf 10111 111 1111 .3141 111111 11, pastpart. qf 11 11 1111 11.

6 14611111 1 , 1111 8, 4 , laughte r . From1361 11, laugh.

31411111 11, postpar t. of 1111 1 11.

31411 1131 11, in tr . with i com e or

ge t to , arrive at.

6 1461111 , 1 111 ,—8, ringing of bells ;

chime ; poet , harm o n ies .

6 1 111, bafi,—1 1 , m on ey. Cf .

3 1I11 11, be wo rth.

6 1 04111111111 , hie, w., sum o f

m o n ey.

6 141 31 11411 11, b11 ,w., opportun ity.

6 141 111 1 n oun declin ed a:

learn ed man , scholar . From1131 1 11 , teach.

31411 111, par t. aayi, beloved, dear.6 1411 5 1 n oun declin ed as aab


on e beloved .

3 1411131 11, 3 1111113, 3 1 111 113111, in tr .

wit}: f. an d dat., succeed ; 18 31 :111131 111 11 , I succeed.

6 141113 1 11, baé, - 8, success.

31 111 1111, part. auyz, loud, piercing.

From 31 111 11, yell.


31 11 111 11, vow, prom ise .

31 111 11 , 33 11, 31 3 1 111 11 , 1 1 3111, imba,

be worth; 11111 16 have no

curren cy, no hon o r ; 11 3 6 3111 1 11

51131 111 ? what shallthewage r b e ?3 1 111 111 1113 11 1 11, m ain tain , urge ;16 3111 11 11 , it is (m eant) fo rm e .

1 36,- mlid)er, room ,

chambe r , apartm en t.6 1 4113 111, 1 1 1 ,

—1 , husband.

6 1 4113 1 1411, 1 11 , —111 11,wife .

31 4111 111, cap; common .

(81 411111, 1 3 6, 4 111111 1 , mood ;soul, spirit.

31413 11 , 0411, exact, accurate ,distin ct.

6 1413 114341 11, 111 ,w., exactn ess.

31 41 1 131, part. 11 1192, frien dly,we lldisposed. From 11 1 131 11, inclin e .

31411 11113 1 11, pastpart. of 111 11 1 1 1 .

3141113, adu , enough.

31 4 3 1 1 , adu , just.

6 1 4 3 1111 , 1 36, 4 , creepe rs.

3 1 4 3 11 11, 31 1 11 1, 31 1 3 11 11 , z‘

n tr .witfiL, ge t into ; 111 3 01 11 becomegry, fly in to a passion .

6 1 - 1 31-fd13 f1, 1 11 ,w., instrum en t.

31 4 11 1, pm . of 31 1 3 11 11 .

31 4 1113, small, scanty.

3 1- 1 ifi1 11, pastpan

'. of 1 1 131 11.

1 1 1 ,w., (ancient) Ger

31 1 11 (111 1 1 1 , 3 111 adu ,

willingly, fain , gladly, readily.

(3 1 131 1143 11 , 1 1 1 , barley

wate r .

6 1 4 111111 , 1 3 8,—1 , rum o r.

31- 1 11f1 11, po stpart. of r11fc11 .

1 09

Gc-rfift, baa, - e, scaffold

(fo r seats).(8c-faubt n oun inflected as aafj.,am bassador. From imbeu,send .

Ge-fang, bet , 461199 song,singing .

Gc-idyfift, baa, - e, business.

ge-fdyfift-tu, aafj., busy.

ae-fdwh.M t ef seiéchen.

se-fdaebm . sewed). seid nben. z‘n tr .

witfi L, happen ; £6 geid flebt ibmtecbt, it se rves him right.

ge-fd nit, cleve r, smart.

Ge-fimtf, bafi, —e, presen t.hie, history, sto ry,

affair. From gefd ybcn, happen.

Ge-fdfld, baa, —e, fate . Fromidfiden, send.

ge-fdjidt, part. aayi , skilful.

Q&ffiitr , baé, —c, vesse

-fdytafeu, pastpar t. qf Wafen.

©C~f¢bieflmbaB, —et , lineage,descent.

Ge-fdymad, bet , - id)made,taste ; nad) feinem to his

tas te. From fdmleden, taste .

Qe- idymeibe, has, —8, trinkets,

jewelry. From fdmieben, forge.Ge-ffiofi, bae, —fi


e8,—fie, shot,

m issile . From fdfiefien, shoot.

Ge-fdyrei, baB, shouting, cry,cries. From fdmten, cry.

ge-fdminue), adj, swift, quick.

Qe-fmwinb- is- feit, bit, w., swift

ness.gefdmnmmm , po stpart. qf itbmtwmen.

gefeimt, past.par t. q)" {cheat


Ge-feue,belt, companion, fellow.

From ©aai, hall ; lzt., sharingthe sam e hall.

fid) se-feneu, associate, flo ck to

gether. From (Sjeiell.(Se-ficbt, bae, —ct , sight,face ; ein emftee madmt, lookse rious . From ieben.

Ge-finn-ung, hie,w., dispositio n .

ge-fpaunt,par t. adj, in te n se , eager.

(Se-itabe, bafi,—8, bank, sho re .

(Q&ftalt, Ne, w., shape, fo rm ,

figure .

geftanbeu, past part. of fieben or


se-ftutteu, m , pe rm it.

se—itchen, geftanb, geftanben, ih,

confess ; lit., stand up to .


ftern, adu , yesterday .

gefticgeu, pastpart. of fteigeu.

geftnbleu, pastpart. of ftebIcn.

Qe-flfibuu), baa, 4 6, groan ing:

geftnrbeu, postpart. of fterben.

(SC-fttfiutf), baé, - e, shrub

bery, shrubs.

Ge-fud), baB, - e, request.

From inchen, seek.

ge-fuub, ad); sound , healthy.

(Qe-ttabe, ha ,—6, tro tting.

gettageu, past part. qf tragm.

ge- troft, mg); confiden t, withouthesitatio n

, trustful.

ge-wadyfeu, part. (2412, made, built ;wit}: dat , grown up to , equal to .

From madficn, grow,wax.

ge-wfibm t, ta , gran t, fulfil.

0 2-b it“, bit, w., force , power,con trol.

se-waIt- is, 0 491.mighty powerful;

f am il., imm ense , prodigious,trem endous, te rrible .


d ab; fo rcible .

Ge-wauh, has, —eB, - miinber, gar

m en t, robe . From mtubcn,wind about.

ge-wedt, par t. aq

’fi, b right, quick.

From meden, awake .

se-meien, pastpart. qf fem.

®e-wieber, bafi,—B, n e ighing .

ge-winueu, gewann, gemonncu,win

, gain ; Iieb witk e t c.,

growfond o i .

ge-wifi, adj, certain , sure .

Ge-miacu, bafi,—B, conscience.Ge-wifi-beit, bit,w., ce rtain ty.

ge-wfibn- lidy, a4f., o rdinary.

se-m lmt, a4f., wont, wonted ,accustom ed.

giebft, pres. of geben.

gizht, pm . of geben.

gier- ia, adj, eage r.

citizen. M , sesofien, tn . pour.


G ift, baa, 4 8, - e, po ison ; gift.

From geben.

gift- ia, adj, po isonous.

gilt, pres. qf getten.

giug, gingen, pm . qf gaben.

(Bibffl , bet, 4 , summ it, tap,peak.

(Sitter-hcdl, bOS, ~ bfid)cr,latticed roof.

(N ana, bet,—eB, lustre .

glfinaen, in fr a, sh ine , glitte r,

gleam. From Qlam.

glfiuaeub, part. (1471, splendid,brilliant.

31a“, adj, smoo th, polished.


mnfi-mfidjt-ig, 0412, high and

mighty .

mnfi-{preda-er-tfd), adj, boasting,


grflfit super]. of

grim, green .

(Sm ith, bet , «mm , ground,bo ttom , foundation ; valley,

vale ; reason , argum en t ; aué

bcmiclbcn fo r the sam e rea

son .



fe, aafzi , tho roughly bad.

grfinben, tn , ground, found, estab

lish. From Qtunb.

Gmppe, bit,w., group, clump.

Graig, bet, —cB, (Sriifge, greeting,salute .

grfifieu, tr ., greet, salute , bow.

From (Qtufi.(8mm, bte, favo r ; 311 meinen (5 1mftca, in my favo r .

Gfirt-ci, bet , 4 , girdle .

gut, aafjl, good ; adu ,well.


Quart , baa, - e, hair.

babeu, batte, gebabt, ir ., have

Qagel-wetter, has, 4 ,

sto rm .

bulb, d ay; half .

butf, pm . qf belfen.

Qifif-te, hie,w., half.

Quilt, bit,w., hall, chamber.

Qaw, bet , - e8, $fiIie, n eck.

Qalfibaub, baa, ~ bdnbct,n ecklace .

halt, in terj, halt ! stop ! ho !whoa ! Imp” . of batten.

balteu, butt, gebaIten, bu b&(tft, ct

bfiIt, ha, hold, keep ; atop ;treat ; fid) bereit ke ep o ne


self in readiness.


l)filtft,wt, pm . qf batten.


- 6, b&mmet, lummet .

Qaub, bit, Winbe, hand.

haubeln, inn s, act.

Qanb-nnu, bie, handful.

bangeu (ar nausea) an wit}: dot ,hing, gebangen, in fr a, hang (by),be suspended.

b&ngeu, b&ngtc or bins, gebiiugt,m , hang, suspend.

Qanfi (abr idged from Sobannce,John), john ,Jack.

QfinQ-a ,- 6, dim in . qf 9um,

Johnn ie .

barren (aufwit]: aux), inm , waitfo r.

butt, hard , harsh.

fiat“, bit, hardness . F rom


Quit, ber, hare .

batten, hate .

baft-is, aq'

i., hasty.

bait, pr es. qf baben.

hatte, batten, pm . qf balm .

lfiitte, batteft, pm . m y. of babcn.

Quad), bet, - e, b reath.

Qaufem), bet , - as, heap.

bfiufeu, tn , heap, pile up. Fr omwaft.baufeu-weife, adu , by heapl , incrowds.Muf- is, adj, frequent. Front©aufe, heap.

Qauvt, bus, bfiuptet , head .


Qanpt-maft, bet, - cc,- en, main

Qaupt‘ fpafiv b “! “ est 495 69 capital fun .

Qaupt-ftabt, bte, ~ itfibtc, capital;lit., chie f city.

QuaB, bee, - c6,winter, house ;and) hom e ; 311 at hom e .

QuuB-betr, ber, master of the

house , proprie to r .

mummy baa, -e, right

inheren t in the own e rship of a

house ; fem mabreu, defe ndone

’s hom e .

fianB- thawe), N e,w., house- door,

stre e t-d oo r.

lichen, bob, gehoben, tn , heave ,raise , lift ; exalt.

Qcac, bit,w., hedge .

QC“ , bafl, 4 8,- e, army.

Qefe, Me, yeast.

beften, tn ,fasten .

beft- ig, adj, violen t, sharp.

Qeibe, bte,w. , heath.

Qeihcn- rfiB- letn, bus, 4 ,

heathtose .

beibu-tidy, heatheniah,pagan .

Qt“, bus, welfare , good ,salvation , health.

beiteu, tn , heal, cure.

betl—tg, adj , holy .

[jeint- [idh ac}; homely, secre t.

Qeiua (abn’


ed f r om Qeinttd),Henry), Hal.

fictfi, aafj., hot.

beifim , biefi, gebeifsen, m , call,

bid ; in fr a, be called ; £6 biefi,therewas a rum o r .


better, serene , cheerful.

Qettet -leit, bte, hilar ity.

Qelb, ber, he ro , champio n .

Qelbeu-bbtt, baa, blood o f

he roes.

Qelbeu-tbat, bit,w., hero ic deed ,explo it.belfeu, baIf, gebolfeu (ma



help, do good.

bell, any” b right, clear.

befl-febeub, part. ad}; clear -see ing.

Qelm, bet ,- c, helmet.

bet , adv. and sep. accen ted pr efix ,

here ,hither , thisway towardmespeake r or poin t in question



,adv. an d up. accen ted ) ”

fix , down hithe r , down , towardMe speaker or poin t in question .

berafififalleu, fie! berab, bembge

fallen, in tr .wz‘tb L, fall down .

berab’-fnmmeu, tam berab, betabo

gefommeu, in tr . wz’

tfi i., come

down .

berab’-reifieu, rtfi Imab, berabge:

ttfien, ix , tear off.

bcrab’-febeu, ial) betab, betabges

ieben, lookdown .


,adv. an d up. accen tea



fix , on hithe r, near , up to , to

ward tlze Jpeake r or poin t in

question .


fl breu, sep. tu , lead up.

beraufifommen, tam beran, beams

gefpmmcn, t’

uff . wit}: L, com e

on , approach.


,adv. and up. accen ted

pr efix , up hithe r , up, toward t/uspeake r or poin t in gua no”.


beranf-btittgen, brachte herauf,beraufgcbracbt, bring up .

herauf -fommeu, tam betauf, bet s

aufgetommen, t'

uff .wz’tb i., comeup .


,adv. an d up. accen ted

pr efix , out hithe r , out from , out,

fo rth, toward Me speake r or

poin t in question .

berauéfibtiugeu, brachte heraus,betauegebtam, tu , bring out,

get out.

berauB’-fiubeu, fanb betane, hers

auegefunben, tn , find out, dis

cove r .


geben, gab beraue,herauss t

gegeben, tn , give fo rth, resto re .


gcnommen, past part. of



mtdm ,sep . t

uff ., pe epout.

berattB’Jnmmen, tam beraufi, bet

auegefommen, in tr .withi., com eout.

bcmufi’mebmeu, nabm bea ms,

berau8genommen, tn , take out .

berau6’- ragen, sep . in fra, stickout.

beraufififdyaneu, sep . inm , look

out .

beraufififpringen, iptang beraué,beraufigeiprungen, z

n tr . wit}: L,spring or leap out.beruafi

’-treten, ttatberaue, bemuss

getreten, in tr . wit}: i. , step out

or fo rth, com e fo rward.


fiiehm , 30gheraus, berauegegogeu, tr ., pull out, draw.

ber -hei’, adv. and up . acce n ted

pr efix , this way, to the spo t,

near Me speaker or poin t in

question .

berhei’-hringeu, bu chte berbet,

berbeigebramt, tu , bring to the

spo t, fetch.

Qerbft-aeit, bie, harvest tim e , fall.

Qerb, bet, —e,hearth, labo rato ry.

Qerhe, Me, herd.



,adv. and sep. accen ted

prefix, in hithe r, ia, toward tlze

speake r or poin t in question .

bereiu’- fowmen, tam herein, hers

etngefommen, in tr .witlz i., comeln .

herein -Iafl'

eu, Itefiherein, hereingeIaffen, tn , let in .

beteiufifpriugeu, {prong herein,beretngeiprungen, z

n tr . wit}: L,spring, jump, run in .

ber-fauen (fibetwz’

tfi ficIbet ,bergefallen, fall upon , po unceupon .

Iyer-tebreu, sep. ta , turn toward(Me speake r), be refle cted.

ber- frtegen, sep . ta , ge t from .

Qer- fmtft, hie, desce n t, extraction ,b irth. From bertommmber- Ioden, up. In , allure (towardMe speaker ).

ber adu , afterwards.

Qt“ , bet,w.,maste r ; lo rd ; gentle

man ; sir , M r .

Qen —iu, hie, - ncn, m istress.

[jerr- iid), sple ndid, magn ifi

cen t, glo rious. Fromc t -fidrfeit, hit, sple ndo r,glo ry, magn ificence .

betrfdyeu, in fr a , re ign , prevail.



,adv. am! sep. accen ted

prefix , down thithe r, down ,away from the speaker or poin t

in question .

biuabfifabten, fut): binab, btnabs

gefahren, in”.withL, descend.


geheu, ging binab, binabgegangen, in tr .withi., go down ,walkdown .

binab'- Iaufen, lief binab, binabs

geiaufen, in tr .withi., run down .

binab'-fah, pret. of binabiebtn.

binab’-fdyaucn, sep. in tr ., look

down .

biuabfifcljcn, 7a!) Dinah, binabges

feben, in fr a, lookdown .

hinabfiftt igcn, ftieg binab, binabgeftiegen, in tr .withL, descend.


,adv. and sep . accen ted

prefix, up thithe r, up, awayfrom theweaker or poin t in

question .


t imt, sep. in tr . with fhasten up.

bittmf—ftcigeu, ftieg bitten, hinaus

geftiegen, in tr . with 12, rise ,



,adv. and sep. accen ted

pr efix , up thithe r, up, awayfrom the speaker or poin t in

question .

biuauffiblwcu, sep . in tr ., lookup .


1 1mm , ginghinauf, binauf=gegangen, in tr .withi.,walkup.

binanffiflettcm ,sep. in tr . withL,

climb up.

hinauf—Intrea, sep . ln , en tice up .


up. in”. withL,rowup .


hinauf-fdyaneu, sep. inm , look

hinauf—ftvtingeu, fprang hinauf,binaufgeipwngen, in tr . withL,run up.


,adv. am! up. accen ted

prefix , out hence or from in

he re , fo rth, away from the

speake r or poin t in question .

hinané'-ci[cn, sep. z


n tr . with ihasten out.


fl cbeu, ging hinaus, binsauégegangen, in tr . with i., goout, go fo rth.

bittaufififlingcu, flung butane,binauegefiungen, in tr . with L,sound fo rth, ring out.

biuauéfiteifm ,sep . in tr with L,

travel out in to , go out.

binauéfiteitcn, ritthinaus, bitumegeritten, tr ., ride out.

binau8'- tnbetu, up in tr . withL,


M Icidnu, idflid) btnaus,binauegeifiltthen, in tr . with L,steal out.

binauéfifpt ingm , intang hinaus,binauegeiprungen, in”. with L,Spring, jump, run out.


mauberu, sep. in tr .withL,walkOut.Qinbet -nié, baa, - fie6, - fie, hindrance , obstacle . [girL

$ iubu—mfibdycn,bae, - s,—


bitt adv. an d up . accen ted

p refix, through.


gebeu, gtng btabura),binburcbgegangen, ihtr . with L,go through.



,adv. and sep. accen ted

pr efix , into, tu.

bintia'-blafm ,

bites btnein,hintins

gebiafcn, itttn , blowinto.

binein’-fabren, fab: btnein,hinein

gtfabten, in tr . withL, ge t in ,in to .

hinein’-fulleu, fie! btnetn, niacin ;

gefullen, in tr .withf., fall ih.

biucid -

geben, gins binetn, binein=

gcgangcn, in tr .withi., go ih.


gethan,pastpart. qfhintin s


tinciufigrcifeu, grifibinein, btnetm

gtgrifieu, put on e’s hand into,

fiincid -rafieu, sep. tr ., sweep into.

fiinciufircmteu, rannte hinein,btncingerannt, in tr . withL, runin .

11W {djlfifien' up. intr .withL,slip ih.

fiheN -fmingcu, {pram binein,

bineingeipmugeu, itttr . with L,spring or run in .

fiiueiw-tljuu, that hinein, hinetmgetban, tr ., put tu.

Ijin-fallen, fie! bin, btngefauen,in tr .withL, fall down .

hin-hicaca, flog bin, btngeflogen,in tr .withh, fly (to a place), flyalong, speed along.

biu-ffihm t, up. tr ., lead (to a

bias, pr et. qfhangar.hingehmmeu, past part. qf bin:tommatt.


gletten, stitt bin, bingeglitten,

(also in tr .withL, glide alo ng.

hiu-hmttueu, ram bin, bingetommen, com or go to (a place).

Ijiu- [fittg-fid), suflicien t. From

binlangctt, reach the desired

po in t.biu- tetdyea, sep. in tr ., reach thedesired po in t, suflice .

biu-fiufeu, fan! bin, bingefunten,in tr .withh, sinkdown .

bitt-ftcucu, sep . tr ., put down .

hinten, adm , behind .

hint” ,prep. withdat. or at : be

hind , afte r ; sep. and in sep.

prefix, accen ted and unaccm ted.

Qintet -beht, baa, - e, hindleg.

Qintet - ia bet,- cs,

- fiif3e, hindfoot.

hinttt -Iafi’

eu, binteriiefi, hint “:Iafien, tr ., leave behind .

flitt- tm’

tcr, adv. an d sep . accen ted

prefix, down thithe r, down ;

away from the speaher or poin t

in question .


tct -flicgm , flog fitm mtet,biuuntergeflogen, in tr . with L,fly down .


,adv. and sep. accen ted

pr efix, away .

hiuwcgflfdymimmm , {cbmamm binmeg, btnmeggcifimommen, in tr .

withL, swim away .

bar, 4 8,- e, hart, stag.

Qift, bet ,w.,herdsman , shephe rd.

bod) (bfibet , 5 36m),when inflected,bob auf/l, high, lofty, great ;hie babe Gee, the open sea ; bod)Iebe long live I (1qbfidfite, extremely.




, part. aahl, highlyblessed.

body-ct -freut’

, part. highlyp leased, delighted.

bfidrfid), adu , highly, greatly.

From bod).Qody-mut, bet, haughtin ess,pride .

body-miit- ig, an} , haughty, proud.

ljfldjft, adu , in the highest degre e ,extrem ely, exceedingly. Superl.ef bod).

Qotb-acitQ-mahl, baa, —e and- mfib1et ,wedding- feast.

Q”: bet, ©af¢t court, Yard:farm .

Qof-bamc, bte,w., lady inwaiting.

bofitn, tr . and in tr ., hape .

Qofin-uug, bit,w., hOpe .

bofitt-mm-b é, aux, hopeless.

bofin-mm-bou, aq’i., hopeful,

prom ising.

ljfif- lid), adj, polite, courteous.

From Qof, court.Qof-matfdyan, bet , —6 or

knight marshal].

fin} ,see bod).btc,w., height, hill; high

ness, lo ftiness ; in bie up,

upward, into the air ; in bi:

fteigeu, ascend ; rear.

gable, bit,w., hole , cave .

Quint, bet, sco rn , de rision ;

mic311m$obne, as if in de rision .

[pfihtt- iid), aq’fl, scom ful.bulb, aayi, lovely, sweet.1mm ,

tr ., fe tch, get, bring ; haul.


bet -baum,btr,- bfiume,

elder- tree .


ho rseshoe.

fiomu'hec-am ig, btr, 4 ,

elde r-branch.

$ 015 , baa, 4 6, wood.[Holt ]

fifila-dmt,has, 4 , b it o fwood,splinter. D im in . of «6013.

06134 11 1, ad}; wooden . From

cutte r (hewer o fwood).Qolfitufl, bet, - ftt

ille,woodshed .

$ 015 ”film: bu t“ (e)31

wooden stool, chair.

bounce , in tr ., hearken , listen .

harm ,tr ., hear .

Qu it, bee, Writer, horn .

bfibfda (com m from biiftid).co urtlike), cabl, pretty, nice ;lfibi, n ice and cool.

fiat, bet , 4 ,hoof.

a -cifeu, baa, 4 ,


mct, bet, 4 , hill.

QuIb- ig-mtg, bit,w., homage .

finnb, bet, 4 , dog, hound .

Qitah—dyen, bus, 4 , little dog.

D im itt . of em .

muted ,bus, 4 , 4 , hundred .

bunbett, m m , hundred .

Quintet , bet , 4 , hunger ; grofictt

baben, be very hungry.

bungr- ig, awl, hungry .

lyiivfeu, in tr ., hop, leap, jump.

Qut, bet , bate, hat.

fi tte r, bet , 4 , guard, ke epe r.Qnt-ttenwe, hie, w., b rim o f the


finmir, 4 ,Hymer, nam e efagiantin Teuton ic mytholog .


ieu Genet, iene, imte), dem on str .

d ay. an d pr om , yon , that, that

o n e ; the fo rm e r .

icn-feité, adu , on the othe r side ,beyond.

ieQ- ig, aah; presen t. From iebt.iebt, adu , now.


niB-mfim dyen, has, 4 ,

glow-worm .

iubelu, in tr ., exult, cry withexultation.

Sugeuh, hie, youth.

inns (iiinger, ifinsft), aah, young

Sttttg n am e declin ed a: mill, baB,

young of an imals.

Sung-frau, bit,w., maiden .

mingling, bet, 4 , 4 , youngm an , youth. [Youngling .]

ifiugft, adu ,lately, recen tly.

Super ]. of young .

Suwel', bee, 4 a, jewel.Ii

Rafa , bet, 4 , chafer, beetle ,bug.

Qfif- ig, bet,4 , 4 , cage . From L at.cavea.

tel;l, 0412, callow; barren .

Quint, bet, Q&bne, skiff,boat

Ruifer, bet, 4 , empero r . Fromtau, adj, cold. [Lat Caesar .

lam,tamen, pret. qf tommen.


,bet ,w.

, comrade . FromI tal. cam e ra, chambe r ; lit.,

shar ing the sam e room . Cf .


9amin’-fim§, bet, 4 8, 4 ,


telpiece .

prison ,

3 m m, bet, Q&mme, comb


immeu, tr ., comb .

Remain , bit,w., chamber, room .

Rampf, bet, fifimpfe, com bat,struggle . [Camp .]

litmttfeu, itttr ., fight, eo n tend,struggle . From fiowpi.

Rfimpf—et, bet , 4 , champion .

Rampf(e§)- Inft, hie, desire for


taint, tannft, pr es. of tfinnen.taunte, f r et. of taxman.


ueu-se-htim, baa, roar

ing of cannon .

RanaI-er, bet , 4 , chancellor .

Refit , bit,w., chest, till, treasury.

flabe, bit,w., cat.

Rabeu-bt ei, bet, 4 , cat’s

po rridge .

tuufeu, tr ., buy.

Ranf- Ieute, see fiaufmamt.Rauf-maun, bet, - tcute,m erchan t. [Chapman ]

Rauf-mauuS-luheu, bet, 4 ,- Ifibcu

and - Iaben, me rchan t’s shop.

taunt, adu , scarcely, hardly.

bit,w. , throat.

teiu, indef . adj, no , no t any.


,adw, noways, by

n o m eans.

field), bet , - e, chalyx, cup.

React , bet, 4 , cellar .

lemm i , tannte, getannt, tr ., know.[Km ]

Gert“, bet, 4 ,

career .

Retl, bet , 4 ,fellow; churl;

eitt ganget a capital fellow.

Rem , bet, 4 , kernel.


Qem, N e,w., chain . From L at.

cate na.

fetten, tr ., chain .

Qinb, bee, 4 r, child.

Rina, has, 4 , chin .

Ritd n,‘

bie,w., church.

Rita”, bit,w., cherry . From Lat.Rifle», bus, 4 , cushion .

fibeltt, tr ., tickle .

Rlagc, bit, w.,complain t, griev

ance , suit.

Qiage- Iieb, bafl,

- et , song of

lam ent, dirge .

flageu, in tr a, complain , lodge a

complaint.flagmh, part. ady; m oum ful.

flfig- Iidj, 0 491, plain tive , lam en

table . From Hagen, lam en t.

“at, d ay” clear , e vide n t;

flatfdycn, in tr ., clap ; in bit banbeclap on e

’s hands.

QIcib, bus, 4 r , dress, gar

m en t ; plum, clothes.

neihen, tr ., clothe , dress.

R ieihet -fdyrattt, bet , - id)riins

te, clothes-press,wardrobe .

mitt, aah; small, little, trifling ;

o rig., clean , n eat, fine .

Qleitt-oh, bee, 4 and —ieu,

jewel, gem . From flein in its

origi nal m ean ing of n eat, fin e .

fltttet‘tt, in tr ., climb .

Qliuge, bit,w., blade .

ffiugcu, in tm,sound , ring, clink.

flirtett, in tr ., clink, clatte r , rattle ,

jingle .

flopfeu, in tr ., beat ; clap .

flag, act]; cleve r , shrewd ,wise .

Quaint, bet ,w., boy, lad . [Knave .]

1 71

funden, tr ., crack, knack.

Rucdfi, bet , 4 , se rvan t,

man . [Kn ight ]Ruiz, bee, knee .

btitfd ntt, t’

tttr ., mutte r betweenone

’s te e th.

bet , 4 ,cudgel.

Rod), bet , 96d”, cook.

loami , tr ., cook.

9 31m,bet , 4 ,


9001, bet , cabbage , cole

Qouet , bet, 4 ,double t.

tom- ifd), aah; comical.


bo, has, 4 , 4 , com

mand .

tommcu, tam, getommen, in tr .withL, come , ge t ; mieber 311 fid)recove r (o n e

’s spirits) ; babe:

tommt te, hen ce it is.


,bee, 4 , com


,bit, w., composi


Rania, bet, 4 , 4 , king.

ffittig-fid), aah; kingly, royal.

RfinigB-mautcl, bet, 4 ,

- miintel,king

’s mantle .

tfiuuc, pr es. saw: qf tonnen .

fiimm t, tonate, getonnt, id) tam ,

tr ., be able to do a thing ; m od.

aux ., can , be able , may.

founte, pret. qf i’


ffiuntc, f’


tmteft, iiitmten, pr et. subj.

qf tiinnen.

Roof, bet , mph, head.

Qopi—aiden, has, 4 ,n od o f the

head, n odding.

lollf- il'het , adu , head ove r he els.

90th, bet , fifit‘

be, baske t.

1 72

fifirbdyeu, bus, 4 ,little bas

ke t. D im in . qf fiorb.

9 0113- 3 011, bet, baske tful.

Qfirpct -dyen, has, 4 ,dim in . of

fibrper, body. [Corpse .]Rfiwcr-traft, bie, strength of


Qoft, hie, food, board.

toft—bar, aah; costly , precious,magn ificent.

lofteu, i tttr . , cost.

ffift aah; costly , precious.

From loftetl.Rraft, bit, Qriifte, fo rce , strength,powe r, virtue . [Craft ]

ftfift—ig, adj,stro ng, vigo rous.

From fitaft.

Rrfimer, bet , 4 ,

shopke epe r .

hunt, adj , sick, ill. [Crank]maut-cit, bit, w., illn ess, dis

ease .

b ane, 0 491, tangled.


, bit,w., creature , be ing.

fire”, her, 4 8, 4 , crab .

mete, belt, 4 8, 4 , circle .

heifett, in tr ., circle . From fireifi.

M etbcu, trod), gettod nn, in tr .,


mica, bet, 4 ,war .

R t ifié, bit, Strifen, crisis.

frit- ifd), acyl, critical, ticklish.

fwd), pr et. of friecben.

fi nite, bit,w., crown .

frumm,adj, crooked.

a ftall'

,bet or baa, 4 ,


Qubiffiwutaet, bit, - n, cube

roo t.

tradesman ,


Babe, hie, refreshm en t, solace .

fid) Iaben, refresho ne’s self.

[fidj-eltt, in tr a , sm ile .

[adieu (fiber with in tr ,


Iiidi-cr- Iid), aahi , laughable , ridioulous, ludicrous.

2:1t ,belt, 4 8, 4 , salmon .

M d”, bit,w., kitchen ; co oking.

fifidjcu-mciftcr, bet, 4 , master

cook, steward.

Quad , bit,w. , bulle t, ball.

ffilfl, cool.

0 491, bo ld, daring. [Keem]Qammer, bet , 4 , grief, so rrow,trouble . [Cumben ]

fiunhe, bit, in telligen ce , n ews,tidings. From the stem of tens

next, ken.

fiiuft- ig, atgl, future , coming.

From the stem of tommen.

Quuft, bit, fifinfte, art, skill. Fromthe stem of ffitmett.

funft-noll, 0 492, artistical.

Rapier, has, 4 , copper .

Quppd ,hie,w., cupola.

Qat -fiitft, bet ,w., electo ral prince:electo r. Qurf rom ffiten or ties

fen, choose .

fur- ie’

t ta, tr . , cure .

furs (timer, titraeft), adj, curt,sho rt ; adu , in sho rt.

ffit‘a- Iid), adu , recen tly. From

hita.Ruta-wcil, bie, pastim e ; {cinetreibett, am use o ne

’s self.

ffifiett, tr ., kiss .


8mm,hie,w., lark.

Iefcn, Iae, geleien, m , read.

Iebt, adj, last .

IcQt-cre, bet, bie, bus, the latter .

Ieutbtenb, par t. adj, giving light,lum in ous, shin ing, gleaming.

fin ite, plum, people , m e n .

Segifnn, bus, 4 , 4 a, lexicon .


nc, bit,w., liana.

Sim, baa, 4 r, light.

Iitbt, d ay” light, b right.

fid) litbteu, growlight.

Iieb, adj, beloved, dear ; blessed

gemitmen, growfond o f ; ee

iffmi: I am glad of it.

fiiebc, bit, love .

lichen, ir ., love .

Siebeé-bitait, bet , 4 , act o f

kindn ess or love .

Siebefi-fpcnbc, bit, w., token of

love . [afl'

ectio nate .

Iiebe- noll, adj., full o f love , loving,Sieb-bab- ct , her, 4 ,

lover .

Iicb- Iid), ad}; lovely , sweet.sieb-littgé

-bidjt- et

,bet, 4 ,

favo rite po e t.‘icbftn (1 491, supe r]. qf iich, dearest bie $tebfte, swe e theart,love ; id) mbdne am Iiebften

(superl. of gem), I should likeb est.

fifth, bafi, 4 13, song, strain ,


Eieb-dyen, has, 4 , dim in . offiieb, song.

Iief, pret. qf Iaufcn.

Iicfm t, tr ., produce , yield.

liegett, lag, gelegen, in tr ., lie .

(icfi, pret. of Iafi'



Iiul (1 091, left.

Iinfé, adu , o n the left, to the left.left.

Simten, has, 4 , linen .

Sinueu-tittel, bet , 4 ,

frock, blouse .

Sift, hie,w., cunn ing, stratagem .

Iift- ig, cunn ing, crafty, art


Iobeu, ir ., praise .

80d}, baa, 806m,ho le .

1mm ,tr ., en tice , allure , tempt,

invite .

201m, bet, 865m ,reward,


Iobneu, tr ., reward, repay.

sofi, - 8, Loke , Teuton ie god of f r e.3 010 011, 4 , London .

20t -beer, bet, 4 , 4 a, laurel;- Beer, be rry) .


, bit, Loreley, a wate rnymph.

108, loose , o ff ; {tin (withb e r id o f adv. an d sep .

aceen ted prqfix , loose, o ff, away,toward.

saida- blatt, bus, 4 1mm,

leaf of blo tting-pape r.

withen, tr .,extinguish, quench.

liifeu, tr ., loosen ; solve ; ob tain ,clear . From 106.


9mm , ging Ice, Iosgegangen,in tr .withL, com e loose , go o ff,

begin ; auf, advan ce upo n ,set o n .

Ioé -fcblagcn (aufwith idflugtoe, Ioegeidflagen, beat, b elabo r .


, bet , 4 , 4 or 4 ,

Lo uis d’o r (a Lo uis of go ld),


a Frenchgold coin , issued firstby L am


s ! Itt value , roughly~gpeahittg , var iedf rom $4 to $5 .

83m , bet ,w., lion .

Sflmcn- lopf, bet, - topfe,lion ’

s head.

Quit, bte, fliifte, air ; nad) idmaps

pen, gasp fo r breath.

Iiliten, tr ., expose to the ai r, lift

up, raise . Fram Suit, dialectic

Stine, hie,w., lie .

Iiigett, log, gelogen, tr . or in tn , lie .

fifign- et , bet , 4 , liar .

fiuft, hie, stifle, pleasure , desire ,lust ; baben, b e in clin ed , like ;{cine babcn, take pleasure .

luft- is, adj, joyous, gay, m e rry,



mama, tr ., make , do , cause ;

einen ©paaiergang take a

walk; einen QBettIauf race ;

belt flitttuOiett po se as a

virtuoso ; 311 ®e turn in to

money ; fld) an bte ?Irbeit go

to wo rk; id) macbe mir nid)t8

ans, I don ’t m ind.

mfitbt- ig, d ay , mighty , imm ense . dim in . qfFrom éDtadn.

maQt”63when, baB, fairy

- tale ,

gir1. D im i .tt of Ematb.M ash, hie, Mdgbe, maid- se rvan t.

912mm ,bet , 4 , (mor e comm on

than M&gen), stomach, mew.

magft, pres. qf magen.

mableu, tr ., grind.

Smiling bit,w., mane .

maintain, tr .,warn .

Wat, bet, 4 , May .

fmaib, bit, 4 , (poet.f or M&bcben),maiden .


, hie, w., majesty , Ma

jesty (ia addr ess).

mat, ba6, 4 , tim e ; af te r:compoundedwitha num e ral.

maIeu, ir ., paint.”taut , bet , 4 , pain te r.mal

er - ifd), 0 072, picturesque . Fram


man, im ieel. in def . pr om , o n e ,

they, people . From SIRatm.

mamb (member,‘

mand n, man:

in def . aafi. an d prom ,

many a, many a on e .

M ama, bet , 4 ,wan t.Warm,

bet, Smiitmer, man ,husband.

mfiuuet -

gcfdifift, ba6, 4 ,

men ’s bus in ess.

mauu—Iyuft, 0 492, manly, manful.Wauubeim,

4 , Mannhe im ,town

qf the g rand-duchy qf B aden .

mamt- Iid), adj}, male , manly .

M anta, bet , 4 , Mantel, mantle ,cloak.

wanteI-djeu, ba6, 4 ,

Wiantei, mantle .

fmfir, bit,w., n ews.

M fit - (fien, ba6, 4 ,

tale , legend, romance .

M &t - tbcn-malb, bet,- tniilber,

wo ods of fairyland .

M art, bit ,w. , mark.

Starlt-plab, her, 4 6, 4 11m,

market(- place)


M am or-Bilb, ba6, 4 r,

marble statue or bust.

mam or-trcwe, bit, w., marble

staircase or steps.

inla id), bet, Smfirim, march.

matfd) ! (from the Fr . impe r .

marche l) march!f am il., quick!

mafie, hie,w., m easure ; fiber aIIe

?mafsett, beyond m easure


tifer, bet, 4 ,

matician .

matte, bte,w., mat, matting .

fi nal, ba6, Smiiuler, m outh.

SRauI—ticr, ba6, 4 , mule .

Waué, bie, SDtg’

iuie, mouse .

men ,has, 4 ,

sea. [Mere .]ment (compar . of vieI), aapz, more ;nicht no longe r.

mcfit -ere (mebr with a eompar .

mfi x), hay; seve ral.meat, bit,w., mile .

mciu, pm . any. an d prom , my,m ine .

meiueu, tr . or in tr ., mean , think,say.

mein- ia (bet , hie, ba6 meinige),pom .pr om , mine .

mcin-uug, Ste, w., meaning,opi n ion .

imeifien, 4 ,Meissen , town situated

on the E [be in Saxony .

mcift (supe rl. qf bid), adj. most.

Weiftcr, bet, 4 , master .

mcugc, N e,w., multitude , crowd,plen ty (p. 49, l.

bet, w., man ; SDIenicben,m en , people .

mcnfdlcn-lift, hie,w., human cun

n ing,wiles.

meufdjeu-tnit, her, 4 6, humanwits, craft.

mcaitb- Iidj, human .

merf-wiirh- ig, worthy of n o tice ,

remarkable .

meficu, mat}, gemtfien, tr mtfit,tr . , mete , m easure ; scan .

fmcfict , bafi, 4 , kn ife .

”let, her, 4 , mead .

smear, ba6, 4 , metal.

mid), at e . qf id), me .

M ime, bte, w., mien , air , look;cine bobe annebmen, put o n a

supe rio r air .miIdJ-mcifi, aah; milk-white .


te, bit,w., minute ; hon

311 from m om en t to m om en t.

wit , dat. of id), to me .


gc-fialt, hie, w.,

defo rm ity,

misshape .

mit, prep . with dat., with; adv.

an d sep. aeeen tedpr efix, toge the r

with(o thers), alo ng.

mit~briugett, Bracbte mit, mitges

brad;t, tr


ber,withone another .

mit-efien, afimit, mttgegefien, in tr ,eat (witho the rs).

mit-gebeu, gingmit, mitgegangtn,in tr .withL, go (witho the rs).

mit- fommcu, tam mtt, mttgetoms

men, in tr . with 11 , come alo ng


mit-nehmen, nabm mit, mitgeuommen, tr ., take along.

Wit- tag, bet , 4, 4 ,midday , n oo n .

M it-tag eficu, km, 4 , m id

day m ea1, dinn er.

mate, hie,w., middle .


Siady-bat -fanft, bit, neighborhood .


,t on] ; after.

uatly-beuteu (fiberwith bad)“

nad), nadmebadyt), in tr ., think

about, m editate , reflect.

fiadj-bmd, bet, emphasis.

uady-folgcu (with up. withL, follow(afte r).


gcbeu, gab nod), nacbgegeben,in tn , giveway, yield.

uudy-iagcu (with sep.withL,

speed after.

uadJ- Iaufeu (with dot ), lief nod),nachgeIaufen, sep. with L, run

afte r.

uadficbcu (with fa!) nod),

nadmeieben, lookafter.

madm(W e f t. of nabe), adj; next,n earest.

93min, bit, night.

? laQti-gall, bit, w., nightingale ;(lit., n ight-singe r).

Stadpt-Iagcr, M6, 4 , couchor

quarte rs fo r the n ight.

ufidyt- Iidy, aaf/Z, nightly . Fram


muayt6 (irr eg. gen . qf 92mm,tutu ,

at or by n ight.

R adyt-wfidytcr, bet, 4 , nightwatchman .

mutt, adj" naked , bare .

9mm, bet, 4 , 926ml, nail.uagcln, ir ., nail.

nab“) (nfibét, nfid’fl»adj” nigh)n ear , clo se .

hit, neamess, vicin ity, presence ; imber n ear.

116) uabcu (withdo t ), drawn igh

or n ear , approach. From nabe.

dim in . of

fid) ufibem (with do t ), come

nearer, drawnigh, approach.From uiiber.

unlit», pm . qf nehmen.

ufibtcu, ir ., n ourish.

? ?ubr- tmg, bit, nourishm ent, food.

Want, Me, seam . F r om

ttfiben, sew.

Statue, ber, 4 6, 4 1, name ;wasmane, adv. gem , by nam e .

uitm- Iid), adj, sam e ; adu , name

ly, that is to say, you m ust


921m ,bet,w., fool.

9366-dmt, km, 4 ,

Skate, nose .

? iafe, bit,w., nose .

? latiou'

, bie,w., nation .


, bit,w., nature .

?Ratuf -fnrfdjet , bet , 4 , (natural) scientist.


lid), 4492, natural ; adw, o fcourse . From 91am .

9365 61, bet, 4 , m ist, fog. Lat.


SiebeI-fireif, bet, 4 , streako f m ist.

uebeu, pr ep. withdat. or aee., be

side , n ear, n ext to .

meben-mann, bet, - miiwnet , next man .

? tebeu-aimmet , bus, 4 ,adjo in

ing room .

titbit, pr ep. with (lat , togetherwith.

ueaen, tr ., tease , plague .

nehmen, nabm, genommeu, bu

nimmii, er nimmt, impen , ntmm,ir ., take .


922134 1 3 bet , 4 ,envier .

ueih- ifdy, aq’ja envious. From

Weib, en vy.

m itt, adw, no.

weft, ba6, 4 13, nest.

ueQett, tr .,wet, m o isten .

ttctt, d ay” new, fresh.


steube), bit, curiosity.


gier- ig, d ay” curious.

? tenmagcn, 4 , N eumagen , village

of weste rn P russia.

ueun-utal, adu , n ine tim es.

um —ftelI- ig, aafi" o f n in e places.

? ticfi’

u, 4 , N icaa, town in A sia

M n or .

aid”, adu , not.

uidt ,indtf .pr om , naught, noth


uie, adu , n eve r.

nicber adj , nether, low; adv.

an d sep . aceen ted prefix, down .

niebet -fulleu, fie! nieber, uieber=

gefaileu, in tr . with L, fall

down .

nichet -tnieu, sep. in tr . with fkneel down .

fid) nichcr- Iegcu, sep ., lie down .

fid) niebet -neigeu, sep., stoopdown .

niebet - idyuueu, sep . in tr .,look

down .

uicber-ftblagctt, idflug nieber, niebergeicblagen, i r ., cast down ,kn ockdown .

nichet -finleu, fan! nieber, nteber=

gefunfen, in tr . with L, sink

down .

siebet - ifiiraeu, sep. itttr . with i.,fall down.


fid) uieber-werfeu, marf nieber,

ntebergetvorfm ,throwo ne

s self

down , prostrate on e’s self.

nicb- Iid), adj, tiny,

nie-maw, adu , n eve r.

uie-maub, indef .pr on , no one .

nimm,imper . qf nehmen.

uimmet , adu , n eve r .


,adu , n ever.

‘R immet -futt, bet , —e, glut

ton ; lit., n eve r sated .

uimmft, pr es. qf nehmen.

nirgea ,adu ,

n owhere .

nit, dialecticfor nidfl.nod), adu , ye t, still; m o re (addition ) ; nidn, no t ye t ; tin

mat, once m o re ; beau, be


? lorbcu, her, 4 , north.

9m, bie, mfite, need , n e cessity,

wan t ; trouble , distress, straits ;bfidfite extrem ity ; mit ?miibeuitb withgreat difficulty.

ttBt- ig, d ay , needful,n ecessary.

From Eliot;? lotia

, bit,w., notice .

92a, ba6, in deel. ,m om ent ; ineinem

in an instan t.

niidnm t, adj, bare .

tum, adw, now, well; 6011 eu,

from nowo n , hencefo rward.

itat , adu , o nly, but. Af ter r elat.

p r on oun s and adve rbs ithas the

gen eralizing f or ce of —eve r ; m0:

bin whe rever.waiz, bit, ?Rfifie, nut.

niiimt, in tr ., b e of use , do


ttiiQ-fid), adj, useful, se rviceable.



o i in te tj., 0h! 0 !05 , pr ep. (ar ch. and poet.) withg en . or dat., on accoun t o i ;

eonj., if,whe the r .

ohm ,adu , above, up, at the top.

ober aaf , upper .

Dberft, bet , w. (taped . of ober,

used a: n oun ), colon el.

nb eon/Z, although.

ob—m bl’

,eonj., although.

DEW, Qdfic, bet,w., ox.

otter, can} , or, else .

Dim , bet , 4 , b fett, stove , oven .

ofien, adj, open ; frank.

ofien—bar, adj" evident.


reu, tr ., reveal, disclose .

iifineu, ir ., open ; fid) open , be

open ed. From ofien.

lift, adu , often .

Bl) ! in te r} , oh!whoa !obue, prep. with aee ., without ;withinfin . and 311, without an dpres.part.

obu-mfidit- is, auyz, fain ting, swoon

Di n, ba6, 4 a, ear. [ing.

Dbr-feige, bte,w., box on the ear .


fel, ba6, 4 , oracle .

Drhu-mtg, btc, order ; gang in herall right.

b“:- c or fitter, place .


ba6, 4 , pair , couple ;tin peat a few, som e .

$M—tbeu, ba6, 4 ,small

packet, parcel.

Sam : 006, ” ct M Mparcel, bundle.$uge, bet ,w., page .


,bet ,

‘Baliifte, palace.

flame, bit,w., palm .


fel, bet , 4 ,- n, slippe r .


feI-dyen, has, 4 , d im in .

of ‘Bantoffel, slipper .


feI-fubr-wett, ba6, 4 , slip



be, bit,w., pan da.

tmr - ie’

reu, tr ., parry .

$atf, bet, 4 , park.

pafieu, in tr ., fit.

hafi- it'

tfl t, in tr .withL, com e to

pass, happen .

i a, her, 4 6, 4 , pelt, fur .

$ ergameut’

, ba6, 4 , parchment.

$ erio’

be, hie,w., period, tim edbte,w., person .

$ eter, 4 , Pete r.

With, her, 4 , path.

bet,‘Bffibic.pale .post

$femtig, bet, 4 , 4 , penny, in

value equalto on ef ourthof a cen t.

$f¢th, bafi, 4 ,ho rse . [Pal

$fifi, bet, 4 , trick. [frey.

pflegen, in tr ., hewon t, use to .

$fli¢mhie,w., duty.

Wilden, tr ., pluck, pick, gather.?Bflua. bet , ‘Bflfise, plow.

bet ,w., philologist.

$ iuc, bit,w., pill.

talcum ,tr ., plague, torm en t.

platt, d ay” flat.

platt-fiifi- ig, adj., flat- footed

mat, her, 4 6, image, place , spot°seat ; nehmen, take a seat.


rebut, ir . or ihtr ., speak, talk.

t eh- Itd), aq’

f., hon est.

fid) ream ,move , stir .

mega, hie,w., rule .

reg—te'm i, ir . or in tr ., re ign , rule,

govern .


, ba6, 4 r, regi

delivere r,

2nd), bafl, 4 , deer, roe .

reifieu, rich, gettebett, tr ., rub .

t tid), adj” rich.

reiQ—se—Mmfidf , aafi, richlyado rned or decorated. judge.

retina, tr ., reach, presen t, give .

reidy-IM), tutti , rich, plentiful,abundant.

meiQG-tag, bet, 4 , (imperial)diet.

meidrtum, bet, 4 11mmriches,wed th.

reifeu, in tr .withL, ripen .

fl eigeu or meiINeht, bet , 4 ,

dance (mostlywithlinhea'hands).“ill, clean , clear , pure .

91m , has, 4 6, 4 t , twig, shoot.Sleife, hie,w., journ ey.

reiie-fert- ig, ready for the


u iieu, intr . withf. or travel,

go .

n ow: declin ed at ringlet.

traveller ; pres. part. qf reticn.

t eifiw, t ifi, get tfien, tr .,tear, je rk.

reiteu, t itt, getitten, in tr . withf.or ride on horseback.

Gleit-er, bet, 4 , rider, trooper.meit-ern tuuu, her, rider,cavalie r.

reig n, tr ., charm .

tenan t, taunte, getamtt, in tr .withi., run .

mefi, bet , 4 , rest.


, ba6, 4 , result.

retteu, tr ., rid, delive r, save,

rescue .

Mett-er, bet , 4 ,

rescuer .

mett-mm-m rf, ba6, rescue .

mm ,hit, m e , repen tance .

Emma, bet , Rhine.

m m , bet, 4 ,

[R ighten ]Wmfl -Wwfitsen tence .

ridpt- ig, aayl, right.

rief, pr et. qf tufen.

”tide, bet ,w., giant.

micin -

ge-mmbt, has, race

of gian ts.

slicfeu-beim, bee, 4 , hom e of the

gian ts,Jotunhe im .

{Riefm -ffluig, bet , 4 , king of the

wefett- Ieib, M , 4 6, 4 r, gigantic


ERieieu-{piei-aeug, baa, 4 ,


s plaything.

tiet, pr et. of rateu.

tiling, bet , 4 , ring

t iuueu, ranu, getomtm, iatr .wi thL, run , flow.

2mm”, bie,w., rib .

ritt, pm . of reiten.

?Ritt, bet, 4 , ride . Fm



fl itt-er, bet , 4 , knight.

mi tt, bet , S‘iiide, coat.

mod-tafdye, hie,w., coat- pocket.

rob, aah; rude , raw.

mnb-ftnfi, bet, 4 , rawstat

or mate rial.

roam ,inm , roll.

810m, 4 , Rome .

m0“, bit,w., m .

iRfieu—hlatt, ba6, 4 1mm

” HS: m y 0

meme , bee, 4 ,-

, little rose .

D imin . qf flick.8303, ba6, - fie6, - fic, horse, steed.

mflfi-Ieht, mm, 4 , little ho rse

or ste ed. D im in . qf 3301'


mnfi-mutft, bet, - miittte,


lot, 4412, red.

rBt-Iid), 0411, reddish. From rot.

iRot-ftettt, bet , red-chaik.

mi ne, hie,w., turn ip.

tiiden, in tr . with L, move ; an

Qeibe t ee 80th.mili eu, bet, 4 , back.

ralf-wfitté, adu , backward ;- mlitt6, -ward.

tubm t, intr ., row.

Raf, bet , 4 , call.

mien, rtef, gentfett, tr . or in tr .,

call, cry, shout.

8mm), hie, quiet, rest, tranquillity, peace.

flabe-fifleu, km, 4 , cushion .

when, in tr .,rest, repose .

tube-bnu, at? ” calm , tranquil.

uh- ig, quiet, calm , composed,tranquil.

1 83

m ove ,

, arm


riilmtt, ir ., touch; ftd)budge .


reu, intra, make a no ise .

From Lat. rumo r .

mfl-ifd), d ay” Russian .

flittfi-Iaub, km, 4 , Russia.

rfiftett, tr ., prepare ; fid)on e

’s self.

muteu-ftrcidt, bet, 4 , stroke

withthe rod.


Gad , bet, ®dte, (large)room , hall, saloon .

6 5 5 01, but,-4 , sabre, swo rd.

fi beI-gtifi, bet, 4 , swo rdhilt. (©dbel, sabre ; ©t ifi, grip .)

e iheI-tliuge, hie,w., swo rd- blade.

e nd”, bit, w., thing, matte r,

affair ; busin ess ; cause . [Sake .]Gatbfeu, M6, 4 , Saxony .

Gatbfeu-beraog, bet, 4 ,~ ber3iige,

duke of Saxony .

6 01 , bet, 6 na , sac.

éad-dyett, has, 4 , dimin . g’

®ad, sac, bag.

fagm ,ir ., say , tell.

fab, faben, pm . qf icheti .Gallic, bit,w., salve , o intment.

falaeu, iaigte, gefaigen, i r ., salt.

fumt-cu, M 92, velvet.

ffimt-Iid], att/Z, all.Guttha’le, bit,w., sandal.

fanft, aah; soft, gentle .

fangen, pm . of fingen.

efiug-et , bet, 4 ,

m instrel.

tutti, pret. qf finlen.

tail.t r et of 136m


fatt, d ay" sated , satisfied, full.

6 06 -cl, bet , 4 , ®éittel, saddle .

iiitt- igeu, tr ., sate , satiate , satisfy.

E at, bet , 4 6, ©66e, leap, bound.

inner, adj, sour ; e6 tuttb mir

it is hard wo rkfor m e , com eshard to m e .

ewe, bit,w., column.

ifiui-eltt, in tr .,rustle .

fidpuheot), her, 4 116, ®djfibeu,scath, damage , loss es tft

idmbe, it is a pity.

{diatom (with do harm , ih

jure .

é dmf, ba6, 4 , sheep .

Gdyfif-er-iunge, bet ,w., shephe rdboy. See ©cbaf.

fdjufit tt, tr ., get, procure . [Shape .]e thnic, bit,w., shell.

60a“, bet , 4 ,wag.

idpaueu, M011, geidwllett or w.,

in tr ., sound.

fid) fdjiimett, be ashamed of.

6 1mm”, bit, disgrace , sham e .

ffifinh-fid), adj” disgraceful, vil

lainons, sham eful, infam ous.

From 6 6mm.

“bath sharp.

©tbutteu, bet , 4 , shade , shad

ow. [treasury.

Gum, her, 4 6, @d)iibc, treasure ,E dinb-fammet , bit, w., treasure

chamber, treasury.

GibaQ-meifter, her, 4 , treas

ure f .

facile“, tr ., se e ; in tr ., look.

©dmuut, bet , ©cbliume,scum ,

foam ; juice.


iumett, i tttr ., fro th; in6 ©ebifi

froth one’s bit. From

6 6mm.

g dwu-fhiel, baa, 4 , spectacle , en te rtainm en t.

602i“, bte,w. , sheath.

66mm bet, 4 , shine , light.

{dyeiu-bur, athl, apparent, seem ing.

From idJetnen.

fdniueu, icbiett, geicbieneu, in tr .,

shine,seem .

60cm, bte,w.,little bell.

66mm,bet , 4 , rascal; are

met po o r fellow.

fdyeltett, ichalt, geicboiten, tr .,

scold .

e thn ic, bit,w., ale -house , tave rn.

From f(benlen in its or iginal

m ean ing , to give to drink.

fdmtfett, tr ., give , present ; (giant

Den (with have faithin .

66mm , bet, 4 , po tshe rd,piece af po tte ry.

idmen, Mot, geicborett, tr ., shear ;fig , conce rn .

fdmaen, in tr ., joke.

fdycra-weiie, adu , fo r fun.

ftbttt, shy .

fdjettett, tr ., be shy of, fear, shun .

fdfitfelt, tr ., send.

Gdyitf-ial, baa, 4 ,fate ; ad

venture . From icbiden.

ichichen,web, geidwben, tr ., shove ,push, put.fdfieu, f ret. of inbetneu.

Miefieu, M06, gcidyofien, ”a

shoot in tr .withL, rush.

Gdjifi, ba6, 4 , ship .

e dtifi-er, bet , 4 , skipper,boatman , sailo r.


fdmflm,in tr .with f. or tr . an d

usually weah, melt, smelt.

6 11mm“,her, 4 6, 4 11 , smart


fdnueraeu, tr ., smart, ache .

itbmeta-lidy, aq’fi , pain ful, so re .

é flmefier-Iiu‘ , bet , 4 , but

te rfly.

®dmieb, bet , 4 , smith;fetue6 ©1fid68 the make r o f

his fortun e .

“mutt, bet, (06, ornam e nt,

ado rnm en t.

filmfideu, tr ., ado rn , dress up.

From 6 6mm.

Wumm m p ; mu!) Suit

gasp fo r b reath.

6 1mm”,her, 4 6, Gamb it, dram ,


g tbtmfe, bte,w., snail.

e limee, bet , 4 , snow.

6 tbuee-bau, bet , 4 cm,

snow- ball.

fl ueibeu, ftbnitt, gefdmttteu, ir .,

cut, carve .

m u, aah; quick, swift. [Snell.]g i mme or é duwll- ig-teit, bit,

swiftn ess, speed, rapidity.

GM eu-Imten, has, 4 , fast run

n ing.

GaueII-Ifiuf-er, bet , 4 , fast

runn e r , couri er .

Gaunt , bte, g dmitre, line.

f(1mm ,in te rj, buzz !

pr et. of idiicbeu.

fdwtt, adu , already ;4 01891105 6,

even as a boy.

aah; beautiful, beauteous,fair, fine , handsome . [Sheem]

hie,w., fair one , beautiful

woman .

idumea, tr ., spare .

6031144 ,hie,w., beauty.

moi .pm . of iditeim.

d fi, ber, 4 6, 6mm lap,

bosom .

é dmmte, bit, w., barrier ; plan ,

lists ; in hit Cé dyranten tretctt,

en te r the lists.

ffit tdttt, tr ., fr ighten .

Gdyreflett), bet, 4 , terror,


ftbttd—Iid), terrible , dreadful.

Gdtrei, belt, 4 6, 4 ,cry.

ftbreiben, f(btid), geidniebeu, tr .,

write . From . Lat. se tibo .

é flreihfifd), bet , 4 , writin g

- table .

idmieu, fd flic, gcidmeen, ium ,

cry, shout.

fdmitett, idnttt, geidyrttteu, in tr .

withL, stride , step,walk.

mm, pm . of icbteim .

fdnieb, f ret. Of ldireibcn.

fdnitt, pret. of idyteitm .

gfltm,bet , 4 , step, pace.

Fr om itbtctten.

60 m, baa, 4 , small shot.

6 1 110-bunt, bit, 4 6m , school


©0110 , bte,w., guilt, fault, blam e ;

fdjuib feta (ouwith be to

blam e fo r , be the cause of.

M uIb-tg-fcit, hie, w., indeb ted

n ess, due .

d ie, hie,w. , school.


m il itate, bet,w., school- boy.

é djulter, bte,w., shoulder.

W e, hit,w., apron . [Skirt ]Gdflifiel, hie,w., dish, platte r .

idyittteltt, tr ., shake.

fbfibeu, tr ., pro tect ; fid) hot

(withdo t ), pro tect one ’s self orguard against.

14)q (idimfidim itbmfidifihwk

6 61mm”, hie,w., swallow.

mum , pm . 4 &1)m66mm ,

bet, 6 63mm , e’

idiwincmGawan-rittet , bet, 4 , SwanKn ight.

minim ,0 492, swa t, black.

d wcif, bet , 4 , tail, train .

fdiweiseu, fdmiest acidimieseu,intr ., be silent, keep silen t.

fdmeigeub, part. aah. silen t.

66mm, belt, 4 3, sweat, M pi

fdym lgu ,ism , riot, revel.

e tbln fie, bit,w., sill, threshold.

fdmd leu, idymoii, geidytuollen,in tr ., swell, rise.”m ,

aah; heavy.

gamu t, bee, 4 t , sword .

Gamett-ge-tlirt , bafi, clash of

swords. ©¢fiitr f r om titm n,

60mm,bit,w., sister .

fdmieg, fdmitcgett, pret. of taywtieftbwier- ig, adj, difficult. (gen.

W er- is—teit, bit ,w., difficulty.

idpwimmeu, immamm, gefcbmommen, in tr ., swim.

1 87

Mining“. twang, geidmunsm,

ir ., swing,wield ; fld) soar

fdmim a, infr a,whit ,whiz ; flit.fdpwitzm,

in tr .witki., sweat, perspire .

idmflreu, Minot, geidflnoten, inm ,

swear, vow.

6 15m ,bet, ©dymflrc, oath,

vow. FromMe stem ofmanda la

Ga le, bit,w., loul.

feelen—nnn, soulful.

Gee-m a, bet , ~ Ieutc, saa

man , sai lor.

tenan t, ir ., make the sign of thecross over, bless.

Mm. fab. sewn, bu M 11, or

ficbt ; impen , flab, tr ., coo ;

6 &1k Me, longing.


©eifcu-blafe, ble,w., soap-bubble .

feta, mar, gemeien, awe. of ten se,


ft“, fem , feta, pan . aafi. an d

pron , his, its.

ieinig (bet , biz, has image), p m .

prom , his, its. W M tge,his property.


feit, prep.withdat., since .


,adm , since then , eve r

since .

e d it , hie, side .

{ether or felhit, inded .,f ollowing apars. pron . or n oun , self (myself, himself, etc.) non of

itself, of them selves, etc. ; adv.

preceding tbcword it emphasises,even .

E elbft-net -traum , baa,- 6, self

confidence .

fet-ig, 4491, blissful.

felten, m9; rare , unusual, scarce ;adu , seldom .

feIt-fam,d ay , strange , singular,


Gm -mtg, hit, m ission , m es

sage . From fenben, send .

feQen, tr ., set, put, place ; in Me233m b ring in to the wo rld ;fit!) seat one ’s self, sit down ,get on or in ; fit!) in $ emcgung


in fant, z’

n tr ., sob , sigh, groan .


nded . refl . pron . of ti e 3 d

pars. sing . an d plan , dat. and

cm , him self, herself ; them

selves, etc. reaf rocal prom ,

eachothe r , on e ano the r .

M et , aayl, secure, safe , sure ;

certain .

g idwt -fieit, hie, security ; pre

0 18 10 11 .

W hat , ad/Z, visible , in sight.

fie, she , he r ; they, them ; G it,you, n ow. an d act .

fiebm ,mam , seven .

acben-bunbefi -ueun—uub-aman'




mam , seven hundred and

twenty- nine .

fiebcn—ifibr—ig, of seven years.

e ieg, bet,—c, victo ry.

©iegel, has, 4 , seal.

é ieg-cr, Mr,~ 6, winn e r .


ge-wifi, 4 491, sure o f victo ry.

imp” . of ieben, look, 10 ,behold.

fiebft, pm . qf ieben.

6mm, has, 4 , silver .

filberu, d ay. qf silver, silve r.

filth, pres. cf feta.

fitment, fang, geiungen, tr ., sing.

fmftlt, iant, gefunlen, intr .wit]: L,sink.

é imt, bet ,—e, m ind, tem

pe r, disposition .

flatten (aufwit]: iann, ge

ionnen, inm , meditate.

fiQeu, fats, gciefien, in tr . with i.,sit.

6mm , bet,w., slave .

in, adu , ao, thus, in sucha man

n er ; io? indeed ? really ? con} ,

10 016 or mic, as as ; $0

and), howeveria- Imtb

,conj., as so on as.


,adu ,at once , imm ediately.



,adu , even .

fo adu , immediately.

©05 11, bet , ©3bne, son .

conj., as long as.

fold), 0411, such.

bet , pay.

é olhut', her, soldier.

Galba’ten-muntel, bet ,4 , 4 11mm,

soldie r ’s cloak.

fnli, pm . qf iollen.


fvredmt. fvrad » aeivrodym,z’


speak, say.

foreman, z‘

nzr . ms‘

tfi L, ride fullspeed.

"n itric”: “mm, geiprofien, in tr .

wit}: i., sprout, bud.

{M uzzy flmmg, geipmugen , in tr .

wit)? 1. or spring, leap, bound,jump, run .

6 3mm, hie,w., rung.

imbeu, ix , throwout, shootfo rth.

Gamma. bet , gmnse,

spring, bound, 1eap. From tlwstem qf ipt ingen.

hit, trace .

m m ,tr ., perce ive , feel.

Gad), bet , ©t6be, etafi, stick.

é tith- dyen, has, 4 ,little staff.

D z’

m z’

n . of @tab.

(tad), pm . of ftecben.

GtudyeI-beet -bum, bet ,—bfifd)e, gooseberry- bush.

Gtabt, hie, ©tiibte, town , city.

[Stead .]e tfibt-dpen, bus, 4 , small

town . Dz'

m z'

n . Of ©tabt.

flail, pr et. of fteblen.

ftfil]I-m t, acifl, of steel, steel.

From ©tab1, steel.Gianna, bet , ©tfimmc,stem, trunk.

fiammeln, tr ., stammer .

6mm, bet, stand, state ,

condition ; tmftanbe ietn, be

able .

fianh, f ret. of ftebcn.

{turf (ftdtfet , ftlirfft), ca} , strong,

stout, large , powerful.

emu,bio, strength. Fm flart.

ftarr, stifi'

, se t, unb ending,

m o tionless.

ftatt, prep.wit]: gem , instead of.

fiatt- Iid), ad}; stately.

g tm , bet , dust, remain s.

M fg, aaffi, dusty.

ftuuum ,fatn , be as ton ished,

wonder.gunmen, baa, 4 , aston ishm ent.

ftetben. flat!» ceftodyen, m. sting.prick.

fiedmtb, part. ac}; piercing.

M a, tr ., stick, put, fix ; in fra,fiat, geftedt, stick, b e fasten edto , be hidden .

ftefmt, ftanb, gcflanbm , inm ,

stand, be ; 311111 e teben bringen,ste p ; mic fiebt’fi mit howfares itwithfteblen, ftabl, gefioblen, tr ., steal.

flt igcn, Neg, gefiiegcu, intr . witkL, rise descend ; ge t (up, out,in).

fiefl, 0 491, st'


Qtelle, bte, w., place , spo t, pas.

sage .

fttueu, tr ., put, place ; provide ,

find ; fid) place on e’s self.

g teu-lmg, btc,w., position .

ftetbeu, ftarb, geftorben, in tr . withL, die . [Stam J

fierb lid), ad}; m ortal.

6um , bet ,- e, star .

Gtm blam e, Me, 1 0 . star -flower.fists, adv. sm d ily, always.

efid-et -ci'

,big vw., embroidery.

From fiiden, embro ide r.


flies, pr ef. of ftelgen.

ftiefz, pref. of ftofien.

ffill, aafi, still, silent, quiet.

macaw.flanb fun,museftanm ,

in tr .witfi L, stand still.

e than e, bie,w., vo ice .

Gfimm-uug, bte,w., fram e of mind,

mood, spirits .

gfifl t, Ne,w.,forehead.

é tnd, bet , ©t66e, stock,cane .

hue, 4 ,httle cane.


n . qf ©tod.

130111211 1, in tr .witfi L, stumble.

6 13 13, bet , pride .

$013 (0117witkaux), proud.

©tnppet, hie,w., stub ble .

mm ,tr ., stir up, disturb , inter

fe rewith.

M , bet, 4 6, Gtfific, thrust,lunge ; etnen ffibtm,

make a.

thrust, lunge .

ftnfien, fticfi, geftofsen, z’

n tr .wit}: L,thrust, lunge ; auf, hit or

com e upon , come in con tact


Ghufe, bie, w., pun ishm en t ; gutas a pun ishm en t.

fltafeu, tr ., pun ish, reprove .

Gttd fl, bet , - cn, beam , ray ;

b rilliancy, splendo r .

ftmffleu, in tr ., beam , radiate.é trmtb, bet , —e, strand,b ea ch.

Gauge, MC, 1 0 . street.

fid) ftrfiubeu (gegen), resist, objectto .

When, in fra, strive , aspire , soar.M a, tr ., stretch.


bet, - c, stroke ,blow; trick.

firemen (i15 8):withace) , fttid), gee

flrid nn, z’

n tr . , stroke , pass o ve r .

eneidp-bnla, has, 4 6, 4 613 13,match.

em it, bet, quarrel, dis

pute , combat, battle. Fm {be

stem of fla tten.

ftrfiteu, fitttt, geftd tten, mm,


flu ng, (1411, strict, severe , rigor

0 118 .

bet , - c, stroke . From

Me stem qf fiteidmt.

m , f ret. of fl atten.

6mm,bet , Gnfime, shu n ,


6015 0, hit, room , sitting- room .

Or ig . aheatable room . [Stove .]é tfilf, baB,

- c, piece , part.©tub- ief -

3humer, bus, 4 ,

study .

6mm, bet, Gtiible, stool,chair.

Ghmhc, Me, hour .

émrum iub, bet, —c, storm ,

hurrican e .

6 11113 , her, 4 8, ©titt3e, fall,

plunge .

ftfirgcn, in tr .wit]: L, fall, tumble ;fid) throwone ’s self. From6mm.

fatten, inm , startle .

ftfibeu, tr ., support ; gowt auf(wit): am ), lean ing ou.


,bte,w., substance .

iudmt, tr . or in fra, seek, look,searchfor, grape, be in quest of


6m m , Ne,w., sum .

fummen, z'

n tr ., hum , buzz.

hit, soup .

flifi, acyl, sweet.

Wr‘ ifd’r adj, SM


tahelu, tr ., blam e find fault.Said , hie,w., table .

i ns.hen 4 day

tfig- [idh“91, daily . From Stag,day.

Sam cu-fiaum, bet, 4 6mm ,

fir- tree .

tenan t, £n tr ., dance .

tapfer, acif, b rave . [Dappen ]zaffle, bike, pocke t.zaidpeu-mefier, baé, 4 , pocketkn ife .

$ 0110, hie,w., paw.i nn, her, 4 5 , dew.

zanlu, bit,w. , dove , pigeo n .

tangent, in tr ., be fit ; nidjtfi be

good fo r nothing.

tfiufdyeu, tr ., de ce ive , disappoint.S&uidrmtg, bit,w. , deception .

tanicua, mam , thousand.

taufenb-mat, adu , a thousandtim es.

S ea, bet, —c, deal, part ;311m partly .

teilen, tr ., deal, divide , share ; fid)part.

S eller, bet, 4 , plate .

tenet, dear, expensive .

S cum, her, 4 , devil.

Shel, baa, Si biilet, dale,valley.

bit,w., deed, act, action.

little an i

flyat, pm . of tbun.


,Me, theory .

zbou-erhe, biz,w., clay.

Shot , bus, —e, door , gate .

bar, fool.

fi lm,4 , Thor, tlze Teuton ic

q of tkunde r .

Shrine, Me, tear .

Sbron, bet , - e, throne .

tlmnen, in tr ., be enthroned .

5 mm,4 , Thrym ,

king of Me

g ian ts.

than, that, getban, (10 , act ; eineuflusiprud) pronounce judgm en t ; cine {frage (cm withum ), put a question to .

3 1mm), hie,w., door .

Sbfir- iteIJ-cr, bet, 4 ,

ke eper, po rte r .

fief, aaf/Z, deep .

zieie, hie, deep, depth.

fi n , bee,- c, an imal.

[B een ]i mam ,

has, 4 ,

mal. D im in . of t ier.

S iute, bte,w., tint, ink.

tinten-be-flegt, adj, ink-stained .

Staten-fufi, has, —fic8, - f&fier, inkstand, ink-well.

zinteu- fleg, bet ,—c, ink-stain .

S im, her, —c, table ; bet

i ifdje, at table . [Diak, desk]Quinn , hie, mama , daughter .

S imter-Qeu, has, 4 , little

daughte r . D im in. of i ocbtet .i nk, bet, 4 6, death.

t eQ-

glut (pom), btc, deadly




draught. From the stem of

i nd), baa, i iidm, clo th,piece of cloth, ke rchief, handke rchief.

tfitbt—is, aafi, doughty , strong,

good, sound. From the stem oftangen.

t urban, bet , 4 ,- c, turban

tfirf- ifd), ad} , Turkish.

55 mm, bet, Statute, tower.


u. i.w. nub iowetter, and so

fo rth.

fiw, has, 4 , evil.

iiImt, tr ., practice , train ; fid)(tnwith practice .

fiber, pr ep .withdat. or aca , over,

abo ve ; across, beyond ; at,

about ; adv. and up . accen ted

an d in n ) . unaccen ted pr efix

with the same m ean ing :

nub all ove r.

fificr -nu’

,adu , eve rywhe re.


,adu , eve rywhe re.


,adu , extrem ely.

fiber—cin—au'ber-idylageu, idflugfibetetnanber, fiberetnanberges

idylagen, tr ., cross.

fiber-eiufiffimmen, sep. z‘

ntr ., agree .

fiber -fal’

leu, fibctfiel, fiberfafien,tr ., fall upon, invade .

fiber-flufi, bet , 4 m, overflow,abundan ce.



ben, fibetgab, fibergeben,tr ., hand over, give .

fiber—grofi, over-

great, ve ry



fiber-bfiugeu, 1)t or bangte fiber,fibergebfingt, tr ., hang over ; ia

tr ., hing fiber, fibetgebangcn,hang over, overhang.

fiber-hn’len, im ep. tr ., pass (in a


fiber—Ie’geu, z’

m ep. tr ., tim a over

in m ind, reflect on , conside r.

nhet - Ie’

gm,supe rior. L ia,

lying over .

fifier- Ii’

fteu, im ep. m , outwit.fiber- ru

fdpeu, in sep. tr ., com e sud

denly upon , surprise. F r om

raid), quick.

fibet -tntfllf-ung, hie, w., surprise.

See fiberrafcbm.


teu, fiberfifirttt, fiber,

fdjtitten, ir ., overstep, cross.


bem im ap. tr ., translate .

fibet -tref'

fen, fibertraf, fibetttofim ,

et fibettt ifft, inup. tr ., surpass.ither-ttt pres. qf fibettt efien.

iifiet -wa’dyeu, in sep. tr ., watchover, keep an eye on .



geu, z’

m ep. ir ., convin ce ;

fid) assure one’s self.



m m, hie, w., convie

tion ; gmt fommen, arrive at

the conviction.

fibr - is, aabi, left over, remain ing

(as rest). From fiber.

fib-mtg, hie, w., practice, exer

cise .

flier, has, 4 ,bank, sho re .

ml ,prep.withaca , around, about ;

fo r ; at ; bielefi, by a. great

deal ; um (gem ) miucn, fo r

the sake of 311 ,withinfin ., in

o rde r to ; adu , around, about.


sep. tr . or inm , turn

round ; fid) turn round.


aeu, umfing, umfaugen, tr .,

surround, envelop.


fen, im rp. tr ., embrace .

um-fiat'teru, insep. tr ., flutter or

hover about.

um-gfirteu, up. tr ., gird about,

buckle ou.


,adv. and up. am ntad

prefix, around, round about.

umberfigebeu, gtng umber, umbers

gegangen, intr . with i., walkabout.

m l;ci—iugcu, up. intr ., rush


umbef -luufeu, Itef umber, umber

getanfen, u tf . with L, walkabout.

umbei -Muueu, up. ism , look


umbef -fpttugen, {puma umber,nmbergeipn mgen, intr . with i.,spring or bound about.


ieu, inst) . tr ., envelop.

um-lebten, up. intr . with i., turnback, return .

fid) um—Muueu, sep., lookaround.

um- idjlaug'

, pm . of umicbttngen.

m -Miiu’

m ,umwans.umidflnw

gen, tr ., encircle .


gela, im ep. tr ., sail round.

fid) um-iebeu(neck), fabum, muge

ieben, lookaround or about.


,adu , in vain .

Ilm-ftanb, bet, —ftanbe, cir

cumstance ; umfffinbe madym

(miteinem), make a fuss (abo ut).

m -fttbeub, par t. standing


around, surrounding ; bit 11m

ftebenben, bystande rs.


uu, im ep. tr ., shinearound.

um-mauheln, up. tr ., change ,transfo rm.

fid) um-menheu, manbte um, um

gemanbt, turn around.

mi inst} .pr efix , un ln


greif - lid) (ar nu’

begreiflidy),incomprehensible . From

begtetfeu, comprehend.

un-fie-fumtt, par t. unkn own .

llnbdatmte, strange rs.

nub, and.

tla-baul, bet, un thankful~

n ess, ingratitude .

mt- er-wamt, part. unex


ull-fall, bet, ~ faIIe, acciden t.uu-febl

'- bat, 4492, infallible. Fr om

feblen, fail.

un-ftcunb-lidj, unfriendly,uu-

ge-ffiht ', about. [cross.

mt-ge monstrous,huge ,itnm ense .


ge-Ijeuer, baa, 4 , monste r.



,0 091, uncommon, ex

trem e .

un—ge-ihmt, without delay.

mt-se-fdyitlt, awkward.


ge-funb, unwho lesom e .


ge- tfim,

bus,—e, monster.


glfid, bafi, 4 ,111-luck, m ia

fo rtun e , m ishap.


,hie,w., un iversity .

un- feuuf -lidy un re cogn izable .

From tenant, the t be ing lx



un-mfifi- is, immode rate . Fromsmug, m easure .

nu-otha-tmg, btc, disorder .

nu-u djt, bafi, wrong, injustice ,.

tmfi (dat. and act . ofwit), na, tona.

uu-fdafit’l m,

invaluable ,

pr iceless. From idfliben, value .

nn- idylfifi-tg, undecided. From©d)IuB, conclusion.

nn-flfmlb, hie, in nocence .

tm-flfmlb- ig, innocen t.

unfet , post . adj. 0 n d pr om , our,


nu-fidyt-Imr, invisible .

nn-fiuu- ig, mad.

unteu, 0 41A , below, down .

nutcr, pr ep. withdat. or aca , un

der,below; am id, among.

autet -btady’

, pu t. of unterbrecben.

unter-bt e'

dyen, nnterbrad), untet s

Brodmt, tr .,in te rrupt, breakOE .


fen, adu , during this,in the m ean tim e .

autet -neh'

men, untemabm, unter

nommen, ir . ,unde rtake .

nntet -neh'men, bus, 4 ,en ter

prise .


ten, im ap. tr .,info rm .

unterft adj, unde rm ost, lowest.Superl. qf unter.

unter -tunmu, sep. in tr . with idive .

autet -wcafi', 040 , under way,o n the way.


gleidf-Iidy, in com

parable , pe e rless. From bet s

gleidmt, compare .

un-mtu-tfit -Iidy, involun tary.

From 281111111 ; fre e will, cho ice .

nu-wifienb, par t. 0 091, ign o ran t.1111-36111

'0 091, inn um e rable .

Fram 3am, number .

111' im tp. accen ted prefix , 0hin to

0116, out, and imply ing primitiven ess, o riginality.

111 hie,w., do cum en t, deed.

nt -fulfn, hie,w., cause .

nt -fprfingfilidy, o riginal. Fram11111111 1113, o rigin .


8d “, bet , 4 , 256m, father.

8ater-laub, bus, father- land,

native coun try.

b&ter-Iid), 0 091, fatherly, pate rnal.8ater-ftabt, btc, - ftiibte, native

town .

ber fore , for, im ep . unwa ntedprefix cf verbs, to whichit 0 44:the idea of removal, loss, de

struction , wrong. It may in

tensify 0 : well 0 : r eve rse the

m eaning of the simple verb. In

verbs fr om n oun: or 04/‘

t ctiw:it denotes passing, transition

into .

M net -aIn-fdyiebcn, take leave .

From ?(bidfieb, leave .

het -adyten, tr ., despise .

bet -filflt- Iid), 041 1, disdainful, con

temptuous. From betadnen.

het -am en, in tr . with i., growpoor ; berat

’mt, impove rished.From arm, poo r .

ner -beifim ,whirs, verbin'en, tr .,

suppress, swallow.


181 1 1 111131 11, has, 4 , longing ;desire , aspiration .

ber- Iufieu, berItcfi, bettafien, er

berlfifit, tr ., leave , quit ; fid)anf(with rely upon .

ner- Iegeu, part. 0 091, embarrassed.

bet , 4 , publisher .

bet -leibeu, ballet), bettieben, ir .

lend, give .

bet -Iemuhen, tr ., slander.

m -Iiebt (111 with part. 0 091,enamo red, in love .

01 1 -(term , better, 111 1 101 4311 , tr .,

m -liefi, pm . if oerlaflen. Dose .

bet—Iodm ,tr ., tempt.

bet -Int , pm . of nerltm n.

01 1 - 101 1 11,past part. qf nerlterm.

fict -q t, bet, 4 , loss . From

the stem Qf 1121 1161 1 11.

01 1 - 11161111 11, tr ., marry.

net-meint-Iidy, supposed.

From 1116111011, think, the 1 beingexcr escen t.

net -mtfl'

eu, tr ., miss.

bet - llmt-lid), presumab le .

$ tt - 111111- 11110, bit,w., supposition .

net -uada-Ififi- igeu, tr .,

n eglect.

ner-acbw-bar, audible .

ba -nebmm , bemabm, bemommen.

tr ., take ih, heat .

itd) ner—ueigeu, bow.

net -uidyteu, tr ., ann ihilate , crush.

bet -otbnen, tr ., prescribe .

bet - taten, bett iet, berraten, tr .,

(advise ill, hen ce) betray ; re

veal, divulge .

" t - t‘ itbfm ,

tr ., achieve.

bet -rnften, intr .withL, m t bet s

toftet, rusty.


net -fugeu, m , deny.

fid)per fummeln, assemble , gathe r.?Bet -fm ml-una, bit,w., assembly ;m ee ting.

tm—f11 111, pm . of betfiuten.

bn -Mafien, ir ., procure , secure,

ge t.

01 1 -f tr ., chase away.

nn—i11110 1 11, difie ren t, vari


m -fdvliefien. beridylofi.m .,

lo ck, close.

net -Wiugeu, beridylang, 111 1115 11111

gen, ir ., devour, engulf.

bn -Mmadyten, in tr . withL, languish; 1101: 2311111 die o f


lm-fdym ub, pm . of netidymlnben.

ber-f(1110111101111, Dericbmanb, bets

immunben, in tr . withL, disappear, van ish.

oer -fdym mben, past part. of be:


$ er -febe11, has, 4 , oversight,inadve rtence .

01 1 -fete», ir ., reply, rejo in.

net -fidyeru, tr ., assure , assert, pro


on -finfeu, Defiant, beriunlen, intr .

withf., sinkdown .

fid) net - ifibncu get recon


f r et. of beriprcdyen.

ber-fpredyeu, 111 1 1111 11111, 01 11111 0»

111611 , er bedprimt, tr ., prom ise ,

vow; fid) make a slip o f theto ngue .

a r—iptodyeu, past part. of m in:then.


3 1 1 -M , bet , understand

ing ; reason , m ind. From bet s

bet -fteden, tr ., hide , conceal ; fid)secrete on e

’s self, hide .

ber-fttbeu, oerfiaub, nerflauhm , tr .,

understand, know.

het -ftofieu, nerftiefi, berftofien, tr .,

expel, exile .

ncr-anum a, intra, become silent,

cease . From fi111111t1.3 1 1 -full), bet, attempt,expe rimen t, tril l.

01 1 tr ., try, attempt, tempt.fid) bet -tageu, adjourn .

ftfl) 1 1 141 15 434 11, defend one’s self.

ner-ttugen, 111 1 11 119, bettragen, tr .,

bear, stand.

8 1 1 1 1 1 111 11, M6, 4 ,confidence.



ner-fibeu, tr ., comm it.

bet -ltwftulteu, tr ., disfigure.

1 1 1 - 1111111111 111 (111 with tr .,

change , convert, transfo rm ;

fit!) transfo rm , turn .

- 11111111 1 noun de clin ed 0 :


01 1 -m ien, intr .with11, decay.

fiQ01 1 - 1111111ber11 (fiber withwonder at, be surprised.

8 tt - 1n111111emt113, bit, wonder,surprise .

m fiagcu, tutu , despai r.

01 1 -31111111 1 11, ir .

, enchant. From

magic.111 1 tr ., eat.

8 01 - 11110, btc, pardon.

un fiieoeu, berm , neraogca, tr .,

dil to rt ; has Gefidn pull a

wry face ; educate improperly,spo il.

01 1 -303, pm . qf berateben.

01 1 -305 1 11, pattpart. (y nergtebtu.8 01m , bet, delay.

verm eifeln, in tr a, despair.setiwdfl-tmg, bie, despair.SefPCt -Btflt, M8, afternoon

luncheon .

8 1 311 1 3 bet, 4 , 4 , vizier.

01d (mcbr, much;

great pains ; bide, many.

1110 - 1611111 3 adv, perhaps ; lit.,

very eas ily.

bier, mi n , four .

nier-fady, fourfold.

0in t fourth.

8 11 11101 : or SW , bet, w.,

virtuoso. From Ital.3 03-01, bet , 4 , 1 55 911, bird ;

[fowl].8 33(e}1et11 (f r om baa,

4 , little b ird. D im in. qfiBogeI.

bafi, 13am, people ,nation . [Folk.]

11011, full, entire .

0011 00115 1 11 11111, 0011

bracbt, tr ., accomplish.

11011- en’

beu, tr ., end , complete .

3311-19, 0 191, full,whole , en tire.From 11011.

0011~ 10111’

111e11, pe rfect.11011 -13, 0 41 1, comple te ;

- ftii11bigfrom 6 1011 11.0011-fiche , up. tr ., fill.


00111 0011 111 111.

11011, prep.with40 t., o f, from , by.

”013, pr ep.with40 t. or 0 ce ., before ,

ago ; from , for, of,with again st

sep . accented pr efix with the

sam e mean ings.

001 -aw,0411 . 0 n d sep. accen ted

prefix, on ahead, befo re the


001 -0118’-fi1191 11, fI09 001 0118, 001

0 116941091 11, intr . with L, fly

before or ahead.

000 and .rep. accen ted

prefix , by , past, ove r ; 11 11 (withdat.) 5 01 5 1 1, past.

001 5 1 1 9 1 5 1 11, 91119 001 5 1 1, 001 5 1 1

91901191 11 , intr . withi., pass byo r near .

001 5 1 1 411111,pm . q orbetrommen.

001 5 1 1’- 10111111 1 11 , 10111 001 5 1 1, 001=

5 1 191 1010 10 10 , intr . withL, passby or n ear.

001 5 1 1’- Ia11f1 11 (with 001=

5 1 1, 001 5 1 191 10 11f1 11 , intr . withi.,run past.

001 - 5 1 11 11111 , pm . of 001 5 1 11191 11.

001 - 5 1 11191 11, 5 1 011711 001 , 001 91=

5 tad)t, tr ., bring fo rward, presen t.

8 01 01 14113, 01 1 , 4 0, - f11f31 , forefoot.

8 0141111, bet, 46111 , occurrence , inciden t.

1101 0 4t h, be fo rehand, previously, b efo re .

001 -19 0 091, fo rm e r, preceding ;001 191 29015 1 , lastweek. From001 , before .

001 - 10111011 11, 10 111 001 , 001 91 10111


111 1 11, in tr .withL, occur appear;

seem .

001 - 1191 11, sep . tr ., lay before , se t

befo re , se rve .

5 01 11, 041A , in fron t, on the frontis

piece .

001 - 111 5 111, aristocratic, fin e ,


001 - 11 1 5 111 1 11, 1105 111 001 , 00191

110111111 1 11, tr ., take or have up.

8 01 - 1 01, 01 1 , supply.

8 01415 109, 01 1 , 41171691 ,proposition , m o tion .

8 0141 5 41119, 5 11 , pro vidence .

001 (1 1111 111 001 ,

5 01 91711091 11, tr ., sing fo r on e .

8 01401 11119, 01 1 , 401 111191 ,start, advan tage .

001 -ft1 111 11, place before ; present,introduce ; fid) (dat.) imagine.

001 - 11 1 1741111, 0 1171, excellen t.

001 - 11 1 11 11, 11 01 001 , 00191 11 1 11 11 ,

intr . with 11 , step forth, ad

vance .

001 0411 . and sep. accen ted

pr efix , over, by, past.-91 5 1 11, 91119 001 115 1 1 , 001

115 1 19190091 11, in tr . with go

past, pass by .


911 5 1 11, 309 001 115 1 1 , 001 i115 1 1913091 11, in tr . withL, passby .

001 11 5 1 19091 0 , pret. of 001 115 1 1

311 5 1 11.

001 - 10111 16, 047A , forward, onward,o n ; 91 5 1 11, advance , make


8 01 1 0111 1, 01 1 , 4 1111 11 , re

proach. From 001 10 1 1 f1 11.


15 119401 111 1 , 111 1 , - 1 , guide.has, —1 11, woe , pain ,

grief, pang.

11471, so re ; 10 11

11111 !woe is m e !

101W), intaj.,woe ! alas ! oh!1111 111 11, in in ,wave , blow.

bie,woefuln ess, melancholy, sadn ess. woe ;971111, mood .)

fid) 101 111 1 11, defend one’s self.

$ 1 15 , 003, 4 6,—1 1 , wife ,woman .

1181 1111 1 1 011, 111 1 , 4 6111 ,petticoat.

281 1111 1 1 0111 ,hie,w.,woman ’s part.

11 191, so ft. [W eak]101 11111 11, 91 10 1131 11 , intr . wit)!L, give way, van ish. [Weakenfl

1 . bie,w., pasture .

2 . D11 , willow,withy .

1neihe11, z’

n tr ., pasture , graze .


91—11111111, has, - 16,

- 1 ,

cluste ringwillows.281 131 09101 19, 111 1 , - 1 , willow-branch.

101 1111 11, tr ., hallow, consecu te .

101 11, conj., because .

291 11-1111 0 , 0116,—6, littlewhile .

291 111 , bte,while .

281 111, 01 1 , —1 ,wine .

101 1111 11, in fra,we ep, cry.

101 111 , M 91,wise ; bet £81 171 ,wiseman , sage .

$ 1“1 , bit , who,way, fashion ;tun e , song.

101 13, fir es. of 1111111 11.101 13, az'if"white .

101 ifi1 11, tr ., whitewash. Frommeifi,white .


flBeif-ung, bit,w., direction.

wait, adj,wide , large , full ; far ;nonweitem,

from afar ; met.“

ben, expand ; adu ,far ; nub

brett, far and wide ; {as IBette,far andwide .

?&cite, bit,w.,width. Fr om mett,

m iter aq'j., further ; ohm met

teres,without ceremony or ado

adu , farthe r on , furthe r on ;

ntdné, no thing else .

weldy (meldm, meld”, meIdm),in te r rog . prom , what, which;r el. prom ,who ,which.

918m , Me, wave , b illow.

weueu-atmeub (poet ), part. aayt,wave - b reathing.

?IB elfdh n oun declined as

R omance, cb iefly French or Ital

ian ; fo re ign . From Walcfimng.

flu German nam e qf the £ 213 ,

af terwar d: tramf err ed to W

R oman ce nation : mka mpplan ted Mam .

a8m,hie,w.,world .

fitf) m ubeu manbte, gewanbtor mcubcte, gemeubet, turn to ;

an (wit): apply to .

wenig, acyl, little .

m an, conj., when , ifeven ii , though.

m t , inte r rog . and relat. prom ,

who ; hewho.

wetheu, mathor murbe, geworben,with f., become, result ; 311,turn to , become.

werfeu, marf, gemorfeu, ctwirft,tr ., throw, fling.


fi a s, bafi, tow.

?metf, bus, —e,work.

wett, (1472,worth.weft !»has, 4 , be ing, creature .

2em ,hie,w., be t,wage r ; um btcin em ulation ; um hie

Iaufen, race.

mum ,tr . or £n tr ., bet.

?& ett-(uuf, bet , - Iiiufe, race.

wibn ,prep . witfi aca , against ;

up . accen ted and fuse) . am

accm tea’ prefix , against, te

with contra

wibet - fab'm t (witfi dot ), mihet ’

fubt , mtbcrfabren, intr . mité L,happen, befall.

QBfim-iadycr, bet , - 8, ad

ve rsary.

mm -wm b, m , 4mmcontradiction . 4m f r om M :

stem of iprad nn.

mihet -fte'

bcn (mm do t ), mihet

flanb, mtbctflanben,withstand,resist.

mihet -ftte'

beu (with date), Strive

against ; miberftrebenb, reluc

tan t.

wit , in te r r og . and ” lat. adu ,how;conj., as, l ike ; when ; micand), howeve r ; micmenu, as if.

wither, adv. and up. accen ted or

un accen tea’pr efix , again , back.

wicker-uuf- tidmu, up. tr. , raise

again .

wieber-be- fnmmeu, betam mtebet ,mteberbclommen, tr ., ge t back ,reco ve r .

wiebet -cr-feuueu, ettannte mteber,mtebererlanut, tr ., recogn ize .

fl int, bet, —e, wink, nod ;einem etuen geben, make a

sign to o ne .

wintet' bet, " 8, com er.

minim (wit): in tr ., wink,beckon, make a sign .

?& inter, bet,—6, winter .

28mm, bet ,—8, top (o f a tre e).

wit , pars. prom ,we .

with, fir es. of merben.

witft, pr es. qf merfen.

wifl - [idhaq’i., real.

mietet -et -m tbeu, crum bwither,mteberermorben, tr , re cove r.

mieber -baueu, sep . fatn , te - echo ,resound.

wither -fehren, up. 5m . im'

tfi L,return .

wieber-fugeu, up. ir ., tell again,repeat.wiebet -fdyufiea, up . tr ., find again ,

recove r.

wieber-mu, adu , again .

wither“, in fr a, n e igh,whinny.wick, bit,w., m eadow.with, adj,wild .

QBilbeIm,- 6, W illiam .

mm,pres. of molten.

28mg her, 4 18, will; um

(gem ) mitten, prep” fo r the sakeo f.

wilI- ig, 0411,willing.


men, part. a4j.,welcome .

wimmeln, mm , teem.

winb, bet , 4 8,—e,wind .

fid) n iahen, manb, gemunben,wind , twist one ’s self.

?& inbeB-cile, hie, speed of the


?IBitf-uua, bte, working,e ffect.

wirft, pres. qf metben.

fl itt, bet, —e, inn -keepe r ,landlo rd , host.

fl itiS- Ijaufi, bae, —cc, ~ bfinicr,public house , inn, tave rn .

wifieu, mufitc, gemufit, id) weifi,tr . , kn ow. [W it.]wifieu-fdwft- Iidy, Ma, scien tific.

m ,adu ,whe re ,when ; mfigfld),

if possib le . For mo of mor in

compound adve rbs, see page 1 9,

n ote 8.

100, where , when ; miigfid), if

po ssible .


mn adu ,whereby, throughor bywhich.

Me, wave , b illow.

fi ogeu-prafl, bet, dashing

of b reake rs.

wD-bet’or mo bet , adu ,whence,

where from .


,adu ,whithe r ,where .

mom, adu , well ; abet, but

ce rtainly. Its idiomatic m e: are

given in Me N ote s.

m bI-be-tmmt, part. adj., wen

known .

wobI-se-umt, adj” chee rful, in

good spirits.—gcmut from

mood .

ma - ia, aq’fi, happy.

fi obl—ftanb, bet, prospe rity,wealth.

wa -net -bicat, part. adj, wendeserved.

mobueu, in fr a, live , dwell, reside .

QBolm-uug, bie, w., dwelling,abode .

wfilben, tr . , arch , be nd.

her, flBb e,wolf .

Me, cloud . [path .

fi olfcn-fteg, bet, —e, cloudy280m, hie,woo l.molten, mollte, gemoflt, id) mill,tr . or in fr a, will, b e W illing,

deign ; wish, wan t, in tend be

about to ; pretend.

280m m, hie,w., delight, rapture .

mom af'

,adu , whereupon, o n

which.watbeu, past.part. of merben, usedin pass. voice.

bus, —e, word ; hasnehmen, take the floo r.

fl ufifi, her, 4 8, growth; non

bobem of great stature .

From ike stem of macbien,wax.

mum, pr ef. of madfien.

QBunhe, hie,w.,woundQBuubet , has, - 8,

m iracle .

maabet -bar, cab;wonderful, marvellous, strange .

28m“et -baum, bet, 4 6mm ;

wonder - tree.

muuhet - Iidy, odd, pe culiar,strange .

wuuber -milh, 0 09i ,wondrouskind.

fid) m mbm t (fiber wz’

tlz cm ),wonder, be aston ished at.

m nber-fam, adj, wonderful,wondrous.

flBuuber- iubitana, bte, w., m irac

ulcus orwonderful substance .

291mm), bet ,—ee, QBiinid n,wish.


Sid , has, - e, aim , goal.siem

-lidy, adu ,rathe r , pre tty.

amen, tr ., ado rn .

siet- Iid), adj, delicate , dain ty,

pretty, elegant.

8mm“,has,—6, room , cham

be r. [Timber .]

8M ,has, zink.

Sirhl, bet, —6, circle .

3mm ,ism , tremble .

303, pret. of sieben.

333m ,tutu , hesitate ; MC 3 3:

gem ,hesitation. From the stem

qf sieben.

30mm, in tr ., pay toll; tr ., pay as

a tribute .

3 0m , bet , wrath, anger ; ingeraten, becom e angry, fly

in to a passion.

Samm i e“, bet , - f&IIe, fito f anger.

30m-fig, M l,wrathful, angry.

svfi- ia. 4 491, shaggy.

an, prep . witfi dat., to, at, fo r ;

adv. and up . accen ted prefix, to,in addition ; togethe r , closed ;

bef or e an 0472, too .

3n—bringen, bradyte 311, augebracm,tr ., spend, pass.

8mm, hie, training, disciplin e .

From gteben.

satiety in tr ., drawsuddenly, jerk,twitch; dart, flash.

311-balm ,

sep . tr ., co ve r.

311-beaten (wz


t/z dat. of para),bad)“ an, augebadn, tr ., in tend

fo r.

311-t ile“(aufwit}: sep. in tr .

witb L, hasten towards.

bridle. From

311 adu , at first, first.

Sn-fall, bet, - ffilIe, accidentchance .

311-fatten (wit): fiei 311, gage

faflcn, fall to the share of, go

to .

sn-ffifl- ia, 0 492, accidental; adv,

by chance . From Safe“.

su-fififteru (wit): dot. of pm ) , tr .,

whispe r to .



ben, d ay , con ten t, pleasedor ig” at peace.


gebeu, gab 311, angegeben, tr .,

adm it.


sch“ . sins an, ausesauccn.intr . witb L, happen , com e

about ; wit}: auf and act ., go


Sfig- el, bet,—6,

aiebm, 3 119, pulL


giddy, adm, at the same

tim e .

att-boltcn, bleIt 311, augebaitcn, tr .,

co ve r .


tfi sep ., listen to .

5 11-Ian


en, Itefi an, augelafien, tr .,

adm it of.

att-c t

,adu , at last, ultimately.

3am 311 hem.

3n-madyeu, sep. ir ., shut, close .

Su-mut-nug, Me, demand.

aupfeu, tr ., pull.3m an bet.

au-rmmeu (m a dat. qf pen ), tr .,

whispe r to .

au-t edyt

'mudaeu, madyte guredyt,

aurt gcmadn, lv., prepare , arzrange .

afimen, inm, be angry, indignant.


311-tat ,adv. and. sep. accen ted

prefix , back, behind. Frommutt or ?Riicfen, back.

W -blciben, blteb antiid, gutfids

geblieben, in tr . wit}: i., stay behind.

sut iilV-bringen, autilcf, an


tfidgcbmét, tr ., bring back.

sutfif-fabt eu, fill): guriid, gurficfs

gefahren, in tr . with i., drive


aut iw-gebeu, gab 3m m, gurfidges

geben, ir ., give back.

ant iidv


geheu, gtng gutfid, auriicbgegangm, intr . wit}: L, go



gefommeu, pa rtpart. of 311,


attractant, f r et. of 3ntficftom== looke r-ou,


31mm”time, pm . m y. of gurfids



-rehren, up. intr . wit}: is'

re turn .

sw-fnmmeu, ram gutfid, aurfid=

gerommen, in tr . mm i., come

back .

auM -Iufien, Itefiauriid, gurfidges

Iaflen, tr ., leave behind.

ant iidv

- Iaufeu, lief gurfid, attracts

getaufen, intr . with L, run


aurfitf'lief, f r et. of gutficflaufen.

sutfid’mehmen, nabm gurilcf, 3a

rfidgenommen, tr ., take back.

surfif-fdmimmeu, {dmamm 311»

riict, gurfidgeicbmommen, intr .

wit}: f., swim back.

gurfif-fiufen, taut aurad, aurfids

gefunfen, s’

ntr . witb L, sink


aurfif- ttagm ,

trug gurfid, garatta

getragen, tr ., carry back.

antM -meuben, manbte or menbete

31m m, auritdgemanbt or 3mm.

gewenbet, tr ., turn back.

surfif-wetten, martgurfid, gutfids

geworfen, tr ., throwback.

au-rufeu (with. dat. of para), t ief

3a, augerufen, tr ., call to .


meu, adv . and sep.accm ted

pr efix , together.


mm -nehmen, nabm guiams

men, guiammengenommen, tr .,



mcu-tolten, sep . tr ., roll


3 11 -fdmacr, bet, - 6,

spectato r.

anichen, fa!) 3a, augeieben, tum,


3n-feljcuh8, adu , visxbly. A dv.

gm . of auieben, look on .

5 11 adu , before .



leu, adu , at tim es, from

time to tim e . 0 713 . 311 28mm

(do t.plur. qf 28d“,while).fid; 3n-weubcn (wire do t ), manbte

or menbete 311, angemanbt or 311.

gcmenbet, turn to .

swat , adu ,it is true , to b e sure ;

nub 3 nd that (too). A con

traction of 311 and mabr.

swei, mum , two.

Smei-beut- ig-feit, bit, w., ambi


swcifel, bet ,—6 doub t.

awdfeI-b fi, adu , doubtless.


sm ifctu(cmwithdun), x'

n tr ., doub t.

stma, bet, twig, bough,b ranch.

swei-hau'bert, m m ., two hundred .

awei-mal, two tim es, twice .

awei-ftfiub- ia, (3411, of two hours.

- fifinbigf rom g ame.

awiidyen, prep. wit}: da ' or aca ,

be tween .

awfl f, mam , twelve .


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