Download - Acts of the Legislature of West Virginia - 1879







Commencing January 8th, 1879.





On pa1e SO, the sectlnn"'numhored "J5, 16, 17," 1bould b• �uml.,ered '·14, 15, 16."

On page 6R, under sub-beading "ClYll Sutt,," for uc•>mmlsslonen," read 11Commlulona." On p:a.gc 87, sect.ton 7, for 11 Summoned to attend to auy term,'' reac\ ''Summoned to attend any tern1. •• On pip 112, luL line on Jtage, for "enter,,, read "entry."

ACTS OF. 1879.


AN ACT changing the times of holding the circuit courts i.ri the eighth judicial circuit.

[Po..ssed Jaauory 16, 1Si9.)

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Vil·ginia:

1. Thn.t the times for the commencement of the terms of tho circuit courts in tbe several counties composing the E:ighth Judicial eighth judicial circuit, shall !Jere,lftor be UR follows in each Ti�� .. ��\or the

year: For the county of :Nichnlns on tbo first day ofc!�cui,co11rt•io, . , N 1cholns county .1\1.arch and the first day ot A11�11f.'t; for the county of Clay,

on the t.enth day of 1'I arch aod the tenth t.lny of August; Clay conoty. for the county of Rrnxt.on, on the 1<evc:1teonth day ofllraxton couoty .Marcb and tbo !>oventecnth day of Augm1t; for the county of Puyotto, 011 the firRt. day of April aud tbo first day of Payette couoty. September;_ for tho conuty of Summers, on the fifteenth Summers coun­day of Apl'll and the tiftcen dny ofScptembc1·; for thety. count.y of PocahontuR, on the twenty-ninth day of April Pocahontas and the twenty-ninth day of Sept.ember; for the couuty ofcouuty. Monroe ou the twelfth day of .Muy and on the twelfth day f O b f G b , h Monroe county. o cto er; and for the county o reen rter, on t e

twenty-sixth duy of May and ou the twenty-sixth day of Greenbrier October. county.

2. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act are R all

h b epe n1 ere y repeuled. clause. [Appro•ed January 211 1879. (



The foregoing act takes effect from its pas!mge, two­Commencement thirds of the members elected to each house, by a vote

taken by yeas and nays, having so directed.


.Al.'f ACT changi1;1g the time for �olding the county courts of Jackson county.

[Passed JRnuary 18, 18i9.)

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

Countycourtfor 1. That the count.y court of.the county of Jarkson Rhall '!,:'�;�0�e1:tniy; be held on the second Monday in February, April, J uue,

August, October and December. 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act

Inconsistent are hereby repealed. acts repealed.


(ApproTed Jauunry 24, 18i9.)


'l'he foregoing net takes effect from its passage, two­thirds ot the 1110m bers elected to each house, by a vote taken by yeas and_ nays, having so directed.


AN ACT changing anrl. fixing the time for holding the

circuit courts in the Bixth judicial circuit.

[Passed Janunry 20, 1879.)

Be it enacted by !he Legislature of West Virginia:

1. That the circuit courts for the several counties of the Sb.:thJudiclal sixth judicial circuit shall ·hereafter commence and be ti cult. held as follows: Tilucs for the chcui< cour1.dn For the county of Lewis, on the twentieth day of Fob-Le..-ill

couuiy. ruary and twentieth day of August; Gilmer county.

.Fo1· the cou�ty of Gilmer, on the eleventh day of M11rch and the twentieth day of September;

Upshur county. For the county of Upshur, on the twenty-second day of March and the fifth day of December ;

Preston coonty. For the county of Preston, on the third day of April and the third day of October ;

Tucker county. For the county of Tucker, on the twenty-first day of April and the twenty-first day of October;


For the county of Barbour, on the second day of May Ba bo • d b d d. f N

r urcoun.y. an t e sccon ay o r ovember;

For the county of Randolph, on tbe twenty-third day Randolph coun-

of May and twenty third day of November; and ty.

For the county of ,vcbster, on the tenth day of June Webster county and the sixth day of September.

2. That the act approved December twentieth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, entitled "An act p1·escl'ibin� the time ot holding the circuit courts in Act repealed.

the Sixth J udi<.:ial Circuit," be and is hereby repealed.

[Approved January 29, 1879.J


The foregoing act takes effect from its passage, two­thirds of the members elected to each house, by a vote taken by yeas and nays, having so directed.


.AN .A.CT t<> amend and r('l-enact section uvo of chapter

ninety-seven, of the Acts of one thousand eight hundred

seventy-two and three, entitled "An act in relation to

Capon springs and Watsontown il) tho county of Hamp­


[Pa..ed January 21, 1879.]

Bo it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

l. 'l'hat section two of chapter ninety-seven of the .Acts Sec. 2 b . . d I uon c :ap•

of one thousand 01�ht hundred and seventy-two an t 1reC1, ter 97nct• 1s12-3 be and the imanc is hereby amc,nded and re-enacted so as to amended.

rend as follows:

"2. That in case of dcuth, rmsigrrntion, or removal of any of said trustee, vncnndes i,hall be tilled by the surviving

. . .1 I • •c1 d b I ,. Vacancies how or remnmrng trustees, 1111u ot 1erw1so pron e y nw. fillcJ. •

[Approved Januur)' 29, 1879.J


Tho foregoing net tnkes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its pas:1ago.


AN .ACT to amend nnd re-enact section seven of chapter

one hundrod and thirty-one of tho .Acts of one thousand

,., r,


eight hundred and sixty-six. entitled "An act to incor­porate the Covington and Ohio railroad company, pas­sed March first, one thousand eight hundred and sixty­six."

[Passed January 31, 1879.)

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia: 1. That section seven of chapter one hundred and thirty­

Section 7 chap- o_ne, of _the Acts of on� thousand eight hui:idred and sixtr­ter 131 acts 1S66 six, entitled "An act to rncorporate the Covrngton and Ot.10 amended, railroad company, be and the same is hereby amended and

re-enacted so as to read as follows : Rate of charges "7. The rate of charges by said company for passengers �o;

dPr'.:°':f0ift"':!�Land freight transported on the main line and branches of

to excee� other said rai I road Rh all never exceed the highest allowed by law N�lr�'\�;;,01na- to other railroad!! in the state, and no discrimination shall 11°0 ?snh,.1con- be made in such charges against any connecting railroad or ntctrng• roacJ.,i or canals. canal company chartered by the state,'.'

LApproved January 31, 18i9.)


The foregoing act takes effect from its passage, two­thirds of the members elected to each house, by a vote taken by yeas and nays, having so directed.


AN ACT to amend and re-enact an act passed February twenty-eighth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy­seven, entitled ,-, An act to amend and re-enact the sixty­seventh flection oftho act approved Decembe1; tweutieth, one thousand eight hundred and tieventy-five, entitled 'An act to amend and re-enact tho twenty-ninth chap­ter of the Code, conco1ning the assessment ot taxos.'"

[PllSHCd Fcbr!lary 4, 1879.]

Be it enacted by the Legislaturo of Wost Virginia :

1. That chapter one hundred and nine of the Acts of ChApteT tM aci. tbe Legislature of ·wost Virginia of one tbousanr\ eight 1s1� amended. hundred and seventy-seven be amended and re-enacted so

as to road as follows :


"67. The president, secretary, or principal accounting officer of every rnilroad company, whether deriving its corporate powers exclusively from the state or not, shall li�t for taxntion. at its true valne in money, verified by th th ffi · . f h ffi J' , JI I Railroad comp1-e oa or a rmat 1011 o t c o ccrs so 1st.1 ng, a t 1e nies; how assess-property, money. credits and investments of such com- edfor taxnlioo. pany,"of whatsoever kind wholly held or used in this state, and also the propo1·tional value of all locomotives and rolling stock passed in and out of this state on railroads crossin!{ th<.> lines thereof, to be ascertained by the propor-tion which the number of miles run within this state by suc:h locomotives and other rolling sto•·k may bear to the whole number of mil"s run by such locomotives and other rol Ii ng stock over the road bP-lon_gi ng to such company or any connec-ting lines; the proportional value of all such locomotives and uthcr rolling stock so asccrtai ned to· bo assessed as the property of the company owning and using the same, whether it be run upon its own or any other raili·oad within this Rtate. 'l'he proportional value of all loc:omotives and other rolling stock, and tho value of all Proporti�n•tP; other per,,onal and movable property, money, credits and ;,�u: .. i�:.r;���:f investments, shall be added to the stationary and fixed to fixed prop,,r­property and 1·eal estate, and shall be apportioned by suc:h :1�n�i"'a ,;;�a:C· officer to each county through which the road pusses in thecouoLies. proportion to the fixed property and est.ate belonging to the company in such c:ounty; and all the property so listed shall be subject to and pay the same taxes ns otberSubjectto same

I. ct · t t p ·d l Tl h d taxes ,.. other l)l'Opert.v 1ste In snc 1 conn y. rovi ec, mt t e ron · property. bed, _bridges, �11n11cls, depots, stations, m�chine shop", Proviso ••


mach1nc1·v, freight hou:<es, stock yards, rolling stock and ro,d brd, tuo• all othe1· ·necessary appendages and struc·tnres connected oei., bridses,ce. und u;;cd therewith, tog-ether with nil the real 0state which the company is nllowe'ct by law to hold, shnll be listed u,. aloresuid, or n><s<.>1<sccl b}' the bonrd of commissioners as horeinafter provided, at


their nctunl value in money, with-out reference to tho amount expended in the const.rnction or purchase thcl'cof. 8aid oflkor shall. 011 or before tho .

h fi .1 f ,� b • I k I fi I . I Lt•t, etc.; w cu rHt u:ty o •e 1·11111-y 111 mH· I yt'III'. 111:l ·c out nnc e Wit 1 nn<l with whom

t.hc unditor suc,h list and pro rntr, \'alu:ltion elf tho real nnd t1tcd. personal property, and mono.,·. c:n•dits u11d inve><tments of sncb companr. ,·orificd as :dorN•nitl. The 1111ditot· ,;hall nuty •r nud:•or lay said li,,;t · and valuation he fore the boa I'd of public �•:,;{�1;:/��


works as soon ns po,:i;,i hie niter the ti Ii llf{ thereof, nn�I it furnished. tho snme be deemed i,atisfactol'.)', tho Kaid board shall di-roc:t tho a ndi tor to nss0ss tho propet·ty of sm:h COlll pany ��"1f,!;•ruc,o_r�·; for state and gonornl free ,.,c:hool and co1111ty purposes and property; ifnol j f h I · I t . • · • · I · d s.1tt,fac1ory or rec sc: oo purposes ,n cac I conn •Y· u1str1ct 1111( 1n e- boon! tonppoinL pendent school di,;triet thronuh which said raih·oaci runi,, commis,ioocn

. RH hcrci naftor p1·ovidcd, upo1t tho valuation of its property to ns:ioso. nR contained in Raid li,,;t, and tho auditor shall assess tho anme acco1·di11gly; but if the said list and valuation be not satiRfac:tory to the hoard, or if 1mch railroad company fail t.o file tho list and valuation heroin roq uired, tho said


?t��eri;;;,��':;"ch board shall, ns soon nt'l poi.siblc after the said first day of rong..,...,ionn1 February, appoint a boat'd of commissioners consisting of 1ll•tric1 but no d" I · 11· f b

' � co;nmis�

ioner to one 1screet, anc 111te 1gent ree older from each congres-he nppoint� sional district of the stute, to assess the property of said who r�s,des ln a I . f . ronnty thron�h company as 1creina ter required; but no person shall be ,.-hichnr.ailroad appointed as such commissioner who resides in a county run.. h I h. b · 1 d t rong 1 w tc a rai roa runs. nuty of _such It sbnll be tho duty of Lhe snid commissioners, as soon as romm,so,oners. they arc informed of their appointment, to convene at some

convenient point on the line of railroads to be assessed, and to exami oe, as -fat· ns pract.icable, all the taxable pro­perty of such rnilrnacl company bereinbefore mentioned within each of tho counties of this state, and to assess the

S fair valuo thereof in money for the purJ)Ose of taxation, tatemenL to bo • • I . furnished rom· upon the prmc1 p es he rem before stated. If a statement of mi.,ioners. of the property of such company has beon filed as herein

required a copy thereof shall be delivered to said commis-11ioners by the audito1· to enable them to discharge their dut-ics; but if no sucl, statement has becu filed, the said commis_sioners shall asse11s tho value of such property with-

A....,,,_.ruen< in such county of this 1:1tatc upon the principles aforesaid,

mnde by com- from the best information they can obtain. Tho asRdSS­�:�;��r:01.:'u�� mcnt so mnde by the said commissionet·s shall be returned itor. by them to the auditor on 01· before the first day of July �i•ion final.

11urceeding their appointment, and their decision shall be firial. In case list and valuation of the property filed with the audito1· as bo satisfactory to the board of public works, nod in cases where an assessment of the property of such company is made and returned by the

Dut.y o( auditor beard of commissioners as aforesaid the auditor shall im-to rcrlify to . . ' rounty rourl .,.. med,atcly certify to the county court of each county or •essmeot 01 other tribunal in lieu thereof for police and fiscal atfa1rs property. ' .. ,

throuf!:h which 1:1uch railroad runs, the value of the pro-perty therein of every such c:ompany, m:1 valued or ass�1:1scd

0 r as aforesaid, and it shall be tho duty of such court to ap-u t v o <ourl to . h I b I 1 d · · d · d apportion vain- portion sue va ue etween t lO seven\ tslrtcts an tn e-•�i,m hct,..een pendent school dist1·icts in their county through which dustr1cta.

. . such road runs, as noar ns may be, according to the value

thereof in each ot said districts. lt shall be the duty of tho clerk of tho connty court of every county, or the clerk f'lork county .b I bl. I d " 1· d fi I fl" . . cour< to certify of any tn una esta 1s le ,or po 1cc an sea a airs in

-��.•��'�1t1�rcoun-Iieu thereof, through which such railrnad 1:uns,_within t_o_n 1y 1c,·y, etc. days after tho county levy of such county 11; lm<l, to certify

to the auditor, the apportionment mado by tho county court or tribunal created in lion thereof as nforcsaid, tho

Sccrc-tary of amount levied upon oach one hundred dollars value of ���:�0°1er�/r:�,: tho property therein for county purposes. It shall 1�lso be notlitor lhc 1c,·y tho duty ot the sc<:r<'tnry of the board of education of !,':�r�:,, ���.001 every such district, county, and i n?cpe?dent ac�ool district

within thirty duys alter a levy 1s Intel therorn for free Within thirty f h d" h 1 · d tlaya. school purposes, to corti y to t o au nor t e amount ev1O for 1:1ucb purpose upon each ono hundred dollars value of the property therein, and any officer violating tho provis-


ions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a m isde-meanor and ti ncd not lcsf! than one bu ndred, nor more Penalty for ran-than five hundred dollars. And in case of tbc failure ofuro to cerU:y. the secreta1-y of tho board of education in any di,,trict, and the clerk of the county court or tribunal created in Amlitor may lieu the1·cof to return to the auditor, on or before the first i':!��?0/r�� 01 day of December in each and every year. such certific·ate co_uuty and dis-

I I ,. . · . · . tract purposes as to t 1e evy a1oresaid, then thP, auditor tnll,Y obtam the !rom ... , ... ,or"• rat� of taxation for county and district purposes from the ��k•rn 111• 01· copies of the assessor's books on file in his office. Aud it Ta:<cs 10 be shall be tho duty of the auditor to charge every railroad ft��r;g%:Y ;��� company assessed under the provisions of th is section, in a t��!'°.es •nd book to be kept by him for that purpose. as follow1:1: . 1st. \\'ith the whole amount of taxes upon its property, m each year. for 8tate and general free school purposes.

2d. ·with amount payable to each county through which such road runs for county purpose,, aforesaid.

3d. ·with tbe amount payable to each district and inde­pendent school distri0t through which such road runs, for free school purposes.

The auditor shall, on ot· before the tenth day of Decem- When a)1dlior b · b k d • b .1 h to tr:insmll er 1n cac year, m11 ·e out an transmit, y mm or ot er- st:itcmcnt of wise, a statement of all taxes and levies so charged to tho ta:<es charged. president, secretary or principal accounting officer of such T<? whom trans-

A d • .1 d • . dru11ted. company. n 111 case any ra1 rou company 1s aggrieve company ng-by the assessment of its p1·operl:r or any error shall grte,·_crl mny file

• • ·. ' JJCllUOn for cor-a ppea r to have been made ID making the nssessrneot, the rcction with company may file its petition before the board of public��:�. 01 public works, nt any timo before the tenth day of January, ask-ing for a correction of the· same· and the said board sbal-l Power or board

h . 'h ] . f h or public works avo power to correct errors in t e va uat10n o t e prop- tocorrocterrora. erty of any such company. In case it be claimed by the company that any error has been made, either by tbe clerk of tho county court or the secretaries of tho boards of education. in certifying- the rate of their levies 01· the apportionment!:! of the value ol tho property to the dis-tricts, the auditor mny, if it bo shown by II eorrcc:ted cer- !�:��'c�';?.: In

tificuto of tho cle1·k of tho eounty court, or of the sccret1lry certain cnses.

of the board of educ11tio11, n,-; the case mny be, or cortified order of the county court m:. kin� a correct apportionment, that error hail been committod, correct the snid error. Time within Provided, The appl i<"nt ion be mado for such correction at a;1y ;��•!0�0/�'.g��';'.;: ti me before J :rnuary tenth. in each year. .And it shall be tion must be tho duty of such company HO asses:=<ed and charged, to pay WlldC. tho whole amount of such tn.xes and levies upon its prop-erty into the treasury of the state, by tho twcr,t_ieth day ��h�,�/axes to of January next niter the assessment thereof, subject to a ocSuc,ioo: deduction of two and a hnlf per cent-um. upon the whole when made. sum, if tho snme bo paid on or before that dny. If any Ruch r,ompuny foil to pay such taxci- and levies by tho said When 8enalty twentieth day of January, tho auditor t1hn-ll n.dd ten per 10 bo acdcd. centum to the amount thel'eof, to pny the expenses of col-lecting the same, and shall certify to the sheriff of each


When a_udltor county the amount of such taxes and levies assessed within to certify un- h" d . h II b I . f paid ta:i.cs t.o 18 county; au 1t s a e t 10 duty o every such shenff i:,-,rill\ h ·tr

to collect and account, for such taxes and levies in the same uty O • on manner as other tnxes aud fevies are collected and accounted l>tot tct 1.,:s:•• for by him. And when the district and iudependunt school and le,lcs; how district taxes and levies are collected by him, be shall accounted for. immediately pay the same to the treasurer of the proper

distri<:t. Provided, The anthorit,ics of any county shall Compromlso of not be allowed Lo compromise or remit any portion of said tAxes br county ·fi d t I l ·tt• \UI I d prohibited. taxes so certt e o t 10 s 10n . ·• 1cn sue 1 taxes an

levies are paid into the treasury as herein provided, When taxe1• the auditor shall account to the sheriff of each of the paldintot,e . • • 1_ "d · f" I • stn101rea.,urr counties to wn,cu ar.y 1:1utn so pa, 111 or county cvies ""11temeat 1·1 bo bt:lon"s for the amount dne such countv and ma)' arr·tn"e m:tde by :lu,l�tor ::, · . • . . . ., , , , � with sheriff. the same with such sheriff 10 bis 1,ettlement tor tho state

taxes in such a way as may be most convenient; and the Sheriff to nc- sheriff shall account to the county court ot bis county, or count to rounty any tribunal established for police and fiscal affairs in lieu court lor I t· f ti . d b I . . I ,unouotrecelv'd t 1ereo , or 10 amount so receive y Hm, 111 t 1e same

manner as for other ·eonnty levies. Tho amount so paid Amoontpatd in fo1· each district and independent school district shall be �'::".!� h

h'::'�P,'i'[;_ added to the share of the school fnnd payable

po•cd of and to snch district, and paid upon the requisition of tho paid. county superintendent of free schools, in like manner :u1

d. other school monl'ys are paid. The auditor s\:iall certify Au 1tor tt1 cer- a • • • •

tifr to county to the court_y court, or any tnbunal estabh,;hed for police ��:.::�bf:.nt 10 and fis<:al affairs in lieu thereof, of e,er_y snch county, on when.

' or betore the• firist day of February in each year, the amount with which t.he sheriff thereof is cbar�eable on ac­count of the levy upon the property of suc·h compnny.

Al"° to count�· He shall also certify to the county snperintendent, of free superinten•lcnts schools the amount of such levies due to e•tC·h distriet nnd nmoun• )e"y • ' . . • . ' "

. ctueeachdistrlctindepcndcnt school d1stnct rn Ills county. But the t:11lu1·e Failure or clerk of the clerks of the county courts or tribunals established or county court in lien thereof, or the secret:nies ot the boards of educa-or secrNnrv of . . { h 1. I I . . bnar<l of �uca- t10n, to certt y to t e an< 1tor t ,o ev1es, or appo1·t1onment, ��;\�0

1�.','.\[: within tbe time herein required, shall not invnlidate oi· pre­datussessmont. vent the assessment required by this section; but tho audi-

tor shall make the asBessment aud proceed to collect or ce1·tify the same' to tho sheriff as soon as practicable after he shall obtain the information necessary to make such

Right of ,L,ic assessment. 'l'he right of tho Rtnto or any eonnty or dis­to enforce by trict to enforce by suit or oLhorwise, the colkction of taxes ,uitcollectlou nf . I J · I · I J taxes beret nfuro or levws heretofore assesse(, 01· t 10 rig it to wine 1 .1as ,..,,_,-=-d not im-herotoforo accnted, i;hall not in a11y manner be effected or paired. . . d b I . . I . I . d 'J'l 1m1>:11re y anyt nngrn t 11s c inpter contatno . . )O taxes

_ and lovics so as8esscd upon the said p1·operty of 1111y suc;h :::r:i.i, �1�F railroad company fot·any year, shall, when paid, bo in full .,, "t,., in full sM.- of all taxes a.nd levies of every sort and de::!cripLion which Jafactiou. . h b I . t t f L • f ti . 1111� t e assessec upon I s pi-ope,· -y or sncu yearR, 1 11s No other ru-sc3S- section bad not been pnRRocl ; and no other asses1<ment shall mcmtobenrnde be mnde in any year upon the property of such company

than i11 �eretofore provided for in this section, exc:ept that


all buildings and real estate owned by such company and Excepubo�,aa1d_ to d · d f

. d. l

certaui .., use or occup1c or any purpose not 1mme iate y connect-Ing,. ed with its railroad, or which is 1·ented for any purpose to individuals, shall be assessed with and taxef; i,hall be paid thereon tbe same as other vroperty of tho like kind be-longinK to an individual. Each ot the said commissioners shall be paid out of the treasury of the state three dollars pe1· day for each day he shall be actually and necessarily ����:.i����n­employed in the chscharge of his duties under thissection,•••; howpaid.

and fh:e cent,; pe1· mile for each mile necessarily trnveled by �iru in going to and returning in the disch:u·go of his duties.

V acancics in Lhe boa1·d of commissioners shall be filled Vncaucies in . . board of com-and new boards may be appointed from time to time by missioners;

the board of public works, when necessary to cany into ho" filled.

effect, the provisions of this section. [Appro,·ed February 6, 18i9.J


Tho foregoing act takes effect from its passage, two­thirds of the members elected to each house, by a vote taken by yeas and nays, having so directed.


" AN ACT to amend and re-enact the twelfth section of chapter one hundred and ninety-four, of the Acts of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two and three, and to rcpcul an act entitled •An act to amend and re-enact sect,ion twelve of the net approved December twenty­second, one thousand eight humh·ed und savunty-tbree, entitled an act to provide foroponing nnd keeping in re­pair the county ronds,' ·• approved Mnrch first, ono thou­sund eight h11 nd1·od and sevonty-1:1even.

[l'aliSC<I February IG, 18i9.J

Bo it ono.cted by the Logit1laturo of West Virgi niu: 1. That, Rection twelve of the act entitled "An act to !;cction 12, act

. 1 f . d I . . . ti t rassro D<><:. 22 prov1c o or oponi ng an rnep1 ng Ill rcp,._11· 10 conn y 1s;3, aruoude4.' roads," approved December twenty-second, one thousand oight hnncll'od and seventy-three, be amondod and re-en-act.:id so as to read as follows :

"12. Every ablo l.,odied male person not under twenty-one Who Hable 10 nor ovor fift.y years of age, rosidiJ.Jg in any road precinct work on roada.


Notice. and is not a pauper; having hnd at lenst three dnys' notice Tlmeforwork. idrnll between the first day of April and the first day ot

November in each year, attend in person 01· by a sufficient Mustattend substitute,·with ])l'Oper tools, and work on the county with tools. roads in such precinct under tLe direction of the surveyor

thereof, at such places and on such days dllriug the said Work two days. period as the said surveyor may appoint, at le:18t two days Dut.v of county if that number be necessary. And ;,he county court of court.. overy county in which the said two days work shall be in-Where two sufficient to O))On construct and keep in good re1)air the dnvs' work in- . ' sufficient. roads and bridges thereof, shall prescribe by an order of

the court the manner in which the same shall be done aftel' expending thereon the two days work aforesaid, whether entirely by a tax on property or entirely by labo1· or part-

T 1 00 ly by labor and pat·tly by tax, rind it shall prescribe, pro­

b�Ui�r I r or vide for and lay a sufficient am,rnnt ot tax or labor or

both, as the case may be, to open, construct, and keep in good repnir the roads aud bridges in their county dut·ing each year. Every person required by the county court under tho provisions of this section to work on roads shall

!,��uonal I•• perform such additional number of days work thereon as may be required by such order."

Act 1873 re­pealed.

2. The act to amend and re-enact section twelve of the act appl'Oved Dec·ember twenty-second, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, entitled "An net to provide for opening and keeping in repair the county roadt;," ap­proved March first, one thousand eight hundred and sevnty-seven is hereby repealed. '(Approved February 19, 18i9.)


The foregoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.


AN ACT to amend and re-enact sections two and three of chapter one hundred and fourteen of the Acts of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, entitled "An act amending certain sections of chapter forty-two of the Code of West Virginia, for taking lands for public purposes without the owner's consent."

[Passed February 17, 1870.J

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia :

SecUonsamen- 1. Scclions two and three of an act, entitled" An act dcd. amending. certain sections. of chapter forty-two of the


Code of West Virginia, for taking land!'! for public pur­poses without the owner's consent, approved December twenty-ninth, one thousand eight hund1·cd and seventy­five," is amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows :


"2. The public uee for which such private property Purposes ror may be taken shall be for tbe pm·poses of internal im- which private

. f l . t· d 1 bl. property muy provements; or t 10 construction o roa s, can a s, pu 1c be takeo. streets and alleys; for incorpornted companies of which the state is Role or pa1·t owne1·; for court houses and other public buildings, and tor lands necessary for tbe use and enjoyment of tho said public buildings, and for the use of cemetery bSSoc:iatious and publ ic b111-ying grounds. Pro-

vided, That the land thus condemned for cemetery asso-ciations nod public bu1·ying grounds does not lie within four hundred yards of any d,'"elling house; and for the use of companies incorporated for tbe purpose of trans-porting oil or other fluids by lines ot tubing or piping or otherwise; and for telegraph or telephone companies; for school houses and all other pul,lic i nstitut1ons incorpo-rated by law. And if such prinlte property be t-akcn byutaken by an

an" inco1·1)orntcd com1mny other than a company incor- incorporoted J . . • • • company other porated for public purposes 10 wb1cb tbc state ts owner ot !h•o a_ compaoy

the property, tbe same shall not be taken or damaged l!' 0";.b��� •tate

until just compensation shall have been pnid to tbe owners Compen�t\od

n . . I h b must be pat or or se<.:n red, to be piud to sue 1 manner ns t e court efore secured to Ii•

whom tbe proceedings mav be hnd shall deem satisfactory. paid . 1'he com pensaLion to Lite owner ,:;hall be nsecrtui oed i o the ��:��;:1


mode pre1;cribed by lnw, nnLI if condemnation be for tem-F . . or temporary porary purpo�es the damages shall lll like manner be nscer- purpo•es, dnm-

tained ior tbe time desired in tbe same manner as for per-;��'.orumede­manent purposes.

'. " I • I . I l t b l f 11 .A pplica tton tor · .:,. n any C'nse 1n w 11c 1 rea es ate may o nw u y cuodeinn,tion

taken ·11JJllic•1Lion bv petition may be made to the circuit 0f real estate ' , " " - . . µroposed 10 be court or county court of the cou11ty 111 which such real 1,1:eo; bow and

estate is situated to nppoi nl eom m j,.:,,ioners to ascertain a where wade.

just compensation to the owner of the estate propm!cd to be taken, and if n lrnct of l nnd lie partly in one county Where land Ile,

d I · l I 1 · · ,. · d · partly In ono an part y tn anot rn1·, L 1e app 1cnt1on as n,01·esnt tn re- county nnd

lntion thereto mny be made in either county; and when partly 1n11notb­lnnd 1s to be tnken fo1· public buildings to erncted by er.

tbe stnte, or to be tnken fo1· the u.-e or ncces .. ary enjoyment of any building erected hy tho state for u ny of its i nsti tu- . · l · " I 11 · · · · d Cownu&Slonen t10ns, t 10 c1rcu1t court i< 1a appoint com1111f's1oncrs rest - to be appointed ing i

dn son

b1e co

1nnt1 o�her tl

d1n11 tha

1 t i�1

Jwhich_ tho land 1


1-1 ��':.u�


pose to e ta ,en ts s1tn11te ; nnc 1-<a1r appointment s 1a that in which be made in accordance with the provil:lions of this chap-!���:•1:_ 10 be tcr."

2. All nets and parts of acts inconsistent with are repealed.

a. This act shall take effect from its passage. [ApproYed February 20, 1879.]

tbis act Repealing aec-Uou.



Sixth judicial circult. Times for the court� in Lewis county.



'.J.'he foregoing act takes effect from its passage, two­thirds of the members elected to each house, by a vote taken by yeas and nays, having so directed.


AN ACT changing and fixing the time for holding the

circuit courts in the sixth judicial circuit.

[Pasaed February 18, 1879. 1

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

1. That the circuit courts for the several counties of the sixth judicial circuit shall hereafter commence and be beld as follows : For the county of Lewis, on the twentieth day of .F'ebruary and the the twentieth day of August; for

Gilmer county. the county of Gilmer , on the eleventh day of l\foreh and on the t),•enticth day of September; for the county of

Preston county. Preston, on the twenty-second day of .Mareh and the Tucker coanty. third day ot O..:tober; for the county of Tucker, on the

tenth day of April and the twenty-first day of October; Barbonr county for the county of Bar bour, on the twentieth day of April,

and the second day of November; fort.he county of Ran­Rand01Ph co. dolph, on the eleventh day of May, and on the tweuty­Webstercountythird day of November; for the county of \Vebster, 011 the

teuth day of June and the sixth day of September; and Upshur county. for the county of U psbur, on the twenty-fifth day of

l\'J ay and Lhe fift,h day of December.

Act appro,:ed 2. That tho act approved J amtary t"'enty-ni ne, one ,Tau. 29, 18,9,re- th d . h l d d d · · I d "A penled. ou!lan e1g t 1un re au seventy-nme, ent1t e n act changing and fixing the time fo1· holding tbe circuit, courts in the sixth judicial circuit," be and the same is hereby repealed.

Commencement 3. This act shall be in force from and after its pnssage.


The foregoi0

ng act takes effect from its passage, two-thirds of tbs members elected t.o each house, by a vote taken by yeas and nays, having so directed.



Al.� ACT making an approprrn.tion for the further con­struction of the West Virginia Hospital for the Insane, at Weston.

[Passed Febrwu-y 20, 18i9.]

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:


1. That the sum of ninety-five thousand dollars be and A�ount appro­thc same_is hereby appropriated out of any money in the prrnted. treasury llOt othcnvise appropriated, for the furtller con- For construc­struction of the Ho:,pital for tho Insane, at \Veston, and tion of Ho•pital

the auditor is he1·eby directed to issue hii;i warrau·t on �;.Jri�;o

t�wue the trnasurer for forty-five thousand dollars in the year warrant. one thousand eight lllrndred and seventy-nine, and for tho further i;ium of fifty thousand dollars in the yea1· one thousand eight hundred and eighty, for the purposes of ili��� . .

2. Should there be n deficit in the revenue, so that the appropriation herein made cannot l,e paid as required, it shall l,e lawful for tbe anditor to borrow of the school Auditormay flrnd that may at tbe time be unin_v�sted such s�un as may !�i::�;'i�.�t be nec:e�i-ary to i<upply tbe deficit; and wit.bout any specific appropriation therefor, he shall pay to the i::chOL•l fond interest, at six per cent per :111num, on any sum be. may so l,01·1·ow. He shall also in like manner pay out of any moneys which may not be otherwi,;e appropriated, l\fny pny Inter­the whole, or from time to time any part., oi' t_be sum l_rn may �����r���;.��ay so borrow ns he may deem proper and conSt<,tent with the wi1ho11t appro­pu blie in te1·est. };;:_<ion thcre-

B. The board of di1·cctors of the West Virginia Hospit-al out.; or Boa.rd for the lnRnne, shall, without delny, c:anse to be erected the or Directors. north wing of i,::iid hm,pital according lo the originnl de-sign, pre!<ervi11g tho lia1·mu11,r and proportions of the building in nil 1·espL•l'l.ll, and for that purpu"e they Rlrnll draw up, or cause to bo drawn up, plans_ and �pec:il:kati�nsTodrawplans of the work netes1>111·y to complete Alltd Wlllg, 1:!11ow111g and specitica­minutely and fully c,·crytbi11g neec .. ;;ary to be <lone. They lions. shall give notice by pu blic:ation in such newi;pa pers pu l,. Notice by pub­lished i II th is state as they may deem proper, and in not licntion in new ..

bl. h . I .. I f I . I h pupers. more than three pu 1s cc out:,1c e u t 11s state, t iat t ey, thrnugh their Hecretary, ,�ill receive Reale� propos_als f�r Propos.'tla to be

tbe construction of the wrng of the hospital as nfore&n1d recei,-e.i. until the hour fixed for tl.i�, opening of snch proposals. 'l'he tirr.e of opening suc

1·h }


bsl.shall no

ft b

1o soo�er ;�������n!ng

th·m thirty days after t 1e rst pu 1cat10n o t 10 notice . "d All' I I h II b " . d b Proposals w be a.oresu1 . sue 1 proposa s s a e accom p .. me y a accompnuled

good and sufficient bond and security, conditioned accord- by boud.


ing to law, for the faithful performance of the conditions Prope>!als to be of the contract bid· for. Upon the opening of the pro­ooeued In puh- posnls. which shnll be publicly done, the board ot directors tniract to be shall awnrd the contrnct for the construction ot the build­awar�ed 10 low- ing aforesaid to the lowest and best bidder -w�� Seporn, 10

1 pro- The snid bonrd of directors shall receive separate })l'O-

\>O�'\ ! or con-mucllon or posals for the construction of the stone work, for the car­etonc work car- t ·k fc th b·· k I " h 1 .· ·k pentcr work,etr. pen er Wot , or e 11c wor ;:, ,or t e p aste11ng wot ,

for the roofing work and tor the glazing work, and shall !lward the contract or as to promote the best rnterests of the state; but said boa1·d ot directors may re-

��n';�� ject any or all proposals, and proceed to re-let the contract aalll. as herein provided for.

(ApproTed February 26, 18i9.J


The foregoing act takes effect from its passage, two­thirds of the members elected to each house, by a vote taken by yeas and nays, having so directed.


AN ACT fixing the times of holding the county court. in the county of Taylor.

[Passed February 27, 1879.J

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia: Count:r court of 1. That the commencement ol the terms of the county Taylor county. court in the county of Taylor, shnll hereafter be ns follows: When held. ' On the third Monday in January, :M.arcb, May, July,

August and November. 2. Until otherwise ordered by the said ·county court ot

Trial Terms. Taylor county, the snid Junuary, Mny, July and Novem­ber terms thereof' for said county, shall be held for the trial of causes and for tbe transaction of all other businesl! within the genernl juriRdiction of the court, exc:ept an as­sessmeot or levf upon the property of the county. And the said .March and Augu5t terms Rhall be limited to mat-Police and f!ICRI d · th ti ) ' d fi J ff' · f th term.s. ters connect.e w1 · 10 po ice an sea a airs o e county.

(Appro•ed February 28, 1879.J


The foregoing net takeR effect from its passage, two• thirds of the members elected to each house, by a vote taken by yea£- and nays, having so directed.



AN ACT concerning liens upon real estate and personal property of corporations in favor of laborers, workmen and others in their employ.

[Passed February 28, 18i9.]

Bo it enacted by tho Legislature of \Vest Virginia: 1. Every workman, laborer, or other person who shall Workmen, !a­

do 01' 1, .. rform :tll)' work or labor b)' ,·irtue of any con- loorcr,-vr """'" .... • - - , • dorn;.: work for

tract, for any incorporated company doinrr business in this iueurpor:11,,1 b II I I. I I f 01 I I b "°'"I''"'' •hall state, s a iave a ten Jor t 1e va uc o sue 1 wor, or a or hnvc 1;c·u.

upon all the real estate and personal property of said com-pany, ,ind such lien shall �1ave priority over any lien Lien toh,,·c ui-created by deed or otherwise on such real estate or per. ority. 1

sonal property, subsequent, to tho time when the said labor wm; performed, but there shall be uo priority of lien as between the parties cl:dming under the provif;ions of this se<·tion. Provided, 'l'hat 110 lien shall bo created u ndcr Prov,..,. this act for labor pel'fomicd more than nine months before suc:11 lieu was recorded.

2 Such lien sbnll oc discharcrcd unless tho JJcrson do- To pr�scn-� lit•n • . • • • e", '· • parry rnu!'lt file

AJl'lll� to :wail hrn1sclf thereof, w1tlnn thirty days from the withiu 1hirty · J J J I I' I · t d ,lnvs an '""""" tune 10 cenRcB to wor ( or a )Or ,or sue 1 111co1·pora e com. or 'tho 111oney

pany, sl_inll fil_c with tho clerk ol tho county court of tl_1c ,\:',�c';�n/;'1.,.1_ county m which 1mch wo1·k or labor wa;, performed, or 10

which tho principal oltice, works, real estate or pc1·sonal propc1·ty of such incorporated comp:w_y is situated,_a just wh,rmusll•• and true account of the amount duo l11m after allowmg all st,11c<1 in :1c-c1.

crndi t,;1; which account shall be suhsc·ri bod and sworn to by �-��•i:i•�t "0

tho person claiming the lien, or by somo 0110 in his bcha!J.

. 3. Tho clerk ot the ('011 n ty (:0111•1,,. to whom �uch. a?CO�lllt �l:;�� �: ;;�:::r JR presented, shall record tho same Ill the mcchn111c s hen nccv11n1. In ""� record, Jor which Ron·ico he Rh all 1·0<-ch·o fifty t·o11ts, to be��;.:.'? lien paid by the person dairni11g tho lion.

4 A I · (' I · f I · Lien, how en-. ny person iav111g n wn >.r v11·tuo o t 11� n<-t, may fore<.-<l.

enforce the snmo by filing a l,tll in any court huYingcquity ju1·isdiction within tho <-ou111.y whc1·0 ,rneh acconnt ,;hall Oth�r p:1rti,•• hnvo hocn rocordod He sh ·d I m·1kc al I other (JCl'ilOllS hnv- h:in"i; l,kc Hone

• ' ' 10 lie matlo par• incr like lions thoroon pnrt.ic8; and any other per11011 ac- tics 10 th,•so11t.

� · (' I · j I· b · I I Othcr,:«,111ir• q111r1ng n 1011 ))' virtue o L 11s act. clore n l ocrco s rnll i11i;11 lien 1 1rny have been J>rono1111ccd in said suit. mu,· at his request be 1•: 111"lc partic,

. · ·' ' . . . ' . Jcfcatl.1ut. made n party dofcudunt thero111, and rccc1vo lus cl:um 111

tbe same mnunor 11s if be had been made a defendant at the commoncemont of tho suit; and should tho party b · · •( · f f' · 1 bl" ,. If pnrty br111s­l'lllg'lllg "10 i:;mt, rom any cause, n1 to cstu 1su iu,: sui, rail tv

his claim tho suit for that en use shall not bo dismi!-<ROd cotauli�h 1ti. • ' ' , J da1111, ll 111ayhc

bnt 1t may bo prosocntocl by any ot.he1· pnrty thereto proS<'cntc,L hy

h · h l' · th . "f · h d b nny ollu·r 1•·1r1,· a.VJllg' SUC 1011, lll O S!llllO lllllUJJOr U� l Jt fi eon haviui;•uc i'licu

18 RELIEr oF SA:\rntL l3ANE. [CH. 13

When lic_n <lis• commenced by him unless the suit to enforce such lien is chnrgcd ,r sull . . ' 1101 cu111mcncc<1. msl1t.utcd wit.hill six months after the person desiring. to

avail himself thereof shall b1we filed his account as herein­before provided, such lien �bnll be discharged. But a suit

S111t.com111cncetl instituted by any such person lrnving such lien, shall to1· ��c�':�t�::�r.t the puq�ose ot preserving tho same, inure to the benefit of o_r :ill hni11i; all other persons having a like lien on the property of hens. such company. Tfllcn cstnb- 5. If the lion is establifihecl in favor of any of the crecl-�'.:\•;�\;i;;'i� 10 itors whose claims are J)l'escntccl in such suit, the court t•rot>erty. sh:ill order a sale of the property on which the lion is es-

t.nblished, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to satisfy such claim or claims. in like manner as in other suit.a in chancery.

6. When a debt secured by such lien iR fully paid at any �1�';t1i11:),1�t'.; time after !mch crcdi tor shall havc filed his account, as disclrn;<tc or hcrei n before provided, F.-nch ereditor shall ea use the clerk •ud, hen. to enter a discharge of such lien in tho margin of the book

in which such account is recorded, and immedi:it.ely op­})Osite thereto, or shall execute a release thereof, which may be recorded in the book in which such account is re• corded.

.A pproprinlion to 1,ay Snmuel Bane.

For wl,nt.'

[Appro.-ed Mnrch 3, 1Si9-l


The forcgoi ng act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.


AN ACT for the paymeul; of Samuel Bane for expenses incurred in-apprehending "\Villimn Leffingwell, a horse thief.

[P:t!!Recl Februnry 28, JSW.]

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia: 1. That tl�c sum of sixt.y-ninc dollar11 is hereby app1_-o­

priated out of aoy money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, tor t!10 p:iyrncnt i!1 full _of_ Samuel, Banc lo1· expenses incurred m apprehem.lrng. W ii ham Lefhngwell, n horse tbicf. ·

'l'he auditor is hereby directed to draw his warrant on Auclitor to 1my. the treasurer for the a1110u11t hereby appropriated tor said

purpoRe. (Approved lllarcb 3, 1879.J



Tho foregoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.


AN ACT to amend and re-enact section seventy-three, of chapter one hundred and twenty-three, of the Acts of one thousand eight hundred and sc,enty-two and three.

(Passed February 2S, 1879.)

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia :


1. Th:tt sectiou seventy-three of chapter one hundrc;d and 8

b f d . b h d d cct,on 73 chnp-twen ty-t ree o the Acts of one thousan erg t un re t<•r 123 �c1s

sevt>nty-two and three, be and is hereby amended and re- 1872-3nmcmlcd.

enacted, so as to read as follows : "73. All such sn ms as have accrued, or shall hereafter ac- Thcochoolfund;

cruc to this state from the several sources enumerated in how cn•n1 ... 1 tlrn fourth section of' the twelfth article of the Constitu- :i,:�J��':ic;;','.��­tion, shall be set ap:irt as a sepnrate fund to be called "the school fund," and it shall be the duty of the auditor to as- Duty or nu,litor cer·tain from time to time what- sums have so accrued, or'"' 10 such fund. may hereafter accrue, and to pass the same to the credit of of said fund, and it shall be the duty of the board of the sehool fund from time to time to invest the same in the interest bearing securities of the United States or of this state, or other,�ise as proYided for in said fourth section of tho twelfth article of the Constit.ution."

[Appro,•cd J\lnrch 3, 1879.)

[NOTE RY Tim C1.1rnK o�· THE Hmrs�: 01' nr-:r,lsGATF-�.]

The foregoing act t.nkes offoct at the expiration of ninety dnys after its passage.


AN AC1' to :mthorizo the audit.or to credit accounts ot G. W. Taylor, Into sheriff of JJogan county, with certain delinquent lists.

(PllSilc1\ Fcbrnnry 28, 1879.J

Be it enacted by the Legislatur() of West Virginia: 1. That the auditor be and he is hert>by ant.horized and G. w. T•>:lor,

d. I d' I .f , _,_ 'V 'I' I I h . ft' Jntc suerlll Lo-rrectet to er<-' 1t t 10 accounts o u. • • ay or, ate s el'I gKn ro11u1r,

20 REHEARINOs-LEOALIZING QUALU'ICATIONS OF OFFICERS. [Ca. 16_ of Logan county. with the delinquent lists allowed by the county clerk ot said county, for the years one thousand

Amlltornuthor- eight hundred and sevonty-fom·, five and six, which lists !zed 10 crc<lit· have been certified to the auditor, but have not been cred-1110 nccounts of

't d ,, h I b · d · h · with certain de- 1 o , 1or t o rell.Son t 1at t oy were not rece1 vo In t o t1 me llnquentllst.,. required by law.

lAJ>proved March 3, 18i9.J


'l.'110 foregoing net takes effect from it.'i passage, two­thirds of the members elected to each house, by .i voto taken by yens aud nays, having so directed.


AN ACT to prm•ide for reviews and re-bearings in th., supremo court of appeals of causes decided nt former terms.

[Pll.."8C<l Mnrch 1, 1879.]

Bo it enacted by tho Logislnturo of West Virginia: Supreme court 1. That tho supremo court of appeals may 1·cvicw and :_:�. :fc�

11�1'�,.,,, rc-h:ar any cases decided by said con rt, at, th� ncx� sue­

far"" 10 c-orrcct ceedmg term so for as to allow the correction of a.ny clerical error. clerical error in any dec1·cc 01· judgment, pronounced by

said court or where tho court on it11 own motion may de­No nrguruent to siro to re-hea1· and cor1·ect F1uch decree or judgment. But he lwar<l unless no argument Bhall be heard on sueh motion to re-hear rC<Jlle•tcd uy court. unless requested by said court.

[Appro,·cd Jllarch 3, 1879. J [No·rE nY •r11E C1,ERK OP THE HousE OP D11u:GA1'F-'<.]

The foregoing net takes effect from its pnHsngo, two­thirdtl of tho mcmborf! oloctod to each hom,e, by a vote taken by yoas nnd nny1:1, hnving so direclod.


AN ACT legalizing the qualification of certain county and diBtrict officers, elected at tho il_lst general oloction.

[l'osacd ll[areb 3, 1870.J

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:· 1. If any county or district officer elected at tho Inst

general election in_ thiti tltato, who is requfrod by lnw to


give an official bond aud qualify within a specified t-ime c'!unty and dia­bofol'o tho county court of the county in which ho was !r���::ta�·r:.l

o_loctocl, h:i

s failocl t� do so,_ but has within t11�icl 1:equirod1!Hc�0f0�·��lir time qualified and given said bond before tho c1rcmt court ,... requir� 1,/

of hi� county, such b?nd and qualification are bor�by �.;�·1;6calionsof legalized and made vnhcl, and shall have tho same eflect legalized. and force in al I rcspl'cts as if tho same had boon given and clone bcforn the county court.

[Approvc'"l l\lnrch 5, 1879.)

[NOTE HY nu; CLERK Ot' Till: HOUSE o�· Di::1.1:GATES.]

'fho fo1·ogoing act takes offoct from its pa1,sago, two­third::i of tho members elected Lo each Hont10, bv a vole take1! by yeas and nays, having so directed.

· •



AN ACT app1·opl'iating money to reimburse S. ll. Smith, sheriff of Grant county, paid by him tor tho capture of W. S. Douglass, convicted of folony.

(I'nSSC<I March 3, 1879.)

Be it enacted by _tho Lcgislnturo of Wost Virginia:

l. 'l'hat tho sum of 0110 hu1H.lred n111� fifty dollars is I b · · I • f · •I t Appropriation 101·c y app1·opnatct ou, o any money 111 • ie rea,;ury, tu reimburses. not othorwi,;o npp1·op1·iated, liw puymont in full of S. H. II; Srni_th lorre-

. 1 I . fl' { -, . . 1 b I . f

w .ml p,11d for Smit 1, t11or1 o h1·a11t county, n::1 amount paH y um orc11pt11re of w.s. tho cnptm·o of W. S. Douglass, coudctutl oi fulony. Doui;lnss.

2. 'l'ho auditor is hereby directed to ch·a.w hill warrant on Allflltor to tosue

tho treasurer for tho amount hereby appropriated ns 101- wnrrnut. lows:

In favor of S . .II. Smith fol' tho 1,um of ouc hundred and fifty dollars, pnid by him for tho capture of W. S. Doug­lass, convictocl of folony.

(Approved l\lnrch 6, 1879.)


Tho foregoing net takes effect nt tho oxpimtion of ninety days nftc,r its passage.



AN ACT changing t.ho Limo of holding t.he cotrnly courts in t.ho county of Putnam.

(Pnssed March 3, 18i9.]

Be it onaclod by tho Logislaturo of West Virginia:

Termsolcoun,y 1. That the commoncemont of the terms ot the county cour1 in Putnnm courts of tho couuty of Putnam shall hereafter be as fol-ceunty. lows:

"'heo act to tztko effect .. #

lncom,;stcnt • ncl.9 repented.

On the 1 second Monday in January, March,· Juno, Au­gust, November and December.

2. This net shall be in force and effect from and after its passage.

3. All acts iuconsistont with this act arc hereby repealed.

(Approved March 5, 1879.]

[NOTE DY TIIE CLEru.: o�· TIIE HousE o�· D1::LEGATES.]

Tho foregoing act takes effect from its passage, two­thirds of tho members elected to each house, by a vote taken by yeas and nays, having so directed.


AN ACT for the relief of Buri·ell Wilkos.

[Pa.scd llnrch 3, 1879.)

Be it enacted by the Legislature of Wost Virginia:

B_urrell Wilkes. 1. That tho farm of Burrell Wilkos on which ho now_ .f :um or cxclu- . dcd from cor(l<)- resides, be and the same 1s hereby excluded from tho cor- · ratcllrn,t• 01 pornt.o limits of the city of Huntington lluntlngton. · •

LApprond .Mnrch 5, 18W.J


�'ho foregoing net takes effect at tho expiration of ni noty days �ftor its passage.


ClIA.P'l'ER XXl.

AN ACT autho1·izing the levy of a. special tax by tho council of tho city of Wheeling fo1· 1mving aud macada­mizing.

[Passed )lnrch 3, JSi9.J

Bo it ouactcd by the Legislature of Wost Virginia: 1. 'l'hc council of the city of "'lieoling is hereby au- Gou�cil nuthor

thot·izcd in addition to their present authot·ity to levy i�r<l '" levppe· I d 11 I f. I c1al tax. taxes, to as:,;ess, cvy an co cct an :tnnua tax, ort1cpm·-

posc hc1·ci natter, on the personal propc1·ty a11d 1·cal estate in :,;aid city subject Lo taxation by said city, not lo ·

.. exceed in any year ten cents on every hundred dollars ofi�'.ounlltnu­thc asi:;cssed val nation thereof; the money so collected o,ball be used for the p111·po::;e of paving or macadamizing streets For what pur­or alleys in said city that have not been heretofore paved, pose.

and such money shall in no case be used to pay fot· ropairs Lo old paving 01· macadamizing or fot· aoythi11ge:xcept new paving or macadamizing.

2. 'l'he money collected by vit·tuo of this act shall· beTobcinnddl­asscssed,. levied and collected i 11 addition to the money as- ::.�•,'i�� ,:!�ssc<l , ,;esscd levied and collected for othe1· purposes by said city collem<l, &.c., '

I unrlcr present undet· pnisent aws. Jaws.

3. 'l'ho funds raised by virtue het·eof shall bo used for rur "·hat pur­no othol' p11t'poso than that n:tme<I in tho fit-st section, and r.�•�;/..'.""" 10

tho nso ot such funds fol' any other purpose may be l'e- 11 used for Any . I b . . . b" 11 fil I b other purpose 6Lra1 no( y 1 n.1 u ncLlon upon a I Ol y any ouo or mortl mny ue ,e,rrain-. tn:x payorti of tiaid ci�y. �i���•wjuuc-

[ Approved March 5, 18i�.]

(NoTll DY -r111; C1.1mK ,w THE llo1;s•� OP D1,:1.EGATEs.)

'l'ho forc�oing :wt Lake:1 otfocL at thu oxpirntion of ninety dayti af'Lor its passage,


AN AC'l' to punitih portions found violating tho license laws of tho state aloug certain rivers.

[Passed Morch�, l8i9.]

Bo it on:ictod by tho Legislature of Wost Virginia: 1. 'l'hat if a.ny person, except druggists, be found 1q�on

or a.long · ot tho rivers constituting tho boundary hue


�">t· rcrso�,

tcx- of this and any other Rtato, onga

0.,.ed in any violation of ...... •p llrug,g:1s 8, • . . . .._ , ,•101a1in1: sec. 1 any of tho provunons of section 0110 of chapter ono h 11 u­or drnptcr io; d d l A t f I d . I I I I net.• ts;;, upon re anc seven, c s o one t 1ousan <.>1g 1t hunc rot anc

ornl�ni; 001111<1-seventy-sevon without first havin.,. obtained such license nry rl\"l!rs or ' . 0 . . · '

thisst,tc,g11l1ty such person shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and ormi:;.lcmeanor. upon conviction thereof, the court bruore whicb he is t1·icd run_i•hcd by_ shall sentence him to punh1hmont by confinement in tho �::::�t;;w• ID

common jail of the county in whic:h tho offense is commit­Period of con- ted, not more than sixty days nor less than thirty days. fmcmcnt. and shall further ordc1· that he shall durio� said sentoi'1co Alsoshall work work at hard lnborwith ball and chain to him at.tached, nt_h:ml lnhor. upon noy public highway of the said connty under the With ball aoli Cl stod r f ti sl · ,'ff O' I . cl tr t d f • ·I t · chain, Oil publk I ) 0 10 1011 I )IS ep,1 ) , I\ an 01 sue l Cl Ill hii;hway. not exceeding the term of hiM sentence, at such place or

places as tho court pronoui:icing such sentence may direct. 2. Provide<l that tho provisions of this act shall not ap­

:i-01 to npph· to l 1 · d b · · f 1 lil-ensed steam- p y to any 1censo steam oat nav1gat111g any o sue 1 bunt•. rivers.

Eu:1cti11g sec­tion.

]loam of regent• how com posed, nppoiurcd and by wl>nt unmo ,-:ill,'<I.

[Approved March 5, 18i9.]


The foregoing act takes effect at tho expiration of ninct.y days after its 1mssage,


A.I.� .A.CT to amend and re-enact sections eighty-one, eighty­two and eighty-three of chapter one hundred and twenty­three of tho Acts of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two and three, and also section seventy-eight of tho same chapter as amended by chapter one hundred and fifteen, of the Acto of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven.

(PllSSe<l llnrch 4, 187!1.]

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia: 1. That sections eighty-one, eighty-two and eighty-three

of chapter one hundred and twenty-three of tho Acts of one thousand <.>ight hundred and seventy-two and three, and ah;o section seventy-eight of the same chapter, as amended by chapter one hundred and fifteen of the Aets of one thouaand eight hundred aeventy-seven, be amended and re-enacted so as to read as followR :

"78. For the government and control of the said univer­sity there shall be.a board of r(lgents consistin� of one perijOn from each senatorial district, to be appointed by the governor as provided by law, to be called the regents of tho West Virginia University. As such boarcl they


may Ruoand bo i;nod, nntl hnve n common i-oal. A majority !ltay sue and 1ic f. . 'd I 11 . f' I . . ,ucil. o i;:1,1 regents s 1:1. const1tuto a quo1·11m or t 10 tt·:�nsac- '!""'""'. for

tion of b11i-i11oss, except that for making nrrnn�emcnts fo1· �,'��:;;��'."" "' the e1·ection of buildings, or the permanent alte1·ation tllot·oof, or tho appointment to 01· removal from otlice of 1wofcsso1·s, 01· fixing their compensation or <:hanging any rule 01· regulation adopted by a majority of the board, in whic:h case,; all the regents shall be notified in writing by tho secrct:try of the board of the timo place and object of When n-:.:cn1,

. ' ' • to he notifh•ll hy any meetrng proposed to bo hold for nny of the purposes sc-creiary. exeopted in this section and tho concurrence ot a majority of tho regents shall be rcq nirod. Tho term of office _ot tho Tenn or ollicc members of tho present board of regents shall bo rn no oi l'rc•s_e111 lui:ml wise nffectod by this act. On tho thirtieth day of Jnno 1101 ai1<-c1.<.,1. annually two of the regents now in oflico shall rotiro from When how :nul said board. Those appointed from the third and fourth what /11e111 1o,.,. senatorial districts sh:dl retire on tho thirtieth day of Juno �:��,tc 1'°111

ono thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine; those of tho fifth and sixth districts at the expiration of the following term, and so on in continuous rotation following tho order i!1 which tho sai_d s�nat<?rial disti-icts are numbered respec- Yacancics how t1vely. Vacanc1es rn s:11d board shall be tHled by tbe gov- nllcJ. er1101· as they occur acconling to tho to1egoing rcgnlat,ions, or from any ot,hor cause.

"81. 'l'he said board shall establish an<l declare snch rules���� \ft�-and rognlations and by-laws not inconsistent with tho laws luws. 0

> of this state or tho United 8tates, ns they nrn.y deem nec-essary for the proper organization. the tuition of students and �oocl government ot said uni,·crsity; and tho protec-tion of public property belonging thereto. They shall ap- ,\ppuiotrnent or point a snpol'intonclcn•, of ·bnildinrrs and .rronnds who shnll snperi111c1ulc11L l. I f' · I ,-.. f 1


•1· • of buildi11�• ul' t 10 pro O>lS0r or person 1 11 <; 1arge o t 10 1111 1tnry t,act1cs, aml i;ronml•, a scc·rotary for said boal'fl. :111d al><o a. t1:oa;.11!·01· who shall :����%t_aucl I.Jo momberR of tho focnltv of tho u111Yc1·s1ty, and who shall not ror:civo any co1nj',om,11tion for services ns su('h . 1,upe1·intondcnt, secrcta1·y and treasu,·or. No salary ;.hall �i .. r�,l�\';;;_1j, uo paid t,o tho soc1·otnry of tho cxecntivc committee. .F1·om tho 1,aid troas11re1· tiloy shall tako a bond with amplo socuri-1'.rc,,..urershnll

d I. · I 1 · I f I f' · I ( I I gl\·c boucl. ty, an conc 1t1oncc neco1·r111g to aw 01· t10 111t111 rncp-ing and disbnrf<ing of such money !lf< iR herein, or may bo hereafter approp1·iated, and ia<uch other money ns may bo allowed by 1,nid uonrd to come i1110 his hnnds from timo to time; they i-ha.11 also settle with him a11n1111lly or oftener ;�.:::::·�� .. r\\:�L� if they think best; inspc<:t annually all t.he propc1·ty bo- •1"·,·1iu11 10 bo

lonrrino- to snid 1iniversity nnd make n full report of tho made. conditi7in income ox1ienciiturcs and mana�oment of said . . ' ' b b. I . l • d b Report. to £OV• un1vors1ty annually to tho goYornor to o y 11m 1\1 O· crnor.

toro tile Legislature. "82. 'l'ho boa.rd shall hnvo power to crento a. preparatory Preparatory de­

dopnrtment to said university and establish :_my other pro- '.�:f.'i't:r�::,;1 I ro­foi!SOl'Shi ps than those iudicatud he1·etofo1·e 1f tho snmo be !e,soursLil11L



};;':!::;�s or pro- doomed ossont,ial ; to fix tho salaries of t,ho sevcrnl profc1:1-sor::1 nnd to remove t,hom for good <:anso; but, in case ot romoval the concmTOllco of a mnjority of the board shall

'fbclr rcmovnl. bo ror1 uircd, and tho reasons for tho removal shall be commnnicat,ed to the governor in a writte11 statement,.

Powers of rc­�cnts ns to :\ll­m ission o{ ca­clcts. nuralion of thcir :son·icca.

"83. Besides prescribing tho general terms upon which st,udonts may be admitted, the com·8e of their inst,rnction, llll(I tho kind and d111·ation of tboir services (which d111·a.­tion shall not exceed fivo nor be less than two years), tho said regents aro ,;till f11rtho1· empowered to admit, as rop;nlar students 01· cadets of said univcr::;ity from each

Numhcr from cn..i, ,rnatorial senatorial dist1·ict in tho state four or five, and not mo1·0 diatrict. than fivo young men who arc not less than sixteen, nor

morn than two11ty one years of age, to be appoi ntcd by tho regent of each senntorial distri<:I,; the admission in each l'nsc to bo made upon nndonbtccl. evidence of a fair moral clrnractcr. lint should no npplication ho made

w, . from any one, or all ot i;aid senatorial di,;tricts, thc11 the r.11��1

1'r��•:•���� ,·aca ncies may be fi I led from the state at In rgc. Provided, i'.i!,�if��to That no mo1·c than seven cadets shall be apppointcd from number !rum any one county. · any t:ouuty.

nepC3liui;acc• 2. All"ncts nnd parts of acts inconsistent with this act tiou. arc hc1·cby repealed.

C";0unt,· oourL for PrC"Ston COUUl)"•

When Judi;c t hcrc•for LO be elected. To be C'l111mls­�io11ct.l by gol'­cr11or. Term of oflkc.

[Approved ;\larch G, 18i9.J

(No1·E nY ·r11E Cu:nK o•· TUE Hou,;t; ot· D1,u:GATEs.) 'fho forogoi ng net takes effect as tho expiration of ninety

days after its passage.


AN ACT to establish :i. county court for tho conn1.y of Preston.

[Pnssed March 4, 1879. J

Bo it enacted by tho Legislature of West Virginia:

1. In the count,y of P1·cston tho1·e shall be clect"d by tho qualified voters t,horcof at th_e general election for sc(iool officers. in tho ,mid county for tho year ono thollfmnd eight hundre·d and r;evonty-nine, nnd on tho second 'l'ncRday of October, one tho11s1rnd eight hundred and eighty, nnd ort the second 'l'uesdn.y in October ovc1·y fon1·th year thero11f'to1·, u. judge for tbc county court of snid_ county, who . slrnll be commissioned by tbo governor. · ll1s term of othco shall be four years, exc·cpt that tbe first judge olcctod nuder this act shall hold his office until his successor, elected on tho


second Tuesday in October, one thousand eight hundred and eighty, shall qualify, and he shall receive a salary ofm�salary;_how ten hn ndred <loll:u·s per ann nm, to be paid out of the conn ty rnul. t1·oa:mry in qnarto 1 ·ly installmontR. A vacancy in said of- . fi · f I J I · Vac11n<·1c• · how cc, 1 ess t ian two years of t 1e term shall remarn, shall 1illc<1. be filled by the justices af the county, summoned for that purpose (ntwhich meeting a majority of all the justices in the county shall be necessary to constitute a quorum) by tho appointment of some fit pe1·son, learned in tbe law, tor tho remainder of the term; but if more than two years of said term shall renrnin, then the said appointment shall bo to fill the vacancy till tho next general election, at which t,ime tho qualified voters of said county shall elect some suitable pe1·son to fill the vacancy for the unexpired ternl. 'l'ho judge of said court shall be a man learned in the law, and dnri ng his term of office shall not practice ��,t �:W!�'�-��c tho . profession of the law, nor hold any otbo1· ottice, nor P!'rn1i11,.,110 1101· be eligible to any political office. He may be re- r.�:';�'.�� h1Spro­moved from offic-e in the manner and for the caui,;es )lay l,�rcmo,·e<I

f 1 · h · I h · f h . I I . I from ,,thee; ho"· set ort l 111 t e e 1 g 1teent sect10n o t e e1g 1t 1 urt1c e 11rn1 ror ,�·hnt. of the consLitution of this state; nnr.l may bo impeached ���


1�':i "'111�,..

in tho man not· and for the causes prescribed and set fo1·th :mu fur ,;.hot. in· the ninth section and fourth art.icle ot said constitution, :wJ, upon conviction, shall be subject to the same judg-ment therein prescribed.

2. 'l'he said county court shall have originnl jurisdic- 0_riJ,;nnl juri,­tion in all matters of law whore the amount in contro- tlictwu 01 court. vorsy exceeds twenty dollars, exclusive of interest and costs, and in all cases of habeas corpus, quo warranto. man-damus, prohibition certiorari and in all snits in equity. lt shall havo jurisdiction in all matters of probate, the ap-pointment and qualification of personal representatives, guardians, committees, curators and tho settlemont of their accounts, and in all mauo,·s rein ting to apprentices, nnd all criminal cns1;s 1111dor tho g1·ade of felony. But tho juris-diction of said county c-ourt shall be subject to such limita-tions as may be proscribed by lnw. lt shnll, through its Shall have cus­clerk, havo tho c-ustoclv of all deeds, wills, nnd nil other 10<lr of all will•,

J d . . I

tleetl!i. �\•:., prc-papon'! presented fo1· p1·obato or t·ecor Ill saic county, or,c111e<.I for pro-

which nro by law now required and which may heronfter bole ur rccord· bo required to be kopt in tho otiice of tho clerk of tho county colll·t.

3. The said county court shall have juri,;diction o.f all Jnrlstlicliou n.s

appeals from the j udcrmcnts of justice:; of tho peace, and 10 app,•al• from • 1 · · J 11 I, t, • J 1 ·. • t · , · I , Ju•l�uwnl of ILs < cc1s1ons s rn uo tina t 1orc1n, excop 111 cai;es 1nvo \ - jus•i<'cs. """ d<>-

in" the title ri<rht of })Ossession or boundary· of lands the clsiou_in ""'"'' o ' o . . . ' ca�c:s hnal; C);.• freedom of persons, tho vahd1ty of n law or an orchnance of coption. a corporntion, or tho right of a corporation to levy tolls or taxes.

4. There shall be six sessions of said court in each year; Number of scs-, .. . . ... !HOn� of court in

four sos::1ions for tho trial of causes at which pet�t Jurors uoch year.

28 CouNTY Coun.T OJ,' Pn.ESTON. [Crr. 24.

shall be summoned, and at . one of whidl a grnnd jnry shall be 811 mmnned. '1'ho !,nal term:; shall com mcnce on

Trial l<'rm!'< ;

whc11 hcl<I. tho fir:-t Monday 0f Febn1:11-y, se�ond _'\'.londay _of .May, second Monday of August, and the lil-sL .l\-londay qf Novem­ber of each year, tho term fo1· which a grand jury shall be

Court to ,1c1r,r- summoned shall bo det.crmincd by the conrt. 1'hc rcmai11-minci;r:u,<1jury i ng two tc1·mi; ot snid co111·t ti hall bo held on Lhc til-;it term. 'f . d . J I • "-,f I . J l'uliccand li•cnl .1108 ay Ill anuary anc first 11'.l.onc a.y 111 nly of oath term•. year, for the purpose of at.tending to tho police and fiscal

. affairs ot tho said count,y, to which neither 1101· g1·a11d };�:�::t"1 grnnitjurors shall be summoned.

Who 10 hold i><>- 5. The police and fiscal terms of said court shall be com­lice and 1isc:1t posed of the jud�e· of the count,y·court, who i-hall preside; terms. I . .' f I 1· . f "d Majority ol 11II the ju�ticcs re-­quirt."<! to be 1,n•ttcnt. J ll!-,l i<:es to be clnsoilictl.

nt cast OT!C Jnst1cc rom cac 1 c u;tnct o s:u conn Ly as now laid off, provided I.hat a majority of all the justices in of­fice shall bo present at cnch fiscal and police term, tbejusti­ccs Bcrving alternately, according to the classification here­inafter provided for, nt the first meeting under this act, which mcetin_g shnll be conveued within twenty days after the election aforesaid by a summons issued by th� clerk

Howsanunonctl of the present county cou1·t to each of the justices in said c,ounty to meet on a day therein specified, for the purpose 0f being classified to serve at tho police an<l fisc:al terms of said county court. The first classification shall continue ti 11 the first fiAcal term aftor tbe next general elec:tion for

Clru<siticatiou. justices of �aid county. At the �seal term in January, one :if1cr 1he m,�t thousand 01ght hundred and eighty-one, and rogularly gcucralclect1on. e,·ery four years thereafter, tho justices of said c·ounty

Rhall meet (a majority being pre!lent), and classify them­RelveA for serYico at the police and fiscal terms of tho cn­sui ng four years. This classification shall be by lot, be­tween tho two justices of each district, so that each dist.riot shall always be rop1·cseutod by at least one justice at every police and fiscal term.

Conni\·'" be 6. 1'hc said county Ah all be laid off into ei!!ht districts tli\·iclc:;t into • · cii;ht districts. as nearly equal ns may be in area and population, in each •rwo iusiiccs ot wl.iich there shall bo elected two i·ustie:cs of tho J)Car:e and two cons.ta- . • . . � hie� 10 he el_cct- and two constables. Saal e:ou nty shall alBo bo laid oft f..\::'.cachct,s- into two asscs1,ment districts, in cncb of which thero i:<hall Al.o into two be one nsi:,cssor, elected as now proscribed by lnw. 'l'ho ns.,cssrucnt di•- . . I d 1· · ( · ,.1 ft" 1ric1s. mag1stena an nssci:,sment c 1str1ctB us at 1we1>cnt. ni,,. o �r����c1':,�;!r.__ in s·aid county, _1:<ball 1:c_muin the districts for tho pm·poses 111c111 di_,iricts of this net, until modified or changed by the county cou1·t :;<;0�f,W:<1•��ntll of said county, and the justices, constables, overseers of chan�ed by tho poor, road surveyors and assoAsors, now in office in 0';�!�\�1

ci1\';�tcra said districts of said county, shall bold their rci:,pectivo uow in �mce •0 offices to tho full end of tho term for which they woro hol<I thc,rofliccs . · Jl h d uar!I 1beend otelecte<l 01· apporntod, {Ind exorcise a t e powers an por-lbc,rtenns. form ull the dutieB now conforrod upon or required of t.hcm by law, except in RO far as tho same �ay be modified by this act, or they may be removed ae:cordmg to law.



7. The JHesent c:lerk of the county court of said countv Clerk of county ·e .. J ' cou rl. t.o be shall be clerk of tho couuty court established by this act, ctcrk of the and shall perform all the duties DOW required of him by r�;·,:!1��!:'�i,is law, except so far as the same may be modified, enlarged net. or diminished by this act, and receive the same fees as al- Fees. lowed by law for like services.

8. 'l'he said county court at the police and fiscal te1·ms County court to . . hn\'C :,:upcrin-tbereot, shall have the superrntendence of the police and tcmlcncc or!'<>-

fiscal affairs of said county, including the establishment),\��i�d fisc:i

and di,wontinuance ot roads, bridges, ways, landings, fer- Uoacts, bridges, · d 'II I · f' .,· d ,_ I' ,\c.,grn11t111�h-

l"ICS an Ill! s; t 1e granting o oru1n1u·y an otue1· 1ceDsea; ccnscs, appoiut-the appointment an<l dispI.wement of ove1·see1·s of the ment overseers poor; and the appoi ntmcnt and control of all roa<l offico.J1·s; poor.

in the same manner as Dow prescribed by general law for county courts, or as may hereafte1· be prescribed by law, County levy. with power to lay and disbu1·sc tho county levies. Provid-

ed, That no lice1n;e shall be granted to sell intoxicating Sale of !i,1nors liquors in any incorporated town or village in said county, !�w��c��1•;��/�d

without the consent of the proper authorities of such l:igcs.

town or villago in writing, first had and obtained.

9 All . . ffi b . "d d f h II Yacanclcs; how . vacancies 1n o co not erern prov1 e or, fl a 011,<1.

be tilled as now prescribed by l.\w. :iO. The justices sitting in the polico and fisc-al terms .

l II ' I d II d l ·1 . . b 'cl (;o111pcns,tion s la rcccJYC t ll'CO O an, per ay w ll e s,1tt111g, to C p:u nf justices in out ot the county treasury. Not le:,:s than nine justices court. shnll con:;t.itnte a quonun to transact business at tho police and fiscal torms.

11. 'l'ho county levies shall be laid at the July term of . :I I : l l l I . . . I I l I Count\' Jc,·y; Sate co11rt, nt W II('. I \.Cl'lll a t le Jll>'tlces I 11 \, le COIi nty S ta whcu bit.I. be ftummoned by the ,;hcritr to bo pro,-ent. and a majority r1hall constit11to a c1uo1·11111 for tho transaction of that busi-nci;s.

12. 'L'hc Fthcritr of' 1<aid county shall be, nnd h� is horc-by empowm·cd nnd dii·cetoc.l, to po;;t 01· cause Lo be posted, Notice or elec­

pri ntcd uotiee" at u,·cry vot.i11� plnl'O or precinct in said 11011•

county for at l,,n>'t twenty day>< )'t·io1· to the gtrneml ><chool election for said co11 n ty in tho yonr 0110 tho11,-a11d eight hu11drcd and i,ovontv-nino, and al:-o pul.,lish n eopy of such Sh,•rttr t� t"';•t . , I


I.,(' I I I . f :11111 puhlish 111 notice Ill C:t(' l new,;papcr p11 I>' ICl t HOl'l\111, 01' two 8llC- 11\'WS(SlpCr. ccssivo week,; prior to the day last aforesaid, giving notico of the time and objcc,t ot huldin!-( "aid election and the c,f-ficors to be elected thon,at, ln1· which he shall bo allowed a reasonable fee, incl11di11� the eost of printin�, to be audited 1• how by tbo county COlll't a.ncl paid out of tho county tronsury. 1i�5'.'""'"';

13. 'l'ho clerk of the county court sh.all prepare suitable Clerk 10 l'"'Pnrc poll books and tally sheet8, for evcl'y voting place in said 1"'11 oooks.

county, tho poll bookr1 to be prepared with two col11m11s Fnrmofpot1

respectively headed "for t,he revised county court" and hook,.

"against, tho roviisot.l county cou1·t.," nn<l n sufticiout. num-


her of columns for the nnmes of the candidates for Elcct,on; by count.y jndge. Snit.I elec!ion shall be held by the commis-wbom held. • J Id' I d h I s,oners 10 mg t 1e sai sc oo election according to the

laws now in force, and the result of the same shall be Result. certified certified to the clerk ot the county court of said county by t :.��t'.'1 coun- said commissioners, who, when the result shall be ascertain­

ed, as now directed by law in other elections shall declare the same ; and if the majority of the votes cast at said


election be in favor of the rev·ised system, the said clerk Clerk to cerh v I II . d" I 'f rrsult to go,·- · s rn Im me rnte y cert, y to the governor of the state, the crnor. name of the person receiving the highest number of votes Govr.r!'o� to for judge of the count.y conrt, and the governor shall forth­eomm•s•iu11 the with issue a commission to such person so receivino- the J)(>l'SOU elcctcd . o iudge. lughest number votes. Yocanc'" in the 15. In cases where all the justices are summoned to fill r.��en�l��'.dge a vacancy in the. office of (;OUnty judge, they shall meet at

the court house of said county, and organize by electi:1g one of their number president; and the clerkof the county court shall be ex o_ffecio secretary. They shall vote viva

Modeol '" voc:e, the president voting only in case of a tie. They shall Per ,lirm. receive the same per diem as for sc1·ving in court. Prrn·ided, P,o,.iso. That not more than six dollars shall be paid to any justie;c

for service in con1·t, or attendance upon such special meet­ing, at any one term or meeting, except at the July term of said court.

Pro<;ecdini;s_ol 16 .. The proceedings of the special meetings proYidcd for :t'f.:,"���:.l��\:'' in the foregoing sertion of this act, shall be recorded and

preserved among tbe otber records in sai<l clerk's office.

When this net 17. lf it appears that a majority of all the votes cast takes em•c�. upon tbe question of the adoption or rejection of this act

arc in favo1· of its adoption, then the same shall take ef­fect and be in full force on and after the twentieth day after

Quntifiention of said vote is taken. 'l'he person elected judge under thiA :.ict Juuge. shall qualify within twenty days attcr he receives his com­mission.

(Approved lllnrch 7, lSW.l


The foregoing act takes effect at tho expiration of ninety <lays after its passage.


AN AC'l' to protect tho purchasers of fortili?.crs in tl,is state.

(PR...,ed l\fnrch •, 1879.]

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia: 1. That all commercial fertilizers sohl, offered or exposed


for sale slrn.11 be bt'anded 01· accomJ)anied by anal·vsis at- Fertili7.ers to be • , • J • brundt•d or hnYO tachcd to the same stating the percentage therein contmn- analy•I• nttnch-ed of nitl'ogen or its equiYalent in ammonia of potash in ��j,.1 nnnlyois any form soluble i 11 <.ti-,til led watc1·, of phosphoric acid to contai11. soluble in a neutral solution of citrate ot ammonia at a temperature of one hundred degrees Fahrenheit and the percentage of pbosporic acid not thus soluble.

2. Every person F:elling, offe1·i11g or exposing for sale any commercial fe1·tilizcr without the analysis required by Penalty ro� �io-

• • ) J · • J "d f .1. lot111g provis• section one, 01· w1 t 1 an ana ys,s stating t iat s:11 ert, 1zer ious of s('C. 1 uy contains a l:u•rrer J)erccnta1re of anY one or more of the sell.-r• ""' "th·

. � . .� .... . . c�. and for fol!ilC const.1tnents mc11t10nccl above than 1 s contarnecl therein ornnalysi•. for the sale of which all the provisions of section one bave not been complied with, shall forfeit fifty dollars for the' first offonf-c and two hundred dollars for each subsequent otl'enF:e. 'l'he said penalty may be recovered by motion or nm, rennlty repeated motions against tho parties so off ending in the rccon•re<l. circuit eon1·t of the county ,vhere such violation:-of the law have taken ])lace. One half of �uch fines shall go to the Fin"" to i:0 to

I I I . . purchaser amt pure utf:cr and t 1e othcr 1alf to tlie state. thcs1ate. 3. It Rhall be the duly of the professor of chemistry of Wh?_10 nnnlyzo

tl \,, \T. . . ·er . . 'l t f I . ft•rnhzcn; wl.,•n 10 ,,cf-t 1rg1111a n1ve1·s1ty,ntl,·organ own,a ter 1av1ngrc,1u,·sk,Ihy

been sworn Jor the purpose, to analyze any specimens that purchaser. may be fnl'l1ishcd him by :rn.r p111·chaser of said fortilizcr, and he ;.;hall rcpo1·t as ;.;oon as practicable to said party the To reportrc•ult. rcsu It or snid analysis made b,· hill", free of ch:11•1rc or To receive _no

. • . J ' o comptmsac1on. :rny compe11sat.1on therefor.

4. In any suit inF:t_itntcd by a party who has sold to n What ,lccme<I. · · f 0

J • • · 1 • t ·1· t prnuu faew ev,-ClllZCll O t l IS st.ate any ('.Otn merc·1a ert1 1zer ·o l"CCOYer d,•nC•' iu any the J)l"icc of ,;nmc and a <]l!Cf.t.ion :u·isin� ns to whcth('r t.hc suit lordunrngos quality of the fo1·tilizc1· be in :1c<·onl:rnec wit.h the eontrnct, the ccl'lifieatc or the prolt1;.;i;or of c·hcmi;.;try shall be re-regarded aF< pr·imn. /i11·iri eYidcncc as to what ii; t,lw1·ein statt•d :is to said analy;.;i,;.

(.A pprO\'Cd �lnrch 7, 18i9. j

[Non: DY TIIE Cu:ni-. OF" TIIF: lln1•sF: OF ])E(.EGATES.)

'J'he foregoin� act lake,; effoc::tal the <'xpiraLio11 of ninety da_rl'.! ah,tw its passa�o.

CJ [A P'l'.E [t XX.\' L

AN AC'.r to cstnhlish a <·ounty eourt and a Board of com­mii.;sioncrs, for the county of" J'cndloton, 11111lcr Lhc thirty-fourth section ot the eighth article of tho Consti­tution of Wci,t Virginia.

[l'<l Mnrch 4, 1S,9,J

.Be it enacted by the Legislature of' W cRt Vi1·ginia: 1. In the conuty of Pendleton there sbnll be elected by


A11th0rit.y to c,,- tho qualified voters of said countv (of which not less than tnbhsh n connl v " J ' .. court ,m,) �ar:t ten days' notice shall be given in tho manner prescribed ��cr��•1���•,:r1

�: by law fo1· holding g-encrnl elections) on the d:iy of the ton couuty. olccLion of school office1·s in one thou;:and eight hund1·cd Whr.11 Judgo and seventy-nine, and on tho second Tuesday in Octobe1· �lcctcd. one thoui,:111d eight hundred and oighty-four , and at tho

Judge to be cvm1nissionl'\l b,· governor. Jiis tcnuof otlice. Salnry to pnld.

Ync:inc,· In 0111cc; i1ow tillc.l.

same time in every fourth year thereai°Lcr, a judge for the county court of said county, who slrnll bo commissioned by the governor, and hold his office until his success,,r is elected and qualified. His term office shall be four years, and he shall receive a salary of four hundred dollars, to be paid out of the county treasury, provided this act is adopted by the voters ot said county. in qua1·tcrly install­ments. 1\. vacancy in said office, it not more than one yea,· shall remain of the time thoreof, shall be filled by the commisioners of s:iid county, who sb:ill appoint some ono learned in the law to fill such vacancy, a majority of whom shall make an appointment to fill such vacancy; but if more than one yca1· of said term shall remain, then shall 1;aid appointment bo made until tho next general clc<.:Lion,

w, t. 1 at which time, said vacanc,y shall be filled by the elc<.:tion of

1m,;�il,{:�f1rom of some suitable person, learned in the law, by the qualified ;';;'�•:�;:,\•r�;•i: voters of the county. 'l'ho judge of said county court ollicc. during bis term of office, slmll not prncti<:e the profcssicn

of law, or hold any other office, appointment or public trust, under the authority of this state or any other government; and upon his acceptance thereof, shall not be, duri n� his continuance thcroin, eligible to any othe1· political offkc.

!;�.�'.':,t�::;t;,� He nmy be removed from oflicc by � <:oncurrent vote of' what. both housl,;; of the Legislatu1·e, when from any disease,

mental or bodily infirmity, he shall be incapable or dis­charging tho duties of tho office, in the manner pro,·idcd

�r:,,. be im-by tho eighteenth section of the ciµ;hth arti<.:le of the Con-

p,•iched; how stitution of this state. llo shall also be subject to i m­Ullll fur what. poachmcnt for corruption, mnlfeni,ancc, maladministratio11,

incompetency, g.-osR immoi-lity. neglect of duty, 01· any hi�h crime or misdori1ca_no1·, in the manner presc1·ibod by the ninth section ot the fourth article of said constitution, and upon conviction, shall be subject to the same judgment as therein prescribed.·

Who to ho clerk · 2. The clerk of tho present 1iounty court shall bo tho When to be clectc"1.l. ]Ji:,; term of oUicc.

clerk of this court until the election provided for, and to bo hold in O<.:tober, one thousand cigttt hundred and cighty­four, at which tinrn a clo1·k shall be elected for said com·t, and thoreafto1· tho clerk shall hold his ofli<:o tor the term of four yean1.

�[!r;�;:�r��,i,';;_ 3. 'l'he county court shall original jurisdiction in all actions of law when the amount in cont1·oversy exceeds twenty dollar,;, and also in nil case-; of habeas corpus q110

icarranto, 111r111drm111s prohib-ition, certiorari, and all suits in equity. It r;lrnll have jurisdiction in ull matters ofpt·ohato, nppoiutmont and qualification of pol'l:;onul 1·01H·ci;ontativci;,


guardians, committees, and curators, and the settlement of T1.0 _hnv� Juri ... · I · d · 11 I • . < 1chun in 111,t­t 1011· accounts, an 111 a matters r e ntrng to app1·ent1ces; tors or prcbn•.c; and of all criminal cases unde1· the ,grade of felony, cxcept�}'';,�1:;�1;;�/''r�;: us hereinbofol'C_ provided. But the jurisdiction of the rc.•c1!1a1iHs,\c•.1 bl . J d · f b. II b nod 111 crnninn county C0Lu·t, csta 1s 1 c 111 p ursuance o t 1s act, sba e case.• under th� subject to sucb limitation as ma,, be J)l"escribcd by l:nv. i;radc 01 r_cl�ny. 'I'J ·d J I

J • )Inv be hnutc-d 1e sm courts ml have tbe custody, through their clerk, 1,y iaw. of all wills, deeds, and other papc1·s presented for probate ��:\�dr�_fwllls. or reeord in said county, which shall be disposed of or pre-served as required by law. The said county court shall I . . 1 · L' f 11 I j I . d f Appeals from 1nve JUr1sc 1c 10n o a appea s rom t 1e JU gmcnt o .Ju,1i,·cs. just;ces, and its decision upon such appeals i=,hall be final l_)ccisiou to be

· II · I · I I . I . I f fioRI, cxccpl,,�c. Ill a cases, cxecpt ,;uc 1 as 1nvo vc tie tit e, ng 1t o pos-session or boundaries of lands, the freedom of a person, the validity of a law or an onli nance of any corporation, 01· the right 01 a corporation to levy tolls 01· taxes.

4. There shall be four sessions of said court in each Sossi�n• orc.nnrt .

.. • for1rinlof Jury year, which shall be held for the trial of .JUIT causes at causes.

the same time as now fixed by law or ordinance in said c·ounty ; to all of which terms pctit jurors, and to one or Petit nod gnmd two of said termi>, as the court may order: grand jurors iurors. llhall be summoned to attend as at terms of tbe l'ircuit court for said county.

5. The present sub-divisions of the said county into Present districts distric:ts shall constitute such districts until cbangcd by the to rc111nin until bom:d ot commissioners hereafter mentioned. chongcd.

6. 'rhc justices of the peace now in office, and olcctC:ld in �.���f�.���0•�-i,o the several district;; from ti me to limo, shall constitute a 10 cons,itnic board to be known as "the boar<l of commissioners of the k;:m!:i.nt unme county of Pendleton." They i-ha�I mceL statcdly, on t�e \���.�':i�;;�..,t. same days as arc now fixed by thc11· county court. for then· Prc,idcotor fil"cal au<l poli<:c terms in e:11:h .n•ar. They ,;hall elect onet,;;.( or bon,·il. of' their uumbo1· president of the boa1·d and tho clerk of the l'OU n ty <:ourt ,-hal I be ,:,;;-tJJji,:,o c·lork of said hoard of commissio1101·s, who »hall keep a jottl'l1al of their proceed• Duties or Clerk. ings, includi11� a l'Ccord ol their onlin:\llces, in a volume separate fr0m tho jonr11al of p1·oecedini-:s, aud trnnsact such othe1· busi11c:;s pcrtai11i11g to his otlice, ns may be by thorn or by l:t1� 1·cqui1·ed, nnd who11e c-omponsal,ion they lliss:,lnn· how shall fix by ord111aucc and pny from the eounty treasury. lixcd ancl' imic.1. 'l'he Raid boanl 11hnll have the ;;upc1·intcndence and udmin-istration . of tho internal puli�·c and fjsc·al affair� _of the Jnri,dictlonnml county, 1 11cludi1t� tho establishment and rcgulat1ou ofctuliesor bonrd. roads, ways, bridges, public lan1li11gR. ferries and mills; the granting of 01·dinary and other license; with authority to lay and disburse the county levies. Providerl. 'l'bnt no Pro,;"° ns to ll• licouso, shall be grnn ted for the sale of intoxicating liquors fkj0,:i�0;;,s�,',�.0��

in any incorporated c·ity, town or village, without the con- pomtcd Lo"'""• son t of t,hc n.u tbo1·i ties thereof, Lho same being first had and &c. obtained. All writs of ad quod dam111tm shall issue from ��'.'.�,,��t'1?"°'1

.. u


the county court. The board of commi11sioncrs sbnll, in Contcstcdclcc- all contested cases, judge of the electiou, qualification nnd liuu case3. • f · b returns o its own mem ers,nnd of all connty and district Right or nppeal officers, with the right of appeal, under such regulations in such,

_. us may be prescribed by law to tbe county court, a11d it 0ther Jur;s<lic- b II · I ti · · I" · d f l I l i on llllU <lulics. S a exerc1so sue l O 1e1· JllrlS( 1ct1011 an per orm f,UC lot 1er

duties as may be prescribe<l by law. The said con11niRsioners Compcns:iti_on shall receive a compensation of three dollars per day for :!..�•,oo- every day's attendance upon a meeting of the saiJ boa.rd, Howpalcl, limlt. to be pnid out of the county treasury; but nei�her shall

receive pay for more than six day's attendance during any M•r be lndlctc<l one year. Any commissioner may be indic-ted for mal­l-'ur what. fonsance, misfeasance, or neglect of his offitial duty, ll.nd Couviction n- upon co1wiction thereof, his office shall become vacant. A cutesollicc. vacancy in the bom·d of commissioners, whether from resig­Yncnncie<, how nation removal from the district removal from office death �cd

' ' ' · or other cause, shall be filled by the remaining memben; of the board.

7. Tho county court of Pendleton county shall provide, Election to . by the a.ppoint.ment of com mis,-,ioners and other officerR for udopl or rcJcrt 1 • 1 I · ffi ' · act; wheu uud the e ect1on on t 10 t ay of the elect10n. of school o ce1·s 111 bo,.· held. one thousand eight huudred and seventy-nine, to take t,he

sense of the qualified voters of said county upon the ques­tion of adoption or rejection ot this act, and tor the elec­tion of ofllccrs under it, and t:1hould the said county court fail to meet and appoint, three persons, as aforesaid, or the same being appointed, shall fail to act, then tbe voters present., at any poll, may appoint three qualified voters to

Wboto,·ote. conduct said election, at which election nil tho qualified voters of said county shall have the right to vote. 8aid

IteiulLolekc- election shall bo held according to tho laws now in force, �a���

-uh�;�,��r��: a_nd tho result s_hnll bo certified by the J�rc�inct commis-

1.i�-u. s1oners of elect10n, to tbc county comm1ss10ners1 aL tho court house of tmid eounty, and the vote of tho county us­

l!eturns; to certnined by them, nnd a return thereof bo made by them :11uJ�u���0

• to the governor of the stato, ut the expiration 01 five dny8 from the date of said election, who shall issue a commis­

Wbo wcowwi..-Sion to the candidat,o receiving the highest number votes iuou judge. as judge of said court.

M�Jority volo dclcrwiucd qucsllvu. \\' hcu w take cllcct.

8. If it appear8 that a majority of all tho votcA cast upon the questio11 of the adoption or rejection of this act, nro in favor of its adoption, t,hon tho rmmo shall take effect, and be in torce on and after the twentieth day after tho voto it1 taken upon this act. The pcm;on elected judge under it

When juclgo to shall qualify within twenty days after his commission is qu:ill!y. issued as aforesaid.

II 9. If the county of Pendleton should, by a majority vote Acttobonu . h. h h h ll b II d ·ct llud vult.l whoo reJeCt t H! act t en t e act s 1l e nu �u VOi •

[Appro-red larch 7, 18i9.)



The foregoing act takes effect from its passage, two­thirds of tho members elected to each house, by a vote taken by yoas and nays, having so directed.


AN ACT prescribing regulations for the transportation of petroleum or other oils or liquids by railroad companies or transportation companies or through pipes of iron or other material constructed for that purpose.

[Passed )farcb 4, 1879.J

Be it enacted by the Legislature of '\Yest Virginia :


1. All companies heretofore or hereafter org-nnizcd for c I f . I -1 .1 omp3n,..,. or-

t 1e purpose o transportrng pctro enm or ot 10r 01 s or b''"'1,c,1 f?r

liquids through pipes of iron 01· other material, shall be re- :�:i,•,•��-tt.E,re­qnircd to accept all petroleum offered in a mcrcbantable 11trnuih rip,•••

I I . . . f l I l I rc,pmcd 10 nc-Ol't er to t 1cm 1n quant1t1es o not css t Jan two t 1ousanc cept the"""" �111lons at tho wells where tho f':unc is produced, and tni.ns- :·\;·;�




po1·t the samo to any tank or other receptacle on the route conditi•!"' an,1 of their lino of pipes, which may be designated by the �1�;".,';.�'"111 •

11100-owners of tho petroleum i-o offered.

2. 1lll pctrolonm offered for transportation shall. before the i-nmc is tra nRJ>Ortcd ai- jJl'Ovidcd in :-c(•tion one of this Petrulcum 10 be

111�pcclcd, ,\:c,, act, be ini-pe(:led, 1-{rndcd and niea;;u1·NI. and the company hdQro• trnns-actepting tho sumo fur transpol't!ltion. shall gi,·o to the t��.•.�;�-.. Y U'Ans­owner thereof a receipt, f'lati11g therein the number ofbar- Jrort!n� 10:;h·e

II . I I I . rccc1pltoowo• rcls or ga ons so rcrcl\"ct, a11d t 10 _gl'a< o. grnnl,y and crs. mcasurnmont thereof, amt within n n'af<o11able ti mo there- ,?,'.'i� f� �;ii'.��: aftor, upon tho demand of said owner or hi:-< 11>';:ig11<'<', !'<hall itig. deliver to him nt the point of duliver_,. n liko '111a11t.it_,. and gmde or gravity ofpeti-olcum, in a mo1·c-hantahiL1t•o11<lit.ion as specified in such rccei pt-, cxrcpt, thaL the eom p:111y may Whnt mn.• w deduet Jor wnsto ono per cen/11,n ot the a11,01111t of petrol- <1cduct<st: eum speeificd in such 1·ec<-ipt.

B. The chni·g,:i fol' rccciYi ng, tran1>pol'ti ng and cleliYcring �:�:�� f��;;:-,;-_ pctroluom sball nut exceed two <·cnts per banel, of forty rorll'l�· .. uJ ·dc­gallons. por milo; Provided, that if:;aid rnto should amount 1(��·�;:•� 118 to for tbo w holo clistanco tr:rnsp'>l'tcd. to less than ton con ts rnte• to he ·

b l b chnrged In cer-por bnrrol, thon the sum of ten cents per lltTe may e 1a111 en•••· charged, provided, that not mo1·0 than thirty cents shall be rhnrgcd for any distnnc·e less thn.n twenty miles. ancl for all distances ovor twenty miles one and one-half cents per


Chnry;c ror trnn- mile mnv be cbur...,.ed The cbnr...,.e fot· trnnsporti D"' water porlrng wntcr. J b · '" b o c: shall not exceed five cents por barrel, of forty gallons

. . each; and it any company mentioned in tbis act sball �/���.f:�7.1� charge a higher rute or amount for receiving, transporting <1cc111cJnmts<1c-and delivering petroleum or otuer oils or liquids, than is mcanor. prescribed by this act, they shall be deemed guilty of a mis-

demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not Penalty.

less thnn fifty nor more than five hundred dollars for each offense, and shnll moreover be linblc to the party aggrieved for double damages and costs.

Uniform 1111es 4. 1t shall be unlawful for any railro:i,d company, or 10 bo chari;cd. transportation company, through pipes or otherwise, to

charge, demand, or receive from any person or tirm, a greater or less rate for the transportation of any article, than it charges, receives, or demands from any otlaer per­son or firm, for the transportation of Ii ke or �i milar a1·ticles,

Failure 10 do"° and for each violation of the provision8 of this section, su<:h ,1,-emc,J n mis- company i;hall be deemed guilty of a misdenv!-an01·, and dc,ucanor. upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than one Pcnall)". Any shih, dl."­Tise, &c,, to c,·ade, to bo Toid

hundred dollars, and not more than one tbornrnnd dollars. Any shift, device or subterfuge made or attempted for the purpose of evading the provisions of this section shall be void.

5. Any transportation compn.ny mentioned in the first Ch l

section of this act shall be 1rnrmiltecl lo charl-{o for storage argc or 21tor- · ·

age. of petroleum two cent8 pet· bane! per month or part of a month unless removed within five days from date of stor-age, and shall be allowed for evaporation and waste, onc-

Whntnllowcd b If f f I 'l 1. I d for c,·nporatlon a o one per ce11tum o t 1c 01 per monto u n ess remove and waste. within fifteen days from date of storage; and for eYcry Ever�· rlinri:c In charge in excess 0f the amount herein authorized, the com­':;:1';i�"n�iii��� n pany shall be doomed guilty of a misdemeano1· and upon

conviction thereof shall be fined not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars, and shall moreover he liable to rcunlty.

the party ag�rie,·cd for all damages ,rnstaincd by him by reason of such excessive chorgo.

L. 6. Any company transporting petroleum or othe1· oils or •�n for chnrgcs 1· 'd I II I 1· h ·1 II I . 1qu1 11, s rn a 1cn on t c same untt a c: iargcs aro paid for freight, storage, &c.

[Approved March 7, 18i9.]

[N oTE nY TUE CLEll-K 01,• TUE llousE OF DELEOAl'ES.]

'l'hc foregoing net takes effc<:t from its pa11sage, two­thirds of the members elected to each house, by a vote takon by yeas and nays, having so directed.



AN AC'r to amend and re-enact section one of chapter sixty-three ot the acts of one thousand eight hund1·cd and seventy-two and three.

[Passed March 4, 18i9.]

Bo it enQCted by the Legislature of West Virginia: 1. 'fhat section one of chapter sixty-three ot the nets of

one thousand eigl,t hundred nn<l seventy-two and three, bc�;�;_"i�t�hnp­

and the same is hereby ameuded and re-enacted so as to 1s,2-:i amended. read as follows:

''1. That the county courts of Hardy, Grant and Pendle­ton counties, shall require the removal of all trees, brush, I d I b • I f · f .1 Removal o( ob­ogs an ot 101· o struct1ons to t 1e roe passage O t 1e structions outol waters of the South Branch ot the Potomac river and its •ertain_ watcu tributaries, viz: The South .Fork and the North Fork of��:::?�•�� lim­

of the said South Branch within the liinits ofi:aid counties, �u�


and in the county of Grant, the South and North fork ot Luney's creek. at least once in each year after the passage of this act and oftener if they deem it expedient.

[Approved Mnrch 7, 1879.J


The foregoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety · days after its passage.


AN AC'l' to make tho fat·ms and residences owned and oc­cupied by Benjamin B. Stout and P.H. Goodwin, n pat·t of the Cl:u·ksburg independent school distt·ict, in the county of ilanisun.

(Pnsscd Mnrnh .�, 187!1.]

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia: 1. That the turm and residence owned anct 01:eupied by !;t;•�_t!,�:•in­

BcnJ· a min B. Stout and the house and farm of P. ll. Good- nnd r. 11. l;oo,t-' C wln maclo pnrt win, be and tho snmc at·e hereby made a part of the h11·ks- or Clarksburg

burg indopondolltschool district in the coullty of Harrison. ��zf:;\��iict.

[Approved Jl(nrcb 7, 1870.J

[No1'K BY Till, Ct.ERK ot· ·rITE HousE o�· D.1-:u:GATES.)

Tho fore.�oing net tnkes effect nt the expiration of ninllty days after its passage.

38 TEACHERS' DuTrEs, &c. [Co. 30


AN ACT to amend and re-enact section thirty of chapter one hundred and twenty-three of the acts of one thous­and eight hundred and seventy-two and three, as amend­ed and re-enacted by chapter seventy-seven of the Acts ot one thousand eight hundred and seventy-Bevon .

[Pnssetl llfnrch 5 , 1879.)

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia: 1. Th1<t section thirty of chapter one hundred and

twenty-three of the Acts of one thousand eight hundred seventy-two and three, as amended and re-enacted by chapter seventy-seven of the Acts of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, be amended and re-enacted s0 as· to read as follows :

. "30. E,ery teacher shall keep a daily regiRter and make Ri,i:,5rer to

be monthly reJlorts to the secretar.}' of the board of education kept by tcnctwr. < .. "'

to m:1ko mouth- of his district. He shall also keep a te1·m register in Jy reports. which shall be ente1·ed tho date of the commence�mont


and • Whotto be en- termination of every term ot the sc:hool, the num? and age

tered in register of every scholar who attended the school during such term; the_ daily attendance, distinguishing between males and females ; tho branches taught, and the number of scholars engaged in ench month in the study of each branch, an<l 1mch other particulars as are necessary to en­able the secretaries of the boards of edul'ation, or directors,

�!��c��•�r;�-�- to make the reports required of them. The state 1mper­

s,-.ribP r0rm,aml intendant of free 11chools shall p1·escribe such forms and re�1.lut ions ns to • • · I such rt1, regulatiom! respectrng the register to be kept, anc reports aud roporia. t,l be made by the teachers, as shall seem to him necessarr. Where register At the close of each term the register thc1·eof' 1-1hall be re­�� !r1';'!;��- turned by the teacher to the offire of the secretary of the

board of education fo1· the disLrict, who shall file tho same, ie��1���af�rfeits unless such register shall be propei-ly kept and return­bllanceoi his ed, the teacher shall not he entitled to demand pnyn,ont of s.,Jnry. the balanco due on his F<ala.ry. 'l'enchers r,;hall be paid When nnd how monthly, and by ordors on the Rheriff or collector, 1:1igncd teachers paitl. by the pt·esident und secretary of the board, or by such

orde·rs on a sheriff or collector whose term has cxpin1d, but is char�ed or charf'eable with money applicable to the

WhcncollUcd payment of teachers. Wbeu any teacher hns taught ac­to 1my. col'ding to his cont1·act, for one month, the trustees for tho

sub-district in which he has so taught, shall certify t.lrn fact to the secretary of the district board, whereupon he shall 1·eceivo from said secretary an Ol'der upon the sheriff or collector of the county, signed by the said 1:1ecrctnry and president of the board of edncation, for one month'A salary; but in no cnse shall such ordor be given unless the monthly report containing tho Jacts requir.ed in the preceding part


of this section, to be shown in the term registei-, be first duly made out and retu1·ned to the secretary. The sc:hool School month. mouth shall consist of twenty-two days, excluding Satur-day, all of which i,;hall be devoted to teaching the school l'ontntctcd for. As a means ot improving the teachers and fitting them for more etfoctive service in the free schools ofT 1 1 1 b I , . . I I I b cac 1ers nst -t e i,;Lato, tea<: 1ers 111st1tutes s rn e annually bold 1u1es. throughout the state, one or more jn each county; tbey i,;hall be held dul'ing Lho months of July and August, and at such ti mes and places as the state i-upe1·i ntcnclent shall, with tbe a_dvice of the county supcrin_tendunt, di1·ect, and Sholl co,.tinuo sh al I conll nue eaeh lot· one week ot •five days; they is hall for live day,. be conductud by expet·ienced and skillful institute instrnc-ton·, who shall be appointed by the state supei·intendcnt, but it shall be a part ot the duty of the county superiu- Dntror County tendon t, under tb<'- instn1ction� oft ho stat_o superi n ten dun t, ��'\'i�,�c\i

01�,��[_ to make all proper arrangements tor the 1 11sL1tutes, a111..I to 1_1110s. assist i u conclucti ng them. 'f be i nstruclot·s whom the �;;:�•.��•;�r�::�­state superintendent shall employ, as l.ierein provided shall ploy 1nstruc1on each receiYc for his services, uot mo1·e than twenty-fiveeompensalion. dollat·s fo1· each institute he may in:strnct, to LJe paid out ot tho general school fund, on u 1n·opor orclc1· _of the state supcrintondent, but the aggregate amount of such compen-sation for thu whole stale shall not exceed five bu ndred dolla1·s. At tho close ot the institutes as he1·ein provided, and durin« the week followincr the count)' bo·1rd of ex- :&:ird or exnm-

. � . t"?' . '" , . rnc� to ho!<l amrners shall hold tbc11· exam1nat1ons for teachers cert1- 1hc,r,•xn1u1110-ticates. IL sh al I be tho duty of the state su peri n tenclen t l�:•;it�\e�.050 or to JH'OSct'i be thu course of instruction ot the i us ti Lutes and Course or 111-_

, . . struc11nn 1n rn--the mct,hods ot conduc:tlllg them, together with such other stitut�s tu be

details l'01111ccted therewith ·-1:s he shall deem conducive to 1(r.scr1_1,.,.i �Y · '" · State ::-upcrrn-tbci t· uselulness nnd etlidcucy. tcm.lcut.

LApprov,'<1 )larch;, 1s;�.J

[Non.: nY ·rrrn C1.1mn: OF THE Ilolisi,: o�· D1,LEGA1'ES.] 'l'ho torcgoing acL tnkei- effect at tho expii·at.ion of uiueLy

dayl:i after it,, pas1-Jage.


AN ACT to nmoml and re-enact sec:tion t,wenty-two, of c:haptor eighty-eight, of the Acts ot one tbous1\1Hl eight hundred and seventy-two and three, relating to tho in­corporation of milroad companies, so as to perrnit bona fide stock dividends.

(Passed Morch 6, 1srn.J

Be it enacted by tho Logisluture of West Virginin:

1. Section twenty-two of chapter eighty-eight of tho Section 22,ctrnp-h d d d tcr ss, ncrs 1$72-acts of one thousand eight uu 1·e and seventy-two nu s nwc,uled.


three, entitled "an act to pi·ovicle for the incorporation of associations that may be organized for the purpose of con­structing railroads, maintaining and oper:iting the same; for prescribing and defini;1g the duties and limiting the powers of such corporations when so organized," is hereby ameuded aud re-enacted so as to read as follows:

"22. No such corporation shall issue any bonds except for money, l(1bor, pr0perty or materials act'ually received and applied to the purpose for which such eorporutioo was

!���t�\���•ds orga1::ized, nor shall 1t issue anyt1tock or decla1·e any stock !" oond,, except dividends except for money, labor, property or nrnterials ';ri;;·w::�t:•0

• so received and applied, or tor amounts of money not ex-ceediug the net e,,rnings of such corporation. which shall have been ac:tually and iu good faith applied and invested

All other stock in and for the pm·pose for which suc:h cnrporation was or­Dlvidcnds, &c., ganized. A II oth;}r sloc:k dividen<ls and al I fictitious increase ,·oid. of the capital stock 01· indebtednesR ot such corporation

shall be void."

[Approved March 7, 1879.J


The foregoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.


AN ACT providing fot· the holding of the county court of the county of PleaaantR.

[Passed March 5, 1879.)

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Vir�i nia :

1. That the county court of the> county of Pleasants be rr11casanftlsclol.l belu hereafter on the second Monday in January, March, mco "', ng • · b countyrourts. May, July, September, and ffrat Monday rn Novem er.

[Approved March 7, 1879.)


The toregoing net takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.



AN AC'l' changing and fixing the time for holding the

_county courts in the county of Hampshire.

[Passed )lnrch 5, !Si9.l

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

1. That the county court of the county of Hampshire, Hnwp,1hire shall hel'eafte1· commence and be bold as follows: t-ouuty,

On the second 'I'uesday in Janua .. y, tbil'd Tue!'day in l\ial'(;b, and second Tuesday in August; on the fii·st Tuesday 'l'lmes or boltl­i n J n ne, first 'l'nesday in October and first 'l'ncsday in De- :,::�r


cember. 2. 'l'bat so much of the act approved February eighteen,

one t,honsand ei�ht h1111d1·ed and :seve11ty-t,hl'ee, entitled :}it��r,,i;�?�:,1 "an act to amend and re-enact a porliuu of an act entitled is;�. 1u·o,·itling 'd' d d fi · b · · for count,· 'an act p 1·ov1 lllg Jot· county courts an e mog t e1r JUr- �ourts. re

pealed isdicti


d11,'" as may be inconsistent with this act is hereby :f.t�','.t"!.(�h�'�i.

repea e . act

[AJ>provcd Marchi, !Si9. I


'l'be fol'egoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.


AN AC'l' to amend nnd 1·0-cnnct the net to iucorpornte the town of' N cw Cnm bc,rland, in the con nty of Hancock.

[Pas.scd Mllrth 5, 18i9.]

.Bo it enacted by the Legi;,Jnt,ure of \Vel'lt Virginia:

1'1 I · · I I · · f 'd t N New Cumber• J.. 1nt t 10 11111111<:1pa nut; 1orit1es o · 1,1u town o _ ew 1,11111, charter of Cumberland ;,hall cunsh•t of mayor, rcCOl'dcr, and five w:��'�it


councilmen, wbo togcLher shall form n common council. co1utnon coun­cil.

2. 'l'bere shall be a town sergeant appointed by tho Town •cri:onnt; council, who sbnll be e.rc-o_[Jit:io t1·easurer and supe1·iutcnd- how appointed.

ent of ronds, streets and alloys.

3. 'l'hc sergeant, so appointed, shall serve during theTo licex-officlo 1_ ll . h 'l'reasurer &c. pleasure of the council, and sun receive, sue compeusa-


His compensn-1 ion. His powers.

To whn1. penal­lies subjected.

NEw Cu�mERLANi>.

tion as the council shall r,reseribe. ·rre shall be invested with all t,he powers conferred by section nineteen of the act to whieh this is an amellllmcnt, and this much addi­tional: 'l'hat hisjnrisdiction shall extend to any place in Clay district, hut for police purposes only, beyond the corpomte limits of said town. He shall also be subject to all the penalties mentioned in section nineteen of the act, of incorpo1·qtion.

4. W"L1enever a vacanc., shall occur in any office, it 1-hnll Vacanc_ics in be tilled b" aJ)jJOintmcnt, by the eonncil from amo1w tho ;au,· office; bow . J • • • t:"I 1111e.1. e1t1zens of the town. who would h:n-e been cltg1ble to elcc-

. tion to the said office.

An nun! Je..-y; liow ruadc.

Prol'hlO ns to the amouot. to �c 1c,·ieU.

5. The annual levy ordered by the council maybe upon tho tax lists, made by the prnpcw oflicers, for state and count,y pu1·poses. Provided, 'l'ho amount levied in any yen.r Hhnll not exceed fifLy cents on each hurH.lred dollars of valuation of such p1·ope1·ty fo1· st,ate and county pur­poses and twenty-five cents on each male person over the age of twenty-one years.

Who to work on 6. Every able-bodied male citizen of said town not un-til rcl·t�, alleys uuu roads. dot· twenty-one, nor over forty-five years of age, and who

is not a pauper, sha.11, if required by the coun<:il, work uot exceeding two days, eithc1· by him,:;elf or by an ucecptable

Mny be released substitute, under di rcctions of tho snperi ntcndent of rond;;, by pai·_ing noL st.reels and allevs or be mny be released from such work cxcccc.hug \.Wo . J ' •

• 1 .n.unrs per uay. by pay111g to the treasnre1· sucli a11 amou 11t as the eounc1 may prescribe, which amount shall not exceed two dollars

t�0 .. �eJ

Sc"::.1>nid; per day. The money so to be used for the repairs of

the streets.

Duty or council 7. It shall be the duty of the _council, at least once in six •• t.,rcc,·ip1,, months on the thirteenth day of October and A1J1·il of each expenditun•s ' b I · · · ( · und indebted- your to <:uusc to e postec 111 some corn,p1cuous p nee In ness. 1:mid town, a st,atement verified by the atlidavit of Lhe trcns-

unw, of all the reeeipts and expenditures of said town, with tbe amount of its indebtedness and for what, pu1·pose contracted.

A conflicting 8. So mnch of the act of one thousand eight hundred and ucLrcpealed. seventy-two, entitled •'Ai; net, to incorporate the tow11 of

.New Cumberland, in the county of Hancock," as shnll be iu coutlict with t,his act is hereby repealed.

(ApproYed Mnrch 7, 1879.)



The foregoing act takes effect at tho expiration of ninety days aft,er its passage.



AN ACT to amend and re-enact 8ection one of c:hap­ter one hundred and nineteen of the act approved on the first day of l\iarc:b, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven,entitled "an actp1·oviding for t!:ie construc­tion of a road from Helvetia, in Randolph co11nty, to

some convenient point on the Staunton and Parkers­

bnrrg turnpike road in said county and appropriating money from the treasury to aid thereir,."

[Pnssed February 25, 18;9.J

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia :

1. Tbat section O11e of chapter one hundred and nineteen of the acts of one thousand eight hundred and �ctioo Heventy-8evcn be amended and re-enacted so as to read :1s · . follows:

"1. That the sum of one thousand dollars be and the



8nmc iR hereby appropriated to uicl in the constructio11 of a Approprfation _good wa_gon road from Helvetia, in said <;Ounty, by tbe way,'.�1�



of Melvin Currence':, mill, to some <;Onvcnient point on dotph rouniy. the Staunton and Parke1·sbu1·g tm·npike road in said P 1 1 R P .

�,1, . f ro,..- :,,ions lot 10

county of andolph. rovulcd, hat not mo1·e than fi t.y n111011111. 10 1>o

dollars per mile of this appropriation shall bo expended, "-�peudcd. 1111d not moro in the a_�g•·egate than shall bo expended by the county of Randolph, for imid 1·oad por mile."

G�:o. IL 1\l<H'n:TT, Epc"ker of tlte 11011:;e oj Ddcgates.

D. D. JonNSON, President o/ tlte Senate.

OFFICE O�' SEClllsTAll.Y o�' STATE, Mar<;b 7, 1879.

l ce1·ti fy that, tho foregoing act lia,·ing been presented to the govcrllOI' for bis 11ppr0Yn.l, u11d not hnving heen l'C­turnou by him to tho hnn,io of the Legislature in wbid1 it originated, within the timo prps1;ribed by tho c:0111,titut,iou of the i;tnto, has bccornu n law without his approval.

S. BRADY, Secretary of State.

[Non� nY 'ffrn cu�RK OF Tim Housis OJ-' Dr;LEGATES,J

The fore�oing act tnkos effect from its passage, two­thirds of the members elected to each house, by a vote

· taken by yens and nays, having ao directed.

44 [Cn. 36


AN ACT to amend and re-enact chapter twenty-six of an act passed February twenty-one, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, entitled "an act to amend and re-enact section four of chapter sixty-two of the code."

[Passed March 5, 1879.J

Be it enacted by the Legislature of "\Vest Virginia :

s.. . 4 h 1. That. Bection fo111· of chapter sixty-two of the Code 0f

�c1�•tOJd� ap-.West Virginia be, and the same is he1�eby amended and re-amended. enacted so as to read as follows :

Unlnwful 10 "4. It B bnll not be lawful for any person to catch or de-cntch or <lesloy f b fi h · J k f h · b fish, by means ;,troy any o t e R 111 t lC cree ·s or runs o t 1s state y ' or nets. trnps, means of drao- or other nets fish-pots weirs traJ>S by

&c .. except hook . t",. ' • ' ' ' nod line, i_n sledgrng, Bhoot1 ng, or othe1· devices, ( oxc:opt book and t��!-r',:{;�crs. line) nor shall it be lawful to place i o the rivers, creeks or p_lacc, otany streams of this state, at any time, any fish-pots, wci1·s or

1"ue. fish pols I I] · b ] f I f I d well• ortrap,,in traps, nor s 1a 1t e aw n or any person to eatc 1 or e-rh·crs, creeks stroy, 01· attempt to catch 01· destroy any of the fi,;h in the t';;1."·ru1 to rivers of this Atate by moans of drng or other nets, sledg­:;';!::;t;.}' �,�. ing, shootiog, seines 01· other devices, (except by hook and •�ines &:c, in line) from the first day of March to the first day of Sep­-;.11:,��t rr;t,0 tember of onr::h yenr. It Rhall uot be lawful to c:atcb 01· de­s�ptcmher tst. stroy any black-bass. J·ark-salmon or white-salmon in l\11.)' F1,lung :tt ccr-tain scnsoos in manner, between the fil·st day of l\Iay and the fifteenth any manner, for dav of June of ench year nor to c·\tch or destroy· ·tnv cert:uo fish, pro- J ' ' • ' " J 1.tibited. brook-trout or land-locked salmon 1n auy manner bet.ween

the firi;t dn.y ofSeptembor and t,he fi1·st dity of January in fSi1n,;,���\:';u, each year; 1101· shall it be lawful tor any person to kill fish poison, etc. with cocculus or ot,he1· poisou, or by tho explosion

of powder or other substance at an}' t.i me. It i,hal I not be Unlnwful to lawful for any person engaged at any time in catching trespass upon fish to trespass upon or go into any endosed field n<ljoin­coclosed fields. ing or near to the stream in which i;uch person is fio1hing,

nor to pass through any enclosed field for tho purpose of fisbing, without permission from the owner or occupier of such field, nor shall it be lawful for any persou at any sea­son oftbe year to catc:h or destroy fish in any dam or pond

Caiching fish in the property of any perRon in nny cuso in which such per­��0•;tcpr�hib-o

r so_n may have stodfced

b such dnm

for po

1 ndd with fi1:,h,



ited.' with the consent o t e owner o sue: 1 am or pon . ut 11otbing in this act shall be so construed as to p1·evont the

Exception as to catching of minnows or small fish (except salmon, shad, �.:�?i0r.

"�i,.0r and trout,) by moans of hand or cast-nots to be used for angling or scientific purposes; nor to p1·event the commis­sioners of fishes of this state, or any person with their con-


sent, from cntc-bing any fish at any time with nets or Fi•_h for propa-. f f .

k. I

i:auon. semes or purposes o propagation or stoc · mg ot 1er waters, Private pond nor to prevent any person lrorn ta.kina in any way fish &c., 0",?0r


f b · · I , . 0 mny t.s�c s

rom 1s pnvate < am, pona or spnng at any time. from in nny way.

2 . .And tbis act shall be given specially in charge to each T� hegi••�n d , . . . spccmlly in gran Jlll'Y 111 every court. chorgc 10 gr.tnd

juries. 3. All nets or parts of acts inconsistent with this act. arc reJ>('.aled.

hereby repealed. [Apprornd llfarch 7, 1879.)


The foregoing act takes effect nt the expiration of ninety days after its passage.


A BILL for the relief of Daniel Looney, sole solvent

security of J. W. Spencer, late sheriff of Roane county.

[Passed .Murch 6, l8i9,l

Bo it enacted by t.he Legislature of \Vest Virginia:

1. Thnt the :rnditor of this state may and shall, on theAmlitornuthor-1. ·

f j) · ( L 1. II · f11.cdtopostpone app 1C:at1on o an1e ooney, postpono tue co cctlon o colkctionofsev-the sevel'nl ·1ud<rmcnts of the ;;t:\lo of \Vest Virvinia cml_i 11•li:111c!11•

• •


t'"I • .. n ' :ig:1111:--t t>:uncl

ngn1 nst . J. \V. 8ponecr, late shcnft of Ho:1110 county and r.ooncr,,. se-iiis sureticH, as to said D:rniel Looney, tor the period of ��,;.::f.�.r

J. w. ·five yem·s ll'Om tho pa,;;.n.rc c,t thi;. net-, on such tel'mS as Fur whottlmo.

· J 1· I -� · J

I t Upon whnt 1;111c :me 1tor mny rcga1·c as ,111st, to (. 10 stato, 1111< may, a 1 ,,,111s. the same time J)l'utcct tho ::;ai<l Loo11cv atrninst tho i,acriticu �lny makcfur-

• · J .� . . thc-r :1rrnnge-of lus propel't.)' to pay the same, and tho said :111d11or may, wcuts. from time to tilllc, c11ter i11to i;uch otho1· nnd further ar­rnn�emenls with said Lo,,ncy as the auditor may think expedient, nnd pl'OJ)Ul'. But tliis act shall in no wise be co-s<,eurltlcs construed •1s roliel of nny 01· either ot tho cn-suclll·ities uot rel_•••·•� .,

. • ·. . . . · . frum hablhty. from thou· liabd1t1cs ns sn(•.h su1·etws, nor to 1·cloaso 01· to Lieu upon cs­. ·

f' b · f ·ct · I f ti t t t;otcnuttobo 1mpa11· uny 10n y v11·t110 o s:11 Jll( g111c11ts o · JC s a c impaired. upon the est.ate, real and pe1·sonal, ot tlic said Daniel Looney.

I Approved Mnrch 7, 1S7!1,)

[No·m UY ·rm-: Cr,1mi;: OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATF.S.) Tho foregoing act takes effect from its passage, two-thirds

of the members elected Lo each house, by a vote taken by yeas and nays, having so directed.



AN ACT to establish a court of limited jurisdiction in the city of Huntington.

[Passed M3rcb 4, 1S79,l

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

fu'��\t1/��i:;_d 1. 1.'here shall be established a court of record ot limited tablisbcd. jurisdiction in the city of Huntington to be called tbe

municip_al court of Huntington. 2. On the first Thursday in April, one thousand eight

����on when hundred and 1:1eventy�nine, and in eve1·y fom·th year there-. after, there shall be elected by the voters of the city, a 0fticento be

f'ltClt'd. Tenn o! office to bei;n. · judge and a clerk of the said court, who shall be citizens of Cabell county, and whose term of office shall begin on the first day of May, next, after thceir election. and they �hall continue iu office until their successors are olcctod or ap­pointed and qualified.

Vacancl .. bow 3. If for any cause eithe1· of the said offices be vacant, filled.

' during the term, such vacancy shall be filled by tho coun­cil until the next :rnnual election in said city, when such offi:--er shall be elected for the unexpired }lOrtion of said term.

Election• gov­erned b,· S.'1Wlt, regulntfons o.a election for mayor, 01.Ca

4. 'l'he regular nnd special elections for the said jndgo and said clerk, except as to the t-ime of holding tho same, aha.JI be subject to tho same reg11latio1,s as tho election for mayor noel members of the city council.

Sal.try of Judge. 5. During the judge's so1·vice in office he shall receive from the trcasu1·y of the city a salary, to bo prescribed by ordinance of tho council; but after tho salary hai; been so prescribed, no ordinance increasing or diminishing tho 1mme shall take effect until au election to tho office ha,; in­tervened.

6. Tho judge or clerk mny be removed from office for Removal from misconduct, incompetency or neglect of dnty, 01· on convic­omcc. tion.ofan infn.mou'I otfont-o, 'oy tho conncil of tho city, two-

thirds of tho mornbe1·s concu1Ting in such removal; Lut be-' . fore any 01·dcr or reHolntion for removal is pai<socl, such �f:�::,r;�,°��""" officer niust have 1·oa11011able notice of tho causes allogocl movlll. therefor, and an opportunity to be heard in porso11 01· by

counsel as he ma.y elect.

0 I i I. . 7. ,vbore any fine, penaltv or punii;bmont may be law-r i; na Juns- d ' I . J f 1· f I . <1ic1ion 1 .. caeM fully impose ,or a v10 at1on .o an ore rnance o t 10 city,

�J1;1i::w.�,nD��- tho municipal cou1·t shall have ori�inal jtll'isdiction of the Pcocccdin�sto case. Tho procPcdiu�s in snch case shall be by 1mmmons be byauwmone. on behalf of the city us plaintiff and shall conform to tho

regulations, so far as_they are applicable, respecting civil

Orr. 38.J CrTY ot HuNTI�OTON. 47

suits allCI Jlroceedin!!s before i·nsticcs. But the J'udcre, for Judge may or-d I � b · d O der arrest. gou causes 10wn, may, y en· O1·sement on any such sum-

mons, order t.he defendn,1,t or defendants to be arrested and brought forthwith before him to be dealt with accord-ing to law.

8. The said c011rt, also within the city, shall ha,e the .T'!riscliction in · · d' · I • • . I . h. criminal ofleo-same JUl'IS 1ct1on anc powers as n, Justice, wit 110 1s •es county, in relation to the apprehension, examination, com-mitnrnni or adn1itting to bail of any pe1·son ch:u·ged with a criminal offense whethe1· committed in said city or else-whe1·e; and in the exerc:ise of suc:h ju1·isdictioo and powet· s hal I be subject to th0 same regulations.

9. For the exercise of the jurisdiction and power cou-t<m_'cd_ b

)' the last two_ scctiorn; (herei ualter cal led tbe police[;':;!;; :i,f;,iaee

JUr1sd1ct1011 of the s:ud co111·t) the court shall be held at for holding the such ti mes and at such places in the city as to the said court. judge may seem convenieni, and proper.

10. The said court shall also harnjurisdiction in all civil imits and proceedin�s whe1·c tho amount in ,,ontroversyJurisclict.ionin . d I t ' I 11 I . f . t d civil s:aits and excce s t 10 sum o ten c o ar� exc us1 ve o 1 n e1·cst an proceedings; cost8. and who1·0 the posses:o/ioH or title of real or personal and io «bat estate is concerned, and in divorces and all cases in equity =es. but in tho following cases only:

I. Whore tbe defendant, or one of the defond:rnts, resides in the city.

IL Where tho. cause of action aroJe within the city. fJI. Where the property, real or per;:onal, tbe title or

pos,;cssion of which, or tbc right to subject it to a debt is in co11t1·ove1·sy, or some part of such propol'ty is in the city.

IV. "rhere the defendant. or one of tho defendants, be­ing a non-rn:;iclent of'tlll:l state, i8 found in the city, or has estate or elfoc:ts therein; and any dema11d U).:ninst u resi­dent of tho city, or a t:orporation or a tfrm doing bu1,iness tlrnrein, or any 1,tock or share in tlw (':\[>ital or 1111<:b co1·­l)Ol'lltion 01· firm, i<hall Le decmccl elt'ecLs in the city witbiu the mcnning of'thi:s clause.

11. 'rhe snid c-O111·(; shnll nlso have ,i111·isdiction without .rurIS<l!rtlon In

reference to the amount in eontrovcrsv or c:ivil suits a11cl civil sui_t• nnd . . . •' ' · proc,·c«.h 11�:-1 , n proceedings at law 111st1t.ulcd to rm:over any taxes, debt b_cbniCof 1110

or demand, nlle).:cd to be due tho said city, or Lo recover c1ty.

dumnges for Lrench of tho condition of a11y bond made pay-ablo Lo the cit.y, 01· to recover compensation for damages alleged to be done by tbe defonclan t to uny property, real or personal, belonging to the city.

12. 'l'be snid court shall also have concurrent jurisdic­tion with, and same powers ns the circuit court of Cabell


���;�:;';��\!1�•- county, in cases of habeas corpus as to leasing lands of in­circ11it cour1 in fonts. marrieu women or insane JJersons and.of the sale of c:isos of h:al:,cas ,. . . I d. I I 1 I f . , . '- I corpus, etc. tue1r an s, 01· t 1oso 1c < 01· cestut que trust, wue1·e sue l

land8 or n part thereof are within 8aid eity; as to c:orpora­tions lun-ing tbeir principal offic:e or place of busine,;;s

ProTiso. within said city; as to the appointn:ent of receivers and commissioners, and as to a bill for injunction. PrfJvided, Tbat such power shall not extend to tbe granting ot in-junctions to the judgments and proceedings of t,he ci1·cuit or county com·ts .

.Judge to h•�o ss111c po"·crs in 13. The judge of said com·t shall hav-e tbe same powers i':�,\��•0�i�"ircuitin vacation, with respect to the mattc1·s mentioned in this c<>urt. act, as tbcjudgc of the circuit court of Cabell county in

nH:ation now has, or may hereafter be vested with in re­spect to same matters. · 14. For the. exc1·cise of the juri'sdiction and powers <:on­

Ses,ion•_fo� tho forred by the last four sections (herci naftcr ·cal led the cld! Jnris<l,c- .

· 1 . . d" . f' I . I ) t· . f linn ofth�conrtCIVJ JUl'IS 1ct1on O l, IC ,,a1( <:ourt l\'C SCi-SIOllS per year 0

�.i:;::,1;�\�� nn,I

said courl shall be held, commencing on the second :\lo11-J1rurcedi11;," dny oJ eac:h of tbe montbs of l<'cbrua1·y, May,July Seplcm-suind contiuuctl b d D b I · · ·1 ' · d e1· an occm er, anc cont1nmng u11t1 tbc <.;ourt 1s a ·

journcd by the jud�e ihercof to tbe su<.;ccedi11g- term. But if any such term be· not commenced on the day hereby ap­pointed, or the 'l'ucsday or Wednesday next after the same, all suits and proceeding then pending therein shall !c<land continued, without any special order to tbat effect, to the succecuing term.

"'here !essions heh.I.

15. 'l'hc said five sessions shall be held at such place within the city as the cou11-.:il may from time to time pro­

Clerk'somce. vide for the purpose. 'l'he council sball alrso provide an office in the city for the derk of said court,.

,\<hen Jud�e In­capable of act­ing. who to t"'X­

ercise police JurisJictiou o! court.

Rules where held, etc.

16. When t.hejuclge is, from sickness or other c:rnse, in­capable of actin�, or is absent from the city, the mayor of the cily, or some pcrF<on appointed tor the purpose by the c:ouncil, shall cxcr<.;ise the police jurisdi<.;tion ol said court.

17. Rules shall be held in the clerk's oflico of the said court, commencing 011 the firi-1t l\'[011day of every month, and t.ho said rules may continu� fo1· three days.

Rli;hfor�rinl by 18. Either partj• to a suit nt law, in said court, shall be ���i�.10 c,vll entitled under the regulations herein prcscri bed to a t1·ial

by ajury of twelve men if required by either party, and Mny consist of l . · f · b I f I six Jurors. l 1e Jury may consist o six 111011 :; t 10 consent o t 10 par-

ties or their c:01rnsel, and in thut case a verdict shall be as valid and have the same effect as if it had been found by a jnry of t.wclve. ,

�J�tlJ�1i 19. The demand mnst be made before the <.;Olll't has Pw•nded; d commenced an investiuation of Lhe merits of the <.;nse by

orly ucman • . f � . l h · f t,I tng_lo runkc de- the cxami11at1on o any w1t::esscs, or l 1e en1·1ng o o 1cr ru:�t-to pay evideuce; and the party so domandiugnjury must deposit


with the clerk the sum of six dollars or a proportional nmonnt, 11.ccordipg to the number of jurors demauded, for the purpose of paying the costs of tho jury.


20. When the jury is to be called, the case shall be passed When Jury ls

t. l th t' fi • d f th f h · cnllcd, to "·bat un 1 e 1me xe or e return o t. e JU1·y. time, co,,sc con-tinued.

21. The names of at least eighteen persons, designated 1H0wJuryd

se-.._ . CCl(' au by the court, shall be by the clerk wntton on separate dram,.

pieces of paper or ballots the same size and appearance, which shall be folded or rolled so that the names ca11not be seen, and that so iar as possible, one cannot be distin-1;uished from another. The ballots so folded or rolled shall be put, into a box and well shaken or mixed together. 'l'he clerk shall then, under the inspection of tbe court and in the presence of t,be pat·ties, their agents or attor-neys, drawont one of the.ballots, and if no just exception be shown by eitbcr party, i,hall enter the ·uamo written 0n-such ballot on tho list of juro1·s to he summoned; and so shall proceed till the number of names on the list amounts to the number required. Aud so on with each case, ex-cept that it shall not be necessary to select a ditforen t jury Same jury by for each case, hut the same ju1·y, by tho agreement of the �fr��•i,�0

����':;1 parties, 01· by the directions ot the court, may serve on diflercnt cases. Roveral different cases.

22. The cle1·k shall then issue a venire, or summons, ;1;,':,'"J�1'.0" . •11111•

directed to any officer in attendance upon tbe court, com-manding him to summons tbe person therein nnmcd to ap-pear at tho time and place stated, to serve as jurors in tho trial of causes before said court.

23. 'l'bo officer shall ser,re such venire by personal ser- Summous to be

vice on tho jurorA therein named, and return tbo same en- �l��'.c,sount ser­<lor:;ed by him with tho names ot the pe1·so11s so summoned, at the time and place appoiuto,I for tho trial.

2,1. If a sufficient number of competent jurors be not ob- Deficiency iu tai 110d as atoresaid, tho co11 rt may supply


tbe doticioncy by ��i�� .��.�u ,u­<li rC?cti ng tho otlit-er to A11mmo11t1 any of t,he by-;;Laudo1·s or s11t>Pllc,1. other persons to so1·vo 11:; jurors.

25. The clo1·k shall keep a li;;t of all tho q11alifiod jurorsListofporsons residing in tho city, from wliid1 said list Rlrnll be selected� 0t kup,. t,y thoi,e whose names arn put into the box as aforosnid. er ·

26. \Vhon not otherwise berei n providctl, said jurors Rules rcguln­shnll be <roverned bJ' tho s·uue rules 1·0.,11htions oxceJ>· 11011•, ch· .• gov-

o ' , b .. ' .. cnuug:jurys. tions, fines and penalt,io1:1 :u, jurors summoned to attend b_ofore tho circuit com·t of said couuty.

27. The J'urors shall each be entitled to fifb· cents for Compcusntiou • J of J urorM, bow each case tried by them, to be taxed as part of the cost,s of paid. the e.uit, and -to be paid to them out of tbe amount depos-ited us aforesaid. And ifn. suit in which a jury is impan-eled should last longer than oue day, the jurors serving


Usages nnd principles or Jaw s:o,erning court and its officers in ti.lo exercise of its cl•II jurisdic­tion.


in snid case slrnll ench be entitled to fifty cents a day for encli day ti.Joy serve on each jul'y up to the_ time the caso is submitted to thom, to be taxed in the costs of the suit.

28.- When not herein otherwise provided, said court and its officers in the exel'ciso of its civil jurisdiction shall be governed by the usages and principle of luw applicable to similar ca�es in tho circuit court of Cabell county; but when pursuant- to the eleventh section, the said court shall havo jul'isdiction of any civil suit or proceedings in which tho amount claimed, exclusive of intere�t and costs, does not exceed one hundred dollars, it may adopt the mode of proceedings prescl"ibed for civil suits before justices.

. 29. It shall not be necessary, in any snit or proceeding Facts nuthortz- · t'· · d· t t'· t f } · · ·

) · · ins jurisdiction 10 ue sai cour , ua the ILCts ant 1onz1ng 1t to ta (e JUl"IS-01 court 11ecc1 diction of the case should bo set forth upon the record, but not be set forth . . 1. . I II b I on record. Jt1r1sc 1ct1on s 111. e presumed un ess ti.Jc contrary appears

by the record.

30. All process, executions, rules, and orders of the Process exeru- · d t · th · f · · · 1 · · d · · h [ I b lions, cic., or sai cour 1n e exercise o its c1v1 JUr1s ict1on s a e c?urt, bow sicrned by the clerk thereof and be directed to the sheriff signed, dircch.-0. � ' . . nn,1 e�ccuteJ. of the cou11ty of Cabell and be executed rn hke manner

and with the same effect as process issuing from the circuit court of said county. And in the execution of the process,

Powornnd right rules and orders ot snid court the officer shall have the or '!mcer exc- same power and rights, be subject to the same liabilities, cutans snmc. l • 1. b h I d · · ) govern 11s proceec 111gs y t e s:ime ru es an pr111c1p es Hls fees. of law, a.nd bo en ti Lied to the same fees as thongh the JH'O­

cess issuod from the circuit court of said county.

Procc..-s, exeeu- Bl. .All process, exocutions, rules a.nd orders ot the said ��o��t Y:,\•.,� court, in tbe exercise oi its police jurisdiction shall be excrciseo( its sicrncd b3� tho J0Udge or clqrk and be directed to the mar-p,,I ice J\lfHJcl1c- h , ) , tion, howsi i;t1ed shal of the city who shall be entitled to ,rncb compeusa-bow direct�d. tion or sahrv ·ts the council of tbo cit)' sh·dl deem Compensauon ' ' J c: • t. or marshal reasonable, and slrnll prescribe by ordinance, but in c,nsos Wbcn entitled · h' b h I l · I · f I to same lees nslil w IC ·sue mars 111. acts 111 t1e O a s 101.-aberilf. iff or constable, ho shall be entitled to tbc ,mme foes as

such officer iu like cases.

Clerk or court., 32. The clerk of the said court sball perform the same ·1t1s duties. duties in relation to the civil jurisdiction thereof that tho

clerk of the circuit court by tbc Ullt111gcs and principles ot law is requil'ed by law to porform for court; and 1mcb services in relation to the police jurisdiction of the muni­cipal court as may be directed by the judgo thereof, or be p1·cscribed byrulo or order of said court.

Fees or clerk.

How eolleeled and nccounLe<l

, for.

33. For his sor,,ices tho clerk of said court m:i.y cl!argo the same feos as a clork of the circuit cou1·t for similar services. .And such fees in any case, shall bo collected and accounted tor by the sboriff of Cabell county, in like man­ner as fees of the clerk of the circuit court. 'l'he council


of the city ma.)' allow the clerk uf the m11nici1rnl conrt out Counci I mny •I . . . , . low other com-of tho treasury of the city, such fut·thcr compc11sat1011, 1f ponsaLioo.

any, as they may deem reasonable. _ · · ·

34. In the taxation of costs, the clerk i-;hall he governed T:1,aiiou of by the samo rules as the clerk of' the circ·.uit ..:ourL, cxccpt,·osis, rules�ov­that ill taxing what arc usually called attorney's fees, he r���:�rion as to shall include in the <.:0,;tsto the p:u·ty prcvailin� in ac-Lio11s"uorncydccs. at, law. not less tba.11 two 1101· mo1·c than ten dollars, a11d in suits in chancery, not !cs:; than five nor mo1·c than fiftccu dollars, as the court may prcsc1·ibe.

35. 'fhc clerk of tho municipal colll·l shall ,give bond to Hoo<I 01 rlcrk. be approved by the tbc said court, or the j11d!_!c thci-cot in the penalty of th1·cc tho11::<and dollars, payable to the state of "\Yest Vi1·giuia, and <.:ondit,ionecl for the faithfol discharge Where lileunud by him of tho d11tie:, of his ofliec, which bond :;hall be f;,t::�;:.";':,_�,\e filed in the office of the clc1·k of the cou n t.y court of said · · 1 1 · county, and the 1n·ovisions of law relatin.� to otticia.l bonds of similar officers of courts :,hall be applicable thereto.

36. 'fhcre shall be a <:i ty tax of fifty cents, on every suit Tax"" sui1s. c�mnrnnced i �1 s_aid court, _to be paid to the clerk, and by ;�;:t"i�t�-i�;;d him to be paid rnto tho city tl'easury fol' the purpose of purpose. establishing a. fund to defray the expcuses of said coul't.

37. A seal shal I be pl'ovicled fol' the said conl't by tho co1rn- Scnl or rouri. eil of' the city, and tho same may be altered or renewed as . . _ the court shall orclm·. .Full faith and c1·edit :,ball be given :�n��•���-c';e��t to tbo records of said conl't, and the c·el'tific-atcs of its judge 1be records, 01· clerk whether the seal of t,bc court be affixed thel'eto Ol' or court. not, in like manner and with t.hc samC' etJ'cct as if the same wcl'e records of a circuit court. or <:enifientes of the judge or clerk of a. circuit court, similal'lyant.hc11ticatcd.

:{8. In cases _within the police j�1ri,-dic-tio11 of the m1rn_ici- A wnls in en•c• pn.l court the Jmlgment of tho f.111d c:oul't f.hnll be ,;11b,1ect ').r,\i_in1h.e po­to appeal to the ci1·c11it conl't ot Cabell count.yin like man- �t�j,;•::•,t•;N°ba ncr and subjc<;t to tho 1,amc 1·estl'ictions and l'C�nlations as101hccirc1111

1 f' I · 1 f ' · · • 1 """rt. in ,..hat an appea l'0lll L 10 JU< �mcnt o a _111;:tH.:o to t 1c county m:auncr, etc. court, when the amount in eont1·0Y(•r,-y C'xc-lu;::ivo of intel'-cst and costs exceeds t.hc sum of twenty dollars· e:xccJJt Wheu ,uch_ap-

. • ' 1,c-at not tu he that no such appeal shall ho or be �runtcd unless :;,0111eurbcE,-nrntcd. counsel practicing in tho s,1id cil'c11it co111"L, certify, that he is satisfied there is Cl'l'0l' in law or fact in the said juclrr- 0\ppc•I• in cases

. . . . ::-, 1nvulnng tho mcnt to the }WCJud1cc of the pa1·ty applyrng for such ap- •nlidiLy of no peal. It the Caf<O inYolvcs the validity ol au Ol'Clinance ?r�r:;:�n�::=,�·n°1•·· the city, or rio·ht of city to lovy a tax, an appeal shall hesh•,11 ll,•. etc.,

b O

I · L • • • ·I to th -

t · withoul regnrrl 01· may e grantee wit 1out 1cg,11l e amoun 111 con- 10 ,uuouni, oic., troversy. In any case in which an appenl is taken or nml no uond rc-

h . b d . b <1turcd.

granted on behalf of t e city no on or security can e required.

39. In cases within the civil jurisdiction of said court. appeals, writs of error and s1tpersedeas shall be allowed, or


Approls. etc., may be obtained to the ch-cu it court of Cabell county, in "·lth\n the clYil th d b" h · · d jurisctic1ion of · e snme manner an su �ect to t e same prov1s1ons an court sbnH beto conditions as aJlpeals writs of error and supersedeas are thc'cncmt courl; . ' In whnt_mnnorr allowed to the Judgments or decrees of the county court ond subJe <:t. to of said county what pro,·is1ons. ·

· .lmkment crcd-. 40. Upon e�ery judgment of the municipal court, the i1;<>r; when ct1- Judgment c.-red1tor shall be entitled to all liens execut.ions t1tkd to sccuro d d" ' . or roco'l"cr his an reme 1es to secure or recover the same aga1 nst any juJgmcnt. person whatsoever, to which be would be entitled if it

. were a judgment of the circuit court of Cabell county. ����e

t�0J�t�-tcd. Judgment rendered by the municipal court may be docket­

Encctof. eel in the judgment docket kept in tho county court clerk's office of nny county, in like manner and with like effect as other judgments.

Rules, rC1;lOla- 41. And where not herein otherwise provided said muni­ti0'!•• etc., "o!·- cipal court shall be governed by the same rules, regulatio us ernrng muruci- d . . h d 1. h · · bl p:u court. an prov1s1ons, w ere an w uenovor 1, ey are apphca e as

the circuit court. 42. Attachments and suggestions may be isslted by the At tachments I k f · d d h I · d · J bow issued dod c er - o sai court, un er t e same regu at.ions an ID t le

ocn-cd. same cnsllS as attachments and suggestions arc now issued by clerks of the circuit courts, and served by the sheriff in the same manner and with like effect.

43. Thu marshal of the snid city shall -attend the sit-tings of the said court, obey its orders and execute its pro-J\forshat lo nl- d · th 1 · fl" teod sittiogsor cess an precepts in o same manner as 31er1 s are re-

court. . quired by law to do in similar cases, and for failure or neg-Ws duties, etc. I " b. d . h h 11 b 1 · bl I ect to per,orm 1s uttes, e s a c rn e to t 10 same Pcnaltr ror1n11- 1>enalties and responsibilities as are imposed by law on ure or ueglect. sheriffs for a like failure of duty.

44. It shall be lawful for the council of the city ofHunt­�uncil to sub- ington to submit to the vote1·s ot tho said city at its next m1Lto1he ,·otors l l · h · f I d" I f the question of genera e ection t o question o approva or 1sapprova o nppro<'11, etc., this act. The said council shall prescribe rules and 1·eg-u-or act, wbeo. I . . th · l I t· , I · f I I <.:ouncll 1.o pre- nt10ns concerm ng o saH e oc 1011. 1� nc 1 , at sue 1 e ec-serihc rules to tion it •1p11Car that a maiorit�· of the voters of tho snid goYcrn election, , ' . . ., J and appoint city.approve of this net 1t, shall be offectual for all the pnr-i�!J��1i1 or poses thereof, and the council shall so declare; and if such �o'.,<"5,':,';.cc��{ majority disnpprovo th� same, t!1at fact shall in like_ man­mn.I'c"eacctu•I. ncr be declared by sn1d council, nncl thercn.ftcr tins uct Council to de- shall have no effect. and no nc:tion or proceedings shall be clnrc. I . . f I . I · 1 11 mnjorHy or had under any ot 1er prov1s1ons o t 11s act unless anc untJ ;,���::, ��•;r.; the vote aforesnid be taken and not thon until approved as have no elfcct. aforesaid.

[ApproYod Mnrch 8, 18i9.]


The foregoing act takes effect from its passage, two­thirds of the members electod to each housa, by a vote taken by yeas and nays, having so directed.



AN ACT to amend and re-enact sections two three and '

eighteen of chapter fifty-four of tho code, as amended by

chapter one hundred and seven of the acts of one thou­

sand eight hundrnd and seventy-two and three, concern­

ing the incorporation of joint stock companies, without

special charters.

[Passed March 6. 1879.J

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:


1. That see;tions two, three and eicrhteen of cha1)ter fifty- SecUonsamcnd­�

b . � ,our of the code as amended by chapter one hundred and seven of the acts of one thousand eight hundred and seven-ty-two and three, be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows :

. "2. Such companies may be incorporated for the follow- .Tointslockcon,-1ng purposes: panics without

'l F f: • • . . . •pccial charters; ' . or manu acturrng, m1n1ng or 1nsur1ng. tor what pur-

"ll F · d • • 1· f t· poec• thev may

. •or constrnct111g an mant:unrng mes o magne ICbclorrucd. telegraph, telephones, lines of piping or tubing for the transportation of oil or otbe1· fluids ; and carrying on the business properly pertaining to such works and improve-ments.

"Ill. For estnblishin,g hotels and spring compani es, gas works, water wodrn, cemeteries or home:steacl and building associations, and transacting the bn:si ue:ss p1·operly pertain­ing thereto.

"IV. For universitie::i, collogos, ac.-ndamios, seminaries, schools or instiLutes for t,he purpose of teaching any bt·anch 01· branches of 111-efn I i rifol'lnation, learning, or pro­moting religion, momlity, military stienc.-e nn<I the disci­pline or the diffusion of knowledge, inclndin� library com-panies and litor:wy and sciontitic associations.

"V. For agric11\t11rnl and indn!<trial sodetics, benevolent asso.::iat.ions, societies and ordori,, incl udi n,g orphnn, blind and lunatic asylnrns n11d hospital,:;, lodges of Free and Ac­cepted .1\1.asons, Independent Order of Odd Follows, Im­proved Order ot Rod Mon, Sous of Temperance, Good '£ernpla1·s, Knights of Pythias, and all other associations, societies, and orders of like character. �. "Vl. For gymnastic purposes.

uv11. For works of internal improvements (other than railroads) and operating tho same.

"Vlll. For any other purpose or business useful to the

54 E. s. BOWNE. [Cs. 40

public, for which a firm or co-partnership mity be lawfully formed in t,hi1:1 state, not embraced in the foregoing clauses.

�m�n��- 3 Tl f rorpomt<,<I ,,. . 10 co1n1>a11ies inCOl'JJOrated under this chapter 01·

under 'this net. ror purrose of thoyurposo of constructing and mantai ning Ii nos o� mag-"!""struct_ln_i; nettc telegraph, telephones, lines of pipin� 01· t11�111g for �;�_�"1?,���::i t.hc transportation ot oil or other fluids, and earryrng ,1n portntinnufoil thc business1>ropcrlvpertaini1wto such works and im-,\c., dccmcrl I 1-1 b J

,., • • :I puhliccomp.,n- provements s rn c deemed public comp:rn1cs anc com-�!"r�i��.°:,•,•;t�';;� mon carriers and E<hnll be entitled to all tho ,·ight:;, powc_r�, tiled''! right• and privileges, and bo subject to all tho dutictl and liab1lt­��•

.1 �;r�;;���cs tics contained in the provisions of chapters fifty-two and

filty-th1·00 of tlio code, and of "an act amending certain sections ot chapter fo,·ty-two of the code of West Virginia for taking lands fo1· public purposes, without the O\\"ncrs' consent," app1·oved Dccembo1· twenty-ninth, one thousand

Whntcompan- . I h I d I fl B b' b I II I, les ennnot 1,c ;0• etg 1t nnc re IUH seventy- vc. nt t 1s II a.pter s 1:t n o co_rpor:ited ·a1 be construed to authori:r.e the incorporation of a bank of ..-11hout spcc, I . cl • · f cbart•rs. c1rcu ation, o,· any chm·ch 01· religious cnom10at1on, or o

any company tho object, or one of the objects, of which may be to purchase lands and i'e-sell the same at a protit.

"18. 'l'he secrotnry m:iy charge a fee of fou,· dollars for Fee 01 •ccrctarr ever"' such cerLitic:atc itisued b"' him· and for recording the of &tate for rer- . :' . . ' . J , , tilicnto. · ongrnal, 01· 1ssm11� u certified copy, a fee of fifty cents, or r�.�� .. ��PY in lieu thereof fifteen cenLs for every hundred wonls; whom pnld. which fees shall be paid at the time the servicu is rcuclercd,

by the poi·son nt whose i nstaucc it was doue. " · Commcocomcnt 2. 'fhis net sh nil be in force from its passage.

[ApproYed Mnrch 8, 18i0.J

[NOTE DY 'l'IIE CLERK o�· THE Housi,: o�· 0ELECiA1'F-S.)

The foregoing act takes effect from its pm;snge, two­thirds of the members elected to eacb house, by a voto taken by yens nnd nays, having so directed.

Cll1\.P'f ER XL.

AN AC'l' authorizing the auditor to refund to E. S. llowne, of .Baltimore, Md., one huuclrecl and two dollars and thirty-seven cents, erroneously assessed nR a licenr;o tax and paid iuto the state treasury.

[Plll!.'!Cld ::Uarch 6, 18i9.]

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia : Taxestojbe re- 1. That the auditor is authorized to refund to E. S. ��=- to E. s. Bowne, of Baltimore, Md., tho sum of one hundred and


two dollars and thirty-seven cents, erroneously assessed as a license iax, and paid by said Bowne to tbe state, ior the year one thousand eight hundred and Reveaty-two.

(Appro,·cd March 8, 1879.)


The foregoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.


AN ACT to amend and re-enact section two of chapter eighty-eight ot the actR of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, in rel;it.ion to Keyser independent school district, in Mineral county.

(Pnssed Mnrch 6, 1S79.l

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:


L That section t,vo of chapter eighty-eight. of the nets of one thousand eight hundl"Cd and seventy-soYen, pass<.'d Section 111Uend­

March one, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, ,..i. entitled "an act creating au i11clepe11nent school district in New Creek district, in the con11Ly of �li11e1·al,' 0 be and the 1:m me is he1·eby amended allll re-cnattlid 130 as to road as followH:

"2. The bo:u·d of ed111;:1Lio11 of ,mid di;;trict shall 1:onsist Boord or educa­of �h�·ee �om 11�if<Si?1w_i·s, who Hhal I be oletlcd by_ tho votm·s �\:�: cleeted. ros1drng 111 said d1sLr1ct. n.11d r-hall be a co1·1wrnLHrn by the name of '•tbe board o( cduc-aLion ol' tho di><trict of KcyHer,"' Corroratennllle and by I.hat. HIie and be r-llUU, plead a11d be i mplended, pn1;cl.tuse and hold Ho much real c»tal.c a11ol 1w1•;;onnl prop-e1·ty as may be 11ccuss11ry lor the purposeR of thiR n<:t, and shall clischa1·"0 within the said diinricL all tho duties, and Powcrs1uul <lu

d ell I I b l," II '· I' 1.·1· 11""01 �0"'"· nn posse!\fl n L 10 powers a 11l e su _1ecL t,o a Luc lllul 1-tics both of the boal'cls of education a11d of the l,1·ui;loes ot \II 1 1 . . I d , sc mo prop• the school d1Rt.1·1ct. And all the :=whoo I p1·opcrty, rea un er.Ly within ,hs-

personal, within the boundaries ot said 13(;(1001 district of��1�11�1•,:;;.��:i

Keyser, to which title, whetlrn1· legnl or equitable, ,�as �c-111 t>ourd.

quil·ed by tho boa.I'd of education ot N cw Creek, belol'e the creation of said district of Keyser shall be nnd the • snmo iR hereby tmnRforred to nnd vested in R�id board of education of tho dist1·ict of Keyse1·, ns folly nti ti conveyed to Rnid bonrd by said board of education of New Creek


Authority to dischnrge, &c., of snwc.

district, and said �oard may use, control, convey and dis­pose of_ the same JUSt as boards of education generally are a�tbor1zed and empowered to mie, control, convey and dispose of the property held by them for school purposes.

(Approved Mnrcb s, lSi0.1


The foregoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.

CHA.P'l'ER XLll.

AN ACT changing and fixing the time for holding the

circuit courts in the fourth judicial circuit.

(P3S!ed March G, 1Si9.]

Be it enacted by the .Legislature of W e!!t Vil·gi nia:

i::ou�h J_udicinl 1. That the circuit courts for the severl-11 counties com-c1rc111t, t11ne ror • • h t· l . d" . l . . h 111 f holding courts pr1srng t e ourt 1 JU 1ma c1rcmt s a rnrea ter commence

\f�.';i�noged aod and be held as follows: For the county of Hampshire on Hampshire. · the first 'l'uesday in .March and the first Tuesday in Sep­g:;�r,- tember ; lor the county of Hardy, on tho third 'l'ucsda.y Pcudlcton.- in March and tho third 'rucsda.y in September; fo1· tho Mineral.

county of Grant, on the first Tuesday in April and fit·st Tuesday in October; to1· the county of" Pendleton, on tho third Wednesday in April and the third Wednesday in October; foi· the county of Mineral, on the second 'Tues­day in May and the second TueRday in Novembc1·.

uconsl•tcot 2. That so much of the act approved December twcnt:r­cts rcpe.>led. first, one thousand eight hundred scvt>nty-two, entitled "au

act to organize the circuit courts, establish their jurisdic­tion and prescribe the mannc1· and mode of pr0ceeding ot said courts," as relates to the times of holding said courtB in the fourth judicial circuit is Lcroby repealed .


[Appro\'cd March S, 18i9.l


'l'be foregoing net takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.



AN ACT to autborizo the auditor to direct salefl of certain debts and claims due tho state nnd regulating the mode nod manner of such sales, and the disposition of the proceeds.

(Appro�ed Moreb 6, 1879.J

Bo it enacted by tho Legislature of West Virginia:


1 Th b d. . h b d . d fAuclilornuthor-. at t 1, nu 1tor may, wit t e a vice an consent o izc<l 10 dirc,·t

the attorney general. whenever any claim or account of;'t'�1i�.}n�•�;�/::,.

any kind ugai nst a sheri tr or other officer has been due tot· due 1be s1111e. more than seven years, and the same is fo1· any reason dif. ficult or cxpcnsi\·e to collect, certity a transcript of such claim or acc(Jnnt to the i,hcritt' of the county in whic:h the offic:er from whom the s:ui-.e is due rc,;ided at the time his indebtedness to the stato was incurred, and may autho1·ize the �aid sheriff to se�l the same as hcreina_f'tcr_ directcd.Prc�i,onsto Promded, That any cl:um or nccount upou ,d11eh Jndg-mcnt cloims�tc .. upon hus been obtai ued and excc:ution has bi,en returned unsat- �;��c;� i�;if� isfied, may be sold alter the expiration of five yeat·s from been ob1niued th� time the said claim or ac:eount was due either in whole ��'tt�.'��u��0;��-

or in part as shown by the auditor's books. islied.

2. The sheriff, after having received a transcript of the Sheriff rute� t h. I · l Id I II · t' b bl' hann1: rece1.-ed accoun w IC l IS to )e so , s 1a give no tee y pu ICU· irnnscript of nc-

tion in a newspaper published in his county, if there bccounuol>e_sold, " b · I · I l · 1 f lo give notice · one, an11 y posting at t 1e front c oor ot tie court 10use o how.

the county, for at, least four week;, prior to the duy of sale, thnt on tho first day of tho term of the eir('uit court next thereafter ho will proceed to sell to the highest bidder the What notice claims or account.<. mentioned in .:aid Such noticeruustsbow. shall show the namo of tho shel"itr or other oflicer and of his sureties, in caso there iB ovidenee ot his hn\'ing exe-cuted a bond, tho yoat· 01· _roars tor which be was indcbtod to the stnto, upon what account sueh indebtednoss exists, and the amount shown to be due thereon by the auditor's books, exclusivo of i11te1·cst, as well as tbeamount appear-ing to be due with intorest calcnlated to day of sule.

3. The said sheriff to whom such claim or account is certified under the prov_isio�11:; of this ac�, shall on the first Duty of sheriff day of tho term of the c1rc111t court of bu; county, suceeecl- 10 whom ruch · h bl' · f · i t· ] I f 'd I · clniwornccount rng t e pu 1cat1on o satt no 1Ce, ma -:e su e o 81\1 <· 111m is ceriified. or account to the highest bidder, and in case the amount bid therefor be less than two h nndred dollars, ho shall ro-q uire the paymont thoreot in cash; �ind if tho amount bid tberofor bo more than 1,wo hundred dollars, he r;hall re-quire one-third thereof to be paid in cash, and shall receive




1J};;;";r�. tho notes of the purchaser for the residue in two equal in­stallment, paJablo, respectively, in six and twelve months, with legal interest the1·eon until paid. Such noteR shall

. have the names of at least two persons signed therelo, as ��s:;��1;::fr1

f1� secm·ity or endorsers, whom the prosecuting attorney of ns to sol<ency of tho c:ounty, by endorsement on tho back of said notes shall eutlorsers. certify, are in h_is O}linion responsible and solvent.

Repo rt to be 4. Withi� teu days after making r;aid sale the sheriff maue by sberlffshall return and file in the clerk's office of the circuit court after sate. . Wtrnt repo r t of bis county a re1>ort, showmg the name of the officer ,uu,lsbow. against whom the claim is, the date of sale, the date and

After repo r t. is tiled, sheriff to 1,ost not ice of incl and thnt. exception may be liled.

cha meter of the claim sold, the narne of the purchaser, the amount for which sold, ;including cash and notes, and in cases where notes are taken, the names of the securities thereon. Immediately after Raid report is filed in the clerk's office as aforesaid, the sheriff sball por;t a notice of tbat fact at tho front door of the court house, and r;hall state therein that exceptions may' be filed to said report with the clerk of tho circuit court. If before the first day of the term of the circuit court, beginning atter the filiug of said report, any person shall file exceptions thereto, and said exceptions shall be accompanied by a. bond with two or more good securities, condit.ioned that if a re-sale be or­dered t,he person who files said exceptions will at the sec-

� ond Sr\le give for the claim or account a sum greater than the amount for which it first Rold, and will pay all tbe cost of advertising and making sale, then the court may in its discretion set such sale a1>ide and order the sheriff to make another sale upon such terms as the court may deem proper ..

"' hen court 1uny �ct osl<le i:,ah, nud orUer auuthtr i;:.i.Jc to Lts wudc.

u 110 exceptions 5. In cases where no exceptions are filed lo tho re-are liltct, 4-0url · •

· J · 1u cou111·w sale. port, tho court. shall confirm the sale, and wit 1m twcn ty .,;ierk to ccnily da)'S after such confirmation the clerk of the court shall lo :iut.l...ilor cvpy u1 r•por1 anu cel'tify to the auditor a copy of said report and the order �r

r��:,1��,��n- oi confirmation. . . 6. Within thirty days after the confirmation of said re-" hen she r iff to h h 'ft' h II · I d' · fi t trnuswi< 1uauu- pol't, t e s er1 tl a transmit to tie au 1tor a cert1 ca e

uorc.,rlilic:11c oJ deJ>Osit fo1· the amount received b)' him in cash and also Ol Utpo:-il \. iur . ,

uwouut ,·ccch•- any notes wluc,h may have been executed for the balance eu .i.e. of purchase money. Dutyol Audltor And in case of the failure ·of persons who execute such �� �,��;a�urc not�s to pay the same when duo it shall_ be the duty _of tho p,y uotc• when auditor to proceed to enforce the collect1on thereof, 111 the Jue. 1;:une mannor that other claimR due the state are recovered. Pur,chnsc r 01 7. The purchaser of any account or claim so sold under tiUC I lJOlc� or • • c1aiw• suosti- the provisions of th18 act, ahall have the right to re-�r��.�/�1�•�.,

tbc COYCl' that the stnte now bas an� shall be substitute� to all

.1 .. 1c. the rights of the state concerurng the same. But Ill cuse there be any error in any a.ccoum, or claim Rold under this act, or it shall appear that the officer against whom


the claim is is entitled to c-redits which do not aJ)I)ear up- Butnot; allowed ' . an,. clnnn

on the account or claim, the purchaser shall not be allowed ag:iinsl the state any claim again;,t tho state;by reason thereof. lornnyerror,�c.

8. Tho sheriff, fo1· performing the duties r'eq_uired of him Compc�satlon by this chapter, shall bo allowed five per cont on tho first or sheriff.

one hundred dollars and two per cent on the residue. The costsofpubti,h­costs of )Hlblishinc, notice in a nows1)aper sha,ll-be J)aid out in� notices; bow

b paid. of the proceeds of i,ueh sale.

[Appro,·cd lllnreh S, 1879.J


Tho foregoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.


AN ACT fixing the times for holding the county courts in

the counties of Nicholas and Webster.

[Passed Moreb 6, 1879.J

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

1. That tbo times for the commencement of the terms C?mmcncement . . . o, term! of tho

of tho conn ty courts In tho cou n tics· of N 1cholas and "\V eb- county court In, ster, in each year, shall bC>renfter be as fol lows:

In the con nty of Nicholas, on t,he fourth Tuesday in Feb- Nicholu. ruary, April, June, .A11g111<L, October 1111d December.

In tho county of \Vcbster, on tho fourth Tuesday in Webster • .Jaunn.ry, March, May, ;1 uly, Suptcmber a.ud November.

2. Until otherwise orderod by tbo.,micl respec-tivec:onnty conrts, t_he _said April, . A11g-11st, October and D�<·em ber Trinl terms. terms of smd conrt ol .N1chola� county, and t.he i,md,lnnn-ary, March, May and September terms of Raid c:ont·t of Wobster counLy, shall bo hold for the trial ot causes and · tor the transac:tion of all other business within the juris-diction of such conrt8 at said terms ; and tho said February l'oll<-o nnd fiseal and June terms in Nicholas connty, and tho said July nud


November terms in "\Vebster county, shall be limited to matters connected with the police and fiscal affairs of said counties respectively.

3. All acts and parts of nets in conflict with tho provis- Inconsistent ions of this act are hereby repealed. · nets repented.

f Approved March 8, 1879.]



The foregoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.


AN ACT to provide for tho use of convict labor on works of internal improvement companies, including railroad companies and public roads within tho limits of this state.

[P:u,sed March 6, 1879.]

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

Boord or public 1. That tho "t!oard of public works is authorized works nutbor- to furnish to any railroad or internal improvement lz�d to pro,·itlo I bl" d Jorthcuseor company. or to any county to wore on pu 1c roa s, con\'ict !�boron free of hire as many able-bodied male convicts from the works or inter- . . ' nRI impro'"c- po111teut1ary as may now or hereafter be there as can be N��:�• f,\��rfore spared without intedering with contracts heretofore made, with existing to be used by such companies in the construction of' thair r.,,ntract.. k . 1 ; I . t p "d l Tl II f Proviso ns to wor ·s wit Hn t 11s s ate. rovi e<, 1at a expenses o ��'ri��g bon

rd- guarding, boarding, clothing an_d !nedic�l attend_ance shall Pro,·iso when be borne by the company rcce1vrn� smd convICts. Pro-1���!�,;�,1r:;, vided, further, That when said convicts arc furnished to a work on public county to work on public roads the expenses of boarding 1,���di��.1;1c. and medical attendance for guard and convicts sball be

paid by tmch county. c�mpnny re- 2. Before receiving said conviets tho company so 1 e­:•;���u\�n;ict• cei ving shall exec:nte ancl file with tho treasurer of this hon,1. state a bond with 6ccurity conditioned for tho boarding, O,n,lilious of I I · d" d d" I t d f · I

' 1oond. c ot 11ng-, guar mg an me 1cn. a Len anco o sat( con-::'>lny dcr>


11it victs. Tho sa1cl. company may, in lien of said bonds, de-mr,ncy n e11 • I · · · Tl b I · I ·

or bond. posit mon<.'y or ot 1er secnr1t1es. 1c ones w,t 1 its pon-Roard 1.0 fix alty ot· the securitv deposited in lieu thereof shall be fixed peo!llt,, ap- , J , pro"c, etc: and approved by the board of public wol'l,s.

Clothingorsuch 3. Tbe superintendent of the penitC1ntiary shall furnish <;;;�-,�,J��! nnd convicts let u ndcr this act, with. nil necessary cl?thi ng of p,i,l. the same character as that furnished other convicts; and Who to mnko I . . "d . l I II I l th recprlsllion ror t 10 company rcce1v1ng sat conv1c s s rn pay t 1c stn e o clnthiui; nod to actual cost thereof. 'l'ho superintendent. of tho guard uistribute the I · · ·

f Jl I l · d ct· · b h =e. shall ma <e requ1s1t1on or a c ot ung nu 1st1·1 uto t o clothing to tho convicts.

Bonrd to np- 4. Tho board of publi<: works shall appoint superin­;;;;:;�:upt. of tondont of tho guard, whose compensation shall bo paid


by the company and the superintendent shall have charge Dntl� of such f I

' . superintendent. o t 10 guard and shall superintend the same, see that the To report to . conv:icts aro properly fed, clothed, gunsded and have proper :::rr� ����n�ten­

med1cal attendance, and he shall report to the superin- 111on1h. t l t f tl "t 1,· I I d" • Compcnsntwn enc en o · 10 pen1 en 1ary, onc:e a mont 1. t 10 con 1t1on ul ,upt. ofguord

and treatment of said convicts. '.rho compensation of the how deterrnin­superintendent of the guard shall be agreed upon between ed.

the board of public works and the company. 5. Upon p1·oof that such convicts are improperly fed When nnd for

clothed or cruelly treated, the board of public works may ;:,�;\a�"c":1d

con­c:anccl any contract made under this act, and recall the tract. convicts.


The foregoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninuty days after its passage.


AN ACT authorizing the auditor to refund to the Bank of Huntington three hundred dollars erroneously assessed, as a license tax and paid into the state treasury.

[Passed March 6, 1Si9.)

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

1. That the auditor is authorized to refund to the Bank ott11•�11�����•;r ..

Huntington tho sum of three hundred dollars enoneously roucously u­assessed as license tax and paid by the said bank to the sessed. state for tho years 01,0 thousand eight hund!"od and seventy-four, fivo and six.

[Approved Morch 8, 18i9.]


The foregoing :1<:t tnkcs effect from it-s pussnge, two­thirds of tho members elected to e:i.c:h house, by n vote taken by yeai; nnd nays, having so direded.


AN ACT to authorize the county of Berkeley to fund at a lower rnte of interest one bnndred and tive thc-usnnd of its brrnds issued on the second day of January, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one.

(Passed March 6, 1879.)

Be it enacted by tho Legislntu1·e of West Virginia: 1. That the county of Berkeley is hereby authorized to


County court. 01 issue not oxceedi rw one. hundred and five thousand dollars Bc-rkt.:'lcy co. nu- . b. - , '" 1h<orizc<1 to fuud coupon bonds of said county, 111 such form as may be pro-�} fn

1::,';·i, s�'::'.- vided tor by tho county court, ancl of the denominations 000.00 oc ceruin of one hundl'Cd dollars five hundred dollars and one thou-bonds. .d d 11 b · ' . . ' bl In whnt form san o arti, en.nag six per centum interest, paya e �:�?!,;�t�:. de-semi-annua.lly, thQ principal of which bonds shall not be con11on bonds demandable from said county until tho first day of Jauu­Wn�; 'J'/;,'i,;,.cst ary, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, bnt the right when pnynble. is reserved to the county, ten years after their issue at its When pri11cip11l l ff d d' B ' h' mny b,' de- p c:umre, to pay o an 1scharge the same. ut not rng �:i;,��'.'. of in this act shall be construed to authorize any increase of When· county the bonded debt of said county of Berkeley. mny pny. No inorcn"" of 2. That the countv court of Berkeley county shall ap-debt nut horiz- . J • • cd

,-point nn agent, who shall, after hanng given such bond as

Court may np- may be required of him bv said court sell and diSJ)OSe ot point n&cnt to J ' sell such bonds. tbe bonds issued u oder this aet, at not less than their par :,�;\Jar:°ceec1s value, and apply the proceeds thereof to the payment and Agent mny ox- the redemption of said bonds issued on tho second day of change such bonds ior bonds J nr.uary, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, or p;,���

e ro� 1,,_ ho ma_y exchnnge the same for said last mention?cl bonds,

•ui!'I: bonds re- at then· face value, hut the bonds hereby nuthonzed shall •tricted. bo issued for no other purpose whatsoever. Payment ol b?n<I� aCter ex- 3. That the payment of the bonds hereby authonzed, ��i;:i:;�ho�! ten- after the expiration of ten years, shall be made in amounts aruou�ts deter- to be determined by the Raid coun ly court at its discretion; �����- ordered the bonds ordered to be paid to be dcsi�nated by their to !>0 paid; how numbers, and public notice of the time of such intended des1g11ntcd. l l . f l b I . . N�lice: payment sha 1 )O given for our wee ,s y ac vert1sement m i� h;.�,!�t��,cst one or more newspapers iu said county, and the in tcrest oouds se_lectiou on tbe particular bonds so selec:ted to he paid, shall cease to be p:uc1. h . . f l f h . at t e expuat10n o one moat. 1 rom sue not1c:e.

[Appro,·ed March 8, 1870.)


The foregoing net takes effec:t at the expiration of ninety days aftc,r its passage.


AN ACT making appropriations of public money to pay general charges upon the treasury.

[Passe<! Jllnrch 6, 18i9.]

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

Approprintlons 1. Ther� 8hall be and is hereby appropriated out ot the· olpubllcmonoy·state fund for tho fiscal year endincr Sc1)tember thirtieth to pay gcm.•r:11 ' , · . ' b - ' charges upon one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, the follow-the treasury �or ing sums for purposes as follows viz· fiscal year, 18,9. . . , ·



For the suppo.rt of convicts and pay of guards at the Support or con-penitentiary, ten thousand dollal'S. ;�c;:d��dp:iyof

For heating cell building, two thousand dollars. Hca1ini;. F b "ld" · 1 c,

· f · h f Building sewer or u1 1ng m:nn sewel' anc 101· payrng or rig t o ,nu right ol way not excocdi ng one thousand dollal's. way .

. Por sala1·y of su periutendent, one thousand five hun- Salnry o!aupt. dred dc.,llat"s.

For salary ot clerk, one thousn.nd dollars. Clerk. For salary ot com mii,sary, one thousand dollars. ComruiS3nry. For salary of physician, two hundl'e<l and fifty dollars. Phy•ici,o.

For deficiency in tbe appl'opriations for tbe years one Deficiency for tbous�nd eight hu nd1·e(•l and sevety-seven and one thou- r:�i:s !Sii 00d

sand eight hundred and seventy-eight, four thousand dol-lars.

'l'be foregoing appropriations for tho penitentiary are How dr:lwn. to be drawn from the treasury upon the requisition of tue board of director .. , addressed to the auditor.

Criminal Charges.

For criminal char<TCS such amount i1:1 hereby appropriat-To pny criruln:tl d b ::, l I t I b charges. e as may c neccssal'y Joi· t 10 payment t 1e1:eo , anl t e A11di1orau1hnr-

auditor is authorized and directed to draw bis warrant for izc<l to P•Y r\·crv proper eYery proper chal'ge on that acc-ouut, which is presented charge, etc.

to him for payment.

L111wtics in Jails.

For the support of lunatics in jails, fifteen thousand Support Iuna-dollars. lies In j>ils.

Normal Schools.

For expenses of the regents of the normal scuools, three Expcn,e ol re-hundred allll Jift,y dollars. i:euts.

For repaii·s to normal school building apparatus, furni- For r�p•irs to t I I. b 1· l' l . 11 N 1 . , '- J 'I h

i,ulldrng nt ure mH I nu·y o ,. c11v1 e .r on11a . ocu0u , "1rce un-dred dol l:u-s.

For repaii·s for normal school building ut Glenville, one Glenville, etc.

hundred dollnl'<1. Fence ,t west l•'ur repairs ot fonc-e f()J' W c1:1t Liberty N ornrnl School, Lll7ert>··

one huncll'ed doll:11·s. 1,, . f' ,·, I N I L' 1 ) b I d Concord, re-, 01· repa11·s 01· voncorc


orma .-:,(" wo , one uuc re pain tor. and fifty LlollarH.

For reJ)Hirs aJ)}laratus and luruitnre for Shepherd Col- Shcppnrd col-, Jc�o rt!paint, etc. lege, tbrnc hundred dollu1·s. f�r.

'l'o J)U.}' for tittincr UJ> and fon1ishinl! the lnr,ge hall of h•rm?nt

,,c'°' P ,...,. . rcpu1rs, t! • l•'nirmoutN01·mnl �chool. four huudn:d a11d ti1t,y dollars .

.F01· insurance on nonnal school buildings for t,bree Inaurnnce.

yeurs, four hundred and seventy-five <.lollai·�-'l'lie foregoing appropriations fo1· tho normal schools are How paid.

to be expended and paid uudor the ord<1r ot the board of regents, addressed to the auditor.


The University.

Expenses of re• For expenses of the regents of the West Virginia Uni-gent.. versity, fivo hundred dollars. Current l\nd For current nnd contingent expenses of university, three co,,ilngeat ex- tbonsnnd dollars. p�n5�.

sa1"ric.• of For salarie� of tenchers at the university, eight thou-tcnchers. snnd five hundred dollurs.

Insurance. Fo1· insurnnco of buildings for three years, six hund1·ed

dollars. Furniture. Fo1· furniture for the university, one thou;mnd dollars.

For painting tin roofs at tLe university, two hundred Painting roof. dollars. Repairs, etc. For repnirR and improvements, five hundred dollars.

To be draw[I from tho-treasury UfJOn orde1·s of tho exe• Bowdrnwn.

To pny current exp.:,oses.



How drawn.

cutivo committee, addressed to the auditor.

lnstituti'Jn for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind.

For current expenses of the institution for the deaf, dumb and blind, twenty-five thousand dollars.

Fo1· transportation of indigent pupils, four hundred dol­lars.

For insurance for three years, four hundred and fifty doll:us.

To be d1·awn from the treasury upon the orders of the board ol directors, addressed to the auditor.

Hospital for the Insane.

To pay current For current expenses tor the Hospital for the Insane, expenses.

fifty-five thoui;and dollars. Trnnsportntloo. For trani;portation of patients to the hospital, three

Repairs, etc.

Protection against fire.


For land.

Bow drawn.

thousand five hund1·ed dollars. For repairs, painting, &c., one tho_usaod five hundred

dollur8. For necessary protection against fire, five hundred dol­

lars. 'l'o purchase and put into position a ventilating fan, one

thousand tive hundred dollarR.. For lnnd to be obtained by condemnatiou, not to exceed

three thousand two bnudred dollars. To be drawn from tho trensury upon the orders of the

board of directors, add1·essed to ihe auditor at tho begin­ning of each quarter of the fiscnl ye1w.

Contingent Legislatii.Je Expenses.

Contingent ex- For contingent expenses of the Senate, to be drawn upon pense3u!Sena1e. the order of tho sergeant-at-arms, three hundred dollars.

For eontin_gent expenses of the House of Delegates, to be drawn upon the order of the se1·gennt--at-arms, one thousand ono hundred dollars.

.How <lrawn.


Executive Department.

For civil contingent fund eio-ht thousand dollars. Civilcontin-' b grnt fund

Contlngout ex-

.. For contingent expenses of auditor's office, one thousand �•u"Sf.':;

ni office. eight hundred dollars .

.For contingent expenses of treasurer's office, three bun-Treasurer'• drcd dollars. office.

For contingent expenses of secretary of state's office, six secretnry or hundred dollars. State.

For contingent expenses of attorney general and assist- ;��\orney-Gen-nnce in attorney general's office, one thousand dollars.

For contingent expenses of the library, one hundred Librnry. dollars.

For contingent expenses of the adjutant general's office, ��ttnnt-Gcn­fivc hu11d1·cd dollar;;.

'l'he foregoing contingcn:. expenses "to be drnwn upo11 flow<ll'IIWU. the rcqui:,;itious or orders of the ofticers to whom the fu11d is allowed.

Salaries of Clerks.

To pay sala.ry of private secretary to the governor, one Sccretar,· 01

thousa11d dollars. Govcroo·r. 'l'o pay salary of clerk in the office of seerctnry of state, Clerk or sccre-

onc thousand dollars. tnry or .iute. To pay salary ot clerk in ti-casnrer's office, one thousand or treasurer.

doll:us. 'I' J f r I k · :I' • ffi Clerks iu nutll-

0 pay sa ary o 1our c er ·s 1n nuc 1tor s o cc: ,or,,.olliee.

'l'hu first clerk to receive, one thousand five hu11dred dol-lars.

'l'he second clerk to re('eive one thousand oue hundred <lol lars.

'J.'be third clerk to rc('eive one thon;;and dollars. 'l'he fourtli clerk to receiYc one thou,-and dollars. For cxtrn clerk hire. one Lho11,..a11d dollar,.. Extrn clerk

'l'o pay salary 01'1·lc1·k i11 the oliico of thestat.c superin-tl��kufstatc teudunts of free l'IChouls to be 1rnid out ol'thc 1-{0IICl"lll ;;chuol superiu1,•mlc11L

• ' ... of i,.chwl�. f1111d, 0110 tho11«1111d dollars . • ]11,licinl Depart111e11t.

l•'or con ti 11go11t cxpc11sc11 of cou 1·ts, two thousand do)- To pny ex,,..u-liu·A.

S('S v( C.UHrl:t.

1•'01· printing and bin<li11g s111-u·e1110 c-onrt. reportfl and to . I . . "· 1. · . . 1. •( I . h• Prn11lnt;, ek., pay ( ctic1enuy 111 01·11101· ll(')ll'OJ>l'IILtlOIIS, I \'O • 10111:!Hnl e1g • supreme ,·ourl

Liund1·ed and fifty dollars. n•purt•.

Ov<•17Jaid 'l'a.i;c.s.

For refunding over payments made at the treasury on Ucfumliugo\'Cr• ncc:onnt of taxes, license::<, li11es,. commissio11s, &c.

1 two palJ rnxe,.

tbotu,nnd dollnrs. 'l'o be paid upon such form of vouclfors as may be p1·e-

scribed by the auditor out of the fund into which the pa)'· Ont or ,�·hat

ment was made. 9

, ' - funll p:uJ, ek.


Erroneous Assessments.

Refunding For refundino- tnxes erroneously assessed collected and tnxr� crron... . . :, • . cously nsscMed. p:ud rnto the treasury, to be paid out of the fund rnto X�:d0

�,�;!{:'1 which the taxes we�·o paid, ouo tbousnnd dollai·s.

County and Distr·ict Ta.r,es. Ucfundiog F r d" t · d 1· · · .1 ,-ounty n,.,1 di•- • or rc,un 1ng o counties, county an ( 1str1ct taxes, p::uu trirt tnxc,s int-o the treasury for the l'cdem ption of land, such sum as

mny bo necc�sal'y for that purpose. For refu ndi n,g to con ntics, county and clif1trict taxes,

paid into the treasury by l'ailrond companies, such sum as may be ncce:,snr.r !01· that put·pose.

Public Printing.

Tnp�r public For public pi·inting and binding and fol' supplying sta­!'�::'1�:::hi,��;

y, tionery, nncl tor deficiency in appropriations therefor for

ct�. former years, twenty thousand dolln1·s.


:�� IJn,ry. i ·asc•s, elc. and rt•pllirs.

Pa,· railro:ul c:oul 1u issioucrs.

For Purchasing Books, &c.

For ]Ht1·chasing text books and booln; to complete �cts of reports in the state lib1·al'y, five hundrcd dollnri-.

Fol' cases, tables and rcpai1·i-of furniture fo1· stnte library, two huncll'cd dollars.

Railroad Commissioners.

'l'o p1i.r commii::sionors to assess railroad pl'Operty, fiyo hundred dollars.

Civil Suits.

Pay e,q,cnsesor 'l'o pay expenses of ciYil suits and fol' commissioners of ch·il •nits, etc. state agontl!, two tbouRand dollars.

State Board of Exmniners.

'l'o puy state bonrd of examiners (to bl' paid out o{ t,he •ro pnr expensr,s 1 1 I t· d) b I d I d t f I I hoard exa,uin- genera sc 100 un , t rce lllll rec an K0\"cn y- 0111· lo and se,·enty ceuts.

Railroad Committee.

'fo pay expenses of members of th':lcommiltcc appointed 'l'opnvexpensc,to inqui1·0 into the cha1·gcs for freights and travel 011 tho or rullruau com- .Baltimore and Ohio rnilt·oacl and to JJnY I.he contingent mlucc. � . ' .

1 How ,,aid. expoosci; 111currcd by the committee (lo bo drawn on I, 10

or<lor of tho chairman) th1·ce hundre.d <lollnrs. Ji'ish Commissioners.

To iinv for land '.ro pay for land purchased by fish c·ommi::1sio11crs upon P.urcJia.,cJ. which to erect a hntcltery, seven hundred dollars. �rJ::.�;.�IL'Y�.�=-- '.ro pay expenses of fish commissioners, ODO thousand li0" drn,\"ll. dollart1.

'l'he foregoing appropriations to be drawn upon the or­der of tho president of the commission.


Vaccine Agents.

To pay salaries of vaccine a"'cnts and to cover deficiency To ray nrcine • c

· · I " I d d d 11 agon Is. 1 n ,or mer appropnat10ns, t 1 ree 111 n re o ars. Jfow drawn.

To be drawn upon tho order of the governor.

Insurance. To 1)3.Y i 11sur-

T • • ] b •Id' • WI 1· f aucevncapital o pay rnsurance on cap1to 111 ing in 1ec 11�g or huilding, three yoars, five hur,dl'Cd 11.nd twenty-five dollars. Wheeling.

To pay i mm ranee on state house at Ch:wlci-;ton already O 1 1 I I . d I d 1. . I . . n sin c 1011so

c uc anc to prov1 c t neo years a c 1t1ona I nsurnnce, six nt Charleston. h11nd1·cd and i;ovonty-fivc dollars.

For insurance on stato libnu·y for three yoars, one hun- 0os1a1olihrary. clred and fifty dollars.

"rhe forcgoi ng appropriations for i nsnrancc to be drawn How drawn. upon the ordc1· of the board of public works.


To pay interest on bonds held by the board of t,bo school To par lnt.ercs�. fund, ten thousand six hundred and eleven dollars. on bonds.

A. H. Sheprard and Others.

'ro pay A. H. ShcJ)J)ard for cases made for the use of the�<• pay A. H. . · Shcppnrd. clerk of the hou8c of delegates, one hn 11drcd dollar8.

'ro pay K L. Bill, J. C. Bako1·, and W. P. Adams, defi-ciency in ibc appropriation for clerk hi1·c in the auditor 's

fl, f ti I' "·' b I • t' I b T<l pay � .. I,. o 1cc or · 1c year enc 111g ,:,eptem er I 11r ·1et 1. one t ou- Hill, .r. c. Haker i::and cirrht, hundred and scvcnt.y-scven to be drawn on the 1111<1 \\'. P.

I � I I' h l0

d i' · U U I II Adama. on or ol t 1e an< 1to1·. 0110 un< 1·c 1uH mg ty-t ree ( o :11·s and fifty-th1·cc cents.

Tobac<:o lVarehouses.

'ro pay \V. N. Chancellor, rent, of toba<.:co warehouse :i.t To JI'"' rent for :Parkcrsl>nr<r one thousand and firt.y-six dolla1·s and twcn- w,rcliouseat t fi (


l'nrkersburi; . .r- ve CCII "·

'I' ,., I> Cl 11 • p I l fi To rnspector. o pay .c.. . 1anco 01·. 1nspc<:tor at, 111· mi·» rnrg, ve hundrot.l and cighly·ono dollart< and tifty-fo111· cc1\,ts. • 'l'o J>ny P. 1l. .\lcC11llo11!.(h for :<crvi<.:c:< as in:-;pector at Torar inspcc-

. • · . . tor nl Hunting-Hu 11 t,1 ngton, fo111· hundred and tifty-1,1nc dolla1•,;. ton.

'l'o pa,r P.H .. \lcC11lln11gh "'" ,;c,.-,·ke:< ai' superintendent . . of warehouse, /h·o h1111d1'ed and tit1,r dollar:;. ;;;,/;�;;/"1wrin-

Fnr :,idni'}' ol first t<t:l'l\Wlllan at warehouse at, l.lnnti.n«-To p:iy salary • •

0 of scrcwmnn. ton, one hundred and tiftr dollar,-.

1, (' I · 11 · I I I To pn)' reut o( • or rent o wa1·c 1011sc at · unt111gto11, seven llllll rec wareh .. use, and ni.uoty-0110 dollars. Huu1iugton.

To_ bo P;•�d upon tbc ordcl' ol. ihc b_o:1.1·d of pu?li� worki::. How ,,,Id. Provided, I hat no part ot the lorego111ir npropnat1ons for How npprorria­rcnts of warchOlli5CS and s:-tlal'ics of' onicers :;hall be np- tiu::r0 l,e !\(>-

plied except, to pay such reuLs nud services us arc now P due.

2. There shall be and is hereby appropriated, out of the


;�1;r.:;t�;;!��.r state fund for the fiscal year ouding September thirtiet.h, eharees "}'011 one thousand eight hundred and eio-hty the followinrr trcasnrr or � I � . . 0 ' r:,

1sso. sums 1or t 1e purposes followrng, viz: _ Penitentiary.

To pny guunls Fo1· pny of guards and support of convicts al the peni-n nrl �\I pport.. • I d d 11 mn,·,cts. tcnt1ary. ton t 1ousan o 111·s.

r�);��c':;ttrcr- To pay sala1·y 0f the superintendent, one thousand five hundred dollars.

orc1crk. To pay salary of tho clerk, one thousand dollars. Conuuissnry. 'l'o pay salary of the commissary, one thousand dollars. rhysicinn. To pay snla1·y of physician not exceeding two hundred

and fifty dollars. . How dr.nrn: The foregoing appropriations to be drawn from the

treasury upon the order of the board of directors ot the penitentiary, addressed to the-auditor.

Criminal Charges.

To pay criminal For criminal charges such amount is hereby appropri-1·h•ri::�"'- ated as may be necessary for the payment thereof; and A111htor to p:ty I ·l't . I .· d cl d' cl cl I . c,·crr proper t 10 aut I or IS aut 1011ze an 1recte to raw \IS wai'l'ant ch:1rga, etc. for every p1·oper charge on that, account which is pre-

To p."lycxpenscs )un:t.tics in jails.

sented w-him for payment.·

L1.matics in Jails.

For the expenses of lunatics in jails, eighteen thom:aud dollars.

West Virginia University.

Topanxpcnscs For expenses of the regents of the unive1·sit.y, five bun-of regent•. drecl dollars. current and For current and contingent expenses of the university, conLingcnt ex- three tbousnnd dollars. JlCIISCS. F .. I . h d . h d cl cl II To pay teachers. 'or pay ol teac 1ers, SIX t ousan six un re o ars. Library. For the uni,eri,iity lib1·ary, five hundred dollal's.

'l'he foJ"cgoing nppl'Opl'iations fo1· the univeJ"flity to bo llow drawn. drawn from the treasury upon the OJ"dor of tho cxccntivo

committee. institution for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind.

T<>parcurrcnt For curre11t expenses of the institution for the deaf, expenses. dumb and blind, twenty-five thousand dollars. . For tninsportation of indigent pupils to the institution,•portat,on. foul' hund1·cd dollars.

How drawn.

To pny current e.xpcuscs.

'l'he foregoing a])J>l'OJ>riations for tho institution for tho deaf, dumb and blind, to be drnwn from the treasury upon the orders of the board of directors, adclressed to the auditor.

Hospital for the Insane.

For current expenses of the hospital for tho ins:mc at \Veston, fifty-five thousand dollars. ,


For transportation of patients, three thousand five bun-·Tranl!J>Ortation. dred dollars.

For insuran<:o tor three years, one thousand five bun- losunmee. dre<I dollars. . Tho fo1·egoing appropriations for tho ho"pital for tho How nnd when

111sane to be drawn from the trea&ury at the beginning ofdrnwo. e�ch quarter of the fiscal year, upon orders of tho board of directors, addressed to the auditor.

E.1;ecutive Department. Civil eootlngcnt fuud.

f<'or civil contingent fund, eight thousand dollars. To pny eont"in-F • f , ffi I h g�nt cxpen•c• or or contrngent expenses o treasurer s o cc, t iree 1111- rrensurer's

dred dol lai·s. office. For contingent expenses of auditor's office, one t.hou- Audltor'aoffico.

sand eight hundred dollars. F t. f f • ffi Office of secre-

. 'or con rng-ent expenses o secrot:u·y o state ll o cc, huy of state. six hundred dollun•.

For contingent exnenses of attorDC)' «enen1l and as- Attoroc;-Goo-. • ffi.

rl d d 11 o . craJ·s office. s1stance 111 o ce, one t 1ousan o ars.

For contingent expenses of the library, one hundred Librnry. dollars. Por contingent expenses of tho adjutant general's office, A<ljutnot-Gen-

five hunch·ecl dollar". . cm. The fo1·og-oing contingent expenses to be drawn upon How drawn.

the req·uisition of tho officer to whom the fund is allowed.

Salaries of Clerks.

· To pay .salary of private secretary to tho governor, one l!C<"rctnry or thousand dollars. vo,·ernor.

'l'o pay salai-y of clerk in tho office of secretary of state, Clerk SCC!"etary

one thousand dol 1:us. 01 sL,te. To pay snlnry of clerk in the trcnsurol'1

S office, one thou-�:�� or lnl&S­snnd dolln1·s.

'l'o pay 11nla1·ios of foul' d('rks in a11clitor'" office: f�;_rks ol .Audi• Tho fit-flt clo1·k to receive ono thouf.antl fiye hundred dol-

lar;;i. Tho second de1·k to rnceiYe onu thuusantl, one hundred

dollurs. 'l'ho third clo1·k to rcc,oh·e onu tlion;:and dollars. Tho !on 1·th clerk to r(•cciYo 0110 I hou,-11 nd dol liu·s. Extrn clol'I, hiro. onc thoul'and dollars. Extrnclerk 'l'o pay l'illlHl'.)' of clerk in the onko of tho stnte superin- g:��k slate •"r-

tondon t of frco schools, lo bo paid out of tho general �/,'�:;\��cut o school tu 11d, one thou,mnd dollar,;.

The fol'egoi ng amount::1 appi-upria.tcd for salaries of How drawn. clerks to bu drawn upon accoun� approved by tho officers in whoso offices the several clerks arc omployod.

Judicial Department. . To pny rontin-

For contin�ont expenses of courts, two t.hou!!nnd dollars. �1�,�:i��uaca

Por printi1w and bindin" su1>rome court roporl,,'I three Prin1i11g, etc. b o ' reports thousand six hundred dollars. ·


Overpaid Taxes.

To refnnd o�er- For refunding overpayments to tho treasury on account raid tu, ... , etc. of tnxes, licenses, fines, commissions, etc., to be paid upon

such forms ef vouchers ns may be prescribed by the aud-itor, two thousand dollars. ·

To refun d tnxe• erroneously as­eesscd, etc.

Erroneous Assessments.

"For refunding taxes erroneously asReS8cd, collected and pnid into the treasury, to be paid ont of the fund into which it has been paid, ono thousand dollars.

Co1qit.y and District Ta:i:es. To refund . • . . . co_un1y nnd dis- For rcfundmg to counties, county and d1str1ct taxes p:ud trict taxes. into the t1·easury, for the redemption of land, such

· amount as may bo nc,cessary for that purpose. For refunding to couuties, county and district taxes,

paid into the treasury by railroad companies,such amount as may bo neQessary tor that purpose.

Public Printing.

'.1'0 r•r rrindt-f For 1rnblic priutincr and bindino- and forsUJ>J>l�·in" Btn-u1g1 etc. an or . . . o , o, ., n

11alionnry. t1onery and printing paper for state use, tifteen thousand

Books for li­brary.



Fo1· purchasing books for state library, five huudred dollars.

Railroad Commissioners ..

1:0 pay commis- To pay commissioners to assess railroad property, ���.�i;.sd•�::;;"" five hund1·ed dollars. Crty.

ExpeoS(>Sof civil snitsJ etc.

Oivil Suit.�.

'fo pay expenses of civil snits and (;Ommis.,ions ot stnto agents, two thousand dollnrs.

Fish Commissioners.

Expe'!sc:,fisb To J)ay expensef! of fish commif:lsioners, to he chnwn comm1s..,10uera. • ) cl 1· h · d f \ · · • upon t 10 or er o t o pres1 cot o t 10 (;Omm1ss10ners, one thouband dollars.

Vaccin'e Agents.

vaccine agenta. To pay salaries of three vaccine ngents, to be drawn upon tho order of the governor, one hundred and fifty dollars.




To pay interest on money borrowed ofthe boa rd of the To pny inte,.,.t "" money bor­

school fnod, fou_r thou;mnd seven hundred and fifty-eight rowed. dollars.

Be it .fu.rther enacted, '.rbat no sums of money shall be N� money to be ?nt of the t1·e:u,urr during the fiscal years ending re- �;:;�u�81{0�trro­spcc:t1vely on the thi 1·ticth day of Sept('m ber, one thousand �;��tcd, unless, eight hundred anti seventy-nine, and the· thi1·tieth day of 8cplember, one thousand eight hnnch·ed and eighty, be- Audltornuthor­yond the amounts hernby a1:iprOJ)riated. unless the same i_zell duriug the b · J d f' b · • · hrst s,x month• . e ))l'0VI< c 01· y tho const1tu t1on or some general law . of fiscal ycor be-But in addition to the sums hereby aJlJ)l'OJlriated· for said i:i�ning 1stkOct. ti l . . . . . 1�,o. to ma c , sea years, the auchtor ma, after the· exp1rat1on of said payn!cn_ts t? fi 1 · ·(· ( b

., ' · h d f S b cert."n rnsllLU· sea .) ear CIH 1ng on t )e t 1rt1ct ay o , eptem e1·, one ,ions. oflic·ers,

thousand eirrht hundred and eio-htv and dnrin"' the first etc. in a•ldition . ,-. b ., ' h to the sums six months of the tis<:al year beginning on the first day ofbc_rehy appro-

Oc:tober, one thou,;:and eight hundred and eighty, make pnatcd. payments to the followirlg institutions, oflicers and per-sons, upon p1·oper vou:::hers, of su111s of money not exceed-ing in the aggregate one-half the amount appropriated for the same purposes fo1· the fiscal year ending September thirtieth. one thousand eight hundred and eighty, that is to say: for the support of convi<:ts and pay of guards at tho penitentiary; for the support of lunatics in jail; for pay of teachers nt the univer;;ity; for current expenses of the instituliQn for the deaf, Jumb and blind; for current expenses of the hospital for the insane; for contingent expenses of the different executive oliiceri'l, and of the li-brnry and adjutant general; for pay ol clerks in the exec-utive oflices; for pri'nti ng and bi 11di ng ,rn pre me court re-ports; for refunding overpaid taxes and taxes erroneously assessed; :ind foi· public printing. Ancl during the said :;ix months the auditor may pay nil p1·0JHll' charges for criminal expen:;c:,, and 101· rotunding to counties und dis-iricts taxes for county and district purposes, upon lands redeemed n,t the audito1··s ottive, and also taxe;i as;icssed against railt·oads 101· c;o11nty anti district purpoflcs, which may be presented lo him lo1· pa,rm,mt.

�- Every npp1·oprin1,ion, or so mm·h the1:eof :u, may re- �'.1��!��f,P��- so

marn undrawn at the end ot three ,·ea1·,;: a.It.ct· I-he passage much M re,unln f I . b I . I I . " . I I 11 'b· uudruwn 0 t 10 a<:t y w 11c 1 ,;uc l appropr1at t()n was mace, S Hl . O <kcrued t� hnvc

deemed to have oXJ)ired and no w.u·1·a11t shall thereafter cxplrc,l, 1111<1 no . . ' "·nrniut sh:,11 be

be issued II pou 1 t. issued therefor. (Appro•cd1llI11rch 8, 1879.)


1.rhe fol'egoing act takes effect from its passago, two­thirds of the member� elected to each house, by a. vote tu.ken by yeas and nars, having BO directed.



AN ACT providing for the submission of.the proposed amendment of article eight of the constitution of the state to the voters thereof for ratification or reject.ion, and for the election of certain officers thereunder.

[Passed )Inrch 7, 1Si9.J

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

t'i".\m�71�;�st\� 1. That the question of the ratification or rejection of

tt\tton, when to the proposed amendment of article eirrbt of t,Jrn constitu-i,., submitted for t ' f I l t t . d . I . . b

I . t I rn1tficnlion or ion o t10 s a e. con aine 111 t)e JOIIH 1·cso ut1on o trn rejection. legi:-lature adopted on the sixth day of �l:wch, one thon­

saud eight hnndred and -;eveuty-nine. shall be :.;ubmit.tcd to the voters of the state at tbe next general election to be held in the year one thousand eight huudred and eighty. •

:�:��� 10 be br 2. The voting upon enid question shall be by ballot and Whnt mnst be those voting for s:ticl amendment shall have written or written or . t d b . b II h I . . I I printc<lonbal- pr111 e out cu· n ou,, t e worcs "const1tut1ona nmenc-lou. ment, article eight, for ratification," and thof<c voti11.� Jo'orwhatbnllot.. ng1\instsaida:nendment, shall _hav:e written or printed_ on not to be re- thou· ballots the words "const1tut1onal amendmc11 t, article Jccted. eight, for rejection;" but no ballot shall be rejected in as­

certaining tile result of said election at anyplace of voting because all of the said words arc not written or pl'intcd thereou, if itsufficiuntly appear what the voter in tended. 'l'he said election at each place of voting shall be 1rnperin-

How election to tended.conducted aucl ret1tl'ned, and the re1;1ult thereof ar<­be superintend- certained by the same offieerR and int.he sumo manne1 · a1:1 ed couductcd l l · t b h I · I · · d d ek. · t 1e e ect1on o mom ers ot t c cg,s aturc 1s snpc1·111Lcn e ,

conducted and returned. and the result asce1·tained at ,mid Pro�isions of election. And all the ·1H·ovisions of the law rclatinir to lnw relating to ,_,

general elec- general elections as tar as aplicable, shall apply to tho lion, to n1,ply election held under tho 1wovisions of this net exccJ>t us far as nppll- · , � cublc,cxcept,etc whe1·e it is herein otherwise p1·ovide<l. T"·o certificates 3. ,Yhen the result of said election at every pince of or rosult or elcc- t' • • d ,. · d l · ·. .1 tion �t every VO 1ng IS asco1·tmue as a,oresai , t 1e C'-omm1ss1onc1·s anu pince 0.r ,·o,iag co11ductol' or any two of them. 11hall si rrn two cot·tificates of w Uo signed· by ' • n --;horn.

• the result tbcl'eot' to the following effect: ����1'6<��.;:uch "We, the undersigned, who acted as commissioners (ol'

commissioners or conductor as the unse may be) of the election held at--, in tho district of--, in the county of --, on tho -- day of -.--, one thousand eight l11111-dred and eighty, upon the question of the rntificntion or rejection of' the proposed constitutional amendment of article eight, do hel'eby certify that tho result of said c!ec­tion is as follo,vs: For ratificatio1.&, -- votes; for ruJeC-

Cu. 49.J AMENDMENT. 73

tion, -- votes. Given under our bands this -- day of -- , one thousand t·ight hunch-ed and eighty."

1'he said twoccrtific:ates shall correspond with encb other eertifiClltc must · in all respects, and contain the full and true returns ofcorrcspond.

"d J • I I f • "d • Whot to contain sa1 e cet1on at, cae 1 p aee o votrng on sni question. The said commiRsioncrs, or one of them, or said con- ���e


duetor, shall, wiLbin four da_rtl, including Sundays, nftersm·h c<rtitlcn,ea that on which said election was held, deliver one of said to be tlelh·ered. ccrtifieates to the dcrk_ of tho c:onuty court and the othor to tho ele1·k of the eireuit eourt of the county.

4. The said certificates shall be laid befo1·e the comm is-��.�•;;;,� ��;h sioners appointed to conduct tbe election at the court c•_rtificntcs to be houso, at tlrn immc t.imc the ballots, poll books and ccrti- 1rud•

ficatcs of the elect.ion for mcm bers of the legislatm·c are laid before them; and as !'00n as the results of said elec-t. · I I · f "fi · T...-o certiftClltea 1011 in t lC connt.y upon tie que;;hon o rat1 cation or re- of result I,• eru:h jcction i,; asccrlai ncd, two certificates of such resu It shall county to be b I d . d b "d . . . I ,. out nod

o mac e out an s1�11e y sa1 t:omm1ss1011e1·s 10 t. 1e ,orm signed; by

or to tbe effect lollowi ng: "\V c, the undersigned, ap- i-�!•,��'�1 such

pointed as commissioners to supel"inteucl tho elect.iou held Ct'rt�lic,ue. at ti.le court house of t.hc county of--- , on the ---day of --, do hereby certify that the result ot said elec-tion in i:;aid con11ty ou tho question of ti.Jo 1·atification 01· rcjcct.i0n of tho })l'Oposed amendment of article eight. of the constitution of tho stato is as follows: !<"'or rut.ifica-tion, -- votes; and for reject.ion, -- votes. Given under our bands thi!I -- day of --, one thousand eight Ho...- suth certf­hundrcd and ci.,hty" one of which sliall be filed in t.uefic>1cttoliedls­oilico ot tho dc;k ot the county court, and t,hc other fo1·- 11,-:;:;.1;/�""re­wardcd bv mail to the secr0tarv of stnto who shall file '"'Y nr.1111e •• .. . J ' . to tho cerlilicate and preSCl'\'O t.hc same unlll tho tiny on which the result sent hltu. of 1mid clcctiou in tho state is to Le ascortnined, as hercin-afte1· stated.

5. On tho twonty-6tt.h day aflor Rnid olet·t.ion is held, or When certl!l­nt1 soon Llieroat'lo1· II>< prnt'licnblu, tho said t·e1·titiento shall be��.;; :;:,/U!v­be laid bolorc t,lio g-o\·urnor, whor<e duty iL tihall ho to aa- eraor. ce1·tai11 t.hernfrom the result ol "nid clcl'tion in th('! !!late, r���r?,�:�� ••­nud <lcl'larc same by jJl"Oclamation Jlublishcd in some certalr_,in� n-11d

· . ' ,. dcclnr10g tllc one or moru 110\,·:spapurs p1·1ntcd at. tho scat. ot governmout. rc,�111. If n mnjo1·it-y of' the votes cast. aL Maid election be fo1· r11t.ifi-;1��/r';:tr '"01600

cat.ion, tho i;nid proposed n111,rndme11t i;liall be in force and When to he In effoct from tho time ofHtcli rat.ilkation, autl be p111·t nnd forco ,wd oOect. parcel of tbo co11st.i tution of t,uu ,;tato, i1J t.ho place or U.l'ticle oight., as it now stands.

6. It shall bo tho duty oft.he governor to cause the said Go'"eroor to ··. have proposod p1·oposoc\ amond me11t to bo published at loaRt three months :11nc1!dmc11t before tho Raid cloction in- i;omo UCWS})"lJ)Cl' in eve1·v county pubhshcd; ' J when and how. int.ho state, in wbich u. newspaper it1 printed, the expenses Exp�n•c.of_ f h · ) h LI b · d f 1. • f d pubheotloo o w 1c 1 tl a e pu.1 out o t.ue cont,rngont un . how ptlid, '


'14 AMENDMENT. [CH. 49

7. On the snme dny and under the superintendence of the same officers, an election shall be held for 1·udc:es of the Circuit judges, • �

when and how judicial circuits ns presented in said proposed amendment Toted for. to article eight, as well as for the judicial circuits now pre­What must bQ scribed in tho constitution. The pe1·son voting for judge wmten or shall designate the circuit by ba�ing written or printed on f:t'�tr�,i:'..""b:l- his ballot, "for judge of old circuit" and "for judge of new '".otingforjudgc. circuit." But in the first circuit the J)erson shall designate 8pcc1ul i,r,ms- ti . • b b . . . d b" b II t ionsnstofirst 10 c1rcmt y avrng written or pnnte on 1s a o, ��.���\,cunn ''for j,1dge of old circuit" and "for•judges of new circuit." conducted. etc. Such election shall be conducted and tho result the1·cof aR­;�r�;;�•,"J\�;1 cc1·tained, dctermiued and certified according to the ))l'Ovis­ccrtifie<I. ions anti l'equirements of existin<T laws lor the election of Duty of Gover-• d f I • ·


l Id l 'd d nornstoissu- JU ges O t 1e c11·cu1t courts. 1ou t 1e Sal propose lngoom_miss- amendment be ratified the CTOVerno1· shall ii=;sue commiR-101:s 10) udges if . 1 o •m��dtuen! bo s10ns to the persons who from the returns appear t0 have mu fled or 11 re- been elected J. uclrrcR of the new J. udil'ial circuits res1,ecti ve-jected. :::, · ,

ly; and if the said proposed amendment be rejected, he shall issue commissions to the persons who from the re­turns appear to have been elected jud_!!;eS of the old judicial circuits, respectively, as now provided by Jaw.

Commi.sloners, 8. And on the day on which snid proposed amendment ���;� l� ��ct· of article eight is submitted to. the voter!\ ot the state fol' couu1y, when. r11tifitatiou or rejection, the ,oters of �aeh cou11ty of the How sut"h elcc- b I I I I • I • • · ., d tlon to be con- stnto s a e ect t 1erc1 n t 1ree comm 1ss1oners Uf\ prov 1uc ducted, ttc.: ,.,.. for in sections twenty-two and twenty-three of the said suit asccrtmned . .1 anct returns proposed amendment. Such election shall be condn<:tcu made. und superinte1,decl by the same offic:ers and in the i=;ame

manner as provided lor in section seven ol this act., and the ce1·1ificatc nnd returns shall be made nnd the reirnlt as­certained in the same manner ns is now prnst1 ibcd by law for tuo election, certificates und returns of county oflicers.

T61mso1om- 9. lf said proposed amendment shall be ratified the �r,�:


t�c�-;;-i,;,_ terms of the officers whose election is proviucd for in this meoce. a<:t, sh al I com men co on the first day of J 1111 uary, {)Be thous-

thousand eight hundred aud eighty-one. (ApprGTed Mnrcb 8, 1870.]


The foregoing act tnkes effect at tbc expiration of ninety days after its passage.



AN ACT providing for the submission of the proposed amendment of section thirteen of article three of the constitution of the st-ate, to the-voters thereof, for ratifi­cation or rejection.

[Passed March 7, 1879,)

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:


1. That the question of the ratificntion or rejection of Amenament 1o tbe proposed amendment of section thi rtcen of article three sco,inn th ir1cea,

f 1 . . f h . d . h . . nr11clc three of o t 10 const1tut1on o t estate containe in t e JOlnt rcso- 1hcCous1itu1ion Jut ion of the legislature, adopted on the seventh day of;��•11•��:fo10

!�� March, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, rejection; when

sLnll be rrnbmitted to the voters of the state at the next general ekction lo be held in the year one thousand eight hund1·ed and eighty.

2. Tho voting upon said question shall be by bnllot, and those voting for said amendment shall h:n·e written or now Toting to printed on °thcir ballots the words "constitutional amend- t�i,nthnllot.-for mcnt, t1eclion thirteP.11, article three, for ratification; and �;•,�.;7;��;\,.,11_ those voting against said amendment shall have written ,�n nr printed or' printed on their b,i.llots the words "c!onstitutional 'tt;�.��

1 bnllots amendment, Rcction thirteen, article three, for rejection," p.i 11st not be re­but no ballot shall be rejected in 1iscertaining the result of i,cted. 1mid election at :my place of ,oting, because nil of the said words arc not written or pt"intcd thereon if it sufficiently appear what the voter intended.

'l'ho said election at each place oh·otin� shall be snpcr- m,w •n•h elcc­i ntcnded, con cl nctcd nnd rctu rued, and the res nit the1·cof tion to beonper-

1 b I fli 1 · l 1ntt-nded on(! rc-DSCCrtn1 nel y t 10 same o cer$ an< 1 n t 10 same man nor as turned and tho the election of mom bers of tho le,!.(i,dat n re is ,rn pcri ntendcd, :::i'u

elt'c nscert


condnctod and rctun10d u11d the result :l.!<t:C-rtai11od at said Pr'o,,i,ions of election, :i11d all the pro,~i,:io"11s of tho law relating Lo �?n- ��";.t�,-�,-�•_!��ns ernl elections ns far a:; npplic-nl,lo shall apply to tho olect,on to�pply, except, hold under tho provii-ions of this net, except whe1·e it is et..

heroin otherwise p1·0\'idod. :I When t.hc rn,:11lt ofsnid nlcclio11 at even· J>lncc ofvot- RPrnlt nt c�·cry

. ·. . · . . . ., place of vot111g; In.I-{ 1s ascort:11nccl us afo1·c,a,a1d tho c;vmm1;;;;1onor,- 1111d con- two ccr1ili,•n,•s ductor, or nn.r two of them, shall sign two ce1·tificatcs of'.�11��


1gnc<1; b>· the resnlt thereof to tho follow in� effect: 11 \Vo, the un- Form of ccrtifi-d · I I I · · · (

• • cntc. ers1gnec, w 10 actCl as commu:1,.:1onoret, or comm1ss1oner or conductor ns the case may be) of the election hold nt -. -, in tho di�trict of --, in the county of--, on the --- dny ot --, one thousand eight hundred nnd ei{.{hty, upon tlie question of t-he rntificntioo or rejection of the proposed constitutional amendment to section thirteeu of article three, do hereby certify that the result of said elec- -·. tion is as follows: For ratification -- votes; for 10-


jection -- vote1:1. Given under our hand this --day of --, one thousand eight hundred and eighty. The said two

Certifirates 10 certificates shall correspond with each other in all respects correspond. and contain the full and trno roturns of said election at Whntr.,con- t l I f · "d · Tl "i toin. a enc 1 p ace o votrng on sai question. 1e sail com-��c1�-�-t;:.�om missioners, or one of them, or said conductor, shall within •uch cenifirates four days, including Sundays, after that on which said 10 bedcll<ered. election was held, deliver one. of said certificates to the

clerk of the county court and the other to the clerk of the circuit court of the coun_ty.

!:.��f'�c';,�r,�108 4. The said certificates shall bo laid before the C"mmis-10 be laid nud sioners appointed to conduct the election at the court when. house at the same timo the ballots, poll-books nnd


certifi-cates of the election for members of the legislature are laid

���ul����/;c- beforn them; and as soon as the result ot said election in euu,,,·. tw<> tho county upon the question of ratification or rejection is ;��•�fl�\:l�ft

0tfo nsccrtnined t,vo certificates of such result shall be 1nade

b_e rnndcouund out and si11ned by said commissione1·s in the form or to the s1;:ncd· by , f ] I :::, . " . . whom'. etfoct o owrng: "Ne, tho under,-1gned, appomtcd as com-}'orm, orsuch missioners to superintend the election Leid at the court centhc:ates. , filed. house of the county of--, on the -- clay of --, do

Duty of sccre­t:iry of state ns to cert fik,1 in his office.

hereby certify that tbe result of said election in said tounty on the question of ratification or rejection of the proposed amendment to section thirteen of arti,�le three of the con­i,iitution of the state is as follows: For ratification -­votes --; for rejection -- voks. Given under oi1r hands this -- day of--, ono thousand eight hund1·cd and eighty." One of which shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the county court and tho other forwarded u_r mail to the secl'etary of state, who shall file and prc,;ervc the same until the clay on which the resn\t of E<aid election in the statA is to be ascortaincd as hereinafter stated.

5. On the twenty-fifth day after 1mid election is held, or When �crtif-- h f bl d · fi c.�•c to be laid as soon t erea ter as is practica c, tho sai ('.crt1 catcs before Gover- i,.hall be laid before the govern9r, whose duty it shall be to

ascertain therefrom the re�ult oi said election in tho state, and declare the Rame by prodamation publiRlied in Rome one or more newi,papers printed at the Heat of government. If a majority of the voteH cast at said olcct,ion be for rntifi­

nor. His duly ns to :isccrtai1iini-: nud declaring resuh.

J1fnJon1tr Nlo c•1tion, the said 1woposcd amendment shall he of lorco and to ratr y. ' effect from the time ot sud1 ratili<.:ation, noel be part and parcel of the constitntion of the state-in tho pla<.:e ol'section

lfratific,i, when thirteen ot nrticlo th1·ee as it now 1;ta11ch1. to 1.: l..c d1C, t,

�.�;·ernorto 6. It shall be the duty of the governor to <'llUSe the said hn<" pro1-,sl'<l proposed amendment to be published at least th1·ee months �::'i�i'/�i:�: �L before the said elel'tion in some newspaper in cvol'y conn ty when 311d ho,.-. 1n the stato in which a nmYBJ>aper iA printed the expenses Expenses of . . ' publicatlcn; of which shall be paid out of t};le coutrngent fund. how p:ud.

[Appro-.ed :March 8, 1870,]



The toregoing act takes effect at tho expiration of ninety days after its passage.


A.N ACT making an appropriation for the state normal school and its branches, •for tho year er:ding in one thou­sand eight hundred and seventy-nine, and pro,.iding the manner in which the same shall be paid.

[Passed March 7, 1879. l

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:


1. Tbnt the principals of the state normal school and its Reports prlnd­several branches, shall make, at tbe dose of each session f���.� f;';:!!ie

thereof, to tbe ])resident of tbe board of re<rents in nddi- 10 pre,idcat of .

. . · . o ' bo:ard or ,egenta t10n to the annual reports required of tbem, a report, un- in ,ddition to der oath, of the number of non-paying normal pupils and �'.;,".�t rP.port,;

tbo number of paying pupils in tho se\rcral departments What such re­of the school in actual monthly attendance du1·ing said port,iocoatain.


2. That tho president of tho board of regents of the dDuty 011h

presdl- 1 I I I I . f I · . d . eut o oar o not·ma se 100, upon t 1e receipt o t 1e reports reqmre Ill re�ents upon re-the first f'eetion of this act, shall furnish the auditor of the ��fi'. 0' such re­

stato with tho num b er of non-paving normal pupils in ll'h,treport to • I I l d . - h f I . d I ouch tor must acsn:1 moot 1 .'i atten a nee 1n eac o t 10 sin normn show.

schools, and the num l>er of months of actual attendance; Duty of ":uditor

I .

f I I I . . .

f b upon receipt c,f upon t 1e receipt o w 1ie I report, anc on requ1s1t10n o t o such reJ?o_rt ruid

president of the board of l'l',(!COtf'. the i:11id auditor shall o�e�f:l���·�r ol issue to the" executive commillcc" of each of 'laid schools, !::;;rd or regents warrants upon tho tren�ury of tho 1-lalo for tbo amount duo snid schools, at tho rnte of th1·�0 dollar,: :ind fifty ce1,ts per month Jor e,ory non-paying normal pupil reported as in monthly aUcndanc-o, which :'laid ,mm Rh:ill include tuition Hownmountap­and tl!e us

1e of bo

1 oks i:ml app:mi

1tu,, ;

1 th:

1,t thc


bnt so

1ap- �;���\����,Lo be

propr11itoc to t 10 said nnnna sc, 100 nnl 1ls ranc 1es shall be appo1·tioncd lo tho >laiu normal school and its branr.beR, actording Lo tho number of non-paying normal students attending the said normal sc·bool and its branches respectively.

3. That the sum of ten thousand and sixty-two dollarR A�oeduntr appro-

b . . f pnut or sup­e and tho same JR hereby approµnatcd ont.o any moneys porl el uor111al in tho treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the sup- •chocJ.s.

port of the normal school and its branches for the school


��':_."��:ear. yenr ending in one thousand eight hundred and seventy­nine, to be pnid by the auditor of the state, as provided in section two of this act.

;t�ro�pli;;�;_ 4. All moneys appropriated by the preceding section vert tos,nte. and not drnwn ns provided for in the second sect10n of St•le not Hobie h. b !or nn,· cxpcn- t 1s net, efore the end ot the school venr one thousand •t• Incurred for ei<Tht hundred nnd seventy-nine shall ;.evert to the state support, etc. of b , ,

any normnl and the state shall not be deemed linble fot· any expenses 1chool alter end · d f ti · f · h l of •chool year 1ncurre or 1c support or maintenance o sue norm a 1879. • school or any of tho branches thereof nfter the end of the

school year one thousantl eight h0

uudred and seventy-nine.

Inconsistent 5. All nets and parts of nets inconsistent ,vith this act act.s repeo.led. arc het·eby rep_ealed.

[Appro,ed Morch 7, 1sy9.J


The foregoing act takes effect from its pnssage, two­thirds of tho morn bers elected to each house, by a vote taken by yens and nays, having so directed.


AN ACT .providing for reviews and rehearings in t.he supreme court of appeals of causes decided at the special term held in the city of Wheeling in the months of October, November and December, one tboasand eight hundred and seventy-eight.

[Passed Mnrcb 7, 1879.l

Be it ennciecl by the Legislature of West Virginia:

Reviews and re• 1. That the supremo court of appeal�, at the regnlnr �!:1'/:l

iri;t term to be hcltl in the city of Wheeling in June, ono

supreme court thousand eight hnndred and scvcnty-ni nc, may review ���In and rchenr nny cases decided by Raid conrt at the special

term held in the city of Wheeling in the months of Octo­ber, November nnd December, one thousand eight hnn­drcd and seventy-eight, so for ns to allow tho correction of any clerical error in any decree or jnd�mont pro­nounced by said court, or whet·e the court, on its own mo­tion, may desire to rehear and correct such decree or juJg­ment.

No nrgumeni Bnt no argument, either written, printed or oral, shall �;1


cetod be heard unless requetited by the court. f .Approved March s,:1879.J



The foregoing act takes effect from its passnge, two-thirds of the members elected to each house, by a vote taken by yens nod nays, having so directed.


AN ACT to amend and re-o!lnot chapter forty-six of tho acts of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, entitled "an act to amend and re-enact section twenty­three of an net passed :Fcbl'Uary tweo�y-four, one thou­sand eight hnndred and sixt.y:five, entitled 'an act to estnblish a court of limited jurisdiction in the city of Wheeling.'"

[Pn,,ed Mnrch 7, 18i9.]

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:


1. 'fhat chapter forty-edx of the nets of one tbomiand Ch•pter 46, act

· I t I d I I · I d , t t 1S,7 amended e1g1 11111 1·eL anc sevcn.ty-scvcn, ent1t c 'an uc o ' amend and rc-cnaet se<:tion twenty-throe of an act passed Fcbrum·y t,Vcnty-fou1·, 0110 thou,:and eight hundred :rnd sixty-five, entitled 'a11 a<:t to establish a court of limited

jul"i�diction in the eity of \Vhcolin�,'" be nnd the snmo is hereby nmcnded anti re-enar:ted so as to read as follows:

"23. For services performed by him, by vir!ue of his�lerkofmuutc-ffi O I . . . . d" . 'r . j I 1p:1l court of

o cc, 111 re nt1011 to tho police _1111·1s 1cl1on o F;:11L court, t 1c Wheeliog; biJ

clerk thereof mny chnr_l.{o the Bnme fees ns a jns1ico is now ices.

entitled to re<:cive for sirnil:1r services; and in ot,he1· cnses the same fees as the clerk of I.he circuit court is now enti-tled to re<:oivc for similar scrvic:cs. It shall be lawful for C-.ouncll of_cltr

. . . . mny presa:-ril e the council of the city to p1·csc:nbe by ord111nncc such com- hrordinooce a

pcnsution or salary as they may deem reasonable fot· tho !;'��rJ·,. r�.;_111 clerk ;:,f said court-, in lieu of any fees which" ould otherwise In such ens.,

'd I [ f ··· I [" · "d" · whotucolirct ac:crne to SUI c er c 1·0111 ca,es w1t111n t 10 po ICCJlll"IS 1ct1on such fees n,.d

of tho sui<l conrt after tho first day of June, one thousand f0w nccounted

eight hundred nnd seventy-nine; and in sueh ease tho scr- or.

gcunt 01· his deputies shall collect tho 1:rnid fees, but shall account for and pay over the same to th"' treasurer of the city.''

(ApproTcd March 8, 1879.J



'l'ho foregoing net tnkes effect from its passage, two­thirds of tbo members elected to each house, by a vote taken by yous and nays, having so directed.


.A.N ACT to amend and re-enact section thirty of chapter one hundred and ninety-four of tho acts of one thousand

eight hundred and seventy-two and three, entitled "an act to provide for opening and keeping in repair the county roads."

[P11Yed March 7, 1879.]

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

1. section thirty of chapter ono hundred and nine­ty-four of tile acts of one thousand eight huntfred and seventy-two and three, entitled "an act fo1· opening and keeping in repair tho county roads," be amended and 1·e­.enucted so as to read as follows :

When nnd bow "30. The county court of a county may upon petition, j���•di����'od.;-_ direct any couuty 1·oad or landing therein to be disc:on­urd. tinued; but notice of every sucb petition must be given Notice In such 1_ • • • CJtsrs. turee weeks at lenst beloro 1t 1s acted upon by posting Proceedl�i;,i co1)ies of such notice at the tront door of the court house upon pcuuons. . . . . Re�c.n or view- aLld at three other public places in every dist11ct rn wbich ��- ostro,d 10 any part of tile said road 01· landing may bo. Upon such be fiscontlnued petition after noticu is given al! aforesaid, the county court unul nnol11er I II . · · f I · hnsbeencsu11>- srn appomttwo or more viewers or a committee o t1c1r llibed. own body, to view such road or landing and report in

To apply to turnpike road, transferred to couutiea.

writing whethe1· in their opinion uny, and if any, what foconvenience would result irom discontinuing tho same. Upon such reportnnd other evidonce, if any, the court may discontinue the road or landing; takiug care in every

. ea�e of an establii;licd postroad not to discontinue the same until another h1111 been estnblishrad. And tbi11 section shall apply as well to turnpike roads which bnvo been or may hereafter be translcrl'ed to any couuty by tile state as to other county roads."

LApproved :March 8, 1870. I


The foregoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.



AN AC'r authorizing the counties of Brooke and Ohio to fund the bonded debt of said counties now due or to be­come due.

[Passed :'ltnrch 7, 18i9.J

Be it en'l.cted by the Legislature of West Virginia:


1. That it shall be lawful for the county court of Brooke nrool.:eon<l

county and the board of commist1ioners of Ohio county to Ohio counties issue new bonds or eYidences c:if indebtedness, in liei1 of r'�.'.�0


fill)� now out:-tandi ng bearing an annual rate of interest�;�� 1,�;0,��e des1_gnated by coupon ii attached thereto, said coupon bonds ,Jue. bearing a 1·ate of interest not to exceed six pe1· centum per ��[�;:"!c


unnum, :-aid intere�t payable . so.mi-annually; whicb said !fr,0;::i,�:Jj!�cde new bonds or ccrt1fieates of indebtedness shall be made 1,,n,t,1c. l>n}·ablc in nut le�s than t.wo )'e•11·s 1101· more than twcnt)· 0

• -.h,15um,. .. 4, ... • How sumeJ :ind yeari;; from their date at the OJ>tion of tho fiscal tribunal 011c,1et1.

f I ' • • 1• d I )l:n· be sold al o suc1 county or counties as may issue tuom, an at t.1cru1i,·alue. like option may be made paynble to benror or to the order of any person or corporation, and in such denomi-110tions 01· sunu; as said fiscal tribunal shall deem proper, nnd tho immo shall be sign"d by the president and attested hy the clerk of said tribunal, which suid bonds or certifi-cates may be sold at t,heir fnll value, nnd accrued in- ;��c1�"t:'i !3��d terest, it nny. to be added as part of said vnlue, bv such a• uart ol vntuc.

b d • d b • d • b ' I d Pro ·ce<ls how agent or ngcnts us may e e;11g11ate y sm tr1 una, an applied.· tlie proceods thereof, us re<·eiv1::d, shall be applied to the redemption of the bonds autl contrac:t,s aforesaid.

[Approved Mnrch 8, 18�9.]

[NO'l'E JJ\' ,·rrn Cu:RK OF THE Hous1:: OF DELEOATF.S.]

'l'he foregoing act takes effect ut the cxpirntion of ninety days after iLs passage.


AN ACT to regulate the prices of clus1J books used in the free schools of the stnto.

[Pnsse<l )lorch 7, 1870.]

He it eunctod by the Legislature of vVest Virginia: 1. It 11hall be tbe duty of atnto superintendent of

freo schools on or before the fir,;t duy of July, oue thousand


Duly or stn1tc oight hundred and sevent'-·-nine to solicit and receive pro-sn1Jl.•n11ll:m cot J '

0£ ,d,o?I• as 10 posals from the several publishers of the class books des-r:;;�!'�'.t!i.:!:" crib cd in section fifty-eight of the school law of the state, �ks ns.:.-u in (including those used in tbe independent school districts free •l'lwols. and the normal school and its branches) and used in the P,oviso •• to f!·ee schools ot: the st�te, a�d to c�>nt�·act with said pub­,.��quntc 411.,11-. hshers to furmsh then· said publications for the supply ::�;�� 1;;::���g°1 and use of the schools afore1<aid. Provided, Said publishers c,c. ' ' shall agree to furnish said described das;; books in adequate copies to be de- quantities for the supply of the said schools, and in quality d':»ioc,I in oflite of J>a1ier t)'IJ00-ra1Jh,0 and biudi1w equal to the 1,am1iles ol -.t.:,,tP super- - ' b J' t"'I, ;u.-011rlc111. contracted for; copie;; of which shall be deposited by said Books to_ he s-,lrl publishers in the ottice of the state su tJeri ntendent of free ut. n specrnl re- . . - ' c. " tail pri,c, not to schools, and that 1;n1d publishers shall ag1·ce and con tract �X<"<•c<.I etc

,. I . . i bl . . d · 1 ,.

I . · · tuat t rn1r sail pu 1cat1ons as escr1 >cd and now usec 1n the schools of t-he state shall be sold to the pupils or patrons ot the schools throughout the st.ate. at a special retail price not, to exceed the wholesale price now established, 01· any reduced wholsale pric!' that may be hereafter established by said publisher, or by other publishers of similar and

P . equally suitable books upon the same subioct, for the ;;ale ro,•JEo ns to f I ·. . bl" . A � d / 1"· ml'!'chnn•s, etc. o t 1011· respective pu 1cat10ns. nd provule fu.rt, uat who 111"Y clcs,ro i,ui<l 1rnblishers shall iwreu to furnish to any mord1 •J.11t or lv purrha�u • � ,. cln.-.s booksnnd dealer wbo may desire to purchase and to acrents in each us tv :1�ents. t ,. · 1 · · d d · b .1 "b 1 · · f" Wh:n .ii,count county o tue state, t 1011· sm escn cu pu 1c:at10ns or !;


crs cash, or its equivulent, at a discount of not lc11s tban six­

�tc. 'teen and two-thirds per cent. from the re!{nlar wholesale price now 11stnblished, 01· any reduced wholesale price

l'unher proviso which may be hereafter established as aforesaid for the sale ns IO prit·c h• l,c f h I b ' A d 'd d j / T 1 . f churgc-tl by put,- o sue c uss 001.:t:1. n provi e -urt wr, hat t 1e pnce o lisbcn;. such books shall not, exceed the lowest wholesale price

charged by the publishers to any other state, tirm or per-son.

Publishers to 1 cxcrutc bond; 2. The several publishers of the said described schoo whcu 1111d to books, shall. on or before the first day ot July, one thous-whom. . d . I fil . I J'.cna11rolbond. and eight htrndred an scventy-nrne, execute anl c wit 1

t�::t::�J' 1�� ... the state superintendent of free schools, a bo11d in the ma<Jcyava�lc. penalty of ten thou1mnd dollars payable to the state ol ):l.,\\alld\\hen '\11

v· . . 1·. l f I 1·· 111 f f •uit urou�hlon n o8t 1rg1nm, COllC 1t1onec or t 10 llll 1 u per ormance o

•uch boud. the contract-, and agreement made iu pursuance of this uct., and upon a breach of any of tho conditions ot suc-h bond, thcstato superintendent shall, in tho 11111110 of tho

How moue,·• so slate, i ni;t.itute suit tbe1·eon to recover tho same. All rcco,·1.:rc><l di� J><is•<l ot. moneys so recovered, after payment of the costs of such

proceedings, shall be paid into tho general school fund and be distributed with it as is provided by law.

3. If any of tho publishers of said class books now in Failure of pub- ui;e, or adO})ted as heroi oaftor prnvidcd, shall fail or refuse, Jishcrti of ctas.s

· I 1 books now in on or before tho first day of July, one thousand e1g it 1un-u,e, ct_c., toeom-drod and sevontv-ninc to acrree and contract to furnish for Jily With JJTO'fi-" J ' O • · b •i�n• of this act. a per:od of five years from such dato then· respoct1ve pu

" hut thcn. lications as required for u�o in the schools ot the state, on

CH. 56.] CLASS BOOKS. · 83

the terms and conditions imposed in this net, or shall foil Duty or ••�tc f d fil I b d . d . . s11pcrln1cn<lcut or re use to cxccnt-3 an . c t rn on 1·cqu1J"e In . section n, to sollcilini::

two of this act then it 3hall be tho duty of the stnte Sll))Cr- proposals from .

" , ' . . other pubh�hcn rntcntendent of free schools to solicit proposals from other etc.

publishers for the supply of other books required to com-p-letc the list of <•.lass booki:. for the use of the schools of the state. and from the books so offered he shall select the bo_ok· or books best nclapt�d, in his jud_gment. to be nscd i 'Cl Proviso"'


salCI schools. Provided, That the publishers of the same •mu, and cv


1 II · I • · • , I . · I . · 1 b I· . b I· <lit Ions of ngrc•• sin n�1ee nnc contrac.t to 111n1t11s.u< 00,01 oo,s upon mcntwith surh the same terms and conditions im1)osed in sections ono other publisher,

. nntl !lS lo the cx-a n d two of this net. .And to exchange the books thatmnych:11,�cor book•

be in use nL tbe ti me such ag1·ecment or contrnct is made��-��".�\;,;,{� fo1· the books selected in lion thereof, upon i:.uch terms as in lieu thereof. may be provided by the l-ltnte superintendent of free schools. which exchange price shall not be more than one-hnlfof the retail price agreed upon for i;uch new book or books.

4. The state superintendent of free 1:,chools shall. in all Puhl_ishnrs t"

d · I I bl' I · 'd b.l h p11bhshschcd11ln con tracts ma e ,,·11. 1 t 1e pn ,S rnrs, require s:11 pn 1s er8 or pric-cs ngrcc<I to publish for the information of conn ty stq,c1·i ntcndent:,. ��•�:�t ,uch boardl-1 of education, and for general eircnlntion, the full ,c1i._,1111c 10

schedule of tho contract prices agreed npon,specifying the i.\:'.�t�r rouui.,­retail p1·_ice to the pu-pil� and patrons of the schools, and ��,;�rl::.'.f,"'1"'"

the specrnl whole:,ale pnc<i to i,;ucb nwrc·hant,l-1, agents and ,r1,c<1111c. dealers, of each book prescribed tor use in lhP, said schools; :,;_ci;�/,/;��f°�� and eac;h county superintendent shall cause to be po::<ted in hnc�or book..

each sehool house in his county. and at each pince whet·e such books are sold, the schedule of eontraet retail prices of ,;chool book:<, for the information of the g-enoral pnblic. And it shall bo tho duty of any publisher fm.-nishing books under this act, to print in lettl.'t'::- · on the outside ot tbe bnek of each of such book ti tlw retai I pric,u thm·l<Of.

� If . l I I I . I l f t . I .\nv rcrnil a. any retm lea er. 011.�agcc 111 t 10 >"It E' o a11.v o sa1c ,1,-:,lcr charging book,;, shall �hnr/.{c and r�cei\'e thernfor a grcatur �nm �

1�.;,��\�;.��;�il than the ret111 l prlt:l' ,-;o pu IJ!J,..hed, ho l-lhal I be dcomud g111 lt_r 1>ricc so pulo- ·

Of " n11·�cl•>111c•t1101· ·111d 011 •·onvictio11 tlwreof l-lh·dl be lined hshcd, ,i,-cm�I u, •;:> V .. • • ... • • .::tnhy or a IUl�-

not less than li\'u dullar::1 nor more than twenty dollars for ,1011,canor. each otle111:1c. l'unalty.

l Approved Murch�, l>'i!l.J

[NoT1s HY n11; Cu:HK ,w TllE 11011:sf:<w ()i;u:c;.�-n�--.J

'J'ho foregoing 1wt tnkes effect at, tho expirntion of ninety days nftc,r its passage.



AN ACT to amend and re-enact section two, of chapter seventeen, of the code of West Virginia.

· [PM!cd )larch 8, 1870.)

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

' 1. That section two, of chapter seventeen, of the code of ,vest Vi1·ginia, be amended and re-enacted, so as to read as follows:

!:'-action 2 of "2. All payments shall be 'to the credit. of the treasury ch�pter 17of of West. Vir�inin,' and the person making a payment ,ode �meodcd· I )l t k t"fi f d · f I ffi f Pny,;,ents ol s 1n n ·o a ccr I t:ato o epos1 t rom t 1e proper o ccr o money icto tho some bank desi«nat.ed a st.ate depositor" and present t.ho tr('asury; how- ' � ·1 ' mnde, etc. . same to tho auditor, who shall, by endon;cment thereon, !�"it ��u\\��� direct upon wlrnt account or accounts tbc treasurer shall ol deposits. rect>ipt for the payment; and if on more than one account, ,�r��yi�lf :;f::'ti�n he shnll direct ,vhat amount is to be <:redited on each. to roc-c!pts. Upon presentation to him of such ccrtilit:nu.,, the treasurer

shall retain and file the tmme, charging tho amonnt. speci­fied I.heroin to the proper bank, and t1hall deliver to the audit.or a receipt., in duplicate, for the amount, stating the amount to be credited on each account, acc01·ding to the direction of the auditor, endorsed on the

Duty o� '!"'litor "The auditor shall endorse on the original receipt as :ic��;i���;;=ju- follows: 'A duplicate hereof has been filed in the anditor't:1 pli<<iJc· office' and affix bis si«natu1·0 ·1nd the 1>rOJ)er d·ite of 1rnch R<.'CCl pt of lTCPS- · · > t"'1 ., ' '

u�crnot b•n ondor:;cmont, which original receipt ho shall then deliver •h••·hnrgP uu- h · b · fi f .1 · I lc•t rmlc;..,.i by to t e person presenting t o cert.1 cato o uepos1t, n11t ro-ao<litor, etc. tain nnJ tile tho duplicate in his office u.nd charge I.ho ���':,?��� ,1,e amount thereof to• the treasurer't:1 accou;1t. .A ncl no ro­tr�ns,iry 0ther- ceiJlt of the t1·0·1surcr shall bo an "CquiLt·rnce or cliRcha1·go "·1sc thnn a.cord· ' " '

lni,:tothisehnp-to any po1·son for any sum of money due tbisstat.c, unlci-s ��i��e��tc. ordered by the auditor ns aforesaid, and nny pe1·son liabl13

to pay money into tho treasury, who shall pay tho same otherwiRo than according to this chapter, shall remain liable for 1mch money, and bo trnbject t.o tho same fine, pen­alty, forfeiture or damages to which .ho woulJ hiivo boon subject if he had not paid the same."

(Appro-.od March 8, 18iQ.)


The foregoing act takes effect at the cxpiraLion of ninety days its passage.



AN ACT imposing a penalty upon persons who transact the business of insurance without authority.

[Passed March 8, 18i9.J

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia: 1. No officer or acrent of a foreio-n insurance company rcrsons prohib-

h b . . ,.., . . Jtcd from 1.rnn,-

8 all make, renew or negotiate, 1n this state, any rnsur- nc1_iog busia=

. ance .or cont,mct for insurance, on behalf of such company, �/;;����•nnucachor-or transact any bn,;iness for sueh company, directly or in-it,. d. I . I fi b . . I 1· • "fi t f Penolty 1m-1rect, y, wit 1011t r,;t o taming t rn auc 1tor s certl ca e o posed. authority, as required by law; and this applies to all pe1·-sons engaged in any manner in soliciting risks, issuin� or obtaining the issue of policies, selling tickets of insur-ance, or otherwise doing business of insurance, either by direct appointment from a company or as such agent. Any offieer or agent violating the provisions ot this sec-tion shall be tined fifty dollars for each offense.

9 "' · t f J t t h d d d. t t S•ctioo 4 of � . .:iect1on our o c 1ap er wo un re an wen y-one chapter 221, of the acts of one thousand ei .ght hund1·ed a�d sev_enty- �fi'tn�!';;i;;,�i two and three, nnd all acts and p::u·ts of acts 111con .. 1stent nc18 repealed.

wiLh tbis act are hereby repealecL [,\pprovc<I Morch S, 1879.)


The foregoing act tnkes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.


AN ACT to cstabliish a county court and a hoard of com­missioners fo1· the county of l\fason, unde1· the thirty­fourth sect.ion of tho eighth arl-icle of the constitution of the state of West Virginia, in lieu of tbe present county court of said county.

[PMSed March 8, 1879.)

Be it enacted by tho Legislature of West Virginia:

1. In the county of l'1ason _the county court shall be held


. �����Yc���';t

y�I by a judge, who shall be cnlled the judge of the co,.-uty to l,o held by court. After the eleetion hereinafter provided, he shall be nt���!mmls- commissioned b�• the governor and shall receive n salnry sioned nntt of eight hundred dollars a vear .. whi�h shall be. J)aid out of ''"hen. J Hissnln_rl." the county trea�ury of said county in quarterly instull-ll��;J';�:, �r men ts. His term of office shall be four years, exr:ept as to office, except, the judge first to be elected under this net, who shall con­���l�en elected. tinuo in office until the thirty-first clay of Decenlbcr, in the When term of year one thousand ei.,ht hundred and eicrhtv-four and un-office to c,,m- . . . o . n J • '· »icncc nnd con- ti! his succ:esso1· 1s elected or _appointed and qualified. And uo,ic. on the second Tuesday in October, in the year one thous-

and eight hundred and eighty four, and on the second Tuesday in October in every fourth year therea.tter, a jndgo. for tho county court of said county shall be elected, whose term of office shall commence on the first day of Jan nary

Who not to ho next after his election and continue until his successor is �i';;�/r np- elected, or appointed and qualified. But no person i-;ball

be elected or appointed to said office not discreet and learned in the law. or who holds any other office of trust or profit under this state or the United States. or who is not at the time of his election or appointment a citizen of said county of at least one year's residence.

!low judge re­mo"ed-Hon· nnd for what Impeach­ed.

v·acanc,· in office; bow fiUed.

2. The county judge may be removed from office in the manner provided by the eighteenth section of article eight of the constitution, for the causes therein mentioned, and may be impeached in the manner and for tho causes pre-sented in the ninth section of article four of the constitu­tion.

3. If the office of county judge shall from any cause be­come vacant, it shall be tilled by appointment by the gov­ernor for the unexpired term.

Cootcsted elce- 4. If the election of county judge be contested, it Rhnll tion; ho,� tr_icd be contested, tried and determined in the manner provided '{�tc'��•i���•1°,<;:1 by law in relation to a contested election of judge of a cir­try coo•.estmust cuit court, but the court to try the contest must sit within ""1• said cou oty at tho court bouRe. Jurlsdict.ion of such court .. 5. The said county court shall have tho Rame jnrisdic­

tion as is conferred by t,he constitution and lnws upon tho Power,, of judge existing county courts, except as to a levy upon the prop­In •·ncatiou. crty of tho county. 'fhe jndgo of said court in vac11t.ion,

shall exorcise the same powers within the said county, as Whnt l:e rounot are now con terred U]lOn the J. udges of the ci rcn it courts· do uK to ju<lg:- a. .

· • '

m�nts, e1c. and and may allow appeals from justices, bnt he slrn.11 not grant ll1iunc1lons ,,r I · f d / d d circuit court- appea s, writs o error, an super.sec eas to ecrces an judgments of the circuit courts, nor dissolv"' any injunction of the circuit court, nor reverse or correct any judgment of tho same.

6. Chapter one hundred and twenty-nine, acts of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two and three, shall


applv to said county court in the same manner that it does Whnt provis-h

"' . . ions of lnw to to t e c1rc111t courts. npply to court. 7. There shall be four sessions of the court held in said Sessions of

. . _ · court; bow county dur1ng the year, and �rand JUnes mav be sum- rnnny.

n�oned to attend to any term thereof that the judge may �1rcct, and after being sworn fihall be charged by the Judge.

8. There shall be a board of com missioners in said Donr<l or com-l · · f ) b b I h mi"'ioncrs; of cpnn y, co11s1st1ng o t 1ree mem ors, to e orown as t e what n111t1bcr to

'· board of commissioners of .Mason county," by which:;'�;:•,:�:���! name they may sne and be sued, make and use a common t.c known.

8eal, and elH\(:t onli11an(:eS and by-laws not inconsis1end:i:;r 01 •uch with the laws of this state. 'l'hey shall hold regular meet- Hegu!arme.,t­ing;; on the third Mondays of Ju


ly and Dcc:em.ber in each mg.

year, at the court house, and may hold special meetings atspccinlmceting. any time upon reasonable notice �i\"'en by the pt·esidcnt to other members, or upon a like notice �iven by any two \t· .. ,

• • J ( JOllfllC-u members to the other member. They may also bold ad- mcct_in.;. journcd meetings. They shall elect one of their number �;�:ic


p1·esidcnt of the board, and the clerk of the county courtelce1c<1. I I l b [Ji. . I I f l b d f . . Who to be s 1a c e:i: o_r. cw c er, o tie oa.r o comm1,;s1oners . dcrk

'Tbe clerk i,hall kee1) a J·ournal of their J)1·oceedinrrs and Duties_oo<leom-...... ' · pensat1ou of

t1·ansact such other bnsi ness a.s may by law or by the ctcrk. board be required, for which sen1ices he shall be fmid suc:b How prud. fixed sum as the board may, by an order entered on its journal, dotcnninc, to be paid qua1·terly from the county treasury, but 11ot to exceed two hundred dollars a year. J . <l' t· 'I'L 'l b d I II'· . d cl c1· . UrtS ICIOII

10 sat< oar· s 1a. ua,·e tbe supennlen ence an u m1n-,1111l<lutle.,,ot i,-traLion ot the inte1·nal police and fiscal affairs of said boar<.1.

county, i 11c:I udi n� the regulation of roads, ways, bridges, public landi11gs, ferries and mills. ihe granting of ordinary and other liceuscs with authority to lay and disburse tbo Contested clcc-

,, • • 1w1, cases t..o ho county levies. 'Ihe board shall. in all contested cases, uctcrminc<l hy judge of tho election, qu:ditic-ation and returns of its own ��:_r<l, exccrt.. members, a11d ol all county a11d district officers except county judge. a11<l shall exercise 1<uch other jurisdiction and pedonn such otho1· duties us may be JH·escribed by law.

9. 'l'he 1>1·esident of tho eountv court in ;,aid countv Prcsi<lentot • • J • - J,cou,,tycourtto elected for tho term begt11n1ng on tho tirst day of .Janu111·y, beprcsiuent of

one thousand eig-ht IHindrod and sovo11ty-:1cvon, shall be��;'.;°�'. until the p1·csident of tho board of commis:-io11ct·s during the · term l01· which he wn� olcct.ed p1·osido11t of tho county coui·t. 'Tho term ot oft1co of coin m issio11cr sh al I be two years, except as to tho Iii-st com Ill i:;,;io11crs to be cle(•tod Term ?f office of

under this act, who shall continue in otliee until the thirty- ��•��1�::'5,i;>,;10r,

first day of December, ono thousa11d, eight hundred and Wh�n elected. eighty, and until their successors are elected or appointed and quulificd; and on tho second 'fncsday in Oc:tober, in the year one thousand, eight hundred and eighty, a,1d on the second Tuesday in October, in every 1:1econd year thereu.fl.or, there shall be three commissioners elected in



said county, whose tm·m of office shall commence on the continue. first day ot January next after t.heir election, and continue

until their successors are elected or appointed and qnali­No two to be fi d B from snme <lis- e . ut no two commissioners shall be elected or ap-irict. pointed from the same magisterial district.

Compensotion of COlllllliSSion­

crs and dent. . Ho"· paid.


10. The said commissioners shall each receive a c0m­pen1;ation of three dollars per day, and· tbe 1:iresidcnt four dollars for every day's attendance npon the meeting of tbe board, to be paid out of the county treasury, but neither shall receive pay for mor('I than fifteen days' attendance du1·ing any one year.

Commlssioucrs ll A · · b · d' d ,. }" mny be indict,. . ny comm18s1oner may P.111 1cte ,or ma ,easance, ed; lorwhnt. misfeasance, or neglect of offi<:ial duty, and on conviction

thereof bis office shall become vacant.

vnenncics· ho"· 12. A vacun:--y in tbe board of commissioners shall be filled. ' filled by the remaining members of the board by appoint-

ment for the unexpired term.

Elecuon to 13. There shall be an election held in said conntv in the "d?ptorreject year one thousand eiO'ht hundred and i;eventv-11ine· on the this net; when� b J ,

day qnd at. the places for holding the election for s,,bool officers, for the purpose of taking the sense of the quali­fied voters of said county upon the quei-tion of the adop­tion or rejection ot this act, and for the elcciion of county jud�e and two commissioners in said county under it. Whntmustbe. T'· t' " · d · I 11 I

• ·t printed or wrlt- ue pc1·son vo mg ,01· its a opt10n sin 1ave wr1 ten 01' ten °0 ballots printed upon bis bnllot the wonlF< "Fo1· adoption;" and for or nga,ust. h . . • d · 1 l l I · t e person vot10g agarnst its a option s 1a 1ave wntten

or p1·inted upon bis ballot the words "Against adoption."

By whom elec- 14. The said election shall be conducted by the officers M��1;:��u�ted. holding tl�e __ school election acco�·ding to the laws of tl_1ifl gi•en. state prov1drng for genoral elect1ons, and ten days' 11ot1co

of the time of holding said election to be posted in at least three different public places in each magisterial district in

Effect or f�ilureBaid county by the sheritl:' of said county. A failure to to post nollcc. 'd t" I 11 . . . I ] t' b b II RrsulL; bJ

post sa1 no ices s 1a not v1t1atc flUH c cc ·1011, ut s a ;��:::::n1t0ed. subject the sheriff to a fine of five dollarfl lor each failure.

And the result ot said election, so fnr as relates to the elec-. tion of said county judge and the adoption of this net,

Clerk ol county shall be certified by the. judge and clerk of said election to ���1� \��';;;:,!.� the clerk of the county court of said county, who shnll nc,r; when. certify the result thoroof, if this act. be adopted by a mn-

J·orit,Y of the voters of 1mid countv, to the uovernor, an·u it Go,�eroor to J ...,.. comrulsslon t1hull be his duty to if<sue a commission to the candidate judges. receiving the highest numbe1· of votes us judge. Majority vott 01 15 If it appears that 11, maJ·ority of all the voters of u1I the voters ol · . . the couuty re- said county vot111g at said election are 111 favor of the adop-qulred to adopt. tion of this act, then it Bhall tn.ko effect and be in force

from and after the day of said election.


16. The office of J0astice of t,he peace clerk of the cir- Whnt omces · . , . not del!med in• cmt court, county surveyor or notary pubhc shall not bo corupntible,

deemed incompatible with that of connty commissioner; a�d the office of notary public shall not be incompatible with that of county judge.

17. The terms of the county court for the said county of����;1�������Y Mason shall begin on the first Monday in the months of begin'. February, June, August and December.

18 'l'l t "b ] d b h · · f th" When tribunal• . 1e rt una s create y t e prov1s1ons o IA act herein wovidou shall, after the adoption thereof a11cl qualification of tho ro,_.1?•11JJer.,cd'.' · I I · • 1• • • I d" b . 1. fprc;ent count) Jllt go anc com 1111,-.s1011ors uorern JH"OVll e ,or, e 111 ieu o court. tho present county court.

19. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act Iucon,is1c,.1· bo and the same are hereby repealed. act repealed.

(Appro,·ed_l\farch 8, 1S70.)


'J.'he foregoing act takes effect from its pi-issage, two­thirds of tho members elected to each house, by a vote taken by yeas and nays, having so directed.


AN ACT making appropriations to pay certain volunteer military compauies for services rendered to the state in 1mppressing tho riots in this stnte in the months of July and August, one thousand eight hundred and seventy· seven.

[Pu,,ed Mardi 8, !Si�.]

Bo it enacted by the Legislature of Wost Virginia:

1. 'l'hnt the f<Um of eirrht thousand six hundred nncl Appropr:uti_on . :' . . to pay certain th11·ty-t.hree clollar;i and night. cents 1:; hereby npprop1·1atod volu111ccr com-

out of ,111y money in tho troa,mry not ot.horwi,:10 nppro- ��:F;i�:a\���:0

priatod to pay certain voluntcor militm·ycompanios hore-vcuscso(iapt. . ft J d C • I I t • I t t • J .. r. Cli,plq

1 nn · ·er name 1or services renc orec o L 10 s a e, 111 sup- 1111d Col. R. M. presi,ing tho riots in this state in tho months of July nnd Dclcplnin.

August, one thousand eight h1111d1·ed and seventy-seven, and to pay Captain John J. Chipley for expenses incurred by him for transportation by wagon, 1rnbsistcnce, &c., nnd Col. R. l\f. Delnplain for expenses incurred by him as nid to tho governor in suppressing ,mid riots, to-wit:



Berkeley light Infantry.

l?AY OF MILI'l'ARY. tcu. 60

. To pay Berkeley light infantry for tim� actually in ser­vice, subsistence and clothing, three thousand. seven hun­dred and tbrce dollars and thirteen cents.

Hardy guards. • To pay Hardy guards fot· time actually in ,service, sub-sistence aud, one thousand fhre hundred and eighty-three dollars and ninety-three cents.

�:�t;::;• 11gbt 'l'o pay Mat.hews light guards for time actually in ser-vice, and clothing, _one thousand nine hundred nn<l fifty-eight dollars and eighty cents.

To pay West Virginia g_ unrds for time actually in ser-West Virginia •

d d 11unr<Ls. vice, subsistence and clothing, one thousand �wo hun re

Capt. J. J. Cbipley.

Col. Deleph1in.

und eight dollni·s and eighty cents. To pay Captain John J. Chipley for transportation by

wagon, subsistence, &c., seventy-five dollarA and fiity-five cent11.

'l'o pay Col. R. 1\1. Delaplain for expenses incurred as aid-de-camp to the governor, one bund1·cd aud two dollars and eighty-seven cents.

2. No money appropriated for the pay, subsistence and clothing of the n:en composing tbe com pauies mentioned

Upon wbnt in the preceding section, shall be Jrni<l b)· the auditor, ex­,·ouch,-r o utlilor � . • 1 authorize<l 10 cept upon a propervoncher 8tgnecl by acl.1utant ge11era , P"Y• and certifying that the nmotlllt named therein -is due to

. the officer or private therein named, a,; appe:LJ'S from �h_e ;.tl1�1:;��. genc- pny-rolls and official documents on filo in his otfice for �1h· v_ouchcrnntlccr-tary services render\ld to tue 1<latc in suppre!:-singt.he r10ts ttfy amount.. . , · b m the state m the mouths of July and August, one t ous-

nuty of ndju­tant genera i o c1sc·s where pcrsou h;,s as­signed his pny ur auy part


and eight hundred and seventy-seven; anti the amounts -due Col. R. M. Deluplain and Captain J. J. Chipley 1,hall be paid upon accounts certified by the atljutu11t. general.

3. In a.II cases in wbich it. shall appear to the adjutant general that any officer or private, entitled to rec1Jive any money under the provisions of this act, hnR ai"�igned the same or any part thereof to any person, the adjntnnt gen­eral shall issue a voucher to Emch person or as!<i�nee, and shall issue to tho original holder a voucher for the balance, if any, after deducting tbe part assigned.

[Approved JIIArch 10, 1870. I [NOTE BY THJ,: Cr.ERK OF Tl;E HOUSE OF Dm,EGAn:S.]

'rho foregoing act takes effect from its pa1<sage, two­thirds of the members elected to each house, by a vote taken by yeas and nayil, having so di1·eeted .




AN ACT to amend and re-enact section nineteen of chap­ter ninety of the code, concerning the action of E>jcct­ment.

Bo it enacted by the Legislature of West Virgi nin:


1. Thnt sect.ion nineteen of chapter ninety of the code, Section 1� of

concerning the action of ejectment. be and the same is �.'��,rier '.10 odf �

h b · · · '-"'-'e, amen ""·

ore r amended and re-enacted so as to rend as follows: " J 9 I t fl' t' ) d ) Effect of n,t ,er-. .n n con 1·overRy a ec 1ng an , w ion a person oarv po.;.•cssion

clniminir under :1 J)atcnt deed or other writino- shall enter un,)cr patent, h • ' :-,, • d('(.'d, or otlh"r upon :ind take ))0>'Sess1on of any part oft-he land in con- writing; unle,a truvers_y u ndc1· such patent, deed or other writi og. for etc. which some other person has the better title, such adver-_sary possession under such patent, deed or other writing, shall be take11 nn<l held to extend to the boundarie8 em-bmced or incluJed by such patent, deed or other writing, unless the i,e1·son having tho better title shall hhYo m:tual adverse pos8ession of some part of tho land embraced by 1.1uch patent, deed or other writing.

[Approved M�reh 10, JS;9,J

[Non: nY Tilt: C1,.:nK OF ·rHE llousE OF Dt:u:G,,n�'>.)

Tho foregoing :1c,t takes effect from it!< passage, two­thirds of tho members elected to cnch house, by a voto taken by yen,; n.nd nays, having so direc·ted.


AN ACT to amend und 1·e-ennct soctionR twenty-nine, fifty and fifty-one of an act of tho Goncml Assembly of tho stntu of Virginia, p11ssod .M.arch olcvonth, one t.hou,.;and eight hundred and thirty-six, (lntit.Jed ·'an :1ct tu incorporate the city of Wheeling, in Ohio county."

[Puscd March S, 1679.J

Be it enacted by tho Legislature of ,v c_st Virginia: 1. That sections twenty-nine, fifty aud fifty-one, of an

act of tho General Assembly ot tho state of Virginia,


��1;,�� n�� �f pa_ssed �fnrch _eleventh;· one thousand eight hundred and Vil'£'in:n, passed th1rty-s1x, ent.1tled "an act to incorporate the city of Wheel-Mnrcb II 1836 • · 01 · " b <l d d amended'. ' mg, l1l 110 county, e amen e an re-enacted so as to

read us follows "29. The council shall havo authority to pass all ordi­

�ower of con'!- nanccs (not repugnant to the constitution and laws of the c1I to pn55 ord1- U . d S t f h. 1 . I l 11 b nonces. · mtc ta cs, or o t 1s state) w 11c 1 s 1a e necessary fo�;;,e�1\00�1_ nncl propor to carry into full effect any power, authority, nanees. capacity or jurisdi<:tion which is or shall be granted to, or

Pro�i!O, Jimit­in� fines, im­pnso11111ent, etc.

vested in, the said city or in the council. or any officer of said city; and to enforce any or all of their ordinances by rcal'!onable fines and penalties and by imprisoning tho of­fender or offenders, and by compelling them to labor, without compensation; at any of the public w"rks or im­provements undertaken or to be undertaken by said city, or by any or all of the said modes. Prov£cled, however, that no fine shall be imposed exceeding one hundred dol-lars, and ti.tat no person shull be imprisoned 01· compelled

.._ . . to labor as aforesaid more than one yeat· for any ono of­

in0}:;;��t'·ed fense. A1ul provided further, That no j nry shall be al lowed in any trial for the violation of an ordinance of said city.

�ouncil author- • "50. 'l'he council shall have authorit"<· to ordain and en-1zc-cl to order . •' ,nrl enforce res;- force such rcgn latlC'ns as shall be necessary 01· proper to �!�


;���ide��; prevent accidents by fire within said city, or to secure the by nr�. c,c.; 10 inhabitants thereof, as far as practicable, from injury e,<tnbhsh, or- h b d . II ·a f th 11· I g:rnize. ete., fire t ere y, nn specta y to prov1 e or e csta J 1s 1ment, or• ;'::,��•;;\�\'.';�/.� �ani7:ati�n, equipment, �nd g�vernment of_ fire compani _es 1.ines for storage 111 said city; and Lo provide suitable magazmcs, 01· places In or gunpowder, 01· near said city for thestoracrc of gunJlowder petroleum etc.; and rc..-,pcct- " • . � ' ' ;ng the pr-nee, or other combustible and dang-erous article:;; and to or<lai n rnanner�f keep- d f 1 I · � J d ing and trnns- an en 01·ce sue 1 regu at10n as t rny may eem necessary ��:/,�7-;�.',�� rcsp�cting the place a11d manner ?f keeping and tram;­"'"'e"" nnd col_- . porting the same. And the council shall also have an­

�;�.�,;�:•��1�-of thority to assess by ordinance and collect an an nnal I icen:;e such article.,. tor tho sale 0f all such :wticles. The council shall fn1·tber Also, nn annual h l • t b d" d 11 t I license <>n eoch . nve ant 1or1ty o assc!:IS y or 1nanco an co cc an annua �fc�'�;;,7,r���� lic�nRc on_ each al5en_cy of a?y foreign i nsuran<:o com p:rny company. domg business w1thm the city.

"51. 'l'he council shall have authorit,- to pass such ordi-Authori?.C<i to J

•cenre inhnbit- ·nancos as sball be necessary or proper t-0 secure tbe in-�;;/; .. �;'.t��i;,0..,._ habitants of said city against thieves, ro?bcrs, burglar�, Pie.; alsn, to and ull other pe•·so11,; violating the public peace of r;a1cl r::t.Pr;:.�1�.:::!: city; for tho supp1·cssio11 ef l'iol� and gaming, and tor tho etc·. nnrl pri,- JJl"evention and punishment of lewd, ln»civious, indecent or vent.cruelty to d' d I d d I · J · · I ·t " nniurnls. 1sor er y con uct, an crue ty lo anuna s, Ill l!att Cl y. Tnconsi,tcnt 2. That so much ot Sllid act aR comes within tho purview ac,s rer,caled. of this act, be and the same is hereby repenlod.

r Approved Mnrcb 10, 18W.]

[Non; nY TID: CLJmK OF TIIE IlousE o�· Dm.EGATF.S.]

Tho forCROing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.



AN ACT to amend and re-enact sections five and eight, of chapter one hundred and thirty-four, of Lhe acts of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two and three, in relation to the sales of forfeited and delinquent lands.

[Passed Mru-ch 8, 18i9.J

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:


1. 'l'hnt sections five and eight, of chapter one hundred Sections 5 and 8 and thirty-four, of tho acts of one thousand, eight bun- or chap,�r 134, drecl and SQventy-two and three, be amended and ,·e- ����"n�SJ_-3

, enacted so as to read, respectively, as follows:

"5. The commissioner shall require one-fourth of the S31 .. or rorreit-

1 . . I cJ ,nd del11,-p111·c rnse mo11ey to be pmd 1n hand, n.ud shn I also re- quent 1:iods;

q1Jire bond bearing interest from date, with good security, !!,��•.��•d��i"' payable in twelve months, for the residue of the purchase orc?mmiss_i .. o­money, and shall retain tho title to and a lien on said. f�;�•,��J ,uon

l:i.nds for the residue of the purchase money until the same is fully paid. He shall, at thl:l next term of tho court fol-lowing any i;ale, return a report of sales made by him to the court from which ho received bis appointment, desig-nating p:u·ticularly thfl date of each rrnlo, the local situa-tion of and unmber of ncrct1 in each tract, the name of the purchaser, tho prico at which it was sold, the amou11t paid cnsh i II hand and the costs and expcnsos of sale. The court to con­coul't shall confirm the rcJ)Ot·t, unless it be oxceJJtcd to and firm report un-

. d . d b b . I I I b Jess excepted '°• • competent ov 1 onre beofforc to s ow t at 1t s 1ou c o sot ck. aside; nnd when the purchat1er of any lands at such snlc :.:�ern,:�:;:;i:.�; shall havo paid the whole of the pn rchnse money, tho 10 purcbaseri�­court shall direct the snid com missioner ( or another commis-!��"t1�1�,j�1e ,n sionor np()Ointod for tho ()lll'flO�e) to conve)' to the )Jill'- Bon� for defer-

. .. . . r red m�tallrucnt cha!lcr nil tho 1ntorcst o the stute 111 s:11cl lands. fho or purct»se commissioner shall ahm return to tho con rt the bonds ��i:��\r such talrnn fo1· tbe cloforrod installments of tho p111·chnso monoy, bonds. und thoy shall hnvo tho lorco of jud�ments, aml upon the f ·1 f b bl' I I .., •J Duty ofcom-

ni 111·0 o t o o 1�ors to pay t 10 sarno w 1cn <1110 to • 10 ,u;,..;00,r upon commissioner, it shall ho his duty to employ n competent r.nureo, oulig•

I I b . . I . I b 1. or, 10 pay such nnc 1·c ia lo attor11oy, and nfler g 1 v 1n_g t lll R:lH o 1gors Lon,ts '<heu ten days' notico, shall movo tho court l,,r nn awanl of ex- �•��i

co iuauch

ocution on said boncl,:1 fo1· which scrviccR ho shall be case,.

I ' . f I' I I . <l F,·cs of cum-n lowod tho same fees a;; on other mot ions o n I <ll nn , mi,-loner io

which, to"'ether with tho other nece:;:sn1·y costs nnd com- such c,srs. . . o • . f •. d b I I 11 b How fee• and m1ss 1ons nttonch ng the collcct10n o sn1 ones, A 1a e costs 10 bo

tnxod and includocl in the execution. 'l'he commissioner \'v1,�;t· commiss­shnll roport to the court in his first report, and in nil sub- ioncr to report

II . d b h. h \ tocourtln his lleque11t reports, n moneys receive y 1111 on sue- Rue, ,·opori.. and the court shnll thereupon make an ordor allowing him Cowu,lsslon on such commissio11s oa all the moneys· collected, not exceed- :::i�':.��� collect•


ing ten per. cent, und such other reasonable expeni::es •r b attcndinir the Rurve'-• and sale of said lands as in its J·ud,..,

O'-., oner to c ., J • ,. 1mirl Into ,tnte ment may seem proper, and shall chrect tho residue to be paid :;;,�::a�/�hool by the commissioner into the state treasury for the benefit fund. c I k r of the school fund. 'rhe clerk of the court Bhall, immediately Dntyo ccr·o f h d' court as to order a ter t e a JOUrnment of a term of the court, certify to relnting_ to sale the auditor a copv of any order made bv the court at such of forle11ed . J • J ' lands, etc. term relative to the sale of forfeited lands or to the collec-

tion of the purchase or redemption money ; and if it shall appear from such order that any sum of money is in the

When auditor hand!! of the commissioner of school lands, the auditor �

i;;l��i; ';.'\'�h shall charge the i;aid commissioner with the amount

nrnount due._ thereof, and the commissioner shall pay the amount so :r0

1����i•��.1•- shown to be duo from him into the treasury within thirty such money days after the adjournment of the term of the court at into trcns.iry. which such order is made. Commissioner "8. Said commissioner shall also, on or before the fit·st ���;W:',,���0:!

n day of October in each year, make a report to the auditor

and how.' upon such blanks as may be prescribed by said auditor, ����l- report to showing what sales have been made by him; what lands

have bet:n redeemed under the provisions of this act; the name of tho persons assessed, with the several tracts of lnad forfeited; the number of acres in each tract; the dato of the order of sale; the names ot the purchaser,; ; the amount of purchase money for each trac'.t paid in cash, the amount of the bonds (in each case) taken , the names of the sureties: the cost of sale; the actual amount in his bands arising from the sale or redemption of tract with which he is chargeable, and all other matters neces-


�,�.��� sary to enable the nuditor to make a coruplctl:l record in �:�::;�,;

h���e his office. \�ithin thirty days after making �uch report by ouch report. he shall pay rnto the treasury, the amount, 1f any, that

still remains due by him to the state. [Apprond March 10, 1879.]


The foregoing act takes effect from· its passage, two­thirdR of tho members elected to each house, by a vote taken by yeas and nays, having so directed.


AN ACT to allow the 1mditor to settle with tho sureties of defaulting sheriffs, without rcquirir.g the payment of twelve per cent interest.

[PullSCd March 8, 1879.]

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

1. That whenever it shall appear to the satisfaction of


the auditor that the suretfos of a defaulting sheriff will be �!���rfz�1i��r

compelled to pay the amount, ot the indebtedness of such settle with sure­sheriff, he may, with the advice and consent of tile attor- !l�rilr�c!i\'l��f nev general, setL]e with such sureties, bv receiving the requiring_12

· � t f · · l · h · I "

h f per ceut. 1nter-amou u o prrne:1pa wit wterest t1ereon, at t e rate o c•t. Hix per centum per annum. Provided, that the sureties will pay the amount into the treasury before judgment 1s obtained.

(Approved Mnrch 10, 18i9.)


The foregoing act takes effect from its passage, two­thirds of the members elected to each house, by a vote taken by yeas and nays, having so directed.


AN ACT to prevent members of the county court, over­see1·s of the poor, district school officers, or any member of any other county or district boards, or any county or district officer from being pccuniarily interested in con­tract or service, in the award or leLting of which he, as such member or officer, has any control.

[Passed Morch S, 1879.)

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia : b f Unlawful for 1. It, shall be unlawful for any mem er o a county memuer., 01

court, overscc1· of the poor, di:,;tri_<:t �chool officer, or any �fin0'{


membor of 1111y other county or <l1stnct bom·d, or for any county or dis-. d" · · fi "b L ·· I · ct· trict ollicer to county or 1str1ct ol ccr to e or ccome, c11rcct y or 111 1- be peeuninrily rectly pecu11iarilv inloreste<l in tho proceeds of an.7 con- inlercstcd in ' . ., . f . I . 1. . h auy co111raet, tract 01· se1·v1ce, 01· Ill 111·n1s 11ng any supp 1cs 111 t e con- etc., In the . trnct for, 01· tltcawai·d or leu.i11g of which, as such member �;�!t


or offieer, he may luwo any voice or control. voice.·

2. Any violation of tho first section of tbis act shall be Any vlolntion a misderi10ano1·, nncl on eon victitrn thereof the member or \\��.:����'.ni•­officer so violating- shall be tined not lesf! Lban ten dollarH Peunlty. 11or more than fifLy dolla1·,-, and shall forteit, for the bene-fit of the school fund, tl.ic amount of said pecuniary inte1·-est in said cont1·act or SP.rvice, the amount of said pccun- How pecuniary iary inte1·est to be ascertained by t.he jury trying the case. :���������e

(Approved llfarch 10, 1879.)


'rhe foregoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its pac1sage.



AN ACT to change the times for holding the county courts for the counties of Pocahontas and Summers.

[Po..ed March 8, 1Si9.]

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia: 1. That the terms of t.he count y courts of the counties

Termsofcounty of Pocahontas and Summers shall commence as follows: ���t��itl\9. For th_e county of Pocahontas, on the first Tue,;day i_n Sumiueris. Feb1·uary, April, June, August, October and December of'

each year. And for the county of Summer::.1, on the third Tuesday in January, March, May and July; on the ffrst Tuesday in September, and on the third Tuesuay in No-vember.

Inr.on■lsteut. act., repealed.

Penolllcs for chnrglug, etc., unlawful cbargC-i for tronsp�rtntion uf p:1s.:111n..:crs nnd freight upon ralJroada.

Appilcatlon of acL limited.

2. All aet11 or parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed.

(Approved ::llarch 10, 1879.]


The foregoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.


AN ACT prescribing penalties for charging, demanding or receiving unlawful charges for the transportation of passengers and freight upon railroads.

[Passed March 10, 1879.]

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia: 1. Any railroad company or corporation heretofore 01·

hereafter organized, and owning or opern.tiug n.ny rail­road, wholly or partly within this state, their officers or agents who shall charge, dcmiand or receive moro than t�e lawful charges for trn.usporl-ation or ti·avel upon then· railroad so owned or operated by them, shall, tor oach of­fense, bo deemed guilty ot a misJcmeauor, and upon cou­viction thereof shall bo tined not les1c1 than one hundi·ed nor more than five hundred dollm·s. But nothing in this ac:t shall be so construed as in any manner to interfere with or protect such company or corporation against any proceedings for a forfeiture of its charter or chartered rights.

(Approvod :March 10, 1879.J



'l'he foregoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days af'Le1· its passage.


AN ACT in regard to the boundary monumtlnts on the line beLween tho states of Pennsyl,ania and West. Vir­giuia, with :rn appropri:ition for expenses of same.

[Passed March 10, 1Si9.J

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:


I. That as soon as J)racticable after the paSS:JO'e of this Boundory mon-- • .=,._ u111Pn1�bet"·ccn act, 1t shall be Lim duty of the governor to appornt three Pc1111sth·a'!io

persons, to be commissioned to net in conjun<:tion with a����-.�,:: �••P­

similar commission of the state ol Pennsylvania., t-0 exam- P_vint co111111is­

ine as to the true location of the monuments which mark s,onc,..; -.hcu.

tbe boundary line between this stale and the state of Penn-sylvania, and in conner:t.ion with i-aid commi8sion of the

· d t f' p 1 · t I . t Dulles of such Sill sta e o en nsy van1a, o rep nee 1111.} rnonumen s co,nwissioncn. which have become dilapida.tcd or been removed, on the bound:u·y line of said slates.

2. The sum of one thouf<and dollar!<, or so much tl1creol '���"r0°;'1���.� as may be necessary, if< hereby appropriated for expenses flow <lrnwn.

of renewing and replacing rno1111mnnts, and for contin-gont exponses. 'fhe moucy lierel,y appropriatod shall be drawn upon the orde1· ol tbe governo1·.

3. Said comrni!lsion shall mnko report to the secretary of stale on the pl'og1·0s;; of the work with 110 nccount. of Rep�rt of cow-

II d. ·1. I I II b , .. t I,. ·ct mlsstuncrs; to 11 expe11 1Lures, W IIC I Ii Ill O t1·ans1111l ec uy Sal fll)Cl'e- wh .. ,11 malle.

lary to the !egislntnre at its noxt ise:<sion; nnd snid com- )���-\t.�,;-�;� mi,;sion shall, on completion of snid wOJ·k, prepare and 1?;11ch ,;p.,;t. file in the soc1·el:u·y of state's oflicc, n Juli repo1·t of theil· ,1;,"�::��


proceedings, accompanied l.;y sueh m:�ps or <lraft.d as muy ers. ·be necessm·y to a clear understanding of the same.

[Approved March 10, 1879.]


'l'he foregoing act takes effect at tbe expimtiou of ninety days after its passage .


98 p A Y 0}' OFFICERS.


[CH. 69

AN ACT making appropriationR of public money to pay members of the Legislature, and for salaries of the of­ficers ot the government, in pursuance ot the forty-sec­ond section of the sixth article of the constitution.

(Pnsscd, March 10, 1Si9.)

Be it enacted by the.Legislature of West Virginia:

. . l. 'l'hat so much of the public taxes and arrears of taxes Approprint1on and all other sources of revenue whieh ma)' have beeu re-t•J t•ny mcm hers . . . a11<1 ulliecn; of eeived 111to tbe treasury s111c-e the first day of October, one !�Ji,�\''.,!,'�r��6�- thousand eigbt bumlred and sc,·ent,r-ei.ght, and which c-crs of the i;u,·• may be received therein prior to first day of October, o ue ernrncnl.. I d . I I d d d . I I . I b 1:or whnL time. t 1ousan etg it Hill re a11 e1g it_y, w 11c 1 may e IH'<.:efl-

sary Jor the pu.y of officers and members of the legislature und for salaries of the officers of the government, shall constitute a fond acco1·ding to the fot·ty-secoud section of article six of the constitution, and no money belonging to any fllnd shall be taken for at)Y other purpose tban tliat fo1· which it bas been or may be appropriated or pro,ided, and to that end there shall be and is he1·eby appropriated out ot tile fund from taxation and other sources of reve­nue a sum 8ufficient to pay tile following charges, payable out of tbe treasu1·y during tile fiscal yeari, ending witb the thirtieth day ot September, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, und the thirtieth day of September, one tbousand eigbt buudred and eighty, ai; follows:

!';:iJ;!�i ���- First-For tho fl.seal yem· �nding tho thirtieth dny of Sep-1s;9_ tember, one tbousand eight hundred nnd seveuty-nine:



·r 11 To pay mileage allowed to the members of the sennte " pay m e:ii;e L, h · · b · I h d f" J ofscn:111,rs. ,or t e sess10n commencrn_g on t e e1g 1t ay o anuary,

one thousand eight hund1·ed and seventy-nine, tbe sum of one thousand and fifty-five dollars and seventy cents.

'l'o pay per diem compensation ot tho twenty-four mem­P d" 1

bers of tho senate, from the eightb day ot J n.nuary to the 111";, •

.'emo sou- tenth day of �larch, one thollfmnd eight bnndred and sev­enLy-ni11c, the fltllll ot 1,ix thousand and sovcnty-six dol­lai·s.

l'<·•· ,Hem of officers. t:lerk8, etc. o! senate. Clerk.

'l'o pay tho per diem compensation of tho officers, clerks of committees and pngei,, tl.iat is to say:

'l'o the clerk of the .senate, seven hundred and twont.y dollars.

A...i.tauL clerk. 'l'o the assistant clork of the senate, thi·eo hundred and seventy-two dollars,


To pay throe committee clerks, se.ven hundred and for- Committee clerk•· ty- four dollars. To pay three pages, three hundred and seventy-two Pni;,... dollars. To pay sergeant-at-arms, three hui1dred and ten dollars. Scr;;eant-a1-'l'o pay doorkeeper, two hundred and forty-eight dollars. 'o.'.:::1.ecpcr.

House of Delegates.


To pay mileage of sixty-five members of the house of.,111ca,;cnc <kle­delegates, for the session of the leg-islaL111·e commencing- on gu,es. the eighth day of .January, one thou1mnd eight hundred and seventy-nine, two thousand nine hundred and sen•n-ty-tour dollars and fort,y cents.

To }laY ])Cr diem com1rnnsation of the mom bers of the Per diem of • . c1 .. 1�a1es hou,:e of delegates, for tho session com mencin� on the Per dicn; of

eighth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and l:�1�.;2· etc., "c seventy-nine, and ending on the tenth day of iiarch, one thousand eight hunch-eel and seventy-nine, sixteen thou-sand two hundred and fortv-two dollars.

To pay per diem compensation of the officers, clerks of commiU-ees and pag�s, as follows:

To the clerk ot tbe house of delegates, seven hundred Clerk. and t,�enty d?l la1·s. AMistant.clcrk•.

'fo four assistant clerks, vne thousand four hundred and eighty-eight dollars.

To four committee clerks, nine hundred and ninety-two �i::��'.'"ee dolla,rs.

T ti • t • th • ) . I ' d • I l d JI • Scri;eantrnt o lC s,.ngeant-a -a.i ms, 1ee n111c 1e ,inc en o a1s. ,mns. To the d0oi-lrnep0r, two hundred and forty-eight dollars. Doorkeeper. To pay five pages, six hundred and twenty doll11.1·:.<. Pni,:e..


h d h Sahry of Gov-To pay the salary of governor, two t ousnn seven un- ernor. <lred dolhi.rti.

Secretary oj State.

To 1)ny salary of the so<:reta1-y of state, one thousand Salnry of occre-dollnrs. I.Ary of s1u,e.


To pay salary of tho auditor, tw:o thousa.nd dollars.


Snlary or audi­tor.

To pay salary o_f tho treasurer, one thousand four bun- ����? or treas­

dred dollars.

State Su:rerintendent of Free Schools.

To pay salnry of state superintonderit0f free schools, to be �,�1�';.I,,��,:.\��t paid out of tho genoral school fund, one thou1;nnd five h_un- ocf.001s .. dred dollars.

100 p A Y OF OFFICERS. LCB. 69

Attorney General.

8alnr'< or Rllor- To pa" salary of the attorney general, ex o_tficio reJ)Ort-ncy-general. J

er of t-be court of appeals, one tbousand three bnndred


KeeJ)bJ' of rolls.


dollars. Librarian.

To pay the salary of tl,o librarian and ex officio adjutant general, nine hundrnd and fifty dollars.

Keeper of the Rolls.

To pay salnry of tbe keeper of the rolls, three bundred dollars.


'fo pay i,alary of janitor, one thousand dollars. To pay extra compeoi,ntion of janitor allowed by law

during tho session of the legislature, one hundred and eighty-six dollars.


Salariea or To pay the salarie!I of the four judges of the supreme i 11d�e•. court of appeals, nine thousand dollars. Supreme court.

Salory or clerk To pay ,mlary of tho clerk of :mpreme court of appenlR, .. r rouri. one tbommnd dollnrR. Salaries of cir- rr I f cuitjudge,. o pay sa aries o the judges of the circuit courts,

eighteen thousand dollaris. J1,,;f,�1�•��1�;'. 'fo pay compensation allowed by law to personR who where circuit hold tho courts wbere the judcro of the ci1·cuit cannot act,

judges cauuot � · act. one thousand dollars. �tileogec,r 'l'o pav milcarre of J0udrrcR of the supreme court of ap-judges or su- J n o . prcmc court. peals, seven hundred and tifty dollaris. :1rneai:eorcir- · 'fo pay mileage of the judges of the circuit court.�, one cuit judges. thousand two hundred dollars. Fiscol yCAr eod­iot; E°<>pt. 30, JSSO.

s.,Jnry or GoT­erucr.

Secretary or atat.e.



Second- For the fi8c·al year ending on tho thirtieth day of Soptumbor, one thousand eight hundred ,ind oig11ty:


To pay the salary of the governor, two thousnnd i,even hundred dollars.

Secretary of State.

To pay salary of secretary of state, one thousand dol­lars.


To pay salary of auditor, two thousand • Treasurer.

To puy salary of the treasurer, ono thousand four hun­dred dollar11.

CH. 69.] p A Y OF OFFICERS. 101

State Superintendent of Free Schools.

To pnv the salary ·of the Rtate superintendent of free schools to be paid ont of the general school food, one thous- �e���!��j','.::,-1 ...

und five hundred dollars.

Attorney General.

To pay the sabry of tho attorney general und ex officio Alloroey-Geo• reporter of the supreme court of appeals, one thousand era!. three hundred dollars.


To pny the sahu-y of the librarian and ex o.fficio adjutant Librarian.

general, nine hundred and fifty dollars.


To pay the salary ot janitor, one thousand dollars. Janitor.

Keeper of tlte Rolls.

'fo pay the salary of the keeper of the rolls, three bun- Keeper of rolls.

d1·ed dolla1·s. JUDICIAL DEPARTlfENT.

To pny the salnries of the fom· judges .peals, nine thousand dollars.

of the court of ap- Judgea nf court . of nppcala.

'l'o pay the salary of tho clerk of the appeals, one thousand dollars .

supreme cou1·t ot Clerk of court..

. To pay the 1:mla1·ies of the judges of the circuit courts, ClrcultJudges. e1i;htcc11 thousand dollars. To pay persons

fo pay compensation al lowed b�, law to persons "'ho .. -11° ho1<1 •0�ris h 1 . ., . . where clrcmt o d tho court,,; where tho JUuge of the c1rc111t cannot act, Ju,lgu cannot one thousand dollari,. act.

'l'o pay mileage of the jud�os of tho su premc court of ap- Milc.,gc of aa-penls, seven huncll'ed and lilly dollars. prcmc Ju<l�••·

'l'o pay milc:wo of tho J0 llll"OS of tho circuit courts one Ml_lc11s• of cir-� r- ' CUit judges. thonsuncl t,wo hundl'Ccl dollar,.. Be it further tmrtderl, :-1. That tho auditor is he1·eby AU<lltorauthor­

a11Lhori:r.ed 1111d dircclod. whon pl'oporly dl•mn11<led. to issue lzed to pny. his wurrnnts on tho trcas111-y in tho�amo manner ho would be rcquin:,d to if each item of oxpo11dit,11rc WM directed to be Jlnid to n Cl'odi Lor U}' name 11nd no monev shall be No rnnnoy be-

. ' •'. yond uppropr(n .. drawn from tho t1·011sury for tho purpose hore111 nnmed tion toi,odr11wn during tho fiscnl years 011di 11g, r�spoct.i\·cly, :::icptom bc1· unless, etc. thirty, one thousand eight hundrl.ld and i:;cvonly-nine, and and September thirty, one thousand eight hundred and eighty, beyood the amount here appropriated un!o!ls the same is authorized by the constitution or some general law.

But the auditor may·drnw his wnrrnnt on the treasury in favor of tho soveral officers nod persons whoso salnrics an<l compensntioMs are provided for in this act, for services :Auditor ftuthor­actually rendered by them during the first six months of��d�lin�� 0�nt

' \

102 SAliUEL Fox .. [CH. 70. fiscal -.ear be- the fi C I . b . . h fi gin11iris Oct. 1, s n Y?at egrnnrng on t e rst day of October, one 1�so to m11ke thousand mght hundred nnd eight)' . for an amount not I'-') men ts, �le., •

d" I If f • . , ton°mccrs, et�-• excee mg one_- 1n o the sum npprop1·1ated for the i=:nlary

n m"'r 110 ttins or compensation of Ruch person or office1·s respectively act, or sen ce f . · .. , · ,

actually rcn- or the year end111g September thi1·ty, one thousand eight dcn-d. hundred and eighty. [Approved :Mnrch 10, 18i9.J


The foregoing act takcs eifoct from its passage, two-thirds of the members elected to each house, by a vote taken by yeas and nays, having so directed.


AN ACT for the payment of Samuel Fox, assignee ot

Adam R Given, commissioner of the rc\·enue of Brax­ton county, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one.

[PllSS<!cl Mnrcb 10, 18i9.J

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

l. That the sum of one bu ndrod and seventv-five do) la rs A pproprlntion • h b · d f · 0

J to pay,;n111ue1 1s _ere y appropriate ont o any money 1 o t 1e treasury Fo,c, ••�ii;nteor not othenvise appropriated, for tho pnymont in full of A. R. Given, for S J F . f cl l:> G" f 1 ser,·ices or ,aid , am ue • ox, assignee o A am .•. 1ven, or t 10 serv1ceB �r;J;·;�;:rc;;t· of said Given, as commissioner of the revonue for the reveoucforl861. county of Braxton, for the year one thousand eight hun-

dred and sixty-one .

.Auditor author- 2. The auditor iR hereby directed to draw hi�\varrant on ized to pay. the treasurer for the amount hereby appropnated, or so

much thereof as he m�y find unpaid. [.Approved Mnrch 10, 18i9.J


The foregoing act takes ctfect,at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.



AN ACT amending and re-enading sections three, four, five and twenty of chapter one hundred and eighty-two acts of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two and three, entitled "an act providing an alternative method ot c:onsiructing and keeping in repair county roads."

(Passed )lnrch 10, 1879.J

Be it enacted by tbe Legislature of West Virginia:


1. That sections th1·ee, four, five and twenty of chapter &ct\ons 3, 4, s one htu1drc<l and eighty-two, ac:ts one thousand eight hu11-:;;\it0

,:0;�ai,­drcd and seventy-two a11d three, be amended and re-1S72-3, a111en,1ed. enadeJ so as to read as follows:

. "3. Each magisterial district shall constitute a road p�·c- Road prccincL· <:rnet, and wbe11 a county shall bave adopted the prov1s- Sun·e)·or of ions of this act it shall be tbe duty of the resident voters ;j��:•hen

ot each distl"ict, at the next general election fo1· state officers, and biennially thcrcalter, to elect a ,:urveyor of roads for each road preci net; said surveyor of roads shall bold his Tern, of office. office for the term of two years, beginning on the fin;t day �•�•:�i;�?"h'o

n� ot .l au uary next succeeding his election. Vacancies in the tilled. office of surveyor of roads shall be filled by nppointme .. t by tho cuu11ty euurt, 01· any tribunal acting in lieu thereof, fur tbe unexpired term.

,;4_ Eaeh J>er,:on so elected shall, within thirty days after When1.sfur�cror

. . . • to qua 1 v. bis cle<:t1011, quality by takin).! the oath prescribed by thcllisuath'. tifth section of the lou,·th article ot tho constitution of this state, and shall bl'fbre c11teri 11).! upon the disc:h:u·!!o of the lils bond; by duties of his oflice give l,011d with seeurity to be app1·oved ,�hon_, :•flpro,·ed b • • • I r· j • • · j ,,ond111011 o( y u JUSt1c-o ot t 10 peace o 111; p,·ec:rnct 111 sue: 1 sum as may bu1111. be requirc>d hy such ju;;t.ico, and bo conditioncJ fo1· tbo taithlul perfonnnuc:e ot hil'! duties.

"5. It shall be tho duty of each surveyor of roads, with- �.'�tl/.'/�;-,ny­in twentv <lH.)'H from the tirst <la.)· of.Ja1111t11T next succeed-ini:_outa11<I di-. . -' . . · . nu 111g roads iu mg his elec:twc,, (prov1dcd that Im wa,; not appointed to his prcci11ct. fill a vuc:ancy) to lay out and dh·i<le all tho eo11uty_ ronds in �:;1:111 ofsec­his preciuct into sections, uot oxeoc<ling one-halt mile in To 1>c11 u11_1beret1 1 h I · I · · I 1 11 b I I · b · :.11<I ,lcscrrued. engt , W UC l soctwns 10 S HL Ulllll or ant ( l"SC:rl C 1n !I. Whnt tospcciiy book to be kept by him tor that purpo:se, and he ,;ball spec-�• ••ik. t! 00 ily therein the natm·e und extent ol the work which he •1•1 > ,w. may deem necessary fo1· improving and koepiug in rcp:dr eucil section ot 1>aid county 1·oad Jor the ierm of two years.

PcunU-ies on "20. An.)' surve.)'Or ot roads dnhr elected under the pro- •11r�er for neg-

• • , • . ' J • • lt.•cttu� or rcfu�-VISlOUS oJ tl11s act, and wbo bus qualtt1ed as such, neglect- iu;; 10 ,hsc�ar;;u ing or rofusiug to discharge the duties of his office, sbull be �m'�� or hts




subject to Ruch fines and penalt.ies as are provided by Jaw, and to which any other district; officer would ip like man­ner be subject.

[Approved March 10, 1Si9. I


The foregoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.


. AN ACT to enable the securities of E. L. Wade, late sheriff of Doddridge county, to collect certain fee bills and tax bills in the.county of Doddridge.

[Passed February 27, 1879.l

\VeEREAS, It is represented that E. L. Wade, late sheriff of Doddrid_ge county, tailed, leadng his sureties on his sheriff bond liable tor a large amount of mo11ey, and it being represented that there are fee bills and tax bills due the said Wade, uncollected in in the county of Dod­dridge, therefore

· Be it enacted by the Legislature of We�t Virginia: 1. 'l'hat the sureties of the said Wade, upon his sheriff

Surctieso!E.L.hond, be and they are hereby authorized, in the name of Wnue, lntesher- h • I W d II "d r b"ll d J "II d !ff of Duddrldgo t e SUH a e, to co ect Rttl ,ee 1 s an tax H s, an county. •11th0r- there shall be no bar to the recovery thereof of any of ,-aid to collcrt fee nnd . . . • . tax bills d�c foe bills or tax bills that bavo not been paid or otherwise ��;1•:��-:\

11:�e, settled by those owi ug tbo same.

been paio, etc. [Approved llarch 11, 1879.]


The foregoing act takes effect from its passage, two­tbit-ds of the members elected to each house, by a vote taken by yeas and nays, having so directed.


AN ACT concerning the assessment of taxes. [Pnssed Murch 7, 1870.]

Be it enacted by tho Legislature of W esL Virginia:

Chnptcr29 of 1. 'l'hat chapter twenty-nine of the code as am_ended by 11"" code, •• chapter fifty-four of the acts of one thousand eight llUn-urncudcd by d t chaptn :;.i, acts dred and seventy-five, be amended and ro-eoacte so as o !!';t• ��e'::'a��- read aK follows :



Number of Assessors-Assessment Districts.

1. There shall bo two assessment districts in each of Assessment dis­

the counties of Barbour Bcrkelev Cabell Greenbrier, tricts in cnch I: . . ' J' ' county.anUthe larupsb1re, Harrison, Jackson, Jefferson, Kanawha, nu111beror n•-Lewis, Lincoln, .Mason, Marion, Marshall, .Mineral, Mon- sessors elected.

or.galia, .Monroe, Ohio, Preston, Handolph,Ritchie, Rnane. Upshur, Wetzel, 'Wood and Wayne. 'Every other county shall constitute one assessment· district, and tbe voters of each county shall hereafter elect one aSSP,SS0r tor every district therei u.

2. ,vben there is more than one assessment district Boundnrr lines · - ] b d J

• I ni districts may 1n a counl,y, t 10 cou11ty 1.:ou1·t may, y 01·· er, ay ott anc be chauged; change the bouu<lary between such di:;tricts; Lmt in laying �-


off or changi nµ; the isaid boundary no magisterial district di;·i<lcd. shall be divided.

3. The authority and duty of an assessor shall not, ex- ����t��;�r0°!

tend beyond his district except to grant lice use for a fined 10 his dis-. · 1 · 'f · . t trict · ,,,:,,.,pt pr1v1 ege which may law nlly be exorcised m or out o tho etc.· · · district.

Removal of Assessors on Complaint of the Auditor.

4. Tbe nu di tor shall communicate to the county court Ho-.· nssessors of the county any instance of misconduct or official neg- ����'.-ed trow lect on the part ot any n�sessor of such county, and any evidenc·e of his incompetence which may appear fro:n the books and papers in the audito1·'il office; aud the court shall proceed to investigate the same, and may remove the assessor from office, pursuant to tho seventh sectiou of the seventh chapter of tile code.

Forms and instructions to be Furnished by the Auditor to .As­sessors.

5. The auditol' shall pl'opnre and forward to the as- Auditor 10 pre­

scssorR pl'i utod form,i fo1· the Janel ti nd J)Cl'ROll:ll prope1·ty pare and !or-

b I I I f I I. . bl b" b f wardtons,css-00 {S, an( a so 0l' L 10 1st ol tnxa o l:!11 Jects to e urn-"" forms nnd

ishcd by the nsscssors to person:'! chargeable with taxes . .iustrucUons. Ile shall also by lotto1· or pri11tcd circnla1·, give such in-stl'uctions to tho assessors !'especting their duties us may seem to him judicious· and it any assesS0I' fail to obey Pcnnlty forfnil•

1. • •. ' I ( ,_ urc to obey 111-SUCu 1nstruct1ons so fat· as t 10y ILl'0 not contrary to aw, ue structlous.

l:!ball forfeit not less than one bundred 1101· more than two hund1·ed and fifLy dollat·s.

Books and Papers of Hit! Predecessors.

6. The llSSOSR0r shall apply for the official books and t.�er'::':'b��:r Pfi}lel's which his _JH'e<lcccssor had to the J)erson in posses- "nd pnpcrs

or . . ' . ._ . prc<H�ccssor; l:!1011 thereof; nnd 1f such pcl'S0ll fail 01' refuse to dehve1· the penalty ior faH-

same, he shall forfoit one hundred dollars. �;��;/����'. to AH

106 AssESS)lENT OF TAXES. [CH. 73

Duty 0� •nditor 7. Tho auditor on beino- informed that such official wht.�11 111fvrmc<l ' O 1hn1 such l>ooks books and papers cannot be obtained mav authorize the cmrnot be ol,- b · ,. f' J • 1. f iniucd. assessor to procure su st1tutes tuere or or copie::1 tuereo , How •)•bs1itutcs aud the person furnishirw tbe same, shall be I)aid such fee or comes paid b b

for · t erefor out ot tho county treasury, as the county court may deem reasonable.

Corrections of .Mistakes in Ln.nd Books.

R I. r r 8. Anv J)erson aggrieved by any entrr in the land books c 1e o person ., ..... J • . :ii;grined uy may apJJly to the county cotu:t of the county lll wh1ch the �';?/11 lau<t land is aissessed for taxation for relief, and if it appear Cvun,): court 11, tbat any per,;on so applyincr for relief is improperly cancel 11111n·o1>- 1 d · b t ] b l · · I · · er Je,.les; c 1arge wit any tract o auc ID quantity, va ue, or 1n when. any other manner, the court shall correct the same. If it lf 111 ,·nluc. how b . . h I b d . . de1ermi1ocJ. c Ill value, 1L s a I o elerm1ned by the value of conug-

. uous laudis similarly situated. ln any case, if tho court PrOCf>e•lin" in shall refuse relief, the party aggrieved may int1·oduce tcs­ca,es whe� timony and have it ce1·tifiod by said court, or the person 1�::.;1��1fittre-presiding oYer any tribunal established for police and

Ii more th:m one dist1 kt in rount�·; how court tu equnl­izt!.

tiscal purpose,;, in lieu of a county court, when the appli­cation by the person aggrieved is made to sucb a t1·ibu11al, nnd bills of exceptions shall be signed by the courts, or by the person presiding o,er sucb tribunal, if the 1<a111e be requil'c<l by reason of their rulings or. decisions. H there be more tlian one dist1·ict in a county, and the average value of land be unequal or unjust, the court may, by a rate per centum, equalize the same by orders entel'ccl of record, but no 01·do1· so e11tercd shall pl·ec:ludo the court from

AppC!ll grunting relief in individual cases; and appeals, writs of W11covnlueof enor or supersedeas to the- circuit court shall lio to any n•aJ eslatc has . I J" d .

. .

' \'I l>eeu o_r shall .. c tina ru 1ng or ec1s10u ot the county coul't. ·, henevcr,

t.lunrn,shc.J_by because of fire flood storm riot insurrection or bec·luSe flood. fir(!, c1c; , , - , , • , ' how asscs.smcutof auy cause special to or atfoctincr the value of real estate oi corrected nud .

u· . ' . b ::, d 1 rciicr :i11�rt1et.1. 111 any 1t1Lnct, town or neigh or boo , the va ue ol any

If relief be refused; wha.t; theo.


real estate has beoll or shall bo diminished or lessened 1rom i(.l; value as heretofore fixed at any reassessment of lauds within this state, or which may bercaftor be fixed at any general reassessment ot lands under the laws of tbiR state, it shall be the duty of tho county com-\., or other �ribunnl having control of tho fiscal affair,; of the county, upon tho petition of any owner or owners of such real o,;tate, the vaiue of which has been or may bc- diminiRhcd becarn;o of any of tho reasons aforeisaid, io1· relief, aud such court 01· tribunal, upon being 1mtisfied of th0 truth of tho petition, sliall correct sucb assessment and fix a fair assess-1i10u� upon such real ei,tato for tho purposes of taxtition, and, if such relief is refused, such court or tribunal shnll i;pread the facts proven upon tho record by bill1:1 of oxcep­Lion or othorwii;e, if so requested to do by the pctitiouor, and an 11ppoal, writ ot error or supersedeas shall lie to.the circuit com·t of such county ti) tho order or decision of 1mch county court or tribunal. And whenever any such assessment is corrected as aforesaid, by either such county


court or tribunal, or by tho circuit court, upon appeal, writ of error or supersedeas, the assessor of the county or Duty or nsse.,sor district in which such real estate lies shall, upon tbe dcliv- :;;��� f,"��•:;ect­ery to him of a copy of the order of the court or other cd as nforcsatd. t-ribnnal, showing such correction in the premises, correct upon his land book the assessment of such lands and chai:ge up the taxes thereon according to such corrected assessment, and such corrected assessed value of such real estate shall so continue until the same is changed in pur-suance of law.

B t 1 d d · d I ) l • No tn:,:es ns.•oss-U no .axes assesse an pm upon sue 1 anc prior to ed nnd pal.1

the happening of any of the evcntR hereinbefore men- uponsuchprnp­tioned shall be" released or refunded to the owner thereof. ;;t��!::;\0i� ��:·•

· funded. 9. The assessor, in making out. bis land b0oks, shall, in •

11 � . .�s.scssor to cor-n respects, correct the same, as directed by the county rec, Janel hooks;

courts, or by the circuit court, on appeal or supersedeas i��n���\���0

and shall correct every other mistake he may discover in omi1ted r�rn. tb . . I I d b I I .

f I b . former )'CM e 0t·1grna an oo {S, anc 1 any taxes inve con omit- etc. ted for a former vear, he shall enter the same, with law-{ul i ntercst there.on, for collection.

10. ·when the assessor shall ascertain that there is any \ t land in his district which has uot been entered in bis land ;�"i';;;::�,1 �'"""' book, or after being so entered, has from any cause been �;�f0",,'t,'.,,';,'�:•­omittcd for a period of less than five ,ears, he shall m,iko nn,1 uot before

1 f d f I -1 I I . t :L•scs.,cd. an entry t 1ereo , an o t 1e namo o tie owner, an< 1 Wi1hiu wbnt there be no asscss1il0nt of the sn.1!1e: shall proceed to mnke ���·usse

,sc:1. such assessment, to the best of h1:1.1ndgment. by reference to the assc!'lsed value of <:onti_guous laud similarly situated, and shall charge tho same with nil tbc t:,xes which should have been chni·ged 01· ccllectcd, with lawful ·interest· there-on. Any nilscs·�or fai Ii 11):; to make such ent.ry and assc:;s- �::;•11Y for fall­

ment, shall forfeit twentr dollar,., Bnt thi:, E<cction shall Exception ••.to not be construed to rcqui°rc any su<;h ns:-cs,.mcnt in coun- ccr,arncounucs. ties in which the same has bl•cn dii<pcnscd with by la\\·.

11. If any land which ought to ho as1,ci,,F<cd in one as- nutyof """e™'r scssmcnt dist1·ict be :1!:<t!<'Sflcd in :rnothcr. tho as,..c,;><or in l,�11�1��.�-t,1,•i:0

whoso book it bas been 01·1·011eo11sly c11torecl. ;,hall certify �t�::�,:::�;;ir· the owner's name, and the q nan ti ty, dcsc-l'i pt ion and as- district. sessec� valuation of such land to the prope1· a><scssor, who shall enter tbe same i11 his book nnd e;har�o the there-on; and tho nsscs;ior, in whose book it was eJToneonsly 011-

torocl shall'1:1trike the sumo tl101·ofrom on bcin� informed of the en.try thereof hy tho proper assc1<. or. It land which ou�ht to be assessed in 0110 di,-t1·ict be as,;cssed rn another, the assessor shall make the proper transfer.

19. Tb I . ·. d . \ 1• • Duties-.h>1rc "'· e rogn at10nA contni no 1 n t 10 preccc 1 ng i;ect1on ho11nd11rle., of shall be held ar)pl ienblo in cases where the bou ndarios of <O•11111 i 1•0 or di••

. . . tract� are counties or dist ncts arc changed, or a now county or dis- ehau,:,·d or now trict has been c1·eated. ���:!i�• etc.,

l,nnd correctly chnn;,·<1 not to bo t ransfcrre,l or re-nsses.sC<l exrept as rro­vided by la..-.


Change of Ownership or Valuation-General Rule Re­


13. Land which has been correctly charged to one per­son upon the land book shall not afterwards be transferred to another, or the valuation as8essed thereon be changed, until a general reassessment be ordered by the legislature, except as provided for i_n this chapter.

List of Deeds, etc., to be Reported to the Assess1rs.

14. Every clerk of the county court shall annually, in zu.;;.,���1i��:

1• the r_n?nth of January, make out a list of all deeds for the

tn cerii!y 1:.1 or part1t10n - or converance of lands ( except mortgages and ���':'1;��� deeds of trnst to secure the payments of debts) which have ' been admitted to record in his office, and have not before w11Rt such list been roported to the proper ussessot·. The list shall state •hnll state, the date of each deed, when admitted to record, names ot

grnntors and -grantees, tho quantity of land lyin{.{ within the county thereby conveyed, and a description of said

Proviso in case land. Provided, that where separate deeds have been r'c::�:;,�1

18�7.1-' taken from different persons for the same tract-, or a part

of a tract of land, in order to perfect the title thereto, tho clerk shall only include in such lists the deeds which in­clude the whole tract.

�r'�i�.��c!:'� 15. 'rhe clerk of every cit·cuit, county or municipal Hmofcertnin court shall annually, in the same month, make out lists of ����;_

nts nnd all judgments and dect·ees for the pat·tition or recovery of �ntcntsofsuch lands which have been rendered by their respective courts lists · and have not been before reported to the proper asses8or,

stating in such lists the date of the judgment or dect·ee in each case, the land recovered and by whom, or t,he land which was divided and between whom and in what parcels.

Cl k r 16. The clerk of the circuit court and the clerk of the er o countv court 1oc•r!ilr" county court shall annually, rn the same month, make out !�.'i�,';;i�"J����J a li,;t of all lands absolutely devised by wills recorded in 1,,. wills. their 1·espective offices, and not before reporter! to tho Wlrn1 lo bP. • • h 1 · I j f j " ( I · •tatcd In su�h proper assettsor, statrng 111 sue 1st, t 10 c ate o tie w1 tn li51. oac:h case, when admitted to record, the names of the devitmr

and devisee, and a description of the land devised.

Officer ccrlif,·- 17. Every list montionod in the three preceding sections in�_such lists to shall be delivered by the officer making it, to the assess0r ���=•

copy to for his county; or if there be more than one assessot· for ����'�ii'a1:,

0���• such county, to one of them, and to the other a c:opy,_ or �o

nsmsor; what much thereof at least, as relate;; to tho lands w1thm his then. district. ·

�crctary of �1atc; duty of, RS IO ;.:rnnts


18. Tho secretary of the state shall annually, in the month of .f anuary, make out and fonvnrd to the clerk of tho county court of each county, an abstract ofn.11 grants iHsued by the state for land lying in such county, not pre­viously reported for assessment .. And tho ck,t·k of the


county court, im�ediately on receipt of such abstract, shall �•1




make out and deliver an attested copy of the same to the receiving ob­

assessor, or it there be more than one, to each of the as• •tract. sessors of tbe county within whose district any parcel of said lands may lie, and shall file the original in his office.

Penalty for fall-

19. If any officer fai I to J)erform any duty required ofurc to dischargo h. b b fi d" . b I f . I nn,·dutyre-lffi y t e ve prece 111g- sections, e sbal for e1t not fiye

than ten nor more than fifty dollars for every such failure. f1�";f10s sec-

20. Any party interested may pro-::ure at his own cost, a Cory of deed certified copy or statement of any deed, judgment, decree, decree,etc.,h'ow 1 · · J d 1· h b procured. c ev1s\! 01 grant, anc e 1ver t e same to t e proper assessor; Deli<er>· there-

and the assessor may examine oricrinal deeds or the "� 10 "-<.sessor; . "' ' hJS duty thereon records ofthc county, to nsccrt:1111 to whom any parcel of land is properly chargeable, or its description or quantity. Change oi Ownership or Value-How Entererl by the Assessor.

21. Such changef: as happen within the district of anychangeotobe· as!:lessor shall be noted by him in hit; land book as follows: �/.•

d by asses-

22. He shall enter in his land book all lands in his dis- Assmor to en­trict UJ)J)Carino·. by the abstract of the secretarv of state to te,bnd••ppcar-

.-:,, . . ., ' ins hy ab�rr:ict have been granted and not previously entered, nnd nssess ol secretary of tho value tbc1·eof with reference to the nsi,essed value of;,��� �;��;t contiguous (and si_mil:u:ily situated .. If he tail to enter any :;�(.".•scss tho

gra11t ment10ned rn said abst1·act, in the first lnnd book How "-""=ed.

made out after such abst1·act is received by him, he shnll �ittliy tor fail- _

forfeit twenty dollm·s. 2:3. Real estate purchased for the state at a "nle for taxes, Real cslllte 1mr­

shall not be thereafter entered in the land-book, but the ;�•�r�1r�f 1�;��. auditor shal I keep a 1·egi;;ter thereof. But when any real not to be en-

I 1 · b I 1 · ' · fl to t tcrcd. estate so pure rnsec appear:, y t 1e anc 1tor s cert1 ca o Auditor to keep

hnvo been redeemed, tho same shall be replaced in the �v;:��•:·11ch


land book in the namo of tiio former owner or his grantee. tntcisrcilc•wed; \," 1 '1 . I I . ct· . I - I r t . ' th whn: thca.

·v 10n 1·ca estate 1s soc to an 111 1v1c na 101· axes, e ns- Whcurealcstnt.o se8sor sh al I note in hi,; land book tho n nm bcr of acres sold, is •·:•Id to nn in-. . l b k dlndunl for and to whom, but shall <.:ont.111110 the land upon sn1c oo · taxes; what in tho name ot tho former owner, until the purdrnser ob- then. tai ns a deed therefor.

24. Tho land spec-ificd in the li'!ts, copies, deeds, records, �f.<1" spcci6erl abstracts and statcmcnl-8 mentioned in tho fo11rtce11th, fif. l,� i',"t:�,•.��;;,;i°10 t<:>onth, !lixtoenth, eit{htoont.h and twentieth sec,tiom; of proper persons. this chaplc1·, shall be t,mui.lorrod in tho land bool<R to the pe1·sons who appeai· thereby to bo tho owners thereof.

When a Tract is Divided-Surface Land and Minerals Under

the Same.

25. When a tract or lot of land becomes the property Where lond be­

of different owners iu several parcels, or one person bo- comes the pror-f h t d h f h

• ert y ol cl1tleront comes the owner o t o sur ace, an anot or o t o min- 1nt1lviduala, as


���� /�15���!�� ora)s under the same, the assessor shall divide the value at surfnccnnd min- whwh the whole had before been assessed, among- the ernl•. different owner::.<, having regard to the value of each ·inter-H h ] .. est comp:u·ed with that of the whole. If any J)e1·son in-

ow sue < in-l b . . . . sion may bo cor- terestec e d1ssat1sfied with the division so made, he may



nrty apply to the assessor to correct the same, and the asscs-so1· gh'ing ton day's notice to the parties concerned, or such of them as are found in his as::.<essment dis­trict, shall make a re-apportionment or confirm the division before made, accorcli ng to the best of his informa­tion and judgment. Any p:u·ty having given like notice,

Rc�ic..- of _R•· may apply· to the county court of the conn ty· to review tho ses.or. dcc,sion ' . d . . d . I . f . fi I 1 1 d by county court. assessor s ec1s10n, an t 10 court, 1 sat1s ec t mt sue 1 e-

cision is erroneous, may eorrect tho same, and order the proper npporti�,nment to be entered upon tho land book.

Land of a Deceased Person.

f��a.'e/t;,;_r 26. Whep the owner dies intestate, his undi,ided real �,�;�1/,�r,11���1�estato may be listed to_his heirs without de�igaating any for whole _tmc of them by 11ame, until they shall have given notice to until parution. the assessor of the proper district, of the di vision of the

same, the names. of the severaf heirs, and the parcels allolted to each; and each heir shall he liable for the whole

Remedy in such tax assessed upon 1mch land while it is so listed; but when cnses. he pays the same, he may recover of the others their proper

proportion of tbe amount so paid, and the proportion thereof for which such other or otber:s are liable, shall be a lien on tbo interest owned by him or them in such lands; 11.nd such·liens when the amount so paid exceeds twenty

Whea land dollars in all. may bo enforced in a C:otll't of equity. ·when �t<���ed to de- the owner has devised the lands or 11, freehold estate How land therein absolutely, the assessor shall charge such lands to �;•:;;tr ���er " the devisee. If, under the will, tho land is to bu sold, it ,.-111 it Is to bo shall continue to bo charged to tho decedent's estate. and rold. the assets in the hands of the personal representative

shall be liable for the taxes until a sale and e:onveyanco thereof be made.

How Old or New Buildings are to be Assesseri.

A..""e"'menton 27. E,rery assessor, before making ont his book, shall ���i�'fl:.n;J•:.0 assess the value of any old building omitted for ono or

more ycare., and of any addition or improvement, to a building, and of any building newly erected, not thei·eto­fore assessed, if tho same be of the value of one hun­dred dollarR or upwai·tls, such buildings, whether now or old, and such addition or impl'Ovement Bh,dl bu valued as nearly as may be at tho same rate, at which other build­ino-s in the neighborhood were valued by tho assessor n.t th� previous general asscsRment, and the valuation thereof be added to the vnluo of which the land was before charg­ed. .A.nd where it is an old building ommitted for one or

Tu:�• on omit- more years, the taxes for former )�ears shall bo charged too building•; w1· th lav.. ,ful interest thereon. bow clurgod.

CH. 73.J AsSESS�IENT OF T AXE!!. 111

28. No new building, addition or improvement shall bo When new assessed until it is so fa1· finished as to be fit for use. �o"�i;;.i;:��.''

29. When any building, ,vhich may have been assessed, Dcduetion tobe shall become reduced iu value oue hundred dollars or :�.���;,"/t,0,��d­moro, the assessors shall deduct the amount of such reduc- 10;;:rcdu,c<1s100. tion from the value of ibe builu1ug asscs,;ed against the ow11er, and where any building slrnll be wholly destroyed snmc where or reduced to Jess than oue llllndrcd dollars in value the buildingl•deo­assessor shall deduct ft·on1 :said assess1ncnt the nmour;t for tr-


which such building was nssessud. I f the owuer of any builuing so assessed shall foci himselt nggl'ieved thereby, b � · 1. • I ,. t· I Party :i=rlered e may, w1iurn twc ve montus a ter sue 1 atSsessmeut, ap- m=r :ipp1y 10 ply to t-ho county court of bis county to have the same 0"1111tyconnfor . I b I I II b f" I • 1· . . d

rchd; when co1Tcctec ; ut, HJ s 1a , e ore sue 1 app 1cat1on ts ma e, and ho••: give notice ihe1·cof in writiucr to tbe l)rosecuting attor- Prosccutmgot-

' :::,., · turncy. ney, whose duty it t:1hall be to attend to the interests of the co1rnty and state therein. A copy of all orders made b ti. 1. • h I I f Copies of orders y ue county c.:iurt cuangtng t o a'i,;essec va uc o any ch,11gi 11;;-osscss-roal estate, shall forthwith be certified by the clerk of sucb e<l rntue to be cou1·t to the auditor and a:::sessor in whose district such ��1d1


real estate is situated. Fo1· any failure on ihe part: of the !:,_��:�r on iu­

assessor to comply with this or any of the tb1·00 pretediug sections, he shall forfeit, fifty doll.u·s .

.:.l1achi11ery and Fi:J;tur�s Attached to Mills and .11:la.nufac­

tories. :30. In assessing- the value of buildings used or intended

to be used as rnanu facturi 11g 01· other mills, tho assessor:��.���::���� ��c .. · shall a:;ccrtnin the value of all maehiuery and tixtures at- how made.

tached thereto, and iuclu<lo tbe same in tbe amount of im­provement cbai·gcd to the owner thcrcol; and the valua-tion of such machinerv or fixtures shall be tbe1·eaftcr in-crcaRed 01' reuuced, ac<;orui11� to the ntles and principles How iucrcruied applied to bui ldi 11µ-s i II the L\\;un ty-sevc11tii, tweu ty-oigbth or diwluishcd. and twenty-uinth tSec;tions of this chapter.

District Lists of Real b.'state.

31. The1·0 shall bo in tho lnnd book for every assess- scparnto llstlor

ment district t-uparnte lists fi:,i- the 1n:1gistcrial dist.rids c.,ch ,lis1rlct to · J d I · 1 · · I · I · I I 1 lie made ln laud lllC U 0( Ill 8uch ( IStl"H:t, :till Ill \V II(.; l eve1·y Lt·act 01· ot O book. land i;hall, fo1· tho 1.n11·po:;o of tnxution, bo 011to1·cd in iho list fo1· the di,;trict i11 which tho >iamc, or tho g1·cater part ��.1��



tbe1·oof, is sitnatcd, and the entries in each di:;trict listnud how. shall be armngcd in the alplrnbctical orde1· of tho names of the ow11c1·s.

· Lancl Sftuated in D({!erent Assessment Districts.

32. Land lying partly in one county and partly in. anoiho1· i;hall, for Lho purposes of state taxation. be on tored How lauds en­on the land book of the prope1· district in the county iu ter�d lyini; lo which the, or the g1·eator p1u:t thereof in value, lies; t1��reut couu-


but the entry thereof and payment of taxes thereon in Entry nnd P•Y- nny co1rnty where any pa1·t thereof is situated, sh:ill, for the ruentoftnxe.s · d · ,_.,_ ,. · \ 'd b d" whcrcnny part tune ur1ng WulCu tuc same IS so entcrec and pa1 , e a IS-lies, valid. <'barge for tho w bole of the state and state school taxes

. charµ;ed and churb(J'eablethcreon. And when aov such laud is "' hon so co- '· • ., tcrcd, not to be so entered on the land book ID any such cotrnty, the same •00


1 onthlnad shall not, nor shall any J)art thereot; be entered for state tax-o · o o er .

county. at1on on the land book:; of any other county so long as the same remains on the land books first above mentioned.

Value of build- \Yhen new buildino·s aro P,l'ected of the value of one lugs in such h d d d II

"' ' · d l · ca,,c••; by ... 1,om nn re o ars or more, upon that part of the Ian y111g nssessed. out of tho district or countv in which it is assessed, the

assessor on whoso books it i's entered shall assess and add the value of such building, as in other cases.

For the purposes ot county and district taxation, every Ho"· trnctsof tract of Jund ol one thousand acres or more l.)'inrr in two 1 000 acres lying ' "' 1� two or more 01· more counties, shall hereatte1· be entered und ch,u-ged couutiescntcred with taxes in each magisterial district in each of the noel chnr�cd . . I . b . . .� wit\> taxes. counties 10 w uc 1t 1s situated, to tile extent, as near as

may be, that it i.s situated in such district; but the whole number of acres so entered and charged in s;1id districts shall not exceed the number of acres for\\ hich the same is ente1·eJ and charged for state taxation. And in case the assessors of any two or more districts or counties can not

When assessors ag1·ce us to the pro1�er numbe1· ot acres to be charO'ed in caouol agree, ' 4, :-,

etc. any magisterial distl'ict, the circuit court of any county in which any part of said land may be, may, on motion ot

Commis•i?uers nn'-· such assessor appoint one or more commissioners to to be npp01ntcd; J . ' -how. uscert:1111 and report the proper n um bC\r of ac1·es to be

entered in any district to which such di:iagreement relates. Report runy be The report of 1rnch commissioner or commissioners may :::,�;,';��/rre- be continued or recommitted as in other cases, and when A to t.he court, by meant,J of any such report or otherwise, shall

SSt'ssors en- d . . . f b d . h terns the court etermrnc tile quantity o acres to o en tor<' 111 any sue •hall onlcr. district the assessor shall enter the same us the cou1·t shall

order. In case tho number of _acres so entered and charged for

district and county purposes in nil the districts shall ex­ceed the number charged as aforesaid fo1· state put·posc1:1,

Errornsto the owuer or his agent may apply to such court. as is here­��1�;�.0��';;08 inbetore mentioned to t.bc same coJTectcd, aud the corrected. court shall thereupon take such p1·oceedi11gs us may be

necc&sary to make the required correction. Entry of P•Y- But in I.bis section contained shall effect or im­meal or lnxes pail' tile outry of and 1mvment ot taxes for county and heretofore wudo . . J • not be enectecl d1stnct purposes on any such tract of land rn any one ��o

d�����i county heretofore m:ide, but every sur:h entry nnd pay-purpose. ment shall, for the time for which tbe same w:11; made, .be a

discbarge for all the county and district taxes charged and chargeable thereon.

It shall be the duty of tho assessor of every county and · When assessor district in wliich any part of a tract of land is anbject to


1:;•�0donte1· and cliarge for co�nty and district taxes other than

CH. 73.] AssEss�rENT oF TAXES. 113

that in which the whole is entered and charged for state dl•trlct taxes · I only and uot. taxat.100, to c ial'ge the amount so entered for county and with Stnte and

distri�t taxation, with county and district taxes only, and ��'.eschool

not w1tb state and state scbool taxes, and the coiumns in Columns or his land book iu wbich the state and state scbnol taxes on ���kbi;�0


lands ai·o entered, 1:1hall be left blank as to such lands. and stntc school

!4--ny assessor who shall wilfully violate any of the provis- �;'/,;,,ty for ions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanol' and �l�/�:,�'g/;� fined 110t less than twenty nor more than one hundl'ed tiou.

dollars. 33. When land lying pal'tly in one afise:�sment distt·ic·t Duty.or"·"'""·

n d , •ti · , t'·,. I .. 1. , , • •d · f • • I"°" where laud "�l p,u y 111 �lllO uet, l,lS uOen ,lSflO:;Sc In One O S,11( lie p,rtly in one d1str1cts only, 1f the ow11el" convey that pol'tion (or nny•• .. · .. mentdi••

t b f.) I . . I d. . · I . h . lrict und p,r tly par t ereo , y1 ng In t 10 tstrtct w 1ere1 n t e ,mme 1s not lo nnother, but assessed, the assessol' of the latter district shall cnte1· in ���r1!d



bis land book what is so conveyed, and certify the quan- · ' · tity, dcscri ption and "'aluation of the pnrt so conveyed, ac-COl'ding to the avera.gc v:iluation of the whole tract per ae1·e, exclmiive of buildings, and with the value of the buildin�s,'if any, added thereto, to the assessor of the dis-trict wherein the whole was before assessed, who slrnll de-duct the quantity and valuation ot the part so conveyed from that of the entire tract as before entered in his book.

34. lu like manner where a tr:tct or lot of lnnd lies in two or ru.ore dist�·icts, a�d �be O\vue1: conveys any portion S:nue ..-here thereof situated Ill n dtstnct wherettt such land was not such trnct li .. 10

assessed, the part so conveyed shall bo thel'Olllter onte1·od in �:.i�tr moredi•­

the assessment list fo1· the proper district, and the quantity and appol'lionato value thel'eof be deducted from that of the entire tract or lot as it was before entered.

Inquiries to be Jlfade ol Land Owners and their Agents.

35. Each assessor. before making out his Inn.:! book (and Duty ot nsscssor wbeu ho takes the list of taxable personal pro pert)"), shall ��:01�n�\•���lf.. l'Urry with bim l,he book ot tho prccodin,!{ year, and the entry of lands chat'ged to nny po1·son rosiue11t. or having 1m agent within 111� district, tihall he show11 to such person or bis agent, who tihall ho required to stnte on oath What the owoer whether ti.le snmo be co1·1·ectly 011tored; whetbot' nny part or agcut wus1 thereof ought to bo trnnsfctTed to nny other person, nnd ,toteono�lb.

if so, to whom, and tho nature of the evidence to authorize tiuch transf'et'; ali;o, to state whether any othor land with-in the district ought to b(• chnl'ged to such resident or non-resident, and to describe the same, as well us to give a dl'l-scription of' any land clrn1·god to Ruch residt>11t or non-res- U•o to be made idcnt wbich is not correct I)' entorcd · and the assessor shall 01 such inlor-. . ' . watlou by assc1-make such use of tho rnformut1on so obtained as he can •or. Pror>orly make consistently with the other }Jrovisious of Penntt,-_ or. fail­ure to ,;1vo in-this act. Any such resident 01· agent failing to comply lormat,ou. with such requisitions shall forfeit fifty dollars. Any as-sessor fuili ng to comply with this section shall forfeit ;."::.�'.Ly 00.,... twenty dollars .



Form of the Land Book-Tracts of Land-Town Lots.

Land book; 36. The assessor shall make out his land book, including form or aud -ill extensions in such fo1·m as the auditor ma" J>rescribe whnt tocootair:." ·. ' · · J '

::1how111g fo1· each magisterial district in one table the tracts of land, and in a separate table the town lots, arranged in tho alphabetical order of tho names of their owners.

37. In tho table of tracts of land, the assessor shall enter Table or trnct., each tract separately, and shall set forth in as many separ­ol 111ud, wb;1t to ate columns as may be necessary, the name of the person beeotered '0• who, by himself or bis tenant, has tho freehold in his pos-

session; the nature of his estate, whether i u fee or fo1· life; the number of acres iu the tract-; the name of tho tract, if it has a name; a description of it with reference to the water courses, mountains or other place» on or near which it lies , the distance and boa.ring from the court house; the value of the land per a<·re, including huilclings; the value ot land and buildin�s; sum included in the value on account of buildings; the amount of tax on tho whole tract at the legal rate, and from whom, when and how the owner de1·ived the laud, where that is known, with a note and explana­tion of any alteration made, showing why and upon what :mtbority it was made.

Table or town 38. In the table of town lots ho shall enter i:ieparately lots, w!JaL Lobe each lot, whether im})rovod or unimproved, and shall set eotcred In. f 01·th ID as many separate columrni as may be necessary,

the name of the por,;on and his estate, as in tho table of tracts of·land,. charging lots leased for a te1·m of years ou ground rent, including all imp1·ovomonts thereon, not to the lessee, but to tbo tenant for lifo or foe i<implo owner under whom the losRee holds. The assessor shall set forth in other columns the uuinbor of each lot in the town, if the same be numbered, with name of the town, if not pre­viously placed in tho heading or caption of tho table, a de­scription, where a person does not own t.he whole lot, of the part which he owns; the value of tho buildings on the lots; the value of the lot, including buildings; the amount,_ of tax at tho legal mte, and like notice ot the source ol title, and explanation of l\lteratious, as in the table ol'tracts of land. Assessments to have Reference to -Ji'irst o


.February-To whom

Taxes are Chargeable.

39. 'l'he assessor shall begin a1111ually, 011 the first day of February, and proceed without, delay to uscortain all �Im

When_•...,=• persons and propc1·t.y, rea.l and pcn1onn.l, on that day, sub-10 bcg1u assess- • . • I • d. · ']'I , l meal; .. -1in1 10 Ject to taxation 111 l!S 1str1ct. . 1e taxes 1or eac 1 year, •:"'�"•111• upon real and personal p1·oporty; shall be paid by those 'laxes, t,y

b · b whom paid. who are the owuerR t,heroof on that day, whet er 1t e as-sessed to them or to others.

40. As to 1·eal property, the person who by himself or


his tenant, has the freehold in his J)ossessioo, whether in Who dee1rued1 j

. o,�nor o rea ee or for hfe, shall be deemed the owner for the p1u-pose null personal of taxation. A person who has· a mortgage or deed f,�1�';,;,�� �1',u.­of trust to secure a debt or liability, ahall be deemed the alion. own et· the mortgagee or trustee takes possession, after which such mortgagee or trustee shall be deemed the own-er. Pcrso11al propel't,r, mortgaged 0l' pledged, shal I, for the purpose oJ taxation, be deemed the property of the pnl'ty who haH the possession.

By whom Property is to be Listed.

41. Every person of full age an·d sound mind shall list for taxation the property hclongi ng to him, including the �/;/��0be ri��fd shares held by him in any national or other bank, in this for 1nx,1ion,

t I ·

l h . I' d I ood what he 01· any o 1e1· state, except w 1en 1, e same 1s 1ste u nc c1· 111us1 list.

t.he ])1·ovisions of section sixtv-four of this chapter •rnd the Property lisied , ., 1 .. by one pc�n persons and property under his charge and cont.rol, subjectror:m_o1hcr;

to taxation, and fu1·nish t.o the :u,sessor, on his n.pplication, 110"' 11stcd.

all necessary information rcspecti ng the silmo. The prop-erty of n mi1_1or, shall be listed b.v bis guiwdian, if be has one, and if he bas 110 glmrdian, by his father. if living, if not, b,r his mother, it living; n.nd if neithe1· be livin!-{, or t.hcy be out of the state, by the person ha�ing cha,·gc of t.he pl'Operty. The separate property of a mal'l'iod woman may be listed by herself: or by her husband in her name: 1ul<l the propel'ty of the husband may be listed by the wife it he be out of the state, or in a condition in which he may be unable to list the ;mme; property held in trust, by t.he trustee, if in possession thereof, otherwise by the part.y for whose benefit it iB held : tho personal property. ot a de-ceased person, by the po1·so11al rep1·ose11tiltive; the prop-erty of an insane perso11, 01· person sentenced to confine-ment in the penitentiary, by his committee; of a company, whether i11l'orporatcd or 11ot. whose asset.<; arc i11 the hands ot an agent, fact.or or receiver. by such agent.. fhtt.or or 1·c-coiver, ot.herwisc by the pre:-<idon\. 01· principal, partner or agont. withi,1 the 1,!Lnte; all money c1·cd-itH and i 11v01;tmc11ts in the po:;sos .. ion 01· 11 udc1· t.ho chm·ge of a receiver or commis,;ionor·. by such roceivor or commis-siouer; and money dopo,..iied to t.he credit of any suit,, by t.he clerk of the court in which the suit was brought..

42. Every person required by law to list, property on behalf of another, shall list it ,-oparat.cly from his own, designating tho person, company, estato or trui;t, to which it. belongs.

Property Hi:empt froui Ta.?:ation.

•13. All property, renl or personal, described in this sec-tion, nnd to extent herein limited, shall be exempt from What proper�r taxut.ion, that is to !!ay: ;�x;����'.rom


Preperr ,- not exempt.


Property belonging to the United States, or which by the laws of the United St11ttls is exempt from taxation by or under state authority.

Property belonging exclusively to the state. Property belonging exclusively to any county, district,

city, village or town in this state, and used for public pur­poses.

Property used exclusively fot· · divine worship, parson­ages, and the household goods and furniture pertaining thereto; burial grounds.

Property belonging to eolleges, academies and free schools, if used for educational purposes, including books, apparatus, annuities, money and furniture.

Public and family libraries. Property used for public and charitable purposes, and

not held or lensed out for profit, including the property of agricultural associations.

Pi-operty belonging to any public ins\itution for the ed­ucation of the dent; dumb or blind, or to any hospital, house of refuge, lunatic or orphan asylum; to the over­seers of the pc,or in their official capacity; fire engines and implements for tho extinguis.bment of tfre, and property used exclusively fot· the safe-keeping tbe1·eof, and for the meetings of fire companies.

Agricultural productions, grown directly from the soil, and the p1·oducts and increase in number of live stock pro­duced within this state during the year preceding the first day of February, and remaiDing unsold on that day in the· possession of the original owner or bis agent.

The produce during the same time of mines, snit wells, and oil wells, within this state, remaining unsold in tho hands of the p1oducer or bis agent, on the first day of February, and nil manufactured articles and products of mechanical skill and lnbor, produced in this State cluri11g the same time, and remaining unsold on the first of Feb­ruary, in the bands of the producer or his agent. But no property Rhnll be exempt from taxation which Rhnll have been purchased or procured for the purpose of evuding taxation, whether by temporarily holding the same over the first of February or otherwise, whothet· tbe same be. in this state or elsewhere.

Assessment of Capitation '1'a.-c.

44. Every assessor shall nscertni n nnd list for taxation Who t.o I><' ru<· • • ..,.,e<1 with c-,1,. the white male persons and the colored mnlc pc1·sons ove1 ���;;•�

a�:0 be the age of twenty-one years, residing in the district _on

paid but once lo the first day of February, and not exempt from tnxat1011 ume year. on account of bodily infirmity, and shall include in the

said list, all such persons who remove into the suid district between tho first day of February and the time the assess­or's books are delivered to .the collecting officer; but per­sons who pay the capitation tax in one district shall be ex­onerated from paying the same in any other for that year.


Persona.l Property-Definitions.

45. Th,:, word "countv court," as used in this chapter, The words J 14counly court" sba�I _be con�trued to inclu?c �ny ir!bunal <'.Onstituted for an<I "pe�no;"

police and fiscal 1>m·1>oscs rn hen of a county court· and "h•• ther in-. . , elude. the clerk of such tr1 buual shall perform all the duties re-quired of a clerk of a county court"for the purposes of this wont, io,port• act. '.rhc wo1·d "persons" shall include finns and com- ing rcsidcuee ••

· I I • I I b . npplicd to firm• pameg, w 1ct .1cr rncc,rporatec or not, u n ess sue meanrng ere .. ho" re-bo inconsistent with the context; and words importing ganled. re;;idcnce shall. as applied to firms and companies, be regarded as designaLi ng the place where their p1·incipal business is transacted.

46. '.rhe words "personal property·." as used in this sec- Word, "pe�n-t I 11 . 1 d 11 fi I ct" I I . f . •• propern· 'de-er. s rn 111c II e a xtures attac 1e to anc, 1 not 10- fined.

cludeJ in the valuation of such land, entered in the proper land book. all things of value movable and tangible, which are the subject of ownership; and money, credits and in­vestments, as defined in the following section.

47. Tho word money includes not ouly coin, but all ���i:r., notes, tokens, or papers, which circulate or are used in or- "crcdir..1• and

di nary transac-tions as money or currency, und deposits. ��i��'."ents" which either in tc1·ms or effect are payable in monoy on dem:,nd. "Credits" includes all claims and demands, whether owrng upon bond, note, certificate, book account or otherwise, and whether cine or not, whether payable in money, property, labor or services, except only such de-mands as arc included in tho term "money" as above de-fined. "Investments," inclucle::1 stocks, bonds and securi-ties of the Uni tecl States, or of this st-ate, or of any other state, nation or g-overnment, or anycity, town,county, dis-trict, railt"Oacl or other corporation; and any share, portion, interest or stock in the capital, joint fund, assets or profits ot any company, whether incorpornted 01· not; or in a steamboat or <>Lhcr vc,;sol, or in auy adventure, business or undertaking.

What Personal Property -is to be Disted for Ta·.-i,atfon.

48 All perE<onnl proportv belon,,in" to person!! rcsiclingPcn;oualpr?r-. ·. .. -� .- . ort y to be hsted 111 tl11s state, whether such property be 111 or out ot tho ror ,,,xation; stato, and nil pcr!:!onul property in the state, thoug-h owned what.

by pcn•ons residing out of t,lte st.ate, shall be entered i11 the por!lonal propc1·ty borlk. ancl be snbjcct to equal and unifo,·m taxation. unless c:-pcl:ially exempted by law, but personal property of all classes. except as hereafter pro-vided, belonging to residents of this state, which is actu-all_v· and permanently located in another state, and by the laws of snch other Rtato is subject to taxation, and is Whnt oot to i,.,

uctually tuxed in such other state, shall not bo ento1·ed listed or taxed.

on the personal property book or be taxed in this state. All moneys belonging to citizens of this state, and loaned,


!(i"�i; 0

1,°�:;.�- d_eposited or being in another state, shall be sn bject to taxa-10 ho tnxe<t. t10n undor the 1aws of this state.

in What District Personal Property is to be Liste�.

Where Jl('rsonni 49. Every person required by law to list personal prop­propcrtpo be erty, shall list for taxation in the assessment, district where listed. I

. . ,t ti d. t d ·. b" t , 1e, · rn money, ere I s, an mvestmonts s11 JeC ,o

taxation, belonging to himsolt 01· under his chal'ge or con­trol. whether the samo or the evidence thereof ho in or out of t·he state; b1it capital, money and 'property ( except real estate) employed in any trade or business (oLher ·than agriculture) belonging to a company, whether it be incor­porated 01· not, or to :111 individual, shall be assessed for taxation in the assessment di:otrict where the pl'incipal of­fice for transacting the financial concerns pertaining to such trade, or b11si ness ii- located, or if there he no sueh office, then the district where the operations are carried on. Gooch: and chattels, and ot.her personal propert,y, not as­sessed as aforesaid, nol' exempt from taxation in the assess-

A t d ment district where the same may· be on the first clay of sscssmeo . an F b b I •

· 1 · I · pnym�nt or • e ruary, may e assesRec In any clistnct to w 11c 1 1 t may

��;;t�� !t:r,ex- be removed before the assessor's books are certitied; but oncnites, etc. the nssessment and payment of taxes in any county or

district in any year, shall exonerate the owner of such property in any other count_)' or district for Ruch year.

Valuation of Personal Property.

Bo..-_ •aluc oi 50. The value of any " eredit " req uirecl to he I isled, if fi:.d;.1!i'.

0 00 es- the solvency of the party liable therefor be don btf u 1. or the claim be disputed, shall be estimated at what it is deemed to be probnbly worth. 1f it be payable in anything but money, its probable value in money is to be listed. If a solvent credit bear interest, wbieh bas not been paid, the amount. of principal and the interest calculated up to the first day of February, in the year for which the assessment, is made, shnll be listed; but if it do not bc1n· inte1·cst, and be not due, the interest tor the time it hns to run, from the first day of February until it will be due and payable, may be deduetcd. Investments 8hall be rated at their market,

Value of in•esL- price or if there be no known market J)!'iee, at what is 10cnts how cs-- 1 • tlmnt.:d. deemed then· probable value.

When shnr�-51. \Vhere the prope1·ty, stock or capital of nny com-

holders 1101 tax- pany, whether incorporated or not, is assessed to such ed. . company, no person owning any share, portion or interest

therein, shall be required to list the same, or be assessed '".ith the Yaluation thereof.

What to·be_de- :;9 In Jistincr credits or investments the 1rnrtv owning ducted In hst- u.,J. � , , J Ing credits and the same may deduct therefrom what he owes to others as m•••troonts. principal debtor, but not what be may be liable for as

surety, endorser or guaranto1·, unless bis principal be in­solvent.

Ctr. 73.] AsSESSllENT OF TAXES. 119

53. If there be a difference between the owner and the Difference as ro • . vnlunt1on of assessor In reg-a rd to the val uat1ou of any personal prop- property; how erty, they may each choose a disc1·eet voter, and their de- sculcd. cision. or that of an umpire chosen by them, sball be final as to the matter in controversy.

List to be calleclfr,r by the Assessor.

54. It shall be the duty of the assessor, as soon as pos- Assc�rro:is­si1!1e after the first clay of Febn1ary in each year, to ascer- ���1'�,;',!�f;(i7 tam all personal property subject to taxation in his dis- taxable wi,ht1s

· · 1. I I I · f I f ,·aluc· when. tnct, w1tu t 1e ·va ne t 10reo and tie name o tbe person to whom the same ought to be assessed, and to make proper entry thereof in his personal property book.

55. 'l'o ascertain the same he shall call upon every per- Must cull upon · u· ct· · J • ' • I b I 1· b c,·cry pers,,o for son 1n 1s 1str1ct w 10 IS reqmrec _v aw to 1st any snc !istandvolua-

property, for a list, aud valuation thereof; and may apply tion. to any officer 01· agent of a company, or any per:;.on iuler-este<l therein, and sball req uirc every person to answer Personsto ao­u1H.lcr oath sucb q nestions as he may ask him in relation ,wer uutleroaLb to any mattc1· about which the assessor is authorized to in- Atlid.,·itr<"­quirc. And the a,:scsso1· sl1all �·equire from the offic�r or �ti��i';;,��'�t person who returns the valuation of the prope1·ty of auy ualiou vi prop­bank, or other company, fo1· assessment, an atHclavit th:tt b��,k�1.��-Y 110 part of tbe assets ot such bank has beeo dispoi-ed of or converted in ally way fot· tbe purpose of evading the pay- Pco,lty 011 w,­

ment of tii.xes thereon. Au assei;sor failing to make any smor. call and administer the oath required by this sect.ion shall forfeit twenty dollars.

56. Jf any J>e1·son desil'e it. the assessor shall furnish Assessor to . . · . f I furnish forms l.11m propet· lorms tor the list aud ,·aluat1on o sue I per- when re


1 uired. sonal IH'OJ>erty as he is re<111ir�d b)• law to list. 1f an),Tovele!,at

.. . · . . person� rcs1-pc1·so n be absent from his rcs1de11ce at the t11ne the as: deuce, ii nbseot. scssor calls, and the.-e be 110 pcrso11 011 tbe premises to acL �r�::

1�:�t;.\'.. 10

for him, the asses,:or shall leave prnpe1· fol'm;; for him wit,b 1:1ome membe1· or the l:unily o,·cr the ag:e of sixteen ycar8, 01· ii th01·e bo no such por1<on 011 t-ho premises, ;,ball cnu;;e sucli fol'ms to be dtdinin,d Lo him as ><Oon ns possible Lhcreafte1·, or otbenvi,:e prncurc the proper statements. 'eo the form furnished br the as:!lus,w1· shal I be appended the form of the oatb tu Lio lakc11 by the part,y who i.-, re-quired by law to 1nako out sucl.1 li:;L:,1.

57. Eve1·y perso11 so called upon, sball, withiu ten days Duty ol pers,,u tht'realter, deliver to tho assessor, or le:tYe lor him with �i•���11•:�


J1'�1•'.;'/" the clerk ot tho county court. a foll and correct st:ttement, propcrt.y with­in tho form pt·osc:l'ibud by 'the u;;,;c,;sor, ol all pel'so11al :�1..�•���f,�;u�d. p1·oporty and person.,, on account ut wbir;b he is chargoublo wiLb taxe1:1, or wl:.icb bv lnw he is required to list o11 L>ebulf of another, witb the Y:ll uation of the property me11tio11cd Whnt_ list to in said 1:1tatemont. llo 1,hall also take al)(i subscribe an �.?0��•�i oatb 10

oath appended to or on<lorso<l upon the said 1:1tateme11t, to be<ukcu. the following effect, viz: "l solemnly swear (or nflfrm) that


the aboYe (or within) list contain8, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a lull and correct statement of all the personal property, mone:rs, credits and inve1>tments, belonging- to-----, whctner the same arc in 01· out of the state of West Virginia, which are required by law to be listed for taxation in -the --- assessment district of --- county; and that the valuation affixed to the same are, in my opinion, not below the fair <:ash value thereof. \\'hen the capital employed in any trade or business is re­turned, the aflidavit to the va\uc shall be to the tollowing effect, viz: "I solemnly swear (or affirm) that the above (or within) is a true statcr11c11t, to the best of my knowl­edge and belief, of tho actual value of the proper1.y, money, credits and investments (real estate and property exempt from taxat10n excepted) employed by --- in the trade or busi uess of (merchandizi ng, manufacturing-, banking, or as the case may be) whet.hcr-11uc,h property, money. credits and investments are in or out of the state of \Vest Virginia, after deducting what tbe said --- owes to other:, a� principal debtor.

58. Notwithstanding an)1thing contained in tbifl chaJ>tcr When person refuse 10 to the contrar.v, any pe1·son may refuse to value any pe.rson-,.��';:,;1�;:'°naJ al property listed or returned by him, if he exbibit the �'aluc 10 be fix- same to the assessor, who shall thereupon aflses� the value ed by assos.sor. thereof.

Penalllco for 59. If any person, whose duty it is by law to list nuy failure or re- personal property, being called upon by the assessor to do fus.,l to lurnl•h f" f · 1 1· I f. I h list

01 property. so. re use to urn1s 1 a prope.1· 1st L 1ereo , 01· to ma ,e sue

:f��n01��0��h. oath as is required by the fifty-seventh i;ection; or if �ny answer oron- perRon refu:ie to answer, or answer untruly any q11est1011 ::��runtruly, · lawfully asked by the assei-sor, or refuse to be examine?

under oath, when lawfully required by the as,;cssor, or foil or refuse to deliver the statement required by the said fifty-seventh section, he i,;bnll forfoit not le;:.s than ten nor more than one hundred dollar&; and if any pcr,;on fail to give a true list of nil money loaned which should be ai-­sessed, ho shall, in addition, forfeit five per ce1dum on such sum not Bo listed.

60. If a11y person foil to furnish a proper list, or if tho Dul)' ol nosessor 1. fi · h I b · h · cl f h · when proper list 1st ur01s cc e, 1n t e JU gment o t e assessor, 1ncom-1• not furni.,hed. plate or erroneous in RU): respect, the a;:sesHor shall pro-

ceed to list the property au<l assess iLs value, 01· to supply tho omissions and correct tho errors, upon the best intor­mution he can obtain, and for that purpose tho assessor may call upon any officer of the state, county or district for such proper information as it may be in his power to give; an<l may require any person having po,:isession, charµ;e or control ot any pe1·sonal property in the asscas­ment district, to permit him to examine the same, in order that a fair valuation thereof may be made; and if auy

CH. 73.J AssESSJ\[ENT OF 'l'AXES. .121

pe1·son refuse to do so he shall forfeit not loss thun ten nor Penalty on 1>er­t1on ref ui,J 11g. more than fifty dollars. 61. Nothing in this chapter contained shall be construed Hnusehol<I and

t? require any pcrso11 to furnish, or the assessor to take, a ���c��� {�11;,�it­

hst ot the several articles of 1:mch person's household and liS!e� cxc�11t as

kitchen furniture, except tboso specified in section sixty- ��•·•<led tu .cc. eight.

62. Tho assessor may administer oaths in all matters Assessor may . adrntnl!dcr pert:uning- lo bis official busjoess. uoth,.

Toll Bri£iges and Ferries.

6:3. The assei-sor shall ascertain the yearly val uc of all Value of toll toll britl,,es an<l ferries in his district exce1>t such as are "_riJg,..�on<I fer-

� .

• r-h-•-� excm ptcd from taxation. He shall be govo1·ned by the 1:111100 :111<1 ••· actual rent received, where such toll bridges or ferries a1!e ""'"00• l"tlllted 01· leased out; otberwi,-e he shall niake :l just C:,ti-mate of their annual value. For purposes ot taxation, the Yalue of a toll bridge or for1·y i;hall bo taken to be teu times its annual value.

Jiicorporated Compa.nies.

64. He shall ascertain from the proper otlic-ers or agents Value of "'l'it,,t f II · d · · L · d" · ( "( of lncorpor:it<-d o • a 1nco1·porate companies 111 11s 1str1ct except rat - romp,11 ,�s. ,·x-

roac! and foreign insurance,. tolegra1�h and exp1·ess co_m- ��t f;�� .. ���!·,_ pa111es), tho actual value of tho capital om ployed 01· JO- 1:1ine<1 nml ..,.. vested by tbetn in their trncli:, 01· business (exclusive of"''""cd. real csi,ato and propol'Ly exempt by section forty-three, of this act, fr,,m taxation), an<l enter tho same in bis personal property book. 'l'he real c=,tato ol t<uch companies shall be assos,-ed and entcrod in t,ho land book, as in other cases. Realcstat.e.

'rho value ot' the capital shall be estimated by taking the 111,!grogale value ot all the per,-onal prnperty of the com-pany nut oxem pt from taxatiun, where,·cr ,-ituntod, includ-ing thei1· money, ercrlits 1111<1 in,·e,-tments, whether in or out of' t,ho stalo, and dedue;t,i11_g lrom ,mid aggrngate wbat t,bey may o\\·o to otheris as principal dobturs. lf a com-pany ha\'O branches, e11d1 brnnch ... hnll be nssei-sed sepa-rntely in tho clistrit"L whore the princ-ipal otlh:e for trnns-actinl,! it-:. financial concerns i,; lm·ntud; 01· if there be no such oflico, tbon in tho district whcro its operations are carried 011. .All proporty of na,·igation companies and othe1· joint stock transportntion co111paniol! othor than rnilroadH, whethe1· renl 01· pori!onal, shall bo taxed in the count,y anct dist1·ict wheroin Ruch property is situated; and it Rhall bo tho duty of tho a;;sessor of each di,-trict to assess 1rncb p1·operty as he1·ci n be lore Ji rccte<l in t.his section. \V be1·e the capital of a company is us=,esscd as afore-snid, tho personal property thereof shall not bo otherwise asResscJ, nor ,-hall any iu<lividnal shareholder or partner therein bo required to list or be nssessod with his share, portion or iutorost in tho said capital.


122 AssEss11tENT OF 'rAXEs. [CH. 73

Capital Usd in Trade or Business by .Merchants Other Inclividual.1 or l•'inn.s.

The ,·nine of (j' - 'f I I f 1 1 d b · · · ( I """i1n1 01 in.Ii- . a. 1e va uc o t 1e <:ap1ta use .r any 1nchv1c ua or

"iu11:obor1in11,, tinn not, iucorJ>Oratcd in anv t,rnde or bu:,.inc:<s taxable by etc., how asccr-

1 I II . ' . •' . ,

tulucd. · aw, s 1a be asccrl,uned Ill t,he manne1· following: 'lho ussesso1· shall asee1·tain from every ,rnc-h indiYidual or firm, or trom somo member or agent of SlH:h firm. e:11Tyi11g on any t,1•ade or business, cxc:ept agriculture, witltin his as­sessment district, the actu,d value of the capital employed by him or them i II sucu Lraclc or business. Such person· or ti rm sllall staLe .



menci ng husi­ne.;$ after 1st ,lar ot Fcbru-ary.

.Fint-'l'he actual arnount of c:ash c:apital invested in ,:;ucb trnde or business on the thst day of February in each year. · SPcond-'l'he amount and value of all personal prope1·ty

used i11 co11nection with such trade or bu,:;iness. othe1·wise than such as is regul:u-ly kept for sail• tberci n.

Th.ird-'fbe value of all goods a·nd prope1·ty kept fo1· f-ale and remaining unsold on the first day ol Fehntar,r. except al:\ pl'Ovii:lcd i11 the sixty-eigbth sectio11 .of this chapte1·.

Pourth-'l'he amount of all money de1·ived from f.t1<:h trade 01· business ronrnining uni11vesLed on that, day, wheLher in 01· out of the :;tate. /

Fifth-The amount und value of all debts and claims arising out of such trade or bnl:liness and rcmaini11g un­paid on t,lrnt duy, whether in or ont of the Rtat.e. decluc:ti11g therefrom any debts created i II cou 1·se of such t1·ade 01· business which sncb pe1·,;on or ti,·m owes as principal debtors.

SiJ:th-Tbe amount and value of all investments made by such person or firm, whether in or out of the stuto, other than those ho1·ei n bcfo1·e specified.

Any suc:h peri-011 or firm desiring to commence business afte1· tho first day of February in any year, shall give no­tice thereof to the assessor ot the prope1· distl'ict, accom­panied with a sworn statement of tho amount of capital invested, or intended to be invested, by 1<11ch person or firm in such trade or bnsiness du1·i11g the remainder of the

D I year. And it ,;hall he the duty of SLHeh a:sscssor, upon the 111•��-.� c'�':s'.""' recoi pt, the1·cot; to :11,:<eRs tho amount of rrncb c:api t:d with

tho taxes payable the1·eon, and certify tho snme to tho sheriff ot tho county for collection. He Rhall at the 1<amc time t1·ansmiL to the auditor a duplicate of tho said ce1·titi­cate, :rnd upon the rec:cipt. thereof; tho auditor shall charge tho sheritt' with tho amount of.Btate taxes therein speci­fied. 'l'he asscE:"sor shall also, on or before Lhe day on w hic.h the county levies are laid, certify to tho con 11ty con rt of hifl county, the nmount of all taxes nssc:a;;;ocl by him in t<aid lai;t mc.mtioned cases for county nnd di,;trict purposes. \Vhen any personal proport.y employed in nn_v trado or busiuo::111 is __ ussessed under tbo provisions of tbis. section,


the owner· shall not be 1·eqnfred to list the same otho1·- Property so,, ••

wise, nor shall it bo otlierwi,;e a;isesi-ed to him. Bnt all�.�;:',:';'.,.'!�; :r,/;�1 personal, as well a:; real prupe1·ty, uut so 11:<sesscd to such or •ssc»ed, etc. person or fi1·m, 1>hall be assei-.�ed as other like prope.rty is required by law to be assessed.

Recefoers, Com.missioners and ClerNs of Courts.

G6. He Rh all ascertain from each J)eri;ion in his distl"ict A""0"--«>r to as-

I I . ' cN1:11n from re-

W 10 aets unc er the order of any court as receiver or com- ,-ci,·ers. ctc, missioner. tbe amount of all �1oney and bond,. 01· olher "" 11"1 money•.

. , . ' . ere .. u 11dcr

ev1dcoe;cs nf debt undc1· his control. and the style of tho1bcircon1r�1, suit to wh ieh such fu ud bclon.�s and from the clerk of such �:i;/�i°ci�rt, court, the nmou n t deposited by order of such court in any �01



1t <1c1•0•-

b 1 . . · . . • I 1. f . . • 11<,d rn any au< 01· savrng- 1 11st1tut1on, to t 10 c1·ec 1t o any suit 111 sue;li hank, etc.

co111·t nnd the style of such suit . .

67. 'rhe president, secret:11·�-- or principal account,ing- Railrnnrt com­oflkcr of en)ry rai I road com pa11y, whether derivi II_!! its cor- panic•; lww ns­porate powc1·s cxdusivcly from the state or not, ,;hall list ;r;::

1 for ,ax•­for taxation at. its t1·uc ,·alue in mo11ey, verified by the oath or aflfrmat,ion of the olikcrs :;n listing, all the prop-e1·t,y, money, credits and invc:;tment,. of ;;uch company of whatsoever kind, wholly held or used in this :;tate and al"o the prnportional value of all locomoti\·cs and rolling stock pas8i11_g in and out, of thiE< state on raili·oacls t·t·o:;;;in).! tho lines thereof, to be asce1·t:1i11ed by the proport.ion which tho number ot' miles run within Lhis state by Huch lo<:01r.oti,es and other rolli11,g stock may bear to· tho whole number of miles run Ly such locomot,iv()s and other rollingt:-lock over tho road belonging to such c·ompany. or any co11necting-li11e; t,ho proportional Yalue ol all sueh loeomotiYcs an<l ot,hcr rolling stuck. so :1:<<:l'rlai11l•d. to be :ti"sesse<l as tbe propc1·ty of the co111pa11y ow11illf:" and 11si111f t,hc i,arne, whethC\t" it be 1·1111 11po11 its 0,1·11 or :11,yotlwr raili·oad with-in thiR st-ate. The proporlional vai110 of all loeomoth·us and other 1·olling: stoc·k. 1111d !ho ,·,11110 of nil other pe1·sonal and mo,·ablo property, rno11('_\. (•J'udits :llld i11,·cst.ments. Hhall be added to stalio11a1·_, 111,d fixed pr,,pet·cy and real cstato, anti shall h" appurliuned by :-1t<·h ollie;er lo oa<:h county thro11.!!h whic·h thu rnad l'"""l'>', in p1·opo1·tio:. to tho fixud propeny and 1·e11l (':,,.[ato l,elo11_ging t,) the company in 1rnch connty; a11d all tl1ts p1·,)pu1·1.y i'O list<'ll. shall be ti11bjocted to and pay tho ,.:till<' t:1-xe,; as ot.her propc1·ty ·1· · ·' · I P · I I 'l'I I I b I 1 · I

Ho\\' tnxe<l. l>:llCu 111 811(; 1 (;01111 l._r. /'O(l/1 1'( , H\l l HI roa( · Ol , )l'I( _ge,;, Proviso"""'

tunnels, depots, t-lation:;:, 111:ll'hi nc :;h(rp;;:, rn:ic·hi nery, freight !i';';,t�t�tc.,etc. houses, stock ynrds, rolling slodc a11d all oth,··r 11eccssary appendages, and :structure:- co1111eded and used t,hc1·ewith, together with all tbe real e;;tato whie;h ·t,he e;ornpauy is al­lowed by law to hold, shall bii Ji,.ted aR aforesaid. or a'l-1mssed by the bom·d of commis,:;in11e1·:s, a;. hereafter pro­vided, at thei1· ne;t11al val 110 in mouc,r, without refe1·ence to tho amount oxpo11ded in tho <:oni-trtH,tion or p111·d1asc thereof. Said oftkcr shall, oo or before the first day o{


;.��{-:1�';;;., ';i��� Febru_ary in each year, mal:e out and file with the auditor.

such hst 1\nd pro rata. valuation of the real and ])ersonal property, and money, credits and inveslment;;i, of sttch

D r . company verified ns aforesaid. The nnditor shall lay said uiy o nuduor )" d l . ns 10 such list. 1st an vn unt1on before the board of public wol"l,s as soon n,ul •alunt ion. ns possible after· the filinrr thereof and if the s·ime be l( S3ll:i.fol'tOry . Cl • ' ( • ' ' ,., \Jo,rd, nlllli• deemed satisfactory, the said board Rlrnll chrect the tor to asseS!' d"t t h f h '° ·property. nu 1 or o assess . t e property o RUC company ,or

st.ate and �eneral free school nnd c01111ty purposes, and for free school purposes in each distric,t and inde­pendent school district, and for municipal corporation purposes through which said railroad runs, as herci natter provided, upon the valuation of its property as <Y:>ntaiued

S1•id 11is!_tofbe, in said list, and the auditor shall as,:ess the same accord-

n "°· '""'" or · I 'rl . d 1 · d I . I I 11 I n_iuuiclpal tnxa- rng y. le sn1 1st an va nation when mace s 1a a so u�n, etc. be the bnsis for mnnicipnl taxation by any incorporated

city or town through which said ruilt·oad runs, and the Ho"· appor- · auditor shall apportion the same in proportion to the real tioned. estate and fixed propurty b�longing to said cornpn.ny and Iflistunc!T:llua- loc:ated in any such city or town. But if the !';aid list, and 1ion ootMtis- valuation be not satisfacto1·y to tbe boar<l or if such rail-fnc1on101>oan1 cl f ·1 ti! h 1· J J ' • h · etc., lionrd tu 'ron com-puny m to e t e 1st anc va uat10n ere1 n re-�i;r,�i��e';.'t,� quired, the said b0ard sball, as soon as possible after t,he n,m.s. til'st day of February, appoint a boa!'d of c:ommi!>sionerR, �

n:i�imto consiRting of one discreet and intelligent freeholder fr0m each congressional distric:t of the state, to assess tbe prop• erty of said company as hel'einafter required; bnt no per­Ron shall be appt.,inted as such commis,-,ioner who resides in a county through which a railroad runR. It Rh all be tho

Dutic�o�snch · duty of the said commissioners, as i-oon as they are in­�orum,s.sionen,. formed of their appointment to convene at some co11Yen­

iont point on the line of the rnilroad to be a,;se.;sed, and to examine as far a>'.I pl'nctic:able, all the taxable prope1·ty of such railroad company, hereinbefore mentioned, witbin eacL of the counties of this state, and to assess the fail'

!;1:u�m�nt 10 he value thereof, in money, for the purpose of taxtion, upon furnislw<I them. the prineiple heroinl;,cfore stated. Lf a Rtatemcnt of the

property of ;;uch <company has been filed ns herein required, a copy thereof Hhall be delivered to i:;nid commi,;sionc1·s by

Tl no s1a1emen1, the auditor, to enable them to discharge their duties; but 11·hat. th"0• if no such statement has been filed, the F<aid com missioners

shall assess the value of such property within each connty of t,his 1,t,ato upon the principle aforesaid, from the best information they can obtain. 'fbe aHscsAment so made by the said commissioners shall be ret,nrned by them to tho

"'hen nn,1 to wJ1om ttSSC-:'J!-1-mcnL to be rc­turnt.-d.

auditor on or before the first day of .July. suecocding their appointment, and their decision Rhall be final. In case the list and Y1tluation of the ·prope1·ty filed with the :rnditor a!-1 aforesaid be satisfactory to the board.of public works, and in cai;es where aRRessment of tho property of Auch com­pany iR made and n•t_urned by _the bo:_u·d of eom!niss10ners m: aforesaid. the auditor shall immediately certify to the county court of each county through which suc·.h 1·ailroads

Ca. 73.] AssESS;'llENT OF TAXES. 125

run the value of the ))l"OJ)Crty therein of every such Audltortoccr-' . . t1ly to county company,11,s valued or assessed as aforesaid, and 1t sball becourt ofcach the duty of such court to apportion such value between �;1/;��t.;!'J�':,�� 1,uch districts and independent sc:hool dist.rictR and muni- n ... c.-•mcntof · I · · I · b I h' I h pr,,pcrt, .. when. c1pa co1·porat1ons rn t1e11· county t roug1 w 1c1 sue Duty or'�ourt ln road runs, as near as may be, according to the value there- such 00•••·

t · I f · d d · · · . . I . l C1crk of couuty o Ill eac1 o sa1 1stncts and mu111c1pa corporations. tcourtt_ocertily shall be the duty of the "clerk of the county co art of every �1 i�',\1��°; 1��-'r county through which such railroads run, within tbirtywhcn. days after the county levy of such county is laid to certify to the auditor the apportionment made by the county court or tribu11al c,realcd in lieu thereof, the·amount levied upon each one hundred dollars value of the property there-in for county pu1·poses. It shall also be the duty of the

O r 1 secreta1-y of the board of education, of \!Very such district br':?o� c��1-and inde1lendcnt school district and the clerk or recorder t1ot1, clerk or re-

. . . , ". . . corJer, to ccrti-of every mun1C:1pal corporation. w1th111 tlurty clays after arpoauditortbe l · J 'd I · f f' I ' I d · · 1 · len, c,c. for evy 1s a1 t iere1 u or ree sc 100 an mn111c1 pa purposes, tree schools nnd to c:e1·tify t.o the nudi tor' the amount levied for such pur- municipal pur­po�es upon eac:h one hundred dollars value of tho pt·op- ��::ity?nofli­ert.r therein. And any offic:e .. violating the provisions of���1[��,'·101•ling thi:; se<·tion shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not less thnn one hundred nor morl'.l tban five hun-dred dollars. And in �ase_ ot the f:iilu_re of the secretary Fniluroorsnch of the board of edut:1t10n Ill any cl1str1ct, and the clerk ofolliccre:toreturn

the c:ounty court or tribunal created in lieut.hereof, to re-���:\'f.�,:������ turn to the auditor on or before the fir;;t da.y of December the lc,·y, then · J d I · fi l I nu<li tor to ob- . 1 n eac 1 nn eYe1-y yem· sue 1 cert, cato as to t lO evy toin rntc of 1ox-afore,mid, then the auditor may the_rato of taxation �;�';;:�•�::;,k�";,n for c:ounty and dist1·ict purpo;;es from the copies of the as- tile in his office. sessor's hook;;on lilc in his;otliee. And it_sh:1ll betbe duty of the audit.or to ehargc eve1·.v rnilroad company assessed unde1· the p1·oviRion-, of thi:< f'ec:tion, in a book to be kept by him Jor that purpose. ns follows:

I. \Vith the whole amount oftllxci;; upon it.s propert.y in each year for Rt.ate and .ro11ural t-ree Rchool purposes. Tnxes to be :--, chnr�cd tc, com ... · JI. vVith tho anHH111t pavahle to c•ilt,h county through p:iny by nud-

1 · I I I J • . I' · 'd • itor· for what

W lit I f<llC l !'Oil( runs, 01· (;tJllllt.r purpose!< II Ol'CSUI · �urposcsnnd 111. 'With tho amo1111t pnyablo to <'ac:h cli;;t,ric:t and inde- 0


pendent i,chool cli:<trict tlirougli which such road runs for free school pu1·po�os.

IV. \Vith the amount payable to l':lch mu11icipal eorporn-tion tbrougll whicb said road runs, for municipal purposes .. -..uditorto

. tfHll!'!tnit slatl-'l'ho :rnd1t.01· shall, on 01· beforo tho tunt.h dny of Docem- mon1 ol 111"•• ber in eac:h year, 01· as soon thereafLer as pmcticable, rnako ��;:�t,�!/��/:�•� out, and t1·a11smit. by mail or otherwise. a statement of all an!I to wl01nt

I I . . I I t ti . I t ofbccr. taxes anc ev1cs so c i:u·g-cc o 10 prc::<1c ent, secre ary or 11 cu111p11ny i• .princiJlal accountin� otlfoer of sueh com1)nny. And in u�grie,·ed by ns-

. d - . . d b J

8l:!:!hlOOt, CIC .. case any ,·mh:oa company 1s nggnevo y t 10 assessment mn" 1ilepeti1loo ot its property· 01· an-,· orror shall I\J>J)Car to have been before "0""1 01

, J pu hi le- "orks; made in making the asscs11ment., tho company may file its when.


Doartl hnvc petition before t_ho board' of Jmblic works an." time be-1,owcr to ,"Orrect -7 crr,,rs, c1c. fore the tt1nth day of .January. asking fo1· a co1..-ection of

the i<ame; and ,;aid board sball have power to correct errors in tho valuation of the said property of any such company. In case it be claimed by the·comp:1.ny that any error bas been made, eithor by the clerk of tbe county court or the secrct:wies of the boards of education. in cer­tityin� the rate of their levies iu the apportionment, of the value of tho propo1·t.r to the distric:t,, t,he andito1· may, if it be shown b." :1. co1Teeted ·certifieate of tho cle1·k of the

"'hen :111di1or ·1

rn,y correct county court or tbe sec1·elary ot the board of educat,ion. :u, crrors, cic. t,he ease may be, or a certified 01·der of the county court,

making a correc:t apportionment, that error has been c:ommitted, c:O1-rect suc:b error. Provided, The application be made for such corrections at auy time betorn January tenth in each yca1·. Aud it shall be the dnty of buch company so assessed and charged to pay the whole amount

PToTiso ns 1o when npplic:1-tion musl be made.

of such taxes and levies upon its property into the t.rens­nry oft.he slate by tbe twentieth day of January next.,

When company alter the assessment t,hereot, subject to a deduc:lion of t.,,·o ,0 ,,,r 1.•xe�. and a hatfrer centum u1>O11 the whole i,um, it the same be Dcclucllun ,r . I b f I p�o111p1ly poicl. pait 011 or e 01·0 that day. f any suc:h company fad to ���,.��,:��

1,l� pay such tuxes and levies by the said twentieth day ol

10:11!'"'"" Jauuary .. the auditor isbull add ten per centum. to the �r,�\:,"�1:irTT't amount the1·eof to pay tho expenses of collecting the same, •11io,\11t �r 1a:i.:cs and shall certily to the she1·iff ot each county the amount clc., ,u bl< f I . I 1 . d . I . I . . d county. o sue 1-tuxes anc ent's aRSt!SSe wit un 11s county; an Duty of •herilf. it shall be the duty of every such shei-iff to collect and

account for such taxes nud levies in the same l)):tl!ner us other taxes and levies uro c:ollectcd aud u<.:cou n ted for by

eo,...•uch tnxcs him . .And when the district and independent school dis-collcc1<-J aucl ac• . I • • I · d I · I couo1<-J for. tnct ant mun1c1pa corporation taxes an (:\"JCS a1·e co -lected by him be i,;hall immediately pay the· same to the

Proviso n, 10 treaR�n-cr �f: the prope1· dii,;u•ict or municipal corporation.

C?"'"Y nuthod- Promded, Ihe authorities of any county sbull 11ot be :��\",'.'��:;;;�':/��: allowed to eompromiRc 01· remit any portion of' ,mid taxes 1a,;cs. " us certified to the shel'iff. \V hen such taxes and le des are

paid into the t,rcasury u;; herein provided, the auditor !'hall Audilorro,c_- ac<.:ouut to the shet·itf of each oft,he count.ics to which any c;OUUI lv sheriff or c:.cb cou,.,r 1m m so pmd in fol' county levies belo11gs, for the amount {i;.��


�1:�r\,;-;0 due suc:h c:ounty and. may arrange the samo with such

uccou,1110 Rheriff in his i:;ettlement for the state taxei- in such c.-ouoty court. ,vay ns may be n1ost. tonvonicnt, nnd the :;hcriH' shnll nc-

count to tho cou11ly c:ourt of his county for the amount so received by him, iu the same ma1Jner ns for other county

Aru1. 11,1c1 in levies. 'l'he amount so paid in for each di�t1·ict and inde­forschooI pu�- pendent i;chool district i<hnll be added to the dii-tributnble pose-:-.· how dis- , "' '"'sc;1'or :ind share of the i,chool fund pn:rable to ,rncb distl'ict, and paid r,a,d. · upon t-bo requisition of the county superintl'ndcnL of free Auditor to ccr- i:;d10ols, in like rnan11er as other ,;chool moneys are paid. tily '" cou1>ty The auclitor shall certif-v to the county court ot ove1·y such court, a11111unt . J , � ., . • shcritri.chargc,.. count_r, on or bctore the fit•i,t, day of l•obrunry m euc:.h ycur, ���:0�·1th; tho amount with which the 1,heritf then,of ii; cha1·ge1.1.ble


on nccon nt of tho levy upon the propertv of such com-, - H I 11 I . . · f - b ,

" . • d Also, to county ]Mn3. c s rn a so ce1 t1 ) to t e COIi nty supc1 1 nten ent superintendent of free f<Chools the amount, of f<IICh levies due to each dis- schools, 0111nunt

· I · I d d. . . . or !enc• !or tr1ct a11c 111c open ent school 1:-tr1ct in his county. The sclwo! '""I"••••

· ·I· <' I · · I · I II .-\mn1111Lpaiclio amount so pate 111 ,or eac 1 mu111c1pa corpor:ttton s l:L , as f,,r muuicipat soon as recci vcd by the auditor. be paid OYCI' to the treas11 rcr corrmration,,

f th • · · I · · b · I I d au,l1tor to pay o c 11111 n1c1 pa corporation to w IC l i::uc I taxes arc ue. 10 trca,,:rer of But the failure of the clerk of the connt)'·COllrts or tri-c?rroration. . . . . ' J·n1lurc of che bunnls established 111 lieu thernof, or the sccrcla1·11.!s of the propcr_ .. mccrs board of education, to cei-ti(y LO the :wditot· the Jo,·ici:: 01' ��.:;r;��fih�o

lr.v­apportion me11t within the ti me thcrci n prnsc,1·i bed, shal I ics, "!c .• with!n

· 1 · I . . . the t11>1e h,•rean not 1nva 1c ate 01· prevent the assessment rccp11red by tl11s pre,cribe<I not section, but the auditor shall make tho as:<es,;mcnt and �����;;•;i�'.r prncccd to collect or certi (r tbc same to the sheriff as soon meat. as practicable after be shall obtain t-be information neces-sary to make such l\SS<lSSmen(.. 'rhe 1·ight ot the state or RH,t locnforrc. of any countv 01· district or municiJl:11 corJ)Oration to en- bt,uirorother-... . .. , . ' . . wise I hi? collt-c-forco, by suit, 01· othcnnse, the collect1on of taxes or lov1cs. tion .. r t:ixcs heretofore 'l!<'iC5,;e<l 01· 1-hc ri.,ht to whi<>h h·1s heretofore herct ,rorc 09• '

. � . · ' • . �C"!-1-�••cl, C'lc , not accrued ;;hall not 111_ any mannct· be aftectcd or 1mpa1red 10 be iwpaircd. by :tll}thin� in tbis chaptt>r contained. All bnildin!-{:< and 1:eal c,;t.ate c,wnod by_ :mch c_ompa.ny. and used or o_ccur,i?d ��\':!�;�1;:•;�'�t

­fo1· any p11 rposo not I mmed1ately con 1;ccted w1 th Its ratl- c-<l. c,, ..• 1-, iadi­road, or which is rented for any purpose to individuals, ;·��:;;i�• how sh al I be a,-.sesscd with and taxes shall be paid thereon t-hc same as other p1·opcrty of the like kind bulong-ing- to an indivi<lunl. Earh of said commissioners shall be paid ont ;?��\'.����:�:­of the trt1a,rn ry ur the state th roe dollars per day for cac:h c�:;i•d how <lay he shall bo actually ancl ncces,;:trily umplo_}•cd in the pa, · discharrrc ot his <lutic:;; 11ndcr this section, and five cents per mii'e fo1· each mile ot necc,;1,a1·v tr:ffcl by him in g-oin!!

I · · ) 1· ) f 1" · I · • \T -. • - Ync:rnci,•s hnw-

:LII{ t'etur111ng Ill t IC { ISC 1ar�u O 11,; ( Ill.IC:<. :lC:\IICleS Ill lillc,I anti 'uew tho board of comm i,-:;;ioncr,- shall be ti I led and new bonrds 1,o,.-<1.,;•r-

. I I b d f l pOllllC'u.

may be appointed from time to t.1mc >.r t 10 oar o pu 1-lic works when ncccssar·y Lo carry into effect tbo p1·ovis-iou1i of this scc�ion .

.1llaki11g up the Pasonal Property Book.

GS. F1·om the information obtained :v: nfore>'aid, the as- Personnt pro11-scssor shall prot·ccd to make up his pc1·so11:tl property crt,· books. book fl!:! tollo·Ns: Ho shall cnttlr thcrei11 tho ,rnmcs nt Lhe owners of pon;onal propert.y and of other pcr;,nns liable to capitation tax, alphabetically arran.!!cd by distriets, and opposite the 1rnmo of each pt•r;,011. in :scp:irntc columns the perlions and snbjc>ct-s of tuxation with which he i,; ch:11·ge-ablc, that is to 1:1ay: 'l'hc 1111ml,cr of white mule residents. ovc1· the ngc of twenty-one not cxc1.npl from taxation on ncconnt ot bodily infirn1ity; tho nttmber of colo,·cd malo rc•:sidcots ovc1· tho ng-o of twcnLy-onc not exempt from tax-ation on aceonnt of bodily infil'mit.y; the nttm ber of horses, m II Jes, as,-:01:1 n nd jcn 1wts nnd tho vu I ne thernot; the n tt ru bo1• of cuttle und tho vulue thereot; the uumbor of i;heop uud


Bank stock. Pro,·iso ns to stock held l,y state.


tho value thereof; the number of hogs and the value there­of; the value of farming and garden utensils and imple­ments, of agl"icultm·al prod1tcts an<l products of animals not exempt, trom taxation; the numbet· of carriages, cany­ulls, gigs, buggies ,rnd vehicle� :rnd t,he value Lhercof, (not i.n<-1 utling those constituting pa1·t of the stoek of a mcrehant or manufacturer, or those included as forming uCcnsils); the number of watehes and docks aud tho value thereof, (not including thoso constituling part of the stock of a mer­chant or manufoctnrnr); the number of piano-fortes and melodoous nud t,he value thereof, (not including those con­stituting part oftbe stock of a merchant or manufacturer); the value of all gold and silver plate an<l jewelry, (not, in­cluding such articles constituting pat·L of Lhe stuck of a mer­c,h:mt or ma.nufactm·or, or :u·ticles before on ume1·at<.:d); Lhe value of household and kitchen furniture, (not including articles beforn en umeratetl ); the value of the property and Cll.pital (cxcludiug real estate and articles exempt from taxnLion, but induding money, credits and i11vcst111ents not exempt from taxaLion whether due 01· not, and whcLher iu or out of the state,) employed by any corpo1·ation, firm or individual, in any trade or business, after dedueting debts ns allowed by sections fivty-two and sixty-fh·e of this chapter; all money, and the value ot aJ; credits and in­vestmenLs uot ot-hcnviseassessed nor exempt from taxation whether duo or not, and whether in or out of Lhc ,;tale, uf-, ter dc<luctini{ debLs as aforesaid; the valuo of toll bridges and ferries; the amount of money, bonds and evidence,; of debt under control ot receivers and commissioners, and amount deposited or invested by order of court to the e1·edit of any suit; value of all pnrsonal property not exempt from taxation nor otherwise assessed, ineluding Lho Rhares ofi;tock held by any person in any bank doing business within this i;tato; and it shall be Lhe duty of any oflicer of such bank who may be called on for that purpose to fur­nish the assessor with t,he names of o.11 stockholders in such Lank who are non-residents of the state and the arnount of stock held by each of them therein. Provided, That, the sha1·es of stock held by Lhe state in any bank shall be exempt from taxation ; tax for BtaLc pu rpo,;es; tax for free school ptu·poses; w holo amount of tux due for i;t:1to and i-tate free sc·hool purposes from each co1·poration, firm and individual, exclusive of taxes ns!5csscd on Jund book; taxes for county purpoi;es; tax for district, h·ce school pur­poses; tax for school building purpose,;; wltolo amount for school anti building pul'poi;es; tax for road and bridge pnl'­poscs.

69. If the assesAor discover that any taxes on personal Tnxcs omitted pro1)erty we1·0 omi Ued in any former .)'Cars not excecdi n<r in formc:r years " , o to be cut.cred, fivP-, be shall enter tho 1same, with intol'est thereon, iu his etc., personal property book.


Rules Applicable Both to the Land Book and Personal Prop­erty Book.


70. 'l'he assessor shall add up the columns of figures on A . 1 d 1 each page of his land book aud personal property book so u.1�,':f::�111�/.;c. as to sbo,,.. at· tbe bot.tom of each page tbe aggregate of .J,:i::.'."· whnt 10 each column. and at the end of each district list ho shall enter the aggregate from the bottom of the respective pages pertaining to sueh district, with reference to tho pages from which be has transferred the soid aggregates; and tbcu add up the same so as to show the total of each column for tbe whole district. 'The totals thus ascertained fo1· the several districts shall be transferred, with proper references. to the. end of eaeb book, and there added up, so as to show the total of each eolnmn for tho whole assess-ment district.

71. The a!<scssor shall make a particular report, under .�s.scs.sor tor.-.. oath to tbc clerk of tbo county rourt of his county. of all port his own I . ' b' . ) . · d" properly; how 11s own property sn �ect to taxes 111 11s assessment 1s- nnd 10 whom. trict, showing the whole amount of taxes chargeable to him therefor. He shall enter his own property and the taxes chargeable thereon, upon his books in like manner as those of other persons are entered. For foiling to per- P�nnlty for form a11y duty req,tit·ecl of him by this section he shall !allure. for1eit filt_y dollars ..

72. In ai1y case in which, in consequence of there boingllooksforforu,..,.

no assessor or from an v othe1· cause a laud book or ))Cl'· Y,,ars; when""" ' •1 ' how mat.le. sonal p1·opcrty book was not made out for any assessment district for any yca1· since tho twentieth day of June one thomsand eight hundred and sixty-five; or if any snch book be not made out for any year hereafter, the assessor fot· such district shall proceed to make out the proper books for such year, according to tho rntc of taxation pre-scribed therefor by law. The like p1·oceedi ngs sh_all be Prom,,lings 111 had with and u ndc1· sul'h books. and for the c:olleet,on of sud,�,,., ... the taxes thel'Ci II cha1·go<l, as if the said books bnd been dnly made dnl'i11g tho year to which they relate.

73. If by rcnson of war, insurrection, riot., forcible re- n f · I · I I . . I ut,· o ns.•,=r s1stauce to t 10 cxec11t1O11 of t 10 aws, or 11111111ncnt t nngc1· if ;,i1,•rrupu•<1 thereof; the assc,;sor ennnot perform his <lutios in his diR- lly war,,.,, .. tl'ict, or any part thereof, .ho shall 11evcrtheloss proceed to make his a,-ses8mont by rcforeneo to the formc1· land and pm•i,onal propel·tr books, or upon the best informntion he Coll,•c!l011 of

b . I 1'· 1 1 · b J I j ti I tnxcs 111 such (,an O ltllll, anc I ,c JH'Oc·ec( 111gs may e HU or . IC co - CIISCS:

Icction of taxes thus· charged, as iJ· :such :ts:lessmont had boon regularly made.

74. If the laud book for any district bo destroyed or re- JC lnnd honk lie moved so that the same cannot be used for rcfc1·cnco by �'i:!���;;·:::.,:t�'i the asse1:1sor of such dist1·ict, and no reliable copy tho1·cof laud, may he can be oulainod, the nudito1·, with the consent und ap- m,ulc.





provnl of the governor, may appoint one or more com­missioners to reassess the lands in SlH.:h district and make up a uew land book therefor, and wiLh the like consent and approval, may allow them such compensation as shall be deemed reasonable. Proceedings of the Assessor After the Books Are Made Out.

Copies or per- 75. The assessor shall make three fair copies of bis per­���'t�,��e�,1!cte sonal property book, and when the same shall be com­byassessor. pleted, slrnll present them, together with the the list rne11.-

tioned in the fifty-seventh section of this act, to tlie clerk ·To whom pre- of the county court of the county, who suall, with suc:h se_n1cd_1ogc1her a!lsistance as mav be nece;;sary, <;ompare the books with with 11st. 1 . d 1 · 1"

. 1 . 1 h h. t le sa1 1st,;, ant exam1 ne t 1em 1 n sue I ot er way as 11-1

information will enable him to do. The assessor shall attend at the office of the clet·k, and shall assist at the examina-

��J�::!r"/,�'.�: tion so far as -he may be desired by the cleric The clerk tend nt office of shall point out to the assessor such en-ors, if any, ns in his clerk nnd ns;lst. • • • · f I b 1 d h Clerk 10 point op1mon may exist Ill any o t 10 oo ,s an <ove.-y sue i'��;::,o�:,.. cor- error shall be co1-rectcd; but, when the cle.-k and assessor rccted. can not agree as to the propriety of such cm..-ec,tion, the

matter shall be submitted to the prosecuting attorney for the county, and they sball conform to his decision. When the examination is completed and tho additions n.nd re­capitulations required by law been made and found to conespond in each of tho said books, the clerk shall ap-

Bool:s. "·hen f b nod how ccrti- pend to each o said ooks a certificate to the following i��.�>�:•�;irn- effect: "I bcrcb,Y certify that I have examiD�•d and cor­cat•. · rected the forego1 ng book in the manner requ1rctl by law,

and that tbe additions, proofs and rnc:1pitulations required by law have been mado and correspond with the twoother property books examined by me;" to which certificate the clerk shall affix the prnpcr date and his signature and ot­ficial designation.

76. As so0n as such comparison and examination ohnll have been completed, the nssesso1· t;hull make and subscribe the following oath at tho foot of eat-11 of tho three copio-3 of the porsonal property book: "I, ---, usscs,-;O1· of

Oath nr :i,sessor tho county of ---, (or as&essor of --- district, of �i;;:i;-a�ks. tho county of ---, as the case may be) do swear (or

affirm) that in making the foregoing assessment, I have, to the best of my knowledge and ·ability, pur><ned the laws prescribiug the duties of_ assessors, and that I believe tho entriei- of the list, the ndditions, proofa and recapitulntio11s in the foregoing book co.-rect, and tho same n1·e in words and tig11res, to tho other two copies of t,he personal prope1·ty book mado by me fo1· my district in this year.

,.,_ tlfi t r So hell) mo God." And tho officc1· before whom t.he oath ver ,ca e o • • · fi S officer ndminls- 1s taken shall annex the followwg cort1 cute; ", wurn to

tcrlni; oaib. and subscribed before me, ll. ---, for tbo eounty of ---, an this -- day of---;" which certificate shall be subscribed by the ofilcAr administe1·iog tho oath.


77. He shall also make thl'ee fair copies of tho land �:�•:0°J����de bo0k, and when the nro completed . he sball present hy as.Msor. them to tho clerk of the county· court-of tho county, wbo ���,t';��•u prc­shall, with such assistance as may be necessary, compare Clerks duty. each copy thereof with tho land book of tho p1·oceding year, n11d, whC'n necessary, shall examine tho records of bis office aucl such transcripts, abstracts or statements from other office1·s as may bu i II the possession of the assessor. �-Ies_hall po_int ou_t t? tho assessor such errors, if any, as Errors to be 1_n b1� op1111on ox1st 111 any of the b0oks, and correct the poi11tc<1 out and

sa•ne; bnt if tho assesso1· docs not concur as to the }WO-corrected; how. pl'iet _y of such correction, the matter sb::dl bo submittec.l to the prose<;uting attorney for tho county, and tbey shall Ccrtifi,-ntc tn conform to bis decision. \Vhen the exami11ation is com- �:;�\�:-�;

0:.heo plcted and the nditions and reC:t]litulations required by made. J I . f . I k Form of certlll-aw a1·c mac c 111 each o the s:11d books, the c c1· sball np- cote. pC'nd to each of them n certificate to tbe following etfcd,." "l hereby l'ertify that I have cnl'ef'ully examined tho· fore-going ln11d book; that I have compared it with tho land book for the preceding year, with tho records of my office where necessary, and with such lists, abstracts and state-ments from other oftkers as �he assessor laid befo1·e me; that such errors as were fou 11d in said booka wc1·e corrected by me according to law, and that the additions nnd reca-pitulatio11s correspond with the two other land books ex-amined by me." To which cc1·tificate tho clerk shall affix the prope1· dat"' anc.l his signature and official designation.

78. As soon as such C'Omparison and co1Toctions bnve o,th of assessor been made, the assessor shall make and subscribe the fol- to loud book. Jo,,;ing oath at the foot of each of the hind books: "l ------, as�cssor ot the co1111ty of -- (or ot the --district in the county of -- as the c-nsc may be), do swear l or aflirrn) thai in mak in_!.! ont thfi\ lorcgoi ng land booloi·l have t0 the best of my knowledge nncl ability, pur,rned tho law prcscwihing tho dntit'S ot as,-cs�ors a.11d lla\"o faithfully discharrrod tho dulics rcq11irec.l of me in as-sessing impt·ovomenl,< 7'pon la11d,-a, :IIIU that l belio\'\} the entries, auditions and 1·eeapit11l:1tion,-a 1tro c·01Teet, aud like . tho two ot.hor <;Ol)iC'fl of the land hool-: rn:tdo bv me for mv c 16 1 ., •· ci-t cnte o district in tho present year;" an1l tbc officer IJuloro whom urli!'er a<lmini•-

tho is tn.kon shall annex thereto tho following cortiti- tenog th8 onth· cnto: S\\·oru and subscribed before me, --. a -- for the county ot--, 011 the -- day of--," which ccrtiticato Rball bo subscribed by tho ofli(:or ma.king it.

79. After tho land book nn_cl book of po!·sonal prop�rty Onccopyofcnch hn,•o been corrected and certified as required by sections book, wiih list,

. _1 • . to be <ll'i1vcred lilevonty-five, seventy-six, Rovonty-seven soven�y-e1ght to c:1,•rk of of this ch11pte1·, tho a.ssos;-;O1· i,hnll oa or before the first day �?

1�•;1:;r court; of August next ensuing, delivc1· one copy ot the personal property book, together witb tbo list mentioned in the fifty-seventh section of tbis net, a.nd one copy of tho land


Tu ho pr�scrv_od book to tho clerk of tho county· court of the conn ty to be h\" d(.')rk 111 111s • · · o�icc. . by bun carefully preserved among the records of his oflice, !:1��;.

for rnspcc- free for the inspection of any person, and a copy of either Copies mny be or :i,ny portion thereof may be bad at the char"e of the 1ta,1. d . . I d h f


I I l Such honks t� person es1r1ng t le same; an sue copy o t, 1e anc s,,n-c for tnrmg book and 1>ersonal J>roperty bo9k shall also serve for lay-connt,· Jovy. . · rng the county levy. Copy of each 80. The assessor shall deliver another copy of each of :r;;,��f t�sg!;rn said books to the sheriff or collector of the county on or be­ctc.; when. fore the tenth day of September in each year; snch copies

shall be his guide in the collection of the taxes therein as. scsscd. A delivery of such copies to the clerk of the county court in his office shall be a sufficient delivery to the sheriff in case the assessor fail to find the sheriff when the copies aforesaid are ready for delivery.

\Vh:\t ,teemed n cl('li vcn· 10 slu.•riff, w·hen shcrifl cnnnot be fouud.

Rcmninini; 81, The remaining copies of each of said books shall be 'i1'.''.'.:�1

�0�u�t transmitted by the assessor to the auditor on or before the t.!'r; �•·hon. tifteeuty dav of ·September, with a certific:ate affixed there-tcrt,fi<·ate to be • - h · I I l d 1· d d 1· appended. to, or written t ereon, statrng t. rn.t rn ms e 1ve1·c up 1-

cates thereof to the sheriff or collector of the county, and the time of such delivery.


bt- guide for The said copies shall be a guide to the auditor in andit­audi•0r in set- ing the accounts of such sheriff or collector, and shall be hn� wllh sher- d • d "d · ]' · J 1rr.,. a m1tte ns ev1 ence 1n any proceec rngs against 1mc 1 Aclmitle<las sheriff or collector in relation to the t-ixes ontered therein. cnUence; when. " " ·

82. The assessor may require of the officer to whom the ���t:::'r�c�pts said copies are delivered or tmnsmitted, an acknowledge-for books, ment in writing of the receipt thereof.

83. The originals of the land books and personal prop-ori�-inal lnnd b I ' d b I . h 11 b . d b I and 1,crsonal erty oo cs ma e ont y nm s a e reta1 ne y t lC asses-prop<>r•y 11



; sor so long: as he continues in office, and then be delivered bo.v ul,pos O • h" �

"d I f · 1 · I · f I · to 1s successor, as 1>rov1 ec or Ill t 10 s1xt 1 sectwu o 1, 11s

����r,�r 111akinli( false cutrit.�!:f, etc.

Prnoll.- for failuru·to per­form certain duties.


Penalty on Assessor jor Failing to Perform His Duty.

84. If any assessor knowingly make a fo.lso entry, ad­dition or recapitulation in his land book. 01· personal p1·op­crty book, 01· in any copy of eithor, ho shall, foL· every :,u<:h offense, forfeit three hu11dl'0d dollal"S.

85. If any assessor tail to perform any duty required of him by the sevonty-fiftb, the sovonty-sixth, the 8evonty-1,eventli or seventy-eighth section of tbis chapter, he shall forfeit for every such failure not less than fifty nor more than three hundred dollars.

Further pen- 86. If any assessor fail to deliver tho books at tho time lllty for Wlure. prescribed by sections i;cventy-n!ne, eighty and ei�hty­

one, of this chapter, he shnll forfeit fifty dolhu·s; and if he fail to perform any other duty required ot him by lnw,

Cn. 73.] AissESSMENT 01-· TAXES.

a•�d l'hol'C bo no othor poualty imposed by law for such failure, he shall forfeit for every such failure 11ot loss than ton nor mor� than fift,y dollars.

Compensation of Assessors.


87. J<]ach assesaor shall be en1,itled to tho following- fees: . r J� . •. Joe<:" 0 l\.'!Sl""'·

•or making an ent1·y or assessment of any parcel of land ors. ·

under tho tenth section, ono. dollar fot· every such pai·cel, to be paid by tho ow1Jer.

For making an assessment under the twenty-fifth sec­tion, one dollar, for which the parties amon� wbom tho land is divided sball be jointly and se,·erally liable; and where the asssessor's decision is confirmed by the county court, tho party complaining shall pay th� costs incuncd by tho application to tho said court.

For ·making- an onLry transferring lands before charged to any one person nnto another, and sLriking the same from the land books in the name c,f the grnntor in tho deed or any former owner sevonty-tive cents. which shall bo ch:u-ged to tho person to whom the transfer is made, and be a com ponsation for all· land in the assessor's dis­trict conveyed or passing- to such person, by the same deed, decent or de,,ise, and the ticket made out for such fee shall state that the same is for the tr:tusfet· and cor-1·ecti ng tho land books.

Por entt-y of a grant, nceording to the twenty-�econd sec­tion, a foe of twenty-five cents from tho grantee, and fifty cents from him for assessing the land so granted.

S�. Tho assessors may make out tickets for their fee,i nnd How collected. pince them in tho hands of the sheriff' or other ofHcers, to he collected and ncco1111kd for in the same manner that tho fees of the clerks of' n co11 nty or circuiL court are col-lected and accounteJ for. 'l'he as;;essors shall bo subject Pcu�ltiesfor_

I . l .1 I ) {' . . f b"ll 1<au,ug(ec lulls

to t 10 same po11alL1es as L lO suit c or ,s or 1ssu111g ee I s wroocrully. wrongfully.

S!J. Every assessor ,;hnll be entitled tu receive in consid-eration of his >:1orvices to be 1r1id out of the count,v treas- Compc,u•aiion • • , ' J of a�C.-i:--Or to be ury, as oLhor clni ms n.g-ai 11st tho COIi n t.y nre paid. »uch rea- r:ii,I br �u11111y

i;onablo co111pemmLio11 as the cou11Ly court, mny detet·mine, .:::·r::!:.'.'0" IO

not losfl than 0110 hnnd1·cd 1111d tifty nor more thu.n t,wo hundred and fifty dollars per annum, or he may, at his oloction, be allowed n <:ornmission of three ,,er centum on the amount ot btato taxes assessed by him on tho property of his county or assessment district. \Vhich allowance shall bo in addition to the foes allowed in secLion eighty-sc,·en of this net, and shall be in foll fot· all so1·vicos per-formed under the provisions of this chapter including the oxto11sion of tho levies, for state, froo school, county and dist;rict pm·poses, and for services performed u ndor the pro-visions of this chapter. The clerk of tho county court shall

134 ASSESSJIIENT OF TAXES. [CH. 73 Allownnce to b t"t) d t · h bl · b ch-rk of county e en I· e o recenre 8UC rensonn e C'Ompensnt10n ns t e court; bow pnid. county cou1·t may allow, to be paid from tile county treas-

ury. Post.,gc nccount 90. The auditor shall drnw his wnrrnnt on 'tho trensnrer etc. 1 nssrssc,rs, . f how vcriticd Ill a,0or of the several assessors for all postage actvanced by aud pnld. them or CXJ)l'CSS charges pnid by them in the transmission

of their books or e;orrcspond<rnce touching the duties of thei1· office, the accounts for which sball be verified by their aflid.n;its, and �hall be pnid out of the fond appropriated for contingent expenses of the andito1·'s office ..

91. Unless the assessor C¥hibit. to the county court tho ::�� r,�[,�lie""- receipts of the proper officers, showing that the copies of refused orrc- the lund book and personal J)l'Opcrty book have been de-duced by court J' . d. • ti · I · · b I · I · I I · n·ere w1 1rn t 1e time prescn ct rn t 11s c 1aptcr, or s 10w

to the sntisfactfon of court that any delay which rnay have occun·ed was unavoidable tbe court may refuse him any compensation or may rc<lue;e his commission or allow­ance, as to them may seem right and proper.

�i!'.{i°n��.��� 92. When one assessor begins in any year. and the office co•01 1"'11"'11io� of becomes varnnt before the services to be rendered bv him osse::sors may be . . . J apportion•d etc. Ill that year arc fnll.f pcrlormcd, in consequenc,e whereof

another is elected or appointed who completes the r-amc; the sum to be for the whole service ot the assessors in that year shall be apportioned by the county court betweell

Wh�n nssmor the assessor last mentioned and the former, ac,cor<li ng to app ,int.><1 to fill tho services by them respectively performed. It, however, ;,r�';?;;,��llL- in conseqttencc ot any failure to'dolivcr np books or papers oompcnsaLioo. whiC'h the fo1·mcr had, th� latter has to proceed tv tnke the

list of taxable property, and do nil that he would have to do in case thern had been no previous assessor tha� year then be shall re.ceivc all tbo compensation for tho said year.

Relief Against Taxes Erroneously Assessed.

Nonlteratlon of 93. After the nssegsor shall have verified and deJi,,cred t��;:,�,�teT\'cri- ihe copies of the land book, or tho book1:1 of personal

property, no alterations sbnll be mac.Io by him in oitbcr, nffocling the taxes of tbat year.

Pcr.;on ng .. grlc\·cd 1,y �o-t n· in ci1hcr book, or assess .. r.aent of liccni-o tax 111:ay;1in n-<lrcss; how and when.

94. Any person aggrieved by any entry in either book or with any assessment of a license tax or tho valuation of any lands or buildings may within two years after tho date of the verifications. whero the cnt.ry it; in either book, and within twelve months from the ai-ticssment of said license tax, apply for relief to the county cou1·t ot tho county wherein the assessor gavo bond and' qualified. But ho 11hull, before any application is hoard give reasonable notice to tho prosecuting attorney of tho county, whose duty it Rhall bo to attend to tho interest of tbe state, county and district in tho mntter.

95. If tho count-v court be sntit:ified that tho applicant is erroneously charged on such book or so assessed with any

CH. 73.] ..A.ssESSMENT OF TAXES. 135

taxes on licenses it slrnll certify the fact UJJ�n which it rrrantB Duty or cnunty . b II oppllc.1n1 Is relief and shall order t,hat he be cxoncrntcd from tbc pay- crr,,neously

m�n t of so m ncb as is et;roncously charged, if uot already �;;,��•ii ;��-rt paid, and if paid, tbat it be refunded to Lim. in such cases.

96. Such order, delivered to the sheriff or other <:ollect- ion ch order, to iug officer shall rcst,rain him from collectinrr so mueh as is whom cieli\·cr<-d .._ ' ::, · · E1lcct o( ns re-erro u eo us] y charged, or if Lhc :;ame has already been col- trai11ini;.or<1 cr !coted shall com1>el him to refund the money· it such of- nu.t rocomi><•I , , . . . . . . rduuding of

ficet· has not already p:ud 11., 111to the treasury :,nd 111 e1t,hcr money. case it shall be a sufficient voucher to en ti Lie the officer to ;;�.��:1!��.';:.ue-a credit, for so much in bis i,eltlement with the auditor. di��•;, w

ilb au-

97. It· what was erroneously cbarged has been paid into If rnnne" crron­the _state treasury. tbc order of the COil nty con rt, attested r.��-�{c����.;';�f by its clerk sball en Li Lie tho claimant to a warrant on the 11110 sratc trco ..

f. ] f p • · '.l'] ur,·; bow rcco,·-Sla te treasury or tie :.1mounL thereo . rov1ded, rnt ap- crc<l. ·]Jlication fot· the :s·1mc be made to the ·mditor within one Pro,·iso••.10

.. . .. .. when apphl"B-)'C:.ll' after tbc date of said order. lion muoL uc

made. 98. Tho county court of each county shall have jurisdic-

tion to heat· try and determine all ll]l]Jlicatious to cotTe<:L County �o uru ' . ha,·e jur1s1hc-thc assessment ot lands, lots, nnd per:sonal JH'd'tJerty Ill 11011 1u rorrcet

their re:spc<:tin• counties. llut appeals, writs of error and ;?,t•:i�•;/�\ ap­supersedeas, to the circuit court shall lie as pt·cscribed in rc:0 1 ._C1C.,10 section eight of this chapter to auy final ruling 01· decision c,rcnn t-ourta,

of the county eou1·t.

The Grand Jury to Inquire into Violations of the Revenue Laws,

99. It shnll be the duty of evi!ry assessor to furnish the Duty ofn•sessnr Prosecntincr ·1tt01·ney· for tho connty· a list of every viola- nml pros,•ruring

. . •"""' .. . '- nttorney, n.s to twn ol the 1·even ne laws, com 1111 ltcd by a11y person other <iola1i .. n•or the than himself ,-howi11g the 11:itnni and ch:11·acter ot each ���-•uuc laws, violation, Anti iL sl,-all be the duty of such attorney to deli vcr :sueh I i:st to the fornm:tn ol the gra ntl j 111·y, who Forcmnn to rc­�hall ti-cal itas ha,·in� l.,ee11 e,-l'ecially dtd1,·crctl in ch:u·gc�1�;1/btto to tho grandjur,r . Thu,-aitl lon,11111 1 1. after the grnnd,i111·y l•ul\·ofclcrku ii; discharged,shall rctu1·11 saitl li><t to the ,,]()rk ol the cunrL, tos,ich lisr, to be pt·ese1·vcd and tiled i11 hi:s otlice, h ;;hall also be t,he ��;.�,•;�! �•,1rt•to duty ot Lhe circuit 1111d co1.1 1 1t,r courts to chat·�c r,.pcc·iallyctoar�••s11e�ta11y l ti. . . . . II I • I . I b rhc .. ,a,dJ11rles t 1e grnn Jllt'ICS to tll<Jllll'C 111to II lJ(l VJO allOIIS O l Ctoi;quiro,otc.

revenue laws by the 11,.:se:s:sor. lOG. 'l'ho- words ''tax," "taxes," "taxable." nnd "tnxa- DcOnltlon of,

lion" in this act i;hall bu dcc111utl lo inclnde 1:ounl,y, district, :\�,'�1,\:·.•?.�l�o.­und municip11I corporation levies in all cases IIOLincousist- �:r���.•:U "t:u,­ent with the contuxt.

101. 'l'1�xcs fot· con11tv disLrict eitv town and villa1re T11�•• ror . . J, ' J' ' � c11u11ty, thstrict.

purpose8 shall be levtccl only upon tho values of property city, etc. , par-ascertni nod Int· staLo purposes. Prdvided, That this Rcc-tion shall not apply to tnxes for C'ity ptu·poses in ciLies of more than ten thousand inhubitunts.

136 SCHOOL LAW. [CH. 74

Act rel:>tlng to 102. This net shall not be construed to repeal an net ���•;�i!�f�.Y passed_ on tho twenty-eighth day of February, one thou-

1mnd eight hundred and seveuty-two, in refcrenee to the Bruen survey of land.

Chnptcr 2s or 103. Chapter tweuty-ni ue of tho· code, chapter fifty­��-t��1�hi"J�. four of the acts of one thousand eight scvenly-fh·e, and etc .. rcpcnt,-d. nll acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act aro

hereby repealed. f Approvod March 11, 1879. l


The foregoing net takes effect at the expiration of ninety dnys after its passage.


AN AC'l•to amend and re-enact sections six, eight, nine, ten, nineteen, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, fo1·ty-three, fifty­four, fifty-five, sixty-one and cight,r-scvon of chapter one hundred and twenty-three of the acts of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two and three; and also sec­tions two, four, thirteen and fifty-two of the same chapter, as amended and re-enacted by chapter seventy-seven of the acts of one thousand oight Jiundred seventy-seven ; and alflo section aeven of the same chapter, as amen<lell and re-enacted by chapter thirty-one of the acti; of ono thousand eight hundred and seventy-Reven.

[Pn.sscd March 8, 18i9. J

Be it enacted b?' the Legislature of West Virginia.:

1. That sections six, eight, nino, ten, nineteen, twent_r­Scctionsnmcnd-eight, twenty-nine, forty-three, fitty-fotu·, fifty-five, ttixty­:j_nu<.I rn-enucL-one and eighty-seven ot chapter one hnnclt·cd and twenty­

three of the acts of one thousand eight hundred and �ev­enty-two and tl:irce; and aliso se<:tior�s two, four, thirteen and fif"Ly-two of the same chapter, as amended and re-en­acted by chapter seventy-seven of tho nets of one thou­sand eight hundred and seventy-seven; and alfiO Pcetion seven of the same chapter, as amended and ro-enaeted b_r

clrnpter thi1·ty-one of the acts of one thousand oight hun­dred and seventy-seven, bo, and. the same aro hereby amended and re-enacted, so as to rend as Jollows:

Ca. 74.J SCHOOL LAW. 137

"2. A county superintendent. of free schools in each Countysnpcrin-b l b

tc1Hlc11l; when county t:1 a I e elected by the voters thereof on the first ,•lc-ctcd. 1'uesday ot August, one tbouimnd eight hundred and sev-enty-ni ue, and· in every second year thereafter, whose llistcrm of tc1·m of office shall commence on the first day of Scptem- office, when to ber next after his election, and continue for two years and �;i�;;1::�,;�_10ng until his successor shall be elected and qualified according to law. 'l'hcre shall be elected 11t the same time, in each district of the county, by the voters thereof, a president and ,. . . I L II . ·1 I d f d Boor<lofblu­JOUI' comm1ss1oncrs, w 10 s rn. constitute tie Joar o e u- co1io11; when cation for tho district whose term of office shall commence cl�l'lc,1.

, ' . \\ hell term of on the h 1·st clay of Scptcm bcr next after their elcct10n, a 11d oflicc tv 1,e;:in con tin uc for two yem·s and n nti I their successors shall be �'.�1 /;;:;�_1011.L: 1° elected and q ual ificd acconli ng to law. .No p.:-1·.-,on ,;hal I be 1,1.,,.11 1 I. · bl fli · <l J . . . • •�• , c to on y e 11-(1 e to more than 0110 o cc. un e1· t lC pru,·1�1on� of th1su11e o1licc at act, at the same ti me. 'fhc voting at i:;aicl election shall be v.'.'i'�i:';�c.

bc b,· by ballot, and the same shall be held in each <lii<trict of the 1,:011 .. t

I I I f . I . I Where to he. county at I 1c $Cvera p aces o votrng t1cre1n or state of-fit·crs and members of the Leuislature: and it shall be tbe dutv of the board of education of each' distt·ict to <YiYe atl\'.0licctobc •1 l""I g1\·cn

least three weeks' notice of such election by posting the · same at each pla.:e of votin" •tnd at such other J>hces as Poll b<>oks; who

b " . •

• ' to pn·p:1re :uul they may deem nec-csi<ary. Poll books for sate! election 11c1; ... ,. ,1 .. -111 ,

I 0

11 b I b I b d f I · I ct· 'nd at wh:ot R 1 a c pre pa rec y t 1e oar o cc ucnt1on ot cac 1 1s- 1;111e. tl'ict for the sevcrnl places of VJting therein, and deli,•ered to tho conunissionc1·:;, or some of them appointed to super­intend the election at ;iu1·h place of voting, before se,·en o'clock A. M., of the day on �vhich the election is held. 'l'hc conrt of each county and tbe proper court or other tribunal of each city shall, befo1·e every election to be Lield unde1· the Jll'Ovisions of this act a1>11oint th1 ·ce com- Commi�•ioncn1

• • 1 • ,1( dccl 1n11; huw

m1s;i1onc1·s at tile court houi:e, and the like number at each ,ppui111e�1. place of voting in the county or corpomtion at which a poll is to be taken under the prodsiuns of thii: act, to su-perintend the said clcrtion, and the ;;aid olct:tion shall Ile .

I <l I I I Election, how f'llJ>e1· 111tcnded, conducted fill\ retnrnc , n11c t 10 1·csu l 511p,•ri11ic11<1,•,I, thereof ascertai11ed i II all l'C'>'JICCt.,; 11;, is Jll'1)Yided for by conduch••I. ,,tc.;

• '

• ' • • • anti rc:'41111 Ul"Cl'T""

law 111 regard to the elot·llon of (•ountr and d1slnet olticers, mine,!. 'UHi all ti10 ))1·0,··1�1·011s of thu law in r�,cr•ird to <'Cnc1·n.l clec- Pm,:isiou, of t. 11 ,-, •

:---.• n )uw 11t n.•,-;anl tn

tions. shall, as fill' as II ppl iea 1,lc, g-o,·crn nnd apply to elec- g_cneral clec-. I ( I · · ' I · 1 •

f twns tu govern. t1O11::. 1c t u 11de1· the pro,·1$1O11,. of t 11s act. 11 cn;-e o a Th• ,·1o1c r .. r tio i11 the vote for n1ernbe1·R of the boiird of ecl11er1tion t.hc memh,•r,of

. . ' l,o:tnl f)( cd ura-CO1111 t y supe1·wtomlcnt of free i<ehool,. shnll give the cast- tivn; who i:i'"cs

ing votn; and in case of n tic in the vote tor county s11pcr-�i�1 ;�:,i/.,"1��­intc11do11t of free schools, the president ot the several ''"'"''Y supt.; b d f I , . I I I I . • how tlctermiuetl oar s o Ol ucntlon 111 t 1e county s 1a , at I\ meeting amt when.

called for that purpose, a.t the t:.ourt hout'c of the county, by the clc1·k of the l·ounty court, not less thn.n ;iix uor more thnu twelve days after the result of such clcdion is nsce1·tninod, appoint one of the persons receiving t.he high-or,;t number of votes for snid otlice at said election· ns county superintendent of free schools, who shall give notice to tho &tnte superintendent of his appointment. A




N oticc o[ such meeting; by wbvru gi,·cn.

ScrrooL LAw. [C1-1. 74

notice of such meeting shn.11 be made out by the clerk of the county court, and sen·cd upon each president oi -the board of education in the county; at least th1·ce days before the day of StH:h meeting, by the sheritl' or ·other officer to

llow served. whom the same may be <lclh·e1·ed to be served. 'l'he bal­�'i!,'.�'�}Y.:,!.�''Y, lots used at 8aid eleetion shall have written or pri nte<l wr_i11c11 ,,r thereon the w01·ds "for sehool levy," or "against school pnuted 1hercon 1 " I I · <l · · ' · · f I .\lnjority ,o,c evy, as t le votc1· may c 1oose; an 1l a maJor1ly o t 10 1·cqu_iml 10:u,- ballots cast in a dist1·ict have \\Titten or printed thereon lhvri,e Je,·y. '

" I I I " · I 11 b I I f I l, d f' <l '101·.,0100 cvy, 1Li;Ht oticcntyo tie oar o cu-cation to make the levi,:is rcqui1·cd by the thirty-eig:hth and fo1·ticth scctioni; of thii; act, !01· e:teh year durin� its term of office; but if a majority of the ballots ca8t in a districl, have written or pri11tcd thereon "against ;;ehool levy," no levy shall be made by said board lor the year next sue-

. _ _ ceeding. Bnt it shall be the duty of 1;aid board to fJ�•f��_l,..•1�c1'.��� cause a spceial election to be held on the ;.ume day in the �vticc·.;, •ucu following year, at which the question of lcv,:: 01· no levy dccuvwwh,·ll I II· ('I b · J · I I ] j' lllld ho,: J;i\'Cll. S Ill , Ill I ,c manner, C agai11 SU )lllltlC( to t JC poop C or

thci1· decision; and if a, majority or the ballot,:; ta,:;t al,rnch special elccl ion be " tor hchool levy," such levy i;hal I be made as hercinheforc required. Of e,cry such special el ection the cle1·k of the board of education ot the district shall give notice hy posting the same at eaeh place ot voling 111 the disti-iet, at JeasL tun days beforn the day on

�':'.':�i'-;�0�irs which the sa:ne is to l,e held. 'rhe commi,,;sioncrs appoint-1,ay. eel undc1· this act i;hall ree,:iivo no compensation for their


Trusteej when and how ap­i,ointcd.

llis term of ofilC<:.

"4. At a meeting of the distriet board of education, held on the first Monday of Scptembci·, one thous:111d ci�ht­hundrcd and sevcuty-nine, they shall appoint one intcl· ligl•nt and discreet person as l,rnstc c for each snh-distri<.:t of their district; and the said tn1stce sh,dl hold omcc for tho

'tenn of two years,and until hissuccesso1·is appointed and q ualilied.

"6. 'fhe board of cdu<:ation tor the se,·crn.1 dbtrietR !'!hall When beard of clluc.1tivu to holuau1<-cuug hold a mcelin«ou the first .Mo11<lav in Sc1)ternhc1· in each iu eacb year. . :=- • J J.>uuc• ui uoa.rd year. At this meet1 ng they shall make the levy rcq111 red nl lhc mc-.!lin.;._ by tbe tbirty-eighth and fortieth scc;tions of this chapter

and determine the number of months the school r;hall be held in the dislri<.:L. the 11umbcr ot tcaehcr8 that may be

_ employed iu the se·vcrnl snb-distl'icts and fix their 1-<al:irics. In detennir,ing the s:tlm·ics they shall ha Ye rcu::ud to tho

How •nlnries of - , . . · . •J

1 1c:<chcrs ,v 1,0 gra<)_c of teachers cc1-t1freates, fixu1_g to c:reh gl'adc t 10

<1!'1ennined. sal:u·y that sball be Jmid the tcncl,ers of said "l':lde and in NoL to tr.1J1- • t°" • ,

��cu<l salnrJ·· no case ::,hall they t.ranscoud the 8nlary so hxccl In any con-{.:',':�:\:\:}�;� tract they may make with the teacher. but the tcachcr:,i Jc,;s,;ulu,·y. may contntct Joi- a J1314s sal:r1·y than Lbat fixed b.v the bo:u·d.

A quorum of the board of cdneation shall eonsist �t' n majority of the members thereof, and in the absence of tho

When only nu- president one of i;aid members may act as 1;uch; bnt they ,horiicu lu <lo ffi' • l b • · l bl d vllicial butiiu= shall do no o . era uswcss, oxccpt w 1en nssem c as a

CH. 74.J Sc HOOL LA w. 139

board, and by clue notice to all the members thereof, but the president and secrctn.1·y of i::aid hon.I'd ma.y 11ign orders 0 I I ·ft'· · I I · d b d r•lcrs mnr be upon t 1e s 1cr1 111 Yn.cat1on w 1en nut 1or1zc y an or er ,ii;nc<.1 in ,·uca-of the said board entered on their record. All ><chool of- 1!'"'·

. . . :Srhool officer� fi('c1·:s shall, hcfo1·c eutcr111g on thc11· dntrns as such, take wplircd w tnko the onth of oltice prc:::c1·i bed by law before somo po1·son an- 0"th o[ ollicc. thorized to admiuister o:�ths.

"7. The board of eclueation shall be a corJ)Oration bv Boanl of c<lucn-. . . . . .. taon 10 l>c :t cor-th <;l name of 'the board ot cdncat1on ot --- <l1str1ct of poration.

--- county,' and its such may i-ue and he sued, plead and be impleadcd; which bo:u·cl.: ot education shall be sub-i-tituted to all the right;; ot the bo:11·ds of education of the townships herctofo1;e existing of w hicli they a1·e the ,,uc- Power• of •uch ceS!-<Ol'S, :tlld shall ba,·e power and authority to sue for :�;'.:"�1r�;l�t��uh­and ret·ove1· in the name of 'the board of edn('ation of--st itutc<l. district ·of -- county,' sncce,-;<or to the board of education of -- township of --- county all money and propcrt.y heretofore Yestc<l in, due to or controlled by said board of education of•---- town;<hip of --- c:ount,· fo1· sr:hool purposes. 'fhe.r sh:111 rccci ve, hold. 11sc and· di;;posc oi, �,0i,0�:;. 1;;;:t accordinir to the rules of law and the intent of the devise .. de.,

� · · · I · f d · b 111:1d1"' Jor nso of mcnt. co11h!!Tlng tit e, any g1 t. grant, ov1,;o or cquest free school •. made fo1· tbe 11se ot n.11,· tree school,hool!-< under their Uecme<I owner

., t•f 1·er1 a1 n rc:.1 ju1·i,-cliction, ,1nd \\'it.ho11L any lJ•ansfor or c:onvcy,\nCc, 1,ball aucl porsonnl. I I, ,·( •I • • f tl ·••I· I • ·· •I·• •t' f t>r1>pert)', "''th" )C < ecmec • 1e 0\\ nc1 o 1e I ea ,1.llf pet "on.1 p1 opc1 ) o .. ut any tr:in,-tho fornwr township lo�· which theit· di>:'trict, �vas snbst.i- �;�c�'.-�· nml 11


tutcd. .Prnccs� and notice may bo :served on said co1·por:1- tke: how scn·«t tion by dt•liYcri11� a c:opy t.berl'Of' to tho se<:rela1·y, or any on L>va.rd. two nwm hers of t.hc board. And :di ,;nit,; 01· proceedings Ccr:nin suit•

I. · f' I 1·• ( · · I · · I nml proceetlings now pen( Ill� Ill any O t lC t'Ollrls O t IIS state Ill W l!C 1 now pc11dini;, any or eithe1· ot the boards of t'dllf•ation of the former made "alitl. lO\\'nship, 01· any other person is plaintiff a�ain,;t the bonrd ot cdnc·ation of a town,-h1p. arn hereb.,· made Yalid, and ilhall ho1·,•al'ccr bl• JH'OSt'l'llll·d or dcfe11rlcd in tho name now pro=u­of' t-ho board of ,•1h1t·:t1 in11 ul' Lite cli,-1ril·t. it such boa1·d bc}��,1�1� tlc,-

a dcfondant, which is thl' ,·cssor ol' tho Loard of oduc·a-tiou of' the township in l:1,·u1· of \\'hh-h or a�ainst which ... the liahilitv is. a11d thu li,rnnl of ed11c.::1tin11· ,it l'nc·h a11d �-�::::;i:�;·,�f

cvu1·,· dit<L;:ic' i,- hf'1•,,h,· mad,, li:ihlo f<w all elaims and de- cbi111s, etc.,

., ., - . owtn� l1v luinnl mnnd,; owing· t.o any :111d all p,•r,.;011;< h.,- the l1111t1 ·d ot cd,1- <>f whicliit is cation of tlio township ot whil'h it is tl1u t<111·t·essor. thc ,ucccssor.

11 8. 'l'ho hoard of crl11c:ation. at tlwit· 111ccti11g to be held :\,< 111·ovidcd in scc,tiun thi1·lct,11, uf this 1:hnJ)ler, shall :1])· &-b. ere

lrnrrr o


· . oan o l'< tl<'n•

appoint. a sec:rdary, not a mc111ber of the buarcl, who t;hall Ii,,,,; hisdutics, nttcnd nil meot111gs of t.hc hoanl and record all their otfi-;:;:,;�t' up­ciul proceeding" in :1 book kept tor tho p111·posc, which rucord shall bo attested by his signat111·u and the signature of tho president of tho boa.rd; whic:h record :,hall, at all rcn,;onablo times, he open to tho i11spec:tion of uny person intcrct-Lcd thcrci n ; ho shall h:1ve the care of all the papers belonging to tho bom·d containing ovideneo of title, con-


t.rac-ts or obligations, 01· which m·c othenvi:;c valuable, and preserve the same in hii; office-, properly arranged for reference; and slrnll rc<.:ord and keep on tile in his office :<uch papers and documents as the board or law may dircet. lie shall keep such account.'!, and prepare and certify such reports and writings, pertaining- to the business of the board, as tho board or law may direct. He shall publish, within three days niter any meeting of the board of­cation, an abstrnct of the proccedi ngs thereof, by posti 11g

_ tho same at the front door ot the pli�ce of meeting. lie "!'1"•mzc io nd-shall also have autho1·it�· to ·1dminiiste1· 0·1ths to the school m11w-tcr o:uh�. ,. . " ., " ' : His comp<•nsa- officers. 111 all cases where they arc required to take an 1inn; hoow ,Icier- ti

· h r., I · · I I II · miue<.1 and paid. oa 1 as sue . .i• or 11s se1·v1ccs as secretary 1c s 1a rc<.:e1 ve

snch compensation ns the board mny determine, not ex­ceeding fifteen dollars per year, to be paid out of' the build­ing fund, by an order drawn by the _board of eclu<.:ation, when, after an examination of' said sec1·etary's book,; by the county superintendent, they are found to be col'l'ect. ·

Tomake;111n11:i1 Bnt such orde1· shall not be draw:1 until the said secretary

r1.•1111rl bC'Jorc re- • .

ccil'ins'l'•Y· shnll have made h1fl annual repo1·t to the county supcl'ln-teudent, as hereinafter provided.

"9. 'L'he board of education shall have general contl'Ol Ho:inl of cducu- d · · f I J I d I I · � f' I · tion lo hnsc an Sil pcrv 1s1011 0 t le SC 100 S an SC 100 Interests O t 1c1r �r,��·��;'.llrol districts; they may dctcn11ine the number and loc:ation of ncrcrmin" the sc,hools to be taught; they may change the boundaries nunrberanulo- f I · bet· · 1 · I 1· ··I h l"ation of schools O t 1c1,r SU - 1stn<:ts, ant increase an, < 1m1n1s 1 t e num-m:iy <·hari;e ber tbert>of. having due 1·eo-ard for the sthool houses I.H,11ml:1rics of I I b • 1 · · "'ct

· · · f · bl • ,11h-<1isirict :illll a rea< y 111 t, or sit.cs procure , ass1grn ng, 1 pract1ca e, ,o lncrtasc or <II- each district not less than ti tty youths between the a"es of nnm�h number, . . _ • , :::, c1c. . six and twcnt.y-one years; Proviclerl, 'l hat every vtllagc �i�1;·;��:�:,�1•1_con:,isting of fiity inhahit:111ts 01· more, shall be included iu�'.•f Iiftr in- in one sub-district; ancl, Provided further, 'l'hat no change hab11:1111s. • b d' · h )) I fl' · 1· ) Whcnchangcoflll any sn · 1str1ct s a ta,e e eet except 1mme< 1:1tc y •11� <l_h.1_r_ic1 10 after Lhc annual apportionment of the general school func.l. rnk� cllcct. �\Tl I · 11 . . I . 1·· . . d' . I I l'r .. ••ision 11' to \ lCn sue l VI age as IS me11t1one< Ill t 118 SOCLton IS IVI( C(

;;�!1;1fi1;1;�� 1;'.,'."1 by distl'ict or county lines, tho said village shall be in­";"11''" lines. eluded in tho sub-di8trict to be under the SUJ)crvision ot Oi�rriCL :rnd ,11h-dis1ri<·t tho bonrd of edncntion of the cli1:1trict to whieh tho lurgc:<t

· line, 1'' he �n- diYision of tel'l'ito1·v is attached. And said board shall tcrcd of rccorJ. . I f J I . I ffi' , . dehnc an< enter o 1·ecor( 111 t10 o ce of tbcn· scc1·ct::u·y,

tho ,;evernl district and snb-disLrict linos. 1111". nf 1·0011r<1 '' 10. The-board of education shall caui;e to be kept in 1 .. 1,;,�-c ... 1 .. ,,,1 every sub-district of their district, by a teach Cl· or teacl101·s kCl'I "'cn,n· f b'l" d d · 1 ti'

. b •11b ... tistric1,'c1c, o competc1,t a 1 1ty nn goo mo1·a s, IL 1,111 1c1ent nnm 01· of pl'imary schools for the instruction of the youths the1·ein. 'l'hc following persons, whon residing in a sub­di1:1tl'ict with intent to mu kc such district their home, shall haYe the 1·ight to attend nnd receive instruction at. tho primary schools Lhoreot, ihat is to say: Every youth be-

Who rnay at- tween the a!!eS of six and twenty-one years shall bavo h•ncl !--IICh • ·

tiChvoJs. snch ri,ght; and any person wishing to 1·oceive instl'Ul'tion at auy- free school in this state, shall have a right to attend

CH. 74.J SCHOOL LAW. 141

such school, and tho teacher or teachers there employed Any per.on I II . . . I I . mn\'allcncl s 1a gt vc I mit1·nct1on to suc 1 person tic same as 1,-; re- "rf" payr11enL

'l_uirerl by law fo1· 01,her persons upon the payment of t-ui-:. 11L��l�<�•�ft�e­

t,1on foe. Said tuition foe shall be paid in advance to the whom ,uch fee 1:1he1·i ff or collector who shall give dn plicatc 1·ccei pt there- !f�1�0 to credit l01·, one of which said receipts shall be delivered to the of what fund. seerct.ary of the boaTd of education of tho dist1·ict, and all such fees shall be placed to tile credit of tho teachers' fond of tho said district. S:iid tuition foo shall uot exceed ono Fee limited. dollar and Lwcnty-fivc cents per month.

"1::3. 'l'ho board of education sbarI hold a meeting on or T 1 before the fin<t nlonday in September in each year, and ri;;�l:;;��t!:i,

shall choose :l sufficient, number of teacher,; for all tho ;:;::s�_an,I h->w schools to be taught in Lhc several sub-districts of their As.•i�nme11tof district, and as�i.�n -each teaC'.ber to his or bet· respective �'.�f.':' 10

school ; and i II caso t.hcrc are not a sufficient number of Sub;equcnt l. I 11 I I 1·. I 1· . I

ruecur.�sof a pp IC:Lll 1,8 to tcac l a t 10 SC 100 S l n t lC < 1str1ct, or t 10 board to chuose boa1·d should tnil to choose all tho teachers needed or re- tcnchcr,; ><hen. quit·ed, the said board may do so at a subsequent mooting When president 01· tho president of said board of education may appoint of t,.,a,d wny tho teachers if t,hc said boiwd should fail 01· refuse to choose nppornt. the teacher;, as required by this section. All contrnctsAnco111r.icrs with teachers shall be in writinrr accordin<r to tho form wr1h teacher,, ,, � � to be 10 wrum�. turnishcd by tho :;,tatc superintendent o_f free schools, and shall be signed br the president, of the board -of education Dy whom and the tci1chcr contracted with; said contmct shall be filed ;t1V,

1,'.';� CODlr:tcl

with the secrotar)' of tho board of education. Any teacher n1c<1. . How t.C"nchcr re• ;:o appo111tcd may bo removed by tho trustee or by the 11\Q\·ect and for

hoard of education for incomp13tcncy, neglect of duty, in- what. tomJ)e1·anco J) l"Olanitv. crnclt,r or in11Ho1·:1lity. Tho;;tce Trustccmaycx-. ., • .

I elude anll sui:s• m:iy exclude from nny i<cho,,l under h1,; c inrgo a po1·son pend, etc., any h·Lvincr a conl•1criou;; 01· info<:tiou,; di;:ca><o and he mav sus- :;cholar from • :'""> � � ... ' J l!chool;forwhat. pond or expel any scholar fou11d �uill.y of disorderly, re-fractory i11dccont-, 01· immoral condu1·1., and may refuse to

·.1 • • ' I I I . I I I · 1 . . fi I I nut board may aumtt sue l SC 10 HI' :t/.(':tlll to l, 11; S(' tllO unt, satrn C( l,1at fU\'iSC, etc., ho will JH"oJ·1erly conduct him�elf thurc:aftcr. bul his action such acli""· ' I · ·, j II ) 1.· ) • • d 11 .. w1rustcc Ill cac l pnrlll'll :11·, f: Ill Jo !<tlu_lCct lo t IU rev1s1on ll,ll . mny bcrCUlO\'cd concction of tho bonnl of ed11eation. Any t.1·u;;tco m11y, for �ood cause ,;hllw11, Lio rnmo,·ed 1'1·,)m nlli1·e hy ihe board of cd11c.1tion upon ten da_,.·,. noti1·e, i11 ,, ... itiug.of tho <·:111;,P. 11l-le"ed fo1· his rcmond. and nt t.he time and Dinco thtl hoard will take �{cti•rn thereon. \\'bencvcr. nt tho end of any school month, the daily aYcrn_ge allendantc fol' that month has boon le;.s than thil't)·-thc J)er cont uf' the whole nnm- \l'hen_1rns1ec

. . . . 1amv ,hscontmue bot' of JHtptls cn11111e1·atctl 1n the ,;11b-d1,;t1·1ct, tllO' trustee a ,choot, untc .. , shall dismiss the teacher and disc-ontinuc the s<:hool, 11nlct<s etc. otherwise di1·octcd by tho board of education; and uo high When h_ii:h school shall be continued ii' at. the ond of any s<:hool �-i•����,:scon­month it has not bad the daily attendance of twenty-fivo scholars.

"19. Tho board of cclucn.tion of each district nnd inde­pendent school dist1·ict, shall require the teacher or

142 SCHOOL LAW. [CH. 74

Annual enu-1ncration of youth; wh('ll :u\ll li,· whom made: llel w("(!n what

teachers in each sub-district or independent school district. annunlly, befo1·e the clo;,e of the school or schools, not taler tha11 the first dny of April, to mnke an enumeration of all the youihH rcRidcnt in such sub-dislrict or independent 1;d1ool district, who shall be ove1· six yeu1·s and nndor twenty-one years old on the first dayof i;eptembel' follow­ing, distinguishing between male :111<1 female. while and

� . <·oYorcd. 'l'he e1H�·meration shall be la ken in two classes as ,.1111mem11on to I I O I be in Lwocll\ .. sses to ows: Del' usg shall conta1n all youths between tho ngcs ot six an d i,;ixtcen years, and the othe1· the youtht:! be­tween sixteen and twenty-one respectiYcly. 'l'he

•How Yerifie,l. enumeration shall bu verified by tho nfiidavit of the 'fn \\'hom und tcachei· who took the same before somo JJer8on qualified 1\·hon rc1urnc<l. . . ' . t.o ndmrn1,,.ter oaths, to the effect that ho used all moans in

his pow<'r to make it, and believes it to be: co1·1·eet, and Penrlty on . shall return such enumeration to the seerct:11·y of the board teacher for f:ul- . . . . urc. of edueat10n of the cltstnft w1th tho tenn report of :such

school; and unless such enumeration be p1·opel'ly taken and returned, the teacher sbail not be entitled to demand

Not.,aeher10 payment ot the balanc:o due on his salary. No teacher in scrvcoojury. this state shall be requil·eJ to t-:ervo on a.i1)7 jury while his

fichooI is in actual opc1·n.tion. The secretal'_y ot the hoard SeCrctarv or f d I II ] I bo:iril ,o·keepa o e ucat1on s 1n. <ecp a record in his office oft Hl enn-�;��,:;��::.•�•�'.i meration of youth so taken and f:hall annuall:, on or be-1r:ms111i1_�,.,.·u- fore tho fifteenth day of April, transmit a e;ertiticJ c:opy of ally certrnc�I such ennmo1"ltion to the countv i,uperintencl<int of his cop,· to i·onnty • ' J •upi.; when. county. \V hen snch en II merntion for any clifitrict or sub-H cuumorntion cl' · II b · d] I · d no1.recch·ed by 1str1d sha not o rec-e1ve )Y t 1e count_v supcnnton ent c·nunty.5upL. . before tho twentieth day of A]Jril in anv )'CUI', it Rhall be , hefore _u April, ] . l . ] d I ]

J he must employ 11s c nty, wit 10ut c ay, to emp oy n. eompetent person to ��;_•�•;�\�: take and v0t·i(r tho same as aforesaid. 'fhc person taking­Co,11pc11',a1ino; and verifying such enumeration shall be paid a 1·cafionahlo how allowed · •

b I I d b h b d 1 · and pnic.1. com ponsat1on, to e a owe y t e oar ot ec 11callo11, not to exceed two dollars per clay for the time neeessarily con­sumed, and paid by an Ol'der ot said bon.l'cl, signed by thn

. 1wesident and secretary, out of tho building fund of such '\' hen couotv . . . . ·· snpt. to forwimt d1str1ct .. In caso the county suporrntondc11t, a:s ;;0011 0011111r·r"tluu 10 as ho rec:oives the enumeration for an)' district or indopen-statc supt. I • • f I dent scltoo d1str1ct, i-hall orwnrd to t 1e state 1-<11pc1·-

intcndont of free sc·hoois a statement of the number of w�o 10 furnish scholars the.1·ci u. 'fhe �tate superi ntendon t of free fiCh�ols bla11k� fur cuu- shn.11 pre,-c1·1 be and f n rmsh all blanks to be useJ .Joi, tak tng merauon. tho enumeration of youth.

T,•nr•h�r nor 10 "�8. No tead1cr Hirn]] be employed to !"each in any pub-he r-mploy�,1 lie school of thifi state until he shall havo preRonied to withouL ecrlili- • ] II · 1 f 1 ] ) catl', 111 dupli- tbc chreetorR, or rnvrng c 1arge o sue 1 ,;c 100 , a cur-c·nt nf <111allli- tificate, in dupliea.te, i;;suecl within a yea.1· next p1·eeedi11g ca 100•

his employment, of hil" qualifications to tench a 8Chool of �.:::�:;_to

00 the grade for which he 11ppiies; the duplicate ot wh_ic:h l_)upllentc, when shall be filed with the secretary of any board of Ad11cat1on liJcd. in the county in which the school is Ritnated, nnd i;o en-

dorsed on tl1e original by the secretary; and no s11lary

CH. 74.J Sc:nooL LA w. 143

s ball be paid to any teacher unless such duplicate be filed No snlnry p_ntd as aforesaid. 1'he Goard ol examiners :;hall examine each ��•/��:t•phm,

eandid ·1to for the J)rolession of toacl.1er who m•tv 'lJ)plv to Exnmi!rnlion of ' · , '" ., ' ., ot ap11llcant:i L\·

them, as to his or her com1)elency to teach orthoirJ':tJ)hy, !>o:ird,o/ cx,ni-1. J · · I · I' I "' 1u,•r• to teach reac 111g, penmanR 11p, ar1t 1mct1c, eng ts l gramnrn.r, goo- prim:iry schools

:!(raphy, and history, if the application be fot· a primary school ; an�! if the app�ication be t�r a higber school, they ';.,t����'.• higher shall exam111e tbe appltcant as to h1,, competeney to tench the additional brandies required for such scbools, and if 1-atisfied of' the competency of tbo applic:�nt to teach and When nod whnt gove1·11 such schools, and t-bat ho or she is of ,good moral ccr1ific.,1cs tot,., character, they shal I _give a certificate in du plicate.ueco1·di ug- .;ranted. ly. Provided, 1'hat any teacher wh0 has p1·ocurcda number Proviso ns to one cenificale for three years in succession, shall be ex- :-���:•:it�'.�.�::'" Ctn plod from furthe1· examination for th1·ee yc:11·s next sue- t,,•r 0_11e cmifi-

1. I I I · l · fi 'l'J · c:ite Jor Llm•c ccec mg t 10 c ate ot HS ast ce1·t1 cnte. .10 county snpe1·- succ,·•sivc years intcndent shall l·eeJ) a 1·errbte1· of all ccrlific·ttcs aw•u·dccl Ikgi•ter to 1Je

'- :· ::-, • 4 4

' k<.�pl l.ty county by the board of- exan11 ncrs. ;;tat1 ng the character and g1·adc ,11p1•ri111cllll,•1n oi ce1·tificatc and the ti me ,�, 1-.en is.sued. The cou nly tioal'd �'.,-�1

/0�'.Jtilic:iies of examiners shall is,;ue no -certificate, except upon au Xu_ccr1i1icatc to

I · · f" I b I · • , d IJc 1s;uc<l except actua exam1nat1011 o t 1c tcac er, at t 10 time 1t1s granto , upon a�1u:11 ex-nor shall any snch certificate be of for,:c except in the :1i�•,;•,�

1t;;;,cw, con 11 ty i II which it was issued. nor tor a lo1wer 1rnriod than force ex,·e/'' in · I I b I f ' · ::, cuu n t ,. w ,ere one year; ant t 10 oarc o cxa111111cr1- may, upon proper Jssnc,i, ,,0r evidence of the fact, revoke tho certificate of nn,r teacher loui;cr than °00

wit.hin the county. for ,rny cause which wonl<.l have justi-t�:�ific.,1es may tied tho withholding tlwreof when the same was grauted, ;:�.��,'"'.;�;i'\/0w. by givini: ten days' notice to the teacher of their intent to Bunnluf exami• • - ·., . . <l 11cr� tu holtl two do so. '[ he bO:tl'd of examiners ;;hall, at two staled per10 s puhliccx:uni-in each_ year, agre?d ·upon by �hemsel�·es._of which tl�ey �-�,,'�:-."'"e11,

shall give dne 11ot1cc, bold public exam111at1ons, at wh1e;h 1rh,,n nllll_ how all applic·ants for cert.itic·at.cs shall be rcqui1·cd to atle11d ;�;:i',�:;

1'.'"'e1111s ·

and should cin·11rnsta1H·e,- rN1_uil'e it, t:lic county supcrin· );;�•:.:::i:,�;•i;�,:i tondcnl may c·:111 exll·a 111cet1ngs for tho 1</lnw pul'po�e- "'"'"'"'rsol Conn l)' ><U !)Cl'i n tcndPn ts ·-111d rnem be1·;. of the board of l>o,ml 10 icnch.

- .• · �

. . • \,·11.huut ccr1111-oxam 111cl'i< may be ernpln_red to h>nelt wrthout the ccrt-1ti- c:ttes. Calo 1·eq11il'ed or othl'I' leadierf.. Hut should an_Y member Employment as of a hoard of' f,tiurntion, ,-e;h0ol ll'llsl<w. �•· secrot.ary, be :i;:\'t:;��:;te• crnployocl. a:- a te1lt'hc1· it ;:hall vat·alt> his 11tl1c:c.

"29. 'rho lollowin" 1·•·"t1lations shall he ob><l'rYed boa1·ds of oxn111i11e1·/ witl1 n•ganl to tixa111i11atio11:; granting teachers' 1·01·titi('ale::<:

b�· H,,;11lalions lo

and lie ulJii;Crvcd h): boarJ o( cxn1u1-

First-No appliennt. ><hall he ndrnitted t.o an examina-tion nnlc!:'s the boanl "hall ha,·e rea:<011ahlo evidence t.hat�\-"�,'.'.,�\":,���.�c

he 01· she is of good m111·al chal'actcr and l,i'lllJWrat<� habit,;. clwrac1er, etc. Second-No coll0gu diploma 01· <·ortilh·ntc, 01· l'eeom 111011- -:,;., cnllc"e di­

dation from the ))l'<'sidcnt or foeu I 1y of a 11 y college or p,,lu,a, ,-�c, ,1rnn I I I f. I · I I I M'l''-'':-'--<lc 1h.•l-c:-;-

I\Cadorny othc1· than the no1·ma ><c 100 " o t 11� i"lale, s ta si1y of c�ami-bc taken to su1_1e1·sedo tho rH,�e;;,;ity o_f_ t>xaminalion by the ::�::::'.:i;�1���1

boa1·d of exa111111ors; nol' ;.ball ,t ce1·t-1ficato bu granted to tliJilumo.

any applicant oxcept after a c:areful examination upon each branch of_ study und upon_ the art of teaching.

144 ScrrooL LAW. [Cn. 74

�;;;:1!�r?J0e�ih . Third-Boards of examiners, and others herein author­br.!nch nstopro- ized to confer certificates, shall state the teacher's grade of &���\11��·,;1e•tobo proficiency. in eacb branch i• which he is examined. 7�\t".�:_rom one Fourth-They shal I grade the c:ertifieate grnnted ac:cord­Grnt.10 of merit ing: LO the followino- scheme numbcrin<r them accordin.r to of n nnmher ouo I � . f

e,, • ' o � n111nbertwunncl t 1e ment o · the applicant from one to three: A n11mbc1· ��•;;1t��,1�;

1_"00 one certificate sh al I i ndic·ate a grnde of merit from eighty-seven to one hundred per cent; a nnmbe1· two certilicate, a grade of seventy-seveD to eighty-seven pci· cent; a number three certificate, a grade of sixty-seven lo seventy­seven per cent.

Notenchcrtobo No teacher shall be employed in any free sehool of the �mplo)ed who state unless he shall Lloid at least a number three cerlifi-1s g,-:odc,I under n • / l I 'I' I • I · t nmn?"r three. <:ate ; rt()VlC ec, wicever, 1at colored Leac 1e1·s may, 1 .;,1;�;�0

1:;;;��ers. necessary, be emplo_y,.:d upon a grading to be determined by the board of education ol the district. Diplomas Normnlc!ipomos . d d t· I I I I J

· 1· ru·cep,eJ"' g1 ante to st.u ents o t 1e norm a sc h)O t epartrncnt o eer1ifica1e_s of tbe sevc1·al normal schools of th is state, as provided i 11 <1unhficnl1on. l , I • I 1_

- t 1- • ) I 11 b t I t le e1g 1t.,-e1g 1tu sect10n o tu1s c 1apter, s u1 o :iccep ec ns a <:crtificute of q nalific,ation to teach corn mon schools

When annulled throughout the 8tate. But should such diploma be at any }�;�I;':�;1;11i�ttime annullocl by the state 1rnperintcndent, it shall no 1�•ch, . lo11ger eonfor the nght tc teach. .Nonna! diplomas and Normnl d1plo- t' . I 'fj •d I f' · I · 1 • mas and profo•- pro css10na <:.ert1 catcs, as prov1 cc or 1 n t 11s sccc1011, ����:� 1;��:ti- shall be ranked, fo1· purposes ot' compensation, with nn111-ronk�,1. ber one, county <.:e1·tificalcs. Provided, 'l'hat the board of ���.r�.��c����� eduoation of tbc• scvernl districts shall have the power to 10 ha,·�holdcr,, require the holders of Stl<:b certificates to be cxnrni11ecl aR ol,s

1_ I • t · I · · d · b b t, examined. otuer tea.c 1ers, 1 , 1n t 1e11· JU grnent, 1t, e 11ec•t1ssary; 11 � .. 0


n��.;,\';11 no fee shall bo cb-arged for suel.1 examination.

"4:3. Tbc assessor of C"\'e1-y assessment district Alrnll make As.,essorto m_n1ceout and deliver to the seerctary ot the bo:u·d of ed11catio11 ou1 nnd t.lchvcr f 1_ d" • d • cl cl I I c1· · · l · 1· toseerotary of o eacu · 1st1·1ct nn 111 epen ent SC 100 1;;tr1ct 1 11 11s < 1s-�•rd of <:<Inca- trict at le-1st five d·tvs belorn the lovv term of tho c-011 niY t10n n ceruficntc ' ' '""' J •·

showing value court of biA county in each year, n. certificate showing the of nl! p rnpcrl.y I 1' 11 • I d I � l' In his district· aggregate ,a ue o a persona propcrt.r an rea esla c, E""!!•0

- f ' .respectively, in !meh district or independent school diRt1·icl, ucot O such I . I , fj ( 11 b · f I I t certificate. w uc 1 cert1 c:ate 8 1a serve as a :uns or any cvy ·t i.t may be maclu for school put·pose;; fo1· that, year.

Commi,;.ion of "52. Every sheriff or collector shall be allowed Lhrcc per sheri 11;; etc !or · · t 11 · f 11 d · · I · co11,.ci"i�g ,j;,... cent um com m1ss1011s on tie co ect.1011 o a 1stnct ovws

trict le,·i,-s. for free scbool JHH'poses. ln acldi tion to the ,:el t.lcmenlR required witb each board of education of 11. disi1·ict, every sheriff or collector of 1:1chool moneys shall also nrnlrn un­nual settlements by distl'icts witb tbc county court of each

Annunl settle- county at its next term after the first day ot' September of 111cnt "1th c-oun- each vc:11· tihowi no- the amount of a II moneys received and ty c,,urL· whcnl!i J

' t,

· I d madcanc"1 whnt disbnrsed by him for the preeecling year for schoo nn toshow. building pu1·poses, from state, and from the clist1·i<.:t and independent school district fondt:1, and t.he amonnt due to etwh dii;t1·i<:t: which settlement, shall be made :i. matter of

'l"o be recorded.record by the clerk of said court, in a book to be kept fo1·

Cu. 74.] SCHOOL LAW. 145

that purpose. All accounts and vouchers required to be Accour,n�; •btc., d h I k f h . to he 1h.,.,... y ret,urne to t e c er o t e county court by section forty- clerk; how.

six of this chapter, shall be filed by said clerk in his office; and tho file of' each district t1hull be keJ)t separately. If P IL

I . ft" II f h I cnn ,. ou

any s 1er1 or co ector o sc oo moneyr.1 sball fail to make shcri1r"for fall-

the settlement required hy this section, at tbe time re- �\��1

1;;:'.nke ••'­

quired, he shall forfeit fifty dollars to the general school tund; and a like penalty shall be incurred by him for each subsequent term of tho com't that shall pass without such settlement. And the sheriff or <.:ollector shall, more-over, be thn.r,gecl with twelve per cent i11terest on all 1:1cbool moDeys in his bands for the time he is in default in making the settlement required in this section, which i ntorcst shall bo charged up agui nst him when the seLile- Cop.- of ,cnlc­men t, shall be made. A copy of the setUeme11t made formc,ittohcscnt the last, yeat· of t,he term of any sheriff under the pro- :;.-,:,::,•!:t

r;/,th•t visions ot this seciion, shall be transmitted by the clerk of yc•rnnd wueu. the <.:ounty court to the auditor, within thirty days after such settlement is made. Tho auditor, upon re<.:ciYin_!!" said copy of the setLlcment shall charuc tho sheriff upon Duty or �udilnr

b .. 1 o ' upou rec�ipl ot a ook to be kept by him for that purpose, with the cuD;-.

amount, shown thereby to be due to tho several districts. 'l'he sheri tr, witbi n ninety days after making Klich settle- When ,hcritr"' mcut, shall pay into thu state troa:rnry tho umonnt due; ll��:.'i':'.,'��;��•-"t and in case of hii- failure ,;o to do, it shall be the duty ot •,�r�·,. d b I. d . b" d I . . . ·n, urc to oso, t e nuc 1to1· to procue against 1m an 118 sureties, m; 1n whul then. other cases, in the name of the state, to recover tho same.

'l'he severnl amountr;; J>nid into the trea1:1ury \111de1· the J>ro- \ t Id . . . . . b . f: f b , moun •o "'

v1::11on8 of th 11:1 Rect1on, shall c drawn tn avor o t e re- intn tru,.:ir.-·;

<>pective di,;tricts upon the order ot tho county supe1·in- 110�·drawo, etc. tendent, in tho same manner that, the 15haro of a county in tho genernl school fund is drawn, a15 is prnvidcd for in sec-tion ttixt,y-two of tho school law of the state. \Yhcn tile sheriff or colluctor shall fail to maim thi>< :-ettlcment at the tin�e 1·cqui1·ed horoin, it :-h:111 bu the duty of thu p1·osccut Duty or Jtrn,c­ing a�t,?1·uuy to proceed l1y ul"lion again:-1, l�im _and hi,; �t.�•�



sucu1°1llcs 111 tho county court. to rcconw tho tine imposed fniH11� to 111nko upon him by this t>ecli,rn. E\"01·.r 8hcritr 01· 1:ollcctor shall �1'.:'i,;�?:�.

1';:;"u,. morcoYor bu liable to a11r pu1·s,i11 inj111·ed in conscqucncu �lh-1ilr1u person

ot bis lail111·0 to mako "tho ,seulonH•nt l1t•1·cin rct1uired. ;�!,':::c� by •uch

'l'his :,ett,lemont, 8hall cxtond b,1<.:k tu tho ti1110 when the Wh,u tlmr,ict-

1 .. , 1. II . 1· . I . I I I t lc11!0•nttu�1-8ICl"llt uucnmo cu octur ot { 1st1·1ct •�Vlo8 t>I' sc 100 pnr- tcuu tiack to. poi;c::1. lf an.) hoard ot cducaLion foil to make tho sottlo-meut, required by 1:wction forty-Rix of thi,; chapte1·, with Prn1lty 011

t,hc 1:1b01·irr, when requested b,· lti1t1 tut.lo ,;o, oach member huartl uf cuucn­

of t>ttch board s0 foilin_l.{ or r�fu,-i11!-!. :-hall be lined twunty ;;�;;,;,��r��::;�� dollur:4 for thu bcnetit, of tho ,;eliuul fund. 'l'hc clod, of mc 11t-'

. Clerk to tit,.•nd tbe county court 1:1lrn.ll tra11s1111t, :� 1:opy of the 1<cltl1.m1ent c,.py or •.-t,1,� to tho 1:1tute isupcriut.c11do11t ot ti-cc schools, and also •-0 tho �'.',�:�'.·'.�1�1u:,t�J t-uuditor, wit.bin tun days after t,ho isamo lrnis boon made. tor; wuuu.

Count,· supt.; "54. 'l'he county suporiutendent shall be a person of hl,cui,rucicr

d h f h b. f 1. nnu •1uullhca-goo moral e u1·ucter, o tOlll}Hlrato a 1t11, o 1torary tiuu•. AIV

146 8CHOOL LA w. [Cn. 74

acquirements, and skill and experience in the art of teach­His compcns.�- ing. 'l'ho compensation ?f c?unty_superintcndent. shall be 11011· ns follows: In all cou nt1os m wTuch there are Jes:; Lhan

titty schools he slrnll be paid 8eventy-five dollars; in all counties in which there are fifty schools and not oYer sevent,y-five schools he shall be paid one hundred dollar11; nnd in all countie;- in which thei·e arc more tlrnr, seventy-1ive school he :,;hall be paid one hundred a.nd twenty-five

llo"·.rniJ. dollars. 'l'hc state superintendent of free schools ,;hall pny tbe same by his ordm· drawn llpon tho auditor in isomi­

l-"i11n1 pnym,nt an11u:.l i11stallmunll:l. But the tinal paymeDt shall not be

::�\,',:�•::�1;1t,i�_ mad� unt,il the county superintendent h:u,made the n,ports 1•or1s 1:cqnirc,1. req mred uf hi 111 to the state superintendent of free schools. �:� .. �'..�';i;",:1,rt 'l'he i<amu shall be paid out ut the i,tate school fund, but ho"' <lcductetl the :unouut thereat shall be deducted by the audito1· trnm \Jy omlnor. t'· b d" 'b I I 1r ue amount next to e 1:;tn utet to ,rnc.1 a euuut-y. · e His 000d; 1!"- i-hall, before entering UJ>On the duties of his oflice, execute lore whom g:1v1."fl b . . � . 01<·. a ond cond1t1oned accol'd111g to law, beto1·e the clol'k of Penalt,·.

the county court of hit, county, in the sum of thl'cO His liai,ilitles h u ndl'cd dollars, with appl'oved securit,y; upon which bond then.'(,u. . '� I I b 1 · . uo s 1al c mole in any court, having ju1·isdiction, to auy

person or peri:;ons, 01" to any distl'ict board of education tor Where file,!. los:-;es sustained by re:1,;011 of hiH ?:e.,lect 01· 11on-pcrfonn-c1crk v( county _ d • · · · :":) , · j b <-vmt "'ccr1iri· :111ce of ut1e,; 1111 posed by tin,; act. Sa HI bond shal e ;:,::.�1.�

t\':::rin- tiled in. th_e office of the cle1·k of the county co111·t. wh<•

nomcauu post- i,hall, w1th111 live days, certify t,o tbe stale s11pc1·i11tendenL .. ,1,,-,._.,r ,·vuuty of" tree school>< the n·unc 01 s·tid tount,- sUJ>Cl'intendcnL �u1wn11tcrn.lcnt · • , " "" - ., wl1••!· 'antl his postoffice add1·ol'!s. Provided. 'rhat county ,;upc1·-"'°'""'0 ns 10 · • I I I I I . . . 1· I • ·1 11 cu1111t.y ,uq,t:rin-l llal'lll ClltS O ectCl Ull!. Cl' I, IC J)t"OVISIOns o. Ol"lllel' aces, S Hl

��:'.t�u/ir�,::�•••1 continue in otlicc until thei1· succesSOl'S shall have lJeen ar·ts. ell,ctetl antl qualitied; a11d they shall 1·eceive Lhe same com-

pensation ful' thei1· se1·viecs, and in Lhu san:o 111a1111el' as is ,·

ac:icies, how provided by la,,• for cou11l,y supe1·intendt,nt.s. Vaca11cic:-1illc,t; wh1:11 a11<1 in the said office shall be tilled br the pl'usidents ot the for what tinw. t, .1 t I · · I ' · · J · l uoa1·u o lll ucat1011 1 11 t 10 county, a ma_1or1ty 101ng p1•c,;un ;

for which pm·pose the clerk of the county (·0111·t shall 11otify them to meet within ten days :.thir such vac·ancy shall occu!'. �ucL appoi11Lmo11ts shall Lio fol' the u1wx­J'iirnd tu1·111, until a 1:1ucc·essor has been elected allll qualitietl.

1·on11ty super- "f>5. Thu county Bupcrintendent 11h:1II at all time;; co11-ln•,-,.,J,·r11 shall form l-o tlte i 11str11ctio11::; or Lho state s11 pel"i 11tende11t of free confon11 Ill :ill I I • I • I · · I" · f" · I t!mes 1ul11s1ruc-SC ·100 H, as to matt.el"S w1L 1111 t 10 Jlll"IS( H:t1on o sail s11per-�.•�•/���11�;'.��:u- intu11tlont, aml shall 1<01·,·e ai; Lite organ of" e,11111111111ication :-,lialli;cnelL, between him and the iseveral di8t1·ict boards of education. :•.�t,�;/,.�\ 1��:'.';1c. He shall dist1·ib11-te from hiH oflico all blank,;, circulars, 'fo,listdliutcnll cOJ)im; c•I" ischool laws antl oLhor communieations from the 1,la.uks ,_•tc ' ' ·· state duperintcndunt to the several bonrds and personR

entitled LO 1·eceive tho same, and all 011L going county Oulgoini:•11

pcr-,rn1>eri11Le11dunts shall m·\kc the re1>orts 1·et111il'etl tor tho i111c111IC"lll tu '

, 111:ik" rcpurt. yua1·s lo1· which they wu1·e clt:cted, 01· fo1· winch Lhey may


Cn. 74.] Sc-ROOT, LAW. 147

"61. It. shall he the d11t)' of tho auditor 011 or before the�r.11 school fi , , . ' . fu,ul � aml1111r ltJ n,t clay ot Soptom bor In each year, to m;eortm n the amonnt ""'!rv s1a1c .. ,_-wl_1ich is clist�·ibntablo arnon_g th� saveml <:011 nties as afore- ��.�1,"�'�;.�".'/,10


Raid, and notl�y the F1t11te supenntendent of free Rchools ,,,,,.-,1101.10 i.c tl f I I. II J · I l f dis1rib11tcd· rn1·eo , w 10 s 1:1. t icrcnpon ascortm n t 10 propers rn,1·c o when. '· each county and notif'<"' the auditor and each <:ounty s1111cr- ll11tr of 51aicsn-• • .J • • ;,c•r111tcntlc11t a:1 111te.nde11t,also the amonntdedncted by the a11chtor from1os11chfund. the ;,hare of hiR county, on account of salary paid tho county superintendent, as required by section fifty-four. which amount the l'Onnty i-11perinte1i'dent shall al;;o deduct, from the share of his county before makin_ghis di;;trib11tio11 ol the same among the seYeral distl'icts thereof. l · pon rcc·t'ivinu i,;uch notice, the county supcl'intendcnt shall a;;-ccrtain Lhc p1·oper share of each· cfo,trict and indcpcndcnt 1-whool district of his county, according to the numl,or of youths therein, and _giYo notice to the board of cdncHtion of each di;;trict and independent school district in the euunty, of the amount of the state sctool fond duo cac:h, re-"'PectiYcly, and that the same cannot be drawn by them until tht)y h:wc mado tho levy required by the fortieth section of' this chapter.

V.:87 'I'l ''\r t"'''•. ·. c•t· t ·v • ·l S•I I' t·b . lC cs '11 g1n1,1 .-:, ... \ C .1.,01 Ol.\ L C 100 . ('� ,.\ . �l:tlc 11nn11aa111

li:;hcd under and b,r Yirtnc of t.)10 act p::is;;ed Feb1:11ary ;;<;.\�:�i::t,"c"'-· twcnty-se,cnth, one thousand CJ!,{ht. hundred and sixty- Jq;c. ><even. entitled •nn act for t,ho C'Stabli:;hrnent ot :i stato normal i-chool.' ;;hall be and remain at )brsha.11 Colle!!'C, in the eount); of Cabell, as p1·ovidod in said act: :tnd l'n"•;,;,.,!""r all the proYisions of ;;aid act and all other acts in law rdatwi:•0

in· relation theroto, >-hall be. and remain .in fnll fol'ce. exc·ept :;o far as t.he same m:iy be altered by thiR diaptcr. For tho ,gm·e1·nnrnnt, and cont.rot of said sd10ol thtwc ,-hall be a bo,,rd of 1·e,ge1HI'<. consist,ing- of the st:lto :;11pcrintcndcnt of free ;.;dwols, one pe1·:-O11 from each con- Hoanl of rc­gres;;ional district of the state, n 11rl one tl'om t.hc st::itc at gc1oi.. large, to bt' appointed h,r tho go,·er11O1·. who ;;hall be C':lllcd 11u,. oppoi111�d. '·t.he regent:- of' the ,;tato normal ,-c·honl," n11d as such may :fJ

1c�i""' name

hn,,·o a common ,-;cal. s11O and bo ,rned. plead and bo im- )l:ly ,;,�o,·0111-1 I I I l I · l d . I I I ·I 111,,11 seal· their p Cale(, contr:1et HIil >l• contn11;tec wit 1. an ta ,e. 10 t power•.'

and posses:; real and pc1·sonal (,;;ctatc for tho use of :-aid v :-1c•.hool.)and may oxC'hn11_:.!e ,-o m1wh nf tho real est-ate now hold by them tor such u;;e, for other ri,al e;;tatl1 owned h_,. tho Co.ntral Land Company of \V,�,-r. Yil'l-!inia, m• may bo nocci-snn· to cuufo1·111 t,lw bo11nd:u-,· linl'"' ot real c:,;tato so held a11ci to bo uold b,· them. to Lhe a,·e1111c;;, f!tn•ets and. alleys of the city of


H11ntingto11, and CXl'Cllte and 1·ecciYe the proper conveyancos therefor. Any ,rnch convoynnc:e, executed by and in tho unmo ot •tbo 1·<'.uc11t of the "ta,te normal scl1001' nod ac-knowled�ccl on behalf of the ,mid .re- f"nuveyonre,

. · f' I I h11w t"X,"CUh'<I. gont,s by the state snperintendont o fr�e schoo ,:,, s 1all be Tr.11,sf,,r or c-ol-

valid nud ofl'cctual to 1>n>1s to tho ,grantee therein all tho 11i:-.:�1

!0 _r:--gcnts {:�.- lZl"U,

tit,)o of the stato to tho real esiat,e convoyed therchy. Tho · transfer and conveyance by tho board of supervisors of

148 ELECTIONS. [CH. 75

Cabell county of the lauds nnd buildings ·or Marshall Col­lego to the regents of said school heretofore. appointed, iA hereby accepted, confirmed and legalized. But in caso t,he ·1-aid school should at any time he1--eafter be removed from the snid Marshall College, the said property so c·onveyed

WhM property shall revert to and be vested in the countv court for the to Te'"�rt to . . ., u,t>cll co.mty. use of the s:11d county of Cabell.

Section 53 of chnpter 123, :.cts JSi2:-3, re­pealed.

Srction 17 of cbapU·r 118. nc:ls 1872-3,

· tt.uicocled.

EIC"C"lion�; onth of commission­ers, co1u.l uc·tor nnd cl�1-kH.

2. Section fifty-three of chapter one hundred and twenty­three of the nets of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two and three. entitled 'an act to amend and re-enact the school law of the state, is hereby repealed.

[Approved March 11, 1S79.J


The foregoing net takes effect nt the expiration of ninety dnys its passage.


AN ACT to amend and re-enact section f!eventeen of chap­ter one hundred and eighteen of tbe acts of one thousand eight hundred aucl seventy-two and three, in relation to election!!,

[Pnssed ll[nrcb 6, 1S79.J

Bo it e·oacted by the Legislature of West Vir_ginia:

l. That i,cction f!eventeen of chapter one hundred and eighteen of the acts of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two and three, be amended and re-enacted as fol­low,;: ·

"17. Tho commiflsioners, the conductor and clerkA ap­pointed for any election, shall before entcwing upon tbe discha1·go of thei1· duties take an oath to tbe followin� ef� foct: •l, A-- B--, do solemnly swear that I will i-np-·port tho coostit.ut,ion of the United States and the constitu­tion of this state, and that in the election about to be held I will faithfully discharge my duties Lo the be;;t of my

�1'hn '"ihadmln- skill and J. ,1d!!:ment.' \Vhenc,ver at tho opening ot the poll A ,..cron , � . b at any plac:e of votrng, no person o present who is author-ized to :1clminister oaths, or if such person being pre11ent shall refuse to administer tho oath heroin prescribed, the conductor shall administer the sumo to the commissioners and clerks; and the said oath shall thereupon be adminis-


tered to him by any of the commissioners so qunlified. 0 h Th "d ti h II I · · ]) 't t<,becer• e sai oa 1 s a appear proper y cert1ticd on the po tilicd on poll books used at such place of voting." · book,.

[Approved llforch II, 1879.]


The foregoing act takes effectut the expiration of ninety days after ils pa!Ssage.


AN ACT lo es�ablish a county court nod board of com-� missioner!< - for-the� counties of l\forion,- .Marshall· and

Wetzel, under the thirty-fourth se{,tion of the ci�hth article of tho constitution of the state of ,vest Virginia.

[ PM.scd Mnrch S, 1879.]

Be it enacted by the Legislature of '\Vest

1. In the counties of .Marion, Marshall and \Yetzel, there shall bo elected by tho qualified voters ot each county, on Aut�oritytoe•­tho flame day and at the same places for holding the gene- �'.'.::�t\:;J':,���� rnl school election in the year one thousand eicrht hundred ol commission-

• :-, en-· "\f·uion and seventy-nine, ( of which not less tlrnn ten days' notice ::11�•r�h�ll nn'd

shnll be given in the ma11ner prescribed by law for hold- WctT.dcouuti.,. ing general eleetions) and on the second �l'uesday in Octo-ber, one thousand eight hundred and eighly and on the�tcctionor second 'l',wsday in October in ovl'ry fourth year there- ltt'.�;,.



after, n. judge for the county court or said counties, !onea. who shall bo ccommi;,,-ionod by tho g-ovo1·1101·. and who tihall hold his otlicc until his :-;11<-<:m;;,or is elected a11dm,terroof qualified. His term o{ ,,t11co :,Lall be luur years, nnd beotlice. i;hall receiYo n. ,-nla1·y or twelYe hundred dollars a ye:u· to s,tory. be di\-ided equally bclweun tho three u,u11tie..i nnd to_bo li"w pnld.

paid out, of tho county lrcas11r_y of oaeh in •)ltart.erly 111-

11tallmonts. A vacancy i11 said oflic-e, if not more t.ha11 one year A hall remai II ot tho term thc1·cof, sh al I be filled by Y:icnncieo; bow

b . . f . I . . . I l I ll filled. t e comm1s:-<1oncr;, 0 H:lll COllllllC:i JOI Ill, .r, W )0 SHI ap-point somu one learned in the law lu till :-<ucb vacancy, u mojority of whom i,hall make an appointment to Jill said vacancy; but if mo1·0 than ono year ol 1:mid term shall remnin, tbon i;ball said appoi11tment bo made until tho next g-ene1·al election, at which Lime said �n<:aney i:;hnll be filled by tbu election of ;,ome suitable and fit po1·son, lonrn-ed in tho lnw, by tbo qualifiod voters. The judgu of said county court, during his term of oflico, shnll not practice

150 COURT 1''0R .MARION, MARSITAl,I, AND ,v ET:t,EJ,. [CH. 76

���1;';�;\u;:f.�,iro- th? profc;:sion <,>f the law, or hold any othe1· office, ap­''?111i: ,1uri11i,: pomtment 01· pnblw trust, u11de1· the authority of t.hi,; :-;\,ate h1� ll•rm of · l • otlicc. or any ot ie1· government ; and upon acceptance thereof

shall nol be dm·ing his cont,i11uance therein elicrible to any How rcn,,wcd other political office. Ho may be removed fro�n ofllce by 'a and !or what. f b I I I ·c l concurrent vote O ot l l0Uses ot t 1e . ,egi,,;lature \\' 1en

!rom any di,,;casc or mental or bodily infil'll;ity, he shall be mcapable of di,,;chargi ng- the duties of tho office in tho mannei· provided by the eighteenth se<:tion of the ei_ghth

�""" 1., in,- al'licle ot the constitution of thi8 ::<Late. He shall ,ilso be 1�a�hcd; how. sul�ject to impea<.:l1ment for malfea,,a11ce, maladminist.ra­

tion, for <:ol"l'uption, incompetency, gross immornlity, rwg­lect of duty 01· any high crime 01· misdemuanor. in the manner prescribed by the ninth section of the fo111·th a1·ticlo of said constit.ntion, and upon conYiction. ,,;hall be subject to the Aame judgment as therei n\prescri bed.

2. 'fhe eount _y court shiill have ori,l!inal .·1urisdiction in .lurisdiction of • 7

c-ourt. all actions at law where the amount i11 controvu1•:,;y exceed,; twent_v dollars, and also in all ca:-;es of lwueas r,f)rpus, ,,uo­

wa.rra.nto, 11umdamus, prohibition, cert-iorrtri and i11 all suit:..-; in equity. It shall have jurisdiction in all matLe1·s of probaLe, tho appointment and qualification of pe1·sonal rep­rcsontat,ives, guardians, committees and curators and tho seLtlomont of tbeir accouutis, and in all matters 1·elating to apprentice·!i!, and of a.II c1·imi11al c:1se,-; u11der t-he _gra<lc ol a

�,,.,. be limited folony, except as herein before p1·0,·i<lerl. B11t the juri,;• hy inw. diction of t,he county court shall be subject to such limitn-'fn 1,,,.·ccn,tlldr · b . · b l b I l . l 11 I I .,, wills d,-�<ls, Lions as may o pr·osc:.1·1 e< y aw. t s n1 -.ave t 1e c11s-c1<:. tody, through its clerk, of a.II wills, deeds and other paperis

preso11ted for probate or record in said county, which shall be disposed of or presen-ed as required by law.

Appml, rrom 3. Tbe saici cou_nty court sha)l h:nTe juri:-;d_iction _o_f all �,a-1i_,·cs;ckci•• appeali, from the ,111dgmentf' of ,111st1c-ei", and its dec1s1011,-; ���- 1""'1; except upon ,-;uch appeals shi1ll be final in al I cases, e.xl"ept. ,rnch a:-;

invoh·o the title right of possesision 01· boundarie,; of lands, the freedom of a person, the validity ot a law 01· the onli 11-a11 co of any co1'J)Oration or tho right ot a co1·poraLion to levy tolls or taxe:,.

sc"ionsof coun 4. '!'hero shall be four sessionR of said cou:·t in ench Trial of jury year in each of ;;aid con ntie;:, and which l"hal I be h1;1l<I for ,,,use,. the t1·ial otjury causes: commencing iu the county of l\ court to ,;hall on the :-;er;o11d J\londay in January, i,ecorHI M.011day i11 ��ti:,�i�;/�'�ch April, ,;eco11d Jvl.onday in june and t.he second l\louday in lriuis. October; county of illarion on the i;econd 'Monday in .i\'[:irch,

second I\Jonday in July, ,;econd ?lionduy in September, a11d the Rccond .Monday in December; county of ,votzel on tho second Monday in March, second 1\'lomlay in May, t'lecon<l Monday in Ai°1gt!St and t,he sc(,ond :Monday in Novemb�r.

Pcti1 uud srnnd 'l'o all of which terms petit jurors, nnt,I to one or two of su1d Jurors.


terms, as the cou1·t may ordel',· grand jurors shall be sum­moned to attend as at-terms of the circuit coui·ts for said counties.


5. 'l'bere shall be elected, at the same timo that the '.fhrcc comrni••-. d · J d I · . · . l I I 1011cr:< clcct-CO ll n ty JU ,u:e IS e e<;te , t 11'0(\ co111m1ss1011ers, W 10 S ):\ 1,.,1; when. hold their office for tbe tel'm of six yo111·s, except that at 1'11cir term or ti fi . f . d . . I I I J _ 1

• ullicc; exec pl, rn rst meot111g o sat comm1ss1oners t 1e.r s ,a ues1g- c,c. natc _hy h,t or otherwise, in such manne1· as they may de- Onctolicclecl­te1·11H ne, one of thci r number, who ;;hall held hi:; office fo1· ,·<1 c\'cry 1wo the te1·m ot Rix years, one fo1· four yea!':; aiid one for two Y_cars. years, so that one shall be elected every two years. But ,:;,�

1�':�J;;;��­no two sh al I be elected from the same district. Said com- P,c,iJc111 r,i

· · I 11 I f t. • • \Jo·ml · huw 1 111si;1011e1·s sia c cct one o toe1r o,wi1 unmbel' as prcs1-.,1ictc,L de11 t, and each shal I receive two dollar:- pet· day tor his I�i• cou,pcusa-

. . l 'd f' I 110"· se1·v1ccs Ill COlll't, to )C pal out O t le county treasury. How .,,1,1.

Provide,l, That 110 grc:llc1· :;11111 than forty-eight dollars per '.,',�;�;;::;:�� 1� an II um ,;hal I be al lowed 01· paid fo1· tho per diem of any one paiJ peraun,nu. of' ,;aid com missione1·s.

G. The said con nties sbal I be laid oft' into distl'icts as Co11111i�� •0 be_ I I 1. • · I I , 'I' I l:11<1 oil 111to ,hs-nuar y cqua as mny uc in Lcr1·1to1-y ant popu a.lion. 1e 1ric1,. . .. present ,;ub-dh·ision of the conn tics br distl'id,; shall eon- ::��:�


1,::?:" stillllc sueh districts until cha 1wed br the board nt com- ch:i11�c�1 by · · I · '· f · ,-.. I 1


I I' L · t tb h.oanl. lllJS:';JOJlel'S lCl'mnue Ore llllJllLIOllC(. II CU<: I l I>' rJC el'lJ .lusticcn11,I con• i-;hall be eicctcd by the vote 1 ·s thereof t_wo _ju;;tic_cs of thc�t'.'..',1��1 \';,'��ch ])l\acc and 1-\\"0 eon,;tablcs, \\' ho sh al I 1·c:-.Hle 1 1 1 L11c11· 1·e,;pec- llbtric,, t.iYc disLricL,;, and hold thcil' n•specti\'c of-lic•e,; to1· the term

I.(' 'rl !' f • • f' I d His lcrnt ofof-0 10111· year,;, 1e of-lees o .I 11st1ce o t 1 0 pcac:c an com- lice. mis,;ioncr ;;hall be t·onsidered incOllll>atiblc. ll'hatomcc., not

co111 paublc. 'i. 'l'ho <·ommissioucrs elected in the sc\·c1·nl dist1·icts of l',u11 111i<Si,rne,.,.

ot each conn tr shall c:01;1<\.itutc the l.ioanls ot com mis- 1·1t·ctL�I; hy sionc1 ·,-, to I.Jc


k 110\\'11 :.i,; '' the board of' com111i:ssio11e1·s or;:�•::,�',;'.;:•_e••o tho cui'111t\· of' i\larion :" · · thl• board of 1,0111mis><ione1·,; of the counL,· of .\l:u·shall; .. anti ·· thl· boanl of c,>mmi><-sionc1•,; ot


the t·c,1111ty ol \\'elzel." hy which 1 111me thcyp.,"'�"'ofsuch may sue a.11d be s 11ed. 111aku :111d IISll a t·11m1non seal, bo:or,ls. and enact ordi11:uwc,; :11,d 1,,·-la\\'s 110L i 11eo11si,.lenl wiLh tho law:-1 oJ tlti,; ,;fate. 'l'hl"\: shall nwot ,;l:1\.odh· on the Wh,011 to mc,•t. fi 1 ·1-1t 11l c,nday in .I 11lr in l':n•i1 y.•:11·. at 1.hc t·o111·L

.. hou:-e of

thoi r c:01111 l�r, and 1;1:ty hold r<pct·ial :111d atl_j11111'11Cll meet- �peci:ol null n,1-i ng:,,; at uny ti 1 nu atl,�1· their lirl')\. 1nvcLi11g- aft,n· clcc:t.ion. f,


1.�'i\':}�.,�·:rm� '.L'her ,;hall eleel, Olll' of t.ltl,ir lllllHUlll' pn,sident of the'"''""'; huw

bo:u:d, and the dork ol 1.l to eon nt.y co111·L of' cath eou II ty dc<·1<•,1. 11hall ·ue eJ,-o{ficiu clcd, ol :<aid bna1·d ot co111 111i,;sio11c1·,;, ,,,1 t· 1i 1 , . . • . . .

1 · . I .1. ,o o � � or� ' who sh al I keep a Joun1al ot LltlHl' j>l'l>l'.ccc 111.�", I Ill' 11u111g a 1,;, il111i,,, :'"''

rel'ord of thei 1· unli 11::u,cc,;, i 11 :l vol u 111c ,;1:pa1·ate from the •·011'1"'"'"11""'

jou nml vf p1·occcdi 11 gs, and Lr:rnsact ,;ucb oLltor stW\'ices pertai11i11g to hit< oHicc a:< may be by tlll'm 01· by law 1·0-quit·ed, aml who,;o compc 11sation they slrnll fix by onli-11a11ce, and par from the co11nty treasury. 'l'Lie said Loard,; i;ball ea�h have tho ,;11periuto11denc-, aud atlminis- . . , . . I 1. d fi I fl' . ( 1. • .T11ros,hclio11 nuu trat1ou ol the IH ter11n , po IC01 an 1:1ca a au·s O tuol I' re- <Inti,.,. ui �uarJ,


spectivo counties, including tho establishment 11nd rcgula­t,ion of rond8, ways, brid;.!,"es, public -landings, ferries and mills, tho granti og- of ordinary and other licenses, wiLh

Prsviso nsto autho1·ity to lay and disbnrso tlrn county levies· Proviited Jiceuses pl·aut.ed I· 1. . • . ' . ' in nny c1ly, t. 1at no 1cense shall be granted m any city. town 01· vtl-\t,;1•;�;i�dquod Iago without t.he con;;�nt of the rn�tbo1·itius tbereof, tho da,_1111ulll; w11ero same first bad and obtarned. All wnts of ad quod damn-um

��",'�!�.;.ie,cc- shall issue ft-om county cou1·t. The boarcl shall, in all tiou cases to be contested cases J·nclu·e of tho election qualification and re-det('rwincd by . 1 .-:, . ' • • board. turns of its o·Nn member,;:, and of all county and d1str1ct Compensntton officers; and it shall exe1·cise <,uch other ju1·iscliction, and oic,rnuuission- pcdorm such other duties 1u1 may be preseribecl by law. t�lt� !�aid . 'fhe said com missione1·s shall each receivl• a compen�.ition Qm.,1111t. of two dollat·s per city for overy ctay's attondanee upon a

meeting of 11, board, to be paid out of tho count.y t.reasury; but neither shall receive pay for morn t.han twenty-five

Mny beindiuc-d days' attendauce duriug auy one ye:.1.1·. Any commissioner for whnt b . d" d fi ··11· . I 1· Co11victi�o. m- may e 10 1cte or ma uasance, m1sleasance or neg ect o <'lltcshisollice. official duty; and upon conviction thereof, bis office shall Vnenncy; how become vacant. A vacancy in the board ot commis;;ioners, tilleu. whether from resignation, removal from t.he distrid, re-

moval from office, death, or other cause, shall bo filled by the remaining members of board.

Elccuon to take 8. �be couuty courts of ii:u·ion, )l:11·sball and Wetzd """'" vi vvier. countws shall each meet un tuu i;ccvuu ,Vluuuay 111 .Apnl, u,,.,n tue ques- and ··t{){lOint three qu·dttiud vote1·s ·tL each I)hcc ot vu ting· Uvu ol lH.lvJJLlUU L -. , , _ , vr ,·cjccuuu Ul to hold au clectiuu ,,u tuu tirst 'l'ue:;uay in .Au crust, tu take llCL, uud e1.:c11on ,_ f 1, 1· · .l .I o b ul vaiecrs;wllcu tue sense O Luc qua tlicu votc1s ut satu cuuutles upon L e 11ud uuw ucid. qu�stion ot uuoptiun or rejection ot tbis act, and for

tbe election of otlicc1·s under it. Ami ,,;hould tuc i;aiu Failnrc to ap- county cour�:; eacll tail to meet and appoiut tb1·ee pe1·,,;on:; 1;�����\

t,"i;v��eo as alo1·esaid, 01' 1.>uing appuintcu, ,shall rnil tu act, lllCO tue

wuy ap1Mu•. votor8 prusunt at a11y poll may appoint tht·l'u qualified �r����u"��

r; ul voto�•t:, to coucluct the said eluctiuu, at which election al! Wuu Lu ,·otc. the qualitieu vutu1·s of t:miu county ishall lrnvo tue 1•icrbt to .1iu 1v cll'Cllvll , . I l • b ll 1•

• 1•

o I ue1<1 auu ,·c•ulL vote. . :Sall e ccLl<Jll ti ll uo bull.I acco1·d111g tu tuu a ws ';1��:\��-ult Lie- then in 1orce, and the 1·esulL 8hall bu cert iticu tu thu coun Ly cia,cu-�uccr- court,; of ilarll)u, l\lat·,;uall a11d \Vclztll countic:;, wbicu �'...'.'c�:'.�1�:';"���� cou1·t,; ishU:11 meet 011 ti.le teJtt.u Jay alter ti.le clcctiu11, iu1·

juu,;c. tbc purpo:;u ot" Jccluriug the rcsuli. anu is:;urng ccl"Lilicatcs ut Clect10n to the per,;un:; haviug the highuist uumlJet· ut votes 1ut· their rcspt:ctivu utlicl;)::;, uxcep� iu Llio case ut Luu

Tobeccrtifi!!tl judgo oft.he cuu11Ly court, in wliich ca�u thu isaiJ county �u��;���v

t� cou1·ts of each couuty shall cet·Lity t.o Lho governor ur tho cuww1:1,;iou. litate the llUIUUUl" ul vote,; c,·,st 1u1· tl1u t,;UV1;Jl

0td l"UndiuaLul:I 1or tllo i;u1d otlil;(l of juuge of s1�id court; auu tuuruupuu it isball bu tllu uuty of lhu govcn10r tu issue a corumi:;:;10n t.u tbu candidate 1·eceiving tho lligbest numbur ul vot.eis al:! judgo ut isaiLI court

MuJority votcuC 9. If it appea1·s t.but a majority of all tile votes of c�cocuun•y de• !\larion couutv au<l a maJ·urity of all votes of .Itlar-1.1:rwuu;� qu.e:i- J, . . . uuu. ,,;llail_couuty, aud u lllUJor1ty ut all tue votu,,; ot W ot.t.ul county,


cast upon the question of adoption, or rejection of this act 'V:hen to take " . • f . cl . h h I a,

eflcct . .. ro 1n iavor o its a opt10n, t en t e same i;ha I take eucct When officers and be in force on and after the day after the vote is to <1uallry. taken upon this act, and all 0fficers elected under it shall 9.ualify within thirty days afte1· the result of said election 1s declared.

r Approved Mnrch 11, 1879.]


The foregoing act takesoffoct from its passage, two-thirds of tbe members elected to each house, by a vote taken by yeas and nays, having so directed.


AN ACT making it a misdemeanor tor an attorne�-at­law to fail to pay over money received by l\im for bis client and providing an additional penalty therefor.

[Passed March 8, 1Si9.]

Bo it onac:tecl by tbe Legislature of West Virginia: 1. If any attorney, licen�ecl to practice law in any of ,\ttorncr fniling

t.bc courts ol' thiR state, receive money for his eliont, as !,�0

1:::,-�. 0;;��;\'(..i such attorney, and fail to pay tho same within �ix mont.hR b�: hiin for hi• alter receipt thereof, withoutgoo,l and sufficient. reason for�(.•:;�:; de,,.ucdn 1:!Uch failure ho 8ball be tlcomcd "Uill:r of n misdemeanor mls<lemcunor. ancl bo tineti' not le.:;s th1111 t.wu11tF 1101: morn thtln Jive hun� Penalty. clred dolhutJ.

2. Jn any t-l'inl under tbi,; uct. the J>arty a<.:cused may Pnrty nc�11•cd ' • IUR ,. testlly t�stify iu bis own behalf. · · ·

B. Any :it.Lorr.ey con,·ictcd under tho fir;:t r<C<:tion of thii, Ir co11,·iw"1, 10

I • . . · . . I I • • b d be dlsh:irrc,1 act,., 1all, 111 add1t1on to the JHll11,- 1m1Jnt t 1cro1n pre,-crt c , ,,.0111 prnetidui;.

bu di;;baJTod lrom prnrtic·i11g a,:1 an attorney in any of tlte courts of this i;tnto, and tho ,.;ame ,ihall he entered by the court as n pu1·t of itR judgment.

. cl f I . • Jwt1:c nu<I pro.>· 4. I.t. shall be tho dut.y of the JU ge o eae 1 c11·c111t court cc11ti 11;: nttor-and the JJ1·osecut.i11rr attornl:\" of each eonnl'" to o-h•e this ncy to i:h·e thi•

. . o ., . •'. ' o ,, :u·t. spt..•t·ially 111 act specially 111 ch:u·gc of tho gnwt.l .1ury ot cneh eount.). \'hnri;c to i;rnnd


[Appron'<.1 Mnrch 11, 1879.]


Tho foregoing act tnkes effoct·at the expiration of ninety days ufLor its pm1sugo.


154 lNsPECTioN OF TonAcco-CouNTY Cou&'.r FOR WooD. [Cn. 78-79


Ac1s repe•lcd.

AN ACT to repeal an act entitled "an act providing for the inspection of tobacco, approved December twenty-third, one thousand eighth undrcd and seventy-five," and "an act to amend and re-enact section seven of said act, passed February twent,y-sixth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven," and to provide for the sale ot ce1·tain property.

LPo.ssed Jllnrch 8, 1879.]

Be it enacted by the Legislature of \Vest Virginia:

1. That the net, entitled "an act providing fo1· the in­spection of' tobacco," approved Decem bcr twenty-third, one thousand eight hundred and scventy-fi\·c, and the aet to amend and re-enact section seven of said act, passed February twenty-sixth, one thousand ci.!;ht hu11dn:d and seventy-seven, be, and the same is hereby repealed.

no I r t,I. 2. 'l'hat it shall be the duty of the hoai·d of 1rnblic worl<R

arc O IHI lC . . work• 10 1ako to take charge of al I the property bclong1 n� to the state rn �:

1y��01,�:i't� the E<evoral tobacco warehouse;;, heretofore established

· under said acts, and to sell said p1·operty to the best ad-How i,ro,·ecds vantage practicable, and to pay the proceeds of such i;ales disposcJ of.

I into t 10 treasut·y. tApprov<!d March 11, 1879.l

[NOTE BY THI� CLF.HK OF THE Hou,m 01-' DEI.F.GA'l"F,';.]

The foregoing act takes effect from its passage, two­thit·ds of tho members elected to each house, l>y a vote taken by yeas and nays, having so directed.


AN AC'r to create a county court and a board of commis­sioners for the county of"Wood, under the thirty-fourtll section of tho eighth article of the const,itution.

[Passed Mnrcll 8, 1879.]

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virgin in:

County court, to 1. A county court to be held by a judge, for �vho1;1e cl�c­bc held by a tion qualification term of and com1Jensnt1on, pro.

v1s-judi;c cn•atcd ' ' · . • f 1or 1h�county ion is hereinafter made, shall be created m the county o of Wood. \Vood.

CH. 79. COUNTY CoURT FOR Wooo. 155

2. 'l'he <:onnty court for tho said county, shall O_rif:innljuri•-. · [ · · f' · · · II · I I· I d1ctton uJ co1ut. or1g1na Jlll'tSl 1ct1on 111 a actions at aw, w H::ro tie amount in controversy exceeds tbo ;;um of twe11ty dollars, and in all <:ases of ltrtbeas co,pns, quo u;arranto, mandamus, prohi-bitiou, certiorari; in all 1H11l-s in equity except <:ases for di-vor<:e; and in all matte1·s ot probate, ·the appoi ntmcnt and '}t 1alifit:ation of personal repre,-;entatives, guardians, com-· mittecs and curalOl'S, and the settlement of their account,-:, and in all matters 1·elating to npp1·entices; and ofall crimi-nal cases under the gr:,cle of folony. lt sball have the ;.7.:'.�1,� �r�u

<:ustocly, through its clel'k, of all wills, deeds a11d nt.hc1· wi11s, <lC<'ds,

papers offe1·ed Jor probate or record in said <:onnty, which !Ji�xcrci,csuch shall be prescr,ed 01· di,;;posed of as reqni1·ed by law. .And 0.ther jurisdic-. I I 11 . I l . . d. . l!on ns mnr be sn1c county court s 1a exercise sue 1 ot 1er JU1·1s l(;t1on us conferred uy may be conferred by law. Jaw.

3. The said court shall have jurisdiction of nil appeals Appcnl, from from the juduments of the justit:es of the 1wace, a.ud its/ 11<1i;mcntsof_ • J

' I :-, · • iust1crs · dcc1-J ll( gmen t t 1creon shall be final 111 al I c-ase,-;, ext:ept where sion nn."1, ex-the title, right of posi-ession, or boundaries ot land, or the ccpr, etc. freedom of the person, or the ,·alidit� of a law, or an ordi-nance of any corporation, 01· the right of a co1·poration to levy tolls c,r taxes, is involved.

4. There shall be tom· rcirular terms of 1<aid countyT . ·

l . l crms or coura court 111 c:wh year, held q 11arte1·ly, tor t 1e tr1a ot causes by in cnch yc,or. J·ur}' ·rnd m•1tters of "e11e1"1l 1·uri,-;<liction 'l'ho qua1·terh· For irinl or

. , • • .� • . _ · · · .., Jllrr ca..s�. term shall commenee on the tirst .Monday in Fcbru:u-y, \\'lien tocon,­]\,[ay, and thil'(I l\[onday in October and .Det:ember, and to , .. cncc. one of these terms a g-;·and j111-y shall be t'lllllltl()ned to at-tend as provided by law. in relation to <:in·nit courts ofsaidJuron,. co1111t_y. Petit jurors ,-hall be ,-;ummoncd to attend said terms of ,-;aid cou1·t as p1·0,·idC'd by law.

5. :Rules shall be held in the c·le1·k',; oflic-c of the :mid Ruic•; where county court, as aro 110\\' pi'·odded b.,· law, in 1·clatio11 to hchl.

the circuit courts of this ,-;tale.

6. 'l'he qualified ,·ote1•,; of \\'ood eonnty. 1111 the sec·ondJ11,1.:cor,'<>ur1; Tuesday ot' Oetobor. 01w thou:<11nd cighL h1111d1·ed and ,;1:�;;:.;� IJc ei.rhty (of which not lc•s:< than twc11tr u:n-s· notice shall :Sutii-c. be"' giv�n, in the manno1· p1·e:;cribecl iiy Jiiw for tho hold-ing of general elodion,-;) n11d on the ,-;ccnnd Tnesuay of' October, iu o,·ery fourth .vc:11· tl1ur,·:1fter. "hall ullict ajttdg-e for the said c,uu 11ty eo111·t of \\' ood eou 111,r, who shall bo nr ,�hom ,-om­com missioned hy l he g-;,ve1·no1·. His term ol office shall mission,�1. commenc:c 011 the tir><t da,· of .January, 0110 thou;.and t·i�ht hundred 1111d eighty-one, 'and be 101· fi

.,ur years, a11d he sl�:dl Term of office.

ret:ei,·e a :<alary of 0110 thou;.and dolla1·>1 per annum, pay- lfo •nlnry. able out of the county t1·ca&11ry, in quarterly i11,-;tallmc11ts. Ho shall not, during his term of ollfou, p1·:wtice Lbo pro{(',-; What jnd�o sion of hw ot· con nsel 01· advi,;c i II lc"'al matte1·s 01· hold l"''.hll,itcd Crom , , • • ::-- . ' tl11111,.; dur10:e nny othct· otlwe, apporntmcnt or public trust, under t.he hts1enn o(olfice authority of this otate or nny other government; duriu�

156 COUNTY CoURT FOR ·w OOD. [CH. 79

)�":--:i"rr��.� his continuance in office a;; judge of said court, Rh.di not bo offirc, nn,1 how. eligible to any political office. He may bo removed from Mar he im- offi<:o when from any disease, or mental or bodily infirm-pcuchell. ity, he shall be incapable of discharging the clnLies of Lhe

1)ffiee, by a concurrent vote of both houses of the legisla­ture, in tho manner provided by the eighteenth section of eighth article of the constitution ot this state. He shall also be subject to impeachment for the causes, and .in the manner prescribed in the ninth section of tho fourth article of tho said constitution, and upon corwiction shall be sub­ject to the judgment therein prescribed.

Ync:,ncy inor- 7. \Yhen a vacancy shall occur in Raid office, if not lice; huw ulled. more than one year remain of tho te1·m thereot, it shall be

filled by tbo <:ommissioners of the said county, bereinaftet· established, by appointment ot some qualified person learned in the law; but if more than one year of said tenn shall remain, then ,-;aid appointment shall be made until the next general election, whon the qualified voter,: of said county shall e.lect a competent person to fill said vacancy.

l�)ard of 1:om-111bsiu11er�; "·hen r.lcc:tcd. Q1rnlifications for ollicc.

8. At the election to be held on the second 'fuesday in October, one thousand eight hundred and eighty, as pro­vided in the sixth section of this act, the qu:dified voters. of said county shall elect five commissioner·s, t.o be chosen for their experience and prudence, who at tho ti me of their election, Rhnll have resided two vearfl at lea,;;t, in the said

�·:l��tlrs�:i��:n count_y. Not more tha.n one con1�nissionel' shall be elected Whnt omcc from the same district of said count.)'· allll the ofhce of dccm�d 111c·om- • . , • ' • · I patlolc with, J1H,t1ce ot the peace shall bo deemed r neom pat1ble with t rn etc. office of commissioner of ,;aid county.

9. 'l'he <:ommixsioners so elected shall be known as" the rl

o:;1,1,�ttobc board of commissioners ot Wood county," by which name

they may sue and be sued, and have ancl n;;e n common Powers of board. seal. And nil suits or pro<:eedi ngs that may be pen din.� in

this state, on the thirty-tirst dayof Decembcr,one thousand eight hundred and eighty, in the name of 01· against tho county court of \Vood county, 01· in tho name of 01· for tho benefit of said county con1·t of \Vood county, i-;hall be re­vived and continued in the name of, '· the board of com­missioners of \-Vood county." Tho said commisxioncrs shall meet st.atedly on tho tir·st Monday in the months of January, April, Augu;.t nnd October, at tho court hou;;o of

)\"hat. suits :,nll pro,·ccdi11:!.s to he rcvh·cd in rnun1• r,f b11:ird. \V hen to meet 1,tatcdly.

. said county, in each yen.r; and may hold adjourned and ,\dJn11r11cll (lll<I • • • • • f I· ' [ • a special mcctiugs i,pecml meetrngs, for the trnnsact10n o pu JhC rnsrnesi:;. They shall elect one of their number pn,sident, and the

Prr,slllcut nud cle1·k of the c0u nty com·t shall bo <:lerk of said c:ourt, who 'ii��;·0rclerk. shall keep n journal of their proceedings and ordc1·s, and

perform fluch other duties as may bo requil-cd by la':· or Hi• compeo"'1- by the ;.aid board, and whose compensation flhl\11 be fixed tion. by tho said board and paid out of tho county treasury.

. . . 10. The said board shall have tho superintendence a!1d ��ti�i��'�":,,;:;i_d administration of the police and fiscal matters and affmrs


of snid county, including the establishment nnd regula-tion of roads, ways, bridges, public landings, ferries nnd ,,, . r d od ·11 d h . ) d d. b ) . nL,o a qu mi s, nn aut onty to n.y an 1s nn10 tho county ev1cs. dnmouw. •

All writs of ad quod damn-um shall isrrnc from tbo county �ourt. "rhe said board shall. in all contested elections, ��1���� 1��

Judge of tbe election, qualification nnd returns of its own <1c1crmioc<1 by

members nod of all co1rnty and district offic:ers. It shall 00nrd·

have such otbm· jurisdicLion and podonn such other duties To have suc!• b · b I b I E I f · ) • . 01 hor Jurl,u1c-a:, mny e proscn ec y nw. �ac 1 o smc comm1ss1oners ,ion.••"·

shall re1..:eive three dollars J)er da.)' fo1· his i:<ervices · but in Co,npcn'!-,Lionor •

' COIU1UIS$100Crlll, no event shall they receive com pen1:mtion for more than Limit. thirty days in any one· year. 'l'he i;nid board shall have J1;��cy; how

])OWN' to fill any vacancy that may occur in the board. 'rhe te1·m of office of each of said commissione1·s shall be Their term or

I . J ofhcc; when to two years, and shal com men co on tho Iii-st day of an nary, begin nod how

one thousand ei�ht buudred and eighty-one, and on the long.

same clay eve1-y two years thcrcafte1·.

11. Tho election held under this net will be according to Election; bow

the Jaws in force at the time the election takes place, and held.

by the officers holding tho general election, and the 1·esult shall bo certi tied as follows, that is to sav: the number of How result cer-t I . d I . ,,_. I . -d f h t tificd.

lO ,·otcs c-ast at sai c ect10n ,or t 10 ,1u ge o t e coun y court and tho c:ommissioners aforc,;aid, ,;ball be ce1·Liticd to the clerk of the circuit court of \Vood county who shall Clerk of circuit declare tbo result of the election and issue ce1'.tificates to ���:�1tt':�.��


����­tho persons havin� the highest number of votes for com- :�;;-:,1��;:;"r,;�(�. missioner as atoresaicl; and tho said clerk ot tho circuit Clerk, to certify

( · I I 11 · f ) I t vote for j u<lge to court a oresmc s 1a cert, y to t 10 �ovornor t 10 votes cas go,·eroor. for tho office 0t judge of the said countr court. and tho< . . · ·· . . · . .,o,•crnor to g-overnor shall 1::-sue a com m1ss1011 to tho per:-on havrng Nmmission tho bi�hcst number of votes cast for the ottico of judge of ir��t�0 asto tho said conn ty court. Proi:irled, Bcfon• this act shall take when act to take

elfcct, the saruo shall be submitted to tho <]•tnlified votors ctlcrt. of tho conn ty of \\-ood. and ,;;hall rcc·oi vc a majority ot Ro.Bot•, whnt 1o

tho votes c•1�t nt said clel't ion. 'l'ho ballots cast nt said ha_,·c written or . • ,, printed thereon. olcct,on shall have thereon tho word�. '· for the system,

or" ngninst tho system." [Approvell March 11, 18i0. I

[NOTE BY Tin: CLEltK OF 1'11E JioU:lE OP D�:Lt:OATJ,;.q.]

'l'ho fore_goi ng take;; effect at tho oxpiriition of ninety clays afto1· its pw,sago.


AN ACT changing und fixing tho time for holding tho circuit cou1·ts in tho seventh judicial circuit.

[Passed March 8, 187!1.J

Bo it ennctecl by tho Logislnture of West Virginia. 1. the circuit court, of tho sovonth judicial circuit,


1'crms or court in �c,·enth lu­\tiCial circuit.

For l•ckson count.y. Roane.



Inconsistent 11cls repealed.


shall hereaftor commence and be hold at the following times to-wit:

Fo{· the eounty of Jack�on, on the first Monday of March, and first Monday of September.

For the county of Hoaue, on tho third Monday of March and tho third .Monday of September.

.For the county of .Mason, 011 the first .Monday of April, and the first Moudny of October.

For the c:ount,r of Putnam, on the fourth Monday of April, and tho fit·st l\Ionclay of Novembe1·.

For the county of Knuawha, 011 the third Monday of l\Iay, and on thA third ..llo1HJay of N' ovomber.

2. All acts inconsistent with this act arc hereby repealed. [Approved lfarch 11, 18i9.]


The foregoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.


AN ACT fixing the times for holding the terms of circuit courts in the second judicial circuit.

Be it enacted by tho Legislnture of ·wost Virginia: .-�•�:�:.�C:F'ent 1. That the times for the commencement of the terms for

conrti11second the circuit court in the counties of the second judicial c:ir-juuicial cirruit. . I II . I b ,, II For 1'nylor county.

Monongalia. Welzel.




cu1t s u1 , 1n eac1 year, e as ,o ows: For the county of 'l'aylor, on the tenth <lay ot Feb1·trn1·y

a.nd on the twentieth <lav of September. For the con�ty of i,lo�ongalia, on tho first dny of March

and oa the fit·st dn.y of September. For Lhe county of, on tbe fir"t day of April and

on tho tenth day of October. Fo1· tho county of �iarion, on the eighteenth day of

April an<l on tho twenty-eighth day of Oclobcr. For t.he county ot DochJl'idgc, on the twelfth dny of

May and on tho tiftetlnth day of November. For the county of Harrison, on tho thirtieth day of

M:ay and on the tenth day of December.

1nconsis1cn1 2. A;J act;,, and parts of acts inconsistent with this n.ct acts repealed. are hereby repealed.

(Appro,•cd March 11, 1879.l [NOTE UY THE CLtmK OF TIii-� HousE OF D.1-:L1mA"rl•:S.]

The foregoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.

On. 82.J Eur GROVE .RA1LWAY. 159


AN A.C'l' to amend and re-enact chapter fiHy-one, of the acts of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven.

[Passed ilforcb 8, 1S79.J

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

That section one, of chapter fifty, of tho act.'> of one.. t· t • :'ICC 100 one o thou!'and eight hundred and seventy-seven, be and the choptc! fifty ame is hereby amended and re-enacted so us to read as fol-��'.• 18'7 nmeod-10ws:

1. That section one:of chapter one hundred and sixty, Section one of · f J f b I · I chapter IGO nets o t 1e acts o one t om;nnc e1g 1t bu nd1·ed and seventy-two 1s;2-3 urue�<lro . and three be and tbe same is amended and re-enac:tecl so as to read as follows:

"l. That if any railroad companv b1\S been or shall be 1,.

1 t cd . .

I c1· 1 1 f� 1 . .,g t grant 1ncorporntec un e1· a genera aw o t 11s state, to construct, to construct :in<I

or operate a rai I way" for tho transportation of persons and �:;."c':��0�1;.,=:;

prope1·ty in and from the city of \Vheeli ng to some ter- •ides of, o_i,d · E ( (' · 0 I · • ncross no11011nl minus at or ncnr ., m Trove, 1n 110 county, or any inter- rood bysic,11, mediate point, tbe nssent ot the Rtate is hereby given to oruoiwal puwer I • • f . I · 1 1 :-

etc. t, 1e constl'uct10n and operatrng o !'a1c 1·:u way, uy steam 01· animal po\\"er, or both, along the sides of t,be National 1·oad, and across the same when necessary and proper, but ��(�'i;,.,.�';T�� f;t1bjecl nevertheless to such re,rnlations, if any, as mny cd br bQard pub-• ' ' :c- lie workH jf nny be in that behalf prescribed by the board of public works. And for tho 1rn1·pose of' const-rnctiug and operating its railway along or near the :N ationn.l road, nny such rail-���i���"��\�� way company may remove any ot tho teleg1·aph poles nod replucro. along its route, replaci111! 1.)11.J :same in other c·onvenient positions. so ns not t,o injnl'o 01· imunir t.ho rights of any

1 b. 'p · / rf ,:, I · ) • l'ru,•l!o "-' lo te eg-rnp company. ro1;,, e , 1, cn·crt ieles::<, t mt 110 kiud;orstc,men-steam engine shall be nRed on Baid railroad t.hat will ori;lue to bcusc<i. may frigliten ho1·so;- 01· pei·sons tra,·clling over ihe Cum-· berlnnd turnpike 1·oad. 01· othcrwifle interlet·o in any man-ner with the pel'fect 1·ight ol all citizon;-of this stat-a safoly to pass and 1·epuss over tbe said turupiko.·•

(Approved l\lnrcb J1,'1s;v.J

[NOTE nY 'l'lIE Cu:ni.:: o�· THE Homm OF DELEGATES.]

'l'he foregoing net t.akes offoct at, the expiration of ninety days after its passage.



AN ACT to facilitate tbe transfer to the United States of the title to·theA ntietam NiitionalCemeterv in the state

.7 l

of Maryland.

[Passed Mnrcb S, !Si9.)

Be it en11.eted by the Legislature of West Virginia: Stnte ol Mnry- That the state o f Maryland be, and is he1·eby autho1·ized Jnnd n11th0rtz�d to convey to the United St-tte& all the i-iirht 'title and inter-tocon,·oy to . . ... ·.· c.. . � '·

'" United :stntes est of the state of ,vest. V 1rg111rn 1 n and to the land occu-all the right, • d b ' tb A t· t °"'T '· I C t · tl t · f title, etc. or this pie ) e n ie am .l.'< a.1ona eme cry, JD le COllll J o ��':,;c&'11�;1:;z-: W nshi1


1on, i

1D t



1d state of Maryland, and if the said

f II transfer his state o .11 al')' an s a I have alrendy made such t1·ani:-fcr {. l,een made,�•- title to the United States, t-ho assent thereto of the state of sent thereto IS no v· . . b b hereby b'Tnntcd. u est 1rgrnm is ere y granted.

LApproved Mnreh 11, !Si9.J


The foregoing act takes effect at the cxpil'ation of ninety days after its passage.


AN AC'f to amend and r<;i-enact chapter seventy-five of· the code :1s amended and re-enacted by chapter one hund!'ed and thirty-11ine ot tbe acts ot one thou1,and eight hund!'ed and seventy-two and three, entitled "nn act am�nding and re-enacting chapter seventy-five of th

0e code, concerning liens for purchase money and lien,;

of mechanics, laborers and othcr::1.

[Pnssed :lfarch 8, 1879.)

Be it enacted by the Logislnturo of \Yest Vil'ginia: Chapter ;s of 1. That chapter seventy-five of the code as amended �t;. �1,��1

::�d- and re-enacted by cbaptc:· ono hu ndl'Cd and thirty-nine of 139, nc'" 1872-3, tbe nets ot one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two ameotlcd. and three entitled 'an act amending and re-enacting chap-

ter BCV<:>nty-five of the code concerning liens for purchase money and liens of mechanics, laborers and others, be amended nnd re-enacted so as to read as follows:

Cn. 84.] LIENS. 161

Liens for Purchase Jlf.oney to be Reserved by Deed.

"l. If any person convey any real estate and the pur- Liens for pur­chase money 01' any pai·t thereof remain un1)ai<l at the time chn.•c muncy or

!. I • real estate 1uusl o t 1e conveyanee, he shall not thereby have a heo fo1· 1oc reserved on such unpaid pul'chasu money u nlesB such Hen is expressly ;1�":.,�r convey­reserved ou the face of the conveyance.

Lien of Mechanics and Others.

"2. Every mechanic, bnilder, nrtizan, workman, laborer Lien or mechnn-1 I l 11 I I. I J b "·s Cl c. for or ot 1cr person w 10 s 1:L co 01·per orm any wor, or n or wo�k u1;011 an�

upon 01· iurnish anY material in tbe erection or construe- 11�•11erials fur-. f I " J b ')d' I d . J . mshc'1, etc., for t1on o · a 1ousc 01· ot 1er 111 111g on an , or 1n a tenng Ol''buihlings, etc.

rcpail'i ng any house OI' other'builcii ng 01· its appurtenances. by virtue of any contl'act with the owncl' thereof or his a!-{ents; or any person who in pursuar.c:e of an agreement with any such contractor, shall, in conformity with the terms oi the contract with such owners or agents, do or perform any labor or work or furnish any material in the erection 01· coni-trnction of a house or oLber building iu this state. !'!hall have a lien for the value of such labor and material t1po11 such house or other building, and its appur-tenances, and also upon the lots of land upon which the flame _is situated. But the aggre�atc of all lieus antho1·izcd t;,f[Toi�;'.,:!1

by tins chapter to be created for labor performed and <·cc,1 pr_icc ,tip­material fur111.:bcd in building, :1lteri11g or repail'ing a�

1�;�f1 '" con­

hou,:ic or othc1· bui ldi n,g and its appurtenances shall not ex-ceed tbe price stipulnlell in the contract with l'!uch owner to be paid therefor. Aud such owner shall not be obliged

f. f ,. I b .1 1. Owner not to pay 01· 01· on nccon nt o. sucu wuse, u1 c Ing or appur- oblii;c<l to pn)'

tcnanccs, any gl'eater sum or amou11t than the price so ��i���'i'\t��" :<tipnlatcd and agreN.l to be paid Lhercli:w in and by such that ,11!.'ulatctl contract. And such lien shall h:i,·e priority over any lien �r;1:,}��'.'�rsuch created by deed or othcrwii-e 011 such horn,c 01· other build- lieu .. · . . · . l l No pr1or,Lv o.5 111g and appurtenances and tho lots on wh1c 1 t 1c same are t,, r.;r.ons Cl"llCtcd ,rnbst�qnontl.,· to tho time who11 .:ncb labor shall cln miui;. have been pCI·forrncd and maltirial fnrniRhcd. But ther"l f.lhall be 110 pl'iOl'ity of lioni- as between the parties claim-ing undc1· tlic p1·ovisions of this ;;oction.

'13. Such lion shall be dischnr_gcd 11nlcs;;1,ho person desir- To preserve inir to avail himRclf thereol within tbirty days lrom the liei., party must

· " I I I I' · I . t : I f ,. file wlt.hiu :io time HJ <,ousos to 11 >or 011 or nrn1s 1 ma .cna or l'!UCtl <lays, nu nc-

bui ldi n rr and flll!Jlll'lcn,incc;: fl le with the dork of tbo cour,L?£ :1111ou111 r."I • • ' • duo 1nm: wlwrc county cou1·t of the county rn wl11ch the house or ot.hcrtobefilctl.

bnildin� is situated ajust and true account of the nmonnt due him after :d lowi ll" nil cr�di t><, together with a descri p- What must be

tion of the p1·opcrty nltendcd to be COVCl'ed by the lion ����.:.':.':��'t'."t " snfficiontly accnl'ate for identification, with the 11nrne of the be verified.

owner or own1,rs of the propc1·ty, if known, which nc-couut shall be sworn to by the peri,on claiming the lien or some person in his behalf.


162 'LIENS. [CH. 84

Duty of clerk as "4. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the county court to such account. ot the county to enter every such account in a book by him to be kept for that purpose. to be <·ailed th(I "mechan­ic's lien record," which shall be properly indexed, and in

��;:.\t�k. which he sball state the names of tbe parties, the amount and character of tbe claim and when filed, and the descrip­tion of tbc property to be char!!ed by said lien, for which Fee o[clcrknnd · h l 11 · fif � b 'd b h by whom paid. service e s rn receive ty cents, to e pm y t e per-son claiming the lien.

Persons cm- "5. No person employed to do work or tnrnish materials ployed to do or to furnish for the coni-truction of any such honse or bui lcli ng, or any urntcrial• t,Y 1mrt then,of, by anotber who ma.,· have contracted with C�>Dtr:ic� must. ·' give written · tho O\\'ner tll(lreof, to coni:<truct or erect the same or any ��t1�i�r

lit;0"'.'- part thereof, sh!l.11 have any \ien on such house or build­wh�n aud wbaLin" unless such 1>erson shall within thirty days after the nonce must C" • ' • • • • state. term of lus employment bas expired, or after the delivery

ot materials tnrnished, give notice in writing to the owner of such house or building, ot the amount of his demand, and that he cl:lims the benefit of the lien c1·eated by vir­tue of this chapter.

When contrnc- "6. ,v1rnn the owner fails to perform his part of the tor Pntitll-<l lo b I compcnsauon contract, and y reason thereof the other party, wit 1out fo, i,art per- his own default is pt·evcnted from comJ)lctelj· t>el'fol'min.,. formanceor con- . ' . . o tract. 111s part, he shall be entitled to a reasonable com pemmt10n

Enforccruent ol Hen; how.

for as much as he bas pel'formcd, in proportion to the price stipulated for the wholo.

"7. Any person having a lien under or by virtue of this chapter may enfo1·cc the ,1ame by filing a bill in cha11cery in the cirenit court of the connty in whieh t.hc house 01· otbm· building is situated in which he shall make all other

Who tobe mnde persons having similar lions tbereon, pm·tics, and any 1,nrtics. other person acqnit·ing such lien beto1·e a decree shall be

pronounced in said ,-uit may at bis request be nrnde a de­When part,- fondant therein and recover his claim in the same manner rnnv be mado as if be had been made a defendant at the commencement deiendaut. 11 pur�y �ring- of the suit. Should the party bringi11g the suit from any :,:;fa:,1::,/t1


cause fail to-establish his claim, the snit shall not for that clainJ, iLrnay be cause be dismissed, but it may be pt·osccutcd by any othc1· ):���11��

<1 !.r..Lv party thereto having such lien, in the same manner as if thcret? ha,·mi:· it had been commenced bv him. such hen. J

· "8. Unless a suit to enforce the lion is commenced within

When lieu dis- . h f ti d · · t 'I I · l f ti charged if suiL SIX mo11t s a ter JC person e,-irtng ·o avm .11mRC · 1c1·e-noL cowUJeuccd. of shall have filed his account in the clerk's oftico, as here-

. inbeforo p1·ovided, sttch lien shall bo discharged; bnt a suit, Shutt commenced com1ncn<·ecl b,, an'-· }>Orson huvinbcr snch lion shall, for tho \"000�� . J J

hiurcs 10 henc- purpose of preservin,r the same, inure to the benefit of all flt of ull other ] · t> ] ' ] 1 · I t person• having other persons H\Vtng a 1 ,e ien on t 1c same proper y. 11 like lien.

"9. If the lien is established in favor of any of the credi­tors whose cluiins aro presented in such snit, the court

CH. 85.] P., "\:V. VA. AND S. RAILWAY. 163

shall Ol'det' a imlc of the pt'opel't,y on which the lien is es- Tf li_cn be es-

t bl· I I . tsbhshcd, court n is Jee, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to saw,fy ,,,orrlcr s.'\lc of such claims in like manner as in other suits in cbanCCl'.}' \!.':.0rc,

rt.y. • , v,ur m1ty, sn an<l the conl't may, in addition, give a personal decree in :uldi1io11, i;i•c favor of such Cl'cditort; for the amount, of their claims personal decree. against any party as to whom they may be established; Effect of such irnch decree to have the effect, of ·ind to be enforced as other decree, "nd 110"

1 . ' • enforced. c ccrecs fot· money. ·

"10. When a debt secured by snch lien is fully paid at When ond how any time aftel' such creditor shall have filed bis account incl_erktoentcra 'l fl' f' I ) ) I . discharge of � 10 o 1cc o t 10 c er,: ot the conn Ly court, snc 1 crcd1tol' such lien. isliall cnnsc the clc1·k to entcl' a disc:lrnl'gc of such lien in tho margin of the book in wbich each account is entered and immediately opposite thel'eto, or shall execute a re-lease thereof, which may be recorded in the book iu which account is cntcre�I."

2. All acts and parts of acts in conflict wit,h this act or Inconsistent any pal't thcl'eof arc hereby repealed in so fat· as they con- acts repc.'lled.

flict with this act. f A pp roved Mnrch ll, IS,9. l


Tbc forcgoi ng act takes effect at the expiration of ni noty days after its passage.


AN AC'l' authol"izing the board of regents of tbe West Virginia Uni,·crsity to grant right of way to the Pitts­burgh, \Vest Virginia and Southern railroad through tho grounds of the university.

(Pns,ie<.I )l:trch S, JS,9,]

Be it enacted by the Logislaturo of West Virginia: 1. 'l'hnt it shall be lawful fort.he boa.rd of'rogcnt,; of thoB.,mlofr!'Scnts

"' v· . . U . . I • I c· I .. rwc,1\a. nest 1rg111in nn·c1·s1ty to grant t 1c 1·1� 11, o way tn t 1c U11i�·crsi1.y au-

Pittsbur"h \Vest Vi1·.,inia ·111d So11t,her11 raih·ond in ,t,omed 10 •- n ' :-, ' .. �

· �rant r11.!hl of throug-h, ovor and upon the grounds 1111d appnl'tennncos ofway tol'i,ts-1 · I · · j I I (.

bur�h Ole. t 1e 1:<aic nn1vert:i1ty g1·O1111c 1;, Olt:i ant appur e11a11ces. upon rnil�o,;tl , . such terms ns t,he said board may doom propo1·, or by t,he throui:h

· I I "d b d t l II l!1·ou1Hls, etc. of snH company 11nc fl:11 oar o regents may JC mu tun y Uui,·ersity. agreed upon; and in like llllll1DOr the snit! board may �r::.:_what grnnt other and further privileges nud franchises in and 1>1ay gmnt · · d d other and fur-upon Sill gt·oun s. t.hcr prh·ilcgcs,

[Approved Mnrcb 11, l879.]


Tho foregoing net takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.


ln,pector of mines; when :md now ap• pointed.



AN A.C'f providing for tho regulation of coal minos and the protection and safety of persons employed therein.

[Passed Morell 10, 1879.)

Bo it on acted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

1. That it shall be the duty of any judge of the e;irc:nit court of any county in this state, in vacation, or such court in term time, upon presentation of a petition ve1·ificd by the affidavit of any credible person, and signed by one hundred voters ot such county, that any coal mine in such county in whic:h more than ten persons are (',mploycd is

rn, tenn of of- not sufficiently ventilated, or that the weights and meas­fice. ures are not inspected, to appoint an inspector of mi ncs,

who shall bold his offiCl' for the term of two years, sub­ject to removal by such judg-e 01· court tor incompetency, intemperance or neglect of duty. Such iuspe<:tor �hall be . a man of good charactc1·, fair ct!ucation and temperate habits, and shall boa mining engineer, and shall have a

Jlo"· nnd for what removed. Q11aliticationi1 for omco of in­spector.

practical knowledge ot mining and Yentilation of mines, and shall be a l:itizen of this state. Before entcl'ing upon

Oath ol omcc. the discharge of his duties be shall take an oat.h or 1r.ake Tot,,,_inw,itini:affirmation to dischar!{e his duties faithfully and impar-au<I signed. · 11 l · I I 'fi

. 1 11 b I I .. trn y, w 11c 1 oat 1 or aJ- rmat1on s 1a o rec ucec to wr1 t1 ng Wbcrcfilecl. and be signed by tbe said inspccto1· and be tiled in tho

clerk's office of said con rt. Such inf:'po<;tor shnll likewise lnspector'•bond ,give bond, with good security. in a penalty of five huudrcd �';,


":1:J�';{c��i�aollars, made payable to the stale of West Virginia, to be

c:;:;ciitioosof- appn?ved by such j_nd�e ?r court, co?ditioned for �he faith-l,oud. fnl discharge ot his duties us :-ucb rnspector, wh1<;h 1ond WhPro filed. shall also be filed with the <;I erk of tho said court. Dutic.,ofln-. 2. Said inspector shall examino all such mine,; in his =���:J�i:"':n\�;;:- county as soon as practicable after bis appointment and etc.. qualification, to see that the provisions of this ac-t are

fully c·arried out. And it shall be lawful for him to in­spect any such mine in such county and the works and

When toin- machinery connected therewith, and all cars, weights und 'if.�.��;iric,tobe meaaures at all reasonable times, by night or by day, but "''"tcb>·in- not so as to unnecessarily obstruct the working- of tho specw. mine; and to make inquiry of the state and conclition of

the mines, aB to tllo ventilatlon thereof and the security of employes therein.

Report of ln­tipcctor; when nud to whom 1naclt•. W hut repo•t to contain.

3. Such inspector shall on the first day of every term of said court, in writing, report to said court tho condition of all such mines; specifically statiug in his report whether tbero is such ingress nnd egress at such mino as is 1t0ces­sary Jor the safot,y of the employes in cm;e of uc·cident; whether such mines are well drained and properly ven-


ti lated; whether any employo bas been injured in such mine and the cause thei-cof, and such other info1·mation as ho may think useful aud proper.


4. Said inspector shall as compensation for his services compensation receive three dollars per day for each day necessarily em- 01 iuspccior. ployed by him in the discharge of his duties, to be levied llow paicl. for and paid him out of the county treasury, but in no case shall such inspector receive in the agg1·egatc more 1,;111;1 n. 1oamt.. than one hundred dollars for his services in any one year Exccp1ion as 10 except that for the county of K:rnawha he mny receiv� �:•����!'" such per diem ai:: aforesaid not to exceed two hundred dol- ·1 To keep recort lars inany one year. He �\mil record the result ofbis .. rresultofin-invcst igations and all material facts and ei rcumstances ;�tignti"""· connected therewith, in a book which shall be at all reas- Rro,r<1wcn10

bl t. b · ' h · · f 10spcc1lo11. 011:1 e 1mcs su mitten to t e 1nspect1on o any pe1·son To be turned claiming to be interested, and shall at the expiration of his o,·cr 10.succ-c,;s-term of office be turned over to his successor. or.

5. The operator, occupier, agent or lessee of any such Duty ol opem­mine, shall cau,;c the same to be kept well druined r.nd ��rio"t";�\•,.?:,�• shall provide and maintain within six montlrn afte1· thea11_dven1ila1iog passage of this act. for every such mine an amount of ven- iuwcs.

tilation sufficient for the safety of persons employed in ,;ucu mine. which shall be circulated to the face of each ·rnd even, wo1·kinir J>hce throtwhout the mine· ·ind ·di l>uty or, as 10 • • J e,. (. � , • • 1111nc::; ge11er:ll• mines g-cnerati1w ex1>losive ":lS shall as far as J>o::;sible beinJ.:explo,i_,·c

'- :-, . b . . "II� :uut lll1HC::; kept free from standrng gas, and 1n all mrnes where ex-Z..-1ie_rcex 1110,h•c plosive gas is generated every working pla<:c shall be care- !:us '",;cncrnicd. fully exami ncd onee each day witb a safely lamp, by a competent person; and it shall 1,c the duty of su,:h owner, To 1<�1• 1wo ag-en t or le"::;ee to keep at lea:-L two extni and suitable posts��� 1�:0°:�,� in each room b('ing- worked and to :<co t,hat such mine is etc.


made as safo in other respect:; as practicable.

6. In all 1mch mine::;, rnini11g- :shall be paid fo1· either by Ho" _mining to the busbel 01· by tho ton, or uy I he Jay or in any othc1· be patj for.

way that mny l>l, iwrccd 111,,>n heiwc•en tho ownm·:'I, tbei1· 1. · . ,... .

I d . Cu,.. to lie 1> am-

llg'Oll t and the m111er8 of 1-111('h m111O; anl t-bo e111·s u;;e Ill ly 11r.11nlcd as 10

any mine whoro mining is pait.l for by t.ho lrnsltol, :shall be '.,1��:�:��� wcn;­

plainly branded acconli11g- to it,; true mcmrnromont nnd �-0;11, how i,aid wci�ht, and tho coal :shall be paid for at t.ho rntc ag1·ced ror. upon.

7. Any 111ine1·, workntall or otl1<,1· 1w1·,;O11 who :shall W_h,u nc1,0_111 1 . I I " 11 f 11 . . . f . I f '" 11,�r "ork­{110 WI II g y an< w1 11 y 1n,111re or 111tc1· en� Wll 1 :111y sn cty ua:m, � .. oiher lnmp, air eotm;e, or obstruct tb_o v�,11Lilati_on of such mine �•'�J�;,�;����-­or disturb any pa1·t oft he mach1nc1-y, or d1:;obey auy prop-or ordc·r giycn in carryin� out tho provitiion:s of this act, or if any person employed in any mine governed by the provisions of thil'! act, i;hall neglect, or rofm;e to sccu1·ely prop the roof ot any pince under bis control, or do any act whereby tho lives or health of the por;;ons, or the safety of tho mines· n.nd mnchinory are ondnngered, every ,meh per-


son shall be deemed g _ nilt.)r of a misdemeanor, ,ind U})On Penn lt.y uron co11,-ic1io11. conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding

twenty-five dollars. Fnilurc hv anv m opcrn1or,":igcni, 8. Lhe operator, occupier or agent ot any mine who N�, tucom111r shall fail to comJ)lv wit,h the 1wovisions of this act, ,-:hall be with prons1ons ·' .. r this :iot,. deemed guilty ot a misdemeanor, and on conviction there-;'.�,:•,�c:;-�_n11:•,;,\('- of shall be fi necl not le:,;s t,han ten dollars or more than one l'�nally on con- hunch-eel dollars. ,·iction.

Co111111c11ccment of t<'rmsof conrt i II ti r.-:t. j udicinl circuit ..

For )lnrsbnll county. Hancock.



[Approve<\ Murch 11, 1879.)

[NOTE BY Tim C1.F.nK OP THE Housi,: 01, Dm,EGATEs.]

The toregoing act take:,; effect at t,he expiration of ninety days after i t,s passage.


AN ACT fixiug t,he times of holding tho circuit courts in tho first judicial circuit.

[P:u;sed March JO, 1S79.)

Be it enacted by the Legislature of \Vest Virginia: 1. 'rhc days upon which the terms of tho circuit court

in the tirst circuit shall commence shall be :is follows: For tbe county of Marshall, on tho fourth Monday of

February and fourth Monday of August. For the t·ounty of Hancock, on the third Monday of

Mnrch and third Monday of September. For the county of Brooke, on the fourth Monday of

Mnrch and fourth :Monday of September. For tbe county ot Ohio, on the second Monday of .April

and se<:ond Monday of October. [ApproTC<l !unrch 11. 1879.)


The foregoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its pas1mge.


AN AC'l' to create an independent school district in the dititl'ict of U uion, in tho county of Marion, to be culled tho district of Palatine.

[Passed l\Iurch 10, 1879.)

Be it enacted by the Legisla�urc of West Virginia: I. That the town of P�latinc and adjacent territory,


designated and known as sub-district number three oflnd0r0nilent U · h I 1 · · · · h f '·i . l . I . scho-,1 di.Lrfct n10n SC 00 C, Ill t e county O ;, ar1on, W .llC l IS c,tahllsbcd. bounded as follows: Beginning- at a culvert ove1· Pump- Bouudary. kin run on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, thence with said run to the lands of John C. G-allahue. thence with G-allahue's line and lines of J. 0. Wat.son. including Wat-son's lallds, to the mouth of Bartbelow's lane at the· county road, thence with said ro:1d to lands of Job. S. Gaskea, thence with and including lands ot Job. S. Gaskc>n and I. N. Holland to tbe Morg-autown and Bridgeport turnpike, thence witb said turnpike to the boundary line of Winfield distri<:t, thence with ,;aid line of Winfield district, to the iWonongalia river, thence with and including one-half of said rive1· to mouth of Pumpkin run, t-bc1,cc with said rull to the place of beginning, be aud the same is hernby creat-ed an i 11de1)cndea t school district by the name of "the dis- i-.amc or dis-

. '


t1·1ct of Palatine. 2. The board of education shall consist of a president Roord or cducn-

and two comrnissiouers, who shall be elected by the voters �}011• 1 cd reRiding within said independent district, and shall be ui,:-;;,�;:ori;a. a co1·poration by Lhe name of "the board ot education ���crs

01 cor­of th<> district of Pala ti uc," and by that name may sue 1>0r:ition. and be sued, plead and be implended, purchase and hold i;o much real estnto nod personal prnperLy as may be ueces-Rary for tho JHu·poses ot thi>< act; •witbout any tranRfor or Propcrt,· ,·cstl'<l convey:weo they shall be deemed the ow11crs of all real in t,.,anl. and pe1·so11al prnperty within tbeir ;.nid district, which iR now- owned 01· held tor free f<ehool p111·po:::es, by tho board of education of Union dist1·ict, and they shall have all the Dnt i"" nn,1 li•­

powcrs, pel"form all tbe d11ti1•,; and be subject to all the 1,,1iu"". liabilities both of boards ol cduc·ation and t1·ustees.

:-l. 'l'he bonnl of education ;.hall hold t.hoir office for the �'��;:_or omcc 01

the term of two years. b1,!-!i11ni11g un tho fir-,;t day ot 8op-tember nexL:ll"t1)1· their election. and until their succes;.ors � .

1 l I 1. . I j. I I I ,·.xccphon as to :u·o o octet a.111 q 11a 1 hot nc·i:01·1 111,g to aw ; ex1·epL t mt, t 10 boar,I first t'lc<.1-

board ti rst ole1·ted II ndc1· th is a<:l ,;Ital I hold their otHce from , .. 1. tho fii·st day of April, one t.lw11s,11,d oi!-!hl hundred and Rcventy-ni110, to the tir,;t day of :-:epLomlJer next i;uccocd-ing their eleetiun. Vaean,·iC>' in tho h11:u-d shall be lilletl y00011cics,how for tbcunoxpired term hy nppni11t1nent by the boanl. tillcJ.

4. 'l'he tirRt olee:tion of school ofliccr;;. n ncler t.his net shall First rlccllon be held at the i;chool hou;:e in Pala ti 110 on the 1<econd Snt111·- !or school •1 • M I I I · I I I I I otliccrs; when uay Ill 1 arc 1. 0110 t l0ll><ILn< 01g- It Ill 11( l"Ol :�Ill ;:eve)l Ly- :111<1 where lwld.

nine under the su1)01·visio11 ol the oli11.:e1•,; lll)JlOintod t.o flow sup,•ri11• ' . tcndt'tl: rc:mll hold tho borough eloction, and the resn It 1,hercot ;:hall be """or\:iiu,...i and

ascertained and cerLificd hy the common cou nc:il of Pala- ,-e,uhc..l.

tine iu the f!UlllO manner as j;. provided for by law in ret:{ani to the election of borou�h olficors. All 1111bsequent elec-tions shall be hold and the rn,ndt thereof ascm·taiued ns re-quired by tho general school li�w.

5. 'l'be bonrd of educntion sb.all havo pow or to establiRh


Power of bonrcl t•> e."tabli�h a �radcd school. Pruvl�o n� to tn xnt ion for :-.uch �chool.

Provi�ion for conlinuins::­school longer tlmn four month�.


a graded school in their district and continue the same for eiiht months in year; Provided, tlrnttaxation for such pnrpoRo shall not ex coed the Ii mit p1·osc1·i bed1i u the fortieth section of the general school law. No levy shall be made for tho purpose of co11tinuiug said g1·aclc<l school for a longot· period than four mouths in any one year until the same ,;hall have been submitted to the voters of the district a,; provided fo1· in the forty-first section of the general 8chool law. And if the propoRition for a longer term than fom· mouth::, have a majority of all the Yoters for and

When board 11gainRt, then th.: boa1·d shall Jcyy acc:onlingly, and shall r��;: �i:•!�':,'.'.'.' 10 <:on ti nue to make tue levy, necessary for the same term, in tcrin nnd until each snc:c:essiYe year u11til the length of the annnnl term "'1"'n. of school shall be changed i11 the same manner as above

p1·ovided for in ca8e of continuation for a longer term than four months.

School moneys 6. All school moneys. whether belonging to the teachers' �1i.:{"���x�:�;,d_or builtli11g funclof Union tlist1·ict, wl1ich� may be unex­e<l, how <li,·i<lc<I. peuded at the dato of the passage of this act, shall be

divided between Lhe :said district of Union and tbe district of Palatine in proportion to the amonnt of taxable prop­erty in each of said district8, after the c1eation of the dis-

Bnsi• of �ett!e: trict ot Palatine. 'l'he latest available assessment for state ment nml d1v1:-1- • 1• inn. and county purpo1:-es t-hall be taken as the basis for ,:.tH:u

settlement and divi!lion. · It shall be the duty of the afore­Wh<>n finnncial E<aid board!! of edttcation to make the f inanc:ial Rettlement scttlcnwnt to he provided for in this section on or before the first da_y of rna<lc. June, one thousand eight hundred anti seventy-nine. Provisions of 7. The district of Palatine shall be subject to the gcn-,;encrHl schonl era! scbool law, exce1)t where it is herein otbcnvise. pro­Jaw to �pply, <>xc-cpt, c,c. vided.

[Approved M11rch 11, 1Si0,]


The fo1·egoing act tnkes· effect from its pai"fmge, two­thi1·tls of the membc1·s elected to eac:h houf'e, by a voli, taken by yeas and nays, having so dire<·tcd.


AN ACT to amend and re-enact section fourteen of chap­ter fifty-five of the acts of one thousand eight hund1·ed and seventy-seven, entitled "an act authorizing tho in­c:orponition of mutual fire insurance companieR."

[l'nsse<l March 10, 18i9.J

Be it enacted by tho Legislature of West Virginia:

1. 'l'hat section fourteen of chapter fifty-five of the acts


CH. 89.] FIRE 1NSURANC1:. 169

of one thousand. eight hundred and aeventy-seven, be �-5\� ��1�11


amended and re-enac:ted so as to read aa tollows: nmcnded.

"14. Every person who shall become a member of such Whnt required company by eff'cctincr insurance therein shall before re- or person who . . . . 1· ,.., 1 · b ., . 'h. I '1 II b d becomc.,ame111-Cel\'I ng a po icy, execute 11s onu, 1n w 1c l s 1a e e- ber o! cornp,111)·, scribed b1·iofly_ and concisely the property insured, and �,;'r!��i�i�;�)�:;, shall also pay m cash such a per centum of said bond as be 01· she may be required to pay, and tho Raid bond shall be paid at such time:, and in such installments as the��,��:/J'0"•110 ma:;;· be req ni red for the payment of losses by fire, and said lloml tu bear in­bond :;hall bea1· interest, at a rate not exceeding three per terc.,i.

cent pe1· annum, to be fixed by the boa1·d of directors. and al the expi1·ation of the term of in:;nrauco the said bond, or such pa1·t thereof :u; remains unpairl alter deducting its

1 · { 11 I I • . d d . . I When nrnl w IOI, )'l'l>port1O11 o a osses an< expenses 1ncu1Tc u1·1ng sa1c 1oari_oraai<l tet·m shall be ..,.iYen ll}) to the m·d·er or makers therc>ot: bono. 10 he,:h·en ' � .. \.

. . . up to maker. And the county court clerk shall keep rn hts otfice, rn a well bound book, a mutual firn insumnce docket, in which he shall record without delay any bond given as aforesaid,�������;,\ when he shall be required lo do ><O by any insurance com- mu111n1 lire iu-. ' - b surnncc do1·kc1. pany orgau1zed 1111dcr the law, wheu such bond has een tlonu tQ be re-signed by tbo obligor thereof and acknowledged before the <-onlctl; "''"'"· said county c:O111·t clerk or other person :rnth,,rized to take the ac:knowledgement ot deeds. In such docket there shall be stated in separate columns:

I. Names of partieR. II. Amount of bond. Ill. Pt·operty described in said bond ns insured. IV. Dato of bond. V. 'l'he date of docketinl,!,it.

Whut to br statcc..l in dorke-t of clerk.

.Eve1-y bond shall, as f.Ouu ns it. is tlockotod, be indexed in the name of each -il'fo11 dant therein. lf a county courLt�'.�


,c 11•· clerk fail to do :wythin" 1·ec111ircd ol'him b)' this f.eclion. l'enaltyou

. · ,... - . ' clerk fo,· (nllure. he t:!lt:tll pay a hue ol not IN,s tlt:111 thtrt:r not· moro than 011e hundred dolla1•f. to n11y pen;on who will prosecute there-for. aml {01· ovo1-y bond rcenrdod as nforc1<aid under Lile pro-visions of t.hi« act., the connly <·onrl l'lerk shall be allowed f.:;:'�� .. ;•c��•1-fifty <�cnt>< to be paid by tl,o p:u·ty havi11g same ree:orded. w�ou, pa'i<1." Every bond give11 as ato1·c,..aid by a11y person or persons, t<hall be a lion ·011 the real estate thorci II del'!cri bod 11 nd in- Etfoct. or such 1<11ro<l, from the time it i,- dnlynd111ittod to l'C<:Ol'd,just at, llho11tlwho11rc­mo1·t_gage would be, nml said lien i-o created may always H��"'t11cu en­be enlorced in 11 court of equity. Any lien acquired uudert;��t�·uch lien this section shall be relea:,;ed in thc�ame ma1111er a11d mode-mayi;.,,eh•n:,e,I. as prescribed in cltaptm· se,·e11ty-:;ix, code ot "'est of Vi1·-ginin, in case of a deed oftrnst.

(AJ>t>rovo<l .March 11, l8i9.] (NOTE IIY THE CLERK Of' 'rIIE HOUSE Of' DELEGATES.]

The foregoing net takes etfectnt theexpirntion of ninet,y days 11fte1· its passage.



Who to be op­pointcd.



AN ACT authorizing the appointment of a state agent on

immigration, and appropriating money for immigration

purposes. [Passed Murch 10, 1879.)

Bo it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

1. Tbnt as soon after the passage of this act as is prac­ticable, t,he governor is hereby authol"i;r,od and directed to appoint and commission C. E. Lutz, a citizen of Randolph couuty, as state agent on immigrn.lion, who shall hold the

His term or· position of said agent uutil changed l,y the legislature or otlic�. removed by tho governor for any act dct1·i meutal to the

interests ot' the state. Said ageut is required to use all lJuti("� of such ai;cnl. proper means to induce Swiss aud ot.her immigration into

this state, and to furnish all information to11cbin_!( the agriculturnl, mining and mechanical i11tc1·ests to tho;;e who seeking new homes. Said agent is fut·tber directed to

Ton�oi<lpar-' avoid iiny partialiLy or misrepresentation in furnishing tiality nnd 1111•- info1·matiou relative to the various sections and iuterests reprcsc11tation. .

of tlrn, state, and to us€1 every rneans calculated to develop tbe material resources ot \Vest Virgipia.

Approprl:ition 2. That the sum of five hnnd1·od dollars is hereby ap-1opaycxw•11scs. propriatcd, out of any moneys in the treasu1-y not othe1·-Hvw drnwn. · · I t·" 1 f

·. I wise appropnatec, or t 1e purpose o cal'l'y1ng ont t 1c

provisions of tbis act, aud the auditor is l101·eby directed, by order of the governo1·, to ii;suo bis warrant on the treasu1·cr for tbe sum hereby appropriated.

GEO. H. :MOFFETT, Speaker of the ilouse of Deir.gates.

D. D. JOHNSON, President of the Senate.

OF:rncE oF SECRETARY OF STATl:, Ma1·ch 14, 1879.

I certify that the foregoing act, having boon prosentod to the governor fo1· his approval and not having been 1·c­turned by him to the house of the legislature in which it originated within the time prescribed by tho constitution of the stat.a, hai, become a law without his approval.

S. BRADY, Secretary of State.

[NoT.E BY TI-IF. CLERK OF Tim Hous•; oi, D1,:1,}:GATEs]

Tbo foregoiug act takes effect 11.t the expiration of ninety days 11fte1· its passage.


[No. 1.J

JOINT RESOLU'l'ION appointing a joint committee to wait upon

the governor.

Resolved by the Legislature ot Wost Virginia:

That a joint committee of three on the part of tho house, and two on the part of the senate, be appointed to wait npon bis excellency, tho govcrno1·, and inform him that the two houges are organized, with a quorum of each house present nnd in sm,sion, and ready to receive any communication ho may have to submit.

( Adopted Jnuunry 9, 1879.)

[No. 2.]

JOIN'l' R.ESOLU'.1'10.N relating Lo the ,-;:do ol lenf tobncco,as affected by tho provision:; of the revenue laws ot the United Status.

Rei:;olvod by the Lcgislnt11ni of \\'ei:;t Virgini:i:

1. That onr senato1•,-; he i 11;-it r11cted, n nd 0111· reprcsentat,h·es in cun­gre,;s req110,-tcd, to 11;;e overy extH·tion to secure a modific-ation of th<' present 1·c,·011110 law of tho United �lalt•f., so as to cnnhlu the pro­dueer of tobacco to soil his pt·oduct t-o any person or in any quaoLity whuteve1·.

2. That the secretary of slate be i nstrncted to forward an official copy of tbis resolution to each of our senators and representatives in cong1·oss.

(Adopted January 11, 1879.J


[No. 3.]

JOINT RESOLUTION in relation to the improvement of tho Lit­

tle Kanawha river.

Resolved by the Legislature of ·west Virginia:

1. That ou1·seonators bo i nstrncted, and our representatives rcq nested, to nse their efforts t.o secure tbe passa�e ot a law by congress, inaking another appropriation of money, snfli<:ient to complete ti.Jo improve­ment of the Little Kanawha river.

2. 'l'bat a copy of this resolution be transmitted hy tho governo1· to each of our s«mators and representat.ives in congress.

[Adopted January 14, 1679.]

JOINT RESOLUTION requesting QUr senators and reproscntat.ivcs

in congress to secure further and suflic-ient appropriations from t.he

general government to complete the works begun on ce1·tain rivers

in the state.

Resolved by the Legislature of \Yest Virginia:

'l'hat our senators and represent-atives in coog1·ess be requested to use every effort to se<:ure further and sufficient appropriations from the gener::il government to complete the works begun on the Big Sandy, Guyandotte, Great Kanawha, Little Kanawl.ia, �Ionon�ahcla rivers, the South Brunch of Potomac, New river, Elk river and Ohio river, wit.Ii a view to tho improvement of the navigntion of sai<l rivers. 'l'hat the goveri.1or be and ho is hereby requested to forwurd a copy of tho foregoing resolution to each of our senators and ropreaenta­tives in congress.

(Adopted January JG, l8i9.]

[No. 5:]

.) OINT RESOL UTlON instructing our senators and requeAting our

representatives in cc,ng1·es1:1, to urge the passage ot tho "Texas and

Pacific railroad" bill.

\VREREAS, .A. trnns-continentnl line of railway connecting the lowor .Missii;sippi valley with the Pne;ific coast, in tL southern, bas


long been regarded as a necessity, vrimarily for the development of the south and southwest, as well as for the economic administmtion of governmental affairs, both in the civil and milita1·y departments, and

w·HEREAS, Tbo commerce of the country is unnecessa!'ily bur­dened by exactions from tho line of railway nli·eady constrncted from the Missouri river to tho Pacific; ocean, which would be measurably, if not entirely relieved by competition; and

,vnEREAS, 'l'he bountie8 of the government bave bee11 chiefly be­stowed up0n the north and north\\'est, nnd the i::outb has received but i,mall benefits in tbe \\'ay of improvement of her commercial lines; and

,vHEREAs, 'fbe <·onstruction of the proposed line on or about tbe thirty-second parallel of north latitude. while it meets all the de­mands or the soutb, would be essentially a national highway; and

,vrrEREAS. 'fhe bill in congress, favorably reported from tbe com­mittees of both houi::es, providing fot· aid by the goYernment for the construction of the Texas and Pacific 1·ailway, meets the necessities of the south and the demands of the government, and at the same time m:ikes it effectually a competitor witb the existing line; therefore,

Re:solved by the Legislature ot ·west Virginia:

That our senator� be instructed and our representatives requested to p1·omot.e, by all pr0per means, the passage of snid bill, or, it that cau not be dono, then with such modifications as sh al I secure the speedy construction of snicl Texns and Pncitic rnih\·ay, connecting tho .Missis­,sippi rivet· wit.h t-he Pacific ocean, with such restrictions as will surely make it a competing- lino, and subject to the fair and propel' control of tho government of the United States; and t.hat the governor be re­quested to tra11;;mi1 a copy of this joint nisolution to l:lach of om· sen­i.tors and rcJH'e:soutatiYcs in cong1·ess.

[ Adopted Jnnuary 20, 16i0.]

[No. 6.]

JOLN'l' BESOLU'l'lON p1·ovicling for the insurance of tho capitol building.

Resolved by the .Legislature of \Vost Vi1·ginia:

Thnt. the bo11rd of public works .. be and arc hereby authorized to contrnct for the insurance ot tbc l·apitol hnilding- in Wheeling (which ins111'a11ce <'Xpirm1 on the tit-st day of February, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine), for tho te1·m of three years; and that the committee on taxation nncl financ:o be ini:trur.tecl to includu tho .unount required tor such insurance in the general appropriation bill.

[Adopted J,muary 23, 18i0.J


[No. 7.J

JOIN'l' RESOLUTION remitting the matter of voting for or ,against

tho 'l'exas and Pacific railroad bill, now pending in congress, to our

senators and representatives in congress, according to tbci1· best


\VnEREAS, By a joint resolution of this legislature, adopted at thii; F!ossio,1, our senators were instructed and onr rcprcsen tati vcs in co11-gress reque;:;ted to urge tho passage of the bill, How pending in congress, known a,; tho 'l'exas n11d Pacific railroad bill; and

\VHEREAS, 'l'hc bill now pending before congress relating to tho Raid Texas and Pacific road involves the government of the United States in a guaranty and possible liability of thirty-eight million dol­lars of principal and over ninety-seven million dollars of interest; and

'WHEREAS, It has been recently suggested that the principal ob­jects ot the said Texa'l and Pae;ific railroad bill may be accompliRhcd, without government aid Ir 1mbsidy, by responsible parties and under circumstnnces of which our senators and representatives in congress have better me:rns of information than can be acquired by this legis­lature; therefore be il

Rct;olvod by the Legislature of "\Vest Virginia:

That the propriety of voting for 01· against the said Texas and Paeific railroad bill be remitted to the best judgment of om· senators and 1·e1)1'esentntives in congrc:;is, rc�ardloss ot a1,ything eontnined in the joint resolution heretofore adopted on that subject. .Be it further

Resolved, That the governor be requested to transmit a copy het·eof to ouch of our senators and representatives in cong1·ess.

[Adopted February 3, l8i9.]

[No. 8.J

JOINT RESOLUTION providing for an oxtonsion of the present

session of tho Legislature.

\VnEREAS, The time for tho ndjournment of this sesRion ot tho le�islature is near at hand and there is a large amount of business before it of great importance to t,he people ot this state which busi­nei::� eannot be done in the time prescribed in the constitution, bo it therefore,

Resolved by tho Leg-is]nt,ure of West Virginia, two-thirds of the mem­bers elected to each house.agreeing thereto:



That the preseot session of the. legitolature be extended to the tentb day of J',,fa1·ch one tbousaotl eight buntlred and se\'enty-nine, at· two o'dock P. �1. if necessa1-y, iu order to complete the business now before it.

[Adopted February 19, l8i9.J

[No. 9.]

JOINT RESOLUTION providing for a joint committee of the two houses to hold a conterence asked for by the represcntati\res of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad cpmpany.

\VHF.REAS, Considerable interest is rnnnifcstetl by shippers generally alo11g the liue of the Baltimore anti 01.Jio rnilroad in this state; anti

WnEREAS, tho Baltimore and Ohio railroad company propose to meet a joint C'l)mmitlee of the two.> houses of the le!-{isliLtu1·e, for the purp0se of holding a conference by which they hope to make satis­tactory arrangements with all the varied interests along the line of their road; therefore be it,

Resolved by the Legislature of West Virginia:

'l'hat a joint committee composed of five members of the house and three of the scuato, to be selected by their respccti \'c houses to meet at us eal'ly an hour as possible with tho legally coni:<tituted autbo1·i­ties of the Baltimore and Ohiu rnilroud company fu1· the purpose ot COllS\l I tat ion.

[Adopted Murch 4, 18i9.]

JOIN'l' HESOJ,UTTO� proposing an nmendment to tho constitution of tbe

Hesolved b_, the Legislature of \V('!<t Virginia. two-thirds of nil the members olecLGd Lo oach house a!-{rcein,g thl'reto:

'l'hnt the following- be and the :-::nme is hereby proposed ns an nmend­men t to tbe constitution of this stale, to-wit: '!'hut article ei_!!bt of said constitution as it now is be stl'icken out, and the following be inserted in lieu thereof:




1. The judicial powel' of the state shall be vested in a supreme court of_appenlt:l, in ci1·cuit courts, and the j11rlgcs thereof, in s11ch inferio1· t1· as arc herein authol'izcd, and in justices of the peace.


2. The supreme court. of appeals shail consist of foul' judges, any three ot' whom shall be a quorum for the t1·ansactio11 of business. They shall he electcµ by the voters of the state, and hold thei1· offic·e for th<' term ol two! ve yea I'S, unless sooner removed in the man net· p,·e,;cri bed by this consLitnLiou, except- that the jnugcs in office when thi" article takes effect shall remain therein until the expinitiun of their pre,;ent term of office.

3. It shall have original jurisdiction in cases of lta.beas corpus, man­damus and prohibitiou. lt shall have appellate jurisdiction in civil cn,-es where the matter in eont1·oversy, e:s:clnsive of costs, is ot greate1· value or amount than one hundred uollars; iu contro,·ersies eoncern­ing the title or boundaries of land, the probate of wills, the appoint-

. meat or qualitic;ation of a personal rep1·csentative, guardian, commit­tee or cu,·ator ; or concerning a mill, road, way, fel'l'y 01· landing-; or the right oJ t1. corporation or county to levy toils or taxes, and al,<o in eases of quo i1;arra.nto, habeas corpus, mandamus, certiorari and p1·ohibi­tion, anu in cases involviug frccdum 01· the constitutionality of a law. ll shall have appellate jm·isdiction in c1·imirrnl cases where tlwr0 ba:'l been a conviction lor folony 01· misdemeauor in a ci1·cuit court, and ·where a co1n-iclion bas boon ha<l in any inlc1·ior court and been affirmed in a circuit court, aud in ca1:1es rclatiu,g to the public revenue, the right of appeal shall belong to the state as well as the defirndaut, and such other :-tppellatc jurisdiction, in both civil an<l criminal ca"es, as may be prescribed by law.

4. No_ decision rendered by the Au promo court of appeals A hall be consiuered as bindin� authority upon any ot the infe1·io1· courts ofihis state, except in the pa1·ticular case decided, unless sucl.1 decision is eon­curred in by at least three judges of said court.

5. W hon a judgment or decree is reversed or affirmed by the su­preme court ol appeals, every point fairly arisin� upon the record of the case shall l:,c considereu and decided; and the reasons therefor t:1hall be concisely t:1tated in writing, and preso1·vc<l with the record ot the case ; and it shall bo the duty of tho court to prepare a sy I In.bus of the poiuts adjudicated in each case co11om-red i,, by throe of the juugeR thereof, which shall be prefixed to the published rnport of the c:H:10.

6. A writ of error, supersedeas, or appeal shall be allowed only by the supreme court of appeals or a judge thereof, upon a petition as­i,igniug error in the juugmcnt, 01· proC'.ccdings of the inferior court. aud then only after said court or jndge i,hall lrnvc examiucd and con­sidored the record and assignment of errors, and is satitified that there


is error in the same; or that it presents a point proper for the_ consid-eration of the supreme court of appeals.

7. If from any cnuse a vacancy shall occur in the supreme eonrt of i\ppeals, the p;overnorshall issne 1\ wl'it of election to fill snch vacr,ncy at the next general election for t-he residue of the term; and in th·e meantime ho shall fill sncb vacancy by appointment u11til a judire is elected and qna.litied. But if the unexpired term be le;;s than'''two yea'.'); the governor shall fill such vacancy by appointment for the nn­exp11'lld term.

8. 'l'he officers of the supreme couJ·t of appenlf,. except the reporter sh_all be appointed by the cou1·t, or, in vacation, by the judges thcniof. with the power of removal; thei1· duties and c,ornpensation shall be prescribed by law.

9. There shall be at lenst two terms of the snp1·eme court of nppcals held annually, at such times and plnces as may be prescribed by law.


10. 'l'he state shall be divided into thirteen circuits. For the circuit herei n:1fte1· called the fi1·,;t, two judges shall be elected, nnd for each of. the other Cil'(:nits one judge shall be elected hy the voters thereof. Each of the j ndges so elecl!'d sh:111 hcild his oflice for the term of eight years. unless soone1· removed in tho manner prescribed in thi,; con­i;titntion. 'J'he judges of tbe cit·cuit c:oul'ts in office when this ;trticlo takes effect, lihall 1·crnain therein until the expiration of tbe tcl'm fo1· which they have been elected in the circuits in which they mn,r re­speetivcly reside, unless sooner removed as afo1·esaid. A vacancy in the office of a judu;e of the ei1·cnit court shall be tilled in the same man­ncl' as is provided for in the case of a vncancy in t-he office of a judg-e of the supreme court of appeals. During his continuance in otlke the judge ot a ci1·cuit eou1·t shall reside in tlwcircuit of which he i;;judgc. The business of the tir:;t l'il'(·uit, may be apportioned bet"'cen the

judges the1·eof, and sul'h judg<.>s may hold courts in the same <,ount,r 01· in ditfo1·cnt conntirn, within the l'ircuit at tho same time or at dil� fol'Ont times, as ma,r be pre,-wrilJed by law.

11. A ci1·c11it con rt shall he heir! in every county in the state at lca,;t three times in e:wh yea,·, and Jll'O\'isions may bo made by law IOI'

holding special terms of "nid c,rnrt. A judgc of any circuit may bold the coul'LS in anuthc1· cin,nit.

12. 'l'he ci1·cuit (•ou1·t ;;lutll have the supcnri;,ion nnd control of all pl'oceedings bufo1·cjusli(:es and otltel' infel'io1· t1·ilrnnals, by 111andmn11s, pt'ohibition and eertiorari. 'l'hcy shall, except in case.➔ confine_d . ex­clusively by this co11s1itnlion t,n so111e othe1· tribunal, have 01·1g1 nal and g-cncral ju1•i;;dicLion of all mattel's nt, law where the amount in controver:.}', oxclu,;i,·e of' intcresL exceed,;, fifLy dollars; of all <'llSO:s of ltribea.s corjms, -ma.ndc111ws, quo w,1.rra11to, and prohibition;· and of all eases in equity, and ot all c1·ime:,; and misdemean_o1·�- 'l'hoy shall have appellate jurisdiction in all ('a,;es, ('ivil n1id c1·1m11rn.�, where an appeal, w1·it of' erl'or or s11pcrsedcas mu.,· be allowed to tbeJudg-ment, or proceedings of any interior tribunal. They shnll also haYo such otho1·

j11risdictio11, whethe1· s11po1·viRory,'.original, appolato, or coucmTeut, as is or may be prescribed by law .



13. 1Jntil otherwise p1·0,ided by law, tho state shall be divided into the following circuits: 'l'he counties ot B1·ooke, Hancock. Ohio and .Marshnll, slrnll const,it,ute the ii.1·st circuit ; tho counties of llioucm­gnlia., Marion and Ranison, tho second; the counties of Preston, 'l'aylor, Barbou1·, 'l'ncker and Handolph, the third; tho counties of ·wet.zel, Tylor,<·hie and Doddridge, the fourth; tho counties of \Vood .. \

Yi1·t and Plenf-ant,;, the tit't,u; the counties of Clay, Gilmer, Jackiion, Roane and Calhoun, the sixt.h ; the counties ot Putnam,,vba and :Mason, the sevent,h ; tho counties of Cabell, \Vayne, Lincoln 1111d Logan, tho eighth; the count,ies of Md)owell, 1'-l crce1·, Raleigh, \Vyoming and Boone, 't.he uinth; tho count.ies of G-1·ee11-brior, l\lonroe, Summers, Fayette and Pocahontas, tl10 tei1th ; tho counties of Upshur, Lowis, .13!-axton, Nicholas and Webster, the elnventh; the counties of Grant, Hardy, Hampshi1·e, l\linernl anJ Pendleton, the twelfth; the counties of Jcft'en;on, Berkeley and l\101·­gau, the thirtecutu.

14. 'fhe legislat111·e mny re-annnge the cirr:uits h�rein pro\'ided for at any session thereof, next prnceeding any genernl clet.tion of tho

. judges of said eircuit,s, an<l attcr the yea!' one thousand eight, hundred and eighty-eight, may, at, any such session, increase or diminisu Luc number thereof.

15. 'l'ho legislature shall provide by law for hol<li11g regula1· and special torm" of the c:ii·cniL courts, whore from :111,r c�tu�e thl• jtttlgc shull tail to attend, or, it in attc11<la11cc, cannot properly pre­i;i<le.



1G. All judges shall be commi:;sioned by the governo1·. '.L'he salary of a judge of the supreme coul't of appeals shall be two thon�and t.wo hundred <lollal'!! per annum, and that of a judge of the ci1·c11il courL sl.JUll be one thousand eig-ht bu11rlt-cd dollal's pet· annum; a11rl l'ar-h shall receive tho same mileage as membe1·:s of Lhc Lcgi;;lat111·e: Pro­

·videtl, that Ohio county may pay an additional ;;11111 pc1· a1111um to the jud!-{eS of tho eircuit. conl't thereof; but suc·h allowanc-e :-hall not, be in­•:reased or diminished du1·ing the te1·m of office of tho judges to whom it may have been made. No judge. <luring- his tcl'm of office, ><hall practice ti.Jc p1·ofcssion of law 01· hold any other office, nppoi11tme11Lol' public I-rust., under tbi,i 01· any other govel'nment., and tho acceptancl1 thc1·eof, shall vacate his judicial oflke. Nc,r shall he, d111·iug hif:l con­tinuance therein, bo eligible to uuy political office.

17. Judge,; may be remove:! from office by a concurrent vote of both houses of the Lcgi;;lntuni, when from age, disoase, mental 01· bodily i11firmity or intcrnperunce, thoy ai·e i11capable of discharging t,ho duties of thoi1· office. But two-thirds of nil tho mcmbc1·s elected Lo each house mm;t concur in sucb vote, and tho cause of removal s hall bo ente1·ed upon the journal of each house. 'l'hc judge against whom tho Legi;;lature may be about to proceed shall receive notice thereof; a<.·<,ompn11icd wit-h the can:-c alleged for hi" removal, at least twon_ty <lay1:1 before tho day on which action is proposotl to bo taken thorcrn.


18. 'l'he voterR of each c:ount,v Rhall elect a clerk of tho circuit C?urt, whose tc1·m of orlice :shall .. be six years; hi:s du tie;; and c:ompcn:sa­t1on and the manner of removing him from otfice :shall be p1·e8cribcd by law; autl when a vacancy shall occur in tho office, the circuit, conrt or the judge thereof in vacation shall fill tho game by appoii1t­mcnL until the next geueral election. In any case in res1wct to which �he clerk shall be so situated as to mako it improper for him to act, the said court sh al I appoint a clerk to act therein. The clerk:; of said COlll·ts in office when tbi:-1 a1·ticle takes effect, shall remain therein for the te1·111 for which they were elected, unless soone.r removed in the man11e1· pre:scribou by law.

19. 'l'he Legislature may establii-h courts of limited _jurisdiction wiLhin any county, incorporated city, town or ,·illage, with the ri_ght ot appeal to the circuit court, ,mbject- to ,meh limitations as may be p1·e:-1ci·ibed by law; and all courts of limited jurisdiction heretoforo C:,tabli:shed in auy county, in1.:orporated city, to�vn or village, shall re­main ns at present coustituted until otherwise p1·ovidcd by law. Tho municipal court of \Vheelin_g shall continue in existence until other­wise provided by law, and said court and the judge thereof, shall ex-

. crcisc the powers and jur;sdiction heretofore conferred upon them; and appeals in civil cases from :mid conrt shall lie directly Lo the su­preme court of appeals.

20. No C'itizen of this state who aided or particip:i.tcd in the late war bev.vce11 Lhc g-ove1·nment of the> United States and a part of the peo­ple thereof: Oil either side, shall be liable in any proceeding, civil or el'iminal; nor ,;hall his propel'lJ' be seized or sold under .final process issued upon judgmenls 01· decrees hcl'etoto1·e 1·01Hlored, OI' othel'wise, bccansl, of any act done in ncc·ot·danco with the usages of ci,·ilizecl w::t.r­fal'e in Lhc prosecution of said wal'. The LegislaLltrc shall p1·ovidc, by gcnernl laws, for gh·ingfoll force and effect to this seC'tion.

21. �,wh parts of the c<lrnmon law, and of the laws of this state as a1·e in fo1·cc wlwn rhis arLiclo .�ocs into operatioH, a11d at·e not repn�­nant. thereto, shall 1.ll, :Lnd conLi11ue the law of the state nnLil altered 01" 1·opeal,id by Lho 1,·gislatnrc. .\II civil and criminal suits and_ pro­C'cedi 11g,< pending· i II the lornw1· d n:n it co11rt;; of th is state. shall remain and bl• p1·ococded i11 before the circuit courts ot tho countie:s in whid1 they wore pending.


22. '1.'hol'C shall ho in caeh county of t.hc :=:tatc a county court, c-om­posecl of Lhrcc t·o1111ni1<;1ioncrs, and t.wo of said con11ni::;,.io11c1•:, sh:1II be a qnonun for Lhc tra11,;acLi,rn of bu,-incss. [t shall hold four re,gu­la.1· ;;cs,-io11s in c:ich ycal',aL ,-11ch time•:- a,; mny be tixt1cl upon and entered ot reconl by the sai,l court. 1'1·ovision,i may be made by law !or holding :special :;essions of said court.

23. 'l'he comrnissionc1·s shall be elected by tho \'Oto1·s of the county, :mcl hold their offic·e fo:· the t-crm of six years, excepL that· at tbe tir::1t meeting of said commissioners they sball designate, by lot or other­wise, in such manner m1 tbey may determine, one of their number,


who shall bold his oftlce for the term of two yeai·s, one for four years a11d one for i:;ix years, so that ono shall be elected every two years. But no two of said commissioners shall be elected from the same magisterial district. And if two or more per:-ions residing in the same district shall receive the greater numbc1· of vote:; cast at any election, then only tile one of such pe1·sons ro(:eivin� the highest n111n­be1· shall be declared ele:-ted, and the person living in another district, who shall receive the next highest numbe1· of votes, shall be declared elected. Said commissioners shall an u ual ly elect one of th�ir n um be1· as president, and each shall receive two dollars per day for his ser­vices in court, to be paid out of the county tnca.sury.

24. The county courts, through their clerks, shall have th<:. custody of all deeds and other papers prnscnted for rcco1·d in thei1· counties, and the same shall be preserved thol'Cin, or otherwise di:-;posecl of, as now i�, or may be pres<:ribe<l by law .'l'hey shall ha,e juri:-idiction in a.ii matters of probate, the appointment and qualification of personal represcntativcR, g-ual'(lians, committees, curators, and tlie settlement ol' their accounts, and in nil matters relati 11g to apprentices. They shall al.-o, under such regulations a8 may be prescribed by law, have ihe superintendence n11d a<lminiRt1·ation of the internal police and tiscal affairs of their counties, including the e:-itablishmcnt and re,\!11-lat.ion of roads, ways, bridgeR, public landingR, ferries and millR, with authority to lay and dh1bu_1·se tile county lcvieK. Provided, That 110 license for the sale of i11toxicating liquors in any iucorportcd eity. town or villa�e, shall be granted without the consent of ihe municipal autborities tbereof, ti1·st had nnd obtain..,d. They shall, in ull eases of contest, judge of the election, qualifkation a.11d returns of their own membe1·R, and of all county and districl, officers, subject to sucll rcp;ulations, by appeal 01· otherwise, as may be prcscri bed by law, Such couris may exercise such ot.hc1· power:<, aud perform such other duties, not of a judicial nature, as may be prescribed by law. And p1·0Yisio11 may be made, nnde1· such 1·cp;ula­tiuns as may be prc:-icribcd by law, for the prob:1tc of will:-1, and for the appointment and qualification· of personal l'Cprcscntaiivc�, p;nar­dian,;, committees and curato1·s during the reccsR ot the rep;nlar sc:-i­sions of the county court.. Such t-ribnnals aR have been hc1·ct.oforc ctl­tauli;,hccl by the legislaturn nn,lcr and by virtue of tho ihirty-lourth :<L·<:t1on of the eighth article of tho consliinLio11 of one thousand ci�ht lrnlldt·ed and seventy-iwo, for polico and fiscal pm·poscs, shall, until othenvisc provided by 1:t,,., remain and continue as at p1·csent consti­tuted in the c-ou11ties in which ti1cy have been rcspcct.ively e,;,tab­lishcd, and slrnll be and aci as to police and fiscal matters in lieu ot the county colll·t created by this a1·ticlu until ot.hcrwi:sc J)l'OVided by law. Aud, until othenviso p1·ovidcd by lnw, ,:mch de1·k a:-i is men­tioned in the twent_y-si.xih section of' this a1·ticlc, :;hall uxc1·ci,;e any p11wc1·s and di:-icha1_·ge a11y dutic:-i horctofo1·e confcl'l'cd on, 01· required of any court 01·. tribunal established for judicial purposes uncle1· t.he ,mid ariicle nnd section of the constitution of 0110 thousand eight hun­dred n11d seventy-two, or the clerk of such cou1·t or tribunal 1·cspect­i \·cly, respecting- tho recording and prcse1·valion of dee�s and othor papers presented for record, matters_ of probate? the appo1 1_1 tment and qualification of personal rcpresontat1ves, guardians, comm1ttccs, cura-


tors and I.he settlement of I.heir accounts and in all matters to apprentices.

2:>. All actions, suits and proceedings not embmccd in the next pre­cedrng section, j)Cnding iu a county court when this :u·ticlc takes cl� feet, together with the reco1·d:; and papers pertaining thereto. as well as all rcco1·ds and papcrti pertaining to ia;uch act-ionti, suit1.1 and vro­cceding, as have already been disposed of by said courts, shall be transmitted to and filed with the clerk of the circuit court of the county, to which office all process outstanding at the time this article goes into ()pemtion shall be returned; and irnid clerk shall have the same p0we1· and shall perform the same duties in relation to such reco1·ds, pnpers and proceeding;i as were ,,eslcd in and required of tho �Jerk of the county court, on the day before this a1·tie:le shall take ef­fect. All ;;uch actions, suits and proceedings so pending as aforesaid, shall be docketed, proceeded in, tried, hc:u·d and determined in all re­spects by the circuit court, as ii said suits and proceediugs had orig-inated in said con rt.

26. The Yoters ot each countv shall elect a clerk of the county court, whose term of office shall be six Years. His duties and con�­pen"ation·. and the manner of his remov:�l, sh:tll be prescribed by law. But the cle1·ks of said cou,·ts, now in otfite, shall remain therein for the lerm for which they been eleetctl, t111less sooner removed therefrom, i11 the manner prescribed by law.

27. Each county shall be laid off into districts, not less than three no,· mol'e than ton in number, and as nearly equal llS may be iu tel'­ritor,r and population. 'l'here :;hall be eleded in each di8trict con­taining a population not exc·ccdin_g twelve hundred, one justice of the peace, and ii the population exceeds that numbe1·, two 8U<:h justices i;hall be elected thcl'cin. Every ju,;ticc shall reside in the district for which he WM, elected, and hold his oltice fo1· the term of ton,· years, unless soo11cr remo,·ed in the ma111wr pre;;c•1·ibed by law. The dis­tricts as they now exi"t, 1<hall remain till changed by the county COlll't.

2S. Tho ch•il ju1·i;;dicli,,11 of a. _j11;;1il'e of tho peace shall extend to actions of as,rnmp,-;it, deht, deti11nu a11d trover, ii' the amou11t claimed, exclusive of intel'C:-<t, docs not ex,·ood three hundl'od dollars. "The j111·isdict1on of justicei,; of the peal'<, shall ext.end throughout their county; they shall bo co11se1·,·ato1·;; ot tho J)L•:H:e, and have ;;uch jurisdic­tion and powers in l'riminai ca:;,,,, as may be prescribed by law. And justices of the pea(·e shall lia,·u autli()1·ity to tnke the acknowledgment of deeds and ot.lier writing:-<, 11d1niniste1· oath,;, and take and certify depo:::itions. Ami the lcg-isla�urn may .�ive to jnsticos sueh additional ci,·il jurisdiction and powers within thci1· respective counties as may be deemed expedient, und0r such rcgulatio11s and re3trictions as may be prescl'ibod by _general law, except that. in snitd to recover money or damages tbeii· jul'isdiction and powers shnll in no ciise exceed th1·ce hundred dollars. .Appeals shall be allowed from judgments of justices of tho peuc•,� in such manner ns may be prescl'ibed by law.

2il. '.rho legi81atul'C shall upon the application of any c_ounty, re­form, alte>r or modify tho couuty court established by this article in



such county, and in lien thel'eof, with tho assent of a majol'ity ()f the votol'S of such county, voti11� at an olc('tion, create another t.ribunal Joi' tho tl'ansaction of t.ho business roqnil'ed to be vcr£01·med by tho county conl't Cl'Catod by this .article; and in such ca;.;o, all tho· provisions of this nt·tide in relation to tho county ('.OUrt shall bo ap­plicable to tl'ibnnal 0;1tablished in lieu ot said conl't. And when such tribunal has been ostablishod, it shall continue to act in lieu of t.he county court until otho1·wise provided by law.

30. 'l'he office of commissiono1· and ,instico of the peace shall be deemed incompatible. Vacancies in tbe offiee of' cornmissionel', dork of the county conl't and jm;ticos of the peace shall be filled by t.hc county COUl't of tbe county until the next general election.

[ March 6, 18i9.)'

[No. 11.J

JOI�T RESOLUTION proposing an amendment to tho constitut,ion of this state.

Resolved by tho Legit1lature of \Ve;;t Virginia, two-thirds of all tho mom burs elected to each house ag1·eeing Lhereto:

'l'bat the following be and tho ,:amo is hereby proposed as an amendment to the constitution of this slate, to-wit.:

'l'hat soctio11 thirteen, of article three, as it now is, be stricken out and the following bo imiertod in lien thereof:

"lH. In suits at common law, where the value in cont1·ovor;;y ex­ceeds twenty dollars, e.xclusivo of iuterest and cost;;, tho right, of t,riul by j111·y, if required by either pnrt,y, shall be p1·esorved; and in such suit before a jn;;tico·a jury may consi;;t of six pe1·;;011s. No fact t1·ied by a jury f<hall be otho1·wiso 1·c-examinod in any case than ac­cording to the rules of tho common law."

( Ado))tcd )larch 7, 1879.]

[No. 12.J

JOIN'l' RESOLUTION providin� regulations for tho government, of tho 13altimore and Ohio railroad compan·y within this Rtato.

"ruEnEAS, On the 0110 hand serious complaint8 haYe been made ao-uint'!t the Bultimorn and Ohio J"nilroad company on account of it::i discriminating freight charges, and on the other hand the businoss


anti i_?tcrest of shippers ov<"r the said railroad, who have bad the benent of speci:il rates of frcigl1t charges, have been, or arc nbouL to be disnst1·ously affec:ted by the withdrawal of i,uch special rates; a11d

WHEREAS, lt is claimed by tbc said company that it is advised that such :-;pecial •·ates ai-e not wa.nantcd by a strict and technical construc­tion ot its charter, and that the recenL withdrawal of such rates bc­cam� a necessity unde1· a joint, rcsolntio•1 now pendin� before the Lcg-1slaturn, looking to the vacatiou ofits charter by quo warranto. pro-cccdin_gs; and


_ \VnEREAS, It is a matter of primary importance to protect the rights and intc1·cst:" ot all classes of shippers over the said raili·oad as for as the same may be done at p1·esent; t-herefo1·c, be it.

Resolved by tho Legislature of West Virginia:

1. That special rate;, of freight hcreafte1· granted by the Baltimol'C and Ohio railroad company du1·ing the time that this resolution shall ton tin ue in force sh al I not be deemed or held a violation of the charter of ,mid company. Provided, 'l'hat when such special rates have been granted to any shipper or shippers of freight at any point or 8tation on its railroad, upon any article, the s:ime special rate,;; shall be granted to any othe1· shipper by the c·m· load, of the same 01· similar article from the same point or station (or from any other point c1· :station having the same rates of clull'ge ou tho regular tariff list of the C"ompany), unleRs ;;uch other;;tation be a competing one; and pro­vided t"urther, that when sn<:h special 1·atcs arc granted to 11-ny ship­vcr, the local agent ol'thc compan�· at the point or station trom or to which such a1·tidc may be ,..hipped, and the local agents at all other station>< that may be affected thereby (accol'ding to the forog::,ing- prin­<:iple), ;;hall be promptly notitied ol'fsu(•h special rates and i11stn1cte<l to give othe1· shipper>< by the cal' load the benefit of the same, on t.he iaamc 01· similal' article;;, .-\.II per:;ons shipping to the cxtcnl of 011c full c:11· load at one time from the same ,;tation :;hall have tho benefit . of the f')•ocial 1·all•s aforc,-aid \\"hen µ:ranted to any other per:,on, and any at.lompt to cntde the lo1·e£!·oing provisions by rebut.cs, drawbacks, or ot.ber·,vi;;e, flhall be ,·.,id. But. t.his shall nol preYent the company from chan.�ing s11d, 1·at�•,; from time to time. p,·ovided the rat-es arc made 11pon t.hc pri11tiplt•::1 lwn::i11 stated. but thoro shall be no inereasc on sueh rates during tltc t.imu ><11d1 r:ltos arc (•ont.1· for.

� It. shall be tho'·.iu1,- ol tho said 1·ailn�ad eompany to 1·cport. to the boa.I'd of public· \\"Ol:ks from time to Lime all spP-cial rates granted under the provisiu11ia or tho lon,goin!! seetin11, ,;pocif_ving tbo time wlwn gl'ant.<.'d, the rate 1111d thu ar1ic:lc or articles; and it shall be tho duty of the said boanl to inYcstigall· all charge:, or (:l)lllpl:iints ot vio­lnLion of the provisionia ot t.hc said sec 1,ion, a11d Lo correct any nbu,;os thut may be found to exist., an,t tlw11, if 11cees,;ary, to instil-lite i!IIC·h le�al pr,,coedi11gs as may be nccci,;;ary and proper to cnfo1·ce a com-plia1wn with sucb provision,;.

3. Nothing in lhis resolution, except as herein otherwise provrded, 1,hall be constnwd to waive any ri!!ht or eause of nction rnservcd to, or veiated in the state, 01· any citizen thereof. by tho ehn.rter of the smd company, uor ,;bull the sumo bo eoustrueu to waivl:l any cam,o of


action berotoforo or hereafter nccrnina to, or vested in the siato or • • 0 ' any c1t1zon thorcof, by reason ot any .violrLtion of the chartot· of, or

law governing said eompany, exe:opt ns boroin provided.

4. 'l'ho pruvisions of this resolution shall apply to the Padrnrsbnrg branch as well as to the main stem of the Baltimore and Ohio rail­road, and also to tho Valley branch ot tho :same so far ns it is within this state.

f>. 'fhat by the acceptance by tho Baltimo1·e and Ohio railroad com­vany of the provisions of this resolution, all JH'O<:ecdings under any joint resolution directing logal pl'Ocoedings to be in:,;ti'tuted a_g:,inst the :,;aid company, shall bo ;:n1spondcd, bnt nothing in t,he rc,;olntion Rhall bo so construed as to p1·event tho irn,titution ot any legal pl'O­cecdings which may be necessary to socm·e tho just rights of tho public.

6. This rcso\nt,ion sball continue in forco until othenviso provided by law.

(AJopte<l )lnrcb S, ISi!I.]

[No. 13.J

jOIN'l'. lfESOLU'l.'ION providing fo1· tho printing nnd di;;t1·ih11lio11 of the nets and joint rosolutions of tho Legislatu1·e.

Resolved by tbe Legislature of Wost, Vi1·ginia:

'l'bat tho c:lerk of tho houso of dolegates furnish the pnhlic p1·i11te1· wit,hin thirty days aftel' the adjournmonl of the lJegif:lat111·c the nc,s and joint resolutions pa;;scd n.t tho pl'esent scssio11, with 6icle notes. headings, and a suitable index showi11g when passed a11<l from what, time each act takes effect, n.nd that the public pri11te1· ns soon tlao1·e• niter a,; prn.c:ticable, print and bind two thousand five hund1·ocl copie« thereof, and lw shall deli vol' two tho11sa11d copies to tho ,;ec1·etn.ry of state who shall distl'ibuto them us follows: Ono copy to each judg<', president of county cou1·L, justice, p1·osoc11ting attorney, clel'k,;:;heritr. gover11or, sec1·etary ot state, attorney genorn.1, auditor, t1·oas1u·er and trnpol'intendo11t ot free schools, in this state, a11d the residue of said two thousand copios ho shall t1·ansmit eq11ally to tho n1cmbo1·s of tho .Logi1:;la.ture: and the balance of said two thommnd Jive hundred copies Rht�II be de1Jositcd with the secretarv of, fo1· Halo; and if tho clork of the bousc of delegates shall fail 01· rofoHo to furnish �aid act,;. and joint re1<olutio111, to the pnl,lic p1·inter within tho time heroin before mentioned be shnll fo1·toit for each day boyoncl the time mentionod. two dollars and fifty (•_onts, to bo dedt;cted· by tlw n11dito1· from his 6ala:·y as keeper of tho rolls. And tbo auditor is hereby dit·ectod not to draw his warl'ant upon tho treaRul'er ot the stato for any p:U'i of tho salary of the clCt·k of the house of dolegatei; as koepor of tho roll,; until tbis ro>lol II Lion has boon complied with.

[:\Joplod )forch 10, 18W.)


rNo. 14.l

JOINT RESOLUTION providing for an extension of tho present session of the Legislature.

Resolved by tho Legislature of West Virginia, two-thirds of tho members of each house concurring:

That the present session of the Legislature be extended until six o'clock P, :.r. OD l\londay, Mareh ten, one thousand eiRht hundred and seventy-nine. Provided, 'l'bat no more bills be passed by the senate or house of delegates nfter two o'clock P. 111. And provided further, That no additional pay shall accrue to any senato1· 01· member of tho house by reason of this extension.

'. [Adopt<!d :March 10, 1879.)

[No. 15,l

JOINT RESOLU'l'ION appointing a joint committee to wait upon tho governor.

Resolved by tho .Legislature of West Virginia:

'fhnt a committee 0f th;·co on tho part of the house and two on the part of the senate be appointed to wait upon his excellency, the governor, and inform him that the two houses have completed tho bm,iness before them and nre rend.r to adjourn sine die, and ascertain whetber his cxccllcnc.r hail any further communication to make to the two houses.

[Adopted ;\larch 10, !Si�.]


CONCURRENT .RESOLUTION providing for a joint committee of

the t,vo bodies, to whom ,shall be roferrcd all propositions for tho

modification of tho judiciary system.

WnEREAS, It is evident that numerous propositions for tho modifi­cation of the present judiciary system will be laid before each house of the present legislature for its cousidoration, therefore be it

Resolved, That a committee of three mem bors on tho part ot tho senate and five on the part of tho house of dolegates be appointed, to whom all propositions on said subject shall bo roforred.

[Concurred In .Tnnu:iry 11, 1S79.J



I,_Sobic1,ki Brady, secretary of the state of West Virginia, ?ercby cci-t.Ily that an agreement, duly acknowledged and accompamed by tho proper affidavits, has been this day delivered to me; which agree­ment is in the words and figures following:

'J'he undersigned ag1·ec to become a corporation by the name of "Sentinel Printing Company," for the purpose of pl'inting and pub­lishing a newspaper :tt the town of Gratton, in 'l'aylor county, in the Rtato of West Vi1·ginia, and for carrying on other branches of print­ing n11d publishing business at. said town, which said corporation shall keep its principal office or place ot busi11ess nt the said town of Grnrtou, and is to expire on the first day of April, one thousand eight hundrnd and ninoty-seYen. •

Ar;d for the purpose of forming tho said corporation, ,ve have sub­scribed tho sum of one thousand ouo hundred nnd fort.ydollars (S1,140) to tho capital stock thereof, nn<l have paid in on said subscription the sum of four hundred dollars, and desi1·0 tho privilege of increasing said capital, by tbo sales of additional shares from time to time, to teu thousand dollars in nil.

'l'be so sub::1e1·ibod is divided into shares of twenty dollars each, which nrn hold hy the undersigned, rosp�•ctivcly, as follows, that is to Ray : by

S. P . .McConnick, of Grnft.on. W. Va., throe sbaros; 'l'. I�. Davis, of (.,-rafto11, \\'. \ra., fivo l'<h111·es; J. W. HolL, of Grafton, W. Vu., twenty shnr·es; E. G. Jefferys, of Gl'llfton, \V. \'11., five shnrc:1; Arthur Sini;el, ot <J-rufton, \.Y. Va .. , Lwo shnr·cs; 'l'homns D. Howard, of li rnftou, \\'. Va., three l:lhnres; .M. M. Jetforys, of G raftou, W. Va., three shares; l<'re'1 llcmhold, of Grafton, Vv. Va., four shares; S. L. Allen, of G1'!1(ton, W. Va., three shares; C. F. \V. Kunst, of Grafton, W. Va., three shares; A. IT. Thnye1·, of Grafton, \V. Va., three shares; George W. Brown, of Grafton, W. Vn., tlll'ee shares. And the stock to be hereafter sold is to be divided into shares of

the like amount.


• Given under our hands this twentiet,h day of April ono thousand eight huddred and soventy-soven:


,vhoroforo, the corporntors named in tho said agreement, and who have si�nod the same, and their successors and assigns, are hereby declared to be, from this date until the first day of April, one thou­sand eig"ht hundred and ninety-seven, a corporation by the name and for tho purposb set forth iu said agreement.

Given under my hand and the. great seal of tho said state, [G. S.] at the city of Wheeling, this twenty-third day of April, one

thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven. S. BRADY,

Secretary of State.


I, Sobieski Brady, secretary of the state of "\-Vest Virginia, hereby ccrt,ify that an agreement, duly acknowledged and accompanied by the proper affidavits, has been this day delivered to me, whieh agree­mont is in the words and figures following:

Tho undersigned agree to become a corporation, by the name of the '' Great Belt Oil Company," for the purpose of boring. and mining for petroleum oil, buying and selling the same and its products, nnd pre­J)aring the same for market, which corporation shall keep its princi­pal office or place of business at the city of Parkersburg, county of Wood, state of \Vest Virginia, and i!!I to expire on the sixth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven.

And for the purpose of forming the said corporation, we have sub­scribed the sum of ten thousand dollars to the capital thereof, and have paid in on said subscription tho sum of ten hundred dolla1·s, and desire the privilege of increasing the said capital by sales of addi­tional shares, from time to time, to ono hundred tho1111and dollars in all.

The capital so subscribed is divided into shnreR of one hundred dollars each, which are held by the undersigned respectively ns fol­lows, that is to say:

John A. Steel, ten shares; David E. Steel, ten shares; M. C. C. Church, sixty shares; ,vait Farrow, ten shares; Vari R. Bukey, ten shares·


. �II of said corporators being residents of \Vood connt,y, ·west Vir­ginia, except M. C. C. Church, who is a resident of tho state of Ohio.

And the capital to bo hereafter sold is to be divided into sharos of tho like amouut.

Given under onr handR, this sixth day of April, one thonsand eight hundred and sevonLy-seven.


Wh�refore, t,he corporators named in tho said agreement, and who have s1g-ned t,he same, and the_ir successors and assigns, are hereby declared to be, from this date until tho sixth day of April, one thou­sand eight, hundred and ninety-seven, a corporation. by the name and for the purpose set forth in said agreement.

[G. S.J Given under my hand and the great seal of the said state,

at the city of \Vheeling, this fourteenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven.

s. BRADY, Secretary of State.


I, Brady, secretai-y of tho st:1te of \Vest Virginia, hereby certify that an agreement, duly aeknowledged and accompanied by the p1·oper afli(fovit�. ha;; been this day doliYered to mo; which agree-ment is in the words nu<l figures followiu�:

'L'be ·undersigned al-{1·00 to become a c·orporation by the nnme of "Monitor 'l'ow Boat and Lumber Company," for tho purpose of tow­ing boats, barges and other wat,or craft, a11d transporting freight on tho Mi11sissippi 1rnd Obio riYOl'li nnd their tributnl'ies; for building, buyinl-{ and selliug bargoi', bnat,i and other water craft; for doing a gonon\l forwardi111-{ nnd commii',iion bn:;iness, and for dealing in, buy­i11� and sellingcoal, lumber a11d timber in nil its vai·iotios, mnnutuctur­od 1\ud nnman11fact111·cd, together with any nnd all articles of general mercbnndisl:l anywhoro witbin the United States; wbicb coq>orntion shall koep its pri1wipal office or place of bu»inrn,R nt the city of lVheol­ing. in the county of Oliio, in tho :<tnto of Wost Virginia, nnd is to expire on the twelfth day of May, A . .I>., one thommnd eight hund1·ed niuety-tieven.

Aud for tho purpose of forming the r;aid corpomtion we hnve subscribed tho sum of three thousand dollars aud hnvo paid in on said subscription tho sum of tbree bundrod dollars, and desire the privilege of increasing the said capital by ,sales of additional shares, from time to tillll:l, to sventy-five thousand dolhu-s in all.


Tho capital RO subscribed is divided into shares of one hnnch·od dol­larl! �uch, which arc hold by tho 1rndersig11cd, rotipectivoly, a:-i follows, that 1s to say : by

John A. Armstrong, fivo (5) shares; Alexander Coon, fivo (5) sh:tl'OS; Thomas B. Armstrong, five (5) shares ; Charles A. Coen, fivo (5) shnl'os, Robert P. Armstrong, fivo (5) shal'os; Abner P. Il:iys, fivo (5) shares .

. All tho said stockholders being residents of tho city of \Yhooling, m tho county of Ohio, and titato of West Vi1·.,i11ia..

And tho c-lipital to bo hol'oaflor sold is to b<;'°'dividcd i11to shares of tho liko amount.

Given under our hands tliif> fourteenth clay of May, A. D., ono tho11sand eight hunclrod and sovonty-sovon.

JouN A. All.\fSTR0NO, Ar,F:XANDE!t Co�;N, 'l'UO.\lAS 13. AR.\ISTUONO, CHAS . .A. COEN, IfonERT P. AR.\JSTR0N0, .An:-.Eit P. HAYS.

\Yhoroforo, tho corporntol'S 1rnmod in tho said :igl"oomont, and who have signed tho 1mmo, and thoil' successol's and assigns, a1·0 hcl'cby docla!'cd to bo, from this dato until tho twelfth day of J\lay, 0110 thousand eight hnndl'od and 11i11oty-sove11, a corporation by tho•11a1110 and fol' tho purpose sot forth in said agreement.

[G. S.] Givon undo1· my hand and tho _gl'oat seal ot tho said stato,

at tho city of \-Vhooling, this tiftecnth day of .May, 0110 thousand oight huncll'od and sovonty-sovon.

S. 131tADY, Secretary of State.


I, Sobieski Bmdy, secl'otary of the state of West Vi1·�inia, ho1·oby cc1·ti­fy that an agrooment duly acknowlodgocl a.ucl accompaniod by t,hc prop-01· affidiwits, been this day delivm·od to mo; which ag1·comont it> in tho wo1·ds and fig111·os following: •

,v o, tho u ndorsigned, agl'oe to become n. eorporation hy tho namo of "Broaddus Fomalo College," for tho purpose of establishing at or near the town of Clarksburg as n seminary of loarnin,(! fol' tho i11,-t1·uction of young ladies in tho ,nu·ious bmnchcs ofa thol'ongh and liberal educa­tion, literary, scientific and 01·numontal, which shall be known b.}� t,ho namo of "lll'oaddus Female Collogo," and forthol' to secure a board of trustees that shall bo appointed by said corporatiou, of which tho. president of tbo collogo shall bo e;; o.{)icio president, tho auWlOri ty to confer litorary dogroes upou such pol'sons and grant diplr)lnas to sucli


pori,ons ns in their opinion shall merit tho same, in as ample a manner as any otber college in this state, and to their testimonials of tho same affix the seal of the corporation; two-thirds of wbich board of trustees shnll be members in good standing ofrcgular Bnptist churcbos, :ind to them shall be entrusted the 1rnporvision of tho internal work­mg of the institution ; and to this end the corporation is to be au­thorized to acquire title to real estate not exceeding ton acres, erect thereon suitable an<l necessary buildings for the pm·pose aforesaid, in 0_1· nenr tho town of Clarksburg; which eorporation sball keep its J)l"in­c!pal office or place of business at Clnarksbu1·g, and shall ha,e succes­s10n by its corporate name without limit.

And for the pm·pose of forming tbe said corporation wo have sub­scribed the sum of three thousand three hundred dollars to the capital thereof, and hnve paid in on snid subscription the sum of three hun­dl'Cd and thirty dollars, and desire the privilege of increasing the said capital by sales of additional sha1·es from time to time to ono hun­dred tbousnnd doliars in all.

'l'he capital so 1rnbscribcd is divided into shares of fifty dollars ench, which arc held by the undersigned, rcspect1Yely, as follows, that is to say: by

Daniel Boughn or, Clarksburg, \V. Va., six sbnres; James 1\£. Lyon, llaITi::;on county, \V. Va., two shares ; Jasper Pew, Clarksburg, \V. Va., six shares; Joseph .Ji'. Osborn, Clarks bur�, \V. Va., two shares; J. R: Boggess, Clarksburg, W. Va., two sharos; Leo Haymond, Clarksburg, W. Va., two shares; Jasper Y. �loore, Clarksburg, \V. Va., two shares; Nathan Goff, J1·., Clarksburg, \V. Va., two shares; John J. Davis. Clal'k::-bnl'!!', W. Vn .. two shares; V{. P. Holden'& Co., Cla1-l-:,bnrg, W. Va., two shares; E. J. \Villis, Cl:u·ksbnl'g. W. Va,, t.wo sb:11·es; M. C. ilell, Cla1·ksb11l'g, W. Va., two shares; A. J. G:11TcLt. lla1Ti,-:011 county, \V. Va .. two shares; James M .. Mines. Ha1Tis,111 l'fH111Ly, \V. Va., two shares; C. C. Zinn, Clarksh111·g. \\·. Va., two ,;hares; llczckiah Hoskinso11, Clnrksl,urg. W. Va., one sharo; .fames C. G:11Tctl, £la1Ti1:1011 <·ouuty, \V. Va., two shares; 1Len1·y J,angfol'll, 1.,cwi,1 co1111l_r. \V. Va., two sha1•cf<; :i\l. G . .llolmos, Clarksh11rg, W. Va.,, two shal'O!I; Vi/. S. Sumner, Clal'lod1111·�, \V. Va., two i<ltal'es; G.D. Camden, Clal'ki<burg, W. Va., two ;;hares; J. W. Lynch, .llarl'ii,;on county, \V. Va .. two shares;· Truman Elliott. Harrison county, W. Va., two shares; Luther Haymond, Clal'ksb111·g. \V. Va., two shares; B, \Vilson, Han·ison count.y, \V. Va., two ::;haros; M. V .. lin1·i;t, llan·ison county, \V. Va., two sharos; Jnmos l\fouroe, lla1Tison couutr, \V. Va., two sb:ucs; Alexandor Dnff. Clarksburg, W. Va .. ono share; E. A. Peck, Cla1·ksb111·g, \V. Va., two shares; A.H. Osborn, Cladcsb111·g,· \V. Va., two sl.uu·es; And tho capital to bo boreaftor sold is to bo divided into shares of

tho liko nmount.


Given under our bands this t"·eltth day of May, A. D., one thous­and eight hundred and scventy-sevou.




"' herefore, 'rhe corporators named in the said agreement, nn<l who have signed the same, nnd their Ht1cccssors and assigns, aro horoby clo­cla1·ed t,Q be, from this date perpetually, a corporation by tho name and for the purpose set forth in said agreement..

Given undor my hand and tho great seal of the said state, at [G. S.J the city of Wheeling, this nineteenth day of May, one thous­

and eight hundred and seventy-seven. S. BRADY,

Secretary ol Stale.


I, Sobieski Brady, secretary of tho stnte of Wost Virginia, hereby certify that an a�reemont. duly acknowledged and accompanied by the proper affidavits, has been this day delivered to me; which ng1·ee­mont is in the words and figures following:

'l'he undersigned agree to become a corporation by the name of "H.iverside Building Associatieu," for the purpose of raising money to


be loaned among the memb_ers of suc:h corporation, for use in buying lots or houses, 01· in buildi 11g or repairing houses; whic:h c:orporntion slrnll keep its p 1·inc:ipal otlic:c or plac:e of busiue&s in Wheeling, in the c:onoty ol Ohio, and is to expire on the fit-st day of .May, one tbousand eight hundred a11d eigbty-seven.

And for the purpose ot forming said corporation, we have subscrib-ed the sum of six hundred and fitty to the c:apital thereof; and have paid in on said sub;;c:ription the sum of sixty-live dollars, anc..l , desire tbe privilege of increasing the said capital, by sales of addi­tional shares, from time to time, to five hundred and twenty thousand dollars in all.

· 'l'he c:apital so subscl'ibed is divided into shm·es of one hundred and thirty doll:us each, whic:h are held by the u11dersigned, respectively, as lollows, that is tv say: by

Jacob Hull, one share; James .McAdams, one share; James E. Hanes, one share; John .F . .Miller, one share; ·William C. Ha11dlan, one sbare. All of the city of \Vlieeling, W. Va. And the capital to be hcrcalter sold is to he cliyidcd into sh:u·cs of

Ii kc iunon II t. Given uncle:· our hands, this first <lay of May, one thousand eight

huudretl and seve11ty-sevcu. JACOB HULT,, J A�l ES .McADA:11S, J NO . .F. JifILJ.Ell, J,UIES E. HANES, w. b. liANDLAN.

·\-Vhc1·cfore, tbo corporators named in the said n�1·cemcnt, and who have sip:ncd the ,-;a11a•, and tht•ir ,-,11cce:<sn1·,; :111d as,-iµ:ns, :i.1·c hereby dcdared to he, from this date 1111til I-he tir:<L day of 1\la_y, 011c tl1011snnd ci,µ:ht h1111dred a11d cig-hty-:<e,:e11, •t c:oqJ01·:1tio11 by the_ n:111w and for the pu l'PUHC set fo1·th in i,;ai d a.!.(TCu llllJII L.

(; i ,·c11 1111d,•r 111y hand nnd the /!l'<'at seal of the i::aid fl talc, nt [G. S.] th(: ('i t,r or \\' heel i 11g-, th is two111.y-li n<t day of 1'la.y, oue thu11-

,m11d ci_µ:ht, li111ulnid and sovo11ty-:<e\·un. s. BRADY,

Scaetary of /:,fate.


I, Sobim,ki B1·ady, scc1·ctar_r of ilw i::tatc of Vfost Virginia, l�crcby ce1·tify that :1.11 a,!.(Tccme11t, dnly acknowludg-cd and ncc:omp:u11ed by the prope1· afHdavlts, has been this day deli,·e1·od to me; which a/!1·c,:­ment if! in the words nnd liµ:nres following:

'l'he 11nde1·Si<rnod iwrco to· bec:omc :\ COl'j)Ol"fition by the name of the "Atlantic and�West Virginia Miuing Compnny," tur the purpose oi



mining iron ore, coal and minerals, boring tor petroleum oil and sait wat-or, the manufa<.:Lure of iron and salt, th'3 refining and mannfacLure of petroleum ant.I othe1.· oils and substances, tho marketing and selling tho same, the purchase of all articles desired in Lhe business, the lay­ing of pipe lines, erecting storage tanks, the tmr.sportation of mer-· chandi.�o, &..:., and the transaction of a general mercantilo and mann­tacLuring b1tsinc;1s ;· which co1·pornt.ion :,ball keep its pl'incipal oflice in the city and state of Now Yo1·k, und trnnsn.ct it,; principal opera­tions in Kanawha county, in tbe ::;tate of \Vest Virginia, and is to expire on the fifteenth dn.y of May, A. D. one thousand oigbt hundred and ninety-seYen.

And for the purpose of fonni ng said corporation, we have sub­sc1·ibed the sum ot twenty-five thousand dolla1·s, and have paid i)i on said snbsc1·iptions the sum of two thons:md five hunch·ed dollars, ant.I desire tho privilege of increasing the said capiLal, from. Limo to time, to one hundred thousand dollars in all.

'.L'hc c.ipital so subscribed is divided into sh:u·es of one hundred cloll:u·s each, which are held by the undo1·signed, rospecliYoly, that is LO till)':

Enoch Ketc:hnrn, New York city, fifty shares; Samuel '.r. Payson, Brooklyn, N'. Y., fifty shares; .John L. Merrill, .East, Orange, N. J., fifty 1,ha1·cs; A.biol Abbot, East Orange, N .. J., fifty i-:haros; George Mc1Till, P:u·ko1·:-burg, \V. Va., fifty shares. And the capital Lo be l.lC\reatter issued is to be divided into Rha1·cs

of like amount.

Given undc1· onr hands t,hiR fifteenth day of May, A. D. ono tbou­. sant.l eight, hundred and seventy-Reven. R. K1-:TCIIIT)I, l;A)lllt:I, r_r_ PAYSON, Joms L. 1\1En1u1.1,, A 1111-:1, A 1111o·r, (_.;.EO. l\b:ltlllJ.l..

\.Yhorefore, the corporalors named in the E<aid agreement, and who ha\·e. siguod tho same, and thoi1· suecessors and as,:;ign,:;, are hereby <lecl:u·etl to be, from thiR date nnt,il tho fif1,eo11th day of .Mny, ono thons:wd eight hnnch·od and nincty-sov<rn, a corpur:itiun by t ,ho name and fo1· the p1,1·poso sot, forth in said ag1·ooment.

Given uu;lur my hand and tho g1·cnt sen! of Lho said stnto, [G. S.] at tho city of Wheeling, thiR twenty-third day of ,\fay, 0110

thom!:lnd, eight, hundred and seventy-seven. 8 . .BrtAnY,

Secretary of State.



I,_ �obicski ilrady, secretary of t.hc i;tatc of ·west. Vir�inia, hereby <:ertify that, an agrccmc111,, duly acknowledged and accompanied by Lhc p1·ope1· allidavits, has been tliis day delivc1·ed to me; which ag1·ec­men1, is in the wonls and figures followi11g:

'J'hc n11tlc1·si�11ed agree to become a <:orpor:i.tion by the name of ""\Vhccli11g G-ymnasinm," fol' ,:<,rmnastic purposes, which coq10ratio11 :-hall keep its pri11cipal office and pla,;c of business at. Wheeling, in t,ho co1111t.y or Obio, i,lale of West. Virginia.

And for purpose of forming the :-aid corporation, we have 1,1.1b-1;c1·ibcd t.ho sum of 0110 hunclt·cd tloll:u·s to t.he capital thereof. and ha,·» p_ai�l in on s:tid sub�cription t.l

_ie :rn1� of ten dollars, and. �csiro

the pt·1Yilcgc of 111c1·cas111g tho s:ud cap1L:d by sales of add1t1onal sha1·es. from time to time, to t,went,· t.housand dollars in all.

'rite capital so snbsc1·ibcd is divided.into shat'cs of twenty dollal'S �acb, wbich arc held by t.hc undcl'signod respectively as follows: th:1l 1s to say: by

'l'. C. �fot-rat, ·wheeling, W. Va., one share; J. J. Woods, Whcelin�. \V. Va., one sbarc; \V. G. Wilkinson. Wheelin�, \\'. Va., one share; J. C. A ltlcrson, Wheeling, \V. Va., one share, 'l'. H . .No1·to11, Wheeling, \V. Va., one share. Anti thu capital to be hercalkr i;old is to bo divided into shares of

the like amount.. Gh·on 11ndo1· 0111· hands, Lhis t.wonty·third day of May, one thousand

eight. lu1ndrcd and i;evcuLy-so,·en. T. C . l\foFPAT, J. J. ·woons, '"· G. \1/ll,KINSON, J. C. ALDERSON. '.I.'. H . .NORTON ..

Who1·cfo1·0. tho l'Orporat.01·R 1i:1mod i 11 1,ho said :1�1·ecmcnt, and who havu 1,ig11ud t.ho same. a11d Lhl•ir SlllTes><ors and assigns, :tl'O hm·oby declared to be. 1t·o111 Lids dat.u. a 1·,wpu1·ation by the namu and for the purpose i,et, forLh in :-<aid agrell l11u11L.

<.rh·e11 u 11d1·r 111 r hand a11d t.ho !!l'Oat. sen; of Lho :-aid i,tat.c, [G. S.J at. t,hu cit.y ot \\'h�elinJ.!, Lhis twu111,y.fo11rtb day of May, one

t.ltousaml eight, hu ndrctl am! ;,oven Ly-se,·eu. s. BRADY,

Se«:retary ol State .


I, Sobiet1ki ]3mdy, scc1·ct.:u-y of t.hc st,nto of \Vest Virginia, hereby cc1·tify,UiaL :in agreement., dnly acknowledged and acl'ompanied by Lho propc1· altid1wit.s, has boon t.ltis day dolivcrcd to mo; which agrcumcnL is in t.hc w0t•d1,1 and tigm·cs following:

Tho undersigned agree to become a corporation by tho name oi the


"Kahawhn, Falls Boom Company," fo1· tho pnl'poso of con;:;t,1·11cting, maintaining and operating ono 0l' mnre booms on tho Great Kanawha· ri,·er, at some point or points bet,ween its falls and Rig1-(s fen-y, in Fayette county, West Virginia, and of slopping and se�111·ing logH, timber, lumber and other .tloatn.blcs therein, and of pel'forming upon said rive1· and ils tributaries any or all of the fonctions nutho1· to boom companies by an act of the Legislature of West Vi1·ginia,passec.l · dul'ing its session of one thoufland eight hundred and seventy.six and seven, authorizing the formation of corporations for Lhe pu1·pose of const1·uctin� booms, &c., and tor such other operations, pnrch:u,es, &c., as may be lawful and nccessory to the economical and successful work­ing of the enterprise, which corporation shall have its principal otllcc or plae:e of business at Kanawha Falls, in the county of Fa.)"etto, ,\Test Virginia, and is to e:ommence on the sixth day of June, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and t<eventy-se,en, and is to expi1·e on the sixth day of June, A. D., one thousand nine hundred and seven.

And ibr the purpose of forming the said corporation we have suh­seribcd the sum of five thousand dollars to the capital tbercof, and have paid in on i,aid subscription the sum ot five hundred dollars. and desire the privilege of increasing the said capital by sales of ndditional shares, from time to time, to fifty thousand dollars in 3JJ.

The c·apital stock so subscribed shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, which are he1d by the undersigned, respective­ly, as follows, viz :

H. A. Frink, of Ba!Limore, Maryland, forty-six (46) shares; James A. ,\Talkinshnw, ofMilton, Cabell county, West Virginia,one

(1) share; Joseph R. Stowers, of Kanawha Falls, Fayette county, "\Vest Virg·

ginia., one (1) share; Hobert S. Stowers, of Kanawha Falls, Fayette county, West Vir­

ginia, one (1) slrn1·e; Charles A. Conner, of Cincinnati, Ohio, one (1) share . .And the capital stock to be hereafter sold isto be divided into shares

of like amount. Gi'v·en under our hands this twelfth clay of .March, A . D. ono thou­

sand eight hundred and seventy-seven. IT. A. FRINK, JAS. A. "\VALKTNSHA\\', JosF:PH R. SToWEns, R S. STowEns, CHARLES s. CONNER.

"\\Therefore, the corporators named in tho said agreement, and who have signed tho t<amo. aud their i-nccessors and aissigns, arc horeby dccla1·ed to be, from this date until the sixth day of Jnno, ono tho11,mnd ni nc hundred and f:loveu., a co1·porntio11 by the name and fo1· tho p111·­po1>e set forth in said agl'Cement.

Given under my hand and tho g1·eat seal of the tin id state, [G. S.J nt the eit_y of "\Vheeling, this sixth clay of June, one thousand

. oight btmdred and seventy-seven .. s. BRADY,

Secretary of State.

CoRl'ORATIONs. 197


1, S,,bieski Brady, secretary of the state of ·west Virginia, hereby certify that an ag,··cement, ci"uly acknowledged and accompanied b:,, the 1woper anid:n-it!l. has been this day delivered to me; which agree­ll1<•11t is in the wo1·cls and fig-m·es following: . 'l'he lllldersigned agree to become a corpot·ntion by the name of the "!\.:wawlrn [<'alls Lu111be1· Company," for the purpose of erecting saw 1111ll,1. pnn:hnsing, holding and convcyin_g real estate, cutting lo_gs, mannfactnring l11111be1·, doing n mercantile business it"i cor,neetion thenJwith ancl genernlly for performing any and all operations whi<:11 may be lawful and accessory the1·eto; which c·o1·poration Rhall have its principal ofllc:e or plac:e of bnsine�s at Kanawha Falls, Fayette c·o1111ty, \Vest Vir_ginia, and is to commence on the sixth uny of June, A. D. ,rne thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, nnd is to expire on the sixth day of Jnne, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven.

A11d 101· the purpose of formin� the said corporation, we ha,-e snb­s11bsc:1·ibed the snm of five hundred dollars to the capital stock thereof. and h:n-e paid in on said subscription the snm of fifty dollars, and desire the prh·ilcgc of inc:reasiug said capital. by sales of additional f!h:u·es of stock from time to time, to one hundred thousand dolliu·s in all. · 'l'he capital so subscribed shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, which :u·e held by t,he undersigned, rcspcct,ively, as fol-lows, Yi;r..:

H. A. Frink. of Baltimore, Md., one share; James A. \Vulki11shaw, of Milton, Cabell county, ·w. Va., one

i;hal'e; Joseph H.. Stowers, of Kanawha Falls, Fayette county, 'IV. Va., one

i;hare; Hobert S. Stowers, of Kanawha Falls, Fayette county, 'IV. Va., ouo

share; Charles S. Conner, of Cincinnati. 0., one share. And the capital :-lock to bo hc1· sold is to be divided into

shares of the likC' nnw1111t. Given undC'1" 0111· hand;.; thi8 twelfth tiny of .M:u·ch, one thousaud

eight h11n<.h-ed and isovonty-seYou. H. A. FrttNK, ,f AS. A. \V ALKINSIIAW, .fost:PII n. S-roEWRS, R. s. STOW.ERS, CHARLES s. CONNER.

Whcrcfo1·0, tho corpo1·:1to18 uamod in the said a�rccment, and who have signed the :=iamo. and their s11cccs:-1or,, and :1s,;i_�11s, arc hereby dct:l:u·cd to be, from this date until the 1,ix1h day ot .June, one thou­tmnd cight h111Hlrnd and 11ii1ety-seve11, a corpomtio11 by the name und for t,ho pu1·pose sot fo1·th in said ag1·comont.

Uivcn 1111dc1· my band a11d thc great seal of th!:' said stnto, (G· S.J at the city of Wheeling, this sixth day of June, one thou­

t1ancl eight hund1·ed and seventy-seven. S. BRADY,

Secretary of State.



I, Sobieski B1·ndy, secretary of tho st.ate of West, Virginia, he1·eby certi(y t.hat a11 a�1·eemcnt, duly acknowledged and m,companied by tho proper afHdavits, has been t-his day delivered to me; which ag1·ee-mont. i;; in tho word:; and ligurcs following:

'l'ho undersigned agree to become a corpornt.ion, by tho name of tho "l\lidcllo :i\lountain I1·ou Company," for the JHJt·pose of mining, man­ufacturing and dealing in iron and other 01·es. which coq,oration :;hall keep its principal office or place of bm;iness at .M.001·elicld, Hardy count.y, West Vi1·ginia, and i:; to expire on the twenty-lH°Lh day of May, one thousand eight hnnd1·ed and ninety-:,;ix.

And fo1· tho purpo:;e of forming said corporauon, we h:n-e sub­scribed in real estate, which it has been agreed by and bet.ween us shall be accepted iu full as a sub;;eription ot the sum of thirty-one thousand six hundred Jollars to the capital stock the1·ool. And we desire tho pt·ivilcge of increasing tho ,mid capital by sales of addi· tional shares, from timo to time, to three hundrnd t,honsand <lollars in nil.

Tho capital so subscribed is to be divided into shares ot one hun­dred dollars each, which :u·o held by tho undort:1igncd respecti vcly as follows, that i., to say: by

D. R .McNeil, ot Hardy county,.one hundred and fourteen shares; Hobert While, of Wheeling, W. Va., fifty shares; H. L. lloovor, of H:u·dy county, thirty-six shares; "'illiam Fitihe1·, ot ll1u·dy county, t.hirty-six share:;. 'fhomas Maslin, Sr., of Hardy count.y, two11ty-t.wo shares; Samuel A. 1\icMochon, of Hardy con11Ly, t.hirty-r,ix sha1·0�; ll. S. CatT, twenty shares. And the capital to be hereafter sold is to bo divided into :,hares of

the like amount.

GiYen undor our hands this twenty-fifth day of 1\f.ay, A. D. 0110 tho·usand eight. lrnndrod aud sove11ly-1:1cvon.


S. A. )[cJih:c1n;N, \V1 LLIA)t F1s11.t:1t, J L. S. CARR,

.DANH:L R McNEIL, H . .L . .i-Ioov•:it, 'f IIOMAS �L\SLl N, Ro1n;RT ,vnnE.

\Vhorefnre, tbo corporators named in tho said agroomont, and who have si,!.(ncd the same, a11<l their suc.:ecssors and assigns, arc borcby dec.:l:u·cd to be, froff, this date nut.ii the t.wcnt,r-lifth day of' May, 0110 thou1:1and eight hundred a11<l ninety-six, a co1·porntio11 by the name and for the pui·pose sot forth iu said agreement.

Given undc.w my hand and tT10 groat seal of tho said state, [G. S.] at tho city of Wheeling, this twelfth day ot June, 0110 tbon­

i;and eight hundred and sovonty-sevon. . S. BRADY,

Secretary of State.



I, _Sobieski Brady, rsecreta1-y of the Rtate of .',Vest Virginia, hereb.r

ce1·t1fy that an agreement duly acknowledged and accompanied by t,he proper aflidavit.s, has been this day delivered to mo ;.which ag1·ee­ment is in tho words and /i.rures followinir:

'I'I "" "'

• 1e undersigned agTee to become a corporation by the name of "Grange Woolen i\IanufacturingCompany," for the purpose ofmann· f,wtu1·ing anti making all kinds of woolen goods, which coqlOration shall keep its p1·incipal place of business at Second Creek, in the county of lllonroe, and is to expire on the first day of February, one thou;;and t•ight hundred and ninety-seven. And for the purpose of forming the said corporation, we have ,rnbscribed the sum ot four thousand one hundred and thirty dollars to the C'apital stock thereof, and have paid in on said subscription the sum of four hundred and thirteen dollars. or ten per cent thereof, and desire the privilege of in­creasi 11g the said capital by sales of additional shares from time to time to twenty thousand dollars in all. 'l'he capital so sub;;c1·1bed is <lh·ided into "hares of ten dollars each, which are held by the under­signed, respectively. as follows. that is to 8:1.Y: by

Jame;_ Mann, G1·ee11 brier county, 0110 hundred shares; "\V. 'l'. 11Jann. Gree11Lrier county, two shares; B. V. 1\lann, GreC'nbi-icr county. ten Rhares; .J. H. Leach, Mo1,1·oe county, live slrnres; Geo1·ge B. Nickell, .\Lonroe 1;011nt.y, live shares; 1'01·terficld P. Boyd, Monroe county, ton shares; .Josephine Lemon::<, Monroe county, two sharei-; C. :\l. Da,·i;;, �l.0111·oe cou11ty. ton sh111·es; \Villiam '.L'. P11Lto11. Monroe county, Lwenty sharei1; JacoL 'l'. Black, lllo111·oe county, liYe shares; J. '1'. Nidrnll. Mo111·oe cou11ty, liYc ,.harns; 'J'ristram Patton. M.onrue cn1111ty, twu11ty shnt·es, .John A. :Xickell. lllu11me co1111t_r. lil'tcon sha1·ei-; \\'illiam N. nickel!, J\lnnroe c,n1111l_r, live :;hares; Hdward F. Patt.011, (;rue11lwiu1· co1111ty, fort.y :-<h:u·cs; Gli.�1·le" \V. I·I11tchi,-:n11. :\11111rne count.y, ten ,-;h:11·es; H.ohe1·t .r\. Patton, 1\lo11roe <:111111t,r. tit\y sh:11·es; N uwto11 Dick:-<011 .. \I 011 roe c·ou II ty, tlii 1•1,_r sh111·1.•i<; J. U. Crawlonl, 1;1•c1.n1b1·il'1· t·o1111ty, two11t_y-liYo sha1·os; .f oh n C. Hu nlcU., I; rcn11 briu1· c-01111ty. te11 ,-;hm·c:<; Cor11cli11,-; Lead,, �lo111·oc co1111ty. tin• shanJ:-<; .Joil,;o .Joncf<, J\lont·ot, to1111ty. three i<hm·c•,-;: Lowis A . .Punco, l\l,rnn1e c�unt,y, three ,-:ha1•e;i; (;eorgo l'. Yo1111�, Mo11ruc1·01111ty, throoshm·es; John Jrons, .Mo11roo county. ti,·e share.-; S. H. H. Irons. i\Lo11roo county, live ,;hares; '.L'. J.'. Nickell, 1110111·01.' county. two share,;; Eli lfoge1·11, Greenb1·ier cou11ty, five shares; Hobert C. Burdet.t, Greenbritlr c:onnt,y, two HbareR; Wm. "\Vhite, admi11istrntor Jos. l>ickson, deceased, Greenbrier

county, two hundred t1bares.


Given under our handR this Rixteenth day· of June, one thouRan<l eight hunch·ctl and scvf'nt,y-1:1evon.

JAi\lF.S MANN, v-..r. 'l'. MANN, .13. I<' .. MANN, ,v. 'I'. PATTON, J. T. Br.ACK, C. 1'\L DAVIS, E. _(<'. PATTON, ROBERT A. PATTON, Ni,:wTON D1cKSON, :P.us1-1A T. A1tNT, GE01wt: P. Y ouNr., L. A. Pl:NCE, JonN C. Bi.;11DETT, J. 11. CitAWFOllD.

C. LEACH, G. R Wu,UA)rs, J. B. LBAClf, T. F. NI CK ELL, .J. 'J.'. N1cKt:u., (, EULlGE W. N!CKELr., .JEsst: .1010:s, J OflN J HONS, Jo11N A. N1cKE1,r., w�1. N. N1cKELL, Po1tTE1tFrnD P. BoYD, 8, H.. ll. J llONS, 'J'RISTllAM J'ATTON, Br,1 HonoE1ts, .ROB C . .13URUF.TT, C. w. HUTClll!;ON, J ost:PIJI NE LE)lONS, ·w �1. w ti n·F.,

A<lmr. of Jos. Diclrnon, dec'<l.

\:Vheretoro, The corporators named in tho said agreement, and who have signed the sam1i, and tl10ir snccesno1·s nnd a,-,;i_i.;ns, are hereby de­clared io l>e, from this Jato until the ffrst day of Febl"llary, ei_i.;htcl•n hun<l1·ed and ninet,y-sevcn, a co1·porat,ion by tbe oamo and for t,he 1rnrpose set forth in ::<aid agreement.

(:riven unde1· my l1a11d and the·great seal oft.he flaid state, [G. S.] at iho city of Wbeelin�, thi,- twentieth clay of Juno, one

thous:rnd eight hundred and scvonty-soven. S . .BRADY,

Secretary of .State.


I. Sobieski Brndy, secretary of the slate of \Vest Vi1·ginia, hereby cert,ify llrnt an agreo1ucnt, duly n.cknowlodged and accompanied by


the proper affidavits, has been this day delivered to mo; which ag1·�e­ment is in t.he wo1·ds and figures following:

The undersigued agree to become a corporat.ion, by the name of '.' The Volcano Hall Compauy," for the purpose of erecting a building 1!1 which public meetings conce1·ts, &c., may be held, with the inteu­t10n that the said corpo1·ation shall carry on the business of renting the said building to musical and Jitcrnry assoc·iaiions, and such oLher parties as may desire Lo use it, and also of procuring enteriai11ments of various kinds to be given in ibe said building fo1· the profit of the said co1·porntion, which co1·r,oration shall keep its principal office or place of busincs,; n.t Volt'ano, in the connt,y ot Wood, and state of :Vest Virginia, and is to cxpiro on tho thirty-first day ot Decembc1·, in tho year of our Lo1·d oue thousand eight hundred and ninety-one.

And fo1· the JH11·po,;e of Jorming the said corgoration, we have sub­scribed the sum ot two hundred and fifty-five oollars to the capital thereof, and paid io on said subst1·ipt.io11 the sum ot twenty-five dol­lars and fifty cents, and desi1·e the pri,ilege ot inc1·easing the said capital by sales of additional shan•s, from time to time, to twcnty-fi,e hundred dol la1·s i u all.

'l'he capital so �nbsc1·ibed is divided into shares of one dollar each, which arc held by the unde1·signed reSJ)cctivcly as follows, thaL is to say: by

\V. C. Stiles, .Jr., of Volcano, "\V. Va., two hundred sbnres; Van H. Buckey, of Volcano, W. Va., teo shares, Alonzo Sh nfcl t, of Volcano, "\V. Va., twot1ty-five shares ; "\Ym. S. O'Brien, of Volcano, \V. Vn., ten shares; Lawrason J1cvering, of Volcano, \V. Va., ten shares. And tho capital to be hcrenfte1· sold is Lo be divided into Rharcs ol

the like amount. Given undel' om· hands, this fourteenth day of July, in the year of

0111· Loni one thousand eig-ht hundred and seventy-se,en. "\Y. C. STILES, VAN H. BUCKEY, \


.\l, s. O'BRIEN, LAWIIASON LEVERING, .·\.. Suut·1-:LT.

\Vherofo1·e, tho c01·por:1to1·., nnnw1\ in tho Raid ngrocmont, and who have sig11cd the :,iamc, a11d thcii· ;;urco�t<Or>' a11d nssig11s, are hereby dc'clnrcd t.o be, from tlii,- date until th11 thi1·ty-fi1·st da,r of Decombor, one thousand "ig-ht h1111dnid and ninot,y-ono, a corporation by the nnmo nnd f-or tho purpose set forth in !:laid Hg'l'Ccmc11L.

Given under my hand a11d t.he g'l'Cat. seal of the said Htutc, [G. S.] at. the c·ity of \\'hooling. this tlOVl'1tlelmLh day of July, one

thoni-and oight h11 111lrcd a11d SC\'Cnty-seven. S. BRADY.

Secretary oi Stc,te.


I, Sobieski Brady, i-ecrctnry of the i-tatc of \Vest Yi1·ginia, �c!'oby <:el'tity t.hnt. nn ag1·eemcnt, duly acknowledged und accompauwd by



the proper affidavits, has been this day delivered to me; which agree­. mcnt ii, in Lhe words nnd fig-nres following:

The undcrsi�ned agree to become a corporation by t,he name of "Belmont Nail ·works," for the purpose of producing and manufac­turing iron and nails, which <:orporaLion slrnll keep its principal office or place ot businc;;s nt vVbcelin�, in the county ot Ohio, and is to ex­pire on tbc twenty-Iii-st dny of July, A. D. one tlJous:rnd eight hun­dred nnd ninety-seven.

And for the purpose of forming thC' said corporation, wu h:n-e sub­s<:r1bed the sum of seven hnmfrcd dollars to the rnpital thereof; and hnve paid in on said subs<:ription tlie sui:n of seventy dollan;, and de­sire the privilcr;c of increasing- the i-aid <:apital, by i<alcs of additional shares from time to time, to five hundred thousand dollars in nil.

The capital so subscl'ibed is divided into shares of one hundred dollars ench, which arc bold by tbc undersigned, rcspcctivcly, as fol­lows: b't·

Henry .Moore, of Baltimore, Md., one share . Robert Lehr, of Baltimore, Md., one sha1·0; l\iichael Reilly, of \Vhccling, W. Va., one share; 'l'homas O'Brien, of \,Vhcclin�, \Y. Va., 0110 share; J. D. DuBois, of Whculi11g-, \V. Va .. one sha1·0; A nd1·cw \Vil�on, of \Vhccling, \V. Va., one shm·c; "\Y. C. Handlan, of \Vheclin�. \V. Ya., one share. And the capital to bo hcrealtct· sold ii- to be divided into i-harci- of

like nmount. GiYcn 11nde1· our hnnds this twenty-first day of July, A. D. one

,thousa11d eight hundt·cd unc..l seventy-seven. l\f. HETJ.T.Y, 'l'nos. o· BRIEN, \V)I. C. HANDI.AN, ANDRT-:W \-V,u;oN, J. D. DuBois, Ilt:NRY 1'100R1-;, RonERT LEHR.

'\Vberefore, the corporators named in tbo suid ;i�rcement, and who have i,igned the samo, nnd their successors and ni-si�ns, nre hct·cby declared to be, from this <lute until the twenty-first day of .J 11ly, one thour,and eight hundred and nincty-i,even, a col'porntion by the name and for the JH1rpo;;o set forth in ;,aid a�•·ecment.

Given under my hand and the g1·eat seal of tho aaid state, [G. S.] at tho city of Wheeling, thit:1 twenty-seventh day of .I uly, ono

thousand cigliL hundred uml ,;eventy-seven. S. B11AnY,

Secret(l.ry of :::itole.


I, Sobieski Brady, secretary of the stnte of \,Vest Virginia, hereby ce1·tify that an iwreoment, duly acknowlcdgod and nccompanicd by the proper aflida�ts, haH been thiR day dclivored_to mo; wbicb agree­ment it! in tho wo1·ds and figures following:


The undersigned agree to become a oorporation, by the name of "'l'�lc Vulcan Oil :Company," tor the purpose of mini11_g for aud pro­ducing pctrnlcum oil,-:, refining-, treating, buyin� and selling, barrcli11g and shipping petroleum oil and the 1n·oducts thereof: transporting- the same in tank cars and barg-e:;:, and doing n._gcncral mercantile business, "hich co1·po1·ation shall keep its principal office and pince of bu:;iness at tbe city of Parkersbu1·g, in the county of Wood, and state of West Virginia, and is 1/.> expire on the twenty-third day of July, one thou-1m11d eight. hundred and ninety-se,·cn.

1"01· the puqJOse of fonning saiJ corpo1'ntion, we have subscribed tho sum of fh·e thousand two bundred d,,llar,-: to the capital stock thereol, and have paid in ou said subsc1·iptio11 the Rurn of five hun­<lred .and twenty dollars, and de:;ire the privilege of iucreasin.!t the said c·apital by sal\ls ot additional shares, from time to time, to one hundred thousand dollars in all.

'fhe capital so subscribed is divided i11to shnrcs of one hundred dol­lars cr,c:h, which al"C held by the undersigned respec,tivclr as follow,;, that is to ,-:ay: hy

.:\loses Sweetser, Parkersbnrg, W. Va .. twenty shares; George .\for rel I, of Parkcn,bu rg, W. Va., ten shares; F. Jt Hose, of Vole:auo, \Y. Va., ten shai·es; Law1·ason Levering, of Volcano, \V. Va., ten shares; D. \\'. Hinci,, of Volcano, W. Va., 0110 share; "


· \\'. Gates,"of Volcano, \V. Va .. one sbare . .:\1,cl the eapital to be hereafter isolcl is to be divided into shares of

the like amount. Given under 0111· hands, this twenty-eighth da�· of July, in tho year

of ou1· Lord one thousand eight h111l'lrccl and sevcnt._y-sc\'en . . MOt<ES 1-;WF.ETSER, GEO. M t:RllEl,L, F. R Rosi;, LA WRASON LEVERING, .D. W. 111:0:s, w. w. GATES.

\Vhercfore, the t-01·porntnr;; uamo in the >-aid ag1·cement, and who have signecl the ":11nc. a 11d thl1i ,. ,<U('L"C><-�01·s a ucl a;.,:;igns, are he1·eby doclm·ud to be, from thi:a datu 1111til 1he twent._y -thircl d11.,· ot July, 0110

thou,mnd eight hundred n11d ninC'l_,·.su,·c•11. 1l c-nrporatiou by the 11:imo anti for tho purpu;;o ,-:ct forth in ;;aid :1.u1·t·cme11l.

(�ivon under 111,· hand and t.ho u,·cnt seal of the said state, [G, S.J at the city of Wh�1cli11u. tl1is t.hirLioth day of Jnl.r, one thou­

sand eigl",t h111 1drncl a,;d sevonty-so,·011. �- BRADY,

Secretary of State .


I, Sobieski Brndy, secretary of tho state of 1'' est Vfrginia, hereby certify t.hatan agreement, duly acknowledged and nccompanied by


tho p1·opor atfi<la\"its, hns been this dn.y delivered to me; which agrno­ment is in the words and fi�m·cs following;

'rho under;,igned agree to become a corporation by tho name of tho "Jefferson County Agricnltnrnl Collego," with its office or p1·incipal pince of business at tho college buildings, non1· Leetown, in Jefferson county, West Virgini!l, n.nd it is designed to be perpetual, and to.- the purpose of establishing n. college tor the education of youths and teach­ing all the branches of' useful information usually t.tugbt in colleges including miliuu-y-tnctics, and especially those sciences desirable to tiL a person for ngricultnml and mechanic-al pursuits. The said college is to be located near Leetown in said county, and to be under the con­trol and direction of ,-c,·on di .-cctors, to be elected by the stock holden;, and for the purpose of receiving, holding and managing and apply­in/! such funds, money nnd property aR may hereafte1· be beqneatlied, devised or g1·antcd in aid thereof, as well as all funds which mny be paid in by the stockholde1·s in said corporation, and especially for the purpose of buying such real estate ns they may deem necessary for the purpose ot conducting such college and e1·ecting such b11ildi11gs :is �bey may deem proper.

And for the pu1·poso of forming said co.-por:1tion we have :<nbscrib­od tho sum of three hundred dollars to the e:1pital thereof, and have paid in on said 1<ubscription·the sum of thirty dolla1·s. and dosi1·c the p1·ivilege of increasin)! the ;;aid capital by sales of additional i,:11:u·es, from time to time, to fh·c hnudrPd thousand dollars in all.

'fho capital so :mbscribed is divided i11to :<hares of fifty dollar;; each wbich ure hold by the 1111dersigncd, rei;pectively, citizens and rctiidents of Jefferson county afore8aid. as follows:

Robert ,v. Baylor, one ; Daniel B. Lucas, one share ; 1'homas C. G.-een, one share ; J:1s. H. Grove, one share; E. Luc Wager, one share; Hiram Showman, one Bhnre . .And the capital to be hereafter sold i.., to be divided into share,; of

tho like amount. G·iven under our hands this sixteenth day of December, A. D. one

thousand eight hundred and scventy-�ix. RonF.nT vv. BA YLoR, DAN'L B. LUCAS, 1'Ro:11,\s C. Gnt:t:N, JOHN IT. GROVF:, E. LuR \V .vn:n, llIRA)I SnoW)IAN.

,vhercfore. the corporntors named in tho said ag1·eement, n11d who haYe f!iO'ned the same, a11d thei1· s11cr;e11sors nncl assi�ns, a.-c he1·oby dedared to be, from this <late, a corporation by t_ho 11ame and fo1· tho purpose set forth in said agreement.

· Given under my hand, and the great seal of the f<aid stnto [G. S.] at the city of "'heeling, this two11tieth dny of .August, one

thou�and eight hundred and seventy-seven. s. B1tADY,

Secretary ol 1::,fate.



I._ �obieski llrady, secretary of the state of \Vest, Virginia, hereby <·ol"t1fy that an ag-reement duly acknowledged and accompanied by Lhc J>l'0per affidavits, has been thiR day delivered to me; which agree­ment, i:; in the wordi, 1rnd licr111·es followincr:

'J'I ,., "'

.- 10 undersigned agl'eo to become a corporation by the namo of Lhe "1•'11:c C1·cck Coal and Coke C0m pany," for the JHll'])Ose of lea!<i ng OI'

b11y111g and owning coal lands and timber lands, mining and selling coal. manufacturing and selling coal and l11mbe1·, buying and selling gene1·al merchandi,;e, and of acquiring and holding sncli property, real or pcn;onal, and of doing other act,,., as said corporation may lawfully do as incidental or neces:,:ary to the transaction of tho bu,:;ine:,;s afore­:<aid, which COl'po1·ation ,-hall keep its J�l'incipal oftice or place ofhusi­ne1<s at .Fil'e C1·eek, in tho county of'Fnyet.te, sLnle of West Virginia, a!1d is to expire or. tho thi1·ty-fil'sL day of August, A. D., one thousand et!.!;ht l.l11nch·ed and ninelv-seven. • '1�11d for the pu1·pose ot" forming the !<aid 'corpo1·alion we h:n-e s11b-1<cnhed and paid into the ('apital the1·eof tho sum of eight thousand dollars, and desire tho.privilege of increasing the said capital by ;;nlcs of additional shal'es from time to time to one hundr<>d thousand dol­l111·s in all.

'rho {'apital so snbscl'ibecl to be dividcci (nto shares of fifty dollars each, which are held by the nudCJ·signcd, respectively, m; follows, that, is to ,:ay: by

John .F1·eeman, Fire Creok, Fayette <.:ounty, \\'. Ya., sixty-two sbares.

Thomas Davis, Fii-e Creek, Fayette county, \V. Ya., thirty-two share,;.

Jenkins Jones. Fi1·e Creek, Fayette county. ,\r. Va., eighteen shai·es. Joseph S. G. Coit. lfartfol'd, Conn., fort,-six shares. �amuel Coit,. llnrtfol'd, Conn., two shares. A 11d the capital to bo hcnmfter sold is to be divided into shares of

like amount. (�ivon 11nde1· our h11 11ds this thirty-tirst day of .r\.u�nst, _.\.. D., 0ilU

thousand eight hnndrud and su,·onty-scYon.

\\:it.ness, �. Coit, ,JOHX FllEE)I.-\X,

his. TIIO)I AS DA YI::!,

X .J�;:-<KIX Jo:-<ES, �A)ll·1,1. CotT, .I.:--. G. Co1T.

\Vhcrofore, The c:01·porator;; named in tho said agreement, and who h:wo signed the same•, and their i'lllT�•,-:,;or,; and as><i�ns, arc hereby de­dal'od to be, from thi>< datu until the thirty-tirsL day of August, ono thonsn.ncl uight hnndl'ud and ninety :-enrn, a co1·poration by the name and fo1· the purpose set forth iu ,;aid agreement.

Given undo1· my lmnd, and the gl'cat seal of the: said state, (ti-. S.] at the city of Wheeling. thi;; ninctoo11th day of ::,eptombur,

one thousand eight hundred and scvuut,r-sevon. s. BRADY,

Secretary o/ State.



1. SnbicRki Brad�-, Rccrotary of tho st.ate of ,vest Vi1·_ginia, hcrehy ('.Cn,it_,. that an ag1·ccmc11t, duly acknowlcd�e<I and accompaniocl by thu proper affid:n·it.<1, ha;i been this day dclivcrccl lo mo; which agree­ment, is in the wor<l;i and lignros following:

'l'hc nndcr;.ignod ngroo to become a co1·po1·ation by the name of '·Good Hope Mcrchandi,,i ng Company," for the J)lll'J)OSO ol rota iii Illa{ d1-y ,goodR and groccrio,-; that is to say, for tho pu1·poso of general mc1·• ch:u,di,-ing by buyin_g dry good.'I and groceries at wholosalc and ,;oil­ing at retail; which corp•)ration Rhall keep its principal olticc or place 0f' busincsR at Isaac.'! Crook, in tho county of Il:u-rison, and is to ex­pit·c 011 the first clay of Janu:ll'y, one thousand eight hundred and ci.rhtv-fivc.

':::\.n·d for Lhc pttt·poso of formi ni the .'laid corpomtion, we h:wo sub­scribed the sum oi one thousand, one hundred and twcnty-tiYc dollars to the capital thereof, and haYc paid in on Raid subRc1·iptions tho sum ol one hundred and tweh·e dollar.; and fifty cent,-;. and desire the priv­ilege of increasing the said capital, by F<alcs of additi,,nal i;hares from timo to time, to five thousand dollars in all.

The capital so subscribed is divided into shares of,e dol­lars each, which are held by the undersi_gned, respcct.ivoly, as follows, that is to sav:

,Villiam .Bnrni"i<le. !Ranes Crock, Harrison conn tr, fo111· shares; .Jacob Sommerville, Isaacs Creek. ilat'l'ison county, fonr shares; John H.. Lynch, Little .Bnffalo, Harrison county, fou1· shares; Jacob Lynch, Big Bntfalo, I·Iarl'l'iRon county, fonr share;;; Jobn .J. Copcndaffer, 'l'cn 11.ilu C1·eek, Ranison county, two shm·es; George l\7• \Vashb111·ne, 1.Raacs Creek, llaJTi,-on connt.,·, two shares; William G. Ward. Duck Creek, Harriflon county, two shal'CR; .I ames Maddox, Bi� Buffalo, Harrison county, three sha1·es; John H. Summervillo, Isaacs C1·ock, Harl'ifion connty, ono share; Isaac X . .BurnRide, J.saac,- Creek, Hanison county, two shares; Non-al G. Patton, Little Buffalo, 1lal'l'i1:1011 county, one share; Jacob P. Po;;t, Isaacs Creek, Harrison county, one shore; Joseph 'r. Sherwood, i\liddlc l,dand, Doddt·idgo county, one share; Stephen Bonnet, Bi� Buffalo. llnn·ison county, two flhare:i; Isaac L. Post,.Bi� Bnffolo, Harrison county, two share:i; George P. M.cConkey. faaacs Creek, 1Ia1Tison connty, one 1-1hare: J an1es \V. Summorvillc, lsaac�-1 Creek, ElaJTison county, one share , Jeremiah P. Uhcnll'ont, \Vo.'lt Fork R., Harrison county, two

shares. "'aldo B. Brown, J F<aac:f< Creek, HarriRon county, ono shure: Ii<aac Lynch, .l 1·., \Vest Fork Hivo1·, HaJTison county, 0110 "bare; D. L. Perine, WeRt Fork River, Hn.1TiF<on county, ono Bh,u·o; Lloyd Washb111·n, West Fork Hiver, Harrison county, two F<hnres; John G. Burnside, \Vest 1"01·k River, Harrison county, one share. And <:apital to be hereafter l'lold is to bo divided into aharos of

the like amount,.


Giv�n under our bands this twenty-fifth day of August, one thou­Rand eight hund1·eti and seventy-seven.

\Vu.LIA)! Bun:ssrnE, ,T ACOB SU)DI F.RYII,u;, .Jon:-. R. Ln:ca, .JAcoa Ln:crr, .Tons .T. COPF.ND.\FFER GEORGE \V. \VASIIBURN, J,\.\IES MADDOX, \\1 11,LJ,\.\L G. \VARD •

. Jon:-. H. So)Dn:11nLLE, JS.\AC :;:,__ BU\:-iSll>E, No11\".\1. (-i. P.n-rox, J ,H'OB P. POST, ,Jos. 'l'. Smmwooo, STEl'ln:N BE:-iNETT, Is.\AC L. PosT, GE011GE P. ?llcCo:-.KEY, J. "'· SmrnEH\"ILI.E, J1:IIE)IIAII l'. CnE)IRONT, \VALDO B. Bnow:-., hAAC LY:scrr, Jr., D. L. PEl!l:-iE, Lt.OYIJ \\' ASllBL'RS, Joux'G. llui::ssrnE.

,vhcrefore. the corporators unmcd in t,he said ngrccment, and who hnve signed the same, aud their s110<:cs;;o1·s and assigns, arc hereby d_o<:lared to be, from this dale until the first day of J:inu:u.r, one thonsand. eight hnndred and ci.�hty-five, a coq>0ration by the name and for tho pnrposo set forth in said a�1·ccmont.

G-ivcn 11nde1· my hand, and tho great seal ot the said state, (G. S.J at the ei ty ot ,vheeli n/.!, thiF< twcnty-fonrth <iny of Septem­

ber, ono thonsantl eight hnntlrod and soventy-se,·en.

S. BnAnY, Secretary of State.


I, Sobic�ki Bmd,r, sccrola1·y of the ,-;tale of ,vost Vii·,ginin, hel'ob.r

certify thaL an ll_!!"l'com<'11t. duly Ul"k11nwletl!!cd nnd nc:companied by Lhe propor allidavits, has hcc•11 this d:-1,r dcliYered to me; which agree­ment i,; in tho wo1·d,;i and lig-urt>.s follow;11�:

'l'ho undor.sig,wtl a_!!"l'el, to bc•l·,rnw a co1·p1wation, b,r the name of "'l'be J,ewisl,011 a11d Ka11awha Co:d 1:omp:111,r," fol' tho pu1·1)0se of mining, Rhipping and ,-;clling coal, 1111<1 ot ma11ufact11ring. shipping and selling coke, for �cneral mcn·hamlising, and for all oLhol' pur­poses necessary and advantagL•on,; lo tho cal'rying- on of tho bnsino.-.-; nnd pnrposes of said corporation; which corporation shall keep its principal oflko at Charle:,;loo. in tho county of Kn1111.wha, \Vost Vir­ginia, and is to expire on tho Jirst dny of Soptombcr, one thousand eight hnndred and ninety-seven.

And for tho purpose of forming tho said corpomtion, we have r,11b­sc1·ibeJ tho sum ot oight tbommud dollars to tho capital thereof, anti


have paid in on said snbsc:ription tho Rum of ei�ht. thousand dollars, a��I desire tho privilo1::o of i11�rc1u1:11� tho said capital by sales of acl­d1t1onal shnros, from time to time, to one hundred thousand dollars iu all. .

'l'he eapital so su bsc:1·ibed is divided ·into shal'es of one h nndr0d dol­lars each, whic,b arc held by I.he nn<lc!'signcd rcspcc:tivoly as follows, that is to say : by

L. F. Donnally, Chariest.on, \\T. Va., twenty-nine shares , \Y. E. Truslow. Charleston, \Y. Va., twcnt)~-nine 3ha1·cs · John .l. Gosho1·n, Ch:u·lestou, \V. Va., twenty shal'es;


\V. B. Donnally, .Buffalo, W. Va., one share; D. C. Lovett, Charleston, \:Y. Va., 0110 share. 'fotal, eighty sbnr'cs. And the capital to be hereafter sold is to be divided into share,- of

the like amount. Given under om· hands and seal, thi:-: i::eventeenth day

ber, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven. of Scptcm-

L. F. DoNNAf,LY. ,v. C. TIWSLO\\', • 1011N J. Gos110RN, \Y. B. DoNNALLY, D. C. LOVET'J', !�}:,\ l,.l


vVherefore, the C;Ol'porntors named in the snid agreomcnt, and who have signed the same, and thei1· s11ccesso1·s and assigni::, :u·c hereby declared to be, from this date until the first day of :--eplc111bor, one thousand eight h1111drcd and ninety-seven. a corporation by the name and fo1· the pnrpo,;o set forth in said agreement.

[G. S.J Gh·cn 11Hdcr my hand. and the great scal"of the said ><late,

at the city or Wl.ieeli11g, this twentieth day of September, oue thousa11d eight b11ntl1·ed and seventy-seven. .

s. BRADY, Secretary of Stnte.

'l'Hl<: 8'l'ANDAl{O COMPANY.

J, Sc,bie,;ki Brady, sec:rcta1-y of the Rtatc of West Vi1·ginia. hercl,y cc1·tity that, an ag1·ecme11t, duly acknowledged am! accompunictl by the proper affidavitt:, has bee11 thiR tiny delivered to mo; which agree­ment is in the wo1·ds and li,!.{11rcs following:

The undersigned aa;1·ce to become ncorporation by the name of"'l'hc Standard Com.pany," for the purpose of printing and publishi11g ncw1,papc,n; and of cmTying on tho pl'inting am! publi,;hing buAinc�>< gcnernlly, which corporntion flhall keep its principal otlice or place of business at Wheeling, West Virginia, and ii-, to expire 011 the two11ty­ninth day of September, 0110 tliou1m11d eight, h11nd1·ec.l and ninoty­seven.

And for tho p11rpose of forming tho said corporntion we have s11b­scribec.l tho :;um of oight thon�and dollai·s to the capitol stock thereof,


nod have pnid in on said subscription the sum of eight thousand dol­lart,, and desire iho privilege of increasin.,. tbe said capital by sales of ndditional shares, from iimo to t,ime, t� fo1·ty thousand dollars in nil.

The capital so subscribed is divided into shares of one hundred dol­lars �ach, whicb a1·0 hold by the undersigned, respectively, as followR, tbat 1s to say : by

Cheste1· D. Hubbard, fifty shares; 'l'homas II. Logan, ten shares· William P. Hubbard, ten share's; George W. Atkinson, five shares; James S. Thurston, five shares. All 0f the city of Wheeling and staie of W. Va. And the capital to be horoattor sold is to be divided into RhareR of

the like amount. Gh·en unde1· our hands thiR twenty-niuih day of September, one

thousand eight h11nd1·ed and seventy-Reven. CHESTER D. HunnARD, Tno�IAS H. LOGAN,

by C. D. Hubbard, attorney in fact, WrLLIA:II P. HunnARD, GEO. w. ATKINSON, J A:IIES 8. THURSTON.

lVherefore, the corporatorR named in tho said agreement, and who have sigDetl tho Aame. and their successors and 11ssigns, are hereby <lcclnretl to be, from this date until the twenty-ninth day of September, one thousand eight hu11drcd and ninety-soYcu, a corporation by the name and for tho purpose Rot forth ill said agreement.

[G-. S.] Given under my hand, and the great s.eal of the said stntc,

at tho �ity of Wheeling, this twenty-11i1Hh day of September, dno thousand eight h11�1drud anti ;,evcnty-se\·cn.

s. BRADY, Secretary of Stn.te.


I, SobicRki Brady, :wc1·etar.r of the Rtale of West Virginia. hereby cortit'.r that 1111 ngreemont duly :1cknowledgod aml nc<·ompauiod b,r tho proper at-Jidavit1-, ha,. bc-cn thi.- dn,r dclh·cn:d to mo; which agreement ia in the wonls 1111<1 figure:, following:

'rlJO undersigned agree to bucome a corporation by the name of "'l'ho Palatine .Pot.tcr,r Company,·· for the purl'ose of m111111foct11ring and vending stonewaro,1-tone piping and the variouft other producLsot' potters clay, ar.d for the purpose al:,;o of carr_yin/! on n general retail me1·cantilc business at Palatine, Marion connL,r. West Virginia. which co1·poration shall keep its princip1tl oftfoc and place of b11;1inesA at l�nlntine aforesaid, in Lhe snid cnnnty of i\la1·ion, and is to expire on tho twentieth clay of Scptcmbur, one thonsnnd l"igbt h1111d1·cd and a111.I ninety-seven ..


-�nd for tho purpose ot forming the said co,•poration, wo have ,mb­scr1bcd tho sum of fhTe thousand dollal'S to tho capital stock thel'oof, and h:we paid in on said subsc1·iptio11 the sum of five hnnd1 ·ed doll:ws, and desire tho pl'i,,iloge of incrcasincr �he said capital by sales ot addi­tional shares from time to time twc�1ty thousand dollars in nil.

'l'he capit:1l so subscribed is divided into sh:wes of one hnnclt ·ecl dol­lars �ach, which are bold by the untler,-igncd, l'espcctively, as follows, that 1s to say: ,

Johu M. Harden. nineteen shn.1·.,li; Jam<'s Monow, Jr., ton shares; Cyrus H. Boyers, ten shares; Androw M.cCrny, ten shal'OS; Isaac N. H ollnnd, 0110 sha1·0 ; And the capital to be hereaf'ter sold is to bo divided into shares of

tho like amount. Given unde1· our bands this twentieth day of September, one tbou1<­

and eight hundl'ed and seveuty-sevcn. Jonx M. J-L�Knt:x, C. F. BOYEHS, JAllES :'>Io1rnow, JR. AXDHF.\\" l\lC'Ctt.�Y, J. S. Ho1,1,A:su.

·wherefore, 'l'he co1·porators named in the Raid ag,·eemcnl, and who have signe<l tho same, an<l their successors and a::;signs, arc hereby declal'ed to be, from tbis date until the twentieth day of Scptemuc1·, one tbousan<l eight. hundred a11d ninety-seven, a eorporatio11 by the name and fol' the purpoi<c set fol'th in 8aid a.�•·cemcnt.

Given uD<lcr my hand nn<l tlw great seal of the said Rtatc, [L. S.] at, the city of Wheeling-, this sccon<l day of October, one

thon,m11d ei�ht hundl'Cd and 11ovc11ty-11oven. s·. u1poY,

Secret.ary o( Stale.


"r, Sobieski Brady, secrotnry of tho Rtate of Wc�t Vil'ginia, ho1 ·oby cortily that an agreement, duly �cknowlcdgod nnd accompanied by the p1·opor affidavits, has been Uiis day deliverud to mo; which ngrco­ment is in tho words nnd figures following:

'l'he undorAig11cd ag,·eo to become a corpol'at.ion by tho name of tho "Kenton Salt Company," fo1· tho p111'posc of buying 01 · loasi11g Rnlt, coal und oil prope1·ty, timber nod farming lnnds; for mining, ship­piug and selling cont; manufuct11rinp;, shipping and selling fla!t, sodn m,h; bromine, a·nd other chemicals from 1mlt bri no nnd bittcl'ns; the manufact.uro. use and ,mle ot boatR and bar1·cls; the rnnni rig of steam­boats and b:H·ges for freight,ing, towing nnd other b11sines1,; bo1·ing for snit, gm; 01· oil; pumping, buyinp;, 1·efi11ing, 1:1hipping uncl sell!ng oil; fi:u·ming and gl'u1/.ing; tho purchase a1ld sale of goodi,, suppl.'c8, and for ,mch oth01· open1tionR as may he neceAHa1·y to t,ho ecvnomwal un<l succesRful working of thJJ ontoq>risoi;, or any of t.hom;


,�hich corpo!·at,ion shall ha,·e i�s principal office or place ofbusine�Rat C_h111·lest.on,.'.11 t.he county of h.anawha, ,vest Vii·ginia., and is ti> ex­J>�1·0 011 t.ho tifLeont.h day of October, one t.bousnnd eight, hundred nnd n I nety-seven.

1�1-,d for the p111·pose of formi11g the said corporation, wo have s11b­sci:1b�d t.he sum of five thousand dollars to t.he capital t.hereof, �nd havo t�aid 111 011 said subsc1·ipt.ion t,he sum of fivo hundred dollars, and de­sire tho Jwivilege of increa,;ing Raid capital, by sales of additional shal'Cs from time to time, to ouo hundred tllousand dollaI"s in all.

Tho capital so subscribed if> dh·i<led into shares of twcnt.j·-fivc dol­la1·s each, whid1 arc held by the unde1·signed, respccth·oly, as follows, tlrnt is to isay : by

Job E. 'l'baye1·, of Charleston, 1iV. V,i., ninet.y-eight shares; John P. Hale, ot Charleston, ,v. Va., ninety-nine shaI"es; David L. Ruffner, of Charleston, ,v. Va., one share; J a mos '1' . .Doyle, of Charleston, ,v. Va., one shaI"e; "'alter B. Brooks, of Kanawha county, \V. Va., ono share. And tho stock to be hereafter sold is to be divided into shares of

tho like amount. Given 1 1nde1· our bands this twelfth day of October, one thousand

cigbt, hundred and scvcnt.y-sevcn. J. B. TUA YER, JonN P. HALE, ,v. B. BROOKS, D. L. Run'NER, J. 1'. DOYLE.

"' hcrcforc, 'l'hc corporators nnmcd in the said agreement, and who havo siguod tho same, a11d t.hcir s11ccesso1·s and aE<signs, aro hereby de­clared Lo be, from this date until t,he fifteenLh c.Jay of October, ooo Lhonsnnc.l ei�bt, hundred and 11inety-sevcn, n. co1·po1·ation by tho name fo1· Lho purpose sot forth in s:iid agreement.

(G. S.J Given nuder m.'· band :ind the great seal of tho said srnte, at,

tho city of Wheeling, tlii,; fifteent.h day of October, one thou,­snnd cigbt h1111drodand .,;o,·cnty-sevon.

S. BRADY, &cr!!tary of State.


. 1, Sobieski Brndy, secretary of the «late of West Virginin, hereby cort,ify that, an agn•cmont. duly neknowlcd.!.!od and aceompanied by tho proper aftida,·it,:;, has hecn this drty delivered Lo mo; wl.Jich agree­ment it1 in the words au<l ti!.!uro,,; followiug:

'J'lle undorsiirnod airrcc �to become n corporation by the name of "Jofforson Co1�1t.y co':operat.ivo Association,'' for tho jrnrpose of buy­ing-, eellincr and trnclin� in agricultural machinery, implements, for­tili;,:ers cl11· rroods groceries and n general mercantile business in tbo town �f Ch�rlest�wn, county of J efforson, and slate of West Vir­ginia, and for t,he purpose of acquiring real estnte sufficient for houi;es


nn_d storerooms for su�h business; which corporation shall keep its ollwe or plnco ot busmcss at Chnl'lcstown, in the county of Jeffer­son, and is to expire on the fifteenth day of November, ono thousand eight hundred and ninety-seYen.

And for the purpose of forming the said corporation, we have sub--- sc-ribed the sum of four hundred and thirty dollars to the capital

thereof, and have paid in on said subscription tho sum of four hun­dred dollars, and desire the privilege of increm,ing the i,aid capital by sales of additional shares, from time to time, to ono bun<lrc<l thout-:and dollars in all.

The capital so subscribed is divided into shares of ton dollars each, which are held by the undersigned rctipcctively nti followti, that is to say, ·by:

vVm. H. 1'. Lewis, five shares ; Robert W. Baylor, twelve shares; P. H. Powers, five sharos; P. Bowers, seven shares; Isaac H. Stride1·, two shares; John H. Strider, two shares; baniel Heflcbowcr, ten shares; All residents of tho county of Jefforson, \Yest Virginia. And the capital to be hereafter sold is to be divided intd shares of

the like amount. Given under our hands thit! ninth day of November, A. D. one

thousand eight hundred and severity-seven: w . .EI.. 'r. LFw1s, ROBERT "\V. BAYLOR, P. H. POWERS, P. BowEns, I. H. STRIDEil, JOUN 11. STRIDER, DANIEL lIEFLEBOWER.

\Vberetore, the c:orporators named in the said agreement, and who have signed tho same, nnd their successors and assigns, arc hereby declared to be, from this date until the fifteenth day of N ovem bcr, 011c thousand eight hundred und ninety-seven, a c:oq10ration by tho n:uno and for the purpose set forth iu said ag1·ccment.

Given under my hand and the g1·cat seal of Lhc snid ,;;lnto, [G. S.] at the city of Wheeling, this fifteenth day of November, one

thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven. s. BllADY,

Secretary o/ State.


I, Sobieski Brady, secretary of tho state of Wost Virginia, l�o1·oby certify that an a�reoment, duly acknowledged a11d accompnn1cd by the proper.affidavits, hat! been this day dolivorod to mo; which agree­ment, is in tho words a11 figures following:

Tho undert1ignod agree to become a corporation by tho namo of


"Buckeye Glnss Company," for the 1rn1:posc of manufacturing within the_ states ofWest Virginja a11d Ohio, glass and glassware in a11y and all its val'ious forms, and oi dealing in and selling the s:imc there and ols�whc1·e, and making all tbe molds and tools required for manufac­tnr111g ;{lass and glassware, packages for packing the same, and any and al I articles to attach to glassware, when manufactured; and for the 1rnrp0,-c of dealing within said states and elsewhere in patents pc1·tai n i ng to the man ufacturo of glass and glassware i o all its nirious branches, and of buying and of selling everywhere the rights to oth�r,;; whic:h corporation shall keep its principal offi1;c or ,place of h11s111cf<1> in tho city of _\Vhecling, in tho county 01 Obio, an� state of WcsL Virginin, and is to expire on tho eighth day of Nouembo1·, in the yea1· om, thousand eight hundred and ninet,y-sevco.

And for the purpose of forming said corp0ration, wehavcsubscribed tho sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars to the capitai thereof, :�nd h:n-c paid in on said subscription, the sum of twelve dollars an<l fifty cents; and desire the privilege of increasing the said eapital, by 1mlcs ot additional shares, fr0m ti rue to time, to one hundred thousand (100.000) dolla1·s in all.

'l'he capital so subscribed is divided into shares of twenty-five (25) dollar,; each, which arc held by �be undersigned, respectively, as fol­lows, that is to say : by

George Adams, of ,v1rneling, W. Va., ono share John J. Jones, of "'becling, W, Va., one share; John F. Millet·, of Martin's Ferry, Ohio, om, share; William ;.\. \Vilsou, ot Wheeling, \V. Va., ono share; Samncl P. Hildreth. of \Vhceling, ,v. Vn., one share. And tho capital hereafter to be sold is to be divided into shares of

tho Ii ko amount. Given uedor 011r bands this eighth day of Novcmbe1·, iu the year

ono thousand eight hundrod and sovonty-scvcn. GEORGE AD.UIS, JonN J. JONES. JNO. F. :MILLER, \\')I. .A. \VILSON, s. P. HILDRETH.

,vhcroforo, tho corpora1ors named in,.thc i:;aid a_grecment, and who hnvo si_l.{ncd tho 1<:11110, and thrir 811t·t·1',-sc11·,- and assigns, are hereby dcclzuod to bo, from thi,.; date 1111lil tho eighth clay oi �ovembe1·, 0110

thommnd oil.{ht hundred a11d ninct.y-scn)11, a 1:orpo1·ation by tho name and fot· the p11rposc :-;ot Jort.b in r<aid 11�1·cc11Hint-. .

Givc1111ndcr m_r hand and tho gront. !<C'al ot the said state. [G. S.] at tho 1.;ityof \Vhcelin_!!, this r,ix1.e,mth day of November, 0110

thousand eight lrnnd1·cd and ,;cvcnty-,;ovcn. S. BnADY,

Secretary ol State.


I, Sobieski Brady, secretary of tho state of West Vit·ginia, heroby co1·tify 1,bat an agrnement, duly acknowlodgoc1 and accompanied by


tho proper affid:wit.s, has been thiR day delivered to me; which iwree-mont is in tho words and figures following:


The undersigned agree to become a co�porntiou by tho name of "Excelsior Jhnk Note Company," for the put·poso of carrying on tho

· lmt1incss of engraving nnd printing in every brnnch and incident of the art, and of ma.king, ma.n nfacturi ng. prepari 11g and usi 11g ongnwcd plates aud lithographic stouos, nnd all othot· plates, matel'inl1-1 and apparatus necessary and iueidentnl to tho business of ongr:wing and printiug, which corporation shall keep its principal office 01· place of business at Washington City, in the county ofWashi11gto11, in tho Dis­trict ot Columbia, and is to expire on the first day of November, in tho year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, and for tho purpose of forming the said corporation wo have snb:;cribed the sum of two thousand and five buncit-od dollars to the capital stock thet"Cof, and have paid in on said subscription the sum of two thonf'and and tivo hundred dollar;;, and <.lcsiro tho pl'ivilogo ot increasing the said capital by sales of additional shares from time to time to one hundred thousand dollars in all.

Tho capital stock so subscribed is divided into i,;hares of of fifty dollars, which are hold by tho under:;igncd, rospoctivoly, m, follows, that is to say: by

John G. Wollstood, ten shares; John H. Rice, ton shares; \Villiam M. \Vollstood, ton Rharcs; Gabriel V. N. Og<.len, ton shares; Robert Wollstood, ten i,;lrnres; All being residents of tho suid Washington City, in tho DisLrict of

Columbia. (,-ivon uudor our bnn<ls this twenty-third <.lay of November, in tho

year one thousand eight hundred and ttovo11ty-scven. JOHN G. \VELT.STOOD, JOHN H. HICE, GATIRIEL V. N. OOOEN, RonERT \VELLSTOOD, \V )t. M. WELLSTOOD.

\Vhoroforo, tho corporators tho said agreement, and who have signed the same, and their successors and assigns, are hereby declared Lo be, trom thi1:1 date un.til tho first day ot'"Novombor, on·o t.l1ousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, a corporation by tho name· and for tho purpose set forth in said ngrocmout.

[G. S.J Given under my hand and tho g1·en.t, seal of the said stato,

at, tho city of \Vhoeling, this twenty-eight day of Novomber, one thom,and eight hundred and sovonty-se,·on.

s. BRADY, Secretary of State.


'l'.EIJ<.: HA "WK'S NES'l.' COAL COMP ANY, (LIMI'rED.) .

STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA, } Office of Secretary of State.


I,_ Sobieski Brndy, secretary of the state of ,vest Virginia, hereby certify, under the act of' the Legislature of the state ot West Virginia, approved the twenty-tfrst day of December, one thusand eight-hun­dr�d :�nd seventy-th·e, that "'rhat the Hawk';i Nest Coal Company, (L1m_lle_d.)" have this <lay filed in my oftice n copy of their articles of assoc1aiio11, and also a copy ot the law under which they nre incor-por�ited.

[G. S.] In testimony whereot, I ha"·e hereunto set my hand and

affixed the g1·eat seal of the said state, at the city of Wheel­ing, this first day of December, one thousand ei!{ht hundred and seventy-se,·en.

S. BRADY, Secretary of State.


I, Sobieski Bmdy, sec1·et:1-1-y of the state ()f West Virginia, hereby certi­fy that an agreomen t duly acknowledged nuc� accompanied by the prop­er atlidnvi ts, has been tills day delive1·e<l to me; which ag1·eement is in tbo wol'Cls and li�111·es followi n,g:

'rho u1Hlersig;;ed, agree to become a corporation by the name of the ••\Vncomah ,\lining Company," for the purpose mining or winning coal and any othe1· minernls or :substance:; found upon the lands hert1-:ilter to bn acr1uired by them: to cut. work and ship timhe1·; to manu­factm·o ii-on or any ot.her product t,hat, can bo manufactured from i1·011, wootl, salt, :--tone 01· clay; to let, dcmiso 01· lease mineral lands, and <;_specially coal lantlH; to sell, pt1l"('ha,se and use timber privileges; which corpo1·atio11 1-1hiill have its prim·ipal ol'lice 01· place of bu,;;iness at. Charlesto11, in thoco1111t,r of l,a11awha. i11 West Virginia, and is to expiro 011 the tieve11tce11tb da.y of Xo\·c111ber, 0110 thousand eight hun­ch·ed and 11inet.)'-Hl\\"C11.

And for the p11�·poso of lorming the said corporation we. sub­scribed the 1-111m of n11e tlwu:anntl dollaris J.o I-ho capilal thereof, and havo paid in 011 said l'lt1bs<'l'iption the 1'111111 of ouo hundl'cd dollars, and desil'O the privilege of i11cn�a,-i11g the t<aid l':tpit:\I by 1rnles of ad­ditiorrnl share:s, from time to tirno, to one million dolia1·s in all.

'l'ho capital ::;o ,rnbscl'ibed i:; di,·ided into «hares of one hundred dol­lars each, which :u·e. hold by tbl, undcn;igncd, respectl\·oly, as follows, that ii, to say : IJy

George W. Riggs, ot Washington, D. C., six shares; James 1•'. Pa.ttou. of Union, 11.lonroe county, W. Va., one share; WilJiam H . .f<jd\\;artls, of Coalburg, Kanawb:i county, W. Vn., 01\c

sbnro; 1

Isaac N. Smith of Chn.rles ton, Kanuwbn. couuty, \V, Va., 0110 share;


Charles C. Lewis, of Charlef<ton, Kanawha county, W. Vn.., one share.

And the capital to be hereafter sold iR to bo divided into shares of tho like amount.

Given nndc1· 0111· bands thif- se,enteenth day of November, one thm1sand eight, hundred nnd seventy-seven.


Whorefo1·e, tho C'orpomtor>- named in tho said agreement, and who hnve si�ncd LIJC same, and their RucecssorR anti assi.�ns, are hereby <leclll.l'ed to be, from t,hif< dat,e until the seventeenth day ot November. 0110 thousand eight hundred and ninet,y-so,on, a corporation by the name nnd for t,he purpose sot fo1·th in said agreement.

Given under my band and the great seal of the said state, [G. S.] at the city of Wheeling this twelfth day of December, one

thom,and eight hundred and seventy-seven. S. BRADY,

Secretary Brndy.


I, Sobieski B1·ady, scc1·otary of the state of West Virginia, h01cby cort,if'y that an ng1·cemont, duly acknowledged and accompanied by the proper affidavits, ha!'< been t,his day delivo1·o<l t,o mo, which agree• mont is in the words :wd figures following:

'l'ho undersigned agree to become a corporation, by the name of the "Paint C1·eck Mining Company," tor t,he purpose of minin� coal, and mining or winning any other miao1·als or substances found upon the lands herenllor to be acquired by them; to cnl, wo1·k and ship timr ber; to munufactu1·c iron, 01· any other product that can bo manuf:ic­turcd from iron, woud, salt, stone, 01· clay; to lot, demif<o 01· lease min­e1·nl Jnnds, and espedully coal lands; to !!Oil 01· purchase a,nl use timber privilcf!eS; which corporation shall have it8 p1·incipal office or place ot businet;s at Chnl'leston, in tho county of Kanawha, in \Vost Virginia, a11d is to expire oi1 the seventeenth day of No,•embor, one thousnnd eight hundred and ninety-seven. •

And for the purpose of forming tho said corporntion, we ha,c sub­sc1·iLed tho sum of one thousand doll:u·s to the capital thereof. and ha,·e paid in on said subscription the sum of one hundred dollars. a11d desire the privilege of inc1·ea8ing the said cnpit:tl by sales of addi­tional share;;, from time to Lime, to 0110 million dollars in idl.

'l'ho capital so subscl'ibod is divided into shares of' one hundred dollars each, which are held by the u111.len1igned respectively as tol­lows, that i� to Fmy : by

George W. Uiggs, ot Washington, D. C., six shm·Gs;


Ja!n�s F. Patton, of Ui1ion, Monroe county, W. Va., one share; Wtlltam H. Edwards, of Coalburg, Kanawha county, W. Va., one

sharo; Isaac: N. Smith, of Charleston, Kanawha county, ,v. Va., one share; Charles C. Lewis, of Charleston, Kanawha county, W. Va., one

sbarn. And the capital to be hereafter sold is to be divided into shares of

tho like amount. Given under our hands, this seventeenth day of Novembe1·, one

thousand eight hundrnd and flevon�y-so\'011. GEo. W. R100s, hAAC �- �)IITIT, CIIA:S. C. L�;\\'J:,;. "· · ll . .EnwA1rn:,:, JAS. F. PATTON.

,vhereforo, tho co1·1>01·atori- named in the said ao-roement, and who I

. "' Hl\'e signed the same, and their successors and a::;signs, al'C hereby

dccla1·ed to be, from this dale until the seventeenth day of �ovembcr, 0110 thous:rnd eight hundred and ni11cty-so,·en, a co1·poration by thu 11111110 and for the purpose ,<ct forth in said agreement.

Gi\'on 1111dcr my hand and the g1·eat seal of the said state, [U.S.] at, the city of Wheeling, thi:,; twelfth day of December, one

t.ho11,-;a11d eight, hundred and sovenLy-scvon. S. BRADY,

Secretary o/ State.


1, 8obio;,.ki Brady. soc1·ctary of tho slnto of "rest Yir{!inia, hereby certify Lhat. an a.!!•·cemcnL. dnl_r :1eknowll'dged nnd accompanied by t.he pmpc1· attfo!avit><. ha;. hccn thi:< day doli,·crcd to me; which agree­ment i:;: in t.he word,-; n11d li!!111·c;: tollowing:

'l'ho llllller,-;ig 1 1ecl a.�ree io hccOIIIO a �-ol'poration by the name of "Elk !liver Oil (.;0111p:1ny, .. 10 1 · th<· p111'J)Oi'C of mining for and p1·0-ducing pct1·ole11m oil,.., buying, "oiling nnd 1·cti11i11g- petroleum oils and the produc:ti- thcrnof. laying pipu li11,·>', ,;tol'i11g a11d t .rnni,;porting oil nnd other a1·lidc,;, niini 1 1!-( and 11wrkc1i 1 1g coal, i1·0 11 and mincl'als, anu doing 11. g1'ne1·al 111a11 11fad11ring a,,d mer1::1 1 1tile business; which cor­po1·a1iion i;ihnll keep it.,; pl'i 1 1eipal oHi<-o ancl plm:11of hu:,incssin Kannwha county, \\le;:t. Vi 1 ·!-(i 11ia. and i.s to expire 011 the t.wcnticth day of lJe­c:cmbcr, A. 1>. one thou.sand l'ight h11ndr1,cl a11d 11inet_r-,;even.

For the p111·pose of lon11i11g snid c:orporntion, we h:n·e subscribed the su1n of eight. t.ho11:<:111d doll:11·,.., :u1d have paid in on ,;aid subsC1·ip­tion the smn of eight hundred dollar,;. and dc::ii1·c the p1·ivilegc of i11-c1·onsi11g Lile said capitnl, by sales of additional sh1u·c,; from time to time, to one h1111dred thousand dollars in all.

'l'hc capital 1,0 subscribed i11 di,·ided into sbnres of one hundred dol­lnl'i- each, whid1 is held by the undersigned, respectively, as follows, that is to say:



George l\icrrill, of Pn.rkorsburg-, "\V. Va., t�nrnty-fh·e shares; .J_ohn \V. Fuller, Chn.rlcston, W .. Vu., twenty-five shn.res; ,I oel S. Quarrier, Charleston. \V. Va., ten sh:u·es; T. L. Pa .. sons, Volc:rno, \\T. Va., ten shares · John l,. ?ifcrrill, East O1·an_ge, N. J., ten sh�.res. And the capital to be hereafter sold is to be divided into shares of

the like amount. Gi,ren under our hands, this twe11tieth clay of December, A. D. one

thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven. GF.ORGE J\h:nnu,T,, .I. \V . .Fu1,1.F.R, .


'l'. L. PARSONS, Jo11N L . .MF.RRII,T.,

.Per George Merrill, attorney in fact.

\Vherefore. the corporators named in the said ag,·ecment, nnd who hnve signed the same, and their successors n.11cl :u,sig-11s. a,·e he1·eby declarecl to be, from thifl date until tho twentieth o( December·, on·e thousarid eight hundred and ninety-seven, a col'poration by the name aud for the pnl'pose set forth in said a_gl'eement.

Given under my band and the, _gl'eat i;cal of the saitl state, [G. S.J at the city of Wheeling-, this twenty-fourth day of .Dec-em­

ber·, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven. S. BRAHY,

Secretary ol Slate.

THE .FI.RS'l' CITY t:ORNE'l' BAND OF .l\fAR'l'JNsnuw.�.

I, Sobieski Brady, scerctary of the Rtato of ·west Virginia, hereby certify that an ag .. oomcnt, duly acknowledged and ac-companied by the proper affidavits, has been thifl dny delivered to mo; which agree­ment is in tho words and figures following:

'l'bo undel':-i_gned agree to become a corporation, by tbe name of "The Fir:it City Col'llet Band of l\In.1·tinsb11rg-," for the pul'p0Re of imp1·ovcmcnt in instrumental music, and pr·omoting and enco11ra�i11g the same;.whicb corporation Rhall keep itR pr· incip:il ofllcn or place ,11 busines;; at .M.nrtinsbnrg, in tho county of Borkolcy, and is to cxpi1·e 011 the ffrst day ot January, one tho11Raml eight hundro<l and ninct,r-eight. . •

And tor tho purpose of forminl( tho ,mid coq)f)l'l\tion, we ha.,·c Rnb­seribc<l the sum of one hundl'ed and twoniy-fivo dollars to Urn capi_tal thereof, and hnve in on 1rnbflcription the sum of' twonty-th·e dollars, and desi1·0 the privile�o of incrcnsin,g tho saitl capital by ,mlc:­of additianal sbal'os, from time to time, to twelve bundl'ed dolln1·s in all.

'l'he cnpit:il so subscr·ibo<l iR divided into 8hn.ros of five dolln1·s ouch, which a1·e held by the undersigned rosj)octivcly aR follows:

George H. Couchman, of l\ln.l'tinsburg, five shares; Jacob P. Swartz, of .Martinsburg, five shares;


Charles K Dieffcnderfo1·, of �Iartinsburg, five shares; George D. \Vhitsot1, of i\lartinsbur!!, five shares· ·' ''IB

OJ '



...... . 1·att, of .Martinsbu1·g, fi,·e shai·es. And the capital to be hereafter sold is to be divided into shares of

the like amount. Given ·under our hands, this, the nineteenth day of January, one

thousand eight hundred and seven Ly-eight. GEORGE H. Cotrc·1u1.u1, JACOH P. ::;\l',IRT7., C11.\s. E. D1EFFE:SDE1U•·1m, Gt:o. D. \V11m;o:-., A. T. B1u1'T.

\Vbc1·cfo1·0, the C':>rporators named in the said agreomcnt, and who have signed the same, and thei1· succc,;sors and assigns, are hereby declared to be, from this date until tho fit-st, day of January; one thou­sand eight hun<l1·ed and ninoLy-oight, a corporation by the name and for tho pu1·pose set forth in said agreement.

(G. S.] GiYe11 nuder my hand aml the great seal of tho said stat.o,

at the eity of ,vheeliug. this twenty-second day of January, one thousand eight, hundred aud seventy-eight.

s. BRADY, Secretary of State.


I, Sobieski Br:uly, sccrl'tary of the state of \Vest Virginia, hereby certify that an ag1·eomcnt duly :u·knowledgcd and accompanied by tho propc1· al-JiclaYit,;. has I.Jeon this day dcliYcred to me ; which agreement, is in tho wonts :t11d li_!!11rc;; following:

'.L'ho 11ndersignud agrco to bctnme a to1·porntion by the name of "CenLral Building .A,;:;uciat.ion 'No. 3," to1· ihe purpose of raising money to bo lua11cd a111011g tho 111('111 hers of such eo1·porat.ion, for use in b11yi11g lots or hn11:,1cs or in l.Jnildi11;! 01· repairing houses, which corpurntiu11 shall kl•ep its p1·i11t·ipal ullice 01· place of b11,;i11css in Who,iling, in Lhl) cn1111t,r of Ohi,1. and is to oxpit·o on t.ho t,,·cnty­i;cco11d of Jan11a1-y, uno tho11sa11tl eight h1111d1·ed and ni1101y eight.

Ami fo1· tho p11rpn:<u of forming: said eorporntion .wo have sub­scribed tho i'llllll ol' ,;(',·eu lrnndrcd aud oiµ:hty dollars to tho eapital thereof, and bavo paid in 011 :;aid ,mbsl'l'iption the c;um of :<evcnt.y­eiµ:ht dr,lla1·s and dc:sirn tlio pri,·ilcgo ofi11cro11sing the said <·apital by sales of additional shares from time to timo to livo humh-od and twenty thousand doll:u·s in all. .

Tho capital so subsc.:l'ihod is divided into sluu·es of 0110 hundred and thirty dollar,; each, wbich a1·e hold b:,· tho undersigned, respectively, as lollow:s, that is Lo say: by

C. ll. Wbeelor, ooe sbnre; Jati. E. llanos, one share; J. H. Tnnoy, one share; J tunes \Vheolor, one share;


Osc:nr Sandrock, 0110 share; .T. P. J[il\er, one share; All of the city of Wheeling, W. Va. And t-he capital hereafter to bo sold is to be divided into shares of

like amount. Given under our hands this twenty-se<:ond day of January, one

thousa11d eight hundred and seventy-eight. C.H. WHEEf,ER, JA�IES E. HANES, J. B. TANr�Y. JAMEs ,v11EELEn, OSCAR SANDROCK, J. F . . Mrr,L};R.

Wherefore, The corporators named in the said agreement. and who have signed the same, and their successors and assigns, arc hereby dedarC'cl to be, from this date until tho twenty-sc<:ond day of January, one thousand eight hundred and uinety-eight, a corpomtion by the nnmo and for the purpose set forth in said ag1·eement.

Given under my hand and the gl'Cat seal of the snid stnte, [G. S.] at tho city of Wheeling, this t.wenty-third clay of January,

one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight. S. BrunY,

Secretary of Stale.


I, Sobieski Brady, secretary of tho state of West Virginia, he1·eby certify that an n_greement, duly acknowledged and Rl:<:Ompanied by the proper affid:wits, bas been this day delivm·ed to me, wbid1 agree­ment is in tho words and figures following:

Tho undersigned agree to be<:onrn a <:01-r,orntion by the name of the "Hartford City Oil Company," for tho pu1·pose of bo1·ini; tor, mining and pl'odncing petroleum, refining- and mnrketing tho !'ame, n.nd to buy, sell or lea,,e and deal generally in petroleum and irnch real and p01·sonal prope1·ty as mny be necessn1·y to the successful prosecution ol said bmiinesB; which co1·po1·ation r;hnll kee'!) it,; pl'int;ipal otli<;e or place of businesR at tho town ot Hal'tford City, Mason county, \\·est Yirginia. and is to expi1·0 on the fit-st day of January, one thouisand eight h11nd1·ed and ninety-eight .

.-\nd for the p111·po;;e of fol'minl-( tho said torporation, we have sub­scribed two tbou,-:rnd dollars to the c·npitnl thereof. and h:l\'o paid in on said subscl'iption two hundred doll:11'1,, and dc:;i1·e thu pl'ivilf'gc ot increasing the l·.apital. by sales of additional 1:1hal'es from time to time, to fifty thousand dolla1·is in nil.

Tho capital so 1rnbsc1·ibed is divided into shares of twenty-five dol­lars each, and arn bold by the undc1·signed us follows, that. is lo Ray:

G. W. Mo1·edock, of ilnrtfo1·d City, .Mason county, W .. Va., ton i;b:u·es;

H. F. Donnally, of Hm·tford City, :Mason county, W. Va., ton shares;


D. K Newton, of Hartford City, :\.Cason co1111ty, \V. Va., ten !!hares; J. R. Meeks, of I-fartfo1·cl City, :Mason county, \V. Va., ten shares; A. L. Schon, of �Jason coun(r, \Y. Ya .. ten share;;; .Ed�1u- D. Stow, of Hn.i·tford City, Ma,;on c0trnty, \Y. Va., ten shares; _!\'(a_1or- Brown, of .i\Iason county. \Y. Va, ten sha1·es; H. Ii. Stow, of Hartford City, Mason county, "7

. Va., ten share!!. Aud the <:apital to be hereafter sold is to be divided into sharns of

the like amount. Given unclc1· our hands this sixteenth day of January, one thou­

sand eight l.11t11drecl and ::;evonty-eigln. G. ·w. MoREoocK, II. .F. Do:-iNAr.r,Y, D. E. NEWTON, 1,iA.JOR BnowN, A. L. S1rno:-1, .EDGAR D. STOW, 1-I. H. STOW. J. R MEEKS.

\Vh�refore, thCI corporator:" named in the said ngr�ement, and who have signed the same, and theil· s11ccesso1·s and ass1gns, are hereby declared to be, from this date until the fir:st day of January, one thousand eight hunrlrcd and ninety-eight, a corpo1·ation by the name and for the purpose set forth in said agreement.

G-iven .under my hand and the great sca,I of the s:iid state, [G-. S.] at the cit,y of \Vhccling, this twenty-ninth day of January,

one thousand eight hundred and aevcuty-eight. s. BRADY,

Secretary of State.


I, Sobieski B,·ad_v, sec1·eta1-y of Lhl' ;;t11tu of Wrst Virginia. hereby cc1·tily that. a11 a_!!1·ecmc11t. dul_r a<·k11<H,·lcd_ged and acc·nmpanied by the

• proper ntlida,·its. has been thi,-; dny cll·li,·crod to mo; which agrnomcnL is in theworcls a11d tigur<'>< follnwi11g:

'L'hc 11ndc1·siµ:nod a_!_f1·co tn lio<·o1110 a ,-.,rporntion by t.he name of tho ".\'ational 0o-Opurntin:, ?lli11in.!! . .\lan11faf't11ring and Colonization As­::<ociation," fo1· tho p111·pn><u of mining eual. iron. IC'ad and other min­oral;;:rncl mnnuf:u·turing- the ><a111t• into men·h:111lnblc products: :dso for t,hc pnrpo><c of buyin_!! and lca,.i11,({ timhc1· :wd mineral lands, wit-h authority to manulacturo Lhc mineral and lumbC'r products of snch lands, and to E<oll and dispo;iu ot tho s:imo as lo ><nch coq)Orntion shall seem J)l'Oper; also fo1· tho purp0:<o of" p1·oviding home;; and employ­ment for rncm bors of thi;: co1·poration and other;;, upon s1wh tenrn; as may be ag,·e<'d upon by the rorporntion upon t,he one hand and the parties so provided with homes nnd emplvymcnt upon the othel'; which corporation shall keep it.'l principal oflico or place of business


at Kanawha Palls, ill tho <:ounty of J<'ayct.te, in Lhe state ot West Vir­ginia, anti is to expil'C on the of Jannat-y, A. J). one thousand eight. hundred anti nillety eight..

And tor Lho purpose of torming said <.:orporntiou we have sub­scribed the sum of one thousand dollat·s to the capital st.ock tho1·eot; and havo paid in on said sn\JscripLion tho sum of t.wo hunch-eel and filt.y dollars, and desire tho privilege of incrcasin.� the :;aid by sales of atlditioual shares, from time to Limo, to two lrnnJt·otl t.honsand dolla-rs ill all. · 'L'he capita.I so subscribed is cliviclocl into shares of fifty dollar::; each, which arc held by tho undersigned, re::;pcct.ively, a:; follows, that. is to say: by

\V. }'. '\Yillock, of Allegheny county, J.>a., font· shat·cs; Philip .Feiget·, Allegheny county, Pa., tour shat·es;

·J. S. Hillerman, Allegheny <.:onnt.y, 'Pa., font· shnt·es; J . .D. Smullen, Allegheny county, Pa., font· sh:u·os; J. L. Joyce, Allegheny county, Pa., fom· shares. And the capital to be hcroatter sold is to be divided into i;h:u·cs of

like a.mount. Uiven under our hands this twenty-11ixth day of .Jann:u·y, A. D.

one t,homi:1.nd eight hundred and sovcuty-eight. )\TILLIA�l f◄'. \VU,LOCK, Pu ILLil' F}:101sR, .JonN L. JoYcE, .JAs. S. II11,u�R)IAN, .J. D. s�,uLr.EN,

Wherefore, tho corporators namod in tho said agrceomont, and who have signed tho same, :llld their snu·c::;sors and as,-;igns, at·e hct·chy dcd:u·ed to be, from this date until tho lirst day of Ja11nary, one thou­s:rnd eight hundred and ninety-eight, a cot·pomtion by tho name and for the purpo::;e set forth in -said agreement.

Given nndct· my hand anti the great seal of the said :;ta to, [G. S.J at the city of Wheeling, this twenty-ninth clay of Janu:u-y,

one tboui:;aud eight hundred seventy-eight. s. B1tAOY,

Secretar!J of State.


I, Sobieski Brady, sect·etary of state of \V e:,t Virgi i:ia, hel'Cby co1·tify that :i.11 agreement duly acknowled�ecl and accompanied by tho pt·opet· affidavits, has buen thid day dolivcrctl to me; whicl1 agreement is in tbe and fig111·os following:

'\Vo, tho undersigned, agree to \Jocomo n corporntior by tho name of "'l'be Mal'lon County Fait· Asl:!ociation," for tho purpose ofpt·omoting tho ngt·iculturnl, mechanical aud mineral intm·csta of Mal'ion, and tbe adjoining counties, and encourage the growt_b _and impt·ovomont oftl�o stock therein, and for tho purpose of ucqmrtng real est.ate for fair


grounds, buildings, etc.; which corporation shall keep its principnl �tfice at Fairmont, in the county of .Mal'ion, and is to expire on tho first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, and for tho pupose of forming the said corporation we have subscribed tb� s�un of Lwenty-six lrnndred clollnrs to t,he en.pita) thereof, and have p_atd 1n on said subscription the sum of cno thousand dollars, and de­sire the privilege of'incrca<;ing Lbc t-aid capital by sales of a<ldi�ional sha1·os from time to time to twenty thousa11Cl dollars in all.

Tho capital so subsc1·ibcd is divided into shares of one hundred dol­lars :ach, which arc held by the undersigned, rcspe<.:tivel.r, as follows: that 1s to say :

J. I. Hartley. of Marion county, five shares; 'l'. N. Holland, of Marion county, five shares; S. H. :::ipringcr, of Marion cotuny, six shares; Wm. B. Ice, of i1a1·ion county, five shares; C. B. Cal'lle.r, of .\lm·ion county, five shares; Given 1111dc1· onr hands t,his twenty-sixth day of January, 0110 t.hou­

sand eight hund1·cd and se,·enty-eight. J. 0. IlARTLEY, I. N. llOLJ.AND, :,;, ll. SPRINGER, Wllt. B. lcE, C. B. CARNEY.

\Vhercfore, 'l'ho corporators named in Lhe said n.�1·eemonL, and who havo si�ncd the ;;amc, and thoi1· successors and a��i�ns, arc he1·oby deelared to be, from Lhis date unLil the first day of January, one thou­sand oight hundred and ninety-eight, n corporntion by the name nnd for Lhc 1rn 1·po;;c !'Ct forth i II said a�rccment.

Given under my h:u11l and t,ho great seal of the 11:1id state, (CL:,;.] at. Lhc city of Wlwclin�. this t,hirty-lfrst, day of Jannm-y, one

tho11l'n11d ei,!!hl h1111drL"d a11d ;;cvc11t,.r-cight. S. BRADY,

Secretary of ;',tale.

KAN J\\\'IIA FALL� l,li,\IBlm COMl'Ai'IY.

1 Sobie;.ki B rady. H<'c1·ct:uy of th<' St:1lo of Wc;;t. Virginia, hcrnb,\· cm·lify that a11 11g1·(•umc11l duly :ll'knowl,,d.!!cd a11d uc•(•nmpanicd by the propc1· aUidavitH, haH bl1,,11 LhiH day ddi,·,in,d t.o 1110; which ag1·cemont is in Lho wo1·•!;. H 1111 fig11rcH following:

'L'lro 1111de1·Hig•1od agree t,) bl'l'1111w a c-01·p01·at.io11 by tho namo of tho ••Kannwlrn Falll' .l,urnhur C1 1111pa11,r ," fn1· t.lw p111·po::<c of cweC'ling i;nw mill;;, vc1rec1· mill, p111·chasi11g. holding a11d \·011,·c,ring real c;;tato, cul­tin_g logs, ma1111t:u:L11ri11.!! l11111bcr and Ye11ccr:<. doing n gono1·nl mc1·­ohnndi:w busi llOS:'< i 11 ('Oii llCcliont hl·rewiLh, and fo1· porformi ng an_,· n11d all operation� which may bo noco;,s:11-y uncl l awful lhoroto. \Vhieh corpomtion !'hall keep i\.6 prin('ipal oltico or pince of lmt!inc,;s al Kan­awha Fall;., F:t,roLl.u \·01111ty, \Vc�L Virginia, and is lo commonco on tho twonty-fonrlh <lay of.Jn1111nry, A . .L>., one tho1111and eight, h1111drc<l aud sevonl,r-cighL, n11d to oxpiro on tho lir,it dny Jnnunry, A. D., on&


thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight. and for tho pnrposo of form­ing the said corporation we have subscribed the sum of tiyc hnndred dollar;, to the capiLal stock the1·eot. and paid in on said subscrip­tion tbe sum of filt,y dollars, and dcsi re the privilege of i 11<:rna;;i ng said capital by sales of additional sha1·es or :-1to<:k 11·0111 time to time to ono hundl'Cd Lhousand dollars in all.

'l'be <:apiLal so snb:;cribed shall be divided into 1,ha1•e1, of one hun­dred <lollat·s each, which are held by the n11cle1·signed. respe<:tiveiy, as follows, Yiz :

H. A. Fri11k, of Baltimore, 1ld., one share; M. W. Prink, ofl3a1Limo1·e, �lei., one :oh:t1·e; C. B. Bardwell, of �outh lladly Falls, Miss, one 8hare; Joseph H.. Stower:-1, vf .Kanawha Falls, W. Va., 0110 :-1ba1·e; .Robert S. Stow:er;;, of Kaoa\\'ba Fall,;. "\V. Va., one :,hare. And the capital stock to bo het·\':dtu1· sold is to be diYided inlo sha1·es

of the like amount. Given undet· our hand;; tbis eighteenth day of Dec·e111be1·, one tho11-

su11d eight huurlred and sevent.y-seYon. I-1. A. Fn,:-K, i\l. ,v. Fm:-i-, C11,\S, E. B.,HD\\'EJ,l,, .J. H. �TOWEi!!'• R ::;, ::iTow1;ws.

"\Vhereforc, The corporato,·;; named in the said ng1·ec111ent, :ind who have i;ig110d the same, au<l their Rll<:<:essors aml assigns, arc he1·eby declared to be, from this date until the thst <lay ol'.la nuary, one thou­Aand eight hundred anti ninety-eight. a c:01·porntio11 u.r the name and for the purpose set forth in said ag1·ecmeut.

Given mHlcr my hand and the great f-cal of the Aaid slate, [G. S.] at tbe ciLy of Wheeling, LhiB fo11l'tli day or Fe1Jrna1·.r , one

thous:mtl eight hundred and se,·enLy-eighl. s. BHAIJY,

Secrdary of Stale.


I, Sobieski Brady, sc<:retal'y of the slate of West Vfrginia, hc1·cby certify that an u,grceme11t, duly a<:kno\\'ledged :tnd a<:r·o111p11nicd by the proper aflidaYi_ts, has been thi;; day delivered to me; whi<:h ngrec­ment is in the words and figures following:

'l'hc under11igned agree to be<:0111<: n <:orporation by the name of the "Kana\\'h:-t Fa.II:,; und .Ne\\' Rivet· Boom Company," tot· the pu1·poi<c of consl1·11<:ti ug, 11111i ntaini ng and opcrnting one 01· more booms on tho Great Kanawha rivcw and tho New J'iver at some point or points be­tween Jliggs· Ferry, below tbc g1·eal falls, 011 the Great Ka�rnwl_rn river, a11d the 11:11'1'0,,· falls above the New rh·er ba1:11n, 111 New 1·i,·e1·, opposite thcmouth of the Gauloy river, in Fay�tto county, ,vest Vi1·ginia, anti of slopping and Accuring logs, t,1111-

bor, lumber, staves untl othe1· floatables thcn•in, and of per­forming upon said rivers and tboir tributal'ies any or all of the


functions authorized to boom companies bY. an act of the legislature of West Virginia, passed during its sessions of one tLousa11d eight hundred and sovo11ty-six a11d seven, authorizin!! th·e formation of cor­poratio111-1 for t.ho purpose of constructing booms, &c., and for such othur opornt.ions, purposes, etc:., as may be lawful and accessory to t.he e<:011omic:LI and successful wol'ldng ot the enterprise ; which co1·­poration shall have its p1·incip:\l office or pla<:e of business at Kana­wha Falls, in the county of l•':lyl,ttc, West Virginia, and is to com­mence on tbc twenty-fourth day of Jn11uary A. D. one thousand cight­h1111drcd and seventy-eight, and is t.o expire on tho ffrst day of Jan­uary, A. D. one thousand nine hund1·ed and twenty-eight.

And 101· the puqJOsc of formin!-{ the tmid corporation, we bavo sub­s<:ribod the s11111 of fh·e thousand dollars to tho capital thereof, and have paid in on said subscript.ion tho sum of fh·e hundred dollars, and desi1·e tlic privilege of inucasing said capital, by s:lles of additionnl sha1·cs /1·0111 time to time. to fifty t.houi,and dollars in all.

The e:apital stock so subscribed shall be <lidded inlo ;;hu1·cs of one h_u11d1·1,d dollars each, wliich arc held by tho undc1·signcd as follows, VIZ.:

H. A. Frink. of Baltimore, l'ld., one share; ?IL W. Frink, of Baltimore . .Md., one share; C. K Bardwell, of South Hadley Falls, �liss., forty-six RhareR; Joseph H.. ::itowen;, of .Kanawl.rn .F'alls, Fayette county,"'· V:i., one

Rh:tl'O: It i;. Stowers, of Kan aw ha Falls, Fayette county, ,v. Va., 0110

share. And the capital ,;toc:k to be hc1·eaftur sold is t.o be divided int.o 1,harcs

of t,ho liku anw1111t. U·ivc11 1111du1· 0111· hands LIii;; i,c,·entecnth day of December, A. D.

0110 tho11sa11d eight, hu11dn,d and se,·enty-scvcn. H. A. FmxK, '.\f. \V. Fmxi., Cu.\S. E. B.\1<DWE1.1,, .J. H. STOWERS, H. :::; S-rowt;tts.

\\'hcrefol'<i. tlw l't1l'l'°rnto1·F< namcHI in t,ho snit! agreement, :111d who !ta,·o 1<i!!11<'d Lhu ,..a,111•. a11d I hcil' s11<·1·1•,-,«w,.. :11ul a><signs, arc ho1·cu.r

<k•ul111·c�l to h1· 11·0111 thi" daLu 1111til the li1•,-1t da,· of Jannarv, nineteen h1111drncl a11d i'w1n1ty-cight, a corp11ratio11 by ·the• 11ame ;ml for the ))lll'tJU"'e set forth i11 ,-aid agn•c1110111.. .

(;i,·c11 1111do1· 111,· h1111d and tho /!:l'C'III. F<C'al of the 1m1d i-1l:1l,e, [<L 8.J at 1·ity nf \\'i'ic,·lin.!/. tliii- to .. tl'Lh '.lay of l•'ebrn:11·y, 0110

tho11s:u1d cighL hn11tlrnd an<J ,;evu11ty-01ght. S. BnAnY,

Secretary of State.


], Sobici<ki Brady, secrot.a1-y of Uio 111:ito of \\-"eF<t. Virgini:1, hc1·1,by cert.if)" that an agreement duly acknowludged and I\Cl·omp:1111ed by tho



proper affidavits, has been this day delivered to me; which agreement is in the words nnd figures following:

'l'he undersigned ·agree to become a corpo1·ation by the name of the "Cedar Grove Co-operation Coal Company," for purpose of. min­ing. shipping and vending coal eit.he1· upon p1·cmises held by said company by lease upon rent, ot· roynlt.y, or held otherwise, of car1-y­ing on merchuntlisc business in connet·t.ion wit,h their coal business; and· of <:;ll"rying on any business which is propel"iy conneet.ed with or apet·t.inent in t.he business of mining, shipping :wd vending coal; whid1 corporation shall keep it.s p1·incdpnl c,tlice or plac:e of bui-iuess at Cedar Grove, in the county of Kanawha, West Virginia, and is LO expire on the first day of Pobnrnry, in the yeat· one tl..lousancl eight hundred and ninety-eight.

And for the purpose of forming the said corporation wo have sub­scribed the sum of five hundt·ed dollar;; to the capital thet·oof, and have paid in on said subscriptiom1 the sum oJ fifty dollar:<, and tic,-ire t.he pri,·ilegc of inc1·easing the sai<l c:apital by sales of addtional :shares from time to time to twenty-live tho11,-a11d dollars in nil.

'l'ho capital so subscl'ibcd is divi:led in Lo shal'es of one hnnd1·ed dol­lars �ach, which arc l..leld by tho undet·signcd, respectively. as follows, that is to say :

1-1. P. Tompkins, of Cedm, Grove, Kanawha county, vV. Va., one sbnre;

J. G. W. Tompkins, ofCedni· Grove, Kanawha county, \V. Va., ono shnl'c;

John Bannii-itor, of Hampton City, Kanawha counLy, 'vV. Va., one shnro,

William J. Caldwell, of Cedar Grove, Kann,vha c;ou11t.y, \V. Va., one share;

ll. F. Spruce, of Hampton City, Kanawha county, \V. Va., one shal'e.

And tho capital t.o be hereafter sold is to be divided i11Lo shares of tho like amount,.

GiYen under 0111· hands, this first· day of l•'chruary, i 11 the ye:ll' one thouisan<l eight buntl1·ed and tlevont.y-eight.

H. L'. 'rll)I l'I, I Xil. Joux B ,xx1,--r1rn, J. li. \V. To)ll'KIXS, \\')I. "'· C., t,ll\\"1-:1,L, ll. F. �1·1wc•:,

Wherefore, 'l'ho col'poratorR named in tho Raid ng1•c,:,mont, :"rnd who havo signed tho same, and thoil· 1rnccei,;iso1·s anti aHHigns, :u·o horuby de­clared to be, from thitl date until the ffr::it d:iy of F<!brna1·y, 0110 t,hous­an<l eight hund1·cd and ninety-eight, a co1·po1·ation by tho name a11<l

· fo1· the purpose sot fot·th iu tlaitl agl'eomont. Given nnder my hand and the g1·cat Real of I.ho said Rtatc.

[G. S.] at tho city of Wheeling. thitl eight dny of February, onu thou­s;to<l eight hundred a11d sovont.y-cighL.

8. B1tAt>Y, &cr,:/ary of Stair.



I, Sobie!-lki 1.31-ad)-, Rec1·ct:u-y of the Rlatc of West Virgin;n., hereby ce1·lify that. an agl'ecmenl., duly acknowledged and ac-coinpanied hy the J}l'0per a!lida,·it.s, has been t.his d:iy delivered to mo; which ag1·ce­mc11l. i!-1 in the wo1:ds and figures following:

The undol'sig11ed ngl'CC to become a c:orporation by tho name of the "Kanawlrn Packet. Company," fol' the pul'pose of building, buying 01· hiring-, 1·1111ning- and u;iing steamboa.ts, barges, fla.tboaLs a11d ot.het· wntc1· Cl'aft,;, 011 the Kanawha and Ohio rivers a11d tributarie,i, for ca1Tyi11_!.(" freight and passengers, fot· Lowin_!{ and other legitimate 11se11, with t,he right tt> buy n.nd iscll barrels, �alt, coal, lumber, fot·m 1wod11c:ts and other Fmpplies, :111cl to do whatever cl,;c may be ncc:cs­sar_r or advautageous in can-ying out the general :-scheme; which c0l'porntion sh al I have i �s pl'i nci pal oflicc or place of lmsi noss at. Chal'lc:-lon, Kanawha rnunty, \Yest. Virginia, and is to expire on the se,·euth of Febnt1tl'.)", one t.housan<l eight hundl'ecl and ninety-eight.

And fol' the pul'pose of forming the Raid corporation, we have sub­scribed tho sum of fiyc hundred dolla1·s lo the capital stock thoreof, and have paid in on :-aid suhscl'iption the sum of fin� hu11drcd dollars, a11d desire tho pt·h·ilegc of incrcasin_!{ i-aid c:apitnl, by i;alcs of :\ddi­Lio:ial shal'cs fl'om Lime to time, to fifty thousand dollal'S in all.

'l'ho capit,al RO subscribed shall be dh·idcd int.o shat·cs of 0110 hun­dred dollan, each, which al'e held by the undersiguod, n:spect.ivoly, as follows, that is to 8ay, by:

J obn P. I falo, one share; Chal'les \Yal'd, one share ; William '.I'. Thayer, 0110 share; No.rm� Rand, 0110 shal'O; Job K Thayer, one �hare. All of the cily of C.:ha.-lcst.oo, co1111t.y of Kanawha, aud st.ate of

West. Vi1·gi11ia. Auel tho <.:apilal to be hcrenflcr sold is to bo dh·idcd int.o sbnros of

the like :111 1011111,. Given under our hamls t.hiR soYcnth day of February, A. D. ono .•

thousand eig-ht, humlred a11cl ::;cve11ty-cight.. Jon:- P. H,\l,E, C11.1nu:s \\'.\Im, XoYt:.,; HA:-11, \\'. T. T11Anm, ,J.E. THAYER.

Wberoforo, t.hc co1·pomt.ors 11amcrl in tho Raid agr�emcnt, and who have sicrnotl the samo anti tbcil' i;.uc<:o�:-ol's and m;s1g-11s, aro horoby dedarotl to be, ft-0111 this <late u11til Lbc :,en•11t.h dny of l-'cbniary, ono t.honsand eight h u 11<ll'ctl and 11 i nety-ei�h t. a corpol'ati,in by tho nnmo and fo1· t.bc pnl'po:io Sl'L lorth in ,,mid agl'cemcnl.

Given under my hand a11d tho groat sen.I of_ tho stnto, [G. S.J at the city of \Vbeelin�, tbis eleventh �ny of l•'cbrunry, one

U1ousn11d, eight bundred and scvcnty-e1gbt. s. BRADY,

Secretary of State.



I, Sobieski Brady, secretary of tho stnto of ,vest Virginia, hereby certify that an agreement duly acknowledged and accompanied by the proper affidavit, has been this day doli,Tered to mo; which agree­ment is in tho words and figul'es following:

'l'ho undorsignod agree to become a co1·poration by the name of "Columbia Building Association," for the purpose ot raising money to bo loaned among the members of such corporation, fo1· uso in b11ying lots or houses, or in building or repairing houses; which c.oq)Ot·ation shall keep its principal office or plaee of business in Wht•eli11g, in tho. county of Ohio, and is to expire ,_,n the tirst day of �Lu·ch, one tho11-sand eight hund!'ed and eighty-eight.

And for the pnl'pose of fol'ming said corpol'at.ion, wo have sub­cribod the sum of five hundred dolla1·s to the capital thcl'eof, and have paid in on said subscriptiou tho sum of tifty clollal'::;, and do,-.ire the privilege of increasing the said capital, by sales of atlditional shares from time �o time, to two hund1·cd thousand dollars in all.

'l'i.lo capital so subscribed is divided into :>ha1·es of one hundred dol­lars each, which are held by the undersigned, rcspectiYcly, as follows, that is t-0 say: by

J.B. Lukens, one share; J as. H. Ferguson, one share ; 'l'homas Pri.nce, ono sh,u-e; J. F. Snowdon, one share; Jas. Lawson, one share; All ot the city ot Wheeling, W. Va. And the to bo hereafter sold is to bo divided into sha1·cs of

tho like amount. Given unde1· our hands this ninth day of Fcbl'uary, one thousaml

oight hundred and seventy-eight. J. B. LUKENS, JAs. ll. F1mr.usoN, TIIO)IAS PHINCR, J Af-\. F. 8NOWDf:N. Jos. LAwsoN.

\Vhercfnro, tho corporators named in the saicl agreement, :llld who have 1>i.�ncd 1,hc same, and their s111:cosso1·s and m;,;ign><, arc llll1·01Jy dccl:u·ed to be, frotr. this date 11111,il the tirst day of Mal'ch, 0110 thou• ,;and eight hundred and eighty-eight, a corpor:itio11 by Lhe name and for 1,ho purpo:;c set forth in said agreement.

Given under my hand aud tho g1·eat seal of tho said i:;tatc, [G. S.J at 1,be city of Vlheeling, this thirtccuLh duy of J<'ebrual'y, one

thousand eight hund1·od and seventy-eight. s. BRADY.

Secretary of Strite.


I, Sobieski Brady, secretary of tho Rtato of \Vost Virginia, �oreby eertifY that an agreement. duly _ack11owlc�lgod nud nccom1�nllled by the proper affidavits, has b?cn tlw1 day ?cltvored to me; which agroo­mon t iB in tho words u.nd figures follow mg:


'l'he undcl'11ig11ed ag1·ee rto become a col'poration -by the name of "The \V heeling Shakcspeal'c CJ ub," for the purpose of literary culture and to acq uirn, hold, mana_gc and di,;pose of' sueh propel'ty a,; it mny d_ccm ncccssat-y 101· its plll·pose, whicb coq)01·ation sball keep iV1 p1·iu­<:1pal ollice 01· place of bu,;iness at \,Vheeling, in tbn co1rnty of Ohio, and i,; to expirn on the first day of January, A. D. one thousand nine hundred.

J�nd for the purpose of forming f'uch corporation, we have s11b­,;c1·ilwd the snm of one hnndreci and ten doll:u·,; t.o the capital thereof, and ha Ye paid in on ,;aid ,:;ubsc:1·iption the sum of' one h1111<l1·ed and ten dolla1•,-, and desil·e the privilege of increasing the said capital by sales of additional shares, from time to tune, to fifty thousand dollars in al I. •

'l'ho capital ,-o subscl'ibed is divided into shm·cs of fh•e dollars each, , which a1·e held by the undersigned respecti,·ely as follows, that is lo

say: by �,1. A. Chandlel', \V'heelini:r, \V. Ya .. one share;

'A . .J. Cl:u·ke, \\'heeling, \V. Va., one share; l•'. D. Uulbel'lson, Wheeling, \V. Va., one share; Jame,; Dalzell, "'heeling. \V. Va., one sha1·e; R. C. Dalzell. Wheeling, W. V:i.. one share; H. Davcnpol't, \Vhceli;1g. \V. V:;., one sha1·.:i; .f . .D. J)uBoi", \Vheelin.:..:-, W. Va., one share; F. J. Hearne. \r hceli ng, \V. Ya., one share; F. J,. Jlo.!!e, \\'heeling, \,\T. Va., one share; \V. P. Hubbard. \n1ecling, \Y. Vn., one share; D. L . .llubbal'd, Wheeling. W. Ya .. one share; M. F. Hullihen, \niccliug-, \V. Va .. one share; W111. Leighton. Jr., \\!'heeling, W. Va., one sb:u·c; C. Y. Luc·as. \\'heeling. \V. Va., one share; 0. S. Long, \\'heclin�, \\'. Ya .. one sharo; IL M. �latlww,-, Wheeling. \\'. Ya., ouc share; R-A. �l<:Cabc, \\·heclin.t:'. \\'. Va., OlH' sharo; 'L' . .i\Teh·in, \Vhcclin�. \V. Va .. one share; \\'. L>'. Peter,-n11. \\"l;el·li11g. \\'. \'a., 0110 ;,hnro, If. M. Jlu,-sl'II, \\'hl·,·li11g.' \\' . \·a., 01w ;;hal'Oj R. Ba,·agu, \\'h,wli11.�. \\'. \'n .. uno ,-haro; .I . .L. \\' ildl,, \\'hl·elint:', \\·. Ya., n11e :<h:1rn. And tho e11pital Lt> bu.·l,el'caft,•1· ,;old is to be diYidod into sbares of

the like an10111it. Gi,·en nndo1·0111· han.J,;. thi:< tir,-t <l:1y of December, 0110 thousand

eight hu11d1·ed and sc,·011ty-:<e\'on. \Vll,J.IA)I Lt:lllllTON. J n.., BEN,JA)I IN .f)A \' E�Pt>llT, R,1<,;n'o 8AvA<a:. J NO. J>. Ci; 1.11t:nTso:-1. Hi-:NRY :M. �L\T11t;ws, Ro1nat1• C. DAt.,0:1,1,, Jos. l.1. \V11,1n:, M. I•' . .ll 111,Lt II F:N,

1-'RANK J. lh:ARNE, \V. L•'. Pi,;•rEttsoN, C. Y. LUCA>J, ;

DANA I,. llunnARD, H. ,\, )lcUAUE, ., . n. J)uJ301s, 'J'll,\YER M.ELYIN, 0. 8. L0N0, \V)I. P. HunnAno, HENllY ir. H,USSELL, JAM ES DALZEl,L, A. J. CLARKE,�-: • .M.t A. CH.ANDI.ER, 1''. L. llooo.


Wherefore, t,hc corporatol's named in the said ao-rccmcnt, and who 1 . I

b ' rnvc 1:11gnctl t, 10 same,_ and thoi1· 1:111cccs'so1·s and assig11s, a1·0 hcl'Uhy dcclal'cd to be, from tl11s date uutil the lirst <lay of .ln1111nrv, 0110 thou,-and nine hundred, a co1·porntion by the name and for tl;e p u1:-

. pose set forth in :mid agreement. Given u11dc1· my hand and tbc great i::ca; of Lhc said staLc,

[G. S.] at the city ot Wheeling, this fifth day o{ M:u·ch, 0110 thousand eight hund1·cd an<l seventy-eight.

S. J31tADY, Sei:rctary ol State.


I, Sobieski Brndy, seci·etal'y of the state of \Vest Virginia, hereby. ccrtily that a11 agruemcnt, duly ackno\\"lcdgcd and acco111panicd by the proper affidavits, bas been this day dcli,·ered to me; which agree­ment is in the words and figures following:

'l'he undersigned agree to become n COl'poration by the name of "Laughlin Nail Company," fol' the pul'pose of smclti11g iron ore and manufacturing pig-iron aud c:onverti•ng the same into nails, within the states of West Vii·ginia :rnd Ohio, for the p111·po1;c of bnyin� a11d sP.lling, thern and elsewhere, iron and its p1·oducts, and doali11g in merc:handii-e nnd materials necessary to the operating ot a rolli11g and nail mill and n blast fu1·nac:e, and for the mining of coal and other minerals; which corporntion shall keep its princ:i1>al of·licc 01· place of business at the city of Wheeling, in the county of Ohio, and stato of 'West Virginia; and is to expire on the eleventh day of �larch, one thousand eight hundred nntl ninety-eight.

And tor the purpose of forming said corporation, we have s11b­sc:ribed the sum of forty thousand d0llars to the capital thereof, and have paid in on said subscription the sum of six thousand dollars, and desil·o the privilege of inc:rcmdng tho said capital, by sales ol addi­tional shares from time to time, to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in all.

The capital so snbscl"ibed is divided into shal'Cl'I of one hundred dol­lars each, which held by the undersigned, respectively, as follows, that is to say: by

Alexandc1· Laughlin, of Whcclinir, \V. Va., one hundred shm·cs; Samuel Laughlin, ot \Vhccling, W. Va., one h11ncl1"cd shares; Alonzo Loring, of \Vbeeling, \V. Va., one hundred obarcs; .Mason "\Y. Burt, of Wheeling, W. Vn., fifty shares; Davirl Gutman, of \Vheelinir, "\V. Va., fifty shm·cR. And the capital to bo be!"caltcr sold is to bo divided into shares of

the like umouut. Given under our hands, this eleventh day of March, in the year of

our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sovonty-eight,-



Wh�rcforc, the corpora to, s. named in the said agreement, and who have signed the same, 1ind thei t· RtH.:c:essors and assigns, arc hereby declared to be, from this date until the oloveut-h day ol Mai·ch, ono thousand eight hundr,:cl and ninety-eight, 11, c:orporation by the namo and for the purpose set forth in said ag-recmcnt.

l-i-ivcn u11dm· my hand and the great seal of the said state, [C-i-· S.] at th() city of Wheeling, this t\\'clfth day of )larch, one thou­

sa11cl eight hundred aud seventy-eight. S. BRADY,

Secretary of State.


I,_ Sohic;;ki Bmdy, secretary of the state of West Virginia. hereby cc1·t1fy that an agreement, duly acknowledged a11d ac:companicd by the proper af-fidavit.s, has been this day delivered to mo; which agt·cc­mc r�t is in the words and figures following:

\\ e the u 11clcn,igned, agree to become a corpor.ntion hy the uame of tho •·S .. P. "

r ells Oi I Com par1,r," for the pu rposc of rcfi ni ng and m:rnufnc­�urr ng petrnlcurn a11d its J)t'Oducts, buying and selling petroleum nnd its product,-, and all other articlu::: connected with thP, manufac·turing o! petroleum a11d its p1·od11cts, which corporation shall keep its prin­cipal oltic:c or pl:u:c oflrnsincss nt the <:ity of Parkersburg, in Wood cou11ty, and is to expire on the first day of .March, one thousand eight hnndrc,d and ninety-eight.

,� nd for the purpo,.;e of forming tho said corpornfion wo have sub­sc1·1hed the ,;um of fifty thou:,;and (50,000) dollars to ti.Jc capital thereof', a11d h:1vo p:tid in on said ,.;ub,:cript-ion the sum of five thou­Rand (85,000) dollars. ancl dc,;iro the pl'ivile.�c of increasing the 1mid capital b,r ,;ales of' adclitio11al share,:. from t,imc to time, to sixty thou­sand (SGO,UOO) dollar,; i11 all.

'l'he capital so ,-ulm·r·ilicd i,; divided into share/I of fifty (S50) dol­lars each, \\'hich arc huld by the 1111dc1·,:igncd, rcspoctivcly, as follows, that is lo say: by

.Johnson N. Carndon, tr11stoo, l.'arko1•,.;b11ri;, W. Va., sc,·cn hundred a11d 1oinet.,r "haro:-<;

William N. Cha11C·l·llor, ·1•11l'kcrsh11r;:. W. Ya., five shares; Luci us J\. Colu, l 'al'lrnn:l1111·g', \\'. \' a .. lh l' �han•s; Ch:ll'lc,; \V. \Vl•II,;, l'al'kl,1·:-l)111·g-, \\·. Va., 11,11 ,;hares; 80)0111011 P. \\'ulls, 1'111 kursburg, W. \'a., 0110 h1111dt·ed and ninety


And the c:apital to bu hureaftor :mid i>< to bo divided into sh:u·os of the like 111110111,t.

(iivon 1111<ler 01n· ha11cls, t.hi:-1 ni11otcc11th day o1 .M:u·ch, one thousand eight hundred and 1;cvu11ty-cight.

Jo11Nsox N. CA�IDr-:x, '1'1·a8/ni.

,v. N. CH.\Xt:t:1.1.0R, Lucrus A. COLE, S. P. ,v 1;1.1.s, C. w. W.t::Ll.S.


\.Vherofore, tho co1·porntors named in the snid agreement, nnd who hnve signed Lhe snmo, and their sucl·essors and a�signs. :we hereby declared LO be,from t,his date until the firsL clay of .M:wch, 0110 thousand eighL hundred and ninct,y-eight, a co1·poraLion by the name and for tile purpose sot, forth in i;aid agreemenL. ·

Given undel' my h?L11d and the g1·eat, seal of the said state, [G. S.] at tho city of Wheeling, Lhis twenLiet.h day of .March, one

t,houi,and eight, hundl'ed and isoventy-eight. S. HHADY,

Secretary of ,State.


I, Sobieski Bmlly, se<:l'ctary of the st,atc of \Vest Vir,ginia, hereby certify that an al,!recmcnt, duly acknowledged and aecomp:uiied by the proper af-fid:n·its, ha;. been this day tlclive1·ed lo mo; which a,:.:;recment is in Lhe words and tig111·es following:

'l'he undel'signed ag1·ee to become a co1·poration by the n:1me ot "Farmers Co-operative Union,'' fo1· the puqio;ie of rnntnal benefit. to themselves and of p1·0,·iding a fund for tho bcnctit of the widow1< and children aud ot.ber relatiYes of doC'.cnscd mcmher,-; and fr,1· 0Lhe1· ch:11'­itablo pnrpo:::os, and also fo1· the p111·pose of enco111·ag-i n.� and p1·ornot­ing agricultural and indnst.l'ial p111•,-11it:;; which c:01·porntio11 shall keep it:s principal oJ-lice or plac:c of bni,;iness at �t. Albans, i11 t.hc count,y of 1\anawha, and is Lo bo po1·pctual.

And for tbc pm•j,0f>e of forming i-aid c:orporntion, we haYc s11b­Rcribed the sum of twenty-four dolhu·s to the capit,ul thereof, a11d have paid in on the said sub;;cl'ipLion the snm of Lwo11ty-fo111· dollal'>< and de-1:1ire Lho privilege ot increai,ing the capital hy i-alcs ot additional 1-!hnreR from time to t.imc to t,hirty tho111,a11d doll:u·s in all.

The capit,al so s11bsc:1·ibcd is divided into sha1•c;, of three dolla.rt1 each, which sha.i·os al'O held by the undersigned, rci,pccti,·ely, n,- lol­lows, that is to say: by

George \V. A11dr1·so11, Kanawha county, \V. Va., 01w i-ha1·c; James 'l'. Hill, Kanawha connt.y, \V. Ya., 011e sh:u·e; Loftri<.lgo W. Kin�, Kanawha county, W. Va .. one sha1·e; Anderson Adkim,, Eanawha county, \V. Va., one sh:11·c; Charles A. ::,mit.h, Kanawha county, \V. Va., one sha1·0; John Clemmens, Kanawha connLy, \>V. Va., one Rh:u·c; William ll. Jones, Kanawha cou11t.y, \V. Va., one 1:1l1a1·e; 1'1cl'edith .Bowman, Kanawha connty, W. Va., 0110 i:;ha1·e; And the <:apita.l hereafter to ho r;old is to be divided into i:;ha1·cs of

the like amount. Given undc1· our handR, this twcnt.y-sccontl day of March, 0110 Lhon­

sand eight hundred an<l 1:1ovonty-cight. G1-:01tGF. "'· ANrnmsoN, ,LHIES '1'. 1111.1., Lt•:FTltllJ(.H: \V. KI :-:o, C11 .\ nt.1-:,; A. ��IITll, 1\ �n1�n.:,;o� .1\1u.;:1�s, .Jou� C1.1•:'.\nn;��,

• \ V 11,1,1 A M 11. .Jo:-: �:s, Mi,;1um1·r11 How.,1A:-..


"\Vb�-refore, the corporators named in ibe snid agreement, and who bnve signed the same, and thei1· successors and assigns, are hereby detlnred to be, from th is date, a corporaiion by the name and for the purpose set fo1·th in said ag1·cenHmi.

Given under my bnnd, and the gr<'at seal of the i-nid stnte, [G. S.] at the city of Wheeling, this twenty-sixth day of .March, one

tliousand eight hundred and seventy-eight. S. BnADY,

Secretary of 1)tate.


I, Sobieski Brady, secretary of the state of West Virginia, hereby certify that an n�1·eeme11t, duly acknowled�ed and accompanied by the proper affiJaYits, has been this day delivered to mo; which agree­ment iR in the words and figures following:

'l'he unde1·signcd agree to�become a corporntion by the name oftb(\ ":Morgantown 811ildi11g Association," for the purpoee of rnising money to be used among the members of such corporation iu buying lots or ho11,;e,-, or in building or repairing houReH, whieb co1·poratio11 i-hall keep its principal otlice or place of business at the town of _.Morgantown, i\J,rnong:dia county, state of ,vest Virginia, and is to expire on the first day of April, one thousand eight huudrcd and ninety-eight.

And for the pnrpo,;e of forming said corporauon, we have sub­seribed tho sum of <>even hundred Jollars to tbc capital thereof, and hnve paid in on said sub»c:ription tho sum of scveniy dollars, amt <lcsirc tho privilege of inc:reasiug the ,mid capital by sales of addi­tional sb.i1·cH, from ti me to time, to two hundred thousand dollars in all.

'l'he capital so sn l.>scri bed is divided i 111.0 sh111·es of one hu ndrcd dol­lars et.l'h, which arc held l,_r tla• umlcrsignc,I rc:;pcetivcly as follows, that it1 lo "ay: hy

W. C. �lel;-i-ew, one shm·c; .K �hisler, one :;hare ; 111. L. Cassclblln·y, 011c ,.hn1·e; G·eo. C. ::,1.11rgc�s, one 1-1l1a1·c ,

J. C. ,v agncr, one ,-hare; J.M. ll agans, one sharo; Henry M. Jlorgan,•11110 share. And tho capital to l.>c ho1·caftcr sold is io be divided into shares ol

the like amount. Given u11de1· our h:111ds, t,his thirtieth Jay of .March, one thousnnll

oigbt hundl'Od and sovc11ty-oight.


W. C. J\lcC:hlEW, E. S111s1.E1t, l\L L. CAsSELnEunY, GEO. C. STURGESS, J. C. w AONF.R, J. Af. JI AOANS,

H. M. lUOitUAN •


\.Vherefore, the corporators named in the said ao-reement and who have signed the san1e, a,_id their suc:<:csso,·s and assigns, arc i10rcby dc­<:lared to �e, from this da.te until the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety eight, a c01·poration by the name and for tho purpose set forth in 8aid agreement.

[G. S.] Given under my band, and the great seal of the said state,

at the city of ,vheeling, this second day of April, one thou­sand eight trnndrcd and seventy-eight.


Secretary of State.


I, Sobieski Brady, secretary of the state of \.Vest, Virginia, hereby <:ertify that nu agreement duly n<:knowledgcd and accompnnied by the proper affidavits, has been this day delivered to u10; whi<.:11 agree­ment is in the words and figure,; following:

'l'hc under;;igned a,!(t·ee to bec:omo a <:orporation by the name of "Brcamville Sn.IL Company," fot· the purpose of mannla<:Lnring, buy­ing, selling and shipping salt; of mining, selling, and shipping <:oal and ot,hcr minerals; of manufac:tu1·i11g from all kinds of mineral substan<:es, t,heir refi11ed or c:ombined produc:ts, either mechanically, chemically, or in any and every prope1· manner for such purposes; of owning, chartering and operat-ing ;;team boa.Ls, barges, tlat,boats and other watercr:itt, tor transporting and t,owi ng freight and pa>J:-engcn;: of dealing in and mirnufa<:t,uring lumber irnd timber of all kinds, and using the tor all man net· of <:onstruction pm·poses; and of deal­ing in all kinds of merchandize, g1·occries, produce and othe1· ,wticle:-<; which corporation shall keep its p1·int:ipal offic:e or plaee of business at Daniel Boone l<'ul'liac:e, Kanawha county, ,vest Vir�inia, and i8 Lo expire on the tenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninet,y-eigbt.

And for the purpose ot forming said corporation, we have subscrib­ed the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars t,o the <:apital the1·eot: al1d have paid in on said subr:,cription the sum of t,wclve hundred anrl fifty doll:ws, and deR.ire the privilege of inc1·easing the said capiLal, by sales ofn<lditional shares, from timetotimo, to one hundred thommnd dollar>< in all.

'rhe capital r,o 1mb8t:ribed is. divided into shares of twenty-five dol­lars each, whic:h m·e held by tho undersigned, rcspcctivoly, as tollows, that is tL- say: by

\Villiam C. Brook1>, of. Kanawha county, \V. Va., fort,y.nineAharcs; \Valte,· B. Crooks, of Kanawlrn county, W. Va., torty-eight sba1·cs; John M. Collin;;, of Kanawha county, \V. Va., one sha1·0; Charles H. Small, of Charleston, \V. Vn., one Rhnro; Alethea H. Small, of CharletiLon, \.V. Va., one 1:<hm·e; And Lhe capital to be hereaft,e1· sold is to be divided iuto share!!

of the like amount.


Given uncle,· our handR, this tenth day of April, one ihousa11d eight hundred and seventy-eight.


w·herefore, tho corporators named in the said agreement, and who haYe signed the ;,am<-', and thei1· isucccssori:l and a:;r,:igns, are hereby dcdar�d to be. from this date 11ntil the tenth day of April, one thou­sand erght hnnd,·ed and ninety-eight, ,1 corporation by the name and fo1· the purpose seL forth in isaid agreement.

Giv<.'n under my hand and the p:1·cat r,:eal of the said slate, at [G. S.J the city of Wheeling, this thirteenth day of .Apl'il, one thou­

:;and eight hundred nnd seventy-eight. s. BRADY,

Secretary of State.


I. Sobieski Brady, secretary of the state of West Virginia, hereby certil_y thaL an agreement, duly acknowledged and accompanied by the proper affidavits, haR boon this day dclive1·od to me; which agree- -ment is in the words and figures following-:

The undc1·signcd agree to become n corporation, by the name of "'fhe Nail City .Building and Loan Association." for the purpose of rait<ing money to be used among tho members of such corpo1·ation in buying lots or house>.', 01· in bnilding or repairing bonses, or to Joan to a member that be ma.'' bnild, 01· bn_y, 01· use the money in trade or busi nes"', at hifl plea,iu1·c; which co1·pc,ratio11 sball keep its principal oflice or place of bu,;i11e&s at Wbccling, in th� county of Ohio, and is to cxpii·e on the twc11ty-ilixth day of April, one thousand eight hundred a11d 11incty-oi_ghL.

An,d fo1· the pu1·poi!e of' lo!'lning tbo said corpo1·:1tion we hase sub­scribed the �q,1n of tll'0 thou><nnd one l11111dnnl do11ari; (82,100) to tho capital thereof. and h:n·o paid iu on 1<aid snhscriplion the sum of two bundrecl and ten doll,ll's (S�ltl), and det<il'C the privilege of increasing tbc 1micl capital, by f<alc,, ,,f additional sha1·es from time to time, to one million dollnr:-. (Sl,OOIJ.0110) in 1111.

'l'ho capital so sub;;cribcd to be divided into shm·es of one hu11drcd and fifty clollu1·M (S150) each, which arc held by the undersigned, re­spectively, as followf<, that is to ,my: b,'·

John Bay ha, of Whccl1ng, W. Va., one share; ,fames R. Acker, of \Vhccling, '\V. Va., one share; I-I. King, of Wheeling, W. Va., 0110 shai·o; Carl J. Mayer, of \\'heeling, W. Va., one share; 'William J.,, Foose, of Wheeling, \V. Va., one i,hnrc; John W. lloring. of Wheeling, W. Va., one sl.iare; James A. Dunning, of Wheeling, W. Va., one share;



Chnrles R Deiter!', of ,vtrneling, W. Va., one 11hare • \rm. P. Bac.:hman, of \Vheeling, \V. Va., one sbarn •' G. \V. Kennedy, of Wheeling, W. Va., one sb:we · ' Chal"les Loelllc1·, of Wheeling. \V. Va., one shal'e'; A.11. llritt. of Wheeliu�, W. Va., one sbal'c; 0. J. C1·awfo1·d, of \Vhecling, W. Va., one share; Hobert H. Phillips, of Wheeling, W. Va., one share. And the capital to be hereafter sold is to be divided into 1-<harcs of

tho like amount. Given under our hands and seals, this twenty-sixth day of April,

one thousimcl eight hundred and seventy-eight . • JOHN BA YHA, CeAs. H. Kum, J. R. AcKER, CARL J. MA YER. W. S. FoosE, J. ·w. BoRINO, J. A. DUNNING, CHAS. R. DEITERS. ,v. P. BACIDIAN, , G. w. KENNEDY. UHAS. LOEF'F'LER, A.H. BRITT, 0. J. CRAW�'ORD, R.H. Pnu,urs.

\Vherefore, the corporators named in the said agre,:iment, and who have signed tho same, and their suc.:<:<::ssors and assigns, arc hereby declaJ'ed to be, from this date until the twenty-sixth day of Ap1·il, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight. a corporation by the name for the purpoi;e set forth in said agreement..

GiYen under my hand, am! the _great seal of the said state. [G. S.J at the city of Wheeliug, this thirtieth day of April, one

thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight. s. BRADY,

Secretary of .State.


I, Sobieski Brady, secretary of tho state of ,vest Virginia, hereby certify t,hat an agreemont, duly acknowledged nud n(;companied b,r

the proper affidavits, bas been this day delivered to me; which agree­ment is in tho wo1·<ls and figures following:

The u nder1-<ig11ed agree to become :i corporation by the name of "\Vhccli Ill-{ Lamp and Lau tern Com pa.11y," for the p111·po,;c of nia11u­factnri·ng lamps n11d lanterns, globes and chimney,; lor lamp,;, lan­terns, and all manner of illuminating devices, and all kindA and forms of o-Jas8wa1·e nBcd or cm i>loyed in any way for illu mi nnti ng purposei! und roi': the purpose of sci Ii ng Raid mun ulaclured articles, w Li ether manufac­tured by said company in whole or in part, or by otl1e1·s; which cor­porat,ion shall keep its principal office or place of buBincss at, t,ho city


of \Yh�eling, in the county of.Ohio, and is to expire on the ninth (lay of Ap1·ll, 0110 t,honsand eight bund1·cd and 11i11et.y-cight.

.J\nd for the purpose of forming the snid corpol'ation we have sub­scribed the ,rnm of two t.bousand dollars to the capital t.hcrcof, and ha,·e p:tid in on said subscript.ion i-nm of two hund1·cd dollars, n!1� de:;ire the privilege of increasing the snid capital by sales of ad­�ht1onal :shal'Cs, from time to time, to twenty tive thousand dollars 111:111.

'l'he capital so subscribed is di·ddcd into shares of ten (10) dollars �ach, whic:h are held by t,he under:signcd, respecLively, as follows, that 1s to say: by

Joseph I◄'. Paull, of Wheeling', °\Y. Va., eighty-nine shares; .Alh·ccl Pa.nil, of °\Vbcelin,g, W. Va., fifty sbares; Archibald W. Paull, of Wbecli11,g, W. Va., fifty shares; •1:110111as Walton, of \\'hecli11g, \V. Va., ten shares; lreo1·g-e W. Woods, of Wheelin!!, ·w. Va., one 8hnrc. Aud the capital lo be bcreaftc1· sold is to be divided into shares of

the like amou11t. lriYen under our hands, this ninth day of Ap1·il, one thousand eight

h1111d1·cd and sevcuty-cigbl. J. F. PAULL, ALFRED PaULL, A. w. PAULL, 'l'no�IAS °\YALTON, Gm. \\". Woons.

\Vhc1·efol'e, t.110 corporators nnmed in the said agreement, and who have sig11cd llie i-amc, and their :;ucccs;;o1·s and a:ai-igns, nre hereby declared to be, from this date until the ninth day of April, one tho11-8a11d eight h11nd1·ed and ninety-eig-ht., n corporation by the name iind fo1· the JH11·po::;e set. fo1·tb in said agreement.

[G. S.] Given nnder my band and t.he great seal of the said state,

nt the city of °\\'heeling-. this nineteenth day of April, one thousand eigbt h1111dred anti seventy-eight.


Secretary of State.


I, Sobie1<ki Bmd_r, secretm·.r of' the ;.talc ol \\'c-st Virginia, he1·eby c·e1·tily that an a_l.!;1·cemcnl. duly a,,knowl,idg-l•d and ac:companiod by tiw proper affidaYil:-, ha,; been this day dclh·crcd to me; which agree­ment i.; in the word,- and tig111·cs follow:11g:

'L'ho 11nde1·�igncd a�rce lo bl•('ome a cu1·poration, by tho name of ••'l'he West Virginia Fi1·e ]kic-k Comp:rny." for the purpo:so of mining,

-m:rn11fac:t11ri11g and buying and selling fire clay and its products; which corporntion shall keep its pri nc-i pal ol1ic:o 01· place of business at Now Cumburland, i11 tho county of Hancock, nnd is to expire on the oloventh day of April, one thousand eight hundred nnc.l ninety-eight.


And for the purpose of forming the .said corporation, we have i-nh­fiCribod t.hc·sum of three thousand and four hundred and liftcen dol­lars; and desire t.hc privilege of' increasing the said ca.pi Lal by the sale of additional :,hares, from time Lo time, to twenty-live thousand dollars in all.

'l'he capital so subseribed is divided into shares of five clollarfi each,

which are held by the undori;igned, respectively, as follows, that is Lo 11ay: by

Cunningham, Graham & Co., Ne,,, Cumbci-land, \V. Va.., twcnt.y­nino shares;

J. & A. Manypenny, N cw Cnm bcrlnncl, \V. Va., fifty-two shares.; Smith, Portor & Co., New Cumberland, 'vV. Va., one hundred and

forty-six shares: PorLer & Smith, New Cumhcrl:incl, \V. Va., fifty shares; Freeman & Co., Truman·s Landing, \V. Ya .. thirty-ci.�bt shares; 'l'. Anderson & Sons, P1·ecman's Landing, \V. Va., fot·Ly-fh·e shares. John Porter&Co., New Cumberland, ·w. Va .. Aixty-ci_ght sha.res; G. \V. Stewart, New Cumbel'land. \\T. Va., twcnty-fh·e shares; John Franey, Sloan's Station, Ohio, forty-eight shares; Porter, Mi nor & Co., ..l\lc:Coy's Station, Ohio, forty-eight shares; Freeman Bros. & Co., McCoy's Station, Ohio, thirty-,:ix shares; • I'orte1·, Auderson & Co., N cw Cnm berland, \\T. Va., thirty shares; W. B. Freeman, Sloan's Stati011, Ohio, tbi1·ty-ninc shares; 'rhos. 1\'Ianyponny, New Cumbo1·land, \V. Va., nineteen shares. And the capital to bo bereatter sold is to be divided into shares of

the like amount.

Given under our hands, this eleventh day of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight.

Ct·:-:-1xa11A)r, GnAHA)I & Co . .J. & A. )IA:-Yl'E:-XY, 8)11Trl, Po1<TElt & Co., Po1<TER & H)IITII, Fnmrn.\X & Co., TIIO)IM< AxnEHSOX & :::ox:-, .Joux PonTJm & Co., <.i. "'· STE\\'AHT, .ro11:- F1tANCY, Po1t-r1m, )I I xo1t & Co., Fn1m)1A:- 13no;,. & Co., Po1t-ri-:n, AsnE1tsox & Co., \V. B. F1n:�:)JAS,


T110s. � )IA:-n•i-::-:xv, mnrk

\\<be1·cfore, tho corponito1·s named in the F<aid n,grcoment, and who have signed the same, a11d thoi1· s11e_ce:;so1•,; and assign8. are hereby do­clar·ed to be, from this date unLil the eleventh day of April, 0110

thousand ei�ht hundrC\d and ninety-eight, a t·o1·pornLion by tho name and for the purpose set forth in agreement.

[G. S.J Given undo1· my hand, and tho great seal of tho �aid smte, at

the city of \\I heoling, thi,; twenty-th i 1·cl day of April, 0110 thou� sand eight hundred and 11evcnty-oight.

S. Rn.ADY, Secretary of State.





I, Sobieski Brady, secretary of tbe state of \Vest Vil'ginia, hereby Cel'Lify that an agl'eement, duly acknowledged and accompanied by the proper affidavits, has been tliis day dclivo1·ed to me; which agree­ment is in the words and fi cru 1·es fol lowi n":

'I''-"" "'

. �e u nde1·si!-('ned agl'ee Lo become a col'poration by the namo of the "Olive and \Vadesville Co-operative Association No. 185 of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry in tho State of West Virginia," for the pur­pose ot establishing and maintaining general trade and business in ruerchandize, farm products and macbinery, which COI'poration shall keop its principal ottic-c or place of business at \Vadcsville, in the �ouuty of Wood and st-ate of \Vest Virginia, and is to expire on the tirst day of Ap1·il, one Lhousund eight hu1iclrcd and ninety-eight.

1�nd for the p111·po::;c of forming the said corporntion, we havo sub­scnbcd the sum ol six hundred and thirty dollars to the capital stock thc1·cof, and paid in on said subscl'iptio11 the sum of six hund1·cd and thii•ty dollars, and dc:sil'e tho pI'h-ilcgc ol increasing the capital stock by sales of additional shares, from time to time, Lo ton thou,;:rnd dollal's.

'l'hc capital so sub!:'cribcd is divided into shares of ten dollars cnch, which al'e held by the nndcr::-igncd, n•spectively, as follows: by

Balph Bla<.:k, fourteen shai·e:s, ouo hundred and l01·ty dollan,; J\lillard S. Black. twenty shares. two hundred dolla.ri'; �lart-in Deem, tl•n !"hares, ono hundred and thi1·ty dollars; 'l'. i\lilton \Vigal. se\'011 shares, scvcuty dollars; .Lc\'i :\[arlow. lh-e shares, lilL,r dollars; S. L. Guinn. four ><hares, forty dollan,. All residents of the eount,r ol Wood. And tbc ,·apiLal to be hcrcaftel' sold i,- to be divided into shares of

like amount .. li·iven under our hands tlii;; lir,-t d:1-y of April, one thousand eight

hu11d1·ed and se,·onLy-oighL. HALl'TT BLAC'K, MILl,AHD s. BLACK, .\I A llTI N lJ I::E:ll, T. �l. w IOA L. l,E\'I �r,,nr,ow, l::i. L. l+utNN.

'Wherefore, tho c·orporator" nanh!<I in tho i'aid agreement. and who have Higncd tho same, and l.l1<Jir :-11ccc:5,;c,n, and a:;si!-('nS, a1·0 hen,hy declare<! to be, from thiis elate 1111til tbe lir�t day of April, one thou­sand eight h1111llrcd and nincl_y-oighL, a corporntion by tho same aud for tho purpol-lu set forth in ;;aid ag1·oemcnt.

Given under my hand and Lho g1·e11t seal of the snid state, [G-. S.] at tho t·it)� of' Wheeling. this thirti�th day of !llay, one

t.Lousnnd ewht bnnd1·od und i;evuuty-u1ght. o S. BRADY,

&cretary o/ State,



!,_Sobieski Brady, scc1·ctary of the state of \Ye;:;t Virginia. hereby ccrt1ty that an a_grccment, duly acknowledged and accompanied by the prnpor afiidaYits, has been this day delivered to mo; whicu agree­ment is in the words anti fi,,u .. cs followin" ·

'l'I d . � "' . ']'l 1e un crs1gncd agree to bct·on1t1 a e;orpol'ation by the name of" . 10 Producers' Pipe Lino Company,'.' for the JHll'J)OSo of tl'ftl1sporting <:arbon oil by pipo laying in the counties of Wood, Wii·t, Ritchie and Ple_asants, in the state ot West Virginia, for all JHJ1·sons who shall deliver to said co1·porntion such oil in quantities not le;:s than fifty barrels of forty gnllons, and at tho following rates, to-wit: tor each bnrrcl of fo1·ty gallons. there.will be charged not exceeding twenty cents foni.distancc of five miles, or less, and lor any uistancc _great01· than five miles, thero will bo cha1·gcd a rnte not exceeding four cents per mile for such bal'l'el. Fo1· the p111·poscs afol'e;;;nic.l, the said <:0I'· poration shall lay and c:on,-tl'llct a Ii De or lines of pipco1• tu bin�. from Petroleum Station in said H.itchie county on the P:ukcrsbn1·� Branch milroad, alon� nnd through what is lrnow11 a:e tho •·Oil Helt or oil District,'" to Vancluse on the Ohio river, nca1· thP. mouth of French creek, in said Pleasants county; said corporaLion shall ;11:-o lay and construct such line 01· lines from a point, on the line 01· line;: nlorc:;aid ncai· Vok:ano, in :;aid ,vood county, southwardly to a point on the Hughes' river, neat· the Calitornia Ilouse, in Wil't cou11ty; and from a point on iho line 01· line:'! laRt dcsc1·ibcd nea1· tho month of tho Laurel Pork of GooRe c1·eek, Raid coq)Oration shall lay out anc.l C()ll·

struct such line 01· tin,�,- along Goose c1·eek to Pct1·olcum Station; from the said lines branch lines will be laid connecting with the maiD lino or liucs aforesaid on either side thereof and extending to oil wells and points of 0il storn�c in the ;;aid oil dist1·ic1, or belt,, and to any na,·igablc st,1·cam or 11t1·eams in 01· adjoining tho counties afol'C· 11:iid aud whcncv01· in tho opinion of t,ho boanl of dii·cctor,- of said cor­poration, it may be deemed advisable or expedient, said main line or lines shall be extended II nd laic.l out and constructed al'! afol'osaid, lrom a point at 01· near said Volcano to the city of P:u·ko1·sb11l'g in said "

7 ood county, by whatever route, course or plans said boa,·d in i� discretion may jud_gc best and p1'oper, which corp1)1'ation ,;hall keep it,-1 J)f'incipal otfice 01· place of bur,incss nt Briar Knob in the county of Wood aforc.,aid. and is tocxpir·o on tho eighth day of May, ono tbou. sand eight hundred nnd nincty-ei/.{ht.

And for the purpose of formin" tho said co1·porntion, we have irnb­acribcd the sum ol twenty thous�nd dollar,; to tho capital thereof; and have paid in on Raic.l subse;ription the sum of two tho111mn<l dol­la1·s, and de;iirc tho privilC.1:(C of inc1·oasing the said <:npit:tl, by saleR of additional 1,hare1:1 lrom time to time, to two hund1·eu thommnd­la1·s in al I.

'rhe capital so 511bscribed iR divided into ::,hares of fifty dollnr<1 ?ach which are bcld by the undersigned, rcspectivoly, as follows, that, 1s to an.r:

James F. Partridge, residing in Uitcbic co1111ty, \V. Va., three hun-dred (300) ,-Jia1·es; •

William H. Wolfo, residing at Parkor11burg, '\V. Vu., two (2) sluu-cs;


David McGregor, residing in Ritchie county, 1V. Va., niueteen (19) shares;

Sander Gidley, residing in Ritchie county, Vv. Va., nineteen (19) shares;

Jonathan Garber, residing at Volcano, ,vood county, W. Va., nine-teen (19) sbares; ·

George McFarland, residing nt Parkersburg, W. Va., nineteen (19) shares;

John F. Yinal, residing in Wood county, W. Va., twenty-two (22) shares.

And the capital to be hereafter sold is to be divided into shares of the like amount. •

Given um.ler our hands. this ei_ghth d:_i.y of )fay, A. D. one thou­sand eight l.iundrcd and scve>nty-cigbt.


,vherefore, the corporators named in the said ngreement. and who have signed the same, and their successors and ai;signs, arc hc1·cby dec:lm·ed to be, from this date until tho eighth day of May, one thou­sand eight hundn:d and ninety-eight, a corporation by the uame aud l01· the pu1·pose set forth in said agreement.

Given under 111.); hand, and the groat seal of the said state, [G. S.] at, the city of Wbeeling, this thirteenth day of May, one thou-

1:mnd eight hundred and sc\·ent,r-eight.


S. BRADY, Secretary of ::1tate.

J, Sobie,;ki .Brndy, 1101-rotar,r of the state of Wost Vii·ginia, hereby c·ortify that an 11grce111u11t, duly a<·knowlcdg-od and :u·companied by the proper affidavits, ha>< beon thi,; day dclive1·cd to mo; which :igrcc­mcnt it:< in tho words 1111d fi_i.::u res followi "I-!:

'!'ho 1111dor,;ig11ed agree to bticoine a corporation by tho name of "'L'ho Homo Company, .. for the purpn:-;e ol manufacturing- beor, buy­ing and 1,clli11,g at wholl'><alo and rel-ail ,;pirit11011s licpwrs, wino, por­ter, ale. beer, .�c., and tobacl·O and cigar,;. &u., which corpl>rntion shall keep its principal ofl:ice or plm,e ot bu�ine,;s at Point Plca,;ant, in tho county of �Jason, 1111d il!I to expire on tho first day of Juno, one thou­sand eight hu11drerl and ninoty-oight.

And 101· tho purpose of formin!-{ the said corporation, we have sub­scribed tho 1mm oi one thousand dollnr,; to thereof, and hnvo paid in 011 suid subsc1·iptions tho sum of 0110 hundred .dollarA,



nnd desire tho privilege of increasing the snicl capital, by sales of addi­ti,>nal shares from time to·time, to twenty-five thousand dollars in all.

'l'he < so subs<:ribed is divided into shares of twcnLy-fivo dol­lars ca<:h, which are held by the unde1·signcd rospc<:Lively as follows, that is to say: by

C. •r. Latham, eight shares; John R Selbe, fifteen shares; J .. Jewett, eight shares; R. Youn�, eight shares; .l<'red. Niemann, one share. . All of the <:ounty of :Mason, in the state of West Virginia, except

Fred. Niemann, who resides in Cincinnati, Oi1io. And the <:apital to be hereafter sold is to be divided into sha.reR of

the like amount. Given under onr hands, this sixth day of .June, one thousand ci�hl,

hundred and sovent.y-oight.. FttED. NI •:MANN, J. H. SE1,u1-:, C. '1'. LA1'1JA)I, R YOUNG. J. JEWETT.

"7herefore, the corporators name in t.l1e Raid a�reemcnt. and who have signeu the same, and their su<:ccssors and a,:signR, arc hereby docl:u-od to be, from this date until 1,ho first day oi J 1111c, one thou­sand eight hundred a11u ninety-eight., a coq>ot·ation by t.he name and fo1· the purpose set forth in said agreement,.

(riven under my hand, and tho g1·ent, r-eal of tho said stn.t.e, at tho city of Wheeling, thiR tcnt.h day of ,J 1111e, 0110 thousand eight hundrcct and seventy-eight.

s. BHAllY, Becretary of State.


I, Sobieski Brady, secretary of the state of )Vost Virginia, hereby certify tbat an agreement, duly acknowledged and ac<:01npanied by the proper affidavits, has been this day delivered to mo; which agree­ment is in the words and figures following:

'fbe undersigned agree to become a corporation by tho namo of "'l'he Lewisburg 'l'own Hall AssociaLion," fo1· tho purpose of having

public lectureR (liternry and otherwise), cxhibit.ionil ot every kind, public meetings (political and ot.henviso), for the diff11sion ot knowl­edcre, theatrical pc-rforman<:es, mnsical i;oi1·ces nnd otbcr enterLain­ru�nt.s (literary and s<:ientific); which corporal.ion Rhr,11 keep its prin­cipal office or place of business at Lewisburg, in the county of Green­brier, \Yei,t Vii-ginia, and is to expire on twentic,t.h day of June, one thour;an<l eight hundred and ninety-eight.

A nd tor the purpose of forming Haid corporation, wo have s_uh­scribed tho sum of tlu;ee hundred and forty doll:(1•s to tho cap1Lal


the1·eot, and have paid in on said 1mhscription tho i:111m of thirty-four dollars, and dcsi,·e the pri,·ilegc of increasing the :;aid capital by Ralcs of additional ::1lrn1·es, from time to time, to five thousand dollarR in all.

The capital i;o subscribed is dh·ided into shares of ten dollnrR each, which arc held by the uudersiguod, respectively, as followR, that is Lo 1:my: by

R. l•'. Dennis, five shares; A. C. f:i11yder, ti ve sb:u·es; 0. P. Sydenstricker, tive 11haret1; J. \V. A. Ford, five 8hares ; J. Alex . .Montgomery, tive Rhares; J. J..:. Hell. thr�e shares; John A. Preston, three shares; Jo11athan Mays, tbree shares. And the capital to be hereafter sold is to be divided into shares of

like amount. U-iven under our hands this twentieth day of June, one thousand

oigut hundred and seventy-eight. R. F. DEXXIS, A. C. Sx Y DER, 0. P. SYDEXSTIUCKER, .J. "'· A. Fo1m.

J. Au:x. l\loxTGO�IEl!Y, J. E. llEl.l,, .To11x A. PnEsTox, ,fOX.\TIIAX )L\YS.

Whc1·elore, the corporatori; named in the said agreement, :rnd who hnvo signed tho same, aud theii· successo1·s a11d a;;,signs, arc hereby decla1·cd to be, from tbis date until the twentieth dny of June, 0110 ti1011:,a11d oig-ht hundred and 11i11cty-ei_g-ht, n coqlOration by the name and for the purpose "ct forth in said agreement.

Given 1111de1· my hand, and the great seal of _the said st.ate, (G. S.] al, the eit,r ot Wheeling, this twenty-fifth day of June, one

thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight. s. BRADY,

Secretary of State.


I, 8obim1ki Hrnrly, secrotm·.r of the 11tnto of West Virginia, hereby certify that a11 ag1·eonw11t, duly ac·k11owlcdgcd and accompanied by tho pi-opor ntlidavits, has been tbis Jay delive1·od to mo; which agr'!o­mc11 t is in the word� and li�n res followi 11� :

'l'ho undersigned a_grce to becomti a.corporation, by tho name of "Web,,tor \Vagon Company." to1· tbe purpo"e of manufacturing and selling wagons, sloighs, carts, trucks, CIUTiages and wbeelbn1Tow,;, which corpom_tion shall keep it,; principal ollico or placo or busino::1::1 at Moundsvillo, in tho county of Atarshall, in tho state of \Vost Vir­ginia, and is to expire on tho twonty-fom·th dny of Juno, A. D. ono tbousand oight hundred and ni�ety-oight.. . And for tho purpose of fornung tho sa1d corporat10n wo have sub-


scribod Lho flllm of twonty-fivo thow,and dollars to tho capital t,hereof, and ha.vo paid iu on said suhscription the sum of twonty-fivo hun­dred dollars, nnd desire tho privilege of incronsin� the said capit,a.l by sales of additional shares, from timo to time, to fifty thommnd dollars in all.

'£ho capital so subscribed is divided into sha1·es of one hundn,d dol­lars each, which are held by tho undersigned respectively as follows, that is to say : by

Benjamin S. Brown, Columbus, 0., soventy-five shares, amounLing to :::even thousand five lrnndred dollars.

Edward A. \Vebster, Jackson, Mich., sixty-five shares, amounting to six thonsa.nd five hnndl'Cd dollar,;.

\V. H. Withington, Jackson, Mich., twenty-fh-o sha1·os, amounting to two thou;;and five hundred dollars.

\Vm. H. \Vebstcr, Jackson, Nlich., twenty-five shat·"s, amounting to two thousand five hundred dollars. · Fannie A. Webster, Jackson, Mich., twenty-five shares, amounting to two thousand five hundred dollars.

Stephnn S. Cobb, Kalamazoo, Mich., twenty-five shares, amounting to two thou;;and five hundred dollars.

John D. Conely, Jackson, Mich., ten shares, amounting to one thousand dollars.

Total, two hundred and fifty shares, amounting to twenty-fivo thousand dollars.

And the capital to bo hereafter sold is to bo divided into shares of the like amount.

Given under our bands, thii> twenty-fifth day of June, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight.

BF.NJA:\IIN s. TIROWN, EnwA RD A. '\\'}:nsTER, \\')(. H. \VEBSTER, '\\';\(. H. \ViT11JN(lTON, FANNIE A. ,v EIISTER, STEPHEN S. Conn, JouN D. CoNELY.

\Vhorotoro, the eorpora.tors named in tho said agnioment, and who have Rignod tho same, and their succoilAOl'S nnd assigns, arc horoby de­clared to be, from this date until tho twe11t.y-fo11rth <lay of June, 0110

·thou�an<I oi�ht hundred and ninoty-oight, a corporation by tho namo and for t.he purpose sot forth in ,;aid n�reomont.

Given under my hand, and tho �roat seal of tho Hnid Rtato, [G. S.J at the city of '\Vheelin�, this twonty-niuth day of Jun.o,

ouo thousand eight hundred and sovonty-eight. S. BitAnY,

Secretary of State .


0], Sobieski Brady, secretary of tho sLato of West Virgini1_i, hereby

certify that an agreomont duly acknowledged and :1.ccompa.mod by tho


the pl"Oper affidavits, has been this day dolivercd; which agree­ment is in the wo1·ds and figure;; followin,LC:

'l'hc undersigned airree to become a corporation by the name of "n�ar_ine ])ock Compa,�y," for the purpose of manufacturing lumber, butld1 ng steam boats, steam;ihips, flatboats, barges and olbe1· ves;iels, 1·e­pairi ng all kinds of ,,esscls, and doing all other b11t1iness usually tl':ln�ac:ted in tho boat building and dock yard bnsines,;, which cor­port1on shall keep its princ:ipal office and place of businef<S in tho county of Mason, .and is to expire on the first day of J nne, one thou­sand eight hundred and ninety-eight.

Aud forthe JH11·pose of lormin� said c:orpo..alion, we h:n-e snbscribed tho sum of' sixty-th·e hundred dollars to the capitai thereof, and h:wo paid in on said subscriptio11, the sum of seven hund1·od dollars, and d_esit·e the privilege of increasing- tho said t·apital. by ,;ale,; ol Mldi­t1on:il share,i, from time to time, to twcnty-tivo th .. rnsa11ddollars in all.

'l'he capital so subscribed is to be di\'ided into sbare,i ot one hun­dred dollars ead1, wliicb arc held by the u11dcr,;ig11cd respectively as follows, that i,; to say: by

.John L. Charles. ten shares; Henry Ji'1·.r, ten shares; �r. Stribling, five ;;;h:u·es; .John t'llc:Culloc:h, .Jr., five ,;hares; John G. Stortz, five shares; \Vm. ]l Cable, five shares; Renj l-'l'anklin, five shares; .D. \V. Poesle,r, ten shares; 13:lpti;;to Gilmore, five shares; J . .J. Bl'i�ht, five sharct<. All ot .\larion county, \Vest Virginia. And tho capital to be hereafter sold is to be <li\'ided into shares of

tho like amonnt.

Given under our hands. this fifteenth day of June, one thousand eight h1111d1·cd and seventy-eight.

Jou:- McCn,1,on1, Jou:- 8. Cn.\RLi,;s, B. FHAXKLl�. ,v. U. C.rnu:, 'l'. ;-,;TltlllLIXG, H, Fi:Y, .1011:- Li. STORT:t., 0. \\". p,,,.�,."'"· HArri�n: ti1u10n�:. J . .f. H111G11T.


\\'herofo1·c. the t·o1·pont1ors 11anwrl i11 tlH' :said ag-reoment, and who have si,LCncd the l'lamo. and t.hc,ir su4.·<·1•,;;aor:s and a»sig11:<, arc hereby dedared to be, from this ditto u nti I t,hc lir,;t; day ol J II no, one thousand eight b11ndl'cd and ninety-eight, a corporntion by the name and for tho purpose ,iot fol'th in said agTeoment.

Given 11ndo1· my hand, and tho great seal ot the snid slnte, [G. S.] at the city of Wheeling, this _first day of .July, ono thousn.nd

eight hundred und sevcnty-01ght. S. BRADY,

Secretary of State.



1, Sobieski B1·ady; secretary of the ,-tate of West Virginia, hereby cci·t,ily that, an agl'eeme11t, duly nckno\\"ledgud a11d accompanied by the pl'Oper aflida\'its, hnR been this day <lelivornd to mo; which agl'eu-munt, is in t,he \\"Ords a11d figures following:

'l'he undersigned agree to become a corporntion by t,he name of "Star Planing Mill Company,•· for the purpose of ma11ufacturi11g and dealing in every dcsc1·iption of dry and g-1·een lumber. to buy or 11i:�11-ufact,nre doors, window sash, fun1iturn, scroll and fancy wood\\"ork; and contractin_g and eo11stl'ucti11g buildings, &c .. &c., w


hich corpora­tion Rhall keep its p1·incipal offico or place of business at ,\lanni11g-to11, in Lhe county of .Marion, and state of \Vest Vi1·gi11ia, and is to expi1·e on the third day of June, one Lhous:md eight hundred and nincty-eight.

. , And for tho purpose of forming the said eorporation, we ba:,e snb­

sc·ribed the sum of two thousand fi,e hundl'cd dollars to the tapital thereof, and huve paid in on said subscription the sum of ten pe1· cent of said eapilal stock; and dc;;ire the p1·ivilege of increasing the said e;apital by sales of additional shares, from time to time, to twen­ty-fi,e thou!'and dollars in all. · The e;a.pital so subse;ribed is divided into shares of ninety dollars

each, which are held by the undersigned respectiYely as follows, that is to say: by

Amos N. Prichard, of Mannington, \-V. Va., fo111· shm·es; Albert W. Knotts, of ,\lannin�tou, W. Va., fo111· sha1·cs; Oliver N. Koon, of M.annington, \V. Va., fo111· sha1·es; Alphons Pl'ichar<l, ot Mannington, W. Va., four shares; Nimrod l\lorgan, near �IauningtoD, \V. Vi\., four shares; Joseph I:Iongb, near Mannington. \V. Va., fotu· shares; James Hawks, Jr., near li-lannington, \V. Va., four sha,·cs. And t,he <:apital to bo hereafter sold is to be tlivided into sh:wes of

the like mnount. Given unde1· our hands, this third da.y of Juno, one thousand eight

hundred and seventy-eight. A. N. PmcnARD, A. \V. KNOTTS, 0. N. KooN, A. PRICIIAHD, NDIROD \V AGNER, JOSEPII llotiGII, .Lu1Es HAWKS, Jn.

\Vherefore, the corporat,01·s named in the said agreement, and who have si�11ed the "1tuno. and t.hcii· suecessors and assig-11s, aro hcruby dcdared to be, from thi,-, date 1111til the third day of June, one 1.hon,-;a11d eight, hu11d1·ed and uinuty-ei�ht., a <:orporatiou by tho name and fo1· the puq>ose set io1·th i11 ,;aid· agreement.

Given under my hand, and the great seal of the said stnto, [G. S.J at t,he eity of Wheeling, this seventeenth day of July, •0110

tl.JouRand eight hundred and sevcnt,y-eigbt.. s. BRADY,

Secretary ol State.



I, Sobieski. TI1·ady, sec1·etnry of the state of vV"est ViI·ginin, hereby cc1·tify that an agl'ccmcnt, duly acknowledged and accompanied by the prnpet· affidavits, has been thii- day delivered to me; which agrce­mc11t is in thc wo1·ds a11 ficru1·es followincr:

'I' ,., o

be undet·signed ag-l'ec to become a corporation by the name of the "Pi ttsbul'gh Coal and Dock Uom pany," for the purpose of buying nod leasing laud tor coal p1tt·poscs, mining a11cl shippi11�, bnilding and la.ying switches and sidi11gs, and co11necti11g the same with lines of 1·atll'oad, erecting docks, screens, tipples, &c., io1· lo.iding of cnal into boat,- a11d ban.(es in the Ohio river, urcctin!! bnildi1ws and fixtures fol' miners and employes (layiug out town lci'ts and selling the same, not exceeding six hLtndred and forty acre:;), and tor such other pur­poses a,; may be necessary to fully car1-y into e:tfect the main p111·po,.;ci1 f�r whieh thi,; corporation is being formed, vir.: the mining and ship­ping of coal by r:iilt·oad and t·iver, and selling coal and making a11d selli 11g colrn; which corpornLion shal I keep its principal oflkc or place of bnsiness in the connty of Brooke, state of \Vest Virginia, at \VhcclingJnnction, and is to expire 011 the nineteenth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and ni ncty-eight.

Ar,d for the put·po:sc of fot·ming the said corporation, we have snb­SCl'ibed the sum of live hundred dollars to the capital thereof, and have paid in on "aid sub,-cription t,hc sum ot live hn111lred dollars, a11d dc­f<il'e tho privile�e of incrcn;;ing said capital, by sales of additional share:;, from time to Lime, to live h1111d1·cd thousand dollars in all.

The capital so subscribed i;, divided into shares ofono h1111d1·cd dol­la1·:s each, which :11·0 held by the undc1·signcd, rcsp(•cth-cly, as follows, that is Lo say :

Thomas l·\1wcet.t,, of Pittsb111·.gh. Pa., 0110 share; Samuel S. Brown, of Piltsb111··gh, Pa., one share; J l.en1·y B. Hays, of A I lcghen.): county, Pa., one sharo; Hich:u·d C. Gray, of Allegheny conut_y, 1�:1., one sbnrc; Peter Y. Hite, of Allegheny 1·ounty. Pa., one share. And the capital to be he1·e.dtor sold is to be divided into shares ot

like amount. <liven 11nde1· 0111· hand,.: t.hi� nincleont,h dayof July, A.D. ono thoN­

sand eight humlrnd and sevu11ty-cight. '1'110�( AS 11'.\ W(.'J�:TT, :-;.Dll'EI. s. B11owx, IIESII\' H. HAY:s, H. C. Gn.,Y, P. Y. 1:lnt�.

\Vhcrcfo1·c, tho cot·porat.or,- named i II the ><aid agreement, and who hnvo signed the ><a111e, a11d their ,;ncl'e,-,;on; allll a;;;sig-ns, arc l.ict·eby docla1·cd to be, from this dat .e 1111 ti I 1.he· ui 11eteL111 th day ot J nly, one tl.Jousand oig-ht h11nd1·ed a11d 11i11et.y-ci.�ht, a coq,oration by the name and for the purpose !'<CL forth i11 :;aid :t!-(rcement.

(� ivcn II ndcr my ha111.l and I he gl'eat seal of the said stato, [G. 8.J nt; the city of Wheeling this Lwu11tyy-1wcond day of July, ono

thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight. S. BRADY,

Hecrelary of 5tate.



I, Sobieski Brady, secretary of the titate of \\7cst Virginia, hc1cby certify that :rn agreement, duly acknowledged and accompanied by the proper afficbvits, has been 1,his day delive1·cd to mo, whic,h agree­mont is in t.hc words and figures following:

The undersigned agree to become a corporntion, by the name of 'Leatheroid �lanufacturin,g Compa.ny," fo1· the JH11·pose of manufactur­ing and vending- leatlwroid and paper; wbich co1·poration sb:dl keep its principal office or place of business at Fulton, iu t,ho county ofOliio, and i8 to expire on tho eighteenth day of J nly, A. D., one Lhousand eight hundred and ninety-eight.

And for the plll·poso of forming the said corporation we have sub­scribed the sum oft.wonty-two thousand (8�2,000) dollars to the rapital \.hereof irnd have paid in on said sul.J,-cription the sum oftwcnt_,. thou­Rnnd two hundred (S�0.�00) dollar.,, ar,d desi1·c to have t,he prh·ilcgc ot increasing said capital by sales of additional sha1·cs of sto<:k from time to time to one hundred thousand (8100,000) dolla1·s in all.

'l'he mpital so subsc1·ibcd is diYided into shares of one hundred (S100) dollars each, which arc held by the un<lc1·signc<l, respccti,·cly, as follows, that is to say . by

Thompson Hanna, oi' \Vhccling, V{. Va., one hund1·cd.:rn<l forty-nine shai·cs;

Chas. E. Dwight, of \Vheeling, \\r. Va., twenty-shares; Thomas Ilan11a, of\Vhoeling-, \V. Va .. twcnt.y-five shai-es: Daniel Clem mans, or \Vhceli 11g-. \V. V :L., twe11ty-fivc Hha1·0><; Daniel W. Uauun, or Whcoli11g, \V. Va., one share. And the capital to be hcrcaftc1· sold is to be divided into Hha1·cs of

the like amo1111t.. .

Given undor 0111· hnnds this, twenty-scc:on<l day of July, one thou­sand eight. l..tumlrcd a11<l sc\·e11ty-eight.

CHAS. E. Dw1u11T, T11u,1J>;;os I L\:-,.SA, DA:-,;11-:1. \V.\,

'1'11o)rAs, D.-1.Nn:1. Cu:)DI.\S><.

\Vhcreforc, tho corporators nnmc<l in the said agreement, an<l who have signet! the same, an<l t,hcir successors and assi,!!ns, n.1·0 hc1·cli_,· tleclat·c<l to be, h·om this <late until tho cightccnt.b clay of .July, 0110 thousand eight hnntlrcd an<l 11i11cty-cight, a coqJOration by t,hc name and lot· the 1n11·posc i,et lort,b in ti/lid ag.-ccmcnt.

[G. S.J Uivcn undct· my hand and the great, seal of the said state,

at t,he city of \V hcul i 11g. this twenty-second day of J II l,r, one thousand eight hundred and sovent.y-oight..

R. BRADY, Secretary .o/ Stale.


I, Sobieski Bm<ly, scc:rot:1.r.r of tho stntc <>f \V c><t Virgi nin, hereby certi­fy that an agrcomont, duly acknowlc<lgu<l and accompanictl by tho p1·op-


er affidavits, has been this day delivered to me; which ngreoment is in the wonts and fi1rureij fullowi n,g:

'I' "' -he . u udersigned, ag1·ec to become a corporation by the name of

".No1·th Wheoliug Glass Company," for the purpose of the manufac­ture and sale of glassware, wbich corporation shall keep its pl'incipal ofli.::e or place of business i11 the city of Wheeling, in t.hc county ot

Ohio, and is to expire on the twenty-seventh day of July, one thousand eight bundred and 11incty-oight.

And for the purpose of forming the said corporation, we have sub­scribed the sum ot thirty-two hundred and ten dollars to the capital thereof, and have paid in on said subscription the sum of three hun­dred and twenty-one dollars, and desire the privilege of increasing the said ciipital by sales of additional shares, from t.ime t-0 t.imc, Lo fifty thousand dollars in all.

'l'he capital so subscribed is divided into shares of one hundred dolla1·s each, which are held by the undersigned respectiv:cly as fol­lows, that is to say : by

l;,. J. Park, of Martin's Ferry, Ohio, twenty shares; Jas. R. Sweeney, of \Vhceling, W. Va., one and fifteen one-hun­

dredth shares ; .Joseph H. Fox, of Wheeling, W. Va., four and sixty-five one-hun-

dredth shares; Wm. T. Otto, of 'Wheeling, ,v. Va., four and sixty-five one-hun-

dredth shai·us; H. F1·ctlrid�, of ,vheeling, W. Va., one and sixty-five one-hun­

dredth i-hal'Cs. Auel the capit al 1..o be bcreattersold is to be divided inlo shares of

tlw like a1i1011nt. · Gin,u 1111dur 0111· hands, lhis twcnLy-scvc11Lh dny of .July, one tho11-

sa11d uight hnudnld n.11tl sovu11t_r-ui.�ht,. H. FRF.DRICK, J,un::,; ll. SwF.J:NF.Y, J. 11. Fox, "-�I. T. OTTO, F. J.PARK.

\Vhcrcforc, LhC' <'oqm1·alnrs 11:11110,I iu t,ho Paid ngTccmcnt, and who hnvu ><i�1wd tl1c >'Hllll'. anti I hci r ><nc1·c><f<0r;;: aml a:<:-i�ns, arc hc.rcby uuclarcd t,o bu, l't-0111 thi,«late 1111til tho twunl.y->'e\·l1 11th dny of July, 0110 thu11sa11d ui�ht h1111d1·ud and 11i11ul_r-ui/-(ht,, a coqioralion by tho name a11d fi,1· tl1u p111·po>'u ><l'l. lorth iu ,.aid a�rccment.

Givcrn 1111dnr my hand :111d Lhu !_!rent, snnl of tho Paid i-tat.c, at [G. S.J tho city ol \\'l11wi"i11_!_!. thi" l'lev,!111c.inth day of Au�ust, one

tho11><a11tl ci;;ht, hn1Hlrud aud scvouty-ci�l1t. S. HRAnY,

Secretary of State.




I, Sobieski Brady, secretary of the state of West Virginia, hereby cert.ily that an agreement, duly acknowledged and accompanied by the p.-ope1· affidavits, bas been t,his <lay delivered to mo; which agrce­mcnt.,is in Urn words and fig111·0s lollowin,!{:

\V c, the 11ndc1·signed. agl'ce to become :t corporation by the name of "'l'llc Coal River Ca11nel Coal Compauy of \Ve,;t Vi1·ginia," for t,he 1rnrpose of mining and shipping to market canuel, spliut, and bi Lumin­ous coals; of cutLiog, prep:ning and shippi11� lumber and ti1nber; of mannfactnl'ing and shipping salt, iron, c,oal oil; of leasi11g pa.L't o r portion of its lands to be mined 01· WOl'ked 011 royalty, an<l ot selling and dealing in any and all the minernl and vegetable pl'Oducts or their lands, which corpol'ation shall have its pl'inl'ipal office 01· place of business in t,he city ot Philadelphia, in the state ot Pcnn;,ylvania, and a branch office at Petona, in the conn ty ot .Boone, state ol \\' est Virginia, wh01·e its miuing and manufact111·i11g opcr:ttions ai·c to be conducted; and it is to cxpil'C on the first d:ty of August, A. D. one thousand eight hnndl'cd and ninety-eight.

And for the purpose ot forming the said corporation, we have sub­scribed the sum of on·e thousand dollars to the capit:d Lbel'eof, and have paid in on our subscription the sum of one hundred dolla1·s, and desire the privilege ot iucreasing the said capital by sale1-, of addition­al shares, from time to Lime, to five hnndi-cd thousand dollan, in all.

'l'ho capital so snbscrihccl is divided into shares of fivo dollal'!> caeh, which are held by tbe undersigned, respectiYely, as follows, that is to 1:my:

George W. Day, residing 4224- Kingsessing avenue, in the city of Philadelphia, forty (-1-0) shares;

J. Howard .i\litcbell, residing No. 1405 North Seventeenth st1·cet, in the city of .Philadelphia, fo1·ty (-1-0) shares;

Benjamin Asbbnrner, re::nding No. 422-l Kingsessing a,·enne, in tho city of Philadelphia, forty (40) sliares;

Wm. F. Johnson, residing No. 1210 )foster st1·eet, in tho <:ity of Pbiladelpbia., forty (_40) shares; .

L . .Ney Brognarcl, residing at Forty-fourth an,! Spr1we·ccts, Ill

tho city of Philadelphia, forty (40) shares. And tbe capital to _be hereafter t;olcl iA to be divided into Rhares of

the like amount. Given untlor our hands, this twentieth day of August, A. D. ono

thousand eight-hundred and seventy-eight. (i-1-:o. W. DAY, J. How ARD .M.rT<:IIF.U,, BEN.I. Asu uu RNER, l,, ·_N . .BttoGNAllD, w.,1. F . .JonNsON.

'\Vherefore, the c01·porators named in the said agreenwnt, and who have signed tbo same, and their snecei-so1·s and as1,igns, are hereby declared to be, from this date until the first day of August, one thou­sand eight. hundred and ninety-eight, a coq> � ation by the name and for the purpose set forth in said agreement.


[L. S.] Given under my band and tbc great seal of the said Htate,

at the city of Wheelin/.(, this twenty-8econd day of AnguHt., one thou:,;and eight. lrnndrud and 11evunty-cight..


Secretary of State.


I, Sobieski Brndy, secretary of the state of We:,;t V il'ginia, hereby certify t.bat an agTeement. duly acknowledged and at·companied by the prnpor :dlidavit.s, has been this day delivered to me; whicb agree-mu11t is in the words and ti"Ul'eS followi1w:

'l'he nn<len;igned agreo t� become a c�1·pol'at.ion by the name of the "Nuw River Steamboat Compatll)'," f(ol· the purpo:-o of building, ow11i11� and opcratiDg ste:unboat;; and bal'�es 011 the waters of New river and its trilrnt.aries, and for sluicing and improvin!\' the n:l\"i�a­tion of the sa mo, nnd fo1· earryi 11g on a general business in t1·nde along said New riYel" upon out· boat;; and in connect.ion therewith;

' i,;aid corporation shall keep its pl'incipal office 01· pince of bu,:;iness at Hinton, in the county of Summerf', and i8 to expire •.'D t.he ti1•1,t day ot Sl·ptember, one thou::::wd eight bunch·ed and ninety-eigut ..

And fol' the purpose of forming said col'pOl':ttion we have snb­:,;cribed the i-um of one thouf'and fh-e bund1·ed dollars, and bnvo paid in on said sub,;eription the :::um of oue tbotl!,and dollar;;, aud desire tho privilege ot increasinu the said capital by sulcs of additional sbarus, from time to t.ime, to tiYo hundred t.hou;;an<1 dollars in all.

'l'he capital so Aubsc:rihed is divided into shares of one hundt·cd dol­l:11•1, each, which 111·0 held by �he u udersigned, rcspccli,·oly, as follows, that is to say : hy

J\I. V . Calloway, II into11, W. Yn .. one ;;hare; John :;\I. .Hoh.,rtso11, l:id,mond. \'a .. 0llll i;h:11·e; J.P. l\'JillA, 1lin1011. \\'. Va .. on,• Hh:tro; \V. ll. 'l'linmp,«)1) 1 Jli111011. \V. \'11., 0110 shnro; l\l. A. H.itfo, ](inton, \\". Va., one share; \Vm. Jame:; & :--nus, .llintntt. \\". \'a .. 0110 ;ah:11·0; .I. ll. Gunther, lli11tn11. W. Va .. two :lharns; G. F. 'l'hom11sso11. (;ordon:sYil I(,, Va., 011u shn1·1J; J. E. �-lallo1-y, JL1111linutn11. W. Va., 0110 :<haru; JL. l\L J,ow1·y, Jli11lo11, W. Va., one sh:tl'llj Jamek Princ:e, Hinton, W. Va., one share; .llurke Princll, Hinton, \V. Va .. one i,h:iro; H. H.. Flnnnngnn, Hinton, W. V a., one 1:!111u·e; Elbert Fowler, Hinton, W. V a., one i:;hare. And the capital to be hereafter i,old is to bo divided into shares of

tho like amount.

252 Co1tro1tT10Ns.

Givon undo1· our handi;, thiH twu11t)'-foLu·th day of ALwust one thou-1mml oight buu<lrod and Huvonty-cight.

0 '

M. V. CALLOWAY, J . .M. Ho1it:ll'l'SON, M.A. RtHE, ,v. H. 'l'noMl'SON, JAMES PRINCE, HUBKY, .PRINCE, J. ll. U-UN'J'IIElt, G. F. 'l'noMAt;SON. J .. K M.ALLORY, N. M. Low1w, H.. R l;'LANNAGAN, Er.nEnT 1''ow1,En, Jo11N P. MILLS, w )[. JAM ES & SONS.

,v1rnrofol'o, tho co1·po1·n.iors nn.mod in tho said agreement, and who have signed tho same, and their 1rnccc:::sors rt11cl assigns, are hcl'ohy cledal'ed to be, from this elate until the first day of September, eighteen h11nd1·cd and ninety-eight, a co1·poration by tho name and for tho pu1·pose soi fo1·th in ::mid agreement.

Given under my hand, nnd the g1·eat Real of the said stato, [G. S.] at tho city of Wheeling, this secoml day of September, one

thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight. S. BnADY,

Secretary of State.


I, Sobieski Brady, secretary of.the state of "\Vest Virg-iniu, hereby certify that an-agreement, duly ncknowledged and accompanied hy the prope1· nfHd!l,vits, bas been thfs day delivered to me; wbicb agree­ment is in the words and figures following:

The undersigned ngree to bccqme a. corporation, (under and in accordance with the laws of the i;tute of \Vest Vil'ginia, code of 0110

thousand eight hundred and sixty eight, chapter fifty.four) Ly tho uame of "'l'be Ee:onomy 1\-lanufactul'ing Company," fo1· t.he purpose of introducing, lH,ing, manufnctlll·ing and vending the invention, machines, and apparntus bc1·etofol'o known as the "C'entcnnial Gns J{cgulator," as dcscl'ibcd in Seller's patent of the United Stnte.-., num­be1·cd one hundred and seventy-live thousan,l five bundl'ed and twcmy-six (175,526) nnd granted tc, )lartin 'l'oulmin,of Washinglo11, District of Columbia, under date of March twenty-eighth, one thon­snncJ. eight hundred and .s�vent.y-six, and generally for introducing, using, manufacturing and vending other machines, and articles of utility and commo1·co, which e:oq,oration shall keep its principal olfico or place of busi nc�s in the city oi ,vashi ngton, county of"' nsbi ngton, in the Distri<"t of Colum.J>ia, and is to expire on the first day of Au­gu;;t, one thousand eight h11nd1·e<l and ninety-eight. (August l, l8!J8.)

And for tho purpose of forming tho said corporation, we bnvo


subscribed the 1mm of five hundred dollars (S500) to the capital stock t.hol'cof, and have pnid in on said ,rnbsc1·ipt.ion t.ho sum of five hun­rlollars, (:3500) and desire t,ho p1·ivilorro of increasin!-{ tho said capital by 1<alcs of a<ldit.ional shares, from


timo to time �to t·No hundred (S:rn0,U00) t,housand dollars in al I.


'l'ho capital so subscribed is divided int,o shares of one hnnch·cd (8100) dollars each, which arc hold by the undorsirrnc<l rspcct.ivcly

r. II · 0 ' · '

as o ows, that 1s to sa_y: by gdward �ordan, of Rli:rnbcth, N. J., one share; ,John D. J>ofrccs, of Berkeley Spring1:1, W. Va., one sh:11·0; John 11. Hico, of Washing-ton, D. C .. 0110 shat·c J\al'On Ii'. Handall, of \V:i.shington, D. C., ono sliaro · Mo1·lo11 1.'oulmin, of ,vashington, D. C., ono share. ' liiven u11dol' onr hands, t,his thirtieth day of .Aiwust, A. D. one

thonsand eight huu<lrc<l and seventy-eight. , 0


Wi Lncss as Lo all the signat,uros. GEO. F . .FtlAIIA:U, 1Votary Public.

Wherefore, tlw corpomto1·s named in the said a,grcomcnt, and who have si.�ncd the same, and t.hcil· i:;ucrr!"S0l'S and as<>igns, arc hereby de­cla1·ed to bo, from this date until the t,wonty-oig-hth day of Anngst, ono t.honsand eight. hundred and nincl,)'-cight, a corporatiou by the nnmo anti fo1· tho JH11·poso set, fort.Ii in 1:1aid agreement.

[G. S.] G ivon nndcr my hand and t,ho groat seal of the said atntc,

:1t tho city of ,vhcclin!!, tbii; t.hinl day of September, ono thommnd uight hundred und sovonLy-cight.

S. BnADY, Secr.:lary of Slate�

GH.l•:EKHlllEH-4f'.IJ)llll-:H. CO.MPAN-Y.

I, 8ohiosk i llt-nd,r. sccrct:1-1-y of tho stato of West Vir�i n in, ho1·eby co1·tify that :111 agrcc11wnt, duly ad.:1wwlod�cd and ntcompanicd hy tho proper allida\'il><, has ht.Jl�ll this day d0li\'crcd to mo; which ag1·ec­mc11t. ii- in t,hc ,,·c,rds :uni tip;nl'CS foll

'Jwing: Tho 11111101·,;igncd agruo to bc1·nmc � torpon1tion by tho name of the

"Grcc11bl'io1· L11111hcr Compa11y," f9r the purpose of dealing in l11m­bo1· nnd nui.nnfaetnrin" tho ,·nrio11<1 articles made t.hcrofrom, which co1·porntion shali keep ir.s principal oflico or place of business at Lcwi;,b11 r,!!, in tho con nt.y of G rcon bric,·, nncl is to expire on t-ho firtlt day of September, one thousand eight hundred nnd ninety-eight.

And for tho purpoi;o of formi11g tho said corporation, we have sub­scrihccl the s11m of five thousand dollars1 to the capital thereof, and huvo p11id in 011 suid suhscripLiou tho sum of five hundred dollars, and


desire the privilege of incrca;;:ing i-aid C'apital, by sales of additional shares, from time to time, to fifty thou,-a11d uollars in all.

'l'ho capital so subo<c1·ibed i,;hall be divided into shares ot one hun­dred dollars �ach, whicb arc held by the undersigned, respectively, as follows, that 1s to say: by

L. L. lrillcspie, twenty (20) :;hares; A. C. S11ydor, ton (10) shares; A. P. :Mathews, ten (10) !"hares; H. A. Holt, five (n) sbn.1·es; J. W .. Mathews, fivo (5) shares. A II of Lewisburg, W. Va. And tho capital to bo borcafior sold is to be diYided into shares of

the liko amount,.

Given under our bands, thif; twenty-ninth day of .August, one thousand eight hundred aud ·seventy-eight.

L. J,. Gr1.LESP1E, A. C. SNYDER, H. A. HOLT, ALEX. F .. MATIIEWS, J. \V. l\L\·1·11J-;ws.

\Vhol"Oforo, the co1·porators nnmod i11 tho ;;aid ag1 ·oomont, and who have signed the same, and their i,;11C'cosi;o1·s and a!:'1<ig-ns, arc hereby declared to be, from this date until tho firi,;t day of 8eptcmbcr, one thousand eight hundred and ninct.,r-oight. a corporation by tho name and for tbo 1rnrpose set forth in said ag1·ccment..

Given 1111,ler my hand and tho great seal of the said stntc, [G. S.J at tho city of Wheeling, this MCVonth day of September, one

thousand, eight hundred and sovcnty-cigbt. S. BRADY,

Secretary of State.


I, Sobieski Brady, secretary of tho state of \Vost Vir�inia, hel'Oby co1·tily that an agreement duly acknowledged and accompanied by the proper affidavit, ha;; been this day dolivo1·cd to mo; which agree- . ment is in the words und figu1•0;;: following:

'l'be under1,igned agToc to become a corporation by tbo name of the "./Etna Coal and Salt Company," JH11·posc of boring !'alt. wells, the manufaC'ture of salt, the mannfoctul'O ofbromine, tho mining of coal and for tho t1·ant1action of any and all business necc,,;:;;al'ily con­nected therewith, or calculated to facilitate the same, including tho· transportation to market and s,ile tll<weof; nlso for kcepi ng a store of d 1-y goods, g1·ocorics and other supplies us111illy kept in a country sto1·0, and for selling the i;ame , said manufacturing establiRbment to be located on the prcmisoi; tormorly owned by the" Valley City Snit Company," and now owned by E. C. Harpold, located in the town of Hartford City, .Mason county, West Virginia, hereo.ftor to be conveyed to this corporation, which corporation shall keep its principal office


or place of business at. Hartford City, in the county of M:u,on, state of Wost Virgiuia, and is to expire on the fi1·st day ot October, one thou­sand eight hundred and ninety-eight.

And for the purpose of forming said corporation we have subscribed tho sum of forty thousand (S-W,000) dolla1·s to tho capital stock there­of, and have paid in on said subscriptions tho sum of four thousand dollars. and desire ti.Jc privilege ol increasiug the said capital by sales of additional shares, from time to time, to oue hundred tlwu;mnd dol­lars in all.

And tho capital so subscribed is divided into shares of one hun­dred dolla1·s each, which are heid by the 1wdcrsigned, rcspccti\·cly, as follow><, that is to say: by

E. C. Harpold, three hundred an<l ninety-.iix i,harcs; Hankin Wiley, Jr., one i,harc; A. Vanoy, one share; C. L. llarpold. one share; James )I . .II:uTold, one ><h:u·c; All of Mason county, West Virginia. And the <.:apital to be hereafter sold is to be clh·idcd int.o shares of

the like amount. (riven unde1· our hands, this thirtieth day of September, one thou-

sa11d eight hundred and seventy-eight. E. C. HARPOI,D, HANKIN \V1ua·, Jn., C. L . .I:l�\RPOI.D, J. M. l:IARROI,D, A. VANOL

\Vhcl'Cfrwc, the eorporatori! named in the said :lgrcemcnt, and who have si�11cd the same, and their snc-(•e,.:soril and as,;igns, arc hereby dcdarcd lo bo, frotr, thi,; Jato until the first day of 0<.:lobcr, 0110 tbou­fland eight llllnd1·ed and nincl_y-ci.�ht., a corporation by the name al)(.I fo1· tbe p11rpo:<..: :=;ot forth i11 said :1grecme11t.

(; i ,·e11 1111dor my hand and tho great seal of the !'laid state, [G. R.] at the cit.y of Wheeling. this "eeond day ol October, one tl.iou­

i<a11d ei.�hL l,1111drod a11d ,;c,·cnt_r -ciglit. S. BnAUY.

S1icretnry of St,ite.

LA BJ.:LJ,f,; .PEllPl•:Tll/\L HUJLJ)]�G ,\SSOCJA'l'ION, OF


· I, Sohir:<ki Brndy, :<ec·rotary of I.he 11tato of West Virginia. hereby co1·tify that a11 a�reenw11t. duly n1;k no,1·lcd.�n,l and accompanied by

the proper aflidavit.s, has hl'OII lhi., day <lelivered to me; whi<.:11 ag1·ec­mcnt ii< i11 tho word,; and figure:=; fL,llowing:

'l'he undersigned agree l� become a t:orporation by the nnmo of '·Ln. Bello Po1·pct11al Building Association, of \\'heeling," fort.he pur­pose of rni1:1i11g money to bo loaned among tho mcmbe1·s of such cor­pomtio11, for u;;o in buying loLs or ho11:;c>1

1 or in building or repair­

ing bou1;cs; which corpomtion shall keep its principal otliee 01· place


of business at vVhecling, in the county of Ohio, and is to expi1·0 on t�1e fourtocn\.hday of October, one thousanJ eight hundred and niuety-01ght.

And for the pnrposo of forming 8aid corporat,ion, wo have sub­cribod tho sum of four\.een ·hundred and thi1·ty dollars to tho c:apital thereof, and have paid in on said subscription tbe sum of ono hun­dl'Cd and fort.y-t.hreo clollars,· and desire the privilege of incl'easing tho said capital, by sales of addit.ional shares, from time �o time, t,o nine hundred a11d ten thousand dollars in all.

'l'ile capital so subscribeJ is divided into shai·es of one hundred and thirty doll:irs e.ach, which arc held by the 11ude1·signcd, rcspecLivcly, as follows, that is to say: by

Robert Cowen, one share ; ,v. C. Handlan, one share; H. C. Ulrich, one share; Chai"les S. Escbtrootb, one sh.u-c; Oscar Sandrock, one sluu·e; John ,vatcrhouAe, one share; Goo. P. Linch, one share; .M. Roth, one share; Adam .Kral-r., one share; Charles Otto, one sha1·e ; Christian Honecker, one share, All of the cit,y ot Wheeling-, W. Va.. And the capital he1·eaftor to be sold is to be divided int,o Ahn.res of the

like amount,. Given under om· hands and i:{calA, this thil'licth day of Reptembcr,

one thousand eight h11nd1·ed and seventy-eight. R()mrnT Cowr-:x, \V. C. IL1xa,1.,1x, II. C. U1,111e11, K C. J•:-« "IITIH:ETII. 0. SA�l)H(lt;K, ,)011:-; ,VATEltlJOUSE, li 1-:0. P. L1 :--1 ·11, M. l{o·rn, ,\u,1�1 K1tAT7., C11 ,I 111;�:.� 0TTF., C111:1:\. 110:--1-:ci-r-:n.

Wherefore, the corporators named in tho Raid a.,gl'eoment., and who have sig11ed t,he same. and their i:;ucccs�ol'S and as�ignt-, :u·o hereby declared to be. from this date the fonrtoonth day of Oc\.ouur, one thousand .�ight, hundred and ninot.y-oight,, 11. corp,;1·ation by the and for tf1e purpose set forth in said agl'cemont..

Given undoi• my hand and tbe g1·cat sea; of I.he said state1

[G. S.J at the city of Wheeling, thifl tixt.centh day of October, one thousa11d eight hundred and sevent.y-eight.

S. Hn.AnY, Secretary ol State.



I, Sobieski Brady, sccretal'y of the state of West Virginia, hereby certify that an agreement, duly acknowledged and accompanied by tho pr?pcr at-Iida vi ls, bas been this day delivered to mo; which agreement: 1s 1r1 the words and fign1·es following: • '.l'hc undersigned agree to become a corporntion by tbe name ot "Tho Consolidated Vi1·�inia Coal Company, of Mineral county, West Virginia," 101· Lhc ]Hll'posc of mining coal and otho1· mincruls, and tho sel_ling- and shipping of the same; which col'poraLion shall keep its pt'IIH:ipal oftico 01· place of business in the �iLy of BalLimore, and sLatc ot .illaryland; and is to expire on the fifteenth <lay of Octobc1·, ouc thou:<:111d l·ight hund,·cd and and ninety-eight.

And for tho puq,ose of lol'ming said corporation, we ha,·e sub­scribed tbc sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to tho capital thereof, and have paid in 011 the ::;aid snbscl'iption the sum of fifteen dollars, a�1� dosi1·0 tho p1·ivilege of increasing the capital by sales of ad­d1Lwnal sha1·es, from time to time, to three hundred thousand dollars, -(Saou,uuo ).

'.l'bc capital so subscribed is divided into shal'es of ten dollars each, which shares arc held by the undersigned, respectively, as fol­lows, tbnt is to say:

Marsball P. Smilh, of Baltimore city, tcu shares; Lewis �layc1·, or Baltimol'e city, one shares; Wm. J3. Duvall, of .Ballimo1·e city, one share; Joseph Hoynoldi;, of Baltimore city, one i;hare; Edwal'CI H. . .Pitts. of Hnlti111ore city, ten sha1·es. And the c:ipiial he1·eaf'ter to be sold is to be divided into shares of

like nmo11n-t. Given 1111de1· 0111· hand:,;, this fifteenth da.y of October, one thousand

eight hundrnd a11d so,·cnty-cight. · . i\IA RSTIALJ. P. S�llTII, Lt:w1s i\J AYt:n, w�1. B. DcVALL, Jost;l'n Ht:nrnr.Ds, EDWARD R. PITTS.

vVho1·ofore, tho co,·pcwalor� 11amed in the said ngreomont, and who have aigned tho :<arne, 1111d thoir ,:11cccilsor,; and as;;igns, are he1·eb,r doclnred to bo, fro111 tl,i;. date until the tiftcenth dny of October, ono tho111mnd eight, h1111clrud 1111d nincly-ei�ht., a corpol'ation by tho n:11110 and fot· tbc purpose :-ot forth in said ngi-cemcnt. .

Given 11nclc1· my hand and the g1·eatsenl of the said st.ate, [G. S.] at tho city ol Wheeling, this twentieth d1�y of Novombor,

ono thout1nnd huudrctl and sevouty-01gbt. s. BRADY,

Secretary of b'tate.


' !

\ 1 l l ) '



l I




I, Sobieski Brady, secretary of the state of West Virginia, bel'Cby ce1·t.ify that an agreement, duly acknowled�ed and accompanied by tho proper affidavits; has been t,his day deliYered to me; which agree-ment is in the words a.nd figures following:.

The undersigned ngreo to become a. eorpora.tion by the name of the" Jefferson County Building As,;ociat.ion No. 4," for t,ho purpose of raising money to bc used among Lhe membe1·s of such corporation in buying lot.s a ,1cl houses, or in building or repaii-ing l.,ouses, which c01·poration shall keep its principal office or plaec of busine,is at Cha.l'lestown, in tho county of Jefferson, and is tu expire on the fi1·st day of l\Iarch, one thousa11d eight hundred and eighty-nine.

Anti for tho pm·pose ot forming such corporntion, we have sub­scribed the sum of t,hit·teen hundred dollars to the capita.I stoek the1·eot, and hnve paid in on said 1rnbseription the sum of one hundred a11d t,hirty dollars, a.nd desire tho privilege of increasing the ,;.aid capital by sa.lesof additional shares, from Lune to tune, to t,wo hundred a11d sixty thousand dollars in al I.

'l'ho capital so subscribed is divided into shares of two hundred and sixty dollars ench, which arc held b_v tho undersigned, as follow!", that. is to say, one share by eacl.i of the following nan1ed parties:

Gustav Brown, one share; J. Gailand Hurst, one shai·e; Richard A. Alexaudor, one share ; Eugene Baker, ono shnre; .Norman F. Henderson, 0110 Rharo; All residents of Jefferson county, West Virginia. And the capital to bo hereafter sold ii'! to be divided into share� of

like amount. Giveu 1111de1· 0111· hands this seventh tiny of .Ja1111:u-y, one t,h�11f.a11d

eight hund1·ed and scve11Ly-nine. U OS'l'A V BROWN, J. GAILAND 11UHST, H. J\. ,\1,•:X,\NDEll, EouENF. B,\KEn, N. F. lli,:No•:itsoN.

'Wherefore, tho c0rporators named in the said ngreemcnt, nnd who have signed tho 1mmc, and thei1· s11ecess01·s aud :u<f<igus, nro hereby declare<l to be, from this date until the ti1·st day of �larch, one thou­sand eight hundred a11d eighty-nine, a. corporntion by the 11amc and for the pm·pose set forth in sai<.I agreement. . Giveu 111H.lcr my band and tho great seal of the s:ucl stnto, [G. S.J at tbe city of Wheeling, this ninth clny of Jannary, one

tbouRand eight.hundred nnd soventy-ni11e. s. BRADY,

Secretary of Stafe.


I Sobieski ]3ra<ly sccret.ary of the state of West Virginin, hereby certify that an ag1.'e�mont, duly ackuowlodgod and_ accompanied by


the proper affidavits, has been thiA day dclivc1·cd to me; which agree­ment is in tho words and figures following:

'l'hc undersigned :t!-{rcc to become a corporation by tho name of the "lnternn.tion:d Milling and Mining Company." for tho purpose of !nining for silver and other 01·es, and for leasin�, purchasing an<l hold­mg such real estate and personal property, and doing such other acts ns may be nccossa1·y in ,;uch busi ncss, which corporation slrnll keep its principal office 01· place of business at Washington City, in tho county of ,vashington, District of Columbia, and is to c"Xpirc on tho ninth d:1y of Janua1-y, one tbon;;and eight hundred and ninety-nine.

And for the purpose of forming the sairl co1·poratio11 we have sub­i;cribcd the sum of one thou;;and dollars to tho capital thereof, and have paid in on said subscl"i ption the sum of one hu ndrcd <lo liars, and desire the privilege of increasing the said capital by sales of addi­tional shares, from time to time. to ono million dollars in all.

'l'he capital stock so snbscribecl is divided into shares of oi fifty dollari; cnch, which arc held by the undersigned, respectively, as follows, thnt is to say: by

John J. Jackson, Parkersburg, ,.v. Va., throe shares; Peter D. Wigf!inton, �linoral, California, three shares; George 0. GlaYis, New York City, N. Y., two ;,hares; 'l'homas K. M cCann, Steubenville, Ohio, two shares; llc,njamin V. Jackson, Pa.rkcrsbnrg, \V. Ya., two sha1·cs; '.L'homa;; I. Cason, Lebanon, Ind., two shares; E,lw:ii-d .Jordan, .1<-::lixabcth, N. J., three i:;harcs; John H. Rice, Wa!';hin�ton, D. C., threo shares. ;\ nd the capital to be he1·caftcr sold is to be divided into shares of

the like amount. GiYon nndcr onr hand,,:, this ninth day of Jauum·y,. one thousand

eight humli-ed and :seventy-nine. .Jo11x J. J.H'KSOX, 1-:n\\'ARD JonDAX, G t:n. 0. GLA ,·1s,

B,· John .J. Jackson. Jo11x 1-1. H1ct:,

ll\' Eolward Jordan. TI1-::-.i.\)IIX \'. J.\CK:SOX, P. D. \V1C1GIXTOX, T . .J. CA>'OI<, '1'1111�1.,s K. McC,\:s:s, ·

By Fn111ds l\l. Schell.

\Vit11cRs as to all tho ;;i�natnre;;, ti-co. F. Grahnm. ,vhcrcfo1·c, th<' corpn.1·a1or,; 1i:1111cd in the snid ngr�omcnt, and who

lrnn, signed the same, and their >\Ut:t:ei':-ora and assrgn:,, arc horcby docl:u·ccl to be, from thi:; <late until the ninth day of .Jnnun.1-y, 0110 tho11;1and oi«ht lrn11d 1·cd and ninet._,·-nine, a corporation by tho name

e- • • I and for tho pnl-po:;o set forth 111 s:uc agreement.

Given 1111clo1· my hand nnd Lho gront seal of tho s111d state, [G. S.] nt tho city of \\'heeling, this t•ighteonth_ day of January,

ono thousand eight hundred and oovcnty-muc. S. BRADY,

Secretary of State.



1, Sobieski Brady, secretary of the state of West Virginia, hereby cc1·t,ify t,lrnt, an agreement duly acknowledged and accom1J:lllicd by tho proper aflidnvits, has been this day de! i vernd to me; which a�1·ccme11t is in tho words and figures f ollowing:

'l'ho und<:irsigned tlgree to form a corporation by tho name of tho ''Palm Fibre Company, of ·washington, D. C.,'' for the purpose ot the purchase nnd sale of patents relating to the manufactu1·c of palm fibre· at Washington, Dist1·ict of Columbia; whi('h corporation shall keep its prineipal office 01· place of business in the city of Washington, D. C., and is to ,expire on the fii·st day of Januai-.r, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight.

And for the purpose of fo1·ming the. said company we have sub­scribed the sum of four hundred thousand dollars to tho capital thereof, and have paid it in full, and desire the privilege of increasing said capital, ·by sales of addtional shares, from time to time, to one ruillion dollars in nil.

'l'be capital so subscribed is divided into shares of one lrnnd1·ed dol­lars each, wliich nre held by the undersigned, respectively, as follows, that is to say:

Silas L. Loomis, three thousand two hundred shares; Wm. l\I. Laurance, two hundred shares; D. 'f. Jones, two hundred shares; Chas. A. l\letcalf, two hundred shares; E. J. Pattee, two hundred shares. All of the city of Washington, District of Columbia. And tbe capital to be hereafter sold is to be divitlc<l into shares of

the like amount. Given under our bands, this elvecnth day of January, one thousand

eight hundred and seventy-nine. Srr,As L. Loom:::, ,v. l\I. LAUH,ll>(;E, D. T. Joi-1-:;:, Cn A ri1.i::s A. l\Ii::TcA 1,F, E. J. l'ATTF.E.

Wherefore, the corporato1s nnmod in the said agreement, and who have signed tbc same, and their successors nnd asHigns, nrc hereby declared to be, from this date until tho fir,st day ot .January, ono thouRand eight hundred and ninety-eight, a corporntion by the name and for the pm·pose set forth in ,mid agreement. ·

Hivon under my hand nnd tho great seal of tho said Rtate, [G· S.J at tho city of Wheeling, this fourth day of Febrnar·y, one

thousand eight hundred and seventy-niuo. s. BRADY,

Secretqry of State.


I, Sobieski Brady, secretary of the state of West Virgini�, hereby certify that an agreement, duly acknow lodged nnd nccomprn1ed by the


pr?pcr affidavits, has been this day delivered to mo; whieh agreement 1s 111 the words and figures following: . .

. 'fhc nndc1·signed agree to become a cor1foration by the name of '.' Fresh Start ilining and Milling Company," for the purpose of min­ing and milling silver, gold, and other ores, and for leasing, pur­chasing and boldi ug rnch real estate and personal property, and doing s_nch otber acts as_ may be necessary in such business, which corpora­t1?n shall keep iLs 1wincipal office or pince of business at Washington City, in the Dist1·ict of Columbia, and is to expire on the twenty­sevunth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine.

1�nd lor the purpose of forming said corporation, we have sub­scribed the sum of one thousand three hundred dollars to tho capital thereof, and have paid in on gaid subscription the snm of one hundred :1nd thirty dollars, and desire the privilege of i1H:rcasing the said cap-1tal, by sales ot additional sbnres, from time to time, to one million uol lars in al I.

The capital go subscribed is divided into shareio of fifty dollars each, which are held by the undersigned, respectively, as follows, that is to 1my:

Benjamin Wilson, Wilsonburg, W. Va., two shares; John J. Jackson, Parkersburg, \V. Va., two sl11ues: J3cnjnmi11 Y. Jackson, P:u·kcrsburg, W. Va., two shares; John H. Hice, Washington, D. C., two shares; George 0. G In vis, N cw York city, N. Y., two shares; PcterD. \Vi_g�inton, nlc1·cer, California, twosllares; 'l'homas J. C:1son. Lebanon, Ind., two shares; Edward Jordan, Rlizabctb, N. J., two sb:wes; John H. Flagg, Wnshington, D. C., two sha.1·es; Jame;, H. H.odgcrs, New York city, N. Y., two shares; John F. Wilson, New York city, N. Y., two shares; James L. Ma1•yin. Now Yo1·k ciLy, (..Nmc Jersey), two shares; Nicholas nlullc1·, .Now York ciLy, N. Y., t.wo sbnres. And Lhc capital to be horeattcr sold is to be r!i vided into shares of

tho like nmonnt. (..;.ivcn nuder 011r handF<, this twcnty-seYenth day of January, one

thousand eight hundred and scnmt_r-nine. N1cnoLAs nluLLEn, .IA)IES L. MARVIN, lh:N.JA�IIN 1Vu.soN, ,J AS. H. ]fooGERS, B. V.JA<'KSON,. ,lunN F. \\·11.soN, JOHN J. JACKSON, ,l<.•IIN 11. RICE, UEO. 0. GLAVIS, P . .D. \\'wmNTON, THl'.DIAS ., . CASON, EDWARD JORDAN, JOHN ll. FLAOO.

lVhoroforo, tho corpor:\tors nnmed in the snid ngreemont, and who have signed tho i:lamc, and tbci1· snecessors and assigns, are heruby declared to be, from this date until the twenty-seventh of Jnuuary,


one thousand eight. hundred and ninety-nine, a corporatio11 by the name and for tho }Ht1·pose set forth in said agreomont.".

Givon under my hand and the great i::enl of the said i,tate LG-. S.J at the city of Wheeling, this eighth day of February, one

thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. S. BnADY,

Secretary of Stale.


I, Sobieski Brady, secretary of the State ot \Vest Virginia. herehy certify thnt un agreement duly ucknowledg-ed and aecompanied by tho proper affidavits, bmi been this day delivered to me; which agreement is in the words and figures followin�:

The undet·sign.ed agree to become a co1·pm·ation by name of tho "Harper's Ferry Bridge Company," for tho purpose of a toll bridge from the town of Harper's Ferry, in the c-ount_y of Jef­feraon, state of \Vest Virginia; across the Shenandoah 1·ive1·, which corporn.tion 1:1ball k�ep its principal office or place of' business at Har­per's Ferry, in the county of J etferson, and shall have pe1·petual suc­cession.

And tor the purpose of forming the said co1·por11.tion, we have sub­scribed the sum ·of four hundred dollars to the c·npital thereof, and have paid in on Raid subscription the sum of forty dollar;,, and desire the privilege of increasing tmid capital, by stlles of additional ,ihares, from time to time, to twenty thousand <lollars in all.

The capital so subscribed is divided into shares of fifty dollars each, which are held by the undersigned, respectively, as follows, that is to say: by

I. S. O'Donnell, ofHarpot·'s Fe1-ry, Jefferson county, '\V. Vn., one share;

George '\V. Green, of Ila.rpor's Forry, Jefferson county, 1N. Va., 0110

share; J. Cavalier, of .ll:lrper's Forry, Jefforson connty, \V. Va .. one share; Thoruus \V. Beale, of Harper's Forry, Jefferson county, \\T. Va., one;,

Rbare; G. L. Myers, of Harper's Ferry, Jefferson couuty, W. Vn., one

share; F. A. Kerwain, Hnrpor'1:1 Ferry, Jefferson county, W. Va., 0110

share; James McGraw, of Harper's Fo1Ty, Jefferson county, W. Vn., ono

share; Martha Walsh, of Harper's Forry, Jefferson county, '\V. Va., one

share. And the capital to be heronftor sold is to be divided into aha.res of

the like amount.


. Giv�n under our hn.ndi-, this nineteenth day of February, one thou-sand eight hundred and seventy-nine.

J. s. O'DONNELL, 'l'nos. W. BEALE, J. CAVALIER, G. w. GREEN, G. L . .MYERS, 'l'. A. KERWAIN, JA'.\IES McGRAW, .MAJt'fllA W ALSU.

Whe1·efore, tho corporntors named in the said agreement. and who have signed tho same, and their i-ucce1<sors and as:-igni;, hereby declared to be, from tbis date a corporation by the name and for tho purpose i-ct lorth in said agreement.

Given nnder my hand and the great i;:eal of the 1<aid state, (G. S.] n.t the city of Wheeling, thil'l twenty-fi1·st day of February,

one thon:-<and eight hundred n.nd seventy-nine. s. BRADY,

Secretnr9 of ,5'rn;e.


I, Sobie1<ki Brady, i-ecretn.ry of tho state of ,vest Virginia, hereby certify that an agrucment duly acknowledged and accompanied by tho pl'Opcr allidavits, has been thiN day delivered to me; which agreement if< in tho word,; and tiguros following:

\\' e, tho 1111dor:-igned, agree to bel·o111e a corporntior by the name of "The Mas1<iquot Chn11no (Jompany," for tho purpose ot mining, man­ufacturing and sale of' chrome, f<ih·er and otl1t1J' minerals, at Hock­villo, county of Mon1gomcry, s1:1to ol :Maryland, and elsewhere; which c-orporation :-hall kcop its p1·inl'ipal otlico or place of busines!'l nt Washington, D. C., and iN Lo oxpi1·0 on t-ho first day of February, one thoul-lnnd eight h1111dn:d a11d 11inut,r-11ino.

And for the fHll'J>O:<o of lurming- said corporntion we have sub­sc1·ibed tho Rum uf,-ix h1111drl·d thousand dollar:< to tho capital thereof, nnd have paid in 011 s11id ,;11b,-e1·iption tho entiro stun, viz., six hun­dred thousand uni larl-1, :111<l dl'si 1·u the privi loge of i ncl'oasi ng the Raid capital, by sales of additioual :share:;, from timo tb time, to one mil­lion dollars in nil.

Tho capital 1:10 subsrribed is divided into sh11ro1:1 of one hundred dol­lnri, each, which arc hold by the unden1ig11ed, rospectively, as follows, is to say :

Chas . .D. Mnxwoll, one thousand shares; li. 1<'. Rittenhouse, one thousand shares; John A. Hollings, 0110 thous:�nd shares; JnR. S. Delano, one thousand shnres; Silas L. Loomii;, two thousand shares i


.A.nd the capital to be hereafter sold is to be divided into shares of the like nrnount.

Given under our hands, this fifteenth day of February, ono thou­sand eight hundred :ind seventy-nine.

B. F. R1TTE:-nm;si;, Cius. D. :'IL,xwm.1,, Jon:-: A. R01.L1:-Gs, J,,s. 8. D►:LA:-o, SI LAS L. LOO)IIS.

\Vhorefore, th� coqYoralors named in the said agreement, and who have si�ned the same, and their successors and :i><si�ns, arc hereby der.larcd to be, from this date until the first day of Febru:u·y, one thou­R,tnd eight hunclt·od and ni11ety-nine, a corporation by tlrn name and fo1· the pui;pose set fo1·th in s:1id agrceme11t.

Given 1111de1· my hand and the great seal of tbe i-aid state, [G. S.] at the city of Whee Ii ng, this twenty-seventh day of February,

one thousand eight l.luudrcd aud sevonty-11ino. S. BRADY,

Secretary of State.


I, Sobieski Brady, secretary of the state of \Vest Virgi Ilia, hereby certify that an a,greement duly acknowledged and accompanied by the propor affidavits, h:ui been this day delivered to me; whicll agreement is in the words and figures following:

Tho undersigned agree to become a corporation by the name of the "Valley .Rive1· Bridge Company," for the purpose ot acqnil·ing necessa1-y lands, building and keeping in repail· a b1·idge across t.he Tygart's Valley !liver, at Grafton, in the county ot 'l'aylo1·. state of

\Vest Virginin, and collecting tolls thereon, which corporation shall keep its principal office or place of business at Grafton, in the county of 'l'aylor, and is to <:,xpire on the first duy of l<'ebrunry, one thou­sand eight bundred and ninety-nine.

And for the purpose of formii1,g tho said corporation, we h:we sub­scribed she sum of"threo hunch·ed and fitty doll:u·s to the ("apitnl there­of, and have paid in on said subscription the sum ofthi1·ty-five dollm·s, and dei;ire tho privilegeof increasing the capital, by snle1:1 of addition­al shai:es thereon from time to time, to twenty thousand dollars in all.

'l'be capital so subsel'ibed is divided into shares of twenty-five dol-lars each, and are held by tbe undersigned ai,; follows, that is to 1my:

1. George Brinkm:rn, li-rafLOn, one sllaro; 2 . .M. l:l. Dent, oue share ; 3. John Dovnan, one sllare; 4. C. F. l:lansbaw, one share; 5. Vvm. Jennings, one share; 6. J. A. Grnut, one share; 7. T. Kennedy, one share; 8. S. B. McCormick, four shnres; 9. Granville E. Jarvis, one share.


10. P.A. Rohrbaugh, one share; ·11. A. II. Thayer, one share· And the c:q:>(t,al stock to be hereafter sold is to be divided into shares

ot the like amount. Giv�n under our bands, thif! eighteenth day of February, one thou-

sand eight hundred and f!event.y-nine. S. P. 7'kCoRmci;:, G. E. GAtt\'JS, P. ,\. HotulBAUGn, A.H. Tll.\\'�:R, Gs:o. 810:<K)IA:,.,· M. H. DEXT, .Jou .. DooXAX, C. F. l·J,1xs1uw, \\' )I. J l•:X XIX GS, J. A. GruxT, 'l'. KEXXEDY.

"'berefore, the coq>orators named in the said agreement, nnd who hnvc signed the same, and tbcir Ruccc,-sors and assigns, ni·c bereby declal'l;<I to be, from this date until the first day of February, one thou­Rand e1�ht hundred and nint•ty-nino, a corporation by tbe name and for tbe JHll'J)OSe set forth in snid agreement.

Given under my hand and tho great seal of the Rnid state, [G. S.J at the cit,y of Whecli ng, thi;_; twenty-second day of Februai·y,

one thousand eight huud1·ed :,nd seventy-nine. s. BRADY,

Secretary of State.


I, Sobieski Brady, i;:ccrelnry of t.he state of West, Virginia. hereby co1·tify that an ngreomc11t, duly acknowlcd�ed and accompanied by tho pt·opcr afftdnvit", hat- been this clay clolivercd to me; which agreo­me11t is i 11 the wo1·d,, a 11d ti gun,;. fol lowi Ill?:

'l'hc u11'dersigned ngrou to ueeonlli a corporation by the name of "'l'he New Bi,·e1"0il Company,'' fur tho purpose of searching, boring fo1· or oblai11i11_!.(' pctl'Olc11111 01· otl101· mineral oils, prop:u·ing the snmc for market,, reti II i 11,!.(', t.rn n><po1·t i ng and di><posi Ill-{ thereof, buying and selli11g petroleum an11 olhur oil,,, lca>1i11g 1111J p11rchasi11g lands tor the pnrposo of dcnJloping tbc sa111e for oil p111·pn:aes, nud do snch other things as ma.r be 11ec:e:s,..11ry to 11111,r c·arT_r out t,ho purposes for which this e:orponttim1 i,; orga11i;,;ed: which corporntion shall keep its prin-1•ipnl oflfoe or place- of IJ11,..i11c;;s at C:.:hurlc,..ton, in tho county of Kanawha, in t -ho stale of \\'e;.t Viri.rinia, and is to expire on the fit·st dny of Janunry, one tho11sa11d eight hundre<l a11d ni11 ety-ni110.

And for the purpose of forming- the said c:orporation we have sub­scribed tho 1mm of t·ea hu11dred (81,000) doll:11·s to tho cupital thereof, and hnvc paid in on imid ,;ubseription tlae t-11111 of fo111· hun­dred dollnrs, and desire the privilel-{O of increasing the said cnpital hy sales of additional shnret;, from time to limo, tc, one h1111cl1·otl· thousantl doll111·s in nil.



'l'ho capita� so subsc"ribed is clivicled into shares of twenty-five dol­lars �nch, wluch ni·o hel<l by the undersigned, respectively, as follows, tlrnt 1s to say: by

.I<'. P. Carpenter, of Rarmond City· \V. Va. ei(J'ht sha1·es · \,\r L R

. ' ' ::- ' m. . -.osegmnt, of St. Albans, \V. Va., eight shares;

A. Allen, ot Charleston, W. Va., eight shares; Jerome '11• Bowyer, of \Vinfield. \V. Vn., eight shares; John W. Bonner, ot' St. Alban::-, \\'. Va., eight shares. Aud tho capital to be he1·eafte1· sold is to be divided into shares of

like amount. Given nuder om· hands, this thii·d day of Febunry, one thonsancl

eight hundred anti seventy-nine. T11os. P. C.\ RPE:<TEH, \V)1. L. Ho><EGt<A:<T, A)IOS .-\ I.I.EX, .J EHO)IE 'l' . .BOWYEII, .J. \\'. Boxx1rn.

\VhcreforP-, the corpor:uors named in the said agceement, and who have ;;.igned the ,;ame, and thei1· ,;uccesso1·s and assigns, a1·e hereby declared lo be, from t-his tlate until the first day ol .Ja1111a1·y, one thou­sa11d eight hundred and ninety-nine, a corpo;·ation by u;e name and fo1· tho JH11·po;;e set forth i II said agreement:.

Given nuder my hand an<I the g1·eat seal of the snicl state, (G. S.] at the c·ity of Wheeling. this first day of �[:ncb, one thou­

sand eight h 1111d1·etl a11tl :;even ty-11 i 11e. S. BRADY,

Secretary of Sta fe.


I, Sobieski B1·ady, secretary of the stato of West Virginia, hereby certify that an agreement, duly ar,knowlcdged anti ncc,ornpn11ied by the p.l'Ope1· affidavits, has been t,his day delivered to me; \\'hich agreement is in tho words and fign res following:

'L'hc 11nde1·r,igncd agree to become n <'orporation hy the nnmo of "'rhc State Democrat Com1,a11y," for the purpo�o ot publishing n ncwt<p:1pcr a.11cl r:nl'l'ying on a printing a11d p11blishi1,g- b11,.incr,s, which co1·1w1·:11ion r,hnll hnve it11 pritH:ipal oflicc in \Vhecli11g, co1111t.y of (Jhio, and to expi1·e on tho lin;t day Jannary, 0110 thon;;and eight hnndred and ni11ety-11i11c.

A 11<1101· the pnq,osc or forming the !;;aid eorporntion, we ha\'C F.111b­$eribed the snrn ot 11ix tho1111and dollars (Sli,000), a11d have pnicl in on 1;nid subscription the sum of six hund1·ctl dollat•f!, 1111d dcsit·o tho pri­vi I ego of i 11crea.;;i Ill-{ tho 1<:1id capi tn I by sales of additional sharc�s, from time to time, to /i)l'Ly thou,;;and dollars in all.

'l'he c·apital so sub::<cribed i,hall be tlividcd into shares of one hun­dred (100) dollarB each, which are held by tbe undersigned, rospec­t.iveiy, as follows, that is to sny : ·by

Wm. L. ll<.>amc, four shares;


E. G. Crncraft. four shal'es; .J. l:I. Good, fou1'1,1ha1·es; ,vm. C. llandlan, one i,hat·c; J. \V. \Vait,, one share; Alex. Updeg-ratf, one sh:u·e;

Cha!'. H. De-iten;, one sh:u·e ; \V. N. Curtis, one 8bare; James \V. Sweeney, one i;bare; J. A. l\lillol', one shal'e; J.C. Bl'ad_r, thl'ee ::;hares; .A. �l. l.lamilti>n, one shal'e; .Dana J,. Hnbbal'd, trustee, twenty shares; J.C. Bl'ady, tl'ustee, soxenteen slHu·es.


All l'esidents of the tit_r of Wheelin�, Obio connt_r, W. V:f. And the capital to be hereafter sold is to bo divided into shares of

ibe like amount. Given under 0111· hands, this seYenth day of l\lnrcb, one thousand

eigbt hu11d1·ed and seventy-nine. "')I. L. H EAHXE, E. G. CnACIUFT, .J. H. Goon, \\')!. C. HA:-.DLA:-., .r. "'· \VAlT, .\LEX. lirJ>EGRAl't'


CIIA!<. I-I. Dt:ITEII:;, \\'. N. CunT1s, .Lum:; \V. SwEE:-.t:Y, J. A. !1111.u:n, .J. C Bll.\l>Y, ,\. )I. 1-f .\:IIILTOX, D. L. Hu noAnD, I rustee, J. C. llRADY, trustee.

\Vhe1·efo1·e, tho corpornL0l'S named in tho snid agreement, and wbo h:wc signed tbe ;;:1mc, and their succe"sors and a::-signs, a1·e hereby doclal'ed to be, from thi,; date 1111til the first day of .January, one tho11-t1:md eight hundred and ni11cty-ni11c, a corporation by tbc nnruc and for tbo p111·poso l:!et to1·tl1 i u 1<aid ng1·ccmont. ·

Given under my hand :ind the g-l'c:\t seal of the said st.ate; [G. S.] nt tlic city of Whccli11�, this ci�hth day of .Mal'ch, one thou-

1-mllll eight huudrod aud i,wventy-nino. �- BRADY,

&cretary of State.


I, A . .R. 1'forcbend, president of" Franklin Lodge, No. 3, Inde­pendent Order of Odd Fellows," a corpomtion crented undc1· the laws of the slnie of West Virginia, do hereby certify tha1,, at n geuerul

268 D1ssor,uTroNs.

mc�ting o_f tho s�ockholdors of said co1·poratio11, held ai its pince of l,11,-1!1cs_s, 111 Lhc city of \Yht·li11g. We8L Virginia, 011 the sixteenth dny of_ Apr·rl, 0110 Lbou,;and eight hundred and scventy-:;even, a majority ol the ,-todd1oldcrs_ and members the1·eof-being J)l'esent and voti11g the1·eo11, tho follo,�•111g resolution wa:,; unanimously adopted:

Re.solrerl, That we. Lho stocklioldors and member·s ot "Franklin Louge No. 3, lndcpcntlcnt Order of Otld Fellows," of Wheeling, West Vi1·gini:1-, in gc1w1·al meeting assembled, do hcrcb,· airrcc to tliscon-.tiuuc the business of this 01':'ganiimtion."

• "'

In witness whereof, I ha Ye ber·eunto set my hand and the common seal of snitl corporntion, this sixteenth day ul Apr·il, A. D. 011<.' Lhou­:,;and eight, hundretl anti se,·cnty-sevcn.


A copy-'l'este: 8. ER,.DY,

Secretary ot State.

A. R. Mo1n:11EAD, President.


At a meeting of the stockholders of the corporaiion of Smith & Co., on the seeond day of January, one t,housantl, eight, h1111dred and sev­enty-eight, there were present John Barton, Ada B. Stevenson, Alfred E. Smith, and A. K. Stevenson, tho secretary of tho eompany, the stock being r('prescntcd compr·isi"ng a large majol'ity, and t,hcre being uo pr�sident.

On motion of Mr. St,wsnson, an elec·tion was then held for presi­dent, and John Barton having the large,;t, number of votes, was declared elected the president of the snicl corporat,ion, and ncccpting the said appointment, took tbe chair nnd presided <luring thc rcrnain­der of the mceti ng.

The following resoluiions were tlwn by the meeting, more than the one-half of the stock being represented, voting unanimomil,r, passed:

. .

Resolved, by the stockholders of the soi<l corporation, 'l'hnt the busi­ness of the said eorporntion be di;,conLinned, and that tho president thereof certify this resolution under tbc coq)Orate Real ol the ,mid <:orporation to the i;e,-rctary of state of \Vest Virgi11in; and that duo uotico thereof be published six 1:onsecntivc weeks in tho Daily intel­ligencer, a ucwspape1· published in tbe city ol Wheeling.

Resolved, That all of the property of tho said corporation shall be devoted to the payment of the debts and linbilit,ies of tho said cor-poration according to Jaw.

Resolved, Tbnt Alfred E. Smith, one of the eorporatoni, take the possession ot tho whole· property of tho corporation and settle tbo outstanding business of tho same, and to dispose of tho prop('t·t.y ro-

D1ssor,uTroNs. 269

maining, for the purpoAo of pnying the debts :lhd linbilitieA of the sa1110, and then to divide tho 1-u1·plus amongst, tho .. 1oekho!Je1·s :w­�or?1ng to thei1· severnl inleresl:s; but i11 mal�ing �aid :;cLLlumenl� said �nu_th Rhall mako 110 J'nrther binding contr:Lcls on tho said corporn.­t1on, but he may use the corpornte namo in the collection ot the ,mid debts, and in seLLling said business . . 'l'hern being 110 fn1·ther business before the meeting, tho snme ad-.10111·necl. ··

A. 1K. STEVF:NSON, Secretary.

JOHN BARTON, President.

I, John Barton, president of the corporation of Smith & Co., do he1·e ce1·ti(y to the secretary of the 11t11te of West Virginia, that the n_bove foregoing resol11tio11 wus duly passed by the suic..l corporn­t1011, as above stated.

Witness my hand and the seal of said corporation, [SEAr..]

A Copy-Teste : s. BRADY.

Secretary of State.

JoHN BARTON, Prei;idc11t.


"l, Francis Conway, pre11iclent of the 'Producers' Transportation Company,' hereby ccrti(y that at a 1-rcnernl meeting of the stock­holders of said compa11y, held at the otlice ot tho vice-president, near Volca110, in tho county of Wood, nnd state of Wost Virginia, pursu­ant to its con;;titution and hy-laws, on the sixteenth day of .May, A. D. ono LL10usan<I uil-{ht hundl'ed and seventy-eight, ono hundred and fifty shnres of tho capital 11tock, b<1ing n majority of the wholo num­ber of shures, wol'U rop1·usontud uml ,·otCll for the following resolu-tion: •

'l'hat the business of "The Prodncors' 'L'rnnsportation Company" be, nncl is hereby discontinued lrom and nflcr this day, nnd that the l}l'0porty and 111-t1els ol said company, after paying nil debts and lia­bilities, be divided among the stockholders.

Wit.1101>s the hallll of Francis Conway, president of the [sEAr,.J said •Thu Producers' 'l'ra11spo1·tation Company,' and its cor­

porate t1e11I, thi:s sixteenth day of May, one Lhousund �ight hundred and seventy-eight.

A copy-Toste : 8. BRADY,

Secrdary of State. •

F. CONWAY, President.




1, L. J. 'l.'imms, pt·esident of' the "Buffalo Milling Company," a corporation c1·eatcd under the laws of the state of' \Vest Virginia. <lo hereby cct·tify that, at a general meeting of the stockholde1·1, of !"aid ("ompany, held at their place of business in tho town of Buffalo, West Virginia, on tho second day of November, one th<rni'and eight hun­dred and 8evcnty-cight, a majol'ity of the stock was l'C))l'esentc<l, and Yoted for and unanimously adopted tho following resolution:

Resolved, 'l'hat we, the stockholder;; of the •· 'l'he Bntfalo Milling Company," of ilnffalo, \Vest Virginia, in general meeting assembled, do hereby agree to discontinue tho busi nes;; of this organi:1.ation.

In witness wbel'eof, I have hereunto set my band, and the common seal of said company, this, tho second day of November, 0110 thou­sand eight lrnndrod and seventy-eight. L<:ommon Heal.]

Attest: L.A. CARR, Secretary.

A Copy-Teste: S. BRADY,

Secretary of State.

L. J. 'l'OIJIIS, President.


LIST OF CO�i�1ISSIONERS ---·-----·-----



in other States, appointed by the Ei:ecutivc of West Virginia, from the

first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and seve11ty-sci,e11, to

the thirty-first day of December, one thousand cigltt lmndrcd a.n<l sei·en­

ty-eight, inclusive, with the residence and date 'J{ appointment of each

Commissioner: also the date when evidence of qual�/ication was .filed.

The term of Commissioners is for tu;o years.

Stales. Names of Co111mi�sioncrs.

Doto of Wh�n evidence or Appointm<-nt. quaJifi(."3tion tilC'C'l

P�nn•yl.-nnin .•.. Frnnk C. Fallon ........ PhUntlcl11hla. .......... Jnnuarr 4, 1Si7 .. 11-""cbrunry 20, 1�;; Colorndn .•......... t::. Wnldcn Drt•wstcr •.. Den'l"cr ................... Jnnuary 18,

Illinol• .............. Simon �V. King ......... Chlc:ii;o ......... ..•...... ,Jnnnnry 22,

tSii .. : ............................... .

2, 1S77 1Si7 .. Februnry I

Penn,ylvnnin .... John Dcllani:cr Cox ... Pbilnd�lphl11 ........... • Janunrr 31, 1/!ii .. i'Fcbrunry

New York ......... Chnrl<'S Nettleton ...... �ew York City .. .... February J, 167i.'February 14, 1877

Pcnnsrhnnia, ... II. K Binclmnr:<h ...... Philndolphl1 ........... )!nreh

Now York ...•..... • T:une• Taylor . ........... New York City ....... Mnrch

Cnlifornln ......... N. Proc1or Smllh ....... Ssn Francisco ......... )farch

New York ........ Chnrles Ecli;nr MIUs •... )!cw York Cily ....... ,Mnrch Ma.sAcbusetts ... Snmucl .Jr.nnlson ....... Bos1on .................... Mnrch

Marylnnd ......... Chnrlcs P . .\!on1ngue. Bahlmoro .•. ........ March

l'enns1h·anill ... J. 11 • .IJlss J)ebnr ........ Pblladelflhla ...•....... )lorch

New York .•...... llonrr Bischoff .....•.... New York City •...... A1,rH

Vermont ........... ChRrlco W. Porler ...... )lontpcller ....... T ... Ai,ril

Pennsyh·Rnia ... Klnlor J. Tener ......... Philndcl1,hlo ........... April

Ne.- York ........ Thomaa B. Clifford .... Nc,r York City ....... A1tril

Jncllann .. ......... Wru. A. Pccll�, Jr ...... lndinnnpoli•············ AJlril

Gcorglo ...... ...... D.R. Freeman ........... AtlnnlA ......... ......... ,\pril

Penn•yhnnla ... Frllnels C. Fillion ....... Pbilnclelrhln .•.••...... April Ponn•ylvanla ... Joaepb S. Perot •......... Phlladel1•hln. .......... May New York •....... Spoucor C. Doty ......... New York Cit.y •...... l\Iay

· Pennsylvania ... Joseph Frnnklsh ••...... PbiladelpblR, ••........ .May Penn17hanla ... John Ru•ell ............ PbUodelphla., ......... M17

8, 1S7i-;Mn.rch 14, 1s;;

8, 187i .. 1May 10, l�i,

9, 1S77 . .1 .April 2, 1S77

10, 1877 .. , .........•......•...............

1:!, 187i .. :Mnrch 21, 1577

1:1, ur;; _ _l)J:u-cb 2-1, 1s1;

151 tSi7 .. ............................... . 2, JSii .. ··•••-·················-······

·•, 1s1-;_ ............................... .

•�. 1877 .. April ao. 1s;;

H•, 1S7i., )lay 5, 18i7 :!:l, 1Si7 .. April 2.°', 1s;;

23, 1877 .. :\lny -t, 1S77 26, 1877. April 30, 1S77

7, J8ii .. Juntt S, ll'i7 7, 1877.. .\lny 2G, 1Si7

JS, 1877 .. May �, 1Sii

:28, 1877 .. June 13, 1677

IV CoMM1ss10NERs.


Rtntcs. Nnnltii., of Comm is.�ioners.

Dato or .Appoinuucnt.

"'hen cvhlcncc o[ qualification filed.

I'cnnsyl.-nnil\ .... J. H. Diss Dcbnr ....... jPhilndclphin ...••..•... . Juno

New York •....... lN. Pendleton Schcnck,Ncw York City ....... July

New York ••...... S. B. Goo<lnlc ............. lNcw York City ....... July

4, JSii ............................. .

12, t87i A ug11st

18, ISii A ngu•t

9, 1Si7

5 1877 I I

I'cnnsylvnuia ..• Theodore D. Rnn<l ...... !Philndelphin ........... Aui:ust Zi, 18ii August

· 25, 1877

31, 1877 Pt·nnsyh·ania ...


�nmucl l,. Tnylor ....... 1Philndelphin . ......... July l�l, 1Si7 July

New York ........ Thonms Kilvert .......... lNcw York City ....... August 2!l, !S'ii �CJJtcmbcr 19, 1Sii

New York •.•..... John A. Hillery ......... New York City ....... September S, !Sii Oc1obcr 1, ISii

Pcnnsl"h'nnia ... John Spnrhnwk ........ .lPhiJnllclphin, .......... Septcmberi!>, tSii �eptcmbcr 28, 1Si7

Dist. �lumbin .. John C. StnrkwcatbcrlWnshington ............ JScptcrnber2S, ISii October S, 187i

Pcnnsyh·nni:l .. .IE. L. Per<lrinux .•...... !Philnclelphin ........... 1octobcr ll, lSii October 31, !Sil

Pennsyh·ania ···IE<lwnr<I Sbippeo •....... 1 Philodelphin ...........

lNovcrubcr :io, 18ii December 10,;ISi7

Ne"· York ........ Louis Fuco&. ............... 'Ncw York City ....... Jlecember �. 1Sii Jn1ntnrJ· 11. 1878

Mnryland •........ J.lohn D. L!pscomb ..... lD�llimorc ..•........•... lDeccmbcr I�, tSii •............................•

Pcnusylvanin ... J. H. ,vh('C'lcr ............ :Philadclphia ........... ,Dcccmber l!i, 1877 January lG, 1S78

New York •.....•. Wm. C. :llcK.,nn ....•... ,Nc,v York City ....... December JO, JSii Jnnunry 24, lSiS

Marylnnd ......... P.H. J·Tofl'mnnn ........ 1Dnlli111oro ......... •. : ... Dccmnbe'r �G, 1�-;; Jnnuriry 5, 1878

�Ii..ouri ..•......... 1


c. D. Grce'.1r, Jr ......... jst. .. Louis ................. Deccrn1"'r !!!i, IS�i December �I, ISii

Pcnnsylvan1n ... J. Pnul Diver ............ Ph1Jnclclphln .....•..... .J:munry 4, 18,S Jnnunry 18, 18i8

New York ........ lFrnnk S.�1mclcr.1 ......... New York City ....... .Jnnunrr ti, JSiS May 2, 1S78

.l\.f3rylo.nd ......... l1l'nry Fry ................. il:11&.imorc ......... " .... Jan11:1ry 1Fi, 1R7� ............................. .

Pennsyhanin ... Henry E. Gnrsc<l.. ...... Philaclelphin ........... .Tnnunry 2G, !Si� F'cbrunry S, lSiS

New York •....... Louis Bcckhnrdt. ......... New York Clly ....... . Tn,,unry �O, JS;� :\fnrch 18, 1Si8

)las...�chusetts ... Edwnnl .T. Jones., ...... Uoston .................... Fcbrunr�� 2, JR7� F('brunry 7, 187R

New Yurk .•••.... • John K. Perley •........ Xew York Cit.y •...... Fclm1nry n, tSiS .........•.•••.......•........

);ew York .••..... A. lluekinghnm ......... Now York City ....... February tr., l8iS April ·3. IS78

.arkansas. .....•... R. A. Wntkins ........... Little Rock ....•....... Fcbrunry 19, !SiS .••.•....•••....•....•........

Ohio ...•............. Snruucl S. Carpenter ... Cincinnati ............... )!nrch

Missouri .•....•.... C. S. Charlot .......... , ... St. Louis ...•....• •...... April

New York ••..•.. Alc,cnnclcr Ostrander .. N ow 'York City ....... April

:llnrylnnd ......... Chnrlcs N. Wcot ... , ..... Jlnltimoro ............... April

No.w �·ork .....•.. /�m. �[. �<ln:us ......... N ow York City ....... ::lfny

Ilhums .•••....•.... Nennder N. Cronholm Chlcngo .•••.....•..•..... Mny

Counootieut •••... Duld G. Gordon ··-··· Hartford ................. Mny

-:-cw York •••..•.. J, Albert Do Con ........ Ilrooklyn ..••......•.•... �fay

Connecticut ...•.. Franris H. Porker .•.•.. Il:irt!orcl.. ......• _ ..•... June

PcnnsylTnnln ... !Thomas J. Huot ........ Phllnclelphln • ....•.... Juno

Dist. t:.:olumbia./A. E. L. :Keesc ••••••••••• lwnshlugtoo ............ !.ruly

Hi, 1AiS )tnrch �A, 1s;s

I, 18i8 April 0, lSiS

22, 18iR )!ny 2:J, ISiS

:?!>, 18iR Mny 18, lR;S

n, 1A7A i\fny Jr,, 1Si8

S, ISiS ...........•••............•...

1�, lSiS ............................ ..

2�, 1R7A ............................ ..

13, ISi!l(uno

14, IRiS,.Tuly

1, 1s;sj August

17, JA78

1, 1878

7, 1878




Nnm�s or Com111issioncrs. Rcsldenco. !Jato or

Appoiutment. When evi<lenco of qualification filed.


New York •....... Joseph B. Nones ......... New York City ....... August 3, 187S .••••••..•.....•••............

Goorgin ...... •..•.. Wm . .B. Adnius ......... Savannah ................ September 12, 1878 September 28, 1878

New York ........ llloscsn. )lnelay ........ /New York City ....... !;cplember2S, 1878 October JO, 1878

Dist. Columbia.:M· P. Callan ..•........... \Vashini;tou ......•..... October JO, 1878 October 22, 187�

New York ........ JGeo. R. ,Jaquc-s .......... New York City ....... October 28, 1878 October 31, 1678

)larylnn,L. ........ :Jlenry K, Gregg ......... Baltimore .......•........ Dcrcmbt>r 2, 18j8 Dea,mbt-r 10, 1�78

)larylaud .•....... G. Evett Reardon ....... Baltimore ........ -...... IJcccmber G, 187� Dea,mber 10, 1878 I I

New Jcrwy ...... 1\rm .. J. Lyon ............. \.Jcrsey Cit.y ............. De<.�mbcr 13, J878 December 21, 1876







Brooke ................................... Fourth Monday In March nod fourth Mooday l11 September.

Houc0<:k ................................ Third Monday In Mnrcb. nnd third ).[ondoy ID &ptember.

Ohio ............................. ........ Secood Monday In April-aud second Montloy lu October.

)larshall ................................ Fourth :\londay iD Febnanry and fourth Monday io August.


C0lOl&NCKlll<l<T 0l' TERllS.

D0<hlrhlge .............................. Twelfth day or :\lny nod IUtccoth doy or Xoveml,cr.

Harrison ................................ Thirtieth day or )lay and tenth day or December.

:llarion ................................. Eeightecuth d11y or April nnd Twenty-<lighth day or October.

Monongnllu ............................ �'irst dny of March nml first day or September.

T-�ylor ................................... Tenth doy or Februlll'y nod twentieth dny or September.

Wetzel. ...................... : ........... First day or April nml tenth doy or October.


Coux1·1 Ks. C0)1MESl'8>JK!\T OP 'fiYMB.

Bcrkeloy ................................ ,x.-coud Tuesday lo )lay nud fourth TuesJay in No,·cwber.

Jcner..,n ..................... : .......... Fourth Tueso.lay In :lhm:h nml thin! Tucao.l11y In October.

MorKon ................................. t•'irst 'l'ucsduy tu Mny nnd fourth '.l'ucso.lny ha September.



Groot .................................... First Tucsdny In April auo.l Un1t 'l'ue!l<lay lo October.

Hampahiro ............................ First Tuesday In March and first Tuestlay lo September.

Hardy .................................... Third Tucsda7 In :\larch and tblrd Tucaday in September.

Minoral ................................. Second Tuesdny In llluy nud second Tuc.iday lu November.

Penclleton ............................... Thlrd Wednesday lo April and 'l"bird Wedn�ny in Octobe.




Calhoun ................................. Tuesdny uftcr the fourth Mo111lay iu May and Tue,dny n[ter tho Lhird :\101ulay in October.

Plens.'\nt.s .............................. Third Monday in April nod fourth )Ionday in NoYcmber.

Ritchie .....•............................ Fourth Monday in April and !ourtb Mondny in November.

Tyler ...•...••..••.••..........•.....•... nfter t.he third M,,ndny lu )luy and Tuesday niter the seco111l :\londay in November.

,virt .•..•••.••..•......................... First )[ondny in .June nnd tirsL Mon,lay in December.

Wood .................................... First Jl[ouJny in March an,! tir.,L )londay in September.

SIXTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT-Jorr:s BnA:s-:s-o:s-, JunGJi.

CoUSTIIQI. 1----- --ColUIEXCt:)fY.NT OP T.t::ltllS.

Bnrbour ................................... (rwentleth tiny o[ April nod sccon<I duy of November.

Gilmer ........... ....................... ;Eleventh tlay ot :\lnrch aod twcnt!cth <lay of September.

Lewls .................................... .ITweot.icth duy of l''cltrunry nn<l t.wcuticth d�y of A11g11ijt.

l'reaton ...•............................... ,Twenty-l!Ceon<I day o[ :.llnrcb a11<l third day or October.

Rundolph ............................... ElcvenU, tiny o[ Muy nm! twenty•LhirJ Jay or Noveu,b�r.

'l'uckar .................•................. Tenth day of April nml Lweuty-fir,,t <lay of October.

Uptihur .......... , ........•......•.•...... 'l'wenty-llflb day of Muy un<l filth day of Dccc,ubor.

Wel,stor ................................. Tonth day of .Juno an,l sixth <lay or Sc1>t.c111her.

SEVENTH .JUDICIAL CIH.CUI'l'-.Tmmri.i SmTll, ,Tuma:.


Jackson .................................. First Mondny in lllHrch and tirst lllonday in September.

Ku1111wbu ... -......................... , ... Third l!o11day 111 lllny nnd third Monday in November.

:llla><0n .....•........ , ..........•...•...... J,'ir:,L lllonduy in April nn<l fint Jllon,lay In October. Putnam ...•••..•..........•............. Fourth Mon<lay in A1>ril and firot .Monday In Novou,bcr.

Jtoano ........... -...........•............ 'l'hlrd l\ton<lay In Mnrch n11d tblnl Monday In Soptc111bcr.




Braxton ......... ......................... Seventeenth day of March and ac<eutccnlh day of Augu•L

Clny ....................................... ,Tentb dny of i\lnrch nod loulh cluy of _o\ugusL Fayclle ................................. •First dny of A1>rll nnd first day of September. G

�ccnbrier .............................. 1T,.eoty-sixth <lay �f i\lny and twenty-sixth day of October.

N1cholns ...... ................. ......... I First da)' of Mnn-b nm! first dny of August.

Poc:ihonta.s ............... -............ Twenty-ninth dny of April and twenty-ninth ,lay of September. Monroe .................... ..............

,Twellth day of May nnd twtl/th day of Oclober.

S111nmers ................................ Fiftetntb cfay of April and fifteenth day of Scpt�mber.


C0UXTIF.S I ---.--


Hoone .................................... ,Third )looday in April and thinl Monday m September.

Cnhcll .................................... Third )fonday In )lnrch nnd t.hinl Mondny in August. l.inr•oln ................................. Se<.-ond )fonday in A prll and oeconcl Alouday in September.

Lognu .................................... Fourth Monday in April nnd fourth )fooday in Scptcmber. Mercer ................................... Third Monday In )lny nnd third l\londny in October.

McDowell .............................. &-rond )londa)' in )lay and acr.oncl Monday tu October.


.lgh ........................ ........

1��ir.,l )fond•}

: In Juno ftDd li

�l )loodny

.� No,·cmber.

\\ n) nc .................................. •f· ir!!-t �l•>1u.ln3 Jo March ancl J1nt. :\tondn) in August.

\\''yornlng ...................... , ....... 1 Fir:-1t :\lond:ay in :\tn,· nncl tir11 )londay in October, ______ ·__ I



ACT OF TIIE GENERAL ASSE)lllLY OF VJ!t<:INL\. Sccliou:-; 29, ,50 au<l ;)1 of an, pa.s. . .;.c<.l :\farch llth, 183G, iucorporaUng the city c1f \\'ht'cling,

amcudc<l .......•••••..•.....•.........•.•.........•.••••••••......•••.•••••••••••••......• _ ............................... 91 !l2

ACTS OF TIIE LEGISLATURE .. Joint resolution ns lo t.hc printing nnd distribution of, ...................................................... 1&1

Acvrs or-- THE LEGISLATURE, ,\)(ENDED. Section 2 of chapter !li, acts lSi:!-:<, in relation to Cnpon Sprin�:-i nnd ,vntsr,ntown............. G Scetivn 7. of ch:1ptl�r 131, acts tSGo, inc."Orpura1ing- Coving:ton mul Ohio Hnilrmul Compnny,

1x1s:-cll l\lar(!h Isl, J�(jtj ................................................................................... ........... 5 G Section Gi, chapter 109, act.s 187i, ("011ccr11i11g- tho asS-�3Smcol of tnxcs ................................... G-11 8cction I:!, or chapter HJ.I. nets 1S'i:!••:J, pruvirliug: for opening: :uul kc.:cpcng iu repair connl.y

ro:ads ....................................................................................................................... l J J2 8cctio11s 2 n11cl a, chapter IJ.I, nets 1Si5, in r ,•lation to raking lnr1ds for puhlic purpo�l'S ...... 12 ta Sc-«-•t.in11 73, or <·hrtptcr 12:;, act:1 of 187:?-:·i, in relation to th1.• :-$Chovl fund............................... 19 Sectiqns SI, S2 a11tl :;a, of ch3pkr l:!:J, act..., of ld7:?-:�. and :;c-c·I io11 78 of same clwptcr, ns

:llHClhlCd by ch:1pk1· I 15, al."ls 1�77, hi rcl:lli1111 10 the linh·cr:;it.y ............................. :!•1 :!-) :!G Section 1 1 of c:hapt1•r «;:1, ui act� 1s;:.!-s, couccr11ing t,ht.• 1·c1110,·:d of ol>str11c1io11s from tho

South Br:111cl1 ri \'l!r..................................................................................................... :i; !',r.(•tioi1 �o. chapter J�;_?, acts IS7:!...:}, a-.; a111<•11d,11l 6y chapter ii, :wts l!,ii, school l:tw ........... :1s :;!) Section;!:!, 11( dwpl<'I" �;°'. ;u-ts J�;:,!-::, rd:1ti110 lo llll! i11c·orporall,)11 of railroad cClmpani('!i so

as to pc-rudl IJ1,1ot Ji,/,•.-.1,wk tli\'id,·nd:-: ....... ....................................... ........................ :l'J •10 Sl.'Clion 1 1 of ehapt1'r 11:11 :u:Li 1::-;;, 1,r.,vidiug ior tit\? c•<111.str11ction ol a road from l{clvetin1

in l!:tnilulph c_·111111ty ..... ................... ................................... ....................................... . J:� Chapter '.11;, ucl� l�ii, fur th11 1,r•rsl•rvnti,)11 of lish, ...................................................... . ..... •U •J5 :Scetio11s 2, :, nnd IS, ••i c·hapt1•r JIJ7. of 1h•1..: ,,;:!-:{, curu.:cr11ing tho inoorpvr:uion of

join I st1J('k ,•u1111•:111i1• . .:1 wit l,1Jttl:--pt'<·i1il f'l1:1rlc1s .......................................................... G:, r,.1 ,..'.'C'c.:li(IU :!, oi chapter:-:,;, :lf:l.!-l 1�;i, i11 rf'lali"n io J;t'yS1•r i11d1·rtC11,l.-•nt :!C:h1.1nl distriH ......... !'">5 iiti Chapter •lti, a<•tfi 1:-,Tj, r(!la1i11J! t(, cnurt ,A liJ,ti11�,l j,1ri.sdit.:1i11u in lhudty vi ,vhcc.:liug . ...... 7!'1 Sec·tio11 ::o, oi duq1l(•r 1:1.1, :1.-1 . .: J.,;:,;:!-:1, n·l t11i11;.; to c_·,1111uy rc.:1d� .......................................... SO :-:icni111H1 :i :uul S, vi chapter 1;;1, ads 1 ... ;1.:.;, in l'dnli1.111 lo :;,1lcs 1Ji lurfcltctl am\ tldiu11ucnt

ln11cll'l ......... .............................................................................................................. !13 !>•l Section� :t1 •I,.:-, :tlll1 :!0, .. r ch:q,ft:r 1�·1, acr� 1�<:!-::, pl'o\'itlini;; for an :llll·l"lrnth·o JUctl.Jotl of

ro11:--1 ruct in,; n111l k1.:cpi11� in n•1•:dr c·,,u 111 r r,;::dr-......... ............................................. 103 JU,l (;haJ)l('l' (, .J, :tCIH ISi.). cu11cc1·1ii11;.,; lht: :1:-��:-1-11\l?lll, of t!lXl':S .......................................... tO-I Iv l:":l; ::;t•c!lio11l'! ti, ::i, 9, 10, ·19, :!S. :!:t, .1:1, :,11 .-..1,1:J :l!l'I s;. dwp1\•r Jt::, :u!I� l�fi:!-;;, school bw 130 to l•JS Al-Jn. sccti11n� 2, .11 la, and fr.!, of cl1:11,1�r I�:;, :h•l:o ISi:l-a, as �1111cmktl l,y chaptC'r 77, act:--

1Mi7, school la,\· ... : ......................................................................... , .................... 1:;7 to l•l·I Also, section 7, of c·h:q,tt>r l�:l. :1CL!I- 1�;:?-:\1 n:.:;; a1u1..•1ul,·d hy chaplcr :;i, nN.:s JS7i 1 .school law .. J:l!t Section 17, of chapter llS, acls IS7:..!-::, l"l'luling: lo clc·ct.io11:1 ............................................ l·IS l•Ht Chaph:r 51, acts 11'77, rduti11g: lil El111 (:nwc J�:iilway COCJ111p:rny •..•.....•••..•.••.•.......••.•..•.•.....• 1�0 Chap11.-r 1:1�1, nets JS7'.1-:c, conl·orniu� lit•us for purchaso IO0U<'Y, m11l liens of 1m .. -ch:u1ic-:,.,

lal,o1·ers, nn,l others ............................................................................................... lt.O-t1i:,t ::i1..·ction 1-J, ol chapter ;;t,, net� 18771 cvncuruing ruut.unl Uru iu:su.rnuco com}lauh:>s ............ 11.i::S lOU


ACTS OF 1'IIE LEGISLATURE, REPEALED, to nmcnd and rc•cn:,ct. section 12 of the act nppro,·cd Dcccmbt"'r 22d, J8i3, cntit.lcd "an net to pro\'ido for opening: nnd keeping iu repair county ronds," apprr.1\'Cd l\l:ll'Ch 1, 18i7 ........................ ............... ······ ········· ........... ····••······················· ······················· ····'' 12

Section •I, of chapter '2:!1, nets 1872-3, couc:crn111ginsurancc companies ................................ 85 Chapter .).1, nets 1875, concerning as�c�111cnt of t:1xes ................................. ...................... 136 Sect ion 53, of 12J, nets 1Si2-3, relating to the election of county snpcrintcndcuts of

schools .......................................................................................••.............................. 148 .Acts of 1875 and 1877, relating to iosp,?ct.ion of tobacco ...................................................... 15-l

Al)JUTAN1' (iENEltAL, Appropriution� to pay contingent expenses of*the office of, ........... ................................. 65 G!) 'l.'o sign \'Outliers for pay und certify amount due officers and men of ccrtniu ,·oluntccr

1uilit.1ry cum panics for sN·\·ict•s r�ndercd in suppre:5-Siu;.; riots i section 2....................... 00 .Also, tl10 amounts due Col. Dclnplnin nn<l Cupt. Chipley ; section :?................................... 90 His duty, where any olliccr or pri\'atc bns assigned bis pay, or any part thereof; scctiou 3, 00

ADVF.P.SE POSSESSION, &clion l!I, of chapter 90, of the code, concerning nC'luril, in contrO\'Cr5-i� n0cct.lng rc:il

estate, :uncndcd ................................... ,..................... ................................................ 91 Effect of, under patent, deed or other writing, in a contro,·(.>rsy allt.'.cting )natl, whcr<' some

other per:-011 hns the 'better t.Jtle........................ ........................................................ 91 Hehl to extend to the boundaries embrriced or inclm.letl by such patent, deed etc., uulcss

person ha\'ini; the bctlcr title shall ha\'C nclual, of some part of the lnn<l, etc............... 91

JETNA COAL AND SALT COMP,\.J."'IY, Incorporation of ......................................................... , ..................................................... 254

AGENTS, Of foreign insur.mce companies tnust obtain proper ccrtiUCntc from nutlitor before c.loing

lm,i ncss.. .......... ..•...... ..................... .. . .......... ........ ...... ... ...... .. .... .. ........... .. . . . .. ...... ...... 85 Pcnnllr for failure.............................................................................................................. S5

AJ.TERNATIVE METHOD OF CONSTRUCTING AND KEEPl'.\'U JN REPAIR CO. ROADS. Scct.ion:-1 a, •I, 5 :rnt.1 20, of chapter 182, act), 1872-3, provic..ling for an, nrnen<lccl. ................ 10:: F'-1 ,vhat. t .o constitute u rontl precinct.; sect ion :-t .................................................................... 10:3 )\rhcn sun·cyor of ronds to he clcctcJ.; section a ................................................................. 10:i Uis term or oilice nnd commencement ; section :3 ............................................................... 10:l Vncnncics in ofiico of sun•eyor; how lillcd; section 3 ......................................................... 10:l "rhcn sm·v�yur tu <JUklify; his oath; section •I. ............................................... ................. J0:.J llis bond i con<litiun of, nnc.J by whom appn1\·c<l; sC"ction 4 ..................................... . . . . . ... 10:i Duty of sun·cyor as lo laying out and dividing roads into prt."Ciocts; section n .................... 10:i Lcugth o[ c�ch set:t.ion; section 5 ..................... ........................................................... .... 10a Sc<·tions to be numbered and dC'scribed; how; seclio11 5 ..................................................... J0:l )\7hat sun·nyor must �pccify in a lJOok to be kept by him; scctio11 5 ................................... 10:.�•� on sun·cyor for 11c-glcc1in� or refusing: to tlischurgc <lutic:J or his ollkc nflcr his

electiou urn.l qunlitication; scetion 20 ...................................................................... JO.:t JO.,

,BlEND)lE1'T OF ARTICLE EWHT OF THE CO:S-STlTUTlON . .Act pro,·iding: for 1hc submb!:iion oi the proposed, t.o t!w ,· of tho state for ratification

or rejection, :unl for tho election of certain·rs thereunder ................ ............... ';:.! to i-i \\'11�11 to l>c li11l,r11ittcd; section 1........................ ............................................................. i2 ''otingtoLc l,y ballot ;section 2 ........... .......................................................................... i:.! "7hat 11u1st be written <,r }Hinted on hallots; sect.ion 2 ....................................................... i2 For what ballots not to Lo rejected ; section 2.................................................................... i2 JJow election sup<'1·iutcntlctl, conducted, etc.; section 2 ...................................................... i2 \\'hnt. provj:.4ion.-1 of law to npply. except, ot.c.; section 2 ..................... ................................ 72 (.'.crtilicato of result of election at each plnco o! voting; form or, and by whom signed; st.'C-

tio11 a ................................................... �·········........................................................... 7:? CcrtificatCti mu,t correspond n.nd whn.t to cont:iin; scr:tlon a ............................................... 7:l ,vhcn, by whorn 1.111d to whom such ccrtificatc:i to be <lC'lh·c1·ctl; HCl'tiou 3 ........................ i3 )\7hon anti Lefore whom s1..1ch ccrti1h:atcs to be laid; :--cctinn •L ........................................... 73 'fwo cc�•lificatcs of r<'sulr. of election iu cnch county to be mmlo out aml 1:1\gncd; Hcction 4 ... ;a Form of such ccrtllicn1es; sc,·tion •!. •........•..••••••••.•..••.••••••••..••.•.••..•.•.....••••••.••••.••..••.•••••••.• 73 llow such ccrtilicntcs disposed o[; section •l....................................... ............................... i3 Duty of Hccrctnry of stnt.c ns to the certilicntc sent hlm ; Kccllon 4 ...................................... 7:l Wbcu certilicuto to uo Jiuu before Uo,·ernor ; •cctiou 5...................................................... 73


nnt.y of Governor in n!'Jecrtaining an<l declaring r�ult; section n........................................ ;:l l\tajorit.y \'Ole to ratify; l'ICCt.ion 5...................................................................................... 7:l "1hcn nmc1Hlm1�nt to he in force nnd <!Occt; section fi .................................... ................... : 7:t < im·crnor to ha,·c proposMl amc-nclmcnt publh1IH .. "tl, when nntl how; i,icc•tion 11...................... 7:l Ex pen�<'� of publication, how pai•l; secti<,n 6 ...........•...•.•...............•.......••.•.•..•••.........•••.•..• 7.1 Circuit judges, when nil(\ how votc<l for; section;............................................................. 7-1 \\'hat must he written or printed on hnllot of pcr:;;on voting for jml;;o; fl('ctir,n i................. ;.,

:S1>ccial pmvision �s to ti rstjmJiC'ial circuit; sc-ction 7 ........................................................ i4 How elcc1ion for jud�P. conductctl, ,�tc., nn<l rc.;,;,ult n.,.certnln�l n11<l ccr1iticd; !-ICCtion 7 ...... 74 Duty of< iovcrnor fl8 to i�sning commi�sions to jmlgC'!'-1; �cction i....................................... 7-i Commissioners; three to be elcctetl in each county. when; section 8................................. ';4 How such election to be comlnr.tecl, etc., r�111t :u;certnincd nml return� ma,lc; HCction ft... 7•l TC'nus of oniccrs elc·cterl. when to commence; sc-ction !l...................................................... 74 .Joint resolution, propo:-ting nn amendment to, ......................................................... 175 to 182

A�IF.N )))!ENT OF SECTWN TITTRTEEN" OF A RTTCT.E THREE OF THE CONSTITUTTO:s'. A,:1 providing for the submis-sion oi the profl('I�, to the vote-rs. of the state for rat.ificati?n <1r rejection ................................................................................................................. .. 75 'iG ,v11c11 to be l'-Uh111itle<l; section 1 ........................................ :·--······ .... ·...................... ......... ifi ,

rot in:,: to bC' by ballot ; �cction 2 .................. ................................................................... 'ili

,vhat ballot� for and ngainst, mu�t hnvc writt<>n or printc>d on them; s-eciion 2.................. ifi For "·hat hallot:-- mn�t nnt he rcjectecl j)•ection 2............................................................... ';.► How clcc-1 ion �upcrintcndc<l, etc., nnd re$ult :t!'--<'Crtnine<l, etc.; sr-ction 2........................ ...... ir. ,vhnt pro...-ision of law to l;!O"crn C"lcction: section:!.......................................................... ,n Certificate of rc-�nlt of clec1ion nt �ch pince oi ,·oting ; number of, form or. and by whom

:--ignetl j S\!Clion !l....................................................................................................... 7.5 Cf"rtilicatf".s mu�t C"OTT('Spon,1: ,'f"h:tl to contaiu; sc<.'tit,n :1................................................... , .•

\\·hen, by whom an,t to ,'f"hom Slll·h c<'rtificat� to be clclt'\'crc�l ; �('('tion a .......................... 7:"i Hcfori:• whom :,:.;uch ecrtilicatr� to he lnirl nnd when i 1$C'rlion •I......... ............................... . 'i.'i 'l'wo C-('rti11catc� of r<'--:nlt. of <·lc-c-tion in c.'lrh count.�· to be mndc out nnd s:igne<l; 11-cction •L. ;.:; l;,orn1 oii--uch ccrtific:\tC; �cction 4 .................................................................................... ;.:;

,,rhcrn lilccl; :,1.cc1ion -1 ..................................................................................................... 75 Duty or sc-crNary of stntr n, to c·crtHic:lte �ent to hi:-- omce; !-cction -1 ................................ �"l ,vhcn ccrtificntc to Uc- laid \)('fore thC' fi·o-r�rnnr; Sl!clion fi ............................................... -;r, Dut.:r of Go,·crnor n� to n!-cor1ninin)'.: nncl dl"clnring r�ult; i;cction :i •.. :.............................. "ill )l:ij1,rily vote required to ratify; section :, ....................................................................... ;1; \V hen a111f•11elmcnt tnkc-s ctlt .. 'Cl if r!ltHie<l: �rctim, r........................................................... iii (i,wc-rnnr to hav\"'amcmhncnt pnhlbhcd, whc-n nnd how; St"'Ction 6.................................... 71; Expcn�I.!� of publiration, how paid: Sl'C'Lion G ............................................ w .................... iG J'oiut r(•,.olution. propl,sin� un am("Ulhncnt to, .................................... .............................. 182

ANTIF.1',DI XATION AL CE�IETERY. !;talc of ;\faryJ:1ml a11tl111riz,-.,1 rn tr:111:--fer all the ri;:ht., titlC', etc., of tho 8-tntt" of \Veit

Yiri:inln in :111<I to, to lhc 1· 11it<'<.I :,Otates .••.....................•..•.. ..•••..........•...••.•.•.•••..•••••.•• JI;{) lf tr.m:.icr has- IJC('ll :1ln::1tly m,1de u�(•tlt thcrPto is. gh·('tt ..... ............................................. lGO

A PPl•:A U,, From dcci�ion!- ,.r a1,:..c,;,--. • .r.z..-tnrs on1l (!t)unt �- court."'- a� to the;�s., .. ment of t:1xei nnd vnluatiott

of l11ml�, He. i �1.:t..·1io11s S, :!9 !J-1 18 .................. � ........................................... lOG 111 t:� 135

Al'l'EALS, SUPHF�n: COIIHT or-, (Seo Ullo ":Supremo Court n( Appc:al:,;. ")

A PPHOPRI A TION,➔• For further co11�lrnc1inn of \\'1'c:st. Yirgini:l Uo�pitnl for thl• l11Stnc, nt. \Vt"Ston .................. 15 lfi •ro pny Snn111cl Dane........................................................................................................ 1� 'l'o rcimbur:--,� 8. JI. Smith, �hrriff of Or:rnt �,mnty ............................................................ :!I Tu nltl in tiuildin� n ro:ul in R:rn•lolph t·ounly .................................................................. ·1:J '1'0 pny 1-{0ncral 1'11:trµ;c.,; u111111 thl.' tn�m•ury for fi:-tc:,l yc-:u:4 ending :'f01h ScptcmlJcr, JSi!>, :mcl

aot11 Scplc1uh�r, l��O ............................................................................................ U2 to 7l No munuy to bo paid hnyoud n,1101111ts, :1.ppropriat0d, unlcs..,., ,tc.......................................... -;1 A111lit1,r authorii':Cll durin-! lir:-t :;ix 111n111hs of li�cnl yc•ar, l1l•;,:l11ulng Oclobt..•r 1, lS.',()1 to

1111\kO pay111cn1s·to ccrtai11 iustilutiow;, Olticcr.11, Nc .. 111 :1ddi1io11 lo 1hc �11111s aprropriatcd 71 "'hen 111>pruprhuion, or so much n:-1 remains,,wn. dccmC'd to h:l\·c (':ot)Jirc<l,cte............. 71 l"ur ::it�tlc Normal Schuol nud it:; brunches, for school ycarcu11ing in 187�'1 ....... � ................. 77 78 'l"o i,ny ccrlalu \·oJuutccr mllitury l:0111pauiC-i for :scrl'iet•s ln su1,preShJ11g riot.s .................. 69 00


l�or expcn!:<'S of t'C'mo,·ing- nncl rc-pl!lcing- bonndnry mo1nrnrn11t:-; bc-lwc\!n t.his �tatc nwt Puiin:,t.yh·nniu, and ior cu11t.i11,.;cnl(.1xpcnsc�; !'-Cction 2.................................................. !li

To p.iy 11ll'tnbc-r5 oi lhP l.C'i;islat111·e, ontccr�, clerks, crc ................................................... !IS 9!J To 11!\Y �nlarh.•s of the otliccrs or the government for 1i::-cal yc:u-s c111..li11:.: in 1::;;n anti tR�0 ... rtS to 10'.! To p:ty tompcnsation alluw1..."tl by lnw to pc1"'u11s who hold courts where judge of circuit

C-:lllllOt !\C'l ............................................................................................................. llHJ 101 No 1no1u•y br-yond appropriation to be <lrnwn, un1(•ss, etc ................................... .............. 101 But .Autlitor authorized during t.L·c Jirst six months of liscal year�, h<'gi1111ing October J,

18$0, to mnkc payments to certain utliccr.:s ntHl persons for :-:cn·icl'S aclu illy rcndcrcll, not. cxccctling, etc ................................................................................................. lOl 10-.!

To pay Snmucl Pox, assignee or Adam IL Gh·on ............................................................... 102 'l'o p:1y expenses, etc., of st.ate agent ou immigration ........................................................ 170

ASSESSOUS, N t1111l)Cr of, in cnch couut.y; section 1 •.•..•.......•............•..........................•..... , .................. 105 .Authority nm�duticsof, how far to cxtcnd,cxccpt, etc.; scdion a .................................... 105 ltc111u,·:1l of, scc-t.ion .,............... ...................................................................................... 10.3 Forms and instruC'lions to be fnr11htl1C'll by .Awlilor to; section Ci ....................................... 105 l'cnalty ior failur� to obey S:li<l in:--tructio11s; section,:; ................ ................................... 10..5 Dutie:-- of, in assc:,;smcnt of t"ax ........................... ......... ........................................... l•l.j to la5

PcnnltiC's on, for failing to perform their du1ics; scctiuns JO,:!�, 2;, :35, .5;:;, 71, S·I. t-;";, Sfi ...................................................... ........................ IIJ, I)� 111113 JI� 12� J:l� :nHll3.1

Com1wn�ation or, for ns...,c:-smcnt of taxes. etc., 011 property ........................................... t:J:) 1:�1 Coile and :ices of 1�7� in relation tu as�l•i::;.:--111ent. of taxc.,; by, amcntlc1l. ........................ lO,J to 1:lli To 111nkc out and dcli\'cr to secretary hoard of cd11c·ntio11 of each di�lrict. a cc·rtili('atc

:-.howinf! n;;g-rrt_!ato ,·nl11c or all property i11 his tlistrid, whcm; section .J3 .... ..... .......... H-1 EITC'ct of sncl1 cert.ilil·atc; section •J3 ................................................... :····· .. ····················-- 1.a.,a

Ai>SE�i'�I ENT DISTnICTS. Nnmber of, in each county; section 1. .............................................................................. 105 lloun,l:iry lines oi, how chnni;c,1; section 2 ...................................................................... Jt)j J.nn,l�situatc<lin dill�rcnt, how entered. etc.; :--ccti•Jn :J� ......................................... ... 111 112 In whnt rasse::;smcnt distric.•t pcrsounl property lislc(l for tnxntion; �ectiou ·!..................... 11:i

,\SSESS�IENT OF TAXES, Scr.tion G7 of chapter 109, net� l87i. concerning the, on railrond�, amcnclC'tl. .................... G to 11 Ch:q, 2!J of the code, ns :mtcrHlcd by chapter 5-1 0£ lhc acts of IS7•\ co11c:crning the :tr--s(�!'.�-

J11ent t)f t:.1xes, a1nenlled ..................................................................................... 10-I to 13G Numl>('r of nssc.s�111cnt districts i11 c.•nch county i section 1 .................................................. 10..'l Number of as.1,cs.:sors in cnch county; scttion J ................................................................... 105 ,vhcn couuty court may Jay off and change boundary l1etwccn llislritls; section 2 ............ 105 No ma�islerial district to he ,Jividccl. ................................................................................ 105 Authorily and ,Jn:y of asscs.s�rconfine<l to his districts, except, etc.; section :1 ••.••.•..•.•.•.••.. JO,; I:cn10,·aJ of a�sC"SSOrs fro1n oflh:e; section 4 ....................................................................... 105 Audit,,r to prepare and forwarJ printed forms for laml and pcrs<>n:11 property books; sec-

tion 5 ....................................................................................................................... 105 Also, for the list or rnxnblc �mhjccts; section 5 .................................................................. 105 Also, writlC[1 or printed in1;truct.ions ror 1hu proper diseh:1rgc of their duties; ,;rction U ...... 105 Penalty on n&.'ie�sor for 11ot obeying imHruction s; sections fi .............................................. 105 )looks and papers of prrdcce��r lo he <lclh-crc,l to as..-;cssor 011 nppli<'ut.ion ; i;.cctlon 6 .......... 105 Pl'ualty for faHurc or refu:,;al lo deliver same; �cc1ion G ................................... ................. 105 SulJsLilutc therefor, when ninl how pro('nred; srction 7 .................................................... 100 Fee of J>ersons furnishing: copy anti how paitl ; 8l•clinn ; ............................................ ...... JOG

ConnF.CTIO.S' OF �ltSTAJ�l-:S JN LA!o:D DOOKS, Persons n:;gric,·cd by entry. in lnn<l h<JOk to apply to county court for rC'licf; section 8 ....... 100 J111prupcr cr.tril-s to be eorn•ctcd by court,; section 8 ................................................. ....... 100 JJ iu ,·alues, hO\\' dctcrnli11('tl; sec1 ion 8 .............................. .......... .... ............................. 106 Procecllin;.;s whcn' court n•fu�c i-L•licf; �u?etiun 8 ................................................. .............. JOG U more th:m one Jistriet in c·ounty, nml the average ,·aluc of l11ud unequal, how c.-ourt to

equalize sa111c; �cclion 8 ............................................................................................. JOG Bnt no such ortler of <·ourt to prcc:lu<lo relief in lu�lh•id11nl cne:cs; sect.ion 8 ........................ 106 Appcah:, wrHs of error or .,;upersc<f,.a.\· lie to the circuil court; Hcctlon 8 .............................. JOG ,vhcn value of rc:il cstalc hn� bcc11 or shall be di111ini1i11cd llccnusc of flood, flrc, storm, etc.;

ho,f' assessment of corrected and relief ntfonled; .section 8 ............................................ 100


If such relief is 1·cf11se<l, whol then, sc,·tion � .................................................................... JOI; .-\�c�s,,r lllll�t 1:t1rrcct his laml ))l>oJk a:i tlirc-ch."1.1 t,y co1111ty cv11rt, ,:tc., or IJy l"irc11it court on

"l'J'C:11; when, sections S. !1 ............................................................... -.................... IOG 107 J\ntl such corrcctctl a�l·ssc,1 ,·aluc lo contin11c1 u11til, clc.; �ctio11 S ................................... 107 Nu taxes a�:-:c:,:-t.•ll n.1111 paid prior to, etc., to he rclca!-100 ul' 1efumkd; st•cti•Jn S ...••••..........•. IOI Other correct ions to l.c 111:11lc by asscs.•or; scetion :1 ........................................................... 107 Duc.y of :u•se�ur as tu Jami� 11ot ruten:t.l ou his books null not licfor\! assc�">C<lj .sec1io11 10 ...... 107 \\'ithiu "'hat ti1nc; st·ction 10 .......................................................................................... ·107 J row such lauds cutrrctl anU•�-;cd; scc.:lion 10 ............................................................... 10; Penalty on �sscs�ur for inilurc; section 10 ........................................................................ 10; l�xc1..•ptio11s as to countic.r,; where :1�e:-..Smc11L hn.-t l.lccn tli�111:uscd with hy J:1w; �cctlou to ..... Hli How lauds i 111propt•rly assessed ju one tL�l'SSllll'lll districL tr:msfcrrCtl to proper llislrict,

cit·.; section 11 ........................................................................................................... 107 ll11ty ,,[ a,scs._-ur i11 whose 1.,ook it wns crro11co11sl1· cutcrt'I; scetion 11 ............................... IOi ,-;;1111c whcr� Ian,\ ass,'&.'<·tl in wron:; 11w;,islcrial ,1is1riei; ,cct'ou 11.. ......................... ........ IOi

Pro,·isio11 in c:1:-;c of c.:hai,gc in l,ouutlnry Hnrsoicou11ti('S ordistric:1.s, or rreatiun or ucw on(•s; :--cctiun 12 ....................................................................................... ....... ......... 107

Cn.,snE OF OWSEP..SIIIP on v.,LU.\TI0S-("lENJ:.:r.A!. Rl1r.E RJ·:..SPEl'TISG, La11tl correctly c-har:rCtl not. tu be tr:m:-ic>rrt..-<l or n-a"'--.c:-setl, exr.ept. etc.; section 13 ...... -...... JOS

LIST OF lJJ.:t:os, ETC., 1'0 JU-: Ht:POHTJ-:o TO TUR ..:\SSE!'-5-0ns, Clcl'ki:i of county court to furuish li:-:t of tlecds to :155<.•�:o;or, when; scc1i1J11 H ........................ lOS \\. hat StH.'h li:-.l shall �tatc; sct•tion l·I ......................................................................... . ...... lOS Pro,·i�,) whl•rc sc,·c,nl ,It._.ctls for �m-nc lnncl; FrCtion 1-1. ...................................................... tOS

Li�L of jn.l:,mcnL-; and <lc<-re("s to l," fur11ishcd liy clC'rks of courts, whe11; section 15 .. ......... 105 Co111c111s oi such list, section ];; .............................................................. .................. ..... JOS List of lands du\'i:-:cd hy will, to he furnished by clerks of court-', section lG ..................... J0S \\.h:tt. to Uc :-t:lll"<l in �uch list, scL·1ion 16 ............................................................... , ......... l0S OJliccr Cl't tiiyrn� sud1 list�, to dl'lh·cr ropy to n...�c�:o1.•>r, s..•..:tion 17 ...................................... lClS \\'hcrt� thcrl• is 111urc thnu one ns.:;c3,1•. 1r in rount,r: what tlH?U, :-ii:.c1ion 17 ............................ JOS Al.l:-itract of g.-anb to he furnishcJ to clerk of Nt111ty court hy sccrct:uy of st:u�; w-bco, RC,C.

tion IS .................................................................................................................. 10$ 109 CIC'rk':,, tl 11ty thereon, SC'Ctl,111 1$ ....................................................................................... l�l J\�nalty on any otlict•r for f:tilurc to cli:-!t •h'lrgc any duty rcquir<'d of llim, sr<'tion 1!1 ........... JO!) Pa rty in1erc::ncd may procure copy or suc-h de1..'tl, etc., nt hi�ow11 co.::t and rleli"er il to tho

asst·�:-or, :--cc1io11 :!O ......................................................... ............................................. JO<J Duty of assessor t,lior�1Jn, srction 20 ........................................... � ..................................... _ 109

CII.\NGJ; OF OW�J.;n�111r OR \',\I.UE, HOW Esn-:JU�D n1· TIIE ASSH�n, Chan�c to Uc noted hy th,· as:it•:-..-.or on hi� J:111d b<w,k, :-:,-c1ion 21 ......................................... 109 La11tls mcntionCtl in ab�lr:lCl uf �el'rctary ni �t:uc; Lio,,· cnh•retl :met as..;e�scd, SC'dioo 22 ...... 109 J.,cnnlt.y un a�l·R.,or fur failun•. �L'1.·t it•U '.!:! ........................................................................ _ lO!J Hc:tl ('Slnte JJt1rch:1:-::('1.I by �tale U()t t·J be en1t•1wl, �-c1ion :?:) ............................................... 10!) .Au,litor 10 keep rcgi:-:1,•r oi such l:H1tl:-:, st·eti11n :!:l .................................... ......................... 109 Such l:11uls when rc,fu.·11hid, 10 Uc rl.!pl:lf·('-11 011 Jan,) l;ook:-i, a11d ho\,·, �cction :?3 ................... 10:J l{cal c-sl:lto s,)ld tonn iudh•itlu:ll for l:lX•.'� i how ,:u1t.-r,:-d o'J lan,I hf)()k, (•tc., rectlon 23 ........ 109 'l'v Le chaq.::ccl ro f11r111f•r uW1Jl'1· until 1111n�h:1.;cr gC11s di•('(l; :-e<•lion '.!:J ...... ........................... lOCJ L,'lutls :jJJCci1icd :11 li:-il", , . .lt:�ds, f'IC., how 11·,rn:-:lc•rr�l :rntl ch:tr,-:t,I; !:!C.Clinn :!-L ..................... 109

w11E!'I A Tn.,cr J:"l 01 \·11>1-:n-�1·n1-·.,c-E r... .... :,.·o A'.'.n .,rr�£1�.,1.� t:snt-:n Ta1-;s.ure, AsS<'!,SlllCllt oi tnwl�. l"tC'., l,cc .. 111in; lht! )H'OJwrty 1Ji di1lf"r1•11l pers,,u . .;i;, S('Clion :?J ........... 109 110 Snmc, whore olll' per:oiun h�-c•111ll·3 the ,,w1h'r of thl! :il1rlar-o :1111I :1notht•r oi the 111iner:lls nu-

der it, �cction :?.; ......................................................................................................... 110 How such divi�i1)11 ma,· h:i c ,nt·<·tcd ii pnrty ,fi,..:-:lliij(i.L-11. s�•c•ion :?:, ................................... 110 Hc,·icw uf n�scs:--0r':,11l�C:i-"ion hy county t·ourt: whl�II and lww, s1.-Cti,111 :,?.; ........................... 110

J,.\�DS (Jl,' A f)t\lE,\�ED J•f.:ll!IOS.

L�ntl:11 of 11cr.t0n ,tying: inl('�lnk; h,,w li�:�tl. s1.•c1 iun :.?ti ...................................................... lJO Each heir li:llJlo for whole tux until p:1rlition, :-:t·c1ion 2G ................................................... 110 Hi:i rcmc,ly in ca�c of p:\ytu(.•11t. uf r.,x,·�. sect i,>11 :!ti ................ .......................................... J 10 l.icn on Jathl thcrdur, amt huw t.•nfurcl·d,:-:ci:1it111•2G ..................... ..................................... 110 \Vhen Jnnd to be chnrJ.!(>tl 11, d,:dsl!c, Sl•c1ion 2li .................................................................. 110 \Vhcn J:,,ml\·l�c<l IQ bo :inltl 1v be chargc,1 lo ,1,�c,•1lc•11t't1 c•:::1n1c, antl how long, section 2G .. 110 Taxes in such case to t,o p:tlfl by personal rcpre.:Scn1:11in�, st•c,ion 2G ................................... 110

uow or�o on . .:n-;w nlill,1>1!--ns .,\JU:: �,ssL.�Sh:D, As.,cssmcnt of build.lugs, when m1<l how wn<lc, section 27 .................................................. 110


'rnx.C'�� on omitte1l bulldin��; how chnrg-<'d; $!!Cl ion 2i ........................................................ 110 "'hen new builcling:.., etc., to bu a&scssed i section 2S ......................................................... 111 Dcdud,ion to be m:1dc when \"U.luo of building rcducc.."tl one hnntll'ctl dollar;, �cct.ion 2!l ...... 1 11 �amc, where huiltling: tlcsl.roycd; section 2� ............... ...................................................... lll Part.y ngg-ric,·cd in such cases may apply to count.y l'Ollrt. fur relief; when ancl how ; iscc-

tion 29 ....................................................................................................................... Ill Pro�ccuting attorney to attend to intcrc!::st of county and state t.h<'l'"in i scct.iou 2!> ............... 111 Copies of orclcrs chang:iu)! nsscsscd vnluc to be �cnt to,,r by cl�rk; section :W .•............ 111 J\l�o. to proper u:,1.5cssor i section 29 .. ........................................... .................................... 111 r,cnalt.y �n nssc:;sor, etc.; section 29 ............•.........•...............................................•.....••...... 111

.MACHINERY AND FIXTUitES ATT.-\CHED TO :'-111,J.$ A:,,;'D )IANUFACTOitlES, A:'8cssmcnt of such machi1,cry, when nntl how made, sect.ion ;jQ ....................................... 111 llow such :ui::;cs.smout increased or climi11ishctl, section 30 .................................................. 111

DISTR)CT LISTS OF HE.-\l, ESTATI.:. Scpnrntc list for cnch district to be made in Janel book, section :31. ..................................... 111 Wha� to bo cutorccl t.hcrein ancl bow, section :JI ...................................•...............•............. 111

LA:s'D SITUATED l:s' DIFl-"ERF;N'T A�Sl-:5-S'.\IEXT DISTHtCTS, Ho," 1:lnd entered lying in <lilfercnt countics. i--ection 32 ................................................... 111 Efl�ct of entry nnd payment of tnxcs in a dilfcrcnt county. �cction :t2 ..................... . .......... 112 ,vhcn so cutercd, not to be entered on land book in any other (·onnty, �cction :32 ............... 11� Value of buildings in such eases; by whom a.,"cs"5cd, �cction :t? .......................................... 112 How tracts of 0110 thou�nnd acres or more lying i.n t.woor morc conntics cntcn::d nnd chnrgetl

"·ith taxes, St!Clion a2 ............................•...... _ ............................................................ 112 lf nsscssors cannot. ngrec in snch cases us to th(l' proper numhcruf acre:-- to he char;::ctl in any

IUUb'lstcrial district, circuit court to :.1ppoint commissiua<'r:J, when, scctiDn :;2 .............. 112 Commissioners to m;ccrtain nnd report proper number of ac:re:,1, to IJe entered, etc, sec-

tion 32 ................................. ...................................................................................... 112 Such report nrny be confirmed or re-committed, �cction 32 ...................................... ......... J 12 A�sessor in such cases shnll enter the numher of acrc>s as the court shall orck-r, section :3:.! ... 112 Error as to t.he 11umbe1· of acres so entered and char;;t!ll fvr <listnct aml co;.1nty purposes ;

ho\\· corre<.:tct.l; sett.ion 32 ............................................................................................ 112 Entry o[ and payment or taxes for countr and district purpus<'s, on any !>IUch tract of lautl

in nny one com,ty heretofore 111nclc1 not !o be dfectecl or impairccl, �eet i11n :u ................. 11� Dut r.verr such e11try, etc., shall, etc., he n clisdrnrgc for all cou11ty aud district t:1xc!"

charged and chargeable t.hercon, section a2 .............................. ................................... 11'.! ,vhen az;.scssvr to charge land with county and <li:itrict taxes 011ly an,1 uot with sint.c arnl

school tax, section :12 ............................................................... .............................. 112 11:J Columns in land book i� such cn�cs to be left blnnk as to sUttc and :state :-chool tax, sec-

tion 32 ....... , .........•.••....••..•............•................•............•....................•......................... 113 Penalty on al'-Scssor. C'tc., section 32 ........................... ........................................................ l 1:; Co1H·cynncc o( 1:uul lying in two or more nsscs.smc1H district.�, In the cli:r.trit.:t, is

not ns.-..csse<l, section 33 ................................................................................................ 113 Duty of assL"SSOr in such CIL'>O. section::\:\. ................................................... · ......................... 113 Same, where land li�s in t.wo or wore 1ungistcri11l ,listrict�, �ec1io11 :u .................................. JJ3

J,:QUIRIV-"' TO DJ-: i\(AJ>E OP LAXL> OWNJ�H.S .AND TJIEIR AGJ-:XTS. Assessor must- carry l\·lth him land hook of prccccling year, cte .. section 3;1 ........................ trn Entries on, etc., 10 he shf')wn to person churg-cd wit.h land, or his ;1g:cnt, scc1ion :35 ............ 1 rn "rhnt, such person or :.1gcnL must state vn on1h, se(•tivn :J5 ..................................... ............... 113 Uso to Le made l,y nsscssor of such information, seer ion�� ................................................. 11:J Pe11alty on own�r or agent for r�fwdng to i.;ivc i11for111 nt.io11 r(•qnireJ, section :l!i ................. II:{ Pcualt.y on a._,;,scsgor for neglect in such cu:,cM, sectiou :1.1 ............................... ...................... 113

Fon�t OF LAND UooK, TRACTS 01-· L,\XD, Tows LOTS. J...nnil br,ok, form of and what to contain, section :;G ............................................................ lH 'fal>lc of tracts of lnnd, what to be entered in, sect iou 37 ........ .......................................... 1 J.1 'fnl>le of t0\\"11 Jols, whnt to be cutcrell in, sect.ion as .......................................................... 11-1

ASSMSSMJ;;�'l'S TO IJAVJ-: H1•:F'Ji:Ut-:N<:'E TO 1S1.' OP F'ETIRUAH.Yj '1'0 ,vno11 TAXES AJU; CHAHORADT,J;;. ,VhC"n nsse:-sor to b,,giu u�sl."ssn1cnt. section ;j!l ............................................. ..................... JH ,vhnt llC 111ust usccrtnin, :-icct..ion :it> .................................................................. -................. l 14 'rnxes, by \\·ho1n lo l>c paid, section 39 .............................................................................. 114 \\rho deemed owner or 1·enl and J >CTt!Onul pr11pcrty for tho 1,1ir1,vsc of taxntion, sec-

tion 40 .......•................••....•.....•.....•..... ··········•·····················•············•·········· •........ 114 115


Dy Wll0"1 Pnor>:KT\" JS TO m: LISTED, Owoor of property, if of full ngc, etc., to list for taxntlou. section 41 ................................... 115 ,vhat he mu�t list, except, etc., �rliou 41 .•.•...........•.......•.•....••............•......••.....••...•.•...... 115 Propcrt.y of minor, by whom lh,tcU, sect.ion -JJ .................................................................. J 1.; S<•paratc property oJ married women, by whom listc<l, section -U ....................................... 115 \Vhcn pr,,pcny of husLanU may Uc li�h.'d by "ifc, section -11. ............................................ 115 I'ropcrty liekl in trust, Uy whom listed, section .,1. ........................................................... ]15 Property of dl'ccn.scd pc•rsu11 to lie listed by pc1�11al rcprc�entati,·c, section 41 .................. 115 Properly of insane pcnmu 01· co1n·icL, by hi:; cou1mittc�. sc·l"liou ·LI .................................... 115 <Ji a cornp:my, whc1hcr incorporatct.l or not, how listed, st•ctiou -11. .................................... 115 I>ropcny in t.hc hands of a rccci\'Cr or l-owrui�sioucr, to be Jistcd Uy thc111, sec-

tions •II, tiG ........................................................................................................... 115 123 :\loner Ucposite<.l to the credit o( a suit, how listed, scctiuns -JI, Go .............................. ltJ 12-'l Pro1,tfft.y oi ouc pcr:)on listed by uuot.hcr, bow li�lcU1 �eclion •12 .......................................... JJ5

Pnvl'�H.TY E.'ODIPT J,·uol1 T.:\X..\1'10'.:\', EXCE.M', l::TC., \Vhnt. property is cxc•mpl frotU taxntion, section -13 ..................................................... 115 J lG ,vhat UOL so CXUIUpl, section -J3 ........................................................................................ JIG

AS-.SES-'!>:UE�'l' OP CA1"1TA1'10S 'l'.1\X, \Vho to be a�scssed wilh c:ipitalion tax. section -1-1.. ............................................................ llG Such l;lx. to Le paid Lut once ill tbc �amc yc:ir, M?ctiou •14 ...................... ........................... llG

l'mtsos .\L Pn0PJ:::lll'Y-O1!:FI:-.ITlO�S, The words "tomtty court'' nncl "pc�ons.'' whut. I hey indndt·, sec1ion -15 .............................. lli \Vords importing rc.;,i<lcnce, as ap1dicll lu lir111s, etc.; how n-gar<l1..>d1 sC>ctiou 45 ................... 117 \\'ords ''personal 1n·opcny,'1 ddiucd. svction -'ti ................................................................. lti 'l'hc wont "money," what it includes, Sl'Clion -17 .......................... .................................... ll7 \\'hnt i11cludcd in 1hc wvnl "credit�," section -'7 ................................................................ 117 \\'hat in the word ••invcstmc11ts," 1,cc:tion -17 ........................................................... ......... 117

,vuA'l' P.Eu . .so::-,;�\L l't:OPlO:H.l'Y JS TO LlsTED 1''0R 'l'AXAl'lON, AXD ,VJIAT l\oT, All p<..-rsoual property bclouging to persons r£'siJing- in this 8tntc, etc., scc1ion 48 ............... ll'i Also, all }1cn;o11al \>n..>pcrty in the :Hate, though owned by pc1�us residing out. of tlw i;tute,

�Ct:I ion ·IS....... ....... ..... ...... .. . •... ..... ... ...... .. .. .. ...... .. ....... .• ....... ............ ......... ............... ... 11; \\'hal, JICl'.so1wl prupcrty uot to bl) listed 01· tnxcd, section •18 ..... ! ......................................... 117 All 111oncys ln•l1)J1gi11i; to citizcusoi this slate, and lo:med, etc., in ·anotllcr stale, to be tnx-

c1..l1 �ection -1� ........................................................................................................ 117 118 Is \VIIA1.' D1::.TU1t.:T }>1::n.,;(l�AL PHOl'l:J:llT).' IS 'fO DE LISTED,

"'h:ll prrsonnl property h'l lw lish't.l in :1sseS:-Smcut dislricl, whcro the person listiug reside:,, :-iCCli011 .J!) .................................................................... .............................................. 118

Such pni111..•rt.r emp:1Jycd in tnult! ur Lu.siUt':i."' bC'longini; to n 00111pauy or l.udividu:tl, ,,•hcrt, li:--1ed1 �c1..·li1..111 ·I!• .......................................... ..................... .............................. 118

"'hc-n 1u 1 11..· listC'd, wl1t:•r'-· the :-:t111Hj may bt"! t•ll the lina of Fehru:uy, se-(•tion •l!J .................. 118 Hut Hs.icl:SUlCI\L uml 1,:1y111t ... lll vi lax .. .-s in may C,Jllll1,y. cw., CXOHl·ralC:·5. otc., ::il.-etion -m ......... llS

YALl'A'l'WS uF PJ!.HSO!\AI. l°UOPI::HTY, How ,·aluo of 1·cr1..·di1�•• 10 b•· Ci-ltimn1t"<.l, �ec1iv1? 50 .............................................. .............. 11$ Vuluoof "iu,·1..·:-lnicnt.:..,'' ho\,· e:.1ima1l(-tl, scc1io11 :::,0 ............................................................ 11S \Vht·H i11di1ddual �1udd1vl,l i·rs in l"v111p:111y, nut to IJc tt�"i-('!-Sl�d, Scl·liou 51 ........................... 118 \VhaL lo l.ic lkd11dt•1l i11 listi11;.;: cr�lil� :llltl i11vc.,;1111f•11t�, :,;t.'Ctio11 ;):! .................................... 118 lJUlcrclll'C lH.:twccu :t$C�ur nnd ow11cl' U,ij to thu value of 1>crso11al prupcl"ly; how settled,

�cclivn &3 .••............................................................................................................... 119 Ll!.,T TO Ill•; CAl,J.ED •·on HY A::--51•:sson,

.Assessor to a�ccrtuin :Ill pt."r.Sv11al ·pr1JJJer1y tnxablo with il:s ,·.1l11c; wh,m. section 64 ............. 119 I.le mu�I call upou every p1:ns1111, c1c .. for hiii list. :m,l v:du:11iou, st·ctiou 05 ........................ lHI Persons tounswcr u11tlcr o:1tl1, ::-t1ch qucs1ions :is a:-:...;;t•�-.ur nrnr ask, etc., sc-c1ion oJ .............. lltl Atlidavit rc1.tuin.'tl o( any }'l'l'ti'-'" who rc1.ur11:s ,·uluation oi prnpcny oi any bunk, otc.1

sect iou 55 ............................................. ..................................................................... 119 Pcm alt\' on ra:-:st!.S..-;or for faili11j,{ to 111ake such r•11IJ, etc., sr:ction 55 ......................................... 119 1;•ur111s


of lists to h(• [un1ishet.i IJy ai-s1•::,,..-,or wht•n required, �ectiuu 5ti ........ .......................... 119 :Sut-h forms to be lcit. ut pcrsou'b rcsidcucc it ol>�nt, nu,t with whom, scctlou 56 ................. . 110 .A�essur':s duty whcro 110 pcr:)on Iou11t.l nt rP�idcoco of per�on rC(1uireJ to list. property,

scc·tion on .................................................................................................................... tJ!) }.'orm ui oath to ho wkcu to lx, uppcuch.'U to list, 8Cction 56 ................................................ HO


Duty of JlC't"son <'ailed upon, etc., to return Hst. of property within tCu days, section 57 ........ it9 To "·ho111 Tl'lurncd, section 57 .......................................................................................... 119

\Vhnt such list to runtain, sl!ction 57 ................................................................................. 11!> Forms of oath to be taken, section 5i ........................................................................... 1J9 120 \\"hen prn5on may refl1sc tovnluc person:tl property, section 5S .......................................... 120 Iu such case nssc�sor to assess ,·nluc thereof, :;ectiou OS ...................................................... 120

PEXAJ.,TlES, For rcfnsins 10 furnish list of property, section 59 ............................................................ l�O Ji"or refusing to t�1kc onth, sec lion 5� ................................................................................. 120 For rcfu�ing: to answer nn<l answering fa)sely :111y quest.ion propounded by assc�sor1 scc-

1;011 5D ........................ .................................................. ...... ................................... ... 120 For rd using lo be cxnminctl un<ler oatl.J, section 59 ............................................................ 120 }i"or failing w deliver st;llonMnt, ctc.1 !"c:dion 5fl ................................................................. 1�0 For failing to give truo list of money lo:11;cd, sc·ction 59 ..................................................... 120 Duty ofnssC.&$Or where person fails to!uruish 1,ropcr list., or if list. furnished be iucomplctc

or erroneous, section GO ............................................................................................... 120 Duty of person having possc�iou, etc., oi property to produce same to ;tSsc:;::.or when rc-

quirctl, sec:tiCin GO ........................................................................................................ 120 Pcnitlt.y on person ior rd using, section GO ........ : .......................... .' ................................ .1'.!0 1 21 lluuschold nml kitchen furnitu,c 11ot to llo listed except. ns provided l>}• law, section Gl. .... 121 .J\ 1uay nd1uiuistcr oaLh:,:1 scc.:tiou G� .................................. ....................................... 121

TOLL DRIDG.1-.:S AXD FERRIES, Va.Jue of toll brid:;cs nntl ferries. bow asccrt:1iucd and assessed, section 63 ........................... 121

L"CORPOH.ATJ.::V C031l'AX1E.S, Real nnd prnmnal property o( inc-orpornlcd compauics, cxc·ept, etc.; how asccrtnined antl

nssc,:;scd, section Li-1 ........................................................................ ............................ 121 ,vhcrc br:.mclu:sof ::mch compauic� to Uc :1::scs.,;cd, section G-1 ............................................. 121 llcal ;.uHi'pcrsonnl property of navigation couipa11i(:S aml other joint stuck transportation

cotup:rnics, other 1hat1 railro:i<ls; ,,,-here taxed arnl how :.1��c·ssul, st·c·tiu11 G-1. ................ J:!l ,vlu..'rc ca1,ital oi such co111panit•s is as ... -sesscd, the pc.•r::.011a� proJH .. ·rty lh,.:rcuf �hall not b�

othcr"·iso a�Sl'sscd, sectio11 ti4 ................. ............. ................... : ................................ l!!l Nor shall tho shnrcs of s1oc_kholdC"r:; or par I uers he n8scsst-<l tu them, sccl iou tiO .................. 121

CA1°1'1'AL USJ!U IS 'l'UADE on llUSlNESS HY !il.t-:RClJA.=,,:'l's A.SD 0·1·u1-:n J.:,,:IJIVJJJ\J.AJ..S OH 1-"JIUJS. Cnpital of indiviU.unJtS n11cl firms used in traJo or busi 11c�; how ns!..·crtuinc«l a1Hl asse:'!>:n·<l,

section i.;.; ......... ........................................................ .. ............................................. J:.?:? J>uty of pcr�ou or Jir,11 COntllll!Jlciu� bu:--i11c:-i; after the first day of Fcl,ruary, sc<..ti•JII G5 ...... 122 Duty of asst·s�or in such cascs1 tiec1iu11 G."i ............................................................ ............... J:t.! l'rupcrt.y so asSCS.'iCd not, t.u l.Jti uthcrwiso listed or assessed, etc., sCL·tion 05 .................. l:!:.! _to 123

RECBIVBU:i, CO�BIJSS!OXJ•;ns 4\XD CJ.EJ:li'.S UP C'OUHTS. Assc.--sor to nsccrt:iin from rccch·crs and cu1111 11is."iiu11crs, wliaL rnuucys, l,uuds, etc., arc uu-

Ucr their co11tt·•.1l1 etc., �ccLion 01; ... , ............................................................................. 1:t::; .. Also, from ckrks c,f courls Lho :uuuunt. of moucy:i c.lcpo:;itcd to the credit. of :mils, elc.·., sc·c-

Livll Gv .................. ••••••••••••••••·•·•••••••••••··••••••••••·•·••·•·••••·••·••·•······•••·•···••······ ·······•··•··••·• 1:1:l U.\Jr.RQAOS.

Prupt'rly of railrou<l companies, how uuc.l by wluJtn li�tcd fol" t:1xa1ion, section Gi .............. 123 l'ruport.i,,nal v:1lu_c of rolling stock, clc.1 lo Le a1l<lcJ. to liXCll property, amJ :1ppor1ic.,11cd

S uc1:11


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Prvvh;:o as to ro;,u.lbcd, IJridgc-s, tunnels, dt'f)Qls, 111ac:hinc shops, CIC., �l•ctiou Gi ................. J:!:; J.i�t, cu:, wltc..-u :unl willi wlwm tu bl! liltd, scctio11 tii ............................................. J:la to Jt-1 :-;uch !isl to 1,c laic.l IJcforo tho IJnarJ. uf JrnUlic works l,y auditor, section tH ........................ J�-1 lf list :mt!:-factory, aucl1101· tn a.">SCs::i p'.·opc,1�ty of co11.1p11ny, clc, s1:1·tion G7 ........................... 1

.:·' )·'or "·hat- 1,urposc.s to I,'.' iL"iS1·s:--c1l. sec:1-1011 li, ................................. .................... ................. J_., S:1id lisr. aml valuation to l.Jc, al!-01 l,;,1sis (ur 111unieipul laxat.iun, etc., scctiu11 tji .................. 1:?-l How auditor W apportion s:111i..', sccLiou 07 ....................................................................... 12-l l.f lj:;t, iu1·11i:;hc<l uot �.atbiaclol'y to UOarcl, conuuls.,;lc,u('t""d t.o bu n11p11intcd lo n:-;.;;cs:; prOpl•rty

of co111pa11y,xl'clio11 1i7 ............................................................................................... . S:u11c,if cu111pany i.tiJ t,,rcturn Jbt, st•ctiou(j7 ................................................................ .. \Vhon Q,1111nis-ti11ner:; Lo he appui.1111..�, sccti(,u ,;? .......................... .................................. .. <.iuuliLicatiun, nuiut101· Ull(.l l"\!:-E.iJcucc_uI ,melt cv.uuuisHivncr:11 :icctivn Li7 ............................. .


Their dntics, section 67 .................................................... . ............................................... 124 Srnrcmeut 10 l,c furnislied co111111ission,!rs by :nulitor, section 67 ......................................... 12-l Ii no such statement has b"Cll filed, wh�t then, section G; ....•............•.............................. 12 .J \Vhcn anc.l lo whom nssc�s.meut made by such cvnuuiE�ioners to 1,c rclurncd,scctinnG7 ... #0. 12-1 Their cl1•�ision to be fi11:1I, !--1•cti1111 Gi ..................................................................... ............ JU A��::ssmcrn of property of the comp:iny to he cc:rtiGcd hy the auditor to ihe l.-Ouuty court

of l':tch county through which railroad runs, SC't.li11116i .......................................... 12-1 125 Dmy of court on receiut of such ccrtilicate, section Gi ....••...•.•..•..••..•.•..•......••.•....••••.•.••.... 125 Duty of clerk o! such court to certiiy to the auditor the amount of coullty levy, etc., wbcu,

section Gi ..................... ..................................................... : ...................................... 12.5 Duty of Sl•Crctnry of board of .cduc:i.Uon •o c1•rtify to aU<lilor lc'"y, etc., for free ,!':Chool

purposes; ,\·hcu, section 61 ............... .......... ............................................ ................... 125 Duty of clerks or recorder of rnnnicipnl corporation to ccrlify to nudilor amount Jcl"icd

for muuicipal Jn1rp,,:,, when, scL·ti,>0 Gi ................................ .............. .................... 125 Penalty on officer !or violatin;;, etc., section Gi ........................... ..................................... 125 Failure of such oflicers to relurn to Auditor c�r1i!icntcs as to eucb le\·ies; then Auditor to

obtain rate of 1:,xat10n frl,111 ����or:-' Look:Son file in his ollice, section 67 ................... 125 Taxes to be charged Uy auditor to co1111 ,:ioy; for wlrnt purposes nnll how, sec1ion 67_ .......•. 125 Andi tor Lil transmit to compauy :,,tntement of tnxes cl.iargcJ ngainst it, sectiJu Gi ............... 125 ,vhcn and to \\'l1at ofliccr, �e{'tion Gi ........................... ..................................................... 125 Ir company is a-;:;ricvetl by �St'S�ment, etc., m:iy file petition before board of public

wurks 10 hav\! :-:u110 corrected; whe11. scc1.iou 67 .................................................... 125 12G Bo:trd of public works ha\·c J>OWl'r to C•)rrect errors, etc., section G7 .................................... 12:G If error has bC'cn made by clerk oi cour:.. or secret.arr o( board of c1luc.'llion iu �rlifying

their rates ol apportio11mcnt, etc., audiV>r to corrc1.:t such error, "·hen, S('Cliou 67 ........ 126 Pro\'iso as to when upplit-a1ions 111ust be maJe for such corrections, section Gi ............ _ ...... 126 ,vhcn company to pay 1axcs into 1re:1s11ry, section Gi ........................................................ l:!G Dednctiou to he if protuptly J•nid. sct�1ion Gi ...................... ..................................... 126 ff lnx('s not p:1itl in time, tc>n prrcentum M be ndJe<l thereto, c1c .. section 67 ..................... l:?ti Auditor tn ccr Ii iy to �h(.•ritf 1:1x<'s, ch.-., 10 he collt'Clt?<l, i:ci:tiou 67 ...................................... 120 Sheri Iii;' duty therco11, sc,·tiou 6, ......................... ................... .................................... ... 126 llow �uch laxc:- colh--ch•c.l n11d rll·co1111tt.."<1 for, �('Ction Gi ..................................................... l!!t.i Provis♦1 a� to county :nllhurities compromisio�or rc111it1ing ln..xcs, :.cclion 67 ..................... 125 School t:axcs nnc.l rutudcip::il corp(Jration raxcs, wlJcu collcctc-d by :-.Urriffto � paid toircas-

urcr or proper dii-:trict or C'Orporation, �L'Clion 67 ........................... ............................. 12G ,vh<'n co111pany pays taxes into treasury, nuditur tn settle with sllel ilf for county Je,-ics,

St·cl ion Gi' .................. ··············· .. · ....................... .............................. ........................ 12G Sherill to uccuunt for :,;uc-h ledct-to ,·ounty ctn1rt, !-•·r.1iou fii .............................................. 12G .A11HH111t so paid into I rcasury for sc•h1111l J-'llrJ>O:it'�, how lli�po:-1cd o( :rntl Jt:tid, �ection Si ..... 1:!G Auditor to ct.•rtiiy to c1Ju11ty t:OUr t th� a1oou11r oi county le\'Y shc1iff is cbargroble with,

"'hen, sect.iu11 Gi ......................................................................................................... 12G .Also to county supcrin11•111lt:11t .. r �lwols 1ho u·.tount ,,r h·,·ies due 10 <':tch dislrici, etc.,

section fii' ................... ..................................... ......................................................... 127 The a111.01111t so p:iitl in f,1r n11111kip-,I \:,,rpor:uiorL-,, mulhor to p:,y to trc-rumrer of ec,rpora-

ti,,111 �l""!Ctin11 1ji ........................... ............................................................................... 12i l'"'olJurc of Lhu propn oftic1•r:-1: '" 1·t•rr if y to :u11littlr th(' li.',·i�:', c•I<'., wichii1 lhe tiute pre::cribed

not to it1\"alid1,1,, 01 pre\·r-nt• .. 111Vn1, �••t•livn t:i ........................................................ J2i But I ho auiliLor :,1hull 111abJ I lie as�"-'s. .. 111L"nt aud proc411-<l 1,, {'-,Jllt•l!t or CC'rliiy the same to-U1c

shc•ri1r1 ct,·., �cc1ion •i; .......... ........ ................................................................. � ......... 127 Tho rig-ht of tho stalt·, Cl<· .• 1,r uu11iiripal corpur:Jtiun to cnforrc by .sull or olherwisc the

collcctlon of 1nxe:- Jwn:1oi,.,nJ a.,:-it!.-.:,\•d, Pie., 11c,t 10 ltC' i111paire1l, SC'ctlou l.ii .................... 12i Bui11ling:� nml real e�l:&ll! uf e11111pany, u-.:�d ,)J' oc..-cuph•cl fur 1111y JHtrP"SO not hnrue<lhucl)

C'OllllCCI.Ctl with its railro:11I, how; hvw n:-..."l'�<'tl a111l l:\Xt,I, �rclion tii, ........................... 127 Samons to .!:Hl<·h Uuil.-litti;:,;. f!lc.1 rl'llh.•d 1,, indi\ idu:tls, si:c.:ti<,11 07 ........................................ 127 CompcnR:ll.ions (If cum111i�-.io11cr!( n11fl hcl\\· paid. ,!,:,•c1i,m tii ................................................ l:!7 Vncaucit?s In bo:ll'<l of comn1b .... io11<'r . .;. 11 .. w lillL'<I !HHI nrw bo�,d� :lP()\lintcd ........................ J:!7

MAKl;-;G \JI' TIii-': f'F:1;�0;-;.-\(, rnort-:!:T)' lh)OKS.

Per�nal property hooks, how m:1.Uc UJ• :H1d ,,·hal 1.0 nrn1ain. sN·lion GS .............................. 127 Dutr of t, rnk olliccrs to furnish :\S5C.").'i0r3 with rnmh..'.i of nou-rt•.:i-ith.'ul stockholllers, and




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i!�· ·c;�:::::: :: : :: :::::: .' .'.'.'.'.'.':.'.' .' .' .' .' ::::: .'.'.' :: :::: �----::: ::::: :::: :: .' ; ;: Taxca omitted iu former yenn;, "h�n to be entered, sortiou 69 ........................................... lU




Assessor mu�t :t\ltl up col muns of ligurc� on cucl.J pugc of land and J>crsonnl · property lJook, etc., S('ction iU ........................................................................................................... 129

Abm, nt the end of cnch district Iha, scc1ion 70 .................................................. ................ 129 How the same is to be done, and wh:lt it. must show, section 70 .............. .......................... 129 'l"otals so ascertained: whcu trnnsforrcd, how ntldcd up and ""hat to show, sect.ion 70 ......... 129 ASSC'ssor to report his own property for taxation, uudcr oath, 10 the clerk of tb.e county

cuurt, scclion 71 ......................................................................................................... 129 How he must enter nnd 1\SSC$ hiM own property, !-;Cl'linn it. ............................................. 129 Pcualt.y for failure, etc.', '!C<.:tion 71 ................................................................................. 129 uuty o[ assessor in cuscs where no laud or pcrsoRal propc-rty book h�1s been made out for

noy ycnr since 1SG5, etc,, section 72 ............................................................................. 129 Effect oi books maclc out in such casc!'I und proceedings. thereon, scc·tion 72 ......................... 129 Duty of n-;st!S!ior if interrupt.lid l>y ')';tr, insurrection, etc., HCction 7a .................................. 129 Collection of tnxcli in such cuscs, section 73 ........................................................................ 129 Hlnud book Uc tlcshoycd, etc., how rc-nsscssmcntof lnnc.lsmny be mndc, secllon 74 ...... 129 130 Co1upcus:.,t.ion tllcrc(or, section 74 ..................................................................................... 130


.Asse�sor to 111:1.kc three fair cople:i or peni:oual prop�rty book�, section 75 ........................... 130 Am.I. prcscut them, with lists, to r.hc clerk of the c,,uuty court, section i!i, .......................... 13() Clerk's duty thcrco11

1 section 7;)........................................ . ........................................ 130

.Assessors lllUSL �,ucn<l otlicc o( clerk nntl ussistat thP cxtunin3tion.s, etc., section 70 ............ 130 Clerk to point out errors tu nssi,ssor, section ;5 ..... ...................................................•........ l!lO 8uch errors to be corrected and how, �cctions i:i ................................................................ 1:\0 li clerk nn<I assessors disn;;rcc, prosecuting attorney to ,tccidc, >e<·tion 75 ........................... l:lO Books. when a111l ho,v to l.H! certified by clerk, section 75 ........ .......................................... 130 Form of certificate to be npptinc.lcd to ench hook by clCrk, �eel ion 75 .................................... 130 Uath of ussc.,sor to penhmnl propl'rt.y book, scL·tion 76 .......................................................... 130 Ccnifu..:ntc uf ollicer aUmiuitltcring sucli oath, .st•ction iG ..................................................... 130 .A�scs.:;ur must nl:,;o make three fair copies oi land l>ook. section ii ...................................... 131 Aud present tltc t..:uue to tho clerk of the co vu Ly courL, sect.ion 77 .......... , ... , ....................... J!H t:lcrk's Juty thcrt-1lu, �cct.iun 77 ....................................................................................... 1:Jl Errors tu l>c pointed out antl corrc�tcU, how, section ;.; ...................................................... 1:u lu case of a Ji:m�recment mt to such orror Uelwecu clerk uncJ as:S:cssor, prost !culing attor11c�·

to, section ii .................................................................................................... 131 uf clerk to land book, whc11 nntl how made, scctio11 77 ....................................... 1:n Out.h o( u.sscssor to luud hook, sect.ion 78 .................................................. .......................... 131 l' of officer administering o:tth, st'clion iS ............................................................. J.:H Ouc copy of e.,cl.a \Jook, with lists, etc., to UC delivered lo clerk of <:onnty court. when, t-1ec-

tion i!J .............................................................. ! .......................... . . ...... ................. .... 132 Clerk must prc•�(•n·e the snmc in bit; office, section i!J, ....................................................... ta:! lSucb uooks to bo frco for iuspL'ction L•> all pcrsuns, section ;o ............................................. 1:12 Cuµics tbcreol, etc., m:ir bu hnd 111 the ohnrgc of Lbc pcr:-011 ,tcslring the snn,c, section ,9 ... !:St 8uch books to servu for lnying the county lo,·y, sect.ion i!I ... ............................................ la:! Another c11py vf t.-:1cla of �aid l>ouk!il t.o l>e dcli\'crcd to �hcrill� etc., when, g�tiontSO ............ l:l� Such copies tu UL' his guiuc in tho collection of tuxes, section 80 ..........•.............................. 1ai \\'llut dt.:t•u�c.-c.l n tlcli,•cry or such copici to t.hc sheriff, whl!U he cn11uot be found section 80. tat J:<.cniaini11g c,,picsof each or t1:1hl hooks to be t.runsmiltcd to audito1·, wheu, scc1itm St. ...... 1:J:! ,vhnt ccrtificulc to bo uppcudctl thcr(!to, section Sl. ........................................................ J:-1� Huch copies te he n guide for the uutlilor iu gct11ing with slh�riff�, !-Cctlon 81. ..................... 132 And ns evidence in uuy protcccliugs dg:atust slicritl� t:'IC., 1:n.-ction SI .. ............... .. 132 .Att� 111.ay r\!quiro u( '>filt:er n written ucknowlc-<lgcrncnt. or tho t'eccipt or such copl�,

section 82 .......•••....•.....•..•.•.............•.................................•....•.•.....•.................•.....•.•.. 132 Origillal lund and 1>crsoual properly books to be retained by nS.-M?.'iSOr whilo iu offic(', scc-

tiuu 8.L ......•................................•......... .............•...................•.................................. 132 .>_t cod of Ws term to ho JcJh•orcd to his succC:85or, sect.ion 83 .......................... . : ......... ...... 132

P.b:SAJ�TY ON ASSKSSOR J.·on JI.All,1.NG '1'0 rJ.!UF'ORll JU& DUTY.

For knowingly ru:iklng n false entry, ulldillon or recapitulation in his land or pcroonru properly book or in :lily copy of citllcr, sccUou 8-1.. .•••..••••.•.••••••••..••.•••••••••• .•••••••.•••. 182

For failing to porfouu nn)· <luty required by sections 75, 76, 77, 78, section 85 ..................... 132 For failing to th-Uvcr cCJpics oi '.)CJoks ut the time required by lnw1 section 66 ...................... 132 And for failing to perform any other duL:r requireu by Jaw, section 86 ••..••..........•••••••... 132 JS:J


COllPENSATlO� 01' A88�C.ORS.

Fees of a,:;scssors, scc1 ion 87 ................................................•.................................... ......... 133 .May make out dck('t.� for fees autl place them· in lannds of otlicer for culltction, scc-1.ion s.s_ 1:\.1 !low such fees collected and accounted for, �cctiou 88 ......................................................... I� Pcnnlty for issuing iec lJilJs wrongfully, section $3 ............................................................. 133 Cowpc11sa1io11 allowed :uisessor, in ndtlitiou to bis fees, pnynblcouc. of the county tre:isury.

!:ICCLiOn $,� •.••••.••.• ,.,, ....................................................... , ....................................... ,, ... 11,1 1'o lie in full fur nll Si!n·1ccs pcriormc<l hy hiru, etc I section 89 .......................................... 133 Atlownncu to clerk oi county court, to Uc p:lid in smuc "'oy, n-etioo 89 .............................. 1:J..i Po:::Ha�c nccount 1Jf a8Scs:::or, how ,·crified and paid, sccrion 90 ............................................. 134 \Vhcu pay of ns.iscs.wr may IJe refus,,tl or reduced by court, scc1ion 91. ................................ 13·1 \Vhr.n and iu wh:ll 11Hnu1cr compcnsntiun of assessor 1110.y t,e npponioncd, etc., scc·tioo

U:! ........................... . ....................................................................... .......... ............. 13i ,vhcu usscssor appointed to fill vaenocy, entitled to wbolc con1pen83tion, seetiou 92 ........... 134,


\\'hen nu altcrntiun to be made in l:rntl nncl pcrsounl prop,!rty books, Sl"Ctiun !rJ .................. 134. How person uggrievl•<l by entry in either booJ., or n.ssl·�mcnt of liccuse tax, mny obtain

retlrl!!-S, set·tion 9-1 ...................................................................................................... 1:l.i �oticc of npplh.:alio11 for such rcdrC'ss must be given to prc•seeutiog attorney, section 91 ...... 13-1 IJuty of coun1 y court on such applicn1io11, scclic,u !),i .............................. -..................... 134 13.') Uu1y of pro;,cc111ing attorney in �uch cast•!, S('Clion !J-1. ...................................................... 135 \\·lint onll•r to he 111:tllc l>y court if applil·anl is errotH'On�ly chmyrd, etc.·., section !15 ........... 1:u To whom such urdCJ. to l>c be deli ,·cred, section !.16 ............................................................ 1:� EU�ct of, :t� a rc.-.trninin;; order, scctio11 96 ........................................................................ 13-5 \Vhcu otticer to refund money l·o11cc:letl, section !IG ........................................................... 1:n �uch order u voucher for �heritr in llis sc1tlc1ucnt wllh �m11itor, �ection 9G ......................... 13-' 1£ monuy erroneously ch:1rg{'(). h� becu pahl toto st:lle trca.sury, how reco,·crt!d, �ccrion 97. 13.."i Appllc.11 io11 the rd ore 111ust be m:u1e within oue year from d:,tc of order, section 97 ...... ..... 135 l'ou111y coun h:.wc juri::-:tlit-tion to hear. try, etc., and to corrrct a�essment. l\·ich right. of

appeal, etc .• t,) drcult court, section f/8 ....................................................................... 135

Gk.ASO JUHY TO ESQlilJtK JXTO VJOl,ATIOSS 0}._ RK\'ESUE L.-\WS. h> [urni:dl pros�uting nllornc�· u list or violutions o( rcveuue Jaws, c-tc.1 !Sec-tion 99 ......................................................... .................................. ,_ ........................ 135

.-\lturncy to�i,·c such list to for,•m:m of 1ht"' grntHl jury, SL'Cllou !)!) .................. _ .................. 13.'> llow �uch li�l to he tre:H<'ll by iur�uinn, �1.·clio11 U!1 ....... ................................... ................... l:J.:l Li�l lo rnturnccl to clrrk oi t'uurt hy IC'lrc111a11 wheu grnnd jury c.Ji�hu . .l')!'ed, section 99._ ..... l!'t.l lhlly or clerk :L" to �uch Ji�I. �t<"ti,,11 !•!J .............. .......................................... _ ...... � ........... 115 Circuit noel county court:'> to ch:tl)!c sp<•tird)�· i;r:an,t jurit-s 10 enquire into all riolutioll$ol

rc.,·cnuc lll\\'s Ly as.,;cssor3, scctinu �l'J ........................................................................... 135

OEFl�ITIOS flt' C'"EBT.\1!1\ \\'ORDi. or tlw words,. IRx," ,r 1UXeti,'' "tRx1tLlr·" und ,, IAXatl<m;" a-c1io11 100 .............................. 13$

l·1•(1� WIIA'r \·Af.l'ES 01•' 1·1:n1'1-:nTY 1 A \:f..:.: 'f(1 11,.; 1,E\"H:O. Tnx1•:- for c.·011111y, t1b1rif:I, <-ity, 10w11 1t111l vill:tq1· 1,11rp,,.;;n1 M lh· lc,·icJ UJlo>D the ,-:1lufs of

propnr(y n�cl•rt:ii11cd (or .::ita1t· puq11·s,•s, M:l·ti,n 1111 ...................................................... 135 Not lo nppl�• to IUXC3 for dty purpvst-� in litie,; or 1110n' 1 lrnn tcu chuu�!\ud i11habitauts,

tit•r.tiou JOI .............................................................................................................. 135

Act. uf 187�, rcln1 Ing to the Hrnr('n sur..-C!�· ,,f 1:-.rnl 1101 rt�p,•:tlC'll, �('('li1,u Ill":? ........................ t:tt; Chaplor 2CJ "r I he tmh, and ch:\fth!r 5·1 nd!'I 1.•r;.;, tlc.1 n•1,cakJ, section 103 .......................... 136

Al'l,ANTIC AND WisST VlllGIN[A )IININU CO)IP,\NY. r ueorporat ion or ............................................................................................................... 100

A'i'TOHN8Y AT LAW. ,v1ic11 dccruccl guilty o( n misdemeanor for fuilure to pay over mont>y rece.h-ed by him for

his clicut , section 1 ................................................................................. ................... 153 Pcnnlty fur t.uch failure, section 1 ................................................................................. : ••. l!'J.:.l :\lny testify in hi� Ol\'D l)chalr, SC't'lion 2 .......................................................................... 153 If con,·lctl·d to OC: disbnrrcc.l Crom prnNi!tlngn_c:an nttorney, .sl"Ctioo 3 ................................. 15,;l And 1hc Mme to bu entered by the court as n JllH·t fli lts judgrncut, St""etic,I! 3 ..................... 1&3 Duty or ju,11:::c or circuit court R.nd 1,rcsc-1,;111 lo� al.torn�y to �i,·o ibis oct �J><"inJly in clu1rge

of �ho gnmd Jury of each counf.y, sccLion 4.. •••••••.•••••.•.•..••••••••.•.•••••••••••••••.•••.•••••••.•..... 153


ATTORNEY GENERAL. Appropriutions to pay contingent. CXJ>Cu8es of nod ns.8i:stance iu tho office of, ................ 65 69 71 ,\pproprialions to ll3Y salary oi, ................................................................................... 100 101

AUDITOK OF tiTATE. His duti("s in rclntivu to nsscssmcnt of tnxcs on r:1ilroads ................................. 7 to 11 123 to l'.!7 llis <lntics in r�lat.i<,n to appropriation for tho further con!:llrl1ctil)u of ,vest Virg:inin lios-

pil:tl for the insane, sections 2 1111<.1 3........................................................................... 15 To pay :Samuel Hane....................................................................................................... 18 Duty of, as to school fund............................................................................................... Jtl To crcUit the accounts of G. "'· Taylor, Jatc shcriffof ! .. o�n cou11ty, with certain <lclin-

qucnt lists ............. � ... ...................................................•......................................... l� :lU To pay S. Il. Smith, shcrilfof Grant county ..................................................................... 21 lUs tluty ns to giving rclici to Daniel Looney, sole solvent security of .i. "·�. �pcnct•r, late

shcri 1t of lloanc count)· .............. :................................................................ ............. ◄5 To refund tnxc-s to E. L. Bowne of B;-illimorc, )[J ............................................................ 54 55 Duty oi, as to �ale of certain debts and claims due the st�tc ............................................. 57 58 'l�o rcfuutl taxes to I.Jank of 1-Iuntin�ton............................................................................ Gl llis <lu1.ics as to the paywcntof criulinal cltarc:cs ......................................................... 63 68 71 Appropriatious to pay contiugcat cxpensl'S oi omcoof .................................................. G5 G!> 71 .Approprir.tions to pay salaries of c-lcrks in tl,c 11flit:c of, ................... : ........................... 65 G9 71 .Appropriation to pay ex1ra clerk hire i11 the oflic<."of,.................................. ............... G5 tiG Appropriation to pay deficiency in appropriatiou for dcrk hire in theuffic·c of, ................... 67 Authorized during lirst six munths of ti:;cal yl'ar b1..·i;i11uin� Uctohcr J, JS,j0 to urnkc pa�·­mcul.s to certain institutions. officers, etc., in atlllilion to sums aJ)propriatcd for such pur-

posc•.......................................................................................................................... 71 Duty of, as to nppropriotion for support -.,f normal sch<,ols fur school year c·n<li111, in JS'i!I.

sections 2, 3....... ................................................ ..................... ...... ...... ... ..................... 77 His lluly ns to receipt.of money at the trcnsury ..... ..................................... .................... 8-1 Upou what ,·onchers, nuthorizc<l tu pay w1011ey nppropriatetl to pay ollicers and JJri\'ntc.s

of ccrtnin military compa11ks for �;cr\'ic:cs, ck., section 2 ............................................. 90 Clerk of court to c:ertify to, copy of nny order 111:tdt• rclnti\'C to sale oi forieilc<l lands, etc.,

section 5............................................................................................. ....................... !.14 Duty of, if it appear from such order that an\' 1:1um of 111one\· is in the han<ls of the com-

• rnis.·•doner of �chool lauds .......................... .' ..................... .'........................................... 9·1 Report to be m�Lc.le LO, by couuuissionrr of school l:mds; when and whut report to show,

sect ion 8... ...... ... . . . .... . . ... ..... .......... ..... .. . . .. ....... ... . .. . . . .. ... . . . ... .. .. .. . ........... ... ...... ... . . . . ...... !J-1 Autlwrizcd to �ct tie with surotics of dcfuultin� �hcritls wit.hou1. n·<1uiri11:; the payment. of

11 prr ceuL interest......................... ....................... ............................................. 9-1 95 ApproprialJc.m!-1 to pay salary of, ................ ............................................. ............... .. m.1 100 Aulhorizcll to pay certain oUiccrs ant.I pC'rsons for SC'n·icc:, actua11y rcntlcr<'d <luring firs1.

six. iuouths of fist·al year, Ucginning: OctolJC'r 1, 1880 ............................................... 101 102 To pay Snwuel Fox, a�i�uce of Adam n. Gi\'�11 ................................................ ..... : ......... 102 To furni�h Iorm'j amt in:structions to :L-..srsson:1, scctiou :; ............................... .................... 105 nciuo,·nl of n�"C'S.''>rson co1nplnint of, scctio11 •I. ........... .................................................... 105 Dut,y of, when :1ssessor cannot ohtnin ho<,ks and papu� of pre<lcc..-�sor, section i ................. 1or. To krcp rl"'61ster <,i r .. al estate purchased for :-$late al a s:ilo for taxes, �cctiou :!:1 .................. lO'J Copies or alJ orders ma<lo hy court chnngiug ns�••sscd vnJue of real cs1n1c to Lo ccrlificll to,

section !t9 ............................................................................................. ..................... 111 Mny. with tho :1ppr0Yal of Governor, appoint one or moro co111111fssiourr:-1 to re-nsst•s..-. lnnibs

nnd make up a 11ew lnnd book, whcu, section 7•1.. .......................................... ......... J:W 13U Co1,ics of laud and personal property book to I.Jo trans111iUc1l to him, when, etc .• S<'ction 31. 130 Sud1 copic� to be guide for nuditor in ·1u<llting accounts of shcrin'.i, etc., section ISL ............. J:10 To pay posl:tg:c accou11t.s of a5srS50r, section !.10 .................................................................... J3.j \\rhen uppli<:ation must 1,e made to :nu.lit or to rcco,·cr JUOnoy crroncou!iily <:hnrgetl for tnxes

and paid into state treasury, SC'Cti,,n 9i ....................................................................... 135 A copy of settlement made for Jas1. y�ar of the term of nny sheriff, by county col1rt, for

school moncyti receh·ed and disbursed, to Lu lnlmunitle<l by clc.-rk of court to nuditor, section i>:! ................................................................................................................... 145

Duty c,f :ttu.litor, thcr<.>CJU, !i'C?Ction !i2 ..................... .......................................................... 1•15 If shcl'iOs fnil 10 pny, wilhin 11hwty cln�·s, nmount due lJy him into lrcnsurr, 1.h<'u nutlltor

to procct:d ni;.1ini;t him, etc., to recover �'lmc, scclion 52 ............................................. 1·18 To nr,tiiy slat'3 superintendent of schools or ::uuountof gcncrnl school fund to be tljstrlbutcd;

when, secti1)11 Ot ......................................................................................................... 1-t7 Wbon to iti:lue warrantfor money appropriated !or lmw.11,'TUtiou purposes .................•....•.... • 170


BALLOTS. For school lcv/ ,vhnt to hn, · t · :d 1 · ,, J3i BAI 'Tl

, ,o wr11 en or prJntc t 1creoo, 8CCt1on -········--·························· -' )!ORE.� OHIO RAILROAD COJIPANY. Joint rci;olution,·,g for n joint committee to hold a ronfcrence askt'<l for by the represcnt:ttivcs of, ......................................... , ....................... .................................... J75

B "N �oint rc!(olutiou providing rcgulntions for the government of within this :st:itc ......... 182 183 JS.I

Ju E, SA)IUJ•;r, ·

B N Appropriation to pay, for npprchcndiug: a ho11ro thief......... ............................................ 18 A K OF lJ UNTJNGTOX.

D Auditor to n•funcJ to, ::axes crrom:ously assessed as a liceuse tax. and paid ........................ _ 61 ARBOtiR COUXTY.

B Coinmcnccmcnl of lcrms of circuit court in, ....................................... ............................. -1 1·1

Ef,)IONT NAIi, WOitK:;. . lucorporntion of .................................................... · ............................ _ ......................... ''01 \'OZ

BERKELEY COUXTY, County Co11rt of, nuthorized to'fun<l at n lotn·r rntcoi interest certain amount of its bonds

issued Ja11uary .,, JS/1 ................................................... ................................. _., ....... GJ 62 BERKELEi" UUHT l�F.·\�TRY

Appropri:11 iori to pay for scn·iccs io supprcs-sing riot......................................................... 90 BIG SAN PY Rl\'ER

Joiut re:-;olution �skins; further aud sufficient appropri:irions frorn gencrn.l government to

RL�o�ci�lete tho "·ork hcg:un un, ............................................................................................ 1;2

Appropriations to p:1y ior printing nnd bi11di11g sup1·emc court r('J>Orts ........................ 65 69 Apprupriatio11s for pulilic print.i11�, aud for l,inJio;;: a.u<l supplying sta1ioncry1 etc... ...... ti6 70

BOARD 01' COJDIJSSIO:S-J·:H::; OF OHlU COUXTY, Authorized lu fund Uo11tlccl dchL due or ro ln:cunh.' clue ...................................................... 61

BOAHD OF CU)D1J,;,;10xi:;ns FO R PE�JILETON COUNTY, Act lo C5t:Ll,lish :1, unllcr sec1iou :l·I, nniclc � oi the C\>ustituliou .............................. :u to 35

BOA HD OF CU)Dfl::isro:-; J•:R-, FOR WETZEL COU::-.'TY. Acr to �:11111.,lish n, 111Hl.-r th1' 1hirt\'•fu11rth si•ction of aniclo S oI the comstitutiou ..... HU to 153

BOARD OF co 1D1r.,;.,co:--1ms FOR IV<JOO (;QU);TY. .Act 10 create a count}' cuurt nthl a, under ·the thirly-fourth section of :inicle eight of thl!

constitution ...................................................................................................... ls.& to 157 BOARD or CfJ)DflSSIO�EHS FOH )JAHION COlTXTY.

Act to e:-ital1Ji.-.l1 u, u11tlcr tl1ir1 ,. four:h sl.!ctl,,n of artidt! eight, of the coustitution ..... 1-:19 to 153 BOARD OF C0.11.\l[S::ilOXl•:Rs FO

.R )f.\l{"II.ILI. COLT�TY. ..

Acc. to,Jisl1 a, u11dcr I ht• 1 l1ir1 ,·-fourth Sl."l'li1J11 of :1rticlc eight oithc constitution_ 159 to JS3 BOAIWOI;'CO)DIIS::iJO::--EH,; 1-'0H )i.1.<o:,. COIJ);T\'.

Ac1s 1<> estal,lisl1 a, u�1d._ ,,. !he :;i1l1 ,._ • ._.tivn ,,( arri, .. h•:.; ui tho C:l•ll!'titutiun .............. _ ...... 85 to S9 or whnt n11111l1ur lo ('(.111:-bt :rn,l I"· wktt U:tlJh.' tu lk.• kuowu; :,,.(.'t_'liun S ................................. g; J">o,\·ers of Uo .. ,rd , 1'CCti�rt 8., ... ... � ....................................................................................... 87 Hci;11l:tr, special 1111,I a,IJ.,urn,•d 111ct·ti11,;s, s,·c<lun o ........................................................... 67 Prcshlcnl :i11J clerk 1,( l tt,:1rd, :-r,·1iu11 ."i, �• .............................................................................. $i Du1ics n11d <.-,111110•11:-ati,,11 ,.ii C'h rk, secri1,n s ....................................................................... tii ll•)\,. con1p1·11:,.ati,111 p:1i,l, :-1 .. cll,,11 X ...... . ............................. ................................................ Si J11ri,._licllu11m14l duci,., ,.f 1,.,,11,1. ,.,..; .. r,:< ............................................ ............................ 67 Hoard lo tlc1un11i11c all c.·H11ll':;l(•,l l. .. :r·1•liun c:1:-:-'--'.s 1\f '-�unry ufficcr.:t1 except eountr juJg:�,

sccc inn 8 ...... .-.. ...... ...... ...... .. .......... ......... ...... ......... ........ ................. .......................... ij7 'fhcir 101111 of 011ic1.·, except, 1•tc., uud wh,•11 , .. 1(-c·ll.ll. �('(·li•,11 !l ............................................ 87 � When ICrt,t ,,r ullice L,c�i11, and (•u11l11n1•·s 1111111 whcu, ,-�·11011 !• ......................................... ss No two to l,c clc�ktl fro111:-:1111c 111a�islt'rial 1listric1, :ict. .. 1iun :t .................................... ......... SS C.n111,e11;:1ti,111 of cc,111111i:,.;io11cr, nuu prc;i,1,•nc and how )'ai,1, ,,-c<ion 10 ........... .................. i;g Limit as t" cm11pe11s:1tiu11, sc,•11 .. u 11................................................................................. 88 )lay uc indiclcu; fur what, sc,•liuu 11.. .............................................................................. 8S Yac:111ci<•• in ullicc; how Jillcd, sccli"n CL ................................................ -...................... 85 \Vh:-.1 ofUccij not i11curnpaLiblo with Lime. uf cvmmi/,f,."'ioucr, scctJou 16......................... ......... �,

BOARIJ OF EOUCATION. \\'hen cl1:ctc,I, sc,·lion :! ................................................................................................... 137 'fu consiiit. urn JH'l.' nntl fvur conuuis�loner�, section:? ................................................ 13i \\'hcu tunu of ulli,:(l oi. 10 bc�iu uml how long- �o coutinuc, &"Ctiou :? ................................. l�H Elib,'l.Llo t.u CJnly one ofllco :1t s:u11c rime, section :l ...................... _. ..................................... _ 137 Tiu vou, for 1ucmLc1":1 u!; who a:ives the cnstiug vole1 2 ......................................... - 137


Presidents of, to dNerminc tic Yotc for c.:ounty su1,crint.cndcnts, section 2 ....•.....•................ t:l7 llow untl when, scclio1, 2 ......•...................................................•.............................. ........ 137 Notice to be i;hcn in such cas('s, seclion 2 .................................................. . .................... 138 lly whom such notice ghcu and how served, scc1.iou 2 .......................... , ............................. 138 Wbcn school lc,·y lo ba made l>y board, section 2 ..............................................•................ !:JS \\'hen not. to mukc such \C"Y, section 2 ..... , ........................................................... ............ t as "rht•n hoard mny order z-pccinl t?lccliou for school lc\"y, 8Cction 2 ....................................... 138 fli such election, whl'u aull how gh·eu, section 2 ......•.....•..........•............•••••....• , .•..... 138 'l'o n1>p•>int. one trustee for cnth sub•district i when, section 4 .......... .................................. 1� 'ro ho\tl u mect.iug on the first. )londuy iu :SCp1c111hcr of c,1ch yc•ar, section G ....................... 138 Al this meeting: thoy are to mnkc t.ho lc\'y required Uy sections :·is anll 40, section ti ............ 138 .AISO, Uctcrtuinc lhu uumbcr oi mu11ths school shnll be held in the dbtrict, :;c('ti1)11 ti ......... 13S Also. the numher of teach<'rs lo be cmpluyc<l, :111d tix thuir salaries, section 0 ..................... 1:J8 \Vlmt. to hrt,·o regnrd for in llctcrmining: sulurics 1Qf tcacners, �ction G .............................. 13S Not to t.rnnscenJ cnlar)' so fixed, scctiou 0 ......................................................................... laS Dut. teachers mny contract. for :1 lc&S salary, scL·lio11 6 ........................................................ 1:18 \Vhen bonrd only t.o do ollicinl lm�incss, sect 1011 6 ....................................... 1:ltl 1a� But president and sccret:uy may sign orch�rs upo11 shed ff i:i Ync-ation; when, section G ....... 1:19 'l'o tnke oath of office prc_;s,�ribed l>y Jaw, :-;cc1ion li .................................................. ............ 1:m 1'o lie 3 corpornt.ion, by whnt. name, scctiou 7 ..................................................................... 13!1 Powers oi such bonrd nnc.1 to ,vh:u right�" ::.ltlJ:-iliLutc<l, :-:e1.:tion 7 .......................................... ta!> Power of board ll!I to nny gift, tle,is(•, etc., mntle for the use of free school�, seclion 7 ........... l:J�J Dcomcd the o,vncr of Certain real nnd pcrsonnl prop�rty, without any trau�fcr, Cle , sec•

1ioo 7 ...... ................................................................................................................. l:l!I Process aud notice, how scn·ccl on board, sect lu11 7 ........................................................... Jat1 Certain suits :111d proceedings n,,w pending: ng:ai1,�t, madt! \'ali<l, s<•c1io11 7 ........................... ta!> How sucll suits, etc., prosr,·ulct.l :md Ucfe:rnlctl, st:c:lio11 7 ................................................... 13!1 Liability of bflard ns to c:laims, c1c., owiug 1,y liuard, vf which it. is the succc'sor, sce.:ti,,n i 139 \\'hen to nppoinl sct·rctary, section 8 ................................................................................. Ja!1

Sccrclary not to l>e ., member ui Lonni, :-e>t·ric,11 8 ..................................................... . ....... 131) \Vhcn to tlrnw order ior the pny of secretary, section 8 ............................................. ........ 1-JO To·lmvcg-cncrnl control, elf:., oischool!-1, etc., in tli:iiricl, s<·clim1 !) .................................... 140 May determine the 1111 mb�•r and location of schools to be tuug:hl. scc1io11 !:! ........................ HO )lay change the boundsrics of snb-dislr:ets uud increase or <liluini�h the number thereof,

sect ion !J. •••••• ...... ...... ••• • ••.•• .• . ............ •• •• •• . . • . •• .. • •• •••• ......... ..... ... .... .. ...... ........ •• . • ... ••• ... J 40 Out. must hn\'t- due regard for the schoo! houses already l>uilt, etc., section 9 ..................... 1-10 )lu:-11 :LSsi;;n to each district, if 1-ractknblc. 11ot. l\!s-; t,hnn 50 youth�, scc·1ion � ..................... , 1•W Pro,·iso as to Yilln,-:<'.s contaiuin� fiity inh:tl,ita11L1, •,r more, section 9 ................................ J.1 0 \\'hen chnngo iu suh.()i1'trict not to tnkc em.�cl, scctiu11 !I ............................ .............. : ........ J.10 J>ro,·ision as to villagt•s Jh·idr.d liJ· distrit:t c,r county li11es, section !J.. ................................ HO To define and enter of record, district. and imh-<listrict li11es, section n ........................ ........ HO To hn\'csuflicie11!. nmnbur of primary ijCh0<,ls kept in C'Vcry �ub--1'.li�trict, st-ctioo 10 ............. HO '£0 hold n mcl!tin,; on or before tho first nioiuluy in S<?ptcmhcr, in c:1ch yl:'ar, to choose

tcnchcrs;, seer.ion 1.1 ..................................................................................................... 1•11 To n:c.sign each tenchC'r his or hcr re�fJCttivc school, s,:c·tio11 I:J ............................................. 1-11 \Vh�u bo:1.rd may h:ii·c a �ubser1ucnt. ,, to choo�c teachers. �cc1 ion 1:1 ........................ 141 \Vhcn presidcut of l,o:1rd may appoint tcnchc:rs, SC'<:tit,11 1a ............................................. .. 1-11

.A II contrat:ls with tcnchcrs to 1,c in writing, sceti,,11 1:1 ...................................................... l•tl President, ol, n,uJ teacher lO sign such co111r.1ct, �ccliun 13 ..................... .f.. ......................... 141 Hnar•l 111ay rrmo,·o tc.1chcrs; for what, SC'Clio11 1:l .......................................................... .... 141 1'.lny rovlsc and Corre<?t nc1lo1� of n·u1ilce us to expelling, tsuspl�nding, etc., sch0Jnr11, etc,,

iscction 13 ................. ................................................................................................. l•ll Mny r,imo,·c 1ruslci• rrom omcc; how nnd £or whnt, til'Cliun 13 .......................................... Hl )lay ctirect trustee to CQnti11 uo scho<>l hn,·ini;: n daily uvcrng:c nttm1drmce of les� thun thlrty ..

n,·c per CPnt, fiCction l:J ....................................... ..................................................... 141 \\'hen high school to be lllscoutinuct.1, scrtion 1:1 ............................................................... 141 To rec:111ire teacher or teachers in ench sub.district, etc., to mnkc au enumernlion of nll thu

youths th<'rcin; whc11, scc1iou lt.1 ........................................................................... 1�1 142 'l"c, nllo,{' reasonable cornpen:s.ntion to person cmrloycd to rnnko enumeration when lC"aChcn

fntl to tlo so, scclion 19 ................................................................................................ 1-12 .And mnk(• nn order to p:1y the !inmc out of lu1lltling ruud, 8t>Clio11 19 ................................. 142 Eiuploymcnt of nnr mcmUer of. :is teacher. vn•·ntcs hi� 11tlice, HCCl.lon :!.� ........ .................... l◄R Power of, to have holdcrd of norrunJ diplo1uo.s, etc., uxamiucll 8.:-i other tenchcns, sectlou 29 .. U4


Penalty on. for foilurc to runke scttlcmcnt with •heritr..-hen reque.,ted by him to do "°•

Sl'CI ion :it .................................... ............................................................................... 1"5 BOARD OF EX,DIINEKS, COUNTY.

Whro cx:uuinalious for teaCUc�' cc-rtific:1tc-s tobc held by, ................................................ 39 Exn111i11ntio11 or :ipplicauts by, to teach priniory and higher school:-1 i in what branches cx-

:1 1uinetl, section 28 .................................................................................................. , •• _ 143 \Vhcn und to whom 1,o:,nl to awar<l ccrti(ical4•, section 23 ....•............................•••••...•.•••••.. 143 �l!�i�lerof certificates nwarded by, t.o l,e kcpl c•mnly HUpurintcmlent, &Cl·tion 28 ........•..•..• 143 ro 1s..:;uc no ccr1ili1·ntc except ui,011 :1ctu:1I cx:1111lna1io11, scc.·Lion2S .................................... - 14& Forrc and c.Jurntion uf t·c•rtilicat� is.;,;m .. -<.I by, �l�lion 28 ........ .................................................... 143 llny rc ,·oke ccrlilicatc oi teacher; whcu am.I huw, section 28 .............. ............... ............... H:J To hold t,vo public l'X:u11in:ttious; when, section 2$ ........................................................... 1'13 Nol ice or such cxamiuations, scN,io11 28 .................................. ·-·····" ................................... H:l County s11pcri11lc11dc11t 1uay call extra rncC'lings of, :;ectiou 28 .......... ................................ 1-13 �rc1ul1crs1>f, may teach wiLhout. cer1iJicates, l'!cctiun 2S .................. ..................................... 1-ta to ho observed by, ,vith rc�nrd lo cx11winntions aml J:fflnling teachers ccrlifi-

cu1l•s, section 2S ............................. ........................................................................... 1 -13 l�-l Applic.1nt to Uc of good 111oral ch:trnctcr, ��cl ion 29 ............................................................. _ r-ta No collcsl'" diplo111:1, etc., excepL uor11u1l school, to supt:rscd,1 nt.Cf";.i5ily of cxarnination, tte•

tion 29 ............................................. .................... .......... ................. ........................... 143 No certitic.ltO to be i:;rantctl except a.rtcr ca.rdul c:<nmin3tiou, etc., �c1ioo 29 ..................... 143 llust state lhe 1e.1chcrs grade of proficicucy i11 end1 brduch in which Lie is ex3111ioed, sc.c-

lio11 29 ........................................... . ... ........................................... - ......... ·-··-•·••··· 14� gra111ed hy, to be graded from one to thrc.._., sccrion '.?? .................. _ ................... 14-1 Gr.l<lc of 111cril of n 111uu1Jcr one c.:ertificatl', :,;cc1lon 29 .......................................... ............. - l•U Of n uurnhcr two a1ul nu111bl'r tlircc ccrtifitatc, :s<.♦ction 29 .................................................. 14-t

BOARD OF PullLIC WIIHK:S. Duties of, ms 10 nssc:--s111c111 of railro:ld property for tnxntion, ............................... 7 S 9 123 124 Du tic� of, under ;1cl pro'"itling for the use ol ,·011viC't 131>ur on ,rorks o( internal improve-

111cnt com panic.➔, including ra.ihua<l co1111Jnni� unc.J pul>lic r1,.,nJ:-,............................. GO Gl To take char.i.t•· ,,f, aml sell propC'rly Uclou;;ing 10 tho state iu the scvcrni toh�t."C0 •arc,.

h11u�cs, �ccti,,11 2 ........ ..... ............................................................................................. 15� And to p11y procccJ� of i":lll· into th 1: trC'1Hmry. sct.•tiun 2 ..................................................... lv-1

BOARD OF Hl-:Gl•:1-TS 01-' ::'TATI, :>"OIOIAI. SCHOOL. (8c('I title, '1lt1•i.;c111."' of �llltc �urmal School.")

BOAlW 01-' ltEUl•:s-r,-; OF TIH: WEST ,·11w1NIA UNIVERSITY. (Sec litl<· ·•th•�\•111."' or \Vf\st. Yirg:inin U11i\',•r�ily,'') ......... -.................................... �4 z;; :.?G IG3

llOAH11 01-' TII E ,<CIIOOL 1-'U:S ll. Duty of, u� tu i11,·t:s1i1,s: 1l1c !�·hoot funll ................................................................................... 19

80:SA FIOJ,; STOCK lll\. l lll•::-JJS. Sc.'l'tiim '.!:.!. cl1:1plcr ��. ;lf'I� 1�72-:J. r("Jntin� 10 1hc- inc<1q>0rntien of railr�d comp.'lt1il"S,

:lrnt•lllh.-11, !-•1 ;,.., ltJ 111•rtuit /,,,1,LJid,- :-l,,d, 111,·hlrrHI� .......................... 04................... 3!1 40 All Olh,•r,t,,ck ,livlolc1Uls. ,.le .• ,·oi•I.. ... ......................................................................... ·-·- 40

BONDS. For whnl lnrnrpofatcd r:lilroa•l ro111p:111i1-... m:1y h•Qllfl, ....................... _. ......................... 39 40 Counly c.•11ur1 vf Ui·rk,•lc.,· cou11ty, :,u1h .. rl:r, .. 1 1,1 fund nt :, luwcr ratf' of lntt'ri!Sl, certain

n111nunt or, h, .. ,11t"1I .l:11111nry 2., l�;1...... . ..... ........................................................ Gl G'! Drooko uud Ohio l·1111111i1•s 1111lh1.1riz1-..I tv fuud l.u111l1,.•1l d"•l,t. ............................................... SI

UOOK:;. Forttlnt(' librnry, 111,111·upriuti,111s to GG iO

nOOKS, n.,,:;.-; Uttctl 111 freo �c•hnoh,11 prir1•.-1 of rcgulntC'Cl. ............................................... ..................... 81 to S..1 8lntu �upcrl111c1ulc111 ll> ttolicit and rccph·c pr .. J)<1.�ll:1 fro111 :11ul ro111r,,N. l\·ilh puhlishc.or·s

or; \\'hl'II, s,•cll1111 1 ··········· ... • .............................................. ·········· ............................ �1 �2 Provltkl :'1!4 to 111lc•quut� qunnlil.y, 411:tlil y nf p;qwr. l,incti11),!, C!<"., St.'l·tlun 1............................ $'.? Coplc11 of bookk ct111lrac1c1l for :o ii(' tl,·pu.;it,�11 in 1111ic·1• of :-:lute :'t11teri11h•11<lcat. sC'Clion 1.... S'.! Pulilish1•rs to contract to �1•11 at n �peciol r('t:til 1•rif••·, !ill'l·ti•JU 1. ....... :............. ...................... 82 Prlc·c nt>l to cxCi'<.'<l wholcs..1le pdc-C" 110w c,t:ihli�he I lty 1u1uli:-:hcr or uny rt..odn�l whole-

sale prlco t.hnl may be hf•rc:1ft�r estnblishC'\I. �,.-c1io11 1....................... ............................ SZ Nor that of other publishers for simil:1r and cc1ually suitnlJlc lx.ok:t on tho s.-uue sul,Jrct,

section 1 ............................................................................................................ ·-······ .. - 82 Discount. publishcOj to nllo,,. to mcrchnnu or dc:tll'r.i in1 or ngt'nt., of, ��tion 1 ................... S-.? Prh'<I not to exccc<l lowc•l wholcsule pricechnrg,oJ by publisher. to any other state, !lriu or

pereon, 1ectlou 1 .......................................................... :.............................................. S'!


Pu bli�hors to execute bond; when :rncl to -n•hom, scrtion 2................................................ 82 Penni Ly nntl cuudilion of l>ond, un,l how m:ulc p ,ya.hie, section 2 ...................................... 82 How :md wheu :-5Uit may b · br1mght 1111 su('h bond, St!Ction 2 ............................................. 82 How moneys EO rcl·o,·crcd di�J>O.�t.·tl of, !-C<'lion 2....................................... .................... ...... 82 Fnilurc or publh•hcn, of, now in u�c, etc., 10 co111ply with provisio11!t of act on or before

July 1, 1�,';!l, then state supcri11 tc11t.ll'nt to solicit propw,1:1ls from lither pub lisher, sectiun 3, S2 83 Duly of stall! supcrintPndcnt :1s to propo�nls from othor publishers, !-ccliou 3 ......... ........... Sil TC'rms nnd conditions of ag:rcc111cnt with such 01 h1•r puhli:-;hcrs, !!eclion :! ........................... 83 Also us to tile exchange o f hooks uow in use fur books :-:clcctc,t in lieu th error, section 3...... S3 Publishc� required to publish schedule or contracl J•ri�s ag:rcc t.l upon, section 4 .............• S:J "·hni snch schedule to sp,?cify, !lCct1on -1 .............. ........................................................... .. 83 Duly <•f county superintcn<lcnl ns to such sche•Julc, section -1. ........................................... S3 Retail p rice to be printed on b:u:k ol C'Rch book by publi�hcr�, scetion -1..... ......................... S3 Any rel nil dealer cbnrgiug n grcn tcr sum l h:rn t.hc rc tnil 1,ricc so published <lccmc<l guilty

oi a 1nis:l,.!11\:-nnor, section /i ............................................................. ............................. 83 Pcnnlt.y. scclion 5..... ................................. ..................................................................... S�

BOUNDARY LINE. Delw�o this �tnte and Pcons)·h·nnfa, net in rclution 10................................................... 07

(Sec title, •·Boundary :\Jvnumcnts.' ') BOUNDARY :\IONU:\IENTS.

Act. in rcl:ition to. bctwt'en this State nnd Pcnnsyh·:mia ..................................................... 97 Go,·�rnor to nppoiut t.hrcc persons to cx:11oinc as to the true location or the, bNwccn this

:ant<' nnd PenosyJ,·auin, section 1.................. ... .. ................................................ ....... 9i Toncl in conjunction with similar com111is'llo11 or Pcnn!'yh·n11in, section 1.......................... 97 Commi"sion to replace any monuments which h:a.,·e I.Jccomc clil:1.1,idatcd or b<-cn r<'mo,·cd,

scctlt,o 1.................. ....... ....................... ..... ..... ..................... ...... ... ............ .............. !>i .Appropriat.ion to pay expen!c� of rencwius.; and rcplncin;.: monuments. etc., section 2......... 9i J-IO\'f clrn\\'U, SPCtion 2.......................................................................................... ............ 9i

Reports to l>c ,nade by co1111.nission.................................................................................... 9i BOUNDAHY mv1ms.

Pcunlty for violating license lnw s upon or nloug .............................................................. 2:1 2,J DOWNE, E S.

Au<litor to rofnncl taxes to, erroneously a�o�qccl n.s B liconf.c tnx nrut pnid ........................ !H r,r. BRAXTO:0- COUNTY.

Times for holding circuit. court in.................................................................................... 3 BREA.MVILLE SAJ.T CO)IPANY.

Incorporntiou of •...•.•••••.••...•...•.•••...••..•..••••...........•.....•...........••••.....•••..•••..••.. ..•• : ...•..•...... 2:1:; BRIDGES.

Toll bridge,,, L1xntion of; srctioo 1\.1 •••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 121 RROA UDUS FEMALE COLLE<iE.

Jncorpor:1tion or ................................................................................................................. 190 BROOKE COUNTY.

A uLhorized to fund bonded debt now duo or to become due................................................. �I Con1111cuccmeot o f terms of drcuit coun in ....................................................................... Jr,.;

BRUEN SURVEY. ""\ct of 1Si2 i11 relation to, not r t•1>ealc<l by ns.��mcnt :1ct, fte'Ction 102 ........... ....................... J:l,I


Iuc•,r1>0rnlion or ............. ....................... : ........................................... .............................. 212 BUFFALO Mll,U�G CO�IPANY.

Notic-c of the dissolutio11 of .......................................................... , ................................... 2;0 IlUILOI :,.r,5,

Old nntl new; how assc�scd for tnxntion ................................. ...................................... 110 111 CALENDAR OF T£R)I5 OF cmCUIT COURTS.

(Sec appendix.) .............................................................................................................. 7 8 !t CAPITAL.

Uscit In t.rmlr! or busine..;-1 to be listc<.1 for taxutlon; ho\\· .................................................... 122 Of Jl'-•rsons nnd firms commencing business nh.-.r lirsl of Fehrunrr. ho,f' to bo Hslt'<l, etc ...... 122 To be taxc,I but once .............................................. ............................•...................... 122 12-1

CAPITATIO� TAX. As�cs.-,;111cnt. or .................................................................................................................. tlG

CAPITAL BUILOI:-.G, WHEEl,ING. Approprintlon to pay insurance 00 ........................ : .................................. ......................... G7 Jolul r6:t0lutlu11 providing for the Insurance or.. ................................................................ 173

INDEX. xvn


.,\ct in rcliltion tr>, n111C111dc<l .................................................................................... . \'1.1ca11cy in uUicc l)j truslcc, huw tilled ............................................................ ···


CEDAR GROVE CO-UPE!tATl\•E CU,11, CO.IIPAI\-Y. 22/i :!:.76 lncorporation of .............................................................. , ·······························

CE�IETERY ASSOC!A TW:-IS. Condcwnalion of laud ior, secliOH 2, 3 ..... ······································•0••····························· 13

CE�TRAL BU[l,DIXG ASSOCIATION, No. 3 �19 Incorporatiou ol, ........................... •············••"'0••••••••• ... , . ...... ............................. ••


?.!l Xa1iv11al Co-;•('er:tliv•· \Ji11i11;<. �b11.,fac1uri11:; nnd Culomtau,•n A,-.-oc,.,uon ........•... ::·:: ....



The ,vcs1 Yir..:l11ia Firu Uri,·k l'ompniH· .............. :········,�--�f-·;��-·�;j·;�-�f Putrons of Hus-Olive 1..\ ,vaJc:willo {'"o.Oopcrati\'O ,\s..-:ocintlon No. 18.1j ................................... ?"J9 b·mdn· in thc.•Stuto of ,vf':-1t Vir,;ioiu........................................

.. ..... :?�O The Prml,;ccrs Plpo J.1110 Compnuy •··· ··· ·· ....................................... ::::::.·.·:::::::::::::::::

·:: ....... ��I

�.�: �=•:2:;�••�•�:;•�••ii•llii•:\��f�;i•�;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..... , ...................................... , .. , :l-12


CERTfFIC'ATl-:S 01·' INCORPORATIO�. ,,rebster \\'ng:on Co1npnny· .................................................................. ... , ... , ..............•...... 24.a �lnrine Dork Compauy .................................................................................................... 244 Star Plnnill!l �1111 ..... ....................................................................................................... 2·1G .Pit1sli11rl,!h Cont :111<1 Dock Co1npnny .........•..•......•...•..•.•...•...•.•.. , .........•...•••........................ 247 Lcntl1croid �Innufacturiog Co1npnny ................................................................................. 2-tS Xorth \\'hccliul,! (}lnss Con1pn1.y ................................................................................ , ...... 248 Tlw Conl Rh·cr Canuoel Cont Compnnr of West Vir!(lnln .................................................. 260 Ne,\· River St-C':11nboat Con1p:111r ....................................................................................... 2t,1 The Economy )lanufactnring Cvmpauy ........................................................................... 2.52 Grcanhricr l�u111bf'r Con,pnny .......................................................................................... 2 5:\ .1Etnn ('onl nntl Salt (:01npany ................................................................................ : ......... 2.5-l .l�a Retie Pcrpctunl Building .Associntinn of "'hcclin� ................. � .................................... 2.� The C•n1�.--•li'1a1('<l Virgi11iaCo:1I Company ()f Mincrnl County, \\'e�t Yirginia ..................... 2:';i Jellerson County Cnilding A�socintion No. 4 ......................... ............................................. '1.5� Intcrnationnl )tilling nnd Mining Company ..................................................................... 2-5S Palm Fibro Co111prmy of \Vnshing:to11, D. C ...................................................................... 2G0 Fresh Start :\liniu� and �Iilling Company .............. .... . .................................................. 2GO Harper's J;"\.•rrr Bridge Co1up:lny ........................................................ .............................. :.?G2 Th(• )l:t!-,,tquot Chron1C' Co1npno)' ........................................................... ......................... 26:l \"nllcy ni,·rr Brldge Con1pnny ......................................................................... ............... 26-1 Tbo �<'". Rl,·cr Oil Con1pauy ..... ...................................................................................... 26,'t The Stntt• DemQcr:1t Comp:111y ...................................................... .................................. 2GI; Franklin L<Hl�11 No. 3, Indcpcnrlent Order ofOcld Fellows Notice of dis..•rnlut,iou of, ............ 2Gi Smith,\: Cnmp:rny, notice of the dissolution of, ................................................................ 26S The Producers' Tr.rn�portntion Comp:tny, n<,tiC'c of ti.Jc dissolutiou of ................................ 269 Buffalo ).IiJling Company, notice o( the d_issolution or, ........... ......................................... :nu

CHANCELLOR, E. P. AppropriaLiou to pay, for serviccs as inspector of tohneeo warehouse .............. . .................. 67

CHANCELLOR. W. N. Appropriutiou to pay, for rent of tobacco warehouse .......................................................... 67

CHARGES, UNLAWFUL. ltuilronds or coq1nrntion:1 deemed guilty of a mis<le1ucnnor for ch:trg:ing or rrceiving, for

trat1!iportation of J>RS.!:engcr:-; and freight................................... ............... .................. 9G Penalty, ............................................................................. ............................................. !Jti

Cl-lll'LEY. CAPTAIN JOHN .J. Appropriation to pay, for transportntion by wagon, sub�istuuce, etc., in supprcs."ing riotli ... 90

CIRCl,JT COURTS, Times for holding, in eighth j11dlelnl circuit..................................................................... :1 Tiim:s for holding, in �ixth judicial circ·uit. ...................................................................... .a 14 .Act for the prmicrvntion of fo;h to be given specinll�· in cbnr,;c to ea�h grnnd jury of, sec•

tinn 2 ........................................................................................................................ -1:i •rimes for boltlil1g. in fonnh judicial circuit ...................................................................... 56 SC<:tion 5, of chaptP.r 13·1, nets 1872-:J, couc:crning tho duty of, nl" to salc:-1 of forfeited nnd

de1i11qucnt Jnntls {or hcoelit of the school fund, nmcudcd, ....................... .................. 9� �•4 Al)J>roprialions tu pay snl:tri�s and milcnge of judges of, ................................................ 100 JOI Appcnb. etc , lie 101 to tho order or dcdsion of county court, etc., nH to the correction nf

mi�tnkcs in th(' assessment .• cw .. o( lnnds and personal property, "'ections 8, 9S ......... tOli IM Duti•:� oi, unrlcr a.��cs..�111cnt laws, sections 3:!. U!l ............................................................ 11'2 135 Duty of jud-!C'S of, ni. to net. making it

. n mi�dcmcnnnr for an attorney at Jnw to fail to pay

o,·cr moucy cnllcctccl by him for his client. :;cction 4 ................................................... 1ti:l Tinws for hol,.HnJ::", in the SC\'Cnth judlctnl circuit ................................ . ..................... 15i \5-� Time., for bollling, in the second Judicinl circuit ............................................................... 158 Judge of, cithl'r in Yacatlon or term time, mny nppoint nn iuspcctor or mino11; when ......... 16·1 'l'ime'i for holcliug, in tirst judicial circuit .......... .............................................................. 16U

CITY OF WIIEELJN<;. (Seo tit.le, "\\'lwJiug, city of."

Cl\'lL CON'fl!\GENT FUND. Appro11riniiot1 ior, ............................................. ............................................................. Ci!i ti!I

INDEX. xrx

CIYir, SUITS . .ApproprinLion!' to pny cxpen�cs or, ....................................................... ........................... 70

Cl,ABIS on DE131':; UUE.THE STATE. Auditor nuLl1orize<.l to Hell ccrtnin, .................................................................................... r.; (Sec title, "Dcbt�or claims, l!tc.")

CI.,\RKSDURG lNDEl'EN DENT SCHOOJ. DISl.UICT. Farms nnd residcuccs oi ]lcuj:uuin B. :Stout a.utl P.H. Goodwin made n pan of,............... !li

CI.AYCOllNTY. Titueg for holding circuit. courl in .................................... ..... ·........................................... :l

r,J,EIU,: OF CIRCUIT CUUHT To certify lo auditor, �opy of report and order of conJirnrnt.ion uf salcJC rnnclc hy sht..·ritf, of

clnirn� or account . ..: clue the slate, when, :,icctiou .; ........................................................ fr' Rc1X>ri:1 of sl,criffof such �ale:', to UC lileJ iu the office or, sectivu 4 .................................... Sij To <:Crlify tu auditor, t:upy ol order of court. re lttti\'C to tht.· sale t1r forfc;ted lauds. etc ........ !M Duries of, under a��c-ss111cnt Jaws, sections 15, 16, l ;, 41, GG, !>9 ........................... 163 la5 l J.'i 123 Pennlty for fnilurc. section J!J .............................................................................. , ............ JO!•

CLF:HK OF COUXTY COUHT, Person to :inail Jii111�elf of workmen's Hen un J>ro1-erty of corrKintio11:t must tile u&.."OUDI

with, "·hen, etc., �<!ction 2.......................................................................................... Ji Duty of clerk ns to such account, �ectiou :\ .................................................................... 04.. Ji FC'C of clerk for rcconJi11i; act:ount. sec--1ion a .................................. ,................................... 1; \VJicn Ulh..l how clerk to enter c.lisch:ir.,.:,e of such lien, �C"('tion G........................................... lS 1'o ccr1ify the CIC'ction or county judge in ccrt3iu rountll':' to gonlrnor, "·hen ............ 30 S8 15'.! Duties of, 11111..lcr n�sc."Slllc11t J:aws, sectioo:t J..1, 15, Hi, 17, 1S, 29. 41, li6, i5, ;;, ;'9,

9;. 99 .............................................................. IO� Hf.I 111 11;; 1:!J 11; 1:lO 131 132 13.1 13.'i l.,cnalty fur rnilurc, !-ICCli1111 It> ........................................................................... , ............... 100 Allownnc-c tn, for duti1.:s pcrforrnc,t multr : 1�...,,_�.:111('11t faw:t. !'lretion .S� ........................... 133 J:J.a Duty or, in ,·n."1l' of tie v1110 for i·o11utr �uprrin1c1ul,mt.. H'<!lion :.L .................................. t:'7 l:l,\ A nnunl s,•1 t lc111c111 of i,jhl•ri II with county OOurl, fur school 1111'111('}'5 rece.i ,·c,1 nu<l tlisbun(·(l

to he mn,lc a rnatlcr ol rt•<·,ml hy, :-e;·tion .'i:! ................................ ................... _ • •••.. u.a 1·15 Accoun1i-. 11ml ,·ouchc•r� to lie tiled In-, anti huw,i,.'-'Ctivn r,:! ..................... : ............................ H;\ Cup_\· of Ml!ltlt•n,c)11t 111:111" IJy /(hcriff �dt,h c-ourt fur i,.chool m1.mcys 10 be tnm::nnittcd to i,rntc

:mpcrintcrnlc111 a111I amlil1Jr hy: whc11, !'lc,.:tion :"i:! ......................................... .............. 145 Bond oi 1·011111 y t'UJJI. ur fret' .•ehvol� lO I.ti! r:u�"uted l>cfore. ::ind ffh'll i11 hl.s vffic", �et.--

tlon 5•1 .: ..................................................................................................................... 1�0 To Cc1·1ify to :slnle �111i<•rinlc•1ulen1 thl· n:1rnc am.I pus1 utliro ad1lr(-s..: of ,-ouuty �Uflt..•rinteml•

t:llt; "·hl•n, =-''-'Cti1,11 .j.l .................. ............................................................................... 1-IG .Mc•chuul<-'i,, Ht•II rc<:11nl tu 111..• kt•pt t.y, �-.'Ction -I ................................................................. lt,".! \\"hat 111 II(; rnh·1c1l i11 :oeu,·h rP,-.,r,I. �.-..,i,,n -1 ...................................................................... lG".! llccunl to!><, 111,lcxe,l. >ct·1i.,11•l .................. .............................. ............. ........ _ ................ 162. Fee of clrrk for �11t'·h :-.1•n·i,·1•1"1 11wl hy wh1)111 p:ti<I. !-N·tio11 4 ................................ ............... 10'.! \\'hen a11tl h<,w 1·h.•rk lf1 1•11h-r :1 disdrn.,g,• ur 111•••'h:wi,·':,1 lh.'n, :-et·tion 10 ............................ JtM Tu keep a 11111111111 lir,· l 11:o1111nnr,_· d,K·k,�t ii, hi, .,ffi(-,• ......................................... , .................. 169 What lo be rrror,l<•d 111. 111Hl what to l,,· :-l:t11•d in :-urh 1(11('k<'I .......... : ................................ lG�t Ho1ul Rl'> MJoll u:-. d114,.•kc·1t•d lt1 IJc iudo�(, aud huw ........... ................................................... JC>, l\:n:ally 011 clerk for failur,•, •·ll' ... ..... .. ......... ........ .. .. ................................................ 16!1 Ftc ur rlcrk for n•cordi11� t. .. 11,I in such rlr,f'\;..a nnJ liy wh•Jlll p.'lhl. ......................... ......... ltI!) Etfcr.t or i,111ch ho1ul whr11 rcc·ordc-d ................................................................................... JG!I

Cl,EI\K OF )11.Nlf:ll'AI. t:Olil�T Ill-' 11'111•:IC:l.l!,r. . . \c:I rcln1ini.: 10 hil'> Ice.-. 11nu·n1l,1l................................................... ................................... ;r,

(;f.EIIK <W .,;u PIIE�n; COl.illl• c II' .ll'l'EA I.S . .1\11pro11rintionH tu pay i,:alaryul, ................................................................................... 100 101

COA I. )II:- ES. ($cc title; 111tft11cs, c<,nl.'') ....................... ............................................................. ... 16-4 to lli6

L'OAI. lUVEfl c:ANNEL COA !., COMPANY, OF WEST VIRGINIA. Jnt:orpon1tlo11 uf, ........................... ................................................................................... '.,!5,()

CUllE, AMEX DEIJ. Section •I of chnpter 62 or, Hti nmended by clu,pter 26, ncls 18ii. conccrni11g the )Jr�n,,-

tion o! fi•h...................................................... ........................................................... 44


CODF., A'.lffiN'DED. SC'ctions 2, 3 nncl lS nf chnptcr ,54 of, ns nmcmdcd by c·hnpt<'r 107. nrt.c,; 1A72-.'3, concernini;: the

in<.'orporation uf joint stock cumpanics without :-special chartcrl'i ................................. 5a ◄4 Section 2 of 17, rcl:tt.iug to payment of mmu.•y into the triJasu·ry; hou· m3do, etc.... 64 Section 19 uf c·hnpter 90, c1,nccrning the net.ion of ejcctmcnt............................................. 91 Chapt�r 29 ns amc,nllcd by chnptcr 5,l ncl.:s 18i5, conccr11i11).{ the assc>.!--.•011cnt of taxC's ... t0-1 to 136 ClutJltcr 75 mt amended Uy chapter t:m nets 1$72-�1, concerning liens for purclwsc rno11cy,

liens o{ rncchnniC3, lnborcrs :uul othcrs ...............•.....•....................................•..... lG0 10 J6.1


Chapter 29 of, concerning the n�s<'ssmcnt oi taxl"� •....•....•..... , ....• ................. ......•...•.......... 136

COL'[J)[BIA BUII,DD:G ASSOCIATION', l11corporation of, .............................................................................................................. '2'>-8

CO)l'.l!ERCIAL FERTil,lZERS, (Sec title" fcnilizcrs.'') .............. ................................................................................... 30 31

CO)DIISSION'ERS, Appointed by tho go\'crnor in other st.1tc•; list of, (see nprcndi x) .................................... 3 4 .5

CO)BIISSION'ERS TO ASSESS RAILROAD PROPERTY, l:IO\t' nppointcd nnd \\·hen ..................... .......... : .............................................................. i 124 Their duties, ct(· ........................................................................................... s to 11 123 to 127 ,\ppropriations to pay ......... ........................................................................................... GG j(J l'cr dic1u co1npensation nnd 1niieagc of, ........................................................................... 1:?7 Vac:rncics in l>oard of, bow filled uuJ new bonrJ nppointccl . ............ ................................. 127

CO)DIISSIO:S-ERS OF ELECTIO:S-S, JJo,'" commissionl"rsoi school t.·lectio11·nppointcll, �!"ction 2 ................................................. 1:li �ut:11 co111111is.sio11cn to reccin� no p:1r, section:! ................................................................. 1:1; Oath of co1111uissio11C'rs of election, conductor nnd clerk .................................. ................. 14R \\rho to adwini:--tC'r such onth ....................................... ............................................... l·IS 1•19 O�th to 1.,e cerlificd on roll IJooks ......... : . ....... , ............................ .................................... 1-19

CO�IMISSIONERS To cxaminC' ns to the true locntioo of the monuments which mnrk bo11od:1ry line bctW<'C'n tllis Htntc.and l'onnsyl,·nnin ............................................................................................. 97 GovernQr lo npp..,inL; when, section 1 ............................................................................... 97 To net in conju11ctio11 with similar l·o111missioner,'( of Pc1111�yh·ania

1 sccti,m 1 ............. ....... 9-; To replace nny monuments which h:n-c hecumc dilnpidah.'11 ,,r l,c(•n rl'movC<l. !-Cd ion] ...... 97 Appropriation to pay expenses of rcmovi11g :rnU r.:placin:; mo11u111cn1s, c1c.

1 liCCtiu11 2......... 97

1:IO\\· dra"?n, �cct.i,,11 2 ............................................... ................................. .................... !Ji ltcJ)Ort. to be 1.nade l,y, section a........................................................................................ 'J7

CO�DIISSIONERS, COUNTY. EJcclion or, pro\·idcd for under pr-.:ipo�od u111cmhncnt of Orticlc 8 of the cc,nstitution, sec-

tion S................................................................................................... ................... i◄ ,vheu term of ollico to begin, section 9............................................. ................................. i-1

CO)CMISSlON'ERS 01'.COUHTS. Wheu to report to assessor moner, etc., under their control, •cction 66 .............................. 123

CO�L\HSSIONERS OF 01110 COUNTY, BOARD OF. Authorized lo fund l>o1llkd dclot....................................................................................... lll

CO�DIISSION'ER OF SCHOOL LANDS. Scc1ion� r, ant.I S of cha1,tt•r t:H, :iets J8i2�t. in rclntion to the �n.los of forfoited nnd

Uclio4u<-nt lnnll�, 11111t.•nllcd ................................................................................ ...... �:, 94 C'.0111missi•JT1Cr to require one f1,urth of purchni--e mu11cy to be paid In linnd, :;::cc1.iou n ......... fl3 To require Jx,ud wlthg,,o<l :-ccurity, bcuring: iuterc�t., for rc�iduu o( purchaKC money, scc-

ti,.,n 5.................... ............... .................................................................................... 93 To retai.n title and Jien u111il rc.:;hluc of purch:tMO mnncr i:, i,aiil, !-iCction !'i .......................... H:J \\'hen and to whrn c1JUrL Lo rctnr11 r<'p,,rt. nf l'lnlc�, sccliun 5 ............................................... 93 \Vhttt must bl" tk!'(lgnale,) in such n:p<.n-1, st·cli,,n r. .................................................... ........ 93 Court to evulirm n•t>1Jrt uulc.� cxccpl�<l to, etc., ,-ccti,,n .�.............. ................................ ... !):J

\Vhcn rommi.�sl<HH?r to c1111,·or lo purcha.:ur jnterc•.-(t of �rntc in :,im:h, scclion 5 .......... 93 To rot.urn to C(.lllrt bouds for tlcierrcc.1 instalhnc11hs, iroclton 5............................................. 03 l''orcc of i;uch boud8, sccliou 0.............................................................................. ........... 03

INDEX. xxt

CO)DIJSSIONER OF SCTIOOI, LANDS, Du1y of co111111i::i.."lo1wr upon failure of ohlit:on to Jl!lY bomb when due, sccllon 5

--····-········ �

Nuilcc to Uc J:i\'CO by, l.,cfort: 1110\·iug: c, ... urt fur an aw:ird o( cxecutir.1n on lx,nds, ue:liuo 5._ 93

�:�; ��.�.0�;::::��::�\�.i;,•11:


·�: .......


. : .. :: .....

..... _..�:::::�.


·.:: .... .-.....

... _.: .... .-.::�

·.·.� .. .-.-.- ::

To repurt. to court all rnuncy� received bv hiu1, Sl."Cli1m 5 ................................................... !l:C Com111i:-.sit,11M ou mou�_n, collcctcJ by, �IJ°'"'<l hy court nud other rcasoun1Jlc c:xpeusc-s,

section 5 .............................................. .... ..................... .......................................... 9!1 9 .,1 To p:iy T('Silluc uf 1111.Jll('J' into tTe:ISUTJ' for btn clit uf school fund, �-tion 5 .• ,.,rn,, .••• -···--·· !M \Vfien :iudiror to rh:1ri;c co111mi!'Siom .. · r with n111out1l due by him, !ection 5........................ 9-1 When c,1111missio11cr to pay 1he s:i11.1c in10 tre:uury, scc1ion 5 ..•....•.•.............•...•.....•..•........ !4 To make rCport. to :u1tlit1>r; when :111tl how, :;cction S ...................................... ·············-·· 9l \\'luit sucl1 rC'port 11111s1. �110"·· �cc1ion � ..•..•..•....•..............•..•.••••... •.••........•••..•••••••.•••••••••• 94 \Vhcn to Jlay ;u1111u11t. into trc:1sury shown to l,e clue Ly surh report, Eectiou S •.•.....•.•••••... _. 9-l

CO)DION CARRIERS, Cvmp:i,dcs iucorpurnted for tl,c purpo� nf construc1ing. etc, lioC"S of IIHIJ.,'TIClic tcJ�ph,

tell-phone mal line of pipi11g or tuOing fur tr.lO!-,pc,r1a1ionuf oil or othrrfluitls, dccmNJ. !;.{ To "'hat chaptc-rs ::-11bjcc1······ ..................................••.•.......•.......•.... •···············-·········--···· s-1

CO:SCORI> :SOmlAL SCHOOL. Approprin1ion to rt.•Jl:lir builtliog 0£, ............................................................................... -·-· 63 (Sc!c title "uormal schools.")

CONCURRE:!<T HE50LUTIOX. Pro, • for n jc,11,r c,Huuaittcc of the two hon!'<'! to whom shall be referred :ill proposi-

tions fur the rnodification of the judiciary systeUJ ................................. .................... JS6

COXDE)INATIO::s' OF LA:!<D, Sections 2 :111<1 :l of acts t •r;;, i :i rcl:1.tiou to. :uncuJcd ..... ............................................ ····-·· 12 Fw whnt, Jo11rposc rml ,•.<l:llc 111:iy lN 1nkc11 . .,.............................. ................... ................. 1:1 If takc11 hy 1111 i11c11rpor:i1cd com1"n11y 11tlicr thnn one lnror1K>rnll'<I for 1°11Ullc purpo:«-s iu

whid1 :-Cflltc i� owner, ere, wU,· n cnrnJ)CUS!ltlon IUU"il be p:iiJ. Sfl<•lion 2 ....•. •···-······-·-· 13 )Tow COlllfJt:ll1"1;1li1111 tlSl'C'Tl:litu·tl. �(!'(·lion:! ............................................................................ 13 Da111a;.;cs for tc111porary 1,11rpu,,,;, scotiuu 2 ....................... :................................................ 13 'l'o wli:11 c·,,11r1a11plic:11io11 111u�1 l,t• madl�,SCt'1lo11 :t.. ............................................................. 13 l11 ,.,., ., whcro l:111<I Ii,· iu ,ii1l,•r,•n1 <011111;,.,. sr<'lioo 3 .................................................. -.. 1:1 \\·h�1� Ja11tl lo lie 1:1kc11 fur 1'1tUlic LuiJJiu}! 1u ,.._. l•r'\.'l:kd t,y st:.11r. ttc.•., •· laat court to 3J--1•vl11t ro1n111i�"ir.11cr:-i. l'-l�1-li1111 3 ........ ................................................................................... 13 Frc,111 whut 1·ut111ly cvuuuiS!'!ione� to be :1p1 .. ,111h.oJ, l'ei'li11u :« ............................................. 13

CONSOJ.ID.\TED ,·II{1:I:-IA CO.\I. CO}IPAN\' OF )11:--f:ruLt.:ut·XT\". WE::,'T YIRGL,,A, Jueorporntio11 0( ................................................................................................................. :?Si

l'OXSTITUTIOX. Act 1,rv,·idin� f.,,- 1Jit.• 1o1111i.1,1-, .... 11 1n !"If th,: pr111 .. �1'1 :1111rn,lllll'III or nrliC'lc c-tght of tlw, totht"

,· ott·r:-4 of I he :,.I nil', nud (11r I lw 1•h·(:I in1t u{ (•('rl.aiu 11tlh:,•r� I hf•rdllH1l•r ...................... 7:.? to 7-1 Act JJro,·idfug for rlh· !--ulu111�"i"11 .,f I lw 1,r .. p. .. ,J :1111l•11,li11 .. 111 of �'li,•11 1:l of urtklc 3 of

the, lv tho ,·otcrlll or 111,• :-t·11<• f11r r:uifiratiuu ,.r n•j(\\•tion ............................................. 75 76 Joint rc�1,l111iuw1 prvJ•o!:!li11g ut11t·t1d111t.:11t:- 10 ........................................................ ·-······liJ to 1�

COXTIN<i ENT EX l'l•::--;::1•:l'<. :\ppropri:1lio11 llir, 11( ll·..:i<laturl· ........... ........ ........ . ....... ........ ....................................... 64 Appro1,rl:11lo11l'J for, of 110i1•c:4 uf then • ..::u1h·t.· 1fr)'.1rluh 111 ... .............. ...•..................... 6-i 09 71 lJo\\· drn\\·11 ................................................................................................................. 6.J 6.5 G!) ,\J,propri :ttiun� (111·. 11f u11i,·,�r�i1y ................ ........................................................... ·-····&I r.s

Appn,pri:uirms lur. of judh-ial d, •p .. 1rllu,•11t ................. ...... ............................................ 65 G!I

CONTl<ACT OH sImvIcI•:. AW AltnlXG UI� LETTI:--(; OF. Mc,111.>crs ,,r 0011111 y , •011rt "'· t•n-t'c•r,'." n{ 1 he- JK,t.1r. :-chot•I ,,JJl("('n,, l'tr. , 11rohi1,lt"'l f1oru bc-iag

ttCCu:ifarily ln.tcrcsh.'<.I in lhl• prtict""t.-<ls oi :sur, tu the nrarding: or wl11ch tht?)' may

ha,·c- u ,·,,Ice ............... . ........................................................................................ �··-···· 93

Any ,· ioltitil,n c.lcc11tccl u 111lstll'Hte:1nor .•..••. t ....................................................... � . ........... u 95 l'cuolty .......................................... .................................................................................... 9,3


CONVICTS, Lobur of. on works of inLCrnnl inprO'fCIHCnts, including rnilronds nral puUlic ronds, pro-

,·i<lcd io, .................. ............................................................................................... 60 G I Bonrd public work:-- uun-.orizcd t o furnish convict Jnbor for t.hc construction o f such works,

free oi hir�, section 1.............................. ................................................................... HO

nut uol, to interfere wil.h cxi:itini; contract�, sect.ion 1. ....................................................... 1iO Rxp�nses of sunrdlng, Uoarding

1 clothing- and medical attcmluncc, how pnid, SL'Ction 1....... fiO

Company before receiving corn·icts to execute bond, section 2 ....•....................................... GO Co11di1ions of bond and whcro liled, section 2 ........................................... ........................ GO .May deposit money in lieu of hun<l, scclion 2..................................................................... t.O Bonrd vf public works to tix penally of l>on<l noel appro,·c the sawc, section 1 .. .-.................. f.0 Clothing of cou,·icl•, 1,y whom done allll paiJ, sec1io11 :1. ................. .................................. GO \\'ho to lll:tkc rl�,1uhdtion fnr cl1,thin� an.i distribute the s:1111c, section :J .•••.•••••••••••••••••••.•• : GO llonrd to nppoint supcrinlP11dent of �uan.l, scctiou -1. ............................................. ......... li0 61 Du tic:, of such tiuperintcndc11t, section -1.. ...••.••.••.••••••••••••••••••••.•••.•••••••••••..••••••••••••.••..••••. GO tit His compensntio11, how determined and paid, section -1 ..................................................... 60 GI 'fo report- to supC'riutcn,lenl of p1initcrniary once a month. F.CClion 4...... ......• ..................... til \Vhcn and for whnt board mny cnuccl contr:1.cL and recall con,·icts, �rnctiou 5 ................. :.... til .Appropriatbns to pay for the �upporl oi,in the pcnitcnthlry ............................................. 6:\ GS

CORPORATIONS. Section 2 oi chapter Jal, nets V5titi. inco11,orntin1,J Co,·iug:ton nncl Ohiu railroad C'Ompany,

a1n("udcd ................................... . ................................................................................ a Ii Rnilrond corp::>ratiun:;; taxut.ion of, ................................................................. 6 to Jl 123 to 127 Conllcmoation of land Uy, s-cc1ions 2 nncl :J......... ............................................................... l:S Lien u.pon 1,ropcrty of, in fa\'or of c111ployes .................................................................... 17 18 Section 22 of chnpter 881 nct::t 18i2-a, rcln1ing: to inc,,rporntion of ruilroadl'<, amcnd�ll, s11 11s

t.o permit. bonaJidf! stock di,·ideuds ............................................................................ !i!I ·10 :::ections 2. 3 and 18 or chnpt�r 54 uf the code, ns ameuded by chapter 107 of acts lSi2-3, c·on-

ccrning the i11corpol'.1tion of joint stock companies without l"\J)ec·inl charters, :amcnclcd.,j:\ ;;,& Unlawful charge� by, for tr.ms11orLntion of pas�c11gcrs au<l freight, dccn1t:<l a mh;dcn11..�anur. !1li J>cn:tl t.y ...... ...... ... .. . .•• .......... ............... ..... .. . ... . . . . ....... •. ...... .. • .•..•.. .. .•. •. . .. .•..... ...... ...... ..... . f11i Pr,,pcrty of, by whom listed for taxutioo, st:ctiv11 -11. ......................................................... 11.:, In what dist rid to be listed, section 4!1 ....................................... ...................................... 118 \\' lrnre property of company listed, 110 share-holder to he taxed on :.amc proJn .. ·rt.y, ficc-

tion 51 ....................................................................................................................... ]JR Property or, how valued unJ assessed, etc., section t.H ......................................................... 121

Cl,USCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEEI.11-G Authorized to le,·y a speci:il tax for pa,·in�;md 111oc.-ulnmizini; .......................................... Z:J Certain s_-c·tious of an act or the general a.;.:;:::ml,ly vf Vii-,;i11i;1, J•a�c.l �farch 11, 18:JG, re-

latiug to tho powcni aml dutie.::t ol, a111c11de1l. ............................................................. !Jl !12 (:$cc- tit.le "\\'he!:liug\ C'ity of.",

COUNTTE3. (8cc counties Uy 11u111e.) Uulawf11l for auy cou11ty or tlistricl officm· Lo he or to become pecuninrily iut.C"reste<l in t.ho

pr1,cecds of any coutraCL, Cle., in tlic nw;,1r1l oi which he 111ny hu\'e a \'Oicc .................. !15 Penalty;........................................................................................................................... 9.5

cou:-TY COURTS. Commencement or tcr111s iu Jac.kson count.y ............ : ............ , .......................................... . l>uLics of, as to keepi11:! i11 rcp:lir, etc , county 12 (:Ow1ucuce1ncut of tcr111s in •r,,ylor county.................................. ......... .............................. lG t..:0111u1cnccn.1eut o! tonn� iu l'utu:1,u couuty ...................................................................... . ,.,

Cornmc:11cemc1nof tt-rms i11 J'le,1sa11ls count.y .................................................................... .JU (;om111e11ce1ucnt oi tcr11u i" H:uupshirc c·wnty ............... ...... ............ ......... ......... ......... ...... •II .Acl ior t.he vreson•atio11 or fi::tli tu bo gh·cn spacially ln ch:ir.;e to each grand j11rJ or. sec-

tion 2 .......................................................................................................................... •t!J Cummcnccwcut of in connly .... � ................................................................ ti!l Co11Hoence1ucnt.or tt•n11� i11 \Vcl1itcr county ...................................................................... 6� )(ny dh,�---onthluc county ron,l::; an<l,Jin�, nud turnpike roads ll'l111�rcrr,1tl to counties t,y

,1:it,P, when and holl' ................................ ,.. .................. ........................ ..................... 80 courL of Berkeley cuunty :1tllht,1·i1.c<l to fund at n lower n1te of lot.crc11t u ccrt�ln

u1�ouoL of l>o11Js isl'!ucd .Jnuuary 2, 1871 ...................................................................... GI G2


COUNTY COURTS. county court of 8r0vke county natl board of corumis.,loners or Ohio couo,y nutborlzed to

fund l,ondcd debt....................................................................................................... 81 Unl:iwful for any 111r•111l>cr of, to b:? pecuni:iriJy inter�ted in any coutr:sct, etc., io tbe

nwnrd, f!tc., of whic!h ho rnny h:tl"C t\ ,·oic:c, etc ......................................................... _,, 95 Any violncion dccmell n mis(lcmeanor; pr11a:1y ............................................................... 95 Cornmcucemcmt. of tcrrus in Pocahont:is <'Olin tr................................................................ 00 Comm<'UCl'IIH!lll of term� in S11111mcrs <"ount.,· ...... .................... ...................... - •·············· 9G Duties of, uutlcr asscs.,;mcnt. Jnw�, sect.iou� s :?.', '.W Gi !Jl !)2 9-li 03 !Ii 93; pages 10fi 109 110 117

12; 12G 13·1 135 How the word\(" county NH1rl" constrlll'<l ior ru1rpo.�� under :tssr-s,;;meut, �tion -1:j ••• 111 Sheriff� to make nnnu:il scltlemcuts with, for :;chool moneys recein"<l nnd disl,ur=ed; when

scctiou 61 ........................ , ...................................................................................... 144 14.5 COUXTY OFl'ICEHS,

<luallfacntion of ccrtnin, IC'g:,lizctl .................................................................................... 20 :?l Uninwful for, to be or become J>Ccuniarily intrrC."ited in proceeds of any contract, etc., in

the "·nrd of ,\·hich 1hcy 111:iy ha,·e a \'Uice .................................................................... !)5 An)' "iolntiou tlcc•1 .nc1.l n 111isdr1.ucaoor............................................................................... 95 Penalty................................................................................... ....................................... 9,8> How nmount of sul"la pccu11i1try interest to be :1SCCrtniul'<1.................................................. 95

COUXTY COURT OF 81-:RKELEY COUXTY, Authorized to iund al. a lower rate of inL<'r<."St certain amount of Its l,oods l�ued Ja.n1.13rf

:!, ISIJ ..................................................................................... _ ..................... -......... 61 t;:? In whnt form nnd of wh:1t llcnorniu:1tin11:t, srcllon 1 .......................................................... U1 Rn1c of interc•st nnd when payahle. Sl•Ction 1..................................................................... 02 \Vhcn pri11ri11al cle1nn11d:il,lt", scc1ion 1 .............................................................................. G? \\1 hcn county 111ny 1,ny pri11cipal, scctiou 1 ................................. ..................................... ,;i �o incrrn:-il• oi dcl,t nu1hori1.e(I, !-,.ection 1 .......................................................................... h°2 Cnurt to :lJIJM>lnt Ill,!C11ts to :--ell such 1.- ,wJs, �tion :! ......................................................... C2 To l"W• di:o::pu!-oCd of at not l1•!-os than thc·ir \'nluc, s'!'Ction :!.............................................. 6".? llo,f' i,roc""t'cli:; t.o t,l· a1•11licd i,;rc1ion :! ................................................................................ 62 Ai,_:1.•11t may oxrhnni.:" 11cw bond:-- for UOnJs o( 1S71, secainn 2.............................................. 61 Puri�SC' for t,.i.�uin:.: houd� l'<.'-"lril-1ed, sc1.:tio11 :! .............................. , .................................... G1 Pny111cnt of bond� nftcr th(• cx1,iratlon ol ten y<'nrs, court to •lctermlno in '"lun amounts,

,-:p1,:ti,,11 :1 .................. ...... r ... .. ................... ............................................................... G2



;�: :�;1

;;.,r;.11111:111;� ,����; �::�· ;::�,�g;:::�::•,· ;;::,�� �:::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::.·.·.·.·:::::·.·_-_-_-_-_-:::::::::.'.'.' ;� \\'hen int.?rc•:ct to C(•:t:-.l' 011 :-ell'clt�l 10 t,l• paiJ. l'.4'-ction ::. ............... - .......................... ti:!

COUXTY cot·RT OF HltoOKE ("OUN"TY • .r\11t!1oriz�l to !,w,l hou<lcd llclit 110w lluf'. ur 10 bt....._·0111(' ,1110 ............................................. St

COUNTY COIJIIT ,\!\)) RIJAHJ) OF CO)D1£-<,-rox1rn,-; FOR )I IIUOX CtH"N"TY. Act to csinhll:,.h, u11df'r th,· 1 hirtr•f\mr1h !-1•,·1i,,11 .. r :1rlil·h.• l·h:ht ,,f th� f",m�titutloo .... 149 10 1r .. "':

l'OUXTY COU!{T ,\NII )ll),ll{IJ OF c·1))1\fl.""iCINl•:1�, Fnn )1.\l{<IIAI.l. l'l)L.XTY. Act to c,,;tuhlhth u, tlHllt.'!r th,· 1 hir1 r•iuurr II io11..·c1 ivn vf arr ich· ,·i:,:h t f,( th� 1.. ... Jo�titntion_U!l to 15-1

COL"NTY co1·11r FOIi )f,1,-;11:-,-- C-Ol"XTY. A<·t to e:-11:11,li:--h, i11 lii!II .,f pr� .. �ul ,·c,tully C'1'\llrL ...... ............................. ........... -........ JG to� Co11r1 to lie lh•ltl 1,y a j11<h;••• �t.·C1i,,11 1 ....................................... ,, .................................. 85 Sli 1/-"''' jud,-::u co111111i:--:-:iv11cd, �t!<'li,)n 1 .................................................................................. Sli Iii, •:al:ary 111111 huw 1,:ii,J,.,·.:1ivn 1.. ......•............••.•........•..............••...•••....•..•••••.••••....•..•.•• ,;c; 111• term nf olli,·t•, t•xc,·p1, oto·., scc1io11 1................................. ..........•......••••.•..................• &; \\,.hen cJe<•l('lt..l, f'\{'1•11011 1 ......... ................. ..................................................................... _. Sti \\"hen hi, 1c1·n1 u[ ,.n;, . ., '" hc�ln an.! h,,w In,.,,'" roulinnr. ,t<•tlon 1................................. So \\'ho ""l to he c!c,·le,I ur :appuint<·d juol�,•. ,,•c1,• .. n 1.. .........•...••• •....••••..•.•.•.•••••.••••..•••••...••• &; ll<1w Jud�(' T4'IH0\'1·tl; huw :rnd !or wlJ:11 i11qw111·hc,l, St-cliuu :! ............................................ 1-\I; Ync-ancy in the nllic·c .. r judge how 1ill,•,I, s,•divn :t. ....................•........ •··•··················· ···· � !"ontestcd elt•c1io11 for jnd;:,•: 1,.,w tric,I an,I ,lca.-rmincd. :,eel ion •I.. ••.••.•..•.••••••••••••...••.•••••• s,; \\'hl•rc <'Ollrl lo try l·Olll('�l IHIISL :-it, SN"liou ............................................................ ------- gG Jnristliction of court, "-ct Ion 5 .....•.••.•.•.....••••••••••••.••.••••.••...•.•.•.••.••••.•••••••• _ ••••..•••••••••••••••• s,; Powcrr1 of jtuli.:o 111 ,·u.-.n1io111 s(."Clion 5 ............................................................................. :,{ti WhuL he t·nnnoL do ru, to Jmlgmcnto, etc., 110d Jujunctluur uf clrtnlt t'<>11r1, ae,:Uon ;;........... 81.i


COUNTY COURT FOR )L\SO� COUNTY. ,vbat pro,•isions of law to apply to court. section G ......................................................... AG Si To be four SC's:iion:-1 of court durin;.;- thlJ y(•·,r. Sl'Ct.ion j .............. ........................... ........ : •• 87 lirnnd jnric:; m:ty hr suH111,onccl lo nttcnd nt :my t<'rm jud�..:e may Llircct, sC"<·ti11n 7 ............ 87 llo!lnl or commissiouen;., oi whnt number to cou�ilit antl by wha1 name to be known, sec-

tion S................. ................... .................................................................................... 87 Po,""crs or surh l•onr,1, s.ec1i,,n 8........................................................................................ 87 Regular a11tl special mcc1i11gs oi buaril , sccti,,n 8............................................................... 87 Alljournc-d 111ceti11i;s, sec Lion 8................................. ...............................•... ..................... Si Prcsi<ll'flt oi b,mrd, who to elect, sec1io·11 8 .................................... ,.................................... 87 ""hn to ht' clerk; his duties and cornpl•ns:ttion, :-1cctiou 8....... ............................... ............ 87 1-Jo"· co1npcn�ntion paid, section 8.................................................................................... Si .Jurisdil·Liun and duticsoi l1onr1l 1 section S ........................................................................ Si Board in nl1 contcs1ccl ca:ws tu judge of I h(• C'l,·ctiou, CJU:lhfic11lio11 1 c1c·., of its own mc111bcrs

nntl or all county a11d <listrict. ollicl'l':-i, sc('tio11 S ............................................................ 87 Excep1 us to contcslcd clec1iu11 cases of county judg,., sccsir•n 8 .......................................... Si To perform such othcr dutics and cx�rcise �uch other'lion as may be prC'sc·ril>c<l by

la,,., scc·liuu 8.................................................... ..................... ...... ............ .................. Si Prcsiilcnt of countr court to be prc:-ident ,,f bonrd, until when, M'Ctiou 9.......................... �i Term of oflict..· of commis:\i1,ner1 mc.1 section ti................................................................... Si \V'laeu conlmis.sio11crs (>Jcc:tcU, St..'Clion tl ........................................................................... Si ·8 \\'hen term oi ofticc be�ius ancl c.>nt.iuucsuntl when, section 9 .......................................... 88 Xo two to he elected, etc., frv111 s:nue mo�isteriol district, scctivn D.................................... &! (;o1npcns:,tion of co111mi�s1,u1cr aml pn::sitlcnt :ind how JJaitl, scctio11 10 ......... , .................... 88 Lil11iL n:J 10 COHlJl('IIS:ttion, S('Cliou 10 ................................................................................. S.i Commi:-sioncrs 111:1y be indicted; for what, sectinu 11 ........................................................ s.,

Conviction ,· :1c:1h'< ollicc, sc-ctiou 11................................................................................... t'S Vocnnci,•s in bo:ird; how filled, seetiou 12......................................................................... SS \Vhcn nud where t:lcction hclcl to adopt or reject this :1c1

1 section 13............................. ...... :S.S

Also, for tlw c:'lce1io11 of jutlgc_> :tn<l 1wo co111nabsio1H•1·:s1

scc1io11 1a ...................................... &i ,vhut must be wriucu or prilllcd 011 hnllot for or :1gai11st., f!Cctiun 1:$................................... 88 Dy ,\·ho111 election con<luctctl, :section 14. ........................................................................... l'\ij Notice to Uc giYl'll, �cctiou l-1............................................................................................ � Fnilurc to post no1iccs not to vii into cloc1ion, section 1-1.. ................................................... 8S But suUjccu; sheriff to n fine, sC'ction l-1. ................................................................. ......... � By whu111 aud to whom result of clccti,_,n of j,ulg:t:' ccr1ific<l, scctio11 14 ............................... HS Clerk o( couuty court to ccniiy rc�ult to g-o,·cr11or1 whcu, :-.ccliou l·L .................... _. ........... � <-io,·croor to comwission 3!, ju<l;;e person recch•ihg- lhc hi�hc:st nmnbt.•r oi voh-8. scctic,u M lS$ )l:ljurity of all thcvot� oi county n�1uircJ. to ndopt. this act, scctio11 15 ............................ �,; \\'h:tt oiliccs no1.<lec111c<l iuc.-ompatiUlc: wi1li that oi com111is:i,i0111.!r, t-Ct:"tiun Hi ........ ............ St.I OUicc of uo1nry public not incurnpntihlc with I hat u( cou11�y jutlg:e, section Hi .................. �!J \\·hen terms of county court 10 1,c,;in. sccliun Ii ............................. ..... ........................... St.I \\'hen tl'itHmals crcatc<l by act to supcrst!dc present county court, scc1ion 18 ...................... 8!1 lt1coush;tcnt act:s 1cpcalccl1 section 19.......................................................................... ...... �ti

COUNTY COUH'l' FUR l'ENDLETON COUNTY. Act to c.stnl>lish a, uu<lcr tile thirty•fou1·th i,.ection o(url.iclccigbt.of the com,titutiuu ... 31 to ati

<.;OUN'i'Y (.;Ol!H'l' :FOR PRESTON COU.'.'ITY . .Act crcaliog n, ................................................................................................. ,. ......... :lli to a·•

COUNTY COURT ANI> llOAHO OF CO�Dll::iSI0,'11::rtS FOil WETZ8L COUNTY • .A.ct lo cslal.Jlisll n, uutlcr thirty-fourLLl sccLiou of nrt.iclu eight of the coustiLutiun ...... l·H> to J.;;J

COUNTY COt;HT :\ND IIOAIW OF CO)Dll::iSIO.Nl-:IlS Foll WOOi> C()L'NTY. Act to cr('RtC a, under till" tbirty-fourlb riCcl iou ul ur1iclo uig:ht. of the con:stil.nt.ion ..... 15-l to 1.;7

COUNTY AN I> IJJSTJIICT l'AXJ•;-; • .Appropriations for rcfu11tlin� to count le"', for tho rc,lc111p1iou of l:111cl. ......................... 6G iO ii .Ap1>ro))riatiun� for refunding to counlic�, pnill hy rnilroo.t.1 com1umics .......................... tili 70 il

COUNTY OH Dl::iTJUCI" UOAlWS. Uulnwful for au\· member of, to be or to bcr.omc pecnnturily lntcrC"Kh."1.l in the proceed� o!

nny cuntrJcl, etc., in the nwunl o( which he 11rny hu,·o I\ voice.................................... HS Any l'iolation dcc111t.-cl a 1niKdc1ueanor............................................................................... !.15 Pennft y .............................................................................................. _.. ...... ..................... !.I:; ll.vw amount o! such 1>ecuulary iutcrCtit. t.O be nsccrtu.iu\.-<l................................................. !JO


COUNTY ROADS. (tiee title, 1'ro:ids, county.'') ............................................................................................... 11 12

COUN'rY SU PERTNTEN IJ.ENTS OF :FREE SCHOOLS. Duty of, as to teachers instittues....................................................................................... 39 :Section 00 oi chaJ)tcr 77, nct.i 1877, in rclntion VJ, :uu1.rnded ............... _,,, ... ,u,,, ................... 3S :i6 Duty oi, as to the lichcdulc of contr:1cr remit 1,ricl-:1 of ::w.hool book!. sc,ction 4..................... 6a Auditor to l'Ortify tu, amount of Jc,·ics <lue each district., etc .• in his county, from r.dJr11.11l

COJll}J11flics .................................................................................... � ............................. J'l.7 \Vhcu elected, 8ec1ion 2 ........................................................................................... ......... l:J7 His tcriu of omcc, when t.n hcb'ln :md how long to continue, section 2 ................................. 137 'fio \'Oto for, l&ow dcLcnnine,1 and when, t1cc-tion 2 ............... ............................................... 1:i1 'l'o give notice to s1ate 8upcriu1endcnt of his appointment, �cctlon 2 ................................... 137 Notice to be gi\·cn tu JJresidcnts of boards o[ educ:iLion of meeting to detenuioc tie ,·ote ns

10 couuty :-1upP.rintc11dcnt.s, section 2 .............. ............................................. _ , ........... _ 13� By whorn such notice gi \'CH nn,l ho,\· sen•cd, section 2 .................................... -................... 1as \\ hen secretary of bo::ard to trnnsn:.iit certitiNI copy of cnumcr:ilic,n to, section 19 ............... l<C2

"'hc11 he may employ 1,cr:,:ou to take enumcrntil'O, section 1!) ........................ _ .. , ............... 1-1.2 \Vhcn t'-> forward cuun1cration to state surcrint.cudent ...................................................... 142 'l'o keep r\!t;bnor of ccr1ilic:ucs issued by boa.rd ot exnrnioen to te:ichcf'S, section 25 ............ H3 \Vhat such rrgi:! rnust state, .scclion 26 .................................................................... ... _ H.3 )lay cnll cxra 1.ucct.ings ol lv1ard of exnminen, Scelion 28 .............................. .................... H3 blny teach without ccrtili1·:11c, SCl·ti,,n :!� ..................... ..................................................... 1-13 School 1uoncy:s fouod due u111m nnnual �ettlcment with sheritr by county court, :and paid

in LO trea�ury, to be dr3wn out. up<m the order of. section 62 .......................................... 1-15 Hfj charnctcr nud ,1ualifil·ations for office, !!f'Ction 5t ................................. _ ......... ......... HS HG l:Jis compeu�atlou :mil how pah.l, section 5--L ....................... ........... ................................... 1-IG 'l'o be J)niJ in �(•mi•:mnual inst:11lmen1s, section 54 ............................................................ 146 But tlunJ payment uot to he ma,lc until report!i rcquir<.'d ht\\·o been made, section 5-ti ......... 146 'l'o llo )):tltl out of general ::1chool fund, nud tho umount ctccluctcd by nudilor fro111 the

n11101111t tH•xt. t,o lw distril_1t1t<'d to county, scctinu 54 ..................................................... 146 His Uoud nnd l>cfor'-.! whnru �i ,·en, section 51.. ................................................................... 1-16 J>cnnlty nm.I condi1 ion of bon<l, and his Jint,ilitics thereon, gectlou 5.t ................................. l•hi \\'here suc:h houtt to 61c<l, scc1iou 54 ........................ ........................................................ 140 Clerk of county court to cEr1i£r to slate superinteudeut, u11me of county aaperinteodtot •

nnd his po�t. ollit·o addres..i, wll�n, s<'Ctiou 5-1 ........................................ ........................ 146 Pro,•iso as to coun1y superinteu1leuts t•Jecled un,lc-r fvr111er nct.s. S(.'("tloo 54 ........................ H6 Vucanc:ics in oifico ur, huw Li!lct.1, wh�n a.nd for whnL time, i1rction 54 ................................. Hli 'fo conrorm at. all 1i111c� tuio:struction� or titRI<' su1wrintf'mlc1u, etr, !�c1ion 5.a .................. - 1◄6 Anll !'h:ill �cn•e n.s the Orl(:.&U of conuuunic.niun l>otw .. -cn s1:11c �upc:rint.coJ.cnL and district

board:-(, Sl.!tllon ;";:l ........................ .......................... ....................... ............................. 146 Also, to lli�tril,utt., fru111 hi:t oilice ull bbnk.J, clr<"ul1.1n, etc., to tho sorer.ii bo::ir-ds, etc., sec--

lion 54 ............................ . ................................................ ......................................... 1◄6 All out•goini.; 21u1h�ri11tt-ndc111� to iu:ike the r�poru re«.1ulred for 1ho ior which they

"'ero cle<.'tf'd, l'IC., l',,•ction ;i-1 ................................ .................................... ............... 1-16 Duty o(, tq,on rci•ch· i 11� llht ko irnn1 i-talO ,uperlntcudcnt ns to the nmount f.lf 5tate school

fund dhurtbuh.•t l t,.. lli8 ro1111tr, section tH ................................................................... l-17 t:!cctlon r,.1 or chllptcr 1ia, oc1� 1sn.3 relating to ch..-ctivn of l."OUnty t!Upt:riutendeut, re ..

l'Cals-<l ...........................................................•........................•................................... H�

COURT:;. \\'lint. court. mo.y on force lien upon p1opcrt)' or corporntion11, tu fa"•or n( cm1,loyc�s, soo-

sect1on •I........... .................................................. ..................................................... 17 If Hen csL'\bli!i,h<!tl, C'Ourt to ordt'r !(.'lie or provrrty; ho"·· �ection 6...................................... 13 \Vhcu nnd how <'ll•rk MCllll'r dbchnr\.tC oi �uch lir·n, srcllon 6............................................ 11:J (Seo thle, "County Courl�." "Circuit Court..!!," nntl "S11pr,m1r. Court." Act fonho prrt1cn·atlon of lish, to he,.;h·cn �pccinlly too\·cry J,tr,uul jury, section :.L . ......... 45 Appropriations to p:iy rontlngl!nt. oxpen�es of .............................. _ .. ,........................... 6S ti�

COURT HOUSES AND PUBLIC BUlLDINfiS. Coodcmnntiott of Jantl for, nnd tho mm of, section:?............................................................ IS

COU.RTS OF LIMITED JURJSOICTfO:s'. Act to cstnl,Ji:th n court. of limited Jurisdlct1on fortl10 oily of HuotJogton,................ -16 to (Seo thlo ".Municipal Court of l·Iuutlnc:ton." .Act amondod, relating c.o foes of clurk of, in tho city of Wbocllng •.....•.......•.•..•...•.... ••....•..•


i I I


COVINGTON AND OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY. Seel ion 2, chapter 131 nets 181.>G, in relation to, amemled, ................................................. 5 6 Rate of charges for passengers nnd frl!ight ....................................................................... : 6 No discrimiuatiou ngainst connectiug ruilr.;.•ads or cnna!s................................................... 6

CREDIT);. \V hnt inclu<lccl in word "credits.'' for tho purpose of taxaiion, section 47 .......................... 117

CREEKS O1:t RUNS. Uulawful to catch or destroy fish in, ut nny time, by certnin devices, except by book nnd liuo ... -................. ........................•................................................................................. «

CRUUNAL CUARGJ::S. A1,proprintions to pny cYery proper charge on thut nccount. ...................................... 63 68 71

DEAF, l>UMB AND BLINJ), INSTITUTE FOR . . .\pprvpriatious for, ..... : ....................................................................................... •.•.. 64 68 ';l

DEBT. cou::-TY.

Cer1 .. i11 t-ountics authorized to fund boo<icddebt ............................................................ 61 81

DEBTS AND CL,\lM8 DUE TO THE 8TATE. Au<li1or authorizt.-d to dirccL sale.-; of cerrniu, section 1...................................................... 5i To certify transcript. of such debt or claim to sheriff of tho county, etc., section 1 . .............. 57 PrO\"b0 us t.o claims, etc., 11p,,n which ju<lgme11ts Lt.ave been ohtainctl, and cxec11tio11i'l; re-

turned uusatislicd, scrtion 1 ........ ......... ................. .................................................. 57 Shcrilfnftcr ri!cdviug trauscript of uccouut. to b1? eolt.l, to give 11otiCCi how and when, �cc•

lion 2 ........ ............ ................................................................................................... ,'57 \Vh:at. notice 111 ust. slu,\\', section:.?....... . ... ... ... ...... ... ... ........ ...... ............ .................. ... ... ...... !17 \Vhcn sheriff to make s:tlc of :,1uch_cl:1im or arcount, 1:1cctiou 3........... ........................ ......... 57 Ji ,rn1,m111 biJ t,c lcs,:; than two hundred dollars, tv r'-'"-lllire payment in cash, scc1inn :!..... 57 Jf o,·cr two hundred dollar�, to require one- thirU c:ish ;11,c.l 1101cs fur rl•sidue, se!Cl iun 3 ..... 5'; ;,.'( l\otC's lo Uc payalJlc in six :uul twcln-: iuonths, wit.II Jcgal interest, sectiGu :1....................... 5S Note� to h:.1,·e l.\\'O cn<lorscrs, sectio11 3.............................................................................. 51\ Prosecuting attorney to certify :is lo solvency of cut.lursers, sct.:lion 3 ................................. 58 RcJHJI l Lo L,e rna<lc by shcriif nher Hale, section 4...... ...... ...... ......... .................................... !il:S \\'ltrn t•• be n1a le and where hied, .-u:ction 4 ......................................... .......................... 5S \\'hat. rcp,,rt.1uust sh1,,v1

section ,1 ......................................................................... ............ US .After report is Jih:d, shcrill' tv pv:st uolic..: of fact nt court house, scctio11 4............ ............... -5� To slntc i11 :such uolicc, tllat cx.cCJJt.iuns tuay Uc fih-d to report with dcrk oi drcuil court,

sedion •I......... ............................................................. ............................................ ,58 \Vhco l'Ollrl may set. asi<lc i;:1lc nnd onh·r, another sale to be made, se>ction -1 ..................... [11-< ll 110 exceptions tiled, court to cunlirm S.'lle, seetic.,11 0......... ............................................... � C...:lcrk to certify to auditor, coJJY of rcJHJrt nud order of confirmntion; when, sec·tion :-......... ,'ls \\·hen shcrill tu tt·:111.:;mit. to auditor, ccrlificatc of dcpo:dt for aUlouut recchctl, a11d, altil>,

notes cxccutcJ for L,aluncc of pun•hase moll<")', ,;cctiu11 G...... ....................................... 58 Dul,. of atulitvr in ca..:1c af faih1ro ,,i pcrsou to p:1y notes when due, ,eclio11 G..................... r..s Pur�lrn:--l'r uf :,.uch nccvunts ur c:laims Ht1Ls1itutcd to all rights of the stn1c, section 7 ...... Gtl llut not. allou·cU nny claim egairnn i,tatc for n11y error, t.)lc.1 s�ctlon 7 ........................ 58 G9 Wmpensation of shertfl for pcriorml11g: duties rcr1 uirc,} of bt111 by this chapter, section 8... 59 Cost.ti of puLlishiog, llow paid, section 8..................... .................... ....................... 59

DECREES. Clcrkal errors in, of Slt prcmo court, mny· be corrected, ,vhou ........................................... 20 78

DECEDENT'S ESTATE. By whow lis1c<l ior taxntioo, section 26 ............................................................................. 110

DEFAULTING SHElllFFS. Auditor authorized to sclllo with U10 •u•eties or, without requiring pnymcnt or 12 por cent

luterc-st .....•...........•................................................•...........................................•...... 9� 95

DELA PLAIN, COL. R. M. Approprintion to pay, for expenses incurred ns aid-<lc-cnmp to Go\'ernor in suppressing

riots............................................................... ........................................................... 00

DEUNQUENT AND FORFEITED LANDS. Sections:; nods of chnpl<!r 13•1, of 1bc ncL• of 18i2-3, In relnt!on to tho sales or, amcoded ... 93 94 Term• ol IIAles or, and dut.le• of cowml.5aioner and court In rcla.Uou tbereto ..................... 93 9�


DELINQUENT LISTS. Accounts of G. \V. Taylor, late sheriff of Logan county, to be credited with eertaln, ...... 10 207

DISSOLUTION OF CORPORATIONS. Franklin Lodge No. 3, Iadcpcndent Order of Odd Fello,.·•················································- 26i 8111iLh & Con1pany .......•...•.•..••.••••.••••••.••...•.••..••••.•.•..••.•.••...••.••••...•.••.••.•.•.•..•.••..•.••.••••.•.... '268 JlnCf:tlo :\filliug C>111p:1ny •..•.•...••••....•••.••••••••••••••.••••..••••.••••.•...•..••••••.••.••.•••.• : ••.••••••••••••.•••.. 270 The Producers' Trausportation Co1npaoy .....................•................... ,_ ................. , ............ 269

DISTRICT OFFICER;;. Qualilicat.ion of certain, lcgilizc<l ...................................................................................... 20 21 Uol:lwful for, to be pccuninrilr intcrcstro in proccc<ls or nny contrnct-, etc., tn the nwnnl

or ,vhich they may have n ,·oicc.......................................................................... ...... 9:; Pcnnlty..................................................................... ...................................................... !IS

DIVIDEND,;;. Bono fide stock dividends may be declared by Incorporated railrood compnoi('S, ............... 39 ◄O For , ,·h:11, ..•.......•.......••...•....•..••.•••.•...•....••.••.•..•....•••••••••••.•••.•.....•••• ...•••.•....••..••..•.••••.••.•• -10 All other �tnck dh·idends

1 etc., void._. ............................................................................... .ao

Scctio11 22 of ch:ipter S<;, ac-ts 1872•:l, in reJn1.ioo to the iASuo of stock and bonds, etc., by in• corporated con1pnnjes, nn,cntle<l .•....••.•..•••..•...... •.•••.•............................••••••••••...•...... 39 40

DODDRIDGE, cov;sTY Or'. �urcti1.l� of E. L. \V:ule, lat.c sheriff of, nnthorlzcd lo colJect ccrtnin feo nnd tn:x bills .•........ 104 Commenrcment of terms of circujt court iu, ..................................................................... U5S

DOUGLASS, W. S. Appropriation to re-!ruburso S. JI. Smith. for the capture of,............................................. 21

ECONmrY M.-\�UFACTURING COMPANY. lncorporntioo of, ......................................................... , ..................................... ; .............. 252

EDUCATJO:-.. (Sec title "School Lnw.")

EIGUTH .JUDICIAL CIHCUIT. Terms of court in............................................................................................................. 3

E.JJ':CTME:-.T. Scc1ion 19 ,,f HO of the- code in relation to tlw nction or, amended ........................... !)1 Etfoct hf ad,·crs:,ry pos....�s.�ion 1l11d,"r ,,atcot, dc�il or other writing, jo Rl"Ontrovers:1ry<•ffect-

ing land, wl1<'rtl :,;ornt.l nther peJscm hns tht! b<.-tlcr 1 iLlc ................................................. 91 IlcM to (•xtc111I to tlu• l)l')t1111..l:lries t!Utbr:ic�l or in<'JudN.I by such p:ueot, drNI , t"lc-., unlr�s

person h:1,·i11g b<-ttc·r tillc sl,:111 hn,·c urtunl :u.l,·C'n-e posses..,.ion or so1rte }l!ll't of the lnnd cu1brnc<'<l by t1uch patent, tlcl..J. etc.,....................... .......................................... 91

ELECTl•)N,;. For Tfll iflc:11 ion or I cjr•·t inn of propo.o:i;t"I :ll11f'tHi 1 1.11•111� 110 tho c:,m�I it inn pn>,·i<h:,1 for........ 72 ;5 Oi jtul�c•s :111t.l ('Q1111uh,"it,u,•r,, undet· P''-'l,._,.,...'(I :uocnd111c11L <ii ri.rdi. .. lr-S t1( the conslllutioo

1,ro,·id,�d for, �c1.·th,11s 7. S.................. .......... .... .. ..................................................... 74 \Vh:'\L 11111st h,, wri1t1•n ur 1,ri11ted oif1 k1llu1 of ,,,•1"?vrn ,·otinJ,,! for judges, �ecLion 7 ............... ;,a �p(•◄·ial pro\'islo11 ri� Ill tinH ju,Ji,-.i:'11 drc11i1, f-('C'li,m i ........... ............................................ 74 Jlow 1·lccti1111 r,,r Ju<1�f� <'•·111,l11,·l•"II. c1c�., 011i.l 1C'1rnh :1�('1•rtninl'<l :rnd c·('rtified, �ttlion 7......... 7-1 llo,v jt1cl).!C:,l c,,1,11ni .. :,.l,,11,·•l, l'(1•c1i,,11 i................. ............................................................... 74 Thrcc c11n)•:ds�lo11t•r:- f•l 11,• el,•c-te<I ir1 c:uh C<,unty, whc•n, �'<'lion d ............................ ........ i4 How �uch cl(•,·1lon:,1 1,1 IM· '--.,111ll11 t�1·l, c11· •• n· .. ult al"l't·rl:lio"d nnJ r('l11r11� m�dc, �<'Clio11 S .•. 74 Terms oi j udi:c·!§ aud cu111111i�i,,11r� cl'--ch.'d, wht•II t,'\ co111kl<'llf'O, sectin11 !l.......................... 74 Of :--cl�ool ofliC't:ri-i when, section 2 ......... .. ...................................................... ................. 1:i7 Voti11g 1,, be b.,· halJ,,1 ·11ul wlu·rc held, "t:erh,n 2 .................... - ............... ······················- 137 Notice to he gi,·cu of suc:h t!lct·tir,n. sce1h,11 1 ........... ........................................ ..... .. ......... J:l;; Poll hooks for such 1.·IC"c-thm; who to prcpnrc :111d clelh·c•r thew :uu.l nt what time. i,cction 2 .. 137 Conuui:-:siC1ner:1 o( such ('JCCtion; how ap1,oinlf•d, nml 10 rc,·ci,·c Ill) com1,c11:mtloo. sec-

tion 2 .......................... ............................................ •······--·····--·--····" .................. 137 JS.� How election �upcri111r1u.lcd, cnncluc1cd, ctr., :rnd rcsuJl.:1�c•rtnincd, scctio112 ................... 13i \Vlant pro\'ision or Jaw to i,:o,·crn, st.'<.'tion 2 .......................................................... ............. 1:17 Tin vote (or school oOkcrs; how dC'lcrrnined, s1.--ction 2 ....................................................... 13i 1Jullot!4 for school IC\')', whnt to Juivc written or printed thereon, S<'Ctioo 2 ........................ tAA 8pccial olcetion for school levy; wllen, Ne., section 2 ........................ , ...... _ .................. _.,_ 138


ELECTIONS-Continued. :Section 17 o( chapter 11S nets 1R;2-�, In relation to, arucnded ......................................... H8 14� Oath of commis.-.ioncrs, clerks and coucluctor:; vf............... . ............................................. 148 Who to nclminister such oath .............................................................. ........................ 148 149 Ont.h tu he ccrti1ic<I on poll books ....................................................................................... 149

F.LK RIVER. Joint. 1'\.">SOlution requesting further nnd sufficient nppropriation from gcncrnl government

t.o con1plcto \l"Ork begun on, ........................................................•...............•.............. 172

"El,K ?.IVER OIL CO�lPANY. lucorporation of, ................................................................................. -·······-·················· 217

ELM(jHOVE RAILWAY CO�IPANY, WHJ,El,ING AND. 8cclion 1 of chapter 160, net� lSi:l-3, ns amended by chapter 51, ncls 18i7, in rclnliou to,

n mendecl.. ............................................................. ..................................................... 159 Rl�ht lo con:nruct rnilwny nlong the sides of nnd across national rond, nud to op-

crntc saruo by stca1n or ani1uul power, etc .................................................................... 169 Rut !'il-Hl>j'-!ct to such rcgulatious a� iuar Oe pn!S<:r.ibed by board or public works, i{ nny ........ 159 May ro1no,·o a11cl rcplal:C tclcgruph J)()IC�, etc ..................................................................... 159 Pru\"iso a.;;i to kin<l or stcaru eogiuu to t,c� used ..................................................................... 159

ENUMERAT!ON OF YOUTH. Te!lchers to mnkc.-, it1 <":t.Ch sub-di�trlct, etc., section 19 .................................................. l◄l 142 \\" hen tu bu n1nde1 8CCtion 19 ...................... ............................ ......................................... 142 Ticlwccn what n;;cs to t,o enumerated, scctiott 19 ................................................................. 1-42 To Ulstin:.;ui�h hctw<!cn runic and female, white and colored, section Ht ............................. 142 •rci bu 1akc11 in t\\·o clnsses1 section 1, ................................................................................. 142 \\'hut ng<:s to be conlalned in each cJns..s, seclion 19 ............................................................ 142 lro\,· \·ttrificd, section l!l .......................................................................... , .......................... 142 To wl1111n and ,,·hon returucd, i-ection 19 ........................................................................... 142 l'enalty on teacher for failure to JHako c11umcr-.:uion. section l!J .......................................... 142 �ec-n•lar�· oi board to keep rt-Ct)rd of enumeration in his oUi,·e, sec-lion 19 ........................... H2 To tra11!<111it nnnually ccrtiJit:<l <·op�· to couuty supcrintcnderu. whcu, �cc1io11 19 ............... l.C2 H uut. r�c.-civcd Uy county supcriutcndr.nt hciurc April 2llth, he nu1st <:'mploy someone to

take it, etc., �eel.ion 19 ........................................................................ ........................ l.C2 Co1npf'11�ation of fH.•rron so employed. how a1Jowt:<I and pnid, !-Cctio11 19 .............................. 1◄2 \Vhf'n county !'-llpcrintendcnt to for"·ard cn11111crntion to slate superintendent, section 19 ... 142 �t�:to �operintC!mlc11t to pl'cscril>c uud furnish blank� for ral.:ing. K�ction 19 ........................ H:2

ERRO:-EOUS ASSESS:IIENTS. Appn,priatiOU8 for rcfundiug tux.t•� erroneously ns.�sscd .................................................... GG 70 l{�lici a)-:"..aiusl, o( tuxcs .................................................................................................. 134 135

EX,\�IJN ATION. \\'hen held for tea,·her!" certificates by board or cxamintrs.................................................. 39 Of nr,plicants for tho profc�iou by ll'ncher or board of examiner, section 2$1 29 .............. 143 144

EXCEl.'3IOR BANK NOTE COMPANY. lucorporationuI .......................................................................................................... 113 2U

FAIRMON'r NORMA r. SCHOOL. Appropriution to pay for fitting up nnd furnishing lnl'gfl hnlt 0(,....................................... 63

(S<.-c litlo "Nor111nl Schools.")

FARMERS' co.oPERA'rIVE UNION. Incorp,omtiou of, .............................................................................................................. 232

FAYETTE COUNTY. 'fi11.:eJ4 fo,· holding eircuit court in,.................................................................................... 21

FEES. Of sc-erotnr�· of !'ttn.te, for i!i."IUin,; of incorporntion, reC'ording smne, nml for cort.l-

ticrl e<•piP..,... ..••.• .••.•.••• ... ..• ................. ....•.•..•........•...........•. .••.•.•.•.•.•.. ......... .................. .'>I Of cJ..-rk of 11\unidpul c"urt or \Vh(•P.1i11).! City, act in relation lo urnc111lcct .......................... 79 Of ,.J .. rk oi c.:ount,· cl1t1rt. for ccrtutn dut,i<·s ............................................................... li tfi2 Hi9 Com111is."lion allo�ed sh"rllf for dutic•!f J•crforml'<l under act nuthorl?.ing: the auditor to clirect

8ah•:-111( certain debt-"' nnd cluJms duo tht\, :i.ection 8 ............................................... fi!I Jo'ecs of 11-"'""-SOnl..................... ............ ......... ............... ... ...... ...... •.•.•• ......... ... ...... •. ............. I 33


FEES-Contrnuecl. Commission o( sheriff for eollccling district levies for school purpc,,cs, section �2 ............... 144

FEE BILLS. Sureties of E. L. Wade, Into •heriO of Doddridge county, authorized to cc,ltcct ecrtnln, ...... 104

FERRIES. Value of. how nsccrtalned nnd nsse�sed for taxation, section G3 ........... ............................... 121

FERTILIZERS. Purchasers of, prot('ctc<l, ......................................................................................•...•...• 30 31 \\'hen offered tor sale must he branded or J1n,·e an�Jysis:ituclJecl, scctfon 1. ....................... 31 \Vhnt nnalysis u,ust sho,,, scctiou 1 ............................................................................•..... 31 Penalty ior selling, c1c., wilhout nunlysbs, or with falgc annlysis, section 2 ......................... 31 l:!n\,. rctCl\'t'rcJ, ::;cction :l....................................... ........................... .............................. 31 One half oi fine tv ,.:o tv purchaser :1otl the olhC'r half to stah.•. �l'<'lion 2 ............................. 31 Who V> 311nl.rzc specimens of icrtilizcrs when requested, scctiou 3..................................... 31 :Must be �worn :wcl report result of an.:ily�i� to p:ir1y, �cction 3 ........................................... 31 To receive no compi:11�:,tion for :1.o:ily:5is, !t.'Ctio11 3.................................................... ........ 31 llis cer1ificate of analysis <lccuJed priuw Jade c\'idcuce iu nuy suiL for <l:1111agt:s, section,... 31

FIRE I�SURANCE CO)IPAXIES-)fUTUAT,. SecLion l•I, of chapter 55. acts 1S77

1 iu reJution to, amended .......................................... tGS 169

FIRE CREEK COAL AND COKE CO)IPANY. Ini.!vrvoration of, .............................................................................................................. 705

Fil'.ilIING. Chnptcr 2G, ncL" of 1877, a11ten<ling eection 4 of chapter 62 of the cod<", rrlating to,

a1n('nded, ................................................................................................................ 4-4 _.,'5 Per�on� prohibited from c:uching or destroyinJ.:" fish in creeks or rnns by rucan!l of drng

or ut.hcr ncu, fish-pots, wcin:i, tr:1ps, <.·tc, or other <lc'"kes.......................................... ◄4 Unlnwful lo place in ri\'C•rs, creeks nnt.l slre:1111s,nt nny tilllc, fish-pots, weirs 01 trnp� ......... .U Uolawiul to e:uch ur destroy, etc ,-fi�h in ri\·cr.-, by mc:u1s of nets. slcd,.dn;!, �hooting,

Heinc.'i or other ,lc,·ices, except by hook. :i.n<l linc. fru11\ 1st day of lbrch tu 1st d:iy of Sept\ .. tuber, ..................................................................................................... ....... ... -14

Un lnwrul to c:tteh ur ,Jcslroy hlnd.:-bn.."S, jnck.-snlmon or wTlite-s.,lruou, in auy manner, bet"·een 1st of ?-lay n11d 1.ith of June, ......... ................................................................ <f4

Unlnwful to catch or ,kstruy brook trout or 1nrul .. Jockcd s.1lmoo, in any m:umcr, b�t"·c("n l�t of :Scpte1nhcr and l:;t of Janua1·y1 .......................................................................... 44

Unlawful tn kill fi�h at any tinh�, wilh poison or lJy explosion ......................................... 4-1 Per�ons cngnJ,:c<l in, not to trc:;p:bs u1Jo11 �•H:lose-J grouuds or' :mother, etc., ........................ 44 Cntchlug 1ish in prhnlt• d:1111 or puml 1,rohibitt:>d ............................................................... -14. Exc('plions �s to minnows or �mall tish, C.-.X.l·t.•pt s.1tmo11,� nuJ trout. 10 be used for

lin�. etc., .................................................... ............................................................. 44 Except iun a:,1 to Co,umi�ioncr.t uf fish\·3, etc., c-nrc·hing /h,h, at any tiuu.•, with net�, etc., for

propa�atiun 1,ur1•u..;es ..... ...... ................................................................................. 4-1 -&r, Exccption:-1 ns lo prl\:111:' pu11J�. ("t�· .......................... ............................... ........................ 45. Act to l>e givun spt.•dally hi drnrgc to e:u·h gruud jury iu e,·cry oourt................................. 45

FISH CO�Dll�SION J•:11� . . Aprroprintiuns to pay oxp('nse:ot of .................................................................................... 66 70 Apprt1priatio11 to pay for fo1H.l puri:"h�1sC't.l by, upon which to <'rc,:t a lmtchcry ..................... 66 Jlow dm\\·11........................ ........................... ......... ...... ................................................... 66

1-'ISH HATCHERY. Appropriatio<l. to Jmy Cor land purehnst---...1 upon whic·h to r•rC'Ct :1,....................................... 66

FOREIGN TNSIJRANCE CO)!PASJF"X Officers amt ng:,•nts of, vrohibtt .... ,l fn"""IIU trnn�af'tin),t any bu!Siness of insurance without

proper nut.huri1.y ........................ ....................... ................................................ ....... S5 Penally fur dving l,11sl1.1r.s.."' "R'ithout authorit.y .................................................................. _ 85


Sections r. n111l S of ch:q,h.ff 1:l4, al·l!-1 l�it-'J, in relation to the �aJcs or, nmc-ncl<•d .................. 93 94 Tcrm:-1 of sa)('s of, nud ,luty of co111rnh1!'-ioncr 111 rclu1ion thercw, se,·tion 5 ........................... 93 C<>mrnf�.;ioner to coulirm report. of �1ll19 unlc.s."' c-xcopt�I to, etc., S<'Clion 5 ........................... 93 \Vben couunisitlonor t.o convey to purchasor iutarest or Blll� in Buch lamb, 1ection G ......... _ 9!"i

xxx INDEX.

FORFEITED AND DELl:SQUF.NT LANDS-Continued. Bonds for dderrcd installments of purchase money to be returned by commi!sloncr to court,

section 5......................................................... . . ....................................... ............. 93 'F11rro n( such hC\nds, section 5 ............................ , ............................................ : ...... ........... 93 Duty or CommiS3io11er upon taUuro of obJisons to p:1y sueh l,vnd · when du<", scc1ion 5......... 93 1'11ticc to he gl ,·<'n bc-iorc moving <'ourt for :to aw:ird of ex,·c11tion, �cct ion 5. .... ...... ............ 93 Fco:t of conunis,ioncr in such cases, section 5..................................................................... 9:l How fee:-., cost�, n1ul commissi11ns t:axcd, scctlou 5 .............................................................. 9� C:lm111i�-tioncr to report to court all 111oncys rcc,:h·ctl on such �ales, !'-Ctt ion !; •. .................... !la lAmunissir,n, etc., allowed corumissioncr by court, on ull IIIOlll'YS colJcctcJ, etc. Sl'CLion 5 .... 93 !l4 Rc!'\h.luc c,)£ moncr to 1Jc pahl into slate• trea.�ury for bc11clit ui school fund, scct.iun 5 ............ 04 Ueport to bo mndc hy c-lerk of t·ourl. to the :uulito1\ s�c1io11 !", ............................................. 94 Auditor to clrnr;.:c con1111issioncr with nt110111H, of 111011cy �how11 t,y such report. to be i11 hi!t hn1uls, scrtion 5................................. ..................................................... ........................ 94 \Vhnn co111ml�!lioncr to 1n.r autl)unt. !'.JhO\n1 to l,t' due fr1)111 him i trca"'ury, ia-cction 5 ...... 94

Hcport to be m:Hlc by corn missioner to nuditor; whc11 and how, �<:ctiou $.......................... 94 \\'hnt such report. to sho,f', section 8.................................................................................. 94 \Vhcn to pay into treasury ?,lllOUDt shown by report. to bo <luc tho :-itatc, section S............... 94

FOURTH .TUDIC[AL crn::UIT. Co1uauencc1ncut oi terms oi courts in,............................................................................... 6

FOX SA)ll'EL. Approprio.tlon to pny, as assignee ot Ad.nm R. Gh·en, comu1i!.sioncr of re"enue, etc .......... 102

FRANKLlN I.ODGE NO. 3, I:S-DEPEN!)E:S-T ORDER OF ODIJ FELLOWS. Notico of <li!S$0lution oi, ................................................................................................... 267

FREE SCHOOLS. Pr1c.-e� of clns."' book:1 nSC<.l lo, regulnt<Xl ......................................................................... 81 to 83 ,vho mny nttcnd, witbvut tuition fee, scNion 10 ...................................... ........................ 140 Auy per.sou nrny nttcnd, upon pny11u:nt of tuition fee, section 10 ................................... 14.0 t-n \Vhr.u nn,1 to whom such rel' pal<l, section 10 .................................. ............................ ...... 141 To go lO Crl•dit oi \Yh:tl {uncr, section 10 ............................................... ............................ 141 Certnin sections of la�· relnting to, :uucntle<l .......................................... : .............. 38 13G to US (Seo tit lo" school low.")

FREir.HT, Upon rallroacls, penalty for chargin1:; or receiving unJaw[ul charges £or tram;por1:uic,n or, ..... 9G

FRESH START )11:S-ING AND l\ULUNG CO)lPANY. Incor1,nrntion 0(, .............................................................................. ........................... 460 261

FURN!TUP.E. "rlut furniture exempt £rnm tnxnliuu. Sl'Ction 43 ............................................................... 1 JG Hou�chulll and L::i1chen {ua·uiturc nnt to be listed cxcc•pl o:t pro,·ic.lrd in SCl·tiou &:s, 5ec1ion Gl 121 How !urnituru cntctL.J in property book fur taxation, sccliou GS ........................................ 128

GENERAL A8SE)IOl,Y OF VIHGlNIA. Ccrlnins�ctlous ot uo :ict of, iucorpornting the clLy of ,vhf!cllng, pn."! .. "'C(l .:\tare-I& 11th, JS3G

umcnded .........•........................................................................ , .............................. 91 92

GENEIIAl, SCHOOL FU:SD. (SC'c title" Hchool func.1, gcncrul. ")

GILMl-:R COUNTY, Cuaumenccment of terws of circuit court in, ......... ........................................................... • 1•

6LENVl 1,1,F. NOlt)lAL SCUOOI,. t1 pprvpriatious to 1,ay £or repairs to huildlng, for npparntus, furniture nnd librJry ............ 63 (Sec tlllo" normal school"·")

GOOD IIOPF. MECIIANDISING- CO)1PANY. Incorpornllou or,························.·······························································-····················· 206

GOODWTN, P. EI. HoWIO and fann of, wade part of the Clark.9buJ¥ Independent achoo! di.olnct ....................... 37


GOVERNOR. 1'o a1,point regcnl" of university...................................................................................... U To fill ,·a,·anricj in l>oard of regents..................... ....................... .................................... 25 To Jay n1111trnl report o( rCj.!Cllls before leghslnturc.................................................. ............ 25· To cuuuuissiun county judges for cr-rtoin couutics; whco .••...............•.............. 30 3t 88 152 157 <..'i,·il routin;;cut fuud of, approprintious for, .•......... : ........................................................ 65 G!, Appropriaticn1:-1 to J>•'Y sal:u,· Qi prinuc secretary Qf, ... ................................................ 65 G!J 71 l>uty or a:-t to a.sccrt!licing- and declaring rcsull� of ,·01� on the propo!cd amonllmcnts to

the r·o11�tit.ution ..................... ..................................................... .............................. i3 76 To ha,·c pn,posl�ll a111cndmenrs published; when and h,nr ............................... ................ i3 iG Expense� or pu1Jlic;1lion ; hon· 11aid ............... ................................................................. 73 76 lJnty or. as to is..;iuing: c011,mi�io11:-\ to juclgrs if nmcntlmcnt to consUlutlon bo r3tlficd or U

.-cjcclrrl, �rc1io11 7 ....................................................................................................... 7-& To npp1,i11t con1111:,;.,.,,1si<>11crs iu regarJ to the boundary monuments on the line between thi.9

stat,· nnd PcnsyJ,·ania ................................................................................................. 97 Arproprirtlil.)11 to pay t•:cp<'nses of com1oi�io11 to be drawn upon the order of, �ec1ion 2 ........ 9; .1\1111r,lpria1 ions to pay �:tlary of, .................................................................................... 99 100 To appoi111. r('..;t•nts or �t:ilc 11ormnl school, one front cnch congrf?!!iional district, :t.od one

fr•J111 81:it? .al lnr�c. section Si ........................................... ................................... ....... 147 To tl),point C, B. Lutz st:1tc :1gcot on imrui;;r:ulon ....................................... -..................... J70 J.1011-.!y appropiiau.•<l for immigration purpost..'S to be drnw11 by the order of, ........................ 170 J,,int r<:"sr,J ut ions :tl>JllJiut iug c11rumittc.?..i to.u·nil upon, ...... .................. ...... -.................. 170 183 Heltucstcd tu trnn!-mit copies of cC'rt.aiu joiut. r�olutious to our gen:uors :and rc:present:a-

ti,·cs in coug:rc.:s.1 ............................................................. : ................................. 172 173 174

GRA�fl.JL1RIE:<. Act for prcserl"n.tion of fish to be i;:i.,·cn in ch:ugc to. section 2. ........................................... 45 Tu cuquirc Into viol:ltion ••f rc,·cnHe l:lws t,y ns1e.,�o�. section !m ....................................... 135 Duty of fon•man ur. :1st..> Ji�t of such l"i,,lations furnished hiln, !l:CCtiou !l9 ......................... 135 Act. 111:1ld11;.: ii a mi:.;d.-,ucauor f,,r :utorucy at lnw tt, fail to paJ O\'Cr money recehed by him

for Jus clicut to be gl\·cn �peci:,lly in chnrgc or, SL'Clion •l . ...... ...................................... 153

GKANGJ•: WOOI.E:-1 MANUFACTURI);G CO)IPANY. lncorporal iuu of, ..... ......................................................................................................... 199

GRA:-IT COUKTL Appr11prin1iun to rc-cmbursc S. If. S111ith of, for the cnpture of\\'. S. DouglnM, convicted

,,f r ... 1vny ........................................................................... ......... .. ................................ 21 County court or, to n-.1uire rC!!110,·:1I oi obstnu..·tlons fro1u ct•rlnin tribufnrie." of the South

Ura11ch ri,•f'r i11, ......................................................................................................... 37 'J'i1ucs £or hoJllin)o: clr\·uil t'•lUrl iu, ..................................................................... ............... 56

1an:AT JIEI.T 011, CCI)) PA:S Y. lnrurp11r11lio11 uf, ............................... ............................... ............................................... 188

GltEATKANA\\'IIA Hl\'EI!. Joiut rc.◄nl11 Ion :1.-.ki11,: r'-1r1hc-r !1n<t suffirieut 111,propri11llon form the gcoernl government

10 l·un111l1•1,· thr "·••rks IK .. 6'-111 '-'"•· .......... ........... . ........... ........................ .................... 172

GltEF::SIIHI 1-:Jt t 'lllJ !'.TY. 'l'in1cs uf li111tl(11g ,•ircuit f'l'•nrf tu,... ...... ........................... ................................................. 3

GREEN llltl J•:1: J.U )I HEit l'tJ)II' A:-1 Y. lut·orpuratiu11 ,d, ........................................... ................... ................................................ :!53

GUYANDl>l"l'l, lll\'EJ: . .foi111 rc-'nlu1iv11 rl.'•pH�<ting furll1C'r and ,�nt :,pproprbthm� frou1 the genoro.t gon?rn-

w,,111, 11, 1..·01uplt.'IC I he "·orl,;. IAbUU ou1 ..................................... .............................. ...... 172

!UGH :;cl!CJOT.8. \V hvu t,l hu dis(•ontlnucd and for w-h:11, ,sect Ion 1:1 ........................ ...................................... 1-11

HA)fl'.�IIJRE CUIJ:-ITY. Time� fur holtling tho ('Ounty court io,.............................................................................. 41 'filucs fur holding cl r(•11ll courl in,.............. ...................... ....................... ........................ 36

HANCOCK <:OU STY. Acl. tt, incorpornto thO town of New Cumbrrla.od lo, amon,lcd ........ .................................. 41 42 Commoncou1ont ot torms ot circuit coun !11, ..................................................................... 166


HARDY COUNTY. t.:ounty court of, to require remo\"nl of ob�truction� from certain tributaries of the South

Branch river in, .............. ................. ........................................................................ 37 �rin1cs for boJdint; circuit court in ...... :.:...................... ...............•..................................... 66

HARDY GUARDS. Appropri:ltion W p:iy, for scn·ices rendered iu supprc....;sing riot:t ......................................... 90

llARPER'S FERRY BRIDt;E CO)IPANY. Incorporntion oi, •.............................................................................................................. 2G2

HARRISON COUN.TY. l;-arms. etc,, oi ll. B. Stout nud P. R. Goodwin made part of the <;1:"1rksburg independent

scl101il district in .................................................................................................... ... 37 Commcncc1ucnt.oi terms of circuit court in, ............................................................ ........ l�

H,\RTFORD CITY OIi, CO�IPANY. Incorporation of, .............................................. ............................................................... 2"l0

HAWK'S NEST COAL CO.\IPA::S-Y, (Ll.\llTF.D.) 1 n<·orporn liou of ............................ ......................................... , ......................................... 215

HOSPITAL FOR TITE I:S-SANE. -1\pproprinLion fnr t.he iurthcr construction of .................................................................. 15 JG Amount nppropriatc.-d :md when paid. section 1................................................................. 15 Should lhcrc be a dcticit in ro,·cnuc aud11or mny borrow from school fund, section 2......... 15 Amount so borrowed 111Hl interest thereon, how p:iid, section 2........................................... 15 Duty of boar<l of <lir1-ctor=s, section 3................................................................................. 15 'ri1ue of opening- prop(tsal�, section a .............. ................. ................................. .............. 15 Proposnls to Uc nccumpanicd hy boud, section :J.·:······· ................. ................................... 15 16 To be opened in pnblic, �c1io11 3................................................. ........... ...... .................. 16 llow co111rnc1 nw,irrlc<l. seclion :\........... ...... ......................................... •........................... 16 Separate proposals ior certain ldutls of work, section 3....................................................... Ju

lloar<l 111:iy reject all proposals and rclct, etc., •cc1ion 3...................................................... 16 Approprintiom,for current CX}H.•nses or, ctc .................................................................. G.a GS 71 \Vhcn nnd ho,v dra,vn ..................................................................................................... 1.34 <.US

HUNTINGTON', CITY OF Fnr,n of BurrC'Jl \Vilkcs, cxcJudcrJ from corporate limits of,............................................... 22 .Act to.cstablh1h n court of limilccl jurisdicrion in, ........................................................ .46 to r,2 'l'nxcs rcfuncled to the 8:111k of liu11tington in, ..................................................................

IMMIGHATION, ST.1TE AGENT OF Gn,·cr11or :1u1horizcd to appoint n, ....................... ............................................................ 170 Who to be appointed ............ ............................................................................................ 170 His tcrn1 of office ............................................................................................................. 170 }Julies of, .............................. ................................................................... ...... � .............. 170 'J"o n"ojrl p:1rti:dity nnd misrcprcscntatioo ........................................................................ 170 J\ppropri.itiou to pay expenses of ............ ......................................................................... 170 Hou· dran·n ..................................................................................................................... 170

INCORPORATED JOIN'TSTOCK CO)IPANIES. Act relating to the i11cnrpor:1t.ion of Co\'iogton nnd Ohio Rnilroad Comp:\ny, umcn<led ........ G 6 R·dlro:ttls, how .1ssc:-.. .. cd for tnxa.tion ............................................................... G to 11 123 to 127 Condemnation of rC'al estate by, when !ilntc 1� !-tole or part own11r, sections 2 3 ..................... ta Co111lcmnn1ion of rc:11 C'Statc l>y, where state is not o,f"ner, S('Ctinns 2 :} ............................... 13 Condewn:uion of lan,t Ly, for transpr,rt ing oil, cle., by lines of tnbing. etc., t-ections 2 3, 13 Lien upon property of; in rn,·or of cruployes .................................................................... 11 18 Section 22 of chapter 88 acts JS72-3, rcliuin� to the iucorporatlt>n of r.1ilroad companie!I,

nme11<),:d l--0 as to p�rmit bon11Jlrlc stock clh·id�1Hls ...................................................... 39 40 Sections 2, a nnd. 18 t·h:tptrr 107 of the nc1s ot 1872-3, concerning: tho incorpor,lliou of joint

,,;tock comp:mic.ts without �pccial ch:1rttrs, nmcmlcd ..................................................... 53 54 The purposr� for which, without i-pccial charti•rs, mny b� formed ................................. . 53 .54 Companies incnrJMJralc<l under this (.·hnptrr for tho purpose of constructing, etc., linrs of

m'.t_t;nctic 1cli•grnph, tclcphnnc, lim•s of piping, otc., lor trnnsportin� oil, otc, deemed public companies and co1umon c:irrlers. otc......................................... ........................ M

To n·h:tt. ahflt•tc:-rs subject.................................................................................................... 6-l W luiL cowpaaie.. C>lOUOL bo lacorporutcd wiLbouL special cbarten........ •••...........•......•......•. M


L�CORPOR,ITED JOINT :STOCK CO)IP.-1.::'>IES--Contiuued. ltecordi11i; nod issuing ccniticatcs, fee for........................................ ................................. 5-1 Ulhcr tlonn rallruaJs, etc.; how lis1cJ !or u,xatlon, scc1Jo11 6-1.. ........................•.................. 121

lNCOHl'URATION OF JOINT STOCK COMPANIES WITHOUT :SPECIAL CHARTEH. :st-et iuu:s :!, 3 ;111d 1S of chapter 54 of 1 he (;ode, ad nml'udcd Lr elm pt er lOi of acid JSi:!-3, ro11-

c.:or11 i11g, a1ucntlcU .............................................................................................. ...... :,1 5--1 J•'or \\"hat purpusc:s ior111c<l ............... ............................................................................. :;a 55 TcJcgr;lph, lCll·pbonc :mtl companic.>s for tr.m:sr,or1lni; oil, etc., by U11el! o( piping, ere.,

dcc111ct.l pul., lic c11mpanie.s nod cornmou carricnt ..............•.•................•...................••••• 5-4 'l'u ,vhat chaptcrd subject ........................... ........................................................ ." ......... : ... U4 \Vhat co111pauit•S canuot be i.1cor1>0ratc<l without S(>C<'J:ll clt:1rlt.·nc ......... .......................... _. 5-1 Hccunli11;; :1ud. i�uing: ccrtili4.;atcs, fee ivr.......................................................................... S-1

IXCUl{l'UltA l'JOX, CEHTIFLCATES OF \:Sec l .itlc ccnilkates c,i incurporaliuu.)

lNCUHPOIUTIUX OF )IL"TliAL FJIUs IXSURANCE CO)ll'AKIES. :St:cliou U oi acl iu rcl.atiou to, :uuen<leJ ............... ...................................................... loS 169

rn DEl'EX DE:ST :;cuooL lJl:STHICT.S. ScctiQn :! u( cha1,ll'r f::S, nets 1:5;;, in relation to h:eyscr, �uucnJt.� .................................... W Su Act c reating: an, in LIJ.t! Ji.strict oi Llniou, )foriou c.-ouuty ........................................... ltiti 1, 16:S

l:SS.\NE, HO>'PlTAL FOR THE \&c ti lie ., llosJ,ilal for the Ins.'luc.'')

IX:;1•Ec.;1·0K Ui coal mines; hib appoiuuuent ; qualitic:uions for office, his Loud, dutil"!., romJ>enS..'ltion,

etc , scctiuus 1, 2, a, 4 ............................................................................................. lt,;.-1 165

IX::Sl'ECTIUN OF TOIJ.ICCU. :\ct rel ating to, rcpcal'--J ................................................................................................... 154 Uourt.l u( pulJlic wurk:; to takl! charge of 11ml tieJI prop<"rty l,cloubtng to stale in �,·,•ml

•�•l>.1<'co \\'arfl1ou� ........................................................................... : ........................ 151 llv\\' prvcccd.:t <lispu:;cd of ...................................... ................ ........................................ IS.I

IN':SUHANCE Appropri:Hiou to p1y immr:rnce 011 11ormul school IJuilding:!!, ............................. ................. ti:J A1>1'1'"1'ri:1tio11 ,.-. p.,y insur:iucc vu uuin,r,ity louillli11;;s .................. ........•..........•......•... GI ,\J•pnipriatl11n tu pay i11�11rarn:eo11,li11�s furJ<":1f, tlurnh null t,Jhul. ............................. 0-1 ApJ1rupri:tth>11 l•> pay i11-.urnncc on l111:--pl1:d f11r in�111c ............... ..................................... f.S ti� Apprupriutiou top.1y in�!c11u ,:, l111ildi11�al \\.lu:diog ............................ ........... lii Ap)lropriatl,HI to J•:i." i11:-ur:111c,: ,,11 st:llc lu..111� :H t.:lmrl�l-"11............................. ................ t,;; .,\ p1u·upri:atin11 lo l•�Y i11:,ur:1111·t· 1111 :--tall• lilirarJ· .................................................... : .......... 1i7 1•.,11altr vu 1x,1-..011, whv tr:.11s.,c1 tu,• J,u,in,•,-s uf, withuut :outhurity .......••..........••....... :······ 8;i

lN:Slilt.\!SCI•: 1.'UMl'ASIE�-'1LlTUAL FlltE. Scctiuo 1·1 of uct i11 rt•h11io11 10, :111h.•11Jl.-..l ...................................................................... ltiS lti!I

lN:SUHANCE CU.\11'.\l-lE::'. UJticcr ... anti ar:,·11b ,.( f .. n+.;11, probilti1eJ frntu 1r,111�w1i11g uny lm�incss of iusunmcc

"'illuH1t l:1,,•111I :1utl1.,ri1y .......................... ................................................................. 85 .,\ppliOI' tv nil p1·1"rSt.tU!l (•11g-ag1'4.I iu ;111y 1 .11:'lllll•· r in 1>11llt·ili11>' ri:--kl'!, i;(•lling 1kkl!IS of ini;ur-

:lllCc, Ne ........•....•................................................ ........•..•.......•..... •••·•··••·•··•···•·····••··•• :;;;

l"c11al1y i111111,�ctl ................. ............................................................................................ s:,

l 11co118lntu11l ucls rcpt•alcJ ... ......... ...... .. ................ ............................................................ ::;:,

INTJ•:ltl::�T. Approprl1tl 1011 to pay. un ho11ll� heltl L.,· tha J.o:1rd uf the �.-ho.;I !11011 ................................. ti7 Ap1,ruprlat1011 to pay iu1cn•:,L vu 1unm•y OOrruWl.-...1 uf lh\: hoarJ of 1ht.• school (uml............ 71

l N'l'EHK A I. I )I PHOYl•:)lliST:S. l<nilrond. t..'Umpanit•s, how :1�scs.,;;1-.,I for 1:u:utiou .......................... , ........ ............ G lo 11 1:?:l ton; Wn,lc1n11a1iou of real 1•su11c for, �,•ctlo11 �......... ............................................................... 1!\ t:<:,11 v1c1 JuOOr un \\·ork:1 uf, 1,ru,·itlt.'i.l tor ............................................................................. 00 tit

l.N1'eHNATIONAI, )llLl,IXv �NIJ MININU 1.:0)11',\NY. J�cu1·1.or:1Llvu of, ........ , ........................................ .............................................................. :!5:S


IKVEST�IEN'TS. \\"hnt iucludoU in the wonl "inYe:dmcnt.,:;" for purr,oscs of taxutiou, sect.ion 4i ................ Hi

JACJ:-SON' COUNTY. 1'i1ucs or holding county court in, .............................. \, ........................... : ....................... . <..:omrucuccmcut ol terms circuit court in ..........................................••.•........•.......•....... tGi JO�

JANITOH. ApprOJ)riRtions to pay s.ilnry and extra couipcnsatiou of; ............................................. 100 101

J EFFERSO::0- COt:::0-TY AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. _Jncorpuratiou of, .......................................................................................................... :!O:'l 20-I

JEFFERSON' cou:-.TY BU1LDIJS"(O ASSOC'IATION NO .. .. lncorpura1ion of, ...................................................... 0, •••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2:,s

.JEFFERSON COUNTY CO-OPERATIVE ASSOClATlON. lucorporatiou of, .............................................................................................................. 21!

JOINT RESOLUTIONS, Appulnting n joint. commillcc to wnit upon the govcruor ................................................... lit H.l'lating tv th� sale o( lcai tol.lacco as aueclcd Ly the pro\'isions of the re"cnu� laws of the

Uuilcd States ......•...........................................................................•.................•......... 1,1 Reluting to the impruverncnt o( 1bc l,iUlc Kaunwha ri\'Cr •.......................•........................ Ji� Ht.•ituc:;tini;our scontors nu<l rcprcsc111atives iu congr��s 10 scc11rt• further autl sutlkicut np­

proprintlu11� from tho gcncnil government to complete the works IJeg:nn ou ccrtuin rivers i11 this state ..................................... ................................................................ 172

l11structi11.: our ::icuaton; and requesting our rcprescot.itivcs in cougreS$ 10 uri;c the pns:-!ai,;c of t.hc 0texm1 untl pacific railrond" l,ill.. ........................................................ ........ ti'.! 1';':;

Pro\'lcliug for the iusurancc of the cnpitol lmiltling ..................................................... ..... li:l l{eiuitting the mnt.tcr o( ,·,:1.i11g: (or or ng:ain:st the '·texas anJ pacl1ic railroad" bill now

pcndini; in congress to our senators and rev1··cs in co11g:rc!'S 01et:onli11g to their VCstj1u.lg:1ucnt ................................... ........................................................................ 17•1

Pro,·h.ling fo1· un cx1r:usiou ur the prcsc11t Sllssiun or the lci;islnturc .............................. 17•1 Iii, l'rovilling- £or a joint commitlcc of the t'\·o houses to hold a conference :1.�kl'U for by tl:e

rcprcscutntivcs of the Baltimore Rll(l Ohio Railroad Comp:rny ......... , ............................ 17ft Proposing an tu11cnd1ncnt lo the constitution o( the :state, article t) ........................... 1i5 tu l.S:l Pror,osiug: an 11111c1u.J.111col to the co11:--lit.11t.io11, section 1:l of article :J .................................. IS:? ProviUiog rcg:11l:11io11s for the g-o\·eru1ucnt of the Dnltimurc :111,l Ohio railro:ul co111p:rny

\\'ithin tllis Slltle .............................................................................................. 11:.oi'.! 1:,:, Provhliug- fur the printing nuU di.:ttril.mtiun of the act� and juint rc:solutiou:; or tile lcgiMla-

lurc .............................................................................................. ............................ 1�4 Pro\'Jdi11g for an extension u( the ptl':icllt sc...--.sion of the lcgi:d:nurc ................................... ltli AJ,poioting n joint c.-omrnit.te� to wait upou the V<.tvcrnor ................ ................................. is:,

JOINT STOCK COllPANIES. (Sec tltlcg .. iueorporntiou of joint stock co1.1.1panies1

" "corporntion�" anJ "railroad c-0111-1,anies.")

JUDGES. AIJJ>rOJ>rlntlous to pny salaries and mileage &c. of, ..•.....••.•.........•.•....••...............••.•....... 100 111

JUDGES, C,1llCUIT. l::ll!'Ctiou of. uoder J>ropose<l :uuendwenL of nrticle 8 of Lhc constit.ution, J>rovhJOO for,� ...

tiou 7 ......................................................................................................... ............... i-1 Ho1'' con1ml��lonl!d, section 7 ........................................................................ .................. 7-l \Vbcn term of oflicc to Leg:tn, section 9................................................ ............................. i-& 'l'o give u<:t, tuakiu� it a wisde111eanor tor :rn n ttornoy u.t law to fnil to pny O\'Cr moucy ro-

cei \'Cd by him for hlH client, &pcclo.lly in chnrgc of tho grnnd Jury of cncll cvuuty, H(!(.._

tiou 4 ....•.•....•••.••..•.•..•...••.•.•••...................••.............•.............................................•.... 153

JUI>GllENTS. Pronounced t,y supreme court 1110.y he corrected n.s to nny dcrical error, ,vben .................. 20 78

JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT. Appropriatioo:t to pay contingent expcnse21 of court..'( ....................................................... 65 69 Appropriations to pay salaric::1, nnd mllc:1gc of judgeg :uul clerk o( 81lJ)remu court ............ 100 JOl A1,proprinliou::1 lo 1,:,y snlarit...-s u ud rnile:ago of ju<lgl's of circuit ........................... 100 JUl .A.pµroprintion to pay cowpcntt.atlon to penmu who hold courts whoro tho judgo of tho cir-

cuit court cannot act .............................................................................................. IW IOI


KANAWHA COUNTY. O>mwcncemcnt of tcrtu8 of circuit court in ...................... ,u,,, ... ................................ 15i JAA

KANAWHA FALLS BOOM COMPANY. JucorJl()rat.ion oJ, ....................•..........................................................................•......... 19.5 J96

KANAWHA FALL� J.U;IIBl-:R COMPANY. lncorpon,tion oi ......•.......•...•••....•••••............ .••.•... ..•••••••....•...•...... .•••.••..•••.....•••.....•••••...•. J97

KA:--AWHA FAl.l,S LUMBER CO)IPANY. J11corJ)()rnt.ion of, .............................................................................................................. 2'2-1

KANAWTIA FAl,Vs AND XEW RIVt�R JJOO.\I CO.\IPANY. lncorpornt.ion of, ............................................................................................................... 224

KA:-.AWHA PACKET COMPANY. Incorporntion of, ........................................................................................... , ................. 227

KEEPER OF THF. ROLLS . .1\pproprintions to pny snlnry of, .... : ......................................... ..................................... 100 JOI

KF;NTON SALT CO)IPAXY. IncorpornLion of, .............................................................................................................. 210

KEYSF.R ,xrmrE:--OE:S-T SCHOOL DISTRICT. Sl-ction 2 of <·hrptcr SS, ncL� 187i, in relation 10, nmended ................................................ S.'i .-.,:;

LA RELI.E PERPETUAL BUILDJ:S-('; ASSOCIATION OF WHEEi.iNG. Incorporation of, .............................................................................................................. 255

l,AJJOIUrn!<. Lion upon rent rstnte anrt pcr:,trmnt pro(><.'rty of t..-orpomt,ions in fa,·or or ............................. 17 1� 1.i�n in fa,·or of, for ,.-ork on buildin�, etc ........ ...................................................... 169 to 1"3 (Sec title lt,nech:rnics lien.")

LAXO BOOKS. Cnrrrct ion of 111i:-tllk<'� in, ho"' madr, ctC'., �ec-tion 8 ............................... ........................... JM 1'r()Cct .'<li11�.-i in l':l�•·:i wh('re (•omu.y rourt rf'fu!'C relief, scetion Ii' ......................................... JOii A pp(':1b fro111 1'lf'ci:,i;lnn:,i; of couuty court, i,r('('tion � ................................................... . ......... JOti I low corn�C'I ious 111n,lc nn,1 rf'lief :1 tTordcd in rn:c.1'l'- wtu.:rc r<'lll f':ilut(' htL.., �hecn or :,;hall b<'

di1oi11islicd in ,·ul11i: hy n,�l,l fin•, ct-:: .. :,;1:-t·tion :-t .......................................................... 1rw; A ppcal in l'IIICh c:1�:,i; i( relief hP rt'f11:,;('1\, SN-lion � . ............................................................ 10fi A'!-."'P:-.!tOI' to corrc-,•t lnnd books 11� rlirl"Ctcd by t."\JUhtJ· rourt or by l'ircult ronrt oo appeal,

etc., >•·ct inni,. � !I ........................................................................................................ 1n; l�:in1h :1nd lr\X<'!' 011dttcd on form<"r l10,,•ks to b1• Pnlf•r('d by :l!'JIC':o-�r on. �tion!'-9 10 ........... 107 A�'-(o:-. ..:or to ,-:,rry wi1 Ii lii111 IVJOJ.. c-f prro"'ling ,·t·ur. Ne., �·cion !� ..................................... 1 J� J··11r1n of land l1t..,.•k. �•"t·ti,,11 ::c.i ...... ............... .................................................................... 114� th('n•,H1. h, ,w 111f1dt�, t'lc., �('('IIOU:oi :it: :17 t=., ............................................................... J t-t llule=-, :11,plicahlc ltl J:11111 ho.,k .. , t•h· .................................................................................... 1•,.?9 If land hook 1l.-:,;1roy-.••I. li<,w 1·t•-:t.o(S("!--::i(fWllt of ln11t.l .. 111:iy he 111:1dc-, �C<'lion ;.s ........ ..... i':W 1:m ThrC'\• fnir ,·opi(o . .i of huol l,ovk 1,, llt' ma,1,:, nut, !'-('('ti .. u ;; .................................................... 1:10 fh1lit•� ,,r ,·lt•rk of ,·uunl)' nlu,·t :m<l a:..�<•�-ci,r iu rc•ht1h'rn to, s�··tion� 7; iS ;n SO '41 s2 ..... 1:u J�:.? (\·rtlfi1·:Ht' of d,·rk tu JI(' app1•11°IN to. S<'<'lion 7i ................................................................ 1:u Onth nf 11:--....:t'•t$11f at (1¥,t of, s1'1·1i,)n -;'� ............................................................................... 1�1 r.upi<:."' vf, l1 ow 11i,111•.◄l'<l of, :o-ct::li•,n:. 7!t �O $IL .. ........ ........ ............................................. 1:q J:l:! Oriµi1111I Jn111l l>ovk tr, rc111ain wilh asY�"")r, t'lt· , nnd 10 11(1' (l('-)h·1-:ri"ll to hi:o,. suCC'(>&'iOr, !'C("-

1io11 A:L ................. ........... . Pt•11nlty 011 n�,:('"-'Or (1,r fnl:::<' cnlry in, �•r. t:c<:1ion 8-4 ....................................................... 1:t! ,\ppt-:tlt1 frv1u c111rlc$ in, ............................................................. ................................ J:t.a 1:1..;

1.1\Nlll :--r.s, \\'hen nud ho"· tlii-.con1in1u .. ,t............................................................................................. SO

J�A�D:O:, Con,h:11111ntlo11 t•f, for p11blie puqw1:-� ...................... ......................... ........... .................. 12 1:{ !';cl't.ion� :! nu,I :t, drnph•r 11-1, nf•t� 11'7!i, i11 n·l:Uion tr. r()n<lrmnnriou 1'\f, nmc-m\l'(L .. .......... I:! I:\ Etf._,..., or ruhi•r!'ary P"�"'f',:o,:,iou of nny p:1r1 uf, unrl<·r pau•ul. <IPf'(I or other writiui,:, in a ron-

tr11,·1•r:-.,· 1tllN·1l11g Jami wlH•re �,,m<' otht•r Jl(-f'S<.IU hu..-. llae l"''lt('r till(' ............................ !ti Jfdd 1,J c•xh.•11J lo thP 111)111,Jnric>.s cmhral·Otl or it,chul('d by !U•·h JJUl<•nt, t·tc· .. unh"':-..,i per...on

hu.vina; 001.ter Lillo shall huvo nclnal 1uh·cn;o i,osseS:sion of �mo pnrt oi the land, etc ...... 91


J,AXJ)S-Continu(.'(1 .-\�essment oi, for taxes; act in rt"'lation to amendcd ................................................... 0·1 to t!l.5 H.clil.'f against tnx.c-s crronl.·Uu�ly ms.-,;c�d 011, L'lc ........................................................... la·1 135

L.\N l"IS-FORFl.clTEO AND DELINQU �:NT. 8cc1ions 5 :rntl::.;, of chapter 1:H, :.1cls JSiZ-3, in relation to the s:lle� of, for benefit. of school

lund, nmen<lcd ......................................................................................................... �3 �I

LAUGHLIN NAIL CO�lPANY. lncOr()Oration 0( ................................................................................................. : ............. 230

J.EATlll.cROID MANUFAC"'TURING COMPANY. Incorporntion of, ........................................................ , ..................................................... 2·1S

LF.FFINGWELL, WtLUAM Appropriation to par CX))COSC"� oi Saruul'l Banc for the npprchcn�ion of,............................ IR

T.EG ISL:\ TURI�, Appropnation to pny contin�cnt cxpC'nscs of, .................................................................... fi4 Approprintion to pny mileage mHl per diem of members of, .............................................. 1s !"l!I .1\lso, to Jlay clerk�. officers, etc. of ................................................................................. !"IS. 99 .Toiut res-,lution! pro\'idi11g for <'Xlcnswns of the prc.�cnt st•:o-siun vi the, .. ...................... li·I 185 {Sl-o title "nct.s r.f the legislature'')

l,EWISBURG TOWN HALL ASSOCIATIOX. lncorporation or, ................................................................. , ............................................ 242

LEWIS COUNTY, Coma1cncement of terms of circuit <'Ollrt in, .................................................................... -4 14

LF.WISTON AND KANAWHA COAL CO)IPANY, [ncorporalion of, ............................................................................................. , ............... 20i

LEVIES, DISTRICT, Fur free school purpoSC'!5; commission allowc<l sheriff, etc., for collccring:, �<'cl.ion ri:! .......... 144

LIBflAR[AN, s-rA·rE .1\ pproprjations to pa)" s."'llnry of, ................................................................................... 100 101

J,IDRARY, STa\Ti, Appropriations for contin�cnt cxpcns('s or, ...................................................................... r,;; G!) J\ppropriati0n1'4 lo purcha.,;o honk:; fvr, ............................................................................. fi,G iO Approprinti,,n for case!", etc, for, ................. ..................................................................... GG Appropriation to pny ini,urnncc on, .............. , ........................................................... :....... ti7


Persons ,·ioJnting, upon or nlong boundary rivt:r!-1. of this Stale dcc111e,l guilty of n mi�lc-111,..anor ............................................. .................. ..................................................... 2:J 24

Penalty .....................................................................•...........•...........................•....•........ 24 Nol to npply 10 druggists oor llcensctl sl<>nmboat.s ............................................................ 23 2-1


Lien upon n.•nt c:.tntc and pcr!-onal propc>rty of corporation in fn,·or or cmploJ·e:< ............... li 18 Pri,·i1y of b11ch lien, !--ccrion 1............................... .......................... ................................ 17 No priority ui,c bet."·cen pnrti<"S clailuin�, section 1 ............................................ ................. 17 Nu lit•n for lahur performed nwrC' l.hnn nin<" month� hcfor•! rec1•r,l('cl, li'r-cl.ion 1................... 1-; A n acco1111t of nmou 11t Jue lllll�L bn Ii h..'t.l 1-0 prcsc:r\'(: lieu, when. ,-r•l'l i1111 :!, ......................... Ji \\. here account to 0<- tiled. l-l'cliou 2...... .......................................................... ............... 1-; .1\l·,·01111t 11111st b•· s"·orn In, st:cti111t 2 ................................................................... ,............. t'i Duty or clerk of cuunty court as to �uch ac�ntrnr, scclinn ::.. .............................. , ............... Ji Fee of clerk for ro('ordint: nccounl1 section 3 ...................................................................... li Jiu"· lien cr,ro .. ccd, scc1i,,n 4 ............................................................................. ............... Ji All persons hn,·in� liko liens nrn1lr partirs, sccllon •I......................................................... 17 \\'ho mny be made n party lldr·nd1111t after c·um111c11CC'tnC1lt or !-tuir, ,.cction •I. ..................... Ji 1£ pnrtr Uringin� tho suil fail to C!itnhlii,h hb clnim, suit mny ho pro�ccu1ccl hy nny or.lwr

party thereto having frnch lien, section .1 ..................................................................... 17 \\rhen lien <llschnrgd if suit. ur,t drn11nenec<l, �r.•cllon -1.......................................... ............ JA Suit inslitnte•l Uy one pnr1y inures to tho bcnclit of nil other� hnvlnl!( n like lien, �rctton 4 IA \\'hell rourt to order sale of prnpcrt.y to satify clnims, sect.ion 5........................................... JS w bcn, ho" and by wbom di:1Cbargo of such lion to be ontcrcd, section 6........................... 16


LlENS-Contlnucd. For JH1rd1:L"'c mon�y or r�al e-tatc mui-t be rt�rvNl on face or con,·cynnr-e ................•........ 161 Of mechanics aud oLhers, for work uu, an<l urnt..,ri.lltoi furnii,.hcd Cur huilding,�, etc., act in

rcln1io11 lo, :uuendt..•d ...........................•...•............ ...•.•..............•........................ 160 to 163 (Sec 1itlc ")lt:chnnic's Lien." &11(1 given by person ctfccting insurnncc in itutual Fire Tmmnncc C-0mp:t.nie-4 shall be

a lian from lhc time it is •lulymlmitte<l lo rl·cot-d, on the real l'!"ilatc I herein <lcscriUed. JC.!l How Much lien enforced nnd how released ............................................................... .......... 11.i!>

us·r OF CO.\DllS.SIONEHS. ,\ppoi111c-<l in other st"tes by the Governor. (Se<• appendix)_ ........................... .............. 3 4 .5

LISTS. or clcccl!i, 10 be rcport<'d to as."'c.!!sor by clerk of county c-ourt, when, sc"Ction 14 ...••••...•••......• 105 or j1ulg111cnts nud dcc-n-cs. to l>c reported by clcrk:J of c,,nru to a�c.i-.�r. '""hen, :section 15 ... IOS Of lauds dc,·iscd by wilJ, to be rcportNI to n�c�.sor by clerks of court:-, ,vh<•n, s<.'�·tic,n Iii ...... If� Oi grants is.suc<l by state, lo 1,o re1t0rt(..-<l by !Secretary rJf stu,c to clc-rk or ,-Junly <'OU rt, when,

section 1.-:. ••..•.•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••.••.••••••••••••••.••••••••••. _.,, •.•••••••••••••••• •.• JOS Duty of clerk thereon, scc1ion IS ................................................................................... 108 109 Penally Oil such officers fur failure, scc-tio11 19 ..................................................................... 109 Of rt·al estntc iu each nrngistcrial di�trict, how entcrNI, �ction 31. ........................•............. 111 By whom property Jistl.'d for tnxariou, SL"ction 26, -H ..............................•.....•.•...•.......... 110 115 What Jh:rs,,11:11 1,ropcrty to be listl-d for t:1xatio11, section •IS .........•...•............•................ 117 118 Jn whnt district. 10 h<' hstcd, �<'l'tion 49 ..............................•............................................... ttS Vnluc of c .·rcUits, etc., ho"· listt.'<1, section 50 .................................................................. ··- 118 \\.hat.,lcd1h·tiou to bo 111:ulc from snch ,·nlue. !ICCtiou 52 ....................................... ···········- 11S l.i:-t to be called for by :1ssc-SSl)r, when, sc-ction 55 ............................................. ................ · 1t!f ,\�.,or tu furnbsh any pcrsou who mny de:1irr it, fonn ror Ji�t. nnd ,·ahmtion or proJl1.!rt.y,

St'CI ion 56 ........................................................................ ···················•·············· ........ 119 \Vii h whom surh li:--t. to be left, etc., �{'t_•tion [16 .................................................................. I 1, Ercry pcr:-sun rcct.'i\•ing: sud.1 liit 10 ret11rn it with stntemcnt. of his propcr.:y and the T:1)11c

lhcrl'of, withiu whnt tinll'. �cc.·tion t,i .......................................................................... 119 AOid:n-it tu l>c uppc-udc-t l thcr('fu, section 57 ................................................. : ............... Jl!l J2Q Pc11ally for rt•f11�i11g to ,;in� lb1 oi pruprr1y. section :;!l .................. , ............... ................... l'.10 Currt!ction of li!-t. clc .• by a:-L..-«!:-ror, SC"ction li0 ................................................................. 120 l:?1 How a111.l by wl.J,)m rnilro:ul property li!-tcd for taxuti,111, srction 07 ................................ 123 1:?-1 Lisi. to b'-' prcscuto�I to clerk of l'Ollnty coul'L by �scssor, when, MCf'tion 75, 7!1 ............ 30 1:Jl Ja2

Ll'J•l'l,E KANAWHA Rl\'ER . .foint rc_.iol111io11 in r<'lntion to the im11ro,·e111cnt of, ........................................................... 172

1,0(;.\N COUNTY. Audilur u11thori1,00 to <'redil nccount� of G. \\'. Tnylor, l:UP. slH.'riO' of, with certain de1in-

11ue11� lists .............................................................................................................. l!l 20

I.OONlff, D.\NIEI.. ,\ct f,,r rclh·f •.1f,............ .........................•.. .......................... ............................................. 45 A11tll1or ou11111rizr,.l 10 pnsq)()ne tbl' <-.1ll<'<'lion of �,· jutlgn11!nts.n1tni11�t, ...................... ·lS J,�or ,,·hu1 1i111,• 11111l upon \,·hnr tc.•11,,, ................................................................................. -15 ;\(ny 111uk1• !11rlht'r 1irrn11g,·11lt:11b • .-ic., .. -15

L'<••S('t'lll"ilie� IHll r,--.Ji,-,·r-tl fr,1111 li3bilily, ...... ................................................... ................. 4,-=i Lieu by virtue .,f 1'urh j11dJ,C111t.:nl& 11411 tn hf' il11 p:tiretl......................................................... -t5

LlJN ATIC:'< IN .l,\11.-". ,\pproprlalio11:i (or thc:,i.upport ,1f, .............. ..... ......................................................... f.;3 G..� ;1

l,UTZ, C. E. <.ovornor nuthn.-1,"1 ,,. ar,1�>i111, stnrcnger,I 011 iruuligrntlun .............................................. i;o lli6 tor111 of olll,·u, ,lutl,·�, clc., ......... ................. , ........ ......... .......................................... 170

MANUl•'ACTUHl::S A:,iD )IILI.S. ;\lnchincry nud fix1ur<-� nuuchCfl to, 110w :1�S<:S."'M'l for tnxntion; section 30 .......................... 111

M,\RINE DOCK COMPANY. lncorpornlion of, ............................................................................................................... 244

�IA!UON COUNTY . ..-\ct to cstnbli!ioh n count.\• court nnd honNl of couunis:sioncn; for, under tho thirty-fourth

section of urLlclo el1;ht of 1bo constitution ........................................................... l•W to 153


)I A RION COUXTY-Qintinuccl. Commt'nC:-Cm<-nt of term� of circuit court in ........................................... : .. ••......•.............. 1� creatin� nn indcpcadcut �hool <lhnrict. in !'niun drstricl in, .............................. tr.G to I�

)!ARION <'OUNTY FAIR AS.'SOCIATIO.S. Incor1>011,tiou 0(, ••••••..•........•.•••..••..••..•....•....•••...••••.•......•••. .......... ......•••....•••...•••........••.• m

MARSHALi, COUNTY. Act. to i'�tnbli�h a County Court and Hoarcl of Commi1'.."'ioncm; for under the thirty-

fourth i-cction of Article eight or the Constitntion ................................................... 14!1 J;'.:l O>mm�nccmcnt ol terms of Circuit C.,nrL in ................................................................... ... 166

M,\P.YLAND, STATE OF, A.uthori1.ccl to trnnsfcr to the United Stai� nll thr right. tic.le, etc., ol \\·esL \'irginin,

In tho lnn<l occupied by the Antietam National Cc111ctcry ........................................... lliO

lllAS0:-1 COUNTY. County Court nnd Board of Commissiont'rs for. e,�tnblhthed in lieu of prc11ent Count)�

Court ........... : ....................... .............................................................................. s.; to R!l Commencement of terms of Circuit Court in ................................................................. 15i 158

i\lA8Sl(lU01' CllHO)IE CO)IPANY. I nC"OrJ.)()r:.1tion of, .............................................................................................................. 26.'\

MATTHEWS LWHTGUARDS. Approprindon to pay, ior scn·iccs rendered In snpprc:ssin� riot�......................................... !lO

lllcCULJ.OU<,H. P. H., ·ApproJ)riatio11 to pny, for scr"iccs as J rt!'pector an<l Huperintcudc11tof To\mcco \Varehousc,

nt. }Juntington........................................................................................................... Iii

�IECA,\ i-rc·s LmN. ln what CllSl'� nnd for whnt, Jicn of mcclrnni� mul other�, nttntcllcs, �le., arid up,,n what

property, sccl ion 2 .................................................... ................................................. tfil Aruo11nt ur llc11 Ji1nitccl, :-cction 2 ...................................................................................... llil Owner or buittlin,;ic not _required to pay mor!' in nny cu,;e than the amount �tip1tl:lt<•<I in

hi:,. <.-on tract, etc., .section 2 ......................................................................................... tGt Priority of such IIP.n,scclion 1 .................................................................. ....................... ttil ll11t thcru shnll bo no JJJiorily ns to 1irroo11� clniming, scclion 2 ..................................... : .... 11a To prc:ten·e lien, pnrty must file wilhin thirty daytc, with 1hc clerk or the c·ounty cour1.

:rn nccount of the amount. due- hi111, etc., section a ................. ..................................... lftl \\'lint. sm:h nccount must contain, section :1 ....................................................................... lfjl Must l>c •n·orn to, etc., section :J .................................................................................. • ..... lfil Clerk or co11n1y court to cutc:r �mc·h ncrount in °)(crhnnir's Lien ll:C<"orll," etc .. i;.cctlon 4 ..... Jtj:! Uook to be irulcxcd, mul what to bc�tatcd 1hrrcin, ,;cction 4 ............................................... Iii:! Fee of of clerk thC"rcfur, :and hy whom pnid. :-:ect1nn ., ........................................................ lli:! S11C-co111r:1ctor or JK"rson employed to furnii-h mntcrinl. 11111:-.t,:1,·c nuliec to o"·ner or huihl-

inJ,: withi11 lhirly dny:,;,1 ctr.., or lo,,sc hiic lien, KeNion � ............................................... Hi:!

'\'hnt :such 1101icc 11111st :,;lute, section .'i ............................................................................. JG:! \\'hen cmttrnctor, cll-.1 cntillcli to co111pcnsatiou for 1,art 1,crfornm11ec oi hi:,; cvntrnc1, �'C•

1iou 6 ......................................................................................................................... lfi:l J(r,\\· lieu IDR)' \Jc 1•11rorc<.>d, SC'Ctio11 i ................................................................................. Iii:! \Vho to IJo 111aJc J•arlies to suit. section 7 ............................. ............................................. lti:! \\'hc11 par1y 11111y h<! mudc dercndn111 11n,1 rcco,·cr hiH clnilll tn snmc mnnncr ns if he ha .. t

bl'C'n rnrulc il,•re111l:1 11t al comme11e.�cmcnt of i,.1111 ........................................................... lt.i2 If 1,ar1y l1ri11J;i111,: :mil fnili,1 to c�labliish hlK c1:1:m, it 111ny be�ute1l 1,y nny 01hcr party

lhc•rclo haviu� wuch lieu, �C'ction 7 .............................................................................. lfi'.? \Vhcu li1•11 11ischnrg:cil if �uit. uot. romnumcC'Cl, 13cc1lon R ...................................................... Iii:! :Suit con1111cnccd lJy· one party inure.." to 1hc l,cucfi1 of nil olhf'r J>{'r:,;:ous h:H·in;.: liJ..e lien,

�lion 8 ......................................................... : ........................................................... 162 If any clni111 be esluhlislu:d in &uch :,.:ufl. cnurt tr, or,l••r �:1l1t I'\( pruperty, eh·., :-ec1i,,n !l .. Hi'.! it.:, .And court. may, lu :u.ldil ion, gi\'o a pcr:sonnl de-ere•� in favor or ,-:uch cn�Jl(J)rs fur :1111ount of

their clai,11111 c•ll•.1 scctio11 � .......................................................................................... 1t'i3

Et1Cc1 uf :"UCh p<'n,onal ,leer••<' :1011 how enfnrcC'd, i,;:t•Clion 9 ................................................. lli.:I "·1u:11,I how ck·rk 10 t·utcr a ,li=--chn�c of �11ch lh•11, .-•tr., :,,('cl inn 10 ................................ J1i:\ Chupter 1a�. nclK 11$7:l-!J, conn•rnins.: rncclrnnfc', lien, ramemlcJ, .... ........................... 160 lo Hh\

:M.IJJDLE )IOUKTAJN JHON CO�IPANY. lnetJrflOrilLiou of, ................................... , .......................................................................... l!lA


MILLS AND MANUFACTORTES. Machinery nn<l fixt.urcs nLtnchc<l lo, how nssccssl'<l for tnxndoo, section 30 .... _. •...•..•••••..•.....• 111

M[LITARY CO�lPAl>IES, VOLUNTEER. Appropriations lo pay CC'rl..lin, for services in s11J>pr�sing rioL-1 .........•...........•••............... 89 !tt) U1>0u wllnt vouchcN auditor :mthoriztd to pay ................................................................. 00 .Adjutant ficuP.rul to sign ,·ouchcr and certify amount, sc�:ti<Jn 2 ............... ........................ W Du1y of .·\djur:1nt licncraJ wht.•ru nny otlicer or priv:1tc h:t:J 11ssignc<l his p:iy or any part

thereof, !'.-CCtiu11 3 ..................................................................... .................................. W

MINJ•;R.\L COliNTY. Section:! of chnph�r 88, ads J,'{77. in relation to Kcy:;cr iru.lcpen,lcnL f'IChool dl!ttricL Jn,

a•ucndc'tl ...................................•....................... ....................... ........•........•............ 55 !',6 'ri,ne., for holing Circuit L·.,urt i11, .••••........•.........•.........•........•......•...•.•..••..•...••••....•.......•• 56

MINES, COAi. I11sp,:ctor of: when an1I how appoi11ted, s.cclion 1 ..•............•••..•..••......•.....••..••...•.•............... ltH '1\.-1111 of ,,Jlicc oi i1u;pc..-ctor of, �rt·tiou 1 .............................................................................. llrl l£1,w a1ul ior what i11:-:pc<"·lor ro1Ho\·ed, !-C'Ctiun 1 ..................... , ........................................... Jfa ()unlificario11:-. for oUit.:c vr inspcl·tor of, &-ctiun 1 ............................................................... lt;.i Jlis oath of ollicc a11tl where lilcd, �rion 1. ....................................................................... rn.a J11spcch)rs 011ml, 1u�nnlty of, co1111itioni- of, how· m�u.lo· payable and where tiled, !feet ion J. .••• 16 .. 011tic:-- of iui,;pe<'tor :1s to in:-!pectin,.: coaJ millC.'i, etc., section 2 ............................................. lti-l \Vht·11 to i11s11ec1, l'll'Ction 2 ........ ....................................................................................... lti4 l 11q11iric;o; to he miull' by inspector, �<·lion 2 ...... : ................................................................ lti:.I Repur1 of i11speclor; when 1111tl to whom urn,l�, section a ................ , .... _ .............................. IG-4 \\.hat :-uch rcp,Jrl, lO Ctllll3iu. SCCliun :1 ........................................................................ IG-1 165 <.:on1pc11�atiun of ins11l.!ctur cir, :,.Celiou -1 ........................................................ ., ..................... 11..'i J·l o\\· paid; li1nit. to :unount, sct.:tiun 4 .................................. ...................... ....................... 16.5 Ex:1.:c1,tion nl!I to.Kauawha c,H1nty,sC'C'tion .............. , .............. ...... ....................................... IG5 lnsp,·ctor to k(•c·p r�cvnl of r.-:-iult or i11,·1·stigations, etc., �ction •I ...................................... w.-; Sul.'h record to I_}{• kt•pt oJ)Cn for i11!'lpCction :1ml tur11t1.l o,·cr to his succ<.::,.S11r, !'lCCliou 4 ......... 165 Duty flf O(ll•ratnr, :1gcnt:-:, etc., ns to drnini11g 111111 \·cmtilntin1,; millt's, SC'Clion li .................... 1u5 Their dury ns to mine� gcn�r:aling cxpl(1sivc gas nnc.1 mines where cxplo.-.h·o gas i� gcocr•

:,te•I, section ii ............................................................................................................ IG5 .-\1:--o. lo kC'CJI rwo posts in cach room worked, etc., tK:ction a ........ ...................................... lti:j llow 111i11i11g to hl' pnitl for in, st>ction ti.. ................................. ......................................... lti:, ('arri to be plai11ly l.,1amh:tl ns 10 their true 111«1-Surerucnt, Sl'Ction G .................. ·-····"········· !Gq Al w hnt r:1tc coal In Oo pnid f,,r, sect io11 ti ........................................................................ tti-5 \\·hal net of a 111llll'I', workman or 01IH'r 1,erf-lon, dccmetl ll misJeuunuor, �Liou 7 ......... 16,; lt,;c; 1•c11:1lly UJtOll c1)1l\'itti1111, SP1:li11n '!, ............................................... , .................................. lt.iti

•F:dlun: hy :wy upcra1or, oc-,?npi('r�,r 11g:c•11t or ,111y 111hH• lo co1upiy with pro\·isions or the Ac·t. ,l,·c111<'<I a 111is,le111c:111or. ,w1lu11 � ......•....•.......••••.•.• .•..•..••••.•••.•.•.••••.•..•••...•..•..••.. l�ti

J>onnlty on L'"fll1\1 i4·tio111 :-c1·tiv11 -; ........................................................................................ 11.iO )IINJN<i.

llo\\· J.1aid (1,r, �ll(,rl 6 ..................................................................................................... 16.'i l':ar:-: Iv ht· pl:1i11ly lir1111,l,·d a.� lu 1h.--il· 1rut• uu-:isuremcnt, section 6 .................................... lli,.'; Coul 11, l,., l'aid foraL r1lh.111gr0<•d 111w.1u, &:\�lion ti ............................................................... 165

)I ISDE)I EA :-iOl!i<. \'iulativn:a. oi li<·l.'IIN� IRW:' 111"-·•n or :1l,u1� l,iJu1tJary rh·c� c.lN:meJ ................................... '23 '!,I l'c11:1lty ..................................................... .............. ......................... ............................ 2·1 What ,1<-,,i11osl, vr r· .. 111ps11ie, trn11,, .. ,r1i11� potruh-11111, .. ,e .. s�ctiun ::, ·I, 5 ................. :......... 36 .Any \'i11lati,,1, of :lCI r11aki 111,? it unb"·ful for any 11u•111l11•r oJ l ·011111y Ct1t1rt

1 o,·t•re-�r o( th�

poor. or a11y rt,u111y ur Ji�tricl oOh·l"r lo !Jc pt:<-1111inrily l111t·r ,•!'-t,_,l i11 any oontntcl. in Uwawnrtl ,,( which th1·y 111:l)' han.i :t ,·11ict•, d,•1•111e4.I ii 11alstlc111eaoor ... ....................... 95

Jle11alty ....................................................................... ................................. ................. 115 Unluwful char,;1.•.°' l1y lbilru:i.l Comp:rniU.-t or ,·oqK,ration:t for tra11$por1ation of p.1ssc11gcrs

a nil ircight, tll�eint'll a 1ui�lc1u�anor........... .............................................. .................. 9G Pen:.thy................................................................. ......................................................... 9ti Fnilurc of l'('rtai11 1)nicen. to certify tll .\uditur u111oont. lc\·it-d upon proptlrl.)' of rnilro1ul

cvmpnniC!S for cv1111t.y, free �chool nnJ 111unicipul purpv:h"tl, tlc�mcd misdemcanOr21; pc11nl1y ..................... ......................................... · ...................................................... 12,j

\Vhcu ., tturnoy•nt•law faillni; to p1,y ft\'Cr moucy n.<-(•ivcd by him (or hb client., c..h .. "CwcJ guilty of" 1nist.lu1ucuuor, scctlou 1 ............................................................................. 15a


)11:SIJE�IEANORS-Con•inuro. l>t!nnlty, sections 1 and3 .......................................................................................... , ........ 151 ,vh:u :icu or a minor, \\'0rknrnn or other prr::ton, ()ccmed, srction 7 .................................... JG:; Failur<.• by nuy opc1ator-, OCCUJ>ieror ngcnt of nny mluc to comply with the provh,ion, <'f

ucl pro,·iJin;; for regul:itiui; coal mines, .l:c , ,lcc,netl, seclion 8 ..................•.•............... ltiG


\\'h:1t the worcl "money" inrludc.s for purposes ol rnxntion, !iCction 47 .............................. 117 Rcmninln,; uni11,·c�t<.'d by 111cr�hant!i, etc., on the tirst clay oi February, to Uc li�tl'tl for

taxn1ion, section 6-5 ......................................... , ........................................................... I?.! 'l'o hu reported to a:;ses�or by rccch·crd, 4•0111mi:-;siu11cr:i nnd cl<?rks o( court�, whc11 1 etc.,

�ct.i1,n GG ..•••••••.••••..•.•••.•••••••••••••••••.••••• .••••.•.•..•••••••...•••••••••••••.•••••••.••••••.••.•..•••••••.••.... 1:!a U( r.dlroad companies, hr,w fiste,l for 1nx:1lio11, sc,·1io11 07 ......................................... .. 12:1 11� Of hu·orpur.tle�.t companic.:s, otlwr thnu rnilrun<l comp:inh",c, how :1sccrtainctl aml n�..;.e:-sl.J,

:-t4..�tio11 G.& ............... ......... .......................................................................... ............... l:?1 "rhnt 111oncy to be cul<"re<.l in J>cn-onal 1,ro111!rty h4w>k for 1ax:11iou, !-f•clio11 ,;$, ......•...•.......... l:!d Fniluro of attorn<?y to pay over mOlll'Y r�cch•4..•d l1y him fur his client. llccmc<l u mi�1lc• rnc:,nor, wlocu, section 1 ................................................................................................... It,;! Pc11at1y, section 1, 3 ......••..••..............................•..•..•................•••.............•...••........•...•...... JS3

MONITOH TOW BOAT AND LlJ�IBElt CO)IPANL l11cor1>0rotion oi, ................................................................................. ............................. ld�

MONO:-GAIIELA UJVER. Joil1t rC!solu1ioo recl'1�tin� further am.I 14111.ticicnt oµpruprintiun from the gcuer.11 go,·cn,.

n1ent to co111plete the "·orl.:: 1.,cgun un, .................................................................. ....... li:!

MONO NG A l,U. COU�TY. Comwcncement or term!\ of circuit cuurt In, ........................................................... ............ 1�

MO:SHOE COUNTY. Times !or holding circuit court in, .................. ,............................................................. ... a

MORGANTOWN BUlLDlNU ASSOCIATION. lncorporntiou of, ........... ......................................................................... 1 ........................ 2�

.MUNICJ'P.U, COURTS Dotie., of clerks of, undr.r

.ns."!P.';.:ouf'nt law�, sN:tlnm, 15, 17 .................................................. HIS

l'ennlty for Inilure, sectiou •� ........................ ................................................................... IO'J JIIUNJl'll',11, COIIPURAT!O:-:s.

Dutirl'i or clerks or n.>cnrdcrs of, n."J to as.-41•:s.srncnl or rnilro:u.l property for t...'lxution, NC-C-tion tii ......................................................... ............................................................. 1-i.;

Pcualty for fniJurc, section 1;7 ........ ....................................... ........................................... l:!:i )IUNJC.\PAl. conn OF nu:-TJ:-GTON.

Es1nbll,h111cnl of, l!CClion ) ............................................................................................... ,Jo A Ju•l�c and clerk to b,• cle<·lcJ, wbe11, .,,ct Ion 2..................... ..... ................................. ..... 4ti �rtu.:ir tttr1u of oflicc, section"! ...................................................................................... ..... -l!J Y11c1111ch••· how lilleJ. ,..,c,ion 3 ...........................................•............................................. 4o Elt.'(:lion, �xccpt ns to time, to he govcrncJ by !'lauw regulnliou.:, as clcctiou for urnyor, cLC.,

IICCI ioo .) .................. , ..• , ....••........ , ................... ,, .......... .................... •····· .... ,.,, .. . . .. .. . . ... 4ti �nl:orrof Judge, how paid, etc., sccllr>n r. ..................................................................... ..... 4ti llc,w und for what ju<lge or <•lcrk rl.!muv,·d from r,tticH, Meet ion 6 ............................. , ........... •Iii Orli;inal jurisrlic1iun of ruurt, •cetl.,11 7 .......................... , .................................................. •lti l'roc<:cUiugs in such ca.,;cs, section i ................................................................................... •iii \\'hc11 111,41 how jud:.:c may order arrest, ,,tc., ttcot.ion i ...................................................... •Ii .I 11rl•dlc1lo11 in cri111ln:ol cnse,, ,�ctlon � ............................................................................. 4� Tlln<'t< :ind pluc<::1 for holdin� ,·ourt, jud�o to fix, ML-t·tion !> ............... ................. ·····:··· ········ -Ii Juri�ictioo in civil suits .an<l proc-cetllngl"l, S\"'Ctiun 10 ........................................................ 4i .Juri6'liction in civil suits, l'lc., r,n hchnlfc,( tlie,·lt.)', �ction 11 ......................................... -17 111 what C3SCS 1,, lun·c t.-011curr�nt juri11<llc-tion with nntl asa1uc l"lJwcn.c nM drcuit court or

C:·11.>t!U oounll', scc-tio11 12 ......................... ............................................................... -17 4d S11cl1 Jx>w••r not ;o cstNHl lo the !,'TAntiug of injur.ctlu11s lo judgments, etc., of the c.irl•uit

n1H.l county courls, �"C1ion 12......................................... ............................................ -I� Po"·crl"of juUgc iu v.-catl•1t1, sc:ctio11 la ............... ............................................................... -Id Sr:-!'liulls for ch•il jnrisdktion of C'1,1urt, how 111Rn)· u11J when lw)J. &.'Ction 14 ...... ................ 48 W' bcu auit:J nod µroceediugti udjourucd, tK.-ctluu 14..................................................... 4::5



,vi1cre such session� hc1d, �C!Clion 15............... ................................................................. 48 Council to pro,·idc clerk's otlice, section 15......... ............................................................... 48 \\'hen judge is i11capablc of acting, who to exercise police jurisdiction of court, section JG ... 4s ll.ulcs, \\"here nr�<l "·hen held, sec1ioo ti ................................. : ........................................... 45 Hight. oi tri:tl hJ· jurr in ch·il suits, seer ion JS .....•.•.•.• : ....................................................... 48 Jury m:ty co11sisL of six men, when, �ctiou 18........................................................... ...... ·1� \Vhcn jury 1nust he dcmnnclcd. section J!l .......................................................................... ·I� Party dcm:m<lin:; jury mu_;:.t clc1•osit 11Mnc.,· to p:1y costs of jury, section 19 ..................... 48 -&!J To what tiiul' t•:1..-l' p:1S.'!(>f( whf'njury i� callctl, s1..-c1ion :!O ..................................................... 49 Ho"· j11ry !-ll'lec: ecl aru.l <lrawn, �t>clion 21 .......................................................................... -1!1 tiamc jury hy :1grcen1cnt may scr,·t! on �cvcrnl tl�trcfcnt c:1ses1 section 21. ......... : .................. 4!.I 1-(u,,· jury su1n111nncc1, l"'t>l·tion :?:! ....................................................................................... 4� How su111 111011s served nml rct11r11c<l, scclion 2:\ ............................................................ :..... 4� Deficiency in persrJns so summoned, how :mppJicd, s<'ction :!4 ........................ -................... 4!1 List. of all qunlitie<l jurors to u<" kept by clerk, �ccliou :!-5 ......................................... ........ 49 Hules, r("o11lnt1ons, etc., go"crniug jur,,rs

1 section 26........................................................... 49 Cv1npcns:11ion of jurors, h<•W, feet ion 27 ................. ................................................... 49 CotnpC'nsalion in suits l:lj-ting longer than one dny. section 27 ......................................... ◄9 fl() Us:1;;es nnd pl'inciplrs of J:1.w go,·cruin� c:onn and its officers iu the exercise of i1l' civil jur-

isuiction, secti,,n 28 ...................................... -............................................................. 50 F:1c1s a 111 horizing the juri�dicti()n o( ct1lut nc,:d not lH; !1et forth (10 rL�Ord, secth•n :!!>......... 50 Process, cxccutious, etc , of court, iu tho cxcrci5c of its ch·il jurisdiction, l1ow tii:;oed, dl-

r<"Ctcd nnd cx1..-cutcJ. sec1i,.,n 30 ..................... ............................................................. 00 Powers nnd rights of otliccr executing same, ;.eclion :JO .................. :........ ........................... 50 His foes. s,•ct10n ao ............................................................ .'............................. .................. 00 PrON'li"', executions. etc., of court. in tho ..:_xl'rci� or its police jurbdiction, bow signed and

din·cred, section :n ... _ ...... ......................................................................................... 50 c:ornpcns:,tion of n1:1�hnl, st--c1inn 31 ................................................................................. 60 When entitled to sJme fl•cs :is sheriff, R'Clion :11 ............................................................... &O lluties of clerk of couat. ,c-crion :12 .................................................................................... 50 .... Ct"'S of clerk, SC(•tion :{:J ........ ............ :.............................................................................. !iO llow collcc·tcd �11.i 11rco11ntecl for. Sl'<'tion :13 ............................................ .......................... 00 (.;uu11dl rn:i:y nlluw fur1hcr cnrnpcns:ition tu clerk, section 33 .......................................... 30 Sl '1':1xntio11 of c1)st:-1, ruh'� go\'C'rning, sc:-ction :J•L ................................................... , ................ 51 Exc-01,tion a� to nttornl•y':- fee�, S!!ction :J•I ............................ : ........ .................................... 01 ]Jo,ul o! l·lcrk, SCt."liun :t; ............................. ··········· .. ·······••u• .. ·······.................................. 51 \Vh('rt� liJ.•J nnd pn.n·1:iions of Jnw npplicahll•,·scclion a.'i ............................................... ·-··· CH 'l'nx on snit�, to whom p:liJ and. fur what use<l, section 36 .................................... 51 :SC"al of court, i-if'Clion :r; .................................................................. .................................. 51 Fuilh :w<l credit to he ;.;i,·<'n t,, n."l·1,rJ., or cour1, �<'Ct ion :n ................................................ 51 Appt:':tl� withi11 th•� 1.oli,·t: iuri .. Ji,.-1i,,u vi thu <'vurl �h:'\il 00 to the circuit court, in what

111n1111rr, etc, �11..-,�1ion :;.; ...................................................................... _....................... 51 \Vhr-n lo lit· or b,., grantt�d. :-c,c•I i,,n :i�... ... ............... ............................................................ 51 Appc3ls In ca�1.�:; invu!, i11� tl1e ,·aliJily 11! ao urdiua11ce, etc., o( ti.Jc tuwn shall Jie, etc.,

"+·ithout rt"'�:1rd 10111uuu111. !'i"l'lin11 :{. ........................... ........ ......................................... 1'1 \\'hen nppcnl hi tnkc11, c1,·., un h(•liul( 11f1·ity no bon<I ro'luin�d, :--ec1ivn as .............................. 51

.Appc•als, ,:1c., in (:.lst•,5 ,,·i1 h1 u the ._.j vtl j II rbd kt ion •."\f 1"(H1rr -.lrnll Jic tn tho circuit rourt, in whnl man1111t.•r null ,;111,j,·t·I 111 wlwl pr11, ·le.i,m!-l, st!<·1in11 ;j!• ............... .................. •·-······ 01 t>2

J11clt,:11H·nl c·r1.:dirur, fn wha1 e111i1kd tn :--t•,·un• or r,•1•,1,·(!r hi:: jwlg111cnt, :i-('cllon 40 ..... ......... O:! \\f11(•rc jucli;111•.-1Hi-t do..:kctc•l, lu whal 11u111bl!I' nn•i el1,•ct (,(, !'i"\!Ctio11 •I!.! ................................. !",:! ltul•·"· rq:ula1i,ms, ctt·., gr,n·r11i111,: ll\1111id1,.t1 t�,_111r1, :-rc1ion -11 .......................................... 5'.! . .At1nch111c11t� uml :oiU!,:J;!"C-=lion-1. l,,,,, · i•:O:Hl'd :11111 i-1:rn ... 1, t"'h·., !Ntion •11................................. 52 l\lnrshnl to ulH•n•l si11i11�1'◄1f ,·,,url, hi.-. duliC-!!,C'tC .. �t.."CliOn-1:J ............................................. fi:! Pcnnlty for failure or 11c.•J,:kct

1 :-(.'t:Liu:1 -1,l...................................................... .................... O:!

Appro'"nl or dis:1ppro,·:1I o( acl 1,1 l>v sul,11iit1ccl tn ,·vier� Uy council, wht.•U, scct.ion •14......... 52 Co111J<:il Lo prcsaiUc rul(':o-�un•r11in�clc-1·1io11. i;1ction •11. .................................................... 52 .Mnjoriry of \"Oler:-- o( d1y 1Jl•C"1..-s.-=ary 10 :tppro\'c ucL, .;c.-ctlnu -1·1. ........................................... ;;'-.!, ('ou11cil to dct·larc result, �rel ion 4·&......... ................. ........................................................ ,>:,! if majoril)' of voters vot� u�uin!'lt, net. to h:1�u n,.._ t"lfoct, M:<.·tion ·'-4 ..................... :................ S:!

MU.l\lCIPAI, C0UltT 01·' Tim CITY 01-' WUEL�Ll:SG . .. Act relating to fcc�o( clt'rk, of :uucuclcd, ........................................................................... i9 \\'hat Ic<'K clcrL:: Juay ch:,r,;:c !or :;or\·ic1.•:1........................................................................... i�



:MUNICIPAL <.:OUHT OF THE CCTY OF WHl!"ELCXG-Contloued. \.0u11�U 11.1ay prescribe a snlary in lieu of fees ar.cruiog from ca..� within tho police jurl&-

diction oi court. .......................•..................... ,............................................................ 79 .1u :such case, who to collect such fees nod how uccouutOO !or............................................. 79

.MU'l'uAL FIRE 11':-iUIUN<.;E COlIPAXH::5. =---<ctioo 1-&, olchnptcr 55, nets 15;;, io n:Jation to, uwcuc.Jcd ....................••.................... 1G8 1G9 t,·ory pcnJOn who shall bcc..-omc a mcn,bcr of, b)� cll'cctiug insurance thc·rein, sbnlJ, be-

fore re,:ci ,·ing n policy. l'XccuLc his bond ..................................................................... 169 \\ l>\: drscribed in such l,on<l, 011c.J how .................................................................... JG9 \Vhn1 ptr ccnturn oi born..:. to bop:-iiJ in �•sh ..•.•..••..•.......•..........•••..•.....••................•..•••••... 169 Bo11tl to l,c:1r intl'rcst, nnll nt ,vhnt rnlc ............ ................................................................ lG!> \\'hM1 ·nud wlrnt part oi such l•ood to ho given up 10 mnkcr ............................................... 169 C.lcrk oi county coun to kl!c.♦J> iu his oflicc n muLunl iusunrncc docket .............. ................ ,.. 16!> lu which docket l,ond to l>c rc,·ort lcd, when ....................................................................... 109 \\'hnt to I.Jc t1lutc-<l in !uch docket iu scpur:uc columns ...... ................................................. JG9 Bone.I. to be iu,lcxcd, ho,\• ................................................................ ................................. lti:I Pcunl1y 011 c lerk for iai luro, etc ........................................................................................ lGG J:, ... � of Cll�rk tor rt•cordiug bond, nncl by whom )):\id ........... .............................................. Hi!> lluuJ 1.0 be n lieu on rcul eslnto t.hcrcio d<'scribctl from tUc time it is duly nJmiucd Lo

record ... .......................................................................... .......................................... W9 Bo,,· such lien 1:niorced and bO\\· rc lenst.'<l .................................................... . .................. 169

N.UL CITY UUIJ.DING .-1.::-l{J f.OA1' A&iOCIATION. Iuc.'Orvcrutivu of, .............................................................................................................. 235


Incorp,oratiou uf, ............................................ : ................................................................. :!:!l

NEW CUMBEHl,AXD, TOWN OF. Act. incorporn:iug, au1c1Hlcd, ................................. ....................................................... 41 42 Commun ,·ouncil of, of wlHHU to conshlt,scctton 1 .............................................................. 41 Council to appoint sergeant, scc1ion 2 ..................................................................... ......... 41 :Scrgc:mt to till er. oJ}l.:fo, what otlicci-:, sc-C1.ion 2.................................................................... -11 Hi:t term of ofih:c, :uni cou1pc11sn1io11, !'(l!Clion 3 ..................... ......................................... -11 4:l Hi!t po"·cr11, etc., section a ...................................................... ,................. ....................... 4:l 1.'o whnt. pr.uallies suUjcctcd, se<·lio·, :.t........ .............................................. ....... .............. -':l Vncnncies iu uur offict>, how UJlec.1, section 4............................................................... ....... 4'..! Annu:il Jcvy. sl.'ction 5 ..................................................................................................... •1:l Pro,·lso ns to :1111011nt t<, bo levied, �cc-tion 5....................................................................... 42 Wbr, to wvrk on strceL<. etc., and how long, section G .............................. ......................... 42 llny l,o rcll':hft-<l from surh work by pnyiog not. oxcccdins two tlo llars per day, srction 6..... 4:! .\lonoy so paid, how use,I, section 6................................................................ ................... 42 Duty of rou11�i l ns to r�cciJ)l.:s and cxpcodtt.urca a.nd tndclHcdoe�, section 7 ....................... •l:l Cooflictlog nets repcaJC<l, section 8........................... ................................................... ...... 4:!

NEW RC:->tm.

,Joint He.solution rcqut.-:ilinJ,t further ond sufJiclcnt Ul)propriotlon tro111 general govcrnrne11t to co1uplctc \\'Ork Lcguu on, ............... ....................................................................... 17'2

NEW RIVl::R O(L COllPANY. Iucurpul'l\llon of ............ ......... : ........................................................................................ :.!65

NEW RIVER S"l'EA)IHUAT CO)IPANY. Iocorporat ion of, .................................... ......................................................................... 251


'fillll.'S for l1ultlini,;- circuit court in,................................................................................... 3 '£ini� Cor holJiugc.-ouut.)· cowt 111, ................................................................................... 69

NOR)IAI, J)Jl•LO)l.-\ti. . Ac·ccptc,l a• certlflc.1tcs ol qunllUcatlon to tench, ncctlon W ..•••..•..........•...•.••...•....• .....•....•. U4 1{ unuulled. IL ccasl·s to confer the rh;ht to teach, section 2!) ............................................. _ 144 How rnnkcJ for pur�-"ofcompcnso1ion, s'itln1120 ......................................................... 1.W But lJooril of cilucatiou 111::iy have holders of, t.·xmnincd nA olhcr teachers, if Uect'S3Bry, s�

tion :29 ................................................. ..................................................................... 144 �o iett Lo be cha.ri;ed for •uch ex.nmin:itloo, l!CcUon 29 •...••..••.•..•••............•.•.••..•......•...••..•.. - 14'


NORMAL SCHO()!,S. A pproprintiun to pay <•xpco�� of rrgents nf, ......•.....• :....................................................... r>-1 Approprintioo for n•pni1s to buih.lin�. :1pp.1rntu11, etc. ,,f Glenvlllr �d,oo!, .......................... 6.1 Appoprintiu11 to rcpnir fence, \\'c...;;t LitJC,ty :school. ..................................... _.,,. ............•.... _ 6.� Appropriation for repairs to buil<lin� tJi Concord !'IChool. •....•.•.•.•................••..•...••••.•••••••..•• 6.1 .Appropriation for repair.;, .1pp:1m111s and furnturc for Shcph£>1-d C'oll�e ............................. 63 Appropriation to pny for fitti11g up nncl furni�hing hall of Fairmon·t '-Chool.. .................•••.• n.'\ Approprintion lo par insuranc:c for lhrec yean;. ................................................................. 6.1 }f,,,v nppropriatiOO:-i dra\rn ....................•.•.......... .................... ······································- 63 Rc>ports princ:iplC's of, required V> mnkc in ndditiou to annun) report_ .. , section 1. .•....•...... �... " To ,rhom and when such l'Cports to be made. s,-ctiou 1........................... ............................ 7i ,,·hat such reports to, s�lion 1 .............................................................. .......... �... 77 Duty oi prt"�idcnt of hoard of rei,:cnts upon rc>ceipt of !llttCh re1>0rl�, 11ection 2 .............•... -.... ;7 \\'hnt. report of prc�idcnt,,f bo:trd of rc>g,mt.s to the auditor must show, !'-Cclion 2 .................. 7; Duty of aurlitor upou receipt of �uch report, etc., �ectiun 'l............... ...... ............................ , , How amount appropriated ti) lJe n1,porlio11ct.l, section 2 ............................................... :...... i1 .Amount appropriated for �upJJOrt of, for !'Choo) year cu.Jing in 1,,-;9. st'<!li.on !l; ••••••••••••••••••• 77 JCo,,· appr<,printion paid. �C'Ction 3 ................................................ .................. · ................. 7Et ,vbcn such :1ppropriation to rc\'crt t.l sinte, �t-<.'tion -1........................ ................................. 78 State not lbble for any cxpcn�e:-. iucurretl for!iiupr,ort.. etc., of norm:il st·hoot nft�r end

of school year in 1Sf9, sc>ctiOn -1 .................................................................................. 7A The "\V�st. YirJ,!;inin State Xormal �rhool" to rcrnnin :\l Mnr�hall O,llegc, ,i:ce:tion �7 ........... 147 Pro,·ision� of !aw rclati11::: to ,-iuch S"liool

..,src1ionS7 ............................................................ 14i

noard c,(r<.-gcntsof, of whorn to cousist. :i1ul huw appointed. scclioo Ri .............................. Hi Ry what n:1mc hon rd t(I be called, 6"1�tion S7 ............................................................... ...... Hi May hn,·c a common seal, sue :md be sued, etc., section Ri ................................................. 147 Tran!-fer oi �uch c·Olll"�tl 10 rc;.:C'nf:,;<o(, Je�nHzcd, fl.Cction 87 ... .' ....................................... 147 US \\·hen property lo rc\·crt to Cnhell County. section $7 ........................................... , ............. H.8

NORTH WHEEl,[XG- GLASS CO)IPAXY. Incorporation oi, ............... .............................................................................................. 241l

OATHS. Of cor:umissioneN, con,tuctnn1 nncl clerks or Alcctions ........................ , .... ............................ HA \\,.ho to :Hln1inil"tcr such O;llh ............................................ : ........................................ l<R 149 Oath to he L'Crtifi<.'<l un a,,,11 lJookil ......................................... ............................................ 1•19

ORSTRUCTIOXS. Rl.!mo,·al or, from i,,:;outh bnmch Th·�r and it.., tribut:1riC'j in certain rcllmtin,........................ 73 :-,:e.:liun J of cha11tcr 6.1, ncls lSf:?.:i, 1111umtkd ..................................................................... 73

OFFWERS. Qnnlifkntiun c,,f Nrlain county nntl t1L�1ricr, J,�dh�c1I.. ................................... , ............... 20 21

orrro COUXTY. Ro:inl ,,( (•<•111111is."'i,,1wrl'l :luthurizrd tn fuml l,omh•1I ,h:hl .................................................... 1'1 Cu111n1C"11t·<:'1n<·11t of h•r111s 1,f t·iri.:11i1 <"111r1 i11, ................. � .................................................... ir.6

OHIO RTVER. Joint. rt•:-fll11tion r1"•1llf•l'ltilH! fttrlht:r tto<I :,1uffiri(•11t :1p1,ru1,ria1ion from ::?••ncrnl �nvrrnrncnt

10 c.·,)1tlplt·lt• \\'forks b,-gun on, ....... ....... ........................ ... ... .............................. ........... 172

OIU; OR 1.ll!UIPS. Ht•;.."lllntl,Jnl" f11r tho tr11n�portn1ion ,,r, t�tr ...... � ................................................................ :�,; 36

01,[VI,; AND \V,\PE,Vll,l,E ,·11.orER.-\Tl\'I•: A:'i'IJf'I.-\TI()� Xo. lil'> 01·' THE ORDER OF P,\TIWN>; OF llt:Sll.-\:--llR\" I?\ TIii•: ,-]",\Tl•: CW WEST \'JRO[:--'IA.

lncc,r1>0ratio11 or ................................................... ................................. ........................... 2R.,

OVP.R-P.-\ [0 TA XE!<. ,\pprc,pri1\lion:-\ ror rcfu1ullng .................................................................................... G."i 70 71 (Jut of \Vhnt fund paltl .............................................................................................. ..... 65 70

OVERSF.r.R� OF THE POOR. Uulnwftll for, to he (If h('como pccuninrily intcr€'stNl in :\nv rontmct., rt� .• Jn th,;,- nwnTd or

Qf \\"hich tht•y n1n.y hn,·e n voirc ..................................... .... ........................ ............... !).,

Any ,·iolutiondt?Clll(!'(I n n1i:!Jcrnt'a11or ............................................. ................................. 95 Pe11alty ................................ ..................•........... ····· · ··················•·············· ..•..•••.........•.• M Bow amount of t<UCh puc-unhlry lntorcsiL to bu a:Jctrtniul'CI................................................ 9.-;


PAINT CREEK '.\[INTNl, COMPANY. lncoq,orntion 01, ............................ : ............. .......•........•................................................... 214\

T'AT.ATINF. IKDEPF.KDE:-.T �CllOOI. OISTIUCT. Act creating un inclc.-pcndcnt schooi dh-rrict in Union discrict.. :Mnri,m count.y I hy

na1no of, .. ····-···································· ................................................................. 16G 16.�

PALATINE POTTERY CO:\IPANY. Incor1>0rntion of, .............................................................................................................. 209

PALl\l.FlRRE CO'.\!l'ANY OF WA:SHINGTON. D. C. Int11rporn1ion of, ............................................. •................................ : .............................. 2M

T'ASSE�GF:P.S. 'l'ran!-portntion of, upon Rnilroads.; J'M"nalty for chnrgin� or Tcceivin� unlawful chnrg�

for ................ ,-............................................................................................... - .......... �6

PATENT, l)EF:D OR OTITER WRITTNr.. Effect of ad,·crsaTy po:-�C!'"!-iion under, in n contro""crs)r nff<-ctin� J:mcl, whl'rC �me other

p<'rson hn� t.hc hettcr titlr. .......................................................................................... !ll To extend to t.lrn houndari<"�" cml>racc,1 c,r incltnll'cl by !'-UCh, unless p�r�nn havint: the hct­

tcr title 8hnll ha"c nctunl 1uh·cr!"lo po!-se.�ion of some part of 1.hc Janel e111Ur:1ccd hy such ........................................................................................................................... flt

Section 19 of chapter 90 or the code, in rrlatinn to the action of t•jcc1mcnt. amcnrlr· l. ......... 91

PAYING AND MACADA�IT7.l�G. Council of city of \Vhccling nuthori:1-e<l to le'"}� n spC"cial t..'lx f�r......................................... 2:l

PAYMFXT 0F )!O�F:Y TxTO THE THF:A>;URY. l\lanncr in '""hich pnyn1cnl� urc n1ndC'! ........................... .................................................. �4 Duties of auditor nml tri>a!'l.urcr in relation to, ...................................................................... 84 TrP.;1!11.urer'� receipt, cflcct of................ ............................. ............................................... $4 Coflc in rclntlon lo, nrnen<le<l,................................................................. ........................... S4

PF:NDLF:TON C:OUNTY . .Act to C!i-lnblish n count�· rourt niul boanl of ro1nmissionen. frir, urnlcr the �{4th �r<:tion of

article R of the c:onstitution ................. ................................................................. :H to !\1i Section 1 of chnpWr <a. nrt� 1R72-!l, in rclntion to the remo,·nl of ob:,:t,ruction::. from cl'!rt:1in

tributnries of South Rranch rh•t>r in, nmond,�tl ...................... .' ............ ........................ !\7 Ttn1rs for bold Ing c\rC'uit court, in,.................................................................................... .Vi

PF:NITF.:-ITIARY. Aporopri.ttio11s for support Qf co11\'ic1� in, nn<I gunrds nt., ............................................. r..:t (;!ol. it .Appropriation:,: to pny ,-alary of supcrintomlent. of, ........................................................... r.:l r,R Appropriahon:< to pny salnr)' of ckrk nn<l commi!-t.�nrJ· of, ................................................ r .. 'l r.R Appropri:ltinu� to pny �nlary of phy�iciau of, ...... : .............. ............................................ G.1 fl� Appropriation to pay for heating cell builclin;< .................................................................. r.:t APP" 1,riati()n to pay for hnildin� !'-Cwrr, etc..................................................................... r .. 1 Appropn. tion to p:1.�· dcliC'iency in former appropriati;,n� .. ....... ...................................... r.:t Jio"• rippropr1.atio11s tlr:lu·u .............................................................................................. f">-'l r.R Act pro,·irlini-.; for the 11!:lc of convict. lnhor on works of intcrn:11 improvorncnt, ctc ............ r,0 61

PENNSYI.VAJ\"'TA .Act in re,;artl to the boundary monuments on t110 linol1etwc<"·n thi:-c l"tatc nm1, ................... 9i

PERSO:s'AL PROPE!tTY. \Vhn1.exclllpt from tnxritton, �eetton ,1;1 ....................................................................... 11:"i 11r. ,vhnt included in these words for purpose·'- of tnxntton, scc:lion •tr. ...................................... 1l7 \Vh:1t to be listed for tnxntio11, ancl lunv, l'lc ..................................................... ........ 117 tn 12:l

PF,RSOX AT, PROPEltTY BOOKS. Dutv of a�-.c·:�"'or as tu 1naki111.! Hfl, "'c.-tion ii...: ............................................. .' .................... 127 1'2.� Tax:�·s omitted on. in for111cr ·yrar!i tu ho t•nlcrctl. sN•tion G!'I .............. ................................. 1'2� J{ulc.s applicahlo to. oic ........................................................... : ..................................... 129 1:10 Thrco falr copies of, to he 111aclc out. hy nsses�or. 1-iCf'tion 'i!i .................................................. mo Duticf,( of eJcrk ,,f c u1ni�� cuurt an,l n�e.,'-0r in rdnt.ion thrrctr•, section 7!i ......................... 1:\0 Ccrtificnte of clerk

.to bo nppl·n,l•!tl to, section 7!i ................................................................ mo

Oath of as.-,ess1Jr at. foot of, t1-cction 77 .............................................................................. ... 1:\0 Copies of, how disposed of. sections 79 RO 81 ............................••.................................. 131 1�2 Penalty on as..,�'5or for entry in, etc .• M?cUon 8-& ...... _. .......... :···--·--·--.. ····--·· .................. 1a; Appeals froru eutrie• In. section 9� ....•....•••••.........•.•...•••........•.....•...........•..•......... ··········- 13.


PERSONS. \\' hat the word "persons" in chulc:ifor the pur po..�s of tnxntinn, 15<'ctioa 4.5 ........................ Jl7

PETROLEU�I OR OTHER OILS OR LIQUHJS, . l{cgulations for the transporlntion of, .........••........• .............••.........................•.....•......•... 35 36 Cu111pa11ic� organized, etc , for tho purposo of trnnsportiui.;. thrvu,;h pipt..-s, etc., required to

ncccpl all petrolrum nad tran!-port thosnmu; wl1,·•u aut.l whereto, section 1 .........•..••...• :l,'i Petroleum to be i11spcctcU, )!radc-tl anll mc:1surcd bciore trnm,portc.-tl, trcctiun 2 ............•........ 3,.5 Compauy to g-i\'C rccc•ipt, what. tu t,c. stau . .J r hcrl'i111 section�--········································· 3.5 Duty of cornpany �1s to deli,·f•ry, �'!ctiun 2......................................................................... ::t5 \Vhat 1nny IJc c.Jc<luctcd for w:ist<', sectio11 2........................................................................ 35 Charge for rccci,·ins.:. lranspnrting and <leli,·erin�. ,.:cctt<.10 3 ......................... , ...................•. 35 Proviso :1s to i-ntes to l>c ch:frged in certain c.1se'-, scctiou :s.. ............ .. ·................................ !l5 C'h:irgcs for tran�porli11:: wutcr. section :l........................................................................... 36 Chnrg:in� a hig:hcr rate lor tr:msportit1� petroleum, etc .• thnu is prescribed by thi� 3l't

dccn1cd a 111isdcr11cauor, sect.ion :1................................................................................. AA Pcn11l1.y. s�ctiou a ............................................................................................................. 36 Uniform rn1cs to be charged n11<] failure to do so deemed a mbdcrut:rnor

1 section 4 ............... 36 Pcnnlt.y, section •l ...... ................................... , .................................................................. 36 ..-\ny shift, device, c•tc., to e,·3dc to be ,·oid, section •& ......................................................... :lG Ch!lr&C for SlOl'Rg'I.!, sect.ion ."i............................................................................................. 36 \V hat nllowcd for cvaporal ion nnd wn!lte, s�ction J............. ................................................ 36 Every rhnrgc in exec� (kcmed n misdc111cn11or. section 5 ................... �....... ........................ 36 Penal I y, sect ion !; • . . ..... ...•.• ............ •• • •••••• ...... ...... .••••• ............ ................ ............ ......... •••••• 36 C·unp!ln,· to have lirn for �lunges, section('; ...................................................................... 36 Companirs incorpor:u�t ior tr:1nsport111g, by piping or 1 ubiug, deemed public corup:anics

nnd c;,011\1uon carriers................................................................................................... S. '''hnt chnptCn'i s11Uject. to................................................................................................. 54

PITTSBU!tGH COAL AND DOCK CO�IPA:.Y. lllCOl'J)Or:ltiou of, ........................................................................................ _ ................ : .. 2 47

PITT;;:nunc;n. WP.ST Y!Rf:f)lfA A ND SOUTHERN RA1LR0AD. Jlo:ud of l'<''!cn1:. of tlJC' Unh·eNity nu1horiz('(l 10 �•ntnt right or wny to, through j?l'Onnd�

of th1J Uni\'C'r.,;:it-y ....................................................................................................... JG,.'i Such 00:ir,l may ,::rant other :uul furth<'r pri\'iJc,.:c.!'o, etc .................................. .................. lG.1

rr.r•:ASANT:< COUNTY. Tlaur·s of holclini;: the counl.y 1-our1 of. chau..:£'1.1. ............................... ...................... :.......... ◄0

POCAHOST,\S ,OU:STY. 1'i111,•s for ho!,lin_l! l·ircuit f'nurt 11.1.................................................................................... ::\ 1'i1ocs for hot,linJ: cvunty court in, ................................................................................... 96

POLI, ROOK.<;, Fur ('J...,-c1 ion (,f sdt<,<tl tttfic1�rd: wlio t <, prcp:tro nntl dCli\"cr them nnd nt whnt time. �t'Cliln 2 1!l7

POSSESSION. \Vht'n ndw·r:-c:<-, of a p:trt of 111011 11nd<-r p:lt<•nt. dN.-<I. or oth<'r writing, taken nnd h�ltl to PXh•nd to till\ liu1111,l:1rif•:4 1•:Hhrnt•ru.l ur inl'luih.xl l•Y �urh p:ll«"nt, elc ................................... 91 (.;04.hi i11 rt'lu1h,n 10, :uuc-n,lcd........ ...... ...... ............ ............................................................ 91

PRESTON COU:-ITY, Com11\c11cc-uic111 of t�rrn� r,f d'rC"uil caurt in, ....................................... , ............................ -4 14 Acl to l·staUlish u c1,11uty c,,urt i,,r ......................... : ..................................................... 26 to 30

PRJNTING, Aprrnpriatiull:'4 to 1•:1y r .. r, ntu.l birnlln,: �upn•rnu <"Ourt rt'.!J)<lrl!" nntl to pny rlc6cit'ucy in

forn1er apprnpriJt io11:-.............. . . .... ......................... ............................. , .............. fi5 69 Appro1.rialion,:i fur publir, :111<1 hl1111i11g ,11u.l for �rntioncry. etc ........ ................................ 66 70

PRODUCERS' PIPE LINE CO�IPA:SY, incorporation of ........ � .................................................................................. : •....•.•.•..••..•.• 240

l'HODIJCERS' TRANSl'O.RTA TIO:-' CO)ll'ANY, Notice of the dt�olutiun uf ...................................................... -•00••··········· ...................... 26!l

PROFl�SION AL CE!lTIFCCATES, Ho..- ranked for purposl'!! o! co111ponsa1lon, �ectlon 29 .........•....................•.•..............•....... lH


PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS. To c�'rt.ify as to tho :;olvcncy of on<lorscr�·or notes glveu by purchAsorsof claim�or Accounts

due tho �tntc1 directed hy tho nmlitor to Uc sold: sect.ion 3 .. ; •.................. :.... ...... ......... 58 Dntic� of. nuder nsscssmCut la,vs, s<."Ctio11s 29, 75, ii, !Hl •••••••••••••••.•••••••••••.•..••... 111 J30 131 J a,r; Duty of, ,vhcn shcri{I fnil to make, at time rl.!quired, an·nual 11Nth!ment with cou11ty court

for school moneys rccCi\•ccl Bnd tli�burscd, �cctioo 52 ..................................... ............... 14 Duty of, n.'\ to net makin� it n mi:-!clenicanor for nn attornc,\·-nt•lnw to fail to pny over

money rccci,·cd by him for hi� client, section 4 ......................................................... , 1!;3

PUBLlC BUILDINGS AND INSTITUTTO:S-S OF STATE. Condunnntion of lnnd ior, nnd for tho use of, section 3...................................................... 13

PUBLIC USE. Scctionc 2 nnd 3, chnptcr 11·1, nets 18i5, for tnking lands for, etc., nm<'nde<l ...................... 12 13

PURCHASE '.llONl-:Y. \7cndor's <'quitnbl� lien for. nbolished ................................................................................ lfil Lien for. must bo resen·ed in dcccl of con,·eyancc ............................................ : ................ 161

PURCHASERS OF FERTILIZERS. Act to protect .............. ...................... : ........................................................................... 30 31

PUTN.-1.lll COUNTY. Tern1� or county court ror, ..................... :......................................................................... 22 U>rurueoccment of terms or circuit. court in, ................................................................ 15i 158

QUALTFICATION'. Of certain county nnd district officer� fogalized ..................................................... ......... 20 21

RAILROAD COM'.l[IS:,I01'ERS. Appropri:Hions to pny, for as.�c..�ing rntlro:ul propcrt.y ......................................................... ft6 70

(.'iec title '"co111mi!!l,!ion1ffs to a!ISess rnilroad provcrty.")

RAILROAD CO'.IHIITTEE. Approprint.ion to pny expensec of. to inquire into the chargc-s for freight. aml tra,·cl on

D:\lti1uorc und Ohio railrontl...................................................... ..... ........................... 66

RAILROAD CO'.IIPAXIES. Act. of 1866, section 2, chnptcr 131, in rclntfou to, nwemle<l ................................................ r. G l:lo,'" nsses:-ecl for taxntiou .............................................................................. 1: to 11 12� to 127 Act or 1877 rolntin'.:; to nssc�scmeut.or. for taxes. nmcnded ..... ......................... ,; to 11 123 to 127 Lien upon property of, in fn�or or c111ployes .................................................................... 17 1S Act prC'�crib\n� rf'<"riulnt.ions for the tran:-Jportntion of �trolcum, etc .. hy. or I rn11s1)0rt:1t ion

corn panics, clc., ................................................ ........................................................ :l,.', :«; Section 22 or ch:1ptC't 8� nets of 1Ri2-:l, rclnring to the incorpor:11io11 of, a11H•11itN so us 10

J>C'rrnit b<nu,jl•le i;.t<1c-k,lividends ....................................................... ........................ �m .10 A!I other <li'"idc1Hl� ,·oid ........................................................ ..... .................................... 40 Con,·ict l:lbor on the work� or. provided f9r ................................. .................................... r.o GI Penalty on, for c.hargin� or receil'i11g umla"·ful charges for the> tr:111�port:1tio11 or pa�s<"n-

gcrs nucl freight........................................................................................................... 00 Section I of chapter tGO, net� 1872-:i, ns nrnem1cc1 by chapter!i1. u<'ls 1877, grnnlingth� rialll

to nn�· r:,ilroud <·ompnnr, incorporntc,t under a gent·r:1I lnw of thi:-4 �lntr, 10 C"<,n�tru<'t nndopc-r:ite a rnllwny tral"k uloni:r a1H1 ncro�s nationnl road. nmcndl"<l i,.., n.1.1 111 nllow the use of !lll•;un to operate such ron,I .. , ............................... : ............................................. t!)!I

Pro,·iso ns to the kl11d o( Mtonm cn1 . .dn� tn be usc<l ............................ ................................. lr.!t Pitt!"l>urgh. \Ve-At Vir;..::i11i:l n11d Southc•rn; re,iunl� or the university 1wlhorh:rd to grnnt

right of wuy to, through gruuinli: of un1vcr:dt.y, etc ............... : ................................. : ... 1rh1

RAILWAY COMPANU-:S, WHEEr.TNG AND El,:I{ GROVE. Section J of chapl"r lGO, nc.ts 1872•!\, n� nrncndcc1 by chapter !ii nr.lA 1R7i, r<·lntin,: to,

:11ncudcd r;o ns V> nllow the um, of Htcnm to opcrnto the sninc ................................. ...... 1�9 Pro\'iMO os t..o·whnt. kind o( �te:uu engine to be u:1c."<l. ......................................................... Jfi!t

RANDOLPH COUNTY. Coinnwncemcnt <A terms of ctrcuit. court in, ..................................................................... 4 14 Section 1 or chupt<'r 11�. net� 1R77, provi<ling- for the con�tn:ction or n rond from Hchclla

ln, and runking nn npproprintion to aid tl1<.rcln, nmcndcd ........................................... 4.,

c. E. Lutz, a citizen of, lo be appoinU.-<l by the�govcruor state ngent on tmutil(rntion .......... ti0


REAL ESTA TE, (Sec lltlo "lnuds.")

ltECEIPTS, STATE TRE,\SURER'S. For money paid into the treasury, code in relation to, arueoded .............. ." ......................... 84

RECEIVERS. 1.'o list property of con,1 pnny for t:1xation, iwetion •11. ............................. : .......................... 115 To infor111 nsscssor of amount of money in thrlr hands, section GG ...............................•...•.. 123

RECEIVING )!ONEY AT TH£ TREASURY. Dulles of nmlitor :111d trc:tsurcr in rclntiou to ..................•................................... , ............. 84 Section 2 of chapter 17 of tho code in rclntion to receipts for ruoncy recel"c<l at tho treasury

nn1en<lc<l.................................................................................................................... 8.f

IUXiENTS OF :3T.\T£ :-0lOIAr, SCl:I00L . .1\ppro11rintio11 to pny cxpC"nsc1' of...................................................................................... 03 Report to bo 111nd.c to the president of the bonrc.1 of, hy prinl"ipnls of normal school!' in ud-

,lition lo nnnu:1I rC"pOrts, scclion 1.............................................................................. 77 Duty or pr��idcnt of board of, up•111 rerdpt of such rcporls, secrl<,n 2................................ 77 • Regents 10 etmsi!'t of of st:itc s11pcrinrc11tlc11t of free schools, one person from eurh congrcs-

sionnl rliMrict nnc1 ouc from state at large, @cc:ioo Si ............ ••.......••.....••.......••..•....••... i.ti Go,·(>rnvr to :lpJlOi nt, �C"Cti11u Si ......................................................................................... 147 By whnt unrue regents to be <·nll"'·d. scctiou Si ....... ........................................................... 147 Po"·cr�, etc., of !'!Ucl1 Te;c-111�, srctiou 87 .................................... : ....................................... J47

.ltl::GENTS OF TIJF: WE:;T YIRGIXIA UNIYERSITY. Ronni of, ho"· appointed. :tud by what 1u1me called ................................................. ........ 2-& 25 )lay NUO ::111J. Lf• su1..·d, ctc ................................................................................................ 2-I 2.5 tluor11111 of, for tran:::nrtion of l>u�inc!s.............................................................................. � \Vhcn nll of, to br. notified by Sl'\!rctar�· ............................ ............................................... � '.ferm ol office or present, aot nn;,,·tcd br 1hi• ne� ..........••••.••.....•...••••••.....••••................•..• 25 \\'hen, how an<l what mewl.lcrs to retire from honrd .. � ...................................... : . . .. -........ � Jlo"· ,·nr:in,•i1•s filled ...................................... ............................................................. .... 25 To C:tl:1lilisb rule:S, regul:1tiot1� :m,t Oy-Juw� ................................................................. .... 2.'i To nppnlut !'11J,cri111cmlent. or ground!!, :iCcrc1nry nn1l trt'nsnrer .......................................... 25 .:--:u salary to be p:1hl �uch 1 1fficcrs 11,,r to ,.i.4,.•cr<!l.nry of cx1.."Cuti\"C <.-ommittcc ......................... 25 1•0 tuL:o l,,,nd fn11u trea�urcr ...................................................................................... ...... :!5 (_;.>ndlti<.•11� of �uch hon...1 ............... ......................... ......................................................... 2.5 'l'o 111:lL::c an11u:1l s1..•ttlcuH.•t1t:,,1 with lrca:mr"r oro(tn\•r ......................................................... 2S 'J"oi:::-1,cctannually all 1,rn1n�r1y, rte ................................................................................. :.?5 'fo 1n:1k1• un1111:1l report t,, j?i.,,·crnor .......................................................................... ......... 25 Powl"•r 1ocr,·:111• n prc1l:1ra1 11ry dcpar1111t.:11t a.ud n,hlitlona.l profe,sorships .................. ......... :l5 'l'o fix l'!:tlnri<•:,,, ..,r profc!":i:o� ................................ , .............................................................. :!ii •ro rc11tl)\'O pn.f4..\rs,,r� fnr g-01w--l c-auso ............................................................................... . )1njoril}· ol 1...,•u·•l 11111 .. t con1 ur in .-iu'-·h rl""111 0,·.il ..................................................... , ......... .

:?6 :16

Rc:11)fl!IS for rc11,u, nl 10 he 4..• .. 1111111111 icu1e1) h� gv, ,•rnor ...... ...... .................. ......... ............ ...... 26 l'ow<'n; 11:,;; t6 pn.�cdl,ing- �f-111..·�l tcnn� upon wliirl1 s1udcnlM niay be ncllllilleJ, the course

o( th,·ir l11:ottrlh'li1..)II, Cl,· ................................... ......... ... ·····•--·--••···· ........................... 26 Pow,•r� n� 10 cho n•l1ui�.'ir:,n "f r1,-:-11l:1r l'!tn.f'-•nt-. or t'm.lct� .................................................. :!G 1'\n111h,·r tn lH' a•l111i11cd frn111 (':1d1 :--.•n:1111ri:tl di:-11ric1 ......................................................... -.?l> Acluiii-..•l1)t11,, be u1,un t•,i,li'nce r,f 11 f.iir ni11r:1l ,·l1nrncter ................................................... 2G Wh•JII rne:111<·ie• ... ay L,c ,;llc,I rr .. ni "'"'" ot lnr�o ... , ........ ......... ,......................................... 2G Ll111lt 11:-\lo 1111111h1•r11f ca1l,·ts fron.1 nny rouuty ................. ................................................ :!6 App101,1 ia1i1111� It\ JlllY cxp1..:ns•·� nf ................. .......... , ...................................................... G.a Gtl .Aulhnrl..:t.'\l t11 E,::r:\111 ri�lit of wf1y 1r, 11w Piflsbur,:.!h, \Vtsl \"iri;inln nod Southern u1ilroad

thn,ugh thu ;;rou11,:i:s vl the u11ivrr�i1y .............••. , ....................................................... lti3 And mny ,;r:int. uthcr aucl furl her prlvih:gc�. 1?lc,, Jn nnd upon �'lid grouiub ........................ lli-3

JtJ::-11 EA RINGS . • ·\ ul horizc<l in t':L"\"'S dccicle,I by �uprcmc court to correcc clortcnl crron, '"hcn .................... 20 i8

No a.rgmul.'nt uDh!.� rc..1u(>StCJ by cuurt .................. ............ -••• � ...................................... 10 ial

UEPORT8, SUl'RE�IE COURT . .Approprlat.lon•tnp,y for prlatiDg un,l blndln1t, �DJ to l''Y de6cleney ID former npprovrla•

lion• .•...............•..•...•.•.••••.•......••....•.•....•...•..•••..•....•.....•...••••.••.•••..•• •.•.•.•.•.•.•........... u5 6\1


REVIEWS. Anthorjzed in cn�cs decided by supreme court to correct clericnl error, when •.................. 20 i8 �o nrguntcul. uolcs.s requested by courL ..........•.....................................................•.......... 20 18

RIOT:,. Ccrtnin YOlnntccr militnry comp:tnic.s authorized to receive pur for,scrvices rendered io

supp.-cssing, .. ,u,,,....... ......... ............... ..... .................................. ••............. .................. fU Appropriations to pay such companies ..... � ..................................................................... 89 90

RIVERS. UnJ:t.wful to pl:,cc in, creeks or str<:nm�, at uny time, u�h-pots, wicrs or traps ..................... 4-1 Uulnwful toc;,tch or drstroy in, hy meaui-: uf Jlf't�, slt.di .. dug, �h11oti1•f!, i-:ciu:-. or otht-r tlcvic-t:s1

except by hook nnd Jiuc, from the 1st. )larth 1.0 the 1st :-;cptcmL,cr ........ ....................... •U (Sec title "thshi11i; .. 11 J.


Persons ,·iolaling license lnws upon or nlong:, tlcc1uctl ,;nilly of n mistlcmeauor ................. 23 24 !Jenni ty ................ ················"······ ........................ ······ ······················································ 24 �ot 10 npply to druE;g:isls nor Jkcnsed stcnmL,oals ....•........................................•.............. 23 24

RIVEllSIDB BUILDING A::l::lOClATIUN. luco1>ornt..iou of, ........••...................••• : .............................................................................. t!I:!

ROAD l'RECINGT. \\"hat to constitute, under ;1lternntive syJ11tc111 of constructing: uod repairing roads .............. 103 Unc sun·cyor to be eh•ctc<l for cnch precinct.; when, �cctiou � ............................................ ·lOJ lto;lJs in each 1,rccincL t� l>e tlivit.lcd iuto scctiou!:1; when untl IJy whom, section 5 ............ lo:i

ROADS, COU)ITY :Section 12, ucts 187:!-:J, in relntion to, umcnc.led ................................................................... 11 1� \\'ho l1nblo to ,\·ork on, ................................................................................................... 11 12 \\'hnt uolicc nccc:;snl'y,..................................................................................................... 1:l 'l'i1uc, for \\"Ork................................................................................................................. 12 1>crso11 to nttcnU "'1th J>roper toolH, etc............................................................................. 11 Aud ,\·ork nL lcnst. 1"·0 dnys ................................. : ............................................................ 1:l Dn1.y of county court when two t..wo <lnys work ig insulfident..................... ..................... It )lny h� entirely hy tux or luUor, or par1ly Uy l>ot.h............................ .............................. I :t .1\cJditionul 11tunber ol' tlu_ys............ ................................ ................................................... 1� Acl ll:S77, repealed........................................ ............. ...... ....................................... ......... l� :SC(.!'tion 1, chapter 11U, :1c1� JS77, :'IJJJ)ropriuting mo11ey to uit.l In built.ling a roat.l fro1u

Hch·ctia, in lfanllolph county, to, utc., amended......................................................... -ta <.:onvicL laUor t.o he used on, pr,>vi<lcd iflr ...................................................... ................. 60 GI 8cction 30 of t·haptcr 1!1-t. nc.ts Jti7:!-J, in relation to, nuu!Udcd............................................. 8U \\'hcu nnc.1. how road?J and Jaucll11g:� tliscontinuc.t. ............................................................... 80 Notice in surh t.·nsc?J......................................................................................................... 80 i'roccc<liugs upon i,ctillon................................................................................................ tiO Report.. of \·ic\\·crs...... ...... ...... ... ... .................. ............... ...... ...... ... .............................. ...... 8U .No post roac.l to be disl'ontinucd unli) unothc.•r hns l,cc11 C':-1l:1blishcd .................................... so Power lo discontinue turnpike roads trnusf<'rrcd to coun1 ic!i............... ............................. ... 80 �eel ion� a, .J. 5 and :tu, HS2, nc1s HSi':.!•3, pro\'idi11i-c for nn altcrmlt.i\'c method of co11-

,st1·uctiug and kccpiug in ropnir county ro;ulH, 1�mcmlcJ ........................................... lU:S 11.J.l

ltOANE COUNTY. t:OWIJlCllCCIUCllt of lermY of circuit court tn, ................................................................ 157 IUS

SALAJUES OF CJ,l,:RKS . . Ap1uoprintions to pay, i11 the �cvernl onices of Flntc govcrr1111cnt ............................... G5 G4J 71 .A1,1>ro1,rintiou to puy ,tctlcieucy iu n1,proprintion ior, in ouJ.ltur'd otlicc fur tisc.'\l ycnr cnd-

jng- 30th Septc11,l.>cr, 1877 ....................................................................... ........................ ti7 .Appropriation to pay clerk to the pcnitr.111inry ............................................................... G3 ti8 .AppropriationH to 1n1y clerk of tiUJ:rc1no coun ............................................................... 100 101

SALAHIES OF S1',\'.l'E OFfl<.;EH::l. Appropriation• I<> JJ"Y•···;······· .. ·················································································�'9d to 1111

tiALES. U{ dclJnquenl nnJ forfoiH.'<I lands for bcucfiL of tho tK:hwl fuu<l, :1cct..ioud 5 nnJ d, chapter

Ja4, uct..ti ld72-3, in rclutiou toJ nweut.lcd ..................................................................... tia 94


:SCHOOL J300KS. Act regulating the prices of, ........................................................................................ . 81 83

(Sec tilJc u Books, Clns.s. ")

l:J(;HOOL DISTlUCT,INDEPENDENT .Act relating to Kc,yser, �linernl county, Rmended, ......................................................... 55 66 Act crcutiug n, in Union clistrict, Mnrion couuty .......................................................... 16G 168

8CHOOf, FUND, UE::-;EJUL .AuUitor to notily state supl'rin tcndc11t of amount di�trilmlaLle :.1mung thcsc-vernl countic11, when,

scc1ion 61 ..•..•..................................•............. · ........................................................... ]47 Dutr of stat<! supc.ri11teudcnt upon rc(:Ci\'ing such notice, section Gt ................................... 1•17 Duty of couu1 r s11perin1cn<1cnt uprm receh·ing notice from st:1tc su11cril;tcndcnt of nmouni.

<lislril>utcd to his couu1y, section 61 ........................................................•...........•.•.... 147 Cannot be drawn by district or iudcJ>cndc11t school district, until they hn¥c mndc lc\·y re-

quired, �l!ction Gl ....................... ................................................................................ 147


Act in 1elntion "10, nruendcd............................................................................................. 19 How created :10U from what �ourccs<lcrivcd ..................................................................... 19 Duty of nuditor :i� to, .......................................................... :............................................ 19 Duty of the Uonrd or, ........ ......................... ................. ...................... ........................... 10 Sections r. and 8 of chapter 13l of nets 1S72-�. in relation to !he sale. of forlcitcd and dclln•

qucnt lauds for the benefit of, nu1cnc.led .................................................................... 93 94

:SCliOOL 11ous1;;:;. Cohdcmnution of rcnl e•tutc for, sect.ion• 2, 3..................................................................... 1a

:SCl:IOOL LAW. ::5ect.ion <JO of chuptcr 123, nets ISi:.!-3, as n111ended by chuptcr ii, acts J87i1 In rclntion to

teachers, n111t•ndc1..l ............................................................. ....... ............................ 3� 39 Act to ro:;ul:11� tllc prkcs of schovl books used in the free schools of tho �t:lt.c ............... SI to 83 Section� G, s, 91 10, 10, 2S, 2t•, �3, 5.1, 551 1jJ and Si, or d1ap1er 123, ucts 1Si2-:3, amC'ndcd .. 1a:, to J.18 .Also, �C(•liu11s 2, •I, 13 nud J:! of sa111c chapter us nmcudcd by chapter ii. acts 18i7,

UlllCll<ieu .............................................................. .... ............................... 13G 137 141 IH .-\Jso, section i of same ,:h:1ptcr :1£1 nme111..kd Uy chnptcr 31 oi nets 1Si7, umcndcd .................. 139 Cou111y st1pl•ri11tcrnlc•11t of schools, w11c11 elected, section 2.: ................................................ 137 J:Jis t1!rm of otliC\.\ wh<"n to hi.'J;ill anti how lung to C•Hllinuc, �cction :! ................................. 137 Pro lieut :11al four co111111issi"11L•1-s in l'ach <lis1ril•t1 when h> he clt•ctcd, section 2 ................ J3i ti:lid pn.:sidc111 :ind c11111mit-�ivuc1s lo nmstitulc buanl oi educatiou, �cl'liuu 2 ..................... 137 \Vhc11 their tcnu or utlk� l1L";.:i111

nud huw 1011� to cvntiouc, .s?ctiou 2 ................................ 137 �o pl!rson cli;.;iblt• l•1111urn th:rn vnc office at same liJnc, scctiou :L ..................................... 137 \' oling to be l,y l.,nllot, :--c(·li1;11 :! ................................... .................................................... 137 \V h<'re(•lcctiu11 1�1•ltl, :O:t.'t.1i1.HJ :! ........................ .................................................... ............ 13; Notic:o to he- g:in;n or <·lt'ctiun by Uo:\rll of ec.luc-:\lion, �cdlon 2 .......................................... 137 Poll bo,,ks lur clL•c1i,,n, wh,l t11 pr,•p 1r..i uuJ ,ldi\'f•r thc111 n11d at what time, section 2 ......... 137 (.;o111111isslonc-r� 1,f,• ... •1i,11•. how 111:111y :111,l 110\\' appnint1.."d. seclion � .................................... 137 Eleclio11, how s11pt>riutcud�d, 1..·,,rn.lul"lc•t l, ctl'., n1I.J l'l�sull :,� crtai11ed, �e<:liou :.? .................. 137 P1"0\'isio11� of law g,.,vc1 11i11;.( �c11t•ral clc<'tio11 1,·1 ,;on•rn, section 2 ......................................... 137 Tio vote iur 111t�1t1lk'r.s ,)f ho.1rd nf rdu,;:ui,,n, 11,)n' d•�1cnni111..•1I nnll when, section :l ............ .. 137 Tio vole for c,-,11111y :-11pninl,•11U1• 11l, 1-ww �1c1cr,11i111}d 1111d wlh.!111 section 2 ............................ 137 Nollet? 10 h.- gh· ... ·11 t,, pr•·�idt!III or bl1:1r,ls of e1luc.1tio11 In i:;uch C!tscs, Uy whom, nnd when

Ulltl Jin\'•' p;,('l"\t''cl1

SL'Cll••l1 :l. ..................................... , ............................. , • ••••••••••• ••••• J3i 13$ Ballots f, ,r )e\·y, wli:1l lu haYC' writlC'n or pri111c-,l 1hcr,�ou1 i:eciiou 2 .................................... 13S Mnjority n,tu rn111ircd Iv :1111 ho1 izl� ti.:,�y I srctivn 2 ........................................................... - 1:.:tS 8pcchtl election ftir Jc\·�·; when. SL-Cli,,11 � ........................ .................................................. 13S Notice of �uch cl!..�1io11, when uu,l h1Jw l!(in�n. $('Ctio11 2 ............ ......................................... 13$ CvmmiFSiuners of vh•ction to n•cf>i\·c 110 t�11111pcusa1iu11, sc,·1io11 2 ......... ................................ 13-S Trusll'C, whf'11 aml how :q,poiutcd, scc1io11 •L .................................................................... 13$ lli� 1cr111 of oflicc, !-lection •·I. .............................................................................................. 1:JS Board or e<lucatiou to holil a 111cctl111; on tirst :\fo1ulny in Si?pumbcr in each ye:tr, scction·G .. 1aS Du tic� uf IM)t1rd nt such 111ecti11g-, �ection 6 .......................................................................... 188 How s.:.1l1tri1•s of tc•ach<'rs to lw dctcr111in.:1J., section 0 ............................. ............................. 138 811lory fO tixcd not to he 1n111scc111h1d, s<'ctio11 ti .................................................. ♦-............... J:·IB But. t�ncl11•ro wuy cuutJu<:tfor u Jes:Jsalury, scctlou ti ...................................................... ... 13S


l, lNDEX.

S<.:HOUI, LA W-Cont.iuucd.

t,tuorum o( hoard of education, section ti ................ .............................................. � •..•.•..•... J3:i 111 :tbscncc of prcsiUcnt, who lo ac:t, Sl'cliou li ...... .............................................................. 1:i8 \Vhcn bonrd only uuthorizcll to do oJlh:ial business, �cctiou 6 ....................................... la$ l:J!) But president. and :iCcrctary 111ny sign onlcrs upon shcrill iu vuc:11iou, when, section ti ...•.... l:itt ..-\II school olliccn; required t.o take oath of oflicc, st:ct.iun li .................................................. J:!9 Hoanl of ct..lucnLion to be a corporation, :w·cLi•m 7 .............................................................. ta!:I Powers of sui.:h UOard and \o what rig:ht-, sulistiLuLed, section 7 .................... . ............... ...... l:.S!J l>ccmc1l ow11er of ccrt�ain real a11<l 111.•rsu11:il C:Stntc without n11y Lr:ausicr, etc., �ectiou 7 ...... 139 l'rocess u11cl notll.'c; hi,,\· served oo t,.):11',I, �cction 1 ........................... ......................... ...... t:i9 L'crtuiu suits uull JH'UCCl.-<li11g� 111,\\' JH.HhJing- ug:ainsl, 1ua,lc vali<l, scclion 7 .......................... 13� liow such suits, etc., pro,ecutcu a11,I udau<icJ, ,cctiou ; ......... . ......................................... 13� L.lubility oi lJuanl as �u claims, c1c. owin;; t,y hoar<l of which it i:S the �uccessor, :,;cction ";, .. l�?f :Secretary of hoard; when appviuted, St!Ctiu11 :i ..................................... ............................. 139 l:tis Juli�. SC<:Liuti•S .......................................................................................................... lJ!J ..-\uthoriz1!<.l to ud111i11istcr uath:-4 toschuol ,,tlicC!r�, sccti,,u lS ................................................ l·IU His cu1t1pc11sn1io11; how 1lctcrmi11l!d :.11u.l pai<l, sect.io11 .S ............... ..................................... HO '.l'u mnkc :u111ual report lo cou111y s1111crinlcrHlcnt. I.J1.•f,ire rccci\'i11g: p.1y1 SCl·liuu :s ................ Hoard of ed1H:ati,111 tu b�l\'C gcucral cuntrol1 Cle., of �d1uols1 Cl<'., St!Clion !J .......................... 140 1\luy tletermiuc the uu1111J�r nud Juc:,tio11 of schuvls, to IJe t:1ught, �cctiou ti ....................... H.U Muy chungc the bourH.iarics of sub-tlisLrkt�. and iucrc:u:iC or <liJliuish the 11u111bcr, !,CC•

tion 9 ......................................................................................................................... 1-10 llut. must hu\'C due r<-ganl fur �c·hool housc.:i already lmilt., l:lC., scctio11 � .................. ......... HU Aud 10usl assign, if practical.Jiu, to c:1ch district, llol 1,-ss than lihy youlhi, st:t.:Liu11 � ......... l-10 Proviso :.1 s l0 v1 llug:c.1 cvusisti11:; uf lift)' inhahit:aul.s or 111,,re, scc1.io11 � .................... � .......... 140 \\'h�o chani;c io :111y sul.1-t.listricl nut tu take cllcct., scl.:liuu 9 .............................................. 1-10 l'ro,·ision as 10 villa,.;:c Ji\'hlc<l by <li:-1Lrict or counLy liucs, sccliu11 !J ..................... ............. J.IU District un<l sub-<ll!Hnct. liucs t.o be cnlen.:d of rccun.1; wlil·rc, i-it:cliun !.! ......... .................... ),10 L>ury of IJuard to ha,·c k,·pl i11 every sub-<listricl, a suflici\!Ul nu1u1,cr of �lh,,vls, sccliou IU 140 \\'ho may aLlcud suclJ vols as a 111allor of right, scct.,on IU ............................................ 140 Any pen:;1,n may nt1c11<l upou )layment, of tuitiou foe, :;cctiuu 10 ................................... HU HI ,rhen anJ to whom !'<iUCh lee paid, !'oCCliOII JU ..................................................................... J-11 And to l>c pln<:1,,.-.d to credit of to:icbcr's (1111.J, section JU ..................................................... HI Liu1it ns to Rlll0UUL of :.such few, tiCCtiou 10 ............... .......... ................................ .............. 1·11 'fe:u·hcra; appQiutmo11l 11£, Ly boan.l of e<lucalh.m, "hen, tSC:e1iou 13 ..... .............................. 141 Assignment tJi tcad1cns tu schools, l>y U,,ard. section 1:1 ........................ ............................. HJ Sub!lcqucut llh:ctiugs o( Lioarc.l to chvu:sc te:i<:h,:rd; whc11, tiCdlon 13 .................................... HJ \V hcu prcsidcut of hoard 111ny uppoi11t teachers, sccliu11 1a ...................... , ....... . , ................ 1·11 All c'>utrJcts with tc:1chcrs to l>o in writing, :,ccliuu ta ...................................................... HI By \\'hou.1 to L,c �ig:11ctl, ij.Ct:lion 1 3 ............................................. , ..... , ..... ........................... 141 \\'here such contrncl tih!'d, :,cCliou ta ......... ....................................................................... l•ll How 1e1u.:hcr rewun·J nuc.l ior wha1, 1-cclion 1 :i ................................................................. 141 4

'l.'ru:,te� may excJ111lc auc..l suspoud, etc , any schular from schoPI; for what, !!cction Ja ......... 1-11 Hut hoard or cducntiu11 may ro,·isc, e1c., ,rnch actiou, Hcctiou 1a .......................................... HI llO\\' trustee rc1110,·c<l, �cet.io11 1:! ....... , .......... ................................ . ................................. J-11 \Vht!n trustee may c.ltsco11ti11uc u school, unless otherwiiso tllrcctc<l l,y board of education,

1:Jection J;j ...... .............. ............................................................................................. 1-11 \\rhco higla ,whool to be tllsc,n1tlnuctl, ,icctiou ta ............................................................... 141 E11 t11ueratio11 oi yout.h; when tnu.l L>y whom 111:tdc, st�tJrm HJ ....................................... HI H� lSctwP.en what. ages lO Uo 011umcrat�tl, �ctio11 rn ............................................................... U:! To distingusll l>cLWccu male n11d fe11111IH, wh11u and colored, section l!J ... ..................... ...... l•J2 Euumerution to be in two d1ts.'ics, 8Cction 19, ................................. ................................... l-1:l Orie ct� to IJc betwl•CU tla• ai;cs or six und six.tccu, um.I the other tu l>e between Hixtem1

nnd l.\\'l!llt.)'-OIIC yen rs, f.CcLi0II 19 .................... ............................. .............................. ),12 lfo"· cnun1cratiou tu ho ,·cri1ic<l, &ectlo11 19 ........................................................................ 1-&:l 1.•o "·ho111 au<l \\·hen rcturnc<.l, �cctiull l!J ........................................................................... 14:! Pe11ult.y 011 teacl1<:'r for failiug to make cnumcrntlon, ,;ectlon l!J ........................................... 1-12 No t.e.:1chcr u, 1:11.:n·c on jury while Ui� fichool J� tn nc111nl operation, !-!Cction HI .. ............. , .... J-12 :secretary ur UOar<l oi education lo kecµ rt..-corJ of cnumcrntion In his otlicc, section HJ ...... 1-12 Am.I to tnrn�mit ce1·1Hictl copies then .. 'Of lo county HUJR•rl11teudcnt.; ,vhou, isec1ion lU . ......... J.12 H enmut•rutloo of any districl, clc., 110L rcccivcct by couf1ty tmpcrintc111..io11t, before .April

2o, lrn wust crnpluy su1uo one to lnko it., 1mct.iou JU ................... .................................. 142 U>w1,cu61lliOU of I"'"'°" oo cwployll<l, IICCliou JU •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ht


SCHOOi, LAW-Continued.

llo,v nllo,\'Cd nnd pahl, see-lion 19 ...... .•••.....................•............••..•...•.•............................•. 142 \\'IH.'ll county superintendent. to forward enumeration to st:Hc !IUJ1Crlntcn,tc11t, �-ctlou 19 ... 1-12

8tatc supcrrntcodcnt to prc.-.cri'Jc aud furnbh blnnks for <'numcrntion, section 19 ........... ,. 142 Teacher"' not to be employed without ccrtillcate, in duplicate, of qualific:ation, �cctinn 28 ... .' 142 Such ccnilicatc r,iust hl• b!'-lucc.J within a year ucxt pr('ccding his c111pl0ymcut, 11cction 28 .... 1·12 J)uplicate, whcr� to ho fih•d, section 28 ........•........•........•..•••.................. ...••......•.•.•.•.......• 142 \\'hich tiliug 111n�L be endorsed on original, ?-1CCtio11 28 ..................................................... .. 142

No snlnry tu be paid rcnchcrs. u11les..'i dupiicntc be� lilcd, section 2S ............................. 142 143 Ex:1111in:1.1ion uf t('aclu•rs for primary school, by U�nl <J( cxarnincr:Si a11t1 in what hr.rnch�

rv Le cxn,niue,I, l'l!'Ction :!S ........................................................... � .............................. 14::l For high<'r schools; in what. Uranch<>i;t to be cx:uuinccl, �t·<'tiun 2k ........................................ 143 If npplic:1111 be fo11n1l compr.tcnt nnd of good 1110ml chnra('lCr, hc,nnl to giv� <'Crlificate,

<'IC.1 section :ZS ............................................................................................................ 143 Pro,·i:;u a.�,,, 1c:1chcr3 who hn\·c rec1;l\·c<1 a11111111,cr onorertitl<:.,te for tl1r�c- su<.'ccs.,.i�c ycur,,

section :!S ........ .......................................................................................................... 14::l Hcgi�ter lo be kept by county �upcrintendcnt o( rill ccrtlfieat<':1 awanlNI, section 28 ........... 14:; \\"haL suc:h rc•gi!--tCr to :-:how, sc,·liun 28 ........................ ..................................................... 14� Xo ccnifkatc to be issued l'XCupt upon actual cxnmiu:1tiuo, etc., se<'tio11 26 ........................ 1-13 ::.:ertificntc· to hnYc no force cxct•pt in co11111y whcro i:.;.-.uc<l. �cctiu11 :!-8 ................................ 14:-l Nor for a long:er perind than one year, scc1ion '.?:L ............................................................. 143 Ccr1i1icatt-s may l>c rc,·okctl by IM>:trcl of exnmi11t•rs, fn1· wh:11 and how, �ctiou 28 ............... 14:l Board of cx:uuinl•rs to hold two pul,lk cxami11a1ivns, wheu, �eel ion 28 .................... ......... 14:l Notice 10 Le gi\·cn, �ettiou 28 ....................................................................... .................... 14:l \\'l1c11 n1icl hO\v ex1rn meetings of }J(lnrtl oif'!xnminf'n 111ny Le c:1lle1t. sccllo11 :?� ................... 14:l

Couuty supcrinte111.lnt1L and member:: of hoard of cxnrui11t•rs mny l>o ernpJoye<l to tench ,\·ithout certific.:11c.-;1 section :?.S ................................................................................ ... 14.1

Rut. cmploy11wnt.of a 11tc111l>cr o( Marci of education, �ccrctary or school trust<.-c, :t.".I tc.1chcr, \'UC'atc� hi� onic<.', ht.·<·tio11 :?:'\ ............................................................... ......................... 14:l

Rc,.:nla1ions t() bc obsc-n·<:d hy l,11:ird ofc:caniincn-1 �c-cti11n 29 ............................................. 14::l A1,pJic-a11t to he of good moral l'lwrnctcr, Cl(•., ��1·1inn :!!> ..... ............................................. _ 143 No l'OJlcgc diplomn, Ne., cxc .. •pt. 11ur11rnl �c:hool ,liplourn. :-th:LII supcrsc,tc 1 1cc<·�ity or cxnm-

ntio11, scc:1io11 :!�J. ............................. .......................................................................... 14:l Tracher:- lo he gr.ulcd in ('ach hr.mch =-is to profi,,.icncy, section :?!I ...................... .............. 1-14 Cc>r1ifwalt·s tu ln· hrn,kcl fro111 011c II) thret•, i:zt"ctio11 :..>fl ......................................................... 144 (;rude of 1uerlt of a 11umlJcr unc " ... rt iikatt:, S4:Cl ion 1�·1 ......................................................... l•l-1 (Ji a nu111l,er t\,·,, <·crtifi,·at,·, �'-1·1io11 :!!• .................................... ..... ................................... l4 1I or a 11\IIUl,t,•r thre1..• ccni1ic:11�. �1·ti11n :!�• ........................................................................... l·i◄ No tt-achl•r to hl• t• 111ployl•tl 1111ll'�"' he lioM!-1 n:. 1en!"lt n 11 1tn,t,cr lhrcl• ccrtificalt, sf•rlion 2!1 ... 14-4 Pro\·i!-o as to , ·t.1l,1rcd 1t.•:,cht.•r!"l, �l'l't iu 11 2!1 ........................................................................... 144 ?\orrual diploma:- :1t.·c, ·p1,•t.l :1!"' c,•rtifil·.11c-. 11i f111:aliti,:ati{ln, se<·tion :!� ................................... !44 Out wlu.:11 an1111IJ,•d th<'y <·t.•:1� to t·u11f,·r tho ri;.:111 ro tc:1d1, :--(•Ctic11 2!1 ................................ 14•1 Nortual dipl,)111:1s a111l 1,rnt, .. ,:-i,,11:d t.•(•rlilil-:1tc•s, l1ow r:ml.1.."'(l, �el.'111111 29 ................................ 144 Boar,I oi <-<l11c:Uio11 l·lllJM>Wt.·rc-.1 to han.t hvld,·r:-1 of such c,·rt.iticalcs exnmiDl"<l 1 when,�-

ti1111 '.!!I............................. . ............... ............................. ........... ............................. 1:14 R 111 110 frc 10 Uc t·h:1rg,,tl fr,r :-:nch 1·xurni11nlio11, l'!N·tiun 2!'1 ............ ..................................... 1-l•I Ati�-::....-.•Jr tu 111.d._,. 0111, un,t olell n:r h> s!'f•retary <,f b,,nr,f ,,f fl <luc..1th)l11 u ccrlific�ltt\ !oil.lowing

i 11� \·nlth' oi ull 1'f<1p1..•rry in hi:,i ,li�tril'I, whe11, s1·�tinn -1a ............................................. 14-1 1::111.•,·t 11( ,',;llt.·h cer1ifi1•£\li•1 l'-l'C'li .. 11 1:, ................................ ··········••,o••··········· ••o0••·· ............... l•l•t �vm 111i"Q'l1111 ,,f :-lu·rill, f'le•., il,r, l°'l lt·1·1 in).{ di�1 ri(•I I(•\' ir:s rnr free �chool purposes, �ecrlon 52 .... l•l•I ,\111111:il �clth:111(• 111:-0 lu 111: 111u•h• hy .sht�rilT" with .,-;11r11y co11rt�, sec-lion .il . ... .............. ...... l-1-4 \\·Ju:•11 �uch :-l•tll1:mt.•111:,; lo 111.: 111:td� :ind what to ,-;hvw, �'t·tivn 5:! ....................................... l•l•I

�l 11s1. It-.: rcconlr,I hf �l,·rk 11( er.un. SC't'I i1 111 t,:! ................................................................... l•l5 Accrn1111 a111I \·0111 hers to l,c, Ji!ctl l1y clt·rk ui C'4 111nty c-1url, nn<l how, S('Cl,011 !'>:? •••••••••••••••••. I-I.Ii l'unalt\· on !-ihCrill, l'IC., fur f:lilurfl tu 111:1kl' f.uch �ct1lf'111C'nt1 S('Cliu11 !t:! .................. ........... 1-l!i C<,py ,;(•1111�11L 10 1,o :i:cut hy <:krk 101111tlitnri fvr what year nnd when, src-1ion 52 ........ 1-1:i Duty of aunilvr upon receipt ,,r f•opy. Mc·vtion lJ'l .......................... ...................................... 1-15 \\'hen Mheri1I tu pay the :111101 1nt d,in inhl strHc tn•n:,,ury, S<.'Ctlon ,52 ................ : .................... 14,'i Fnilurc.• tollo so, t<, be pro<'eeJNl ni;.!ninst lo rf•covcr �me, S<.'Cliou 52 .................................... 14!, How umom11s p:iid lntu the· trca�ury to he 1lr:iwn, :l<'Cti(ln !i'l ............................................. US Duty of pro�c.•uiing uuorney ns to eherill: etc., fulling lO mnkc S(>tll�mt"·nt r('11uired, sec-

tion .51 .......................................................................... .................. .......................... 1-1,� Liol.iilily of sheriU to person injured l,y •uch failure, ,ection �2 ......................................... I-IS


�CHOOL LA W-Conllnucd.

\\Tlrnt time snch settlement to cxtcncl hack to, scc1ion 52 .................................................. 145 Pcnnlly on board of educaLhm for foilurc to t-ettlo with slu:riff when rcquc�tcd to do go,

section r,2 ............................................................................................................. ..... 14� Clork of Cllunty court to�mit ropy of :scttl<'utC!'lll with �hctiff to sl:1tc supcrintcnclrnt

nnd nud�tor; '"hen. section 52 ...............•.............................• ........•.................•.....•...... 14,'\ Cnnnty superintcndcntj qunlitications of, fo!"office, section 5-1.. ................................... 145 1-lfi His co1npc11�:1tiou, �cc1ion 5-1 ............................................................................................. 146 l·lo"· :tncl \\·hen �:lill, !:Section c;,1 ................. ....................................................................... 146 Final payme11l 11ot to be paid tu <'011nty �upcri11tc11de11t until he h:1s made rC'porl!-1 rCf1uirc<l

by l:1,'", scctiou 5-1 ........................................................................................................ t◄li Ont of wh:1t fund compcns:1lion paid and how <lt>(luc·tc<I l>y auditor. �ccliou 5-1.. .................. 146 Bond of comuy supcrinlcndcnt; Lcforu who gh·en, conditio11s and pc>�· of. uncl hi� linl>il-

ity thereon, sfl'clivn ,"il. ................................................................................................ 1-16 \\'hl•rc surh honcl filt:d, section 5. 1 .......................................................... . .......................... 146 Clerk of county court to rcr1ify to stal!'?st1J>erindcn1 the uame uml 110?-L office nrldrf'ssof the

county snpcri11tt•ndc11t, section 51. .......... ................................................. ................. 14,; Pro,·iso ns to county !--llpt:riu ll.•ndent::i elected unclcr for111cr ac.-t.;;;, s'-:ct ion :;.i. ................ ......... 1-16 Vnl·n11cics in uflicc of cou111y 1mpcri11lt•1Hlcnt'; wlu:n :mil how 1illc<l1 ,111<1 for whnr lime, s, <'-

1 ion ,;.1,.. .. .... . . .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . ... .. .. .•. ... . . .. . .. . .... . .. .. . ... . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .......... .... ... ... .. . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . ... .. 146 County superinlcndent.s lo coufonn at all tiu,r.:e lo l11struc1ions oi srntr �upc-rinlcnrlcul.

section 55 ...................... .......... ............. ··· · ·········· ·--······· ·· ··· ........ ·············· ··· · · • •oo••····· 146 And shnll serve as the org-nn uf comm11nic•111ion, Ne., SCl'liou 5J ........................................... J


Al�. to distribute all Uln11ks. l:tc .. to 1he sc,·cral bo:1nls, etc., sct·tion 5.; .............................. 1-16 Out �:oing couut.y supcrintc11<lcn1s to make ti11:1I report�. ?-ee1ion 5-) ................ .................... 146 General �hool fund; :rndil,,r 10 uotiiy �talc S11JJ(•ri11tt•ndcut i11 ('!ICh year . the amount to

ho distriht11cJ; whcu. scc1ion GI......... . ......... ........... ......................................... 1-&7 Duty of stnte E-upcrinkucl1 ·11I as lo surh rum.I, :-:ccrion GI ................................................... 147 JJuty of county s11pt'rintcndenL n� to such fuutl when reported to hi111 Uy st:1te snperintcnd-

cnl, s,·clion GI .................................. , ...................... .................................................. 14i St11tc normal school 10 rc111ni11 al �larshnll coliege, ,cdion Si ............................................. 14i Pro,·isio11s of law relating 10, !'>1.•ctio11 87 ................. ......... ...... ............................... ...... .. 14i Roarcl of re-rienls, how uppointcd, nnd l,y whal name called, set-tion 81 .............................. 147 Board may ha,•� a common •eal, seclion 87 ........................ ................................................ 14i Po"

·crs of honrd, !iCCtio11 87 ............................... .............................................................. 147

Transfer of cnlleg:c 10 n•�c111.s legalized. !'leCI inn 81 ............................................... ......... 147 14� \Vhcu prop<."rty to ra\"c-rt 10 CalJC>II county, s1.·ctio11 87 .............................. ........................... 148 Section :3:l of chapter l:.ta, acts 11\72-:!, n:pt'Nlccl, ri<"Ction :!.................... ........... . ......... 1-is

SCHOOL LEVY .• Ballols to he used at elcc·tion for, what to have written or printed thereon, seclion 2 .......... 13$ Mnjmity vote tc<1uircd to uuthorizc lc,·y, 1wctio11 2 ................................................. .......... 138 \Vlicu !'lfH!cial election fur, may hc 1hcld, :wction 2 ..... ..... .................................................. lat,l Notice of such clcc1!on, whc11 nnd how give11, &-<'lion 2 ....................................... ............. 138

SCHOOL MONTH. To consist of twenty-two c.Juys, exclucllng !Snturdtl)'li ......................................................... :\9 ,vholc tirne to be <le\"Ote<l to teaching ................................ ............................................... :19 Scc:1ion 3CI of cliaptcr 7i, ucts 187i, in relntion to, amcndt:d .................................................. :\9

SCHOOL MONEYS. Commission nllowcd shertH for eolh·cting district, �ection n2 ..... ......................................... l-&


AnnuaJ sclllcrnenl to be uuulo by sht•rilf will& co1111ty l·ourt for, rcc:l'h·cd ond di1-lrnrscd , ,ice: ion 52 .................................................. ................................................................ 1•14

rennltv Clll i;herifl for failuro tu mnkc sct.llcrncnt, sccllon 52 .............................................. 14!i \\'ho11 �hcrilTto pny into �tote lrt·nsury the amount or, tlut•, secl_ion 52 ......................... , ...... 14!i The ise,·�r:U :unuu11ts So paitl iuto tr1•u1411ry, how drawn 0111, SC<'lion r.1 ............... : • •••....••..... 14.'i

SCHOOL OFFfCElt.'l, DISTHICT. Unln"·(ul for, to he or bocomc pccuninrlly int.<•r<'stcd tn uny·t, clc., iu tho nwnr<l or



;;::::�'�,�� 1:d��'.�i�;;�;.::::;:::::::::::::·.:::::





-_-_-:.-:: ��

Pennlly........................................................................................................................... 96


SECRET A HY OF BOARD OF EDUCATION. R('ports t.o bl• nindr. to, Ly te:-t(·hers...... ...•.•.••.........•........ .......•.••••.•.....••••••.••.•.•..•........•... •. !'iA Dut.y of, ns to lcr,n rcs;istcrof tcnchcr . .......................................... .................. _ ... ....•......• AA Duly or, ns to pay of tc:1chcrs.................................................................. .......................... 35 Duty of; as to let"y fvr ircc �chool purposes on r;1ilroad pr1,1,crty, section Gi ......... ••••.•••.••.•. 12.\ Pcn:1lly f,,r failure, sec Lion 6i ...................•.....................•.............. , ..............•.................... 125 Duly of, 10 ccniiy 10 auditor :unount lc\·icd in hi� ,listricl for free sthool p11r� upon

properly oi railroad co1upa11ir�, when .....................•.................•......•......•.................... 121\ Pcunlty for fnilurc ..................... ............................................................................ , ..••..•.. 12.\ To gh·c notice of special elcdion for school IC\')'. how· and wheh. sectio11 2 ....................... •� �/ay �ign or'1('r� i11 ,·acation nrNln sheriff, whrn, scc1iun 6 ................................................ - l:\S Hrquirctl to •�kc o:-.tlt or oflica rc,1uircd by law, seclion 6 ............................................. ..... 13� \\"hcu to he nppoinlt.•11, sL-ction 8 ....................................................................................... l:l9 Not ro he a 111cml,cr of board, scc1io11 8 ......................................................................... .... la� lfis duties, scctinn � ............. ............................ ............... .......................................... 139 140 Authoriz1:1I to ndmlrlis1c.>r o:1tl1:i to �chor,I offict'rs, !iCC'tion s ...................................... : ......... t◄O His ('0111pens:1ti(111, how dNerminl-<I :1n,1 raid, �t.·eti11n 8 ..................................................... 140 To 111:ik<· annual rcpor1 tu counly �ll(h:rii11cmlc-r1t UC.-for.._, rccch·lng puy, section 8 ................. 1-40 8hcriff 10 cacli\'t:r t<,, rcccip1 for t11i1in11 fc1:�, scc1io11 10 ...................................................... 141 Conlrnct� wi1h 1C·ach(•rs to he lih:d in tlir oriicc of, �<:<'li<,n 1:1 .......................................... .' .. 1-ll Tu kct'p n·cord 11r enumc-rntion in his ,.flkc, !-Ct·lion HJ ...................................................... 142 To trn�nmit c-cnific,1 copy oi t·numc-rntion to count;- superintcmlc,u, when, �cction 19 ........ 142 TcnclH·r to rc111rn c1n1111cration 10, whcu. Sl·Ctiun l!l ............... ......... ................................ 142 £rnploymrnt. of, us tcachl•r, ,·ac:itcs his onicc, :--cc1ion 2S .................................................... 143 C<.'rtific:ttc to l,c m:ulc nut by i'HJ .. -ce.,c..1r nnd dclh·crcd to, showing ,·:1luc or nll property in hi�

<llstrirt. :iii."l·lion 2!1 ...... : .......................................... .............................. .................... 144 Effecl of such ccrtilicat<-, set.·liu11 2!• ............................ ........................ ............................. 14-&

SECRETARY OF STATF.. J [is recs for i::.sui ng ccrti fie-ates or i ncorpon1t iou, rec•ordin,.: the SA me and fur c• rtificc.l r<>pt('"S 54 Appropri,uions to p:1y co11ling:c11t r�p<m:o:c.,; of Lhc 011lce of, .................. ... ................. G;'; 139 71 Appr,1prin1iou:-1 to l':IY �:llary of c·h•rk or, .................... : ............................................ ...... 6.5 GO D111y or. :1s to ccniflc:1t(",s of rf'sult:oo ot \'Otc, for r.uificalion or rejection or the proposed amendments 10 the ('ofl:Slilution, S("('tiou..: •I,: ................................................ / .................. 7-& i6 Duty of, :1s to n•pon:-- ui l'OIUlllissi,mcrs on hound:uy line hrtwccn this suue and Penn•

syl,·anin, scc1ih11 3............ ..... ............................. .............. ...................................... 97 App1(1prlatiuns 10 p:1y sa.l:lry ur, ................................................................................... 99 100 To rnukc out :1ml forward ah:-tr:1ct or �rnnL1;1 i:--,su�l hy Slate to clerk of criunty co:trt; ff hon,

KCC�ion IS .................................................................................................................... 108

SENTIN"l , PRINTING CO)ll'.\NY. lncor1t0ru1ion vr, ... , .......................... .............................. ................................................. t8i

SETTl,F.)I ENT$. tiln·rllfrcquir"d tu 111:ik.._• :1111111:il !-.C'lllrnrnut� with t•onnty l"OUrl for Echool moneys rccciTNl

1111,I tlisl.n,r�t"I, :-:et·tiori ."1'1 ......................................... ............................................. 14-& 14-'t l'rn:llty un :-:l11·ri1f i11r failur<• 1<1 111:-.l.<- �11,.h :o:dtlt·nicul nt lini<' r('()11irt-'f11 !!N'tion 52 ............ J.15 Uutl<·� of <'11•rk .-.r ,·,,urt :1-:i tn i;iud1 :--...irl,·111�111 .. wl11•11 111:1di\ scrrion 52 ................................. 14� Unty or tmd\, .. r 11p1111 r,•(·('i\·i11;,.:. l· .. py ,,i ... u,:h .. ,.11h•nH�111, sc-"\!tlon :;:? .................................... 14.; \Vh,•n !-,:IH·rill 1,1 1•:ly ,11u1111nl '111,· i1110 lr...•:1:-llt')", �c1·1iou !",'.! .................................................. 14:'l l"h,• �l•\'1•r.ll n111111111I!< �n p;.1.i,I into 1h,· 1r._•.1:-:11ry: h11w drawn ,1t1f, ��tiou ti:? .................. ...... H:J Failure 10 pa,· nrn11u11t tl111• i111111h 1· 1,-.,:1.:11ry, "·11111 IIH'l'I, :-·cllon 5:! ................................... l•l!i Llnhllily oi �hPri1r to pr·r."'(,11 inj11r1"d I,�· foilurf' Ill 111:\k� '-11th sl'ltl,·m�nt, �<'Cl ion 52 ............ 1-15 l'cuall:: 011 l,<111rd o( 1..•ill11:ati,,11 for f.dl11rc 1,1 m:1k1.• ,,:e1tl<•111('11l wilh :sht•rifl: rcq11irC1.! by sec•

lion•l5, \\·luu1 r'-"«111'-�l•••I In du :,.,1, !,\.'t:ti,,11 f1:! .................................................................. 1-&.',

SHF.PlllmO COl,Ll•:c;1,:. Appr11priall11n to pay i,1r n�p:tlr�, 1q,p:1rnt11� nud f11r11it11rr (or,. ........... , .............................. 6-'l

(:Sec 1ltlc 11N11r11ml Schvi,lti ") SHEPPAHD. A. II .

..-\ppropri11tion t() pay,........... .......................................................................................... 67 SHEl<IFF:S.

Duly nr, ns to �alclil of ccrtnin :an,I nc.;nunts due thu 11t:itc, directed by the ouc.lttor •�-ho sol,l .................................................................................................................... "' 55 Compl•1,:iation for porfonuing t1ucti tlutics, section 8 ...................................... ·-·······........... 50


SH ERIFF�·-Con1 inned.

Cost, of publishing notice by •h�rlO In surh roses. ho,. paid, se,tion 8 ................................ 59 OU1ie....,of, n:-.to1n,ces nnd-lC'vil•;ia..,'it'S.�cd upon pro1>erly of rnilroutl companlcs ................ 126 127 1'uilhm foe of pcr-:,011 nl-tenuin� free !-',·lwol to be paicl to, scrtion 10 ..•......................•.........• 141 To gh·r duplic:tt<" receipt. for �amc, scrlion 10 ............................... H••········'"························ 141 To deliver OIU' n�cei(tt. to sc-crc-tury or ho:ud or cducalion, scC'lion hL .... .............................. 141 To place such fec•s 1(1 credit of 1cnchrrs' fun1l of 11i�trkt, S.'iC'lion 10 .................................... 141 f'.om111i�io11 nltowe1l, for collC'cti ng: d isl ricL te,·ic� for !ichool IJUrJK.ISts. sL�·t iun f>:? ••.•••••••••••.•• 144 Annual scu.11 ... mcnt lo l>o uuttlc hy, with county courl�; when made aml what lo 1-,how,

�cction: 2 ..•••••••.••••••••..•.••••.••••.••••••••.••••.•••••••••••.•••••.••••••••.•.•..•••••••••••••••.• .•.••••••••••..••••• l•l-1 Such scttlc11.e1H tu he made n 111nt1er of re-curd by clerk, section :12 ..................................... 144 Pc11nlty on, for lnilurc to mnkc sc1tlc111cnt nt tho rNpurcd, seclion -52 ......... , ...........•.......... 1-15 Anet n like pcnnlty.ior \'ach esul,s\·.-,ucnt rcnu of t·ourt th,,t l'lhall pns:1 without. such !

n1cut, section .52 ......................................................................................................... 14f> Ah;o, to be chnrsc•l with '"·ch'e per cent interest on nil school moucys in his hands fur thr

tiiac ho is in tlcl:\ult in makinJ: scttlc111ent, otc .. �cl"lio11 .;2 ........................ ................. l•I:) Copy or scltl\·mcnt mnde for last. year or the term or. to he 1rans1111�lc1I lO au ,ilor 1,y ch.:r.c.

nr oounly court, sectiQn a2 .......................................................................................... 14� ,\11dito1's duly thcr�on. �cctio11 52 ........ : ........................................................................... 1-lii \\.hen sheriO 10 pay :uuount 1h1c into the treas111y, �ction 52 ..................... ..................... 14.S 1f he (nil so to clu, tho uutlitor tu proceed ac:aini(l him arul his sureties to rcl.-o,·cr N'lmt·, sec·

tioll 52 ....................................................................................................................... 14.\ \\7hcn �IH•rilf fail to 111nkcset11C'mc11t at time n•q11irc<l 1 prost.'cutin� nttorncy 10 proceed

na:uin�t hi1111 t-tc., to rcco,·cr fine imposecl, section :t:! ................................................... l•I.\ Lin.biHty of, etc., to p••rson injurf'd hy �uch failure, scc1ion ii2 ........................................... H:i \\'hnt time selllcment to <>:<tend hack to, �•ion .·,2 ........................................................... 1·1.5 CIC'rk or count)" court to trnnsmil COJ•Y of sc1tlo1nent to slntc s11perinh•11deu1 and a.uclitnr;

�·hen, s<.>ctiun U:.! ..•••.•.•.•.••...•.••.•...•.•.••••••.•...•...•.•.•••..•.•..•.••...•....•.•

SH F:RIF� S, DF:1-'A U l,TING,

Auditor nuth,,rb:ed to sclllc ,vit.h tho s.uretirs of, witho11t rcqulrin� pny111r.11t or 12 per cent. in1crcst. .......................................•.................. : ........ . ........................................ H4 95

blXTII JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, (;on11ncucc111cn1 of tcr1ns or court. in, ...........•.....•..•..............................•• ..•...........••.••.••.• 4 !l 14

SMITH & <;O)IP.\NY, No1icc or lhc Ui!!L,Olutiou or, ........................................ .................................................... 2f.S

SMITH, S. 11., Appropriation to ro•mnhnnm. for the cnpluro or \V. S. Oou�IR..'"l'f, oon,·icle<l or felony ...•....• 21

..lut!ilor 10 pay................................................................................................................. it

SOUTH BRANCH RIVER, He.mvn1I or tr<'l'H, hrm;h anfl orl1t•r CJbslructions fron,, nnil its trihutaric-� in Hnrtly, Grnnt

nnd Pcncllc•on............................. ........................... .......................................... ...... 37 Sectint1'i t of chnptcr G3, acts l8i:l-:l, in rclntiun to lho rernovnl or ohstruc·1ious fr,,m,

ouueu<led...................................................................................... ............................. Hi

80UTH IlHAN<.:11 OF TII E POT())fAC', JoinL rc..,.olutiorl aski11� rur1her nncl :mfticicnt. nppr"prlntlon from ge11ernl J.(ovr-rmcut. 10

c, mplf•te work begun on, ............................................................................................ 172

S. P. WF:LLS 011, CO�ll'ANY, J nc-orpc,rnlion or, .............................................................................................................. 2141

STANDARD CO)IPANY, J.ncorJ)Or.itiou of ....... ............................................................ -. .............. ........................... 208

ST,\R PLANING lUJ,L, I11c.-or1>0rntl1)n of •........••••...••••....•..•....................•.......••.....•.••.•..•..........•....•. ..................... 24fi

STATE Af;F:NT ON DfMic;RATJON, (in,·crnor to nppoi nt C. l�. L ntz ........................................................................................ I 70 'fcr111 or und duties of, c1c ....................................................................................... liO

STATE BOARD OF' EXAMINERS, Approprlutlon to pay,...................................................................................................... 66

lNDEX. l,V

STATE BOUNDARY, LINE OF, Act. in rebtion t.o houod11ry monurnoull on the line hctween lhls ,,ate and Pcnn-

Nylvauin ........•....•. ........•.•......•.•.•...............•..•.......•.. ,................................................. !)7


Jncorp,ration of, ......... ............. ............................•..................................•.......•.............. �66

STATE IIOU,;J::, CHARl,ESTON, Appro11ri11t.io11 lo pa)' iosurauco ou ....................................................... ·-························· 67


(.See Litle '' norrn:tl schools.")



To pre:tcril1c f,,rms u11d regulati,,ns ns to regi�ter� to he kept by tcacher.s, nud reports 10 he ,na•lc .............................................................................................................. : .......... :t8

Duty of, ns to teachers iusLiturc-s .... ................................................................................. a!J :Section :10 of chapter-;; acts JS7i in rC'lation lo, 11ncnc.lN .................... ...... .................... as 39 A pproprantion to 1ny g.11:try of clerk of, ......................................................... ................ 65 69 Heport:t to he rnnd,.,, to, l,y princ·lp:il� of noriu:il school:it in :1Jdhjon to :.nnuaJ re1,oru; when,

!CCli'Jn 1......... ..... ....................................... ........ ..................................................... 77 Uis duty u1,,1n rrecip1 of such rr•ports, se<>llon 2 ....................................... ........................ ;7 Duty of, ns au rc�ulaling lhc prh:es of cla� .. bOOJ..� used tu the free 5-:'hools ..................... S1 lo 83 \\'hen to ic'llicit and rcceh·e pro1.os:als fro111 put,lislu!n o( 1enool b,x,ks no•· in u�, :and 10

con1r.,ct for the sa1uc, �ec1ion 1 ......... ... ..... .-...................................................... ........ 8l S-l Tcr111s and co11diti•ln� of 1"'1n1rac1, �e .. ·tion 1......... .... ......................................................... S:2 Copies of h•'ll>ks co111r;1ctcd for to be llcposilcd io the otli .. .-o of, i:sc.-c;tion 1 ............................. 82 Hontl or pulJll�hcrs 10 he tilkd iu thc ofli<'e<•f,scclio11:! .................................... : ................. 82 \\'hen suit bo IJruught on IJ:111d t.y, Sl."Clion 2 . ............................... .................................... 8".l \Vhon, m:1r solicit. propo:1als irum other puUli:thCr-3 thn:, th�e of cla.s..i hook!i now in use.,

•eel 1011 3 ..• : .. ......... ................................................................................................... S'.! ll3 His duty :1s to prup0�:'1� from �uch utlu:r publl:!thl'1!-l

1 SC'Clion 3 ............................................ 8.1

.Alt!O, ns 10 the t!xchnn�c of honk� nu,'" in u:M: for sc-lcctcd in liC'u th{'roof, �ectiou a .... S3 T0 rf'tplin' µul,lishl•1-s to 1,ul1li�h schl'dule of c,111tr:1ct 1•rice.:1 a�rccd upun for tho lnforwu-

livn or school ut:liccr.:!", etc., �eel :on 4.......................................... ................................ 8S \\'hnt �uch �chcdulc to �l.k.'Cify, section 4.: ......................................................................... 83 .-\pproprl:,tioni lo pay �lary of, ............................................................................... .... 99 JOl Colltnll'l/4 with h:;1chcn to UC in ,f'ri1ing n111l nt"Cvnlini.: to form furulshed by, :ie<"liou ):$ ...... 14J \\'hen county �up,•rlntcu•leol to forwnnl t•num<-raliou to, section l!I .................................. 142 T,1 prc-irrilJc nnd furnish l,b.111.� fvr takiu,: 01111111.,ratlon, i:.eelion 1!.J .................. ................. H2 <.,;lcrk or cou11ty cnurl t" trar1:"111i1 l'OJIY 0£ a111rnnl SClllciut:nt with :shl!riU- for !chool rnoncy:s

r,•cel\·ed, ant.lUi�hur.l't.>J:, \\·hen. ,tt'<.·ti,.u .':°,:! ..................................................................... 1� T,l ply 1'11:iry of c,u1111y l'!Ul.h'ri11tc11,lcn1 iu s11,1l-:uinu:al inslnlhnttnl�, M."""Ction 5-1 ............... 1-&6 Hut uot lo m:1kc tilud v:,y111l'lll un1U he hos 111:1.JC' r1.•J•vrt.;. r(",1ulrcd liy la'f, �ectio11 51. ...... Hti JJuty vf, o� ,,. lho i.:r1ll'r:,I a:-houl fu11ll. "'·IH•n uothh ... l Uy uu lilor a� tn the i1rnouut to bcdla-lrllu1tcJ, si!t:I 10n I.ii •• : ............. ....... ................................................................................... 147

STOUl', IIEI\J A)II:- II. J•',,rrn n111l re,ldonc:c of, 111:nJe JJ� or CJ:arkAhUI)( lnllo1•c1uh.,11l dChool Jlstrict. ..................... a7

1:!U�IMEllS l'UUTY. 'J'hnr•N for h11ldl11iz rircuil t-VUrl 111,...................................... ....................... ..................... 3 �J'tuac.s fur l1ol1Jlnti county courl in, ............................................................................ , ....... UlJ

SUl'lti-:)IE l:OUIIT OF Al'Pl•:AJ.,.

C)-1urt. may rcl"tcw HIid rehear any c:1i'fc lo c-orret:1 t·ll·rlc:al error, •·hen ............................... 20 id Nuuri;u1uent unlc,., Tl'QHc.o11e<l 1.,y C•1ur1.." ........................................................................ 10 7� .AJlprovrlatluus to paysal:.aril.?� autl Juilca,:c uf JuJgt.� of, ......... ...................................... 100 101

SUHETll,:S Of defouhlng sherit1S; nuUitor :iuthorizc,il to sell lo ,vt1h. wlthoul ret1uiriog payment of 12

per cent. lotcrest .......................................................................... , ........................... 9-a 03 UC C:. L, \VuJc, llltu 11heri1t o( l>uc.ltlridgo count.y, authorized to l.-ollcct. ceru1iu fee nut! t:u.

lilll• ............................................................................................................ ............... 1�



Sections 3, -l, �' nnd :.?0 of chapter 182, acts tK72a3 in relation to, under the oltcrnutive sy� tom of eonstrucling nod repairi1•g ro:td!:.I, n111c1u.letl .................................................. 1oa 10-1

\Vhcn elected for e11ch r":1.d prccinc1, section a ......................................... ......... ...... .... 103 Co111u1cnccrno111 of term, of otlicc of, s,•ction 3 ................ .................................................. 103 \1ncancics; ho,,· tillc-d, scc1io11 a ........................................................................................ 103 When to <111:1lify; his oath, section 4 ............................................. ................................... 10:1 His ho,,tl; condition of aml by ,\·ho111 11ppro1·c,I, section 4 .......... .................... J .............. 10:J Uut)' of, as to la)·iu;; out autl tliddiug ro:itls i11to pn-.:iucts, section 5 .................................. 103 l,cngth of cnch 8CCll1,11, scclio1i 5 ...•... , ........... , .................................................... .............. 103 To 11u111ucr 11ml ,lcscriue each section, ,cclion 5 ........................... ..................................... toa

\Vhnt. rnu:st l.Jo specilicd i11 Uool.:. lube k<"pl tiy, sectiuu 5 ..................................................... 10!.S Pcunlilcs ou1 for nc�l\!clin� ur refu:Sing ru dischaq.;e tlutic:s of ollicc nflcr their election nnd

quulilicatiuu, scctiou :.!•J ........................................................... .............................. 103 104 TAXC:S1

Asscl!Sment o( taxes, \SCe that title) ..... .................. ..................................... 6 10 II 104 to 13G For count)·, tlit,lrict, city, towu autl ,·Hta,:;c, to Uc h!·,·kd upon ,·:,lucs or property nscertaincd

for :stale purp\JSt?S Sl!Cliou 101 .......................................................... ............ : .............. 135 \\' hul. incluJed in tlle worJs • 1tax1

11 "'tuxc31

'' tux:nhle'. and •·tnxatiou," section 100 ............ 135

TAX BILLS. Sureties of E. L. \\' A OE, J:ttf! sllcriU'ot. UoJdrid;;e county, authorized to coll eel. ccrLaiu, .... 10-l

TAXE::i, 0\'El\PAlD. Approprintious ror 1·ciuutling, .................................................................................... 65 70 ii Out oi \\·hal. fund vni<l ..................................................................................................... tiS iO

TAXt::s, COUt<TY AND DISTHICl'. ApJ)roprintions for rt:'fu11di11g to eountlcs, for tho rcJcmpliou of lauJ ......... ...................... tiG iO ApproJ)l'i:uions for rcfu11r1i11g: to ,�ouutlC➔, paicJ t,y ruilr,)od cou,11:11iies .............................. tiG iO To IJc Jc,•lcc.l upuu the values oi 1,ropcrty u.sccrtnlncJ for �tulo J• scctiou 101. ........... 1a>

TAX, SPECIAL. Council of city of \\1hecliug uutliurii.00 to h.�,•y, for paviug 11uJ w�1cmJawizi11g:.................... �

TA YLUlt COUNTY, 'fiu.1cs for holding: the county court 111,............................................................................. lti t.;owu1cucc1uc11L of tcru1s of circuit court ln, .................................................... ................. 16::S

TAl'LOH, G. W. Accounts of, U!f lak shcriil'of Logau county, to btt cr-.'<litcd with (.."ertain tlelioqu�u, lists .... I� :lo

'l'J::.\CHims, VERTIFll:ATE::i. \\·hc11 cxaroluations to l,c laold for, .................................................................... a9 14� 1-1:S 1-&4 tSc,1 title "Teacher,:;.••

TEAVl:IERS' INSTITUTES, 'l'o IJe hehl nnnually, oue or morn in each county ............................................................... av

\Vbeu nn<l \\·here to bu held..................... ........ .............. ........ ....................................... 8!J a� 'fv c.:outiuuc for one \\·eek or fi,·c tlu.ys .................................. , ............................................ .

.By "'ho1u conlluctcU ............................................................................. : ... :...................... !i!J Co111pc11tJ:.1Lion of in!'ltructurd or, ...................... , .... , ....................................... , .................... . l:IO\V paid ........................................................................................................................ . .\111ounl Jiruitcd ............................................................................................................. .

:J9 au au

Exaaul11ntions to Uc hcJd nL close or, for tc.,ch11r3' '!crtlncatcs........................... .................. atJ Stntc supcrrntc11<le11t to prc·8L·ril,c cour:tc or inst1·uctlu11, etc., for, ....................................... 811 Section ao choptcr ;; aClti 16i7, in n•Jutiou tu, urno11Ucd........................ ............................. a!J

1•1-:ACli EHS, SCHOOL. Section 30 chapter 7i nets 15;;,.couccrulns, ouacndcrl ... .................................................... 38 ::SY

lJ:illy rci;istcr to be k,•pt t,y, ............................................................................................. 38 :Ill '1'1t 11i:1kc 11101.11 hly rCJ>urt.� ............................ ..................... � ............................................. .

To L:cep l<'rtu rfli;i:,tcr ................................... , .................................... ... _............................ �d

WhuL to bu cutercd in term rcgldlcr ............................. : ...... ............................................. 3�

l .. onu• uf und rc1,urts to uo prcocrll1cd by •llltc aupcrlutendent............................. 3d



\\'htn nnd where regist<'r tiled by teacher ......... ·········•·····························-··············· ...... :J:i For "'hat £or1cit.� h:1.lancc of s:1lnry due............................................................................. :\S '\'hen and ho"· tcachcl"'!II p:aic.1 .....••.......•••••••••..••••••..•••. : ...... ............................................... 3S '\\'hen eutitled to rccci,·c one 111onth's p:1y ........•.•••.••••••• .................................................... !JS Numl>er of doys lo l>e lnllght l>y, in n month .................................................................... 3i! Tcach�rs' institutes for, :i.s :i tnl':ms of improdnt!, ...................................•..... ,_,,, ............... !l!) Exr11utn:1tivn� fur tcnc-hers ccrtifirntcs, "·hen hclfl ...... ,....................................................... 39 S:1l:1rics of, hO\\' dctcr1uinc<l, section i; .............................................................................. 1:t.S :Mar contrnct for a le . .i.s salary than that fix('(} l.Jy the hourd o[ c<lut·ntion, section 6-············ 139 To gi,·e instrurlion to person� payin� tuition fe<-, section 10 ............................................... 1•11 '\Vhcn to he chosen t,y bo:ird of educ..:ntion, section 1:J ......................................................... 141 Assii,:nn1cnt of, to �chools, scc1 iou 1:1 ................................................................................. 141 ,vhcn president ,,( 00:trcl of c<l11c:1tion may appoint, section 13 .......................................... 1-11 All c.mtracts with to be in writing, section 13 ................................................................... 1·11 By \\'hon1 signe<l, section 13 ... ........... ........... ....................... .................... _., ................... J4J \Vhcn s·uch contract filed, section 13........................ ........................................................ 141 For what rcmo,·cd and by whom, scc1io11 13 ...................................................................... l·H \Vhcu trustee ruay tlisnnss teacher nnd <li�conrinuc l:!-chooi, section 13 ...... .......................... 141 To make annunl enumeration of youths in enrh sub•dislrict, scclion 19 ......................... HI 142 \Vhcn to mnkc sud, cnumer:.ttion, scctiClu 19 ..................................................... , ................ 142 Bct"·ccn \\'hRt agcs,i,cction l!l .......................................................................................... 14:? To diSlinguish 1.,ctwccn ,ualc and fcnrnlc, white and colorc<I, section 19 ...... ....................... 142 Enumeration to lie t:akcn in two clnsse.s, section rn . ........................................................... H:? One cl:iss to contain all the youths bl•twCt.)11 ages of six nnd sixtCC"n ycar:-1

1 :i'.C<'llon 19 ...... ..... H2

The other class thf! youths ln.:lwccu sixu:cn and twenty-one years, section 19 ..................... H:? Tfl verify tlnumrratlon; how, s<'C'tiou 19 ........................................................................... 14:? To return cnu1ocratio11 to secretary bo:1rJ of cd11r..1tion i when, sectiun 19 ......................... 14:! Unless cnu111cratinn properly t...'ll.:�n unll returned, not entirlcd to b:tlanl'C due on ij'llary,

SC'Clion 19 ................................................................................................................... 1·12 Not rcc.1uircd to serve on n11y jury white !'-\Chool,I� i11 actu:il nperutivn. sl!ctio11 l!J ................ 1-12 Not lo Lo cmployc,l without rertificnto. in duplicate of q11:1lilic:11ion, section 28 .................. H:? Such corlilicato must be issus1l "·ithin :a year 1u.-xt precc<lin"i; hi.::i emplo!·mcul, section 2.8- 1-12 Duplicate of cert1tica1e; wlicrc to� tlled, �ctiou 2s ........ ................................................ l•I� \Vh:1t must b€' c111lor::eJ 011 original, sC'clion :!:i . ........... ...................... : ............................. 112 No snlary lo be paid unlC'SS iluplic:tlc be �o till·ll. ........................................................... 1-12 1-&3 Examination or, hy l,oard l)f cx:11uit1(•111; in what brnuchc.i l'Xtunincd for primary and iu

\\'b:t.t for higher �chuol�, i,;c,·tlo11 :!S .. ........................................................................... 143 \Vhcn ctirtilicatc i11 dupli1•:1te 10 he gr:mlc•l to, by hoard o{ cxnmiuers, section 2S .............. 1-1:\ Teachers whn ha,·c 1c·cd,·<'ll uu1t1tx.-r ouc c..·rtific:1h-s ror thr,·c y(•nN-in sut.--cl-sslon,('XCm)ltcd

from further cx:1111i11:tti,,u f,,r n,•x1 tl1'l"Ol" y,·:,�, !tel"li(l11 :?1' ............................... ........... . Rt•glst...•r or C<'rtilir:ttf'� aw:ir,kd 111, 10 Le kt:"pl hy county �11perintl�11<h.•nt. section :?S .......... .. No Cl'TI llif"alC to l>O is�111•d lo, 1•xc1.•pt upon actual cx:1111in:ttio•1. !il'<.·liuu 2S ......................... .. Ccr1ificnu•s tu, lo h:i,·1· rH, furC'\� cx,·c·pt in cw,unty where issul'\1, �·I inn :!8._ ....................... . Nor furn l:1re:,�r Ji.t:"riu,,,l than •HH· .r<·ar, i-('l·tiv11 :!S ............... .............................................. .. Ct•rlilic111t•:o- 1,,, 111ay I� lt.•,·1..,ll'd; wh,•u au,l huw, :h'<'liun '.!-< ............................................... . Cou11ty s111>C-ri11h•n,l,·n1s ntHl 111e111ln•r,;1; 11f hv:1rd ot cx:1,oiucr:; 01:1y be cmplo,H-<l ns, wi11:out

t·cr1i1ic..:•1t1•�, :,,C'\_•lit.111 :,!:::, .. ............ ................................. .................... .......................... .. But if :iuy 11w11PHJI' or L11.1nl of t:.'\l11catinn, sc<'rl"'1:ny or tru:-11ee biJ t.'tuployed as teacher, it.

vacate� hiis utlicc, st•t.'li,,11 2� ........................ ................................................................ . 'ro lJC' gradt.'11 i11 each \,rarn h .i� 10 1,ruridency, s,·ctlo112!'1, .......................................... -.. •...... Certificates 11(1 t,� >w g1 :11h·d frvni ""'-' 111 lhrC'<", S('"('li•Jh :!9 ................................................... .

H:l lH H,J

Grndo or ll'Crlt or a 11u111hc1· 1111\1 t.'�rlilir:U,1,.•, :,f•t·liun '.,t.) ......................................................... 1-1·1 0( U 11umhor two anrl thrl'O cf'rlilical1•. �1•Cli1111 :!9 ............................................................... 1-14 No tencher Li to lie l·ml'loyc.,I wllv i� l:r.1JcJ u1)dl.!r nu111lH'r thn.-c, sc-ctlon 20 ....................... H-1 IJro\'i�u as to l.'OlvTl"ll tt ':achcr�, l'\1·,·li,,11 :!!• ........................................................................... J.1.a Normn1 diplonws lll-C,·pl<••I as Ct.'llilir:alc� r,i 11tt:11it1c:1ti,m or, set'llon �� ............................... H4 But when �uch dipl,Hun i:o- annulled, 11 ccasc:i to con,·cy tho ri),:hl tu tench, section 29 ......... 1-14 Ho\\� normnl tliplommt pruft.•!'Rionul Cl'l"lllicah's rnnkcll for 1auq>0ses or compC'nsation,

section '.2!l ................................................................................................................... J-1-1 Doard or etluratlon may rectnire hohlcrs o{ �uch ccrritil'nH� to he �x:11ninl'<I o� other

tc:ichcn, 11C<·llo11 29 ................................ ................................................. : .................. H4




Coodcmontion of real estnlc by, sections 2 nod 3 .............................................................. 13 Dce1ued public con1pnnies and con1mon carriers................................................................ 54 To wbnt rights, privileges, etc.; onlitled, .......................................................... :................ 54 Suhject to ,vhat cbaJ)terai ....................... u.......................................................................... 54


lo eight judicial circuit.................................................................................................... 3 Of the county court of Jnckson county •...........•.............•...••........•..............•.. ,................. 4 Jri sixth ju<licinl circuit ........................ .. : ......•••..............•..........•..•...............•.......•......... 4 14 Of county court of Tnylor county..................................................................................... JG Of connty conrt of Putnan1 county................................................................................... 22 Of county court of Pica.snots county ......................................... ,....................................... 40 Of count.y court of Ha1upshire county.............................................................................. 41 ln fotlrth judicial circuit................................................ ................................................ 6G or COUJ.ty court of NichoJns county ........................................................................... ..... 59 Of county court or ,,reb�tcr county.................................................................................. 59 Of county court of Pocahontas county.............................................................................. 95 Of count)" court of Surutncrs county................................................................................. 95 In seventh judlcinl ........................................................................................... 157 J!;S lo second judicial circuit .................................................................................................. 15S lo first judicinl circuit ........................................•............................................................ JGG Cnlendnr of terms of circuit courts (sec nppendix) ........................................................... 7 8 9


Joint resolution instruoting our senators nod requesting our rcprescntnth·es in congre..� to urge the pa,,,ngc of the bill.. ................................................ ..•.............................. 172 173

Joint resolution remitting the runtter of voting for or against t.he, bill, now pendiug in congress, to our seuators nod reprcsenmti"cs, according to thei.r best ju<lgme.ot. .......... 17-1

THE FIRST CITY CORNET BAND OF MARTINSBURG. Iucorporation of ..................... .................................................................................... ...... 21S


Incorporation of. ........... _. ....•.....................•.•.... , ..•••.........•...•.•••...•.•...........•......•..•...••........ 2·11 TOBACCO.

Act providing for tl,c inspect.Ion of, repcal<'<l .............. : ...................................... .............. 15'1 Board of public works to tnke charge of nutl sen property, belonging to stnte, in the s<>v(."ral

tobacco "·nrehouseS-..................................................................................................... 15-1 How proceeds dispos�<I of.................................................................................................. 1 M


Joint rc,,olutioo relnting to tho onlo of, ns nRecte<I by tho provisions of the revenue laws of the United States .......................... ............................................................................. liO


Appropriations to p:1.y rent of, nt Parkersburg nnd llunti.ngton........ ................................. Gi Appropriations to p:iy inspectors nnd superintendent of, nt Parkersburg :iml Huntington... Gi Approprintbn to pay salnry or first screwmnn of, nL HunUnbrton ......................................... 67 How paid ...........................................•...................•......................•......•........•.......••....•.... G7 Board of public works to •ell property belonging to stnlo in, ............•.....•...................•...... 16-1 Act relating to io•pcction of tobacco rcpenled .................................................................... 16-1


Vnlue of, bow ascertained nn<I assessed for taxation, accUon 63 ..••................••.••••.......•..... 121

TOWN OF NEW CUMBERLAND. A�t to incorporate, nmcuded ....•...........•.•.•........••..•••.••...•.••••..•...•..•..•...........•••..•••...........• 41 42

TRA..'<SPORT A TION. lu!.lroad companies or corpornllons deemed guilty of n misdemeanor for charging or rcc!v•

in!:(' unJaw[ul chnrge.-s for the, of possengers nod freight................................................ !lG Peonlty................................. .......................................................................................... 9G

TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES. Regulations go,·eroing, in tho trnnsport.nt!oo of potroloum, etc., nod lo the charges for trans-

portation nod storngc ...........•.....•••••......•.....•.....••••......•.••..••.•.....•.•...................•.•...... 86 36 Deemed con11noo cnrri(."ra etc............................................................................................. M Right.a, powers and pri \"ilcgcs, etc.................... ............................................................... 1K Subject to all tho duties und llnblllbea contained 1n certAln chnptora................................. 64


'£REASURER, S1'ATE. Appropriations to pny contingent expenses ol office of.. .•.......•...•................ ·-···············65 69 71 A ppropriutions to pny snlnry of clerk of , ............................•..................•.•..................•.•... 65 G9 lli• duty in relation to receipt of money nt the treasury..................................................... SI Cod.e in relation to receipts, 1ur1cndcd .................................... : .........•.....••..... ,_,,,............... Si Appropriations to pay snlary of, •...•..........•..............•............•......•.•....•.•..•..•....•.•.•.•..•..... 99 100

TREASURY,.STATE. Section 2 of ebnpter 17 of the code in relntioo to the payments of money into, amended •..... 84 .Moocy paid into, pnid "to the credit of the tren.:tury of \Vest Virgiuia"·-··········· .. ,-,..... ..... 84 Duties of auditor n�d treasurer iu relation to receipts of money at1•••••••••••••••••••••••• .............. 84

TRUSTEES, SCIJOOL, Duty of, ns to pny of tcnchers ..... : ...... :............................................................................. 38 One trustee to IJe nppointed by bonr<.l of cducntion !or.each sub•ilistricr, .cc1foo 4 ...•...••..•... 138 \\Then appoint1nent to be mn<le, section •1 ............................ ,u,,, ••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••• 13,S llis 1er111 of office, section 4 .............................................................................................. 138 Hcquircd to iake ooth of offi�c. section:; .............. ......................................••.•.................. 139 May rcmo,·e teacher; for whnt, section 13 ......................................................................... 141 1\lny exclude from 8Chool persons luwiug cont:-igioti:s or infectious lHsense, section 13 ........... 141 )lny suspend or expel any scholnr; for whnt. section 13 ......................... _ ........................... 141 i\fay refuse to aclmit such schol.u again, unless, etc .• section 13 ........................................ 141 Dut. his actiou in c:-ich particular shnll be subj�t to re,·h;ion nnd correction of board of

cc.lucatiou, section 13 ...... ............................................................................................ 141 �la); be removed trom office; how nnd for wbnt, section 13 ................................................ 14.1 "'he°n trustee may dismiss teacher und discontinue any school, section 13 ........................... 141 Employment. of, n.s teacher ,·ncntes his, section 28 ...................................................... 141

TUCKER COUNTY. Cow1ueoccwcnl of ter1ns o( circuit court it1, ....................................................... -........... 144

TURNPIKES. County court m11y discontinue turnpikcro:uls lmn•!crred to countico by tho slate.,............ 80 .t\Ct in rolatiuu to, auu.iuded ................................. u........................................................... 80

UNITED STATES. Act to facHit:.,te tho trnos{er t.o, o( tho title to Antietam· National cemetery ....................... lGO

UNIVEilS11'Y. (Sl'O title, "West Virglnla University")

UNLAWFUL CHARGES. Peualt.y for clrnr..::ing, domamling or recch·iog, for trnnsportntion of passengers and freight

upoll rullroads........................................................................ .................................... !>5 UPSITUR COUNTY.

Conamcnrcmcnt of terms of circuit court. in ...................................................................... 4 14 VACANCll':S IN OFFICE.

In office ot trustee o( Cnpon Sprinj:M nn,1 ,vntsontown,how tiJIO(l.. ................ _.................... 6 lu bonr1l of comwl�ivncr:s to n::1-:1cs.,; rnilr1\t\ll propcrt..y for t:u.atioo, LH>ru-cl of pul>Uc works

to fill.......................................................................................................................... 11 Io bonr<l of regents for university, governor to fill ....•..................•.....••• ....•.••.....••...........• 25

VACC'INE AGENTS. Appropriation!- to pn·y B!llnrles of, ............................................ ...................................... 66 70

VALLl,Y RIVER BIUDGE COMPANY. Incorpor;itioo 01 ...•••••••••.•...•.....•..•..••••••.••••....••..••.••••••••••.••••••••.••••.•••••..•.....•••••••.•••.••••••••.. 264

VALUATION Of lnnds, otc. Injured by !100<!, fire, ctc.,'how ,!eterminod for purposes of tnxntioo. sections. 100 Of old nnd new builllln�s for cnxntlon, Riso mncbincrr, etc., sectious 27, 28, 29, 30 .......... 110 111 Of pcrsonnl properly for taxation, how fixed, sect.ion 50, 53 .•....••.•••••.•.•••••..••••••..•••••••••.• 118 119 Of railroad pro1.,crty for taxation, how mac.le, etc., section 67 ......................................... 123 124 Of cnpil11I 01 incorporated companies, except railroad complloies, etc., how estimated, acc-

t.ion 6-I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·-······································- 121 VENDOR.

Equitable lien of, nbollsbcd .......................................................................................... -•• 1111 Muat rosorvo bla lion in I.ho deed, etc.---·······-····-······-·······-···-···-····-···-.. ·-·-- 161



Oi road:-: and h11ulinb�·-················································•·'" ························'"·············· ......... SO Their appu:ntmcut. in 1>1·occndin,; to disc untiuuc a ru:ul or Jauc.ling, ............................... :···"· SO

\'01.(;Al-.0 HALL (;0)11'.\�Y. l11corporati,)11 or, ........ ..................................................................................... :·········200 201

VOLUKTEEI{ )IILITA!t\" CO�IPAKIES. Appro1priati1rns lo pay cc1 tnin, for scr\'icl•s in suppr('ssing riot.s ..•••..•................•.•• , . ......... Stt fJO t.:p,Jn whnt ,·u11t.·hcr:,; auditor to J>ay, sccli.,11 :! .................... ........... .......................... ........ !JU Adjtuanl ;.;�n'-:'ral .111 sig:11 vouchers :rncl certify amount, scclio11 :! ........................•.......•.....• UO l>uty uf a�ljutant :,.:cncral where any otlicL•r·ur private has a�si61H:d his pay or nny part

thereof. :-il'Clion 3........................... ........................ .............. ...... ................................. 90

VIOLA TIO� 01-' LICENSE LAW:S. Along: or upou hon11dary 1·h'c�, deemed guiJty of n miz:dc1ucanor ................................... 23 :!-I l>cualty ............................................................................................ ............................... 2-1 Prvvisious uf net 1101, to apply ti) drug:g:i:,;t:i nor licc11:cd stcamhoals .................................... 23 :.!4

VULCAN OIL CO)IP,INY. l:,cotporatiun or, .............. .......................................................................................... :!0-! 203

WACO)l.·\1-1 )IINIKUCO)IPANY ............................................................•..................... ........ �15 Jucur1>0,1.1tion of, ........................................................................................................ �15

WADE, E. L. Late sheriff of Dod<lritlgc county, sureties of, nuthorizc<l to collect cl�rtain fee hills :md tnx

bills ...... ........... ........................................................................................................ 104 No lmr to the rcco\·cry of fee Uills or tax hill:, that have ool beeu paid or othcrwh;e

SClllcu .......................................................................................................•.. : ......... .... 104

WAREHOUSE. TOBACCO tScc title "foU:icco \Varc11ousc.-s. ,,) ......... .................. ...................................................... Gi

WATSOKTOWN. Section 2, chapter !J7, aehs 1872-3. in relation to, nod Capon Springs:, amended..................... 5

WEBSTEH COUNTY. Commeuccment of terms of Circuit. Court. in, ................................................................... '1 14 #l'itucs ior holding rounty court i11,..... .............................................................................. O!>

WEBSTER WAGON COMPANY. Int:orpornt.ion of, .............................................................................................................. 243

WEST LIBERTY NOR)CAL $(.;HOOL . .A.ppr.)printon to repair fence............................................................................................ G3

. (Sec tiltc "Norrual &:hooh;.")

WEST VIRGil'-IA GUARDS. At>J•l'Oprialion t<, pny, for ser\"iccs rcn<lcrccl in suppressing riots ................ : ...................... 90

WEST VIRUINlA FIRJ; BHICK CO)IPANY. lncorpornt-iou vf, .............................................................................................................. 237

WEST VIR<;INIA HO,;PITAL FOR TIIE INSANE. Appropriutiou for tho Iurt her con!ttruct.rnn of, .................................................................. 15 JG Appru�riations to pay current c.XIH!nscs of, .................................... -.............................. 6-l GS

WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY. Sc-ctiuns 81, 82 and 83, acls 1872-:l nnd 1-1cction 78, ncls 1877, in rclntlon to, nmcn<led ... 24 25 2G Board of regent� of, ltow cornposcd, nppointcU, unll l.>y what numo known ....................... 2·1 25 )[ny sne and be sul"<l anJ have a co111rnon sc:11. .................................... .. : ... ................. 24 25 Quvru111 for trnusnctlon of businc�, ...... .. . ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ........ ............... .................. 25 \\·hc11 :-ctrctary rc•q111rctl to notify oil the rcgnntsor n meeting .......................................... 25 Terms of ofliccrs of present. lJoarc.1 not nll�ctt-d by this net. ................................................... 25 \\'hen, how nn<l what mc.mbcns lO retire frorn bourcl...... ..................................................... 25 Vnc..,nci�. ho,v filled.................................................................. ...................................... 25 .Board to dC"clarc nud c:;t,ablhsh rules, regulnUons nn•l by-lnws for tho .;ovcrnment of , etc..... 25 To appoiDt �upcriDteudcut of buildiugs, ote., secrot.ary auu'1l!urrr ...... ••.....•.••••..••...•.•... 26


WE::i1' VIRGINIA UNIVi,;R.'5lTY-Continued.

:Such oflicc1'1!! to rctcit"O no cun11)C11s.-itio11 ................................... ,........................................ 2.5 :S1·rn!l:1ry of cxcc11th·c co1u111iucc 10 .-cccivc no salary........................................................ 2" ltoncl uf trc:1sur�r ........................................................................................................... - 2.5 Ann uni sct1Jc1uenl with treasurer, or oftener..................................................................... 2.5 ltcoorl of l{cgcnts to Go\·crnor.......................................................................................... 25 J>ow<•r of honrd to create a. preparatory department and ntlditlonul profo:i...�n1bip:! ...•..••••... 2-'> 2G 'fo lix s:1l:1ric.,; of profe�ors............................................................................................... 2G l{c 1110,·al of profes..;or:,....................................... ..•.•...• ..•.......•.•...•...... ...... ....••••••••••••••....••.•• :?6 Power.:s :md duties or board as to the admission of rc�ul:tr slullcnt::i or c:u.Ji:t$ .... � ............... . 26 \\'hen ,·:u:ancics filled from slntc at large ...................... J................................... ................ 26 Limit ms to 11111111.,cr of cndcts from each county .............. ............................ ._ .................... 2G ProfC'ss11r of chemistry Ju, his uu1y ns to u1rn1,•,d11g: specirueus of fertilizcns, section 3 ......... 31 To receive no com11cns;1ti,,n for :1nalysi:i

1 SL'Ct ion 3............................................................. 31

.His certificate <lC<'mc<l pri111af1.1cie c\·id1•ncc in suils for dnmngc�, :section 4 .......................... 31 A1,proprintio11s to p:1y cxpen.!-,e� of n-gcnts uf, ................................................................. 6-1 GS Approprintions 10 JJay curn•nt :uni contingent expenses of, ............ ................................ ta GS .·\pproprintiuns to p:1y ·1c:1chers oi, ................................................................................. 64 68 .1\ppr1,pria1iou IO pay insurance ior three years.. ............................................................. G4 Approprhl1io11s to pny ivr furnirurC', repair:i and i111pro,·ernents .......................................... 6-1 .Approprintiun ro p:1y fur painting Lin 1uois ................................. : ................................... _ 64, ..-\11pr,,priation fnr librory ...................................................... ............................................ 68 How appropriatio11s drawn . .................................................................. .................. 64 tiS 71 Board of rc��nts of, aulhorizetl to grnot right of wny to Pittsburgh, etc., raihoad through

grounds, etc., o( .............. ......................................................... .......................... ...... 163

WETZEL COU:s'TY. Act to ,·st:lbJish a <:ounty c:-ourt nud board of t.-ommi:sslonen1 for, under the thirty-fourth

�ection of article dght of the constihuion ........................................................... 149 to 153 Con1111encemcnt. of t�rms of circuit court. iu .................................................. : ..................... 1.58


<.:onncil of, nulhurizcll to Ic,·y SJ>ecial tnx.......................................................................... 23 Amount ll111ikcl............................................................................................................... 23 li"or "·hat. purp0sc.s ....................................................................... ...................... _............ 23 .Assc.,,m1cnt to be iu u<IUit.ion to money u�-,eS."C'(.l, etc , under present lnws, scctio'o 2............ 23 For what purpos�• h,nds to be "'"'d, section�............... .... .............................................. :!3

H ust..'<l !Or ttny othor purpo:-te, may be rc:--trni11l'll, scction 3 ................................................ 23 .Act rclntiug to fc"·" of clerk of munidpal c·our•. of, :uncmled............................................... 79 Sections 29. �0 au<l 51 of act. of g�neral us..-;cmbly o( Virginia, passc<l )larch 11, 1836, incor-

JJOr.,tlng, nn1C'nt.ll.'(I ............ ..................... ...................................... ......................... 91 92 Po,Ycr of council uf, 10 J>.1s� all ordinanc<"S 1u:chs:1ry nrut proper to carry into full cfJcct nnr

power, nuthnrily, t..·tC'., whh.-h i� ,,r �h:ll: 1,e grnntc-tl h1 c,r i11 ,·c.-,ted in, ctr., section 29 ... _ 9'..! Power of c·ounril of, I() enforce nil ordi11l11.1<.-es t,y reasunnhlo fine�. imprisonment, etc., sec-

tion 2!)..................... ..................... .......................................... .................................. 92 Amount of fine limit NI for nny nne f,ffo11sc ....................... : ................................................ 9"..? 'J'lnic for ilupris,,umcnt a11d lol.,or Jimitccl for srny nn<' oflc11sc, section 29............................ 92 No jury nllowrd in nny trial fur a ,·iuJation nf an urdinnnre of, Hrctiou 19 ..... : ..................... 9'l

C-0un,·II of, to orflaiu and cnfurC'c regulations to pre,·cnt accidents by fire, section 50 ....................................... .................... ································· ·············· ······"··"······ 92

To sccurc cit.lzonsfrr.,m injury lhf'rrby, �C<'lion 50 ........................................................ : ....• 92 'l.'o pro\'ido for the c.;1nbli!d1menl, orga11i1.:\lwu, C(p1Jp111,•nt, etc., of fire t-ompnnies, sec-

tion .-.0...................................................... ............ ......... .......................................... 92 To pro,·iUc :sultalilc, mag::1zi11C's, ctC"., forslorai;c of gun powclC'r, petroleum, etc., section 50 ... 92 1'o ordain and cu force rcgnlntlons rc�pectiug lhc pl:lt.'C nml 111nnucr oi keeping noel t.mns- the so.n,c, .!-,Ccti•1n ."i0... ......................... ............................................................. 92 Council of1 nuthorit:L-d to nsses.s and <'<•llcct nnnnul llccnse for i:=ale of such nrtlcles, sec•

lion 50.............................................................................. ......................................... 92 .i�.tso, on C'nch agency o( foreign insurnuce comp:wlc�, doing b111iness in the city, section SO 92 Authorized 10 secure citizeus ngain:;t theh'es; robbers, burg:lr.s, etc., section 51. .................. 92 Also, to suppress riots and gaming, section 51.................................................................... 92 .Also,.to prevent and punish lcwll, lascivious, lndccer.t or disorderly conduct. section 51, ... 9"2 Also, lO provooL :UIJ. puoisll cruolLy t.O au!111als, soctloo 51................................................ 92



Act of 18i7 in rclu.tion to, so nmcndc�l n:s to nllow t he use o! st.cnm power to 011crntc road ..... 159

But. no stcnn1c-oginc shall be msed tbnt will frighten horses or persons. etc.,...................... 159


Incorporntlon of, . ............................................................................................................ 195


lncorJ>()ration of, ............................................................................................................... 236


Incorpon,tion of, ........................................................................................................ 228 229


.Farm of, excluded from corporo.te limit,, of city of HunLingwn,......................................... 22


• "'-ct to create a county· court nnd board or commis.,ioncrs for, under the thirtr-fonrth i:scc-

tion of the cighLh article of the constitution ....................................................... 154 to 15i


Lien in fa,·or of. upon real estnte nnd pcroonnl propcrLy, of corpornLions ......................... li 18 Lien in fa,·or of, for work done on buildings, ctc., .................................................... 100 to 163