Download - Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1935-03-24


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I 0 Ul (I Cit y'. Mornin, N e Ul • P (I per ;:= FIVE CENTS :::=

Intern.Uooa. New,, Jnternatlonal llluotrat.d New. IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 1935 hlJ ...... WIn

Tile ' •••• M ...... VOL. XXXIV NUMBER 260

Senate Passes $4,880,000,000 Relief Bill I ARMSCR1S1SMOVESTOCLIMAX II Record Vote Expected as Iowa I~==========:::!J. Citians Select New Regime Of

1 Weary Senate Capitulates To Demo Leaders

Central Building of New Fine Arts Colony Opens Tomorrow

• • • • • • • • • • • $375,000,000 Silver Rider Ac~~ptec1 To France, Italy" Grant Wood Prevent FdJbu ter E I d W·II

WASHINOTON, MOI'('h 23 (AP)- ng: an 1 A ppol·nted To }. Aenate lorn and w('a\')' from L)

fight werka of tu~sllng wllh th ~ St d T th P M I !IlJ'lwsl ~ll1gl~ l('glAlntlVu apllrOI'rl. an oge er aint UTa .II(IIl In world hl"tol')', today Cllpl· tulJtNI to big Rtl~k pr~8SUrl\ from

1 demorrat/c el'8 and pa..'IIlCd the admlnlslrlLlIon's $4,880,000,000 r('· Ilpt bill.

For In

Prepares Way . Conversations Berlin Tomorrow

1 The nnNV!lIrr, CllrI'ylng a mllll sllvrr lotlatlon rld<'r, w s speedM ('npyright. 1931i, Ry The AssocIated

I 10 n cont .. r net' wll h th .. houoe tor rrC1!S) ~ ""ltJ~nwnt or lllrtl'\'('ncl'8 by lh r PARTS, March 23-FI'ance, Italy, MelRlve margin or 68 to 1 G. IlI1d England agreed today to etand

Tht:' $375,000,000 SIlVH 1·lder. tOgelher "I n complete unity ot pur· vBnc"tl by Renator Thoma.'! (D. IlkllL). was ncceptpd only ..... a. par. 1>08(''' In dealing with the German lJaqwntary mov\> 10 p\'('vl'nL a fIJI· a l'nl 8 I'rlsls, bu,t"r. l,('ad~I's ('''Jl~rt It to \)(' At B"linln's Inslst~nc~, the trl· • trlrken out In the "pnnte·house POWI'" parl!'y helll llel'e 10 llrepal'e ron(eren~~ Dl'clslv"ly, th.. 8!'nate aeteatc-d lx'fo\'(' a final vote 0. Pl'O' Ine way for An glo·Oerman conver· posed amendment tor a $4,000,000,. SIlt/ons In Bel'Jln Monday and Tues· r~II"ack Is"uP to pay Cal' tile wholp program.

1)(>"II~nt't1 10 provldl' " 'orl< for 3, 1lI0.000 emploYEl\)leR now on rrll~f

rolls arter the $8 0,000,000 tor dIrect .1<1 Is ~xhtlUstrd. I he 1.>1.1 ... melUlUre on (lOll! roll ('n il dr,,\\" th 8ulJpol'L of 5.\ uNrWCl'I1I", II re"uhlfclIlI;" Itnd thl> two r3 Mll(,I'·lllhor and progl'("s. 111'p ",·natOl'II.

Ollly six (lem()('raL~ and ]0 .. ('pu\)· li4"'ans an!-4w(.\r&l a m(JE"k II no" whpn V~· ·Prl,.ldent Oarn('r, on top or thing>! all dny, put the [lnal que.· til,lI. Among th('m wa.~ th .. vet('r. 1ft ronSl'rvllUv(' Carttr (l11lA~ at Y/I·· ~/n\a, who wn" In chargf' nt "teerln Ihe blll lUI chairman ot thE' appro· pl'llllloM ~"rnm j tt .. (', I)ut who 1 houltht thp huge npproprlatlon would endnng .... 111(, natlon'S Ct('dlt.

FIr ... t Indtcntlon" thai 8tl'Ollgo·nl'm mr·thuds woul!l 1)(' ('mployp<\ to choke orr [IJ1 Incil)l!'nt rlIlhustcl' c:uoP ju~t as the sE'nnte cOllVenl~) ,

an hour enrller than customary. Hl'nator lwt.ln"'ln, thl\ T1liljol'lty

rhlertaln, mov,'d 10 lahl(' a rlll!'r by nnWr Thvnta8 pl'ovldlnA' tOt· a

br,,'t,1 manclntory Rilver Inf[1111)11 to make monr)' mOI,(, pl"nllful and hl'lll pay thl' relle( hill.

The tabling IOU 110 II carlii'd 40 to n. MIl'r whlrh Thoma" \lUll lieI" mltt('11 to "ut III It milli('r sllvp\, am"n,lnwnt for Ih\' sa'ke o( <,h,,<,kl ng lurlh,' ,. d('loylng- Inctlc nll<1 wllh th" ulllm'll<, vi,'\\, uf having thl.' PI·O· vl.lul1 IImlnal",1 In confert'nce.

WIIIH Spt'I\' ng ~ {' NC'IL llL l~~'S, In. (AP)­

J:; Ihl'l HOttoll, 13, daughter of )[1'.

~lId ~Ira. nuy l:Io lton of Car8o)lI, In., clI,l tllUllty SI)('lling c hampion In ISS4. again won fIr t Illncl' In til" I'lIllJlwnltomle county BlX'lIll1g con · I.,t h('\'1' H'Rll'r,luy.





Even if he's not a typical matinee idol. Popeye has be· com e Olive Oyl's idol and protector s ince they got lost in the de@ert while ..chasing the terrible bandit, GlillL Gore. Follow this funniest of all comics every day In


Daily Iowan

(lny Qgreetl to proceed cautiously and AU""ey the groulld thoroughly l~fore forcing the Issue before Ihe Lellgue of Nations.

"Re·Qroulling of Allies" Ca,)t. Anthony Eden, who wIll ac·

company Foreign Minister Sir John SImon 10 Hl'rl/n tomo,'I'ow, spoke tor G"ellt Bl'itatn: Foreign Mlnlste,' Pierre w\'nl, who yesterday de· mand~<l " re·grou·plng of the allies" U8nlnllt Gel'many, represented France; nde,··Secretary of State ~'ulvio Suvlch ' was Haly's spokes· mnn.

Even lIS the thrl'(' met over the luncheon labl" and the council tab Ips a t th e Qual d'OrSllY. the French general staft announced transfl'r ot some 80,000 t"OOPA to garrisons ncar I' the Rhine. Italy, through Preml('r Benito Mussolinl, sUl11moned 220.000 more men to the COIOl'S,

"{lnih' of Purpose" The oftlclal communique which

a,\nounced the tripartite parley's "Unity ot pUl'pose" contil'lIted Slm· on'R Htalcn1<'nt befor(' the British hOuse ot commons that 11[. and Ellen's con terencE's with Adolf Hit· ler would be "purely eXIl[oratory."

Their visit, the communique 1J.~ld, will he "ot exploratory ChilI" acter and scope and the llurpose of lhelr con\'I' I·sn.Uon ... that agreed 11 pon I n the l.ondon comm u nlq ue of Feb. 3, In I'('gard to which 1 he Wentlt)' ot lhl' view of the govern· mlVlts of London, PariS and Rome hlU! been affirmed."

,-------------------Who Is "F. C.H."?

That's What New York Police Want To Find Out

NEW yonK, Mnl'~ h 23 (AP)- ln . : h(' (/ te book ot Ills g loomy soul. 'i".('.1I. " ha..~ jottdl down this macn-

1-)'(' III mOI'llndlum: "ALII'1l ], Je3G-Thls Is tile day I

l4hllli kill 111)' lion. ~'hl'n Ihat I' (;UI1I', I Hhull kill myscIC,"

'Vllo Is "F.e.n."? Tho I)ollce "Ish lh y knew.

'rho mllll , wbo('v~r he mny 1)1', Is well cduratl'fl. poor, n w/(lower, bll· Irr· ·nlHI hI' 18 tll'trl'mln cd to becOl11 o

a ' 1I![o l<Io olld u sukldr olt All Fool'A dny:

"[)('n't Ttf'" "Plenll(\ dOIl ' l try to locnte m","

Jw \I rlltr In on IIC 'I \vo m~eg thnt I\av(\ been l'(ocelved by lhe Nel" York bl'Uadcl\811l1jf stllUon.

1I1s 11UI'll08e In writing the 8b­,'1)118 WIUl 10 1''' 'lUest that on olle ot Its I'ogulnr " lns lllrntlol1a1" l)rogl'8ms 18 d vott> 80me tim to d isoullllion "f <lNlth n'HI aft r denth. I "Sin my wire III (I," the man Iwrot , "I ImVe given 111I1Iure con· m,lrl'lltlo ll 10 1110 [IUeSUOII of con· tlllued life, nnd 1 "all 8PI! nn l"SOIl for It."

To Kill Child N,}!', ~h IIUlII udlled, Is thl'l'8 lillY

\<"11.8011 why lit' shllUltl leave hl ~

child; 80 h Intends to kill him . A ft~r th th'st letter-there ha va

00 J1 two-the \)roadcMIl'r appeaWd to the mall to UlllU1doll tlle plan or death. ,

" I~ . (' . " w uld tlot be R~rvcd. " Don't try to find 111111 ," he snld

III hl8 8~Olld lettel', "1 only o~k

lhllt you comply with my reques t lind glv mo the Information I do. ~Ire."

Prot. Grant Wood ot the grallhlc and plasUc !\J·ts deportment ho~

been appOinted to Paint a mural tor olle of the entrances to the neW post I office depal·tment building In Wa~h· Ington, D. C., It WIIS announced there yesterda'y.

'I'he Iowa arUst accepted the com· mission ami announce!l lhat he ex· [Jecls to ibegln wO"k on the mural ns soon as he has COmpleted lecture en· gagements at Puke university in Durham, N. C .. and In New York city.

He will go to Walthlngton In May to make plan,s lor tM painting. He will then I'PllIl'n to Iowa. City, to do the wOI'k In the new fine arts bulld· Ing.

ProCessor Wood did not announce any IllanR for the palnUng. Ills mural will be one oC several, each ot which will -be palnled by a dlr· ferent a,·tlsi.

Hitler" s Press Agent Lauds Conscription

Says In Radio Talk Would Guarantee Peace in Europe

BERLIN, March 23 (AP)-Relchs­fuehrer Hitler's new military con: bcrilltion de<'I'ee, EI'nst Hanfstaer;l. Harval'd educated NazI torelgn pres '!' rhlef, told the American peoptc by radiO tonight, "would guarantee tho peace or Europe for lhe rema Inde:' of thQ twentleoth century."

"An(1 that," he 81l1d, "Is not doln;; so hadly, after 8.11. "

R~I\l('\nc Chances Hanfsta.egl's broadca~l was an

official effo,·t to dlssl1>o.le Amcl' lca'1 ILpprchenslon over Hlrtler's decision It) smash the Vlwsailles b'eaty Il.nrl ;0 endow Get'many with a strong tlglltlng (orce. Ha.ntstaengl's motllPr was born In the Unl\ed Stales.

"By equalizing to a certa in deg're~ the disposition , or armaments," he aid, "Hitler I~ Po91tivcly "educlll'l'

the ~hnnces of war In Europe. "Thus 1 venture to any we al'll

tOday nenre,. pe8·ce lJecau8e the In­Justit-e of military dlsproporUon li D'!'

been rellloved .... 'rhe tact that mili tal'y conscrlplion In Gel·mal'.y has mad" Oe"mllny a sover. elgn 8tate floes not mean war. It ~cal\S peace. within Germa.ny an·1 'without."

Quotes W O!lblngton The Nazi press Chief, who on~"

hid 1I111eJ' away In hl8 MuniCh ' home to ~lI'ot~ct him frOm the police, orE'W Ullon his Intimate I<nowledg~

of Ant rica to drIVe hilt pOints hOn,,?· -even Quoting Geprge Washington.

" rt mIght be well tor Ame,1eans 10 remember," he ~a ld , "thot th~

pl •. e ot EUI'ol)fllln armies JII IlB~lr

1:< nothing ~xO\'bltan t or un rea.son _ r ble.. Some people sl'('m to forgot 1 hn t IlUge a hee<ts or waters cailed the At'lanlic alld thE> Pacltlc oCe(\.n! Rave t be U nI ted States tl'easury nn 'l tile American taxpayer the COSt of lIupporting two standing ar:rnles ot at INlSL 300,000 men a'plece, It n',t ('Onsldembly morl'.

Dictator War League Endorses

Hickenlooper The Student League for the Pro·

mllt"'n of ,,;rar In on "emergency conAull.o,llon" ot Lho executive otn(f, last night e ndorsed Representative n. B. Hlekenlooper for "stille dlcla· tor,"

RepreRentlltlve Hlekonlooper or Cedal' Rnplds, who wllh Represenla· tlve He"mall Knudson or Mason

lIy, I. sponsorIng a bill In the Iowa. legisla ture to prohibit t eaching dOC' trines In Iowa IIChools advocating ony other lhan 0. constltutlonnl gOy. '1rnment W1l8 pOlntetI out I\J! "the man the leagtle has boen looking fm .. "

"We hnve 0. lJuey Long In our own back yard," Jotteph V. 1l11pura, At of ?II t. V~rnOn, N. Y., "II duCe" oC the war lell&'ue, laill. "li he

Art Classes Will Move Acro~s River

Building Open To Public During Art Meet April 12, 13

The ~entrnl ,Iltillding ot the nev:

fine arts colonY, tile tlrst of It"

lond In the-' United Slat s, wUl be oPenoo ,tOmOI'1'OW when the gt· l·} n nd plast ic arts dePe,rtment wil l be· gIn mOVing acrOBS the river. Th~

building will ~ oPen to the publ 'c <iurlng the conference ot art teach­lers o.nd s uperVisors April 12 and 13 •

The architecture ot the bulldlll'f Is a moOOrn ndaptatiOn ot the Georgian: thlR type was chosen hp · cause or the ulIUSUal requirement" lOt the bUilding called 'tor large blank ",rens on the Interior. The build· I n'g hilS been desIgned In t he shape ot an "H," tho length or which ex­tends to the nO[1th and soulh. 'l'h<l iCIllIt portion Is 149 by 32 feet, onJ the west portion 218 by 40 feet . Tb~ cente-I' conneoUng portloll Is 70 by 40 fee-t.

21 r;t u<1ios The east entrance Is of buft 11mI'·

b(One With gnU work blasted Wit h ,and. The east toyer has two large wnn panels which 'Will probably De

used fOI' mural pnlntlngR. Accor,l· Jng to. preseut l'lnna the 'toyer will be paneled In walnut. '1'ho ~Jthlbl·

tlon h!lll, 73 ,by 42 teet, Is IIghtr,j artiClela.lly with 0. battel,), of 180 lIgnts encl~e<1 In the gloss cellln~. The plywood walls wlll be cover('d wllh burlaD and will mal(o plcturo hanging a ~imple problem.

The 'Working section of ilhe build­Ing Is composed o't 21 ' Rtu"l~ or varying sizes; In the 'oosement are the mechanlcnl drawing and design class 1'00111$. -rhe more advllnced Classes In painting will meet In Istudl,os on the first, second, ani third floors, All ot t heae st udlos 'have !lorth skylights and are In· 1ended to 'Ilrovide apace IOl' 25 to '0 studellts. l\1.[)11t of the stUdio;! I~l'e equi(l\lCd with closets, lockel·s. running waleI', nnd nrUflclal light fixtureB.

Farln ~I(ground In the Ila.lI.'! are cOrrldol' tocker~

'>bUIlt' flUllh with the wall, for the Use Of studen ts, Mouldhtgs In th·, 'WaUs In the first noor hELve been mnds of brick to (orm a backgrou nd Jor prints and etchingS which, will IJe hung there.

;Plans tor the studios to be 'lU ll t on eilher end of the- buildIng are go­Inl! forward mpldly. Contrncts will b let sOme. time this sprlnlj and th .. uddltlons will probably be finis hed Ly next. tall.

F.D. Approves Constitution

Philippines to Rule Selves, With Final Independence in '45

WASIDNOTON, March 23 (AP)­SUrrounded iby beamIng Filipinos, PreslUent R~elt toda;y sIgned the document 'Which provides for hOme rule for the fill' aWIlY IslandS In the 10 year period which must elallse betore cpmplete independence becomes ettectiVe.

Mr, 'Roosevelt .approved the con· Btltut/on whi<!h goe8 tar towa.rd carrYing out the prom.ise of freedom tot' the iBlanda in~e 3T years ago.

Oovernor Gen. Frank Mu~phY,

a wltneea of the ceremonI8ll', tOday Immed iately cabled Ma nila to call a. l!pcclal lcgl.latl~ Behlon within 010 daY8 to set the' date tor the election at which the FUlplnos will vote on aCCellt1lnCe of the eonailtutlon.

Until complete Independence, the United States ,WlII lee to the de­t 41n8e and to~lgn relatlonl of tii& cOmmon,wealth government, and reservell the rl,ht to tlike ovllr the customs In Cbe Ihe Phlllppinea fall behind In debt '~rvlce,

kecp~ up hie t/onderful work It may be lhat the league will see fit to Mil him to lUIIIume not only the dlctatOI'shlp of low,a.. but ' 1J 0tlorOrr Il!IQ.derHhlp of the League tor the Pro· motion of War."

Officials at Polls Tomorrow

, Pierre Flend;n Pier ... L .... I

El1l'ope's armg crisis moved toward a bistoric climax as FranCe took sharp exception to Gel1nany's rearmament and pl'oceedetl with :;teps to increase her own military strength. Premier PierI' li'landin, right, requeflted a special session of the League of a· tions to considel' citation of Gl'rmany for violation of th' Vcr. lIIlilles treaty. Piel'l'(' L8\'81, fOl'eign minister, l'~pres nt-ed Franee at the internatiollal diplomatic conferellce y sterday betweell ilelegates of Itllly, Rl1R.~ill , England and France over the rearma· ment isslle. "It will be so easy to anSwer any Ill'gnments against Germany's st£'p," W/IJ the reply of the £Ol'eigu offiee at Berlin.

Fraternities" Sororities Bring "D~moralizing"" Influence Into University Life" Lam p e Says

Thilt Greek letter fr8tf'rnilies aJld sororities sueb 8S are found in Ameriean colleges IHld universiticA lI\'C II mOl'o11iability rather ttlan a moml asset is the ?pinion of Pt·of. 1\[. WiIJard Lampe, di. I'petol' or the ~chool of l'ellgion.

.An honorary member of Phi Tau 'l'heta, non.sectarian church centel'ed fraternity, PI' 0 t ~ /I" 0 I'

Lampe ~"pounds his convlrtlons in spite of hl8 fraternity aWllntlon .

uF1ftbbine8S" "ThE'lr luxury. pollUcal maneuver'

lng, caste Mplrlt, thell' mOI'al flabbl· ness, theh' lin wholesome alumni I'e· latlonshlps, the false lleale ot social values which they jmpress upon the whole student body," he 8t\.yS ot Oreek letter groups, "mak~ them on the whole a demoralizing, not to >lay VicIous, e lement In colleKe nnd unlvel'slty life. 1 hllve no enthU~I' &sm fOI' tltem."

Professor Lampe received i], :a.A. degree [rom Knox college, Gales­burg, Ill., and laugh t two years be· fore enlerlng a theological llemlnary In Omaha wherll his fathe,· WB.>I a profes801'. Fr'om the throloglcal seminary he entered the g raduate school of the UnIversity of Pennsyl· vanIa where he studied three ,.ears and recelve,1 0. Ph.D. degree.

The affllintion of rellg[OUS grOups has always been the muln Interest oC PI'ofes"or Larnpe who worked out. \l. l)rO~I'al11 of r ellgloll, organizing a fed eration of religious groops tor th e Unlvel'slty or ' Pennsylvania . .

A fter seven year$ as natiOnal uni·

v~rslty director for the Pr('8byterln n ~hurch, PrOf~ROI: Lampe o.CCepted Ihe posilion of adminl$lratlve (/I. I'ector ot the Achool oC I'ellglon at the Unlvel'slty Of Iowa.

A ~faJor Sin "The churches should unite

against the cvJls that threaten mocl· ern life," P"ores80r l.ampe declares. "Split.up denominationalism Is one of the malol' sl08 of modern Christ· elldom. 1t Is a waste ot money, en· courU8es unchrlllllan rivalry, and Is IIlE'ffecllve. Thel'e Is the sp ndlng of energy 011 8moll JS8ues Illstead oC the big l!!SueR of the chur~h' and modern life."

FOIid ot sport/!, ProtessOl' Lampe Is a tcn nls player. H Wn.!I call taln of the track learn while at Knox 'ollege. He alHO enjoys golf and

hiking. " ( just live one year a t a time,"

he said explaining hit! philosophy of lire. "I never planned pONlcularly as rar a8 pORItloll8 were cOllcerned. I didn 't plan on being a minister, aVeIl , Ih ough I was attending the theologlunl I!emlllnry and my fa[h · er and two brothers w ere minIs· tel'S."

Editors Urge Solons Agree Press Freedom On Increase

Will Call for Action When College Heads . Oppress Papers

'CIUCA.GO. March 23 ~AP)-The

Committee G i v e 8

O.K. to 40 Per Cent Army Raise

W ASHINOTON, March 23 (AP)-

exeoutlve council oC the Big Ten An dgreement by tho senate·boilse

Editorial Ilssoclatlon toda,. ~eclded conference committee to authorize to call upon a ll student newspapers o.n Immediate ~O per cent JncreWle

In the mlddlewest to act where free· In the standing army opened the dom of the )lI'eS9 Is allegedly viOlated way today fOr a two tronted legll­by dictatorial policies of colleKe ad· m; nlall'allons, lat/ve baltle, one to garner more

At the ("oun~II'8 InvitatiOn, John money tor milltary p.repa.redneea, W. Roberts discussed hll recent and another to make war and prep· resignation ' 0.6 editor of "The VI· aratlon for war unprot/table. dette," student newspaper at 1111· nols State Normal unlv~r8Ity, Nor· mal , III , Roberts 83.ld he resigned when forbidden to publish a neW8 l'epOrt ot a speech by Preeldent R. W . Falrohlld of the university concerning drlnklnl; ' at the llehool.

The council a lso proposed to uk the IiILLidel')t editors tq estimate ths numbel' or commuhlslB and com· munlst sympathizers at the val'lou8 !;jIg Ten 80hools.

The conference committee agreed on an appropriation bill carrying

slightly more than $400,000.000 tOr the _ 'dep~e~t, & near 1'eoord

pea.ce time total. and' eart')'lnc •

8)leClai llrovllllon tor boosting ·the'

army enlisted strength from 118,:

760 to 185,000.

I!haplng In the houl!e was legis.

latlon tor a elmllir ' llI11l to tlnance

Huey's Only A So-And-So

Says Congressman P. L. Gassaway, Oklahoma Cowboy

WASIIINOTON, lIIart!h 2S (AP)­Oklahoma's cowbOy congr_man leaned In his 8wlv I chair to· day and IInnounced he would go to thl) hO\lse noor wIthin 10 daYM " to clean Buey Long'R plow and Ihow him up tor the kind Of a so..and·80 that he really I~. "

"Burn Him Down" "I'm fixing to burn him down,"

sn.ld Repr~8entatlve P. IJ. a_way (D. Okla.), putting at a cIgarette, "and I'm golnK to UIIe his own book to do It."

"The communl81l1 and rMclltJI that people are talking about don't umounl to 0. threat. Any Urne we wa nt to get 1'1<1 of them, a.1/ we've got to do ill send the tumy atter Ihem.

"It's the guys who have crawled Into oWce on talse preten I to tho, illiterate, Ignorant, or trulUnK people who are plnylng h II with thl. country."

"No Santa. Claus" " f ~IMS Huey with th father who

I\'ptq his children to do what he WillIts them to, and then .lUllt the night b('Core Christmas tells them ''fhere ain't 110 Banta ClaU8,''' thlY big Oklahoman added. "And I think Huey would use just that languo.go: 'The, ain't nO Santa Claus.'

"The plllful part of It IS that tollal take him eerlou Iy now."

Hoover, Col. Roosevelt Rap Administration

Charge Democratic Regime Leading S. to Bankruptcy


SACRAl\lEN'I.'O, Cal., March ~a

(AP)-Co.ustlc cntlclslfUI of the- nil.· tlonol administration and vlbral~t

calls tor a rebirth ot tbe republican Plrty were sounded here tOday hy former prUldent Herbert Hoover und COl. TheOdore Rooeev It.

BOth said the (lcmocratlc. Roosp­velot regime was POinting the coun­try toward bo.nkrulltcy. They call d ullon the nation to reject the Idmlr.­ktratlon ,brand ot "bureauel'Oey an 'l I'eglm nUlllon."

Varylntr Opinions , Whether the HOO\'er proncunc:e­

}nent slgnlfled prepat'at!on tur niH .ft<-tlve appearance In the 1936 poli­tical arena was the subject ot varr-109 opinions, he himself, left on .. due, however , when he 8&:ld:

" .. . Rebirth of republican pllrt,V transcends any pel'llonal Interest or the selfish I",tereat of a ny group."

At one point he RaId: "Tile Productive geniUs of our

~)f'I' le. which 18 the lKlle road to 1'tlCOVery and Increaaetl standards of ~Ivlng. Is belnK sUned, t he nation impoverished Jnstead of I.'nrlc:hed. !The theorlee of this admlnstratlo!1 do not work. ~hey are no longer ., pl'Ppagandlzed mlllenlum; they an ""If-exposed."

.. H .... 1IMrinc Rec!ovlll')''' Colonel Roosevelt charged the aG­

mJnl.stration with "hampering I'ecov · ery by an InBen_te mass oC regula. tions ImP<l8ed on furmlnK and busl­

IoCB by & narrow, IneX'l)erlenced poli­tical bureauDI'8.D)I."

The Hoover statement WIla a lel­ter to the annual convention Of tho Cnlitornla republican a llllembly. Thl' former 'pre4Jldent did not a.tlend, hol' Ing In Berkeley to take part In the UnIversity ot CoJiforn!a.·. eharler dRy p"""ram. There he wu glVf.:I\ an honorary degree and applauded Ila "~hamPlon ' of Americnn Indlvl­d, u aI hnl\. "

Recheck. Shows Rise In 'C~p Donn Grades

Al) Hope COne, Yet Col. Howe Lingers

WASIIlNO'l'ON, March !3 (AP)­A1thOl\8:h a ll hOpe fov ,~18 recovery hils been abandoned by hiS physl· ola"", Col. Louis McHenry 'Howe , flrat IIfl{'reta.I·1' of the president, eon· IInued tonight. to rcalllt a compllca. tlon of . IlIseaaes.

-the navy durIng the cOllllng year.

In addjtlon, .ome ~;el'Ven ex~t. ell a move In the conference on the $4.880,000,000 reliet bill which ~ht make avaJlable still more money tor the two branchel of tbe national de.fenlM!.

A Bub-comlllittee of the bOUle mil· I ..... y committee WlUI drafUn&, a plan to Mk $406,000,000 of the money ,for UIIII hI' the anny,

After a recbeck or calcul.oonJl by The PaUl' Iowan. It wu found ,that the grad& averagee of co-opera­tive donnltorlel were higher this Il!emeeter thaa last yMr. It wn.a ..tated In Thunday morning'. pap~,.

tbM: they bad dl'CJlPtMld. The averII4rC made Jut lemeater

'!Vila 2.20, While the J9SS-3~ mark Wlla %,14.

Martin, Boyle Fore of Battle City Ownershjp

In On

( ket<obes of CandlcJalea on Pace II) Final se,lIem nt of the thr yeaI'

old u.tlilty conlroversy IR expecte~

tomoro'o,v when nelll'ly ,0 0 JoWl. Nty vot 1'8 go to the poils lO IM!.

leet a new cit), admlnlstra.Uon. Deap[ta the vlrtual abllCl1Ile of tlw

U8Ual now of oratory In Ih cam­)lfllcn IUlt ended, a rIIOOrd VOl III cxpPCted. City C\ rk Ot'or J . Doh. ~r hila recorOl'd more • hftn 400 ehangee of addr_ for vote... and 300 ab nt and disabled vot 1'11' blal· lots hay;) beell C4lIt,

The camP&ign Ilroml~ to become ... (our-purty race In th beginning, 1mt wlthdrawall and tick t

Iowa Cilians Vote Tomorrow

Whal: Mondll¥. ~farch !5. '1 I . RL to 8 p.m.

Where: F1rat want, rouri · hOIllMl; ~ond " .. rd, ~lt1 haU; third' ",ani. ,.p.s. haJI; fourth ward, American r-e.lon buUdlllr; f1tth wllrd. 10"''' Clly BoHlinI' work.

Who: AJI duly rtrl t red Jowa. ('Ill' ,·ole",.

WhAA: Iy leotloll for mayO(', trell urer, city lie Of", park I'OllIml lone.-; two aJdenn n·lIl · I rt , I\nd nY4! ward tLldennen,

Cl hllve na.rrowed the IHue to th~ @I ngl Is~ue--.munlulpal or privata IJwnershlp.

ThoU!:1I th~ vot r will tln(\ thr part/elf -. I'Ppub2lcnn, democratfc, mt.nlclp.ll owneMlhlp nnd one Inde· I endent candidate on t.hb om lal Lallot, (0 vote Oil the cenlral lsauu h will be fol'Ct'd to resort to con· . Idrrnble IICratchlng.

Th or ench OJlllO Ing camp I~ ocl,ned With on of the C()nv n· tlonal t)OllllCl\1 porti •. Thorn I E. Inrtln, rl'Pubilcan candidate tor

lIlayo,', IS committed to the mun· IClpal own 1'8 hi p doctrln , \V hlle Clem Boyle, proiXln nt ot tll "Mun ­Icipal Peace Plnn." repreeen18 1M d mocra!JI lUll A e&ndldRt for h d ot th elly government.

The remainder of the candidates on both BIdes or the prlnelp 1 contro. Hrey con8tltute 110m thing or 1\

poUtleal hod!l'il.1)Odge. Aldermall JacOb Van del' l'A!e, leader ot the munlclp I ownership toroe , ha. be n tl tJ-adI'.I"nal I' pUblican In Cormer I10UUcal battl 8 but now I ada his ow n local party. 1-(/8 running-mill" ror lection sa alderman·at·lal·ge III Dr, W. 1<. Boller.

Van del' and Boller are taced In th Ir ellht lor pOIIta 8.8 aldennen· at-large by Emma J . lto.n'a.t, one­\Ime mavor ot Iowa Clly, and Stew­Ill·t E . WilSOll, both or whol!e namea ' IIppear on the republican ticket. Wlthdra.wal ot' C. Rollin Sberck and Charles Benda. a.r~ r their nom­Ination on the democratic ticket leC~

111188 H ... rval and WilBon In pus,",'-810n or the field tor a ldermen-at· la rge 011 the Ide of private owner­ship .

Supportlng Marlin, Van der Zee nnd Boller on the murilcl(llli owner­ship 81de are Oilorge Bouck, Ilemd­craUc canllldate ror third ward al­derman, and T. L. Foote, Earl Kurtz, Henry Wlllenbrock, and J . A. 'Swisher, ail MOL oo.ndldatee tor ",ar!l alderm1lJ11c pOIIltlons.

Upholding tho priva.te ownership end of the argument with Boyle, WilllOn a.nd Mila Hnrvat are J ohn Orady ~DI, J oeellh Cannon (R).

Frank Burrer (Ind.), John P. Vern­Ier (D) and RoercOB Ayers (RI, ea.n­dltla.tetr for ward aldermen.

.\. 8&andoft The pre-electlon feeling is that

(Turn to pare 4)

, IAI rec~ eeeh boor a& the low& • CI&7 aIrtIor1. fl'Dlll U. p .... ' t. 11:11 p .•• F"""',)

12:30 ......... _ ... U 1 ' :341 ................ GO 1:30 ................ 64 1 7 :a • ................ 45 2:10 ..... _ ......... 81 I ':341 ................ 42 8 :30 _ .. - ... _ ... 61 1 9:30 .... ~ ..... ' ..... . a 4:30 ... _ ....... _ .. &5118:.0 ................ ~J 5:30 ......... _ ... 64111:30 ..... .......... _ 4J The low~8t temperature recorded

yesterday was 42 at ,10:30 p.m.

WEATHER IOWAI ~.. ell •• ir='

with rIIIInc IeJDpel'lltare Sun. ...;,.,10110 .... by -uered .... w· en a& DIehl; 1I0IIIIa¥ 1ID..uIetI.



"G,ide to Prosperity" Slogan· For Friday's Commerce Iffart

MI. - - • + 1. __



Prepare 12;00 Party Tickets

Independent Student Child Wei/are Grou,p Women to Meet Will Meet Tues(lay ~ N' l t With M,'s. C. Wylie ornorrow "grL 1.1cmll1't'S of Ihn Chil([ on ei·va.

Tickets :for Brigode's ••••• ••• ••• • w • • - _ ......• - • • Smith Announce. OWe 1'6 will ~)(l elect d aL tho tlon club will m t at til 11CI1l1t or

8 ond meeting ot illtll'lK'n(lcnt stu· lilt·., C. C. WyJtl', 15(Hl nlulI~lltln

dent WOrn n tomorrow night. 'I'h ,wrnllc, nt 2:30 /I .m. 'l'u\'H(lu.v fut' It

In<lcil ndent g roup WaH orgnl1lzNl, I u"ln '~H m oling and MorinI hUUI',

Return ~ngagemfmt On Sale Tomorrow

With the slogan " OUrle to pros· perity at t hc ommcrce Mart March 29" members of t he collcge of cotn· mCI'()c are basing tho themo of t ho annual Informal dance, which they will prese nt Friday, on pr osperity's return. Programs and decorations will further carry out the themo {or the dance, wh Ich will takc place In t he main lounge at Iowa 'Onion from 9 to 12 p,m .

Ace Brlgwe and his Virginia ns, "America's most danceable dlUlce band," as th~y have tltl d them' selvcs, will furnish tunes for the dancing. Brlgode began his career as a muslcJan In 1913. Hc organlzcd 'his own ol'chestra In J 918 and tlrst rec,elved recognl!1on playing at t hc I Monte Carlo club In New Yo!'l< city. Latel' he played at the Wal· ton Root In Philadelphia.

The ot'cbestra hlUl broadoast over national radio hookups and has );)Iay· ed In other eastern night clubs. Utst November, It furnished music for the Interfraternity dance.

Nov Ity numbers o~ orchoatra' tlons, singers, and hit tuDes are t eatures of the Brigode arch stra.

Committee mem'bel's for tile Com· merce Mart are Wallaco A.. Glover, C4 of Ottumwa, chalrman; A. 'l'. Flu'ley, <:4 of L\ City; Vidal Bunze, C3 ot Charles City; J, WiI· )ton McQueen, C4I of Northboro; Mary Lou Padgham, C3 of Ocheye· dan.

!\fax Wlsgerho~ , C3 of Sully; (J rover IT. Schneckloth, C3 of Wal· cott; Robert Bll1'rett, C3 of Des Moll1e8i Marla" Iwert, C3 ot Iowa City; and James Blrkenstock, C4 of Burlington.

Tickets wjjl go on ~le tomorrow morning at the main desk of Iowa Union.

Women Voters Will ConfJene for Group Discussions Here

The Leaguo of Women Voters will meet twice this week for group dis· cusslon<:t,

ACE BRrGOI}E -Here tor Commet'ce Marl

Mrs. F. Kent, Son Tommy, Entertain 10 Babies at Tea

DeHtt. Ollllll1la

li'out'tC('11 \vomcn Ity; J30Uy Ra[JQJlOt't, A2 of ~cdlu'

Ha.pids; Be tty Brav )'m6n, Al or Into Delta Glunma ~ororlty at a. for- lolYa City; Sal'/IIl> Kalman, A1 o(

Imal Initiation yesl rday, Inltlat 6 of Olcnwl)w; Fae Reidel', At or Mar­a ro BeUly Atwell, Al of Ft. Dodge; shaH town; Dorothy Mia,rkll, A1, Ilnd Mal'Jol'lo Bryant, A4 of Clegborn, Nettie Oppenham, A2, both Of Des

Group' in Char,e Of Evening's Event.

Tk:kOts fOl' the Iowa Union Opon

Hous , Saturday. limited 10 1200, will

!be available ~t tho Inroronatton desk

ill ]OW!l. Union 8tal'ting Tuel!dn.Y oCoclly eccJlel', A2 of edar R[Lpld s; Moines ; and J!)velyn Epstein, AS of Virginia obb, A3 ot Mru'sJlItl1town; Omaha, Neb, morning. Only faculty membCl's and Flora M'ty IlI)J[), A1 ot Shelby; fie l- Following tho (''Cl'omony yeslerday stud nts may obtain tickets, for ,ell Datesman, A2 of CO\lncll BIu1fs. Ilftel'l100'l tho IIlUiates: wer& honored which I here Is no charge. Eaoh llck-

J eanette Lu~r, A 2 oC Adel; Mary at a formal banquet, at whleh they et will IUlmlt ono 'Derson, Cay Huston, A3 oC ottumwa.; Anne were presented wWbi corsages and Committees al'ranglng tho cvents McOan'ey, A3 of " ra.lerloo; Eleanor gUts. Arter i~ banquet they Wel'e of Ouen Houf!() were allllounced ye8-Pagolson, CS of Iowa Fnlls; Roberta 'tnterUllned all an Informal rlUliO par. ~Ord:a.Y by 1I. Sidwell Smith, E4 of 1.1 nnoke, A2 of Maquokdta; DoIOl'08 ty at th~ chapt~r housc, Iowa City, president ot Unloll Board . IShelton, A2 of Charlton; and Patty PhI EpsIlon J>l Co-chairmen ot the are Reef! Smith I1nel Marianne Wllschl, both Stanl~v Swarzman of Des MoInes Damon, C4 of CI'CIICO, /l.n(l Jal1c,t Al of IOWa City. is a week nd visitor at till) Phi Elh Larrabee, AS of Clorunont,

Following th ceremonies th In- sl10n PI [ raternlty. ~I', Swarzman In charge of library and hobblcs Wates were ente rta lnc(l at a. formal Is ru) alumnus of Phi ,EpfflIon ;p~ lra- at'e Katherine Becker, C4 of Elkader; FounclcrH' Day ban(llJet In plO i'ive l' te l'llity. ElIzn.bclh Fuller, A4 of Mt. Ayr; and room of I ow[L Union. Officers fOr the Delta Zeta A Ih'Cd, Jr., 0 ot Ames. coming yeat' werG a nnounced at thaL Shirley Bruna of Cedar Rapids is :DaVid Mansfleltl , AS at Ogden, heads time. a wook e nd guest Of Aldana Norvld, ,tho commIttee fOl' chapcl-ons and

Louise Wolflngel', A.2 of DOl; A 2 pC hlcllgo. tournall1ents. M1embers or the floor Moines, Ir the n W PI' sldent. Other Harrl~ ,sclhllllock, A.l ot Nashua, ehiow committee are David Elderkin, officers a t·o Janet Larrabee, AS of Is spen'llug the week end i n Clarks- 1.1 of Cedar Ra.pld&; Robert Isensee, Clermon:, vlcQ- IJresl(l nt; Helen ville, ':'3 at Iowa City; and Robert Gear-,Louise Hcrnbruck, A3 of Wat~L'loo" Iytla Svoboda, A4, Is visiting at l>a1't, M3 Of Hopkinton,

wllh Ihe aid or UnlvCI'slty \VOlllPl1'H A N')JIlI·t "11 nln!.'Il?ln~lI will hi' ]1I'1"

rutHociatlon, two week" Ilgo. Tt8 PUI" cnt~(1 hy MI'". '!tIY 11I1I-khal·,It. [lose 18 to clmblc tho women Htll' H 8110n8 to roll ('ltll IIIll IJI. mft(h dents who liv e outshlo oC dol'mltor' with hUUHl'clcu nlng hltl/ft. 0111 '1' lei and 801'ority 110U.CR to COOllPl'(llo r~atures or thl" [lI'uA'rom '1'111 bn with tho University WOnl~n'8 (l880' Illuslenl t4~lt'cll(ln" Ill' stlllll'lIts ur elation and to ta ke a morc active ,Iowa ~ Iy high BehMI, IJar! In campus actlvltlclI. All IsUng M 1'8. Wyllt a8 hO"t~~8

'l'omorrow at 7:30 p.m. tho fOUl' will Ill' Mrll. nrniliDY N. Hovl", Ml'h.

8 ctlllns will mcot lit tho hOmeR or Dick JOI1 ~, and Mr •. C. A, 1Ial\ol y. thc rOUowing: OJlal l{~nnnr(\, 706 N. Market strcet, caet 8 ctlon; Inez Mannion, 828 Drown Mr t, north Girl 8 tI()n ; Bcth ~lIlk", 361 lI<'1don Ilve·

couts to Give econd Couto t Tea nue, w s t tlon; an(1 Mt's. Dorothy

Wehbel8, 406 S. lintol1 8tl' ot, Houth section.

All Ind p ndent 8tu(lcnta not noll· tl II In timo to at! nl,l tho flt'Hl I)le~t· Ing hav been IIWlted to attend tho me ling In the 8~cUon In which tb y live tomorrow night.

Mr. , Mrs. Tennyson Give Dinner Party For Daughter, Mary Louise

ContlU,'lioll' JlrC"('llt I ttll'l'''' tru.II' cunmltt m mb(-I'8, III'UI( 1111111' lind IltrMons In tcrested In 'worl" the tmllling 011(1 l~t'!<ol1n I commit( of 1h GIt'I 81'0\11 roundl will ntertaln at t,,1I. III 8 11.111 , lO. IIIOIT(1W In Girl 'out IINl(I'IUolrtcu In the Am rlcan Legion LuU(llnlt. ' rhlM will hI' ~he e cona ot a 1IIl1'I,S ot Call tact t 08.

Mrll, E<lwln ,U, Kurtz or UI" cuUI1-ell commlttec Is In rharge lit cvent.

rLcordin!; secl'CtarY; Mary J-a nc hql' home In Ccdar ;Rapids tway. PI'ograms will be arranged by Hube t'S, A3 or Davenport, CO rt~S- Joan FlcmIJ,1g, A8 of Washington, a ene Harrison, N2 of Cedar Rapids; :Mt·. II.nd Mrs. T. A. TentlYllOn. 11. ponding sccrctnl'Y; Mal'garet Maple- Ia., an(\ Joyce OSkIns, A4 at Cam- ,1l1lld Will. ZeJler, G of OoIUmbUIt~' LucllII stroot , ntert Inl <I nltl Cedar RalJids Grolll)

To Fete LOC(ll lub t'h101'[je, A2 of 'l,'oledo, treasurer, ~I n, ln~ ., ar In Omaha. Neb. this arove, Ohl!). W'ayn& Wl shll.l' t, D4 gu .t. at II G o'clock dltHI I' Party 'Helen Fitzgerald, A2 of Iowa City. week end. o( MemphiS, 1\10., snd Margaret 01 • . Ia t night for their daught'r, lIary his torian; J ean tlett Luthcl', A3 ot the week end In Delli ~n, A3 ot Iowa. City, have cbar~ 'LouJae, Adel, I) ledge captain; and Vlrglnl 't. CMherlne Sbaw, C4 of of publicity. Robert Dalbey, AS of nt'erplrces of yellow jon'luil~ Cobb, A3 of Murshalltown, rusplng Pocabontas, and Dorthea ;Newland, iDes 1I101l1es, comJlOSIl8 tho commit, ~rrled out the g n chalrman. A4 of Drakesville. ~ee ot b"dget and finance. Master color iK'h~me which w

)fl"mllerll of Im\'lL ('ily F(,lcr· 81('d )311. Ine

Social functions have begun early

In Ufe [01' 10 Iowa City babies who Toastmistress at the Founders' were entel·talned at a tea from 3 ,nay bd.nq\let program was Mrs.

Pi Beta. PhI. of ceremooleii at the exhibit will be orat& the tables. PI Beta Phi sorority Initiated Into

Its cha pter yesterday Margllret Wcken)ooper, A3 of Wit.ttet·set l FTance~ :Mary Zoecklel', A1 of Dav­t' npOl't.; Ruth Flynn , A3 of Quincy, Ill. ; Hel. n Blanchard, A2 ot Council Dlu~fll; Jane LoUIIlG Leary, Ai of Omaha, Neb.; J anet Welden, AS of ] ow'U. Falls; ElIolso Perkins, A2 or ISac Oity; Paulin!) AnderllGll, Al of BedIor,l; Madalyn Hlckenlooper, A3 of WinterllCt; Maxine Redmond, A2 of Monticello; Lavanda Cart', AI oC CI'ermont, Madge Jones • .A1 at Ce­cal' RaJllds; Louise Remley, A.I oC Anamosd.; and Katy Lou Fritz, Ai ot Ottumwa,

Mr. $mlth, 'rhe guests were: lI[urjtarct John-eton. A.2 oC Junta, oh; Mary Louise Horrnbin. A2 of Iowa City; Margar­et WOOO~, A3 of KanMs City, Mo.; Belty Wiley ot r R plds. Jo~c~ Anderso:l, 1Iiary Fral1c~s HauBcr, Georg'('1l1l Kelll"r, Ruth Killen nntl P hyllis Rlerkotr, /1. 2 of Orang Cll)'.

.\futU",'n Phlllil18 of New York ( Ity, Intf'l'Ulltlllnnl pr(' ilknt, will he th gUl'8t of honor. Sh will Bil ~k (HI


to G [I.m . yeHlerduy by Tommy Mnrgaret DolJl\'er Anneburg of Kcnt, 302 Richartls Htrcct, and his Catjt·oll. ProBer/ling toasts wel'e

mother, Mrs. Frederick Kent. l ' he gu('sts, ranging Itl age from

two months to nine months, were accomllanl d liy tilch' mothcrs.

A vru'iety of colorl'd balloons were decorations, and pastel colored tea cakes nnd swect peas were 011 tho tea table.

\Vhlle the mothel's sipped thell' tea, the younger gursts toolt thelt·s In the form of sterile watcr served In little ,bottles. Each baby received a. new bib as a. favor. A picture at the group was taken at the close of the party. ,

Flora Mary Clapp, Al of Shelby; 1\llss Fltzger!lld; !\flea Larrabee; 'l'holmn. ReJ:u'le t', C4 ot 1i't. Dodge; Mrs. Orace Chnffec; Mrs. A. S. Gil­lette; Vi rg inia Allen, A4 of Atlantic; and Mrs. WolCingcr,

'rhe initiates wet'e entei'talned at Po formal dinner at the Iowa Union Immediately foJlo\vlng t ho eeremony. SJlring flowers. and wine and slIver'

P.T,A. Will Choose Officers, Delegate,

1111 OtiOIlS of officers for tho com· ~ng year and of delegatcs (0 the d'strlet convention will take place t1t a meeting of the Parent·Teacher AssocIation council at 7:30 p.m, to­ttlorrow In th board room of the p ublic library.

FUrther business ot the mcetlr.g will Include discu88lons of welfare plan8, and methods or choosing a hi-partisan schOOl committee ~~hool candidates,

Iowa Women's Club

Corps to Meet Memben; or the 'Vumen'

cor\18 wtll meet Cor a bu.lnl" .... "" ... Flon Tue day at 2 p_m, In til au,,· llIary rooms or th!) An building.

Two Groups 1.0 Fete Methodist Llldie ' Aiel


S NDAY, MAH U 24, 1985

Times Club BO(.lrd To Entertain at Tea

M 1111>1"1'" of thn OXl'c utivo bonn1ot til( '1'lllI ~ ~hlh 'Will pntl"l't In '"- tea.

r!'H1ll 3 tu 5 thlll artel'noon In the ('jIIIJrOOIllH or the SOei Iy tor Pre.

v('ntlutl or l'I ·\II·lty to flp nk~1'8.

'1'1'11 will lip 110UI .... tl hy MI·H. Frank I., Mvtt lind l\I r", (,Iyel ,V, H~I·t ,

)'111'101' h()sll'" " a l" 1 MI .. , Grant Wm,d, MrH, I ~rll t Itorn, Mr., Ora. hlll1l P.'fln, MrH. Frederick Kellt, MI'". jo'rp(lerlpk M. Pawlllu l, 101 ... MOI'gIlPrlt \\'1'1'1;01', Jl'anno Dora" (lnd \lrlen nl'irh.

I I1rOl'l1111 I mUMI" ot R music bQx 11M 01'11'111\ will /)0 pi y d during the ttl •

"Islt lit", ,fI'II. W. n. Pool or Dcs

M.)itll'1I I' W rk nd /l' U ~t8 a.t the I "llnI' ut .11'. and Mr., Harold L. lIunll", 414 low aVl" nll ~.

Better Shaving Costs Less

l klr 10Ur ,h.Yl.,ltOubitt lorrrtr, bAtthh the "blue,"-and the ttemal burilll 01 ",oftl-I,k. bl.dts, Some m<n h ...... d • .1.,le Wetk Barber', Edr BI" i. tIIi. new IIJh' ",ei,ht,.l1 m<1' SAPE lAZOl, fot hundrcd. of .hlV ...

Thi. ,lIDr lIlade of ail mttal, .blllllllllDl· rl.led, ".,shln, onlr, a 'tUlloa OYJ III

::.~~~oor.::h~ ':.~rr?n: ~' cue. Th •• "'tlt Rno, ID

the famil, _h;,h Indud .. Ih. Satobladn and the .; "'«Jr, Jr., ,ou .. lilt .. to .ppmi,t. tho

WI!CK "BANTAM" coa: 0' 1aI 'WALl

~~ cOM."" ~

It#w. 1>l00I0 • ..-.JbJ. ........... loodw

:.. Bmd""=~dlSr~ B ERNER'S

1'", rlptlon l'hul11M'Y

113 W hlng lon t.

Dr. Julian Boyd of University hospitl/-I will Icw a. group disc us· slon on "The Vnlfled Etrol't t or Child Health and Protectlon In Our Communltle~" a t the general club meeting at t!:te public library to· morrow at 1:30 p.m. Dr. Grace lIardy of thc welfare department Is chalr· man of the meeting.

The guests were A lien En-~lon an(l his moth 1', MrS. George Easton; Tommy TIWn and mothet', Mrs. JOSClIh TlCfln. An nlL Boerncl' and mother, I\.1I·S. Fl'cd Roerncr; Sarnh Kaufman and mother, l\I1'~. Karl Kaufman; liN'bert Gllr<1n(,I' and mother, Mrs. M. D. Gardner; Tom· my Ewers and mol her, 1\11'8. Olen Ewers; Susan Cohb and mother, Mrs. William Cobb; Julie Rate and mother, 1111'S, Edward Rate; Clar· cnce Ulld(>gl'(lff anti molher, Mrs.

Out DC town alumnae attending the banquet were Dorothy and 1\1ra. J dhin Atwcll. ilJoth ot Ft. Dodge; 1\1rs. Edna Randall Kraft and !\fary LoUise l~IPld, both of DC4i Moines. Mrs. Ernest Anderson and Dorothy Munge!', bO'th of Ccdar Ra,plds; Mrs. Royal FI,<,ncb O't Marshalltown; Mrs, Lamb of Davenport; Wanda. Thoma or FRh'f!cld; and Margaret HeUen, Margaret Morris. Martha Graham, I),nd Mrs. Jay Parrott, a ll at Water­loo.

GlunmlL Phi Beta. VIsltinl;l' th& chapter iho,!lsc this

week elld are Barbara Balluft of Muscatine and Nlvlra Lohse of Grln­lIell college.

bluo candles were the table decora- The Iowa 'Women's club will meet tlons at the ballquet. Thursday at 2:30 p.m. In Hawk's

Zeta Tau Alpha Nest fOI' a buslncs~ IICsslon. Mrs. J. Proper Lighting in the Kitchen

Tho International relations Mudy g roup will m';et at the home of Mrs. Slld_hlndra Bose, 825 Olto str et, 'fuesday at 2:15 p.m. Mrs. Ii'rank Stromfttcn will talk on "Tho Poli· U a l lIi~tory at Greece Slnco the World War."

University Club Plans Both Socicd, B""siness Activities This Week

larence Updegl'llfr; anrl Erlynnc \Veld an<l molhl'l', MI'K. MOI1. 'Veld.

Othet· guel<tK wcrc 1\[rs. Kirk 1>ort· cr, Mrs. GeorgI" Cru 111 , and ~ll's,

Frederick Knight.

Ros('mary Roycl', G of Cedar Rap­ids, is 11. _te nding a JlhY$lcal education conv~m~ion In Omaha, Neb" thIS week end.

SOI'OI'lty members spending the week cnd at th ir homes al'e Mllry VirginIa Kubl, Pl or Davenport; 1I1arletta Bol'll, A3 al' Story City; Elalno Denman, A2 of Des Momos; and Jnnd l\11ll('r, A~ of Cedar Rapids,

Phi lIlu Week end guests at tIho chapter

houRc urc Doris ShCnrer of Gales­burg, ]11, Gertrude Duke of ottwn·

Jeanne Crowley, A2 of Ft, !\fadl· J. Tobin, Mrs. 'Vhbmpeon, lilt'S, e, 60n , antl Lavonne Clanall).an. A2 oC E, Thomas, and Mrs. William San­Siratford, wlJl be cntertalned at dln- gel' are In charge of the program tor ner at the chapter houso today, the afternoon.

Alpha. ('hi Omega. ------------Alph(1. Chi 'Omega announces the

pledging of Ruth WOOO , Al at. Rcd Oak.

Dr. J, A. Smith ot Ft. Wayne, Ind .. Is visiting his dllughtci-, De­IlgQt, Al of New Ha.ven, Ind.

ChIOmep Agnes Patterson , A4 0(' Fonda, I

tPI, A oC Wa.terloo; Harriett orr, >\2 01 North English; and Elizabeth lIfelberg, A3 of CJ<>dal' Rapldft, ltar­laret Grlllllell, A2 of Cedar Rapids, II> a week nd visitor In Dlllwille, Hortel1!l<~ Lowe, C3 of Ft. Madison, llPent yesterday In Cedar R plds.

l<II\1Jla. Alpha Theta vlsJtlng In Grinnell for the week end, Katherlnll urtlss, A4 or North.

Delta, Delta. Delta. wood, Mllln., and Mulan Ferguson, MN!, Mildred I. Glfren, hO\ls<,- Ai or i\fllson City, are speneling th

,nlOthfl', and Mary Stoelting, A 2 of week end In their rllllpectlve homes. Social act1vlties will he combined with business on t he program o( th Unlvel'slty cl ub this \V,oek. Mrs, H al" I'Y Newburn a nd Mrs. H , p, Lee will ibe co-chairmen of a "V·S's" bl' ldgc party Tucsday at 7:30 p .m.

Gardens, Books To Feature Woman's Club Pl'Ograms Here wa, and Durlclle Duke of Burling. Daven1101'1, spent yesterday iq Dav- DInner guests at the chapter house

With tho fll'~t <luyt! ot spring the ]olVa ity -Woman's ('Iud) turtls its lhoughts to l\'al'(\l'n" an(1 bQob. Two depal'tm lit III lings lire plan. ned fOI' tills week.

ton, enllOrt. todllY will j)e ~lrs. Jameson, Sigma , ij!lIta Alpha. Ellsiion A gUCdt oC Eleanol' Jane Davis, A4 Nu trat~rnlty homte mother, and

(1l'orgc Thompaon, A 1 of Cedar of Oelwein, Is Bob Stonebl'll/l.ker at Frank Conkling of Des MOines. Rapids, Iq spending the week end at Chicago. Both left ycster<\IlY to vlslt Theta. Pi Alpha

A mystery dinner and buslneslf meeting will constitute the program fot· ~aturday at 6 p.m. In t he Unl. verslty cluhl'ooms of Iowa Union. A reading, "Night of Fog," will be given, !\f1·S. Edward '''eber, chair· man, will be assisted by Mrs. A. W . Bennett, Mrs. Bruce Mahan, Mrs. 'Clyde Moffitt, Gertrude Smith, and Mrs. Erling Thoen.

his hilmI', Mi Davis' parents for th week Spenrllng th~ week at her home

"The Joy of an Iris 081'd1'l1" w1l1 Ibe discussed by 1111'S. 1I0m~r S. Joh nson at a me('ting of til gar· den department Thurllday aL 3 p.m. MI'S, Everelt D. PI!UlH, 407 Mclrosp avenue, will I)e hORtCK" to the gl'OUp.

Harold Wherry of Cetlat· Rapids is nd, Is Elizabeth Decock, A4 ot DeWitt, a w('ck end g uest at the chapLer Apendlng the week ('nd at lhell' Virginia Holman Is , a week end vis. house, respectlvc homesc are Gretchen EII- Itor In Rockford, Ill,


Women Plan For Good Will Dinner

MI'S. Arthut' O. KIllffenhllch wlll entel·tnln the literature deparlme nl ',ruCllday at 3 p.m. Mrs. 1. A. Op. ~ta.d will review "I ',"cnt to Pit College," by lJaul'en Gilfillan.

Bernice Oster, Iowa P lans for the 19~5 0000 Will din · •

ncr which will take place 800n ar , Graduate, Marn es now being made, Adelal\le L. B11l'gC, The tn8l'rlage of Del'nice OstOI', a dean of women, has announcet!. grad\late Of tho nlversily of Iowa,

'rho dinner, an allnllal aUltir hon · school or nursing In 1932, nnd 'Va l" ol'ing tbe 60 mOllt outstanding WOA" rOn J . [Iu8ti of New OI'leanll, La.: en of the senlol' class, Is glvon e~h which tool< IlltlCC }l'llb. 23 at Dlrming. year by Emille Stapp. Marie StaPD, ham, Ala., wus announccd here yes· alld lIIrs. Dorothy FJnkblne Souers, tel·duy. daught(ll' of the late WIlI(am O. MI', Hu~s , a graduate of the Unl· l"inkblne, verlst.v of Michigan, 18 soulhern (lis·

trlct ma nagel' of the lIowelclt l'nk

Pythian Si,ters W iU ,Meet in K.P. Hcdl

compa ny. 'Phe ('ouple will make their homo In New Orleans.

The regular meeti ng Of Pythlan Hiking Club ,SI~tel's w ill be conducte<;l at 7:30 p.m, Dr. and Mrs , Hawal'd Boye will tomor row In t he \1(. P. ,hall, fo llowed lead Hiking club tOl11orrow at 6:30

'" Joo n!vhar<!s, A3, is 9[1Cndlng tht

wec k enu at his home In Denison. AIt)ha. Tau Olll~ga

Wel'k end g uests at the Alpha. Tilu Om~a fratc rnlty house a l'e James McCulla of Cherokee and Dillon Franks ~f LI8oon,

SigillI!. DIlUllo Tau Sigma Dplta Tau IIQr(IJ'lty an­

\lOun<'cs the initiation of the follow­ing mem/)('I'S:' Do['dthy Gelson, A3 a nd Dena Baron, A4, both o~ Sioux

.. ........... . ; We are fea turing


$2.95 and up Mrs. Towner

BAGWELL, Inc. by a fIOclal !;tout'. p.m,

Mem bers of the commltlea In =~~~~~~~~:::~:::~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ chat'go a re Mrs. Ida SIa.ybaugh , .................. IIIJ ........ "'"III!IIIII ... " ...... IIIII •• c ha lt'mlln ; Mrs. Mabel Tallma n, Mrs. Bootrlco Strub, and Mrs. Ethel Smith.

Mrs. Roth Entertains Legion A.uxiliary Club

Mrs. D. G, R()tb, )l(uscattne ave· Inue, was hostess to t he American Lel\lon a uxiliary Card club at hOI' home F~·lday. , Mrs. Ethel Dlnsmoi'o won 'hlgh

prize, and Mrs. Mal'y Murphy, low. SIxteen guests were present .

Athen. Circle 1\'[1'8, C. W. Ruthertord wi ll re·

vIew " Work or Art" by Sinola lr Lowls at the meeting of the Athe tl " Hlatorlcal circle tomorrow at 8:80 p.m. Mr~. H . F . W ick hum , 911 Iowl)) avenue. w ill be hostess to t be a'" Ifanlza.tlon.

§UJalJord Council Swaltord council, No, 28, Royal

and select Malters, will meet at till' Ml\.IO(ln l(' il"m llil" t nmnr\'CI\I' nt 7:30 Il,m,



Spring Cleaninl Starts With YOUt

• W4RDROJJE • Have twice as many lovely clothes by letting us clean last spring's frocks . • , ,c~ ••• and suits. They will look as good as new I


Loose seams mended; buttons sewed on; small snags repaired ; cuffs tacked, etc., for only the cleaning and pressing cost .

Paris C:,eanerl (FUR STORAGE)

Kurtz Wins

Must 8e PaUl to

Old Ladies' Home---:--by The Power Company

I w~n swear to aD affidavit that

[ have ~4 no eledricity entering

my printi'ng plant several times a

year ap-cl that my statement in' Jhe ~ress-CltJzen of March 21 is . (

lrue to the last detail. I have 15

emj\loyees who will swear to af-I

fjcJavlts to the same effect.

I should know whether my 17

It).8eW." have I~ood i41e · for ,

boU1'8 at a time when I needed ,

them In my buelnels.

-EarlW. Ku .....


~1 1'Il. Allen ('. T r lit U8 Wol(e lSI rtt't.

~:"er rOOm of the home hould h " prop r IighUnQ', p..!!.al. Iy the rooms in which the hou ('wI(' JI nd much of h r time.

Th above photograph how th :p iaJ lighting fI lur , built in flush with the bottom of th ovcrh ad ruhinct. In th ~ n· ter an cndo d dlffu Ing /{In.·. unit I. u. 'd for 'rn raJ lIluml. nation to upplement the light oC tbe 'p lal unit •

219 t for a Demonstration II hLing epeclI\lJet

hom , Phone . 1&1

IIII' .. I Il'lc y ," Th re I, no

pur II ee anylh ln,.


N {U

10 [-11.


21, 1935 --=: r(l


France, Remembering '70, '14, HeaviIv Fortifies Eastern Front

DIXIE DUGAN--Constitution? By J. P. McEvoy and J. H. StrieW


F 'a r A Germany n rarmU1llent ; Thr(' PERSONALS cction~ Cmlrclcfl

(Ily 1'h~ .\h~.,,'lu j I~ I 1','" ) l~jU"~I', J""Ill I' !I1I~'rl"t.: IK71J

IPH, hiUI J 1111' II'"" Hlld "I"'OI·I·t" lortl(kll,t1I1I1~ ~IIC' l",IIl'\"I'H well nigh Jrntln'l!"IlItltl /III 111111111" hoI' NIlII"rrl


Out or h 'I' tll~Ulury ~ hll 1111" PtlUI". ed HIO,OOO,OOO (1"1111<"11 /til frun~ I, (u .. ~ntlr Ip/Ot,,\ lit ulmut G.O ( III I 10 he ~on,,'rt .. (l Into thl. mIghty dl:U1l or rort .

'I ,rt'{l , ('{'/Ion . 1'111'1,(\ liN tions c,r th ('1\ t('1"1\ fron I

('(N1C rn l~r(t nc('t: .

T.R() 1~"'"C IH OIHI Doris May, 8011

~'"" ,lcUI/.\"lltcr of Mr. o.lld Ml"s. Jo­'('Ph Klldl~c or E lY, nre viSi ting nt Ih" h"Jllr uf th~h' nunt lind uncl (', 11'. und M I·s. J . M. Kalil ,830 E .

HIlrlRlcis s t ree l.

I 11wllo Smit h, du.ugh tel' or: DI·. rn.l Jlfr~. El1rle S. Smit h , 613 E . ('"III'l "trrl"!, I. convalescing 1n U n l· v('l'slty hospItal following an emcl'­!,I'ncy appemlectomy yescteraay mol·nlng.





1k'tr..SURER. l·?S.


ITUI ION - _..a.J----.,.



J. Tlln 111'1,,11111 [ .... ntl I" I\.l"ron I"'lIl<'h tho \I" ",II IIr GU'''"111 p(Jure,l ,r lD14.

nnlJ("'1 F. Barela, who was gl'od, lllll"ll fn'lll til college of dentis t ry In 1034, "1~lt<'d th" college y stcruo.y. 110 18 IJIIW II vlng at Car roll.

Russia's Railroad Sale To Manchoukuo Equal To Recognition-Hirota

n n I nt~rpelJnlo l' In t he house ot re­

'P r cs nta tlves t on ight.

hl'8lth servtcl', was cho8!'n tt'rIUm 1!l'Uon and th boo.rd of (Ilfl'ClOI's of 1 h~ 11 eart IIMocInt!on.

l OW;l

2. 'l'hll (""IIIN' ·tlt," from D 1-.,-Ium to iiI( Hhln •

3. 'rh,' (willi.' .. 1I11>lIg whlrh th JULine, III IlIlrt, forms a nntuMI

b"rrl r. I' "Ing n rmanY'1l I armllmrnt,

l"raiw 111111 lH'r'l\ btl y hl'lt(,..lng hN bon,}A wi ill th lit II Ill"lllo R",I ulhrr II;tl10J\8, t1Kht ·nlng UI' It r .rlllY, mu.klnl\" 1\1 .... , ~lIr I.llill nUll building \III h.')' \la ,'y. J>dlll3rr fu"­lora In II ... • <leren l)lu.n~, II wevea', lire thu "11 t. rn f(JrlltJ'·I.Hlona.

~Inl .. t 'I" ur " 'ur Louis 1Il11urlll

n ulll rtlel; or the l oWe! IJlallnll1g board wlll leavo today [or lJubuqur. whero sho wi ll conduct a .urvey for thc board ,

nr. E. D. Plass, head ot obstet· Idea and gynecology if~al·trn e nt , drovp to Sioux 'f ty yesterd llY to at· It"ml a medIcal meeti ng.

Marlin Maher, A3 ot Atlu.n Uc, \\118 dlsrhargl'il from U nlve rslLy h os· lilt" I yestel-dIlY morning, He haa been III with l1eut t onHIIIUs.

MI. . '. Chenalt or ChJengo

Latin Beltuty Queen

>'''(' l1dll1~ thc wcek end In Iowa City Jtnil, n In IWllr th .. (1I'lntRn 'H,r.It r. vl><fting hpJ' husband , Dr. 'henalt,

}\)r till' 10 t thl" wll<) I an Int rn at Children 'S hos. In thu twn r gilln of .\11 tz lllhl \11 1,It'll. LtHlt ... • 1;\', r, \\ hid, flow. Into th" Jlhon , have 11("'n r"l"lIll1g th" IInl,s In tho 125'1lI11 chrull or d"r"n~ .

.\t tho mnst .I~ngl·roua pOint" JI"I'ar (ortlfl<'lI\1l1ll ha\" b I huHt 'WIth t mrntl'l (shell.p,...,,( vaults 11'''01 which IlUl"hlne 8"''''11 muy b< Ilrr"1 llrtKert loy unt'/l'gnJUlId 1""­Nge. :!"II<'Y aro from G \0 18 miles II1",rt.

,n unci rgrulJn,1 rl1l11\"II)"8.

'l'he UPW (,·un tlon. 110m of tMm ~I" leHls II p, nr almOst ~tlnlr unci rKruunl'!. ctlons I'ro· ru,lIl1l1" Br de Ign d fo)' romounll1:(l

,.Urt''''''', to ('untorm to the UI­r"undlng t rr"tlln.

1lo.·1~ lurn. til"', hlUl I n l.n"y. l::!hfl b. nt $1110.00 " (/ In co'18trud·


John T, FIYDD Adl1ljlli~ rill 1011 I'llprovnl

IhQ Ht'llltll' lllllllit iOll, 1'01l1111 itt(' \ fl'l1orl iIUlh'lI\t'cl lh"l a l ~- poi llt ~rollJ'lllU 10 (llilllillllh' Will' pro. tit ~ \\11111 t h,' Itruwn 11 1) 011 the' Ua iR of 1'1'('nll1llll'mllll inns mnd!' by .lol1n 1'. \,'Iynll, nhon', Nl'w f ork lIifoflll'Y n lll i wr it l'. lIill

rogrllm rl'(1omml'lIdt'tl t' ln]lI J ill~ nlll ilm'y l'I'J{1I1I1tiOlI lIpni l (,WIT

e l'll l inl \Hlrti lll l' i 11l1111\11',\-' ntld taxi nll' I'nt·ni ll /.! 1111til rll' fitr l'],· IlIg wrl'C' rlill1inlltl'll fl'OIll WI\I'· thnr julln. (ric ,

~11'". Zt)(' "'right, Unlverslly hoa· pHIII 111 ... rlan, Is spen61ng lhe week ~n" tit ller homo In eMar Falls.

OrRce Van Wormer, ncUng dl­rcrt",· or unl\"er'sJly UlJrarlcB, Is .p .. n,Un~ the weck end u.t her home III Center Point.

Luella Wright of t he EnglIsh de· 1'lIrllllent I going to h r home in 1:('(1:<1' Fall this week end.

Mary H. Ryerson, 83, Dies ; Funeral Service Will Be Held Tuesday

lIer typ ical Latin beauty won enorita Rosario Negret I above,

the honor of reiguiug [l.<; qll('cn of the l\Iexican cal1liva1 in Durango stale ill old Mexico. She wa~ the popular choice by mort' than one million vot('s.

DUnle!1 to Dellt ll

Mllry H. RyerllOD, 83. died at h~r home, G20 nlver ~tr('('t, last night. f1hr Is ~ur"i\'1'(1 by a. "i"t .. r, Georgi· , n.a, of Iowa. ('Ity. fis.~ Rycl'Son

ElIfPOIUA, 1(an. (API-Mr •. Cer­\,'n" horn, In Nf'w J~N!('y and oam~ her" 77 )"o.1r8 ago. 1rude \Vnlkl'r, 70, wllo 1ivcs Dlolle ill

The funeral S'l'rvlce will hc T ueD- !. thr~c·room hOlls" at L<'ho, ICall,

d y at 10 a.m. frllm the Bl'ckmR)l Pun"flil holUl' and J}urial wfll Jot' 11\

Oaklaml c~mHery, Tho Hev. Jllon r. Jonl'. or the Pl"e,hyterilin church

ill oWeill II'.

36 Friends Honor Mr., Mrs. Eckhardt

:'Ifr. '.na Mrs. Lyle O. Eckhu.rdt, whn w're rC<"f'ntly married, weI'" honm'('d at a !lOol-nuptlal Hurprls(l ~howl'l" 1< rldllY evening Ilt thclr heme III f.'oral\lIIe ht>lghts by 36 young pe"I>I' of tile Chrf.tlo.n church.

_\[(pr tll(\ gu ·ts had J)1"('scnte<l girtll to the ('ouple, the evening wtlll

laUy. Eck-

I)isa PIJear luwP • oI\'ecl Pit \!\11NG !lAM, .taes. (AP)-,fh()

my~l .. rlollR t1hw.ppcarnnce or Dr. (l"01"~ 11. Blglo\\', former director of t1w world-faMous MassllchuseUs (lenl'l"111 ho"pltal was aolvcd fast nlghl with thl' I' OVI'I1' or hi" bo<ly frum a. I ~ "volr nearly four month!

-va.' bum('il to rll'o. th at her honl~ l"e~lerclay, and \Vurren DUlI(ll'ld, no school te"~hcr, was S~VL'rcly bUl"J1ed III n rutile IIttomPt to RI\.Ve hrr.

Delicious Cake~


Tasty Rolls

are made , especially for Whels-and they are always fresh.

Whet's No.1

CIENCE SO.CIETY or The Slnl Unl ve" ~i ty of Iowa.

Iowa City, Iowa

Announces A

Free Lecture on Christiall Science By Judge Frederick C. Hill, C.S.

Los Angeles. California.

M mhCl' or til ' Board or Lec tures hip of T he Moth r Church

Thl' l"It'et hurch of IIrlsl , Scientis t, In Boston, Mn8sachusc!ts

On Sunday Afternoon, March 24, 1935 At 3 O'clock

Iowa Memorial Union

TIIF: l ' l 'ULIC ) . CORDIALLY IN\,lTlm '1'0 J\ 'l"r l~NO


University Concert ConI' e

Nina Morgana

Iowa Union

Leading Soprano Metropolitan Opera

8 P.M. March 27


RESIj:RVED SEAT8-0ne Dollar, ROOm 15, Music Studio BuHtling; or Phone Ext. 8179.

GENERAL ADMISSION - Seventy-five Cents, Muic StucUo BuUcliag OJ' p nion Desk.

TOKYO, March 23 (AP)-Ru88Ia.'s sale of the Chinese ellstern r ailway 10 lIIanchoukuo was tantam ount to de facio recognition of tha t .sta.te, ]{okl Hlrot.n, rorelgn, t \ll t!

"From the standpOint of COm mOll

<lenso the contention t he Union of mcnts wllh the new stale." iSoclallst S oviet };epu1)l\cs blls ntll recognized Manch ouk uo Is u nteo­ll,ble," Hirot a RIlla .

" There a re t wo forms of re('OI':nl- Boar{l of Director tlon ~v hl' n a new state Is l'"tabIIRh-


I('Wll Tut>el"cul""l_ a.~-ocilltlon, In the <1"~lnJl" 1I(>~«lOn ot a two day m I'l ­JIIJI" In D.,;, l\tolnl'8 y~8terdny, t he , 1!IW<'lall'd PI r~ported.

The 1936 meeting wfll be held In Fl. »IJ"~C, It WM oO('I<l<'l1. WIlh tlte Tllh<>rcul(ll'l .. al',ocln.t1on 1n t il De'S

U ' 10. rroWN, p. lAP) _ Flv • trainQlen narrowly d IU

yr, roay In tile pi Ull&"e of .. BlUtl. ~,lor and Ohio tight looomoth., and a cabooI;e Oil r • ~ 0 lOOII eQl_

bankl1ll'nt on a IIpur Un bou t ',nU (rom Uniontown,

the Gas We • are In !

, , ,

and •

Electric Business Great1y against our wishes, ou r Company ha been Illade one

of the issues in the election to be held Monday.

This action WllS ~~ken by a group of ci tjZ(~IL" Ol'ganizcd tt~ the Municipal. Owner hip League, and Inler sup ported hy the 10 al unit of the Communist party. The Iunicipal Owner hip League bas never repudiated the communistic support. The, f' two groups have publicly advocated t1Ie d Iruction of onr property and our business. They have been joined in their uctivities 1>y ome coal and oil men who fear the iutro dnclion of natural ga because 01 compeLitive rea ons.

We have no de ire to take parl in any poli lical camllaign, bu t a ' tru tees for many men and women who 11ave tbeir money iu­ve ted in our property, and as 'e m~}loyers of ~I 1 a r~e ~roup of citizen, we would he false to our respoll, ihilitics und d r lict in our dnty if we did not openl y disprove the propaganda aim­ed at our destruction.

Our advertisements in this campaign have' been solely in defense of our business, our integrity, and the right of pri­vate enterprise to exist,

Our advertisements have been t o disprove the false infor­mation which has been used in Iowa City to influence the people in a spirit of hatred and prejudice, against our com­pany. . .

Each advert iBement we have published had its statistical data certified by Allen, Busby, and Harrigan, reputable cer· tified-public accountants , Mr, Paul K , Berry, C. p , A., an Iowa City boy and a graduate of the State University, per­sonally checked all advertisements.

We desire to conduct a successful business, giving t he best possible service at the lowest possible rates, Our aim is to make the Iowa City Light and Power Company one of the model companies in the United States. To do so, we must have the ,good wishes and co-operation of the people of this commwtity, .

We hope that' in future political ,campaigns, our company will not be used as an issue again,

Rememher this-We have red uced our electric rates sub l~p.- , tially during the last few years. Our r ates are now lower lb •• the published rales for the prop os<.-d plant, lowet than the aver­~e rate of municipal or private plant in Iowa.

We will r~uce gas bills $46, 000.00 annually, an average of $9.00 per res;.d ... ential gas customer, if the al~iance 01 the Mum­cipaI O~ershitr League and th e f lJel l1}en wi )(lraw.s oppospioJt.

We do Dot believe that the people of Iowa cdy are in favor ~f the destruction of our property, but they ar;e being misled by a few wllose sole aim appears to be a elfish ~ire t~ -4~~Y our invest~ent. We do not be lieve that, at this time, the poople are in favor of creating more tax-exelllllL property, since q,.e '.,x Lurden IS heavy enough now. . .

IOWA CITY Llti~T t POWER 2~1 East Washington Street



" !


Speech, Dramatic Contests To Draw Hundreds to Iowa City

40 High Schools, 500 TbespialU! Will 16 Junior Colleges Take Part in 10th In ForenSic Te8ts Annual Play Meet

DARROW ATTACKS RESULTS OF NRA • - IOWA ~IANS 1 I Vote Monday On local I 1 Administration 1

(Continued from page 1)

oPJ)O!! Frank nurR'~r on an II1t1e· pend I1t lick t for al,Jol"l1an from the third wurd , Bou k, W110 caLIs 11lms.lf "an (lrphllnCII dl'm ocra l," I.

oxp ding ~oJ18Idemhl" 0111'081 110n in

lOmOrrow'~ ~lrctlOIl (l'OIll 1l!>1l0l'1 I"

of Frank JJ~n rla and J ':'h\'a '~1 W.

Greel Ma Win Prizes In Contest

Sybil d splto his 1[\J1dHlltI~ ur bnl. (' h prlz tot Iltng 'O~ will 1>1'



Ill'fth I' Ride ~tnll{IN mllrh t'I, l1e!' or lotH OVP,' the two in the 11I·lmal'les. About 40 high schools and 16 jun· Broadlvay wfll come to Iowa City P!'Ivll.te uW'lI'rllhll) ndvlwIIll'R Ilrl' tl'"t Whl('11 {'PNI. ('ll' I nll'I'\', Ity o~

101' colleres, many or them compet- ThursClayl !<'rlday and Saturday or R'lIlnlllA' lillY ~U!I.IdI"·f\hl{' IIInjo!'lty " th "lllYlng IIII'll' "U I'I'OI'I III 11",·gl"·. luwa aUlflf'lltl tOnJorrow.

IT"'l'n In t hI! Old Oolt! I'ljIllNlt t l con.

lng In several events, will send re- this week, when 500 embryon '" 011 tlw cnlll\dl. PI~,ll<·ttnt1H ,ll'eo t Ha t H,,,,I!,r v. \\' III~nhl'u,' l e First, ""cond, nnll thlr.1 plllr~ presentatlves to tho annUal Iow3. ·Thesplans wfll cavort the well t!'l'd Ihr IIl'xt pouncl: will hI' clIvlli~d

In the rlrlh "lIr,1 .Iohn 1'. M(·m· 11r1Z". of '3r" 025 , n~ 0Jr. \ylll •• _ iIIlgli school and junior collll4re for 11· 8!.l4;lls of 10000 l theaters and auul - mur h Ill! I hI' ll"PHPnl ont' WUII In n " • " • "'. Irr, rrrRrnt democrat Ie In('IHlII>~nt, ,,10 tournaments at the unlverslt.y torlums In the tenth annual play four 10 till'rr l'om hlnntioll , both II! oJ)tlI)~lnlr IlpllI'y WIlIl'llhl'II('k,

TtursClay, Friday, Md ,Saturday, production festival. A"·Oll l) . IIIHrtdll\A' about un equal MOIJ, tor J" plpclilm. t\wJlrl lr<l II) IIllth I'pukln!!' fm l rnltl~.

0" 801'orltlet< aft !'l· tlw ('onl .... t "Ios\'~ Many Dlvlalons Some contestants may get an c'hnn cp of g'l'ltil1g til(' mnJI)I·lly. Hol!("e H. AYPI'H, H'IIIIIJlloJIII \'an.

I Among the varlou lJ divtslons ilf ,authenUc wt.e of road show lite The 1I11l·V'U(·Wllson \lA . Boltrr·Vnn dldutn (Il l' rt'Alrction IVt firth Wllrd Hallot ... tor th conr At wll1 1111 In. tho tournament wlJl lbe aeba.te ex- With lodgi ngs as Bcare as rooms In ,IN' Z N' I'OC'O 101' th~ two nldrrmen. aldal'll,nn, wIll nil , 111 whllt I" lire. /lllh' wI'illl(ll'rs or 0111 Ooltl 1111 '~nlll':<'

M'LY 11.

t empore svea,klng, and oratory for ,a gold rush unless Iowa City reel · a t·lllrg" I)O"ltlonR IR rxpt'Cted to \)Il dletell to I,r lIllI 1'10 'st c{)ntt'~t III Billiot 1Jt;Xl'" will 1 llluN'd nt RIl ' both high school and ju:nJor COI- dents respond to lettors scnt out r l"RB with Imth ~lrlt'M ('onfl(ll'l1t of Iho enlll I dinT), uKulnHt Jlu",h A. clno'" numh"I' 1 "rul 3, \\' hpt~tlJn("~ leges, and artlstlo reodlng tor jun' -by the extension dIvisIon. placlnJ.( at I I'!l~t {lnll of It" cflodluutes. WIS hl'l', ~IOr, nndl,lutp. The Ilrl. \J1uml)«r J, npl(' h'~ ('!lfP, on.\ Ih" lor colleges. The high school de- Seven Divisions 011 1' E",)('I·I(,IlN'ti vale ownl'I·.lIlp ('nuS6 WIlK ~lrpnl!'th. ' 1'1\(1"111)'.

bate and extempore contelJtants The contest Is divIded Into t!eve', E,tch IltlJ't y haM (In" l'xpP"lenced en('d hy Illp wlthlll'llwal of I)an {al. Two ' 10 )lrl~ " will IJtt glVl'Il ttl !Were IKIlected alter a serllll! at com- diVisions this year: tbe groups are ('UllIlirlul(' und (lnp IlI'IV PIIll'ant I·UII· laltan, l'UJlulal' <l1'mlll'ral le randldatr ullafrtll"l(oU s tud('''!H Klltht'rlll lr tl ... ""tltlv~ ellmJnotlons, w"-reoo , tb" community drama orgu-··otlons. nin A' COl' 111(' uld rmcn·nl ·lu .. ge Ilos l· ( t l I" I III 1" ) I r .... 11 t '~Q ,- II., ~ ~ IU_ 0 1' 1e a u('rman CPO" 1111, n' lnl'KDllt ntlln ,,'r U ud. 0 s. other divisIons were open to any classes A and B; orlglrutl play com ·· till II ", lI n .. "nl and V(ln 11('1' :lee wN'ks ugo. Institution. '1 petltlon, junior college groups, and bol11 hnltllng llnMlilons 011 thr coun· 1.11110 IlIlerl'lll

('Ii 1\1 the 1>lls(, Hollpt' n~rl Wilson The tournamen~s under the high SChool dubs, A, B, and. C. auspices at the speech depaitment. A record number of 78 plays will Ill'" m(tklllll' their pfJl II Icnl d~hlJI In

1I1l' l)l'p~ent cnmp(tlgl1, though WII· wIth the faculty and advanced· BtU· be presented. The plays represent I ~OI1 jH 11I'''-ltl nl ot thl' Young Re· dents In charge. Profeljsor A. Cr:llg every conceivable "slice of life"

I puhlluan dul> of John~rJl1 cOlln ty . Baird, dIrector ot university debate, I'Iltuatlon known to drama. The ( '10 e ('ollU'Rh ~nd OrvlJle Hitchcock ar& directing I ~arlety ot plays Is reflected In their JJpCll.U~(' or thl' narreJw matgln In !the affair with the tollowlng Ill! Il,s· titles wblch range trom "Submerg- 11\1' c itl' e lection I :\..~t lIJ\rlnlr on the elstants: Earls. J oseph, A3 of Ntm' 1Ild," ''Trifles,'' and "Grandma Pullo l\1u\1ldpal ()wJ1('r~hlp qUi'~lIon, on. Hampton; Wallace Ashby, G of Oel· the String," to "Jazz and Minuet." Donald Richberr Clarence Darrow I"sl" fOJ' altlel'ml'n In a ll five w!U'd~ lWeln; Robert Blakely, A2 of Onll<wo.; Four Auditorium, I arp pxppctetl 10 tJP ('\o'c, with ooth C. Horton Talley, G of Mt. Ayr: Thc plaYII will Ib& given In the- "The NHA ji m; playrd into the hauds of big busine8~ anel prlvntl' JlII<I l1Junieil,al pwnershll) flnd Staten Brownln'K, A2 of low'!. I following auditoriums: UnlveJ'slty I worked to th e c!ph'imellt of the little frl\ow," Raid III1'cncc Dill'. I{I'IIUPI< havln~ cp.·taln wnnls where City. Advanced debate stu(\ents will high school, St. Patrlck.'s high row, falJlous crimitlallawyer aml foe oC the NRA, when he teRti· vle lol'l "H UI'(' ~uJ)PIJRClI to bc eer. IUlt as chllirman ot the various COn- i1>ChOOI, University theater In Mac- fied- before thr lIenate finance committee in '\V'ashingtoll. Dill'. l(lln. !luts, and faculty members and gra· brIde hall, and. the stud io theater In row's point ed phrases provok d st'veral Hmiles among committt'!' 111 Ih" rlr~t ward, ,John Cn\,lly, duate etudents wi ll judge. It~ theater annex. membcrs' One of Iij~ J'l' lllfU'ks was uimre) at Douald Richb!'rg, Irft, willi d~fpllt!',1 M. ,r. :\frGlllln, pI'I'Rcnt

An Innovation Each group of contestants Is /.1.9. whenlw said "DOll llsed to be a friend of the l)OOr once himself. " IncIIIJlIH'nl, ftll· til ... 1{',TU){'I·otlc noml· An Innovation In the hIgh sChool ISfgned to a student ot the speech ' _ nlltion (01' nldrrmnn, will oppose T.

delxlte 'Procedure has been Jnaugur- aepnrtment, who serves as host or ..., A. I"Oll t!', MOL ad"oralp. Whl'thcr

~te<l this year, with the best aWr- hoste8ll. BarJ)ara Hution Mdivani Exits 1.'0 t" ·R wlthll"ownl fl")\' the t:epuh. matlve and negative teams being &e- AU One Acts Hean IInl'ty, n[t!'r b~lng n(~mlnatM, ,ected, rego.rdlese or the school reo The plays are all one Mt and E I d G R D- (0 throw In hlH lot with thl' MOL cord as a whole. In &ome cases In. must be 'Presenied In a tIme IInllt ng an to et eno 1VOrCe will afrert hl~ HUI>port III It qUeH' the past, good. atflrmatlve teanl~ ot 45 minutes. Judges ot the teaU· tlun or m\l~h .lehale In Ir;cnl }loUti. 'wel'9 eliminated because of the poor val have not y&t been announced. SOUTHAMPTON, ">ng., Mnrch 2J most of Imlt night and so h~ hnd t'n l rlllllJlH. showing of their negative teams. In addition to the play prOduCUOl\ (AP)--Pl'lnct'fII< Bill'bara. Hutton Mdl. littlE' sll't'P. The princess I'(.UII Hurlz v. {'nnnon , Iowa City high schOOl's aftlrrrtl\.· fe~lval the state torenslc conlest 'Vani, $42,000,000 lleiref<ll, hurt'lt'd ~arl y, instrurting hotl'l employe'. In thr _"(,,IIt\ lIard, ]"'1'1 )\:urlz, dve team composed of Betty Rolt will ruso !be conducted at the same ) 101" IK OIlJ1{MIIJ.( JO~~llh ('anllon, land Don FI()yd, has qualified tor the time. away from England loday towa!',l to I"ly !!he left last night. I",'"pnt H'llUhll'".ln hll'umlJl'llt, fUI' 'f1nu.Js, and Is one or the favorites What with actors, actresses, dlt'e<l. tbe R.t'no dlvor<'(, silO m.ys' will At 7,30 n m., hUl1ul1'{) In a min, to win the affirmative title. In tl)e tors, debaters, ex-temps, orators and )not give her haIHI""mc Georgia.n COM, she and her coush, hUrl'lrd district finals, the Iowa. City t~ lond parents and relatives, Iowa prince one IJl'nny. to a waiting gJ"t>en strl'am.llne[1

II,.. ult1~rulanlc 1)"~IUot1. 'ullnon wa.s rl'CPlltiy nppulJ1t~d to tho ('ouncll to (III a Vlt"UI1<'Y left loy the fl"'lgnn· tlnlt or I'l'lIf. R. ~J. \Vnudwaru. won seven consecutive delxltes with City will 'be a human kaleldoscop!.> An early mO",ln!;' dru;1I f .. om Lon. couJ>!' that shot Iwr slreak.llke

'''IS8 Holt ranking as best speaker the latter part or thl8 week. dOli, where the 22-year-ol.1 Amt:>rlcan Huucle , who t>ecause uf his n· <I"r~em .. nt II}' \Ill' MOL 11'\1.8 uWclul· Iy I'~atl uut DC the local democratic party at II r('cenl convention, wl1l

'" through a runaway frolll the undl'r. In each debate. She also was tM girl has S(lI'llot eleoVl'n days In virtual

luntar Imp let c ded at gruund llllMlKe and dodged Lonilon'p highest ranked In each of the al" The two finalists from the south. vo y r 80nm n, 'n 1Iu'b.dlstrlct n· .. ·tes. · SouthamPton wh~J'e she and her parly morni ng tnullc to roo.l'-somc. u""'" 'western district have not as ye~ I FollOWing Is the list of entranta apple-cheeked cuusin, lO·year·olJ limes at 70 mfles an hour-out

been selected. Jimmy Donahue, bOllrded the steam. through the countryside. nIl' looking Ilk" he wo.s waltln" tor Oratory ship Bremen. , Bocause n('w speed laws cut th~ Barbara.

High schOOl oratol1': Tbomas

{or each event: CI_A

Class A high scbool dobo.tes, both affirmative and nego.tlve: Central 'hIgh school of Sioux City, East high rChool or Sioux City, SpeltCer, Ft. Dodge, Clarion, Maquoketa, Thomas .' errerson high school of Counc:] Bluffs, Roosevelt high schoot of Dell Motnes and Bnrltngton.

Class A, attlrmatlve only: Oelwein, Vinton, Newton, Iowa CIty and Centervllle. Negative only: Ames, Cedar · Falls, North high school of Des Moines, Ottumwa, Mu scatiM , nnd Da.venport.

Class B Class B hlg-h school debates, both

nftlrmatlve and negative: HaWllr­iden, Tripoli, Teacher!! college hlgn .school of Cedar Falls, Elkader, Ona· :wa, Oakland, CInCinnati, OsceolJ. and Mt. Ayr. Atflrmatlve only: Em­'metsburg, Manly and Monticello. Negative only: Pocahontas, Weqt Union and Orange township consQIl. dated school of Waterloo. : High school extempore speaking: Newton, Washington, Central hIgh .,chool ot Sioux CIty, Ft. Dodge, :lfar8hallto~n and Cedar Rapldo.

Jefterson of Council BlUffs, Do.ven· .port, Elkader, Central of Sioux City, l1'\:. Dodge, North at Des 1I10Ine,., Ottumwa, Lamoni, Oakland, East ot Sioux City, Abraham LInCOln ot Council Bluffs, Newton and Musca­,tine. , Junior college d.e.bate: Burllng· ton, Ft. Dodge, Maquoketa, Waldorf, Marshlllitown, Waukon, Elkader, ,sheldon. Muscatln& and Muscatll\ ~

at Orange City. Extemp SpeBking

Junior collego extempore speak­Ing: E llsworth, Ft. Dtcge, Elkader, Chel'Okee, Britt, Waukon, Maquo· keta, Sheldon, Marsballtown ami Northwestern.

Junior college oratory: Ft. Dodge, Elkader, Cherokee, Britt, ·Waukon, Sheldon, Marshalllown, Muscatine, Waldorf, Estherville and North. \western .

.JUnior college artistic reading: M t. St. Clare, Ft. Dodge, Elkader, Cherokee, Washington, Waukon , Creston, MaqUOketa, 'Sheldon, Mar· sballtown, Muscatine, Burllngton, Esthervl1le and Northwestern.

I Off the Record By SIGRID A.RNE

The face of Sena.tor J . Ham rent, but I wUl know lor lure

Lewis ot IllinOis Wl8umed a "Puck· when the landlord come/!. " "We are Uvlne wtth my s18·

ish" smile as two other senators !.er's hU8band who died last t angled on the worY·rellef bill. month." , Senator Royal S. Copeland of New York, who 18 a physician, and 'I've chaRred 1111' mind about Senator Henry F. AIlhurst of Arl. wanting a cow, I think I'll take zona were dlscuSBlng whether works. a beautician's coune IllIIteAd." relief money would be used to en. Representative P. L Gasfl/l.way large military cemeteries. ot Oklahomll would rather his new

"Cemeteries will need enla.rglnlf," tl'lends take his Initials a.nd let It 'said COpeland angl'lly, "tor those go at that. If need be, t!;tey ma.y wbo die of starvation before we P&8s use his home·town nickname, "Ole this bill." Tlge."

"The 8enator," grinned Ashurs t, "I've fought the 'Po L.' busIness "knows more about cemeteries tha.n a.1I my Ufe," he grins eheepl shly. I do: -

Lewis rOBe solemnly. "May I be pardoned for remark·

Ing," he Bald, "tbls Is a.t letU!t a. 1In· subject."

For all hla flow 01 words, Sen· ator HueT P. Lonl of Loul8lana takes an occasional C'l'opper when he inJects LatIn pbra.eee lato hla talks.

Hie opponent. leap ,leefuJIT Into correction.. After one rtr ('ent areument of the lOri, Sen· ator <'AIrier G1aa8 01 V1rrtnla I'OIM! IIId remarked MIldly.

"To 10 baek t& plain EIIII1Jh wUl the cl ... lcal acholan 1*" IIllt 111 to iO on wtth the vote,,,

W,hlte Rouae guards converl'ed quickly on a ma.n entering the ex· lecutlve offlceR wltb a large, shape· less bund'le under hIe ann.

Anyone entering the otflces m .t be known, and If he carrie. o.nythllllJ the contents must b4l explained. j

"Just a minute," .aJci & au8.C'll, ''What yoU got therer' .

The .tranger, an artl.t, and I!ILId:

lilt's an eaael." "Well, It It's alive," roplled the

~uard, ";vou can't brlD4f It In ber.,"

From the .ov~'. cnb­bu of mall:

"J b4llJevo I owe nvo month.'

"They .ta.nd for 'Percy Lee'." And Gassaway Is the congressman

who won't take his spUrs oft, even fOr a banquet.

Prealdent RooIIevelt W&8 en· tertaJnlna' new members of con· i~88. Hf! dUI In lID pocketIJ and then belied a clearette lrom one maa, a match lrom l'nother.

"All I have," he uplalned, "18 the deRlre for a smoke."



'rhe prlnc.('1lS an,l .Jimmy, who is t I\3Chlno to 30 rull('s an hour in Tho prlnceRH WM smiling as h"r "tage·ma.'lajf!ng tlte divorce pru· pInel'S, howevl'r, Bu,"oor3. and hrl' flutllJllohl1t pulll'd up to within ~O

c~-ed lng with Prlne(' AJexls Mc1imnl. cousin wprc two houl's "unning th,' tt ... t of th, · gungplrlllk. lett lor NI'IV YtlI'k anti neno. 70 mlJ~s to Soutbampton. A ItJ.U1·illuI< fo,l net /lIMe,

:-O\l8l'tlt('lllar Plan "(lood Time" brl~ht with fluwer8, a.waltNI her, Their d"P'll'tUI'C frum l·:nglantl W'ld I1n[l the ('"u~jn!1 were In jovial

apectacullLr. "fJlritll, trlling frlell(l thpy l1lnnnl'\ Donahue hall


• noo 01)I'n J: 15 P.M.

• l'l'l<'e (,hallJ:es 5:30 P. I.

• A,"l~fl Jny • SOl III' or Birds "Cartoon jll

Color" SoIl &' WrlteNl of

Gny 'OO'R "Ibml SkU " lAte News

"If I kiss you !lOW ••• 1 could neV'e.r

let you go!"

In 1935' First Dig

ROllUmlic, lIit

From the lJovel by .HUGH WJU.POLE

with . Otto Kruger May Rob.on

Lew Stone I

fl t'<'u ll!!l' of. th e Jll'ivntfl VR. l11unlcl. pal QwnerHhlp IliHUIl, Htll, Inl "PHt 1In8 bren RhoWJ1 in tht' rf'mnlnlng orfl 8 to III' fIlle.!. Jo:. Il. HHYlll"n,l, pI·e. enl incumbent uf thl' (lffI •• ' or ~I ty 1r MIlI'I'I', Is unuI)!).,..,·,l 011

either thp dtmt1('rntlc or :1101. ticket.

~'or a I!('s,or, Wlllliun J, Whitt', democrat, anti Dr. I.. P . Ol1lltam, rC)Jubllcan, 11I' e Cllll,lhlatl'8 rill' th!' oW 'c nnw hel~ I;y Mr. Whltl'.

I'ark (~nlJnl · luner CondhllltcM for pork ('umI1118,.lon·

cr nre \Vllllrun HUPIIl'rt, d('lnllt'rut, and )':VCrt'tt Men nH, 1'I'1>lIlIlIcnn.

Of 1111' Jlrc~('nt !'ill' (lrtll'lnls hol,l · Ing I~ (lv~ P"'IIIIII18, 111yor Harry D. }lrpelle nntl .\1,11 rmItn·ul·l1rgt1 JaJne~ K !:ltrlll1kM al'e thr only nnl~ not se;>klng I elpctlun. Mayor Brtt'nl' haR bern III tor 8~vel'al month. and I'I'C nlly,.u the nUI\('1I tn ac· cellt hlH ". hrnlltfon. lJij I:ltpr (·on· sented to c{)ntinue In urrlN) tn ~ljfJJ

~olldH on tile 1'\\,,\ ~rwa!;.· t1l81>0 III plllnl ()roJ,-ct.

Soon arter the l"ei;ruary prlmar· tr'R, the local Jlolltl~nl ra,'I' W IL" In· vadNl by II fourlh pa,·ty, Ih Iowa Cit)' communist unit, with . two man Ikkrt.

1{ennPlh Dlt" was numlnat ,1 for ald ... '11 n frum 'lin firth wnnl IIn(1 Nilthun II. Whiting, h ad of th~

Jowa Cit)' unit, annollnchl fur til park comml ~Ioner's job. Th v.ntlon which ma,le I h

TODAY fon. - Toes.

2 Great Pictures

For Only



-HELL BENT FOR. LOVE" wilb Lilian Bond

No. 2 Feature A Very Nice Plcture


DOl101.'HY LEE


AU Colored Kartoon

Will VI It hI HI. l..oul~ D,·. I~rn8t Fr"llnd a 1\11 1>1".

Bradford went to at. LOIlIA thl \\( k rnrl to visit In the ('111111'8

t 1I('r . m.J. White tiOnA WRl< attend d hy 13 rl'pr nt· Ilv(OA ot the unpm)lloy I ('oUI1CIl, the Internatlunal VllJl'lI' VHen , the

Democratic andidate

Will Appreciate Your • upport

rail (( an(1 fII" or thr A. 1<'. Of J.,., And I' groull of stud nt connnunlRtM.

'I'wo w.'eka Jator, the ('olllmunlAt Inva..lon WilJI nded wlwn llie Kroup allnou tl ct>il tII"t It would wHh.lmw


Fair and Efficient

A k Any Taxpayer

Rendezvous Special Chicken Dinner ....... _ ................................ SOc Special t-Bone 'leak ............. _ ... _ •. ~ ................ 45c Roru t Beef or Meat Loaf ........... _._ ..................... 35c V irginia Baked Ham ........•. _ ....•....... _ ................... .. 5c

N'r,lul: from tl O'dll{'k 011

OW! 26 ConllnuoWlly to 5 :30 P.~I.

C ChiJdr n Alway, 10


Ii '0. PI"UII ......


3 Stoo es THE

on T· D





LOWELL SHERMAN'S UproRrioliJ P'YldU(IIO" 0/ Tho"" SmilJ;'s

Amaz"'8 NOlel



• ~


rn u M (8

th ye

lal 0"

111'1 nl


SOc 45c 35c 45c


Camera Club, Union Board To Present alon April 22 to May 6

;:1 ====-=-=-:-=-=-;;;;;===::;" , Gothic al'che~, the peak of each c(.pltal politi al "TOsslp on J936 1l00J­

Lifts Ban OTt Wheal I · lx'ing nbout 10 feet from the flnor. llibi II lies, ! There nrc no ele<:trlc lights In the

No Hobbies for Nina Morgana, Opera Star to. Appear Here

)lIlJ"t.ntenl. The ltnanclal IIIK._ ot the pr_nt concert will dt'termlno the continuation ot a mllar IH'rll'll at attractlOftll tOI" 193~-36.

Pholograll118 Taken

lower chambers anll the ttame or A drive tor ne\v taxes press-cJ a laml) Or torch revealR the long lidmhllstratloll leaders with outcome arched room8 not unlike In doubt.

Nu little dogs. golt. or antiques ~ I' Nina, Metropo,ltlln OI>N'& IIOl>rano who will appear In &

'l!oncert " ' edneeday evenlni', a t Iowa Union, In the last o( a series ot con­certs for the year.

town, Thl' tenor, carullO. urged hn to study In Il&ly. ana It ,,'as through CarOllO that he met h r husband.

Ticket .. toc the con rt are on 8810 t the musle tudlo b~ldlng and

the mal .. det!k at l ow&. Union.

By Local Persons To Go Olr Di play

Bill Merli tt

dung ons.

The kegs. taciturn remlndel's or President Roosevelt signed docu-!bygone days. stllnd rotling along ment (01' Philippine home rule,

the c\amp walis. Eacll ha, a capacity

ot ovel' 2,000 gallous and l~ larg~ Admlnl8tratiOn and organized la­enough (01' Ii mlln to walk al'nund bor apparently gol on more [rlendly In corMort\lhly, tCI·ma.

lee Chule

BOSTON'S ON THE 'POT BOSTON. (I N"S)-F! neen lhollll&Jld

dollars \0 the city or Bo Ion in 10 )"Carl>-lt In t'tUlt tim tb<> city unit I

with .uburt>&n communlU to be­com on ot tb koadJng munlclpa1~ ltletr ot the wor1<l. nth rw the ro n-

Th third nllwll IWI"n lIr plwttJlI" ,aphlr IIrt will I", xh.hUI II Ilt Juw" Unton AIJrll ~~ tu IllY Il. Jllll'I,I" M. Wllllkln lit Ihl ' 1 .. ",," t'lIlhl W..t ­(nr H.eselu·"h ~t/ltl(lII. III' . IIII' lll ot Lho CUml>uR (~'"WI'U dull, IlIlIlUUII~f'd ~e9terdu y. , 'rile IlIIlon wh[~ h Is ~onllu~tNl lIn­<I(of' th julnt UUAjllcp or l'nilln

Miss ,lorgana. AmerIcan born singer oC HaUan par I1lage. finds no time to be a "story book singer." She hila no purllau!ar hobby. al­th ougll> oQllglng IW_ agel)t8 would like to H~ her flul)'J) lled with this

A wooden elevlltor takes tbe in- S~note Dnd house conteree8 agrend 'artistic nt'cesslty. fl'eclupnt visitOrs down t he 40 foot on Incl'ease In anny to 165,000 en-

Interpreter Of four fields at sonG. conCl'rt. r>ratol'lo, opera. and radio. ]lfhl8 Morgana hall had nO time ror I)(!t monkeY", milk baths, before­curtaIn tantrumfl. and j w I robbt>r­lei! such 8.'l 80~ artists have at­taclt<>d to their careel'll. M1sa ]If or­gana dislikes u,mT>er lhJnly dia­gul1led aJI temperament.

y gOt'S to Harvard unlvcnity's 8t'hOOI ot bllJlfM admlnlatratJon, [l'h18 III OM at th bequeat8 In tM .. 111 ot Henry Clinton O' Brk>n_ The will prJvld that 51 .000 I n In trUllt (or one bundred )' ...... In which time with ~cumulat~ Int re t It will arnot. nt to $15,000.

Coucert Deficlt ;fjORI'd untl 'IIII' t'n1l1l1l1 ( 'Rm,'r ('I IIIl, Suslitmletl 'N'~1u! to ,·xhlllit Il ('IIl!<~ or w"rk In I he~tel' Fl'llntz WIlH HURpen dpd on IlhQtol:I'8PhIC al'l "III which thero p'oo<l oohavlor yeslel'dny w h p 11 '8 dlallllrllv (oI'JclNlI't' or I)I '''I''tnul I)rought betor POlice Judge H8rot<l p.rtlstlc feeling 1I1Id t>x,·culloll." V(' t\'rmnrk on n c llal'ge or dl!!1.uro-

listed men. ,~li(l - Victorian shW't to the bottom. BesIde this Calling herself mid-Victorian , AtllJHls the old Ice chute. an 1m· portant factor In r('[l'lgeration In

Durin;; the aummer Mig MOr(;an&. 'hall apJ)l'llred In both concHt and opera. at the Teatro Colon. opera. lhou8& In Buenos Aires, She h811 sung Beethovpn's ninth Bymphony under the baton o( Tosca.nlnl. Tho \>xhlblt 18 ulll'n I" allldrllls. IIIK 'til e J)(>ace.

facul ty Iln~ Htll(( HII··1·8. I'l'ln t~

01' Ilop~r mUllt · by nny I,hutolrl·uvhlr. DUmps III'DC 9 ('x('q)l hhw ,irlllllllg may lie lown City motorlk tA rodo the ~lIt I·NI. 11/lIlII ('u IOI'I'd Ilrillt . UII> waVP8 11l8t nlg llt as tOOl' drOve over ,lot ellllllll(' fur <,uml.qltlun. " ull\'('8 and II 1)1' 8810118 In the pave- Henr, A. W.II.ce

the old days at brewing . At olle time Jowa City boasted

three bl'ewerJeR. Beslde8 the Geiger· Hoetz, there WM the old Dostal plant at the prescnt site oC the Hutchi nson Ice cream shop. and the Engl rt bl'ew I'y now occ u pled lIy the Englert Ie cOInpan)·. All stop· pe<l opel'ullon with the ])a!l~l ng or .FI·om all .. r thl' VieW",. bulJmllll'tl dnellt n~ul' the corner at College and lht' Volstead nct In 1919. a JUlY of tlln· judlfl'8, yel to b, linton street8. Th bu mps coverNl All restrictions on planting

,tnnoullcl'lI, will t'I·t lhe photo- "nil' about "Ix reet btrt smlliler U/I - of spring wheat in t he north-grtlpha to b hunK' In th xhlblt. Gulatlons gIlve promlfle that the liP ' \\'('sl were lifted by Henry A· ·I THE DAY IN .. \ Wt y or (rom ahou! 2iiO 1 .lrtu l'~ .~ hNivul was spreading. Wallace, secretary of agricul-• ubmlt\t'd InO war" lIIoJI'l tl'll til lie tUl'e, to offHet the thl'eRtened 1 WASHINGTON 1

~h;';I~;1.II must 1>0 ddl\('I'I'd to tho Cold • shortage anticipated ft'om dust .'-------------. ,ooln <l esk at [""" lJ,l/lon. lIut later Drsp lte th(' (act thaI ch illy winds \ storms aocl drought. thlln AIlI'1I .1. N/ltl) ("Ima lIluy Ill} y~terduy Ihllghted th summer at, fol'ru reu at thl' IIlUItI dook III 10 11'11 1Il000phere while 8h()('s and IIght­Unlun. ,weight lIults were worn liY the mOl\:)

Goate Will. Read IIilton

I Story Today Wallar ,\ . (lootl'lI. <: at !-lllit T ... h~

City. Utuh, will M'lLtl "(1, •• lhy" . Ir.

nonly Individuals dl'termlned to 'rush the sea on."

Anls A Aure 81gn ot spring wn~ s~en

n erd y whpn red ants were re­J>orted out In (ull torce, actively dlg&,lng and gOing about whntever bushll'88 ant.'! have to do.


Pride Goeth Before

Kegs and Coi1s­All That Remain Of First Brewery

One ot the proud dnys of Iowa Clty 'H hlstOl'y, olrl·tlmer~ suy, Wll~

By The AssO(' iatetl Press AttN- eight wC(l,ks of battling, the

Renate IlusBerl the $·1,880,000,010 wOl'le-rellef hili, 08 to 16, and r e­turned It to lhe house.

If('rllert J loovel·'s ull ,leans to tlgll t " new deal" spur"

rhlllll" t,y thr l;l1ll1~h ntlth"r, JIIIl1" ~ The drilling of a 75 toot w('11 JHly I, 1867, when the cornerstone

Hil ton, tht. IIft ... ·llIJ<>n Ilt 4 (J't l"'k which has k"pt Iowa. Ci lia ns In 8U8-

In 1J1I1"'rKlt)' t1l1'llt<'r tlllll"X "tudl... llenRe for th laat four days W6. of the first l>rf·we,·y In thIs part Of 1'1", ·tol·· t"I1~ "r th, t"o<'hlnlf f''lln l>let d yesterday. Two mp'l the state wa.q laid at l\tal'ket and

~ar 'vI' uf ,\Ir. (·hll'I'IIIII'. jUl/hJl' Inll<' Morked nIght and day drIlling direct · Linn streets. I~r, \lit'> luu ht (tJl' 03 YI·ar. nl I), lhlough th sidewalk In the 200 A good Ilortion of lowfl CltY'8 BrOokfl~ld. nil EII~lI h h, •• 1. TIll' l)lock on S. DLlhuQue sll·t!€t tu 11nlsh 1.000 popu lation g'ath('l'ed to watch c,uth"r [",rtraYIl thp 1/, ]I.,\\,lng or the well. ~fr. ChiI'll' thnr',,',p • hi lr,..r~lng

tolel"tln OIU' t·ru,ty dry humor. M'·. ChipR Is (lIl'l or tht (1I1I10Ult. ul,l_ (88hl"I1·<1 EnuJj'1I IKhu,,1 mUl4tl'IS '1;110 hll" n IIh:t1lng h,y II\' t" .. Bllg­land, II IH>!Ita.lglt· onll llilt/H·tle- f .. l ­Ing (m' hi. d"ad \I [fe, and all' un

Music Recital To Take Place

tor til!' ,·lasslca he taught. T J:lm(·. Hilton. th author or the omorrow

I.tJuk, \\1 n pn ..... lr,Llly 1Inknown ,\noth,'r of the erie .. or mu~lc r~ .

the «,rPm any and a 8011111 band hlared forth Il brnssy welcome to the new In(hlstl·Y. The bl'owery was owncd and opel·o.ted by Anton Gelg, el'. Shortly after this p. partner, SI, mOn Hoetz, was tnk),n Into the bUSiness ancl the I>I/lnt was then known as the Gclger-li oetz BI·ewery.

Old licgs Today, a few massive 01(1 ooe,'

kegs, ~lacks of rusty colis here nnl l th (' I'~, und /l luhyrlnth or tun, nrls and "tm·el·oom B. 40 teet below

Eng II h "Til"" unlll his ht.,k "G'lthl- cltnl" will IIr pl't'H(>nle~ llndH the bye .\11'. Chip ., IIII'( \ 'I tl\ 1I u~- (Iir('c\lon of thE' mu"l\' department proyul (,[ AI )<311<1t'1' " ·,w,lcott, wl,u tomOn-uw at 4 n.m. In nMlh nltlllic t!le l:l'Ountl , IIJ'r all that I'emaln ­• Id or II. hnll. silent su rvivors ot the prohibition J. A. Swisher rtvry aa

'egl'" f,'I'UIl1 tin "TIl, lwlll,,_ Ethlot>:nn C"nnie" at 8 "· ... Iock \1\\& . ~ ,,,1,,1' I" lit women'lI Il)um:e

t .. tll( I'f'('~"~

un_",·f\·d uftel

Blue Eagle's Babies Belter Tlwn tork's Accorclillg to Doctor

•.•• !II I.. <I" '.'t 11'1' untll'r "blu(' ellllit" thall they €lId In

tbp old dara Hr the .tork It IJnlver. ~I(Y h pltal "'ntb.llrR mpon II!'­th lnl.

A r""dlnlC to Dr. I •. J . HurrJA or the 01..· tlir" tln,l I{ ·n~(·oIOjfV /10

PLrtnwnt, t lWI·ll n1'(' 11101', 1 hnhlt'll In the hCJllpltlll n .. w thRn I'\·('r 1>I'(OI'r In II. hl>tt"ry. '1'h(>' lIumltel' mOl'C than fiO.

Thll program will Include : ('<,"rel·to, no. 28, In C major

(flrRt movpmcnt) Violli Allegl'O


SonRta. opus 10, no. I (third movenwnt) ........... nrethovpn Pre. 10

Vlnerta Schmidt. Al of AVOI'a Autumn .......... .... .... . ....... Arensky I'n.~tl)rale . ... ... ........ ..... I.a ]1'ol'ge

Dorothy \Vllggonpl'. a ot Ma~omb. III.

Autshwung Wantrullestucke) opus 12, no. 2 .......... Schumnnn

Mal'Y Ellen I<'ltzgerald, ,,1 of f_'l. Po~te, J nil.

Fall' aardl'n ...... BOl'odlnp MaJ<lne S~hlanbusch.

A2 o( Iowa Cit)· Sonata, opus t. jn E minor

(first movement) ............. arleg A lIf'gro moderato •

Chlll'l ~ Ellil', Al ot Shelby Lnl1lt'nt ............ ...... Du [lare

;\[urgo rel A n(1pI'80n. A 2 ot Sac 'lty

Lotus Land .... ....... ...... :YI'II Beoll Ruth MllcbrhJe.

A3 of In del)endence Die Naeht ... .... ....... Strauss

Morlan Nngler. A 4 or IolI'a. Ity

Ronnta, nIluA 9 (firs t llHlVl.'llwnl) .... Korol Szymonowskl J\ lIegl'o modprn to

Arn Id Small. a of Soul h II n(J, Ind .. violin

\\'1111 m L, rosten, o Of De MoInes. pla"o .



Thai. E.

Martin For

Mayor I ha , e 11111 8111\(011 .. 11 thl' ~ UI))lOI'1 (lr Ally Ill"ltlnltlltIlln, I h &" 11 111.1 "~('ptt'tl tUltl ('4'111 or ('&llIpalkll fund" I. hn..e lIul llrullli. ell a lob 10 "'ronp, I Illn Illlt f nlluA'l'd In ,ff>r!ll)nal Mander or ItlJ' oppoI,ent. I ha,'e , ... Wrn Ill)' OW" ,Hlllllra' RlalI'"RlntR, and I iliad '), n~(·rllt I he ~ullport of A LL who lee fll to voCe lor rue, &tflf!l IIr oil, I 8uhIK'rlbe wlthuut frar or I'I! enalJon to the


('all my n",",III',,1 mllke all of UN! aboVIl IItlltemelltst


e ra.. Thel'e nrt' two IUrge cellllrS below

the twO·stOI·Y 1)1'lc k hullcllng 11011'

occupied hy the EconolllY Advertis­Ing Company , one abovp the other. Each conlaln~ .evl.'rlll of the old storl'l'ooms a.nd tu nnels used In the manuractul'(' of beer sOlne 08 years :\go.

M.O.L. Candidate

for alderman in the

Fifth Ward 'fhe sto"el'ooms, damp and musty I

with Itgt' ancl 1Ine(1 with crumbling iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii plnster, Ill'e shapeu In the form of I

Lenten Services

St. Paul's Lutheran Chapel JeffersOn and Gilbert Street~

Julius A. )<' rif'(ldch, Plistor

S Unday, March 24. 7:00 1'.1\1.

"I rull 1;11'1." John 18:1-9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . .

THE LORD'S PRAYER Our Father who Rrt In h eaven. What does this mean? Answer:

God would by these words tenderly invite us to believe that He Is our true Father. and that we are HIs true children. so that we may With a.1I boldness and confidence ask Him, as dear children ask their dear father. - I. Hallowed be Thy name. What does this mean? Answer: God's name is indeed holy in itself ; but we pray ill this petition that it may be holy among us also. How Is this done? Answer: When the Word at God is taught In Its truth a nd purity, and wo as the children of God a lso lead a holy lite according to It. This grant us, dear Father in heaven. But he that teaches and Uves otherwise than God's Word teaches, profanes the name at God among us. From this preserve us, Heavenly Father. - II. Thy kingdom corne. What does this mean? Answer: The k.lngdom at God comes Indeed without our prayer. of Itself; but we pray In this petition tHat it m ay come unto us also. How Is this done ? Answer : When our H eavenly Father gives us His Holy Spirit. so that by His grace we believe His holy Word a nd lead a godly Hfe, here in time, and h ereafter in eternity. - ill. Thy wlll be done on earth, as It Is in heaven, What does thl$ mean ? Answer: The good and gracious will of God is done Indeed without our prayers; but we pray in this petition that it may be done among us also. How is this done? Answer: When God breaks and hinders every evil counsel a nd will which would not IQt us hallow God's name nor let His kingdom come. such as the will ot the devil, the world, and our fl osh; but strengthens and preserves U8 steadfast in His Word a nd faith unto our end. This Is His gracious and good will. - IV. Give us this day our dally tiread. What docs this m ean? Answer : God gives dally bread indeed wUhout our prayer, also to all the wicked; but we prlly in this petition that He would lead us to know It, and to receive our da ily bread with tha.nksgiving, What Is meant by dally bread? Answer : Everything that belongs to the support and wants at the body, such as tood, dl"lnk, clothing, shoes. house. home, field cattle, money, goods. a pious spouse. pious children, pious servants , pious a nd faithful ru lers, good government, good weather, peace,

• health . discipline. honol', good friends, faithful neighbors, and the like. - V. Anti forgive U8 our tre8plUIll'll, at! we forgiVe tholle who trrIIpa.8 aplnllt u., What does this mean? Answer: We pray In this petition that our Father In heaven would not look upon our s ins, nor on their account deny our prayer; for we are worthv of none of the things tor which we pray. neither have we deserved them: but that He WOuld grant them to us by grnce; for we dR\ly sin much a nd Indeed deservc nothing but punishment: so will we a l80 heartily tor"lve and readily do goOd to those who sin against U8. - VI. And leRd U8 not Into tempta­tion. Wha t docs this mean? An8wer: God Indeed tempts no one ; but we pray in this petition that God would guard and kee.p UB, so that tho devil. the world, and our flesh may not deceive u s, nor seduce us Inlo misbelief, despair. and other "reat shama and vice: anil though we be as8ailed by them. th'lt sUll we may fina lly overcome, and obtain the Victory. - VIr. But de­liver U8 from IIvll. What does this mean? Answer: We pray In tht .~ petition, as the 8um of all. that our Father In heave n would dellv!'r us trom overy evil of body and soul, property and honor. an" fin-Uy, when our laat hOur has come, nant us a blessed pnd. and graciously tRkll us from this vale ot tears to }llmself In h~nv~n . -Amen. What doe. thIs mean? Answer: That T • .,n'lld he pertAI n th"t theRe netltlona are Rcceptable to our F~th ~r In hea.von IUJd heard; for He Hlmlelt has commanded "8 80 to nrav, nnd hIlS promlled to hear u •. Amen, Amen. that \q. vort.. po . It. eh"JI be 10. (The Third Chief Part In Dr. Martin Luther's Small CatNlhl ...... )

MI88 ,h>t-gana has one engrOlllll ng Secretary \Vnllace announcNl Interest- he,' husband, Bruno Zlr-

loons on cotton to be contin ued (or oto. (ormer secretary to Eorlco Car -1935 cro[l without stating pOundage usa, Obert. COIlvlded )·ate. "Singing." the soprano declares."

Is a &,rlou8 business Involving reg-House leaders prepllred for QUiCK ular rout:ne and hard work." She

action Monduy on a new airmail ha.. BludJed music from chlldhood, hili to permit Increased rates t:l having Bung at t he Pan-American contractors. Exposltlor, in Burfalo, her hom

The concert courBe plUJIB to O\'er­com a dertelt Il.Ccumulat.ed during the year with the receipu or MIlIII Morgana's concert,accordlng to Prot. Charles B. flIghter oC the music de-

TlARTTJIOOTON. b. (AP)-A dls­trlet eOUII jury y t rdlly convtcted August J . Obert, R ndolph drunhtt. on an al'llOn c r(; In connection with a rlre whl h dama&' hla Orue IItort',


FORD v-a

~ . "-

First Car to Close the Gap Between Low Price and Fine Performance





THE FORD Y·8 occupiee a diltinctive place among automobiles. There II no way to ~ompare it with any other car becaute there is no other car like it.

The Ford enables YOD to IItep up into the fine-car CI888 in performance, beauty, comfort and aafety. But there ill no stepping up in price. That is kept down by Ford low.profit policie8 ud unique manwaclu .... iDe methodll. These are as different as the car itaelf.

What the Ford haa done 1ill to elltablish a Dew lltand· ard .of value. Fine-cat' performance isn't limited to the well·to-do the.e day.. The Ford. V·8 baa made it pouible for the average motorist to have the kind of car that uled to be beyond hie reach.

It takes eight eyliDden to give modern perform. ance. And the Ford ia powered by a Y·8-the fine~t type of elght-eylinder engine. YOII have to pay more than 82000 for that ill .. y othea: car.

Ford eara are priced 1111495 up F. O. B, lHlToit. SlIIndard _lIry tp'O.p '-..................... lire ....... Eaq ...... ,.,.,.,. Un'tlenal Cred" Company, ..411 bodylypea .... Saf-ty C'-e ............ , ... aMI,,'" cwt.

o R D M o T o R c o M p A N y

See The 1935 Ford ,Cars



SHADES OF days gone the way of all good da ys! fit'm moor

when Iowa's mile relay tl.' we.' noted all OVOI' thCl!(> Unlll'd Siules? StlCctntul's at the track meet yes· tel'lJay must have entcrtuJu~d more



* * * lnternatlonal New. Service Internaflonal Illustrated Newt




* * * WOltl,)) WIUE .t·ull LOR.'" Wlr.

Tilt'! Aff8O(,'tl ."IN''''

BADGERS WIN IN TRIANGULAR MEET • • • • • • • • • • •

First Nine Of Finkbine Field Course Open

1'hll ."11 nll](l hole. or ttHl

Jrlllilbioo II III gol' I'vur oreo HOW 01)('11 II IHI r ''',\' ror IlllQ', \\lIh H~ h"H'r nlll0 to be OJlof)(ld

... /1111" I~ !l11V 1(11)' •

('0I1.\'1\ ('I 11 J CllneH Is

Kielhorn Takes Second than Il tew mcrnol'Jea as thry wlltcb- ,. I ell the flashJng; splkcs of PhllllplI, Meet Summary , 8 Records Go Sklnncl', Pa,go and Dooley tonr up . ----------.:..--tho tl Idhouse i:.J'lLUlt to break ull now 'J'JJln.' l<'JN18HED A W

• In Mat Meet II,I\;OUII lhut ."0/11' IJItIY/'lI: lite ('1) 111"14(\ 110 ",It IIHi!' elthra' 010

rt'jilllnf ' ('{os 01' rf/fulul' Jt'l"l'etl ,

a nt'lfh..,. \\ III IHI In 'JIUfable

/'111111111011 fl)r SUlli e lime. l'ecol'lls with their timp of 3:21.0. Wi!K'ou~iu -"---'--".-. 50 1 ·2 S isconsin Phillips, IMky 80phomo~e, was the low't~ .... _ ... _ ................. _._. 39 1·6 big surprise of the day, lIe ran 'llI'thweblern - .... _ .. _ ...... - 18 1·3 R · Ti I awny wIth his quartel', taking the 1'010 vlml Won by Halier etaInS It e Swim T earn Comes Bacl{ leael at tllO third turn, never to be (W'); SharCr (W) and Shumway heatled. The tim was :61,5. (N) tied for second; Halo. and

• ~kinner, who hail ah'elldy run

0110 qtlfu1:er. held tho lea.l aild WoWO Pugll a Yllrtl lulvRntago with hi. timo of :51.5. Hemic lDaintained tile gap blltll,'OOll h.imselr [1II1l tho WisrOIlSill t'lmllenger wi.h a brilliant :19.5. allll then Dooley re!llly went to tOlVn. Running agnilL~t Crowrll. winncr of Ule 440 Ylll'll d1lSb, tho hhlcll·tNlkhcd . ccdst .. r Ilternlly ran tt1e lIul'ly nlld~ his feet In "10 atrn4;'htnway to win by ncnrly rivo yal'(ls In

• :49.1.

James Lylo. form .... North Des M:ol ncs star, gavb a ll insph'ing p~r'

fOl'mance on his anchor lap Of tho cxhilltion two mile relaY by tho freKhman team. Lyle, who last year captured the mile run In tho stalo inter!<Chola.sUc meet, tOre around the track in 1:1J8.1, hal[ a. 5eeond better tho.n Kleinschmidt of Wisconsin did in capturing the vIIJ'SJty 880 yard da.~h,

1'e81.(>rllay'8 meet WIIS olle of tho best this year from .lto 81100·

tahll's standpoint. !\lost of tho ovonts were closely (·OU. ested. alld all but two IIll'et r!'cOI'ds wel'o sbattOI·od. lIaller of Wis­consin gave the cl'owll a. bi~ thrill when Ito tried to clc.u· 13 feet 6 Inclles in the ,·ault. 011 his sooond try tho stocl(y Bad· gel' wa.s o,'er and on his way down when his elbllws b~rtly Jlielled tllO croBb·bal' - an" Ilown it came.

)tohrhuscn. who won the two mile run by mOre than 25 yan]", might have nipped Ule record in the mile it bls team loyally had not Interfered. Coming down the home stretch he was yarils ahea.d or hi tl'amma.le KlelnHchmldt, who !atl'!' tll(,l, the 880 yard daRh. But he slowec1 up ,wd waited 80 that the! t""o coulel break thu tapt' togethar.

Oat hOlic Cajtl'rs CHICAGO (AP}-Out of n s ""'.'1

or eng'agpmrnts that lInd thl' largl' crowd standing in lin uproar at tile finish. the Sioux Indians from, Sr. l~!'ancls miSSion, South Dakota; St. • "avler uf Louisville, Ky., HI. Mary's of Andel'Son. Ind., and lht' pl·ohl. hltl\'€, tournam('nt fuv(lrltl's fr,,111 SL lIt!'I, ('hicng'D, cmerg-l'd Into WI" seml·flnals of tb' • 'Iltional Catho· Ii<' hL~h S~hool bal>leo(h;.tlI l'harn -1110nsh ips YCHtrrdny.


McElhlnnay (I), and Swisher (N) tied tor fourth. Height, 13 feet. (New record, uld belg-ht 12 foet 8 Inalw8 by Post or Wisconsin In 1934,1

One milll I'un-M'ohrhusen and KI~lnqchmidt (W) 'lIed for first; Pralt II) thIrd. Paul Nelson (1)

fourth, TIme, 4:27.5. Shot 'PUt- Won by Rubow

(W); C'11ristilln II (W), second; Ste-phpns (N), thirel; fau (H,

fourth. DiJ tance, 47 feet 4 1·2 Inches. (NoW meN recol'<'l, old mark of 44 fCl' t 4 inches by Rot­lel' of V"j~consln In 1984.)

60 ynl'll Illls h-W'on by Owen (1); Dooley (I), second; Janicki (W), third; Rich (W), fourth. Time, :06.3. (New meet rOO()t'd, 0111 mUl'l< of :06,5 elltabltshed by Janicki of V,riscone!n io 1934.)

440 )1I1'd du-"I\-Won by Cr<>w­elt roVI; Skin~r (1). ReCond; Heg (1\'), third; Fl 'mlng (N), four~h.

Time, :50.2. (New meet record. old mark of :60.7 established by Dean o[ Iowa. In 193,)

00 ;vard high hurdJc8- Won by Crelzmeyel' (1); ('lurk (W), sec· ond; Kellner (W), tbll'd; Lat~ am (1), fnu.-th. Titne, :07.5. (Ne\\' meet lecon1, bettering old mark of :07.R establish.ett by J ens or Norlhwest rn in 1934,)

'lfigh Jump-Won by Cretz­me~-er (I); Latham (1) and 8 Wish"!' (N) tied for second; W'!eckmann (W), fourlh. Height, S f( t 11 Inches.

Two mile "ull-Won hy Mohr­husen (W); lIa~s (I), second; Sl'lck" (Nl. third; Schlascr (I), fourth, Time, 0:55.0. (New m et l'CCO rtl , hctterlng old mark or 9:50,3 c~tabli 1>Pd by Flage or Iowa !n 1934.)

880 y. I'll rUtI-Won by KleIn· schmidt roy); Heg (N), second; Flemlnl; IN), third; Wisgerhof (IJ. fourth. Time, 1:58.6. (New med I'<,('ol'd, bettering old mark of 2:01).4 f'8.labllshcd hy Ierue· gl'1' ro\'), 1034.)

Onl' llI11p m1ay-'Won hy Iowa. (Phltlir>, 81<Inne1', Page and noulel·); "lVisconsln, second; North\\·f'~tel·n. third. Time, ( \II' m~t, unlvermty In· (1001'. "M1 fl Idhotlse rl'cord. Bet­ters meet record of 3:28 estab­Jlsh('d by Iowa In 1034. B£otl .... s unlvcrsity Indoor record at 3:22.1 r?~ bUshed by Hooklnson, Cook. Denn ami Page In 1033. Betters fleldhouso record of 3:21.9 by Iowa Statr in 1033.)


Vote ~ For

,Clem A. Boyle I


(Democratic Column)

City Election-March 25, 1935

I Suggest:





For Transportation-CalI 5252

Mile Relay Hawk Leaves For After Losina ~ Quartet Smashes

Fieldhouse Mark N.e.A.A. Meet In Semi- Final With Pl'osPQCts fOI' finishing high

By CREEO MYERS In two events exceedingly bright. a

Plll nderi D~ six fiTSt places-flve·mall University of Iowa. swim·

five of them with record ;per-formanct's-ancl runnill~ up it total of 50 1·2 points in the fieldhouRe yo terday afternool1, Wisconsin's powerful contino gent of track and fie ld athletes held possession of its title over [owa and Northwestern in the second annllal indoor tr ian gu· lal- scrap between the three WCfltcrn conference rivals.

Tlle JJawkcyes rolled up 39 1·6 points for sccGnd pl3Cc, while Norl hwe~te,," tr.ail~ tlle field wi th 18 l·S. Iowa trackmen aildetl I hroo recOl'd perfolVl1ances to :the Badgers' five, lea.vlng only two events. the hlgb Jump and the mile j·un. withstanding I'ocord ,u'pas· sing c:< I1lbltlonR.

Badgers Take 4JM Wisconein, "wHh concedcllllolnts In

thl' distance ('vents and shot put and pole vault, pulled a aurprlso by taking tho 440 Yard dash also, With this surprise triumph for the Badgers ovel' tha favQl'ed Gene

mJng team will leave today fOr the National Coll~glate championships to be 1101<1 March 29 and 30 In the Harvard unlvel'slty pool, cambridge, Mass.

Bill BlIsby, competing for the laRt time, will In all probability, come close to w(nnlng the diving crown In view of his outstanding work at the confN'cnco meet. If he does come through, tbe Tulsa. senior will realiZe an ambition he has c hcrlshed for four year s.

The Hawkeye 300 yard medley relay team, boasting a. mark suo perlaI' to tbe American record, will attenpt to outdlstanee the field and Improve its 2:58.5 established In the \Vl sconsln meet hel'e Feb. 25. The trIo 18 composed or Westerrleld, Sleg. and Jacobmneyer. Slcg will swim tbe breast simke portion and will use the "!Ish talt" kick and overarm Iln'cast stroke. He will also oompHI.' In thp 200 yard ibreast stroke, as wm Wilbur Wehmcyel·,

Jacobsmeye,· will swim the 220 and 440 free styles and W sterrleld ,.111 comp t In the 150 yard back­stroke.

The team may remain in tbe nast to particlpnte in the National A. . 'U. champlon!lhlps al New Yurk cIty April 4, 5, alld G,

klnner. "lYiseongln pl'act!cally had her crown safely hooked lor anoth­el' year. Crowell 'C.'acked the old mark of :50.7 111 nlp))lng the flying Iowa Negro al the tape by a scant foot In :50,2, The Hawk led all the way, fo(\owe(1 by Heg of North. western, unW Crowell kicked out on tho laet cUI-ve to overtake .hIs' Wolves WI· n At opponents 'at tbe tape.

Relay Thrilling It was Iowa's mile relay team

that provIded the upset tllrllf of tile afternoon as It burned up the track [or a. new field house time of 3:21.6. breaking the meet record or 3:28 established by an Iowa quartet last year, and the tleldhouse mark of 3:21.9 c~tabltshed by Iowa State In the state meet tn 1933. Rated Mrd. 1y better than third-Iowa. dldn't have a lbok-in at the eonference meet In which "lVlsconsln and Northwe~tel'll place second. and thll'd respootlvely-the Hawk QUill'·

tet literally .co~hed the cinders io win over Wisconsin by elgttt yards.

Previously DisappoInting DI.apllolnting In several races

this • sson. the Iowans set out to Rhow local ta",~ they were cap­abic of running a tine relay. Van PWlIillS, lead·off man, jumped Into the leat! . floated back to lhird, and (.bel1 sprlnled Into the lead. giving the baton to Gene Skinner. Phil· lip's time was :51.5. and Skinner gave tho baton to Capt. Bemie Pago a yard abead ot Wisconsin's I'U nner. Skinner's time also was ;51.5. Page ran a great ;49.5 race to band the Slick to Andy Dootey \11th about a five toot advantage, and tbe SD edy Uttle Dooley blazed horne with a rive yard allvalll.age over Croweli--who had won the quartel- earlier In th6 attel'noon­In :49.1, which Is 8O!TIe traVeling.

Strong In Field Wisconsin garllered lhe lion"

hare of points In the fll.'ld events. carrying off 15 1·2 points from three events. Haller, with a tine exhlbltlon of pole vaulting, hoisted bimself over l3 feet for a new rec· ord, while a team mate, Shartt. tied with Slwm",.y of NorlhwOllt· el'n fOI' seco nd In the vault. Rubow and ChristianSOn domlnaled the .hot put deJ)llf'tD)('nt for the B41d· gel's, RubOw t08slllg tne lead to a

Butler Relays •

Ivan Fuqua Defeat Hornbostel Over 600 Yard Course

INDIANArOLIS. March 23 (A P) -The well·baljtnc6d Unlv,"rslty of Michigan traok equad won the unl· Vel'8lty cbllD1plonsblp of the third aunuat Butler Indoor relays her tonight, but the surprise of tb evening came In the defeat at 600 yards of Chari s Hornbo. tel. world's Indoor record bolder for the die· tance.

Early Lead Twice beaten by Hornbostel thl

wtn t('r on eastern ,bOard tracke. Ivan Fuqua., fOl'mer OQ·captaln or Jndlana university, upset his team­mate, taking lhe lead at the stal't and heating baCk Hornbostel's fin· 0.1 sprint to break the tape In 1 mlnut~, 11.7 9('COnd9, just four. tonths of a. s cond o\'er liornboetct's I·ecurd. A rMnal'kable time for tho unbalanCed, !!lJOngy clay track.

Ow Shlnes Another brilliant p()ftormance was

turned in by Jesse Qwens, OhIo State's dusky 8prlnter, who equat· led l1alDh Metcalfe's standard or G.l seoonds In winning the 00 yard da h. Owcna also WOll the 60 yanl low hUI'dles,

1I11chlgau's g reaL team of runners plled up II. totlll of 34 1-2 points to WIll the team UUc for tho second. lim e In tbo thl'eo years of tho r • layll.

IndlaD8 Vidorilllls NEW OllL:E1ANS (AP)-The In ·

dlans continued theIr balling ram· Ilag~ In on cx)llblll(1U game agaln8l lhe {> ·lI('ans yesterday winning 9 to 2. 'l'h y ~ 1«1 by Ilal '1'l'oa· .ky, who clouted alit a .bome run tn !the tlrtl •.

ne\v mal' k of 47 feet 4 1·2 Inches, -------------­three feet betler than the old r ee· and lhlrd and fou rth In the qUill'. ort!, whleh waa established by Rot· tel'. a nd gam r d a point her lind tcr Of WlacollllKl 1131: .Y IIJ'. th r I" t

FrancIs CI'Ct2meye[' IIcored victor· Iuwa wall handicapped In this les In the only events he competed me~l 11.8 fa.' as favored vents WCl'C In, lhe 80 yard blgh hurdles ancl ooncel·no!!. Onll' HI eve,lts wrl'c on lhe high 1ttmp, for 10 points and th progl'om, the 60 yard low high Dolnt honors. Cr tzmeyer clip' hUI'llles a nd the oroad Jump IIDl ped three·lonths oC II. IHlcond off beIng card tl for thIs meet. Tbe the hurdle record of :07.8 by Jens thr 0 tams will me t again In a, of NOI·thwcstcl·n Illst year. Clark, tl'langulUl' meet ouldoors at ~la{lI.

Oklahoma A. & M. Wins Champion hip; Iowa Places Seventh

CIf,\l\fPIONS -118 I)()OIIII~Rf', PCA'I'Y. 01,.

laltom[~ A. nnd l\f. -126 pIlunds-HQ. s Flood, Oil.

III hO/ll~ A. alld !\l. 131i 1)()\Illds-Vernoll SiStl llY,

Olilahotlla. ullivl'1·sily • 145 pollnds-\Vuync 1"l'Ilu.

OhlahOtIl[~ un"·ersily. 155 pOllntls-Ft'IUlI< Lewis, 01,·

Inhomft A allll ~f. 165 JH)unds-Uoward John·

6111n. PClln , tllte. 175 pounds-RIIII/h AIIHI·s.fl n,

lilinoi . U ... vyW ilth! - ( 'harles Mc·

Duuiel. )I1IUllUll . -Retailled tille.

m'lTIlJ.EIIEM, PlI,. l\l.lrcn 23 (AP) nliling rough ~ho<\ through th title rnund llOUtA. lhe gl'apjlltnc; Cowboys f"om Oklahoma .\. and M. tOnight 1'01ll'd their «{'Cond -tmlght natlon·ll ('oltec;lat wl'('slIt n/\' champlon,hlp without encount l'lnl\' ;;cl'hIUS oppo­pilion fl'om an~' r the othcl' 39 coi-le comp('lIn/\'.

}O:.U'le Iilclhorn, ('II-<'alltain lit thl' ll l1l I'!'rsil Y of Iowa' wre~ ling telllll, IUIIl Big TI'II C'llllJn· I)ioll in Ihe 165 Iwulld ('\It!,~

pluced second In hj~ wei~ht

aJ it he • a1iona! <'ol:ll'l'ialo meet hl'M at lA'high lInh'ers!ly In IJeU.lebcm. Pa. ycsterday all" Frltlny.

Arl.(>r winnillg elU'ly rollltl! matche", }(lelhorl1 lost in th IIl'mi.fillal round 10 )lI>lI'a ... 1 JI>hllJllolI, 1'('nll Sill!!' 011 /I

rerert'("s deci"lolI nI.I'r two .'\It·a perilldJl. Mler IlrnppillA' I hi. mu.C'lI, • be (own ('a I}. u1n I'hul. wIIg611 [UlIl WI' tlrd hi~ way to se4'1lJ1d p1!U'c.

R,o/wrt Larson and Yl'I'nl' ntrN'r, wert' Iwtlt "cfclliell in the qllarter·(iI111I~. Lars(>11 won hi tInt con'<Olation bout, but 10~1 It

clll'<c tll'Ci Ion lJ1 th(l IIC"! to It. c his ell 1Iet' at sl'COntl pI (' •

For tM firth time In the '11\'hl year hl'tory or thl' natiunal <I~HQ Ia· (Ion, the Aggie" tuol, the I)('"t uf· fetell-I>olh cast unll \reHt-tnto camp and came through with flyln~ colors In llll' two Ilny meet In Le· llllrh unlverslty's Taylor f{ymna8Ium.

Lcd by thr"" Indlvl(llIol title­holders. Rex l'cl'ry, 118 puunder, and Hoss Flr/Od, 12ti pound I', ~JlNI

or whom reprotNI {or th Ihlrl\ slt'alght time, and Prank L~wls, 1~:;

pounrler whu Wll~ In til IIn'll" 1\

yenr ago. the Cowboy" plied tiP ('no ugh pnlnt" In Ih~ fln'll ruulI'l to win Ih(' tl'am trophy ('\'I'n I~fnr,.

111(' Hecond 1111(1 third IndlvldUat ploce" W I' wl'esli ,1 off.

The Oklahoma unlvel'slt)' "(Iuad, l)('llr~"t rivals of the Ag~1 '_. won a. PRlr of Inrllvldwll 1I11('s-Vl'rnun Slslwy, DIg Six clHlfcrcnt' {·hrun· 1)lun, coming thl'Ough wIth lha tlgh(. weight laUl'l'I., unci W ,11(, .lIll'lIll, last year's 135 pound 1<1111:', (Itklng Iho 'l\'ci(CL'welghL ruwn-hut til plllnt" thl'l' gal'll~r <l W r enough 10 oV!'l'cum~ thl' "ggleR' If'i.d,

lJowul'd Juhnston. Penn !il,ao's 8 111'111'181 ng en~tcl'n InlercoJl~gJatc

166 po unci Cl1l1l11llloll, H Ipll allv ,. . stein, 1II11l0\. burly Big 'fell light Mav, w l/fhl tltIf~t, ltnd 'lIo.l'l"s Mc· lianl I. ""I)hulllore It avy· wNghl, Ilhlded the remalnl"g thl'l'e titles betw en them.

'1'he w at al~o took thlt·" ]llaer In thr flnnJ standings, with IlIlnoly Big Trn chOnlplon. and Ind!tlnn'8 "tlllhomol'p "{IU tl d ad·locklng o.l I pointS alII ceo

Lehigh nnd Pl'nn Still, the (' 8t'9 I('alling ct.lnlcnd I'S W'I' n()xl with eight 11OIIIt8 carll, and lJehlntl them

Wlsconsln 'lI cI'ack hurdler, \Val sec· Ron. J (Turn to PIll:& 71 ond. ~=~~~~--::~~~~::::::~---...:.:.:~::::-:::::::.::===

Nine Apieee the vcrllll.We Io'llo'tUl in

I> Intll wel'll Klelll8chmldt and Mohl·. husen ot Willconsin Wltll nino points eoob, JOclnschmlllt, Big Ten 880 yl«'d ru n champton, oaslly won thiS event In 1:58.6, II. DeW meet I' ord. Mohrhus n WOIl the two mile run, with flIl.88 of Iowa. second. In the reeol'd time of 9:56.9. The pall' openIng their performances by locking arms and tieing tot' the mile 'VIctory, wIth Pratt and Paul Nelson flnllhlng third and fourth.

Jimmy OWen Willi pU8hed by ~nt!y Dooley In the 60 yard dash, but won over hl~ team mate, both finIsh· tng with comrOrtablo. margins over JanIcki, deColldlll g champion f['om Wisconsin and lUcll, oJlIO a ifJIldg I'. ()wen'l time of :0 8.8 brok6 tile old mark by nvO·tenthll of II. second.

No Flnte NIOl'lhweslern fa.lled to win a flret

pineo, /:Jut plckrll Ul' I'nlntR frnm


Stewart E. Wilson

Republican Candidate


"Alderman-at -Large Rellllit'til 4It I.owa (~.!' 'nr 26 Y"IlJ'~. (jl'aduuie 01 Iowa (,Il), High ttmool a.lI4I Jewllo Ltiw !School. 'l\lt'mber oIltl\Yt\. I'lty Jllulor Cballl­bt!T of (Ionltlll'ree and 11\'1\ rrntllrn .. 1 urgun"'"lklllll. Stwllel LIeu. tenant, U. R. AMlI, ReIHlI've. Member of JOWl\> nar. I.u.w),rr.

\ '01111. Sl' I'I'OKT RESJ>l<~('1'FI !t ,LV KE(tl 'RM'I'lm AT TUft: F.'I .Rt'TION. Mi\nrn !5, J9S~

~!!!!! •• """" ••••• "!!!IJ!!!I •••• !!~!! •••• I Rcconll anll thlt'd hI tho half mil ,

Fro h Gric1der RUli

Wild at Nebraska LINO LN, N h .• Mill"II 23 (A 1') -

I!lIrold BI·tIl , a fr"ohmn n frum NOI'· lon, Kall .• mud .. U"I\"'I'~I(y ur N .. b­IlUlka fooHJllll fonll anxlouH (v.· 11(" : t

fall io 1'011 o"ount! clUlrkly "" th~)' wlllchc<1 him dnsh ocr fOl' fOlio' touchdo\l IIJI thl. ctl'l'rtllllll to /of1"1

the. Rells Il 2,1 to 0 \'lctory IIwr tho "lVhl ten In a Cornhusk l' 1I1,1'11l1f tOol_

I iJall season PI' diN ~mo.

Gl nn nnningham To Race Sp cial 1,000 At St. Louis Relays

ST. LOUIR, 101111',,11 23 (.\ 1') -

Amerlca'R premlel' mlll'I', unnlng-hum. \\'HI

I I l,UOO·YUl'tl l';,~" III tit .. ~t. I,"ul~

P''''[WII, '" pdl 0, III IlU alt'll1lft I ..

low~r hI nl'w. wnl'lll ''N'III'tl of = 'minuteR, 10,1 "I'colld ..

'I'll rlylnl( hllll III ~I'I th I"~'UI',I

,"ly Ill ~t S"tunlu' lit th.' r{n":lIt" of (ulul1lhllM nll't·t In .""'W Y"I'~.

hl't'nklng hy nltn".t 1\\0 ~l'l'nn,IH th o 13-)'("11'-0111 2:1~ mHl'lt c,r llul'lll,1 Cuthill.

Henry I'ieard Win Charleston Open; JoluIDY RcvolLa 2nd

( l1A I(J.I 'A"""{'O. " ~. IIHI It !J II\P)--U"nIT 1'1 ~lI'IJ or ll". h.·y, Pl',. t,.lay won tht ('horJNltoll "I,,'n !;1M Ilou l'nllm nt a/lll fit'S! lIrl~G or $jllil wit h a ~'I'll of 2i8.

J<'hnnl' \II <\auk,'p,

"111' IIlJlln go." I not III t-ondl.

flOl1 10 II{' u.,..11 II ypt. and en·

trllll('l to • h(\ 1'0url!C\ 111 u'lL be

1111111(1 t lhe ".... gale, tJaence Ilr": il1~ nrolll1fi lito loot of the hUI 10 .It .. rnall.

" 1,lu)'{'11I III ~ t tliit frolll • he dub hOIl ", and rrlllll no 01111'1" J)olnt on .h!' fOil 1'8(', with

aTl'I'lI 11 alltl til"' l)3yable In ndHlllt'P IIn ly.

]llo('(' two slrokes

cond mono

I'HIt,1 /I('/lI'I'tI Il ;0 on his la~t

,'tIUn,) ",hili, H"vulll clo/led up two

nf I hc' gull whlrh Hepara(M

"1'lc" (ter 6,1 bOles wIth

Called liThe Funniest Comic Character Newspaper History'" • tn

Xliat's tlie ver­dict about Pop­eye of every reader who fol­tow~ his ~tory.

P E R F o R M s


THIMBLE THEA l~ ' Starring ~


Look for him every day in the


, j



Y' C(



j Mason City Wins 1935 Iowa State Cage Championship • • • • • • • • • • •


,Mohawl Top Grinnell 28-17 In Title Game

Gra)) 12 to 3 Lead At Quarter, The n Coa t to Victory

By L. E. SI{ .I,un' (A!I8OCh,' ed l're.8 jO;PQrt Wrlur)

C'EDAR FAI .. LS, Marrh 23 (AV) -Ifoll'nrd Rt()('Cker, a 10 yellr olet yOUtHI' .nllnt, led lI[W:lOn Ity to til covO[('{1 state hllfh fl('llOOI bMkcUlall champlon"hll) tonight. The emooth working Mohawks d r attng Orin· nell 28 to 11 In til flnllill of Iowa'. "nnutll IntPI'schoiMUC claAlllc.

The Ilx Cool (OUI' youngwter. can· trolllng th bo.lI undr·r both 11t\.8ket. and 8coI'1ng three tl Id goole wa. the domlnatlng factor In giving Grlnn II Its !lMlt Il fe t In 28 games.

Brllilont SUPI)(lrt StM'Ckfr hM brllliant support to·

night (l'um hili dfUl)crnt playtng tenmmal • e~pI'cllllly 0 yip Lane. IJ. slightly buill ronvnl't) with an un· CQllIly I1ru,ket YI who counted flvo goal.' from Ilw (l('hI nnd added two 1101 n fA fr()m th c frec th rO,v ]I ne.

The tohawk.. off to a tMt

Davenport In DodgersPound Stage Liners 43-22 VictorY Detroit~ Gain Take A.A.D. Over Diagonal 124 Triumph Cage Crown

'EDAH FALLS, Iowa. Marcil 2a Frey Hils Homer, DENVER, AW'cll 23 (API-Kan. (A I')-Slrlklng a. paco l1H'ough. ,eRS City Stngo Liners won thl)

out th& go me. Da\'Cnllont tonight D 0 ubI e, Single; A.A.U. basketblllJ championship to-

wan til Ct>l1IlOlatlon bonora of th'3 Marberry Easy night with a rallying triumph over

Iowa hlgl) school bask tboll tourna- LAKELAND. Fla., I\fal'ch 23 (AP) the Globe Retlnel's of McPherson,

ment wJth an easy 43 to 22 victory -Showing no pretCL'cnce between Kansas. 45 to 26.

over Dlagonal's clll8.'t n lcam. two "eleran hm'lerR o.nd .a rooklo. McPherson's "fire deportmellt'· 0('

'\'ho Bluo })evUs, shOwing a. Cal lho Brooklyn Dodgrl's pounded out Jcnso waa compiett'ly quelled by the tl1ft r nt attack than In theit' d~. a. 12 to 4 dcelsltm over the Dcl"oit g"cat comebe.ek til LineI' stagc<.l It' Il.t ,by MWlon Ity In tho seml- 'figel'S today. to win theh' first title of the annual (umls, Il0011 ovcl'came a. four point clllSslc. despite tho loss of Bob Well', Pncetl by Lonnoy Frey. who ernel,· Dlngonal lead and shot far tl) the rcgulal' ecnler. beCore tlie tlrst half

cd out a. home I'un, double anrl d ' l vllb"1 R!I h d b front With Sonny Gambcr. stn.r tor. I.n el \ ·,le c ncra a eo y s ingle. tho Dodgcrs got to Fr~ll Mill" 1~-10.

ward tlnd Harry Keller. lanky een· t 1'. S lUng a hot scortng I)aco.

Davenport led the class B team 1 to 13 at the Mil and malntllined

bcrl'y ror six hits and four runs il" 'l'he tight eUrly battle turned Into thl'co Innings. '

Tom Zachary and beld the American pions to nine hits.

IJ, rout In the second half as the 'Watson Clark Liners POUI' d the ball through thtl

leagu e cham· hoop, guarded or unguarded.

nwoy and (Inally WIl8 extlngui~hl'd Okll.lhom dcfl'ated John 1[cn,.oy. Oklah oma Soulb"'I'!IIcrn defeated

In the [Intll momenta wh n OIlCh IllinoiS. Time ad", ntage 6:36. Robert LarSOn, J01I-a dec l5l0ll. Buck ,\rea\'el' had a reKl'rV8 Uneup Oil lh floor for tho Liners.

ISS·pouad clallS-l"rank Lewl.,

Oklahomo A. and .ll., lIlrew JoscJlll

KllIpln, Oklahoma. crotch hold and


'-' -KI- E- T-,H- O-R- N- WIN--S- · half n I>on. TJme 4:22. IG5·pound cla,<s-llowurd John.

ston, Penn State. defeated Porl

Second Place In nol>ert"On. Oklahoma. Tim e advan·

126·pound cia S-Tom Indiana. dd~ t d Raymond ell n y. luwa Stalo Teache,.... d I. Ion.

clrulli - 110" rd


I 1 tage 5:13.

N.e.A.A. Meet 175·pouml cll\Rs-Ralph SUvcr· . ____________ J6;).pound 'ass-Earl K eUburn. (Continued From Pa,o 6) sleln. Illlnols, defeated OI'vUle Nick' Iowa, "Ui from "ohnston. W t , ·I r.

rllme SouthWCRtern 0 k I a hom a I'r~on. Soutll\Vestern Oklahoma ginlu. by ddault. Teachel's and Iowa. deadlocked wit)} Trachers. Time advantago 8:1~. E~rr·Fl. 'AL RO • J)

half a. dozen, 'Vashlngton and Lee Heavywelght-Charles McDantl'l. J65'I/Ound ria: IIowIInI "0011. n.nd Corncll of Iowa. with {Ivo each. Indiana. deCeated Hugo Bonino, W. I.on, Penn : tat , ddeal d Earll'! Centrnl Oklahoma Ten.ehers four. 'WIt L .• time advantage 3:2 • HI IllOI'n. IQwo. refl!r e'a deoiloiell. Northeast Oklahoma. Tea e 11 (' I' R. {,ONSOL T ION BOUT,' ' \\'0 e):lr~ perlQd • threr. v.lI1.l. two and CoJumbla. 126·pound ci{U!8: Hay Cheney. Wrt' tJe.oUH for Second 1>llIC' Ha"Pl'ford, Ohio State and St. Iowa StaID Teachers, deCent~d Em· H.·pound - IiowanJ ¥cOratll. Lawl'l'nce with one each. mrl Zal rl.kle. St. La.w,·ence. ReCeree Corn II oC Iowa, (I feated J()II Ilh

Cincbmati Reds Win '..,siJJg Maaeh From

Hon e of David iDe TAMPA, Fla.. far b U ( ~ ­

"'Ilh c~ hUong the I'll 01 bu:h ~lue8. Ihe Clnclnnall R~ trl ump he 1 "vcr 1M be-wb kered Hou8/!> (It Da, ld te&m 13 to • \.Od8.Y.

A r In,!;' "pn-run Clfth InnlI1C'. m rked by PI'tOllk)"w'. homrr with th bIuIe loadNi. ran UP Ihe Rr.1 Wtal. Lincoln Blakl'ly. youn ron· kle. contributed a hom r and '''"'J f'lngles during Ih g'lIUllt'.

re bs Innln,,: R .II E. Hou of David UO OSO n40- 9 I 1 C1nclnnalJ (N) OU oa 010.}3 H _

Ram""y. 0'0 rent nd n ngnw·. PI nf'Cke; RIchmond, Fra.l% r anll "arth. Etickeon.

135·pound class: Ve"non Sisney. II el810n cxtra periods. Kalpln, Oklahoma. time adva.ntage fJA.R\\'ATER. .,.. IAP)--Th klahoma. deCcatl'd Ralph Rasor. 135·,JOund dos, : Hobert Larso,l, 1:08. phnUCiI defeaud th • \Vark neare

Oklahoma. A. and )1., time ru.lvan 10WIl, Ihrew noland lo;klnner, H av r· JG5·pound-Ea rl K I Ihorn. Iowa." to 0 y .. l y. Todd , '''etklns tagl' 1:82. ford, bill' and chancery. Tiu¥! 3:Si. \l'on (/'(Hn Port RoberlllOtl, Oklahoma ~tld Sperry Of the National 1'8 u il8 scoring j)ower In tbe second lllllf

1.18 the badly Ured Diagonol Quintet taJled to halt the Blue Devils.

Score by Innings: Brooklyn (N) 004 001 124--12 16 Detroit (Al .... 000 100 030- 4 D

146·pound class, "'ayne Marlin. l:i,j·pomlll das~l'Orge lIanl. by default. club 8Illaehlng OUI hom runs.

1 -~~~~~~~~~==~======~====~==:==~=:~~~======~~~~~====~~~~~=== McPherson's attack si>utler~c1

Gnml I' dl'oJl!)C<1 In tlve' (lel1 1 goalS Cor Daven l>orl and Varnm·. Za.cha.·y. Clark and Lopez; liraI" lonvard. led Diagonal with six lbaITY, Auker, Cesllovor and nelbel·. llOlntB.

Box SCOl'll:

:O,\VENf>ORT (113) FG.FT.f>I".TI'. Gamber, C ..... 5 0 2 In

J It. rt. ,vcnt n.1l('ad of tho Llttlo PI· on era 12 to S at tho end of the

I first quarter. Lan(' tucking In thrN) of thl' six tleld gollls.

COx. r ....................... _ ... 1 0 tjlmmons. t .................... 2

l Giants Defeat A's I ST: AUGUSTINE. Fla .. March 23

,j (AP)-Ca"J Hubbell and Hal Schu·

Grinnell was helplcBI during th I first eight mlnul n.nd ounted II only on flnl' Adams' tl"ld goal and

I free thmw.

On Iy !oIrrlow Illd The Little I'IUllI'rr.' mtide a. tight

ot It In the ~econrl quarter. holding ~ra.. .. >n ('Ity tl) only three polnls ... firld gonl hy pt. Roy nnrr and a (rro I hrow by Lane.

Mronwhll,.. Mark [orrIson. Bub­~t1tulr (;I'lnnl'll (o)'l'·lU·d. /lroppN! In tl\'O firltl £'O!Ils nnd Adams nMetl 8.

point trom th!' foul line to make the count 15 to R n.t the half.

Orlnnrll mad!' 11ft only lerlous bid for tht' I d In the thh .. 1 Quart r "'h n It ,h'e\\, up to within five polnta uf Coach Qulntt-t.

Th" l\1uha." kll. how ver, repulsed Ih LIIll Plonrers ChRllt'l1ge when lAne and narr coun ted from th tldd. The thlrll j){'rlod nded with )fill on ity bonstJnll' 8. U to 15 lend .

'l'llfb t Th>ll"n Ma8lln City'" tlght t1rCen!l() had

th enfmy h,' lpl In thp I t (IU rler. Thr I>nly points Grlnnl'll lM'onocl In til(' PI' rl/l() cam on Ray &ller's fll'ld goal, an,1 IdlUlOn City f' lrd \.!lrough tu Its first ala. Utlt. .!lIN . ·Rr,I .. (11) FG.t"T.PF.TP.

Sin 1)(>11, l~ ___ ... 1 0 3 2 • \~;Im". f ... _ .. __ ._ ... 2 2 2 6 Murrl"'n. r hH __ Hh _ •••. 2 1 0 6 Juhnll()n. c ........... _._._ 0 0 0 0 lllUler. g ._._ ......... _ ...... 2 0 0 4 lIow 11. g .... _ ..... __ .. O. 0 3 0

Totti I .. .. 1 a 1 17 MA.'iO ('lTl (.11) "·O.FT.PF.TP. r .... 5 2 0 12 IIll1'rnr. ( . __ ....... _ 0 0 0 0 Sn/·ll. f •• __ ~._ .. __ .1 0 3 2 j:;t,\('('k r. .. ____ 3 II 3 6 liatr, IC _ ... ___ .. 3 (I 2 6 Il~rt, g ...... __ ._ 1 0 0 2

Kelm, r ....... _ .. ~ .. _....... 2 .; macher. Ncw York Dlound aces, Keller. c ............... _ .. _ ... 3 JIal'kscn. c ................ 0 Strnss'bUI·gc.·, g ....... _ ... S ParAoM. g ..... .. _ ... _ .. _ ... 1

h\lrled effective bill I toda.y a.s tho a Giants deteated the Phlladelphia. 7 Athletics 5 to 3 t!l-pull up to a. .500 :: ra.tlng In 16 gruncs played in the

Echerll'be. r ................ 0

Torols '" ............. 17 9 D 4:' IiI;\(JON;\L (22) FG .F'f.I' .. ·.TI'. llonebrnk('. f ...... _... 1 1 " lees. l ............................ 1 0 1 3 Varner, t ... _ ...... ~ ......... 3 2

"gl·ape·frult" league. Joe Moore l ed the Na.tional leagu·

ers' 13·hlt tltlnck oft Dietrich and CIlscarclla. getting threo hits, one of them a. It·iple. In 8.8 mn.ny Umos n.t ba.t.

SCore by Innings: RIlE llrynoldll. I ... _ .......... _ ... 0 Nichols. c .. .. ___ .... , ... ~ ..... 1 Dav nport, g ... __ ..... 0

o o 1 2

McCreary, g ................ 2 ~ 0

o 1 o

r Philadclphla. (A) 001 002 000-3 9 0 , New York (~) .. 001 110 20x-6 13 2

En tterlcs - Dietrich. CallcareUa 4 and Foxx, Bcl'ry; Hubbell. Schu'

Illllcber and Maneusco. Danning.

Totals ._ .... 9 8 !!2 Score at halt: Da.vcni)Ol't 18; Dlng­

anal 13. MIs.. .... d free thl'OWR: Davl'nl>ort.

SImmons. Stl'ns~hurger; DIllgl>nal. honl'bl'ake 3. ;o.."lrhols. DaVl'nl)Ol't.

OfricloJa: RcCeree, Rump; um-pll'l'. J)o.vlJl.

r Browns Win, 6·0 I WEST PALM BEACH, Fla.,

March 23 (AP}--;Sh uttlng out Buf· falo. 6 to O. the St. Louis BrownS! today al1l1 xcd their eighth "grape· fruit league" victory and thell' Sixth, in succession, as aglllnst only one

M C W· r defeat. a on ity Ins / laltoll Wlllkup and Bob Weiland

Over Davenport combined to dLyh out the whllewash. ____________ • holding the Bisons to six hits. Tho

CEDAR FALLR, Ml\rth 23 (API­Playing a 9utl~rb dcCcr~ive game, Mason Cily lletC<lll'd l)avenpOl'I 23 to 17 In the ~em('(lnals of the state high "ehool hasketball tournament today 10 enrn lhr right to play Grin . nell tonight for t he Iowa. IItlO.

The ~rohawks. pac~d by Galle WI • forward, u.ncl J IowaI'd Stoeck· err big center. led the Blue ])evils throughout, holdll1lf a 13 10 8 ll'ad at the hul!.

Davelll)o)'t'~ offl'nae wu~ held 11.1· most COlUlllrtrly III dwck l,y the hllrd flghllng Moha.wks. Stoeckcr partlrulnrly beJnlr a m~nfl~O 10 mu(' [)(>"llM' ~hooter. The /I1Mon City c n· tel' domlnnt!'d lh<- piny under buth tlitRk<'l" nIl gav!' the Mohawks con·

Browns hit Bob Kline solidly for tbree runs in the th'st threc innings and then promed Il&' the wildness of succeeding rookies to add the ad· (litiontll tnlUra.

SCQI'c by Innings: R II E I DufCllIo (IL) .. 000 000 000-0 G 2 St. LoUis (A) .... 012 200 10x- G 9 1

Batteries-Kline. Lawless n.nd Hllyes; Wolkup, 'Yelland and ITcm· slry. IIeath.

• • I Cubs Batter Seals I • • SAN FRANCISCO, March 23 (AP) -The hlcago Cubs. milking their InJtlal 19S5 appearance here today. handed the San Francisco Seals a 12 to 4 trimlllinl\'. '

trol or the ball mORt of thl' time. The visitors, lcd by Augie, 2 8 28 Sonny G lUll her. Davcnport [01'. former S('nl, who got foUl' hits.

'Ity IG; \vard. hrought his teRm wllhln three oprn~d tile scoring with a two· run polntM I tt) In the gllmc with two outbu rst of( Ballou In the flr~t jn·

.1lWJn ·Ity. rt~I(1 goal~, hut the Mohnwks came ning. Six <.!ub runner;; marched h ck with another field goal Illltl a ovel' Ihe plate In the lhlrd frllme. Cree throw to cllncb the COnlCBt. DIll Leo, tall rlght·handel' of tbe

Grinnell enlerrd the finals willi Cu'bs, worked tho Clrst five In· a 28 to 17 vIctory ovpr Diagonal, nlngs and oJlowpd aile run And two class D te m, 1n the fll'st semi finals hils. H e wns relieved by Bryant.

Stocker ~, 111'1'1; (lrlnl1c1l. Shnl)SOD. Adami S, lorrl n, Ilader.

Orrtdlll Itefl'rl·e, Harrison; urn· plr , KlICh. ,.-- I conte![ thl~ afternoon. The "Little \\'ho proved unstelldy at times. Lee

Grinnell top Pioneers" llluycII th<'lr best baSket. was particularly effecllve, striking Din 01101 28-17 . hall or 1M tournllment to d rl'at the out the Cirst three men to face him.

• g ___ sCI'aJlIlY lItli ~oulhel'll lowa. (luin. SCOI'C by Innings: R.ll. E. gr)\ It I,'A LLS, Mar h 23 (AP) ·tet. 'hlcago (NL) 206 002 002-12 16 1

Crlnnrll Dl!lV,") Into the fIna ls or Box 8cor~ : Slln Francisco 41w I"" hkhb"ol brLskrtball DAVF.NI'OnT (17) 1~(l.rr.I'F.TP. (PCL) ............ 000 102 010-4 G 1 ch'lIn l'l(ll1"hIP with a 2 tn J7 viI" Ouml J' , f ...... a 1 1 7 Lee, Brya.nt und l1urt.nott. O'Dea; lory Ihl . flcrllflon ()vcr lhl' 8C"nppy Simmons. r .... _._ .... ....... 0 0 0 Bulluu, Stltzol Ilnd " 'uodull, ManHo.

DI.llfondl .. lil B (Iulnt('[ In n IIcml J( 1m. C.. .. ... h .... . .... 0 0 0 0 .

1 .1

tlnal 1'1I1I(ll4t. Shootll1g onelatenlly l{('lIel" c 3 2 2 8 Yanks Tril) Braves tbrnulfhoUI Ihe lI'ame. the "1,lllir I';II'o",.1)UI·g r, A' ..... _ ... 0 0 2 o. Ii! " •

rlimerMl" lin (I too much clOJll for PaMlonM, g .. _ ......... .... 0 2 3 2 ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.. March lh little Hlnl;lI'old county team Kochnkl', g ._ .............. 0 0 0 0 23 (API-W1Ul Ruth missing whlrh y !It(,I'~ny aeRumed the role his tllTSt exhlbillon gamo as the roo (0( lI'\anl kill!'!' hy I" .. atlng 1<.: .. 8t SIOux Totals ... ....... . ...... 1 5 0 17 su it of a mIld attack of ptomaine ClI,.. th 1931 ehlUllplon. JASON CIT\, (2:1) "·O. li'T.J'F.TI'. pOisoning wblcll kept him conflnod

UI'II111 II ~I)U,·t" tu an 1 to 4 ............ ! 1 1 3 to his 11Omo. his former teammatoH, I(·.d t til balf an(1 'a, 'tully nura d 0 32thI' New York. Yunk.ccs. bla.stcd out It. lelld in III lil t h If although 0 1 8 II. 7 to 2 vletol·y ove~ the Boston »1.lglJll I dl','W Ull to 23 to 1~ at on 2 2 G Bmves todny to even their spring lime. 0 1 2 cxhJblUon &\I'les at two gumes

('ol'nwln non hI' k , the tllmlll U· 0 2 2 .A seven·hlt, Six run 8pl'ee In tho liv VI (Inn I torwarll whOllO play fourth. t opped ott by Rcl,l. RoUe's h 1)(' n thl' outRln nd[ng C· atur '1' ................. 10 3 10 23 h()mc [·un. was the h igh spot of the 0' th tournamcnl. lIut I)n anuth ,. SCOI'O at hn.I!· -Mllsun Ity 13; Yaltk's 12·hlt attack over thl'eo "Ill nlll,l xhiIJltlon agaInst Grinnell, })a.venport. 8. rooklo hurlers. Ilnklnll' four !I('ld ~lI.le and two M18s('{] fl' 0 throws-MlUIOn City. Score by Innings : It II E f.·c thrOWe antl 1)loylng his usual Snell. J-l rt I' 2. Stoeck I' G; Daven· Boston (N) ...... 000 200 000-2 8 3 <l pUve dribbling me. Ilol't-Gamber 2. Slmm n8 2, Kcller New York (A) .. 100 GOO 00x-7 12 1

It r Howell. 0. gUill'll, toor (1. 2• StrnsAburgrr 2. 'Batteries-Prim. Glenn. Neff and rOUI' fl Irl Koois tOl' Orlnn 11 . Oftlrln.I_Re(erce. HarrlMon. Urn· Hogan . Lewis; Branca. Tomulls and

Holt !:kill''' : vlre. RUml). Dickey. J orgens. GR) EU~ (!8) FG.FT.I).'.TI', ,SlmplRln. t ............ .. 3 1 1 7 ~l(1I·.· 18uJl. f ............... 0 0 0 0 JOhn nn. r ... ~ ............... 0 0 2 0 '<!m.nn, r ....... _ 0 0 0 0 <IditOl., ........... ~ ... ".... 3 1 2 7 lJa..l r, II' ................ _ ... 2 0 0 4 UI niltn. f{ ............... _. 1 9 1 2 How II. ._ ............ ...... 9 0 8

Card T~e 4-1 Win From Do ton Red Sox , SAH,Af30"j·A. ll'la .• MIl.'Ch 28 (AP) - Bad base I'unntng and veIl worse hlltlng by th [lo8ton H d Sox gONe the St. uouls Cardillols a 4 to 1 d~· cl@lon over the merl rll ll lePgtJerij

Tot 1>1 ....... 13 2 G ~OlI OY. ))JAOONAL (17) ........ F .n.PF.TP. Ti1r Sox mac] only s/x hltll orr 13onl'hr It... ( .... ...... • :& 0 10 the offerh11J'8 of Tinning Ilml Jt alne~. Varntr. f .................... 0 0 3 0 ~lll1r oC th~m In the last Inning, k~~ , f 0 0 0 0 'v hll~ thl' '\\'01'1(1 hO l1l111 n8 httnge(l 1011 hol~, (' ... h ...... ........ 0 teO I.Wgl' III 'VI'S I' r~1l ~nd llOCkcl!O o.venllOl·t. If .............. 0 1 1 1 1{)1' lO Mr('t1~". M l' [U' , g .......... _ ... 2 2 1 8

j ---B-u-cs--R-o-m-p--S-ox---j . ------------~-------. LOS ANGELE , Ma.'·ch 23 (A P)-Behind th thre ·hlt pitching of

y Blanton alld Ralph Blrkotcr, the Pittsburgh Pirates pou'lded out a. 13 to 1 victory ovm' tll& h Icogo While Sox In an exhlbillon base· bllll game Mre today.

Babe Jlerman n.nd "Cookie"· g tto 111t home rUnA with tho bases (IIINI, nn~ a ll ·tol/l the 13ucaneers touched the hlcugo pitchers for II tolal of 13 hila.

SCO I' by 1nnlngR: R. If. E. hlcngo (il LI 010 000 000- 1 3 2


Totul" 6 5 & 17 tllrn)lHon 3, ArlomA 2. DI[lgonal- (N'l,) ............ 144 400 OO'-lB 13 0 (It 1I[1lf-(lI'lnl1!'1I 1 R. 010 1\'1>· Hon~brakp. Vnrner.

Ortlrlnl!l: rete. e. thM"...-olrlnneU- 1'ounl'.

Mlcho 18. ]JIlI' nshaw. l' h ~ lp . a nd K!lCh; umllh'C', /'I~we ll. ('nllhf'lllf'I'; HIAnllm, Hlrknfr "

nd l'adt.1en. Deweeco.

• • • light an OLD GOLD

1st PRIZE, $3.500

2nd PRIZE $2500

3rd PRIZE $1500

f2 fitst, Second, and Third Prizes To Be Given To The Fraternity or Soror-

ity placing the most ballots in ballot boxes located in

Racine's No.1 Racine"s No.3 Reich's Cafe The Academy Whetstone's No.1

TWO $1000 PRIZES One for the individual wo~an student and one for the individual male student not baving any sorority or fraternity affiliations who places the greatest number of ballots in the ballot boxes mentioned above. ,

• • Rules • • • This contcst is open to all students of the University of Iowa, -wbo are d.esirous of wjuiag the above prizes for their favorit~ Fraternity or Sorority Houses.

The name of the Soropty or Fraternity House you desire to win must be written plainly on the inside wrapper of the empty Old Gold package and deposited in the ballot boxes provided tor at the stores mentioned above. \

The name of the woman student not baving any affiliation and contesting for the $H).OO Cqh Prize must be written on the inside wrapper of the Old Gold package deposit.ecl in dte ballot boxes men­tioned above.

The man's name not having any fraternity affiliation and contesting for the $10,00 Cash Prize must be written on the inside wrapper of the Old Gold package and. Aieposited ia the ballot box-es mentioned above. I' • ,

Each package of Old Gold Cigarette 20's will be counted as one ballot.

Countings of the ballots to be made ",y a responsible student body at the end of three weeks, and , each week thereafter.

No empty packages will be accepted after midnight May 11, '1935.



Predict New Developments In Probe

Child Labor Law Again Delayed Music Department to Present ... . Two Students in Recital Today

,Sell,bul'y-\V ... t"I·U TIWI,lOgll'1l1 ~1I1-

InlU'Y 'l' urlKlny nOOIl, PI'of 01'

L.amp will dlscu "Th(' 1'1,m I,f the School of H,'II lI ion at ~hp 111-versl I Y ot 1 owa."

"lfjghly Important" Disclosures Coming, Counsel States

'pms MOINES, Mal'eh 23. (AP)­

New (Ievelopments of a "highly Im­

pOI'lant nalure" were predicted lo­

night tor the cQolT\lng week In the

loglslatlve investlgMlon of the Iowa

l..Iquor Commission by Flo)'u B.

Page, commillee counsel.

Page's for cast M the com­

mittee abrllptly termlnat d its

thlrteenll\ day of laking testimony.

An aCternoon session had been call­

" d but was poetponed whclf several witnesses could not 00 located In lime for lhe hearing,

'['he committee couI1.8e1 declined to amp1l'y his pl'edlclions regarding Ilhe pending developments. He said .:L num\)e r of persons had been sub­poenaed fol' next week and the first would probably be heard MondJl.y aftel'lloon.

'rhe Investigating body 'heard eight witnesses dUI'ing the rour days of Rr~slons this week, ,bringing lhe to­la l lo 31. Three were on the KLand upflng the mOl'11lng session loday, Including C. FI'ed Portr r , as.lstant stat comptroller; W. H. Mtllhnem, (lSSIHtant to ChnJt'man Harold i\t. Cooper; and F. J. JJ oope, commission romptro: lel"

League Will Meet Today

Senator Edward Co,tilan Secretar,. France. '.rlll ••

Although the child labor amendment has been ratified by 24 of the required 36 states, even staunch supportel's ot the bill retain little hope of its inclusion in the constitution this year, President franklin D. Roosevelt has endorsed the amendment and made it one of the principal objectives on his program of social reform. The chUd labor amendment would give congress the power to limit, rerulat.. and prohlbit the labor of persons under 18 yeara of are. Senato' Edward Costigan, of Colorado, Is one of its s\lunch lupporten.

W A...'lHING'l'ON - Although t hb cown 10 obtain the required 311 ehlla labor amendm('nt hus ~~II states. l'aUfled by 24 oC thl' requi"!'d Sr., One or lIs Ilrc1ent supporters Is slntes, even staun 'h RUI)I>III·t~ ,.S "r $pnator Edward COH-tigan, ()( Colo­lim bill rctaln littlr hope o f lt~ In- I ado, . who hIlS told the senate thal elusion In thl' run"tll utlon ((,I' at falsc proPilganilll. WIIS being directed

t'gnl nst lhe amendment by severl1l President }<'ranklin D. ntw,"eve't ul'gllnlzo.tlons.

\\,hllr SWll n ..... ('ohiln -----Song ,........... .. .................. ..... .. .. (,11I1ll) lan'lt'll

111188 M Ik ulaHek <:II lt'\(IO. (AP) 110 mAry AmPI, 'I'he r!'Cltal will be ollen to the ~ij , motl,ln Illrttu'e actrl'~. und MI!·

The mUHl r del1!lrtm III wil l })I'O' R~ nl Ma ry Lou 1Ial'l'lson , A2 or Oakland, plAnlRl, an(1 A lice lIfllHl· I/lACk , A2 or Newton , ~onlrallo, III a r~cltal In nOl'th 01 lisle hall lhlA ()ublle. rl~ly gl l'l, nnd Abn('I' J . Htl1\\,('lI, 4",

ilfte l'noon at 4 :Hi. l' hlcllJ;fI lankl'r \\'/'rr mllrrlt'(! YP"-" elen Elkl'I', Aloe Leon. wi ll Lalnpc Will Addre 8 11 .. «10)' ,1 rl w .lwurH a([('1' .M188 ,\Im's

he accompanist aH81stNI by Arl1uhl \\Il~ !:I·""t~tl It !ll"OIT rr"llI Iwnle Small, 0 of !!outll Ben, In(I., Vlflllll. Two Cbicago Groups M~YI' I'H of [.III\llulI, hel' 'l'Ulill hll<-

Jat , Tomorrow, Tuesday band. The complete I)rogram Is 11.8 (fli. I'I·of. ]\f. Willa rd l"lmpr, dli're tol' E.~I'NHHIlII MCllliJI' rH Un!'!,

lows: ur thr "chool of 1'4'11151011, wil l speak LOIi AN(1I·:I,I ':H. (,\ 1') ·'1'11 h' taeel Sonata, O(lUA 2r. . .. ......... ncrlhovcn t n I 'I' d I C1 I I " 1 I ulllm'I'!llV III u . ay n 1 cnlro. r<>c1( rneu )y Imlnr gall'", pi ' It 1I11'm

"ndanle COil varlnzlonl n I , . ,'OIn OI'I'OW eVPll ng he \1'111 add'·N. bpI'll of Adlllll'Hl Hll'hHl'I\ I<l . I1YI·II'. Rcherzo: A lIe!,l'o 1110110 th I'rrsbytrl'llln '.rheolaglcul srnll - "'XI)('dltllln tf) th .. "nut.h lIulP nrrlv (1 MOI'cla furwhl'(' Hu ll a mortr d'un 1_

EI'oo lInl'Y. 'rhl' su l>J,'<'t of hi/< adtlrr'iI Jwl~ yPMtrrdny, bringing with th m

AJlpgro MI AA Ha rl'lson

Eft t)'('11> et mleh hln ... Schumn.nn J llRmlncnstrallch ............... Srhumn.nn Von Ewlger Li ebe ................. nr,,'hm~

Romance ................ ........ .......... Vehll~HY L"omb,'c t1eH Ilrbl'OS ........ .... D~I)UR"y Amour! Viens Allier ((1'001 Sam·

Mon el DIlIIIIl) ........ SuJllt·Saenll MI$8 MI"ula~pk

Pastorale .. Balla de Th~ lrlRh \VnsMI'womnn

Miss H arrison OURk !1I1)pn ................. .. My 80ngs ure envenomed an"

bitter .... ............ ......... .. A Ol.sona.n Befol'e my window .... Rllchmalllno(f Hopal{ ......... .................. l\1ouH80rgRky Charily ................................ HagPOllln Alone ................ _ .... Davlil S. Sill It II

lilt's a "Favored Child" Bring It To The Hobby Show

"Have a h Obhy?" Boord 's questloll of the hour, fot· j he ijeooll(l a nlllllil huhhy s how Is VI

te conducted I1t the Union House, Mal'1'11 30.

ArmE'<l w11h l1'eklng pilles.

Is "Thp Prp[l her lind thl' Cnl1 pge motion J1lctur ft, ftkl't.ct"'R /llltl 8cl. Student." enll'flr "lJl'dm~'nH from Lltl le Am·

At fl lunrhl'on ro)' memhrrs or erlca.

There's Something

Nice About Nice


• Real quality is readily appar nt both

in appea,rance and in the senice reno

dered by the piece for years to come.

• Anti.War, Fascism Group to Conduct Convention, Forum has clIllors('(1 the anll'll<1n>!'nl UII.] 24 Slales Ratity

" Il Is Imperative that theo amend- t lonal ch('('kfl'('d ('allS, and mallnl!'y Th e Town City Leogue against numrrou.q rivlc ()rl1"lTl i"/I\jon~ h:l\'"

This store carri a very

complete stock of all that is

good in jewelry. We are al·

ways happy to show it to

you. Wal' anil F asr lsm wil l meel In the bUIlI){)rtl'(\ it, hut thl' m,·asurp hllS m('nt be l-atlfled by the 1'6qulred 3U

ijJ"I' 1I <lHhltcd In 11 Irgl ~ll\.tu .. p", null 'Sla trs In ord £'r 10 moke permanen.

Ing glllBl!es, Unlun Board is ""an'h-lng In th f' dim ret'PSRt'!-l of tanll}"'-l

UCe for thp unll'u~l, th .. ulliqu", ;'lId

I he unex pected. Union Board room al 3 o'cl ock thlH III two stat~8 pa>;.""d (Hle IlOu"(' on w the advanlag~s which we galn­arlernoon. A meeting of the s lrlke to Ruffet· defenl In tho nthl'l·. l'(l undel' th e NRA," Mid Costigan.

Thl' child la">ol' amon,IIn"nt would .. ~o progressive program to ellml- Do you coll('('t old coins, slHmp~, ~ommlttee at 2 o'clo('k will prrccilr the b usiness meeting of the entire organlrotion.

(lIve ~OIH;T~SH the IloIVel' to IImll. nllt,) the evil . ut child IlI.bor in this pipes, toba.cco jarR, pa.l)or wel<:hIH, I"('gulat~, and "rohl!,lt th .. lullor ot country c(\n be Inunched until the ti\ltogral>hs. ennes, !II' oripnlnl ru~. 7 PPI'SOIlS uncleI' 18 y('al'H uf u~r. :am IHlment Is 1101'1 of the constll". !itud~nt8 and (acuity alikl' Hr(' l,t;·

l'l'I'sident Tnrlnr:;t'S 1.11\1' lion." in&' aceos\('d with demands I .. 1','-

A {lPflth lob", wa" d"lIvc'I'ed al The 24 slales which ha\'e ratltled veal thrl r "(a\'OI'e<! chilLI ." Jnquh'les ohout dlHplnylng l .. ,ld,lt·

hDP~s lhat the runml.Jment mlg-ht hr· It 10 Mte Include: passed this !;prlng ,,11"" th., le~I~- AI' l<anSIUI, eallrornla, Arizona, <l.t Op~n Hotlsp .lwu"l he dil·t·ct~' 1

Hands Jewelry Store Ro\)(' ,·t Stewart, a of Cedar Rap· Irls, chairman of the continu ations commiltee of tile league, Raid he would Introduce a resolution de· nounclng the bill to prohibit te:lch· 1111': un·Amerlran political, social or r"onomlc lh"orlps In the schools of till' state which was called oul ot eommltt£'o by th e l own legisla ture las t week. The bill Is RllonsOred by RrpI'cscnlatlves B. B. IIIckenlooper of Ceria I' Rapids, and H ermnn Knull· "on of lIfa..~on City, both repul)lI· ennR.

lilturrs of C('or",I... :llI,,~ouJ'1 allli \\li-q,·oll"ln. ~Iontana, Colorado, to th(' In(orrnatlwlI ,I .. 'k nt South Pa"~a r~rIH~ ~1eM~ It. ~I!rth Dak~~ "~s~n~on, O~on, ~1 ~n~IO~n~_~\~1~y_n~"~x~t_,~.~~~k~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __ ~~~~~~~~_

1'l'<'!<ld('lIt J:"UWI'l'It lIi .. 1 high urri- \lhio, ~Jlchlgon, New Hampshire. ---clnls of his adllllllistruUon IlO.w Nt .. w J !'l'se)', Illinois, Oklahom .. , l'OLITrC'\L Al)VRRTISr~~lF;NT AnVERTfSI>MENT. ondoffied th .. nm.n~n~nt. Ilow~ We~ VI~lnl~ MlnnMota, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"In 1I1Q chtlrl labor flc·liI Ih(> 11 1- Maine, .Penn>Jyll·anla, " 'yomln&,, " Iou" m thod .;C malnl"lllllll;' tlw Ulnb, ldallo, and Indillna, lhe last 1»·(.>"l'nt /.,'1l.lns Is thJ10ugh wtlCicllt!on ~Olll' having l'all[led It this year.

A conven tion of delegates from t own orgunlzllllons, (rntl'rnilles and lhe racully has been ('allerl fOI' at 7:30 p.m. In tile north conrr)'· enc£' room nt Iowa U nion hy the strike committee of the leAgue, RIch orA'lInlzn tlon has been asked to send at least one delegale.

of Ih (l chil,1 hllJUI' nnll'IIII1O"IIl. I J.{~lI tuckY, Virginia, Kansas, Mas- I :101l1' thi" may he "chll'\"',I," :;aiil th,' I<Uchusct!s, M]sHourl, !louth Dakotn, l'I·l'sldent. 'leorgia, New Mexico. Tellnesse',

"The mO\'e for l'atlfil'allon ()e tl,.. re"a9 alld V(' rmont have turned it anlt."nc]menl mUMt ~o on," d(\clal· .. ~ t dOWll. 'f'.ccrctary of Lahor J,'r."wes P"I'kIIlH, Th e one nolo,ble Inst nce of II. con

Another In the series of open tMums at which different spe!lkers prl'scnt their views on tho cures 01' wa..' [s ,being plannec\ for next Sun· day night at the COUl·t hOu se, Hut h " 'o!lcnwcbel', A3 of Keokuk , c hair· 111 lln of the educational committee. salrl last night.

n eJ('<'tion o( thl' fllllPndnll'nl )'Y £tlt ullonal Ilml'lldment b(>lng rottnl'd lhret' mo,'p stutl'S 1'1'1'1·ntly, llUW{'I'P;, ~Jll'Cdlly l.Jy the req uired 36 stot(.>~

makes It IIN'essary to ha \'e It a!l- WM t he r<'1l1'a l amendment whlr ll 1>I'oved hy al h·a..~t ()Il" of th" nilll' w('nt lhtough within n year atter It leglsllllure.q "hieh ha,,1' lurll"u It I Lad Ill'cn Hubmltt"<l by congr 88

S mit h 's Marionettes Performances Here

c. Ray To Stage

RnARK F 1NOS ~[i\STERS C. Ray Smith's Ol\'('l'a Rtrel't

SEAlS) DE, OI'P. (INSl--A 20·foot Mnl'i onettf's ,,111 l)resPllt (1ftr rl1 0011 shark proved 110 matc h for Six seo.. and evening 1ll'I'rOrlll"Ill'''' hI"'" lions In a ba.ttle royal witnessed by TueSday of 0. I\ophl.,Umll',l ll1u ~1

two fis hermen near here. A single cal satre, " Hlp Varl '\' lnkl p'R f!(>n lion was fll'st seen to tackle Strange 1nlerlu(l('." In fnu r· Il(,~".

some creatul'e n('ar shore. The walet" and as the Illuin f('/Itl ll'P, A. mario· ~hul'ned and soon it sharI< leapeil nette vel'Rlon or " A Cenlury of from the waves. Five other aca Progl'CsS." lions joIned the fight. \'Ippl ng larg While on a tOll I' last ~r·tMn th!) pleceR or meat from lhe slueff ot company visill''' the rail' nnd con. ~hr s hal'k IlS It sUI'ged at tbe at· celved the idet. oC hlllld ing a marlo, tackers. The cOll'rttol contlnu pd for nelte version of It. The Hhow lllOVe;! on hour. The s hork finlllly cum bed, 1I1era lly eatrn alive.



LlJ~LE ([NS) -Imoglne lookln/: for n job on a s tolen looorn.cltlw! 'l'hat Is whAt Armond J..ongle Wll~

t.olng wIlen he was on'ested at AU) ..

swlrtly, much of il Iwlng- il OilO 1n pa ntolllimp ",hllp till' "lory i nt (,I" est Is carl'le il by a nan·l1tOl·.

l<'Ulllillnr \,Iell's 'rhe Cami llaI' an,l olll"taniling

scenes of lh~ rah'-lhe .\ \'puue of Flag •. the FluaUlig 1,"-.1:11011 th er,lel ', the Win!,,, or a Celltur)" nlllck fOl" rst, Illld thr I~lldl'lntrll l,hn(1

~I!)ye. He 1001< a locomotive (''001 lho thear a nd many nthel'" nt'e inl'lu,l . lI'alIway yard and Ittal'ted ror 1':1.1'18 ea. , In Belll'ch of 0. Joob. Steaming clown' A RJX'~la l v('rAlon <If "Hip" will I h.c 110.8 toward an OPI)I'onehln ,; b g iven ro,. ~ hll"rl'n at Ih~ mal "we , Haln, he WIIS only 8l1ved by n railway wllh a trip to "Tlnl,I'I' Toy land ," <1nplOyee who juml)ed Dn ·the e ngine and lo Sailla (,Inu~'s \l'OI'IIHhop In ~nd stopp~d t. Questioned by til ... Little Anw l·iclt. The ~11 1l"rcn, too. poll e, Longle said he want d to get will have an oPPol'tunlty to Rer '10 Pori It to look COt' a j~b. marlon et lP re pl·otl uc tlOI1N or tho~p

acls at the wol'ld's fall' which would hp Ilarllr ularly attractive (or lhem, Intl',wlu d ng clowns. animals, MOI'(lI (ll'a ", a11l1 movl!' ~tllrs III mlnlatul·e.

Movie Slars 011£' or the unique features of this

show IS lhat mAn)' Of the mado· n tl£'H ore port r'alt'IJu!Jpets or tn· mous molion pict ure Hlnrs and world celcbl"iUes, Buch as: Einstein, George Al'llss, Will Rogerll , Aunt J let, Mat'le Pre88ler, l\1ue West, Gretn. OarbO, nnd Joan I'DWeor<1.

'I'h re are 17 original HI n/flnS' Il umber., some especially wrlLten wit h the I(Uosyncrasles or certaln motion I)icture 8tal'. In mind . all in n saUrlc,,1 vein. Th e settings and lIg htlnga hn vo been worked out to give the pl'opor value to each hat·· lie.ter. A complete PI'oduction Is car· rlNI, Including the marionette thea· t(,I', proscenium and ut·taln, and HCel1NY Ilnd lighting.

BftOOKSV1LLE, Pu. (APl--E'e\'-1-11 I I'llinmen eacuped InJul'Y yeeter­:uny In the Collision ot nil 84~ll' ('on I 1m In with II. giant bOulder thll l. l ell th e mllrood [I'acks at Tal~, pix Il1l1rll south ot Brookville.

NOW ON DISPLAY The New Airglide

Dodge 2-Door Touring Sedan $845

Delivered In Iowa City

Come III alld See TId Beautiful Model


205 So. Cal)itol St.

, "

, •



Mason City Woman in Hospital

(The TI'lbul1c'~ TOIIII New" SN'VI )

MASON 1'1'\' , Tn..-'I'h l' conll! ,

tlon ot Mr8. Alex: Meul's, IIiJuri'd ThuI'sday Il.ftPl'11001l wil n II. nalurnl 'l'aH "1>10810n I\'l'eckp,l hrl' homu, was I,'epol'led "a[l.tiKfn lOI'y" lit n hOspital 1~1·1t.l y.

IJ r l' InJul'les cOllslsled or fl R(>'

vero sCIllll wound, uts "hout I Ii" ta~e, (\11(1 shock.

"1 wund",' "hol happoned?" ~hc Illlkeil upbn regaining ('oIl8c louH' ness Thul·Rday. lIuHllltnl nit 1I1i· anl8 Haill sho wns 1I1111WUI'e hOI' hom4\ ho.,l l>een c1r~tr(lyr~ .

Thc above I,iclurc ncc.l" no C ]))Ul1dl loll I

Mrs. Meurs is slillliving hut only n miracle

,Rved her. This same NATURAL GAS E 0

PLO ION could btlvc killed n tloz 11



1'h" nb'I\'(\ I""·,, JlflIlJ' 1't1'S8 I'h-Illro !!hQwhl Jl' thll wrt'('\ nr Ih(\

Mt'lIr!! """,1\ III J\lahu" ( 'II'y allt,ellr~d Ofl I h., tlr~ t )lflg lit 1<'1'1

(lfI"'~ 1!IIIIIfI "t Illp 10'''0 ('lty 1'1'1' M·(,Ulzt'n.

Nt' '''" 11 1'111 "' Ilt f leU ('OI\('l'nlll1l\' NlI~ur" 1 11M f'\'1'1,,~Jr", liP' IW~ I~'" I<'rltla'y, .MArrh 22, I" a~, III It.. Ilr~ Mill,,., 'I'tlbllll(',


RUND y, MARCH 24, 1935

Tuesday ,

Morning THE DAILY 10




aml lite firms which (Ire cOoo/)(>f(lting in

a,is /t't,(leT(lI Pl(m I

Read It arefull It will cont.:\in much information

about makin Jt )'our home more

cnmffrtahle and more conl' ni nt.



DO A LITTLE " .... 1 ING" NOW!



Sep Wlwt 'owa City Bu iflr 8 1101 10 Oller You For Your Rpllpr 1I0mel


SUNDAY, MARCtT 24, I93!)

When S. U.l. Was Y oung--

Literary ocicty Omtors Competed With Band And Emerged Second in Contcstl

By Virginia Cook

(Rllll4ll"8 1101e: 1'ltis 1M fhe trnth IH I~ s('rlcs of Ilrtlclcs dCallng wUh stu· .... I IIf(l lit th lInlvl'rsll )' of JO lVl~ In Ihe Illie !lin tccHtll century, The Iwrles app4'lU' dully In T he 1.hIlly 10wn H,)

BUllrl COIt('('I·ts, whicll I'W Il ill this c))lj~hlcl1ed a~c IU'C a t!'mli. tiolla] pa!'i of Salul'dll,Y \lights in hUlJul' ds o[ small Iowa lOWltS, wCl'e splcndifcl'ous OCClIRioJ1!1 in Iowa ity before the tUI'll of the century.

In SPl'in~ tlt (' concerti! offr l'cd sft'o\lg competi tion to the mol'C excluBlvo program. at the Oller

~OU"c. A frco tor Illl tight almost r llro at tho Opera house or to g O m!ltoIiullzcd when a band WII8 piIlY' a lilt! falthor uv the sl!'c t. H~ Ing [J. tOIV rods trom tho Opera. I' pI( d that ho had beon oml)loyoll bouse where II. vory dramatic J)('co- rUI' the HeMon and was not at lIlier. ration day Ill'Of{I'am WUK tJclnll' ~lvclI ty to do SO.

by two university literary 8oclot· Bllllll f'ihl)'8

les. "At hla 8U/(goRtl<>n ·Mr. Wilmer Thr sltut,lIon b<'cllm crlUt'aJ when or tho Golden Efl.glo clothing Ktore

.. allvel' lonl;'u d oratut' rcachl'fl tho WIlS thl'n scen . .1118 attlturl e Wl\9 that dramatic point of hll oration III h(' could 110t afford to have tho whl 'h ho plctul'Nl tho ~I'('avcll hand ceaRe nloylng 01' to lot It move

awny. MI'. SchraMI' was also /!('cn nd his r ply Wal! SUbstantially tho

MOle all that of tho preceding gentleman.



Mrs. Seashore To Give Talk

Prof. Bartow Finds His Name Lucky; To Get Grape/ruit

Agent's Friends Electrical Engineers Meet at Cedar Rapids

To Give Party Four faculty membelll and sov· .. ernl studenla attended the Iowa

A Co f J JIII'lend" of S. Lyale DUncan, re· section of lhe Ametican Institute of t n erence 'I1hoe name BIU'low I.s good for a tll'lng ('ounty agent. aN!' planning EI trlcal Engineers' mceUng at grapefruit almost any lime. At leRst a (l<rewf'1J party for him WtldnC5day Cc<lar Rapids Friday night.

Mrs. Carl E. BeRah OI'D, wlto of I it Is (()r rrof. Edward Barlow, head ('veninII' a.t 6:30 p.m. at t 1e Aml'rI all The taculty members were Prof.

Dean Sca.'ihoro ()f th grruluate col· of the chr llllstl'Y dCJ)lu'lm nl. Legion b uilding. It WIllI announced Richard R. Whipple. Prot. Edward

lege, will spcak on her philosophy Ycaterday PI'()fesecr Barlow roo yt'stN'{\ay. of life to thn philosophIes Of living celved a letter [1"WI tit ,KIwanis 1111'. Duncan will l eave I"",a Cit)' B, Kurtz. Prot. George F. Corcor·

f c lub of Bartow, Fla., gtatln'" that .AI)rll 1 t() accnpl a. ~Itlon 'viI'" an, and James L, Potter, all ot the con erence Tuesday at 4:10 p.m. In. " v , _VQ ..

sw ethoar~ Wcelling ov ' I' th o body or II. Rol~ler In blul' , only tl) have the HubUm mom Ilt "llOllod l}y th blatant blaro or tho band ))Il<ylllg a 8plrltro In terpr 'taUon of "Tur·

"Tho {Ltlcmllt was th n glvcn UI) t ho Union Board room key In th Straw."

and tho band concert was left to Union.

of Iowa they had oihJpped him a box o[ Har· nn Insurn.nce company al Colum1>IIl, f'lect.rJcaI engineering d."..,-tmont. tow cit~U8 fl'ult, gl'own In l:Iartow, Mo. Emmet C. Gardner of Tipton, Tho next meeting of the Iowa. 1lOO,

in honor Of hiM recont c lecUoll to lIew county ngont, WIll M:Ml Intro. tlon or lhp soclcly will be In l owo. Conlrlhul.or's ('olunlll ('ontillue In full blast, and It blasted

The Vldeltn R<'POrt r, PI' rJ ('8801' lLWlLY al1 evening. Following the address the group the J)r~sldency of the American duc~d durin!\, the program. City April 9.

of Tho Dally Iowan, rclr\Jlarly 11I'ln(. cd Ii contrlhutor', column capp tI by tho follOWing noll~, "'I'ho edl· tors are not rCAponslblo tor What aPllcllr~ unl1er thlM h Ilrt. CIlntrlbu· tors will follow all t~e rulr8 for prcPIlI·ln.; copy ani( mako their lot· lers short and t() tho pOint. Letters of thlA kind arc esp clally solicltod." II'ho column cont I nI'(l lottt'1'S on ol'rry 8ubJeet from /!Wearing to the nef'L1 for chalr. In tho chcmlSl!'y

will discuss va.rlous phllosophlc8 of Chcmlcal society. fi'a.nn bureau mcmbcl's, junior ------life, 'l"I~ clll.1~ In 1I111'cd 1r PI'O(es80r Bar· farm bureau membel'S. all 4-H clul'

Mrs. Scash()rc I.s an aetl ve com· mlttco member 1l.1l(! pal'lI Ipales In lhe work or tho campus religious organizations.

tow Is related to the southern genUo- members, and friends or Mr. DUncan man of Civil ww' Camc, General F. H I'e Invllrd to allend tho party. A S. BaI'tUIY. In whosc honor bhe Flor· P()t luck suppel' will be served. with Ida town hus been named. tM women asked to Ilrlng ba3ket~

U.S. T .. easury Asks Exchange of Bonds Before March 27

"It Is exc~edlngly annoying for anyone who Is trying to take In all that a speaker Is saying, to hear a ballli playing just a fow I'ods away. Out above all It Is annoying to the ~I~aker to know that his speech which ho has been at conalderable 'l"here will be one more ot the

SCrle1l of phllosorhles cone<.'1' nces which arc under tho aUspices ot the campus r~lIglou" Ol'ganlzatlons. Prof. Georgo W. Stowart of the physlc.q Il cpartment will address the group April 2.

and Il8.ndwlchel!. corree, cream, a.nJ Fourth Liberty loan 4 1-4 pcr c~o1!

lal)oratul·Y. The band concrrt-opcra fraca.~

elicited the following lett~r to the contributors column:

"J~dllor Vidctte Reporter: We en· juy IlBtenlnjf to thl' band ('oncert8 ,Iven e\'ery Saturday evening by Ihe Athens band. and we deSire to expre SOUl' gratitude to thoso clU· zons whose I:' neroalty ha.s ~ecured

th It- I!('rvlccs. But we are flUre that any audlonce at the Opl'ra. housc whUp th cone rt 18 h Id In Buch

Imlns to prepare, Is being wasted on eal'H lIlat arc listening to the ",wret stl'alnR of 'A nnle Rocney.'

"The gentlemen mentioned above \vpro aware of the tact lhat It wa!! D~coratlon day and that tOI' the last four yeal'S the evening program has beell a part of the regular exer· elsea. Thry must have been aware too, of thc faN that the state of Towa rt'('ognl"<'8 the rights of as· semblles from such annoyances, though they were not reminded of It. What they ou~ht to have dono uncleI' tho eh'cumstances, wo leave you oJl to decide (or yoursclves, A student."

The conferences are open t() stu· dents, faculty mcmbel's IIndi oUler Interested personA.

Mrs. Frank P. Ball,

Mrs. Luella Kisor, Former Iowa titian, Dies in CaliIoMlia

sugar will be fUl'IllsMd.

Former Resident Of Iowa Oity Dies

MI·s. L~ella. KI90r, fOI'mer rral· ],'I'lends in Iowa Cily havo r cell'-

dent oJ l owll City LInd tho> widow cd word of the death of M",. :&lll ' nt 1ho late Albprt lI1. Kisor. [ormel' j!<mln PI'lee of South Pasadena, I'ural mall earl'll'r, died a-t the h<>me <:a.m. lI:!rs, Price was tho ,,' Irc or of her daUghtt'r. Ml·S. Marjorie An- Dr. B. F, Price, a former dentlBt tonlak In Los Angeles. Callt., Maren In towa City. 16, It was learnrd hrre ycsterday. Befor moving t () CllJI(()I'Illo. SI'V.

81, Dies at Home In SUI'Vlvlng hcr aI''' tllrc" sona anll eral ycars ago, tho family were l()l\g. •• . lone daughlel', RIl)!' of Santll Bil.l1Jarn, time 1'c.!ldents ()r I owa City,

FairfIeld Yesterday (;allf.; Waltel' ()f Seattle, Wash.; Fav


cl<>88 proximity wouhl fCI'1 any thin/: bul I:'ralllud.' (or their ('HortN. Local W Olnen Hear

Mrs. l~rank P. Ball, 81, Jefferson ot WaterlDo; and Mrs. Antonlal" county resident and mothcl' or and two grandchlidren. Wal'lCI' ](I~­Georgo ]11. Ball of l()wa City. dl~'1 or, JI'.. a.nd Maxlno AntonlaJ<. J·estcrrtay morning at bel' home III FUneral servlcll wl\'l l\[m'Ch In, I'nlrfield, It WIla learned hero yeH- !,vlth but'lal In the Val Jlalla crm\)·

DUMAN, Natal (1N'Sl-A notD In a hl'OIldclVIl program brolre a glasi !n Il. hospital hel·. A J)tI.tlent whll lIaa listening t() the radio had just Illa~ cI the 1'11188 upsldc down on lhe 'water carafe at his bedsld~. SUll­denly It eXJ)loded. It Is 1'>:l)laln&1 thllt "sympMhelic vibration" !ll't up by tho radio was the cause of th., I-rc!l.kllge.

"'AMt Satunhy night during tho Of Relative's D"ath D<cnmtlon {loll' pro~ram gtv~n hy '" terday. Mrs, Ball ha.d bcen IJ\ fOI' tery at BUI'bank,

th~ Zo't· <lthl'lll and Irving ~oclc· tk !><'for a repre.~ntatlv(\ ('Ity nnlt tollt -., audlenc('. th" band COil ~rt 1If·/:'ln. Thfl manag('r of the hanrt ~ lit once ~f'f>n and requ Rll'fl tn Flvf the right of WilY tn th~ alltll·

Two Iowa. City 1I'''"lPn, Mrs. T. n. 1.brre mon·ths, .>Javls. 611 S. Clinton street, and Mr.. Survivfng her are hN' BOn. Gcorg~ ,I, H. Hughes l'reelvl'<l word or the I of rcrwa. City; thl'ce daUghters. Noblo death of lheh' collsln, JOhll W. .Ball, MI'f!, Carl ,Tal' and M.l·;!. Clar­ilugll('S, or II hron, Ncb., on ]l1archtnce Daucr, all of F'alrrJeld. FunClw 10. ,cl'vl"" will -be at l;>Oll'fleld Monday.


Sl;;A'r'rL.FJ. wrtllh.. (INS) - Some thicvc~ will tuke IlnythlnJ;. A. hook oC . traffic SlipS wn.~ ~tolcn from the parked motorcycle ()r Patrolman H. 1\1. Hn~ I Pl', hp r<'POl'ted.

l'(Inda thllt serial numll"llI end. In8' In 5. 6, or 7 have ~en ea.lIl':! fOl' nll.ymont April 15, by tho Unltt'd


Yearly Ticket, Man and Wife Green's fee, Per day Sundays and Holidays Per day

$10 25C

Course in Good Condition


Highway No, 6 East of Town


By Segar.

States 1rrasury. It wa.s announc('.j March 27, to lrcl1a.nge the called

YMterday by poIItortice offiCials. l! T·~

Bond owners will have untIl



Josepb L.

CANNON Republican Candidate


, was born in Iowa ity, educated here, in bu Iness

here, own my home and pay taxes. [ shall not be

subservient to any group other than the wiD or the

people. 1 am interested part icularly in keeping tax­

es to a minimum and in the problem o( the Second

Ward. I have no political bos •


• or e are 0 owa Ity .

Let's Not Destroy Vote for Candidates With 161 in Front of Name and You Will Vote Let's Keep Out of More Debt Iowa City now has good electric service and low

rates, in c mparison to the re t of the state and

what is promi cd by the municipal plant pro­


These Candidates Are Inter .. e ted in More Than One Issue The candidates checked are not single·i sue can­

didates intere ted only in the utility issue. They

Rrc al 0 interested in other important issues, con­

structive thoughts in a general program to make

thi city a better place in which to live.

Democratic I''OR ~1i\ " OR



(Vote lor T\vo)





1st Ward-Court House

2nd Ward-City Hall

3rd Ward-C. S. P. S. Hall

4th Ward-American

Where To Vote Monday


5th Ward-lao City llot· tling Works.

for the Best Interests of Our City

Republican FOR MA \ 'OR,


FOR AL[)ERlI1i\N·AT·LAROE (Vote fOr Two)






7 A. M. to

8 P. M.

Municipal Ownership Non.Partisan



(VO«! for Two) o· W. F. BOILER





Independent FOR lIlAYOK


(Vol.t! tor Two)

o o



Many of us have learned a powerful lesson these last few years . _ • and that is to keep out of debt as much as possible. There is no justified reason for borrowing money for any use that is not es­sentiaJ. WE HAVE BORROWED ENOUGH. Let's payoff the paving debt, sewer debt, school debt, airport debt, before borrowing any more.

Keep Our Credit Good We now enjoy good municipal credit. Let's not. endanger it. 'Don't take any. chances with the proposed plant failing through poor business man­agement or political mismanagement. It has hap­pened in some cities and the TAXPAYERS FIN· ALLY PAID THE BILLS.

If ,You Wish a Ride to and From the Polls, Please Phone 1st Ward--5422 2nd Ward-5714 3rd Ward--6284 4th Ward-5643 5th Ward-2727

BEWARE OF _LAST-MINUTE PROPAGANDA. We have put no information in this advertiselJlcnt not printed heretofore.

, I .

Consumers' Protective Associatioil - .

(Composed of Business and Professional men who are property owner s, and in no way conneetecl with the Iowa City Light and Power Co.)

For Low Utility Rates Low Taxes .

Community Peace


mE .HAlLY IOWAN admInIstra tion. An exte nsion ot the

Pu bll.hed eye.,. morn Ink excep t Mon. te rm woulll be bClH'ficlai In tha t It dll Y by Stud ent P ublication" Incorporat· e,1, I!L t 128-130 Iowa avenu e, Iowa City, Jowa. Fre4 M. Pownllil. Director.

..1 Boord or Trust • • " F r onk L. Mott. IJ'tLul C. Packer. E . lif . MacEw en, }j'retl ]4. l'uwn n.U, Edward J . Kell ey, :BIll B URby, Ernest C. CIlB.UI, ArLh,ur BarDeI, I.umund WU c;:ox.

11arry S. D\lnker, 'Oenen.J Manaler William T. Hatr boeck,

AIslltant General Manager

, Entered ft.8 »econd clatut mall matter a, l th e PORt a t tica at low&. efty, I owa unde r- l he act ot Congress of March. ., 1119.

Subscription rat e..--Dy mall, 16 per ,eM.r; by cu,rrler, 16 cent. weelt1y. iii per ),ell r.

i 'j'h6 Auoqlaled Pres. 18 exeluHlvcly en .. Utled t. u.e ror republication ot all flaW! alspalch es cred ltNl to Jt Or not otbeTwlae credltetl In thl. paper and alao \be local newtJ pubJI Bhe6 h p,r etn.

All rltrh ls of republtca tlon ot "" e.lo.t dilPatobe8 benln are aleo reserved.

E DITORIAL DE PAJ&TM.ENT Donald J . Pryor ... ............ Edi tor Tom Yo •• lot t .. .... . . Man'lr lng .;d ltor John 'V. Pryor ...• . .. ••. New. E di t or Earle A. Clal'k . . . ... Telegraph Edttor Wit 10m Merritt • . . . ... . . .. City Ed itor Jack Ourwflt .. ......... Spor .. Eu lton Kermtt Buntrock .. A .. ' t. Sport. lildltor Laur a. E. Reed . . .• • ; ..• Socie ty E'd ltor

BUSINESS DE PARTM.ENT B. 1" W ill i • . . . . .. Advertis ing lIfan.ger Ern •• t C. Ca88111 . . ClrCUlntton Mann ger Acne. W. Schmidt . ...... . . Accountant

TE LEl'1l0NES E ditorial Oftlce 4191 80d.ty EdItor 4191

Bldl»... Ofltc. ~ tOS

SUNDAY, MARCIl 24, 1930

Grant Wood, Esq., Author, Lecturer

A FEW KNOWl NG ones werc

would increaso the " patronage odor" rrom sl>< ne a ppointments a nd would not pu t a mnn out of offlc() \Vh n he is just beginning to " know t ile ropes,"


Good Morning

'rhe cha nce that 0 1' at "mllfh t r epillce llC" pOSition oC peacema ker wi th 0. 1>o1!('y of ISOllt­tion," aH newH dl81>t~tches yester­day 80 enth L1 slust lc(tll y Rugg~stffi , Is about as g l'I'M [\s th l' ChllllC1' thnt rlie moon will Ifl'ow Rulle n a nel Rtoll whll' lIn g about the eal·Ol .

Bud &'ereil nbou t [rOm ~apital

to CUI}llal in his ellNILjlllointlng r ole of c()ntineli lal Pl'u(' !'anger, Sir J ol11l S l1l1on 's .}rotest t hl1t "we CIutn lli indulge in every sor t of (oreigll lIelven t ur over a ll Ihe world ()I' Pledge our ltC· livl ty to everybody 's Clull11'cl " was unelerstllntl:lble but hR~llly

convincing .

Ev~n th~ U nited Stltes, fo r oJI day whpn they learned t hat P ro f. itJl s logans albou t ke ping ou t of (il rtlnt \Vood has g iven up the long /(lrelgn ntllng-lements, cannot pOll·

s lllly m a in tai n It policy oC Isolation nOr remai n a loof Crom .the wo" ld'~

vlclssl tll(]es. And haw much mor~

pr ess ing a re thl' tl'oul> les of t he on·

quick to sny " 1 told you 110" yesta ,'-

promised painting of 0. Victorian,

nannft -clad old gentle ma n at his bath.

Espei!!aJly Is this s ignificant com· tl npnt UllOD t he ]il'llI~ h Isles.

Ing IhI1J',1 on the hee ls oC hl8 accept.

ance uf rr.emberahlp In th" Nationa l

Academy ot Des ig n and the a n · n ouncement that he will wrlle a book lind go out on a lecture t our In t he east a nll middle west.

Tho>.'S who have been closely ns· soclatpd w ith Wood have seen 0.

g reat r ha nge In him In tihe las t twO y~ars. and especially since he 1.1 •

ca me D.S<ocia ted with the lJnlvel'alt" ut Iowa faculty. From an Indiv id ual · let , fighting a. "colonial" a tti tude In art, he has become a respecta.ble

Gl'eat BI'itru ll is destined, el es· 1llle nil protests of Itet' t1.l'e!r di lllollla ls, 10 IJlIIY the role of arbiter in very Iliffling disput e arising betwel.'l1 Ule continentlll powers. Ami Ihe world must de , 1>t'llll nflL It. li ttle Ullfln Ih e SI'G"a.· cily wit h w'hleh she dis('(lll" gCS Umt role.

unlve"slty protessor. , If she succeeds In Ironing ou t Probably few things a re Dlom t he lUfferences whIch sustain the deadening to creative genius than a

1 '~8pectnbl e job with a regular In. hatreds and bitterness so Jealously COIru'. It may lead an artist to for. fostered \}y Fl'Ilnce, Gel'many anJ get lh Individual ism whldh. made others who InSist on contlnuatlon or h im great and talk woout "region 0.1 " t he European teud, she will go

a rt and "the American scene" with wi thout thanks. 1£ she falls, It will revel·enee.

" -ood must not forget that a n ae · tor who doesn't act, .an a uthor who doesn 't wl' lte, and a n ar tist who doosn ·t pa in t (\ 00 not long remain great.

Gmll t Wood as a n a rtis t Is Import· a nt. lll'ant , Vood as an author or u. I oturel', even though he may have oom Hhlng to say, will I}robably not b~. Wh"n an a r tist I aves his eMel lur a typewI'lter and I ctu re plat· torm, he Is risking h is rep utlltlon as on at'tlst.

T,he Spirit 011935

R E PUBLI AN stm tl'gy for the 1!136 " le(;Uon, which t he ABsocla.ted PI' ss I ported Frhlay was "ex pec t· ( d a t the capitol to be ce nterell 011

<k>Plcting t he new deal as un· Amer· lcun a 1l(1 unsound" Is strictly In ac­cord with 1I11l< curre nt fad of p ro· paganda.

Jl 11'1 r opular n ow, a nd s em lngly effective, to direct opposition to o.nythlng- on the ground tha t it Is " un· Amerlcan." The merits of t he. I&~uc have noth ing to <10 with the

. outcome, \\I'hen such to. tics a re em· vlo'yed.

That lh new deal Is "un·Amllrl· aan" Is , of COU l'se, riellculous . Com· pared with T homas Jeffetsono, P'r o.nklln D . Rooseve lt Is 0. g r eat re o

ne hl'r bl unt!ers that wlll be hlllml"l.

• • • Which brings UII the question

of Gennany, Just n O\\l s ubject to worlll· \\'lclc critid~m fOl' her insistence I1I)On t'llulllity IIlIel full' I)hl)" ])e&pit.e the massing or EUI'Qllean public clp lnion Itgllinst hel', one finds it tlirn .. uit to eSf'ape Ihe 1'0nl'lI1<;lon tIIat Ifltler in thill purlil'uhlr con It'll­,'el's~' is mor e than a little righl.

The tr1-l>OIVI'r agrpement guaran­teeing molntenanre or IN'rltorinl <>latus q u , to which G rmany \Va:;

asked not long ago to subscribe, flJPparently was dt'slgnmt as a. tlIs­g ulsed a ttPm)lt 10 11t1t lI ltier In a ~}()Slti O ll w lwre he would 'be forced I,y p ublic opinion to cndo,'~ apr· ma ny's pel'pet ual sUllllrl'9f'lon.

Whatever one l hinkS of lhe meri ts of Gi!rm:ln 6UPJ,lI'e!lsioll, or howevel' omillous l1itler's :LC·

tio n mlf,-i lt seem, one cannot lJelly that his all.wer ancl h Is su~quellt uetion wCI'e largely justified.

• • • acilonary. The neW dea l may be, and The na tion un elu estionably 8ym . flIll»1ll ng ly Is , fa.1!!ng In confus ion. llath lzed with the exru;perat1on of B ut that doesn t make It un·Am er l. eall. "0 t hOde who pI'ate so glibly aboul "AlJnerlcanls tn ," and w ho at'" 80

~fig r to denou nce thek enemIes fu,' "un· AJn I'lcan lsm ," one would li ke to offer a n e:raml naUon on the prln· olples uf American democracy. The 1'.,8Ult8, no doubt, w()uld be amu sing .

• for Simpler

~enatol' Robinson F rlc1llY when Ill' o r Ose In the se nutc Ilnd angl'!! y de· clored that e nough time had been I spent In urg tlm'c nt ov el' tho [(tltnl n-

'" rn " , ,, ', "," , " ", I S omeonc writing In ono of till)

na tional maf,'1lZhleS 11 0 t long ago made a s ugges tion tha~ Is eSI>ccla lly pCl'tJn en t In the p" coont s itua tion

Gpvernment TUE BILL Introduced In

" All legislators, 11C PI'OPOH d, 8houll1 be el oled rol' ona tenn onl y, with no

the pos s ibility or I' el cUun.

eta to leglslalure 'by S nator Wilson ot Polk county, providing for the reo im()vlll ot the office Of city assessor In 'cit! 8 ' of t he first c lass from the Infl uence of m unicipal pOt ltlc~, 1s II.

step In thl' r ig ht <lh'ectlo», Th.e bl!! provltles t hat t he asseSfJOr be ap­poln teel by t he mllyor with th IIp· proval of cer tai n city oCClclnls for a alx year ter m w hich would overlap d~nglng ad mln lsl1'allons.

It Is obviously 'l' IdiculoU8 fo r m inor cay a nd tow nsh ip C>l'f1ces to ' be On anrele'oll ve baSis. W he n pa l' ty pI'ln­clples or the lac k of t he m, do no t af· fect th conduct of oWce, It should be Il l1ed on a n apPOin tive and merit ba~h'. A rep~bllcan ca n keep ac· COVille, r ccord <leeds or Issue hun t· In&1 lIcenscs just R8 rrlclently as a democr.l~ .

The ever Increasin g Icngth of the electI on a nd primary ballots, whlc l\ a rll pOll l1cal l\lroclt l s, can be at· trlbu ted c hleCly to the number o( I\l'llAlll oEflcrs that (\1'0 now .filled by e lecllon.

APPJ!cll.t1on of t ho mCl'lt sysl m to millor offices woulcl not onl y toml to d('(:r~ase g rnft a mi cor ruption but would prom ote e rtlclency a ntI 8pe~dy

That RlmPlII f,'form 111 govl'm , ml'nt wOI1M removll 11111 cause of nil the shlllY' shullyhl/l' whlch C'hllrtlderlZC'8 Alllerirun 1"/1'18111-th'e IHHlle!S tcHlllY.

T ho clla nce CYt: r eelection Is now t he p .. lnclplI l conce L'll of congress · Imen, who 11 m wi lling to 1I1.)('ntt a ny a mount of til l\.aXpllyel'S ' time a nd money to advuno t helJ' own POI)U · la .. lty a.ud t hch' Ow n Interes ts .

If I hey k nllw I ha t IIIIt'e tholr t e l'lll \VII S liver they wllulcl gel

hll('l, til lIr1valAl life, C'Olllrr t'llll, mell wlIuld be fnr 1l1l1l'O fr'~l 1, ..

prolllllttl the hIM'I·t'~t of tho IlIlb, Iltl 1Il.'C'lIrdlng lo the dldllll!ll (If their own Cn!1I1C' IIJfIe'6 IrIllfA'ncl or ~l1blllUUnr III U,1l mtdllludll ' uf selnsh pressures to whlrh Ihey are RubJected.

-Don Prytil'


Strange As It Seetns By John Bh ,"or F urtber Proof Ad4reBJ The Author, Enclosln, a Stamped Envelope For Reply. Bee. U. S, Pat. Orflce


1"0 STANO A~ 1 WI~L,. /tV)ve. II'\E ~t\Rrt1ll-

MoveD IHe. eARTH eveRY VA"



OF 50 feer-if CA~ OUTSWIM A ftSH(

• See Page 11 for Explanation of Strange As It Seems ------

I- A Washington Bystander IN ASl1INOTON-The perserver'

1nce ot Senator Lynn Frazier sermll

worthy or a. lIetter rate. Ever since

AS an illustration, when tl1(> sell' ate, evlel nlly at l1elmlnl tratlon In·

stance, loppetl out oC the army bill taught there, have Inerensed 1m·

he came to congrCH!!, ne has b('cn WI It CItm from the hou. 0. provl. hamm r ltlg o.way naainst military I)orlancc In the ~l'('S of coIl ge man·

.... ~Ion which would haVe mad tho 40, tro.l.nlng In lo.nd gront colll.'ge~. n's aC::t'm!'llhl. To he !lure that enough a passion with him, ~rhal>S b(', ~tuelents nro1\ to warrant contlnu· odd thousa.nd man Increase In the cause II(' attcnd~d ~uch 11 college c,l army nUenlJon, ompult!Ory army authorlZ"d tl Illatt r or PI ~I·

and no doubt (]jd his ""ay,foot, cour~es 01'(' s\ll\ tho rule cven In dentlal elllK.'r '(Jon, all wI coast sen, straw·foot" drill on the campus ~oll('g,·s whkh oth~r\\'l" mIght awrs and <,ven thl' !II'~onlt tier stntl' with a 10·pound muskpt On hilt Sel'll() them. shOUlder and an old·fllllh!on d To m",·t that "ltUIl.t1on, the rur· bayonet scahberd banging the back rent I"l'Uz!<'r alllt'num Ilt sought to of his knees. >ubstltut voluntary Cor compul8(lry

It his d\'Ul rnru.ters boped the cx· cour e~, 11~1'1·torore he \Isually ha.~

l>crlencQ woulll fire young F''IUlIr'I' mu 'll'r<,d n ron~ldprahle showing of with thoughts ot military gl()ry, they sUPllut't although ncvel' actulllly WI'I'e Rndly mlstllken. lle hn.q Ix,pn winning uut In his unl'calling cam· 0. thorn In their path ever Hlne.., he 11Il1gnR. It was different In 0. sen· broke Into public IIfl'. Anel that aln hl'nt, {It" what VH rewon, on

men, vot d to make the Incr a.'~

mandatory. Congl'ess It~clt, not Ihe

pre~l(h'nt, will ()nlt'l' tht! IncreiIJ If

the st'neltl' Id('tl preHU. . That

might glv, ' It u lllrrN'Cnt Illnl dlllln·

mMI call y.

mlltlel' of teaching t he young col· I,oo~tln' nallonal dpfenA(' !lAhore In W,1."1 1:1 1"1 l~A('''; Im n? Ipgc student how to shoot hll" o(>en " ltri~hl' fa"hioll. S,'nalor Fr'l7.l('r WEST NI-i\\ Ilt ' HY, "'lie II. (fNfl,.... his own spc~lal senate tllrget year 11111 not .. t t'nough "handR" tl, e'n· [,'11'(' Chlr·r ,\'altP1' HWIlIlP was after year. There 1ms bel·n a "I"raz' tlll him 10 a roll,eall vot(>. ""utile'" Ull" wh n ho wa~ 110t !loti· ier amendmen t" seeking to whip the We~t·C()!tsler8 ScIlid flell of II r'lrm·house flr~ un Turkey devU of compulsory mJlltnry drill Incid, nta Ily in~pection of roll, 11111 roocl. Thp. ril t n~l\s 'hl r out of th land grunt coll(>g 'S IObt ('all:< on not only army but nearly S\\ )lllll had of the fir' mlH when hi.~ in the wake or evel')' OJ1llY appro· evc;,ry oth~I' {Ju Rtion thnt eoneelv· lel~Jlhnne runt:', Tt WIIA Flr~ Chief pt' lation bill passed III iris time. ably mlgllt have a. national defense John I". Culler, of NewilU ry POrt,

Senator lJanclicapllccl ' beari",;, shows a remllrkablc 8011, {lpologlzlng for cnt~rlng W(>, t New· T his year Is no exception. But t1nrity among congressional w st· lIul'Y to fight It fire.

this year the scnalor was uneIet' ron"lers In favor or more army, "\\' l\:It (Ire?" Inlfulr el SWnJlP. special handiculls. Tho depl'csslon navy oml all d(>fen9~. P rd11ably It Unknown to Swapp, m~111l> 1'8 or h as maac It tous h financially for IN It l'('I1!'t!on to 0.11 the talk prcclp· his own department, to!wtltcr with nearly a ll co!!eg-es. Army ('onlrlbu· it/ll1'(1 hy tht' trultle London na.v· fh·e·flghters rrum Howl!'), ancl New· tlons to la nd. grant Institutions, a1 convel'",,\lIons and J apanese de· I bur)llOrt, htul rp. pondNI to t ho granted b causo of military courses nUlwlat!ol1 ot the naval t re ty, alarm.




All 4l'eueral Dolicet l or the Offlel&l dall, bulletin must be In the hand. of t he manaclnc editor or The Dally J OWtUl by 4. p.m. on the dar pr-.Jlo, tl rt$ pub­lication. Item a for the unlvel'lllt, cal udar blVlt !HI entered at Che oft1oe of the pl'tlllilenc .. far .. poasible In I llva n e of the evtnt. No noUcee will be aooep ted unleA~ typeil or 1811bly written. Notlcetl will NOT be Iccepted b, telephoDe.

Vul, X, No. 441

University Calendar. Sund f, !\larch %4

4:00 p.m . n eadln!; by W ll. llac A. (l OMes, unlvpr~lty thctlt ro o. nnex Monllny, !\farC'l1 2rl

SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 193).

J Behind the .see,.., .,.

1 Holly;wood 11)' IJAHmSON CARROU.

(('OIlYI'I&"h t, 1935) C1 Illg FelUur liyndll'lltt , Int .) ,

lI UL1.YWOOD-TJ fe Is 8CJ~

lhln" furl om aiJ<lut those casto!!

a/'IJ of lh m ovie " reat , whloh IU'1I

to be re Mod or iJ<lugh t al that lot un lTol!ywo(l(1 bouH'vu rel.

On ( uvon 0. lim 1lb.e8~ cars ro:.l. J2;00 m. A. F . I .. Iowa nl('n 4:00 p.m. Hou nlJ.tnble 11'(\ by PI~rrc do Lanux,

Capitol S nato ehom l)Cr , Olcl tJI!C1r 01 tho GI'IlU,

J1l11I\'" Cilin tll ater, or of swank 7:30 p.m. Grnduate eollellc leclure, by Pr of. C. A. Shull, "n(tlllation and JJotlywoocl I" Utllrantll, ana shared,

4:00 p.m. 4;10 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7;30 p.m, 8:00 p.m.

t2:00 rn. 4;10 p.m . 0:011 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7;30 p.m, 8:00 ]l.m.

LII;ht," eh mlstl'Y udltorlum 'I'ue8clu.y, I'If1U'C'h %6

rupp~l ShOw. Ma bt'ltle audltor lum 1IrlOJrO tOUl'namC'nt, Iowa Union IiI'IdJr tOU1'1l m!'nt, IOWa Union "V,S" bridge Ilnl'ty, University club p uppet show, Mnchrltle auditorium

Wcclncec1ll)', I\larch 27 Engineering faculty, l owo, Union Brldgo tOU1'11ament, l ow~ Union Spanl8h club, IOwa Union S nlor J!'rench club, l owl\. Unton PI EpaJ!on PI, Iowa Union Conc~rt by Nlnn Morg n , IOwa union

Thur lay, l\Inrch 28 P lay Prod uctlon conte t Iowa HIgh. chool and Junior Colle,o FOt nAle LC' /rUC' lourM' ment, Old Capitol

Friday. March %9 Play Produ ti~" Contest Iowa High /'lchOOI anll Junior Collrgo FOrM~I, \.~I\J:ua tourna· ment, Old Capitol

9;00 p.m. Commcl M rt, Iowa Union f<la lu1'11ay. larch 30

Play production cont~8t

with th Ir ownertl. I h Rtal'l'S ot lhe crowd. Now, most ot tlhem are o~ of (Jate and, com. pll ,'ed. to the 11)011.

~y OI' ll(l nolly In. v~ ted In th~m.

can be boughl tor ~ sOng.

Mary Plck!orcl'. ola lsotta·FrIlRQb... Inl standi alODg. delo Hudolph Val. entlno'8 famous

r ubbing fenders wltb I JolMon'1I tll1l'rvll, Gary

l'u"[lC'r'a old I'u.ckard roadster and Thm \Ix' ultom·mad pa.l ce on wit '1M,

'fhl re nr.e not many bu}i' rs even lit th, low 1Il·leI'8. 1»t .. ot people

[owa IIIgh Hrhool n nIl Junior ColJPC Forl'nRI lA'1\ UI) tnur- l'IIm( to th lot amI sit In the cal'll I ntImcnt, Ok} D.]Jltol

C;OO p.m. Hl1"ln"".~ mpl'Ung; mystt'ry dinner; ~. ding: "Night of Fog," Unlv~r.lty club

• unda , 1I1tlrf h 31 3:15,6:00 p.m, Annuo.l BluJ.1enlB art ~:l[hlblt, Iown. Union

Ju t fll" I II vir rlouR Ulrlll. Dut tho III'IV ClWl1 I'll n In1y hav to depend on 0. rc ntal IJu. ll1 with th .tudloB fOl' nny n ' V nue.

4:00 p.m. Rl'atllng by Prot. a rtrl1d~ JohnMn. llnlv'-l'Rlty Til t~r ftnnl'x 0;00 p.m. R:upper; r Ital by Rnml1el Rhocle. Dunlap, plano, antl Ira.

.\ 1111 eV1'1I as l,rHps, the once proua limull Inc anel town !' rI have to ill/w to I UOO Ford, which bring:,

Union ,lOll a clny wh"n It III In d mand.

E\'(l N'oI'11allPI'; nlvrrMlty (.Iuh S;OO p.m. V PileI' BI'rvlc ,: address by Dis hop John M. Noll, 1

Monday, AllrlJ 1 A.J>',I .• lowll Ullion 12:()0 m.

12;00 m. 3:00 p.m. 4;10 p.m.

DI 'nlal t eulty, low Unlnn Rallhapl dub, Iowa Union nllunlll 1M, Il'd II)' Dr. Lloy\! Car)ltol

On' oe th r w outdllht 88~8 waa the Clrst Cwllllaa Ma W at uaed In. 1I1,lIywu(ld . rt now bfolongll to a JuP

Arnold, "~nate ('hrunt '1', 01,1 !;artl n I" who bou&'lIt It tor IMI than $500.

7:30 p.m. OIll(llIatp ('0)11' c It cture, by Dt'. Lloycl Arl1nM. l;)cbrhl!' uu,lI. tot'lum

TUI'~clIlY, prll ! 12:4" p.m. Chaperons cluh, 10wa. Union 7;30 Jl.m. Oan-I clu\}, Iuwa Union

\\'l'(lne d y, prll 3 Engineering Cocult)', I!1Wa Union \\'um"n'l1 I' n,lJ~lI .. nlc, lOW' \'nlon

12;00 m. 4:00 p.m. 4:10 p.tu. Roundl It': "The> Status of Child Rt'st':lr('h 10 r:urop~» n.

It'r~," I II by Dr. harlotte Huiller, M 'nall- chamb" .. , Old Cur)l. tol }'I'en{'h p Itklna group, Iowa olon PI Lumhtla Thetn, Iowa Union K. ppa Bd ,Iowa nlon SPnlOr Frrnch {'Iub, Iowa Union lnwa Dtlmt'. rlub, low. Union

0;00 p.m. 6;30 l'.m. 7;00 p.m. 7:30 p.lO. 8;00 p.m. S:OO p.m. Lprlurll: ":'lud,,1 flrltavlor ot thft h)III," hy 1)1". ('II rlott~

iluhlor, Chp1111 try aUditorium hU1'I1I1 , pri1 4

Supreme court clay, Old C pitol t!'rlelny, "prJl /I

J{l\ppn. Deta l'Onrl'l'('n('I', Iowa Unlnn 0:00 p.m. Ael!('ul PPno J.'rnll~. low Unlnn

Salurdny. April 6 J{1PPn. nl'tn {'onrp1'C'nre, JOWl! Uolon

0:00 p.m. ("hllo1 Sludy rlub I nlJu t. rlve'r rooJII, Tl)wa t nlon G:30 1'.111. Annual 11 nqu t, TrlnngJc~ ('Iuh

, WIt! ). l\ prJl , 4:0(1 ll .m. ('nnrr'rt IIy Aug-u tano. (1)11('111' chlllr, luWll Unit,"

General otic

W OInrn'" P hysi!'1I1 Edll allon ('llnMlnr: All ~telllrlltll wh" wl,h hl l ke 4111 Ing In tho 1111111[ Il!tm mUll! I'

th~ unlwr Ity pwlmmlng tl"l .. (orn Lhey t'('/t lsL r to~ l'/lnlJ(Olng Hegl~ltutl"n will IIIHU J)lul'e II r~lt ~5 anel 20.

Publk- U<Ct.tLm Dr. horl"l A. !lhull, prnt 511r or lllAnt \lhy 11l10lfY at tb 1',,1\' ralty of

Chlcag/). will glvl' a POllulor leclure on "Hadl lion nd I.Ir,," In d~ml tr)' auditorium, 1;30 1).01. Moneluy, f~h 26.

Thl' Il·dur/" un,lrr Ih,' uu· ~I/'l' Dr th, .rlelu t r .t !llld will deal with t hI' 11l1Iue'lIl~' (.It 1111 Ing O~II:1I1I.m~. Ali \rIter" t"l Ir hlvll.l.

II' 1',,1Ip. • I or -II I In· rtll ot rtJlliatl"n \1l)1)n Ilv.

CO. I lI·M'f.l~

n .. nry WUI'OXIJIl thlnkR It quite a, c::olll{'hl~ J1I'''' JWlt b(ofure lin attack or nu tuok !tIm oCf "Til Crusades" Jl'l·t, h I)at\ \.J«.en playing &cenes with Lm-ett Young. When hIs Illness WUR t Ie. I k. Dr. E. C. Flahbaugh IIUgg. tl ·, II. night nuree. Preeently th' youn" lady arrived and HenrY ~ked 1",1' h I' name.

lJow woultl you like to be Inter. \ I \H .... b.\ tl WhCl\(l 11 of Journal-i. III aL ... n(,1"1 ,faellle put !Jer­

Ir In thl. ,,,,t II.L th Unlv rsily at ~ClI1IIH'J'n t 'o.Ilrol'nla, anti lIOIDe ot Ill'; IInlllt"ur 1 I",rt r8 k"pt h r think· 111& rast. Fur Inltanc :

•. If n a<'Ln had Po dale With .,. {,I,ll Cl , Illlll, what would ahe expect II' tlu?"

"00 tt> thll Coconut tlu'f'OoY ,1'-01,1 1"01'11," I II .

tllln : "Wh:u are th

IlnW to kuow If,cunsclous In

What I\fO II tty 'oun. thin" un· . ' hlln ('Iu)) el"r C'IIIIIt I·t tn .. certain atudlo are

lsador(> Y{lItz, Roel( r~lnnet nttnrnl')', will ,l!IreM mom!. ra of I'hllo luh SUnday. Marl'h 24, at 7:30 I).m. I III Bubj' t will I "Tho Stude lit and th American JpwlRh ilI'Pnl'." CO Ne[L

\V1I1I11'J) , Pity lra l ~luC' tlnn , prlnr Trnn Rl'glRlratlon ror activitlell In thr ellrlng I I'm or Ilh~ Ic'81 ",lUG

take plnce \\tonelay ami TUt'M y, I reh 2G a.nd 26. t.\nJoHll~

Dol 111 (Iub P rof. ('harles A. Rhl1l1 of the Hnly rllty o! hi

n otany club Mon clay. Ml\l'l'h 2., ot 4 (l.m. In rnom bnllliing. He will give an 'Hultr I ,I I lu1'f\ on .. VI~ltorR or w(' loome.


tns til IIr of 1>ull l'~t l'IIOn, whleh

.had been Btrut'k w hile llurkC'cl In f run t or his h01l11', o(rl "'II fllu nel a It ('I1S nUmlJl'I' n ally I)Ulwh (1 In r,vC\1' Intu th r r Clf the ru, hoely wher th vl'hl 1, hael ..... ·cn Htru k. Rl nA' a ml n'or, til )' tI 1'1-phen 'I' tho II l1mtlC'l lwei n.l'rt'stl'll \ VII· lord Hobhln~, 30. 'I'h(\ Imprint WM

I) hotolrl'niliwe l IInll th " 11IIto,,rlll)hlc 2G·,'( III cl o.rl, 111"tr l'lwM~pd 10 RhC)w tho n U II~)('rR

of t h(\ lie ns In th~'h' prop"r \I.

!l llene. 1'lt IIJl UIlHhut w ill II 0 .. 1 us evlcl enc.e.

TH1<lV M.1t~KT AOM POR1'LA ND, Or6. (I NS) P'·C!lld .

Ins 1)1~1t ' 1 t J u !' 'Woodl )/ w nl c\ hlll l\' with fl'l ndN Oil th N hOle' lIl 1'iver. A gUll' WWI I'm illoy 1 to .Ku ld(' them to the h 1ft hol('/!.

" lI avrn' t 1 /I I'll )/OU he, rOt 7" hi' lt Oll ot' !1)C l ul~1l Of t h Kuldl'.

" l'ell," Illfrerd tllllt In ltl v ld uol. "Yuu KllVC III 80 ltOY/! a n,1 , I II f(lr ((ttc hlng Ht UI'If~"n Oll t IIr (t 1111

IHl r k In J D9!l ." " l 'V(' lIe lll~ n !'leI IIOIl1 or oll r bl'~

N'"Ple," ('omIl1181\,'l'Rt e' li til l\hll{('.

HHA'I"J'l.I';. Wrulll. (INfI}-Wltll.t lu IIH' b~"" 1 IndlcuUoll of bU81n rontll .

41 , ,' It OI .U· l 'AKE BAR'I' HO(' lH:H'I'lm, N. 11 ., (I NRI

"",'rVln, tlwh' 4J ~t wPfhll n an. ,nlVC'rlJllry. II'. l~nd MI'lI. I'll! II C. (lui ' dl trlhut" (\ "I .. r thl'lt tl .., t \\clltllnK N~ko among I hr . UI'tlt.9. r h .. r mtllnder of th' . k,'

I b

PI) ,,"UIT' ,I for tl'a:' It win be found nUl lh y !'t't ntly I)('nt lhe ni,ht in J II unel .. r a um,,' n 11'l ?

HatiJl)t frum thllt Hpl d I' bite,

Pnd and

It Quite " an attack Cl'uB:\dea"

dOl·· .' • Amon'


1IoU" • Carl carf Oll'


\.1(1 ....

., ttl' pl~


I Iowa City Churches Will Offer Regular Services Today


Will Churche Have Special Programs

Choral M u ie, Easter Sermons Feature ervices


'}},\>\\ "\ ~'\'''~T\\'' ;\\l\\I\I\\)\\ \\\\i\ 1\\,,,\\\\\\\,,\\,\,,

l\. p,."""" \)Il tor. II n..m.,

Peter Describes the Christian Life ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON ~;;;;;;;:====:::::;;::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;r:::::;;;q~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;; Scripture-l Peter 3:11·111. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::::z=:;-;======::=::====:::;:;==~

FacuIty to Go To· Conference

S.U.I. Instructors To Addr Iowa Teacher ' Group

EI ht members of tbe university

(acuity will speak at the forty.fll'lll

annual mUng of the j!() dl.

vision ot th Iowa State TeQCh~ra

l1loclation al Dav nport, April 5

and G.

Phyldcal Edu Uon a lUI Agl.:l1t to~

moon, ~undl\Y school I1ml junlOl' Hlbl" clnSII<'R. C. O. '\)l1hlc, Ruperlnlpn­dent. 9:30 n.m., Forum Hlbl~ clnRl! und I' lhe (ijN'C'(l011 of the PORtOI'. 10:30 Il.m.. Dlvln~ BN'vlcc with a. permoll by th(1 pa~tor on "Christ· Inn Grntltudr." The chorus cl,olr will sing. 5:30 p.m., L\lth~rnn stu· dcnt IIlIsoclllllon luncheoll anrl 80ellll hOllr. 6:30 }l,m .. L. S, A. dev()(lonal hour wit!> Gertrudo 'V. Voelker, Aa of oel,,'eln, speaking on "The Gen­e~18 ot Religion," 11u&'h C. Cocle. .hoot, A2 or Wilton Jun~tlon, will /lIng It baritone ~olo. 1VetlnPII(lay, 7:30 p.m., mld.week Lenten ~ervlce.

, Peter had been a fonower of Jesus over . 30 years when he wrote his two epistles to the early Christians who were being , persecuted by Nero. He had been a fish· ennan, but Jcsus made of him a great

apostle and preacher • •

Around the Lord's Table, at the cross and on many other occasions Peter learned of Jesus what he wrote of love: "Be ye IIkeminded, compassionate loving as .brethren, t ender hearted, hurilbl6


Peter wrote his fellow believers under persecution, "who is he that will harm you, if ye be zealous of that which is good? But even if ye should suffer for righteousness ~e, blessed are ye: and fear not their fear neither 'be troubled."

Peter was thus expecting.l~l'eat thihgs of these Christians. Bllt it was all to como through their enthroning Christ in theil: hearts as Lord: "Sanctify in yOl/r helUU

Christ as Lord." COLDEN TEX'r.-I Peter ':11

Prof. Fred ric B. Knight ot th colleS'll ot education will I he l:eneraJ s ,,~Ioll (urdAy morn· Ing on "Stulb'lng tbe Pupils' Per· BOnullty.' Professor Knlghl will also dlscu "Probl m Soh'lng," ut the 1'll1',,1 IIChool conC .. r nce and mllthe-maUes Uon, Saturday aft rnoon.

Prot. En Ign


R v. Worthley to Give t History 01 Re1igio ~ Vi w TW Afternoon

"l\I n Wbo:\fad a New lb'llKIou"

"Ill be th aubJcct of tb RIlr, Evans A. WortlU yr_ adtlre .. at tbal

Unitarian hurch till aft noon t 6 o·clock. Tbu Is the .o<!ond oC II: pre-Eaater YIlilpeJ' B ~ ot four ad .. dnltlBes on th gne1'1l1 topic, ''R~

lhlnklng Rf'lI&1on."

(Tho In tcrnallonal UnlCorm Les· son 00 the above topic for March 24, IA T Peter 3:8·18, tile Golden Text ibcJng In vel'so 15, "Sanctify In your heal·ts CIl rlst us Lord.")

his I~adcrs to 11\'e IJvea of purity sal In their seolle and npplieatlon to thllt those about them mJght be led .a ll Christians alllce.

to glorify God, 2:11, 12; he exhorts

them to good Citizenship for the

Lord's sake. 2:18; he exhOl·ts ser-

Unllarian By DR. AT"VIN E. nELL vants to faithfulness, citing the ex· Gilbert DIJd lo\~u 11\'t"JUe amples of Christ and urgIng them to

'rUE WORD "finally" being the Evans A. WOI·thley, minister. 10 "follow, his steps," 2:18; he exhorts a.m., Bunday school. 5 p.m., puh. first word ot todllY's I sson suggests wives nnd l1usbllnds to loving servIce III' v~~Jl('r lIervlN'. Thl' mlnlsjpr that we go back ovcr the gl'OI/nd lo one another IlS joint hell'S ot the M,III Bpeak on "j\f~n Who lIrad aI the Apostle !'eter hIlS traversed In grace of life, 3:7; ha.vlng thus dealt New nell/flon." '1'hls Is the &(:conl nils messagc to the persecuted wIth th200 personal, civIc and dem, Of a. eerl~. of v~~!l('r Dcldrc'RS 8 011 C1u'lstlans to whom Ile wriles this csUc duties be now closes with lhese • Re-'lhinklng Religion," 7 p.m, filial I:!xbormtlon. Ho bad exhorted finnl cxhortatlons wb1.dh are univer-Fireside <'I~.. PrOf. teph n H. Du h. head oC thl' Romuncr langn. tM minister: "Ii'rom tho Mnll DOOX 6:30 p.m .• vesp rs . Prof. JacOb Van Ilgr~ In thr unlvprslt~', will (1I!lCufl~ ot the Early Church." Tho questlol\ <leI' Zcc w ill speak on "Man's Other "1\.11,011,,1 I'I·rJI1l1l(·I'.... IJQx. GlJmpses of Christian art. Religion." J ohn Langfitt will Pl'~-

fennon /te Mis. ion We t Orl'hnrd Street.

Chrlslin n 211 Iowa Avenue

(s,de ut the meeting.

~onnan 1I01Jlm, sUl>crlntendent C. C. Ga.rrlll'u~s, mlnlllter. 9:4i SL Wenceslaus

608 E. D:wellJlOrt E. W. Neuzil, pnstor.

\)::;0, 1:30. amI 9:30 a.m. Gn,1 pllF(nr TlIl/'ol'l Vtw1l1pr, Aun. ",m., Diblo Rchool ror all cl:.wses day 8('\10<,1 Rupt-l'lnt~ndrnt. 10 a.m.. 'from adult to Intermrdlate. 10:45 Sund1Y schOOl IlUIR s tor all og"~. n.m., momlng worship Ilnd commun· 11 m .. sermon by tho 'P<'Ultor OIL Ion. S<'nnon by the mlnu.tcr on "Chrillt Polnls Out to Us the Gate "Triumph Ovcr AntagonI8ms." 10:40

Mas.q nt

wsm PROGR,AM of Lite." 7 p.m., chlldren'8 ser· I\>lee and Y. P. m~tlng with (lls· cus,,-\on of "Meeting Present Day lJ< UI'S." 8 p.m., rmon by a visit­Ing minister. Tu~ny night. pray· (!r service at 602 S. Clark IftrePt. Thul'sday, 7:30 p.m., Blbl!' study of th twenty.second challler of Rr­wlutlonll.

, f. 'Palll's Lu,ht'J'nn Chnpd Jl'rtt'rson antI Gilb rt

Jullull A. Frlc,)rlch, pUI\tor. Oculi Sunday. 9:30 a.m., Sunday school. 10:30 a.m.. dlvln!' ""1'Vlce. Srrmon by th(, Il"" tor on "H!' 'I'hnt IR • 'o~ W h Mo IR AA'tlln. t .lp." Hn will ltako his text from Luko 11:14·28. 'j p.m., third Lf'nten scrvlc~ with

il.m., junior church wIth communion and mlsslonar,y classes fOr chlldl'olt of Junior to pm·school age. 6 ]l.m., high school C. E. ~upper and elcc· tlon of officers. C:30 p.m. FidclitJ C. E. In church parlors. )1rs. Ku· 8um V. Thakonl of BarOda.. IndIa, will give un aiiiiress on "The CondI· !>on or Wom!>n In India." Thurs· duy, 8 p.m., mu~lcall entertainment -nnd Japnn('!!e playlet (l.t the home ot Mr$. William Rohrbaehcr, 811 E Collego street.


For Todny

9:15 p .m.-Familiar h)'tllns pro·

gram, Baptist chUrch choll', ?II'S.

"'alton Multer, director.

Fer 1I1onda.Y

9 a.m.-Within the classroom.

Modern lOuslc, Prof. Philip G. Clapp.

9:50 a.m.-Program calendar and weather l'eport.

10 a.m.-Tho book shelf, Ella Jew· I'll.

10:30 a.m.-Yeseterday's musical ('lintOn lind .1t'frCt'hOIl fllvorltes. '

L. A. OWl'll, minis ter. 0:30 n.m.. 10:45 a.m.-Tho homemaker's dl. (;hurch school. 10:4:; a.m., nursrry ary. an(1 junior primal'Y for boys anil 11 a.m.-'Vlthin the classroom,

n sermon oy the pastor on "r Am girls whose parents nre uttcndlnci Shakespeare, Prof. John W. Ashton. Ilel" Th" text will be John 18:1·n lhe worship service. 10:45 u.m., 11:50 a.m.-Program highlights

.Lenten service of worship. The and weather report. Methodl t EJliseopal minister will slK'nk on "Beyond A!I 12 a.m.-Rhythm rambles

Jl'frfrwn nnd Dubuque Weaith, IJonor, or Even I1eulth" us 1 p.m.-Raulo aids for high HlI.rry D \vitte Benry. minister the third of his "VJctorious Living" schools, Speech anel dramatic art,

:,:30 a.rn" church 8 hool. F.dwal'd <ories. )IU8Ic hy the united choirs. Pror. Edwurd C. Mable. J.'. Voltmt'r. 8u!l('rlntl·ndent. 10'20 Mrs. Scheltlrup will pHly. 11:13 1:30 p.m. - Illustrated muslon~

n.m .• morning wOI'Bhl)l. "Man's Plael:! a,m., junior chUl'ell fol' boy~ alld e'hat.q, Thoma.q C. COllins. In the Universe" will be tbe theme 1.11'18. 5:30 11.m., sUllDer hour for all 2:10 IJ .m.-Wllhln the clnssroom, rr the mtnl~t~r's I!('rmon. The ,oung \lCople. W('i1nesdny: 1 p.m., Advanced social psychology, Prot. horus will IIlng. IJD.%t'1 hnpmar_ j'lymouth circle m!!Clinl: at the Norman C. Meier. '111 ~Ing an arC .. tory aulo and ~rrs. home of MI'll. n. B. I{Ittrt'dgc, 030 3 p.m.-World arfalrs In brIef.

Smith will 1)lay. 6:30 p.m .. Will'" S. Governor slreet. 7:30 p.m .• unIon 3:]5 pm.-Organ melodies. \{ llIIue ( lIowsbll) hour. rrot. ont! Ll'ntcn l'Crvlce at ,the Trinity ,,"'pIs· 3:30. p.m.-Iowa Federation or Urs. F. L. :\{otl will b(, raculty co pal church. A<ldl'CSS 1>y the Rev. Womcn'd clubs program, Religion gurs!JI. 6:30 p.m .• musical prOgTam R. E. McEvoy. Thl' Rov . Mr. Owen ,and the cbild. Mrs. William H. Mar· find pIny by tho WI'~ley Plnyera en· will asslRt In conducting the wOl'shlp gan. (11100 "Flndf'rs Ke,Jl('I'B." 6:30 p.m., service. Tho puhllc Is Invited to 4 p.m.-Elementary German, 1I1l-.hlgh school I ague with DeWittI' nil services. u€gnrde Stlelow. 1I nry Ir'alling a tudy of Buddhism. 4:30 p.m.-The how and wby of

F1r t ('hllTrh of Chll t, Scientist 72! Ea.'>t Oolle«e

9:30 a.m., Sunday school. 11 n..m. I~ n·l!el'mon. "j\lnlter" will he thO .ubjecl In aU Chur 'hea oC ChrIst,

el ntillt today. Wedneaday, 8 II.m., te tlm6nlal m('ellng. Tho rendln:; "'>om flt th am!' ad<1I'rRR Is op~n to tb 1)111)110 lx:tw n the hours of !

First n"I1f./st your radIo. Curl Menzer. Clinton and Rurlin!,'l.on 4 :45 p.m.-Alternoou melodies.

Ehner E. Dierks, mlnlsler. 101 G p.m.-Dinner hour Pl·ogram. a.m.. church schOOl, Classes 1m· 7 p.m.-Chlldren's hOUr, The Land !medlntely In scsHion. Roll' l' Wit. o( \JIle story book. nlums Is now mee'tlng at the 7:80 p.m.-Iowll Academy of Sel. church. 10:45 n.m., church worship. ence program, Leonard Olsen . ~Jrs. Marion Nnglpr, gucst. sololdt, 7:45 p.m.-Book rovlew, Theta SIll" iwlll Sing. Th tluart tte Will sing rna Phi. Charlcs Sanders. and Mrs. "'. L. :\1 ulter will pIa)' 8 p.m.-Magic CUIIoments, Prot

nnd 5 p.m., CI' ryday excepl Sunday~ tho orGUn. 11:10 a.m., sOI'mon by Frank L. Mo~t.

First among these final universal /Christian dulles to wl,lch Petor now exhorts tJs readel's Is that of broth· erly l ov~: "l~lnally. be ye all IIke­minded, comPassionate, loving as LretiU'eo. tenderhe!l.l'Wd, humble· .mInded."

ThlnkJng In love, even toward those who were persecuUng them in thell' n~ry trIal, tbey would thInk unitedly, s)'mpalhetlrulUy, tenderly hnd humbly.

Where had Peter learned those


NEWS 1100

Wilma Moore, Nadine Greenwald, Margaret Cassidy and Pauline Big. gi ns were h06LCsses at a. tea tOl' graduates and cillssmates In the senior parlor of 'Y stlawn ThurSday aCternoon.

Informal Dnncing Dr. and Mrs. Charles Coughlin

were honored guesls at an Informal dallce Friday night in tho rccl'eaHon oroom at Westlawn.

Ping Pong Toumrunent Phylls Nelson dereated Ellccn

King In thc (lnals of tIle plng·pong toul' Thursdny cvenlng In the recreati')Jl room. The most contest. !Cd mateh was a seml·tlnal match be· twe<'n. Dorothy Cummings n.nd Hazel Biederhecl<. Miss Blcuerbecl< won ~hls mntc:ti Ibut lost her next semi· tlnal gn,ne to Miss Nelson.

Sewing Circle Olive Hornaday was hosless to hel'

sewIng circle Monday evenJng In the graduat~ pn.rlol' at "\l'esllawn .

J3e0rnadlne Meyer Is can vnlesclng ifrom an emergency appendectomy.

]lfal'le Meyer has returned to classes nne!' o.n illness at UniversIty hospital.

Bonnie Frazlel' hlld as her guest her sister, Nellie Frazier, durIng the tast week.

IJelen Van Zwol's motbcr vlslteu ller dtll1ng t'he weclt.

Miss Quallij, intel'll dietician, is a ~aticllt In Unl"erslty hospItal with .nn eur Infcetlon.

"SPEED 1N PECTORS" LISBON. (lNS)-At any moment,

In any Ilnrt ef this city, tbe driver of an omnibus, truck 01' olhe r Ileavy \'£jl:ii.cle may suddenly find an oW· clal at bl s elbow, telling blm to "step on the gas!" A n ew iicc1'co autbor· jzes an "Inspector" to board any heavy vehicle and Instruct the drlv· er to accelerate up to tOIl s)lCed. Then If the maxlmum S[IOed. exceeds the legal limit of from 30 to 40 miles an haul', nccordlllg to tlhe weIght of the ve~icle\ a heavy fine may be im­posed.

lind IClral holidays. Ihe mlnlsler on "Salt or the Ellrth," 8:1t p .m.-Public health talk, lowa dl I

• .. • This Is one of a sCI'ic~ of "These Stalo Me 001 soc ety. I "S A! "I trange It SeQiDl8 Trlnlly EI)I opnJ ISaylngs of Mine." Thero wil l be an 8:30 p.m.-Evening mUsicale , Mrs. " 3~~ Ii;' olle e ppr(' slonal periOd for lhe chlldrQlI Louise Gibbons Sueppel. . •

RI lIard~. McEvoy, rector. 8 with tho following 0lrootor8 In 8:45 p.m.-Iowa Tuberculosis as· Strange as It seems, the gt'Cl\.t ,B,m., holy communIon. 0:30 a.m .• ChUl'ge: nUl's ry, Mrs, Roscoo eociatloo program, Clarence E. Greek mathematician, Arcllimedes, chlldr n'. hureh nnd ~chooI of re- WoodS; )lrP·school, Maxine Wilson; Johnson. wllOllG boast I't was that he coulu JI Ion. .1U 10 by the jUJ110r chOir ~Irlmary, MI'll. R. L. MflCllCy; alld 9 p.m.-Speech department pro· 1 move the enrtb If lle ba.d but some· und·r til <III tlOI} of Ralph DellI Junior. IIIrs. E. Ill. Dierks. 5:45 p.m.. ll'l'P,m. hvherc to Btand (so that he could 10:45 0.01., mOl'nlo lira '('I' lind SOl" ilJ.Y.P.U. at tbO slud III C III l' with I apply tbe force of Il lever, pulley, or Inon by the rootor on "A nlsclpl(' Ruth llichnrdson leading. 6:45 p,m., P f F uk T )1 Of /Scr ew), needed: not even thlllt it, Follows:' Th(> ehoh' will Bing an :Or. II. P. L of Unlv ralty hospl . ro. u e to e order to nccompllsh this feat. Ac. orrertory anthem. 0 \l.m .. rL'gular 'tal wll! speak In the series ot flro- Life in G-ertnan Artny cording to the theol'Y of gravity I\.~ ,n('cllng oC th MonlMon club for .. Ide t alkll on "Ideals at FI·lendshIP. M developed by Nowton lle moved It 'lud('llts In the ).n.l'I,h hOllse, with Love amI 1\1nrl'la,;." W (lncs<lay, At Legion eeting every day. IIUIIIIP1' ot .. Ix, 1Vrlin!'srlllY, 8 p.m., 2:80 'P.m" groull I of lho BOIIUS1. War expel'lcnces In lhe German Al'ehlmedes aplled tho prlncdp!e fLent n mr lin&, of the Guild (luxl. W!Om~n'. ru;soclu.Uon will meet at army will 00 recounted by Prof. Qt tho l(}ver, pulley. und screw prae­Jle.ry In thl' llU1'llIh hou . j\11·8. th home of MI'8. I •. n. MOI·tord, 120 Erich Funke, acting hell() Q1' tho tlcally In moving hllllvy objectq. E. lIIg&'8 will 811<'ak on "HNI OilS J!l. Marl(et RIrrot. OrOUL} n will Gcrman department. Dlt the regulur TheIr UBO may be secn every day In li' rm III III '1IIl1a.'· 7:30 1>.m., YetI r, 102;; Jnonthly chow of the loca.I poat ot 'the oPeration of tho crowbar, chnln Union unton IK'rvl(,' will, musln sll'cct. the Amerloon Legion Monday at holst , 61' Qutomobllc jack. He can· ty III Junior ('hoiI'. 'I'll nrv. R. 6:15 p.m . at the LegIon clul> rooms . celved tha.t if 110 had some pIne' E. lIfclDvoy wil l conduct III $ r. t. Mary's 1'ho Indies ' Ilu.x lll lll'!' wtn _'vo (lway from tho earth upon which t o vic with til! URRlsIIIlH' of til Hl'\,. J errr rRon 111111 r"lnn th e lunehoon, with MI'll. J er omo 1.. Ibtand ho could apply one of theso. 1 •. A. Ow n. Thureelny: 7 u. m" 110Iy A. J . S hultt'. IWJl lol·. W. TIoccl<. Sch illing In ehargc, assisted by Mrs, princIples to an apparatus which tommull ion and 10 a.m., holy conl- millin, 118slstltnt p tor. 1\11\118 n.t I:harlc8 K ennelt, !lfl'S. :Illim r ;\1. would 1ll9V& tho eartb. But AI·chl. munlon. 7, 8:30, ani! 10:30 a~lI . Dewey. 1\1I'IJ. G Ol'ge M'. :I,'rundY. \medes did not nlled t hnt.

·,,' 11' t ":n. lI. 11 1 .. lIffwrlln J)ubuqu alltl ~11U'k t

W. B. ])Yllin 9:30 n.m., church 0.111 ..

morning ~r'vl{' with n IIPrmon IW thr mlnlst r on " Ingnanlmtt)'." Tlm holr will IIlng. 0:4& p,m., " tud lit

QSlIOClntion Inn hl'on. 0:30 p.m ., BtU' apnL a88oclntloll m Nlnjf. Mi llS 1l1'own (\1ll1 MIRR Baus "1' man will I('ttll ~ ,1I8OU88i011 (1( "'rh D vel Pm lit

oC hl'istlnn l'erJ'Oollllllly: 1~lll'lc hh"f l~xJl('rlrnrl' . " 6:80 11, 1ll. , high schooi lellgup with Oln.l1y. Al'n'R eh uroh 'chool ('ltulA 100<lln/<1' n (li RCUl~I!IO I1 or "C1U'lJoti 11 T,'rll'llllshll"" 7:40 p.m, ~v nlng "rvlt' wllh [L IjCI'TIlOn by

Rt 'I'ILtrld'·J! 228 E. C<Jurt

Palrlck J. O'lte1l1 y. pMtor. Mns!J t 7, 8, 0, Ilnd 10:30 l'. rn.

"'1rst l>r~sbyte .. lllll M'lrlU1t IIHlI Ullnloll

Ilion T . • TOIIPS, I'I1.</t{}l'. 9,30 :t.m., <, hUI' h 8choul IIUl)(' I'vlsNl hy I" l'of. N. 11'. lI1al\(Jn. 9:30 0. 111 .• CillS9 for ulilvcr~lty s tull nts . prof. P. A. Hon!1 will AI)('uk on "Oroat n .!'lIg lolls, of t ho WOI'I<1." 10:4. n.m., HI' l'vlc or wOI'8hlll with I. ~~I'mnn by Ihn ImBlor on "Am You 1VOI,1l1 ,VhoL \'ou C'08l'/" G:45 ,'.m .. 'V~ftlmln8tor rl' lI \1wHhlp Rodnl hoUl' IUlil Bu pper.

Mrs. William J. While, IIfrs. Illllla Accord ing to tho ~ewtoJl tbeor~' .s. CI'awford, un(l Mrs. \VIIlIIlffi II. ot gravity. every d\)jeet Is drawn B /lder. toward every other Qlbjeet 'by II. for~~

Rev. L. A. Owen To Give Special Sermon Here This Morning

"What Al'O We Voting for TO. RnOfl'row?" w ill bo th subject of n T\ulPlt cdltol'lul 'by tlio R ev. L. A. Owcn thl8 morning !berol'o his r D .. g uln.r Lenlen sermon on "Bcyond All 1VCnlth, lionor, or lilven Heolth," Tho service will begin l1.t 10:46, with Addison o.ctln/!, IlS gue8~

con()uctor of tho united choirs.

which varies acccriilng to their lze or 'I1lMll, nnd the distance rup 1'1.

'1'hu8, when 0. ball Is dr6pped from a wIndow ~o tho earth below, the !:lull 18 drawn to the earth und tbe enrtll '18 draWn to the bIlll. The oorth, I h OI·Ctlcally, movcs towur(l the bull . By l.hl8, ~hen. AI'chlmedcs couM have moved th . cnrth s lmllly lJy jumping II!) and down In the street --01' s impler yet , rising from JI19 <chair [uul sitting iiOWI1 \\galn.

TU4's,ll\.f: chllUlIll)"

Thll worl(l's IllrgcHt

tender grIlCCS? Tbey were not bls 30 years before, when he wielded the "word so r~ly In the Garden at Gethsemllne. Dut he has been ":'sanc­tlfylng ('hrlst as Lord in hIs henrl" COl' 30 years, and behold, tbls Js the result! W'hnt ho means Is not jus· merely loving the lovely w'ho love Uti: one neeJ not l)(l a Christian to do thllt, for oven lbe heathen can do thut: he means loving the unlov('ly, even lho~e who persecute and de· spltl'fullj uso us: "Not rendcrlng evil for evil, or reviling for revl1lng; but contrariwise blea!<lng; for here·


unto were ye call1'd, tbat YO ahould inhel'lt r. <blessing."

They were .to c~nslder nil of tb!'11' persecutions not apart rrom but a.s II. pUrt of tho lIu!ferlnga of Christ: "For hereunto WOl' ye call· ed: beeauBO Cllrlllt Blso sufCered for you, leaving you an example, (hat yo should follow I,J I.8 tepa: who dJd Ina oln neither was !Tulle tound In \11111 mouth: who, Wlrell be was reo ,1100, reviled nolll/i'aln; wlJ('n he BUC. fned threatened not; but commJtted hlmaclf to him thllt judg th righte­ously."


Prof. 'FGreHt C. Ensign of the col. A or l'duco.!lon w1ll addre tho

],~rMny nfternoon aesalon on "Three nundrl'd Years of Secondary EduCIl· Uon In Ih United Stn.lM." lIe will Iso addl'eu lb 'sectlonal m(!('tlng of

""condal'y eehools on "Our Second­l'!' Schools ot Tomorrow-A Pro·

PIl cy." A t the rural school conrercnce,

Prof. Ern~8t Horn or th coli gil oC Nluca.tlon will l>res~nt an nlldreBII

nllt/o<l. "Children MUlt Succeocl." For hIs addre"S to grade !SCbool teachers ProCe.80r Horn hll8 cbosen the twlc, "Helping Cl1l1dren Under· stand What They Read."

State I'lIrtil'illation Prot Elmer T. Peterson of the

" In my I lk tod y," th R V. MI'. Wort hI y d. "1 h II II mpt 10 I:lve a. bl torloal back«round tor thl) rellglou. views whl h)\o now ae~ collt, clUng m n . who Jul.,' contrl~

hute<J to hrlatlanity and nMavor mg to shOW th OOlltrlbutloll5 o~ each.

BOMBAY. (INS)-Mlnocher J. S. DEnLIN. (INS)-Evcry morn Ins collego of eiiuca.tlon will iliscuss

"It Is Inttreatlnr to nou> thllt hQ INlchlng8 ot John. th BIIptlst, a.nol J ua nnd his dlaclJllea w to tlr~t

rej~·tf'(l by th UIlIW'r cl and I t·r u.<'c(·ptecl by I, Vea and thO Khrus, nn accountant believes lha.t l.ucl .. , lhe 8,ycl1r·old daughter ot 0. "StlLte Pllrtlclpatlon In Financing

when you are feeling unwell the of. farmer In Pommeranla, haa two mice Education," before t he section on or a nlD ," be d61

fico Is the best tonic. lic Is rotlrlng ror br nkfnst-(18 his guests. The IldmlnlRlrlltion and sUllervh;Jon Snlorrlny uftcrnoon. At tho "It "'0 at to<lny urc tn mllke Oft

ruljuatmrnt of our 1I1f10u. lind , conom le prohl m ," h(\ ('onelu.1!'!!, "Wl' will 110 ao ,mly », npplylnll' thCl Ilnclr.nt prlnt'IPll'a ot hrotl'~th<lOd IItI~ vllcatto(! by Jeeus nnd hi dIIlCIIII·.'1

.from his oWe<! octcr 41 yenrs' work. mlco l,ave been trained to sit at 0. f('cllonn1 meeting on pl'fRlcnl no nev!'t' had a day's hollthy ot' It doll'A tul)le on two tiny chnlrs and Ilucatlon Prof. Chnrl '8 M. Me. dny off for sick 1 .... l.l'e. lilA ReGret drink milk out of mlnlnture cups. or hNllth Is: "I nlWuY9 f:v;t twice a 'Tho little girl Is V~I'Y proud of her

ot th

w~k." 1'<:18.

Iowa.n Want Ads Gel Results Transfer--Storage


FreIght Storace

VrOlll Countl1' Hanlfn& DIal 6473


March Came in Like a Lamb-


When Y(lU lll"llr Him Roar­Pholle 6464

For 1\ Load of (Joal





Classified Advertising Rates ~rE(1JAL OAsn RATES-A spcclnl discount for cash wlll bo (lllowed on all ClaBBllled Adyertiling account. paid wIthin six dnYI from et;plratlon date of the ad.

Take advantll/i'l ot the caeh rate. printed la Bo14 we b1!IOw.

No. of I I One Day I Two Day! I Three Days Four DaY! T ],'Iv. ~I ~lx ~ Word.. '1 Lines Cha.rgel Cash ICharge Cuh TCharg, Cub Cbarlle CaAh IChar"1 <At 1\ ~I[C ~ Up to 10 I 2 .28 I .25 '.83 .30 -I ,0 .38 .61 .46 I .69 L ~ ... " 10 to 15 I 3 .28 I .!6 I .66 .1)0 1.lG .00 .77 .'0 T .88 I .. 16 to 20 II 4 I .30 .35 I .77 .70 -, .90 .8J 1.03 .94 I 1.1','1 L t 1. lUI 21 to 25 I 6 I .60 I .45 I .99 .90 I 1.1 .. 4 l.(f~ 1.8'0 I 1.18' l.45 I 1, I l.. Y, 2r. to ~o I 6 \ .61 \ .55·\ 1.21 1.10 1.$9 \ U6 1.66 \ U1. \ 1." I VII ~. 1" al to 31i I 7 I .72 .65 I 1.43 1.SO 1.63 I 1.48 1.88 T 1.66 T 2.01 I 1. ~ "41 M tn 40 \ 8 I .83 I .75 I l.65 1.50 1.8.7 l.70 2.09 1.90' 3.8) I I. O.M.L • 41 to 45 I 9 I .94 I .$G I 1.87 1.70 T 1.92 2.861 U4 T 2.80 I ~.II' • II

r.1 tn 661 11 I 1.16 I 1.05 I 2.31 U\) 2110 I 11:86 2,88 I T.~ T 8.1,7 1,,18 ~ 4r. to 50 I 10 I 1.05 I .91) I 2.09 1.90 2,35 I ;.14 2.62 I 2.88 I J.U Itt" ' ~I

5~6~to~00~1~1~2-+1~1~.277~1~1.7.15~1~2~.5~8-+1~'~.~~1~2.~~~I-'~:.~~8~~S~.i~5~1-:~."E-~a~ •• ~841-.~.~~.~I~'~' .~~ .

Minimum charge 25c. SpecIal long term rat .. tilt· nlshed on rCQuost. Each word In the advertisement must be cQuntett The prefixe8 uFor Sale:' jlFor Rent. II "Lost." and sImIlar one. at the beginning of aa. lira to he counted In the total number of worda ill the 0.<2. The

number II/ld litter In a blind &4 &rt to be _W .. ono V{orcl.

glu.ltlct'l t'l18J)lay, 500 per ~b. .ulla_""'"" colilmn Inch, $5,00 . r ""In

Clal'J'ltlrd advertlJ~ in bT p. 1ft, wi" be p"'lOed the following mOMlfnr.

, Wanted to Buy 61 '======================~======~~~~~~~~ Cleaning and PreMing Apartment! a04 Flat. n CALL M. KIMMEL ll'OR HIGHEST

prJcel on men's secend hand oloth· lng, sboes, bats. Shoe repairing. Dial 8609. 21 W . BurUngton.


Reaaonable. CaDed tor and dellv. "red. Dlnl 2246.

LAUNDRY WANTED-SHIRTS 8e each. Call and deliver. DIal 84G2.

Money 10 Loan 37

Loans On Your' Own Signature

Single People steadily employed may borrow 00 their own signature.

Married Couples uble to make monthly pay. ments mlty borrow on their own signatures.

FURNITURE LOANR also IIllUle. Only husband and wife s ign.

Auto Loaos nre mllde to single or married people able to make l'eI1lllll' mOIl.hly payments.

Reduced Rate 00 All Loans

QUIck, private service UI) to 20 months to replloT (JulI, 'phone or write for


I-IOUS EI-IOLD Finance Corpor~tion

ot America econd Floor

110 1·! E. Wubln.,tOll II. . hntrance betw_

WllllU'd '. and DombJ'. Vomer Dubuque St. Pbone 47n Lo"... Mado In N .. rII, Tow'"

Quick Loans On­Watches, Diamonds, Rlnlfll, Guns, II10t"I'8, Typewrltetl/. UOUI'll ll!-l and 6-t Dally

IIOCK·E~E 00. !nd F100r Iowa City Bk. Bldg.

With Our New Equipment, We Are Ab1e to You Quantity As Well As Quality.




Any 2 for $1.00 Dresses without ornaments, buttons, or buckles

3 for $1.00 •

Le Vora's Varsity Cleaners Cash and Carry

23 E. Washington Dial 4153

Lost and Found 7 Male Help Wanted 31 i ----

LOST-ONE nUNCII OF KEYS ON STEADY WORK - G&>DPAY ring with small screw driver at· RELIABLE MAN WA1\,TED TO

lD.ched. Return to Dv.lly IO'Wnn. Rc·

LOST-BLUE PURSE CONTAIN· I llig gas !look nnd mJsceliuneou~

artlcles. Dlnl 9460,

IroOST-NOTRE DAME PIN. '32 , guard. Initials. J . P. H. Roward.

INotlfy Iowan.

calion farmers in Johnson counly. No experience or capital lIeeded. Wrlte today. l\fcNesa Co., Dept. n, Freeport, llllnolS.

WANTED-MEN, 18s LBS., 6l FT., 18-50. with clean record. who wl~b

110 quallry at once for a $175 govern · ment job. Ee6nomic Research Bu·

Repair Shop reau. Write box 552, City. p;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;; ____ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ~OST: ALPHA em PIN, RE·

WANTED U to brlnB .. )'Our Joelo ... a ..., .. elk.

Koue - Oar - TnIIII8 .... NOVOTNY'S

II. lie. Clinton

ward. Leave at Iowan.

Male Instruction


Wanted-to Rent 74 men willing to work hard to ___ ~ ___________ qualify tor posltlolUl In

BETWEEN NO\V AND JUNE 18t-3 or 4 l'Oom furnished n.partment

wllh private hath. Permnnent, reo lIa.ble year oround r enters. Address A. O. % Dally Iowan stating prIce, locntlon and description.

Refrlgera.tlon and All' Condillonln! business. Prefer men wltb tall' e<J1I. cn.tI6n, now employed to l earn while 'en.rnlng. lIfuat be meehanlea.lly III· cllned, willing to devote sOOle 811111'e time to preliminary training to ~. come Installation and service o!c.

_J_e_w_e_Jr_y_an_d_R_e.;,.P8_i_ri_n..,::Il:..-_S5 ,perls. WrIte fully, giving Ilgl'.

(]LOCK AND WATCH REpAIR. Inr. lWu!odable A. N. Bl1tman.

pl'CIlont occuPo.Uon. Utlll ties Eng. £l1st. , XO, clo Dally Iowan.

FOR RENT - 2, a, OR • ROOM Apt. 781 Bowery. Call at hOue

atter B p,m.

FOR RENT-CLEAN, STR1CTLlj modern ll\lG.l'tIllents. Dial 6416.

D.A.NOINQ 80ROOL-B.U¥OOII ~,tap. Dial 17CT. :Surk18J1

hotel. Profeuor 1¥0UlbtoD.

Houses For Sale .. FCm SALE - OOOD 7·ROOX

house on 20OxBOO lot. 429 K.lrk. wOod avenu Call 868( • , Heating-PluDlbialr-RooIbw WANTED - PLUYBlNG ANtI

heating. Lara .. Co. 110 8. Gilberti Phone "71.

Auto ReiJairhtg

See us for Fender, Bodr, .... Paint work on ,our _.

Gartner Motor Co. !04 So. CalJltol DIal U.s


LONG DI8'1'AN(lJI ...


1Iaa.lJq. PIIftd ............... tid I11III ......... THOMPSON'S 'l'BANDD ... ......


Never saw you look flO well. YoU!' Double Chin certainly diBaPJ')eQJ'ed }l fter chewing Double ,)Unt awn, Kllte. -

• ,<rro~rACB ULCER. GAB PA.IN1l,.

Indigestion victims, "",,y BUrre~ For quIck relief get a. tree _pl. ot Udga, 4 doctor's prescriPtion, ~ ~ord HopItlns.

IT DOESN"'l' BA. VB TO Bfl A BIG ad to bt IMn. You laW tJIl ....

didn't Joa. .J

I I ~


Municipal Election Candidates tavor ;mWllclpal olVl1el'shlp 113 much as Anyon clso."

(Jily 'l'reasurer E. Jl. nuymoml

MI'. Raymond. rcsld Ilt ot luwa . . i 1 Clly for the paat 31 years. Is u nap-

., Democrat i I Municipal Ownership I Republican I)OBed ad candldal for m-clcctlon ns ____________ 'City trcMurer . .H6 all nded tho pub·

.-----------. Non-Partisan • '10 school8 hero and tho Unlvcrsity Mayor. •• I'la,yor of Iowa. Ho haa been adjutant and

Clemo. A. Boylo TholllllS E. I\lartln lreaaurer ot lho American LegIon Aldermon · At·Lrlrgo A "Municipal Pence Plan" If) Allhough heading tho rOl>ubllc(l.D post and trCOJlurcr ot th Kiwanis (vol() for two)

f ttle the loowa City Utility con- JacOb Van dcr Zoo ticket, Ur. Martin, city attorncy tor club. Mr. Raymond. bank t lIcr at IroverSY and "keep the light oorn- Protessol' Van d I' ZOe, prcsld rot thu prcsent administration. during the First caplt 1 N ational bonk. haR Ilany out at politics" was the "lat- tho pr~8ent campalga rec~lved the boon city treasurel' 81nco 1928.

v of tbe Munlcillal Owner hlp leaguo. (0- u""'n whlcn MI' B()ylo tel'cd ondol'80ment of tbe MOl" tlckot •

• '". ,"v • en has been 11 regluen t of ) OWIl. City tor tho 1935 city mayorallty campaign. tho last 27 yrors ancl a pt'o(essot. 'n While not tnklng an actlve put In. City Assessor ;'1'1'. Boyle. pre81dent ot the John8or~ the pol1tlco,l sclenoo dCllarlmOnt of the Proposals tar a municipally own· Dr. L. P. Grahalll County Young Domocrats club. wo" tho University of Iowa. Cal' 22 years. ed plant In Iowa. City. IIl.r. lI!arlin 0 ... Orahrun. [ormel' (I nUs t, has lhe domocratlo nomination after de. Alderman Van del' ZOO. Is now com- has laken "land In this campaign 1>een u. r~sl(le Tlt of Iowa. City all his featlng M. P. Lum8den and 8, D, plellng his IICcond term Oil the city tbM tbe wlll ot the people. &8 ex:· lifo. lIe attcndoo publlo scbools. thO Whiting. counCil. Durlllg the last six years ho pressed In the Atlrll election. be ex- University ot I~va. and was gradu.

Mr. Boyle. born In Council Blutfs. has boon an active leador ot munl. ,pressed, e:t d from tho Colorado collego ot IIlI8 JIved In Iowa City during tha clpal ownership foroos In Iowa City. Mr. Martin has Ilvod In Iowa. Cltyl d ntal s urgery. During tbe war Dr. last 22 yoo.1'!I. While this Is Mr. fie holds degrees from Harvard. Ox. for the last 17 yeara and hall two Grahll m waif slatwl1{lji at <mneral Hoyle's tlrst attemll't to scek a pub. ford. and Iowa and 18 0. RhOdes DbJldrcn In e lementary schools. A ihOfjplta l No. 8 at Otl8vtlle. N ,Y. Dr. '10 otflce. be has been activo In tbD scholar. grac1uo.te of Iowa and Golumbla ulIl· Graha.m·8 !platform Is: "Fair and dcmOCra.t party locally and In tho , 'ersltlos. he has given consldorable equal taxaltlon."

" tate for several yous. HD 8Crvcu Dr. W. F. Boilur Htudy to l'allroo.d and pubHc utllltle8 In the World war. Is nmrrled an '1 . J\. I ontrol. During t~ World war Mr. Park (Jornmlsslollcr Dr. Boller. \vu,O hus resided 11 bas throo cblldren. anll Is a mcmbo!" MurUp attained tbe ra.nk of captiUn Everott Means. Iowa CIty for the last 33 years. and ut 8Cvcral local fraternal and civic in the U. S. army. He Is a member

WIlS an Instructor In the collego or oI'"ganlzat1ons. ot six trat mal organizations. Mr.

medicine for 19 ycal·S. 18 malting bls IIto.rtln Eecurcd the republlca.n nom-

Wan] AJdermnn John II. Gt'ady (First)

Mr. Grady was born In Iowa City and has lived his entll-o me hero. He attendod the local parochial Echools. Mr. Grady. tormer railroad switchman and now Ibool<keepcr nt the Iowa City Wholesalo Fruit con,­pnny, Is IICeklng public oWce for the first tlmo Monday. A good buslnens Administration and maintenance ot Jowa City's high credit standing arOo ,advocatod by Mr. Grady.

George H. Bouck (Third) Mr. Bouck has beon a resident of

Iowa. City for tbe past 15 years. He Is a member ot the Masonlo lodge. Knights ot Pythlas and lbe M.oo8e. He was former ly city saleR· man for Nash Flodin of Cedar Rapids and 18 now In the grocery tuslne88 bere. A constitutional form of government and ~be ruling ot the majority are recommended by Mr. Eouck. He says. "It elected. I prG­:miae to deal honestly. 'falrly. and Ito tho ,beet of my ability In all city affairs."

John P. Memler (Fourth) Mr. Memler Is a lifelong resident

ot Johnson county. having aLtendeJ hll e country schoolll and Wllllo,m~ l3uslness college. He was engaged In thc general merchandising and grocery bustnes tor 35 years. r etir­Ing two years ago. Mr. lI!emler's platform Is as follows: " If elected 1 wIsh. to repro,scnt to the best ol my ability tb() Interests and wolfal'/) ot the voters who placed mOo In tha city (lOullcll as their represe ntAtive."

A88essor William J, White

1I1r. White bas been 0. resldcnt ot Johnson county for 48 years. nnd .er"ed three enilstmon t.s In ~he Na­tional 0 uard. He saw 8Crvlce on tho 'Moxlcan !lordcr In 1916 and Is .... World war vetcran. Mr. White Is a member of the American Legion. Elk's lodge. and Iowa StMa Assocla-tlon ot Assessors.

Park Cnnunlssloner WlllJtam Ruppel·t

polltlcal dcl:Jut In tomorrow's clec- Inatlon after dcfeating B, F. Ga.rtor tion. Hchas two children In high In tho Febl'aary primaries. school. lIe has been an acllve mem-ber ot the municipal ownel'shlP aeague sinoo Its formatlan two yeara ago.

Wal'll Ahlcnncn T. A. Irooto (FIrst)

MI'. Foote. who !has lived In Iowa City for the last 17 years. Is 0. col· lege graduate a n(1 a former 8upOrln­tendent of J ohnson county scbools. He has I,ad fou r 80ns Ilnd (laughters graduate from the Univers ity of Iowa a nd Is a. local propOrty owner land taxpayer. Mr. Foote was 110m· Inated on the republican ticket In lho primaries; but withllmw to ca~t

\hIs lot " lth thc MOL.

EliI'I W. ){ul'lz (Sc~ond) Mr, leurt?. manager at the Atbens

P ress tor 17 years, hM IIve(1 his cn­tire ltte In Iowa City and has been .an active backer of Lake IIlacbrlde .state park and other communi ty projects. He has two daughters in lhe university a nd Is a member oC seven local civic and fraternal or­ganizations.

AJlIenulUI·At· Large (Volo tor two)

Enuna J. Harvat 1I11S8 ]larvat WII3 oorn In Iowa City

and 11as been a resldcnt here practi­cally all ber Ute. Bhe attended tbe city sdhools. the Iowa City a.cademy. lind took 0. business course at Wlll­Jam's business college. MI88 fla.rvat was fonnel' ly engl4l'ed In the book and s ta tlona.ry business Ilnd thr lI'eady·to-wea'r buslnoss. Sbe has be<:o n In the real estate buslnesa for 'Several years.

A Bound busl ne88 admInistration iJl recommcnded by Miss flarvat In her platform, She states: "It elected. I pledge myself to 0. buslneses ad· mln1stratlon. Caretul wd cool analy· .is of fact8 and Issucs are certaJnly In ordet· this time rather than strite. Iilscord and bitterness."

Stewart E. Wilson Mr. Wilson was born In Iowa City

and has been a resident Of Iowa City rJl bls life. no Is a member of the Elks. Odd F ellows'. past eecrelta.ry

n. F. Wlllcnl)rock (Fourth) of the Johnson coun1y bar assocla-Mr. Willcnbrock. own(>r ot thO tion. and vlce-pl-egldent ot thc Jun­

Will en brock !\fotor company. has luI' Chamber ot Commerce. He Is a JIved In Iowa. City 12 years. 1Ic hllB second Ileutenant In the United had thN'e children graduate from States a rmy rellCrve, Since his gra4. ('o~ college and the University of uatton [rom th college ot law In Iowa . an;] Is a mem])('r of three fra- 1933, 1r. Wilson bas been assoclatad ternal an.} civic organizations. While wi\J\1 the firm ot Wilson. Clea.rman tomorrow's election will be MI'. WI!- amI Brant. lenbrock's flrsl entrance In the local A souud business basis and bar­polltlcnl arena., be Is not wlthouL lDlonlOU8 cooperation between tbe experl('nce. having servcd two terms city oouncll members hI advocated on t he dty counrll at Mamngo. by Mr. WJlson, Ue IIIIY8: "It hal'·

monlou8 coopera.tion does not exist Jacob A. Swisher (Firth) between the membel's (1! the city

lIfr. Sw:sber. a member ot the council . its ertlcluncy la limited to tbe ,Stato Hislorlcal Society staff. Is a lso 1,01nt ot s tagnation." a member ot the Iowa bar ancl tho author of several booka and sllldirs on municipal governmcnt. lIe has five chlldrl'n In Iowa City pullllc schools and hold~ thrce degrees from the UniverSity oC Iowa.

Freshman Club Will Have Party at Union W cdncsday Evening

Members of the Freshman club

Ward Aldermen J OS(lph L. ClUUIOf\ (8e(otld)

lof,.. Cannon Is a lifelong resident of I Oll'lL City, and a graduate oC the University of Iowa.. Ho Is atflllated \\1th tha Masonic ledge. COru!l"tory Shrine, Delta Tau Delta. Rotary club. a nd Knlgbts ot Pythlas. no ~as sorved in the United States navy. He Is cng~ In the ware­houso a n(l advertising buslncss. Is a propet·ty owner. and .. taxpayer. will meet W ednesday at 7 :15 p.m. r j ill thc Union Board room ot Iowa

Independent Union tor a SOCIal hour. RoIlcoe 0. A,en (mtll) . ------------. Commlttees have' been app()lnted

TlIlrd Ward Alderman Frank EJ. Burger

\ Mr. Burger. contractor wHh tho Itlrm ot Smith and BurgoI'. is a life­~ong resident ot Iowa City. Mr. ~urger's platform Is as follows: "I

Itand lor truly representaUve gOI'­ernment 9.8 expressed Iby tbe mo.jor­tty of Intercetcd voters on any Is· IUO. strictest economy consistent /WIth the ,best Interests ot the cIty. proper enJ'orccmenlt of the law nnd order. CIIoI'eful consideration of tM

to plan lor tho enterta inment. George Moon. A1 ot Hubbard. Ifj chairman ot the entertaJnment com· mllteo. Vlrgb11rt Sutherland. A1 ot Hampton. has chargo ot tho music. and LoIs Pu r kett. Al ot Iowa CIty. Is h ad ot tho refreshment commit· tee.

The meeting Is open to aU tresh· man stUdents. according to WH. Ham Creasey. At ot Kingsley. prc8' Id ent of tbo club.


Mr. Ayers has been a resident oC Iowa Ci ly for 33 years. He was grad­uated frIJm Iowa City high scbool and attcnded the University ot Iowa (ollego of liberal a.t·ta and college ot l aw. He lti a member ot tbe MlLllonlc lodge an:!. has been engaged In the lumber buslnc88 Cor severlll yearl. lIe Is seeking hla tblrd term on the city oouncll. Mr. AyCl'll advocates prlvato oWnc1'!lhip or utllltleB under <reas()nable ra.tes. lie say.: "If rea­sonable ratos cannot be obtained. I


Prof. J uog to Speak In Omaha Tonight

Prof. Moscs JunS' of lhe school of religion will speak In Omaha, Neb .• tonlgbt at tbe community cen· tel'.

Tho 8ubJect of his address Is "l'he Coming Religion."

III cali that a good day's


ALL the things I wanted-in ONE

refrigerator She didn't have to "skimp- on sbelfroom to get a beautiful cabi· net. Or sacrifice style for c:onTCO­

im::e. Or M:Cept less than the best, to meet. price. Leonard, the com­plete rdricerator, is designed. to ave Iteps, time, work, spoilage and waste. Beautiful to look at -with planned interior, and a ec:ore of g.reat convenience rea­tores. Focrtcen bcaDtiful models (6 aD-porce1ain).


115 So. Dubuque St.


Department To Present Sound Picture

,--Knight wm Adc1r A,

Conler With Nehru ku Educator!!, tndents

Prot. )l'r~drrlc n. l,nlght ot th., collNrO ot Nlurlttlon will give Itll

addreS8 Ilnd h01<l 0. R~fl~" ot ('ont r· IICel at tit Unlvrr"lIy of Nt,bl·l\.·

A Oct'ma n t[llklng TlictUl' • "Emil Ika Thurs~ay nnd I"I'ldny, unc1 dlo Dctckellvc." will be glV!'11 On ~'hul'll(lny. 1'1'ofe or Knlghl unrlrl' tho (lus plCCll of the 0 I'mnn 11'111 RO(II'C88 Iho tnculty and II'rlHlu, d Pa l·tm nt at tlVO &howl nll'S 'l'hurll- [lte stud ntH or the co ll('g(, or ~(Iutll. ~lay In chemIstry aUditorium. lion on "I)~s l'"y('\)(III)IrY C,lIltrl·

'l'hiR picture Is bo8~d on Iho book Iluto WIH(]OIll ur ,M I'oly lnfol'rna, ~JY Elrle )(acs ln r which I~ 1)(> lng tlon?" ~' ad py all tlrst year Gorman clas. Iro wtll Ilolrl II. Berll'S ot OI\C~r


'I'h fIllll. whleh will be s hown Illt 4:10p.m. and 7:30 p.m .• will b~

~ ul'l1J1'\ al'lz dill Engllijh betor pre-Ben tatlon.

Allllough it Is being IJrougl1l h rli fllrlmarlly for the benrNt ot BtU­dents cnrollrcl In Oorman C1M8eS.

s nYono Int I' sted mrty socu!'o [lckets u t the offlc ot tho G .. man d part· mont. No tickets will be soldl at UIO '<loor.

onces with dlt'O(l lorll or l'( IU ~fitlonal

I'('soarch and BUPcl'lntendants of Hohools lrl (,Wltl'rn Nl'brru<kn, Friday. Tho thrmn ot lho confl'rl'nc will b() "P098Iblllll ,s ot AJlplication or lho Nower Data 011 Human Llv. lng."

Prof. IDckox, E. W. Lane Vi it Campu


1'rof. O. H llIc]((lX nr th Unlv()r, ' ~I ly ot CollfoT'llla. lind 1~. W. J.rtM, rcs IIrch onglncl'I' ul J) 'nV(·r. Colo .. visited tho Ilydl'llullc8 lal>uI'lLlury ~cAIl'rrlay.

bull, Chicago Scientist .. To ,

Lecture IIcre hnrlc3 flltllli. ,111'1 '('101' 01

thc Hul'110 Phy"lolll"l!' 1 [,IthOrttory at Ih ~ \lnlvrr"llY of Chll'uro IInll sl'('rNnry IIr lIul 1')wr utlvl' 1'011 n <'II of III., Aml'rkMI A "O(' llIlInn t,l)' th(\ A<lvnnr!'Il'Wl1t of flclonce. wil l IIlvo nn ill 11M (1'1\ I 1',1 11'1'(\11 ' lin "HIUllllllOll anl l I. lto" III CIIl'ml"try Itudltorium tumOiTOw fit 7::10 II.m.

P,'orl Rflr Rllllll hna IrIVC'slhmlcrl tho ff('(' t~ of ('''111111 1' jUl(1 1I,I1tI'H.

Intrll·rl'11 anll high tr('11 u"lIcy "ound wavc~. lUI WI'll rCfel'l. or vnrlouH ('olors upon growth Ilnd reJlroduo· lion In Illanl.. 111. WOrk hilA Rhuwn that sclonce Is just brKlnnln!!, tu II'rnsl1 lho tar rcnchlnll' ImporlnOl '(' of light In I'Cllllllln to 1111 (orms or IIC<>.

1'1'0(' ~ol' flhllil I~ ""ltnr IIf Plllnl PhY~I(1loll'Y, )1(1 ItJo,nclnlc ('{ilICI1' of tho Ootllntrnl tlilZI'll<'. lnt~rnot\un.

nl hOU1nlrnl Jnurn I. lIe will allllr!'

1111:10 p.III. l"morrow In I'oom 401, ""lIlIlY 1Illliltlng un "CfII'otlnOIO l)jJ.\UHlllth •• ,

Jlfltlr It'I'I,,,·''" will I)() 1lII0II to tho ""lIlh' und III t tl iJo non·lechn lcnl In d lllt'"I'tl'I'.

,\ ~'MlII ." I"W lI 'r HIr.o\"'J'l.I 'J, WWlh, (I NI!) - MI",

I)III'JI\hy HI'ydRI'1l 1M Ruin; Mrs. Jant IIry~" n. HI' t 11 lW\1'1 own~r. tor $50.000 dllll111 "'1, chRI'III,,1!' th l tho lu l\l'r 111,1111,-01 IWI' Hun. tJhttrlCI HUI·

10'11 IlrY(I~"n. to dl vorc th 1)1u.lnll!! III Itl·llll. MI·"IIw lllln. 111 OX· )I1'8, Hrytl I'll hUH IIII/Illu ted divorce pro· I'('{'(lingo of Iwr own hrro. (foelal'llIg tit Hl'no dlvor"n 11I~j{1l1. A judgo h!llJ 110 ~lIlt IJlul(·t IlIlvl I'm nt. llrydsen 1111\1'1'11'(\ III nl<,<, ot MI's. Brydsen No. I I 'l~l J)l·t [ I1II)(lr nrt I' hl8 Reno divorce.

110 FlOII 'rR ug: R Jlll\PIUIJ, (JNH}-A. lJuy oC 12

~tood hi KroUII') wh n a bear al· I'lr koo 1\ [lrK'k oC IhI'4'P nCllr Leon 1111(1 ruu 'lht It with 1\ Btout ~ llck . It finl\lly I'ut th 1X'llr to tlIght-bul [lilt I)!'Cor() It IlIld laugfh.tcred IZ

According to Hlldegardo BUelow. ",Ico-presldent ot too Oerman club. lhl s ontertalnOl nt will take tbo lJlaco of thc "ogulnr JIIol1lhly mcet· lllG' of tile club.

rrvtl' <or IJI(')"J:J' /s III ('11111'1,"fl ot +H++++++ ...... 'J.+ ........ ·Jo*+·.·Jo'.+ .... Jo.Jo·I·++.Jo++++, .. Jo*+*+*+~

A nEAD ONru IlOSTON. (INS}-Rrturnlng to lito

CIIr~IlS8 ot hili hor~e 8 'ven hourI! at· tN' the anlmal's death In l3onnln.:ton strect. a junk poddler l-emoved Iho s hocs Crom lho hor80 and left tho body fOI' p'llico to r~mov('.

19 fI£W loonS

Nineteen beautiful. new models -all types-an prices -the finest line Kelvinstor has built in 21 yea1"I in the industryl

You are cordially Invited to attend the First Showing of this len_bible new line and

tile III cllonl('al I'nglncl'rlllll' d(',llIrt· + mcnt Ilt tllo unlv~l'IIlty.

( 'OMMANI)/Nll 'TONE SEA·r'rr.I~, Wash. (INIiI- A "lOt­

I)ad hl,la up James E. Wright. "Hl'ilt It ... Wrl/l'ht sald gl' untl)lIy, The thuG' (lid.

Inspect, at your lei ore, the latest cievelopmenta in electric refri&eration.

See the new Ke1vinators at yourconvenicnce. you.,m find exactly the model you want at a price that is well within your budget. Low down payment and easy terms. ________________________________________________ ~(~K~!


13 I:;outh Dubu(/uo Sl. I'M DI61 IOwa ('Ity'

$30,000,000.00 Worth 01 GRUNOW

Refrigerators Were old the Fir t Two Years - A Success RecOrd Never Allproached by Other,. ee 'fhi Safe Refrig. erator,

GRUNOW is SAFE Grunow alone u operate. on VA ' pr ure,


fARRENE which UM and never on a

OTAGA It j, non-pol'iOnou,", will not e 'pJode and will not iritate the 'kin.

SEE A GlW OW TODAY! ,\ .Uhlll( \ '." ;\JO"T T.\J .IU II OF .. 1.1.:< I/(U' 1CEJo'J(/GElUTOn f Jack on Electric Co, t

\\u · .~ \ "H++I'++*++++++~

OFFICIAL BALL requests of my ward constituents 'Without preJudice. and 0. consclen. tlous respeot toward my SWOt'll obH· rations ot omce." o Democratic o Republican . o Municipal Ownership

Non-Partisan o Independent Members of Faculty To Attend Meeting ~t Kansas City Soon

About 15 faculty members of the college Of cemmerce will go to Kan· las City. April 11 to 13. to attend ' the annual meeting ot the Midwest JlconomlCII BOclety.

Prof. Sidney :jJ. Miller. president er th& SOCiety. will &Il1lounce com· .,Iete plans for the meeting tbls week. Several faculty membe1'!l will lalk on the program.

The society W9.8 founded 19.8t year through the InltiaUva et lIoveral ,miverstty faculty membel'8. to lerve middle western groups which ~o not attend the meetings ot the :t..merlcan Economlca IUIIIOClatlen.

Delegatell from Iowa., Kaneas. Ml8sourl. Nebraska.. South Dakota. illinOis. Minnesota. W1acOMln. and IndLana w1Il attend the meetlnp.

~.w. Sets Deadline J?or New Members

I Women students who signed for r,r.W.C.A. memberablp or work 19.8t IIClIIle8ter must IUrn permanent atfll· mUon oa.rds 'IV1th thll orp.nllla.tton on or before April 1. accOrdlnr to Helen Lulo. A4 of MorMlon, Ill.. preeldent of the Y.W.C,A, t Permanent membership card, ve avalla.ble e.t the Y.W,C.A. otflce of low,. Union and will entitle memo be... of the &TOUP to vote for the ,lection of otflce ... April 16.


Harvat Re(lUblican




At-Larae . ~ ,

It has been a source of great pleo.suru to mo t() havobeen Identl· fled with tho prescnt campaign, I bave tried to appeal to the reason at evet'y thinking man and woman In our city and r teel that my efterts have not been In vain. It Ie my firm conv1otlon that tbe uso of roason I n controverSial IlIIIuea. hu more merit Ln the long run than abuse ot tboso who nta.y not agree. with my peliole •.

I advocatc that w11loh I think Is best for the people of Iowa City. The Que!tlon ot whetber Ot· not we ehould have a Municipal PolVer Plant Is not tho only tblng tha.t those whom you elect to public OWCD have to confront. Thole whom you entruet to the managemont or yonI' civic actalr! must be torcsful AI well ... ca.pable to cope wtth al1 situations tbat contront them,

I pledge myself to a bUSiness admlnllltratton. My prime Inl4re.t III In tbose thlnge wblch benefit tbe ma.jorlty. Let·. analYlle care· fully each situation that 'eontl'onts ue. keep our credit rood and keep aloot trom blttornell8 and dl&Ool-«1. It you belle" tbat the pollclcs wblch I havo placed before you warrant )'Our oontld'Dct, on that 'basle I 80llclt your vote and co-opera.tlon Dext Konday.

81ncerely :youn, BIOlA I. IlARVAT

,,' Olt IItA YOIL






o o

(i' OIL 1')UUt COMMJS lONt<:I'



(Vote 'or Two)

...................... u_ .. ~ ....................................... .... ..

............ ..............................................................


o ..... _ ............................................................. ..

"'OIL 1\11\ vou

D TlJOH, I";. MA[rrIN

FOIL 'J'''l'J:\H ue-;/L

o Jo:. U. HAYMON"

(i'OIt AS. 'l!iSSOIt

o Jilt. L , P.O HMlhM

""OIt l'Alm OMMIS:SION"~ "

o JolVI1lU:lTT MIi:ANf:!



(Vulo lor Two)

t.;MMA J. lLAHVA'l'

o ~'l'l.!JWhU'l' l!l. W[Ul N


I '-on M \\OIL

_._-_ .. __ ._ ... -

o ... u ...................... ........-_ • • _. ___ _

o ~. . .... - .... _ .. _ .. -_ .. _ .. ---... .......



.. -_ ....... -... -.......... _ .... _---" 'Im ALl' ,It f \N \ 'N ItOl~

(Vul ,Uf Two)

W. lr. illJlL~ll

D I . VAN IlIm 1'.1;1,

o ........................................................... ,.......... 0 I hereb,. oertIf, that UJ\! .bove .. a list 01 f.he IlAlllllnatlou, eKcepC ward a1den"en, hllde •• pf'I/\'hlecl by IMW, Il0l' 'II b!I "otl'd for. 'he (II If, 1'l1li.

m;o .... I)(UlIUm, Cit ( 11'11



I /lit . I \ \1m

_ . __ .. _n ... _ .. ___ 6 ... .. _ • ....,..·_ ..

I" "t 1m/,,\ ... lJlUm

._--.. - ... - .... _ ..... -.. __ ....• ..-

Hilt " ,\III{ (·mlt\1I. 'HIONEK

101, L1l1m I\'N \ 'NAlCUIli

(Vol IIlI' 1'wu)

o D . .~ .......... -.-~.-....... " ................. .-

o • ..... n. .............. _'M ................... ........ ·_···.-....


K11ighl Will Addrcss, Conler With N ·hraska Educators, ludf'nts

Prot. Fr~(!~ I'lc Il. Knl/lh t or I ho coll~IfO of (lu('lltloli will Idvu all addres8 Ilni! hold 11 81'r1N' or (,011(01',

e nC()8 nt th Unlv~r811y ur Ne1>ra.· ska 'l'hur9!luy nntl F,·IIIIIY.

On Thursduy, l'l'otl'fl8or I{nlgllt will add ross tho faculty Ilnd grndu. ato studentH or tho rollplW or ~dUC(l.

tlon on " OOCH l'sychololfY Ol1tri· hut WlsdulIl or Merely [nf(JI'lIla· lion 1"

ITo will hold 11 ~crl(\8 of <'ollrrr· Qllces with dlrorlor8 ot I'du('nllOI1IlI rc~oorch and 8u[lol'lntondcnta at 8chool8 In C(l8t(,rIl N"lu1UIkll Frldny. Tho th~mo or tho confN'enCl's will bo " l'osslblllUOH or APllliculion or tho Nower Data. 011 Human Llv. Ing."

Prof. Hickox, E. W. Lane Visit CamllU8


hot. o. E. lJIcl<ox or th~ Unlv()r. '~Ily ot CUJlrurnlll, and I~. W. Lanr, rCllCnrch (,11,,1nol·r Ilt JJl'nv~r •• '010 .• vlsilNI lhe hydt"aullrs laboratory ~ r81~rrla.y.

hull, Chicago Scienti t. To ,

Lecture II rc 1'1',,(, Chorll'B AIIIIII, 1Ilnl'l"r (, r

I ho llflrnOlt Phy.lologl(· I J,lI.horalory

n.t th" IJnlvH"lty tiC ('1111'11"0 Itn(1 8 r tnry (,r til" l')Cl'rlltlv.- I'ollnrll of Ih(' Anll'ril'nn A~()('llltion tOl' flIP AllvA n('MIl nt or Rclnnr", wIll !llvo nn JlhlMtl"O tl'd Il'rtul·o on "Hnilln Uon

lid Ut" In chcmlRlI'Y nudltOl'llIm t mOiTOw III 7::10 p .ll).

1'1'0(1 Ror Hl1ulI hn ~ InvrRtI'mlml thCl I'rr~ct ot '·(lRlnl,· jl1\(1 x·rnVR, Infm·r d anll 11111h f,· 'luNlry ~()lInrl wnv,,", 11K w(.1\ I I'rt('(·t~ of VIII'loUIf color" llllOl1 growth And roproduo· lion In jllrullll. 11111 WOI k halO "howtI that sri nco Is jU t 1)('gllln lll ll" t" Ifr ~l) tho fIll' rrnchhllr ImllOrtllnrn at Jlllht In l' Illllon tel 1111 tonllN IIf lit".

Prof ' 0" Ahull II tlltur \If l'lunt Phy. loJ(lgy. 11(\ Ii' .,och,l" '(1111)1" uf tho DolllnlciU 1l1"'(\!t(, 1111 ,,.nl1ll1l11· ul hlltunlrnl Juurlll\l.

110 will nihh·~ .. till' IMnoy 1'1111>

III 1:l 0 P ,II1 tmnonow In room 408. hula II), 11U1l11l1l1f <lIt "CurcllnolO J·'KllwnfH,'·

. Hulll 1(·UurI'H will Ill' upen to tho

)1,,11111' UIlII Ill'll to h JlOI1 ·tcchn lcut In cJ,a"uct,,\·.

, \ ~·l\~nl.\· I"W II'I' HIM 1")' [, 1'), W">lh. (INS) - Mr ••

1lIII'(lllly JlrytlR( II 19 Riling )llrK. Jane Jlry(l"cll. H< til hll(('1 ownrr, ror $lid,dOO .la1lltlKI·', r;hl\r\:lng th I (~O

lilt I.·,· III 11I\'~11 Iwr "un. horle. I\u~· 1 •• '11 Hr)'llY~n, to dlvorc lit plalnUrr Jrl Jll'f1n. 1'.iI'llllWhll, I h OX·MI·H. JtrytlA~n hllH 1III/tItulNI tl\vOroo pro· n (JIll 'R uf )WI' own h " C, declaring til 1I(' no IIiVOl'C(' llIr "I. A JudSIl hllll tho lIult IInll"r IlIlvlM III nt. J3rydllen I" nit 1\ tlln 1I\t'(·O or IItrH. Drydllen Nil. 1 I" t lil'cl'lIllK'r lifter hl8 lleno (llvorco.

!lOY ,,'WII 'rM mAn M !lIIJI). (INH)·/ \wy or 12

titOlw t his 'HUU I"! wh n 1\ bear at· tar l".\ a tillcl< of Hhlel) n 'a r f..eon 011'" ro\t';hl \I with II. slout slick. lie fin lIy )1 U t tho 'lI' r to tllsht.-but II lit bI·ruro It Md RllIUI;1Mcred 12

Pwfl' or 1I1(' I'VK 1M III 'hng or tho mechanical I'nJ:"lnr '1'lnS" lIrtlUlt­menl lit th unlvcMllty.

('O~fMANI)JN(l TONE l'!EATTI~E. Wash . (INS) ·A f(j()l -

$30,000,000.00 Worth of GRUNOW

Refrigerator. Were ol(l the Fir l Two Year - A ucc~ Record Never Al)proached by Oth r. ce 'l'his are Refrig. erator.

GRUNOW is SAFE Grunow alone u. operate on V ACU pre ure.


CAltRE E which 1\1 and n ver on a


will not iritate the skin. i It i. non·poi~nou .. , will not e pJodc and

inspect, at YOW' lei un:, the latest developmentJI in electric rcl",cration.

See the new Kclvinators at your convenience. You ... iU find exactly the model you want at a price that is well within your budget. Low down payment and easy terms.


CIAL BALLOT Republican ,

MA H'.rtN

J. 1( ,\ )(JllONl)

• 1,. 1'. (J It "-llAM

.. AUK { 'U~I nS)jIONt~ "

i\1,llJm tAN·AT-IAlttJlIJ

(Volo fur TWIll



o Municipal Ownership Non-Partisan

I' IIIL I \. VOlt

D . .... --.---.. ~ ... -.~ ... - ..... -..

o _ ...• -.... _ .... _ . ..,. ... _._ .. _---I,'OIL A, S I~SSOIt

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,,'OIt J\I.m:ItI\" . 'i 'I' J ,"'iIt(lI~

(Voto rDr TWII)

W. 1". ill) ll.1m

1. v N lJl;\t ~I;b

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o Independent




o o


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(\ 'ul, rut TWIll

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exce" ward aldennen, hll4e •• provided by I w, lind hI 00 CIt"tI rflr at til ('If .. :1 ·II",!, to 00 h kI Oft MonNr. lIbftIII

mm. I . 'lOll" .;tt, ('II (I,.~

ins the Ions bow is Ethel Coppock, who won the Swarthmore Col. lege (Pd.) intra­mur,,1 "rchery meet.

UtoWt . ~ .~qtSt SECTION

"National Collegiate News in Picture and Parallraph"

Left TELEGRAPHING A TUNE" Fred Wdring, Pennsylvcmia Stdte Col. lege "Iumnus, shows Rosemary dnd Pri5cill" how to transmit music over the telegraph wires with the new "telemusicon."

ON THE ROPES • Tony B"ldsh, of Syrdcuse Uni. versity (N. Y.)" overwhelms GongRoff

l 01 University

of Pitts.burgh (I'd.), in d 165·pound c d55 bdttle. KEY. TONE .. HOTO

NEW DEALER Cordell Hull, Secretary 01 Stdte, spedks at the Rollins College (Winter Pdrk, Fld.) founders ' week exercises.


PRESIDENT • Pe99Y H~If:n Willi"ms hf:"ds thf: Women'sPan-Hellf:nic Council "t the Univf:rSity of Geor9i" (Athf:ns)' Shf:'s an Alpha G"mm" D~ltd .

STUDY IN BlAO< AND WHITE • An unusual photo-9r"ph of the stately portico of the Bridges AudItorium at Pomona College (CI.,e.ont, <:'Iif.). Here are presented " s~ries of oufstanding concerts ,lnd I~ctures by famed ,nti$tS and ~.kcn tt no extra cost to POII\on,,'s students.

LABORATORY SNOW is uSf:d for thf: y"lf: Uni­vf:nity (Nf:w H"vf:n, Conn.) indoor pr"ctic~ "hill," which is used to tr"in Eli skimen. The "snow" is " borax composilion. KEYaTONI: ~HOTO

STAR HURL£R • Jo~ M.,rkl~ is one of the mllinstllYs of the Muhlen­ber9 COII~9f: (All f:ntown, PIl .) nine.

A FOOTBAU STAR surff:rw de/e.t wh~n Helen Ko~hler WIlS el~ctw prf:si­dent of Beloit College (Wis.) s~nior da5S. She is the ~nt cooed to win the honor.

Below THEY'RE FROM MISSOURI • And these Christi"n CoII~9~ (Columbia, Mo.), co-eds didn't think New York was so hot, ~en though they were entertained by alumna J"ne Fromlln (centtr), ,ddio stdr.


•• ..~ . II41noldl 1 .... 00.

"I'M SPECIALIZING IN HISTORY - French and English history," says Laurence Brewer. "In additioo, I have a job in the library for four hoUlS a day. and I also work up data and material for the debating team.

I'll tell you-it keeps me going hard. I've got more work than time. When I'm hard pressed, smoking Camels is not only a pleasure-it's a help, too. For when I feel 'fed op' -and it seems as though my energy were all used up-I smoke • Camel and get a lift in energy. Camels have a swell, rich a.VOl; doe. I presume, to the use of choicer tobaccos. I smoke as many as

I ~t to-for Camels don't tufBe my nerves."


LABORATORY SNOW is used for Ihe Ydle Uni­versity (New Hdven, Conn.) indoor prdctice "hill," which is used to Irdin Eli skimen. The "snow" is " borax composition. KKnTONK ~OTO

STAR HURlER » Joe Markl~ is one of the mainstdYS of the Muhlen­berg College (Alientown,Pa.) ninf!.

A FOOTBALL STAR suffered defeat when Helen Koehler was electw presi­dent of Beloit College (Wis.) senior She is the ~rst cooed to win the honor.

Below THEY'RE FROM MISSOURI • And these Christian College (Columbi", t-Ao.), co-cds didn't think New Yorlc was so hot, even though they were entertained by .,Iumn" J"ne From"n (center), r<ldio


0' • • . 1 Jlqnoklo

'I"'. c..

says Laurence Brewer. "In addition, ( have a job in the library for four

houn. day, and I also work up data and material for the debating team.

I'll tell you-it keeps me going hard. I've got more work than time. When I'm hard pressed, smoking Camels is not only a pleasure~it's a help, too .

For when I feel 'fed up' -and it seems as though my energy were all used

up-l smoke a Camel and get a lift in energy. Camels have a swell, rich aa.or; due, I presume, to the use of choicer tobaccos. I smoke as many as

I ~t to-for Camels don't ruffle my nenes/'


" ••• AlII IIHIIM1D1-wor\t· in, 00 tile San FrancIoc:o-Oak· land l\riqe. Before that, oix yean in the army tauabt me the vahle of amoItina a Camel when 'below par.' I lIIIOke all tbe CameIa I....,t, too, witbout..,to tinljumPYMrvtL And Camels are mild aad pnlle to tbe throat." (SIpod)


"lVDtY WOMIUI prefers a milder cipfttIe. For JUB 1'..., been amoItina ea-Ia becauae they are mild-aad at the ume lime have. deIlcbtful ricb Ita· vor. I know U- thinp don'l jull happeD inaclprette. There must be a -. aad I think it lies in Ibo fact that Camela uoe finer tobac:coL.. (SipecI) .


A STUDY IN RIPPLES • The dction Celmerd records dn unusuell pnotogrelph 01 the Oxford Univel'Sity (Englelnd) crew m~kin9 d prdctice run 4t Henley On the Thdmes


READYI FIREI .. Drexel Insti ­Me(PhiI4delphia,P".) women pr"ctice for their m"tch with George W clshington University ryII elshing­ton, D. C) co·eds.

STUDENT SECRETARY It Sydney R"mseur, el member o~ Deltel Omicron Tew sorority, WclS elected $ecretclrY of the Occldentell College (Los Angeles, Cellif) student body In the "nnUell under· grclduclte e/ectioM.

Right . bid SPIRIT OF THE DANCE is modeled by Hclrelld Kreutz ers, elme delnCef, in this unusual portfelit study Mr Kreul;Z?erg hels ~ecently concluded courses in the delnce elt the Universities of Wisconsin (M"dison) clnd Oklelhomd (Normdn) ""IDUlICK KAI .. " " ,.HOTO

STRIKERS ARE LECTURED " . Wil!i"m McCorty, F,,,nklin Collese (Ind.) junior cI"ss president, "ddrmes fellow students who left cI"sses to protest compulsory chdpel rules


SPORTS MUR­ALS by Wi ll idm Y~rrow, noted portrelit elrtist, Me being hung In the trophy room of of the Princeton University (N. J.) gymndsium . The two shown here eire pMtol~ group of thirteen given tothe university by dn "Iumni group.



NEW TITLEHOLDER It I",ing Kupcinet eln­nounceS thdt Ben Bldnchette hels won the Univer­sity of North Dakota (Grclnd Forks) hed'/yWeight chclmpionship.

Below . LEOURE BY REMOTE CONTROL • A New York Univers ity (New York City) scien.ce CldSS listens to Prof. C. C. Cidrk, who IS In­structing them by short-w"ve from his home .


drt urtusudl phot09r~ph of the run dt Henley on the Thdmes


READYI AIMI FIREI .. Drexel Insti ­tute (Phil"delphi",Pd.) womert pr"ctice for the ir mdtch with Gtorge Wdshington University (Welshing­ton, D. C) co-eds.

STUDENT SECRETARY .. Sydney Rdmseur, d member of Deltcl Omicron Tau sorority, WdS elected secretelry of the Occidental College (Los Angeles, (ell if) student body 111 the dnnucll under. grelduate elections

Right . SPIRIT OF THE DANCE is modeled by Hdr"ld Kreutzberg, felmed d"ncer, in this unusu,,1 portrait study Mr Kreutzberg hds recently concluded courses In the d"nce cit the Univenities of Wisconsin (Madison) dnd Oklahom4 (Norman) !'''IDUICK KAlaiR II "HOTO

STRIKERS ARE LEOURED .. Williclm McCarty, Franklin College (Ind.) JUnior cldss preSident, dddrns!s fellow students who left clclsses to pro/cst compulsory chapel (ules.


SPORTS MUR­ALS by Willidm Ydrrow, noted portr4it drtist, Me bein9 hung in the trophy room of of the Princeton University (N. J) gymnasiu m. The two shown here eire pdrt of d group of thirteen given to the urtiversity by dn dlumni group.



NEW TITLEHOLDER • Irving Kupcinet dn­nounces thdt Ben Blanchette h4s won the Univer­sity of North Ddkotd (Gr4nd Forks) heclvyweight ch4mpionship. Below . LEOURE BY REMOTE CONTROL .. A New York University (New York City) science cldSS listens to Prof. C. C. Clark, who is in­structing them by short-wave from his home.



1 I

Earning and Learning ---FERA Aids Study

AN. w Con t est for Coil., I. hOi, es t R •• d.,.

The Picture of th~ Week ~h w~~k Collegiate Digest will feature one picture that

itS editors believe to be outstanding from the standpoint of photography, composition, subject, and the story it tells. Still life as well as action photos will be eligible for the contest­and there are no subject restrictions beyond those of libel dnd decency.

Five dollars will be pdid to the winner of each week's cont~st. The ~ditors reserve the right to use any photo sub­mitted in ColI~g iat~ Digest at their regular rate of one dollar­pdyment to be made upon publication.

ROW 1. Each entry must be made by dn amdteur photographer who is

now a member of the faculty or student body of a collegt or university. 2. The name, address, and college of each contestant, t09ether

with "ny information "bout the photograph, must be printed on the b4ck of each photo submitted. No limit"tion is m"de upon the number of entries each contestant may submit, nor upon the size of the photographs submitted.

3. No pictures will be returned unless accomp<lnied by return postage.

4. Address all entries to: Picture of the Week, COLLEGIATE DIGEST, P. O. Box 412, Madison, Wis. ht., .hlt N.w Conlul No Win A Five · DoH., Prlz •.

With ~pproximdtcly 95 . 000 students in coll(g~ and unlvenities through.

out the United States 1( •• ~~~~~~~~~~~=~~-.-:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-..:~~~~~~~ ceivin9 ~ndncidl aid flOll! J: the Federal Emergency Rei i cf Admi nistration, Ie. ,urch dnd .. professori.1 help" proiects die PlO-9ressln9 rapidly on 1,500 Cdmpuses. At the Cale School of AppliedSciellCt (CI eveland) students are doin9 everything frOI

answerin9 telephones to solvin9 the most technical , research problems - and the candid camera h" c"u9ht a few of thelll « their work.

CONFER. ENCE. Emory University de· ~~~ii baters who ~ will invade Engl"nd, meet with Amb4ss,,· dor Bingham.

IT'S A NEW CRAZE • Temple Univenity (Philadelphi {?Yules in f"vor of Guggenheim. The new form of Pelgv Egan and Herbert Phillips. .

Earning and Learning ---F E RA Aids Study

11., Oi,eat Rud.,.

of the Week will feature one picture that

n9 from the standpoint of and the story it tells. Still eligible for the contest­

ctions beyond those of libel clnd

to the winner of each week's the right to use any photo sub­

re9ular rate of one dollar-~tjon.

an "mllteur photogrllpher who is body of eI college or uniVersity. ( of (4ch conh:st4nt, together

II'\t,.,."r .. ,""', must be printed on the back is made upon the number of

nor upon the size of the photOgr4phs

unless 4ccomp4nied by return

of the Week, COlLEGIATE

With Ilpproximatciy 95,. 000 studtnts in colle3tl and unive rsities througl,.

out the Uni~dS~~s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ celving Anancial aid Ir~ the Federal Emtrgenty l GOING UP • The camera Relief Administration, re- • stopped this last bit of action I search and .. professori.1 in the Duquesne-Melnheltleln · help" projects are pro- celge battle in M.sdison Squelre ' gress'"g rapidly on 1,500 .GIlrden. Cdmpuses. At the GIt INTPHATIONAL PHOTO

School 01 AppliedScienct (Cleveland) students .rt doing everything IrOll answeri ng tclephonts to solving the most ttchnit41 resurch problems - and the candid CIlmtld h" c"ught a lew 01 them tt their work.

CONFER­ENCE. Emory University de- "'III:!': billers who will invllde Englelnd, meet with Amb"ss". dor Bingham.

IT'S A NEW CRAZE • Temple University (Phillldelphia, Pa.) students have abandoned jig-saw (?UllIn in favor 01 Guggenheim. The new form of cross-word puzzle game is being tried by Pt:99Y Egan and Herbert Phillips. . . STANDIA PHOTO

I l __



IT'S A Hili • A Columbie! University (New York City) player bdts out a long one during d prdctice session 01 the lion's nine .

'tELEVISION is broadcdst Irom the Cdmpus 01 the 1 elias State College lor Womren (Denton), Herre's Moselle Elliott doing her whistling act.

Right THREE LEADERS • Kay Kyser, bandmdste:r, Bunc~ Halstedd, prom ~ueen, and Bill Leej dll . Amenc<ln, meet at d Unl\/erSlty of Aldbclma ~Uni ­\/ersity) ddnce .

JUNIOR COLLEGE OPENS ST A llO.... • Operators 01 the new broadcdst studiO cit Los College (Cdlil.) eire shown cit thre controls for the dedlcdtOry air presentdtion of the collegre stcllion, Kennedy, radio Instrudor, is shown pointing at the controls,

, -

Popeye "' ollow .. Am.enc"',, l..eJtdlnlt Colll\(l,"

Appearing Eve.., Morning On Pllge 7.


*** *** *** Supporters of Municipal Owner MOL Victory Would Assure Plan to Build City I.#ight Plant; Revival of PW A Deal Probable


Van der Zee Sees Victory After Years Of Controversy

The long and holly tough t ballle [0" a munlclpSllly owned electric light 'lIlfl power plant for Iowa Cily e,\t~I'Cd It" final chapter last nIgh t, fill p,'opon~nl!l of the city plant saw lMh' candIdates all'P8.rcntly swept into power,

The n w council which wlll take O\'C " tho reins of government April J, and lhr new maYOl', barrIng UP­tetM, will be pleclged to the emetlon pf lhe m ttn Icl PilI plant. ~adln~

'IMh' (01'0<'8 again will be Alderman. al ·Large Jacob Va:1l del' Z<'e, whr, 11M hoodr{\ the (Ight fDr the cllY pl~nt as republican member of t~,~

city council In the last two years, ull(k>r ConOdent

Although Il.'gal entanglem nts may 8tlll opcrate to prevent the estab­lishment of a municipal plant. one groal legal stumbling block was rc· moved ~cenlly wIth lhc decIsion or federal [lubllc wOl'ks otrlclals that bond ~ I",qucd under tho Simmor law

be llCcE'lltrd wit houl a tcst casc an(1 that the 20 year franchise roo Qul l't'ment may be walvt'd,

Alderman \'an del' zee. who has le~ th~ muni cipal ownershIp torcrs {QI' ~I'vel' I YNU'S. saM last nIght that he Is conrldent t!tat financial backing for the new light plant will be It V liable fl'om the fe<! raJ \fov· erJllnent, A 1\'I'ant nnd loan of ~9t7,· 000 was m/ldp ava.lla.hl last yc 1',

but It was rejC<'ted by the council, "'lfht to Continlle

" 1 have been assured by the tste publlc works commissioner

1hl\t the admlnl8tl'ation will prob· !lhly act favorably on IL reapplicatIon fo l' tho grant and loan ," Alderman " an del' Zec declal'cd.

Whal thc Light and Power com· pan y 11'111 do rpmalned In doubt

' I a.~t night, bul It was reasonably ~rtaln thal th~ fight to reta.ln the prlvalcly owned utility will not be gIven up. Joseph Porter, Jr" mana· gr!" of th~ Light and Power com· ,18,ny, and ot her company oWclals Could not 1 reached tor statements early thl6 morning,

Hot Contest Yeste,'day's electiOn closed one

or the holt 8t contests the city ha>! eyer seen on tbe light 1)lant Ques· tlon, 'rhe subject of several elec· tlons In th~ last two years, sin 0

Ih ~ VOWI'S of lowp City rotuACd to gnu,t the company's request tor re, newal of Ils fra.nchlse, rnunlcll>al ownersh ip a;-sumed the pOsitIon of tho only decIsive 18BUO I n thO 1'0'

cent' campaign, several candIdates In the eal'iy conlesl withdrew to I~~v the election a clean choice be· twe n advocates of tite nlunlclpal plant and of pl'lvat ownership,

The fight la" a municipal plant haH been an active one tor the lasl )'~ar a.nd 8. haIr, In Janual'r, 1934. the 1.lght amI Power ompany a ns' ... ~red the attacks of municipal own· 1'r.hlll l)roponcntH with lower local ,'ates. '{'his action came just a tew daY8 before City Engln CI' Waite,' Hthwob filed a rrpol't with the city cuuncll estimating Lbo total cost of a now light plant at $917:1)00,

Lowered Rates 'fh ~ council, acllng upon the en'

gir1l' ,"s r port, Mayor Jla''!'y D , 1:1,' ene to apply to th [('<Iel'al PWA W,' a loan a nd In'ant rovll ,'lnp; thlij amount, and to sot Q

da,o (iii' it H p~rllll city election On th qUI'~ lf/)n or munIcipal 01"nor· ~h lll , 'I'he mAyol' '"'t Apl'li 17, 193. M tlw dat tOI' lh election,

In lOeb"ulIl'Y. 1934, the Light and J'owor comllllny agaIn Bought tho lower ,'ute mcthnd or answering ItB oll[lnncn ts , ThIs time It announ~d n redu cllOI; of U,324 In tho COBt of ~tr~ol lighting (01' til city a nd , I , 010 I' du I 1\ In th cosl ' of can· d~lab,la lighting tn the bUdln ~8 dis· U'I('t,

A (otlll of 5,783 persons CrulL bal· Iota In lhe election of AI)rU 17, Illany l, unwcd8 i horl Of tho nuntber ex' l)ect~(I , The r~8ul~ WIUI II. 1)1,J,jOl'lty or t GG In fnvo l' ot nlunlcilltli ownC/" , shIll, 'rhe elty council , however, act· In g undrr.ail OI)lnlOn of City Attorn· ey Thoma. Martin that It need not accopt th vote as .. mandate, 8ho':t· Iy aller tM e l ctlon ta.bled an ordl­nan to e8tablleh the CIty owned plant,

BUI K111t!t1 I na.lln u h Ilft It W'" neceft&aJ'y to

01)[11.111 0. two,thln" majorIty .In thet coul1cll to rccon81der the or(\', the tllbllnl' effeotlvely klllf'd lhe bUI Until the nexl cllY election, yeatc,'· dllY.

'I'h~ M '"11"ll'nl nw'w,'~hI11 I "n/: II~

Some Side Issues

A Few Highlights Of Yesterday's


Thlr'd ward voters take t hclr poll· tlclI 1Ierlo\lsly! A gl'oup of about 20 stood In C,'ont of the C,S,P.S, ho.l1. balloting place. o.nd argued Violent· ly, Onlooko"s, hea.rlng the discus· slon, moved c l08e,'-ln Ume to heo.l' the tlna.1 argumenta. The men ha.d been discussing lhe relative merits of the \Vayne King and Ja.n Gar· be,' da.nce orchestras, ' ,

Probable winnerlS of key positions in 1 be ciLy MOL, alderman·at.large; Thomas E, Martin, alderman-Ilt.large: AU three men arc advoca1cs

Presiilent Emeritus WaJter A, J eRSllp is probtlbly the only v()!er who cast an ab!lent , voter'8 bill· lot /\JIlt IIrrived In Iowa. City In tillle to see it counted, The lor· mer Iowl!> head sent hJs ballot from New Yllrk city. a.ntf then clime to Iowa elly Sunday lor a short vl5lt, He was "on the ~pot" during yesterdaY'R elec· tion , • ,

111 un lei pal Owne,'sh Ip advocate8 were "on the bandwagon" ye8ter' day- In a nlo3dlliel' of speaking, A Iruck , ca,rrylng an oddly 8.8S01'ted band, d,'ove B,'ound town YllIItertlay morning anl't artcl'noon, The band was playing, p"ophetlcally enough, "There'll Be a Hot Time In the Old Town Tonight." , , .

t ' p to 1 o'clock thl! morning, one 'llJIn had the honor 01 bl'lng the ollly election drllnk in the city bastille, He decided to cele­brate In Iroll t of the City hall. Police officers ad\'I!led him that hl8 choIce or a celebrating place WI\.8 n. poor one. and WIlen be continued his gaiety he ""8 glv· en the oppoli unity to celebru te In .. cell ...

IDlrction galcty last nIght did not Include the tl'adltlonal beer. In Its place, cIgars and candy flowed tree· Iy

Although only one Inobriate spent the night In the city Ja.lI. he was not th.e only one In high spirits. An Impromptu fife and drom corps paraded the 8t~8, with two snare drulll8 as the chlel noisemakers . When Inter· viewed at an ea.rly hour, the nHln were not quite certllln whether they " 'ere lIIunlcipaJ ownership advOf'ates or were merely celebrating on general principles , , •

The first ward to report complete returns for the mayo,'alty raCe was the thIrd, Counting only the ticket,'s o.t first, thc Judgcs wel'c able to report a Ia.rgc ma,'gln for Tom Martin before 10:30 la.s~ night,

pictiires on page 3).

H;.iiler, Great , Br~t~i~ Envoy~ Reach Accord

Con.ferencc Results .In Agreement Upon : Three Questions

(Copyright. 1lI3S, by the J\S800Ia£ed '.Press)

BERLIN, Maroh l!S-'A n lne.hour (,On(erenc~ -between Adolf-Hitler, SI, John SitnOl\ and AnthonY EMn broke ~p tonIght with I'vl'rybody 'millng 'cordiall y and with an agrep·

ment reached, .tlle A8I!()tl~ted Pres$ was Informed by an Quthorltatlve .source, on th" co Important points,

1. The British envoys promise 1 HIUp.r that England wil l no longel' Insist upon the mulual asslslance r~aturo or the proposed eastorn se­curity pact . .

2. 011 'Germany's part .HItler gav' <lo lentl1 assurance that hl8 nattun docs hot the faintest Intention f eye,' attackIng Russia, He said thl~

;;.tter Insisting tho.t Germany wil l . l\\nd \lat on demands for a big ,army and navy In order to defclI I Europe from RUSSian bolshevism,

3, He tUL' stated that Get'· j'Ylany Is ready to enter II. t rea.1y ot <,mlty and frIendship 'wi th LithU­ania, provIded that cou ntry lives UQ

lo the terms of th e Memcl B'latute which guarantees certain rig hts tn Oennan mInorities,

Mrs. Seashore , ,

Speaks Today To Discuss

I' For Living From , Woman's Attitude "~ , Cal'l E, SeashOl.'{l, wlCo of

Dqah Seashore oC the graduate col­\( ~c, ,;'111 speal( on h I' philosophy

And In the matter ' of th'sts-the of j llfe to the 'Phl!()IIOphl 8 of !lvlng first voter 10 cast a ballot In the .co (crcnce thIs afte1'noon al 4:10 In tll'sl ward was Floyd Cook, 519 S, l h UnIon Board room or IDwa Capitol etreet, The last voleI' waS UnIon. / ' n, E , Krall. In the second ward the + h(, subject ot her ~drcss Is tll'sl votel' W8.8 Albert H uea, J r" 324 '''!',i-i Design ror"Llvlng from a Wo­E, Fairchild Btl'cet, and the last nu~n's Standpol)lt ,: ' . A group dlS­W6Jl Floronce M, MerrItt, Westlawn, o.fl~~on cO(l1pa"il1ll' VQ,II,OUII ph 1l0ll0-

In th e th l"d Ivu,'d the ll,'st man to l~h \&II of liCe will fall. OWl he ,' tall< , c~t a 'ballo t wtUI Vernon Voelkcrs, 1\0[1'11, 'SC/.j"hO;ll'e Is aCtive In the work

of I Lhe c4rn1)UP "cllll'Jou8 o"gan Ir.a-AAA Prepares To 110'1 ~, ha vIng !!e" I'ed 'on committees

P . PI . Of of th varIous religiOUS groups, erlUlt anting f' l'Of, O~~rge W , Slcwart of the

Wheat in Dry Areas flh yales deJal'tment will speak at WASHI NGTON', Mareh 25 (AP)- the l8.8t (If lhe phll080phJcs or Hvlng

The tll,'m admlnl6trutiOn prepared dlscuBsloos April 2. todaY to I)CI'tTIlt , (armers In cxccs' 'fhc oo nfe''ences ILI'e under the Klvely dry Il.I'e8.It to Ignore wheat aUllJllccs or the campWl rellglOud contl'act lJl"ov lslonll requlrlll( p!«.nt. or8'.nI14tlon6 and al'e 01)('11 to Ktll ­Ing and a t the 88.",le tim e It put a II uL~, rllculty ll1(' rn l>crB, nud otherB limit on the ac,'eage Incre&8ll8 to be who 1l.1'C Interested, aJlowed con t ract signers,

Th o contracts l'equlre fa.'1nC/'" to plan t 64 I)t)r cent oC their lI8.8e acre· age to wheat ' but this rC!Julr~cnt Wfl.H waived ex(cnBlvely In droulI'h t dlfttrlcls l8.8t yea.r,

Ilnd th e M.O,L, non·J)9..I'tllIlLn candl, oates were o,-ganlzed ror the eXPl1l1lll purPolie of fIghting the LiCht and P()wer company , Allied with them In their battle haNe been the Iowa

Ity League ot Women Vote,'. a.nd the John801l County Tupa.yera' leo.· guo, In, the battle to retain the prl v· ate company WIUI lhe Iowa. City

Free-ror·AII DALLAS (A:P)-Nlnsleoll WOOlen

U 11/\ a man wore jailed lato yceter' day fo,' a t,'~ c·fO l, .a'l 1 fight In fronl ot , a dress mp.nura.Cturlng plant as violence flared again In th ga.l'ment workers strIke' here.

Fanner 0le8 LEJ MARS (A'P)-:Petel' J, Delper·

dang" 40 , ta.l·inel' neal' here, dIed early Iallt night of InJuI'Ic8 suttered " 'hen he 'Was slashed late yesterday by a dlllC dra,wn by a runaway team, fllB wklow and s hc Children Bur·

("onMllln"'r" Protl'l'tivr IUIHorlnt\on . vlve.


fenae res ted trial oC Mrs. 42, for the 1'rl."LI

of her hllsba~d toriller Valley partial paral y t:.

• .

''rOdar uod tin ioca.l bu -=-

Jm.teH the gen together.-' tics .tt Ilnd the