Download - Against Portugal


.lAS S >1.50

Sirttl e 82m ,J 511)(1 --



st. John'. -- [)fe. l'

Dec. 2~ I)'" 1 Jap· Jan. 11 Jon. :It ,·,b. \, reb.

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1963 PONTIAC .tf}~~-.--

) All forms III fllSuranee



~rra Nova Motors Ltd. Water St.

Elizabeth Av. 94171


UN -Gen •. Assembly

Seeks Against

Sanctions Portugal

.- I I

IPrice: 7 Cents)

UNITED NATIONS (AP) -I vole, They were Canada. Italy., Portugal for waging what was The United Nations General .. \s- The' Nctherlands, Luxemhourg descrihed as a "colonial war CP from AP-Reuters sembly ask e d the Security and Tllrkey. others voting no against the Angola people." NASSAU P'd t K d h for Council Tuesday 10 impose pen- included Austria, Bolivia, New It urged anew that Portugal - resl en enne y, ere alties on Portugal in an cffort Zealand. South Africa, Spain release all political prisoners. talks with Prime Minister Macmillan, has ap-to compel that country to set and Portugal. lift a han on political parties d d' I I U . d S '1' its African territory of Angola I Three NATO powen were and undertake reforms that prove sen Ing a top- eve nlte totes ml I_ on the road to independence. I among the abstainers - Den- would mean c\'enhml independ- tary mission to The Congo, U.S. government

Afro-Asian nations supported I marll. Greece and :'Iorway. . I ence [or the Angolan people. d' I I d h . I by the Communist bloc ap-, The resolution was the tough- It called Portugal's non-com-, sources ISC osee Tues ay. T e C~ngo IS a 50 proved a harshly.worded reso-! est of an}: yet ~assed .. by the I' p.liance . with p:eviolls reso!ll-, an area of concern for Macmillan's British gov­lulion calling for sanctions~the I assemhly In dealing Wllh An- hons Inc 0 n 5 1St e n t with, diplomatic term for penalties- gola. the sprawling territory on· membership in the l"N. ' ernment. by a vote of 57 to 14 with lnl Africa's southwest. coa~t where Vasco Vieira Garin, the Por- Kennedy and Macmillan who landed here abstentions. Twenty·one nalions: Portuguese ~ule IS bemg cl~al- tuguese delegate, said it ',\'as • '. wel'e absent. Ilenged hy mdependence·seekmg outrageous to threalcn his coun-, In 7S-degree December weather, met Informally

The United ~tates. Bl'itain: niltive,:. try :l'ith sanctions when chis. -for nearly an hour Tuesday in preparation for i mId France opposcd the resolu-: By lis actIOn Ihe assembly a c tl 0 n hart been \vlthh~ld •

I tion. That cast clouht on any ilC-' requcsted all .membel' stales 10 n;:!ainM n a I ion s which have the opening of talks today. tual calt for sanctions siner' slop al'ms shipments 10 POl·tn· committed R~gression. ! each has a bi~·po\\'cr vcto in ~ul-a move clirected nt the i The FS. illfol'tllonts said the I the council. ~ NATC allies. • 'The resolution dirl not spell: decision to send a mission to i Kcnnedy ami Macmltlan are

Five ar!ditional NATO allies' CONDEM;'I/!; PORTUGAl, 'ont whal kinrl of penalties i The Congo was made in Wash-' .~cheduler1 to discuss The Congo n:-;;\m;:\;\. Calif.-Robel'l J. Parks, Planetary Program Director at o[ Porlngal joined in the no I The resolution condemn en shonhl he applierl. .; ington MondilY. amid increas'lI~ I situation in detail tod~y.

P J' I b t h . b'I nl -------- - -.------. - --- . -.----.- ..... - ---.. -. - .... c.s. concern 01'Cl' some nell' hid: The olher maJor tOPIC on II)-.' Terhllologicill lll!>titule's J~t r~pll SlOl1 ~a .m·a ory ere, JU ~ a. - I ,by Russia to cstablish a power: ~ay's agenda is the U.S. inten-~."!d, n ,heel o[ information mOlDed ll'OlTI Marll1er II across 36 mIllion H h M L : position .in Ihe central African: tlOn to scrap the Skybolt. the !; of 'pace scpHrating the planet Venus from the earth, December 14th. ug ae ennan . country. Tile inform<lnts did 11ot; air-to-ground missile on which

l'a(l,\'()111etel'," ,sel.1t back information on the c10ml cover and surface tem- ! exclude the pos~ihility Ihe U.S. I Britain har! pi~r.ed Its .nuclear ~ 'in an extreme crisis might con- delcrrent pla~s 10 th.e nud·1960!.

In bar~ is chart showing lhe flight palh. (UPI Telephoto) 'CanadleanS Must Accep-t 'sider putting some American other major tOPIC! up for : forccs in The Con"o.· revicw are the Soviet-Red Chl-

BUrl"ed' WI'th I The eight-man U.S. mission, nes~ split and the Red Chinese. lieu by Lt.-Gen. Louis W. Tru- Indian b?rder war.

C d A D I N t e ~. man will make an urgcnt sur- Roth Kennedy and Mncmlllan ana a S ua a Ion I I'e" 'of the needs of Unitcd Na-' expressed optimism that they .' i tio'ns forces in The Congo and I would resolve U.S.-Britain dif-

. I their abililY 10 deal with what· ferences successfully. TORONTO (CP) - Autho.r dale those .who should hav~, I compalrlOts 10 whom we are I Washington [cars may be \11- Macmillan and Ken ned y Rise For Honors opes

'soners' MONTREAL (CPl- The two Hugh MacLennan says canadl-1learned Enghsh 300 years ago. bound. as they to us. by a SGI- I creased conflicts o\'er Congo greeted each other Tuesday

policemen killed last Friday iD ans, hoth French- and Engl,ish. He. describ.ed Qllebec. as a en:n. contract Jm~wn as the; unification. the fiources said. . W~tJl the cord i a II t y ~f old

R I a bank robbery were buried spe~king, must accept that (.an-I "clencal-Fasclst state Isolatel! 1 Bn\tsh North America Act. . - . i In a co.ordinatcd mo"c at U\' J frtcnds. and Without any sign of e e ase Tuesday with full civic honors ada "is a dual nation or she is' from the rcst o[ us for 3uO I "Quebcc today is not a 'cleri-' headquarters in :'iew York U.S.! the gral'e impact of the Skybolt i in suburban St. Laurent. nothing." I years" and saiu that to teach cal-Fascist stale,' Its cullure is' Ambassador Adlai E. Stevenson! decision on Anglo-American re-I About 2,000 spectators lined lie makes the comment In n' rrcnch in 0 n tar i o's public exploding; it is not pricst-rid-! con\,eved the V.S. decision 10: lations.

'.\\" - .\lllcrican :\mericlln U - 2 pilot Francis the roule, taking off their hats, letter publishccl Tuesday in the: schools would be a rclrogradc den any more. . . • The I pre- : l'\' S-ecl'ctal'\'.Gcllcrat [ Than!.: There 1\'35 lillIe doubt. from ,l~mc~ Donol'an ar-' Gary Powcrs for Russian spy I despite .the heavy, wet sno\l' Toronto Star, in which he takes, step. I mier .Jean I Lesage a(\ministl'a-' E\'OlmS SURPIlISE . his commcnts in a [.5. televis-

: ~"r~ TII~,day 10 try 10; Hlldolph Abel, flew here fmm I falling. at the .long funeral [or exccption to remarks attributed' tion 10 which English-speaking! The disclosure c\'ol;cd <ur- inn inten'icw :-'fonday ni~ht that : .. "

, ['11'",n Prcmier Castro' ~liami accompanied by three; Constahles Dems Brabant, 31. 10 Re\·. Fred Ellis, dean of: U;:-';ORA:'I:CE. J'HE.lUJ)lCE : voters in Qucbcc 1!31'C OI'cr-: pris~ a III 0 n" rx dcle~alcs the president ha~ sided' with

~,'Icr IIII' freedom III 1.113' Cuhan negoliators, and Claude 1larineau, 34_ Hamilton's school trustees. The! Mr. :llncLennan says ~Il'.. whelming support seeks tn ~i\'('1 thcl'c. . l'S. Dcfence Secretary Robert . C"pHII'cd in Ihe April.: The four \\'ere reported to PaUl - Emil~ Cardina.l Leg~r, Montreal novelist al,l~ unil'er- I Ellis "Io~k Ihis. occasion 10. full exprcssion tn the flowcrin;:' :\ftrr an hour-Ion/: rnectin~ ~Ic:iamnra in his desire to can-

· I 1nI',;,iOIl of Cuha. ha\'e bcen taken 10 the Ha~3na Roman Cathohc archbIshop 01 sity lecturer accuses ~lr. Ellis: compress mto a Single pacl"lge. of French culture wilhin CUll-, hrtwCCll Stcl'cn,on and Th~nt.· eel further developmcnt of the Ihal the capti\'Cs home of ~11·s. Berta Barreto. Montreal. celebraled the Re- of "ignorance and prejudice." I more i~norance and pl'cjurlice i fcdemlion. to impI'ol'e cllu- tI;e l!\: illlllOlIllWI thrtt al' Skybolt.

"I rclr:"cll hy CIII'isl-' olle flf the m'gotiators. Prel'ious iqlJicm mass lit St. Laurtnt'! Mr. Ellis told a Hamilton: than J have seen in years." I cation. to Irain men in husiness. Tllanl'5' rcnllcst tho FS. !l:Is: The mi"i\(' i~ vital 10 Brit-o: "I 'c;,,\ in the ncar tall;s 011 thc prisoncl's' release parish church. - I board o[ education meetin~ jast: lIis Ictlel' adds; 'scicnce and enginecl'ing'. • •.• a~rccII tn 's u p pi)' ,Hlditional, ain's future ~s an lmlependent · IIi" P\pl'l'"rrl h,\' th~ir \\'!'I'C held th!'rc. I St .. Laurent's. May.or. Marcel. Thursday night he questioncd! '~The first fact of .which ~I~'.·,. , ,"" I equipment 10 thc 1'~1 Congu, nuclear power. .

hrrr' aurl in ~Iiami. Also al'l'ivill~ with Donovan Latll'ln and Police Chief Cam· I the wisdom of spendin/t I'nst. Elhs appcars 10 he Ignorant IS I\\() AJ.T1,R:'I,\Tl\ LS force I U.S. sourccs said It appeared ,11'!'re :\11'111'0 Sanchez and Mrs. ille Hetu headed the procession sums of money "to accommo-' that Ihe French Canarlians are ".: - Canarla tmln\' hn'. he· I Th~ AmOlmt Md nature of the' a compromise might be fir-

~'r\\' York lawyer Virginia Bctancourt. officials of Ihat included more than 4,000 fsolre It mil' rk'f tICI'O fal\el'lltll·es .. cquipment depcnr!s nn Ihc rcsult, ranged on Skyholt. !11:mrrl [·11 the swap of. the Cuban Filmilies committee policemen, firemen, and com· P I B I Ie call rna -e on e.l ~ra Ion a' nf the Slll'l'e,' bl' Ihe U.S. mis-

,,' "rmlposecl of prisoners' rela- munity leaders from many Que- 0 Ie ce att e success or she can dlSlllte~ratc. I. ,I . h: I- 'n ~r • '''ork .JU:\IP TO SAFETY , .. .. "I I Ike f I sion. \1 llC IS (lie I .,e\1 1 S . lires. bel' muntclpRhltes. . n on 1'1' 0 mil'e on 1'( cr- lollay en 1'Oute to The Congo a SYRACUSE, :-I.Y. (APl-TW8 tar REI.ATI\'ES JURIJ.ANT 'rhe two coffins ,,!ere pre- atlOn .a sllcecss, .all .of. us-on [N spokesman ~aid. Sources'in men made a 5,ooo-foot para-Helati\'es in Cuba were juhl. cerled by two police heutenant~ both Sides of Ihe Im~lllslJc fence N < i.' the mission is chute jump to safety Tuesday

.\Hr.FELLO, Calif. I'nilcd Stat~~ ~atellite 10 hccome R new guid· for ,hips and submar­alolt 'fucHlay o\'er the

mi~,ilr ran)(e. '!' Ail' Force Scout

· up. Tr,lIlit 0.\. Ihe 140-

!at~l1ite \\'as scheduled firsl of a nelwork of four

the end of 1963 would to gil'e ocean vessels in thc 1I'0rid a quick

po.<ition in any kind

with light snn\\,· High today 22.

Temperatures Ni~ht Da,

Min Mil

34 39 IR 2-., 11 18 22 27 23 30

...... 2~ 30

Skies DEC 19

.... 4:10 p.:n_

...... 7:45 a.m.

8.m. . In

......... i}ec.26 ,

SrAR8 In the

... 5:41 p.m. Well above

. th d b d f mt t a 'c t as l\! Lesa"c assau . a 11 F lanl. They heard over United carrymj( e caps an ages 0 Re. P e - IS C ep, '. r. 'b expected to complete its survey from a crippled {;.S. Air orce StnteR and Cuban radio that an Constables Brabant and Marin- lotmg rlSOnerS ~oes, Ihat ~nnada .IS a dual na-. before the vear's end. jct trainer that plunged through Amel"i~an fl"l!ighter was . .rea~y I cau. hon or .sh~ lS no~h~ng. Th,e (fe.rI. Ih a relat~d development. US. thick ol-erc~st and c~ashed on 10 dell\'er fond and medICIne In I th t r th 'Iy the era\) c,lhmet mmlster .\\ ho I c- Statc Undersecretary George i the north Side of Oneida Lake. exchange for the captives. n 0 er par S 0 e CI , " I ccntly boasted Ihat hiS party, 1\[' Ghee flew 10 Brus<els for i The tll'O air force captain! who

Caslro demanded $62,000.000 search. went on ~or the g~ng Bl'ENOS AmES (APl - Pris- The .Judge satd the hostages had proved it possible to form Ie, . .' orei~ n ~Iin-I eiected themseh'e~ from the for their freedom and later that killed the polIcemen dUJ'll1g oners rioted In this capital's weJ'e In great da~~e.r- Among a. gOI·.ernment 'without Queh~c" ~ongo ~a~t~Je~I~~h ~aak go! 'Bel- I T-~3 jet were picked up by Il a"l'ced to fClod and medicine a bnnk robbery. Villa de Voto Jail Tuesday, fired them. was th.e Jml s Roman dul thiS country a lethal sernce. I~ter P"'11 C I "o~~ former col- rcscuc helicopter in the viCinity '0 on guards and seized possibly Catholic chaplmn Nih' p rly maj'orily glUm. 1 le 010 , Y h th valued by Castro at $62.000.000. CONGRESS TO MEET 40 hostages. A j'udge sent 10 . 0 wom Cl' . IS a . onial rulcr. In a W~shington of Constantia. N .. , were e Stc~ming from Baltimore to Neither Insaurralde nor jail s!lra~k to ItS present dlm,m- meelinr; last monlh, Kennedy plane crashed.

Port Everglades. Fla .• north o[ PEKING (Reuters' _ The Na- ur~e the prisoners to 5~l!ender sources could estimate the cas- sions. No wonder Cnnada toda~ and Spank aNreed on severe I _____ _ Miami. was the freighler M- I tional People's Congress, Com- said l~_I~~mbers of the Jail staff ualties among Ihe mutineers. has hardly a government at all. economic mca;urcs against The I POSTIES, CLERKS STRIKE rican PiI~t.. : munlst China'~ ~arliament, wnI. W~~n£j~ee ~till' echoed Ihrou~h --------.-- -~ - --- Cong~'s Kata~ga prov!nce un- I ~lONTEVIDEO (Reuters)-

:rIle 43o:fo~t frelg.hter, loaned I meet next Sprt~g or early sum-I the jail Tuesday night, as police less It e.nds" II~ ,seceSSIOn from I' The delivery of m i Ilion I of b~ t~e Fm rell Lmcs 10 ~he mer.. folIo \\ ~ d by general reinforcemenls tried to quell Ihe the cenl! al ~Ol el nment. Christmas cards Is being held Amcncan ned Cross. which eleehons later In the yenr. It mlltl-ny by ahout 4110 of Ihe ? 100 I' f C - i h 'tdo\nn strl'ke of postmen

I . "I' f t h IT 'I It '111·' Two of 'I'lwnt's c lie ongo, up Y Sl. . assume[ spon~OI ~ lip 0 e was announcel ues! ay. w pr'lsollel's . _ D I I I' UI'u"ua" At the same tune '. ,. . h . , I d b tl [·U d f' I " • . nlllcs-lildcrsccretal'v "il ph '. 111 0 J. • prtlStOlnelFle~cl ange:t ITsl c':t~ e I o~ thle

OUI I t a~lOllg~~~ sessIOn .Jail authorities denied early: II Bun~he nIHI nollert K. A. (;m'd-I ali pril'ale banks have been : a Ie Illll a pol lUI' a~. e pres en s" reports tlwt some o[ the prig- I . . . "f' .... 'fl . ralyzed b" a 72-hour strike of -.-.. ~--.--.---- ... -.---------.-----.. ---- .. I I Iller cllle[ ll:-: ollcel 111 lelpa J

I on~I's had ~scape~l. from t~:- ]all. . Congo-headed for consultations' 'i.OOO clerks, also over salary which cOlers file. blo~ks .In.· 1 wilh Thanl. ,demmllls_

i ~~:~~;;:i:;;;~'~;~;. U~--·S"---5-' R-------T'--0---'- C--a-r-r-y--O-n was directed from the out slue. I They said eight men in two cars were arrested oulside the jail NIT

I gate just as the mutiny beg~n. . lie ear ests I They reporled the men camed II

TAXI arms and molotov cocktails. PHILAUELPHIA (AP)-Two persons h~lled a cab Mon.; TALKS WITII RIOTERS I

day and were driven straight to the pollee Itation. The driver I ,Judge t ~eloPollhdo hI Inksaufl"halrle '1'

high t I . was sen In 0 e oc s were of tbe ub wa~ George Sternberger, a way pa ro man lin tile prisoners held control lnd' plainclothes duty hunting for holdup men. Sternberger said I for nearly 15 minutes urgen bag the two carried. containing 12 bottles of liquor. aroused them to surrender. IIe said they his suspicions. The two, Julia Hartley. 16, and Donald Wheel- vowed 10 fight to the end. er, 21, were charged with burglary.

GE~r-:VA lJ1eutcrsl - The So-; lleclaralion from Russi~ that It viet Union said Tuesday the i will refrain from testmg from ,Ian. I deadline for halting nn·' Jan. 1-a mo\'e predicted DY clear tests. set by the Uni!ed' 'Nestern delegale!. Nations G e ncr a 1 Assembly. I THECOUNTiy PARSON should he met whether or :lol, agreement is rcached in test-! ban lalks herc. . I

TEETHING RING I STORM HALTS TRAFFIC Russia's delegate to the diS-. STUTTGART, Germany (Reuters)-Hans Karkur. a dent· PORT SAID, U.A.R. IAP)- armament confcrence, Scmyon

1st, reported theft of 1,000 teeth from his dental laboratory in Twenty • three s hip s were Tsarapkin, said his country. did Stuttgart. The teeth were valued at $1,201. Noting a similar blocked in the Suez Canal Tues- not want the tesls to conllilue burglary of 4,1100 teeth at Augusta, Ga., recently. Karkur said: day because of a violent sand- "but we are not going to stop "I think W. a teething ring." storm which reduced visibility .... ' .... ... . tests unilaterally,"

to zero.. Both Port Said and He was speaking to reporters '. G1RDLEFU} . .' . Suez harbor were closed to MONA LISA LEAVES after the 50th mceting of the

])AYTON, Ohio (APl-Bow much can be put Into a hi . F S' 1 t • 'tl th conference's three-power tesl-"'rdle". Most wearers III 'tbel devlres feel lucky if they can get s ppmg. LE. HAVRE, ranee- peclil con amer WI 1 e b' I 'tt II I I ... . "M L'''' -d . I d d b d th nn su )comml ce - le as tbemselve. Into them, but' for two women arrestetl in I dis· MISSIU: EXPIAlDES prIceless ona Isa 111S1 e IS oa e a oar e befol'c the New Year's Day eoun' slorr. here Monday. tile abdominal bindings "Sel'Ved as I LOS ANGELES (AP) _ An Frcnch. lincr "France" here December 14. Brought deadline. storehouses of mel·chandl!ie. One wonlan; Who lI'tlghs abDut Atlas intercontinental bullistic the 100 miles from the Louvre in Paris to this port i . Observers understood. Tsarap. 240 pounds, bid 1~!Iffed Into her girdle 43 pain 0-' women's missile blew up ahout a minute . . ~'to t 1 - th d ,I kin to mcan thnt Hu~sla would hOlle, 32 pairs of men'. lOCks, 14 sliptl, five pairs of lnklets apd after being launched on a train- Vla a secret, C~lC~l us. rOll e very ear y 111 e. aJ , i not refrain from testing if the: 'thret' Ihlrt8. Another bad enllugh room f.r benell Ind 33 ing mission from Vandenherg the famed pamtmg wlll be taken to the Ul1lted, West lested. . :


... 7;25 p.m. .. .... 8:34 p.m.

plira of women'. hose, 2G pairs of meD', loeks, leven slips. d Ail' Force Base 'l'uesday .• No States aboard the France for a three-week exhibi-! The Wcst hns lIl<lde 't cleal' . "Nuw is the besl time 10 do . boy', cap, a ,air of trouler5 ·and a set of IIlrl's pajamas. They I ~Ile was injul'cd nnrl m~ f""ili-, l' n aL the National Gallery in Washington. ! that i~ will not "':~I'rl Ihe <Ill' -:h:" . Ill- ·~ant. if you .. " we" held OD Inveltll.tlon of ahopllftin ... Tllelr namel were I lies were damn~ed, an all' force' \0 . , . . con!rJ'leu. .... '1 'I'atnr- lit to I.:ire pleasant llIem- .. :', , Dot releued. . spokesman Sidd. I (UPI RadJOteJepholo) 'iulll implic,l h)' 311) 'onual ,., i~,:'


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! THE DAILY NEWS, ST, JOHN'S. NFL D., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBEU .. --------------------.... ----------------------------~----------------------------~c~_. __________ ----- , --

$2 Million For Banana Cultivation AKreement was reached on

: December 3 between the Prime :lMinister (and his advisers) and :' a team of neKotiators from 'the ::Unlted fruit Company In res· : 'peet of • nine· point programme : ito Improve Jamaica's banana

industry, The United Fruit Company

will Immediately invest two million dollars in banana culti· vltlon, which is calculated to increase the island's output by about two million stems an· nually. ,The Company will make available to banana growers its 4!xpertille and equipment to

. .




'. ,

, .

Whltewlll tlrel optlonilit .xtra cost.

livity. Jamaica's banana production to The Company will also resume its previous proud posl.

promptly proceed to negotiate tion and is prepared to bring a new contract with the Bat>ana to Jamaica the benefits of the Board for the transportation, improved techniques which it oC bananas to overseas markets, has developed elsewhere."

The United Fruit Company The Prime Minister, the Hon. has stated that it is not seek- Sir Alexander Bustamante, said ing any tax concessions or oth· that he wished the company to er special concessions and it know that they are wclcome in does not require any financial Jamaira. He has authorised the assistance. Banana Board and the Govern.

A spokesman for the Com· ment Departments concerned, pany stated that "having reo to commence detailed discus­gard ,to Its long conncction with I sions on the _points raised by the island the United Fruit the Company. ' Company is anxious to assist The Chairman of the Banana

Board, Senator Sytlney Phillips try of Finance on December 3'1 International Bank of Recon­and the Chairman of the All- The leader of the mission is. stru:tion and Development (the Island Banana Growers Assoc· Mr. C. W. Thompson, Economic: "World Bank") has been ap­ialion, Mr. Clifford DeLisser, Adviser of the European Divi- proved by the House o[ Re­said that the Company's pro- sian. The members arc Mr. J. I presentntives and the Sennte. posed programme should give E. Main, Transport Expcrt, and I 512 MILLION HOUSING considerable impetus to the 'I Mr. A. R. Johnson, Agriculture SCHEMES Banana industry and help to at- Economist and Mr. C. F. Owen, On November 29 thc Minis· tain the increased efficiency I Economist. iter of Finance, the Hon. which is required if it is to ex- World Bank loans are madc' Donald Sangster and the Minis· pando after the Bank's officials have, ter of Housing, the Hon, Cle· WORLD RANK SURVEYING investigated and are satisfied as 'ment Tavares,' discussed with

JAMICAN PROJECTS to the prospective borrower's ~ir. Aston J\1cEachron, of Levey Appraising Jamaican projects 1 credit-worthincss and the tcc-, Russell Industries (Toronto)

which might qualify for assis'

l hnical and economic vitality of Ltd., the Company's plans for

tancc, a World Bank 1lission the projects. '! two housing schcmes in the Is· startcd its survey at thc Minis· Jamaica's membership of the land InVolving an Investment of

Bel Air 4·Door Sedan

'Cause Chevrolet offers an outstanding array of durability and dependability features! .'

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• Water·was.hed, air·dried rocker panels: they are cleaned and dried with water and air from the cowl inlet - and they're protected by 2 coats of rust·inhibiting prime and ~nti­corrosion compound. • Inner front fenders: keep salt, slush, mud and water away from the under·side of the front fenders, e Extended·life exhaust system: lasts longer because of liberal aluminliing in the muffler, plus heavier gauge tail pipe. 0 Delcotron generator: delivers power to battery even at low engine speeds, Crawling through winter traffic with lights, heater, wipers and radio on won't drain the battery •• Unisteel body by Fisher: a tight, tough unit, with all sections welded firmly into place. Body is rust­protected, sealed, insulated and acoustically hushed. G Safety·Girder frame: X.built with heavy steel centre support - the solid basis of Chevrolet'S outstanding ride and stability •• Self·adjustinr brakes: Just a touch of the toe each time you back up - and your brakes are automatically adjusted for sure stopping under all driving conditions. • Malic-Mirror finish: re~ists chipping, fading and the effects of salt and tar. That long·lasting lustre needs little care, 0 Exte nded lubrication interval: 6 months or 6,000 miles between lubrications - 60 days or 6,000 miles between oil changes. G Full Coil suspension: gives that famous, quiet Jet·smooth ride and sure stability that are so distinctively Chevrolet.



A .IIIIIIAL MOTOIIS VAJ,UI Be sure to see Bonanza on the CeC·TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing for channel and time. C·$63'

'. See your dealer for Chevrolet's Special lOGo With The Greats" Hi·Fi Record Album Offer.


. t • " • PHON! 8·5047 ST. JOHN'S , .

hetween ten and twelve million I kinder and more friendl dollars (U S.). One would be a I pie than you. T1;at is \Vh 'Yl lower·illcome project in co·oper- ! ahle to say a week or t:\'O a'hn with the Government and I that these last five I'ea' the other would be "A modern been the happiest in 'ou rs. aparimcnt Scheme", for middle- .J'\~lAICA WilliS r income familics. GOLD ~1EDALS AT .

The Company has wide er- One silver, one bron perlencc in housing construc· three gold medals were Ze tion and is one of the world's Jamaica's team at the largest holding Companies. It Empire and has Industries in the U.S.A., Games at Perth Great Britain and W cst Ger- which ended on ue'c emtl'" many. The Team Captain

After the discussions the Kcrr won a silver medal Minister of Finance said tllat a he came a close second to part of the Govcrnment's over· Zeal~nd's Peter Snell in all housing development pro- 8BO > ards race. Later. Kerr gramme was to attract foreign the 440 Yllrds and was investors. He added that it was ed with a gold medal. He gratifying to find so much i~l' also .the team's leading leg terest concerning investment m ~er 10. thc 4 x 440 yards Jamaica, especially in Housin? ,Ill whlch they 1I'0n a

Increased activity in IhlS: medal. The others in the field would help not only to team were ~Iel and ~lal solve the housing problem but and Laurie Khan. also the problem of unemploy- Jamaica's other gold ment, he concluded. at Perth was won bv

IN·CO~ING GOVERNOR· Colquhoun in the middle GENERAL I boxing. A bronze

His Excellency Sir Clifford, gained by WelleSley Campbell, became Jamaica's the long jUmp. first native Governor-General i Of the sel'enteen on December 1. The swearing· 1 comprising the in ceremony at the National i eight returned home on Stadium was attended by a ber 4. large audien:'c headed by the II INSUR;U';Cr. CO~IP Prime Minister and Lady Busta- SUBSCmBES £ mantc, Her Excellency Lady ]NDEPEXDE~CE ' Alice Campbell and other offi· I Mr. ROJiald Thwaite. ' cials of Church and state (in- I tary of the Jamaica )Iul~al eluding the Leader of thc Op· i Assurance Society. position and his wife )Irs. Edna, the ~linister of Manley) High Commissioners,! December 4, copies Ambassadors, Custodes, May. tions to the Societl" ors, and Consuls. purchasc £ 100,000 of

Pledging by God's llelp to do ernment's Registered his best for Jamaica, Sir Clif.! the Independence Loan. ford said that he would hold lIr. Thwaites said that the scales evenly between all· investment indicated the seetions of the community. ciel)"s "great confidence

OUT·GOING GOVERNOR· future of Jamaica. The General lors of Jamaica

His Excellency Sir Kenneth that they are acting Blackburn, Jamaica's first Gov- the interests of their ernor General. left the island holders." on November 30, on pre-retire- The )linister said he ment leave. He was ace om- very grateful for this panied by Lady Blackburn and lion to the Independence their son ~!artin. issue from sllch a well

In a farewell message broad· i lished Jamaic'an i I

cast from Jamaica's tlVO radio i went on to fay Le stations, Sir Kenneth said, in· I Jamaica :-Iutual's tel' alia: "In no other country i he emulated II)' (Ilher in the 'world, including my own I institutions as well as by country England, can one find dividuals.

-- --, - ------

Roberts, Diepp Commander, Di

FAUVIC .• Jersey (CP)- ~Iaj.-! Gen, Robcrt~ will 10n~ be Gen. John Hamilton Roberts, I membered hy the , 70. a career soldier who servc,l I Army and. 1 hope, by Ir.e in both world wars and led the I nadlan people." Dicppe raid. died at his home I ~Ian\' uh,crI-crs held Ihat in the Channel Islands ~londaY_1 Dieppe raid. carri~ oul

Gen. Roberts will probabiy hc out su[[icient fire-poIO'er best remembered as comman·1 a hearil)' de£ended harbor, der of the Canadian force in the I vided \' a I u a b 1 e IC,;OTIS

controversial 1942 Dieppe raid,. sal'ed thousands of in whicll somt! 3.3li9 men of n· latcl' seaborne [rontnl force of nearly 5,000 werc killed. Just three mll!lt!:S wounded or captured. Shoo·tly leiter to Ross )11111:0. after the raid he assumed com- Press war mand of Canadian reinforce- Dieppe and now . ment units in the (Jnited King- Winnipeg Tribune. Gen. dom. wrole:

Gen. A. G. L. ~Ic;'\aughton o[ "I considcr D;cppe was Ottawa. commander of the first 1 worthwhile ~s we learned Canadian 'Army in 1942. today I about what nOll to do, O,r paid this tribute to Gen. Roll-· successful lalil:ia,:s in :;orth erts: I rica. Italy etc.. conld

"As a leader and 3S a gallant. ! hal'e beelt carried out devoted, determincd sol die r .. it. "

From San Francisio T Britain In 30 Minutes

LONDON (Reuters) _ Some I bination of economical air experts con sid e r Dam I and ram jct engine!. Buster Dr. Barnes Wallis is a i design would enabl~ neglected genius of British fly- i produce all the r~qulred Ing. ! at great height WIthout

Whether or not they are right, I' out. the 74 . year _ old inventor has The United Statel plans for 111 anlled aircraft ca· 'I' ment has awarded a pable of 15,000 miles an hour contract for a ncll'

His planned bomber, or ch'il i to the General uyn.,,,,,, airliner, would be capable of I poration which. reaching San Francisco frol11 I lis movabie \\'lng Britain in about 30 minutes. nnd -Australia, now 27 honrs away II Some wives feel theY by air, in about 45 minutes. , make rcal good use 01 the

Details are being put before' ling ball hubby takel to British Air ~t i n i 5 t C r Hugh alleys two or three Fraser. week. WHA~I!

Dr. Wallis, inventor of the i ::.::.=...:.:..~---~ bouncing bombs that in 1943 cut 1_------­great damaging gaps in Ger many's industrial dams, has drawn up his plans for the Vick ers Aircraft Company, which has a British government con tract to examine the problems of movable aircraft wings on which the new Wallis invention entirely depends.

The wings, outstretched for take·off and landing, would fold back for supersonic speed.

The plane would have a com

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In Canada more people bur


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was ol'igil drunk dridl


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1 The Daily News


Thr nrw I'elerans' pal'iIlon (left) adjoining the General Hospital (centre) wJII be eompleled this week, The $100,000 three·~torey structure was built Ihr fedrral Ilepartment of Public Works and will contain 66 beds (or hos pitRized wlr veterans. On !!Itreme right Is the new . 12·storey nurses' resld·

pf the General Hospital which Is also being constructed on the grounds. (Mil Mercer Photo)

Impaired Driving Brings Conviction

,\ lII~n Ins fined SIOO 01', doys in jail Tuesday'

he was convict ed on a: of impaired driving. '

was originally charged: drunk dril'ing, but it was I

redutcd to impaired i 1

defcndant pleaded not i ,: 10 lhe charge and claim·: t~O companions with him I

:hl' time made him drink. showed the man

drunk in a public place. An· i orderly manner on Water street other person had the use 'I Monday night. against him dismissed when They pleaded not guilty ~nd he Ilroved to the court he I asked their case be postponed wasn't drunk but WRi suffer· ,to enable them to call • wit· Ing from malnutrition. ness.

The defendant testified he They were arrested for shout· had no money and no board. ing, singing and swearing. ing house. Bail was set at $200 with I

"J was staggering because surety of $200 each lor two I was hungry, not because I men charged with impaired was drunk," he testified. driving.

"J can't get a boarding They were not asked to plead

1i * * * * * Hunters No Sign of 2

An RCMP plane Tuesday sight­ed the 12-foot dory used by two west Newfoundland hunters who have been missing since Saturday.

The empty dory was spotted at St. Teresa's. about 25 miles across St. George's Bay from March Point. from where the men left to hunt birds.

The two, Peter Hynes, 18. of Purt IIU Port and Emile Jesso, 24, of March Point, left during a lull in a vicious wind and snow storm Sal· Ul·day.

While they were gone, the wind switched directions and the storm worsened. Jesso's mother saw them trying to row ashore against the wind but they didn't make it.

Although almost all hope was gone that they would be found ali \'e. searchers began scouring the shoreline Tuesday in the chan,:e that they may ha\'e come ashore in an isolated area.

A United States Air Force hell· copter and a search party led by the RCMP also took part in the search.

, arrested dril'ing the wrong ____ ... ..;0;,: on a one·way street.

oj! * *

house, nobody will help me, I but requested the postponement J have to sleep out of doors," of their case to enable them to

I • • • seek counsel. Their cases are

states cd a ell' strike l Dynamics IviIl use the III

feel theY use of the

'f takes three

Tour mcn were fined 510 when the)' were con· on a charge of being

, lIIagistrate Hugh O'Neill post· I set for Jan. I() and Jan. H. i poned the case of two women ' • • • I charged with acting in a dis· A resident of SI. John'.

WaR fined $25 or one week In" jail when he was convIcted 011

a charge of driving while pro· hlblted to do 10. o'vater~s Shows

utput Decrease The man IDst htl Ilcnee In

lune for a period o( six months when hi 11'11 (011·

vlded 011 I char,e or drunk drlvlll,.

The 1963 executive 01 the St. Jobn'. Laurier Club was elected at I meet Ing held bere recently. The new ofriccrs are-seated (l·r): George Clark., second vlce'presldeni: J;' P. Steinhauer, president; Dr. F. W. Rowe, who con ducted election Df officers; Hubert Kelly, first vlce"president. Back row­(I.r). RUlSell Burke, assistant secretary; Kevin O'Regan, William MacDonald, Hal Austin, Gerry Byrne. G. H. Baggs, Joe Wadden, Bob Grouchy, Frank Wan, secr;tary.treasurer. Absent from phDto are J. D. Ashley, immedlat. past president: Wilfred Hoddinott, James Fagan, Norman Billard. and Ed Learnln ••

Premier I. II. SmallwoDd I. hDnorary president of the cblb.

production this ~ reduction to a week e:':g pleaded pUty to the at. the giant Bowater's i from Ilx days in mill pl'oduc- e.. • Criticizes' Academic Standard mills here is going (0 be I tion on Oct, 1. A k d • from las~leTar, 8

dcompany Despite adverse market con. Hugb ~~~eil~s ~ p!~:O~t!at:

sal ues 3)'. I ditions the mill did com. up 1 h fl' h The academic standard or education In Newfoundland' spend the year drumming fach I nlfely see that a problem 1 "It is through education that

schools was criticized Tuesday by the principal 01 Bishop i into children's heads merely for i exists here, yet no agreement ,we lay and strengthen our Spencer College here. I examination purposes but these; has been reached to bring: foundations as a people and we , Misl M. White was givIng her annual report at Ihe ~chool'K : facts serve no real purpose, I about improvement and the ; do this best if we enable each spcech night. when slle elaborated on the tubject of tbe edu.!ha\,e no significant meaning and I difficult situation continues to : person to find his own poten· catlonal pattern In the prDvlnce. I' are q.uic~IY f.orgot~en after the (he detriment of the pupil' ti~lit)' and to develop It to th.

laid production this veal' .' . . c arge 0 eavlnE t •• cene of tllimalcrl at 295000 'tons wIth a number of produchon, an accident failing to Jive his

10 320.000' in 1961 ,records. Among .them was a 'I name or address. 1961 th

. long·sought objechve - manu· He ... Ieaded not ""Ilty to the YCJr on record the; c ~r~. 0 .' tons 0 good c~arge and claimed that an the was e most· fa t f 1 200 fir au

said. . I newAsPI ~nl tn7111 one day. reacbed mght Df the Iccldent lomeon. . . i un prl... had liolen hi. car.

. .... _____ .. __________ exammatlOn II wrlten." ! and the frustration of the . fullest. "As for our academiC prob'l d 1 "'I d 11 ·1 I teat·llel·." "1 f""1 qUI'le sure tllat what,

I "h 'd "·t·· I stu y. My understanding of, ., any u PUPI , eave: " salll Ihls yt'ar Intght .- .-.-. ----- em, s e sal, I IS In my , h I b d f ·1 r . ,,\ I t Id II tl I . d . th t . ., th t t' k : equal opportunity 1& tD give I SC 00 ran cd as al ures. rus., , m ou en s C, II' I~ one In 0 el' COlill fles can htcn bcl1cr except for a shuldown in July and

News Spots TtESDAY'S FIRES Freshwater Road . •

a.m ..•• overheat­Gilbnrner ••• no dam-

Will Launch· Trawler Friday The ncw stern· type trawler propellers, hydraulic winch and

of the Bonavista Cold Storage steering mechanism •. : Company will be launched It : Bathurst, New Brunswick, Fri· . day. , H. A. Russell. president of , the company, and Mrs. Russell

Her equipment Includes udar two electronic depth recorders I decca navigator, and two 30· kilowatt ,enerators,

opmlOn e gl'ea es wea ness, d . 'I thl k' tl II i b d' h I I I I d t' It" I students tlte best possible CDIl' trate and embittered and be· n mg tat lere s a way', e one ID our sc 00 s. t f

n ~ur e .uc~ l~na .~ys ~mi 1 ditlons to do the kind of work come problems for society to I to give equal educational op· : time a heginning was made," e h e p~n~:a ~al a n I for which they are suited In. cope with," she added. portullity to everybody? i Miss White concluded.

Pac gra e ere are ve

lry poord.11 stead of asking those with 1J.iss White stated that chil·. -----... --.----.. ---.. ---- '-~-

001', average, 8uper or an" . d f .. t r 0 ft S I" R 1 t" highly superior children and 1 very limited ability to strug·, ren °ff~~pcrlor m C Igence are ra' ea Ing egu a Ions all d t th' gle with academic work which 1 noL su IClently challanged and r' ~re expose 0 e same cllr· is beyond them." are "not stretching themselves

ICU urn, "We are not all equal but: to the limit ()[ their intellectual i O'ITAWA (CP) - Regulat.,lanlic Fisheries gave unanlmolll "Surely we are not giving have our personal abilities, and 1 powers." i ions are being drafted to cou· i approl'al last year to a Cana·

equal opportunities for de. disabilities ond we must accept I She said that for the past~ Irol harp seal fishing in the i dian request that comervation YeJol'ment by demanding all this fact," :lfiss White said. I three years her slaff has been i Gulf of St. Lawrence next sea·' of harp and hood seals alon~ children ranging in intelligence "When pupils are obliged to' wor~ing with approxil!' 200 ! son. Fis~eries Mini.stcr :llac·1 Canada's east CO?st. be brought from an I.Q. of 140 to 62 to I cover I course for which they I pupils per year, .~angmg In age i Lean saId :llonday I~ a Com.; under the commIssIon: follow the same course Df are not suited many teachers I from 12 to 15. I am very re'l mons reply for Maunce Sauve! Two or three countnes on the

course from all of them." He said the International' a new scaling agreement to put will attend the launching cere· monies. Mrs. Russell will christ· en the ship. which will be named Grand Monarch. New Amendment

• luctan!. to demand the lamE I' (L-IlIes··Madelr.ine). : commission still had not signed o utI a w s "All thoughtful people can Commission for Northwest At·: the plan into effect.

The new fishing trawler Is , ... no personal in· the first of Its type to operate

out of Newfoundland. It will remain at Bathurst aU' winter for the installation of equip·

Hunting ,With .22 Rifle Gower Street .•.

p.m .••• overheated .•. no damage.

Avenue ... p.m ..•• false alarm.

Total fires for Decem· 43 • no personal

ment and fishing gear, and will Tlhe.2

d2.eallbre rill. ha~ been! The only exception to this and certain types of shotgull i

arrive in Grand Bank early next ~ut awe 15 I hunting firearm: new regulation is for the tak·1 ammunition. I spring. In Newfoundland. ! ing of fur·bearing animals, i This regulation states: "No I

The captain of the Grand . A~ a":,en~ment ta ~he IlrOI" I o.ther than beaver, by a bona i person lihall, during any I lIIonarch will be a Grand Bank mce ~ wII~hfe reiUlaltons was: (Ide trapper who carries a per· I' closed .eason for big game, fisherman not yet named. published m th~ Newfoundland mit Issued by the Minister of carry or possess Rny rifle,

The $500,Il00 vessel of the Gazette Tuesda). Mines, Agriculture and Resour·· sIngle bullet, rifled slug, ball, "Brunswick" design Is similar Signed by Resources Minis· ces, or one of his officers. : buckshot, Dr any shot larger to two other vessels built at the ter W. J. Keough, the amend· Another amendment appear·! than BB In any place known shipyard this year lor New ment pr~hibits. all hunting with ing In the same Gazezlte reo' to be frequented by wild·

I, Brcnswick fishing interests I a .22·cahbre rlfie. strict! the possession of rifles: life." A ' The keel of the vessel wa; laid The amendment Ilatea "no .... -, -,.

venue . • .• Sept. 8. I person shall lIunt, take Ir Electricity Flows , ...• two car col· I The lU5.f t G d M ,kill any wildlife with any . t . d ,I 00 ran. on·, rifle of .22-eallbre or with any

, •. ex enSlve, am· arch boasts accommodatIOn tor i repeating, automatle or lutO' no personal in. I~ men and has a cargo cap~'l loading shotgun which has 011 $200,000 Lille

Road .•. P·m .•.. two car col·

. . • • considerable

C!ty of 7,400 cubic feet, sliffl. not beell permlnently plull' clen! to carry about 800,Il00 ged or altered 10 that It II pounds. of fresh fish. Incaplble of holding a lotal The United Towns Electric, Supplementing the I'xisting

She IS po.wered by I diesel o( morl than three .lIell. at Company recently ictivated a: line acrDSS the Heart's Content marine engine of 750 horse· one time In tile chamber or new 69,000 volt line from barrens to Victoria, the new p_o_w_e_r_an_d_h_IS_V_Br_la_b_le._.:..p_lt_ch ___ m_I.:'_11_III.:..e.:.. .. _' _______ .:::H:.:.e.:::ar:.:.t'.:I...:C:.:.o.::n~te::n:..t .=to:...B::::3y:....:::R.:ob=:erts line cull 2lI miles across

• • • 00 personal - 'country.

Vi • . , T T. ·t d rJT. S · If'l D t The company said that instead

Avenue .••• P.m .... two car col­... slight damage

no personal injurles. accidents for De·

.' 98 •.. 17 per· injUries.

• • • PoLICE BEAT arrests for' the day


ships entered . • • sailed.

nlOn, unl e .I owns l:gn waue rae of single poles, H·frame stmc· '0 ' tures are used and the con due·

Under the terms DC the agreement recently signed by the United Towns Electric Com· pany and the International Brotherhood of Electronic ~orkers, union employee, of United Towns Electric will, re­ceive tour Increases iii two year', together with fringe benefits.

The agreement i8 effective Crom April I~, I1lfi2, to March 31. 1964.

"Labor relations within the cOlllpany are It a Id,h .tan4. .,4," • lpokllml. for U.tted


Towns laid Tuesday, "with benefits sllch Is shorter tors are of aluminum reinforced both union and management hours, holidays, vacations with steel. expressing themselveR well and sick leave with pay, hive The cDSt of bundlng the line s.tldled with tlae eOoClpera. been ,alned." WRi about $200,000. ttYe altitude of tile other." He said that In spite of these "The purpose o( building The spokesman nid United improvements, wages' In the! the llne Is to deliver power

Towns worker. have negotiated company remain much lower ffI I U' In I than those. of other utlnties in more e c en y to the wage nereases every year for towns and settlements around

many years. this and ,the other Maritime Conception Bay, from plantr , provinces. He added that the Ii New Chelsea and Heart': • OVer I 10·year period the 'com ' It' t I 1m

pany 5 e ec ric ,ra es arc Content," the company Bah' m n um' Increale lIal beell the same as they were in 19M. , Ibout 70 pe: renl, while III . "However dividends to com The Hcart's Contcnt planl I lom~ Ireas the hourly rate mon shareholders this had to b ,as completed two years al: has been Increlltld IS much rut 50 per cent bero"se of evei Illd "is the n '"t up·to·date i a. 113 per tellt," he'sald. "At rising costs," the .spokesmar (he province." It is operate· the .ame t!me 'ether vaiuable .aid. . __ " ,and controlled ilectronicaliy.



VELVET DRESSES ...... ,..... .... $5 .95 OUR




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Edson In - Strength For ~rhe THE DAIL Y NEWS Day - Washing Newfoundland's Only Morning Paper






The DAILY NEWS is a mQrnlng paper established in 1894 and pu~lished at tho News Building 355,359 Duckwurth Street, st. John's, NeWfoundland, by Robinson &. Company, Limited,

All Press Sel'vices and feature articles III this paper are eopyri!:hted and thcll cd therein,

Some time ago I hall thl' privilegc of attending a mcet ing at which a well edncalcd and distinguisl1eli Moslem wa, lhe speaker. Everyone was charmed by his brilliance and the radiance o( his persu,lali ty. He has spent his life III

diplomatic service. lie is the son of a Moslem minister,

he said. "The wealth nf til(' English spl'ul,ing nations 01 the Wrstern Hemisphere is in the realm of charucter-miH a: character. You are the I'ieh· cst pcople in the world Ill!' cause you are thl' kind of 1"'0 1)le you are and heeause 01 the life YOU live and the ideals yoU attempt to attain. Keep it LIp. Therc is no othel tyP" 01 wcalth worth having.'

possibilities which Canada and the United States offer. COli' stitute jlrivilegcs the like o( whlrh human beings have lIev· CI' enjoyed he(ore. And the greatness o( our countries . ahidcs in the fact that basical· Iy we put moral charactecl first.

I WASHINGTON (NEA)-Republican that the once solid South has now been ~""'"l'r~ and that the Democrats no longer can take Dixie granted are considered premature,


Canad~ ...................... $12.00 per annum

United Kingdom and all

ftlE~lBER OF


The Canadian Press is exclusivCl~

entitled to the Use for republication 01 ali 'news despatches in this paper credl" cd to it or to the ARsoeiated Press or Reuters and also the local news publish· reproduction is prohibited.

"Don't say that the wealth nf Amcrica is in your natuml rcsOlll'ces, or in your business and industrial corporations,"


It is good to Iwar a dis tinguished citizen from anoth el' country and of another faith 'eak this way of our belov·

cd land. 1'0 be Iivill;( in the midst of the 20th Century. ill a free country, and amid the

To The

Like all the rest of the world we arc experiencing at the prcsent timc a moral decline, but we will have a greall'r opportunity to survive because of what we have been and what we haVe pressed toward as our ideals.

~loral charactcr fil'st- aI· ways first.

Editor -

The dream of a two-party South may come true some day, but not right away, 1. Lee Potter, head of the Republican Na­tional Committee's southern division was gilding the elephant therefor.e w~len he claimed that the 1964 GOP presldenttal cam­paign in the South opened the day after the 1962 elections. foreign countries, $14.00 per annum

Authorized as sc.'ond class mail by the Post Office Depar'.mcnt, Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash, • '4I:.\r'

IUemb~r Audit Bureau

of Circulation

Letters l'NlON ANSWImS I,ETTEft

Editor Daily News. DcaI' Sir-The weellenr! r·di

tion of the Telegram carried a lelter, titled Illcreas~ III'

Ol'ertime, dated Dec. 13, ln62, apd Citizen was used as 0 Nom de Plullle.

aware of the financial plJsition of the companies we Wltl k for. You sec we have in 0111' pos· scssion the balance shcd_ I,f these compallics, W~ know therefore holV mllch juice the tllrnip contains,

principle of giving fre~ enter· prise the first chance to pro I'ide the capital needrd, for the Atlantic Prnvinccs De· l'e]opment Board to be \'oted a large sum of money by Par· Iiament. Moreover it is not necessary. The Industrial De· l'clopment Bank is there for the purpose.

Republicans were heartened of course, by southern guins this year. Aside from a northern crnorship. they were about the only GOP there were.

They picked up., five new congressional WEDNESDAY, DEC, 19, 1962 -

A New Home For rfhe Aged (6) Briefly some of our

seats. bringing the GOP southern delega­tion strength to 12 in the next session. Tl\'o Virginia congressional seats were lost by fewer than 400 votes in each district.

Now dignified by the tit~e of the Home for the Aged and In­firm, the old Poor House of SL. John's was opened just over a century ago, It acquired an ad-' ditional wing in 1307 and in 1908 the Grand Jury, making its quar­terly submission on the state of the public institutions, called it "the saddest place in Newfound­land."

ficicncies that now exisi. This new home for the aged

will, it is to be hoped, be rllshed to completion. With its enlal'ge!l commodation and the impro\'ed recreational facilities it will ha '.'(!, with the several private and d~ nominational homes that are now operating or are to be built, pro­vision for the housing of the aged and infirm will reach the highc!.t standard it has achieved in New­foundland.

The Telephone and 11,,111'0 Utility Workers I.B.E.W. Lo cal Union 1615 wishes to point thai we arc in no way associat· ed wilh this lettcr. In fart mo·;t of the lelter is inaccurate and more o( it is absolutely untrue.

wages arc as follow,: tThcrr arc too many classifications to list thelll all here). Central of· fice Illcch. S69.20, per 40 hours; Linemen S60.20, per 40 hOlln'; Cablclllen Sf)!),20. pCI' 40 hOUl'S. At the end IIf anoth· er rlel'en month pcriod (in tll'O sta~cs) these classifications will he pairl S72,OO. 40 hour week.

As onc of those who was ac· tive in the Confederate move· ment of 13 or 14 years ago it is comforting nolV in l!Hi2 to finll that the Anti·Confedcr· ates of 1948 arc (or the mOs: part the Anti·Die(enbaker peo· pIc of 1962. They are being good Canadians in taking sides

But when you remember there were onl~' GOP congressional candidates running in 113 tricts of 12 states, this was no landslide,

The Republicans rc-elected Sen. TIHU­ston ~IIo\'ton in Kentucky, but six other GOP candidates for the Senate in the South were defeated.

lmpro\'ed as much as an ancient wooden building could be and re­lieved of its odious designation. it has done what sen'ice it could al­though sadly overcrowded and al­ways a place of danger because of the fire hazard.

Plans to build a new institution were deferred with the cxpecta­tion that a suitable building would be found at Pepperrcll. Thi~ hope has provided to be unfounded. As a result, tenders are to be called without delay for an institution that will accommodate 200 aged pcrsons,

Thanks to social security in the form of the statutory old age pen­sion and the old age assistance scheme, no person of 65 years or ovcr can ever be classified as a pauper .. Each has an income of $780 a year from government and while those in the Home for the Aged on Sudbury Street are ex­pected to contribute towards their upkeep, they are well cared for and provided with pockct money. Some, we believe, are provided for by relatives. But while the treat­ment is as good as an institution can offer on both the maintenance and nursing sides, there is a sorry shortage of space and nothing short of a new and well planned building can overcome the de-

In other provinces. most of the institutions for the aged are con­ducted under either local govern­ment or private auspices, Here in Newfoundland historical influen­ces have made them predominant­ly a responsibility of the central government. In seeking to fulfil! that obligation, the Provincial Government has maintained the present Home for the Aged, ::on-· tributed towards the upkeep of eighty persons in private institu­tions, and maintained more than :.l00 persons in private boarding houses.

The demands of the com!)ined social service are so great that there has to be a limit on what can be done to build and maintain institutions of various kinds. Nev­ertheless, the hope must be that in time it will be possible to re .. move all aged persons from board­ing homes and provide district in­stitutional care, For the mom!:nt howevel', we mllst be content with accommodation and the improved project of a new, safe and well­designed institution in suitable surroundings is now to be started with the expectation that it may be ready for occupancy before the end of next year.

The writer obl"loll;;\v has tried to analyse our wa!;c and worlling agreements. ~'he con, riusions he or she has drawn arc most certainly not cou~ist· ent with these agreements. In explainini!/ Ihis I will rnd!'av, our to be as brief as possible, therefore I will take it point by point.

(1) The companies :II'[! 1 IV!)

scpcrate companies. For 25c. and a visit to the Registry uf Deeds and Companics any in· dividual may see this for one· self,

(2) ~Iost of the union lIlCIIl

bership is scattered from SI. ,Iohn's to Port aux Basques. This fact, however, docs not impede the local from ne~o\iat· in!: good agreements. () dou't feci that our contracts arc poor), The scattered nature of our local docs cost us more from a servicing stondpoinl. this thought has nothing to do with negotiations.

(3) We in the union are not aware of any offer to increase wages in \leu of overtime pay. You Illay appreciate that I as the responsible officer of the union checked managcment on this point. The officers of the companies have informed me that they have made no ~uch stateml'nt or on~r and weri! compietely unaware of :my grounds for such a statement.

(4) The usc of quotations by General (President) Grimt in association with La'J,ltll' Management relations in thi; instance. tends to create the impression that we have ac, complished since the middle eighteen hundreds. III many fields and areas Labour Management relations are much to he desired. I n my opinion 0111' Labour )Ianagc' ment relations are little short of excellent. Naturally we have our dif(erences of opinion bllt we have managed to work out agreements.

We do not have a c1assifil:a, ,','on grollndman. labourers, howpver, arc paid 557.20 per 40 hOllr, in the same cleven month period this will in· crease to $60.00 pCI' 40 hour week.

Apprentices start at 50';;. of the rate of the classification In which he may find hi msrlf and receives increases of ~~~, each ,ix months.

(7) overtime prnvisio:1s arc as follolVs: All work in excess of (8) eight hours time anll on'.)·haif. all work in excess of clewn hours double the rcgulor rale of pay. Employ· ees working :'Ionday to Friday. double the re~lIlar rate, for Satllrday, Sunday and all sta· tuton' holidays. Employces nn shifts douhle the rale for their days off and statutory hulidays and of course any work in excess of (8) hours is paid at the rate of time and ,me half, ek.

We have (7) seven statutory holidays each year ,these arc paid days and we arc 1I0t re· quired to substitute any other days for them.

Employecs with onc (1) full \'ear scn'ice hal'e n pairl an· ~ual vacation of (3) three weeks.

(!l) Tools are supplicd by the Company. The employe is responsible for his tools only during working hours or if he should have tl1I'm in his pos· sesion aftcr work,

In the foregoing I have been as hrief and as ohjectivc as possible, All the state· mcnts I hal'e made can hc ~u bsta ntia ted.

Thank \'ou :.Ir. Editnr [01'

)'ollr cons'idcration in granting me this l'aluable space.

,IA:'IES WALSH. Business :'Iana!!er. L.U. Hil5 L.RE.\\". Dec. 17. 1962.

in Federal politics so ardently, to the point. that ~Ir. Pearson is "good" and Mr. Diefenbaker is "had". For my part [ could not in 1948, liar can I in 1962, join in this 1I'0rship or vcnera· tion of political leaders. They ore, a., arc all of us. frail he­ings of flesh. Thc b~sl of them make mistakes as do we all.

It is also difficult to agr~e with ~Ir. F. T. P. that all I']em· hers of the House of Commons have falll'n from a State of (;ral'l'. There arc good and hnncst nlt'n in the Parliament of Canada as there are in the lIOlisr of Assembly of r;ew· fOllndlallli.

The sale of wheat to China 15 a difficult qucstion lor .rme of liS. Is it right ~o deny bread to a man because he is a Communist or an atheist? I gather that ~!r. F. T P. is quite firm in his opinion on this question, I am not. A f~w years agn I received a CI'rist· mas card fro III a friend with a Christopher carel enclosed stating that a Communist has a soul too and pointing out that a Christian ought to pray for his conversion. With so many social scientists recom· mending birth control because of the hun~ry miilions in China and India, and the im· possihilitv of feeding them it secms \\:rong to me for bill· ions of dollars worth of Sl' ... ·

plus food to be in st',rage in :\orth Amcriea. I would be much happier "s a citizen o( 1'orth America if some of this foon could he made avallable to such people without a price t<1~.

To come hack to the A.P.

The two who came closest to being ele~tcd James i\'Tartin of Alabama. who got 45 per cent the votes and William D. Workman of South lina who got 42 pCI' cent.

At state and lo~al le\'els in the South, the GOP made only modest gains. Alabama -two state legislators elected. Florida­lost two but gained one new state lcgisiator. for a net total of five, Georgia-two s\"'\e senutors elected. South Carolina-lost t\\'o state legislators. North Carolina-two :;tate senators elected and 22 state legislators for a net gain of seven. Texas-gained fi\'e legislators for a total of seven. Virginia, Kentucky, Mississippi and

had no Republican candidates for the state tures. Incomplete returns indicate Republican didatcs elected to county and city offices were and far between.

From the Democratic point of \'iell", Republican vdories in the South were cO.n­centra ted in areas where the GOP capltailz­ed on having candidates more consen·atiye than the Democrats they opposed, With few if any exceptions, southern Republ~cans ran with no appeal whatever for :':egra votes and no support whatever for Negro registration dri\'es_ ... One of the notable Democratic firsts 111

South is that a Negro Democrat defeated a • Republican for a state Senate seat in Georgia. If Democrats can gradually build up and capture Negro vote in the South, the question raised for Republicans is whether they can make .an:' term OJ' lasting gains, appealing only to willIe

Democrats admit. howover, that the James Meredith case at University of ~Ji,­sis sippi unquestionably had some effect in increasing the Republican vote in the South this vear.

Meeting In The Bahamas (5) '1'0 milke a statement

that wa~es should bc inl:n:iI!;­cd hecause we have a numher of Bell Telephone Co. em· ployees here is rather difficu!t to understand. By the same token one cannot say that he helieves the wages should not be increased. We must there· fore delve more deeply into this malter of wage beosts.

R1l1'L1ES TO F.T.r.

Editor Daily News,

D.B .. it need not he a sterilr commission. More than 20 vears a,~o 1 worked with a ~mall group o( like minded in' dividuals in thinking up new industries for Newfoundland. We sent in any recommendation that succeeded in ~etting thro· ugh 0111' committee to the Com· mission of Government. The first German expert to come to :\ ewfoulldland came as are· sult of one of our ideas. That was before the war. Only noW are some of the ideas which we kicked around coming to any· thing. We should get to work now in Newfoundland backing the ideas of anybody with a good scheme hut no money, ex­plore all possibilities and put up plans and schemes to the A.P.D.B. and fight for them, Let us give it a chance belore condemning it.

Says"Bidwell Adam. state chairman ".f the oeratic party in Mississippi: "If Republican. Martin in Alabama had known how to campaign this issue. he would have beaten Sen. LisleI' who was too quiet about it for too long ....

Through a misunderstanding.. It \\"as erroneously reported in this column that Adam had resigned as state chairman afler the President and his attorney general brother ordered integrated federal troopS and U.S. marshals into Mississippi.

After two strenuous days with President de Gaulle and a brief rest, Prime Minister Macmillan has gone to the balmy climate ot the Bahamas where, in an en­vironment conducive to euphoria, he will discuss a number of very pressing material problems with President Kennedy,

Mr. Ma~millan has revealed the principal items on the agenda. They will include a new assess­ment of the international situation as a consequence of the resolution of the Cuban crisis, the implica­tions of the strained relations be­tween Russia and China, the bor­der conflict between China anti India, the subjcct of nuclear test­ing within the context of disarma­ment, and what is to be done about the Sky bolt missile on which Britain depends for its in­dividual nuclear deterrent. It is probable that Common Market

problems will also be discussed. Skybolt is the one item on the

agenda which could be difficult. The United States is in principle opposed to national nuclear deter-

. rents and technically and C{!o­nomically against proceeding with the costly development of the Sky bolt air to ground missile. But for Mr. Macmillan the issup is crucial for political reasons. His government has been losing ground. He has put a lot of weight on possession of Sky bolt and fail­ure to get it or an acceptable al­ternative could add to his political troubles at home.

But in spite of Mr. Dean Ache­son, Britain remains a very im­portant figure in the international scene and it seems certain that Mr. Kennedy will bend over back­wards to try to prevent any.con­flict arising out of the Skybolt issue,

Joint Power Development There can be little doubt that

the visit of Premier Smallwood to Quebec is related to talks, pre­viously held about the utilization of Hamilton Falls hydro-electric power on a joint distribution basis with that province.

This could conceivably be . brought a great deal closer by the

nationalization of power which is to take pla~ in Quebec as a result

• of the mandate received by Mr. ! Lesage in the recent provincial I . : election. . i The Minilt,er of National Rey-

l' enu. recently s~id lomething in the HoulII of Commonll about Hamilton power fiowin, Ultimat.-, •

ly into a national grid, However, so far as we are aware, nei~lll~r

Quebec nor Newfoundland ha~ yet shown much interest in the na­tional grid proposals that were the subject of a dominion-provincial conference.

VVhat does appear to be reason­able is that the problem of long­distance transmission of Hamilton power could be largely overcome by feeding it into the Quebec grid and permitting much of Quebec's· present developed power to be ex­ported into the industrial areas of the east-central relion.

This il an idea that seems to make a Ireat' deal of economic and

This local has signed agree· mcnts with the Avalon Tcl~· phone Co. One of whicn px­pires February 28, 1963, The othcr eOI'ering male classifica· tions expires March 31, 19G4. The agreements have amend· ment provisions in all r~~perts excepting the duration period. Taking into consideration the fact that our men received an increase on November 1, 1962, and are due two more on this agreement We wOllld have teo have a great deal o( justifica. tion in asking for further in· creases during this agreement period. A further wage demand would have to be based on the position of the company, fi· nancially. To "shrug" this can· sideration off and say, "Oh Bel! has plenty of it' would not be facing the fact that this is still Avalon Telephone Com· pany. We arc a responsible ilnion and the financial posi· tlon of the company was con· sldered in the IIrst Instance_ The day is distant when unions said "Give" without having to consider economic conditions, in makIng their demand. To­day we seek better wages and conditions of employment and support our demands with sound argumenll! as' to the justification for the . demand and in mpny instances point out to the companies how they can afford to meet these in· creased costs. We do not pre· tend nor delude ourselves in· to thinking that we are amongst the highest paid workers in the Province, We arc, how­ever, amone the few who are

Dear Sir-It passes the un­derstanding of this writer how, in the sallie of truth, ~[r. F. T. P. can arglle so effectively and so well on an entirely false assumption, The Atlantic Prov­inces Del'elopment Board was not created· by the Federal Government tu offset or cbeek· mate 111'. Smallwood's Fishery Commission. This is the fuun· dation of ~Ir. P's letter and it is wrong. The idea of an At· lantic Provinccs Del'elopment Board is not new, It has been suggested for years and only now is something being done abuut it.

Mr. P. should also Imow that the late C. D. Howe originated the principle oC "Let free ell­terprise do it. If they can't or won't then the Government will do it," This principle is still being followed hv the 'present Conservativl! Govern­ment. We see it working here in st. John's, at the present time in regard to housing. If a builder cannot find a Com· pany to lend him money to build a couple of house, un· del' the National Housing Act he can apply direct to the Crown Company C,lII.H.C. and get his loans direct from them. This same principle is also found to bc ill existence in regard to the Industriai Dc· velopment Bank. If the man­ager of a corporation or indi­vidual cannot get the capital loan he needs to expand his business he can then apply to the Industdial Development Bank for the money he nceds. Last year the bank made 60 loans in Newfoundland and is doing a good job here to the satisfaction of many people including fish proc~:;~,tng com­panies .

,It would be contrary to this

ours truly, DEMOCRAT.

Bible Quotation For God so loved the world,

that he gave his only begot­ten So. that whosoever be­lieveth In him should not perish, but have everlasting life.-John 3:16.

• • • Love is not sentiment, bu~

in service. It is not mern em,,· tion, It is energy.

"From domineering driving. from the vanity of power and the infection of speed, Good Lord dp-liver us, From the care­lessness and indiffe·rence, Cram the demon of impatience and the tyranny of time, Godd Lord deliver us. From ignorance and ungraciousness, from harsh judgement and the flood of in­vective, Gilod Lord deliver us, From inattention and monotony, from the delusion of drink and the obscurity of fatigue, Good Lord deliver us.

political sense and there is little doubt that the capital for the Hamilton Falls development would be quickly forthcoming if the transmission and distribution

problems could be solved on an efficient and economical basis. The benefits to both provinces and to the nation would be sub­stantial.

"This may have been good politics for the dent and Bobby up North," says Adam. "1 match my political sagacity against theirs. But wrote Bobby they might as well kiss the goodby. .

"I will not support the Republicans. I have not resigned as chairman of the Demo­cratic party in Mississippi, whch I ha\'c been for the past six years, with two years more to serve. But I do not know to wh0111 I could go in Missssippi today and ask f?l' $10 to send to the Democratic part~· I.n Washington. We will be independent. \~e will be an unpledged group and there \1"111

be several other states with us,"


The reformer must be a hero at all points, he must have conquered himself before he can quer others.-Mary Baker Eddy_


Reform like charity must begin at home'l _Carlye,


N th O d reforml'ng as other people o mg so nee s habits.-Mark Twain.

o • •

. I bate evil, The true reformer wlll not on y .th

will earnestly endeavor to fill its place Wl , -Charles Simmons,

• • • d' one

To try too hard to make people goo IS ke to make them worse. The on~y way to m~eaJll good is to be good, remembermg well the the .mate.-George Macdonald.

< "

Bishop Student

C"nthia Day, c~rla ~!ay. Christel ,Iohr

GRADE SEVEr-; Lois Clark

i and Barbara . Gill.


'JACI Raglan sleeVE Slash pockets Wool knit col and waistban( Finest qualit !hip Quality heav~ Snap fastenel Satin lining Sizes 28 to 4

~\allaDie In S1 AR He




Engc Alaska Masonic Shrinel

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)l1al ~ga-



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1Iis­~ct in South

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cneral troops

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:ans, I Demo­e been ; more hom I sk for I·ty in It. We re will

Bishop Spencer College . . Students Receive Prizes '" Lord Bishop of New· ':]Ianll, Rt. Rev, J, A, '~C", D,D., w~s among spec·

, ~ allendlng the annual dal' ceremonies for Bis·

spen~cr ~ollege held at ,. Bi;hoP Feild Hall Tuesday

Linda Davies, Marsha Karen Colbourne and Albon Earle and Shelagh Hunt.

GRADE FIVE: Anne Benson, Wendy Johnston, Pauline Hut· chlngs and Glenna Pushie, Rae Christensen, Diane Hardie and Deborah Sidel, Ingrid Chafe and Janet Martin.

Santa Parade At Holyrood

The annual Santa Claus par· ade at Holyrood will take place Saturday.

The parade wlll start at Areh Morgan's at 2 p,m. and wlll be stopping at Duff's road. Costello'R, Crawley's, Velvet Horn, Furey's, railway station, Quinlan's Garage, Healey's Cross, Dorey's Snack Bar and Newtown School,



First Anilual Graduation St.

Francis Central High School

Harbour Grace Memorial Library

A very lovely graduation and the struggle for the preserva· HR. GRACE - Miss .Jessie

Christmas Safety Is

Tree Urged

distribution of prl~es took place lion of right. He said that the Mifflen director Regional Lih· on Saturday, Dec, 8 at St. Fran· luture belongs to that system; raries, spent Thursday after. ,Chr,islm8s trees are poten., fi~e feet tali ~ere about cis central high school in Hal" that develops men and women noon at Harbour Grace and lIal fire hazards. : pmt for Scots pine, and 1,2 pmt bour Grace. The evening mark· of ideals and men and women with the Librarian. Mrs .. John The Department of ~Iines,: for halsam fir and white spruce. ed the first graduation of the of character, To the parcnts and G, Davi~ visited schools In the I Agriculture and Resources said "Christmas tree fires can be newly opened high school con· friends of the school he extend. ' nei"hbourhood with a view 10' Tuesday that a freoh bull sur· practically eliminated by keep· ducted by the Christian Broth· ed warm greetings and s Christ· wa;ds creatin" int~rest in the Cace shouid be ,mvn nnd the ing the tree butt In water," the ers of Ireland and under tne mas blessing, Monsignor borrowing of 0 books from the tree set in water ?s soon a~ it dopartment said. prlncipalshlp of Rev. Br. C, p, O'Brien expressed his pleasure Harbour Grace Library. is brought into the household. It said that whether cut fresh Duffy, at the presenc~ of Dr .. Frecker A shipment of new books ror The department Jrlvised that or stored unheated fOf I reason· ',,\el spedal guesb at the

" lI'ere Sir Leonard Outer· lit., eB.E" D,S,O., C.D"

I The \' enerable Archdeacon [.c~~c,

GRADE FOUR: Ann Hawk· I Santa 11'111 be distributing ins, Linda, Hunt and Laurel goodies to the children along Ljunggren and Patricia McLeod, the route.

Presiding over the exercises and thanked him for his many both adult and juvenile readers a !liagonal cut rather than a able period, trees of the species WI! Right Rev. Monsignor complimentary remarks regard· was recently received at the square one should be nlncle to tested-spruce, fir and Scots Joseph Peddle, V.G" who took ing the school. Library and will be welcomed expose a greater surface, pine-will then remain non· the place of His Excellency, The evening commenced with as an addition to the already 'The container Should be, nammable for at least three Bishop O'Neill who was in the report by the principal, Rev large stock on the Library shel· made to hold several - days' weeks. , leatured presentation of

'n~ was an opera and Ihe Night Visitors"

Ill' the students. lollo;\,ing were awarded

Ann HIscock and Phyllis Mcrcp.r -------

:-;INE: Miller Prixe, Roberts, Heather

and Janet Tapper.

GRADE THREE: Barbara Johnston, Jennifer Rose, Bar­bara Miller and Faye MUrrin and Mlrren Stobie. Christine Kelly and Reyncltc Godden, Ann Saunders, LUHb Dawe and CRrol Ann Smlt!1 and Christine ';empleman,

Ll'lln ~Ionkman, Heath· .. , ' ,'Diane Colbourne, Jen· i: Dall'c. ileather Kirby'. ':,,\DE EIGHT: Ruby Cluett. GRADE TWO, Snsan Carter, 'c\'nthi~ Day, Susan Baird i Vk~i Cheeseman Barbara Den·

'; C:1I1.l ~la)', Barbara Par· man, Joan nit'c;;)', lI~ather :, Chri;trl .John. Thompson. Dcul'a Carnell, ;l.\JlE ~E\,E:,\: Janet CrDs· Susan Sopcr. o [.0i~ ("larke, Deborah

,1\(1 Barbara Miller. Rosa· GRADE ON~. Gillian Baird, Bonita Arns, Bcvcrle~' Abhott,

SIX: Miller Prize, .Jennlfer Bastow, Gall Chl~lett, Pmnela Elliott, 1 ,Jean Dawe: ~lariIY'1 Green, ---,-_. __ . I Charlotte Miller. Heather ,J,>hn·

son, Elizabeth Sellar;, ~Iarilyn ;\Iand Smith, Gayle Tapper.

SCHOOL .. ¥Y, ........


~Ieel'es pockets knit collar and cuffs

Iwal'y mellon

i lining !:lC5 2R to 44

ill ST. P.o\T'S. ST. 1,l:iUWS. CURTIS,


S11.95 ~ARRIS &

OCK Ltdl

I Square Shooting I VICTORIA (CP) - Thomas I Albert Mouslay, who once beat

I the famed Annie Oakley fair and square in ash 0 0 tin g match, marked his 90th birth­day by demonstrating that his skill hasn't deserted him.

Guns have played a large part in MI'. Mouslay's life since he went to work for a firearms manufacturer in Birmingham, England, as a boy of 16, Among other achievemcnts. he helped originate B I' ita in's standard service revoler, the .455·calibre Webley.

"Shoot them for eve I' and they'd stili be good," he says of the renDwned sidearm. "We produced O\'er a million for the First World War."

Later, in Victoria, he was employed as a gunsmith by Wilson and Lenfcsty.

Mr, Mouslay's fondest memo ory is the day he beat Annie Oakley. It happened when Buf­falo Bill Cody brought his wild west show to Birmingham and the gun company made Annie Oakley a present of two .eB·calibre revolvers. COULD HIT PENNY

"Being n woman, of course she wanted them changed, so we aUered the walnut grips to fit her hands.

"I put on the new stocks while Annie, Buffalo Bill and a couple of his Indian chiefs stood alongside watching. Then the hoss said. 'Come on, Tommy, let's see how you can do' and off we went to the target

I range, I "Annie Oakley was a pleas· I ani. lively sort 01 woman, about ,30 years old at that time, As ! I remember she wasn't tall," said Mr. Mousley, outlining an hour glass with his hands, "but she did hlll'e a very nice figure. I could hit a penny in the centre of a target every time at 25 reet, and the long and short or it was that I beat Annie." .

Gifts For Christmas "IN BUSINESS SINCE 1835"


Watch ........ $30.00 up Cultured P,arls $27.00

up Onyx Rings .... $7.95 up

Lighten, (Ronson and Zippo)

Silverware Tea Service

Travel Alarm Clocks

Jewellery Dr .... r Sets

Box ..

Engagement Rings 41aska Diamond Earrings Malonic, Rotary, Kiwanis, Shriner. Cuff Links and

Ti,bar Sets. ' aUH,r Dish .. and Trays



Javelin Listed Rome. Among the hOlloured Br. C: P. Duffy, 1\I,S., Ed. The ves. Owing 10 a brcakdown in water supply and be replenish. -------guests was the Minister of Edu· PrinCipal expressed the thoug~t the furnace, it was found neces· ed regularly," A lot end In

Canadian Javelin stock is noW listed In the DAILY NEWS stock reports, Javelin's quo. tation wl1l be found In the American exchange report.

cation, the Hon, Dr, G. A. that a yearly report tends m sary to close the Library on' . of ~arriages Frecker, who addressed the large measure to be a mere Saturday last. It is expected I T~e dtehParttmtent ad.urdd thhat. dlvorlce af,ndhtl~t a l~tt Ofthoth:r: gathering of graduatcs, parents compilation of lifeless statistics that this will receive prompt (U~JIlg e. es perlO s, t e; coup es Ig I OU 0 e • and friends. Other distinguish· but 'hidden beneath this Ollt· attention and the 1.ibrary will dally reqUIrements for trees_te_r_en_d_. _______ _ ed guests on stage were Right ward portrayal is the exciting be able 10 continue Its fine SCI"

Rev. Monsignor J. M. O'Brien, story of another year in the vice during the holiday season, / --------------------., Rector of the Cathedral of the lives of the students. It was i ~iJ Many Newfoundlanders have

shares ill Canadian Javelin and wlll be pleased tg learn tl1at they can follow the stock's pro· gress through the DAILY NEWS stock reports.

Immaculate Conception, Har· ~tressed that students are not '\ ' bour Grace; Righi Rev. Mon· merely vessels to be filled but I' signor E, O'Brien, Northern lamps to be lighted and the Persona s i ~p' Bay; Rev. Father Shallow and ~Iow of the Intel~ectuallY cur· HR GRACE _ Miss Clara i tip. Mr. R. J. Connolly. Also in at· 10US and the motivated young I ' , I filfl tendance were Rev. Father Ho- man will illumine the new' Payne arrived fro~, Toron~o on : ,} ward, Harbour Main', Rev. frontiers of our ever changing Saturda,Y ,last to VISit her slster, I' W

Xmas Music h ' Mrs. Wilham Noel and brother, ::1;' Father R. Walsh, Conception omons. M Ed d Pd' th: ,~ Harbour; a large number of the A' highlight of the evening's j r.. war ayne uflng e! ~'

Bv Glee Club Christian Brothers from the SI. programme was the perfor· ChrJStma~ Beason. '.:;1 , J hn's chools' Rev Sr Xaveria mance by the Glee Club under , - : ~ff

HR, GRACE - ,A delightful a~d R:V, Sr.' patrick' and the the direction oC Rev. Br. J. M. ~Irs. Ahce McGrath left. on ' t{~ programme of Chnstmas carols Presentation Sisters from the McHugh and accompanied by FrIday .Ior Deer Lake w!lcre : ~iJ was presented at the para'

l Convents at Carbonear and 'Oar. lIliss Gertrude Iversen. The she WIll. spend the. wmtcr : :I~

mount on Sunday evening, bour Grace; members of the first half of the musical pro· ~o~~hS WIth her son BrIan and \ ~l ember 16th, hy the Concepbon School Board, The Knight sof gramme included Folk songs- amI y. WI BaT'fhGlee ~Iub. th t ('Il Columbus and several people "Aura Lee,", "The Galway Amon" the many recently .,.,~:

e spacIOUS, ea, re was I.- distinguished in the profes· Piper," Broadway numbers b

cd to overflowmg Wlt~ an audl' ional business and cultural such as "Gelling to Know You," laid low by the prevailing flu :r' encc from neighbourtng towns IS'lfe of' Conception Bay. songs of inspiration and Solos. Is Miss Deanne Sheppar(l, Kind· ~

II fr m Harbour Grace h ergarten teacher at the Elemen· ~ as we as a . h Dr, Frecker in his greetings The second half of. t e p~o· tary Anglican School. She Is, ~

Each Item was rendered Wit t th assembled audience gramme dcalt mamly With ;> e.xcellent .har~ony and the s~resse~ the necessity of a ser. Christmas Carols, climaxing maiting a good recovery hcr ::/' fmesse which IS a" feature of ious rethinking of ollr edt!. with a very delightful rendition many pupils and friends arc; ~ff the t.alented direclioll of Mr. cational policies in this era of of "The Twelve Days of Christ· pleased to learn, ! W Ign~tJus Rumboldt. Accom· the teaching machine, edu· mas." The auditorium was - : !' pamsts Miss Ma,rle Marshall, cational T,V, and the adapta. tastefully decorated to portray Mrs. L, Whitman was in SI. ' A.~.C,L at the plano and 1111'. tion of a 'functional school the Christmas spirit, and the John's last weck to attend the , EriC Ab.bott, M,Mus at organ, gllidance ,programme. In this I back.drop of the stage eaught funeral ~ervices for her cousin. ~' lent thClr talen~ to the }l{!rfor· era of advance, the only thing one's attention by a very artis· the late :'III'S, 1!ary Walts Lcd· mance. The audience welcomed that doesn't change Is change I tic Christmas scene effected by ingham, ~!rs, Ledingham was in I' the appearance ,Of .Mrs. Laura Itself. The purpose, the .plan i Mr, Dick O'Brien of the C.B.C, her carly years a resident of , Wilkinson as solis! m two beau· d . 0 tance of the soon I in SI. .John's. Harbour Grace and friends here , liful renditions and an old fav· an the.lm1 r t d v aUonal1 DONORS OF PRIZES extcnd sympathy to her hus· ~!. orite, Mr. Lewis Gosse. Both to. b~ Imp e":t~~e w:sc stress. His Exce!lency, :'Ilost Re\'. band ~nd b~other, Mr. T. J, W received well deserved applause traIDmg prFogr k h ured JolIn 'I O'Neill D D' Right Watts In tImr bereavement. iiYd . d' ed by Dr. rec er, W .0 ass II • " ., ~ from an appreclallve au Icnce. h escn! that the intent of Rev. J, Peddle, D,P" V.G,; -.~,i

Following the programme, t ose pr , far from be. Ri"ht Rcv. J. M. O'Brien, D,P.; Mr, an~ Mrs, Harold Tram,or ~r the audience joined i~ the Sinlg· ~~ge ~ro::~Tn~e p;Sace for those Re~. Father Shallow, The I thtal:e adrnvehdt froSmlTI orA onto Wlt~ W Ing of the old .famillar caro s.. bl f °academic progress Knights of columbus, The Cath· ~elr aug er ,a y .nn an, ~ At the conclUSion Mr. Rum· mcapa e 0 I t l' Y uth Club Mr R J can. Will take up reSidence m Ne\\· , boldt thanked the ~lIdlence for lin our p~~:nt a~c:ooa;~~ti:~~ ~~~II', 0 Mr. E, 11~C~rthY" Miss ~ound!and. They ~ow resid· , their attendance and applause lOur cap '11 be Magdalen !Ilorrissey Mr Jack mg With ~Irs. Tramor s mother, ~fI and extended the good wishes Yllung men and womef~ .Wl t · F' 'Ir Frank "I'o~re~ Mr Mrs. Fay Garland, Water St. I~'

b made the more pro IClen m mn,'" -" - . l:j' of him~~1f and the. Glee Clu the area of their choice, and Mrs, Edward Freeman, Mr. ' for a H~rpy ChrIStmas and Monsignor J, M. O'Brien, .James Hogan, Saunders, Howell 1 '

New ~~iUNITY CAROL D.P., expressed the wish that a~d Co. Ltd:, North Eastern I ~a C the graduates would march Fish IndustrJCs Ltd" M. A. f1!.

SONFEST. forth into a society of restless Powell, Quinn's Supermarket, i BOYS' i:I~I,1 "'i.', 1. (a) March of the KlDgs; experimenting and world ten· Koch Shoes Ltd" R. Telford and!

Seventeenth Century Carol; !). d how leadership in Son, F. W. McKay and Son, I Lo, How A Rose E'er Bloommg s:::JO:n::s_a:n=-.:.s=~=~~:...-~----------

-Fifteenth Century Rhenish Santa Claus KI D ~Q Folk Hymn-Glee Club. i filiI

2. (a) He Shall Feed His ~ Flock Like A Shepherd (The Party ~ Messiah, G. F. Handel); (b) I ~ Wander As I Wander (Appala' , SPONSORED BY THE ~!1 chian Carol collected by John HR. GRACE FIRE BRIGADE G LOV E S tiiJ Jacob Nllesl-Laura Wilkinson, HR, GRACE _ Santa Claus fI'

3, (a) Silcnt Night-Josepb will pay his annual visit to Har· USE 'I ~,' 1\10hr, Fran~ Gruber; (b) Win· bour Grace on Thursday after. \W ter's Snow-Saswall, 1851. Ar· noon, December 21st. and all CHRISTMAS 'I I W. ranged by Roy Ringwald-Glee children aft asked to meet at $1.29 1,'("

Club. the S. W. Moores Stadium at SEALS :J[, 4, (a) Let Us Go To Bcth· 2,30 on that afternoon to join ~

Ichem (Spanish· American in the motorcr-de with Santa iII. CarD!); (b) a Come To the Claus as the central figure. ~ Manger-Schmid, Schulz, Ar· In A Shadow." Probably tile W ranged hy Roy Ringwald-Trio, most outstanding single se· ARCA,D E ~, florence Parsons. the Siamese·style ballet, "The IJ Betty Pike, Mabel Rourkc, Paramount quence is the performance of I

5. The Birthday of a King- Small House of Uncle Thomas," STORES ' create and staged by famed fli" W'IIII'am Harold Nel'dlinger - Today d '" :

Glee Club, choreographer, Jerome "West ~~-6. While By My Sheep - III"tlll""ltlltI""tlltlltll"'''ltllI''''ltIl''''''''''" Side Story" Robbins, ~~

Seventeenth Century Carol. - "THE KING AND I" WITH ~. Ensemble. " DEBORAH KERR-

7. Cantique De Noel - YUL BRYNNER Alolphe Adam-Glee Club, * • • ~

8. (a) Mary's Little Boy Chile One or the all time great tIP musical stage hit.~, Rodgers and -Folk Tunc', (b) One Little ~', .

Candle-Mysels, Roache-Lewis Hammersteln's "The King and Gosse. I," has been adapted to the

9, (al I Heard the Bells On Icreen hy 20th Century-FOX ~, Christmas Day - workds (:y) with Yul Brynner and Deborah ~, Longfellow. Music-Mar s; Kerr in the title roles. The ~ Caroling, Caroling - Hutson, CinemaScope' DeLuxe Color '.' Butt-Ensemble. , musical delight brings III life

10, (a) 0 Come, 0 Come, ~mi all the magical enchartment of I. manuel. Adapted from anCien the exotic East, its people, cus· plainsong by Thomas Helmore; toms and majestic way of !iv· I (b) Deck the Halh-Welsh in,. Based on Margaret Lan· " ~~~. d~p~ar~'~Maa~ ,

Community Carol Singing. Ihe King of Siam," the elabo-Orean: Eric Abbott, M. Mus, d t th ' Plano: Marie Marshall, A,T. rate production to ay a e ::1:.

Paramount Tbeatre. I.W C.L, Deborah Kerr, who recently I

received her fifth Osear nom·

R.overhead Notes, Inatlon for "The Sundowners" and~~n~R~~~' I Mr. Wm. Byrne, Thicket lin· Clayton's "The Innocents,"

derwent surgery at the Carbon- stars IS the beautiful Anna who ear Community Hospital and Is tries to teach the stubborn

I ,. Monarch of Slam the ways of reelll!! .lRe.. • • the Western world, while Yul

Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Byrne, Brynner won an Academy Riverhead are rejoicing on tile Award for his portrayal of the

birth of a baby girl at the Car· ~~ W~an e~~~o~su~~~~!~~~ bonelr Community Hospital. I a WI'fe • • • on y one .

Mn, Michael Fahey visited SI. John's on Thursday and reo turned on Friday.

• • • Visiting St. John', over the

weekend ·were: Mrs. Andrew Short, Mrs. Bernard Ryan, Mr, Shan Ryan, Mrs. John st. .John, Mrs. 'Lorraine Peddle, John lhcke)', 'Miss Allnes Mackey, Kevin ,Ryan, Mrs, Elizabeth CleODY and Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Cain.

• • • Mr. Gerald Cain Jr., arrived

home on Monday from Carol Lake, to' .pend Xmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cain.

Mr. and MI'II. WIlliam Short and family left here. on Monday to take up re,tJldence at Pouch Cove, 81. :rohn', Ealt.

Rita Moreno, who scored .uch an outstanding success in the picturization of the smash Broadway hit musical play, "West Side story" and in the .creen version of Tennessee Williams' "s U m mer and Smoke" appears IS the lovely alave ;irl "Tuptlm," who defies tradltio,n and falls In love with Carlo I Rlva •.

Hlghllghting the Darryl F. Zanuck presentation, produced by Charlel Brackett and dlrec· ted by Walter Lang, Is the in· Iplrlnl music of Richard Rod· ler. and the memorable lyrics of the late Oscar Hammersteln II, which Includes such unfor· gettable songs as "I Whistle A Happy Tune," "Getting To Know You," "The March of the Siamese Children," "Hello Youn, Lovers" and "We Kiss

, I


IT ~""OIRf""

r.~. 'WUfJ Qv.[u fl""'lnll"

(Not inserted by the Board of Liquor Control).





Pat Boone-White Christmas ....... ", ... ,,$4.20 Perry Como-Xmas Greetings ... """,,, 3.98 Connie Francis-Xmas In Illy Heart ". 4.20 Nonnan Tabernacle Choir-Carols .... 4.98 lIIitch Miller-Xmas Sing Along 4.20 Perc)' raith-Xmas Music .. ,' ,,,,, ... 4.20 Harrv llelafonte-To Wish You a

lU~rry Christmas '''''', .. ", ..... , "" ... , 3.98 A Xmas Festival of Stars , .. " ...... ,"" .. George Beverly Shea-Xmas Hymns 3.98 Xnias Greetings-Fantastic Strings of

Felix Slatkin .............. ,., ...... ", ..... 4.98 Marlo I.anza-Xmas Carols .... ". Handel lfesslah-Sir Malcolm Sargent­

Httddersflcld Choral Society ,,,,, ....... 16.35 Hanrlel ~Iessiah-Philadelphia Orchestra­

Eugene Ormandy-llformon Tabernacle Choir .. ,'''" ....... , .. "" .... " .. , .. ' ...... 9.98

Choir nf Kings College. Cambrldge-A Procession with Carols ..... ,.".,,"'. 5.98

Tennessee Ernie Ford-Xmas Favourites ", .. "." ..... ,," .......... 4.Zl1

J ark Halloran Singers-Little Drummer Boy .. , " ............. ,,' 4,20

Columbus Boy Choir-Xmas Carols .... 4.20 Chet Atkins-Christmas with

Chet Atkins """ .. " ...... """""."" .... ", .. 3.98 Xmas Chimes , ..... """ .... " ......... "" ..... ,, ...... 4.20

Bing Crosby­Merry Christmas

Stereo $4.98 4.98 4.98 5.98 4.98 4,98

4.98 4.98

5.98 5.98





5.20 5.20


Rohert Shaw Chorale- 4 98 Hymns and Carols $

Virgil Fox-Christmas Carols • on the Organ

Roger WlIliams-Plano FavourltCi Billy Vaughn & Orchestra-

Xmas Carols

H~I;~~~~foWI Symphony 4 20 Roger .Wagner Chorale-XmAS $

1I1uslc • Ken Griffin-Xmas Organ Music Paul Anka-It's Xmas Everywhere The Night Before Xmas-

Walter Brennan Harry Simone Chorale Xmas Music

Robert Shaw Chol'ale-Hymn Carnls

Merry Xmas from Bobby Vee Xmas with The Chipmunks

Westminster Abbey Choir Frank Chocksfleld-Muslc For

Merry Christmas Cyril Stapleton-Chlldren's . Christmas Album Santa Claus in Perspn, Stories,

s,ongs, etc.


$1.98 Highlights From the Melliah ,,, ..... ,,.,,",, ........ '" 4.98 A Swinging Christmas-Ella Fitzgerald ............. 5.98

Temple Church Choir-Xmas Carols ............. 5.45




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n!Social-Personal! ~ - Column j

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WEDDING ANNIVERSARY some time with their daughter, Marlon, in Ottawa.


·r·:.·.···:····· ~ .... :.': .' ."

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Congratulations are being ex· tended to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Mercer of the city who cele· .brate their wedding anniver· sary today, Dec, 19 .Gr~"' com from all' their friends. '

. TO MARYSTOWN A. J. Wiscombe, businessman

Birthday greetings are ex· tended to Karen Wiseman, Top· sail Road, who celebrated her 8th. birthday, Saturday, Dec. 15, with a birthday party. Many of her school·frlends 'and play· mates attended, and a wonder· ful time was had by all,

~ i ~ I 'I ~ I


"., .

. of Marystown, returned to his home Tuesday after a shorl visit to the city. While here h~ was registered at the New· foundland Hotel.


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Congratulations .lo:'C being ex· tended to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer of the city. who ara celebrating their wedding anni· l'ersary today. Greetings come fl'om all their friends.

. '. Many happy returns of the day 10 Neil Donovan, 185 Park Avenue, Mount Pearl. who cele· brates hls 11th birthday today, Dec .19. GreetingR and best wishes come from his parent~. -------------. brothers and si5Iel', and' friends.

DID YOU? Did 'you dress your Christmas

cards with Chrislmas TB Seals'! You know Iher are not proper· Iy dressed unless you did.

IN HOSPITAL Mr. Fred N ewbur~' is at pre·

sent a patient at the Grace Hos. pital where he is recpll'ing medical treatment. His many friends send best wishes for a !!pecdy recovery.

BIRTHD,\Y P.\RTY A parly was held on S~ll\r.

!la\'o Dec. 15. for Glcnda Flight, :'Iorris Avenue on the occasion of he!' blrlhday. Man), of htr friends attended and a wonder· ful time was enjoyed by all.

16th .\SNIVERSARY Congratulations are exlended

to Mr. and ~Irs, Wm. E. Brown, 28 Second Avenue, ~lount Pearl, on the occasion of the 16th wedding anniversary. Best wishes.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY lIappy birthday to Tom Dun·

ph~', who celebrates his b~rth. day today. Dec. 19. Greetmgs come from his family and friends.

TO MOSTRE.'l.L ~!r. and :\Irs. John Bignell,

!.!ount Royal Avenue. hal'e gone 10 ~Iontreal to spend Chrislm~s with I heir son. Leslie. and hiS famil~·. The~' also plan 10 spend



69c PR.

The Mature Parent



Thelma's mol her is a "0'0 d cook. During Ihe holidays, her relatives and friends always accept her invitations to din· ncr. And always during the meal. somehow learn that it was she who stuffed the turkey, whipped the potatoes. prepared the vegetahles and the del!c· table, home·baked pies.

When her guest finally rise from the table. they are so im· pressed by the loneliness of her labor in their behalf that they never wonder, "What poor soul Is stuck with the dirty dishes and pots that supported this star performance?"

As a result, Thcltna (and oc· casionally a cousin' ~djourn!, to the kitchen with its stacks of dishes and greasy pans and its floor llttered with peelings left by the star performer. No adult ever comes backstaile to ask, "Can I help you with this mess?" For the impression Thelma's mother has created of an overworked hostess In· cludes the suggestion t hit Thelma is a lazy. incompetent g i r I. Accordingly, the un· spoken feeling among her guests Is, "It's time that kid was made to help. Washing up alone Is what she deserves foor leaving poor Lillie to do every· thing."

But "poor Lillie" would no more think of permitting The· Ima to assist in making a holl· day dinner than a Broadway star would think of allowing I bit.piayer's name to be put up in lights,

Families have their admira· tion.craving stars, too. They are the . mothers who mono­polize stage' center as the mak· ers of holiday feats. They in­variably assign daughter to the bit1>layer role of kitchen Cind­erella.

WHEEL CHAIR FOR RED CROSS . On Decembf'f 10th. the O\'crseas Club presented the Canadian Red Cross

Society Sick Hoom Loan Scn'ice with a chequc to coyer the cost of a wheel chair for use in one of the Branches. This year Springdale Branch has been selected to receive the Chair as the need seemed grcater thcre. Last year For­tune Branch receh'ed a chait· from the Overseas Club. --_.-_. __ ._-_._' ._.- -- ----_ .. -_ .. _- -~- .. - ..




The firsl thing you must con· sider when putting your child who is under 5 years old in the hospital is the question: Is this trip really necessary? If you and your doctor agree that it is, the question arises as to how soon should you ten the child.

Two or three days ShOl~d be enough to prepare him for what is to come. If there is no emergency it Is a good Idea to visit the hospital to meet the nurses and children who are allowed to be up and sit· ting 8t a play table.

threat has ever \leen mmle. the child may somehow get the. impression that you or, pel" haps, God is punishing him for some past misdemeanor. Such an idea must not be allowed to persist.

Next 10 being calm It is es· sential not to Jie to the child. It is wise 10 put the major emphasis on the more pleasant aspects 01 hospital life. T h t child can be told that he will have his food brought to him on a tray and will eat It In bed. He may be told that even go­ing to the loilet can be manag· ed In bed thanks to that in· genius device, the bedpan.

If the operation 15 to be a tonsillectomy and the child will be in the hospital only 0 n e night, il is a good idea 10 have the mother stay wilh him. If the mother docs not sta~' with him he should not be left in 8 single bedroom or a dura hie room with no other child. Th! presence of olher children in the ward has a calming influ· ence Ihal i~ essential to the chilo's adjustment to strange sltlToundings.




DEAR POLLY-Here is a tip for women who drl~e alone in their c~rs late at llIght. . A bottle of ammonia, with R Will'

dow squirter, can be kept undo er the front seat. When walk· ing along at night carry one III the purse. I defy a mugger or molester 10 withstand the ef· feets of it in the eyes.


• GIRLS-All women that mu~l be out alone nt night appr.ecl· ate a suggestion that glyes them . a feeling of. secunty. However, I would adVIse somed thing less drasti~ than. am· monia Iyou might hit the wrong guy.)


bc time to feed the birds. I save A mesh b~g from to pounds of potatoes. soak I h. e label off and then put a hlg piece of suet in it. Pull the

The engagement is (1nnoLlnced of lVTatll'ccn. eldest daughter of Mrs. ,Josephine and the late W. P. Brennan, 216 Hamilton A\·c .. to Cpl. Ian BrCl1il,11i f)[

Paisley, Scotland. no\\' stationed at Camp Lricun~, North Carolina. Wcdding date to be announced 1ater.

Rebekah lodge

Club Meeting The Paot ~ohle Grands' Club

of Sl. John's Rebekah Lodge No. 112, LO.O,F. held Ihe final meeting for the year al the home of Ihe President. ~!rs. Mildred Simmonds. 85 Cabot Sireet, Friday, Decembcr 14.

The meeting took thc fOI'm of n Christmas party with the :O;oble Grand. ~lrs. Lillian Eason, Ihe Vice Grand. :\11',. Mary Crilch and several other invited guests present. Folio\\'· ing the worship scrl'ice, rOll'

tine husiness \\'as dealt with includin:! the election of offic· ers for 191i3 which resulted as follows: Presidenl: 1lrs. El5ie White: Vice President: :'.ll's. Susie Reid: Secretary·Treas· er: iIlrs. Lillian Edgecombe.

As is the custom of the club. gifts were brought along to the meeting for the Odd Fellows' Home in Pictou and Ihis yeal' it was a "shower" of tOll'els, face cloths. cup tOll'els aud pillow slips.

The outgoing President. ~!rs. Mildred Simmonds, took the opporlunity of thanking the members (or their kind help and co·operation in the charit· able works of the cluh during the past year and n I'ote of thanks was in turn extended to the President by ~!rs. Tillie Peckford and carried unani· mously.

"ASTRO-G For Wednesday, December 19

sent-For You and ours ... Irril.lting inc:dcnts

mar the day. People tend to be selfish, jealous and difficult­not very adm;rabte traits during this sea,(ln. This is a malefic day when it is hest to stick 10 rou· line. A "oid exprc"ing unron· ventional opinions, particularly if such idc:ls mig"l mislSad listener..

... '1 he helid Ihat black Fu·(ure ... The Comm,'n

cats arc had luck started in the ht 1I';'j' turn OUl 10 r: tho Middle Ages. It ar<he when the sisnific~nt ceon,'mi;; an,1 , idea got around that witches c'al elent since World \\'Jr II. t I th 1 . t L t k The area enconlro\\"'~ DC"\I' urne' ernse ves In 0 " a c . all f HI t E . .'

.• . . 0 n ('o. ern :.uror~

cats as a dIsgUISe willie gams its cxtcrnat lariff '.1'.111, about their evil work. trade belweon m,","'r . i

The Day Under Your Sign ARIES CBorn March 21 10 April 191 LIBRA { 23 to Od.lli ~p:tr!" 211 thl" titr.(': )011 C.ln fur h'i,'J!e l'rf)(:t'nl :It 1\,t:;;l (.<'{':~ • r. ~ ,: ;I("tintie(, holid.,,. J)rC'l',ultion<, etc. Otl\'(;U5 in ):{Jjllt; to m,l :~C"L 'v·~.

TAURUS CApril 2010 May 201 (Joo', imr,eril your f'COIIl):nic qantlin;;: bl' goin,::'"o:url on a major f'lIrch3<e.

GEMINI (Moy'21 10 Jun. 211 flack 'Up ~<.IIJr' CCltl£ider.c~ 'With (ommon seme: :lI1d "Ound mC'lhod~. You'll prO~fI('t.

CANCER (Juno 22 10 July 211 One ptoMt'!l1 .'ieenn ttl le3~ t() anofltn'. but don't fiftl you're htin;: ""ick~ on:'

lEO (July 22 fo Aug. 211 Ta~e tbe itiitiative in m3kin~ luglft'S­timu; tithers "JII'ait f01' ,"0'11 to d" ~.

VIRGO (Au9' 22 10 Sopl. 221 Y~tI mAY hne 2n r.pportunity to m~Jc I ~:lll profit through a f~l estate d~l.

t tcapsoon salt 3 tahlespoons 50ft butler or

margarine ~2 cup sugar 2 eggs I i cup orange marmahlc I CliP AIl·Jlrand (whole bran


SCORPIO (Od. 2) to lb. 211 If i1:tc1\flln~ a ",,".:;>,1 f::::.::·:-:, :. ia :I./!n.ncc wh::t !li" c.:~"r· .,re '111"1;,·:::.

SAGITIARIUS INav.lll, 0".211 Altr.ollr:h )OU tr.3y Il~t ap ...... !~\ I)t~.~'. eJ1rour.u::e !oel{·e··qlre'~;oo ]11<: !~! !-J,,:"'.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 fa J ... 201 Otfer MlCl.1.1 r,I:>:1s in hT'}( or : with .a neW~ra~1 bro:..:: Dr ~¥1::::r.::~

AQUARIUS (Jan. 11 10 F.b. 191 You h.we mnch tfl C!ff~ in :1e 'illS!"

lmO'.vledt;e :In.l e.":f"=1i~~,:·-;'C: it (~ PISCES (F.b. 20 10 M",h 20) A n~"" hl1'lC"tt 1i,J'" }w- ~.· .. ~~l b l.~ r''O'rning 'Itar af t':Jr';;-N It:"':'· lions.

sligar: ~dd Pg~' 31ll! beat Stir in marJ11:lble i:nd : ,\dd sifted dry in(l'cdic,l; almond,: mix w<,:I. ~preJd grC':lsL'{l ~l .'\ v·;:h'h p:::~. in mod~r,]te 4)1, en I J;j

Ii cup chopped salted almonds

1".) ahotn ~.j mjll:lte~.

warm, cut intI} ~ql1:!!'L'~.

confeelioncrs' ,.,,;[;. \\hen if desircd.

I • I always marvel at the op· tlmlsm of those child guidance "experts" who urge parents !o share exciting chores wit b children. Those of us who can dispense with our guests' ad· mlratlon occasionally don't have to he told to give Thelma a chance at stuffing the ChriBt· mas turkey.

." calm matter·of·fact ap· proach to the whole business on the part of Ihe parents is essential if the ordeal Is 10 be minimized. It should be ex· plained In simple terms what will be done, And it is im· portant to allow the child 10 ask questions. Many children faced with 8 trip to the hos· pltal get weird ideas t hat should be corrected if they are to be Bpared unnecessary worry.

The meeting closed with prayer and the ~lizpah Bene· diction. after which delicious refl'eshmentR we're ser\'cd by the hostess with an exchange of gilts. also n collection for "Operation Santa Claus." A very enjoyable evening con· c1ude!1 with the singing of Christmns Carols.

Sift together nour. baking pow· der and salt. Blend butter and Yield: 25 1 ',·ir,c!1

1 I' ,

\ , ,

'0 • ' ..

'I, •.


Woe unto any parent-a n d there aren't many these days who would be so stupid-who hal' once told 1\ child that if he didn't behave the doctor would put him In the hospital.

E\'en If no Buch heartless






~o~ ~~'6 • MUMS


.~\>~ • CYCLAMEN.


•• • MUMS



If the child mus tbe In the hospital for a prolonged period Ihe mother should visit hIm every day. Even though he cries when she leaves it is bet· tel' for him 10 be upset for a short time every day then to think that he has been deserted or is being punished. Once a parent has left Ihe ward a child almost always calm~ dow n quickly.

T do nol want 10 \cave you with Ihe impression that emo­tionai damage always rcsults from havini( to put a child 10

the hospital and Ihat the best you can do is to try to minimize the injury. This is far from true,

With proper preparation B trip to the hospilal can he a constructive experience In that it will hel)} your child to grow up. If this has been the case

. he will have no qualms about going to the hospital a g a i n should II become necessary.

Manners By MILLETT

Two smaller parties top one 10 rg e party where the guests are packed like s~~~:s:._

. BACKACHE When kidnoyo fail to re:moVo exCelS acid ... d " .. w. backachfl, tired f •• ling. di,wrbed of teD follow. Dodd', Kidney Pili •• timulate kidneya t.f) normal duly. You fetl,Ir>p h.t· tu. work h"Uf'f',

strin!! tight and bang it on a tree limb. Works better than wire as no matter how small the piece of suet gels, Ihe birds can always reach it. In vcry cold weather. birds' leet can freeze to wire, too.


GIRLS-What busy bees you are buzing with good ideas that I do love passing on to others for you. Keep at it.


DEAR POLLY-I cannot tie pretty bows ~ came up with the following Idea for sllll hal" ing attract! vely w rap p e d Christmas gifts. Instead of throwing away my faded, tired looking artificial flowers. ! spray them with gold to use In place of bow! and ribbons. Last year, my "com'ersation piece" was 8 large flat pack· age wrapped with al1 g 0 I d 'pap~r, with one single lonl( stcmmed gilded rose laped· across the tip. So simple bul still the most attractive pacl<· age under my tree.


GIRLS-There certainly 11'111 be a copy of Dolores' gold pack· age under my tree. How aboul yours?


daughters and J do most of our own sewing and hal'e found a !lood use for those IOI'ely wool scraps left from sltirts and dresses. We cut them into four or five· inch square blocks, cro· chet around them with bits of leftover yarn - any colo r­tlsing a single crochet stitch. '\ Then we .join all together with ' the Bame: color yarn and have II warm and practical afllhan.

H. F. B.

GIRLS-This really appeal~ to the Scottish in me. HoI\' about you?


_ The next meelin!l of thc club will be held at the home of Ihe incoming President. ;\\I·s. Els:e White, 24 Dundas Street. on January llIh.

Christmas Recepies

. Part of the enjoyment of hoi· iday baking is the variety it affords. This is the time of

year when one can try all manner of recipes. Here are two to inclUde in your Christ· mas preparations.

Nutaroons are crisp drop cookies, tastefully . made with oven.toasted rice cereal and chopped peanuts. Almond ex· tract ~cccnis thdr flavor. For a rich bar cookie, hake Orange and Nut Squares. These cake· like morscls owc their appeal to orange marmalade. whole bran cereal and salted almonds.

NUTRAROONS I~ cup soft butter or margarine

'\ cup Eugar 1 egg 1 eup finely chopped peanuts v. teaspoon almond flavoring 4 cups Rice Krispies (oven-

toasted rice cerea\)

Blend butter and sugar: add egg and beat well. Stir in pea· nuts, almond flavoring and Rlce

Krispies; mix well. Shape mixture in rounded bowl of lahlcspoon and plaee on liJrhtly greascd baking sheets. Bak~ tn moderate oven (350 dcgrees .) about 12 minutes.

Yield: 6 dOlen cookies, l·th inches In diameter.

Note: Nutaroon mixture Is somewhat dry in appearance before baking. Do not add addi· lional liquid.

)RANGE AND NUT SQUARES 1 cup sifted nour 1·\~ teapsoons baking powder

"CATHY" SNOWBOOTS Pony hair trim snowhoots lw Cati1\' in rich calf leather, mould· ed nibber soles and heels .. ·hail· able in Black; BroWlI, Greell, ncd ancI Beige.


)lany experienci

liS new cooi there is sor about coo~

in the ole bad so much the turkey 1'1 this might ha

pow with the birds (01

a quick ri stuffing witt dressing, a l

with sort bu and the bird oven.

perfect bird, I spalled if impi

The Poultry of Canada

too often turl It she

tender, not dr: smaller turke: 10 guard aga

out. Since much fat on : sure to rub th with butter 01

before putting an added prec down bastin,

y"1\ V

or oran! mixed inl

tri~k to rei shapin/( the loa\ the foid in the d !hat it doesn' ~hi1e baking.

When baking in mind w much appl

make fOI ihul·in friend e l!Ople who COl rour house.



\.\, to 2 cup chopped IT

peels and Two third c I

bleached 1

t cup SuUar seedless r

!. cup rum, t Juice

12 cup luke'



I - P ,




~~~~~~~~~~N~FL~D~,~.~W~E~D~N~E~SD~A~Y~D~E~C~E~M~B~E~R~~19~~~ ____________________________________________________________ ~_'1

Cooking uletide Turkey.

~lln\' experienced cooks III' as new cooks seem to there Is somelhlng dif· about cookinl turkey.

in the old days when hd so much work In get· the turkey ready for the lhis might have held true.

with the modern ev· birds (once they are

a quick rinsing, wiped sluffing with one's fav· dressing, a generous rub·

with soft butter or mild 3nd the bird is ready fQr

perfect bird, however, can spoiled if Improperly cook·

The Poultry Products I· ~f Canada points 0 u t

often turkey is served It should be moist

tender. not dry or rubbery. smaller turkeys need more to guard against the meat

-i"" out, Since there Is 10t , :; l!'~eh fat on smaller birds

; lure to rub them generous· '. ',dh hutter or other mold :: before putting in the oven. " an added precaution and to .: down bostin!:, cover any

side of bird with a thin cloth or double thickness of cheese cloth moistened Ihoroughly by dipping In melted fat or use a loose tent of aluminum foil over Ihe turkey it in on the lides but leaving it open at either end to allow freer circulation of heat and prevent sleaming, '

Slow cooking is another sec­ret of flavoured sroast meat. Use a moderately slow oven of 325 degrees F, The cooking chari ~elow will give an m· dication of approximate cook­Ing times. Shape of turkey, whether at room temperature or refrigerator· cold, rise in proportion to oven, all have a bearing on the lotal cooking. time. Accordingly it Is recom· mended that one allow at least a 30·mlnute leeway in the din· ing hour to allow for anv vari .. tion in cooking time. Inclden· tally, if the turkey Is done too soon it does no harm to leave It in a warm place. for 20 minlltes 01' so. In fact it is re­commended at any time as it makes Ihe meat easier 10 serve.

- __ -.lL_ ~ay "Merry Christmas"

'n \lar.

21 1, lItH ~e ':1 'II(Jrl.,

'. 21) 10, u:1uirc 'I:!:'.

,0«.21) .. illl Ol.\:-r!,

the ~1'1'l~.

J ... 20) D[ rrlninl J~.u\ne.

:.b, 19) tbe "'.,. of :t it to 'CSt.

:h 20) t'1.t iM t~ ""Nl _to


I-) ,

With Stollen (~ri;lmas Stollen, or Chri~·

""1~ is a German sweet bread ::;';. dales from the :'.0 d die :i;;;, when it was baked to reo :::eienl the Babe in t he Manu­:~~ surrounded by gifts. It is

j''';lilional for the Gel'­;j~ haus[rall to hal'e sel'eral

, !~:)!:en on hand and serl'e Ihem ,::~ breakfR,t on Christmas :'Jr, Thin slices are also serv-

, ,!.' a:ong with coffee. to gue5ts 'i:d callers throughout the holi. ':1)' ~ea,on, much as we serve ':;:1 rake,

Ymt·lra\,rnrd Stollen is rich l,:h peels. lIutmeats and ni­::! II'hi.h are steeped in rum, :,:,~dy Or orange juice before :,'1., mixed into the dough. ; I Irkk to remember when ; '~l?ing tile loaves is to press :"~, loid in the dOllgh firmly, ,0

It c1oesn'l spring open baking,

When baking the Stollen, in mind what an unusual much appreciated gift it

, make for a neighbour, , friend or the trades·

who come calling at house.


Yicld-2 Stollen

1,1, to 2 cups slil'cred or chopped mixed candied peels and citron

, ]\(0 third c \I psi i v ere d , bleached 1I1monds

I cup Sultana or bleached seedless raisins

I, CUp rum, brandy or orange Juice

1, cup lultewarm water



59c ReADE


Choice Bu".' lall Turkey.

Choic. Gee ..

Choice Duck.

Choic. Chick.n

Fre.h Killed


1 leaspoon granulated sugar 1 cnl'elope fast-rising aetivi

dry yeast 9 cups (nboutl pre·silted all·

purpose flour 112 cups milk ~4 cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon salt ',2 teaspoon ground mace 11,1 tnblcspoon grated lemon

rind __ " teaspoon almond extract " teaspoon vanilla 1 '14 cups butter or margarine

(at room temperature) 1 slightly·beaten egg white Soft butter 01' margarine 1 cup sifted icing sugar

Combine mixcd candied peels and citron, almonds, raisins and rum, brandy or orange juice. Set aside.

McaSUl'e lukewal'm water; stir In the 1 teaspoon granulat· ed sugal'. Sprinkle with yeast. Let sland 10 minutes, then stir well. Measure 4 cups of Ihe flour into a warm large mix· ing bowl. IIIake a well In the centre and pour in yeast-do not stir. Cover. Let stand un· disturbed lh hour.

Meantime, scald milk, Stir in the'll cup granulated sugar, sail. mace and graled lemon rind. Cooi to lukewarm, then stir in almond extract and v:m· lila, Add to flour and yeast and stir until blended, the n beat until smooth an elastic. Cut up and add the 1"4 cups hulter or margarine and com· bine well. Work in 3 cup s more of the flour. Measure 1 'h CliPS £lour onto a baking board or table top; dust board generously with some of this flour. Turn out dough and knead in as much of the flour as possible-dougb should be very stiff. Pat out dough to about 1 in. thickness. Sprinkle fruit mixture with the re· maining % cup flour; mix lightly and spread over dough. Fold dough over fruit, the n knead It quickly until fruits are well mixed in. Place in greas­ed bowl. Cover. Let l'ise in a warm place, free from draft, 2 hours. Punch down dough_ Turn out 'onto a lightly-flour· cd board and knead for 10 minutes, Divide dough into 2 equal portions. 'Roll out 1 par· tion of dough into an oval 12 x 8 inches, brush with egg white and fold in half lengthwise; preSll edges together well. Place diagonally on piece of greased waxed paper or brown paper on a cookie sheet. Re· peat with olher portion of douSh. Cover. Let rise in a warm place, free from draft, i hour. Bake in a moderate oven (350 deg. F.) untl! stol· len are cooked-l to 11/, hours,

Swift's Premium Reg. , Ham.

Swift'. Premium

, Ionele .. Ham.


I '

Among the packages under the tree, the gift that's sure to delight any woman is the one that will en­hance her beauty. This girl (left) enjoys the double pleasure of measured spray scent for her dressing table and a matching measured perfume for her purse, The gold gift compact (center) has a lipstick fitted into the hinge and is ideal for evening use when space is at a minmum. The girl (right) is thrilled with her gift of French perfume, packaged in a ribbed silk gift box,

Give A Gift Packaged In Beauty BY ALICIA HART

Among the most welcome surprises a woman finds un· der her Christmas tree are those which contain a tributa to her beauty,

Not only are the contents of fragrance and cosmetic gifts pleasing. but many arc so beautifully packaged that gilt wrapping seems to be gilding Ihe Illy.

Petit point, the exquisite

French handwork, for exam· pie, has becn rcproduced from a costly original design to become the inspiration for one line of Christmas beauty gifts.

Anv girl wOllld be delight. ed to receive n beautiful sil· vcr·on·silver matching set of measured scentt for her dres· sing table and measured per· fume for her purse. Both come in exquisitc silver cylin­ders, banded in black.

To add a glittering touch to

her holiday festivities, II golden compact, containing powder plus foundation, has a lipstick fitted into the' hinge. This is an ideal beauty accessory for evening wear.

Never failing to delight 15 the traditional bottle of import· ed French perfume. No woman can resist its allure. One fra· grance now comes packaged

in an elegant ribbed silk gift boc.

Little things mean 1\ 101, which is why some of the most successful Christmas

gifts are the cleverly de­signed ~mal! remembrances.

Two s u g g e s tI 0 n s for thoughtful small gifts com. packaged in charming orna· ments, reminiscent of decora· tions on nn old - fashioned Christmas tree. One is 8 purse size flacon of perfume, nestled in a spray of gilded leaves. The second is a lip, stick whose top is capped with a little angel figurine.

Stocking stuffers and off­the _ tree gifts have universal appeal, and a price lag as tiny as Ihe package,

Christmas Baking Hints Ma Heller keep 'Montreal alive in the minds of hundrcds of Second World War soldiers, has re" opened her restaurant. Preparation of Fruit: Small

dried and glaced fruits are usually left whole, larger fruits and nuls, such as candied chcr­ries, pineapple, walnuts, etc., should be chopped or cut up 10 allow for even distribution' of fruit and to ease the cutting of the finished cake. Candied and dried frults are easily cut with scissors dipped in flour or hot waler. Prepared fruits may be combined and lightly dredged with flour to prevent them from sticking together or falling to the bottom of the cake or pudding.

Blanching Nuls: Blanching is removing the skin from smooth surfaced nuts. Pour boiling water over the nuts; allow to sland about f i v e minutes. Drain 3nd rinse in cold water. Slip off skins. If blanched nuts are 10 be shl'ed­ded or cut. do so while they are still warm. Cover and store blanched nuls In refrigeralor, if Ihey are not to be used im· mediatelY.

Preparation of Pans: Fruit cake is high in sugar content and burns easily. Pans should be smoothly lined with heavy paper, which insulates the pans and prevents Ihe cake from scorching, Use two or thrce layers of plain brown or heavy

LUt loaves and paper onto wire racks. Brush generously with sort butler or margarine and sprinkle heavily with sift­ed icing sugar. Cool complete· Iy. Store, covcred, in a cool place, at least 1 week, Serve sllced, spread with butter or margarine.

w hit e paper, greasing tho­roughly the top layer which will be next to the baUer.

Baktng Fruit Cakes: Cakes should be balled in pans sized according to those suggested in recipe being used, Oven tern· perature and baking times vary according to the recipe. Heavily-fruited cake will rctain a moist, rich lextm-c if a shal­loll' pan of waler is placed In

the bottom of the oven through· out baking period. It is neces· sary to watch water level and rcplace water as it evaporates. If top surface of cakes seem to be gettin~ too brown, cakes may be lightly cOl'ered with a layer of heavy brown paper. Baked cakes, once removed from oven, should be allowed to stand In pans al least half an hour to cool nnd "sct", be· fore being inverted on cake racks and paper is removcd"

Decorating Cakes: Man y prefer an almond paste top­ping on fruit caltes. The paste, homemade or commercially prepared, should be spread on Ihe cold cake, til en topped with ornamental fro s tin 'g. Or· namental frosting should be applied in two layers, the first one being quite thin. Fruits, nuts, etc., attractively arrang­wd. should be placed on top layer of ornamental frosting before it hardens, "Cakes may be left uniced, but topped with a glaze which imparls a shiny surface. There are a number of popular glazes for fruit cakes, one of the most simple is corn syrup, heated to the bolling point and brushed over











MEATS 38 GOLF AVE. DIAL 9·2664, 9·2655


Reopens Restaurant

Morc than 100 old·time friends attended the opening. }orost of them were I'eterans with whom Ma used to correspond.

The west-end soda shop slle - 3ml her husband opened more'

MONTREAL (CP) - ~!a Hel- than 30 years ago became a fa· leI', whose newsy letters helped vorite with teen·agers in the dis­

the top servicc while glaze is still hoI. A glaze is usually applied to the cake twice. Fruits, nuts, etc". are arranged on the surface of the cake be­tween the first and sec 0 n d glazings.

Sioring Fruit Calles: Fruit cakes and puddings improve in flavor and texture if allowed to "ripen" in storage in coo I place for several weeks. The natural moisture of the cake mllst be well scaled in. Wrap cakes securely in aluminum foil, ami place in metal contain­er with lid, Cakes may also be wrappcd in moisture·proof film. the ends scaled air-tight. If preferred, fruit cake may be wrapped first in cheesecloth dipped in IV i n e brandy or cider, then in aluminum foil.

trict, When war broke out she continued to keep in touch with her "boys" by mail.

She recalls they had a stand· ard closing to their letters, "Kiss all the girls for me, I'll take over when I get back."

The walls of the new restau· rant bear witness to the past. A glass case covers medals for bravery given 10 lIta Heller by the men awarded them. And an honor roll with neariy 600 names is beside it. It was gil'en to her by the defence department and has the names of all the service­men who visited the soda shop.

TIES THAT BIND Belts are a too·oHen·over·

looked costume accessory. In· Yestigate their possibilities.












Great Change In Canadian Art

EDMONTON (CP) - Cana" dian artists never will develop a distinctive style, says British painter William Townshend.

"Canadian artists, like arUsts in most countries, are beginning to realize they are part of an in ternational setup, They can't have painting that is purely na· tionalistic."

Mr. Townshend, who describes his own work as landscape painting "tending toward ab-

straction," came to Edmonton this year to teach for a year at the University of Alberta's schOOl of fine arts. He has taught at Banff for live sum· :ners.

The slight, white-haired artist says he notices a great change in Canadian art since he first visited Canada 10 years ago­an improvement in interest, en­thusiasm. quality of work, Ind support for artists.





BARBARA CHARLES WILLIAMS VEE EDfN C,N ....... sc:cpe;; co.o~ I>r DI! Luxe_J!. ...;;;;;..;;;,;;,,;.-..;;;;;-..;-

Special Added Attraction YOIl won't believe anything could be so fUnm'_"Htil



EVENING: - "SWINGIN' ALONG 6.30 - 9.30




A laughable new way to slap "A SEAT OF LEARNING"



Special Added Attraction




6 O'CLOCK - 9.05, "A FRENCH MISTRESS" - 7.35




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Students In Theatre

Active School

STUDENTS ACTIVE .. .. ! ute reak during the ~!ONTREAL (CP) -Some of fcssion.

Odd. and End. seen on the Churchill Square Canada'~ hardest·working young Sometimes after a parking lot. people arc the lB teen·agers; day the 'youn~ people gO

The first complaint could be among the 120 students at lIIont., slecp on Ihe floor from . , Yesterday driving dow n adjusted immediately because real's National Theatre Schoo!. I f3tigue. .

Church Hill, having proceeded the Department of Health is· The young drafa enthusiast>: They go Ihroughlta2c around Gower Street. Church a~ sues licenses 10 snack bars and spend long hours daily studying: thenics and study hallet. per ret!ulations, w~ were as· restaurants, elc. giving them acting. production and design. I ment exercises and tounded to see a taXI drlv~ out permission to operate. A little Westerners arc Bill Boychuk' i classes kee.p them supple an~ th~ wrong end of Henry S.rect. more rigid inspection, weekly 19, Vancoul'er, Terence Kelly., good ph.\'slcal shape. ThIS is a one·way thoroughfare lor more frequently. should hal'e Ie, White Rock, B.C., Carolyn i Olher shldies include ' for west·bound traffic only ~nd, the desired result. 1£ the Health Landa, 1B, Saskatoon. and )Iich·. \'Ocal exercises and delivc'rl' therdore drive~& PI'occethng: inspection dil'ision were as con· ael Ball, 19. '!lId Helen Conway'; their first year the student; down Church HIli would not ex.! scientious as the Liquor com. iilarmo, 19, of Victoria, : no actin~, hut stueh' . pee! to be practically IfJrpcd~cd: mission inspeclion unit we From ~I on Ire a I are Yael poetr)' and the hi3tor;· 01

or telescope~ ~y a ~ar ~onllng 'I would hal'e the offensive snack Brandeis, 19, Freddy Dewan·· theatre. By thc time thcl' . !rom a prohIbited dIrection. . bars cleaned liP in short order. slier. 18, .Jacqucs Dufour. 18, third year they will ,Iero'le .

The street is well defined; Boltlc dropping fl'OlIl cars is ~lichcle ~laillot. 19. ~Iichclr. Du· of Iheir time to :lct;n" with markers and therefore i becoming a nasty habit wilh gas, 19, Sophie Clement. 19. TWO ~IOXTJlS OFf o·

Ihere is no excuse, particularly i some pnssengers 01' drivers ~lichc1e Chicuine, 13, and I.oui,,' Ei;!ht months of !lIC rear for a taximan of all peo,)l~, to' which should be curbed forth· Bellehumeur, 19. srcnt studyin;! at the . break Ihe law hcre. In fact we wilh. The same applies to un· The others ore Chris Banks. hased school. t\\'o m'lIlt'h; at have found some laximen arc li,ading ashtrays ill front of 19. flf Halifax. Rohert dll Park, schon I in Stratforr!. Ont. the worst Iraffic rule breal,cr' shop. theatres, hotels, clc. We IR. Drummondl'illc. Que .. fran. two months nrc fill' in this city anll we hopc in time. hope the hu·~e Churchill SquaI'c ,tine Dionne, 19. SI. ~Iatthias.; uSlially spent "'f)ri;in, .t Ihey will learn Ihe crror of; will not havc to become a dump· I Quc, and ElI'a :llai lIoO\'cr, Ill. cvcr can he lounr! to Incct Iheir ways beforc the law al'!·· in~ ground hccanse of ~areles5 r.A;'Ii\))m-~lr. amI ~Irs. Simeon I'riec of GamIcI' rccl'lltly celehrated their 5Gth wedding anniversary. 'I'he Unitt~tl anti Shelor" Fitlgcrald, Ill, of S700 annual tllition fer 11 "11" catch"s lip II'J'lh Ih"lll, I 'Ilcl (11·I,t,· molorl·sts. It 11'0111(1 I,c " '11 I I l ','oronto. The lon~ hours and hard

n J - 'fl J Church Women's Association and the United Charch Men's AssociatIon presented Mr. and ~Irs. Price WI 1 a go t en ~a , I I . b f I! . , PICKEn BY ROAnn don't di'l'nllra~e th .. )'Ollnz S d . t'll 1 I a mammot 1 C ean·up JO 01' Ilc, scn·icc. During their 50 years together the ctlllille ha\'c worked in the intcrest of the church. anti both are 5t.ill acllvc 1111'.111· d

. DIm I e I 1'l\'.er~ll arc s I II'I'al·;·, CI)UII"I'I's sanl'tary [ICpartlllent.[ I • 1 I tl Selected II;' a hoard that tors an 3ctre,;c,. ' bers of chllrch associations. He,'. E. C. Stnrgc, R.A., R.n .• lIIinister of Fraser Road Umletl fhUl'cb at Gall! cr. 15 S lown WI I In;:: Ie all' In II' same area ,y , : tral'elled acro.'~ Canada to find "Our prospec!., in thi~ contilJuin~ 10 cross Church Hi!I' We harc a litlle per,onal oh.l Ihe clluille. (Staff I'holo) , promisin, lalent. they "'ere ad. try arc "ery gOllri''''rtI'S

on the norlh sidc of the min!"· ~l'l'vation 011 reslaurant opera·i 'mil ted on th~ hasis of inter. Kelly. "A chain of thc~t'rcl lul'c' park and enter Gower' tion. This has nothing 10 do ---........... - ... ---.... -------. . .. -._._-.-... --.------.--..; \'jews and auditions with .Jean' cultural centre.' i, sprin"in_ Street. Here again fol' Ihose' with cleanliness as Ihe place is A ~ L . b tion is not the same thing as· Gascon, executive director of across Canada and will 0 ,

II'ho hal'e eyes 10 see Ihe sign: Fpotless. '1'0 be informed at 6.30 t 0 u r disintel:ration." Pointing to the. the institulion, and Pow \' s work for man)' of the .. sa~'s no enlry, p.m. that there is no tomato I ... n ry existence of co·operation, he! Thomas, artistic directol' of tile' of our school. I rIon't think

A reader has written abuut' juice in the eating establish· I : _....... • U _ concludes that the Common·' English·language counes. ; Canadian puhlic KnelllS what what he Ihinks is a lack of: ment when there Is a super· i • • : wealth can be an example in' Work begins at 8:45 a.m. and; expect, hut I think thp)· will su ervision b\' Ihe Health In· 1 market onh' a few yards awa)' In an tntl'oduellon 10 ,\rtbur; this question (why a man docs' story of humonr and acute In· co·operaling with all friendlY ends at r, p.m. or later. with an ple,1.<antl)" ,urprilcd hy '. ~ I I' • I II' n I k ,. on·lhe same side of the strpel,: ~ll1ler's Cnllected Plays, the: whnt he does) of a play is a sight into the comedy of human. peoples for immediate practical hour off fol' lunch and a 15.min. standards." NP_C ors n re a 0 0 snae h II ltd i • I . h . . til h' f ,. h'[' I I A d 11' I ". I ____ _ b rs He has found orne f tl n ' sows la managemen an I AmerIcan p aywng t pmpolll 5 crlle t 109, or evasIOn Is pro· "m I Ions. . enc s. n liS. Ie says, IS a· --.-----.------__ a: if' Sh' °d Ie II staff are more than a trifle dis· I some of the motives and heliefs i bably the mosl developed lech·· • • • : most the conve;se .of th.e princi·' from the varicgvted experierces· Some wircs Icel thcl'

5~rvlnf co eel 10 cl ~pe I~u~s. interested in Iheir clienlele. I that shape th(' form and subs· i nique most men have ... "He· TilE COi\nIONWEALTl~ pIe of centrahzahon In Ihe of Ihe author." . make real good u~e of the' °ln no verYdcbeanl1 a eS" 1 e I~. Modern melhods of food tance of his plays. . adds, "I understand the sym· In the Reid leclures dehl'cl'· communisl counlries where de·, In Jloml·cl·de Trl·nl't). a reeftnt a so anno)'c \. Ie num Icr 0,; h dl' I I" . i H . I' I' I I I' . fIt I A j' J' . . lno9 c ling ball huhby tak~; to b 1 ft I .• k 1 tIl I 1 ' an m~ ant [I;pensmg eontam : e IS concernet tn liS cram·, )0 Ie meamn~ 0 a c Hll'aC er C( to cac 1a I Il!l'erslty tn ",.. I'iation from a drdsions once' PIlllll'call'on, Re'.·· Slolit PI'ee .. ent •..

1'0 (cn so [rlll·)O Cs Ie las . . b . : 'th Ih fl· t th t . I I I . I . t f th I' II' I d I' .> '.' alleys two or thrpe timel - ------... ----- . some ment III we al'e agalllst, as IVI e con IC a rcsiC cs I ane liS career 0 consts 0 cant SlIlcr PU) IS led un cr tIe' taken in a crime." . three loni: ,tories of murder week. WHAW

. SA~~S ~EtI'ER SAVS -.- , havin~ OUI' ketchup in a squeeze' in men's live!'. and not only in , kind of commitment he makes title The Liquidation of the: • • • and masterful deduction

I package and 0111' marmalade in conflict itself but in the nccc!'· to life or refuses to make, the Rritish }';mpirc. c. F:. Carring· REX STOrT • • • I a similar container. We prefer; sity to come to grips with it. kind of challengc he accepts: ton takes an optimistic "iel\' of ! He writes detective stories. lIO,m.; i\t\KIl'>G Sailors mmt h.,·p I

Ihe pol or dish for the latter He says, "It is necessary, if one and Ihe kinrl he passes by .. ,'. 'thc fulure of the Common· hut his spedal Inon writing) in. time of it hcin~ ,t '" an'.! ' hut II'C must sacrifice home din.' is 10 reflecl rcality. not only to • ,., • wraith. terest is world fedcration. lie Christine Veasey's Pins a nil a mess at 1ile 'amr limr. in~ lahlc arrangcments when depict why a n!;10 docs \\'h~t h.e MISS llA(;SIU)'r He trarr, the charge wllieh was l.hairman CI[ the Writers :'\'cedles Treasnre Rook of we cal £lilt snmetlmes. :'\01 all' rloes, 01' why he ncariy ~hdn I The indomitahle 'liss Ba~· tUl'lled the BI'itish empire into War Board during World War Homemaking contains adl'i~p l'e~laurants hal'e "nnc in [or do it, but II'hy he cannot sllnl~l.\· shot. heroine of Anne Tels· a t'omlllonwcallh. dcal., spccifi. 11; II';JS chairman of Ihe Writ and inotruction on almosl clcr,\' the pal'ka/:cd condimenls anrl' ~'alk away anrl sa~ to hell 11'!th cnmhe's, nOl'rI :'II iss Ba~sh()t l'all), with the nell' partition of crs Board 101' \\'orlcl GOl'ern. phase of home decorating antI . cl' N d a I d I' 11." And the sel'lonsncss 1\'lth goes tn flbct, mccts liP In Inclia furnishing. Therc's a section £In Pa \H~e m l'Ina a e anc lams . h '1'11 1 l' . 'tl II t I . Afl'I'ca anll thcn (11"'11\'· lip "a nlent, president of the Aulhol"s t I · t h' I . wlne.\ I er rCllan s t liS IS rc· 11'1 I a "nllng ret !rac 1\')0 I,' , ., choosing colollr schemes, anoth.

I·C. III 0 1'1011.1 \. sume power· . I '1' k' I . I . .... d I provisional halance shcrt." (;uild. prcsidenl of the Author'" 'f If' t··' I d . f1ected III Ihesc 1I'0rc s: " n as , WI' mate I 111 llIltla\l\'C an I e· A' I I f I' h f cr one on building your own \I orcc IS r,\'Ing lar 10; .... --.--. . .. .. ", termination. The olldly assorted "'.lIlg e re cncc po ICY as League 0 ,\mcI:ica. furniturc. another on making


l'ilan!:e the hllmble human's ap·1 they ar~ an'! nllt tn lalk 5£1 pair get caught up in the \'111'. ; he"n nupradl~ab!e sllIre 19:17. III the. mranlnne. nex ~lout, slip cOl'crs, another on arrang pl'tlach 10 eatinJ<. This. We suh· i lou[II~' in the corridors: not to tex of jOllrnalists who hall come' wllL'n the. Impcl'lal Confercnc~: stIll ~'onltnues 10 tur~ ont fas· ing window treatments. another' scrihe. is not too easy with this: stamp al?n~ the hal'dc[)l'r~'d to l\alimpong to cOI'er the. of that. tllne .agreed that. tl~e: CI~rttllIg aCC?llIlts of IllS fat '1.nd, on rcnovations, and nnmerous ~

; particular individual. .. ! ~lool's as ~f the)' wcre cnmpeIJn.~ Dalai Lama's flight fmm his! dIfferent Parliaments 1\'IIl\ln' l:liosync,rat'lIC hero·detcctlve oliler .~lIggcstions besides. I




For those people who \'ISlt In a Spanish fandango. I\ospllals: countr,\', Huw the shrcwd olel, the Commonwcalth should make. ,",em \\ olfe-a charactcr wbo,: There's cl'en ~ chapter on slm. : i hospilals with all the jlol'd in· which are supposed to exude 3 i lady and the uninhihited teen·: their own decisions. But Ihe. it has heen ~aid. "can't help: pIe home plumbing repairs; and I I tentions in Ihe world, may we quiet atmosphere often resemble 'I ager manipUlate thc situation: aUlhor, after noting the fact, I· heing R knowing and versatile; finally an alphabet of house. j

'?l(~:.,)~ .

~.!ii:.!lO .

I ask them to remember where a boiler factory - noise· wise. provides the author with a' alsn noles that "decentralizn· operator, since he gels hIs sluff hold hints.

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er's side ( and later P!lrental I JIlassacbus

from the f

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, I I 1 I , I I I I I I I • I • 1,1 I I I I I I I t 1 • I·. I 1,1 • I I I • I I •.•.• I I I I I: I I • I •• ,'. I fJ I '. 1,1 ,t I I;' '''I-I! I 1'1' 'I," 1:'1' "'1"1::1 1 • II I " I '.1_" 1,1 ,,' I '"1,1 I" ' •. 1 I 1:1 ".,. I ." •• I I " I I I . : d I \', I I , I I t I I' t I , I I I I , I I I • I' • ',. I , I "I I;, t I" 1'1' I , I I .' I: I II" I 'I I ,t, I '.' .',' • ~ \1.' 1," I' I' ',.1::1 ,I' I :1 '.' I" I ;1'1" I,! ,", ,: I ,II I '1"1 • _. ,1.1 I, I t. I I ,I I I. I I, t, I" I t I • I I I I I 1 I f I I t, I I I

,; II' I I I , t , I t I I I I I I I 1" I I , I I • 1 r I I 1:-, I • I I" 'r' I til' , •. , .' t f· t, I,·I,·It.I, Id;,I;'1 .' .,., "I. I.' '.1 '.1.,,1,,11.1", I , """ ,II III 1'1 '. 'f' ,.1, 1;'1" '. t- I' I 'I" .:1 I • '. 'I, I I • I'IJ',I, I I." I. I I I I I,'.

-r I I I 10 I I , I I I I I I I I I I I '. I 1_ •. 1 I •. , , I" 1·1:' , I I I I I , I , • I I I I I • I I I t. I I 1,1..1.1 I 1 I , I 1 I,,' I I I·' 1'1 I" • I I , I • I I I 1:1 I I I r I , I • I I 1,1 • , 1.1'.1 I I • I I I I I I I I I I "1 I , "111·1 ........ , 1 ,. ,., I I 1 1- 1,,1 -I 1,1 ,I 1:1 1 1.1 ,I .1 I , I I I I I I I I I I I 1- I t I • I • I t I I I J. I r 1\ I. I. I .

'J.F.K.' • In

1f ~ ~ 1J~ 'fi~;jf:Jt '-1m *-%; it ~ *'~ til'1r:l ~~ .if1.~~ t' I,i:-~ ?:" ~ r1l.*-,.«t * ;z'if'; ;,1: IEl '* ~J. ~ . .{M~ ;!fl.~.M fl~:f: It!:,'1~f JE.;~ ~k 1: -llt ~".!.i!.}~ •• : .

"The Kennedy family bad a long politIcal

. ~ ,,; ~J\..fHt ~ ~ '#.I ~-I:K. "~.f1l ~; , , . ;f!jllll.tilt:Jt ~t ti'.~1i:~~a~ *' ".it~~~~~"~:f~;fTJ~ ..

·lt~Jl!!.n:;)i.l oSt "J:~,1!!~~ 1J)j:,J:.;t­.~ A.. J.{ ~Jb i'&~, 1* ~~:Jt tf - ~ =t~~. 5p;j ;:J:.. ~:* !f.: •••

h~rltage. John's grandfather on his moth- ''In 1938 .John Kemredy obtained a leave rr'~ side once serv~d as mayor of 'Bo-ston from HaMlard University and sel'Ved IS his . "Kennedy; although seriDusly Injured, and later as a U.S. congressman. HIs father's secretary In the embassy. ThIs ,'lI&ved the lives of three of his crew memo parental grandfather had sen'cd in the was his first experience in International I hers, towing ODe JIUU1 three JDiles •• .': )Iassachusetls state senate ••• " .. ________ allan •• .', .

• ---: 1U,.;tJ\..>¥:lt~~)lI'~i!f'1~~3~;N1-r~· .!J: J0,.f, 1>4$-~~t, .... ifJ-f:. 0 jf ll~ J.... ;11} ..... .f!1l :}t.!f.!b "4/H;)~f~... .

''In 1958 Kennedy and laelde became th~ parents of • daughter, Caroline, and in 1960, parenti of I son, John F. Jr •••• "

-- ---'

"Comic books" for grownups carry the

Kennedy story the world around-in 12

languages. The comic book style Is

popular in many countries, and is regard­

ed as being for more than juvenile fare.

Since January 1961, United States Inform­

ation Agency has distributed more than

two million copies of the 16-page publica­

tion, titled "John F. Kennedy-New U.S. -

President./I Pictures below, selected from

the Chinese language edition, are accom­

panied by matching t-ext~ as they appear

in the En91ish language edition.


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, ~[ONTIlEAL - Canadians In lhi; cnnnrdion. we can br. recogni7c.< lhat the Increasinr · can look forward to a rl'lalil'ely. elwollr<1gcci by the for\\'are! steps· sen'iees prol'ided by govern­i high level of economic aetil'ity I no\\' bdng taken for cio,cr lab· ment im'oll'e increased expcn­I in 1~63, Presidcnt Vietor Oland' our managcment - gonrnmcnt ditul'es which must be borne by

of The Canadian Ch:1mhcr of eo·operation on setting basic tile taxpaycrs. An effort should · Commerce saie! tuday in a year· go"I, for Canad:1." he madc. however. to al'oid new , end message. permancnt non-essential And ;. In order to stimulate rcon· unproductive expenditure with I "The baSIC problem. howe\'er, omie growth and dc\·eloplIlent. \\'hich the hudget would be sad. , of establishing an adcquate ec' to mect employment demands died for years to come."

onomie growth ratc has not been' today and tomonow, immediate soll'ed," he said_ "consequently.: action is necdcd in the area of Trade expansion. said ~r. caution probably is the word' gorcrnmcnt finances and taxat- Oland, also is esscntial to con-

· that best dcscrihes the mood ion without waitin~ for the reo 'tinued economic growth and I

· of Canadian busincss in assess.: suits of the Royal Commission satisfactory standard of living, ing the outlook. : on Taxation. and the Canadian Chamber

wOlllrl like to sec the govern-Business, said the Chamber· "The pl'esent high personal ment adopt trade policies which

· President, has made advanccs and cOl'por~t~ !n~omc tax ratc; will best serve Canada's inter­: in most areas compared to a (hscouragc IIllllatl\'e and salcs: ests in the face of new trading • year ago. There have been. and add to the costs o~ manti·' patterns ane! relationships. :lfr. I improvemcnts in gross national. facturel', and to the prIces we. Oland also commended the go\,-

product, in export trade, in tn-' pa)" .as consumers," ~lr. Obllll crnmen!'s initiative . .in arrang. dustrial-production, w'ages and: conllnued. "Less go\'ernment! in<1 regional trade conferences salarics, and employment. I spend!ng is the Slll'Cst way of i and in working for new export

. I'cduclI1:< the tax burden and. po tunities While tile exchange crisis' one way of achiel'ing this is; op r .

harl been a disturbing develop· through implemcntation of the. ~[r. Oland concluded by sa)'­ment, Canadians coule! take [('commendations of the Glassco in~ that there is a need for heart In their ability to weather Commission on (;oI'Crnment Op_! in positiom of responsibil· the storm as evidenced in the erations _ a COlll'se of action itv to ensure that confidence 'is

: improl'cment in reservcs and whirh Otta,ra h:15 promised to n;,t undermincd by words or , the gradual removal of import follo\\' and which we welcome. actions and to prol'ide I!(gre,·

'1' surcharges. sivp leadership to achiel'p co· "We are concerned orrr the

I Sou lId Ion N·rall~ft. nlca ... ·.lll·rs· r operation among all ~cgment \ ""c ' act that :!U\'ernment spending

, ",el'e neede,1 10 cl·"al". an reOll. of the economy. , .. has ri5('n at a f.1slel' ra!e than ; omic climate condllctil'c 10 husi· nation;]l production. An pl'cr· • ne" expansion. "I':xtcrnal fore increasin;z ~harc of gOl'crnm('nt PASSI:'."G THOL'GHT - If ! C~ will not bail us out of 0111' expenditures is going to sup·· you could kick tbe person re· 'difficulties," said 111'. Oland. porI public consumption of ,ponsible for most of your • "We are dependent on our own goods and services at the ex·. trOUbles, you wl/Jldn't be able

cfforts to compete effcetil'ely pense of capital accumulation: to sit down for six monlhs. That in foreign and domestic markels.; and illl·cstment. The Chamber 1 goes for accident troubles too,

UNlrJ,}"S R1R'I'lIIlAY CIIILI)-Sigot" dOllS her sarollg tn greet tile world as UNICEF'S· birthday child for 1962. The little Norlh Borneo bea:lty is just one of the untold host of -children ill 80 countric.l who 3l e h~lpcrl 10 grow well and stm ng, in body an1 mind, through' ministrations of the Unaed Na liolls Children'S Fund, which is now 16 years Did,

,. I ,.


i j'

:: I

, , I'

, ,.

I . .. . ,



11 i; I ,:',

· i:i : : ., i I:: : ) I I i I: :

J,' . · ' ", " . ' "

• · , I' , ' ,

! • , I'


~,Butchings Tops mMercantile Race


~.:" .•.. ~::;:~Bob Hutchings, a helmet· Collins, B ~!':.aring center for E. F. Brophy, B ':= :JJirnes, is the scoring leader in Lawlor, A : :;' the "B" division of Mercantile I Martin, A .:i.!Jlockey. His team is leading' Hart, A So":. the, team standings but'

.. 7 2 6 3

.. 3 2 .... 2 3

, .3 .. 5

9 9 8 5 5

Standings· Could Change Tonight

:;::j~alie Mike Sullivan of Ayrc's With six goals against him in ~:~upermarket is on top of the five outings Sullivan has a 1.20 ':!::aitmlniier's race. average. The rundown: ;;:;; :Wlth all teams having play­~::~ five games the statistics GP GA Avg.

,,5 6 1.20 ,,5 10 2,00 .. 5 12 2.40 .. 5 35 7.00

~*ow Hmchings \~'ilh seven Sullivan, A .. ~"1':,o.15 and four assIsts for 11, Peckham, B ., ~":JI~lnts and leads teamma~es II Murphy, NT .. . Don Brophy and Dave Colhns Mercer, C ., ..

by two points. 1 The scoring parade; The team seandings:

W L Pts. , G A Pts, E. F. Barnes .. . ,4 1 8

Hutchings, B .. " .. 7 4 11 Ayrc's...... ..2 3 4 .. - I Chalker's ........ 2 3 4 Duffett NEWS·Tcl~· .. _ -_., _,,_1 _4 2

Has Top . Display

Assist For Bill


Larkin P'aces Police

Opportunist John Larkin is pacing the points parade of the Police Hockey League with his Flyers squad leading the team I standings and his goalic Bill Roberts leading the nctmind-

_ . GUELPH _ CP _ Niagara ers: r~c~. .. Glen Duffett had the top dIS· F II d I \'tl\'n e statistics, whIch llIelude Mon-

I 'a 5 move 0 w I on I ., k' piar of the opening sessiun of I' point of second place Peter- d~y mght s gam,c, shoW"Lar In

,,' Pcc Wee Hockcy at the Stad- I borough here Tucsday ninht on ! wIth a three pomt bluuoe over ,ium ycsterday afternoon. Duf- i the strcngth oi a 6.1 ;ictory tellmmate Pat Hurley In the

. fett came up with all four I' over the OHA Junior A's last SCO'.f.lg race, '.: loal. for Troopers in their 4·4 place Guelph Royals. The statistics: ; . tie with Commandoes as the I Trel'or Fahcy of New Glas .

1962-63 Pee Wee season kicked gow, N. S., deprived George off with three games. Gardner of a shutout early in

Randy Piercey and Kerry 111 third period when be ~harles both tallied twice for tipped In Blily Taylor's reo 'Commandoes to match the goal. bound. Taylor is from St. l:etting of Duffett and force the I John's, Nfld.\ ~talemate. i Flyers bounced back from

Hood recordcd the lone \'ie· I the Guelph marker to add three tory of the afternoon as they' more before the game ended. defeated Vanguard 4-1. !{cv 1 ••

S~arpc, Ranely Williams, Tom: "Grant us, 0 Lord, a dIVine Dtvercaux and Roger Downer I co~r~csy to all. Awake in us an were the Hood marksmen with' abldmg care for the slowness Geoff Decker hitting for van-I of age and the rashncss of guard. youth. Let our vehicles become

In the other encounter: instrumcnts of thy purpose,

Team Standings

Fl)'ers.. .• , • Bombers .• •• Commandoes .•

P W L Pts. .. 5 4 1 8 .. 5 2 2 4 .. 5 1 4 2

Scoring ParalIc G

J. Larkin", F P. Hurley, F .... R. Short, B .•

.. 6

.. 4 1.3 .. 2 .. 3

A 1'15, 5 11 4 8 3 6 3 5 1 4

G. Baird, F .... Joe GatheraJl, B .• !,', Feehan, B .. E. Bussy, B .. , ••

.. 2 2 4 2. 4 .. 2

Goal1e Race

The tight Junior Hockey race could well change tonight but no matter what happens Legion are sure of at least a share of the top spot. Guards meet Feildians n the first en­counter with Holy Cross and Legion clashing in the nightcap,

Going into their second garr,~ of the third round Legon with nine points nre out front. Guards have seven points with Feildians and Holy Cross having six points each.

Guards have been defeated twice by F€i1dians. In the first round it was 4-3 and in the second outing it was 3-2. Legion have a split record with the Crusaders. They won the first 2-1 but saw Holy Cross gel the game because of an over age player, In the second round Legion won 9-2.

Guards and Legion were the ollly teams to re'.~ase lineups last night with Feild and the Crusaders expected to use thc same squads that performed for thcm last Satur­day,

Neil Winsor will play in goal for Guards with John Major, Mike Dohoney, Dave Ken­dall, John Winter and RaJph Chancey as his defence. Dick Yabsley, Don Warr, RoBie Martin, Bob Williams, Ian Campbell, Dave Butler, Peter Baloudis, Jack Crane and Bill Sheppard will be the forwards.

Shcppard is playing his first tllc first round after having his ill a scnior Cllcoun'.~r.

game since big toe cut

Ron Burry will be in the Legion nets with Bill Malone, Don Crane, Ray Halley and Sean Squires as his defence. Up front Ron Lush, Mike Murphy, Orv Matthews, Frank O'Keefe, Mike Donovan, Wayne Rowe, Ter­ry Haire, Graham Hollihan, Adrian. Smith and Wally POWCl: will see action.

Will Open With A,nthem

I . , .

Cansos and Sterliw,::s hattled to I bringing happiness to al who I 1-1 draw. Joe Arsenault got travcl with 115 and leaving no the Cansos goal with Gerry Hie.j man weeping at our passing, key scoring for the defending i This we beg in Christ's name. champions Sterlings. -Amcn."

GP GA Pis. Burry, Smith and Homhan will be play­

ing thcir first gamcs of tb.~ season. Burry has becn sub goaJie to Eric Gregory while Smith and Hollihall arc home on holidays from Mainland Universities.

! ,

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Gilchrist ,Player-Of-The-Year

WOMEN'S ROLLER SKATING OUTFITS Hiih white calf boots witp lifetime

plastic wheels. Sizes 4 to 9. MEN'S ROLLER SKATING OUTFITS

Black calf leather bo ots with lifetime plastic wheels. SiZes 6 to 11.

I Women's $26.50

Men's $27,50

", ~

W, Roberts, F •• 5 8 1.60 W. Robson, B .. ..4 9 2.25 R. Oldford, C .. ..5 14 2.80

Curling Notes

'New Reel

NEW YORK-AP - A pa­tent has been granted for a fishing reel without gears.

Each turn of the handle re­volves a huge, level-winding spool. The absence of the gears eliminate the possibility of backlashes, say:! .inventor Don Breithaupt.

He adds that the size of the spool makes it possible to reel· in your catch with the speed of a geared reel.

"Instead of trYing to add more pieces to a stllndard reel. I started taking pieces off to see how few actually were needed ~o make it function," he explamed.

The way some people drive it's wise to look both ways when crOSSing a one·way street.

MEN'S and





Etecheverry To Stay With Cards

MONTREAL (CP) - The star I they hadn't drafted any quarter­quotes quarterback Sam Etche- backs. So I guess I'm set here. verry of St. Louis Cardinals as "I've always been an under· saying he has been told by the dog so this situation doesn't National Football League club bother me. Charlie did a good it is satisfied with its quarter- job. But remember there was no back personnel, and unless he pressure in these last couple of hears anything different he is games. Next year I'll have to satisfied to remain with them. beat him out, that's ail." ,There had been reports that .

Etcheverry next season might The former passm~ star of play elsewhere, possibly return- Montr~al Alouettes satd only. one ing to Canada, because during CanadJan ~eam .had. made dlre~t this last season he was rele- contact WIth hIm m st. LoUIS gated to a second _ string role -the Alouettes. behind rookie Charlie Johnson. "I heard from the Alouettes

"I mentioned that I didn't through (scout) J. I Albrecht think I figured in their plans," I sort of got the ide~ that they The Star quotes Etcheverry as wanted me to say I was comhlg saying. "They said as far as back to Canada. They didn't they were concerned they were want me lor the Abuettes. They happy with their quarterback wanted to mal,c a trade-I think situation. They pointed out that with the Toronto Argonauts."

OUT OUR WAY J. R. Williams


Machen Commt


lighters and candlcs out of their I ,·cach. I

Above all, have a firc emcr­gency plan. Fi~ure alternate es­cape routcs out of every room. If fire strikes, c1car evcrybody out of the house. thcn call thc fire depnrtment. Fight Ihe fire only if you can do ,0 safely, keeping an exit route open.






Black, top-grain hoots with tendon guards and chrome plated blades. Sizes 6 to 11.

$8.25 to $11.15

Cab Still

I The magic slid Gil Deering Ie

to a 7-1 in the fil

Service "A' night-eap saw

HMCS Cabot Fisheries in victories gaY,

pOints and kep in a first place t:

Deering has his year with fOI

Tom Walsh ad de pare stamp the 0


9:00 F


prorocatit'e I

on timel

brought tl



, C





dth lted

• .15


abot, Mental Win, Top

. Falls 30 Feet, Fitz Uninjured till Tied On

Deering, . Tht magic stick of opportun­. l;iI Deering led Mental Hos­

: to a 7-1 victory over · in the first game ()r i Srrl'ice "Au hockey and ni~ht.cap saw Charlie Wal~h mrcs Cabot to a 6-5 Will ri,hpri~s in the night-cap_ I'irtories gave both squads

. " point; and kept them locked · l hr;t place tie. 'Deering has his best game of · war lI'ith four goals while · - \\'31,h added a pair and , Stamp the other. Jim Van-

CHANNEL 6 9:00 P.M.



pr%wlire commentary 01/ timely topics ...

brought to you by



Walsh pace Victories


Wart hit the mark for the lone ~Iounties goal. - Charlie Walsh finally got his scoring eye back in order, blast·

I in" a hat trick for Cabot. Dave Fieming fired a pair and Derm Connolly hit for a single.

Walsh rounded out his hat trick at 6.211 of the third after a neat piece of play making by Tom Conway. Woodford unassisted at 7.00 of the final left Fisher­ies with two goals to get again but Fleming scored what provE'd to be the winner at 7.28 from Reg Dill[)n.


Bill Coaker who had hard luck

all through the game hitting the Pract"lce Corner goal P[)st at least four times, i finally hit the mark at 11.44 i and Drodge got· the Fisheries I squad tD within Dne at 13.19 Guards senior hockey squad I but they couldn't get the equal- will hold an impOl·tant practice !zero tonight at the Arena startill~ at

JU!t one penalty was called '17 o'clock sharp. All pl~Y2r; are in the game and that going to asked to make a specml effort the losing Fisheries lIquad. I to attend.

Sixth Schedule Passes . Delegates

Downey Joins Executive Eldon Drodge notched a brace for Fisheries with' Frank King, Bill Coaker and Andy; The Schedule of games for the both Guards and Legion In the Woodford scoring the others. I remainder o[ the hockey sea- Junior divisi[)n, was declared Reg Legge picked up \hree. as- son has received the unanimous the property of Guards and will sists for )Icntal and Ron Skm- approval of the team delegates perform for them. The decision

HR. GRACE - (Staff) - away from the two men hold· 1

Mi1;e Fitzpatrick, a bright, Ing it. When the ladder slip. . young hockey player, is count- I ped Filz fell the 30 (eet to i

ing his lucky stars. The free-; the Ice surface. I wheeling center for the Concep- I Landing on his feet. Mike, tion Bay CeeBees fell 30 feet I who figures promincntly in the from the rafters of the S. W .. CeeBee hockey plans this win­Moores Memorial Stadium here: tel', suffered only two minor on Monday and escaped without: injuries besides receiving a felV seriolls injury. ! bruises. He has a bad heel that

Fltz, who works at the ; will keep him off skates for a I

Stadium, wa~ repladng light . week and a hairlinc cr~ck in a . bulbs high In the rafters IIf i small bone above his clbow . the Stadium when the ladder' The crack in the bone I, on which he was standing got too small for a cast and he

Br. To

. _._-- will ha\'e to keep it In a sling

Rice Travel

(or a few weeks before re­tllrning to hockey llractices. f'itz is the third CeeBee in­

jury this season as defence­men ,Jim Kennedy and Harold Stanley were both hurt during

I their recent exhibition tour of . ~ - , the province. Kennedy had his . \". . ..\. .

HARBOR GRACE. (Staff) : leg injured and received a i ," . ; - \ . -Conception Bay hockey lans . sev~n s.titch gash in h~s head: ......oo".{ ..... . t ". """'''' .. '''' will have a chance to see the : while Stanley broke hiS little. . ' ... ", i !. 1".

undefeated Brother Rice Sen· I finger. i.\ .. ii~l; .. J.,~...;...: .• ";.~~~.;2..;=.tW~ lor High School hockey tCam I

of St. John's In action at th~ \ QUEBEC - CP - Buffalo DETROIT (AP)-D.3h·oit Red Wings said Tues· s. W. Moores Memorial Slad- Bisons Tuesday night defcated da Vic Stasiuk had agreed to report to their Pitts-lum here on Saturday. I Quebec 3-1 to hand the Aces Y ,

: their first defeat in 14 home 1 burgh Hornets farm club. . '. The ll1ghly rated club will : games in American Hockey! Stasiuk was put on waivers by the National

face SI. Francis High School League action this season. I' H k L t F~ thO th but had reo o( Harbor Grace in an ex I J h '[ K . I d th B' OC ey eague earn ear .,.r IS mon .

- 0 n "ac enzle ee1-' . h 1 b Th Red hibition encounter at the Slad· . sons with two goals while Denis I fused to report to the PIttsburg e u . e. lum with starting time set (or i DeJordy put on I fine display 'I· Wings said Stasiuk now had changed his mind and 7.00 p.m_ A full house II ex- I in the Buffalo nets. kicking Dut would rep!lrt to the Hornets D.3C. 28. . peeted (or the contest. 23 shot.. . .

ing two. at a meeting of the City Hoc- was announced at the meeting. Tom Walsh scored the only key League last night. It _ was; It was decided at the meeting I

two goals of Ihe first period for I the sixth listing o[ games sub· that the league would hold· a: LET YOUR HUSBAND DO IT ••• 1

Mental. His first at 2.22 un- milled by secretary Charlie meeting with the Stadium man­assisted and his second at 10 .. 45


~·ield. agement and personnel of the I from Skirl'ing and Stamp. JIm The meeting also gal'e its st. John Ambulance to seck im-

VanWart notched the lone, unanimous approval to the ap- proved first aid facilities at the RCMP goal at 8.50 of the initial I pointment of "Doc" Downey as Stadium.

OR, frume on Bill Sweeney and Len assistant-secretary of the loop. A meeting will also be held :\IcGrath passes to tie the score. I Field had held the position but between the league executive

Deering and Legge got 10-1 moved up to sllcceed Gordon and the Referee's Association I!Pt her for the only two go~ls I' Duff who resigned the seere- executh'e to discuss I new I

of the middle ~ession. His tary'5 po~t becau~e of. pn!ssure agreement between the two I fir"t at 13.4~ and the ~pcond of bll~iness. groups. I

~t 14.42 to ~ive. ~Iental a I Mike Dohoney. who had his Most of the meeting WM spent:




thr~e ~oal lead gomg Into the I ra~e in\'csti!:ated by the league on R discu~sion of the nel'l" third period. following hi. resignation by ~chedule. Jt Rllow~ for ~Ix

Drerin): wa~ hack for 111'0 rounds of junior and senior city morp in the third. HI' scored hockey phl~ playoffs and goes on a ~olo p.ffort at 2.4~ and until lIfarrh 13. from Legge at 9.01. Dave Stamp Also Includerl in th~ listing rOllnnrd Ollt the Icorlnl( on I of game~ are natr~ for II two

IRon Skin'in!l pa~s at 13.30. !lame exhihitlon seric~ with the . SCI'en penalties were called Grand Fall~ Junior all·stars I in the game with lour going to next week and the home gamel

the winners. of the city teams in NAHA com· Fisheries blew a two goal petition.

lead in the first period and There could he six home when Cabot tied it with five sec- games in junior NAHA and onds remaining In the first there will be at least eight frame they never looked back. home game~ in senior NAHA.

Drodge scored from Carter at Besides this allowance was 3.45 and King on a Woodford made for the eight travelling pass at 4.17 gave Fisheries a games of the Senior City All· quick two goal lead. But two Stars and this carries the sche-

II dandy solo rushes by Charlie dule liP to March 13.

Walsh, his first at 11.20 and From that rlate on games again' at 14.55 got them back. would depend upon the showing

Derm Connolly from Walsh at of City's senior entry in N AHA 3.15 and Dave Fleming with his and games would ha\'e to lJe ad-first on a Reg Dillon pass at justcd on this showing . 11.08 gave Cabot a two goal President Jim Vinicombe, sec-

JACKSON TOBACCO LIMITED margin going into the third. "DOC" DOWNEY retary Charlie Field and treas-._-_ ... ----- lIrer Charlie Doyle of the lea·

r ,

from the worlds largest stocks of


a tain Of! an

'blends these , great brands

WHITE LABEL-An extra.!isbt rum, .for •• de)i: . cious rum &: tome, dalqwn and rum hiSbball with cola, IOda, sinaer ale or wat~ • BLACX LABEL- Dark in colour with a smooth and delightfulftavourm:ru11l " cola,hotrumtoddy,ru11lo1d • falhioned, plan.ter's: punch, bot buttered ·rum. rumen . nOI. rumftip, To~~Jerry.

Not insert.d by the Ioard-of L1allOl' ControL

,/ \ \

gue executive along with dcle­gates Gerry Drover and Charlie War of Guards: Al Harvey nnrl Cec ~Yorgan oC Legion anrl Walter Martin lind Doug French of Feildians were In attendance at the meeting.

Hockey Today

Brother Rice put their four game winning streak on the line In senior High School hockey this afternoon when they meet winless United Collegiate at the Stadicm starting at 4.30 sharp.

The Celtic! lead the loop with eight points while Prince 01 Wales have six but have played a game more than the leaders. In their last meeting with Unit­ed Collegiate the Celtics took a 9·1 victory . . After today's game the lea·

gue takes a rest for the Christ­mas holidays and swings Into action again January 7.


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Nealon 45000 10;1 191'. 2tI New Alh 184% 26 2~1> 2W. New BId 7000 5" 51i W. New Cal 500 26 16 26 -2 N ow"".e. 3000 40~ 405 405 +5 Neon.. wi. 200 i!2 92 9Z -7 N Goldv.1 2000 31i 31i 3"

Toronto DoseD Inland

300 SIOI, 101, 10', + 1, 20 3311 380 Jcn 15 S5~1', 59\. 59',

!l05 sm. 3J 53'. + " 3~O no 291:a 291, - II

ISO sm. 19" 19'. BOO 105 105 105




J, R. WIllIams



TO.ONTO CLOSING STOCKS N Harrl 2500 8 8 8 8, Thl Canldl.n Pro.. ,New Ho.eo 9000 104 101 103 H

Inv 5ynd Inv Synd A Slmpsons Sledman Wralnwrll Wnlkl"fI W .. lon B

~GO SJ5~.. ~51h 551'2 655 S20', 201. 20h

., Toronto Siock E.chan,~D.c, 18 N Ketor. 5100 91> 9 9 C .... plat. tabulallon of TU .. day Iran. Newlund 12100 141> 13 13" + II Tolal .. Ie. 2.197,000'

aclioOl, (lluololloni In e.nt. ulo.. ~ M11ama 12500 16 U U -1 llr-Ex.rlthl, w _ Ex warn nIl, N.I Newnor moo 16 15 15 -I chalIIo II lrom prevlou. board lot clo ••• New Rouyn 5lOB mil 12V. 12V. - I, In, 1,1.,) N Sonalor lOOO 71> 7', 7V. Montreal Nd Nickel MS I!OO 35 3.1 35 +1

1.1.. Hlrb Low CI .. e Ch',. Nllto 6000 4\1 4 4-1 MINES Nor,Acme 2000 1711 17 17 -1 II.ok

Aba,," UraD Ad,ocat. Alba Expl A,nll Rarl Anlt'OR An'lo Rur Ani ROU1D Anall Area Arjon ,\ I\reld !i\A: All C Cop

:1 Allaa Yk ,\um.chl I\umlq Aunor BalnaL Bas. Mel. Buka Bolcher Belhhn Blbl. Bldrop Bouan Bralo-rna Brun~\\k

1000 22 21 21 -3 Norl.rll. :000 17 17 17 1012 5 5 5 Normolal ~IO 281 210 2S!1 H MONTRI-:AL CJ.O~INU sTOCKS 2215 510 $j! 575 + I 1'I0rp.. 9000 10 9 10 B Tb C

N C I,' I IR'~ '0 '9 '0 ' f' an_tlan PrtU 2150 7 fi1:l 61. _ 12 0 uS rm ....,.., v 't oJ +S Abltibl 39' .. Dom Tar 3000 14\1 141> Il', +2 Nor'h,"e 8000 560 510 5;l +10 Ablt pr 24'1 I 6500 12 "I 31 -I N Rank noo 21 ~J" 24 ;ubf'iO. 27 GT LHk .. 2410 715 755 75! -20 North Can 1:00 2to 210 240 -10 Ilnque C :'lot 7, lIud II MI

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7011 89 a~ 89 +: O(lcmiaklt 31:l~ 60; ~90 600 Rnllur. I"C 173"'t.\~" I rr ]000 9 Btl 81'1 OTl'ha 0 198 19~ 19~ -I I mwmw nc-l1 :'121" N{lInnda 2000 12\i UI ~ lZ':I'" 171 Orenlld. :l(loOO ~Il ~ :i -1 C Celllent 281': Paulia!lh 12.00 un ttll lOti _:! Osblw 1:\00 42 ~1 41 + 1 C Cuncnt Ilr ~7 Pike- ~. I 2 I 1000 1111 lih r.1:I _ I ~ Pamoul' 700 8~ II.~ R:\ C Stramlllhh' "Ii Our POII' 11" l666 7 7 7 - II Paramaq lI~OO II; l~ 1 )11 - t. C Imp Bk C 6:)1 1 RO\Rl Uank i 'I

&T LEAST 1'I-\EY WON'T BE ElOI'I-IE:RED BY 1-\\I'CH-I-\\KE:~6:: fl·/r

JOOt) :\ ~ ~I r.Uno nB titO flJ:1 63:\ -~ , IJ~O :n~ :\to :iU ~ til Pitu 1100 38'\ JRf) ]nf) -10 Cl1n Hrrw 101• 51umln !.I t

fi~OI) 102 99 IO!) .. 3 l'a.)m.u.t 130()o to! 12 12 Cdn Rrl"w pr ')2 Steel 11~, -------------------!!.lOO 50\) 51: ll~ Pee EXJll ~OO 1011 ]011 ]O'J + ~~ Cdn Celfln :\S\t Ir Can PL 2J1~· ',000 7 6', ij'., Prrrles, ".000 I I' I C tnt Pm\er 12 ur.; Steel :'i~, L batt 100 S1P~ ll'" It', -r I, Ca~c JI ~lon 6 ~~4. ~~.- t,1

, "" .'1 51, C Inl Pwr "r 41" Walker "I, 'I'B ['II " "' , J~5() 41 ~O 41 I Ptlron ~OOI) 10\1 10 III _ \J cpn ,. • N '""'.~ 11O~ $Itl 1'118 UP. -- lp. (fllf'r 1r ]liun 31H'l .~~''2 .JII + "I .!on :mli ::0:; :06 "t 6 j Plrk Crow 810 60 SO 6(1 + 4 25 C \ ADtA~ Mailman lOti 527 27 21 ~ 2 Ie hr--\; O.Hn ! It II 'i0

1:l 50' ~ ~Ol, - \,

Banks Make Gains 2J~O 12 111",1 I! I PIIC'h.Ore 60~0 911 9 9 _ 12 StaJ:ranu "'6:\, An!: A ""nt~h 20-1 MJU C xd tGo $27 ~i .!7 ... 1 Chr~..,.l('r j!)~Otl iJ, "'::!I., I~"

SooD 101: to 101~ ... 1'1 Plac-er ~2:; $271. 27 27 _I, D Brtd~e 1ft Coni J'iJP 3ijl, Mthuc T xd Ill() $~Ol .. ~O''i 2n:t,_~ Il (It\{'<; S'c 1700 51"'11)3 r,l -~;.

8500 41 l!l H .. 2 PrestDn 61100 7:!S 60:1 72~ +30 ------ Mass P ano 51!1, 121, 1~1. + 1M I Clc\lte llt,O:lb ... Jflhl 381

1 + :\~ lOU 603 tiOS 603 _~ I Pro, .\Ir 7700 95 '0 9l +3 ~Io" 5', pr ,0\107 ,10i ,lU7" I, ("", Col' l~oOOo 871': 06', 81,0,-1 ~1O:-;'1'Ry.:\L (CPl - RanI,s

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Huff 11Ik t:Jd.nurt Comp Chlb Rt. C Tun.: c A~turia C Dsno

3')~6""! lR2 1JI'1 131

2 T b Que l.itb .000 5~~ ~ :)1'l-r1t;,l I Molson 11 ::!l~O $l7 2H .. 7 _:11 Con E1..h:-. 2_,:~,,~) ".:?r, .~I,:,' °2'J'. + "I leal and Canadian stock ~h' 3000 3t5 333 311 ~5 Que Man 2000 11\, 111> 11... I ~lol,on pr 2 SHit ;11\ 41'1 - \, Cont.ln., '"., 1 200 Ill', Il, Il'., " Q ~Ielal 1.00 64 a4 84 ~Ionl Tru,1 131 !~Z 92 n Con Can \1700 41. H', w,-'. changcs fuesday '1'radmg was

1l;~~~ It~ 13~ It; -=-J ~~~:~~~ I~~~ :~I' iJl' ~tl> =41> NEil YORK CL()SI~!1 STOCIiS I ~g~,:~dacorp ,;;~ m~~ ~~" ~~" -: ;~ I g~~" O~lI mn 51', ,)I, ,I', - "I moderately acll\'c

I R I B1 The A".e'aled I'ron N" I • I' 51 I' "P , :'7'0000 ;11" l~,,' :~:.' =1:,'1 Ball(111C Calladlenne rose llne XXIV 'and Thumb step out

J.!2j I'll fl.d P.J ... 2 cam 3~O{) 9 811 9 ~ I ~It)\ l!l "I .... I~ .... OJn ro" .... 11000 JJ J, J, R,o AI~oon IlliO 11Il. 11'. 1\1., '. Btlh Sleel ~9\o lienneeott 65', I O~Il,lo III SISl~ 48\, 4P~ (rone Cn 100 12', \)1, ;:," ;. pamt to 7l, NOla Srolia Ilne It stllliackcd half an hour of patIO and stand Cor a ~noo ;', 7 7',.', I Rio Rup ~OOO ~I> lV, 51, BCO" .'\\.o,nor ~I;. ~\OnL' II 33', Onl SLeol 5011 m'. m, 13'.· 1, Cr Zoll ~,9!I'IIOI 4,~~', 4,'.:' I" = ,'", pOint to 72, Impnrl.ol·Commnrcn noon, but alrcady savOl.V odols <urpllsed bv. tile C !lttalart

C ~ Inci I ~n :\11 C SIlica Candolc (, an Erm ( tll1Lain ( arlOOo { J ... !'.Il ( a~ zor {cnt Pat (Cllt PUle ( In: sklr).; ( he&te-r I hlb ~I Chlmo Chrum t:odl "til LO .)b ~t~l ( Onl.lS3, lonlaul Lon l\l'~ ( BoUck L ll~t'l G t' Callinan Cell C I.:ad ( [)i~t:o\ (G \1l0W C 11,11, l 'llrllrn C 'llf[U!J C \Io."ul (,; :\wrrJson C :".Ios"ci {on :\C"J:U!I t. un ~Ichol { ~orlbht Cuns Que ( Rambler C R .. t pop ( Sannorm ( OD\~ t!.l l (In R-haw «01) Corp ( outer (oundn <:0\\ iC'h Cro", t'at »' \raJZon Dc Cour J)ecr HOI n I>elnlt.

]U2ob til. lill h\~ Rlx Athab 160) 25 2~ ,. al1u JOy. ''1 Cc-nl lJI~ I',\( Prtc Jil'i $121/1 l:l. l!. I (urI' ..... \\r l,; U '1.. .... 1:00 lOll 100 100 Roche 61600 7 5\1 'SII-I"'I Con. Edl,on 82 lladlo Corp 56', Pa~e lIers :,0 S19', I'" 19V. I Deerr 1:,00°11 ;103': ',OJ:'. ~~,:_l'l '. to 63'l and Toronlo Dml;lln were arlslOg from Ihe barbecue scene 3,0~ 9\, 9'" I', Rork"," ~000 15 15 IS _ \II EI AUlo EI 4911 SoUlh rar1f1e 18', Penm.n. '00 136', 361, 361;, I DIS' Srlg " • p t \ luch had been dug 10 a

15110 11 o· I. .~ nOll an Con ~17l 5 5 5 + V.I <:e Elc< 75', Sid Oll NJ 57', Pow Corp W5 $30 ;9\, 80 • " Dome 2300 21', 23', 23', " t 621, I V She heard ~Iadaln· R

,0)0 ; ; i ", ll~anor .,0 12 IIh 11\ _ \': (,oodye.r 33 Utd Alrcl.11 50', Pme D, 4103 S)6l, 31', 3' -I I Dougla, 10gOO 2B'. 27', 2", - I, CLillics also showed gains sUitablc spot The chuck wagon 0

.lOO 9J 110 !Hl -I San Ant 700 31 JI 31:1 -1" G~ ~or Ry U'L,. \ anadJUm 131" Que Pm\! 71) ~311., :lPIl 1'1, - I" ClllI Ponl ,.!(1)O 2:lS1 ~ 231 Zit-II J h d I b d raucous shout . He\, I

Inl T T '2'< I" I JI' II "I 2'00 108',1°"',11,7 -I WIth Bell rISing ,. to 52', \\as anc ,00C C ose Y an a llO ~ll 11 II San' 1111 7000 4', 4', ~I, _II • , ,.s ngse I Que Phon. 21S SIl', 41", 4", ",1 "til , "". P l" \.. 1 I d I, 0 ~8 Z~ 2~ -9 Salol1110 ~C)~ I:> IS IS RctLm.n 280 SIG\, 10'. 10'. t I, Ealon IxOIi 31', 33'. 11', - II Base metals sho\\ed los,cs, down guests, unused to such c e, Sloe )al\ e come

l;~~ 111; 10; I", ~~:~;~II ~';go 3t~s 3j;, 3~~" ++~o ~~:I~r'lll~nk I;~~ !~i:~ ;;" 7;" ! ~l ~~~~ I, Ib;~ :~': j~:: :i.:~ I Falconblldge falling p~ to :i0 mcthods of cookerY, were gath 'save a couple of ,nul, 2m" 6',,, L, 511 ~llller 20:10 23 23 Z3 -2', ,1 I. Cor A p 10$ICO', 100', 100', + "I l',,«ln 3800 J1', 13', 3! + "I and Hudson Bay :\Itnln~ " \0 elcd ahout, 'Iatclung eICry tottermg on the hllnk HOII 17 16 III -2 S\1 Stand 2{I00 20 20 ~o +1 'ialalla P 2750 $91, 91" 9'. + I~ I Ford 2:}oon 451

• ~t ~ ~J _:l~ 19' movemcnl the learned perfclisor 3q~(1 :11'3 31 11 SI.!Jcoe 180i) 175 liO 17n _~ ~hay,ln 19H $21'l 2-11" :!p~ -t '" Frtlu~h T1a 311)1) 2P1 .?~,~ :'!'·P.c- x '1 - '.'011'"

,co .3 43 ;J .' SI.n"k 500 98 98 9a Shal\ln \ m S~I', 21'. 11', - '. Gen Dyn ,100 Z'I', 2"', 29", - "\ Papel s also sholled losses But It ,vas an emergenc) 411 I,; 1111 U) -9" Sleep R 3013 m 4o! .;0 I Sh.w 4 pr 2> Sll .1 11 Gen fd, "ono on ,) < -1',- '. P f 11 ' ttl ' I I I t I ; 0 ;10 m 41" .5 ISUII Coni 2000 6', 6', 6', + V. 1\1051 ACTIVE TtlIlIlNTO ,TOCKS Shell 011 1m SI2', 12', 12', G,n ~hll. iwo 30. '" 3f1, + " I lice a tng one Jlom 0 l:; an, I measure No\e t lOug I I was "DelIghted Madam~ ~331 'U'. In I" _ h Sur~,on 30'" 20 19~, \9l-io 111 Th. Can.dlnn Pre.. Shell I pr "0121',27 17 ',G,'C 51100,;, '7', 57', +'. Con<olidated " to 3G', and entcItalntng to the guests,' bun" '.Iartln'u 5 <_aid

1!1()1) ti~ liS tl.'i _.."! I SuUh .. n 3eD IS:! 1~0 lal) Toronto mo~k E:\chanre-lJrc lK Sht"r W lJ}() S:!.r", 2J~l .."!p, Gcn lire 12700 :!l's -(P" 2) ,- I J r lId rl d P t b·' 11nrll10Il,I, ',~ ~I ~I ~I _" 1aure"n 3600 31 31 31 ~,I Slml"o" 150 SJO 30 JO _', Gllliden ,"fI" v", 3'. 1".- \'1 Ot Icr OSCIS me II e 1I on It was not a permanent su Stl' Columbine 'latched them I .111 11 ,! 11 "' he<1l 500162 161 !fil -1 Slo,k SII .. 111(bLOWCIOleCb'I'11 Sou,Il,101 ~,O H~', 32', 32', C.oOlI",h :)II~~' ;~;', ~;" ;i"=~"ldlown tllO pOtmttS .tGo 351, crSL

, tutc for an excellently run their plates ami return t· 3( 1;') .)1. jll -1

1: Sunbur t :1000 13 12'J 13 INnCSTHIAL~ S9: Ske' tn11 S~L.! ]I (II .... 1. (,OOt!\C31 (OWn one pom 0 nn( ann k t h 1 f d r ~ J" ", ;', J'. _. Ir"", L 4;00;; '2 il -I G I. 1',,,er 12m s" I,', I;', :;toel C,n 28; S17', Ii', 1" , Gran,l Un 21l1l 15", I , 15', + "I 0,,· '1 C en nn( superIOr 00 se two women and ,quat

4000 A 7 8.', fomb,ll 500 7, 75 75 Shell 011 719, S12'. 12'. 12',-'. Slc'nb~, IIl~ 520 ~II 20 - I, Gt , I' "noo W, \'" "'.- '. d,an A\latlon Elecltomcs dOlln led b, hamer! and competent them on the gra'o \ladam' ZOU{I i 4' 4'. _ hi TOlurll 1000 34 :101:11 Cdn Brcw 7282 $10 1 .. 10'. 10~. I T('xilCO C 100 S~5 4~ n (Il ;'11m n 11UO ~2~1I U1tJ ~p~ - '" 1., to 221 , F d t Id ., ~ uo,," 76 ;1' 7h -I Tormonl 10,;1 26 2J\> 25'2-1',1 BA 0,1 7010 $30', 1fI 10 I r F10 A 3~; 513'. 13, 11,- '. (,ulf 001 10,111 30', "', 30', r"" WaJtCIS or one a~ I wou played her mo't ornate 'OOt' '0 " 0 I Tlan. Re. JCOO 13 12 12 -I Imp Tob 60611 514 13'. 13,- I. TR C Corp 0,25 " n', 0',_', 1Il1m,lk 3)011 41 ,2, 43'," "'I The IIIdlCCS Ilcre mixed m· be a pleaslllg novelt}, but a se ners "5115an she ,aId '0 hill) III ~'I 0 Tr,ba~ mil R, 81 85 +Z OIL> I TR (an PI. R .. 121, 21', 21' -', !luu B ~I 10110 4c,. I" I"" -I d t I f II 0 - t 1130 the II b ;l(H r' II Ii I Trln Ch!h Ji) 17

1;, 17';1 ln':ll Glacier 311~OO loth 13 11'" + \'lI11UrnbUII 100 :S1::! ~ l.!'t I~'" + 311 1 tnlcrill;c Wl 23'l 21':,1 .!l'.l- 'II US 1H1 5 a mg ;) 0 • rond day of ~lt would fa a ~s· Fltnt. "I \\Ish 1he pr1\lle!l'e

lUOO 0, 'I 01 ,2 LJ A,bo.lo. 2j4. 385 380 385 An~lo l'n 341,0 3' 33', 3! UN S'«I ~o" S", ,,' Int !lu, IlnllO 3dj',3B!' 3'Z', - 2,,1 composite 03 to 1131 and oa· mallv flat So Columbtne used recent In' tllO of tllc • 50" 108 I"., 1'1.' -6 Un Bl1r! • .ul l.."!O:l ~J ';2:i.! Yan Can 31S0(J I) 51 .. fl _\ .• \\.1" C,II ."0 Sll" IJ1 .. 111,_1 .. Int Hal\ ~Hl 4i

3" 4

1" 4i!~-1.2 0' t n., III " III" L p, • " ' • ",Oil '2 h' 'I -I'" PCIS " 0 "., WI C h Jlll ~ tile telephone cllllgently to os I est 0calalva:s olltslde of

tl}OlI 11 -ill \1) .. 4 Vn Keno ~on 785 770 7j~ _~ CS Pete :JHljO 45:5 n~ t:ll -25 I \\C();lsl 11 )00 ~Ii !l 1) tnt :'-IHk I) n ., ~ 11 5'0 Z05 201 ~03 ,I Un Fori 2000 10 9\1 10 SOUlh U 24;00 15 II II \\",1 l' Prod 110 SI7'. 17', li',- '. Int 1"1' 1~,.~0000 7~" ;_;'~ :2':"= ;~I Iblerke Ulilit'CoSn, ItlP °1.20 ~o 1078 and Angcles and San FranCISco, and The heavv·snt one claim! ",ooo}ll fII~ II. up)) Can 1971 1fil 160 HiO l\1H .. F.S Weston t\ 11i0 ~l()T" Jr.T

" 16 IJ- I~ Int Tli v 'P .... ,. n n S II 0 -'" 0 .J \,; 1000 I', 1. 4', I \andoo 2COO i 4V. S +" C A,wrl. 115250 Il 9 11 H Zelle" ;; ~J3'. 33', 33', ~ \.1 John, \1 93011 42, 11', ll'.-Jl·1 a ,p ". a kltchcn cre\1 \~as on Its way Pastor Peter ~larttnllS hut 5CO l1 26 ~11 \.ue 1000 83 80 83 -I W1I1rny 98211 169 Hl 161 +15 I CASAniAN [(rnnecoL 11';"11"0 6iiIO;, '.~ " 6;', , by mrplane '1'1115 accomphshed, I no more entltlnd to Ilear

1,0 18 38 3R 1 \'Iol.m 1975 1~9 m l:5 Black Bay 92300 II Il 14 ,I" Alax 3500 14 II 11 1,011 ell " , 19', - \1 I d t' I 0 h' ,00 10' 101 101 Ilrrdon lOO 3 3 3 Gunnar 81955 $lJ 1m, IO'. -:v, Aplh. A ll5~ n', 5 ; I, I(m~l' 30ilO 22', 2) 21 23:" _ " n US ria s rop she sent for Lester Duc esne, , collar backward! than I Ij58 a 7

1'..1. 7h _ 1. Werner 50[)0 tJ 12 12 Roche 6~600 7 5h 5~"2 -11"J I Ats[Ol'e 159a 2~ 22 ~2 ~ Krochler 101) IJI., 131., the mahngCrIng chef who pre· I

)000 "" '" _ '. W "nlar IMO I" 6 fi _ hi _____ '\n~ A \Ioly 4200 204 :0' ZOI - 4 'I.,b 'IeI' I. 34,~,)1 1,:" ,I!,' hili": -_I'~ I TORO:\TO (CPI-The stock scnted 1IIInseif lu~ub'rlously In I T'other one I' Prof 900 41; tl~ ~n -Ill \\e.1 Mine, 222; 215 2:0 215 , ~ I Irno 4Z00 4 1 I ' 1,ltton '" 0' • " ~ b h I mo 41 43 4l \\ De'Hr 5100 12\,12'. It',-H, '\\Ia, 10011 1', 4 4 _t, to",'" 4.011 22',2;.,22 _I, market z,g·zag~cd through lIst· hcr office She kept him stano· I Thurn, and ealen anI I~OGO I~ 18 lB _ I, WllIro) 101713 169 145 160 , H 1 Ill., Tel ,150 6' m WI -5 1 ~I.11 S (,or 6IO,rO'O" 4!;', ''', .!;,' -+ ~', less tl'adll1!: Tuesday, fm3l1y I In~ I"hlle she na' e attention to what hIS real name I~"

laoo JJ :II II "t 1 Wilt.sey !lOOO Inh 17 17h _ I;, , \ug-u~ll1~ 600 3:1 31 33 oj. 2 :\larath Oil .,,.., 'n ... 'l b v 1000 nt, lit, :j', 'ole Lead 3000 n 8'1 9 + I> ,IuL rab R I'M 11, 135 115 -5 ~Iarsh l'ld ~"'W 37 3"'. J., -" closmg slightly on the dOllnslde papers on her desk and then • • • 5eo 36 5" ;, -6 \cllore. 500 6 6 6 n,lIl,y s A 100 9411 9;0 910 -5 ~Iorlln 1'91" ~I'. 21', 21',- "I IndustrIals I\eakened at thel

!hI7, 9'2 n 9 _ h \k Bur 700 113 III 113 Dellcch., 35110 18'" 18 18 _', ~(eliee ioon 11'. 11 1,',- '. looked up at hIm bleakly Susan Flint Ilenl 8J \0 2~ 21 ~2 -I \ oun~ HG HOO 12 12 12 MUTUAL .'USI15 nhle non 100 114'. 1.1, lI'. - \'1 )Ierclt 1,00 79'. 7', ,3', opening, climbed ahead shortly I 'Your check" sh.. saId "IS W t rn She extended

lOt' 8 8 8 II. Har, 505 80 80 RO B1 Tho Canldlan Pm. BornlLe 2000 13 12 n ~Ipl. Hon 3,01 81 8~', 83 -,,1 after noon then dropped m the " h'" es e , 1;00 I,', 16', 18', _ 'I Yukon tiOll 4l 42 42 _I Illd A.k Camp Chip 100 310 310 310 -10 Mlnn ~IM 10300 51\0 ,.', 5,', - '.1 " wailing for you at the cas ler s ,hand "Put here there" IISfi ',; 56 56 -4 Zulapa SOO 16'1 16\'i 161~ + V. All Cdn Com 832 OJl Calumel 1100 2 2! 'linn Onl ".~;~I 18', I;', I:'~'- 1'0\ I flllal hour , wmdoll" said loudlv "\!I;a;, glad

1,1 , J>cnl'on nil"kn~n UC'nalda

450 5!fI', 10', 10', _ " OILS All Cdn Dlv 601 .,9 CS Pel. 6600 m 420 4,0 -10 Ilohaseo ,~ 0', 9 v • - 'I Buffalo A n k e f1 t e holdmgs • :m m 403 UO ~ 5 A,me ('II !l10 13', 13'~ 13\.- I. AmerICan Grnwlh 7710 B 46 C Kodl.k 7100,~ .1 42 "~ I ~hlOt II.rd ;eoll 33. 33', 3~'. - " I "But, madame-" shake the hann oC a sharper lO,1I ~', 6', "', AP Cons 500 42 .2 42 Beaubran 31 U J411 ConolOm. HOO 11 It 11 I ~al ""al 400 29', 20 29 -" dropped 20 cents to $204 after "You" she said "are expcll dig n ·ood' 3010 6 ,', 5', _I \Imln.. lSOO 218 212 212 _. Canada Growlh 461 504 Copllal Jlldg leo 330 330 330 -50 ~'I Cash 5100 80', ij', 80 -1\, postponmg until early January a ' ' a ea er In ree 0

1000 ~3 0230 230 ,4 Am Leduc 1300 ~ 5 5 Canadian Inve.lmenl 9" 1083 Carll.r II 4000 6", 6" 6', .1' ~al Dt-I Z700 23', ~"', 23', ed The dlsclpltne of thiS mst!· 71ladame gal e them no I I I , , ' ,

f '

, I'

, , ,

, ,

J. .Imphl I a'i "ul 1: •• 1 Sull f hler } Idrlrh

"0 • I',~' 'J'. 391, 3"', _', speCial shareholders' meetmg I - I • 3011 l"5 In t;; -4 Anchor UOO 8 6 6 +".. Caa/und 10;2 42 H Chem.loy 4.10 73 70 70 -3 ~al G~p. ON " " t t a no 10nO'er tolerate d Th ~led 32~1 90 90!I!J An~ U Dov 3115035 33'" 3! Champlo Mulual 557 612 Comodor. 1,00 410 400 400 -2; ~\ (ent DOli 15'. I", I,', -', called to consider a proposal' u LOn c n "b I to respon Cj '~,uo

20300 11 13 J4 \,.mera 1100 III 110 m +7 Commonweallh Inler, HI 925 C P.per 2m !"6h 36'. 36'. _ \, :-/\ Nil lOtiO II, ", I:, that the com an ente the real I your presencc ThiS was, a to me on the tram lhe 2200 170 III 1;0 .l Ball.y S A 1000 950 910 94S + 5 Corporal. n,.otor. 9 7~ 10 6~ Cop.lrm 3500 23 21 23 ,I I Nor l' ,. '~Ol~ 31~'·. 3133~', 3Ifil;':'~: I estat n field p y r I quotal1on from MISS Cordwam' "al'med of a bilk the :::.."!O. fI 9 !I -1 Banff 100 100 100 100 of G Commonwealth Int L~\tr 70Z 7 G~ n Explorer 2000 19 18 1!l + 1 Oulb :'t1ar 'W" ... .. \,;' 1:.00 I; 16 17 Calalta 3100 14 12\, 12',-1 DIVIdend Share. 309 HO n Leo.. 2500 t5 13 43 _I P.,k. n,l b300 il'. 2", 2:"- '. Banks proVided a fIrmer un er "I might tolcrate a certam Widow of a Texa< millionatrt

} nrad::t.) Gil 'est T GaUma } rnt"oC'ur Galh\ln

10,011 11 10'. 11 C.I Ed 700 S22 21'. 22 + I, Dominion Equily 1735 1771 D Ollrlolh 145 $~3'. 23', 23'. I PepSI (01& 1300 45 4W. 4J + '; • mefflclcncy I might even over I d d' Ch Too' ;;00 8 7 7 _I Camerma ~20 10 210 210 ; 10 red.rat.d Growlh 4,5 497 nnmag.m 86UO 5! 52 55 +3 Pflrr BfinO 4\', \j', I" D[();'. del tone as :>Iontreal and ~o\'a I' • e u e em mi' 800 S26 26 :5 .. I, C Oil I.d. 800 III 1lI III +1 l'lnt 01 and Ga. 455 497 E.,l Sull 300 177 177 177 I Phelp. D 8')0 ,31a ,2', 52', -~, Scalia both gamed' Toronto,' look a lack of culmary arll<'1 plane ' H~w mh are 100) 78 78 78 -l CS Pele 310lfl 415 415 430 _25 Fonda ColleelU " 598 6 SO Emp 011 1000 3~, 3', '" 1 Phileo 3000 30 29. 30 +;. ' 1<, It" Sh P u ed and narrowed " G«o ~lIn,"

Gnt ~a~ct Glant 'K Glcnn Vran (.l1hlal.

501 SII\, Ill, I:', + '. C Dolhl \JI3 315 305 305 -10 Fond. ColI •• 111 Il 541 576 Fab 1;00 101; 10 10 -2 Phllll' \lor 1100 ;5 ;;" 71'. +" Dommion rose '. and Canadian :y ,e as" SU,s,an? 111<10 4', 4'~ 4\, Cd. Dev 1300 360 360 350 Fund. CollecUI C 580 631 FI R.llanoo 1000 11 H H -4 'I'll PI.le 15ml 52', ~II~: JI!.o - I> 1mpcnal Bank of Commerce ad l,er e) es at him But the dou· I :.te' My pa I~ft me 2000 2' 20 ~6 -I C ~'. Ga, 900 112 112 112 Group nc 333 366 fundv 2500 7', 7', 7', I Pro Gam II~oOoO Z!t" ".J,2 ,.7~:,'-B' I'anced " hIe X enlltles }OU to the SWift It'xed."

GI' ~!1nln, GoJdray Granduc Gull Lead Gunnar G\\Uhm Har Min

9500 In Ih 16 _ I; I C I!1gh Cr 1000 2Z 22 22 -2 Growlh 011 and Gil 920 9 GIl FUlurlty 1000 14 14 H -2 I pullman ", "., , SOll J21'1 l..!l;, 321:1 C Homcstd 2000 1!8 113 118 +S Investors Growth I).\J 6~D Ga~p c 2)01) ~13 ,2'-:;z ~IS ne\. 9°GO 57 5:5h JG .. + "IOn th!! exchancre lOde" indus boot 'I

5050 32S 315 3211 -10 C L\ Pelo 102, 13', 15\, 1511. Inve.!or. Int'l 415 • II G .Iulrnlrnn llR 33U 300 ~,O Habton 101111 02', ~~','. '32,',', trials fell 88 to tt"~ 30, ba'se met. "1 am tlie ",. reat chef''' he "l\Iadame:' 'aid PI,tor 10,0 ;', ;', 7', -I Cenl Del ZUSO 810 71S 7a5 -20 Inve.lor. Mulual 1203 1308 Glen 1300 20a 200 203 "~ I Hepub Sl1 IROOO 'I' •. ,., " " ". f I

8199; m 10',10"-"1 Charier Oil 1300 til 10~ m -12 )Iulual Aeeumul.tln, "46 378 Golli 01,. 2000 11 11 II _I !ley loh ~11f(1) 40', 3~', 3;"-:'1 als 19 to lR6nn and 'lestcIIII spluttcred tmue \Cry 50tl, 'Dill ,2flOO 3

1 ~ 3

1: 3

1• C DraJ:on 22.00 8 8 It + Ita Mulual Income ') 03 5 50 Gr\so5 ~)OO 12i 123 I.! ~ + 10 Royal llut ]:1 O~1l I.!'" 1:1" 4 ... - , j,y " C 1 b d s tion endear- \ au to me

8000 10'. 10 10', + I, I C Ea.1 Cr 1600 47 44 47 +2 Norlh Amer of Cd, 10 '0 1110 lIasllng. 600 9; 9; 95 Sear. n 6000 77'. 76'. ,"- - '. OIls 05 to 11443 Golds advanced 1 ou are, 0 urn me sal, a ' • 10.0Il 10 0 10 C ~lle M.e 4310 380 3.0 350 -20 One William Stro,1 1291 1414 Uellum C 900 62 62 6, -I Sh.l1 011 1'00 3h 3'" ,", -', "3 to R' 14 CI sin" ,'ollime \"a" I "a droonv drip With an Itchmg sense of humor I'

11 of Lak .. H~adl,l;ay lIPalh III.h Boll Hu11ln~tr 110\\ tV Ilud BaY H~dra Ex In'lpiraln Imh Cup 1>0 J W.It. ,h). Jellico. Joliet JonsmUh Joulel JO\\srY' Klleml>e Kirk ~llO Kirk TII"n Lab 'I,n L nufoull Lake Lin, L Shore La Lu Lamaque J.angl. Lalin Am Lenr(l.Url Lr.lndln

30'0 2' I C ,. I P n ~ '1 I 0 II II 11',+', ", " 0 h "'I I'. 1 "It dOll't seem to tickle " • 21': 2~ ,I "co 2 0 I.. I, 192 Provldenl 4 iJ ~ 15 nl C.r.m lOtiO 6 6 6 She .. lon 37 11 " I S th t f th r pro

3000 ; 5 ; _ \'i Dome rrl. WO 512', 121> 12'" + h Pulnan, Growlh 701 8,0 Inl lI.llum 4200 :00 198 100 -I Sonel." I~OO 33'. 33'1 13'. 2,397000 shales compared \lith pa m 0, WI au ur e . t r,oo 2~l l23 223 Illulan 1000 18', lSI, 1111 + I> Radisson 444 48R Inl Drodg 5000 8 7', 7h -I Socon, WIlll 57\. ;6', ,7', + '. 21180000 "'fonday I test, ~ou Will be so good 8S to professor," she md III n

Jli'i S~Dl. 101

, ~Ol, _', ll\.n<1lUlc 1000 20 2() 20 _ u. Ito"onl ',I, ",", Juhilee ~3BR 'J"J '.'J' 23' _"0 Soulh P,. 410(\ 20 '1{l.1 'n. + 14 I d fib d "lie look~ lIke , H • , .. '" • " ., ., ',.,' '12 _, 'I ,\ml)ng h,"se m"t,"ls Gllnnar scram And carry t liS wor or roa gnn !'Io!)::!n 211 27~ I' ar!ilo 6000 270 261 270 Savin,s [n~f'5tment 579 633 Klcnn ~TOO 315 30') :105 -20 Spr-rr\ It ~8100 1 .. 14 ~. ,,\"; " • I

11IlO $,0'2 49 40'._1',' Glarier 33600 141, 13 H\I + I, Supe,vl.ed Ex .. '15 4;59 laduho,o 1&00 1117 illl 1O~ -3 1 Sid Brano! 1100 81', fiG ,fi -', l\Imm" slipped " to 10', XOI'·1 me to your real emplo)er, Mr could bite nalls' d 11';:0 :(1'2 ~hl. ':t)I~ -31,.-: i Gr Pla'"1 1!:;0 S121" 12\" 121.,.; I" Supt'rvlsed }~"ec 56 3i ~4 ] Dufault ..!oo -lil~ -18:1 4fh -!Ii !lId Cfll ·t300 61 J fiG', r.(]~" 141 t-. h 1 b 'Tl fc or ~31 12S0 \2 12 4~ IIlIm. A 720 Sill, III. 1110-'. Sup • ., 1,.,1 E ... 37 635 M.llran, 601lll 9 0', 0', Sid ]no! 54"" 4"', 47 ~7' =1. anda reSisted the uo\lnl\;ud Quenl1n Tell him t at liS 1151 Ie pro" bl

"00 ,9 "a', 38', -I I lIomc H 608 $lI'I1 m. m. _" Supervl •• d Exer ia 6;8 M Ilygrade 1500 03 81 ~1 -t Sid ~ I 34~00)0 51', 57': I pres~UI e climbIng to a 1062 hl~h' ness CtlllC, If perSisted m Will tmus, "is not so anna e as 1"00 70 68 6~ -2 III B 011 G "41 $11 17 17 Suporvl.od Growlh 194 I ~R ' Marchnl moo 100 90 ~7 ·6 ISIU'I Pock 19;011 r.' •• ::,' ,r;,", _- It,' of 31 ',hcCore easing to 31'" resll1t In his domg a flIp I "On account.' ~I~dabml e, ,oro 19 IR 10', _', Long Poml 8000 17 16 lfi _, Supervl,ed Inrom. 4"0 414 Manval 500 7 7 7 -I Sun 0'1 1100 W, "., .,' ! .5 5~Q II II tl +1 I Maj"an. 111000 81> R ali-'" TV Electronic. 6~5 75; ~!Clnlyra 100 SHI, 44', 44',_', noo 'Ol, 59', ,9\,-', ahead '. I through the hoop" tinus, "is not so Anna no~ ; 4', l',- "1 llod.1 7707 216 ZIO :42 -3 Timed In\ ~05 6r.4 Molch pr 425 !3', 5', 5', Trx Sui IIEOO II 11'. H'.- '-I d h' t "0 ount" '[adame le"o 22 :1 ~I T "I Sol I'ele '>700260 210 240 -10 United Aerumulalhe 577 611 ~Icr Chip 2,5U 16 14 16 rexlron 2000 za', .i" 27'. + '. In western oll~ Calgary and As Duchesne rna e IS eXI n ace ,., h II

10500 II, lO', Il', IN C!lncord 100G 4'2 4', 4V. + 'I Mid Chlb 1200 III> \4'1 ll',_I, ThlOkol "600 ~~\o 2B', 2B,.-,.\1 Edmonton and Home A both from the outer door, Sunpkms "of fraternmn' 1\lt e\ lOCO '3:3 !H 93 -2 N (ant 7300 25 23 23 -1 Moly!.) lOnO:)I) 50 50 Tldlmt HOO 21 "U'I "O'~ - ~, t 3361 l6', 26', 26', ' \, I N D",I" JOOO 10'. 101> 101> ~Ionpr. 1Il00 ,0 27 30 +3 Tlmken 300 53', 53 53 dropped I'\, 1IIIlIe Dome rose I rapped on the door connec lUg 500 210 2'0 ~!O -10 Norean 831 320 320 320 +5 Ml 1'10 •• 1 138S0 m 130 t10 -13 T"enl C 1000 19', I~', 19>1-" and PaCIfic Peltoleum', I With the front desk columbme

100.8 3j.l~ 3:''2 :l.')'~ ... l~ 'n[)rtheal 6(jjO 1112 10\:1 ~Olf,,- ¥.I :\-lr Dairies ~17 $ljl, fi 6 - h Un Carll :!200 100:110 '3~I~ 100 _1, I ' t SOil IC'; 18', 1[', ,I Il>C 011. 3700 120 120 120 3JOO 6 5'," +2 Uld \Iro 2500 SO', 50 501, + '. called for him to en er, 510 125\0 ~51" 25\, _" NCO wt. 500 30 ~O 30 NW Anlulet ,5011 9 8', 9 Uld Corp 31110 B', R R', \ "Two gentlemen wish to

31'0 4~~ 4eo 4BO -In 2:00 \l 11 11 NA na,e !QOO 31 30 30 US G) p' 3~00 H 73 73', -1\, b d t~ 7500 R 7', ;', _ III Pac role om SI2', 12 12 _ I. MONTREAL CI.OSING STOCKS Opem E'PI 200 6 6 6 + 15 US lIuhh 1900 Ill', lO" 40'. - "\ U.S. Dolla r know I[ they can e serve WI h Ifl!l~ :r.o 260 2S0 ramoll \l000 49 16 46 -3 Ilr Tho Canadlln Pre.. Pat Silver 3000 31 ~I 31 US Steel 2ROOO 43', 431, 43',- '. lunch con," he said ~':5.!90 ~90 290 Permo 46SO 30 30:m :n.IonlrnJ SIDtk Euhanlf-Dec. IS Paudll!lh 2201) jl'l 5 51:1 + 1,.~ \an;J.r} Cp 600 13'., 131

... 131 ,-~, Itt" Ion m 305 313 I'eru, 011 500 al 81 81 -4 Complete labulaUon of Tursday Ir.n, roaoe Rlv 2300 2]; 185 JBj -35 11\.lko" 100 ;1', 51', 51', :lIONTREAL (CPI-'1'he c1os· "We we come ranslen s, I

4000 ~n 29 29 -I Pelrol aloo 67 64"6 acUon. ,Quolatlon. tn coni. unle.. Pennhec '000 7 7 7 II' Un T .d 4unO 2r, 'J' 25' 1 1 C I Inl I replied I • ... 0 "" k d S Odd I I I II v ., ,- '1IIIrl b,n on the U 5 dol"r In a II JlI e ' ... I:I .. I!,I' " .. ':II 26 26 -2 Place lMO :;2 51 51 mar e - 0 I XI-Ex (\Idend Place Go 1000 ~2 52 52 -6 W(l~th~ EI u:;no 31 3

• :1]1" 31'~ - 1~ M C1 I 'd b t J3MO Jj 13 HI, Ponder 4000 36 35 36 H xr-~:HI~hl., xw - Ex,,,.rral. Nol Porcupine 7000 ,', 4', 4', Wooh'h 3'000 61 6l'; 63', - '. terms of Canadian funds was "But-but may Ie you e'l 2000 • 4 4 Prahle 011 ~flO 175 275 2;5 chan~' Is from prevlnu, boardlot 0105, Pow I pr 45 SW, ;'''' 46',-1 5107 1"/·32, tile ,"sked '107916 ter look at these two" 1930 If\!) m 15ft -2 Provo G.. 5:00 169 165 165 Ing .alo) Quo Chll> 1000 Ii 1; Jj Tolal -.1" 3,n2" tlOO " • 1000 13 12', 12

', _" 1lU0nt. Ill00 30 28 29 _.... Nel Quo Coball iOO 200 105 1'5 -3 Monday the closmg bid and 5he peered through the half·

3200 17 IS, 17 + " Ran~or 1050 110 110 110 SI.rk Sal .. IIIrh L." Cln" th" Que Smell 4500 Il 10\, 10', + \'i asked wele the same pound open door, There at the desk mo 216 211 ZI5 +3 Sareee 1000 101 101 101 Abitibi 735 S39'. 391> ,9', Quo Ph 50 300 $~' 20 ~O -I I I .. d 2000 ~', 4', ~'" I, Sectll n.e 200 ~80 600 660 Abll l'r 265 524', 21', 21'1 ned C,,( 20CO 3 3 3 + h 'AMERICA,N sterlml: clo.mll hid 'las $301 stood the two men S le,,3 so

tT ,00 I 4 4 Soulh U 21500 5 14 14 Algoma 75 SI3'. 43', 43', +" Roh."al 3000 18 )8 IR 7 111 tl k I $3 01' ~f I I tl followed out into the MS 67011 17', I. 16 -2 Spooner 1000 10'2 10', !fI', Alumlnl 5207 $!l1. 21', 21', -', nubl Foo WO 2n 2;0 l1 0-5 ., Ie as e( .' on! JY recen Y

3",0 R', 0 ~ -I ISlanwell 1800 23 28 23 Ang T 41,p 45 IU 41 H -I Ruby too w Reo ~I 41 ~I the closmg hlrl was $301'" !he desert Artemus Thumb and 1000 6', 6', 6', _', Triad Oll 7475 16~ 152 160 Ar;ul 425 SR', 8'. 0', ". SII. "olum 1670 23, 21\ 2" -10 k d 5301' I p t lIlartlnus She nodded to 1

LL I.a. Llndh,l Mac-don Mad!lcn Mallnet :'tfant"ol"t l\{anoJ~a "Maralgo Marron ,I.rltlma Martin Malt,ml }laU(ml rls ::\1a' brun ~lclnt)re McKrn ::\tl:Mar :\IeWat "'entor



MC'ta Urln Mldrlm Min Corp Min Or. Moneta MI Wr,ght Multi M )turra), ~ Nama Cr Nal

42110 49 47 4; -I Union 011 25 SID 10 10 Arg C pr 100 S7', 7" 7', +" SIL DI Lds lOll 9; 01 ,\ AMtRIC\S CLOSING "WCIiS as e. e er " , 6600 ;1 ~O;Q I,r 7165 42 U 12 _I A,be.lo. 791 127 ~6" 2 7 +', SII" SUIll 10100 41 40 11 Il, Th. A.",d.I,d Pr." II Simpkl1ls "For them, cash iU I ~oo 81f1 !f;O 870 -3~ U Caluo ,t 7BJ 12:\ 120 115 +5 Atlas Steel 100 SJ.jI,., ,\jl, l'H~ Snuc De' 18000 21 .-,on"o Amerh~.n Stock " .. :\chanit-DfC n d "h 'd I 8710 4R ;0 42 _~ I!n 011, ~BOO 135 13! 131 -2 Rail S pr 100 121', ~I" ~I', -ll. Shop Sale 1;0 S6', .'" -to, xd - Ex dl,ldend, xr - J,;. rl~hts,1 a vance, 5 e sal 1000 n n a I Weapac JlJH lot, 10h 101 .. ..,.. 1;1 Hank Mont OGl $64 I}J1t, b~l~ +1. Silver Reg 4000 50 4'1 'ill x, .. -Ex warrants !--4ct change 15 frOom C d' D II 1 • 41 • I 130 SII', 41', \41, Wlburne 1000 sa KO 88 ,I nank NS 750172 11',72 +1 SC PO" 6pr 2~$'03',IOI',liI3"-'. prellou, day'. close I ana lan 0 ar OutSide tn the patio there

1:~.!OO 29 23 23"t-l ""tates SOrt S4i 6ti ti1~ -5 Banq eN 111 57:1 7:l H·...1 Spartan ·UOfI 5,J. 51 i' ~t:t • f lOCO ~" 4', 4', _', W Dotalla 3150 103 100 103 -1 I Banq PC 83f1 110 47', 47', Suple,l Ord 100 517'. 17', 1""\ Sioek s,l .. mIl' Lo .. Cln .. Ch I' ~E\'V YORK (CPl-Canadtan was the clatter of hn platcs ur· I 1750 2] :!:J 23 Windfall 10000 20 ::0 20 +1 Bell Phone :!7611 S:!02~ .. 5l Ii 5~ "I" 1" Tache 2:)[}]0 10 10 Bell Phone 100 .aWl 4111 .. 4111" + " .I. I h d I y the chuck W31'10n and lOOl 2j', 25 l3 -2 Y.n Can 34~00 6 5\1 6 _ I> He Po" 22sn 119', 10 19', ~" TI",m.n lr.oO 73 70 73 Br.1I 2"00 2', 2'c, 2', dollar unchanged al 93 m terms nlS e I , 0 40~ n" C', BI> WU.hlr. 100 20.1 203 2012 -5 IIC Phone 25 14~', 49', 49'!.o Tllan 726 S5, 11', 5', IIA all 1600 27', ~1', 27', 10f US funds Week a"o 92 6164 the savory aroma of barbecued 5000 25 23', 25 IIANUS R",ek B 100 360 3~0 36n I' Corp R 200 122 2! n n Dunk H,ll 100 8', 0', 0" - " "I f C if b 'ng served

100 SI3', 13', 13'. Mont 1009 IS4 !3\'J "1', + '; nulol. 1511 750 750 750 "5 Un Obalskl zoo 42 41 11 _I CS Pole mUD 4',313163 H 16 -516 Pound sterlmg off 1·32 at bec 0 ee was el .. 2000 7 7 7 NS '114 572'. 711< 7B, +', Col Pow 100 S211 20 20 - '. LJ Prln 500 ~o 40 ~O Cdn Javrlln 6UOO B', 8', 0',- I, $? 80' I m huge lIn cup~ and friJoles

5:~g Ji li Z: :;-~ ~o;~p Bk C m! m:; ~;l'o ;~U ~;: g~ g: pr 1I~f m" i~ W' + '" ~f,~1~i:d ~f~g ~'" ~" ;" + ',., ~~~ ~I;rc 2~~ I;', I~~ I;', +" • • were bemg ladeld from an iron 2500 19', 19 !9 _" Tor Dom 913 sm" 62 621'0 + ~ C Dom Sug lOO 128V. 28', 211'" + l W •• don 9000, 3 3 Creole ;00 35'0 W. 34', M k caldron The guests were enter· 260D lOB 107 107 -I INDUSTRIALS CSI. 2075 556 53 50 -I We.lvllle 2000 4'" ~\O Dev Pal 700 Ill. 11 \n 1116 a r ets 'ng I'nto the spI'rlt or the c,lttle

meo 10 9 9 Alumlnl S974 n:1> 211< 21 _ I< C,\E 230 1231, 22', 2N, - In 4', + I> Dome Pel 500 II'. 11·, II', - 10 I , 1000 " 5 S C Brew 7281 SIO% 101'0 10~1 Cdn Brew 1235 SIO'. 10h 10\, Clo'ln~ s.lo, 11II1u,lrll15 122000, Gdfld 12010 n. 1', II, By TilE C\NADIAN PRESS I range Some or them even tflcd g:~ ~~~:n pr I~gg mV. ~~v. ~iv, min .. and nl15 314,.00 ~~~In~~i I;~ l~" ;~;: :~"- %1 Toronto-~f~;ket lower; lIad' l to emulate the ease with whie,h

~ 'g'hee'::. w I~~~ 3~r' 12~1' 32;" ;'5" Imp Tob C P.1lll 13 12;. 12'. - 1'1 mg ltght 1 the wranglers sat on their C Huoky 1900 57 6lli tiV, _ " I .. N A. 1100 95', 93 93"< -2 , N y k .. k t I I t 1 heels J anky Susan Fhnt had C Imp Bk C I~S7 S6H, 63 631> + ~.I Jupller 17GO 1'. 1'. 4', I ew or -mar e ower; a e " • d !t CIL 400 SJ4h 14~, IW, _ I, I. Shore iOO 2", 2'. 2'_ rallymg paired off WIth lila arne • oxy CI Pow 1000 512 12 12 _', ~:~~ey Joi.n ~: :~;~ ~b;: ~~~;.:~ I Montreal - Market mixed; I Thlstlehun, Columbme, stand,


gl J~::;onfr 4~~ mli 4~V. 4~i'" -:;-\11 Min Corp 200 12'. 12'. 12'. -" tradmg light Ing ill her door, saw Marhnus NEW fORK CLOSING STOCKS Molyb C 800 7 16 7 I. 716

CPR 1760 S2..5~. 2S 2:i Nat Pet xr 11100 2 7 16 2'11 21" + IA. Cdn Pet lIr 200 '10:1." lO:a~ 10'..1 _ 1. By The Alloc[nted Preu Nal Ru· 9'" 51', SO', '0" + T. C I D I IISO 800 775 775 .,~ New Ynrk stork. I .. :uhlnre-J)ec 18 If IN ... • .n • -~, NJ Zln" 800 ."9', 29'. "9' , CoghUn :150 SSh 5!f.1 5~ '4 xd - Ex dlvldcm.l. xr - Ex w!:1ih. L- "' , - 8 Col Cf'lt 1001) 440 0140 4~0 ~5 xw-Exwarrants NeL changf. Is (rom Pac I"rte 9')()O 1)1" 11111 11'"_1,, Con MS 12.0() 522'h. 22~ 221, previous day'a close Pac Pete w 701) 6 50'. s"

I Net P;lnlepee ~IOO l~ ,~ 1 ~

C G a.. 1100 S37 37 37 51 k Pow Co- 173 ;1\, 74', n' +' Dbt Sea, 17~ 546r" .. 6:1. 463" AC1..?C lnd Jlil'h Low Clo!lt Ch'lt Presion ••. 1400 (i~p. 6516 t , D BridJ::e 405 U8 18 t8 + I. r 800 773" 771'4 711" ... '12 6H + ~, D Fndry lOO $)9if.& 591!. r)9'h Address 3100 S3 51:'. 53 + '" Sber Wms lGOO 80:t, j!l P.O t 1 D Giasl n S7S 74~: 74;" AlIcCllny 7400 11~ Hit 1~1t,.. _;, Teehnelr 6tOO C

5li 8

1" IP I! - ~,

D 51 I 0 SIA 10' ,. " Alii. Ch lIMO 1m 14'3 14h - \> Trn. Lux 700 12'. 121'0 12', .e 40.' 10~ + 71 Tr Cont wi 1/00 31", 31 31' 'L


Now49c BOX


Butler addl Indlapensable details that produce belt drp.ulCl, mOlt weather-worthy pre·enalneered bUlldln!!.

D Slore. 820 SI4 Ill> 14 +''0 Amerada 2700 1121', 112\1, 11m - ~, ' -~. Dam Tar 1622 '17'. 17'1. 1m +~. Am Cyan 7300 18 470/0 47'. _ '. Wr 1I0re 261)0 illS 1116 11 16 Do ... TOll 1475 SI7 16', I", _ '-' Am Mo( 6,00 16', 16\0 16~, - " Donohue 200 12m 2:1'0 211, _ '"' Am Smell llOO S4't. S3'. 54". + ~, Du Ponl 705 535\1 35 35 -2 Am Sid 16000 J3 12".. m. ~ 1'0 Dupuit A 700 S8\1, 8\. m Amer Su, 1400 37', J7 37 Ena ... pi' A 101 SIl% 6% 6% Am Tel 21000 Jl7Y. 1161>116'. - V, Falcon 315 "I'" 50 so -II, Am Tob 14100 20~ 29 29 -', Fam Ploy 21lll Sl7V, \7,. \7,. Am,led 100 292m 2Bl. - \,

Tol.1 •• 1.. 1 160,000

Dividends You're only ke 2 hrs.1 0 min. from qc~~!!!OK)

For re.ervations colli 9.4111AGINCY EIGHT COLOUR 8ELECTIO~8

make Butler the mllst appealing pre·englneered building Butler·tone 18 110 ordinary flnilh, It II an enUre, decorl live and protective flnllhlng .Yitem for metal panell when you buy BUTLER you buy with .nuranro that you are lIettilll colollr thaI I. unsurpaued todlY In beauty durabllltJ and dlp,ndlblllty


FI .. lwood 300 m.,. 19V. 19V. Aneltd. 8:00 401'0 40V. 40', - I~ Fruer 310 sm. 2lo/, 2511 + Ii Armeo 811 3400 51% 50\0 MY. - v.. Fro •• 1 A. 1200 S20 '19 20 + % Arm.I, Ck 1700 63;, 631'. 63\, - % Gallneau 100 SlWo 261> 2GV. + 'I, Babcork 000 10;, m. 48'. - 1, GL Paper 300 '15l'a "14 15l'o - \\0 noll Ohio 200 26'1. 261> 2.\1 H,wker,S 400 400 46B 160 + 15 Beth Sle.1 27300 29'!. 29 2~'I. Hollln,.r 170 S20V. 201> 201' .. _" Boeln, 1300 3m "I. 38', - I> Ho.... A 500 'II'!. 1l1-' 11\, - \1 Bord.n 2400 S7', 5611, 56'1. - '. Home B 100 SII', 1111. 11\, _ I. Bor, War 2~OO 4ll'o 4111 41% - % H Smith pr 100 Sll 43 43 +1 Ho! Edl,on IBOO 35', 3m 3H, - I< Hud Bay ~95 $SO 49\0 19'" _;, Rnlnlwk m~o 17', 17', 17'. - V, HUd Ba1 C. 615 Sli II II Bucy Erle 1400 Ijll 15 15 - h Imp 011 1015 sm. ~2" m. - % Dudd Co 4100 I:" 11', Il\I Imp Tob 1\160 SI4 1m 13'. - \1 Burl Ind 14000 2S 2, I, ~6 + I, Ind, Ace.p l~IO 'lSIi 151'0 25', Burrgh. 9500 28'. 2m 271. 1nl UIIl H50 MIl< 43 4~ - '" Calumel 900 Il'; m. II', Int VIII pr 1511 S>Ui 471-\ 471, - It< Can Dry ICOO 21'. 21h 21'" - '" Inlet PI. lIIO... 10 10 + 'A CPR 1700 %3V, m. ~m - v.


BathUi st Power and Paper Co Ltd, common 12'/2 cents, class A 62'~ cents, Feb 1, record

Jan ,4, Hudson's Bay Oil and Gas Co ,

Ltd" common 30 cents, ,Jan 25, record Dec, 31

l\Iacassa Gold l\hnes L'd, common five cents, March 15, record March I,

Get there faster and more

comfort$lbly by EPA.



or 01 lillie as 4S~ per



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cnt ldcd I

there!" ay~ glad a sharper goods." lem no snugwled n." she the

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" ~aid ;mi~ble as Madame Imiable as Madame ~ith el'iI






PRICE FROM .............. $125.95 NOW ON DISPLAY AT


1I.3D-Thlrd Man

.. ' Radio And TV Programmes B.OD-Davld Brinkley's Jour

nil UD-My Three Sons


CBC 1.3l-The Russ Clarke Show 1.4~Jim BuUer Show 2.IIO-News Headline.

12.05-News Hlghll'~tl and lO.3D-Bell Calty Weather I I1.3D-News Magazine

:OSESUA Y, December 19th 2.DI-Prlzes Ind Problem. 2.30-News Headlines

Bob Lewis Town and II 12.0D-The Formative Yean Country Show 123D-News and Weather.

l.06-Weather Forecalt I 12.35-Pastor'l Study.

i)-ell\,; r/ ew. ,qlusical Cloek

2.:U-Prizes Ind Problem. 2.55-News

U5-News 1 1 HO-8lgn off. 1.3~Don Jamieson', Edl., .- ----

))-CBC News and Wuther :}-Wcather ""porI reBe Sporl~ Report :s-~llIwai Clock !!5-Program PrcI'iew ',.')-)Iurnmg Del'ollons i::-.\rchcl's !:)-CBC ~C\\'S

. I!)-\'oice Reports I~PrCl'icw Commentary iI:-~lax Ferguson Show . !!r-Iris Power :11-For Consumers

nterlude . ~tl-J1U'1<"' Program !I~~IU5ac in the ~lorninl

t;cws . Varict)' jO-~lusical Program :t:-Kitchcn Corner

PoL ~ews

a.DD-Tile Bob Cole Show a.3D-News Headlines. 3.31-The Bob Cole Show 3.55-News 4.00--Christmas Turkey Show 'l.aU-News Headlines 4.31-Christmas Turkey Show •. 5~News and Weather S.OD-Jim Butler Show 5.~D-News HeRdline. 5.31-Jim Butler Show 5.4~Fisherman'l For~lIt 15.5S-Newl H.DO-buUetln BOIro 8.In-Movle Gilla • 6.I5-SpQrts Report 6.25- rravel Guld. e.3D-Early Evenlnl New.

ROWldup 7.DO-Fleichmann's Riddl. 7.IS-Shillelagh Showtlm. 7.3D-News Headliner. 7.31-Shi1lelar.h Showtlm. 1.55-,~ew. 8.00-Crelm DI the Crop B.3D-New. Ileadllne. B.SI-Cream at the Crop

ID.OD-Nlght Shuw 1O.30-News Headlinea l.O.31-Nlghl Sl:ow 10.45-World 01 Sport lO.55-New. 1l.Oo-Turbay Weather Repon 1l.30-News Headlin.

torlal I

l.4D-Spcrts I 1.4~Art Baker's Notebook 2.()3-Jerry Wiggins Malmee I 3.00-News Highlights I 3.01-John Nolan's Western I

f.OD-News Highllghll. f.05-John Nolan', Ranch

Party . ~.3D-Natlonal News. 4.33-John Nolin'. Ranet.

Party . 1I.00-News Highlights. 8.0D-News Highllgbla and

Weather. 6.03-Nationa! News Earl 7.0D-News Highlights. 7.01-Dick Earl 7.3D-News. iI.OO-Jamboree 8.15--J am boree 8.3D-National News 8 3i - Jamboree 9.00-·News HighUghts 9.40-Nfld. "oiree

lO.OO-National New! 10.1~Plek of the Pops 10.45-Sports 10.5~Lettcrl aM Messages H.Ol-Plul Hersl1on's Music In

the Night

n Draime Tells A Ill.~l-Night Show 12.UD-New5.

:->cws and Trans 12.::Il-N.ght Show

12.DD-New! HighlIghts 12.D1-Paul Hershon', Music In

the Night 12.30-National News 12.33-Paul Hershon's Musle In

the Night Canada ~Iatinee L2.1I~News Summary, "Iath"

Canada Matinee l.05-Sign Off BC Regional News Repon and Tim.

[liall Roundup ILl ,."., in the Air

in the Air Broadcast

From The Albums News

Prel'iew liill

in the Evening . :-;ews and Weather

:l-Rancl(lm Chapters Today

"...IIm·,. Bulletin and Weather Ior


. tn Wed. Night

Xational News, Roundup and in the Prol'inees

Sporls Scoreboard ign Of!-O Canada -

The Queen

Y, December 19th

V,· Allen Show

II-M[)rnII12 Meditation and Weatller

Allen Show Today

of Sport

GUidi Sholf

of Sport fLocal) Tower. TorbaJ

W~.'h •• Report) Earle News, national Allen Show

Capsul. -U~lIvi. News

Tune at tbe Oil IJf Sport

Allen Show

tt--Mornln. Meditation Allen Sholf

Headlillea Allen Show

Club e Russ Clarke Show

Headllnes Rusa Clarke Show Miller Contest


WEDNESDAY, December 19th 1 _________ _

6.30--The Bob Lewl. Show, Sports and Weltner Re­PON

D.05-Musie for ~ml\oD' 9.30-Austin Willis 9 .35-Weather Forecast. D.4()'-Win 57. 9.45-Doctors Houst Calli UO-Nfld. KlaUer

lO.OO-News in a Mlnut •• lO.l~ -J erry \\' iggins Houl.

wil'es Ciloice 1O.30-Natlunal Newl iO.33-Jerry Wiggins Hou ..

wives choice 11.00-News Highlighta 1 L::!O-Newl ILl5-Llfe can be Beautiful 1l.35-TDwn and Countt, 1l.45-Town and Country 12.00-Who', That !!ilnlllni

11l.45-Paslor'. Study IO.5Il-Women's Newl 11.0D-Women'. Newa IUS-Romper Room 12,1S-News and Weather . 12.31l-Slgn Off 2.3D-Ches Helene US-Nursery, School Tlmt 3.0D-Mlslerogers 3.lS-Friendly Giant :I.3D-Loretta Young Show 4.OD-Take Thirty UO-Scarlett Hill 5.OD-Captaln Jlck 5.3D-Rlule naule I.DD-Charlle Chan ti.3O-WorJd 01 Sport. 6.41l-Newl Cavllcade. 'UD-The Beat of Groucho 7.30-HIVII Gun Will Travd UD-Belleve It or Not US-National New,.

'i-'--s-a-n-M-a-ri;;;.--'- ---.--- --------

ACIIOSS ,. ClIw\DI Uln Marino II 41 ~~~~

litalted on the 0$2!1 witch ~ of Mount 4li It i.a an- III

'i - J!OOd.lI't 3B rqUIr.l.1:"

'=~l" t:dustnel 112 Rented

13 Wanderer 15 Greater II

lUi~tIn& faux ~7 ~~~~ ttsUnl 15 ~r. 511 KetUedrum 111 TIlls 59 Prll1CIJ 10Narmr ""'1 17Tasllllnl. (a •. ) e\lEDvoy 11Fsllinln. 111 WlCe of hair DOWN .ppellatlon

(myth.) 1 AlIo"an~. 12 Quit (ED ..

M~:~ :Ie TIIrf

20 Feminine for walle slang) appellation :>. Hebrides Isllnd 19 Clamp

21 Dressmaker 3 Mal,es lice :II Shed

040 Footllk~ part 42 Stitch IIgbtly 43 Requhlte I ·HAnpy

24 Therefore 22 Mal;rullne 45 Atbenl I _ Piper lDenure • (Latin)

27 Golf term 2R LIttle (SeD!.) 31 Prisons 33 Ktnd 0{ dog 35 Mountain creala :g~~:~~t 37 Barter as-Moines,

47 FacUity I 49 Napol_'. i

exUe IJle I M ScandtDlvlaa 1Il ShIeld belrln,

(poet.) , D'> l/I,ealCOI (lb.) I

;r::.~~":;;:~'"'1':':'''' i , !





NO.TH 4J988H .Qs +J84 ",52


'" 73 • KQI0 .I()H .A972 • K 10 5 2 + 973 "'AK83 ",1054

SOUTH (D) "'A2 .KJU +AQ8 "'QJ97

Both vulnerable S •• u. Weill ·Nerlll EaR 1 N.T. Pall 2. Pass :I • Pan Pass Pasa

Openlllll lead4 K

By OSWALD JACOBY When do you use the Jacoby

Transfer aiter your partner has opened one no· trump?

Any time the next hllnd passes, you have one major suit of five cards or more, and think that your partner :U!ould play the hand.

If you want the hand to play at game first transfer and then bid game for your partner. If yOU want to get out of no-trump and into a better suit contract use the transfer bid and then pass. This particular use of the transIer bid is very effective in rubber bridge games. For some reason when Mr. John Q. Bridge Piayer picks up an opening no· trump he wants to bid again and will rebid if giv· en the chance. The transfer bid lives him this chance.

South would probably make one no·trump if leIt there, but anyone would want to be in spades with the North hand. If North responds two spades 15 he would have to do when not playing JTB, South might bid no.trump again. Even if South passes, a diamond opening by Elst would set the hand.

When South b~came decbr~r at two spades there WII no defense to beat him.

West made a valiant effort. He shifted to a trump after his king of clubs held the first trick. South simply took the trick and led a heart.

East won and shifted to a diamond. South rose with the ace, cashed two hearts in order to discard dummy's last club, and conceded two trumps and a diamond.

CARD SENSE Q-The bidding has been:

South Weat N0I1h East 2 • Pass 2 N.T. Pass 3. Pass 3 N.T. Pass

? You, South, hold: .1IA .AQ101187 +AKQ

.KQ8 What do you do? A-Bid Jour hearts. You

rhould do better In hearts ahan In no·arump.

TonAl'S QUESTION Instead of rcs'ponding two no·

trump to your opening two heart . bid, your partner raises to three hearts. What do you

RUll Cllrk, Show I do?

1---1--1--1 Answer Tomorrow ..... :, ..• _- Butler Ntw.

H .. dlln~ •. Russ Clarke Show

~11li~erel,l. Nfld. Folk Quil

Russ Clarke Show

Nlw. 0' 8","

11111 ClIO. Sho" aeadl1a..

-.-...-,.-~ _____ I __

• BARBS' .:...--., __ •• _0' _,,_" ___ ",

By HAL COCHRAN A lot ofmarrlalles end In

divorce and In a lot of others couples fight It out to the bit· ter end.

• • • The way some people drive

It'. wise to look both way. when erollin. a one·way street.


'"''II!A,''' 12 ! T ....... U.! ..... OJ. .. ~-~

"My cough medicine camel In three exciting flavor. . • •• bad, worle, and terrible!"

, , I I





70 RIi!:TRAIN THI1I11 ...


_ .. - --------ALLEY OOP

.-.. --.-------- --_.-- ........ --







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-My LEON SCHLESINGER .. _---_.- --'--- .--


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Christmas In Cuba by PETER BEALES

HAVANA (Reuters) -Christ· mas in Cuba this year will be • sad and strictly austerity af· 'fair·so far as there are any cc lebrations at all.

,This Island republic's Christ· mas used to be a blend of traditional Spanish celebrations overlaid increasingly by cus· toms imported from the United States,

But since the Fidel Castro

revolution of Jan. I, 1959, the ruling reg I m e has played Christmas down and the family feast has berome less than a shadow of its, former self.

been spilt up. By tradition, Christmas began

here on Christmas Eve with a midnight family dinner of roast suckling pig with black beans, rice and yucca root followed by

As in so many parts of the turron, a rich almond nougat world, Christmas used to be a made in Spain, time far big famny reunions, Outside, the streets were hung But in the last three years, cele· with countless lights, decor· brations have become either ated with Christmas trees and restricted or abandoned alto· brightened by gaily adorned gether. To many familles"have store windows.

The Life of a



In 11159 a ban on the slaughter I of piglets put an end to tradi· tional fare for Christmas Eve 1

and by last Christmas, the only I public decorations to be seen were a little bunting anC! a few ----------

sprays of silvered pine &', branches. _

This year, food is tightly ra· tioned and expensive; there are ""_....;~~.s.. __ ~--:.

, by HAL BOYLE I don't even seem to know no Christmas cards on sale; IIDDY ROWAn. i NEW YORK (AP) - Re· you're running." stores are almost empty of

marks a political candidate, "Ooops, he dropped a baby, gifts, many churches are closed Better Living gets tired of hearing just be· I Well, boys, there goes the following the expulsion of hun·' fore election time: I election!" dreds of Roman Catholic priests Costs Less

"Joe, this is no time to slow I and many more have been down. Yesterda)' you shook "'" ",.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,'10',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, taken ,over as warehouses or when you go only 3,000 hands and kissed C • 1 military depots. • 75 babies," aptlo 'l'here Is no incentive for cele· AII.Electric

bration, and Christmas is ex· "Somehow we got to get up pecled to be, for most people ~t~ .. ~~-

$500 more for placards .. even To.Day here, no more than just another LIGII • '0111. i! your wife has to take in day off.


fPlJIJlifJ_ f/J!NJtfJ/W '_I.'E5

$1.00 WEEKLY Up to 30 months

Free Insurance All sizes



Published By Authority

washl'ng." « ••• ~ .. y ,I MI' I • ull'I'I.l'tlll"I!II:l"llIl' ,I'I"IIIIIIII:lllIllIllIllIlnIU' - - - - - - Under and b,r virtue of the

"You've already endorsed TOMMY NOONAN IN I Cheap Reliable E/rctriclly I' powers conferre'd by Section 55 tax cuts, motherhood, and the "SWINGIN' ALONG In and Around St. John's I of the Highway Truffic Act, federal highway pro g ram, • • • i Chapter 94 of the Revised What we need is a hot new Ray Charles, Roger Williams OW E LS i Statutes of Newfoundland, 1952, issue. How do you stand on ,and singing sensation Bobby I' and of all other powers enabl· the boll wecl'i1?" : Vee make guest appearances in , ing me in this behalf I have

"The best argument 1 can '20th Century·Fox's musical 'I' made the following regulations. !hink of for electing him ·is : laugh riot, "Swingin' Along." NEW SHIPMENT Dated at st. John's this 17th



I S. P. X. C.

R~dio, TelevisIOn, Washers Refrigerators, Deep Fret'zers I

Electric Ranges,


S'VEEP Winning \'umhcr: 1:300

Floor Polishers, Gramophones

Public Adrlress Systems Tape Recorders


DIAL ~.~OOI to K·3005



Floor Sanders, Belt Sanders Power Saws. Electrical Drill; etc. Reasunable Rates, Call

, S·()L16, 8·7352.

U·RENT 16~ Water Str~et. St. John's

Div. Harris & Ulscock Ltd.



Dependable Fire Insurance, Prompt Claim Settlements.

DIAL 8·7035

CROSBIE & CO., Ltd. Agents for




Water Stred DIAL 8·2658 - 8·4123

: Won lw William Williams 112 Coodri([<Te St. Drawn , ,., , by ~lrs. Teresa \lartin.


• "--...-.' •

A El Fr L 10 0 0 01 0



xxx xxx xxxx xxxx x xxxx X x x x x x x x xxx x X x x x xxxx x x x x x x x x xxx xxx xxxx x x x X

xxx)C X xxxx X x x x x x X xx X xxxx x xxxx x x x x x X X xx xxxx x x X X




Notice -, Take notice that three

, f~om the date hereof the , I Signed win apply to the of Liquor Control lor I ' a ,Icence to sell wine,; h'e I h l ' , r5

a cn 0 Ie hel'erages at OremlSQS known a~

3mck BJ"" at Hear!', Dated this 11th day'of

her A,D. 1!lG2,

dec12,l!l,27 nEG Ern.


A·l TA}{I

CAlVER AVENUE 24 Hour Service

Every ten ticl<els entitles you to

ONE FREE DRIVE Value $1.00 or less

8·3150 • nO"l~,rod,lllJth

that it'll get him out of town". i The CinemaScope·DeLuxe Color day oC Decemher, 1962, C1LD FR]ENDS ,funfest, cO'starring Tommy 29c F. W. ROWE, REG. T. MURGAN PASSE::\GER NOTICES i

I, Noonan, Pete ~larshall and en' lOY· i . ]11 h · "Rememhcr, Joe, if )'0\1 gel "lllIster of g ways,: (NSURANCE Ltd. VI;"','!' S,\IU;I;(;S rlrdcd I don't expect you to i 10"ely Barbara Eden, now play·

I ing today at the Capitol Thea· IIEGU],,\TJONS Temple Bldg" P. O. Box 168,! lit. ,Ioh,,',· Compr Brnok rnr~rI nIP. After all. T passed : tre. 1. These regulations may be 341 Duckwortb St. ,! Sen'irc-:'jnrthcrn Ran~pr or ,_ nut more hRndbills for you 3 ff' DI \L 80370 87758 '1 r °t-Charles, considered to be one 9c cited as the Highway Tra Ie , or . ! sub<Utnto If) ~~I rom "', 'than an~'bnd)"'. of the most creative musical pel' (Snow Clearing, Sf, .1ohn'51 I' ,John', Dock ro~'fal Wh~rf

"El'er" time ,Toe ki~sl's a I' I Beauty Parlour" h , formers of our time, sings hll; uxury· tasting area) RC';II ations, 1002. .. , noon [lpcrmher 201 , bah" and it breaks out rryiM : smash hit, "What's I Say." His h d ' 2. During the period between! ' -:-fh~re goes another mother'f an y·quarters 1 ' : Final Freight Arfl'lltanre for,

! "Hit The Road Jark:' was the 49 the hours of 1 a,m. and 6 ft,m. ! GLADY'S BEAUTY SnoPPE : fhi, I'el'l'irc at Dnrk Co~~tal. "nfl'''. " numher one record for sel'eral I in Hny day no motor "ehicle cor. Bond and Prescott St~. ' h '

""'I' could ar~lIs~ them of 'Illonthb. "Unchain My Heart" is lei shall remain in a stationary Phone 8.495].8.7898. Speci. 1 Shed tn 'h~', npcemher 19t I char'arlel' assas~1T1at~nl1. Our: bis current top record. 1 1 position on the following high· alizing III cold waving, hair !I a.m, to fi p.m, I

randidatl' certamh' IS a char, i Pianist Williams gives liCe to i i ways or parts . the~eo~ unless styling, cutting and tinting, . Corner Rrnnl<. l.ell'iS\lnrtc aeler," , the keyboard in two new com· 1 I such motor veluc1e IS m charge manicuring. facials etc., 14 : Service _ 5,S, Srl'ill~dale Ilr

"Wc're c0111in~ tn another ,Jlositions. Among his successful I ARCAD E I ofa competent operator: ! operators, no waiting. ! substitute to leave Corner Brook crossroads, ,Joe, Put your' albums are "The Boy Next ' (1) The Torbay Road from the', I'December 20th ~o. 1 ex SI. ~hoes back on. It's time to : Door" and "Near You." I limits of the City of St. 1 Auto Accessories John's to-day, Dec. 19th will make another speech". i Already an international fav· STORES John's at Kenna'" Hill to 1 I make connection at Corner' , "What do you mean you 1 orite at the age of 17, Bobby the junction of the road Nfld. Brook, c~n't eat goulash, Don't you ,Vee has been responsible for leading to Torbay Airport. Armature realize this is a Hungarian I' many gold record hits. His cur· !A~i' ," (2) That portion of the Marine Wor'. FREIGHT NOTICES section?" rent singles "Stayin' In" and Drive from thB top of i 38

"The big trouble with our ! "Run To Him" are also disc Kenna's Hill to the junco i Bambrick Freight Lewisp()rte . St. I· k tl'on of tha Outnr Cove Street John's Service for forwarding opposition as I see it is-they c Ic ·S. u c

don't hal'e enough opposition." SPECIAL ADDED Road. via Lcwisporte and :lI.V. Claren-"Wake up, Joe. You're ATTRACTION (3) That portion of the Outcr ville acccilted Railway Freight

making speeches in your sleep "THE TWO LITTLE BEARS" INSURANCE Cove Road from its inter- Shed to·<1ay, Dec. 19th . again." • • • , section with tbe :\larine RADIO-TV REPAIRS FItEIGIlT GREE!'I BAY . "Promise them anythim( Eddie Albert, whose f1exi· Drive to Harding's Road, SERVICE now. You can always forget i,bility in acting has taken him (4) Harding's.Road. . GREAT EASTERN OIL I Shippers plcase ~ote;-Dai1Y It later." through screen roles ranging (5) 'l'h~t Jlorbon of .the Mar!ne COMPANY Ltd I freight acceptances at Railway THE SERIOUS APPROACH 'from a photographer in "Ro· Dflve from the mtersechon 'I 1, Freight Shed for Green Bay Ser· '

I f man Holiday," for which he reo of the Harding's Road to REPAIRS TO RADIOS, TV "I'ce wI'lI bn dl'scontl'nued for , "Sir, as a represcntat ve 0 AND ALL ELECTRICAL' " the teen.agers • for.1ietter. • ceived an Oscar nomination, to the intersection of the road this'season noon December 28.

, the earth·loving psychiatrist in to Redcliff. APPLIA l\1CE-<; government committee, I'd "Teahouse Of The August (6) South Side of Main Street DIAL 8·3001 to 8·3005 like to ask how you stand on Moon," continues his long Ust Carbonear from Valley, EI A I' hirth control, the tariff, the of film successes in the 20th Road to Bennett's Hill. I' ect. pp lcances Common Market, thermonu· 1 P 'd h h' I Century·Fox CinemaScope lan- . roV! cd t at t 15 regu a· HEAP & PARTNERS clear warfare and . . . , uh I' tasy·comedy "'l'he Two Little hon shall not apply to a motor' • .. things like that." Bears," co.starring Jane Wyatt A vehicle of a medical practition· (NFLD,) Ltd. , "Things are looking hetler, 1 and introducing Brenda Lee, WELCOME \VAGON ,r when it is outside his surgery Wiring Materials, Wire aDd That's the second voter this 'I' now playing today at the Capl. HOSTESS or residence or any building in Cables, Motors, Slarten, week who's asked him for the tal Theatre. . . "Grant us, 0 Lord, ~ divine which he Is present on medical! Lamps, SwitchC!, Ligbtinl -----_ .. ,---,. autograph." Eddie plays a respected and Will Knock at your Door I co~r.tesy to all. Awake III us an business. il Fixtures, ~Ic. The Safety Council of New·'

h f d abldmg car for the slowness foundiand recommends for ser-' sedate grammar school princi· wit Gi ts an Greetings e . 3, The owner or operator of W AREBOUSE: PRINCE'I BT. · "It's true he doesn't have ! pal. He is the epitome of the f F' dl B' ,of age and the rashness of any motor vehicle shall move D]AL 8-5088 ious consideration by all motor·. • blot o~ his record. The i satisfied male. His lovely wife r?~ nen y. usmess , ~·outh. Let ollr vehicles become his vehicle on request to such ists a Driver's Litany, a prayer' problem Is-he doesn't even, (JANE WYATT) his teen.age ClVlC and SOCial Groups, mslruments of thy purpose, position and for such time as Drug Stores uEed by a Wakefield, Engl3nd' have a record." : daughter (BRENDA I,EE) and On the occasion of: I bringing happiness to al who, may reasonably be required by M. CONNORS Ltd. vicar, the Rev. Robert Strapps,!

:'According to our latest, his two highly imaginative sons New comer to the City. 1 tt'al'el wit~ us and leaving. no I the agent or representative oC PrellCriptionl Pickup and at his serl'ice", which caused so: JfCret poll, Joe, only 10 per I (DONNIE CAR T E Rand Th B' th f B b . man weeping at our passmg'l any public authority engaged In delivel'J serviee. mUch comment that he publish-,

"cent of the voters are against BUTCH PA'l'RICK) all make e Ir 0 a a y. This we beg in Christ's name. I snow clearing, PHONE 8.2206 ad it in his church magazine.; ,you. The other 90 per cent "growing older" a pleasure, 1 PHONE 8-4664, 8-7682 --Amen." dec19,21

GOJdl.'l1 F.;t~le Oil Di,trihll\or


with automatic fll1'11: Ten y(lars CXprrll!nCt? in

oil distl'1 hlllion hu,ir.eE', Easy credit tCI'~l"

Phone 90269 17 SlIE.\ STREET






BRASSW ARE BY BROOK'S FIRE SCREEN,S ••• • • s25.00 to s39.00 BRASS FIRE SETS ••• $,13.50 to s25.00 .

',BRASS WOOD HOLDERS ••••••• s 16.00 ELECTRIC LOG SETS OLD ·~NGLISHSTYlE .... ' . . • • S23.00

, ,


, . \

• , . •• • •

61n 'BOXED FIRE SETS S12.50 up

..... ~s13.50

MA.G,I!COAL ELECTRICAL GRAT:ES • • • • • • $45.00 to $54.00 WOOD AND COAL F11,R£ BASKETS: 18" 21" 24" 27"

• • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • •

• • • • • • • " ..

• • • • • • • • •


$12.30 $14.65 $17.30 S19.55


LESS 10%

Chester Dawe Limited



News s ----

B 12 9 5

13 6 4

15 3 2


20 Cons

Help I


BOX II Dec, 26-Orchestn Double. Dancing. judged b' Cover cf Club ope

NE Free J

allv selel , and Hits, Lots of Contest. admissiol tional. ~ the Clul Water 51 business




, Leaving LeaVing Leaving

, Leaving

M.V. "1< Cuy" S, to he m:


l (I 'ENUE ~rvice

tickets )u to DRIVE

19le Oil IlIlor

IlL and :E OIL








. ,


1~::::::~~=:W:E:;:.!D~N!!E~S!;!DA~Y~D:E!E~CE~i M~B~E~R~21~9!6~2 _________________________________ I~


Newspaper BINGO SERIES NOl 70

B I N G 0 12 28 40 59 73 9 29 43 55 70 - 27 38 49 66 ;J

13 17 34 56 74 6 30 42 50 63 4 39 46 65

15 36

60 72 3 47 " 57 ~


20 Consolation Prizes for letter "X"

Help Kin - Help Kiddies


BOXING NIGHT Dec. 26-Big Dance with the Silhouettes Orchestra. Dress optional. Cover $4.00 Double. Lots of Prizes and Fun. Limbo Dancing. Queen of the Twist contest judged by the audience, will receive Fre~ Co\'er Charge ticket for two for one year. Cluh open 9 p.m.-Dining Room 6 p.m.

NEW YEAR'S EVE Free Juke Box Music an night, especi.

ally selected. Strictly top notch Dance and Hit~. Free noise makers, Free Hats. Lots of Prizes. 1963 Twist Champion Contest. Winning couple to receive free a.umission tickets for 1963. Dress Op· honal. Cover $4.00 Double. Tickets at the Club or Reservation Office 295 Wa~er St. Call 87581 or 90026 during busIness hours.





SERVICES Special Schedules



tca\'~ng Bell Island ................ 10.00 a.m. ~av:llg Portugal Cove ............ 11.00 a.m. t aV~llg Bell Island..... ............ 1.15 p.m.

eaVIng Portugal Cove " .......... 5.00 p.m.


M. V. "John Guy" Sunday Schedule

January 2nd, 3rd and 4th M V UK' "1 C':, Ipawo. wi I operate on the "John t 1;: Schedule in order to permit repairs F lie ~ade at Portugal Cove Terminal. . ~ll Owmg these repairs the "John Guy" , . "K' resu~e regular schedules· and the· ... ,paw

l 0 will proceed to St. John's for

" .. nua refit. .


284! , \-



, i

(Under the Distinguished Patronage of His GracI

the Archbishop)


Annual Prize Distribution and Entertainment Holy CrOS!i Auditorium

WEDNESDAY, December 19th,

at 8:15 p.m.

Tickets on sale at the school.

(Grade eleven graduates please note) dee1S,10

' ....



8 Giant Christmas Stockings

40 Turkeys to be won

Drawing takes place

DECEMBER 21 st Tickets available from

BOB BARTLETT .................. " ...... 90700

BILL WALSH ".·"." .. "" .... " .... " ........ 93277

FRANK NOSEWORTHY .... " .. "",,822583

LOU FENNELL .. """."" .. ;.: .... ". ' .. 94793

or from

Columbian Club Dances

BOXING NIGHT ............ $3.00 Double

NEW YEAR'S EVE .......... $6.00 Couble

Dress Optional

Music by Twilighters Orchestra

Reservations from Club Steward

PHONE 90245 Tickets on sale at club

NOTICE Applications are invited for the position of Minor Hockey Coach with the Gander Hockey Association. Duties to commence, prior to January 15th, 1963 and expire at end of hockey season 1963. Applicants are request­ed to submit their qualifications to the Associa~ion, P.· O. Box 87, Gander by December 20th, 1962 stating salary Ixpected.

, dec15,19


$100.00 worth of Toys from Santa Clau~ or

. 50.00 worth of Groceries· 20.00 worth of Oil

. 20.00 Cash 20 lb. Turkey

This Jackpot to be drawn for Dec. 22nd. Every customer buying oil between Nov. 23rd and Dee. 211t inclusive will be eligible to be drawn; All you bave to do is order from Union on Co., Ltd., and Dve . your meter receipt.

UNION OIL CO.,. LTD .. 8.2822 . . 8·2822 .


All Types

We havc a limited supply of Mechanical and Others Powerful D.D.T. Powdered In· II . seclicide. • Do s, Carnages.

This material was originally • Table and Chair supplied to the U.S. Forces Sets .... "" ... " ....... $8.95 Pest Control Division, and is • Rocking Horses $6.45 guara,ntecd to kill European'. Rockin(J' Chairs $5 95 EarWIgs. M'

,We are offering 100 Tins only of Five Pounds each at $3.75 per tin. So get yours while It lasts, call


6 in~.

205 Duckworth Street 'Phone 8·7467

DIAL 95201, 96725 MONA RYAN'S



Many other items All at Finest Prices

J. & S. RYAN 123·24 Duckworth Street

51·55 Job Street

Phones 8·4991 - 8·2480


" .

Donovan's Country Club EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT

Featuring Joan Morrissey and the Country Gentlemen.

OLD FASHION JIVE CONTEST Admission $1.00 Single Finest in Rock 'N' Roll

ZIBLE CONTEST: Rleh ."ard •• Write: Bible Crouwordl l PJIUI'YJlle, oat.

CASII paid for: Comics, magazines, pocket' novels and books. John D. Snow, 9 New Gower Street. declO,lmth



Open Monday '- Sunday 5 p.m Food at it! very best

All type of steaks LADIES' GIRDLES Local and European Specialtici

RARE opportunity ror seaSOD' Dancing nightly -cd salesman with conncc. Ful! length movie features tions among stores to carry Sundays 6 and 9 p.m. . a popular priced line of 1I1ondays and T~esdays mOVl' ladies' girdles w have 8 to 10 p.m. DanCIng after .hov

. '. e. FREE ADMISSION everythIng to offer. qualIty, 'Best local t t' t t I d . Th" en er aInmen ,.

s. y e a.n PfJ~e.. IS IS a Wednesday. Friday, Saturda)' l~ne With. unl.lmlted poten- Twist and Limbo Contests. l1al. WrIte In confidence Door pr'z 'ghU to the Girdle Co., 7255 I e D1 J. Alexandra Street, Montreal. Call 87581 or 9002e Que. dec.15,4i Gerry Stephens, Manager.

STORnl WINDOWS made to dec3,lmth order. Phone 917064. r;;-;;-;';;-;';;'-;;;;;.;;;;;;.;;;;;;.;;;;;;.;;;;;;.;;; nov27,lmth

rUE CENTRAL BARBER SDOP-We are now operat­ing 10 chairs, you can be assured of prompt, effiCI­ent, sanitary service. No waiting problem, 24 New Gower Street opposite Ade· laide Motors Ltd. R

ELECTRICAL REP A I R S­Specializing in houscwiring, repairs, also to polishers, rangettes, toasters, electric razors, kettles. steam irons. food mixers, etc. For fast efficient scrvice call Frank Hannon, Holyrood, Phone 23F2. nov21,lmth

REP AIRS-Rangettes, sewmg and washing machines, pol· ishers, steam IrODS toasters, food mixers, electric razors, kettles, radio3, etc., expertly repaired. RON CHAFE, 116 Bond St. Telephone 849073. Free pickUp and delivery.


ably priced, Wooltop, Re­versible. All Wool and Springfilled Mattresses. All locally made Mattresses for Bunk Beds a zpecialty. Springs and Daybeds re-wlr· ed. All Wool and Spring· filled Mattresses re-condi· tioned. Terms arranged.


~:30 p.m.

SenIor High School BIH:~ey Dr. Rite V!. United Co\lellate


7:15 p.m. Guards vs. Felldlanl

':15 p.m. Legion "5. Holy Cross

ADMISSION: Reserved .... .. .. . .. '1Sc. General .. " ...... " BGe.

FOR RENT MODERN BUNGALOW Furnace heated and otheJ facilities, containing sill rooms, including three bedrooms. Situated at the Goulds.


Buy now-Pay later. Keatll H "I H I Mattress Factory, 16 Mt. ami ton ote Royal Avenue, Phone 92753-8.2656. 123 • 125 Hamilton Ave.

dly,tf :;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;; Catering to Permanent

LEARN TO DRIVE and Transients. For reo Female driver with 15 years

driving experience, now ac· servations Please dial cepting female pupils. wishing to learn to drive. 8.5636

Phon~ 916214 aug15,lmth



MONEY WANTED - From 25c - $5.00 bills Contact:-ROBERT HELLER, A.N.A., A.N.S. at the Newfoundland Hotel, St. John's. ..·1'


'-.-, ;

~"" ," ,," '"""",,, 9 ',:,~',~;, ",::, ,~,::~.~, ,"',' "',,',"', C,"" " ,',',.,'" ",,"" ' " , ," , " ," ,;, ,u",.. J

ATTENTION BOYS! If you are interested in making money as a Daily News Carrier, please fill in the Applica· tion Form and mail to our office. If no route available in your area immediately,· your application will be placed on file. Then should an opening occur, we will get in touch with you. ----------------... ---1 I THE DAILY NEWS I I P. O. BOX 520, ST. JOHN'S I I ROUTE APPLICATION I ; NAME .................................................. ! I PHONE No. ........................................ ;

~ ADDRESS ................ · .. -.i ....................... • I I_~_ -------..:---- ... - ______ 1

FOR HOME DELIVERY , . . . ............... PHONE 8-2177

· ..

:i .'

· : ", ,

' .



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lewisporte i. TROPICAL FISH § i p~ T':E ;. OBITUARY health kept him from \.tfinJ( .s SS AQUARIUM ~ AND CO

, ., ·LEWISPORTE - George ·aclive IS he would hal'e liked I~, ~ LIMIT.P 001 ! II . Newman passed away at his being. III Lewisporte thr family 5~l Ga. Capacity ~

. 11,:11 i '. ~;;;h~Nf~j~i:'· E~::e~nat ~,:: ~P;0~~~:::~~:~:!~~:'~1:~~ g{ Indtlli~~i~el~:~~~t~i:~oPlll1lP' i~" iii GIVE BOOKS

. ,I I formerly a resident lJf Lilllp words of comfort to the lonely, t\.~ 3 PAIRS OF FISH I, Harbour Deep where he spent his help to the weary, and his Rd 'jg " I' .the· «reater part of his life. rompanionship to those who i!~ 1I'p. ; I" About a year ago he with his needed same. His love and un· ~ $20'c){).}pedai Bi4' WILDLIFE SKETCHES ',:1 ~~i!~o~~~eai~e~~~r:~ri~oal~i~e~ ~:~~~rnd~~~ :~;h~~~::n~ a~i~ ~t ~W Ncar and Far- .,

)lecame ill with cancer which dail~ family life, and it is here. t:d 101,~ GA.L 5S AQUARIUM #~ Bruce S. Wright ,$5,95 ' r. equired lurgery at the General where the vacant chair brings a l'tj,1 • ". tm I THE EDEN Mm.WIHS i

I •


Black Diamolld Cheddar Cheese (Rounds, Wed!!;es, and Sticks) Gilt Edge first grade Canadian Creamery Butler . Sesame and Crax Biscuits Perfection Brand Evaporated :\Iilk London H otlse Coffee, Ones ami Fives St. ~[artin's Chunky and Orange Marmalade Irish Soda Bread, and Irish Soda Bread Wholc \[cal St. Martin's Jams, 7 lb. Tins Durkees Famoll~ Sauce Durkees Snowflake Cocoanut Hoapltal at St. John's, In Aug· sense of loneliness, but not de· I' Illcluding Reflcctor, Purrip, Filter etc, ~ i Facing the i

:. . u~t, .and from which he failed I solation, for it Is a remil!der I ; .M'.' D' t t 9 50 . " :.: ,,' to recover, The late ~Ir. New· of the great strength of char· i f1 Also 3 'PAIRS' OF l"ISH llf~ IC a aI's ........... . '

i man. was very patient in his ill· acter and faith which sustained I W ~ i ANATOMY OF I

Durkecs l\1inced Onions Luxury B,O.P, Tea, Loose and Packarrcs En~lish Toffee and Cand\', 7 lh, Ba~s

: I ' I ' I

,I', ! , '

.1 i · , .

\ ' i

I ,. 1 ." 'j ,

,\ , , l

neSJ as are all whose trust in the deceased o\'er the years, i i!1. 1I~ IBHlTAIN the 'Master Is the rllling moth'e I especially during a long period ,~ $25.00 Special , ~ Anthony Sampson 7.00 '

.of their life, One came from the' of suffering and ill health. His I ~f i%i B]~I-II11\oTD '!'!.IE bedside of Mr. Newman mar· greatest pleasure was in serin~ . Cfb ~};;. - l'

. ,'ellinl at the great strength men and \i'omen give their lim : KIb ~a I CJ~EEH.ING 8ivln, that could bring a smile to the ~raster whom he served Iii!:' EXTRA SPECIAL I I'" I hank J. Selke fl'en when pain was so severe, ami he retained that interest I ' " I' Cli RLlNG

. but· .the secret of his great until the end. Al times suCfer I' BUDGIE and CAGE strength was his trust in Gotl ing was \'ery severe, and those, ' i E, Hichardson, J. and submission to the Dil'ine: who lovetl anti watched him" WITH FREE TOY ~f:! I i\I K d "'ill. Of a very quict dispositiO!I, i sllffer were sustained by the t1~ iiij l' C ee an . yet having great love and drl'ol· , trust he placed in the Master :f1. ;~ D, ~[axwcll ........ 4.50: Jon lor his famill' and a frirntl : to help him it all without $8.00 ' Special ~~ WILL ROGERS to all in need. The late :111'.' mur. Thc family are happy that ' I'" Donald Dav ........ 6.55' Newman although only l short! the end came I'cry quiet an~ AT , THE BIRTI-fDAY KING \I'hile residiM in the Httle town i peacefully, and those who of Embree won the e~t'!~m and: lored him so devotedly mar· I' C. ;ahriel Fielding .. 4,25 admiration of all whose pleas· i relied at the strength given to ,.. AHCTIC ODYSSEY urI' it was to know him and ,. make, the end of life so beaut!· SEED CO LTD ~ 1!:verctt. S, Allen where his influence for all that ful, but knowin.g the secret of ., • I _ 6.00 : was good was felt in his e\'fr), that strength reatlilY understootl. ' 'OKAVAl\GO ! . I 410 WATER STREET J' day living, and although manl'i The funeral serl'ices were con· , ' une Kay ............ 4,25 i griel'e his passing they are hap. I dueled by the Corps OCficer , DIAL 8.4328 i.·.. T,llE SEA:'!. E AND I 'PY that the pain anti agon~' of "Capt. LOI'eless who paitl a IJ . GLORY -Dlellpe-the body has gOlle, and. death i :treat tribute ~o th~ lif~ of ~he ~ to him was but the openmr. of; decenspd as dId BrIgadIer Pier· ~),ii'~~~~~~~~~" TI1I'ReOrCtnjcGeIHI 0TbIeJ1E'~son 6.50 a door to a higher and happirr I cer from Norris Arm. The fun ________ .~_. __ . ______ . ___ .. ~-__ ,


English Biscuits, (Fancy Lithograph;d Tins) 3 and 4 lb. Tins Orange, Lemon and 'Lime Squashes Chocolate, (Boxes) and Bars Box Apples, Grapes, Oranges, etc., etc, Cigarettes, Cigars, Tohaccos Turkey's, Chicken and Ducks Hams and Bacon

EXTRA SPECIAL-Ameriean Special Trimmed ~avel Beef 50'~ K o Anv. of the ahove will make a very acceptable and practical Gift f~5 Chnstmas. or


life, ... Surrounded by lol'inr. . pral srrl'icr was to hal'~ bep.ll ' \"1 'J' EV 01' TIlE K\VAI ' care and the watchfulnm ~f! ('ondllcted bl' Brigadier Wheel. ,in the Pentecostal school anti i Branch, anti said she felt un· .'\ ~ ~ l • -. 11. PHONES 8.5143 - 8.5144

\ 10 help restore him to his form· Brigadier was enronte an:1 un./ blueish grey .... Rev. iIIr .. I.e.! A hIm "1!an IS to. Man" I\'a~: CBEDOS AND CURIOS 1

the family who ditl ali Jlolsible PI' from Bishop's Falls, bllt the 1 the Groom's Mother wore a' I\'orth~' of sneh .recognition. Ernest Gordon '" 3,95 II~;;;;::;::;;;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;;;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::Q~U;::E~E;N;;S;T;R;E~ET;;~ er health, he quietly passetl· able to reach in timl' owing to grow elil~tled con~regatlOns shown .lnter and en]oyet!. . . . , "I . ~ I -----

· , away to leave them lonely but' car trouble. The C~pt. of the I and best Wishes. Pl'lor .to he Other llems of bllslDe5.~ were James I Hubcr .... 4.3;) I' F St f- ht S 1 :: with the full knowledge that Corps spoke very impressively: marriage the .Brlele was an em· ?iscussed including th;- bnild·· ASK HE:"iRY . orm ar Ig er quadron 'I' death had lo.~t it~ stine anti and performetl th~ sm'ice weI!. ployee of Lewlsportc Dru!: store, lIIg on Range Strl'et, km~lIY .0C. • Henrv Makow 3 ~O

, · ,

':,' , grave its victory. Hc respondetl The late Adjt. Ford W8S a where she was well Iikell and fered by the Town Council WIth ~THE E'PICU . .;) OTTAWA-The Iirst CF·104. Starfighter is replaci!l~ the F. squadron.1 will bt , to the call eader!\' and with member of the ~Icrcha~t I\brine admired by the I'arious custom· nn additional offer to rcnoratl'.. ~ RES • Super Starfightcr squadron was 86 Sabre in eight of the ]2

the simple trust with II'hich he during World War ], qnd as a ers. Best lI'ishcs arc extended, same and make it sen'icrahle COi\IPANIO:\ ,formed on schedulo. Dc~. ]7 in squadrons in Europe and will. through 196~. , HI'ed and which sustained hiin . token' of rcspect the Canadian for many happ)' future ~CaJ'S i fOI' the Red C.ross work. Pr?h.. Ann Seranne and Germany. The unit, 427 "Lion" ,c/'\'e in the Air Division's nelV .

in death. T.he fami\)' arc lonc'y I Le~ion ath!Odeti the funeral In I t,'get 11'1' .It '5 understood ,the Ilems are heatll1g and ~eeplllg I John T ,II I 8 -~ Squadron, is basell at 3 Fighter strike·rccollnaissan~e role. The l! the~' nllSs the .iweet smile, a bod)'. One can trull' !aV DC' couple WIll reSIde at Llltle, sewerage etc. from frcezlIl! 11111'." , . C ) le .... ,/.J \\,ing, Zweibrucken. four other squadrons flying CF .. and lorin;: voice whicb meant so ' the liCe 01 Adjl. Ford, 'he livpd '. ~urnt Bay. i ing the winter wel'c also di,-, 1l-lE lIJDDE:"J Flown to Enrope in Ihe holfl, 100 all·weather intcrccptor\ , , ,

1 much ol'er the year~, hut thr.;' I for olhers (OJ'getting him~r.lf,· Rt;n CROSS ANNUAl, i ces.~d and it :\'as decided to. :\IOV;\TAIN of Air Transport Command', Will he disbanded in .January \ ). too bow in submission tn the; thus fulfilliM fully the ~lastel"s I 1\1EETING . get III touch WIth Headquarters: G'thrielle Hov 4,95 giant C·130B Hercules freighl· 19(i3. ., .

will of God. The lale ~fr. New.: commantl. He leaves to monrn . The annual meeting IIf Lew· re. same .. 1t i~, unders~oo~ the: \v .','; , ~ ers, the Canadian·built supcr· , .i· man lea\'e.'r to mOlll'n besiJe~ l (not without hope of a re.un .. Isporle Branch of Red Cross, use of tins hllld1ll:.! WIll lIle\11" IlERE LO\ E sonic aircraft have been arriv· As earhnew CF·104 squadron


SHIRT 'n Tlf


:. i' ',: 101'ing' wife, three daughters. i ion) a lonely wife, tll'o daugh.: which was h,eld ill t!1e bas,r.mellt. considel:ablc cxpcnse for hcating HAS GONE ing at the Air Dil'ision h;IEC at is formed it will assume the , :, Pearl' an rmplo)'ee of' Baine tel's: Do~oth)' on the s.taff of i of 51. Paul s Anglican Church, ctc. whICh the .Branch Icc! I.ll'. Harold Hoohins 5.4,'5 three·day intervals since Oct. hadge, number and honors of'

., Johnston, St. John's, Edna on' .Iumor HIgh School, Lewlsporte, on Tuesday, Nov. 27th was the: capahle of m;ehng. A TH E ~ T .) .; ]2. the Sabre unit is replaces. ;"., the teaching staff oC the Glover. I Vera I, ~lrs. Donald White "Lew. j largest attendance for anum· i tee was aPPolllted tn furlhpl' "1· l [OON-Sl Ir\NERS Production of the sleek jcts Commanding 427 Sqllanl'on .:. tOll'n . Pentecostal School. anti! isporte", two i!rand daughters. bel' of past years. Thc meeting' I'estigate the building. and re·· :\Iary Stewart. 3,25 h~' Canadail' Ltd., ~Iontreal. will hc Wing Commander R.G. '

' .. '1 ~etty, l. grade XI studenl Reg· Three sisters, ~Iabel, Mrs. WiI./' was called ,~o order by the, port to the ~ext meetll!g. AN ANS\VEH training of the pilots to man (Bob) ~liddlemiss, DFC, CD., of . I r ,. lonal Hlgh school Lcwispillie Ham Mercer of DOI'er Effie President Mrs. Frank Wool·' A very enjoyable soml hour, FRO~1 I J1[BO the new squadron and delil'Cr- . Montreal II'ho, with his squad ..

. :. p"! and' six sisters, :llrs. Stanley :llrs. Robert Lane, 01 H~re Ba; frey" who called on Rev. A.B.: which followetl brought the Ii l' ~ 1 ies of aircraft to Europe have: ron pilots. has completed the. · I·:, Randell, Port aux BaSQues, ~fr~. .Tanet, :ill's. David of New York. I.egrow to open the meeting' ~neeling to a close. It is interest· Brian Moore ....... 6.00 been dove·tailed precisely into. ('Ilurse at 6 Strike.Reeonnais.;

I· :' ,. Simon Randell. Hr. Deep, ~rrs, three brothers, ,Tack of ~ew with prayer, The President then' Ing to note The Red Cross has: THE \VONDERFUI . ~ program dc\'eloperl two years' sanre Operational Training' · i'" Thomas Randell, Embree. ~!rs. I York, Willie and Frank of DOI'cr welcomed Mrs, Lester R.N .. Dir·' helped people who .l1n\'e 11",1, CLOUDS '10 advance. . Unit at Cold Lake, Alta.

, :. , Julia Newman; Little Harbour I and a large numher of friends ector of Red Cross Nursinl! who homes burnt numberlOg 3 at: The 150Q·mile·an·hour Super' Remainder of the CF.104 " : Deep. lIfiss Lydia Newman, for. to whom deepest sympathy Is y.oas presell~. Mrs. Woolfrey ;aid Lewisporte, one a.t Liltl!' BUl'llt FranCOise Sagan 3.75 --. -- ----.----

I.; ruerly of St. ,Iohn's (now resid· rxtended. In welcomlllg Mrs. Lester she Bay. one at Norm Arm. on~ at, I RETVRN B d 't Cl · f',:. ':. ing at Embre.e), and Mrs, Fred . The family wishes to exlend was very happy 10 h~Vl' her i Emhree and a assistane~ gil'en! Doris Leslie 3,75 ','. a mIll 0 II lamp

; ! I.' Small at Lewls,P0rte and a large slIIcere Thanks to ~1l who sent present for the meeting and: to people from .101' Balt s Arm: '_ • l' ...

;:'" number of fnends to whom cards. wreaths hel!l~d In any everyone present would be giv.' had a boat burnt. It has heen 11 lIE BOY AND '1 ;' , deepest sympathy is extended.' wa)' durin!! the iUnnss and death en an opportunity to ask :tIl's.' a husy year for a\1 branches of i HIS FRTE:\D TIJE : On World Tour

-: I!: The, 'funeral whIch was held at i of Adjt. Ford and S'.\' Thank! Lester any question they wi~h~'I; the Red Cross in Lewisporte,' BI IZZAHD Embree was conducted by Pas·, You and God Riess You. Thm to ask pertaining to hc!' Dept.: but they hal'e met ('aeh emer- I -I , ~ ~

'. lor A. Rowe of Lewisporte in, another Saint has joinr.d the The election of. Officers then gene,", quickly Rn!: . ade~uatel)' I (,rcgorv :\[ar\on 2.,)0 " , : the absence of Pastor F. La.vtc .. Host ahol'e, to Praise him who took place, Rev. :llr. J,cgr'll1' and much apprecwtlOn IS dnc.: THE BLACK lOKI" YAXCOUVER (CP) -Wayne J;(.11 1lI3I'k', Erlan!1 Kops.

;: I ,Embree who was ill and was' is Holy and whose strength Sll~. conducting. - Fa'l 'M " ' 3 ("' .\Iacc!ollell, who once fini,hec! up "Lack of competition herr. has ': lal'fely attended. Pastor Rowe: taius and comlort and knolV we President, Mrs. Woolf!'ev, r.r. PERSONAI.S • I e\ j ()\\'at .... , .. );). a set before .!tending to a hurt me and J\'e had some ,', paid great tribute to the deceas. '.' cannot drift beyond hi~ care. . el~ctcd; Vice President, • ~1J·s.· D('epeS[ s~mpalhY is expre;;s. D' k & C L d )' broken. ankle, i:, carrying. his trouble kr.epin.'~ my game up,'" " ed and conducted a very im·, _ Wmston Locke, re·elected· Rr .. cd the famIly of t.he late :'11'.' It sot delermmcd bnd11111110n style mto :'lacdol1ell ~"id I

": ,: prcssl"~ service .. The remains: C.(aT. VESPER SERVICE c~rdin!( Secretary, Mrs. 'C. J. Gordon Ga.le. who diel] ~t Rot·' ." i W01:1d rompetitio~. . "This tOllr will b~ my first' , , , 'Were laid to rest III the Gell~ral' The C.G.I.T. Vesper .~CfI·ice "'oolfre)" rc·elected, Treasurer, ~1'~od,Hosplla.1 on Wed. last tram' The 800ksellers 1he redhe~d With the wlllppet real exposure to international!



TV A[PAIAS , l'rotestant cemetery at Embree, I will be held in SI. ~fathew'~ ~Irs. Chas. Sargent, re·elected· III]UrlCS recell'cd whrn he walk· blllld, who IS Canada's rlosed competition )'11 hI' : there to await the re·union lI'ith i United Church on the coming Chairm~n. Awards Committee:, ed in t~e pat.h of a moving truck, PHONE 8·5001 singles champion, will le~ve in ' agaimt pla~:ers IInd~u~te~~lb~~ REASONABLE RATES

those who have 10l'ed and bstj Sunday, Dec. 16th. The girls I\Irs. EIleen Russell elected·i on ~aln Sheet. : ---- - -~--- Febrllary for the world 1I1\'ita· tel' tha d't .'11 b . but for a while. The famill' ex· I are bus.v at present practisIng Chairman. Bloot! Donor Proc: 1 • • • :rhe s.rmpathy of her many tiona I championships In Gb" for me~' me an I Wl e good, GUARANTEED WORA

· . tend thanks for every kindness: for their Annual Christm3s ser urement, ~Ir. Ewart Peckford' Congratulations to ~Ir. and fnends lS extended to ~lrs. Aud· go 11', . CT' . t t:\ I

,: ..• hawn, also for the .:nan" flnw.1 rice and it is' hoped 'to h~v~ ~ re·electcd: Campaign Chairman'! Mrs. Andrew ~[anuel who eete. rey Grear on the recent death. Then he goes to Sweden for an )' ~~ I~S .~o~n, 0 .1acdonell's· PHONE 94123 ,:: eTl and cards sent alslI io ~as'llarl!~ number present for I'll' Rev: A. B. Legrow, re.~lccted: i b~'ated their 5Ath wedding An.: hy d~owlling of .he~ son; W ~Iter , exhihition apPc;II';\ net. and lin to i ~~~ "a ,I;:e h c,s, 137 pounrls-'

:.' ': tor ~o\\'e for such a beaulJflll: eVfnin)( sf'rvice at SI. Matthews. Chalrman Disasler Committee,: ntver~arJ' on N.ovember 27th. at hiS hOl11elo\\.n III \\ eslflelt!" Copenhagen for the Danish in 1 la' t~e bi" a~n t that power to EI • · lervlce. : On Sunday last the CI'fmin2 Mr, Evan Norman, re.elected; I Relatll:es an~ fnends held a ~.S. The drownlllg lVas p;ceed'

l ternalional championships. I L) de .... ~ame .. Others say ectronlC:

I service wa.~ recorded hv C.B.T. Chairman Industria! Bmcrgency pa~ty m thelr honour at their mgly path;lIc 1Il th~ ,~a:. t~a,~ i If the arrangements are com· for' tcrmmahon WIll make up C L d . OBITUARY I Gander Cor the r:hurch' service Aid, Mrs, Fred Small, re.elect. Mmn home to celebratc IIlrs. Grear s h,usband Jlmnlle ! pIc ted in time he'll do an ex. Itlt~a<' entre t .

,. ADPT S. G, FORD S,A. , on Call to worship on TlIf'sday cd; Chairman Sick Room Sup. the occasion. and (W?ltcr s father) was i hibition sweep arountl Ireland ", two ~cars ago In Fo; those we lave within' nil!ht. Many listened in to the plies, Mrs, Ray Levalliant, reo •. • • drolVned In almost the same before landing in London for the Thomas Cup matches In ! 90 CAMPBELL AVE,

the vet!, who Once were cam· service especially th'l elected; Home Nursing ~Ir Congratulahons are extp.nded spot less t~an 2 years ago. . •. AII.England champion hi that Macdonell was leadlllg BIll rade, or our way. we thnnk who grealll' enjoy a service o~ Fred Chaffey N.E., elected; we~i, to Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Downer, Mrs. Grear lS the f~rmer Aud.rey Along the way he'll ;Ia~s~ome Berry ~f San Diego. Calif., num-/ Alter hours 'Phone 8.7313 thee, Lord: for thee have won radio or TV. Baby Clinic, Mrs. Walter Pol. i IV.ho celc?ratcd their 2()th wed : ~orter of Porte.rvllJe, and IS II of the world's greatest such as ber 2 In th.e U.S. Wayne had ro endless day. Free from the lock R N re.eleeted' Chao I dmg anmvcrsary on Nov. 29th. 1 slste to :\11'5. Colin Forward. Mrs, Tan Jo Hok f I I '. d taken the first game and was I 1I1ItPi. fret of mortal years, and know .. WEDDING BELL!; Woma~'s" Work 1II;s ~l'm~~ i Greetings come from their son, I Jamcs Haynes and Harold Por· 0 II[ oneslf an leading ]()-2 when a sharp pain ~~~"ia~ ing now thy pel'fectwill. with . 'IVASY _ PERRY Young, re.elec'ted'·· CI nro. Donovan who is a student al tel' of this town. all of wh(,m shot through one ankle. i ~ - -,. ~uic~ened sense and height~n. , I~ooking \'cry pretty and pet. Used Clothing Bu'reau,lalr~:~ [Memorial Unil'.ersity and their: are extended deepest sympathy, ~Iacdonell finished the mateh:t' • : .I Ii

" _d lOY. '~hey serve. thee still. , ltc, Nanc,\', daughter of :\11'. and Norman Forward, re.electecl daughter Pallllne at home. I hut lost the next two games. W \1 '" .:. A rhe pasSlnJ( of AdJt, S. t'ord i llrs. Gordon Irany wa~ escort· Additional members on Board' ..• • • X·rays the next day confirmed. ~ 1 .. A ·ece~t!Y left· a. de~p sense of i I'd .up the Aisle 01 St. ;\[aUhr.w's Executive, Mrs. Eileen Russell: Happy lllfthday to Aml)'l1 ~on ,that he had played the last two, f'i1 ., .;. lonehne~s to hIS WIfe and lWO: UDltr.d Church on a recent Fri. ~!rs .. ~Ialcolm f'reake and Mrs' of ~IT. And ~Irs. F."~r.I1~ n",lor . games on R broken leg. I ~p ~ , also many friend~, hilt: day hy her Uncle ~r.· Wallace Walter Woolfrey; Nominati;g: I~ho recently .celcbratetl hI! Good ! i ~ .a k~owled::e o,f,.l life I ~~.oYle~ who I!al'e ,her In mar· Committee, Chairman, Mrs. Ji.!llJrthday, • • • 'Sh~' $]

spent In the selllCC 01 rla~e at a dOUble rlllg ceremony G. Wood, othel' members Mr.~ . .' Mo · teams I'p li~ '11 . :he Mas~er whom he sen'etl The I conducted hv Rev. A. B. I.e. A. Locke, Mrs. Hay Duwnton:. The ,nHI~Y fmnds of lIlr. TIm, : ntzng, ~4 ~

ate Albt; Ford was ~'ell known I grow to Mr. :\1>:!lvin Truman, son Auditors, Mrs. C. ,I. Woolfre; o!hy Collins are happy t? sec i Ne:ghbor Movements ~ • ~ hroughout the Provtnee .lI'hcrr 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Perry and 1IIrs, 'Walter Woolfrey. i hIm ,ollt and ar?llIlti agatn .af·i " :r.~ . C 1ST'! \5 fQ Ie had sen'ed liS an OffIcer 01 oC Little Burnt Bav. Nanrv Representatives to C I i IeI' a lcngthly Illness which: Plu" 4:onold., UI ]rut ~ lIR,. I Ii

. he ~aJvation Anny in many I chose for her Bridal gown:whit'e : Council, I\[rs. Walter P~I~~~~, i requi!'ed surgery a~ ~eneral' cbal ••• your lrionolt ami CLARKE CABOT SERVICES ~ CARDS _ ji . rown~ where people remell1ber taffeta and lace. floor len~th, R.N, with Mrs. Haroltl Youn I ~osplta1. ~Ir. Collins IS look· 1 nelahbon, If - Un he:C . S.S. Novaport leaving Hali. ~IJ 10c. to $1·,,0 , • . , !I! qu\et dev?hon to ~uty and to pearl and sequin trimmed botl. as alternative. g tng extr.emely well, .and IllS ~:r::ou~~ ... ~. ' f D ~n ~ ..... iOd. ,;'. H1S devotion to God. ice, with curved neckline and Mrs Woolfr-y d mnny fmnds hope hiS present ~caJl .............. : ax ec. 18, Dec. 27, .Ian. 4, :If ~ · h S I' ti A ' ' • expl'usse h It I '11 t" '" I' .Jan 14 Tan 23 Feb 1st Feb ~ ltd >: " e I VI on rmy and to hum· she wore a shoulder len~th veil thanks to Rev, A. B, Legrow for e~ 1 WI can mue to Improve PHONE 9·5300 . " . , . , ' , DICKS & CO.,; p~

Inity mad hi I d d J t . d d dally 11, Feb. 20, :'Iarch 1, ~Ial'ch 11, '/:0111>: e s ove an reo prar rlmme; and 8 bocqUft con ucling the elcction The . Hamilton Avenue March 21, March 31 for SI. "<' Phone 8·5001 pu

,·~ct.d.· He first became an of white and pink carnations Secretary Mrs, C .• 1. W()olfr~ Mr. J, B, Reynolds was in REG. T. MORGAN Extension John's. i ~ lffleer in the Salvation Army in and baby ferns. Her matron oC gave her report which was ve/ TOIyn. recently .enroute from 'INSURANCI 'Refrigeration. ~~~~~.

" no allll dte~serve1 falthfl111~' honour was Hope Perry, sister encouraging and showed pr%. TWllhngate to hIS charge at flay Tompt, Build;ng. Duck_ SI. I -

the-: ~ol1owtng Corps Cllrl· of the Groom who wore pastel gress in each Deparhnrnt. The Roberts, R~v. Reynolds ~o~. St.: Anthony, CI~renvll1p pink of tUlle and nylon with following received th . . ducted a senes of Evangellsltc

~~:=~. 'Musgravetown, lIant'~ ma!chiDlt headpfecl' and acces. licates for graduation ~~OI:e:I~~ ~ervices at Twillingat~ and it' Phone 8.0370, 8·7756 II Klnll'ft Point, Chanlle SOrleft, Margaret Woolfrev and ·home nursing classe M IS underst.oOlI met WIth great I dec4.2wk

. Musgrave . Harbour, Sh~i1a BUrt were her brIdes- Harold Manuel, Mrs, R:;' Wl1ir!: ~uccess .. HI~ many friend~ ,,:ere ENGAGEMENT-:.UJ~ .. ;.I:JI:j'nt and Lewlsporte. m31ds and they wore blUe and way, Mrs. Leonard Cull Mrs sorr~ .lllS lime was too hmlted -~-

. Cove, the latter lemon respectively with match. Ronald Maye, Mrs. Jame~ ;\laye' to VlSlt much, . . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Chafe llii lalt Corps from where Ing accessories and nosegays' to Mrs, Joseph \Russell and Mrs' Deepest sympathy IS extcnded of LeMarchant Road announce I

wu to resign be· match the Bride's bouquet Or. Walter Woolfrey CertT t • to Mrs. Joseph Northcott on the engagement of their !laught. heart condition which f!anist for the ceremony wa~' Mrs were presented t~ the gr~d~:t:: the recent death of her. Father, er, Roberta Louise, to Mr. John

'V'lltUIIUy caused hIs death, E, H. March. The Hymn "Lead by Mrs, M, McVicker R N who Mr. Albert Cassell at hIS home T. Walsh, son of Mrs. Mary and . the latter part of· hi~ Us Heavenly Father lead us were responsible' f<l t1;eir at Harbour Deep. The late 1>lr·1 the late Mr, John T. Walsh, i Comfort Cove, hil was sunl by the Congregation, cess and who congr~tlllatcd ~~: Cassell ~pent several weeks Tl>psail Road.

IlUUIIIH'''fe and lovIng COlli' The Groom was supported by sucl'Cssful Women on' their nch' here durlllg past ~ummer ,when rjhroll1lhout the' years· Willie Wells, Cluny IIloyles, anti evement. • I· ~e me~. sevel'al {rle.nds who reo BIRTHS 'Dn the wDrk while the Donald IVltny (the latter 'I bro. 'Another interesting it C gl'd IllS death whIch resulted ----- --.-.-..

lPent man m nt! th r f th B Id 'h . em 0 II'0m cancer . . Y 0 IS e 0 e r el, Thp little t p meetillg wa~ the' )lrcs('nla. ~ • • SWAN-Bol'D at COll1e By HQlllintlrlle' :~~~rl'th it wr::; f~Ot~~tI~lr~ was Trudy Rimn:trr lion of a cerlificate oC merit to Mr'. Lewis Woolfrfv was in CIHlIIce. lIost1ital.on 17th Der.

, d" ,en e .' 0 ~ . urnt Ray and . r1l1~ Mrs. 1I11rl'y Russell for SPrI'il'(' 'J'OIVI1 last w!'ek fl'OlIl C . ,10 Dr. :Illd Mrs. Swan a babl' ,::~~~~~ I JlaIJltal\~, .allil ~!a~pr was She.rma,n )l~lley ~f 1'~'nd('I'ed 10 Ihl' I.cwisll01'll' Hpll I'i!le on business. lie lVa~1r~::;~~i ! son. Bolh doing splendidly. .

" • 0 .pw r lrte .Itt r Rumt lin)', , .. Tmmedl' Cross Brandl ovcr a 1011" fl"rilil" fl'. . I tI. bUIlt hi.~ hom!' and ately Rftel' the ceremonv "1" of Yl'''r" I'I'Dsentat'o M" '1 u liS patcnts, MI'. and MI'!'. C' GOSSE-Burn 10 'Eugene and «r.n hi . . • eM... I n WIIS made ,W oolfl'!'Y J ewis i .. J' . Y ppy ,"ears with party motored to Little' BUrnt by Rev A B J egro M I 'j .• s man~gl'l i can (,osse, Spamanj's Bay at

.. ..-Ily even' When POOl' Bay where a reception was beld Russcll', 1; . r~piy t~;k~d t~" °t AC' T. ~:ollll1freys and Bl'o~. I' Grace Maternity Hospitai on I .1: . I' a armn", I e, Monday, Dec, 17th, a son. I

. '" ,\- ,

" 41'~." . ' \



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