Download - channels of fulfillment April - June 2021.cdr - Naijasermons


To My spiritual Daddies: They are many, but

Daddy: E. A Adeboye.

Evan. Joshua Chukwujekwu, Evan. David Igweonu.

My Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Chukwudi Chidolue.

Daddy: Uma Ukpia,

these men have inspired and encouraged me directly or indirectly, they are:

Pastor Dr. Paul Enenche, Ven. Dr. Joe Ajefobi,

Advisers: Evan. David Igweonu,


Evan. Victor Ezeadichie.

Prayer Network: Our entire Prayer Network coordinators and all the prayer network family.

Designer: Evan. Victor Ezeadichie

Barr Uche Obi, Evan. Victor Ezeadichie,

Evan. Godisgreat Okeke (USA), Marketing Officers: Evan. Chizuo Okezie,

The entire distributors. Our entire location advisers.

Evan. Kingsley Agbadike.






10. PARTNERSHIP PAGE. - - 56-57


13. HYMNS. - 120 - 124


-1- 103








Table of Content



Why the COF and How to use the COF

(Psalm: 90vs12): So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our heart unto wisdom. A man's days will be told as an ordinary story if he/she wasn't able to number them according to God's wisdom. The wisdom of God is Jesus: and Jesus is found through the word of God (John: 1vs1). Don't be fooled by the Calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of (Charles Richard).

morning hours.

allocated for the day.

1) Create a time with the Almighty God daily; preferably in the

3) Connect to God either through short Prayers or worship.2) Disconnect yourself from distractions.

Through the daily digestion of the word of God, days are utilized and destinies are experienced. Through this daily devotional God makes you to channel your days toward the reality of your destiny. In COF God has a direction and an instruction for you daily. Start today, remain steady and the eternity will celebrate your days.

7 steps on how to use the COF

6) Carefully study the inspirational write up meant for the day according to the dates in this book, and follows the instruction given to you either from the Holy Spirit or from the servant of God, if any.

bible passage you read, if any.

ahead to maintain Godly atmosphere for the rest of the day.

4) Carefully and meditatively read the bible passage that is

5) Write down any insight or instruction captured from the

7) Pray the prayers that are meant for the day as you go


Ÿ . “A great marriage is not when the 'perfect couple'

comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns

to enjoy their differences.” Dave Meurer

Ÿ . “Love is a partnership of two unique people who

bring out the very best in each other, and who know

that even though they are wonderful as individuals,

they are even better partners Unknown

. “Show me a man who is smiling from ear-to-ear

and living a beautiful life, and I'll show you a man

who is grateful for what he has and utterly in love with

his wife.” Fawn Weaver

Ÿ . “In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals

everything and two minus one equals nothing.”

Mignon McLaughlin

Ÿ . “Once we figured out that we could not change

each other, we became free to celebrate ourselves as

we are.” H. Dean Rutherford

Ÿ . “To find someone who will love you for no reason,

and to shower that person with reasons, that is the

ultimate happiness.” Robert Brault

Tablets that enhance staying married.

Ÿ . “A fool in love makes no sense to me. I only think

you are a fool if you do not love.” -Unknown

Ÿ . “People stay married because they want to, not

because the doors are locked.” Paul Newman








Rejoice in the Lord.

TEXT: (Isaiah 41 vs. 7-12), (James 2 vs. 17-19) TEXT: (Isaiah 41 vs. 7-12), (James 2 vs. 17-19) TEXT: (Isaiah 41 vs. 7-12), (James 2 vs. 17-19)


thank God who has graciously brought us into this season of the year being

Ithe fourth month of the year 2021; our year of “DIVINE EXPOSURE”. God

has declared April as our month of Victory: therefore I proclaim upon you,:

“You shall experience Victory in Jesus name, Amen! You might be moody over an

event, situation or condition that could be surrounding you at the moment but God

has brought before us today the need to rejoice while we are living. When life is

lived with depression and moodiness it results to regrets and limitations. It is the

will of God to behold you rejoicing in all that concerns you. Moodiness is the

living style of people who doesn't have a clear knowledge of God or those who

have lost hope on the promises of God. Though the Lord might not have done what

you expect or require but it is important to note that frowning does not attract God

either. Most times after praying for a sick person; I laugh and rejoice from within

(Excitement) not because the person is healed but because I know that with joy you

demonstrate confidence and with confidence you prove faith and with faith you

attract God. Hannah demonstrated this in 1 Samuel 1 vs. 18B: “So the woman

went her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad”. From her

experience you can capture that she went home ate and became happy which

resulted to her Samuel. To be joyful is the major source to discomfit the devil.

God's word made it clearer from today's scripture where it says, “Even so faith, if

it hath no works is dead, being alone”. The first work of faith is shown by

countenance. Your mood after you have spoken to God has the key to produce your

testimony. Have you prayed for your marriage stay excited and receive it. Have

you prayed for blessings, cast the worries and pressures away and stay excited to

receive them. God is looking at you to see how excited you are this 2021. Welcome

to your April of Victory in Jesus name.

2. Ask God for the grace to live in excitement.

3. Father I decree upon myself any sign of crisis is hereby arrested forever, Amen!

1. Thank God for successful transfer into a month to create wonders.

4. Oh God I decree that my life shall be a product of testimony.

Prayer Points:


Worship God in your own style.


FRIDAY: APRIL 2nd 2021

Valueless Pursuit.

TEXT: (2 Chronicle 17 vs. 10-11), (Matthew 7 vs. 8)TEXT: (2 Chronicle 17 vs. 10-11), (Matthew 7 vs. 8)TEXT: (2 Chronicle 17 vs. 10-11), (Matthew 7 vs. 8)

2. Pray for the grace to be happy with yourself.

3. Father, I kill any spirit of jealousy in me in Jesus name, Amen!

o live in jealousy is equal to living in Jeopardy. To be unhappy when others

Tare progressing is equal to witchcraft. Putting effort to sponsor someone's

limitation is equal to generational damage. God's word pointed to us today

saying, “For everyone that asketh recieveth: and he that seeketh findeth; and to him

that knocleth it shall be opened”. The principle is not subjected to the white or black

but to everyone, small or great. As a child of God the most that can happen in your

mind while you witness others progress should be “Father, I claim this, do it for me

as you did it for my brother or sister”. Years ago there was a boy who was very

brilliant and a son to a teacher who teaches in the same school where he schools. Due

to the progress in the academic career of this young boy some of the teachers in the

same school conspired against him; saying he was found trying to lay with a girl at the

back of the school. It went as they planned; due to the level of the persons involved

and the evidences they were able to produce the boy was expelled from the school.

You could imagine the kind of heartbreak it could cause the mother who was a teacher

in the same school. It doesn't exult to plan or seek for someone else's downfall.

Though God has given us seasons of peace as regards this vision but I won't be

surprised to see someone or persons trying to paint it black. The point is plain:

Whenever anyone tries to become a hindrance to someone God has lifted. God

himself hinders the person. 20 years have passed and all the children are no longer in

secondary school or struggling with who comes first or less. Most of them have gotten

married and life continued. It was around this time (after 20 years) that the same

person who has championed the accusation found his way to reach the young man in

the phone saying, “since that day till today, I have remained confused, frustrated and

limited”. Obviously he was forgiven but imagine what the opinion of God towards

him is. God's word reprimanded us today in verse of 10 of our first scripture saying,

“The fear of God is the source of peace, to every agent of discord the Lord will oppose

and resist”. Pray in the Holy Ghost.

4. Oh God as I am rejoicing over the good in other people's life do great things for me

in Jesus name, Amen!

1. Thank God for His word towards you today. Prayer Points:



Add up the previous.

TEXT: (Genesis 25 vs. 28-34), (Genesis 27 vs. 30-36) TEXT: (Genesis 25 vs. 28-34), (Genesis 27 vs. 30-36) TEXT: (Genesis 25 vs. 28-34), (Genesis 27 vs. 30-36)

1. Oh God I thank you today for your word to me.

2. Jesus give me the grace to learn what you want me to learn today.

3. Father I demand for the grace to be who you have called me to be.

hough we are not meant to dwell in the past but the past should live in our

Ttoday's decision. On behalf of the Holy Spirit I extend my hand of greeting

to you. The most terrible mistake anyone could make is to neglect and

ignore his past. Jesus died in the past many years ago, yet by his death salvation is

valid till today. “And he said, is not he rightly named Jacob? For he hath supplanted

me this these two times: he took away my birth-right; and, behold now, he hath taken

away my blessings…” (Verse 36 of today's second scripture). At the point of

considering this passage I began to ask myself, “So Esau was really aware he sold

his birth-right for just a plate of food and still hoped to get the blessing attached

to him”. God brings the past forward. Never forget that today isn't just a day but the

past of your future and will determine the future you will see. Some persons are still

undergoing the same trial because they have determined to overlook their past.

Some persons clearly entered into the wrong marriage because they neglected their

past. It may appear difficult to reach your desired height this year if you didn't bring

your past years together and resolve what should be resolved. The past is not just for

witness but for lesson. With this reference: if someone was poisoned in a particular

place once and he escaped; returning tomorrow, he was told that the same suspect

who had poisoned him has now become a priest; and then not to consider the past the

so called priest served him food and he dies of it, isn't the individual a fool? We are

not doubting the power of God that transforms but we are not to render trust

on the platform of pretence. It will not be foreign to witness a network business

like MMM, ultimatecycle and the likes soon and among the victims will be those

who lost millions to the previous (MMM, Ultimatecycle etc). God is saying to

someone in order to avoid regrets this year build your today from the opinions of

your past, Sit and think of the past in relation to the present that's one of the secrets of


Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 1: Page 120 Worship God using your own songs.

SUNDAY: APRIL 4th 2021

In the absence of time.

TEXT: (Job 5 vs. 7 – 9)TEXT: (Job 5 vs. 7 – 9)TEXT: (Job 5 vs. 7 – 9)here are times and situations in life where it seems there is no time but the

Tcreator of time Himself is not out of course neither is He out of sight. I welcome

you to the season of the incredible God! Yes, He is incredible and your life shall

in this season witness the dimension of His incredible being. Life is running with time to

a descriptive end as a matter of fact there is an end of everything; end of classes, school

programme, service, opportunity and life itself. All the ends in life is determined by time

but thank God whom we have to ourselves with a promise as an assurance to us saying,

“For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off” (Proverb 23 vs.

18). I don't know what you think but am fully aware that Jehovah is the main determinant

of every end. There are people encountering the Lord in different areas of life but deep

down their heart they are faced with the regret of being late. Yes, being late in

achievement, marriage, business and so many others areas. Considering the

circumstances around you, they all suggest that indeed you may appear late and there is

no resources or help to pull you up to where you deserve but our God declares the end

from the beginning. He is the all-time responsive responsible God. The one who

decided to give Hannah a child that is better than ten sons. The one that ran ahead of time

to establish Joseph despite the prison experience before his brethren found him. Nobody

can control time like Jehovah! I think you need to drink this confirmation in God's word,

“Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet

done, saying, my counsel shall stand, and I will do my pleasure” (Isaiah 46 vs. 10). The

scripture says, His counsel shall stand! Are you a child of God? Then what is it that is

threatening you? The counsel of God is above it and the Lord's counsel is on your favour.

God can adjust times and events… I declare let the Lord help your faith. By the prophetic

mantle of God on me I am asked to declare to someone that before 2021 is over you

shall discover that those matters that mattered around you shall not matter

anymore. There shall be a drastic turn around this season, from sorrow to joy, pain to

gain, and tears to laughter. See the approval in verse 9 of today's scripture, “Which doeth

great things and unsearchable; marvellous things without numbers”. This assures

you that you cannot keep record of the Lord's doings around you this season, Amen!

2. Jehovah, I demand that you restore all my lost time and season.

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.Prayer Points:


MONDAY: APRIL 5th 2021

Should you remain silent.

TEXT: (Job 29 vs. 20-25), (Psalm 81 vs. 10) TEXT: (Job 29 vs. 20-25), (Psalm 81 vs. 10) TEXT: (Job 29 vs. 20-25), (Psalm 81 vs. 10)

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

welcome you to the field of the Most High God. Someone said, “Maturity is the

Iability to think, speak and act your feelings within the bounds of dignity. The

measure of your maturity is how spiritual you become during the midst of your

frustration”. Another said, “Speak up because the day you don't speak up for the

things that doesn't matter to you is the day your freedom truly ends”. God has

planted the most powerful tool of survival in the tongue. Your understanding that word

lives has the capacity to guide your language and word usage. It doesn't matter what is

not right around you , if you have the right word in place you will surely step up to

greatness. An associate of this vision was once broke and very poor but he kept

mentioning to my hearing that God has promised him saying, “If I didn't make you a

multi-millionaire then know that I am not God”. Today He is a millionaire. You

can't change your life or situation above what you have proclaimed with your mouth.

(Proverb 18 vs. 20): “A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruits of his mouth; [and]

with the increase of his lips shall he be filled”. Normally a man's belly is meant to be

satisfied with the fruits of his labour but instead God's word said, is with the fruits of

the mouth. Therefore it doesn't just matter what the labour is; to be productive, the

mouth should sound productive as well. Many occasions I have seen people with

terminal diseases but by the proclamation of their lips they survived awesomely. God

is telling you today to position your lips aright. Maybe what you planned this year is

not coming as planned; arrest them with your mouth. Announce what you want to see

around you to the hearing of a witness. I heard about a rich bishop who was once

staying in a one room apartment with other 6 room-mates, but on the wall of his own

portion was written, “I shall never be poor”. Remember that already he was living

poor but the content of lips disagreed with the reality of his life then. God's word on our

today's second scripture urges us to open our mouth wide and God will fill it with

words of faith. Job also testified of how he gathered strength from the words he spoke.

Say something about your next level today.

2. Jesus fill my mouth with the words my destiny needs.

3. Father as I speak may my life drive in that direction (Go ahead and speak).

Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 4: Page 123Worship God using song 2: Page 121


The very love he has.

TEXT: (Romans 5 vs. 1-8), (Ephesians 2 vs. 4) TEXT: (Romans 5 vs. 1-8), (Ephesians 2 vs. 4) TEXT: (Romans 5 vs. 1-8), (Ephesians 2 vs. 4)

3. May I benefit from your love for me.

1. Oh Lord I thank you for your word.

2. Jesus thank you for loving me.

aving the full knowledge of God's love is the secret behind a successful life

Hon earth and hope of eternal glory in heavens. Just like we have read in the

past about how Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac his son to God with

pain in his heart and wounds in his mind, yet he decided to take Isaac to the sacrificial

Altar. You will recall that Isaac isn't just one of his children by then but the only child

because Ishmael had gone far away with his mum, never to be traced or found again

by Abraham. Yet Abraham because of the fear of God that was in him was willing to

give God his very last love. I just caught a rehma from the Holy Spirit. Remember that

God addressed Abraham as the father of many nations. (Genesis 17 vs. 4). He also

promised Abraham saying, “Thy seed shall possess the gates of his enemies”

(Genesis 22 vs. 17). At that point in history Abraham sowed a seed of his last love to

God and being the one who does not allows seeds to fade or die responded to

Abraham's seed by giving His very last love to Abraham's children/seed (Father of

many nations). He (God) became flesh and dwelt among the generations of Abraham

living as a seed of Abraham (John 1 vs. 14). God didn't give out His son for mankind

but he gave out Himself; that's His last love. God's word was specific in today's first

scripture verse 8 when it said, “But God commandeth his love towards us, in that

while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”. Do you get something there? He

commandeth his Love. So I am loved by God by His own command not on the bases

of my goodness or badness. Never submit yourself to the mockery of the devil telling

you what you deserve from God and what you don't deserve; just remind him that

God's love upon you is unconditional. Do you believe in Jesus? If yes, then you

deserve all the benefits his love offers. (John 3 vs. 16): “…Whosoever believe in him

should not perish, but have everlasting life”. If God loves you, then He releases for

you. Abraham Loved God and a lamb was released to him for sacrifice. God loves you

and He released Himself for the sacrifice. I guess you already know that inside of Him

is all you seek in life.

Prayer Points:



Are you really making sense?

TEXT: (Proverb 15 vs. 14-23) TEXT: (Proverb 15 vs. 14-23) TEXT: (Proverb 15 vs. 14-23)

2. Oh God give me wisdom to say the right thing at all times to man, spirits and ideas of the


hen Nelson Mandela was studying law at the university, a white professor,

Wwhose last name was Peter, disliked him intensely. One day Mr Peter was

having launch at the dining room when Mandela came along with his tray

and sat next to the professor. The Professor said, “Mr Mandela you do not understand a pig

and a bird do not sit together to eat”. Mandela looked at him as a parent would look at a

rude child and calmly replied, “You do not worry professor, I will fly away”, and he went

and sat at another table. Mr Peter reddened with rage, decided to take revenge. The next

day in class he posed the following question: “Mr Mandela, if you were walking down the

street and found a package, and within was a bag of wisdom and another bag with money,

which one would you take? Without hesitating, Mandela responded, “The one with money

of course”. Mr Peter smiling sarcastically said, “I, in your place would have taken the

wisdom”. Nelson Mandela shrugged and responded, “Each one takes what he doesn't

have”. Mr Peter by this time was about to throw a fit seething with fury. So great was his

anger that he wrote on Nelson Mandela's sheet the word “IDIOT” and gave it out. Mandela

took the exam sheet and sat down at his desk trying very hard to remain calm while he was

contemplated his next move. A few minutes later Nelson got up, walked up to the professor

and told him in a dignified polite tone, “Mr Peter, you signed up your name on the sheet but

you forgot to give me my grade”. To be able to create sense, smart responses are needed.

My major interest was not just Nelson's responses but the boldness he got to respond in

such manner to a professor in his course of pursuit. We need such boldness to say what is to

be said especially for God's messengers. I agree, that's why God's word says in 2 Timothy

1 vs. 7, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power, and of love, and of

sound mind”. Just like the professor was trying to make Nelson feel inferior and

unprivileged that's how satan tries to limit your speed by suggesting false representations

of you. Aiming to make you feel unmerited to get what you deserve. Reply Him with the

wisdom of God's word. From all Nelson said, he didn't insult the professor or abused him

but replied him from the content of his own idea. May God give you the right word against

the accusations and limitation of the devil. Consider verse 23 of today's scripture.

1. Thank God for His word to you today.Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 1: Page 120 Worship God using song 4: Page 123


God's take on you.

TEXT: (Hebrew 1 vs. 1-6) TEXT: (Hebrew 1 vs. 1-6) TEXT: (Hebrew 1 vs. 1-6)

he take of God on you is the secret behind your worth before the accusers.

TManyy people lost because satan was finding them vulnerable with his

threatening skills, giving them polluted mind that tells of how pungent they

smell before God. Today I am going to shift a bit, God is the God of men. He created

man, in all that man represents. He formed your teeth, tongue, intestine, sexual organs,

digestive system, plasma, kidney, uterus, aviolai, bronchioles, haemoglobin, heart

crest, and heart wall. He is also controlling them. Your heart beats faster than seconds.

In a minute (60 seconds) your heart have beaten 70 times; yet it kept working for 24

hours daily, weekly, year multiplied by your number of age; without servicing the heart.

The heart is said to be the most working and lasting system in the universe and it is

within your body. God's investment in you is too high to be ignored. His place in your

destiny is the place of decision, you are living within God's want at every time because

He is the one that killeth and maketh alive. He is worth living for. God's take on you is

that you are His greatest asset. You are one of His major investment. God gave Christ

for no category of things except man. The evidence of this is seen in verse 2 of today's

scripture where it says, “Hath in these last days spoken unto us by His son, whom he

hath appointed heir of all things by whom also He made the world”. (Verse 3): Who

being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all

things by the word of His power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on

the right hand of the majesty on high”. By Himself He purged our sins. God loves you,

He sought for no man's opinion before He made that decision. He is close to you more

than you can fathom. Out of the numerous activities that engages you, find out time to

always link with Him… He is your energy source. Let nothing make you feel like God

has given up on you. No, He never gives up. He is a king whose relationship with you is

not from His throne but from His blood. Yes, He redeemed us out of destruction not by

His command. Jesus adores you in simplicity. Get stocked with Him.

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

2. Father, I thank you for accepting as I am.

3. My Lord, I decree that any accusation of the devil around my life is destroyed.

4. Oh God, show me your light and reveal yourself to me, so I can understand you.

Prayer Points:


FRIDAY: APRIL 9th 2021

Say No!

TEXT: (James 5 vs. 10-12), (Matthew 5 vs. 37) TEXT: (James 5 vs. 10-12), (Matthew 5 vs. 37) TEXT: (James 5 vs. 10-12), (Matthew 5 vs. 37)

1. Thank God for His word to you today.

3. My God, give me the grace and mind to be plain.

oday's second scripture says, “But let your communication be yea, yea; Nay

Tnay: for whatsoever that is none of these cometh of evil”. It has been

considered an act of intelligence to lure people into what they never

accepted/wanted because the individual involved has driven them from a familiar

point to an unwanted destination making their mind victim of his puzzle game. A

young man mistakenly transferred #200,000 (out of #210,000 balance) from his

account to another's after thinking of a way to stop the person from withdrawing the

money; he came up with an idea of sending a message to the person's phone saying,

“Hello dark and worthy initiate, I hope you are okay. I believe you have received the

money I sent to you. It's for your initiation into the eternal mystical order of glorious

satanism in the ogboni fraternity. Scheduled to take place at 12 midnight. The money I

sent is only for your transport. I will send you more for shopping. There are riches

awaiting you in the kingdom. Two weeks after the initiation a family member close to

your heart will die, this will unlock your ticket to wealth and you will have ability to fly

at night to any part of the world. Thanks for complying in advance but in case you are

not ready to join, please send back the money immediately to avoid your sudden

death.” Few minutes later, he got an SMS saying, “please send another #200,000 my

friend is also interested. Nigeria economy has frustrated us too much”. God is saying to

someone, “Why not be plain and straightforward. The major limitation some persons

have is the inability to be plain. “My plainness of speech makes people to hate me,

and what is hatred but a proof that I am speaking the truth” (Plato). The Spirit is

bringing to someone's understanding that it is better to sound weird being plain than to

sound hopeful but also deceitful. There are people who are sure that they don't want a

particular thing and still they hand around it. When you condemn something publicly

and harbours it secretly, it is a sign of hypocrisy. Be known for plainness. Say No today

and remain in your no tomorrow except for better and godly reasons.

2. Ask God for the grace and ability to stay plain.

Prayer Points:


Worship God in your own way.Worship God using song 1: Page 120


Don't adjust to limits!

TEXT: (Job 24 vs. 13-24) TEXT: (Job 24 vs. 13-24) TEXT: (Job 24 vs. 13-24)

1. Father I desire and addition in my life not a subtraction.

3. Mighty God give me the capacity to stand firm and live for you.

Reduction of anything positive attracts no value or respect. “People are

mostly celebrated for how far they have increased”. What positive do you

think of yourself if your thought hasn't affected the stability of your image

and existence in your society. I understood that people are reduced from their mind

before they are reduced outwardly. In God's kingdom there is no space for reduction.

“For we are placed far above principalities and powers in heavenly places”

(Ephesians 2 vs. 6). When the character of a Christian does not speak Christ it causes

reduction. God has planned to exalt men but most persons have decided not to agree

with him by living the life that contradicts His nature. Imagine how absurd it sounds

that the so called pastor slept with a member or abused a woman; such results to

reduction of persons and esteem. Some of the reason why we struggle to maintain a

crystal-like reputation/life style is not because we fear God alone but also because

we consider the image we will manifest when we behave contrary. Everyone has

feeling, urge and so on as the case may be. The cells responsible for human behaviour

aren't spiritual and requires we suppress them by purposely imbibing modest

character. Paul the Apostle said, “I bring myself under subjection” (1 Corinthians 9

vs. 27). God in His wisdom revealed in verse 13 of today's scripture saying, “They

are of those that rebel against the light; they know not the ways thereof, nor abide

in the path thereof”. Christianity promotes esteem but Christianity without

character results to shame”. The devil does not seduce anyone, he does not persuade

anyone to commit sin but he sponsors lust to develop in persons until they move

away from God by themselves. Lift your hand and say with me: “Jesus, give me the

grace to live for you”. It is a dangerous thing to be reduced. One may struggle to

keep a sin secret but at least a person; your sin partner is aware that you are reduced in

character. “You much regret your character when your character contradicts

the personality you are determined to display” (Isaac Chidolue).

2. My God give me grace to withstand any force that is out to reduce me in life.

Prayer Points:


SUNDAY: APRIL 11th 2021

Prosperity in season.

TEXT: (Deuteronomy 11 vs. 9 – 15) TEXT: (Deuteronomy 11 vs. 9 – 15) TEXT: (Deuteronomy 11 vs. 9 – 15)

1. Faithful God arise and bring me to the right time of your blessings.

any persons are too much in a hurry that they forgot that too much

Mhastiness leads to guiltiness. To be smart is good, to live in the streams of

ideas is awesome, but more of a loss without repair is the image given to

destruction. I don't know what your story may look like but it is very important you retell

the story in a better way. I am yet to see anyone who truly held on God disappointed. Forget

about those who felt they are ahead of you; Godliness is the ticket to a great living, “For

godliness is profitable unto all things” (1 Timothy 4 vs. 8). I heard a story of a young man

in the 90s who was very successful after he left school; dealing on hard businesses, building

houses and buying cars but those he played the games with sought him, and shot him dead,

he died young and early. I speculate this is one of the reason the bible mentioned, “The

prosperity of fools shall destroy them” (Proverb 1 vs. 32B). Come to think of it the

statement came from the richest man who had ever lived within the circumferences of this

planet. King Solomon was worth 2.1 trillion dollars in today's currencies without

Microsoft, space craft, and online shopping. Many stories similar to the one we saw above

has emerged in different places. There is a due season of God. Many persons have left the

waiting room of God. Don't be found in the category of the impatience. I have seen many

evidence of ritual among the young people, many fraudulent acts because many persons

want to meet up. Some would say that bills kept coming for them; but I haven't seen satan

out of genuine reason anytime he want to deceive anyone. He always have a reason. Mostly

before the time of glory comes satan tempts one with a fast limited option to know if the

individual will subscribe to his limitation plan. Quote me anywhere, “Satan can never

give you anything close to what God would have given you if you are patient to walk

with Him”. That benevolence is not in him. Ritual and sacrifices here and there, where

friends, family and ladies are falling victim of it. In the western Nigeria someone recently

did a birthday and almost everyone that attended died. I decree sanity in our land in Jesus

name, Amen! Digest today's scripture verse 14 says, “That I will give you the rain of your

land in his due season, the first rain and later rain, that thou mayest gather in thy corn, and

thine wine and thine Oil”. The due season of someone just arrived, if you are the person

scream Amen! Due seasons comes with over size, first and later rain. The downpour on

someone's life who has waited on God is going to be heavy and tremendous.

Prayer Points:


Worship God using your own songs.

Worship God using song 5: Page 124

MONDAY: APRIL 12th 2021

Jehovah did it!

TEXT: (2 Peter 1 vs. 1-5) TEXT: (2 Peter 1 vs. 1-5) TEXT: (2 Peter 1 vs. 1-5)

2. Oh God release your grace in abundance upon me and your power in all my


welcome you to the throne of the possessor of the heavens and earth. If God

Ihas actually done it all then what do we seek? Verse 3 of today's scripture

says, “According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain

unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory

and virtue”. When that scripture is digested fully it will be discovered that God has

made massive provision for our well-being. God's word is already settled in

heavens (Psalm 119 vs. 89). There was a time I was in a serious need; as it has

become usual of me, I began to pray for God's intervention. I prayed for day's yet

the struggle continued and there was no reasonable evidence of solution to my

need. I ran to God praying again and again; at a point I heard God saying, “You are

making a demand of what I have already done. Go ahead and pray in the line

of receiving. Then I spent time praying, “I receive this………….. in Jesus

name”, just as He mentioned. The following morning my need was arrested in

totality. Yes, God has brought your husband, you don't need to ask Him to send him;

the bible said, male and female created He them. I don't know the height or the level

of what you seek but I am sure that Jesus has done it; just receive them now in Jesus

name, Amen! Receive your lost opportunities, connections, good health, wealth,

testimonies, admission, good grades, marital rights in Jesus name, Amen! Oh

today's second scripture confirms it by saying, “And all things, whatsoever ye

shall ask in prayers, believing, ye shall receive”. Do you believe He has done what

you seek? If yes is your answer then receive them now in Jesus name, Amen!

“Abundance arrives the physical world when the inner world is ready to

receive it. When we give ourselves permission to experience abundance, it

always shows up” (Unknown). Build the mind that receives what God has done for

you. He has satisfied your desire, this year possess all as you receive them in Jesus

name, Amen!

1. Thank God for Himself and His personality.Prayer Points:


TUESDAY: APRIL 13th 2021

Cleanse your heart.

TEXT: (Proverb 23 vs. 19) TEXT: (Proverb 23 vs. 19) TEXT: (Proverb 23 vs. 19)

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

2. Father, today I present my heart to you for consecration.

3. Jehovah heal my heart from any form of deceit.

ost evil begins within the heart. The heart is a muscle and it is built. It

Mhas no defence to what it can take. The conscience of man determines

his action. The building of the conscience determines what you

can do. Some persons find nothing wrong with evil and they kept practising it. The

ways of wickedness is staying up to evil and feels nothing about it. The wicked is

that individual that constantly do evil and keeps it covered. There is always a first

time for everything. What your life sustains affects your heart and what your heart

retains stays normal in your sight. Someone who robbed a bank didn't start robbery

with the bank. What you hear and see affects your psychology about life. Those

you associate with affects your mentality. To keep the heart clean starts with the

digestion of God's word. When you start appearing irresponsible on the things that

really matters, check your heart. The heart is like a memory disk it takes-in

anything you want to store there but it takes the wisdom of God to guide it into the

path of excellence. Focus and diligence saves a lot of stress when it comes to

confusing paths of life. If you don't guide your heart you will find yourself

many times surprising yourself. This explains the reason why God told us earlier

in today's scripture saying, “Hear thou my son, and be wise and guide thine heart

in the way”. Note: Guide your heart in the way”. When people indulge in pre-

marital sex and feels no guilt about it, time shall come when they will indulge in

abortion and still feels nothing about it. When an individual indulge in fraud, time

shall come when he will indulge in cultism just to actualize his desire. The heart of

man determines his action, when you act, we hear the language of your heart from

your actions. Eat God's word and listen to the Holy Spirit to maintain a blameless

heart. “Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life”.

4. Oh Lord, help me to be like you at all times.

Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 1: Page 120

Worship God using song 3:Page 122.


…and tongues spoke

TEXT: (Acts 10 vs. 40-48), (1 Corinthians 14 vs. 39)TEXT: (Acts 10 vs. 40-48), (1 Corinthians 14 vs. 39)TEXT: (Acts 10 vs. 40-48), (1 Corinthians 14 vs. 39)

1. Oh God I desire for the Holy Ghost.

2. Jesus, give me a revived tongues.

welcome you today to the sanctuary of the Almighty God. “He that speaketh in

Ian unknown tongues edifieth Himself” (1 Corinthians 14 vs. 4).Tongues

speaking isn't just a sign or means of reaching God, it is not also just a means to

identify the Holy Spirit in a life but it is an inducer of God's charge and power. What's

the reason why anyone could prefer speaking in tongues? When you pray in tongues

according to the utterance of the Spirit you touch areas and places you couldn't have

touched ordinarily; you bring God's power to the system. “…for we know not what

we should pray for we ought: but the spirit itself maketh intercession for us with

groaning which cannot be uttered” (Romans 8 vs. 26). It is the right of every child of

God to pray in the Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost baptism isn't a different call or initiation;

when anyone dwells in Christ and lives “in” Him, then the individual is exposed and

revealed to the Holy Ghost. It was the Holy Spirit that sponsored the resurrection of

Christ and revived his disfigured body which you and I are part of. This is the

evidence that every one of us is exposed to the Holy Spirit, what some of us need is

just to tarry! Yes, tarry until you are endued with power (Luke 24 vs. 49). I was not

prayed for to be Holy Ghost baptised, I just received it and blew in tongues while

praying. A sister who attended one of our Prayer Network last year testified that after

the prayers she caught the Holy Ghost without knowing though the servant of God

prayed a special prayer for her with the release of the Holy Ghost upon her. She went

home to pray as usual but blew in tongues and the power of God was unusual and raw

that it brought her sister down and her mother was healed of leg poison instantly. As a

younger believer I can remember in an occasion where my phone spoilt and the

screen was running up and down. I took it by my hand and blew in tongues for 20

minutes; bam! It was well and revived. You possess the magic in God by the Holy

Ghost. Until you see what He does through you, you may not believe much in Him.

Seeing today's second scripture it says, “Wherefore, brethren covert to prophesy,

and forbid not to speak with tongues”. You are called to pray in the Holy Ghost

irrespective of what your church thinks. Forbid not to speak in tongues.

3. Oh God may I maintain your grace and power in Jesus name, Amen!

Prayer Points:



God's surprising power.

TEXT: (Isaiah 11 vs. 5 – 10) TEXT: (Isaiah 11 vs. 5 – 10) TEXT: (Isaiah 11 vs. 5 – 10)

3. Father, let your power in me suppress evil around in Jesus name, Amen!

There is a dimension of God we are yet to see, there is a level of power not

revealed yet. There is a level of grace we haven't manifested and it awaits us

on this last days to show evidence of God. There is a dimension of God

you enter and it changes you into someone supernatural. There is a realm of glory

that is far above normal/average. God is counting on us to push forth to the uttermost.

There are dimensions of power beyond what we are manifesting presently. The glory

of the past is in need right now. I heard about Bishop Idahosa who had a programme

in USA but was two days late due to the delay in his flight. After two he arrived USA

and the news spread abroad that he had arrived and by hearing the news three

crippled persons stood up on their feet and started walking; the programme haven't

started then. I am sincerely believing God that He will manifest a dimension to us

that haven't been seen in the history of the world. There is power available with God,

this is power too great to be ignored. Yes it is power which at the remembrance of it;

you imagine what can the devil do? Absolutely nothing! Walking in the

consciousness of such power is the full manifestation of God. God's word revealed to

us in verse 6 of today's scripture saying, “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb,

and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the

fatling together; and a little child shall lead them”. Deadly animals shall be led by a

little child. By the power of God available today I announce the full manifestation of

God in our midst, Amen!! Great things shall start happening to you and amazing

wonders of God shall be seen all around us, how do I know? The scripture says in

verse 9, “They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountains: for the earth

shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the water covers the sea”. Yes the

knowledge of the Lord. Yes, that evil in your business place shall be swallowed by

the knowledge of the glory of the Lord”. Wickedness in the high places shall know

the Lord through you. Yes, it is time we torment the devil and cripple his

escapades in Jesus name, Amen!

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

2. Jesus, I receive the power of God in my life today!

Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 3: Page 122 Worship God using song 2: Page 121

FRIDAY: APRIL 16th 2021

The journey is no longer far.

TEXT: (Hebrew 12 vs. 12-15), (Deuteronomy 27 vs. 7) TEXT: (Hebrew 12 vs. 12-15), (Deuteronomy 27 vs. 7) TEXT: (Hebrew 12 vs. 12-15), (Deuteronomy 27 vs. 7)

young lady sat in a bus. At the next stop a loud and grumpy old lady came

Aand sat by her. She squeezed into the seat and bumped her with numerous

bags. The person sitting on the other side of the young lady got upset, asked

her why she did not speak up and say something. The young lady responded with a

smile. “It is not necessary to be rude or argue over something so insignificant, the

journey altogether is so short. I'll get off at the next stop”. This response deserve to be

written in golden letters. “It is not necessary to argue over something so

insignificant, our journey together is so short”. If each one of us realises that our

time her is so short; that to darken it with quarrel, futile arguments, unforgiveness,

discontentment and fault finding attitude would be a waste of time and energy.

Whatever trouble anyone brings us, let us remember that our journey together is so

short. No one knows the duration of this journey. No one knows when their stop will

come. “Our journey is for just a while”. Knowing the shortness of the journey, it is

essential one cherish friends and family. Live respectful, kind and forgiving to one

another. Let us be filled with gratitude and gladness. There is need for peace this year,

for one to be able to stay Joyful. Peace is the closest thing to God's presence. I think

that's why David bailey said, “A positive attitude can really make dreams come

true – it did for me”. It is peace that gives one the courage to face life and win! This

called my attention to Eleanor Roosevelt's quote that says, “It isn't enough to talk

about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn't enough to believe in it. One must

work at it”. “Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not

lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seem upset”.

Digest God's word in Deuteronomy 27 vs. 7, “and thou shalt offer peace offerings,

and shalt eat there, and rejoice before the Lord thy God'. Peace offering! I

encourage you under the grace of God to offer peace offering to people today because

the journey is too short to spend some time of it on malice and enmity. God bless you.

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

2 Jesus, give me grace to always stay peaceful, Amen!

Prayer Points:



Living with result.

TEXT: (2 Corinthians 8 vs. 20-24) TEXT: (2 Corinthians 8 vs. 20-24) TEXT: (2 Corinthians 8 vs. 20-24)

Christianity is not a call without evidences and signs, it is a calling to manifest the

real and raw power of God. Most times the people that surrounds a Christian are

looking to see his proof and testimony. In such a time when people are under-

looking the people of God maybe as lazy or under-privileged persons, trying to observe

them as the people that are unserious. Due to these false ideas people are developing, God is

urging us to step up and live with proofs. A young child was growing in His local village

long ago. Just like it is expected by the villagers upon their younger ones to become

professionals in different fields and skills of life. One day the villagers were visited by a

priest who happened to be a missionary. The missionary spent time with them revealing the

interest of God on them. He subjected himself to their level and lived like they lived, behave

like they behaved according to their cultural demands that doesn't offend the interest of

God. One day during a particular event the children were gathered and are asked what they

wanted to become. Everyone was saying something nice like, “I want to be a doctor,

lawyer, pilot, and engineer as the case maybe”. When it got the turn of this young boy who

was at his teens by then, he mentioned, “I want to be an evangelist (preaching the gospel).

His uncle was so disappointed with him having observed the poverty state of the

missionary who had exhausted his belongings among them and was not eager to possess

more or acquire more. The uncle brought the boy home and locked him up in a room

threatening that he will not feed him again since he was actually going to turn out as waste

of resources. Every time he came to monitor how the boy is doing he will discover a plate

which was used to serve him food. Today the same young boy has become the pride of his

village; he owns a hospital where white men are serving as doctors, he also owns a higher

institution where lecturers are employed to lectures students with well accreditation from

Nigeria government. He didn't later became a professional, pilot, doctor or anything but

just an EVANGELIST and He is Rev Dr Uma Ukpai. Challenge your environment and

society by producing proofs, God has given us the capacity to create wonders. Create a

vision and challenge God to manifest it through you. Ask God to assist you to live the life

that produces His proof and promise Him to return all the glory to Him. I decree divine

proof in Jesus name, Amen!

2. Jesus arise and show your proof with me.

1. Oh God I pray for your touch on me.Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 1:Page 120.

Worship God using song 2: Page 121

SUNDAY: APRIL 18th 2021

God's suppressing power. (Part 2)

TEXT: (Jeremiah 32 vs. 19 – 22) TEXT: (Jeremiah 32 vs. 19 – 22) TEXT: (Jeremiah 32 vs. 19 – 22)

welcome you again to the place of the one who alone is God all by Himself. It

Ishould be known to you that this is the reason why Jehovah would want to do His

best in your life and your destiny. You should be willing to prevail above any form

of satanic misconduct and methods of deceit and captivity. It makes no sense fighting

war with decency. This warfare of destiny requires no form of polite approach. “We

are in the days of power and the violent ones take it by force” (Matthew 11 vs. 12). I

believe this was what made Williams Shakespeare's idea when he said, “In peace

there is nothing so becomes a man as modest stillness and humility, but when blast

of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger; stiffness the sinews,

summon up the blood, disguise fair nature with hard favoured rage”. In the search

of power is a divine encounter with God, that Jehovah should drop a volume of what

He is in you. I heard some documentaries about Apostle Babalola, in one of them it was

said that he was in his church for a church meeting and he wanted to lead a prayer

session for some minutes, at the process of the prayers, he was transferred into the

Spirit as he continued praying at the same spot and in the same position. The members

waited for hours thinking he would stop, but after many hours he didn't stop and they

can't wait anymore so they went home while Baba was still praying. The following day

after they had returned from work and summaries their daily activities, they returned to

church to find Baba still praying at the same spot and position. Same clothes, position,

no food, water, brushing, and bathing but still praying. He did that for 3 days non-stop,

that was 72 hours. I am convinced at this point that the days of genuine fire and

dimensions of God are here again with us. Such a man (Babalola) called down fire

physically on two different occasions by just a word. That was more than what Elijah

did. In Africa today there is a show of God presently like what has never been, tap into

that dimension of grace. God is about to show wonders and stretch forth His hand. He

confirmed it in His word today in verse 21 saying, “And hast brought forth they

people Israel out of the land of Egypt with signs and with wonders, and with a strong

hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with great terror”. The dimensions of God

flows beyond the visible and controls what cannot be seen.

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.Prayer Points:


MONDAY: APRIL 19th 2021

Freedom from the low places

TEXT: (Isaiah 40 vs. 1-10) TEXT: (Isaiah 40 vs. 1-10) TEXT: (Isaiah 40 vs. 1-10)

1. Jesus arise and do for me what no man could have done before.

Verse 4 of today's scripture says, “Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain

and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough

places plain” (KJV). “Fill in the valleys, level off the hills, smooth out the nuts,

clear out the rocks. Then God's bright glory will shine and everyone will see it” (MSG). It

takes a levelled mind to escape lowness. God was saying, “Fill in the valleys”. Which Valley

exist in your mind. There are brethren and people hopping for the low things of life. How can

you be praying for your greatness and you are hopping for lowness? The solution to that

problem is not packing into a smaller house or going to a cheaper shop. If you start finding it

difficult to pay for some bills you have been paying comfortably and you reduced yourself to a

lesser one believing that's the one you can now comfortably handle; someday you may realise

that even the smaller one is becoming difficult to handle. The problem isn't about adjusting

your location but adjusting your mind with dogged practical seeking of God and information.

Never accept any advice that tells you to live a reduced life. There is not testimony with

reduction except God is working out His plan with you. There is a spirit behind lowness. That's

same with the spirit of poverty. Your life will definitely run based on the speed your desire and

passion runs. It is good to manage yourself according to what you earn and also make

arrangement of saving from what you earn no matter how small. It is also very important you

plan before embarking on any project. God is saying to someone, it is not my will you possess

a low mind. By right you merit that which is good and great in Christ Jesus. “Fill in the

valley”. You cannot reach a level in life which your mind has not gotten. You cannot have what

you have not desired before. You are trying to tell people about where you are seeing yourself

and they are trying to give you the definition of yourself according the knowledge of the low

background they had about you and you accepted. “If your positivity immune system is low,

any exposure to a person afflicted with negativity can poison your mind” (Bryant

McGill). One amazing thing you should digest today is that almost everyone who became

great has a very small background before. When Bishop Oyedepo entered his first Cathedral

that could house less than a thousand persons or exact. Bishop Abioye while praying said,

“God I thank you for you have brought us to our pavilion”. Bishop Oyedepo shouted from his

seat saying, “No! This is not our pavilion but our beginning”, between 1990 - 2000 he

dedicated the highest auditorium in the world. Grow up and refuse any acidic virus that limits

vision and speed.

Prayer Points:


Worship God using your own songs. Worship God using song 3: Page 122

TUESDAY: APRIL 20th 2021

Live in the blue print.

TEXT: (Hebrew 3 vs. 1 – 5) TEXT: (Hebrew 3 vs. 1 – 5) TEXT: (Hebrew 3 vs. 1 – 5)

Worship God using song 3: Page 124. Prayer Points:



Crawling Satan.

TEXT: (2 Samuel 11 vs. 1-17), (2 Samuel 12 vs. 9-12). TEXT: (2 Samuel 11 vs. 1-17), (2 Samuel 12 vs. 9-12). TEXT: (2 Samuel 11 vs. 1-17), (2 Samuel 12 vs. 9-12).

2. Father, give me the surviving grace to do your will now and always.

welcome you to the presence of the director of our soul. If sin reveals its Icompany as it comes into the mind of anyone, I think none will desire to

entertain it as a guest. By sin the devil commits men to his plan and to cover

a sin committed more sins are committed. To sin begins with being at the right

place at the wrong time. David was in his own house he wasn't in the house of the

prostitutes. He didn't imagine on his mind that he was about to sleep with a woman

who happens to be someone's wife/ a woman who is not among his wives. If this

woman was a single lady at worst she may be added to the number of his wives and

the consequences wouldn't have been as they were. How pretty was she compared

to David's wives, is she prettier than others girls who could still be married? David

was simply at the right place at the wrong time. If Uriah was home, of course David

should have respected his presence and ignore the thoughts. Brethren it all began

with a planted thought and then he slept with somebody's wife (adultery). He tried

to impose his own child upon Uriah to seal the secret forever (lie), he didn't

succeed. He plotted the death of an innocent man who left his wife and family to

fight the cause of the Lord (murder). It was all the product of the crawling level of

the devil. Is not to have sex that is the problem, I think it should be what follows

after? What happens to the pregnancy, assuming that one surfaces? Are you guilty

of murder of innocent children who God sent into the world just as you? The Lord is

going bitter today; Madam hope you can be able to stand before Jehovah to

proclaim that your husband is the one responsible for the children you have given to

your family. Dear Husband, has devil made you look like David, when men are

busy fighting the cause of the Lord, you are busy seeking Bathsheba. Verse 10-12 of

today's scripture revealed the curse that came upon David and his household. Have

you deceived your family that you are going for a meeting or a business trip only to

manifest the crawling nature of the devil as he planted in your mind? The

consequences of carrying out satanic crawl is generational. As a young man where

are you and what are you into? I have met people who told me, she just slept in my

house that night and from there she took in and we got married. Will carelessness

take you to the wrong marriage? May God keep you above satanic crawls, Amen!

1. Thank God for His word to you today.Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 5: Page 124

ometimes it is difficult to readjust but when you envision success adjustment is still

Sthe basics. There are workable examples kept in people's lives that you cannot

necessary ignore. The moment you start seeking for how to make it better, that is

when you will start sinking into trials of other examples laid in history. Life is not a guess

work. When I was in Redeem Christian Church of God as a young Pastor in our fellowship; I

joined RCCG as a student, being the closest church to my house and for the grace on Papa

Adeboye which I greatly covet and admire. I came into the church in Yoruba land (Ibadan)

and my presence was too winsome to be ignored. I joined the beginner's class as a new

convert. My main purpose is to study and learn because there may be a secret to why the

church has gone that broad. I was serious to the classes, didn't want to talk about what I have

known and where I have been. Indeed it was an exposition moment for me, went to

Redemption Camp, walked around the environment in observation of the mightiness of God

and I was relief saying to myself if God could do it here in Papa Adeboye's life and ministry

then He will replicate it in my life. Some persons are full of themselves that they become

blind at the place of observation for development and enhancement of vision. When it is hard

for you to rejoice in the Lord's doing in another person's life then your life is far from the

turning point of God. You can never relate with what you don't appreciate. You cannot

attract what you attack. Someone bought a car instead of you to rejoice with him, you become

bitter saying it is an evil money. Even if it was, you should be able to trust God for that life and

not respond in jealousy. God gives money and better things than whatsoever one can obtain

from evil money. Benny Hinn ventured into healing ministry because he studied the blue

print of Kathrine Kuman, Bishop Oyedepo saw Oral Robert University and knew same can

be in Nigeria, then Covenant University came into existence. Dr Paul Enenche saw Faith

Tabernacle and appreciated it before Glory Dome came. See Jesus example in verse 2 of

today's scripture where it says, “Who was faithful to him that appointed him, as also Moses

was faithful in all his house”. This will leave no doubt in you as to why Moses appeared at the

transfiguration mountain. Jesus studies His character of faithfulness and behaved like Him.

He saved the Israelites from Egypt and Jesus saved the world from satan. He asked God to kill

him instead of the people of Israel and Jesus offered Himself to die so that others may live. He

was the meekest man on earth and Jesus was the most humble man that history has seen. Jesus

studied Moses and went extra mile in all He learnt from Moses’ Character.

1. Father, help me with the knowledge of the blue print.


The excitement of God.

TEXT: (Luke 18 vs. 9 – 14) TEXT: (Luke 18 vs. 9 – 14) TEXT: (Luke 18 vs. 9 – 14)

3. My God, help me to always yielded to your mercy.

2. Jesus, I thank you for your grace upon my life.

The excitement of God is what I hope that Jehovah will plant in our hearts

again, to help us fulfil the mandate He allowed us to carry out. There are

mandates of heaven Jehovah would want you to sustain. The efficacy

of God's grace creates in us a dosage of God's power to place in us what only God

can. It is only God who can do and undo any act of great things in the life of a

believer. Whatever that merits your effort lacks the grace of God. The grace of God

is what manifests the price of Christ and the strength of His sacrifice in us. The

scripture speaking says, “For by grace are ye saved through faith: and that not of

yourselves: it is the gift of God”. God wants it to live in the heart of man; those men

that knows they can do nothing of themselves except they be helped of God's

grace. This is my prayers but I don't know about you. May it not come to a point in

my life where I accredit my progress to self instead of God's grace! May I not come

to that season where I depend on myself more than I depend on God's grace.

Whatever you cannot accredit around yourself is the work that grace does on you.

You have never been a sinner, God took you early, it was grace that took you early.

You have stayed as a virgin since you were born, yes, it was the work that grace did

on you. As a minister maybe a lot of God's move was recorded during your

ministration, yes, it was the grace of God that manifested such light on you. This

could be one of the reasons why Tony Dungy echoed, “I don't have the strength

or wisdom to get through a single day without guidance and grace of God”.

The question is, what you could have done if it was not by the grace of God. Seeing

the passage of the bible where we read, we saw in verse 13 of it saying, “And the

publican , standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but

smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner”. Note: “God be

merciful to me”. You are at the gate of hell when you feel there is no need to ask for

mercy since you cannot remember when last you failed God like the other guy did.

The excitement of God is seeing you yielded at all times to Him” Amen!

1. Oh God, I thank you for your word to me.Prayer Points:


FRIDAY: APRIL 23rd 2021

In all possible ways.

TEXT: (Hebrew 11 vs. 11-16; 36-40) TEXT: (Hebrew 11 vs. 11-16; 36-40) TEXT: (Hebrew 11 vs. 11-16; 36-40)

Worship God in your own way.

t is far better to die for something than live for nothing. I welcome you to

IGod's zone of excellence. In 1803 about 75 Igbos decided to commit suicide by

drowning instead of being slaves at Dunbar creeks on Georgia in the year 1803.

“Igbo Landing”, as it's called is a historic site at Dunbar Creek on St. Simon's Island,

Glyn Country Georgia. It was the setting of a mass suicide in 1803 by captured Igbo

people who had taken control of their slave ship and refused to submit to slavery in

the United States. The event's moral value as a story of resistance towards slavery.

This is an act of bravery. For the reason why one is willing to die for, is better not

to live without. Those Igbo men chose to die instead of being slaves. The kingdom

of God is a do or die affair. Christianity is not an option to life, it is the only way of

life prescribed by Jesus Christ and whoever subscribes to it lives above mockery and

shame. It is time we wake up to the Christian life that is scared of nothing. Stand

straight to declare our calling. The questions are: by what means have you become a

Christian; by what are you inspired and under what will you think of dropping the

bible? Jesus speaking said, “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it, and

whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it”. God is echoing to a hearer of

His word that, “I am about to do the greater, just offer yourself to me in totality”.

Only those who have given their lives in full force to God are the ones responsible

for the greater manifestation of Him. Are you facing any challenge, never forget that

this is your year of “Divine Exposure” and this month of April God has anchored on

you Victory. “Low-grade pain can be so rooted in your being that the pain

begins to look like you, and you begin to look like the pain- it becomes your

identity. I am willing to live and die in Christ; is not a part time business.

Despite how good it becomes for me, I will not give up on him”. Am not talking

about being bad because he makes all things beautiful. Finally Digest this: “Never

lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful. For beauty is God's

handwriting”. Meditate on verse 13 of today's scripture.

1. Oh God hold me for yourself alone.

2. Give me the capacity to live and the heart that is willing to die in you ad for you.

Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 1: Page 120


What is God's opinion?

TEXT: (2 Chronicle 1 vs. 4 – 10) TEXT: (2 Chronicle 1 vs. 4 – 10) TEXT: (2 Chronicle 1 vs. 4 – 10)

2. Jesus, give me the grace to be wise and to walk in wisdom.

ometimes the reason why labour continued is because knowledge is missing.

SThere are already written word of God that can guide one into path of

testimonies. Yes, some battles are not necessary. How can you retain a labourer

who stresses you, a labourer who has no fear of authority? How can you stay in a

relationship where you are abused, prayerfully hopping that the individual involved

will suddenly become a saint and start dining with the Lord. These are deceitful ideas

that amounts to nothing good and great. There was once a missionary who went for a

mission somewhere and during the night while he was sleeping. He got up in the

middle of the night and saw an image in the room where he was lying. He stood against

the image rebuking it, speaking in all the spiritual languages and knowledge he knew

but the image refused to disappear, the battle between him and the image continued till

the breaking of the day. When the day broke he realised that there was no image but the

rain coat that was hanging at the wall in the guest room where he was. God's opinion

has no suggestion where ignorance is at play. God can only inspire what He admires in

us, but he cannot admire what we inspired by foolishness. A lot of things assumed

never happen. Personally I am a deep thinker but beyond that, it is never a thing of

gladness to dwell in the reality your mind suggested that has no path in the realness of

events and matters. God is always against an assumed reality. By knowledge be who

God has called you to be. Fight the battle that are only necessary. Believe the word of

God. If the missionary believed God's word he would have gone to bed knowing that

to resist the devil is declarative and once you declare you don't stand back to watch

him. See verse 10 of today's scripture where it say, “Give me now wisdom and

knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people; for who can judge this thy

people; that is so great?” Solomon understood the place of knowledge and wisdom

that’s why He demanded for it. The absence of knowledge gives you some battles that

are not necessary. There are people troubled by the handshake someone else gave them

because they are ignorant that they are placed far above principalities and powers.

4. Oh God, may I not fight unnecessary battles, Amen!

3. Lord, I shall never fall victim of any sort of limitation.

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.Prayer Points:


SUNNDAY: APRIL 25th 2021

Who does God love?

TEXT: (Luke 19 vs. 1 – 10) TEXT: (Luke 19 vs. 1 – 10) TEXT: (Luke 19 vs. 1 – 10)he love of God is beyond the discretion of men and His love is drastically

Teverlasting. Dwelling in God's love is to come to that point where you honour

God for who He is not minding what has changed around you and what has

not changed. To Love God is not statement base but a reality that is shown by the

character and nature of those who have admitted to love Him, not certainly because of

what He does but because He first loved us. God's love on mankind is not categorised.

He love the world with everyone inclusive (John 3 vs. 16). In today's scripture we saw

the man Zacchaeus when he ran to meet Jesus not just that alone, he was a chief among

the publicans and he was rich. For the scripture to call him rich, he was rich indeed and

famous that Jesus knew him by name. “He tried to see Jesus but couldn't because of his

stature, then being serious with his desire he ran and climbed a sycamore tree to see

him. When Jesus saw him, He called him by his name saying today I will be in your

house. Did it shock you that Jesus knew the name of that sinner whom every other

person rejects. The mystery of God that breaks every man down is the love of God that

is exhibited for mankind. Those who are hurt and rejected by others are the set of

individuals that Jesus always wants to accept. See Zacchaeus response in verse 8

where it says, “And Zacchaeus stood, and said unto the Lord; Behold, Lord, the half

of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken anything from any man by false

accusation I restore him four fold”. While other who have no maximum respect for

God/Jesus was calling him sinner, He was calling Jesus Lord, without any form of

message or word from Jesus. The love of God for all is the magnet that pulls men to

Him. The greatest gospel of all time is that God loves mankind. The greatest mystery

of all time is that God loved man even while they are yet sinners. People should repent

not for the fear of rapture or hell but for the knowledge of the love of God towards

them. I pray with you, may God display His love abundantly in your life in Jesus name,

Amen! You are taken higher in your pursuit in Jesus name, Amen! He loves everyone

irrespective of who they are and the knowledge of that can save anyone and everyone.

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

2. My God I recognise your love on me.

3. Jesus let me live the understanding of your love in my life.

Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 1: Page 120Worship God using your own songs.

MONDAY: APRIL 26th 2021

Don't accept feeling intimidation.

TEXT: (1 Samuel 17 vs. 39 – 43) TEXT: (1 Samuel 17 vs. 39 – 43) TEXT: (1 Samuel 17 vs. 39 – 43)

ntimidation arrives with feeling inferior. I welcome you to the place where

Ithe Almighty dwells alone. In the phase of intimidation boldness is lacking.

Many years Bishop Benson Idahosa visited a restaurant while he was in USA

to eat with a white man. on the process of the meal he ate the chicken given to him

to the point of chewing the bones. The white man felt surprised saying, “Oh, how

can you eat the bones like that, here, it is the dogs that chew bones like that”.

Bishop Idahosa looked at his (white man's) vegetable meal and said, “Oh, how can

you eat grasses like that, in my place (Africa) it is the goat that eats grasses like

that”. Accepted realm of intimidation limits your function in that environment or

atmosphere where you are intimidated. To be far from less functions keep your

zeal alive out of any sort of intimidations. I decree in Jesus name, you are climbing

the height that is above limitations in Jesus name, Amen! See verse 42 of today's

scripture where it says, “And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David; he

disdained him, for he was but a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance”. He

was looking innocent and calm but at same time refused to accept Goliath's

intimidations. Also see verse 43, “And the Philistine said unto David, Am I a dog,

that thou comest to me with stones? And the philistine cursed David by his gods”.

Despite all those drama David's focus and seriousness was intact. He never

allowed Goliath to take him down. Respect God by respecting His interest on

you. Oh yes, God invested in you and you need to be aware of the investment to

dwell in the height He already planned for you. This is the very reason why the

devil fights your boldness and commitment. Yes, He fights your confidence,

because in your confidence is the communication of your faith. I pray for you,

receive boldness and confidence as you are entering into the promised season of

wonders and testimonies. Yes, you are pushing forth into the season of amazing

things. Don't walk around feeling apologetic but move around looking blessed

for you are blessed and energised in Jesus name, Amen!

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

2. My Father, give me the grace to never accept any form of intimidation.

3. I shall not be suppressed or limited in any form in Jesus name, Amen!

Prayer Points:


TUESDAY: APRIL 27th 2021

Don't accept feeling intimidated. (Part 2) TEXT: (1 Samuel 17 vs. 44 – 47) TEXT: (1 Samuel 17 vs. 44 – 47) TEXT: (1 Samuel 17 vs. 44 – 47)

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

4. Today I escape any form of intimidation.

3. Jesus, empower me with goodness and virtue for upliftment and glory.

2. Father, I honour you for your grace towards my life and Destiny.

o take charge of the situation you must be deliberate about speaking

Tthe right thing always. When you say the right thing, then right things

must happen for you. See with me verse 45 of today's scripture where it

says, “Then said David to the philistine, thou comest to me with sword, and with a

spear, and with a shild: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of

the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied”. Defensive words are where the power

lies. A child of God at no time is not allowed to embrace any form of intimidation

from the devil. A child of God is called into newness of life and good experiences by

his outspoken word. From the scripture studied, we saw the threats of Goliath and he

meant them, but threats don't survive a Godly response. David said, “I came to thee

in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel.” Weapons are

powerful but not in a battle where Jehovah is involved. This explains the reason why

Goliath's death was a mystery by one short, why because Jehovah God does not miss

target. Irrespective of how huge or massive the threat may look bring God's word to it,

it cannot survive in time. Yes, bring God's threat to that threatening situation it cannot

survive in time. Yes, the threat of illness and disease cannot survive the proclamation

of the word of God. Intimidating circumstances will always come but the righteous

the Bible said is as bold as a lion (Proverb 28 vs. 1). We are bold because we are sure

we are not condemnable by anything; shout fire! We are also bold because we are

certain of our place in victory. We are sure of our lives in Christ. Yes, we are also sure

of the authority we possess, hence nothing has the capacity to get us condemned in

Jesus name, Amen! Get lose from that intimidating mentality, you deserve everything

good. Yes, you deserve greatness and mightiness. You deserve celebration, you

deserve good marriage. Develop the mind that accept for yourself what your father

would offer to you by Himself. Be selective in your choices, Amen!

Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 2: Page 121

Worship God using song 4: Page 123



TEXT: (Mark 11 vs. 1 – 4) TEXT: (Mark 11 vs. 1 – 4) TEXT: (Mark 11 vs. 1 – 4)

A lot of persons are presently experiencing a bitter life for the reason of

the mission or task they are involved in. As you ponder on that I

welcome you to the path of God's glory and honour. No man honours

like God would do and frankly speaking He honours what He sponsors and

sponsors what He recommends. This does not mean in any way there should be

opposition in missions ordained by God. God's assurance results to ultimate

testimonies and wonders. There are many marriages where the fruit of the womb

kept them on their knees, but this does not mean that it was not God who inspired

the marriage but one thing about what God sponsors is that He announces Himself

on it. Somebody following this voice of God should witness the response of God

in Jesus name, Amen! In today's scripture verse 4 says, “And they went their way,

and found the Calf tied by the door without, in a place where two ways met and

they lose Him!” God sent them on a mission and they found the promised

description. One of the things the Lord is mostly careful to do for a believer is to

show Him the direction of where He is going. He said to the people of Israel I am

taking you to Canaan. In case you don't hear from God through dreams, voices

and the rest, receive the impact now in Jesus name, Amen! Another category of

persons we will be praying for now are those individuals who are presently in a

journey of life where God asked them to walk yet they have not seen the fulfilled

promises, in Jesus name we declare the manifestation of the promises right now in

Jesus name, Amen! In that very path of God you are treading now, you shall find

fulfilment, you shall find establishment in Jesus name, Amen! I pray for someone

that my God shall appear as He represents in your life, Amen! Yes in the path of

godliness you shall meet your spouse, Amen! Yes, in that very path of Godliness

you shall cease from lack and emptiness. Jesus spoke to them about a calf and they

found it, may you find what God has spoken to you about in Jesus name, Amen!

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

2. Mighty God I receive the grace to be outstanding.

3. Father, I receive fulfilment on my journey as you recommend.

Prayer Points:



Mission. (Part 2)

TEXT: (Mark 11 vs. 5 – 8) TEXT: (Mark 11 vs. 5 – 8) TEXT: (Mark 11 vs. 5 – 8)

Worship God in your own way.

3. I shall not be enslaved by circumstances in Jesus name, Amen!

2. Lord, I provoke testimonies of assurance in your sent mission of my life.

1. Father, I receive your authentication in my life and destiny.

ithin the assignment of God are His promises; most times we are not told

Wabout the opposition to the promise. Many times I have seen situations

where people do things that were recommended by God yet within the

process there were battles. Before the Coronavirus spread and lockdown in 2020, one of

our associates in Dubia called me and was telling me of his plan to come to Europe for a

Job, asking if God would recommend that journey for Him. I told him to give me

sometime let me ask God first because applying for that job means leaving everything

he was doing in Dubia for it. According to him many persons were already applying for

it among his friends. When I asked God he showed me where those who applied for it

were stranded and He added that even if he must apply, he should wait till April before

doing that, this was happening around February 2020. I replied him as I heard and he

held back his plan of travelling and applying for the job. From that revelation I didn't

know that God was talking about the global lockdown, then I was even in school trying

to round up my mathematical programme. All those who applied within those periods

were stranded. Listening to God prevents damages. More honourable it is, the privilege

to hear God. Though we are not determining that every door that closed is against God's

will for you. For some of us, it is the Lord that closes those doors to open a better and a

wider one. A door closed by God may not be defined at that time but as time progresses

you will see why. Some of you, all God wanted you to pick is experiences (I will speak

more on this later). How do one overcome satanic opposition in a promise that is within

the Lord's mission, simple and straight. Remind the opposition forces about the one

who promised and the owner of the mission. Your marriage is God's, your business is

God's therefore remind the opposition. See verse 5 of today's scripture where the

opposition was reminded, “And certain of them that stood there said unto them, what do

ye, losing the colt and they said unto them even as Jesus had commanded: and they let

them go”. “They” there are forces and powers that tries to question your authority,

reply them with the name of Jesus. The same voice that asked who is the king of glory in

(Psalm 24) Tell them it is Jesus, the Lord Almighty, the one mighty in battle!”

Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 1: Page 120

FRIDAY: APRIL 30th 2021

How many times has the Lord helped?

TEXT: (Isaiah 23 vs. 14 – 17) TEXT: (Isaiah 23 vs. 14 – 17) TEXT: (Isaiah 23 vs. 14 – 17)

ne of the ways to go far with God is to build the life style of discipline. When

Oyou are disciplined then you can go far with God. For the disciplined God can

count on you. Many persons never does anything without compromise of

faith. Some persons weakness is money, lust, envy, jealousy, and bitterness. Before

God takes you far, he helps you out of these tests. There are people who started serving

God by the inspiration of money, with thoughts like: can't you remember that brother

when he started he has nothing but now houses, cars even Jets are no longer his need.

These are systems in people's life where they are what they are not to the glory of God.

As a result some of them entered into ministry and they cannot endure God's refining

process so they look for alternatives that are Godless. If it is the Lord that will build you,

He takes step by step efforts and process. There are seasons of labour and seasons of

reward. One of my fathers’ in the Lord Evan. Joshua Chukwujekwu calls it seasons of

sowing and harvest. I have seen people who once carried Bible as ministers but now are

traditionalists' even native doctors. They were too impatient to step on the Lord's mark.

Jesus was tempted with food while he was hungry, fame and riches while he was poor

and unpopular. He was also tempted with daring the power of God while He was asked

to jump from the high tower. He succeeded by resisting the devil. There are many of us

who are more sustained and helped by the mercy of God. I have seen situations where

brothers are having affair with someone's wife, dragging someone else's possession,

forgetting that the day is coming when all these things will not matter anymore. God's

mercy is huge but sometimes His mercy cannot bring you to a journey where you are

not willing to go. You are not in a responsibility-free faith. Satan entered Judas

Iscariot's heart but Judas accepted him without any form of resistance and not long he

found himself misbehaving. You are still peaceful after an act that misrepresented God

then the Holy spirit is absent in your heart. (Isaiah 23 vs. 17) says, “Yes, after several

years the Lord will revive Tyre. But she will be no different than she was before. She will

again be a prostitute to all kingdoms around the world”. God revived tyre after

destruction came upon her but she will not be different. For that reason why you

seemed to be frustrated and destroyed, will you still be found in the same crisis.

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

2. Jesus, you are glorious, show me the light of your glory Lord and the compassion of

your love. life and destiny, Amen!

Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 4: Page 123

8. (Zachariah 3 vs. 1-2): I refuse in my life, satanic strategies of limitation.

Aprilr Prayer points: VICTORY.

4. (Philippians 2 vs. 5): In Jesus name, I refuse a defeated mind.

3. (Exodus 14 vs. 14): I command any struggle in my life to bow to Jesus.

5. (Isaiah 42 vs. 9): I decree in Jesus name that I shall not be captivated by my past but I shall reign in glory.

1. (1 Chronicle 16 vs. 34): Oh God I thank you for April, thank you for your glory and power.

7. (Revelation 2 vs. 26): I shall not stop half way on my way to glory, Amen!

2. (Ephesians 2 vs. 10): Most high God I stand in your name to decree to the hearing of devil that I am a project of God, therefore keep off.

6. (2 Kings 1 vs. 10A): Jesus, I demand that your fire shall fall in the territory of the enemies.

9. (Acts 16 vs. 16): Father, give me the grace to always begin again and trust you always.

20. (Deuteronomy 12 vs. 3): I set the altars of darkness on fire trying to exalt their knowledge above God's.

14. (Psalm 92 vs. 10): Jesus, I demand for a fresh encounter with you.

11. (Malachi 3 vs. 6): I know you changes not Jehovah, therefore give me a miracle (Mention it)

16. (1Timothy 6 vs. 2): Let the benefits of Christ not depart from my life.

19. (Psalm 18 vs. 29): Father, put speed on my journey to greatness, there shall be no delay.

17. (Joshua 10 vs. 13): My God I stand in your name to command the sun and the moon that will govern the remaining days of this year to favor me.

13. (Exodus 23 vs. 24): Father I stand in your name to refuse to bow to any challenge attached to my destiny.

12. (Genesis 27 vs. 8): My God, I request for ideas to approach and overcome sudden events.

10. (Numbers 32 vs. 9): Father give me the capacity to occupy until my testimony is received.

18. (Genesis 39 vs. 21): Jesus, I demand for your favor upon my life.

15. John 8 vs. 31): Jesus, make me useful for yourself and your kingdom.








SATURDAY: MAY 1st 2021


1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

2. Jesus, give me the grace to make sacrifices for you.

I welcome you before the one who alone is Jehovah. If you want to represent

God fully this season the most important capsule is to get ready and involve

in sacrifices. The fastest question you really need to answer is what can I do

for God. Countless seasons of prayers, fasting, shutting down the television being

alone with God, avoid things that can pull you down through the help of God.

These and more are effective means of waiting on the Lord and seeing His hand

coming. If you desire for the far stretching of God, glory be to His holy name but

the question also is, how much can you give to Him? I gave my life to Jesus as a

child boy, age 11 back then, immediately I jumped into the Lord's service. God

has helped me in many ways, where I can’t represent perfectly enough His grace

carried me. Today's scripture reveal the secret of Deborah, the one whom we

always celebrate. Here her secret was revealed in verse 5 of today's scripture

where it says, “And she dwelt under the palm tree in Ramah and Bethel in mount

Ephraim; and the children of Israel came up to her for judgement”. The lady

dwelt in mountain Ephraim between Ramah and Bethel. A pitch of

concentration. Despite the outskirt people came there to meet her for their

needs and destiny. You cannot be an eater and make maximum impact. You

cannot be the type that tears ladies pants, rejoicing in your acts and make impact.

The impact focussed starts with the mind of being disciplined in a cause. Arrange

yourself and get prepared for impact, retract from old ways that limits your speed.

It was Kathrine Kuman that asked, “Should I follow Jesus whom I love, who died

for me or I should follow the man I loved”. Behind the healing Crusades was a

lady whose emotional needs were kept aside for the kingdom to be lifted.

Someone could be asking why did God plant emotion on man, when He wanted

man to mind Him alone. The answer is that human life is classic and designed to

link with each other and at the same time God needs our attention also. Plan,

pray, work hard, get a godly spouse and do exploit.

Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 4: Page 123

TEXT: (Judges 4 vs. 1 – 5) TEXT: (Judges 4 vs. 1 – 5) TEXT: (Judges 4 vs. 1 – 5)

What are you willing to give?

SUNDAY: MAY 2nd 2021

Real Smart.

TEXT: (Proverb 16 vs. 25) TEXT: (Proverb 16 vs. 25) TEXT: (Proverb 16 vs. 25)

2. Father, assist me with your power and might.

3. Oh Lord I receive the grace to excel in my endeavours.

1. Jesus, I thank you for your word to me.

ome persons behaves stupid in their actions yet are classified as being smart

Sbut life is not certainly designed that way. I welcome you to the hub where

the opinion of God is revealed. Is not bad to be desperate over things,

desperation is the secret behind tremendous success and achievements. What you

are not desperate about you may not achieve, but in your desperate moves and effort

apply wisdom of God. You are not certainly the only one who came from a poor

family and there are people whose situations are worse than yours but their story

have changed, this tells that stories changes. Instead of being evil, going evil,

playing dangerous cards to settle those need why not be patient and try something

new. When I began to write COF; it was a vision God asked me to carry out. When

He first brought the idea I saw how productive the vision is and I believed God to

help us start, of course we started but the journey was not an easy one. The first

production half of it was not sold before it expired. In the process of writing this,

God has rewarded me in many ways that the revenue from this writing cannot do.

We have shared more free copies than we have sold, the effort, sleepless night and all

that is to see that the name of Jesus is exalted. At a time you have every reason to be

discouraged, confused and to some extent frustrated. Those who took the wrong

step may seem to be ahead but forget them, the end justifies the means. If you are

dogged about your task, open with your mind and determined about your goal,

Jehovah will prosper you. To be smart is to build something, have something and

watch it grow. Believe in yourself and the Lord shall bring great things your way.

Someone said, “The problem with the world is that the stupid are cocksure

(confident) and the intelligent are full of doubt”. Speak, never subject yourself to

fraud and money gotten by evil pursuit, through prostitution, bribery, robbery, and

thieving. Your real self is the self in you that responds when the evil you know and

avoid stands to be the only option you have. Today's scripture says, “There is a way

that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death”.

Prayer Points:


MONDAY: MAY 3rd 2021

Real smart. (Part 2)

TEXT: (Proverb 1 vs. 28 – 32) TEXT: (Proverb 1 vs. 28 – 32) TEXT: (Proverb 1 vs. 28 – 32)

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

obert Kogan was the one who said, “What we mean by maturity in

Rpeople's thinking is not a matter of how smart they are, but it is a matter

of the order of consciousness in which they exercise their smartness or

their lack of it”. I welcome you before Jehovah the man of love. God has a plan for you

but the point is can you follow Him to reach His plan for you. Someone shared a story

of how a girl went to hotel with a man, on reaching the hotel room the man undressed

his shirt and at his back was a rotten wound. Then he opened a brief case he came with

and brought out snake. He gave the girl options of either licking the rotten wound or

sleep with the snake for 200k. The girl wanted to run out of the room but some guards

blocked her exit. She submitted to sleep with the snake after which she got her 200k,

but she only lived to share the story and explained what happened. Some risk, does not

worth it. Evil have escalated, most young people don't want to work anymore;

involving in internet scam and the rest. Smartness is knowing what is right and doing

just that. Who could have told Joseph that the throne awaits him from the day he

refused to sleep with Potiphar's wife. You only know what you have planned and even

your plan is not sure to come out the very way you have planned, but God who asked

you to be integrity wise knows how to reward every good act. Life is a very long

journey to determine its progress by today's success. Someone who doesn't fear

God you are looking at might seem to be prospering but heading towards destruction.

Absalom read history and saw how his father became king but he felt it was what that

time and generation of life suggested. He applied the modern system he assumed, by

attacking his father to take the throne, yet the throne he never smelt and he was never

buried, his body was thrown into a pit. The way of God is same, His foundation is sure

(2 Timothy 2 vs. 19) also digest verse 32 of today's scripture, “For the turning away of

the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them”. God bless


2. Father, I receive the grace to triumph in all my endeavours.

3. Oh God, I receive the wisdom be to be godly smart.

Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 4: Page 123 Worship God using song 5: Page 124

TUESDAY: MAY 4th 2021

Unhealthy Plants.

TEXT: (Matthew 15 vs. 10 – 13) TEXT: (Matthew 15 vs. 10 – 13) TEXT: (Matthew 15 vs. 10 – 13)

Worship God using song 3: Page 124. Prayer Points:



Now is not the end.

TEXT: (Psalm 34 vs. 10-22) TEXT: (Psalm 34 vs. 10-22) TEXT: (Psalm 34 vs. 10-22)

Worship God in your own way.

welcome you to the sanctuary of the governor of life Himself. Having the

Iunderstanding that this unfavourable conditon of yours is not the extent of

your life's journey, is enough to plant in you the capacity to live far better

beyond the shells of your present affliction. “No one can tell what goes on in-

between the person you were and the person you become. No one can chart

that blue and lonely section of hell. There are no maps of the change. You just

come out the other side or you don't” (Stephen King). Though the days are

dark and the time is far spent but the bright sky awaits anyone that hopes a better

life from God. See this: Three years ago my ex-husband threw me out of the

house with nothing but duffle bag with a change of clothes and a plane ticket to

my home state. His reason was because I was mentally ill and he was “tired of

trying to fix me”. I was homeless for a year before I found a home in a group of

the mentally ill. I spent a year and a half there before I moved into a supervised

apartment, enrolled in GED school, adopted a pet, and got my first job doing

volunteer work today. Sorry for bragging. I just can't believe how far I have come

(By M. J January 5th 2019). You see, God is not someone you run with, when you

don't have vision for a better day. “For without faith it is impossible to please

God” (Hebrew 11 vs. 6). I have met men who cried to my witness because of the

setback they were facing in business but today are millionaires. There is an extent

you are about to reach from this present, don't conclude your journey on that

unfavourable destination. There is a level to shift. There is a better place to go.

There is a testimony ahead. Oh Yes! God whispered to our hearing in verse 19 of

today's scripture saying, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord

delivereth him out of them all”. Digest this: “Out of them all”. Beat your chest

and say after me: “In the name of Jesus, I am not concluding my journey


1. My God arise and take me to where you are taking me by your hand.

2. OH God may I never conclude my journey at the wrong place.

Prayer Points:


1. Oh God, I thank you for your power in my life and destiny.

2. Father, today I announce the uprooting of all that Jehovah has not planted in me.

3. My God, assist me to greater heights of destiny, help me arise to that place of


Verse 13) of today's scripture says, “But he answered and said, every plant (which my heavenly father hath not planted shall be rooted up”. The question

is what and what are planted against the Lord. God is the one who plants. I can't

really tell but this series of COF is minding on establishing what can outlast the

pressures of time with God. Jesus spoke out a word contradicting the opinion of the

Pharisees but they couldn't bear it. They cannot endure the sound gospel. Now the

disciples were concerned that the Pharisees were offended. Jesus responded

saying, “Since it was not the Lord that planted them, they shall be rooted up. It was

not God who planted that sickness on you. Yes it is not the Lord who planted

stagnation on you. By the force of God that controls the atmosphere I announce

your freedom and your deliverance in Jesus name, Amen! It w(as not the Lord that

planted that disease. Yes, it was not the Lord that planted that rejection you kept on

experiencing. It can't be the Lord because the Lord's touch is always good. Say with

me: “In the name of Jesus, Whatever that Jehovah has not planted around me

which limits my life, growth, wealth, health, honour, I command be thou

rooted up from the root according to the word of God”. I am seeing a sight

condition the Lord just touched now. Someone who is having serious case of

forgetfulness, that embargo is broken right now in Jesus name, Amen!” In Jesus

name, impossibilities are made possible today and forever, Amen!” “Every

plant”, the Pharisees anger meant nothing. Jesus was equally telling His disciples

that their joining together means nothing and because of that they shall be rooted

up, since it was not the Lord that planted them. It doesn't matter those that have risen

against you, and the shits they have said about you. Speaking against you in the ears

of those God has placed to lift you, forget them, it was not Jehovah that planted

them, and certainly they shall be rooted up”. Dwell in the light and countenance of

your testimony, God bless you, Amen!”

THURSDAY: MAY 6th 2021

The past testimonies?

TEXT: (Luke 21 vs. 11-18), (Psalm 78 vs. 5) TEXT: (Luke 21 vs. 11-18), (Psalm 78 vs. 5) TEXT: (Luke 21 vs. 11-18), (Psalm 78 vs. 5)

Worship God using song 3: Page 124.

2. Father, give me testimonies in Jesus name, Amen!

1. Father, I thank you for your word to me.

eeping a testimony attracts more of it. Sharing a testimony brings

Kmore of it. “The law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul; the

testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the simple” (Psalm 19 vs.

7). As 2021 is running, you got to challenge it with a testimony. It takes a testimony

to remind the devil of such a failure he is. When you testify, you remind God of

how powerful He has been and what you hope to get from Him. Some persons have

ignored their testimonies saying they are not good at testimonies but God is saying

to someone today, testify! On December 25th 2018 a brother testified to my

hearing saying, “I was on the January fasting close 2018. And God servant (Isaac

Chidolue) after prophesying to me, noticed that I am broke, so broke that I had no

dime with me but he told me that by the end of 2018 I will be a millionaire. He also

gave me money from his pocket saying, “This money will attract millions for

you”. As God may have it from that day, my story changed, I got a business contact

which offered me goods in millions on credit and by December 2018 just within a

year God has done as He said, I am now doing business running in millions (Bro

Chijioke). When testimonies are given, miracles are possessed. When heaven

reacts, testimonies are born. God gives you testimony to surprise your present

challenges. David said, “The Lord by whose strength I killed both the lions and the

bear, by the same strength I will destroy Goliath”. Testify today, to the hearing of

the devil. By the Lord whom I succeeded my previous semesters in school, I shall

succeed on this one. By the Lord whom I was lifted and promoted I shall be lifted

again to another height. It is the duty of a Christian to keep his testimony. Your

testimony includes your salvation and journey with God so far, the result of your

fellowship with Him. I decree upon you, “May God give you testimonies this

season in Jesus name, Amen!” Remember when you eat God's testimonies, you

starve for another. Share God's glory and goodness.

Prayer Points:


FRIDAY: MAY 7th 2021

Wisdom in counsel.

TEXT: (Proverb 28 vs. 7 – 9) TEXT: (Proverb 28 vs. 7 – 9) TEXT: (Proverb 28 vs. 7 – 9)

Worship God in your own way.

3. Father, help me to make the right choice at all times.

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

Nobody has known it all at all times, in all places and in all circumstances. I

welcome you to a divine encounter with God. The path of the wise is the

path of counsel. Anybody who doesn't listen to others especially those who

are of value is far from success. I believe that today this story will certainly go a long

way in educating you. Once a time it was a cold and silent night. The weather was

freezing cold. A group of monkeys was on a tree. They were clinging to its branches,

one of the Monkeys said, “I wish we could find some fire, it will help us to keep

warm”. Suddenly they noticed a flock of fireflies. One of the monkeys thought it was

fire. He caught a firefly, he put it under a dry leaf and started blowing at it. Some other

Monkeys also joined in his efforts. In the meanwhile, a sparrow came flying to its

nest, which was on the same tree where monkeys were sitting on. She noticed what

they were doing. The sparrow laughed. She said, “Hey silly Monkeys that is a firefly,

not real fire, I think all of you should take shelter in a cave”. The monkeys did not

listen to the sparrow. They continued to blow at the poor firefly. After sometime, the

Monkeys became very tired. Now they realised that what the sparrow had said was

correct. They set free the firefly and moved to a nearby cave. While persistence is one

of the most defining qualities of success, there is always something new to be learned

every day! Surely the monkeys were persistence but their hard work didn't pay

because they didn't listen. Is not everyone who declined to the plan you have that is

your enemy, some of them saw what you couldn't see. To listen to people of value and

seek counsel from those who have succeeded in the course you want to embark on is a

major medium of escaping a tearful condition. The voice of God is real but sometime

He uses the voices around us to communicate to us. “He that turneth away his ear

from learning the law, even his prayers shall be abomination”. Note: Not that his

prayers shall not be answered, but it shall be abomination. Imagine if the monkeys

were praying for the firefly to be fire. God can send fire but I don’t think He would

want to turn a firefly into a matches. A lawless labour results to emptiness.

2. Jesus, make me wise and help me to listen.

Prayer Points:


. "Don't let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning." - Robert Kiyosaki

Success booster.

. “The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do." Unknown

. "The real test is not whether you avoid this failure, because you won't. It's whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere.”

. ."The secret to success is to know something nobody else knows." Aristotle Onassis

- Jim Rohn

. "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." -- Albert Schweitzer

-- Barack Obama

. . "Don't be distracted by criticism. Remember--the only taste of success some people get is to take a bite out of you." Zig Ziglar

. "If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.”

SATURDAY: MAY 8th 2021

Even though he was wrong and then?

TEXT: (Lamentation 3 vs. 21-37) TEXT: (Lamentation 3 vs. 21-37) TEXT: (Lamentation 3 vs. 21-37)

Worship God using song 3: Page 124.

3. Forgive my ungodly judgements and help me to be like you.

It is lamenting at the depth in which love seems to have disappeared from the house

of God. We have turned into more of judges and less of lovers. More of speakers

and less of actors. More of selfish-interest and less of compassion. If he is actually

wrong and we have proven him to be wrong indeed, should we kill him for being

wrong? People make mistakes; yes, humans are weak and God loves them even with

that, why then do we claim to serve God and yet judges people the way God wouldn't

have judged them. What a sinner a pastor is who has centred his sermon on the errors of

another servant of God. Probably he was caught in the sin of fornication and your

sermon was shifted from Christ to analytic judgement of a man whom you cannot

categorically describe his state with God at the moment. God's word rebukes sin but

does not condemn sinners. Yes, someone said, “Christians who understands the

depth of God's unconditional love also feel the need to share that same love with

others around them”. Loves takes on many forms and shapes in each of our earthly

relationships; but they will be much more impactful when based on the agape love of

Christ. See again verse 22 of today's scripture, “It is of the Lord's mercies that we are

not consumed, because his compassion fail not” (God's compassion fails not). Oh,

the Spirit emphasising on this says to us from today's scripture verse 32 saying, “But

though he cause grief, yet will he have compassion according to the multitude of his

mercies”. Don't condemn who God hasn't condemned. People are more real where they

are loved. As God's servant, I have children who relates to me the deepest secret of their

lives. I also have Fathers who I tell how I slept and where I slept. People develop to

better persons, when they are loved for who they are and counselled to become

better persons. Just accommodate people's flaw and admonish them to be like Christ

and there will be genuine Christians not hypocrites. It was Victor Hogo that said, “The

greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or

rather, loved in spite of ourselves”. May God awake His church to love indeed.

2. My God enable me to love,

1. Oh God I thank for the grace to witness your word.Prayer Points:

40 41

SUNDAY: MAY 9th 2021

The product of God.

TEXT: (Isaiah 45 vs. 8 – 12), (Genesis 1 vs. 27) TEXT: (Isaiah 45 vs. 8 – 12), (Genesis 1 vs. 27) TEXT: (Isaiah 45 vs. 8 – 12), (Genesis 1 vs. 27)

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

od's impact on man is above anything else that would want to challenge

Gman's existence. It is in the true nature of God that authority is revealed.

One of the things man has forgotten too early is that He is a product of God.

If men realises whose product they are, their impact will be wider. The fire they bear

will be heavy. You are more of God than man. Today's second scripture says, “So

God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and

female created he them”. In the image of God you are formed. You are not just a system

with sub-systems on it, you are the product of God. The products of men attains to

height of efficiency but imagine when it involves the product of Jehovah Himself. You

don't just carry a body godly dignified, you also carry a spirit highly exalted.

God's products don't exist on the mercy of anything, they are omnipotent on their own.

Yes, God's product are not manipulated by the occult kingdoms or forces. God's image

is not programmed to end up in frustration. It is high time you start manifesting the

power and grace you bear. God didn't create us as machines, He created us as His seeds.

You are a God in your territory. See verse 11B of today's scripture where it says,

“Ask me of things to come concerning my sons and concerning the work of my

hands command ye me”. God said, things to come concerning His son. Brethren note:

God didn't say things I will do concerning… but things to come, this tells that Jehovah

has gotten your life figured out. You are not here by chance, you are here to walk in

the pattern of the all-knowing Jehovah. Though it looks like you are born in a

manger (low place) but he has planned a throne for you where the world will celebrate

you. I prophecy that someone is ‘in’ for a drastic shift that will shake the world. Be an

African, European, Asian and anywhere you are in the ,God's choice for you is divine.

Finally digest today's scripture, “I have made the earth and created man upon it: I even

my hands have stretched out the heavens and all their hosts have I commanded”. Now

command the earth and its host to favour you, like you copied from your Father.

3. Father, do for me what I cannot do for myself.

4. Oh Lord, do mighty things for me and help me out.

2. My God arise and show me you light all the days of my life.

Prayer Points:


MONDAY: MAY 10th 2021

If you are through.

TEXT: (Hebrew 12 vs. 1-8), (1 Kings 6 vs. 1-2) TEXT: (Hebrew 12 vs. 1-8), (1 Kings 6 vs. 1-2) TEXT: (Hebrew 12 vs. 1-8), (1 Kings 6 vs. 1-2)

Worship God in your own way. 1. Ask God for the grace to never remain a limited place just as the Prophets did in today's

second scripture.

hen you are done can you imagine of a reason to try again to get it done, to prove

Wyourself again. Being done at this point wasn't part of the plan before you

began. Do you know the amazing thing about the feeling to be done? It is the

feeling everyone who has brought something amazing on the table had once in their lives.

Thomas Edison did, likewise Henry ford, Isaac Newton, Peter the Apostle, I also have felt

like that sometimes, Jesus felt the same way too but he didn't give-in to it; Personally I have

found reasons not to give up in Him. It was well printed within the second verse of today's

scripture, “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was

set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the

throne of God”. Initially I wanted to read medicine and surgery in school; that was my

passion from a very young stage of my life. The look was on me, I was many times addressed

as a doctor by so many persons. I started practising as a child with my sister practising nurse.

Of course today she is a nurse but my struggle to enrol ended up with several

disappointments. At a very young stage of my life I have known that I am created to serve God

within the whole time I live. Though I had the passion to read medicine and surgery just for

the experience I wasn't dreaming to practise it or further it after I have gotten the degree. My

family understood the vision I had and did everything within their power to support me,

spend money and all that. One day while I was still reading my Cambridge A-level an angel

appeared to me in a dream saying “God doesn't want you to read medicine, He wants you

to use the time for something else. Reading it will delay the time He wants you to be

useful to Him.” The encounter was plain and clear. He told me, “You can read anything to

PhD level but forget about medicine and surgery. When I was done with my Cambridge A-

level, God commanded me to serve Him faithfully for a period of 2 years before He will

consider retrieving my studies and I did. Brethren within that 2 years a lot happened and this

vision was born. Exactly when two years were over my studies were retrieved; today, I am

almost concluding as a Mathematician. Guess what? I am happier and better. Except if you

don't want to advance in life, you can quit. Except if you really desire to live that average life

that has no impact in this generation, yes, you can quit! God sponsors His will in your life and

prevents what is not His will for you. Yes, you are the next champion. I am fully aware of

where God is taking me, I don't know about you? I am so confident that He is about to make

me a news in the world, I don't about you. Scream Jesus!

2. Give me the grace to never give up, to endure my training process.

Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 2: Page 121

TUESDAY: MAY 11th 2021

Raise the flag!

TEXT: (Psalm 73 vs. 22-28), (Psalm 102 vs. 18-22) TEXT: (Psalm 73 vs. 22-28), (Psalm 102 vs. 18-22) TEXT: (Psalm 73 vs. 22-28), (Psalm 102 vs. 18-22)

he flag is a sign or symbol that represents a nation, organisation/body. When a

Tflag is raised or waved it declares the presence of what it represents. God

revealed to us in verse 21 of today's second scripture says, “To declare the

name of the Lord in Zion and His praise in Jerusalem (wave God's flag)”. In a letter to

Patrick H. Brady, Col, Day recounted his personal recollections of Mike Christian,

POW. The letter was centred in testimony on the flag protection constitutional

amendment before the US senate Judiciary committee. Dear Pat: No one loves liberty

more than those who lose it… and lose it for a long time. I was shot down on August 26

1967…. Captured, escaped and was recaptured some weeks later. I spent 38 months of

my 67 months in solitary (alone). Where I had the time to sort out what is important and

what is not. I started my daily regimen by first saying the pledge allegiance to the flag,

then reciting the Lord's Prayer; and then praying for my family. The reason of doing

that in that order was that I knew above all other things that my country would not

desert me and it was of utmost importance that I do not desert my flag! She was my link

to civilisation. At a time Mike Christian crafted a homemade flag from scrapes. He

sewed it inside one of His shirt and at the pledge time he would turn the shirt wrong

side out, hang it on a line and we (40 men) would say the pledge and render a hand

salute. They found Mike and beat hell out of Him for hours. After a few days Mike

approached me saying, “They got the flag… but they didn't get the needle I made it

with. If you agree… 1'm making another flag!” My answer was “Do it”. When we

stand to wave the flag of God in our generation; narrowing to our society. It is not on

the purpose of pleasing others but on the knowledge of above all things our country

will not desert us. Heaven is my country, declaring the name of God is how I wave the

flag. When we wave this flag we melt down the powers and purpose of the wicked.

Imagine after building a sky scraper on top of it was written, “Who can battle with the

Lord?” After creating a new company the motto is 'Jesus Saves'. You create an airline

and name it, 'Salvation Airline'. Build a new school and name it 'Good Shepard'. Let's

wave the flag of Christ. If men does that for their local country, why can't we do it for

our eternal country, “Heaven”.

2. Oh God I pray for the grace to stand firm and declare your name.

1. Thank God for His word.Prayer Points:


WEDNESDAY: MAY 12th 2021

Why together?

TEXT: (Ephesians 5 vs. 27 – 33) TEXT: (Ephesians 5 vs. 27 – 33) TEXT: (Ephesians 5 vs. 27 – 33)

Worship God in your own way.

on't marry anyone because you are selfish and wanted to escape singlehood

Dyet you are not willing to assist those individuals in their visions. Welcome to

God's own presence. Someone said, “The greatest marriage are built on

teamwork, a mutual respect, a healthy dose of admiration and a never ending portion

of love and grace”. Marriage has been sabotaged in the society because roles are

misinterpreted and knowledge is missing. Recently there was a story that combed through

the air waves of the social media, of a woman whose husband was building their family

house and stopped at a point because of lack of finances. He believed his wife was making

money and asked for her assistance, she declined saying she had no money. Not long after

she went to buy a land worth of 18 million naira and was defrauded by fraudsters. Paid them

18 million naira for a land with fake documents. Why should you be with someone and not

feel their pain? Why should you be with someone and don't understand what they go

through? Why together, if you can't work together? It is a shame that some persons are

deliberately giving satan space in their homes. Verse 31 of today's scripture says, “For this

cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they

two shall be one flesh”. How can they be joined, yet don't feel each other? How can they be

one flesh, yet ignore each other. I pray for you in Jesus name, your marriage shall never

suffer loss in Jesus name, Amen! A man should take his ground in the house and be the

man. Men are Alpha built, take decisions and command your house. By general studies, I

have been able to understand that a house that is not commanded becomes less of the value

expected from it. A commanded house abide to a core value. You are not called in a house to

play the feminine role as a man. You think God has a different opinion about this then see

(Genesis 18 vs. 19): Saying, “For I know him, that he will command his children and his

house hold after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord”. The bible said, men should

love their wives because sometimes by their mysterious nature it is doubted if they actually

do, but now most men lack mystery and few women's heart have departed from their

husbands. I decree, let Jehovah in His infinite wisdom govern your home. Be a blessing in

your marriage by bearing the burdens of your spouse.

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

2. Jesus, arise and show me you glory and grace.

Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 5: Page 124

THURSDAY: MAY 13th 2021

Always a contest.

TEXT: (1 Kings 18 vs. 21-39) TEXT: (1 Kings 18 vs. 21-39) TEXT: (1 Kings 18 vs. 21-39)

Worship God using song 3: Page 124.

3. Oh God may I live for you and your kingdom, Amen!

welcome you to the page of the Lord. The battle between light and darkness

Iis a contest. Having knowledge of the Lord's battle keeps you on advantage

above the enemy. The power of God is the ageless, matchless and undisputable

power. It has no competitor but the wicked ones aren't aware, yes, it is left for

you to show them the God you serve. The power of God responds to anyone that

yields to it. God proves Himself to anyone who calls on Him. Your inability to draw

the wicked to a challenge keeps you coffined and limited. Battle between light and

darkness is a contest. This is applicable everywhere and anywhere. “And the light

shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not” (1 John 1 vs. 5). Verse

24 of today's scripture says, “And call ye on the name of your gods, and I will call on

the name of the LORD: and the God that answereth by fire, let Him be God”. Let the

God who answers be God. For you to create Testimonies within the remaining days

of this month, you must also be willing to create challenges. It is an error to allow an

occult competitor to progress above how you progress in any field or business you

represent. Though they prosper but with time you need to overtake them. It is

improper to believe that wealth belongs to the evil ones. It is a crime to submit

yourself to fear because of the threat and moves of the evil neighbours. Our God

doesn't run from challenges rather He creates them to make a public show of the

enemy. God starts moving from mind-set, it take your believe to begin

wonders. Ken Sande said, “What are you really living for? It's crucial to realise

that you either glorify God or you glorify something or someone else. You are

always making something look big. If you don't glorify God when you are

involved in a conflict, you inevitably show that something else rules your

heart”. When you decree your state to the hearing of others through the strength of

God, God must honour it and glorify himself. Lay your hands on your chest and say

after me, 'Oh God I demand that my life shall glorify you alone and I bring to

subjection any power or kingdom creating a challenge around me, Amen!”

1. Oh God I thank you for your mercy.

2. Jesus I receive the grace to stand firm and out for you.

Prayer Points:


FRIDAY: MAY 14th 2021

Ride on Sir!

TEXT: (1 Samuel 9 vs. 27), (Proverb 30 vs. 5-12) TEXT: (1 Samuel 9 vs. 27), (Proverb 30 vs. 5-12) TEXT: (1 Samuel 9 vs. 27), (Proverb 30 vs. 5-12)

Worship God in your own way.

3. Mighty God increase your grace upon me.

1. Oh God today, I ask that you plant the Spirit of your word in me.

welcome you to the theatre of the custodian of life. Our today's first scripture says,

I“…But stand thou still a while, that I may show thee the word of God” (KJV). “…you

stay with me for a bit. I have a word of God to give you”(MSG). God's word is not

received with absent mindedness. God's word is not prepared for with divided attention for

the person hopping to be used by God, He must get himself ready to be spoken-to by God.

The scripture says, “Stand thou still a while”. In this our time many of us have found it as

part of normal activity to add God's word among the activities to be observed during a

program. Most times they put it among the last thing that should be treated when other sub

activities will be going on. I was in a wedding to minster sometime ago. The wedding was

well prepared for and spent for, but the word of God was programmed to take place while

food is been shared and the attention of the audience was not there, I only spoke for 5mins

and ended the sermon though God being God 5 minutes brought some souls to the

kingdom. God's word should be treated as the most essential part of any gathering where it

is hopped to take place. God's word is given to people, it is not just heard, so a busy hand

may not collect it. At the concentration of my personal study; you don't get mystery with

diverted mind. I can't write COF to the witness of another. It is always written in a hidden

place, shut doors and away from other approaches so that God's mind will properly be

communicated. God reminded us of the essence of this through His word saying, '… that I

may show thee word of God'. This shows that God's word is not just spoken but revealed.

You don't attend a program just to hear God's word but to receive from the revelation of His

word. Dear Pastor, note that God's word is revealed, it is a display terms of His thought. It is

a lecture time with the Holy Ghost. It reveals God in a way the man sitting had not known

before. You didn't preach well based on the amount of ‘ride on sir’, you got but based on

how careful you are to speak the mind of God. It takes the heaviness of God's word to

connect a man to His spirit where He receives from God. The time I know that what God is

saying through me is impactful is when I hear a tongue blow at the background. When I see

men amazed by the wisdom of God. Preaching what attracts 'ride on' from men may be

attracting 'get rid' from God. Most time when I want to prepare God's word for a meeting, I

will hear God ask, “Do you want to peach what I have for them or what you want for them?”

In the content of God's word lays his revelation for your solution.

2. Jesus, help me with the content of your word.

Prayer Points:


SATURDAY: MAY 15th 2021

Ride on Sir! (Part 2)

TEXT: (Proverb 30 vs. 5-12), (Acts 12 vs. 19-25) TEXT: (Proverb 30 vs. 5-12), (Acts 12 vs. 19-25) TEXT: (Proverb 30 vs. 5-12), (Acts 12 vs. 19-25)

Worship God using song 3: Page 124.

or every preacher hear this: “Men can turn a preacher of God's word to a

Fspeaker of men's heart”. When you care to get appreciation after speaking

God's word and no one appreciates you, you may then seek to impress more

of men than God. Verse 5 of today's scripture says, “Every word of God is pure”.

God's word should be judged and treated based on the amount of purity it creates.

There are occasions where men will say something but ended up mocking God.

God's word doesn't condemn but edifies; gives more hope of righteousness to the

righteous. Verse 22 of today's scripture says, “And the people gave a shout saying, it

is the voice of God and not a man”. Very mystical. There was no sign of pride Herod

exhibited. Seeing verse 23 of today's scripture says, “And immediately the angel of

the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms,

and gave up the ghost”. Dear, preacher, guide your walls. Refuse that scream that is

not for the glory of God. Just by their shout and praise Herod died. Note: Herod's

words were not unrighteous because his voice was described like that of a god. Yet

God killed Him not because of what He said but because of men's reaction. If you

must preach God's word, preach with authority, rebuke any analogy around despite

who is involved. We have pampered men too much that they are beginning to handle

God's word with less attention and interest. God is saying to someone be more of a

preacher of me than a preacher to men. John Stott said, “We must allow the word

of God to confront us, to disturb our security, to undermine our complacency and

overthrow our pattern of thought and behaviour”. If you are a preacher preach with

authority, promote the right of God and make people not to misbehave as the word is

moving. Digest this: “The soul can do without everything except the word of

God, with which all of its wants are provided for” (Martin Luther).

3. My God help me to live your word and act it.

2. Father, give me your word.

4. Give me the boldness that declares the reality of your word.

1. Oh Jesus, I thank you for your word to me. Prayer Points:


SUNDAY: MAY 16th 2021

Be intentional.

TEXT: (Genesis 29 vs. 15 – 20) TEXT: (Genesis 29 vs. 15 – 20) TEXT: (Genesis 29 vs. 15 – 20)

Worship God in your own way.

2. Jesus, help me with good intentions and grace to follow you.

here intention is lacking everything is welcomed as what was needed

Wor what should be. Intention is the reason behind execution. Intention is

the justifier of success. Compound success attracts external knowledge,

which in turn celebrates it but basically it takes little success that aligns with intention to

make the compound ones. As a matter of fact in any task you are willing to involve

yourself be intentional. Don't do the job you are doing because it is available, do it

because it is what you planned to do. I am not saying you should stay idol until what you

plan comes, there are sub-plans that can take place before the main plan surfaces. I think

is important you consider these line: “Intentions are clearer with an understandable

plan”. “Sometimes the actualization of intention looks far but it will determine the

basics we involved ourselves with”. A clear life never misses success. If you aligned

with God, He brings around you things that has the capacity to actualize His intentions

around you. When Jacob went to marry Rachel, He was so intentional, in verse 17 – 18

of today's scripture it says, “Leah was tender eyed; but Rachel was beautiful and well

favoured”. Verse 18 says, “And Jacob loved Rachel…” He loved her because she was

beautiful and well favoured. Ladies should listen: “To be beautiful and tender eyed is

fine but to be well favoured is better”. The reason why most amazing relationships

that would have led to marriage clashed was because the lady could either be tender

eyed or beautiful but not well favoured. The advantage of Rachel over Leah was

divine, because she was well favoured. This was why Jacob’s service for 7 years to

have her appeared as few number of days to him (Genesis 29 vs. 20). People can

actually be age mates but not favour mates. It is God's favour that will bring someone to

you, who will stay around and be zealous to see you prosper! The same goes in every

area of life, be intentional. God has reason why He sent His son Jesus Christ (John 3 vs.

16), (John 10 vs. 10). Jesus had a reason why He died on the cross and resurrected (John

14 vs. 3), (John 16 vs. 7). The real question is what is the reason why you have

woken up today? What is the reason why you are walking in this month? What is the

reason why the day is going as it is going for you? May God help and assist you.

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

3. Father, restore my focus to life and help me to persist to good cause.

Prayer Points:


MONDAY: MAY 17th 2021 Do you have a master?

TEXT: (Malachi 1 vs. 1-8) TEXT: (Malachi 1 vs. 1-8) TEXT: (Malachi 1 vs. 1-8)

Worship God using song 3: Page 124.

3. Jesus help me to do your will continually.

od takes no recognition of you until you serve according to His plan for

Gyou. What conviction do you have before doing what you are doing?

Under whose grace were you called to serve? Are you just serving the

church or are you serving God? Any service within the house of God that is not

anchored on the voice of God has no reward. Pastors, we should not recruit more

workers but pray that God should send labourers. God helping me after my second

year in the Lord I haven't served anywhere without His voice likewise my Children

and Fathers. A man who serves God outside of His direction/voice is compelled, but

the fellow who serve by His recommendation is inspired to do more. It takes the

voice of God to make noise for Him in your service. Serving God begins with serving

His own (Servant). Meditate on verse 6 of today's scripture. Let God tell you today

where to serve and how to serve. I heard one of the respected Pastors I know saying

that in His church long ago, as a leader of a particular group he resigned. Reason

being that in the dream of the night He met the lord as He came with an assessment

file to grade their participation/effort as group members. According to Him the major

calling of the group is to Evangelize which includes morning crying, hospital

visitation and others. The members were cooperating effectively and group moving

so sound. The most graded of the members was a brother who wasn't responsive in

most of the evangelism activities but he brings money sometimes to the group leader

to enable them power their evangelism instruments either through batteries or

fuelling. Though other members scored reasonable scores but as the leader he scored

zero (0). He asked the Lord, what have I done and God replied softly saying, “Have

you asked me what to do? Have I showed you your office before?” Who is your

Master? Where were you sent to serve? Jesus was sent by God to men, Moses to

Jethro, Samuel to Eli/Israel, Peter to Christ, I to CRP and this generation. Who

Master's your service? Don't be compelled to serve but be led to serve.

1. Oh God show me your glory and how to serve.

2. Father, May I serve you faithfully.

Prayer Points:


TUESDAY: MAY 18th 2021

Exposed to Danger.

TEXT: (1 Corinthians 13 vs. 28 – 33) TEXT: (1 Corinthians 13 vs. 28 – 33) TEXT: (1 Corinthians 13 vs. 28 – 33)

Worship God in your own way.

2. Father, show me mercy today.

any persons are revealed to danger! Being around a high-tension is risky

Mbut not bad, but what happens when those around ask you to touch it and

verify whether it shocks for them. The dangerous society is not the

problem, the problem is the people surrounding you. If God wants to lift a man, He

bring men close to him, so what do you think the devil will do if he wants to bring a man

down? Devil copies the same. Some persons you met in life are not there for your lifting

and progress. Is not everyone that came across you came for blessing and upliftment.

There are people who are not in a good condition of life today and it wouldn't have been

so if it is not for the person that came across them. There was this lady who had sickle

cell anemia. Irrespective of the blood dysfunction she appears diligent and good to be

with, you can hardly come across her and will not like her. She read medical related

course; done with studies, trying to move forward in life then the devil brought people

around her. Any group of persons that makes you dilute or change your core value that

aligns with the word of God are not from God. Friendship that has no eternity and

earthly gain of values has no reason for continuation. When those group of friends

came to her, they told her that she needed a boyfriend. You know satan comes in

disguise. She needed a boyfriend; meaning to enter into a relationship. For a lady of her

level and class to enter in a relationship is not bad, but they meant finding her a sex

partner for whom I suspect was the one that sent them to help him fetch her. She began

to have intimate relationship with the man who was an HIV/Aids positive patience, she

contracted the disease. Imagine her health condition (Sick cell anemia) contracting

such illness with those weak antibodies. She couldn't manage it and she lost her life in

the process. Nothing destroys faster than joining a group your soul rejected just to

appear as though you follow the trending. Verse 33 of today's scripture echoed, “Be not

deceived: evil communication corrupt good manners”. Which evil communication

are you allowing around you gradually? It is obvious that you need money, is it enough

reason to join scammers? Yes, you needed someone that will love you and treat you

right is that the reason you turned to a prostitute. Jehovah shall still show us mercy

today, Amen!

1. Jesus, I thank you for your word to me.Prayer Points:


WEDNESDAY: MAY 19th 2021

If you can't beat them.

TEXT: (Joshua 22 vs. 4-5), (Proverb 21 vs. 1-5) TEXT: (Joshua 22 vs. 4-5), (Proverb 21 vs. 1-5) TEXT: (Joshua 22 vs. 4-5), (Proverb 21 vs. 1-5)

OF is a book existing for God's interest. God calls men but chooses a man. The

Cplace that captures God's attention is the place you give Him in your heart. There are

many brethren of fire but with coldness of heart as it relates to God. Once a time,

there was a young man who was following the ways of the Lord. He accompanied a brother to

visit a President of a particular Christian organisation. The President took interest on the

young man and invited him to their fellowship. The Christian organisation is based on

evangelism. This very young Christ follower was the youngest among the members of the

organisation being at his 12th year then. He served diligently and determined. The president

gave him more privileges to serve. The young lad was growing, determined and optimistic; at

a time in the sane organisation he climbed the ladders of promotion until he got to the peak,

overtaking all that were there before him because the grace of God was on Him. As God was

taking him up he served the more and not long it was commissioned in his hand to carry a

body of the ministry known as “Christ Reigning People”. Today God has elevated Him to the

level of the Senior Servant of such an amazing godly organisation with children all over the

globe all by the mercy of God. My story is just a graceful one. I must confess that I can't really

trace what I have done to deserve what God has been bringing to my life. God sometimes

keeps your feet on the shoulders of another man to climb the hills He wishes for you. The

instrument of God's elevation in my ministry and service to God is Evangelist David Igweonu

(President ETEM). I was the 12 year old young lover of God who is now an instrument in God

hands to establish nations for Him. It has not been easy but God’s love and mercy abounds.

He heard God about me even when I was little and looked less productive. I don't know what

you imagine but am most grateful to God for aligning me with such bearing and compass

even in my young stage of life. In the world everybody cannot be serious at the same time, but

if you are aware of the purpose you are existing for then you need to live actively to witness

the miracles you seek. “The leading rule for the lawyer as for the man of another calling

is diligence. Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today” (Lincoln Quotes).

God does not commit in your hand what is against your passion. I didn't start serving in

ETEM because I heard from God but I started serving because I found peace in serving there

until 2014 when God told me to stay and sit there. There is no anointing for a lazy man. It is so

disrespectful to be reported on the bases of laziness when you are on the field of serving God.

Today ETEM is far bigger than we met it even with the disappearances of many people I met

there as a child. Verse 5 of today's second scripture says, “The thought of the diligent is

plenteousness but of every one that is hasty only to want.

1. Oh God I demand for the grace to be strong when others are weak.Prayer Points:


THURSDAY: MAY 20th 2021

Integrity Cures.

TEXT: (Job 2 vs. 7 – 10) TEXT: (Job 2 vs. 7 – 10) TEXT: (Job 2 vs. 7 – 10)

3. Present that which borders your heart to the Lord Almighty.

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

welcome you to the place where God alone inspires. Your integrity per time

Idetermine your height in life. Many people appears good but only few can be

trusted. If you want to grow against all odds do what is significantly right. I once

came across a story where a young man got an appointment from the governor to

secure a particular contract. He arrived the governor's office with bike. The governor

asked him to retain the bike(Okada) man. As they both went into the governor's

office. Amidst their conversation the governor remembered the bike man, and asked

him to go and settle him; giving him 100k saying, give this 100k to the bike man. The

young man said Okay. When he got outside he gave the bike man 5k and kept back

95k. Not knowing to him that the governor sent one of his guard to monitor the

process. At that point I wasn't thinking the governor was not angry with him already

but when he returned to the governor's office and the governor asked him, how much

did you give to the bike man, he said 100k, instead of mentioning the actual amount

he gave, he lied to the governor and that got the governor angry. Of course he lost the

contract and appointment from the governor which is worth billions. Daily our

integrity is tested knowingly or unknowingly. The problem with some people is not

like God will not bless them but integrity is missing in them. It is better you keep

integrity than gathering wealth through lies and cheating another. That almost

everyone does it, does not mean that it is right doing it. That it is beneficial doesn't

mean it should be kept. Before you blame God for not blessing you, have you failed

the opportunity He created for you to be blessed? Keeping a clean slate activates

boldness and keeps your mind free. In verse 9 of today's scripture we saw, “Then

said his wife unto him, dost thou still retain thine integrity? Curse God and die.” The

integrity of Job was an obvious one, it was no secret to anyone, his wife knows he was

retaining it. No one was in doubt of it. I agree with you today, may the Lord build on

us an integrity that is great. Yes, Jehovah will set us on high above mountains by the

seed of integrity. Amen!

2. Oh God, I receive the integrity that cures.

Prayer Points:

53Worship God using song 4: Page 123

Worship God using song 2: Page 121

FRIDAY: MAY 21st 2021

The Ratio for Holiness.

TEXT: (Psalm 29 vs. 20, (Roman 1 vs. 1-7) TEXT: (Psalm 29 vs. 20, (Roman 1 vs. 1-7) TEXT: (Psalm 29 vs. 20, (Roman 1 vs. 1-7)

o some persons, holiness is strictly the act of trying to be good, do well and

Tappear in a way familiar to the sense of your church as regards true

Christianity; holiness is far beyond that. Today's first scripture revealed,

“Give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name; worship the Lord in the beauty of

holiness”. God is speaking to someone's hearing saying, “Holiness is my nature;

holiness is me”. You can't be like God by just copying to be like Him. You become like

Him by yielding your spirit to his until His spirit possess you and live from you. Who is

the fellow that has the spirit of God in him? Yes, it is that fellow that does what God

directs Him to do. You may not accept wearing trouser. Does it suggest that wearing

trouser is bad? No, it is not because as a man I wear trouser and God doesn't complain

when I do. The major problem is that trouser isn't a decent wear for ladies because of

the nature of their body. It makes a lot of them appear naked; it defaults the purpose of

dressing, and speaks a different message entirely. Dressing isn't to promote seduction

but to cover nakedness. God is modest, He doesn't want you to live without shame and

be infected with strange spirits. Holiness is a code of godliness. A child of God having

God in him is guided with godly conscience; hearing voice of what to do and what not

to do, that's spirit of holiness. There is another realm of holiness that this space here

cannot permit me to introduce but get the basics, “No child of God is under the law”.

Apostle Paul speaking on today's second scripture verse 4 says, “And declared to be

the son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness”. Struggling to be holy

cannot keep you holy. You need power first because it is the power that brings the

Spirit. “For as many as are led by the Spirit they are the sons of God” (Romans 8 vs.

14). You cannot be led by the Spirit and remain a sinner (Galatians 5 vs. 16). The

church should concentrate more in giving out the Spirit. Jesus said, if you keep my

command you are my friends (John 15 vs. 14); later he saw that it is difficult for man to

keep his command, then he said, “When the Holy Spirit shall come he shall guide you

into all truth” (John 16 vs. 13). The ratio of Holiness is the level of the Spirit of God

one possess and obeys.

1. Oh God I thank you for your word.

2. Jesus, give ne the grace to serve you faithfully.

Prayer Points:


SATURDAY: MAY 22nd 2021

Platform or a plate of food.

TEXT: (Genesis 25 vs. 25-34) TEXT: (Genesis 25 vs. 25-34) TEXT: (Genesis 25 vs. 25-34)

Worship God in your own way.

3. Father today give me the grace to plan my calendar and activity with enough time

allocated to you.

1. Oh God I thank you for your word.

n my time today as God is using my hand to write this is 5:00pm and this

Ostarted since 9:00am today without food. To eat is good but what capacity does it

add to the person you are becoming? If you cannot fast for your mission you are yet

to begin. Though we have fasted at the beginning of the year and at month beginning as the

case may be but what level of fast do you prepare for yourself? Fasting is not only to stay

hungry and deny yourself food. There are other forms of fasting which includes: Moral

fasting, financial fasting, character and discipline fasting. Depending on the one you need to

execute without which one cannot climb the mountains. Considering verse 27 of our

scripture today, “And the boys grew: and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and

Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents” (KJV). “The boys grew up: Esau became an expert

hunter, an outdoors man. Jacob was a quit man preferring life indoors among the tents”.

Between the two, Esau was described as the most productive and industrial person. He was

always out for adventures. Jacob was more of an internal man who stays indoor. Yes, Esau

was called for greatness and was prepared for it. He was already stepping on that walk-way of

greatness but there is a problem with his psychology of life. He gave more of his energy to

adventures and less attention to God. Jacob's indoor wasn't due to lack of opportunities but

because he was of the opinion that says, “Staying 'in' will give me what I seek. In a year of

365.25 days. You are out every day, no time to sit down and plan, and no time to stay back and

pray. No time to ignore the adventures and seek God. Result producers are not just men in the

field but men who stays back for strategy. Brethren, Jacob desired for the birth right. What an

inessential idea to climb his mind? How did he know the importance of the birth right?

That means he disregarded his own and valued his brother's more. He studied about it while in

the tent. The one possessing it knows no value of it but an indoor man knows. I guess he must

have tried other means of getting the birth right before that opportunity but didn't succeed. A

man of fasting sees. Ask God for platform not for a plate of food. Despite his daily

adventures he secured no meat to prepare for his father at his dying bed. I learnt that Jacob

didn't hunt that day he just took a goat from the house. Don't seek more from the outside

than you see from the inside. Pray before going for exam though you prepared well. Pray

before going to work though you an expert. May God help us!

Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 5: Page 124


Country: Nigeria.

It is of more blessing to give than to be given. I welcome you to our partnership link. Please partner as you are led (instructed or convinced by God). You can make use of any of these levels as you are led. There are earthly and heavenly attachments attached to all these levels. You can access them as you make use of any of these levels. Send us the number of the level you are led to partner with and then we will expose you to the earthly attachments. Prepare your special prayer points and send them on request. Every level of partnership is exposed to the benefit of writing us your prayer request. The servant of God takes them to the mountain of God p e r s o n a l l y . S e n d y o u r d e t a i l s t o ( E m a i l : [email protected] or SMS: +2347032970127) as you are shown below.

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56 57

SUNDAY: MAY 23rd 2021

Vision or Greed.

TEXT: (Proverb 28 vs. 23 – 26)) TEXT: (Proverb 28 vs. 23 – 26)) TEXT: (Proverb 28 vs. 23 – 26))

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

2. Father, I receive the right vision and let go greed of any form.

3. Father, find me worthy of your honour and grace in Jesus name, Amen!

ome persons are not visionary in expectant of great things they are just

Sgreedy. I welcome you to this piece of God's wisdom. In the language of

some persons expectation is their greed revealed. Some persons desires

great places in life simply to satisfy their greed. I believe God that the story below

shall be helpful to us. “Sam and Tom were identical twins. They were so identical

that even their mother found it difficult to distinguish one from the other, at least

during their initial days on earth. However they were very different from each

other when it comes to everything, other than their appearance. Sam had no friend,

while Tom is a great friend maker. Sam loved sweet but Tom loved spicy food and

Sam was Mummy's pet while Tom was Daddy's pet. While Sam was generous and

selfless, Tom was greedy and selfish! As Sam and Tom grew up their father wanted

to share his fortune equally amongst them. However, Tom did not agree and he

argued that whoever proved to be more intelligent and strong would have to get a

bigger share of the wealth, Sam agreed. Their father decide to organise a

completion between the two. He asked the two sons to walk as long as they could

and return home before sunset. The wealth would be divided in proportion to the

distance covered. As a rule of the completion they were not permitted to carry a

watch to keep track of the time. A vision turns into a greed the time you are doing

what you are doing to be better than someone else. God is always angry with one

who is selfish. Yes, someone who cannot be of genuine assistance to someone else.

The sponsorship of God arrives when there is a genuine reason attached to task and

expectations. Are you asking God for a child to be able to prove a striking point to

someone who does not have? You want to be a big Pastor or Man of God to

intimidate those who grew with you and never believed in you. Verse 25 of today's

scripture says, “He that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife: but he that putteth

his trust in the Lord shall be made fat”. If you want to prove a proud point you

shall be in strife, but if you trust God you shall be expanded.

Prayer Points:


MONDAY: MAY 24th 2021

Vision or Greed. (Part 2)

TEXT: (Philippians 2 vs. 1 – 5) TEXT: (Philippians 2 vs. 1 – 5) TEXT: (Philippians 2 vs. 1 – 5)

welcome you before the place of God. A man who lives his life by greed does

Inot go far into a place of honour but is kept by the evil in his heart. In

continuation of the story we saw the previous day (You can read the

yesterday's devotion, to have a clearer background). The following day Sam and

Tom set out to walk. It was a rather sunny day. Sam walked slowly and steady, while

Tom broke into a sprint as he was bent on winning the race and winning a greater

portion of his father's wealth. Sam knew that it would be ideal to walk as far as

possible until noon and start walking home at noon as it would take same amount of

time to walk back home. Knowing this Sam decided to turn back for home at noon

so as to reach home on time. However, Tom with his greed to earn more wealth did

not attempt to return home even after mid-noon. He walked twice as long as Sam

and thought he would still be able to return home before sunset. He hurried back

when he saw the sun turn orange. Unfortunately, he could not make it half way

home as the sun started to set. Slowly darkness engulfed his path and he had to drag

his tired feet back home. His greed caused him to over-estimate his own abilities

and this led to him lose the race and money in the process. It is tempting sometimes

to pull a fast one to get ahead of everyone else. Sam's hard work and conservative

idea paid off, he was able to win the raise through persistence. By all means

eliminate strife and grief from your heart. That brother or sister you always speak

against, is it not because of your greed. Those recommendations you give just about

yourself, your this and that is it not to maintain strife. There is this Ego in man that

most times want to leave the impression that you are doing well especially among

those you consider as your subordinates but the Bible said in verse 3 of today's

scripture saying, “Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory themselves”.

God bless you abundantly, Amen.

Prayer Points;

2. Oh God, help me to be outstanding in my thought and idea.

3. Father by your blood I destroy the root of greed in me in Jesus name, Amen!

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 2: Page 121Worship God using song 3: Page 122

TUESDAY: MAY 25th 2021

Which Christian are you?

TEXT: (Romans 15 vs. 1-7) TEXT: (Romans 15 vs. 1-7) TEXT: (Romans 15 vs. 1-7)

1. God I thank you for your word to me.

3. My God give me the direction to do it as you want.

welcome you to the throne of the giver of life and lift of men. Someone said,

I“The world calls for and expects from us, simplicity of life, the spirit of

prayers, charity towards all, especially towards the lowly and poor,

obedience and humility, detachment, and self-sacrifice”. Without mark of

holiness, our word will have difficulty in touching the heart of modern man. The

Christianity of Christ is the kind that cares about the weakness of others and still

keeps it secret. The Christianity of Christ likes to make the unhappy happy and

puts joy in the face of the sorrowful. Once a time, there was a poor kid growing up

whose mother sends to birthday parties with no present just so he could eat. At a

time he understood his position in those events and became as embarrassed as hell.

In his fifth grade his friend's mum invited him to sleep over night before the actual

birthday party. When her daughter was in the shower, the mom laid out the toys

that she bought her daughter for her birthday, She let him pick one to wrap and put

his name on it. The same young boy is now 37 and still remains grateful for such an

act of kindness and love from a strange mom who is thoughtful and loving. That's

an impact that will never die. By our actions we impact lives. Don't just be the

Pastor who preaches alone but also be the kind that understands how to touch lives.

Don't speak in tongues and go blind to the needs of a brother who you can

comfortably help. There are Christians who find it so dissatisfying to help

someone in need. It is time to fix it up with Christ. It is the actual time to do it the

way Christ would. God speaking to us in verse 2 of today's scripture says,

“Strength is for service not for status”. It is our duty to look out for the good in

others asking ourselves, 'How can I help?' If you help someone in his need when

he needs it, you have communicated Christ enough more than your words

could say. God forbid those who takes joy in making mockery of others weakness.

Support someone's academics, business, marriage, ministry as God gives you

grace. Be Part of COF Prayer Network anywhere you are, just Dial: 07066085556.

2. Jesus, help me to be a help to the needy.

Prayer Points:


WEDNESDAY: MAY 26th 2021

Risk it for God. (The man with first fruit).

TEXT: (Psalm 51 vs. 10 – 17) TEXT: (Psalm 51 vs. 10 – 17) TEXT: (Psalm 51 vs. 10 – 17)

2. Father, arise and help me to do great things for you.

hat risk do you take for the Lord? You can take a deep thought and

Wponder on that question. God has a lot of risks He is aiming for people

to risk . I myself I am strongly believing and trusting God to empower

me with grace to take extra ordinary risks for Him. Some persons when they were

young they made a lot of promises to God which might include: “Any day I sleep

with someone that is not my spouse or I break my virginity kill me”. Of course many

among the persons who made such promises have broken them yet instead of

killing them God has blessed them more because Jehovah is aware of the weakness

of man and the incapability of man. There was once a man in Nigeria, who at the

beginning of a particular year he said to God, “Any money that entered my hand

first this year I shall give them all to you. No matter the amount, how big or small it

is”. Jehovah heard and took his record, not long after the prayers a whooping sum of

#450 Million entered his hand. It was heavy, a thought to change his mind came but

he encouraged himself and wrote the cheque and brought it to his Pastor. The Pastor

didn't check the content of the cheque until He left. When the Pastor checked he

drove to his house and told him, is like you made a mistake on the figure you wrote

on the cheque. The man smile and said it was deliberate, that it was what he agreed

with God. Before the end of that month about a Billion entered his hand. As at now

he has 9 aircraft: I mean 9 Aeroplanes in Nigeria. God has never been the one owing

any man anything. If you know how to risk it for him, He will know how to make it

great for you. I have asked Him to take all of me for Himself. To risk it for God is to

develop a strong God-first mentality. Father push me for the extra. Someone once

came to me and said Sir I want to be the one paying for the COF production till

eternity. He has been on it. You can do same for a certain increase in quantity as you

are led by GOD. (Psalm 51 vs. 17): “The sacrifice of God are a broken spirit: a

broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou will not despise”. When you break your

heart in humility to reverence God, He defends His jealousy on you.

3. Jehovah, help me to take amazing risks for you, in Jesus name, Amen!

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 2: Page 121 Worship God using song 5: Page 124

THURSDAY: MAY 27th 2021

God Helps.

TEXT: (Psalm 121 vs. 1-8), (2 Chronicle 14 vs. 7-15) TEXT: (Psalm 121 vs. 1-8), (2 Chronicle 14 vs. 7-15) TEXT: (Psalm 121 vs. 1-8), (2 Chronicle 14 vs. 7-15)

Worship God using song 3: Page 124.

he help of God is the secret to heap of joy. I welcome you to the

Tthrone of grace sitted on it is the king of kings and the fountain of life,

Jesus the living God. To be helped by God is the beginning of

greatness. The help of God distinguishes from the struggle of men. The help of

God takes one to where he wouldn't have taken himself. Yes, God's help gives

man what he wouldn't have given himself. Asa prayed in verse 11 of today's

scripture saying, “… Lord, it is nothing with thee to help, whether with many or

with them that have no power: help us, O lord our God; for we rest on thee, and

in thy name we go against this multitude. O Lord thou art our God: let not man

prevail against thee”. I don't know the multitude that stands before you this

2021, it may look very impossible to achieve the pictures in your mind and they

have stood before you as a multitude, but God is assuring you today that I can

help and my help has no match! Lift your hand with me and say, “Oh God as

May is coming to an end arise and help me, push me to greater places, take

me to greater height. Give me greater testimony and bless me abundantly;

in Jesus name, Amen!” You don't experience a destiny shift except the Lord

helps you. You don't sing a new song except the Lord helps you. You don't

experience a new grace except he Lord helps you… It was by the help of God

that Asa ran farther than the Ethiopians and achieved victory. It is very

essential and necessary to move to a place of godly help. The experience is

definitely different from what you might have known. At this point it might be

obvious to you that you have done nothing to warrant His grace. It is clear to

you that it is no longer by your effort. David cried out in verse 1 of today's first

scripture saying, “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from where cometh my

help? (Verse 2), My Help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and

earth”. It is a waste of time and energy to look up to man for help. I prophecy to

you today, “Godly help in Jesus name, Amen”.

2. Father, you are the help of the helpless, Help me Jesus, Amen!

1. Oh God I need your help therefore help me today.Prayer Points:


FRIDAY: MAY 28th 2021


TEXT: (Matthew 4 vs. 15 – 17) TEXT: (Matthew 4 vs. 15 – 17) TEXT: (Matthew 4 vs. 15 – 17)

Worship God in your own way. Prayer Points;

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

od's kingdom is a place where glory is revealed. He is able at all times and

Gin all places. I welcome you to the sanctuary of the One who is Jehovah all

by Himself. Verse 17 of today's scripture says, “From that time Jesus

began to preach and to say repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”. From which

time, indeed the kingdom of God is really at hand. Repentance in the heart of a person

is what God expects to occur at a time. No one is born into repentance; your parents

may be God's people but their repentance is not your repentance. You could be born

in a praying family by praying parents but repentance is not still what your praying

parents does for you. Every individual who claims to belong to Christ most come to

that point where the individual willingly and consciously repent from his/her old

ways. The reason for repentance is not because of the Pastor's message, it is not also

because of anyone's persuasion but simply because of JESUS. Jesus was the one who

preached. The message we speak now is not different. Jesus is our message, and He

is the only sure message that can change, and save. Your repentance is justified

when you accept the call of Christ through His preaching. Yes Jesus preached and He

is still preaching. Today is still the day to hearken to His message and turn to a new

person, see page 82 to take step on this. Why again should you repent, for the

kingdom of heaven is at hand. There are individuals who just mind the world. Trying

all their possible best to make the earth their heaven but that satisfaction of heaven is

not found anywhere here. Expectation and plan should spur you into understanding

that humanity is not concluding here. Life goes beyond the energy of this planet.

Time and people trances beyond this horizon. No one has eternity to stay here and

everyone living today must one day disappear from this atmosphere to a place of

eternity and no one without repentance will enter Heaven. To repent is to turn away

from evil ways and ways that does not justify the nature of God. Develop a mind of

value for God and a mentality that rejects the old ways of sin that leads to destruction.

Be a new person and lead a new life.

2. Jehovah, give me a new heart and life that fears you.

3. Jesus, come afresh into my life and be my God.

Prayer Points:


SATURDAY: MAY 29th 2021

Achieve what you dreamt.

TEXT: (Exodus 14 vs. 13-14), (Joel 2 vs. 28) TEXT: (Exodus 14 vs. 13-14), (Joel 2 vs. 28) TEXT: (Exodus 14 vs. 13-14), (Joel 2 vs. 28)

thank God for your life because I know you are heading to somewhere very

Igreat. Have you had some dreams in the past? Are those dreams still relevant?

What's the essence of actualizing them? Is it important to be transformed into a

reality? When dreams are acted upon it becomes a vision. God sighting Moses in our

board today revealed in verse 13 of our first scripture that he dream in his mind first.

There was crisis, confusion and complaints among the children of Israel. Then he

dreamed that since the Lord brought us here He didn't plan to stop us here. He

imagined in His mind that there must be a deliverance. By this time there was no clue

within him of how the deliverance would come but he dreamt and say to the Israelites,

“…Fear ye not, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will show you

today: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen today, ye shall see them again no more

forever”. When dreams are declared, their manifestation occurs. You cannot see a

dream you haven't spoken to someone's hearing manifesting. It is time to proclaim

your dreams: “O yes, to someone, it is certain you are getting married before the

end of this year, Amen!” Someone needs to say this: “Have I told you that my

company is about to experience a new drive”. Whatever that is given to God's strength

does not fail. Whatever God cannot do, cannot be done. If it is by the strength of

God that you are casting your hope then your dream is absolutely possible. Do things

that will manifest the dream, take step, it may look as nothing but when steps taken are

compounded a dream shows up as a reality. I guess that's the mentality of Colin

Powell that made him to say, “A dream doesn't become a reality through magic, it

takes sweat, determination and hand work”. I believe this will make a juice for

you, “Keep your dreams alive, understand to achieve anything requires faith and

belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all

things are possible for those who believe” (Gail Devers).God bless you!

3. Jesus, uphold me by your might to achieve my dreams.

1. Father, thank you for keeping me through this year and month.

2. Mighty God help me to be yours now and always.

Prayer Points:


SUNDAY: MAY 30th 2021

Grow in Christ.

TEXT: (Psalm 37 vs. 10 – 16) TEXT: (Psalm 37 vs. 10 – 16) TEXT: (Psalm 37 vs. 10 – 16)erse 16 of today's scripture echoed, “A little that a righteous man hath is

Vbetter than the riches of many wicked”. A lot of people recently have been

victimized with all sort of oppression and intimidations. This has led many

individuals to slavery of money and occultism. Evil have increased and pressures are

much especially among the young people to follow among the trending, rushing into

paths of destruction. Youths joining all manner of groups and society to plus their

theft (Yahoo) and many evil. Why has things degenerate to this level because of

greed and show off; believe me when I tell you we are in a generation where many

persons are living just to make impression to others that things are fine with them.

Some bought the cars they don't need, living in a mansion that is far above their

income. The purpose of wealth determines what should be done with it. You don't

become big only when you do evil, there are a lot of genuine people that are very rich

and wealthy even among the young people. Someone told me that the worst mistake

he made as a youth was to limit his fellowship with God because he had the mentality

that people of God are broke. He was speaking in regret as an adult. When I was a kid

I visited one of my relative's village. As we were walking about I saw a massive

mansion, white painted but was looking deserted. Then I became curious to ask who

owns the house. The eldest among us said, “It was so and so but he is late now, they

killed him abroad due to drug dealings”. The way of evil takes the life of those that

journeyed from it. May be not today or not too soon but it will certainly not last; it was

not programmed for preservation. I have videos of young men and women who ran

mad here and there and some are majorly victims of this satanic processes. God

blesses but He develops your capacity before placing pleasure on you. Verse 11 of

today's scripture sited, “But the meek shall inherit the earth; and delight themselves

in the abundance of peace”. Oh, what can be satisfying above the abundance of

peace? Don't focus on people, don't envy what they have got, don't be carried away

by their move of pleasure and wicked riches. Is it car and mansions you want Jehovah

gives it as many as you want to have. When you follow God and do what he wants you

to do, then relax, other things will certainly fall in place.

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me, Father, let me grow in You!Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 1: Page 120

Worship God using song 4: Page 123

MONDAY: MAY 31st 2021

The only road that exist.

TEXT: (John 14 vs. 1-7), (John 18 vs. 3-8) TEXT: (John 14 vs. 1-7), (John 18 vs. 3-8) TEXT: (John 14 vs. 1-7), (John 18 vs. 3-8)

welcome you by the Holy Spirit to the last day of May which the very month

Iyou are divinely supported to access God's promises and plan for your life and

destiny. Some persons are confused on what is the choice of Christ. What is the

place of Christ too? Jesus lived on earth like us. He passed most stages of growth

until he became an adult. He lived as a normal human being. This tells that there

were times he feel pressed and had need to visit the toilet. He passed through the

puberty stage. He combed his hair, went to market for shopping and bought one of

the most expensive cloths then (this shows that he minded his appearance and was

sensitive to look smart). He had friends and relatives, he had inner circle friends

who aren't afraid to say some certain thing to him because he came in flesh though

he wasn't just a man. (John 1 vs. 14): “And the word was made flesh, and dwelt

among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the father)

full of grace and truth”. It is very essential to note that the only reason Jesus came on

earth was to reveal the way of the Father to man. David prayed a prayer in Psalm 86

vs. 11 saying, “Teach me thy way oh Lord; I will walk in thy truth; unite my heart

to fear thy name”. Yes he prayed, and inside of Him were the generations of Israel

and God responded to the prayers by sending Christ to the earth. Jesus confirming

why he came said in verse 6 of today's first scripture saying, “I am the way, the truth

and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (KJV). “I am the road, also

the truth, also the life. No one gets to the Father apart from me” (MSG). It is wrong

to consider any other road in life as the idealistic road to successful life. He is the

only road that exist to Godliness. In this coming June, only by Him can great things

be accessed. Only by Him can the beauty of life be known. Are you in Him, then

walk in His road as well. Live like He recommends. Don't be intimidated because

you are on the best part of life. “I feel God in my spirit addressing us to develop

the discernment that says unapologetic 'No' to ways that violate the growth of

the nature and gospel of Jesus Christ”. (Eugene H. Peterson).

1. Oh God thank you for your word to me today.

2. Jesus, give me the grace to live for you and you alone.

Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 1: Page 120

If you are in Nigeria send us your details also as you will be fixed adequately. Prayer Network in Nigerian is mostly done on Thursdays weekly.

We need your details to be able to fix you to the existing prayer network near to you or to start up one with you. Your details are also important to the servant of God since he will be using them to be praying for you as a member of the COF family.

Prayer Network

How Do I Belong To This Prayer Network?

I welcome you to the channels of God's visitation. It is a praying signal meant for kingdom warriors. It is a prayer bulldozer that scares the wicked. It is a prayer fire that makes satanic altars a past. It is the later apostolic manifestation of fire. It is not just a gathering of prayer warrior but the gathering of weapons in the hand of the Almighty God with aim to frustrate the moves of the darkness, to receive the mandate that occupies until Christ comes.

1) Forward your details (Name, nation, city and address) to us through e-mail or SMS (e-mail: . [email protected]: +2347032970127)2) You can also identify to be a host of the prayer network in your city, provided you have about 10 COF users in the part of the world where you are...



13. Mighty God, today, walk into the door of exploit (Make a move).

15. Power of the land and the sea I command you to favour me in Jesus name, Amen!'

10. Faithful God, I decree increase in all areas of my life.

May Prayer Points: TESTIMONIES!

8. In Jesus name, I unseat any Herod seeking for my life.9. Jesus, equip me with heavenly powers.

11. I move into God's plan for my destiny.12. My God, I refuse to stay at any place of pity, in Jesus name, Amen!

16. I silence every voice, spirit or demon speaking against me in Jesus name, Amen!17. In Jesus name, I set on fire altars that are questioning my greatness.18. My Lord Jesus, I bury myself inside of you.

2. As I am in May, may I not shade tears.

14. In Jesus name, I renounce any misconduct projected against me.

19. Abba Father, make me a wonder to this stage.20. I shall not be mocked by people or situations around me in Jesus name, Amen!

6. My God, you are an opportunity give, give me that opportunity thst will shine my destiny.

1. Lord Jesus, I bless you for bring me into May.

5. Any lie in the atmosphere against me, be filtered out of the earth.

7. I cease to be a game instrument of the devil

3. Thou God of my battles, you know how weak I am, therefore Jehovah wage my battles.4. I receive the hand of fire that whatever I touch shall flourish.








TUESDAY: JUNE 1st 2021

“Proud and Boastful” a killing virus.

TEXT: (Luke 14 vs. 8 -11) TEXT: (Luke 14 vs. 8 -11) TEXT: (Luke 14 vs. 8 -11)

Worship God in your own way.

here was a proud teak tree in the forest. He was tall and strong, there was a small

Therb next to the tree. The teak tree said, “I am very handsome and strong, no one

can defeat me”. Hearing this the herb replied, “Dear friend too much pride is

harmful. Even the strong can fall one day”. The teak ignored the herb's words. He

continued to praise himself. A strong wind blew. The teak stood firmly. Even when it

rained the teak stood strong by spreading its leaves. During these times, the herb bowed

low. The teak made fun of the herb. One day there was storm in the forest, the herb bowed

low. As usual the teak did not want to bow. The storm kept growing strong and the teak

could no longer bear it. He felt his strength giving way. He tried his best to stand upright,

but in the end he fell down. That was the end of the tall tree. When everything was calm

again, the herb stood straight. He looked around and saw that the proud teak had fallen.

Do not let your pride get in the way of overcoming great difficulties. The proud teak was

so prideful; his inability to yield caused his own fall. A proud man is an enemy of God.

You have signed for God resistance and destruction the moment you deliberately

decide to walk in pride. Some are proud of the school they went to, the house they built,

the spouse they married, and so many other areas. God expects man to honour Him for

every little progress you make considering you cannot do anything without Him. He

controls your heart and the systems and sub-systems that compounds your body. This was

what Jude saw when he wrote in Jude 1 vs. 25 saying, “To the only wise God our saviour

be glory and majesty, dominance and power, both now and ever”. God's glory in your

life is now and ever. Anyone that does not give glory to God is appointed to fall. See it

clearly stated in verse 11 of today's scripture where it says, “For whosoever exalteth

himself shall be abased; and he that humbeth himself shall be exaulted”. You shall be

exaulted if you stay humble at all time, Amen!

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

2. Jesus, arise and teach me your humility.

3. I take away any form of pride and arrogance that dwells in me in Jesus name, Amen!

Prayer Points:



Mighty God.

TEXT: (Deuteronomy 7 vs. 19 – 21) TEXT: (Deuteronomy 7 vs. 19 – 21) TEXT: (Deuteronomy 7 vs. 19 – 21)

2. Father, I receive the grace to stand and triumph.

4. I stand today against anything that challenges the supremacy of God in my life.

3. Father, teach me your mightiness in my life.

he Lord whom we believe in is not just God but the one who is mighty. All His

Tworks are mighty, His way is powerful. Everything in the universe testifies

about the gloriousness of God. If you can understand a little of God's concept

it is going to help you a long way in your walk with Him. If I could ask you why are you

alive right now? Maybe you cannot tell or probably you can but human life is anchored

on few functional systems. The liquid that flows in your veins keeps you living. When

the blood stops flowing or exposed to places that are not the veins or arteries the person

dies (Then we say he/she bled to death). When the heart stops working someone dies

too. So right now your body is working with a pressure that is not risky. People dies of

cardiovascular diseases: embolus and myocardial inflation. These are risks, when if

the body retains the person dies. When oxygen has no access into the body the person

dies also. So life is so fragile and daily God proves it to men that He is the ruler of life,

yet many don't see it. Human life is a mystery that testifies of God's goodness. The

concept of egg and cells coming together to form a baby in the womb, then grows to

adult and obtain some influential position in life and yet questions the existence of Him

who built this system and watches over it by Himself alone. The analysis of this will

make man to appear like one of the animals whose intelligence is not wise enough to

fathom the wisdom of the one who formed Him. You are alive today surely because the

Lord keeps you away from the arrows of death and definitely He will still keep you. If

you realise how far the Lord has been your help you will not fear the acts and moves of

the enemy. In verse 21 of today's scripture the word of God says, “Thou shall not be

affrighted at them; for the Lord thy God is among you, a mighty God and terrible”.

Lord is mighty and terrible. Since you are living today, you shall live to fulfil your

days. You shall shine in God light of encounter and glory, Amen!

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 2: Page 121


Slave to others.

TEXT: (1 Peter 4 vs. 10 – 14) TEXT: (1 Peter 4 vs. 10 – 14) TEXT: (1 Peter 4 vs. 10 – 14)

2. Father, show me your light and your glory.

ou appear as a slave to others the moment their words and

Yassumption of you determine your action around them. To live as a

king is a calling, you are yourself as an individual. Recently I came across

a news of a young man who committed suicide because his family members are

saying that he is an academic failure coupled with the regret of other political

struggle that didn't materialize. He hung himself and died. Someone else took sniper

because his girlfriend cheated on him. Great destinies are personally believed.

Kings are decision makers that don't mind other's opinion. Anybody can say anything

but what did the Almighty say? Building your life on others decision and imagination

about you is a crime to Destiny and goals. Build your trust in God to the point that

anyone else is a lair when they tell you things that does not worth your destiny.

You are great by God already, you will see the manifestation of that when you keep on

holding on Him as your only source. When you live by people's recommendation, it

means you are a slave to them. From today stop living by people's description of you,

live faithfully and gratefully. Be focussed and sincere mostly to yourself, then reveal

the person you want to be to others through your action and attitude in public. The

young man lost his life simply because he was subject to external opinions. The

world will always doubt you even your family will. They doubted Jesus, then what

makes you think they won't doubt you. Looking deep into it you will discover that the

superiority of God is really amazing and He operates with you based on what you

think not what others think of you, “For as a man thinketh in his heart so is he”

(Luke 6 vs. 45). You are exactly who you think you are! Verse 14 of today's scripture

says, “If ye be reproached for the name of Christ happy are ye; for the spirit of glory

and of God resteth upon you; on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is

glorified”. When evil is said of you, you should cause you to glorify God.

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

3. Jesus, help me not to be a slave to what I hear from others.

Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 3: Page 122

FRIDAY: JUNE 4th 2021


TEXT: (Matthew 13 vs. 33-37), (Psalm 119 vs. 9) TEXT: (Matthew 13 vs. 33-37), (Psalm 119 vs. 9) TEXT: (Matthew 13 vs. 33-37), (Psalm 119 vs. 9)

Worship God using song 3: Page 124.

2. Father, I demand for the capacity for excellence and exploit.

he living is moving. As men lives their life changes because they have

Tactually moved to a location of life different from the one they are already

used to or they witnessed in the past. The point is that once an individual

encounters Christ his life shape changes because his creation has changed as well. So it

improper for one to remain frustrated after salvation or after an encounter with Christ.

This was the mind in Eugene H. Peterson when he said, “To follow Jesus implies that

we enter into a way of life that is given character and shape and direction by the

one who calls us”. I guess you came across God's tablet in verse 34 of today's first

scripture which says, “For the son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his

house and gave authority to his servants, and to everyman his work, and commanded

the porter to watch”. This season of the year you need a new mind-set that you are

moving into a brighter day”. Anyone within the circumference of God shouldn't be

hopeless. It is an improper fraction to expect a life lesser than the one you have lived in

the past. It may be a clear example of reality to notice that your income went down. It

could also be part of it to notice that your source of increase and expectation has

reduced. It might still make sense to understand that your privilege in the past and now

are not the same, nevertheless you need to understand your atmosphere. Your present

location in life is in the place of the man who lives in you to shape your life. For we do

not live by the weather, either fair or dark, our source is in Christ Jesus. You don't

change level except your mind is changed. From our scripture today, God first gave us

authority and then commissioned work to us. It is by authority that we determine our

lives. Until you utilize your authority in Christ you may still a victim of satanic

molestation. Exploit is available for individuals with authority. Are you in the convent

of Christ, then you are moving into greatness, breakthrough, taking what is yours by

fire and reaching your place of glory. Digest verse 9 of today's second scripture, “You

can only cleanse your ways by living the word of God”. Get your way cleansed from

poverty, lowness, and causalities. Pray in the Holy Ghost.

1. O God hold me to move me to your place of excellence.Prayer Points:



Avoid selfishness.

TEXT: (1 Thessalonians 4 vs. 6-12) TEXT: (1 Thessalonians 4 vs. 6-12) TEXT: (1 Thessalonians 4 vs. 6-12)

welcome you to the place of God! If your whole life is still centred on only

Iyou at this stage of your life don't you think you are underutilising your

potential? The major essence of life is to put smile on the face of others and

bring hope to the deserted. On January 11th 2019 the news carried, “Woman

brought to tears by thank you note after an act of kindness in Grocery store”.

Sonya Macmillan 25 was checking out at market basket last week when she

realised the 84 years-old man behind her has forgotten his wallet. He really looked

flustered and he was like 'Oh my god I don't have my wallet'. Sonya was cashing

out with her groceries and was like “oh you don't have a lot, you can just go on

mine and I will pay for you”. The old man insisted that Sonya give him her name

and address so he could pay her back. After the day Sonya received a letter in the

mail from the grateful senior citizen saying, “You saved me a lot of trouble, my

wife was ill and I wanted to get back to her. I'm not very young anymore 84-

years old and it's not a surprise I left my wallet at home, I shall always

remember your kindness”. Inside the letter was a cheque for the groceries she

had bought him, however, Sonya says, she is not going to cash it. I have something

that I look at every morning when I leave my room it says, “Be the reason that

someone smiles today” said Macmillan Sonya. Are you the very reason why

another person is smiling today? Christianity with no impact on humanity is equal

to calamity. Righteousness cannot be shown outside of brotherly love.

Holiness is incomplete without extending the hand of love. For God called us to

love (1 John 4 vs. 16). Due to the essentiality of this, the Spirit of God pointed to us

on today's scripture verse 9 saying, “As touching brotherly love ye need not that I

write unto you: for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another. The major

calling from God to all Christians is to live for the need of another. You can share a

bag of rice with someone who you know find it hard to feed with his family, Make

yourself available as a helper where God has positioned you to help.

2. Ask God for the grace to act selflessly.

1. Thank God for Himself.Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 2: Page 121

SUNDAY: JUNE 6th 2021

The experience to excel.

TEXT: (Isaiah 42 vs. 16) TEXT: (Isaiah 42 vs. 16) TEXT: (Isaiah 42 vs. 16)

God is so wise and infinite. A lot around me today tells me so. In the past five

years or more there are things that has happened around me that I don't know

how they would have happened if God didn't intervene. A young well

qualified officer left the Job in Lagos and immigrated to Canada for better prospects and

applied for sales man's job at Vancouver's premier downtown department store. It was

the biggest store in the world: you could get anything there. The boss asked him, “Have

you ever been a salesman before?” Yes sir, I was a salesman in Nigeria. The boss liked

him and said, “You can start tomorrow. Learn fast and do well”. The first working day

was long and arduous for the young man but he got through it, finally 6pm came around.

The boss duly fronted up and asked, “How many sales did you make today?” “Sir I

made one sale!” Shot back the boss. “No! No! You see most of my staff make 20 or 30

sales a day. If you want to keep this job, you would be doing better than just one sale. By

the way how much was your sale worth?” “$933,005.00 (#466,502,500)” Said the man.

“What? How did you manage that?” Asked the flabbergasted boss”. Great things

sometimes does not come from many places but just one place. One place of honour.

There are experiences you take in life that will be to your advantage. I preach by grace

and do it very well simply because God anointed me to do so, but more to it He also

exposed me to preaching channels from my childhood days. He reveal ministerial

opportunities and platforms to me which I treasure and cherish. You cannot make too

much testimonies without classic experience. More to that may the Lord give you a shift

that will be greater than 100 threads. Some people progress, build houses, after a time

buy car, after sometimes get married and after sometimes… but there are those like me,

I don't know who is in the same category with me, “Who will buy car, build houses,

get married and achieve great things in life all at the same time”. Today's scripture

says, “And I will bring the blind by a way they knew not; I will lead them in paths that

they have not known: I will make darkness light before them”.

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

2. Jesus, give me the grace to be outstanding in my endeavours.

3. Father, I receive the grace to excel, in Jesus name, Amen!

Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 1: Page 120

MONDAY: JUNE 7th 2021

If not.

TEXT:(1 Samuel 17 vs. 34 -37) TEXT:(1 Samuel 17 vs. 34 -37) TEXT:(1 Samuel 17 vs. 34 -37)

ntil you understand “why not” you may still pamper some reasons why

Uyou will not move to where God wants you to be. The possibility of success

is also attached to what the successful does. There is no spiritual gauge to

gage our Christianity or level of spirituality but I am certain that anyone within the

circle of God is up to something very great and satisfying in life. He is the Christian

athlete that said, “With God anything is possible… I demolish training today;

thank you God”. He was described by the Hollow verse as. “Bible-believing, God-

honouring, Jesus-worshipping Christian”. He is Usian Bolt. In 1996 when he watched

the Atlanta Olympics 100 metre finals, he decided to be the fastest man on earth the

same day. I assume he said to himself, 'why can't I be, I got the capacity energy and

ability to be'. In Bolt's 20's he was diagnosed with sever scoliosis (abnormal lateral

curvature of the spine). The doctor said that he could probably never compete again. He

didn't give up and found a way to keep his back in good condition. People don't fail

because of obstacle, they only fail because they have never said to themselves once I

live, and success is a must, why not! Someone said, “If you want to win you have to

develop a strong will to win than any of your competitors have. If you have enough

strong will to achieve something, you will usually find a way to reach it”. The truth

is that we most often don't know what we are capable of until we dare to do something.

Most persons don't know much of what they can do until they find themselves in a

situation left with no option. What you need is intensified passion. Considering

today's scripture I was imagining the urge that David had to face Goliath, indeed he

wasn't the strongest, he didn’t go to fast and pray first but he jumped into action:

because he had a testimony, knowing fully well that God encourages the act of the

righteous with goodness and greatness. Verse 36 says, “Thy servant slew the lion and

the bear, and this uncircumcised philistine shall be as one of them, seeing he hath defied

the armies of the living God. Can you see the insult the situation around you has caused

both you and God? Are you ready to face it and push out gloriously? Bolt's success

began with daring. Start something now, add more passion to the one you did.

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

2. Father, give me the grace to say why not.

3. Oh God I receive the grace to act and produce results.

Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 2: Page 121

TUESDAY: JUNE 8th 2021

The experience to excel. (Part 2)

TEXT: (Proverb 21 vs. 1 – 5) TEXT: (Proverb 21 vs. 1 – 5) TEXT: (Proverb 21 vs. 1 – 5)

Worship God using song 3: Page 124.

xcellency is not an accident, it is the combination of little things that

Ecompounds excellence. There are people who are no normal simply

because they passed through some abnormal experiences in life. My own

terms for abnormality is above-normal. In continuation of previous story we have:

(You can read two days ago study to have a full and clearer background to what it is).

“...Well said the salesman, “This man came in and I sold him a small fish hook, then

a medium hook and finally a really large hook. Then I sold him a good fishing rod

and some fishing gear. Then I asked him where he was going fishing and he said

down the coast. So I told him he would be needing a boat, so I took him down to the

boat department and sold 20-foot schooner with the twin engines. Then he said his

Volkswagen wouldn't be able to carry it, so I took him to our automotive department

and sold him that new Deluxe 4x4 Blazer. I then asked him where he will be staying,

since he had not decided, I took him to camping department and sold him a six-

sleeper camper tent. Then he said I should throw in about $200 worth of groceries

and two cases of juice. The boss took two steps back and asked in astonishment,

“You sold all that to a guy who came-in for a fish hook??” No sir, answered the

young man, “He came in to buy sanitary napkins for his wife and I convinced him

that since he will be bored with his wife being in period. Fishing is the best remedy

for boredom”. Boss: “where did you acquire this professional training?” “Onitsha

Main Market in Anambra state Nigeria sir”. Everything that comes your way is a

channel for your expansion. Great people are majorly individuals that are careful

with their environmental observations. They observe their environment and

locations, knowing that what is stored in the environment can bear their glory. It was

the rod in Moses hand that the Lord used for His upliftment. Verse 5 of today's

scripture says, “The thought of the diligent tends only to plenteousness; but of

everyone that is hasty only to want”. Diligence is a major goal setter among risk

takers. If you are not diligent enough you hardly progress to an exciting height of

advancement. May God make you from the experiences you have gathered.

4. Father release to me all I need to go far in life, Amen.

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.Prayer Points:



Sick of their presence.

TEXT:(Proverb 13 vs. 15-21) TEXT:(Proverb 13 vs. 15-21) TEXT:(Proverb 13 vs. 15-21)

eople often use words like, I am sick of him, her and things like that, or

Phe/she pisses me off. In fact some goes very advance and says that he/she

irritates me or stinks. As the case may be whichever party you fall? Is there

a need to rethink, adjust, or to be sensitive? The emotional man can at a time get

sick of himself talk more of the people around him. Obviously the nature of some

men can actually cause some persons sickness. Don't be sick of your wife, don't be

irritated about your child. Those two are still part of you. Never be disappointed

in yourself because yourself is all your owe your-self. It is by yourself you live and

it is for yourself that you will become all you will be. Until you are sick of those

groups, company and persons that limit your sight, you shall go nowhere. Be

surrounded with people that impresses you to step further. Anybody you tell your

vision and they condemn it by reminding you of how small your capacity is to

actualise that, resist them. Remember it is a different thing to be advised. You can

be able to differentiate when a proper advise or instruction is coming to you and

also when you motivation is being reduced. There maybe someone who is hopping

to buy a car but his need is not a car but a land probably. God isn't telling us to resist

those that guides our plan properly with wise advises but let's resist those

individuals that see no good in us. Jehovah sounded audible enough in verse 20 of

our scripture today saying, “Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with

fools and watch your life fall to pieces” (MSG). Bassey Johson made a shout

when he said, “To be of good quality, you have to excuse yourself from the

pressure of shallow and callow minded individuals”. Avoid where you see no

possibility. Refuse that association which cannot facilitate your growth. You need

to take 'in' this capsule, “The key is to keep company only with people who

uplifts you, whose presence calls forth your best”. May God push you to the

right place! May God supply to you all you need to shine. May Jehovah bring

around you those you need to excel. Stop that company that gives you no reason to


2. Oh God scan me today and remove the wrong people away from my Life.

1. Oh God I bless you for your word to me.Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 5: Page 124

THURSDAY: JUNE 10th 2021

Sick of their presence. (Part 2)

TEXT: (Proverb 8 vs. 12-16) TEXT: (Proverb 8 vs. 12-16) TEXT: (Proverb 8 vs. 12-16)

Worship God using song 3: Page 124.

2. Ask God for the grace and ability to live excellent life.

ay God give you the insight that stays up to your goal and never be

Mdiscouraged. It is the will of God for you that you drive through the road

of life and come out to the other side bigger and better than you have been.

One of the best methods of taking a long step to greatness is to search out for the right

company and get the right counsellors. “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in

the multitude of counsellors there is safety” (Proverb 11 vs. 14). God's word (Bible) is

a book that counsels; it guides one into the proper channels of life. John Pier made a

point when he said, “Darkness comes, in the middle of it, the future looks blank,

the temptation to quit is huge. Don't quit, you are in good company… you will

argue with yourself that there is no way forward. But with God, nothing is

impossible. He has more ropes and ladders and tunnels out of the pit than you can

conceive. Wait, pray without ceasing, hope.” Years ago I got an invitation to come

somewhere to minister God's word. It is above 5 years now. After the word of God

came; an altar call was made among those that came out was this young boy who told

me later that God's word touched his heart. Saying he was there just to play drums after

which he was to go for initiation into an existing cult then. He also mentioned that he

had bought the drinks and all that was needed to perfect the initiation. He meant his

salvation and walked with God. Few years later, many members of the cult were killed

which he could have been among. What a Mighty God we serve? The same young man

is in Canada today furthering his higher education, with a good Job, married and the

wife will give birth hopefully this month. Get sick of destiny limiters! Destiny

limiters could be the only barrier preventing someone's speed this 2021. Izaak Walton

echoed, “Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter”. I think it is

necessary you hear George Washington who said, “It is far better to be alone than to

be in bad company”. Today's scripture verse 14 says, “Counsel is mine, and sound

wisdom: I [am] understanding; I have strength”. It is by God that wisdom is found.

God is saying to someone, I recommend no company that is outside my circle. Only

within me is wisdom and knowledge found. May God motivate you the more in Jesus

name, Amen! Join our Home Cell Service near you 4:00PM on Sundays.

1. Bless the name of God for keeping your alive.Prayer Points:


FRIDAY: JUNE 11th 2021

Spend time with family.

TEXT:(Hebrew 10 vs. 20 – 25) TEXT:(Hebrew 10 vs. 20 – 25) TEXT:(Hebrew 10 vs. 20 – 25)

hile at a park one day, a woman sat down to a man on a bench near a

Wplayground. That's my son over there”, She said, pointing to a little boy

on red sweater who was gliding down the slide. “He is a fine looking

boy”, the man replied. “That's my daughter on a bike in the white dress”. Then looking

at his watch, he called to his daughter. “When do you say we go Melissa?” Melissa

pleaded, “Just few more minutes, Dad. Please? Just five more minute”. The man

nodded and Melissa continued to ride her bike to her heart's content. Minutes passed

and the Father stood and called again to his daughter. Time to go now?” Again Melissa

pleaded, “Five more minutes, Dad. Just few more minutes”. The man smiled and said,

ok. “My, you certainly are a patient father,” The woman responded. The man smiled

and then said, “Her older brother Tommy was killed by a drunk driver last year while

he was riding his bike near here. I never spent much time with Tommy and now I would

give anything for just five more minutes with Melissa. She thinks she had five more

minutes to ride her bike. The truth is I get five more minutes to watch her play. Life as a

student can be downright hectic but as long as your priorities are straight, you will be

able to make the most out of your hard work. No matter how busy things get, don't

forget to spend time with people that matters to you! Be a responsible family member.

Get in touch always with your family. The time we spend with our loved ones is the

time that matters. Verse 25 of today's scripture says, “Not forsaking the assemblies of

ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another; and so much

the more, as ye see the day approaching”. If you are busy for your family it leads to

regret. If you are not abiding by the rule of balance, it will really affect you

negatively. When everything is gone you are left only with family. Especially young

families, learn to make out time for your family so that you can plant in them those

things the Lord has planted in your heart at all time. Every time and resources spent on

family is worth it. God bless you!

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

2. Jesus, arise and show me your grace and glory.

3. Father, help me to spend time with my family.

Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 2: Page 121

SATURDAY: JUNE 12th 2021

Declare your intention to stay safe.

TEXT: (Psalm 57 vs. 1-11) TEXT: (Psalm 57 vs. 1-11) TEXT: (Psalm 57 vs. 1-11)

Worship God using song 3: Page 124. 1. Oh God, I thank you for your word.

2. Jesus arise and show forth your grace and praise in me.

Many individuals are victims of people's opinion about them. When

you live by the shadow of others and their description of you, you

may find it very hard to live the life of your choice. It has been the

system of men to subdue another and to resist such, one needs to roar like a

lion. The point where self-protection starts is when an individual refuses to be

pitted. The life you live is mostly governed by the mentality you built. 5 years ago

from January 11th 2021 a lady was taken to a psychiatric ward for the 1st time.

She was lost, hopeless, consumed by the idea of ending her life. And now guess

what; she was placed in the same psychiatric ward as a student of mental health

nurse. Yes, things change, they don't stay hard forever. I don't know what a lion

feels inside but he still roars. He roars to show that he is still in charge. God did

not deny man the control of his life. You may not control what comes to you

but you can control how you react to them. The lady above, protested that she

is not mad. They refused to accept it. I don't know if your recognised God's word

in verse 7 of today's scripture which says, “My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is

fixed: I will sing and give you praise” (KJV). I think the MSG narration of it will

cause an inspiration in you, it says, “I'm ready God, so ready, ready from head to

toe, ready to sing, ready to raise a tune”. Lay your hand on your chest and say

after me: “I am the very wrong person to be pitted. I am the wrong person to

be described as the unfortunate, in Jesus name, Amen!” It doesn't matter what

is not right around you, say what you want to see, declare where you are going.

The Psalmist said, “I am ready, so ready to shout despite the plans and agenda

of the wicked”. Refuse what you don't want to use. Reject what you don't want to

get. Renounce the news you don't want to hear. Protest to protect yourself. Say no

to their opinion that suppresses the person you are, no matter how correct

they maybe.

Prayer Points:


5) Vision your eternity; heaven through Jesus and hell through self.6) Then, pray the prayer below.

Take the following steps, if you wish to give your life to Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior.

Heaven's Knock

2) Recognize that Jesus died on the cross for you.

1) Recognize your sins, and also recall that you are just a being that cannot fathom his origin.

3) Recognize that He took your blames and punishments to save you from sin and eternal condemnation.4) Decide to live for Him by dropping your old life and old ways as He gives you grace.

Father, I come to you for help. On this journey I have come across some bumps that took me off your track. Please merciful Daddy I am sorry and I return like the prodigal son. Please Oh Lord have mercy on me and take me back to your wheel as I journey with you, aiming my eternal glory in Christ. Amen!

Lord Jesus you are my maker; I recognize your ownership over my life. I am sorry for my sins and offences against you. I believe you died for me so that I will have the better life you offered to me in you. Today I want to yield my life to your leadership. Come into my life and be my personal Lord and savior. Give me the grace to live for you. I reject satan and all his life style and approach against me. Jesus take my life and use it according to your perfect will, Amen!


2) VCDs of some of our programs: GILGAL EXPERIENCE 2015 and 2016. RAMOTHGILEAD 2016. DINNER FEAST 2015 and 2016. GENERAL FASTING CLOSE 2018, 2019

How do you order for them?

3) The books can equally be ordered by booking any of it through any of our contact close to you.. God bless you


Other Kingdom Empowerment Materials from Isaac Chidolue

1) You can order for my audio messages (Reigner's Capsule). These messages include: Life Lived, Configuration Of Life, Commandments of Blessing, Trained To Reign, Generational Damage (Part 1-3), The Delicate Oil, I Love you, Rescued Creativeness as an end time tool, Achieving success through vision and many more, about 50 of them...

2) You can order for the audio disc of any of the messages, this is sold for #200 ($1.0)

1) You can order for 30 of the audio messages with an SD Card (Memory card) for #3000 ($10.00).

82 83

SUNDAY: JUNE 13th 2021

In the future.

TEXT: (Luke 14 vs. 26 – 30) TEXT: (Luke 14 vs. 26 – 30) TEXT: (Luke 14 vs. 26 – 30)

Worship God in your own way.

he future is a described plan of what one is meeting up to. There is no

Tfuture without a stable plan and expectation. There is no honour without a

level of labour and sacrifice. I have learnt that everything working bears

the mark of sweat of some people who didn't give it up to chances. Chances

happens to things though but at the same time no man is given what he is not willing to

possess. This was what the wise king Solomon says, “I returned, and saw under the

sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the

wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time

and chance happeneth to them all”. It is by God's choice and Destiny do people

triumph to a greater height. But when no solid plan is made for what is gotten by

chance it slips away from the hand that got it. The knowledge of God is the

determinant of glory and grace but in today's scripture Jesus asked, “For which of

you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether

he have sufficient to finish it”. It is a fact that everything built requires sufficiency to

be built. Any height to reach requires sufficiency to finish. Anything God would plant

on you requires sufficiency to finish. Any height of achievement requires sufficiency

and development of plans to reach. God is focussed and determined, the future is what

He gives to those who planned and prayed for it. “In the future” is a consoling

statement some persons make to live and stay in procrastinated goals and effort.

Nobody gets to where he wishes to go if he didn't start going now. This is the future.

People work in their future until the appointed time. God is in the future waiting for

those whom He prepared for it; but He prepares those who yield to his preparation

plan. Sometimes you may find yourself out of focus and out of goal, get back to the

plan manual because whatsoever not planned for, has no testimony to bear. The future

is what the Lord has already given but it takes deliberate effort to walk into it.

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

3. Jehovah, help me to arrive to the desired future you have in mind for me.

2. Father, I receive the grace to stand above any form of limitations.

Prayer Points:


MONDAY: JUNE 14th 2021

King of kings.

TEXT: (John 12 vs. 12-27) TEXT: (John 12 vs. 12-27) TEXT: (John 12 vs. 12-27)

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

3. Mighty God I desire for the grace to publicize your name.

king rules a kingdom. Today I welcome you to the table of God where the

Akingdom food is shared. For the word of God is a food unto us, inspiring the

inner man and transforming the simple. Jesus said, “Man shall not live by

bread but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God” (Matthew 4 vs.

4B). The best gift you can give anyone you wishes the best is the gift of

encouragement using the COF. None who has distributed this book is without reward

because it is a product of God's mouth in a written form. It is a vision I personally

doesn't have the capacity to run; because I just observe it exist and move as the mover

(God) himself moves it and moves us. The glory of any king is built on how much

news his subordinate and people say about him. Jesus entered into Jerusalem as a

king because He is the king of kings. “…took the branches of the palm tree, and went

forth to meet Him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the king of Israel that cometh in the

name of the Lord” (Verse 14 of today's scripture). “The value you render to the

name of the Lord determines the venue He will host you in life” (Isaac Chidolue).

To confirm that, you can ask Joseph, Modecai, David, Peter, and Paul. Though God

blesses you through the COF He seeks you to bless others with it. In a time like ours, I

feel none is exempted from the journey of Evangelism. When you cannot preach

there are things you can do that are equal to it. Don't get the COF just for yourself, get

the copy for your evangelism too. May God see you celebrating His kingship as well.

Some believers are even ashamed of the Bible, some cannot post about God in their

social media. It is not even a sign of backslide to limit the publicity of God, it is an act

of sin. When one lives in sin, He finds it hard to communicate God to others. Don't be

eaten by the sin you committed, that's the choice of satan for you. God isn't ashamed

of your sin, He is not disappointed in you because you sinned, He is surprised by the

fact that you treasure your sins instead of coming to Him for mercy. Sow out this

COF and the next; maintain it as a duty with God and you will reap advancement in

life. Preach Jesus to people and you will reach your destiny. Digest verse 25B of

today's scripture: “…If any man serve me, him will my father honour”. Call

+2347066085556 for your COF distribution.

2. Daddy, forgive me for those times I ignored your word.

Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 4: Page 123

TUESDAY: JUNE 15th 2021

The Craziest.

TEXT:(Acts 2 vs. 1 – 5) TEXT:(Acts 2 vs. 1 – 5) TEXT:(Acts 2 vs. 1 – 5)

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

3. Jesus, take hold of me and all of me.4. I receive in Jesus name, the boldness to be Christ's anywhere I find myself.

2. Father, come and reign and rule in my life.

Sometimes these things does to us like crazy stuff. If you are still conservative with your walk with God, then you can't go far. If you are a brother at some places and a guy some other places, it is a

limitation in your kingdom investment. There is a dimension of God where grace for this End Time move was built, it is on the proportion of those who wants to jump the sky for God. “The power of God comes with a massive level of willingness” (Psalm 110 vs. 3). To go crazy for God is to walk in the unusual dimension of power. It is in human nature to give up, slow down the fire, follow Christ from afar just as Peter did, but God knows the limitations of man, that is why He never gave up on peter neither did He give up on Thomas. He carried them because the day of magnification is coming. Some of you got trapped by a particular damage of the devil. You are a sister in the church, choir or any other serving department yet you have found yourself in uncountable sexual situations, what of a brother who has stolen, a gospel minister who is a smoker, even those involve in gay relationship. These are traps of the enemy; he weakens you with them for a momentary pleasure to keep your spirit guilty and take it far from God. He does this bearing in mind that in such situations there is no much you can do for God. What of a revival evangelist whom the devil wants to shut up with masturbation. There is power that breaks lose for limited glory of Christ that was what we saw in today's scripture verse 4 saying, “And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the spirit gave them utterance”. There is a filling that widens boldness. I announce this filling on you right now in Jesus name, Amen! Without such filling you may still want to be hiding. It takes a level of craziness to be abnormal in a normal world. Father, we cry for your filling today. Shakabranozagoyat, go ahead and pray in the Holy Ghost as you are given grace in Jesus name, Amen!

Prayer Points:


Worship God in your own way.


I claim it…!

TEXT:(1 Chronicle 29 vs. 15-20) TEXT:(1 Chronicle 29 vs. 15-20) TEXT:(1 Chronicle 29 vs. 15-20)

obert Louis Stevenson said, “It is not so much for its beauty that the

Rforest makes a claim upon men's hearts, as for that subtle something,

that quality of air that emanation from old trees, that so wonderfully

changes and renews a weary spirit”. I welcome you to the site of the Most High

God where you download the App of the spirit to sustain a wonderful life in you. It is

essential to note that whatever anyone claims to see around him is best seen when

worked towards. There was once a man who heard about the power if claiming what

he admires in the life of others. As rampant as it is to witness people claim the

testimonies of others; the real question is are those persons ready to take some

sacrificial steps to see the manifestation of what they claim”. Though this man was

persistent about his claims and was loud in proclaiming them; yet he got no result.

Then he asked, dose this claiming power really work as I was told? To verify his idea

he visited a friend who claim for a better life as he does at any given opportunity. His

friend replied, “Though I claim for those things as you do but I also imagine of

possible ways to bring those claims to pass”. No one has a good life if he didn't at

least imagine how to make one possible. To claim something may be prophetic is

good and powerful, but the actualisation of it is laid on the act of the person claiming

such. Imagine being in a church and God's servant prophesied of divine favour and

the individual claimed it but forgot it, I don't think he may get the manifestation of it.

God works with what we retain within. Bishop David Oyedepo claimed of the

Oral Robert University in the USA but when he got back to Nigeria, he remembered

what he claimed and worked towards it, now his claim is possessed. Whatever you

claim in God's circle requires prayers and steadiness to witness it. God is willing to

give everyman not just what he claims but what he desires. Considering the prayers

of David he said, “…Keep this forever in the imagination of the thought of the

heart of thy people and prepare their heart unto thee”. Declare what you want,

remember what you claimed and go and achieve it in Jesus name, Amen!

2. Aba Father, arise and give me my claims.

1. Oh God I bless you for your grace and power in my life.Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 1: Page 120

2) Monthly, we record outreaches that are done in strategic places

4) @ August yearly we embark on crusade at anywhere as we are


directed... This includes cities and remote places.

6) THE DEBORAH'S GENERATION and A MAN INDEED; both comes up respectively and annually on October.

These are God's hosting meetings that turn lives and destinies around. They comprised of impartation services, Crusades, Judgment meetings and souls fishing outreaches. These programs are listed bellow on how they are being done yearly. You can book to attend any of these programs by contacting our office either by e-mail or calls. The dates that are not yet detailed will be listed soon, in the next COF. SMS: +2347066085556, to book the attendance of any of them.

1) January Fasting close / yearly opening, this is done at the second to last Sunday (4:00pm) of every year.

drawing people to God for kingdom growth and expansion.


5) On September yearly we have GILGAL EXPERIENCE (END

7) COUPLES SUMMIT comes up every November annually.

3) RAMOTHGILEAD holds annually every April. It has occurred for the past three years. It is a program proposed for emancipation and judgment.


nd8) Every 2 Sunday in December is our thanksgiving/ Dinner feast

9) International Ministers and Apostolic Conference for th th

ENDTIME Armies holds on 27 -29 of December annually, worldwide.


THURSDAY: JUNE 17th 2021

Why less result.

TEXT: (Ezekiel 10 vs. 8 – 10) TEXT: (Ezekiel 10 vs. 8 – 10) TEXT: (Ezekiel 10 vs. 8 – 10)

3. Father, I receive the building and equipment of God in me.

2. Father, help me to do what is necessary to reach where you wish me to reach.

4. Oh God, let me result be better today than the previous day.

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

nce upon a time, a very strong wood cutter asked for a job with a timber

Omerchant, and he got it. The pay was really good and so were the work

conditions. For that reason, the woodcutter was determined to do his

best. His boss gave him an axe and showed him the axe which he was supposed to

work with. The first day the wood cutter brought 21 trees. “Congratulations”, the

boss said, “Go on that way!” Very motivated by the boss’ words, the woodcutter

tried harder the next day but he only could bring 17 trees. The third day he tried even

harder but he only could bring 10 trees. “I must be losing my strength''. The

woodcutter thought. He went to the boss and apologised, saying that he could not

understand what was going on. The boss asked, “When was the last time you

sharpened your axe?” I have been busy cutting trees. Sometimes working hard

alone is not enough to achieve success. You have to work smartly too! The wood

cutter in the story is the best person for the Job but he doesn't have the right attitude

to be successful in this particular task. With the right attitude nothing is impossible

in life. There is time for sharpening. Thank God for the grace upon you as a minister

and your message are fresh and new daily. Yes, there is need for refreshing. Are you

aware that every six months the world shifts from what it used to be. The grace of

God you carry requires that you are advanced for something new to happen. Less

results are seen when labour and effort to accomplish success exceed above the

length of preparation. “If the iron be blunt, and he do not whet the edge, then must

he put to more strength but wisdom is profitable to direct” (Verse 10 0f today's

scripture). When the iron is blunt less results are achieved. Sometimes it doesn't

speak that you are not smart but it speaks of less information. I pray for you, receive

the grace to be mentally stable and strategically informed in Jesus name, Amen!

Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 2: Page 121

FRIDAY: JUNE 18th 2021

Am on His wings.

TEXT:(Psalm 91 vs. 1-13) TEXT:(Psalm 91 vs. 1-13) TEXT:(Psalm 91 vs. 1-13) welcome you to the centre of Him who does everything and allows Ianything He wishes to be. Listen: After the forest fire in Yellowstone

national park, forest rangers began their trek up a mountain to assess the

inferno's damage. One of the rangers found a bird literally petrified in ashes,

perched statuesquely on the ground at the base of a tree. Somewhat sickened by

the eerie sight, he knocked the over the bird with stick. When he struck it, three

tiny chicks scurried from under their dead mother's wings, the loving mother,

keenly aware of the impending disaster, had carried her offspring to the base of

the tree and had gathered them under her wings, instinctively knowing that the

toxic smoke would rise. She could have flown to safety but had refused to

abandon her babies. When the blaze had arrived and the heat had signed her small

body, the mother remained steadfast. She had been willing to die so those under

the cover of her wings would live. If a bird can take such risk for her babies what

do you think of your God who created the bird and gave her the sense she

possessed. Were you thinking that it was by your skills and plan that you have

stayed to witness the 18th day of the sixth month of the year 2021? I don't know

the fire burning in the forest or the blaze that is falling down trees but I am sure

that I am secured under the wings of God. Say after me: “My life and destiny

shall record no disaster this month and this year because I am hidden under

His wings”. There is somebody reading, you are aware that the enemy has gone

out to perform some satanic act of wickedness against you; but God is saying,

“Never be afraid, you are under my wings, 3 days after they have concluded

their plans and moves I the Lord will strike them with my rod of

Judgement”. Oh, I am encouraged by the word of God in verse 4 of today's

scripture which says, “He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under his

wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler'. God is saying

to someone, “You are under my wings and the devil has no trace of you”. This

year, God's hand shall keep you. I curse the spirit of calamity and disaster around

your destiny to disappear by Fire, in Jesus name, Amen!

1. Oh God I thank you for your word.

3. My God help me to stand above pressure and disaster

2. Jesus, put me under the shadow of your wings.

Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 4: Page 123

SATURDAY: JUNE 19th 2021

How many times can you try again?

TEXT: (Proverb 21 vs. 1 – 5) TEXT: (Proverb 21 vs. 1 – 5) TEXT: (Proverb 21 vs. 1 – 5)

1. Jesus, show me the reasons why I should continue.

here is no reason to give up on the right course, pressing for Gold in a

TGolding land has no genuine reason for quitting. There are many days of

labour without reward but for the diligent and tenacious a day of payment is

coming. There was a man in Nigeria here who had the idea of exporting pepper to UK.

He exported the first one, it was rejected with reason that it was dirty for human

consumption, after which he tried to use detergent to wash it and the detergent damaged

the pepper (It was a specific brand of pepper). Later on, he tried again, it was rejected.

Again, rejected. Again, rejected. Again, rejected, even to the 12th time. During those

seasons he was spending money like water, sold some properties to keep on trying and

he repeated it back to back with 12 tangible, obvious failures and loss of resources yet

his enthusiasm were still intact that he even tried the 13th time! Then on the 13th effort,

there was breakthrough. Money trooped in and his level changed, he recovered all the

losses of those years. The money was too much more than the leaves of a tree that from

that first breakthrough he bought himself a private Jet. Today he has 9 – 10 of Jets and

business still moving. To dig for Gold, the digger digs until the day he stops living. Any

conclusion made without success is a welcomed failure, and it take a welcomed

failure to result to frustration. The young man in question is a determined believer of

God and a covenant practising Christian. Today he is a multi-billionaire. He had enough

reason to stop trying then which one of them could be, “Yes, because he is a Nigerian

that is why UK is rejecting that and looking at it, it looks like a partial truth”. If you are

sure that God supported your mission or recommended you for it then don't give up,

keep trying. Kill every reason of distraction. This year keep the enthusiasm alive bring-

in some exciting episodes into the enthusiasm and keep trying. The glory could just

ring after one more trial. Just one more trial can be where the blessing hangs. Verse

5 of today's scripture says, “The thoughts of the diligent tends only to plenteousness but

of every one that is hasty only to want”. The thought of goodness, victory and

prosperity keeps the diligent on his feet. The knowledge of victory at the end of the

tunnel keeps you going. God rewards diligence, so be diligent to attract His reward.

Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 1: Page 120

SUNDAY: JUNE 20th 2021

Devotion to God is the key.

TEXT:(2 Chronicle 34 vs. 31 – 33) TEXT:(2 Chronicle 34 vs. 31 – 33) TEXT:(2 Chronicle 34 vs. 31 – 33)

Worship God in your own way.

illiams Colgate is an immigrant that sold soap, candles and starch back in

W1806 New York. Colgate was a tither throughout his long and successful

business career. He gave not merely one-tenth of the earning of Colgate's

soap products; but He gave two tenths, then three tenths, and then finally five-tenths of all

his income to the work of God in the world. During the later days of his life he later revealed

the origin for his devotion to the idea of tithing. When he was sixteen years, he left home to

find employment in New York City. He had previously worked in a soap manufacturing

shop. When he told the captain of the canal boat upon which he was travelling that he

planned to make soap in New York City the man gave him this advice: “Someone will soon

be leading the soap makers in New York'. You can be that person but you must not lose

sight of the soap you make has been given you by God. Honour Him by sharing what

you earn”. Begin tithing all you receive. William Colgate felt the urge to tithe because he

recognised that God was the giver of all that he possessed. He lived during the 80s, but he is

still the third person is the world list of the best sales people of all time. It was Colgate that

first created a toothpaste in a tube. You can't climb higher above your devotion to God

except mercy plays a role. He is the owner and ruler of all. He is the worker and Master. He

is the giver and the taker. Apostle Paul climbed up to the list of the 6th most important

person that has ever lived not by his law profession but by his commitment and devotion

towards God. Despite the plan and the goal you have, hope also that a walk with God will do

you better. Be the reason why people will reason God. People that speaks against tithing are

really ignorant of such information. An average American man makes money for God and

his society that is why their giving can touch the globe. Verse 33 of today's scripture says,

“And Josiah took away all the abominations out of all the countries that pertained to the

children of Israel, and made that were present in Israel to serve, even to serve the Lord their

God. And all his days they departed not from following the Lord, the God of their fathers”.

Consistent service of God is the secret of exaltation and honour in life.

1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

2. Jesus, arise and help me to be highly devoted to you.

3. Father, kill any pace self-exaltation above God from me.

Prayer Points:


MONDAY: JUNE 21st 2021

Service and apply.

TEXT: (Mark 6 vs. 30-32) TEXT: (Mark 6 vs. 30-32) TEXT: (Mark 6 vs. 30-32)

1. Jesus, help me to be better and do it better.

Life is in phases and no phase will blossom without the maximum support of the

other. We mostly emphasis on the need to move, work and act but little have we

spoken on the need to take a break and rest. Once a preacher said, “Though the

Lord has given me the anointing, I am laid at a place unable to impact it on lives because I

have worked out my life so early, unable to distinguish when to rest and when to work;

though I have anointing, my body is the possessor of it and as it is weak what else is the

essence of the anointing”. Someone else said, “Grow through, what you go through”. I

have learnt that sometimes it is better to take a break in whatsoever you do; by so doing

you are refreshed to affect lives with better ideas. Even civil service gave accommodation

for leave, why work yourself out? I work so hard in a day that sometimes I keep record of

sleeping only for 2 hours out of the 24 hours that makes a day; it drains energy and

sometimes might affect health but I have learnt that it is better to plan well than working

long. The word rest appeared 275 times in the scripture. When you divide the number

with 5 you will have 55. It takes close to 55 weeks to make a year. If I should make a

theory with this I will recommend that an average individual should rest at least 5 hours a

day and work within 5 days a week. It is necessary that a day of rest should be mapped out

in your weekly activities, very essential also there should be a period of rest in a day.

There should also be a season of holiday, it could be a week, it could be in days but

observe enough rest. The better you work the better you become but the smarter you work

the faster and happier you become. When God was talking about rest He wasn't insisting

that you should sleep, he is trying to bring your attention to all that surrounds you. Give

attention to your wife, children and family at large. As a Pastor make out time to rest and

surprise your home. Go and see a movie together though you can get any in your home.

Prepare a meal for your family. Take your wife out as you use to do before you both got

married. Sit down and then move. If you have the money go abroad just for holiday. Your

life is the reason why you are working so make your life enjoy the labour. Digests this:

“Don't dream your life, live your dreams” (Isaac Chidolue).

Prayer Points: Worship God using song 2: Page 121


TUESDAY: JUNE 22nd 2021

Sacrifice and Mercy.

TEXT:(Matthew 12 vs. 5 – 16) TEXT:(Matthew 12 vs. 5 – 16) TEXT:(Matthew 12 vs. 5 – 16)

any persons have succumbed to the choice and will of sacrifices.

MSacrifice is good, peculiar and outstanding but it takes the mercy of God

to meet the mark. Welcome to the throne room of God where He shows

mercy. Merciful and kind that is Him. See verse 7 of today's scripture where it says,

“But if ye had known what this meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice, ye would

not have condemned the guiltless”. It is the mercy of God that pushes. It is His mercy

that keeps us still connected to Him. Throughout my growth in Christ, Jehovah took

time to teach me the essence of relying on Him more than myself. Depending more on

His mercy more than I can do or achieve. To be carried by God's mercy is to arrive to

that point of life where honour is no longer a desire but a manifestation. The mercy of

God contradicts every yardstick of qualification. It contradicts the principles that

determines the principal. It is just by His mercy alone, I must tell of no other factor, just

by His mercy are we where we are today. I don't see the day coming; a day I won't

partake in the mercy of God. Don't talk too much just give room for His mercy. It is not

time to brag about your commitment and determination. Let's brag about what his

mercy has done for us. When it comes to sacrifice it cannot be under emphasised but it

is outright that mercy over rules sacrifices. See the category of people Jesus

encountered in the scripture. Verse 10B of today's scripture says, “And they asked Him,

saying, is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath days? That they might accuse him.” The law

and sacrifice works together. Keeping some laws; trying to keep to a certain rule, that's

a good idea but to unlock the clouds of heavenly gate, mercy must play an essential

role. We have a lot of law keepers and law watchers in our generation. I don't really

know what drags your concern but permit me to add that if you really want to go far, if

you really wish God to break protocols for you just as I am wishing myself, then you

should spend time today to cry to Him to show you mercy. Lord Jesus show me mercy

in Jesus name, Amen!

1. Thank you Jesus, arise and show me mercy today.

2. I don't trust myself Lord, but I trust your mercy on me.

Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 1: Page 120


Don't miss opportunities. (Part 1)

TEXT: (1 Samuel 30 vs. 6-18) TEXT: (1 Samuel 30 vs. 6-18) TEXT: (1 Samuel 30 vs. 6-18)

Worship God using song 3: Page 124.

welcome you to the place of the Almighty. I strongly believe in opportunities;

Iso what happens to the man who has prayed but didn't recognise the opportunity

God has given him to produce a testimony. Everything in life is rounded within

opportunities. David prayed and started a journey without a destination. They would

have passed the Egyptian after all Egypt is very far away and should not be in the list

of his suspect; but he picked up the man. Brethren, opportunities most times appears

in disguise. It doesn't come with appointment but meets one who is in a journey to

accomplish a mission. Verse 13 of today's scripture reveals, “And David said unto

him, to who belongest thou? And whense art thou? And he said, I am a young man of

Egypt, servant to an Amalekite; and my master left me, because three days ago I fell

sick”. Lift your hand and say after me, “Oh God Almighty, give me opportunities,

provide access for me and help me to recognise one no mater how disguise it may

look, in Jesus name, Amen!' James E rang a bell when he said, “Some of our

important choices have a time line. If we delay a decision, the opportunity is

gone forever. Sometimes our doubts keeps us from making choice that involves

change. This, an opportunity may be missed”. God has planted your testimonies

this 2021 within the opportunities that comes your way. Recall: Divine Exposure

meaning new opportunities and exposures. To him that will utilize an opportunity

his first move is to recognise that there is an opportunity. Don't procrastinate an

opportunity, pray and ask God for it and in a short time an opportunity emerges. The

expensive truth is that opportunities are denied when delayed to be utilized. Oh

that’s the mind Syrus had when he said, “The opportunity is often lost by

deliberating”. Find the purpose of your marriage, find the need behind your

friendship, everyone around us serves for an opportunity. Spark it up like David did

with the Egyptian. When you see an opportunity don't walk over it except it is against

the will of God, except it will displease God. (Continues tomorrow)

3. Merciful Father I ask that you visit me today and touch me.

2. My God I receive today the grace to recognise an opportunity and utilize it.

1. Father, I thank you for your word to me today.Prayer Points:


THURSDAY: JUNE 24th 2021

Don't miss Opportunities (Part 2).

TEXT:(Haggai 2 vs. 20-23), (Romans 8 vs. 28) TEXT:(Haggai 2 vs. 20-23), (Romans 8 vs. 28) TEXT:(Haggai 2 vs. 20-23), (Romans 8 vs. 28)

Worship God in your own way. 1. Jesus, I demand for your grace and privilege to utilize opportunities.

t is an understanding idea everyone within the family of God needs; to know

Ithat everything from God is working out a good purpose. There are times you

are thankful to God not for what He did but for ugly experiences you had which

was actually a road to your testimony. Every road to a testimony is rough… Ask Joseph,

Abraham, The Israelites, Jesus and the list without end. It is an opportunity to be where

you are now, depending on what you are seeing around you presently. That was what

Winston Churchill was emphasising on when he said, “A pessimist sees the difficulty

in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty”. And

someone else made a cake with this: “Opportunity favours the bold only”. If somebody

offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes-then learn

how to do it later!” A young man wished to marry a farmer's beautiful daughter. He went

to the farmer to ask his permission. The farmer looked at him and said, “Son, go stand

out in the field. I'm going to release three bulls, one at a time. If you can catch the tail of

any one of the three bulls, you can marry my daughter. The young man stood in the field

awaiting the first bull, then the barn door opened and out came the biggest, meanest bull

he had ever seen. He decided to ignore it and wait for the next, he ran to the other side to

let the bull pass through. The second one came out, unbelievable he had never seen

anything so big and fierce in his life. It stood pawing the ground, he then left it hopping

for the last to be better. The door then opened a third time. A smile came across his face.

This was the weakest bull he had ever seen. This is one was his bull, he said to himself.

As the bull came running by, he positioned himself just right and jumped just at the

exact moment. He threw his hand to grab …. But alas… the bull had no tail!

Opportunity doesn't wait, it passes away; and life is not full of opportunities. Always

grab the opportunities! Always grab the first one. Verse 23 of today's scripture says,

“In that day, saith the Lord of host, I will take thee, o Zerubbabel, my servant the son of

Shealtrel, saith the Lord, and will make thee as a signet; for I have chosen thee , said the

Lord of hosts”. Your position is in the hand of God, therefore when you make use of

the opportunities around you, your testimony will be loud.

Prayer Points:


FRIDAY: JUNE 25th 2021

The place of Holiness.

TEXT: (James 4 vs. 4 – 10) TEXT: (James 4 vs. 4 – 10) TEXT: (James 4 vs. 4 – 10)

Worship God using song 3: Page 124.

3. Father, ignore my days of disobedience and restore to me all the privileges I have


1. Thank you Jesus as I receive the grace to live HOLY.

oliness is a process of God that cannot be overemphasised. How do

Hyou become Holy? Let's consider this practical example here: looking at

Bro Joe who was just going through life and stumbling at one place or

the other but he encountered Christ during a church meeting and was really sincere

with his salvation. Then he went in that strength after a period of 8-9 months he

came across a porn site, feeling guilty he lost his peace and summoned the courage

to approach God for forgiveness and restoration of grace. Then God heard him and

helped him. After sometime he still found himself at that same site. Took through

the same process of reconciliation with God. In one of the church meetings he had a

repeated encounter with God, the preacher was blunt and that led Bro Joe to tears

with a deep heartbroken before God asking for mercy but after a month He still

found himself at his old sin. The basic question is how would Bro Joe survive in

deep Holiness. Many opinions about discipline will surface. The Pastors are doing

well, preaching messages that are indeed life changing and transforming.

Personally God revealed to me that the secret of deep encounter with Him is a

yielded Spirit. A yielded Spirit committed to the very presence of God. There is a

commitment to His presence that maintains Holiness and Holy living. The

Lord told me that the secret to a successful Christian living is revealed to the act of

drawing near to Him through His word. The word of God is the capsule for

righteous living. You cannot do much without the word. A daily study of the word

builds your muscle to do exploit for God. See verse 8 of today's scripture where it

says, “Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you”. Cleanse your hands, ye

sinners; and purify your heart ye double minded”. Drawing near to God is the act

of getting proof against the evil world and society. So Joe's solution is built on

personal encounter and time he made for God”.

2. Jesus, any act of satan triumphing in me, Father, help me this day.

Prayer Points:


SATURDAY: JUNE 26th 2021

Hit the goal.

TEXT:(Daniel 10 vs. 8-12) TEXT:(Daniel 10 vs. 8-12) TEXT:(Daniel 10 vs. 8-12)

Worship God in your own way.

he game of life is a lot like football. You have to tackle your problems,

Tblock your fears, and score your goal when you get the opportunity

(Lewis Grizzard). For days now God has been taking us through the lines

that can enlighten us with ideas on how to access our parts of greatness. Today's

scripture verse 12 says, “Fear not Daniel: for from the first day that thou didest set

thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were

heard, and I am come for thy words”. Note this: “Set thine heart to understand,

and to chasten thyself before thy God!” God is asking a user of this COF right

now at this point where is your heart? What are you aiming at? I have understood

that life is all about accomplishing the desires of the heart. It is fulfilling the wants

in the mind. Once anybody achieves an outstanding goal another one lines up in the

line. Whatever you dream to achieve this year, it is essential you realise that to hit

the target should be your aim. God's word speaking in Proverb 10 vs. 24 says, “…

but the desire of the righteous shall be granted”. It is a desire, to Daniel he placed

his heart on his desire, whatever that is not desired is not qualified to be achieved.

Desire is not a choice, it is synonymous to hunger. It attracts focus and

specification. It calls for steadiness and approach. When you set a goal before you,

channel your days to its actualization. Don't just begin the year by just saying I will

get married this year. What's your plan? How much have your prayed about it? And

how far have you read about it too? As a man what's your move? The joy of

accomplishment eats up the process of it. Whatever you aim, go for it. What is

your desire this year? How far have you gone with it? I recommend you note this:

“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something.

And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that

I can do” (Edward Evereth Hale). Set your goals today; write them down, bring

your task within weeks and write time of accomplishment as you accomplish them

daily, especially if you are into production.

1. Jesus thank you, give the capacity to score goals of my targets.

3. My God you are known for excellence, may I carry your excellent spirit.

2. May I experience a great realm of accomplishment this season, Amen!

Prayer Points:


SUNDAY: JUNE 27th 2021

Godly men in places.

TEXT: (1 Timothy 2 vs. 1 – 6) TEXT: (1 Timothy 2 vs. 1 – 6) TEXT: (1 Timothy 2 vs. 1 – 6)

Worship God using song 3: Page 124. 1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

elow is the word of once a president of Pennsylvania, in the beginning of Bthe contest with Great Britain: When we were sensible of danger we had

daily prayer in this room for Divine protection. Our prayers, sir, were

heard, and they were graciously answered. All of us who were engaged in the

struggle must have observed frequent instances of a superintending providence in

our favour. And have we now forgotten that powerful friend? Or do we imagine

that we no longer need His assistance. I have lived, sir, a long time and the longer I

live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth that God governs in the affairs of

men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice. Is it probable

that an empire can rise without His aid? We have been assured sir, in the sacred

writings that, “Except the Lord build they labour in vain that build it”. I firmly

believe this; and I also believe that without his concurring aid we shall succeed in

this political mission building no better than the builders of Babel: The president

was Benjamin Franklin. At the tender age of 12 years old, Benjamin Franklin was

an apprentice to his uncle who owns a printing shop. The experience allowed the

politician and author to get to know the business like the back of His hand. By the

time He was a young man, Franklin was a successful printer and newspaper editor

in Philadelphia. His secret to climb the height he climbed in business, politics and

success was prayers. I haven't prayed like I dream but I can tell you that a praying

life opens the treasure box of God into a future almost undeserving. If you are a

praying person God is ever responsible of your life and the things that goes on in it.

Verse 1 of today's scripture says, “I exhort therefore that first of all,

supplications, prayers, intercession and giving of thanks, be made for all men;”

Prayer and intercession are process that reaches out to where God is. Are you

confused in any form begin to pray. Are there things that gives you worry and

stress then pray, still. Our God is able, reliable and capable to meet every need at all

times, you must follow His lead, His name is a mighty God!

3. Father, help me to hold on you all the days of my life.

2. Jesus, arise and help me to be yours alone.

4. My God, find me to be your representative in anything I am doing.

Prayer Points:


MONDAY: JUNE 28th 2021

You have been mercified.

TEXT:(Ephesians 2 vs. 1-7), (Psalm 23 vs. 6) TEXT:(Ephesians 2 vs. 1-7), (Psalm 23 vs. 6) TEXT:(Ephesians 2 vs. 1-7), (Psalm 23 vs. 6)

1. OH God I thank you for your word.

3. My Father, may your mercy qualify me where I am not qualified, Amen!

es, you deserve the mercy of God. God's mercy is not bought, God's mercy

Ycannot be exhausted. God's mercy does not regulate limit (One can receive

as much as infinity can carry). God's mercy cannot be diluted. It has no side

effect. It has no abuse. God's mercy is the part of God that does not segregate from

anything. It can adapt with holiness and flourishes in an unholy place. God's mercy is the

part of God that does not judge and it is at the reception of salvation. Yes, the nature of God

is His mercy. It is only by His mercy do we deserve heaven and just by His mercy we will

get there. I assume you saw verse 4 of today's first scripture where it says, “But God who

is rich in mercy, for his great love where with He loved us”. Your knowledge of God's

mercy is the file that will determine the height you will go in life. People love God but

only by His mercy will they please Him and be like Him. I came across a news sometime

ago which reads, 'A Nebraska man's children said their final goodbye and made the

difficult decision to pull the plug after their father was declared brain dead by doctors, But

the “Miracle Man” (Jesus) had different plans. The man who was concluded brain dead

and was recommended to be left dead said, 'I am not an extremely religious person but I

believed in God. I believed in Jesus with all my heart. And now this is just prove for me

that everything I have heard is true. That He loves me, that He is right there for me. He

gave me a miracle”. Whatever we can accredit to our steadfastness with God is

diminishing His mercy. Wherever you are today, never imagine that your effort has

brought you there for is only by His mercy we are not consume (Lamentation 3 vs. 22). It

is by His mercy we write COF, it is by His mercy we produce them, by His mercy it got to

you, by His mercy you are alive to be reading it and it is only by His mercy have you

encountered God on the pages of it. When next someone is trying to accuse you like the

devil does, tell him that “God's mercy has not left my hands”. I tell you by God's mercy

you will end this year in a glorious testimonies. You will achieve God's trust and purpose

for your destiny.

2. Jesus, give me your mercy in excess.

Prayer Points:


Worship God using song 4: Page 123

TUESDAY: JUNE 29th 2021

Don't be greedy.

TEXT: (Proverb 15 vs. 24 – 28) TEXT: (Proverb 15 vs. 24 – 28) TEXT: (Proverb 15 vs. 24 – 28)

Worship God using song 3: Page 124. 1. Oh God I thank you for your word to me.

2. Jehovah, help me to be yours now and always.

ave you ever made mistake before? Certainly, I assume your answer to be

Hyes, every human at a point in their lives have made mistake. Yes, almost

every human have made mistake at a time but many moved out from where

the mistake was made. A greedy mouse saw a basket full of corn wanted to eat all of the

corn so he made a small hole in the basket. He squeezed in through the hole. He ate a lot

of corn until he was full and was very happy. Now he waited to come out. He tried to

come out through the small hole. He could not, his belly was full. He tried again. The

Mouse started crying. A rabbit was passing by it, heard the mouse's cry and asked, “Why

are you crying, my friend?” The Mouse explained, “I made a small hole and came into

the basket to eat the corn. Now I am not able to get out through that hole”. The Rabbit

said, “It is because you ate too much, wait till you belly shrinks”. After, the Mouse fell

asleep in the basket. The next morning his belly had shrunk. But he wanted to eat some

more corn. He forgot all about getting out of the basket. So he ate the corn and his belly

was really big again. And he couldn't escape. The cat was the next passer-by. He smelt

the Mouse in the basket. He lifted its lid and ate the Mouse. Being greedy gives you no

chance to enjoy what you have secured. Greediness is not of God and Jehovah does not

encourage any form of it. By people's greediness they have been stunted in their

growth to success. I have heard many cases where servants robbed their bosses just to

satisfy and enhance their own greed. This year is a year of God's upliftment and

promotion but do not be found on greed. Don't be a victim of selfishness and greed. Verse

27 of today's scripture says, “He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house; but he

that hateth gifts shall live”. A greedy man stresseth Himself not God or anyone else. “So

are the ways of everyone that is greedy of gain; which taketh away the life of the

owners thereof.” (Proverb 1 vs. 19). God bless you tremendously, Amen!

3. My Father, deliver me from every sign of greediness, Amen!

Prayer Points:



Put off the garment.

TEXT:(2 Kings 25 vs. 25-30), (Genesis 41 vs. 9-14) TEXT:(2 Kings 25 vs. 25-30), (Genesis 41 vs. 9-14) TEXT:(2 Kings 25 vs. 25-30), (Genesis 41 vs. 9-14)

Worship God in your own way. 1. Oh God I thank you for your presence here available for my change of garment.

3. Father, give me the grace to stand upright for excellence.

piritual garments are the determinants of physical manifestation. A change

Sin level results to a change of garment. There are garments people are putting on

given by the devil, though many are ignorant of it. Those garments includes:

garments of reproach, limitation, and hindrances. It takes only God to put upon someone

a garment of excellence to the amazement of the wicked and the evil ones. Verse 14 of

today's second scripture says, “Then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph, and they brought

him hastily out of the dungeon: and shaved himself, and changed his raiment, and

came in unto Pharaoh”. It takes an intervention that brought rescue to attract a garment

change. It takes an appointment or an invitation to change a garment. Joseph had been in

the prison for a long time. “They brought him hastily out of the dungeon and changed his

raiment”. After wearing the new royal robe it is impossible for Joseph to go back to prison

garment. Lift your hand and say after me: “Oh God by your authority I announce my

rescue from any satanic prison; prison of poverty, lowness, limitation, shame,

stagnation, stunted growth. Jesus I decree my freedom in Jesus name, Amen! Stand

on your feet and demonstrate tearing any ungodly garment, saying, "Father I stand

in your name to tear every garment of shame and reproach in my Life”. I put on my

garment of grace and elevation now in Jesus name, Amen! (Prayers continues at our

home-cell locations tomorrow by 5:30pm call +2347066085556 to be part of it). The

method of satan to bring limitation and disgrace in a life is to effect change of garment.

Some persons are kings but in the realm of the spirit satan has subjected them to wearing

of the garment of shame and reproach. In our first scripture today we saw Jehoiachin King

of Judah was rescued from prison and the prison garment was removed from Him which

resulted to his rising and rescue. Verse 30 of today's scripture says, “And his allowance

was a continual allowance given him of the king, a daily rate for every day, all the days of

his life”. Brethren remember he was in a strong land as a captive but God celebrated Him

there. Wherever you are I decree upon you the ability to reign in Jesus name, Amen!

2. Oh God I decree that your grace and ability shall enrol strength on me,

Prayer Points:


6. Home church leaders should be at the place of fellowship 30

minutes before time to start with prayers.

3. Any dedicated person can to do the opening prayer, COF and the rest, is a general study and must be interactive.


1. FELLOWSHIP BEGINS BY 4:30 and ends by 6: 30

2. Every member is carried along and given room for testimonies, 5


4. Each gathering should have an assigned welfare director and also

an account recorder, with the supervision of Amb. Nelson Okezie.

5. Every group will meet at the last Sunday of the month to balance

their account.


13Always indulge in evangelism.

10. Relate with one another as a family, find out their needs, maybe

we can be of help to them, God bless you.

15. God bless you!

9. Any advice from anyone should not be carried out until it is

approved by Isaac Chidolue.

11. Invite people from the locations of fellowship and the

neighbouring environment.

14. Target of membership for each Home Church 70 – 100 persons.

12. Teaching of the meetings will be in unison as to what is assigned

and as the Lord leads the teacher.

8. Announcements that are not fellowship related should be avoided.

Isaac Chidolue (CRP)

7. People should be educated on the following once in a while: Holy

Ghost baptism, evangelism, skill development, giving and tithing.










4. In Jesus name, I cease the atmosphere of my business place and I command it to favour me.

June Prayer Points: JUBILEE!

2. In Jesus name, I command any dry ground in my life to receive rain now.

1. You are God and not a man I thank you for June

3. I command the winds of life to bow on me.

19. Let God be God and men of evil opinions lairs in Jesus name, Amen!

5. I refuse any form of demotion in Jesus name, Amen!6. I stand tall above any of my competitors in Jesus

name, Amen!7. I refuse any form of demotion in Jesus name, Amen!

11. I set on fire any limiting agent around my life and destiny.

12. My God, I proclaim diving intervention upon me and my family.

20. Jesus it is my desire to abide in you therefore take me by your hands.

9. Lord Jesus, open up the heavens for my sake.

18. In Jesus name I announce the arrival of grace and in my life and destiny.

8. As the time is now may I get favoured now, in Jesus name, Amen!

10. Mighty God let the rain of your presence fall on me.

15. I proclaim godly results around me.

13. In Jesus name, I shall not experience any form of disgrace.

16. In Jesus name, I shall not carry out any satanic experience.

14. Jesus in all mu needs pay me attention.

17. By all means, Jesus keep me repureable and holy.

104 105

Prayers to breaking out from satanic limitations

direction in all things.

22. (Psalm: 37vs28) Oh Jesus, I reject every judgment passed over my

15. (Psalm: 26vs7) Thank you Jesus, as I will start beholding your

answer to my previous prayers.

20. (Isaiah: 8vs9) Any recycling event that draws me off from my

16. Psalm: 100vs4) Oh God I thank you for this day, thank you for the

17. (John: 1vs51) Jesus, I demand for an open heaven into this season.

714. Rock of ages I decree by your name that I shall never be

surprising miracles, Amen!

18. (Det: 28vs12) Daddy, I access your treasure room and I covet all

19. (1 John: 4vs6) I come against spirit of error connected against my

frustrated at any time or season of my life.

life, they shall not stand, Amen!

destiny I get them stopped and I cease their excesses, Amen.

that is needed for my destiny.

21. (Psalm: 143vs10) Oh God I request for your perfect

23. (Jude: 1vs9) My Father, My God any happenings in my life

26. (Acts: 25vs10) This year I decree I shall make no mistake.

life in any form or manner I refuse and reject their conclusion.

27. (Jere: 5vs26) Any Trap set against my life and destiny, Lord

Jesus may I never fall a victim

sponsored by satanic accusation I break free from it in Jesus name,

do this year.


24. (Isaiah: 11vs2) Oh God I receive your spirit of wisdom to act

25. (Psalm: 23vs6) Lord Jesus I stand to claim your mercy in all I will

wisely as always required of me, Amen!

destiny, please do not leave my hands.

12. (Micah: 2vs8) Make me to manifest; any garment of

limitation in my life I pull you off.

13. (Gen: 49vs26) Any destiny destroyers that entered this

11. (Psalm: 17vs3) Father, as I journey through my

year with me I disassociate myself from them now, Amen

strengthen me on all sides to achieve my targets this year, Amen!

9. (Acts: 4vs43) Father, empower me with grace and might to pray the

limitations in my life now, Amen.

thank you for it is a day full of your grace.

the answers to my prayers.

3. (Rev: 12 vs. 11) Thank you Jesus for I will testify.

1. (1 Chronicles: 23vs30) Father I thank you for this new day, I also


blessings may he be pulled down today in Jesus name, Amen.

224 Prayers of deliverance and breakthrough

level to a higher level, from nothing to something, from sorrow to joy. It

brings God into the battles of your destiny. When you pray, you bray the

head of the devil and his workers. There is a God in heaven who answers

prayers; it is your choice to experience Him,

since His ears are widely open to hear you, even now.

opportunities you have prepared for me through

Prayers to take control of unpleasant situations.

4. (Psalm: 118vs19) Oh! Lord Jesus, I stand in your name to access

the gate of this season; therefore I decree to all my gates of glory: BE

6. (Mark: 14vs59) In the name of Jesus, I challenge alters

and kingdom making decisions over destinies; they shall have no

access to mine, Amen.

8. (Psalm: 119vs31) Merciful father, remove every trace of shame and

2. (Psalm: 21vs3) Thank you Lord Jesus for the blessing and the

7. (2 Chro: 4vs15) Oh God in this month may I experience your

grace, Amen .

224 prayer points that takes you from a lower

5.(1 Samuel: 17vs49B) Father any Goliath standing between me and my

10. (Psalm: 119vs28) Father I am weak, therefore

prayers needed of me, Amen!

106 107

made by the devil.

name, Amen!

fathers, Amen!

life be reversed.

47. (Psalm: 25vs3) Oh God as I wait on you, visit me today.

Godly life; to be a centre of your glory to others.

year will make me to forget my days of sorrow.

48. (Psalm: 21vs11) Daddy may I not be a victim of lack and decisions

gates of favor to open for me. Gates of blessing open for me, in Jesus

53. (Isaiah: 43vs18-19) Daddy, I pray that your grace I will receive this

Prayers to experience breakthrough and uncommon favor

54. (Psalm: 68vs1) Arise oh God, and defend me on all sides, let people

52. (2 King: 23vs32) I shall not be found in the same mess of my

this that will show answer to these prayers.

49. (Exo: 24vs16) Oh God give me the grace to live and experience a

50. (Num: 23vs30) Lord Jesus, I attack all the centre points of the

46. (1 Chro: 29vs13) Oh Lord my God I thank you, for your presence in

enemies connected to my life and I decree all their effort against my

51. (Isaiah: 60vs11) I take charge of this month as I command

57. (Psalm: 126vs1) Father Lord, ignore my past mistakes and the

mistakes of my fathers and turn away my captivity this season,


55. (Job: 3vs17) Any outstanding demonic program against my destiny


behalf; take me to the unmerited heights of my destiny.

58. (Isaiah: 7vs15) I refuse damaged destiny, I refuse low life, I refuse

live without God's evidence, I refuse recycling delay and activities

of the devil in my life

that robbed me my joy the previous years may they be arrested by

56. (Isaiah: 45vs12) Jesus, stretch forth your hands of wonders on my

know that I am serving you; the living God.

me as you give me grace.

Prayers that conditions things supernaturally

on me and elevate me to greatness.

37. (Psalm: 30vs12) I refuse to fall victim of negative examples.

28. (1 Thess: 2vs13) Father, I thank you for the answered prayers of the

29. (Heb: 4vs16) Oh God, I bring before your throne all the COF users;

Jesus name, Amen.

32. (1 Peter: 5vs6) My father, you made me for greatness have mercy

35. (Amos: 2vs4) Oh God, I refuse the punishment of my fathers,

therefore I disconnect myself from every ancestral bondage.

36. Jesus, announce my glory.

May you answer their prayers.

30. (John: 4vs34) My father, and My God, come and pray through

glory by your grace.

31. (Isaiah: 30vs19) In this year I refuse to cry, I refuse to weep in

34. (Exo: 3vs21) Daddy, make me the very candidate for your favor, I

demand for your favor, therefore oh Lord Favor me.

40. (Joel: 2vs25) I recover all my lost opportunities in Jesus name,

previous days.

39. (Psalm: 5vs4) Oh God, may I never be comfortable with the wrong

things this year.


41. (Job: 41vs22) I reject sorrowful events around my territory this

year, Amen.

42. (1 John: 4vs14) Oh Lord let the world testify of your goodness in

my life, Amen!

38. (Isaiah: 29vs20) Lord Jesus, I command the eye of the wicked

monitoring my life to go blind now by fire, Amen.

33. (Neh: 5vs12) Lord Jesus, I ask you to restore all my lost fame and

I pray that you empower them through these prayers, and father

108 109

88. (Psalm: 92vs10) Jesus, take hold of me and anoint me with

your grace upon my life at this very season.

hands not in the hands of any man or devil.

God's control.

94. Jesus, I hand over my life to you, be my director, direct all my

ability in me, may I not underutilize any... Amen!

days, times and seasons.

85. (Psalm: 55vs17) Oh God, equip me with strength in order to be

prayerful as I should and holy as I should.

fresh oil, in all sides.

87. (Prov: 9vs17) My father my God in all things this year, show

me yourself, give me tangible testimonies and make me to

find you at all times.

84. (Psalm: 88vs11) Jesus, utilize me for your purpose and bless me accordingly.

90. Lord, Jesus, guide my heart and kill my choices that betrays

86. (Psalm: 119vs165) Father, give me the heart that meditates

and functions like that of Jesus...

89. (Prov: 17vs8) Daddy as I discover more of your grace and


91. (Matt: 24vs16) Oh God explode your fire of revival in our

nation, and bring it to my environment through me.

Prayer to break out of family limitations and witness

93. Jesus thank you for my destiny, thank you for it is in your

92. (1 Chro: 23vs30) Thank you Jesus for today and I appreciate

73. (Luk: 6vs21) Jesus, am hungry for your manifestation, I am

hungry for your evidence, prove yourself in all areas of my life.

76. (Exo: 28vs42) This season my nakedness shall he covered; I shall

have no trace of shame but will experience double glory.

me this year, I refuse their association. Any destiny polluting

your prosperous grace.

78. (Psalm: 116vs8) Father Lord, I pray that my tears and worries

shall cease this year.

75. (Psalm: 31vs24) Daddy, help all them that hope in you, help

believes all over the world who are facing challenges, Amen!

74. (Zach: 1vs17) Oh God of omega, prepare my hands to be part of

your city builders this END TIME: This year make me rich by

77. (1 Chro: 29vs13) Thank you heavenly father, for this day in your


79. (Psalm: 37vs19) Oh God, no matter the famine in my nation, your

world promised me satisfaction, so shall I witness.

80. (Psalm: 37vs23) Baba, order my step to greatness, order my steps

in righteousness.

81. (Jere: 32vs26) Oh Lord, hide me from every terror of the

wicked, hide me from frustration, limitation, looses and


Prayers to escape weeping conditions and happenings

relationship I break it by fire.

72. (Psalm: 41vs9) Oh Lord, any destiny delaying friend connected to

82. (Psalm: 86vs13) Oh God, I refuse to cry at the end if my life, I

won't go to hell.

83. (2 Kings: 4vs1) There shall be no reason of weeping and mourning

in my family, this year, Amen.

110 111

65. (Heb: 1vs2) Oh My Father, How long shall I cry? Arise and save

me because you are my only source.

from my life that limits my testimony.

61. (Psalm: 7vs15) Oh Jesus, I worship your holy name for this day,

thank you for the grace of praying and fasting and waiting on you.

70. (Dan: 2vs21) Oh God, using my life, teach my enemies how

faithful you can be this season.

anything that cannot be found in your image in my life including

made by our leaders and prepare us for your second coming.

Prayers to occupy the supernatural realms

of excellence flow in my life.

noises provoked from the enemies surrounding my territory.

67. (Gal: 6vs7) Jesus, because I trust you, may I not be mocked.

68. (Gen: 32vs24-38) Daddy break away any satanic attachment

63. (Psalm: 119vs130) Oh God equip me with the confidence that is

shame, failure, misfortune and so on (mention more).

66. (Gen: 1vs27) My God, since you made me in your image, I reject

69. (psalm: 31vs21) Oh God Almighty no matter the condition of this

59. (Jere: 10vs24) Oh God, help your church, correct all the mistakes

year in my field of business, I shall standout for excellence.

60. (John: 7vs38) Father, as I believe in your power let your living


62. (Job: 34vs29) Baba, settle me with peace this period and cease the

fixed about your good doings in my life this year.

64. (Isaiah: 34vs16) (For singles; ready for marriage) Oh God am aware

you didn't create me to exist alone, therefore Lord I decree that this

year, I shall never lack my mate

71. Father, I make demands for the gifts, grace and throne you have set

for my life, Amen!

64. (Isaiah: 34vs16) (For singles; ready for marriage) Oh God am

aware you didn't create me to exist alone, therefore Lord I decree

that this year, I shall never lack my mate

Prayers to occupy the supernatural realms

59. (Jere: 10vs24) Oh God, help your church, correct all the mistakes

60. (John: 7vs38) Father, as I believe in your power let your living


me because you are my only source.

anything that cannot be found in your image in my life including

from my life that limits my testimony.

69. (psalm: 31vs21) Oh God Almighty no matter the condition of this

62. (Job: 34vs29) Baba, settle me with peace this period and cease the

shame, failure, misfortune and so on (mention more).

year in my field of business, I shall standout for excellence.

noises provoked from the enemies surrounding my territory.

68. (Gen: 32vs24-38) Daddy break away any satanic attachment

fixed about your good doings in my life this year.

made by our leaders and prepare us for your second coming.

66. (Gen: 1vs27) My God, since you made me in your image, I reject

70. (Dan: 2vs21) Oh God, using my life, teach my enemies how

faithful you can be this season.

71. Father, I make demands for the gifts, grace and throne you have set

65. (Heb: 1vs2) Oh My Father, How long shall I cry? Arise and save

for my life, Amen!

67. (Gal: 6vs7) Jesus, because I trust you, may I not be mocked.

61. (Psalm: 7vs15) Oh Jesus, I worship your holy name for this day,

thank you for the grace of praying and fasting and waiting on you.

of excellence flow in my life.

63. (Psalm: 119vs130) Oh God equip me with the confidence that is

112 113

by the strength of God.

your visitation; don't allow me to be frustrated.

98. (Psalm: 31vs21) Oh God connect me to greatness by your

104. (Psalm: 35vs6) Any kingdom that aims on frustrating me,

may they forever remain frustrated, Amen!

which is hindering my speed, I reject them and their projects

99. (Psalm: 126vs1) My father my God, turn that ugly situation

around. Make it the testimony am hoping for.

100. Isaiah: 54vs4) Father Lord, bless me in such a way that I

empowerment, strengthen me to appreciate and follow

connection, connected to my life.

97. (Zach: 1vs4) Any directions I inherited from my father's

possible place where I can find your grace and glory.

wasted years of my life.

and forever, Amen!

will remember no shame anymore.

102. (Psalm: 84vs11) Father Lord this year, take me to the

105. Decree with me: Father, I refuse to be misdirected this now

your direction.

95. (Psalm: 20vs2) I pray for your equipment and

106. (Proverb 4vs9) Oh God, May it be known by all, that your

excessive grace provoked the manifestation of my destiny and glory.

101. (Job: 14vs4) Jesus, give me the patience that waits upon

103. (Jere: 30vs17) Lord Jesus, I decree the restoration of the

wisdom, let me not strive like others, deliver me from


96. (Luk: 10vs18) Abba father, I refuse any satanic

85. (Psalm: 55vs17) Oh God, equip me with strength in order to be

prayerful as I should and holy as I should.

90. Lord, Jesus, guide my heart and kill my choices that betrays

89. (Prov: 17vs8) Daddy as I discover more of your grace and

91. (Matt: 24vs16) Oh God explode your fire of revival in our

nation, and bring it to my environment through me.

86. (Psalm: 119vs165) Father, give me the heart that meditates

and functions like that of Jesus...

88. (Psalm: 92vs10) Jesus, take hold of me and anoint me with

fresh oil, in all sides.

ability in me, may I not underutilize any... Amen!

Prayer to break out of family limitations and witness


God's control.

92. (1 Chro: 23vs30) Thank you Jesus for today and I appreciate

84. (Psalm: 88vs11) Jesus, utilize me for your purpose and bless me accordingly.

87. (Prov: 9vs17) My father my God in all things this year, show

me yourself, give me tangible testimonies and make me to

find you at all times.

93. Jesus thank you for my destiny, thank you for it is in your

your grace upon my life at this very season.

94. Jesus, I hand over my life to you, be my director, direct all my

hands not in the hands of any man or devil.

days, times and seasons.

114 115

172. Thank you for all those praying and the answers you granted


168. I command all the demonic strategy against the church of God to collapse.

169. (Rev: 11vs12) My king, because am a product of your church

may I not miss haven.

171. (Rom: 1vs8) Thank you Jesus for all the prayers of the past

which you have answered.

173. (Psalm: 81vs5) Daddy, I pray for every user of this COF, may

their answers come sooner than expected, Amen!

Prayers for unlimited progress.

170. This year, prepare me and equip me for your second coming,


190. (Psalm: 110vs2) All that defeated me, the previous year I will

defeat this year, Amen!

180. (Acts: 6vs15) Lord Jesus, let my face be clothed with favor.

Daddy, by favor take me to the channels I never merit and let

people behold God's grace in my life, Amen!

179. (Matt: 27vs19) Any programmed dream that rob me my

testimony I attack you with name of Jesus and I get you

uninstalled in my world, In Jesus name, Amen!

176. (Acts: 7vs49) I decree as I journey through this year, heaven

and earth will support and sponsor my moves.

174. (Psalm: 37vs19) Oh God, no matter the happenings of this

year, never shall I be ashamed.

178. (Psalm: 107vs16) Any evil road block standing on my way to

my excellence I get them removed by fire, Amen!

175. (John: 2vs5) Baba, may I be obedient unto you, to do all you

asked me to do.

177. (Isaiah: 48vs17) Oh God teach me 'gain' this year, yes father,

and teach me profit in my business and profession this year.

116. (Luk: 8vs48) Oh My God, this month comfort the faithful,

heal the mourning and deliver the oppressed.

109. (Psalm: 92vs12) Oh God, make me as righteous as you

want and may I experience all the benefit of righteousness.

115. (Isaiah: 29vs19) Jesus Christ, use me to put smile on

people's faces these seasons

118. (Isaiah: 3vs14) Show your sovereignty upon those that are

cheated in one direction or other.

110. (Prov: 9vs17) Daddy, surprise me with unimaginable

miracles this year, let me witness your visitation this year, turn my

life around.

Prayers for all round turn around.

107. (Psalm: 119vs165) Oh God I invite your peaceful

atmosphere around all my doings from today.

114. (Gen: 19vs19) I pray for God's magnification and

extension of grace upon my life.

111. (1 Sam: 20vs9B) Oh God equip me with strength all

around, in order to prevail. Father, make me to prevail against

ancestral limitation, demonic covenants and yokes of the wicked.

120. (Isaiah: 45vs1) My Father, help your anointed and give

them more grace (Pray for your pastor and other genuine servants

of God).

108. (Psalm: 92vs10) Jesus, exultation belongs to you, therefore

today I announce exaltation in all areas of my life, Amen.

119. (1 King: 12vs2B) Baba, this year, revive the broken homes

and Daddy by your name I get the demon of divorce arrested.

117. (Psalm: 32vs12) Blessed redeemer, help our nation, Arise

and rule in every sector and get the wicked humbled.

113. (Psalm: 31vs8) Oh God, give me the testimony that will

shut my enemies and mockers up forever.

121. (Acts: 19vs20) Daddy, bring to pass all you have promised

me this year through your servants and your word.

112. (James: 4vs6) Oh Lord, do not allow any resistance in my

direction. Make me flexible to your will and direction, Amen.

116 117

202. (2Chor: 7vs11) Oh God all my vision this year, none shall

escape actualization (mention your vision and put them down).

191. (Det: 1vs21)This year I will possess my (mention what you

need, e.g.: my husband, my wife, my promotion, my

appointment, my honor, my freedom.. Stuffs like that).

192. (1 King: 8vs14) Oh God you are my king and I am your child,

therefore bless me beyond normal, bless me beyond average.

Prayers for fruitfulness/proofs and humility.

193. (Isaiah: 50vs9) Oh Lord God of host help my destiny and my

life: this year shall be recorded in my biography as my year of

turn around, Amen!

196. (Gen: 31vs34) My God my father, tonight in my dream, reveal

to me the next things to do, Amen!

197. (Gal: 1vs12) I open my spiritual avenue that enhances

revelation by fire, Amen!

198. (Acts: 4vs29) Daddy I take on your boldness to challenge any

challenge around me this year, Amen!

199. (Isaiah: 29vs10) My King, keep my enemies asleep this year,


200. (Exo: 22vs26) Oh merciful father, never shall I experience

barrenness of any kind, I shall not be barren this year, Amen!

194. (2 Tim: 1vs4) My father my King, even if I will shade tears

this year let it be tears of joy, Amen!

201. Oh God as (I am in/ enter into marriage) the children of my

choice shall surround my table (Psalm: 113vs9). if you have

passed delivery stage, then pray for those expecting the fruit of

the womb.

195. (Psalm: 16vs7) Thank you blessed redeemer for your

wondrous works; I bless you for your goodness since this year.

213. (Psalm: 54vs6) This year my mouth will sing and I will say

indeed the Lord is good, Amen!

214. (Job: 26vs8) Father, enhance my capacity to bear the glorious

height you will take me this year.

205. (Psalm: 27vs11) Most high God, teach me to conquer, teach

me how to stand out and how to experience your oil, Amen!

206. (Isaiah: 44vs26) My king, I decree the revival of any

decayed side of my destiny and glory, Amen!

208. (Prov: 28vs19) Daddy, give me the wisdom to till my ground

this year and to keep the right company.

204. (John: 4vs7) Father, position me to my place of miracle and

exploit this season, Amen.

209. (Psalm: 105vs19) I shall not be a victim of negative

influencers, but I will reach my goal in Christ Jesus, Amen!

210. (1Chron: 29vs13) Father thank you for the strength to pray,

thank you for hearing my prayers.

211. (Psalm: 34vs4) I activated the answers to all my prayers in the

past in Jesus name, Amen!

216. (1 Peter: 4vs14) Blessed redeemer, I want to standout for your

glory, push me on.

215. (Psalm: 138vs8) Merciful father perfect all that concerns me

this year, Amen!

212. (Psalm: 81vs8) I trigger my testimonies now, in Jesus name,


203. (Psalm: 73vs6) Daddy save me from pride spirit and

arrogance, may I be humble as you bless me this year, Amen.

Prayers for God's appreciations and recommendations'

207. (Det: 28vs12) May I lend to many nations oh God, and may I

not borrow, I refuse to borrow but make me a lender by your

divine mandate.

118 119

O teach me from my heart to say,

"Thy will be done."

What though in lonely grief I sigh

Submissive still would I reply,

For friends beloved, no longer nigh,

What most I prize -- it ne'er was mine:

With Thy sweet Spirit for its Guest,

Let but my fainting heart be blest

My God, to Thee I leave the rest;

Let me be still and murmur not,

"Thy will be done."

Far from my home in life's rough way,

"Thy will be done."

I only yield Thee what was Thine --

"Thy will be done."

Charlotte Elliott

Or breathe the prayer Divinely taught,

"Thy will be done."

My God my Father while I stray: Song 1

If Thou shouldst call me to resign

Though dark my path, and sad my lot,

My God, my Father, while I stray

I will cling to the old rugged cross,

to bear it to dark Calvary.

its shame and reproach gladly bear;

then he'll call me some day to my home far away,

To that old rugged cross I will ever be true,

till my trophies at last I lay down;

O that old rugged cross, so despised by the world,

the emblem of suffering and shame;


On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross,

In that old rugged cross, stained with blood so

divine,a wondrous beauty I see,

has a wondrous attraction for me;

for 'twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died,

to pardon and sanctify me.

where his glory forever I'll share.

for the dear Lamb of God left his glory above

So I'll cherish the old rugged cross,

and I love that old cross where the dearest and best

for a world of lost sinners was slain.

and exchange it some day for a crown.

Old rugged cross: Song 2

120 121

Christian, seek not yet repose,

Thou art in the midst of foes:

Watch and pray.

Christian seek not yet repose: Song 3

Charlotte Elliott

Cast thy dreams of ease away;

Hide within thy heart His word,

Principalities and powers,

All with one sweet voice exclaim,

Him thou lovest to obey;

Ambushed lies the evil one:

Wear it ever, night and day;

Watch and pray.

Watch and pray.

Wait for thy unguarded hours:

Gird thy heavenly armor on,

Still they mark each warrior's way;

"Watch and pray."

Hear the victors who o'ercame;

"Watch and pray."

Hear, above all, hear Thy Lord,

Mustering their unseen array,

Watch and pray.

Just as I am, without one plea,

O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, though tossed about

Pray that help may be sent down:

But that Thy blood was shed for me,

Watch, as if on that alone

Hung the issue of the day;

Just as I am: Song 4

O Lamb of God, I come, I come,

Charlotte Elliott

And that Thou bidst me come to Thee,

O Lamb of God, I come, I come,

With many a conflict, many a doubt,

Fightings and fears within, without,

Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind;

O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Yea, all I need in Thee to find,

O Lamb of God, I come, I come,

Sight, riches, healing of the mind,

O Lamb of God, I come, I come.


[_] 2 1 Samuel 14-15

[_] 6 1 Samuel 25-27

[_] 1 1 Samuel 11-13

[_] 7 1 Samuel 28-31

[_] 10 2 Samuel 8-11[_] 11 2 Samuel 12-13[_] 12 2 Samuel 14-15

[_] 14 2 Samuel 18-19[_] 15 2 Samuel 20-22


[_] 9 2 Samuel 4-7

[_] 4 1 Samuel 18-20[_] 3 1 Samuel 16-17

[_] 5 1 Samuel 21-24

[_] 8 2 Samuel 1-3

[_] 13 2 Samuel 16-17

[_] 28 2 Kings 1-2

[_] 19 1 Kings 4-6

[_] 29 2 Kings 3-4

[_] 16 2 Samuel 23-24

[_] 22 1 Kings 9-10

[_] 25 1 Kings 15-17

[_] 30 2 Kings 5-7

[_] 20 1 Kings 7

[_] 18 1 Kings 2-3

[_] 26 1 Kings 18-19

[_] 21 1 Kings 8

[_] 24 1 Kings 13-14

[_] 23 1 Kings 11-12

[_] 17 1 Kings 1

[_] 27 1 Kings 20-22


[_] 12 1 Chron. 10-12

[_] 9 1 Chron. 2-4

[_] 13 1 Chron. 13-16

[_] 6 2 Kings 19-21

[_] 14 1 Chron. 17-19[_] 15 1 Chron. 20-23[_] 16 1 Chron. 24-26

[_] 17 1 Chron. 27-29

[_] 1 2 Kings 8-9

[_] 5 2 Kings 17-18

[_] 2 2 Kings 10-12[_] 3 2 Kings 13-14

[_] 10 1 Chron. 5-6

[_] 8 1 Chron. 1

[_] 11 1 Chron. 7-9

[_] 4 2 Kings 15-16

[_] 7 2 Kings 22-25

[_] 24 2 Chron. 23-25

[_] 30 Ezra 3-[_] 29 Ezra 1-2

[_] 27 2 Chron. 31-33

[_] 18 2 Chron. 1-4

[_] 20 2 Chron. 8-10 _] 21 2 Chron. 11-14

[_] 23 2 Chron. 19-22

[_] 26 2 Chron. 29-30

[_] 28 2 Chron. 34-36

[_] 25 2 Chron. 26-28

[_] 19 2 Chron. 5-7

[_] 22 2 Chron. 15-18

Are you washed in the Blood: Song 5

Are You Washed In Blood Of The Lamb?

Elisha Hoffman

Have You Been To Jesus For The Cleansing Pow'r?

Are You Washed In The Blood,

Are You Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb?

Are You Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb?

Will Your Soul Be Ready For The Mansions Bright,

Are You Walking Daily By The Savior's Side?

When The Bridegroom Cometh Will Your Robes Be White


Do You Rest Each Moment In The Crucified?

And Be Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb?

Are Your Garments Spotless? Are They White As Snow?

Are You Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb?

Are You Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb?

Are You Fully Trusting In His Grace This Hour?

In The Soul Cleansing Blood Of The Lamb?

Are You Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb?

124 125

3) For Prayers you can call: +2347066085556, +2347039079443


[email protected] or "SMS Only" @ +2347032970127).

2) Channels of fulfillment contact info for testimony or other inquiries

1) You can contact me personally through (Email:

(Email: [email protected] or SMS @


Contact Info and how to find CHANNELS OF FULFILMENT

USA: Evan. Godisgreat Okeke.

Sis: Chioma Nwabueze: +2347068081401

Waliwo: Barr. Uche Obi: +2348037085123

International Contacts:( PDF copies only)

Canada: Bro. Ikenna: +1(780) 908-7967

Akpaka: Pst: Dan Ogwo: +2348023317959

Omoba: Sis: Chidimma Eziama: +2347032229924

Okija: Ifeanyi Ibeh: +2347037243802

Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka: Sis: Uju: +2348067772111

Head Office of COF, Onitsha Anambra State Nigeria

Ibadan: Cynthia Goddy (University Of Ibadan): 2348062235859

Enugu: (UNEC): Chidolue Hope: +2347039453899

Asaba: Barr: Uche Obi: +2348037085123

Abuja: Sis Chinwedu: +2349097696234.

Indonesia: Bro: Jacob Franklin: +6288212818057

Nkwere: Bro: Propser: +2348064136750

Dubai: Bro: Emmanuel: +971563052659

Evan: Victor Ezeadichie: +23407061962716

Akwa Ibom: Bro Ifechukwu Daniel:+2348032392887

Evan: David Igweonu: +2348067967468

.Evan: Chizuo Okezie: +2347066085556

Lagos: Sis: Chioma: +2347034687446, +2347069111677

[_] 5 Nehemiah 9-10

[_] 24 Psalms 45-51

[_] 26 Psalms 60-67

[_] 4 Nehemiah 7-8

[_] 12 Job 11-15

[_] 28 Psalms 72-77

[_] 22 Psalms 32-37

[_] 19 Psalms 10-17

[_] 17 Job 38-42

[_] 29 Psalms 78-81

[_] 9 Esther 8-10

[_] 14 Job 22-28

[_] 10 Job 1-5

[_] 23 Psalms 38-44

[_] 11 Job 6-10

[_] 8 Esther 4-7

[_] 25 Psalms 52-59

[_] 30 Psalms 82-89

[_] 6 Nehemiah 11-13

[_] 2 Nehemiah 1-3

[_] 13 Job 16-21

[_] 7 Esther 1-3

[_] 20 Psalms 18-22

[_] 16 Job 34-37

[_] 21 Psalms 23-31

[_] 27 Psalms 68-71

[_] 1 Ezra 9-10

[_] 18 Psalms 1-9


[_] 3 Nehemiah 4-6

[_] 15 Job 29-33

126 127