Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1934-10-03


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Transcript of Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1934-10-03


Iowa City Library of Art To Open Sunday Afternoon

•. - - ... _1_._1- ...... . '.'_1 .. -. _. <0> to-from



Mr . Virgie Claxton Exhibits Paintings at University Club

U. High Faculty Members Meet At

Dinner Last Night Entertain at

, AlulllllllC nUl's or -a lercy hosPI

Painting. Will Exhibit.

Be ntil



.W."'" __ ~''''''''~!!!_''"-'_''!:!'!!"'"!'!~.~ __ •• ____ ''!'_'''------.. ---.... _--..... ShOtfJB Scenes From Girl Scouts Plan Cooky Sale Oct. 13

Members of the Unl\'er~ity high wlll enlertaln at a. benefit brid

scbool faculty met for a get ac- I nlHl euchre pl\rty III 8 p.m. tom~ I ruw at the hospital. Proceeds oC

qua In ted dInner at 6:30 last nlgbt at I pa,.ty. whlcll Is opcn to tile publ Fraternity and sorority membert!

or chapters from out of slate col­leges are IrUMtS thla week at I.be ",rloUll G k letter houm>8 on the Dnlvf'l'8lty of Iowa campus.

lfJK'nt lut wet'k end at the chapt r Texas, lot(;a To hOUM. I lowa Union. Theodore Yerian was I will be donated to the hospital. 017. MM . .1. W. _ -elollcky and lI .... W. T,,'enty couples attended a. fl~ 100 )1 embers toastml.lstcl', and Anile P~el'ce was Detty Stappersbocr, ])l'esldent

Towa City'. library of art, t~ linst of It kind In tb Iltat@, will o~n flunday trom t to G p.m .. "n. l..ouis P.·Iu>~. Ita organn ~, announced y • tHd ~'. For tbls ocC&Alon, t~ pub· IL, library 111 open Ita mllin rOf,)m durlnc the hour..

01", ... ·al~r colora, IIthocraphl>, and pelcll dra.,,'ln ., 35 In numbc'r, will be pla~ on "lIhlblt from Sund y

to • '0\'. I , The opt'nlnc or Ihe 10003,l·y uf art m y attpnd (\ by til<' pubU~, "bleb m y lIId view palmlnp at any time until • '0\'. I,

n th y w1l1 be r<'moved from tm. IIbl'ary and pine d In til hom. borrow('I'lI,

MI'lI. PeJur to peak ntaUv ot ) 0.,,'80

club. .. and art group vIII rv .. hOllt at th openl",!, ce mony. MI'>'. Pel! r w1l1 ~J>l'ak on 10 wL artlBla, whose 'orka, 111 be lilA­pk\,} d U the IIb"" .. y ot rI, ancl 011 th" I)UI'JlO!' or th.. xhlblt .

Anyon wlahlllK 10 borrow p..'llnllnc may .. ~ rvo th pictur hLs ('holce by nollfylnc oWctal at the ol'l'nlng SundlLY. Plclure'" may 11.- takpn 'ov. 1 and k pt In bor· rowt'rs' hOrlll's for telK munthN. Thoy mUlt be I'Eturnf'd by May 15, 193 •. For thl &ervlc, 0. S3 rl'ntal fell " '111 b" charr;f'd.

Fee ror mall PI!!t or $1.110 Th fPlI for .man .. r palntlnga wlll

00 '150. Dorrow ra mUlt IIR.. to ''''''1'('1 care at tht'm. alncr tll<> Ill ll'ary or art nnot ' um(' rrspon·

O. Wor)<\y of ~r RapldB we", I:U ts ye tt'rda)' In th home ot Yrs. G<oQrg Freyd r, I!O E. DlInn· port I~t.

Loul. 8hoal., fOrm~rly II resi. d nt of 10" City, now of Dell now· f'r, Cal .• Is \·t,.ltlng at th hom~ o( Mr. and Yrtt. Frank A, KlnneY, 740 Kirkwood a\' nu .

:Mr.. Rex C. Smith, We I Braneh. has been vlalUng at the hOme or :M 1'11. JOhn BelUa, 1'11 C@nter aY • • IUP, and carina- for h r aon, Stan­I y, who Ia conMned In th,. Dnlver. ..tty h08plt I recov rlne from an appendl lila op('rntlon.

Dr. Guy S. :MllIberry, de:m ot tbe !!Oil I:e of d ntlatry of tht' Unlver.

Ity at California, vI Itt'd tbe college of dentist..,. h re Y terday.

Luncheon and dinner !rue ts, study hilUs, and plans tor wf'l'k end cl!apter partfes occupy Greeks duro ing th mldw k da) .

Theta Xl Rooort C. F nn('r or Chlcal;O was

a luncheon ~t yeslerday at Ihe Thl'ta XI (ratl'rnlty house. Mr. Fen· ner I~ a I:raduate of Cornell unlver·

ty ot Ithaca, N. Y .. .".h ro he wu n.rrlllatf'(l ,,11h Theta XI fraternity.

Gamma Pbl Bt'ta MI'1I. Waltpr Balluff of Davenport

visited al til 0 mma PhI Beta hou Y sl('rdny with her daugblel'. Rarbara..

MAry Orr Olmstead. Vll1I'lnla Hatl· grt'n ,and Lucia Thomp'lOn, a\l ot Rock Island. weI' also 8'lIesta at tile ehaptl'r houde ye3t~rday.

Plu ru Mr. and .\tn. G rgo 1I . Beek and

Margaret Gilmore ot Grecncutle, lIOn, Sumn 1', of DlInvllll'. were Ind., will arrive in Iowa City today glJt'81s at th Phl.\tu 80rorlty hou to att~n(t the Inualtul'1lllon of Prp.t' l unday. d nt Eugene A. GllmOrl', her cou· Delta ISI.,II •• >1 • In. Sh will be I!. gU 5t nt th(' Gil. Jam!.'s P. WIl~r or Qulnc)', 111., a more homp. ACcompanyln!;' Iler will ml'mbe,· of th clu8 of 1932, visited be Ira. Durham, also or Or 1'11- at the Delta. Sigma 1'[ house lut caalle. w "k end.

Phi Gamll1A Delta Phi Co.mmo. Delta. fraternity an·

nOUnc Ihe plcdC1ng of Donald ReuleI' of I owa. Ity.

1M party at lhe fratemlt)' house SUIld8y evening.

Sun y dinner guests Includled: MaxIne Baxter of Ft. MadU!on, Franc s and Elfn or Rodgl'rI ot IOl\'a

Ity. • ir. and ~l..... Cochrane or Kl'Okuk, Mr. and Mra. Th@Odore Rehdl'r and Md. anti Mrs. Loren D. Cordon, all of Iowa City.

John Holbrook or ~dar Rapids, who atl nde<! the nlversll)' of Iowa lll8t year, ond who is now en· rnllMi nt l o\\'a State colll'ge at Am('~, villi ted at lhe fmternlty house Sun· day.

Ilrma Phi Epsilon Dr. Mason of 'WUton Junction

vl.lled y lerday WIth hIs 80n' Rob­t'rt , nnd was 0. lunehl'On guest al th Slgm Phi Ep. lion Cratl'rnlty hOU8~.

,'I&'Ola Delta Tau ~Irs. MIriam .1l\cobs, regional ad.

vlser (or Slgmo. D Ita. Tau sororJty, arrlv('d In 10\\'0. City yuterday for a short \'Isll with the local chap· tPr.

A dlnnl'r WIIB gIven last nIght by thp acll\' chapter and local alumnae In honol' ot Mrs. Jacobs.

Aljlh Xi Delta. Alpha XI 0 Ita sororIty announces

the pi dglng of Isabel McDonald or St. loud. Minn. Mautlo MeB"oom, jlrlnclpal Of University elE'mentary school, wns a dinner guest at the

Mr. and I rA. Carroll B. Martin of RulplI:h,~. ., vi_II In Towo. City . {onday night enroutt' to Dee ~Iulnu. MI'. MartIn Is a. broth I' ot r:th)'1 Mnrtln . 118 I Innt IIuperlntl'n. <lc·nt ot tit Stllte JUstorlco.l lloclNy.

Raymond Hutt of Ml180n ity chnptH houllf' IWJt night.

3 Faculty Member. .. lblUty tor dn.mag . • W H

~:or<JIlty and frat rnlty m"mlx'r" omen ear Write New Book On Mathernatic3 Review

Lorna Tucker, Cooney Marry At St. Patricli's

may attend th op('nlng c r('mony ancl may pi c.. rrsprvl\(\ona (or pa.lnUn,~ tl) dM:'orat4l thl·lr chnptN' hout('s trom Novcmb r until May .

MlIAic Department 01 Woman's Club Entertain. 50 at. Tea

Fltty womt'o w ro preR~nt at a gUOllL (lay I)rogrnm and trl~ Iflvt"n by thl' music depPrunrnt ot th(\ Iowa. ('I\y \Vomltll'lI club YPAtprdl\Y lit a -p.m. at th llom~ of ~lr8. IT. ll. JQcOb~c'n, 1818 N. Duhuqur atr t.

Hernld Blark ot th" rarully or th \ 'n!v, r"lty ot )own. 1l1111!lc dC'lll\rt· ment . accompanl d l1y AII·phcn ·WII. IIwn", u1so at th mUllo dc·p:uhn,·n t, P:ulg cl alc and modern composl. tiona.

Whlto tapera anti cosmOA tI rorat. N U", t ... tablr. Mra. T. R. RH8". prlllJd nt ot th gpn! ral cluh, and l\fra. r.. A. Hawley. chllirman of UI musIc department, pourell.

AMIRting parlor ho.tr8lP~ W T Mra, H. B . \Vyll and MrR. FfOb\ c,ln.

Iowa Dames Will Meet lor Busine s,

Bridge Tomorrow

lowe. D<l.m(' wilt lII(otl tomorrow l\t 7:45 I). m. In the women's lOunge uf 10 .... .. Union . Hrldgfl will follow (J shoft t usln('sM me ling.

:III'S. "Hn Tloraha I, chl\lrmn.o or the brS.I",,, commlltN'. will Ilf' aa~18t·

rd ill" ~I re. Hunald Rolx' rts. ;\Irs. Harry I .. "', and :llrH. John MeDan· 1l'1. lil H. Elmer Rlac'low will hond the r t r"fhll\pnt eommlt.tt~ wtth -arrlJ. Ihrry DOb-_on and 1II ... Jay ..rarlner lUlIIlsllng.

Mr . Baxter Speaks on Orglmizaliolt

Of Democratic Wome",

Nlnrteen D mocrfltlc wom n or Johnson cQunty mpt y HteNIlY noon to It ar Mra. Ray llaxtlll' or Bur.

IIngton, flrat dl~trlol commlttce "'OlIUln, apeak on tho orgnnlza.Uon flf ~mO('ralic worn n. 811' Ing lh ·Ir part In eampttlgnln&, tor the romlng election. Mr •. Cllrl Pryor or r.UI'IID1ftun, organlu'r oC «'porters' clubs, apoke on "D Illocrlltlc report­fr.' plalU."

A round tl\bl~ dlacu8klon tollow('d tile 8P cbl'lI, a!t r luochtoon In tht' pille room ot nc'leh's catll. Demo· cratlc wompn on tho county com· mltl~" contrlbult·d tu tho dlllcusslOII.

Att ndlng' tho luncheon meetlog w r : Mrs. Frank l~ry or Kalonll, . Ira. Julia. ' Ihan ot North Llber· ty, 1111's. »aul Leu!: Of Iowa Clty, :llrw. 1I1Lfguerlte Flannery of 01<. Cord. NI'lI Kennedy, Mra. Arthur RcllnO('belen. )\11'11. Samuel \\'hIUng. Mra. Arnold o..·rks n, MrN. (; orgo Krall, Mr •. Luk,· FH%Jl trick, MrtI. };dwar<l I·'ltzpalrlck. Johnson coun· ty candidate tor raponer, o.nd .f,· •. Edward ;'If. llor;an. all of lown. City. Ml's. J. II. Ku.~p r or 1II0rrls, lI1ra. A. J . HOKan or TlJl1n. :IiI'S. C. 0, Myers of Pl·nn township, and MI'H. Baxt<:r and 1\lrs. l>ryor, bolh of Durllngtoll.

1111'S. Edwal'd Hogan will 0 Llentl iJ.

D mocrallc rl\lIy In Tipton Friday, and wIll go to Dea Moines Oct. 9 10 ~h grand rlllly honorlnr; Mrs. Alex Millar, secrl'ta.ry of state.

Three m mber!! ot the Unlveralty ot Iowo. faculty nre aulhor!! or a r • t't'ntly publish d book, "Review o! Pre·Colleg.. lfathematlcs." T hI' Y care Prof. Fred ric B. KnIght or the Rf'v. ('Ollege ot education, PrOf. Henry L .

O'Reilly Rellds Single Rillg

Service Rietz, head ot the mathematics de­pnl'tment, Ilnd Prof. Claud J. LaPp (.t tho phy.I~R dl'jlartment.

Th'" book furnishes supplement· Lorna Tucker, nll'ce of lIIr. and ary material tor first yen.r collego Iltudl.'n ts In mathemaUCJI, and pre- !IIrs. Dlln P t('rs, 400 N. Ollbert pares tb em also to,' physlca alld 9tl·cet. nn<1 naymond Coon~y, son or ('homistry. It wIll al.80 be used by Jam('s Coon('y. 307 Grand aVf'nuc, high school sen lora. wel'9 ma""led Yfflt<'rday at 8:30 n.m .

Tho contents of thla text have b~en determIned by Clrst lland x- III At. Patrick'" Church. The Rrv. r.erlence Wllh college !roIIhmen. P. J. O'Rellly realt th.- Hlngl(' ring

Annual Y.W.C.A. Membersh.ip Tea

Scheduled Today

The annunl m mbershlp tea. of tite Y.\V.C.A. will he h('ld todny from 4 to 0 p. In. In tho women's loung'e at IOwa Un(on.

All (reahmen, trans! rs, and oth­er unlver.lly wom n who are ·not nil' ady members bav8 bOt'n especl. ally hl\,llI·d to nttrtld. Y.W .. A. ac· tlvlty "Ud~ will be dlHU'lbuted. nnd r W 8tud~nt8 mill" Bign up tor com· mIllet's 10 which th yare Int rest· ell.

Ruth MeC,·o.·y, chairman ot the commllto, will Inlrodu e new of· ricers a!\d tho cabinet of the organ-17,atlon. Mr~. Andr .... w WOOd" and Prot. E~tella BOOI will pour tea.

Josephine Smith To Entertain Guests

"(>rvl~(> nllcl ~c'l .. hl'atc<1 tit .. nuptial mll9ll.

Ell ne (lall'ns, cousin or till'

brldl', play!'d the Lohengrln brIdal march l\S th!' proce~lllon enterN} I h<'

church. The altar was banked with gItHU<J1I In autumn rolot's.

Euna M.arle Donohue WIIB the brlde'M only atll'ndo.nt and Donald Toomey of hlcago was lIIr. Coon y'H lJt'at man.

Wearll nark Brown The brld" wore 0. dark lJ1'own (nil·

ored Hult wit h rur trimming oI.nd " bloul\e of mNnlllc !;l\lIn 10 malch h r gold trl·('orn hal. Drown suede IIrc"81HlI'les and a jjhould r ('Ol'flUijf\ or rat'denlal! ('ompl ted the en· semble.

MI><8 Donohuc wall attired In n g"l'en tallorl'd suit and hOI to mntch. I IeI' ael'essol'les wcre brown and Ahe wQrl' a Mhould('r corsage of gar· dl.'nlo.s.

D"tc, lor ruahing varU"" will be itfTS. Vall Epps Will nnnllun'l(l at this mt' tlng. Review 'Witching Hour'

Jo pblno Smith will ntertaln

A weddillg lm'aktast COl' Imme,ll· ate rplallv('H anll the brIdal pal'\y at th TowlI nnd CiJwn r('sidenc holl'1 follo\\' d the ceremony. A large wecl· ding cake ornamented with a. mlnla· ture bl'lde and bridegroom rl('cO)'all'<l th" ('('nter or th T·shaped table at \\ hlch gueHts were seated. Flowel'H an(1 table d<'('oralions WI're In orchid ond y('lIoll'.

P. T.A. Group Plans For Vuiting Day

Th Par nt·T ach ,. GJllwclatlon or lhe fowa. Ity JUnior high IIcbool br. an!lounoed th t It will IntrO(\uc a vlsltlll'f day during ach six weok~ p'riOd of the ~chool y r. lIIr •. T horn caywOOd, cbalrman of (hI. Dr'W PI' ct, annuncee thllt \Vedn s· d y wll! be th fir L vl~ltlng day.

Parents mlly vtslt any or all oC tl' lI claases during the entire (Il\Y 0.11<1 ob""rv.. ull\r ruutin WOrk. ll uWeVQr, vlslto .... al'c'elcOm any d 'Y. th committee announced.

Former Students 01 s. U. I. Marry

Thelma ThomP80n ot Kanawha. and Var \';n D. Hench of Britt, both former Unlver.lty ot J&II'a. Iltud nta, wer mllrrled Sept. 12 In tbe St. JOhn'. Lut-heran parllOllog In Des Molne!J.

T hey are now at home Ln Storm Lo.ke, where t h bridegroom Is dIs­trIct salesman for the D s MolneR R glster and Tribune.

six guests Ilt luncheon tomorrow at 1 p.m. at her apartment, 319 N. Capitol slroet.

"The Witching lIour," by Augus- Ouests wllJ be Mra. Vo.nc MOrtOn; tU8 TbomWl, will be reviewed by Mrs. Jllmes Parks and Mr8. VIrgie Mrs. lar nce Villi EP)JH at tbe Claxton, both of Houston, TeK.; Mrll. m ellng ot tbe dramn. dcportment M. H. And I'tIOn at Haverhill, MM8., of the Iowll City Woman'", club to- new Kappa Alpha Theta. sorority morrow at 3 p.m. lit the home ot chaperon; Mrs. Bartholow V. Craw­Mrs. F. W. Meardoll, 1040 E. CourL tord; n.nd Mary McFarland of Penn-8l~ect. l'ylvan lo. State college, new researCh

To Rl'slde in New HOlI\e Mr. aM Mrs. Coon<'y wlll 1'('81dl.'

10 their new home III Coralville Heights artpr n. short Irlp. Mrs. 'ooney Is llssocla led with Ihe J 00('.

phlne Hat shoppe and Mr. Cooney with the Skelly 011 company. .Irs. Emenon O. Hoopes will l\8slalant In Iho Iowa Child W Ifare

ijUOlmarlze I' cent drama news at Reaellrch staUon. Oul-o(·town guests at the weddtng were !\fr. and Mrs. ' VIIJlam O'Brlell of TifCln ; 1If1·. and IIfrs. Claire Humphrey ot North Lil rty; Mrs. Joe ~umer of La Orange, III.; 1111'.

I he meeting,

Mrs. Boiler Will H01WT Mr.. Hoopes

Mrs. 'V. Jo'. Boller. 1016 E. College street, hOB Invited th Electa circle oC the KingS Daug hters to a reCOil'

on Salurday trom 2 until 5 p. m . In honor of ~{rs. Emerllon Hoopes.

Women to Entertain At Party Tomorrow

lJrs. D, A. Armbruster and :lfrs. t, J, Barron wiJ! nterta.ln at thc lint or a IIOries or de .... ert bridge )lIlrUcs tomorrow at 2 p.m. at Mrs. Barron's home, 203 River atre t.

DIAL 2-14-3


Fast Free Delivery

Mr •• Eugene Giles Entertain.. Club

and lIlrs. John COon y of SlgOUl" Mrs. Eugene Olles , ~H Wales ney; lIfrs. J ulia. Tu('ker, Ar·

atreet. ent rtalned the Sowing club thur Tucker, F . W. Tucker, Cather In h l' hom Monday aft rnoon. of t he brlell', l\nd Raymond Tucker, Those pre8ent were Mrs. H. P. Lee, brother o[ the bride, 1111 or Weat :lIra. J. M. MarIner • • Mrs. R. E . llranch. Piner, :\Jrs. A. B. Fourt, and Mrs. J. MIfls Donohuo ntertalned the D. Sullivan. Retreshments were brldlll party at a dinner Sunday at eerved. het' home, 313 N. Dubuque street.

ZUTU§ The Machineleu

Perrrument Wa17e

Created by Seien~e! No Maehine No Eledricity

to be had at


LUNCHES-SANDWICHES-BEVERAGES AU Work Done by Experienced Operators

Hair Cutting by Mr. L. G. Walters

DIAL ,S-5-6-0 105 Va So. CUnt.oa Street

THE IOWA DRUG -OPP!8ite Postoffiee

Tbe hazy beauty ot Texan land. .\ cooky sale 10 supply local G Ir!

&capes, magnollas, Spanish oaks. I Scouts with money cOr equipment will lake plac(> O<:t. 13, It was all·

.nnd roiling Iowa. form landii "'era nounce(! yesterday by Ruth Frer. all portrayed On canvas by Jl!rs./IChR. Girl Scout dll't'cto,·. Virgie Claxton of Houston, Tex., In "It Is ImpoASlble for some of our her exblblt tor moro than 100 Unl- girls to gel mone~' tor equipment, "eraity club membera at their op n- I'!O we a"(> having 1'IlCh girl tnke

orller" Co,, the snle. aod all the Ina- fall tea. yesterday from 3 to 5 profit 800 makes will gO to her," p.m. In University club rooms n.t Miss F~rlchs said. Iowa UniOn. I 011'1 Scouts will begin taking or·

Jn~luded In her exhibit were thrpe del'S Immediately. All orders must be I leturl's which ~Irs. ClaxtOn pUnted In b)' Oct. II. Miss Frerlehs said . hert' this Bummer, when she receiv. 'he estimated a sale of 800 dozen ..d Instruction trom Grunt " 'ood. cooklpB. "HoWl ton In Abstract," a three COlor The committee in charge ot the mural portraying, III nine spaces. RIlle will be Mrs. n . E. Piner n.nd the clty's landmarks nnd IndllJltrJes :llo.ry Parden. trom 011 wells and ships to the RIc<' 'f('n u'oops from city schOOls, Instllute and the maa-noUa, tlower ot headed by the following captains, Houston, Wl\1I paint d here this sum· will dIrect the work: COI·nello. Cam·

his assistant. tb" alumnae orga.nlwtlon, Is Those present were Theodore ,'bat'ge of nrrnns-cments.

Y-erlan , E. H. Christensen, Edna Pat· zig, Ruth Lane. HarOld Hagg, Ag­ncl1a. OUnn , Ermo. Plaehn. ProC. Hel' en Eddy, Helen Wl\lte, Anile Plerco, Allee :'Il acBrlde, Althea. Sprague, Dorothv BOl'ge Millicent Busll, Es· thel' FrenCh, PrincIpal and IIIrs. Hal'r)' Newbul'n, Prof. and Mrs. Howard R. Anderson, :'Ill'. alld Mr8. J. W. Querry, ~Ir. and Mrs. Ray R}'el'son, IIII'. and ~Irs. H. V. PrIce, nnd Mr. and Mrs. James 1IIcGrath, alld ~1r. and !\Irs. Paul Kambly.

D. A. R. Will Meet In Monthly Session Tomorrow A·/ternoon

mer. A second mural, "Iowa Hills." eron, 10wo. City high school; ;\lrs. I. Pilgrim cha.pter or Daughters of IlortraY"d cultivated fleld,s and a A. Rnnkln, lJongtellow; ;\[r8. Nellie the American l1evolutlon will JUeet farm yard of Iowa. StU! mOI'e local Scannell, St. Patrick',,; M,·s. Thomas for Its ,...,onthly sessiOn at 2:30 p. m. Jnterest W!\8 found In a picture ot FllI·~II. St. Patt'lck'A; Roberta tomorrow at the home of :III'S. '1' . nn Iowa. farm yard, palntro In Srhmltt, Horace lIIann; Mal'th(1 Fos· Dell K~J1ey, 416 S. Summit street. bhades ot brown and tan, nnd D. l'e- tN', lnw(\. City junlo,' high; Helen Assistant hostess wt'1J be M 1'8 .

production on canl'a9 ot Bowery Fox. 10\\'(1 City junior high; Mrs. Charles B. Crain. :M~s. 'Vllilam J. Flree!, Iowa. City.. (llenn H ouston. Sabin; Mrs. R. E. Burnay, Mrs. Jr. A. Dunlap', and

"GOOd E:~hI' Piner. Unlverslt)' elementary; and Mrs. Hatlie Cameron. "GOOd Earth," a pastel landscape M,·~ . Paul RlslPy, Unl\.'erslty junIor :'IfemNorg or lhe Nemorn club of

ot TeXM hills, was an outstanding high . OxCord will be honored guests at pl\lnllns- which M,·s. laxton exit lb· the meeting. The program. dIrect. Ited In her extensive and varied dls- .. d by :'111 s. EmerSon G. Hoopes, will 1)lay, COVering all types f\lId style8 Crafts Department be "Yarns or our ancestors." or painting nrt. Titles of 80me ut 01 Cl b· M' Tho executive board of the local the 3G pictures which slle exhibited. U In eetJng I'lub will cOllvene at 2 p. m., before Incluued: "TcKas Clouds," "~Iugno· Ihe regular meeting. lIa~." "BIU bonnt'ts," "s pan Ish Twelve m('mbers of th cra.£ts de· Oak." "Houston PInes," "TaoR, N. partment ot the Iowa. City 'Wom' lit .... and "Amaryllis." l\1I'S club In t yesterday at the home

:llrH. Claxton, who has painted or Mrs. Irving King, 802 Dearborn ltCI'll and abroad, especially In Pari" 'street. at 2 11.m. nlld In !\f~dlte,.rl\n"an eli:nrs, hos Plastel' molds Cor the group's CU·

Chaperons Club Meets at Union

(·xhlbIlM pictures In the Flolltherll tU"e wOrk III cNnent WN'I\ begun. Chaperon" IUb met at (llonrheon Stat~" Art leagup. Oct. ]6 Is the date set COr the next }'estprd'l)' noon at low:). Union. (lPOl'g'P leading hull' I

T n. wnll poured (rom 0. Inro I'OV- m'·cllng. 8,rldge followed the Itlncht'on. Tn '''rhe T"umpt't mOWH," now at th ered tabl , w"kh Imd a C 1I1erple(p charge 01 the afternoon's entertaln- Varsi ty thNl.ll'e. is Frances Drak~ of white gladoll l\nd lavender asters, m nt WCIC Mrs. 1,ynnu rabbe. :\Il's. who fir~t play('" opposite him in I 1 E A 011 "F S 1 "l:olero." "1'he T"umpet Blows," 1)1' rl. . ug()n~ . morp, .. '·S. 'red mlth, - ra. Wilbur Cannon, l\tIId~<l Clrcen, :lro.l'th(\. campbell', \VaileI' A. Jea9ull. lIIrs. l'au! C. and Mrs. Ha"ry Stinson. and :;\-II". g. C. Kin "lac. is a lom:).ntic llictu"e o( rnooPrn

j 'ae k "I', an d Mrs. E. B. Kurtz. In CI ud e,l am ong ou t Of tOl\'n 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.M.e.-,.I'.'O.·iiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l\lrs. Morton ){eaflH COlllmjttel' guests were ]III'S. Graham, Sister Of ::;

_Irs. Vance ~[orton, nl~c(J ot lIfrs. Grant Wood, Mrs. Stejlhen Wilder Claxton, hpaded the committee In tlnd her mother, llnd Dr. nice, all ot lharge. Bhp. wn.s aS81~tpd by Mrs. CrollI' Rapids.


FREE with the



A New Service Designed for Your SPECIAL BENEFIT

Here It. Is--Your Laundry Weighed and Charged @ ............ 8c lb. Your Shirts Custom Fini, hed @ ........................ 12c ea, Your Handkerchiefs Finished @ .... _ ..................... lc ea.

"UIII' 8hh'tll--~hort 6, SO~, eIl'., washed, soft, dried nnd folded 1'Cl\dy tor us nl no ndded "hnl·ge.

WHY SEND YOUR LAUNDRY HOME? Now You Can Save Time-Money and Go Well Dressed -Wear Custom Laundered Clothes.

Selld Y OUl' Next Blmdle to t.he

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DIAL 4177 We CaU for and Deliver

When Dining in

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MONT~OSE COFt=EE SHOP ' nl'Ut'tnw c ...... WoOd'.

famoul (ann life mural.

• £u.lIent food at

thrifty prj ...

Horne of Radio Station KWCR and headquar. ters of the Cedar RDpida Auto Club. Locllted (IIle block; from the Union Station, in the center of bllsin_ and eoc:ial lite, the Hotel Mon troee ia known th rou,ho!l t thc IllLte for Ita ""0-

nomienl prices and ita genial hOlllelike atmos­phere.

With Private $2 50 Bath. from •

Operat.d by the EPPLEY HOTEi..S CO,

Every Day Is BARGAIN DAY In Yetter's Apparel Dep't

~owa City's Largest Selection of Low .. Priced


Others $3.95, $4,.95 and $5.95

PrIces Illwnys cut <1OWII u-q low as possible. W'o'ro Ilcrl\\l\nent helldqual't I'S for mal'VelOUR values-street <ll'~eaes, attornoot> dre~soB, evening things-ali brand new, all chosen tor their fashion pre'emlnencc. ~ew TUNICS. dl'es8Ps with Cm·trlms, erlsl) taffeta. antl moire tOUChC9, velvet l)olVS l\11(1 bibs, rougll crcpe", I1lnld wools, shre,' wools. SIZI'R 12 to 20. 38 (0 44.

CoJnP< In (


bfelll ber the IoWa. Bar Qual' of lite col ass°cJntlo, beG'lnnl"g

The bO

cd1to,··ln-c Strong. Is elede<! la character


Followlr thel,' oW preRWent; editor; edItor;

~tOl'(;S in the Iowa.

110.1 PfPtf


'or in 'lOUt


!-­~ fUel'Cy hosPI

benefit brid

S p.m. torn PI'oc~~d! or

II to the pu~1 he hospital.

tf. president nlzatlon. Is


Law Review, Bar Quarterly Board Members Tal{e Office


Composed of Student In College of Law

Named in June


For Today o a.m. - Within the classroom.

Members ot the editorial boart! ot Model'lI music. p,·or. Pllll1p O. Clapp. the Iowa Law Review an<1 State 9:50 a.m.-Program calendar an d ]jar Quartcl'lY. official pul)Jlcations ",eather report. of the college of law and Iowa Bar ]0 a.m.-The book shelf. Ella. aSSOCiation R~sume<l offlc~ at the Ethel Jewell. bef:lnnlnll' of the present term. ]0:30 a.m. - Yestel'{lay's mu sical

The bonrel, with the xcepti'oll of I fa "orlles. edltor.ln-charie. PrOf. FI'ank H. 10:45 a.m. - The homemoker's Strong, Is composed at law students diary. eleeted last Jun{, on the basis of 11 a.m.-IllUstrated musical chats. character and scholarship. ,[,homas C. ColUns.

JI(pmbcrs IUlI1 Offle-es .]2 a.m.-Rhythm rambles. Following are the members and I 2 p.m. - Within the classroom.

th.h' offices: '1'. Jl.[axwell Andcrson. Facial psychOlOgy. Prof. Norman C. presillent; Warren M. Spal'ks. no((­editor; Robert A. Olson. comments edllor; Herbel·t F. Box, adminlstra· tlon editor; Horace ME'lton, leglsla· tlon editor. and Melvin Da.kln. book

. review editor. OllJer members of the board are:

Meier. a p.m.-Musical program. 3:J 6 p.m. - 'Washington new 9

notcs. Bureau ot public relations. 3:30 jl.m.-Muslcal program. 3:45 p.m.-'fravelog. 6 p.m.-Dinner hour program. 7 p.ni.-Chlldren·s hour. The land

of the story book. 7:30 p.m.-Radio child study club.

lowa Child Weltare Reseurch sta­tion. Protection of physical health (.f child ren in elt'mentary school. »1'. Milford E. Barnes.

Radio Child Study Club Talks Inc1ude

3 Faculty Members

Radio Clll1d Study club broadcasts over \VSUI this week Include three unlverslty faculty members .

PrOt. Chnrles H. McCloy of the Iowa Child 'Walfare Research sta.· tlon spake last night on "Physical growth at the preschoot child."

Dr. M. E. Ba.rnes at the college ot m edicine will speak this evening


Women's Athletic Associaiiop Plans Rally for This Evening

(JORRE<YflON A sio,'Y concel'nlJlg the Un i -

vel'sity \ V 0 III e n's asSOciatlol,l was el'rolJoously headlined "W. A,I\." jn yesterday's e<1l tion of The D!,ily Iowan. "'he following story Il ea ls with til \V,A.A.:

front constructed boating conditions \VIII be marc fa.vorable. .

The hOckoy program will begin

with a practice Monc.lay at 4 p.m.

ganlzatlon Of ' this divis ion will be Tulso.. Okla .• will speak on all' con- carnlng slralospherlc balloon flights. (lLscus8cd following th e rally this dltlonlng of railroads. and B. M. All junlol' and soniaI' mechanical evening. Eass ler wlJl address .the group con- enginee ring students may attend.

3 Talks to l1eature Initial Mechanical Engineering Meeting


Beat Northwestern ""., .. ~ ,

C. Frederick Bccl<. Bonl B. Drukel·. Charles Whltebeok. Caspar C. Ga,·­rlgues. Robert C. Moody, Paul F. Ahlers, H. IIunter Oehlhach. Frank Jl. Humphrey. Dale S. i\1.I.811(lIno. Tom C. Nugent. Merle L. noyce. Jean W. Schwarzenbarh. Arthur Willett Sternberg. Georgo O. Van Allen n.n(\ Fra.ncls W!lson.

8 p.m.-Drama haul'. speoch de­partment.

at 7:30 on "Protection of physical A rally fo r the purpose or ac­health ot the ellild ill the elemenl- ~ uainl1ng all t1l11versity women with

In addition to the seasonal clubs 1 her e are three year-round qrgan­!mtiona. They' are Seals. honol'ary swimming club ; Orchesls. dance club . and the Outing club.

ThQ Outing club has many plans for an ou tdoor program during the Bchool year. Further details of 01'­

Three talks will feature a meet- I Ing of the Mechanical Engineering

society at 1:10 thLs afternoon In Ii

room 105. engineering bUIlding. D onald E. Nelson. E4 of Ade l.

will discUSS the operation of tho, gyroscope in automatic flying of LLirplancs. Wlillam Busby. E4 or

Wil,liams Iowa Su·pply 9 p.m.-1I1uslcal frolic. HOmer ary school."

Publishetl Quarterly The Iowa. La,w Hevlew Is pub·

IIshed quarterly and devotrs Its!'lf to the scientific stwly and Investi­gation of law. It is frelluently re­lerred to by the'supreme court of tho slato.

Lucke and Il ls orchestra. 9:30 p.m. - Unlvel'slty of I owa

~ports review. Dramatization or 1933 Iowa,Nort11\v{'stern football game.

For Thul'!'Il1ay 9 a.m. - Within the classroom.

Tlte Quarterl)', a new puhllcatlon Ji:conomlc resources. PrOf. liarold on tile campus. will concern Itself 11 McCarty. wHh affnh'S of intel'('st to l11l'mb!'rs 0:50 a.m.-Program calendar and

wcather report. 10 a.m. - University Inaugural

Prot. l1alph H. OJcman n Of the Iowa Child 'Vclfal'o ResCllrch sta­tion will give a talle on "Sign I ct­cance of aclolosccnce." tomol'row at 8 p.m.

Sudhindra Bose To Give Four Talks At

Teachers M~eting lit the Iowo. Hal' association. nuth IlulJllcatlons will app('ar unll .. l· tho same CO\·c,·. The Quart~rly IIl'I'UllY- ceremon ies. Ina.ugura.l procession. ing the IUllt 20 pagcs. PI'of. H . Clay 1I1l.1·shbarger . Sudhlndra :Bosc oC the pOlitical

tclcncc department will give four lectures at Dalcotll. Clly 1 his week end before 0. meeting of the Teach­er's Institute of Oltutnwa. county.

$3.;0,000 in LiquOl' Sale'! DES ~fOI:-<ES (JU') UquOl' sn.I<'R

aJ(g,.,-g'lting I1Pul'ly $3fIO.noO were made in the 41 ~t,'te oWlll'<1 IiqulJr ~tOI'l'S in Iowa. during Hrplcml){'I·. tbe Iowa liquor control comml"sion announced yesterday.

NOT a new.style Shower-

- just an old­fashioned drink!

Which i. 'impl~ by ",y 01 '.mindin,

you dI.t there i •• modern w • .,. for pto ..

pl.lo .. t. th.i, thirsts. I.d th.t it', ~nown

" polit. circl •• II tJ.c Vort .. ... y.

W. 10 .. you tho disp .... , ••• d thl

low cost of the: (UPS is rully in.isni'iaftt.

Note thlt there fl. nOW two tyPes 01

V., ... (up,-th. pOpul., con_-.hl~.d

(liP •• d the .... Vo,t .. T,ophy A.t bot.

to .. cup. T .. ,es m,v dill" .. to til_ ' InJ

01 cuP. bul ,II ,ood .utho,iti" '9"' .

tII,t PIPf' ,uP' 0' soml ~i"d Ire cncn ..

lililodlv_ o.t i. touch with our di,lribu ..

'to, ;" vou. city J


1[6HeX: (U PS




Frohwein & Durns

Phone 3474

It South Clinton Street

11 a.tn.-UniversitY inaug urlll ccr· pmonles. Inaugural convoca.tion. In· sta.lIation President Eugenc Allen Gilmore.

1 p.m.-University Inaugural cer­emonies. InaugUl'al luncheon.

3 p.m.-Musical pl·ogram. 3:15 p.m.-Science news ot the

week. Education by rru110 series. 3:30 p.m.-Musical program. 3:45 p.m.-Nallonal parks In the

('aRt. National park service. G p.m.-Dinner haUl' program. , 7 p.m.-Chlldren·s hour. The land

I of the Rtory book.

1:30 p.m.-:\1uslcal program. I 7:~ 5 p.m.-University radio bull~­

tin. 8 p.m.-Radio child sludy club.

Towa Child \Velfare Research sta­Lion. The significance of adolescence. Ralph H. Ojemann.

8:30 p.m.-Evening musicale. Mrs. Alexander Ellett.

He wUJ discuss thc following sub­JrcU!: "The (jominant problem" of the world," "'i'he mr"sage or Gan­dhi." "TJ1C dominant problems ot our age," a.nd "The new ,vornen of the east."

Following tho lectures. Mr. Bosc will lead a round table dl9cu~sjon Itt which thE' history and geography ot Asia will be discussed.

Engineering Society Officers Will Speak

Newly chosen oWccrs of the Civ­

Il Engineering society wlll speak at

a. meeting of tho group nt ]:10 this afternoon In 1'00111 202. engineering

8:45 p.m.-Stories out ot Iowa's building. past. Sta.te Historical society. Wil­l1am J. Petersen.

The oftlccrs or the organization are H. SWwel! Smith, E4 of Iowa

9 p.m.-Communlty theater of lhe City. prcsldent; 1\lrrton R. Cowa.n. all'. Da.vcnport Ft'lendly House play· E4 of Rochest!'r. l\f.inn .• vice presi­

dent. and Godfrey .T. 1 rorncek, }'H

I of C'E'dal' nU])ltls. 8eCt'l·tnry·tl'ell~Ul·-

Engineering Students I cr.

To Meet Tomorrow Dr. Plass to Talk The Associated Studcnts of Engi­

neering will conduct its first mellt· ing tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in rOom 103. electrical engineering building, It was announced yestel'day by Paul Dolton. prcsldent.

All englneel'ing students may at­tend this meeling.

Home Economics Club Meets Today

Tho Home Economics club will meet this urtel'lloon at 4 o'clocle in room 214, MacBrldc hall.

Al! membcrs have been aSlced to attend.

At Medical Meeting

Dr. Evcrett D. Plass or Unlver­~Ity hospital will discuss (\, tilm pre­sented by Dr. Josoph B. De Lec of 1.ylng-In hospilal. Chlepgo. at a meeting at the Linn County Medloal >,ocicty tomorrow cvcnlng at Cedar Haplds.

The movlc will show forceps. op­,·",Uions. lind episiotomy.

E1ks Ladies Play JJridge Yesterday

, )'[rs. Fred Bauer. Mrs. Ethic Brown. nnd )t:rs. Charlos Slavata were bridge prlzu wlnnors at til<' IDlks Ladies meeting yesterday at

Friseo Jo'efls Shocl(s 2:30 I) .m. at the Elks club house. S,\N lo'RANCISCO (AP) - San The next mc'eling or the ol'ganlzn-

l"rancl~co swayed gently undel' tlw tiO/1 will bc a luncheon. Oct. lG. (orce of lwo ea.rthQuullc 8hoclll.1 yes-tel·lIuy.

Pal'ole Action J)j)layed

DES MOINES (AP)-Acnon on the applicaLion ot Ma.rvln T. Grat­to n. 85 year old Civil War vrteran. ro r a parole. will be deferred until aftcl' Gmtla.n's ~econ<1 tdo I. Gover· nOl' 11 t'1'1'lng SUlll yeHtorclay.

l:rul1asllcd DaJlflits Gct $20,000

WALLINClFOHD. Conn. (AP)­Five unmnslced. tnlkatlve robllCl'S calmly wUlkNI lulo 1I1C Walilog(ol'd :Uank an(1 'Crust compuny l,j('fore noon yesterday alld, moving with IIg'htnlng speNI. fll'd with $~O.OOO In I ctlHh and a large numhel' or srcul·l· I lIcs.

Educators to Speak at Meeting Of Administration, Supervision

P"m'"'"' "'" ~"" '''m m", I eo"~. ,,""'" ''0'' "" """""" I s~ctlons at the country wlJl address oC Iowa In 1800. nnd was a member I the twenty-first annual contercnce lot th English dcpal'lmenl from en admlnlstra.tlon 1IJ1C1 su porvislon ]002 to 1904. l'le s{'rv~d as presl­In Iown City tomo1'row anll Frillay. (lent at the UnlvOI'slly of Iowa. from

~1,,1'o thn.n 300 supervision !lnd 1911 unlit 1914 . urll11lnlijtmtlon Officials. and mom - i\1.l'. lo'u.ll·chlld Wa.K au p rrlntcnd~nt

h~I'ij or th liou.l·d 01 edUcatio n or of schools at EI~I\I. 111. . fOl' 901110

lowa am expocled to all nd sessions Ilmc. and 11 meml.>ol' of the s la ff ut · (luring the two dny mcetlng. NO"lhweRtcl'l1 unlvc l'slty for sevN'al

Among tho notablo speakers on ~'ear8. Last yt'al' ho wus IlPllolnteu ' he program arc John O. Dowman, IJresldent at Illinois Slate Norn'lal lot'mer prosldent ot tho Unlv rs lly university. llioomillgton. Ill. ~)t Iowa, nnd now chuncellor of the Professor Edg rlon Is a natlonnll y Unlverslly Of Piltsburgh: R . \ V. known a uthority In guldunce and Fairchild. pl'e~ldcnt ot Illinois State was director of vocal1onlll gUldanco Normal universi ty: Prot. A. H . Ell- 1n th publlo schools of UNrOlt. ~ertol1. dirrctor of vot'atlonal guld- Mich .• t al' 0. numb r or y~nI'8. llnco at tlto Un lvcrllily of Wiscon- Protes8ol' Uenglel' 16 In thnl\tcl y IIln; J~rn~st H . Lln1llry. chnn cellor of Camill a I' with tho l-l111olltiolla l cOllrll­thr Unlvel'sHy ot KllnSfls. anll l'1·0f. t lons In :mUI·OIlO. Pau l ])Gnjfl I'. cllrectllr ot th e Au"- MI'. Llnulry. aut ltor of "Uebel' AI'­tl'o-Amrl'lellJ1 Institut e Of lilducu- Iloit and Rult r." has gtul11!' c1 !.l l hr 1 inn Itl Vlrnnn. und "Ialtll)g )l1'OrCR- Unlvcl'slti 8 or .T nil. IJclpzll!' , Ilnd ~or at tlte Unlv rslty or lawn. thl~ H Idolbul·S'. nnil 11M LJ~ ' II chnnCI'I­yen 1', If'r of t lin Unh'erslty of Kal1~ s

J\11'. DOWIlIUI1, " nMlvo of J)nYCn - tilnce 1020.


~ he year's 8ports program. plann ed

hy the \Vomen's Athletic U$soclJl,­lion. Is scheduled for this evening :at 1:30 hl the woml'n's gymnfl43lum.

ThlH Yl'ar the W.A.A. will cONfuct thrc6 seasons or sport. In the fall thel'e will be hockey. canoeing. vol,

FAIL FESTIVAL lcyball, and golr.

Tho winter sporta Incl ude bask~t­boll. tumbling. clOgging. sQclal (hncln&,. Ping pong. deck. tenn is, alld tethcr bllit 13ascbll.lJ. 10l1nlo, and ;ll'chc'ry wlli be organized In the till' lug.


Wednesday, Oct. 3

Canoeing purUl's are p lanned on lhe low(\, rive" <luring the sprlog ~nd fall. and since the river has blen witlcned lind the new waleI'

Chicken Dinner and Supper Games

Fo~ OCTOBER UTouchdowns in Thrift"

Are Always Yours at



$1.00 and $1.95 New fall styles ; wools, silk crepes or leather; a special purch~se.



$1.35 48·GAUGE


Silk Hosiery Fall colors; every

pair perfect ___ .:.88c

2 Pairs $1.70

" Flat-Tone- Ripgiess. Chiffon ~ilk Hos-iery, sold here exclusively, pair ___ ... __ 79c

2 Pairs $1.50 Flat-Tone Semi-Service Silk; Fhlsiel'Y,

pail' _ . __ . ___ ._. __ .. ____ ', __ - ______ ,, ____ , ___ ._ .. ______ 69c

NOTION SECTIQN Shoe, Garment and Laundry Bags, plain

sateen, 12-pocket Shoe Bags orange or black ___ . ____ _ . _____ -" .. -. _____ ",," __ ,_._ ",,_98e

Laundry Bags, solid color gold sa-teen .,_ .. ______ . ___ .. , ______ . ____ ,. ______ ",_._. ______ .8ge

Shoe and Laundrrl Bags, to match, fast cQlor prints ". ____ ..... , ... ___ " .. " .. _ .... ,,,.49c

Kotex 01' Delnap Sanita,ry Pads, 3 dozen ,,- _____ . ___ ,. ____ "--",,, .. _. ________ .. ,, _____ 50c

Dial 2H1 U. S. Rubber or Kleinert's Rubber Swim

Sandals; a special purchase; 69c quality at , ______ . __ . "_ ... " .. ,, ......... ,,_ .... 39c

FALL sn .. KS AND WOOLENS Duplan's Heavy Quality All Silk Satins,

yal;d ---.,-.-------.. -----.-.. -.----.. ---.--,,-.,,$1.0;0 N w Plaid Silk Crepes, ya.nd , .... " .. _ .. 79c Printed Chulln G~epes, tubfast colors,

guamn tc.'fld, yaql ,,. ... _._ .. __ ...... ____ .,, .. 98c

New "Fol'stmann" Woolens, coat and suit weights, 54 inch width; sponged and shrunk at the mill, yard-

$2.98 and $3.48 Part Wool Coatings, 54 inch width, yard

at ,. -.. _______ .. ___ . _____ .. _____ .. _._ .. ,, __ ,,_ ' .. __ ' __ ' __ $1.2.5 Dress Weight Woolens, 54 inch width;

yard --- ... -.. -_________________ .. _____ $1.48 and- $1.98 All Wool "Dormitory" Blankets, weight

about 4 lbs. single; dark grey color, at .-___ . ______ . ___ .. ____ . ____________ . ____ . ___ , __ . __ , _____ $2.95

'1{4!!!:.~ 'CHAMOIS - FLEX" . .!l( educeIL



Yes. lndeed. we say you had better hur~y and get your new Klei nert's R educer before our recent sh\Jlment disappears from our shelves. t:t Is 11 l'educer deluxe. made ot "Cha.mols-Flex." a fabric In which l'ubber Ilredomlna.tes, It feels so~t and comfy a.gail18t the skin, just like a tine ~e of ('hamola. A lovcly satin panel conceals three ab­<lbmlnal bones. It Is perfora ted. whlctt a.l1ows the skin to bl'Clllhe. (~econd Floor)





Genuine "Seam­I1rufe Slips, made of Juliet satin. Lace trimmed or tailored in a love­l¥ shade of tea rose. ReaRonably priced at-


~eam-Prufe Slips of Crepe La Rue. ila~ seams that do not pull out. Jilia~ and straight ~uts. Well tail­ored and correct fitting. Califor­nia or bodice lOp. Pri<ted-

$1.98 and


(Second Floor)



I Go to Chicago Friday

Be There Saturday!

, '

Tickets for This Big All Expense -Iowa Victory Party Trip

For Sale at Our Store

Basement Women:s Bettel' Quality Rayon Striped

Cotton "Snuggies," elastic waistband, elastic knee, vests to match .. _ ... _ ..... 25c Extra sizes __ .. _ .. __ .. ____ . ___ ____ _____ ,,_ ... __ .. ____ 35c

Women's Rayon Lounging Pajamas at .............. _____ "" .. _____________ __ _ .. ,,_. ______ . __ $1.19

"Wayne Maid"

or Barmon

SMOCKS Large selection, styles-

$1.59 and $1.95




FROCKS Guaranteed colors­


"Barmon" and

"Shirley Lee"



$1.59 and $1.95

lOc-SALE TO[LETR1E~lOc Large Sizes-Worth Much More

16 oz. Rubbing Alcohol, Dental Creams, Williams' Glider Shave, race Powder, Lo­tions, Creams and many other articles; choice _. __________ ____ ______________ , _______________ . ________ _ 1Oc Plaid Rag Bedroom Rugs, 24x48 _. ______ 39c

3 for $1.00


Worth Much More, 69c Palr-2 Pairs $1.30

• Every PAir perfect • Semi-service, chiffons or heavy

service weights • Reinforced toes and heels

Nu-Fashloned Silk Hosiery, fall colors, pair ... ___ .... _,_ ..... ___ ................. _.,_ ........ ______ 3ge

• • •

MEN'S lEATHER SUEDE JACK~TS Z~pper sty;le __ .. __ . .._ ... _____ .. ____________________ $5.45 Button front ......... ___ .. ____ .. ___ ........... _.,,$4.95

Zipper style 'comes witb leather conar or knit collar and cuffs.


MEN'S ALL WOQL JERSEY KNIT • C()AT SW£AT~RS Navy or heather colors; two pockets,

at ..... _ .... __ ." ............ ,, ___ ............ ___ ......... 2.95


Baud ot~: 7rNlk 1.. Koti. 1'&al C. PaoIt .. , .. . YacE n, Fred AI. Puwn I, Edwanl J. Kelley, Ed·

ward Dolly, Ernelit C. Ca.aaUJ. Artllur Barnell, LUlDand WII<:ox.

TM ~ted Pr_ w ueluahely ..,UUed to ".. tor upublleaUon or aU n ... dl8"\l&lcb endlted to It or Dot olbe .... 1M eredIled to lhw paper and al80 the local Dewa publJabed ~

All rlcbl.8 ot npnblleaUoD of -sal ~ IMnlD .... al80 _veeL

lI:orro-.uL DZP~TKBliT Docaald 1. Pryor EdIt« TOlD Yoalott M.aD&«l1l1: Edl~r lobD W. Pryor Ne ... EdJtor ROD Tallman ~Ie.:rapb EdItor WIlIJam f rrltt ________ --: City Editor

J&ek Glll'Well ___ Spar1.8 Editor Laura E. Reed __ Boc:iety EdItor ¥arle A. Clark Chler Cop)' Re&4v

., DZP.\BTKEXT __ Cln:uJaUan lil&nqw AeooUII taDt

rEUPBONll: Ullor1al orftH olft odd)' .. u ... ,1ft

B •• ID@ •• Otrla. nt.

WEDl'.'ESDA Y, OCTOBER 3, 1934

Let tire ,udent$

Do It

APl'ROAC I[ of til<' r1f'lulle. '('he£1 111OO for tonight III Xl'\\'tOll, b hl'l'en

l,it'llt naut·Go\·ernor Krahch I 8n<1 enator l'attt'r 'on, Rt'publi 'an, ('011 to mind a ug­gt tion made in thl' • column'> a w ek ago 111,t 'unday.

At that tinl(' Th4' DAil)' Towun l'iug~ t d thllt the tag-ing of a public d('bat on the ill in\'ol\'l'd in thl' (,lIrrl'nt ('nmplli~ woulel htl 0. proje' \l'O!'lhy of th young Ih'puhlican and young ))c'mocrati(' dub!i or ,John '011 ('Ollllty. Public' r('spoll incli. ('all'cl that kueh It llrojc·('t w011111 m'l't with th' appro\'ul oftuul'III' /lnd towru;pcople Idikt'.

(;ol1s/'lqllf'nlly, if the conlll~' organiza· tion>.; f10 not."( fit to n.\ulli tlli' proj ('t t hl'll1 hI:"', 'fIll" 1 aily 10\1'111\ 'Ilggr ts that parti. an tudenl luke On'\' tl1l' function of milking politic interl sting.

It clln he dOliI'. Politic. i a contl'!lt of wit and tratt·J!Y. If Ihl' Htrntrq'i~!. eli· 1,IIIY t'nou~h wit anll c'n rgy the ont(' t Iu'('ome'l ('x('itin~ nnd ll~l'flli. If t ht'y nro ticIH and witle ,mallt'uv!'ring nnd!'r cover mrrr.ly for thl' Rpoils, politi('. b('coml'!! not hillg but II rllc'k4't,lI11d Il bort'soml' one lit fllIlt.

RI\lclrnl!l, on tho a'-(,I'lIgl' at lell t, or IInl i ntl'r(·stP.I\ in thr rllck.-! or thl' spoi Is, "hich is pl'rhaps rPllson I'llo\lgh why they liould Il(' thr ()J1l'S to Illkr thi~ prnjrd in

11111\11 IIlId tn stir Ill' ollie fnrthright con· It'ov('J'/;Y over i lIr~, II!! coutrU'Ited with johs.

Por thP. first limr ill It grorrntioll we Ill'e

t'oufl'ontl'd with r(,III, (1l'hlltlll>lr i~su('s, aod 1he opportunilY to 1lI11k~ the most of tbem should not he thmwn IIW/I\'.

'1'0 Il1ke fill! ud \'811 tu'~ of thl'm, 'l'he 1)11 ity r 0\\,1111 ~lI~~l'sls:

]) Tlml stlld('llt Rl'pnhli(,lIn lind Drmo. t'I·lltir. l'hllu;, fl'('l' from ally connection \~Ir!ll('~'t'r ~\ith llH' rt'l(ulllr machine., be ()r~tlnl?('(l Imml'dillfrl.v on thl' ellmpu .

2) Thill I'lIl'h of th ~roups choo 0 rc'pr~'rn tnti \'1''1 10 orgue t1wir 'II 0 in II public' debott'.

a) Thllt thl' dc'hotl' ht· informal, lIud that hC'I'kling hy thr IlItclil'lIce be fr('(')Y p r· mitt.,<t.

Do we Ilear an an 'cr'

The Danger of State


S(l~U~[JOJ)Y hy thl! Ilame of h ~r. JIus­jo;('Y tllk('~ 10 IILIIl ''i in thill montb's

lIarprr' JUllgal.inc to point out tbe vir· tups of the lottery 8~ II IIll'llJl: of raising ]lublie r(,l'cnue. Which, in vit'w of ve1'y­thing thnt hO!l gone brfore, Ipads one to th(' inrseapoble conrlu. ion that· itber tiler i· a. concl'rtecl campaign to ell the idea in thi· country, or that prolonged de· prion i quickly sapping the moral fibre of th American people.

Lottcrips are wrong j thpre is no po. ible gronnd upon which thry can be justified except t bat of xpcdiemy aud political bankruptcy.

~rr. Hu y dra !! what he undoubt~dJy thitlks is a dl'lightful piclur of peasants in France and th Argentino pouring over numbers and my ·tic calculations in the fevcri h, superstitions hope that they will he lifled owrnigoht by th(' gods of chance from tbe gutter to a palacC'.

"T ho \"(' ,!'rn groll p.'! of Velll'zTlclan lot· tery follower> witb heads together over cafe ta bl('~ while ab rbing and labor d calculations wpr executed to derive a cer· tainty from the my tics of the number. 'rh I' men weI' amu~ing tbem eh -e and f'vety day th y w re !(h;ng themselv hope. I ha\'e heard voluble servant in rear patios arguing about the slime my . tical number. These women. as well as thc m€'n were amu ing and gilring them· el\'e' hope."

That is a plrasnnt piclur only to lho e whom the 10U('TY re1i('\·r. of the r ponsi­bility of paying taxes by shifting them to tbe backs of the hopele , but ever·hopeful, poor.

In pite of its obviol1. ,;cioo n in cvery respect, it i entirely po ible tbat t he lottery will become a regular Ameriean institution in the not far di tan future, It ha !hI' upport already of the N w York fu ion admini tration, which has run into a tone wall in it attempt to levy ufo ficient taxe to m tbe COkt of Tammany hankruptcy; a bill proyiding for II national lottery has ~n con idered by the ways and means committee of tbe bouse.

Us adoption in 1 'ew York or in any other locality i~ the concern of th whole c'ou 01 r)', b ClIll~' it wou ld draw mont'y in

such quantities that other ci(it' and. tates would be forced to followuit in. l! pro­tection. It is an evil that mu t be topped before it begins, for if it on c g t.' und r 'Way it wiu not be po 'ble to top it.

I What Others Think I The Real Defenders

(FroUl Tbe WashloJ;loll 1'hnf'S) All of D. audden. It II ms, the ~'uuntry Is tull

of COlli! rvaUve d fE-nders of tbe Con Illullon. 1" I rda)'. lUI annlvenJllry saw morc or them th n U8U I.

I It, t h n, In d n er? Perhap. But not from tho now tryln!;, und r It to win Justice an,l pcurlty for th Amenc n pl'<Jpl,-, Thf.! danger

I from tholl8 who wouhl us It to I)('~tuate old wrong. and cl k prlyll g with ~g I llancll· ty,

The constllutlon'. real deC('ndl·rs are tho~e

m n who tor 14; Yl'aTll ha\'e kept It alive by adapUnI{ lis prlne\Jll s to the changing needs or th nation. Among th e have- been:

Oeorg '\'uhlngton, who admittl'd 118 "Imper' t lions" and pointed to the "door" for "futUl'e amendments and alteration ....

<'hie! Ju.Uce M/U'1Jb II, who held It ,,"oult! ha"e been unl\'~ for the Fathers 10 "provl,le by 1m· mulable rull's for erlgen(' whl('h , If forl' M'n t ali, muat h" been fOreH(,pn dimly, antI which can he t be provided for all Ihey occur"

Mr. Justlc Brewer who ~ Itl, "Constitution I provlslonll do not chllnge, but their op~rallon

l<tende to nl'w mottpra ftII the mOd s Of busln lJ

and the habits of Jlte of th Il' oplo "ary ... 1lh each succHdlng g~neratlon."

Mr. 1u8tlee Holmes, who .• Id that the Con. .amutlon "1M an experlmt'nt: All all lit .. I" an t'lI'perlment. Every y~ar. Ir not v ry tlay. wo hav to wagcr our sah·atlon upon "orne prophecy b . tI upon Imperrect knowl ~g~."

Mr. Justice BrandeIs: .. T .... r/l mu t 1, IIO",er In the stato and nation 10 remoltl, through (lxlX'rl. mt'ntation. our economic practlcl!lI nnll In.tlt u· tlons to meet cban&'lnl,"' loclal al1ll ~onomlc

needs." efr, Justice Cardoza: "Thc gn a t g~l1 l·aIlU ....

oC the Constitution ha..,e 0. cantt'nt nn,1 a slg. nlflcan('o that vary tram ago to as' .....


••• ••• ••• •••

Tho mOHt noUc ahl va~lIncy In Ihll Unlte,l SlaU'8 tOday I. thc po_Won ht'ld tor the last several year by Waltpr J.ippmnnn.

fo tltn/'<ll like tht'Sl', \\'ht'o sobpr 10.r;1(' I. 100

OIlNI ltlothc .... 11 In ~ t'& of trh'lo1 ('ontroul'llY And when I'l'o1lUes IlPJ)t' r IIIlsty al &&t fltrouglL a hue of unC'ertolnt y, the nel'd or C'nlm thlnldnG' I palntullt .... p!U'l'nt.

" We IIvc In lh. ml<l~1 or ... a l)('rlo),1 of r volu· tlon," ~ald Lippmann I lilt "I.rlng In TIlt" ;\fMho(\ of Freedom. "The thing. that w ...... «'rl In h:! VB

be<:Om~ uncerlllin. \\'hat WWI nnrmal Is not reo Jlnble."

Du t throuG' h til/I t IInrrrJulnly It ,Iood al· mo t alone 11 th~ Oil ('erllLinty. Tllou,.utd up· 011 thousund, WE're guld d In Ihelr thlnldng by hi r1t'a r r [IliOn whlC'h rlun .. fa t to prin~ipl 8

IlIlt! reflt300 to b moved cUh~r by Ih dogma of Ih t! ad p t or b)' Iheon!' ot tbe um.eUJed pre. nt.

Ills trip to the Orient hIlS left Lhe t nitI'd States without a balance worthy or thl' lIalTIe o.t • lime when control' l'8y run. tOOtloo. anti contusion becOmf'8 more and mOl'e confounded.

Thl I high pralse. But It is not IIl tllJl 111 I'&­Iy to prslSt! LII)J>mlUln, which wouJcl be Ul)er' tI"ou.~, hut to IJOint out the IIt'Cl"Illty for hb type of 1111111110&' In these timt'8 of "roIJUganda and of partJsan 8uperflclal.ltle ,

Out of th mlsLs or conruHlon, r. .. I[)pmann found "a new Boclal prlnelpll)" d p s atcd In th tradilion and experience at Iho western democ· rael S-". mel hOd or oclal control which Is not lal z·fal.re, which Is not communism, which Is not fa.sciIJm, but the product of their own experl· . enc and toolr own geulu8."

He called Ihls new "method of freedom" free lo"e collccUvlllm. In It he rrcognlzed the vllltdi. til!!! and rejected the absurdiUe. ot liberal and eonservatlve1J alike, of communists and I«pub­Ilcans, ot absolutl ts and Denlt>crat .

It embodJes prinCipiI' cherished by all Am rJ· cans. and oCrers them a chance to pr erve them ag Insl lhe not too Imaginative encroachm nls at eyslemsreo.dy·mll.de to assuage the woes of the aftllcted proletariat.

At the lIIUl1e time It rejects cornpletely the ridiculous wailing proposals or those who, like The ChlclICo Tribune, exhort U8 to turn bKk into the burnJD« brambles or Cree competition and seek • au.iclda.l (art one in a lost world.

"n provides both tor Individual Inillatl\'e and collective InltlaUve," and holOO that "The one Is nol the substitute tor Ihe other," but tbat "Tbe two are complementary."

Ii upport lhe principie of Ilrivate propt'rty aJld of prI,,&~ enterpl'ise 118 Ihe main prings of JH'OC1'I'IIII. but it insist llpon the power of coI­~ti"e actJon thnlup. tbe state to keep the deli­cate machinery 10 balance.

To do thla, It Inalsls upon the rdorm at democratic government 10 put Lhe power ot Inl· Uatlve tore\' r lu tbe executive wh re It belongs. It Inslate upon the elimination of economic In· IICcurlty as lhe necessary found tlon or llberly, and ot lhe economic plutocracy as 'Well. It Is truly the "methOd of tre dom," and ehould be mastered by every VOtH before he goes to the polill IM'l't month . -Don Pl')'or


Strange As It SeelDs By John His

"01' FDrth. Proof AcIdress Tbe Author, EnclOliln.. tamped Eovelope For Reply. Re~. U. S. Pat. Otnce

~ roOL M. ;Lt\HIH6eR ... t U. if ~IfI1" COMP~ereO 1JJ 'I tARS

cK' 'SCI-\OOI. ~\ 1i1f. . :MJe Or 'J.'L /

• See Page 5 for ExplanatIon of Strange As It Seems

Behind The Scenes

in HOLLYWOOD By Harrison CarTOn

IlOL1.y,VOOD ~StT{lllgC how tll"'l J\tln.· "llIrrll"ncy tl'cntmell~ hall Irg~lId persl8ta thnt :Ma.~ Ilaer brol(o r~lIe<l to r""I\'o h('r tl1 (, director

13nnny Rullln' .. ' h t 1 ' =====arm during their ~ flU",:

"I,utle,·IJ1.. to" I', "n..,e. ~"mI'11'Jdy. bl·t al\ [l1·tltlolol a. n d tho. t II It d t'o8pl rato r!" b I a a d f'xlsta hr. tween the two. Uoth th chnmp and n nny dl'ny

Thl' pro,lUcer, who was dllnclnl\' ,\round with cxdtemrut, tall'ly bel· 10WNI: "What dn )·"u mron 'get an t'.l'ttricla l rcspll'ator'? I got plenty

tho Incident and (r money. G<,t a 1'onl One!" Insist th~y nrC tlio bf'~t at frlendK. Rhe's a c"urag oUS Jltlle trouper,

Howevcr t hat ,his 'ora Sue Collins. who must bo may be, Para­

--=---"""~"""mount has sign­ed Rubl n to IlSslst Adela ]logc·rs SI .

Johns Hyland wIth the screl'll Jlluy

?f lI1ax's plcturc, "Kids on lh" ('uft." .And Max hlmeelt Is rC8]lOn· ",ble tor the move.

,III of 7 Y"3 rll Old. Thf' young8t~I' t '(' lIwmhrr h er tlS the Infant Gm'ho ~ tI "Quern Chrlstlno "11 ndorr. her oiul'r sister, lIIad!!'r, who goes to J (ol1ywond high IIchool. Tho othrl' night :I!udll'e started out to the cor· nH tlrug Btore and WIUI struck down 1 v (UI 1Iutumobl1e. She was taken to I lie h08pllu.l "nd Inter brought home wltb a Irallll'd Ilur.!!e ... seriously tnJund, 100. But the next dll)' COl'il

Suo showed up at tho lIr.G.~1. studio

bp tho heavy. Tho camrr(\. will be

l1undlrd by the actor's broth.' r. l~l'cll


'['I'oclng thr 80urce of 9PI'ln~

wa(~r Bef'plng down Iho hillside ot hiS ranch, Richard Dlx has uncov·

u'ed II. cave supposed to have been uard OS a hldln~

placo hy tho col. orful bandit, Joa· qui n l\1urletttl. nlCh dCscrlhrs the \I n d e r ground chambers a,. about the slzo or an ol'(\lnllt'y Jiving room. It conlalns 0. spring and Its approach 18 cov·

:...1-'---'" ered by b r U 8 h. Richard Dlx There are plenU-

lui signa ot previous occupation.

Authenticity ot the legend was at· Take It from Eddl~ Marin , 0. ('er­

\aln HollywOOll pro<lucer hull his ,"hole company In .tltches thl' othrr ,10y. Thoy wore flhnlug a. Swimming ~ool 8CQuencr In 0. musical . a.nd •

~nd, lJ('t\\'('cn t(,lIrs, WCllt through t£'sl d by Refugio Espinosa. who her scenes In "Evelyn Prentice."

.-ow ot cutles were dlvlDg Into tho .\n ardent ama.teur cameraman. .)001, 8wlmmlng across, then run- C 1'1 ill'l.son, the J}llnlsh star, 1llan. Ding bnck around tho 8et and divIng I to pllOtOgl'llllh 0. full·length blood· In o&,aln. I und·thundt·r weMern melodl'ama on

Thla went on until one of tho &,lrlA u lS·mllllmetl'r film. Brisson anll his fainted In the waler and hod to be wife will play the 8ympathetlc leads (Iragg d out. I ~nrl the actor's pal, Duke York, will

told the Wm slar of the cave when Ite sold the ranch, but · was unable to gIve Its location.

Dlx, who has twice played lIfurl· I·tta In his moUon plctul'e car er, wll\ e,'cet 0. monument I1bo\'e the ('~ve. lie also plans to COnvert Il Into a game room.

----------------------------THE OLD HOME TOWN

'MEMBER .... '(oU


"1'00 ARoUND ALL. DAY!

It.,tll .... d U. S. PAllne om,.





OFFICIAL DAILY BULLE1~ All gencrnJ notices t or the orflcJal daD,. bulletin

lIIu ~ t be LII the hands of the managlllg eclltor of The Unlly Iowan by 4 p.1I1. on the day preL'Odlng first pub. Ii~atlon. ]tI'UI'l for tho uulverslty eall'nllar must be plocl'd in t bo bulletin box at tho Daily Iowan office, WI fur RS p sibl e in advance of the event. No notice. will be accepted unless typed or leg-Ibl,. written. Notices will 'OT be accepted by telephone,

)'Ill. X, o. 295

University CaJelidar. Wednesday, Oct. 3

7:30 p.m, 'V.A.A. Rail),. women's gymnasium 7:30 p.m, Iowa Dtlmee, warnell's lounge. 1011'11 UnJon

Thurstlay, October"

October 3, 19M

10;00 a.m.·l0:00 p.m. Open huuse (ur inaugul'ation guests, University club inauguration c remonlea, Field house Supervision conference, Old Capitol

FI'jday, October 5 Supervision conference, Old Capitol

Sunday, October '1 8:00 p.m. Vesper eervlee: Rev. Chas. R. Brown, Iowa Union

Thursday, October 11 3:00 p.m. Tea honoring Mrs. E. A. Gilmore and new members. Univer­

sity club Friday, October 12

7:30 p.m. Frivol Frolic, Iowa Union Tuesday, October 16

7:30 p.m. "The Dictators" bridge party, University club Th ursday, October 18

2:00 p.m. "Aunl Dinah's QuIlling Party," university cluh 9:00 p.m. Dance, University club

Frillay, October 19 3:00 p.m. Open hou80 tor foreign students, Unlve.."lly club

Mathematics conference, Old Capitol , atllrday, October 20

3:30 p.m. lUke and picnic supper, University club Mathematics conference, Old Capitol

Wl'dnesd&)', October 24 8:00 p.m. Piny, Macbride auditorium

Thul'8duy, October 25 8:00 p.m. Play, Macbl'ule a.udltorlum

General Noticee

Mast.c\'\'I\cc:e EXl\l.u\"ation iu English The masterpiece examination for Ph.D. candidates majoring In Eng1l8~

,,111 be hel!l on 1)'1'lday and Satul·day. Ckt. 6 and 6 in room lOl·H Ilnlvel'· slty hall. Readlnll' lists should be submitted ImmedIately.


\\'OIll~Il'S Athletic ASSOCiation Fa'l Rally at tIle women's gymnasium Wednesday, ()ct. a, at 1:a\) 'P.m,

Every woman Intereslell come and join the sports club. Danolng and gam!'s to follow lhe program.


Physical Education for Women Rerl'eatlonal 8\\'lmmlng rOl' faculty, faculty wives, wives at graduate

FIurlents. admlnil;trallvo staCC, Tuesday and Thursday evenings 8:00·9:00 p.m. wlJl begin Oct. 2. I .. ocker tce ehould be paid at the secretary's oUico.


Correct \'om' Nome fot· tho Directory Students are urged to check th ell' names on directory copy that Is now

aval1aLJlo In the llublleatioll8 orrtc(', room 117 univerSity hall. ,'hll copy will be hl'1cl In the offlrp tor a limIted time on ly and It Is Im­

pel'aUvp that changes 01' corrections be made by Wednesday, Oct. 3. cer­rectlonR may be telephoncd; dial untverstty extension, 8311.


I\fortar Board Alulllnae First m('rtlng of the year will be hpld TllUrsday at 6:00 p.m. with MI"I!l.

Jhlrl'Y S. llunkpl', l\\)4 l'l. Ronahls st\·cct. All new members In Iowa City are Invlll'Cl to attcnd. Call 4898 Cor dinner !·elicrVatJuns. COMMITTEE

Y.W.C.A. ~lelll&rship Tea. 1'h(' Y. W.e.A. annual fall tpa will be held from" to 6:00 ".m. Wednes·

day, Oct. a, In lhe wonlen's loung at Iowa Union. Freshmen tra.nsters and those who a"1} not members of the Y.W.C.A. are invltl'd.


l'rl'Rhlng Wries SOllholl\ol't> (,l1ntlldatrs are l'equ(,Htcd to be in uniform and (I'eshmen

,\"llhout uniform' fOL' th(' next tryout. Thursday. Oct. 4, at 4 :15 p.m. lu the armol·Y. All basics wl~hlng to tryout should be present at that time.


H om!) Economics ('Jut. The,'~ will be 1!1l Important me('lIng of Home Economics club membelll

,Vcdn('sduy Ilt 4:00 p.m. in "oom 214. GLADYS ARN

l'nh'CI'R lty " "spel' 8el'Vice Rev. Chal'les n. DI'own, D. D., of Ne,,, IIaven, COlin., will speak at the

univel'slty vespe" service on Sunda)'. Oct. 7, at 8 p.m. in the Iowa Union. lIls 8ubJ~et will be "Facing difficulties." Rev. Evans A. Worth loy, pastor ot the UnitarIan church. wlll SCI've as chaplain.


Jllltugu"al Ceremonies A II "tuuent" are request d to assemble On the weet approach tor the in·

augural procession at 9:60 a.m. Thursday. Oct. 4. Classe6 from 5:60 a.m. to 12:00 m. are being odjou"nt'o to allow students to partIcipate In the pro· cession and to attend the Inaugurn I convocation.

l"'omptncss is urgcd. Number placards Indlcate whel'C each college soc· tlon Is to form. Seetlon 1 Is for nil 1I~l'ul arts studente; section 2, law students; section 3. II1cclical students; sectIon 4, denial students; section 5, pharmacy student"; Heclion 6, engineering students; seclion 7, commerce stullents; section 8. graduate students.

Unlv",· .. lty mn,·shul. will O1'g!\I1\ZI' lhe stllrl~nts hy colleges and escort them to rffiet'ved Rl'utq (01' the Inaugural convocation.

Tn ca..-e the weather is unfavOI'able and nO Inaugural pl'occsslon Is heJd, studen ts al'e requl'stNi to I'eport at 10:00 a.m. to t he south balconIes ot the fleld honse fol' liberal arts 8tudentB, and fa the nOl'th balconies for all othel' sludents. F. G. HIGBEE

nil'erslt)' Libraries Tho unIversity lIumrles will be closed '.rhursday morning, Oct. 4. from

9:45 a.m. to 12:00 m., fOl' the Inaugul'alioll of President Gilmore. GRACE VAN WORMER

I'i Lam!lda Theta PI TAmbda Th<'ta will hola ItA fh'St regular meeting W edn esday, {)ct. 10,

at 6:30 p.m. at Towa Union. Please make reservation with Isabel Craw· torel. Call 4433.

All members of other chapters aro cordially invited. MARGUIRETTE STRUBLE

Triangle Club . Trlanglc club \\'111 keep opell hou se al l day and during the evening on

I he Inauguration day of President Gilmore, Oct_ 4. PROF. PERRY A. BOND

. -------------. George T. Baker of the state 'board ALL STUDENTS of education, Gov. Clyde Herring.

'LII of whom will slleak; President

To Participate In Gllmo,'o; and three Hvlng former

I Parade I Pl'l'sldenis of the University of low&, • ______ • George MacLean of Wuhlngton, D.

(Continued from page 11

the plll'ade will be: P,·of. A. H. Holl., a lum nI; Pl'of. B"uce E . Mohan, Iltate ortlclals; Prof. Harry Greene, publlo ~chool of[lclals; PI·uf. J ohn H Briggs, lIolvel'slty and Irarned SCI·

clpty lIelegates; and Prof. F red E. Holmes. the faculty.

Members at the bonrd of deans and the board of NlucaUoll will meet On the cement terrace hcforo Old

aplto1. ,[,hey will be In academic gown nnd wll1 be marsha led by Prof. Vance. Morton. The entire procesalon \\111 rorm nn cscort, led by the u nl· verslt)' band, fo r Preslden t Gllmor and his parly.

)lembers of the presldent's party

C., ChanC4lJ lor John Bowman oC 11"

University of PlttsbUl·gh. and presl. , dent Walter A. J essup of the Car· negle Foundation for the Advance­ment of Teaching, all of whom wlil apcllk .

The convocation will be broadcast over s tU.tlOl1S WSUl and woe· WHO. I In the field hou se, the basketball court h09 been reserved tor of{lclal delegate8 and faculty, the south bal· conies for liberal arts students. and the north balconi es foL' students III 01 her colleges. Other seaLs will be ovnllable to the public.

'J'hose who do not morcb In the procession have been ask,ed to be seated In the field house by 10:30.' A public add "(\S8 system wUl carrY

and Ihelr pal'l In the IJI'ogrlun of a running account of the proces­the "convocallon ('xll·a.oL·llln[lr),." s ioll fol' Ihose all'eady in the field Which will begl" nt the fll'lil hOll "O house. Ilt II n. m., are: p,·or. Hon,l . F. Sham· l'ollowlng lhe convoclltlon pro·

1 baugh, master or ceremonies; Prot. gl'llm. a lun heon at rowa. Unlonl M. Willard Lampl'. chaplnln; Dea n Itll(l a reception at lhe home of,

al'l Eo HeA.l!hol·c, Corm!'r Guv. Fmnk Irl't!ld~lIt I1nd M,·8. Gilmore wltl con-j O. Ln\\'n~n or 111111,,110 . Pr~RIrI ~ lIt cluao th n dl1Y', e\·cn tH. ..,

, -

~ II'lembcrsh

30 ",emL bri'"

IO'va Clll 11gb, • btSU1 \V'lhln t

annoonccd ,.11 Mo rmnk I,. ,,(he orga

f he


I bulletha r of The

~• t PUb-most be

I omce. o notice. written.



Wednes· transters


4, from


Gertrude Stein, Seldes Head Times Club Series ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 ;Iowa City Lecture Society lainI'd from 1.1lss Fosler, u.od tht'y will alwJ he availabte In the school or J<>u I'nall~m office, or from !\irs, lIlal'gul'r:tr W .. rner Ilt Williams' Iowa o'tpply. T he lectures by vis· Ithtg HP\'akerH will be given 10 the .Amerl~.lll Legion building, and the artern )0'1 lectu res will be In the

SUllda~'''' to he published tltls month, (01' which PI'of. Omnt Wood ot th .. gl'l1phlc anll plastic arts u -partm'n- dl'Higned the jacket.

~Ic mlXH ot Della. Sigma nho, hon­orary rC" ensle 8ocloty In lite river Iroom of l owa. Union.

Prizes in Frivol Circulation Drive

Set at $10, $5


To Begin Membership Drive Within Few Days, Mott Says

A pr~IIJl1lnnry meeting is planned for Novcmbpr, at which Rousseau Voorhie~ of the Mucmlllan Publish­Ing cortranY, an Intlmatij friend of Miss SeelO, a nd FOI'est S]laulding, public 1;llrarlan In n .. s Moines, will Rllellk or. the work of tho Paris writ·

A ftl'l' hoveral short ana Informal l\PCe~!'s, the g roup organized 1t­solr as a "congress" and heard the "ma.jol'lIy and minority r port!!" or a special Invest lgallve commillee on movies.

'I'ho woman &cl!lng tho most sub­

scriptions to J~t'lvol will recel va $10,

and second prize wi\) be $6, It was

Members iu Club Be Limited To



A membe"ship drive. designed to

IMI ~O members inlo the Times I rJJb, [o"'a City Ircture socl('t~·, will II! In w'Lhln the nexl fpw days, it ,u announced yeslerday by prof. rrnnk [,. Moll, secrctllry·trcasurCl' rt tbe orgonlzallon.

The mtlnberehlp cam lJalgn wi ll be

For Lunch or When T It a t IIlid..Afternoon Fatigue Comes Alon&,

Try Whet's No, 1


For Tasty Lunches and Fountain Coolers

Whet's No. I

river room of IOWa Union. Mcm­ulIMr Ih~ ,1!I'ccllon of l"Jol'l"'n CC Fos- b<'rshlp wl'l be strictly limited to 11"'1'. .\ ~en"on memb('rH hlp tlc l<et , 30r, prlc('<i a l $~, cove rs admission to a! HllelllcPra who hnve b pll scheduled F<,ril's or six Il"'clures by internlltton- 10 appc"I' on tlte club's programs ally known flgul'(~B In lItorature'l "ero untlouneed fo llowing 1\ lunclt-

COn m,,~ting of th~ governing board

"GN'/t'ud" Stl'ln roS('s" wm'e the order or the df\Y Il~ mem· IlI'rH of tho Gertnule Steln club, l\uxiJiar~' organization lli' the 'fitlh\K chtb, met at JOWlt Union ye~u>r'iay.

E[lrh membl'r of Ute club, the first of lis kinu orl:"anl~f(1 In lite Unitrd RI Mes, Wf\S present'd wit h n rose nt It luncheon on the '}'"ial1l:'lo sUn porch, The I:"rOUII wns "hotOgraIJhed hold· Ing Ute I'OSI'S, In ltou"r of Miss Ktein, whose moUo IlIls been "R~sp is It rOSe Ie 1\ "ose is 1\

rose." Thr dUb wos established to

glvc " iSH Stein a "fitllng wel­('ome" when she roml's to Iow8. ( 'Ity ill Decembpl', Anyone may be<'omo It 1Il1'1Itbl>r Q.('c()l·dirv:· to :\II'S, l\IJII'g'Uerite Wl'rncr, presi­dent.

music an" politics, and an auxiliary

y "t<'rd'ly ut Iowa Union by Tom 1'08l'Iorr, 0 of JlIason City, prcsl­dent or the orgl\n lw.t\on,

Gf'rtrulle Stpin Ilea uS List Ocrtt'tuclc Sleln, whoso writings

havo caused a fu ror In tho literary \\'01'1<1, v! 11i headline the club'S schedule. j\ !Isa Slehl will speak hero D~c. 10, coming from th e Uni­versity of Chicago, where sho Is scheduled to give Cl &cries or lec­tures.

J. M Iddlelon Murray, former NlI­tor Of The Athenlum, Clnd In ' recent yeal·. I'd ~tol' or Tho Adelphi, wlll Mleuk here In Ja nuary. Mr. Murry husbo.n I or lho Inlo Kathcrlno .Innsrleld , has blll'n wld~ly known fO l' his literary criticism.

Following ~rurry On the schedule will bo Gilbert SeIde a, dramatic ('rltle nnd columnist Of Th!) New 10rk Ev('nlng J ournal. Selr!es, who ""II! addr sa thf' ('!lIb In To'('hrual'Y, Itas been known for his crltlclli In­terest In all the arts, particulllrly drama and mustc.

North to Talk Slerling North, literary editor of

cr. , Two (.prn dates :\I~ now belli/{ con­

tmetell. Amon~ the porsons bemg contlldcn'u for these dates nre Phil Strong, Iowa w ,'lter and author of "Slate Fair," formrr Oovernor Ph tl­III Lahll(>lle of Wisconsin, and 'V. C. Uan,l~, expert n the "blueR" 'ype or mURI~ anel COm poser of " Th!) St. Louis BlueR."

'rhe nll('rnooll meetings wil l pre­sent Mix UnlVN'slty of Towa 8IJeol,­l'I's. 1'''1' first lecture w ll! be by Pror. W. Leigh Sowers of the Eng· lIsh dCI):lI'tmenl, who will describe the Rus,lnn thl'utl'e tl'sllval, which he saw i" Moscow recently, Other speakp':H will be Prof. Edwin leo I'd I'IPN' of tltc Engll~h <1Cpartment who will rend his poetry, Professur 'Vood. ,yho wll! show thl' work being dont' here on the Public 'Vork~ of A I't jll'olects, 1',·ot. Georgc R. Davies of tlte roll.$'e of commerce, who will talk on ,'('covery, anel Professl' Mott who \VIII I'encl selections crom Negro I poetrY.

150 Attend Mixer For Debaters At

Union Last Night serlPH .:f six aflN'nOon meetings at which prominent university or lawn slnff membcrs will be speakers. Sin­gle ad .ni~slon tickets to each lecture wl\l lw p"lcer! a t $1.

;llembcrshlp tickets muy b(' ob-

Thl' Chicago J~vcnlng News, '''''i11 nP- Debut" '·., orato r., anel al1 kinds pear in M'lrch . Mr. North Is the or pUIJlI~ speakers-100 atrong­a uthor Of a new novel, "Plowing on met last ttl~ht a.t the annual foren·

Arlhu' Barnes, A3 of Eagle announced at a meeting ot soliCitors Grove, .... ported for the mo,Joril)' against Il"' ovles alld lI arry Kotlnr, E3 of Davenport, reported tor tho minority. John lillwklnson, AS at Davenport, also took the C1oo r, "pec<klnlf for lhe movies. After somo t1lscus~lon, tho "bill" for tlto abolishment of movies was vot \1 down, Jchn Harrison, G of Oak­Ia.nd, acled uo; chllirman of tho meet­Ing' an ·1 inll'oduced the following speakers:

\\'all.lcP Ashby, G of Oelwein; Earla B'ulnl' J oseph, A3 Of Hamp­ton ; Tom 1'oselorr, a or Mason City; Robert BII\\tely. A2 of Onawa; Slaten Browning, A2 of Iowa City; zectrord Durriss, A2 of DCs Molnl's; Prof. H. Clay Hursh.barger; Prot. A, Craig Ball'd; or.d Orville Hilcheock ,

In tlte journalism building las t night.

The 10 highest ill Individual Brues wllt bo Inll'oduced as Frivol starr member~ at th Frivol Frolic, all- I university party, Oct. 12.

All persons Interested [n working on tho business staff have been asked to call at the Fri vol oftlee [n the Journalism building after 3

o'ciock thls afternoon by Mary A' I' nrlley, business manager,

I Child Welfare Study Club Meets Tonignt i

!\Irs. }\ lden ].ean, 918 N, DOdge ~troet, wll! be hostess at the first

CASINO Every Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri.


No Cover Charge

Come out and see us 'sometime

WEEI{LY BUSINESS REVIEW The Firms Who Make This Page Possible Are Deserving of Your Patron ..

age as Merchants. They Make Possible the Progress of Your Community and Solicit Your Business on the Basis of the Very Best Service for the Monev You Spend.

Vogue .Beauty Shop

Complete Relmn Culture B7 E3:pelience(l Op4'nltora

S)lt'ellllizlllg In Permanent \Vavin,

U. S. Ruyf\l TIre. Globe U.tterlu


Henry Linder


DI.I 1615 21 E. OoUell". St,


Announces New Special Serv­ice for Students' Laundry Needs.

ice which has been planned talk with us about our new but extends to all Phillips sta­for the benefit and conveni- special student laundry serv- tions in this territory. The ence of the laundry needs of ice, We're sure that you will local proprietors service these

welcome its convenience and the students living in Iowa stations and operate trucks economy. ' City. A 10 70 cash and carry dis- to other stations and sur-

As a special feature of this count is allowed on all bun- rounding towns, new service, all sox are darn- dIes of 50c or over, or our de- Phillips 66 gasoline is prov­ed all clothes mended and livery trucks will call for and ing very popular, not only in

Here's good news for stu- ali missing buttons re~laCed deliver your laundry. Iowa City but all over the dents! The New Process free of charge. I state, "Bob" and H.enry point Laundry, 313-315-317 South The cost of the student I BOB AND HENRY l out, Although it came on the Dub?que street announces a laundry bundle is arrived at market only a few years ago,

eClal student la ndry sel'V I comparatively speaking, it sp u - in this manner, Your laun-I C·t L'k N Ov now forms a major gasoline

dry bundle is weighed and Olva 1 y I es ewer· brand in the south and riiid-DR. A. H. JOEHNK you are charged 8c a pound, night Greasing Service. west.

LOI'al Veterlna.rian Shirts are washed and cus- Many Iowa Citians are




H. I. Jennings Repreaenllnr The Tro.""leu

1n8urft.Dce Co.

Electrle OUpper for Small tom finished ready for wear pleased with the new over-Animal. at 12c each. Handkerchiefs

132 E. Hurlln81ol\ Street are washed and finished for night greasing service offer-Dial 323. 1c each. Shirts and shorts, ed by Bob and Henry's oil

BOB & HENRY sox, etc" are washed, soft station, at the corner of Bur­ We call for and deliver cars for washing, greasing,

tire repairs. SUPER-CREAMED ICE CREAM ;~E~~~I

dried, and folded ready for lington and Gilbert streets, use at no added charge, according to Henry Herring

r,. Butterscotch 1Iiapie Nut I Chocolate 25c qt.

Strawberry 28c qt.

and "Bob" Leinbaugh, pro­prietors.

Persons may leave their automobiles at the station in the evening, and th~ir ma­chines, greased, washed, or repaired, will be delivered to

"Greasing Service 24 Hours Daily" PHILUPS 66 GAS and MOTOR OlLS

LEE TlRES Bob and Henry Want to See You

A.t 323 E. Burlington St. ! Banana Nut

Cherry Nut 17 t Vanilla 15 c p • Fresh Peach cpt.


H Your Property Ncods Repairs, Call Us Now

.. ,Hunzinger. Wagner Co. W . H. \Vn g-ner, Pres, ~ TI'ea8.

General Building Contractor,

821 East Jefferson St.

Barry Transfer and

Storage CALL 6473

General ' It f.,(mg Distance Baulln' Packing " Storage

All Loads Insured 1U9 E, Wa8hlJlgton ........ 6478

Phone 4830

CHARLES A. BECKMAN Fun.eral Director

Phone 3240

With such a money saving arrangement, the New Pro­cess wishes to stress the thought that you can save time, save money, and go well-dressed with custom laundered clothes for less Illoney than you can send your laundry home.

B'y the time postage or ex­press has been paid both ways on your laundry when you have it done at home, and your faIllily has paid for washing supplies, electricity and gas, you can have it done here for considerably less money. And besides, think of the work that you have saved your mother in the meantime.

You are welcome to call uS at 4177 at any tiIlle or come to our IPlant at 313-315-317 South Dubuque street and


Phone 3138

, II

their doors the next morning. The overnight service, start­ed for the convenience of their customers, has met with warm approval, "Bob" and Henry say,

The station, combining some garage work with the usual sales of gasoline, oil, and tires, offers many con­veniences. A complete greas­ing service, wash rack, and tire repair shop are handily located to give complete serv­ice with dispatch, In addition to the major facilities, bat-tery testing and other serv-ices are available,

Four pumps dispense the Phillips 66 gasoline sold there, The "Bob and Henry" gaso­line service is not confined to their own station, however,

IOWA BRAND "Quality Creamery Butter"


Good Food

PUONE 6757

GRIFFITH DAIRY Raw Guernsey MlJI{-Coffee Cream-Whlppin, ere Bill­deU,'ered anywhere In Iowa CUy

rhrue 11. ••• for 1I-P8

Unman SmIth Frank E. Ullrl'Qr

rhODe 6885

SMITH & BURGER "Better Builders"

GENERAL OONTRACTORS U8 Ea.t 0011.11". Stre.t

Iowa Olty, 10"'.

NEW PROCESS It's the Name of a Good Laundry


J. T. URE DeRler f\ftd Ooatractor

Tile, MI\l'ble, Terr8%o, Slate Rubber Tile

Tile for Bathroom., Porche., Mantels, Fireplaces, Vestibules, Swimming Pool.. Sun Room., Sinks, elC.. Built-In Batlu'oom Accoo.orlea \D White and Color •. Tile Hou.o Numbocs, Electrlo

Healer8. Medicine Cabinet. 117 4tb Ihe, 8. E. O~", RIlDld., 11\, T~h~ l~holle Nu,nberl

Office 2·6810 Be., 2-1881




Z!4 Ea8t Colll'"e Stree&

Iowa City, Iowa

Good Cooking Good Service

'Alwa.ys At

Marty's Cafe 121 So, (lInton Street

. ,


mcetln; of the Child Wel!nl'O Tiadlo

Study dub, Under the auspices of

the Rhlmek Pnrent-Teacher asso­

clutlon, tonight at 7:30, r.lI'S. !{"y Lacina win Inke charge

of lite meetings, which wil l be every \Vednc~lt"y el·enlng, In t.he honte of II. ntc~ l )e r, Persons JntereijtNl In jOining Ihe group may obtain In· formallon from Mrs. Lacina.

Today and Thursday

14 : trl ! 4 fl] FROM THE DIARY OF

... Catherine The Great!

• J\rlded ,JOYS. A Good Scout


-Late News--

Meet that DOUBLE· CROSBY the SPOON· ER and the CROON· ER!


"She loves menol­


S tar t's" T 0 DAY!

Thur day-Friday

2 Big Features

And only costs you

I 2 6c After~oon I ___________ E_v_e_n_ln~g~ __ ~

I No.1 Feature I The book that swept the na­tion is burning up the screen.

"".r~ ldnct May Oliv" Conrad NaDel hu .. C.loot

No.2 Feature

The lure of the tropics menaced their love!


Pathe News

, -

• The Big Hit At the Chi. cago Theatre This Week Is the Third Consecutive Bull's Eye of Our Great· er Movie Season!




Ernest Truex "His Lucky Day"

Fox News


~'!' lli i.1 ENDS FRIDAY

GEORGE RAfT in the most temp­

estuous rom a n ce

since "Blood and

Sand" .. the grand

bull·fighter ••. be­

loved of women .••

a r ole Valentino

would have coveted!

The TRUMPET ..... "lIh


dele on Plea ed

Irisb oaeh Former eads lale.

T uroliua

1t.\J.lc:IGII, S. ~'.

,'arollna ;tal"

III Inn I [or a , r

IIde II. who le-aml'd hls f, t rroln Knut" J!(ll'kn.,

UUI th)'- nln

Ins;' tli" btl)

Inll!:hl him, drllhnc t III ~'8,

Hunk ;<' mnny or Ihe I: ,,"tne n,1 I{U whll .. h all(1 1. 11'1' th C<I ~h

.\11,1 he kno\, that ore not wun on Ilr tCtif,)l18 » Il'!'r, hul 1m th. rI .. I,],

"'fh,It'a \\h)' I'm tryln tll ·t my h",,, 1 0 r. Uze I h y'\'~ t:',1 to scrap fttl· II mlnut"l1 In l'v.,ry galll"," h " 1'1. InR.

"W.· /11

rlt. 1 .Inn't know It",.. 8"'.1. I \\'I"re golnJr to win Be" 'ml lIll f II,"

InRI"/u) or th I lion from whl .. h h lI"'k,'o\ hi" "Ialel ot, 'ot.·o n "11'. h,· lIill hnn, 0 t'f)1Il1t I tlvt'· Ir .mull 8'1ua,1 at • 'onh \ "tTflllnll Slnt ...

"I,;,·, I'Y"I1t! or th an men \\ III Iwl Int1h~ldu·l.l lraillinu," hn '--(lurld..-'1. "J hOJl" I.. II ,., I h, nl \\' 1I·"r IIIn,11'<1

lbwk (.Hd bn luJ. )U"'a 34; • 11th Dakota O. 0 '1. 6-Sorth tern tber • Oct. 13-Sebrs.s:ka illerI'. Oet. !G-Jow ' Ce elK-re,

an tJrftl 'ch rdu1r , CUII ' I.

Oct. ·7-l\Unnesota he I'll. Sov. 3-Jndlalll~ there, Nov. 10-I' ul'i1ue here. Nov. 21-0hl0 State Ihere.



Iowa Victory Party Held

In Chicago

u. s. Monopolizes Golf Tourney I I'll Betcha' Wells Drives Men Through

Long Session · O'ht Pra tice Capacity Crotvd Likely for lmc(bo

IOt(la tate Game Dee Exp

To B in bape For Game

d Old Gold Clln " ho want to C('II!-

I brate 1. W&·. vic lOry Qver Xorth- A n~s, Oct, 2-A s Ilout or tick. \\' It"~n In hlcajfo ,'al urday 11\ (It for thf> 10WII prne Is lle~mlnt:'I)' nnd \'OOI'l'l'&tI"n III I~ Pal11l~r ur d hy thl' ad"ance onJ r. fm' Hou \\h re the ] O\\'U VINOry par- \I('kl.'ta from nil portB or the atat .... t)· \\'11\ ~ situated with h udlluar- At present, th w .. t 8 ('lion oC th

hla "ar- l(OrR In r,.'1Il No, 1!1 • ~tndlum I" old out to the 25,), rd

Ihe rh~r

I .. Ie\,ell i Thl. "111 Il/> a port of t\Vo pi n8 lint'. and th nat 'etion la gone camll sponsorid b~" lh .. nQ('k I land rall- to rhp 35')'anJ llne... OnJet'll contln.

.... a)· art~r- \Va}'. 'II, f ir L InelulI .. round- un 10 flock In, mo t of them being lrlp ~u reo huI!.'1 aceommodatlons bloc onll'rs from )own rUII!A.

Five Britons Eliminated In

Two Rounds I Lucile Robin on Up et

In First Match By Edith Quier


Dizzy Dean Hits 'Homer' at Navin

Field-in Practice

DETHOJT, Od. :z (AP)-Dizz)'

D un Jrot his first home run M , avin fielll Cooay-In prllc,


H e stopped 011 Ih field, In his

My Piccolo Quad Boys Do Little

Prognosticating On Outcome of Series. Little Hawks Key

Princeton; Look Improved

City hlglt' .. !';t'illders w('nt


In eal'ne8t y<'6lertlay In IIreporatlo fOI' th~ll' Wilsie l"1'lday with th

l'aln ~ .' nh \\ ·t rn playa, the II "'com rB "ork.M 0 l\ln~t the first

ring: f.lltC,t wllh fnlr r ulls but til Irl k) Wlldc;!t r<lnnatlon bat-

with th,' lo,,'u Party at Ih Palmer Plana [lre ulld I' way 10 Inst H(lUM F!'Ida)' Or Saturdny nlllht and t"mpol'llry ble ch .. rs.

11 T'fllLrHJELPHL\, Oct. ~ (.\1')-I ',h I1rlll h Lion on the Vnlon Jilek

I :\'Inlt nb(l\'e tbe Whlt€tnar h VulleY Country clun roarlo(\ with I)aln tl>(lo:: ntl 011 but one membPr oC John 13ul\' rurtl" Clip tl'arn wa.~ ",'1('( (\ rrom the thirty-eighth wompn's IIIItloll81 ~olt champlon .. hlp.

tre~t clothes, on the way 10 the dressing roolll, dropved hi 8 O\ler· COtlt, picked up 0. bat aD.l s trp' ped to I he plate.

H e IIk'ld(ed the second oUer.

"1'11 lay yOU two to onl' that thp

ul'ds use Dizzy COl' the rit'st gl\m~

and Ie they do, It'8 ju.t 100 hn,l to I' the old Schoolboy. That &11'1 of his will hn \'e to spend h .. r time ",o.shln,:' the salt out ot his hnnkle8 Insten<1 or honeynloonlng. Comeo on, now, ~tou

Tiger luns nml put up the money.

l'\'e bfen C1t1anclnlly mbal'rORl'et1

e"er since I had that date with lhe

dnme front O"~I· CUI"riel" wny, and

an exlm buck or so woulel come In

ha ndy."

hIghly lout('d Prlncelon. 1\1,.,., cleven Conch 'Yell. l}UI his Ill .. n through g l'uelling f<cl'lmmage which lastel more Ihan an houl' anll n hale. 1"r faC ing the actual conlact )ll'll<'tic Ih .. boys sp~nt some tlmn III 810:n drill. perfectlng lhelt' in(ll virlual a "Ignm('nts on the vnl'lous plnrA,

fh 1 t h ontl t .. um lit tim I. J.'ol\owlng n sllurt Q Ion \\ Itlt the

rlln -", ''''Il'1I Rull'lll look hl~ IIlnr I .. ","rk wllh IA Ihlrll rle,· n

perteclin!: tpwa (ormatt'lns. 'fl'e £CI'iIl'1I1R 1'8 ", .. r .. lIr 1\ light na­tllr tn 81.1n,I oft I" Ihl Injury to qllad m ntlH'rs.

)bjllr)' 1."1 Jrrr\' roster, \\ ho had an InJuretl

unkli\ unu ~hUtln V (\. oul with r. torn Ugumrnt I nr' .·~I'f'('lt·rJ In h"" In Hhal'Q rur I h~ Db: Tf'n oJ)l'n I' Raturd ,. Llnyd I tr,rfrllan l()uk u\'·

r 1"<1 'tpt'll IArkl Po~llilln while 11111 :-;.,<'1 111'111 d .. wn 11 ,.'"

a worU's rolr ROU\, nlr ltd III I Ion tlrk .. ! fJr $;.9:;,

,"'or 11,,·~t' w\tt) drl\'(' to Illl' lIome. the .~ oml tour furnish hot I ac-rommo<Jnt Ions an,l 1\

Ilrket fur $3.50. Sow 'Iii lOll



","rid' ! Ir

to do Is heat

Plans Under Way for Quad Sport Program

First Virtory Pleases Iowa

State Coach A:\IE_~, 1,1 .• Od. ~,-\yltll tlte op·

"nlng I"1I111!' antI one vlrtor)' under IIA helt, the Inwu Hiate SIlUlld !x'gun Il1'I'P,wlt"'n t",lar rar the Crlllll It l·SIll,' R 'urds),.

C'0Uf";1 Grnq.;p Y('~'nker wa", rtltht"t" well _:ltlafl II with the " huwlng "r the Crclllllhi III lha Lut\lI'r "ame.

While Wanda Morgan, 1931 Eng. 118h wunwn's Champion. l'('mnlnl'll Ihe ROl~ Bur\,I\'or ot the furt'lglI ('\1111· j"l1jt1', Rlx of Ihp Arn('rl('ull CUfl"tHR rea~h ... 1 th(' third round. '/'hl'lr t hl'e .. Yllun"'Rt t~ammtltu tell hy th~ wa)'· .. Ide,

Fi hwid, • ' Illetrdl'k l'd

Ing or Del llnlter, Tiger coach, inlo Ihe center field bleachers.

"That's what l 'm goi ng to /10 to Schoolboy R OI\'e," h o yeUed II he set out 011 a run for the locller room.

Cards Made "Say wlsc gUY, the Cnrds haven't

a ehonee. All they'vE' gol for Illtch·

Ing is (he Dean boys und those goyS

The flrsl strin/{ had ~ome 'llffi cultr at C1l'st with rumbll'~ and Ih scr ubs m01'(' than heftl th('II' own HowrvPl' a RcJntlllallmc /lash h POo~1' got lhem clicking nnd ane

01'1' nil p('tered out. You can't pilei' thnt II,.. first 1'I~1'pn I'nn lI",nu/:

Favorites To a [ellow evrry other day and eXJ)l'cl nnll nround the dpfrn", at \VII him to .. tnnll Ihe strain." W hen Ihp sltuutlon wail I'rv~rst,

W. p "Oh. you can·t huh? Well, did anri the s('contl stl'ing wns glv('n th m ennant yau eve" I,ear or a guy call('d )1nl· hllll th('y found an lmlll'<'gnabl(' lin floloJen hal rod Dlanu. 1~I"hwlck. lhpwson, and Rome of those other old· anrl were unable to gai ll.

193) nrltl~h chomllinn ana thr most tim .. rs'i If they could, why Ct,n'l Ag~ln lIluch timP \Val< ~I)('nt 0 r,'al'~tI Olr the Ilrltlsh In,II"lolI, \\'n~ wr. U)IJfS, Ot'l. 2 (.1 P)-Od(l~ of th('s .. rnOI,(, I'ecrnt hurlers?" pnA" play~, w01'I; .1 <lilt or ~ingll' an

In Ih rUIHlanll'ntnl (lr tho gUIII' ('Ol'lll'\' ,rulk"'·. who waR uM'd Han, on Predict

ea, on, Keen Rivalry

Full "~\IUnuKh thf tP'un Inuk4.1 dr­

cld<'rlly rnggl'd nt tIIllP.," ~alol \'(>(·n. k"I·. "ill th.· rlrsl 111111 f .. urth quar· IPI'II It rlldlr 1,".k",1 itI,,, " hall dub "lth W.lIIlIIIJllltI.'R rur the L"mln~ f4f·n~lln.'·

. 1,1<' t ra,'kl'(l In thl B"cond I'uun,l In 15 to 1 an(1 ~ lt1 I. l'esllectively. "Pip .. down! How <10 you think" ~oulJle hlllnn""R, wllh ~!ilI"I', all (>n.I II RlIlnnlng ftutlll'llI(' ""rUn!; hy th agalnsl thl' n .. tl·olt 'I'I~""H or St. [pllow cn n ShHll'? Uesldea. who ,wmethn('s comlllA out or tho [It", t hll,ky lU )'1'01' old Dorothy Traung [.ollis ("lI'dlnaltl wlnntn" Ih~ worlel NU'PH 0. ,'ap wllo wins?" ,10 thl' lI,rowlng. and on nther 0

"f SUII )·'I'IIfl"'~CO. M.r1,," In ["UI' "\t'ulght gaml'" \\'l'l'e "Yah, and JURt look nt Ihe bntting cltRlons 1\{'IIICf 011 lhe r('('"lving elll [ hopn III lie· H&:htlr I ~t ,\I k Itt .11'111 IIIH[ In thP


hi II" ')''' of Iltn hUllt·hulled !-'1If"t \'hn BOOf" nnd '''It.. nt lhe '!I'bl t kltll IIr error. Huth r, I.. I I' ill,nt 111.1 ~\,(ln·

'<'ml"'. d un.l • KOI1<I I shlhltilln "C t~lIal'l tnutlmll 1,1'111-8 "LUI,lItll.

"1l.m'l e,'p CI t .. " mll .. h. JII t I:I~" 119 a ('hancp,1t Ill' atlmrlUJ. II 1)1i'

, 111 hll la tl Il1l1lelll hod>, ,n I IIlulIl' It I.

llflwkpyp Triumph Of Lflst Y (Jar A

Radio Fe(ltllre

,\ 1'('~Ullle or In~1 )'~IU"H I 'm ' XIWIII\>! 'It'rn fuulb.ll] ,Ullle wlll " , t t urc of th(' '\PI'IIly h ... "ltlCII"', {"I\'('r lIy or JOwa ~1I"rl . r~,' ll'w, onr Rlatlon " Nt r t 9:30 thl I' , enlnl:,

1'h 41 1· ... nll1l'«·I·Uf' of ill ~

~am ar~ b('ln~ I:hl'l1 a' a "lIrr· Ihl1itllu'" til till' III"a ~lIrllt ·

\\~'It'rn I(nlll". \\hl It \\111 Ollt'll \rt'",h'rn {,Hnft'l"·, .. ,,(,t'

III El'lIIl,Itll1.

CoJumhu. WillS 4 th tilile Series }~ray

TOU"S'f'o. (),ol, ~. (.\PI-me; );.1 lI .. tll .. q~r .hut nlll Ihfl '1""'011111 .\lIII'I~

IA'af~ I\',Ih IlIli hltll lonlghl ",hilt II,,, 1'"lul/lhu9 1: ,I IJIr,Is ""11 th" (nUrth ' ml' "r thl! Llttlo \\ ol'ld Rtd/ tt I to o~ *rh "Jrt"r.r .. a\ th" .\ ItlPri('u.n u. udatlun rl'l.r lonln .. th'(~ it n to t H~ I'glll tn J:,lItn ft'l til''' I' rn (;.I~,] Ihdr tllY In Toronh •• .\ Itrml"'r by ),IJ.,k,\\' Ikalh hJ"U1U;Jht

1 \ ... ·0 ur th. ColUJllhu. rUIU ••

}OIIU' II , J •• kulll {'unlt 1 f wUl'I(f'1t with \(>rnl(\ "11 .. III Ih .. <'lIti 1'" tM. Walk­

~.l'. 1;, IlliUntls hi' '"fer th:tn En Ju.nd. ,hnuhl ..:i\' lil 1I11Wk")'I1I mu('h r",.,1 ,I pounda' on th.. flank.. I'ontlnuallon or Q II n II ran Il'I (' 111 ,,'11 gll"nl Itt ,I I[ III' Is not IIl>le 10 IIpOI·t" rOl' the farlh<'''lIllng y(>or wn" 1,1 y, ,\In uilltl flllli u heavl~r man <1('flnit"Iy d''''hl''" uIICln at:1 m,·etlng 11\ U '. ('. eh Hul,'m hll I~''''I work- or th .. Quull ('ounl'll Monlluy c,en­lng fl 11 1.1111.11 rK Rllt! 11111 Sed ilL In\:. ,'uu,.I, ll.lh III'a.ler thun J)I'{'. Bill 1I0naon. prtRld~nl or the

IA'II H' FrhJn)' counrll, WUB temparnl'lly llut In III ~h h:,cklll'l.1, lJwlght 1I00ver (har,;" II ori nlzlng til .. 111'01;1'''",.

b 1.1 rl"Wn t hll h,dr!>::, k 110>1 h~ hll-' 'rh he::lnnln/! or uct uul R(JOrts ac­"ccn h~r;ttg wllh JI~l'In:l" I;I'hn .. lrt- 1I,ltlp" IIUW awnltll n con. ultnUon III n. with Ov' I-IlnIl1lUIIH, Dick .. r ~h·. lIan on With th unlvel· .. lty r",'Ylle, lid (' I(lt. Ilus" m6hl'r com- athl ,tI~ tlrpartmpnl, un,l rurther 01-I'letlru: t,h '111"1'11'1. ganl~ 11'.n within Ih .. Qu d It. Ir,

'I',.la)"1l dlill Lll1d 11 II 'ht w .. rkout ' I'hlll nrllon r Illtlve to 8pona Is I,'Il1UrI'OW wIll [Inl.h Ihl' hum" work heltl!: token Ull at II' l thrN! \\,1'~1·,.

II)(' Ih lownnH us thl'~' l~a\'1' tOl 1'1\1'11 r thnn In lll"'vlou YI'O.I·S, /tr. l:vlln t"" !'rl,lny mllrnlt'!: nrrJ"lnlt Nlrdln'{ 10 .1 r. IlanRon wlllell woulll In tim ror IL IImiJl'rlnlr-uP dl'1I1 nt lnrlicntr thut enlhu 111,,11'1 II10nl: lhh. D)'cl1l' Muulilnn Jo'I'I.!tlr uftern .. "", line Is tron N' than I'vor. :'lit·. Ilan·

High Gri<ifler, Pr(>pare for Irish

Contest on Friday

,'., ,. I .It'ly I~I tI'I' IHII hts I nl~('r~' Itr hl!!'1 I;l'Idd,'r8 thmu",h n lI'ely ,·rll1l1l1~r." 10,1 IIll1ht In 11l'PIJUrutioll

r"r th" ~Ilm Frloln~' nhcht with St I'al's NI 1'(,] ruwn Flpld.

Ron pre.ltcts 0. full lII'UJ<on or keen 1'1, ,·"h·y \., t \\",pn thl varl<lUM M' tion ...

Murrel Former Army Grid tar,

In Retirement

WA 1I1~C'fON , Oct. 2 (AP)-Re' I""rln on II P IlIlrt' III 1,\' r,'JIl1'fnnt~1I """Illl'nt un Sl'Conc\ I.lrltt. John H .

101 h 1·1, n'lI tlmt ,,"er"'·",l n One ~lUI'I'('I, onet' one or AI'III}"" brlKh t· lulll'\l,l"WIl ,It,r, I 1 ... 1 "".·k "1ll1 at 1'81 (ootllall stars, WaJI announcl'u f'L .\ mllro"p. I hI' Illue mrntotr 18 today by thl' Will' department, \I",kln" l.r. In to prl:'flar(' hi" grlddN'S fur Ill ... tlp-ht l:;tln~ IIyually prl>(luc­t',1 J,y 11'1' rutlurul rlly I'hall'r,

Thl' departmpnt Mid )tur1'el had be(>n I'HII'I'II ('" ot Sept. 30 beCo,U9 all /\.Tmy I'erlrlng hoard hnd found him "Incupurltated COl' 11C'II1'e 8en'·

l"wlt Stalf' 1<- '." ,\.IEi, II.. (h't. 2, C,\JlJ-A llfO- Murrel , until hlB r IIrl.'mcnt. WM llli"11 p" til!; drill a~a'nHt the 'rc- stationl'd ut Fort 8nm Houston,

'·nd nn,) thlnl Il'llm" "aft gln'n th T ex. Llul'lng Ills service th re h

H It

10wa ;;tlll .. ,',lr t~· to.la," hy ('onch WII8 ncqultt(,(! nc criminal charg 8 (l'~II'IH! \'.· .. nk"r who In,lkutl'fl ht b~ought ogatnst him by 0. TexWl

n lulf!l1d· lC" nlf>{'t Orlnn(,lI'. Ila es woman. ('otunl·m~ '0

Tm"'Olo ) LRttf'II('M:

finO tlnll

002 n~o-~ 7' 2 ~:lturd.l)p with 1>a8~(1A. 1100 01)11-'1 :! 0 erial

II u,,~' r un.l O' J) n; 1.u 8a and

plnns w,ro JI~ nlM


Janet Gaynor and Lew Ayres in a cene from "Servants' Quarters," now showing at the Strand.

Way D own '\'hlle Seattle, " 'ilsh ., WIlJI enjoy·

Ing n n unusunlly IU't)speI'OU8 season (Ot· Its baseball c lub, the Sacrnmen· to, Cui., t am took a (Ino.nl'lal t o· ho~gan, gnt,· re«>lpts dro lmlng to $15 and $20 per I:ame,

Hallahan Navin Field Complete

Sellout; Prices Soar

(ConUnued (rom Page 1)

Walker . another l>orLBlder who Cln­

j>hed the I 'ague campaign III great

£lyle and James (Tex) Cnrleloll, a

• aeont'd righ l handel', but thc !in­

g~r point!' to Ho.1lnhan ns the No. )

a lternate for sC\,Pral re/lllons. ""1111

Bill" has the distinction of dOing b ('­

roie work In the 1931 world series 18 well as the advontage o( having twice whlppell the T igers In exhibi­tion gam stili .. y ar.

It 18 arlu II that Hallahan will have lhe bulg' on such left-handed sluggers In Ihe Tlgt'r baulng ordel' as J o-Jo White, Cochra n hlmsel[, Chorley Oebrlng"r, kC)'SIOne man of t he Iron bound Detroit Inti ld . nnd the veleran Goose GO!<lIn . n wor1<1 .!)erles Clgure with WnshlllstOn ] 0 , 'ears ago •

.JlICglin, Art Cochrane perCormM his part or

lht! juggUng act todDy by m nklng th flat stnt m~nt that If th Ider Dean sta.M8 [or the X utlonal lcague champIons Alvin (General) Crowder. right hand d velt'ran, will b In th tox ror the A mer lcan I ague llCn­nant winne rs. OtherwIse. ngalnsl Jlnllahnn, 01' a ny ot lim remaining C':u'llb'l/ol sharpshooter s , och raJl(, will "Inn hls giant young rlgtn

~11. s 1·'lshwll·k h:111 H(·o",·,1 III th,.. "frl' "1',1 10dJ)' by 'rom f'..:('nl·I1I'Y, \IN. IW('l'(lg('" that thos,' C.lnllntllH ttl'" POolel' and .T'm~" III"" pIL1y(',1 In, pOI' morlling l'41u.ul uVl'r Jwr ('Onllmtriol. t'ran l~ttJng ('mnn\I~~lull<'I'.Allortlng. \Vh y, ('ollinH nnd ~t (l(]- lint rol<'A 1n the fll'rinl aHne1·,", 111l1·1. I'hllmlll"'8, nOIl-llla)'tn!; I'UP- - I th II I" "'Iek will hankrullt mo,t any cluh H"""I'J,I ,11'1,,"('tI Ihw hU~'k', ,I l'''lIrn~y 11101(', P 1'111" nn" , to _ 0

lain ur th' lJl'ItlMh I .. ,un, I \I'll UI', HI ravOl.ft~" to win I he H .. rl('~, IInli dl'lvl ng th~ 01,1 OIlPI(' Into the. veloplng out or RI.lnn!'r plll),s. foun Ilntl WUH J(enernliy I'XPPCIl'rJ t'l mak!' Crrl'l'P(\ ~" .. n mon('l' n!:nln"t D('lroit. stalHls." no,s, l~ok"R, anti .Ion(·s I'onmln

'1'11(. Iff W:t Atfltf'l tl1rntor I,lnnfl tl.

Ile\,ut. '~ I. W~ k to 1'1)11 hlng UI1 tit rough :<lluta (h"t h •• \\'e,l III' III last Hntur(ltl\··.. an",. .\ Cew new Illuy" will I", IIIHII flUt. an,1 t ho ('~'c1one

1'"M9 I"'frn .. ~ will he Atr 1I!;cd.

wllrl( or till Y'"lthrlll (·lIl1t"". (ltllpr ntltls quotl'u by 1("II"n('y In- "On foul b;lll~ , )'".. .Tu"t walt WI thl'ough glr.'nn tlc ltoll'rl rOl' lun

lJil. P UI'S e1ud,''': 7 to 1 the 'I'I!;el'" dn not win harlle c: .. hrlnger get .. up to !Jat. gnln". On thpse fOI'mrtllo,," lhe wor the fI"st three !;Umc~. and 5 to I Th .. ])('nnR, C:III'letoo, or Old 'Wlld of ,[ure"h, 1':lIll'l' t8, nml Nt'I"on i~

, Slol'lIng olT with lUll'S, howev!'r. against the> Cardinals; 3 to I the Bil l Hallahan will gel stiff necks the ('cnlol' of lh .. forward w(llI sto . !I~H Traung ((ulckly rtlll up " leall 'I'lgel's do nol win th (h'st two .lucklng ba~t! hit"." out.

Th~ )lllIn(' with GrlflIH·1I thlA WN'I( nil will I", It I'rllcl~1 un('. 'rhe 1'1-

or two UP through th!' thll'll unll gllmP8, nn(1 ~ 10 1 agllinst t1w Car. "Well. how ol)out II? AI''' YOU mnlntlllnc·rl It nil' ("'Mt !If th .. wny

un )[J)l'clr.d 1IOWCI' \\ h. 11 t'.I')' .'·OI·l'll three luucluluWI18 " IlltlHt '\lIl'hlh"tln Htolt'.

IltnulH; 4 10 5 on th [lrRt gamr. the gurs ganna. bet, 01' (U'C )'011 n(l'o.lrl I)ut, l'I'",'lI[ng till' tU1'1l In 4~ 10 tlln I",ltel' to takE' hl~ plek; 3 to 1 Ih(' LO?" I'l'iton'H 44. '1'1 "" In not win III v thr~(' !:nn fj "Olmy. I'll hold thl' CMh!"

Th,'y hul\,l'tl thn truth. nllol :'lURe g," ". , "QUIN houl's rellows! If YOU Illust

Tutors W ouid Avenge Defeat

By Cornell

Traunll', dISpltL}'lng II I'NTlllrkuhl(> Ih,· h<'tl"" t11'.I!':nlltPol, ancl ~ to 1 :1I:aln~1 I hI' COI·,lInaIA. Insl"t on tarrying 011 thlH al'gll",,'nt

• " .. hWRS for 11 ~'oungRt('1' Ilisying 111 I 1,,1,1 YI'(\r Kl'urn,'y rnnde Ihe II~ to th .. 1'(' nll\ll' II1l'rlts or your dill' hl'l' flr8t natlolltll touruUlllt'nt, .. al·\'- "'.,8hl";:lOn Henalllrs th .. fa\'()rlteH mond 1<101.. Y<I,,'II huv\' to till It ",I uut a "r"dit:lhl,' par (I" thl' I"n~. til win Ihl' ~erleH. Mml'whpl'C ('Is('. A (ow ItI1YS 31'0111111 u"hlll 1''''nl1th to go Ihl' II Ull tt~ h('1'1' woulu 11111' 10 ~tll<1r. Jr YOII J)lalHL dUrIlllcd hl'r wood ~"('on'l Into

lruP •• lf~s 'l'raung At{'el'NI Iwr le(' I'hot Inl" II trllp t" 108" thl' sh'H·t IwplClh. but sh .. Ilro\'l'd Ih .. "teatller

AvslrllliO ll Withdl'awR don'!." HYDNI~Y. ,\u~tt'l1l1:t, Oct. 3. (\Ved- ,\11 WIIS (Iul .. t, for thp PI'''~\OI' h:1.I1

n('stlny),(AP}--ChurleH Klnll'sCurd- hnd hl~ AnY·

CEn TId. p, (A1') wh(,n th.·lr 11I'lvc" "pr" t,·"I' ,,1'(1 on 81111th, noted Australlun all'mo,n, , ,\l! 1'".\ ,L~.I.. th~ Clrll'cnth untl cnme "lit wllh 0. wlth.h"w lnl]ay rrom th .. England-

-OUt 10 ~ ·ftk r 'nil!:" ("I' Ihn tl"fl!llt lo.,\uslrla nil' mee. hClntle.1 Ihl'lI1 hl't Rl'a~on. the Iowa. wllllllg lIar •. RIal,. 1'/ll'1'NII r .... thall squall Wall I Belly Jaml'son, l:i y\'ar old Do.l-

I I I In" hnhl~I' or the "outhl'l'll c1lllmfJlolI' Chene)' or S;\n Onllrlel. Cal.; ;\11'9. hartl al \\01''' 10' uy Jlr.\~ar n~ rul' t I ("Irnell runtl'!!1 1",1'1' ;aturd.t)'. "hlp. ,I. r.1l1ed DIana I'lumlllon or Ollnl S. lUll. Kansus City \lelcrnn,

'I'h •• g rill' will 10o 1.lnY",1 liN pari J-:ot-;Inntl, ~ IInll ~, In thl' rtr,t 1'"","1. 1:)1111'10\1.. GlUtting, Snuth Ornnl:~, hilI tI", plump Tr,(jIM young"l,.r·" N. J., as w(·11 aR ML-s Vun Wle, win·

01 tltflt tnnuul 1:4,,)' :-1('OUl day fpt;Uv- ;:i('tury kppll wus l4hort J Vl.<1. ~l'nJ.: wUh t :a~~ In eOlllJ,nriHon with lth'. with 1.111.0 R('OUtl! ('xP(l<'t('11 III "an \\' ir \Vinq the ~u'u,:'glc ot Maurcen Orcutt, or .... ttt'nd (Hun IlOJ'lhf\u.lIlern [UWU. She coll1d("(l with Cha.mpion Vj,.. J:nglt\wood. N. J., former ho)dpr or

lI"lIpllp Ihe rlld the ,[,utors hll,'e glnl!l 'UI1 11"1 .. or ClIlcngo III tho ,he Xorl h anll South Curollna state (li"ph)'.' I I1lul'(' "'ol'lng allllily tltsn ~('I'onll l'Iluntl Illld wC;~ Ih!' ,I rll m "humlllonshlllN, who wOn ""(> up ill lln,r ,·11 \', n ur n C't'llt Y(I'nl's In II( ttlp wnr. I Illlnl,hI1l('lIt 11l1l1d,·,1 oUt Illl~ lI(,COIlIl ,·ound. ~wllmflln,' thl' (n·.ltmen In 1\\11 t1,U" flU'. 1'hl'( 'e Yuuthrul ,\me.-Iean t am gum .... I'>t'rp Ig n" ","ro·'"In.ll'lir In 1\11"" Vun "'In had 80m" anxlou. P·"Y('I·' who \\,PI'" sld('lrarke<l werc: Ih .. "11 ,'Il f.·gar,lIng tho ('url1"ll ('on- m',m('nts during Iwr morning tl'l- Lucile noblnson of Des MOines, t. ':. llm[lh nr 3 und 1, 0\1"1' Mr ..• r. L. wC'stern ch[lmplon for t1l~ lo st two

Coaches Hand F reshies More Fundamentals

Eligibility Of Ace Questioned

Grirlder Enrolled at Two Schools Before

S. D. State

DROOK INGS, R. D .• Oct. 2 (AP)­The qu('stlon or cllt-;Ibillty of Solo­mon Kramer, sIal' Ilulu·tprbnck 01 Routh UakOL!l RIMe coll~I{()'s No,·t r(l)ltl'al ('Onfel'PU("C' ('humJlion~lhi p

roolhall loam, thl'('al('np(1 tOtluy I lu'fug' l'n 11 ('f'Ilu.Uoll of tlw !oIC'h('dult ,:'nm!' Iwlw('(' n Sto.te I\nt! Morning· sldl' at Sioux ("Ity Snlul'tl!lY night.

KI'nmcl"~ plae(' In the IIn<'l11l hal

b(,('n l",olest~'1 by 'oach J. M. Sault· d~I'sotl of ,J\ l ol'nirlgAld~. .\nntJlIllc

m('n l of Q decisloll nil tho stal"s ell· g-ihlllty WU" cXP~CINl l:J.l~ tocltty tl'om PI·of. O. A. Tlllhot of the Unl· \ll.'ral t y of North Dalwta, chairman of l he ('Jiglhillty ('o1111nittrc.

Th,. ~. m" \\'111 hI' i11C 'Ir"t e ... blllll \\'"Ish or Philadelphia. hilL srttled ~'eur". allll 01H' or thl.' threl' ([uall!r­I,'um Wllh ('''''I'll ,Johnny Bakc'r In h~r 'trld~ "nd took Cull 0llpor- lng l'Ound co-medIlU .. ts, ~ II'~. FI'ank ItllxloU3 til /:f't lin nccurote IIl1e lin tllntty of ~lIs8 Jamooon 'K cumpll'tl' 1:;0Idth"'all(' of !)alla". Tl·X.. and hiM .'1" .1 "f 15 Illa\,,·rll. 1 't);J~" 11'O)lIa ll"" to VllllllulRh !tel' R nn,l 7. ~fnl'lon ~lIIl.'y of ),p"lngton, Ky. 'f1tE' lJh-k 1l.1rku· hn9 nllly n .lIlnilIt IOIlPI C'r .. dlt ror Ihp ('lImlnntinn or Iho '1l'st IWo went oul In the ol>enlllg lit ("o'nl'" hut he hU8 nl",\YH he<'11 r011l'11t ll1ftoll "pllt to :'11M. n. rf,und • .\flS9 RollInson IOHlng hy 3 .l!cce"fu1 In /.Iettln!; Ih(' 1Il0st outll'llke ..r Sew Y'"'k, who Il )[ariOn and 2 to Edllh Qulf'r of Renlilng, or hi. rr.lltel'ln l. 1'111'1.10, won the hOIlU",rn chnmplon- Po .. und )11'8. Goldthwnlt bowing

Dl'ill. II rill, [lnd morp drill on (un­damcnlal" was Ihe dish served to freshman (ootlm B cnndldnle>< n l yes­l(,rdIlY'; 1>rnetlcl'. Aplll'oxlmately 75 men lIent t111'ough tho long ~es­

slon, the remulndel' or Ihe s((uud hnvlnll' hel"n Rent down to old Iowa n('ld 10 oJemon"U'ole Northwestern

Ill:;;,: t~''::'':h~:r~t\~~ssed pmctlce In ('}:cn~~~q r~:i~II~":~~ro~~~q I~U::tl~;' UIl"'cl~lty of NOI'lh ])ukl)ta and th. Uni vCI's([y Of South Dal<ota belor he came to Sbt... Tho question ta be clccld"c1 s"em d 10 be whether th rule ba l'rl n/{ on alhleto from com IlcUng for a M·ltool ie 1)I'(Wiously ell, 1'0 11 cl Ilt IInothe,. confl.'l·enco me IH'r Is l'etl'llell\lr.

The .'Inl'tln!; 1I'lI'UIl (01' the Tutors 'hlp !U'\'I'r/\l ~'p""8 IIljO. ~h·8. I..u~ e to ~lrR. 'rom w/tlu.\c or TullIa, Okla. will pr ,,,,,hly Include 'Yarr n Jor· umllucr(',1 B lly Pletsc h of Port Miss )Iorgall, who 11'111 be 13 1'1-don nn I Hili f'l1amners, ('ntls; HUH- CIW('I', N. Y., nnd th"n humlll('(l t:tln's lone standard bearer In to­.,ell J3.>11 ontl Jllhn Hul'p t"ckl('~; • 1o.lIr Goul'lny of Englnnd 3 and ~. 11I0''rO",'8 thi .. d round. cul clown \)onnld I.lu,. and 'Vnlloce. Stf'Wal·t, ,\m r.r:can s Adl' [lnl'e )frr.. G. R llnckney oC Glen Cove, Ituard.; :\lel,'ln • 'clRon, center. Tho advance o( thr Mix older ~. 1"., il und 5, In hel' first joust, Lloyd n .HII:Y, '1II1trterb;lck; 'ferry.\ m~rl('an t,·n.m Pla)'''r round GI~n- and n.ccounted tor young DOI'othy Oil" nnl Kellh ~lc('all1!, lIul(lJacl{~; )ttl ('olh'll Vllre, fl,· ' t1m('~ forml'r Hlcllards of !lORton. 5 and 4, In the nllll lI.trry Ill'lgaHon, fullbu('k, "atlunul cIlampion; ;\Ir",. ]~.'Onu art rnoon. ------------------

Possesses Edge on Portsiders • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

hlo,'kln" IIII' both IIn"",eI1 and hack •. Thr nightly /Scrimmages have allown wcakn~H9 In thIs del>:trttllt'nt as the de[,·n~lv.' "IdE' hus constantly held th" hn ll cOITlel·. to little or no !;aln.

Prof. II. C. Severin, fltculty ath I('tic l'epreRCntntivo nt Stnte college said hE' brll ve<l Statn would l'eCUSO

font baH plaYNl puch night IR all Im- to Illny ul Morningside If Kramer IS 1>1'0,{1'111('nt I)VCI' lhe nighl be(orc. ]n I'u\l'd out. the HCl'lmmagt' ~"R"lon held yrst('l'- D~nn 1I1ul'sllnil lIIcKusick or th

Despite the fact that thcre ure ~tlll m" ltv I'ough spots In the exec u­tion of ploY5, It Is nflP3r .. nt Ihn t th e men arc j,C'comlng settled In thl:' I'OU­tine of 1 I actlce and the brand of

c1ny, 0. feW mOI'e new plays were Is­~ued to lhe Iltlal'te rbocks and Im­medlate'v t£led out In uction.

Uni v('r~ily of Soulh Dakota. actin 11I 'c!Sldcnt or the "onrCrellce, snld h h('li(>vcd that It StittI' coll~gO refused to abillc by wl",tl'1"'[' "uling is an' nou nred ot hl'l' 1l!('mhN'S or the con , f('rence would I'~ CU"" to mpH t he l3l'ooltings l('urn,

Cochralle Won't Start Schoolboy A.gainst

Dizzy Dean

Irish Improve I As Contest With SImilar to all

U. 1ligh Looms 1.__________ I';Ir. or troll

"out ""hnt's the dllTerence othol'­

wi se? It's stll[ just a sct oC baJI

I bam rs und wc' t o ready to ta.ck[o

nnythlng the other C('Uows hav e to

ofre r. ' Ve haven't been frightened

by a nybody 110 lar thl.'! year and

MjcJ.eJ Cochrane Frw Frisch ill\nd<><1 ace, Lynwood (SChoolboy) I lOP. I\owevcr, Ihat it hila t enued \ 0 Rowe. ChSCUl'C tbe speed, power and a~·

The 'flgers shared the popu lur I!l'clISl\I ncss or the Tigers, who won "Iew Ihat when Frisc h tinal1Y ! (',elr pennnnt In comparative pen.c6 shows hla pitching hand It will he and then were obllg <l to toss Into "D an and Dean," the wnste·basket nil their well-Ialtl

Until proof Is furnish d to the I pluns to mect the Giants. The mus­c<'nU·ary . thl' D/.'nns occupy thc I t lrmlnds who fig ure thnt the swHt ~[atc. Thry ure Ihe bIg reason (ur .. hange In the Nullonul leaguo ]1lc­the bettlllg odds favoring tho tur hns upset Tlger strategy nlClY

chances of the Carllltlnis In wltl ,!IRL Ill! well be entirely wrong. their thirll 'wol'ld chBmlliunshiJl "T he CardInals look 10 be tougl,. w ithin a lipan of five yents. ..r oppositIon th nn the Glnnts mIg ht

I'm cont:ldenl tho Tigers will rlsu

ngaln to a big occnslon." CO.l1plele Sellout

For tho first two games ~chodu lcll

oC the baltIc In the world's m otor car capital, Na\' ln field Is n com­plete sellou t 60 rar as reserved seats ,I re conce rned. Speculators demand­ed and got boom time prices (or any· thing they eould gel tll eil' hnnds Oil, " ' I\h the premium running ns high ns $50 a pair (or )JostcbOards ot $11 hce price. Bleach r lines stan d tormlng early tonlghL outside the park. whert~ some 20 ,0 00 wi\) be nd­m ltled nt $1.)0 per hend lomorrow morning.

Tiler Mrntegy n,seI? 1.ave rurnished," udmlts Cochrune,

Arter two gnrnes he re, th o wal'­ring (orecs move to lhe old familial' hat tleground or Sllortsmnn's park , St. T.Aluls. Three games nre sch (\u l-' ell In St. Lo uil'. F rlelny, Saturdny anll S unday, after which lho leams reLurn t o D etrOit If noccsStlry to dc. clde th winner . The serIes Is on Lhn hest-Cour-out.oC-s ven nasis und It "hapes up Os II b:ttll· lha t mny woll Rueh Is lhe 1)01)U lul' f.' HI· creatl'll 11(; l'O LomOrrow and ThurRdny. U8

by the 'ar,lIn al,,' be l!1.lell ru sh LO lh ' ,,'ell as llny 8ul)'~cllu enl continuation .' the limit.

, No Decision 'treamltne b Exhibitin g mOre spirit than at • __________ '1111~ltr ~t n'('

nny precedi ng 11I'nclle~, St, Patriok's GnAND ronKS, N. D., Oct, I rrld. l' on~tru( picked Ull u.s til Y made preparation (AP)-NO decision was t'~nchcd to- Uy WOR1 for FI' ldIlY's tussle with Unlve l'slty nIght by 1'l'o(. a. A. 'rall>ot of the CUWEI"I NI l,lgh. Unlvcrslty of Norlh Dakuta, chair· i'nce and com'

A lively sc rimmage lhnt llls led m nn Of tl1I' Norlh cnlt'al confer· lrom the Old 01 ror m or thll.n Itn hour found the en ee eligibility commltteo as to til ~'IOt\ ern aulom • Snlnts lunnlng and lo.r ldln lt \\11th quelillon of cllltlbility of Solomol token. tncre's q mor~ zcst. SC\lernl I lmeR. L euz, the K.i·amcr. 8tUI' oC souq t~een the sIre. 13R po· •• ,d Illl(' kfleM lendcr, brolle Da kolll. Hin t I" the IrolleYI own}' fo r lenl:thy run s. FUllback ---------------...... !\Ie lomorro. ', Burger 1.lso gnll1ed g l'ountl cOllslsl- Like everythll l'ntiy thl oush the I'ese rvc lin e. IransPOrtallon, I

P rececl:ng l he sC I'l mmngl\ , spec ial tll'eamlilic. DC! !luent\on \\'a~ Ive n to hloeklng. lnck, '712 1:", or 13 ~()'~~ mill will be ling- nn1 kicking. -.c ,. !"'II tlilly equlll)lCd

Hear the W o rId

Series Game

Today (starts 12 :30)

and enjoy a lunch at your est

good near-


I. Importllnt. mil

ROOI!IlIb( Comllluicrs \,

'. SHBUoCKES l'Olley 10 tako Work day art~r

Ihe efforls or II I, provWe betl !lUI Ihe rral I

$4 85 ~ilhlh O!ll persl to Ltl wa, back 1'1

)V,rtsUon 1)'RtCI \'nll!.

The fl rst sir ' ~ tere eleClrlcllY \, ~ twal Ui1I'. The I

01 Ihe mollve r Illnsportalien II ~ 'fIas quite II lI-qc cal'll weul



SKIPPY-MusclLlcu· Music By PERCY CROSBY Looking in at the

Grid Camps NoSoO\( eAN G6"T 6Y rr. How 010 HE EVER LEARN

Tc> JA~ LIKe fHA,? :\11 . NESOTi\ I a re~el've leam cqulrJ])cd with In·

m~NEM'OIJIS. Uct. (.\ P)- diana fot'lllations, but Jack Smith, : re.:y ~hl'oude(\ (Jophrl' gl'ldlron j<'I'Qn l, Boucher and ,John Kabealo ,'lll'itll' loday as with 1\11 gates Illtlnaged to get a.CL·OA~ wit h touch· blrr~J, 1L1nll(¥;ota. pre)lare(l somo dpwnA. Bouchel"s was On a G5-yanl Jlore (01' :-<ebr8ska. run at'ound end. Smilh sufCered an

GEE, 1 MUST ~At-lD rr ('0

YoUR BRol1-4SR, He ~6R/AINLV 'eAN KNOC~ o(tr HIe; SPARRIN r

oJ --------


r~OMBON(5.( IN '(1-( E


Coach Bernie Bierman, however, InjUl'ed kne<> bul It waA not thought Itlll be ImolVn the Oophel's polished serious enough to l{cep him out of UP Ihelr own otCenslvc and wOl'ked Salul'clay's game wlth lndlana, on a defense agnlnst L'ol'llhusker The reserves galnccl against the f~r"ard lIa.'eg, varsity all(l although they Called to

Sheldon nel~e, regulal' fullbacl<, score, distracted Conch l!'rancl8 as 61111 out of the IIne·up because Schmidt "0 much he didn't pay a II a sOl'€' leg. whit of allentiOll to 200 fl'e~hlllen

who t'epol't('d for the first day's WISCONSIN practice of the )'enrllng squad.


Pcrr~' L. Cro,hr, Greol '$ 1034, King 1-'I'"luI·.5 ,"'r""c' .. ~.

lfADISO;'!, Wls,-Thl' 1fnl\'erslt~'

tI 1\'i.con'!in varsity found the fr.',hmnn elel'en a. Atubhol'n foe In ,-rlmmagc tOday anet oach Clar­(~I'f SIK'nl'S made s{'ve I'll 1 I'hn llgee bel'au'c or unsalis[actOl-Y RholVlng. Thp pI'lnclpal change was th(' mov­In~ or Emmet Mortell, ~ophomore,

tu left halfback ln plnce or Tom fontafne , Pour blocldng was the \;Il\e.i fault of the Badgers liM they ~"rked On of(ense 1n prepara tlon for Ihe ~Iarquette game. A d fen­Rve workout topped oCC the day's pI1If1lce.

CH1CAGO CIIICi\CO hlrago's l\Inroons

w('nt tllI'ough a long drllJ on for­ward ppass otf('ns(' today, using the fr~"hman squacl as opposltlon fol' tilt' f1l'tlt time. The Y<'nI'lIngs, st ill raggeel, we I'e neither ahle lo stop the val'slly heaves, not· complete their OWn with any Idlld of I·egu· lal'lty.

Eight Minor League Players Drafted by Major Loop Clubs

with th(' White Sox. Tho Athletics I. T cinlmed ha r les Liebel' a pitcher I Explanation Of who won 16 and loot 13 with the I"Strange As It Seem.s"1 San Francisco Mlsslons, . ---.

The Boston Braves took W, II, The Brooklyn Dodgers get threo

outs instead of th three runs they should have had when Babe Herma n tripled In to a triple play dUring his l"u'ly career with the Dodgers. He I~ . l.e only man In baseball who ever I; rformed thts "feat."

Ihh'd , t hinking the balt would be (aught. The runner from second r ass d hlm on third, Slid was auto­matically out. 'rho rUnner on first hpsltllted, and H erman passed him , :lIIttlng hlmee!! Otlt.

a total of 20 years Scl)ooJ1ng. n o started school at six In Heading, Pa., ~ntel'ed high school six years lalcl', He waR gl"ad uated from high SChOul ltl 1928 at the age of 16, as the high honor pupil,

DETROIT, Oct. 2 (AP)-Elght delphia Athletics this spring. Lewis, a calchel' who hit .B13 for Finally, with two down berore the hall was returned from the outneld, Vance started for homl"-Only to be tagged OUI between lhlt'd and home.

He entered the University of PennsylvanIa In th~ fall oC 1028 a11(1 Inatrlcu1a ted In the schOOl of educR­Uon. Withln six yearij he eompletr,} two four-)'eal' COU I"'l<'S-Otte In edu­Lntion and another In chemical ('n­gineerlng_

minor league ball players, a nd pos' The hlcago Cubs drafted two RocheslE'r In the In lernat10nal leagu and the White Sox drafted s lbly two more, were clalmccl tonight Cot'mer big leaguers, Ed Clhoki, In-

by seven major league cl ubs in the [ielder. from Syracuse In the In- Robel·t Fenner, St. Paul cntcher

mCHlGi\N ANN ARBOll, Mich.-Coach ITar·

O· Kipke prepared toelay rOr M lehl­r,m's ril'st game or thl' season ,'nlnst ~lIrhlgan State next Satur. day, by vfslting hO~]li tals a{ld 1I0c­I"" 10 check III) on his ailing play­

."'. IIp found Rpgeezl just getting out

• r th~ hOIPitnl with an lnjur d leg, \I"It." n, (null.l Bill TI"nner, hl~ star 11<",1 railer, doctors werc IlUltlng I fr .~ ""t "'1 his fra('turp{\ I('g. I; ll. ;"" fOllnt! Howard TrI~, :lOrn wllh u trmpomry stom­a"l I;I"N, Jle " ill I 'ar k t I) th" 1#ld ntl spnt hi· , r.'mainlng I'e<:tl­In, nrou/:h dU 'lImy IWrimmage Aglhl!: ~+~II('I 1111",,; nn(l pl'('dicled thal JkL;H Zl wOllld play )lnrt of ~ltlJr<iay'" g!UM.

ILLINOIS CH.\~tr.\ [(Jt\, Ill.-.\(ter putlin!\'

ill a ~t1rt ~erimlllage session toda)', Iii" lIJ1nuls varsity was tak('n on a '"outln~ [t'i})" by Coach Boh Zuppke,

Zuppl,e walchI'd thc wholc wOt'k-0111 from th~ ~~cl)n.1 deck of Memor,

Aftel' the aerial S~SSl0l1, Coach Clark Shaughnessy held a brief Quarterback sc hool, quizzing hIs sig­nal-callt'rs on alJ phases of o(frnsivo play. TWO linemen , Men'llt Bush and Harmon 1I1elgs, ar(' on the ca.~u­al ty IJst and jll'obably wl1J do no \\,ol'k this week.

ann ual dl·aCt. Two pitching sIal'S oC the PaclCic

Coast league, LCI'oy lJ~rrmann of

the San Francisco Srals and Fay Thomas, of Los Angcles, led the

list ln the final combing over or lalent. CincinnaU with fir!lt choice

NORTJlWESTER~ as tho club of lOwest standing, took I':VANSTO:-.', Ill.-With th" run- H errmann, who won 26 games and

nlng not funcllonlng so well, Coach losl 12 lhls yell 1', whlle the Browns Dick H anley lndlcat~d tOclay that captured Fay Thomas, with a record Northwrstern will rely on fOl'wart! of 26 victories and fo ur defeat~.

pa~He~ against l owa SatuI·day. Both are (ormer major leaguers . l\l o«t ot the workout today was Herrmann hns been tried out by

elevotell to polishing the paAg offense, th e Chicago 'ubs and the W'hlte with (lrorge Potter, Boh Swhher, Sox wanted to buy his contmct this Walli" Crulce And Eino }-luyskaT summer until a price tll.cr of $50,000 getlllll': off aCCUI'ate heaves, Th ,~ In ea~h U11(l Cive p1aY"I-s was set sl'~"lon closea with the uHual Uf)/;(l oC on him. Thomas has been lI]l be­I<el'lmmne:e, In whkh Jlonlpy kC'lll nn [01'" with Clevelunil, Ihe New York crl' on the blocking. (:I'lnt~, an,l thl' N,' IV YOI'k Yanlu·ps.

Pl'RnlJE Cincinnati also drafted Henry

Erl('kson, Will) hit .264 ln &9 games T.AF.\ YETTB, [n.l.-Coach Nohle WIth TJoullivllle after being turned

J{lz('l', Irnpress~cl by l-eport5 of lh~

tlrfen.lve power of th~ Rlc~ Insti­tutE' ijqll(l.(} which opens the Purdue footh,'\11 ~eason here Saturday, gave tll(, llotlermakers a iong "ff~n9Ive dl'ill lodny, P:u·ticuJar rttlentlon was paid 10 lhe blocking.

INDl .\N.\

bark to tI,e minors hy the Philo.·

NoIre Dame

ill '~~IJI\lln, anrl nrtf'!' the I'egulal's DLOO~lING1'ON, In,l.-Punts and h.1J fillhhHI Oil the fi~ld, he called 1)(l.QSeS were strcSf'ed toelay as Coach

SOt:TII BEND, Ind. , Oct. 2 (AP)­Notre D"me's varsity looked belter defensively in a hard scrimmage aga ln"t the freshmen, but P OOl' hloekin;, again slOwed up the of­lenRe.

Clevel' rUnning by TIm Shakes­I)eal'e and hal-d plunging by Fred CaritlPo, enabled the varsity to score

lilfm 111) into the .tands and ]lolnt­I'd out mi'-;In t{f'~ made hy a l'(l~er,~P

f~Vtln. on~ touclldown against the yenr­Jings, Coach Elmer Layden was

tCl'Ilatlonal league whrl'e he hit who hit .295 in the American asso-

.262, and Fabian Kowalik, pltchel' ('faLlon, a nd Vernon George Wash· who won 18 and lost 14 with Buffalo ington, wh o was among the circuit's In lh~ same eh'cult. Clhokl hael a l lea(lIng baiters with a .367 average trfal with the Athletics and Kowall l, with Indianapolis.

I When Herman came 10 bat the hases wel'e loaded-Vance on t hird, oLher runners on first and second . Babe hit a t riple. Vance stayed on

Puul !II, Leininget·, at tho age of 22, had co mple ted eight years grad • 'cho01 work, fOUl' ycal's h igh school, and elgh t years of college cour.<;es- TomOrrow; The I~illess wonllers,

Read rhese Ads-Save Money Cleaning and Pressing




LeVora's Varsity Cleaners

Cash and Carry One Way Delivery Sen'iee

Free 23 E. WaSh. Dilll 4153

The only Cleaners lacing the cabJPU8


Service Stations


GAM'E? If so-drlve In to

HOME OIL CO. 630 Til. Ave. 01' dlal 3365

and L

we wlll service your car ChassIs greasing

2. TransmissIon 3. Dlfterential 4. Battery 5. Tires 6. Lights 7. Motor Oil

cans or bulk in sealed

8. lo'lJt with good gasoline

Service Is Not Our 1\1otto­It ls Out' Business

Auto Repajrin~



Classified Advertising Rates SPECIAL CASH RATES-A ,peclal discount for euh wl11 be allowed Oil all Classified Adnrtlalng account. paid wltbln .Ix day. from expiration elate ot. the a4.

Take adva:llace oi tile euh rat .. printed III ltokI tnJe below.

No. of

Worlls Up to 10 10 to 15

16 to 20

21 to 25 28 10 30 8t to 35 SG to 40 41 to 45

48 to 50

6] to 55 68 to so

I I One Day I ):JneslChargel Cash , ! , .28 I .%5

I s I ,28 I .25

I 4 I .39 I .S5

I 5 r .50 r .45 I e , .61 , .55

I 7 I ,72 r .65 I 8 I .83 I .75 I • , .94 , .8.'1 I 18 I 1.05 I .9ii I 11 , ] ,18 r 1.05 , 12 r 1.21 , J.15

I Two Days ICharge Cash , ,39 .30 , .55 .50 I ,77 .70 I .99 .90 , 1,21 1.10 I 1,43 1.30 I 1.65 1.50

I 1.87 1.70 I 2.09 1.90 I 2.81 2.10 , U3 uo

Tbree Days I Four DaYI ICharge I Cash Charge' Cash , .42 .38 ,61 I .46 I .66 .60 .77 I .10

.90 .8Z 1.03 I _94

1.14 l.O4 1.30 r 1.18 1.39 1,26 1.56 I 1.42 1.63 1.48 1.83 I 1.86 1.87 1.70 2.09 I 1.90 2.11 1.92 2.36 2.14 2.35 2.14 2.62 2.38 uo U6 2.88 %.62 S.84 8.16 2.86

, Five Day. IChargel Cash I .59 I .54

, ,88 I .80

I 1.17 I 1.00 I 1.45 I 1.3! I 1.74 I 1.58 I 2.02 I 1.84 I 2.31 I 2.10 I 2.00 I U6 I 2.88 I 2.62 I S.17 I %.88 , 8.40 , 3.14

Six Days Charge Cash

,68 .6~

.99 .90 1,30 1.18 1.61 1.46 1.91 1.74 2.22 2Ji3 2.90 2.84

uo 8.45 8,14


number and lett ... In a IIl1nd ad arl to be _ted a. one word.

Classltled dlBJ)lay, SOc peT Inch. llu.lDou ...,4. PIT eolumn lnch, $6.00. ]ler month.


IJO "'(cMlllln rushed final prepal'a' tion,; on Ihl' Indiana val':;lty with whkh h .. makes hi~ debut in Big 'r n compellUon at Ohio Stat .. Satur· day. Ettol'~ Antonini IHIH showed "teady improvement as a punter, while Wennel Wa1i<el' Is fltling Into lhe k y role ot the aerial attal'k.

p<.ssimistic after the drill and pre- ,.---------___ ;;;;;.j

Minimum charge 15e. l!Ipeclal long term rate. fur­nIshed on requ est. Each word In the advertl.ement must be counted, The prefixes "For Sale," "For Rent," ''Lost,'' and similar ones at the beginn ing of ads an to he counted In the total number of word. In tbe ad, The

Clllnsltled advertising In by 8 1'. !II. will be 1'"blltlhed tho tollowlng morning.

('OLl'MntrS, Ohio-Ohlo Slatc's '·31.liy hau a particularly tough l:m~1 tonfght scrimmaging against

Fad for Streamlines Finally

dieted hl8 II'ish will lose to Texas SatUrday tlllle"s the blocking im­proves.

Hits Trolley ~Cars

'''Walki''l car" uI.d ill New Orleanl. Similar to all other (orms 01 conveyan\!e~, the ~tl't:c t which has been given a demonstration to the publie rar. or trolll'y, finally has bl'pn smitten by the In CI~veland. The new car. whIch has scatmg aCo .trramhn~ bug. The above layout shows u mod· cOOlmodatlons [or 60 persons, weIghs 81.000 "I'TllRtlr :\trt,~t car, bUIlt by Pl'oles~or C. F HIrsh· pounds, AI~o shown in thv layout are types 01 old-[rid. ton~tJ'uctlon ~ngtnccr. at a cost of $1.000,000. lIm~ ~treet cars.

fiy WORTH L . ('IlENE\' J!'ol'tY-Odel yenl's ago, the "motor- difficult to be skeptical ahout the CLBVErJAND (llN)-i"or conven- mon" of. 0. Irol ley was merely tIle new model tl'olleys. Nearly $1,000,­

i'"ce and cOmrort, It I ~ a flll' cry ,'I·lvel·. Je e handled the rclns of the QOO hilS been spent lo devise and from tho old on~-hOr8e shtl.y to the (t\l"s horse, Or horses, and mnd the C'onstruct a mOdernistic type of rU I', lladern I>utomobllc, By the snme 'rl'gular stops at tho streel In tet'arc- 'vhlch l'econtly was given Its first

Kern-Treat is a. chern Icnlly treated coal that Is rapidly becoming pop­ular, Try a ton and be con­vlnced. Egg size $8.00 per ton.

Johnston Coal Co. Dial 646'l

42(; E. Washington

Local Instruction-Classes 39

Now Is the Time to Registor at

Irish's Business College E. Washington St,

Beginning and special classes in Gregg Shorthlmd &. Typing for teachers and students.

l\fotor--Brakt'J-CarlJ..-starter Service, Etc.-Speciallzlng In

Duklk and Pontiac. Dial 99111. Female Help Wanted Wanted-to R~nt Employment Wanted 34 Rear 01 Postofflee IN ANT E D - STENOGTIAPHER WANTED TO RENT BEGINNING WANTED-EXPEIHENCED Gmr,

JUDD REPAIR SHOP with gOlleral orOce expedenee, State qualiflcatlons, salary, etc.

61 Wrfte VX, Daily Iowan.

Oct. 6, furnished or unCurnlshed, 5 I'ooms, iJath and porch, Unlvcr· I<i ty instructor. Phone today, !Illss I"erguson. care of IIolel Jefferson.

wants housc worl(; has J·eferences. Dial 3595.

Wanted to Buy Special Notices 6 Male Help Wanted 31

CALL ~I. KIMMEL FOR HIQHES'r Housekeeping Rooms 64 1,'Loon WAXERS, 'V'ACuml pJ'ices on men'" second hand cloth, 8'1'I~A UY 'WORK-GOOD P_\ Y. Rg- cleaners tor rent. Jackson Eloc'

lng, shoes, hats. Sho~ repa iring. Dial Ilahle man wanted to call on fIlI '- FOR RENT - LAHOE FURNISH- lric company. Dial 5465. 3609. 21 ,V. Burlington. mel's in John.~on county. No eX[lerl- ed housekeeping room. Couple or

War.lted-Laundry ~nce or capital neetl~d, 'VI·ite today. students. Dial 9418. Typing

WANTED LAUNDRY. CALL FOR and deliver . Dial 2941.

Apartments and Flats 67

McNeRs Co., DCllt, ~, l"rCl')lo)'t, 111. .FOR REN.T-FIRST FLOOR UN. furnished ligllt housekeeping EXPERTE::'IlCED TYPING, RgA-

rooms. 530 S. Dubuque street. sonahle ratl's. Dial 9548.

Automobiles for Sale FOR REN1' - CLOSE IN. FIHS1' ______________ _

floor, south siue, beautlCully fUI'- Rooms Without Hoard WANTED-L AU N DRY WORK.

I'lshed apartmcnt. l!'irillg job if de- ----------- FOR SAl.E-ClIEAP, 1933 CTlEV-WANTED-STUDENT LAUNDRY, Hfred, 21 N. Dodge, I'OR RENT-DESIRABLE ROOM rolet coupe, ,\-1 conditiOn,

Dial 6682.

price reasonabte. 619 N, J ohnson. "OJ' RI~~-T-L'O \ )R ROOM APAR"'- graduate student or II1Slructol qUire Andrews hotel. •• " -" L' l preferred, man or woman, No other

WANTED-Sl'UDENT l.AUNDRY. ment. Suitable (or 4 women, at We call tOr and deUver. Dial 267L. ~1)4 Fairchild, InlJulrc ut 517 la, Avp,

[lial 4224.

foomers. Dial 6796. Repair Shop

W,\ XTE[)


Musical and Dancing 40 Coal 52 FOR RENT - TINO ROO~ FUR-

-;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=iI !J)ANCING SCHOOL-BALLROOM nlshed apartment, $20. 703 E. Jct-

rOR RENT-DOUBLE !lOOM .Fort boys. D ial 3671. U to bring \Iii' ~·nur Jock and key work .

lfOU&~ - ('Dr - Truuks El~.

lrOR R.TIl N T - TWO SIN G L E ~' tango, tap. Dial 5767. Burkley ferson. roorn.s, gi l'ls preferred. Dial 4705,

holel. PrOfessor Houghton. -------------- d19 1


Present Prices 8 I n. Lump .... _ ............ _ ... _ .. $7.75 8 In , Egg .......... _ ................. $7.50 Furnace Nut .. , ................ ... $6.75


Phone at6(

FOR RENT-FIVE ROOM APART- ' owa Ave_ ----------------------DANCING - TAP, TOE. lJALL]i:'1' ment; all stric tly Modern; west and a ll t)'pes of seage dancing. 75c Ride On Woolf lIvenu~. See Lambert, IrOn RENT-LOVELY SINGIJE

hait hour. Prlvate. Dia l 6560. 4 Melrose circle, D ial 6219, room, For men. $7,00. Dial 64 03, 14 N. Johnson.

Jewelry and Repairing 55 F~~h~:~T-;:~!A~::I~~~n~~~~!: ~OR RENT- DESIRABLE LAnGE LLOCK AND WATCH REPAIR - room. Close In. Men. Dial 4271.

Ing. Reasonable. A. N. Hiltman. Ing porch, private bath, garage, 011 heat. 629 S. Governol·. Dial 5318 or FOR RENT _ D 0 U B L E ROOM

7) 2864. Houses for Rent with sleeping porch, upperclass or

I"OR RENT-FURNISHED MOD- FOR RENT-5 ROOM MODERN graduate women . Dial 3347. 115 E. el'n ti room house, acter Oct, 1(;,

Dial un. duplex apartment. sleepi ng porch,

garage. Dlal 4957.



donoe on South Lucaa; 8 rooms floor apartment, garage. 511 S. ccuples, Cooking 1t desIred. Dial and sleeping porch, built In garage. MadIson. ~418,

Dial SH7 or 3565, '------------

POR RENT-HOUSE ON WEST side. Dial 5926.

FOR REN'.r - T R R E E ROO M Ji'OR RENT-DESIRABLE ROOM, apartmen t, 2176 South Dubuqull and sleeping porch. lI63 E. Court,

street. 1 block fl'om bus line.

Money to Loan 37 FOR RENT - FURNISHED Ji'OH RENT-FUnNISHED OR UN- :"~OR RENT-LARGE FURNISH ;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; house. Very dUlrabl~. Dial 6977 furnished m odern apartment. Bllth ed room, suitable for students or Ii and garage. Dial 9598, couples, cooking faCilities. Dial 9418.

Heating-Plumbing-Roofing l~OR RENT-NICELY FURNISH­

ed mod ern 3 room ' apartment. LOANS ).'on RENT-ROOMS, GRADUATE

Xm'OTXY'S :! 14 110. Clinton

Transfer--Storage '

BARRY TRANSFER lIrovlng-RaggAt:e

Freight Storage

(]roM Country l1auU ... U!II.1 6''': 3





FurnIture Cratlhlr-Pool Cars ".Every Load Insured"

Dial 3793

MAUER TRANSFER CO. 106 So, Dubuque St.

"'nln",nlllOO' I~ken, there's Clulte a dlfferencc be- lions With til ald of a brake devlcc pllbllc demonstration In Cleveland . New Reduced Rate

WANTED - PLUMBING AND heating. Larew Co. 110 S, Ollbert,

Phone 3676_ Private bath. Dlul 6211. women or married couples. 617 E.j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

College, II ttecn the street cars of yeall,runy on the wheels. f.;elltlng for 50 I,d tho Irolleys you will be able to Boasting Oli Systelll Seating accommodations arc pro-I\Ie tomorrow. ' " ' hen lho horse cars flrs l aPPNH- vldcd for 50 pnsse ngel'S, tho sl'ats

1.lke everything el~e In the IInl' of ~cl theY CI'Nlted quil a sW', oe being upholstered In leat her and lransportation, street cars aro goln~ course, a nu llIade any community hal'lng deep, comfortable cushions. ltreamllne. Besides t ha t, the now f~e l quite "hlg city." But a ny boast- POI' those fa lling to get on ill tlmo !ilotlels wi ll be fastel', mol'" luxu )'l. Ing thllt was dOnI' hy llubll~ oapi l 'ltl'C1 10 g~t a scat, thcI'c's hand gl'lp,~, QUSly CQUillPcd, and what's m O['(l c'ltlzens was made about tho strcet Atllnc hlons and ralls. They Ilre 80 Im\lOrtnnt, ea~ l c l' rl(lIl1g, ("U I' SyslNn, and not of thO riding s ituated that any passo ng (' in any

n CUlemilel" First Cut'S? eff1cl~ncy of the cars. lora llon In lhe ca r cnll ('cue 11 n ("on-Commuters "ho d~penll on the I Com tort hud no pa rt In t he hOI'sr "en lent hand- hOld without mov ing

1r911ey to take them to 11(1 fl'om c:lre. They wel'o jerkr, du 10 the ps mu ch as a ~ingle st~p . llOlk day arter day will npprerlllt'l ,c rl'atlc hablt~ or the hOI'Res, IIncl 'rho now cnl' fa fltled with fOl'ced

jIbe efforts of the trolley compllll l 8 flow, SOme of them had crude vontllatlon, combined with a hent­.1. ~rovldc beltor ac('o tlllllocilltioIlS. :'pI'lnG's, but many didn 't, And lIlere Ing 6yst m which is de-sign d tOr

hut Ihe real allJ)reciatlon wl11 bl' IV 1'0 no padded .~('nta, only bonl'u tpmp~ratu rc comfort, A new-type, ilh th~e persons who CU ll rpmI'm· Il('nchca. mdlr cl Illuminating systcm is used,

l~r way back wllcn I ho Stl'~ L tl'IlIIR- The ral) l ~ mrs, which operated the lamp bUlhs bolng conccalecl i(l ""Nation _~)'st 'm camo IJl tO l'xls- Ihrough th(' llsr or a cllblc, w el'e covcs a long th e ce iling 80 Ihat glnl'O t' nce. l1 ttl e dler!'r nt Cor riding (Illnlltles, Is entirely ellml nalpd,

The tlrst stre~ t cal's oPQ\'l1trd be- \\'Ith the O(lol)(lon of o l ~r trlc (,11l'S, Qood nows ror Il1llU Y car riders Is ~ forerklt!tl'lclty was ploe a Into Ilraa- ma ny Of these 01<1 troubles W~I'P th[ll the t l'uckR ot th e now e:ll- al' ~ 11<01 USI'. Tho hol'so Iwovld (1 mu~t !'llmlnnt d, hut thero may bc 1I0me 80 d08lgl1~d as to I'euu '0 fUrther the

Gllho motive power for shol'l-hnul IlIrterenco of OtllnllJll o\'e ll yet M to Dmount of vibration . This Is !lohl ev­ITilnsPOl'tllt\on in Ihose duys, ani! 110 whether all oC Ih ' llI havo been fe- ('(I by using I'ub\:)et' BIH'ln gs Instotl.d

1 ~ "OR quito II naturul thin g thlll ~rH)V d. of the steel 8Pl'i ng8 usod In the coo-bwtc ClII'S wou ld iJe ~e\ lucll. Ilkl'pticnl cllr l' lu ~ra yllO\lld flnd!t \. ' 1111011<11 lit root CIlI'S,

Secure any 11 eded amount. up 10 $300, on your own slgna.­turo. without endorsers.


A s pecial loun \ll:l.n whloh enables you to secure needed funds tor tho summer months. You pay only Intore~t during tho summer and Btan prlncl. pal paYmenl8 In the tall.

An 1 nqu Iry will not obligate you, and will bo lrealed 1n strict conCldcnce.

J. Ro Baschn..'lgel &Son

217 J , C. Bank Bldg, Phone 2177 Iowa Cit)"

RepresentIng ALIDltR & OO~IPANY

Do~ I\lolnell

FOR REN'.r - CLEAN, NEWLY FOR RENT _ TWO DO UBLE Lost and Found 7 decorated, strictly modern apart-

LONG lJISTANCE aDd ceneral ha ullng. Furniture moved, ClI'at· ed and ahlpped,

-------------- mente. Dial 6416. LOST-KAPPA ALPHA THETA

pill . DIIlI 3147. Winifred Fowler. FOR RElNT - FUR N ISH E D 71- ........ apartment . Private baths. 832 t;.

DubUQ Ue stroct. Dial 5318. ),OST - BROWN COIN PURSE .... -------_~-----­

with valullble keys. Reward . Dial FOR REN'.r - FUR N ISH ED 2 4733 , room o,pt. l~eal location. Dial 50lt.

I,OST- A GOLD BAND BRACE- FOR RENT-3 ROOM APAR'.r-let, valued as l<eepllllke. Dial Ext.

663, Roward. ment, prlv{lte ba th. 532 S. Van

But·en. Dial 5012.

rooms for men . Rea.,onable, Dial 4276 , THOIlIPSON'S TRANSFER CO,


for g irls, 317 Church St. Dial S07G. ~~============::: ll'OR REN'r-2 DOUBLE ROOMS. Where to 'Qine 65

Dial 5207. 604 S, Clinton. 'BOARDERS WAN'rnm _ H 0 JlT m }j'OR RENT - ROOMS, UNDER- cooking $4,60 weck, 411 N. , Dullu-

gradullte women. 617 E , College. Que. Dial 6S05.



BOARD J'On STUDENT, $4 P};R weol<, 24 R BUrllnglon. Diul 2571.

active pin , j weI cd with opals, rooms. close In. 12 E. Burlington. plano, RClI.Ilonable. Dial 6258. "Wl1ERE TO DJNJi;" nOllle Cool.etl Meals

, .. ~r week "r $3.BO without breRkfllllt

'Reward . Dial 4149_

1.0ST-OIRT,'S RtNG TN RCnAEF'. f~1' hUll, Heward, Dial 3853.

QuiltinJr WANTED-QUILTINO. Dial 2898

FOR RENT- 2 ROOM FURNIsn­ed apartment, downs tairs. 2451.

l~OR RENT-FVRNrSHED APTS, 328 Bl'own Ill.


For Sale MisceUaneous FOR SALE-TEN GOOD TYP.l!l­

writers. All maIe r.'. $10 up, Room 238 Pullman hotel, Cecltl.r Rnplds.

FOR SALE- B FLAT CORNET A one COndition . Phono 6694,

2 blod(s 80ulll ot Eng/neerlng Il/dr, at 14 \V, Durllnr/em St,

PhPll8 2338

IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE A BfG TOWN AND GOWN RESlDENCEl ___________ _ BOARDEnB WAN1'EO -8 OR 1.0 fl.d to be s~en ,

dWI't you? You snw I1l ls one Il otel.

boal'd, Room wllh or without FOn SA l.B- UnY woon, DIA r. • ,Iluaenls. S5 1J1I llIeals , ,4 two

Dlal G18G , 483 ~. meals. 109 N, ClIllton.


Home Rooms at Univer ity High Plan Wide Field Of

Activitie ,Program Sho,v

My lery Storie! Rank as Faroritea

Of U. High BoY'

U.HighGlee QuhsNamed

~horus are. Eether Zeller. Belty lJartln. Darl~ne Canney, MargaI' t Mt'8Ils. J n Slcmmon.. Lucetta Curry. Ina Donham, Cen SI m­mons. and Dorothy Kepp r; second t'Oprano. Belty KlooS(!, Mary Kuev-,

U.HighBand To Reorganize

r. RUlh Olson, Shirley Rumm Is.

~Il.ter')' .101'1,.. comPD8" U", fav, Alice ftlacBride Lists llarJorle Br ese, G1adra Green, and Ray Ryerson, Director, onte I't'('reallDnaJ ~dlng of hlgb Memhe .... l·n Two Darbnl'1l Stewart; first alto; Dorla Reveal P I

~ " Zlmmerll. Barbara Kent. Edn er onne IIChool bo')8 and girl, Allee R41ford. G Of 0 ..

n\\' rsll)' hl&,h !!ChOOI librarian, roup Schmidt. Bernice Anderson . and Lu_ rganlZatloD cille Kurrman; lIecond III 10. Dorothy Id yelltl'rdll)',

A~()U~L Raiford hM cha.rt d the stu' )f mbers ot the Unlvcl'lIlIy hlgb Brant, Mabel Patera, Dorothy , Compl~tc reorganization Of lhe • dents' 114'1 lions. and finds when .cbool glE'~ club and chorull ,,"pre While, June Myers. Ruth 11oWle. University high school band and 01'-TI1I: the sludent I"l'ads tor re<'reatlon announced )-e terda)' by Alicc Mac- I Ir~ne Mau)'. Alice lIardy, and

F.Hf) thlnl:' (rom mann ra to bob- Brld • mw 1(' Instructor. I Katherine M)·era. cb lItra wlIl be made thIs semester.

~• alone he ,,-Ill pICk a m)·.tery etol'Y II ' ,.111 occup'- tho Unlv rail)" hi h r() ~I Uolth Fir"t IIOprano In the wlrl'l1 "Ire Ray Ryerson. band director, Mid In • • i"'III pract\('l\lIy «,very timf.'. Olrla IIko .. .. ~hool hum roomll thl, year, c- boardln!!, IOChool no"pls and oUl"r dub are. Dorothy Ha"kln8. aeUy Hom Room Advisers onoundng new members ot both

< ,'d Ing 10 )11'OC"'1lm announ«m nt. BiU Merritt girls' 8torlE' 110. th .. librarian aald. ('rum, harlotte Veals)', and nuth ~f U High organlmUons yes~rdny . lit d )' [t' l'day. ('rane: ~cond oprono. Phyllis aas. ... ! To II eel at . '" am gOing to try and gl\o every

I!.::============:::.! Shl! P liS on k ping Il eh n tor a Each grade In JUnior high an,\ Ev4'lrn Austin. MUdroo Hawkins. boy nnd lfirl who Is Inl~r~stect In In-y r, and Ihen Rhe wll\ be able to hl\:h IIChool h • I' commltt ot 8tU- Liot Club June Rrandstatt r. Ada Schmidt. Home room faculty advlsera ot 6(rumental mUsle all Incentive and campar rN'r~atlon I I"E'Mlng h .. bltll <I nu I'nd [uulty ad," 1"8, \\ ho nnd DorothY Ban~. FIMIt .. Ito wtll nl"erslty high school will meet opportunity to study 11." 1I1r. Ry~r-

Prof L' " lET -I" of Ihe M'II pe of ('ountry OOl'S and "'Iris with those h ,. plannt!d 'TarIo~ ActhJ!l~ tor ...... r - ~" W \ft " be Lyle Nance, Lois PC!('tson. Adt'- ncxt \ ednesday tor " conforence son aald.

of cllY 110)'. and girl •. bulh 10) and glrlll. of t'omm r~ \\ III Hp k on . Ta king iyn 8legllnl\'. and Beatrice Veley; on homo room Pl'Oflrams. Harry Planll tor three bnnds and thrl'O' • I da I I t h Th" high IK"hool IIhl'llry a t the In rad~ h. ~oeat anal gul nC". loo::k" at a "gU I' mt' t nl: 0 t t ' lIE'Cond alto. J~an Livingston. Mar- Ncwburn. prinCipal. a nnounced y s- orchestras arc under way. Each or-

I I 'I ' I IJJ'(' nl time has 5.490 volum II. l';(' loul mpro"emE'nl, comm nc~m nt Lion. clull at h eh It ""C room lraret Ides. Ilnd Dorothy ZIn.eet. tc>rday. (mnlzntlon will havo bl'j;lnner8. pre-

• I ltd book bl aboul hlllr ot , hleh are text .• MiJJs • 1>. n8, mo" ng pc ur 8 an ) ar I 8 noon. First tenor In the bo)"8 glee club Programs of all the roDlI1,II will be paratory. and advancl'd groups, Mr. p!('tures wl1l comprise Ib ,,"ork ror Raiford IIafd. Tho librAry eubecrlbee 5re, Ogden Frazier. Robert Jones. pr(,4ented and complU'ed at that Ryerson said. Imm('dlhte plans ar" !.ora , Thl'Odore Yel'l n. tacully ad- 110,,111 l' hts to 40 mil gll.l:InC". an,j thrpe newe- Floyd VeSle)·. CharI" Robbins. Paul time he Iel. for 0. marching band of 2;;, reerul(cu '·~r. sald. eight Joh n count)- rann hoya Jl pera. In addition to acting .. II, Hardy. and Raymond Rarey; second , ' trom advanced players.

In, 111M .' hooll and girl are ublbhlnJl' ('al"~ at brulan, MI ... Raltord lIupervlaee 11- tenor, George Miller. h'r d ~hmldt, Cli C f C T Orchestra m mbers now choRen


Herbert Rles. Robert Cet'hon, Doro­thy POlvnall. I,eo nUllPert. Cather­lne Myers. Bill Boller. Paul FI·Y. Lloyd Myers. Mary TeBlLr. David Boyd. Allcn Dates. Ogden Frazier,

Phyllis Michael Accepts Position

J'byllis ~lIchl\rl. who IP'udual(d la t Barbara Stuart. June Myers. Paul Juno from tho 8chool of journaJLsm. BoI·dweli. Allee Hardy. Leroy Fra-zier. Harry SlemmollS. Esther Olas- at the Unl"crslty of Iowa, has ac· pc)'. Do I'll! VOI1Rt('ln. Da"ld VOII- cel'led lI. position with the Slraul .,'eln. Madeline Hallshaw. and Palty Ad"~rllslng agency. Dp8 Moines.

HaltS. Miss ~nchael wall a major In IId-

U. High Glee Clubs Plan for Concerts

"cl'tJslng, and WIlS tOI'meriy ~m­

plo)'ed In an advertising callae.t)'

ror KSO, Des Mol nOs radio stallun.

Several conc~rlK and operettas will be given this ycnr by Unl "e,'­Flty high 8chooi glt'c clubH II.n<l l cborus. Alice .lacBrlde, m usic dl- ~W J&. I'. ~ rectol', announced yeslerday. J "" U U

The high school chorus will pro- I, sent concerts, and the girl's glee club Is planning an operetta In No­vember, MIss MacBride 8lI1d. COnt­hlnl'd groups will present an 0ller­


etta later In tho year.

Former Student Accepts Position

lnnstJlrl\tlolU of varlou. 8Chool~ Ih Oalr)' CeUI" tUlllr at \\' Iter' brsry etudy hall perlodll, Howar;1 Fountain, Lloyd Myers, nton. 0 • 0 u'e: Harold WebatH. Juqe :llye,·". to d.1 rmlne wblcb .chool ",III ,ult 100 thlll week, Bruce ,\Id~rman. r:dwln lIIyer". and Hear Prof. Travis William ShebNka. Dorothy Bule- Bernard Uuston. journahsm stu-1",lIvldvol students hal alread)- U. High Tenth Grade EdwlIord Krlz; rlrst ba . 'arl Gl'I'en, ehek. Elinor Goodlom. Betty llar- (lcnt at tho University of lowo. last 81111'1 ,I with thl> obt Inln" of 8chool Buildlnl: I'f't'lu!t III Harold \\'I'b t('r, Rob('rt Snider, Prot. LeE. Travts of the speech tin. ,larjo,'Y Ur('e~". J un num- year. has accept"d (l position on the (atalull'u 11 and otber literature. Im- Girls to Entertain lIarvllY WyJack, Dave l~oerster. J.Al- d"purlm .. nt will address the Clinton I l.hreYR. Lucile Kauf'tman. Leo nUn- Wisconsin Slate Journal, Madison, ~ ,,·n Ilulldlng p rmlt lot tinA' 1"')\ em. nt \\111 be conc('rnl'd "Ith Boy"-_ Thl· Afternoon Roy Fra:r.lrr. and lJ~rdel ~nRII't. Chamb('r Of Commerce at Clinton p/'rt. Kiltherino Jlfyorl'l. Alice Batps. "·Is. ~O.02~ In np\\, bulltlln[; • . "PI' Is· <> I I, tte rlng the IIIIP arance of the high Recond bass, Tom HO"n, SldMy MIl- thIs even tn&'. Hamilton Rlcs, AUce Hartly, Dnr- )[1'. Huston Is now omployed as EthOul, "hllll In\' atieaUnn ot how", sued durin Ill" ",ollth of S"Jlll' lIl' ier. l\!/lX OLIO. and Jlarold Dr~nder.1 1I(' will tulk on "PJlyehology as bara Stuarl. and Lloyd Krchlll<. sJlorts editor at the Ottumwa COUI'-obtain Iniftreatlll~ fr 0 mo,lp· from wr. Permits \\, I' Il'rtlnled for th Gil Is of emdE! 10 or Unlvf.'l'fIlty I I I I I h I I d llf" I hI' t I b I 1

'" Q .. Flr.t soprano n t IC 1 g 1 8C uol bllP IO( to '~ery lIy e, T osc se CClet, 01' t Ie UIl( a"e : er. \8~~~lwm ~wm~~m~. rW~otlli Mw~W~~andhlh~~wlll n~~lnbo~ot ___________________________________________________ _

1"1( l,lrture work. new garaKea. thnl In 1\ t a ""hool parly todtly Act!nlr "ltll • II'. Y rl n on the at 1 o·e\ock. ccor,lInll' tl> Do tl\Y

~oll1mltt"e arn D \1<\ Keck. Howard Fire neport Panl"n. eh mlan of the p rty com-J'ounlliln. and Dd 'I'hOnIIlA. El'm Fb 10 E' In 10', & Glt~ t<ll' [h .. mltl. • 1'1 phn, head ot the \rIrie' room, will month ot IlIt'",I .... " 1,.1111 .... $1 .022.1 1'h., glrl'a hom/' room hIlA l~n h IlU'ftled hy June fyere.llnd lice Ilc(ortlln ttl Ii,,' ,,'po.t ru ,I )ClI' 11<\\1)' d cont4!<l ,dtll curtnlllOl rna.de P t In tl: me \ocatlonal lIuld- t rtl )I by 1-11'41 t'llkr II m,.", ,\mIRIl. h}' Ih" etudpnls and pORtera of for­II n(', IlroJ""t th hoy. ar Itudy.ng. Til d"p,U'tnwnl Ii I1 S" ' I I II ~ lis. 1'1 'n M'n'M . . 1ulnl m Unlt8 will b arl1\tlll J and 'rhl ,nlu" Ht uIJlldlnll'lI tn\III,'ed \":, "Th(' 00)' will work Jlg·saw puz·

pM\kerll "t'l I Ik allout fl Id '13.000 and th"rt' ""n' 110 It W lI<1t zlfoS tor '·nt .... 1 Inment. or Ihey will \\ hleh Iluplla are Interestt'r1. ('(j\' red b)- In. lIra n()f'. It t i. ,}' w nt nny N'tr"fthmenta."

T~ "Iudy " Ottlliltn norolhy 101 "1'hl'),·v .. Irot to wO"k Tn gflltl 1 t. 10)' and all Is " Ill ('onlinuI> thl' IHll<zl... bl'tor w 'U I~t them

:'II" .... ork to·,,·th .. r In IInoth r dl,ol "" II lun oC (;1'11\1" "0"\' 1111\· IIn>'lhlng 10 'IlI." Illaneb ut v,,<,atlonaJ Il'uldalle., tnc- t, Again t \\ . ll hun It . ('null ,' . Ol'nnlr "I'. eookll'e and c ke made IIlty 0.,1\'1 "'s Harold Ha" and WI). \\ hll' h I~ on III !II It le t cou,t JxtCu .... hy th Irlrls will bft 8ervl'd_ A.8a1.t­hclm~na Orlmm nid. nlotrl~t Ju,lg. .1olm " 1'. oMrn"}"lln!; thE' chairman with llctivltl.s wlll I J\1I ,oratlon8 will II "Iudl d, nd will contlnllu IOlluy. :II, ... CuUIt ' I . l.>t' nnrl~n(' ClLnn~)'. netty MarUn, H'l'orlft and dlsru Illons "Ill en blo thE' Jllalntlrr. 18 au lllK un I· .. un~ nd Ph} 1I~ Sa'8. III Iud nl to lellrn about work hI) oC crud and Inhmll n Ir~atntont -----.nhlhl \\II.h tn toUo". 1n addition. anti th d fe:ndlUlt h' fIIeJ a coun· University ru~h To girls \1111 .ludy rood waya to use tel' suit. Pr ent Wilde Play 1,1 III' tlmA.

l]orno room OrliCH. \\ III have .Juulor ("!taml)('r t'imrl:l' oC tbe work. Tho boya art' : Till' .Tunlor Chaml..,,· or ('omm"rce lJ~'ld "'o.r81('r nnll Chari 8 Smith. mpl laftt night at I. I ' h'" 1.lno 1'(l()1ll

.. tude"l council; Tom 1I0rn. prlll- (or an Inforlllal me 'IIn N' "her pluns dent: nobert A\cO<'k. viI' prl'.ldl'nt: fOl' II", \\ Into'r 0 11 ''''I diN' \\'IIII"m Grar. .~('r"tary-trea.u"'·r; ~U!lJll~'1. B('()uI !>x .. rullv, (ll~n a. t nd Hobert Miller. r port r. Olrls P(lrdHe ~I"'kr brl"fly on the )1rOll­

In charge ar: Ad.l Schmidt and Il' cia or Il a RCOUllnll' In Iown City. ('Ilthryn McCleery. student council: ',hlch thp j unior t;lHlnl iJe r "Ians 10 Hllth I [1I\l.~ . presld nt. Or Ichen "pon'ol·. Th" cummllt . . uJlPolllt .• \ j· I,,}d. 'Iro pr Mld.nl: Edna chmldt. ~ In \lurk \\Iuh Ih ,xet ut!,·" I II .

- I'll tnry-trt'aaur r; Shlrlcy Brlgg8. " •. V~~ I~rmnrk, n,,} montl Uywuter. "'I,,"lt-, : und Marie Sehnod" h,n'l l:d l rbana. Hoy I:" erll, lind p"'/'y ~ Iud"nt courtesy. aku . '

Debnll'A )' Iannf'd , n,,)'~ or Irrll.da 10 will hold ,Ieilate" nntl "Iltn forllms on curr nL topla. t 1. Editor Nalueu , ' , rnon II. ['rlc~, faculty ad,,18.,r. Hil lel. Tho flr.1. beld fOnday. "as For ('('kly Papt>r " Hrsolvl'tl that c\'eryono Il'Iould go At U' ·t Hi«h tl, rnu gh unIHlllty." Ocbatrra W 1'0 Inver I Y r:l

~; .dm y Miller nnd ,-"noy Frnzlrr. I 110m~ room ofllrer. In charlie or

\\" ,:(' kly IIrJ;atf'1I will Ii!' : f!ldney :1111-It·r , K'ud,·"t (·uuncll; Theodoro Illn­mnn. IlJ'(,Blllcm; Paul lIardy, vlre '" ahl, nt ; I:,t Kllz. I<errptnry-tres-Uff' r ; nnd \Vnlla,<,e A{lam". n('Wli r -

l)urtrr. 011'1. ot Krall. 10 h "n four trll­

Inti" IlrnJl'cta. Agnpll Gunn. tae­l . lty ad, Iller, announced. They will ,tudy cltlzen8hlp as It relllteJI to 1.llI'h s~hool work. hubbies. which '\\ III 00 <llscu. I In el .... , I.ud man-11' 1'8. They alao have a .D clal (,hrlslmas project ot repairing brok­"n tOYlI, which will bo given to the poor. I

] lome room olllee .... directing tbe \\ork arc: Bctty Martin. IItudent (,(lUllcll: Dorothy Parden. pr sldent; huthryn Myerll, vice president; Ber­ldl'('o Anderson, 8ccrelary-treoeurc,·; .. nd l_uc('t\o. Curry and BonnIe Hill II, reponer.. Katherine K rall will aloo help.

To Stod SchOOl Cl lbttllihlp , nO) e Of grade 9 will study re­IJulrcmcnts tor a good .chool clUz"n. according to Paul Kambly. raculty ~dvl. r.

llome omc.... In ~ha.r&e ot the program are: Hamilton Rica. atu­<'ent council; nobert Caraon. presi­dent; Druce Black.tone, vic pres'. (I('nl; Bruce Alderman. eecr tary­trca.eurer: and Donald Spencer , re­pOrtH.

Plans ror boys of grades 7 and 8 are entirelY Indeflnltc, M. F. Car­),enter. faculty advl"er. Mid. H ome rt>Om oflleers .-ho are rormulating plan8 are: John Mattll, etud nt council; 'WLlllam Boller, presld nt; C)'rus Be),e, vIce preeldent; George Dane. treallurer; and David Boyd, ~~cr tary.

Plan W eekly TriPs GIrls ot grades 1 and 8 will mako

h weekly Clecurslon t o some p la ce .,C Inlerllllt In or near I owa. City. havo an exchange book shelf. a nd .. udy manner", said Margulrette htruble. faculty adviser. The f lrat ex­cursIon wlll be to Sld weU's cre .. m­fjry.

Home room omcera w ho will help )n the work a re: Mary Barn , pr Id nt; Elolae Lnpp, vice presl­nent; Suaan Showers, secretary­treaaurer ; Dorothy P ownall and Louts WIlliams . reporter.t.

Band at U. High To Get New Uniforms

, I n addition to $1,500 worth of new qulpment. the Un iverSity hig h

hool band "'ill have new unlCormll Ihlll 8C'm~.lIler. Ray R YC:l'llon, band in u'uctor, _ aid VI' tcrday.

i\lpmlers ot the new ~5 piPet lJllIld will mlll'clt proudly In uniforms of

hlu~ nd wh ite: while trou en!. and hlue nmt whllc cnPPK " 'Ilh white Il't­I ~r~ of 111, on Cl h ill'> ha.l'kg rountl.

"l'. High 1,lf" ." Unlver~It)· high .~h""l " ..... kl!· Illlt)"r. II III h .• v" t',ur tdltora thiN yo lr. A 111'1' llat('s. pres· ('nl editor. 8/t1,1 ('st. rd IY.

In adlllLion to ,ltS8 I1atl'lI will bO' Jlctty IJOU"r. n"I ... rt .J ..... uP. and Hom·rt N\·Cr, all He"lnrH In Ihe ad· vanct'll Cnglhth I'1t~~ at th hfgh Ichaol. LJl1ch on \\ III udlt tho pn-p('r "Cry r ur \\ ceks.

AsHlaUn/t thl" """'k III'" Huth lJOUltt'. Jane n"bhln8. Adl'lyn Sleg· IInlr, Uull"rt All'o(·k. and IliIl 111118.

.ECO Hershey Chocolate

Kisses Eat'h t(U\ to r " taIJl~l, P (' r

l..b. (1"1I01)h n~ ua ..


Potatoes leU b.w. Mpt'rlld fo r I lAklnl'. I~ Lb. ('Iolh ria ..

Apples Car of Ext,. Fan..,. llldll_ pn ~1I~lou ,~o""th.n .....

trlmH OOld~

Enra peelal, f'er Lb.


l'nlvcr6lty hl.h ~chool will pre­~('nt Oscar Wild '. play. "The 1m­IlilrtanCe or Brlnlr Eameat," lIome' time In Novembe,', The date ha.8 tcntatlv~ly ~cn scl tor Nov. 2, Alico Bat"8, member oC Ih .. advan­('I'd English cllUl. whl('h wlll have charKc lit It.s 1I1'~entallon, aald y_ t('rdny.

The cut for the plaY has Dot I)(>('n ChOB n. but tryouta \\'111 etart wlthln two "eckll. B~v ral ono act play" an,1 two longer play. will al80 be I'lven tblll year.

U. High to Dismiss Fr iday Afternoon

'nlverelt)' hl .. h school will be dis" ml"~oo l'rlday nttHnt>nn whll t~o.('h~r~ nttcnd th 8uPHvision can· t ... <'nct'. Harry Newburn. principal. said yC'stl'rdny.

During the conf'·l·enCt. which will aiM me('t Thursdny. unlvet'~lty blgh school and elementary clllMes ,viII lI"monHtrate m thods of teaching und th UllO ot vllrloull materials In clasa work. PrIncipal Newburn said. Mlmeograph"d programs. to be dill· tl'lbut('d Thursday, will Inclu<1e a detall .... 1 I'rbgram Of proceedings.


~..-,.....,--.-...... -----.- - ' -''' ' .-....... , ... -.~.....,~-..,...------":"""--...... - -----......,-- -.",.... ...... ..,.,.-,.....~~ ..

We begin with the right kinds of mild ripe Domestic tobaccos. Then we age and mellow them like rare wines for flavor and taste.






Next we add just the right kinds and the right amounts of Turkish tobaccos to give Chesterfield the "seasoning" that helps to make them taste better.

Finally we Clweld" these tobaccos together the Chest­erfield way-different from any other-to make Chester­field a milder better-tasting cigarette.


' ;:..-FIVE eEl(. :::
