Download - 02 HP Printers


Let’s start with selling the HP Printing portfolio.

You may remember this slide from before. Here we have the whole portfolio in one area. What we are going to have a look at in this section is the red box area. This is the printing portfolio.

So HP have shipped over 200 million LaserJets worldwide. That’s an incredibly high number. If you look at where we’ve come from on the left hand side you can see one of our first entry LaserJet printers. It is a device with a very very small screen. Just a mono device – not very quick. And then as you move through time you see we introduced color LaserJet printing, the ability to be able to print not just mono but color documents. And then we introduced multi function printing, the ability to not just print but scan, copy, fax, do multiple things with one device. And then as we move up to the modern day – you see the one on the right hand side – we now have lovely big screens, great usability with our printers. People can walk up to them, see exactly what they need to do and productivity increases dramatically because of this. So we’ve come a long way really.

Remember this slide also from before. We saw those four main pillars: mobility, security, cloud, big data. We asked ourselves the question: How do we actually fulfill the customer’s needs in those four areas? Underneath, we see how we do this.

Once again, we talk about the wheel here. We talk about what this means to the customer. But hey, there’s something new on this slide: We have a red hand. We thought to make it easier for you. Let’s show where our products are very very different from our competitors and we do that with a hand symbol. Every time you see the hand, this is a point where you need to make a mental note. This is really where HP are different from our competitors.

Let’s talk about value for money.

So where does value for money really come from? Is value for money buying a cheap printer? Absolutely not. In fact, a famous philosopher said: A thing is worth what it can do for you not what you choose to pay for it. Think about it. You could buy a cheap printer but if it’s not secure you can’t print from a mobile device, you can’t even manage it and it keeps breaking down every five minutes. This really truly doesn’t give you value for money. So what we want to talk about here is how having the right product for the right customer and giving the right solutions to the customer ultimately gives the customer fantastic value for money.

So talking about value for money you could mention to the customer that we have ink in the Office.

But if you do this you could come up against some problems. A customer may say to you: I don’t want ink because actually the print quality is not as good as my laser printer and, you know, it’s not water resistant. I can’t use a highlighter on these images, for example.

They say: It really doesn’t perform very well. It’s not fast enough. Ink printers are too slow. I have an enterprise environment and I can’t fit this and make this work in this kind of environment.

They may say: They’re not durable. They’re too flimsy. They won’t stand the test of time.

Then they will tell you that actually, ink is expensive because ink is color and this is going to be too pricy for my business.

So we need to understand where the customer is coming from. I kind of think of it from a customer point of view. Perhaps they’d gone to a supermarket and bought a very low priced inkjet printer. They’ve got it home, they’ve plugged it in and then they’ve printed out their first document. And what they can hear is the cartridge moving backwards and forwards and the page slowly making its way out. And they’ll think: Yeah, this is too slow for a business environment. Perhaps they’ve had a paper jam in the past, tried to get the paper out of the machine and found the ink has got on their fingers. And ink is very messy. And this gives them this idea that ink is going to be quite messy to use. Perhaps then they realize that a cartridge of this size may only give them 300 pages. If they were to use this kind of cartridge in a business they’d be changing the cartridge every week and this would be extremely expensive to be able to do this. Well, finally, this is a tricolor cartridge so it has three types of ink inside of it: cyan, magenta and yellow. Maybe they think: Well, my company logo is blue so I am going to run out of cyan before the other two colors and this could be very wasteful. But this is not the Nineties any more. Things have moved on a huge way with ink. And we’ll see how we answer those questions now.

So, printing quality IS as good and your print-outs ARE water-resistant. In fact, the print-outs from our Officejet printers, whether it’s our Officejet Pro or Enterprise printers, are water-resistant. They are highlighter-resistant and they do withstand the test of time.

So, Inkjets do perform well and are faster than you ever thought possible. In fact, some of the fastest printers that we do at HP are ink printers. The first page comes out relatively the same as a LaserJet printer in fact. So, there’s no need to stand around waiting for that first page to print when you want to get on with something more important. In fact, our Officejet Pro X and Enterprise X printers print up to 70 pages per minute color, which means that gives the customer the freedom to be out to do what they really want to without standing next to that printer waiting for that print-out document.

When it comes to our Office Enterprise X series, our printers do perform in enterprise environments. In fact, everything you come to rely on a LaserJet printer in an enterprise environment you can have all of those features with our OfficeJet Enterprise X. You can have full control with HP Web Jetadmin, you can have full control over the print driver, you have encrypted hard drives and it’s optimized for workflow with color access control and control panels that look identical and they are identical to LaserJet printing.

Inkjets are also designed for durability. If you remember back, we had shipped 200 million laser printers worldwide. And we use that know-how of how we construct laser printers and we put that onto our Enterprise and our OfficeJet Pro printers to make sure they are durable and they last and stand the test of time.

So inkjet printers are color, right? And color is really important. Let me demonstrate this to you. While I’m talking – it’s about five seconds – see how many Qs you can spot inside of this red box. It’s pretty difficult, right?

Let’s introduce color now. Hey, you can see immediately there are six Qs inside of this box. That’s how powerful color can be.

So why should customers use color? Well, firstly, color is a tool. If you receive a bill – a utility bill – and the amount you owe is in red, you’re more likely actually to pay that bill than if it was the same color as the rest of the text. It’s a universal language, everybody understands color. And more importantly, it gives your customer a competitive edge. They can send documents out in color that are very powerful compared to documents that don’t have that color and that power behind them. Even a logo or brand becomes more recognizable when it’s the correct color.

HP brings down the barriers of color. If you mention color to a customer, they could say: Ah, it’s too expensive! They could say: We don’t really need color. And they could say: Actually, it’s too much maintenance, color. But this is actually not true. What we want to do is put people’s mind at rest. We have things on our printers, for example, like color access control. Through the embedded webserver inside of the printer you have the ability to control who prints color, how much color they are allowed to print and also whether certain programs print color or whether they’re only allowed to print mono. What this does is it sets the IT manager’s mind at rest, the management’s mind at rest that they can control color usage completely.

So yes, ink is color. But color doesn’t have to be expensive. If we go now to our OfficeJet Pro and Enterprise we actually have a great statement with these printers. When you print with these printers color is 50 per cent cheaper than on an equivalent laser printer. That’s a huge cost saving. Think about that from a customer point of view. If you say to a customer: I could half your color costs, wouldn’t a customer really want to hear about this? You can see how this is more important than telling them how many pages they get from a cartridge, for example.

So it’s time to rethink ink for enterprise. Do you see the hand here? This is where we’re really different. You know, printing quality is just as good from an ink as it is to a laser. Inkjets do perform as well. They are durable and it’s not expensive to run an inkjet printer. It can be up to 50 per cent cheaper than running an equivalent laser.

So now I hear you’re confused. So what do I sell, an inkjet printer or a LaserJet printer? So we’ve already seen on the left hand side the reasons somebody would go for an ink printer. But, you know, if a customer has mono-only requirements, they don’t really want color, then laser would be a better choice for the customer here. Maybe the customer is looking for a high gloss on just plain paper: laser can perform that just a little bit better than ink can. And perhaps they want faster duplex speeds as well: a laser here performs a little bit better than inkjet.

So what are our customers telling us? They are telling us that they need workflows that drive their business outcomes. Actually, they’re telling us that paper is dominating at the moment but it would be much better if they could digitalize their paper environment. They are telling us actually that if they do digitalize their paper environment they need to make sure that that is secure, too.

Let’s have a look at the cost of enterprise printing. This always staggers me. For every dollar you spend printing you spend nine dollars managing that print. Most customers, when they want to save money, the first thing they do is: they look at the cost of their cartridges and start to buy cheaper cartridges. Well, in fact, this may not save the money. Actually, what they really want to have a look at is in other areas. Areas like the cost of managing their documents. This is where they are going to save a lot more money than they ever thought they could save by buying cheap cartridges.

So think about the cost of managing your documents. Think about yourself. How many times have you saved the same document, put it into different places and then been unable to find the document when you need it? Think of how much time you spent actually trying to find that document you put into a folder and you can’t find it anywhere. This cost time and time is money.

So we want to come away from a paper-intensive process and actually have paper and digital processes in place. So yesterday, it was all about paper, today it’s not all about digital, it’s about paper and digital working together and striking the right balance.

One way of being able to digitalize your document is to have a multi-function printer. And multi-function printers are fantastic because not only do they print but also they can do a multiple amount of things as well: scanning to folders, sending to email, even scanning to share point with some of our flow devices that we have.

One great thing that we have on our multi-function printers in our enterprise environment is a thing called “image preview”. You notice the red hand here. This is very unique to HP. If you want to scan documents in, it’s very frustrating when you scan like a 20-page document and then find that some of them were actually upside down, for example. Or maybe you scan the document in and some of the documents were printed on one side and they were blank on the other which means then the scan that you ultimately end up with has white pages in it. So with image preview you get the option to look at the whole job that you scanned in before you decide to save the job. Within here, you can turn pages around if they’re upside down, you can introduce new pages in, move the pages around, you can rotate pages, re-order them and have full control over your scanning job before you then decide to either save that to a file or send it via email. Think of how much the customer can save in both time and productvity with a feature like this.

Another great feature we have on our Enterprise devices is Quick Sets. Imagine now, for example, that you had to send a document every Friday to your expenses department. That document had to be scanned as a JPEG, had to be scanned on both sides, you had to preview the scan first. You then had to send it to a specific folder. Imagine how overwhelmed you feel when you walk up to a printer and you have to do that every single Friday of every week and you can’t remember what the settings are you need to go through in order to send it to the correct folder. Well, Quick Set helps this because you set this all up at the very beginning and then you put the Quick Set on the display – very easy for the user to find. So now on a Friday when he needs to do his expenses he just goes to the screen, puts the document into the scanner he needs to scan and presses one button and it will do everything for him, cutting down on user productivity in a huge way. And also, think about how many mistakes you make when you send it to the incorrect folder by accident. This way, it’s impossible to do that because the Quick Set has all been set to go to the exact right folder which helps to increase security, too.

So managing your documents in the cloud is really important. Let’s give you an analogy. You know, I like music. In the past, I had records, I had tapes, I had CDs. But you would have to take them out with you if you wanted to listen to those particular tracks. But now I have none of these. Now I have the internet to be able to play any music that I like. And in fact, from streaming services I have the choice of four million different songs. I can have them anywhere I want, any time I want. Imagine having all of your documentation that’s normally inside of physical paper documents, putting those into the cloud and then having the ability to access them from anywhere that you wanted to. Also, imagine the security element here, too. You could put them into secure folders and then only allow the right access to the right people to get this documentation. On the other hand, if it’s in a normal drawer in somebody’s office, anyone could have took those documents. So managing your documents in the crowd … in the cloud gives you ease of access, great security and the ability to get your documentation from anywhere, even from a mobile device.

So here look: We have the red hand. This is somewhere that HP are very different. We have our Enterprise Flow devices. I see it that we have our MFP devices and sitting just above them are the Flow devices. These have some fantastic features that really do help customers save an awful lot of money. We have duplex scanners, we have scanners that are high volume and very, very durable with high capacity. We have a thing called HP Every Page. Every Page gives you the ability to be able to scan a document, walk away and know that every single page has been captured properly, whether that page went through at a slight angle or whether two pages you thought were stuck together. This is impossible actually to happen with Every Page. In fact, every single document that goes through the scanner gets fired at with an ultrasonic detector. And that then measures how many pages have gone through the scanner. So if two go through by accident, it can see that there is air between two sheets of paper and then it stops immediately and tells you you have a misfeed. Think about the productivity increase that customers have. It’s incredible really. And think about the reliability they have with this device, too. They can scan their documents in, and a 50 page document they scan in they know that down the line when they need to retrieve that document there are 50 pages to the document they retrieve. And not 48 because two accidentally scanned through at the same time – providing customers with great value for money.

So our Flow devices are not just restricted to printers. We have our Flow scanners, too. Both with our Flow printers and our Flow scanners they have their fantastic big screens, very easy to understand what to do and in some cases pull-out keyboards so you can input data very easily indeed.

Let me give you an example of handling an invoice with a Flow device compared to a non-Flow device. You can see, before you have a Flow device, there are seven steps that you have to do – very, very tedious, lots of chances to make mistakes. This could take 20 to 40 minutes ultimately to do. When you have a Flow MFP, this could take just three steps and a few seconds. Again, think about this when you’re talking to customers. Think about how we can give customers great value for money by saving them time in their whole processes.

Another fantastic feature that you find on our devices is Auto-On/Auto-Off. This is a great feature where you don’t just put a printer into standby, you pretty much turn the printer off. You can choose to do this, for example, at weekends when there’s nobody around in the building. This then saves a huge amount of money, saves a lot of energy, making the company more green, too. Again, if you’re talking to the customer about Auto-On/Off, please talk to them about the amount of money they can save when they use this feature.

So in the past, we used to have a conversation with the customer whether it’s ink we offer or whether it’s laser we offer. Those days are gone. Now, what we do is we find out what the customer requires and we give them the right printer for their needs. That could be ink and laser. These products have extremely great benefits for the customer and we have the very strongest line-up we have ever had at HP, offering you the ability to sell these fantastic products to the customer, helping them ultimately save great value for money.

Now let’s talk about mobility.

Think about it how it was in the past, right? People would go to work at 9 a.m. in the morning, come home at 5 at night and that’s it, they switch off business. And then actually, things have progressed a long way since then. Now, everybody has smartphones, they’re always connected and they always have the ability to answer emails or maybe they have the need to print out documents that they perhaps wouldn’t have had before.

So let’s look at the wheel. This part of the wheel we want to have a look at is mobility.

So to help the customer in their mobile workspace we have some great solutions. We have the public cloud where people can print from their mobile phone via an email to a printer’s email address. And they can print the body of an email text or maybe they can attach a document and it’ll print the attached document. If you are in an enterprise environment you can purchase from them … from us an ePrint Enterprise solution which keeps then your documents inside of your firewall. Or maybe actually you’re on the go and you need to print something while you’re out. You can find locations that you are able to send your document to. They will print that out for you, you go into the location, you pick it up and you pay a very minimum amount of money for this. So in all locations and all walks of life you have the ability to print out a document on the go.

So we have some great innovations that help people that are mobile get printing. One way of doing this is our Wireless Direct Printing. Some of our printers support this. It means that you can take your mobile device and instead of connecting to a network you can actually connect directly to the printer and then print through apps on your mobile phone – very, very easily. Next, we have touch-to-print, using NFC. NFC stands for Near Field Communication. With some of our notebooks and also with our ElitePad you have the ability to take the document that you want to print, get that prepared, walk up to the printer, touch the ElitePad on the printer itself and then, as if by magic, the document comes out of the printer, without any need to connect up directly to the printer. Finally, we have great mobile printing devices, even an all-in-one device, fantastic for mobile workers that need to maybe print something out for somebody to read and sign and then they can scan that back in and send it to the office to get agreement on this. This could cut down a lot of processing, making their business much more productive than it currently is.

So now let’s have a look at security.

There are seven security risks when you print. Most people know that there are security risks when it comes to computing but people quite often overlook the security risks when they are using their printer. There’s the output tray. For example, when you print a document: What happens to that document if you don’t get to the printer fast enough to retrieve that document? Or maybe what happens if somebody prints something else over the top of it and takes the two documents away at the same time? This could be a very, very important document to your business and you’ve just suddenly lost it. Maybe there’s data on the printer when you scan something, when you copy something, that information goes onto the hard drive. Is that easily accessible for somebody to grab that information later? Then there’s data sent over the network, there’s the control panel that you have perhaps. You had restricted access, for example, for color, but if you don’t restrict the control panel then maybe I can go back in there and turn color back on, for example. And then there’s the input tray. Is that secure, where you put the paper? Perhaps you’re a bank and you leave blank cheques inside of there, maybe there’s a risk that somebody could actually take those cheques away and then print them at home. You have your entire printing fleet, you need that to be secure. And then don’t forget with mobile printing, you don’t want people to be printing things and then not be able to be accountable for the things that they’ve just printed. We have actually solutions for each of these seven points. Let’s have a look at some of those solutions now.

Let’s see how we meet the customers’ needs on security.

So here’s the hand again. How do HP answer those security risks? Well, we give customers added value with no extra charge in some cases. For example, the hard drive that they’ll find inside of their printer would be encrypted. So they can print quite easily without the risk of knowing that somebody could get hold of that information later. Even our universal print driver has added security features. And we have embedded authentication. One thing I just wanted to mention here is we even have pin printing. That’s the ability to be able to send a document over via a pin number, and then when you walk up to the printer you just put your pin number in and then the document will print for you. We have some paid solutions which enable secure pull printing where you send a document to print, not to a particular printer, take your card that you would have, your security card, scan it on top of the printer and then your print comes out. Actually, you could even choose whether you want to print a certain document or not. And this would cut down the cost of printing also.

So now let’s move on to manageability.

And we want to talk about how we answer the customer’s needs and we do that through the wheel.

Here we have the hand again. HP has a great tool at no extra charge called HP Web Jetadmin. This tool gives you the ability to manage all of your devices on your printer fleet and look after them and even set up rules and then throw them out to all the printers at one go. Think of how much money that could save an IT manager, for example, rather than going to into each one of those individual 300 printers maybe on his fleet and then changing the rules to each one of them. It really does protect their investment and help reduce costs. If, for example though, that the customer only has maybe two or three printers he maybe doesn’t need HP Web Jetadmin, he can do this on a one-to-one basis using the printers’ embedded web server.

We also have another fantastic device the customer can use. Again, notice the hand here. This is the Universal Print Driver. Imagine again you’re the IT manager and you have 300 printers on your network. Each one of those 300 printers has their own individual driver. Can you imagine how long that would take to make sure all of those drivers was compatible with the software in your infrastructure and also to update all of those 300 drivers? So having one driver that you install on your network and then all those printers are able to use that driver cuts down on so much cost and so much time and increases productivity tenfold. Actually, imagine from the customer’s point of view the end user. Imagine every printer they use has the same interface. So once they know how to change to print, let’s say for example A3, they know how to do that on any A3 printer because it looks the same, cutting down on training costs and making the usability so much better than hundreds of different drivers.

Okay, so let’s have a snapshot of our printing portfolio. Why we’re looking at this is for two reasons. The first thing I wanted to mention was the recommended monthly print volume. This is a really important figure for you to take away with yourselves. All of our printers come with the recommended monthly print volume. It falls between one figure and another figure. When you talk to your customer, if you ask them how many pages they print per month, they’ll give you a general idea of how many pages that is. And then you take that figure and you look for the right appropriate printer that falls within those two bands. If you do that, what you’ll do is give the customer the right printer for their right printing need. So let me give you an example. Let’s start off on the left with the personal printers. The RMPV here could be pretty low. But then what happens is the cost per page is quite high compared to the RMPV. As we move up to the right hand side of the screen, what you’ll notice is: the RMPV goes up higher and the cost per page gets lower and lower. So if you’re in an environment, for example, where you do an awful lot of printing, then, typically, you have a larger cartridge that has more toner or more ink in it and what that does is reduce down your cost per page. It’s a great way, actually, to sell up through the printing range. If, for example, a customer wants a particular printer and then you talk to them and you ask them how many pages they print per month and they tell you, it could actually be the printer they’re looking for is maybe one step higher than they’re currently asking you for. Then you can explain to them that actually, if they go for the right printer for their right printer needs, they could reduce their cost per page this way and ultimately then, save more money than they’re just spending today on that printer that’s higher than the one they wanted originally. Notice something else, too. As you move up through the printing range from left to right, notice how you have bigger paper trays and more paper handling features, too. So if I’m typically in an environment where I’m doing 20,000 pages a month, then a small paper tray really doesn’t help me at all. I need multiple paper trays. And that’s what you get when you’re into that higher RMPV. One other thing I wanted to mention here is the numbers that we have for our printers. You’ll see on the left hand side the personal printers start off at number 100 and then going to the right hand side of the screen you see they go up to the 800 series. The higher the number, the more features you generally get, the more enterprise environment features they have on them, too. That’s the first number of the three digits of a HP printer code. The second two numbers relate to what that printer really does. So, if we start at the beginning, we have 0 to 24, that means that it’s a mono single-function printer. 25 to 49 is a mono multi-function printer. 50 to 74 is a color single-function and 75 to 99 is a color multi-function. So if somebody tells me they have a 575, I know immediately where it sits in the whole portfolio of printers and I also know that it’s a color multi-function printer without even needing to look at the specifications. Don’t forget: gives you then the information that you need to find these figures for each one of our individual printers.

Now we move on to reliability.

Let’s talk about HP’s total test process. You know, our products are designed to be reliable. We test, we test, and then we test some more. Reliability really is not just an accident. Remember at the beginning of this section we talked about shipping over 200 million printers worldwide. We couldn’t have done that if those printers are not very reliable. Customers would have found that out and we would never have shipped that many printers worldwide.

Print quality testing. We have over 20 tests with 200 separate measurements. That’s incredible when you think about it really. In fact, we’re testing our printers 365 days of the year, 24 hours a day, making sure then that the customer ends up with a very, very reliable printer.

Just talk about paper, for example, here. We routinely test over 300 different paper types. Most people don’t realize there were 300 different paper types. But we do and we make sure we test for those different types of papers. Papers can come from all around the world as our printers get shipped all around the world. And we want to make sure even in environments where paper is extremely low price and extremely abrasive to the printers that our printers work in those situations and give customers the very best reliability they can possibly get.

Then we have environmental testing. We have chambers which are very, very hot, chambers which are very, very cold and we test our printers in all those situations. You might sit home and think: Why would I want to know this? You know, I come from Europe somewhere where we don’t have extremes of temperatures. But it could be, you know, that you have a cartridge sitting in the car and it’s freezing cold outside in winter and you bring it in to a very hot environment in your office, put it in the printer and you expect it to work the very first time. And it will because it’s tested to this environment. We even drop-test the printers in their boxes to make sure that if they accidentally fell off of a pallet they would still be okay when they arrived at the customer’s location.

As a summary, let’s see how we can meet all those customers’ needs. You remember the wheel we’ve seen this many times throughout the training. With mobility we help meet the customer’s needs with our wireless direct, NFC, ePrint, AirPrint. With our security we meet the customers’ needs by end-to-end approach for security. We meet customers’ needs with HP Web Jetadmin and Universal Print Driver making sure they can manage their printers successfully. And then – reliability, making sure that when they buy that printer it’s a great investment that lasts for a long time and doesn’t give them any problems along the way. When you add those four segments up you end up with fantastic value for money. Once again, if you buy a cheap printer and it doesn’t give you any of those parts of the wheel then you certainly don’t get value for money.

So, the value is truly in HP. You can see, we have the broadest range of printers on the market. We are number one in manageability, mobility, workflow, security. We have an extremely competitive total cost of ownership and a total test process that gives us the best-in-class reliability.

So let’s have a look at some useful tools for you to be able to use.

I’ve mentioned this before. This is Don’t forget to go and register here. This is where we will provide you with all the information you need about the product-specific details of our printers.

So, let’s recap on the key points that Andy has covered during this section. HP Officejet Pro and Enterprise X take away the myths of ink. As you’ve learned from this session HP’s ink and laser printing technologies both deliver excellent print speed, quality, and value for money. HP Flow MFPs are optimized for workflows ensuring that content is captured quickly, easily, and accurately increasing user productivity and driving business outcomes. HP Web Jetadmin provides fleet-wide remote management enabling your customers to get the most out of their investment. And last but not least, HP Printing products and solutions deliver best-in-class reliability that translates into more satisfied and loyal customers.