Download - 1iatiib Tot1ege, - Elizabeth College





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GUERNSEY, the Plower Garden of the Channel, has much to offer in interest, rare atmosphere, repose, tranquillity and charm. One can easily remain a

month in Guernsey, finding a different delightful spot to visit each day, without exhausting all its mysteries.

The island is triangular in shape, with an area of 24 square miles, and a population of about 39,000. Its distance from Weymouth is 80 miles, and from Southampton 110 miles, while from the nearest point of Prance it is about 30. Unlike Jersey, it slopes upwards from the North to the South, the south end of the island being precipitous, with breaks of small sandy bays, while the remainder of the scenery is rugged—to the point of grandeur—consisting, as it does, of bold granite cliffs rising between two and three hundred feet above the sea.

The east rises into a coronet over the town and harbour, and the west expands itself into an open, sandy bay where the great Atlantic breakers come roaring and dashing their crests of foam over the sea-walls.

The interior of the island is full of narrow roads and lanes, winding in and out amongst the picturesque scenery, while the tiny sub-divided fields surrounded by large banks full of verdure and wild flowers lend a charm which is peculiar to the island.

Norman French is still spoken in the markets and the country districts, and the quaint old-world customs and laws make Guernsey a place of far greater interest to an English visitor than any place in England would be.

The residents, however, include a large proportion of English families which have settled in the island.

Guernsey holds the record for Sunshine for the British Isles for the 33 years, 1894-1926. For 1923 only seven of the 63 sunshine stations tabulated show more than 1,800 hours.

GUERNSEY ... ... ... 1,983 Hastings ... ... ... ... 1,817 Eastbourne ... ... ... 1,869 Palgnton ... ... ... ... 1,815 Littlohampton ... ... ... 1,831 Worthing ... ... ... ... 1,806 Torquay ... ... ... ... 1,830

Guernsey is washed by the Gulf Stream on all sides, and its position in this respect renders its climate almost unique. No matter which way the breeze may be blowing, the health-giving air always comes direct from the sea. Being cooler in summer and warmer in winter than the mainland, it is an ideal place of residence for children, and it is particularly suitable for boys from India and other tropical countries.

The island can be well recommended as a health resort, for its clear bright atmosphere, its nearness to the sea in every part, and the decidedly bracing character of its Climate. Guernsey has a much greater immunity from infectious disease and other complaints than the mainland.

Guernsey is in daily communication with England by a service of steamers from Weymouth (Great Western Railway Co.), and Southampton (Southern Railway Co.), during the Summer, and during the Winter a tn-weekly service is run by each Company. These Companies have placed fast and well-appointed steamers on the cross-channel service.


Oxford University

Scholarships and


Sandhurst, Woolsiich, R. A Police.

Hiq/ier certificates.

School GeniI/cafes.

London University

Examination. Certificate A,"


Passed Failed Passed Failed Passed Failed Passed Failed Passed Failed

1924... 3 0 0 L 2 14 1 2 0 9 2

1925... 1 1 0 1 0 18 2 2 0 13 0

1926... 0 4 0 3 0 21 2 3 0 18 7

1927... 1 4 0 4 0 22 1 13 2 15 2

1928... 2 4 0 5 0 19 1 11 1 21 1

1929... 4 2* 0 4 1 14* 2 3 4 11* 2

* June Exam. only. * July Exam, only. - March Exam, only.

LIatitIj 1i, QnczYnøcU.



E. S. BARNSLEY, Esq. COLIN MACPHERSON, Esq. (Hon. Sec.) B. L. COHEN, Esq. (Hon. Treas.) Col. R. F. MCCEEA. Capt. A. G. BINGRAM, O.I.E. (R.I.M) D. A. AUBERT, Esq. GEOFFREY CAREY, Esq. CHARLES KITTS, Esq.

Clerk.—W. J. W. HONEY.




UPPER SCHOOL. W. ROLLESTON, M.A., late Exhibitioner, Merton College, Oxford, 2nd Class Classical

Moderations (History and Modern Languages). A. LITTLEWOOD, M.A., Downing College, Cambridge; 2nd Class Natural Science

Tripos; 1st Class Camb. Teacher's Certificate (Science). H. J. THOMPSON, M.Sc., Birmingham, Secondary Teacher's Diploma (Mathematics). F. W. THELWALL, M.A., late Open Classical Scholar, St. John's College, Oxford;

1st Class Classical Mods.; 3rd Class Literae Humaniores (Classics and English).

K. LE CHEMINANT, B. Corn. (London), F.R.G.S., Late Exhibitioner, Jesus College, Oxford, (Geography, Commerce and Maths.)

E. CHAMBERS, B.A., London (English and History). H. L. MEEK, B.A., London, 2nd Class Hons., Maths. (French and Mathematics). W. C. F. CALDWELL, London University (General Subjects). MISS D. I. E. COMBER, Artist Teacher, Royal Drawing Society; (Drawing).


Miss D. I. E. COMBER, Higher Certificate, National Froebel Union.

Librarian.—W. ROLLESTON, M.A. Organist and Choirmaster.—F. W. THELWALL, M.A.

Gymnasium Instructor.—Sergt.-Maj. A. S. LOCKYER (formerly Staff-Instructor, Royal Military College, Sandhurst).

Officers' Training Corps. O.C., CAPT. W. C. F. CALDWELL (late Royal Sussex Begt.)

LIEUT. K. LE OHEMINANT (late R.G.L.I.) Sergt.-Instructor, R.S.M. EAMES (attached, Permanent Staff, 1st Batt. R.G.L.I.)


Examiner's appointed annually by the 0. & C. Schools Examination Board. inspectors—The Board of Education (England).

'The College is a "Recognised School" for Army Purposes, and is also ".Approved" by the Conjoint Board of Physicians and Surgeons for

Instruction in Science.


THE COLLEGE BUILDINGS. The present building (being the third since the foundation in 1563 by

Queen Elizabeth) was erected in 1826. It stands on a hill overlooking the town, in an exceptionally h3althy situation, and commands a magnificent sea view.

The College contains the Principal's House, with accommodation for forty boarders, a fine Central Hall, and eleven large Class Rooms. The building has recently been modernised by the installation of electric light and central heating; and all the classrooms have been completely equipped with single locker desks in oak. There are separate playgrounds for Upper and Lower School Boys. In the grounds stand Old College (the second site of the school, now the Ozanne Laboratory, containing well-equipped laboratories for chemistry, physics, and biology) ; the Gymnasium, Workshop, Bicycle Sheds, two cricket practice pitches, and a hard tennis court.

AGE OF PUPILS. Boys are admitted at the age of 7 years. They may remain until the term in

which they reach the age of 19 years; but no boy is allowed to remain after that time without the permission of the Principal.

SCHEME OF EDUCATION. The curriculum is that of an English Public School. The Principal is a

member of the Head Masters' Conference. The general scheme of work ensures a sound training in the usual subjects of

a modern education, and enables the student to obtain in the ordinary course a certificate exempting from the entrance examinations of the various professions. After this his course may be specialised to suit his particular aim, opportunity being then afforded of work for Scholarship examinations for the Universities, or for the Civil Service, Army, etc.

There are two divisions in the College, the Upper and Lower School.

1.—Lower School. The Lower School is really a Preparatory School for the Upper School. It is

intended for boys between the ages of 7 and 12. Divinity, Elementary English, Latin, French, Handwork, Drawing, Nature Study, and Class Singing are taught; also the rudiments of History, Geography and Arithmetic. The work is under the immediate supervision of the Principal, and is carefully arranged in connection with the Upper School scheme.

2.—Upper School. In this department boys are prepared for the Universities, Learned Professions,

Civil Service, Army, etc. Boys of Form V. are prepared for the " School" Certificates of the Oxford and

Cambridge Schools Examination Board. These Certificates, provided certain conditions are fulfilled, exempt the holders from Responsions at Oxford, from the corresponding examinations at Cambridge, from the Matriculation Examina-tion of London and other Universities, and from the Preliminary Medical and Legal Examinations.

No boy is promoted to Form VI. until he has obtained the School Certificate. They may then work for the Higher Certificate Examination, the Army, Royal Navy, Air Force, Indian or Colonial Police, the First Examination for degrees in Medicine, the Intermediate Examination in Arts or Science, the Civil Service, or for University Scholarships.

All Forms are examined orally by the Modern Languages Examiner of the Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board, in addition to the ordinary school examination. Special attention is paid to French throughout the School, and a high standard is reached.

Greek may be taken as an alternative to Science, otherwise all boys take Science. Commercial Subjects are alternative to Latin; but no boy under


7 fourteen may take Commercial Subjects, nor may Latin be dropped without good reason. Latin is compulsory in all forms below IV. Divinity forms part of the regular work in all forms. German or Spanish may be taken by boys of Form VI.

Special attention is given to writing and neatness. Bad writers are sent to an extra class out of school hours.

SCIENCE. Nature Study takes the place of Science in the Lower Forms, but from

Form IIIB. upwards a definite course is followed in Chemistry and Physics.

DRAWING. All pupils below Form IV. are taught Drawing, in Pencil, Pastel, and Water

Colours. Boys in Form IV. And above may attend a special class in the evenings.

HANDWORK AND CARPENTRY. Handwork in the Lower Soho pl includes appliqué work, plasticine arid clay

modelling, toy-making, raffia weaving, cardboard and leather work. Boys in Forms from hA, to IVB. take a course of instruction in Carpentry in a well-fitted workshop.

COMMERCIAL TRAINING. Boys are discouraged from adopting this alternative if their age permits of

their learning with profit Latin. The course in Commercial Training in no way interferes with a sound general education. Besides having a practical value for general office routine, it affords a thorough preparation for a student who intends to take a course in Economics at any University.

SCHOOL HOURS. The School Hours are from 9 a.m. to 12.55 p.m., and from 2.15-3.45 on

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, there is no school after 12.55 p.m. Divisions II. and III. of the Lower School are free at 12.15. The usual length of a lesson is forty-five minutes.

SUPERVISION, Etc. A full Report on work and progress is sent to Parents twice a Term. All boys below the Sixth Form must have Home Preparation Books,

showing the amount of work to be done and the time to be spent on each subject. Punishment Drill and Detention.—There is extra drill on Saturday

afternoons for misconduct. Work badly done must be done again in Saturday Detention.

BOOKSHOP. Books in use at College can be bought and sold secondhand in the College


The College Contingent of the O.T.C. has an Establishment of 3 Platoons of Infantry. All boys are expected to join the Corps at the age of 13. Those who do not join deprive themselves of one of the greatest advantages that can be derived from the College life. For it not only inculcates mental and bodily alertness, habits of command and obedience, initiative and self-reliance self-respect, observation and co-operation, but it is also a valuable instrument in shaping character. The terminal subscription is 10/6, which includes the cost and upkeep of uniform and equipment. The McCrea Challenge Cup (presented by Mrs. B. McCrea) is shot for in the Summer Term by teams of six representing Town, Country and School-house. The best individual shot receives the


McCrea Medal. There is a similar competition for the Watling Cup (presented by Captain C. E. Watling, A.S.C.), for Drill, and for the Ozanne Cup (presented by Captain E. H. B. Ozanne and Captain W. M. Ozanne), for Signalling.

A team of Eight represents the Contingent annually in the Ashburton Shield Competition at Bisley. The Contingent has its own Miniature Range, and three ranges on the Island are accessible for shooting.

The Corps attends the Public Schools Camp in August.

LIBRARY. There is an excellent Library of standard authors, consisting of upwards

of 7,000 volumes. Certain books are reserved for the use of the Lower School. The Sixth Form use the Library as a class room and have free access to the books. Other boys may use the Library with the permission of the Librarian.

Daily and Illustrated Newspapers are supplied to the Sixth Form room.

DEBATING SOCIETY, Etc. Boys of Forms V. and VI. may become members of the Literary and Debating

Society. Debates and Readings from English Literature take place regularly throughout the winter.

In the Michaelmas Term preparation for Theatricals takes the place of this Society. A Shakespearian play is produced every year.

The Competition in Elocution takes place in the Lent Term. The Chess Club meets every Saturday in the Winter Terms.

COLLEGE MAGAZINE. The College Magazine is published four times a year.

THE CHOIR. Every boy's voice is tried on his first coming to the College. The Choral

Society numbers upwards of sixty members, and gives a full Concert once a year.

COLLEGE SERVICE. These Services are held in the Town Church at the beginning and end of

each Term. There is a College Communicants' Association for boys who have been confirmed.

GYMNASIUM. A new and well-equipped Gymnasium, costing upwards of 25,000, has recently

been erected. Towards its cost a sum of F31,100 was given by Lieut.-Colonel G. M. H. Colman, an Old Elizabethan. The States of Guernsey defrayed the rest of the expense.

All boys, unless they are exempted on medical grounds, take a course of physical training during school hours under a competent instructor.

The Reports at the end of Term contain a statement of the boy's height, weight, and chest measurement.

A Gymnastic Competition for the Senior and Junior Cups, and a Boxing Competition for the Priaulx Cups take place in the Lent Term.

CRICKET FIELD, GAMES, Etc. The Cricket Field of about six-and-a-half acres was acquired at a

cost of more than 92,000, subscribed by friends and former pupils of the school. It is beautifully situated at a little distance from the College. A second field, adjacent to the College field, is also used for Junior Games.

A handsome and well-appointed Pavilion has recently been built and presented



to the College by 0.E's., as a War Memorial. Further extensions and improve-ments are being carried out by the Old Elizabethan Association and friends of the School.

Senior and Junior House Cups have been given for competition, and there are frequent matches with the Island, the Garrison, with Victoria College, Jersey, and with Schools at Southampton.

The Games are in the care of a Committee of Masters and Boys. All boys must play cricket, football and hockey, and attend the Gymnasium Classes at the appointed times, unless a doctor's certificate is produced to the effect that such exercises would be injurious. For all games and athletic competitions boys are arranged in Houses. This encourages a healthy spirit of rivalry, and ensures that all boys get equal opportunities for play.

SWIMMING. In the summer term boys attend the Swimming Pool during school hours

instead of taking the gymnasium classes. The College is affiliated to the Royal Life Saving Society. The Life-Saving Tests of that Society are held annually. Swimming Sports take place in July.

ATHLETICS. The Sports take place at the end of the Lent Term or early in the Summer


The discipline of the College is in the hands of the Principal. The Prefect system is in vogue; this tends to inculcate in the older boys the spirit of responsibility, and helps in the formation of character.


Application for admission must be made on a prescribed form to be obtained from the Principal. New boys are admitted at the beginning of each Term; they must attend for examination at the time appointed. The qualifications for admission to the Lower School are ability to read and write, and some knowledge of arithmetic.

O.E. ASSOCIATION. Evidence of the character of the Education given at the College is to be found

in the existence of an Old Boys' Association which has members in every quarter of the globe. The Playing Field, the new Pavilion, the Hockaday Fund, etc., testify to the vigour and vitality of the Association.

TERMS. The year is divided into three Terms. The Holidays are about seven weeks in

the Summer, four at Christmas, and four at Easter.

SCHOOL YEAR, 1929-1930. Begins. Divides.

Tuesday, Sept. 17. Friday, Nov. 1.

Tuesday, Jan. 14. Friday, March 21.

Tuesday, April 29. Friday, June 13.

Term of School Year, 1930-19 Tuesday, Sept. 16. Friday, Oct. 31.

Michaelmas Term.

Lent Term.

Trinity Term.

First Michaelmas Term.

Ends. Tuesday, Dec. 17.

Tuesday, April 1.

Tuesday, July 29.

31. Friday, Dec. 19.


COMMEMORATION. This takes place at the end of July in connection with Speech Day. In

addition to this there is a Service in the Town Church, a Concert- in Hall, an O.E. Cricket mtch, aid Dinner.

BOARDERS. Low Tuition fees render it possible to give boys ordinary comforts and'

advantages at a moderate cost. The House is fitted with electric light, and all modern conveniences. The Studies and Dormitories are lofty well ventilated, and command a magnificent sea view. The domestic arrange-iients are carried out under the immediate supervision of the Principal and Mrs. Hardy, and every care is taken to ensure the comfort and happiness of the boys. The Matron is a fully trained and certificated nurse. Constant supervision is exercised over the work and the life of Boarders.

Complete charge may be taken of boys whose parents are abroad.

The mild climate of Guernsey is particularly suitable for boys from India and other tropical countries.

Clothes, etc. A list of clothing and outfit required may be obtained from the Principal.

FEES. (Payable in advance on the first day of Term).

Day Boys. Lower School.-14 Ss. 9d. per annum,

Upper School.-20 per annum.

The Tuition fees include Gymnasium and Library Subscriptions. There is a Senior Drawing Class for boys of Form IV. and above, for which

there is a fee of 20/- a Term. Games: Lower School, 5/- a Term; Upper School, 10/-; Laboratory Fee, 5/-

a Term; Choir, 5/- a Term; O.T.C. (including use of uniform), 10/6 a Term. Voluntary Gym Class (held in 'the evenings), 5/- a Term; Extra Carpentry, 10/- a Term.

A few boys may dine at the College for a moderate fee. Half a Term's Notice in writing, (sent to the Principal,) the notice to

expire at the end of the Term, or payment of the Fees for Half a Term, is required for the removal of a Day Boy.

Boat'ders. Lower School ..................£85 Os. Od. per annum. Upper School (under 15) ............£95 Os. Od. per annum. Upper School (over 15) ............£105 Os. Od. per annum. Laundry ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..£1 lOs. Od. per Term. Board during Holidays ............from £1 lOs. to £2 per week.

An inclusive fee for full charge, including holidays, clothes, etc., can be given on application to the Principal.

There is a reduction of £3 per annum for elder brothers. A Full Term's Notice (in writing, sent to the Principal,) or payment of the

Fees for a Term, is required for the removal of a Boarder, the notice to expire at the end of the Term. The Fees are payable in advance on the first day of Term.

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Two Entrance Scholarships are given every year on the result of an Examination held at such time and place as may seem convenient to the majority of the candidates. They are of the value of £40 per annum for three years, Boys resident in the island are not eligible. For further particulars, apply to the Principal.

King Charles I. and Bishop Morley Foundation. TENABLE AT OXFORD.

There are several Scholarships of £100 a year, and Exhibitions of £75 or £80 a year, at ExetOr, Jesus, and Pembroke Colleges, awarded every year on the results of an Examination held in February. The Scholarships and Exhibitions are tenable for four years. All boys are eligible who have been educated at Elizabeth College during two of the three years immediately preceding the Election. Candidates may offer Classics, Mathematics, History, French, Science, or any subject in which a degree can be obtained.

There have lately been about six Candidates for six Scholarships and Exhibitions. The advantages of this very limited competition are obvious.

No election is made, however, unless satisfactory Candidates present themselves.


The King's Exhibition. (30 per annum for four years).

Open only to boys of three years' standing and between the ages of sixteen and twenty, being natives of Guernsey, sons of natives, or grandsons of natives. In the absence of satisfactory "native" candidates, the Exhibition may be thrown open for that year to all boys of the required standing and age.

The Lord De Saumarez's Exhibition. (£15 per annum for four years).

Open to all boys of three years' standing and over sixteen years of age.

The Maingay Scholarship. (£25 per annum for two years).

Open to all boys above sixteen and under nineteen years of age, who have been at Elizabeth College for one year immediately preceding the Examination.

Tupper (Army) Scholarship. (About £45 per annum for two years).

Awarded in alternate years to the best Army Candidate, but confined in the first instance to natives of Guernsey.

The Mansell Exhibition. (£50 per annum for two years).

For proficiency in Mathematics. Open to all boys over sixteen and under nineteen, who have been at least three years at Elizabeth College, confined in the first instance to natives of Guernsey.




The Miller Prizes (General Proficiency).

1. £4 in money. Open to all boys in the Sixth Form who have been on the College Books for three years.

2. £3 ,, Open to the Fifth Form 3. £2 Open to the Fourth Form

The Bishop's Prizes (Scripture Knowledge).

Books value £3. Open to Sixth Form for Bible Knowledge. £1. Open to Fifth Form £1. Open to Fourth Form

The Collings Prize (Greek).

£5 in Books. Open to all boys of four consecutive terms' standing. This prize may be awarded for Mathetnatiós should there be no award for Greek.

The Maingay Gold Medal (Latin).

Open to all boys of two consecutive terms' standing.

The Le Boutillier Prizes (French).

£3 in Books. Open to Form V.

Henry Tupper Prizes, Founded 1893 (French).

I. £3 for Form VI. 2. £1 for Form IV.

The Havilland Carey Prizes (German). 1. £4 in Books for Form VI.

The Frederick Carey Drawing Medal (5).

For the student who produces, without assistance, the best drawing in any medium whatever, water-colour, crayon, pencil, pen and ink, or the best etching or sketch.

The Le Marchant Prizes.

Six Senior Prizes, value £1 lOs. Od. each in Books. Open to boys in the Sixth and Fifth Forms of not less than five consecutive terms' standing.

Nine Junior Prizes, value 15/- each. Open to boys in the Forms IV., lila. and Ilib.

(a) English Language and Literature. (b) Mathematics. (o) History.

The Arthur de Jersey Science Prize.

23 in Books or Instruments. Open to all boys of two years' standing.


Augustus Dobre Carey Natural Science Prizes. This Prize is worth about £25 annually. Candidates must offer Chemistry,

Physics, and either Botany or Biology.

The Beesley Prize. (For Geometrical Drawing and Engineering).

£1 lOs. Od. in Books or Mathematical Instruments.

The Collinson Prizes (Geography). £1 each for V., IV., lilA. and Ills.

The Gibson-Fleming Commerce Prizes. £10 in Books.

£5 open to Form VI. £3 open to Form V. £2 open to Form IV.

Mourant Elocution Cups. The winners of these Beading Prizes hold the Cups (Senior or Junior) for a



The Le Marchant Prizes. Latin, First Division, 15/-. Second Division, 10/6. French, ,, ,, 15/-. ,, ,, 10/6.


In addition to these Special Prizes, a Prize is given in each form throughout the School for general proficiency.

Certificates. Certificates are given at Midsummer and at Christmas to any boy who is first

In any subject and who does not happen to have won a Prize.

Promotions. Promotions are made at Midsummer and occasionally at Christmas.


(J nibusitty ants otjtr flitinxfions for t4t taut 5 jtarz. 1925

P. F. B. Barnett, King Charles I. Scholarship (French), Jesus College, Oxford; T. D. Ogier, Colonial Police (Trinidad).


0. AND C. HIGHER CERTIFICATE.—JU1y. P. F. B. Barnett, passed in Modern Studies

(History and Scripture), with Distinction in French (with reading and Conversation).

0. & C. SCHOOL CERTIFICATES—July. 0. A. Anderson, passed with credit in English.

French with oral, and Elementary Mathematics, B. B. G. Barnett, passed with credit in English,

French with oral, and Elementary Mathematics. E. H. Bronard, passed with credit in Scripture,

English, French with oral, and Elementary Mathematics.

W. A. J. Campbell, passed with credit in Scrip-ture, English and Elementary Mathematics.

.J. S. English, passed with credit in Scripture, English, History, Elementary Mathematics and Chemistry.

S. T. Falla, passed with credit in Scripture, English, History, French with oral, and Ele-mentary Mathematics.

H. D. Green, passed with credit in French with oral, and Elementary Mathematics.

P. B. Hardy, passed with credit in Scripture, English and Elementary Mathematics.

P. M. Hubbard, passed with credit in Scripture, English, French with oral, Elementary Mathe. matics.

E. J. Laing, passed with credit in Scripture, English and Elementary Mathematics.

J. T. Le Cocq, passed with credit in English and French.

J. H. Le Patourel, passed with credit in Scripture, English, History, French, Elementary Mathe-matics and Chemistry.

H. Marley, passed with credit in English, French with oral, and Elementary Mathematics.

C. A. Roussel, passed with credit in English, French, Elementary Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, and Drawing.

D. H. W. Sanders, passed with credit in English, History and Elementary Mathematics.

L. W. Sarre, passed with credit in Scripture, English, and French with oral.

W. G. Wheadon, passed with credit in English, Elementary Mathematics and Physics.

L. P. de Ia Perrelle, passed with credit in Latin and Additional Mathematics (Supplementary Subjects).


E. F. Aubert, passed second class in French with oral, Arithmetic, Additional Mathematics Scripture, English, Geography and Science.

J. P. Oollas, passed first class in French with oral, Arithmetic, Scripture and Science second class in Additional Mathematics, English and Geography.

C. E. Davy, passed first class in Arithmetic, Scripture and English, second class in French and Geography.

A. B. Dingle, passed second class in French with oral, Arithmetic, Scripture, English and Science.

G. D. H. Flowerdew, passed first class in Sari ture, second class in French with oral, Ant metic, Additional Mathematics, English and Science.

J. P. B. Flowerdew, first class in Scripture, second class in French, Arithmetic, Additional Mathematics, English, Geography and Science.

S. B. Guille, first class in Arithmetic, second class in French with oral, Additional Mathematics, Scripture, English and Science.

L. A. Guillemette, passed first class in Arithmetio, Additional Mathematics and Scripture, second class in French, English, Geography and Science.

C. I. Harding, passed first class in Scripture, second class in French with oral, Additional Mathematics, English and Geography.

G. B. Iluxster, passed first class in Arithmetic and Science, second class in French with oral, Additional Mathematics and Scripture

J. 0. Laing, passed first class in Science, second class in French, Arithmetic, Additional Mathe-matics, Scripture, English, History and Geography.

J. F. B. Lea, passed first class in Geography second class in French, Arithmetic, Additional Mathematics, Scripture and English.

L. G. Le Page, passed first class in Arithmetic, Additional Mathematics, Geography and Science, second class in French with oral, Scripture, English and History.

E. J. Le Pelley, passed second class in French with oral, Arithmetic, Scripture, English and Science.

J. H. Parker,passed first class in Additional Mathematics second class in French with oral, English and Science.

P. G. Parker, passed second class in French, Additional Mathematics, Scripture, English, Geography and Science.

H. V. Stone, passed first class in French with oral, Geography and Science, second class in Arithmetic, Scripture, English and History.

L. A. Tupper, passed second class in French with oral, Arithmetic, Scripture, Geography and Science.


A. H. Orousaz, F. Dowding, H. Green, B. G. Jones, J. Sauvary, I. A. B. Tainsh, J. H. Vaughan, S. C. Crowden, C. Harding, E. J. Laing, B. A. K. Monro, B. H. Onslow-Carey, W. A. Renouf, C. A. Roussel.

November. A. J. Campbell, L. P. do Ia Perrelle, J. S. English,

F. B. Hardy, J. H. Parker, W. G. Wheadon; SCHOOL CERTIFICATE.—December.

C. I. Harding, passed with credit in Scripture and French.


D. H. W. Sanders, W. G. Wheadon. History.—W. A. J. Campbell, F. B. Hardy,

P. M. Hubbard. Addit. Maths.—A. W. Hubbard, B. H. Onslow-

Carey, J. H. Vaughan.


January. B. H. Onslow-Carey, 1st Division. D. M. N. Beaugié, 2nd Division.



ARMY ExsrrNArIoNs.—June. -J. H. Vaughan, 23rd place, R.M.A., Woolwich. B. J. Laing, 22nd place, R.A.F. College. 0. I. Harding, 3rd place, Royal Marines.

ROYAL NAVY (Special Entry). —November. W. A. J. Campbell, 4th place (Engineering).

1sT M.B. EXAM. (London Ilniv.)—December. D. M. N. Beaugié.

0. AND C. HIGHER CERTIFI0ATEB.—July. A. W. Hubbard, passed in English, Literature,

French, Mathematics and Scripture. L. P. de la Perrelle, passed in French, German

with oral, Scripture. J. H. Le Patourel, passed in History, with Dis-

tinction, French and Scripture.


E. A. Bisson, passed with credit in English, History, Geography, French with oral.

E. J. Bisson, passed with credit in French with oral.

J. P. Collas, passed with credit in Scripture, History, Freech with oral, Mathematics.

S. C. Crowden, passed with Credit in Scripture, English, History, French with oral, Mathe-matics

C. E. Davy, passed with credit in Scripture, • English, History, Geography, French with oral,

Mathematics. A. R. Dingle, passed with credit in Scripture,

French with oral. G. D. H. Flowerdew, passed with credit in Scrip-

ture, History. Mathematics, General Science. S. B. Guille, passed with credit in Scripture,

Mathematics. L. A. Guillemette, passed with credit in Scrip-

ture, Mathematics, General Science. G. B. Huxstor, passed with credit in Mathematics,

General Science. C. F. Jeffrey, passed with credit in Scripture,

English, History, Geography, Mathematics, General Science.

J. 0. Lamé, passed with credit in History, Mathe-matics.

J. F. B. Lea, passed with credit in Scripture, English, Mathematics, General Science.

L. G. Le Page, passed with credit in French with oral, Mathematics, General Science.

R. A. McLaren, passed with credit in Geography. P. G. Parker, passed with credit in Scripture,

French with oral, Mathematics, R. A. Parsons, passed with credit in Scripture. H. V. Stone, passed with credit in Scripture,

English, French with oral, Mathematics, General Science.

L. A. Tuppr, passed with credit in Scripture, English, Jrench with oral.

D. C. Wheadon, passed with credit in Scripture, English, History, General Science.

The following candidates passed in supplemen-tary subjects:—W. A. J. Campbell, Latin, French with oral; F. B. tiardy, General Science; P. M. Hubbard, Latin; J. H. Le Patourel. Latin; D. H. W. Sanders, French with oral, Physics, L. W. Sarre, Mathematics.

0. AND C. LOWER CERTIFICATES. E. F. Anbert, passed first class in Arithmetic,

Scripture, English, Geography, Science, second class in French with oral, Mathematics.

L. P. Bartlett, passed second class in French with oral, Arithmetic, Scripture, English, Science.

H. J. Brehaut, passed first class in Arithmetic, second class in French with oral, Scripture, English, History, Geography, Science.

W. J. Doughty, passed first class in French with oral, Arithmetic, second class in Scripture, English, Geography, Science.

J. F. L. Dyson, passed first class in Arithmetic, English, second class in French with oral, History, Geography, Science.

J. P. B. Flowerdew, passed first class in Arith-metic, Mathematics, Scripture, Science second class in French with oral, English, ftistory, Geography.

J. C. Frampton, passed first class in Arithmetic, Mathematics, Science, second class in French with oral, Scripture, English, History, Geography.

C. J. Gavey, passed first class in French with oral; Arithmetic, Scripture, Science, second class in English, History, Geography.

R. W. Grace, passed second class in French with oral, Arithmetic, Scripture, English, Science.

C. T. le C. Guilbert, passed first class in French with oral, Arithmetic, second class in Mathe-matics, English, Geography, Science.

L. C. Le Tocq, passed first class in Arithmetic, Scripture, English, History, Geography, second class in French with oral, Mathematics, Science.

H. A. Luff, passed second class in French with oral, Arithmetic, Scripture, History, Geo-graphy, Science.

0. N. Roussel, passed first class in Arithmetic, Science, second class in French with oral, Mathematics, Scripture, English Geography.

B. W . H. Sheriff, passed first class in French with oral, Arithmetic, second class in Scripture, English, Science.

0. AND C. "SCHOOL" CERTIFICATE S.—December. J. H. Parker, passed with credit in History,

Geography, French, with oral, Mathematics, General Science. Passed in Supplementary Subjects: French

with oral, G. D. H. Flowerdew, A- L. Guillemette, G. B. Huxster, C. F. Jeffrey, J. 0. Laing, H. A. Parsons, D. C. Wheadon; Greek, P. M. Hubbard.

CERTIFICATE "A" (O.T.C.)—March. 0. A. Anderson, D. M. Beaugié, B. H. Bronard,

F. C. G. Freeman, A. W. Hubbard, J. F. B Lea, J. H. Le Patourel, R. A. McLaren, H Marley, H. A. Luff.

November, 1926. R. M. Brouard, St. J. F. W. Collett, G. D. H.

Flowerdew, P. M. Hubbard, G. B. Huxster, J. 0. Laing, L. W. Sarre.

1927 L. P. de Is Perrelle,

King Charles I. Exhibition (Modern Languages), Jesus College, Oxford.

ARMY ExAMINATI0N.—June. Royal Military College, Sandhurst.

J. H. Parker, 31st place. S. C. Crowden, 44th place.

COLONIAL POLICE EXAMINATION, June. F. C. G. Freeman, 26th place.

November. Royal Military Academy—J. 0. Laing, 74th place



18t Division. S. T. Falls, D. H. W. Sanders,

2nd Division. C. P. Jeffrey, J. F. B. Lea, L. G. Le Page L. W. Sarre,

L. A. upper. June,

2nd Divi8ion, H. A. Bisson, J. P. Collas, G. B. Huxster, H. V. Stone,

D. C. Wheadon. Jane.

'2nd M.B. Exam. (London University), Part I. D. M. Beaugi.

0. AND C. HIGHER CERTIFICATES-1121Y. L. P. de la Perrelle passed in French (with oral)

and Scripture, with Distinction in German (with oral).

P. M. Hubbard passed in Latin, and English (group subjects); Greek and Scripture (subsi. diary subjects).

C. F. Jeffrey passed with distinction in Histor and French (group subjects); passed in Englis Literature and Scripture (subsidiary, subjects).

J. H. Le Patourel passed with distinction in History; passed in French (group subjects); passed in Scripture (subsidiary subject).

D. H. W. Sanders passed in Elementary Science (group subject).

0. AND C. " SCHOOL " CEItTfl'ICATES.-July, 1927. The following candidates passed the examina-

tion and were awarded "credits" in the subjects which appear after their names. H. F. Aubert-Scripture, English, French (with

oral), Mathematics, General Science. L. P. Bartlett-Scripture, English, French,

General Science. H. J. Brehaut-Scripture, Geography, French,

General Science. J. St. J. Collet-Scripture, Mathematics, General

Science. J. M. David-English, Geography. French,

Mathematics, General Science. J. F. L. Dyson-Scripture, English, French

(with oral). J. P. B. Flowerdew-Scripture, English, French,

Mathematics, General Science. J. C. Frampton-English, Geography, Mathe-

matics, General Science. C. J. Gavey-Scripture, English, French (with

oral), General Science. B. W. Grace-Scripture, Geography, French. T. Le C. Guilbert-Scripture, French (with

oral), General Science. B. J. Le Pelley-English, French (with oral),

Mathematics, General Science. A. H. Luff-Scripture, Geography. 0. N. Roussel-Scripture, French (with oral),

Mathematics, General Science. H. L. N. Sarre- Scripture, French (with oral),

English, Geography. B. W. Sheriff-Scripture, French (with oral),

Mathematics. J. A. W. Wilkinson-English, French (with oral),

Mathematics. F. L. Wollaston-English, Mathematics, General

Science. L. C. Le Tocq-Scriptnre, English, History,

French (with oral), Mathematics, General Science.

Candidates who already hold certificates and have obtained "credits' in Additional Mathe-matics :— L. A. Guillemette, L. G. Le Page, P. G. Parker.

LOWER CERTIFICATES.—July. C. A. Barnett-lst Class in French (with oral),

and Geography; 2nd Class in Arithmetic, English and Experimental Science.

P. C. Bisson-ist Class in French (with oral):; 2nd Class in Arithmetic, Additional Mathema-' tics, English, Geography, Experimental Science.

B. G. Brett-let Class in Arithmetic, Scripture and Experimental Science; 2nd Class in Additional Mathematics, English and History.

W. G. Brewer-let Class in Arithmetic; 2nd Class. in French, Additional Mathematics, English and Experimental Science.

F. N. Carey-let Class in Arithmetic. Scripture, History and Experimental Science; 2nd Class. in French, Additional Mathematics and English.

H. D. Collas-ist Class in Arithmetic; 2nd Class in French (with oral), Scripture, English,. Geography, and Experimental Science.

C. G. Hibbs-lst Class in Arithmetic; 2nd Class in French (with oral), Scripture, English, Experimental Science.

C. H. Hodder-ist Class in Arithmetic; 2nd Class in French (with oral), Scripture, English and Experimental Science.

B C. Jones-2nd Class in French, Arithmetic, English, Geography and Experimental Science,

D. P. Plummer-ist Class in Arithmetic, English, Experimental Science; 2nd Class in Latin, French, Additional Mathematics, Scripture and History.

A. R. M. Straw-2nd Class in French, Arithmetic, Additional Mathematics, Scripture, English, History, Experimental Science.

0. T. Williams-2nd Class in French, Arithmetic, Scripture, History, Geography, Experimental Science.

A. B Yates-let Class in Arithmetic; 2nd Class in French, Additional Mathematics, English, Ex perimental Science.

" SCHOOL " CERTIIICAIR5.-December. F. H. Balleine, passed with credit in Scripture,

English, History, French and Geography. P. G. Plummer, passed with credit in Scripture,

English, History and General Science. J. S. Sharp, passed with credit in Scripture,

History, Geography and General Science. Passed with credit in supplementary subjects:

L. P. Bartlett, Elementary Mathematics; J. P. Collas, Latin; G. D. H. Flowerdew, Addi- tional Mathematics; D. H. W. Sanders, Latin; D. C. Wheadon, Latin.

CERTIFICATE "A" (0.T.C.)-March. H. G. Agnew, A. H. Dingle, S. T. Falls,, L. A.

Guillemette, L. G. Le Page, P. G. Parker, D. H. W. Sanders, H. V. Stone, 3 S. Sharp, F. L. Wollaston.

November. J. P. Collas, J. P. Flowerdew, L. C. Le Tocq,

D. C. Wheadon, H. J. Brhant.

1928 3, St. J. F. W. Collett, awarded the parchment

of the Royal Humane Society for being instru-mental in saving life at Cobo.

J. H. Le Patourel, King Charles I. Scholarship, £100, Modern

History, Jesus College, Oxford.


D. P. Plummer, passed with credit in Engllsb, History, Latin, French (with oral), Elementary Mathematics, General Science.

1. H. Pomeroy, passed with credit in English, History, Geography, French (with oral), El.. mentary Mathematics.

0. J. Radford, passed with credit in Geography, French (with oral), Elementary Mathematics, General Science. -

H. D. Rylatt, passed with credit in Fxench (With oral), Elementary Mathematics.

C. H. Tingley, passed with credit in English French, Elementary Mathematics, Genera! Science.

H. R. C. Tomlinson, passed with credit in English, History, French (with oral), Elementary Mathematics.

• A. R. Yates, passed with credit in English, Geography, French (with oral), Elementary Mathematics, General Science. One candidate failed. Candidates who already hold the Certificate

and have passed with credit in Supplementary subjects:— - B. F. Aubert, Latin and Additional Mathe-

matics; S. P. B. Flowerdew, Additional Mathematics; C. F. Jeffrey, Latin; P. G. Parker, Physics; 0. N. Roussel, Latin, Addi-tional Mathematics, Physics; H. V. Stone, Additional Mathematics, Physics.

C. F. Jeffrey, King OharlesI. Exhibition, £75, Modern History,

Jesus College, Oxford. ROYAL MILITARY ACADEMY, Woouwicn. June.—G. H. D. Flowerdew, 4th place.

Dec.—P. G Parker, 25th place. ROYAL MARINES.

June.—D. H. W. Sanders, 5th place. - December.

Row MILITARY ACADEMY, WOOLWICH. P. G. Parker, 25th place


First Division. L. Guillemette, C. J. Gavey, G. D. H. Flowerdew.

Second Division. F. L. Wollaston, A. R. Dingle, P. G. Parker.

June. First Division.

J. P. B. Flowerdew. Second Division.

G. T. Le C. Guilbert. J. St. J. F. W. Collett. 18T M.B. EXAMINATION (London University).

July—S. T. Falla. Dec—E. A. Bisson.

0. AND C. HIGHER CERTIFICATES.—JU1y. (All Candidates Passed).

J. P. Collas, passed in History and French (with oral), Group subjects, Scripture Knowledge, Subsidiary subjects.

P. M. Hubbard, passed in Latin and Greek, Group subjects, French, English Literature, Scripture Knowledge, Subsidiary subjects.

L. G. Le Page, passed in Physics and Mathe-matics, Group subjects, French and Chemistry, Subsidiary subjects.

L. C. Le Tocq, passed in History and French (with oral), Group subjects, English Literature and Scripture Knowledge, Subsidiary subjects.

D. 0. Wheadon, passed in History and French (with oral), Group subjects, Scripture Know-ledge, Subsidiary subjects.

J. H. Le Patourel, passed in Latin and Roman History, Subsidiary subjects. 0. AND C. "Scuoou" CERTIFIcATE5.—July.

C. A. Barnett, passed with credit in Geography, French (with oral), General Science.

P. C. Bisson, passed with credit in Geography, French twith oral), Elementary Mathematics. E. G. Brett. passed with credit in Scripture, English, History, French (with oral), Elemen-tary Mathematics, General Science. W. G. Brewer, passed with credit in English, Geography, French (with oral), Elementary Mathematics, General Science.

* F. N. Carey, passed with credit in Scripture, English, History, French (with oral), Elemen-tary Mathematics, General Science.

E. D. Collas, passed with credit in Scripture, History, Geography, Elementary Mathematics, General Science,

* C. G Hibbs, passed with credit in Scripture, English, History, Geography, French (with oral), Elementary Mathematics, General Science.

* C. H. fodder, passed with credit in Scripture, English, Geography, French (with oral), Ele-mentary Mathematics, General Science.

R. C. Jones, passed with credit in Geography, French (with oral), Elementary Mathematics.

3. Le C. Nicolle, passed with credit in Scripture, Geography, French (with oral), Elementary Mathematics.

SCHOOL CZRTIFICATES.—Dec. N. M. Hewitt, passed with credit in Scripture,

English, Geography, French. •A. R. McC. Straw, passed with credit in Scrip.

ture, English, History, Geography, French, Mathematics and General Science. - Passed with credit in Supplementary Subjects:

J. P. B. Flowerdew, Physics; L. C. Le Tocq, Latin.

Candidates marked thus ' are exempt from the London Matriculation Examination.

LOWER CERTIFICATES. —July. J. Dowding, second class in French, Arithmetic,

Scripture, English, History. A. Flowerdew, second class in French (with oral),

Arithmetic, Additional Mathematics, Scripture, English, Exper. Science.

J. L. Gidley, second class in French (with oral), Arithmetic, Scripture, English, Geography.

K. F. Howlett, first class in French (with oral), Arithmetic; second class in Additional Mathe-matics, Scripture, Exper. Science.

P. B. Laxton, first class in English and Geo-graphy; second class in French (with oral), Additional Mathematics, Scripture, Arithmetic, History, Exper. Science.

G. W. Le Feuvre, second class in French (with oral), Arithmetic, Additional Mathematics, Scripture, English.

J. H. Loveridge, second class in French, Arith-metic, Additional Mathematics, Scripture, English, Geography.

A. T. Mahy, first class in French (with oral) and Arithmetic ; second class in Mathematics, Scripture, English, Geography, Exper. Science.

D. M. Manger, second class in French (withoral), Arithmetic, Additional Mathematics, Scripture, English.

D. A. Priestley, first class in Arithmetic; second class in French, Scripture, English, Geo-graphy, Exper. Science.


J. W. Smith-Ainsley, first class in Arithmetic; second class in Latin, French (with oral), Additional Mathematics, Scripture, English, Exper. Science.

J. H. Syvret, first class in French (with oral) and English; second class in Arithmetic, Addi-tional Mathematics, Scripture, History, Exper. Science.

B. C, Taylor, first class in Arithmetic and - Scripture; second class in French (with oral),

English, History, Exper. Science. CERTIFICATE 'A" (O.T.C.)—March.

B. J. Aubert, C. A. Barnett, J. H. Blampied, B. C. Fowle, J. Frampton, C. J. Gavey, F. H. S. Haynes, G. J. Hosier, B. C. Jones, J. Le C. Nicolle, A. B. McC. Straw, J. T. Tingley.,

November. F. H. Le C. Balleine, P. C. Bisson, E. G. Brett,

P. G. Plummer, L. H. Pomeroy, C. J. W. Radford, H. L. N. Sarre, U. R. Tingley, A. B. Yates.

1929 H. V. Stone, King Charles I. Scholarship (lOO)

for French, Pembroke College, Oyford. P. M. Hubbard, King Charles I. Scholarship

(130) for Classics, Jesus College, Oxford. L. C. Le Tocq, King Charles I. Exhibition (8O)

for History, Exeter College, Oxford. J. P. Collas, King Charles I. Exhibition (75) for

French, Jesus College, Oxford.

INDIAN POLICE SERVICE. L. W. Sarre, 9th place.


C. A. Barnett, 14th place.

1sT M.B. EXAMINATION (London University). 0, J. Gavey. J. St. J. F. W. Wallace-Collett.

Civm SERVICE (Land Registry Office). C. G. Hibbs.


0. AND C. HIGHER CERTIFICATES.—July. P.M. Hubbard, passed in Latin and Greek, Group

subjects; Scripture, subsidiary subject. P. G. Plummer, passed in History and French,

Grou_p subjects; Scripture, Subsidiary subject. 0. N. Roussel, passed in Physics and Chemistry,

Group subjects ; Mathematics, Subsidiary subject.

D. C. Wheadon, passed in History and French (with oral), Group subjects, Scripture, Subsi-diary subject. 0. & "C. ScHooL" CERTIFICATES-July.

A. B. Cohen, passed with credit in English, French (with oral), Mathematics and General Science.

J. Dowding, passed with credit in History, French and General Science.

A. Flowerdew, passed with credit in English, Mathematics and General Science.

J L. Gidley, passed with credit in English. French, Mathematics and General Science.

B. F. Howlett, passed with credit in French (with oral), Mathematics and General Science.

*P. B. Laxton, passed with credit in English, History, Geography, French (with oral), Mathe-matics and General Science.

J. H. Loveridge, passed with credit in English, French, Mathematics and General Science.

A. T. Mahy, passed with credit in English, French (with oral), Mathematics and General Science.

D. M. Mauger, passed with credit in French and Mathematics.

D. A. Priestley, passed with credit in English, French (with oral), and Mathematics.

F. S. Roussel, passed with credit in English and French (with oral).

J. W. Smith-Ainsley, passed with credit in Latin, French (with oral), Mathematics and General Science.

*J H. Syvret, passed with credit in Scripture,. English History, Latin, French (with oral), Mathematics and General Science.

C. R. Taylor, passed with credit in Scripture, English and General Science. The following candidates passed in supplemen-

tary subjects F. H. Le 0. Balleine, Latin; D. P. Plummer,

Additional Mathematici and Physics; H. V. Stone, Latin; A. R. Yates, Physics.

Exempt from London Matriculation.

LOWER CERTIFICATES. J. H. Adam, first class in Science; second class

in French, Mathematics, Scripture, English and History.

K. H. Anstey, first class in French (with oral), Mathematics, Scripture, English; second class. in Latin, Arithmetic, History and Science.

R. W. Austin, firss class in Arithmetic, Mathe-matics Scripture; second class in French (with oral), nglish and Science. .H. Baker, first class in Scripture and Science; second class in French, Arithmetic, Mathe-matics and English.

L. U. Blondel, first class in French (with oral), Arithmetic, Mathematics, Scripture and English; second class in Science.

P. M. Harwood, first class in Scripture; second class in French, Arithmetic, Mathematics, English and General Science.

F. C. Legg, firstl lass in Scripture; second class in French (with oral), Arithmetic, Mathematics, English and Science.

E. D. Ozanne, first class in Geography and Science; second class in French (with oral), Arithmetic, Mathematics and English.

B. G. Wynne, first class in Scripture and Science; second class in French, Arithmetic, Mathe -matics,

athe-matics, English, History and Geography.

CERTIFICATE "A" (O.T.C.)—March. M. N. Angell, A. R. Cohen, J. U. Dorey, J. H.

Loveridge, J. Mellish, B. W. Phillip!, D. P. Plummer 0. N. Roussel, A. T. Mahy, B. B. C. ftomlinson, M. A. Wilson.

zuni.:"Voiklic.14114:tiveriti‘: 1';



--441W •



'7911 ,1111111ft a.-




Old Elizabethans at the Universities, Medical Schools, Etc. Oxford: Pembroke, H. V. STONE (Scholar).

Jesus, L. P. DE LA PERRELLE (Ethibitioner); J. H. LB PATOUREL (Scholar); C. F. JEFFREY (Exhibitioner); P. M. HUBBARD (Scholar); J. P. COLLAS (Exhibitioner).

Exeter: L. C. LB Tocq (Exhibitioner). Cambridge: Peterhouse, J. H. VAUGHAN (Royal Engineers); J. M. Conu (R.A.F.)

London: S. T. FALLA, E. A. BissoN, J. ST. J. W. COLLBTT, C. J. GAVEY (London Hospital). Edinburgh: Royal (Dick) Veterinary College, F. B. HARDY.

Glasgow: D. M. BEAUGIE. Southampton: J. F. B. LEA (Univ. College). Bristol: R. PHILLIPs, B.Sc. (Postgraduate Course).

College Exhibitions. King's Exhibition, J. H. LB PATOUREL. Lord de Sauinerez's Exhibition, D. M. BEAUGIL

Maingay Scholarship, P. M. HUBBARD. Topper Army Scholarship, G. D. H. FLOWERDEW.

The Champion 1860 W. D. Corfe 1861 W. D. Corfe 1862 H. A.. 0. Ross 1863 A. N. Swan 1864 i. 0. Corfe 1865 0. C. Corfe 1866 R. E. Green 1867 FL H. Cone 1868 E. Ohs. Ozinue 1869 E. P. Thurstan 1870 Wm. Carey 1871 A. W. Robinson 1872 F. N. Ozanne 1873 C. F. Grantham 1874 0. F. Grantham 1875 C. F. Grantham 1876 H. G. Thee 1877 S. Escofet

Champions of the College Sports. holds the Belt presented by the late Comlni8sary-General Dobr'e. 1878 W. Parke 1896 W. R. F. Brook 1914 J. V. Blad 1879 B. A. Hitehins 1897 J. A. Turnbull 1915 C. E. Blad 1880 B. A. Hicehins 1898 0, Carey 1916 A. E. H. Gibbon 1881 B. A Hitchins 1882 D. T. Craig 1883 W. C. Filnie 1884 W. C. linde 1885 W. 0. Hinde 1886 0. L. Giffard 1887 L. J. Langlois 1888 H. G. Waterfield 1889 H. J. Thackeray 1890 G. 0. Rowley 1891 D. G. Bostock 1892 H. N. Davies 1893 F. J. Robinson 1894 A. F. C. Williams 1912 F. D. McCrea 1895 W.R.F.Brock 113 J. B. Windrum

Foster 1908 H. R. Kavanagh 1925 W. T. Cullion 1909 E. 0. PurehtLs (T. D. Ogier 1910 E. C. Purohas 1926 J. F. B. Lea 1911 F. D. McCrea 1927 A. W. Hubbard.

1928 C. F. Jeffrey 1929 R. 0. Jones

1899 0. Carey 1917 R. J. Chilcott 1900 A. L. Leapingwell 1918 L. 0. Gaudion 1901 H. B. Leaping well 1919 A. N. Marshall 1902 E. L. Brook 1920 M.D.Stonehous 1903 R. G. MacLaren. 1921 W. K. Manger 1904 C. A. Grantham 1922 E. A. Savage 1905 B. C Mockler 1923 J. Robinson 1906 B. C. Mockler 1924 ç J. Robinson 1907 E. C. Mockler G.

Athletic Team, 1929. C. J. Gavey (capt.), H. V. Stone, P. M. Hubbard, J. E. Baker, B. C. Jones,

C. A. Barnett, Flowerdew i., Priestley i., Baker iii., Roussel ii., Fowle 1.

First Xl. Football, 1929. L. L. Stone; Loveridge, L. H. Pomeroy; F. S. H. Haynes, D. C. Wheadon, D. A. Priestley; Fowle i., H. L. N. Sarre, Baker iii., H. D. Rylatt, J. E. Baker.

First Xl. Hockey, 1929. F. S. H. Haynes; H. L. N. Sarre, D. C. Wheadon; C. J. Radford, F. H. Balleine, D. A. Priestley; I. L. Stone, L. H. Pomeroy, H. V. Stone (capt.),

L. W. Sarre, J. B. Baker.

First Xl. Cricket, 1929. H. V. Stone (capt.), L. W. Sarre, J. E. Baker, F. S. H. Haynes, F. H. Balleine, L. L. Stone, L. H. Pomeroy, Rylatt i., Cohen, Balleine ii., Priestley i.

Shooting VIII., 1929. Sergt. C. J. Gavey (capt.), Lce.-Corpl. E. F. Aubert, Sergt. L. 0. Le Tooq, Lee.-Corpl. P. C. Bisson, Sergt. P. M. Hubbard, Sergt. J. St. J. Collett,

Loe.-Corpl. R. C. Jones, Cadet Hibbs. CADET PAIR.

Cadet Hazell. Cadet Jones ii.



Division 111.—Form plize, C. W. Dorey; Arithmetic, E. Bougourd; Beading, C. W. Dorey; Writing, V. Luff. Certificate, Geography and Composition, C. McCathie.

Division 11.—Form prize, F. G. Caldwell; Arithmetic, F. G. Caldwell; Le Marchant, French, 0. P. Barnsley; Writing, L. Orchard; Drawing and handwork, P. I. W. Trotter. Certificates, History, I. Cunningham; English, J. W. Lecky.

Division I.— Form prize, D. G. Willis; Writing, B. C. Renier; Drawing and hand-work, A. Le P. Avenal; Arithmetic, P. J. Ozanne; Le rlarcbant, Latin, W. I. Guilbert; French, P. J. Ozanne; Le laichant, Latin, W. I. Guilbert; French, P. J. Ozanne; Nature study, D. G. Willis; Flccution, D. G. Willis; Singing, J. C. Arnold.


Form IIb.—Form prize, B. W. M. Benouf; English, F. F. Foss; Latin, B. K. Bowick; Mathematics, B. W. M. Benouf; French, B. W. M Renouf; Nature study, B. W. M. Renouf; Drawing and handwork, M. Barber.

Form ha—Form prize, I. L. Solomon; English, P. D. Howick; Latin, H. A. Collas; French, H. A. Collas; Nature study, A. S. F. Mackay; Mathematics, B. Perkins; Drawing and h8ndwolk, B. Perkins.

Form IlIb--Form prize, B. S. Gallienne; La Marchant, Mathematics, H. T. Robinson; History and Literature, B. S. Gallienne; Science, R. S. Gallienne; Latin, B. S. Gallienne; French, B. S. Gallicune; Drawing, K. H. Baker; Collinson Geography, B. S. Gallienne; Carpentry, K. G. Gartel; Elocution, H. T. Robinson.

Form lila.— Form prize, G. T. Franklin; Le Marchant, Literature and History, H. 3. de Sausniarez; Mathematics, G. T. Franklin; French, J. C. Groult; Collinson Geo-graphy, G. T. Franklin; Drawiug, J. W. Franklin; Carpentry, G. V. B. Nicholson; t5ingiug, T. H. Le Huray.

Form IV—Miller prize, K. H. Anstey; Divinity (Bishop's prize), K. H. Anste Le Marchant, Literature, L. G. Blondel; Mathematics, R. W. Austin; History, B. Martin; Science, E. D. Ozanne; Gibson Fleming, Commerce, M. A. Wilson; Collinson, GeogTaphy, B. G. Wynne; Latin, K. H. Anstey; Henry Tupper, French, K. H. Anstey.

Form V.—Millar prize, J. H. Smith-Ainsley ; Divinity (Bishop's prize), P. B. Laxton; Le Boutillier, French, J. H. Syvret; Le Marchant, Literature and History, P. B. Laxton; Mathematics, J. W. Smith-Ainsley; Science, P. B. Laxton; Gibson Fleming, Commerce, P. B. Laxton; Collinson, Geography, D. A. Priestley; Latin, J. H. Syvret; Carpentry, J. Mellish; Drawing, J. E. Baker.

Form VI.—Millar prize, H. V. Stone; Divinity (Bishop's prize), D. C. Wheadon; Henry Tupper, French, L. W. Sarre; De Jersey, Science, 0. N. Roussel; Le Marchant, Mathematics, D. P. Plummer; Literature, P. G. Plummer; Augustus Dobrée Carey, Natural Science prize, C. J. Gavey and J. St. J. Collett; Beesley prize, Geometrical Drawing, 1. P. B. Flowerdew; Latin, L. C. Le Tocq; Gibson Fleming, Commerce, H. L. N. Sarre; Elocution, 0. N. Roussel; Essay prize, L. C. Le Tocq; Collings, Greek prize, P. M. Hubbard; Le Marehant, History, D. C. Wheadon.

Higher School Certificates.—L. G. Le Page, L. C. Le Tocq, J. P. Collas, P. IL Hubbard (2), D. C. Wheadon.

21 PRIZE LIST.—(ClonUnUed).

ArBiETIO AND O.T.O. Aw.nim. McCrea Cup for shooting—Town. Medal for best score in McCrea competition—Sergt. J. St. J. Collett. Aggregate Cup for Shooting VIII—Sergt. L. C. Le Tocq. Corbin Medal for best average —Sergt. P. M. Hubbard. College Medal for highest score in Raines Shield—Sergt. L. 0. Le Tocq. Donegal Badge, highest score in Ashburton Shield—Sergt. P. M. Hubbard. Watling Cup for Drill—Town. Brice Cup for best Recruit for year—Cadet P. Martel. Ozanne Signalling Cup—Town. Vaughan Cup for best score in open range classification —Sergt. L. C. Le Tooq. 'Two Spoons (Col. Randall), best recruit shots.—H. D. Rylatt and G. W. Rylatt. Boucher Cup for the smartest N.C.O. or Cadet —Cpl. 0. J. Radford. Senior Inter-House Cricket Cup—House. Junior Inter-House Cricket Cap—Town. Royal Irish Cup and Bat for best batting average—H. V. Stone. C. E. Davy Cup, best aggregate score in Inter-Collegiate matches —if. V. Stone. Dr. Conrad Carey's bat for fielding—L. H. Pomeroy. Dr. Robinson's bowling belt and bat —L. W. Sarre. College bat for consistently good batting—J. P. Balleine. College bat for 2nd XL (batting)—D. C. Wheadon. College bat for 2nd XL (bowling)—A. H. Sharp. Mr. V. E. Stone's bat for most promising batstnan in Colts XL—P. Martel. Mr, R. Lee's bat for best all-round Colt—P. Le Masurier. Mr. F. F. Peek's bat for most promising bowler in Colts XI.—G. T. Douglas. Mr. J. V. Blad's bat for best batsman in fourth game —3. Le Masurier. College bat for best bowler in fourth game—A. Adam. Mr. H. G. Priestley's bat for best cricketer in Lower School—P. G. Manger. Mr. G. Shelton Agar's bat for best bowler in Lower School—P. J. Ozanne. Mrs. A. A. Shotton's bat for most improved cricketer in Lower School—D. B. Priestley. Mrs. F. West's bat for most promising cricketer in Division II.-3. Leoky. Mrs. Douglas' pads for best fielder in Lower School—F. R. J. H. West. Inter-House Hockey Cup—Country. Inter-House Football Cup—Country. O.E. Inter-House Swimming Cup—House. Junior Championship—P. Le Masurier. Miss E. 0. Randall's Challenge Cup for swimmers under 14—A. L. Laxton. Lower School Swimming Championship Cup, A. P. de Saustnarez Memorial Cap —J.

de S. Carey. Relay Race, Swimming, Collings' Cup—Town. Senior Championship, Swimming—P. B. Laxton. Castle Cornet Race Cup—P. B. Laxton. Langlois Life-Saving Cup—A.. B. Tainsh. Gale and Polden Prize—Sergt. L. C. Le Tooq. Inter-House Athletic Cup—Senior, House; Junior, Town. Senior Champion, R. 0. Jones. Junior Champion, D. A. Priestley. Senior Cross Country (" Frank Carey" Cup)-0. A. Barnett. Inter-House Relay Cup—Town. "Brook" Cup (Quarter. Mile, Open)—R. 0. Jones. Inter-House Gymnasium Cup —House. Leapingwell Shield, Inter-Form Gym. —lib. Boxing Cups—Heavyweight, F. S. if. Hayues; Middleweight, C. J. Radford

Welterweight, F. R. 0. Fowle; Lightweight, C. D. Robinson; Featherweight, W. B. Rae-Smith; Bantamweight, J. Le Masurier; Lower School Championship, D. B. Priestley; Lower school (under 4 et. 12 lbs.), P. I. W. Trotter.



LENT TERM, 1929. Upper Sixth Form.

465 Stone, H. V. 469 Hubbard, P. M. 749 Sarre i., L. W. 689 Le Page, L. T. 687 Collas, J. P. 457 Wheadon, D. C. 740 Le Tocq, L. C. 534 Flowerdew i., J. P. B. 527 Aubert, E. F. 831 Balleine, F. H. 529 Collett, J. St. J. 736 Gavey, C. J. 560 Plummer i., P. G. 746 Roussel i., 0. N. 814 Sarre ii,, H. L. N.

Lower Sixth Form.

587 Barnett, C. A. 537 Bisson, P. C. 785 Brett, B. G. 776 Hibbs, C. G. 711 Jones, B. C. 778 Nicolle, J. Ic C. 561 Plummer, D. P. 738 Pomeroy, L. H. 797 Radford, C. J. 841 Rylatt, H. D. 710 Straw, A. H. 798 Tingley, G. R. 794 Tomlinson, B. R. C. 681 Yates, A. R. 907 Bichard, J. 770 Hodder, C. H.

Fifth Form (a).

892 Balleine, J. P. 693 Cohen, A. R. 739 Dowding, J. 574 Flowerdew, A. 771 Gidley, J. L. 777 Howlett, R. F. 772 Keyho, J. A. 804 Laxton, P. B. 768 Loveridge, J. H. 808 Mahy, A. T. 774 Mauger, D. M. 807 Moullin, N. T. 717 Priestley, D. A. 691 Roussel, F. S. 630 Smith.Ainsley, J. W.

828 Syvret, J. H. 743 Taylor, C. R. 759 Tingley, J. T.

Fifth Form (b).

866 Acres, U. T. 758 Baker i., J. B. 569 Coulthard, J. R. 721 Haynes, F. S. H. 848 Mansell, F. I. 602 Mellish, J. 523 Phillips, R. W. 548 Stone, L. L. 590 Tainsh, A. R.

Fourth Form.

729 Adam, J. H. 694 Angell, M. N. 810 Anstey, K. H. 818 Austin, B. W. 766 Baker, F. H. 854 Blondel, L. G. 695 Dorey, J. G. 643 Fowle, F. R. C. 806 Harwood, P. M. 844 Hutchesson, G. D. le M 737 Legg, F. C. 805 Martin, R. P. 634 Mauger, R. J. 699 Manger, B. J. 843 Ozanne, E. D. 816 Roussel, L. E. 842 Rylatt, G. W. 803 Wilson, M. A. 855 Wynne, R. J.

Third Form (a).

819 Austin ii., B. A. 879 Bichard, M. G. 627 de Sausmarez, H. J. 704 Douglas, G. T. A. 851 Franklin, J. W. 852 Franklin, G. T. 809 Groult, J. C. 824 Harding, A. J. D. 618 fodder, J. F. 815 Jones, 0. C. 604 Le Huray, T. H. W. 849 Le Lacheur, J. D. 676 Le Lacheur, R. H. 673 Martel, P. 850 Nicholson, G. V. B.

865 Nicholson, L. 903 Oliver, J. A. 889 Parmentier, L. 760 Robinson, C. D. 751 Sharp, A. H. 895 Simon, A. J. 793 Stanhope, G. W 780 Steventon, U. P. 862 Swaffin, J. P.

Third Form (b).

856 Allain, B. J. P. 888 Baker, K. H. 658 Best, G. S. 911 Cohu, F. W. 644 Fowle ii., T. H. 857 Gallienne, R. S. 858 Gartell, K. U. 880 Hazel!, B. 859 Laxton ii., A. L. 677 Le Masurier, P. 860 Le Prevost, R. H. 719 Marquand i., H. B. 718 Peek, G. 663 Poat, H. W. 715 Rae-Smith, W. B. 707 Robilliard ii., V. T. 861 Robinson, ii., H. T. 668 Wright, G. P. 838 Young, J. W. R.

Second Form (a).

730 Adam, A. C. 901 Baird, R. A. 868 Baylis, D. N. L. 728 Carey, D. P. C. 826 Collas, A. B. 692 Creasey, V. I. 698 de Sausmarez, T. S. G. 800 Guilbert, T. D. 825 Hooke, W. D. 835 Howick i., P. D. 764 Le Masurier, J. 811 Le Patoure!, H. W. 801 Mackay, A. F. S. 894 Nicolle ii., S. J. 900 Perkins, B. 714 Ryan, P. E. 899 Solomon, A. L. 784 Torode, J. 781 Willis i., J. E.



Second Form (b).

:867 Acres, D. H. 763 Barber, M. 779 Collas, H. A. -884 Cunningham, K. 864 Douglas, S. J. A. 909 Farmer, C. T. 897 Foss, E. F. 847 Howick, R. K. .823 Langlois, R. B. 886 Le Couteur, D. H. 896 Le Tocq, E. G. 902 Priaulx, R. B. 898 Renouf, R. W. M. 846 Sly, R. J. 883 Williams, P. L. .839 Young, P. E.


Div. I. 796 Arnold, J. C. 837 Avenell, A. le P. 876 Bachmann, E. E. 881 Blampied, P. H. 840 Carey, J. de S. 887 de Jersey, C. P. le V. 870 Gardner, C. P. J. 845 Gilbert. W. I. 812 Marquand, W. J. 813 Mauger, P. G. 787 Ozanne, P. J. 829 Priestley, D. R. 874 Renier, B. C. 890 Shotton, S. F. F. 827 West, F. R. J. H. 782 Willis, D. G.

Div. H. 836 Brooke, F. G. L. 875 Barnsley, G. P. 873 Caldwell, F. G. 885 Cunningham, I. A. D. 863 Lecky, J. W. 877 Mc0athie, A. 878 Magor, J. H. 872 Orchard, L. 0. 908 Robins, G. C. G. 871 Trotter, P. I. W.

Div. Ill. 882 Bougourd, B. 910 Dorey, C. W. D. 891 McCathie, C. 904 Martel, J. D. 869 Roper, G. 893 Snell, L.

TRINITY TERM, 1929. Upper Sixth Form.

465 Stone, H. V. 469 Hubbard, P. M. 749 Sarre i., L. W. 689 Le Page, L. T. 687 Collas, J. P. 457 Wheadon, D. 0. 740 Le Tocq, L. C. 534 Flowerdew i., J. P. B. 527 Aubert, E. F. 831 Balleine, F. H. 529 Collett, J. St. J. 736 Gavey, C. J. 560 Plummer, P. G. 746 Roussel, 0. N. 814 Sarre ii., H, L. N.

Lower Sixth Form.

587 Barnett, C. A. 537 Bisson, P. C. 776 Hibbs, C. G. 711 Jones, R. 0. 778 Nicolle, J. le C. 561 Plummer, D. P. 738 Pomeroy, L. H. 797 Radford, C. J. 841 Rylatt, H. D. 710 Straw, A. R. 798 Tingley, G. R. 681 Yates, A. R. 907 Biohard, J.

Fifth Form.

758 Baker, J. E. 892 Balleine, J. P. 693 Cohen, A. R. 569 Ooulthard, J. R. 739 Dowding, J. 574 Flowerdew, A. 771 Gidley, J. L. 721 Haynes, F. S. H. 777 Howlett, R. F. 804 Laxton, P. B. 768 Loveridge, J. H. 808 Mahy, A. T. 774 Mauger, D. M. 602 Mellish, J. 807 Moullin, N. T. 523 Phillips, R. W. 717 Priestley, D. A. 691 Roussel, F. S. 630 Smith-Ainsley, J. W. 548 Stone, L. L.

828 Syvret, J. U. 590 Tainsh, A. R. 743 Taylor, C. R. 759 Tingley, J. T.

Fourth Form. 866 Acres, G. T. 729 Adam, J. H. 694 Angell, M. N. 810 Anstey, K. H, 818 Austin, R. W. 766 Baker, F. H. 854 Blondel, L. G. 695 Dorey, J. G. 643 Fowle, F. R. C. 806 Harwood, P. M. 737 Legg, F. C. 805 Martin, R. P. 634 Mauger, B. J. 699 Mauger, E. J. 843 Ozanne, E. D. 816 Roussel, L. E. 842 Rylatt, G. W. 803 Wilson, M. A. 855 Wynne, R. G.

Third Form (a).

819 Austin, B. A. 879 Bichard, M. G. 627 de Sausniarez, H. J. 704 Douglas, G. T. A. 851 Franklin, J. W. 852 Franklin, G. T. 809 Groult, J. C. 824 Harding, A. J. D. 618 Hodder, J. F. 815 Jones, 0. C. 604 Le Huray, T. H. W. 849 Le Lacheur, J. D. 676 Le Lacheur, B. H. 673 Martel, P. 850 Nicholson, G. V. B. 865 Nicholson, L. 903 Oliver, J. A. 889 Parmentier, L. 760 Robinson, C. D. 751 Sharp, A. H. 895 Simon, A. J. 793 Stanhope, G. W. 780 Steventon, U. F. 862 Swaffin, J. P.

Third Form (b).

856 Allain, B. I. P. 888 Baker, K. H. 658 Best, G. S.


911 Cohu, F. W. 644 Fowle, T. H. 857 Gallienne, R. S. 858 Gartell, K. G. 880 Hazell, R. 859 Laxton, A. L. 677 Le Masurier, P. 860 Le Prevost, R. H. 719 Marquand, H. E. 718 Peek, G. 700 Plummer, M. M. 663 Poat, H. W. 707 Robilliard, V. T. C. 861 Robinson, H. T. 912 Walker, J. M. 668 Wright, A. P. 838 Young, J. W. R.

Second Form (a). 730 Adam, A. C. 901 Baird, R. A. 868 Baylis, D. N. L. 826 Collas, A. E. 836 Brooke, F. G. L. 692 Creasey, V. I. 873 Caldwell, F. G. 698 de Sausmarez T. S. G. 885 Cunningham. I. A. D. 800 Guilbert, T D. 863 Lecky, J. W. 825 Hooke, W. D. 877 McCathie, A. 835 Howick, P. D. 878 Magor, J. H. 764 Le Masurier, J. 872 Orchard, L. 0. 811 Le Patcurel, H. W. 908 Robins, G. C. G. 801 Mackay, A. F. S. 871 Trotter, P. I. W. 894 Nicolle, S. J. Div. 111. 900 Perkins, B. 714 Ryan, P. E. 899 Solomon, A. L. 784 Torode, J. 781 Willis, J. E.

Second Form (b). 867 Acres, D. H. 763 Barber, M. 779 ColIas, H. A. 884 Cunningham, K. 864 Douglas, S. J. A. 909 Farmer, C. T. 897 Foss, E. F. 914 Hollis, L. G. 847 Howick, R. K. 457 Wheadon, D. C. 823 Langlois, R. B. 689 Le Page, L. T. 886 Le Couteur, D. H. 746 Roussel, 0. N, 896 Le Tocq, E. G. 527 Aubert, E. F. 902 Priaulx, R. B. 534 Flowerdew i., J. P. B. 898 Renouf, R. W. M. 831 Balleine, P. H. 846 Sly, R. J. 797 Radford, C. J. W. 883 Williams, P. L. R. 814 Sarre, H. L. N. 839 Young, P. E. 560 Plummer i., P. G,

561 Plummer- II., P. P-681 Yates, A. R. 711 Jones i., H. C. 738 Pomeroy, L. H.

Lower Sixth Form.

537 Bisson, P. C. 778 Nicolle i., J. le C. 841 Rylatt i., H. D. 907 Bichard i., J. 693 Cohen, A. R. 569 Coulthard, J. R. 739 Dowding, J. 574 Flowerdew ii., A. 777 Howlett, R. F. 804 Laxton i., P. B. 768 Loveridge, J. H. 774 Mauger i., D. M. 717 Priestley i., D. A. 691 Roussel ii., F. S. 630 Smith-Ainsley, J. W. 828 Syvret, J. H. 743 Taylor, C. R.

Fifth Form.

729 Adam i., J. H. 940 Adam ii., F. E. 694 Angell, M. N. 810 Anstey, K. H. 758 Baker i., J. E. 766 Baker ii., F. H. 892 Balleine ii., J. P. 854 Blondel, L. G. 937 de Putron, T. 695 Dorey i., J. U. 643 Fowle i., F. R. C. 806 Harwood, P. M. 721 Haynes, F. S. H. 737 Legg, F. C. 805 Martin, H. P. 699 Manger ii,,, E. J. 807 Moullin, N. T. 843 Ozanne i., E. P. 548 Stone, L. L. 590 Tainsh, A. R. 938 Tidd, H. H. 803 Wilson, M, A. 855 Wynne, R. U.

Fourth Form.

819 Austin, B. A. 627 de Sausmarez i., H. J. 704 Douglas i., U. T. A. 851 Franklin i., J. W. 852 Franklin ii,, U. T.


Div. I.

796 Arnold, J. C. 837 Avenell, A. le P. 876 Bachmann, E. B. 881 Blampied, P. H. 840 Carey, J. de S. 887 de Jersey, C. F. 10 V. 870 Gardner, C. P. J. 845 Gilbert, W. I. 812 Marquand, W. J. 813 Manger, P. G. 787 Ozanne, P. J. 829 Priestley, D. H. 874 Renier, B. C. 890 Shotton, S. F. F. 827 West, F. H. J. H. 782 Willis, D. G.

Div. 11.

875 Barnsley, G. P.

882 Bougourd, B. 910 Dorey, C. W. P. 891 McCathie, C. 904 Martel, J. D. 869 Roper, G. 893 Snell, L. W. 915 Fowle iii., J. L. 916 Luff, V. E. 913 Windrum, J. K. M. 917 Brooke ii., W. R. A.

MICRAELMAS TERM, 1929. Upper Sixth Form.


857 Gallienne, R. S. 809 Groult, J. C. 824 Harding, A. J. D. 918 Harper, J. 935 Hutohesson, T. le M. 941 Ingram, R. N. M. 815 Jones, 0. C. 004 Le Huray, T. H. W. 849 Le Lacheur ii., J. D. 676 Le Lacheur i., B. H. 077 Le Masurier, P. 673 Martel, P. 634 Mauger iii., R. J. 903 Oliver, J A. 889 Parmentier, L, 760 Robinson i., C. 0. 861 Robinson ii., H. T. 842 Rylatt ii., G. W. 895 Simon, A. J. 793 Stanhope, G. W. 862 Swaffin, J. P. 947 Tingley, C. A.

Third Form (a).

856 Allain, B. I. P. 888 Baker iii., K. H. 658 Best, G. S. 879 Bichard ii., M. G. 911 Cohu, F. W. 644 Fowle ii., T. H. 858 Gartell, K. G. 880 Hazell, R. 618 Hodder, J. F. 859 Laxton ii., A. L. 860 Lo Prevost, B. H. 920 Le Tissier, R. C. 719 Marquand, H. E. 919 Morgan, N. C. 850 Nicholson, G. V. B. 718 Peek, G. 700 Plummer iii., M. M. 663 Poat, H. W. 707 Robiffiard, V. T. 0. 751 Sharp, A. H. 912 Walker, J. M. 668 Wright, G. P. 838 Young, J. W. H. 780 Steventon, G. F.

Third Form (b).

730 Adam iii., A. C. 901 Baird, H. A. 868 Baylis, D. N. L. 826 Collas 1., A. E.

800 Guilbert, T. D. 825 Hooke, W. D. 835 Howiok i., P. D. 764 Le Masurier, ii., J. 811 Le Patourel, H. W. 801 Mackay, A. P. S. 894 Nicolle ii., S. J. 900 Perkins, B. 714 Ryan, P. E. 899 Solomon, A. L. 784 Torode, J. 781 Willis i., J. E.

Second Form (a).

867 Acres, D. H. 763 Barber, M. 925 Coker, G. C. 779 Collas ii., A. J. 928 Collas iii., P. R. 884 Cunningham i., K. 897 Foss, E. F. 924 Guille, B. G. 847 Howick ii,, R. K. 823 Langlois, R. J. 886 Le Couteur, D. H. 896 Le Tocq, E. G. 922 McKane, L. L. 943 Outram i., L. H. 944 Outram ii., A. N. 902 Priaulx i., R. B. 926 Radford ii., T. H. 898 Renouf, H. W. M. 936 Sanderson, A. J. 846 Sly, R. J. 839 Young ii., P. E.

Second Form (b).

796 Arnold, J. C. A. 881 Blampied, P. H. B. 945 Borne, H. P. 840 Carey, J. do S. 864 Douglas ii., S. J. A. 845 Gilbert ii., W. I. 921 Harwood ii., M. G. 914 Hollis, L. G. 946 Le Cheminant, P. de L. 939 Le Feuvre, B. 934 Lo Bao, D. 812 Marquand ii., W. J. 813 Mauger iv., P. G. 787 Ozanne ii., P. J. 933 Priaulx ii., W. J.

29 Priestley II., D. H. 49 Raleigh, W. P. 74 Renier, B. C. 42 Roper i., G. J. B. 23 Wakeford, D. C. 27 Webber, J. A. 27 West, F. R. 82 Willis ii., D. G. 83 Williams, P. L.


The I.

837 Avenell, A. Is P. 876 Bachmann, E. B. 875 Barnsley, G. P. 836 Brooke, F. G. L. 873 Caldwell, F. G. 885 Cunningham ii., I. A. D 887 do Jersey, C. F. do V. 870 Gardner, C. P. J. 863 Lecky, J. W. 878 Magor, J. H. 877 Mc0athie, T. A. 872 Orchard, L. 0. 890 Shotton, S. F. F. 871 Trotter, P. I. W.

692 Creasey i., V. I. 8 698 do Sausmarez ii., T. B.G. 9

8 9 9 9 8 7 8

Div. II. 882 Bougourd, B. A. 930 Creasey, ii., D. 910 Dorey ii., C. W. 948 Robertson, A. P. 908 Robins, G. C. 931 Roussel iii., H. M. 893 Snell, L. W. 932 Tooley, D. F.

Div. 111.

917 Brooke, W. H. 915 Fowle iii., J. 929 Frossard, C. K. 916 Lug, V. B. 904 Martel, J. D. 891 MoCathie, 0. J. 869 Roper ii., U. B. 913 Windrum, J. K. M.


LIST OF BOOKS. The list of Books is drawn up that parents may make their

own arrangements if they prefer to do so, and also that boys on changing forms may exchange their books, either with each other or through the agency of the College Shop for Stationery, etc.


Oxford or Cambridge texts of all important authors. Latin Prose Composition. (North & Millard). Latin-English Dictionary—Lewis & Short. Marchant's Unseens. (Methuen).

GREEK. Abbot & Mansfield's Greek Grammar. (Murray). Pitman's Greek Prose Composition. Oxford or Cambridge Texts of important authors. Liddell & Scott's smaller Lexicon. Sldgwick's Greek Prose Composition.


(Witham). ENGLISH.

Newbolt's Essays. Julius Caesar. (Macbeth). Matric. Précis (Winbolt). Other Books as set for Higher Certificate and Matric.

HISTORY. Books set for Higher Certificate.

MATHEMATICS. A Second Coure in Algebra. (Borchardt). Practical and Theoretical Geom. (Siddone & Hughes). Elementary Trigonometry. (Durell & Wright). School Mechanics. (Durell).


Revised Latin Primer. (Kennedy) Latin-English Dictionary. (Lewis & Short). Latin Prose Composition. (North & Hillard. Oxford & Cambridge Texts of important authors Marchant's Unseens. (Bell).

ENGLISH SUBJECTS. Essentials of World Geog. Unstead & Taylor. (Philip). A School Economic Atlas,

(Bartholomew & Lyde) (O.U.P.) Philips' Junior Historical Atlas. English Composition (Edmunds). (Univ. Tat. Press). Nun's Prints and The Pardoner's Tale. (Macmillan), The Merchant of Venice. (Verity). Historical Passages for Précis Writing. (Robeson).

DIVINITY. Acts of the Apostles. (Knapp) St. Luke. (Knapp)

MATHEMATICS. Arithmetic. (Durell & Fawdry). A First Course in Algebra. (Borchardt).

FORM. First Course in the Calculus. Co-ordinate Geometry.

COMMERCE. Banking and Currency. (Sykes). (Butterworth). Modern Business Training. Grebby & Scrivener.

(Macdonald & Evans). Wealth and Work. Gough. (Pitman)..

FRENCH. Larousse Dictionnaire Complet French Composition. French Unseens. Marrakech. Voyage en Espagne. Gautier. Other Books as set for Higher Certificate.

GERMAN. German Composition. Casscll's German Dictionary. Public School Primer.

CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. Tutorial Chemistry Heat (Stewart). (Univ. Put. Press). Light (Stewart). (Univ. Put. Press). Magnetism and Electricity (Reynolds). (Bell). Organic Chemistry. Turpin. (Macmillan). Physical Chemistry. Finter. (Longmans)

FORM. Practical and Theoretical Geom. (Siddoni & Hughes)- Test Papers in Arithmetic. (Donkin). Test Papers in Algebra. (Donkin). Test Papers in Geometry. (Paterson)


Dictionnaire Complet Illustrd. Larousse. Spiers' French Grammar. Sirnpkin & Marshall. Mon Livre. Gino & Co. Tartarin de Tarascon. Daudet.


English Voyages in XVI, Century. Raleigh. English Seamen in XVI. Century. Frowde. The Foundation and Growth of the British Empire,

J. A. Williamson. Drake. Julian Corbett.


Heat and Light. Jones. (Macmillan). School Certificate Chemistry. Adlarn. (Murray).

(Milne & Westcott). (Loney).

hllustré. (Baron)..

(Pellissier). (Tharaud)





North & Rillard's Latin Prose Composition, (Rivingtons).

Revised Latin Primer. (Kennedy). Livy, Book XXI. (Freeman). Merchant's Unseens. (Bell). Millard & Botting's Junior Latin Unseens. (Bivingtons)

HISTORY. Groundwork of British History, Sec. 3, 1714-1521.

Warner & Martin, ENGLISH SUBJECTS.

Grammar in a New Setting, G. Pocock, Scott's" Guy Mannering." Pitt Press. "Merchant of Venice." Essentials of World Geog. Unstead & Taylor. (Philip). An Annotated Map Book of the British Empire.

Le Chelninsnt. (Routledge). Philip's New School Atlas.

MATHEMATICS. Arithmetic. Durell & Fawdry. A First Course in Algebra. (Borchardt).

Practical and Theoretical Geom. Junior Test Papers in Arithmetic. Junior Test Papers in Algebra.

Siddona & Hughes. Donkin. Donkin.

DIVINITY. St. Luke. Knapp.. Old Test. Olazebrook.

TRENCH. Baron's French Prose I. La Chronique do Rgne de Charles IX. (Merimde).


Physics—Readable School Physics. (Bell). Readable School Mechanics. (Bell). Chemistry—.Ist School Chemistry. Oldham.

(Mills & Boon). COMMERCE.

Business Book-keeping. (Pitman)..

CARPENTRY. A Woodwork Class Book. (Methuen).

MATHEMATICS. Preparatory Arithmetic. A First Course in Algebra. Junior Geometry.

iPendlebury). (Borchardt).


The Children's Bible. (C. U. Press).

FRENCH. Mon Livre. Le Françsis pour lea Commençants. Skeleton French Grammar.

NATURE STUDY. "Nature Study." (Stenhouse).

CARPENTRY. A Woodwork Class Book. (Hey & Rose). Methuen.


The Children's Bible. (Camb. Univ. Press). MATHEMATICS.

A First Course in Algebra. (Borchardt(. Preparatory Arithmetic. (Pendlebury). Junior Geometry. (Tweedy).

FRENCH. Mon Livre. (Saxelby. Le Français par lea Images. (Butlin).

GEOGRAPHY. Europe (Herbertson). (Clarendon Rrees).

NATURE STUDY. Nature Study (Stenhouse). (Macmillan).

CARPENTRY. A Woodwork Class Book. (Hey di Rose). Methuen.

Saxelby. Nesbitt, Atkins.

27 THIRD FORM (A. & B.)

LATIN.—A. & B. First Steps in Caesar. (Ritchie). Ritchie's Second Steps in Latin. Revised Primer. Extracts from Livy. (Lec-Warner & Gould). 0 U.P. Falsuloe Faciles. IlIb. (Ritchie).

ENGLISH SUBJECTS. "Merchant of Venice." Modern Prose (King P reasures Series). HIS. Modern Poetry. bla. 3Us()y { } King's Treasures,

Grammar In a New Setting. Pocock. (Dent). Geog. The British Empire (K. L. Thompson).

(Clarendon Press). Annotated Map Book of the B. Empire. Le Cheminant.

Philip's New School Atlas. (Routledge).

A First History of England," Part VI. & VII. (C. L. Thomson).


Fabulae Faciles. First and Second Steps in Latin.

ENGLISH SUBJECTS. "A First History of England" Parts IV. & V.

(Thomson). (Marshall). ' Fort Amity." (Dent).

"Heroes of Fiction." (Dent). Evergreen Stones." (Dent.

English Spoken and Written, Part II. R. Wilson. Form Room Plays (Junior). Geog.: First Lessons in Geography. (Marsden).

(Macmillan). Children's Anthology of Verse, Pt. III., Senior

Phillip's New School Atlas. (Macmillan).


First Steps in Latin (Ritchie). (Longmans). Fabulae Faciles. (Ritchie).

ENGLISH. Easy Dictation and Spelling (Williamson). (Methuen). English ..poken and Written, Part I. (Nelson). "Masterman Ready." (Bell).

The Last Days of Pompeii." (Bell), "Oliver Twist." (Belli. "Uncle Tom's Cabin." (Bell). Form Room Plays, Junior. (Vent). Children's Anthology of Verse, Pt. III,, Senior


HISTORY. "A First History of England" Part III. (Thomson).

MATHEMA FICS. Arithmetic. Durell & Fawdry. A First Course in Algebra. Borchardt. Junior Geometry. Siddons & Hughes.

DIVINITY. Old Testament, Part I. St. Luke.

SCIENCE. A First School Chemistry. Readable School Physics.

FRENCH. French Prose. (Kennedy), Les Enfants du Capitaine Grant. (Jules Verne). Also Primer of French Composition"

(Lazare) l Used b' IlIb And ' La Classe en Francais," Pt. II. (-

Skeleton French Grammar. (Gourio) ) (Atkins). CARPENTRY.

A Woodwork Class Book. (Hey & Rose). Methuen.

FORM (A). (Ritchie). (Ritchie).

Glazebrook. C.U.P.

(Mills & Boon). (Bell)


LATIN. 51 First Steps In Latin" (Ritchie). (Longmans).

FRENCH. La Classe en Français (Gourio). (Harrap).

ARITH METIC. "Pendlebury's Preparatory Arithmetic" (Bell).

ENGLISH SUBJECTS. The Children's Bible. (C.U.P.) Atlas—Phillips' Comparative. Children's Anthology of Verse, Part II., Intermediate.

(Macmillan). "The British Isles." Fairgrieve & Young.

(George Philip & Son). Theras" (Snedeker). (Dent)

The Beacon Study Reader—Book IV. Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare." tBrodie).


" Tales of Polar Exploration."

(Brodie), Groundwork of English, Part I. (Morgan). )Murray).

our Sea Power" (Household). (Macmillan). A First History of England, Pta. I. & II. (Thomson).

(Marshall). "Dictation Passages" (Williamson). (Methuen).

NATURE STUDY. Cassell's Eyes and No Eyes Series, Books I.—VII.


ARITHMETrC. Pendiebury'sPreparatory Arithmetic. (Bell).

ENGLISH SUBJECTS. The Little Children's Bible. C.U.P. Atlas—Phillips' Comparative. Steps to Reading. Dale. (Philip). First Primer. Dale. (Philip). Infant Reader. Dale. (Philip). "Homes Far Away." Fairgrieve & Young.

(G, Philip & Son). "Children's Anthology of Verse," Part I., Junior.

(Macmillan). The Beacon Study Readers" Book Ill. (Gino).

"Alice in Wonderland." (Brodie). Robinson Crusoe," (abridged). (Routledge).

"A Child's Story of Great Britain," (Thomson). (Marehall).

NATURE STUDY. Cassell's Eyes and No Eyes Series, Bks. I—Vu,



1,—All boys whose names are on the College List must wear the College Cap (or Straw Hat) during the School terms. They must also do this in the holidays when they are in the town of St. Peter Port. They are forbidden to enter Public Houses or Billiard Rooms, to loiter about the streets of the town, or to be in disreputable company. Any such offence, when proved, will render the offender liable to a severe punishment, and, after warning, to dismissal from the College.

2.—Boys are not allowed to attend public dances at any Hotels during the School Terms

3.—Boys are forbidden to ride on the pillions of motor cycles, or on the carriers or steps of push cycles.

4.—Smoking is forbidden. No testimonial of character will be given to a boy who is found to have made a practice of breaking this rule.

5.—Lounging or collecting in groups at the College Gates, or in the streets and public thoroughfares is forbidden.

6.—No boy is to absent himself from school (except in case of illness) without previous permission from the Principal or Vice-Principal; such leave should be applied for by letter, and as long notice as possible should be given. A boy who has been absent through illness, must, on his return, bring a, note specifying the illness which has kept him at home.

7.—Boys will be held responsible for all breakages and damage to College property.

8.—All boys below Form VI. must have Home Preparation Books, showing the amount of work to be done on each evening of the week. Parents are asked to sign these Books each evening.

9.—Boys absent for Examinations during Term time must return as soon as their Examination is over, unless special permission has been obtained.

10.—Only Prefects are allowed to bring motor cycles to the College or Cricket Field.

DRESS. Suits must be dark grey (no ehecks or stripes), dark blue or black. Grey

flannels are allowed in Summer. Brown boots or shoes, coloured waistcoats and pullovers, fancy, or light

coloured, SQCks or stockings are forbidden. Prefects and boys who have been awarded "Co].curs" are allowed to wear the School tie. Other boys must wear a plain black tie. Starched collars are preferred. Soft collars, if worn, rnust be white, and they must be kept tidy.

Small boys may wear blue Jerseys with Eton collars. All boys below the Sixth Form may wear knickerbockers.

EVENING WORK. Parents are earnestly requested to see that evening work is regularly done, and

to communicate at once with the Principal if the amount set appears to be too much or too little for an average boy.

Evening work in the Lower School should be from one hour to an hour and a half. In the Second Form an hour and a half. In the Third and Fourth Forms two hours. In the Fifth and Sixth Forms from two to three hours.

BOARDING HOUSE RULES. 1.—Lockup is at p.m. in the winter, and at 7 p.m. in the summer. 2.—The town, i.e., any, street where there are shops, is out of bounds for

boarders,, except on Saturdays, from 2 to 5 p.m. Prefects are allowed to go down to the harbour, pier, and breakwater, before dusk, provided they go and return by St. Jl:1ia's Avenue.

3.—Boating and cling 'are forbidden.



For preventing the spread of Infectious and Contagious Diseases.

1.—Immediate notification must be given to the Principal if infectious diseases break out in the homes of scholars, or if scholars have been in contact with others suffering from infectious, or contagious sickness. In such cases scholars must not attend school until they can bring a Doctor's Certificate. A form of certificate may be obtained from the Principal. 11.—In cases of Diphtheria, Small Pox, Scarlet Fever, Scarlatina, Mumps,

Whooping Cough, Measles, Chicken Pox, or Ringworm, information should be given at once to the Principal by the Parents or Guardians of the scholar, in order that measures may be taken to prevent the spread of infection.

111.—No scholar can be received into the College who has not been successfully vaccinated; and the Board of Directors would strongly recommend re-vaccination after seven years, unless the marks of vaccination are good, or unless the scholar has had Small Pox.

IV.—Every scholar, at the beginning of each Term, must produce a Certificate from the Parents or Guardians stating that to the best of their know-ledge and belief the pupil has not, for the last four weeks, been exposed to any infectious disease.

V.—The minimum period for the re-admission of a scholar, in each case of infec-tious disease, will be as follows :-

Diphtheria, Small Pox, Scarlet Fever or Scarlatina, Enteric or Typhoid Fever.—Not until 14 days have elapsed from the date of the certificate of freedom from infection, granted by the Medical Officer of Health.

German Measles or Rotheln.—After 7 days from the appearance of the rash.

Measles.—After three weeks from the appearance of the rash. Mumps.—After one week from the subsidence of all swelling, but not less

than three weeks from beginning of illness.

Chicken Pox.—When every scab has fallen off, but not less than three weeks from beginning of illness.

Whooping Cough.—After six weeks from the commencement of the whoop- ing, provided spasmodic cough and the whooping have ceased.

Ringworm.— Not until a Medical Certificate can be given that the disease has totally disappeared.

VI.—Scholars who may have been exposed to infection will not be permitted to attend College until the following quarantine periods have been observed.

Diphtheria 14 days quarantine. 'Measles 21 days quarantine. * Small Pox 18 ,, Chicken Pox 21

,, ,, Whooping Cough Scarlet Fever 7 German Measles .21

VII.—Any suppression or wilful mis-statement as to past or present health, or as to exposure to infection will be regarded as a violation of the terms on which the scholar remains at College, and will render him liable to be suspended or dismissed. By order of the Directors, Board of Directors, 15th February, 1895. E. CHEPMELL OzANNE, (Hon. Sec.) 1?eln8ed by M.O.FI., 1925.

* But after recent successful vaccination, none. Unless previously suffered from it.