Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1936-03-15


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Transcript of Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1936-03-15

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News t DaiII .o.~u 10UJtI City Bigh

\\' In8 SlIedoDaI Tournq AI. Wellmaa ~~e1

1 0 w C . a l t Y , s M 0 r n i n g N e "' • p II P e r

Flashes FIVE CENTS The A __ laUd PrEIIIe IOWA CITY IOWA SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1936 Ceatral Prete AAIOdatloa VOLUME XXXV NUMBER 242

Would Open Throttle -MADISON. Wis .. March 14 (AP)­trhe throttle of Industrial production /nust be thrown wide open betore t1ie American Carmer can achieve a ,table high standard of living. PI'esi­d~nt Glenn F"ank of lhe University ot Wieconsln told 104 graduating ~udents of the agricullura.l short course here today.

Georgia Dictatorship? it\TIJANTA. I\larch 14 (AP)­

Backed by $10,000,000 In CWIh, Gov. Eugene Talmadge tOOIQ' defied /lie C0l.(l't8 til' Inter'~ with his financial "dictatorship" or Georgia.

Iowa Wins Conference Swim Championship ~::r::~~er • • • • • • • • • •• •••••••••••

"The Judicial branch of die ,ovorrunent cannot encroach on IJIe ex~utlve branch," the IQv, emor decland after a three­Juelle fruperlor ('ourt upheld Its rir"t to (!etermlne the financial IlatulJo of bls a.hnlnI8trllllon.

Hawkeyes Edge lOut Michigan BvTwoPoints .

COMMENDABLE SHOWINGS Aside from capturing the Big Ten swimming title

last night, University of Iowa teams made comml:nd­able showings in two other Western conference meets.

The wrestling team came within one point of tying Indiana for the championship here while the track­men placed fifth in the league meeting at Chicago,

~ee Sports Page for Details) Iowa Gains 39 Points To I File Returns

DES MOINES. March 14 (AP)- Yea r ReIgn \ LA.WS, ENGINEERS DO - BA.TTLE Charles D. Huston. Intel'lldl I'evenue

End W o)ver!nes' Five", ~I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~

collector. announced today tnat un· MINNEAPOLIS, March 14 less a.n e"tenBion of time hns been ( pecial to The Daily Iowan) ­~bta.l ned fo)' filing federal IncomE> tax returns. penalties will bp appll~d Univer sity of Iowa's golden to thOtie who have not riled uy Mon- IIawkeyes, barren of a 'W estern llay. ~on ference t itle for seven years

JJecause March 15 Is SUndl'Y. on l lmoRt to the day, ended their i1ddltional day fat· Clllng has been. oop crown drouth here tonight granted.

WPA.~s Invade Capitol MADI,'ON, Wi S., !\tarch 14

(Mf-More Ulan 100 WPA strlk. ers who invaded the stale Cal)itol Thursday a nd look possesllion of the state and assembly rham· !lers, late today served notice or Intentions to remain for nn In · definite time.

Meteor Lights Skies

by winning tile annual Big '1'en nvimming championship .

'rhe Hawks dethroned the na­tional and conference champ­ions, Micbigan, in their sensa­tional fight for top honors. The final tabulation was 39 points for Iowa and 37 poi n t s [or the Maize and Blue. North­western, lilinois and Chicago trailed tar behind wIth 21. 19 and 18 pOintf./, re~lvl'cly. Other schools flnlshJng were Ohio Sta te with 15.

. NEWARJ{, N. J ., March 14 (AP)- MInnesota with 13 1·2 and Purd'Ue The most brllllnnt meteor to flash iWlt!l\ 2 1·2. across eastern skies In recent years. Iow'8.·8 last league chamlPlonship turned nIght Into noonday brl&'ht- came III 1929, when George Breena· ;,ellS early today and roused hund· han's tra.cksters captured thE> indoor Nds of sleepers from lhelr beds with meet. The Hawkeyes' victory tonight lts tremor. \!llso ended the five-year supremacy

The phenomprHlD occurred a few 'ot Coaah Matt Mann's Michigan h!llIutes be{orf> 3 o'clock and al- tanksters In the conference. lhough apPlU'cntly centering over The new champions won but twa }/e\v Jersey, was vlslble throughout Iflrst places. both by Ray Walters In II I~ part of tbe eait rn BeQboanl. the sPrints, but their pllwe points

Ita course wa... 'Uncertain. Its helped them to pile up their win­"landing (J01" as yet undetermined, ning toW. Walters, sensational Imt all those who viewed it-pollee Rockrartl, Ill., SOPhomore. undetest-on night duty, airplane pilots. anel (See Col. 1. Page 6) oU,er noclurnal workers - agreed lilat the bright lights dImmed street­IUghts to the strength oC candles and ~bat the rumbling WhIch followed a

, lew sooonds ooCOI'e the "bnll of fh'c" disappeared Into th east, rOCked I!ulldlngs.

Theater Manager Shot

Problems Stop Adjournment .

.. . ----Taxation, Relief To

Keep Congress From' Finishing Early

Mrs. Johnston Confesses To Murder Charge

Confession Comes On Eve of Trial; Judge Postpones Sentence

BEDFORD, I1farch 14 (AP) - Mrs. Anna Johnston, 38 year old widow accuscd joiJ1tly with h r confe. scd plll'amOm, Floyd H orton, of killin"" Horton's wife with poison, p lca(led guilty late today to a fir'flt degrce murder charge.

Hcr admis.<;ion of gui lt came with dramatic unexpcctedness on the cve of h er trial, sched­uled to open Monday In dlstrlcl cou,t 11ere.

Dlal"let Judge Homer A. Fulier. befol'e whom she entered the guilly plea, dIrected that she b taken 1m· me<liM Iy to ROckwell City Worn· .en's ,·ctormatory. Hc said she would not bc ee ntenced unW tlto murder chal'g'e against her hUsky, blond neighbor farmer, Horton. is dIsposed of. Mr~. Johnston's plea makes her s ubJoct to tbe death penalty or a tlfe prison term, which· ever Judge Fuller declli 8 u))on.

Later the Judge In!lt,'ucted lIor· ton 's attorneys to be ready tor trial Mal'c h 23.

Eastern Rivers Threaten Cities Three Spans of Maine

Bridge Buckle; 200 Evacuate Lowlands

DES MOINES. March 14 (AP) -Western Iowa flood waters were recedIng tonight o1ter In­undating thousands of acr I> of farm lands and /lrlvlng hundreds tram theIr home~.

II S.U.I. IN 1862 II

Eighty-one years Ilgo today classes w er c brglln at the niver· sity of Iowa. Eight years earlier, the legislature had e tablisbed the university, but it was impo. ible to orlXaniz c ia: ses until the 46,000 acl' s of the government-granted land had b CC' 11 sold to provide snpPolt money. 'hown above, 1he 1wo buildings comprising tlle univ l'sity, are Old apitol and ollth hall.

Blow: The foJlowin~ exc l'pt app ared in th' first bull tin of the university which is in th e coll ction of L. . L onard of the history department.

WHAT TilE FOUNOER." TJlO GilT The Trustees have framed the Stale Unlvel'llily of Iowa tor a

Higher InsUtutloll or L nrnlng. and when the science. tutd thulr ap))lIcations come. lo be falrly required. they Intend to be fully pre­pared lo mp.et that requlrem nt.

But while framed to furnish the lo(tlellt styl at culture, It can all\o adapt Ilselt to ,the lowest. By Its rejection ot call go elaMelI. and ItIJ adopUon of lndepend nt departments. It I. I'cnabled to fur· nlsh to the student just wha.t Instl'uctlon Ite r quires, without. n.t the 8O.me time, comp~UJni h1m to receive muoh that he /lClea not want. Ordinary colleges, by render'lng classical atullnments. ne· cessary to tbe entrance 01 the stUdent. exclude many who design to tIt themselves tar the common pu1'8ul(II ot lIte trom their hnll8 of leamlng. To UUe large cla1!!l those departmentll of thE> Unlver. s lty. which requIre no previous claslIlcal attainment, oCCer 0. ready admiSSion, and afford fe.clllties tor InetrucUon. The TrU8t 8, therefore. deem th msclves fortunate In having adOPted an organ­Iza.Uon wh.Jch, while it oft 1'8 to colJeg$ graduates a ecientl!lc couree of In9trucllon whIch they caJ)not thero obta.ln. can at the same time fUrnish to those excluded trom cOiJtl8e halle, th e meanll of perfootlni themselves In farmIng, rn oo hanlcsl. commercial. tutd other ordinary pur8u1ts Of ur~. .

Bishop Robert E. Lucey to Talk On New Social Order ~t Vespers

• • • • • • • • • • •

Of Confidence From People

Multitudes Cheer Leader As He A sumes Full Responsibility For "What I Have Done"

MUNICH, Germany, :March

14 (AP) - Adolf Hitler told

the world tonight that he made

Germany what it is today and

that he B.SRumes sole responsi­

bility lor Oermany's actions in

I'ega t'd to foreign J18tionil.

H e s rved notic : "I can­not be :f'orced to chang what I have done citller by m nacing or by flattery."

A 300,000 P rsons cbe red hi words, he called for a na­!llonal vote of confidence March 29.

MO COW, March 14 (AP)-The government newlJpaper Izvestia I4.Id tonight tha.~ a. unIted front at France, the Soviet Union, th LllUe En.tente, and the Balkan Entente had been tormed 113 ImmOt1late re­~ctlOIlJl to German attempts "to dla­torb the penc!) of Europe."

when G~l'll1nny &,oea to the parlla· mentary l)o!lM, ana declared:

"Between no\\' !lnd March 29 t will take th l'e~ I)On~lblllty tor what I ha.ve recently done."

Hefen to Art IUs llaten r8 wer certain t ha t

he was reterrlng IIlr cUy to hI" act ot xaclly one w k aco wMn he replaced a Ocrlnan army In the Uhln land. trom whiCl\ \h "letart! In th World war had ani red all troop, wJthdrawn.

lUll l' W\ln~ ~tor hI, audience. whlcn overflOWed two great walls and (Jlle<! th hue. anny drll1 field called Ther 81en m adow, wtth .. plea tor I\n e:xprelllJlon at tho con· rid nc of th e German lecUlrs.

"I &liked you (or your cont/den« when we withdrew trom thE> Leel'Ue at Nation.," he I!al.d. "YOIl know why wO wllbdrew. They did not give UI the .arne rleht. as others. It III ImpoSsible tor U8 to play sec· and tlddle.

AIIkt tor ()c)nf\6f,nt4!

CHICAGO, I\!ar h t4 (AP)­Jrvlng Fe hi berG', 96, assistant nlRnager or a llOuth side theater, WIlS flltally shot today by an unidentified mRD whom ushers broUj'h t to hI. offire for l\I1noy· Ing a, 10 year old girl III the the. aler.

WASHINGTON, March 14 (APf­Two thorny problums-taxatlon and rellef-tonight threaten ed to punc­t ure congrellSlonal hopes for an ad­journment at the presQnt _Ion by

G ed May 1-eorgia Negro Lynch While 8. house committee struggl­

CUSSETA. Ga.. March 14 (AP)- red toward the shaplng or President A 35·year-old Negro aC<'used at crlm· ROO6evelt·s $792.000,000 tax program. inatly attacking two white women iWlth many disagreements yet to 00 wa~ lynChed nOllI" here today by a reconcIl ed before public hearings art

.. -Dat1y Iowan Photo The enl:lneel'iJ had a slight edge at the stut of the.ir annllal batlle

with the laWtl, but I he law8 ea.lI1e back with a vengeance Friday af· ternoon and evening and gll.\'e their rivals a SOUD(. shellacldng. The law8 stole the !\lecca flag lrom atol> tlte enginooMlIg building, all· nounaed the !\Iecca queen before Ihe ball, and feted Ina Ray Hutton and her troupe. In upper pictun> law8 are hoisting tlto Meeca. lIag on Ihe law building to fly at haU slarr, ",hlle tile laws' flag floa.ts abo"e It. 111 lower picture Bm')'1 Goodenow, Ll of Ba.tt.le Creek. tried to snatch the I\reeea nag In the woo hours of FrldllY morning, but WlIS caught. lie Is being thrMhed by E. 1\1. Kurtz, E4 of Clarion, cellter, and dame. Watson, E4 of Waterloo. MeCCa wee.k will end TUesllay.

The Little Sioux and IMa1)lo rivers. which spread out over Monona! county lowlands tor three days, we re gradually creeping back toward theIr banks. Water In the Big Sioux. wht.ch tlooded parts ot Iowa and Sont!t Dakota, a ll!() went /lown during tho day.

(By The Associated PresS) Swollen by rnln and tha.w, New

England rivers swept great Ice pack. toward the sea Saturday night, Ithreatenlng coostal citlee wltb the :sa.me f lOOd devastation that alrea,dy has wrought havoa among thelr he9.dw'aters.

"Now I am asklng aga.ln tor your confidence. Between now and March 29 I wHi take the rel!pomdblllty tor

Social Worker Aciive II III what I have recently done. In Behalf of Labor., Spew Tonight "I assumed the ~8ponsjbIUty. It

WB.8 not alway" easy, for I took

Gilmore to Preside I===========:!J ov r a realme that WIUI In a. "tate

mob which 8clzed blm troot hat· the plan can be opened. the chief tahoochee county otticel'8. executive closeted hlml!elf In the

;\ rop& about hIs neck, the bullet. White House to begin the actunl punctured body at th e vlctlm, Phllill Malting 0( his relief plan tor the BAker. was fou nd on the bank of Inext tlacal 'year. /I 8wampland lake s~v~t'1L1 hours ut· I Such dltflculUes have been en­ter he WIU! tak 'n rl'Om Sherif! J. countered In writing a request for T. Van 1I0rn and 1wo dl'cputlc!I by I il'cliet tunde that a tourth White the nrmed and mlU!k~d band. House conference last night lett the

F. R.'s Drive

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Prof. Lambert Will Award Honors at Mecca Banquet

l'JUCAGO, 1\111«11 14 (AJ>}­\'resident ~eWs ilrh'e to take ImPl'ovemenl.8 In the na· Uon', watlll"Wll),8 out of the po. lIt1cal "pOrk btuTe!" was act In ",,,Uon today At I he flnt I)f a. 8erieH of l'e1.'ionR. plannlne 000' rcrente.rt,

flnM sum to be ~ought 8tlil unde­cided. Various figures. rantPng from $1.000.000 .000 to $1.125,000.000 and up to $2.340,000,000 have been /lpec-ulated upon without otflclal can fir· HOIWJ"!l during the year by stll- i ahort, smashing melodrama. wilt bo maUon. dents ot the college of engineeri ng presented unde~ tbe direction of

Whatever lite total, congre88lonnl ;will be awarded. by Prot. Byron J. Vance Halla.ck. A3 of Fargo. N. D .• leaders privately conceded protl'aci- , Lambert. acting dean at t~ college aDd Robel·t Berry. Al of Mareng(). ed debate might result boca.ul!6 of the of engineering at the Mecca. ban-

t to t 6 30 I tl e The story concerns the typlcnJ t'ecent flurry of accusa.llollB and de- Que morrow a : p.m. n • ~nlals that politics have tinctured the J'lver room at Iowa UnIon. !herOine. and her two 10vI'cr&-Vh.e, Mmlnlstra.tJ.cm of eome portiOns of Jean Hanlon will dance. fOllowed I hero, and the villaIn who could not the present work relief program. by a speech by Prof. Bruc~ E. Mo.- talce no C{)r a n answer. Richard Box.

Elsewhere In the ea.stcrn United States and Canada. floodwaters ~­gan slowly to I'ecede after a. two-day rampage.

Altogether 29 deaths have been at-

Iowa. City's flOOd threat reo ma.lned the lIame last night as river readl",s at the university hydraulics laborato()ry showed • stage of 11.9, nearly three feet allo\'e nlHHl level,

B1ahop Robert E. Lucey of Am­anilo, Tex., one ()f tbe younger blshop8 of the Catholic church, 'wIU deliver a unlvel'llity vespers addreM on "Building a New SocIal Order" !this evenin&, at 8 o'olOCk In the maJn ,ounge at IoWa Union.

President Eugene A. Gilmore wlil ,preside at tb$ servIce and Mon"lgnor Cone. president of St. Ambr08e col­lege. Davenport, will give the Invo­ICatlqn. Tile univers ity orcheetnp., conducted by Prot. Frank E. Ken­drle of the mtlSic depe.r1ment, wtll play the Ada,gW, by MendeLssohn, and ''the university choir, directed by Her· ald Stark at the musIc department, 'Will 8lng the Cr~JnXll8 by LOtti.

Bishop Lucey wllJ be honored o.t p. dInner by th1l IIchool of religion, !tbis evening at 6~30 In the private dlnlng room of Iowa Union. Among \the guests attending the dinner w11l be Bishop Henry P. Rahlma.n. Dav· 'IlnPOrt. Monatgnor Cone. president GIlmore, Dean George F . Kay ()f the Bishop Robert E. Lucey of

"'lxt)· plannlnlf COfnntl8lllon8 frullt • hal r dOJ;en rentrai 8&atA!8 Itudled neNIs or tho upper M18· 811111lppl buill to "repare reeom· IIttnd.t Ion ror Ute NAtlona.l Re· lOU~ee boIIrd, I'rot, A. 0, Trow· brid,e, hellil of the ge<Jlog)' de· ""r"nent or the Unlvl'nlfy ot Ion. and "tftt~ geolO«l8t; was 1111001 Ih08ft I)rt!IIent.

Speaker Byrns bJrn.eelt today mod. ha.n, dIrector at the extension dIVI- ! .El3 or BeliE> Plaine, will be th e lovely Wed s lightly his earlier tlat declara. slon. After s ingIng by th~ graup. I Neli Pet'kins; Donald Schaeffer. 0 tlons that COngre88 would be on Its honors will be awarded. J ames Wat· at Manley, will POrtl'8.Y the dftshlng Iway hom e by the end of April. a fIOn. E4 of Waterloo. I) resldent oe the hera; Franklin Eddy. El ot Maren­situation desired by many members A8soclated Studente of EngIneerIng. go. will enact the part or the villain;

Friday nlg\tt's heavy snow had almost entirely d1811ppeared yell. terday, and it WIl3 the run·ott or this moisture that kept tJle river level even with 11& previous hIgh durlnc the d8.1. Warm weather in the northern part of the state 18 expected to releue mllre waler in th", low. river valley within the next few days.

college ot liberal aria, Father Pat- Texas will present a vesper ad· !rick J. O'R,eDIY of St. Patrick's dress on ".Building aNew So-churah. Prot. ChrIstian Richard of • ". •

Local Temperatures

A.. recorded each hour at the towa CIty airport. from 12:30 P.m. to 11 :30 p.m.

to allow them time to build their wlil aerve as too..stma.stel·. Adolph Toplnka, E4 at Cedar Rap-pull tical fences before next Novem- To Pr_nt Queen Id.s, wll! appear as a typlcal old

tributCd to the sprIng floods thUl (ar a.nd propeny damage In the New England area a lone was estimated a.~ mare tha n $60.000.000.

ber. The Mecca queen. Florence Paine. omald; Pa u'! AlIChenbrenne.r, El at and her two attcmlnnts will be PI'&- O~'sa.rt, will he Nell's grandmother. !Bented at the banquet. A sOllg by (anel WallaCe McKenzie. E3 Of Port. lthe quartet will Conclude tho pro- 1and. Ore .. will ap""'.~ as Lhe "'!·and. Strike Goes Into

Second Week; Hope For ConcUiation Dim

13 Perish ,- .,., The highest casualty lists were re-

,gram. 'falher, The Meoca a how. whIch will ~ corded In the maritime provinces of

presented Tueeday afternoon a nci DlI.neers canada, where 13 perl8hed. and In evenIng. will teature an englnccm' Men who will dance in the JIf~ca New England. where 10 dled,

NEW YORK, MlIl'ch U (AP)- , quartet. an old-fWlhloncd melodramu.. chorus are: Robert Fishel', E 2 oC MaIne's historic Kennebec river Manhattan rounded out Itil IJoCc.ond land the Mecca chorus a !levy at IOwa City; Rusl\ell Lortz, E2 of Mil. ISwelled and heaved In Itil ettort to

!the acbool ot reJlglon and Profell6Or Clal Orde r , tlus evenmg at 8 LalllPe. o'clock jn Iowa Union.

i Report' Many Shot i I In Madrid Affray I • • MADRID, March 14 (AP)-

Senral penona WeI'I! reported .hot tonIcht Ia demCllllltraUons at LorrODO III wtaleb • Ca/.bOlle

Monday, March 23, Set as Date For

Louis Clay's Trial

'-_________ ....,.._....J ,~k of "talr.cllmblng becaU8$ at betl.uUful daml!els reprcs'ented by el1- IIE\I"&burg; StEtphen Manchester, E2 .cast oCf wlnter's lay shackles. Thre$ hampered O!'IQvator service today with glneerlng atudent& ' fo r Ft. Dodge; Cla.ude ~tl.gge. E2 of spane of the $800.000' Rlchmond- · }:',,814.'1'/111,

U:ao ............... H I 0 :30 ....... _ ....... 42 a. vague hopo tha.t IItrlkln&' buJldlng . A matinee performance will ue I Clinton; Clarenc() LIndholm; Lester Dresden' bridge 17 mllee lIOuth of .aervlOQ omployea and realty ownerS given at S O'clOck and two perf 01'1'11- 2anger. E4 of MOl'lle: Wl11lo.rn Bow- AugustO., buckled under thE> on­at last mlght get tagether over a anccs wlU be gIven ln the evc.nlng. clen, E2 of Steamboat Springs, Colo .• )Slaught of an Ice Jam 10 feet higher. conterence table and eetUe the far- one at 8 o'clook and ono at 10 aud Robert Benton. E2 at Malvern . More than 50.000 workers were on

Institution !lila • eehoot were burned,

District Judge James p. oattney ~terda.y !let March U as the date tor Louis Clay's new trial on a

charge of murder. It bad previoWl­

ly bel'cn decided to try Cla.y one week

Ia.ter. March SO.

1:10 ................ ~ 5 I 7:80 ................ 42 2:80 ............... 47 I 8:80 ................ 42 1:80 ... : ........... ~8 I 9 :80 ................ 42 4:80 ................ H I )0 :30 ................ 40 6:80 ................ 48 I 11 :80 ................ 40 ~he IO~8t temlll'rature recorded

YeaterdaY WIUI U a t 7:41 a..m. The '18h W8lI 47 at 2:30 p.m.

WEATHER IOWA-Fair, colder In ennth

1IItlq; &00111""",, rain, somewhat • 1rIIMI' In extreme eM&.

tlung labor dl8)lute. o'alOck. DOlia Jordan. A3 of Des Molnl'c.. an enforced holiday as textlle mlll. Tho pol ICe 86t the number of Th.o quartet wiblch' will OI)On thO tho singer with Vette ' Kell's Cam- Qnd other plants IIhut dawn.

bulldlna, atteoted at 2.4U. pr{)gram mcludea Norman F. BlUme. pus band, Is director of lhe c horus. Mlchty Connectleut A rive-man board continued nep- El or San Diego. Cal •• first t enor; Muskl tor thE> show will be fur- The mightY Connecticut river.

tlo.tlone tor t·he peace May~ F. H. Mark H0U88r, E1 of IOwa City. fJ'CC. hl~bed by Slm SImon and his band. f'lVeeplng Ice floell toward. Lon&' LaGuardia. wu unable to obtain In 'ond tenol'; Emil J . Petranek, E3 ot A screen leature. "Love orm 'a Bet," Island Sound, was rIeIng at Harttord. two weeks of embIttered IItatements I Cedar Rapldll, baritone; and William /Mth. Gene Raymond and Wendle It" waters backed UP to Northa.mp­by repreeentativee ol the employee' L. Ja<:keon, Et ot Cedar Rapids . Barrllj, a. selected "short," "Phll ton. ]\fQ.8/l., where some 200 per80NI union a.nd t.h& real eatate lorela at bus. '8pltalny and his Girl Band," will were evacua.ted from adjacent low-NeW' Y()!'k'a t~wera. I "HI) AIn't Done Rleht by Nell," a alII() be pre&eIIoled. lands .

The .otneea of the neW8Pal*' Dlarlo de ~ Wop, • r!rbUIli Journal, UIG the local headquar. ten of the popular tIIlUon paMy, the ttroar rIr~ Gl'pni.at1lB hee.ded by ,,_ karla GO RGblee, a180 were deltrored by fire.

IA!IIonl PIIIb On ROME, (AP)-Mu_o1inl'" legionll

pushed torward lut nll(ht over ter. rain pilted by aerial bomblJ in & two. pronged driVe toward 'Lakes Tana. .nd AShanaL

Clay Is accU8ed of the murder of

GSOrge J. Fol8om, aged Iowa City

l'e8Ident. on ChrlRtmas eve, 1918. He

was convIcted by a dlatrlet court Jury early In 19S5 and sentenced. to

life imprisonment; bllt a lIupreme

court decision In December revereed the lower court'. verdlcL.

ot collaplMI. "I IUIllumed tlte hea.vlest burden It

Is p«*<lble Cor any man to &118Ume. I doubt whether anyone el"e would have had the cou~e to take the full responsibility In hllJ name alone.

" I did not hide behInd maJOrities. I took my mandate from the <nr· man people and to that people I am re"pon"lble with my head.

"With It. I stand or fItIl."

France Oller. To Solten Stand

LONDON, March 14 (AP)-An em­battled France oUered tonlgbL to soften Its etand on the q ue.Uan at Germall7', remilltarlzatlon at the Rhineland" 14 nations sat In judg­ment on th e vlolal~ of two treatlClll pntended to In8ur6 Europe aa-alnat war.

"We do not want to 8t1ck blindly to our In8M1tence on evacua.tion If we can get .ometbl~ better," said lit

Frenah. SpOkesman attendlni a meet­lng at the League at Nation" counell ca.IIed to consider the reich'" vlola­~on of the Locarno pact and the Veraal lie. tree. ty.

H80methlnc Betkr'" The "something better" was \ett

unexPlained.. "The French pronouncement, and

the council', Invitation to CbanceUor Ado\! HIUer to etate hi. cue Monda¥ afternOOn through a rep..-ntatlve, eased the tension whkb WlL8 &rlp­peel Europe moe reich troopa gOOlC-stepped Into the RhIneland &

week 118'0. CThe New York etock market, re­

jul!ut"ed t.ha.t "war threat" new. from abroad had been premature, climbed swiftly, equities IIOiI.rlng for satu of around It to '1 a ahare.) 'Future Depeada oa Wille AdIoD"

Neverthele.a, Foreign Mlniater Anthony Eden. of Great Brlta.tn tol~ the crave rtm _Ion of the (lOunel1:

"It will not be too mueb to B8¥ that the f1ItllJ'e depends uPon the willdom at our actton bete."

Couneu elrel.. conllldered the at· fer to roller .. opening a new path. 11'8.1 to European peace.


Ho~ace Heidt's Brigadiers Will Play for Formal Senior Hop Band Has 15 Pieces, 200

Instruments; Players Excel in Novelties

Horace Heldt and his B~lgadlcrs

will play tor the Senior Hop tho

Jllght of March 27, from 9 10 1

o'c lock, It was announced last night by Mal'vln Wright, M4 of Des Moines, chairman of the. committee in charge of arrangements.

Horace Heldt will bring, besides the l5 members at his band whose v6rsa.llllty makes It necessal'Y tor over 200 Instruments to be kept on t he stand at a ll times, several fear tured entertaInerS . Included among t he entertainers will be Alvine Rey, player of Ihe singing guitar; Lys· beth Hugbes, harpist; Jerry Bowne, novelty slngcr', and the Campbell ::llstclll, rhythmic hll.rmony trio.

Paul 'r,'ebllcock, Chicago artist, will attend the party and ",III 80·

lect tram the 20 Hawkeye beauties six to be presented at the Junior Pt'Om, April 24. Judgments will be made by ~1r. T,'ebUeock on tho baSis of beauty and grace liS lhe b~auUes promenade along the or· clles tra platfonn.

Othel' members on th committee In charge or arrangements a" Tom Ml1Ier. A4 of Iowa City; Edward J. reily, L3 of Des Moines; Glenn C. Jlflllcl'. D4 of Hudson, S. D.; J uhn J. Adams, P4 of 1I1 ason City; Lisle n. Payn('. C4 of Des lItoinc~; Lu· cllle A. Zc'hlman, N3 of Brighton; Donald R. l\111llelt, G of Des Moines. and J esso C. Gorkln, A4 of Rpch('s. t~r, N. Y.

TI'i Delt Sorority Will Initiate Group

At Chapter House

• • • • • • • • • • •

To Play at Hop

Horaee II(l~Qt, piQturcd {lbove, and his Bl'ig!,\(l iers will play fa!' the Senio!' Hop M~rc11 27 from D p,m. to 1 a.Dl. at Iowa Union.

University Clu'b To Entertain Tuesday

At St. Pat's Party

A SI. PiJ,lrlck's day cllnner·lwidge

fOI' U\1lv~l'slty clull m,embcra a.od

guests will la~c lllace In the Un I· Vel'Hity clul.J t'oonu; at Iowa Union

Tuesday eveninS'. Dinner will be liN'vert at G o'clock

followed by bridge a~ 7;30. Quests D~ltll. D('lta Dclta BOI'ority will who de not wish to att~nd lhe din.

Inttiato the followIng' students this ncr may como fo,· bridge. morning at th chapter hou~e; Anna Members of thc dlnnel' committee 11111 Jones, A 2 of PCI"'y; Mllry Cc, leRtc Rucker of Ottumwa. PatriCia J{Ugh~ of OxIol'd. GretChen Hughes and I'hyllls Wassam or Iowa City, and Delores Hubly of MIlSon City, III" 1111 1\1; ~lolly Virginia Smith of Burlington and Ruth Dee Lewis o( Dal1ville. both C3; Martha l1amJl· ton, A4 of Oskaloosa, and Margaret ]"'ngiund, A3 r :Muscallno.

A sllve l', gold, and blue color scheme will be expressed in tho decorations at 0. formal dinner at 12 o·clock. Spring flowers in sliver bowl!! wl1l decorate the tables.

I.C. Woman's Club Group to Convene

are: Mrs. Edwin ",,'cbcl', 1111'S. O. S. Morse, JIll'S. Raymond Bl'uL;cre, Bula Van MeteI'. 1111'8. E. P. T. Tyndall, Kate Wlckham, J\Irs. Gor· don Marsh ;lnd Mrs. J . F. Reilly.

A.A..D.W. to Meet For Lunch Saturday

Members of A.A.U.W. will con­vene for thelr monthly luncheon mceting at tne home at Mrs. Andrew H. WOOds. 1100 N. DubuqUe street, 'Saturday.

Prof. Elmer T. PetC1'son of tile -collego of edu.cation will speak on "Education In Nazi Ger(l'lany."

Reservations for the IUllcheon may be made wLth Mrs. C. E. Cousins, 6164. 01' Mrs. J. L. Potter, 6283.


II Art Kassel To

J===============:::;;::::;::=:==.=============!J Play for Medic. WITH lOW A CITY SOCIETY THIS WEEK

-Daily Iowan Photos (Pictured above) Guests at the home of Prof. and Mrs. Grant Wood, ]142 E. Comt str ct, m'l' lift-. and M'r·s. Cartpr H. Manny '

of Michigan City. Ind. F'r III left to right they are Mrs. ~lanny, Mr. MaullY, ;)Jrs. Wood, and Prof. Wood. Tn the pictur~ at the left are Mrs. Paul M. Moore Jr. (left) and Mrs. Allen C. 'J,'estel', CO·llOlStpssps at a lUllcheon Friday at the 1'P8tp1' 11ome-, 228 Wolfe avenue. 1.'0 tlte right are 1\'[rs. J. O. Yarnall of Califo1'uia, Pa., (left) hall. egu('st at the FHzO'('rald home 50!) Oak-hillel avenue, and Mrs. Rufus II. Fitzgerald. 0 ,

Local Club To Give Musical Tea Friday For Women's Groups

Officers pI tho Iowa. Federation of

wl11 moot at 2 o'clock preceding the teu. and a. gcncl'al bu Iness meetinJl' at 3 O'Clock.

Mrs. M. Russell To

Cat/wlic Study Group han Is In ehargr of PI'ogram Ill"


Bridge Party Ruby Potter, 900 N. Dodge ~trcet,

will entPrtaln tomorrow evening at an 8 o'clock bridge ])arty fo r 11

Dance Fridav •

A.esculapian Frolic Hop Tickets Limited To CoUege of MetLicine

UnlvCl'slty medic stud nts will en·

t~rtuln F"ldny night In tho moln loun ge ot IOWa Union when A rt

Kassel (lnd Ill s "Kn~8cls of th\! All''' orchesli'a pIny his thome BOng, "Doodl~·Doo·Doo," lo Ol>on

tho Aesculapian Frolic, It was a n·

noun d las t night by JnmCM Red·

mond, M4 o( Jlfontic('1I0.

Stur,lents of m Nllcln(' will be t he only customors fOr tlck"t» to the frolic , as th Jl rly Is stl'lctlr lim· Iled to tho 8LUlirntA In the collegc of medi Cine. Internes and faculty mrmber~.

Tho committee tn chn"g(' at Ill"

rangement s Includes; MI'. R dmond, chairman; J am('s Agn('w. M4 of In· dependence; Thomas L. Trunnell, J.J3 at WaterlOQ; I,v I' 'tt R Hur. te'UI, 1\[3 of Dll\'('npOrt: \Vllilam Kearney, M3 or DOR M,'oln(\s: Dale A. Ro ld. M2 of narlan; Edwnrd H. Lambe,'t, Ml of lown City, and J ohn W. RanI', Ml or DOnnellson,

Auxiliary To Fete 17 tit Anniversary Of American Legion

~l eb ratlnA' th!' s{'vent('enth an· nlversary ot th~ A me"lean Legion, the Amcl'ioan aux!liary will have a potluck dlnnPI' MOndaY evening a t 6 o'clock In tbe Ame"lean Legion pull ding. Mrs. Georgp Maresh and Mrs. Georg!' Unosh will be CO·h08· tesses for the dinner.

Following the dinner and m Ling there will be a short progl'llm. M,'s. Deborah Hurley, county service chairman. wJII be In chal'go Of lh(> program. ~femb('r8 lind their tamJlI('s will

attend nnd are to bring 0. "favorltc" olsh and table service,

Catholic Study Group Athenij IIIstorlcnl cirel!' will m et

tomorrow afternllon at 3;30 lit the home of Mr·9. ElmoI' Ander'son, 1040 E. Burllnglon street. ,1rs. 1Iomer Johnson. wbo will pl'csent the pro· gTBm. wlU "cvle" "Llfe wllh Fath· er" by Day.

Book and Basket Club

Newman Club To Meet lar Montfdy , Breakfast at Reich'~

Mc'mberR of Newma.n club will en_ florl!lln at th~lr rcgular monthly b l'Caktll8t ~h19 mbl'Olng at 10 o'clock in the pi no I'oom of Reich's calc.

A BhOI1. Informal program will be PI' ntcd Immediately following th~ 'l:\reakfQ&t. i

CommJtleo In chargo of o.rranJl&. }ment!! Inc luc\68 Hazel L. Butler. AS of Mechanicsville, and Benedict G, HUI\Ler, E~ of ~eWltt. I

~Qy(d IV eighbors Club' To Meet Wednesdoy

Itaya I Neighbors will meet Wed· nesday evening at 7:90 at tbe Amel'lcan Legion )Julldlng to eele. pl'llte the fO"ly,fll"st a nniversary o! fbe club . A variety program and refr shments will follow tile 1'U\l' !al' buslneSfl mcetjnj:.



No One Knows

There Is no one

who can foretell

when it will be his

duty to decide upon

a funeral director;

yet that possibility

exists for every in·


Man y persons,

realizing this, com·

pare qualifications

of different firms

so that they may

know which one to




/ ;;';)ffiit:i~ -

TIle home depa,'tment of tho ~owa Ci ty Woman's club will meet Tu~sday afternoon at 2 o'clock at tbe home ot Ml'S. James W. J0I1C8. 701 Melrose avenue. After a shol't bu~lnes8 discussion, offlce l's of lhe (\ partment fOr the coming year will be elected. Following this, Mrs. ]'eal'l Scarborough will gl\'e adem· onstratlon of the "Uses of Singer· cmft" and an explanation of VII.·

rious sewing machine attach· ments. The Tuesday meeting will bo the last regular one of the year.

Elks Ladies Plan Women's Clubs and m mbers ot wo­

Tuesday Luncheon men's clubs throughou.t the state .who will be In Iowa Clly to com])ete

Instruct Club Group

A school of Instruction tor officers and members of Ealltern SIal' will be eonclucted by Mrs. Mozelle Rus· sell of Winfield ~t 1 :30 p.m. Wed· nesday a.t the Ml\.Sonic ternplc.

SI. Paul's unit of the Ca.thollc study g,'oup wlll me~t '!'uesday a!· tel' noon at 2;15 at the home of Mm. H. S. lvle, 120 Grand cou rt. ,['hcl'(, wi ll be a book review of Newman's "Spiritual Lf'gacy," lIfrs. Bruce 1110.· guesl~ at JI.1 un n'R grill.

The Book !lnd Basket club will meet al lhe hOI11(> of M '·K. J. G. Sentln~lIn. 614 N. Gilbert street, tl). morrow arternoon at 2:30. Mrs. Ella Bulla will assist Mrs. Sentlnella. In entertaining. M,'s. Kllrl Pal'sons will furnish a musical Ilrogram alter the roll call. ======:;:;=====================

The Elks Ladles wll! have a St. a .state-wlde drama. con toot Thurs-Patrick's luncheon Tuesday at 1 '<lay, Friday, and Saturday of this

East Lucas Group Postpones Party

The euchre and pnochie ])arty planned by the East Lucas Wom· Il.n·s olub for Tuesday evening at II o'clOCk at the C.S.A. hall has been Indeflnltely postponed, acco"dlng to an announcement made by Mrs. Chat'les Ruppert, chairman.

Club Meeting Tomorrow Daughters oe Union Veterans will

ll1eet tomorrow aft ' rnoon at 2;30

l'.m. In their clubrooms followed by a card party. The committee In charge Is Mrs. A. Horrabln, Chall·· man, Mrs. D. F. Fitzpatrick. Mrs. Burt Kent, Mi,s. Brllng 'rhoen, Mrs, ,v. J. McDonald, Mr@. Gus A. Pusa, terl , 1111'S. Parry Oakes, and Mrs. Ray SIa.vata.

A.D.C. Bridge Club Will Meet Tuesday

'rhe A.O.C. bridge club will meet 'l'ucsday even ing at the home of Rut h Crum, 1403 E. Co llege street, at 7:30.

Fullowlng the pluying of cll.rd games, Ill'izcs will he awarded to thoHe holdln~ ili~h SC01·PH. Xe·

fo,· a sQcial meeting and k I1Hlng_ f"cshments will be l;(!l'ved at tablt's ton at the homp of 1I1l'l!. W. F. deco"[lted in St. I'atl'i('k sty lo wllh McRobel·ts, ll07 Kh'lnvood court gr cen shaml'ocks llre(lominallng.


Gay Spirit

Spring Fashions! OF

• New a.nc1 interesting jewelry arrives at Hands as soon as it's new , . , an im­portant part of this store's service is constantly seeking new things for you,

• I

Hands Jewelry Store

Woman's club Friday afternoon at 3;30 a.t a musical tea given under

auspIces Of the music depart­Iment. The entertainment 'Will take /Place at loW'll. Union. Cattlelins Mullin, chairman In charge at the tea., and Mrs, W, S. Dysinger, presl­den t at bhe club, will pour.

':('he genel'll\ elub executive board

OUlor plans for the day Ineluue 0. dinner at 6 ;15 p. m., followed by an evening meeting at 7;30.

Reseryatlons tor the dInner may be made beiore Tuesday noon by caUlng Mrs. A.I1'. Koch, dial 3210, Or Mrs. Everett Means, dial 3962.



BRUCEWOOD "Dress of the Week" A Medici ruff about YOUf throat, bu~lt·out shoulders to make your waist look incredibly tiny - that's 'the new vogue from Paris • It's here in a feminine suit-dress with all the custom details fo.. which these Brucewood orl&'ln.

are fa~ous.


exelusive with us



Packard turns over its showrooms*the Week of March 16th to 21!! .... ,...,

. " .. , ... " .. ' '-1, • •

IN recognition of the preference for Packard shown by women the 'World

over, Packard has set aside the week of March 16th as Ladies'Week. , During tllis week, you may come in and look over the distinguished new Packarda in the same spirit that you would ,view a Spring fashion show in your favorite dress shop. Every attempt will be made to show yo4, in an ~ntereat­lug way the things which smart wOlDen value most in their personal care, Ar· rangements have been made for special demonstration~ , if you wish one.

Our showrooms, decorated with gay 80ral displays, are ready to weh;ome YO\1. May we hope for a vi.it? .n;, U-If'" meGil ~ men _Tl'llI!flCj)~ IDO!

P4CKARD ¥.J~c7iz'. ~ ~/.20

Alr 'lN • WO"'-AN WHO OWN, ONI

SIMM'ONS MOTOR CO. 120·122 S. GILBERT ST. . ..... --. " DIAL 4701


Recor l


Scout :

325 En Progr(J 11 Gel

Rccordattel twpnty-foul'lh ceiebl'll.t loh at bIInCIU t given I Scou~ llUlt nl b'Plscopal chur, wero entertain

FollOwing th, progran\ was g l D, Fl'allcls 1>"0 (J'\.SI~ted of t MlLn" danco by 2; blrlhday c, Troo!> 3; Mrs. James the council

9, rcc IYed a pass for win troop nttendl nne~

ror Troop 0 I ledge , Dean

Margaret \v and Mr". O. C. Margaret Constanc~ Charles

program M well maker traJ n Ing. movies at am P .umme r I)y Dr. were shown.

Athens Sunsb will entertain spring dancing n!Jlg at 8:30 at or Pythlas, members of their fricmlM

Will en. IlIOntlljr

10 o'clCek care. will \IB

fOllowing IhQ


no one


b~ his




Record Crowd Attends 24th Scout Birthday 325 Entertained By

Progra'rn; Troo p8 9, 11 Get A.wards

nccord attehdll.nee marked the twenty.fourth Girl Scout birthday ce\eb''lItioh at t h llarenl..dOol.tgllter banqUet given hy the lowa City Girl Seoul.; last night at the Methodist EPiscopal ChUl'ch, when 325 guesta wcre enterlalned,

~'oIlOwlng the 6 o'clOCk dlhner, a progrllnl was given In whlel1 Mrs. F . D. Francis pl'Csolded. The pl"ogl'Q.m (In.sl ~ ted o( th e fOll owing "~wag Man" d'ance by the membor\! of TroOp 2; birthday cahillo ceremony by TrooP 3; dlscu.!!slon on camping by Mrs. Jnmes W, Joncs, chairman of tho oouncll camp committee tor 1036; Geneva George gave th readings, "Mother Knows Besl" ond "Nlghlle, Nightie" and Mal's-a'l'et Olsl'n direct­ed the enUre groul\ In Hinging,

AUcnd"nC6 Awurtls }'resented Attendance awa\'d.~ were presented

to Troops 11 and ~ following th!) program. Troop 11, captained by Betty StapPcl'Shoef, waa presented a green bllkelite seoUL cotllpass by Mrs. Francis for having the highest ~ Ltendance, Indudlng members of the troop, parent" o.nd member" of. the troop committee,

Those presellt fOI' T"oo!> 11 were: Mrs. C. J. Co (fee, liIorls Ann Coffey, MI'5. J . Hennessey, Marian Hennes­,,-.cr, ' MI'!I, Arthulr O'Sl'len, MI'S, FI'a.nl< Bernlcl<, 1\1rs. ROY Linder, Mary Ann Linde", Eleanor Hendel'. t on, Marl' Allen Colbert, Virginia Colbert, Mrs. John J. colbert, Bernice Corso, Mrs. II. S. Ivle , Lucllle West, I,ucille Consamus, Marian Halsch, Mrs. Joseph Halsch, Dnrbara SU·tlb, Mrs. Carl Strub, MI'S. Bleano,' By· _ell, Patsy Beach, 'ally Venna.ce, Betty owens, :\11'". 1'llcey Owens, iAudrey Adrlan, Mrs. Walter Adrian, IHelen Hogan, Helrn Nerod, Mrs. Helen Nerod, Margaret Greaser and Miss Stappershoef.

, tan<L1rll rOut COlnpRS Mrs. Henry Fisk, captalrl of 'l'rOOll

9, reeeh'ed a standard ~cout com. pass for winning II cond place In troop attendance· 'l'h08 pre.<sent ror T1'ool> 9 Included: Jen.n Ann Rut. ledge, Deal> and Mrs. Wlloy B. Rut. ledge, Jean KIstler, Mr. J. W. RlsUer, Gloria Schone, 1I1rs. F. P. /lchorle, Ilelene paquet. Mrs. Leo C, Pa,quet, PatriCia Q'BI'lcn, Mrs. C. S. O'Brtcn, Martha Burney, Ml'. and ~[rs. W. J. Burney, CUrolyn p(.rter and Mr. and !\f1·S. Kll'k porter.

¥argaret Wylie, Lois Irwin, Mr. and Mr;S. O. C. Irwin, l30nnle Bows'cr, Margaret Lane, Mrs. E. W, Lane, Constancr 1311\nt, Mary Hawley, Mrs, Charles Haw icy , J;unc smith, Mrs. F. H. Smith , Shl1'ley Long, Mrs, H. J. Long, Margaret 1(err, Betty Cole, Mr. and MrH. W. L· COle and Mrs. Fisk.

Guests Visit Booths FolloWing the prescntation of

B\\'ardR, guests visited the troop bootha In whJch the Girl Scouts had displays of jll'UjecLs depicting many phases of scouting from the outdool­program as well as fl'om the home maker training. DU"lng this time, inovles of Camp Cardinal, taken la..st .ummer by Dr. H. R· JenkillBon, ~'ere shown.

Sunshine Girls WiU fi.ive D()ncing Party

Athens Sunshine GIrls' council

EfT.4 fCrTT-

.ftIEAr/1OR£ COUC'oF,


~ . /J'_ OI}-


With The Ladle·s City Hi Group To Give Partv

** ** ** ** ** By Rutli Blanchard Bridge, Euchre, Pinochle

To Feature Party Tomorrow Night Sunday dinner is ready, and the

gucsts are arriving. But whatever possesses Billy? He won't say "How do yoU do?" nicely to 1\1rs. Blank, who loves to make a fuss over children. He fair ly scowls at he,' from h!s refuge at mother's kn ee; his whole attitude Is plainly \lostlle.

And jus t when his \la rents Wero anxious to Imprcss their Innuen· tfal guests! Why can't lie act ilke a Uttle gentleman?

Billy's mother recalls having made a few uncomplimentary reo marl(s about Mr~. BIalik in Billy's presence, Atld lIe sl\ud· ilers at the Idea of leaving him alon\! WIth the visitor, Thel-e's 110 telling what the child might say, What Is the remedy fO,· such a

sItuation? How can the pl'eschool child be taught "company nlan· ners?" br shou ld he?

Parents of children In last year's Infant measurem'ents daSSel! dis· cussed these problems Th ursday evening, led by Afton 'Smith of the Iowa Child 'Welfaro Research fl·ta· tion,

It's nO use, the parents con· cludl)(!, to expect anything but sin· cerlty from the preschOOl child. His attitudes are a dlr'tlct ImItation of the adults In the household, so If you don't want opinion s repe8.tcd oul81de the family, don 't express them In tt'Ont of a little child. Driv. Ing the shy chlld with a limited vocabulary to repeat a meaningless rigmarole of polite phrases may de· velo\l a strong fear ot sh·angers.

Lessons In imitation of genII' ille courtesy begin everl with the bab!l in anns, who can sense his mot.her's attitude from her tone ot VOice, body tension, IIJld la c;al expres.~loll. Later be learns to 8111Ue a greeting, or he welcomes the visitor with an eager, "See my toysl"

Speaking ot Sunday dInners. An amazing number of changes In

c.mphasllS on ce"laln ractors In cook· ing have to be made In revising a t extbook wrItten only igbt years ago, Prof. Frances Zulli, head of the home economics department, remarks. She Is busy with t he reo vision or such a book, "Th e Family's 1i'<>od," by ZUill, La.nman and Mc· Kay.

In Ul28 the roast for dinn er was invariably seared "to reo tain the Juices by a coagulation oJ musculal' tls!lUe." Research s ince then has proVed tIIal a SCAred toast actunlly loses more "'elght than one coolled at a Ihoderate, .0nllUnt te,hp;l'1I.tllre. By the secoud method, any hOllsewlre who wllrih to sacH· flce ifie brown flavor In the gravy al\d III outer pieces tit tile I'oast \Viii \Irobably have more delicious illece~ to serve all h er gUests from the inner pOI·tion . Steaks, however, will probably al·

ways be seared, home economiC-'! In. structors tll'edlct, because searlng gives these thin plcce~ a "brown flavor" which IS very appetizing. It carameIlzes the ca"bohydrates, decompose~ Cats and r eleases flavor SUbstances clt\led "qxtl'acUves,"

1\lore emphasis Is now placed on effects of tim Ilnd tellllKra . t tlre in cooldng vegetables to r eo tain thei.r color, and on Ihe Inr'luence of climate anti air pressure 011 coolling methods in different pads of thl!' conntry. Th factor ot tem\lerfLture in oake

Ingredients was another element which has recently come to the aL· tentlon oC r search workers. Uni. verslty of Iowa stUdents have con· dueted Heveral Interesting experl· ments with cako problcms.

New colors for 1936 . , . Can. terbury blue, u. detlp purplish blue , ., Londou brown, a brown with 3 cast of gray . , . Chaudron, a cOI)pery hue". l3ourdon, r u sse t . ' . luggage tau, a golden tan •• , BlIlldle tan, deeller, with a yellow hue,

F'our hundred peollle are expecte,od

to Oottend a card \>arty and style

!s\1ow sponsored by the 10"'';1. City High School Ils.~ocjatlon tomorrow

night at 7:30 on the ~ec()lld floor of

Btl'ub's ~epartment 8tore. Cal'd games Including contract

nnd aucllon brldge, e'4chJre, and \>1 nochle will bo played, fo llowed by the awarding of prizes for high Ilcor s and special dool· prIzes.

During an Intelmlsslc)n, a style show under thc directIon of J. F , Sp''Ogue, will take place. Modes of fashiOn rangIng from chUdren'$ to olde" women 's frocks, will be model· ed and the latest trends Itl new 5\>ring fashIons V'romlse to be an In. teresting feature ot the evenlng. ,The ente.l'tainment Is given to ob· taln funds tor defmylng el'pensclJ of the debate teams son t out by lhe associatiOn.

The tiCket committee includes Mrs. L. R. Benson, chairman, MrS, Thom. as Oaywood, JIlrs· Andrew" HolL, Mrs. V("'na llicks, Mrs. Mark Floyd, ~11·8. J , Bra"erman and Mm. H. M. Williams, '

The pl'17.e committee will be Mrs. Nate ChOo\lmah, chn.lrrllah, Mrs, CharieR Bocknlan, Mn. A. W. Den nett , 1\1"8. '1'. p. Christensen, MrS. Willillm GOOdwIn and M1'8. E· R. Means.

JIlrs. Bcnn It, ch Inna.n, Mrs. Means and Ml"S. HIcks make up the dOOr p\'lze committee.

The auction bridge commltlcc In. cludca J\{rB. Holt, chairman, Mrs, El, S, arownlng Ilnd Mrs. A. G. Showers.

Mrs. n, S. lvle, chait-man, ~fr8. \VlIIllI.ms, ]\'[r8, J . Braverman a.na Mrs, Caywood compJ'lsc the com­mittee for contract bl1dge.

'the euchre committee Is composed of Mrs. Floyd, chairman, Ml'S, N. J . Norris and M''8. Charles Gill.

Mrs. E. T. Hubbo.rd, chnltman, Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs. George Reha and Mrs. Gray a,'e on the committee fOJ' pinochle,

Eatly to Sow~ Early to Seed Tho welconte committee consists

of Mr. and Mrs. Jame.!! McC,'cary and Edgar 1I1clUl, who Is also In charge ot the check room.

* * * * * * * March Start for Beautiful Lawns Yields Results ;

Good Seed, Early Care Necessary PERSONAL"

(Editor's note: Thts Is the thIrd In a. series of ganien fea· t ures to \i\ipear eAch unday in The bally lowin).

Prof. C. H. McCloy of the Iowa amount of sunshine: blue grllas, 80 Child 'Welfare Reseueh atation is pel" cent , ret top, 10 per cent, and In Chicago fol' Ii ~bree-day viSit. while du tch clovel', 10 pe,' cent. He will address the junior colleges The bll.le grass tenda to bind the of Chicago on "PhYSical Education," lawn together by forming a t!llck tell1ng of work In physical growth

I will entertain at a. St. patrick's By JANE NILE.S sod. The red top R.-ed Is used a.!! dona at tne UnlverRlty of Iowa. , 8JJrlng dancing pal'ly tOlllOl'rOW eve· Tho man who walta to ~oed his a nUl'se crop, as It comes up first

nmg at 8:30 o.t K. ot P. ha.ll. 1 Ilights Ia.wn and sha.des the other seeds wl1ich

lIy PaulllobineoD

MA'iOE nl~~ HiJNtlltG I"'E ~ I'M GoING 10TAtCE A.. ~

BuiLD A SMOla: S\()NAL ~

THERE'S a double adV'antage in having

a V- 8 engine in your car, It helps to

give you fine·car roominess, as well i'

fine.car performance.

Three Win Prize& At De83ert.Brid~e

MI'II. E. B. Raymond, Mrs. Han')'

Gt ne, and Mrs. J, Clark ,, __ prl.z \\innen at II. deSl!e'l't·bHd&,,' glvCI1 yest iday noon a Iioome Of lll'8. liu 11 " 'lIl1ama, 3!4 Hntch· IUIIOo avenoe. 9prlnp flo 'era dec:· ora ted the tab16ll.

Prof. H. Martift fo Speak Tomorrou,

Prot. H rbert lfartln. head ot the phlll11JOph)' depamn nt of the

trnlvenity or lowa, \\'111 be !;U

lIl?eaker at a. !lleelln of the Junior


r ~alJQn to-molTOw ,'enlttg.

Followlng .. allorL liUSlo m lng, M,rs. G e S~ncer .... ill Ing a gt'Oup or gongs,

Hots will be molhera of stu· dent.! att~ndlng Henry Sabin and ROOIItI'\' It echools.

Ea,te Ladies lAd I 'auxllillty \\'111 &ive

a plenle supper tomorrow venlog

at 7 o'clock at EaKle hall, FQl, I",,-Ing supp r th('r ... 111 be a T g.

alar busln meting .. nd ial hour ,,1th g&Jnl'& Co-chalrmen or the supper commlti e are Yrtl. J, O. lcOinolJl &nd Mrs. J, 'W, Myers. Each member of the .. ulttUary may In,·lt. two ,u t. to the p\cnlc,

THe F07(p PO Ller


or Pythlas, Pythlan Sisters and 'Til coatless he can ramble, aro slower In germinating. The Mabel Shedaker, supervisor or ex·

tenSion from tho university ele, mentary ~chool , s\>enl three days thls week ln lecturing and demon· station teaching at N wton and In the s()hools of Jasper counly.

The Ford V· 8 engine takes up less

space under the hood because of its

compact design. And it is positioned

forward in the chassis, in accordance

with the most modem construction.

Wide seats are andther reason for

the big.car roominess of the Ford. All

seats in all body types (except the indi­

vidual bucket.type front seats of the

Tudor Sedans) hold three persons in

comfort. The 1936 F ordor Sed ans

have 3 Yz inches more elbow room in

the rear seat because the rear-quarter

trim is recessed above the arm rests,

''The car ,u make does not have to be ca t a Ide

every year, At any pe· riod a customer buy., he get. Ibe best we have.

, , • Our main porpo e

i to male a car that will become more and more

useful, and more and more eaty 10 obta in, 10 more and mOTe people."

, .. members of the junior council and 'rho' aure to bolstcr UP his ~rawn white c lover Is a beau UflCl', a s Its [heIr fl'\ nds mllY altrnd. Makes grass a grlev'ous gamble, white blossoms havo a. now 1')' cf·

Woman's Benefit To Meet T'fesday Night

Women's B neflt MlIOClatlon will meet Tuesday evoning at 6:30 at the hom of :\fll'!. Robt'l·t JluntCl\ 316 Myrtle avenue. There will be a shol't bu"lnC"1I meeting rollowed by a social houl'. MOm Ocl'S and their families may altend.

While he who I'oils his coilA.!' hlgb A nd <leeds while frosL Is lu 'rkln", Will have Ii. lawn that dOesn:\; die When Sun and weeds sta.rt perking.


fect wllh tile green grass Il8 a back· ground.

In spOts that 0.1'0 shady t hrou gh· out the day, It Is advisable to usc poa trlvalls seed. This js not a mixture and should be p lanted In the shade, and not mixed In with the

While you a,'e waiting fur Jack mixture given above. Frost to make hl8 tillal eldt 80 you Cheap mIxtures shou ld be avoided can transplant your hotbeds to open becaul!e they contain a la rge PCI" ground, you can spend your tree cehtago of annual graSS; such as, time prepll1'Ing yotlr lawn for the tlmotlly and rye grass. These

Mr8, C, T . Larson a nd Ann I,oulse and Gordon Larson of Ft. Dodge are weel< chd guesls ot r.frs. Nellie Sca\mclI, G50 S. Governor street, Th ey camo lo at.tcnd t he wrestling tournament yesterday even ing In W h leh R()~rt Unsoll, A 4 of 1"t. Podge, took !In.rt.

COtmty OrganlznUon wear aha tear of the summer seeds die out at the end of one Mr. and MI·s. L. W. J\It1'tlk of

Ccdar Ra.plds arc a lso gucsts allend· Ing the wrestling tournament. L)NdoLN, N~b., { F)-A county ,months. year and must bo reseeded. As they

by co~nty organization of Nebraska Contrary to gene"al b lIet there forln 710 sod, they would bo of no cOlUlcrvallvcs was orilcrcd u.s lllo N'o. ,Is no trick to growing a. beautiful. be!1erlt· i!raska Wildlife fM~lllllon wu.l! form. volvetry, green lawn. If your lawn· Apply the seed evenly. If you \xl here. Sixty.flve counties Bcn~ lnakillg efrorts have not been crown· aeed by hand, apply half 'of the mOl'e than 100 I'CIJre9cnl.i~tlve~ Lo the cd With aucccSll, try again this seed lengthwise and ihe other ha.lf ~c~lng. spring. Local seed merchants say cl·osswlse. After seed ing, roil the

Isabell Carroll ot Marengo Is HI In )terey hospital.

Ralph Sandel's of Marenh"O Is ill in Me,·oy hospital.

=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;'I ,that <thIs week 18 a good thtle to ad. tl.ren. Ot' tamp it wIth a wid e board .. I ( F miniSter the beginning touches, to aIlsure gOod contact of tho sced

By Bowing your Ia.wn Seeds In with the soil. TO assure evenuess, ,Ma"oh, weeds cause less trOUble, and llle above mixture shOU ld be ap· tho grass gets a good commercial plied at t he rate of ono pound of fertilized applied 'early will solve seed to ~OO square feet of soil.

ph II II Dudan, 618 Dea rborn street, IS ill In Mercy hospital. "Wil EN IRISH EYES ARE



the problem . Apply tour pounds After seeding your lawn, wa-ter

Mrs. N . B. Adams, 1416 E, Col· legq stree!, Is II I In Mercy hospItal.

Q1 complete plant food per 100 It thoroughly, using a very flne •• ..-__ -:: _________ -.. Mqua,re f et evenly over the area. spray, Water dally thereafter unlll \ Currier nan ! and work It lightly Iota the tap the seeds germlnat\). After t he ... ____________ ~ ... two Inches ot SOli, sc('ds do gCl'minate, water th or ' •

• L Mary R elen Fallows of 'Veat As In m~t t nln"'", 'Poor sced Is oughlr once or twtce weekly as , ,false economy, Oood sel)(!, BUltable needed. tJnlPn, sludent In t he university last

leClluse Co ,' yaul' location, Is the only r oad Do not cli p yout' lawn until the I10meeter, who 11~ bCen vIsIting Sh" lIa8 to 8ucce~8. A local seed dealer gl'aSS Is three Inches high and Ifrlc ds In Iowa. City sevel'lll dayS,

8Ugge.,tS the following mht~ul'e fOL" nevol' cut it Shol·tcr U,an on& and returned to hor home ycstcrda.y, lawns that Ncclvc a rCll8onablo one.half Inchcs. Mr. and Mr'. J . W. McClinton ot

Ordered Wilmette, lIl., 11.1'0 vlsl tlng their

One or





Mr&. E. D. Ptlll' To Enti!rMin ru~jffay

MrtI . • ""fett D. PIa,A, 407 Melroee .avenue, wU\ entertain mentbcrs of

the government and ec6nortllc weI·

'fi,\"o atudy I'\'OUSI oot th., JoWa City

Leag.ue of Women Votcr'& t'lIC1!da.y .,t 1:10 lr. m,

Strong Wilt Addretl Liberty League

idau,:htor, Ma.r~t, Ai, this week 'end..

Adelarde Judd, Al of BettendOrf, 18 8~nding the week end In Cedar RApids,

Prot Frank R. Strong' ot th1l col· Dorothy Brook s, Al of Jesup, Is ) ege or commerce will addrel!S memo (VisIting In Indianola this week end, bere a.nd glieatl, of the '[owa IItudent Vlsltllllr at their homel! this 'week cMiIltor of the American Liberty 'ond al'e: Floren~e Freso of Belle ~~& Wednesltll.y evening at 8 PlalOIl, Verona Lambert ot Slgour, Ill'clock In tho board 'room ot Iowa Iney, a nd ArIlhl) PetCl'IIon ot Daven· Union. pDrt, aJl AI; Durothy Kern of Ft.

A general dJ.lcWl8lon will tollow MadlAOn and Joyce Miller or Well.

More of the car's length can thus

be used for passengers-extra inches

of leg room are provided in both the

front and rear compartments.


We'd like to have. you ride in the

Ford V- 8 for 1936. Actual measure·

ments will con~ rm your own impres­

sion of big-car roomine~s and comfort.




t , ~ Sf' , , • 1


tproved by the Past ..... lmptoved for the future'

See New Ford V~8 on Display at Our Show ROQms

t Burkett Updegraff otor Co. 3 East Conege S\.re~t Io~aCity

40c ()T. PHON~ 2101 Mrs. Homer CherrIngtOn wU1 give n l'el>Ol't on ''F004 fll)c1 Orug T..eg1s-

... --------... ,-"Ion." Pl'otesRol' Strong's talk on tim "Po. !mlln, both A3. nnll Ann~tln Tokle, 1\ __ iiiiiiiiii_iiiii_iiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiii_iiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiii_ .. :;,_p.. ___ "iIIi_"IIlii""''''''''''''''''''''''iliilii •• "_iliIW __ 'rMI sllion ot the Supreme Court." , P4 of QrlnneUt II




THE DAILY IOWAN Publilohed oVOl')' momlne neepl Mon­

d llY by 8tuaen l Publlc.lto... IDoorpOl'­.. t.4. at U'-13~ Iowa ... eou ... low .. CIty. I owa.

Bo .. rd at Tru.t ••• : Fra.nk L, 1oI0lt, Paw C. P&Ck ... , lII, lot. loIa<illlwea, Karl E, Lelb, Edwucl J , KoHl'. :Fred lII. ldor .. tn, lIIlIen ld, Wltmor, Art 11£. Bwuee, Joe Pre.ato'[l.

Fred :.I, Pownall, Publlahar

fl)ntere.cl &I eeDODd ola .. mall ma.tter .. t the poet office at 10w& City, JOWIfo. lInde. tbe .. ct of oon....- of Karel> J, 1119.

Suboorlptlon .... 1.e_By mall, ,5 P<lr "ear; by carrier, 15 ",ott lfMkly, " pell Ye&r,

t The AIaoola.t.ed Pre .. 1. ex.olulJvety en­titled to WI6 ror .... publloe.Uon of All new. dlapa.tcbe. credited to It or not oth61'Wl80 credited In thi. paper a.nd .Iao lhe locaJ. new. publlabed her ein,

" EDITORIAL DEPABTMENT Wlllla.m O. loI"rr1tt ............. EOl tor Artbur Sn.lder •••.• , •• " •• Now. EOltor Jorarg .. ret 01100 . .. ...•.. Socllety E<lltor H .... oIO Reed .,., .... .. . . Sparta EdItor ll~t Hogan • ••.. , A_l New. EdItor RI~b.rd Illv.r"lt ..••••••. ,. CIty Editor :r~80 Gorkln ., ••• , .,. . Campua Editor Vlltnon Putnam ' • •. .• . • Picl" .. lIIdltor W, H. Bartley •.• ...•• EdItorial Ant.

B USINESS DEPAR~~T 11. 1.. WillI. , . . ', •.• .• •. •• Advertlolnll' Donald J. Anderlon ••• •• . . Adverlletng ~lIoon 1. Fall , ......... . . ClrClllation Ague. W. Sc.hmldt. .• . . . ... Ac.CO llntant

of the city. A new hllrh schOOl at Hannibll!, Mo" Is near the edlfe ot town.

The land now owned by the IIChool bIoa.rd In Mornlnnlde addition ,a.t the ea.st end ot CoUe&"e street coat $24,626 for approximately 29 acres. ThlB Is the alte, purcbaaed In 1930 by the 8Choo) board on advice of city planning experts, for the proposed building.

A survey made by the IIChOoI bOlla'd lor 1930 showed that 1800,0'00 would be the purchase price of a. plot ot o.nly 10 acres of land adjoin Inc the preeent city high achool square. iSchool a uthorities he.ve effected a savi ng to taxpayers ot mo.re than $276,OO()-e.rollnd three-fourtba th~ cost of the city'S share of the new 8Ohool' a cost.

Iowa City's job now Is to aee that 0. new hlgll school Is erected. Peti­tions snould be clrculated aaidng another vote on the proposltlDn and this time the bond l89ue must Il&rryl

Cherchefl La Femme

"They all have their good pointe."

Univendty women who will selec~

otrlcers March 30 tor major C8.1npua TELEPHONES organizations face a. problem In the

~torlaJ Otllce 4191 SocIety EdItor '41tt Buloeu orflee 4193 evaluation of personaJlties.

...... The fact that there are 22 , strong SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1936

if' e Must Erect .4 New High School


~,g,o Iowa Ci ty t::ax payers erecLed 0:

high school building to accommodate

~~9 students, the oI:Cicial enroll ment at tlult time. , .. TOday, with a record enrollment at .712 for Iowa City high, local bOyS and girls are calling this same build­Ing, now inadequate, theiL' school home.

Last August voters of the city went to their l'eapectlve polls to con­sider a new building bond Issue. A majority of more than 100 voters fv.~ored the erectioll of a. new bulld­lpg, but the propOSition was defeat­)lid' because state statutes demand that GO per cent of the ballots cast must !avor a bond Issue before It if(" approved.

oon, perhAps early In May, IoWa. C ly's qualified voters wl\J again be asked If they wish to erect a new high schOol Plant, with modern eqUipment, to handle this Increase In high school populo.tion of 296 per £~t, The bond iSSUe must be passed ~, 00 per cent oC the voters and the new school home must be erected. -",he proposed 8chool building Is

Imated to cost about $686,000 mlch would be raised by a 45 per _t PW A grant, already approved 'by the federal govern ment, and a

candidates for 13 posltlolls in W.A, A., U,W.A., and Y,W.C.A. must lmpress upon the Interested stu­dent the nece8llity ot carefully con­sideling each nominee.

Behind each name on the ba.llo~

Is a pereonallty. One person will be more deft and more dependable, and win accompll8h more lIS a. cam­pus leader tluln her opponent.

Real discrimination IB demanded of the woman who wanta to justify ,her ability to exerclse the franchiM 1n commendable fashion.

Scorning 10 g-rontng methods which have b een known to sorori­ties and o.ther groups, she will dis­cuss the candidates open-mlnded)y with many people, and will try to become acqUainted with them, It not personally, through m eans of print­ed data which will appear In The ,Dn.l ly lowa.n.

Although log-roiling Is discarded, may the women leave no s tone un­turned to know the women who will beet Bupervlse campus activities 0:1' these t hree organizations for the mext year.

"Why don't tbe r epublican s begin to frame a platformf' asks a writer, They're too busy working (In the gste they plan to give Mr. Roose­velt.-St. Joseph Press,

Cash Vs. Gun


Scott's Scrapbook by R. J. SCOTT Copyright, 1936, by Central

Pr81111 AIIIoclatiOll, Ino.





..-r~E. CEN1URY. ~'Wi"~=~-_~



11-\E ANCI E' Or



'---__ ---I S1RIKING HEAV'ILYW~ -mE FI

A Washington Bystander

\ tL,

W ASffiNGTON-Presldcnt Roooe­iVelt may break a party precedent of a hundred years standJng alOng tn J Une. If the talk among demo-­cratlc leaders as t() what Is apt to happen at the PhUadelphla COnven­:tion has any real basis, he may be the first democrat In that tlrne to be nominated tor the 1:)resldency by rnIIJarity votes.

By KI.RKE SIlIIPSON tty for his man with which he en­ltered the struggle. It was a good

argued that retention of the tWOo- ~alklng polnt althoQgh highly doubt· I.hlrdll rule mlght {}rove a valuable flll that the Roosevelters would asset to him four years later If he have da.rec:l riSk a convention test. It destred to control party choice of his 1 provoked ro9.1'8 of rage from tho l3ucc9llSOl' as standardbea.rer. Perpet. IItop-Roosevelt allies. That two­UAUon of Hoosevelt poliCies may well It.hIrds rule was the key to their po­be a major Issuo In 1940 for tho sitton. ~emoCrnts to 8ettlo al11()ng them- On the first ballot, Mr. Roosevelt ,selves. got 666 1-4 votes of the ) ,154 CWlt.

~ool bond Issue. The schOOl bond ue would be void If, In any way,

e PWA money Is hindered,

That Is true although Mr. Roose­velt and IUs renomination campaign manager, Postmaster General Far­Iley, are toll(1\vlng a Jlands O'ft policy

W [TH ALL t his talk of Impending es to abolishment at Philadelphia war In Europe and with Germany of the democratic traditional two­,and France gnll8hlng at one an- :thirds nomJnating rule. Farley so pther, we cIl.n 't >help but feel that saYs, and will make no prediction France will not have the unified as to what w1l.11 happen about the and full fledged backing of Great 'old rule in the convention, There Brltn.ln In event t hat foreign war Is a general fOOling elsewhere In gun s do begin to bark. party circles, however, that the Phll-

And that very fact, unquestlon- Yet to this day his opponents Instat nbly, leads some party men tOday that It they Could nave, held the \0 conclude that ahort of outspOken :lIne th roe more ballots mstend of Roosevelt OJlPooition to abOlishment ,two, Mr, R~evelt n ever would this year or the two-thirds rule, III have been nomtnated. That is how jdeslre among luke-warm Roosevelt .the two-t hirds r~le works. supporters at Philadelphia to pre- At PhiladelphIa., however, Farley pare In advance against any pass- will be committed by what he said Ing along by tho president of his land did at Chicngo, He could n?t party mantle III 1940 will aid the openly oppose In tne {}resldent fI /move to throw 1)I]t the two-thims lnamo aholl8hment of the two-thirds

.-Tne '!?ond Issue costs shOUld be set de and consider the question un­

~IYlng the whole affair, "Do you h to see the children of Iowa.

ity given the advantage of reoelv­Ilg their education in a well lighted,

1\<!11 equipped building?" _ Think, for a moment, of the h1gh 'IIchool students, the men and wo­lnen of the fllture , who Use the

Germany, a credltO!; nation, r&- /adelphia show will break the prec­quires a great deal of commodl tiel! ~ent. (lIterally food to ~t and basic ele­

rut rule or consideration ot It when a e. Roosevelt.domlnated convention tour

Ity's h1gh school aa their office in heir business Clf securing an ed u­

..,cation. The studen ts now labor In crowded

~uurters under the dlsadvanta8e or :1nadeqllate naturll! lighting. The

as<!cmbly room, at one time the pride

ments for ma nufacturing pllrpose) Crom other nation ••

With commOdity prices steadily on the upgrade, Germany's creditors have not granted her !all the goode iaaked tor, simply becalille they tear that the Hltlerlzed state will de­plete Its reserves to the extent she could refuse fllrlh'er payment of her pebts. Thus, altho\lgh she haa broken the bonds of the Versailles ~reaty, Germany remains ~uty_

bound to her creditors-the largest of whom Is Great Britain.

It the matter Is left for the Brlt-

• • • How Things Cbange

Farley\s COlmnitted

As Roosevelt cOllvention manager ,In 1932, Farley was all hot and

years earlier unanimously urged

The backgoround or that belief Is a. botherM Over the tlvo-thlrds rule. curious commentary on how things He CllllCked that Issue Into the teeth

tha.t the Qu estion be taken up this year, 'l'hat, Co.Upled with the sen­sitiveness oJ' the south on the point, &CCOunts for today's administration

change between campalgus. If Mr. Roosevelt Is re·elected, 1t could be

Woodwind Quartet To Feature Music

Recital Wednesday

Musicians from Iowa City high

~hool will play a Goepfart wood·

ot the stop-Roosevelt forces before attitude of keeping handa oft the the eonventlon, backed by a major- pre-convention rule discUSSion.

music department Wednesday after. clans wl11 take part In the reCital: noon at 4 o'clock In north rehearsal Alice V. Smith, A3 ot Councl\

hall. Bluffs; Jeanne Null, AS of Rock· The high school players, who are

taking courses In the music depart­ment, are Ool'othy Soucek, flute; Josephine Sidwell, oboe; John ·Web· stel', clarinet; a.nd Cbrlstlan

- tne school, now seats less than hair of the students. There Is nO _arate library. Our nationally '4amous musicians are housed In IDItkeshlrt quarters. There Is no ;-ttdltorium, the ~entlal of modern ~h school dramatic ilLrt. The! cafeteria Is much too srnall ,

Could you operate an etticlent buslness under theSe handicaps? Few busln_ executives would, And Burely young lo'wa Oltlans should not be forced to spend those long­remembered high school daya In a. building that Is unbecoming to Iowa's leading mlddle...alzed city.

ish bankers to decid&-and they have considerable voice and Influence In wind quatret as a feature of th e SChrock,' bassoon. '

ford, III.; Norma Temple, Al of Sac City; Hugh CoCksl100t, A2 ot WlI· ton Junction; Louise French, A4 of Des Moines; Thomas Ayres, A2 oC lowo. CllY; Wendell Otey, G at Harrisburg, Ill.; and Ph111p Lavon o! Iowa City. . the tory gove rnment-Great Brlt- recital by students In the university

/lIn will not back France tOo strong- ------------------------------'-----------------The following universi ty musl-

ly against Germany. A country at THE OLD HOME TOWN ~ar dOCS not pay Its debt&

I Thel'e are only two .posslble ar­I gumcnts which can be advanceed - 64ljaJ,*,t the proposed new hl3h

school pla nt. First Is the expendl­Jture oC funds and the second is the jllte ot the proposed bull~ l ng.

The sch OOl building Is not to be built uniess the federRl mbney, now gra.nted, Is forwarded-that takes

W e hear that Secretary Morgen­tha.u looked pretty ragged. It seema the spends night after nilfht walking .the tloor with baby bonds,-H, I. Phillips In the New York 8un,

Unemployment Figure. Hold Their Own

care of 46 per cent of the erection SINCE JANUARY, !tSS, before oosts. The remainder or the con- Roosevelt went Into office, there has jl\tl'uctlon cost Is to be ralsed In a. been a. decreaae In unemployment of school bond 199ue. only 470,000 men, according to a.

In public statements published 101 recent estimate of the American Thll Dn.lly Iowan last August, 6Ohool F ederation of Labor. Wh6l'e&8 In

~ Qard o!flclals, thl'ee of whom were Janua.ry, 1983, there were 18,100,000 ,( ,ecently reelected to the board. have unemployed, In January, 1986, there

hown that an public school bonded were 8tm 12,626,000 men out of j indebtedness will be paid off early work, ~ im-xt year. This will allow the On the surface at leaat, these t!g-

. .~·d to hll.rtdle the new bonds with ures are anything but flatterlll&' to Jlttle or no addition In taJt leyv. the new deal which baa endDYWd

Iowa City will be able to e rect aj three years of unhampered a.uthor_ $636,000 high scbool pla nt with only ity, limited only by the constitution Il. $360,000 local expend1ture. which it swore to uphold. This ad­

• Soonel' Or later, Iowa City must mln1Btratlon haa disposed or bllllollJl • ,l?eulld a new high school. Later, upon bllllona of the taxpayera' mon~ • perhaps, the re may he no PW A In order to allevta.te the altuatlon. ~'unt availa ble. Now Is a chance ot Commented Presl<1ent William

Q lifetime to secure federal aid for a Green of the A. F, of L., "It lndl­local building project. cates that Industry Is makina' no de­" , 'l'ransportaUon to a nd from a. high termlned eftort to put the unem-

J..~ool Is always a problem. 8tu_ ployed to work and 11 quite wllllll&' dents trom the tar lIOutheaat &nd ,to shirk all responafblllty tor them," /'Iouthweet seCtiOIlS of the city now Tha.t III PTeeldent Green'. opln­have dlfficulty in reaching the pre- 10n, But to the obItervant bysta.nd­IIOnt schOOl building. Transporta_ cr, theee Intereltinl' ata.ti.ltlce 18811\ tlon facllltles can be Bucce.tli8fully ar- to Ind1cate even more. Th~ show

•• fanged In the tuture at I1ttle cost to that not only has the admlnWtratlon . f!le stUdent. failed to stimulate better oondltioM

All the cltlea are coming to bull!! during Its tenure of offtce, but that Ithelrachools at the edge of town. It has further failed, 10 -vlte of au ?lite high 8Ohools In Cedar Rapids Ita spending, even to 8eCure anF ue out from the center ot congee- ,not\peab1e decreue In unemploy. tlon and the large llenlor high at lIllent from the I'onmment'. own

...-.,ubuque .. ~ the nortbwe't ecllf. wholN&lt hinDI' lit walWno


LUC'( HOO.P&NCSARNE~ CAU,.",T UP WITH HER PET 8~RD ","=,I>A"I" AT "TH1!!t DEPOT, APTelt JitllNNING "BOUT "'THI! lvJ:~~V-'-"'~II"'IJI!~~~~. S'l'RI!I!TS FO~ M~I!! ~N AN HoU~

SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1936


doled In the olflce of till! pret\ldent, Old CapitoL (terns tor the GENERAL NOTIOES an depol lted with lhe carollu, editor of The DailY Iowan, or rna,. be placed In the box provided for their depoelt In the office. of The Dally lowao. GENI!lRAL NOD()&j mU8t be at The Daily Iowan by .:80 pm. the day tlrecedinll' :first publication: notlae. will NOT be .... oopted by te lephone, and mUBt be TYPED o.r LEGI­BLY WRITTEN and SIGNED by a ~pon.lble perllo.n.

Vol. X, No, 725 l\flll'ch lu, 1930

University Calendar Sunday, Mareh 16

8:00 p.m, Vesper ~rvlce: Address by Bishop Robert lil. Lucey, Iowa Union

12:00 m. 12:00 m. 3:00 P.m, 4:10 p.m.

6:30 P.m. 8:00 P·m.

12:00 m. 4:10 P,m. 6:00 P.m,

Monda.y, lIlarcb 16 A.F. I. , Iowa Union Dental Faculty, Iowa Union Irish Tea and Kensington, University Club Graduate College Lecture by Christopher Hollis: "More and Erasmus," Senate Chamber, Old Capitol Hiking Club, Iowa Union Dance Concert by Hru·o.ld Kreulzbcrg, Maobrlde A'Idi~.JI'lum

Tuesday, Mu.rch 17 R.1ll.I., Iowa. Union University Women's Association Council, Iowa. Union 1St. Patl'lck's Day Dinner Bridge, University Club

12:0b 12:00 12:00

Wednesda.f, Mllrch 18 m. Interfalth Fellowship, Iowa Union n l. Engineering faculty, Iowa Union ttl. Luncheon; talk on "Iowo.·s Rural Music Project," by Mrs.

7:30 p,ra. 7:46 p,m.

4:00 p,m.

7:00 P.m.

9:00 p.m.

9:00 P.m.

3:00 p,m.

12:00 m . 6:30 P.m. 7:30 p.rn.

4:00 p.m.

4:10 P,m. 7:30 P.m. 8:00 p,m.

12:00 m. 7:30 P,m. 7:45 p.m.

2:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00P.m.

9:00 p.m.

4:10 p,m. 6:00 p.m.

Fannie Buchanan, University Club Senior French Club, Iowa UnIon Iowa Dames Club

Thursday, March 19 Community Play Festival, Maobrlde Auditorium

Friday, 1I1arcb 20 l!ommunlty Play FesUval: Macbride Auditorium Demonstration lecture on !'alntlng, by Miss Ruth Faison Shaw, Chemistry Auditorium, Ba.conlan Lecture by MIss Beth L. Wellman: "MenW GrowtH of Ch' .Jren," Chemistry Auditorium Aesculallian FroUe, Iowa Union

Sat'lJ('(\IIY, lIfarch Z1 Community Play Fesllvl1l, Macbride Auditorium Women's Pan·Hellenlc Dance, Iowa Union

Sundsy, March 22 StudPDt's Painting J!,'xhlblt and Tea, Main Lounge, Iowa Union

Monday, March 23 A.F,I., Iowa Union Hiking ClUb, Iowa Union Bridge, Unlvcrslty Club

Tueosuay, 1I1arch 24 Lecture by PrOfeSSOr O"IHmar, Senate Chamber, ?Id Ca)llto{ tol University Womcn's Association Council, Iowa Union Gavel Club, Iowa Union UniverSity Lecture by Louis Adamlc, Macbride Auditorium

Wednesday, March 25 Engineering faculty, Iowa Union Senior French Club, Iowa Union Iowa Dames Cluh

Thursday, March 26 Pisy PrOduction li'estlval

Friday, March 27 Play PrOduction Festival Painting Demonstration, Fine Arts Bulld1ng Hiking Club, Iowa Union Ba.conlan Lecturo by ProCessor J, N. Pearce: "Physical Chemistry and the Advance ot Science," Chemistry Audl. t orlum Senior Hop, IOwa Union

Saturday, l\Iarch Z8 Saturday Class Day Play ProdUction Festival University Women's Association Council, Iowa Union BUSiness Dinner; Dl', Zelia White Stewart will show colored motion pictures of west rn South America, University Club

General Notices

lort:tr Hoard Mortar Board wll1 have a "smarty party" March 18 at 6 p,m, in the

river room ot Iowa 1Jnlon. Rcservations should be made by March 12 at Iowa Union desk. PRESIDENT

lIarald J{reutzberg Harald Kreutzberg, modern dancer Crom Slllzburg, A ustrla, will give a.

dance concert Monday, March 16, at 8 p,m. In Macbride auditorium tor which tickets will be available March 9. March 13 to 16, Krcutzberg wlll give a course of five lessons Cor men and women for which a nominal fee will be charged. Any Interested persons may apply for adm1l!slon to the clBas and receive further In!ormatlon at the ofClce of the 'Vomen' • gymnasium, telephone exteJlslon 723. JANET CUMMING

Graduate College Students To Students In th e GRADUATE COLLEGE expectlnlf to Receive High·

er Degrees at the University Convocation to be Reid June I, 1936: Each student In tbe Graduate College who expects to receive the mas­

t er's degree, or the doctorate, at the forthcoming June Convocation, is r equested, so tar as he or she may not have done SO heretofore, to pro­cure fo r us, immediately, the oCflclal transcript or whatever graduate work he may have accomplished In another graduate school; 80 that this may be taken Into the account In determIning whether he or sbe fuUllIe the requirem ents for the higher degree sought,

This should be done Immedlat~ ly slnce, otherwise, It Is possible that we shall be unable to certify for graduation n ext June, 0. student who may have accomplished satlsractory graduate work elsewhere, just be· cause we shall not l1ave received the requisite otriclal atatcment of It early enough .

University Vesper Service The Most Rev, Rollert E. Luct'y, D.D., bishop of Amarlilo, T XM, will

speak a t a University Vesper service Sunday, J\l",rch 16, lot S p.m. In Iowa Union. His subject wUI be "Building a New Social Order."


Sllring Banquet The spring banquet of Eta Sigma Phi fraternity wl\l take place Wt'd­

nesday, March 26, at 6 p.m. on tho sun porch or Iowa UniOn. All BtU '

dents in the classical languages d partment may attend and those who wish to attend may sign names In tho classical languages library before noon March 23 . Reservations may be madc with Helen Boelr 1.


Easter Employment Students and a ll persons Inter st d In East r vacation boa rd emplOY,

ment should report to tho Ulllv~t's ity Employment bUI'eau, old DOli tal b uilding at I nat by March 26, By working not moro than nine hours dally, you can earn hoard tOl' lho vacation ~rlOd and accumUlate meal credit tor uso after vacatloll. LliJg H. KANN


A Ne'w Yorker At Large


Po p I'sol1o.l o\llnl<m, but It seelll8 to line the man with tho eo..~lcst lob Iri Ncw York Ie J)(l]1Uty Pollco Com· Iml!laIOIl~1' Mo.I'lin Mcaney, who Ijj ,

8UPP<l6ed to censor the New York ' ~hawll .

The commlsslont>r puts away hill unltorm In tho evenings an J, IC he Js Inclined, gets 0.1\ logged out aruI drJvee down to the Fortlee to see Ii show. ~'hon, once In a willie, h& Ita.! one 0( his men dl'OP o.round t~ Bee

that verylhlng's all right, And everything evidently Is all right be­cause there have been no squeals o! ]1rot.est from the eojl6 since M8.6 Weat wo.s thrown In Jal! yearS ago,

New York r eligiously guards Ita ,.~putaUon for bl'oM-mlndednees. ]t's too bad it do(\'1n't try tor a lit­lie depth Oil. the same time, Our i!pcech hero 19 rrl'c-and Clll!Y!

• • • The n&eel<.~lty for fl'OO speech on

tha stage Is obvious. The pre!!!'nt fad of h'l.Ck·all~y cursing Is the pr\ i!e Iwe hava to pay Cor our freedom, 'Silll, thero Is a lot or evidence On DI'oadwaY at prescnt against Lbu theory tlull you have to slIng II. lot ot sloazy 'WOI'(\S bo.ck and torth jacr06/! the stage. It would be hard to 1)lck fOIl r more lIuccess(ul shows Hmn "Victoria Rc'glnn," "Prlde and J'rejudlcl'," "Ethan J<~rome" alld "Sn.lnt J ou.n," nil ot which are 08

r lool1 {VI a. go",} sermon and twice ~'" (,rr live.

Hilly Itooe, wlto In hlq day hll.'! put on .~m() of th vlh'st shows that ever darkenoo DI'Q/UJway, admits Inow that It was 0. bad Idea from the 'box offl<'e v1.{>wpolnt. So he has chllngM his polley completely. His "Jumbo" dOf>Sn't have a eluesUonable line In Ih script.

• • • This also Is on ly a. persona.! opln·

,Ion, Imt I hl·]ll've "'robacco Road" wou\() nrvpr haVA IaBt9(1 so long It It hadn't ~en (()l' the publlclly which aeel'ue,l fr{)m inc.:tUtiouB cen­soring. Th mayur or Chl~o IlCnt 'It" N'(>(ol)ltH i<oorln/r wh,on he ball­,n('(\. It.

Henry Uull, who.'19 10 p!!r cent cut In tho roud shOW' amounted at one time to $180 0. w~k, Is now drawing around $2,000 every Saturday.

• • • I've bPrn read I n~ about all the

fW!lys you enn tl'lI that prosPerity's ,on tho way, You can stU£ly the ifrelght flgurM fQr the mOnth, or the stock lTIAI'ket tMals n.~ compared with lost year's or the price of bread In smn.ll townS. Dut 1 think I've foun(\ a bPUM" way.

In bad tilll<~, wh~n mY traJn got .nto Grand ('('ntral In tile morning, J'd S'c all the commutprB fold their pa.POrs neatly and tuck them under thl'lr al'Tll<!, I us.'d to wonder what they did with th~m and susPected a few of trying to 1'('11 them when they got to t.M lit reet.

But now l 'OU can find a paper on >J.lmOoIt very 8(>at. This 19 enrourag· , Ing. I mn sneak a tablOid oft one or the _til and rMld It surreptitlolL'!ly on my way to the oWce. ,- Screen


HOLLYWOOT>-The amazing COD'

glomeration or sou lids one hears along the cutting-room In a. motion picture stulilo would seem to d13' lJ'aCt tM men wlth~\ from 'their ,i Il rlous hURln~s or putting movies together.

Dut It do<'fll'l't. Ralpn DaWiOn. who hM cut and spliced m11l10ns rJ f('et of fUm, says he couldn't wOlk In 110 nlee quiet place like a boiler factory. Oth('1' cutt l'8 like dlsslrol· lar noll!ell , too. It st'Cms to helP them concentrote.

Whll Dawson was ULlklng-ancl cultLn -lhere was u glln battle IJ\ l)('ogr('88 Iil th adjoining room. Po­Ilc' sll'en~ wel'~ sCI·camlng. In an' .other, a woman waa sobbing, and "he WMll't sobbing sotuy. In • (uul'th, II. ba.l'ltOlle wo.s singing, In 3uuthe,·, a tlt ~ ~t('I' lLud cnce WllJI aJI' plaudlng. Sundl')' oth~r I\OUnd8, In· dlstlngul8hablu in th tumult , came from otlwr film eultors' cubby heJel

"II's Ilk this ull the time," 811)1 Pawson, tIll' aliin. II. spool of MID1 throug h 1\ 1Il0vloln.. '1'ho movlela I! ~ ITUl hln! I hat 1I0ws the culler 10

OQllege l'ooiry Society BCO lit rum, wlthouL ]ll'ojecttng it on Th ~re will bo a meeting or Co.lI~ge Poeh'y f;!oclcty Tu 8day, Mar h 17, 14 IeI'(' 11 , It UIHu DIIIYII lhe. sound

at 7:30 p.m. In Room I·A, Sehaeff()r hall. PRgSIDENT lr1lck,

HohUlY ( 'Illb Botany Club will n1 C~t Monelay, Meu'ch 10, In room

macy bu ilding n.t 4 O·clock. l\.1'r. J'1~"son will speak topic will be "Flom oC the Lake Mucbrldo Region."

UnIversity Le('t,lIre

408, Botany·Phar­to the cluh. 1118


Mr. Louis Adamlc, American nov IIMt, will ur.llvel· a unlvorslty Lc tLlr In Macbl'lele auditorium Tu~~dIlY, Mal'ch 24, o.t 8 !),m" und~r the aURplc '. or thc Senate Board on Unlverslty Lectures. 'I'h 8ubjrcl wi ll b "Wh to Jjles tho F'uture or Amcl'lca." UJoJNJ. F. SHAMBAUOH

Slgllla. XI Tilo DOllfutmcnt oC Englner rln g wil l Hl>Onso.r a BOit'CO \Vedn cl\day "vo­

nln g, March 18, at 7:30 In I'oom 100, gnglnc(>rlng Bu ilding. 1'h program will InClude the following to.lltS glv n by memb('l's or th d'l)(lrtm nt :

Determination or the Oetuno Numb r of Gu.soUn - T. R. Thoren Cooperl\Uvc Reaearch In Hydl'aulicB ut tll University of IowlL- I'ro­

fessor F . T. Mavis Study of Fiuorescent HetlocLlng SUI'fucPs- I'rore8sor R. H. Whlm)lo Investigation of Some IJantl Motions Used in Fu.ctory Work- PI t"B­

sor :Ralph M. Barncs ThO Us of Polatlz d IAgl'lt In Stress AnalysI9-Profe8~o.t 11. E. WC88·

man ]Jarmonlc Content In P lat()

G. orCOl'lln urr nt of Vacuum Tub a-Prof e80r F,

Following the pl'Ogrnm, a busIness meeting a nd annual lettlon of om­cere will be held.

Retreshmcnte will be 8 rvcd hy til Deparlment of Engineeri ng at th cl08Q of th bl\slnC8S moellng, PI aM mak reservations wit h PI'Or~S80r Thomas O. Caywood, E ngine ring BuUdlng, a t onco.

BETH WELI~MAN, , , Secretary

"'rIll' har(l at port of cutllng ~ pic' tUI'o lit k ' ping It ~mo 'th," he IiIY~ "ThpI'1' can 1)0 no at rupt jumll .... no gUll". \V uij\'d 10, . n silent !111M e(IV~r galls with a rolV worda sue' us 'Came til d wn,' or ',!IIIWI' thrl'u.d. allIJ('(U'C(\ among the void.' Ju~~ nOw I am PllriJ,g 'AnlhonY Ad' verSe' dOwn to 11.000 feet. I ellrted out wlih 500,000 rcvt, or coufl/, 'much or thllt conllist d or dupllcatl 8C n ~8.1J

'1' h.() !lim Od ItoI' roll OW a t\ roullnl

Whl'll C'ultlng 0. picture. AI eatl day '8 cen 8 c<Jme III, ho Quill t~ aJl(] whl'n 0. Ik'qu nce Is complett4 ho put nil Lh IIOO IH'!! toKethll" Wh!'1\ thO IMt ~(' 11(\ I ~hot, he tac~ &il th 8cqU()UCes togcth r Into ",!ttl lit t('l'Int'd Q "l'OUgh cut." Thllo th n, I ~ rtll\ In a proj 'otlon rooGI ror t ll r. x('('ulille.t ant! dlredt~

who ordN' chlU1Kea nnd cut. , Ill'" I'IOTl "IlY8 yurt c u't tell anylhlnl about Il. !llnglo r 110 unlll you III J In to a flC'C( uon ce. "A I 1\0, ~t may lit gl'~al," he sUY", "but with the Been!1 lhat Pf edo lind rollow, II mil ,amount to nothing.

SUNDAY, --Relig: Inqui Mr., Mr


MI'. and M

of New YOI'k

tionai and r(

:or tho boo.rd ilOpal chUl'Ch,

yerslly camp' jr.n inquiry II

philOSOphY oj The Inqull'

~ne next 12 ( ,largelY t hrOUI resent.B.U ve st Ings In fratl ~tuoen t centt pUs and rei I

tMit' Mrs. {educat.lon :Rangoon, Bu jIJso dlScuaB their work

1 p," ... - ..... . ,

away hlJ J, It h, ou t IlJ1d to lICe •

h& ha4 to Ilea

tight. And all right be.

SQUIlaIa 0/ since ~4Il

I Years n.go. guards Ilf

speech on The llrr~ot

Is lhe prk> frcedOI;

vWence 00

against Ih~

sUng IL lot and forlh

be hard shows

"Pride and


cutting a pic­,th," hO says. \,upl junW ....

snent fll'~ n . I words 8UC

or \l!1l~ the ,old.


I .tarted

ot courte, ot dUpliall

~SU~N~D~A~y=,~M~A~R~C~H~1~5,~19~36=-~~==========T=========~ ____ ~~-=~~~'~IE~E~D~A=~=Y~J=O=W~A~N=.=IO~W=A~C~r~rY~~~==============~========== ______ ~====-=~~P=A=G=E=F='I=V~

Reli!!ious Workers To Conduct 11 'I Library Compiles <...-' . PRESENTS DANCE PROGRAM Newspaper Report

Inquiry in Students Thought I!===========~ A report on newspa~rs In 10~\"II. PASSING IN REVIEW

Mr., Mrs. D. Baldwin To Meet Students In Varied Groups

oa.n Intercollegtate con fel'ence at LoweI' Soutll Amana..

SUllday 9:30 Il.m.-Mr. Baldwin will speak

to thEl young members of the Meth-

MI'. and Mrs. ])nWltt C. Dltldwln od~~\5E~~:~~r.Ch;~:\~ln will de. of New York, w:ho UI'O doing educa· .lIvPl' a. sermon at the Congr'egntlonal tlonal and rellglouR work In Iwha1t ch ul·ch. .of the boo.rd of the MethOdist li;pls. Murch 23

ool)ll.l church, will come tl) the unl· vel'Slty campus tomorrow to conduct

~ Inquiry Into students' ChrIstian

phlloeophy ot life. The Inqulry, conttnulng tllrDugh

If.he next 12 days, wlJl be condUcted 'largely through Interviews with rcp· resentnUve students, Informal meet. Ings In fl'll.ternI tles, sol"Dl1.tlea and Iltudent centers, nnd through. cam· pus and religIous groupa. Durtng thei r Investigation here, M:.'. Ilnd MI'lI. BaldwIn, who we I'e engnged In tedUl)AUon a.nd religious work In Rangoon, Burma, for 10 ycam, will !llso discuss asPects of lite III Burma, theIr WDrk In Rangoon and lhelr pwn .phUoeophy of life.

lilwe Condurted Inquil'ies For the last year, MI'. and Mrs.

!Baldwin have conducted lnQulrlllQ among students Of numerous unlver­'flltles and colleges ot the Unlted !States, dl !ICUIl.Slng with stud nls thcil' attitude toward lho Chrtstl.On phll­OSOPhy of lite, with particulo.r relu· tlon to the world mls.qlon of Chrls_ itlanlty. Recently vlHlled j}y M,'. and Mrs. Baldwin 11.1''' th~ UniverSity of !Maille. 011.10 St.a.t.e unlvorslly and Northwestern unlv('rsI ty.

The program to be followerl I.ty Mr. hnd Mrs. Baldwin In theIr InquJry hore has been arranged I.ty the re­IlgloulI activities otflce and 0. com­mittee representl ng cam PUll grCluP5 and the Towo. CIty community. Hob­brt Rankin, A3 at Mason City, aM I::;hnrlotte Rotu'bacher, A2 of Iown City, served lIB co-chalrmen ot the committee.

'I'h8 tollowlng program will hr cn,·. ~Ied out by lItr. and Mrs. Baldwin during their visit on the C:l.ll1iPU!!!

i\fol)llay G p.m.-Burret sUPer tor r"Ji~iou~

'Workrrs at the hom" or Pro!. (\11(1 M.I'S. Wl\Il:lm H YOl"an.


12 noon-M r'. nnd Mrs. BaldwIn /Will be ente.rta.lned at 0. lunc.heon meeting of the commlsBlon on reo IIglous activlllEl9 In Iowa Union.

2 p.m.-Mr. nnd Mrs. Baldwin w ill diSCUSS "Adult Education In IndIa" before a. clas& conducted by Prof. May P. Youtz of the Iowo. Chlld Welfare Reseal"Ch station.

4 p.m.-Mr. and MI·S. BaldWin will ,1 ad a diSCUSSiOn at a Y.'''.C.A. cab· Inet meeting In Iowa UniOn.

MlU'ch 24 8 a.m.-Mr. Baldwin will speak to

the <:lass conducted by Sudhlrulra. !Bose.

10 a.m.-lIfr. Baldwin w\1l lecture (0 a. class conducted by Sudhlndra: Bose.

3 p.m.-Mr. Baldwin will sPeaK: to a clru!s Instructed by Professor ;o,10rgan.

I\tarch 25 2:30 v.rru-Mrs. Baldwin wlll speak

:at a meeting of the Episcopal la.cHes In the Eplscopul rectory.

I\lIIrch 26 12 nOOo-1I1r. Baldwin will speak

II.t a Rotary club meeting in the Jefferson hOLel.

7:30 IJ.m.- Mr. o.n(l Mrs. Baldwin will leSd a. d.lscusalon at t\ mretlng or tho members of th Methodist gplscopaJ ChUd'Ch.

Murch 27 6 p.m.-Mr. and Mrs. Batdwln will

bo cmtertalned with the tor Ign stu­denta at Ute home of Dean and Mrs. Curl E. Seashore.

Ruth Faison Shaw Will Give Lecture On Finger Painting

Ruth Faison Shaw, the orIginator

of filll"er painting, will give a dem­

onstration locture on "Finger Paint­

Ing !l.8 a Means to Self Expression,"

a.t. 4 u'clock next Friday a[lernoon

1 p.m.-Mr. Baldwin wl\l lecture to a claas InstrUcted by Sudhindro. !Bose Of tbe political science dep.art· ment. In ('hemlstry auditori um.

3 p.m.-Mr. Baldwin will speak to a class Instructed by Prof ... ",or Mor- Miss Shaw devel"ped finger palnt-gan or the echool ot religion. lng to gIve children an opPortunIty

4 p.m.-Mr. nnd Mrs. BaldwIn will ' tor creative expression without the lead a discussIon at. II. julnt meeting .long practice necellSll.ry to master of the Y.M.C.A. and Y. W.C.A. cabi· pnjntlng tool!!. She uses colored lIIell! In the religious at'tlvlUes oWee p.'1.lnt, lIS ea.~y to spread and manlp· 'n IOwa Union. , 'ulnte as mUd.

6 1J.m.-Mrs. Bnhlwln will be cn- A recently published bock on tertalned at the Kllppa Alpha Theta "li'lng"r Painting," by ?onss Shaw, ex· house. plaIns her dcvelopment oe thl9 art.

7:30 p.m.-Mrs. BaldwIn will speal< Mlsq Shaw opened a school fOI' iat tho lIfetho(lL~t student Cl'nlcr. American and English children In

\Y~nesllay ROmE'> In 1923, Ilnd became II. pIoneer 9 a.m.-Mr. BaldwIn will BpI'ak to In tho progres.«ive education move­

the class Conductf'd by Pmf. Iler- Iment. She was Invtted to lecture at bert Martin of the philOBOPhy de· the Sorbonne In Paris and gave the PMtment. first public demonstration there of a noon-Mr. and Mm. DnIdwln ,finger painting.

wlll be entertalned o.t the Inter- Arter many years In Europe, Miss Fallh fellowshIp luncheon, Iowa. ,shaw opened the Sha\v Finger Paint Union. studio in New York City.

6 p.m.-Mr. DnIdwln wIll be enter-ltalned at tile SIgma. Chi hou.qe.

7:30 p.m.-Mr. and )11'9. BaldwIn /will conduct an Inquiry among 0.

iroup or students at the hOme of Prot. and Mrs. Andrew II. Woods.

Thursday Mr. Baldwin will conduct an all

<lay conference nt Cornell college, lit. Vernon.

6 p.m.-Mrs. Baldwin will be en· ~ertalned at the PI Beta Phi hous<'.

7:80 p.m.-Mr. /lna .Irs. DnJdwln .... 111 conduct an Inquiry among rae­tulty members at the 110me or P ..... jlnd Mrs. Chester A, Phillips,

Friday 6 p.m.-Mr. Bnldwln ,,111 speak

.. t & meeting of the Owl's club. Saturtluy

Mr. and Mrs. BaJdwln wIll lead

University Concert Band Will Present

First Public Recital The university concert baml

will present its fi l'f!t public cOn· cert for 1935·36, l\larch 29 at Iowa. Union, Dr. O. FA Vall Doren, director, announced yes· tt'rd8Y. SeledJons from T schai. kowsl<y's "Nutcrncl<er ullAl," Pollulo ant1 Fugue Ira III Wein. bt\I'gcr's " chwant1a," 81111 stan· tlar d band music will make up a varied program.

Thomas Ayres. A2 of JDWa Cit y, clarinetest, wUl IJIa¥ a. groop of sololl.

....::..::==:.. a:ta I i ID Tu~ay" The Mirth Spasm

Of 1936

MeccaSbow! ponsored by the "Engineers"

"]:''"51 tM I 45 Minutes Of

Fast, Furious Fun! "THE MECCA BEAUTIES"

Real Home Talent Drama "As She Is Spoke" The "Accidental" Quartet

A thnll,"I.,n 1\l1~1 , Sit· Eve. 411\

Ct]:rt,1Ji3;i 3~:1 "LOVE ON

A BET" Youlh In hIgh .• ,

I-Ihorts t o


Gcno Raymond

"'!'ndy IJllrrle

ITal'aJd Kl'(,llt7.bel'g', mal Gancet, w:;i give 8 danc!' J)l'O!!;l'am in Macbride aneW'wium tomorrow at 8 p.m. ] ~l'icdl'ich Wi Lcltens, composer, will ~ccompaJ1y Kl'C:'utzbel'g' at lilt' pia DO.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Harald I{reutzherg Will Give Solo Program Tomorrow Night

A !lolo program will be PI'(!Sl'ntE"d Jng flvc· l~. on~, through <'ooPeI'3.tlon hy Harald T<N'lItzhorg, rat.<'d one of ot tht' woml'n's physIcal education tho world's grl'11.tNlt malt· dancers, kl~T>Ortm (' nt. !tomorrow at 8 p .m. in M~('h,iclp Tlckrt . mlty b .. "('('urN! nt the wo­audlto)'lum, umler the auspices ot Im<'n's J)hysl<'ul c.lye'aliffll dpparLment Or'chcsts and Phi EpsilOn Knppa. or a.t the door.

F.r\edrlch Wilckens, composer ot the ballet, "Don Marte," will accom­pany Kreutzberg nt the pillno. '1'he JestCl'S dance from the ballet will be 0. plll·t of the program.

The ,program follow!!: Choral.................... Luther-Wikkens .Soldler of Fortune ...... ..... WllckenS' !Serenade from "rOe!n!) Nn.cht-

mURlk" ........ ..................... Mozart 'nance through lhe Slreets .... Albeniz Pieta. ................. .'..... .. ................ R eger '1'1\1'00 Dungar'HI Il Dallcr,9 .... Brahms

Intcrrn ls..~lun

~l!l.'ltPl· of ('I'remonlrs frOm Cozzi's "Turnmlot" ............................... Scott

Prof. Tyndall Will Talk to Physicists

PI·or. Edwnrd P. Tyndnll Of tho physics depnrtment will dIscuss "Some Physical Propertl~8 at Zinc Cry_tnl .. " at a IJhYHIC>! COIlO(IUlum mpetlng in rOom 301. physics build· lng, ul 4 p.m. tmnuITow.

Myra Hess to Give Recital at Cornell

Jest~r's Dance ........ . .... \Vllckens 'rho chnpel nt Cornell collpgl', Mt, Nig1ht ....................................... Brahms Vernon, will be (he geenc ot a re-Three Mpl'ry ])nnc/\9 fOI' Children cltal by Myra. Hess, Monday eve-

(a) Little PastoroJe .......... Poulene ,bIng, MIll"C1\ 23. (b) Fa.un .................. ~ .. ........ Relnlt20r !irIs!! HMS, acknowledged as lhe (c) Old Vienna. .................... Strauss foremost liVIng womlLn pianist, wJl\ I{reutzberg'a shaved head, which \appear at Corn IJ on tho arUst and

hru! excited much commont, Is the .1,.:c::ct:;ur:=o=co=:u=r=Be=.======== J'ElSult or hI!J aUempts for a more

effective cOstume when he pel'Corm- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~! ed the Jester's dance. It wn.q So suc. : c~sful that he has continued to shave hjs head.

During his /;tny In Jowa City, from Friday through tomorrow, he Is glv-

-l~: tfd! 4 tIl LAST TWO DAYS! "KNOCK·OUT"

that's 10wI\ Cil y's Happy nC('ision About This lli t

-i\U1}EJJ­l\l[('I{)IJY MOUSE


Call 3626 For Time Schedules

Held Over Today and Tomorrow

26c to 5:30

Cont.inuous Shows SATURDAY - SUNDAY

TIME MAGAZINE Of March 16th Says-

"'Country Doctor' is warm hearted, amusing and aston­ishingly skillful cinema which handsomely entertains its audiences."

Copyright NEA




"SPOOKS" Fox and Iowa News

~Ibrariee was recently &ent to Wash­~ngton, D. Coo to be Included itl ~ "Union LI t of Newspapers" now In jthe pr0CE68 of publlca.t\on. Grace Van ' .... onner, acttng director ot uni­versity I1brarlee, announced yester­

A Com~1\.tary 011. flu New Books

Conducted by Americln Prefaces

day. The record was compiled by Mary

B. HumPhrey, superlntend .. nt ot the docum nts depnrtment of unlversit)' libraries, and by the atsl! ot the jljerla.ls department.

Today~s WSUI


~LEN A~D BRETHREN, by Jam Gould ('oneD . New York, Har­court, Brace a.nd compa ny. 1936.

I T IS AL\\"AYS dl cournt;lng to see a promIsing novelist tak

hIs first do",nward st p, and It 18 eoJpeclaily 80 In the case ot this young author of "S. S. n Pedro" and "The Last Adam." In both his former bookS Con n. dlsplayoo 0. tlne sense ot character and han· died his subjects with deft tech· nlque. But "Men and BreLhren" 18 on ot th05e stillborn nuve which ought to be burled Immedlat Iy af· ter completion.

The stor)' dlsc:IOIts tile ~ual 8 p.m.-Veflpers, Bishop Robert. degeneraey of an EpI~opaJlon

LUCey, Amal1110, Tex. "i ur prac;Uclng celibacy, a nd For TomolTow the theme I so s imilar to 1\Ior·

9 a.m.-Garden talk, Gretchen FIs· /l'Y CaJlu&'ha n's "SUch ) My cher HarBhbarger. Uelo\-ed" lhat cOIJI)lari on I In.

9:15 a.m.-Yesterdny's musIcal fa- evitllble. varltes. Both novt'la show a cellbate's reo

9:30 a.m.-The bOc>k shelt, Ollvetta ncUol\ll to sexunl n!lallons of oth r Holmes. people: Call1lghan's prIest Wll.!l In-

10 a.m.-Within th clll86l'oom, t rcsted In two prOllLILUL 8; cozzens' cl8381cal music, Prot. PhUlp C. vicar Is a rather unwilling wlln·8 Clapp. to two crUmbling maniagell, an

10:50 a.m.-Program calendar anel nbortlon, two .. !U'ta I 1' ... " ond the weather repol1:. rscnpc of a homosaxual Crom II. rC,'·

11 a .m.-Wlthln the classroom. IIglou8 order. The main poInt of 'English drama. (rom 1660 to 1860, I dIfference, asIde from drtall of Prot. Bo.rtholow V. Cro.wiord. story. Is thal Callaghnn's solution

11:50 a .m.-Farm tlaahe8, Emmett for his charncter's prohl m WWl In· C. Oardn r. snnlt)" while the vicar In ".\len and

12 noon-Rhythm ramble". Br(' thren" find" his an8w~r In homo. J 1:30 PUll.-Atlernoon musical!', Hexunllty, Chnl'les McClenahan. Slu'h II. theme I. not entire'ly

1:45 p .m.-Science news at t.ho dlslasteful. Call1lghall Illlld It week, education by radio s(>I·I~. ellgagill/l' and slgnlllcllIU. Out

2 p.m.-Campfll'e melOdies. ()()zzells. cOIll'erned wllh whllt 2:10 p.m.-Within the clnllSl'OOm, he thinks is dpclulent In our

I'ldvnncro. Boclal psycholOgy, Plrot'. morltls, I Is his story Kink Into Norman C, Meier. II rathel' dull r~ord of til thou.

g p.m.-IllUstrated mUlllcal chats, snnd " 'orrles which be d his \Thomas C. Colllns. , 'I('sr during 24 hours.

3:80 p.m.-rowa F'edl.'1'atlon or WO- A ftc I' concluding Lhe book, thl' 'men's Clubs program, An EconomIc rea(l~r al:Jt> fe~l!I that he hM been ,Phll05ophy for Wornen, !\frs. Ben hnl'll.8sed with II. multiLude ot ted I· Ogden, CEdar Rnplds. o'os dl'taJl~ which al'l' drab and

4 p.m.-Elementary SpanlRh, T1so mennlnglp~lI. AntI lIuch a tet'lIng probst LWlB. Is (·nough to ound tlw klll'lI Cor

4:30 p.m.-Elementary G<'rman, any now·!. Hlkl(>gat'dl' SUelow. -Robert "1litehnlld

5:45 p.m.-Dally Iownn of th~ all', Willi am Bartleoy.

G p.m,-Dlnner hour program. 7 p.m.-Chllclren'6 hOur, the Io.nd

ot the story book. I, 7:30 p.m.-Enjoy your mill urn, Old Sllndwtc.h. Gloss, Carl Thurmon, editor.

7:45 p.m.-Art news, Elizabeth Okerbloom.

8 :p.m.-Public health talk, Iowa !State Med.1Cal socIety.

8:15 p.m.-Book review, Prof. Es­t"'La M. Boot.

8:30 p.m.-Evening mU81C1ll. 8:45 p.m.-Federated Business o.nd

'Profe,sslonnl Women's club program. 9 p.m.-Speecll dcpart.ment pro­


THE LAND OF 'rUE I~REE, by Jlerllert A gilI'. Boston, Uoughton Mlrrlln conwan,y, 19!\5.

I PREFER '1'0 PI' 8 nt my book," wrltcfI the nuthor of "Th Land

o( the Free," "lUI an attvmpt to ral.e the rlgh t qUNltlon"." Thnt II hna succeedl'd on lhat basta can htll'dly I)(' denll'd.

Tllo "right questloll'!" whleh 1\11'. Agl\l' ,loses in th" ('OUI'f!C of 288 pages or .1 lllUiClatlOll, ex· hortaUolI, and e('onoflll(' argu· mont refrr to antlt hetlCll1 WOYII

Ilf IIr~."' IIIt>ti(,lln 111·I\'o.to capl· tollsm with is ngl'lIrllUl culture ('ollcomitants ill OllllOsed to Allleril'lI11 flnance·capitali. m and




"Life &gtns When You're

In LOve"

"Rollin' Along"

"Let's Go!"

"niere'll Be No South"


26c ALL


L\one\ Slander

at \\\s 'Funnies\.

Red R.ot Danc.in~ \ Du.s\.-y Ste~vet'S

S\..ow b\)1\\' comei\y ani\ l'()"'l\nr~ t'ocK\n, to the ThY\\u\\1\ of t\tl\


ita orban ch'Ululloa impUca. tiona. According to the author, th lat·

tcr III th perversion ot lht' former and has r~,ulted trom Hamiltonian economIc p<>lIcl or the Imported Brltlsb variety, and from the ra.po.c­Ity and ~-reed ot that "band ot m n who pl'()vcd whal unchecked prl· vllte nt I1lrille can do by appro­prlll.Ung good part ot th United ~teCI In the 40 y~J'lI that follow­~ tbe ClvU war." With American prlvaLa capl~Usm be III nUct Lhe "r al" America-the AmerIca. C)OR.

celved by WllJIhlngton, Jerferson, and the Ada.m~"a nation with a majority ot small proprletor8, ",ith no all·pol'I"t'rtul plutocracy at th top and no larg prol tartan class aL tn& bottom."

TH" I lIfr. Aga.r'~ " ml'rlcan .I. Dre m," and to make It 8 m realizable h& must xJ)08e the un· heaU hy tendencies of Ihe "bin r and bettcr" bU81nell8 philosophy of flnance-capltallsm.

Apparenlly 118 IUl anchor to the windward, h e preface hi economIc analys", with a foot· note wherein he BlI rt : "No economic arJJ:lIltIent can ha \'Il dentine nnlllitf. The ma in

the81 01 Ih18 book I III moral Olle, and even It the pl'ellent rhapter were omitted thtl moral argument " 'oulll fi l&nll." Aud It I l1li a 1U0rai dla,PlNI1s or uur Ills rlltl_ than lin 4'!('onollll(' lin wer I~ our Ilroo/ems I hat the book ha.~ II. ImJ)Ortall('e.

"Th Land ot the F'ree" preHent~ II. great IndlcLmr·nt. By ('on 11'11 t, tho solution It otters app!'arM vague and wishful . But th IItrpngth ot Lhe book 111'8 In tbo fllCt that jt

htt.8 e8tabllshed th lIec Kslty oC that olutlon,

-Dt'manl Alrhon

Magazine Publi bes tory Written By Eleanor Saltzman

A Rho rt etOl'Y HllrvPlIt," by lJlennor I:l Itzmun ot lhe lowo. Child W Irare R Bear h Atatlon, npl)eSl'a In tho April bor or Household MagazIne.

The 8tor)' 18 iJalM on an In her nov 1, whIch Is to month.

Wed.-Tbur .-Fri. 2 Grand Pictures

26c Afternoon Evening

IDcJudln, Itate Wei to

See the greatest Dancing Ro· mance the screen has ever known. You'll love this a Star Hit.

News Kartoon

Done .""' .... .. 6AVAOf IIIUIIC -AWA~1MI

.-.... Of tova ... ANIIlt\n

·AS 1MI 0I.0II1OU1 ITAU Of " lOURo· DANCI '0 rn -.uI, IIUUA'- mUcSl

No. 2 Feature A beautiful picture with a Romantic Story.


lilLIE "'IE· EllA MAE Ilin.' JOU MAUl. IUTEI C .. IIE

Official~ Set Deadline. For Medic Theses

The d dUne tor lh t~ ~ sub-

,tnIUt'd by n1\' nlly of 10'111''' medl­

cal Rtudl'nl., competlnJ' tor the Bald­lid 0 m mortal »l1%I> ot tho 10'111'1\

state )1t'dlcnl <IlOClet)· Is tomol'rG'II' t 5 p.rn.

Th,' th Ma Is to be an original work In mediCine, Int"rpru.ed to tnclude both cltnlcal and precllnical subjt'et ..

A prize at ISO wUI be awardl'(! very year tor tbe but th a, the

tund tor this purpoee bav1...- n IS t d by the atAle medical group _0 honor at Dr. larenc Baldridge. /Who WN lIUJed In an automobile 1/\ N\1Vem~r, 193~.

In order thlll tbMl't may be jUdged on merit alone, niMCII mWlt be Bub­mltted under an aMumoo nam . Tr\Ie name, aM.. and claM ot the auth­

IOf' are to be written on 8. card en· closed In a aea.llld em' lope with th lname on the outllde..

Announcement ot Lhe winner will be made at th next m tine ot lll9 Iowa. Slat Medica.! society April U. 30 and May 1 In Dell Moines, an'" tho award wUl be made a.t .Tun Commen m('nt x"rc . Th win-ning tiles Is will b publlahed In th Journlll ot th Iowa State ?of dlCllI l!Joclety.

Graduate Receives Job n Reporter

Donald SiJn Glovann}, wbo WIU

gl'll.,Juall·d from lIlt' nlvr!'flILY 0(

Iowa In 1934, hUll recently Ii'«'lv d II. Joh II. r"llun r for thl' New Brun"wkk, N, J" Dally 110mI' Nf'WH

and Sunday T1me~.

• But a lad found a lOft spot in hil blu heart I



Come Today OR MONDAY

2 Dandy Picture.

26C Afternoons Evenings

lDeIuclel 8taU 8all. Tu

Here' a Honey It', Got Rhythm! It's Got Romance!

If. Got Mwic! It'. Got Beauties!

It's Got Everything Every· body Wants!





A thrilling outdoor pidure full of action. and beautiful scenery_

JOHN WAYNE in his latest hit

uThe Desert Trail" Also Showing

Pathe News--Shows All A Colored Kartoon


f'olday, March to Track- State Meet, h ere

frld~, &lltvrdat, March 2&, U Wresttritg-~.O.}\.A .• Lelt1~rt6n, Va..


Frhl11Y, Sllturduy, l\1l1rr h 27, 28 SWhlllllj llg-N.('.A.A., Ville ll~ol

Sllhlrlhly, l\1~I'ch 28 Tl'Ilcll-TI'iIlng'llill1', ftladlsvlI, WI~. 11


L OOAL * * * SJ: ATE W O RL D Wl D E * * * The Associated Press row A CITY IOWA SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1936 Oentral Press Association

Jlawk Mermen Nose 'Out MichIgan ; *** *** *** *** *** ** * *** ***

lndiana Wrestlers Snatch Big Ten Crown ~ . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ........,... ....;.;..:;..----..:------"------

4 rnthrustermen Bring Iowa Swimming I BIG TEN WRESTLING CHAMPS II Hoosiers Nose Out Hawkeye Fk~ Confurenoo ntle ~Seven ill~~'::::::::::::~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~Grapp~r~ 23~2; OW CoM

N"orthwestern ........ 21

Wildcats Take T hi r d ~~~~~io'::::::::::::: f~ Boasts Three Class Champs Ohio tate, . . . . . . . . . 15

rears; • • • • • • • • •

Rpy Wahers Captures ... --------~. . Firsts in Dashes; I Tank Results I : Westerfield Gets 2nd .. · -4-oo-~'-nn-l-h-.Cf'-s-t)-'le- -r-el-a-Y -,-,4,~:

• (Continued from page 1)

) ;:l ~o far ill Intercolleglu te compoli-Jtloa, churned home in front or the

In Ie. in both the 50 and 100 yard free

,gty~ evcnL~ to bocome th only

dOlthle "inner of the mel't. SIx new records. Including one

wo.~d mal·k. were established In lhe elg\)l swimming events. The gl'catest

In<llVielunl surprise of th e meet came

'when Jim Patterson of Ohio State

'wllJpped tiho natlo~al intN'colleglate diving cham t)ion, Frank Fahsenfcld,

b~ more Lhall seven pOinls In the

.spj· ln'l'board event.

I{as l&y Wins Breast, Stl'ol,o Jack Kasley of Michiga n. naUonal

and confcl'cncn brrost sU'oke champ· bon ... swam ncady five seconds abOve 'his world's recorcl smashing time of 2:23.9. 8{'t In the preliminarlcs last 'rnlG'ht. but sllll fast cnoUl;h to e]e­)fcn{\ his 1935 crdwn in the 200 yard br(ilst cvpnt. Gus lJor!lChl{c Of Northwestern \Vns sccollll. t rallcd by Kh'I)ert of Ohio State and Dob Allert ()C Iowa. who rac~d in third anel fourlh, respecU vely.

Four of the llew conCel'ence marks jw~t", set In llUll nighl's preliminary qu8.llfylng. Tho two JlC.W r~col'ds seC' tonight werel In the relays. 1111. (Il(l/.!, winlling tir() long 400 yard frc<l ~tyle In tho recol'd time Of 3:38,5. u.nd Mlc:hlgan comJng bhrOUq'h as ex-1) cted In the 300 yard medley event to lower its own mal'k of 3:03.5. set ~a~ year. to 2:59.8. Iowa placed third ~n Wlh of theso events.

Zchr Rests WesteJ'lield Danny Zehr of No[·thwcstern, 1932

Olylnple swim sIal' for Arru:lrlca, was 1)I'essed In the 150 yal'(l dorsal event by Dick W'eRtcloficld, Iqwa's 011-American backstrokeI'. but manage(l 'to win in 1:39.1, a tenth of a second \above tho ncw conference marie h a srt In the quaIJfylng last night.

Capt. Adolf Jacobsmey('J' of Iowa conb'lbutcd the mOBt polnl.ll next to 'V~ters [0" his team by SWimming sC\l/lIlel In tho 440 yard free stylc and [Ifth In the furlong. lIHch.Jgan·s Frank Barnard, swimming morQ tha.n two rutl seconds obovo his rec­ord cracking heat of last night, just barely managed to close oul the great Hawk pilot. Bob Cllr\sllo.ns, ,Towa SOI1hom.orc. dofeated Oth Ol' con­'terencc stal's to placo third In this rac(j.

New l\la rl, Tho sixth rClCord was the dclJatt'cl

(urJbng swellt hI' Lowls .o f Illinois In thQ prt:'liminari"s last lIight. 'rhe Or­ango and Blue I11f'1'nian wA!9 the v ic­tIm of faulty measuring In th qllal­ifylng heatl!. which he won in 2:15.4 to jower oonsideral)ly the old 220 mal'k of 2:17.3, ma(le by John 'Schmle.iel· of Michigan In 1032. But 101\Jgh't hI' swam a 2:1G.8 fudong. an 4 after n, bl t of a Iseusslon offirlo.la 'decl.ded to list hts name after a nOlI' /marl' of 2 :16. '

by lII illois; Chlcugo, RIlcOI14I ; lOW A Ihin!; Michigan, fourth; l\llnnesotl1, filth. Time 3::18.5 (New conference recol'!I; old I'cconl 3;40.1 set by JUl· nois in 1935).

2'0() yard bl'CIL~t strolle-Won by Jiasley (i\tlch.); Horschl,c (N\V) sec· 01111; IUrbert (0) tl. i 1'(1; ALJ4l)N «(own), fourth; ComstOC'I, (MIch.) fifth. Time 2;'18.8. '

150 yard bacl, strole()-WOH by Zehl' (NW); WESTEnFIELJ) (Iowa), second; nellIe (;\lich.). thil'd; • 'aile (0 ), (oul'th; Smith (OS) !lith. Time 1:39.1.

50 yard free Htyle-WOli by WAL· TERS (Iown); Brown (Chi) secoml; Hu(\sol. 11111] \ 'el'nor (P), tied fvr third; WEH;\IEYER (low1l), firth • Timo :24.

440 ylU't1 fr'eD style-Won Ill' Bar· lUll'll (~l I c h.); JA('OIl 'MEYElt (Iowa), beconti; Chl'lstiall~ (IO!\'a), thir,l; 1\10['1'15 (1\Iinn.), fourth; Wilson (Chi), fifth. Time £):0\1.

)00 )'anl fl'Ilo slyle-W',1Il by \VAL­TEl{. (IOWII); Zelll' (NW), Sf'cond; ).owis (111.), Ih.i1'(I; Webb (Mlnn.), rOUl·th; Hansen (111.), mth. Time :54.1.

Flul('y Bivin!; - Won by Jim I'at. terson (OS); }'rllnk FehsepfeJd (Mich.l, second; B. ' Grady (MJch.), Ihinl ; A. CHRISTEN (Iown), fourth; F. Stauffer (Chi), fifth.

220 yunl fl'L'O style-Won )Jy Nor· man Lewis (III.); Charles WilSOn (Chi), SlIComl; l'nUlI, Hamill'll (~ll·ch.), th.ird; Dexl el' WOt)(I~ord (QS), fOUI1.li; A. JAOOBSME)'ER (Iowa), j·lfth. Time 2:16.8.

330 yard medley relay-Won by !\Iiehigan; NOI1:hwestel'll, second; IOWA, third; Minnesota , fourth; Oltio Slate, firth. Tinae 2:59.8 (New conrel'ence record; old record 3:03.5 set by i\Jlclligan In 1935).

Cunningham Whips Eastern Rivals in Mile

Kansan Plods 4:48.6

Way To Win With

Qua'rter Spurt Last

NEW YORK, March 14 (AP)-In a race that was a traveety on th e "top watch, but 0. tliumph In strat. <'I."Y. Glenn CunnIngham. world I'OC' onl holdel', whiJ)llCcI his two east I'll I'Ival~ , Gene VenZke and Joe Man· gan. tonight In tho Columblll mlie, Ccatu"e of the unnual Knightll of Uolumbull games. II was t/le Kan· san's first vlclory on tho Garden traek this winter alid hi" time of 4 minutes, 46.8 seconds testified to the I'emarleo.ble character of the ruce.

Cunningham, after foul' straIght setbacks a t the hands of Mangan or

Corning Inw the finaL event lead- Venzke 01' both. on eastel'n boI1rds. Ing by six pOints, much tn the same stunned the crOwd a$ well M his situation In whICh they found them· two rivals by his sudd on shUt In seLves two weks ago in II. dual meet tactics, Glenn tipped his hane] by with 1I1lehI glln. thl.' wlnn.er" pitted pl'll.cticlng nothing but sprint fln­,theh' m edley r elay team against the Ishes. before the race. I ut It was hlu' aten lhg Michigan tri(). MichIgan' 0. shock never tholcsl tl\ 1111 con· /wa.s toutoo to win this vent. and in I cerncd as thc J(un ' r.ll r {u .;cd to the man net' In "'1hlch lhey accom· "lick his harrel chc:..t In f"ont 01' ;PUshed It. but Its chief concel'll was make any eCfort to force tho goIng 'lhe clangerous I owa tcam hrunposed ,until he was goou and ['cady. or WesterfIeld. Allen, and Well.· Gene, Joe - Confident )ncyer. who needecl but a. thlru place Gone and Joe. both confident they to llS8uro IowlL of glory. could outSJlrlnt Glenn on the basis

l\lIclllgan Pl18hed oC IlIIB't performances, at th'st were The Maize and Blue spl.a!lhers, nonplussed and then apparently de·

Relle In Ihe backslt'oke, Kasley in )lghted by the un exl)ected early >the bl'ellBt, and J\'(ow6I'son In tho tm'n of evcnts. Both WOI'C hlg grins fl'eo style, set a now re'cord, but bhey as they jOgged along at a rldlcu · we i' PUJ!hC"d! to thl) Ilnllt by North· lou sly slolv trot. Nclthcl' showed Jwcstel'n nnd Iowa. the slightc,'it coneCl'n 11.8 thoy passed

walters' Groat Feat tho quarter pole In 1 :12. tho half 'Wall I'S' fent of lwo Individual mi le mark In 2:33 and t hen the three

vi lOI'les anel IL berth 6n Towa's lollg (Iuat'ters In 3:5l. J'elay team, stamped hit'll IlB tile By this time the cI'qwd wlIs In an nl ecl's oUlstandJng compelltor. KBS· uproor of res ntmont over the fact 'I ry'8 world recol'd notWithstanding. that there was not even a remote Few men havc been double wlnnert! chance tOI' the winner t() come wIth· In this tank cluslc, second only to In hailing distance of CunnIngham'S the national Intercolleg iate cham. own world Indoor ~rd of 4:08.4. plonshlps In mnk and Iml)Ortance. Tho rboo.~ l'llvel'berated. , The victory, the fjl'st for Iowa In Cunning-ham thel'oupon brought tt!! histOrY W'!IR I he culmination the cl'owd to Its teet roarIng by ,of two d~cade8 or til'c less ecrOI't by t.he whirlwind BI)ced of hIs tin Ish tho Old Oolc] menlOI" Dtwe Armbl'u, which 1)t'oduced a la1lt quar~er In flL 1', on of the gl'eatcst swimming fi6.8 8ecund~. rt WIU! the IIlowest conchCR In tho llQ,tlon. Armlwuster milo Glenn evor hat! run. InC\oor!l took four men to tbe n a tional cham. or out, but Lho lime dldn't melln a plolt hll}.'! Rl Harval'u lal:!t year and, thing. The lEult qUBrtc l' WIlB the won fourth " l llr~. one pnlnt h~hln,l tnHtl'HI pvrl' 1'1'1'01,\11'1.] In fl, m ile l'fIpr yal (lntl " 'Mhlngton, II'hv llrtl fo,' hy WilY Of o(\(Jing 1\ rallta,dle tlnn l l!eeond, tOllch 10 thu ~topwatch "tory.

• • • • • • • • • • • ~f:I~~!ot~ ........................ l~y; Boh Larson, Guern ey, •• ---M-a-t-R-es-u-l~ts--~1

Wrestling Kielhorn Gather In ... I ____ ~ __ -. Lnwana . .. , .. . ..... . .. 23 Big Ten Mat Title IOWA .............. ,. 22 Illinois ... . . ........... 11 Minnesota ... . .... . .... 11 Michiga)l .............. 7 QJpo State .. .......... 6 Chicago ... ... . ..... . .. 5 Northwestern . . ~ .... '': ' 2

F~~llS, Players Hope t(j View Sox Downfall

-SARASOTA, Fla., March 14 (AP) -Another "scarlel scourge" Is loose )again-this time bendIng its way over a heavily ambushed major league !>Meball trial In the regimen­tals of tho million dollar Boston Red SOA.

Llko Ohio State's famous "scarlet scourge" of 1935 football . the Red SOlt aYe on the spot with enemies everywhere ready to cheer In the event they should fall In their 0.11-star drive for the American leagut} pennant. Except (or rabid home town supporters, almost ever base­ball player, malinger and fan Ia wishing them woe. misery and fail­w·e.

. 11. -,' -Daily Iowan Photo ]936 Wcstcrn confN'encc wrestling champs who won their spurs last night at thc fieldltouse

/Irena; Front row, left to ri~ht, l30b Fiuwall, 135 pounder of hieago; Bob Lar~on, Iowa's 135 pound winner; Willard Dnffy, Hoosier 126 pon nd cham pion; and Bob MyerH, Indiana featber­weight. Back row: Byron Gnernsey, fltlshy II awk 155 pounder; Capt. Caifson J uhll'on, 00-pher dark horse of thc 165 ponnd clas. ; Earle Kiclhorn, popular iowa 175 p()unt\cr ; and Ralph Silver teil1, IlIini champ of the hcavyweight division.

)Jy JOliN FEl' I-tNG

Unlvel'slty of Indlona Illatm~n

,sna"ched. I he Big Ten wrestllng title

last night by nosing out tlte nlvel'-slty of Ic~va IJawkeye~ In the field·

,house, 23 to 22. 0.8 32 "~Prc'lelltatlvps

from eight Dig Ten Rchools f()Ught

fOl' laurels In thl' toumoment. It

mark ed tho rtClh champiOnship In

thc lasl six Yl'!lr. tor lh(l Uoo"lel·~.

A lJ'loral triumph wa., scored by the Old Gold aggl'egatto" In Ulat It placed thl'l'e Individua l champIons In the first eight weight classes. In­(Iiana followed wilh lWo chamf)9 whlla Iillnols, 1II1nnl!Olota and Chi­cago each gaJne(\ onl' tllle.

LaITon Gets Gol,1 Watdl Robert Larson. towa 133 pound

champJon. wall ILwar(1rd a gold wat('h all token of lx>lng th... most oulstandlng !!'ra.Pl)ler In Big Ten. cOIl'1l tition. The prize. glvcn for the (lccood time In history, waR pfrSCnt­(cd lJy Refcl'c(' John Drummond on beha.lf of the Olympic wl'''~tIIng cum­mlttee. An 1awa wrcqtJcl' has won il bOtJl Urn s. for lasl year Earl Klelhan was p entl'd w~th tho prize.

III I nols, last year's <:ham1)lon, placed a. w('.ak JI-point thh'd posi­tion. IYlllg ::\llnn sota, 111 Ich lI;u 11

camo next with ."Vl'n poInts; OhIo • ,State. slx; Chicago, five; und Norlh. . :wcstern. two.

Hoherl Mnl's, Indlan'L 118 ))Olllld­er, won a close cll/lmplonshlp battlo from Dan BlUm (If IlIlnols. Myers' d e<'lsion tim!' wa.q 1'19.

Duffy Beals Cameron 11\ the 12G pvund cia. s, Willard

'Ouf[y of Indiana copped a 4:50 time ',d vantago over PaUl Cam ron of

)fIN,\} .. " l til lIOUIIIIR: lyet'S (riW) (Ideated

mum (III) by decision. J26 pOullcls: lInff)' (lnd) ~eteated

Cameron ( lieh) by decision.

135 \lOul\tI~: lARSO , ( Iowa)~· Jelltefl !\fillet' (Ind) l>y foll, with body scissors anll bl\t arm. Tbne, 1 min. utes 19 sec'onds.

14:; pOuutls: nmvall (CIII) deful· , cd "ll1n"lin (O.S.) by decision.

i55 pound~: n. GUERNSEY (Town) lierented I'elel'l'l (lllll) by deciSion.

165 I)!)und ~: Johnson (MinD) ile' · frutnl t{m hulil{ (Ind) by fuj i, with thl'rerlluarters nelsoll II1l11 leg lock. Tilllt', 1 minute 46 serol1ll~.

115 pOlllld~: KEILHORN (Io\n) defeated Ifei 1'1' (O.S.) by decision.

Ileu.\y\\'eight: Silverstein (rtl) lie· ft'ated ~lc()anll'l (fnd) by decision.

{'O~SOI..AT'ON FI:SALS 118 l)()umls: Rhoton (0. ) defeal·

I'd 8IUIII (Ill) by fnlt '\~th haif nel· son Jlnd OOdy rhanrcJ')'. Time, Z minutes 14 seroll!ls.

126 PVUI\']S: P. Pul(utinsky (lit) de. Irllte(1 Camel'OlI (lUlrh) by declsiQn.

135 pound/!: Thomas (~lirhJ defe~\" I'd 1\li11el' (Jnd) by t/I'<'islon.

145 pouuds: FISHER (rowa) de· rellted i\lihdlin (0. '.) Jjy full with b dy RCbsors and bar arm. Time, t minute 5;; seconds.

155 pound~: Lovnde (NW) deteat· ..(I Rorlaug ([\tln n) by fait wltlt body 81'18S01'8 and bar arm. Time, 5 JIlin, utes Ji> Iie{'OIIlI!l.

165 poull!ls: KraJlUlik ({nd) defeat· ed Ughl buru (0.8.) by deciJ!lon.

115 pot1J1tls: '''llitaite.- (~nnn) de­teat'd Heiser (O.~.) by decision.

Jlea"yw~lll' hl : l\f(,J)nmel (Ind) lie­f.'alr,] Wrij:ht (r.lirh) Ill' llecision.

Even the Palmetto scrubs seem to sin I!' the hymn of hate against the team that Is accused, generally, of aJttempting to buy tho flag. Not only In AmerIcan but National lea­guo Cllmps as welt the word Is out t() "smack 'em down" ("om the sta.rt of their exhibition series to the final day of the seallon. It's an odd re­turn for owner Tom Yawkey, un­questionably the gl'eatest single ben­efactor in bueh8.l1 t()day. Except for Yawkey and his bulging bank· roll, many players, who now long for his tcant to flop, wouldn't be getting coffee and cakes at the big league trainIng camps·

Hawk Trackmen Place Fifth As Wolverines Take Crown

Michigan . Duffy got orf to a !;'On(! ! idelights I iJt.art by tying his opponenl and •• ____________ -..

"The Red Sox will have to be about 60 per cent better than the average run of championship tcams to win ithls year," obaerve.d Bucky H9.l;.I:\li of the Wa.sh:lngton Senators who was ousted as t~e Red Sbx pilot before owner Yawkey really ripped the rubber band Crolri h\.8 I·oll. "Every t am In the )e~ue Is layIng for them. I'll Venture to say that every managllr will be thl~klng ahout the ncxt flerl~ with tlte Rdl Sox lIB M lines up hla pitching ~tafr. All summer )on~, they'll sec the very Qe8t pitchIng the ()ther clubS have! to of tel'. The players wllt try hilrder ~o. beat them than any otber club, ~h.at·8 :I. cinch." -------whet~tblle Men Lead . fre~ Tbro,,"eis In

(;o.op Tourllaw ent

Ray Ellinwood Belters World Record in 440

,1anky Hawk could get no closer than

lfourth. Captain Cretzmeyer, suffering

from a bruised heel whIch neccssl· tated his wluhdl'll.wing Crom the high jump aCiH he had taken on(\ leap. 'Placed fourth In the high hUI'dles be· I hind Caldemeyer of Indiana, Osgood

lOr Mlohlgan and Robinson of 1111-Andy Dooley Takes 3rd ,nois. lIla teammate. Latham. was

60 G ablo t.o gamer a tic (or flfth Itt tho In ; ' cne Skinner ihJg1]l jump a.flm· falling to qualify

Takes 4th in 44.0 1n tho 11lu'llles.

Uy JOIlN 1\100~El' (Duily I owan Sllort:s Wril·er)


all-al'oulld strength was t oo potent

lIellool' Gets Thin)

Big FIO),d DeB eer lived up lO ad­vance noticc,q ane1 placed third In tho shot put, but hls best heave, 45 teet, ) L 1-8 Inches, was fal' below his best 'mal'k of ovel' 47 fect set last ",cole.

for Lho favored Indiana and Wls- J(ro:\owakl oC MInnesota \~8.!I cl'own­:cd tho ne.w cha.mp, replacing FI'le­Imllth, ,hIs teammate who hus won ,for the last two years. but who was unablo to COmpeto becaUSe of slck­(Iless.

cons In tm.cksters and the 'Volver­

lines ga.rnered their thlrcl tltralght

!cOnferenee rtrack crown here last

Nine Finalists Stav in Chase

Two Strong Contenders Fall by Wayside As District Meets End

Dl-:S MOINES. Morch 1t (AP)­Ninety of lilt' state's hest hll<h ~~ h/)()I

u!Ulkotbati lcams, paced by lJIO M(t­Bon City )lollD.wks. d~fcndlng Champ· Ion. remained In the running tonight ICol' tho Iowa Intel'scholastJoo tlt1~ .

Nine of t.he winners at tho 45 !lCC­

tlonal meel.ll which ended tonight 'wero compelltol's In the 1035 flnllis tournalJJent at Cedar FaliR.

J\f!lSO,!- Cily <'ame lhrougl1 with tho class A seotional rumors on I~ owrl courl by def allng Clear Lakr. 28 to 20. TJlO J\\()hawks, ·howevel·. witl ru n Into mOl'!' trouble next week end In

3101(ling him at bay throughout lho jmajot l)()rUOIl of the bout.

In addition to being th must out­standing' grappler In Big T 'n com­petiLIon. Bob Lar80n, Iowa's champ. Ion 135 pounder. WC'Jl IL deCisive fall )from Milton Mliicr of Indiana. De· fOI'c Mliier wa.s fully orlentHI. Lar­!Bon sprung UPOll him In 0. cal-ilko fa.~hIQn and tos d him to th tune ot 1:19.

Cllnchcs T]U Hobert Finwall, 'hlcago 145

pounder, clinched the cba.mplon8hlp croWl) by rend ling a 5 :40 d('C'IRlon ,from Dcrnurd Ml(llln (}f Ohlv State. Although J\fldltn staged .... gallant /Struggl . Flnwall COIlIWd thr lime I/l.dvlllltage and nt I'M hl8 hool upon tho scoring record .

The 91lCOIl and r lu Iv('neHII of By­~'on Guer·nrory. Inw l ii5 [H,und .. hnmvl nn. PI' vr(\ falal III A [·t1Iul' Petri's of IndlanlL In It %:14 11m 11-1~lon matel1 . With th !lId of a h ud

/JCls'IOrs Guel'llsey nearly lhrl'w hIs ol))lOncnt In the o)lCnlnl minutes ot 1.h stl"ugglt'. Peter:! never .. eO"el·~d. lORing the match b~' It dOCI&lvl' r()Unl.

JIIMSOII Dcthronll8 RI'ilhQIII,

As b~ 'pr~llml na.rles of the c()Qi()­erativEl d.Ol'IDltory tree throw contest

"1I1e/!ol' COIllP\eilon. Kelly and Sc'ha.et­~er 'lf Wl]otst.one are lcadlnll' a f ield bf 23 cpmpetitors tor the llt1e. Kelly *l~ 8C?red, 69 pol nls out of a possIble lqQ. while Schaeffer hIlS rung 'u1/ 5$ coynters out of his a llotted pUJl}qcr of ~hrowlJ,

nl&'ht. ~'he UnIversity ~f Iowa cinder

artists were ablo In anJ10X only 10

1-3 1)Qlnls I1J]d placed rmh In th e ',final slandil)gK.

'P1·a.dllions and moss covel'Cd ree­ords wore disi' garded as the cream of mlddl 'v stern lraol( men sprint, cd, hUI:'(\led (In(\ jumped to new r OC' ords, Gene SI<lnnor and AndY Doo­ley. Hawk 440 men, ran In the eve­;nlng's best raco whleh saw Ray E l­linwood, Chicago sophomol'e. crack ~he BIg Ten and better the wOI'ld's Teo<Il'ds In the quarter mile j' un. Ellinwood, controlling the race aIL the way, b,'ok Lho tapo In :48.9. whiCh Is r\.ho fQ.~test time vel' wit­:ncsscu [or [In Indool' quarter. The wo['1(l record of :40.3, sel by Alex W ilson of Notro Dame, will U~I~

doubled ly be disregarded. us J'Jllln­.woo<l·a limo WIIS mu.do In an o'Wcijll

IowB's mUo relay team was lhlrd tho elgh\Jl dlatlid meet whore th '.I !Il Its heat hut flliled to placo In the (wtil eoml>C¢o w'llh Rov(>n olhl'r r iMS limo ba.sls. MichIgan WOll this race A winnel's. Including tho formlllaiJlo nnd with It the mcet. E:a.st Sioux Ill' club. 29 to 18 vJc-

)llnne80ta's enotaln. CalClIOn Jehn. ~Oll, ~von tho 165 Jl<}und Chnml)lun· shll> when he delhroned FI'allk KI'!l­'Iulll< ot Iud lalla, At no tlmp during ,~ho sU'uggle dl,1 tho 19-'lt ),rar'" ohllmplon threat!'n to malntllln hlH cr()wn, but was thrown by his nt­tacker In It 1:46 fray.

}>larla J(lelhorll , Iowa Natlon(11 A.A.D. and last yeal"a illg Ten

Wheu,tone h()U5Q hM the largest l1UmQJ)L' of entries with 10 men en­[tered In the Qualifying round of the i\lnnual co-o,p tournament. The fleld­.)louse entry consists of five men m-~I}e l,Cell~ ,and Wilson, ea.oh have ''lyr ~en, competln .. tor their h?USes, Qu~ltylng lICOree must be tllibmlt·

~eci by te)Qiorr.ow nlg.ht . Contestants 1n ~e finAl thl':QlW will consist of the ) ~ highest i!C~nI In the preliminary .roynd.

PEC;\ fUR, 111., Mli.r'ch 14 (AI')- meet. re?rt.. W,m n~ ~ permitted to join /Stillier TIL'!! ~1lI'1'

In tho mile run. l'enske of Wls­cOlll<l n ul>sc>t the dOPe bucket when (ho liln away fl'om tho field to win ~n 4:16. Lash of Indiana, who waS favored to ,\~n both tho mil and tho .two mile, fin Ished fifth In thla raoe and dropped out of the two mile hce. Paul Nelson and Jimmy Lyle WC" O UI) LhCl'o until the last f w lalls when the pace grew too hot and they WCI' fOt·clXl 10 elrop hnck.

11\ iho hlggo..l!t 8urpr\80 of thQ I I1l C~t , Michigan derca.lcd I neliltna's dlstanco men who wero doped to win (' nough Illllnl,o,t In thQ8e cve nll! to cOP 1,he t~ant tille. Sta[1le of 1I11ehlgan was 1ho winner Ilntl he WM closely prc!<8tl(\ i)y l\nothor lItJchlgan "Unn I ' .

Klcln!l('hlllidt Loses tml Western IllI,I.&'ue t hle 8eUOn, W. Dooloy. after winning hl~ seml-O. B~ ,pre8,ldent of the Na- rtnal heat ot the 60 yard duh. got Karl Klellll/Chmidt of Wisconsin, tiona! AJIJIOclatIon of Pr~felllllonal Off to a !pOOr sLa,·t and finished be- last year'a cht\rnplon In the 880, led ~bn.1I ~uee . adV~8ed L . J. hind. Grlevo or IlIlnol~ and Stoller of Inosl ()t lhe way but flld d In th Wyll, fOI'mer iPr'eald.ent of t be MlcbJgan. Tn lh~ Berni-finals, Stoller ,last r w yards anel dlel not ploel', 'l1hree-f I_lie, 't(,da.Y. Iw~ clocked In :06.1. whlcn tlQs the \whlle B (ltham of Ohio State mwcly p~, (6r yeai1a .. methoor of WOl'ld'l! mark . Imm('dlately aflQI' /n08 'tl out FlemIng of NOl'thwClltern.

he Ttvee-I _be, ha1:1 i,WlIlld for irun nlng the 60, Dooley was 'forced IOwa's tWQ en tries. Van PhliltPl! and jmem.benihlJ) In thO We/Jt~n circuit. Ito [' un th 440 and ~he Old Cold Bobby NelSOn, fai led to qualify FrI. ~dent Bi!alh.iJam Bald h'a hoped ~nller was rtoo tired to maintain do.)' night.

bottl reaguetl W;6Ula be a.b\~ to oper. t he paco sot by tht' leuders and drop. 'I'ho lal'go crowd WIIB thl'lI lod JI.II

ate u lib: c l@ &-,anIIlMlOne. ped J.lo.I) k ncar the end. Skinner Haller of W1sconsin won the pole , "No thoUlI'ht or ~11IJr either ifought to oomo Ul) clOSCI' 10 tho 'vault 11t 13 tN'lt n Inohes I\l1d Ihl'1I league will bo entcrtlll nod," he .. ". ,lead 11!, bllt Ellinwood anll his rlvulR ~vent up to 1.8 teet 10 3-4 In 1111 Bt-\il M . W;el'\) l'Unnll)g In tOll form lind tho (See l'I1iO SElVIill!f, No. 10)

lor Over Central, hom e town rlvl1.l. Itt I I I tal d. 1 l 17" the finals or lho Sioux Ity fl('C- C 1amp 011. rna n ne 1 If ~ 'tt I IlOu nd champlOIlAhll) lit ndlng III II , °D

na. t t ll'l f II l ,hll"'l fou ght batti with V I'n 11('1, rr a venpor. a Q)l • a vore. f I I Th "

I 1 lh I t q 01 0 Stat~. e rail y "uekeyr smns lCd III way I'oug 1 0 !!Gc. ., Lion.al ,honors by dcCeating ClInto\l, / P' I\JI exc IJt~O Il IlIiY IUlIi fvr his lSI? 29 10 24, at Clinton, ~l1d kavo I~l e lh orn, 11. good 8howlng.

Oth(Ol' 1935 finalists to PM8 the However, I,-Ielh ,'n s quick l'cactlonA ,Bcctionlll barrier Inrludll Cln.rlllda In ,and hcaliy styl or attuck netted him class A; Ledyard. Diagonal. ~1ceilll,,- 0. 4:22 timo advant 0 In lill lJV

. tim struggle. bUI·g. Sharon and B.onson In Cllllll B. Sli ver tel n l'8L MdJanlel

Two of the 8clecl group tumhlcd ' s n 8 H :Saturduy. Forest CILy ratlln~ In a Il,alph (terrilll llu!ll<lan) allv r· clas!! A game wllh nucrltlo ent r, sl ,In, Jtllnol~ II avyw Ilfhl fl u h, 32 '\.0 28, an(\' I"unn", dl'OPlllllg out a t • 1T11)IOY~cJ flying tae~I('8 In I1I1Pro­!\feOI' go,' as Watervill e won, 26 to Ih lldln8' Uharlo8 Mrl)anlcllj or In -2G . Grinnell, Independence, and dlunn.. MeDanl Is' rangy f"amr Kavo W~hlngtoll, 1l1.., In cln,lls A. and '8

Ittv 'I'slcln conllidel'ablo 1 .. 0\1 1>1 at

MUl'l'I\YI and N~w ]IJJI'tfol'd In r IMA \ mes but th Jllinl cMml) finally IB hud been ellmlnBtcc1 carllcr In lho frnattM hi" oPponent to gain n. 2: ll \fIoollono.l m ts. Umu advan.luge. Beca.u80 at th fUI'.

'I'he finals toul'nament this ye\l r will be played In DcR Moln II, Matoh ~G, 27 and 2 .

lous rampages of both gJatllato"iI, th Imatch "es mbietl pr"filIjslonal wl'~81. ling In severo.! r(,811rctll.

Consolation \ntI.t~hea to" l!el'ond land , thlt'(1 poslUons WC' ~ ,'U n (l/f 11\ conJunctton wtth the hal1'll)IOn"hll)

PllILADJ;lLPlJ lA, (AP)-'fhc cia8/! tboul.ll, "'hreo 1x>lnt8 wm'c uwuJ'(Jed (or of 1915 trOllhy-regardQd u thl! /SOCOntl ViReo with one IlQlnL b IIlK highest PI'lze rOl' uthlotlc ability ali given for l\1I~. lho Unlvol'slty of P nMylvunl!V-1V1l8 II.wo.rded last night to Gene Vrn7.kr, lho QuakN' fMm f11~,' and Jnliuor 1,5 011 meter world's 1'ceor" llUhJcl"

('1'ltll''' I'Xpcct OIYlIlpl CI\,ItI' "UI08 10 mllitale heavily aJ!'IIlnllt t ill' AlUerlcan IItyl or ,'play.

Do \Vitt Gibson, Northwestern hell.vywelghl, brought loud guftaws (rom the cl'owd when he met an, other burlY gl'll.pplcr. Wright o! Mlch\g'rul , In the fInal bout lor third ,n.ntl fourth positions In the. mA~ ~nountaln diviSIon. Th~ wildcat foot. ball tackle refused to exert himself except to amus the crowd wllh hla clever manIpulations ot his hUge [nun . Gibeon prOvt'd to be a better vratQr than wrestler aB he proceeded

II talk Referee James Kallal! out of a. fourth place ml'dal.

To prevent thl' dlstlncttve mark ot ma.tmcn. cauliflower oara, nUmel'OllJ

nt('slants entered t.h ring with ~ll<JngN' taJ>~d on their earll. The cal' muffs were sbupod to conform to t h CUlltf>\Il's of the aI', but were In m' .... ' ca.,'!'H \(, no avail WI they WHO rradlly losl In lho scuffle .

'fhl' r mal fa.clivn wa.s well \'ep, relWl1 [(-d as all cleI!Criptlon8 of ladles from digntricd society malt'ona t~

cvrd~ t\II'ned out tOo wateh the boys rrunt and roan. When the fover pite h In elO!!o lJoltlcs ,was rcaolled, feminine hIgh plWhed vllices could iJQ cl lsl\ngullthod above the mMCU, llno I'oo.r.

Iowa P luccs ecoml hoot ; City Hi

GelS Second Place In

nc)ON1~VI I, I,I'J. 1\10., Mtll'Ch 11 (,\ 1'} The 8 venLh annual IndQOl'

amp 1> rry rill mcot , sponsored by Ken1J)t'1' MIULu.ry '11001, ended \0' night \'IUh awarding 01 m9fe than )00 mOdal, n(l lrophl('s,

Mllt"oUI'I un Iv raU)' won the ~. va.n d n ,O.T.e. match with Tl9 pot n til. Tuwn. unlvert!lly's NOo 4 Ie .. Willi 8e('onrl wIth 716 1)01nt8, aod 1M Kan Agill s w I'~ thl"(1 with 7H,

Thl IIIVt'rlllty 'Ily hlgll !Chpot t [I In No. 1 waH fh'Rt hI I ho high ooho()1 gir lS' dlvll!lnn with a. Sil !!Corl'. ' ()W", (Jlly hla" WM _­with ne.

Av 'rJU' Home Run WillS for C]eveland

PBNS COLA, m " Mal·eh. 14 (~F) A ItiM by B 1'1 velill'lI hOllle run with ,)11 on , the ('I veltll1d Indl~' lIefeated the New Yorl{ Olanh'6 10 I tor th II' II C()nd straight victory In thexhllJltlon Ilet' l e today.

Seo)' by Il1nlng~: Clevlliand (1\, 001 002 0l()l-6 ! I New York () 100 001 010-' It I

nl'own. T,I'{', nlnchol,l~r and BIf.· H, 01'111' c; Cl\lItiNllIlIl, OUlllberi, .Ol'elltewel'd Jld Mancll.tO, br.nllllll·




To Meet

through win the title for tilO waning

Never in

that would Iowa. City to the rIght.

Then 40 \(ehoe. the local

Red Sox SCI

OHLANOO. &.Ilon·s miliil berO"a lh '\ here today G \' ~lW'lng tralnl either tea rn. Pall' or rook ie! while the Sen lhelr bost h u and A,ppl ton-

Score by Inr lloston (A) ..... WashIngton ()

Bowers. nag BOrn. ;LIn kc. lfolbl·OOk.

N'an;r.e Dr As ()

DES MOrN] Franklin p . J Q Drako relo.Y8, , Ieyenlh annuli. tnd 25 hav h, lenal tryout", (,

'!'be tll'st U I1eYen BV nts Will be eligible krlale. The 01 Ihe hQp, step e~nt: high Ju ~lu l t. .ho1. iPl Javeli n thlldw.

The nation's hOld tho I r rt r. Sept. 21.


lwkeye Gold

hamps ,

• • • • •

suits i •

... r;;, ~ (r'rId) Ilclealoo 'II.

r (Ind) [lclealed decision. SON (Iowa) de· y filII, with body 11. Time, 1 ntln.

all (Ghl) defdt. 'Y decision . .

ERNSl<:Y (Iowa) ) by IfedsiOn. )son (MinD) (Ie· Id) by fall, wilh ,11 and leg lock. ecolll18.

JLHORN (Iowa) .S.) by declsion. verstein (UI) lie· d) by (loolsloo.

N FlNALS on (0. .) defeat· II \\~th llaif nel. mecry. Time, !

llUlinsky ([II) de­chI by declsi(m. las (:Illch) defeat. I('<'islon. HER [Iowa) de· S.) by fall with bar arm. Time,

Is. I'd e (NW) Ilcf eal· )y fall wltll body '111. Time, 5 min.

u1lk ([nd) defeat· by decision.

t alter (~Ib\n) de. by decision. Haniel (Ind) de·

'h) by Il ect-;ioll.

ghts I n, N Ol'tltwestern ;ht loud guUaws 'hen he met an· pier, Wright II! 118.1 bout tor third )nS I n the IIIAl\

The Wildcat foot. to etert himself

1(\ crowd wllh his me ot his hugo '00 to be II. better r as he 'Proceeded nes Kallas out Of ~al.

istinclive mark of Ir eartt, numerou!I ~ the ring with their can. The

1a\lel'l to conform tho oar, but were no avail 1\8 they n the scu1t1e. Ion WItS well rep· c,; ptlOnll Of ladie8 clety mall'ons la iO watch the boYs

When the fever

tics was reaohed, ~hed Voices eQUid .bove the mWlCU,

Seco¥ ; City Hi ecodd Place

Mo" Mlll'\:'h H h ann ulIl Indqor n~et, sponsored bY IiChool, ended \0,

Ini of m9re than ·O I)hl~B.

81ty won the fId· matoh with 111

.rfllh"! Nt). 4 Ie ... '10 pOints. a,nd \hO w~ Lhlrd with 715.

Ity high !ohpol first 1,\ tho high

Islon willi a S91 hlah WM _and

Imc Run )f Cleveland

~Ia. , Marth 14 (API ,vcrlll's holne run

leveland Indllllli

'ork Giants 6 to! lralght victory In

lell today. 8: )02 002 OIH 7 I 100 001 OtO-1 l' I lehtllMr lind IJe(k· 111cman, Olllllblirl, lanclllo, Dan!llDl·

!lUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1936 TIU! DAILY IOWAN. IOWA CITY PAGE SEVEN -Little Hawks Beat Wellman, Capture Sectional Crown Seps~tional ShQt by HQra In. Cloeing Seconds Gives Iowa City Thrilling Cage Triumph

• • • • • • • • • • • Mertenrnen Win Ri~ht • .1

To Enter District 1 Too Close Meet Next Week End' ·Io-w-a - C-'it-y-(-%I-) ---FG-.-FT-.P-F-.T"'1.

By ,fA(lI, WA.T/WlI{

WELLMAN, March 14 ( pc· cial to 'l'he Daily Iowan ) Plucky little Keith TIora became eligible for the Icey to Iowa City here tonight when he dropped 11 beautifully arelled s hot through tlJe IIawklets' hoop to win the sectional basketball title for the Little Hawks in the waning soconds, 21 to 19.

Nevol' in the history of thi~ gymnasium on the hill top 11RS a game like the olle here tonight been wi tnessed.

\ Wellman, Which gained the final

lI'Ound by d''8.wlng 11 bye the fit's~

night, and knocklng off Keota here

last night, played like demons in­

spired to back tiro hlghly-favol'cd

Red and Whlto quintot up to lhe

af ter t rail-

Pooler, f ._ .. _ .. __ ......... 3 2 ~ 8 ~lcCune, f _ ..... ___ . 1 0 0 ! Miller, e ... _____ ._ 1 0 1 2 ;Amerine, g ... _ .. y ___ ' S 0 2 6 Norgllllrll, g ___ ._ ... 0 0 ~ 0 Maher, If _ .. ___ ........ _ ... 0 0 (I. 0 Hora" f _._ .. _ .. _._._ ..... 1 1 ~ 3

To14.ls ... ~. __ ..... _. 9 3 /J %1 Wellmlln nO) FG.FT.PF.TP. Brown, f __ .. _ ............. 2 3 0 7 Rrumhack, f ... _. __ ..... 1 0 1 :! Sevel·t, c ._ ... .. _._ ... __ . 2 1 0 5 J{ehoe, g _. _ _ .. _ ... _ . ... lOa 2 ,lI[oo~hart, g ....... _....... 1 1 " 8 Y Oller, g ____ .... _ ...... _. 0 0 1 0 Uoss, g ....... ___ ........ _. 0 0 0 p

Totalll __ ._.~ .. _._. 7 5 9 19 , /'ore at half; .0\\'& City 14; Well·

)nun 9_ l\1iiSC(] free throws: IlI\I'a City 7;

Wellman 3. Officials: Wal/(or (Parsons) anll

Wright (Penn).

Coa.ch McIntosh's local cl'ew, with mal opening ceremonies employed at Its shifty blond forward , Brown, t he Olyml>lo qamcs, a nd arter each leading the way, sla.shed Its way , 'through the IIawklets' defensive I event the wlnn,el's of the first fi ve !lnes tor six Iloints In the third I placllS wore given a saluto by the frame. It appeared as though the ,trumpobs as they BLood on the plat· scoreboard might read 15 to 15 at 'form. . the th"ee-quartel' Btag when DIck • Sunl'nanes Amerine pushed In a difficult shot ~J11' ))ull! nlll-WOn br Feu~lIe which hovel'ed on the 111> of the mesh- (WIS); seeon.l, Brelsford (l\!ich); ~~Jr(l , ~s for what seemed seconds before f)~d{al'll (rJl(l);fourt~, FIllIr (:'froh); It fell In to send the Invaders Into fifth, Lash (In d). TUIlc, " mmutell tbe lead once more.

The I~t eight minutes produced o'IOme of the fa.stest ball that any quarter could ask for. Brown, who had tied the count with his frM throw In the third period, knotted the score agah\ at 17 to 17 by lifting Q fielder through the hoop. Brown'S ~uccesstul (feld baskot brought a. volley of cheers tram " 'ell man pllJ·lI. 'san. that shook tho building.

Ilora l\lisses A minute and II. haif was left to

play when paul McOune stepped into what seemed might be the "hero" role by caging Il spinner from the end line to make the score 19 to 17. Opportunity presented Itself for the Ilrst time to Keltll Rora when he was fouled by Moothart Ilnd rrcclvccI 11 charity attempt. The raven· haired .ubstitute was robbed of the point that would have "iced" the game tor low'a City w hen the leather fell away to the right.

Then 40 seconds trom the close Kehoe. stellar Wellman guard, senf the local fans h,to a f''enzled hy­steria. by letti ng the ba.1I Oy t hrough

.f Ihe ring from Just short of the cen­

ter line. Flftee'l seconds later Ilora becamo

jhe Il)an of the hOUr by making II

~l ml1:jJ' hnsket for the c lu~s A cham­pions. I owa City recclved a hand· ~me U'O\>hy fo" Il.~ vi ctory III tho eectlonal.

Sharon , Johnsllil county cham­Dlons, also carnrd a bertl\ in tho district tourney uy whipping Web. ster, 47 to ao. to win class B l1onol·8. Sharon also I'ecolved a trophy.

Red Sox Lo e To Senator Nine, 6·3

1 ORLANDO, FIlL., Murch 14 (AP)­Iloston's millIOn.dollal' n ed Sox fell before tho W ashln,gton Senators 'here tOday 6 ~o 3 In th fll'st oC tho Sl)ring Imining camp game8 for tllher team. 'I'he Bostons IIsed a. ilIllr of rooki es, Bow!)rs a nd nogel'll, While \ho Senators thl' W three o'f theh' beBt hurlers-NewHom, Linke and A,ppl ton_>;l\l n8~ CrMln'S men.

Score by Innlnglt: !!oston (A) ... ..... " 000 000 030-8 6 2 WlU!hlngton (A) 180 000 20)(-6 7 0

Bowers, ROgel's II.I1d Dickey; New· Bom. ~Inl. , Aprl tOn and Bolton, liol bl·ock. . .

16 !lC('onds. 60 yard dash_Won by G~ievo UI):

,"woml, Stoller (Mich); th I I'll , ))00· \f.JW ([01\\':1); fourth, CIIJljer (,Iml); firth. EMley (N). Time, 6,2 seconi\S.

""0 yard run-Won by Elllnw()(Wl (Chi); secoml, Birleson (~fich); third, Heg (N); fourth, SKINNER (Iowa); firth, Diel(s (Iod). Time, 48.9 seconds. (Betters the IIccepted World's reeonl of 49,3 seconds set by Alex Wilson, Notre Dame, in 1932.)

70 yard high llurllle_Won by Calilemeyer (Iml); second, o sgood (~fich); U,ird, Rabillson (III); foutih, ORETZMEYER (Iowa); filth, HUnt. ~cy (III). Time, 8.7 seconds.

,Shot put-Won by Kl'Czowski (1\(lnll), 47 feet, 7 1·2 Inches; second, Rllbow (\Vis), 46 feet, 5 3·4 Inches; thil'd, DeREER (Iowa), 41i feet, 11 1·8 inches; fourth, Chr1s'~lInson (Wis), 4<1 leot, 11 1·2 inches; fifth, Schneiderman (IntI), 42 toot, 9 inches.

Two mile run-Won by S,taehle (l\llcJI); second, Stone ~JcJl); third, DecJu\I"d (lml); fourth , Fensl(e (Wls); :fifth. O'CllnneU (111). 1ime, 9 ml"utes, 32.6 I\ooontls. 1 < i

880 yarll run-WOn by ~tJiam (OS); seconll, Fleming (N); third, Hobbs (Tnll); fourth, Glenr,1el\nhlJ (P); , fifth, Davidson (l\lich). 1 ,ime, 1 min· : ute, 56.2 seeon!ls.

Pole vault-Won by HIllier (\Vis), 13 feet. 6 incl1etl; lIeV9n~, 8padf (Wls), 13 feet, 3 Inches; third, Mur. ' dllugh (Wis). 13 fect; tied fur fourth, Abel (OILI); lIaclcett (nt); liihoomaker (lnd); allll Parker (\Vis), 12 feet, 9 Incbes.

High jlllllj)-\Von"r Aib\'Uton (OS), , 6 feet, 2 1-4 Inches; tle,l for !leComl, I';purlock (III) lind Wel!\I,JllUUJn (WIs), 6 feet 1 1·" inches; fo\ll'tb, .caJde­/.Jlcycr (Ind). 6 fe!\!, ).4 Inch; tied /0" mill, LATHAM (I~,\'aj, Glfdon (Chi), and K~ak (0111), G (eet, , 5·8 IlIl'b08.

One mUe reillY-Won \I)' l\fi~lran (Stll ,Patton, Alklll,18, cwll Bitl'lSOn); I iseco)l(l, Indiana; third, CI\leago; I f(llirth, WIII<lD\lflin; f~th, IlJY101s. Time, 3 mlnutfJ8, n I\oooncls,

Ask Aid ~n lic~ DES MOINES, (.M?)~The t\lm!Jy

of FI-ank Wilson, 76, who \'IlsaP\lea.r. cd from t he home of his SOn-In-laW neIL" Osceola Mal'ch 3, yeste,rda,y ap· pealed for stato aid In 19~~lng him. ~t scen h e was on a wcatbound Burling ton U'aln and asked the COn.. I dector about changing trains at ' VI\U~ca for St. J080I)h, Mo.

Na~e Drako Relays

As Olympic Trials i SECTIONAL 1· DES MOINES, MIl"ch 14 (AP)- .1 SCO;RES

l'ranklln P. Jclhns(>lI. <fir ' 10" of th ~-)-------------... ORJilENJ'lELD 1"lnl\l. ClI ... A

Earlham 2 ~ : Atlantic 18.

CEDAR BAPID8 Semi· Final.. Cia.. B

LI.bon H: Viola 2~. Final. Ola .. A

Frank!ln 35; ~1arlon 19. Final, Class B

Alburnelt St: LI.bon 21.

ONAWA S.ml· FlnRlo. Ciao. B

Boltller 14: r.jtl tle Sioux 1 [L B lencoe 36; Mondamin 20.

F'lnal. CI ••• B BI~nooe ~G: Soldier 17_

F Inal, Clus A MiI •• o~rl Va lley B2 i onawa 81.

STATE CENTER Seml-~'fnal. elsaH n

Clemons 30: Green Mountain 24. Lamoille 30: Allan H .

Final. Cla.o B La molll o 30: AlbiOn U .

Final. Cia .. A Marsballtown 48; Maxw ell 20.

DlI:N IIKlN Seml.Flnal •• Cia ... B

We.l.lde 36; Deloll 33. Vqll H : Dellanl'" as.

l~lnal. ClaiM n W e.tl lde 46 ; Vall 36.

FInal, CI" •• A I)lXnnlng 40 : ~lan'lI .. 88 (ov.rllm. ) .


(over .


\Veb b 38; Rernbru ndt 3~ (ove rlhn c ) . Brooke Conaolldated 1.-4 i La.~a.beo 13,

l"lnal. Class B Brook'!> Conaolldated 11: ,Larr .. beo 13.

Final . CI ... A Chcrokae 27; S torm Lako 17.

j\LL"OllE TEll Sd'm1-FlnIlIB. CIn.s.!J A

Dubuquo 61: Coggon 14. Manc haster 19: Deihl 18 .

Final. Claa~ H QUIl8<'lueton ] 8; Oneida 8.

Final. Class A Dubuque 29; Ma.noh estor 18.

WE8T UNION S.,"I·Fln~I.. CI ••• B

ltawkayo 2~; R ll n~ll-lh .. ?2. Semi-Final s; CirUlli A

~t[ly n~ rd 11; Sumner 15. ~""'lnr.L1, Clatt!r A

Weat Union 33: ~I~ynard II . Final, ClaSt) B

Clermont 19: Hawkeyo 16. WlllnSTER ClTY

FlnaJ. Cia.. A 'V'CbsLer Clly 28 i lowtl F a lla 20.

Final. Cia .. B Goldllel <1 Ii; HUbbard 2 ~ .

\l8fiiAL,I;IOSA Final. <;Ia .. A

Ottumwa. 19 ; Oakaloosa 11. Final. Ola ... B

Martlnaburg 27; Rose Hili 22. l'O~lt]ROY

So.ml·Flnals. Cla.a B Maralhon 32; Barnum U . Plover an; C illnor. City 16.

k·lnal. CI... B rtovcr 38; 1M'l8.ra.thon 30.

I'lnal. C ia •• A Humbol<lt 36: l " t. Dodg. 21.

I)A.NB URY S.ml-Flnal». Ciao" B

Danbury 2n; Wuht/l. 9. Ute iW; Arthur 17.

Final, Cla88 A Id a. Grov e 22; HOlstein 21.

Final, Cia.. B D'nburY 26; Ute 15.

Lt\TIMEB Soml· ~'I~al.. Claoo B

Apllnrlon lIB; Rowan 28. Goodell II; Klemme 14.

Final, Cla.1I8 );l Goodell 36; AVllntrlon 12.

IClnal. CluB' A Hampton 2G: K a.nawha G.

BOON. S.rnl.Fl nal~. CI'I'" B

,,"ordan ~ 2 i 81.r8.tror~ 2 ~. ~l cCa ll aburg 34: S later 14 .

1;"'lna.l , Chllold A Amo. '26; Boone 21.

l'l nal. Cia •• B MoCall.burg 36 ; ,Jorllap 22.

GLENWOOD Semi· Final •• CI ... A

Oll.ltland 2 ~ ; Tabor 22.

"UTIIRI~ ( '£'I;TER Final. Ciao. A Bernl·Flnal .. Cia ... A Ind ianola 43: Wlolen., %1.

P erry 41; G. 'hrle nt.r U. NE'V lJAln'TO~ Coon Rapid. ~: R edf ie ld 11). Seml.~·lnal •• CIa .. B

Seml·Flnllll. Cia .. B .-"reurlo",.b\lr. ~6; llclnUre ". .MInburn t~: B agley U. All .. VI.la IT; Frederilla H.

.Final, Clua A J. ... l nul. CI.as 8 J' c rry 39; Coon R a plda %.3. Fradlrlcklburg !I: Alta. YlJIl& 11.

Final. Chua B F'nal. CI"". A ~lInb u rn ": ,V-.ehlnrton Twp. 11. NatA- Hampton :n; Cr .~o ZOo

W.-LUfA .. " ,\L(l(l~A 1'",8.1, CI .... Jl Seml.lI'ln811. CI ... B

Sharon 47; lVe-.., te r 3D. Bode II: Rollman U. Fln&I, Clla" A Curlew 13; llenwkk 41.

Jo",& City ~I : Wellman 19. F ina l. CI ... A

N.(l{4.RE9I;1lt Rolfe 15: Emm etsburg II. S.ml·Fln ~ I •• CI .... D j Final. CI. n

"",,'orvllle 24 ; MarQu.'te !o. Renwick 2 ; nod. 24. Luana 31)0; MeGre"o. !I_ ll/'EWTOS

Fln~l , CI ... A Seml.Fln.I •• Cia .. B Po»lvlll. H: Elkader 18. Mitchollvillo !1; Salt'er U.

Fln.l. Cia .. B 'ValervUle %6; I.-Iuana. %5. Final, CIIlQ A

New~PD l!li )1onroe 11 CJ&EiI'I'ON' 1"1 OK I, Ciao, 11

Seml·Flnl .. ,. Cia .. n Mltcbellvlll& ~.: New"".g 11. Zion 24: EII.ton 16. Rt; lNBECK Plaro.al U; Tlogley U. Final . CI .... .A.

Final, la •• A Grundy Cent\,r U; New Provi(1c.ftce 20.

C' elton 28:F~:t~~a::' B Well»bure ~~.~I;~a~. a DI~"QD al 30; Sh annon Ci ty 12.

\'»1TON H UPF,\LO CE~TER. l ml -FlrlllI8, Cia., D

Semi .. l i'! n 8111. CI8," 13 IAtlyard H ; \\'od oll 1& Sholl.bu rg 35: K eyoto ne 26. I"or tllo 30: Tltonk. a .Hafl\vlck: a4 ; Palo 25. } ..... Inlt l , Class n

Final. Cia .. A Letlyar" %9; F rtlle 15. Be ll e Plain. 32: Dy •• rt ~t. l'lnnl . C18.1 A

Final. C la!s B Duftalo Crnlrr 3%: F !ne8l Clry ta. H e llsburg 5J: Hart,,'lck f3 .

AI.BIA WAr''tILr.o ]'Insl. CI""8 A

11'1001· Cia .. A MU lcH.lInt\ at; \\".1)8110 12:. Albl~ ~91 Cel\Iervlll. I. (overtime ). l'lno.l. (,In .. Il

~)Olna l . Class B \VYluan 2G; T.ol18 'rr~e 19. Blul«:sburg 29; Pulaski 23.

8 I1ELDO~ l'ATON Seml.Flnnl., CI ••• A

Flnat. C lass tl Sio ux Cent\'! r 37 ; Primghar II. 1'llot Mound 21; P a.ton ][1. P1\ultlna. 33: Oeo rlll 10.

Filial. Ciao. A F inAl. Cia .. n Churdan 2(: Scr~nton 19 . ~lon e tA 34: II ull 31 (overtlmo).


WATERLOO Pinal. (:1 .... A .'In<<I, Cia •• B "Iou. Centor i1: Paullina )0 .

Orango H ; Allison fO. IU]S JIIOINES Pinal. CI ... A fleml·Fln~I •• Cia B

'Ve8t \Yaterloo !19; " 'fl v erI)" U . Vlt n :\1 "'l~r ~1; Dondurant 11. J ~DIJ\~OLJ\ }'nrrar ~7 : Whit. Oak !O.

Seml- F'lnaJ, CIB.18 n 1·'lnRI, elate" A Dall •• 26: N.w Virginia H. Jloo.evtl\ (De. ;\Ioln •• ) 36: Milo ~9 : $1 . ~Ia.ry·. H . (ll.·. l[ol" •• ) \ K.

Pinal, elas! B ] \'l na1 , Class n Milo 24; Da.llas 19. Va.n ~etc r ~:! i r"arrar 'i.

~====~==~====~====--~~=====-==~.~~~==~I DIAL

4191 Iowan Want Ads Bring Results DIAL



TYPEWRITERS RENTED Ask about our special

Student Rental Purchase Plan


122 Iowa ave. (near Iowan)


Wo Carry A FuJI Line ot New Drain Pipe, And

~ayo Troughs We Are Eql.1lpped To

Repfl.lr AllY Kind ot Root & Tin Work;

Schuppert & Koudelka Tin Shop

Dial 46.40 216 N. Linn


C & D Cleaners I!peciallze In

O!\orless Synthetic CleanIng Called tor & delivered free

2?7 S. Dupuque Dial 6468


LONG Dl8TA~CE !lnd ¥enel'lll hauling. ~l1rnlt\.l re lIloved, crated lind .b1j}P~. TIIQMPSO~'S TRANSFER CO.

Dial 6694



heating. Larew Co. 227 E. Wa.sh.

lntrtol\. Phone 3616.


WB BUY A~D SEI-L USED TIRES. Ati~ Tire an\! Battery SerVice,

110 lowa avon\lll.


LOST - STERLINO SILVER fQuntaln pen. Return Daily Iowan

j)f(\ce. Re'Yard.

FOUND-RING AT REilERVE LI­I>ra.ry. Ca.ll Qale Wallin. 6272 .



7 A.M. to 11 A.M.

Wneh Cal', In and out

G l· ea.~e ChassiS, by experts

Drain Winter Gear Oil

Refill, 5 lb. )lmlt $3.85

Classified Advertising Rates Sl'EOlAL (lA,SIJ &A1'E8-A .plclal discount tOf cull WIll b. allowtd on all Claultl.4 Adv.rU81~ accouou patd wlthbI IIx clara from expiration

date ot the ad, Take advant.a&e of the cub fll .... printed In Bold type below.


UJ 2.30

218 I :t.S6 I 1.1, I M8 I .. q

)(1n~u. ohara_ 160. Special Jonr tenn rat .. fumlllh.4 9n. requ .. t. Each lI'or\t In the advertl.e­m.llt mu.~ be count.d. The prefix,. "P'or Sale," "I'or llent," "Lo.t," &lid Ilmllar onu at the belln. aIq ot adl are to be counted 10 the total number

of wordl in the ad. The number &lid letter hi • blind ad are to be counted as one word.

Claaaitied dlaplay, 600 per Inch. Busing. eartlf per column Inch, $5.00 per month.

ClaSSified advel""..Ltlng in by II p.m. will .... P\l~ " shed the folJowlnl' morning.



Furnace Lump Furnace Egg ~rnace Nut

BOONE COAL CO. Dial 3464





$8.75 Per \i'Ton

$4.50 DIAL 2812



FOR RENT ~ HOUSEKEEPING room and kitchenette.

!marrled couples. 9418.



Get Ready fo~ Spring ......

Any 2 for $1.00 -CASII AND CAltRY-

The Only Pl!LC1l In the City Wh er e You Can HaVe Your Clothe, "Crystal Cleaned" and Factory Fi nished.

Le Vora' s Varsity Cleaners Dial 4163 23 E. Washington


DANCINO SCHOOL - BALLROOM: .FOR RENT-FURNISHED 2 ROOM aPartment with s leeping porch.

tango, tap. Dial 6767. Burkley Private bath, oak floors. Heal and hotel. Professor Houghton. wllter (UrnJshed. Dial 4316.

HOUSEHOLD NEEDS FOR RENT - }O' IRS T 0 LAS S strictly mOdern apts, FurnJshed or

USE SANITARY BLOCS! Amazing· un turnl shed. Dial 6416. Iy new, acientlrJc, powerful saul-

'ary device. Needed In every home. FOR RENT - ~'IRST FLOOR Toilet bowls kept clean and sn.nl· 1 apartment. 115 N. Clinton. Dial tllory. KUls repulMlve odOl"S. Quick 6S36. death to moths. Contains Paradlch· --------------­lorbenzene which i8 apPfllvod In FOR RENT-FUR~ISHED ~ART· Good liou 'ekeeplng and U. S. Depl. ment. 328 Brow" street. of Agriculture Ill! moth klller. Now available fOl' few ccnla through


Pirst Oongregatlonal M urch , 9131 In' WANTED-STUDENT LAUNDRY. 2410. Very reasonable. call for and de­

livery. Dial 5629.

WANTED - LAUNDRY. REASON­able prices. Dia l ,452 .





Largest Selection in Iowa WILLIAMS

IOWA SUPPLY Tho store willi the Red Sl~n


Quick Loans On­\\'aLch s, DIu.mond8, Rinas, Ounl, Motors, Typewriter •. nours 12-1 an(l 5-6 DcUly.

no K·EYE CO. Room 6 over Boerner'lI Drug




Freight Storaao

Cron Country Hllulln, DI~ 6473


WA~TlIln II u 10 brln~ u. you . lock and to,. worll, Hou_C .. r- TrUDIlI. Xltc.

NOVOTNY'S I II 80. Clinton


WANTED TO BUY - MEN' !! clothing, I!haa.. eto. Shoe repair.

ing. Kimmel. Dr.1 8609. %1 W. Bur · iJngton.


mOdel A Fords. Frcllwlck'. Duco and Body Shop.

WANTED TO BUY - SECOND. hand steam~r or wardrobe tn ln k.

Dial 6270.




It's the 12th of April

Order your suit early and give your tailor time to make . it right for you.


108% E. Washington St.

OVer Whetstone's DrU~ Store

Drako relays, Bald ltxlllY the lwenty· iIIlven\h annual gaines hel'c Al>rll 24 and 25 'bav!) been de81gnatecl IlS I'I'g­\ona.l tryouts ror the Olympic KIlIII <'\!.

The first th''ee~ploco wlnl\el'8 in 8IIven events lit the Druke classic \VIII be eligible tOl' th flnlll Olf(rlllic ~rlal •. The Olym[llc vonts will hco Ihe h9P, ste p, and Jump, a lIew Il'I!nt; hllfn jump, lll'oad jU))\[) , IlOlo

~,ult, .hOt IP\I t, dlscu8 t ILr~w, and javelin thL1dw.

Final, CIf\1I8 B Wloln 24: 1\I" ... n. %0,

VU."Itj(JA ROIllI - l~lnQl8". ot" •• 13

Pr ... olt ~7: St. Bennett 32.

Abra ham Llncol~ (Co~ncll BI~rro) ! ~atvenl 27 .

Irlna l. CI" ... A

46i Drain Motor 011 Refill, 5 qt. 66

HOUSEHOLD AP,PLlANCES Reasona.ble. Caned tor Ilnd de­Ql vered. Dial 2246 .


The natlon's "ollthpl\w !("If(\t·~ will hOld their first nntlOllltl 1 0 1l"n~y , Sept. 21.

J·'lntll . CII ... B Prncolt &3: ,~I.ntpn %1.

~'ln"l . 0 1... A VIII,.Ca 28; 8heno.ndoah ~t.

LA'K,E CITY a.,ml , Fi~~I. , CI,.~ B

Walt (..aka 30: ,l .ak . View ¥6 . F .. rnha mvlHe 3l i 80I'n.r. U.

Ji"l nR1 1 OIaR, B 'Y,,1\ f.uhc. :111 (4"'Arnhum,' Ul" ~rl.

1·'ltl"l. CI ... A. Sac OilY 80; Lalle Cit, If, • ' .

Abrahan\ t:.lncoln (C ouncil B lurt. ) ~2:

O~kland 26. Final, Cla8s B

Thurman. 21; Iowa Deat 14. LEON

Seml·FI,,"I •. Claos n Bewal U; Kelle.to.. 1~. Hum •• ton 40 : Van W.r~ la.

Final. CI .. \ B ltunH'fllo n 2&: Se wn I 28.

11" lnal , e ltHU. A ~t. Aft 36; ~o,\1 10,

at the amall station

With Big Service

HOME OIL CO. T(I"'11. Ave. nt Doogc Ilt.

Dial S365 Doc 'Mile


or waxers. Jackllon Electric Co.

Dial 6243.



rooms tor a mel"

aonable. Dial 5106.

lose- In. RCII-

WANTED-LAUNDRY. WET, Ic. FURNITURE REPAffiINO AND D~y, 4c. Finished 8c. Dial 6419, UpbOl.terln~. C. E. Stanfield, 9113

LAUNDRY WANTED - CALLED for and dell vored. Dial 4832.


FOR SALE - CONOVER PIANO, Slmm!)n. dA.y ·bI'd. Oood coMltlon.


Webstl'1'. Dial !aU.


HAN WANTED FOR RAWLEIGII HOllle ~ 1\00 I)ImIllM. Writ .. II"

da,y. Jta,wlelgh, DePt . IAC.284-!l.\ , ],'reeport, 1lI • .


Iowa Democrats Convention Indorse New Deal In County • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Elect Delegates Johnson Co. Democrats Select To State Meet; 78 Delegates Pledged to Aid Big Attendance F.R., New Deal Administration

Grinnell Suspends Five Students On Charge of Drinking


Shelton L_ Beatty. arlnnell college

dean oot men. dlsclsed today suspen­alan oC !lve etudenta for drinking.

Economist To l~ecture Here Christopher lIollis Will

Address Group In Old Oapitol Chamber

Seen From

Old Capitol (By The Asaoclated Pretl1l)

Iowa democrats, In county can. ventlons over th& state today, put their stamp ot approval on the no.· liona.l admlnlBtratlon, Ia.uded IlS ac· compllshments, And elected delegates to the party's state convention in Des Moines April 3-

Jackson Delivers Key. T,~=============;~ note Talk; Shulman I Reports No Deficit

Three of t1~8B, ~D1orll, wer., aWl­pended until June: the other two,


praise of President Roosevelt and other standard be8.rers was voiced by IIPeakers and In resolutions adop· ted at various of the meetings. State, congTesslonal and legislatl ve leaders recelved commendation.

With applause scattered cheers greetlng each new mention of the name at Fl'anklln D. Roose­velt, Johnson county democrats

meeting In the courthouse yester-I day morning picked n.n unprecedent­

ed selectIon of 78 delegates to at-tend the state democratic can ven­

Weather conditions contrIbuted In tlon at the Shrine auditorium In

Weather Condltlona

swelling attendance to unusual pro· portions at a number of pOints. Des Moines April S. Each delcgate County convention delegates were will hlive 0. proportionate number at selected reoeotly In precinct cau. the 28 votes allotted Johnson coun.

cuses. ty. Chairman William J_ Jackson, "One of the gre\test presldenbt

the United States has evel' had." was the way a resolution adopted by the Bremer county conveotIon charac. :terlzed the presldent_

Typical ot the resolutions support. ing tho presldent W98 that at th~ Des ~olnes county convention at Bu rlington which lauded "RUCCe&!!·

tul cHorts of President Roosevelt p,nd the democratic admlnlst.ratlon m brtngi ng about a. national recov· cry."

Rearrtno Faith Pottawattamle counly'S conven·

tion auded to Its "reaffirming at tlalth 1n the pl'esident," a condemna. tlon of "republican wrecking crews" who "claim t hey can return pros· perlty but who were unable to do It du.-Ing Hoover's term."

Bremer county democrats pro· fessed to see a "new era ot pros· perlty" and In a resolution said "(aIm pmduoo Is again salable. fac· t orles once aga.ln are operating II.nd laboring men are employed. the reins of government are again In the lhands of the people. and the money changers ha.ve been driven from the temple."

The Polk county resolutlon on the president Included Indorsement or Vlce.Presldent Garner and asked ;that the Iowa delegation to the 00..

jtlonb.l convention In Philadelphia bo instructed to' work tor renOm· maUon and re.electlon of the pa.rty·" standard bearers.

Low Bidders DES MOINES, (AP)-Low bidder"

()n tho additiOn to the Ea.sterh Star home at Boone were announced to. day by the ordel-'s buIlding commit­tee hel'C. Lippert brothel-so Boone conlractIng firm, bid Iow an the gen. ~ral contr.ldt. at a tlgure of $91,687_ The work IS to be completed In 10 I""0nths_

Cook Book Hints


Stewed Prunes, ChIlled Ready Cooked Wheat Cereal

Cream Poached Eggs

local attorney. expla.lned. In a series ot eight resolutlona

adopted unanimously by the demo­Cl'ats almost every phase of the Roosevelt · administration was laud-ed. and each delegate was Instructed to work for Roosevelt's re-nomlna­tlon and electlon_ The work of Sec-retary of Agriculture Henry A. Wal­lace. Secretary of Labor Fl'anc('s Perkins, Senator LoUis Murphy, and R epresentative Edward C. Eicher Willi also pralsed _

"Administration Will Sncceed"

"Lest OUr critics forget. the new adll\inlstratlon has succeeded ," ·Chalrman Will Jackson declared In his keynoto speech. "Lest others forget, may we l'emlnd them ot slx­cent corn; may we recall for them the breadlines. the farm foreclo­sures. the bankrupl banks a.nd. oh yes, the general discontent."

"~re, the democrats." he con­cluded, "have accomplished our purpose_ Conditions have been bet· tered_ The minor criticisms that others may offer are beside the point. We will back President Roosevelt and his administration to the 'nth degree."

Hart Speaks

ventlon . The credentials committee Includ­

ed Joseph Kanak. Mrs. Arnold Derk­sen. and Harry Shulman_ On the nomlnatIng committee were Attor­ney Hart, John W. Carey. Kather­Ine Kalene, Attorney Will Hayek, and Clem Boyle_ Dl'. \V_ L. Bywatel', Prof. W. Ross Livingston. and Prof. Clara. M_ Daley made up the r eso­lutions commlttee_

ChaOlk)' GIves Address Charles Chansky gave a ibrlef ad­

dress while the committees were In session. lauding Attorney Jack­son's keynote for being "a talk about the greatest at the Roosevelts. and not a cemetery speecb about the dead." Thomas Dalley, At of Burlington, Invited the older demo­crats to attend the student debates and political discussions on the campus.

Most popular speech at the morn.



Commltt~ to Meet

for two weeks. Five etber student., "More and ErasmUI" will be the freahmen, weN placed en stlict pro. subject rit the graduate college lee­ha.Uon. , ture by Christopher HoIU. at Notre

Prof. Millington F_ carpenter at the English depertment octers an unusual description of a Ruth

Suckow novel

• • • He ~01~ one of hie dailieS,

Dean BeJl.tty eald the ··&Ctlon wu Dame university. Englleh econo. nec_ry becauae of continued and mist, lecturer, and writer, tomor. persistent violation 'Of the college'll row at 4:15 p.m. In the senate Irules against drlnkln&' In the dorml. "In the flnt three chapter. we torIeI!. chamber of Old Capitol. The lecture are made to know that tbe

"We feel, however," he eald. "these Is under the aU8))lces of the school8 famllr h .... cow. III the ned Imen deserve another et.i.nce." He of letter. and rellglen. el,ht chaptel'll the), decide to

A committee composed at D. W. IIIlJd the aenJor stUdents wtll • be Born In 1920, the lIOn of an lieU the cow. In the next three Crum, secretary of the local chamber glv n a chance to take their final I bl .. h cbapte- t"- d-'..I- to k ...... It e Angllc an Snap, e was educated •• '~I~"'" ~r Ilt Commeree, Ray L. Short, and examlnatlens for degreea In June and at Eton and BalIIol college at Ox. a.tlll' aU. In the next el,ht Alva B_ Oathout, will meet tomorrow ha te I.. U. _.. It. that If they do not complete their ford university, and WlUl preatdent c P ... t...,r dee ..... to _I In the offices of the oha.mber of work, they win be ii-Ivep an oppor. of the Oxford union In 1823. In In the rest of the book, tbe commerce to make. plans fer Inter. tunlty to do so next Septembel-. 1924 he lolned the CathOlio churCh 8tor7 Is _Ioded." ,eating varIous Johnson county clubs and became B.8IIlst&nt muter at I.. , __

and organJzations In the highway r 1 Stonyhurst college. near Blackburn. Two law students believe they .safety drive In ceoperatIon with the Coralville NewS • England. In 1925_ Mr. Hellle ~e outwitted Ina. Ray Hutton, but (he Iowa safety council. ~.~ ____________ ~_ two tours to the U"lted States as joke Is on them_ Friday nlgbt, whIle

TowOliend Club Meet Frances Clark. KathrYn McCleery i8nd Erwin Brandsto.t.ter of Coral· Ville attended the eectlonal basket· IbaJI wurnament ILt Cedar RaJ>1dI! Thu.l"8da.y evenlng_

Townsend clubs will meet tomor· row evening In the city hall at 7;30 e'cloc}t to dlacullfl the con.etltutlon, by.laws. and phase& of tl)e Town. send plan_ Howard Qllroy will be In charge of the meeting. and the pub­lic In Invited to attend.

Marlorle Smith at Hills Is vlBltlng Fra.l~ Clark In Oora.lvllle over tbe

- (week end_

New Hospital Record Mrs_ Carrol V088 aljd two 800-8.

ICarol Edward and Donald Lee, viII-Admittance at Unlvel'l!Ity hOllPI· llted friends In [OW a. City Thursday

Utl rose yesterday to the highest IatternooR_ point In t he history at the hosplta.l when 900 "In" patients received I Mr. and ~rs_ Edward F. Vollmer ~reatment. The rise wae contributed a.nd fa.mlly are spending the week to the roads havll}&' been opened and lend with their parenta In SIg.(1Urney_ general transportation facilities be· I _ Ing better aa hospital cars reBumed Altred E_. Robinson has returned tl1el:r normal routes agaln_ to hie hom& In CoralvUle atter ~ng

Mrs_ Newcomb DI .. Word Il\I.s been received here at the

death of Ml'I!. Minnie Kimball New. comb. 75, of Shell Rock_ Mrs. New· comb. an aluml)a. at the University of Iowa, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. ~eed Thompaon of Waterloo_ Her huaha.nd, who prs· ceded her In death. was a former editor of the university newspaper.

m In Mercy hOSPital With. acarlet lever_

Mr_ and loll'll. Mort KOIIIlr at Erie. Ill .• are spending the week end with Mr. Koser's mother, Mrs_ Ed Koeer_

Mr. and MI'!t- Herman Zlmrnerll and dlu,lC'hter. Doris. visited Mr. and MM!. Irving E. Stoner, 1241 LukJrk stroot. Friday evening.

a member at the Oderd unlvlII'lIt, In a local cafe. they asked a walter debating teams In 1922 and 1924-26 • . whether a woman at II. nearby table

In his latest book, "Breakdown who strikingly resembled the fom ­of Money," In 1984. Hollis aald that ed orch~trn. leader was Ina. He the American slump 'Of 1929 waa said she was Miss Hutton. caused by too low WB&08, placing , too little money In the hands of con.umers_

Mr. Hellis has written extenllVely for American. Engllab and Au. trallan perlodlcals_ Among his pub_ lished books are: "Olastonbury and Elll'land," 1927; "Dr_ Johnson," 1928; "European History" and "MonstrOU8 Regiment," 1929; "St. Ignatius," 1931; and "El'aBmUII," 1933.

City Hi Gets Tie for Second Place in Debate

• •• The walter then went to the

woman's tM.le 8IId, knowin, the woman. told her what. WBS up. Then the law student. decided to triek the on'Lllatra leader 8IId to their request the mistaken woman with a1aerlt, algned a blank eheck. l\lIght this serve to Jet these laws know that the ~e Is really on them.

Homer. whose parents recently took oct again, tl1ls time for P r­simmon Bi!ach, ]{an .• (Ed_ note­Romer. this Is getting monotonous) Is jublla.nt ever his Bole convert to the alms of re/l'lonal poelry_ His new confidence III shown In tho following "Batllecry and Dirge," In which he de flea hls rlval8, Oscar. A1' at Muskrat Hole, Mass_. and Dante of Putlt-onda-cutf, Long ls­

• • • I , By winning 11 of Its 16 dOOa.t.e.. land_

th e Iowa. City high 8ehool deha.te BA'l"rLECRY AND DIRGE

To arlllll. to the colours, Hom­erie lupponen!

tlj8J1l .tled with BurlInl'ton tor sec.

We'll rul our lnaulters with. dole: Lonl' lllllWd's Dante who's rais·

Ing the 8IIte WUh )'Ollll&' Oscar of Muskrat


Come forth Danlenella and prove ),oa am't rell&.

And FearI_ Mac, come to the rescue.

We'll pound thetle YOODI' CUN

with poetic.l dubs TIll the), hoUer (or mercy. 1

eak )'ou!

(now modulate to a minor ke)'. jllld&Dte)

c- thy _pi ..... lIweet MU8e of Shakeapelll'tl and MUton,

'!'hough upttaris have prtottlcal· ,y slain )'Ou. ,

If ~ar getl rou,h I'll loon have him wtltln',

ADd Dute: lIhutup or I'll brain ),oul

Buttered Toast Luncheon

CoUee Ing was delivered by fIarry Shul­man. treasurer. who reported that the $400 pa.rty deficit had been wiped out and that a balance ot UO

Jhoole. An EnaUsh In.truetor began • dlscoMlon on , ArI.tophanea' "'Ibe Frill'S" )'e8tenJa)' morn­Ing. when two tard)- lItudenta lntt'lTupted him. Patlentl)' _ he began q'aIn, and apln he was lnterr1lPted. He relDU'ked It was extremelr dlseouraalll&' to have h.. t&1k PUNUlUATED 80 treq ~flIItI¥ b), late comers.

Cottage Cheese and Fruit Salad Bran Bread Tea.

Dinner Savory Oysters

Bread Escalloped Corn

Peach Butter Tomato Salad

Pineapple Graham Ice Box Loa! Coftee

Savory O),lters « pieces hot % cup chopped

buttered tonat oysters 3 tabl~poons 3 tablespOOna

butter flour 2 rt11bleepeons 1 y.. cups milk

chopped onlon8 ~ teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons ~ teallpoon

chel>ped green paprika

Is en hand. "

Asks for Selection of Kenderdlne

Instructing the 78 delegates to the state convention. Attorney Jack· son asked them to work for the se­lection at G. A_ Kenderdlne as a delegate to the national democratic con ventlon at Philadelphia begin­ning June 23_

Delegates chosen follow;

• • • Once more he worked UJ) eno~h

courage to begin reading, and once more he ~as atopped. Throwlnrr up his hllJlds, and plcklolr up the clB.811 carda of the late arrivals. he said. "There they are--a period. a. colon. a semi-colon. and a commal"

Baltz to Give Organ Recital

An organ l'ecltal will be presenteel this atternoon at 4 o'clock at Ihe Firat Pl'eebytl!rlan chul'~h by Pl'of_ HArold W. Baltz. head of the con­ItIervatOl-Y of mUlllc at Cornell col· lege, Mt. Vernon.

The graduate 1'11.\1<11('9 of ProfCl38'Or Baltz, ([, Co.-nell a.IumnUs. hu ve In ­clud&d work III organ ullcler Harold OlellBOn at \.he Eastman School or Music, and Dr. '1'_ Tt'rtlus Noble ot New York City.

Before taking th~ tllr('('tol'shlp oC 'the Cornell consprvulory In 1929. he served as hl.~truct.or In tlle high 6chools of R()('hester, N. Y .• at Cor· /zte.Il. and In the 8Ohool of m u.!Jic at the University or Illinois. Hi s omccs ~t Cornell. be6lde.~ that or head or lthe conoorvalel'y, InClUde lh~ of lrurtructer In plano and theury . and (Ureatol- or the. c\loh- an,l oralo"iO

FeteCenten Birthday Of Badger Land

The centennial annlvof3il.ry Or the

estahllshment of Wisconsin terri.

tory. of wblch Iowa was once a part,

16 being obs rv d In the March Issue of the Pallmpest, State Hlstprlcal

$oclety publication edlled by prot. J 0 h n Ely Briggs ot the polltlCBl , fjOlcnc(, departml'nt-

John Ring Btal-led Iown. Journal_ Ism hlBtOry with tho establlshment of the rlrst newapaper. th e DuBuque Visitor. In 1886. His work III meo. tloned In dn article "The TimeR In Rovlew" by WUlam Peterson of the ,slate Historical society.

One hundred yeans ago facilltlee for making mon ey were gTeat Ilnd a few days work brought In great reo HullS. ThUll there was much evil pn th e frontier and to maintain ar. del'. the Wlseonsl n territory Wt\8

created. The organiza.tion 9f the territory it! described by Jacob A. Swisher of the Stat HIstorical so­ciety In his artlell'. . "Govornment In Iowa" 111 describ­ed by Ruth Oallah I' of the Slate .Hlstorlcal society who states that "probahly the most hotly contested tll'clslon at tho Ipglslatlve IIIIOOmbly ot the Wll!collsln tel'rllol'" was the location of the pt'l'nltlnent capltaJ." DUI'lng tbls time lhe ten·!tory w~ .dIvided. banks were Incorporated, IIcenlSt's grantl'd und survey anll plaltIng actR passed.

Thus the \\'I8consln terrltery WaR

tlrC3ted, by a group oC people con­iScloUII of the necf'f<ally of law, ac· cUfllomed to the responsibilities or celf·go"t'rnment, and seeking pollt. 1<'a.1 unity.

soclety_ Births I ProCessor Ba.ItZ'1I ]11'0;:;::\ .. 1 fc.r t:'11! •• __ ---------___ ....

afternoon will Include "IIl'I:.:':1 Leg. ' end." by Prot. H Ornet' Alden MIII ~ r, '1'0 MT_ ond :'.frs. Clifford Sleeper )cornell profos: or of ul'bran and WE'll of Delmar. a (\aughter, at Unlver­known Iowa comJ)OllCl'. The com. slty hospital . plete program III a.s follows: To Mr_ and Jlfrs. Charles Shep-PrelUde __ .. _ .. _ ...... _____ ..... _ ... .. ______ Purcell DIalogue ___ ............ __ ._ ..... _ ... CIl·ram!>ault Prelude and F'ugue .. J . S_ Bach :;Icherze from Sympheny JI,' o. 4 _' __ "

___ ... __ . __ •. _______ .. _. .. .. __ .. " ............ _ .. _ Wldor Fantasle 10 C mOjor _._ ... ____ . Fl'1l.nck Offertory ___ ....... __ . __ .. ___ .... ._.___ Bl'1!'ctetl Indian Idyll _ ... __ "_. __ ,,._ ........... __ Mill r

This Is the !!eCond a nnUal organ, :reclta.l 6J)'Onsored by the W('slmlnster Fellowship at the church.

C of C H('ad !'ipeaks

hard or Lynnvlllc. 0. daughter, at nlverRlty hORplta.l. To Mr. and JIlrs_ 'V. L. Lyman

at C{'dRr Rapids, a 80n. alty hOSPital.

at Unlver-

To Mr_ .and Mrs_ carl Ilowell, 122 Evans IIh~t. a daughter. at Unl­ve" slly hospital.

To :\lr. and MrR_ Harold CurtJs of Hdwkeye. a daughter. at Unl­verRI ty hospital.

t I •

I Deaths J TOPEKA (AP}-AlI~n WhIUIE'ld, t-----------­

Des Moines. nationaL pr sWenn 'Of the Junlor chamn",. or comm('rce, .declared here ye6tenhw young men are ready to right In d (ense o( their country, hUL th,' thought of 1;!iVlng and dying unnecessarily doe8 not app al to us_"

Jessie Rpelrs. 67. of Traer. at Unlvel-slty hospital.

Duane Brady, 14 months old lIOn

of Mr. and Mrs_ Robert Brady of Greely. at University h08plt.a.l.

M ['s. La wrenee Bishop. 21, Dr LucRS. at University hospital.



peppers tableepoon I 1 tablespoon catsup

chopped celery

Attorney William R. Hart, Ml's_ Regina. Hogan. G. A. Kimderdlne, Dr. _ W_ L. Bywater. Stalt1 Senator Paul W_ Schmidt. State Representa. tlve LeRoy S. Mercer, Attorney W. J. Jackson, :erof. Bruce E. Mahan. Mrs. Minerva Knight, John P_ Kelly. David W. Crum, William L. Condon, C_ U. Kelly, Raymend By­water, Walter J. Barrow, Nelle KIn­ney, Attorney Ingalls Swisher, At­torney F. B. Olsen, Dr_ D. F. Fitz­patrick, Mrs. Claire Vogt. Matilda Paul. Katherine Novak . Nelle Quin­lan, F'rancls W. SUeppel, A. 0_ In· gram, Mrs. Isabel Hunter. Frank Fry_

Rev. Worthley To 1 Speak to Alliance

Wichita Falls, Texas (pop. 43,690), last month '/0 ltd down a proposed $1,260,000.00 municipally­owned electric plant for the second time.

Melt butter. acid and brown onlens. peppers and celery_ Add oystel's and coek twe minutes. dd flour and when blended add milk and seasenlngs. Cook two minutes. Sl'rve pou red over toast and top with chopped parsley_

EIM'a1loped Com 1 y.. cups corn % teallpoon % cup cracker celery Bait

crumbs % cup molted ~ teaspoen salt bu tter % tea'8poon 'AI cup milk

paprlkn. Mix Ingredients and bako 20 min­

utes In moderate oven In buttered baking dish. Serve tn dish In whlch baked.

Pineapple Graham Ice Boll Loaf % cup butter 'AI cup plncaprle I cup sugar juice 2 egg yolks I tablespoon 1 tablespoon lemon juice

cream 2 egg whites. % teRspoon salt beaten 'AI cup crushed 2 CUJ18 rolled

pineapple graham craoken

Crea.m buttor and 8!1trar. Acid ),011(8 and cream_ Beat two mln­ut&8. Add rest of Ingredient!. Pour II) to buttered loaf mold, cover with waxed paper, tied In place with white cord. Chili 14 houre. Un· mold and cover with whipped cream. Garnish with cherries. . •

Attorney Will J. Hayek. MJ'!!. A. G. Derksen. Katherine Kalene. John W. Carey, Clem A. Boyle. C. O. Meyers. Prot. Clara M. Daley, J. M. Sims, Attorney Samuel D. Whit­Ing. W_ H. Younkin. A. J_ Hogan, Sherlft Don McComa.. Joe Ra.lm. Harry Shulman. Cbarles Chanaky. F. B. Volkrlnger. Phil Michael, R. P- Jones. Lytle Hofer, Irene Gat· ton, Wlllam J. White Jr .• Leo 8lezaIa> WllIlam J. White, Mrs. Milo Navy. T. 1;1- Kelly, Prof. W_ ROBS Living·

PhI Kappa SI,ma VIrgil She\'l&l'd. L3 of AUIson. I.au.

<reI Bently, Al of P1a.1nfteld, Arlo Conwell, E4 of Cedo.r Rapldll and Galen 8kWlter, Ai or o.a«e, are "penlUnl' tM week end At their ihornM.

Larry Knutson at Eathervllle II • week end villtor at the cb&Pter bouae. • I

Bton_ Joumal of BUlinesl .mlnlstra.tor of the NRA, In an ir. M. D. Webber. J. A. Parden, Mrs. 'tlcle. "New Deal J!loonomlc Phlloe-

George Bouck, C_ .C_ Rle •• Joe ]{an- FeatU1"el PrO, Con .OPl\y," and crltlclerne of the new' ak. Dan J. Peters, Charles W. La- I N I 'deal are outlIned In 811 article by clna. Frank J. Krall. Mrs. Nettle Artie es on ew Dea A. P. Haake, manqllll' ~tor of Fitzpatrick, nan Calla.han, Roy .the National A8IIOI!iation Of Fuml-Wolte. W. O. kohl. R. P. White, Art\CICjl pl'lll,!nr and eriUcl"ni- .ture ManuCaoturera, Inc. Milo Navy, Patrick CUsack. Grover ,the new d .... an f.tured In the prof. Jolin H. :fIrederlok Of the Watson, Roy Avl •• 0. <;I. Sample, M&reh lAue of the JOII.I'n&1 of BUll. Unlver.lty of Penn.ylvanla ool"e Nell Murphy. Mra. J. A. Faherty. '0-. out ·tomorrow. ot oommerce arruee tor /IJICI acaJ.." G. H. MIller. Jake La.ckender, Joe Fav~l. upecta at t.be RocIIIe'- he 11ft of oonllwoad atocklj k\ the Bucbmayer; Georp KAlI. and Blon velt admlnlatratllon are pl'088nte4 ttr whole-ole fteld In • 1tu4T Of ''C''II-Hunter. Merla D. VIAoeDt, fOnDer depu.tr M. lllallllll 8toc1rA"

Cause at War" at a meeting of the Uberal Stlldents' alliance at 3 o'clock th!s afternoon In the YoW. C.A_ 'board J!OOm In Iowa Union.

The Liberal Students alliance has prevlou81y been known 118 the Am&rlcan Student.' union.

KREUTZBERG ·'Dance Concert Monday, March 16th

• 8 P.M.


Tiekets now on we At the women'. IJlllaulum 8 to 12 and 1 to a daUy except Sunda'.

52°0 .........

The P. W. A. had agreed to take the M_ O. L. bonds and to give the city '490,-000.00, an even larger grant than that to Iowa City.

The result. of this elec· lion Indicates that tax­payers, renters, and think­ing citizens In leneral pre­fer to keep their privately· owned light com pan y which, as In Iowa City, pays heavy taxes and livee good service at low rates.

-~- -- --- "-m P1UClI 01' IILEOTlumn ItNca 1m Rltt. rKlIctlou Va, 1. Ina. Ott. 1. Ina. Ja 1, lllal. Ju. 1, lilt, Jul, 1. 1 ....

IOWA CITY LlGHr & POWER CO. 211 FaI' WuhlnJtt,oa Street

A Good Tax Palling Citizen