Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1924-03-14 - Daily Iowan: Archive


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Transcript of Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1924-03-14 - Daily Iowan: Archive


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)RES City


ilored ones

)rings silks.

these ar for 19 are triped ~ neW

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Associated Press Iowa Weather Full nlgbt leased wire . ervlce

bring. to Dally Iowan r eadel's the lateet and fulles t mornlnll' new Aerv· Ice carried In any newspaper lolt! In Iowa City,

CleUdY to partly cloudy Friday 8nd Saturday; no Im l10l'lnnt cha ngo In temperalul·o.


= Mecca Festivities

End With Dance 1 Tomorrow Night

Work of Engineers Be Exhibited for



Dance Program. For Mecca To Make Debut

P I'Of~'I'tlilll ~ rUI' ti ll' M eCca d t"II l'C

SaturdllY nl!;'h t ,u'e hCI'o noW a nd Ina), bo obtained a t 'Whet sto ne's today. 't'ho PJ'O!;, I'lIIllS al'O ot mOlh· I I' of peuI'1 rtl1d have U lI'I(\l1g0 u nd T 'RlIUUI'O ou tline(\ In gold ana t he the w01'l1 Mecca embossocl in gold on the covel'. A clevel' In torl') I' ar· 1'!lllgelllelll Is lI1so dIstlnct lv,) o{ the pr'ogl'anls.

New Soldiers' Bonus Bill Is

Sent to House Men Must Have 20~

Year Endowment Life Insurance

Uncle John's Boys Score Triumph Injunction Halts In 2nd Installment of Mecca Show Drilling Operations

By 1.01·0I1z G, 'Woltor" Nelthcl' dl~u l1 tod IJY ycalcl'c)uy'ij

O "T 0 " n eapot orne

Admiral Strauss and E, A, Watts Appointed

As Receivers

May Win Germany. Russia to League

99 Indictments ;, -.',\

By Grand Jury In Herrin Probe

Fifty-five Ret urn e d Against Young.

Klan Leader

Other Mecca Features J T lk . Are Parade and essup to a at

Adjusted Compensa­·tion of Former Bill


assaul l by the Duily Illw .. n n OI' un dul y 111 fi a.tell by tho p laudits of t he Prcas itlzen the e nglneer~ 111'0' ccoded to thei r second nnd n nni j.lOl·· formanco 11INt n ight ot thel" annuul Mecea s how-thlH year the fl ftoe nth of Ita 1<lnd. An other full house wlt­!lessod Unclo JObn Seelm an 'a cal' culus boys In a Jlroductlo n which Inc ludod j a7.Jl . dance. vaudevlllo, "draym,," , s ta r lll n![ clecb'lcalctTccts, [ln t! b rondcnsUng from staUoll 'VB AA.

;tgu.llI . P lain ly IlndlLJlo "Ilr ll~ <.'6 ' Il(lo ll (I'o·ew. ",hen "1:lC(UCC~CI'" Lclll lw III 8~cered his t uxedoed lot Into "So 'f hl H Is Venlcc" o.nd In the lobby a'ftor th o s how campul! da nce /lu th­QI'ltI"" pl'o noun eed n\ltledlctlons on l 'ltl·t y 00mmltte08 tor ImpOI'lftnt to reIgn orchestras for formals with s uch as orches t ra ns thIs on the 'am\lus. "C huck" Sull Ivan l\lded

a nd abetted by Doc L a wson a nd C<y-r18 J acobs Dond wheeled "A PC"' feet Day" out ot nn ordinary cU), enter '" saw scoring 0. h it which s hattered t ha t act hy S ull1 van and Pt'[I tt last year in "JIlt·. Oo.l1agher."

Sinclair Says Charge Of Conspiracy Can

Be Disproved

Jury Finds Klan Acts Caused "Reign

Exhibition Big Ten Meeting I Of Terror" (By AssocIated 1'1'1.'88 ')

New York Association Will Hear Him

March 21

Thcre remalll" )'et to come In t hO Mecca week celebration th e tracHt· lonal rllmtde tomorrow aUem oon, t he exhibition which Is the cll ,!'lne­er~' open house a nd the dance to­mOrrow night.

Agai n tho Engineers' melodlzers, prevent ume nd- a Ofleen piece orchestra 01' young

where the public Is InvJled to In- be one or thc Apcal(ers at tho scconti me\,ts. band WM easIly the best n um ber • pect t he work dune by the students Threo committee memlJcrH 0PP08' of the evening. 'l'all< of the IMt

Wlih tho annuaJ MeCca show now

merged into t ho past Satu rday will

mark the cll ll.UlJ( or the cnglneers '

activIties. Followi ng t ho parade the

student, ot the Collegc at A pplled

Solence will bo ''[It home" In theil'

departmental buildings var loll8 I'I'cahlent \ \'altcr A. Jessup wi ll

W ASHI NG'fO:>l. Murch 13- The new soluicrs' uonua bill wua ordered sent 10 the house today, by Ihe ways a nd rneana committee, anll n­\llan was agreed UP011 by the com· ml ttee, to push tho mellRUl'e fo rward noxt week undel' a 8u8ponNIon of the I'ulea which WOUlll per mit a vote In one dllY lind

T he orchestral numbers incl uded "Lln"el' It. while" and Inte l'pretaUons of "Where, Oh where haa my llttle DQ\r bone" a 10. Dorlln , SeVille, Edlnbu\,g and then the Athena It · sll/f.

Drady u.nd EMon an d their bo.n" joes wllre given a loud h IJ.nd. l'he boys were clad as artlats of ~he hlgh­" "lY a nd got away to a fo.,.t start "Itb some ..excelle nt biscuit tossing. l'l1e banjo mUlilc e!U!lly pu t to shamo

Cj-LEYE:NN1~. ·Wyo .. March 13.­All dl'lIIing operation a of the Mam" moth Oil Company, On the 1'0<\pot Domo oil rescl'VO arc hallecl and the operaLlon ot eXisting wolls is I'educed to tho minimum deemed "neccssary to p revent loas 01' damage" under the tel'm~ of a telllporal'y injunction granted today by Federal Judge T . Blake Kennedy at Iho request ot the

RERRI N, ILT .. " Mar ch 13, (A.P .) -Nlnety·nlne indlotments were re· turned t oday by a grand jury ,vblch has been InvesUgaUng conditions In Herr in, The jury's repor t m ade tl. nu mbor of recomme nclatlbns to brlng aho ut co ndlt lo n8 tha t would avol~ recu rrence of riots In wn·. Hamson cou nty,

of the collego. Tho Mecco. dance

~ili closo tho week'e activities.

annu"J lJanqus t of tho New 1'01'1< as. au the blil-Repl' aentatlves Mms, aoch.llon of WcstCl'O Conference unl· New YOI'k; " I'eadwoy, Massachu­vcrsltles to be held in New York o n etts. onll 'filson, Connecticut. all re' March 21 at tho Hotel Astor. nubllcans-and Representlttlve 0 1(\­

United States govornment. Loo'd I'nrmoar

fidel, democrat, Arl<nl1!!Us, rcserved He wa" specially Invited to attend the rIght to object On tho floor to

Glty as ID former yeal's wlth. tho this banquet whon he was In ~ew oml'3610n from the bi ll ot ali option

The engineer's pat'adc will agaJn

tl'averltl the business scction of Iowa

yenr's orchestra has lasted t hrough· out thO year. Talk about ,this Qne should 1>0 good until t he Laws and EngIneers viI) 111 hIstrionIc talents OON TISUED ON PAOE 7

Visiting Debaters Iowa Senate Passes Outclass Iowans Severe Liquor Bill

Judge Kennody appointecl Rear Admlrftl Joseph Stl'auss of the Unl' tecl Stules navy and A. E. Watts, vIce ]>r<'4'iclent or the Sincla.i l· Con· aolldatod all C"l'jlol'atlon, as jOint rocelvers to take rhA.rgo of the Pl'Op· crtles and to soli oil from producing wells pending the settlement of tho !!;overnmcnt's suIt for annulment fo the lenso oC Ihe rl'SCI'vo to Harry F. Slnclttlr p nd Ihe Mo.mn1Oth on Com­

Tangible sUlmcstlona cal ulot('d to ho...ten the event of the two g"Cllt European powers who arc sun Ollt· side of the l..cague of NatIons, Gel" m<l.ny a.nd Rus~ja, RI'e ex:pcctcd fronl I .. ord ParmOOI', wbo has made hIs ot­flclal . entrancc on the Icague stag~

'lt Cene"1l as reprcser,lati\'O! of GI'~at Britain, replacing lAIrd Robert Ce· cll. Lord Parmoor Is a memher ot the Illbor government In En!;lan<1.

The return of Indlctment'3 todar, follow a nine-day sC8slon of t he spo· clal grand jmy, Invesllgallng tbe 1(llllnlt ot Consta.ble Caesar ClIlfle. and t he shooting oC De puty Sheriff John Layman on t he night of F cbr· ullry 8, last,

band .at tho head ot tho proces310n. Yorl< 801 lotlmo ago by the Iowa al·

As !h,e course of the parade Is now umnl thol'e, 'l'bls Is the first tlm~

plan ned about tlCLeen blocks Or a lhat Prealdont Jessup hall attonded

lillie ovcr a m ilo wIll be covco'ed boo the 1>anquet.

fOl' fu ll c!1"h payments. The new measure ,ll1ffel'Cd mater·

lally from tho bill passed la9t ses­sIon and vetoed by President lIarll­ing limits the bonus to paid UP 20· yeal' endowment Jlfe Insurance poll­elea, but pl·ovide. CAsh payment to votorans not entitled to moro than $50.

The indictments Include a charge ' of mUt'dCl' In t he k illing of Caglp, .hootlng with Intent to kl,lI ' ln t he cnse ot Deputy Sheriff Layma n, and vRrlous chal'geft In eonnecUon with flrLng on tile IIerrln hospital. Core Ihe proccsslon enc.ls Ul' at t ho

cnglneel'lllg building again. A mong tho other spcakers on ttl('

progmm will bo James A. Angell, Iowa Wins Third Lap Debate N~w Met~od of pany.

Approximately tblrty noMs wll l lOMtmasler. pl'caWent or Yale 1'nl. make up the pundo this year. The

vel'slty, I\nd former ly of the Unl­commIttee In charge has plannod to

The same basis of adjusted com· 11ensu\lo11 alluwed In t ho olel hill. $1 a day for home sOl'vlee, and $1.25 tOI' overseas servlco Is providcd. In figuring tho tace value of the pol­Icy, however, 25 POI' cent Is added to the adjusted sen' lee crodlt an(1 also the Inte('ost on tho total

Of Triangular from Electmg FaIr South Dakota Directors

The injunction nnd rcccivorshl11 Kenyon Declines 1"lfty-flvc of tho In(lIctments nre were granted by Judge Kennedy uganat S. Glenn Young, dry worker artm' [\ pI'cllrnl1111ry heurlng which N P f I' nnd palll learler ot lho K u Klul[

make the annual Jlroceaslon II. well "cl'>Jlty ol Michigan, Glenn l~ I'ank , .fo llowed tho [11Ing of the bill ot avy ort 0 10 Klan nncl rcccnt liquor raids con·'

DES MOINES, lA.. March 13- equity In which the government al. duetcd In tho county, whicb It i~ baJanced a lTalt· 10 Inclucle 0. varl~ty edilor o( tho Century magazille. an

(By Charles Cornwl;lI) {A.~'.)-Thc statc senuto today dIs' leges f,llao representations In the said, leud to the clash between tho of original anel humerous talce·otT. on U108e rat hoI' unncceBlIILI'Y activi-ties oC the u niversIty which have beDn predomll1a.tely In the Ilmelight during Iho pltSt year as well n.s to gIve lho public a demon.tratlOll ot engineering Ingenu ity and abIlity In the foml of Qucer acting and funny lOOking mechanical eonttlLlltions

r Ihal 8eel11 to be elthcr In advance of the preRont uf:e ur behind It. ThiB I. Ibe Hummary ot tho plan as out· lined by Arnold Nesheim 84 of De­Clll-ali , chairman 0' the TmJ'lldv com· mlll,e: ." .

I-Iumnus of NOl'thwcsl~rn ullivorslly

nnd Alonza Stagg, director of ath·

letlcH at tho University of ChIcago.

C I'd T Off P t l{Jun unct untl·Klan facllons. "We favor a policy of rIgid rc. pused ut one highly controversial tl'allstor of the Teapot Domo resorve 00 I ge 0 er OS

. from the navy dcpal·tment to the In - T C 1 f S The shootings followl'(} a clash be· strletlon and careful selecllon." de- malleI' only to meet with another 0 a i ornia u~ twcon members at thlY Ku Kim.

d I terlor department and also chargc~ Klan allll anll-KlanHmen which r~' clured l"loytl Leavitt of Ncbrusl(Q, all lle rosult was a IQng attcmoon traud In tho eXQcution of the Icu80 r m J t '

"mount coml,oundcd anllually at 1 . I I h b p ee US ICe suited In state troops bclng lient In the debate held laat night on 51'salon w t lIe flU ject matter ot to tho SInc lair Intel·cats. Ile)' cent for 20 years. here. to aid in mo.lntalnlng order.

J (th 'I the (IUeaUon: -"Hcsolvcd that the olectlng that ~tato fttlr board dlrec- Asic ('/lllccliatioll of Leases 'VASIlINGTON, M.·ll·ch 1,", (A,1'.) Alun~ a tel' c, I'MI two years " Among tho charges against woul~ 1)0 allowed on ll'n policIes up United Stfttos should restrIct Im- tl<1'8 OVcr which several hours of de' Besldos the temporll),y Injunclton y It It I It t \'Iollnlst ot Wisconsin; the Castle " n(1 l'MeIV"I'shlll th ~ovel' n en' I -I'rcsldent Coolldge!s tenller of ounlt Ilro ,\ssau W 1 n ent 0 to no net· cent of tho pnid up value. mlgl'lttlon Co)' a period of flvc b"te had ttlready been recorded . The a c., e " n 1 , n the navy secl'ctaryship WaS de. murdcl', consplraey, kldnap'plng, 8ml

S[.C'clal cntertttlnment \\'111 bo 1)1'0-

vldl-d In thc nature of violin selec·

Uons by GilllCl·t ROBS, dlstlngulahc(l

CIUI) Orchcstm, Iccl by J. M. FI·ied· Covers 20.1'e3r PCl'I(.j~ . Its cOIllJllalnt asks that the court en" Cal"" Imprisonmont. r .' 1 II '21" d years," No dccislon was rendel'ell tlrst mOa8ure passcd was Code Bill tcr a final d~cl'ro cQllcelling 'ho cllnod today by Ce<lCl'aJ judge WlI -'tn er, ,an" compose mOAtiy or Rovlaed e~lImate~ showed the • The grand jury report chargert

;"wa men : ~Ollg9 by Manton P.1\b:'- maximum total cost of the> meaaurc anci th(\ au,li\,' ncc 'll'Ill' licipatcl1 In 2~3, the llclUOI' peo'mlt hili that 1'0- lea.~e" and contractR, returnIng tho liam S. Kenyon Ilnd tho chief el<o, lhat "S. Glenn YOllng, who Is 'not It ble. w(>lI -known lenOl', formel'ly of would be $2.ll9,OOO.000 spread over open tot'um discussion artel' thQ de· Qlllred moro thlln two a/l(l ono·hulf tll'opertlcs to the govcrnment and cutlve 11I'lIpal'etl tu offcr tho Ilort- citizen of 'Willlamson county, a.s' Mlehl"lul, anti othel' noveIU","" T.:illt " 1,,"'loel of 20 YNI.I·H. ))"to. \I'YP on the noor, enfurcing a ecounting. folio to Chicf Justico Curtis D. >I'il - Slimed tn tako over tho government

" ('I I 1 Nfj '''''l tr WRH ~n t "ur furlh0r r II I' [}T ,_.. I' II ~ lil 1'Illan (fcpn tlccl:u'ed tl1;\l .I" ,-'ur or t IU (';"U!vrl1lu HU}>"ronHJ court. 0 11) (' ry (J . ~rl'nI uy un a,W,-U \' carefUl lIl1lulry had 8hown the cost 'Po.ul M'. Dwyer A3 01 Oelwein 'fhe ~tat() fair boar~cb te 'Vile ' a hemrlngs Oil th<, 1'1 IUC"t tOI' I' J1mu ,Tudge Kenyon, hlmsclf, onnounced deposing and Imprisoning the mayor rCUI' tho "ftall' was a tremendous

C~lof IImong tho ' mc()h~nlcul selt· bUCCCSS nnd an even larger attond· propelling de\'ices wi ll bo the recenl- nee IS nntlclptllcd this year.

oould be mot by the gOve1'nmcnt openod til(' (I~bate [or Iowa by ask· ronewal of tho movemont to ha.ve l;\ccrl'c, tIlllte ll StatCH government tho decllnallon, declaring In <L COl'm- and other otflclals," rl'om current revcnue ,without add 1- Ing Ncb1'll~k(l, "What 011188 of Im - tho dlroctol's elected by congrosalOn- attol'ne)'8 tal<ing the stand that the <II statement tlu~t he could 1I0t C8. Clth~r8 hHlIctcd aro Sam Stearns, tlonul taxcs. Chairman Madden. of Involv"c1 nature "f tho action Illu.dc cxaltcd cyclops of tho K u K lux Iy developed watel"pt'ollcIlL'd "Hy·

dromobllo". the steam propellod "Scotch-wa!;on", and tho "Cop's SpcdaJ" . l'he "lLydromobl!(f'. a.s tormorly aLaled, la 0: mach Inc which roc~lve8 Its l,Jropelllng force from lYaler power thl'Dugh the ItPpilca­tlon oC tho prlnclilio a t the hydralillc jump. The "ScotCh-wagon" Is c~

ft tcn m'llropelle<l six-wheeled monst· er wIth an u nders lung appcal·allce. 'rhe makers or the "Cop's SpeclRI" say thut It wi ll equally wecl for' ward. nn backwurds. it hILS the UPI,caranco of beln!; Cltpllulo of oven hlore Ul1usual fealN titan thllt.

Among some of the I)rlnclllie ot the otbeF !loots Ilre the 111'0 On the evolution ot lowu. roadH, 'rhe SpI'lnS' Tension Test , T he Law Jubilee Mov· les. Ilral n So u.J}, Toonervllle Tr ol· Icy. Wireless Sending and Wlrcless Hc~h'lng a.nd othcre w hich wi ll n()Cd no h\lroductlon. Tho IInlmals In the pM'll~, lI lthough t hcy may bave 0. somewhat toroelou8 appear­Ullce, a re. rea lly .qullo (Im lable /lnd hnrmless tho cOlllmlttee wIshes to 8SUI'C the public.

In order to enllblo Iho p Ublic to get most convenien t acceS8 to view the parado the II nc oC march Is glv. ~n here. Btarti nS' (,'0111 t he engineer' Ing building at t he CO I'llOr of Cavltol Washlnlrlon t he course of the PI'O ' ccsslon will be us tolloW8: To t ho Corner at Was hington and Clin ton, thon north to J olTel'flOn . ell..,t as tar II.!! Gllberl, the n west to tbo cornet· of Linn and Iowa Avon ue, f l'o01 IhOl'o south tQ Collcge, then W08t to Qllnton , north us raJ' !VI Wnshlng·

( tun and then west endi ng a t the corncl' of Capitol ILml Washington.

The exhibition will toltow 1111 ' bledlately actnr thv pal·ndc. A l'rOW8 In Iho englneorlng collca will In · dlcate tho course tnken In th" In·

Williams Resigns To Marry in June

Has Done Experiment­al Work in Field of


mig"'"lltR and how many or OIl"!! al districts rathor lhun Ilt largo as C'IPt, the c011clu810n that ho elld not ' ' lhe appr"p1'jatl'on" cOlnmltt- ~ h I It IlllllOHslble at this time to say Klan, at Marlon. ""1'1 N('lIaon, .,~.

< y Q 0. . a' r iMS tit) Lho n""utlve Intend to all- has been lho practice tor yeal's. Tho pOMHeRM the "cssenllal quallflcu.t!ons ,-",,~ a"RUl't'd tho committee, Mr, Green wl1e11 thoy wollid IJ() preparcd to con - or tl'alnin!; (or tho omco." alted cyclops o[ tho Klan at 'Herrin, aid, that tho ncceBHIlry fUlltl~ tor mIl," Thruul>hout mORt of the do- senato adopted this new mothod ae v- tilluo tho CaRe. .Judgo l{~nnedy John Ford, cllier O( pollco of t he meeting the annual pnyments coulll bate tht' spe"I(" .. !! held the Intercst eral week" ago but tho house refus' g'rantod the deCrndants thirty days TbC' statement W3.11 Issued after city of lIerl'ln, Harold CraIn and he met out of apprOI)rlatiOIlS whlcl1 of the smaH audlellce of about 2;;0 nd tp <;oncur and today the senate In- to Cite their plc.lIlings In tho cas". Judgo Kenyon hac! Indicated cUI'ly Sim Stcphen8, patrolmen. woulll he available liS I, result of the pOI'sons. Charlton C. I.alrd A3 Of slsled upon Its amendment. Tho ('0111Jl1!tlnt W1(H tiled shurtly In the (lny to the Prcsldent that his No A!Tests Made discontinuance III ,t }'ear or two 'lf before 10 o'C'lock by Allee Polllercne I'eply to the tender would have to None of those indicted by the '

McGregor with hla clover remarks NIl . ., various war welfare pl'ograms of the 0 ola\'gea 0 ml8conuuct were and Owen J. Hobel·ts, spocial gov" bo a decllnntlon and then had rccOll- grand jury had been arrests.; to· government. rInd OUl'cCully drawn concluslona mado against tho present tall' board cmment counsel , and Albert D. Wal. slclered hiS decision at the earnest night. 'fho following Is the roport

To pI'ovllla COl' ('osts of the mellS- was lhe Iowll favorite. 1"01' Nebrns. 1 Qnd there was much praise fOI' that ton, United ~ltate. district attorney request of JIll'. Coollngc. The recoll- roturned by tho spoclttl f,'1'a.nd jury, ure, a slnkinlt fund oC $110,000,000 I{fl, ncrnard O"adwohl, a veteran ot body, b ut supporters or tho plan fOI' \Vyomlng. Immediately arter- slclemllon bl'Ou!:ht the (onnol' Iowa In part: for tho first ycnr I" PI·ovldcd. Thi. two Intercollcl';lato (Jeblttes. wnn tnltlntllin that tho bOUI'd Is a closed wllrd atlorneys for both "Ides went Bonlltol' to the 'aame conclusion. "To tho H onorable E. N. Bowen ,

nmount , Mr. Green lilll,l, would <lc · Gradwohl. the Nebrasko. cnptaln. corporation nco'pctuatln p ItAclf In of" I t It tlo Ilh J I I ' J'u(lgo ot tho city eourt ot the cl'y ,. " n 0 eonsu Il n w U( gc \.('n- Chief Justice 'Vllbur, although •

Tho I'cRlgnulion of Prof_ Mubcl C. cl'ense annuall y until th" paym011t In the 19th yellr would bo $91,000, 000.

~howcll th" best ,debating nblltty flce and that thel'c -hould be a way J d tl I' I t of ILel'l'ln ' YII II·mson coun ty III , Q nOl y I'" 1() pl'" un nary COUI' Itlentirt('(l with the legal profession ' ' ~ ,.

exhibited In tho debate. Ho SIIlcl, open by which now blood could bc hearing was not called until lifter a praC'llclllly all of hlH life . as Judge inola: '\'llIlams. u.5soelate llI'ofcssor of psy·

chology. Is In the hands of I're91·

dent \Vlllter A. J'essup. On aceou nl

ot hcr npproach lng marrlago to D I·. 1'hrodol'e 'V. Kammerer, bacterio­logist In tho U nited Stutes P ublic Hettlth Servlco, Washing ton D . C. The res lgnali on tnkes e/'fcct a t the end of the presont aeadcm le ycar. The wedding wilt OCCUt· shOl,tl y after the Unlvcl'slty closes In J u ne. AI' though their plnns are not as ye t definitely made, t hey probably wil l live III \VlL8hlnglon.

Tn com pu ti ng the lulju"ted sel'vlcp credit thc th'st GO (lays ot service would ot be counted. A ll veteran~,

Including oWccr~ up 10 and Inelud ' Ing the rani< of captain In the urmy and marino corps and ilcutcnunt I" thc nlll'y, would he eligible tor t he bon us a nd also dOll ndonts ot vet· el'ans, who have died sInce the war.

Stewart Succeed. Sawyer In Department of Justice

"Immigration exclusion will 1njul'0 Injected tor tho benoflt ot the expo- conferenco lasting nCal'ly an hou(" Konyon ha.<l becn. would In tbe "\'vc find that 101 the said city tho Unltec.l Sta' C<j economlcall" for altlon. '1 l' b I h r II I d I th led.It , "r. ,0 CI·tS. l'epresenl ng t c gov- opinIon o( the pl'esldrnt. he able to 0 Cl'r n ur ng 0 per u WI' ' need Jahol' for our agl'lculluJ'c h d t II d " \ ornment, t en I'o(juesled un 01' er adapt himself to the taRk or admtn- somo our or '(0 tWO a.lll'~Il~· ~nd OUI' Industry," In concluding. Senlltol' Gllchl'lst of Pocahontas I h I j t I I I h I I "tl

I gmnt nil' ton uncLlon Rnd recelv- Isterln" naval nffalrs beca use. at his rna e y commenc ng w t t 10 C g" 1

Ol""dwohl pointed out that "exclt!· was champion of tho board wb Ie ~~ • F b 1924 ershlll, ana l<skeet that Real' Admlrnl acquaintances hip with the 1l!tvy re ' uuy o. e r ual'y , what mlgllt slon ts both unnecessary and harTll' senators BUBcI' of l\1 ul'!C8.tine and Strauss be nnmed recelvcl'. "ultlng from h is co urse at the nava l be Jlroperly call ed a rolgn or te rror , CuI . Let us cUI'ofull y select, b ut nol Bowma n ot BlackhaWI( lod t ho op· No Objection to Receivers acndomy tram Wllich ho WA~ gl'Ud u- existed us a result ot acta of OP" lll'bltl'Ul'lIy cxclude." position to houso action . ' . J. ,V. Lacy Qf Chcyenne, spealdng atcd In 1888. H e is undel'stood to be preE\8lon and persecution by the 80'

'rlll'o ug hout most of the debate Scnators n uso l' a.nd Bowman made In behal! of the SinclaIr Interes ts, tho l'rNllden t 's flrRt choice tor at· called l{u K lux K lan, whic h r eault· l'\'ebra1lka led rowa. both In a l·g u· frequent retcrence to "a s tato tah' answered with Iho statement that torney general. should that placo be ed In somo mClLll ure of rptallaUon ment and rfrecllvcncHs of proscnln' lobby" that nppeal'ed they said, his clients were neither "consenting vacatei1 by n urry M, Daugherty a nd by an na1i ll·Klan order k nown tIiII

lion. lind had It been a judged d~' whenever maUer ot this kind IU'Dse nor objccUng" to tho appoIntment ot for that reason was not first con· the KnIghts of t ho Fla.mlng CI~-:: Io . bale. Iowa PI'obably would have and So nator H lLIl kcli of Linn request. a. l'eeelwl', hut wcro suggesting a sluel'ed for the naVY post. " , Ve furthor I1nd that during the

lost, ecl Infor11latlo n On the numool' ot joint receivershIp. "' hethel' ChIef Justice \~-lIbu I' ao·called ra ids by the Ku ' Ipux frllo admissions t o t he tall'. 'r ho 110 declared tho Slnclttlr Interests "'111 +~ko t he nav," 1 secret"I'yshlp I. Klan, u nder' the lea<lers blp ot 0110

Iowa won tho deuatc from Sou th .. w< .. ~ , , l.Iy l'C(l80n of he I' extensive Itnd MI LWAUKEI!l, W IS., March 13- D I building o t a $14 .000 l'es1c.Jence for would base theIr defonse In the suit 11 /l uestlon his frlonds heo'o could S. Glenn Young, who Is purpQrted

I tl d k I d ukota on t ' e I! 010 QUll8l1on. The • I I I I to bo h ired by tho K u Klux Klan , ong·con n ue WOr n tho epo.rt· E. ' '\T. StewlI.rt, tOl'merly a t tho Min' d I t I Secl'otal' COl'ey of the (all' board a lso ,01' annu ment, on t 16 cia m t 1at not u nRwer tonigh t, b ut It was I'e·

mont ot paychololfY , Protessol' W lI · ncaota baJ' has beon npl10ln ted ch ief iJ~ :~' ~1'ja ~e;~ la~vI'~:aco~o oat R sc1'i"s entered Into t he dobate, tho 'feal)ot Domo lease was legal a ltd callecl that he had dcc la red seve.-al t OT s ucb p urposo, numorous peoplo IIams I. well know n to evcI'yono on of the bUI'cau of lnvcRU"all', r, r r t. 'l~ In II 11'1'" 11gulal' "eb"te ,lqbdk oct vllJld mId that theh· suggestion fOI' flays ngo that tna.~much as he wa~ were robbed, belloten o.bu6cd In ma ny

" u ~.. between Durll1~ t hn " rtel' nOO 'l tho son", I" I I I d U I h Iho Un iversI ty camp us. Her li me depar lmen t o t jU8tl~p. hOI') hr IV. J. Squth Dakota, NCI)1'lIskn, an(1 10wn. also rot~sed ~o~rccedO ;I'om sOllle",,; a l'eeelvershlll wus morely made In trained In the naval academy to nstances m pr sone secre y, .. t • h1l.fl !JCen devoted ehletl y to t he Durn8, \'.<l9hln&ton, il:l,tl 'It :lJe bu ' o l'der tllat aUlntel'csts could be pro· HOrva his coun try he shoul ll have to out any logal process and .. 'holly ClllJjSI'oom a nd to laboratol'y e XI)(! 1'" I'cau . It was an nou nced hcl'o tmlay, W 11 S R d its u.men dl11ents t o the gamo nnrl fish tocted. accept if the ollllQl'tunlty was offer· without justinablo ca.use., wh ich ul· Imen tatlon. She is an alumna of the w 'Guccoed Lewis J. r,n-' ~'E'!' .who I~ a treet egar s bi ll a nd sent the measure to c('n(~r- Judgo Konnedy thcn ruled In fH.· od to SC t've In tho cnblnct. lImlltcly r esul ted In t he ca lling of Unl c s it a t l o" n h I Lal D"d d b S th ence, VO' of the Joint I h' N 'th the Il li nois Nallo na l Olard to ,,' 11·

v (. y ' ,av ng (en n8Hlgncd to nnother I.JI·o.ll1 ~h (.f tho IVI en y ou ern r I'ece VOl'S Ip. el' Should ChieC Justice Wilbur ac· liamson ~o un t)', a. co mpa ny Whic h her Ph. D. he re. H el' p I'esont tenure t1 0]lu ['tl1l~nt. Road as Fen r Tho llquor permit bill 1\8 f inally er party objecloel to the candidate c~Pt t ile naval pOI·t(ollo nnd Ihe of· d 1 f I bogn n In 1907. or ru ne fOI' I'e clvcrHhlp named by Opposing IH sti li 011 uty In the c ty 0 l' r '

pas"od ma kes tew cha nges "f 1111' ~Ico of attorney go noml become va- rln." "

As 11 re8ul t of cxpOI'l mentatlo n u lI ll study s he has pu lJlls ltccl a n umber of artiCles In jlaychologlcal a nd phil ' osop hl ca.1 JOUrnals, alld at preson t hUB .. largo amoun t of unp ublla hed matedal on t h 11Sychoiogy ot tcsll' mony, und OilIer s ubjects .

attornoys. porta nce In la w eXco l1t to )ud ~r' ennt wIthin tho noxt tew mon ths, It Plpo IIno and ~tOI'"![e facilities of Close Scores Feature /II.v Ih~ As~o~l"ted PresH.) vere pona ltles fOI'1 d l' ugglats and I~ believed here that Judgo Kenyon

Game. at Wa.hington U, N I';W Y HI(, MarCil 13-1na ug u· ph y"lclulle wllo violate the pCl'jllit the klnclul!' Pipe Line Company and wil l be te ncJel'cd tho IIlLter pin c. rillton ot dlvld~l1cJ8 on t he 0111 111 On and prescription regulatlon~. The the Sln('lalL' t'udo 011 Purchasing Rome of hl8 close f1'ion{IN feel th at stock or lho Southerl1 Railway com· house 8Pcnt 1I10st of t he mOl'lllng com Pl1.n r. locatod on the 'rOallot he wo ul ll accopt t he allol' ney goncr·

ST. I"OUIS, March l~ (Al')-Thc nIJ. n)" dh'octo l's of wh l h toclay. do' dIsc ussing n.mendmen ts to lhe w~rk" 00010 I'CHCI'VO are ('xcludcd t rom tbo alshlp, Ilrst round of the MIs81J;1(Ivp l Valloy c!nl'ed " q uarterly paymont at $12.1i0, Ulon "compensatlon" bi ll (tnd t hen onll'ol of the recelvel' unlos8 fU I" Interse holastlo toul'namen t being MIS l·ug .. l·ded by Wall Stroot 1\8 th e roterI'od It to t he judlclal'y Ihol' court O"dOI'H o.l·e Iss u d.

AttJil'l, Without .lus tl.ftcatlon

epecUon tOUl' a nd g uldee will COil ' 0 1'. William s 18 a m ember of duet tho public to tile othor bulld· Sl lI' nl l< X I, a l~ell ow Of the Amorlonn lng, Ineluded ' in tho .. hIIlJt. ACMle111Y t OI' t hl) Advnncomtn Of

d \ • hi U • com· I'J"~ IItII"" .... t - tClllcll t stage by \ as nl!t on n lverslty, fOO'cl' Llll nor ot eXU'a or In I·etlspd mUlee fOl' l edn\(tlng. ", n" ~ Woro t eatuI'cd by clo8e 8C01'e8, dlvl d~ nd dlst l'lbutlons by 6 vornl

Ma plcwood , MI8S0UI' I, dofeated ot lter largo rnJ ll'Onds. Repa~atioDl Committee

l'JtI!lYl'lNNI!J, Wyo" March 13.­I lal"'y ].1', Slncllll,' , IlI'CHld nt of the Mal11l11uth 0 11 COI11\llLny, In It COl'111111 "talement i8sueu Iu.te loday 11ft l'

I"cd~nll J urige 'I'. lJlan l(c K nnedy

Twenty-Five Report F or Regular Meeting

Of Rhoterian Society

Thc report then s ta t08 " tbls at· tack was en UI'oly unlawful and wlthollt justlflcaUon wha tever. IUld w,," tIlo most a ma.zl1lg display of molJ viole nce which has ever como to t he k nowlodgQ ot tho ' mcmbenl of tho ju ry. "EII.I' Iy on the mun' In g ut lI1~ " Int h lof F cbruary., cor ' tru n llllrtiCM lod by ono S. Ole nn YO ll llg nS6 um o(1 t ", tako ovor tho guvernment of the ci t y of Iiof rln,

_______ ---..J.<._

Sends Blank Check To. Tax Collector To Pay Income Tax

Chkalro, March 13-(AJ..>)-He nIJlng Ihe I Ovel'nment It hlllnk c hcel, a l1 l1 InvlUnK Unclc I-lllnl to wr ite In the amount IH the way onc Ill" n extl·l· rated hlmlPlt t "OIll the Inl'ome tJIX dlltmmll,

1'1 1m Me nding n blltllk . Ilined tbec~, " the lotter I'ecelv~u tOlillv by the collector of Int, rnal r evenue. I1IIld, "I don't kn ow whethel' ('001· Idle I. lolng to cut the MellOn Ill' tol, bu t make out the check Lo ~ult l'OUrilelt and It there IN nn ~' l'tliluC·

, lion, ml,ke It out In my fAv or," 'rile nl~R1e 'I' ll, wl t ll\1eltl,

Aclel1cc, 1\ member oC th Anlel'l a l1 PSychological A8"Oolat lon, a L ifo ~' lIow of tho Jowl\. Academy ot Sclonc(l, a na a me lllbe(' or the We~t· em Phllo~O ll h lcll l AssoclutiOIl,

D,·. Knmm erer 18 o.lso nn nlU n) n1l9 of the Unl v 1'81l y ot Iowa. While a. student hel'o he left to sel've In the Spanls ll'Am erlcllll Wal', a lld 1'e' t UI'ned to ta ke the degree o t bMCho· lor ot sele nee In J900, ot doctor o f medlclM In I ~Ol , a nO ot mllst I' oC sctence In 1902,

l Ie II'nR In cha l'g or a .boctel'lo· 1011'1 II I laborntory In 1l1"C~t dur ing t ho W OI'ld war , lin d u po n lIC elH' Ing hie !lre$ent 1~IJR ltl oll ot 1>nctcrlo' logl@t In ' t it Unl tecl Sta.tee ltel\1th

Ma1'i8SIl, Ill., 20 to l O ,Plnck ncyvlli e III . dereated Prl ncl l}la, HI. Louis, ]1 to 9. Unlvcl's lt)' Ci t y defeated VII'" den I11 1nol8 19 to 1.8. F .. l'1nu.. U1. Inols , dctcntod SUlllmer, III., 15 to 12; Morley, lifo.. d toaled liol'l'ln , III. , 22 to 21.

$13,000 Found by Illinois Woman iD Old Rubber Boot

lJI,OOM [NOTON III ., MlIl'l' h 13. (A P)-8u~ pecUng Wut ho)' hUBba n,l , who died I'e entl y hlul hlddon somo money, 111 1'8. Ollver Dolld , of E lk· hOl1 t , IlIlnol~, M uthweeL of here, In ­s Ll t utecl i\ "cal'eh whic h tod"y l·e8 ult· cd In Ondl" M' , 13,000 II( ol.\s h, hidden

I!e r vlCe, l'epr084.1n ted the ge vernme nt In a n (.Ill ('ubbol' lJoo t unde r the ir for three velu '8 In Oalveston , TezaA home. The montly hilS been placed 111 plngue I' r l1 dlC[tLl on '1'01'1<, 111 I~ hn nk In Lln~olll ,

Among t he roads mentioned WN'O LOuisvill e & Nl\llhvUl . w hich 18 X· Gets Report of Experts peeted to Inrl'oM Its present $5 1\11 ' had gl'anted un Il1njuctlon and 1'0 ' n ua l I'al ; Il li nois ('en l l'nl, Which 18 r A HL ll, Mo. I'c h 13. (A PI-T ho Cx- cclvor1<hlll In the governmcnt sua I'opol'tetl to be eonsillcrln'" pa.yment ' It' th n' t " ~ perta who On bo hlll! of t ho I'CI)lU· ... '01' "n nU mon O. 0, OllPO .vome or an extm'dlvldend to enCouragc t!ons cOJll llllsSl0n hovo been Invest! . le[l8e d Chll'od: the ('(IIl"C'rlllo ll of I t~ fJl·~tCl'1'e'l Ht~l'k gu.tillg Uel'mllnr'ij eco nomic 'Illd (I . " I u. m COl1vln~cd thflt when ull tho Into 0111 111011; Misso uri PlI.clflC, mLnclli l Rl tu allon have got r,u' fnets a1' dlijclos d and und rHtood It wlde h Is coun ted on t o talce C)R('l y onoug h Idon g with th o ,ll'aft of thel" will lIo I·CILIlr.o6 thut tho Teapot aolio n In willing ou t IUU·t ot the I'opor t to tho co mmission to dloc U9S Dome ICIIso tll Ih Mammoth 0 11 27 )·2 I'CI' ro nt llcl)um uhH d dlvl · It In full comm lttoe. The text or the COlllpl\llY WIIS t he result ot ncgotla' (lon(\A On the I)I'et~ I ' l'ed ; \ Vabash" l'OJ)Or t R8 It now etandl! wlll be tlons cond urte<j at ann's length by II' hlr h Is rO l( s ldor lng rosu mptlon of broug h t up tomorrow a.l Il t ull RCS' e'U' 11~8l !Lnd IOYll l l'olll'cse nta!lveH of rllvlcjc nilH on the prere l'red, a nd Chi slon of thll membel'S of the two tho navy and Intul'lor deplu·tl1lent8, cul!U & EII.tcI·n I llinois, 11I'ofolrc<l oomml ttees ot ex per t". and Iha tth y not only fu lly prot ct· Ktock of which has been ,\cll \' 'lnd sll'o ng r el'o n tiy 111 an tl clpnUoll of paYIl I" " t. helng hegun on that L'~l lc.

.1<' 01' th o th'st 11II1e Blncp tlt a orll"n ' 11 .... Uon IIr t ho IlI·tlert Cf)llIpa llY , tn )894, 11 11 Routhe l'n RllllwRY ~ll r urltlc8

nllW 1l 1'~ 1"' ~' ln" I'ctll1'nft ,

' d th' gov 1'l1nlcnt but drove a hard J3rlglllller Ge nCt'lll ha l'lee (I. bltrgwil II( lIs Inl I·OSt."

Da W8B, head of the fll'st committee, Co noernlng Iho charge of Cunslllt·· Is understood to havo wI 'llten a n ncy in Ih legislatio n of t h leMe, lI.e6oJ1lP&nylng leUer tOI' t he report Mr, SIIlClal ,' 811.ld t ha t ho knows "It which will "et forth the ma in pI' ln " ~n be dlApro\'ed b)' overwhe lming C"lplcl of ~he I'l[por\ ~' ~"~In/fs, ,l1'OOr, If

'fho 1111tyor, C. Fl. Anderson , Will Thc Rhotcl'l,lll lIlen(I'y 'Hociety un lawf ull y Ho lv.ed I(lld with seven

hoW ItK rc!;ul ur w~ekl y Pl'ogl'll1l1 othel's WIUI pl ltccd In Jail where they 1(l8t night In t h lib 1'111 Hl·t8 aft· remalneO LI ,,'o days betate t hey Hembly 1'00111. "' b ut twonty·flv I <l I) ,

"~I'e pl·e.ent {Ol' th 111 cUng II.ntl ,wore I'e elt8e cnjo~'cd t ho tine I>I'0gl'((m. Sever.1 "Ooorg 0'1111 11'1111, tho .!terUI' of "elections W" I'~ plllyo<1 hy 1':U\\,lIrrl Wllllltmso n county, WIlS /IOI1.od with ' D, O""mon Al of Cc(hu' RK pi<1H, ou~ tho leo.et somblance or a uthorUy ,,"d J ohn H . Hlc!( le or PIUq l'lc lrl. " nri carl' lcd ou t or t he county ILlld JlI .. with Illegle pl!lr lng tho 8o(Xt). fln a lly plllcc rt In tho OhampaJ~n I h l)11 Ililli (Jormon III the !llnno. j>lli lind WitH out oC th ll county In

l nnetll )11'uet ill ot l.ollt'chll'ood 1111 "bovo th reo llaye. D uring till" gnvo It I'endlng nnd th is wos Inl. unlawful and vlolont Inco.reeraUon 10wo(1 hy II dlsc u8slon of t ho l(u ot tho Hhel' ln: and In!tyor, tbe trOY' 1{ lux ({lU ll . e1'1l111~nl ot tho city Will lar,",ly oC

Foll owln!: the 111'011'1'(101 Lho \)usl· WIIH/lm8o n cou nl y, WIlli l\.IIIumed nc08 meeti ng wall hold. 'J'iJ e Iwxt a.ntl ta ken ov r by th e !laid 1:1. OleAn I11 cellnjf oe lhe I!O<'lety wllt bo h pld Young who wall not II. c ltl llfln or the next Wedne8day eve n ing ttl 7:30 coun ty a nd who olalml to bc ut· o'clock III the Hbel'lll (l.!·ts drawing Ing ehlot ot poUc~ In "pilI) or Uw 1'00111 1 Ir~W t"

. ,

2 IOWA CITY, IOWA, FRIDAY, MARCH J 4, 1924 --J -~ -. £

Society Dram a Music Six Ejected Into

Pi Lambda Theta

The New Scarf Is Illustrated

~ Cupid Arranges Bobby Jon~s' Best Match . I Intersociety Men Scouts Devel~p .Into Best Citizens, l..-...-.. ___________ To Debate Tonight Is Pred,ctron of Dean of Women

Elected Women Will Be Initiated m


AI Ihe forma l, reremoninl meeting or PI Lnmdn Theta. on l\Jareh 5, 'Rix women were eJected to memb~r·

~hlll onel have accepted the hlvltl\· 1Ion, Thei,' 1111tilllio[, will tako \llae, a t the mcetng in the first '" ek in . \ p,·i l. Frances Com\, G of 'Vest rnlon, E leanor "l.osserma!' A3 of ;'1orthwood, Sylvia. Hanspn A4 of J well, Bernice OI'n(lorll' G of 1nell· anapolis, Ind" Pen d J effords A4 of Dritl, a nd E \'elyn Peterson A3 or lIawarden, are the women honored,

Tho work pf Pi Lamda Theta. has II cn of the most ac~lve nafure and the inspi1'll,tJ01' It affna'ds Its I11cm· bel'S has been evident On the cam· '))us.

During the rfntional Education ;\ ssociution m eeting In Chicngo, In tho w~elc beglmling February 25, varous chaptel's welT() I'cpresentccl hI. a (linner given for the purp03e of dls('ussl ng s ubjects of national Intel'. {,8t.

F"om tbis mellng, the president of this chapter, ;Miss Maud McBroom,

.. ,·U(1(',·vi80r of th~ elementary school" W('nt to the P enn sylvanlr, Normal , choo1 at Indiana, Penn., w llcre slw

1).("v9 t1 se rl c~ 'It lec tp" cs and dem­onstt·tltions session on elemental'Y suhjects, Fro,,' the contact of this ne,y atmosph ere Mis McBroom wns

,ahl(' to IJl'lng some Interesting facts bctot'e this ellapter n t their )'N(ulnr mee.tillg IMt 'V dncsda}',

Summer Dramatics Program Is Varied

In This New Suit !IIu , iI:n,,'" ~ II

I' u 5i!;"mn ,: u, medical frntel'nlt~·.

will pntertnJn n t 1\. done'Sng pad \. ~t ,"oucle's fnn Satu''(lny ';"cning, l)r, "m1 Mrs. F . L. PatH"nn nod Dr. unci MrA, Dpon .LJ .. rl~ \I'll I chap· ~ron.

Alpha, Tou Orne,;" Alphtl Ttlu Omcg:1. fraternll v will

r')t rUlin I\t :1. party at the ~hapt,.r hnuRe this e" ~nlllg, lI[r, and lIIl'>l,

H, <1, \\'alker \\111 chnp~ron,

K apl)tl D elta Kappa Delta ROrori t y \\'11\ cntel"

tnln at a. formll l clanee Saturday c,'ening at the Red noll Inn. The (haperons will be ~r,', nnd Mrs. \Y, .I . Web .. ', Mr, and ~ [ rs , n. x. Da· "Is, and Mrs. n . D, Lee,

Sigma Su

Rlglll:). Xu fraternley will c1an('o !~n lu nln:; evcniM; at t!to chnpt~" house M I', nnd lIf rs , n , A, Duntol) "'ill eho peron,

!IIw-ses' » or/ l' The nlUn ljlM :md ~tu'lent nUl'fC~

I)f iJte Oni\lcrRlly ho"pllnl wil l give 11. party nl )-ou<le'~ 1 nil thl. pvenlnQ'. Dr. and 1I1rH, E, C, YodAr and D,,, 'llHI ](frs, 0, :-<. notion " 'til chnp· (,l'on,

Yarslly • M,', on,l M,· •. C. O. Larl(in will

chapcron at Varsity this evonlng. 'I hf> c-hnllcl'omi (or HnlUl'day pveninloC

\\'111 he M1'. and lIll'R. H tlyek,

Xi Psi Phi Xi PM Phi announc('s tlto luilla­

tion II\.t Mondny oC n nrold 1" . .fohn.on Dl of 1'holl1pRon, Me,'yl R. Frnl1~ls D I ot,,'ntcl'loo, (,Inlre J , Palmatie ,' D1 or Thomburg, n . L . Selk,w,' Dl ot COllter'vllle, .John C. Aldingm' D1 or What 'heel', ,John R. Joncs D1 or C,'~sco, antI Donald Seydel D1 at Ced",' H<llllds. ,

TIum m's thnt barl her n r1 y lhg ~ l' .'U rl ll .\llan\II, <:n" rur "nn1l' tim. \\'cr" pl'OVf'fl to 1Jt, w ('> 11 rutll1 'l f'C1 whC'1l th(' ('n~a~rhl(\nl or ];ohhy J UheA, no ­

tion /l l ,,))en /lolf "l1am))io", ,mel lIfi"" MIl,.y :ill nlonc was formalty nn· nounce(l. 'I'lwit' "nmnl1r~ Iwr;nn In Ht'hoolrlll),A, l:ol,IIY hUH Just heen g l':ulual('{l fl'UlIl Jral'v:I I·~l.

~ r----:-.'UI·S~S 10 IInllcr, Many Courses Planned

To Aid Teachers

l1lnC'k flllfl \V~it'(\ 1111<1 1'('(1 nn,l

whit .. n rc linth ,fer)" s U'iking rOI\\' l,in:lll(.ns nnd hnth nrc "(,I'y popu· lar this 8<''' son. Dlltrk !Inti w hil e 1M UHf'(1 mort' fOt" (lJ'esH wpur :1 n(1

,'c(1 a 'HI whltp f'~' "I1"rtR, or ~oursc. The YC"y "tIm'e II '!Rul t .hown In penta I SmolcN' Th e alumnac lInd sludent nUI'"p" a8k",1 tod't,"s \llclul'r Is the I'rd am! whltc> ~[rmbel's at tho - -I Psi Phi frat - of th(' l'nl\'~"slty Jl O"llllll l arl' huld,

In Directing (,omhlna~lon nnll JTII)Ht "ltraC'tive, C>l'nnily wel'e hosts 'Vedncsdny e ,'en· 1 I I tl ~ to Psi Omc~;'\. "nd D 1m ri"llIa In!; ;1 ,1011('(' thlH ~\"'lIln~ nt Y01ll1,"i" Hntul'c1ar. Mal'eh r., ,,11\ hp Illp ) ou must lit 01 I. ... n n ~ " n

IJ('ltil at a sl1Iol'er at thcir' chaptcr l11n, ""('[Isinn nf ' :t Hl, 1'" ll'id," 11[1,'t.v , Tlw RI, It·t i ~ one o( thp Pl'c tty

The dran1!Ltic depar ttn<{nt ~11' plealNI 01l"~ Oft wbite canton rl'\'j1C, tlpunCPR a program for the summer 'rh~ jat'k~l i~ A little J,10t1~ecl one of ~eR~lol\ which pl'oml~c9 to of(c,· 0 , f1 nnnel In "I/lid rNl wlth a rl<H~ g,'oup of COUl'ses nnd n ,'ep rtbry f;Wn!-' hilI lmna al1l1 Il row or mar· ,hut will not only come Ull to the 1,le";il, huttons do\\'n the fron l. II Htlulllarli of pl'e~irrus Y$'ars, }J\'t ill io !1\mosl. HIQqv~I'tl'-., rljUI ,n'll, tll'M, many respects w,lI execl it, 'rhe sl('o\'('" I\l'e ,'pr\, mueh ,,"h,·c·

The plays which wi ll bQ offered ,'Iatcr1 hu t th~y ~r li,er c . ""e origin,,1 one·act piays, Rol.l('l't ~ ;Louis Stevenson's '''I'rcasure T,· 'I 'he "('U!' f rna'>' bentta~he<l or not lanel." mrho PJper," 11, JQRephille flfi th" w('tu'(?l' wL~hcs lo have it, It I'N,hodY, "A8 You ~ik" It" Ill' th(\, )ll18 a h"Gad hand Of whtt~ which nl1akespearean representatiYc )lIar, relieves the ~olid re(l ot the npil0l' "Old J..udy 31 by nl1cha~1 Crothcrs, part 'nf tlw eo~tufnp. nnel "Robin HOQd" b~ Owen Da\' l!i. _______ I

'rhe courses In d"amalic \ll'(){llle· )11'01>lems pre" linr to ollt.oUloor, tion to be offered clul'ing tile HUnt· I ro<lu('tio ,\" willfbi,'lneluded, mer session are designed to meet the The high ochool play cOu rse Is of, nced~ ot the h igh school and col' f, ,'('(1 to g'1\'e the; t C"Jeh r It construe· l ('gc tc.n.ch e l's who (]Il'ect j)ln},9 or live 11l'Og'f'UIl1 fo\~ <iJ'nmntic wOl'k j l]

Wil0 teach dramatic art; to nss ist "e('lmrl" 1')' ""honl s. Provisions in leode,·s of play~roun"s and rcc,'e· ( .... .

,nllonal centers who wish to sU)lple. llt!s ('lIur"e ",.p n "lie fo,· th" tcncher whit 11 ':t::-'l r.1l'pt with speC'in l situa ·

mont theil' preparation, and to pr(\· t', ii- r,d" :n1" til illl'~'en t thc aim,. pare dircctorR fa" community An,l 11 ' .,1 I.lc.l!IOdg "'hlrh wili cnable th" Little Theatre work.

Courses in acting Including r~ '

h~nr8a1, and per fo rmance, wi ll I,e /'Iffored In order to tlll'11i . h t he t"!l('il · PI' of recrea tional work: with lll'll1Ci · Illes of actin!;, IIn(l giVe opp ,' tunlty f " practica l applicat ion , Th~ m .l· H 1'inl \vlth which t he UnivcI'.ity i,'

l' -Ul'ht'I'!-I lr, r('~\lize th,.. educntlonu l Jloils illiltti('s ant,l\,!nhles In high ~(' hl1ol 111':1111:111,'.. p,'uf·tical stnge· ""aft (\f'lt1ll11!<t"UUol'" ",\i l be I;lve11 in NerioR fnl'tn ttll' the actun I l~.e· :drical eotti(1ment in Ihe sLngecl'a Ct ~hop will IJe Inrlu<1e<l in the topios,

equipped makes this wo,'k of parli~· The InRt,'uctional ~tarr whlclt ",IU lila " I\.dvantage to those wlto I1.l'e nuk" th"'" unll"u,,1 op)1ol'tunille~ l!ltereilied, Thes e courSCR arc pos"iiJ lo will consist of lhe follow· dOily, n).(: P:'ot, I':, C, Mabie, \ 'ance Mol"

A course in stngecrMt w ili nlso tO,l , Jl t-Ien L!lIll''''Ol'th~' , in.lruetnr 11<.> offered In oreler to acq unint the In the sllee('h dep:u'lmenl, and )\fa,'y , cacher with the technical "I <,Ie of E. Fl. Kumlet· , gl'llcl uatr student of t he then It·~ , Pt·ltcll~ al sl'ggestion. ))~nve", ('/'110, 'for methods of hnnelling the IWD\)'

Irms of s tag() construction, ""llin!; " Icebo und" lr)' outs in N, S, Aud· nnd lighting will be " i"e n. An arl· ilorium l odny from 4 to G, All mem o \'ll l1ced cour$C In ~ce~iC desl/l'n nn,1 hel's at L nive""ity Players In terest' ('xecution , color and lIS'htJI,g of the cd are rN,Uest cI to tryou t. t or,!t1'\ca t J)J,:oo,\IGtiOJl and stQs:e~l'nn "lInca 1\1, Morlan ,

Smart "English" Clothes vrith a difference

These 'suits, especially made f.or us, han~ with the genuine English smartn,ess.

They're }o'ungy, ing; clothes tor ciate the be.st.

easy, good~look~ men who aRP~e-

MaJ}.y of the woolens were hnport­ed; that explains the "different" look of the clothes,


house. They also '\1'e elltPl'tnlning Dr. and '11'". r:. l111110n '''\11 DI'. ,:tUhC' I,\lllitarl:tn ('hlll'Ch. :IS OUl ·at town gU(,RtR Dr: nloln,. ' I II I iii I 1I

D,'. Pemhlelon, hoth of (,hl" :1>(o, 11Jt(1 :ill,.", E. ('. 1'",lP,' \\ III ,'hal)!>,."n. ,\11\ n' ,n,,,,,',, " )(> lC

[In(1 I, ,.,- !, f'. r:''1'/1' ('lfhl ,O!'lQf'l< 10 nlnc, ~ollnw"'l Chi ){Ullilit 1'i, , \ hox ~od"l will hi' hold In the :1 t th~ luttc" 1to UI' hI' d~nring 111«',··

Pi l>nrlnJ. nt the l'~ I'''1 ElIull,'h L-ut~ IWr~"!l :\'~1~1 " )1erlal fcaltll'CiI, Ciu\);· on :-.;aturc1iiy. :'tfn '.' I '""on. will ho )11'H. \\'phh nnel ~ ft·~.

=:::::::=::::::::========~..:-~:::::::=-..:.;.._'~\I::. ;\11 I.u lIll'I'IlO .t I" It Wj, il It\; "II' .

Youtll Wopder at the Pricing of these


Different Styles $39.50

Women's and Mis es'


AdVance styles chose~ in New York about ten days ago , They are the many.qccasion sort-~resses wnoKe ownership will give boundless plea­sure. Smart as can be, each one of them,

Develeped in crepe-back satin, prinied crepes, roshanara, ~a~ crepe, crepe de chine, enchanta, canton ~repe and broca~e ros~nnara.

-Fil}ely pleate.d· or hand-drawn work are interestingly eml110yed, w~ile beads, tucks and embroidery do thei l' decorative part most effectively, -Women who like to achieve t hat well-dressed, dist inctive apperu'ance will be amQng the first ones to view these dresses, Saturday,

-Denecke's Second Floor,

Argue Advisability of U niform Marriage~

Divorce Laws

As Qn outlet for the modern gir l 's "Emphtullzing the im porUtnce ROd Ruperfluous enel'S'Y lind as a menn. duty at which home life oUel'S, or I'oumllnl;' out hc" ed ucation, Denn RCOUt wor l, tellchea devotion to tho .\,Ielai<le L, Burge highly I'('com' home nnd In tIlat Way enn do their mpnlls gi l') RCOut trulnlng, duty as cltlzcns w\'ltch 18 ali 1m·

"ll sccn'lS to lne," AnYR lJl.!an pm'tool just. noW ns wom('n nre

"nCSOIVNI, that CongrPRs should nUI'ge, "that Ihe g"catcst featuro coming to yale and to nS8Ul11C IQnd· cnoet unifoml m" .... in"c and Illvorc,' that scout ing handl 3 Js the ado· c,'shlp, "Scouting- 110lns the girl',

lesccnL gil' \. When her su rplus en· Inlc~cst In things Which a yOUn!: \<1\\'8, conotitutiotUllily gl'llntc>d." I. ergy is not wO"ked off at home 0 " S'i l'l should be intcrcstefl In," the question which will he nrgt' c1 In schOOl tho seoUl ol'gnnlaztiol1 come, J)ea n BUl'ge's comments On the the f,'es hman Intel'RociNY ()~hat~s to· [0 her nld, and cnergy well nlt'eet· val ue or Girl Scout orgllnlzalfonR I" night . Earh men's lit era ry 8"dct~' ~l\ tn this ,orltlonl period Illya of the some goeneml tone as thol ex· ha~ two !P3Il1R, :lnd :1. Liel)atc will founclntions tor very wholesome I pl'eSSCfl by lIfl's. Cnl\'l n Coolldg. be h('ld In ('tlCh s~iety h!lll. The rOllng' womanhood. IC lhc girl I. · when she accepted the honorary th, 'po winning tcams will win ell;ht I"ot occupied In Ihls way In this el:'l,Y! pl'csldel1cy of the internntional or· polnls eneh fo,' lh II' sociely in the o( the wOl'ld she I. apt to he COl" ,;;nnlzntion whic h now numjle ,'s 500,. 1l,' lta SiJ!ma nho cUP contest, rirrl awoy by ('e,'tnln trivolous fea· 000 members,

lures ilnl'tl1ful far the mature pel" Mrs. oolidgc aald: "It is Wllb 'rile Zet affirmative team, com· son and decidedly harlUful for the g"cat pleasure that t accept the In.

r,o~cd (If Lowell F, Sheltl(lU or 1,lnp. g irl. vltuUon to become honomry prl'!lJ. ,JIle, Derl n, Uru"h of ChelHen, "Reoul work fil ls a certnin phase dent ()( the 011'1 Seouls, I am very 1nd PrONor \\'. ~(oyt\nl'll of lin",,,,.· thal 011101.' l)I'gnnl7.utiona don't henl'tily In ~ym(1nlh'y with ull Its den, will cl~holll tho r"vln~ ',,'gu th'" tnuch S.elf reliance Is instilled 111 lIims and f el thut It Is dolnr; It team, ('onslsting of ~hrvin I.. Tho· the goll' l and her aev~IOllmcnt slimu· great WQ,'k in training tho S' i~lh ood m~k of Coune'it Dlufrs, l,'cl"'iR B. JlltNl in f\ gre:lt rlef;re~, .of Am eri Ca. in the hi/l'lleHl IdNtIR." flul'tl of "'o"lhwood ,nn.l Edwin II. ('ateA oi PolD, TIIlnol", In Z,'t hall , T11Q Zet tN'",. nre eonchNI h~' F llly,l n. Rne\tcr A~ of 1\'0\'01'1)', !In,\ thn 11'''lng- t('Jlm. are ""nchN\ hy ('. Ell win lInkN' A~ of J O\~" 'It)' .

Governor Ken~all Fixes April 25 as Arbor Day

dotnaUon JURt made public, fixed April 25 as Al'bol' dllY for I own ,

TIlere will be a. I'll. Patrick's ru.rtl' at the Un itarian hurc\) , Snlurday

PHul TOOU1 e:-' or IO\\'fl "',itY, 1-!tl · \I';tl'd .font's of Da,,<'npOI't and r .nuis ~'. ~ 'nl'l'ol nt Dn.v(·nllOl't will tlilholfl till' nJ'l'l I'Hlativ(' COl' th<' Jlhllmt

D~~ Moines, Iowa, March l3.(AP) ovenlng a t 8 (j'clo('k. Mr •. Welill --(;m·pl'no,· N. J~ . K~ndoll, In :1. pro, lind M,· • . Whitlal,er will c11apel~n.


tlp:ail1Ht Chnr\~H M . [Jul'n" ot' Ol(dl~' rhllomnthenn con(' h. flhelhy. 1'h ()f;O m~n wi ll moet TIleh ;1 Ttoy' Htelg" " o( \\'>1vo1'I)" nll,l lJehallllg thl' nrrIl'tnnU\'c tor I,'v· n"d J~, l'Jll1el~ of Davenport, l~dw, "I (;I'OI·/."O \0', H~l n oldH Clf \\·"tet·lon , IllgR \vill he ,TnmoR D~vitt ~r Osl(a· 1{ohil,.on of l"o1't Do,l).(e, And Lowell 1\'!,0 will ,,~Pt·,'.ent thr 7,NH. \ 1I,"'lp" h ()~n, P.lbet't ]{ , l\Pl1rl1'lckij of ]lIe,,· 11. Phelps o[ Iow(I, Cltr, the Philo­R, l'!oll,',·, ;\3 nr Dn"Nl1",,'1 i~ the vl\le, :t11l1 Donal,1 II. Siaughter of Plnthe.'n 11('l;otl\'e team ,


fJ 1


Tonight at

VARSITY Chapjn& Illinois. Five

Usual Varsity Admission •

Mad. by th, .lId", 01 E\Jmhar,

Real Beauty'in

Rubber Follnfuin Thns THE new Wahl Pcn in engille-turned

black. rubber is unlike any fountain pen you have ever seell , Anyone who writes will be proud to own a pen of such gr/lcc .nd~ splendid writing petformance, It ), a~ prac­tical as it i8 beautiful.

The man's-size fi st with the cast-iron grip • will .6nd a Wa"l Pen to fit it, ADd so will

the dainty f em inine hllnd. 'l'here are sizes and shapes to suit every man and womOD in eollcgc or business,

Wahl Pen is made by the makers of Ever­shorp, It i~ on other leader, The Wahl fill·

.. ~ -

~ IS, {omen

lortnncQ und lite oCters

Olion lo , tb~ Dan <10 lhelr

In nl( 1m. wOIllCn nre

IllSUtnc Iqnd.

, the girl's ,11 " YO~nl: Ill ...

,nts on lhe UllzullOI1. 1M ! Us tbat er. n Coolidge I e honorur). nationnl or. um pel'S GOO,.

"It Is with . :OOpl tho In. orn..l'y Jlt'OS[.

, I am very vllh an II! Is dOlng:1 lho girlhOOd sl IdNtls."

-lubllc, fixed 'or Iowa.

rick 's rllrl~ h, SntuI'dnl' MI'~. Wehll II chopel,ol1.

" -

moet R ic h ort, J':d\\'nrll amI LO\l'ell

, the rhllo.

!!!fla' l :

ae . u t .

:d ~d g,

~, .. p ;10

Jt I t u t .,. rIII"


S .. .

I ~r" ,

. ,~ ~.. ','.! . ~ , ' I r r ' ., .. :."e·fVIDg , , .el News:paper Fi,e·}

. '"

I ,

The Daily Iowan's field is Iowa City, the Uni~, versity and the to.wn and it must furnish to its readers in t.his, field,. the newg of the University, the news of the city ' and the ne,ws. of the wQrld. '

... . -

The University News ~~ ~ The· A~so~i.~ted ftes~ . .

THE happenings of the University are written

'. for tl;l,e ~owan each day by a cox:ps •

of student reporters" men and women who ha \fe a full knowledge of what is happening today', what h~pp'ened yesterday a,nd what will hap~en tomor,row. The news is written in a good style and is well edited. The neWs of Univer­$ity sports is amply covered by a

THE CIT·Y NEWS F or the first time in its history, the Iowan this year is , '

completely covering the new of the city in a well orga,!l-

, large staff. The news of the so-.

ized manner. A special staff enables the. Iowan r~aders to

receive the latest city news every ,morning. Especially,

does the Iowan c<;\rry the latest news of meetings and other

civic affairs held in the evening, in the morning paper

This is the first time 'in the history of lowa City that such

service has been given to newspaper readers. The city

news of the Iowan is written in a concise fashion without

any attempt to fill spa~e. The reporters give the facts of

each day's news without attempting to print more than the

actual facts of the day's happenings. The city news is

grouped on its own page .

THE ,!owap receives a " full leased wire report of the Associated Press. It is one of two college newspq.p~rs in, the world to have a leased wire ser­vice and Iowa City is one of tl;te smallest cities in the country to receive a leased wire repor.t, which up to a few ~ears ago, were not to be found in a~y but the largest cities of the country. It is also the only leased wire in the city. The news of spprts of the world is 3:1S0 fully cove,red on thi,s wire.

cial world and extra-curricular activities is also recorded.

. ' :

I •

• The Daily IOW{l;fl i$ delivered every morning befar~ 1 a, Ill.-

I" .. 1/)

II' j

I LY I N 1 1 2 , I 0 W q A v e n u e




.... bl .. b~ ever,. llIIornlnC exoept Monda,. the "lire • .,ar b,. The DaU,. Iowan PubUlhlnC CgDlp ... l' .t 112 I>Ju\ 10 ... Annue. low. Ctt,.. lo .... a.

IIntered ... HCond GIA.u m&tW .. t the ~ om.. at Ie .... Cit,.. IOWL

8ub_lptloll rat .. : b,. _11 or earrl.·, fl .... Ilnele opl ... , centa.

K1ilMBIIlR or THIll ASSOCIATED PRB:SS Th. AllIocl.ted Pr_ I. exolwl1vely to u .. tor re·

lIubllcatlon ot all new. dlllJlatchea credlled to It or not .lh.,. ... ln credl ted In thUI pap.r. &Dd .. 110 the local n& .. ' • ulll"h~ honla,


BOAllD OF TUUSTEES fPoarl_ II. Weller. chairman; E. M. MclilwOD; R. B. JOtt-

rMc' f,. KArlon Chlll& PrentlBs; Kenneth 1. 'W1Ir; r&DolII J. Starsl; Hasel S&Uluet.on.

EDITORIAL .TAFF _. H Liberal Arlo Bull~

rel.pho •• BI ... H61 _'-10* OIll •• -Tol.ph ......

walllNz O. WOLTlllRS . Edltor·In-Chlef

Francis J. Stanl ]lfanaglnl:' Ed llor l' red 111. LazoU ::lporl9 Edllor Alexander M. r" IIlcr " . . . . Clly EdllOI' Leg!lo O. Moellor . . . . Campus Ed Ilor Half.:ol Samuelson W o men 'H ElIl tor Edith Rule. Dramatic Editor Beatrice :McGarv. , Li terary Editor Buel G. Beems Editorial Board Ruth Mlddaugll Edltorlat Board

BUSINESS STAFl!' lIZ EAst 1o",,,, A "f).

l'hone 291

lIARR Y IIOElYE Business Manager

Lp.WTcnce J . Evans .. ............. Adver tlp lng 'Manager Dale E. ?ollller ..... . . .. .. CI .... sIC. d Ad vertising Manager IVlln H. Cummings .. . .... . ... . .. . . Circulation Manager Charles Lylel . ....... . ........ .Ad vertisin g Deparlment Howard Fulton .. . . .. . . . .. ... . . .Ad vertlsln&, Deparlm~n l l~rek lne Orr .... : ... . .... . . .... .A.coun tlng Del)arlmem Cllrtord AUanson ............... Aecounllng Department

T,QHEN D. UPTON .. . .. . ... _. , .. .. Company MllIIager Charles H. Stout ........... . .. , . , ......... .Accountant

l"riday, Mnl'l' h 11, 192 1





.. b F . H t Raymond Knister (Chri stian Science Monitor) Y annie urs ,

THE; question as to whether the decoration of the 1!~vlewed by Raymond I( nl81er ; Chlt,l [md Milt! OUt with he,· palm ~ walls or impol'tant public buildings be intrusted "She Wll S five feN, nine nnd II "plash or gl'Cruty Wilt... from her

sc,'ub ""II Ul>on llCl'tha-"lhlll·. YOU to art students does not concern London alone, half. or f1l1 l ·brca.lcd big-ness lind her -tlrenched In slop, " th,Pllgh it is in London that it has roused the most choc k bones wc,'o plt('hed Ill;. UN·tha bUX"8 hCI' ea"H, IIn(1 rlUY.: recent controversy. The County Council thel'e has Nol'II's. Lit tle ten ls. The,'c lllu~1 "SI~p cannnl d"~ntt--lIk~ 1.I.;ht." not seen fit to fill the lunettet in a certain corridor hl\ \'e been [, good smallel'l ng or MINs Hurst may ha\'o heard 801,'e

neE"lha spf'ak 111 t hat manner, but It S('u llLlinnviJln li nd (' \'en a wille ~ tl'l'..in Itt t .)O lI':lntlCNl drnta l t or t he I) .. e~pn. i n their new Hall with designs that were considered

the best results of a competition held ior the pur­pose in the four principal art schools in London. A chorus or indignation has since been heard, artists of distinction resenting the decision of laymen when


men whose profession is art, and some of whom, nCidentaily, are the directors of the competing

schools, declare themselves so entirely of the op­posite opinion.

(If We.tc rn Teulunic. ::;Ia,·. too. ne· .o\'lew .. ·. The slyle In tacI beco"le~ ('a us(' unaccoun tably she tound he,'- "11'1'(' nIghlmarlBh Ill'ogre .... lvely Un· self knowing the Polish nallono l an· til uhout hal twtly through Ihe hook. Ihem, Recognlzeo It with her hean when It begins to tone down In as It rallied out ot II hUl'Cly·!(urdy." S( melh lnl:' (I Ilt lle 1Il0l'e !'allonal an I

l:;uch la Ihe herOine ot lrnnnie In tellhdlJl. Sti li there li re Bcene. 1I1l1'st 'S new bool(, Hel' tha-De.·tha, Ilk. that In which the !l uthol' ltlf'" who by this s howing seems not to come lo ta l,o Chlln uwa), to a home, be whll t mesl ot her employers thin \< a~ pol!(nant lind ne:tl'ly hen ,'tbreal;· he,', a bol'n ~e"vnnl gIrl' s he a ... pe~n Ing as It ca n he made. which ends

Now, it. is universally agreed that laymen arc not to uo II I home with a ny kInd of wa h Ih WOI '(~ ij, "Rull ·n ·dull. S~ I'I. h ­the best judges in affairs of art. But there lllay menial work , and II 80r t of devollon '1-(lub ·<lu l). " This m'IY 1)0 lllui;nosell

Composed of "Face On Bar~Room Floor"

II ugh ,1\. I) ' Al'ry

!.1 her chara(' tor k ,ep~ It f" (Jm he- aR mov ie IwatN'la, In which con· be exceptions, and in this case something more ('o ll1 lng mere drudgel·Y. Tho uutho,' rIIctl ng enloliqns '\I'e stirred togethp,' than the specific case in point is involved. The understands that: but she also ur,· to prod uce "!JIg" a nt! "grI pping" chief argument of the Indignant artists seems to de,'Slands thal there IA 1I sCI·t fl nt tilurt. The I' lLele,· who like. thiq be not merely that they know better, but that the pl'Oblcm. So If elga. 11ol'lhn'. c<.!· " "1 of cocklall wI ll rind "LUmM),(" NI;\\, YOHK. Mllrc-h 8.-

INII;'Ue, I ~ mat10 to utte,' tho com· " . allN(ylng bool,. " 'TlVtl~ II bnhll>' ~U ll llll et' (" '('lI llIg. deciSIOn is a bitter disappointment to students who, r,la lnts: For Ih~re is ~t ~,·y cnough, to hoot .. \11(1 1I g'oodly .'1'0\\,11 \Ill S thc ... ~" in so difficult R period for artists as the present, !:cl'lha I [lYCR the FIlr\C)'8 . cnteJ'.. nut why go on? So need 10 know should be encouraged. True, but, as the County 'T m II working gh·l. but [ got my lhe .ervircs or a ,1 ewl sh rumlly. un· It thCR~ dl1Ys, All)' WilY, the lIU-C '1 ffi ' Itt bli b 'Idl . t spll'it. The"0'8 nothing l'ighl about [Ierlllkes the lito of a s(,r ub-woman, thor ot Iho tmmortal classlp, "The ounet 0 cia s re or, a pu c UI ng IS no a the way the wOl'ld'8 run, nohow

. , d f th d . . d d.shwashel·, ~nrl whatevN' eiRe Rhe Face on lhe B ill' Hoom 1"100,·." haa traIning groun or e young an mexperlence. Those that gOl the d "udg~l'y 10 do

• Their mistake I'eally was to allow the competition goet I h~ han1 b~ll. to slrcr' on. Tho.e rRn flnli, unlll Rhe I. t1I.eove'·N1 on written unot her poem ada pted to dry the strret by Ihe N'apoleonlc Mrs. day •.

as if they intended to turn their HlIll Into just the \', hose b0l1 e8 are res led fI'om enR)' Ol'!>Selr lch. 'rhls lady Rnd hp,' ram· 11 U' I living gGl Ihe soft beds-where'. ' ugh A. At(·y, who comllOse'

training ground they refuse to make it. Professor Ihe right of It. I nsk yo u'!" Ily ore deplcled with rea l InAlg hl; n the poem 1i)llt has gOne nl'oul1(l lhe Czlsek tells us that urt is born in "the country of tl nmlnallng mothe.' who IIlllna!(e8 3. \\'o,·ld. ~merl;' d f,'OIll tho Oh~('Ul'ily the children"-of the students. So is literature, .-\n(; Hdga lell.veH Ihe }'1I "le~'R, hut \ ns t to,'t UI1(\ nnd 1I fo.mlly or dl\u!(h which hilS envcloped him for renrs

Bertha stays tor" time. ::lhr Is 1m I~rs with oCf ll l11 delel'mlnation \\'llh on his Ktsl hlrthtillY. and unn,nll1l'cd so is natural science, so is music. for that matter, and 80 is all human effort 01' endeavor. But we do not look to the new-born for the accomplishment and aut hority that can come only with education and pr uctical experience.

p"eHBcd by )lootlc th lnl;'8. by the "n . leetl'le vIgor wh ich made It im- lhe completion ot li Iy"'(' giving hi. wO"(l 'Lyric' which she could tecl 'Iosslblo to krep 8PI','nnts, 81\\'O Ihe with her Leeth wh en ijhe I'epeuted Im portUl'bable Rerthn, and which It so rtl y 10 hc,·self." l\l ost of a ll b} r;"o\le I.rr d fl U~hlc,' 01'::11, IntCl·cHt(·<\ J~() IIO F,u'ley tI1 ~ l)(lPt whom 8h~ in· In Bocla! I'c9~a,·ch . to living In u ~l u · spil'cs to w" llo hiM unl y great poem. dlo (lr he,· own to c~cnjl(1 It. "hc

In other days, and, indeed, in othel' countries, the aboul hel'Re lf. De.·tila dusls Ills FIlme thIn!; "1' 1 \l r~ the Rultol'8 nr l'1~ papcl's. Anel seeR "li nes Ulnl ,'oeltetl ": hCl' dU lIghtels, J';rnan,..arlie l\n,l

gr~at schemes of mural decorations have been eon- softl y like 1\ boftt wllh a III teen su ll . PRula away r.'om them. nnd "0 (In· fided to the most accomplished artists who could be Rhyl hm. ·Ul\'8. Love,' ·Pngllll. HIl- minutes the mind of thc laUE',' Ihnt found. Had the untried apprentice been let loose un,' 'Lyre. Desire'." "he hus to he takon to 'l 8"nlt"l'iul1l. in the wall s of the church at Assisi, or the Vatican As psychopathic caseM at leust. Ihl.

Spare Time Posi­tions for Students

CI'CateNt Ollllu,·lunlly. "Life or ' Vood,·o\\· \\'lIson," by

U8Rociato or fOl'lller P) 'cMhlC'nt. Big "oul" hand""",,,I), IlIuH

vlcWR on thC' lJl'Y Era. On V01'SC

... ' fleclH hIs OI)llIlon. It goeR: "Nlng th~ Mon/:, of soft s tuff, 1)1'0111-

bit Ion bring'. 1' \\ t'llt,r· fh p (hUWil ut d irun men (nun

John T. Ii illg': '\'h~n J)1'ohibitlOIl 'A ended. 1111(1 it's

"(lUiHI ttl .lIe, Si ug II son~, ur hal"1 t'Yl'ul'1i Ulltl a

Ilod ,eVul of ry~. "

Jndtlpillally. he J'ev(>al cd how h p WUH IIHlPirc'd til l.'OITI JJORe "'1'h~ ll'acl'

on tho IltH' Hoom F loor." It W:l~

WritLl'Jl in IL hole l roum ill .. ~t-'W

I'III'k In H67 urte,' he hatl wltnossc<l Ihe vlsll of II dl'unl<lll'd til .r o~

Hll1llh'. ~aloon (a memo.')'). at Hlh strert lind Foul'lh a venue .

II. c"plnhlK thnt "every I'edle,· ",\1(1 1\ was hIR," uno thaI Ihe title 111 lIme WIlH changed. beln!; III'ope" ly "The E~uce Ul.on thl\ J:i ' loor,"

I [(' was Il(,V(,r (lI'unle [n all h iM

lite, he added.

WANTED 10 MEN - rl)"­

Nl' M~lIm, "'OHl, ( ; UZ1I'Ulitet'd

$36 per week "'''!'il<' X9t11



IF there is anyone t hing in a man's ward­robe on which he likeR to exercise hi ~

personal fancy it iR in the matter of neck­wear. Here latitude is boundless. There are the new knits - stunning in novelty weaves. Clever innovat ions in silk and wool effects and t hose ult ra fashionable fou lards. $1.00 to $1.50

"1" IU8h. Flash. }<' Insh. A plu ngln!( ('tm lly 18 mo,'e Interps ti ng an(l ron·

CHfCAGO reports 187 mu rders and New York halls, and t he Sistine Chapel, of the Scuola di San ollal horse a nd a jade terrific 110" vl nelng Ihlln R n ~' of lhe I'CRt or thn 260 in a year , while during the same year in all Rocco and t he Doge's Palace, these buildings would a nd fl lapis lazuli cenluUl', I'ldlnR bcok. And Ihe descrlpl!on of thcm

t'·lIte. low Iwlt·(' . tH l'l']Jl'('!qPI1 tali \Ips. CIl\{lIt

~I\'~n. ::lend fill' free OUIllt .~. of f.ngland nnd Wales, including the city of London, not today be places of pilgrimage for all art ists round and' ,'o und a~aln Inlo alter· Iq lE'SR marrcrl hy Ihe gross Rcntl . there were only sixty mu rders. a nd lovers of art. It Is the masters, not the stu- pa te view on the mCl'I'y·go·round,'· mrnta l1~m a nd the senr~h fo .· '1

lit oncc. A uthorRhlp bi J..;'uaranlt'c of Iluthentlclt)'. 1:nlvN'sal IloUHI'. Coll cg~ IX> llt .. HI10 A .·,'h Ht. .

dents, In their schools, whom modern Paris has That may be what passed In lhe Huve we become addicted to man-slaug hter ? Are invited to decol'ate its Hotel de Ville and Pantheon mI nd of Dertha ItS 8he Ig descr ibed.

we at bes t a da ngerous lot ? We wo uld say rat her a nd Ecole de Medecine. The student should be !Jut one reader nt leaIlt refuses 10 it is the fault of t he modern court pl'ocedure-a beli eVe It. Thoro Is n Vltst (l~a l of

encouraged by providing him with the best possible such poetical 0 ,' rRlher pseu(lo.po­)ll'ocedure in which t he chances arc ninety to one Mho"l s to stud in Experl'ence, especially l'n the

~ " y. elleal phrasin,.. splashed th" ou/:,h th,' with t he criminal. Hc mny delay and keep delay- art of mural painting, may not be easy to gain p'll(ea ot the story. such as the " low. ing his triul al1d even though sentenced to a pen-itcntinry, some friend will approach t he pardon board in behalf of his welfare and he will be parol­ed.

We arc not bla ming the courts 01' t he lawyers for it iR t he system that Is at fault. In t he words of Chief Justice Taft, highest legal aIl thori ty ill the United St1ltes: "The administra tion of criminal law in t he United States is II disgrace to civili zation. The trial is in fa vor of the criminal; and if he es­capes he seems to have the sympathy of a spor t ing public,"

OIL REIGNS "p RAGUE, 1I1ar, G. The opening of the spri ng

sess ion of the Czecho-Slovak parliament today began with stormy scenes and cr ies or "Corrup­t ion! Corruption!" from t he left benches in con­nection with the recent gasoline Rnd wood alcohol graft. One Communist threw a oottie ftHed with benzine a t the Premier and only owing to a few cool-headed dll pties was order r estored."

Our country has been dubbed !lot a I'epublic, but lin oilygarchy. But our old methods of legisla tion hang on; we arc still a prey to the rule of hot ail'. Away with deadlocks" filibusters, a nd red tape! How much 1110rc natural, expeditious, and appropriate, n method of settling disputes is that suggested by lhls recent action in the Czecho-Slovak state, not h­ing less than a combination of the survival of the fi t test, and anoi nting YOUI' neighbor's head with oil. Senator Lodge might a rise and beg t he chairman t he pri vilege of throwing a botUe of "Standard Oil crude" al the leader of the democratic forces. They might return the fire with a deluge of gasoline. In the end virtue would emerge triumphant, waving the greasy flag with the dollar sign rumpant. To t1\Q victor belongs the s poils ; to the righteous be­ling the oils.

without commissions. But, somehow, the greatest mural painters have succeeded in working their way through, even if not allowed to cover the public buildings of their town, or province, with their im­mature experiments. The road to art is not an easy one, and never has been, and the man who Is not prepared for a struggle before he conquers had best never set out upon it.

h1l; or ~h~nm('r5. enor mous c l·les. '19 It a. strange bl'cpd of sea rattle WelO swimming' In wi th the U<lc." AmOl,g one In lon oC th em are wOl'lh whll~.

hul 1\ 11 of them become In tolerablv w~al'lRome \\'hen ~ontlnuo us l y use,l In lhla WM· . Sometime. they Ill'e abRu"d , 118 on page HO: "Oil , Oil. Oh. Tho POOl' dl'lo<l p"unes of eY~8 In ~f l's. \Vall~nHlel l1 '8 head. They ~(eme(1 lO have dlp<l thorc." Prune.

• ____________________ -; cre dried. on~ knows. bul lhat they

• • • Fact and Fancy • • •

PLAY Tum Night, lind on the lonely hill All is quiet, Save for the whispers of oak trees Trembling in fear When ghostly wisps of wind play In theIr

branches­Wisps of wind Playing hide-and-seek-For night is the play·time of the breezes.

Q. E. D.



ovcr died IS news. Pcrh"1l' It Is " misprin t.

"-0 nl'c told th" 1 n crlhn "' ),Ilf'W

II. rich kInd ur mutene.s." but It Is not noticoable In ,"onveraRtlOnR su('h ns this wit h Chlta. lhe llttlo slu m S-II'I :

"Dcl' tha, I)'J c8us-Whoozoe? Huh?

"J e8US? li e \\,11. Il Ill 'ln, Chltn"

" ,I ma n 11o \\'th ln! Ho's Gu<1,"

" Yll h-lIe--wus ,1renclled In \lght

- Ihul \\'liS hl8 wblto (h·esM."

"Blokr. you! Light nln' l 110 while <l 1·~S" . Silk it. 'fhat's yo u." said

Twelve Social Service Fellowships Offered

Left Baltimorc and looped back to W IIshing­ton ' 0 " "Did not climb Washington Monument • • • ' Golf-walking costume' • • ' Accosted ' * Chance For Intimate Study Of • ' Male' , • ' ''Stepping Stone" for the night- New York Slums Included no bugs' • • ' Up early-Lincoln Memorial not as beautiful as at sunset ' " • ' Quick trip, pedal and cushioned, arriving at far-famed out-post or Southern Al'istocracy-Richmond" ' Outward aspects (save greater number of Africans) bear resemblance to some of progrcssive towns of North' • • ' Sleepier' " • "Undoubted possibilities

In New Awards

Affording (\11 oppo,'lun!ty tv,' t\\' Ive mell and womon In the col· leges and un1Vel'~1tI08 ot lho United Stales 10 study social condtUons In New yo,'k Ci ty with a chanco t or th~

" " " "Some exquisite state buildings and one fine most Inttmate sludy of conditions In church" • • " the slums the New YO"k School of

A WORLD STATE • • " "In Petersburg, largest tobacco center uf Soclnl WO"I, Is otfel' lng fellowships

sue 1 !IS • , e 8 W 0 ave ream- Ing to an announcement mflde public V1SIONISTS I II G W 11 h h d the section, the Prince stocked well up with cig- fo,' the study of 80elal wOl'k , accord-

cd of 11 world state have reckoned without a arettes ' • ° ' Together with lad from Harrisburg, by the director of the school, Porlh c';nsidcJ'8tion of the biological make-up of man. A bound for St. Petersburg, Fla., in the unusual un- H. Lee.

conventional manner, and another stripling from u ll ion of 1111 races into one supl'cme world brother-

hood would be international suicide. It would be

lhe quickest and sures t s tep that nations could take

tOWlIr<ls the Ultimate deterioration and downfall of the hl1l11 ~n race.

A world s tato would mean that there would be no economic nor political barriers, - yes, but it would mean that tbere would be no social barriers as welL Hordes of undesirable immigrants from Koutheastel'n Europe and t hose of a still more un­desirable character from the Orient would be free to migrate and mingle with the othel" I'aces as they pleased. No step could be more destructive of in­ternational peace and content than this. No move eQuid be more destructive of the I'ich racial bloods which have evolved our greatest leaders.

'I'he highes t standards in social life, and the best ordered workings or political institutions, depend tlpon the development of a homogeneous mind, n mind founded upon a common racial outlook and ximilal' cultural traditions. These conditions would !J torn down by world union. All t he unique Hutionul trults , the distinct, J)iclurcsque, und poculiar qualltles that individualize a people, and which gil'o rl so to a rich national al"t and culture, would be destroyed by the indiscriminate fusion of bloods that would be brought about by a world


New Britain, Conn., disgusted with 'over-bearing' high school teacher and intent on adventur,e,­all three bunked in Y. M. C. A. the night' " • Q

Flt\ee' • * ' Soon across tho Virginia border, the Traveled (whose Jlarrisburg pard had remained in Petersburg sans plebian wealth from fond mater 'way up north' and Connecticut rebel hovel'ing about 1ll0l'e probabl9 food-supply) tiring of the verdure of the pines and sparse palmettoes, took

Foul' awards ot $1 ,200 each nrc open lo gl'aduatln!( students of both sexes. Rnd provldo for a yeaI' oC 8tudy In New York. Under Ihe plan announced, tho folloW8hlps wJil be g'l'anled on the basIs ot competlllve examinations. tho las t lIate fo,' fIIlng applications fol' en'tra nce is ,\ 1>"1\ 19,

Surprise was eXlll'e~8ed thilt ten ot lho tcllowshlJlS had booll "ese,'ved exclusively fo, ' collego men In th

out his Pocl\Ct Edition of "Leaves of Grass'" • • • Junior and 80nlo,' classes. These urO Rendered ecstatic' • • • to,' $166 each o.n<1 ure planned to

" • • ' Mueh sand but reasonable roads, for the covor necessa.·y lultlon nnd living CXllCnses whllo tho ' holder ot the

land of the chandala' * • 'ComeDurham-Chapcl SCholl).1'8hlp Is II;tltlndlng the 8Uml1l0r Hill-Trinity (Who could imagine this the destiny ses810n of 1024 . All applications of the mighty Howard n' " • ' Raleigh' " • ' Car- should be add,'eBec1 to 101,'. Lee at 10. penter and Lawrence emerge from pack' • • ° Each Twenty-second street. New

• • • 'Peaceful, naked, brown man and naked, York. young son under gigantic trees in far-off Hindus- "In otfe"lnS' lhese tcn rellowship" tani o , • ' Blissful in other's company' • • 'Wise, to college men," said MI'. Lee In glv­but using not all their wisdom' ° • 'Idyllic • • • InK out lhe stalement. "the Ne"

, " ° "Dusky, slyly laughing, strangely-sinning, York School ot SOcllll Work wl.hes to give students who huve complet­

forever-uncaught, dusky Etruscans' • • ·Sleepy- co theil' junior yell,' an opportunity footed also ' * • "Ah, rueful itch!" • • , to attend I\. summer 8e88lon In New

• • • 'Roality! ' • , 'Central Station' • • 'Nar- Yo,·k. tor the purpose ~f Introduclll'; row benches' , , ' Suspicious fellow prince' , • * th~m to the fIeld or soolal worle a. II.

'Wise to these guys" " • • 1)08Slble profession. Theile award8 •

"will be made according to the quali-• " ° 'Rough South' 'Disturbed Depot flcations of the Individual applicants.

Dreams ' " , • and Ma.y 10th h8.11 been sel al the -NYMPHO

eh~a p orIginality of phl·u .• e whlph cha,·actcl'l1.CS lhe "cst (Jf MIRq , ltUI'st's wOI'l<, (,v('n 1\n o("'C'tudonn.l 1'('·1 deemIng or o,l!' of her sh(JI·t "to rips.



Where Westinghouse Blazed the Trail

Sleel Industry Textile Manufacturing Paper Making Rubber Industry Material Handling Motion Picture Industry Meat Packing Railroading Ship BlIildillg And Olbcrs





What Industry Owes to


A/It' "ul'n~ lI!an (If ,,,,it. Q' " dirM't. curr'nt ,t,ttr.t'ltor. O.i. origi"ol "ppiteatlCm in thl ,tel 1nduR?), in 1891-in chI f;dgar TAo",,,,on Worho/ CAo Carne,i. Sird Co .. Bef­'e .. ,r. Pa.-f:ndcd ill dOli' o. tI 1tt(!for t'n t'" ,..,IIm .hop,

in Electrification of Industry

In 1891 the first electric 1)1otor was put to work in a steel mill. In 1905 the first large rolling mill motor, and in 1900. the first reversing mill motor were also installed in steel miUs. These lnotors-all Westinghouse Motors -were history-makers in the steel industry.

Other industries too have profited by Westinghouse engineering pioneering_

-In the textile indu try, individual motor drive became a reality in 190!l, in the Sauguoit Silk Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

-In the rubber industry, Westinghouse ideas as originally applied in 1900, arc today tbe standard method of application in plants throughout the world.

-In the handling of materials at the world's great shipping centers, in the manufacturing of paper, in the motion picture industry. in coal mining l in meal packing, railroading, ship building-in fact, ill every branch of human activity can be found progress and profits traceable directly to the pioneering of Wcstiughousc Engineers.



Rogers Dental

New Ru Liberal


KFKX. l' {'asl s )JI'v~t ul'n or

KF'AE, Pullma tnlks, sol"s.

KGW. 1'01'1 I nl1ll 108, 10:lr, .• Iudlll


1~t1tfn lC "tory; 7. nlgh t I'CYU('\

" 'JU;. l{un~a:-l

l'rehe~ll'a; ru 110 WeA P, [i" CH't

TONI 8:15 1

~ "ACQ.U~


fJ RE" ~ 'Q 'Iry


at 7:00 p. a limited 11

SOc teall , .ale. Only I perlon.





Rogers Speaks on Dental Convention

Held for Murder, Tells Story of Operation Plot Ruch and Lake Talk To Education Division

Goes To Work on=iLOCb' who dlcIl ,F"hI'UIlI'Y -;;:- lU24,

L d F d C lllJU not a I1IC0101lUI nlcl'lln /f JI1 hl H an rau ases melJlOl'Y,

Will Hendrick's Give Reds Flag?

New Ruling Requiring Liberal Arts Work

Is Passed

LQUISV ILLg, Ky" March la,­Details of l he stO)'y of II n cxtrllol'­dil1l1l'Y kidnapping- ploLLC'd by 1\

jenlouR hURuand which had a slay­in g a s a ~equel finally have been assembled hy Louisville police,

William Gales, 34, Was kidnap-ped, handcuffed and lied to a bed­

Ahout fOl'tY'81x dcnl al R('}1\l(\IS (If post fOl' lhrc~ days while Richal'd Heulon, :13, planned a p;lund oper ll­lion upon hin1 because he SUS l)cct­cd him of intimacy with Mrs, H eal­

nv~ l Tllill'( l glalf''; UIH. (;al1tltla ::1I.'P

","mhel's of th" lI elV ,\ mel'lean A., socllltlol1 of l)el1\01 !lL'hooIA whl l' h Mid Its ill'st IlllUonl.ll t'lJllV~J\lIUJl In on, lIe ['scaped by killing h is cap­rtJlCflgO l:1st \\('~I{, Th~ '\ "~O('\llUon tOl', 'l' his is Gates' tOI'Y,

Gales is out o n $1,000 bond, 11e is charged with murdel' ,

'1':1 fOJ'lned by th l; all1[l l/:llmation of Ihe Crnel'lll Jo'II('ulli~H A$su('I"lIolJ Ill' Unl.orijltlc~, Ih~ NILU ""ILl l"u cullIc~ lJ eyde C, Conrad, theater 01'­

,I,"uciutiun, find the AIllCI'll'tm Tn ' ganlst und friend of Heuton, i s out ,Utute oC Den ta l 'L'cachrl's , on $5,000 bond, charged with aid-

ing in th e kidnapping, and police DI', E, II , HO':NM "f tile roll e~e

c! lien ti"tl'y waH Inclut1ct1 on the ('on nre endeavoring to obtain the ex-Hnllon 11I'Og'I'IlJl1, lie, wllh "(we l',,1 Ll'adition of Prank Cordell, an In­

Discuss Rcquiremen ts of Teach­crs In Various


'I' he futuI'c 111 lhe ~ "urJllltlll fie ld

f'JI' lIw li'lvln;; "f I11 cn llll IpKt~ wHI

he IH't.'H(' nll1{1 lh lH uft(lT"llU0I1 at fOllr

o\'ItI('I{ in t1"W IHJC'I'ul urlM dra wing'

l'oOl Il \\"11(' 11 thl' e(l u ~utllJll dlvislun of

t he- " 'umen's l)c l'!'Ionnel UUJ'cnu wlll

meet. ]'I'of, Merle [Wch, pI'ofeH"o\'

111 th II~YClJo lo/:y dcp:II'lJ11ent will

lec lure on


an(1 Mell"UI'O,

'rhe divi sio n of lhe llureau under

lho IC;lclel'shlp of 'Maudlne Shoc'

Rlnllh A of 0 uthl'le Centc r and nel"

, J'l'of , CllIlJcl't L, llf)IJ"PI' f'( the 7.(l

ology ll~Il / t1ll11('n l , II f(JI'nwr Rltl ' 111H ha"hall ",ol'ld Is wUI1(1orlng If Ja('k H 'IHlrl('I~B, Lit 1\ W manugol' of

c.\t' lIl or ,JIl '(lues J.olh, will " IWalt al lhe H,'dH, f'!llI joClv(' ('Intlllllllll lito the 111l' tln go trom Uw BI.LIl lip, lilt ut lJ!'nnlll1t i'ul ~l oJ'nll seem d IIl1ci! ull 11'11:1 l h ua hC~1I dlllll' lfJ Khuw r('nl fo[' \l'll!'n he W tlS laken by dcatll Ill'O!;t'C"S In Anwrlcu by hJ s formcr jusl as tlte lmlnin!\, 8~n"On WilH be I11S\.l'u('lor, /:Inning" 11 'IHiI'I('ks luts had uno 1\'<1

Jll cqueR l,()<' h WO R fIt<' t>f IIle liS tl l11ajor 1 'a;: \J p 1)lIol , with the I:lt, greatest Ht'ienUsls oJ A mel'!l''', Louis ClJI 'rjinltlH, and yetlJ's of l'xpel'"

I(' nt'c 111 lhc mlno\' lell/: lH", 110 Joln ­o thet' !ip(la l< (,J'~ at till' IliC{\lijig or

lhe t:aco lllu)l Club will he factlily membel'. ]Jollald ll. Cameron, In, pl l'lIl'tOl' In lho <1eptll'tl1Wllt IIf l'iWI11

1~}tl'Y. nn rl PI'I,r, .J , .r. Mtll'J,!'lI l l, o( tll!.'

dl'plLl'tmcnL of philosoph )' und pSV'

chology, \\'ho will 8P Ilk Iln (lth~I'

phases or lhls :;denl,ls t' . ,',;ntrlhu, tlons , 'I'hcse Ilre his tl1l'ory 01' trup­lam AS appllerl to psychulog)', ant1 his l'untrtuulionA to H . .I'til' ldul lJarlh e· no/:cncsls , cull u ILl ~, and U nlmul he, hav lol',

~<l tho i( l'ds lhls R as"'l as coach ana u!iHl::.ttnnt mn.nH[.:'CI',

PAT~.:~EME •


llhcl' doctol'S, g-nv(' a. ~yrnpnsium on the ijulJject, "Ol'lll Dlu!;nosls In Ucn, I'll Clinics,"

dianapolis, Ind" private detective, who, Indianapolis police Ray, ad­mitted he a ided n~nton,

Gates' escape, he Lold the nu-Moclln~ In l'hicn:;o aL the ~nnw thorities, Wll~ due to an old double

t,OIe W1IS the DClltal J ~tlu l'lIl1onal barl'elel DCl'I' ingcl' hi s captol's CUUlicll of A1l1eJ'l~a, which 1M mad~ overloohl!d when they kidnapped "P of I'Cllres illatives fl'OIll the As, him and lhat in t h e f'xcitclllcnt ho , ocia tlon of Dcntal lkhool~ , th~ had f()rgotten abou t having with AmericlJII Denlal Assuclation, anti hi m,

luullne W e ndell A4 of Smith lan d,

has heen cal'l'ylllg on r cscal'ch In

the fields uf el1 ucalion to (il .cover

111e l'elJuiJ'P JlI 'nLs fOl' Lhe \'aJ'lo\l ~ ll'lw het's In ull of lh s tutcs of Iho l ' nlted Stl\ les, AIAo to find lIny op' plH'lunities 1I'111('h mighL be open In J\I,I.kll anc\ the Pb iIiPlll nes a nd al l f'O\'c I' nment Ilosillon ~, MJss l .lorl~

Ira Ii, Wells J acq ucs Locb WuS horn 0 11 ~\ 1ll'!1

7, 18G9 nnd was a tnC III Ii("t, o f t 11('

President Coolidge has decided ROCkefeller Inslilule fOl' medical re' lha t l he ,'e Is need of un tI"sia tant scm'ch and hrarl u'[ It" 11lvlHitl n of attorney goncl'lll wh ose whole tlmo AC Il P",,1 PH),l'h01f1;;'Y,

A picture that will causc you to rock in youI' scat with


HCI'e is one fellow who iii as funny us Harold Lloyd

Douglas M'cLean

Ihe National Assoclallon of Dontal X;xnnlinel'S, J'ror. Frnnk 'I', .BI'ecne, dean of th e collc!;'e ur c1 ell lls t r)" I, n Illember uf lhi8 ('oulll'il. r ep!'f'Ment·

IJJ~ the .Association uf Denlul Rchool"

Gates lold the pollee that at Heaton 's r equc5t ,he had gone to the office of H eatoll & F ishel', mel" chandi~e bl'oker~, Thursday night and that Heaton and a "mysterious stranger" held him up with pistols

ca n be !;'I von to land [raud ensc_, a nd I, 'a K, W ells has beon named to tul<o til' this task, Mr, \\'ell s

Lll ke, who 1"'8 h a d ('xpcl'ience In sCJ'vo cl !LS district atlol'nay unde!' "tI<'h lines Will tell this aflernoon of K Mont R eily when lho latteL' w as lhe lutuI'e, us she concelv'es It, In governol' or POJ'to HJeD, 8u C' h work.

Ally womun \l'ho Is JntcrcHted In t'o!uc:tlion 1J1~~' a tlend the mectlnr ,

The coundl p(t"sNI II n~\\' ]'u l lJ1~ and handcuffed him, About ten nll lJ1 ' .. viall ; 8, musical.

Baconian Club Will Study Loeb Tonight

fl'l' 1111 <1Plltul ~chot)ls of Amcl'irn: minutes later, he ~tated, h e was ('''fry schou I mu~t l"('qult'(' one .v('.\I' talH\l1 In an aUlomoulle to ;t huus(' IIr lI~et 'al m'ls wOI'I, fol' e lltl'Ul1l'e It, in 34th stre t and ip101cdiately to ;126 , At th~ pl'es~n t time !thou! l\ room all the scconcf f1001' that bad

WilHam Gates, chief figure in a sl1'",,),:'o ,,;ell': lll 'n!: ('USt' ill l(cntll<"l<r, ILl IIi (lJ~lo\V) the eill ool'ut<l collection o( illstJ'lUllftlts nssl'mlJlcd by his ~U \ltOI' fOl' all ollCl'afioll,

wc:.o, J'hilafl0lp hin (fiO~) 0:30 p _ m ., musi : 7:30, music; 8:15, I'ecltal ; 8:30, (J1'!:;nl! I'ccltlll; n:03 dance music ,

'VOA \Y , Oma h" (520) 0:;)0 ,linne l' IB'og'I'am; U. cOl1sel'valo l'y of music .

\VOn, .:'\T~wark (405) 5:1G l' , m .. \'0-rH I solos; :):30, stOl'j CS; lit HOllb 1'("

Hou,ser Will Show Contribu­tions Made to

1I', enly,flve schools in the Unlte, l Hlntes mllke [hi" I'C'lulJ'limcllt ,

In connection \\,Ith WOI'lt fur tho t llune ll, 01', Breene I'ecently ,went Ff'v{'ra l days in Ml'm]lhi"l , T('nn ('s..~ ('f\

lr.sJlccling the dcnLal schuul of lhe Unlvel'slly of Tenne"Hee,

School Girl Seriously Injured When Truck Skids Into Lake

I'll'n filted IIp Ji1H' :111 oprl'atlng 1'011111, ant! lit-'d tu n. hNi.

lIeaton , says Gates, immediately began to pl'epRl'e lor an opcl'II.tion, His mutterin gs, he said, attracted Heaton, who got down closc to him and in a cajoling voice urged him to lalk,

lIe said that he lh(m mumbled something about some letters ho had written to an aunt In Logans­port, Ind" telling her, in effect,

Heaton abandoned his plans left the 1'00111,

Dnd Shortly thereaf te r, he declal'l!d, Heaton entered the 1'oom and Il t h iR (Gates' ) requeRt, r e leased him and le d h im to the bathroom, Upon arising, he said, the Derringer in hi s vest pocket moved, and he l'ealized what it was,

neats Follo' to First Shot As he t urned to leave the bath­

room, he statcd, he drcw the Der­ringer and ordered Heato n to put


\ ue. "Cunll'lhullnn to Sclen,'o" w ill ile

WO~, J cffcI'son Cily (440,!! ) 8 1>, m, the subject of tliS(; U 8~ ion at a spe, musknl prog'l'nm; 0:15. dance 1>1'0' ria l l1l~ctln~ of the Uaconhll1 Cluh, ATam. whi('h will he he ltl this ('vening at

WSH, .AlIantn (4~O) R p, moo mu, lho a u~ll(lJ'lum of the new c hemi K' "'jrnl l)t'Og'nlm; !1:16, d:nl ce prog'l'arn.

\\'sn, AlIilnt" (42U) R p, m" qu al" ll 'Y IJlIiltii ng, The (li8(: U"810n wil l be let and instrumentalis ls; 10:45, SUI" in th e f OI'In of a CI'lllti1.1 s Ul'vey br I rl.~ hl'olulcnst, the work of the I' cce nt Ja~q u~~

M M"O~, GA" J\I ,IJ'C 'I .13-'\ ~, h,)ol thaL if Ilnything happened to him truel, ('IlI'I'yin!;, lwenly f'hll,1I'"" I '''n~ Heaton would be the responsible

The next day at noon, he said, he was taken, handcuffed, to Heat­on's ofllce and made to t elephone his aunt in Logansport und tell hel' to 11l1lil the I~ \lo l'" 10 him in Louis ville, He then wus returned lo the housc and Uetl on " bell, Daring t he day, he said , some oth­er person came inlo the room but that he was afraid to say anything ftll' fl'<'U' llC'aton ml~11t ulso he ttC


up his hand :;, I nstead, he declared, Heaton reached fol' u pistol he had just IDid aside when he had un­locked the hllndculfs, and then he fiJ'NI Lwu shols, both of 'I'I'hlch hit • Heaton, •

'l' fl"m school lhis arlel llooll "till ;rom person, Saved by a Ruse About 6 o'clock that night some lh& rt'ad tu!o 'L Sill": :"'.:~U n~'l.I· ny·

]'t!P In lloufilon cou" ." ('il r:-llI:.r a n:"hlver oJ: thr ch.i 'll' 'I) \\ Hh it, ~lr c l'a.l <:hlhll'E'1l \',~I' !'I 1 11 ~1lJ'f'( 1 1)' II

o,r little girl is repl,l"Le 1 (1" t", ill ;J

,ly'n!: condlllol-,

(lJy Coul'tesy of Rndlo Di),{C'lt) I (C ... ul.1'll1 t;l;.LIlilal'll Till1e)

KDKi\ , J' lttsl)tIl'g (3~G) G:15 p, lil,

Ol'glln; 6:30, realul'e~ :; 7, hoy ."OUI meeting; 8:30, wnccI'l,

IO'IC" HMlInl:;'s (:III) rtl'\Jro;ul

rn~ l~ pI'ogrum of ]{DK .I , Kll'Al;;, PulhlJan (330) 9 :;)0 p, moO

lalks, SOlU8,

[\C \\' , l'ul'lIaml (HI2) 10 p, moo HO'

1 ~8, 10:1!i, Mlu,lill proJ.;l'tlJl1; J1. Icc ­(",'e; ]2:30, ll out 0\\'1",

KlIJ , 1..01 IIn~elcs (3VIi) ~:4,j p, moo fhJltll'en's program; ]0, prllli'mn' llnd let'ture; 12, lJl'('lwHtl'a.

KPO, !'an Frllnclsl'" (4~3)


KY\\" Chicag'O naO) 0::;0 1> , lll, loedl!JIIC ~toJ')'; 1, cJIJln~J' t'f)l1U'I'l; lJIid )I ighl revu e,

WIUJ, l( 'l nHlI~ City (I t I) 7 p, moO ,'rciJc6lm; I'1It1l0 talk,

WJ.JAP, JP" I'L \\' 01'1 11 (170) 7:30 II m,. COne I't : 9 ;30. conc.'crt.

WHAV, ('ulumbus CluM I ~ noon , new~; nnlMlcal: X, mu~lr,

WI;'-', Slll'ln~rlelrl (317) tl p, III" slo-1")'; G:;JO, lJedlil1lO ~Lol'r; ]0, Ol'cheR' tl'a.

Wt;Z , ~IIJ'I ,, !:rlei(1 (aR7) II p, m .. Rio ry; U:~O, IJeclllnle HlIJry; III , uJ'('hl~'

Ira, \I'))A!I', l{aJl ,~l\~ Cily t-HILI' (-III) ~

I', m" lIt)v~Il)' nl/fhl; I 1:4;', :'<Ight, hl(wkij,

II' D,I P, Chi . 1 !ill (31ln l 7 p, TIl" cm, ( ~I't: 10, ROlll'HllfI, oL'gnn and or('heq Ill,

ul)i\R, Phil/lei Iphl u (311:;) 0::10 \l ,IY" l l1 lit; 7, ['()nC~I'l: 8:30, It'clUtl; 9: IU, dJlnce mu.lr; 10:30 ('OllrCn,

\l'1~.II1", 'cw YOl'k (H12) U:30, ilia )IIHl; 7, t n.ll<H n. 1H1 'ol'('h{'Htnl; n. tillar· ~(Hl~, mU8it'tl l tiJ'og'I'u m ; 10. ol'dH~~


TONIGHT 8:15 P. M.

at 7 :00 p. m. tonight a limited number of SOc: aeats will go on .ale. Only 2 .eata to I person.


denUy I'UHO, he dcrllll'od, he oonfi' one-it later developed that it was believcd, saved him, as I Mrs, Heaton--came to the house,

• :31) n. ll'a. (;-3U, ])l'oJ.;'l'am , lnusit': !1:30, pl'ug'nlm,

I" HAH, _\ I,lI1l80n (3Iill) rNdin<';R, \IJY, Xew York HI';;) 1i.~U p, m" • m . fUl'UiLy l'l't'lla1, Inu:--il' ,

',\'~' l. l'hihllelphi" (3~;;' 5 p, Ill ..

~alk; Ii J). In .• lHusk.

""n'n, ~1~'lfor(1 11111"1<1" (,I(:!ll ~w· nillg' IH'Pt,.:I';,l.I1l ,

,,'UH , iluffal" (;;13) '>:::0 \l. 111 .. ,lin nel' mu,~!l'; &:3u, 1l0\\'M t' t' })ol'lR; 8, con ('('I' t, ]0:31); <1"nf'e ll1u"I~, '

"'lL\i'l, Ltl\JI~\'iIIe (4011, 7:30 p,m" tall<s, ltlu,lcLlI numl.'~I·H, popule'" (ll'( • (l1'phc!{trn. nhno RoluR, l'emling-51. grl.l.m, •

"'J['. I'blln<1l' lp IlJIl ("OU) lI1u"I('; 'i, 'I-AI.\Q, ('LJlt'u~o :\,.,," (417,,,) 7 p, • lan~. r.t.. 'w('C"kly "'ide ftw.:.k{~ I)ro~nl.n~: ..

\rlll'. Clc\'('inn,l (283) [, n. m .. nUl· 7:~1J. mURk nWJ110l'Y' S:41l. (11'('ht.-(~llr,,;

tiff'; 8 p. Tn .. ( 'O Il('CI't prOS'I'um. ~l. rnU!:iit·t I , ,

I \'J,\Z, ('hlcuf\o (44~) 111 p, Ill" 111\1' \I'M{" .\lell1l1his (GOII) ~:311 p, 111". .Ie'll f)l'Ol:;'l'IlIll , ((In''l'I'I: 11, ml<1nl ' ht fl'"Ilt-, II

,\ ,TZ, New YOl'1, (4G5) G I), 111" talk ' \VO(,," nnvcnpllrl (4~4) (j,::U, Sl llll~ I!!I •



'. •


HERE'S A PICTURE! TRULY AMERICAN! Noth­ing foreign! No sex ! Nothing lavish!


It deals with the regenet'ation of a New Yol'k Gang­ster through the influence of a tough little boy-and -well-we don't want to spoil t he story fpr you, but it is FILLED, WITH MEAT! ,

As Usual, At The

ENGLERT ",DI.," ~.o. ""1'01", ... ALLAN DWAN

... oaU(1101ol or


Special Added Attraction HAM HAMILTON .


"The Optimist"

sl'/<;,wr M; TlJfl ltl'SJlING WINn, J.JGHT AS Sl'lHNn ,\nroSl'lIlml<;, ... nmm :\ S ~l()nNIl'i(J /)f~ \v, I)J!;J,WJlT, I"l '" M\ ,\N OLII IIU SIl IcOLI{ SO.l\G, J{:\I"'I:-IW,;S TO ALI J,

No other shaving


Laurette Taylor is simply' delightful aa the little shop gitl who brings joy into the life of two bored aoc:iety fo~ ,

Belter 'fhf,ln "Peg '0 1\1Y jlearL"

cream has it

We want a slogan

describing the hinged C'9P that can't get lost. Can you give it to us?

Perhaps you shiwewith

~ WilIlams'and knowhow gentle 9nd soothing its

• quick-working lather is to

IlZ · the skin, Perhaps you

I haven't begun to use Wil.

l ~~ "'., ~ mS Iiams' yet. Whichever the v ... \J case, we'll pay real money

S I • I'!4r, 0P'tr. Cor your ideas.

~ ",' ~lJ r $250 in prizes "r P'or th.belt HntencCI often wordl or'e,1 00 Ih.valueofthe William.' HIlliled Cop, we of-

e a y.'·n8 :;'~~~~~I~~~r.~~~~;~I.~~:t!~~I~~~::':~i~ ••• n;.I,'thprl ... ,,,,, each,Anfund.flraduat.

Or Jf.dual .. 1 udent I .. Hrlble,lflwoor more ~r-

,... 10n.lubmllldenll •• I.lo,.nldeem.dworthyof [lrl ... , the rull ImOllll' ohhe prll. will be .ward-e ed 10 each , Conte .. clo .... tmldnllhl M.rch 14,

iJ m 't924. Wtnner. will be announced.1 loon there--after •• po .. tble. 8ubmit any number of 11011nl but wrtte on one tide of P8peronly,puttlfll name, .ddr, .. , cOUe._ ftlld 01 ... ,t top oreach .heet . Ad .. dr." Ie ..... to Cont •• t Editor, TheJ, B, WHlla",.



Here She Is!



Moore' in her latest and best


'Through the Dark' A Cosmopolitan Produc­tion. One of the enor­mously popular "Boston Blackie" stories •


Great 2-Reel Leather Pusher





wiLh lhe of Lhc

Patsy Ruth Miller

in a big expose of laugh and thrills


7 big reels fun, romancc and adventure


"OUR GANG" Comedy entitled "JULY DAYS"

11 big rceli-l of high class en­tertainment , Afternoon

Adults 40c, Children 15c Evening and Su nday aftcl'­

noon 'Adults 50c, Children 15c



Stetson hats have that crispness of line which is so truly the hallmark of the smart hat, They are distinctly-


6 FRIDAY, MARCH J 4, 1924 e . __ • 2 ;

IOWA CITY. IOWA. &£ ,. j

Five In . Preliminaries Of Meet At Chicago Conference~

Pi.ttpl~ Doped To Win BigTen Tank Title Easily

Chances of Reds May Hinge on Mays I ~ayo' s Rain, Fast ------------~-------'. And Furious in

.'Clunll anti waS ",\"",1 only I,)" til!' Jill.. with I, ... ~,'t I·~/.:ul,ll'ltl', Phil· !(Oll~, iii'" \\"1\" /.:I\'cn til<' d"('I"I,,",

C\ mln~ nut or hi~ ECt Upt\!' In I he I'P'l l'ountl )IYf'I'I~· C'hnf;C'd 11:1nl'W1l TlH~ l'losillg' huut or the- lIlly \\'n!i n aboUL the dnl:' with sL,',m/.: "ll:"ht nll,l ,111111 ~ 'nl'" artnlr, Li1(htw.lght T,. IHt jah. whiCh cURlly ga"o him the K. Rhn"11 l"t<1 \\'. ,I. Jensen lo ".,.

Spring Mat Meet Attracts Canvas Artists Next Week

McCullough. Ashton, Hickox. klingaman

Lambert Place

PIOcing five men In the prelim· hlnrl~8 f tho BIg- ~n swlmmlng meeL I"I'Ie1 al hlcNl"o University lnRt nlgh~ lowl\. ~s an opportun · Ity to finish 8e('O;(el In tho finals tonight with Mlchlgun and Chien· 1';0. • 'orthweslern placcd a mun 11\ evcry event excf'pt the plungt'. Conch A rmbrusle,' last night 1)lclc· cd Ihe PUl"l)lo as easy winno,·s or lhe meet.

nclll~' TO.1m J.Alses 'rhc Iowa. ,'c lny lcam lost In the

p,'cllrnlnnri('~ hy IncheR. McCul · loul'h pill cd In the di\·es. KllngR' man ["IINI to place In the 40·yar,1 "wlm. Jlld,ox III aced In lhe plungu and Ashton plac('(l in the 100 ytll'c\ Rwlm and T.:lmbert placed In tho 440 yord swim. The lIUnnesota re· lay tram 'I'hich 'was caslly con, cc,ll'll a plnec In (he flnnls fulled to g-N It.

No nt)(lo."I~ DwkCJl, No r('('o .. (l~ wore. lJI"Oken last

111l'ht, 'I'ho wntcr \\"n~ cloul1~' lIlllk· 111~ Il (lIf11~lIli (0" the "wimlllP"R (0 A(lO. .An ag'l'cmnent ClII10ng

~II'I«j, ~ ~nl'ly In the S~IlHOn to tlSC n rW11l only In thr'oe c"cnt~ wa~

,lIsH"lvNl I"~t n[;.;ht "hlch eJlwlCrl ::-;Ol'lh\\,"qt~"n to u.~ :'\lul pl"c~

Rom(, or hOt, rncn In COllI' ('vcniR,

Big Squad Greets Baseball Workout

Thirty ~ six Veterans Are Out for Old


ny c. ,I. l\lill~

~"I1l"thin1( 11k" tnlt"tr·~lx hM~hnll ("IlIt.lidalC's l'('pol'letl jn Ul1iCo),111 fit tllr Ilf'W Ul'nlOl'Y Yf'stf'nllly and went t1l1'IIug-h 'hp In[W.1 pr:\C((>e withont inju,'y to n ~lnJ(1 11I·rn. Two net Ilntli1\~ C'f\g'o:'!=1 huvc been , inHtnlled ;11111 fol' ti) ll I ('JlIaindcl' or tbG day 1 h,' nwn (II' k theil' lUi'll I\t bnttlng,

.\ 11101\1{ til(' "ctcm nH to I'C»Ol't "'Ol'C Call1ain HlrkR, "'c(U1l1~hU"~', 'l'hnnl)'lSOI1, Sc,t,llon, PQepscL :t11l1 S, hh Ill, Ralr~tt, ~I:lr"hnll and l~lIh· ,Io'i"" hnv~ iw"JI III cnmp for SCVr ttll l w(,I.'J..:~,

MI or thc Ictter men Qf last year hn v~ Hp.'ess~d theh' desire or Oc·

~- t'lI))yil1~ tIlt' HrLlllC po~llion, Wllh the rX('~J1 llol1 of "Pel)" rO~(I~cl, who <1P. ~It,"S tn loiter ahout tlle Inl1~l<l. Hnd In pu,.lIeul:lI· lit n,.~t ilns ... , "PPjI" pl:t~'c.l It won<l~..r ul .'jCl).Ron In lef! ficld In .. ,t yca.' und it will seem good (1'1 Hee hill. In " dirfe,.ent posillo" thiH yrn,.. ]';vpI1 If I'oellsel decldP.s definitely to tryout for first base Iw is going- to haye a host of COlli·

I ,pil lion, umon/!' whom are Scanlon, " li nd" GonIon ]lfiller, Yeps(>n, and n~i,c,

J,au!l~ n.nd na,l' ton, 'ij6lh winnel" " of (Iwl,' hasehnll "I" last yenr, have

not :lH yet ,'cl/o.rtell, n.nel acco,'cllng 1("1 nU In(lieaU n will m(lke th 11' np· J)N II'lln CC soon. The~', hnwever will nlcet keen C01llrreUtion fol' outer g-n.'lItn jJo"ltlon~ with ten othel' nell' f'f.ndWate •.

AmonI' the fi"st disappointments tl'l :l[lJlpQI' Jr\ thc Hawkeye I)a~ebnll

(':1m]1 Is that Chnlupltn lcft the Unl· \'Ol'Slt~' a t the close of the fh'st !!e.

nloste l', :rnd eonsequentl~' will not Il~ out around ~eco ncl huse scooiling liP the hot oncs thlA S~3AOn,

"C'llaluJl" wns olle of the flntls Ins t year, hut wltll Marshali full at I1ghl ancl c1 te,'mlncd to g,\ ln the henh Ille Iowa team will s utte,' none fOr l:1ck ot strength.

In twenty·nlne <lars, If the balmy 51lring weulhN' hus al'l'lve.c1, the lIawl{eye nine 11'111 cross hilts with tile hlcngo team as (hc sCl\son'8 Dig- Ten opencr. It Is expcctce\ that severnl 1ll'f'CUCe games will be 1](\,1 with Coc, Col'Jlell and pcrhnpa the Cerl:II' ltnplcls Dunnles before thr.

Above, the tw~ 'l\1:lys-Jackic May, left and Carl Mny~. Below, lit the ;ted's can1\l, (left to right) Out· fielder George fiurns, nuemiller, Orlnndl) rook. ie, aud Dill Harris warming UI)

By NORMAN E. BROWN ORLAN)DO, Fla., March 13.- When he is ri!;ht his submarine

Sadde}:led by Lhe tragic death of shoot I" wdl ni}{1, UIJ""'Hallk, Pat Moran, thc Cinci Reds arc Last yenl', how<,vcr, he. was prac­rnorll than ever determined to win tically worthIes to the Yankees. the National League bunting this He munaged to win five games anti year, And as -ihey continue their lost two. Not eno.ugh to encourage training , unc\et ~e eye of Jack, the Red bo~~eg and inns much, Hendricks, new" i'eliaer, the> fcc:ling Mil)'!;' <li"llouIUon Itllil 1n1Jr til lIo grows among them that tWI) pitch- with his £ailtll'o to come through ers may hold 'the fute of tho club last ' yeul' than tlw condilion of hi5 in their bands. ann, !\fays is moody, Olf days and

Upon what two Maya rnay do )leLty irritations throw him into a may depend tlie R'eds chances for s ulk. It is kno.wn tJ-uit he waS dis­the title. and another world's series satisfied with his 8ituI\tion on lho pot. Yankee team and Huggins mude

The two Mays al'e: no bones of, his desire to get rid Jakie May, a~ql1ired stal' of the of him, 'J.'h9 Red bosses, incll\ding

Po.CltlC ~o',st L~n'\lc. t.he genial Pat Moran, figured that And C.arJ 'Mays, veteran subma- a chan~e of scenery and gelleml

I'ine hurler of the American condilions~with tbe added illcon­League. live of beIng placed in Lhe position

Should each one of these gents of being able .to make a pennant with the early summer names winning team of a club-might come through in the nwnth of milke a totally different hurler of flowers and help llll! the Reds in him. a commanding position in the race On ihis they were banking when betorc , McGraw gets his pitching they refused to waive him out of s ituation straightened out, the lhe leugue, Giants , might find the lead too The othel' member of the May great to cut down, duo. is as muc h of an uncertuinty

This, however, is not a discus - as the under-seas pitcher-but by slon of the Reds' chances gencral- the same token has the same op­ly, so to get back to the Mays- portunity of provin!\, the mun 01'

Fans Know. Mays' Case one of the men of the hour in Red·

lust season, 1 [e won 1!l and lost 22 game-not a stat·t!ing record in il~elf. But while cloing it he showed a world of stuff, He fanned 14!J uatters in 320 innings,

May Faded Early May ~'i. gj\',Pn fI. tr'i(tl \?y Lb~

't', 'Louis ardln~tls. When he "vi pe'tl'ed he hacl a wodr! of stuff, perfect control, und the confidenc~ needed to face big leugue batters, He went blue blazes fOI' a while. Thcn he lost his nerve, Where it wen t llO Olle k no\\'s. His can Lrol went Lo the SUlllCl place, He faded quietly ouL of th~ pictl1l'e,

Now he comes up with more ex: p rience and apparently with the nerve, He should have the latter. On nccd.s iL ordinarily 0 face the hurd handed vetel'uns who fmd new life and batting eyes on the sunset side of the co\\ntry. But whether 01' not he can hold tbat nel've is the problem,

Should Carl of the upside down ~hci()t and May of the reborn con­fidence each turn in about 15 at' 18 victories for the Rcdlcgs thi s season, with Donohue, Luque, Rixcy LInd BcnLon going the day Lhey did last SCllson, Lhe picking would be soft for August Hel"l"

Ca!'1 l\1U)' S' status Is "",II knowll ville. mann's crowd, to the big league and most minor May comes from the Pacific 'rhey May do it, May will tell league fans through his fame. Coast with all enviable record for the ta le.


Iowa City Wins t Swimming Dual

hln (rq thi.'d . Time 1:13 4·111, l-'Ilnr)' c1ivinl': Edwnt'r1K (Ull) flt'sl,

Ktnrbuck (UB) "l'ron.l, [\n.l Ualllwin (l'H) third .

I ijQ yard relny won hy l own. It;-, '!'Ime I :~2 2·10,

University High Loses Lack of American Net Stars Relay Raq; Goldman Injures International Meet

High -Scorer NlCI':, ]el'l\nce, , In''l'h ]3,-'I'hc ail·

Iowa Track Stars feature Spaulding

• Large Part of Latest

Issue Devoted to Iowa Athletes

Dy Winning the ' ]~O Ynt'el r~II1Y &(lIee of Amcl'i('l1n tennis stn.'" Who SU)'S 10lln I~n't on thc nth · Iown Ci t~' high nos .. d Oll t the win' •• Ione Ig IlI'ovcnling Ih~ Int~"l1ntionlll Ipli(' lIllll)'! nOl'S In {l Mwfmming meet held in tlilnis lUlIrnl1mC'l1t, now in JlI'OgT(l S~, J\1~t 011(1 I'npi(l twirl nf the pU l;es

11(1 lH"y lng- o.ccasiOn, lhc U niversity pOOl Inst night wllh fr om assuming aR muc'h Importan ce of lh~ IlltCH' ISHuo of Sp:wlrHnA"s 'rhe men who ~ellol'ted (0 Assist- the Unlverslly hA'h, a:; to ~4. 1I0th \

ant DnRcbflll Co:reh Oo.'don Locko so rol' as the clnsR of plr\yer's entered .thletk ~lallu,,1. will rOl\\'incp ti1 r tenms: w ere V('I·Y ('venly mntchi'd ~p'Ctttesl skeptiC' lh:u lown h~ h:nown

nrc: Cap(aln Wn),la ncl Hicks, thlr,l and by virtue of Iowa CIty hlo;!J Is ~0I1c(',.nN1, IIA the WlmlJlc.',Qn in the "po"lIng w'H'lci. 1)a"cman: \\'nb~r Sca"t1ebury, Rhort wlnnln" the relny the" were COlleN!' tou.'nnment, It 1. outsh[nll11', h .... .. ., At leoRI ~I r, Hpllulrllllg the !1 oylc "top: 'I'ommy Thoml)SOn, second cel one more point. far, many commonly IlItme,l \Vo"lll's o( ('ollegf' n.thletrc~, n'1U~L Lhlnl: ~O, hasp: "ppp" PorJl~el, first baso: Cold"'{ln ot the lawn City hl <:h "~Itl t(" Darrctt, rate.hw': :Q 1'.'111 ,,'hool WL1S hJ<<IV8MI'I!" of lilA n1

M'. (h"mllion.hips, held In l':urope In 0" rise why ~hould his little ~nntrl

~ ~ cC t ' Ilk l lJaliol1 lJp miNI 11'11 h l)iolU.·c., full 1,'IAhel' , crttchcr: "Buh" ¥!lrslmll, winning lhl'e [i"SIS "nel two ~oe. • c('on yea .. s, l1nr a SO mar " t Ir

, l,.:.appeornnrc- in In1ernrttionnl com, lln~('I 111''1(1 hulr pug£' :_l1d qUfl.rtC' I' pit~h~r: "LPfty" Fnbrlclus, 1),ltchcl': onel" . moklng twenly·one ])oln". I'"':~' c,r 11lII'1I tr""k athl tes In I1C' J' f' SIt I ~ ~ '" 0 G retltlon of ~ormnn ]]"ool<s, the Au,· ;, ,. cnll on ' )(I8"mnn;. · , Ne. I.on of Unlve.",lty hl".h wnA tl t' '1 I 1

t ... tJ':')llnn player, :i.rl(lI' fin nhRencc of I lOn, tim Jl nyC"f up })I'ominently 8('hI1'll1, out[lcl( , ~ , E. M'Jtlcr, elllSc seconel, mnklng nln teen polnl" wl(h thell' l'cNlrds, first hnBemnn: 1". If, Schulte, RC~' by Winning t)VO tll'st!!' :llld th,'pe Hrl" some YCUl"s. Tho flrst thinA' thnt g,'eet. th onrl h:\.emnn: H. 'V. Fink , cntehor; onds. SU7.{1nnc L('ngl('n, ~f1 •• Ellzaheth en when plcldn!( up M,', !:Illuul(lln!(''1 " ', " ', Towne, pllC'}u:ltr; R. A. l\Jenll , 'l'ho Bumman': J;yan or nllfol'ntu. and Irs_ SaU~l"- hoot.: i;t H h'ltr tnlH~ rul on lhr- CO\'f>I', Omrl l(!.,': I. ,McC , aily, Inflelcler : 40 yard free strle: ColrimAn (If" Lh",olte of J<:nglnnc1, (1"0 pl"o"l<li",; .hnwlnA" l :l"O"kln~ winnIng tho 10Q,

W, A. Smith, 8{)001ld b(lBcm'ln; Il, fh'at, NelSOn (,ell) "~eo'1(I, nn<1 Hili" the h .. st femlnlnG playcrs, YI1.,.1 (1110h III:"II lnst :\ol"llr"'cRlrrn hr"r A, Y~P~"l1, tlrAt b,asemnn; L. "W, IJh1 (IC) Ihlrd, 'l;lme :22 5·10. I".' l ~I"'ing-. a.1<1 clORe ".hlnd 111m RohR, cnt~her; I'). Shcnkley, plloher; 100 yurd hl'elUl st.'oke: J(08 ,'(l'll ) Capablanca, Cbess Champ, \,'II,,,n I1ml ('nullo,', nll["hillg In thnt "nch" ellSS, oultlcl<lc.': J. ]1.[. Dar· firat, Ooltman. ([ 1 'sceollel. and Y'ln 1'1"(\("'.

rell, outflelde., (18 no relatlvo of cle,' Zoe (UH) thlt<l. Time 1 :28 R·IO, Recovers From Illness 011 thumhing lh" ugh the pag('H "Mllll") ; C. J, Flinn, outflelc1o~; V, ~~O yn rel free slyle: C:olt,non (/('1 In8l o1~ ph'lU"CS of ""<'i, (1',,,,1, luml" . 1':. l1 ollnlld , c .. tehc,': }T, A. Rels~ l1l , fh'st, Nelson (UH) scco nd , Itnd Teel· aries liS I'lt('i1JH. \\'1I"on. 'he rrlal" flt'st bl1Hema n: 0, A, Goge, pitcher; cra (lC) thirC\. "11110 3:13 3· 10. NRW YORl.{, MIl "oh 13, (A.1'.- lenlll, .\'Iede'·, lIlI,1 olhr.' 10\\"(1 dndO'l' G, 1). WIlJr'r\th olltfieldo.'; , .II. J[, Plungc fOl' I1IMt" co: .I'·O,."' llJII (1(,1 ,Tose R, ('II 1101)lnno/l , Hllvon", lllNl, a "e Ree ll . Te'T)" soeon,1 hnRCllllln: E. Klolo · flrot... ,,7hith,I' ( {J Ji).t:"econrl,·JoI1l1 ~on 'l'orlds eheRs chnll111lon, WI18 SO fnl' 1~" lrJ cn tl~' JO\\"0'8 track leam lasl riehl, . hm·t stop; "8ho,·ty" Lnndls., (UH) tllh',l , .3, 4~, 'Un<l 42 rCeL. "~covored f .'om his Slight nttn~k oe yell.' m~"1 h,,\, .. romc "'lulte nution· pllChc.'; A . . 1. Moss , pitcher; L. F, ]00 )'0.'(1 hrco.t stl'ol<e: Nelson the grllJlle tor,,1)' thnt he announce,l nIlY , I(1)own, ant. mu"t II .'cgarded ]{IIlJ(, 8"con(1 bosemon; R. n. Mend, (UIT) nt.t , 001(h11011 (IC) sccond, un~1 hI' wouill compete 111 the cpm[ng In· wit h high fnvo.· by tho sPo,'tl ng ex· ))Iteho.'; F. W. J\1axnnder, outtlelll· CUI'ROn (UBI tl,l,.d, T ime 1:38 11 ·0. [('rnationnl ehoR' lOll,'nulllent. p' ~. pOl·(. "" h. pvltlellcec1 Ill' the !neal N'; Il'. fl. Pecl\o$h, ouU'I~lder, nnt\ l. . 10~ ynrd (.'ee Htyle: Ooldmo" (rCl ports of his Illnes. wer exnggernt· <l18plll;)' or [own tnlont tha t (eatn,·". C, llI{ol'llveo, .lIort .toP. . t!tllt, Nel.on (UIl) IcconO, alld nor. ed, he old, almo.t halt the contenls Of the book.,

Bouts Yesterday

Not Content With Mere Decisions, Boxers

Pound H<:avily

rlN'\~ll1n u 11<1 tll'\"h \. ~'ile ~er'()nd 1)01)\ of the nrt~"lIoon

WIIS llpcl<l~[)' hl'l~,r, II, ,J. !';tuplcton tHlmlnlstN'NI sle.lllnl:" I)OUOn to .11. D. Petr'I~, or III leaRL ~"nwthlng- to t hu l etreC't, bp('nusc PNerR \\'0"

" oldy to ('all It "'luitH" herO,.. the

rOl' ninC' ('OUnlR whtn Ihe Inttrl' "t,'uiad .. rl 10 hlH reN nnt! he/.:an III mill hi" fiI'l11~ "hOtlt willi)" to keell r.olnl:.

Preliminaries To Start March I 9. and Will

Last Three Days my E. E. Moog.)

Two l\nr:('I\Out~ WCI'e- s(,Ol'etl Y{'IR'

(el'd'll' In tou.' I11l1t~h~" In Ih. unl· \'erslty ho"lng toul'Mmelll befo.'. ,I

1'<;(,0.,,1 1ll'~Rldng- rrowc\.

Tn the fir", I'c'I",l , h'U'I'e hnd lh~

a(l"antn~e at lh(-l: aUH't. hut ,Jensell (\'t.l'n(l'f1 mnltel'$II un :lli thl' rou1hl

(Jt'ftt l'ouncl \\"n~ 0\,('1' fitler l'Pcelv- rlo,I;H;'ll. Rha1'p won (hl' f.lC'{'oml and

h./!' " tasle or Stnpleton's sla.hln!; thlnl l'on~<iluslv Iy, Jen"en f.tU~<1 to aHllch , SLapleton u,etl hi' I .. n hllnd crr{1(,ll"pJy ancl hnd hi~ oppnnent )'N'O\'('J' fl'om .the terrlhle wollop, J\ 1·"I\IA.'!'\II)' \\"·~;RI' lInr.. (our'lA'

"hil'h l-!'n\'(' him .l taste uf Hinging .. - ..,., IlleerllnJ.:" "t Ih~ mouth from th~ hll'dR, In lhe se,'ond I'ounll, In the IIlent \\'111 "" hP101 :It the mr,,', g

~1fl"1. thlt'(l round II .. wOS' pin In I), luckrrerl nnAlunr n,'xt wopk. Ligl1t hp'l.\')"wclghts J. A. Phil· Ollt, Th~ g-ong sounclNI with ShMP

I'ps 111)(1 Je , R. ~1"Ron, who fought a punl.hlnl: hint wlLh stroll/: I'lgh," 'Phe hout hetwPPIl C, n. l1/1 n.~n

ami If, Mycl"ly In the lIA"ht\\" ~IA'ht

clns~ WaR II s~nSl\llon . lIfyerly won 'he hOlll In lIw I:O't two ,'ounc1~ nrt· p" lORin g 'he rl"~t br a mIlT"W ml\r· :,:In,ll"n"<'11 RIR,'IP<! With th" flrHt

~'x'l'ound 1l0·cieclAlon bout Inst wcpl, W£ll'(' mOl'e ('"enJ~' rnntl'h('ll, In the- nnl) leftR. 111,20 , :llld :':1, wHh th(l nnllJR H week

fh'st r01lnd they iJroke e\'en, rhllll,,~ '1'"l;L~. 1111.ldlpwell:hts \I'. Morr· Il\l",·. 1';l1trlrs C'iO"C lIrllnela)' nighi. wa~ nun'(' ~cI{l ntlri (' 1 han hl9 Of)' h('fHI l\tlll ]~, L. "'(,'hpl' will dn~h: l\t(,n ranking- [rom lh(' bantam to the

ponenl. but .J.\fasoll ~ol til RP\'('rnl ).:, n, l-\:ol1~?,n \\'111 tnke on R , n. h(\:l\'y\\,(\Jg-ht ('ln~R ,\iIl 1')(' entered, h(ln\'y blow~ whi<'h e\'t'ne:l UP llt~ l 'Ofl('h 1 inwartl iR f'xpf'('ting hcUef

gont.;' nt a tE'l'l'ifh' )1:1('(1>, lil10eklng I' I tl f th I ht II . tlI'Rl .'Ol1l1d. ~yan n 1(, en ('1'\\"(\ g RP(' Oil, 1h:111 tirt~· f"lltrl~H fJ'l1m hlH \\'I'e~tUng ~Irerll' ,lowJl I",tm'c I1c r01ll<l gct un .. 1QI' woy, 1"'n(launtNl hy t.hr up, Phillips wOn th e- k~(,OIHI rOlllHl In' illItl ill the mlddlrw(light ('la~M\\~ . n, dHRkE'!i UIHI uutHhll~ w)'(I!;llillg' U~l)il" set ~1l'C.ly JUI11I)('\I up and mauled II .ha,le. li e I'Ot ;I\\'Il)' In n /:"",1 Sle\\"all will llfltt1e .11. 1', ;1011".,>11 , /l1lL.

If;lnfCeu to 1\ fnl'e-you,\\'(llI , 'rhc "tnrt, Innr1inJ::' l'i~ht nncl lett jn.bs on TE.'n nlrll 111 the middle nnrl wrlL(\1" 1"h{' lO\II'lIa .. ::nPJlt will 11(' I'un ofr

"oUlld nded with boch men pounr!. ,II :I"On III will. In the IaMt ]lHd of weighl riasseR \\'i11 rIm\\' 'ro,' ('P: I»)" climill,l\loll.1 t iH pl"l1l1ccl to "tage In!! enrh othe.· hnJ"Cl. No (Ieclsion. the ,'oun<1 "Iason, hlt\'inJ( an 111"]1it':I' ponrnt~ nn(1 !lox, Til th" 111 Irl<lIc· lh~ ti,,"IH or Lh,' ho:<ll1,;' nnd IV".SL·

M)'erl" C"Jl1~ I'(lcl, stronp In t he (ion, :I."ul11e.1 till' ng-g-,'c.lve nnd .J ~ \\,pig-hl ('h~~ 1t. B. ~hrl.~tPrlson,' O. Iin~ WUI'nHmClll tnh'l'tllfll' on ~'I nl'('h

next ,'oun(1. d,'ollpJng- llnl1"Cn \\'lth hncl:rti Phillip" nhout 'h~ ring- ilL a I· I t ill·" k I,. _lhllTh, \\" Ie, ~litt·MII. C. N .

1 l11urd~rous lert hook \\'hlch I~tt ,ve)" ,." e, "Con".."lC .. "me 100 I l:lle, howC'''~I', 1'0t' f\ tlechdon. _\nlf~, n . L. DohAOn, nnd II, IfE'l'sh

hll11 I'rug-gy, Ie n",n'lgcd to .t.'lIg· \\'ilI rim\\,. ,I N I'oug-ht, n . E

27. (-,H\'\1 Il O\\,HI'll iN "PI',\' (lllt hw,irUI'

t l(· ahout "the lournnrn('lIl ;\R it J,;"l\'es

him it line on pO::1!iihle 'ill'fllly ma' '!l~ to hlH r~rt to finlHh thC' I'ounll, Coo I t~£'lH\I'H IHhip on thC' t1ll1't or ThOJ1l1IQ, nIHl C, J 1:I'Hc1shnw' wi!1 l('rlal next ,\'(';.11'1 ,\Ired)' wus Ilt him ,,~nln with I 'hllllll~ III the last .. runrl r."aH' hi", ,trolll:" rl(rht~ and Icfts. ll ollR .. n t.>ol, the count. lie do<l~('d MII~OIl'" hlowH

.11 ',,\\" in the fel\tho"\I'el/:ht~, • ~1:H('hcs wlil1>r hill "I ~:I;' ,,'dod

II. gl'eat dcal o( pUlllshm~nt In till. rl\RUy nn,l l\elmlnlRLereoi telllnl'\" len f;pmi·rlnaIR heJ.(ln )lol\'ln)", In til(' :lflf\I'I\'lfm,

Have the

Spring Suits 'f opcoats Smart English Air;

, , Best at j\.rmstrong s


d .' h {,tlue you' v~ 'never before seen and for o~nr{.g t <V rnstrong''S new models for a thiflg "ke these J\1

ny $ZS . $35 $45 ef Topcoats for $18.50 $20

. lenty of swagg . WIth P 1 ave a decided Enghsh flav~

lrJE Spring clothe5 ~ally are pleasantly loun.gy. 11 ~t.tr, hang a bit infotet before. And our SprI11g J:.', . e comfort thf\n eV ou've ever see~, overs~as ~ot'~es are the richest t~h . English; Irlsh fabrICS,

, ~e'J. ics-the finest SC~d s~its at $4? $50 ~60 $75. t'J.Pt isitely hand tailOr at values In Sprlng Sluts, e~qt.tJreds of other gre . il1).~oats at $25 $35 " to{1 Iowa U. ctfStomers wd~ fl",,J.reds of. our s pays to come here. tetl )'OU why It altAiay ..

Artllstrong Clothi~g Co~ , Iowa's Greatest Store for Men Cedar RapIds

Cedar Rapids

cnmp by n

• nlllg Ihls rnme the

' coveter! T'n

tcl~Phon,O n 1.1 m 10",on.


I'l\rlor l1rlvlleg ~Ol R. ("'linton,

OJ\1\lIm: "-0 IOO~,

HOUSE 1111 nm'1 I'll

tOl' l'~ul. I }lhl l"lllIN'!, 2770,


TU nOOM I l'rm'I . !r6i~ \1

rnr)dlrll t I111~1 ,

~Ion J\ 1111 1\, lOll'an,


n il] orr to "Iage

Rnd wre.t. on MUI'('h

nthuslnR' "~ i< gl\".


:):; o'rlO('li

/ lOW 1\ CITY, IOWA, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1924


. MISTAII ~OO~LE -. ~Ii<. AIN'r 6QT ~I S M'''II)

Parney's Words Are DirectJy to the Point

' 7$

By Billy de Be€k


Theunis Regains Power in Belgium

Phi Psi Cagers \j Reign Supreme As Sig Alphs Succumb Win Pan-Hellenic Title

In Hotly Contested Game, 21 to 8


AGIN OAT <!1.l11IJ1<

15 MI~Un::S WAS lJI> AN HoUR AGo­

/\10 OLieSlioN ~\le.rr IT SPAI1k.Y s SIAlLl~' .'J .'

f.l(Pe li=IeY <:OME "'01..1


Dr r c. Smith . Phi I{nppn. Psi I)CCume undlsPlIt-

"I Interf,:ntcl'I1ltY and unlv~l'sliy

bru!llrlbnJl champion" hl' tal<lng the Slgmn Alphn. J"psilon squad Into

cnm p by R Rcorl' or 21 to 8. By win·

I nlng Ihl . game the Phi PsI's I)t'·

cnme the POR""S"Cr~ of th~ much

. covetect 1'an·Hel~l1lc trophy. nt th"

M~n's r:Y Il1 last night. 'l'h(l first two pr rlods of the gnme W0ro rast. but

In the InRt pea'lod Iho p iny sloWPI1 Mine President Held I'P consl<1erllbly. All Conference Basketball Selections

For Stock Swinclles 138 Bodies Taken From Utah Mine

the entire mine will be completed 1 before next Saturduy nIght, (It th~ Uncle ohn's Boys cru·Uest. ST' h Less than a. week (I!tCl' his min-

J)nrl' ), !Joys.n of the Phi PRi out· nt IVas t h e shlnin¥ light among th. score"s with four firld gonls. Ills

First Team Spradling (Pur.)

Position L.F.

Second Team Forty.ane dead m iners were bUr' ,co.,e rlUmp istry W:18 overthrown , Ceorges Th('-

Potter (I1I.) Capt. lod yestcrd:1y at PI'ice, Utah, seven u)lis Wl\8 ask;ed by the klllg of the at Heiner, ' talt, and seven 111 the CO:STI:SUED. FJlOM rAGE J Delglans ·rto form [L new cabhlt'l. ;<.lE W YORK . March .13. (AP)­

tellmmate, Dicl, nOme)', wa~ closfl Cha,'les Pte.', Salt Lake City, Utah,

bfhlnrl with tlll 'PC Cllg('S, uml " lI rf· tl'" Ph illips rontt'ihutpd flvc flnil.tH Iweaident of the Internntlona.1 Mas· to tho Phi rill Wtal. cot Mining' company of Pocatello"

Miner (Ohio) R. F , Gibson (Wis,) C.· Barnes (Chi.) L. G.

Dickson (Chi.) Stillwell (IJI.) Duggan (ChI.) Catholic Churchmen

To Help Needy FamiHes

locnl cCDlctcrl' loented n t the "C"Y the ol'(linary frat club flll·ummlng. Theunis stepped out nfter the defent moulh of Ihe mine. The claw-hammcred qU:Lrtctte, of his gOvernment hy n ('oulilion nf

I'Al" G" othe.', \Ia rence \Voolridge Socialist and Catholic groups agalnHl "Chris J{rlngle and "Andy" Ander. the Franco-Belgian economic ~on-

1'01' the IORN'S 1(l'nft marie .Ix of Idnho wnR held In $2" POO bail to·

tile S, A. K point .. wltll two f1rlcl (IllY en a chal'gc of g rand lnrceny.

gouls nn(i till' "nme n.j111 hl'" ot f"ep In rOl1nnctirm Wllh nllcA"ed sto I( throWR, ]t~m mcl't W;lR the finly otl1~r fiwjn<1lei:i. flt'or er, ,\lllh £In£' hmd{f't.

I Us opcra tions was s,ud

hy Wltnesscs to hit ve eO\'crcd 11. per·

1'110 game start 11 out wJth n I'ush. iod ot nine year., to ha\'e extcndCC1 Phil lips "nll nnYSPII pulling th" J'hl PHis ahead wltll ,t ha.kN en.cll. rrom New yo,·1t to C[(litornl[t and

Hicks (Iowa) Capt. R. G. Robbins (Pur.) Honorable Mention

Janse (Iowa), Cunningham (Ohio), Haggerty (Mich) , (Eklund (Minnesota) , Pesek (Minn.) Dayle (Mich.)

Laude (Iowa ), and Popkin (111.).

Dr ".'HOXY" At the ti me this m)'thknl tcalll or

the :lUIIIlOSedly he lit 1"'HkNliall cOIn· hlnations In thl' lUg 'fen ('onfel'encp

or poinls.

'\'hen It comes 10 ~eIN' ting- the nle-n COl' U1C' ('cntel' positions, OIlC

h Id tn ('\lOn'~ 11(,( WeCn th"eo Aur h 'rl1"ou~'hout tile !falll(, tilt')' wP"C to have saused suicit! , and inlllul­

neve.· headed , although tl\i SCOI'I' at ity nl1(1 clestltute home9. 1.'3 c hofJen thl'ee team~ al'e 1 NH1! 11 g', stal'S OR GilmU: l of \\~i!i<'fmHlllt SUI·

Tho ,peclne complaint a.l;ainat nnrl in "- malt w'ntmlJI" ror (I.· .• t wpll of JlllnlJi. 'lllli CUhnlnj:'ham ot P"t,' •. wn~ fli ed by Pete I' l10ccler of place. Howe,v,'l', Il is not ('x I}"rt(~1 Ohln Flntp. All ,II',· nholli l'fIUal In

the end of the fi.·"t per-lUll HtCKJlI r, to :i.

CASTL1~ GATE, Utah, JIInl'ch J3. -(A f' )-AI'ChhlshO IJ Petn Furllasohl­

nlonc1J, ap08tollc dcleirrtte oC the Catholic chlll' ch in the t nllM StIlieH with hrn!lrltia\'tel'~ in W aHhill!Hon, D. C., Into toouy l'cltchM this little ~ortl ndnlng town whe.·o IrtBl Salta'­day threo f.'xfli()$lnns in t ' tllh l ,'lrrl c """pll ny II1ln(' N\ullb~ . · 'rwll took thn Ih','q nc 173 IoIlIlCI·~.

Iow.a Secoqd in Wrestling As

Season Closes Illinois and Indiana

finish Schedules Undefeated

SOn not onll' did well In " A Lltue Grothe" up e noug h to lace the char-

ve nt!on, Othe<' leadel's declined the invitation to assume the responsi­bl1lticH of Ill'eml er , nnd the king h"'1 UM l ha t t" ott~d out to g,'eet hIm

Iollowlng lhe songs. II neNI. to be to cllll on '!')l unl. again.

Rnld tila t thero wore no whispers In the audlc n<*, "They aren't really boys. nm they?"

C. G. Grant acquilled himself AO

H~ kAin Ties Roscow -la Billiard Tournament

credlta.bly In tho hlghl<lnd flin g that CruCACQ, ~1:ll'I,h D. (.'P)-Dr. he was re~lIed tor a second r~ndl-I Andrew lln ... ·is. hlcngo A. A .. Ill' tion Hut owJh/t to the fact tha t lhe dcfe.1.tll1A' Dr. n. N. no~('ol\'. Dalti­curLnln sll llPf·iJ bccldcntly Ull ilC WfiR more. fiO t.o 40 in 70 InnlnA'l< toda)" CO"cc,1 to do the Rcoltlsh duncc wllh · broks the Intt~r 'R winllin!: a!r·,·"k

I{raCt COUll (r,l Ill<' fil'N pnlnl In that the /lnal J'ekult~ will nffN't in "lJl II I,\', hul nthson is ).;'''''11 [I"Ht the "eeGIHI IIl'rillcl wllh JI f.·,,(' Drooklyn, who saId that he had paid any !;"'ellt 11").;"'0 the H(·lpetion" <'11111(,(', tlue til lhe far-t till,t tnkc th.·(,w. but this was Jrhrn("(liatl'!y ~1 ,GOO for Rtock and that women rel- abovo lis ted. as the h1<'11 who 'lI'e '\WUy (1il1~on (" !)Ill tile "·I!,,'oll'.<ln

l'hc nnnOlll\~cel Pt[.,phS~ or hiS CTIIC_\CO, Ma"eh 13 (AT')-Il- ,A"lzonn n~ 0 ba.ckg,·ound. a nd again tied t.he two fOr learler-

IInols nn;! Jndl~nn p.lIl (I the " 'CHt- The plllY, "Dono In Oil" conccl'ne:1 ~hll) In the' national ItmnleUl' th. ·,,()

wi pOll out whpll nOYS~11 Rani, I/np ali""R had Invested $10,000 on g iven the "n.-Iou!'! h .1.hs h:L\'e Ill"'\'- t('/lm ,11111 yllu 1111\·1' llo(hlnl4' left. fl'OIll thr rcntcr of (he fln,,,·. Nn):;l~ Petel'·. 1'f'11I'pSo.,laUons Ulltt a ilv,,!" ed ti .o most conslHtoll1 "",I in IIH' IIIR lin,,,· \\'OI'I( is fllst for It 1·0nt(',· th~lI roulNI Emrnc/'t. hut til<' •. ,\. worth $G,ooo.ooci waij rcady to he mlnll. oC "POl·t fnill/\\,pr~, till' lIul 11<' hoI.!. 1111' hPHt "1'('01'11 e ... ha_llet ~. ml"setl bOlh "I\ot". shlr>PC'c1. Rtanc1lnl\' men fn,' tlw pl:1<'I'R 'll'IIlt'd. ~11CI1I1I1/J.; wltll 0", t'X,'elltinn n.- Oltlo ==::::~:::::::=:::::::::::::::=::::===:::============~ In ~f'lr('Ung th(' l('lUl1~ lhl:i ~(':)':'i~lt1. SlalC" H Iliun al1f1 {rO \'('I'Il~ hi!-t {<'mil

WANT ADS The medium for telling

Phone 291 and selling

Ads taken by 6 :00 p. m. will be

published the following morning 10 cents a line ~llch d,~T for aile or

IIVo days. 6 cents a Hne eacb dn,. l or six da,.,

or longer.

a cents a line C'lCIt 11a)' for Il.ree, four and five day!.

Counl nve average word. to the line.

llfinimum Charge o( 30 Cents for Each Advertisement

Call 29 J. Ask for an ad taker

t.wo outuL:llltltllJ.; flirn(,llltil'~ }1rf'~"l1t w('l1 on nrr\Hl·.,r 01' d«rpll~t',

:-;lillwr·11 flf Illin"i" t h~rn~t'h' (,R, J n 1 hf" f-:(ll!·.'1 ion iiI' t lw COr\\,!lNh nnll ('('ntN'", il 10< ,\ "i"~ of pix oUI~lanufnf{ r(lI'Wl,nlH to fill (nul' J(·,·III1( 1 h':l 11 I I"\l't \r'~l'('n('(' OVfr Ctlil

ningham, t1w Ohll) Ntntf' ('(1Ilt ("' I', ~lil

NlcJhll' wOl'l<, too. 'Jut "NO dill ~1iIH'r,

of Ohio Htah· Whf)~(\ o.lI··\l·uuntl n!:ty Ing ca.uscd him to 11(> I..-I\,(·n ('011-

Ri<.lCl"tU)lr' pl'('If('l'(')"wG nl~;11 1'01' all{' of

the to"ward lln~illuns. As (,hka"" ill nnr or

111 tlw !-:nl('-ctiol1 of Hidrfl, of Jow~" (1)1' tJ~l'" o.1h('1' ~U:lrfl posidun on thE" lil'sl 1<-am,

ern Illt""colleA'ICIte "" estl illf; "<,uson

in fl tI" fn .. the (e~ m ehnmllionship.

vialt I~ to arrel' fjo l a('~ ttl Milll mill" ~".' (ull\lIl~8, lind tv 1l 1l ~vlllto ilUree/,· 1t.A' of nil found in rllI'o ell·c um· SUIIH'eA. WIlh him rtro Ills ~eCl'e­uU'Y . thc' nrv. (l(l()l'g"(' L<'tc h. n tHl tht~ !U"f'01'ding' to fi~tlr{' ... Ill1nuulI('pd hy

)~ . C. SchroE'dpJ". (lJl'clC"lor of Jlhy~i(ofl l Hlgllt Hev . . J0ge111l S. GIMR, bi~holj

,·,h,rn lion at Inwa n n,1 HrCI"C'tll.·y ot Itw WI'C'stlillg OJ'g"Clniv.nUcln, JlIllinn:t.

A Spf'eilll ~ommltt('e apIloinlN1 hy ~omJ1()t~d In G 1Il~(>lH :111<1 WOn th ell\ Gm'N'nor Chm'lrs 1>. ,\I"h('}, of I lnh, 11 while 1lIinois WOn Ovo :1n,1 lost also Is he.'l' to ('onrluI·t :l . 1II·vey at non~. Tha lending W" ('8ll~r" of all eondlUon.. I~eam" will meH h('l'O tomol'row nn(l

Itl'seue wO"kers nC('ot)1pilShM vrry ·!ialtll·c1uy to tlerlul' the In'llvldual IHUc toda y hN")'''"O ol ~('vrml tll·~"

In thr Ill-futl'tl mlnl) and IIp to cltrl y lonlt:;ht flllll- 138 bodl"s hac1 heen re­(·overcd. On Ihl' hnslA or offielal fig­urcs !flvlng 173 Illen In the mine when th'e hlru;tR oC(,II "r('d tI. is len v\'II

:l.J !Jodit.-H yet tll "t' foulld, Ill'ovhl · lilA' they are Itll drnd.

'rhl' raUS0 ot thl' I'Xllloslo.1S hM lIot hQ~n dpt(>l'mlnec1 and In thll

'hnmpl nshll). KnrllaUliR of (,h lclt· :A'I) IPI\ In Incllvldllnl scoring with 22 points whle nt'xt ('nm~ J:lmes at lawn. and St~el9 of Ohio with 21


TIlE PAS, Jllanlthon, Uurrh 1 ~ (AP)-D. L. Daker, St. PaUl. Minn., "nll'Y in The Pns ZOO-m ile non· stop ,1('l'by. ha(1 ),ot returne<l to tM

opinion of mnny it never \l'1lI I)e, It "In.-ling )Joint todn), 2{; IH con"idPl'~c1 quite Improbnhle that · th" thl' taRk Of tlt<)"ollR',h of hnd

Its!.'l! with a JC~ntucl'y Col aMI Plant. , cUl<hlo n hllllonl tOllrnamrnt. d In .'\I·i7.0114 by 01'(10" ot h i. Jlhy- ,. - , . -- -- -

HI('lan Lo r CCO \'nr )l1S health. H e of " Done In Oil" hul that coulll not I~ sol,1 a tract of land. thou!fh worth- have Ji<l~n inMmu('h as tho 8('(',1<'

1 ~9S. by a lawy(·r. ' I'hen oil Is found. was Intt! In the AIlll'<ln,l:lf'I<~:

'1'11<' l.\\vye ,. ocr"'s to tQko th(> Inl1l1 'i'ho novel efft'Ct elf nn ('IN'l!'ir,,1 oil: the llh.egrr\9S Al'istocl'llt's hand M·E·C·(,-A aR well as tI,p n .vIJlvi..tr who Is sUIl Ilmo.-ant at the find. An crY9'tn:l Illsk groWing OUl l)f the ,Inrll­~ngin~r (,'am JloRlon Toch. til ink- ness that lay behInd the l'i~lnA' NII'­

In/; t el wIn a wite ill the shltpe of taln WllS enthushlstlcnlly J'crelvprl. the Colonel'" daughter Inform$ him JoP noltn , b l'On/lrnRtlnl: fl'(lnl Hta­ot tho bal'riHtel"S lJMent'As nnd AO tlon WIIA,\. r CR(! tpJr~"alll~ C, ·Im. the Col. I,eeps tho Idnd. A show fl'lend. , (llumnl , the Inw cnl1('):;e nn,1 'troupe arJPal'enfly Tid ,iunnn aI' LOR ~ralte l- I1C1flC/. . I t (". tI,."Uwr I'if';­

_~nge l{'s l)('nt mh'c In the Arizonu );p<l out liS J nt'k DrmpR['Y WaH loud· sands, nrc L1tkell In to tho Colonel's Iy appl(u.dN1 In his Bcd Time 80101')', home an.) they all make merry. It "Lillie net! Hiding nOdt!.·'

~ho\.I.1 he saId tM chginrer~ wins The PI'oouction ('(,111111011 the s(.l.I1l1. tho g lJ'1. - al'(1 ot other ye'U·8. The Hhu\, It·

Afler lhc nr {' net, n onc' nct play, self was p~"haps not aH goo/1 fl" "ThO Ail 'nt Bv<:" \ IH sandwiched IntO lhat oC the It\.~t two ycal's. The the pcrfvrrnltncc. 'J'he I1.tldienee a p· ,lIuSical nllmbel'R alHl oth[',· f~ntul'e~ peaI'M to lahar under the delusion eclipsed tllose of former Yl'a,'H how· that the nrc was jURl ·a.nother lhr~ad ,





;'::-ICYC'T,OPEDL~ Fon SAt.E-NE I,--~on'~ ] r morocco-huc\, volume j new

COIl(lltloll; cOIllI. lete to dato ly'th all post-w:lr pn.rls i Id£'nlfra l with CUI'l'rut $1 10 Ret; orrerNl ror foO, o r for $:iG fJlulucHn~ Buppil'lnt' nts for 192G. T (' l­

[' llilono 1 f1l4.

team~ thltt will Ilt·"ilahly ('nil 1 h"il' Rea~on9 In n 11r- 1'1)1' first plHc'(', fllld as thl~ t('nrn mmd lie n l'C']lrl s{,J1taliv('­

(lam, .. lnd Hot Wh"liH~ 1I) Hhl('\'p

Miner, who "cally (11(\ hNt('.· hOIl]1' wo\'k 'thnn (11<1 BarnoR. M 1I1l'1' i~ !:iv· en Lhe {Ol'w"ard positioll, nnd Dnl'll<:"H

placed nl A'unnl. This r~])ltldnll' nf Harncs iR iustlnNl. whl'n O"~ conRI,\· ~1'9 thlH the JlnRhy ~ l llronn stnrt('fl t he S 1I<.30n at the guar,l poslllon , nnd iR equall)' ef.'er!l\,e when called U)l<ln for iI~tensc. Mlnp.· Is ["ste.·.

UETAL WEATIIER STRU> MAKES comfortable homes. The tuel .Iwed

PSI'. the blll. Write or phon. E. lit Sovern, Cedar Rapids, mOl'!' nCCUl'lLtc, a. t(,l'l'ifi(' clri1Jbl!'r, and

@) @) ® @)

IlPl)lIJl(·nl··.:-~ ~h'nt('h"'Y :'\n,l 1111 Ilw

/lu",. is " whiL'l"in tl of I~ht :lnd Ui: . .\lCl\:i a lIohhy or hl"C'u1dn", up nl('(\I)r

~xeclll~ll fornmUonH and nlt"n.nr~R that look like ~lII'~ 1l(,lnt l!~ttrrR to.' ® the Oill)(Jsition. LlI~ky IndeNI I.. tI.1' ~. man 'hn I el·e., ).;ets hr f1lck~. 0 .\ (Me,l 10 thl~ J\gg"'es~lvene'ls of 11l'iI'H iH his nhlllty to tal<e the of· @) fClIsc \\'hl'n '>eea·.lion demnnds. and @) whl'll Jilek" "0 lhoo~es he i~ e~l.nl1r ~ Ilnng-r,·ou" 11.)(1 "OVCrs the whole ~0' floo.· and the wln)11' tNun all or th<' '81 Lim('. ,\~ II fioO!' A'l'nernl he J~ 811' W

f ave you read the "Male Help Wanted" Ads

Phone 809 more l<ulted to the off nse. ~pra(\lin):; o( I'lll'llue will lInilouht·

FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE ('(l)y he conrcdpd the oth~.- [01'\\":\1·,1 Ill'cme nnll with hl~ \"cnltile f1u;Jf· ~ LOLA CLAJU{ MIOIIELL, AI. D. l)o"llion. Ho I" /L wondcrful flool' iti('H of niTenR"'o nn(1 lie/e.mive pla y· ~

(J'ronounced Mile) 20 1-2 South FAIUI :FOn SALE on E XCHANGE J\l.,~n, ami whcll it COllleR to ha"ing- Ing- together \\ Ith hIs Clnulyti('n l abll· W Clinton. Diseases for Women. Hours for Iowa. City property. 83 acre8, an unerring eye fo.· tbe hnr,Il, 111' Is itic9 for 11"lling his oPllonl'nts, IH ® J to i p. m. Sunday~ and Holidays RinggOld county, on n. Ji' . n. tele- therc and a\' I' ntlcHtl'd 10 iJy th(' A''''cn the enllllLincy. "'Ilhout <loulrt @) ~y .peclal appOintment. Phone 931. 11hone line near country store with fnrt t hnt he ~(1I 1 IM.t1R (hc reMt of Ifleks I~ li.e A'I'N.trRt g-unnl In tl10 '§I INFffiMARY COLLEGE OF DENTlS- rrcam s lution. (lood mill< nna egg the ('onrt!rcl1cc hI' a A'oodly l\1I1t1h~1' Big' T('n (·onCl'r~n(·e. ~

IlrO\JoRlthm. Call J1rel H78. ::::======:::::--::::--:::--:::--;:::------::::::-:::::-- :::::::= ~. ur-open for ollnlcal service, bellln · Id ZL k T .

allll September U, 1928. Hour.. Wa ek yll 0 0 Forsake Wisconsin Men Will Take 0 1f-U A. M., 1 lo 6 P. M, SITUA'rION-FEMAs~.,EC I1I._._ Mat For Operatic Career Action In Forming Third PartY. ~0:

F ORD Sb:D.\N I,'on ltENT. Io;TENO!1UAI'JlElt AND ,; ~ '&I

LOWEST RATO 1~ CITY. I [:\I'y, G yen" expprlel1 cP, young la<ly. NEW YOnI'::, M,lI'c'l lJ-\\-[,id~I' :M.\l)fRO~, \I'J8. , March 13- ~0~


2 1, wisheR 11osltlon In Towo. ("Ity. ,~'rllo ZlJyszko. POliSh hcavy\\ ('Ight Wl'c"l· l)efinll~ st.p~ to\\'nrtl the formation '81 glvln&" Idnd or pORI lion nnd sal,lry I r, has decide!! t o forRal< .' tl'" I",.t ~.

of a thil·t! IJolit1clll pal'~l' in 'riseon· to Il<'gln, X-704, Dnlly lownn. 800n to.· an nperllUI' cur('pr, "c(,n.·cl· ing to his [riendR. Rin \\'('r" ta l,cn tOday \I hen it W:l H

liE A NEWSPAPgR COnRESPO~D- SrrUATlON WTO.-MALE Zhyazko, It I" Mill. hl\:: yparr~r1 t,

,levcIOI) his voloo. His gndenth'.'. I:;' ent WIth tho 11 neoek 1:'1. n anI! carn 1101'0 P ndct·cwAkl. notN! lllnnial.

a 1[00<1 Income wJll1e leu"nlng; we STUnEN'r DESJlU:i; WOIH<: FOR WaS n. rlose f.-lend of tho In te EIl",oo 1l10w you how; b<>gln actual work I\t boar,1 or sal,"'Y. once: no clln\'nsaing ; 8l'nd tor par- nl.l~k 2,j7n,

After Sr •. m. call Caruso, and hnR mllny Inthnat".

nmong Ill'cscnt cI'IY Rln.·s of ):;1'0,·,1

an n"unced hl' Ch<,stN' C. Fl . Plntte ot ~fa<1lRon that Horley F. NI('ltIlrRoll. Mllw;I.U I,ee, hrls heen tlesign!\tcll n RPcclal r<,pl'(>sentutlvl' ot tho n a· tlon:\! eonfer~n('e tot' Pl'oA'l'cs.i\·c po· IitiCnJ action ItIlCt (llr~ctcd tn pe..r~t

® @) @) ® ®.

plnn~ for OI'i:anl?,lng the lhl"r} parlY. ® ticulars. NeW8IVI'Itcrs TraIning )3u-r\!au. Bul'l'nJo, N. Y.


T8ACll BHS, CO I..l Jll '~ OI': HT~-. WANTED

delll R, w:llItcll till' 1l'l,t'I.1rW pORI-lions. lo.nrc,tll ~ dld l.\' . No l'I.O'·IW :ISTHR, 'S-NOW 1S THIil TIMID TO unlos9 pllleN! hy \Hi. Enl'oll fll'('. Itn," clst • • 'n. clcnnNl. G~t the lrc.h Cenlral 1'e:t0hc'· .. • J \ ):;~ II' . l', NonvllY. JIlrlng rai ns. It'llt.rs built, Phone

t33, lowu.

TOU:'<IG ('OT.r,f.:nla 1I11~;Ii WA w mn Cr .. O'l' JJlNG IIN\) SHOmS WANTED fl'OIll /lgoa I ~ t(l ~". \\Trlto IlIlIn d- to buy fit ~ 4 l east college. A sic for

lII te ly, ~intlng ngl', Cl<II~rlclwe, n.HI ~L T{l1lIn1cl. tclel1hon.o 1111111])0 .' to X-fJ04, Dully ~-r-A-N--]l-O-O-1I-t-1I1-,-\T-I.l-'-\'-A-N-'T-E-D-.--Iowan.

ROOMS FOR RENT HALl" O~' nOH IlI.I'l lillO,\[ 1,'01\

Clrl. W arm, lllc>n~ant. I11ml\,,·I\ .

Parlor prlvllog.. $ I ~.r.(1 llH nll'n l lr. ~Oj S. Clln lon, ])h"11 H:: l.

"'Olt II I£N'\'

Ko. ('llntoll . ned ~(34,


'l ' hllrHt1ny. Con fntfl('~ rn.JlrOlul JJa.R~ "ll('ek Rna I(}~ntrrl ('nti/)n card. 11e­wllrll. l'hone J ~iG.

CAnAClJ,: J'lJO~/j: [( A~lJ lJAn , 'PAN LEATllEU, LOST


HOUSES FOR RENT L ,InC'm l<'H.\'rlm:-lI'r,' flot 1m

Cal' I'CIit. 1"OI'nlrt'ly (lI'ct'l)irri hy PM l'n llIlItH. ( 'n ll.t. n. i\1 111(',. , l/('d mo.


-~ont"lllln~ ,IOiln"'II' County I' hoc-Ie h()o l\ , lOf'nl UC'kcl, nnel lhl'~t"\

U hlllR, In J.. A. TIlel);. ("1\11 100.

~1 1 ~fl ll H.\(I. fiTF.:Ilr.rKC: Rlf,vmn,

IInr.1 with \\ hltc kl(l , 10K t botwPM, I l l'llI' . lin.pltll' ,lilli Dt'ntlll JJl<lg. 1"1 11(11' " IllrlY ke~\l 1Il0n('y encIOse!I ' It 1m!;, Is "Qturn~d . lll . 14 26.

J'm LORT. nt , ~rOND l'r 1'111 Alt· TreA n OOl\t 1"Or ~A r.1~ IN CITr. row. tJII, 1'1\1 rewQl'd,

PrOSIII'roIlA bU Rlup". ; hlenl 10"011011; X-C04, O"l ly JO\l'I\Jl mod l!fllhlll' l1rl(>pd for ('uII'h . l'o~p~,,­

$1011 "'l)l'1l 10. W"ll~ 'X -K U1, 11"lIy

It turn to

10\l·0.n. fountnln 11en,

- GARDEN ­Firat Time. Today


~ ® @)

~ ®

~ ® ~


These advertisers are can help fi.napce 1 YDur ...

making an appeal ,

self t~rough'the·lrest of to

college men to fill their tpis semester and, at the

vacanCies. dose of school, have a

1 !. Get in touch with good full time job for

them itl1m~diately. You the sumn1er vacation.

It pays to read


Propose Loop System to Stock List Moves I Charged With Conspiracy I News of Lambert I References of Special Mellon Against Plan U d D f I ~;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::===:::::;~ ! Books Offered Contest

pwar e inite y ~ Death Is Received For Debt Reduction ~ Solve Traffic Problem

Traffic Congestion, Billboard Situation And Summer Business Boom Discussed by Merchant's Bureau

Large French Loan To Help Boost Price

Of Stocks

Wa ll S tl'tli't 8 111111I1a l')' Tota l stoel, snlcs, 61l,400 S h111'08.

20 il1dusl"ia ls Il I'el'ilged, 98. 16; net /:'11 111 .6.;.

'I'I'UJllc cllngc.U.J'( on J)ullu(fuO

8t"cet, t he bllilloal'll situation llnd

plans tUI' boosUng or buslncss duro

InS' tho coming Bummer wel'C BonlC

of tho n\O,'e 11l1pOl'tant questions

discussed at the meeting of the 10Wll

City n etull Merchant 's bUI'eau a t

Ole Ch,Ul'uc,' ot Commerce room~

lus l night.

Ju mes ,\ Idous. chairman of th· o"l(alllzulioll presen ted the 9Ugj;"CS' tlOII that t he s troot cal' establish It

IO[)H Byatl"" to be substitu ted for tho pl'csont sysLem mnklng con­nections hetwee n t he R undel s t reet (':11' ltllll the North Dodge und PtLl'k clll'l$.

W Ollld E liminute Congos tion AC('OJ'dlllg to this p lan tho loop

would bIl established around the block from DubuC/ue to ,Yashlngton tlJ 1.11111 to Collcge streets. Dy thl" system tho ca"s would be moving must or ,the timo, and consequently Ihe I II'c~ent congestion 011 Dubuquo stl·co would be ellmlnatod .

Booze, Oils and Shirts Figure in Daugherty Probe

Claims Daugherty Had 'Large Quantities'

Of Liquor

(Il,!, . \s~oc iated l'I'ClI~)

"'"\ SI1 IXCTON. M,u'ch la-Moro "dellls" or " highly ~enlltlonll l nil· tUl'e all I'epl'eentell a involving At· tol'ney Gonc"nl Daul(hel'Ly, were al · leged today before tho senate Inves· tlgution commilleu.

Hi!:h 1921, 10 t.24; luw 91.88. 20 l'lI ilrouds Ll \'Craged 81. 16: net l:el in .3~.

lIi"h 1924, ijj: low 82.74. (Oy Ihe /usoclated ['1'C8)

N8W YOHK. Murch 13-For' th e Ch'SL tll110 In nCl1l'Iy II. month, stock prices today de" eloped II definite up· ward tl'end nlthough trlldlng was stili on II somewhat restrlctea scale.

Sevcral factors contributed to the Illl\l'ked Improvement In speculative sentiment, Including the overn:ght announcement thut Ame"lcan bank­o,'s hlld placed a c"edlt of not leRs thltn $100,000.000 to the necount at the 'Bllnle at Frllnce In OJ'del' to ns· slst the Fl'eneh governmont In sta· blllzlng' Its cu,·roncy.

Stl~ndn., ·d ill(lustrials, such as Unltcd States Steel common, Dald­were aceordcd good buying support win , American Cun and Studebll l< el' and cioscd aL net gains of 1 to 11-2

Agall1 , 1I11HS noxl c :;11118011, uc· points. companied by body guunl., divorced nca r Trades Hentcn . wHe of the lat o Jesse S. tlmlth of Gencral EIt.-ctl'lc closed nearly 7 Washington ("ou,·t H ouse, Ohio tho points higher at 218 3·4; Dupont lid· « lto"n ey ge nCl·,L1·" bumper and vallcod noarly thl'OO polnt8 to 1337·8 , fl'len. was the wltnC'iiB, l'clallng closing slightly below tho top, 'l. nd

M, ·. I laiTY i;mlth, councilman stories Rho saId Smith h tl(l confld· United F,'ult movl)d Ul' throo Jl Ol nl ~ HU!:I; s tCd tho !!amo type of a loop cd t hOl'euoaby mX ?II" 212ad .h oc to 194. lIUL on dlrferent strcets. JUs plan 011 to her ahout "dellls" In whlchh Ile,u' t l'llders maclc an lll'SIl«'01l8elll Incl uded Dubu(l uQ to Collegu to Smith and the aLtorney gcneml a ttem pt to depress the gencl'Il.l li st

wcre cl:nngcd. Clinton to ·Washlngton. to '1,'," .. by dlstl'lbuUnl: 8ubslalltlal solllll'

Thc~ "deaIR." nccol'dln!; ".,

Service on Front Seen By Doctor, Once An

Iowa Man

Worel uf tho llclllh or t heir broth· er , 0,·. liarI')' F. Lambert. tollo\\'· Inl( nn operation at the Merel' 1[os· plta l. of Dca M-olnes, has recontl y bccn recelvet! by P rof. Dyron J . Lambort , head of t he s t r uctu ra l en· glneerlng department, alltl ProC.

I Johl1 J. Lambert , professor ot th~ J a llatomy depar tmenl , and a twi n 1816tcl'. Oraco E. Lnmbert, Il gradu·

ate 8.tudent nOw at I owa taldng work towlll'tlS 0- ma.stel'8 degree In Engllah.

Doeto,' Lamberl "pe n t t h reo yelu, lit the Unl\'cl'5lty of 10wo., workt ng for his M. D. degree. bu t flnl.hell

'tit the Unlvel'!llty ot I lli nois In 'I!;. After havI ng receIved his degree a t illinois. DoctOi' T"o,mber t becllme III · tnched to t ho Mercy HospluLl ALa rr of nes Molnea, a8 house doctor. Somewhat la ter. hc contin ued. w ith o practice at D umo nt. TowR, w hc-re he 1'I.'mnlned until s hor tly uftel' the dec laratio n of ww· in I SH .

Entl'1lJnln r In CalNida, the youn r doctor 8aW Mtlve ser vlee wit h the ("a nadlan troope, Il.8 t roop pbyslc1.'1n upon the Bclglan fron t. With n J.lllnber ot rec·ommenda.UonR ror hl!t conclucl under fh'c, he ret urn l!(l nfter the armistice , w bere ho re · sumed his practlco.

Un t il the week of Ilia death, Doc· lor Lambert \1' ..... apPllrontly 111 ex· (ellont hea lth, and tho 8u ~den Ill· In ck or apIJendlc!tls. nnd the up.r · llllon rollowlng Wore unusually s~·

\'01'0 In their unexpectedness. 110 wns rorty year8 01(1 lit th~

tlmo of his death. Tho burial 'crv ·

List Of Suggested Readings For Historical Essays Numbers 200 Copies

Secretary Says Taxes Would Not Be


\\'Ai; 1II NGTO:-: . Alnrch IJ.- (i\!o)

Thc lIool,s Cor special I'C(IlIlIlll' 011 the life o( Wu.shlnl'(ton, In connec· tlon wIth t hr cBSay contest spon· 801'ed by the lowu Su('ioty or Colonl"l Oame. or America, have been Illa lle -l'rOllosal l.Jy somo momUcr9 "r t he ucccssiblo to Lhosc In tcrOilteLi, sonate flnlul{'c committee timt th~

A collection ot nCLll't)' %00 CO ll lp3 of blogl'llphy !lnd t he publisherl wl'it· Ings of the p,'omln~nt men of thd parlod. have beell pia ed on the shelves ncar the ca8tonU'nnc LO tho

))1·Ogl'l.\l11 uf pullllc dellt "educUon

curtailed In order to lJCI'mlt fu rthw',

"oductlon ot taxes, wns opposed (0.

dlLY lIy Secretal'Y Mellon .

genel'nl Iibl'll'·Y. These books 1110 )' 'I'h o treas ury uecl'eLuI'Y, up penrlns he tllke n ou t onl y for ove ,' nig ht, or beforc the committee , polntcd out

over the week ·en(l . that In t ho first pla.ce such nctlon

'1'he government doc uments thnt al'e connected with this pO"lod of history may be obtalned ttt tho cen· t rill de.,k In t he general IIbral')' . T hese RI'O not permitted to bc Inl,en rrom tho II bl'RI'Y. JIIost of Ihe gen· eral h l8tOl'les that delll with the lire ot , Vashln/;ton are On rese,'vo I1.t the

cou ld nOL be tllken without c hangl llg

t he law, and cxp,'essed furthor ob~c,

Lion on the ground of Its ctrect 011

govcrnment lIonlls.

COJllmlttee memllel's tavl)l'lnlj tllO

Idea. suggested a t the committee'.

rescrve library, antl are aul)joct to log-Islntlve session that the pa.yment.

th o ruli ngs of t ho resel'vo books. Illudo by Orent lJrltaln and othor nn­Lions on 100.nH trom this countl·y might be applied elthcl' to tux reo d ueUon 0 " a soldier's bonus. When it was explained tho IlllV specified lhat such payments mUHt be used to buy up bonds trom whIch lho loan m oney was obtained, It WII8 suggest· ed tho Irt;v might lJe changed.

\ \ ' h011 It w us point ed out the pub· IIc dcul of IlllouL ~20,OOO,OOO ,000 would bo wiped out In aboUL thll'ty­(lve ycal'S a t the present rnte or pay­ments, some membor's udvucatod thaL Lhis period bo extended. POI"

T ho contest o rtCl'l ng n fl r3t p ,'12e of Uoo ahd a. aecond prIze of $1i0 tor t he beSt eSsay on "George Wash. Ington "" .. CItizen alld Statesman." Is well under way. Tilo undergrad· ullte. of t he hIstory anel lo;ngllsh cle· partmenl.' On the cllmpus nre reo ppondlng qu ite willingly to the al" portunlty to eapitallzo their ability 0." IIlstorlano and writers . Although I h ~l'e I. nO means of aceul'ate knowl· edA'e as to t he . nu mbol' pal'ticipo.tin g- , It Is cstlmo.Lod lIlat betwccl1 twonty. liVe and thirty are wOl'I<lng upon p~Sa)·8. There Is plenty of lime yet. fOl' the CSBays do not have

l1R lllltUng smaller paymenll:i each year. to

be In untu MondllY, MILY 6, 1924. This Ia.llel' plan was ondorsed OI'dc l' amonl;' tho sLa.ndard Industmd,

Hm'I'Y p. 8inclaJI' lIy a nu",bol' of merchants on the SlinSIOn \i tesllmony. ran from oil to bo cxecuted all t ho announco-to s 111·ls . !lnd Included IJrlZe flghhl

/fl'ounds that It would bring tho. tl'3(- tums, whi sky, """Ious stocks and llIent of Lho Southcl'll 1laJlway dlvl· In the g-o\'Cl'n111ent "UIL filcil YCR' or thr Il1tel'llI", frlr th ~ lIIN;ul leUR In!! 0( I he (Iii I'c~ervc. !::!e"cl'~1 at ~lnclalr'8 cOl1lp""I~~ 11I'C made par· lics Itl tho Rult RR LI'espaSM"rS on the !,ovel'l1m('nt pl'OJlPrty ILnd their eJee· tioll I" .iDUJ.:ht lJy tho gove,·nment.

Ice took placc Monday at Ceda r Tho rules of tho con teal Ilre as F"lIs, Iowa, III tho homo of hh follo\\'8:

Chalt'mun Smoot, supported t he [losltlon of SeCl'ctal'Y ~icllon that no chLLnge should bo mllde In tho pro' gnun of retiring the public debt, nnd In the end n () well dcflned opposl· tion to lhls stand doveloped.

flc to the door ot the merchants. 'L parol o (0" 0 fellcrul (·on"k l. dend. tCl'day at ("heyenn~ , \\'yo .. tu (,fllleN OthOI'8 In Lhls bloc l( pl'oteatcd say· The most SI)eclflc nlle/fuUon. how· Impressive strength WIlS shown by th Ica"c~ fo r the Teapot iJollle nav· Ing (hllt It would only CIlUse maI'o ever. In M'lh"J Stinson's testl1110ny Colorado Fuol, Internationa l lIa l'- u l 011 reserve. Han), F. I:Hncl,(!r, ,·onl:C8(.1ol1 bccau~c or the all'cady today , was thut Smith ha li tolll hoI' v stel'. COl'll Products and NaLlonal lionel of ,~ Io.'·ge ancl flll1Hlll!! all ('om· hcavy tralne on Washington !lnd he WIlS acting ,~~ II I;o·between for Da iry l'I'oduc ts, all UP 1 1-2 polnt~ pan)' , 10 charged wIth ~on8pll'ing Clinton stt'cets lit the noon and oven- Attol'lley nneral Daughcrty Ilnd 0,· mOl·C. With ,\. ll. 1"1111, former secr etary

mother. Another brother of Do~ ·

tor IAlmhert, Charlos r. Lllmhert, I. lL physldan of New York City, unO a slstcr. Emma I" .LllI1lbcrt , 18 0. pro· (essor ot mathematic. at t he Stnle 1'ellchel's CollpS"o of C('(lar 1o"a11s,

Inl; hours. ~e'-tllin motion pleture compa nIes Dawos RC(lOrt Favorable. ~=::::====:::=:=======~~;;;;;;~~~;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;~::::;;:;;;~ J. O. Schul>.e of the Iowa City Which wore tiecklng- L ocxhllJl t pic· 'Vall Street Interpreted thl) In"nt- :---.--=;= J D f t F L

~::C~L~; ;::~:a~'f ~~~~P~~~'P~~~re~~ ~~~e~ '~Ifth~~~ In~~::~I~;:I~~,:~:~~Jt~~~ ::~~C~~I t~:s~:":~~: :~:1n l~~~'~~:~e~:~~ City Briefs " ~, . ' it~ . * e ea ~rm oan Co,opo"nte with the merchants In under the law which fOL'blet~ t''IIns· thllt lh' IJlLwcs l'OI)U"ulioIlS ""110L' t . " . G. Act In Senate II ny way to 80lve the problem. :;~~r:t~~~nn:!rc:~Ch tilms In Inltel" ,'ould : ." II rt< plllbio t n both 1"l'une\! Swalronl l'OIUl\'iJ . ' ~" C .

lIi~r llss mUbonrds lind Go; ,lany. SwalIol'ci Council, No.8, noyul . -

Revolutionary ""U'. 2. '1' he essay be 'Va.shlnston's !!C1'vlcc after Lho Revolutlnary WBI'. 2. The .cssny rroper 8hall contaIn not lesa than ".000 1101' more than J 0,000 wor<1s. 3. 'rhe manuscript shaH be type· written III doublo·spaced lines on one BIde ot white PAPer ct leltcr slzc, 8 1·2 by 11 Inches. 4. The cesay "hnll contain (ootnote citations fOl' 0.11 Important statements ot IICt , ancl a crWeal blilography. (A leoOet giving detailed dJl'eclions a.s to these matters may be obtained from tM hIstory omce, Uberlll arts building, rOom 222). Ii . A pseu elonym mURt bIl

signed to the essay. he "Cl\1 name of the author should be placed In a !fealed envelope bearing tho pseu·. (lonym or! the lront, "and aceOn1' pa l1 y lnA' tho manuscript. G. The essay mllst be depo.~lted In lhe hi.· to"y omce, libel'll I al1ts buildIng, room 222. not Inter thlln Monday, May Ii. 1924. Further Information may he obtained by Inquiring of any member of the history tleT.llrtme·111.

rlty Solicitor C. D. Hussell lliM' I:!mlth tOld hel·. s ho tcs tlflcd. tha.t Cull 1lI0ney hclt! aL :nuL' I'~r ~""t 'In ll Sclel't Alu"tCI'H, ,,111 mcet ut the A 1'1I1,tI'O\ INHlc,'S' Rchool or tho 1)oy l'lIijscd the pl'Oblem ot "nslghtly tho "delll" P"orlnscd tho.t Daughh· all day. ' r,1;',,00,(I'; teml'''' 'tl"- e\'~"I, " ~.' ',1" , ""outs will UPNl ut t he scout heLid-

crty would .,oe to It thut thero \\"'UI ." " ." • .,.... blllbuurd.. /I. number ot complaint!! ~'he sho.l'p recovory ill th,) Frcllth 7:30 .o·dock fol' thr pllrpos~ o( ('on'. <lull,·te,'s S"tul'(ll\Y forenoo n at 11 CfJllc(,I'nllll{ the numbe,·, slzo ulld no prosecu tion and In rcturo.. "we" tnt"" featured th (> (O ... ·,H" 1 cx~h \nge fnl'l'ln" clc"'rne8. All \'181111,... Ille,n. o·dock. 'I'he"e wll1 bc 0110 CllCb wcel(

(Dlwghel'ty ILnd Smith), woulll I'e· ' ft 0' ~ lluijlLlon of blllhoards havo been re' colve $180,000. market. hoI'S o[ the 01'11e" ttrc Invltt'll. eOI' .Ix 0" clght ,n-ekS. Latcr In til e f"ci" crl JJnl) It is the ",I .. h at t he mer' " " ' he ther thut wa~ l'OIlHummuted CI\icar;\I S tocl, Jo' io ... t HIII 'lnl{ theKe will lIo held ouL ot elmntH tu tuke Rte pH to r emedy the C[IICAOC) M,u'ch I ~ -:,,·.ll1'llL· T ... ~· ( " rnull()11 Itpb"lw"H 11001'". The InHtl'ucUunal Olaft will or npt , 1 don 't know." oho salt!. « ma Llo,·. ALtorney Russell expla in- Darden Fig url'!l III Testimon y fe'Ted 81 1·2; SwIft & Com pan)' The members of the ("II' nation eunslHL ot tho 11Iff~r ent 8couunllsters od the fnet l/lat biliboll"(j;, should From that Miss Stlnsun 's Lesti- 103 1·2; Swift Intcrnational 20; un i"" Rel,eknh ic,(igo will lI1e"[ at 7:310 nnd assl"LUnt s('"utmIL~lel'!l of tho at'· lie "egulatcd Ill' city o,·(Unanc08. mony jumlled to another "(lea l" Ch,'iJlrl<) 611: V. S. GYD>!UIll 8im W:thl l 'c1o~k lhlH cvrnln!,; lit thr T. O. O. I'. "anlzatlon hero In town.

At the present limo there 1M Jitl which Smith , she said t()lil ho" WUH 36 u-8; ,n'lgley 37 1·2; YellOW 'raxl "nil. Aft('r a "borL ]l1'IJ!: ru 111 , refresh 11 ' S one I,ll;' fU11<'til'" of Lhe SC!l ut suc h ol'(lInanco which applies to blll- Oil botween Daugherty lind Colonel 62 1-4; l-ol!ow Manuf:.ctul'ln" n llCnt~ will hu Hel·verl. movcmcnt to tl'llin boys for leudm" Jow·d. ut todRY. The form er ordln · Jamcs G. Darden. sal dto be p"es· 84 1·~ . ~hh) 'Uld this s('hon! ",Ill lie conduct· Lll'lcO I'egulalecl such blllbollrds a" Id~nt of the Mutual 011 company. tllllll'IIH' II1I'lIt lA'ague cd 1)I'll1lllrll)' to te:tl'h the boys the wOrc covered by papor or were plac- DLtl'dcn wa.~ all of a numbbe l' who 'an!: (1 Ihl'ou/;h Smlth's "Influc""n('r ' M1'9. \\'. J. Mc Donuld of 5 IltIl(JIlI dllties (I ( IIlltl'ol I('aders and m eth':)()s ~d on tho sldewo.lks of city .treet •. WOI'O promInent In tho Jlm'dln H" en· .n \\'IL.hln" ton" I1ml Illsc108lng thllt 1'(','1'''('c will he ho"te"~ to the me"" ilt llntl'o l ILml t'-')Oll o' ·g" nlzation. It Slm'o the wOl'k ot "e"islon of clLy tou"ogO whon the laLe Pl'eHlilent Smith f ,. marc Lhan a YNU" al. l('1 '8 or the Iowa City lmp"ov('ment wlll teach the boys to appL'cc lnL'; Onllnfll)CeS Is now unde,. way t his came to olnee, bUL who dl·.mppeared lhoul;'h not an em ploy~e or tho d ~· cag u(' at hc,' h(Jlllc tomOl'l'llW after· their dulleR ~s 11. leauel' of LheiL' ~"ol1 ld be nn opPOrLu ne t lmo to,' the fI 'om \\·nshlngton . pal'tment of juallre, tl'Ll\'elod aboul nonn at 3 ,,·clocll. All the mOil) b"other scouts. cl'en.Uon of an o"dlnance I'el)ulllllng ,Darden '. namo al80 flgul'od In on government( trnnsPol'tation 0,'- 1)1"'. are asked to altend It pos. ItJle t he position, Rlze, und numbor of tho Tellpot Dom dnIIUI,.y . The sen de"s, JIllss Stinson 1'0f.",·cIl to the the bOlll·cls. It was ~uggc"ted tlmt ate commlttec InveaLlglltlnl;' thaL uf "expensive estnbllshment" Smith \IlIsir Sllldy Club LlII)'one having suggestions a. t.o Lho fa'" has been ntlemptlng for a and the att ol'llcy se n I'UI. maintain Tho mcmhcl'R 1)[ the AllI"lu >;luil, Hotvln,.. o( this problem oontel' wllh month to sel','o 8ummOIl~ on him oc1 in \"'nshlngton . The "unnlng ex. c1ulJ will moel at ~ ,, 'drl('k Ih:, tlftel" tho <'IllI.ll'lllnn, MI'. Aldous, In order without a\"allv. penses. s he said Smith told ho,' nOO Il nt Ihe schoot of m usic. )\., LhaL t he wo,'Ie of t he City ~ollcltor D,u'don , a ceorllln!,; to Miss Stln· we* moro J thAn '.'WI; Ithousflnc1 Intc " ~Rlill'" pl'ugnLlIl ",III I,e I"'l' h o faellitatcd. son"J testimony today, h lld ucen, nCo (lollllrs a Yem·... -jentcd.

High School Students Enter Essay Contest

Many hl~h sehool Hlud ents In thc

Relief Bill for (Wheat Farmers Rejected by

41 to 32 Vote

' VAS lll!,;01'Q:>I .. Mllrch 13.-The so nate dC"[lito Pl'esldont Coolidge's ondol'sC, , ent, l'Cfused todo.y by u. vote at 41 to 32 to Itutho"'zo tho \)J'opO'Sed Illltn of $Gll,OOO,OOo to farmers of tho spl'lng wJlcat !Jclt to i1nanre htolr start In tho poultry, swine and IIvestocl' Indu.trle~.

Tn dispOSing of tho proposllJ. cur· lon.n bill. " It proposeH the creation l'leu In tho ~0I'bc\Ck.nul'tne9s bill, ~'J or a. $200,000,000 COl'pol'lltion to PUI" tho Ill's t ot BCVCI'1l1 special Ilgrogrlan chR:.'!c the domeHtlc Hu,'plus ()f eve"l' ,. lie f meMUI'CS, tho sonate (lIvlded . staple tarm product whcn It lall3 along geogl'aphlcal ruther th lln party bil low a ",·o.tio. prl~e " unt! to se ll lin s. The result showed 23 (lemo- such surplus abroad. el'ats nnd 18 republicans oppoolng, :<n<l 20 "cpubllcans and .10 democrats a nd t\\'o (n''1l10r .. IClllor mombors s up­iJorting the bill.

Lc(l(le,·s u t thc fal'm bloc In.b ted that Lhe resu lt o( the figh t for tho NOI·bock ·Tl u rt neB6 bill did not Inlli ·

The fin al vote un the Norheck· Durt ness bUl camo aftCr 11101'0 than a weok of continuous debule , and alto,' attempts {I'um IJOth sldcs of the cham be,' to amond It III Important detail-.J .

" 'ould Lh'Cnse l'cddlCl'S cording to SmIth, "t.l'yll'lg to gel At nnothel' junc ture the wltne"R A nothel' q u estIon or im»orUl ll ('C to U1l'ough some c laNeR some way "'xclaimecl:

t i\"h'R, f'conOml('M und history c1as· . 'C' al'e competing In lIle essay Con·

P iallo It~l'ital "'st w~lch IS Hpl)nsol'cI I by the J.lon, cO-te t he sona to's fWnlhnont toward Senato" 1I0well, '·epulJliel1.n, Ne· b1'3 Hk a &lId he recognized that t he Norbeck ·Durt n099 bill \,'OS "only u ma ke·shlft". bu t Jnslsted the prcscnt

th" mcrc ha ll ts was thnt cencernl ng th rough " ' ashlngton I)rlol' to thl~ "[ uelmlt thut J OS80 Smilh ,'c. aeln~lnlstl'atlon ...

'rhe commIttee wlll proceed to­mol'l'Ow with consideraLlon of the ~evenue bill. with Under·Secrotary ,Vlllato n of the tI'easul'y deparlment Ilppearlng to I:lvc do.ln on llib co"n' clition at thc treasury and wIth ~

view to dotcl'mlnl ng the exact Ilmount 01 mvenue the bill must PI'O· vide.

Pennant Hopes of Reds Not Injured

By Moran's Death

NI~W YORK, Marrll 13-TI'c den th of Pat Marlin "mlracle man­f,ger" of the Clncinnutl club, Is un" IIkoly to jeopo.rdlzo thQ J)l.'nr.tlnt p"os pects of the Reds, In the OI):W lon of John A. HcydleJ', prc. l (h'lI ~ of the Nation,,] l.A!llguo. 110 IJK jH'CIJclOl

this view tot lay before depanl nl>' on ,\ two weel(s ' tout' at th e six !';ullom" longue cumps In l;'lorlda.

"It Is dlfCicult to mal,e any tore" ca.!!t of Icague Pl'08pec tS now ," MI'. Hoydlcr 1I0lntcd out, "pa" L1e u] ''''I;' as I am not faml.llar wIth ,I'lla t HeW material tho various Clubs al e cIt· veloplng. I know tho dcaLh "r M,,~'

an came as II hurd blow to Clncill' nati fo.ndom. which ha.s high ' hope:' of n pcnnnnt th l8 yrar. It would ba

hard to say just how 11111)Or tRn' I\s effce t will he; much will del) tid 011 how Morlln's lIucressol' roilies 111_ forccs .

tho IU nCl'!ln t peddler8 w ho eaeh sen· 80n I.,,,aclc Lhe clt.y paying li ttle 01' 110 Lax and undersell the 'mcrc ha n ts of t he ci t y who are powerless to llre"ent t h is situatio n. ~any eilies have Imposed 0. nu mber of obstaclcs In the pllth ot t hese U'aveli ing mm" c hants In the way of health eXllmln · atlo ns, l'\I)eclnl taxes and ot bel' cle· vlscs. It was Bugges ted that steps be takcn Lo preven t th is In the ·fu L· \I re. NoLhlng defi ni te can be dono ulIUI tho ci t y counc il ta kes a c llon

As t he resu l t of C'onfCI'OI1C'CS at t he mysterlou'3 "lItllo g l'een house In K. 8t reet , In \\"8uhl n,;ton," and lit t he ""hacle nc(U' \\ \ ",hnlj.;lon Court House owned joIntly by Smith , Daugherty ,and others, Smith und Dnu!:herty ench gave Darder $2,400 ror Investmen l . neconling to the story which Miss Stinson ""lil

' elvcd m oney . I don ' t go all what ho newspupe,'S say-Its 0. fa~t . "

'rrflns3cllo1)s In .t.ocks, whl r h

The IH'nlls of Mrs. J\. J . MUleI' K iwanis and Rotary clubs. Each rema ini ng I'e lief bills. Man y °PPOR' wl'1 p'~Re"t ltho fnll0"1lng plano duh htls orr~l'e" ten (In lla!'" for the yot e-.l. they aSlICr\Cd were bUlICd on 1'1'0f{1'U111 he ro"e their l)llI'e nl " anel he.t ~.S[\y o.nd they lIrll to be writ. the ollllll on , expre~ed by Sena tor frlen(ls aL 7:330 o'c:loek a L 432 !::louth ten on til e follO,vlllg s uule.CLs : ""' hnl GlMS. democrat, Virg inIa, a nd oth ' cmergeney ,'Cq u h'ed prompt I'elirr. "It mllNt bq !'clllcll1iJcl'ed, howo"e,', ,Iohnson stl'cet: the Girl Scouts , n oes for Lho Girl cr8, t hat It was "a n attempt to pu t .Ma king his malden spocc h In the that the Reds arc a " c ter'un ... ulM

0 11 the n1alter. II WM ulso s uggested that el ty

stroots be olea ned at the fir6t pos­sible moment. T his suggolion WaS hOlll'lIly ondo\'8cd by 011 the mer­ellILnts present. Jlarry Smit h . city councl ltluUl oxpla lned tha t t he coun ' l'il hud just J) ul'ehnsed a soction ot new hOBe espoclall y fOI' this pu rpose. 'I' ho hoso Is lig h ter tha n that ol'dln' Ilrll )' uRed lInd has a special nozzle which facilltotes the worll. By us· Ing this new h090 t he city will save II consldc"able a moun t of w a tor user! sl nco It I. pOflslble to do lIluch mo,'e Orr()()lIve work with t he now (\ PPRratuS.

Shriners Have Fine Time at

Cedar Rapids

Sov~n tY'8Ix mcmhel's ot tho Town ( 'lty 9h l'I no c lu b jou rneyed up to ('etllli' Ililplels Wctlne8d~y night to,' the annua l ~ llI'lng ceremony at the l~ 1 l~lthl,· t cmple. 'fhe tl'lp WnH mo.(le 011 a ~ llI' l n c specllli wh ich returne" I llt~ Ra tu "(lay n igh t .

'I' ho '(\>wlI Clly rlub w as nwt lit Lhe .tulioll Ill' tho hand and DIva n or 1, 1 K1Lhll' t empl e nnd thc~' were M· (OI·ted to th~ 011~ lsLO " Y building w here t he big banq uet was held . A ftol·. Lhe di nner R. Hne ("(lncr l' t W IIS

[lu t On hy the 1,;1 K l1.hll' bnnd fi nd II

nlre Ln llt Wl18 g lvcn hy Lhe l mp~ rlu l

Pottntnte Dy. kmllnn of n rOO I<l.rn. ~e \V YClI'k. who \\'"3 8 g lleRt ot t hp ("NISI' !llllllrl" Rhl' lnr r . Rt th l. hnn· 'luot.

Smith rel:tted to her. T hen accol'dlng to tho 9l\1ll StOI'),

tho details of which s he did nol

Miss Slinson reluted today. under ' IU sUol'llng by Senator 'YheeIN', '·c· 'ated to Pacl£lc oil, Slnclllll' 011. and 11 unhalla n Shh·t.

_"t th e conclusion of tho two hou ,' HCRslon, t he committee h ocl nn .execu tive l11e~tlng i,p d ~lllJoul'n(' 1 to re!'ume at J 0 o'clock tOl1lorro\v 110,·nlng. Meanwhile Itw as an·

Ka"ds8uK by Ku\'II1 , Mel' \'ln ILnd the Community ," " \ \ ' hat the t ho U n ited St ll tes t relj8Ury In t hc 8ona te. Sena to r Stephons. democrat. for tho most PUl't, seasoned play .... Fal'l"; L on,..l ng fUI' Ilome , iJy JunS". nOY SC\lutg Docs (01' Ll10 lIoy an,l mercantllo buslncss" a nd furthol' on Mississippi. saJd ho woulll otlPOSO who cnll he depended UPOI1. Ghw man . Mabel H elene StrolnsLe n : frl., the Commu;'lly", llnd " \Y hat tho t he objection tba.! It 1V0uid altSle t "0.11 such legis lation ", II was fuu lty t his Inherent .treng-Lh, I would (OX '

'.j' PtAffcl'lorn, ("Ia rll Col'lell ; Pyxle's 'luclo l Service I.eague Does for the onl y a sha rply de limi ted area. In conception a nd In {o"m, he add· peet the team to show at it. bC!lt, Gllllrlnight Song. hy Brow n. .\1I3n lndivldual and the Community." The !ltcNary· l1 o.ugen bill ec hedul ed, a nd wn~ cel'taln to l'esult In a !lnyway. And, thel'c Is the possibility 1!'lemhLI;; To :l Daisy, by Rca. 1"101" These essnyS ar to be oompleted by led t(f llI' t he nextlcon8lde~ed, 'WIl.8 eJ:. 1088 to t he government of a m"jo,' t hat the loss ot Its leader might In' 9nce. 1'1\lne; Golden IJL'eIlIllK Waltz. Murch H , IInrl Ill'e to bo used In . P()()ted by tho fa.rm bl oc to escnpe Illl.,-t of Lhe money. It lett undel' the spire the elub to oven grCfIler

~Anilion~ fuili lli~; k~~mmunl~~~ wh~ ~~n! .b=0=tI=\~C=r:ll:ic:I:~~8~=ra:I:8=e:d~a~~~I=n=d~=ili:e~8~u~p~e~r~V~~~I~o~n~h~e~n~l~n~o~u~t~l l~n~e~d~. ~~~~~h~e~~;l~'~ts~.:"=========~~= Dance by Chamlnadr, Loulije COllst: March 17. -Sing. Robin, i;lng-, by Spau ldIng, Ge,'alel Ma res h; Yakima, Indlntl LOIl J: lellow I'. T. A.

'lounced t hat s ubpoenllR had hccn k now. ·S8 UOO tor Gaston H. Means. [I for·

r ;IR to Subpoena ))ul'oon l1Iel' dep~rtment or ju .~tlce flgent. T he committee decided to add Itf 'n<1 Thomas D. Felder, Un A tlantn Sto,'y, by Rea, MILI'gal'e t OIMen; 'l'\vi· P"ofcsso,' Doyton Stoner of th e

I'j!ht in the l!'orCMI , by Smlt herR, dcpo.l'tment of hlology will speak on Dona ld Pad n: Uncle Ren.uR, lIy "Dlrds or Iown,' fLt the meeting 'r'lnt·Schaefers. Eunice )[owel\ ' of the p"rc n~tca,che 'l ia~OOI .. t1on·

~Ial'ch o( the DWR"fs , by Gl'leg, AI· o[ the Longfellow s~hoo l this afl·

el1'ort8 to the 011 committee'. In an allempt to 9ub110e"'L Darden.

1' ro m t hat point t he tesUmony jumped to an a llcged "dcal". to get a pal'ole Cor II "Mr. SOlomon," U brother ·ln·low· of Joe Wcber , tlw uelm',

'rho-". a(tel' testify ing to IlIu9tl'llt ( tho devotion at Smith to Daug her t ) the s ubject at wh iskey cume In t( t he Inqu iry, '

Senator Wheclcr wanted to k no" If Miss Stinson knew ot any specl .ric (lc,'s In w hlsll ey In which Daugherty and S m ith were engug· eel . S ho 8Ll ld she k ne w ot no .pe cICIo dellis, knew "Jus t gcnemlly" bu t nelded:

"They had plenLy ot liq uor III their (l19p08al."

Sl11lth. she B!lld, broug ht " large q uanti ties 0( it" t o W lshl ngton CO Ul·t li ouse [0" h i. ow n usc ; thai In fact Da.ug hert v hnd boen with Smith w hen he arrived with su it· cases f ult of It, and Lilat Smith had given some to the nllomey' genel'al, to hc\'selr , a nd to other rl'lends.

Whisker Drawn on I)ermltl What Smith h ad told hel' "bo ut

Whiskey, Miss Stinso n "flld, I'elu ted to the wlthdmwo l at whiskey ["om warehouses On ~'etl N·a.1 pel'ml ts. b ut her Informa tion hnd not been ve,')' d~flnHe.

'INo," M id Rhe, rer l ~c t ln!\', " I clo not. I'emembel' ot the re being' a ny· t h lllg 8111t! o.hou t monel' for pel" mil s.

ntt9"ney engngerl wit h A ltnrncy General Daugherty III proceecllngs for 8ecurlg a pardon for Charles "'. \tct'~e , the banker and shlpbullc1er, yeR l's ago.

Richard Wins Singles in Southeastern Tournament

Inlre Flcmln H"!:; LIllie Fairy Mil· ernoon. The program wlll com· zllrl<" , by Strct\bbog, EdWin Al· mence at 3:00 o'clock nL the school t rlght ; lIfcdilClUon. hy Monlson . l>uI1l1ln". .\ 11 · plIIl'ons ul1rl friend. mLhel Paine:; Vilise Capl'i('c, hy )lew. lOf Lhe ()r'::unlo.~tlon (u'e Invlto<l. lund, Mu,'y Loulsc K elley ll u rnilr· --- ____ _ eHkp . by DVOl'al" ))ol'OLhy Spencel·.

J ACKSONVILLE, F lorldu, March P)'Xle'. In the Indlnn Ylllngc. by 13. (AP)-Vl ncent nlcha ,'c1s of New Dr'own, Eugene , Ical'man io Hang· York t his Ilf ternooll \\'on the singles championship ot l he Southeastel'n TennIs tour nament being played hel'e by dcfeatlng Frank Owons. of Atlanla, tormpr southel'll slnglos cham pion , 111 Htmlght sets, 6·2, 6-2, 6-2.


Ing GRl'llens b)' Iltwles. DeLty Mal" lin; V"lse In l~ · nat , by Dura nd. Dor· othy A1 ae Fisber: ;Mlnl,lct hy "P .. d· ercw~kl. Cath dno 00.11; The Butler· fIr , hy Ol'leg, 1I Ial'101] r,ltu'cAh ; T o the SPLL, hy MllcDowell, Mary Alto Hoopes.

Cafeteria 124 East Washington

Special Friday Noon and Night

Fried .Individual Size Catfish

25c We endeavor to give you something extra special

each day. Your suggestion will be appreciated.

During Lent

It Is Harder

Than Ever to

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However, women' who trade at our store find our large assortment of smoked fish and better grade of can­ned sea foods very convenient in planning the day's meals,

Pohler's Cash Grocery

Phone 427 An el' lllfltltying of a tl'l p ma de to

Punu mLL on 8 Hn lt prJ Fruit IIn e r ' l "8, ~ , ue,\" wlthQ\l t expe nS\l tu " •• __ ................. I11III1111 ......... 1

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"Mr. Wheeler ano a report would see III that to . Implicate the wIth a plan to

accompanying tile 811;n ers ore them wero e1udcd formel' Campbell , of Oh Smith W. Benllet gencral ot Ohio, the Ust.

day on 6onator

I CUI' U_ D. WII ~ns nomlnat~a to the navy, anti lIu. IIl ln loter to SWltZtl

Sena tol' :;hlp.tea l li nnelOta , In lrod u, '"kin" what Ih. I ItnOWI or the new I

Ga.IlIton D, Mean el'ty InveMilgntlnl Ilartlfng to Ie ot I he u .ld had exls te lII~nt of justice.

A n agreem~llt

\~w"n the WIIJ!111 ~ 1J0v.rnment for ~. tlon .1 cOlllml".lo, JoInt engineer ing b, tor the St. 1.awre , dteper waterwayS


OMAH A ~~br .• ~

nl'Oll loana al ee.. have bee" m~de by ban~ of Omaha to Inillvldua l ral'll10r" kII, Routh O,ikot8 'iact the bank WA' ~ Ie" )'Mr R AN D, "

b, Pml4n~ t P, r,