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Bicycle shop app

Daniel Ponelat

The product:

An app that allows cyclists to book a service for their

bicycle at the bicycle shop in Stockholm, Sweden.

Project overview

Project duration:

March 2021 - October 2021

The problem:

Bicycle riders who commute daily into work,

struggled to book services and maintain their

bicycles at the bicycle shop

Project overview

The goal:

Create an user friendly way to allow bicycle

riders to book their bicycle services in advance

My role:

UX Designer

Project overview


Created personas, researched and interviewed

potential users. Created wireframes and low-Fi

prototypes. Conducted usability studies and

created Hi-Fi mockups.

Understandingthe user

● User research

● Personas

● Problem statements

● User journey maps

User research: summary

After conducting several research studies, I was expecting the potential users of this app to mostly be sports enthusiasts and I was surprised that bicycle commuters have great need for this app

User research: pain points

Booking a service

Bicycle commuters who rely on their bicycle

daily, struggle to make time to book a service

Loyalty rewards

Several potential users complained that they get

no rewards for being loyal customers

No app available

With no app available, customers had to rely on phoning in or visiting the shop in person which is

time consuming

Hidden costs

When booking a service on the phone, customers

complained about not knowing the cost of their


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Persona: Arnie

Problem statement:

Arnie is a bicycle

commuter who needs a

better way to book a

bicycle service and get

rewarded for his loyalty

Because he is money

savvy customer who

relies on his bicycle as

his sole transport

User journey map

Image of user journey map

Arnie is all about saving

time and money. Following

his user journey we can see

if we offer him a way to

book a service in advance

and reward him for his

loyalty, he will achieve his


● Paper wireframes

● Digital wireframes

● Low-fidelity prototype

● Usability studies

Startingthe design

Paper wireframes

I started with paper

wireframes to quickly iterate

several different designs.

This allowed me to try out

different UI layouts in an low

cost time friendly way.

Image of paper wireframes including

five different versions of the same

screen and one image of the new,

refined version

Digital wireframes

During research a key

insight was the ability to

book a service. Something

potential users struggled

with in the past

This version of the home screen was designed to give a brief over of the bicycle shop and guide users to booking a service

Insert first wireframe example that

demonstrates design thinking aligned with

user research

The ability to create an account and save profile details would help users with future bookings

Digital wireframes

Booking a service and

scheduling the date and

time is critical to the user

experience. This was an

early draft of the booking


A full calendars months view of designed to give users the most choice and information when deciding their date of service

Insert second wireframe example that

demonstrates design thinking aligned with

user research

Store details would help new users unfamiliar with the store

Low-fidelity prototype

Screenshot of prototype with connections or prototype GIF

All the connections that made the

Low-Fi prototype used in the first

round of usability testing


Usability study: findingsAfter conducting a moderated usability study with several people ranging across ages and mobile app skills, there were some of the insights discovered.

Round 1 findings

Selecting the service type wasn’t clear1

The date selector was still not easy to use or understand


Round 2 findings

Editing the service type was difficult3

The date selector was too confusing 1

Users wanted more info on pricing2

A chance to confirm order details was needed


● Mockups

● High-fidelity prototype

● Accessibility

Refiningthe design


I changed the date selector

which was confusing users,

to a button which bought

up a pop Material Design

date selector

Image of selected

screen before usability study

Before usability study After usability study

Image of selected

screen after usability study


I refined the confirmation

page and opted to use a

card type system to display


Before usability study After usability study

Image of selected

screen before usability study

Image of selected

screen after usability study


Main mockup

screen for display

Main mockup

screen for display

Main mockup

screen for display

Main mockup

screen for display

Accessibility considerations


A colour contrast test was used to make sure all the text contrast is at least AA


Icons and text:

Icons and titles we used to ensure buttons and

icons were understandable


Multiple points of entry and persistent back key allow users to navigate

more freely

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● Takeaways

● Next stepsGoing forward



“ I really feel like this was an app easy

to use, especially for users like myself

who are older and less computer

friendly” - Participant C, 56 years old.

What I learned:

Working on this app has been a journey. I feel

like my mind is more open to the needs of

others and accessibility is definitely something

I will consider more going forward

Next steps

Features:I do think this app needs more, beyond booking a

service and I would like to find out what users need

Test with real world data:Testing this app in its real

world situation and conducting unmoderated usability studies will go a long way in getting this

app ready

Deployment:Once we have fine tuned

the app and met the needs of the users. We can deploy the app and

perhaps even look at using this model for other

bicycle shops

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Let’s connect!

Insert a few sentences summarizing the next steps you would take with this

project and why. Feel free to organize next steps in a bullet point list.

For more windows into my world of UX, check out

I can be reached at [email protected] keen to chat :)

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